RTHK: Rare anti-government protests erupt in Cuba Chanting "freedom" and calling for President Miguel Diaz-Canel to step down, thousands of Cubans have joined street protests from Havana to Santiago in the biggest anti-government demonstrations on the Communist-run island in decades. The protests on Sunday erupted amid Cuba's worst economic crisis since the fall of the Soviet Union, its former ally, and a record surge in coronavirus infections, with people voicing anger over shortages of basic goods, curbs on civil liberties and the authorities' handling of the pandemic. Thousands gathered in downtown Havana and along parts of the seaside drive, their shouts of Diaz-Canel step down drowning out groups of government supporters brandishing the Cuban flag and chanting "Fidel." Special forces jeeps, with machine guns mounted on the back were seen throughout the capital, Havana, and the police presence was heavy even long after protesters had gone home. "We are going through really difficult times," Miranda Lazara, 53, a dance teacher, who spontaneously joined the thousands of protesters who marched through Havana. "We need a change of system." Diaz-Canel, who also heads the Communist Party, blamed the unrest on old Cold War foe the United States, which in recent years tightened its decades-old trade embargo on the island, in a televised speech on Sunday afternoon. Diaz-Canel said many protesters were sincere but manipulated by U.S.-orchestrated social media campaigns and mercenaries on the ground, and warned that further provocations would not be tolerated, calling on supporters to confront such provocations." Julie Chung, acting undersecretary of the U.S. State Department's Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs, said it was deeply concerned by calls to combat in Cuba and stood by the Cuban peoples right for peaceful assembly." Witnesses in Havana protests saw security forces, aided by suspected plain clothes officers, arrest around two dozen protesters. Police sprayed pepper spray and hit some protesters as well as a photographer working for Associated Press. In one area of Havana, protesters took out their anger on an empty police car, rolling it over and then throwing stones at it. Elsewhere, they chanted "repressors" at riot police. Some protesters said they went on to the streets to join in after seeing what was happening on social media, which has become an increasingly important factor since the introduction of mobile internet two and a half years ago, although connections were patchy on Sunday. The Caribbean island nation of 11 million inhabitants where public dissident is usually restricted has seen a growing number of protests over the past year although nothing on this scale or simultaneously in so many cities. (Reuters) This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Employers not complying with health and safety measures The Department of Employment and Labour has bemoaned the low levels of compliance with health and safety measures by employers, as the country battles the third wave of COVID-19 infections. In a statement, the department said failure to comply was partly evident in the face of rising claims being received by the Compensation Fund. Some of those failures include proper screening of employees for COVID-19 symptoms when they present for duty and the provision of COVID-19 risk assessments. This also includes lapses in the provision of paper towels for drying of hands after washing, and general health and safety risk assessment. The findings were made by the departments Inspector General, Aggy Moiloa, in a report that deals with inspections that were conducted from 5-7 July 2021. Under the leadership of Minister Thulas Nxesi, the Inspection and Enforcement Services put together a programme to target high risk areas and hotspots for inspection. These were conducted across the country, with the exception of Limpopo, which has a cluster of COVID-19 cases affecting the inspectorate. In general, we found 50% compliance in the private sector. This is a breakdown of 149 compliant against 151 non-compliant workplaces. The public sector did not cover itself in glory at all with compliance as low as 25%, with the caveat that inspections were only conducted in KwaZulu-Natal and Northern Cape only (12 inspections with nine workplaces compliant). Anything below 80% should be a concern, said Moiloa. In terms of the inspections, the breakdown for the provinces is: KZN conducted most of the inspections, with 105. KZN conducted most of the follow-up inspections, with 14 followed, by the Northern Cape with 13. Limpopo did not conduct inspections due to COVID-19 cases in several labour centres affecting the inspectors there. The Free State and North West conducted two inspections each, as per their plan. The lowest levels of compliance were in the Northern Cape at 23%. A total of 312 inspections were conducted in this period and of those, 12 were in public sector provincial inspections. The highest number of inspections were directed at the Health Department, which showed 80% non-compliance. A total number of 128 notices were served, broken down to seven prohibition notices (closure), 109 contravention notices and 12 improvement notices served nationally. Most of these notices were served by KZN and the Northern Cape, which collectively had the most inspections. With regard to the pandemic, inspectors found that employers have not taken up some of the guidelines issued in the Consolidated Direction on Occupational Health and Safety Measures. Meanwhile, the Compensation Fund (CF) has seen a steady rise in claims, which now total 25 010, with R78 million already spent on support, including medical aid claims, total temporary disablement, dependent benefits and funeral costs. There is a direct correlation between what happens or does not happen in the workplace and the claims we get served with. Thankfully, we have the inspectors holding employers accountable. Without their service, this picture would likely be a lot worse. Unfortunately, 76 of those claims received are for workplace fatalities, which could have been avoided if guidelines were followed as they should be, said CF Commissioner Vuyo Mafata. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: China accuses US destroyer of trespassing China's military said on Monday it "drove away" a US warship that illegally entered Chinese waters near the Paracel Islands on Monday, the anniversary of an international court ruling that Beijing has no claim over the South China Sea. The USS Benfold entered the waters of the Paracels without the approval of the Chinese government, seriously violating China's sovereignty and undermining the stability of the South China Sea, the People's Liberation Army's Southern Theatre Command said. "We urge the United States to immediately stop such provocative actions," the Southern Theatre Command said in a statement. The U.S. Navy did not immediately comment. The Paracels are among hundreds of islands, reefs and atolls in the resources-rich South China Sea contested by China, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei, with Beijing claiming historic rights to resources within its so-called nine-dash line, or most of the region. On July 12, 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled that China had no historic title over the South China Sea. It also said China had interfered with traditional Philippine fishing rights at Scarborough Shoal and breached the Philippines' sovereign rights by exploring for oil and gas near the Reed Bank. In a written statement on Sunday, US State Secretary Antony Blinken said freedom of the seas was an "enduring" interest of all nations. "Nowhere is the rules-based maritime order under greater threat than in the South China Sea," Blinken said. "The People's Republic of China continues to coerce and intimidate Southeast Asian coastal states, threatening freedom of navigation in this critical global throughway." (Reuters) This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: SAPS cautions against fake news This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. City of Johannesburg Executive Mayor Geoff Makhubo has passed away. This was on Friday confirmed by acting Mayor and Member of the Mayoral Committee, Councillor Eunice Mgcina. Cllr Makhubo passed on this morning, 9 July, after being in hospital for a while, she said. [read more: https://www.sanews.gov.za/south-africa/joburg-mayor-mak... See more South Africa: Premier condemns lawlessness in parts of Gauteng This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. City of Johannesburg Executive Mayor Geoff Makhubo has passed away. This was on Friday confirmed by acting Mayor and Member of the Mayoral Committee, Councillor Eunice Mgcina. Cllr Makhubo passed on this morning, 9 July, after being in hospital for a while, she said. [read more: https://www.sanews.gov.za/south-africa/joburg-mayor-mak... See more South Africa: NatJOINTS intensifies deployments in protest-hit KZN, Gauteng The NatJOINTS has intensified deployments in all Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal areas affected by the violent protests that have seen properties damaged and looted over the weekend. On Monday, the NatJOINTS [National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure] in a statement said it is receiving intelligence support from its Intelligence Coordinating Committee, which will assist in responding to the sporadic protests. The committee comprises SAPS Crime Intelligence, Defence Intelligence, as well as State Security Intelligence. NatJOINTS spokesperson, Colonel Brenda Muridili, said Gauteng police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the deaths of four people since the break out of violent protests. On Sunday morning, the police responded to a call from Alexandra Clinic, where they found a body with gunshot wounds. Later that day, the body of a security guard with assault wounds was found at Jeppestown. The third body was discovered also on Sunday in the evening in Dobsonville, while the fourth body was discovered with gunshot wounds in Germiston. The cause of death for the security guard and as well as the body found in Dobsonville is part of investigations, she said. In KwaZulu-Natal, there were reports of two people who have been killed in Inanda and Umbilo. The circumstances leading to their deaths is under investigation, said Muridili. The extent of damage to property and the looting of businesses will be determined at a later stage. NatJOINTS said it is working around the clock to enhance operational capacity at provincial level in response to incidents in which people appear to be undermining the authority of the State, including the flouting of the Disaster Management Act (DMA) Regulations. They issued a warning to those circulating inflammatory messages, inciting violence and lawlessness. The possibility of criminal charges being instituted against such persons cannot be ruled out, particularly in the event of injury or death that may come as a result of any operational response by the security forces to these incidents of violence and opportunistic criminality, NatJOINTS said. On Sunday, 62 suspects were arrested as police continued to respond to opportunistic criminality emanating from violent protests over the weekend in the two provinces. Police said they are working closely with their respective local Metro Police Departments in Gauteng and in KZN in order to heighten visibility and remain on high alert in response to incidents. SAPS and the Johannesburg Metro Police Department on Saturday night responded swiftly to sporadic incidents of looting of businesses and barricading of roads in Jeppe and Alexandra, arresting 25 suspects. In the Jeppe policing precinct, police dispersed a group of about 300 people who had barricaded the M2 freeway. It is alleged that one group then headed to the Jeppestown where they looted a number of businesses. Seven suspects were arrested, four of whom were found inside one of the stores, while three were arrested for public violence and for being in possession of suspected stolen property. In Alexandra, police arrested 18 suspects - 16 of them for public violence also linked to the shooting of a police officer who was rushed to hospital for urgent medical attention. Two other police officers sustained minor injuries, said the police. The other two suspects were arrested for possession of suspected stolen property and malicious damage to property. This came as police responded to information of a group of people from Alexandra who targeted and forced entry into businesses, and started looting. This group of about 800 people is reported to have attacked police, resulting in the shooting of police officers who have now received medical attention, with only one in hospital in a stable condition. Police also dispersed a group in Bramley, near Alexandra. In the meantime, an investigation is underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of a 40-year old man who was certified dead at a local clinic. In KZN, where incidents of violent protests started on Friday, the number of arrests had increased to 37 by Sunday. - SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: SANDF to be deployed in Gauteng, KZN The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has commenced with pre-deployment processes and procedures of its members to areas hit by violent flare-ups in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. The SANDF said this is in line with a request for assistance received from the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure to assist law enforcement agencies deployed in the provinces to quell the unrest that has gripped both provinces in the last few days. The deployment will commence as soon as all deployment processes are in place, the SANDF said in a statement. The duration and number of deploying soldiers will be determined based on the assessment of the situation on the ground by the relevant law enforcement agencies. The SANDF emphasised the objective of the deployment is to provide safety and a safe working environment for members of the SAPS and other law enforcement agencies while they carry out their Constitutionally mandated law and order duties. SANDF deployment-related information updates will follow in due course. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Minister calls for renewed efforts to counter GBVF The Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, has reiterated calls for increased vigilance and activism as the country battles gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF). We will soon be presenting our Year 1 Report on the Implementation of the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence to President Ramaphosa. What is clear is that even though government has committed an immense amount of resources to ending GBVF, men continue to abuse, rape and murder women. The department calls on all South Africans to play their part in fighting this scourge and to unite in the fight against GBVF, Nkoana-Mashabane said on Monday. The Minister said despite the reported high levels of GBVF, many incidents remain undocumented, underreported and are unaccounted for within national statistics. The 2020/2021 sexual offences statistics are yet to be released by SAPS [South African Police Service], however, in 2019/2020 SAPS recorded 53 776 sexual offences; 42 664 of these were rape cases. Whilst the final figure for the 2020/21 financial year has not been released, existing data has shown that the lockdown levels impacted on levels of reporting. Together, the four 2020/21 quarterly crime statistics indicated a total of 46 447 sexual offences. According to the 2020/21 statistics, 9 518 people were raped between January and March 2021, the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities said in a statement. Seeking help The Department of Social Development GBV Command Centre also showed a dramatic increase in the number of calls, SMSs and USSDs, with the number of overall calls increasing significantly from 54 849 in 2019/20 to 157 952 in 2020/21. The number of GBV referred calls increased three-fold from the previous financial year. This suggests that the lockdown levels impacted on womens ability to report incidences or seek help through regular channels, the department said. The Department of Health reported a cumulative total of 36 363 new sexual assault cases at public facilities for the 2020/21 financial year. This number is not the complete picture, as it only covers public facilities. These numbers might be difficult to comprehend, or may even seem unbelievable to some, the department said. The department lamented cases where women opt to drop charges against abusers. The circumstances range from women who are pressured to drop rape and sexual assault cases by their friends to prevent a falling out amongst friends and family members, or women who wish to marry and leave their past behind or women who can no longer bear the emotional burden of a case that is being investigated for years. The department calls upon all South Africans to play their part in fighting this scourge and to unite in the fight against GBVF. We encourage everyone to be on the lookout for early warning signs of gender-based violence and report anything out of the ordinary to SAPS for further investigation, the department said. Play your part The department said action against GBVF can be taken in any of the following ways: Increase awareness and visibility: Incorporate GBVF key messages in all discussions, addresses in all aspects of your daily life. Utilise GBVF posters in your spaces. Partner with government, business, media houses, private sector in hosting GBVF events and heighten communications around GBVF. Leverage on other mega events such as sporting events, national days, themed days, conferences etc. to spread messages on ending GBVF. Host lectures, debates and discussions on GVBF on topics such as eradicating patriarchal attitudes. Host learner competitions on equality, justice and human dignity. Host engagements with men and boys to encourage positive masculinity. Utilise your social media platforms to condemn any form of GBVF. Report any act or sign of gender-based violence. Join www.for-women.co.za a hub for survivors and victims who need help and corporates who can offer help. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: EMS, vaccine sites affected by violence amid safety concerns The Gauteng Provincial Government says vaccination sites in those areas affected by sporadic acts of violence and lawlessness have had to be temporarily closed due to safety concerns by both the staff and members of the public. In a statement on Monday, the provincial government said the current volatile environment has seen people of Gauteng struggling to get to their places of employment due to limited access and services being disrupted across the province. To this end, some provincial government services including vaccination sites in the affected areas had to be temporarily closed due to safety concerns by both the staff and members of the public. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) teams are equally experiencing difficulty in responding to distress calls in communities due to limited access, it said. The situation is being assessed by the provincial law enforcement agencies who are to be assisted by the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). As Gauteng and the country are still in the midst of a deadly pandemic, the provincial government remains concerned at the potential spread of COVID-19 during such super-spreader events. Hospital admissions continue to increase and are placing a heavy strain on the healthcare system in both public and private sectors. The provincial government has appealed to the people of Gauteng to act responsibly and desist from lawless acts that result in disruptions of much needed services by the citizens of Gauteng. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: Cuba blames US policy for anti-government protests Cuba on Monday blamed a US "policy of economic suffocation" for unprecedented anti-government protests, as president Joe Biden backed calls to end "decades of repression" on the communist island. Thousands of Cubans took part in demonstrations Sunday, chanting: "Down with the dictatorship," as President Miguel Diaz-Canel urged supporters to confront demonstrators. The anti-government rallies erupted spontaneously in several cities as the country endures its worst economic crisis in 30 years, with chronic shortages of electricity and food. The only authorised gatherings in Cuba are usually events of the ruling Communist Party, but according to the data journalism site Inventario, a total of 40 demonstrations took place on Sunday. Police used tear gas to disperse crowds, and at least 10 people were arrested, while officers used plastic pipes to beat protesters, AFP journalists witnessed. Diaz-Canel on Monday blamed the uprising on the United States pursuing a "policy of economic suffocation to provoke social unrest in the country." Cuba has been under US sanctions since 1962. From Washington, Biden urged the government in Havana to "hear" its people's demands. "We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba's authoritarian regime," Biden said in a statement. "The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves," he added. Mexico and Russia on Monday warned against using the unrest as a pretext for foreign interference. Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador warned against an "interventionist" approach to the unprecedented Cuban protests, and offered to send aid. Russia, for its part, warned against "outside interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state." US-Cuba relations have been particularly fraught since then-president Donald Trump reinforced the blockade following an historic but temporary easing of tensions under Barack Obama between 2014 and 2016. The tougher measures, left unchanged by Biden, and the effects of the coronavirus epidemic contributed to Cuba's economy declining 11 percent in 2020. Public anger in the one-party state has been growing, driven by long food lines, worsening power shortages and a critical shortage of medicines. The country of 11.2 million people is experiencing its toughest phase of the coronavirus pandemic, and on Sunday reported a new daily record of infections and deaths. On Sunday, several hundred protesters marched through the capital Havana chanting, "We want liberty," as a heavy military and police deployment kept watch. Social media showed scenes from protests around the country, but mobile internet -- only introduced in 2018 -- was largely cut off on Sunday afternoon. Diaz-Canel delivered a combative television address on Sunday, saying: "The order to fight has been given -- into the street, revolutionaries!" "We call on all revolutionaries of the country, all communists, to go out in the streets where these provocations occur... and to face them in a decisive, firm and courageous way." The protests had started in the town of San Antonio de los Banos, a town 30 kilometers southwest of Havana, where several thousand protesters, mainly young people, took to the streets. One local, on condition of anonymity, told AFP she was there because she was exasperated by "the situation with electricity and food." Security forces arrived soon after, and the president later visited the town surrounded by party activists as residents heckled him, according to videos posted online. Candido Abrines, a pro-government protester, told AFP he was standing his ground so "capitalism will never come back here again and (so) that these mercenaries paid by the Empire (the US) will never again take our streets, first they have to kill us all." Government supporters also held counter-demonstrations in Havana. An Associated Press video journalist was assaulted by some of them, and an AP photo journalist was injured by the police, the news agency said. As US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan cautioned Havana against "any violence or targeting of peaceful protesters," thousands of Cubans and Cuban-Americans held support rallies in Miami. "These young people today have finally said 'Enough is enough and we're going to do what our old folks couldn't do'," Cuban-American Yanelis Sales told AFP. "Cubans, we are here with you from the United States." Diaz-Canel has been president since 2018, succeeding Raul Castro, who took over from his brother who led the country for five decades from 1959. (AFP) This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. HighT-Tech's innovative approach to catalyst development wins The Spinoff Prize 2021 London | New York | Darmstadt, 12 July 2021 The Spinoff Prize 2021, a Nature Research Award supported by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany has been awarded to HighT-Tech, a spinoff* of The University of Maryland, College Park in the United States, for its next-generation discovery platform to address an important technical bottleneck in industrial catalyst development. Following the pitch-slam competition against three other finalists as part of the 2021 Future Insight Days virtual event, HighT-Tech, proved itself as a company with world-class scientific foundations. The start-ups' approach and business plan to make catalysts from combinations of cheaper metals, which would still perform the same as conventional ones, won over the 2021 judges. Their technique to use alloys addresses the technical and expensive bottleneck the sector currently faces, significantly reducing the risk of technological or commercial failure. The wide scope use of catalysts for a broad range of applications, means that in the long term, HighT-Tech's technology could be applied to make materials for catalytic converters in cars, emission systems in power plants and a variety of chemical reactions that rely on expensive noble-metal catalysts, such as refining petroleum, therefore having a long-term sustainable impact on an important sector. Richard Hughes, VP, Publishing, Nature Research Partnerships, said: "HighT-Tech perfectly demonstrate what The Spinoff Prize sets out to recognise - excellence in science and innovation, as well as smart entrepreneurship. The judges praised how well and how quickly the HighT-Tech team have transitioned from academic research to early-stage commercialisation. We encourage them to maintain this momentum, and look forward to their future success. On behalf of Nature Research and our judges, I congratulate HighT-Tech on their achievement." Ulrich Betz, Vice President Innovation, Merck, further commented: "Innovation from academic researchers and their start-up companies provides important contributions to creating a bright future - the finalist pitches were a highlight of the recent 2021 Future Insight Days." The Spinoff Prize was established by Nature Portfolio and Merck to showcase and celebrate global excellence in the commercialisation of research through the creation of spinoff* companies. Around 100 companies entered the competition, of which eight finalists were selected to progress, with ten additional spinoffs being commended as "ones to watch". Each was profiled in a special Nature supplement published in June. The winner receives a cash prize of 30,000. *The term spinoff in this case refers to a company that has been formed specifically to commercialise the outputs generated from research conducted at a university or research institute. ### About Springer Nature For over 175 years Springer Nature has been advancing discovery by providing the best possible service to the whole research community. We help researchers uncover new ideas, make sure all the research we publish is significant, robust and stands up to objective scrutiny, that it reaches all relevant audiences in the best possible format, and can be discovered, accessed, used, re-used and shared. We support librarians and institutions with innovations in technology and data; and provide quality publishing support to societies. As a research publisher, Springer Nature is home to trusted brands including Springer, Nature Portfolio, BMC, Palgrave Macmillan and Scientific American. For more information, please visit springernature.com and @SpringerNature About Nature Nature Portfolio's high-quality products and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences is dedicated to serving the scientific community. Nature (founded in 1869) is the leading, international weekly journal of science. Nature Portfolio is also home to the Nature research and Nature Reviews journals, the leading open access multidisciplinary journal Nature Communications, and open access journals including Scientific Reports. Together, these journals publish some of the world's most significant scientific discoveries. Online, nature.com provides over nine million unique visitors per month with Nature Portfolio content, including news and comment from Nature, and the leading scientific jobs board, Nature Careers. Nature Portfolio also offers a range of researcher services, including online and in-person training and expert language and editing services. For more information, please visit nature.com and follow @NaturePortfolio. Nature Portfolio is part of Springer Nature. About Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a leading science and technology company, operates across healthcare, life science and electronics. Around 58,000 employees work to make a positive difference to millions of people's lives every day by creating more joyful and sustainable ways to live. From advancing gene editing technologies and discovering unique ways to treat the most challenging diseases to enabling the intelligence of devices - the company is everywhere. In 2020, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, generated sales of 17.5 billion in 66 countries. The company holds the global rights to the name and trademark "Merck" internationally. The only exceptions are the United States and Canada, where the business sectors of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operate as EMD Serono in healthcare, MilliporeSigma in life science, and EMD Electronics. Since its founding in 1668, scientific exploration and responsible entrepreneurship have been key to the company's technological and scientific advances. To this day, the founding family remains the majority owner of the publicly listed company. This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: KZN, Gauteng public violence will be stemmed, says President Ramaphosa As chaotic scenes played out in pockets of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, leaving many businesses gutted and looted by protesters, President Cyril Ramaphosa said it is of vital importance that calm and stability is restored without delay. Many South Africans are at this hour counting the cost to their livelihoods and property, to their shops and businesses, to their safety and security. Many more South Africans are feeling anxious and afraid. Parts of the country are reeling from several days and nights of public violence, destruction of property and looting of the sort rarely seen before in the history of our democracy, said the President. He described what was being witnessed as opportunistic acts of criminality, with groups of people instigating chaos merely as a cover for looting and theft. There is no grievance, nor any political cause, that can justify the violence and destruction that we have seen in parts of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, he stressed. While 489 people have been arrested in both provinces, the President fears that these events might spill over to the rest of the country. In his televised address on Monday, President Ramaphosa condemned any act of violence that has claimed several lives. We know the high costs of this violence to the property to livelihood and businesses. The loss of human life is the greatest cost of all, he said. He has called out those individuals who seek to agitate violence and disorder along ethnic lines. The President reminded citizens that the Constitution was the foundation for the rule of law of the country. Many in our country and many people lay down their lives so that we can have this rule of law that guards against the abuse of power, protects the poor and the vulnerable. He decried the disruptions that have prevented the sick from accessing medication from pharmacies, while food does not reach supermarket shelves, and healthcare workers cannot go to work. In addition, he said the countrys vaccination programme has taken a knock, as the country battles the third wave. We will soon be facing a huge array of food insecurity and medication insecurity in a few weeks, he warned. The path of violence, of looting and anarchy, leads only to more violence and devastation. It leads to more poverty, more unemployment, and more loss of innocent life. More security personnel Top of the agenda was to prevent any further loss of life or injury, protect property and safeguard social and economic infrastructure. We are therefore mobilising all available resources and capabilities to restore order. As the Commander-in-Chief of the South African Defence Force (SANDF), the President has since deployed the army in support of the operations of the South African Police Service (SAPS). In addition, government has employed the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NatJOINTS) to intensify deployments in all the affected areas in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. Meanwhile, police officers who are on leave will be recalled to boost their presence on the ground. In addition to greater visibility and an intelligence-driven presence in potential hotspots, we will be prioritising the prosecution of suspects alleged to be involved in this violence. The National Security Council, chaired by the President, will meet twice a day to coordinate all measures necessary to restore stability. Let me be clear, we will take action to protect every person in this country against the threat of violence, intimidation, theft, and looting. We will not hesitate to arrest and prosecute those who perpetrate these actions and will ensure that they face the full might of our law. Calm and peace The Head of State has vowed to restore calm and order so that people can get on with the task of rebuilding this country and creating a better life for its people. He rallied people to come together to restore calm and everyone to stand up for the rule of law and peaceful resolution of conflict. Meanwhile, Ministers, senior officials in the economic and security clusters met with Business Unity South Africa. We have agreed to work together to ensure the safety of drivers, cashiers, patients, and customers. He urged people to exercise restraint and refrain from posting and circulating inflammatory messages on social media and spreading fake news that may create further panic. Economic recovery The President has called on everyone to commit themselves not only to peace but also to greater economic opportunity for all. We are emerging now from a long period of uncertainty and stagnation. We have witnessed the effects of corruption and the erosion of the State, the terrible consequences of the abuse of power and neglect of duty. He said South Africa rejects violence and chaos and will not be deterred from the task ahead. Together, we will defeat those who seek to destabilise our country, who seek to reverse the gains we have made. We will stand as one people, united against violence, unanimous in our commitment to peace and the rule of law, he added. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-12. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Minister that Filed Federal Lawsuit Against Speaker Pelosi and Vice-President Harris Over Prohibiting Free Speech at the U.S. Capitol Will Conduct Public Prayer and Demonstration on the Capitol Grounds on Tuesday, July 13 NEWS PROVIDED BY Christian Defense Coalition July 12, 2021 WASHINGTON, July 12, 2021 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rev. Patrick Mahoney will be holding the first public demonstration and prayer vigil at the Capitol since the January 6th insurrection. Mahoney will be gathering on the corner of East Capitol and 1st Street NE at 11:00 a.m., on Tuesday, July 13 and then walk over to the Capitol grounds. Rev. Mahoney will carry the event virtually through Facebook Live. Here is a news link regarding Rev. Mahoney's federal lawsuit against the Speaker and Vice President: https://www.foxnews.com/faith-values/christian-minister-sues-pelosi-harris-capitol-prayer-vigil In a Sunday email sent to the U.S. Capitol Police, Rev. Mahoney said; "Although the fence is down, I want to make sure First Amendment activities are allowed back at the Capitol since the grounds are now open to all. I plan on doing a demonstration at the Capitol on Tuesday morning. It will be very small, perhaps just me with a sign, as I want to be very understanding of any new protocols that are being put into place. However, it would be clearly unconstitutional to open the Capitol grounds to tourists, visitors and Capitol Hill residents while prohibiting my peaceful First Amendment activities there." Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Washington, D.C. based Christian Defense Coalition states; "While we are thankful the fence was removed from the U.S. Capitol this weekend, it is both troubling and tragic that it took 6 months to return the 'People's House' back to the people. "For 6 months, I was consistently prohibited from holding peaceful First Amendment activities at the U.S. Capitol. This included things such as: a Good Friday Service, a National Day of Prayer gathering and a 4th of July celebration as we prayed for America's freedoms. "Although the fence is down, I want to make sure First Amendment activities are allowed back at the Capitol since the grounds are now open to all. It is critical for public free speech and prayer to once again be welcomed, celebrated and honored at the United States Capitol." For more information or interviews please call: Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741 SOURCE Christian Defense Coalition CONTACT: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741 Share Tweet NEWS PROVIDED BY Catholic League July 12, 2021 NEW YORK, July 12, 2021 /Christian Newswire/ -- Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the debut of "Benedetta" at the Cannes Film Festival: Worldwide, there are upwards of 1 billion Protestants, 1.4 billion Catholics and 1.8 billion Muslims. While Catholics revere Our Blessed Mother the most, the majority of Muslims, and many Protestants, hold the Virgin Mary in high esteem. Atheist film director Paul Verhoeven, who has a history of bigotry, both in print and on the screen, wants them to know that he has been thinking about them. His latest contribution to hate speech is "Benedetta," a movie designed to stick it to all of them, especially Catholics. The film "was inspired by real events," which means it is not an accurate portrayal. No matter, Catholic bashers believe every bit of it. The movie is based on a book by Judith C. Brown, "Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy," which features 17th century lesbian nuns who have gone off the rails. Given our gay-crazy world, where every perverse act is not only tolerated, but celebrated, it is not surprising to learn that "the audience at the Cannes press screening applauded the film's blasphemous nerve." Another film critic noted that at her screening, "the movie was received with shocked laughter and applause," yielding a "five-minute standing ovation." What were they so happy about? Benedetta, the star nun, has visions of having sex with Jesus, "a lanky-haired, high-key jealous hottie." "When Benedetta orgasms," Rachel Handler writes, "she screams, 'My God!' and 'Sweet Jesus.'" Benedetta and her lover, Sister Bartolomea, are shown "trading flirtatious remarks while audibly s****ing next to each other in the nunnery's toilets and, scenes later [this next part is revealing], as is the lesbian tradition, f***ing one another with a wooden figurine of the Virgin Mary carved very carefully into the shape of a dildo." The Telegraph, an English newspaper, was delighted. "Could anything be more Verhoeven than using a wooden Mary as a sex toy?" When Verhoeven was asked if he thought the film was blasphemous, he denied that it was. It is also true that the Klan deny they are racists. A critic cited in the New York Daily News called the movie a "blasphemous, sapphic nun fk fest that's horny, traumatizing, violent and unhinged." Handler, who liked the film, said it was "deranged on nearly every single level, a blasphemous, maximalist, hilariously erotic satire." The only prominent media source that was truly critical was Variety. It called the film pornographic, saying that Verhoeven is more interested in "kink" than anything else. "Simply put, 'Benedetta' intends to offend," amounting to "just another entry in the tawdry nunsploitation genre." Verhoeven is correct to say that not everyone will be offended by the movie. "Actually, I don't think the film will be scandalousat least not in Western Europe." He's right. Western Europe is a fully atomized secular oasis. "Maybe Americans will be different," he notes, owing to "more puritanism" there. In other words, Catholics, Protestants and Muslims who are insulted by his insults are puritanical and need to become more tolerant of his intolerance. Verhoeven is no stranger to the Catholic League. He spent two decades co-authoring an offensive book that he hoped would become a movie; it never made it to the big screen. But his work, "Jesus of Nazareth," did tell us what he really thinks. Jesus was not the son of God, the Dutchman says, and his mother, the Virgin Mary, was probably raped by a Roman soldier, resulting in Jesus' birth. Moreover, Jesus never performed any miracles and Judas Iscariot was not responsible for Jesus' betrayal. And how does he know this? He doesn't. He feels that it may be true. The hatred of Christians in many parts of the world these days results in torture, imprisonment and death. In Western Europe and North America, the Christian haters do not resort to violence: They just seek to disparage and silence them. That's why Verhoeven delights themhe appeals to the sickest appetites of these fully deracinated people. Contact Verhoeven's agent, Marion Rosenberg: marion@marionrosenberg.com China's migrating elephants move southeast Xinhua) 10:01, July 11, 2021 KUNMING, July 10 (Xinhua) -- The herd of 14 wild Asian elephants roaming southwest China's Yunnan Province has moved 10.5 km in the southeastern direction, authorities said. The elephants entered Longwu Town in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture at 8:20 p.m. Friday and are safe, according to the headquarters in charge of monitoring their migration. The male elephant that broke away from the herd was captured and sent back to its forest home in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture on Wednesday. It is in a good condition. On Saturday, authorities dispatched 346 emergency and police staff, deployed dozens of vehicles and 23 drones and evacuated 2,259 local residents. The authorities also fed two tonnes of food to the elephants. The herd of 15 wandering wild Asian elephants traveled about 500 km north from its forest home in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, before reaching the provincial capital Kunming on June 2. The male elephant strayed from the herd on June 6, and moved around in the cities of Kunming, Anning and Yuxi, with an activity area of 140 square km and traversing a distance of 190 km. The animals were mainly fed by locals or foraged in villages. (Web editor: Xian Jiangnan, Bianji) BRI brings western China, global businesses closer Xinhua) 08:05, July 12, 2021 (Photo/gs.people.cn) LANZHOU, July 11 (Xinhua) -- At an ongoing trade fair in Lanzhou, capital of northwest China's Gansu Province, Uruguayan wine merchant Eduardo Rivero treated his guests to some nice wine produced at his chateau in Uruguay. "Like my home back in Uruguay, Gansu is a major wine producer in China. I'm looking forward to exchanges and cooperation with local winemakers through the fair," said Rivero. The 27th China Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair opened Thursday, attracting representatives of business associations and commercial establishments from 19 countries, including Belarus, Nepal and Moldova. Uruguay is one of the guests of honor at this year's event. Fernando Lugris, Uruguayan ambassador to China, said the growing market in western China has offered tremendous investment opportunities for Uruguayan enterprises. "We see strong economic complementarity between Uruguay and Gansu Province. We will focus on cooperation on dairy products, olive oil and the meat industry this time," he said. According to Lugris, Uruguay is the first country in the Southern Common Market to sign a memorandum of understanding on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with China, and is ready to tap into more business opportunities in western China. Benefiting from the BRI and the operation of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, western China, which previously developed less rapidly than the eastern coastal area, is now on the frontier of opening-up. At a forum held at the fair, Li Yanqiang, president of Beibu Gulf Port Group in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said that the corridor, which connects about 10 western provincial-level areas like Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou, saw 2,902 freight train trips in the first half of 2021, up 72 percent year on year. The number of categories of delivered goods has surged from some 30 in 2017 to more than 500 now. "We have developed nearly 10 different kinds of national logistics hubs along the corridor, showing the great potential of the western Chinese market," said Li. Better services in transportation and infrastructure have brought more foreign merchants and investors to western China. Marteza Akbari, a sales representative for Iranian carpet, displayed their exquisite carpets and handicrafts at the fair. He said that his business remained bullish on the western Chinese market partly due to the improved logistics facilities. "I hope the BRI will tap substantial business opportunities so that more foreign entrepreneurs like me can benefit in western China," he said. (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Hongyu) China releases plan on modernizing primary-level governance Xinhua) 08:06, July 12, 2021 BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) -- China's central authorities have released a plan on modernizing the system and capacity for primary-level governance. The plan, issued by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council, stresses upholding the full leadership of the Party over governance at primary level, and focuses on improving people's well-being. Measures should be adapted to local conditions and implemented step by step, while power should be delegated to primary-level governments and their burden should be reduced, the plan says. It calls for establishing in about five years a primary-level governance system led by the Party organizations, with law-based duty performance by the government, cooperation from various kinds of organizations, and participation from the public. The governance model should combine self-governance, rule of law, and rule of virtue. By another 10 years, modernization of the system and capacity for primary-level governance should be basically achieved, and the benefits of primary-level governance system with Chinese characteristics should be fully demonstrated, the plan says. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Du Mingming) 'Fairer' G20 corporate tax plan OK'd China Daily) 08:09, July 12, 2021 Finance ministers and central bank governors from G20 economies reached a historic agreement on a new global corporate tax reform plan over the weekend, endorsing a minimum levy on multinational corporations and a reallocation of profits between countries. It marked a big step forward in the global tax reform process after years of discussions. After the G20 members finished meeting in Venice, Italy, on Saturday, they issued a communique calling the new framework "a more stable and fairer international tax architecture". However, the minimum corporate tax rate was not fixed. Earlier this month, the global corporate tax reform initiative, which was designed as a two-pillar solution and proposed a minimum tax rate of 15 percent for large multinational corporations, won support from 132 countries and jurisdictions, including China. Experts expect the final plan could be approved at the next G20 meeting in October. "This indicates that great progress has been made in the reform of the international corporate tax system," said Jeff Yuan, PwC Asia Pacific transfer pricing services leader. "However, there are still uncertainties in the final plan, and we are not sure about the time for reaching a global consensus because a significant amount of political and technical work remains to be completed by October 2021, with key design issues still to be resolved." China's strong economic fundamentals and institutional advantages can ensure that the country takes the lead in global tax reform, said Bai Yanfeng, a professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing. Compared with some advanced economies, which may take longer to implement the new rules, China is able to take action more effectively. As China is becoming the world's largest single consumer market, the country will also maintain its advantages in attracting international capital, Bai said. "The most important thing is to do our own things well. When China's enterprises are competitive enough and consumers from all over the world pay more attention to China-made products, we will be full of confidence in both market share and tax share," Bai said. Yuan said a July 1 statement by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development as well as the G20 communique made it clear that while implementing the new international tax rules, countries will remove digital services taxes and other similar measures imposed on companies. These removals will be good news for multinational enterprises, especially for high-tech businesses, Yuan said. The new rules and their potential impacts still need deeper analysis. Multinational companies will need to conduct more impact analysis and scenario planning based on the information in the OECD's statement and revisit options on alleviating the potential impact of the new rules, he said. Yi Gang, governor of the People's Bank of China, the central bank, attended the G20 meeting on Friday and Saturday via video-conferencing. Yi disclosed that the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group, co-chaired by China's central bank and the US Treasury this year, is working on a draft plan on sustainable finance in the medium term. This year, the group is focusing on tasks such as green finance and green industries, streamlining information disclosure and reporting standards related to the climate and environment as well as multilateral development supporting the Paris Agreement, according to a PBOC statement. Yi called on G20 members to jointly improve standards for classifying and rating environmental, social and governance investments and improving climate information, which will help promote global green finance markets and foster low-carbon transition. The G20 meeting also discussed central bank digital currencies for cross-border payments. It emphasized that no so-called "global stablecoins"a new type of cryptoasset designed to maintain a stable value relative to specified assetsshould commence operation, until all relevant legal, regulatory and oversight requirements are adequately addressed, according to the communique. (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Du Mingming) Stop undermining Hong Kong's rule of law under pretext of press freedom: commissioner's office of Chinese foreign ministry in HKSAR Xinhua) 08:12, July 12, 2021 HONG KONG, July 11 (Xinhua) -- The Office of the Commissioner of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Sunday strongly disapproved and firmly opposed a statement by the so-called "Media Freedom Coalition," which accused judicial proceedings in Hong Kong, smeared the national security law in the HKSAR, and slandered the central government's policy towards Hong Kong. "It is a gross interference in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs, and is a blatant violation of the rule of law and judicial independence of the HKSAR," the spokesperson of the office said. The Apple Daily is a "poisoned apple" that has long engaged in illegal acts of harming the country and destabilizing Hong Kong, seriously violating the journalistic ethics and jeopardizing the media environment of Hong Kong, the spokesperson said in a statement. Relevant executives of the tabloid were suspected of colluding with external forces to endanger national security, and the action taken by the Hong Kong police force towards them in accordance with the law just serves them right, the spokesperson said. The action is a legitimate effort to safeguard the rule of law in Hong Kong and is a common aspiration of the Hong Kong people, which has nothing to do with freedom of the press and speech. It is surprising that some members of the coalition tried to whitewash the lawless media outlet and relevant people who aimed to create disorder in Hong Kong and China at large, and attempted to exert pressure on law enforcement and judicial authorities of the HKSAR, the spokesperson said. "What they have done is an insult to the rule of law and a serious violation of the media ethics," the spokesperson said. The spokesperson stressed that press freedom is not an excuse for engaging in criminal acts, nor is it a fig leaf for external forces to interfere in Hong Kong affairs. Some Western countries had a bad record in safeguarding human rights and press freedom, and certain media outlets in these countries fabricated fake news and staged farces by abusing press freedom and press privilege, the spokesperson said, noting that only a few members of the so-called coalition represent neither the vast majority of the international community nor the mainstream voice of international public opinion. The spokesperson urged the so-called coalition to abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations, stop endorsing anti-China, destabilizing forces in Hong Kong, and stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs under the pretext of press freedom. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Du Mingming) PLA holds intensive drills in northwest plateau, tests new weapons, tactics (Global Times) 08:49, July 12, 2021 Vehicle-mounted howitzers attached to an artillery detachment with a combined arms regiment under the PLA Army fires high explosive shells at mock remote targets during a live-fire training exercise in depopulated region in mid-June, 2021. The exercise focused on such training items as autonomous surveillance, reduced-crew operation, motorized mobilization. Photo/China Military The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Army and Air Force recently held intensive exercises in plateau regions in Northwest China and put many newly commissioned weapons and equipment as well as advanced deployment tactics to the test, with analysts saying on Sunday the drills displayed that the new gears are combat-ready and reinforcements can reach the frontline quickly in rapid-reaction missions. Deep in the Karakorum Mountains at an elevation of more than 4,500 meters, an artillery unit under a brigade attached to the PLA Xinjiang Military Command recently held a live-fire shooting examination with newly commissioned PHL-11 self-propelled multiple rocket launcher systems, as the rockets accurately rained down on their targets, China Central Television (CCTV) reported on Sunday. A combined arms brigade attached to the Xinjiang Military Command recently tested out the PCL-161 self-propelled howitzers that just entered service in a live-fire drill also in the Karakorum Mountains, at higher than 5,000 meters in altitude, a separate CCTV report said on Saturday. Another Xinjiang Military Command brigade fired PHL-03 long-range multiple rocket launcher systems in a recent exercise in a snowy plateau region and simulated eliminating hostile armored groups and artillery positions. The weapons and equipment featured in these exercises are some of the newly commissioned ones that were covered in official media reports in May, and their involvement in live-fire drills indicates that they have generated combat capabilities quickly in the past two months, a Chinese military expert told the Global Times on Sunday, requesting anonymity. The 81st Group Army from the Central Theater Command and the 72nd Group Army from the Eastern Theater Command also dispatched troops to plateau and desert regions for exercises, bringing howitzers, air defense missiles, drones and reconnaissance vehicles with them, CCTV reported on Saturday. An airborne troop brigade of the PLA Air Force recently conducted parachute training in the northwest plateau region with Y-8 tactical transport aircraft, using newly developed, plateau-focused parachute kits and oxygen masks, according to another CCTV report on Sunday. Warplanes of the PLA Western Theater Command Air Force also practiced emergency deployment in a strange airfield, as ground units rapidly maneuvered and stationed into the airfield through road, railway and airlift by Y-20 strategic transport aircraft, providing support to J-16 multirole fighter jets, media reported this weekend. These drills display that the PLA can deploy troops and warplanes from other locations to the frontline very quickly in rapid-reaction missions when a situation arises, the expert said. (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Hongyu) Mainland company signs COVID-19 vaccine sales deals with Taiwan enterprises Xinhua) 09:08, July 12, 2021 SHANGHAI, July 11 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese mainland company has signed agreements with Taiwan enterprises and a foundation on COVID-19 vaccine sales, according to an announcement the company released Sunday. A subsidiary of Shanghai-based Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd. will sell 10 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., and Yonglin Charity Foundation, according to the announcement. In March 2020, Fosun inked an agreement with German company BioNTech for the research and development of mRNA vaccines and the exclusive commercial rights and interests on the Chinese mainland and in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Since Taiwan's epidemic outbreak in May, Fosun has made it clear that it is willing to provide the vaccines to Taiwan compatriots, but the Democratic Progressive Party authority did not approve negotiations for purchase until late June. Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, has said cites, counties, non-governmental institutions and enterprises on the island which are willing to buy the vaccines can negotiate purchase in accordance with business rules. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Reception marks 20th anniversary of China-Russia friendly cooperation treaty Xinhua) 09:09, July 12, 2021 Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivers a speech at a reception celebrating the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation in Beijing, capital of China, July 11, 2021. (Xinhua/Zhang Ling) BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi here on Sunday attended a reception celebrating the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. In his speech, Wang said that in the past 20 years, under the guidance of the treaty, the China-Russia ties have withstood challenges and risks and reached historical highs. The two countries should deepen political mutual trust, boost pragmatic cooperation, intensify people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and strengthen strategic coordination to write a more exciting chapter in bilateral relations at a new historical starting point, said Wang. Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov said that last month, the two heads of state issued a joint statement deciding to extend the treaty, setting more ambitious development goals for the cooperation between the two countries. He said Russia will work with China to do its utmost to achieve the new goals. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) China upgrades alert level, emergency response to brace for heavy rain Xinhua) 09:11, July 12, 2021 BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) -- China on Sunday night upgraded the alert level for rainstorms to orange and raised emergency response from level IV to level III, as heavy rain is forecast to batter parts of the country, the China Meteorological Administration said. From 8 p.m. Sunday to 8 p.m. Monday, heavy rainfall and rainstorms are expected in Beijing, Tianjin as well as parts of Hebei, Shanxi and Shandong provinces. The southwestern part of Beijing and central part of Hebei are expected to see downpours of up to 280 mm of rain, said the administration, warning that parts of the aforementioned regions will also experience thunderstorms and strong winds. Local meteorological authorities in Beijing, Tianjin, Shandong and other areas that might be affected were urged to activate or adjust their emergency response levels based on local conditions, while strengthening weather monitoring and forecast. It was estimated that the heavy rain might cause floods in 14 small and medium-sized rivers, including the tributaries of the Qujiang in Sichuan and Hanjiang in Shaanxi. The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters have dispatched three working teams to Shanxi, Hebei and Beijing to assist local authorities. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine widely accepted in S. Africa Xinhua) 09:27, July 12, 2021 JOHANNESBURG, July 11 (Xinhua) -- South African government, political parties, labor and civil society have given thumbs up to the CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, which they said would bolster the country's fight against the pandemic. South African Health Products Authority (SAHPRA) approved the use of CoronaVac in the country on July 3 to tackle COVID-19. The SAHPRA CEO Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela said they approved the use of the CoronaVac vaccine based on its safety, quality and efficacy of the data presented to them. The Acting Health Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane welcomed the CoronaVac as a "turning point and much needed relief for the country's vaccination rollout program". "CoronaVac will boost the vaccine supply for country's vaccination rollout programme in addition to those we already receive from Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson," she said at a media briefing on Friday, "The approval came at a time when the demand for vaccines as more and more people are yearning to get vaccines." She said the expansion of the vaccine roll out would allow the vaccination of people aged 35 to 49 years-old set to commence on August 1. South Africa's opposition political party Economic Freedom Fighters welcomed the Sinovac vaccine calling on the government to make it available to the people soon. The EFF spokesperson Vuyani Pambo said that "the EFF welcomes the approval of the Coronavac vaccine... for use against the deadly coronavirus in South Africa. The approval of the vaccine is long overdue... The EFF calls for immediate rollout of the Coronavac Vaccine." Government officials expect the approval could boost the cooperation between the two countries. President Cyril Ramaphosa told Xinhua last Tuesday that "when we have faced great difficulties, China has been one of those that has come to the fore. We have seen it with COVID-19 and now we are about to acquire vaccines from China. Now that the approval has been given, that strengthens the relationship between our two parties." South African Communist Party (SACP) General-Secretary Blade Nzimande said the country looks for more cooperation in the COVID-19 vaccine. "The efficacy of the CoronaVac vaccine to the COVID-19 variants that are dominant in South Africa and its safety are essential. We are therefore looking forward to deepening our party to party relations with the CPC and inter alia, scientific cooperation with China in our struggle to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and resolve underdevelopment," he said. China's Embassy to South Africa promised to ensure that the country gets the CoronaVac vaccine to assist in the fight against COVID-19. "The world is now still suffering greatly from COVID-19 and South Africa is facing the impact of a third wave of infections," said the embassy in a statement, adding that "We will continue to fully assist and accommodate the South African side to see that Chinese vaccines delivered to South Africa as quickly as possible, so as to help the South African people fight and eventually defeat the virus." (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Chinese mobile money lending apps boost credit to Kenya's small entrepreneurs Xinhua) 09:32, July 12, 2021 NAIROBI, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Grace Wangui wakes up every morning to beat the traffic jam as she goes to buy supplies for her greengrocery store in Umoja residential estate. The 30-year old mother of two purchases fresh vegetables from vendors at Wakulima market, Nairobi's largest wholesale market for fresh produce in the morning. However, Wangui cannot access credit from the banks due to a lack of formal employment or collateral. Instead, she relies on the numerous Chinese owned mobile lending applications in Kenya such as Okash, Opesa and Credit Hela, which she can access through her smartphone. "I typically make an application for a 5,000 shillings (46 U.S. dollars) loan after I begin my journey to buy vegetables. Within five minutes I received a message that the money had been sent to my phone," Wangui told Xinhua on Sunday. Wangui has been using the Okash app to finance her daily operations since early 2020. "The app has enabled me to have constant cash flow and pay my suppliers on time," she added. Kevin Mutiso, chairman, Digital Lender Association of Kenya (DLAK) said that on average the sector provides short-term loans of about 36 million dollars per month in the east African nation. Mutiso said that the proliferation of smartphones in the market has boosted their business as consumers can now apply for loans using their mobile devices any time and anywhere. He revealed that mobile apps have the technology to assess the credit worthiness of loan applicants within a few minutes and this has revolutionized the credit industry especially for the small entrepreneurs who had been locked out of the formal financial channels. According to DLAK, there are currently six million digital loan customers in Kenya. Catherine Aloo, operates a small fish business in the bustling Mathare informal settlement located on the east of the capital, Nairobi. Aloo said that she uses the Credit Hela app to access quick cash to meet her daily needs. "Most of my customers take my fish on credit and pay at the end of the month, this leaves me cash strapped. So I depend on mobile loans as I wait for payment from my clients," she added. The fishmonger noted that without assets to use as security to access a loan at a bank, she relies on digital mobile lending platforms for credit. Gideon Okeyo, is a street vendor who sells belts for a living in Nairobi's upmarket Gigiri area. Okeyo said that his business model is viable due to his access to mobile digital platforms that give short-term loans within a few minutes. "I take a loan of 30 dollars in the morning and with the proceeds, I purchase leather belts from a wholesale shop in town which I sell to middle-class clients by evening so that I can repay the loan on the same day," he said. Okeyo has been using the Opesa mobile app and he hopes to increase his credit limit by repaying his microloans on time. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Worries rise as Tokyo 2020 sailing athletes in same hotel with local tourists Xinhua) 09:37, July 12, 2021 TOKYO, July 11 (Xinhua) -- The Tokyo 2020 sailing athletes are staying at the same hotel with local Japanese tourists, raising concerns about possible COVID-19 infections, Chinese Yachting Association president Zhang Xiaodong told Xinhua here on Sunday. The Chinese yachting chief expressed her 'deep worry' about this situation, saying the Chinese team is negotiating with Tokyo 2020 organizers for enhanced COVID-19 precautions in this hotel. "Although the teams from different countries are arranged on separate floors, local tourists still mix with Olympic athletes in the lobby and the restaurant," said Zhang. "It may increase potential risks of COVID-19 infections," she added. The residence of the sailing athletes is outside the Olympic Village as the Enoshima Yacht Harbour venue is located away from downtown Tokyo. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) China activates flood emergency response amid heavy rain forecast Xinhua) 09:39, July 12, 2021 Aerial taken on June 6, 2021 shows rescuers participating in a flood-relief drill on the Wulie River in Shuangqiao District of Chengde, north China's Hebei Province. (Photo by Wang Liqun/Xinhua) BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) -- China on Sunday activated a Level-IV emergency response for flood control as heavy rain is expected to lash parts of the country, according to the Ministry of Emergency Management. The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters have dispatched three working teams to Shanxi, Hebei and Beijing to assist local authorities. According to the country's meteorological department, downpours are expected in parts of north and northeast China, as well as some areas along the Yellow River and Huai River. Parts of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will see torrential rain, according to the forecast. Authorities estimated that above-warning-level floods might occur in 14 small and medium-sized rivers, including the tributaries of the Qujiang in Sichuan and Hanjiang in Shaanxi. China has a four-tier flood control emergency response system, with Level I being the most severe. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) China's super-sized shield machine ready to go into operation Xinhua) 09:41, July 12, 2021 BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) -- China has manufactured a super-sized earth pressure balance shield machine, which is ready to be put into operation, according to China Railway Construction Corporation. The shield machine, named "Jinxiu," rolled off the production line on Saturday. Boasting a tunneling diameter of 12.79 meters, it is the largest of its kind developed by China with complete proprietary intellectual property rights, said the company. With a total length of 135 meters and a weight of 3,000 tonnes, the machine will be used for the construction of the Jinxiu Tunnel, a part of the Chengdu-Zigong high-speed railway project. The project, the first high-speed railway with a speed of 350 km per hour in southwest China's Sichuan Province, started in 2019. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Beijing poised for heavy rainstorms Xinhua) 09:44, July 12, 2021 BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese capital of Beijing is poised for the heaviest round of rainfall this year, pending Sunday evening. The Beijing Meteorological Observatory on Sunday morning issued yellow warnings for both rainstorms and gale. The accumulated rainfall is forecast to reach 60 mm to 100 mm on average between 5 p.m. Sunday and 8 a.m. Tuesday. The western and northern areas of the city will see heavier rainfalls. Mountainous areas are at risk of secondary disasters such as floods and mountain torrents, while water logging is expected in low-lying urban areas. In view of the expected heavy rainfall, the Beijing municipal education commission issued a notice on Sunday, requiring all primary and secondary schools as well as kindergartens to close on Monday. Colleges and universities have been asked not to organize outdoor activities. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism issued a notice on Sunday morning, ordering all scenic spots in mountainous areas and rural bed and breakfasts (B&B) to be closed from Sunday noon. Flood control safety inspections have been carried out in urban parks for evacuating tourists and protecting cultural relic sites and recreational facilities. The municipal water affairs bureau has mobilized 15,000 people and dispatched 13 inspection teams to all districts of the city to assess flood control preparations. The municipal fire and rescue department has made comprehensive preparations for round-the-clock service, with a 670-member professional rescue team and 7,454 servicemen put on duty. The rainstorms are also forecast to affect north China's Tianjin Municipality. Tianjin on Sunday issued an orange warning of meteorological risk for geological disasters. Mountain scenic spots and rural catering facilities have been ordered to be closed and people in high-risk areas relocated. China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe warning, followed by orange, yellow and blue. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Sri Lanka receives 2 million doses of Sinopharm vaccines Xinhua) 09:46, July 12, 2021 Staff members unload China's Sinopharm vaccines in Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 11, 2021. Sri Lanka's Health Ministry on Sunday received 2 million doses of Sinopharm vaccines from China. (Photo by Ajith Perera/Xinhua) COLOMBO, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lanka's Health Ministry on Sunday received 2 million doses of Sinopharm vaccines from China, leading to a total of 7.1 million Sinopharm doses arriving in the country since March. The vaccines arrived onboard two Sri Lankan Airlines flights which arrived at the Bandaranaike International Airport early Sunday morning. According to health officials, from these stocks, 100,000 doses each will be dispatched into Galle, Matara, Hambantota, Anuradhapura, Nuwara Eliya, Ratnapura, Badulla, and Matale Districts, while 200,000 doses each will be dispatched to Colombo and Kurunegala Districts. Meanwhile, 300,000 and 500,000 doses will be dispatched to Kalutara and Gampaha Districts respectively. According to official statistics from the Health Ministry, nearly 3 million people have received the Sinopharm vaccines in Sri Lanka to date, making it the leading vaccine to be administered among the general public. Out of the nearly 3 million people jabbed, over 1 million have received their second injections as well, Health Ministry statistics showed. Army Commander General Shavendra Silva said that following the arrival of 2 million doses of the Sinopharm vaccines on Sunday, a further stock of 2 million doses was expected in the coming weeks. Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa last week put forward a comprehensive mechanism to vaccinate a majority of the Sri Lankan population against the COVID-19 virus before September. The President said the number of vaccines that will be received in the month of July will be made available to the public, giving priority to the districts identified as high-risk areas for the spread of COVID-19. Sri Lanka is presently facing a third wave of the COVID-19 virus with authorities warning of a spread of the Delta variant. The country has to date recorded 273,031 patients since the first local patient was detected in March last year, while 3,467 deaths have been reported. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Pakistani UN envoy terms CPC's founding as "seminal" event, pledges to work "hand-in-hand" with China Xinhua) 09:49, July 12, 2021 People take selfies with the background of the decoration set up for the ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing, capital of China, July 3, 2021. (Xinhua/Peng Ziyang) "Over 100 years, the CPC has led the Chinese people from the depths of poverty and despair to the heights of achievement," Pakistan's permanent representative to the United Nations said. UNITED NATIONS, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan's permanent representative to the United Nations, Munir Akram, has said that the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1921 was a "seminal" event in the world history and Pakistan and China will continue to work "hand-in-hand" at the world body to advance the noble cause of peace and development. In a recent video message to the UN community on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the CPC, Akram said he is "honored to convey our heartfelt felicitations to the Chinese people on the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. The founding of the CPC in 1921 was a seminal event in world history." "Over 100 years, the CPC has led the Chinese people from the depths of poverty and despair to the heights of achievement," the senior diplomat said. Aerial photo taken on May 11, 2020 shows residential houses built for farmers in Lyuliang Township of Jinhu County, east China's Jiangsu Province. (Xinhua/Li Bo) "China has undergone astounding transformation and national consolidation," he said, hailing poverty alleviation, infrastructure construction, trade upgrading, industrialization and technological breakthroughs as "unprecedented" achievements in the annals of history. Noting that Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that China's success "is something we hope to emulate in Pakistan," Akram said that Pakistan supports China's efforts to safeguard world peace, reinvigorate multilateralism, preserve international order and advance global development. Photo taken on April 10, 2021 shows a night view of the Lahore converter station of the Matiari-Lahore high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission project under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Pakistan's eastern Punjab Province. (SGCC/Handout via Xinhua) Pakistan's "time-tested friendship with China," and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which is a major project of the Belt and Road Initiative, provide an enduring framework for the continued strengthening of bilateral ties, said the ambassador. "And, our All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership remains a strong anchor for peace, progress and prosperity," he said, adding that "Pakistan will continue to work hand-in-hand with China at the United Nations to advance the noble cause of peace and development not only for our countries but for all developing countries." (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) British report over Xinjiang wantonly interferes in China's internal affairs: Chinese Embassy Xinhua) 09:54, July 12, 2021 Chen Fangying, a 24-year-old village teacher from southwest China's Guizhou Province, teaches English at Alimalik Village of Akto County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 12, 2021.(Xinhua/Hu Huhu) "It is an attempt out of ulterior political motives to deliberately slander China's policy on Xinjiang and wantonly interfere in China's internal affairs," said a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Britain. LONDON, July 11 (Xinhua) -- A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Britain on Saturday expressed outrage and firm opposition to a report published by a committee of the lower house of British parliament. The report, which is "full of lies" about China's Xinjiang, represents a blatant interference in China's internal affairs, according to the spokesperson. Responding to a question about the report "Never Again: The UK's Responsibility to Act on Atrocities in Xinjiang and Beyond" issued by the Foreign Affairs Committee of Britain's House of Commons, the spokesperson said it is "nothing but a pack of disinformation." "It is an attempt out of ulterior political motives to deliberately slander China's policy on Xinjiang and wantonly interfere in China's internal affairs," said the spokesperson. There is no so-called "internment camps" in Xinjiang, the spokesperson said, adding that the vocational education and training centers set up in Xinjiang in accordance with laws are schools. People practice making pasta during a vocational training class in Zhaosu County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Dec. 14, 2019. (Xinhua/Ding Lei) This is part of the proactive and preventive de-radicalization and counter-terrorism measures aimed at tackling terrorism and religious extremism at the source, no different from Britain's Desistance and Disengagement Programme (DDP) or the de-radicalization centers in France, the spokesperson said. There is no "forced labor" in Xinjiang, only voluntary employment and selecting jobs according to people's own volition, while lawful labor rights are protected, the spokesperson said. The use of technological products and big data to improve social governance is a common practice of modern countries, the spokesperson said, noting that it does not target any specific ethnicity. Workers are busy at the factory of Zhuolang Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd. in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Oct. 22, 2020. (Xinhua/Wang Fei) Thanks to the Chinese government's unremitting efforts, Xinjiang now enjoys social stability, ethnic harmony and rapid economic growth, while the political, economic, and social rights and freedom of religious belief of all ethnic groups in the region are fully guaranteed, the spokesperson said. "It must be emphasized that Xinjiang affairs are China's internal affairs that no other country has the right to interfere in," said the spokesperson. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Chinese, DPRK FMs exchange congratulations on 60th anniversary of China-DPRK Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance Xinhua) 10:09, July 12, 2021 BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi exchanged congratulations Sunday with DPRK Foreign Minister Ri Son Gwon on the 60th anniversary of the signing of the China-DPRK Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. In his message, Wang pointed out that the treaty is the political and legal foundation for bilateral ties and is of great significance to promoting China-DPRK friendly cooperation and safeguarding regional peace and stability. In recent years, Wang noted, under the strategic guidance of General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping and General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) Kim Jong Un, China-DPRK relations have entered a new historical period. The two sides have strengthened strategic communication, deepened mutually beneficial cooperation and firmly supported each other in regional and international affairs, demonstrating the unbreakable China-DPRK friendship in the new era, Wang said. Under the new circumstances, Wang said, the two sides should make joint efforts to uphold the important consensus reached by the top leaders of the two parties and countries so as to advance the steady development of China-DPRK friendly cooperative relations. For his part, Ri said over the past 60 years since the treaty was signed, the DPRK and China have supported and cooperated with each other, actively pushed forward the cause of socialist construction in the two countries and made contributions to safeguarding world peace and security. He said he firmly believes that under the guidance of the lofty will of the top leaders of the DPRK and China, the foreign ministries of the two countries will more actively carry out exchanges and cooperation and promote the continuous development of DPRK-China relations in accordance with the requirements of the new era and the wishes of the two peoples. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Shanghai unveils 10-year AI plan Chinadaily.com.cn) 10:11, July 12, 2021 Photo taken on July 8, 2021 shows a 3D holographic projection at the 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) in East China's Shanghai. [Photo/Xinhua] Medical diagnosis, elderly assistance among first application scenarios Shanghai announced a municipal artificial intelligence plan on Thursday that will look into rule changes related to digital technology, promote the establishment of technical standards and regulations and form a mechanism for monitoring risks and issuing early warnings. The entire plan, released during the 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in the city, will take a decade to carry out, but results from the first phase are expected in three years. Such efforts will probably prepare for AI-related legislation, the International Innovation Center of Tsinghua University, Shanghai, said. It will execute the plan under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Artificial Intelligence Leading Group and the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. Wang Youqiang, the center's executive director, said the Field Experiment Plan for AI Application in Shanghai will initially cover four application scenarios: assistance for medical diagnosis, expansion of QR code applications, smart service for the elderly and facial recognition. "There has been quite a lot of involvement by enterprises and industries in those realms, but our planwith AI projects being implemented in those areas and interacting with people's liveswill be a systematic, scientific and neutral attempt to discover common problems and attempt to formulate rules to avoid risks," Wang said. "Through the implementation of those AI projects, we'll focus on major, urgent and frequent issues in the digital transformation of Shanghai and monitor the public's concerns on AI and digital technology." The plan will use scientific measures to regulate the industry so that it produces safe, reliable and controllable products, help government agencies construct management rules and systems and enable users to properly use AI solutions with appropriate levels of self-protection, Wang said. "Such AI governance rules may also be popularized in other regions of the country," he said. "And through the process, we may find model cases of digital transformation in the city with international demonstration effects to contribute Shanghai's wisdom and solutions to the world's AI development." China's AI innovation ranked second in the world last year, behind the United States, and up from third the previous year, according to a report by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China and Peking University that was released on Thursday. The report said China performed well in terms of infrastructure, its innovative environment, scientific and technological research and development, and industry and application, ranking in the top 10 worldwide for all four indicators. One example of industry success is IntelliCloud, an AI startup established in Hefei, Anhui province, in 2018, that provides smart safety solutions for different scenarios and has more than a dozen AI-related software copyrights. At the conference, it exhibited its smart safety management solution at a ski field in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, which integrates software, hardware, the internet of things and an AI sensing system. Zhangjiakou is one of the venues where the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will be held. "In a ski field covering 4 square kilometers across the mountains with abundant forests, our smart solution can realize autonomous inspection, leaving no blind zones around the clock to ensure fire prevention, spot illegal entry, guarantee safety on the ski lanes, and discover emergencies and issue first-aid alarms," Wei Hongfeng, IntelliCloud's CEO and chief scientist, said. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Kuwait holds art event in solidarity with Palestine Xinhua) 11:06, July 12, 2021 People take part in an art event in Ahmadi Governorate, Kuwait, on July 10, 2021. Artists, activists and entrepreneurs in Kuwait held an art event on Saturday to raise money for and express solidarity with the Palestinian people. (Photo by Asad/Xinhua) KUWAIT CITY, July 10 (Xinhua) -- Artists, activists and entrepreneurs in Kuwait held an art event on Saturday to raise money for and express solidarity with the Palestinian people. "The unfortunate events that happened in Palestine inspired me to hold the event, through which we can show artworks and raise money for them by selling food and books," Tareq Qaddumi, organizer of the event, told Xinhua. The event includes a large collection of traditional handmade products, food, and books about Palestine to reaffirm the Palestinian national identity, said Qaddumi. "The art pieces here tell what is happening in Palestine," he said, stressing the need to remind people that the suffering of the Palestinians has not stopped. Dozens of artists attended the event, selling their artworks in support of the Palestinians. "I will sell some of my digital art prints today, and the proceeds will go to the fundraiser," an artist named Heba Haji told Xinhua. Haji used to take part in such kind of art events in Jordan, but it is her first time to attend one in Kuwait and raise money for charity. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Global political party leaders stress importance of closer cooperation to build better world Xinhua) 11:27, July 12, 2021 BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Many political party leaders around the world have lauded the governing experience of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and stressed the importance of closer inter-party cooperation worldwide for building a better world. Following the CPC and World Political Parties Summit held via video link on Tuesday, they spoke highly of the crucial contributions China and the CPC has made to the cause of human progress, expressing their willingness to follow China's experience to shoulder the responsibilities to seek happiness for the people. The summit is of "historic significance," said Jose Luis Centella, president of the Communist Party of Spain, as it enables parties with different ideas to reach consensus on the future of mankind, and will make important contributions to a better future of humanity. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has made great contributions to world economic development and demonstrated its experience in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, he said, noting that the principle of peaceful coexistence upheld by China has paved the way for cooperative development of mankind. Aleksandar Sapic, deputy president of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, said cooperation with China helped Serbia embark on the right path of development. "The development of the Serbian economy would be unthinkable without the Chinese investments and our Chinese friends, not to mention the situation we were in during the COVID-19 crisis, and the first to help us were our Chinese friends," Sapic said. Yulia Tymoshenko, leader of the Fatherland party of Ukraine, said that China, by its personal example of providing assistance to other countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, has shown that only joint efforts can successfully overcome global problems. "The achievement of the goals of sustainable human development by the countries of the world requires a global political dialogue and the search for better development solutions," she said. Romenio Pereira, secretary of International Relations of the Workers' Party of Brazil, said that holding this summit amid the COVID-19 pandemic is a demonstration of the strength of the CPC, which calls for unification of the peoples of the world to strive against poverty and inequalities, and for common development. Noting China's great contribution to the world, Pereira said that countries seeking to decrease inequality should learn from the experience of the CPC. Saadeddine El Othmani, Moroccan prime minister and secretary general of Morocco's Justice and Development Party, said that under the leadership of the CPC, China has become a tremendous country in such areas as science, technology and economy, to which the Chinese people and the CPC have devoted great efforts. The CPC has established good relations with political parties of different political doctrines, which is very beneficial to international cooperation and world peace, Otmani added. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Chinese mainland reports nine new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases Xinhua) 11:33, July 12, 2021 A food courier delivers take-away food to a designated point in Ruili City of southwest China's Yunnan Province, July 8, 2021.(Xinhua/Wang Guansen) BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese mainland on Sunday reported nine new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, all reported in Yunnan Province, the National Health Commission said in its daily report on Monday. Also reported were 18 new imported cases, of which four were reported in Fujian, three each in Inner Mongolia, Guangdong and Yunnan, two in Sichuan and one each in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Henan. One suspected case that arrived from outside the mainland was reported in Shanghai as well. No new deaths related to COVID-19 were reported in the day. A total of 6,815 imported cases had been reported on the mainland by the end of Sunday. Among them, 6,400 had been discharged from hospitals following recovery, and 415 remained hospitalized. No deaths had been reported among the imported cases. The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases on the mainland reached 92,066 by Sunday, including 478 patients still receiving treatment, three of whom were in severe conditions. A total of 86,952 patients had been discharged from hospitals following recovery on the mainland, and 4,636 had died as a result of the virus. There were four suspected COVID-19 cases on the mainland on Sunday. A total of 15 asymptomatic cases were newly reported, all of which were from outside the mainland. There were a total of 471 asymptomatic cases, of whom 465 were imported, under medical observation by Sunday. By the end of Sunday, 11,951 confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 212 deaths, had been reported in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), while 55 cases had been reported in the Macao SAR, and 15,249 cases, including 740 deaths, had been reported in Taiwan. A total of 11,655 COVID-19 patients in the Hong Kong SAR had been discharged from hospitals following recovery, while 53 had been discharged in the Macao SAR, and 11,802 had been discharged in Taiwan. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Interview: CPC plays leading role in China's rejuvenation, development -- Azerbaijani deputy PM Xinhua) 12:23, July 12, 2021 TBILISI, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is determining factor behind China's great changes and remarkable achievements, said Ali Ahmadov, deputy prime minister of Azerbaijan and vice chairman of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party. "The CPC has been playing a crucial role in China's rejuvenation and development cause. Without the CPC, there would not be a new China today," he said in a recent video interview with Xinhua. "The clever integration of national macro-control and market regulation has created one of the most efficient economic management models in the world today," Ahmadov said. The CPC has a strong political mobilization capacity of uniting all the social forces of China to commit to serving the people, which has consequently attracted firm support from the masses, he said. The rapid development of China's economy, Ahmadov said, has fully proved the system superiority of the CPC, which enables the country to focus on accomplishing major tasks. "The wise leadership of the CPC is the main reason for China's rapid economic development," and the great achievements of a country cannot be separated from the wisdom of its leaders, he noted. President Xi Jinping's proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative has received wide support from people in China and across the world, he said. "Azerbaijan fully supports this endeavor and is doing its utmost to implement it," he added. Ahmadov hailed the friendship and cooperation between the New Azerbaijan Party and the CPC as "an important part of the friendly relations between the two countries." As for the cooperation between the two countries in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Azerbaijani official described it as "a good example for countries around the world." "We are very grateful to our Chinese friends for promptly providing the vaccines to Azerbaijan. Many Azerbaijani people, including me, have been vaccinated with the Chinese vaccines, which makes us feel more secure," he said. "It is my firm belief that under the leadership of the CPC, China is bound to score greater achievements in the future," Ahmadov said. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Taiwanese farmers reap home-bred pineapples in Fujian Ecns.cn) 12:36, July 12, 2021 Taiwanese farmer Zeng Yingxuan shows the pineapples he has planted in Huxi Township, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, July 10, 2021. (Photo/Zhang Jinchuan) A pineapple farm in Huxi Township celebrated its harvest on Saturday, attracting many fruit buyers. The pineapple farm was founded by the couple Wu Xiqi and Zeng Wenzi, who began to expand the planting since the successful trial planting in 2017. The couples younger brother also joined in the farm later. Taiwan pineapple, also known as "eyeless pineapple", is one of the three famous fruits in Taiwan. Four pineapple varieties are planted in the farm currently. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Central China's Hunan to host int'l general aviation industry expo Xinhua) 13:53, July 12, 2021 CHANGSHA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The Hunan International General Aviation Industry Expo has been scheduled in central China's Hunan Province between July 16 and 18, according to the organizers. The provincial capital of Changsha and Hunan's industrial hub of Zhuzhou will jointly host the event, which is expected to cover fields involving the whole industry chain of general aviation. Well-known air show teams will put on professional performances of fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), model airplanes, powered parachutes, and ultralight aircraft during the expo. The expo will be attended by key enterprises from home and abroad, including Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Aero Engine Corporation of China, Textron Aviation, Bell Helicopter and Pratt & Whitney, among others. More than 300 domestic and foreign experts, scholars and business leaders, as well as diplomatic envoys and representatives of business associations from 17 countries will also attend the expo. "Taking technical exchanges and economic cooperation between Chinese and the global general aviation industry as a core, the expo will aim to attract the latest technologies and key projects from all over the world," said He Jian, chairman of Hunan Sub-Council of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) The grapes of wealth: a glimpse into Xinjiangs agricultural industries 14:11, July 12, 2021 By Kou Jie ( People's Daily Online Turpan is famous for its delicious grape. If Xinjiang ever developed a vineyard rating system, 58-year-old Ablet Yunus orchard would be classified as one of the best. Clusters of juicy grapes spread out proudly through his vast plantation, each one bursting with Turpans summer sweetness. From bright soulful greens to deep emerald hues, the grapevines are a divine palette for the eyes, bringing a beauty that sprung from seeds blessed with the dazzling sunshine and fertile lands of Turpan. Nestled among the Flaming Mountain and gurgling brooks, Yunus vineyard is a calling card of Turpan, one of Chinas largest grape growing and raisin producing areas. The region produces 52.84 percent of Xinjiangs grapes, accounting for over one fifth of Chinas grape production. There are over 38,000 hectares of vineyards and more than 500 kinds of grapes in Turpan, growing over 1.2 million tons of grapes in 2020. Today, Turpan is not only famous for its delectable fruit, but also its booming e-commerce, grape-themed cultural events and ecological tourism, as well as its growing wine industry. Its grapes, raisins, wines, and grape-themed festivals have become representative of Xinjiangs agricultural upgrading. The grapes of happiness 58-year-old Ablet Yunus is now an internet celebrity, known as Turpan grape uncle. (People's Daily Online/Kou Jie) Yunus has grown grapes for over 25 years, and started with a small plantation of 0.2 hectares. The grape he used to grow was a local variety that was sour and hard to preserve, leading to an annual income of only 2,500 yuan. No one wanted our fresh grapes because they were not very tasty. I had to dry my grapes into raisins, which were much cheaper than fresh grapes. I was really upset and wanted to give up the grape business at that time, said Yunus. The lack of modern agricultural technologies also held back Yunus grape business. He recalled that decades ago, grapes in Turpan were grown in a very primitive and low-yield way. The leaves and vines grew and crawled around in a disorderly manner, while the grapes pressed into each other and easily became rotten. The situation started to change when Turpan authorities introduced improved varieties and modern technologies to the locals in the 1990s, creating new hybrids between foreign varieties and local grapes. In just a few years, over 500 varieties of grapes were grown across Turpan, while Yunus, who joined study groups arranged by local authorities, has now become a specialist in growing Centennial Seedless, an American breed of sweet grape. According to Yunus, technology and brand awareness are the secret weapons that have helped Turpan grapes earn their global reputation. With his vineyard of 0.4 hectares, he can now earn over 130,000 yuan per year, while his 60 students from across Xinjiang are now spreading his experience to help more grape growers. It took me years to practice and bring forward new ideas on growing Centennial Seedless grapes and now I want to share my knowledge with my neighbours and friends, said Yunus. 34-year-old Zhu Huating, a social media influencer from Jiangsu Province, has helped Yunus promote his grape brand. (People's Daily Online/Kou Jie) Live-streaming with her two partners in Yunus vineyard, 34-year-old Zhu Huating, a social media influencer from Jiangsu Province, has helped Yunus promote his grape brand. With the help of e-commerce, Turpans fresh grapes are now sold in every corner of China and even abroad, generating a higher income for the locals. Due to the lack of publicity and modern logistic services, local grape growers used to dry their fresh grapes into cheaper raisins, as they can be kept for a longer time. Now thanks to online streaming, we can help the locals sell their fresh grapes at a higher price, said Zhu. Today, thanks to the convenience brought by the highway system, grapes from Turpan can be sent to Xian within 36 hours. From Xian, the grapes can be dispatched to any corner of China within one day, providing grape growers like Yunus a bigger market for their goods. With the help of modern technologies, Yunus perfectly trimmed and juicy grapes have now become a calling card of Turpan. Each year, he can grow around 20,000 tons of grapes on his vineyard, which can sell out within days. He is now an online celebrity, known by internet users as Turpan grape uncle. Grapes in Turpan are huge and sweet, as sweet as my happy life, said Yunus. Fruits of success The wine industry has been designated as one of the ten crucial industries in Xinjiangs 14th five-year-plan (2021-2025). Miles away from Yunus vineyard, a group of tourists from Zhejiang Province are tasting wine at Huoshanhong, one of Turpans 21 boutique wineries. In its underground wine cellar is Turpans pride, bottles upon bottles of vineyard gold. The wine is the quintessence of Turpans concentrated sunbeams, as well as an example of Xinjiangs upgraded agricultural industry. Turpan has a long tradition of grape cultivation, but is still very new to wine production. It has the same latitude as Bordeaux, which gives the land plenty of sunshine. Turpan produces 50 million litres of wine annually. We have over 200 kinds of wine, and the number is expected to grow significantly in the next five years, said Chen Guangyao, vice mayor of Turpan. According to Chen, the wine industry has been designated as one of the ten crucial industries in Xinjiangs 14th five-year-plan (2021-2025), while Turpan is expected to have 100 boutique wineries by 2023, garnering over 10 billion yuan by 2025. We are now using the Internet to promote our wine. We have already trained over 200 social media influencers who are familiar with Turpans wine history and industry. We are planning to hold at least 100 online wine sales this year, said Chen. At the Huoshanhong winerys holiday resort in Turpan, 192 barrel-shaped oaken huts are now open to the public, with a unique painting of Turpans nature and historical sites in each room. (People's Daily Online/Kou Jie) In addition to the wine industry, Turpan has also made efforts to integrate its wine culture with the local tourism industry as a way to help increase the incomes of local residents. At the Huoshanhong winerys holiday resort, 192 barrel-shaped oaken huts are now open to the public, with a unique painting of Turpans nature and historical sites in each room. The booming cultural tourism sector attracted over 620,000 tourists to visit Turpan during the five-day Labor Day holiday in 2021, up 36.59 percent from 2020. Jin Hong, a 48-year-old businesswoman from Zhejiang Province, invested over 10 million RMB to build a boutique hotel in Turpans Grape Valley in 2018. With its Uyghur-style decorations and furniture, as well as its fine wine and delicious grapes, the hotel has become a calling card, attracting visitors from across China. The booming cultural tourism sector attracted over 620,000 tourists to visit Turpan during the five-day Labor Day holiday in 2021, up 36.59 percent from 2020. According to statistics, Turpan now has 467 guest houses and 31 boutique hotels. Its cultural tourism industry has provided jobs for over 80,000 locals, many of whom are from low-income families. Most of our clients are tourists who want to see authentic Uyghur culture and to taste Turpans specialty grapes. Turpans booming cultural tourism sector has brought a lot of income to both locals and investors like me, said Jin. (Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji) China continues to provide a better business environment for global enterprises People's Daily Online) 15:17, July 12, 2021 A meeting convened in Beijing has sent out information indicating that Chinas business environment is getting increasingly better. In rankings for 190 economies in the world, Chinas business environment rose to 31st place in 2020 from 91st in 2012, according to statistics released at the meeting held on July 10 by the Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council. Aerial photo taken on Feb. 24, 2020 shows the Haizhu wetland and the Canton Tower in the distance in Guangzhou, south China's Guangdong Province. (Xinhua/Xie Huiqiang) The number of business entities of various types in China stood at 144 million in 2020, compared with 55 million in 2012, the meeting revealed. Over the past few years, China has taken effective measures to stimulate market vitality and creativity in the whole of society, bolstering the endogenous power driving economic growth. The country has made major headway in carrying forward reforms of its administrative approval system, greatly reduced the number of items requiring administrative approval, and eliminated administrative permits, relieving the burden on market entities. It has reduced the time needed for approving construction projects to within 120 work days, and cut 80 vocational qualifications concerning a total of 185 professions. The country has built a unified governance platform backed by the Internet, gaining valuable experience such as "management in one unified network and the City Brain system for construction of smart cities. Thanks to these efforts, a range of problems, including misplacement, abuse, or absence of government functions, has been effectively addressed. China has remained the best global destination for investment for several years in a row. Last year, foreign direct investment into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, rose 6.2 percent, bucking the downward trend in global foreign investment. Of the 144 million market entities that China has, 200,000 are high-tech enterprises and 180,000 are medium- and small- sized technological companies. Their expenditure on R&D accounted for 76.2 percent of entire spending. In addition, Chinese applicants filed the highest number of international patent applications in the world through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Zhang Gong, head of the State Administration for Market Regulation, attributed the vigorous development of the market entities to their strong ability to adapt to changes in the market, the determination of entrepreneurs to forge ahead, and the hard work and wisdom of labor resources. According to Wang Jun, head of the State Taxation Administration, the number of taxpaying enterprises reporting an increase in profits rose to 8.347 million last year from 5.527 million in 2016, an average annual increase of 10.9 percent. Meanwhile, the average annual profit of key enterprise taxpayers which made a tax payment of more than 5 million yuan rose 7.4 percent; the return on net assets ratio of these enterprises increased from 7 percent in 2016 to 9.05 percent in 2020 and the debt-to-asset ratio decreased from 58.6 percent to 55 percent in the same period. This indicates that the profitability of the key enterprise taxpayers and their resilience against risks are both becoming stronger, Wang said. (Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji) New batch of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines in bulk arrives in Indonesia Xinhua) 15:57, July 12, 2021 JAKARTA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Another batch of COVID-19 vaccines in bulk produced by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac has arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Banten province, Indonesia, the country's Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said on Monday. The Sinovac vaccines in bulk will later be processed by PT Bio Farma, Indonesia's state-owned pharmaceutical company, into ready-to-use vaccines. The Indonesian government aims to accelerate the vaccination process to reach herd immunity and meet the target of two million COVID-19 vaccine injections per day in August, Budi added. "The vaccination program, in addition to implementing health protocol disciplines and complying with government policies such as PPKM (community activity restrictions), will help to reduce the rate of transmission quickly and to control the pandemic," said Sadikin. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) The Great Complications Series In 2001, a company that had previously been known more for its dazzling jewellery creations suddenly made its presence felt in the highest echelons of watch collecting. Harry Winston, in a daring initiative led by its timepiece-division CEO of the time, Maximilian Busser, premiered the first watch of the Opus project. Under the Opus aegis, Harry Winston worked with some of the finest independent watchmakers of this modern age, introducing their unique styles of watchmaking to a larger audience. The impact of Maximilian Busser and the Harry Winston Opus project can be compared to that of influential BBC Radio 1 DJ John Peel, who brought fringe artists such as The Ramones, Joy Division, U2, Pulp, The Smiths, Nirvana, Blur and The Undertones into mainstream awareness. The first Opus featured the work of Francois-Paul Journe, who had established his own brand a scant two years earlier, and created for Harry Winston a triumvirate of highly complex timepieces the Opus 1 Chronometer (a resonance double timezone watch), the Opus 1 Tourbillon and the Opus 1 Power Reserve. Reference 57260 Vacheron Constantin Over the years, the Opus series became the main argument for many in demolishing the vaunted status of the word complication. So many Opus creations, such as Opus 3 (Vianney Halter), Opus 5 (Felix Baumgartner) and Opus 7 (Andreas Strehler), Opus 9 (Jean-Marc Wiederrecht) and the stunning Opus X (Jean-Francois Mojon) displayed nothing more complicated than the time, and perhaps an indication of power reserve at the most. There is no doubt that any of these watches could compete and hold their own at the very highest level of haute horlogerie, despite lacking a traditional high complication. Reference 57260 Vacheron Constantin No discussion of watchmaking complications in the new millennium can be complete without discussing Jaeger-LeCoultres Hybris Mechanica series, the most ambitious and longest-running attempt at expanding the boundaries of horology. The word hybris (alternately hubris) is a reference to ancient mythology and the inconvenient habit that Greek heroes had of displaying excessive levels of pride before their gods, which more often than not led to tragic ends. The Hybris Mechanica was a challenge that JaegerLeCoultre issued to the rest of the watchmaking world; a challenge to do better and one that was seldom, if ever, met by the other historic houses of horology. Grandmaster Chime 175th Anniversary Limited Edition Patek Philippe In 2003, Jaeger-LeCoultre presented the first timepiece of this series the Atmos Mysterieuse followed by the Master Gyrotourbillon 1 in 2004. Although the double- and triple-axis tourbillons from artisanal watchmaker Thomas Prescher had recently caused a sensation in the community of independent watchmaking enthusiasts, the Gyrotourbillon 1 was still noteworthy in terms of how a major watch brand with centuries of patrimony had ventured into such an unconventional realm considered risky by many observers. Opus 1 Harry Winston After a years hiatus, Jaeger-LeCoultre returned with the third instalment of the Hybris Mechanica series. The Reverso Grande Complication a Triptyque was presented in 2006 and demonstrated how avant-garde mechanisms could be harmoniously situated within the most classically designed cases. The next barrier to be broken was the line separating sporty watches from high complication, a feat accomplished by Hybris Mechanica 4, the Master Compressor Extreme Lab 1 of 2007. Each subsequent year had its own Jaeger-LeCoultre timepiece that would redefine the limits of contemporary horology, bringing new innovations to the table. Grandmaster Chime Ref. 6300A-010 Patek Philippe Choosing the most outstanding timepieces in the Hybris Mechanica series is a bit like choosing your favourite Beyonce song: the range is embarrassingly rich and there is a very real likelihood that you end up paralysed with indecision. It is rather easier to address in isolation the individual mechanisms that made the Hybris Mechanica series such a complications juggernaut. The Gyrotourbillon, in all its five iterations, is indisputably at the top of the pyramid. Although not strictly a complication in the traditional (and narrow) definition of the word, the Gyrotourbillon together with its sister mechanism, the Spherotourbillon has nevertheless had an impact on the canon of modern watchmaking in a way that no complication has had. Despite merely being a flying tourbillon (it is testament to the impressive accomplishments of the JaegerLeCoultre Hybris Mechanica series that a flying tourbillon can be associated with the word merely), the rotating escapement of the Master Ultra Thin Minute Repeater Flying Tourbillon, the 11th Hybris Mechanica watch, is unprecedented in its construction. What is the point in reproducing a tourbillon in the conventional way, especially within the Hybris Mechanica series? Jaeger-LeCoultre showed that being good wasnt good enough. One had to go beyond. Hublot The minute repeater itself, widely considered the apex-level complication, has also received several advancements in the Hybris Mechanica series, not the least being the articulated trebuchet hammers to optimise chime quality, gongs with square cross-sections (a feature that was subsequently adopted by a number of other striking watches) and the crystal gongs, featuring the integrated gong-and-crystal structure that was subsequently used to magnificent effect in the Chopard L.U.C Full Strike. While the field of complicated watches continues to evolve, the first two decades of the third millennium will go down in history as the era of some of the most creative watchmaking the industry has ever seen. *On the occasion of GMT Magazine and WorldTempus' 20th anniversary, we have embarked on the ambitious project of summarising the last 20 years in watchmaking in The Millennium Watch Book, a big, beautifully laid out coffee table book. This article is an extract. The Millennium Watch Book is available on www.the-watch-book.com, in French and English, with a 10% discount if you use the following code: WT2021. Order now China's central authorities have released a plan on modernizing the system and capacity for primary-level governance. The plan, issued by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council, stresses upholding the full leadership of the Party over governance at primary level, and focuses on improving people's well-being. Measures should be adapted to local conditions and implemented step by step, while power should be delegated to primary-level governments and their burden should be reduced, the plan says. It calls for establishing in about five years a primary-level governance system led by the Party organizations, with law-based duty performance by the government, cooperation from various kinds of organizations, and participation from the public. The governance model should combine self-governance, rule of law, and rule of virtue. By another 10 years, modernization of the system and capacity for primary-level governance should be basically achieved, and the benefits of primary-level governance system with Chinese characteristics should be fully demonstrated, the plan says. Enditem HEFEI, July 9 (Xinhua) --Heavy downpours have lashed many localities in south China since July 4, heightening the risk of natural disasters and prompting local authorities to take safety measures. In southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, several rounds of rainstorms have pushed up water levels in local small and mid-sized rivers. In Fengjie County, a landslide of about 100,000 cubic meters struck on Wednesday, with authorities managing to evacuate 69 people in advance thanks to the timely warning. In Hefei, capital of east China's Anhui Province, water levels exceeded the limits in two local reservoirs on Thursday, prompting authorities to open the floodgates to release water. Across the province, several reservoirs also saw their water levels rise significantly. Central China's Hubei Province also experienced heavy rainfall. To help fight flooding, the provincial authorities have prepared anti-flood supplies in case disasters strike. The water levels in local rivers, lakes and reservoirs are currently stable. More rainfall is expected to hit south China from Friday to Saturday, according to the National Meteorological Center. Enditem BEIJING, July 12 -- According to a written statement by Air Force Senior Colonel Tian Junli, spokesperson for the Chinese PLA Southern Theater Command, the US guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold trespassed into China's territorial waters of the Xisha Islands on July 12 without Chinese governments permission. As a response, the naval and air forces of the PLA Southern Theater Command conducted tracking and monitoring on the US destroyer and warned it to leave. The spokesperson pointed out that the Xisha Islands are China's inherent territory, and the US militarys behavior has seriously violated Chinas sovereignty and security, and gravely undermined the regional peace and stability of the South China Sea. "The US action seriously goes against the international law and basic norms governing international relations, which is yet another ironclad proof that the United States has been pursuing navigation hegemony and creating militarization of the South China Sea. Facts have proved that the US is in every sense a 'security risk maker in the South China Sea', the spokesperson continued. The spokesperson stressed that China strongly condemns and firmly opposes this and urges the US side to stop provocations of this kind and strictly control its military activities in the air and at sea. "Otherwise, all consequences arising there from will be borne by the US side," the spokesperson warned. The troops assigned to the PLA Southern Theater Command will always stay on high alert, firmly safeguard Chinas national sovereignty and security, and protect the peace and stability in the South China Sea, said the spokesperson in the end of the written statement. By Zhang Jianhua Vientiane, the capital of Laos, began a lockdown in late April due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On May 25, the 5th medical expert team of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) to Laos arrived to aid the military and the people of Laos as scheduled. "Before the arrival of Chinese experts, my wife has been declared no hope of cure by many doctors. This was a catastrophe for our family," the husband of the patient Sipa said. Sipa was diagnosed with cervical squamous cell carcinoma shortly after giving birth. Many local hospitals informed that she could not be treated due to the difficulty of the operation. After learning that the Chinese medical team was stationed in the Lao Military Hospital 103 in Vientiane, the couple travelled all the way from Oudomxay Province in the northern mountainous area for treatment. Ma Jiajia, a Chinese military doctor, led the surgery for Sipa on June 17. The surgery lasted about five hours and the intraoperative blood loss was only 50 ml. This is also the first free hysteroscopy for radical cervical cancer surgery in Laos. Sipa was able to ambulate just six hours after her surgery. "The newborn baby can't live without a mother. Chinese experts give Sipa hope to live. Thanks to them!" Sipa's husband said gratefully. Lao Military Hospital 103 is a general hospital, the construction of which is assisted by the Ministry of National Defense of China. "Since the beginning of 2019, the PLA has sent medical teams to Lao Military Hospital 103 continuously to promote in-depth cooperation and fulfill the purpose of serving the people," said Li Bing, Defense Attache of the Chinese Embassy in Laos. All the medical teams have been set up by the No.1 Affiliated Hospital of the Chinese PLA Air Force Medical University based on the needs of Lao Military Hospital 103. According to Wang Wen, the leading officer of the 5th Chinese medical team, they immediately carried out a series of clinical teaching and academic exchange activities right after the quarantine in Vientiane. "We concentrated on helping Lao colleagues and serving the Lao soldiers and civilians at the same time." The Chinese doctors medical technology has brought health benefits to many Lao patients. Benping, a 54-year-old citizen of Vientiane who was severely troubled by tinnitus and shoulder joint pain, said, "After receiving acupuncture and ear acupuncture treatment, my tinnitus has been significantly reduced, my sleep has improved, and the shoulder joint pain has also been relieved." Fifty-five-year-old Song Alun suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage. "My father woke up the day after the operation by Chinese medics. My father is the pillar of the family and the Chinese experts saved our family," his daughter said. Souliphanh, director of Lao Military Hospital 103, introduced that within just over a month, Chinese military doctors had completed 28 complicated operations. Among them, one operation was the first in Laos, and three were the first in our hospital, all of which have been successful. He also hoped that with the help of the Chinese medical team, the level of diagnosis and treatment in the hospital could be further improved. The director of the Department of Health of the Ministry of National Defense of Laos also sang high praise for the Chinese experts. They have demonstrated the good image of the Chinese army and the superb level of Chinese military doctors with practical actions. Together with the medical staff of Hospital103, they guaranteed the health of Lao soldiers and civilians, he stated. "Under the background of COVID-19, the experts sacrificed their own interests for the greater good and fight on the frontline of improving the level of medical care in Laos. I believe they will continue to demonstrate the good image of Chinese military doctors with professional knowledge, responsible attitude and resolute actions," said Li Bing. By Wu Shicun On July 12, 2016, the so-called arbitral tribunal of the South China Sea issue, under Americas manipulation and at the request of the Aquino III administration of the Philippines, staged a farce of completely negating Chinas sovereign rights over the South China Sea by releasing its arbitration award. Five years have passed, and the international community has gradually seen through the nature of this event. Thanks to the united efforts of China and other regional countries over the past five years, the South China Sea situation has made a fundamental turnaround, and the Chinese governments stance of no acceptance, no participation, no recognition is also widely confirmed and accepted by the international community. According to international conventions including the Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Declaration, China after the war recovered the South China Sea islands that had been illegally occupied by Japan and drew and published worldwide The Location Map of South China Sea Islands that displayed a dotted line in the South China Sea. Making the right arrangements for Chinas territorial sovereignty over these islands was an integral part of the post-war international system and a major achievement of the world anti-Fascist war. The conclusion of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 1982 and the establishment of the new international maritime order were also implemented under the UNs lead and guided by the post-war international system and the Charter of the United Nations. Chinas historical rights and relevant rights and interests in the South China Sea have been established in the long course of history they preceded the UNCLOS and are also independent of it. In 2006, according to UNCLOS, China submitted a written declaration to the UN Secretary-General, excluding disputes concerning, among others, maritime delimitation, historic bays or titles, and military activities from the compulsory dispute settlement procedures of UNCLOS, including temporary arbitration. Yet the South China Sea arbitration tribunal not only turned a blind eye to all these but also circumvented the usual practices of international judicial and arbitral organizations and arbitrarily distorted the articles of UNCLOS. While denying every Chinese assertion on the South China Sea, it challenged the current international order and rules and damaged the authority and solemnity of the UN mechanism and UNCLOS. Throwing the award into the garbage heap of history is an imperative step to establish the authority of international law and maintain the international order based on it. First of all, sovereign equality is the cornerstone of modern international law. In the past five years, the international community has come to realize that countries that accuse China of violating international rules on the ground of its refusal to accept the arbitration award are typical examples of violating international law and trampling upon the sovereignty of other countries without any scruple. In the past one or two years alone, the US has blatantly contravened the principle championed by the Charter of the United Nations that countries shall not use or threaten to use force in international relations by assassinating Irans senior military officer Soleimani. After that, it flagrantly sanctioned prosecutors of the International Criminal Court that participated in the investigation of its war crime and crime against humanity. Besides, Britain defied the International Court of Justices advisory opinion and refused to perform the UN General Assemblys resolution that it should return the Chagos Archipelago to Mauritius by November 2019; and Japan decided to discharge the radwaste water at Fukushima directly into the sea to pursue its selfish interests in total disregard of global environmental security and human life. Second, state approval is the precondition for international judicature and arbitration, and a nation, according to international law, has no obligation to respond to suit at court. Its not uncommon for a nation to not engage in judicial procedures in international practices. Even the US quitted the procedures in the case against Nicaragua after the court made a primary ruling and eventually stepped away from the international court. Its clear that the South China Sea arbitration directed by the US, a country known for its violation of international law, is just another case in point of its unscrupulous, disguised distortion of the law and disruption of international relations. Throwing the award into the garbage heap of history is the only choice to maintain lasting peace and stability in the South China Sea and cement the China-ASEAN community of shared future. With the common efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the South China Sea situation has chilled and stabilized in the past five years with signs of good momentum. The international community, especially countries in the region, have increasingly realized that the arbitration award is nothing more than an excuse fabricated by the US to sow discord between China and ASEAN countries, roil the regional situation, and undermine the peace and stability in the South China Sea. Keeping the South China Sea peaceful and stable is the common demand and serves the fundamental interest of China and ASEAN countries. China and ASEAN have the confidence, capability and wisdom to remove disturbances and stick to the dual-track approach and the principle of directly concerned countries settling relevant disputes through negotiation and consultation. We will keep up the good momentum of consultations over the code of conduct in the South China Sea and jointly keep the region peaceful and stable. (The author is president of the National Institute of South China Sea Studies) The U.S. statement on the South China Sea was extremely irresponsible as it aimed to provoke disputes over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea, sow discord among regional countries, and undermine peace and stability in the region, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian on Monday. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday said in the written statement that China continues to "coerce and intimidate Southeast Asian coastal states, threatening freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea. The U.S. accusations against China disregard historical and objective facts, violate and distort international law, and break its long-standing public commitment of not taking position on the South China Sea sovereignty issues, said Zhao at a regular briefing in Beijing, adding China is strongly dissatisfied with and resolutely opposed to this wrongdoing of the U.S. side. Zhao stressed China does not accept or recognize the so-called arbitration regarding the South China Sea five years ago, which violates the principle of "consent of the nation," breaches the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and international law, and therefore is illegal and invalid. "It is very clear to those with discerning eyes that the South China Sea arbitration case is a political farce. The U.S. side, as the initiator and mastermind of the farce, just attempts to smear and suppress China," he added. The spokesperson made it clear that the U.S. has conducted nearly 2,000 air and sea reconnaissance missions and more than 20 large-scale maritime military drills targeted at China since the beginning of this year. It has also abused bilateral military agreements with Cold War overtones to threaten to use force against China, which reveals its hegemony, he added. "Who is indeed doing coercion and intimidation in the South China Sea? And who is threatening the freedom and safety of navigation?" asked Zhao. "The truth is self-evident." China, as a founding signatory country to the UNCLOS, has always safeguarded its authority and integrity with concrete actions, he said, calling on the U.S. to join the convention first before using it to accuse others. Thanks to concerted efforts by the regional countries, China included, the South China Sea has been smooth and safe for navigation, and it has not been heard that any vessel's passage is obstructed or its safety threatened, and the U.S. claim simply does not hold water, said the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman. He urged the U.S. to stop making trouble and respect China's sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea, which have been formed in the course of history and have sufficient historical and legal basis. Zhao reiterated that China has always dealt with the issue through friendly negotiations and consultations, treated countries adjacent to the South China Sea on an equal footing, and it has exercised the utmost restraint in safeguarding its sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea. China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries have fully and effectively implemented the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and actively promoted the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea with important progress made on consultations, he said. "The United States and countries outside the region should respect the efforts of the regional countries to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea." Four additional bodies were recovered Sunday from the collapsed condominium near Miami, Florida, bringing the total death toll to 90. Miami Mayor Daniella Levine Cava told reporters Sunday morning that among the 90, 71 bodies had been identified. Thirty-one people are still listed as missing. Three young children were among those recently identified. Miami-Dade Fire Chief Alan Cominsky said Sunday that the recovery operation would last roughly two to three more weeks. The search for survivors officially ended at midnight Wednesday, nearly two weeks after part of the 12-story Champlain Towers South building collapsed on June 24. China's Ministry of Commerce said Sunday it "resolutely opposes" the addition of 23 Chinese entities to a U.S. economic blacklist over issues including alleged human rights abuses and military ties. In a statement citing a spokesperson, the Chinese commerce ministry said the inclusion of the Chinese entities was a "serious breach of international economic and trade rules" and an "unreasonable suppression" of Chinese companies. The Chinese government "will take necessary measures to safeguard China's legitimate rights and interests," the statement said. The U.S. Department of Commerce said on Friday it had added 14 companies and other entities to its economic blacklist, saying they had been "implicated in human rights violations and abuses in the implementation of China's campaign of repression, mass detention, and high technology surveillance against Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other members of Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region." Beijing denies the alleged abuses. Koreans have the third-most powerful passport in the world, according to an annual index by the Swiss-based research firm Henley and Partners released on Sunday. The firm ranks passports based on the number of countries people can visit visa-free. Koreans can travel to 191 countries without obtaining a visa beforehand, the same number as Germany. Korea's ranking remains the same as last year. Japan's passport continues to top the list, granting access to 193 countries, followed by Singapore with 192. The research firm noted that the rankings do not take into account travel curbs for the coronavirus pandemic. Kim wrote the bilateral pact "is displaying its stronger vitality in defending and propelling the socialist cause of the two countries... now that the hostile forces become more desperate in their challenge and obstructive moves," according to the North's official Korean Central News Agency. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanged handwritten letters on Sunday to mark the 60th anniversary of their countries' mutual defense pact. Xi was more restrained, saying, "I wish to lead bilateral relations to unceasingly rise to new levels to the benefit of the two countries and their peoples." The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance was signed in 1961 by North Korea founder Kim Il-sung and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. It stipulates that either side will offer military assistance in the event of an invasion, and since North Korea can do little for China, the treaty is essentially a survival guarantee for its North Korean client state. There were no visits either way from senior officials to mark the event because North Korea has sealed its borders due to the coronavirus pandemic. For the 50th anniversary in 2011, China sent a high-ranking Communist Party official to Pyongyang, while North Korea dispatched a senior politburo member to Beijing to attend celebrations that lasted more than a week. Chinese company opens wind farm in Kazakhstan From:ChinaDaily | 2021-07-12 09:34 SPIC will continue to provide clean, safe and economical energy worldwide With Central Asia's largest wind power project, the Zhanatas 100-megawatt wind farm in Kazakhstan, beginning full operations on June 20 after its last turbine was connected to the power grid, its operator, State Power Investment Corp, is further expanding its global presence. The company is one of China's top five power producers. With the largest installed capacity of any project of its kind in Central Asia, the wind power project is expected to provide South Kazakhstan with 350 gigawatt-hours of clean power each year, equivalent to demand from one million households, it said. With a total of 40 wind turbines, the project is expected to save roughly 110,000 metric tons of standard coal annually and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which plays an important demonstration role for Kazakhstan's environmental protection. China has contributed significantly to the development of renewable energy in Kazakhstan. Two-thirds of the 1,500 MW new renewable energy capacity in the country was built with the help of Chinese partners over the past four years. This is also one of the latest renewable energy projects with SPIC as an operator that was put into operation in the market outside China. By the end of May, SPIC's total power generation capacity abroad exceeded 6.1 GW, with clean energy like hydropower, wind power, photovoltaics and related fields like energy storage accounting for 70 percent of the total. Power generation capacity under construction overseas reached 2.16 GW. The company has a presence in 46 countries and regions, 37 of which are participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, it said. Wei Hanyang, a power market analyst at research firm BloombergNEF, said choosing renewable energy as the entry point is a wise choice. This will further facilitate SPIC's contribution to global clean energy. Kazakhstan relies heavily on thermal power generation which accounts for more than 80 percent of total power generation in the country. Its southern regions, which see about 70 percent of total power demand in the country, are home to rich renewable energy resources. The project has tackled the issue of how to make full use of renewable resources in terms of meeting the country's power demand and improving its unbalanced energy situation, an analyst said. Under the framework of China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative and Kazakhstan's Bright Path new economic policy, SPIC started cooperating with Visor International DMCC on wind power development. The Zhanatas wind power project, with each wind turbine weighing about 300 tons and reaching nearly 150 meters tall, was selected as part of China-Kazakhstan production capacity cooperation in 2016 and began construction in 2019, SPIC said. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the first turbines entered operation in September 2020. A financing agreement was signed in October the same year. Wang Ziyue, an analyst with BloombergNEF, said Kazakhstan is the best destination to develop wind power in Central Asia given its rich wind resources and substantial potential. Foreign students see appeal of Yangpu Waterfront By:Wang Jiaye | From:english.eastday.com | 2021-07-12 09:50 I've been in Shanghai for six years, though this is my first time to come to the Yangpu Waterfront. I feel it's very nice and I hope to come again, said Silem Abdselam, an Algerian student, as he walked along the riverside. This year, he will graduate from Shanghai University with a doctorate in Applied Mathematics. Roughly a dozen foreign students from 9 countries who study at Shanghai University, including Silem, recently paid a visit to a traditional Chinese crafts exhibition featuring the country's intangible cultural heritages, and went on a stroll along the Yangpu Waterfront in the vicinity. It was the first of a series of activities for expats in town, organized by the Shanghai People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Shanghai Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center. (Maoma Warehouse along the riverside in Yangpu District) The tour started from the exhibition held at the Maoma Warehouse which used to be a cotton mill founded a century ago, and became an art space in 2019. Bangladeshi girl Akter Liza took a careful look at the utensils on display, saying, I didn't know before that there were such kinds of works in China. They are really beautiful. The senior, majoring in human resource management, is preparing for her postgraduate education. I hope to keep staying in Shanghai. (Foreign students are watching the exhibits.) (Foreign students pose for a group photo in front of a Mongolian yurt.) During the interactive session, they learned how to make straw patchwork from He Chaoying, an inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage. (Foreign students are making straw patchwork.) Flattening, stroking, clipping... It's not easy for beginners to make straw patchwork. But everyone was doing it earnestly and happily. Ahmed Abdeltawab Elsayed, an engineering doctoral student from Egypt was the first to complete his artwork. (Ahmed Abdeltawab Elsayed shows his artwork, a cute rabbit.) The activity took place one day before the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Foreign students arrived at the former site of S.M.R. Wharf on Qinhuangdao Road. Around the 1920s, more than 650 students including top CPC leaders Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and Nie Rongzhen, departed here for France, embarking on a voyage of saving the nation and its people. (Foreign students are listening to the story about S.M.R. Wharf.) (Foreign students pose for a group photo in front of a relief sculpture at the former site of S.M.R. Wharf.) Yangpu Waterfront is one of the cradles of modern industrial civilization in China. UNESCO called it the largest riverside industrial belt in the world. In recent years, a large number of industrial relics have been renovated in the Yangpu riverside area, transforming the former industrial rust belt into a cultural and recreational belt for the people. (Chung and Saciid Cabdi Isgoowe Subow pose for a photo at the riverside.) Chung from Tonga is studying in her freshman year for a major in Business Administration. She said that there are many differences between Shanghai and her hometown, namely, technology makes life here very convenient while the natural scenery back home is amazing. Chung picked up a small flower along the riverside and put it behind her ear. Taking Yangpu Bridge and blue sky as the background, Somali student Sacid Cabdi Isgoowe Subow photographed the remaining old wall of No.1 Lanzhou Road. He wants to share these photos with his compatriot, who went home last winter vacation and has been unable to return due to the pandemic, said Li Yin, counselor of the international students at the university. Japanese student Jiyuhiro Amami is fluent in Chinese, in part due to studying the language in Japan for four years before he arrived in Shanghai. What impressed him most about the city is the warmth and friendliness of the people, saying that when I first came here, I didn't know how to buy tickets on the machine. People nearby offered to help me. The People's Urban Planning Exhibition Hall was originally the site of the Xiangtai timber company. This semi-open wooden structure uses digital technology to tell the practical cases of Shanghai's construction of a beautiful city, and to show the past, present and future of Yangpu Waterfront. (Foreign students learn about the development of the riverside industrial belt by watching short films and models in the sunken exhibition area.) Liber Simon and Georgina Marcela come from Uruguay and both of them are postgraduate students in Global Studies. Liber admires the city's development concept, noting that it is amazing to see how the zone next to the river was built and the blend between history and modernity. The activity was enjoyable, said Georgina, adding that the walk along the riverside gave them the chance to see the city's evolution. (Foreign students and their counselor pose for a group photo with the organizing staff in front of the People's Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.) Story by Wang Jiaye Photos by Guo Shenglin and Wang Jiaye New innovations for the 2021 Shanghai Book Fair By:Zheng Qian | From:english.eastday.com | 2021-07-12 17:28 A press conference for the upcoming 2021 Shanghai Book Fair was held on Monday, releasing some new highlights. Scheduled to be held from March 11 to 17, this years event will be launched both online and physically. The offline fair will have three branch venues besides the main venue in the Shanghai Exhibition Center, respectively in Jingan, Hongkou and Huangpu district. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, therefore the Shanghai Book Fair will highly recommend and display excellent themed publications. In terms of infrastructure and services, there will be many firsts. The 18th Shanghai Book Fair will open a special zone called Reading + Coffee culture in the main venue for the first time for visitors to relax and refuel. A dining zone has been especially set up with 7 internet-famous restaurants, preparing almost 30 characterized dishes. A mascot has been designed for the first time, together with the launch of a cultural and creative products design competition. It is also the first time that the book fair has introduced emerging physical bookstores at large scale, including To You Books, a pop bookstore in the city. E-commerce platforms like TikTok and JD.com will take part in the fair for the first time to do live streaming of book sales promotions. Nurses make their rounds in the coronavirus unit at CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital on Friday, Jan. 22, 2021. MIKALA COMPTON | Herald-Zeitung Woburn, MA (01801) Today Thunderstorms this morning, then variable clouds during the afternoon with still a chance of showers. High 73F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 100%.. Tonight Cloudy with showers. Low 64F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Purdue President Mitch Daniels wrote a column for the Washington Post in 2018 titled, Government transparency has gone too far. In it, while he agreed that many open-door laws have benefited society, he claimed society may have gone overboard regarding what should be considered public knowledge. Under open meeting requirements forbidding members of governing bodies to confer privately, he wrote, the result is furtive hallway conversations or executive committee meetings where the discussion might not technically fall into the category of exemptions that permit such meetings. That is what the president has apparently been doing with Purdues board of trustees. Board packets and advisory and deliberative information Trustees meetings, which are typically held once a month, proceed in the same fashion each time. Items are brought to the boards attention, board members look through allegedly confidential packets full of advisory and deliberative information, they will briefly discuss the details they wish to highlight and then theyll quickly vote before they move to the next topic. We requested the board packets for the June 11 meeting on June 5, and we were told by the boards corporate secretary the items would be sent after they have been approved. They were never sent. Purdue spokesperson Tim Doty said in an email Friday that the board members receive board packets that contain information on the meeting agendas well in advance, giving board members time to study the material and understand issues. So why cant we see them yet? Theres no reason you cant be getting a copy at the same time as the trustees, Steve Key said in a phone call Thursday. Key, the executive director of the Hoosier State Press Association, argued that the board must provide the public with all of the decision-making information it has. Only rationale for withholding the board packet is the administration wants to control its message, he wrote in a June email. That isnt a statutory basis for denying access to the records. In fact, its the antithesis of the statutes intent. Board meetings typically leave no room for public comment. Members vote without much discussion, as if they have already come to a decision beforehand. An email from Doty in June seems to confirm that suspicion: As soon as items are voted on or the meeting ends, we send out the news releases, he wrote in answer to our question about a vague agenda item. That would indicate a decision was already made, Key agreed. During that particular meeting, news releases were sent out at about the same time as items were voted on not even after the meeting ended. But if news releases were already prepared before the meeting, when were those decisions made? Executive sessions The board usually holds an executive session 24 hours before each public meeting. The purpose of an executive session is to discuss confidential matters and should be used sparingly, according to state law. They should not be held regularly, nor should they be a standing meeting on a governing bodys schedule, the public access laws handbook reads. State law defines specific instances in which an executive session out of public view is justified. To hold an executive session, a government agency must cite the specific state statute that pertains to each item to be discussed in secret. They have to let you know what items theyre gonna discuss behind closed doors, Key said. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute But the board seems to have found a creative way around this. The trustees cite the same seven statutory exemptions listed in each notice of executive session (not counting special meetings) since at least June 2020, which is as far back as the boards website goes. Sometimes, the number of statutes listed is actually higher than the number of items on the meeting agenda itself. How could it be that the board is always discussing items pertaining to the same seven exemptions each month? What seems more likely to us is that the board is discussing every item on the agenda in an executive session or other private conversations, coming to an agreement behind closed doors and simply finalizing its vote in front of the public. Daniels wrote in his Washington Post column that government has been rendered less nimble, less talented and less effective, by an increased transparency. But why would more transparency make them less effective? Isnt that contrary to the spirit of open door laws for a public university supported by tax dollars? In other words, the board is acting in the spirit of the philosophy Daniels espoused in his column. Emails If the board isnt discussing these items in its executive sessions, its most likely doing so via email or phone call. Government took a serious wrong turn at the dawn of the email era when somebody decided that these online exchanges are documents, Daniels wrote. Im rarely on a conference call with other public university presidents that doesnt include someone reminding the group: No emails! The board making decisions via email is technically not a violation of the law, since copies of emails and phone recordings do fall under the purview of public records and can hypothetically be requested by the public. But by adding levels of secrecy and hoops for information-seeking citizens to jump through, it goes against the spirit of what open door laws are supposed to do: Allow the public to monitor officials and hold them accountable. The Exponent requested emails sent between board members, and from them to Daniels, regarding the discussion surrounding a controversial decision on requiring civics literacy made in June, but hasnt yet received any documents. The decision was controversial because of the large number of faculty members who were strictly against it, and the board made its decision against the vote of the University Senate. In fact, faculty from Purdues satellite campuses were unaware the decision affected them until a week before the meeting. Open discussion of the topic was limited in the meeting, and the questions posed seemed to highlight only positive aspects of the proposals, as if the questions were scripted. What were the real concerns trustees had? Who did they consult? Did anyone vote against the measure, in line with the facultys objections? We dont know any of that, because the process was apparently out of the public view. We need more transparency Perhaps Daniels and the trustees dont realize what Indianas open door laws say, or the image of secrecy they are projecting. In our Thursday edition, we included a note about this editorial and the boards tendency toward secrecy. After noon, we discovered more information from the last two meetings had just been released on the board of trustees website. That information provided more detail on some, but not all, of the items discussed in the two meetings. Its important to note that only those with a Purdue email can access this part of the website. The board of trustees has repeatedly acted against the spirit of public access laws. We call on the board to be more transparent. Discuss, deliberate and debate in public. Make decisions in public. Finalize votes in public. And please, give the public access to the same information thats apparently so readily available to you. The Editorial Board is composed of The Exponents summer staff and written by its editor. MUNSTER Union truck drivers, route drivers, merchandisers, and other delivery personnel working at the Pepsi bottling plant in Munster are going on strike Monday after rejecting the company's final contract offer. At the same time, union workers with production jobs inside the PepsiCo facility on Calumet Avenue are planning to report to work after agreeing to a new contract with the Purchase, New York-based beverage giant. The separate bargaining units, both represented by Gary-based Teamsters Local 142, each voted on contract proposals Sunday morning, according to multiple Teamsters officials and members. The union production workers at the Pepsi plant accepted the company's four-year contract offer, while the unionized Pepsi drivers opted to strike instead. Harvey Jackson, Teamsters Local 142 vice president, said he's working to arrange the picket line so production Teamsters members at the Pepsi plant aren't having to cross in front of union drivers striking for a contract with different terms. "Where we're going to be picketing at they probably won't have to go through. Unfortunately, with Pepsi's contracts, it's in there that they've got to go to work," Jackson said. "If one rejects, the other one still has to go to work." Union officials and members confirmed worker-paid health insurance rates were the primary sticking point in negotiations between the Teamsters and Pepsi, and the failure to reach an agreement on the health insurance issue is what led to the strike. According to Pepsi transport driver Tom Albano, a Teamsters member, the union wants worker-paid health insurance premiums capped at the current rate of $14 per week. He said the company is looking to raise the workers' share by about $20 a week in each year of the contract to $81 per week by 2025. "We shouldn't be paying for it in the first place. This is a multibillion-dollar company," Albano said. "And the raises the company is offering is not going to cover, or barely cover, what your increase is going to be in your health insurance." Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Albano, who is 62, said he probably could stomach the health insurance increase since this likely is his last contract before retirement. But he's willing to strike alongside the younger drivers who almost assuredly will get hit with continuing weekly premium increases in future years if they don't stand up to the company now. Watch Now: Riding Shotgun with NWI Paramedics "No one likes a strike. I don't like a strike. The company doesn't like a strike," Albano said. "But once you give up something, you ain't never gonna get it back from the company." "So I'll be picketing. I don't care if it's raining, thundering, lightning, whatever. A strike is a strike and you have to show up." Albano said the union also has issues with the company's forced overtime for production workers and minimal pay increases for drivers over the past decade, but chose to focus on health insurance because it's the most significant issue for most members. "We didn't want to sit there and ask for five or six or seven different things because you know you're not going to get all that," Albano said. "Realistically, what's going to put the biggest dent in your paycheck weekly? It's going to be the health insurance contribution." A request for comment about the Munster contract negotiations and Teamsters strike from PepsiCo's North America Beverages Media Relations Team was not returned Sunday. Union workers at a plant manufacturing snack food products for Frito-Lay, a PepsiCo subsidiary, went on strike last week over similar issues in Topeka, Kansas. ICYMI: Here are the most-read stories from the past week CHICAGO Federal prosecutors say former Lake County Sheriff John Buncich doesnt deserve a break from his 151-month prison term for public corruption. Acting U.S. Attorney Tina Nommays office responded this weekend to a new appeal by Buncich to release him now because he is remorseful and too ill and elderly at age 75 to commit more crimes. David E. Hollar, an assistant U.S. Attorney, states in a 42-page brief, made public this weekend to the Chicago-based appeals court, that Buncich disgraced his office and deserves his punishment. While an elected law enforcement officer, Buncich corruptly doled out towing assignments in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars in personal gain, Hollar states. Buncich had been a Lake County police officer since 1971. Voters first elected him sheriff in 1994. They re-elected him in 1998. After an eight-year break, they elected him again in 2010 and 2014. Prosecutors said Buncich defrayed the high cost of running for office as the countys top law enforcement officer by shaking down businesses that towed cars for county police. Watch Now: Riding Shotgun with NWI Paramedics Buncich created a handpicked list of around 12 tow companies. Prosecutors said the companies felt compelled to buy annual political fund-raising tickets to maintain a profitable line of work with the sheriffs department. Two firms alone CSA of Lake Station and Samson of Merrillville paid Buncich and his reelection campaign committee a total of $38,000 between 2009 and 2016. Hollar states to the appeals court, there was plenty of evidence that companies had to pay Buncich to maintain their tows and that higher payments led to more tows." A federal grand jury indicted Buncich in 2016. He faced a trial in Hammond the following year. Buncich testified in his own defense and denied receiving bribes from towing firms. He insisted he selected tow operators based on their equipment, response times and insurance. PODCAST: Byline - Analyzing the fate of John Buncich Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Buncich admitted receiving cash from Samson multiple times, but claimed these were all legal campaign contributions that neither bought the company a place on the tow list or kept it there. Buncich acknowledged he did not itemize this cash in his campaign account records, which he chalked up to sloppy work. He proclaimed his innocence, arguing he was an honest citizen who worked 70 hours a week and served admirably in the sheriffs department for over 25 years. A jury heard hours of video and audio recordings made of Buncich and his subordinates boasting they rewarded their friends and punished companies who refused to buy fundraiser tickets. Jurors delivered six guilty verdicts against Buncich after a 14-day jury trial that ended Aug. 24, 2017. WATCH NOW: Riding Shotgun with NWI Cops Patrolling Lowell with Cpl. Aaron Crawford The court held Buncich responsible for bribes that led to $108,650 in profits CSA and Samson gained through more than 2,000 tows they did for county police, and sentenced Buncich to 188 months in prison. Defense attorney Kerry Connor successfully appealed to reduce Buncichs conviction from six to three felony counts. Buncich returned to federal court in Hammond Aug. 5 last year and expressed remorse for his crimes. U.S. District Court Judge James Moody reduced Buncichs sentence to 151 months. Conner is now appealing to reduce the latest sentence on grounds he should only be held accountable for the $38,000 he receives in bribes, not the $108,650 in profits the two companies reaped. Federal prosecutors argue this new appeal should be denied. The appeals court is expected to rule later this year. Buncich is currently scheduled to remain at the federal prison in Springfield, Missouri until 2028. Gallery: Recent arrests booked into Lake County Jail Press Release July 12, 2021 Drilon files reso to commemorate Phl victory at the Hague A legacy of the late PNoy, the Hague ruling is a reminder of Filipinos' courage, Drilon adds Senate Minority Leader Franklin M. Drilon filed a resolution commemorating the fifth anniversary of the Philippine's historic legal victory in the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague which ruled in favor of the Philippines days after the term of the late President Simeon Benigno Aquino III ended in 2016. "The Philippines' victory at the Hague should be a lasting reminder that the Filipino is never cowed or daunted, that false promises of economic largesse and military might will not serve to defeat what is right, and that our claims should be valiantly and relentlessly fought for, to ensure that future generations can benefit from the bounty of what is legally ours," said Drilon in filing Senate Resolution 769. "The monumental arbitral award, promulgated two weeks after the term of President Aquino, was hailed as a victory not just for the Philippines but also for other coastal states," he added. Considered as one of the legacies of the Aquino administration, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) rendered a landmark Award on12 July 2016 in favor of the Republic of the Philippines, rejecting the People's Republic of China's expansive claims to historic, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction over the resources and area covered by its Nine Dash Line that encompasses almost the entirety of the South China Sea and encroaches on the maritime entitlements of other coastal states, including the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and extended continental shelf (ECS) of the Republic of the Philippines, as being incompatible with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the 19 Sea (UNCLOS). Five years after the issuance of the historic award, Drilon lamented that the country has failed to assert and fully leverage the same in bilateral or multilateral talks with China. "Despite the filing of diplomatic protests against China's most recent incursions into Philippine waters, statements have been made downplaying the arbitral award, serving to undermine the international victory which the Philippines has legally and peacefully secured before the PCA," Drilon said. In filing SR 769 on the ruling's fifth anniversary today, Drilon also urged the Philippine government to rally other nations in calling for compliance with the landmark award. "The Philippines should continue to call for adherence to international law, rally other coastal states in calling for compliance with the landmark award by the PCA, and maintain a peaceful and diplomatic assertion of the arbitral award, resolute in our conviction that the rule of law should be upheld and never compromised," the resolution states. The resolution stresses that China expansionist tendencies "have only grown bolder despite the Arbitral Tribunal's clear rejection of its broad claims." It cited as proof of expansionist tendencies, China's passage of its Coast Guard Law in January 2021 which allows the use of lethal force against anyone found in waters over which it claims jurisdiction, its operation of research stations in the Kagitingan and Zamora Reefs, its ongoing reclamation activities within the Philippine EEZ, and the continued harassment of Filipino fishermen by large Chinese vessels, the recent mooring of two hundred forty (240) People's Liberation Army Navy vessels in the Philippine EEZ. The resolution warns that the Philippines risks squandering the gains it has secured at the Hague "absent a coherent foreign policy that insists on the adherence to a rules-based international order." "International law is a mechanism which allows smaller states, despite lack of military prowess, to stand on equal footing with wealthier, more powerful states, which the Philippines has aptly and bravely utilized without having to incite war when it brought China to court in 2013," Drilon emphasized. Press Release July 12, 2021 12 senators seek investigation into troll farms TWELVE senators want an investigation into reports that public funds are oiling the operation of troll farms that spread fake news and misinformation on social media. Senate President Vicente Sotto III, Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto, Minority Leader Franklin Drilon, and Senators Nancy Binay, Leila de Lima, Richard Gordon, Risa Hontiveros, Panfilo Lacson, Emmanuel Pacquiao, Francis Pangilinan, Grace Poe and Joel Villanueva signed Proposed Senate Resolution 768 asking the appropriate committee to conduct an inquiry on the alleged state-backed and state-funded spreaders of fake information that affect millions of Filipinos. "Filipinos should know why government spends public funds on troll farm operators disguised as 'public relations practitioners' and 'social media consultants' who sow fake news rather than on Covid-19 assistance, health care, food security, jobs protection, education, among others," reads the resolution. Pangilinan, who is the most trolled senator now, stressed that misinformation and fake news do harm to the country grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic. "Hindi natin pwedeng hayaang ginagamit ang pera ng taumbayan para manira at mang-harass ng mga taong pumupuna sa gobyerno. Masama ito sa demokrasya, lalo na sa papalapit na halalan sa susunod na taon (We must not let pass the use of taxpayers' money to malign and harass people who are critical to the government. This is dangerous for democracy, especially that elections are upcoming next year)," he said. Earlier, Lacson alleged that "a government undersecretary has been organizing internet troll farms across the country to target political rivals or those not aligned with President Rodrigo Duterte's administration." The Department of Finance also earlier awarded a P909,122 communications strategy consultancy contract to a public relations practitioner who was tagged by Facebook itself as the "operator behind a pro-Duterte fake account network which Facebook took down in March 2019." A social media troll is "someone who creates conflict on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit by posting messages that are particularly controversial or inflammatory with the sole intent of provoking an emotional response from other users," the resolution said. The senators said the allegation should not be dismissed because of the Filipinos' heavy use of social media sites such as Facebook, making them vulnerable to the trolls' fake information. Advertising firms We are Social and Hootsuite, in their 2020 annual report, found that Filipinos spend an average of four hours and 15 minutes each day on social media - topping the world rankings for the sixth straight year. The Philippines is also highest in the world in internet usage with an average of 10 hours and 56 minutes. "Pagsisinungaling ang trolling. Masama ito lalo na dahil sa darating na halalan. Kung mahalal ang bagong presidente at ibang opisyal dahil sa pekeng impormasyon, magkakaroon tayo ng pekeng presidente at opisyal (Trolling is lying. It is evil, especially that we have an upcoming election. If people elect a president and other officials because of the fake information spread by paid trolls, then similarly we will have a fake president and fake officials)," Pangilinan said. "Dapat mag-invest sa totoong farms ng mga gulay at prutas, hindi sa troll farms (Invest in real farms of vegetables and fruits, not troll farms)," he added. Crain, a senior at Hernando High School, will represent DeSoto County during the competition in Meridian, MS, later this month. She will be one of 29 Mississippi high school seniors competing for more than $28,900 in college scholarships on Thursday, July 22. Omans ruler Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al Said landed Sunday in Saudi Arabia for his first trip abroad since ascending to the throne last year, as both countries beef up their economic ties. The Omani ruler held talks with King Salman in the city of Noam, a futuristic desert city planned along the kingdoms Red Sea coast. Both leaders oversaw the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on establishing the Saudi-Omani Coordination Council. The visit comes within the framework of strengthening the historical and fraternal relations between the leaderships of the two countries, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said. It also aims to expand the prospects of joint cooperation and ways to develop them in various fields for the interest and steady progress of the peoples of the two countries. The two countries, the agency notes, are poised to strengthen the deep historical bonds between the two countries, and to explore new areas of cooperation particularly in the fields of trade, infrastructure and development. Trade volume between the two allies, according to Saudi authorities, amounted to about SR10.6 billion ($2.8 billion) in 2019, compared to SR9.37 billion in 2018. The number of Saudi companies, institutions and individuals investing in Oman had reached 1,235, and the number of Omani companies in the Kingdom reached 320 by the end of the second quarter of the year, the kingdom has also indicated. The two countries also look to integrate their respective visions, 2030 (Saudi Arabia) and 2040 (Oman), to create several promising investment opportunities in a number of sectors. Sultan Haitham rose to power last year after the death of the long-ruling Sultan Qaboos bin Saeed. Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian's Regular Press Conference on July 12, 2021 2021/07/12 CCTV: On July 12 Beijing time, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken released a press statement on the fifth anniversary of the so-called arbitral tribunal ruling on the South China Sea. He claims that the rules-based maritime order is under great threat in the South China Sea and accuses China of continuing to "coerce and intimidate Southeast Asian coastal states", threatening freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. He said that the arbitral tribunal delivered a decision firmly rejecting China's expansive South China Sea maritime claims as having no basis in international law, adding that China and the Philippines, "pursuant to their treaty obligations under the Law of the Sea Convention, are legally bound to comply with this decision". He also reaffirms that an armed attack on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the South China Sea would invoke US mutual defense commitments under the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. He calls on China to abide by its obligations under international law, cease provocative behavior, and take steps to reassure the international community that it is committed to the rules-based maritime order. Does China have any comment on this? Zhao Lijian: The US statement disregards the historical merits and objective facts of the South China Sea issue, violates and distorts international law, and breaks the US government's long-held public commitment of not taking a position on the South China Sea sovereignty issue. It deliberately stokes disputes on territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, sows discord among regional countries and undermines regional peace and stability. This is extremely irresponsible. China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to the wrong act by the US side. I want to stress the following points: First, China's sovereignty, rights and interests in the South China Sea have been formed in the course of a long history. They are supported by abundant historical and legal basis and upheld by the Chinese government all along. No country raised any objection to this position until the 1970s. The US accusation that our maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea have no basis in international law totally runs counter to facts. Second, the South China Sea arbitration violated the principle of state consent and the arbitral tribunal exercised its jurisdiction ultra vires and rendered an award in disregard of law. The arbitration has major fallacies in fact-finding and application of law and violates UNCLOS and international law. The award of the arbitration is illegal, null and void. It is nothing more than a piece of waste paper. China does not accept or participate in the arbitration, nor does it accept or recognize the award. China's sovereignty and rights and interests over the South China Sea are not affected at all by the arbitration and China does not accept any claim or act based on it. Anyone with a discerning eye can easily see that the arbitration is a political farce which is initiated and manipulated by the US to smear and suppress China. The political agenda of the US to hype up the South China Sea issue by taking advantage of the 5th anniversary of the illegal award can't be more obvious. Third, China always advocates friendly negotiations and consultations to settle the South China Sea issue, treats our South China Sea neighbors as equals and exercises maximum restraint when safeguarding our sovereignty, rights and interests in the South China Sea. On the opposite, the US willfully sends large-scale advanced vessels and aircraft to the South China Sea for military reconnaissance and drills and illegally intruded into China's territorial waters and space and water and air space adjacent to islands and reefs. Since the beginning of this year, the US side has conducted close-in reconnaissance for nearly 2,000 times and over 20 large-scale military drills on the sea targeting China. What's more, the US abuses bilateral military agreements that smack of the Cold War to threaten to use force on China. This exposes its power politics logic and hegemonic practices. It is self-evident who is seeking coercion and intimidation and threatening freedom and security of navigation. Fourth, China firmly upholds and practices international rule of law. As an original contracting party of UNCLOS, China always correctly understands and earnestly implements the Convention, and uphold its authority and integrity with concrete actions. The US poses as a defender of international law and keeps referring to the Convention and making an issue out of it. Why doesn't it accede to the Convention first? It claims to uphold "rules-based international order", but refuses to execute the judgement and advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice and the resolution of the UN General Assembly. It is selective in applying international law and international order. The world's people see clearly the US' pragmatism, egoism and double standards. Fifth, the South China Sea is one of the busiest sea lanes in the world and the lifeline of China's maritime trade. Some 30% of global trade in goods and each year about 100,000 merchant vessels transit through the South China Sea. With the joint efforts of countries in the region including China, passage through the South China sea has been smooth and safe for a period of time, and not a single vessel has ever reported that its navigation is hindered or safety threatened in the South China Sea. The US allegation of "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea threatened is simply untenable. Sixth, the South China Sea is the shared home for the countries in the region. It should not be a hunting field for the US to seek geopolitical self-interests. China and countries concerned have effectively managed differences through dialogue and consultation and continuously promoted practical cooperation. China and ASEAN countries fully and effectively implement the DOC and actively promote consultations on the "Code of Conduct in the South China Sea" with major progress. The US and other countries outside the region should respect the regional countries' efforts in maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea. China urges the US to stop abusing international law, stop the use of force or the threat of force and stop making provocations in the South China Sea. It should abide by international law underpinned by the UN Charter, and respect China's sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea instead of going further down the wrong path. China will continue to firmly defend its sovereignty, rights, interests and security in accordance with law, firmly protect the friendly, cooperative relations with regional countries, and firmly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea. Xinhua News Agency: As COVID-19 continues to spread across the world, especially as the emergence of variants made prevention and containment more difficult, the WHO has repeatedly called on all countries to accelerate vaccine rollout to curb the large-scale transmission of the virus. Can you offer more details on how many doses China has provided outside the country? How have Chinese vaccines helped with the global response, especially in developing countries? Zhao Lijian: China has been actively implementing President Xi Jinping's pledge of making vaccines a global public good and upholding the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind to provide vaccines abroad in an open and inclusive manner. To date, we have provided more than 500 million doses and concentrates to over 100 countries and international organizations, one sixth of the total global output. Doses produced by Chinese companies for the WHO-led COVAX has rolled off the assembly line and will be delivered soon. In providing vaccines overseas, China always coordinates needs at home and abroad, and overcomes difficulties to actively respond to countries' requests for vaccine cooperation and launch cooperation with them. China has provided more doses to developing countries than anyone else and has vaccine cooperation partners all over the globe. President Xi Jinping said at the Global Health Summit that "China supports its vaccine companies in transferring technologies to other developing countries and carrying out joint production with them". With the support of the Chinese government, Chinese vaccine companies have started joint production in many countries including the UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Pakistan and Mexico, with producing capacity exceeding 200 million doses. Political leaders of many countries have spoken highly of the important contribution Chinese vaccines have made to their local fight. Foreign nationals who have received the Chinese jabs have also voted in favor of the vaccines. As the pandemic continues to ebb and flow, the situation remains a grave challenge. China stands ready to work together in solidarity with all countries to contribute to an early full victory over the virus! AFP: The tech companies Foxconn and TSMC are buying 5 million Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine doses each from China's Fosun Pharma. This comes after Taiwan had trouble in securing a direct deal with Fosun. What's the foreign ministry's view on this arrangement? Zhao Lijian: This is not a question concerning foreign affairs. I would like to refer you to the competent authorities and relevant companies. I want to stress that we truly care about the welfare of our Taiwan compatriots and hope they can have early access to the direly-needed vaccine. China Daily: On the sidelines of the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council, China, Belarus, Russia and Venezuela jointly hosted a video session with the theme of "Human rights in the West: lack of international control and response to violations of human rights", which revealed the human rights problems of western countries and the hypocritical nature of their human rights policies. Could you elaborate on China's position? Zhao Lijian: Some Western countries like the US have been plagued by serious human rights problems such as racial discrimination, forced labor and gun violence, and committed crimes including genocide of indigenous communities, illegal military intervention and indiscriminate killing of civilians in other countries. Oddly, these countries, instead of conscientiously reflecting on and redressing their own problems, have been in the habit of lecturing others as if they were "defenders" of human rights, and even fabricating lies and rumors to vilify others. Facts have proved time and again that human rights is the last thing on their mind, and their real intention is to meddle in others' domestic affairs. The most important issue that consumers need to realize with drug ads is that they are just that - advertisements. Human rights are not the "patent" of some individual country, still less can they be defined only by Western ideology and values. The key to measuring the human rights cause of a country is whether its people are satisfied. Those Western countries have serious racial and human rights problems, and committed crimes in history. I wonder what gives them the confidence to boss others around and tell them off. They should forsake their hypocritical double standard and political manipulation, and get their house in order first. NHK: General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages yesterday with Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) of the DPRK on the 60th anniversary of the signing of the China-DPRK Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. This year marks the time for extension of the treaty every 20 years. Can you confirm whether China has already extended the treaty with the DPRK side? Zhao Lijian: What I want to tell you is that, according the stipulations of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the PRC and the DPRK, it remains in force unless agreement is reached on its amendment or termination. The Paper: The permanent missions of Canada and Australia in Geneva recently held a video conference with the theme of strengthening international cooperation to oppose the use of arbitrary detention in state-to-state relations, saying that arbitrary detention aimed at coercing other countries is unacceptable. Do you have a comment? Zhao Lijian: Speaking of arbitrary detention, the Meng Wanzhou incident is a textbook case in point. By detaining Ms. Meng, a Chinese citizen who hasn't violated any Canadian law, Canada is acting openly as an accomplice as the US works to suppress Huawei and other Chinese hi-tech companies. This is exactly arbitrary detention aimed at coercing other countries. The HSBC internal documents submitted recently by Ms. Meng to the Canadian court once again prove that the so-called fraud charges by the US against her is purely groundless fabrication out of thin air. This further exposed the nature of this incident, which is political persecution. This is not the time for empty slogans. Canada should clearly see its mistake, end the arbitrary detention of the Chinese national immediately and allow Ms. Meng to return to China safe and sound at an early date. CNR: On July 10, Ethiopia's National Election Board announced the results of the parliamentary election held on June 21. The incumbent prime minister's Prosperity Party has won a majority in the federal parliament, putting it in a position to form cabinet. Do you have any comment? Zhao Lijian: China congratulates Ethiopia on its successful parliamentary election. Ethiopia is China's important strategic cooperative partner in Africa and a key participant in China-Africa cooperation under the BRI. China-Ethiopia cooperation, leading China-Africa cooperation, has delivered fruitful outcomes. With the concerted efforts from both sides, we believe our bilateral cooperation will surely achieve new progress and deliver more benefits to our peoples. Global Times: According to reports, the US tops the latest Bloomberg's COVID Resilience Ranking while China takes the No. 8 slot. Do you have any response? Zhao Lijian: Over the past few days, several of my colleagues and friends have asked me whether the Bloomberg report was misprinted. They also asked how the authoritative Bloomberg could have produced such a childish stunt. I see reports saying that in this so-called "Covid Resilience Ranking", in order to put the US at the top, Bloomberg even didn't scruple to remove such indicators as the number of confirmed cases and death toll, the most crucial factors in previous ranking. It also considered lockdown and entry and exit quarantine management policy as negative factors, which shows no respect for facts, science or life. As we Chinese often say, people have their own judgment and are sharp-eyed. The so-called ranking makes black look white, and white look black, and perhaps it will call the dead alive. They will only be shrugged off by people around the world and offer something for small talk. AFP: China's Olympic sail boat team has complained that they were put in the same hotel as regular tourists in Tokyo, exposing them to a higher risk of COVID-19 infection. Is China concerned about the precautions being taken by the Japanese Olympic authorities? Zhao Lijian: I'm not aware of that. We hope Japan will host a successful Olympic Games. We hope and trust that the Japanese side can make proper epidemic arrangement for all delegations including Chinese athletes. China News Service: The 47th Session of the Human Rights Council deliberated on the Third Cycle of Universal Periodic Review on the human rights conditions in Australia. The representative of China criticized human rights problems in Australia. Russia, Syria and the UN Refugee Agency also expressed their concerns. Australian media commented that "the strongest public criticism came from China". What is your take on that? Zhao Lijian: China's criticism is the strongest because there is solid evidence for Australia's numerous human rights violations. The systemic discrimination and hate crimes targeting African Australians, Asian Australians and other minorities as well as Muslims and Indigenous people are very serious in Australia. Historically, Australia committed genocide and forced labor against the Indigenous people, which led to massacre and enslavement. The Indigenous population ranged from 750,000 to one million before colonization. But it fell to 74,000 in the 1930s. The Indigenous people were deprived cruelly of their languages and cultural rights. From 1910 to 1970, the Australian government adopted the White Australia policy and assimilation policy. It established English residential schools where the Indigenous students were forced to go so that they were separated from their families and their groups. In the schools, the students were banned from speaking their Indigenous languages, which brought 110 out of the 300-plus languages to the verge of extinction. Australia forced the adoption of nearly 100,000 Indigenous children in white families or specialized institutions to cut their language and cultural ties with their original groups, making them a "stolen generation". Even till this day, the Indigenous Australians are living in dire situations. From 2018, the average unemployment rate of the Indigenous people is around 20%, nearly four times that of the national average. The average life expectancy of Indigenous Australians is 7.8 to 8.6 years shorter than that of non-Indigenous people. The infant and child mortality rate is twice that of other groups. By March 2020, Indigenous people account for nearly 30% of the incarcerated in Australia, far higher than the proportion of Indigenous population. In addition, Australia set up off-shore detention centers in third countries, where a large number of immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers are forcibly detained for a long time or indefinitely with their basic human rights gravely violated. Australian troops committed serious war crimes in their overseas military operations in Afghanistan and other places. But they get away unpunished. While turning a blind eye to its own human rights abuses, Australia points fingers at other countries' human rights conditions based on lies and rumors. This fully exposes Australia's hypocrisy on human rights issues. The Australian side should stop attacking and smearing other countries under the human rights pretext, do some soul-searching and resolve its own human rights issues well. Karen, who has lived with type 1 diabetes for three years, explains how she is only just starting to properly manage her daily self-care, and how it interrupts her various daily routines. There are so many unpredictable issues surrounding self-management, and learning never stops, she says, while she accentuates all her doubts about self-care: What will happen, if I eat an apple instead of my usual cooked oatmeal when I bike to work? And, what if I take the car instead of the bike? What will happen to my blood sugar levels? And, if I have a flu or an infection, how will it then affect it? And then the carbohydrate counting, and the needles and all the stuff I have to carry around at all times! Karen considers herself a new beginner with the disease, which is why she has become an active member of five Danish communities on Facebook targeting type 1 diabetes in relation to food, exercise and specific self-care technologies. Karen has never been a keen user of any social media platform. She loves the fact that she can turn off her smartphone when she does not want to be disturbed. Upon diagnosis, at the age of 53 years, she found out about various communities on Facebook where she could learn more about the disease. Now she scrolls through them several times a day at her own pace in an effort to learn all she can about the disease and especially how she might prevent too many low blood sugar levels during and after exercise. She has just started working out again having been advised to do so by peers within an online community covering type 1 diabetes and exercise. Through uploaded photos in the Facebook community, Karen received a kind of embodied patient knowledge on how to attach a glucose monitor in a different way than she was initially taught to do at the clinic. The continuous glucose monitor stays attached to her body with a special type of adhesive, connecting to her insulin pump through a Bluetooth signal. Thanks to this new technique of attachment, the monitor stays attached to her body without either falling off or losing its signal to her insulin pump machine, problems which had previously caused her a lot of frustration as she felt insecure about the pace of changes to her blood sugar level during exercise. This type of tinkering with the technology at hand has been attended to by scholars examining how patients and healthcare professionals piece together various logics of care, all the while building forms of experimental knowledge (Pols 2013, Kingod 2020). In the last decade or so, we have seen the emergence of a critical mass of social science and humanities scholars who have researched the multiple and diverse ways in which especially chronically ill patients, healthcare practitioners and software developers engage with the internet, social media, smartphone technologies, apps and electronic health records (Kingod et al. 2017). Researchers have been concerned with questions related to patients practices, health itineraries, purposes, motivations, expectations and ways of mobilizing digitalized devices. Although new apps continually surface in a sea of social media providing patients with ever more opportunities to interact with and surf through concerns of chronic living, Facebook is still the preferred social media platform in Denmark for connecting in disease-specific groups and communities. For my PhD dissertation, I carried out online-offline fieldwork among people living with type 1 diabetes in Denmark focusing on their use of social media for sharing of knowledge on how to live with the disease in daily life. Through online and offline ethnography, I explored the boundaries of digital engagement for todays connected patients. Fieldwork took place in various parts of Denmark, where I peeked over the shoulders of my informants while they managed technologies such as smartphones, tablets and computers, while also handling complex digitalized self-care technologies that linked them into an online sea of embodied patient knowledge. I followed the people I met into various contexts of daily life to understand how social media has become a vital part of living with illness. The times where patients sat behind their computer screens as isolated individuals googling health information have been replaced by opportunities to engage and interact across space and time. Online support has become available worldwide at any time with smartphone technologies and downloaded social media apps, easily reachable by a grab in the pocket just one click away. M-patient knowledge In Denmark about 32,000 people are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which accounts for an estimated 10% of the overall diabetes population (both type 1 and type 2). Type 1 diabetes has long been recognized as a juvenile chronic illness; however, incidence has increased among adults. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic autoimmune illness diagnosed by high concentrations of glucose in the blood that result from autoimmune-mediated destruction of beta cells in the pancreas, which then fail to produce insulin. Daily insulin injections are necessary for people with type 1 diabetes to avoid the ketoacidosis produced when the body cannot metabolize sugar and must burn fat for energy. Without correct treatment it is a threat to health over time. At the same time, self-management is a 24/7 endeavor with many self-care practices resembling the work of a nurse, such as changing vials of insulin that go into the insulin pump, checking blood sugar levels by puncturing a fingertip with a small needle and interpreting the resulting number returned by a blood glucose measurement device, not to forget the counting of carbohydrates for every meal. The kind of peer-to-peer knowledge that is shared and re-circulated within communities on Facebook can be thought of as what Pols (2014) has called patient knowledge, a kind of embodied knowledge of how to live with the disease. It is a form of knowledge that Karen and her peers cannot receive when attending their quarterly outpatient check-ups at the diabetes clinic. I learn about my numbers at the clinic, Karen says, but how to live with the disease in daily life, I learn from peers on Facebook. This is why she reaches out to peers via social media while also lurking within several supplementary Facebook communities for adults with type 1 diabetes. She looks for advice and tips that could ease everyday life and make self-management more doable. Karen has no sense of how much she actually uses Facebook, and she laughs when I ask her about what time during the day, she usually presses the button on her app on the smartphone that would link her into Facebook. I even try to make her plot in the time spent on a very simple drawing of a timeline representing the 24 hours of a day. I feel a bit like having asked the stupidest question when Karen draws a large circle around the whole timeline. Karen reflects out loud: This is not easy. I use it a lot. Like when I take the bus to work, when I have a break at work, definitely when I have lunch, sometimes before, during, after exercise, and many many times at night when I again wake up drenched in sweat and feeling really weak, dragging myself to the fridge to drink a liter of orange juice. Then I sit there on the floor, with too much juice on my shirt because my body is trembling, and I start reaching for the chocolate bar in the drawer. At those times where I feel terrible about the disease controlling me and totally lost in all my binge eating, I reach out to supportive fellows. Just a thumbs up, a smiley or a nice I know how you feel message can make me feel good again. Social media platforms became popular in the 2000s and Facebook is still the largest social media platform worldwide. Since Facebook launched its community pages function in 2010, disease-specific groups have turned into larger interactive communities. With smartphone technologies and a downloaded Facebook app, peer support has become reachable by one click on the smartphone screen. Facebook operates with fluid borders and Karen can both become a member of open larger communities, smaller closed groups as well as more intimate secret groups. In a very large American community, she reads a lot about how to avoid low blood sugar levels during exercise, while in the smaller Danish closed communities on type 1 diabetes she learns how to apply for assistive devices such as glucose sensors from the municipality. She recently became a member of a closed community for about 15 Danish women with type 1 diabetes where she learns about gender specific challenges such as how hormonal levels affect blood sugar levels. Social media platforms have not only become a popular space for social interaction, but also for learning more about how to live with a chronic disease and a valuable tool for gathering embodied knowledge between quarterly check-ups at the clinic. Facebook has become a facilitator of the many therapeutic itineraries that people with type 1 diabetes follow to live a better life with the disease. Many people are already on Facebook with personal profiles that easily links them into the various communities of support. Although several researchers have attended to the pitfalls and downsides of Facebook as a space filled with fake news, deep fakes and health misunderstandings, Karen is neither bothered by the big brother effect or that she has to sort through a huge amount of information to reach the right kinds of advice for her. She acknowledges that Facebook contains a lot of noise, but as she notes, she can always withdraw her membership status, close the app or even remove it if it becomes too much (Kingod & Cleal 2019). Natasja Kingod is a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen. She received her PhD in Anthropology from the University of Copenhagen. Chronic living: ethnographic explorations of daily lives swayed by (multiple) medical conditions is a series being published alongside the Chronic Living conference, as part of the VITAL project. The series is edited by Ayo Wahlberg, Jieun Lee, Anna Mann, Arseli Dokumaci, Natasja Kingod, Marie Kofod Svensson and Laura Heinsen. References Kingod, N., Cleal, B., Wahlberg, A., & Husted, G. R. (2017). Online peer-to-peer communities in the daily lives of people with chronic illness: a qualitative systematic review. Qualitative health research, 27(1), 89-99. Kingod, N., & Cleal, B. (2019). Noise as dysappearance: attuning to a life with type 1 diabetes. Body & Society, 25(4), 55-75. Kingod, N. (2020). The Tinkering M-Patient: co-constructing knowledge on how to live with type 1 diabetes through Facebook searching and sharing and offline tinkering with self-care. Health: (London. 24 (2). Pols, J. (2013). The Patient 2. Many: About Diseases that Remain and the Different Forms of Knowledge to Live with Them. Science & Technology Studies, 26(2): 80-97. Pols, J. (2014). Knowing patients: turning patient knowledge into science. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 39(1), 73-97. Share this: Share Email Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr LinkedIn [view academic citations] [hide academic citations] Today: Payloads - Expedite the Processing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS) Rack 4 (ER4) International Subrack Interface Standard (ISIS) Drawer Check: Following an Iceberg-1 noise reported by the crew in early July, the issue was determined to be caused by a loose ISIS drawer lid in the location just below the Iceberg-1 unit. The crew attempted multiple troubleshooting steps, but the noise persisted. Ground teams then commanded ER4 to idle mode to reduce the nuisance noise and Iceberg is considered to be performing nominally. Iceberg is a double locker equivalent designed for EXPRESS rack operation and provides additional cold stowage resources aboard the ISS. The units provide an operating range of +4C to -95C. Iceberg is similar to the Glacier and Polar units currently in use but provides additional volume to help reduce the number of EXPRESS rack locations needed. Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Ellipsoids (InSPACE-4): The crew distributed particles within the sample vial and initiated four experiment runs. The particle distribution is being performed by an alternate method where only a fraction of the particles are dragged to the area of interest with the magnet. InSPACE-4 studies the assembly of tiny structures from colloids using magnetic fields. These structures change the properties of the assembled material, such as its mechanical response to or interaction with light and heat. Microgravity allows observation of these assembly processes free of confining sample walls and sedimentation and during timescales not possible using simulated microgravity. Results could provide insight into how to harness nanoparticles to fabricate and manufacture new materials. Plant Habitat-04: In preparation for the start of the science run next week, the crew prepared the water refill bag and water reservoir for science operations. Microgravity Growth of New Mexico Hatch Green Chile as a Technical Display of Advanced Plant Habitat's Capabilities (Plant Habitat-04) demonstrates using the Advanced Plant Habitat (APH) by growing peppers in space for the first time. An excellent source of Vitamin C, peppers are more difficult to cultivate than many possible space crops because they take longer to germinate, grow, and develop fruit. The investigation includes microbial analysis to improve understanding of plant-microbe interactions in space and assessment of flavor and texture, which vary based on the growth environment and care such as amount of watering. Systems Articulating Portable Foot Restraint (APFR) Pitch Knob Troubleshooting: The crew completed troubleshooting to determine if side loading is a contributing factor to the difficulty crew had adjusting the pitch knob of APFR S/N 1005 during recent Extravehicular Activities (EVAs). This APFR was retrieved and brought back inside of ISS during United States On-orbit Segment (USOS) EVA #76, the ISS Roll-Out Solar Array (IROSA) 4B Install EVA. APFRs are commonly used during EVAs in order to restrain an EV crew member's feet at a work site. Max Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilization (CEVIS): The crew completed a Max CEVIS session today which is used by the medical community to evaluate astronauts' aerobic fitness. The test is performed every 90 days or upon the crew's arrival and departure from the ISS. Crew Dragon On-Board Training (OBT): The crew completed a Crew Dragon deorbit, entry, and landing contingencies OBT. The crew routinely completes emergency OBTs in order to maintain their proficiency in the event of an ISS or crewed vehicle contingency. Completed Task List Activities: WHC Contingency Gather Today's Ground Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. CMG Maneuver to -XVV Yaw Bias Attitude Recycle Tank Drain Support BCC to Checkout Mode Look Ahead Plan Saturday, July 10 (GMT 191) Payloads: Crew Off-Duty Systems: Crew Off-Duty Sunday, July 11 (GMT 192) Payloads: Crew Off-Duty Systems: Crew Off-Duty Monday, July 12 (GMT 193) Payloads: CIR Manifold Bottle Exchange EarthKAM Session Start HRF1 Supply/Resupply InSPACE-4 J-FROST Icepack Install JAXA MDR HD Replace LSG Plant Habitat-04 SABL1 CO2 Controller Remove Sidekick Charge Time Perception Systems: CDRA Equipment Gather & Procedure Review Emergency Mask OBT CASA Acoustics Test Today's Planned Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. Microgravity Science Glovebox Activation EVA Wanted Poster Umbilical Interface Assembly (UIA) Biocide Filter Plant Habitat-04 Water Fill Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain INSPACE-4 Experiment Run Ops Payload Laptop Terminal 3 64bit windows update preparation Countermeasures System (CMS) Orthostatic Intolerance Garment (OIG) Fit Check Payload Laptop Terminal 3 32bit windows update preparation Station Support Computer (SSC) System Vent Cleaning Vacuum Cleaner Audit and Inspection EVA APFR Pitch Knob Troubleshooting SpX-CREW DRAGON Deorbit Entry and Landing Contingencies Refresher CMS Max CEVIS SpX-CREW DRAGON Free Flight Contingencies and Emergencies Refresher Polar Desiccant Swap Sidekick Troubleshooting & Checkout ER4 ISIS Drawer Inspection Glacier Desiccant Swap Iceberg Desiccant Swap Food Physiology MELFI Sample Transfer Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. This evenly layered rock photographed by the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover shows a pattern typical of a lake-floor sedimentary deposit not far from where flowing water entered a lake. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS A new paper enriches scientists' understanding of where the rock record preserved or destroyed evidence of Mars' past and possible signs of ancient life. Today, Mars is a planet of extremes - it's bitterly cold, has high radiation, and is bone-dry. But billions of years ago, Mars was home to lake systems that could have sustained microbial life. As the planet's climate changed, one such lake - in Mars' Gale Crater - slowly dried out. Scientists have new evidence that supersalty water, or brines, seeped deep through the cracks, between grains of soil in the parched lake bottom and altered the clay mineral-rich layers beneath. The findings published in the July 9 edition of the journal Science and led by the team in charge of the Chemistry and Mineralogy, or CheMin, instrument - aboard NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover - help add to the understanding of where the rock record preserved or destroyed evidence of Mars' past and possible signs of ancient life. "We used to think that once these layers of clay minerals formed at the bottom of the lake in Gale Crater, they stayed that way, preserving the moment in time they formed for billions of years," said Tom Bristow, CheMin principal investigator and lead author of the paper at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley. "But later brines broke down these clay minerals in some places - essentially resetting the rock record." Mars: It Goes on Your Permanent Record Mars has a treasure trove of incredibly ancient rocks and minerals compared with Earth. And with Gale Crater's undisturbed layers of rocks, scientists knew it would be an excellent site to search for evidence of the planet's history, and possibly life. Using CheMin, scientists compared samples taken from two areas about a quarter-mile apart from a layer of mudstone deposited billions of years ago at the bottom of the lake at Gale Crater. Surprisingly, in one area, about half the clay minerals they expected to find were missing. Instead, they found mudstones rich with iron oxides - minerals that give Mars its characteristic rusty red color. Scientists knew the mudstones sampled were about the same age and started out the same - loaded with clays - in both areas studied. So why then, as Curiosity explored the sedimentary clay deposits along Gale Crater, did patches of clay minerals - and the evidence they preserve - "disappear"? Clays Hold Clues Minerals are like a time capsule; they provide a record of what the environment was like at the time they formed. Clay minerals have water in their structure and are evidence that the soils and rocks that contain them came into contact with water at some point. "Since the minerals we find on Mars also form in some locations on Earth, we can use what we know about how they form on Earth to tell us about how salty or acidic the waters on ancient Mars were," said Liz Rampe, CheMin deputy principal investigator and co-author at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. Previous work revealed that while Gale Crater's lakes were present and even after they dried out, groundwater moved below the surface, dissolving and transporting chemicals. After they were deposited and buried, some mudstone pockets experienced different conditions and processes due to interactions with these waters that changed the mineralogy. This process, known as "diagenesis," often complicates or erases the soil's previous history and writes a new one. Diagenesis creates an underground environment that can support microbial life. In fact, some very unique habitats on Earth - in which microbes thrive - are known as "deep biospheres." "These are excellent places to look for evidence of ancient life and gauge habitability," said John Grotzinger, CheMin co-investigator and co-author at the California Institute of Technology, or Caltech, in Pasadena, California. "Even though diagenesis may erase the signs of life in the original lake, it creates the chemical gradients necessary to support subsurface life, so we are really excited to have discovered this." By comparing the details of minerals from both samples, the team concluded that briny water filtering down through overlying sediment layers was responsible for the changes. Unlike the relatively freshwater lake present when the mudstones formed, the salty water is suspected to have come from later lakes that existed within an overall drier environment. Scientists believe these results offer further evidence of the impacts of Mars' climate change billions of years ago. They also provide more detailed information that is then used to guide the Curiosity rover's investigations into the history of the Red Planet. This information also will be utilized by NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover team as they evaluate and select rock samples for eventual return to Earth. "We've learned something very important: There are some parts of the Martian rock record that aren't so good at preserving evidence of the planet's past and possible life," said Ashwin Vasavada, Curiosity project scientist and co-author at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. "The fortunate thing is we find both close together in Gale Crater, and can use mineralogy to tell which is which." Curiosity is in the initial phase of investigating the transition to a "sulfate-bearing unit," or rocks thought to have formed while Mars' climate dried out. The mission is managed by JPL, a division of Caltech, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Colleagues in NASA's Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Division at Johnson and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, also are authors on the paper, as well as other institutions working on Curiosity. Astrobiology Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. It has been a week of heightened apprehension on the Mars Helicopter team as we prepared a major flight challenge for Ingenuity. We uplinked instructions for the flight, which occurred Monday, July 5 at 2:03 am PT, and waited nervously for results to arrive from Mars later that morning. The mood in the ground control room was jubilant when we learned that Ingenuity was alive and well after completing a journey spanning 2,051 feet (625 meters) of challenging terrain. Flight 9 was not like the flights that came before it. It broke our records for flight duration and cruise speed, and it nearly quadrupled the distance flown between two airfields. But what really set the flight apart was the terrain that Ingenuity had to negotiate during its 2 minutes and 46 seconds in the air - an area called "Seitah" that would be difficult to traverse with a ground vehicle like the Perseverance rover. This flight was also explicitly designed to have science value by providing the first close view of major science targets that the rover will not reach for quite some time. Flying with our eyes open In each of its previous flights, Ingenuity hopped from one airfield to another over largely flat terrain. In planning the flights, we even took care to avoid overflying a crater. We began by dipping into what looks like a heavily eroded crater, then continued to descend over sloped and undulating terrain before climbing again to emerge on a flat plain to the southwest. It may seem strange that the details of the terrain would matter as much as they do for a vehicle that travels through the air. The reason has to do with Ingenuity's navigation system and what it was originally designed for: a brief technology demonstration at a carefully chosen experimental test site. When we as human beings look at moving images of the ground, such as those taken by Ingenuity's navigation camera, we instantly have a pretty good understanding of what we're looking at. We see rocks and ripples, shadows and texture, and the ups and downs of the terrain are relatively obvious. Ingenuity, however, doesn't have human perception and understanding of what it's looking at. It sees the world in terms of individual, anonymous features - essentially dots that move around with time - and it tries to interpret the movement of those dots. To make that job easier, we gave Ingenuity's navigation algorithm some help: We told it that those features are all located on flat ground. That freed the algorithm from trying to work out variations in terrain height, and enabled it to concentrate on interpreting the movement of the features by the helicopter's movements alone. But complications arise if we then try to fly over terrain that isn't really flat. Differences in terrain height will cause features to move across the field of view at different rates, and Ingenuity's navigation algorithm still "assumes" the ground below is flat. It does its best to explain the movement of the features by changes in the helicopter's movements, which can lead to errors. Most significantly, it can result in errors in the estimated heading, which will cause the helicopter to fly in a different direction than intended. Getting ready for a bumpy flight The assumption about the ground being flat is baked into the design of the algorithm, and there is nothing we can do about that when planning the flights. What we can do is to anticipate the issues that will arise due to this assumption and to mitigate them to the greatest possible extent in terms of how we plan the flights and the parameters we give the software. We use simulation tools that allow us to study the likely outcome of the flight in detail prior to carrying it out. For Flight 9, a key adaptation of the flight plan was to reduce our speed at the crucial point when we dipped into the crater. Although it came at the cost of extending the flight time, it helped mitigate early heading errors that could grow into a large cross-track position error. We also adjusted some of the detailed parameters of the navigation algorithm that we have not had to touch so far in prior flights. And we carved out a much larger airfield than in prior flights, with a radius of 164 feet (50 meters). We ended up landing approximately 154 feet (47 meters) away from the center of that airfield. In the week ahead, Ingenuity will send back color images that Perseverance's scientists are looking forward to studying. Captured in those images are rock outcrops that show contacts between the major geologic units on Jezero Crater's floor. They also include a system of fractures the Perseverance team calls "Raised Ridges," which the rover's scientists hope to visit in part to investigate whether an ancient subsurface habitat might be preserved there. Finally, we're hoping the color images will provide the closest look yet at "Pilot Pinnacle," a location featuring outcrops that some team members think may record some of the deepest water environments in old Lake Jezero. Given the tight mission schedule, it's possible that they will not be able to visit these rocks with the rover, so Ingenuity may offer the only opportunity to study these deposits in any detail. Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. Minister that Filed Federal Lawsuit Against Speaker Pelosi and Vice-President Harris Over Prohibiting Free Speech at the U.S. Capitol Will Conduct Public Prayer and Demonstration on the Capitol Grounds on Tuesday, July 13 NEWS PROVIDED BY Christian Defense Coalition July 12, 2021 WASHINGTON, July 12, 2021 /Standard Newswire/ -- Rev. Patrick Mahoney will be holding the first public demonstration and prayer vigil at the Capitol since the January 6th insurrection. Mahoney will be gathering on the corner of East Capitol and 1st Street NE at 11:00 a.m., on Tuesday, July 13 and then walk over to the Capitol grounds. Rev. Mahoney will carry the event virtually through Facebook Live. Here is a news link regarding Rev. Mahoney's federal lawsuit against the Speaker and Vice President: https://www.foxnews.com/faith-values/christian-minister-sues-pelosi-harris-capitol-prayer-vigil In a Sunday email sent to the U.S. Capitol Police, Rev. Mahoney said; "Although the fence is down, I want to make sure First Amendment activities are allowed back at the Capitol since the grounds are now open to all. I plan on doing a demonstration at the Capitol on Tuesday morning. It will be very small, perhaps just me with a sign, as I want to be very understanding of any new protocols that are being put into place. However, it would be clearly unconstitutional to open the Capitol grounds to tourists, visitors and Capitol Hill residents while prohibiting my peaceful First Amendment activities there." Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Washington, D.C. based Christian Defense Coalition states; "While we are thankful the fence was removed from the U.S. Capitol this weekend, it is both troubling and tragic that it took 6 months to return the 'People's House' back to the people. "For 6 months, I was consistently prohibited from holding peaceful First Amendment activities at the U.S. Capitol. This included things such as: a Good Friday Service, a National Day of Prayer gathering and a 4th of July celebration as we prayed for America's freedoms. "Although the fence is down, I want to make sure First Amendment activities are allowed back at the Capitol since the grounds are now open to all. It is critical for public free speech and prayer to once again be welcomed, celebrated and honored at the United States Capitol." For more information or interviews please call: Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741 SOURCE Christian Defense Coalition CONTACT: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741 Investcorp, a leading global provider and manager of alternative investment products, has announced that Urs Rohner has been appointed as a member of its International Advisory Board (IIAB) as of July 1, 2021. Commenting on the appointment, Mohammed Alardhi, Executive Chairman at Investcorp, said: We are very pleased to welcome Urs Rohner to our International Advisory Board. Urs brings a wealth of knowledge and experience accumulated throughout a distinguished career at the highest levels of international finance. As we continue on Investcorps growth journey, and remain focused on achieving our ambitions, we are continually searching for the best and most strategic advisors from a diverse range of relevant practice areas to support us. I look forward to welcoming Urs to our board and am confident his input will prove invaluable. Rohner added: Investcorp has established itself as a leader in the global alternatives investment sector. Since the launch of its global growth journey over 5 years ago, the firm has built an impressive footprint around the world both across geographies and asset classes, with over $35 billion in AUM. I look forward to collaborating with the broader international advisory board to help realise the full potential of the growth strategy it has embarked upon. Rohner is an international banker and businessman with more than 25 years of experience in international financial markets, serving at the highest levels of corporate decision making. Rohner was most recently Chairman of the Board of Directors at Credit Suisse Group AG, where he also served as Chair of the Governance and Nominations Committee and the Credit Suisse Research Institute, from 2011 until his departure in 2021. Prior to joining Credit Suisse in 2004, Rohner served as Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG in Germany. He was previously a partner at Lenz & Staehelin, Attorneys at Law, Zurich. Rohner also sits on the Board of Directors of GlaxoSmithKline plc. He was a member on the boards of various Swiss and international business associations, including the Board of Directors of the Institute of International Finance (IIF), the Board of the Institut International dEtudes Bancaires (IIEB), the European Banking Group (EBG) and the European Financial Services Round Table (EFR). Investcorps International Advisory Board is chaired by Mohammed Alardhi, Executive Chairman, and consists of: Prof Heizo Takenaka, Dr. Ute Geipel-Faber, Frances Fragos Townsend, Dr. Wolfgang Schussel, Deepak Parekh, Ana Palacio, Professor Frederick Ma Si-Hang, Dr Wolfgang Ischinger, Sir Michael Fallon, Dr Mohamed A. El-Erian and Prof Dr Ann-Kristin Achleitner.-- TradeArabia News Service Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB), a leading financial institution, and Refinitiv, a London Stock Exchange Group business, have announced the launch of the 6th edition of Ethical Finance Innovation Challenge and Awards (EFICA). The Awards recognise companies and individuals who have developed ground-breaking solutions in Islamic finance industry. The Award programme is presented in two categories, the Ethical Finance Initiative Award and the Islamic Finance Challenge Award. Entries for the Ethical Finance Initiative Award recognises individuals and organisations that offer emerging and innovative ethical financial solutions or initiatives that have been successfully implemented and made a positive social impact for their stakeholders. Prize money of $120,000 will be distributed between the winner and the finalists of the award. The Islamic Finance Challenge Award is focused on an innovative, technology enabled solution that aligns with the principles of Shariah. Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank will consider partnering with the winner to further enhance and roll out the solution. Dr Osaid Kilani, Global Head of Sharia, ADIB, said: The continuation of the EFICA initiative underlines ADIBs commitment of developing the Islamic finance industry and placing ethics and social benefit at the forefront of our thinking. Over the years, we have been heartened to see marked growth in the number of innovative ideas that are focused on finding new ways to address many social issues in Islamic finance industry. Mustafa Adil, Head of Islamic Finance at Refinitiv an LSEG Business said: We are pleased to see how the award is now an industry standard for innovators in the Islamic finance world. After years of hard work and collaboration with ADIB, we are proud to acknowledge and celebrate innovative projects one more this year. Our commitment to EFICA comes in line with our long-term objectives to solve for social problems and address industry challenges in a continuous changing global economy. Applications will be evaluated by an advisory board that includes Islamic financial experts, ethical banking practitioners and Islamic scholars. The selection criteria are based on the initiatives ethical aspects, impact on society, innovation, and the practicality of the application in Islamic financial industry. Finalists will make a formal presentation of their initiatives to the audience at the Gala Lunch on the 2nd November 2021 at the Global Islamic Economy Summit held at the Dubai Exhibition Centre in Expo 2020 Dubai. The audience vote will determine the winner of the EFICA award. EFICA was launched in 2013 with more than 450 applications and past winners have included Islamic Finance UK, Launchgood and Kaah International Microfinance Services. ADIB is an active participant in the global conversation on ethics in finance. By placing a strong emphasis on simplicity and partnership, the bank aims to ensure that only appropriate products are offered, and that customers needs come before profit. -- TradeArabia News Service IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) and Al Ain University (AAU) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in an effort to further academic, educational, and professional initiatives for students in the UAE. The MoU will assist in enhancing the learning experiences of students by offering access to expertise and facilities offered by AAU and IMA. Hanadi Khalife, senior director of MEA & India operations at IMA, said: At IMA, we believe that in order for the finance and accounting profession to keep pace with the changing business environment and advances in technology, we must build the competencies needed by professionals at a grassroots level. This starts with bridging the skills gap among young minds before they even enter the workplace. Our partnership with AAU will equip students with an aptitude for finance and accounting to gain the ability to think strategically and the confidence to make smart decisions that impact business. The CMA certification will give them a realistic perspective of what to expect at the workplace while also empowering them to navigate the complex labyrinths of financial and business decision making with greater ease. Prof Ghaleb Al Refae, President, Al Ain University, UAE, said: At AAU, we are always looking for opportunities to offer professional programmes to our students which complement their academic studies at the University. IMAs CMA certification programme is an industry-renowned and advanced-level certification for accounting and finance professionals in business. Through this partnership, we aim to provide a high-calibre educational opportunity to our students, thereby helping them to enhance their future career potential by enhancing their value to prospective employers. As part of the agreement, IMA has committed to providing CMA scholarships to the top ten distinguished AAU students. IMA and AAU will also work together to support and enhance various research programmes for faculty members. Most finance and accounting professionals work inside organisations, where expertise in decision support, planning, and control over value-adding operations are crucial elements of operational success. Earning the CMA designation will help them to master a comprehensive body of knowledge directly related to operational and strategic management as well as the skills and abilities required to build quality business practices inside organisations, continued Khalife. For nearly 50 years, the CMA certification has been the global benchmark for management accountants and finance professionals. Globalisation and standardisation, combined with more stringent financial reporting requirements, have resulted in a dramatic change in the practice, rules, regulations, ethics, and execution of managerial accounting and financial strategy in all areas of an organisation. IMAs CMA certification programme is an advanced-level assessment for accounting and finance professionals in business covering financial planning, performance and analytics, and strategic financial management. Achieving the CMA demonstrates professional expertise in financial planning, analysis, control, decision support, and professional ethics skills that are in demand by organisations around the world. -- TradeArabia News Service Over 8 in 10 professionals (81%) in the GCC have a positive outlook for the upcoming year, according to a new survey carried out by Bayt.com, a leading job site in the Middle East, with online market research company YouGuv. The survey entitled Career Aspirations in the Mena has revealed that in the GCC, 66% reported setting future professional goals for themselves, which included finding a new job (59%), learning new skills (50%) and getting a higher salary (49%). With career development in mind, around two-thirds of respondents (63%) believe they deserve to work in a higher-level position, and almost half the respondents (47%) are willing to move to another department or area of expertise to develop their skillsets and further their professional careers. In addition, 45% of GCC respondents state they are willing to move into a different industry altogether to broaden their professional expertise. The top three factors that were seen as important in an ideal job for GCC professionals were salary and benefits (76%), opportunities for career growth (50%) and job security (38%). Interestingly, respondents are much more likely to prefer being an employee (48%) rather than owning a business (29%). The reported reasons for seeking employment in the GCC are marked by the desire to consistently learn and gain experience, as indicated by 65% of respondents. This was followed by making money (55%), being financially independent (48%), and feeling useful to society (41%). Ola Haddad, Director of Human Resources at Bayt.com said: It is exciting to observe that the majority of respondents to the Career Aspirations survey are optimistic about the coming year. This encouraging outlook will reflect positively on the regions hiring activity and the individual career progression. Bayt.com works with employers across the GCC region who rely on our technologies and data to master their talent management practices and knowledge of employee aspirations and satisfaction will help enhance the hiring and job seeking processes even more. Motivation levels at work When it came to motivation levels in the workplace, nearly 6in 10 respondents (58%) reported feeling motivated at work. Only 18% reported not being motivated, while the remainder were neutral. Possibly connected to motivation at work, the prevalence of mentors and role models featured highly in the findings, with over 4 in 10 respondents (43%) reporting that they have either a mentor or role model in their careers. Though respondents revealed a positive indication of their motivation in the workplace, 59% reported that higher salaries and perks/benefits would increase motivation at work; this is followed by better work-life balance (46%) and an opportunity to express creativity/ showcase skills (43%). Future personal ambitions Overwhelmingly, the top personal goal for next year was reported to be saving more money, according to 7 in 10 respondents (70%). Other prominent goals included buying property (46%), spending more time with family (32%) and exercising more (27%). Furthermore, 41% of respondents preferred to retire after the age of 60 and 18% chose retirement before 50, indicating that more professionals desire to stay in the workforce for a longer period of time. The Career Aspirations survey aims to better understand the challenges and aspirations of Mena professionals. It covers aspects such as perceptions and attitudes towards current job, career aspirations, barriers to career growth, in addition to overall work environment and personal aspirations and concerns, said Zafar Shah, Research Director, Data Services at YouGov.- TradeArabia News Service Those who have completed two doses of Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines need to take booster dose of a Saudi approved vaccine as a prerequisite to enter the Kingdom, a media report said. This condition is contained in the updates of the regulations issued by the Saudi health authorities, it was announced by the King Fahd Causeway Authority, reported Saudi Gazette. According to the updates of health regulations, those who have received two doses of Sinopharma and Sinovac vaccines should take The booster dose should be of either any one of the approved vaccines such as Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna, the report said. Another condition that needs to be followed is that a PCR test needs to be taken within 72 hours of arrival in the Kingdom. The new move comes amid growing concern that Covid-19 vaccines being deployed across much of the developing world arent capable of thwarting the Delta variant and that has prompted some countries to look at offering third doses to bolster immunity against more-infectious virus strains. According to reports, health authorities of countries such as United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have decided to offer the extra doses to some people already inoculated with vaccines from Chinese makers Sinovac Biotech and Sinopharm. Arab Health and Medlab Middle East, the leading exhibitions for the healthcare and laboratory industries in the Mena region, generated AED767.7 million ($209 million) of new business deals during the live, in-person element of the show last month. During the four-day showcase, the exhibitions welcomed 22,800 visitors from172 countries who connected with 1,700 exhibitors. A total of 61 countries were represented by exhibitors, which included 30 international pavilions. Wouter Molman, Executive Vice President for Informa Markets, said: Arab Health and Medlab Middle East have been a resounding success this year and underscored the importance, and perhaps, more importantly, the demand, to host live and in-person events once again. Our overarching goal was to create a platform that was conducive to facilitating business deals by providing an opportunity to make connections, network and ultimately to support global healthcare recovery. Deals completed during the event included a collaboration between American Hospital Dubai and Etisalat Digital to enhance the patient experience by utilising multiple digital technologies. The Ministry of Health and Prevention, the EHSE, the DHA and DoHalso signed a bulk purchase agreement for medicines and medical supplies. Al Jalila Childrens Specialty Hospital (AJCSH) announced a high-profile agreement with Illumina Netherlands BV, the worlds leader in next-generation sequencing, to provide technical expertise, reagents and analysis tools and training to the group. Elsewhere on the show floor, Gulf Medical University signed an MOU with GEOTAR-Med LLC, a leading company in Russia providing complex turnkey solutions for medical education, to develop, produce and advance exciting simulation equipment for education in healthcare professions. At Medlab Middle East, a series of deals were completed, including G42 Healthcare who announced a partnership with Seegene, a global biotechnology company specialising in molecular diagnostics, to offer fully equipped mobile diagnostics and testing laboratories across the Mena region. Further announcements included Unilabs new diagnostic solutions deal with Roche Diagnostics. Vincenzo Ventricelli, CEO, Philips Middle East, Turkey & Africa, said: Weve been very pleased with the positive feedback weve received during the show. Not only have customers been willing to come to the event, but they are also happy to engage, discuss, and make decisions in a face-to-face environment. This means business is being done faster and better. As part of the online element of the show, 19,699 visitors attended from countries including Chile, Congo, Mauritius, Zambia, Bolivia, Costa Rica & Dominican Republic, totalling over 31 countries who were only represented online thanks to the virtual aspect of the exhibitions. A survey of online participants revealed that 47% of online attendees had never attended either show in the past. These results underscore the importance of our online event by providing an opportunity for an even greater audience to participate. While the physical events remain a strong and impactful platform, which resulted in millions of dirhams worth of business generated at the in-person shows, the online element has so far facilitated over 46,300 unique connections from around the world," added Molman. The events, which took place under the theme of 'United by business, driving the industry forward, was supported by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), Dubai Healthcare City Authority, Dubai Health Authority, and the Dubai Government. As part of Informa Markets commitment to provide the highest hygiene levels at all events by ensuring attendees and staff safety, the event took place with protocols introduced via the companys Informa AllSecure health and safety mandate. The enhanced measures include 35 guidelines covering all aspects of cleaning and hygiene, social distancing measures, and the use of PPE, screening, and a track and trace in conjunction with local authorities. The 2022 edition of the show, which returns as a co-located event for the healthcare and laboratory industries, will take place from 24 27 January at the Dubai World Trade Centre. TradeArabia News Service In week 26 of this year, worldwide air cargo volume decreased by 2% compared with the previous week. Worldwide capacity increased by 1%, according to WorldACD market data. On a regional level, the origins Africa and Europe did best with a volume increase of 1% week-over-week, while Middle East & South Asia experienced the largest decrease in volume (-6%). The average worldwide yield/rate in week 26 increased compared with week 25. -- TradeArabia News Service Leading Saudi group Savola has announced that its key unit, Savola Foods Company, has signed a binding agreement to acquire 100 per cent of Bayara Holding, a privately held company with business operating out of the UAE and Saudi Arabia for SR975 million ($260 million). Bayara is a leading manufacturer and distributor of branded healthy snacks (raw & roasted nuts, dates, seeds, dried fruits and confectionery) and cooking ingredients (herbs, spices and pulses). Savola said the funding will be done through a combination of operating cash flows and available bank loans. This acquisition is a continued activation of Savola Foods Companys announced strategy to enter attractive, value added categories with increasing appeal within the food sector, stated Savola in its filing to Saudi bourse Tadawul. Ernst & Young Corporate Finance acted as Savola's financial advisor, it added. DP World, UAE Regions next-generation service provider, World Security has kickstarted 2021 on a high note with projects in varied crucial sectors, ranging from retail, government institutions and the hospitality sector. Some of their recently signed noteworthy projects include providing security manpower to Citymax Hotel in Dubai and the Northern Emirates. Other projects include deploying security personnel at luxury retailer Ahmed Seddiqi & Sons outlets in Dubai and Abu Dhabi malls and providing comprehensive security services including manpower and access systems for the Department of Finance in Dubai. World Security is also responsible for guarding the iconic Mohammed Bin Rashid Library located in Al Jaddaf. With experts, who are equipped to deal with the diverse requirements and employ the best practices, the company ensures its clients can maintain operational efficiency through quality control and high-quality standard operating procedures. Owing to their exceptional service offerings over the last six months, the entity has become the preferred solutions provider for the hospitality sector. Ayoub Al Mulla, Chief Operating Officer, World Security said: Considering the current scenario due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of having a secure space has become essential. Organisations, retail outlets and public spaces have realised the increasing need to invest in security services. At World Security, we understand the need for safety and are equipped to offer a combination of services, including personnel and technology-enabled solutions to protect our customers interests. All our services are compliant with pertinent government regulations and this is precisely why our clients trust us and believe in the solutions we offer. Additionally, with the world rapidly adopting technology due to its numerous benefits, we too are integrating smart security solution, alongside the traditional methods. Our 360-degree approach is unique to us and keeps us a step ahead of our competitors, Al Mulla added. TradeArabia News Service Bahrains Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs (NPRA) has called upon government and private organisations in all sectors to benefit from the registration service via the e-visa system on evisa.gov.bh. The registered organisations should update their data to benefit from the provided services, reported Bahrain News Agency (BNA). The registration through the system enables organisations to apply for visit visas anytime after working hours, track the progress of the applications and benefit from the email notifications. noon.com, the region's homegrown digital marketplace, held a vaccination drive for its fulfillment teams in KSA and the UAE, driving trusted customer excellence with safer deliveries across the region. In January 2021 noon hosted multiple vaccination drives for its frontline operators, successfully administering vaccines to over 2,000 employees and counting. Noon has continued to enable vaccinations for its fulfillment team which now has a rate of over 2,000 team members with the double dose. Over 2,000 of noons employees within the fulfillment team in KSA have now been vaccinated across the Kingdom, meeting the Saudi governments requirement for vaccinations within the workplace one month ahead of time. The requirement, issued by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD), calls for all public and private sector workers to be vaccinated by August 1, 2021, bringing the Kingdom one step closer to its Vision 2030 goal. Noons dedicated frontline operators in KSA and the UAE maintain a green health status that can be easily verified via the Tawakkalna app in KSA and the DHA app in the UAE. The apps, aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus, allow people to prove their health status when entering private sector establishments and public areas. It also offers assurance to noon customers of the health status of each frontline fulfillment worker. Ahmed Gadouri, General Manager, noon, said of the vaccination drive: Maintaining safety at the highest level, both within the team and for our sellers and customers, is a top priority at noon. Our logistics and fulfillment team are our frontline - operations heroes working day and night to safely deliver packages to our customers, playing an integral role in solidifying our services across the region. Noon was born to serve and support the people of this region, all whilst driving innovation, accelerating the local digital economy, and providing a safe and reliable shopping experience to our customers. The Saudi e-tailer recently announced expansion of its customer service operations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, creating hundreds of jobs for local Saudi youth. The expansion will help improve noons customer experience and support the rapid growth of noons customer base in the Kingdom. Noon will hire, train, and empower young Saudis as part of the initiative to help boost employment, develop skill sets and drive the local economy further. Noon.com, the digital marketplace, launched operations in KSA in December 2017. Since then, noon has grown to become the regions leading digital marketplace, topping app store charts and creating the biggest sale in the Middle East - Yellow Friday Sale. -- TradeArabia News Service The Walt Disney Company Middle East and Alshaya Group have opened the Middle Easts first-ever Disney Store shop-in-shops in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Kuwait. Featuring a brand new store design unique to Disney Stores, each of the six shop-in-shop includes a wide-range of products from your favourite Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars characters and movies, all carefully curated for the region - including apparel, costumes, toys, and home goods. John Hadden, Alshaya Group CEO, said: We all grew up with Disney and we all have a favourite character. We are delighted that Alshaya Group has been able to collaborate with The Walt Disney Company Middle East to bring the magic of Disney, not only to a new generation, but also to life-long fans. We look forward to introducing these exciting new shop-in-shops to the region and hope to welcome customers back time after time. Vice President and General Manager, Disney Consumer Products Southeast Asia, India & Mena, Dan Dossa, commented: We are thrilled to see our Disney Store shop-in-shop concepts in the Middle East come to life and for the first time outside the Americas. At Disney, we are always looking for new ways to be closer to our fans, while delivering unforgettable retail experiences. With the help of Alshaya Group, these stores will connect children and families in the Middle East with their favourite Disney characters and stories, while allowing them to create new and long-lasting memories. Three Disney Store shop-in-shops are now open across the UAE. The stores are located inside Debenhams at Dubais City Centre Mirdif and Abu Dhabis The Galleria Al Maryah Island, and inside Mothercare at Yas Mall, Abu Dhabi. Residents also have a flagship store to look forward to which is set to open this summer inside Debenhams at Dubais Mall of the Emirates. Reaching fans across the Middle East, a new flagship shop-in-shop is also open at The Avenues in Kuwait. Located inside Debenhams, the flagship is joined by two more locations, inside Mothercare stores at Fashion Way, Salmiya, and at Souk Sharq. Over the next four weeks, an additional 26 locations are set to open across the region - in the UAE and Kuwait, as well as in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. TradeArabia News Service Redtag, , leading value fashion and homeware brand in the Middle East, will launch its specialized, new outlet in City Centre Deira during Eid al-Adha holidays, to expand its dominant market presence in the UAE. Located in the heart of Dubai, City Centre Deira is Majid Al Futtaim's first flagship mall in the region and a popular destination among shoppers. The three-level, plush shopping centre features over 1.2 million sq ft of retail space with 370 outlets, multiple restaurants, and a wide range of global and local experiences, all under one roof. The upcoming full-concept store, located near West Court on the ground floor of City Centre Deira, will exemplify the brand's commitment to accessibility across segments. The store will blend Redtag's superior brand experience, including the popular anytime-anywhere exchange, personal stylists, and size assistance, with new offerings attuned to the expectations of premium shoppers. Exciting offers are being planned for the launch. In addition, the outlet will feature Redtag's new Eid collection and showcase new add-ons to the range inspired by the "Queen of Stage" Myriam Fares. Launching just in time for Eid al-Adha, the new store will offer the perfect opportunity to indulge in a diverse selection of apparel, accessories and homeware, in a larger retail space compared to Redtags existing outlets. Latesh Radhakishen, Head of Retail Operations at Redtag, said: The new, upcoming store at City Centre Deira is part of our "masstige" brand experience that not only combines the best of both premium and value fashion, but does so in a bigger, better and bolder way. It is Redtag's way of giving back to our loyal customer base in the UAE, where we have become a household name for all fashion and homeware needs." "For Redtag, brand accessibility is a focal point. We want to reach customers in their favourite shopping centres and malls as part of our customer-centric expansion strategy. To that end, expanding our footprint into City Centre Deira, which has a long pedigree in Dubai's mall culture, is exciting. And the customers will share our excitement soon," Radhakishen added. TradeArabia News Service flydubai, the Dubai-based airline, will start its four-weekly service to Salzburg International Airport (SZG) from July 15 and resumes its operations to Naples Airport (NAP) from July 31, 2021. Hamad Obaidalla, Chief Commercial Officer at flydubai, said: we are excited to connect Salzburg to the UAE with direct airlinks for the first time which will also offer passengers from the neighbouring region a more comfortable and convenient travel option. We continue to grow our operations in Europe and with the resumption of flights to Naples flydubai is able to offer greater choice this summer. We are seeing steady growth in passenger traffic as more countries ease travel restrictions. We will continue to grow our network in the months ahead. Flights to Naples will be operated within the quarantine-free travel corridor that has recently been established between Italy and the UAE enabling passengers to travel between the two countries with less restrictions. Passengers need to present a negative COVID-19 test result at check-in taken no more than 48 hours before departure from the UAE. On arrival in Italy, all passengers over the age of two years will be required to take a rapid antigen test. holidays by flydubai offers affordable travel packages for both destinations, with packages to Naples starting at AED2,369 ($644) and to Salzburg starting at AED2,769. Package prices are for economy class return flights and accommodation for three nights per person based on two adults sharing a room including breakfast. Travellers can customise their travel packages and add optional extras such as travel insurance, airport transfers or sightseeing tours. Emirates will codeshare on both routes, offering travellers more seamless connections through Dubais international aviation hub to 168 destinations between both the Emirates and flydubai networks including Australia, China, Indian Ocean, Japan, South Asia, and the United States. flydubai has grown its network to over 95 destinations including several seasonal summer routes such as Batumi in Georgia, Bodrum and Trabzon in Turkey, Mykonos and Santorini in Greece, Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt and Tivat in Montenegro. flydubai recently announced the start of operations to Ankara in Turkey, Ljubljana in Slovenia and Warsaw in Poland. TradeArabia News Service Porsche Design Group and Steigenberger Hotels AG/Deutsche Hospitality have joined forces to create a joint hotel brand. As per the deal, Steigenberger Porsche Design Hotels will be launched in selected international metropolises in the future. This unique hotel concept will be positioned in the Luxury Lifestyle Segment. Functional design and a unique brand experience are about to merge at the very highest level, remarked Dr Jan Becker, CEO of Porsche Design Group, and Marcus Bernhardt, CEO of Steigenberger Hotels AG/Deutsche Hospitality, met at the Steigenberger Icon Hotel Frankfurter Hof to sign an agreement that heralds the creation of a joint hotel brand. Such collaboration represents a significant step for both companies. Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts and Porsche Design share common values, stated Dr. Jan Becker. We demand the highest standards of quality and exclusive design and strive for continuous development. Together we want to offer our guests a completely new hotel experience, he noted. "Our two companies unite the very best of both worlds," added Marcus Bernhardt. In 1963, Prof Ferdinand Alexander Porsche created one of the most iconic design objects in contemporary history: the Porsche 911. Following his vision to take the principles and myth of Porsche beyond the automotive world, he created the exclusive lifestyle brand Porsche Design in 1972. His philosophy and design language can still be seen in all Porsche Design products today. Albert Steigenberger opened the Europaischer Hof in Baden-Baden in 1930, a hotel which was to go on to become the founding myth of Steigenberger Hotels AG. A total of 160 hotels now operate under the Steigenberger name across three continents. Deutsche Hospitality has formed part of the Huazhu Group since 2020. Huazhu is one of the largest hotel groups in the world. The companys portfolio extends to more than 7,000 hotels, and its H Rewards Bonus Programme currently boasts more than 174 million members. "Porsche Design brings a unique design philosophy to the partnership. And there is scarcely any company in the hotel business other than Steigenberger which has brought so much quality, service and passion to bear over a period of more than 90 years," stated Bernhardt. "With these strengths we create a new and exciting product which will encourage people to rediscover the hotel sector," he added. Help India! The Hindu-Nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) swept the July 3 district panchayat elections in Uttar Pradesh. While the party believes the victory has put them on a strong foot for the upcoming Assembly Elections in Uttar Pradesh scheduled early next year, the Opposition and others believe otherwise. Aas Mohammad Kaif | TwoCircles.net Support TwoCircles UTTAR PRADESH The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is riding high after securing a massive victory in Uttar Pradesh District Panchayat elections. The Hindu Nationalist party, which has been in power in the Centre since 2014, won 67 out of 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is elated with the victory. The significance of the victory can be interpreted by the fact that Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself congratulated CM Yogi Adityanath. What makes this victory unique is the recent dissatisfaction amongst the public over the gross mishandling of the Covid-19 second wave as well as reports of infighting in the BJP. Also, the BJP win is shocking as the party faced a crushing defeat in the Zilla panchayat members election and it is these members who elect the Zilla Panchayat President. This development comes after the Samajwadi Party managed to win 812 members in the district panchayat but consequently converted into just 5 Zilla Panchayat Presidents. On the other hand, BJP with 603 members converted into an overwhelming 67 Zilla Panchayat Presidents. 17 of those 67 Zilla Panchayat Presidents were elected unopposed where either the opposition couldnt file their nomination or had their nominations rejected. BJP couldnt break Baghpat Baghpat in Western Uttar Pradesh gave the strongest statement during the elections. After the unilateral victory of the BJP in the elections, the biggest alarm bell for it was Baghpat. Despite allegations of misuse of government machinery, the BJP could not break the opposition in Baghpat. Under the leadership of Jayant Chaudhary of Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD), the opposition countered every move made by the ruling party here. Controversially, the oppositions fake candidate reached to withdraw his nomination and on the election day, thousands of RLD supporters took to the streets to try and prevent, counter and demolish any act by the ruling dispensation. The entire state missed such readiness and commitment despite the possession of an overwhelming majority. The Zilla Panchayat elections have often been termed as a display of money and muscle power, where the opposition now alleges that there has been a gross misuse of the government machinery at their disposal. A long two-month gap between the election of the members and the election of the president enabled the BJP to use their resources towards an unlikely result. This time period witnessed opposition members being tempted to vote for the ruling dispensation when the time came and for those who did not give in to the temptation, cases were registered indiscriminately. The government machinery was hence crucial in allowing the BJP to retain a majority power share. In Western Uttar Pradesh alone, 13 out of the 14 President seats were won by the BJP surprisingly since in none of the districts the BJP crossed the majority member mark. In Bijnor, BJPs Sakendra Pratap Singh got 30 votes and defeated the opposition candidate by 5 votes, whereas the BJP had only 8 Zilla panchayat members, a huge deficit from the majority mark. In districts such as Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Rampur, Amroha and the Meerut too the opposition was defeated despite a majority. In Saharanpur, disappointingly, the opposition with 35 members could not even file nomination for the Presidents post. Baghpat was an exception amidst this government machinery crisis, although there were allegations of all kinds of conspiracies against the ruling party. Eventually, RLDs candidate Mamta Kishore defeated Babli Devi of BJP by 5 votes. Mamta Kishore received the support of 12 members while BJPs Babli Devi received 7 votes. The BJP tried to create a ploy too but failed due to a united opposition. Former minister and RLD leader Kuldeep Ujjwal said that the conspiracy was so heightened that during the election, a woman reached the nomination office to collect her application and named herself Mamta Kishore. Interestingly, the administration accepted it without investigation even though the real RLD candidate Mamta Kishore was in Rajasthan. The real Mamta Kishore eventually denied this through video conferencing and RLD President Jayant Chaudhary announced he will reach Baghpat immediately on this matter. Seeing the matter deteriorating, the administration could not muster the courage to proceed. However, cases were eventually filed on many Zilla Panchayat members and investigations were started against some, but the opposition in Baghpat stood their ground and persisted. Kuldeep Ujjwal opened up on his strategy in Baghpat and explained that he believes RLD emerged victorious in Baghpat because of their unique ability to fight against injustice. The people from BJP planned to intimidate the elected members and we demonstrated our extraordinary ability not to be afraid and standing our ground. Our team of RLD decided that whenever a member is harassed, we will stand by him and we did so too, he told TwoCircles.net. The Baghpat administration filed a case against Mehboob Alvi, a Zilla Panchayat member and also harassed his children. Consequently, hundreds of RLD workers sat in protest in support of them. Similarly, in the case of another member Subhash Gurjar, an investigation was set up on his school. In addition to being threatened, neither he was afraid nor did we let him be afraid, Ujjwal said. Ujjwal said that the RLD cadre had decided that they would stand together in the face of it. 500 workers were alerted at all times, wherever they received information about something wrong happening, they reached immediately, he said. Kuldeep Ujjwal said that the administration went as far as reaching a member Fakhruddin with a JCB machine, and stood in front of the machine. On election day 25,000 people were on the streets. How can you break the trust of the people who voted? Sensing the mood of the people, the ruling party surrendered. Our strategy was of unity and it was successful, he said. The strategic intelligence and strict demeanour displayed by the opposition in Baghpat wasnt witnessed elsewhere in the state. The ruling party managed to elect their Zilla Panchayat President in districts like Ghazipur with just 2 elected members. The Samajwadi Party with a majority of 812 members won the Presidents post in Etah, Etawah, Azamgarh, Sant Kabir Nagar and Ballia. In many districts across the state, the Samajwadi Party workers were disgruntled at the chain of events and attempted to protest only to be thrashed by the local administration. However, there is a long ongoing trivia attached with the Zila Panchayat Elections in Uttar Pradesh. Every party which wins the majority Zilla Panchayat Presidents loses the incoming Assembly election. In 2010 the BSP had 51 Zilla Panchayat Presidents, and consequently, they won just 80 Assembly seats. In 2015, the Samajwadi Party had won 63 president posts resulting in just 47 assembly seats in the 2017 election. It will be interesting to see if fate plays a similar role for the BJP with 67 Zilla Panchayat Presidents. Samajwadi Party chief and former UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav said that the BJP has managed to win many Zilla Panchayat President seats but the public will disallow them from enjoying a similar majority in the Assembly elections. Pawan Pandey from Ayodhya, a former minister in the Samajwadi Party government, told TwoCircles.net that he never witnessed such severe misappropriation of government resources towards the political goals of the ruling party. The administration has been openly biased and engaged in ensuring a win for the candidates of the ruling party. The members were intimidated, the leaders were tempted and false cases were brought against those who did not heed in. This is not a victory but power taken by force. In 2022, the people will evict them, he said. In Cameron Park, California, Vultures Row Aviation is deep into the groud-up restoration of what will become the worlds only airworthy Vought F4U-1 Corsair. This early F4U variant, often referred to as a Birdcage Corsair due to its framed sliding canopy sectionwas the 297th production Corsair which Vought-Sikorsky completed at their factory in Stratford, Connecticut. She served in the U.S. Marine Corps as BuNo.02449, deploying to the South Pacific in May 1943, initially with VMF-112 on Guadalcanal. However, following reassignment that July, she joined the famed VMF-214 Swashbucklers, a unit which became known as Blacksheep Squadron after becoming an official Marine Corps Squadron in September 1943 with the legendary Gregory Pappy Boyington as its CO. During this time, BuNo.02449 was stationed at Fighter Strip 1, Turtle Bay, Espiritu Santo until a crash ended her combat career on October 1, 1943. The wreck lay where it fell for many years until acquired and recovered by an Australian, who eventually sold it to the owner of Vultures Row Aviation in late 2014. Its been under steady rebuild back to flying condition since that time By May 2021, the entire center section was considered structurally complete, with work presently focused upon the flap spar area. The Birdcage Corsairs mid-fuselage section, like much of the aircraft, is unlike subsequent production models; it is undergoing assembly in its own jig, joining the nearly completed tail cone assembly. Vultures Row has manufactured new wing leading edge skins in-house on their Farnham roller and these are now in the process of being drilled to the early wet-wing sub-assemblies, also unique to early -1A and earlier Corsair production variants. An early model Pratt & Whitney R-2800-8 (without water injection) is nearing completion at Anderson Aeromotive; it features an unusual two-speed blower clutch system which differs to the later series engines. Vultures Row has also begun forming and installing the hydraulic lines, installing newly-manufactured wing fuel tank components, restoring the early, fabric-covered flap assemblies, and forming the aft cockpit scallop skins, unique to the Birdcage variant. Sticking to the highest level of authenticity, the distinct salmon-colored primer, as used in early Corsair production, is present throughout. Vought created this unusual color by mixing Indian Red Pigment paste with zinc chromate to ensure each part received two coats of primer. July 2021 witnessed a major milestone with the Corsairs center section, as the team has completed the restoration/manufacture of all structural parts, and has begun final assembly. Vultures Row expects that it will take roughly two months to complete the task of permanently riveting these components in place. Vultures Row is also looking to hire additional staff as well. Any interested parties should submit their information by email and follow up with a call. We look forwards to following this one-of-a-kind restoration as it progresses, and cant wait to see this Corsair back in the air! The defendants on trial include the current leader of the movement, Mohamed Badie. They are guilty of killing policemen and organising mass prison escapes. They are also alleged to have conspired with foreign militant groups, including Hamas and Hezbollah. All the sentences were final. Cairo (ASiaNews/Agencies) - The highest appeals court in Egypt yesterday upheld the life sentences for 10 leaders of the currently oulawed Muslim Brotherhood. Official state agency Mena reports the people who will have to serve life imprisonment include the current head of a movement that, at the beginning of the last decade, was leading the nation under President Mohamed Morsi. In 2019, a Cairo criminal court found all ten defendants, including the group's supreme leader Mohamed Badie, guilty of charges related to killing policemen and organising mass jailbreaks during Egypt's 2011 uprising. A massive street demonstration culminated in the ouster of longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak and the rise to power of the Brotherhood. According to the official news agency, the defendants were convicted of taking an active part in the escape of some 20,000 prisoners and of undermining national security by conspiring with foreign militant groups, including Palestinian Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah. At the same time, the Appeals Court acquitted eight other mid-level leaders of the nation's oldest Islamist organisation, who had been sentenced to 15 years in prison in the first instance. All the sentences handed down are final. Yesterday's sentences are just the latest in a long line of life sentences for Muslim Brotherhood leaders, who have gone on trial several times since the group's crackdown in 2013 and the ouster of Morsi, who is considered the first president elected by "democratic" vote. He was one of the leaders of the movement, but his one-year rule proved divisive and provoked nationwide protests. Tens of thousands of Egyptians have been arrested since 2013, many more have fled the country. Last month, the same Court upheld the death sentences of 12 people involved in a 2013 protest by Islamists, including several senior Muslim Brotherhood leaders. President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi led the army in 2013 in a military coup that led to Morsi's removal, amid protests by supporters of his government. The current head of state was first elected in 2014 and chosen for a second term in 2018. The prosecutions and death sentences have attracted fierce criticism from human rights movements at home and abroad, who call them a mockery of justice. by Vladimir Rozanskij Countries such as Tajikistan and Turkmenistan feel threatened by the advance of Afghan extremists. Russia's support and its control of the 'students of God'. Turkey is getting into the game by hiring ex-Isis militiamen. Moscow (AsiaNews) - Several Central Asian nations are ready to use mercenary groups to protect their borders threatened by the conflict in Afghanistan between the government army and the Taliban, reports the authoritative Russian newspaper Nezavisimaja Gazeta. In a July 10 article that most of the militiamen recruited by the governments of the region are refugees of Uyghur origin from China. The Uyghurs are allegedly being used against the Taliban by Tajikistan and other nations belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which emerged from the collapse of the USSR in the 1990s. As part of the CIS agreements, the Russian Federation's 201 military base is active on Tajik territory, but the Kremlin is only observing the situation for now. From the 201 base, however, the Russian military has begun various preventive manoeuvres with Tajik troops: operations have taken place in the mountain ranges of Lokhur and Sambuli. The Russian Spetsnaz (special forces) of the Central Military District, who are also in charge of preparing the Uzbek military, are leading the activities. It is expected that these mixed forces will soon be deployed on the borders with Afghanistan. Uzbekistan is the most lukewarm country in the fight against the Taliban, with whom it had made agreements at the time of the historic President Islam Karimov. Even his successor Savkat Mirziyoyev is not averse to taking on social models closer to those of the Taliban. With the recent law on religious freedom, Mirziyoyev has allowed Uzbek Muslims to profess more open forms of Islamic radicalism, including the possibility of wearing the hijab in public places. Uzbekistan, however, is also welcoming several Afghan soldiers fleeing the Taliban militias. The situation is more uncertain in Turkmenistan, whose border with Afghanistan is in the hands of the Taliban. President Gurbangul Berdymukhamedov has decided to strengthen the military presence on the border, also by hiring private militias. Many of these armed groups are made up of Uyghur refugees. Joint defence plans against the Taliban are also being discussed by the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO). Its director Anatolij Sidorov is now permanently based in Dushanbe to monitor the Afghan-Taliban border and draw up joint response plans. For now, the only measure in place seems to be the use of Uyghur militias. Russia is also trying to deal directly with the Taliban. A delegation of Islamic fundamentalists was welcomed in Moscow, despite the fact that it is an "extremist organisation" banned in the Federation. Many opponents are now demanding that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov be excluded from the electoral lists, in which he would be the leader of United Russia, President Vladimir Putin's party. Contact with extremists' is the reason also used to exclude all navalists from the elections. Turkey is also reportedly preparing plans to meddle in Afghanistan. According to various Kurdish media, Ankara would like to engage the mercenary militia of the 'Syrian National Army', which includes various members of the former Isis. The mercenaries, Uyghurs or others, would thus be the key to the management of a very complex conflict, which goes beyond the borders of Afghanistan and involves the entire Central Asian region. by Mathias Hariyadi The administrators of the Cikadut cemetery asked a family to pay US$ 275 to bury a relative who died from COVID-19. The case came to light thanks to complaints posted on social media. For Father Rusbani, extortion is shameful. Jakarta (Indonesia) It is harder for Christians to obtain space for burials in public cemeteries. Unless they are willing to pay large sums of money. The latest extortion case occurred a few days ago and involved a Christian family in Bandung (West Java), who were told to pay four million rupees (US$ 275) in order to be allowed to bury a relative who had died from COVID-19. The family, who did not have that money, tried to negotiate with the administrators of the Cikadut public cemetery in order to get the money down to 2.8 million rupees (US$ 195), but to no avail. Those in charge of the cemetery said that non-Muslim families had paid more to bury their dearly departed. The head of the local anti-COVID-19 task force Ema Sumarna described the demand imposed upon non-Muslim families as an illegal tax since funerals and burials for coronavirus victims are paid by the city administration. West Java Governor Ridwan today issued a statement of apology and promised to report the case to the police, adding that Muslim families have also been subjected to this kind of racket. The story became public only yesterday after a resident mentioned it on his social media, but similar cases have also occurred in other places in Indonesia. Blackmail and corruption at the Cikadut cemetery go back a long way. Koerniatmanto Soetoprawiro, professor of law at the Catholic University of Parahyangan in Bandung, explained that Cikadut started out as a Chinese cemetery. It has existed since Indonesia was under Dutch colonial rule. Cikadut is a high-profile cemetery and has a most panoramic view, he explained. We can expect that in such an important place for Chinese people, illegal practices by those in charge will take place, he told AsiaNews. But what worries him most is that this issue was not adequately addressed by local authorities until it made it onto social media. Father Iwan Rusbani, a priest in Bandung, considers this very important. It is good that this story ended up on social media and was then picked up by mainstream media. Extortion is shameful, especially when you ask for an extra and illegal payment at a time of mourning. It is even worse because it is done on a confessional basis. The action breaks the deadlock with German supplier BioNTech. Taipei slams Beijing for undermining its ability to purchase the drug. Foxconn and TSMC have an agreement with Chinese distributor Fosun, but the doses for Taiwan will come directly from Germany. Taipei (AsiaNews) Taiwanese hi-tech giants Foxconn and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) will donate 10 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech anti-COVID-19 vaccine to their government. The two companies announced their decision today in separate press releases. Taiwan has failed so far to get the vaccine supplies it had ordered. By their action, Foxconn and TSMC end a dispute between Taiwan and mainland China over Taipei's purchase of anti-coronavirus drugs. In May, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen blamed China for Taiwans failure to conclude a vaccine purchase agreement with BioNTech. The problem is that the German pharmaceutical company sold the rights to develop and distribute the vaccine not only in mainland China, but also in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan to China's Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group. Taipei said it did not want to buy the vaccines from Fosun because it feared the doses were produced in China, therefore without certain safety standards. Beijing responded by accusing the Tsai administration of politicising the fight against the pandemic. Beijing considers Taiwan a rebel province, and has never ruled out the use of force to take it. The island has been de facto independent since 1949, when Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist (Kuomintang) forces fled the mainland after losing the civil war against the Communists. At the same time, it maintained the claim that it was the heir to the Republic of China founded in 1912. Foxconn and TSMC have specified that the purchase contract was signed with Fosun, but the vaccines will come directly from Germany. The Taiwanese government has signed contracts to buy five million doses from Moderna and 10 million from AstraZeneca. It is also expected to receive 4.8 million doses through the World Health Organisation's COVAX programme. However, only 2.2 million doses have arrived so far, to which must be added 4.9 million doses donated by Japan and the United States. by Shafique Khokhar The People's Commission for Minority Rights warns that there are sufficient grounds to suspect that concentration of powers in the Ministry of Religious Affairs will increase the risk of abuses and illegal seizures, an already widespread problem. Lahore (AsiaNews) In Pakistan, an amendment to the Protection of Communal Properties of Minorities Ordinance (2002) could threaten minority property rights, this according to the People's Commission for Minority Rights (PCMR), a human rights advocacy group. An amendment to the law adopted on 7 June is the main bone of contention. It transfers the power to sell, transfer, purchase and donate minority property from the federal government to the ministry concerned, i.e., the Federal Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony. In a statement, the PCMR slammed the ordinance for giving absolute power to an entity or a single person, expressing the fear that this change could lead to abuse of power and a loss of transparency. The arbitrary nature of the legislation and the measures adopted in the amendment to section 6 of the Protection to Communal Properties Ordinance 2002 are sufficient grounds to suspect that concentration of powers in the Ministry of Religious Affairs will deprived minorities of their rightful use of their properties, said Peter Jacob, executive director of Centre for Social Justice. Under the 2002 law, the National Commission for Minorities must be involved in the process of authorisation. At present, there are reports of widespread abuse across the country, including land grabs with impunity and illegal seizure of property owned by Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Jews. With this amendment, any accountability by a broader body will be lost. For this reason, the PCMR has asked the speaker of the Senate and the leaders of political parties not to approve this amendment; on the contrary, they should launch a complete review of the situation in order to arrive at a comprehensive law that truly protects the rights of minority communities. by Dario Salvi The Bishop of the Holy Land looks back over 60 years in a Christian community "in evolution". Having archived the Trump presidency and the Netanyahu era, there are no "positive glimmers". Goals include "strengthening the commitment to migrants", theological formation and unity, safeguarding the different peculiarities. Jerusalem (AsiaNews) - A region experiencing "alternating hopes and disappointments" and a Church called to "keep the missionary experience alive". This is how Msgr Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, former auxiliary bishop and patriarchal vicar of Jerusalem of the Latins, retired due to age limit, but still active in pastoral work, describes the Israeli-Palestinian tensions and a Christian community in "evolution". At the weekend, the prelate celebrated confirmations in a small parish on the border between Jenin and Nazareth, because the joy of proclamation overcomes "disappointment on the political level for a peace that has never materialized. The interview: From the lightning war in Gaza to the end of the Netanyahu era, what prospects are opening up in the region? We are living an alternation of hopes and disappointments, disappointments and hopes. Now we have a different government [led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett], which does not have new elements, but is nevertheless a factor for change. After the Trump presidency in the United States there are no positive signs, and the idea of a territory for two states no longer seems possible. A strong arbiter is needed, but the UN is weak and the US is too partial [even with Biden]. In Gaza the situation is the same as before, the people are tired of war, violence, of living in an open-air prison. The Patriarchate's leaders visited the Christians in the Strip. What reality did you encounter? We met the 1,234 members of the community, we know them one by one, and we admire their strength and courage. They are good at resisting, they told us they would like to leave, but there is no possibility, so they stay, trying to be "the salt and light of the world". Fortunately, Christians can work, thanks to the schools and hospitals, the center for the handicapped and Caritas, which represent a fundamental professional outlet. In recent days, Patriarch Pizzaballa has made a series of appointments, which, after his term as apostolic administrator, he is now exercising in full. What perspective do they point to? The patriarchate continues on a path of 'beautiful evolution', because changes bring positive elements. New vicars for Amman, Jerusalem, for the pastoral care of migrants, the Jewish community and Cyprus. We want to guarantee continuity to the mission in the land of Christ, infusing new elements in step with the ideas of Pope Francis: synodality, the year of St Joseph, the Holy Family travelling to the Arab countries. And again, to strengthen the commitment to migrants - Filipinos, Sri Lankans, Nigerians, Indians - who are increasingly numerous and whom we must care for. What are the main objectives? First of all, to improve the theological formation of lay people and seminarians, an aspect on which the new Patriarch insists a great deal. Unity, because even though Jordan, Gaza, Palestine, Cyprus and Israel are so different, we must work to strengthen ties while safeguarding their specific characteristics. Finally, greater cohesion among priests, especially local ones, who are the Church of Jerusalem. After the blockade on Covid, what prospects are there for pilgrimages, a fundamental economic resource for Christians in the Holy Land? We are waiting for you all! So far there is not great news, a few small groups have arrived, but nothing significant in terms of numbers. It will take months to get back into the rhythm, but what we hope is that future pilgrims will come with a new spirit. They are not just visitors, tourists, but must bear witness with a different lifestyle that is more in keeping with the journey being made. On a personal level, how is this new chapter in your mission impacting you? As always in the past, with great joy and enthusiasm. For a chapter that ends, a new one begins where I am freer in terms of official commitments, but where I keep my spirit of service intact. I have been in the region since the 1960s, yet I continue to study, to deepen my knowledge of the mission. Today [10 July] I have a confirmation in a small parish on the border between Jenin and Nazareth, the community is looking forward to this with great enthusiasm. How would you weigh up your 60 years of life in the Holy Land? On the political level, disappointment for a peace that never arrived. It was impossible to hope to solve all the problems, but it was legitimate to hope for an agreement. Instead, wars and intifadas follow one another and there is no end in sight. On a personal level, I feel bound to the land of Jesus and to the Church of Jerusalem, a reality that has suffered so much but remains an example of resistance and resilience. Your Grace, do you have a project that you would like to see brought to completion? My greatest wish is to see a broader and deeper knowledge of Catholic theological Christian thought and a new impetus to Arab patrology, a rich heritage that is yet to be discovered. We are only at 6 or 7% of the total number of known manuscripts and there are still many to be opened, discovered and studied. How do you assess the dialogue with the Jewish and Muslim world? It must continue and be more sincere. I would like it to be more loyal, a frank confrontation that does not conceal other aims, that can be freed from classical schemes. It must be beautiful, open and stimulating. What is your final wish for the Latin Patriarchate and, more generally, for the Church of the Holy Land? To keep the missionary experience alive. I myself spent six years in South Sudan and it was an unforgettable experience, which I cherish with much nostalgia and gratitude. I would like the whole Church of Jerusalem to have this missionary stimulus, going out to others. I admire the Pope's words when he speaks of the "Church going out" from the Upper Room. Here the Church was born and then went out to others, with the wounds of the passion still in one hand and a piece of bread in the other. by mons. Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi* As of today, a state of emergency against the pandemic is in force in Tokyo. Archbishop Kikuchi's indications: "We would have liked every parish to take charge of the spiritual needs of those arriving in Japan. But in today's situation the priority remains not to transmit the disease". Tokyo (AsiaNews) - As of today the Tokyo metropolitan area is once again in a state of emergency to stop the new wave of Covid-19. The measure coincides with the period of the Olympics, which will open on 23 July and will see the competitions held without the presence of the public. In this situation, the archdiocese of Tokyo has also decided to adopt strict measures to ensure that the sporting event does not become another opportunity for the spread of the infection. The announcement was made in a message from Archbishop Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi to the faithful of the archdiocese, published below. In the text, the prelate explains that the provisions issued on 20 June remain in force in the Churches of Tokyo, which already envisage - among other things - the presence in the Churches for celebrations only of a limited number of people, spaced out and registered in the parish, the indication to the elderly and the sick to pray at home (with the dispensation from the obligation of Sunday precept), the invitation to move all parish meetings online, the presence of transparent barriers between the priest and the penitent for confession. Kikuchi added an invitation to athletes and their staff who will be arriving in Japan to refrain from visiting churches, recalling that the guiding principle followed by the Church of Tokyo in the pandemic has always been "not to infect oneself and not to allow others to be infected". Finally, he underscored the importance of being close to those in need, with special attention to those who are dealing with the crisis created by the pandemic. In its continued efforts to control the spread of COVID-19 infections, the government issued a fourth declaration of a state of emergency for a limited area. It was reported that Tokyo Metropolitan is included in the prescribed area, and the period will be from 12th July to 22nd August. Chiba Prefecture, on the other hand, will continue to be placed under a special designation that allows for intensive preventive measures against COVID-19. The Tokyo Olympic games which starts on 23rd July and the Tokyo Paralympic games which starts on 24th August will be held in various places but mainly in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. With the declaration of a state of emergency, it is expected that the events will be held without spectators at venues especially in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. But at the same time, the gathering of the athletes and their support staff coming from all over the world raises concerns about causing further increase in number of coronavirus cases. For the past years, the Tokyo Archdiocese had originally been considering preparations so that each parish may be able to address the spiritual needs of the many people who would come to Japan for this international event. However, we have decided to cancel all plans and thus, will not take any special involvement in the Olympics and Paralympics. In addition, all those who will be coming to the Tokyo Metropolitan area during this period will be provided with information concerning the precautionary measures implemented against COVID-19 infection in the parishes and will be requested to refrain from visiting churches. Since 30th January of last year, the Archdiocese of Tokyo has made a commitment that we will not be infected, nor will we allow others to be infected. Thus, we have implemented various precautionary measures and have taken seriously our responsibility to protect the lives of one another as we prevent the spread of infection to protect not only our own lives but also the lives of others. This time, with the fourth declaration of a state of emergency, we will continue our church activities while carefully implementing the precautionary measures as we have done before. We will basically continue implementing the current STAGE 3 PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES AS OF JUNE 20, 2021. We all know that the vaccination program is progressing. I myself have been vaccinated, as well as the Holy Father. But we basically have to decide for ourselves concerning this matter. In addition, we are not considering the idea of making it a criterion, that is whether one is vaccinated or not, for allowing participation in the Holy Mass. This year started with the declaration of a state of emergency and later continued to a special designation that allows for intensive preventive measures against COVID-19. And being placed once again under a state of emergency has seriously affected many people, especially those concerning economic activities. The Disaster Response Team of the Archdiocese has introduced through online seminars some activities which were organized by parishes and other groups to support those in need. Let us keep in mind that it is an important duty for us to protect not only our own lives but also to protect all those who have received Gods gift of life. On top of that, as we take adequate measures against COVID-19 infection, let us do our best to respond to the concerns of those in need. In this difficult situation, may the merciful hands of our Lord through our outstretched hands be extended to the many people facing crisis in their lives. Moreover, during these times of difficulties, let us put our trust in our Lord Jesus who promised us, I am with you always, until the end of the age and let us reaffirm our spiritual bond in the one body centered on the Lord. Cases of COVID-19 in Maryland and around the country are way down from their winter peak, as are hospitalizations and deaths. Thats all thanks to the vaccines, which have proved highly effective in preventing severe disease, public health officials say. But the pandemic isnt over, and the level of threat depends on where you live, your vaccination status, and now, a much more transmissible version known as the delta variant. As we continue our recovery, we must do all we can to help our small businesses innovate and diversify their operations, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. said in a statement. This is another common sense step to support the continued recovery of this hard-hit industry, and we applaud todays decision. During the first weeks of trial, Dr. Catherine Yeager, a psychologist, and Dr. Thomas Hyde, a neurologist, testified that Ramos suffered from severe mental conditions. Dr. Dorothy Otnow Lewis agreed and said she believes the 41-year-old is not criminally responsible because his conditions prevented him from understanding what he did was wrong and from being able to stop himself from doing it. According to the documents, Chisala told officers he drove to Greens home on Proctor Avenue with his handgun. At that time, it wasnt loaded, and the magazines were in his pocket, he told police. After the two argued, Chisala went into the backyard of the home and loaded his weapon, the documents said. He walked back inside the house and placed the gun under Greens bed, and continued to argue with her, according to the documents. The field of contenders seeking to become Marylands 63rd governor so far includes a dozen men and at least one woman who vary in age, race and life experience with some having served in elected office and some not. But theres one thing that most of the Democrats and Republicans in the field have in common: The vast majority arent from the Baltimore region. With the exception of author Wes Moore and businessman Mike Rosenbaum, who both live in Baltimore, the field of candidates for 2022 is so far dominated by the Washington suburbs. From Montgomery County alone, theres Comptroller Peter Franchot, former Attorney General Doug Gansler, former U.S. Education Secretary John King Jr., former Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez, and former Obama administration official Ashwani K. Jain. From neighboring Prince Georges County theres Rushern Baker, the ex-county executive and former state delegate who also ran for governor in 2018. I am a 21 year-old college student and father. I have been out of work since January, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and have been filing for unemployment benefits consistently since February. Yet, as I write this, I have still not been paid anything by Maryland unemployment. After reapplying in March, as the department instructed claimants to do, I still have not been paid, and unemployment insurance (UI) workers told me that because of me reapplying for benefits it will only take longer to receive payments. My child and I have been severely financially impacted by this unprofessionalism and lack of unity at UI. I have been waiting for benefits for months, and when I call, all they can say is you have been moved to the high priority list. Yet months still fly by. Now the governor wants to take away the federal bonus for unemployment benefits. Is the governor even concerned for his people getting the help they need? Or only businesses having the labor they need? Archbishop William Lori recently sent out a letter to all in the archdiocese that gave me the impression that the bishops are not yet ready to make an official pronouncement of who exactly is really worthy of (or banned from) receiving communion in the Catholic Church. Hopefully, they wont get around to that unless they have the good fortune of reading the commentary first. It may influence their judgments. In a recent Baltimore Sun commentary (Bishops debate over who is worthy of Eucharist when really, no one is including them, July 9), the author chastises the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for emphasizing the fact that individuals need to meet certain conditions prior to receiving communion in Catholic churches. But his greater complaint appears to be that the bishops have displayed the audacity to defend Catholic doctrine in general. How should the bishops respond when some of the nations most visible devout Catholics persist in proudly and publicly rebuffing the Churchs core teachings? By ignoring the situation? Doing so implies that the bishops arent serious about what they claim to believe. The U.S. Department of Agriculture can help. It can fund tried and true conservation practices through the existing Farm Bill. The project Senator Cardin proposed is an example of what needs to be done, but we need more. We need to invest hundreds of millions of dollars across central Pennsylvania. And these federal dollars should be bolstered by state investments. Today Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 97F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Tonight Mainly clear skies. Low 68F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Tomorrow Sunshine and some clouds. Near record high temperatures. High 99F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. She was intrigued. She had participated in a similar letter-writing program corresponding with people in solitary confinement. So, Marinello became a volunteer. As the pandemic-ridden days dragged by, she reported how her week was and asked her pen pals how they were. Each envelope carried a new photo of her cat Peach, a 19-month-old orange shorthair. The photos, she was told, are now displayed in a mosaic on the wall of one of her pen pals. During the vacation, Beck and his family shared a condominium with two other families. He sneaked into the young girls room and used a digital camera to take 11 sexually explicit photos of the girl, according to the release. Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the creation of the two positions, but over the next several weeks will have to consider which other projects they would like to move forward with. Although final allocations will likely not be made until the fall, commissioners plan to hold several meetings to openly discuss how they plan on allocating the funds. From 1953 to 1954, Mom and I lived at 40 Ward Avenue and our phone number was 1462J. The letter stood for a party line. It meant that you shared the phone number with other folks, and you had to take turns using the phone, which often was difficult because one of the parties sharing the line was often on the phone. Four apartments were damaged as well as Avas Country Store, which is located in the same building, according to the report. The Red Cross is assisting the 12 people living there who were displaced by the fire. Assistant public defender Brad Clark argued at the hearing that Hudson was very young and had no convictions or failures to appear before the court. Clark recognized that the charges were serious but said that there were conditions on which Hudson could be released to guarantee the communitys safety, like imposing a reasonable bond or releasing Hudson on home detention. We are so excited to start this virtual series with John Shields, who is a huge customer favorite at Harford County Public Library, said Mary Hastler, the librarys CEO. He is an amazing chef who creates such outstanding dishes that will shine the spotlight on healthy eating and the importance of the agriculture and seafood industries to Marylands economy. The July programs will provide visits to interesting locations across the state and will focus on delicious foods that are uniquely Maryland. Police said Jonathan Balchunas, 24, had been arguing with his father throughout the day on Sunday, and at one point put a gun to his fathers head and told him that if police came, he would shoot them too, Police Superintendent Col. Jerry Jones said at a news conference Monday. His father dialed the police. I know the character of the man, Caldwell said. You take a man like that and youre then going to say he participated in a brutal crime of murder, knowing that being associated with that would send him to the pits of hell? ... If there was one man who would be willing to stand in the breach to help his country, it would be Christian. If you are old enough to remember the hit comedy movie of 1980, Caddy Shack, then you will recall that a gopher infestation was threatening a golf course in Nebraska. The somewhat deranged groundskeeper was tasked with getting rid of the pest. His efforts at eradication include shooting, f Lengthy lockdowns and a steep drop in tourism in 2020 halted the countrys financial recovery and swung Greece into recession, with the economy contracting 8.2% last year. The European Commission says it expects output to rebound by 4.3% this year and 6.0% in 2022 if tourism continues to recover and new lockdowns are avoided. Last time I visited, two gentlemen at the bar noticed one of many burger accolades hanging on the walls, and wondered aloud what it means to serve a great burger. Not wanting to spy, I couldnt hear the whole conversation, but Ill tell you why Illinois Bar & Grill continues to make lists like this. Each burger is cooked to order on the restaurants well-worn griddle, and served with a cushy bun with loads of sauteed onions. Each burger is also topped with overlapping lines of ketchup and mustard, along with a few pert pickles. I still refuse to acknowledge the existence of the bars Chicago burger, which clocks in at a ridiculous 13 ounces, mostly because the -pound baby burger is just the right size. A: Its what I wanted to do. I wanted to work for Marvel. I even sent stuff to DC (Comics). I was publishing anywhere I could. I just wanted to get through high school to get to art school. I got accepted to art school but then I was talking to my art teacher (at Evanston Township High School), who was a dour fellow, and he said artists have a hard life and the life of a cartoonist thats going to be rough. He suggested a four-year college. I thought, Oh my God, and Im going on my dads dime he was paying for the first two years but what school would still accept me now? It was May. I went to my advisor and she opened this big book and ... Oh, OK, Southern Illinois University is still accepting. Because I was writing and drawing comics for newspaper at ETHS, she suggested journalism. I had already won two national awards for high school cartoonists from the journalism school at Columbia University. When I was done I handed my degree to my dad and said, OK, now Im going back to school to major in philosophy. Nebraska is one of just two states to award a share of its electoral votes by congressional district. Bidens success in carrying the 2nd District, which includes Omaha and much of its suburbs, went beyond the single electoral vote he picked up. He flipped the district by 8.75 percentage points after Trump had won it in 2016 a larger swing than in any individual battleground state. Bob Prary, who manages the Buck-Inn Bar in the town of about 600 people, said he saw at least six houses destroyed after Saturdays flareup. The fire was smoldering Sunday in and around Doyle, but he feared some remote ranch properties were still in danger. A police report identified the man, known locally as a rapper, as Londre Sylvester, though the medical examiners office said it had not notified next of kin of his death Sunday. The police report said Sylvester suffered as many as 64 bullet wounds to his head and other parts of his body, however a full autopsy report detailing his injuries wont be released for weeks. At least one officer also was taken to an area hospital for observation, but authorities did not say what happened to the officer or provide an updated condition for the officer. Drake is accused of shooting a 26-year-old man in the 1800 block of South Paulina Street in the Heart of Chicago neighborhood about 6 p.m. The man suffered gunshot wounds in the neck and head. He was pronounced dead at the scene, according to the medical examiners office. We want to set our principles from the get-go, that its important that we follow the data and the law when setting this map, Villegas said. We just want to make sure the data will guide us, so that Chicagoans get fairly represented. Rabbi Lazer Hershkovich, who regularly provides spiritual care to Avantara patients and staff through his work with Chabad and F.R.E.E. of Niles and Chabad Cares, called the allegations beyond horrific. He stressed, however, that the vast majority of staff have a strong sense of caring, a strong sense of responsibility, based on his interactions with them. CCTV: On July 12 Beijing time, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken released a press statement on the fifth anniversary of the so-called arbitral tribunal ruling on the South China Sea. He claims that the rules-based maritime order is under great threat in the South China Sea and accuses China of continuing to "coerce and intimidate Southeast Asian coastal states", threatening freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. He said that the arbitral tribunal delivered a decision firmly rejecting China's expansive South China Sea maritime claims as having no basis in international law, adding that China and the Philippines, "pursuant to their treaty obligations under the Law of the Sea Convention, are legally bound to comply with this decision". He also reaffirms that an armed attack on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the South China Sea would invoke US mutual defense commitments under the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. He calls on China to abide by its obligations under international law, cease provocative behavior, and take steps to reassure the international community that it is committed to the rules-based maritime order. Does China have any comment on this? Zhao Lijian: The US statement disregards the historical merits and objective facts of the South China Sea issue, violates and distorts international law, and breaks the US government's long-held public commitment of not taking a position on the South China Sea sovereignty issue. It deliberately stokes disputes on territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, sows discord among regional countries and undermines regional peace and stability. This is extremely irresponsible. China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to the wrong act by the US side. I want to stress the following points: First, China's sovereignty, rights and interests in the South China Sea have been formed in the course of a long history. They are supported by abundant historical and legal basis and upheld by the Chinese government all along. No country raised any objection to this position until the 1970s. The US accusation that our maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea have no basis in international law totally runs counter to facts. Second, the South China Sea arbitration violated the principle of state consent and the arbitral tribunal exercised its jurisdiction ultra vires and rendered an award in disregard of law. The arbitration has major fallacies in fact-finding and application of law and violates UNCLOS and international law. The award of the arbitration is illegal, null and void. It is nothing more than a piece of waste paper. China does not accept or participate in the arbitration, nor does it accept or recognize the award. China's sovereignty and rights and interests over the South China Sea are not affected at all by the arbitration and China does not accept any claim or act based on it. Anyone with a discerning eye can easily see that the arbitration is a political farce which is initiated and manipulated by the US to smear and suppress China. The political agenda of the US to hype up the South China Sea issue by taking advantage of the 5th anniversary of the illegal award can't be more obvious. Third, China always advocates friendly negotiations and consultations to settle the South China Sea issue, treats our South China Sea neighbors as equals and exercises maximum restraint when safeguarding our sovereignty, rights and interests in the South China Sea. On the opposite, the US willfully sends large-scale advanced vessels and aircraft to the South China Sea for military reconnaissance and drills and illegally intruded into China's territorial waters and space and water and air space adjacent to islands and reefs. Since the beginning of this year, the US side has conducted close-in reconnaissance for nearly 2,000 times and over 20 large-scale military drills on the sea targeting China. What's more, the US abuses bilateral military agreements that smack of the Cold War to threaten to use force on China. This exposes its power politics logic and hegemonic practices. It is self-evident who is seeking coercion and intimidation and threatening freedom and security of navigation. Fourth, China firmly upholds and practices international rule of law. As an original contracting party of UNCLOS, China always correctly understands and earnestly implements the Convention, and uphold its authority and integrity with concrete actions. The US poses as a defender of international law and keeps referring to the Convention and making an issue out of it. Why doesn't it accede to the Convention first? It claims to uphold "rules-based international order", but refuses to execute the judgement and advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice and the resolution of the UN General Assembly. It is selective in applying international law and international order. The world's people see clearly the US' pragmatism, egoism and double standards. Fifth, the South China Sea is one of the busiest sea lanes in the world and the lifeline of China's maritime trade. Some 30% of global trade in goods and each year about 100,000 merchant vessels transit through the South China Sea. With the joint efforts of countries in the region including China, passage through the South China sea has been smooth and safe for a period of time, and not a single vessel has ever reported that its navigation is hindered or safety threatened in the South China Sea. The US allegation of "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea threatened is simply untenable. Sixth, the South China Sea is the shared home for the countries in the region. It should not be a hunting field for the US to seek geopolitical self-interests. China and countries concerned have effectively managed differences through dialogue and consultation and continuously promoted practical cooperation. China and ASEAN countries fully and effectively implement the DOC and actively promote consultations on the "Code of Conduct in the South China Sea" with major progress. The US and other countries outside the region should respect the regional countries' efforts in maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea. China urges the US to stop abusing international law, stop the use of force or the threat of force and stop making provocations in the South China Sea. It should abide by international law underpinned by the UN Charter, and respect China's sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea instead of going further down the wrong path. China will continue to firmly defend its sovereignty, rights, interests and security in accordance with law, firmly protect the friendly, cooperative relations with regional countries, and firmly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea. Xinhua News Agency: As COVID-19 continues to spread across the world, especially as the emergence of variants made prevention and containment more difficult, the WHO has repeatedly called on all countries to accelerate vaccine rollout to curb the large-scale transmission of the virus. Can you offer more details on how many doses China has provided outside the country? How have Chinese vaccines helped with the global response, especially in developing countries? Zhao Lijian: China has been actively implementing President Xi Jinping's pledge of making vaccines a global public good and upholding the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind to provide vaccines abroad in an open and inclusive manner. To date, we have provided more than 500 million doses and concentrates to over 100 countries and international organizations, one sixth of the total global output. Doses produced by Chinese companies for the WHO-led COVAX has rolled off the assembly line and will be delivered soon. In providing vaccines overseas, China always coordinates needs at home and abroad, and overcomes difficulties to actively respond to countries' requests for vaccine cooperation and launch cooperation with them. China has provided more doses to developing countries than anyone else and has vaccine cooperation partners all over the globe. President Xi Jinping said at the Global Health Summit that "China supports its vaccine companies in transferring technologies to other developing countries and carrying out joint production with them". With the support of the Chinese government, Chinese vaccine companies have started joint production in many countries including the UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Pakistan and Mexico, with producing capacity exceeding 200 million doses. Political leaders of many countries have spoken highly of the important contribution Chinese vaccines have made to their local fight. Foreign nationals who have received the Chinese jabs have also voted in favor of the vaccines. As the pandemic continues to ebb and flow, the situation remains a grave challenge. China stands ready to work together in solidarity with all countries to contribute to an early full victory over the virus! AFP: The tech companies Foxconn and TSMC are buying 5 million Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine doses each from China's Fosun Pharma. This comes after Taiwan had trouble in securing a direct deal with Fosun. What's the foreign ministry's view on this arrangement? Zhao Lijian: This is not a question concerning foreign affairs. I would like to refer you to the competent authorities and relevant companies. I want to stress that we truly care about the welfare of our Taiwan compatriots and hope they can have early access to the direly-needed vaccine. China Daily: On the sidelines of the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council, China, Belarus, Russia and Venezuela jointly hosted a video session with the theme of "Human rights in the West: lack of international control and response to violations of human rights", which revealed the human rights problems of western countries and the hypocritical nature of their human rights policies. Could you elaborate on China's position? Zhao Lijian: Some Western countries like the US have been plagued by serious human rights problems such as racial discrimination, forced labor and gun violence, and committed crimes including genocide of indigenous communities, illegal military intervention and indiscriminate killing of civilians in other countries. Oddly, these countries, instead of conscientiously reflecting on and redressing their own problems, have been in the habit of lecturing others as if they were "defenders" of human rights, and even fabricating lies and rumors to vilify others. Facts have proved time and again that human rights is the last thing on their mind, and their real intention is to meddle in others' domestic affairs. The most important issue that consumers need to realize with drug ads is that they are just that - advertisements. Human rights are not the "patent" of some individual country, still less can they be defined only by Western ideology and values. The key to measuring the human rights cause of a country is whether its people are satisfied. Those Western countries have serious racial and human rights problems, and committed crimes in history. I wonder what gives them the confidence to boss others around and tell them off. They should forsake their hypocritical double standard and political manipulation, and get their house in order first. NHK: General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages yesterday with Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) of the DPRK on the 60th anniversary of the signing of the China-DPRK Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. This year marks the time for extension of the treaty every 20 years. Can you confirm whether China has already extended the treaty with the DPRK side? Zhao Lijian: What I want to tell you is that, according the stipulations of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the PRC and the DPRK, it remains in force unless agreement is reached on its amendment or termination. The Paper: The permanent missions of Canada and Australia in Geneva recently held a video conference with the theme of strengthening international cooperation to oppose the use of arbitrary detention in state-to-state relations, saying that arbitrary detention aimed at coercing other countries is unacceptable. Do you have a comment? Zhao Lijian: Speaking of arbitrary detention, the Meng Wanzhou incident is a textbook case in point. By detaining Ms. Meng, a Chinese citizen who hasn't violated any Canadian law, Canada is acting openly as an accomplice as the US works to suppress Huawei and other Chinese hi-tech companies. This is exactly arbitrary detention aimed at coercing other countries. The HSBC internal documents submitted recently by Ms. Meng to the Canadian court once again prove that the so-called fraud charges by the US against her is purely groundless fabrication out of thin air. This further exposed the nature of this incident, which is political persecution. This is not the time for empty slogans. Canada should clearly see its mistake, end the arbitrary detention of the Chinese national immediately and allow Ms. Meng to return to China safe and sound at an early date. CNR: On July 10, Ethiopia's National Election Board announced the results of the parliamentary election held on June 21. The incumbent prime minister's Prosperity Party has won a majority in the federal parliament, putting it in a position to form cabinet. Do you have any comment? Zhao Lijian: China congratulates Ethiopia on its successful parliamentary election. Ethiopia is China's important strategic cooperative partner in Africa and a key participant in China-Africa cooperation under the BRI. China-Ethiopia cooperation, leading China-Africa cooperation, has delivered fruitful outcomes. With the concerted efforts from both sides, we believe our bilateral cooperation will surely achieve new progress and deliver more benefits to our peoples. Global Times: According to reports, the US tops the latest Bloomberg's COVID Resilience Ranking while China takes the No. 8 slot. Do you have any response? Zhao Lijian: Over the past few days, several of my colleagues and friends have asked me whether the Bloomberg report was misprinted. They also asked how the authoritative Bloomberg could have produced such a childish stunt. I see reports saying that in this so-called "Covid Resilience Ranking", in order to put the US at the top, Bloomberg even didn't scruple to remove such indicators as the number of confirmed cases and death toll, the most crucial factors in previous ranking. It also considered lockdown and entry and exit quarantine management policy as negative factors, which shows no respect for facts, science or life. As we Chinese often say, people have their own judgment and are sharp-eyed. The so-called ranking makes black look white, and white look black, and perhaps it will call the dead alive. They will only be shrugged off by people around the world and offer something for small talk. AFP: China's Olympic sail boat team has complained that they were put in the same hotel as regular tourists in Tokyo, exposing them to a higher risk of COVID-19 infection. Is China concerned about the precautions being taken by the Japanese Olympic authorities? Zhao Lijian: I'm not aware of that. We hope Japan will host a successful Olympic Games. We hope and trust that the Japanese side can make proper epidemic arrangement for all delegations including Chinese athletes. China News Service: The 47th Session of the Human Rights Council deliberated on the Third Cycle of Universal Periodic Review on the human rights conditions in Australia. The representative of China criticized human rights problems in Australia. Russia, Syria and the UN Refugee Agency also expressed their concerns. Australian media commented that "the strongest public criticism came from China". What is your take on that? Zhao Lijian: China's criticism is the strongest because there is solid evidence for Australia's numerous human rights violations. The systemic discrimination and hate crimes targeting African Australians, Asian Australians and other minorities as well as Muslims and Indigenous people are very serious in Australia. Historically, Australia committed genocide and forced labor against the Indigenous people, which led to massacre and enslavement. The Indigenous population ranged from 750,000 to one million before colonization. But it fell to 74,000 in the 1930s. The Indigenous people were deprived cruelly of their languages and cultural rights. From 1910 to 1970, the Australian government adopted the White Australia policy and assimilation policy. It established English residential schools where the Indigenous students were forced to go so that they were separated from their families and their groups. In the schools, the students were banned from speaking their Indigenous languages, which brought 110 out of the 300-plus languages to the verge of extinction. Australia forced the adoption of nearly 100,000 Indigenous children in white families or specialized institutions to cut their language and cultural ties with their original groups, making them a "stolen generation". Even till this day, the Indigenous Australians are living in dire situations. From 2018, the average unemployment rate of the Indigenous people is around 20%, nearly four times that of the national average. The average life expectancy of Indigenous Australians is 7.8 to 8.6 years shorter than that of non-Indigenous people. The infant and child mortality rate is twice that of other groups. By March 2020, Indigenous people account for nearly 30% of the incarcerated in Australia, far higher than the proportion of Indigenous population. In addition, Australia set up off-shore detention centers in third countries, where a large number of immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers are forcibly detained for a long time or indefinitely with their basic human rights gravely violated. Australian troops committed serious war crimes in their overseas military operations in Afghanistan and other places. But they get away unpunished. While turning a blind eye to its own human rights abuses, Australia points fingers at other countries' human rights conditions based on lies and rumors. This fully exposes Australia's hypocrisy on human rights issues. The Australian side should stop attacking and smearing other countries under the human rights pretext, do some soul-searching and resolve its own human rights issues well. Artists, activists and entrepreneurs in Kuwait held an art event on Saturday to raise money for and express solidarity with the Palestinian people. "The unfortunate events that happened in Palestine inspired me to hold the event, through which we can show artworks and raise money for them by selling food and books," Tareq Qaddumi, organizer of the event, told Xinhua. The event includes a large collection of traditional handmade products, food, and books about Palestine to reaffirm the Palestinian national identity, said Qaddumi. "The art pieces here tell what is happening in Palestine," he said, stressing the need to remind people that the suffering of the Palestinians has not stopped. Dozens of artists attended the event, selling their artworks in support of the Palestinians. "I will sell some of my digital art prints today, and the proceeds will go to the fundraiser," an artist named Heba Haji told Xinhua. Haji used to take part in such kind of art events in Jordan, but it is her first time to attend one in Kuwait and raise money for charity. A Chinese mainland company has signed agreements with Taiwan enterprises and a foundation on COVID-19 vaccine sales, according to an announcement the company released Sunday. A subsidiary of Shanghai-based Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd. will sell 10 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., and Yonglin Charity Foundation, according to the announcement. In March 2020, Fosun inked an agreement with German company BioNTech for the research and development of mRNA vaccines and the exclusive commercial rights and interests on the Chinese mainland and in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Since Taiwan's epidemic outbreak in May, Fosun has made it clear that it is willing to provide the vaccines to Taiwan compatriots, but the Democratic Progressive Party authority did not approve negotiations for purchase until late June. Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, has said cites, counties, non-governmental institutions and enterprises on the island which are willing to buy the vaccines can negotiate purchase in accordance with business rules. You are here: China The Chinese capital of Beijing is poised for the heaviest round of rainfall this year, pending Sunday evening. The Beijing Meteorological Observatory on Sunday morning issued yellow warnings for both rainstorms and gale. The accumulated rainfall is forecast to reach 60 mm to 100 mm on average between 5 p.m. Sunday and 8 a.m. Tuesday. The western and northern areas of the city will see heavier rainfalls. Mountainous areas are at risk of secondary disasters such as floods and mountain torrents, while water logging is expected in low-lying urban areas. In view of the expected heavy rainfall, the Beijing municipal education commission issued a notice on Sunday, requiring all primary and secondary schools as well as kindergartens to close on Monday. Colleges and universities have been asked not to organize outdoor activities. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism issued a notice on Sunday morning, ordering all scenic spots in mountainous areas and rural bed and breakfasts (B&B) to be closed from Sunday noon. Flood control safety inspections have been carried out in urban parks for evacuating tourists and protecting cultural relic sites and recreational facilities. The municipal water affairs bureau has mobilized 15,000 people and dispatched 13 inspection teams to all districts of the city to assess flood control preparations. The municipal fire and rescue department has made comprehensive preparations for round-the-clock service, with a 670-member professional rescue team and 7,454 servicemen put on duty. The rainstorms are also forecast to affect north China's Tianjin Municipality. Tianjin on Sunday issued an orange warning of meteorological risk for geological disasters. Mountain scenic spots and rural catering facilities have been ordered to be closed and people in high-risk areas relocated. China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe warning, followed by orange, yellow and blue. Hong Kong's Center for Health Protection (CHP) reported one new local COVID-19 case with an unknown origin on Sunday, taking the total tally to 11,951. The CHP said the new patient, a 50-year-old porter of Hong Kong International Airport, was found to carry the L452R mutant strain, and the compulsory testing for airport personnel has been launched to identify the transmission chain. Hong Kong's COVID-19 vaccination drive starting on Feb. 26 is ongoing. More than 2.56 million residents have taken at least one shot of the vaccine as far, accounting for about 37.7 percent of the eligible population. Almost 1.78 million people have been fully vaccinated. Flash Japan will start accepting applications for vaccination passports from July 26 for people who have been fully inoculated against COVID-19 to travel internationally, the top government spokesman said Sunday. Whether to use such certificates for domestic economic activities as business circles request is under consideration by the Japanese government, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said on an NHK TV program, adding that people should not be discriminated against or forced unfairly due to whether they have been vaccinated or not. The vaccination certificates will be official records issued by municipalities. It will show information about an administered vaccine, the vaccination date and location, and personal information such as name and passport number. Kato has said the certificates will be issued in paper form by the end of July, and the digital ones will be considered later. The largest business lobby of Japan, the Japan Business Federation, known as Keidanren, has suggested using the certificates for raising event attendance caps and for restaurant discounts in Japan. The vaccination certificates are also introduced in the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for international travelers from their member states. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's government is stepping up the vaccination rollout in Japan. The program started in February with health care workers and expanded to those aged 65 or older from April. Recently, inoculations for people under 65 have begun in some municipalities, and companies can apply vaccines for their employees. However, some municipalities are forced to restrict accepting reservations due to a recent supply shortfall of vaccines, and new applications by companies have been suspended. Suga has said that his goal is to complete inoculations for all eligible people in Japan who want to receive vaccines by November. Flash Space tourism company Virgin Galactic completed its first fully crewed test flight of its spacecraft on Sunday, making a giant leap toward commercial suborbital spaceflight. The mission, dubbed "Unity 22," was the company's fourth crewed spaceflight, and the 22nd flight test for the company's spacecraft VSS Unity. It was also the first to carry a full crew of two pilots and four mission specialists in the cabin, including founder of Virgin Galactic Richard Branson, who was testing the private astronaut experience. The crew took off from the company's homeport of Spaceport America in U.S. state of New Mexico Sunday morning. The spacecraft, VSS Unity, achieved a speed of Mach 3 after being released from the mothership, VMS Eve, and reached space at an altitude of 53.5 miles. One and a half hours after take-off, the spaceship touched down safely at Spaceport America. The four mission specialists on board were Richard Branson; Beth Moses, chief astronaut instructor at Virgin Galactic; Colin Bennett, lead operations engineer at Virgin Galactic; Sirisha Bandla, vice president of government affairs and research operations at Virgin Galactic. The two pilots were Dave Mackay and Michael Masucci. The "Unity 22" mission focused on cabin and customer experience objectives, including evaluating the commercial customer cabin with a full crew, demonstrating the conditions for conducting human-tended research experiments, and confirming the training program at Spaceport America supports the spaceflight experience, according to the company. "I have dreamt about this moment since I was a child, but going to space was more magical than I ever imagined," Branson tweeted after the flight. Following this flight, the team will complete inspections of the vehicles and an extensive data review. Two additional test flights are planned before the company expects to commence commercial service in 2022. Virgin Galactic is not alone in trying to build space flight business. Blue Origin is also planning a manned flight to space on July 20 that will include its founder Jeff Bezos. Unlike SpaceX or Blue Origin, which put passenger capsules atop vertically launched rockets, Virgin Galactic uses a custom carrier aircraft that totes its rocket-powered spaceplane to an elevation where it is released. Then the rocket plane's motor ignites and blasts its way toward space. You are here: World Flash Rocket fire targeted the largest U.S. base in eastern Syria on Sunday, the latest in a string of hits targeting the facility recently, according to the state news agency SANA. The shelling targeted the U.S. base located in the al-Omar oil field in the eastern countryside of Deir al-Zour, sending smoke spiraling up in the sky, according to SANA. The base has been targeted repeatedly by pro-Iran militias in the region. On July 7, the same facility was targeted by weapon-laden drones. Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the attack on Sunday is believed to have been carried out by the pro-Iran militia in the western Euphrates River region in Deir al-Zour. The UK-based watchdog group said there is no report on human losses yet. A day earlier, an explosion targeted the Koniko gas factory where another U.S. base is located in the eastern countryside of Deir al-Zour with no reports on losses, according to the observatory. Flash A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Britain on Saturday expressed outrage and firm opposition to a report published by a committee of the lower house of British parliament. The report, which is "full of lies" about China's Xinjiang, represents a blatant interference in China's internal affairs, according to the spokesperson. Responding to a question about the report "Never Again: The UK's Responsibility to Act on Atrocities in Xinjiang and Beyond" issued by the Foreign Affairs Committee of Britain's House of Commons, the spokesperson said it is "nothing but a pack of disinformation." "It is an attempt out of ulterior political motives to deliberately slander China's policy on Xinjiang and wantonly interfere in China's internal affairs," said the spokesperson. There is no so-called "internment camps" in Xinjiang, the spokesperson said, adding that the vocational education and training centers set up in Xinjiang in accordance with laws are schools. This is part of the proactive and preventive de-radicalization and counter-terrorism measures aimed at tackling terrorism and religious extremism at the source, no different from Britain's Desistance and Disengagement Programme (DDP) or the de-radicalization centers in France, the spokesperson said. There is no "forced labor" in Xinjiang, only voluntary employment and selecting jobs according to people's own volition, while lawful labor rights are protected, the spokesperson said. The use of technological products and big data to improve social governance is a common practice of modern countries, the spokesperson said, noting that it does not target any specific ethnicity. Thanks to the Chinese government's unremitting efforts, Xinjiang now enjoys social stability, ethnic harmony and rapid economic growth, while the political, economic, and social rights and freedom of religious belief of all ethnic groups in the region are fully guaranteed, the spokesperson said. "It must be emphasized that Xinjiang affairs are China's internal affairs that no other country has the right to interfere in," said the spokesperson. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 319-352-3334 or email legals@waverlynewspapers.com. Coronado, CA (92118) Today A mix of clouds and sun. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High near 80F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Mostly clear. Low near 70F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. The Guardsmen became ill at the Stones Ranch Military Reservation on Route 1, Police Chief Michael Finkelstein said. He said what he hopes is the last patient was loaded onto an ambulance at 8:50 a.m. They were headed to Lawrence + Memorial Hospital in New London. If the department werent and I have every confidence in the department but if they werent for whatever reason doing enough to rein in proposed rate increases, I think that would light a fire for even further legislative action to bring down the cost of health insurance, said Lesser, a strong proponent of health care reform. Howroyd said he agrees with the Republicans that citizens input is important to the commissions discussions. But he said the hearing was advertised and canceling would not be fair to people who planned to attend. Also, the logistics of holding a hybrid meeting, including room availability, could not be resolved in time, he said. There are six states Wyoming, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and West Virginia (all red states in the last presidential election) that have a lower than 50% vaccination participation. All of these states have rising COVID-19 rates with hospitalizations and unfortunate deaths to follow. Interestingly, in the United States as a whole, 80% of the people above age 65 have been vaccinated, whereas the younger folks in the 18 to 29 age group, its less than 40%. Those people unfortunately are experiencing much higher rates of infection. So Id have a question for the late Charles Darwin: Where would he be in todays political sphere? If his spirit exists, we would have to anticipate and allow him at least a wry smile. He suggested Fiorellos extreme policies are out of step with moderate sensibilities of the Greenwich mainstream. The more her views become known on some of these issues, the less palatable they will be to some Republicans in town, Angland said. There are many Republicans and Democrats who believe in being fiscally prudent, but that doesnt necessarily entail the sort of positions on these hot-button issues that Rep. Fiorello has taken. If the very people at that rally would listen to science and would wear a mask when asked, we may not need some of these continued emergency powers,' Duff said, but because they dont believe in health and science and they are doing everything possible to thwart any kind of common sense, a lot of this still becomes necessary. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. After the internal review, company leaders determined the harvest volume in Smithfield would be shifted to other existing U.S. facilities, Lombardo said. Harvest is the term the company uses for slaughtering animals for food consumption, said Andy Curliss, Smithfield Foods director of external affairs. The local plant can slaughter around 10,000 pigs a day, according to a 2019 Reuters story. Joint task forces are expected to be up and running in 30 to 60 days after the White House or Pentagon call them into being, but it can easily take 120 days or move to fully staff them from the resources a commanding officer has on hand. While the pharmacy doesnt serve patients outside the clinic, anyone, whether they are Native American or not, is welcome to enroll, Upper Mattaponi Chief Frank Adams emphasizes. In order to join, prospective patients are encouraged to call the clinic in advance or visit their location at 7864 Richmond-Tappahannock Highway. New patients must be transferred to the care of Dr. James Towe, who has been practicing family and primary care medicine in rural Virginia for nearly 25 years. Advocate General Prabhuling Navadgi explained all the precautionary measures taken by the education department for the smooth conduct of the exam. (PTI Photo) Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court on Monday upheld the state government's decision to conduct the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) or the 10th standard exam for the current academic year on July 19 and 22. The division bench, comprising Justices B V Nagarathna and Hanchate Sanjeevkumar dismissed the petition by S V Singre Gowda, who had challenged holding of the exam on the grounds that the COVID-19 pandemic was not yet over. He had argued that the government had cancelled the Pre-University College Second year exam. Advocate General Prabhuling Navadgi explained all the precautionary measures taken by the education department for the smooth conduct of the exam. Primary and Secondary Education Minister S Suresh Kumar said that by dismissing the petition, the High Court has rewarded the state government's decision to conduct the exams, keeping in mind the interest of the children. While announcing the exam dates last month, Kumar had said that the SSLC exams are crucial for students to select their academic stream. The Karnataka government had successfully conducted the SSLC exam last year, as well during the peak of COVID, setting aside the apprehensions of the opposition members, parents, students and people at large. The report also revealed that M/s. Designtech and M/s. Siemens utilized only the government contribution or `370.78 crore (10 per cent), which was in contrast to the original terms of the scheme. Representational Image (DC Image) Vijayawada: The AP government has ordered a CID probe into the siphoning off of public funds by network companies in relation to the Siemens Project. The order was issued by G Jayalakshmi, principal secretary to government, on Sunday. The order said it has been brought to the notice of the government that the forensic audit ordered by the AP State Skill Development Corporation has been completed and a report has been submitted by the corporation to the government on the Siemens Project. It concluded that M/s Designtech and M/s Siemens reportedly diverted funds of `241,78,61,508 through various shell companies, the order said. The report also revealed that M/s. Designtech and M/s. Siemens utilized only the government contribution or `370.78 crore (10 per cent), which was in contrast to the original terms of the scheme. It has also been brought to the notice of the state government by central government agencies that a network of companies siphoned off funds from APSSDC through a bogus invoicing scheme pertaining to the Siemens Project. Accordingly, APSSDC has submitted a report to the government and requested it to initiate further investigation into the matter through appropriate state government agencies. The government, after a careful examination of the findings of the forensic audit report and the request of the managing director of APSSDC, decided to entrust the case to the Crime Investigation Department (CID) of Andhra Pradesh for a detailed investigation into the irregularities. Accordingly, the additional director general of police, CID, called for further investigations into the matter, to do the needful in accordance with law, and submit a report to the government immediately. People blamed negligence of GWMC officials and public representatives for the situation. (DC Image) Warangal: Warangal city received heavy rainfall on Sunday morning inundating low-lying areas within Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation (GWMC). Residents of many colonies are suffering as rainwater has entered their homes. Certain citizens observed that the city looks more like a pond after the rains. They blamed negligence of GWMC officials and public representatives for the situation. Resident of Srinagar Colony Santhosh Manduva said, "Officials have failed to address the issue of poor drainage system in several colonies, which is repeatedly resulting in them getting submerged during rains. Despite Warangal being a designated Smart City, its citizens suffer whenever it rains." Meanwhile, GWMC has announced helpline numbers 1800-425-1980, 97019-99645 and 79971-00300 for citizens to complain in case of distress due to rains. Warangal Urban district collector Rajeev Gandhi Hanumanthu and GWMC mayor Gundu Sudharani inspected several flooded areas in the city. They directed officials to initiate measures for draining out the floodwater. Hanumanthu said, "Citizens can use helpline numbers mentioned to WhatsAPP photos of situation in their locality. DRF teams will immediately attend to the issue," he assured. Clinical pharmacists are appointed in the private sector in the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers certified hospitals. Representational Image (AFP) Hyderabad: Pharmacists are now eligible to work in state and central government hospitals, following the amendments in the Pharmacy Act by the Union ministry of health and family welfare. The ministry has carried out amendments and regulations called Pharmacy Practice Amendment Regulations 2021. The demand had been raised by pharmacists from 2015. They had pleaded that central and state government hospitals must have a clinical pharmacists department so that the medication dosage, antibiotic use, adverse effects of medicines and dispensation could be monitored. The department would assist the physicians in explaining to patients on the proper method of taking medicines. Often doctors ask patients to come back with the medicines to the hospital and explain the complete dosage regime which is a time consuming activity for them. Dr Saikumar Katam, president of the Doctor of Pharmacy Association, says, "India accounts for a whopping 5.2 million injuries annually with medication errors and adverse drug reactions. The need is to detect and manage adverse drug reactions, assisting physicians in individualizing the drug dosage regimen. There is an immense variety of medications in the market and clinical pharmacists become an essential resource." Clinical pharmacists are appointed in the private sector in the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers certified hospitals. Dr BK Reddy, senior pharmacist, explained, "We are now going to work with the state governments and stress that these posts are created and recruitment carried out according to these amendments. Clearance by the Union health ministry is a huge step as state governments will now have to comply." They are mandated in these hospitals as certification demands of them to address issues of adverse reactions and report this to the Union health ministry. There are 224 pharmacy colleges of which 58 are in Telangana and 59 are in Andhra Pradesh. Some 36,000 students passed out till date from these colleges. Vijayawada: Andhra Pradesh is preparing to effectively cope with Covid-19 third wave by giving priority to administering the second dose Corona vaccine across the state. Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Tuesday directed the officials to be prepared to face Covid-19 third wave by completing 100 percent vaccination in the state. Addressing the Spandana review meeting with district collectors and SPs on Covid-19, vaccination, agriculture, mega housing programme and others on Tuesday, Jagan Mohan Reddy asked the officials to conduct Rythu Bharosa Chaitanya Yatra from July 9 to July 23, to create awareness among farmers on agriculture related aspects like RBKs, CMAPP, e-cropping and many more. He said he would visit the village and ward secretariats twice a week after a decline in Covid cases and also start a programme where MLAs and officials visit a village and ward secretariat every day at the zonal level. He told the district collectors to visit both the village and ward secretariats on a weekly basis and directed joint collectors, municipal commissioners and ITDA POs to visit four village and ward secretariats per week to know the ground-level reality. He said that an additional 200 services would be provided to the people through village and ward secretariats, taking to a total of 740 services. Interacting with the officials, Jagan Mohan Reddy directed the authorities to brace up for the possible third wave. Since studies showed that children would be affected in the third wave, officials were instructed to be prepared with a good action plan, especially considering the treatment for children and to complete all works in the next two months. He instructed the officials to check whether all required infrastructure was in place including special wards for children. He told the officials to check on the quality of ICU beds in teaching hospitals and provision of medical care to infants and ensure that oxygen beds were available at CHCs and area hospitals and avail the services of paediatricians. The Chief Minister directed the officials to prepare an action plan at district level for the next two months and implement it. He told them to ensure all the medicines in the government hospitals met the standards of WHO and GMP. Also, he stressed on providing training to nurses in giving treatment to children. Asserting that vaccination was the only solution to Covid, the Chief Minister ordered the officials not to deviate from the prescribed vaccination policy as still there was a long way to go in vaccination. He said the second dose should be prioritised, as everything would go in vain if the second dose was not given at the right time. So far, 1,28,84,201 people had been vaccinated, where 96,25,316 got single dose vaccination and 32,58,885 completed the two-dose vaccination. He told the officials to focus on other categories, after completing the 90 percent vaccination for those over 45 years. It has been decided to give lands as an incentive to set up 16 private multi and super specialty hospitals in each district centre and each corporation, where Rs 100 crore should be invested over a period of three years in setting up a hospital. These private hospitals should be located in various cities and towns rather than in one place and get them empanelled with Aarogyasri, he added and instructed the collectors to identify land for the construction of these hospitals within a week. Further, the Chief Minister emphasised on continuing the economic activity in those districts where the curfew relaxations were given. He said the poor would suffer a lot, if the economic activity did not progress. The Chief Minister directed the district collectors to monitor all the notified hospitals to ensure that quality food, infrastructure, medicines and sanitation were in place and told to review these aspects at least once in every 15 days. He said steps should be taken to provide free medical care under YSR Aarogyasri and develop 104 call centre as a one stop solution for the public, where they could receive services within three hours. The officials informed that currently 322 hospitals were offering Covid treatment, where 3,196 ICU beds were still available of the total 4,592 ICU beds. Similarly, of the total 19,258 oxygen beds, 15,309 beds are available. The Chief Minister directed the officials to equip all those hospitals with a CCTV network and monitor. Visakhapatnam: Nearly 5,000 personnel of Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) began a two-day survey of 793 slums within the corporation limits on Sunday. We have launched the survey on Sunday since most people stay at home on the day. We are collecting every detail of slum dwellers, their requirements, infrastructure facilities, health, and employment status of eligible youngsters from every slum, GVMC commissioner G. Srijana said. She visited Vinayakanagar, Ambedkar Colony and other areas in 24th and 34th wards in zones three and four of the corporation to check progress of the survey. Prior to 2005, there had been 450 slums in the Port City. With merger of Bheemili, Gajuwaka and Anakapalli into Visakhapatnam, their number has reached 793. Slums had been completely neglected as there was no elected body for the corporation in the last decade. Now, the state government and council have decided to improve slums with provision of all basic facilities. We will make Vizag a slum-free city soon, GVMC mayor G. H. Venkata Kumari told Deccan Chronicle. Sources within the corporation disclosed that there are 426 notified slums and 367 non-notified ones in the Greater Visakhapatnam area. It is estimated that there are up to 20,000 households and a population of up to one lakh living in them. Slum dwellers occupy both private and government lands. We can have a clear picture only after completing the survey. We are conducting this survey in a transparent manner, the mayor pointed out. Urban Community Development (UCD) wing of GVMC is nodal agency for the survey. Teams comprising five members each are visiting every slum, UCD project director Y. Srinivasa Rao stated. We will prepare a detailed report on the slums based on survey inputs and place it before Chief Minister Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, mayor Venkata Kumari added. The Supreme Court had directed the Kerala government to pay Rs 50 lakh as compensation to Nambi Narayanan. (Photo: PTI/File) Thiruvananthapuram: "Victims" of the 1994 espionage case -- former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan and two Maldives nationals who were arrested back then -- will also be heard prior to arriving at decision on the anticipatory bail plea of former Kerala DGP Siby Mathews, a court here said on Monday. Mathews has sought anticipatory bail in the case registered by CBI against him and 17 other police officers for offences including criminal conspiracy and kidnapping and fabrication of evidence, under the IPC, in connection with arrest and detention of former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan in the 1994 espionage case. Principal District and Sessions Judge P Krishnakumar, who heard the matter via video conference, said, "Let them (Narayanan and the two women) be heard. They will be heard. Counsel for the victims are permitted to make submissions." With the direction, the court listed the matter for physical mode of hearing on July 14. Mathews had objected to the impleadment applications of Narayanan and the two women -- Mariyam Rasheeda and Fousiya Hasan -- all three of whom have opposed grant of any relief to him. They have opposed his plea for anticipatory bail on the ground that he was heading the Special Investigation Team (SIT) which had arrested them and allegedly subjected them to custodial violence. In his anticipatory bail plea, Mathews has claimed he and senior Kerala Police officers were pressurised by the Intelligence Bureau (IB) to arrest Narayanan in the espionage case. He had also claimed cases under the Foreigners Act and the Official Secrets Act were registered against Rasheeda based on the information received from the IB and the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) that she had "undesirable connections with some ISRO scientists and her activities were prejudicial to interest and security of India." Rasheeda was, thereafter, arrested on the instructions of a then senior IB officer, Mathews has claimed. CBI, last week, had in the Kerala High Court opposed the joint anticipatory bail plea of two former Kerala Police officers, who were part of the SIT involved in the arrest of Narayanan, saying they falsely implicated him in a "concocted case" which led to delay in development of India's cryogenic technology. It contended in the high court that the plea was moved by the retired Kerala Police officers -- S Vijayan and Thampi S Durga Dutt -- to "scuttle the due process of law" and it was "premature" and "not sustainable". "It is just being filed with the sole motive to get away from the clutches of law," the agency had said and that it has reason to believe that once the relief was granted to them, they will not cooperate with the probe and "will derail the pace of the investigation." The Supreme Court had on April 15 ordered that the report of a high-level committee on the role of erring police officials in the espionage case relating to Narayanan begiven to the CBI and directed the agency to conduct further investigation on the issue. The three-member committee, headed by former apex court judge Justice (retd) D K Jain, was appointed by the top court in 2018 after acquitting Narayanan in the case. The Supreme Court had also directed the Kerala government to pay Rs 50 lakh as compensation for compelling Narayanan to undergo "immense humiliation". The espionage case, which had hit the headlines then, pertained to allegations of transfer of certain confidential documents on India's space programme to foreign countries bytwo scientists and four others, including two Maldivian women. The CBI, in its probe back then, had held that the then top police officials in Kerala were responsible for Narayanan's illegal arrest. The case also had a political fallout, with a section in the Congress targeting the then Chief Minister late K Karunakaran over the issue, that eventually led to his resignation. VIJAYAWADA: Telangana state police on Sunday stopped Jaggayyapet YSRC MLA Samineni Udayabhanu from going to Pulichintala dam to protest against the TS government using water in the project to generate hydroelectric power. However, the MLA crossed River Krishna from Muktyala in a boat and reached Madipadu from where he successfully reached the multipurpose Pulichintala project site. He condemned the Telangana government for violating KRMB directions and using water for power generation illegally. Udayabhanu vented ire at being stopped by Telangana police. He said that because of Telangana state governments trespass, there was a heavy wastage of water and this was not an ideal situation before the start of the Kharif season. The chief whip stated that water should be used as per the Bachawat Tribunal recommendations and rules framed in AP Reorganisation Act and KRMB. He said that the Pulichintala irrigation project was built as part of Jalayagnam when YS Rajasekhara Reddy was the chief minister. He slammed Telangana ministers like Prashant Reddy and Srinivas Goud for making inappropriate, objectionable and unsavoury remarks against Rajasekhara Reddy. The MLA urged Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to rethink about the illegal drawls from the Krishna projects and consider an amicable solution. He deplored that on Saturday one TMC of water was wasted as it was released into the sea. He stated that a TMC of water can help cultivate 10, 000 acres of farmland and lamented that 7.5 TMC water has been wasted due to power generation by Telangana government which can be used to fulfil irrigation water requirements of 75,000 acres. The legislator recalled that Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy had reiterated that the two states should be on friendly terms and minister KT Rama Rao should introspect about his recent statements on the issue. He said they would fight it out and ensure that Andhra Pradesh gets justice. We now take our liberties and rights for granted, and the way of life it guarantees us as inherent. But what we now have has come after a long process of evolution, and many a time they flowed out of something else quite unintended. The Magna Carta is a case in point. In June, the entire English-speaking world celebrated the 806th anniversary of the Magna Carta, or Great Charter, that is synonymous with the fundamental rights and rule of law which are considered the cornerstones of modern democracy. Much of the world now believes that the Magna Carta came out of an eruption of a long-suppressed yearning among the common people for protection against the caprices of the monarch and the nobility. But it is not so. It came out of an intra-elite struggle between 40 barons and their King. Englands King John had emptied the royal treasuries in a fruitless war with France, and the barons were no longer willing to meet his demands for higher taxes. The consequence was the Magna Carta to protect the barons from the Kings demands. The demand to be judged by their peers was another protection. It was not meant for the ordinary people, but only for the barons. Thus, the Magna Carta was not quite a grand demand for equality, the basic freedoms and rule of law but just a narrow demand for restricting the rulers powers to ring fence the interests of the elite. But the myth of the Magna Carta has endured, and it is often invoked whenever and wherever people struggled against injustice and freedom. Mahatma Gandhi invoked it in South Africa when he fought for racial equality, and emancipators and freedom fighters like Nelson Mandela, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro and Martin Luther King Jr have invoked it when they were being tried for sedition by oppressive rulers. Like those English barons, they too were arguing for limiting the oppressive and unjust powers of oppressive regimes, but now not just for themselves and their peers, but for all their fellow citizens. The story of modern democracy is about the long journey from the rights of a few to the rights of all. Another myth that endures is that the twin notions of democracy and the rule of law somehow originated with the Magna Carta and its acceptance. The fact is that the King rejected the Magna Carta soon after it was presented to him. But King John avoided the consequences of the barons indignation by helpfully dying and thereby perpetuating the myth. The first democracies long preceded the Magna Carta of 1215. Even as early as the sixth century BC, several independent republics existed in India as sanghas and ganas. The main characteristics of these sanghas and ganas were a raja, elected or hereditary, and a deliberative assembly. These assemblies met regularly and passed laws pertaining to finances, administration and justice. The raja and other officials obeyed the decisions of these assemblies. While these assemblies were mostly comprised of the nobility and landowners, in some cases they included all free men. But the Brahminical system prevailed in the sense that the monarch always had to be a Kshatriya. While the Licchavis, who held sway over the Kathmandu Valley in present-day Nepal and a major part of northern Bihar, were governed by an assembly of about 7,000 rajas who in turn were the heads of all the major families, others like the Shakyas, the clan to which Gautam Buddha belonged, had assemblies open to all people, rich or poor, and noble or common. The greatest contribution to the evolution of democracy as a philosophy was in Athens, where great philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle lit up the public discourse with their brilliance and original thinking. Socrates and his pupil, Plato, deliberated and expounded on the role of a citizen within a community and laid down the foundations of the political philosophy that flourished in Athens and spread to most of the world over the next two and a half millennia. Aristotle, who counted among his students Alexander the Great, dwelt more on systems of government and who first qualified liberty as the fundamental principle of democracy. This principle that whatever is decided by the majority is sovereign has always had to contend with the rights of the individual. In the United States of America, which was formed after a great debate among the founding fathers as a democracy, it was by majority will that slavery had flourished till the Civil War. It took another century before equal rights for black people became the majority will. This constant struggle for individual rights against the will of the collective has been the central story of the evolution of the modern democratic state. Free India by contrast provided for all these rights and liberties from the beginning in its Constitution. The Magna Carta, because it sought to limit the powers of the ruler, perhaps still has a place in our hearts and minds, because of just that. To most of us citizens in democratic states, our life is also a constant struggle against the assertion of collective will to trample individual liberties or the rights of smaller groups. The rise of democratic and elected parliaments in England and Scotland just 50 years after the Magna Carta is not a coincidence but the consequence of that demand to share power. It is from the Magna Carta that the English writ of habeas corpus evolved, safeguarding individuals and their freedoms against unjust and unlawful imprisonment with the right to appeal. It is from this emergence of petitions for the production of the body that parliaments in due course became to be increasingly used as a forum to address all the concerns and grievances of ordinary people. Thus, whatever be the first intent of the Magna Carta, its consequences greatly expanded over the centuries into a charter, which guarantees individual liberties, equality and justice to all, irrespective of their race, religion and class. But that struggle is far from over. It goes on and only its forms change as human values and means change. Get 25% off of the regular $65 annual All Access rate. With this subscription you will get: Digital access to ElPasoInc.com and archives (value $45) Print subscription home or business delivered (value $65) Book of Lists (annual rate only, value $50) El Paso Inc. Magazine (value $20) El Paso Kids Inc. Special sections - OR - Get 15% off of the regular $45 annual Digital-only rate. With this subscription you will get: Complete digital access to ElPasoInc.com. FILE - In this June 21, 2021 file photo, Bassem Awadallah, a former royal adviser, leaves a state security court in a vehicle after the first session of his closed-door trial, in Amman, Jordan. Awadallah, a Jordanian American, alleges he was tortured and fears for his life in Jordanian detention, Michael Sullivan, a U.S. lawyer said Sunday, July 11, 2021, on the eve of a verdict in the high-profile sedition trial linked to a rare public rift in the kingdom's ruling family. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form Money laundering, mafia and drug cartel accusations in Arizonas cattle theft scandal By Rachel Alexander The cattle ranching industry in Arizona is being torn apart due to corruption and crime. It has split longtime cowboys against each other. Much of it comes down to cattle rustling that has been allowed to thrive, with close to 3,000 heads of cattle stolen from at least 32 owners over the past few years. There may also be money laundering connected to the Mafia and Mexican drug cartels. The corruption became so bad the Arizona Department of Agriculture tasked an investigator to look into it a few years ago. He gave the results of his investigation, known as Operation Cow Posse, to Judicial Watch in 2019 as the scandal escalated. Cattle ranchers told him the scandal went all the way to the Arizona Legislature. They claimed that a powerful lobbyist helped launder millions of dollars from Pinnacle West, the parent company of electric company Arizona Public Service, through cattle growers bank accounts. People working at the Arizona Cattle Growers Association said they found files going back to 2006 showing the bank transfers. The investigator believes Pinnacle West wanted to pay off powerful people in the water industry, so they laundered the money through ACGA and its related entity, the Arizona Cattlemens Association, in order not to show the money coming directly from them. The investigator found over $10 million he says was laundered this way, and believes there were more incidents in the past. So far, little has been done, in part due to fear that the Mafia and Mexican drug cartels are involved, and in part due to corruption in government and law enforcement. But things may be changing, due to an email that Jacquelyn Hughes, the executive director of ACGA, sent to numerous people recently questioning the strange transfer of over $10 million. She said it was unusual that ACGA, from 2016-2018 was taking in and spending anywhere from $60,000 - $100,000 per month. When you consider that ACGAs primary source of revenue is membership dues and that our dues range from $75.00 - $450.00 per month, it is unclear both how ACGA came into this type of money and how it was spent. Even when considering annual convention revenue, the numbers do not add up. The scandal has resulted in multiple ongoing lawsuits, with ACGA in the middle of it. Under the leadership of Jay Whetton, who was elected president in 2018, the organizations structure changed in order to give regular members the ability to vote on leadership. This was done in response to accusations that the ACGA was run like a fraternity by country club cowboys who had ties to the Mafia and Mexican drug cartels. The change caused a deep division in the organization, with the old guard splitting off and forming their own group. The new executive committee forged ahead, and last August, held a meeting to discuss how the Mafia and Mexican drug cartels launder money in the cattle industry. Some of the cattle ranchers accused Emmett Sturgill, who was at the time first vice president of the ACGA and allegedly part of the old guard, of posting information from Operation Cow Posse, which included the names of 56 suspected cow thieves, on the internet in early November. At the same time, Sturgill accused them right back of posting the information and filed lawsuits against them. The ADA lost interest in the case, which some cattle ranchers believe was due to corruption, and so the investigator continued on his own, unpaid, for Judicial Watch. Sturgill and his allies attempted to retake control of the ACGA in early November but failed. The old guard objected to the investigation, complaining that it was not done by law enforcement. But the new leadership defended the investigation, saying the government and law enforcement were not doing anything about it. The Cattle Growers association in Mojave County resigned its affiliation with the ACGA in disgust at the continuous scandals, and prohibited Sturgil, who lives in the county, from being a member. The ADA issued a statement a few days ago defending its poor record on investigating cattle rustling, dismissing media reports by saying official reports of thefts werent filed. Some of the old guard claim the accusations of cow theft are made up, because certain ranchers want to discredit the government from inspecting cattle and move to a system of private inspectors like they have in Mexico, where corruption is rampant. But if this was true, then why did well-known Arizona cowboy Milo DeWitt, who lost over 400 head of cattle to theft, ask for assistance from the FBI, county sheriff, brand board and brand inspectors (who are under the ADA), the ADAs top investigator, Judicial Watch, and meet with investigators several times? Or what about attorney and judge Tom Kelly in Yavapai County, who lost over 100 cows with calves, and complained to two brand inspectors? It sounds like the ADA is mincing words. One cowboy characterized the problem this way, Cattle growers in Arizona have no legitimate advocates in the state legislature because the industry is split down the middle; some people siding with the old guard, many of whom are corrupt, and some with the new guard, but the truth is most ranchers dont really know the whole true story. After months of infighting and dealing with lawsuits, the immediate-past president and the first vice president, who was in line to be the next president, resigned their positions and also their membership. The ACGA will be holding its annual election of leaders in a few days. The future of the organization does not look hopeful. One longtime cattle rancher says the situation is impossible to fix, the FBI needs to step in and arrest the bad people. The longtime previous executive director of ACGA, Patrick Bray, a relative of the powerful lobbyist, had access to the bank accounts. Perhaps he can explain what went on with the money. Rachel Alexander and her brother Andrew are co-Editors of Intellectual Conservative . She has been published in the American Spectator, Townhall.com, Fox News, NewsMax, Accuracy in Media, The Americano, ParcBench, Enter Stage Right and other publications.mericano, ParcBench, Enter Stage Right and other publications. Home Pelosiville and the great Demo-Dump exodus By Mark Alexander Exodus, noun: a mass departure of people... I read last week that Nancy Pelosi's hometown of San Francisco has a "zero waste goal" of keeping 80% of its human detritus out of landfills. I am sure this is gratifying to her suburban white-privileged supporters, but for those who are not in San Fran Nan's high-income class, Pelosiville has become the continental poop capital. That is a distinction it has held for three years now, and some blocks in this once fair city now look and smell like Calcutta. When you aren't avoiding panhandlers and thugs, you've got to be careful not to step on hypodermic needles or in human waste. After passing the city's largest tax increase ever to pay 19,000 employees more than $150,000 per year, the city managed to find enough left over to buy 260 tents for its downtown "safe sleeping villages" for vagrants at a mere $60,000 each. I know what you're thinking: "That is twice the cost of a one-bedroom apartment in San Fran, so those must be some big tents." Nope, those are your basic family-size sleepers, but Pelosiville's "homelessness department" expects to only pay $57,000 per tent next year. That'll fix it! Last year, while Pelosi was dodging poop and getting her hair done on the sly during the ChiCom Virus lockdown, her lap dog, Mayor London Breed, converted the town into an exit ramp. According to the latest San Francisco quality of life poll, 80% of residents oppose the Democrats' "defund police" mandates that resulted in dramatic urban crime surges. More than 70% believe that quality of life has declined in the city for the second year in a row. Thus, predictably, 40% of residents say they would like to move away. In the inimitable words of Casablanca's Prefecture of Police, Captain Louis Renault, "I'm shocked shocked to find [a mass exodus] is going on here!" Indeed, Zillow's latest "2020 Urban-Suburban Market Report" confirms the exodus is both real and historic. And it's not just Pelosiville. All of California and New York, the nation's two largest Demo-state chokeholds, are experiencing significant urban flight. On California's failures, Stanford's most revered historian, Victor Davis Hanson, wrote a prophetic analytical trilogy in 2019, which accurately predicted the current exodus. In "California's Rendezvous with Reality," he wrote: Californians brag that their state is the world's fifth-largest economy. They talk as reverentially of Silicon Valley companies Apple, Facebook, and Google as the ancient Greeks did of their Olympian gods. Hollywood and universities such as Caltech, Stanford, and Berkeley are cited as permanent proof of the intellectual, aesthetic, and technological dominance of West Coast culture. Californians also see their progressive, one-party state as a neo-socialist model for a nation moving hard to the left. But how long will they retain such confidence? However, Hanson noted: California's 40 million residents depend on less than 1 percent of the state's taxpayers to pay nearly half of the state income tax, which for California's highest tier of earners tops out at the nation's highest rate of 13.3 percent. In other words, California cannot afford to lose even a few thousand of its wealthiest individual taxpayers. Thus he concluded, "A California reckoning is on the horizon, and it may not be pretty." In "California Has Become America's Cannibal State," he wrote: For over six years, California has had a top marginal income-tax rate of 13.3 percent, the highest in the nation. About 150,000 households in a state of 40 million people now pay nearly half of the total annual state income tax. The state legislature sold that confiscatory tax rate on the idea that it was a temporary fix and would eventually be phased out. No one believed that. He concluded: "What is Sacramento's message to those who combine to pay half the state's income taxes and have not yet left California? 'Be gone or we will eat you!'" In part three, "America's First Third-World State," Hanson wrote: Third World symptomologies are predictably corrupt government, unequal or nonexistent applicability of the law, two rather than three classes, and the return of medieval diseases. Third World nations suffer from high taxes and poor social services, premodern infrastructure and utilities, poor transportation, tribalism, gangs, and lack of security. Another chief characteristic of a Third World society is the official denial of all of the above, and a vindictive, almost hysterical state response to anyone who points out those obvious tragedies. Another is massive out-migration. Explaining the lunacy of what has turned California into a Third World hellhole, he writes: A polarity of importing massive poverty from south of the border while pandering to those who control unprecedented wealth in Silicon Valley, Hollywood, the tourism industry, and the marquee universities. Massive green regulations and boutique zoning, soaring taxes, increasing crime, identity politics and tribalism, and radical one-party progressive government were force multipliers. He concludes: If Dianne Feinstein dwelled in an East Palo Alto or Redwood City residence rather than in Pacific Heights, or if all the Pelosi grandchildren had to attend state public schools, then the architects of 21st-century California might have had to live with the consequences of their own dreams and been less eager to inflict their nightmares on the other 40 million Californians. But then again, such a radical divergence between a few insider elites and a massive underclass, with little in between, is perhaps what best defines "Third World." Indeed. And it is much the same in New York, where the nation's largest city is plagued with Democrat policies resulting in high taxes and plummeting quality of life, putting New York and neighboring New Jersey at the top of the list for the great Demo-dump exodus. This as Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the elder of the corrupt Cuomo brothers, who was busy cashing in while elders died, is proposing to save his state with a "temporary" $1.5 billion personal income tax increase on his state's highest earners. Fleeing New Yorkers have cost the city alone an estimated $34 billion in lost income, prompting Manhattan Institute fellow E.J. McMahon to request, "Will the last high earner to leave New York please turn out the lights." Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are still trying to reverse the state and local tax deduction limitations on federal returns for their wealthy benefactors limitations signed into law by Donald Trump in 2017. But it is not tax deductions that are fueling the flight it is that Demos have turned their cities into violent cesspools. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer want to drag all of America down their socialist rat holes. The reality is that the exodus from these states, and other Demo-dominions, will result in higher concentrations of socialist crazies left behind. Finally, some of the people fleeing California and New York are those hypocritical rich liberals, the self-anointed "intelligentsia" who lord over the leftist proletariat and are tolerated only for the graft they dispense to all manner of liberal causes and campaigns. Their arrival in conservative states like Texas and Tennessee is raising concerns that these "Leftugees" will poison the wells here. That is a threat which local conservative groups had best beware. Mark Alexander is the executive editor of the Patriot Post. DOLTON Veteran firefighter Robert Morgan, who died unexpectedly on Wednesday while vacationing in the Dominican Republic, is being remembered as someone who embraced adventure and devoted his life to public service. Morgan, 50, was found dead in his hotel room on Wednesday morning, Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard said in a statement. A cause of death has not yet been determined. Watch Now: Riding Shotgun with NWI Paramedics "My son was a national and international traveler," said Sandra Morgan, Morgan's mother. "He was an adventurer. He loved zip-lining, bungee jumping, parachuting out of airplanes. He even got a chance to fly a plane once." A Calumet City native who graduated from Thornwood High School and Western Illinois University, Morgan was equally passionate about serving others, his mother said. Morgan was a social worker after college and was looking through job listings for his clients one day. "He happened to see that Dolton was hiring (firefighters)," Sandra Morgan said. "He called me and asked me how would I feel about him becoming a firefighter. I told him, 'I wouldn't run into a burning building, that's your thing.'" Morgan was set to observe his 21st anniversary in the department on July 17. He had served in a variety of capacities, including most recently as fire engineer. "Today our hearts are heavy as our beloved Robert has made his transition," Henyard said in a statement. "Robert was a tireless worker and one of the most genuine persons within our administration. His contributions not only to the upward mobility of the Dolton Fire Department, but to the Dolton community at large were second to none." Henyard said Morgan was scheduled to fly home Tuesday night and return to work on Wednesday morning. "Fire Engineer Morgan has been a dedicated member of the Fire Department for 21 years, serving our residents proudly," Fire Chief Pete McCain said in a statement. "Bobby was a son, a father and a great friend. He was loved by all and will be missed by his first service family." In addition to his mother, Morgan is survived by his daughter, Aliyah. Funeral arrangements are pending. Gallery: Recent arrests booked into Lake County Jail If you already subscribe to our print edition, sign up for FREE access to our online edition. Thanks for reading the Wharton Journal Spectator. Gayageum player Park Soon-a / Courtesy of Park Soon-a Music By Park Ji-won For some, music is just something to enjoy. But for Park Soon-a, a 52-year-old player of the Korean traditional string instrument named gayageum, who was born in Japan as a third-generation ethnic Korean, largely referred to here as "Zainichi" Korean, and who learned the instrument in both Koreas, music is a way to find her identity and communicate with the world. It is also a means for her to comfort people who live in their home countries as aliens. Park is a rare musician having living experience in the two Koreas as well as in Japan: she was born in Japan, spent years in North Korea to learn gayageum and chose to acquire South Korean citizenship to pursue her professional career as a gayageum player. "As a Zainichi Korean, I've lived as a minority in all three countries. In Japan, I didn't have voting rights and wasn't part of the society. My life in North Korea was not very different. I went there to study gayageum and lived there for some 10 years," she told The Korea Times. "Due to my minority status, I was nobody. But now as a grown-up, I think it is the time to speak up about myself and share my experiences as well as the sufferings of others through music." In the performance titled "Become Radiant," she is set to play tracks from her 2020 album "Chan: become radiant," during the Yeowoorak Music Festival, the largest-gugak-themed festival, held at the National Theater of Korea in Seoul, Wednesday. Being recorded at the now-defunct Armed Forces' Gwangju Hospital, it aims to comfort the souls of the victims of the Gwangju massacre with her colleagues Yeo Seong-ryong (Percussion), Kang Hae-jin (Violin) and Kim Seong-bae (Bass). Born in Osaka, Japan, Park started to learn the instrument as a hobby. She realized she was talented at the instrument after she won a competition to select a student to study in North Korea. She never intended to become a musician. But as a minority, she didn't have many other choices. Having not much access to jobs as a second-class citizen, playing the gayageum was almost the only option she had. "As a Zainichi Korean, who went to ethnic Korean school in the Zainichi community, I had to learn a traditional instrument as an after-school activity. I chose to learn gayageum when I was in the fourth grade and people said I am very good at it," she said. "I joined an audition to select a Zainichi student who would learn music at the Pyongyang University of Music and Dance in the North on the second grade in my high school in 1985. I was chosen. During every long school break, I traveled to the North and learned gayageum until 1997 all expenses paid. I was also a member of Geumgangsan Art Troup, a Zainichi art troupe founded in 1955 which was named by former North Korean leader Kim Il-sung, performing in North Korea and throughout Japan." "Become radiant," a gayageum performance played by Park Soon-a during the Yeowoorak Music Festival / Courtesy of National Theater of Korea While remaining "Chosen-seki," making her stateless which is the fate of many Zainichi Koreans she learned the instrument in the late 20th century in the North when the country actively "reinvented" traditional instruments, expanding their sonic range, and used them for the country's various musical propaganda activities. The gayageum was originally a 12-string instrument, but it was transformed into a 21-string instrument in the North while South Korea preserved the original form until it introduced a 25-string gayageum from the late 1990s. "The two Koreas share the same tradition. But after the separation, North Korea accepted the musical styles of China and Russia under communism and largely changed its music style which is sometimes similar to classical music so to raise the people's morale. Pyongyang doesn't preserve so-called traditional music. However, South Korea has been preserving original forms of palace music and other traditional forms." There was a time when she was seriously considering quitting music. For eight years between 1998 and 2004, she had been looking for ways to find another job in Japan. But she realized there were not many options to pursue there. After years of trial and error, she concluded that she should continue pursuing a career as a professional gayageum player. "I abandoned my Chosen-seki status. It was a huge decision because giving up the status was considered betrayal in the community. But I was certain about my decision that I wanted to learn traditional Korean music in South Korea. I came to South Korea, acquired South Korean citizenship, and studied it, thinking it would be my last chance to fulfill my yearning for learning," she said. So, she came to South Korea in 2005. It then took some 10 years to acquire South Korean citizenship due to strict conditions she had to meet while she was studying at the Korean National University of Arts. She said her experiences as a minority in the two Koreas and Japan helped her open her heart to marginalized people. A sign for BlackRock hangs above its building in New York in this July 2018 file photo. Reuters-Yonhap US firm set to bet on renewable energy projects here By Park Jae-hyuk IGIS Asset Management confirmed Monday that negotiations are underway with BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, to acquire IGIS Private Equity (IGIS PE), which specializes in investments in eco-friendly infrastructure. BlackRock, which has $8.6 trillion in assets under management as of the end of last year, spearheaded the trend of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) investments worldwide. CEO Larry Fink even sent a letter last year urging the heads of BlackRock's portfolio firms to pursue ESG management. "It is true that BlackRock seeks to take over IGIS PE," an IGIS Asset Management spokesman told The Korea Times. "It is difficult for us to disclose more specifics at this moment, such as the amount of shares to be sold or their price." BlackRock's Seoul office declined to verify the deal, saying the U.S. asset management firm's Korean subsidiary is not involved in the negotiations. IGIS Asset Management holds a 49 percent stake in IGIS PE. The remaining 51 percent is owned by Taeryeo Construction Industry and other shareholders. Founded in 2018 for IGIS Asset Management's business diversification, IGIS PE has been led by former Macquarie Capital Korea executives who have expertise in investments in waste disposal and new renewable energy facilities. In 2019, IGIS PE established Korea Renewable Energy Development and Operation (KREDO) for its own power generation business and announced it would create a 200 billion won ($174 million) fund with Korea Electric Power Industrial Development to invest in solar power businesses and energy storage systems. Last year, it signed a contract with SM E&C for a 1.6-gigawatt offshore wind project in Sinan, South Jeolla Province. According to industry sources, the series of eco-friendly businesses have drawn attention from BlackRock that has sought increased investments in environmental infrastructure projects in the Asian market. The investments prioritize ESG principles. In a message delivered Sunday to the G20 finance ministers at the Venice International Conference on Climate, the BlackRock CEO urged the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to consider private capital in pursuing eco-friendly projects around the world. "There is private capital that can be mobilized for the emerging markets, but we need to rethink the way the international financial institutions can support low-carbon investments at scale," he said. Once it finishes acquiring IGIS PE, BlackRock is expected to use part of its $4.8 billion Global Renewable Power Fund III for its eco-friendly investments here. Korea Transportation Asset Management invested 200 billion won in the fund with the money it raised from five domestic institutions. BlackRock plans to use the fund for investments in wind and solar power projects around the world. BlackRock is also trying to raise $500 million for its Climate Finance Partnership Fund to be used for eco-friendly power generation projects in emerging markets. Last week, the company announced it secured more than $250 million for the fund in commitments from a consortium of global institutional investors, governments and philanthropies. The U.S. firm has indicated it will continue to enlarge its alternative investments in Korea by restructuring its local businesses. "Investors' search for yield and increased portfolio diversification for overseas exposures have helped advance our Korea business remarkably in recent years, especially for alternatives and index strategies," BlackRock's Asia head Susan Chan said in March, when the company sold its onshore retail fund business to DGB Asset Management. Tourists at Jeju International Airport on Saturday, two days before the Level 4 social distancing regulations take effect in the greater Seoul area. Yonhap By Lee Min-hyung With Korea set to impose its toughest social distancing level for the next two two weeks from Monday, financial authorities are in a growing dilemma over whether to extend loan benefits to the self-employed and small business owners. Under the Level 4 social distancing rules, more than two people cannot gather for outdoor activities after 6 p.m. in Seoul and its surrounding areas. Small business owners particularly those running restaurants, cafes and pubs will be hit hard by the heightened social distancing regulations. The decision was made amid renewed fears of new infections, with the nation's daily COVID-19 caseload topping 1,000 for the fifth consecutive day since July 7. This situation puts the Financial Services Commission and other authorities in a stalemate over their future policy direction. Ever since pandemic fears started engulfing the economy in March 2020, financial watchdogs have urged banks to delay receiving the interest and principal on loans from small business owners until the end of September. But chances are that the timeline will be delayed further if the fourth wave of infections continues to weigh heavily on the economy. The bank industry estimates that loans offered to the self-employed and small- and medium-sized enterprises following the pandemic are worth a total 200 trillion won ($174.1 billion) Representatives from the financial industry sector, however, said that it is not desirable for authorities to keep offering financial benefits to virus-hit groups in the name of helping them recover from the pandemic shock. "Even if small business owners are in dire need of financial support during these coronavirus-induced economic doldrums, they should brace for the worst-case scenario after the pandemic subsides," an official from the industry said. "They will face a massive burden if they have to pay all the interest and principal back at one time after the pandemic comes to an end. Our view is that they need to start paying interest on their loans, as part of a step to hedge risks due to possible post-pandemic insolvency." People shop at a nearly empty shopping mall in Seoul, Sunday, Yonhap By Lee Kyung-min Plans for a second extra budget of 33 trillion won ($28.7 billion) may undergo dramatic revisions due to the heightened need for containment amid new COVID-19 caseloads exceeding 1,000 a day for about a week. A strongest-ever two-week social distancing rule effective Monday prohibits the gathering of more than two people after 6 p.m. in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province and Incheon, practically banning all private gatherings after work. Some say measures to boost consumption should be drawn down, since compensating for losses for small businesses and low-income earners take priority as strict distancing rules are likely to continue for at least two weeks. "YOU:R:CODE" (2017) by Bernd Lintermann and Peter Weibel / Courtesy of ZKM Karlsruhe and Jonas Zilius Visualized code reveals mountains of data behind our digitized daily lives By Park Han-sol In today's capitalist and industrial society, digital code consisting of 0s and 1s has largely been interpreted within the realm of technology and economy that remain behind the scenes. But although we do not witness this code directly, it defines such a large part of our daily lives through computers, smartphones, surveillance cameras and even QR code-based entry logs that record our every movement. So, what would all this computer programming language that shapes the world we live in today look like if we decided to bring it forward to the visual realm, specifically to a museum? The Nam June Paik Art Center in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, addresses this question at the exhibition, "Open Codes. Networked Commons," featuring the works of 13 artists and teams that utilize code as a creative artistic material. The exhibition series started in 2017 at the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe in Germany, and has since then been organized and locally developed in India, Spain and China, before finally arriving in Korea this month. Upon entering the gallery, attendees immediately lock eyes with their reflections in a mirror that is part of the installation, "YOU:R:CODE." As they head further down the hallway, their bodies begin to be digitally scanned, with their silhouettes soon rendered on LED screens as a collage of social media icons, genetic code and, finally, industrial barcodes. After having their physical bodies fully converted to digital data, they are then ready to enter the world of "Open Codes." "The World as a Field of Data" (2018) by Peter Weibel and Christian Lolkes / Courtesy of ZKM Karlsruhe and Uli Deck In one corner of the main exhibition space, "The World as a Field of Data," an installation made up of a total of 25 black-and-white screens hanging from the ceiling, represents the raw form of data sets that pervade our everyday lives. The cascading digital information is in fact real-time data fetched right from the internet, and includes those from cryptocurrency networks, sensors and open databases such as Wikipedia. "You use computers and phones every day and your life is decided based on data, but you never actually see them. You never see what goes on behind the scene," said Christian Lolkes, curator and artist of the installation. "What you see on the monitors is the unprocessed data, the way it communicates from one computer to the other." Another piece, "BITTERCOIN. The Worst Miner Ever," presents an interesting commentary on the recent craze over mining and earning bitcoins. The two Spanish artists, Cesar Escudero Andaluz and Martin Nadal, purposefully hacked an old calculator, a machine not made for fast calculations, and used it to mine the cryptocurrency, well aware of the fact that computing power is the most important variable in the competition. Every two minutes, the calculator prints out a nine-centimeter-tall receipt that records all bitcoin transactions. The pile of receipts that will continue growing until the end of the exhibition in October will visualize the amount of physical resources required to mine the digital currency. "The more the miner tries, the more paper gets printed out, and that process shows the idea of huge resource consumption (that results from) something you cannot touch or feel or see in any way," Lolkes explained. "BITTERCOIN. The Worst Miner Ever" (2016) by Cesar Escudero Andaluz and Martin Nadal / Courtesy of ZKM Karlsruhe and Jonas Zilius The old Seongnam Elementary School building has been reborn has Kil Hyun Art Gallery, an exhibition space and arts and crafts center since 2010, in Namhae, South Gyeongsang Province. Courtesy of Namhae County's official blog By Park Han-sol As the birthrate continues to plummet in Korea, hitting a new record low of 0.84 child per woman last year, schools in rural counties have been hit hard. It's not hard to find closed schools across the peninsula, after the young populations they once served dwindle and disappear. South Gyeongsang Province has been no exception, with 584 former schools standing as of 2021. However, in recent years, more and more of these empty facilities have started transforming into other public cultural institutions art galleries, libraries, with one even earmarked for an animal shelter. As a result, only 86 of these schools remain unused currently. In Namhae, the old Seongnam Elementary School building, which had been abandoned since 1999, was reborn as Kil Hyun Art Gallery in 2010, named after its director, artist Kil Hyun. "Even just a decade ago, I believed that Namhae remained as one of the most isolated regions in terms of culture," he told The Korea Times. "There was a movement to found a proper cultural institution in the region, and since my home was in Hadong (about 34 kilometers away from Namhae), I decided to come here and establish one myself." The gallery, which retains many of the original features of the old school building from blackboards to wooden chairs and squeaky floorboards, has served as a platform for small-scale exhibitions as well as arts and crafts classes for local students and residents. "There are four arts education programs running year-round for students, residents and senior citizens of the region. Their schedules are very similar to that of an actual school as they run from March to December, with around 20 attending each class." The facade of the old Soungsan Elementary School has been transformed into a new camping-themed library, Gayasan-dokseodang Junglebook in Hapcheon, South Gyeongsang Province / Courtesy of Gayasan-dokseodang Junglebook "Bungalow" camping space of the Gayasan-dokseodang Junglebook / Courtesy of Gayasan-dokseodang Junglebook North Korea's foreign ministry on Monday accused the United States of using humanitarian aid as a political tool for interfering in internal affairs and taking issue with human rights. Kang Hyon-chol, a senior researcher at the Association for the Promotion of International Economic and Technological Exchange, made the case in an article published on the website of the North's foreign ministry. "In actual practice, many countries have undergone bitter tastes as a result of pinning much hope on the American 'aid' and 'humanitarian assistance,'" Kang said. "This vividly reveals that the American ulterior intention of linking 'humanitarian assistance' with 'human rights issue' is to legitimize their pressure on the sovereign states and achieve their sinister political scheme," he added. Kang said the world is now facing severe economic difficulties because of the COVID-19 pandemic and accused the U.S. of attempting to abuse the suffering and pain for "sinister political purposes." An earlier report said the U.S. may consider sharing COVID-19 vaccines with North Korea if requested by the impoverished nation. The article appears to reflect the North's commitment to self-reliance and rejection of humanitarian aid if Washington brings up Pyongyang's human rights issue. The North has been expected to receive around 2 million doses of coronavirus vaccines through COVAX, but they have not been delivered to the country yet. North Korea has claimed to be coronavirus-free but has taken relatively swift and tough measures against the pandemic, such as imposing strict border controls since early last year. (Yonhap) People stand in line to receive a coronavirus test at a makeshift testing center near Seoul Station, Monday. Yonhap President apologizes for imposing strictest virus curbs By Lee Hyo-jin The government is considering introducing a home treatment plan for asymptomatic COVID-19 patients amid growing concerns that the ongoing spike in infections especially in Seoul and its neighboring areas may lead to a shortage of hospital beds. Unlike during the third wave of infections last winter when Korea suffered a shortage of ICU beds for critically ill patients, the country is currently facing a potential shortage of beds in residential treatment centers where patients with mild symptoms stay. According to data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, as of Sunday, over 75 percent of beds in such treatment centers in the capital area are occupied as the number of COVID-19 patients with asymptomatic or mild symptoms has continued to increase especially among people in their 20s and 30s. A total of 33 residential treatment centers are being operated across Seoul, the surrounding Gyeonggi Province and the port city of Incheon, with 6,874 beds, among which only 1,624 are currently available. As the daily caseload nationwide has remained above 1,000 for six consecutive days, with infections concentrated in the metropolitan area, the care system for patients with mild COVID-19 symptoms may face serious problems in the coming weeks. "As there can be an unexpected increase in the number of infections, we are considering either to mobilize treatment centers in other regions outside the capital area, or review at-home treatment for asymptomatic patients who are living alone," health ministry spokesman Sohn Young-rae said at a briefing, Sunday. According to Sohn, home treatment for COVID-19 is currently available for children aged 12 or under who are in need of care from their parents or guardians. The government is reviewing whether to expand the treatment for young asymptomatic patients of single-person households. "For home treatment, medical workers constantly monitor the patients' condition through phone calls. We are considering whether it will be possible to operate this system more actively." Since May 2021, 669 coronavirus patients, or 0.66 percent of the total number of patients have been treated at home, according to the health ministry. But it noted that it does not plan to immediately expand the system, as "even if the patient is asymptomatic or is having mild symptoms, it is more effective to hospitalize them at facilities in order to prevent further virus spread." The government also plans to additionally secure 5,354 hospital beds for patients with mild symptoms by the end of July, in cooperation with local governments in the capital area by mobilizing university dormitories and accommodation facilities at training centers of state-run institutions. President Moon Jae-in speaks during a meeting at Cheong Wa Dae, Monday, on COVID-19 response measures. Yonhap Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Seoul / Yonhap A South Korean missionary couple, who were abducted by an unidentified group in Haiti, have been released over the weekend after 17 days in captivity, the foreign ministry said Monday. The two Korean citizens were set free at 12:06 p.m. on Saturday (Haiti time) and left the country the following day to return home via a third country, the ministry said. They remain in good shape. Soon after learning that the couple were kidnapped on the outskirts of Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince on June 24, the ministry ran a task force, led by Second Vice Foreign Minister Choi Jong-moon, to ensure an early release of the couple. Last month, First Vice Foreign Minister Choi Jong-kun also had a phone call with Haiti's interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph to call for his support for their release. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic Lee In-ho, in charge of Haiti-related affairs, has met with officials from Haiti's police and other authorities. Instability has persisted in the Caribbean country, as around 150 armed gangs are known to be in operation, with ransoms seen as their primary source of revenue. According to a civic group estimate, more than 3,000 abduction cases took place in 2020 alone. Since February 2019, Seoul has already recommended citizens withdraw from the country due to political instability, which further worsened after President Jovenel Moise was killed in an attack Wednesday. There are about 150 South Koreans in Haiti, many of whom work in the sewing industry in the country. "While it is asking citizens in Haiti to refrain from going outside and take extra care for their safety, the government is providing flight information to them and recommending they quickly leave the country to safe areas," the ministry said in a press release. (Yonhap) President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga / Korea Times file Japan lukewarm on summit ahead of Tokyo Olympics By Kang Seung-woo President Moon Jae-in has a hard decision to make on whether to visit Japan on the occasion of the Tokyo Olympics as the envisaged trip is drawing a mixed response. Advocates for the President's participation in the opening ceremony of the quadrennial sporting event, which kicks off July 23, insist that he needs to go in order to break a deadlock in strained bilateral ties, but those critical of this say he should not travel to Tokyo as Japan is taking a lukewarm attitude toward a summit and not showing much resolve in addressing various disputes between the two countries. Moon is making a last-ditch effort to normalize Korea's relations with Japan before his term ends in May 2022, as this could enhance trilateral cooperation with the United States. In that sense, the two neighboring countries have been in talks over Moon's attendance at the opening ceremony, which would lead to his first summit with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and a discussion about pending bilateral issues, according to the foreign ministry here. However, Tokyo is seemingly unwilling to commit to a meeting, repeatedly leaking information on the negotiations to the media that deprecates a possible summit. Some media reported that any talks between Moon and Suga may last only 15 minutes due to time constraints. "President Moon's attendance can be an opportunity to show his determination to improve Korea-Japan ties to neighboring countries as well as the Japanese people," Rep. Ha Tae-keung of the main opposition People Power Party (PPP) said on Facebook, adding that the normalization of relations between the two was a task that Moon must resolve before leaving office. "The worst-ever relationship between Korea and Japan has continued and the problem is that has weakened the nation's overall diplomatic capabilities as well as ties between Korea and the U.S." Rep. Yoon Sang-hyun, an independent lawmaker, also said on Facebook, "Moon should participate in the opening ceremony and hold a summit to make a breakthrough in the impasse." The two countries have been engaged in a feud over historical and territorial issues, with the latter dispute resurfacing after the Olympic organizer identified Dokdo, Korea's easternmost islets, as Japanese territory on an online map showing the route of the torch relay, drawing a backlash from Korea urging Japan to revise the map, but to no avail. The map issue is further enraging the Korean side as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) banned South and North Korean athletes from marching with a flag of the Korean Peninsula depicting Dokdo during the opening ceremony of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics due to a complaint from Japan, which claimed it was a political act contrary to the Olympic spirit. Korea accepted the IOC's call at the time. Under the circumstances, critics are urging Moon to ditch the visit. "The Dokdo issue has not been resolved yet, so why is the President going to Japan?" Yoo Seong-min, a former four-term lawmaker and presidential hopeful from the PPP, said on Facebook. "Despite our goodwill (at PyeongChang) and calls for a revision to the map, Japan has still described Dokdo as its territory, a sign of its territorial greed. I hope that Moon will not participate in the Tokyo Olympics unless the Dokdo issue is resolved." Olympic banners adorn the main press center of the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, Monday. AP-Yonhap The Industrial Heritage Information Center in Tokyo, which introduces 23 sites of the Meiji Industrial Revolution, seen in this June 14, 2020, file photo. Yonhap By Jung Da-min UNESCO has urged the Japanese government to faithfully implement its earlier promise to acknowledge the use of forced labor, including Koreans, at its World Heritage Sites during World War II, according to Korea's foreign affairs ministry, Monday. UNESCO also expressed "strong regret" over Japan's failure to fulfill its promise. It is very rare for an international agency to use such a strong language and confirms that Japan is wrong to claim that it has kept its promises. Japan was requested to acknowledge the forced mobilization of Korean workers after an expert panel from the UNESCO World Heritage Committee and International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) inspected the Tokyo Industrial Heritage Information Center in early June. The information center introduces 23 sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution that had been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2015. Among the 23 sites is Hashima Island, also known as "Battleship Island" in Korea, where it is believed that between 500 and 800 Koreans were forced to work between 1943 and 1945 122 of them died. Considering the outcry from Korea and other Asian countries over the designation of the sites linked to Japan's wartime atrocities, the committee called on Japan to come up with measures to allow an understanding of the "full history of each site." As Tokyo agreed to take such steps, the committee has been checking the level of progress every two years. In a report issued by the panel on the committee's website, Monday, the experts concluded that the Japanese government "has not yet fully implemented" UNESCO's requests, saying they "strongly regret" that fact. They said Japan has yet to establish a strategy that allows an understanding of the full history of each site. They said the center's information was "insufficient" to acknowledge Japan's use of forced labor and commemorate the victims. "The committee expressed its deep regret that Japan did not faithfully implement its earlier promise The international community has clearly confirmed that Japan's claim that it has faithfully kept its promise is not correct," an official with the foreign ministry told reporters. The committee may keep issuing requests and increase pressure on Japan. But it may not be possible to remove the sites from the World Heritage Site list, the official said. The foreign ministry on Monday extended a travel ban on six countries in the Middle East and other regions, and some parts of the Philippines, for another six months, citing prolonged security risks. The extension will apply to Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan and the southern region of the Philippine archipelago the Zamboanga Peninsula, Sulu, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi the ministry said. The measure will take effect from Aug. 1 to Jan. 31, 2022. The designated regions are exposed to constant risks of terrorist attacks and political instability that will likely persist for a considerable period of time, the ministry said. Travel to Iraq, Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan has been banned since 2007. Seoul imposed the ban on Yemen in 2011, Libya in 2014 and the islands in the Philippines in 2015. (Yonhap) gettyimagesbank By Jun Ji-hye A drunk driving case of a Chinese diplomat posted in Gwangju has been transferred to the prosecution as the police concluded his case was not subject to diplomatic immunity. The Gwangju Seobu Police Station said Monday the consul at the Chinese Consulate General in the city, who had been caught driving under the influence of alcohol, had claimed diplomatic immunity, which protects diplomats and their families against prosecution under the host country's laws. But the police did not recognize the consul's drunk driving as related to official affairs, which is one of requisites for diplomatic immunity, and transferred the case to the prosecution the same day to be handled as a violation of the Road Traffic Act. On June 20, the consul was found to have been driving his car while drunk for about 50 minutes from 1:30 a.m. on that day. Police intercepted the consul in an underground parking lot of an apartment after a member of the public reported the Chinese national to police for suspected drunk driving. At the time, the consul's blood alcohol content was 0.119 percent, which is high enough for the revocation of his driver's license. The legal limit in Korea is 0.03 percent. After being arrested by police, the consul claimed diplomatic immunity by saying that his drunk driving was related to official duties as he was on his way back after meeting a Chinese national who had been hospitalized. Police, however, concluded the consul's drunk driving was not related to his official affairs subject to diplomatic privilege after discussing the issue with the foreign affairs ministry, and sent the case to the prosecution. Despite the police's conclusion, however, it is unlikely that the consul will see any actual legal repercussion. Earlier in May, the wife of Belgian Ambassador to Korea Peter Lescouhier assaulted a clothing shop employee but avoided legal action as she maintained her diplomatic immunity. Prosecutors on Monday sought a seven-year prison sentence for the wife of former Justice Minister Cho Kuk at an appellate trial over academic fraud and financial misconduct. Chung Kyung-sim, whose husband was President Moon Jae-in's close aide and a former senior secretary for civil affairs, was sentenced in December by the Seoul Central District Court to four years in prison, a fine of 500 million won (US$436,000) and forfeiture of 140 million won. The court found her guilty of forging a presidential citation from Dongyang University, where she is a professor, and a separate internship certificate to use for her daughter's college admissions. Chung was also convicted of using insider information on WFM, a KOSDAQ-listed battery business, to earn profits and opening an account under a false name to conceal her assets. Prosecutors asked the Seoul High Court Monday to hand Chung a seven-year prison sentence, a fine of 900 million won and forfeiture of about 160 million won, the same punishment they demanded during the initial trial. Chung was immediately taken into custody after the December ruling. Her husband, Cho, who resigned as justice minister in October 2019 just one month after taking office, was later indicted on a dozen charges, including bribery, in connection with their daughter's academic credentials and school scholarship, as well as his family's suspicious private equity investments. (Yonhap) Lee Seok-joon, right, former minister for government policy coordination who is now an aide to former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-youl, submits Yoon's application to register as a preliminary presidential candidate at the National Election Commission in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, Monday. Yonhap By Nam Hyun-woo Running for the presidency requires not only qualifications and strong support it requires money, and lots of it. With the National Election Commission (NEC) beginning to receive registrations by preliminary candidates for the presidential election slated for March 9 next year, presidential hopefuls' have also begun seeking financing for their campaigns. Those registered as preliminary candidates will enjoy several advantages in their election campaigns over those who are not, such as being able to hire camp staff and send out campaign leaflets. The registration for final candidacy will take place from Feb. 13 to 14, which will be followed by an official full-scale campaign period. Among major candidates, former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-youl, who is viewed as the leading opposition contender, submitted his registration to the commission Monday as an independent. Another opposition contender, former lawmaker Yoo Seung-min from the main opposition People Power Party (PPP), also registered his election bid on the same day. As registration begins, presidential hopefuls are now seeking to finance their costly presidential campaigns. According to the NEC, the final candidates have to pay a total of 300 million won ($262,000) into an election trust, and those registering as preliminary candidates need to pay 20 percent of the total at the time of the registration. Former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-youl, a leading presidential contender for the opposition bloc, speaks to reporters after visiting the memorial altar of former Board of Audit and Inspection Chairman Choe Jae-hyeong's father at a hospital in Seodaemun District, Seoul, Thursday. Yonhap The NEC has set the spending cap for candidates in next year's presidential election at 51.31 billion won each, and will allow them to raise up to 5 percent of this, or 2.57 billion won, from individual supporters. Those who are running in a party's primary can raise an additional 2.57 billion won from their supporter groups, meaning a total of 5.14 billion won through fundraising. This is a disadvantage for Yoon, who is yet to announce whether or not he will join the main opposition PPP. Yoon is now covering the costs of running his campaign from his own pocket and with the help of volunteer workers. Due to this, PPP Chairman Lee Jun-seok said in an interview in April that "it is nearly impossible for independent contenders to withstand the preliminary period at their own expense or with individual supporters' donations." He added, "Only former candidates Chung Mong-joon and Ahn Cheol-soo were able to maintain their campaign until the moment they withdrew their candidacy to form a single candidacy (with others)." Former lawmakers Chung and Ahn were billionaire businessmen before they turned to politics. Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung speaks during a policy debate between primary contenders from the Democratic Party of Korea in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, July 7. Yonhap Those who are running in the election as a party member will also have to take on huge costs. Nine contenders who participated in the ruling Democratic Party of Korea's (DPK) first round primary had to pay 100 million won each to the party. The six who passed the first round on Sunday have to pay an additional 300 million won for the next round. Since the party does not cover primary contenders' cost for running their campaign offices and other expenses, the contenders have been busy raising funds through support groups. On Saturday, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung said on Facebook that he raised more than 900 million won just a day after he opened a bank account to receive support funds. The total stood at 1.41 billion won as of Sunday 6 p.m., according to his supporters. Former Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon also revealed that he raised 800 million won in just one day his camp said the total fund stood at 1.44 billion won as of July 7. While the DPK contenders are striving to rake in donations, the PPP began its primary, Monday, by starting receiving application for the preliminary rounds. The PPP will require 30 million won for those participating in the preliminary rounds, down from 100 million won during the previous presidential election. Former Board of Audit and Inspection Chairman Choe Jae-hyeong reponds to reporters after announcing his bid to run in the presidential election next year at the Daejeon National Cemetery, Monday. Yonhap The leaders of the ruling and main opposition parties agreed Monday to give the next round of COVID-19 relief aid to all citizens, not just select groups, their spokespeople said. Song Young-gil, chairman of the ruling Democratic Party (DP), and Lee Jun-seok, chairman of the main opposition People Power Party (PPP), reached the agreement during a meeting over dinner. "The two leaders appear to have reached a consensus that (the handouts) should be given to the entire nation," Rep. Koh Yong-jin, a senior DP spokesperson, said. Hwangbo Seung-hee, a senior PPP spokeswoman, added that the two parties are likely to look at ways to give extra aid to small business owners who have been hit hard by the pandemic. The rival parties will determine when the handouts will be given to people in light of the overall coronavirus situation, they said. Early this month, the government proposed an extra budget of 33 trillion won ($28.7 billion) to finance another round of COVID-19 relief aid packages for people in the bottom 80 percent income bracket and small business owners. Song and Lee agreed at their meeting to quickly launch a consultative body involving the two parties and the government and task their chief policymakers with continuing discussions on the universal relief plan. South Korea has seen a surge in COVID-19 cases in recent days, leading the health authorities to impose a semi-lockdown on the greater Seoul area for two weeks starting Monday. (Yonhap) Household trash bags and other industrial waste are being dumped at Sudokwon Landfill in Incheon. Korea Times file By Ko Dong-hwan Despite the Korean central government's months-long search for a city to oversee an alternative landfill to replace the current one in Incheon which is nearing the facility's maximum capacity, no city has stepped up. The Ministry of Environment, the city governments of Seoul and Incheon and Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corp. that oversees the landfill site's collection of waste from Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi Province launched an ad in May looking for a city that would volunteer for the new landfill operation job. The ad ran until July 9, with qualifications for candidate cities eased from the previous ad. The ad, however, failed to find any candidate cities interested in the task. The authorities had launched a similar ad in January which ran until April. Qualifications for candidate cities included having a site for an entirely new landfill facility with an area of at least 2.2 square kilometers with a ground area of at least 1.7 square kilometers to hold collected waste, a facility where construction waste and household trash can be sorted and consent from at least 70 percent of residents of the candidate city. By Muhammad Nauman I am presently employed as a researcher in Austria. I have spent five precious and peak years of my life in Daegu where I completed my Ph.D. from Kyungpook National University (KNU) in February 2020. I consider Daegu and South Korea as my second homeland where I have many fascinating memories. The special feelings for Daegu and Korea are natural. I am still emotionally attached to my alma mater and trying my best to act as a bridge for international collaborations. It's not only my story but the story of almost all international students who study in Korea and then move to the world's highly-ranked research institutes and universities. I know dozens of my friends and colleagues who graduated from different universities in Korea and now they are professors, researchers, and scientists in prestigious institutes and research centers in the United States, Canada, Europe, Gulf countries, and almost every corner of the world. We have alluring memories of Korea and we proudly share those with our friends and colleagues in other countries. For the last couple of months, there has been disturbing news coming from Korea through electronic and social media. A small group of residents is holding protests, distributing pamphlets, and running campaigns against a small mosque near the KNU East gate. International students from all over the world in the vicinity of Kyungpook National University use this mosque for prayer purposes and a community meeting place. Being a part of that community for five years, I consider it my responsibility to clarify some confusion and misconceptions about the matter. International students from all over the world have been praying in the mentioned mosque for the last eight to ten years. They are residents of different homes around KNU and have been living peacefully in the region for the last two decades. A sudden rise of such voices from a small group of local people has badly impacted the psychology and mental health of the international students in that region. Many of the students and researchers live along with their families and children and they said in an interview that such pamphlets and protests have impacted their children. They feel concerned and fearful after such protests and slogans. These students and researchers come to Korea for a short period of time. They either return to their home countries, as most of them have jobs in their own countries, or they move to other countries and further their career. Every sane individual considers these protests as a move of a small group of people having no relation to the state policy or general opinion of the majority of the population. But at the same time, it we cannot underestimate the role of social media and the exceptionally fast spread of information among the masses. In the age of "big data," it's harder to control the famous "Chinese whispers" game where misinformation spreads among masses like "fire in a dry forest" and reaches every individual with a different twist. These problems created by a small group of people are extremely dangerous for the international image of South Korea. It deteriorates the nice peaceful image of Korea and creates misconceptions among the public. A few months ago, there was a huge debate on whether Korea can be a possible replacement for Hong Kong as a financial hub of Asia or not? The anti-foreign sentiment was one of the demerits among the five reasons that presented Seoul and Busan as an unsuitable place for foreign firms to establish operations. Such actions from a small group of people will provide an unintentional supportive argument to those demerits. Furthermore, Korea's tourism industry is a major contributor to the country's economic prosperity. It contributed 4.7 percent of GDP in 2018 and is expected to provide 1.4 million jobs or 5.3 percent of total employment. Such small incidents and their reflection in social media will also impact the tourism industry. It's also worth mentioning that some of the individuals among the residents, human rights organizations, and professors of KNU, who believe in diversity and equity, are handling the matter quite nicely through dialogue and meetings. Logically it's impossible for a student to visit Korea and leave his or her culture and lifestyle in their country. Lifestyle and culture is an integral part of individual life and it accompanies an individual wherever that person goes. We hope that the issue will be resolved through the proper intervention of government officials and departments and the physical and psychological safety and security of all international students and researchers in the country will be assured. The writer is a former student and researcher in KNU and former vice president of the Pakistani Students and Scholars Association Korea (PSAK). 'Comfort woman' exhibitions must go on despite threats A Japanese court ruled that it was unfair not to allow a "comfort woman" exhibition in Osaka to go ahead on the grounds of public safety. In the ruling last Friday, the Osaka District Court permitted the exhibition to open as scheduled, stating that the exhibition hall was allowed to showcase a "statue of peace" symbolizing victims of Japan's wartime sex slavery. With the decision, the exhibition's executive committee will open "After 'Freedom of Expression?'" Friday. It is fortunate to see the exhibition open in Osaka, given that a similar exhibition in Nagoya was suspended Thursday following a small explosion at the gallery. A package was delivered to the gallery by mail, and something like a firecracker went off inside when a staff member tried to open it, according to press reports. No one was injured, but the organizer of the exhibit, which began last Tuesday for a five-day run, decided to close it over safety concerns. We welcome the Osaka court's decision to defend freedom of expression and hope that such exhibits will never be halted again by violence. It is a fair and proper decision, considering that restricting freedom of expression must be considered very strictly even in the name of public safety. Japan's attempts to evade and distort historical facts is nothing new. A similar exhibition was held in Nagoya in 2019, but it was suspended after three days because of terrorist threats and complaints. Of course, Japan's right-wing nationalists should be blamed severely for the string of exhibition suspensions. For that matter, however, the Japanese government cannot avoid criticism, either, for its seemingly irresponsible attitude. It's no secret that the Japanese authorities have not faced up to what happened in the past and confronted intimidating right-wing forces strongly enough. Given that comfort woman exhibitions have been suspended so often, the latest ruling in Osaka must give a valuable lesson to Japan at large: Violence should not be tolerated for whatever reason. North Korean hackings pose threat to national security It is appalling that the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), a state-run think tank on nuclear power, was exposed to an alleged hacking attack by North Korea in May. The National Intelligence Service (NIS), which briefed members of the National Assembly's Intelligence Committee about the cyberattack, said no key data were stolen from KAERI's computer network. Yet, it is difficult to confirm if or which data were actually disrupted or stolen because hackers usually leave no trace of their attack. "The authorities are investigating the case after KAERI reported it was exposed to the North for about 12 days," Rep. Ha Tae-keung, a committee member, said Thursday, citing the NIS. Worse still, according to the lawmaker of the main opposition People Power Party (PPP), there are signs that Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) may also have been hacked by Pyongyang. KAI, the nation's sole fighter jet manufacturer, asked police to investigate the alleged attack last month. The United States has also expressed serious concerns about hacking attempts by North Korea. "North Korea's malicious cyber activities threaten the United States. They threaten our allies and partners, countries around the world," Ned Price, a State Department spokesman, said during a press briefing Thursday. He said that the North poses a "significant cyber threat to financial institutions." There have been previous reports of damage due to alleged hacking by the North. The Agency for Defense Development (ADD) in 2014 and the Ministry of National Defense in 2016 were also attacked by hacking groups presumably run by North Korea. The hacking attacks have diverse targets including cryptocurrencies and private information as well as national secrets. "It remains a cyberespionage threat. It retains the ability to conduct disruptive cyber activities as we've seen it in recent years," Price said. The case allegedly involving KAI is all the more serious as it is the manufacturer of the advanced pilot trainer T-50 Golden Eagle, light attack aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles. No one can rule out the possibility that core technology for the prototype of the KF-21 fighter jet could have been stolen. Any possible leak of crucial data will deal a fatal blow to national security, let alone the loss of a huge amount of taxpayers' money poured into the project. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the Moon Jae-in administration has failed to take appropriate measures. It should follow the suit of major countries such as the U.S. and Japan which have established "cybersecurity basic laws" to counter possible hacking attacks. Though the Moon government came up with a cybersecurity enforcement rule last December, it falls short of protecting the country from any intensive cyberattacks. In May, some oil pipelines in the U.S. were paralyzed for many days due to hacking from overseas. We should learn lessons from the case and take preemptive steps to thwart any cyberattacks from the North. Fundamental measures should be taken to ensure cybersecurity. By John Burton President Moon Jae-in has signaled recently that he wants Korea to play a more prominent role on the global stage when it comes to climate change. He has already promised to cut the country's greenhouse gas emissions and is expected to announce later this year a more ambitious target to curb them in an effort to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Seoul has also announced that it will no longer provide state-backed funds to build highly polluting coal-fired power plants overseas, a significant step since Korea is one of the largest foreign investors in this energy sector. But Moon and his successors will also need to turn their attention northward if they want to mitigate the local impact of climate change, because North Korea is an environmental disaster area. The upcoming summer months are likely to once again reveal the vulnerability of North Korea to extreme weather caused by climate change, which has resulted in floods and droughts in the past. If severe weather patterns occur this year, they will only exacerbate the challenges that North Korea is already facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also underscore that the two Koreas must cooperate in combating the environmental risks caused by climate change. The Korean Peninsula's relatively close geographical position to the Arctic weather system means that the impact of climate change it experiences is more serious than the global average. The two Koreas now have separate goals when it comes to climate change. As a leading industrial power, South Korea is focusing on reducing its global carbon footprint by cutting emissions. In contrast, the emphasis in North Korea is on limiting the damage caused by climate change on agricultural production and minimizing the impact of related natural disasters, such as flooding. Although it is not a major polluter due to its decrepit industrial base, North Korea's environmental crisis is partly of its own making. Deforestation, in particular, is a major problem since the lack of trees, which are cut down for fuel and firewood and to clear land for farming, contributes to flooding during the rainy season. Pyongyang has tried to solve the problem through land management and improving basic infrastructure, but with limited success. Unlike other aspects of its policy, Pyongyang has been relatively frank about the environmental crisis it faces. It has assumed an unusually open approach when it comes to cooperating with international organizations, such as the U.N., on climate change issues. Part of this has been motivated by North Korea's desire to receive financial and technical aid from overseas, while trying to burnish its international status by engaging in climate change diplomacy. But international sanctions and distrust over whether Pyongyang has used the assistance it has received effectively have blunted this ambition. Since they share the same environmental fate, the climate change challenge should provide an opportunity for fruitful cooperation between the two Koreas. But there has not yet been any broad-based inter-Korean dialogue on the issue, while Seoul's related assistance to Pyongyang, such as providing reforestation funds or disaster relief, has been sporadic over the years. Joint long-range planning on environmental issues would be of benefit to both Koreas since it would result in them working together to achieve the common goal of mitigating the impact of climate change. Both should have strong motivation to do so. Climate change represents a serious existential threat to North Korea since its severe impact on agricultural production could represent a major contributory factor to the possible collapse of the Kim Jong-un regime. North Korea already came close to this situation in the 1990s during the Arduous March period when natural disasters caused partly by climate change helped bring widespread famine to the country. Although many South Koreans might welcome a collapse, they also realize that the sudden downfall of the government in Pyongyang would impose a tremendous economic burden on them. Seoul prefers a soft landing approach. Meanwhile, President Moon has faced obstacles in promoting inter-Korean projects, such as cross-border transportation links, from opponents both at home and abroad. Joint environmental projects under a Green Detente Initiative would likely be less controversial to implement. South Korea has already won praise for its global climate change diplomacy in providing assistance to developing countries. Seoul could provide expertise to Pyongyang in advising on environmental protection land management policies. Assistance could also be provided to improve energy efficiency and investment in basic environmental technology. None of these measures would pose a national security risk to South Korea. Rather, they would increase the environmental security of both countries. Climate change represents both a threat and an opportunity for the two Koreas. If handled correctly, inter-Korean cooperation on the issue would help establish trust and reduce tensions, improving the chances of peace on the Korean Peninsula. John Burton (johnburtonft@yahoo.com), a former Korea correspondent for the Financial Times, is a Washington, D.C.-based journalist and consultant. By John J. Metzler Amid pomp, pageantry and proletarian parades, China's President Xi Jinping kicked off festivities celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CCP). The mass performances and political choreography, one of the things dictatorships seem to do so well, was held in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Dressed in the grey Mao-tunic reminiscent of times most Chinese would probably rather forget, Chairman Xi made a high octane nationalist speech to the 70,000 dutifully assembled faithful. But along with the usual political slogans and bromides, the speech went down a historic memory lane, "With the salvoes of Russia's October Revolution in 1917, Marxism-Leninism was brought to China The founding of a communist party in China was an epoch-making event, which profoundly changed the course of Chinese history in modern times." Indeed when founded in Shanghai in 1921, the CCP was a conspiratorial group which largely grew in prominence during the war against the Japanese occupation and later the civil war with China's Nationalist government. The CCP regime came to power in 1949. Following that period, China faced the trials and tribulations of Mao Zedong's (Mao-tse tung) radical regime in which millions of Chinese died through the political crackdowns, ill-conceived industrialization campaigns, and rampant famines. The brutal excesses of the so-called Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) in which Mao's Red Guard zealots burned books, temples and became the Revolution's rigid "thought police," only then to be consumed by the fires of their own revolutionary excess and incompetence, were overlooked. Not so surprisingly Xi Jinping praised the CCP's proletarian pantheon which ruled China through terror for the regime's first 30 years. "Let us take this moment to cherish the memory of comrades Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Deng Xiaoping," Comrade Xi intoned. He mentioned Chairman Mao a few times and interestingly also mentioned Liu Shaoqi, the once disgraced and purged CCP chairman. Following Deng Xiaoping's reform era starting in 1978, China's economy began to change for the better as hardline socialist practices were shelved in favor of pragmatism, especially in farming and small business. Yet Xi stated clearly, "We must continue to adapt Marxism to the Chinese context. Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology upon which our party and country are founded." He added, "We must uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics." Specifically he added, "We will elevate our people's armed forces to world-class standards so that we are equipped with greater capacity and more reliable means for safeguarding our national sovereignty, security, and development interests." Yet Xi warned ominously, "we will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people." The less polite original version stated; "Anyone who dares to try, will find their heads bashed bloody against a great wall of steel." Regarding Hong Kong which has increasingly faced Beijing's security crackdowns on its political rights, Xi stated, "While protecting China's sovereignty, security, and development interests, we will ensure social stability in Hong Kong and Macao." In other words, Obey, Comrades! Taiwan the island democracy which has been routinely threatened and bullied by Beijing, received a clear message; "Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China's complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Communist Party of China ... No one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity." Since it was the CCP being honored, let's look for a moment at the institution which has total suffocating control over the Chinese Mainland; "A century ago, at the time of its founding, the Communist Party of China had just over 50 members. Today, with more than 95 million members in a country of more than 1.4 billion people, it is the largest governing party in the world and enjoys tremendous international influence." In other words, approximately seven percent of the population maintains one party rule over 100 percent of China's people! Matters not mentioned during Xi's address: The "events" in the Wuhan laboratory through which a global pandemic began that killed more than 4 million people, caused widespread economic destitution and still continues. Not a peep. The persecuted Uighurs in Xinjiang? Who? Xi's far ranging speech outlined a troubling world vision for what he calls the China Dream. This dream is partially being made a reality by massive foreign investment, technology-sharing and trade. Have we noticed? John J. Metzler (jjmcolumn@earthlink.net) is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of "Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China." Former Naver Chief Operating Officer Choi In-hyuk poses at the company's headquarters in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, in this 2019 file photo. Courtesy of Naver By Kim Jae-heun Naver's union is asking the National Pension Service (NPS), the largest shareholder of the IT giant, to fire Choi In-hyuk from his CEO positions at Naver Financial and the Happybean Foundation. The request came in response to the company's refusal to dismiss Choi from any of his positions, after he offered to resign only as chief operating officer (COO). Choi is involved in a recent scandal where an employee working under him committed suicide after experiencing bullying at work. The union plans to utilize the stewardship code to hold a temporary shareholders meeting and bring in an item to remove Choi from all his positions. Members of Naver's union protest in front of company headquarters in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, June 7. Korea Times photo by Bae Woo-han By Baek Byung-yeul Doosan Digital Innovation (DDI) signed a partnership with Boston-based cybersecurity firm Cybereason to provide the latter's cybersecurity software tools in the Asia-Pacific region including Korea, the IT service arm of Doosan Group said Monday. The tools to be provided by the Korean side include endpoint detection and response (EDR), managed detection and response (MDR), next-generation antivirus (NGAV) and anti-ransomware and -malware protection. "With the partnership with Cybereason, DDI plans to provide response tools to cybersecurity threats to its customers, as private firms and public organizations are urged to respond quickly to rapidly increasing cyberattacks," DDI said. The Doosan Group affiliate said it inked the partnership with Cybereason as the company has a unique technology that preemptively eliminates security risks through real-time early detection. "Partnering with Cybereason puts future-ready cybersecurity products and services in the hands of organizations who need it," said Robert Oh, chief operating officer of DDI. "This global partnership allow us to offer these next-generation cybersecurity capabilities to DDI's internal and external customers." Lior Div, CEO and co-founder of Cybereason, viewed the partnership will become a win-win for the two companies. "Our strategic partnership with DDI highlights our mission to end sophisticated cyberattacks that are costing enterprises hundreds of millions of dollars a year," the CEO said. "By working closely with DDI throughout the region, we will provide enterprises with the needed expertise and solutions to reverse the adversary advantage and return defenders to the high ground, reducing the impact of cyberattacks on the business." A Hyundai Motor worker checks a Sonata passenger car at the company's Asan production plant. Courtesy of Hyundai Motor LG Innotek employees pose with printed and electronic versions of "2020-2021 LG Innotek Sustainability Report" that addresses the firm's efforts to abide by environment, social and corporate governance (ESG) principles. The report showed the firm reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45,000 tons from 2019 to 2020. Courtesy of LG Innotek By Yi Whan-woo LG Innotek reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 45,000 tons from 2019 to 2020 as part of efforts to enhance management based on environment, social and corporate governance (ESG) principles, the company said Monday. The reduced amount is equivalent to planting 3.9 million trees and such eco-friendly efforts are noteworthy considering greenhouse gas emissions increases when sales rise. During 2019-20, the company saw sales grow 20 percent. LG Innotek, the electronics component affiliate of LG Group, accordingly received an A-, the second-highest of nine ratings given by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), for two-consecutive years on climate change protection and also for four-straight years on water security. CDP is a U.K.-headquartered non-profit organization that helps companies and municipal governments publicize their sustainable development efforts. The ESG efforts were addressed in the company's "2020-21 Sustainability Report." "For us to become a lasting enterprise, we must fulfill social responsibilities by enhancing competitiveness in business," LG Innotek CEO Jeong Cheol-Dong was quoted as saying by the report. The paper especially addresses the company's ESG vision, which has become a buzzword in the Korean business community in recent years. "LG Innotek will continue to strengthen ESG management for sustainable growth," Jeong said. The company expressed hope the report will help stakeholders better understand LG Innotek's ESG-related activities in accordance with global information disclosure standards. Under the slogan, "Global No. 1 material and component company to build a better tomorrow," LG Innotek established the ESG Board Committee to oversee the achievement of eco-friendly goals. The company is pursuing the development of renewable energy and expanding energy-efficient production facilities with a goal of "zero environmental impact." That goal helped the company save 5.2 billion won ($4.53 million) in energy costs and reduce water consumption by 7 percent year-on-year. When it comes to corporate governance, LG Innotek has been expanding shareholder-friendly policies such as reinforcing the transparency of its board of directors and the company more than doubled dividend payments from 2020 and introduced an electronic voting system at general meetings to enhance shareholder rights. A warning sign alerts visitors of heat dangers in Death Valley National Park, Calif, July 11. An excessive heat warning was issued for much of the Southwest United States through Monday. AFP-Yonhap Firefighters working in searing weather struggled to contain a Northern California wildfire that continued to grow Sunday and forced the temporary closure of a major highway, one of several large blazes burning across the U.S. West amid another heat wave that shattered records and strained power grids. In Arizona, a small plane crashed Saturday during a survey of a wildfire in rural Mohave County, killing both crew members on board. The Beech C-90 aircraft was helping perform reconnaissance over the lightning-caused Cedar Basin Fire, near the tiny community of Wikieup northwest of Phoenix, when it went down around noon. Officials on Sunday identified the victims as Air Tactical Group Supervisor Jeff Piechura, 62, a retired Tucson-area fire chief who was working for the Coronado National Forest, and Matthew Miller, 48, a pilot with Falcon Executive Aviation contracted by the U.S. Forest Service. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the crash. ''Our hearts go out to the families of our brave wildland firefighters,'' an Arizona Bureau of Land Management spokesperson said in a statement. In California, officials asked all residents to reduce power consumption quickly after a major wildfire in southern Oregon knocked out interstate power lines, preventing up to 5,500 megawatts of electricity from flowing south into the state. The California Independent System Operator, which runs the state's power grid, said Saturday the Bootleg Fire took three transmission lines off-line, straining electricity supplies as temperatures in the area soared. ''The Bootleg Fire will see the potential for extreme growth today,'' the National Weather Service in Medford, Oregon, tweeted Sunday. Pushed by strong winds, the blaze exploded to 224 square miles (580 square kilometers) as it raced through heavy timber in Oregon's Fremont-Winema National Forest, near the Klamath County town of Sprague River. To the southeast, the largest wildfire of the year in California was raging near the border with Nevada. The Beckwourth Complex Fire a combination of two lightning-caused blazes burning 45 miles (72 kilometers) north of Lake Tahoe showed no sign of slowing its rush northeast from the Sierra Nevada forest region after doubling in size between Friday and Saturday. A firefighter sprays water while trying to stop the Sugar Fire, part of the Beckwourth Complex Fire, from spreading to neighboring homes in Doyle, Calif., July 10. Pushed by heavy winds amid a heat wave, the fire came out of the hills and destroyed multiple residences in central Doyle. AP-Yonhap People take part in a demonstration against the government of Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana, July 11. AFP-Yonhap Thousands of Cubans took to the streets from Havana to Santiago on Sunday in rarely seen protests, expressing frustration over economic conditions, the pace of COVID-19 vaccinations and what they said was government neglect. President Miguel Diaz-Canel, who also heads the Communist Party, blamed the United States for the unrest in a nationally televised speech on Sunday afternoon. Special forces jeeps, with machine guns mounted on the back, were seen in the capital, Havana, and Diaz-Canel called on supporters to confront "provocations." Thousands of people gathered in downtown Havana and along parts of the seaside drive amid a heavy police presence. There were a few arrests and scuffles. A Reuters reporter witnessed police pepper spray a few protesters and hit others with batons, but there was no attempt to directly confront the thousands chanting "Freedom" as they gathered and marched in the city center. Their shouts of "Diaz-Canel step down" drowned out groups of government supporters chanting "Fidel." The protests broke out in San Antonio de los Banos municipality in Artemisa Province, bordering Havana, with video on social media showing hundreds of residents chanting anti-government slogans and demanding everything from coronavirus vaccines to an end of daily blackouts. "I just walked through town looking to buy some food and there were lots of people there, some with signs, protesting," local resident Claris Ramirez said by phone. "They are protesting blackouts, that there is no medicine," she added. Diaz-Canel, who had just returned from San Antonio de los Banos, said many protesters were sincere but manipulated by U.S.-orchestrated social media campaigns and "mercenaries" on the ground, and warned that further "provocations" would not be tolerated. There were protests later on Sunday hundreds of miles (km) to the east in Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, where social media video showed hundreds marching through the streets, again confirmed by a local resident. "They are protesting the crisis, that there is no food or medicine, that you have to buy everything at the foreign currency stores, and on and on the list goes," Claudia Perez said. Cuba's President Miguel Diaz Canel walks with his followers after an anti-government protest in San Antonio de los Banos, Cuba, July 11. Hundreds of demonstrators went out to the streets in several cities in Cuba to protest against ongoing food shortages and high prices of foodstuffs, amid the new coronavirus crisis. AP-Yonhap [TW: mentions of depression, suicide, and child grooming] Former EXO member Kris Wu is under fire for allegedly deceiving and seducing underage girls. Keep on reading for all the details. Kris Wu Accused of Dating Numerous Girls at Once Back in May 2021, Kris was accused of dating famous internet celebrity Xiao Yi Tong Xue, whose real name is Chen Ziyi, after CCTV footage of the two at a movie theater was leaked online. The idol allegedly rented out the whole theatre for their date. The idol released a statement through his personal studio, saying the theater was suspected of infringing on Kris' privacy. They claimed that Kris was on an outing with friends, but the videos and photos were maliciously edited to only show Kris Wu leaving and entering the theater with a girl. However, following the claims, Du Meizhu, an 18-year-old college student, claimed that Kris Wu dated her and soon ghosted her. Internet celebrity Xiang Yunjie also released a statement saying that she and Kris had gotten to know each other and were attracted to one another. Claims from numerous women led Kris Wu's studio to pursue legal action against these internet users. Kris Wu Accused by Du Meizhu for Seducing and Deceiving Minors On July 8, Du Meizhu took to her Weibo and accused Kris Wu of flirting with underage girls. After experiencing death threats and cyberbullying from Kris Wu's fans, the Chinese student claimed that she could not accept it after knowing the truth. After revealing that she had been struggling with depression and suicidal tendencies for a month, she then revealed that Kris Wu has a separate WeChat number to text underage girls. Du Meizhu then says that Kris Wu preys after girls born after 2000, as well as underage girls preparing for China's national college entrance exam. Out of respect for the girls, she did not mention any names. However, she states that she heard from other women who have had similar experiences and provided screenshots as evidence. Du Meizhu stated that Kris Wu lures girls in under the premise that he is casting a leading lady for his music video or is looking to sign a new artist to his studio. He would then invite them to hang out, play drinking games with them, and get them drunk. Kris would also coax these underage girls into dating him. However, he would then take photos of these underage girls at drinking parties and show them to people "as if they were merchandise." Du Meizhu stresses that she has no reason to illegally accuse Kris Wu just for attention as she is speaking out on behalf of the underage girls Kris has deceived. Du Meizhu states, however, that Kris Wu's WeChat number and his alleged middleman's WeChat number have already been deactivated. Kris Wu Threatens Legal Action Against Du Meizhu + Du Meizhu Responds Following these accusations, Kris Wu released a statement through his studio announcing legal action. They state that they are shocked that Du Meizhu would go so far as to attract attention and strongly condemn her malicious slander. They claimed that Du Meizhu has published many false statements concerning Kris Wu and forged fake WeChat screenshots to seriously damage Kris Wu's reputation. On July 9, Du Meizhu released a statement claiming that all she wanted was Kris's apology. Furthermore, she revealed that she is preparing to file a case against the idol and will actively cooperate with them to unearth the identity of the owners of the Weibo and WeChat accounts. In her statement, she also tags the police and the People's Daily, China's official newspaper. What do you think of the situation? Tell us in the comments below! For more K-Pop news and updates, always keep your tabs open here on KpopStarz. KpopStarz owns this article. Written by Alexa Lewis ENHYPEN has broken the record for the highest first-week sales of a Japanese debut album of a K-pop boy group in history, which was set by EXO almost six years ago. On July 6, the rookie group dropped their first single album in Japan and has since been selling thousands of copies in the country. July 11 was the sixth day of sales and yet ENHYPEN has already set a new record for the highest first-week sales on the Oricon Chart for a debut album by a K-pop boy group. ENHYPEN "BORDER: Transient" Claims the Record for Highest 1st Week Sales of a Japanese Debut Album of a K-pop Boy Group On the Oricon Daily Chart for single albums on July 11, ENHYPEN's "BORDER: Transient" remained at No. 1 with a total of 5,556 copies sold. "BORDER: Transient" becomes the boy group's longest-running album at No. 1 on the Oricon Chart, surpassing "BORDER: CARNIVAL," which stayed at the top spot for four days. If the 5,556 copies are added to the group's album sales in the past five days, they have now sold almost 200,000 copies in only six days. Overall, ENHYPEN's Japanese debut album has already sold 195,637 total copies from July 6 to July 11. This is more than twice the first-week sales of the group's "BORDER: CARNIVAL," which only sold 83,218 copies. In addition to this, ENHYPEN's "BORDER: Transient" is now the Japanese debut album by a K-pop boy group with the highest first-week sales on the Oricon Chart. The septet beat the record of 146,892 copies sold, which was set by EXO back in November 2015 with their Japanese debut single album, "LOVE ME RIGHT." "BORDER: Transient" is also now the best-selling album by a fourth-generation K-pop boy group. Moreover, it is now the second-best-selling album by a K-pop boy group in history, following EXO's "LOVE ME RIGHT" with cumulative sales of 197,008 copies. It remains to be unseen whether ENHYPEN's Japanese debut album can ultimately surpass EXO's "LOVE ME RIGHT" and be the all-time best-selling album by a K-pop boy group on the Oricon Chart. Furthermore, ENHYPEN now joins EXO and SEVENTEEN as the only K-pop boy group to sell more than 100,000 copies of their Japanese debut album in the first week. EXO's "LOVE ME RIGHT" sold 146,892 copies, while SEVENTEEN "WE MAKE YOU" sold 127,985 copies. Additionally, ENHYPEN becomes the second K-pop boy group in history to sell over 190,000 copies of their Japanese debut album on the Oricon Chart, following EXO. Congratulations to ENHYPEN on their continued success with "BORDER: Transient"! ENHYPEN Enters YouTube Japan Chart with Two Versions of "Given-Taken" Music Video Meanwhile, the rookie group recently landed two entries on the latest "Top Music Videos" list of YouTube Japan. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: ENHYPEN Makes History as 'BORDER: CARNIVAL' Gets Certified in South Korea and Japan ENHYPEN's "Given-Taken" MV secured the No. 57 spot with 690,000 views. The music video for the Japanese version of the song also made it to the YouTube Japan chart. ENHYPEN's "Given-Taken" MV (Japanese version) claimed the No. 63 spot with 506,000 views. The new K-pop boy group has also entered the Top Artists list of YouTube Japan, taking the No. 79 spot with 1,390,000 views. For more news updates about other K-Pop news, always keep your tabs open here at Kpopstarz. Owned by Kpopstarz. Written by Mhaliya Scott Description Salary $39,348.24 - $47,828.76 Annually Location Everett, WA Job Type Full-Time Department Human Services Job Number 2021-00211 Division Human Services Housing & Community Services Closing 7/21/2021 11:59 PM Pacific Description Join our Snohomish County Human Services Team! We have a full-time temporary position with medical benefits in the Energy Assistance Program of our Housing and Community Services Division. This position will work 100% with the Energy Assistance Program. This is a 6-month temporary assignment. The candidate selected may be able to stay longer in this position based on the needs of the program. This position requires working in the office 2-3 days per week and 2-3 days remotely per week. Looking for a dynamic individual with excellent math skills, ability to determine income and program eligibility, work in a fast-paced environment, and work with a very diverse population. This individual must have high-speed internet, a private office space when working remote and the ability to redirect communication professionally when encountering disgruntled customers and be able to consistently retain program-related information as expected for this position. NOTE: Any references to weatherization tasks or acquiring certifications in this notice are not applicable to this position. Human Services Department mission is to help all persons meet their basic needs and develop their potential by providing timely, effective services and building community. The Human Services Department includes 230 diverse, friendly, and dedicated employees who benefit from outstanding benefits and competitive wages. Employees are appreciated and have the opportunity to make a real difference in our community. Snohomish County is thriving and is a great place to live, work, play, and raise a family. We strive to not only provide a meaningful job, but a life-long career at Snohomish County. BASIC FUNCTION To interview low income clients and establish their eligibility for grant funded energy and weatherization programs. Process necessary documents for compliance with regulations. Job Duties STATEMENT OF ESSENTIAL JOB DUTIES Assists clients in person and on the telephone in correctly completing forms; reviews forms for accuracy; requests additional information as needed; calculates eligibility and answers questions regarding eligibility. Answers telephone; respond to questions or routes calls to correct party. Reviews client files to ensure that all documents are signed and completed per contract compliance. Provides information and referral to Community Service Agencies. Enters information on the computer in specialized format, including application, program or financial data. Receives and routes incoming mail; may deliver mail to Post Office and maintain mail log. STATEMENT OF OTHER JOB DUTIES Provides client training in Energy Conservation. Assists client in budget counseling. Schedules phone interviews; assists elderly, handicapped and homebound clients with their eligibility. Assists with appointment scheduling. Performs related duties as required. Minimum Qualifications One (1) year of experience in Energy/Weatherization programs performing a variety of office work, interviewing and computer experience; OR , any equivalent combination of training and/or experience that provides the required knowledge and abilities. LIHEAP Energy Assistance Program experience preferred. Must pass job related tests. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS LIHEAP Energy Assistance Program experience preferred. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS A valid Washington State Driver's License is required for employment. Additional Information KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES Knowledge of: computers, data entry and standard software programs such as Microsoft Word and Excel standard office practices and procedures and all related office work standard human service client protocol including interview techniques, client confidentiality requirements, and professional conduct Ability to: perform mathematical computations communicate effectively with a diverse population learn and retain a complex series of rules and regulations to determine eligibility and benefits explain complex rules, policies and procedures in a concise easy to understand manner read, interpret and enter data accurately and rapidly maintain an organized work setting, tracking forms and applications work with minimum supervision in a fast paced setting meeting deadlines while coping with distractions and interruptions accurately follow oral and written instructions maintain accurate records and prepare required reports maintain a professional demeanor while exercising good judgment SUPERVISION Employees receive direction from a technical Lead Energy & Weatherization Assistant III, and supervision from a Human Services Specialist III or administrator as assigned. Objectives, priorities and goals/deadlines are established by the supervisor. Employees plan and carry out successive steps and resolve problems in accordance with instructions, policies and accepted practices. WORKING CONDITIONS The work is performed in the usual office environment with occasional field work when assisting clients. Snohomish County is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer. Accommodations for individuals with disabilities are provided upon request. recblid e8lmyasd8ae9jmj7nmj01r6lthkouc Requirements None Req #16671 Monday, June 21, 2021 Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI) is a subscription-led and digitally focused media and marketing solutions company committed to empowering communities to thrive. With an unmatched reach at the national and local level, Gannett touches the lives of millions with our Pulitzer-Prize winning content, consumer experiences and benefits, and advertiser products and services. Our current portfolio of media assets includes USA TODAY, local media organizations in 46 states in the U.S., and Newsquest, a wholly owned subsidiary operating in the United Kingdom with more than 120 local news media brands. Gannett also owns the digital marketing services companies ReachLocal, Inc., UpCurve, Inc., and WordStream, Inc., which are marketed under the LOCALiQ brand, and runs the largest media-owned events business in the U.S., USA TODAY NETWORK Ventures. To connect with us, visit www.gannett.com. At REACHLOCAL, A Gannett, Inc. company and part of the USA Today network, we offer a total digital marketing system for local businesses, comprised of web presence solutions digital advertising solutions. Our mission is to help local businesses around the world get more customers. We believe in working hard to deliver results for our clients and having fun while we build meaningful relationships with everyone around us. That is why we are one of the first digital marketing companies to achieve the Local Search Association (LSA) Certification and have been named a Facebook Marketing Partner, a select group of companies recognized for their ability to drive exceptional advertising and marketing results from Facebook. Were looking to build our teams with B2B hunters for our DIGITAL MARKETING SALES CONSULTANT role.Bring your talent and we'll equip you with exceptional sales tools, technology and world class products. With our 6-week training program and 90-day onboarding plan you will have the tools and skills to succeed in your new role A bit about us REACHLOCAL is a refreshingly agile, vibrant, and fast-paced100% digital marketing company focused on small and medium sized business. We attract and bring together like-minded talented, passionate, and ambitious people who like to collaborate, have fun, and learn together. We keep it 'real' and will encourage you to think 'outside the box' and do what's right for our customers. Helping local businesses grow through online marketing is our mission, and our people know they're here for a good cause, bringing this to life every day by providing exceptional solutions and services to partner with SMBs. Our client first approach coupled with a genuine desire to understand our clients' needs, expectations, and goals is the driving force behind who we are, what we do, how and why we do it. As a Digital Marketing Sales Consultant, youll have an opportunity to sell a broad set of solutions from our extensive market-leading portfolio such as SEM, SEO, Social Media, YouTube, OTT/CTV, Targeted Display, Websites, Live chat and much more. What we're looking for... A sales professional who builds trust and likes to share in your clients' success Experienced B2B hunter with digital/advertising sales experience Well-crafted sales process/methodology Outstanding communication, influencing, and negotiation skills No fear approach to new business development through cold-calling and networking Proven ability to build rapport and develop strong business relationships CRM experience (e.g. Salesforce.com or similar) Ethical with a high level of personal integrity and initiative Digital marketing knowledge and experience (e.g. SEM, SEO, Display, Social etc.) What's in it for you Competitive salary coupled with uncapped residual commissions and quarterly bonuses Fast paced industry that keeps it exciting Award winning products and service that give you confidence you can deliver for our clients A great work environment that allows you to build your own schedule Full benefit package including Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K & more Unlimited Vacation Days subject to performance Monthly business expenses What you will bring B2B solution sales, new business development and cold-calling experience A well-crafted sales process/methodology Outstanding communication, influencing, and negotiation skills No fear approach to new business development through cold-calling and networking Proven ability to build rapport and develop strong business relationships CRM experience (e.g. Salesforce.com or similar) Ethical with a high level of personal integrity and initiative Digital marketing knowledge and experience (e.g. SEM, SEO, Display, Social etc.) You can find out more about our awesome products at https://www.reachlocal.com/us/en/digital-marketing-services. If you think you tick all the boxes, have the right attitude, able to work autonomously, manage your own day and be part of a winning team this is the opportunity you've been waiting for! Send us your application today so you too can be part of our success story. About REACHLOCAL, Inc. REACHLOCAL is headquartered in Woodland Hills, CA, with over 35 locations throughout the United States, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil. ReachLocal is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants for all job openings are welcome and will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or any other basis protected by state, federal or local law. It is the intent of the Company to comply with all applicable federal, state and local legislation concerning equal opportunity in employment. This job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of all activities, duties or responsibilities required of the employee. #Sales #REACHLOCAL ATTORNEY II PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, an electric generation and transmission cooperative serving Alabama and Northwest Florida, is seeking an Attorney II in the Legal Affairs Department at the Headquarters Office located in Andalusia, Alabama. The purpose of this position is to assist in the coordination of the legal affairs of the Cooperative with primary emphasis on real property acquisitions, contractual issues and litigation. Candidates must possess a Juris Doctorate or Bachelor of Law Degree with zero to three years of experience in property law, contract law preferably with an electric utility or related industry. The candidate must be in good standing of the Alabama Bar Association. Candidates must be able to demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively with others; provide research, factual information, counsel and guidance on legal questions or issues, follow precedents, and work independently on a day to day basis with general supervision from the Legal Affairs Manager. Employment is subject to a negative drug test, background check and completion of a comprehensive application for employment. PowerSouth offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits program. Interested persons who meet the above qualifications may apply on PowerSouth's website at www.powersouth.com/careers by July 21, 2021. EOE, including disability/vets recblid fhpvey3eqspocgnqr7qm8ch3filfk3 The Skokomish Indian Tribe is seeking to hire a Grant Writer. The incumbent collaborates with Administration and Department directors to identify appropriate contract/grant opportunities. Incumbent will utilize the Tribes grant policies, protocol and procedures to develop successful applications on behalf of the Tribe. Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with staff, departments, community and representatives of federal, state, local, and other agencies to address relevant issues. Identifies and scope appropriate grant opportunities. Develops grant abstracts, narratives, Tribal Resolutions and budgets for presentation to the Tribal Council for approval. Bachelors Degree with a major study in public administration, education, social services or related field. Must have ability to prepare complex grant proposal packages and three years of recent experience writing grants $30.00 hourly 1 FTE. Closes July 16,2021. For a full job description and required application visit our website by clicking apply. CONFIDENTIALITY: All prospective employees will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Violation of this agreement can result in immediate dismissal. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY: The Skokomish Tribe is committed to providing a drug-free workplace for its employees, volunteers and the community it serves. By Skokomish Tribal policy, all positions require pre-employment drug testing. PREFERENCE: The Skokomish Tribes Indian Preference Policy applies to all positions. First preference will be given to qualified, enrolled Skokomish tribal members. Second preference will be given to qualified Native American applicants who provide proof of enrollment in a federally recognized tribe. Applicants not entitled to, or who fail to claim Indian Preference, will receive consideration without regard to ethnic/national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability status, or membership in the tribal organization. recblid jq073g4w35bsdx2jdt30z1l37otisi Videos Duties Summary This position is at the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Division of Financial Operations, Liquidation Support Branch, in Austin, Texas. This position serves as a Supervisory Accountant responsible for managing and directing the financial reporting and accounting functions for the Asset Management and Assistance Center (AMAC) liquidation operations. Learn more about this agency Responsibilities As a Supervisory Accountant, you will: Manage and direct the day-to-day operations of the Liquidation Support Branch. Assist the Division Director in oversight of the development and implementation of long-term management strategies and plans for the Liquidation Support Branch. Manage the execution of the monthly, quarterly and yearly closing processes, including the performance of closing journal entries and reconciliations. Oversee and report to the Division Director on the execution of internal control procedures within the Liquidation Support Branch. Manage the compilation and review the adequacy and propriety of financial statement line items, fiduciary transactions, and related reporting. Ensure compliance with financial reporting standards. Serve as a technical advisor on financial reporting matters related to liquidations to the Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, OCFO staff, and agency officials. Provide management officials with authoritative advice, explanations, and interpretations on such. Oversee the maintenance of policies, procedures, and operational guidance for the financial systems and processes. Travel Required Occasional travel - Once onsite work resumes, you may be expected to travel for this position to conferences and training. Supervisory status Yes Promotion Potential 14 Job family (Series) 0510 Accounting Similar jobs Accountants Requirements Conditions of Employment You must be a U.S. Citizen. Suitable adjudication of background/security investigation is required. A probationary/trial period may be required. A supervisory probationary period may be required. Qualifications Specialized experience is the experience that has equipped you with the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully perform the duties of the position, and that is typically in or related to the work of the position to be filled. All applicants applying for the CU-14 level must have at least one full year of specialized experience equivalent to the CU/GS-13 level obtained in the private or public sector. Specialized experience for this position is defined as experience: 1. Serving as an accountant performing accounting and/or financial reporting responsibilities; 2. Providing reports, corrective actions, or recommendations as a result of financial audits or internal control reviews; 3. Providing accounting related advice and recommendations to senior leaders; and 4. Leading or directing teams, workgroups, or projects. You must meet the qualifications for this position by the closing date of this announcement. Please note, all experience statements (i.e., duties, specialized experience, or occupational assessment questionnaire) copied from this announcement and pasted into your resume will not be considered as a demonstration of your qualifications for this position. YOUR RESUME MUST provide specific details as to how your experience meets the specialized experience and support your responses to the online questionnaire as described in the vacancy announcement. When describing your experience in your resume, please be specific. We will not make assumptions regarding your experience. Please ensure that your resume includes the grade (if you are a current or previous federal employee), month, and year that you began and ended for each position held or that position may not be credited toward meeting the specialized experience requirement. Full-time employment will be assumed unless otherwise stated on your resume. Part-time employment will be prorated in crediting experience. Failure to provide details will result in an ineligible rating. Your resume must also support your responses to the online questionnaire. Failure to provide support may result in a lower rating and/or you may be excluded from consideration. Your latest resume submitted for this vacancy announcement will be used to determine qualifications and supersedes previous submissions. Education In addition to meeting specialized experience requirements, applicants much also meet basic education requirements. Transcripts are required at the time of application. Basic Education Requirements are as follows : (A) Successful completion of a full 4-year course of study in an accredited college or university leading to a bachelor's or higher degree in Accounting (means accounting and/or auditing); or a degree in a related field such as business administration, finance, or public administration that included or was supplemented by 24 semester hours in Accounting. The 24 hours may include up to 6 hours of credit in business law; OR (B) Combination of education and experience, at least 4 full years of experience in accounting, or an equivalent combination of accounting experience, college-level education, and training that provided professional accounting knowledge. Your background must also include one of the following: (1) Twenty-four semester hours in accounting or auditing courses of appropriate type and quality. This can include up to 6 hours of business law; (2) A certificate as Certified Public Accountant or a Certified Internal Auditor, obtained through a written examination; OR (3) Completion of the requirements for a degree that included substantial course work in accounting or auditing, e.g., 15 semesters hours, but that does not fully satisfy the 24-semester-hour requirement of paragraph A, provided that: (a) you have successfully worked at the full performance level in accounting, auditing, or a related field, e.g., valuation engineering or financial institution examining; (b) a panel of at least two higher level professional accountants or auditors has determined that you have demonstrated a good knowledge of accounting and of related and underlying fields that equals in breadth, depth, currency, and level of advancement that which is normally associated with successful completion of the 4-year course of study described in paragraph A; and (c) except for literal non-conformance to the requirement of 24 semester hours in accounting, your education, training, and experience fully meets the specified requirements. Transcripts are required at the time of application. All education must be received by an accredited institution recognized by the U.S. Department of Education for it to be credited towards qualifications (particularly positions with an education requirement) therefore, applicants must report only attendance and/or degrees received from schools recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Applicants may verify accreditation at the following website: (see application details) . FOREIGN EDUCATION: Education completed outside of the United States must be deemed equivalent to that gained in accredited U.S. education programs to be acceptable for federal employment. A third party equivalency evaluation must be submitted at the time of application for all foreign education to receive consideration. Additional information SALARY: Pay will be set within the advertised pay range to align with the selectee's skills and experience and the requirements of the position. Pay will be set using NCUA's compensation policy. The salary range shown is NCUA's Local Pay Rate (LPR) which includes the locality rate for the Austin, Texas geographical area. Please click here to review all salary ranges based on locality. EXCEPTION: If you are a current non-supervisory NCUA employee and are selected for reassignment into a supervisory position, you may receive up to a 10% salary increase, not to exceed the National Pay Rate (NPR) of the pay grade. Management will consider your current salary in relation to the duties and responsibilities of the new position. SELECTIVE SERVICE: If you are a male applicant born after December 31, 1959, you must certify that you have registered with the Selective Service System or are exempt from having to do so under the Selective Service Law. You may register or check the status of your registration by visiting the Selective Service website at: (see application details) . This position is not in the bargaining unit. NOTE: Effective January 1, 2010, OPM must authorize any employment offers we make to current or former (within the last 5 years) political Schedule A, Schedule C, or Non-career SES (political) employees in the executive branch. If you are currently, or have been within the last 5 years, a political Schedule A, Schedule C, or Non-career SES employee in the executive branch, you must disclose that to the point of contact listed on this vacancy announcement. Illegal drug use by individuals working for or on behalf of the federal government, whether on duty or off duty, is contrary to the efficiency of the service and in direct violation of the Controlled Substance Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NCUA's current posture will not require employees to perform official travel or work onsite at NCUA offices any earlier than August 30, 2021. This date may be extended. If it becomes necessary for NCUA to request on-site work, NCUA may solicit volunteers for the assignment. Management reserves the right to request employees to perform on-site work in exigent circumstances. NCUA IS A COMPETITIVE SERVICE FEDERAL AGENCY. NCUA uses E-Verify, a web-based system, to confirm the eligibility of all newly hired employees to work in the United States. Learn more about E-Verify , including your rights and responsibilities. More than the number of positions listed may be filled through this vacancy announcement Read more How You Will Be Evaluated You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the qualifications above. First, your application package will be reviewed for completeness (resume, completed assessment questionnaire, and supporting documentation). You will not be considered if you fail to submit all the required documents as outlined in this vacancy announcement. Second, if you have a complete application package, your resume will be reviewed to determine if you meet the basic qualifications and specialized experience requirements (see "Qualification" section). You must provide specific details in your resume as to how your experience meets the specialized experience. Third, your resume and supporting documentation may be compared to your responses to the assessment questions. The numerical rating you receive is based on your responses to the questions. If upon review it is determined that your resume and supporting documentation do not support your responses to the questions, your numerical rating may be adjusted and you may be excluded from consideration for this position. The self-assessment questions have been developed to evaluate your competency in the following areas: Financial Management Leadership Principles of Accounting Writing Reference Checks: Reference checks will need to be conducted prior to an offer of employment for the top candidate(s) for this position. The reference checks will need to be conducted with current and former supervisors, if applicable, as a part of NCUA's selection assessment process. If you are found to be among the top qualified candidates, your application will be referred to the selecting official for employment consideration. To preview the application questionnaire, please click here: (see application details) Overstating your qualifications and/or experience in your application materials or application questionnaire may result in your removal from consideration. Cheating on the online assessment may also result in your removal from consideration. Read more Background checks and security clearance Security clearance Not Required Drug test required No Position sensitivity and risk High Risk (HR) Trust determination process Suitability/Fitness Required Documents To apply for this position, you must provide a complete application package which includes: 1. Resume 2. Other supporting documents: Cover letter, optional College transcript(s) - This position has a positive education requirement. Transcripts are required at the time of application. Most recent SF-50 or Notification of Personnel Action showing you are/were in the competitive service and the highest grade or promotion potential held (if applying as a status candidate with current or former Federal Service) DD-214, SF-15 Form, and VA letter, or certification of expected discharge or release from active duty for veterans for consideration under veteran hiring authorities. Non-competitive appointment authority documentation, if applicable. Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program documentation, if applicable (e.g. Certification of Expected Separation, Reduction In Force separation notice, or Notice of Proposed Removal; SF-50 that documents the RIF separation action; and most recent performance appraisal.) Most recent performance appraisal, optional CURRENT AND FORMER FEDERAL EMPLOYEES: Current and former federal employees must submit a Notification of Personnel Action, or SF-50, that indicates grade, status, tenure, and the full performance level (FPL) of the position held. Please do not submit an SF-50 for a cash/time off award. Note : Current permanent NCUA employees are not required to submit a Notification of Personnel Action (SF-50). The status will be confirmed by the Agency. VETERANS: If you wish to receive consideration under an applicable Veteran's authority such as VEOA, 30% or more disabled vet, VRA, etc., you must submit a copy of your Veteran's documentation including a DD-214 (member 4 copy preferred, however, the documentation provided must contain dates and character of service), along with a VA letter, SF-15 , etc., if applicable. If you are a current active duty service member, please submit an official statement of service from your command. Note: If you are a current active duty military member who does not have a DD-214 and is claiming preference under the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act, you must submit certification from the Armed Forces indicating that you will be discharged or released under honorable conditions from active duty within 120 days from the date on the certification. Certifications must be on letterhead from the appropriate military branch and include the following information: military dates of service and expected discharge or release date, the character of service, military rank, type of discharge, and date when terminal leave will begin. Certifications must be signed by, or by the direction of military members' military personnel offices, unit commanders, or higher headquarters. CTAP/ICTAP: Federal employees seeking CTAP/ICTAP eligibility must submit proof of their eligibility: Copy of agency notice; Most recent performance rating; and SF-50 noting current position, grade level, and duty location or Certification of Expected Separation, Reduction In Force separation notice. Note: To be well-qualified and exercise selection priority for this vacancy, displaced Federal employees must be rated well-qualified or above on the rating criteria for this position. For additional information, click CTAP . Benefits A career with the U.S. Government provides employees with a comprehensive benefits package. As a federal employee, you and your family will have access to a range of benefits that are designed to make your federal career very rewarding. Opens in a new window Learn more about federal benefits . Review our benefits Eligibility for benefits depends on the type of position you hold and whether your position is full-time, part-time, or intermittent. Contact the hiring agency for more information on the specific benefits offered. Fair & Transparent The Federal hiring process is setup to be fair and transparent. Please read the following guidance. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy The United States Government does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, or other non-merit factor. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) for federal employees & job applicants Read more Reasonable Accommodation Policy Federal agencies must provide reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities where appropriate. Applicants requiring reasonable accommodation for any part of the application process should follow the instructions in the job opportunity announcement. For any part of the remaining hiring process, applicants should contact the hiring agency directly. Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis. A reasonable accommodation is any change to a job, the work environment, or the way things are usually done that enables an individual with a disability to apply for a job, perform job duties or receive equal access to job benefits. Under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, federal agencies must provide reasonable accommodations when: An applicant with a disability needs an accommodation to have an equal opportunity to apply for a job. An employee with a disability needs an accommodation to perform the essential job duties or to gain access to the workplace. An employee with a disability needs an accommodation to receive equal access to benefits, such as details, training, and office-sponsored events. You can request a reasonable accommodation at any time during the application or hiring process or while on the job. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Learn more about disability employment and reasonable accommodations or how to contact an agency. Read more Legal and regulatory guidance Financial suitability Social security number request Privacy Act Signature and false statements Selective Service New employee probationary period F.H. Alexander inc. is a commercial building contractor which has been producing quality new construction and building renovations in the Upstate New York area since 1991. Project size ranges from $10,000 to $5,000,000, with up to six projects underway at any time. We are currently looking for a full time Administrative Assistant to join our team to help with the day-to-day operations of a General Contractor. Position Responsibilities: Obtaining and coordinating the distribution of bidding project documents Assist with Bid Calling, Invitations to Bid and Distribution of Plans & Specs. Develop and maintain project files, both electronic and hard copy. Issuance, logging and tracking of contracts and subcontracts. Accurate maintenance of Subcontractor and Vendor information Assist with Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable. Coordinate project information between field and office. General office duties, including but not limited to: answering phones, filing, copying, faxing scanning and other duties as assigned by Management. Essential skills and experience Ability to multi-task, while maintain accuracy. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Strong customer service orientation. Advanced user of Microsoft Office and basic computer skills. Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with a wide cross section of individuals. Team player with the ability to be efficient working alone. Please send resume to Accounting@FHAlexander.com (preferred) or fax to 518-877-0580 No phone calls. recblid fzyahxacnfmfnt6rrzooniw2oyh849 Data Center Technician Mesa , Arizona , United States Software and Services Summary Posted: Jul 9, 2021 Role Number: 200265504 Imagine what you could do here. At Apple, new ideas have a way of becoming extraordinary products, services, and customer experiences very quickly. Bring passion and dedication to your job, and there's no telling what you could accomplish. The people here at Apple don't just craft products - they build the kind of wonder that's revolutionized entire industries! It's the diversity of those people and their ideas that encourages the innovation that runs through everything we do, from amazing technology to industry-leading environmental efforts. Join Apple, and help us leave the world better than we found it. Data Center Technician is responsible for installing, servicing and maintaining Apple IT Infrastructure in a 24/7 environment with rapidly shifting priorities while maintaining high availability of the infrastructure. Strong attention to detail and effective documentation skills are critical components of success in this position. Key Qualifications Experience supporting IT equipment or related IT experience Working knowledge of physical IT infrastructure components Experience operating macOS, Windows, Linux Experience running diagnostics, firmware updates, to resolve hardware/software issues Experience working with network protocols and concepts Experience with Linux command line script Experience troubleshooting optical connectivity issues Experience using cable analyzer, smart network tester, and OTDR Experience using an Incident/Change request application Experience using network and data center planning tools Experience installing in-cabinet, uplink and structured cabling solutions Experience with network architecture design and installation Experience with cross functional collaboration and coordination between teams and team members Ability to interact with the internal customers as well as vendors Ability to create and update technical documentations Ability to support frequent standing, walking, lifting, and working at heights Responsible for ensuring government regulatory compliance, OSHA, EHS and other similar programs with direction from their management team Valid license to drive standard street-legal automatic transmission vehicles within local jurisdiction Experience operating heavy-load movement equipment up to 50 lbs (pallet jacks, chassis lifts, etc.) Flexibility to work non-business hours (shifts) that may include weekends and/or holidays Excellent organizational, written and verbal communication skills Description As a successful Data Center Technician, your performance objectives include a strong desire and capability to learn, grow, and develop new skills. Empower a culture of safety, security, and compliance in all aspect of datacenter activities. Establish and enhance strong working relationships with various internal teams and external suppliers. Understand overall ticket management process. Perform power cycles, swap out failed components, handle storage media, and troubleshooting. Perform cable installations, hardware rack / stack installations, testing, and troubleshooting using standard data center processes. Physically assist in moving and racking equipment. Supporting deployment of on-site data center physical infrastructure including servers, NetDevices. Supporting parts/component replacement and physical hardware troubleshooting. Assist data center Inventory and Asset Management Team with shipping/receiving and inventory management to support high work volumes. Lead through change by bringing clarity, generating energy, and delivering success. Education & Experience Minimum 3 - 6 years of related experience Associates degree in computer science Preferred technical certifications BICSI Installer I or equivalent, Server+, Linux+, Network+, ITIL , Linux/Unix Certification or related experience Additional Requirements Works on assignments that are moderately difficult, requiring judgment in resolving issues and making recommendations Receives little instructions on newly introduced assignments under minimal supervision Ability to work extended hours (with accurate hydrations) within a Data Center environment typically within the heat range of 79 degrees Fahrenheit to upwards of 105 degrees Fahrenheit Use of appropriate PPE such as safety shoes, safety glasses, gloves and facial covering in various environments with ranging temperatures as listed above Ability to travel foreign and domestic Director of Campus Ministry College of Saint Mary strives to create a safe, inclusive educational environment where every person's worth and dignity is valued and nurtured. Applicants representing diverse backgrounds and experiences are highly encouraged to apply. Are you an enthusiastic, caring, and dynamic campus ministry professional? You might be a perfect fit to direct CSM's Campus Ministry. This position serves the ministry needs of a diverse student population and supports the ministry efforts of the whole campus community. Our Idea of a Perfect Candidate Is Someone Who: Brings a pastoral presence and compassionate spirit to the College campus Enjoys working with students in a ministerial role Can find innovative ways of engaging a diverse body of students Has a passion for leading others in their faith, spiritual growth, and justice advocacy Our Ideal Candidate's Education and Experience Include: Masters degree in theology, ministry, pastoral studies, or equivalent education Pastoral ministry, preferably experience with college campus ministry Leadership of spiritual and faith formation programming Knowledge of and experience with different religious traditions and spiritual practices Strong knowledge of the Catholic faith tradition, including Catholic Social Teaching This Position Is Responsible For: Developing and facilitating programming that will enhance students' spiritual development Collaboratively facilitating service- and immersive learning opportunities Leading prayer for occasional campus events Providing ministry to people of various faiths and cultural traditions Cultivating a vibrant campus ministry community Creating and facilitating spiritual leadership programs for students Why You Want to Be on This Team: You would be a part of a Mission-centered team, who works together to serve our community. You would enjoy some flexibility in your schedule. CSM is committed to supporting the work-life balance of its faculty and staff. EOE recblid zexght50dn6gxwsas68vmg84xw9694 Sign On Bonus for External Candidates and Eligible Employees We're fast becoming the nation's largest employer of Nurse Practitioners; offering a superior professional environment and incredible opportunities to make a difference in the lives of patients. This growth is not only a testament to our model's success but the efforts, care, and commitment of our Nurse Practitioners. HouseCalls Nurse Practitioners conduct in-home health assessments on enrolled Medicare Advantage members. A HouseCalls Nurse Practitioner will complete visits on members within a geographic area of responsibility. The nature of the HouseCalls visit can vary and could include performing an annual health assessment, a post discharge visit, or visiting more complex members more than once per year. Positions are available for full time (35 hours and above), part time and per diem. Primary Responsibilities: Conduct in-home assessments on health plan members. Average visit is 45-60 minutes in length. Assessment is performed and completed electronically. HouseCalls Assessment includes: Past medical history Review of systems Physical examination Medication review Depression screening Checking vitals, conducting a physical exam that includes monofilament test, urine dipstick, and foot exam (as appropriate) Identify diagnoses to be used in care management and active medical management in the furtherance of treatment Formulate a list of current and past medical conditions using clinical knowledge and judgment and the findings of your assessment Communicate findings in your assessment that will be used to inform members PCP of potential gaps in care Identify needs and opportunities to generate clinical referrals appropriately Identify urgent and emergent situations and intervene appropriately Educate members on topics such as disease process, medication, and compliance Compliance with all HIPAA regulations and maintain security of protected health information (PHI) Youll be rewarded and recognized for your performance in an environment that will challenge you and give you clear direction on what it takes to succeed in your role as well as provide development for other roles you may be interested in. Required Qualifications: NP license and national certification (ANCC or AANP, or the ability to obtain national certification and/or NP license in state of assignment) active, unencumbered licensure free any open/unresolved disciplinary actions including probation or restrictions against privilege to practice. May be requested to obtain additional licensure supported by business Family, Geriatrics, or Adult certification You will be provisioned with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and are required to perform this role with patients and members on site, as this is an essential function of this role Preferred Qualifications: 1+ years of clinical experience in their highest level of education, clinical setting Experience in gerontology, cardiology, internal medicine, or endocrinology Home Health care or home visit experience Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Excellent administrative, organizational and verbal skills Professional image and behavior Solid communication skills with the geriatric or Medicare population Proficient with electronic medical records, the internet and access to a personal computer Ability to work independently Detail oriented Dependable and reliable Ability to lift 30-pound bag in and out of car and up and down steps, as needed Ability to obtain reliable transportation in order to complete home visit assessments Ability to travel up to 10% within licensed states if requested (with notice, based on business needs) Ability to navigate public transportation, if required Ability to navigate stairs and a variety of dwelling conditions and configurations Ability to sit, stand and kneel, as needed, to perform physical assessment Careers with Optum. Here's the idea. We built an entire organization around one giant objective; make health care work better for everyone. So when it comes to how we use the world's large accumulation of health-related information, or guide health and lifestyle choices or manage pharmacy benefits for millions, our first goal is to leap beyond the status quo and uncover new ways to serve. Optum, part of the UnitedHealth Group family of businesses, brings together some of the greatest minds and most advanced ideas on where health care has to go in order to reach its fullest potential. For you, that means working on high performance teams against sophisticated challenges that matter. Optum, incredible ideas in one incredible company and a singular opportunity to do your life's best work.(sm) Diversity creates a healthier atmosphere: UnitedHealth Group is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, protected veteran status, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. UnitedHealth Group is a drug-free workplace. Candidates are required to pass a drug test before beginning employment. Job Keywords: Nurse Practitioner, NP, Family, Geriatrics, Adult, Optum HouseCalls, Erie, Genesee, NY, New York Magnolia, AR (71754) Today Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon. High near 90F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.. Tonight Thunderstorms likely. Low 72F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 80%. Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. Restaurant deals include 10% off all sides with the purchase of a meal at Dinkys Ice Cream Parlor & Grill; a Southsiiide cocktail (Social Still Tomboy Bourbon, ginger liquor and cinnamon simple syrup) for $10 at Zest; grilled chicken and balsamic beet salad with grilled bread, a cup of soup and cookie for $12.95 at Cafe the Lodge; a spicy Asian pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw and fries for $11 and How Gouda Is This Bacon Jam Burger with fries for $11 at F&A Grog House; and Montreal smoked meat tacos for $13 or $16 with a side of fries at The Flying V Poutinerie. After two hearings in June and August 2019 where the plan was met with opposition by residents of the neighborhood, the zoning hearing board voted 2-1 to deny the application. In its written decision, the board concluded that the proposed use for the house was more like a halfway house because its requirements for residents to attend religious services or meetings and 12 step programs and meet with a recovery specialist are the province of halfway houses, according to the lawsuit. As it stands now, most school districts in Pennsylvania, including those in the Lehigh Valley, have not made decisions on mask-wearing for the fall. But at least one Philadelphia has said it will require pupils to wear masks. The attorneys general argue that the Postal Service cannot justify the rationale for the changes, which it says are necessary to strengthen its position in the package-delivery business in which it competes with commercial carriers such as FedEx and UPS. Thats at odds with the Postal Services congressional mandate to give the highest consideration to important letter mail, the comments say. Any job a resident can perform qualifies. However, residents are allowed to limit their job applications to those that offer employment and wages similar to what they had before they became unemployed and are within a 45-minute commute if telework is not available. Burley, ID (83318) Today Sunny to partly cloudy. High 97F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Mostly cloudy skies. Low near 70F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. As a current print subscriber, you receive 24/7 access to our website and online e-edition at no additional charge. All you have to do is activate your access. To activate digital access, you will need your account number. You can find your account number on any recent subscription notice or bill. Sayre, PA (18840) Today Cloudy with occasional showers this afternoon. High 68F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%.. Tonight Considerable clouds this evening. Some decrease in clouds late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 59F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Sports Matsuyama withdraws from British Open LONDON, JUL 11 (AGENCIES) | Publish Date: 7/11/2021 1:41:37 PM IST Masters champion Hideki Matsuyama has withdrawn from The Open at Royal St Georges after his recent COVID-19 diagnosis and inability to practice properly in time for the years final major, the Japanese golfer said on Sunday. Matsuyama has been self-isolating since testing positive during the Rocket Mortgage Classic in Detroit on July 2. He is currently asymptomatic but subsequent PCR tests have continued to show positive results. read more Im feeling fine but havent been able to practice in preparation for The Open, Matsuyama said in a statement released by the R&A ahead of the torunament, which begins on Thursday. Combining that with the difficult travel to the UK, my team and I have decided its best to withdraw to ensure everyones safety. I feel badly missing The Open and look forward to playing again at St Andrews next year. Id like to thank the many golf fans for their continued concern and support as I strive to return to the game I love as soon as possible. Matsuyama, who in April became the first Japanese man to win a golf major, is considered a contender to light the cauldron at the opening ceremony for the Tokyo Olympics on July 23 and is expected to compete in the golf competition at the Games from July 29. International S.African Prez calls for calm following Zumas incarceration Johannesburg, July 11 (IANS) | Publish Date: 7/11/2021 1:38:36 PM IST South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has called for calm after some people looted shops and burnt trucks calling for the release of former leader Jacob Zuma. President Ramaphosa says the impact of public violence against the road freight industry and damage to freeways that serve as economic arteries will be felt also by the people organizing and committing these crimes. The President says the reasons allegedly advanced for the violence in KwaZulu-Natal cannot be used to legitimise vandalism and public violence, acting spokesperson in the Presidency, Tyrone Seale said on Saturday. People burnt trucks and tyres on the N3, N2 and M7 and other key roads around the incarceration of the former President who was given 15-month sentence after defying the Constitutional Courts order which compelled him to appear and give evidence at the state capture commission in February, reports Xinhua news agency. The South African police have arrested more than 20 suspects for violent protest which resulted in at least 25 trucks being torched in KwaZulu-Natal. On Friday the Free Zuma group blocked roads, burning cars and attacking motorists calling for the former Presidents release. The police on Saturday said they have beefed up deployment to contain the protests. A large number of people have already been arrested for incidents of criminality witnessed in the province yesterday and cases have been registered to trace and arrest those that still have to be arrested. A number of incidents were witnessed today of people who are opportunistic and used todays protest to enrich themselves by looting shops and other businesses, said KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson Jay Naicker. He stated that they will arrest those doing illegal gathering, not observing curfew regulations and looting shops. Naicker said they have deployed police officers across the province to deal with protests. According to an undercover inquiry, cows were hit with electric prods, and lambs and piglets were not stunned long enough before having their throats cut at a government-approved small slaughterhouse. In a searing hot water tank, one piglet looked to be alive, and others were tossed in without being checked for signs of life. Covert Investigation The Animal Justice Project (AJP), which conducted the two-month investigation, urges the government to stop plans to utilize public funds to subsidize slaughterhouses under the new Agriculture Act and conduct an independent assessment of abattoirs. Following the closure of several local abattoirs in recent years, ministers seek to help them. The concealed cameras at G & GB Hewitt, a family-owned business in Cheshire, caught 200 hours of film, according to AJP, which shows terrible animal abuse and suffering, several violations of the law, and a failure of a government veterinarian to prevent cruelty. However, a meat industry representative disputed the findings, claiming that animals may move and look alive after they have died. In examinations over the last six years, the government's food watchdog, the Food Standards Agency (FSA), has judged the slaughterhouse "usually satisfactory." Related Article: UK to Ban Boiling Lobsters Alive, Acknowledging Crustaceans Are Sentient Beings Incident Report According to reports, the covert filming captured the following: When cows and bulls had nowhere to go, employees hit them with electric prods, which is prohibited. For more than 40 minutes, bulls were forcefully jabbed on the skulls, totaling 200 punches. They were stabbed 18 times in 15 seconds on another occasion. At least 80% of the animals filmed were stunned for an inadequate time, rendering them pain and discomfort insensitive. Some of the stuns lasted only a second. Because of the delays following stunning, most of the animals murdered had time to restore consciousness before their throats were slashed. No personnel was observed looking for evidence of consciousness in the animals. After insufficient stunning, sheep and pigs were videotaped hanging while aware, kicking out, and gasping. Animal Abuse Cows were shouted at, beaten, and shoved, some of which were inhumane. Pigs had their legs chopped off while they struggled around in chains, displaying signs of life. The stunning apparatus failed on four of the eight days that were videotaped, creating confusion and suffering among the pigs and sheep. According to investigators, the FSA official vet was not videotaped entering the stun or kill rooms, and he ignored workers who broke the guidelines. Ineffective Safeguard They said that the film showed that CCTV, which has been obligatory in all abattoirs in England since 2018, was not safeguarding animals as effectively as it should be. "For the period of our recording, the vet will have missed pre-stun shocks on animals, bad handling, malfunctioning stun devices, insufficient stun times, and indicators of awareness. Corrective action should have been done if the vet had been watching CCTV at the time of the incidents, according to an AJP spokeswoman. Former UK government deputy chief vet and former veterinary director at the FSA, Alick Simmons, claimed other occasions when apparent violations of the law were demonstrated, including a sheep pulled by its horns and severely lame animals. Also Read: Notorious Poacher Who Allegedly Killed 70 Bengal Tigers Arrested by Police in Bangladesh For more animal news, don't forget to follow Nature World News! TO win the anti-corruption war, Zimbabweans must be empowered to hold office bearers both in the public and private sector to account, while plans are afoot to introduce anti-corruption curricula from ECD to tertiary education, President Mnangagwa has said. He was speaking during a virtual commemoration of the 5th African Anti-Corruption Day yesterday, where he also launched the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Strategic plan for 2021 to 2023, a roadmap for the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission to fulfil its mandate. This comes as the Second Republic has put in place multiple mechanisms to tackle the scourge of corruption, which remains one of the greatest threats to the country and Africas development. President Mnangagwa said his administration will not shy away from taking corruption by the horns as it has the debilitating effects of retarding economic growth and development. Corruption prevention programmes should be strengthened, he said. These should include systems and compliance checks, the introduction of curricula on corruption, ethics and integrity in schools from ECD level right up to universities. The African Anti-Corruption Day was held under the theme Regional Economic Communities: Critical factors in the implementation of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC). As we commemorate this years African Anti-Corruption Day, let us redouble our efforts to end the scourge of corruption towards an Africa free of corruption, said President Mnangagwa. To succeed, the fight against corruption requires a multi-stakeholder approach. To this end, my Government stands committed to the establishment of democratic, transparent, accountable, strong, and efficient institutions in our great country. Our vision of an upper-middle-income economy status by 2030 will be achieved if we collectively condemn corruption in a frank manner. Citizens must be empowered to actively demand accountability. The leadership across all sectors, political and economic spheres at all levels are challenged to be disciplined and execute their duties with integrity and professionalism. The interests of our people and the nation must always come first. Zimbabwe has taken concrete steps to tackle the bane of corruption, with the Second Republic strengthening bodies like the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) to execute their roles with minimal hindrance. Apart from ZACC, police and the Special Anti-Corruption Unit have also been mandated to go a gear up in the fight against corruption. Today, I am pleased to be launching the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Strategic plan for 2021 to 2023 which is a roadmap for the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission to fulfill its vision of a citizenry and institutions that uphold integrity, good governance for a corruption-free Zimbabwe by 2030, said President Mnangagwa. This comes after President Mnangagwa last year launched the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, which will run until 2024 as part of the broader fight against corruption, with the national steering committee that comprises senior Government officials, legislators, public and private sector as well as civic society already in place. The integrity pledges, which will be signed by senior officials and members of political parties, have been drafted. Harnessing ICT, the President said, laws will be passed to strengthen anti-corruption legislation, while at the same time public entities are directed to put in place technology-based procedures and processes which curtail and reduce the use of discretionary power by public officials. Those positions of authority in public and private sectors, as well as those in the civic society, in community-based organisations, are challenged always to uphold principles of good corporate governance, transparency and accountability, said the President. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs is urged to expedite the amendment of the Whistle-blower and Protection Act to protect our citizens and motivate them to bring forward any suspected cases of corruption. The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission is extorted to increase the institutions capacity to recover ill-gotten wealth through the asset recovery unity. Collaborating with countries of origin should be increased to ensure the freezing of ill acquired assets and ensuring repatriation of the stolen or illegally acquired funds. Perpetrators of corruption stand warned that they cannot hide, the long arm of the law will surely catch up with them. I am optimistic that the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission strategic plan will go a long way to combating corruption and improving transparency, accountability systems in all sectors of the economy. President Mnangagwa said Government will continue to support the work of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission as the main institution mandated by the Constitution to combat corruption. I urge the National Prosecuting Authority, the Zimbabwe Republic Police and all the old the key stakeholders in the anti-corruption chain to work in unison professionally and effectively in the discharge of their mandate without any fear or favour, he said. With corruption often going beyond borders, the President underscored the importance of creating synergies and collaborations on the African continent to root the malpractice which is estimated to cost the continent US$50 billion annually. Corruption is indeed among the greatest threats bedevilling the African continent; it barricades sustainable socio-economic development and the betterment of livelihoods of our citizens, said President Mnangagwa. The scourge of corruption is all-encompassing and rooted in both public and private sectors, as well as among non-state actors. It often manifests through the deliberate manipulation of rules and expropriation of public resources for personal or group use. The consequence of this maleficence is that the majority of the citizens are affected, while development is retarded or deferred. Herald LAW enforcement agents have come under fire for alleged selective application of the law after allowing thousands of Johane Marange followers to hold their annual pilgrimage at Mafararikwa village in Bocha, Manicaland province, at a time when all public gatherings are banned as a COVID-19 containment measure. The pilgrimage started on July 3 and ends on July 17 amid fears it could be a super spreader of the respiratory disease as the sect members are reportedly not observing World Health Organisation-prescribed safety measures nor do they believe in vaccination. The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) has since petitioned police to urgently disperse the gathering and arrest the leaders. Under level 4 lockdown, which was imposed a fortnight ago, all gatherings are prohibited, with an exception of funerals, which are restricted to only 30 people. In a letter dated July 12, and directed to Manicaland provincial police boss, ZLHR lawyers said they would take legal action against the State if the police failed to disperse the apostolic church members by end of day today. The letter was copied to Police Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga, Home Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe and Vice-President and Health minister Constantino Chiwenga. We have noted with concern complacency in enforcing COVID-19 lockdown measures in Manicaland by members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), who have either failed or neglected to disperse members of the Johanne Marange in Mafararikwa village, the lawyers said. The neglect of duty by the police comes at a time when the country is facing an unprecedented increase in COVID-19 cases. The lawyers said if the police failed to disperse the church members by the end of day today, they would attribute all COVID-19 deaths and infections in Manicaland province to negligence by the police. By yesterday morning, the Health and Child Care ministry situational reports showed that Zimbabwe had recorded 2 185 deaths and 67 765 infections since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March last year. It is common knowledge that public gatherings are super spreaders and a threat to public health, ZLHR wrote. It is sad to note that members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police in Manicaland have kept a blind eye and failed to enforce COVID-19 regulations by failing to disperse and arrest the Johanne Marange members who are attending a vigil at Mafararikwa. The neglect by the ZRP is a health hazard with far-reaching consequences on the overall community health of Manicaland province. Members of the police have a duty to enforce the law impartially. Hundreds of opposition activists and ordinary citizens have been arrested for violating safety regulations, but Zanu PF supporters have often been left to go scot-free. National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said he was not aware of the ZLHR letter. I havent yet seen the letter you are talking about, so I cannot comment on the matter, Nyathi said. Kazembe was not picking calls on his phone. However, while addressing a Press conference on lockdown enforcement last week, Kazembe said police would enforce adherence to COVID-19 regulations without fear or favour. But rights activists have accused government of applying the law selectively for failing to arrest and prosecute Johane Marange apostolic sect leaders for violation of the COVID-19 regulations like they do to similar offenders. They accused top government officials of deliberately protecting the apostolic church members from justice for political expediency. President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his predecessor, the late Robert Mugabe, have attended Johane Marange sect church services on several occasions to garner political support. We understand that the Apostolic and Zion Churches in Zimbabwe are a big constituency with a huge following and has become a favourite hunting ground for political parties when it comes to soliciting election votes, hence it has to be handled with care or else one may risk losing their political support and the subsequent votes during election time, said Itai Rusike, executive director for Community Working Group on Health. Rusike said there was need to balance between freedom of worship and saving lives, especially in the during of a global pandemic. In a related development, Marondera police yesterday impounded a Sable company bus believed to have come from South Africa after finding it offloading passengers and goods in the town at a time cross-border and inter-city travel is under a 14-day lockdown ban. Ministry of Health and Child Care officials tested the passengers, with three registering COVID-19 positive results while the other 35 tested negative. The bus company is now facing criminal charges while the passengers have been taken to Mahusekwa Hospital for isolation. No to smuggling activities and spreading of COVID-19 pandemic, police said in a statement. Newsday VEHICLES were smashed while people were injured at Christmas Pass in Mutare when violence, pitting suspected smugglers of second-hand clothes, broke out over control of illegal routes connecting to Mozambique. Travellers could neither drive into nor out of Mutare as the warring groups vehicles temporarily blocked the road. Police managed to arrest Mutare businessman Edward Muhamba and 10 others in connection with the violence that injured people and damaged several vehicles. The 10 are: Simon Muzonzini (45), Occasion Chimwendo (33) Guthrie Masuku (39) Ronald Muvhuti (37), Dumisani Chapanduka (30), Rapahael Marange (32) Learnmore Simango (39), Blessing Mutenda (19), Tawanda Zimunya (18), and Abishel Chidziya (22). According to information gathered by the police, the fight involved a group led by Muhamba and another one led by a man only identified as Dzingai, who is still at large. National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the fracas saying the 11 were in police custody pending appearance in court. I can confirm the arrest of Edward Muhamba and 10 others over violence that took place yesterday Along the Christmas Pass area and it spread to Penhalonga area. A group of about 50 people clashed and vehicles were damaged. They were using stones, sticks and iron bars. Police received a tip off and went to Meikles Allied Timbers Estate, Penhalonga where they only observed smashed glasses on the ground but the gangs had already left. Some four hours later, police received another tip and went to Christmas Pass where they found the camps fighting, he said. According to the police, an unregistered Land Cruiser was found full of stones and sticks. A mob of more than 50 male adults engaged in verbal insults and armed some with sticks, stones and metal rods. There was also a brown unregistered Land Cruiser vehicle laden with stones and sticks. It was idling. One white Landcruiser vehicle, registration number AES 9888 had no driver but the keys were on ignition. Police also found an unregistered Scania lorry whose windscreen had been smashed, said Asst Comm Nyathi. He said preliminary investigations revealed that the two rival groups were fighting over control of illegal routes used to smuggle bales of second-hand clothes from Mozambique. After observing and interviewing sources, it turned out that of the two warring parties; one was led by Edward Muhamba and another one by one Dzingai. Police gathered that the groups were fighting over a smuggling route of second hand clothes around the border area, between Zimbabwe and Mozambique, said Asst Comm Nyathi. The vehicles found at the scene were towed to Penhalonga Police Station while the 11 were arrested. The recovered vehicles,according to the police, belong to Muhamba. Asst Comm Nyathi said police had launched a manhunt for Dzingai, who reportedly fled the scene together with the members of his group. According to the police, Dzingai was reportedly injured in the fight. Investigations are in progress and a manhunt for Dzingai has been launched. It is believed he is nursing injuries from a private hospital, said Asst Comm Nyathi. On the same day, police received another tip off and arrested two armed men who were escorting trucks ferrying smuggled bales of clothes in Nyazura. They recovered 553 bales of second hand clothes, 13 boxes of cellphones and packs of Mariana rice, which had been smuggled from Mozambique. Anyway Chinyanga (39) and Stanely Dzemwa (50) who were using smaller cars, were arrested while the drivers of the two trucks fled. The pairs vehicles had shattered windscreens after clashes with rival smugglers in Mutare but the pair refused to make a police report. Last week, police also seized two trucks and 157 bales of clothing in Burma Valley but the drivers and their assistants escaped. The arrests and seizures followed an investigative story by The Herald that exposed rampant smuggling of clothing bales and fuel through an undesignated point in Burma Valley. Of late, control of the porous border near Mutare had reportedly been taken over by smuggling cartels. The cartels had become powerful and so daring, to the extent of hiring earth-moving equipment to clear and periodically repair gravel roads passing into Mozambique through undesignated points. Armed former security officers were hired to provided escort services. Herald Strips of spikes used by police to stop vehicles refusing to obey orders to halt are fully legal and any court trying to ban them would be tantamount to legalising crime and disempowering police from maintaining law and order, the High Court has ruled. The Passengers Association of Zimbabwe had sued police, seeking an interdict prohibiting officers from using the strips of spikes and smashing windscreens of private taxis to halt pirate taxis and kombis, saying that this conduct endangered the lives of the public and causes blatant unlawful and malicious damage to private property police are supposed to protect. Police have implemented internal procedures that have limited the use of spikes and teargas and stopped the smashing of windscreens for traffic violations. But spikes are seen as an effective way of halting a vehicle whose driver refuses to stop when ordered to, and a way of halting a vehicle using minimum force. Police introduced spikes to replace the use of firearms, which could cause unintended injury or death. Spikes deflate all tyres of a vehicle, bringing it to a halt, but without the risks entailed when police shoot at a vehicles tyres and miss. In most cases a driver seeing spikes across the road decides to obey the halt order given rather than try and escape. Police needing to use spikes are now expected to follow procedures set out in the Police Weapons and Equipment Coin and I.S Manual (Methods and Frequency), a handbook for police officers, which provides instructions on how they should use their weapons and equipment. In this regard, police only resort to spikes to deal with pirate taxis that are breaching important road rules, endangering many lives, and which refuse to halt. It was on this basis that Justice Owen Tagu refused to grant the application by PAZ, finding that for the court to do so would be to sanitise crime and disempower the police from enforcing law and order. To grant the application would be tantamount to legalising the actions of these errant motorists as the police would be incapacitated to deal with them, he said. The court accepted the police argument that operators of pirate taxis, commonly known as mushikashika, were not just committing traffic offences but other crimes that could be classified as more dangerous. Some of the crimes include drug abuse, harassment of commuters especially women, and theft and robberies committed by people in the unregistered vehicles, which are mostly driven by immature and unlicensed drivers. Police also argued that the conduct of the pirate taxis had resulted in a spike of pedestrian deaths, as they are run over by vehicles fleeing police officers. Police further argued that touts employed by errant drivers, assault and kill police officers when they try to impound their vehicles and arrest the violators. Through its legal counsel, PAZ argued that police should be barred from practising this rudimentary and barbaric way of enforcing traffic offence law. The organisation further criticised the police conduct which they said had caused harm to passengers of the public and private vehicles and in some cases, the death of victims. To this end, it is their submission that PAZ had reasonable apprehension that the security of more passengers was endangered, private property would be damaged and there was no effective alternative remedy in the circumstances except approaching the court for relief. Herald J&Js vaccine was highly anticipated because of its one-and-done formulation and easy-to-ship refrigeration. But early on, it was linked to another rare risk, of blood clots, and the company hasnt been able to produce as much as expected because of problems at a Baltimore factory that helps make the shots. Fridays federal guidance also suggested that schools should try to keep three feet of social distance wherever possible, but noted that spacing rules should not get in the way of bringing all students back to in-person learning. These are historically unsanitary conditions, and the information that we have been able to get from (the Office of Court Administration) and other agencies doesnt provide as much information about what theyve done in the non-public areas ... like these interview areas and the holding cells and everywhere else, said Lisa Ohta, the president of the Legal Aid Societys lawyers union. The Gotham Comedy Club reopened with a bang on April 3 as native New Yorker Seinfeld volunteered his services for the first show. Weekend Update co-anchor Michael Che of Saturday Night Live fame is booked every Tuesday at Carolines through the end of July. And the Comedy Cellar already welcomed a whos who of comedy: Chris Rock, Amy Schumer and Ray Romano were among those onstage since the club returned at 33% capacity in early April (now back up to 100%). I am mindful ... that you have served most of your time in prison so far during the worst pandemic in this country during the past 100 years, Engelmayer said. Im mindful that your experience in prison as a result of the pandemic, the preceding lockdown, the ensuing lockdown, and your own illness was frightful. Prison is supposed to be punishment, but it is not supposed to be trauma of that nature or close. He was so broken hearted, his spirit was crushed, she said of Allen, who worked with Kenneth in construction. He had a known heart condition and his passages just shut down when that happened. They said all three of his valves shut down and were unable to be reopened thats how hard his breath was sucked out of him. One neighbor, who didnt give her name, said she was standing in her kitchen when the barrage of bullets was fired. I heard what I thought was fireworks, she said. An NYPD officer was shot in the arm with a BB gun in Brooklyn Sunday night, cops said the second pellet attack in as many days in the borough, cops said. To be very clear, prosecutors in this case did not believe there was an agreement not to prosecute or immunity for the defendant at the time we moved forward on the case, and we do not believe it now, Steele shot back Sunday night, mentioning Baer by name. The intense rollercoaster of emotions that we have experienced over the past 18 days has been indescribable, she wrote. We truly appreciate all of our family and friends for being by our side, rooting us on, and praying that we be reunited with our mom. We hope our mom is looking down on us with pride, knowing we fought our hardest to find her. A 60-year-old woman who had met Sylvester outside the jail and a pedestrian who was walking in the area at the time were also shot, the Tribune reported. The unidentified woman was shot in the knee and the 30-year-old pedestrian sustained a graze wound to her mouth. Both were said to be in good condition. The Lafayette resident said he had been stuck in standstill traffic for at least two hours due to a multi-car collision up ahead, so he jumped from Basin Bridge on a lark. The plan was that hed quickly swim to the shore, climb back up and meet his friend at the next exit, he said. As for what to do with said balls, he plans to deploy some of them as landscape edging and make some into sculpture, he told the Detroit Free Press. A nearby church requested some to use in a bowling ball cannon at a pig roast, the newspaper said. His stepfather will also take some balls off Olsons hands to use as custom furniture legs. According to WPVI, the boy was taken from the basement of his home around 11:30 p.m. Family members said they heard a struggle in the basement and that the boy was gone when they went to see what was happening. The family also found a bullet hole in the basement but said no one heard a gun being fired. Around 3 a.m. on Saturday, the Union County Prosecutors Office called the Putnam County Sheriffs Office and said Rios and his captives might be nearby and driving a Silver 2018 Ford Fiesta. The car was found at the Bethel Inn & Suites, a motel off the interstate near where Uyar was later found. According to NJ.com, Rios cooperated with investigators and led them to Uyars body. Abdelhamid is the founder of Womens Initiative for Self Empowerment, an international organization that teaches women self defense. She got the idea for the group after a man tried to remove her hijab. Shes also been a board member of Amnesty International USA. Some of that property is taken as evidence and, in the case of weapons, can later be destroyed once a case is resolved, or in other cases, property such as a vehicle can be auctioned off. Unclaimed cash is deposited into the citys general fund. I can speak directly to what it is to be a victim of gun violence, said Sliwa, who founded the Guardian Angels public safety patrol group more than four decades ago. I should have had a seat at the table. We cant continue to respond to symptoms. Its time to respond to the underlying causes of violence in our city, Adams said. This president is making it clear that hes going to redefine the ecosystem of public safety, and that includes identifying the role of police, schools, families, resources, employment this is where we need to go as a country and I have to take my hat off to this president. During the handover, McKenzie credited Miller with getting U.S. troops home safely and moving out millions of tons of equipment. That has rankled some Afghan security officials who complained that equipment that could have been left for Afghanistans security forces was taken. The president said Cubans are demanding relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cubas authoritarian regime. We want to spread the word, Schumer (D-N.Y.) said. If youre worried next month about paying the rent, if youre worried about feeding your kids, if youre worried about anything getting that money to fix your car that has been broken for so long help is on the way. Abbott has demanded new election laws in Texas, and could keep calling 30-day special sessions until a bill is passed. He also punished Democrats after their May walkout by vetoing paychecks for roughly 2,000 Capitol employees, which will begin taking effect in September unless the Legislature is in session to restore the funding. The woman left the house immediately after the incident and ran to a neighboring home in the town of Neston, leaving her husband in agony, authorities said. The neighbor, who she wasnt close to, later told police that she banged on his door and said, Ive hurt him really bad, I think Ive killed him, according to prosecutors. This is a country with resources, Sanon said in a YouTube video. Nine million people cant be in poverty when we have so much resources in the country. Its impossible The world has to stop doing what they are doing right now. We cant take it any more. We need new leadership that will change the way of life. Haiti was forced to pay reparations to France for the loss of the sugar plantations and the value of the Africans that won freedom. The $90 million gold franc penalty, worth tens of billions in todays dollars, was so steep that it took them nearly 125 years to repay. Forbes magazine notes that the funds could have been used to develop the country and forestall its notoriety as the poorest country in the western hemisphere. In recent years, Haiti has demanded that France return the reparations in current dollars to compensate for slavery. Monday was the first time the victim has spoken during the case. She accused Bell of grooming her beginning when she was 12, and alleged the actors messages were blatantly sexual by the time she was 15. According to its main star Kelsey Grammer, the revival about slightly neurotic psychiatrist Dr. Frasier Crane will take the show in a whole new direction: Frasier will be even richer than before. And we may or may not see most of the original cast members. We were not only as a country, but as a world let down and openly neglected, misinformed, he said of Trump and the task force he put together, according to Variety. We had truth and reason assaulted under what was in all terms an obscene administration. When my team and I would come home from test and vaccinations sites at night, particularly during testing under Trump, to maddening news it felt like someone with a machine gun gunning down communities that were most vulnerable from a turret at the White House. Floridas law, though, has made it difficult for cruise lines to sail with what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention require for a ship to get its conditional sailing certificate without first performing a simulated sailing. If a ship states it is sailing with at least 98% crew and 95% passengers vaccinated, it can skip the test sailing. That was how Carnival chose to get back to business with its initial sailings, but that move was also met with customer dissatisfaction since it meant no children were allowed on board initially. Pino said he was discouraged about the slowing vaccination rates, and called on people between 25 and 34 to get the shot. The struggle, he said, is in part due to that age group being healthy, but capable of spreading it to more vulnerable people without the vaccine. After climbing the tall slip and slide stairs with her father shouldering her up each individual step Samantha Ceballo laughs on her way down the water slide with her father Claver Ceballo not far behind during the Soaked 2021 event, a kid-friendly community event to raise funds and awareness for the Special Needs Community of Central Florida at Vital Church of Oviedo in Orlando, Fla., Saturday, July 10, 2021. (Orlando Sentinel Photo/Willie J. Allen Jr.) (Willie J. Allen Jr./Orlando Sentinel) The 2021 Mecum Summer Special is July 28-31 at 9400 Universal Blvd. in Orlando. Gates open daily at 8 a.m.; vehicle auctions begin at 1 p.m. July 28 and 10 a.m. July 29-31. General admission tickets cost $20 in advance online or $30 at the door and online after July 27. Children ages 12 and younger enter for free. Registering to bid costs $200 for standard credentials or $500 for gold perks, including preferred seating, expedited credential pickup and access to all Mecum auctions during a 12-month period. For more information, visit mecum.com. Fear because we still have loved ones there, and we know whatever we do and say here can backfire to them, de la Torre said. But I am very proud of the people who said enough, we are going out, I dont care. This is a new generation. It is not my generation. They know there is more out there, and they know that living in fear and oppressed is not a way of living. Im not surprised really, to be very honest, she said. He was arrogant. I dont know anything about him. He was just arrogant. He told me, I will not move. I am staying here. You cant make me move. This was the way he was. Im here. I can do what I want. I think he enjoyed it until he got arrested. When training ended in April 1961 and the fighters headed to Cuba, they realized they werent getting the help theyd been promised by the U.S. military, including aerial support and a navy armada, Diaz Arguelles said. Roughly 1,400 men were transported from a Nicaraguan port in rusty merchant cargo ships to the Bay of Pigs on Cubas southern coast, then had to climb down ropes in the dark to board 18-foot aluminum boats from Sears and reach the beach while under fire, because Castro had learned of the invasion in advance. Rosens attorney said his client was heading home to Toronto to see a cardiologist. Blackmon, who set bond at $20,000, said Rosen was free to go back to Canada while his case plays out, but that he was forbidden to get there by flying out of the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. You cannot return to the Fort Lauderdale airport, Mr. Rosen, do you understand? Blackmon said. Cabrera served in the military under Cuban president and dictator Fulgencio Batista, but after Fidel Castros regime came to power in 1959, Cabrera spent over 20 years as a political prisoner in his homeland. He was exiled to the U.S. in 1980 and later became an American citizen, his lawyer said. Within the rubble, personal items are being collected and will eventually be returned to their owners or next of kin. The twisted steel rebar and shards of concrete that have been hauled away, under the escort of police, are being kept in storage for investigators who are gathering clues as to what made 12 stories plunge to the ground on June 24. 22-year old Johnny Kirk of Santa Rosa Beach, accused of killing an 80-year-old man at a park, was fatally gunned down by deputies early Monday after he opened fire at them, the Escambia County Sheriffs Office said. (Okaloosa County Sheriffs Office) National Public Radio reported last week the Sacklers would give up ownership of the bankrupt drug company and pay roughly $4.2 billion toward the settlement fund from their private fortunes in installments spread over the next decade. Operating and sales revenues, along with certain insurance proceeds and other assets, will be combined with a contribution of $4.275 billion (over a series of years) from the Sackler family, who are the shareholders of Purdue, in exchange for releases from civil liability. Just to clarify, the reason that Southwest Value Partners filed the eviction complaint is because I stopped acquiescing... and proceeded forward in partnering with Pat and others to allow the events to take place in the style of music that was appropriate for their culture, Tazioli said. I came to the conclusion that thats the right thing to do. Business-wise, it made sense. But more importantly, to me, its the moral side of the question. This bill also authorizes students, without permission, to record class lectures, not only for educational purposes but also as evidence related to any complaint or to any civil or criminal offense, which may be reported by students to department deans or administrators. Many professors already record each online or person-to-person class and provide them to students for study purposes. In reference to the statue of Confederate Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith which Lake County rejected for its historical museum (What is the future for Confederate statue? July 9), I say why does it have to be relocated? Break it up, melt it down, destroy it in whatever manner is cost-effective. These statues were erected to glorify the Confederacy and that mindset has been perpetuated to this day, with people flying the Confederate flag on their properties and insurrectionists carrying it as they storm the halls of our Capitol. The county has 13% of the states population and has had 21.5% of the states cases and 17% of the deaths. Miami-Dade was the county that was the hardest hit with COVID in all of Florida. So its not surprising there are a lot of people in Miami-Dade, no matter what their political views, who said, Im going to get me that vaccine, Zelden said. The straw poll results stressed the bind DeSantis is in when it comes to his political mentor. The FLorida governor has been gaining a national following promoting his total opposition to any COVID-19 measures, but Trumps continued hints that he will run for a third time in 2024 could stand in the way of a 2024 run. Oswego, NY (13126) Today Considerable cloudiness. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High near 75F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight Considerable clouds this evening. Some decrease in clouds late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 66F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Oswego, NY (13126) Today Mainly cloudy. A few peeks of sunshine possible. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High around 75F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight Considerable clouds this evening. Some decrease in clouds late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low near 65F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. News and commentary on organized crime, street crime, white collar crime, cyber crime, sex crime, crime fiction, crime prevention, espionage and terrorism. Water inflow into Iranian dams declines 47% yr/yr 07/12/21 Source: Tehran Times Water inflow into the Iranian dams from the beginning of the current water year (late September 2020) up to July 9, has decreased by 47 percent compared to the previous year's same period, according to the Iran Water Resources Management Company's data. As reported, the total volume of water inflow to the reservoirs of the country's dams in the mentioned period reached 27.29 billion cubic meters, while the figure stood at 51.7 billion cubic meters in the previous year's same period. Based on the mentioned data, compared to the figures for the previous water year, the volume of water outflow from the country's dams has also decreased by 34 percent to stand at 28.86 billion cubic meters. The total volume of water stored behind the country's dams is reported to be 25.56 billion cubic meters on July 9, while the figure stood at 36.11 billion cubic meters last year. The capacity of Iran's dam reservoirs currently stands at 50.5 billion cubic meters. The sudden increase in temperature in Iran and the decline of rainfalls across the country have caused severe drought in the current year so that the energy ministry is implementing new programs for managing water and electricity consumption. Out of a total of 183 currently operational dams across Iran, 52 are related to the Caspian Sea catchment area, 12 are based in the Urumieh basin, 68 dams are located in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman watersheds, 34 dams are in the Central Plateau, 11 dams are in Sarakhs catchment basin, and another six dams are located across the eastern boundary basin (Hamoun). ( ) David Minchin joins Proactive London to confirm another notable helium gas show in the Tai-1 well. He goes on to explain why this will now be sidetracked due to a setback to the programme in Tanzania. He explains that the delay caused by the loss of drill string in the midst of the drilling is unfortunate but that contingency plans have been implemented to sidetrack from above the lost pipe and continue drilling to test both the Red Sandstone gas show and priority target horizons beneath. The investment bank said illiquidity and low transaction volumes could place a "significant limitation" on Bitcoin's potential as a medium of exchange in the Central American country El Salvadors adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender later this year could cause problems for both the country and the cryptocurrency, according to analysts at JP Morgan. According to a Bloomberg report on Sunday, the investment bank said in a report last week that a large amount of Bitcoin is tied up in illiquid entities, around 90% of which has not changed hands in over a year, which could present issues with its use as a medium of exchange by citizens of the Central American nation. Analysts said daily payment activity in El Salvador would represent around 4% of recent transaction volume on the Bitcoin blockchain and over 1% of the total value of tokens that have been transferred between wallets in the last year. As a result, JP Morgan said the low volume and illiquidity impact could potentially be a significant limitation on its potential as a medium of exchange. Should the assessment prove accurate, the effort by El Salvadors president Nayib Bukele to make Bitcoin legal tender, which is said to be an attempt to decrease the countrys large unbanked population as well as lower the cost of remittances, could end up causing more harm than good. JP Morgan flagged other challenges facing the adoption of Bitcoin in the nation, notable widespread scepticism of using the crypto as a medium of exchange, its high levels of price volatility and a demand imbalance for Bitcoin and US dollar conversions which they warned could present fiscal and balance of payments risk. In late morning trading in London on Monday, Bitcoin was up 0.3% at US$33,835, giving it a market cap of US$634.5bn. Most captain vacancies will be filled by internal promotions of first officers, who will then be replaced by new cadet pilots ( ) announced plans to hire 2,000 new pilots to crew aircraft deliveries over the next three years. The budget carrier said the investment in new aircraft, such as the greener Boeing 737-8200 Gamechanger, has created an opportunity to take in new staff as it rebuilds from the COVID-19 pandemic. Most captain vacancies will be filled by internal promotions of first officers, who will then be replaced by new cadet pilots. Training courses will take place this year so the new hires will be ready for Summer 2022 for positions all over Europe. The Irish airline has partnered with Airline Flight Academy in Dublin for the courses. Last year, the group said it would cut 3,000 jobs but the plan was scrapped after unions agreed to cut salaries of pilots and cabin crews to avoid redundancies. Shares shed 4% to 15.66 on Monday late morning. A glance at some of the day's highlights from the Proactive Investors newswire MGC Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ASX:MXC, LON:MXC) hailed as a major milestone the recruitment of its first patient to a phase III trial of its cannabis-derived drug in patients hospitalised with Covid. BATM Advanced Communications Limited (LON:BVC) said its Telco Systems subsidiary has launched a new suite of networking systems under the Edgility brand. Argo Blockchain PLC (LON:ARB) said it has appointed Jean Esquier as vice president of technology & development and Theodore Papadakis as head of data centre operations. Westminster Group PLC (LON:WSG) has been awarded a contract to supply security services to help protect the Tower of London. Norman Broadbent PLC (LON:NBB) said its group chief executive Mike Brennan has resigned and will be leaving the company and board effective immediately after more than five years with the firm. Voyager Life PLC (LON:VOY) has hailed as an important new deal its tie-up with Scottish independent pharmacy chain Inphaserve to which it will supply cannabidiol and hemp seed products. Directa Plus (LON:DCTA) said research has been published supporting the use of its functionalised graphene as an antimicrobial in face masks. Coro Energy PLC (LON:CORO) has inked a deal to acquire a portfolio of planned rooftop solar projects in Vietnam. Helium One Global Ltd (LON:HE1) has confirmed another notable helium gas show in the Tai-1 which is now being sidetracked, due to a set back to the programme in Tanzania. San Leon Energy Plc (LON:SLE) told investors it has now signed a new heads of terms agreement for the proposed reorganisation and consolidation of the Midwestern Leon Petroleum Limited vehicle which holds a stake in the OML 18 oil assets in Nigeria. EQTEC PLC (LON:EQT), a gasification technology and engineering company, clarified its position in relation to North Fork Community Power LLC project in California. The AIM-listed company said it is the technology provider to the waste-to-energy project and has no role or scope in relation to project management. Emmerson PLC (LON:EMKL) has appointed Rupert Joy as a non-executive director. Joy is an experienced diplomat and former ambassador and head of the EU delegation to Morocco. The appointment is designed to further strengthen Emmersons national profile and networks as it advances towards the construction of Africa's first commercial potash mine in Morocco. Oriole Resources PLC (LON:ORR) has appointed of Claire Bay to the board of directors as executive director, exploration and development. Bay is a chartered geologist with over 13 years experience in the resources sector. Cobra Resources PLC (LON:COBR) has appointed Jason Cherry as exploration manager. Since June 2021, Cherry has been in the field managing Cobra's aircore geochemistry programme at Wudinna in South Australia. Inspired Energy PLC (LON:INSE) has changed its name to Inspired PLC to reflect the evolution of the company. The technology enabled service provider has three divisions: Inspired Energy, Inspired ESG and Inspired Software. DeepVerge PLC (LON:DVRG), an environmental and life science group of companies, has appointed ex Ogilvy business director Niamh O'Kennedy as group marketing officer to lead its brand acceleration strategy. Faron Pharmaceuticals Oy (LON:FARN) sad it will host a webinar entitled 'Clever-1 as a target for macrophage-guided immunotherapy' on Monday 19 July 2021 at 8.30 am EDT (1.30pm BST, 3.30pm EEST), which can be accessed at the "Investors" section on Faron's website. It will feature a presentation by Dr Maija Hollmen, adjunct professor of tumour immunology, group leader and academy research fellow at the MediCity Research Laboratory at the University of Turku, Finland, and a presentation from chief executive Dr Markku Jalkanen on the potential of bexmarilimab, Faron's wholly-owned, novel precision cancer immunotherapy targeting Clever-1, which is currently in Phase I/II development as a potential monotherapy in patients with solid tumours who have exhausted all treatment options. Savannah Resources PLC (LON:SAV, OTCMKTS:SAVNF) chief executive David Archer will provide a live investor update presentation via the Investor Meet Company platform on 22 July at 1pm BST for existing and potential investors. Questions can be submitted pre-event via the Investor Meet Company platform before or during the live presentation. Belvoir Group PLC (LON:BLV) chief executive Dorian Gonsalves and chief financial officer Louise George will provide a live presentation followed by Q&A to retail investors via the Yellowstone Advisory platform at midday on 13 July. Ncondezi Energy Limited (LON:NCCL) announced that a new corporate presentation is available on its website. NextEnergy Solar Fund PLC (LON:NESF) notified that its annual general meeting will be held in Guernsey on 9 August at 10am BST. In light of the restrictions in place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, shareholders are strongly encouraged to vote by way of proxy instead of attending the AGM in person. SML said that the conditions associated with the approval were expected ( ) said its Leigh Creek Copper Mine (LCCM) has been granted conditional approval for its Programme for Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation on the Paltridge North deposit. The Australian energy department gave the go-ahead subject to several items to be reviewed plus a deposit of A43.7mln and payment of A$81,000 to a native vegetation fund. SML said that the conditions associated with the approval were expected and reflected in LCCM's application. The bond requirement is larger than catered for in the company's financial modelling, it added, but is comfortable given the level of funding being sought to restart production and especially given the boost to likely profitability from the recent increase in the copper price and US/A$ exchange rate. John Peters, SMLs managing director, said: "The conditional approval of the PEPR was as expected and is an important milestone in restarting full-time production at the Mountain of Light plant at Leigh Creek. "Work will begin on fulfilling the conditions, some of which are already underway, and the company will report on its plans in due course. Increased forecasted Project profitability and planned exploration has significantly improved the Project's attractiveness and is assisting attempts to secure funding, especially as planned facility repayment is forecast to occur within two years of drawdown. Traffic generally to the AIC site is rising, it said, adding that Month was a new record for monthly visits. PLC ( ) remains the most searched trust on the Association of Investment Companies website, the trade body said today. SMT has been the UKs best performer among the investment trust sector for each of the past one, five and ten years, according to Morningstar. Over the past year, Scottish Mortgage, which has made huge gains on tech holdings in such as Amazon, Tesla and Tencent is up by 63%, by 406% over five years and an impressive 872% over a decade. Second to SMT in the performance tables is Allianz Technology Trust, which over the past five years is up by 375% and by 761% over ten years. Like SMT, the trust has done exceptionally well out of the tech boom, though curiously it ranks only twentieth in the AICs search list. Allianz does not pay a dividend, which might be a reason as the AIC says that consistent dividend payers have grown in popularity during lockdown Eleven of the 20 most viewed companies have increased their dividends for 20 or more years in a row. New entrants meanwhile, included PLC ( 11th), ( 12th), ( 17th) and JPMorgan Global Growth & Income (LON:JGGIL 19th). Traffic generally to the AIC site is rising, it said, adding that Month was a new record for monthly visits. The medicines developer has locked down a key approval to test its own offering against a multi-billion-dollar drug in a 12-week observational study into neuropathic pain. Zelira will test its proprietary product in a neuropathic pain study in the US. Zelira Therapeutics (ASX:ZLD) (OTCMKTS:ZALDF) has secured Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for a pain observational trial to take place in the US. The cannabinoid medicines developer is set to test its patent-protected product against a big pharmaceutical companys multi-billion-dollar revenue drug. Approval from IRB means Zelira has navigated a regulatory approval path for the upcoming trial, with the first batch of results expected in 2022s first half. Ultimately, its hoped the trial will measure how effectively Zeliras offering can treat neuropathic pain compared to a major, established pharmaceutical drug. Zelira to conduct innovative trial Zelira Therapeutics Chairman Osagie Imasogie said: We are very pleased with receiving our IRB approval. We are even more pleased that we can conduct this innovative trial that we hope will provide additional safe and effective options for physicians and patients in the treatment of pain caused by neuropathy. The observational study With IRB approval in tow, Zelira will trial its patent-protected product during a US-based observational study, which is poised to run for 12 weeks. Specifically, the healthcare stock will evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of its proprietary creation compared to a major drug from a big pharmaceutical company. While the specific company is not named in todays release, big pharma is defined as a suite of multinational, highly successful pharmaceutical operations with economic, political or social influence. It means Zelira is set to go head-to-head with a major recognised pharmaceutical body in the upcoming trial. Zelira partners with Levin Todays news comes just weeks after Zelira licensed its cannabinoid formulation to Levin Health Limited for an upcoming clinical trial. During the study, Levin will use the medicinal cannabis company's ZTL-106 formulation for testing on retired athletes in a chronic pain treatment study at La Trobe University in Melbourne. This trial will be sponsored by Levin, which will pay Zelira to design and manage the study, while both companies will share any commercialisation profits. At the time, Zelira Therapeutics managing director Dr Oludare Odumosu said: Zelira is thrilled to partner with Levin Health on this innovative drug development project. This collaboration demonstrates Zeliras world-class formulation and expertise in fast-tracking drug development. This partnership also leverages Levin Healths mission to impact chronic pain treatment approaches. "We look forward to creating and validating a proprietary product that will help treat chronic pain. Okapi aims to deliver a JORC 2012 resource estimate for the Tallahassee Uranium Project in coming months and subsequently kick off a 10,000 metres drilling program. The company will be well-funded with about A$6.3 million in cash upon completion of a placement with high-impact work programs to commence in 2H 2021. ( ) (FRA:26O) shares surged as high as 55% intra-day on Monday after signing a transformational binding agreement to acquire 100% of Tallahassee Resources, which holds a portfolio of large, high-grade uranium projects in the US. Tallahassee has a 100% interest in mineral rights that cover about 7,500 acres in the Tallahassee Creek Uranium District of Colorado (Tallahassee Uranium Project) together with an option to acquire 100% of the Rattler Uranium Project. The Tallahassee Uranium Project contains a JORC 2004 resource estimate of 26 million pounds of uranium (U3O8) at a grade of 540ppm U3O8, with significant exploration upside. The Rattler Uranium Project includes the historical Rattlesnake open pit mine from which 285,000 tonnes of ore was mined between 1948 and 1954 at grades of 2,800ppm U3O8 and 10,000ppm vanadium (V2O5) for 1.6 million pounds of U3O8 and 4.5 million pounds of V2O5. High-impact work programs to commence in 2H 2021 Okapi will pay the vendors of Tallahassee Resources 33.5 million new Okapi shares and 16.75 million options as consideration for the deal, subject to shareholder and statutory approvals. The company has already received firm commitments from sophisticated and professional investors to raise about $2.84 million at 20 cents per share via a share placement. Okapi will be well-funded with about A$6.3 million in cash and cash equivalents upon completion of placement with high-impact work programs to commence in 2H 2021. Okapi executive director David Nour said: This is a transformational opportunity for Okapi to become one of the most prominent uranium developers in the world. Through this acquisition, Okapi is perfectly placed to capitalise on the strengthening uranium market. Uranium deposits and historical mines in the central-western portion of the Tallahassee Creek Uranium District. The greater Tallahassee Creek Uranium District hosts more than 100 million pounds of U3O8 with considerable opportunity to expand the existing resource base by acquiring additional complementary assets in the district. The Rattler Uranium Project is just 85 kilometres from the White Mesa Uranium Mill, the only operating conventional uranium mill in the US hence provides a near-term, low-capital development opportunity. Rationale for the acquisition US President Joe Bidens administration has embraced nuclear energy to achieve its goal of a net zero carbon economy by 2050. Okapis strategy is to become a leader in North American carbon-free nuclear energy by assembling a portfolio of high-quality uranium assets through accretive acquisitions and exploration. The acquisition of Tallahassee provides Okapi immediate leverage to several large, high-grade North American uranium projects, together with direct access to a team who has in-depth knowledge of, and experience operating in, the North American uranium sector. Carbon-free energy Major forecasters expect electricity demand will grow an incremental 55% by 2035 as electric vehicle penetration continues to accelerate. Electric car registrations increased by 41% in 2020 with 10 million electric cars on the worlds roads at the end of 2020. As electricity demand increases, so does the need for reliable, emission free base load power. Electricity generation is the largest and fastest-growing contributor to global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Nuclear power is one of the few energy sources capable of delivering baseload carbon-free energy around the clock and currently accounts for 55% of carbon-free electricity in the US. National, strategic uranium reserve Owners and operators of US nuclear power reactors purchased the equivalent of about 48 million pounds of uranium in 2019 with less than 12% purchased from domestic sources while a combined total of 42% was purchased from Russia (15%) Kazakhstan (18%) and Uzbekistan (9%). In late 2020, the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works approved, with bipartisan support, a bill that advances a federal initiative to establish a national, strategic uranium reserve. Forward work plan - Tallahassee Uranium Project Tallahassee Resources is working towards declaring a 2012 JORC Mineral Resource estimate for the Tallahassee Project in the coming months. Tallahassee anticipates then embarking upon a circa 10,000 metres drilling program to: Expand the existing resource base; Improve confidence in the existing resource base; and Acquire samples that can be used for initial metallurgical test-work. Depending on the results of this work, initial conceptual mine design work may be undertaken to help determine the most appropriate work programs to implement thereafter. Tallahassee also considers there are opportunities to acquire additional mineral rights in close proximity to those it currently holds, with such areas providing opportunity to: Expand the resource base through either discovery of additional resources on previously underexplored property or through acquisition of properties that contain known mineralisation, including, in some cases, historical resources; and Enhance the economics of developing a stand-alone mining operation by expanding the projects resource base. Forward work plan - Rattler Project, Utah Tallahassee intends undertaking initial reconnaissance work at Rattler in the coming months to endeavour to determine where historic drilling has been undertaken (based on ground disturbance). If historical drilling data cannot be located, initial drilling programs are expected to target areas where high-density historical drilling is evident, as this is likely to correspond with trends of high-grade mineralisation. Tallahassee also intends pursuing acquisition of additional mining claims in neighbouring areas. Board appointment The Tallahassee Uranium Project was previously under former ASX-listed explorer Black Range Minerals banner. Between 2007 and 2014, Black Range carried out multiple drilling programs with more than 2,220 holes in the district for about 350,000 metres of drilling. Black Ranges exploration work resulted in a JORC 2012 resource estimate within its landholdings of 90.4 million pounds of uranium oxide from ore grading an average 600 ppm uranium oxide. Okapis purchase of Tallahassee Resources has been backed by previous founders and management of Black Range. Former director and head of exploration in the US for Black Range, Ben Vallerine, will join Okapis board as a non-executive technical director. The skillset of new chief exploration geologist Mark Burdett can assist the company to unlock the gold mineralisation potential of the historical central Victorian project. ( ) has appointed highly credentialed geologist Mark Burdett as chief exploration geologist for the Blackwood Gold Project in the goldfields of central Victoria. This is the latest in a series of appointments as the company builds a team aimed at gaining maximum benefit from Blackwood. The companys activities and the apparent strength of the project are creating interest from highly qualified geologists to join the team as they seek to contribute to the development plans. Burdett is a highly credentialed geologist with a broad range of experience and skills in consulting and operational gold settings. He is due to begin for Cauldron in August 2021 which aligns with the mobilisation of the underground drilling contractor. Suitably qualified Cauldron director Jess Oram said: Cauldron is very fortunate to attract the services of such a suitably qualified and motivated geologist to Cauldrons Blackwood Gold Project. The combination of potential, opportunity and skill unleashed at the Blackwood Gold Project will help build the value of the project and along with it the company. Burdetts experience Burdett has completed gold-focused structural mapping of macro-fold systems and this is what sparked his interest in helping Cauldron unpick the structural gold puzzle at Blackwood. This interest along with Burdetts skillset is expected to assist Cauldron as it seeks to unlock the potential gold mineralisation proved by historical production in the region. Part of this puzzle is identifying and targeting the high-grade plunges downdip from the historical production from the Blackwood Project line of lode, the reef system that extends more than 3.5 kilometres in length and which is dotted with numerous shafts sunk in the 1860s. Building team The new recruit will join consultant Stewart Govett and new exploration manager Asha Rao, and together the team will build on the work Govett has done to compile and interpret the historic data which has laid the platform from which this technical combination can build. Burdetts addition to the Cauldron team is important, with his rare combination of industry and academic methodologies in structurally controlled gold systems. Upcoming approved program In its upcoming approved program, the company aims to target high-grade plunges of gold mineralisation interpreted to lie below historical production at the Blackwood Project. For the first time in a generation, Cauldrons technical team has the opportunity to view these historically isolated operations under one ownership. Oram said: We are excited to build towards the upcoming underground drilling using the fantastic drill platform offered by the Tyrconnel and the project. The Blackwood Gold Project is in Victorias highly productive Golden Triangle having exceptional opportunity to extend the ore shoots abandoned by past miners. In addition, there is potential to discover new gold ore shoots lying proximal to the underground tunnel system left by historical mining activity. Securities will remain in trading halt until Wednesday, July 14, 2021, or when an announcement is released to the market. Recent drilling has validated the companys geological model with the strongest mineralisation. ( ) has been granted a trading halt by the ASX ahead of an announcement regarding a proposed capital raising. The halt will remain in place until the start of regular trading on Wednesday, July 14, or until an announcement is released to the market, whichever occurs earliest. Intersects broad zones Earlier this month, the company demonstrated strong platinum group elements (PGE) potential at its Yarawindah Brook Nickel-Copper-PGE Project in Western Australia following recent diamond drilling at Yarabrook Hill and XC-29 prospects. As expected from visual observations, drill holes YAD0017 and YAD0018 at Yarabrook Hill returned broad zones of anomalous PGE mineralisation with narrow intersections of highly encouraging palladium, platinum, nickel and copper. Results have validated the companys geological model with the strongest mineralisation at the interpreted base of ultramafic section of the intrusion providing a clear target for follow-up exploration. "Proof of concept" Caspin chief executive officer Greg Miles said: The two holes at Yarabrook Hill demonstrate the bedrock sulphide PGE potential of the prospect and have provided the proof of concept we required before launching a large-scale drill program to target higher-grade concentrations of mineralisation. The companys 900-metre RC campaign will target the shallow extents of Redback high-grade gold shoot along from the Wattle Dam mine. Visible gold from previous drilling at the Redback deposit. Resources Ltd ( ) has started its reverse circulation (RC) drilling program at Redback Gold Deposit of the Wattle Dam Project across the fertile Spargoville Shear Zone in Western Australia. The companys 900-metre RC campaign targets the shallow extents of the Redback high-grade gold shoot. Furthermore, the shallow program is designed to support an updated mineral resource estimate and potentially define near-surface mineralisation that may be amenable to open-pit mining. The Redback high-grade gold shoot is traced from 40 metres to 250 metres below the surface, with recent diamond drilling returning high-grade intersections that include: 10 metres at 4.6 g/t gold from 170 metres including 2 metres at 10.2 g/t; 1-metre at 18 g/t and 8 metres at 3.9 g/t from 193 metres including 3 metres at 7.9 g/t; 16.3 metres at 9.3 g/t from 229 metres including 5.5 metres at 6.7 g/t; 5.8 metres at 17.9 g/t from 240 metres including 1-metre at 48.4 g/t; and 6 metres at 9.4 g/t from 257 metres including 3 metres at 7.2 g/t. High-grade resource Redback deposit has an inferred resource of 440,000 tonnes at 3.0 g/t gold for 42,900 ounces and is about 600 metres southeast of the previously mined high-grade Wattle Dam gold mine. Notably, the local geology at Redback is similar to Wattle Dam mine with a high component of visible gold hosted within deformed ultramafic lithologies. Gold mineralisation at Redback has been modelled as three subparallel and near-vertical domains, with recent re-interpretations comprising well-developed eastern and western structures which are connected by linking shears or mineralised domains. Assays in 3-5 weeks Maximus expects the RC drilling to be completed in less than a week, with all samples being dispatched to the Kalgoorlie analytical laboratory for assaying. The company expects the assay results for each of the drill targets to be received within 3-5 weeks after the completion of the drill program. Zelira Therapeutics Ltd (ASX:ZLD) is a medicinal cannabis company focused on first-in-class human clinical trials for insomnia, autism and opioid reduction Zelira Therapeutics to go head-to-head with big pharma in US clinical pain trial Zelira Therapeutics (ASX:ZLD) (OTCMKTS:ZALDF) has secured Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for a pain observational trial to take place in the US. The cannabinoid medicines developer is set to test its patent-protected product against a big pharmaceutical company's multi-billion-dollar revenue drug. Approval from IRB means Zelira has navigated a regulatory approval path for the upcoming trial, with the first batch of results expected in 2022's first half. Ultimately, it's hoped the trial will measure how effectively Zelira's offering can treat neuropathic pain compared to a major, established pharmaceutical drug. Zelira to conduct "innovative trial" Zelira Therapeutics Chairman Osagie Imasogie said: "We are very pleased with receiving our IRB approval. "We are even more pleased that we can conduct this innovative trial that we hope will provide additional safe and effective options for physicians and patients in the treatment of pain caused by neuropathy." On completing its ASX listing last week, Charger has handed over a $100,000 cash payment and 9.6 million Charger shares to Lithium Australia, valued at $1.92 million. Charger has exercised its option to acquire 70% of three LIT assets - the Coates, Bynoe and Lake Johnston projects. ( ) ( ) (FRA:3MW) has become a substantial holder of newly listed Charger Metals NL ( ) after securing 9.6 million shares. LIT now holds a 19.05% stake in Charger, after reaching substantial shareholder status on July 5. Charger holds 70% of assets Upon listing Charger has exercised its option to acquire a 70% stake in three of LIT's battery metals assets - the Coates, Bynoe and Lake Johnston projects. Lithium Australia retains exposure to these battery materials projects by retaining a 30% free carried interest. The Coates project is a WA-based nickel-copper-cobalt-platinum group elements (PGE) play, situated about 20 kilometres from s ( ) ( ) Julimar discovery. The project comprises one granted exploration licence, one application and one retention licence, covering a combined 48 square kilometres. Further east in Western Australia lies the Lake Johnston lithium, nickel and gold asset Chargers most advanced project, with tenements covering around 25 square kilometres. The most promising Lake Johnston target uncovered to date is the Lake Medcalf prospect, where LIT geologists identified a large zone of very strongly mineralised spodumene pegmatite at Bontempelli Hill. In the Northern Territory, Charger holds a managing stake in the Bynoe lithium and gold asset just 38 kilometres from Darwin. The Bynoe Pegmatite field is one of the most prospective areas for lithium in the NT and has many similarities to Greenbushes in WA, one of the worlds largest spodumene deposits. Retains exposure Lithium Australia managing director Adrian Griffin said: "Lithium Australia retains significant exposure to raw materials through its equity in Charger, as well as its free-carried project interests. The latter potentially provide access to raw materials that the Lithium Australia group of companies can further process. Charger Metals specialised expertise will expedite a focused exploration effort, leaving Lithium Australia to concentrate on its core business: the ethical and sustainable supply of energy metals to the battery industry and the development of a circular battery economy. We eagerly await exploration outcomes at the Coates, Bynoe and Lake Johnston projects. Cathode material dispatched On July 8 LITs subsidiary VSPC Ltd dispatched its second-generation lithium manganese ferro phosphate (LMFP) cathode power to potential customers after meeting industry performance and physical property specifications. This comes at a time when battery and electric vehicle producers worldwide, among them BYD, VW and Tesla are transitioning to the use of lithium ferro phosphate (LFP) cathode material in lithium-ion batteries. LIT says that lithium-ion batteries of both the LFP and LMFP type are cheaper and safer than those containing nickel and cobalt, and LMFP has up to 25% improvement in energy density over LFP. VSPCs LMFP cathode material is available to established battery manufacturers and other potential customers for testing, on schedule with previously released plans. The company has acquired 100% ownership of 29,500 hectares of contiguous mining concessions in the Huanuco Andean region of central Peru immediately adjacent to the company's Ayawilca project Tinka CEO Graham Carman said the company considers the Silvia project to be "highly prospective for large copper skarn and porphyry deposits" ( ) (BVL:TK ) (OTCQB:TKRFF ) (FRA:TLD) said it has signed a definitive agreement with BHP World Exploration Inc Sucursal del Peru, and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Darwin Peru S.A.C., has acquired a 100% interest in the Silvia copper-gold-zinc exploration project in Peru with a one-time cash payment. The Silvia project consists of 29,500 hectares of mining concessions believed to be prospective for large copper-gold-zinc skarn and porphyry copper deposits, lying immediately adjacent to the company's 100%-owned Ayawilca zinc-silver project in central Peru. Tinka now controls over 46,000 hectares of contiguous mining concessions in central Peru, one of the worlds most prolific base metal belts, said the company. The Silvia project lies around 80 kilometers (km) south and along strike of Antamina, one of the largest copper mines in Peru and the world's biggest skarn deposit - beneficially owned by BHP Group 33.75%, Glencore 33.75%, Teck 22.5% and Mitsubishi 10%. The project also lies immediately to the north of the Raura zinc-silver-lead-copper mine owned by Minsur. Greenfield exploration by BHP at the Silvia project has identified copper-gold-zinc mineralization in outcropping skarns at two broad target areas both associated with coincident geophysical anomalies, said the company. Neither of these targets have been drill tested. Limestone belonging to the Jumasha Formation, the main host to the Antamina copper-zinc-silver skarn deposit, is widespread throughout the Silvia project area. Terms of the Silvia acquisition 100% of the right and title of 35 granted mining concessions (plus two applications) to be transferred to Darwin Darwin has made a one-time cash payment to BHP. No other milestone payments are required BHP retains a 1% NSR royalty over the Silvia Project, which may be repurchased by Darwin Darwin is required to keep all mining concessions in good standing, with BHP retaining the right of first refusal on any mining concession that Darwin wishes to relinquish In a statement, Tinka CEO Graham Carman said the Silvia acquisition fits in very well with Tinka's vision of exploring for world-class base and precious metal discoveries in Peru. Tinka considers the Silvia project to be highly prospective for large copper skarn and porphyry deposits, and we are thrilled to have acquired this exciting portfolio from BHP right next door to our flagship Ayawilca project. This acquisition triples the size of Tinka's mining concessions in central Peru, turning the company into one of the largest landholders in this highly mineralized belt, Carman noted. The target limestone at the Silvia Project is the Jumasha Formation which hosts the giant Antamina skarn deposit, while the Ayawilca deposit is hosted by the Pucara limestone," he added. The Tinka boss also noted that the company plans to move forward with the exploration for copper at the Silvia project while work progresses at the Ayawilca zinc-silver project on a preliminary economic assessment (PEA). Given the close proximity to Ayawilca, Tinka's exploration team can access the copper targets at the Silvia project from our existing camp facilities, simplifying logistics and minimizing exploration costs, Carman said. "Tinka remains firmly committed to creating value through mineral exploration in Peru, and we believe that mining will continue to be a mainstay of the countrys economy and development in the future. We look forward to commencing our field programs at the Silvia Project as soon as possible." Meanwhile, Tinka pointed out that the Silvia project hosts two priority copper targets with outcropping skarn and coincident copper and geophysical anomalies at Silvia Northwest' and Silvia South'. At Silvia Northwest, copper-gold-zinc mineralized skarns outcrop over several hectares within three zones (Area A, Area B, Area C) along a 3 km northeast trend associated with diorite and dacitic porphyry. High grade rock chip samples of skarn at Area A grade up to 1.9% copper, 0.9 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, and 3.9% zinc. On the other hand, at Silvia South, copper-gold mineralized skarns outcrop over several hectares associated with monzodiorite porphyry with rock samples grading up to 1.4% copper and 0.3 g/t gold associated with magnetic anomalies. Contact the author Uttara Choudhury at uttara@proactiveinvestors.com Follow her on Twitter: @UttaraProactive Approval at the federal level means that Numinus can now transition the study into the final stages of training staff, sourcing medication and recruit patients Numinus and MAPS PBC will collect safety and efficacy data on MDMA-assisted therapy in the hopes of making it available for people suffering from PTSD in Canada Numinus Wellness Inc ( ) ( ) ( ) announced it had received Health Canada approval for the MAPS-sponsored open label study of MDMA-assisted therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). MAPS, or the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, promoted research into MDMA-assisted therapy in the form of training programs and treatment protocols. Approval at the federal level means that Vancouver-based Numinus can now transition the study into the final stages of training staff, sourcing medication and recruit patients. Numinus and MAPS Public Benefit Corporation (MAPS PBC) will collect safety and efficacy data on MDMA-assisted therapy in the hopes of making it available for people suffering from PTSD in Canada. "We are thrilled that Health Canada has issued its No Objection Letter allowing this important study to proceed and, in doing so, potentially advance Canada toward a legal, regulated system for MDMA-assisted therapy," said Payton Nyquvest, CEO of Numinus, in a statement. "At Numinus, we are focused on expanding patient access to psychedelic-assisted therapies such as MDMA for PTSD, and we are gratified that our study will provide safety and outcome data to regulators to support integration of this treatment into mainstream mental health care." Early data looks promising Amy Emerson, CEO of MAPS PBC, added that it is critical to gain data on outcomes from a diverse group of clinical environments as research into MDMA-assisted therapy gains traction. "Clinical studies conducted for the purpose of regulatory approval often address research questions focusing on safety and efficacy of the treatment. This collaborative demonstration study with Numinus will build upon MAPS-sponsored multi-site studies, which enrolled some Canadian participants and will provide new and comprehensive information about the effectiveness of MDMA-assisted therapy for populations with PTSD and concurrent disorders." Earlier this year, in May, MAPS announced results from its Phase 3 randomized clinical trial confirming the efficacy and safety of MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD under the MAPS protocol. The trial demonstrated that 88% of participants who received three controlled and supervised MDMA-assisted therapy sessions experienced a clinically significant reduction in symptoms, with 67% no longer qualifying for PTSD diagnosis in comparison to 32% of participants randomized to placebo, according to a statement from Numinus. Numinus medical and therapeutic services director Dr Devon Christie will take the reins as the studys qualified investigator. "Health Canada should be recognized for its ongoing leadership through its support of this study," Christie said. "At our Vancouver clinic, we have spent months establishing the physical, technical, clinical and human resource infrastructure needed to move the study forward and ultimately foster greater access to MDMA-assisted therapy." Contact Angela at angela@proactivienvestors.com Follow her on Twitter @AHarmantas A glance at some of the day's highlights from the Proactive Investors US and Canada newswires Inc ( ), a provider of vehicles to the rideshare and delivery gig economy sector, announced that it closed $15 million in debt financing with New York based Energy Impact Partners (EIP). The Los Angeles-based company said the financing is a significant step towards a 10,000 car and van expansion over the next 18-24 months. The firm added that the expansion is aimed at its existing seven North American markets, and beyond. EVmo noted that it plans to add electric vehicles (EVs) to its platform, taking the overall fleet composition of EVs to more than 20%. "Our strategic alliance with Energy Impact Partners will facilitate EVmos growth across major US markets. As many as 500 fleet units will be added to our platform and deployed immediately, including the addition of more EVs, improving our EV car mix to 20%, with the objective to ultimately be a fully EV company. With financing we will endeavor to deploy 10,000 vehicles over an 18-24 month period, EVmo CEO Stephen Sanchez said in a statement. ( ) reported that its CEO Zach Bradford will take part in the virtual conference and Fireside Chat Series on Wednesday, July 14, this year at 11.30am ET. Topics covered are expected to include the increasing Bitcoin mining hashrate capacity, positive impacts of decreasing Bitcoin difficultly, the impacts of Chinas bitcoin ban, as well as the companys carbon-neutral mining strategy. Also likely to be covered is regulation, mining difficulty rate fluctuation, and relocation of Chinese mining companies. Register HERE. In addition, CleanSparks executive chairman Matthew Schultz will be presenting at the Renmark Virtual Roadshow event on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 12pm ET. Information about that event and registration can be found HERE. ( ) said that, effective at the opening Wednesday, July 14, 2021, the warrants of the company will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange. The company expects to list 10,649,000 warrants at a price of C$0.80 per share with an expiry date of July 6, 2023. The trading symbol will be CBR.WT. Byrna Technologies Inc (NASDAQ:BYRN) ( ) announced that it has launched an underwritten public offering of 2,250,000 common shares. The underwriters have a 30-day option to purchase up to 337,500 additional shares of common stock in the public offering. Byrna intends to use the net proceeds from this offering for working capital and other general corporate purposes. Recruiter.com Group Inc ( ) has announced the acquisition of the Technology Solutions business of Uncubed, a leading recruiting technology company. The purchase was closed on July 7 through an asset purchase agreement and was financed with restricted common stock, cash, and a promissory note. The transaction brings the software and team behind Uncubed's talent community and candidate engagement platforms to Recruiter.com, the company said. It also includes Uncubed's Finalist, an online marketplace for sourcing and screening diverse early-professional software and data candidates, and a tech-driven alternative to traditional offline campus recruiting. ( ) ( ) (FRA:NPAU) issued a progress update on its drug pipeline for the treatment of mental health disorders, which includes a non-hallucinogenic LSD compound. TD-0148A is a second-generation LSD derivative molecule that has been synthesized using BetterLifes patented manufacturing process. The firm believes TD-0148A can mimic the projected therapeutic potential of LSD without causing its undesirable psychoactive dissociative side effects. In the progress update, BetterLife said it expects to file an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) and start human trials in the first half of 2022. Benchmark Metals Inc ( ) ( ) has outlined more details on how it aims to expand resources through drilling at its flagship Lawyers project in British Columbia. The company said it had recently completed a so-called 'classification block' model for the AGB, Dukes Ridge and Cliff Creek deposits, which indicates the current status of blocks, namely whether they are in the inferred category, or the indicated, or measured. The model then determines how many drill-holes are required to upgrade a block from one category to the next. Thus, across the three deposits, 37,000 metres of classification drilling is now planned. TPCO Holding Corp - - (NEO:GRAM.U) ( ), a California-based vertically-integrated cannabis company, said it has extended its value product offerings with the introduction of Fun Uncle Cruisers with Live Resin full gram vape cartridges. Fun Uncle is a retro-stylized line of premium value cannabis, paying homage to marijuana's early heyday, with low prices reminiscent of the past. The Fun Uncle Cruisers with Live Resin are available in four strains at a uniquely affordable price of $36. Live resin is considered a premium cannabis ingredient valued for its retention of cannabinoid, terpene, and flavor profiles that delivers a full spectrum of effects. Inc ( ) ( ) (FRA:LKY) has received sample assay results from its ongoing work at the Wayka epithermal gold discovery at its 100%-owned Fortuna property in Ecuador. In a statement, the company said systematic sampling has returned up to 5.87 grams per ton (g/t) gold with an average of 3.06 g/t over 4 metres (m). Wayka lies along an elevated ridge that trends northeast with elevations ranging from about 3,600m to 3,700m above sea level and is bound to the East by the El Buitre Porphyry and to the West by the Emma Porphyry. Micro Systems Inc ( ) ( ) has announced key details of the commercialization road map for its non-lethal Low Energy Cartridge (LEC) product line. The company said the road map will culminate with the official commercial launch at the 2022 SHOT Show in Las Vegas on January 18-21, 2022. s announcement follows the companys first and successful public live demonstration of the LEC system to a group of investors in the Whistler, British Columbia area on July 9, 2021. Loncor Gold Inc ( ) ( ) (FRA:LO51) has revealed significant assay results from a drilling program on its 84.68%-owned Imbo Project in the eastern part of the Ngayu greenstone belt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Canadian gold exploration company reported that Borehole LADD017 drilled at its flagship Adumbi deposit, intersected 25.77 metres grading 6.24 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, including 9.29 metres grading 9.68 g/t Au and 5.50 metres grading 9.75 g/t gold, while borehole LADD012 intersected 13.45 metres grading 3.63 g/t gold and borehole LADD014 intersected 11.80 metres grading 2.97 g/t gold. Regular measurements of inclination and azimuth were taken at 30 metre intervals down the hole and all intercepted grades are uncut with maximum internal dilution equal to or less than 4 metres of intersected width, explained the company. ( ) ( ) (FRA:6F6) said its portfolio company, Stardust Solar, has become the first and only coast to coast authorized Canadian dealer of the highly sought after solar and energy services provider, SunPower. As an Authorized SunPower Dealer, Stardust will offer its SunPower solar solutions to residential customers including SunPowers DC solar panels and InvisiMount mounting hardware for faster installation and design. Victory Square (VST) builds, acquires and invests in promising startups, providing senior leadership and resources needed to fast-track growth. Resulting in rapid scaling scale and monetization. Altamira Gold Corp ( ) (OTCPINK:EQTRF) has said it expects to start diamond drilling at the Mutum target at its Apiacas gold project in Brazil this month and is also expanding an induced polarization (IP) survey there by a further 2,400 metres (m). An initial IP study at Mutum for 20 lines (39,200m) has now been completed, which has significantly expanded a high chargeability anomaly to 4,400m of east-west strike length, from 800m previously, and it is still open to the east and west. Altamira said it will now expand the survey by another 2,400m to cover adjoining areas of historic alluvial gold mining, which is expected to be completed by mid-month. oration ( ) (OTCMKTS:GBLEF) (FRA:5GE1) announced it has joined the European Raw Materials Alliance, a group of stakeholders committed to advancing the raw materials value chain in Europe. The Vancouver-based junior has an inherent interest in the network, having recently acquired the Rana nickel-copper-cobalt project in Norway. GEMC believes Rana represents one of the few drill-ready, low capex nickel opportunities globally, with strong mining potential and exploration upside. Globex Mining Enterprises Inc, ( ) ( ) said it has sold its Tarmac Gold Property located in Dubuisson Township, Quebec to . for $1 million and a 1% Gross Metal Royalty. The property consists of 6 claims covering 94 hectares located entirely within Wesdomes Kiena Mine Complex and less than 2 kilometers northeast of the Kiena underground mine, all located beneath Lac De Montigny. Previous drilling by Globex in 1996 returned numerous gold intersections. Globex has maintained the property since the 1996 drilling program due to the evident economic potential. The property is surrounded on all sides by Wesdome claims, thereby positioning the company to facilitate the potential exploration and advancement of these claims. ( ) has said it will host a call to discuss the recent conclusions of its PURE EP 2.0 study, which enrolled 51 patients at Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute at St. Davids Medical Center in Austin, Texas, Mayo Clinic Florida Campus in Jacksonville, Florida, and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. BioSigs leadership will present during the briefing, followed by a Q&A session. The Conference Call will be held on Monday, July 26, 2021 at 2.30pm Eastern Time via the following details: Toll-free dial-in number for U.S. callers: 877-407-8293; Toll dial-in number for U.S. and international callers: +1 201-689-8349; webcast: https://event.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1479482&tp_key=f08bc38a33. A replay will be available until August 9, 2021. To access the replay, please dial 877-660-6853 or 201-612-7415 in the US and +1 201-612-7415 for international callers. The conference ID# is 13721285. Fabled Silver Gold Corp ( ) ( ) ( ) has revealed that its latest drill holes at its Santa Maria project in Parral, Mexico have uncovered a new high-grade gold mineral system with silver credits, which was open in all directions. The explorer reported results for two surface diamond drill holes from its now expanded 9,200 metre (m) program at the property, where so far 6,500m have been completed. One hole hit a width of 1.5m grading 10.85 grams per ton (g/t) gold and 129 g/t silver from a depth of 82.5m, while there was another intersection of 2.4m at 7.81 g/t of the yellow metal and 28.9 g/t silver from a depth of 85.5m. Inc ( ) (FRA:87A) announced that it has begun to commercialize its enterprise software solution in the healthcare industry to help overcome many common supply chain challenges. That follows the recent announcement by the logistics technologies developer of a pharmaceutical industry initiative to provide tracking, tracing, and sustainability solutions for stakeholders in the sourcing, production, transportation, and distribution of medications. Jack Nathan Medical Corp ( ) ( ) has said it is launching a new coronavirus (COVID-19) testing program in Mexico, starting this week. The healthcare firm, operating as , said it will be setting up COVID-19 testing centres in select Walmart parking lots, where it owns and operates medical clinics. The initial roll-out will include three testing centres, all opening this week. A total of 28 sites have been contractually agreed upon with Walmart. Of those, 11 additional facilities are scheduled to open in August 2021. ( ) (OTCMKTS:LMDCF) (FRA:LIMA) said its subsidiary, ELL Technologies Ltd, doing business as Everybody Loves Languages, has entered into a global alliance with StudentApply, an integrated admissions platform connecting international students and recruitment partners with the world's leading educational institutions. Everybody Loves Languages is striving to build a multilingual world through its innovative online technologies and solutions. The partnership will allow the language instructors at Everybody Loves Languages to refer their students to StudentApply. Students will then be guided through the application process and help them achieve their goal of studying abroad. ( ) (BVL:TK ) (OTCQB:TKRFF) (FRA:TLD) said it has signed a definitive agreement with BHP World Exploration Inc Sucursal del Peru, and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Darwin Peru S.A.C., has acquired a 100% interest in the Silvia copper-gold-zinc exploration project in Peru with a one-time cash payment. The Silvia project consists of 29,500 hectares of mining concessions believed to be prospective for large copper-gold-zinc skarn and porphyry copper deposits, lying immediately adjacent to the company's 100%-owned Ayawilca zinc-silver project in central Peru. Tinka now controls over 46,000 hectares of contiguous mining concessions in central Peru, one of the worlds most prolific base metal belts, said the company. Versus Systems Inc ( ) ( ) has announced that it will be powering live in-stadium experiences and second-screen engagement for fans attending the Days of 47 Cowboy Games & Rodeo in Salt Lake City, Utah, from July 20-24, 2021. The worlds only Gold Medal Rodeo, powered by Versus, is the second stop on the World Champions Rodeo Alliance Triple Crown of Rodeo. We are excited to once again be setting the standard in technical innovation in the sport of rodeo, Tommy Joe Lucia, who is the general manager of the Days of 47 said in a statement. This will be a great new addition for our fans at the Days of 47 and will help us expand our Cowboy Games and Rodeo to all attendees and viewers. The top 10 finishers in total points will be awarded prizes at the conclusion of the event. Numinus Wellness Inc ( ) ( ) ( ) announced it had received Health Canada approval for the MAPS-sponsored open label study of MDMA-assisted therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). MAPS, or the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, promoted research into MDMA-assisted therapy in the form of training programs and treatment protocols. Approval at the federal level means that Vancouver-based Numinus can now transition the study into the final stages of training staff, sourcing medication and recruit patients. Q BioMed Inc ( ) revealed that it has struck an exclusive license agreement with authorized Europe and Middle East distributor Clionix for the distribution and sales of the companys metastatic bone pain drug Strontium89. The New York-based biotech said that under the terms of the agreement, Clionix has received exclusive rights to distribute Strontium89 in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Romania, Egypt, Kuwait and Pakistan. Whitehorse Gold Corp ( ) said it has received a Class 3 Quartz Mining Land Use Approval Permit from the Yukon government, and has commenced its 2021 exploration program on its Skukum Gold project. According to the company, the Class 3 Permit process took five months, down from the usual 8.5 months it traditionally takes. Whitehorse Golds relationship with the Carcross/Tagish First Nation and the support it garnered was a prominent factor in the expedited permit. CytoDyn Inc ( ) has announced that a clinical trial for its flagship drug candidate, leronlimab, has advanced from Phase 1b to a Phase 2 study. The leronlimab trial is being carried out in combination with carboplatin for the treatment of metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (mTNBC). The late-stage biotechnology company said the positive advancement confirms leronlimab will be administered with a 700 mg dosage for patients in the mTNBC trial and Basket trial for 22 solid tumor cancers, as well as compassionate use, emergency investigational new drug (eIND) and right-to-try patients. The trial has demonstrated safety with 350 mg, 525 mg and 700 mg dosages. Ltd ( ) ( ) (FRA:GDT) has announced that, as part of its US mass marketing strategy to bring awareness to its Sekur solution, it is sponsoring 74 YouTube episodes of The Epoch Times, with hosts Roman Balmakov, Larry Elder and Joshua Philipp. The sponsorship is part of a blended marketing budget of US$700,000 announced by the company in May. GlobeX said the sponsored ads will describe Sekur's attributes as the leading Swiss-hosted privacy and security communications application, such as encrypted email and secure messaging, without any data mining. The ads also will cite Sekur's unique proprietary feature called Chats-by-invites, letting a Sekur user message a non-Sekur user, without the recipient having to download Sekur. ImagineAR Inc ( ) ( ) (FRA:GMS1) has announced that Clube Atletico Mineiro has integrated its new Augmented Reality SDK Platform into its mobile app and launched Galo AR to deliver global immersive fan activation and engagement. The company said the AR campaign that kicked off last week, featuring green screen videos of players delivered around the world, had over 12,000 interactions within 24 hours and a 3,000% registration increase per day. Inc ( ) (FRA:0MB) and partner Rizobacter have announced that Rizonema, a biological seed treatment for nematodes and soil-dwelling insects, will be offered for use in row crops in Brazil, through an expanded distribution agreement. In a statement, Marrone Bio said multiple regulatory trials in Brazil have proven the efficacy of Rizonema on key nematode species in soybeans and corn. The company added that it will continue conducting field trials in the 2021 growing season to expand the product label for use in cotton and to include additional nematodes and soil-dwelling insects. Inc ( ) ( ) (FRA:JAM1) said it is accelerating its REBORN1 trial of its proprietary cannabinoid-based drug candidate QIXLEEF after receiving approval allowing the study to compare three other immediate release oral opioids. The pharmaceutical company told investors that the Central Ethics Committee approved the proposed protocol modifications to REBORN1, a head-to-head Phase 2 study looking at opioid treatment to manage breakthrough pain in people with cancer. ( ) ( ) (OTCQB: PLTXF) has announced the addition of vegan wine to the expanding product selection on its US e-commerce platform. The Vancouver-based company said it will enhance its product offerings by adding a curated selection of high-quality vegan wines by brands such as Rare Earth, Veuve Clicquot, Pino Cellars and Gravel Bar Winery. The new items are now available to order in the "Plant-Based Wine" section of the company's US e-commerce platform. Snowline Gold Corp ( ) (OTCPINK:SNWGF), the Yukon-focused gold explorer, said Matthew Roma had become the company's new chief financial officer (CFO), while Natasha Tsai had stepped down to pursue other business opportunities. Roma, an accountant with over 10 years of financial management experience working mainly with junior mining companies, will also become the firm's corporate secretary. Inc (CVE:ZAIR) (OTCPINK:MGXRF) (FRA:0E9) has said a new award has validated the green credentials of its unique energy storage technology. The company's Zinc-air Energy Storage System (ZESS) has picked up the 'Energy Tech Innovator' award at the WE3 summit, which is a collaboration between Texas-based research organization Zpryme and Smart Energy Water. The aim of the summit is to connect global thought leaders who are embracing change and is associated with the WE3 CleanTech Innovation Series. Inc. ( ) (OTCPINK:GRNBF) (FRA:2TL) has said its board is proactively exploring the adoption of Automatic Securities Disposition Plans (ASDP) for its directors in the light of recent Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) guidance. Typically, an ASDP is an arrangement between an insider and a dealer or a plan administrator that involves the trading in securities of an issuer over a predetermined period and in accordance with a predetermined set of instructions for the purposes of good corporate governance, transparency, and to provide a legitimate mechanism for trading by an insider who is subject to the plan. Therefore, during this interim exploration period, the board of GreenBank have instituted a 90-day moratorium from the date of this news release on any directors sales at less than C$2.50 per share and furthermore, any sales above that price during the 90-day period may not constitute, in aggregate, more than 10% of the relevant director's holdings. Commenting on the Board's plans to explore ASDP plans for directors, David Lonsdale CEO of GreenBank said "We intend to adopt many of the very practical suggestions and recommendations put forward by the CSA , who have clearly given careful thought to helping directors of public companies balance their reasonable right to deal in their Company's shares whilst avoiding any suggestion that the Director may be acting on unpublished price sensitive information. We believe the Board's proactive initiative will benefit GreenBank, its directors, shareholders, and the investment community as a whole while complementing the Board's strategic work to grow the investments we've already made and deliver new exciting opportunities in future." Mojave Brands Inc (CVE:MOJO) said it has arranged a private placement of up to 5.75 million units at a price of 12 cents per unit for gross proceeds of up to $690,000. Each unit comprises one common share and one common share purchase warrant having an exercise price of 15 cents per warrant and a term of 24 months from the date of closing of the private placement. The proceeds from the private placement will be used for working capital and paying down liabilities. The private placement is subject to regulatory approval and all securities issued will be subject to a four-month hold period. ( ) said it has received TSX Venture Exchange approval to close its non-brokered private placement previously announced on June 17, 2021. The company has received a total of $180,000. Falcon will issue 1.5 million units at a purchase price of 12 cents per unit. Each unit consists of one common share and one common share purchase warrant, with each warrant entitling the holder to purchase one common share at a price of 20 cents for a period of 36 months following the acceptance date. The shares and warrants are subject to a four-month hold period. The proceeds will be used for continued exploration on existing properties, outstanding payables and general working capital. Corp ( ) said the TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to its non-brokered private placement announced June 25, 2021, which will see the issue of 48,571,429 shares at a purchase price of 35 cents per share with 31 placees. ( ) said it has received TSX Venture Exchange approval to close its non-brokered private placement previously announced on June 17, 2021. The company has received a total of $180,000. Falcon will issue 1.5 million units at a purchase price of 12 cents per unit. Each unit consists of one common share and one common share purchase warrant, with each warrant entitling the holder to purchase one common share at a price of 20 cents for a period of 36 months following the acceptance date. The shares and warrants are subject to a four-month hold period. The proceeds will be used for continued exploration on existing properties, outstanding payables and general working capital. . ( ) (FRA:OAY3) ( ) said it has granted 3,175,000 incentive stock options to directors, officers, employees and consultants of the company. The options are set for a period of five years, expiring on July 12, 2026, and each option will allow the holder to purchase a common share of the company at a price of $0.20. The options are subject to a 4 month hold period from the date of grant and to TSX Venture Exchange approval. LQwD Fintech Corp. (CVE:LQwD) said that Shone Anstey, its chairman and chief executive officer, and his team joined Monica Hamm, manager, Client Success , to celebrate the company's new listing on TSX Venture Exchange and close the market on Friday, July 9, 2021. LQwDFinTech Corp. is a Canadian-based company developing software, which enables the setup of nodes and payment channels on the Bitcoin Lightning Network. The Lightning Network is a layer two technology that dramatically improves bitcoin's scalability, transaction fees, and settlement times. ( ) said the TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to a mineral claims purchase agreement dated March 22, 2021, between the ., Scandinavian Resource Holdings Pty. Ltd. and Chincherinchee Nominees Pty. Ltd., where the company has acquired a 10% interest in four exploration licences, located in the Rana mafic-ultramafic intrusion on the Ofoten Fjord of northern Norway, and a 1% net smelter return (NSR) royalty on the property. In consideration of the 10% interest and 1% NSR royalty on the property, the company will issue 3.3 million common shares to the vendor, subject to statutory and voluntary escrow provisions. Corp ( ) said the TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the continuation of the company from Cayman Islands to Ontario as approved by the shareholders of the company on June 22, 2021. The company has advised the exchange that the change was effective July 6, 2021. In conjunction with the change in corporate jurisdiction, the Cusip number will be changed to 92919F 10 3 at the opening on Tuesday, July 13, 2021. The International Speculator has said in its June 23, 2021, issue, 'buy' shares in ( ) up to 45 cents. Previously, the newsletter said buy on December 23, 2020, at 35 cents. It noted that on May 25, District announced the first drill results from its Tomtebo project in Sweden. The numbers were decent, with a headline intercept of 8.2 metres grading 14.8% zinc and lead, along with 66.2 grams per tonne (g/t) silver and 1.7 g/t gold. It said that this is in line with previous mining at Tomtebo. The intercepts are not massive or extremely high grade, but District does not need that, since this is not a greenfields play, it added. The goal for District Metals is to steadily expand mineral resources below the area of old mining. The newsletter called this round of drill results an "excellent start" and it expects things might be a little quiet for the company over the summer. Management will certainly be back with more drilling soon, and the stock is holding up well around 45 cents. The newsletter concluded that that Tomtebo is shaping up the way it had hoped, and said District is one to tuck away and watch the tonnage grow. Inc. (TSX:EXRO) ( ) has announced that each of the nominee directors listed in the Notice of Meeting and Management Information Circular dated June 7, 2021, were elected as directors of the Company at its Annual General Meeting of shareholders held on Friday, July 9, 2021, in Vancouver, British Columbia. All other matters put forward to shareholders at the meeting were also approved by the requisite majority of votes, including setting the number of directors at eight, the appointment of the company's auditors, approval of the company's stock option plan, adoption of new articles, and the creation of a class of preferred shares. At the meeting, 39,163,553 shares were voted, representing 32.563% of the company's issued and outstanding common shares. . ( ) (OTCPINK:CBGZF) has announced that the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX-V) has accepted for listing 10,649,000 common share purchase warrants of the company that were issued in connection with its bought deal prospectus offering, which closed on July 6, 2021. Each warrant will entitle the holder to acquire one common share in the capital of the company at a price of $0.80 per common share until July 6, 2023. The warrants are subject to the terms of a warrant indenture dated July 6, 2021, between the company and Computershare Trust Company of Canada as warrant agent. The warrants will be listed for trading on the TSX-V under the symbol CBR.WT on July 14, 2021. ( ) has posted its latest investor presentation and webinar featuring CEO Stephen Stewart, who provides a complete company update as it prepares to release the Opemiska's maiden NI 43-101 resource estimate. The webinar is viewable through the link following: https://www.javascript:void(0)youtube.com/watch?v=ZLNvJ25aZik Virtual Investor Conferences, the leading proprietary investor conference series, has announced that the presentations from the July 8, 2021, Small Cap lnvestor Conference are now available for on-demand viewing at: Small Cap Growth Virtual Investor Conference | Virtual Investor Conferences. A real-time solution for investor engagement, Virtual Investor Conferences is part of OTC Market Group Inc's ( ) suite of investor relations services specifically designed for more efficient Investor Access. Replicating the look and feel of on-site investor conferences, Virtual Investor Conferences combine leading-edge conferencing and investor communications capabilities with a comprehensive global investor audience network. For more information about the program and to view a complete calendar of Virtual Investor Conferences, investors can visit www.virtualinvestorconferences.com The pharmaceutical firm updated investors on a host of initiatives planned for the next 12 months TD-0148A is a second-generation LSD derivative molecule that the firm believes can mimic the projected therapeutic potential of LSD without hallucinations ( ) ( ) (FRA:NPAU) issued a progress update on its drug pipeline for the treatment of mental health disorders, which includes a non-hallucinogenic LSD compound. TD-0148A is a second-generation LSD derivative molecule that has been synthesized using BetterLifes patented manufacturing process. The firm believes TD-0148A can mimic the projected therapeutic potential of LSD without causing its undesirable psychoactive dissociative side effects. In the progress update, BetterLife said it expects to file an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) and start human trials in the first half of 2022. CEO Ahmad Dorourdian told shareholders that the company is pleased to be moving forward with its psychedelics programs that it hopes will deliver a better life to people struggling with their mental health. Today, with 265 million people across the globe suffering from depression, there is an incredible unmet need for help, Doroudian said in a statement. Psychedelics are a viable answer however they come with their drawbacks, namely they are expensive due to their regulated status, have unpredictable side effects, like hallucinations, and require being taken in the presence of at least one therapist. This makes it harder to treat depression in the majority of the affected population. Doroudian said that TD-0148A has the potential to overcome those obstacles due to its non-hallucinogenic and non-regulated nature. It can be self-administered, which is much less burdensome on health and point of care systems and therefore more likely to be covered by insurers. The company is also making progress on its anxiety medication TD-010, which is projected to be developed initially for the treatment of benzodiazepine dependency. It told shareholders that it plans to file its IND in 2Q 2022 and start clinical trials in 3Q of the same year. There has been a rise in anxiety, panic, depression and manic conditions, and this has led to increased use of benzodiazepine drugs as patients seek to treat these issues, Doroudian said. Unfortunately, in some cases, the use of benzodiazepines can create dependency. TD-010 can help people overcome this and manage withdrawal symptoms to live a better life. The CEO also added that BetterLife is making significant progress with its inhaled interferon alpha 2b (AP-003) program for the treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19) after striking two research agreements with Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and Canadas Western University. Vancouver-based BetterLife recently raised over C$9 million to advance its initiatives. Contact Angela at angela@proactiveinvestors.com Follow her on Twitter @AHarmantas As an authorized SunPower dealer, Stardust will offer its SunPower solar solutions to residential customers The company will also offer SunPowers DC solar panels and InvisiMount mounting hardware for faster installation and design ( ) ( ) (FRA:6F6) said its portfolio company, Stardust Solar, has become the first and only coast to coast authorized Canadian dealer of the highly sought after solar and energy services provider, SunPower. As an Authorized SunPower Dealer, Stardust will offer its SunPower solar solutions to residential customers including SunPowers DC solar panels and InvisiMount mounting hardware for faster installation and design. Victory Square (VST) builds, acquires and invests in promising startups, providing senior leadership and resources needed to fast-track growth. Resulting in rapid scaling scale and monetization. California-based SunPower has been in the business since 1985 with over 360,000 homeowners using its systems. Victory Square calls SunPower's solar panels the most efficient, durable and best looking available in the industry, supported by one comprehensive warranty. Stardust Solar now has more than eight distribution channels from coast to coast in Canada, and will use this opportunity to expand its foothold in the market. "We are honored to represent SunPower across Canada. SunPower will be game-changing for our business and for homeowners," Mark Tadros, CEO of Stardust said in the statement. "Until now, Canadians werent afforded many options in their search for solar products, and education around solar power efficiencies, product choices, options and the solar lifestyle savings were minimal at best. Stardust also has a network of solar training centers across North America, and has certified over 2,000 solar installers across Canada and the US. With a growing list of franchise locations across Canada, Stardust is keen on educating homeowners about important key differences in solar products and their warranties, and offer choices when purchasing life-changing solar equipment including. We congratulate Mark and his team at Stardust Solar on becoming the first authorized dealer of SunPower solar technology products across Canada, said Shafin Diamond Tejani, CEO of Victory Square. This strategic business decision positions our portfolio company to further capture market share and continue its month-over-month growth increase here in Canada and beyond. Stardust plans to file its preliminary prospectus with the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) in the third quarter and be listed by the end of the year. Contact the writer at georgia@proactiveinvestors.com Follow her on Twitter @MissInformd An initial IP study at Mutum for 20 lines (39,200 metres) has now been completed, which has significantly expanded a high chargeability anomaly to 4,400 metres of east-west strike length, from 800 metres previously Altamira's Mutum gold target is part of the Apiacas project area, which is 50 kilometres west of Altamira's Cajueiro gold project Altamira Gold Corp ( ) (OTCPINK:EQTRF) has said it expects to start diamond drilling at the Mutum target at its Apiacas gold project in Brazil this month and is also expanding an induced polarization (IP) survey there by a further 2,400 metres (m). An initial IP study at Mutum for 20 lines (39,200m) has now been completed, which has significantly expanded a high chargeability anomaly to 4,400m of east-west strike length, from 800m previously, and it is still open to the east and west. Altamira said it will now expand the survey by another 2,400m to cover adjoining areas of historic alluvial gold mining, which is expected to be completed by mid-month. In a statement, Michael Bennett, CEO of Altamira Gold, said he had been very "encouraged" by the survey results so far. "The anomaly is located directly beneath the historic artisanal gold workings where one million ounces of gold was recovered in the last 40 years from the uppermost 20 metres of weathered material suggesting that the IP high chargeability anomaly is mapping the mineralised intrusive at depth. "This anomaly is more extensive than we previously envisaged and suggests that a large mineralized system may be present at depth. We are looking forward to starting the initial drill program during July," he added. The company has signed an initial 3,000m diamond-drilling contract with contractor Servdrill Perfuracao e Sondagem Ltda. Altamira's Mutum gold target is part of the Apiacas project area, which is 50 kilometres west of Altamira's Cajueiro gold project which, itself, hosts an NI 43 101 indicated resource of 5.66 million tonnes at a grade of 1.02 grams per ton gold for a total of 185,000 ounces. An estimated 1 million ounces of colluvial gold was historically recovered from the Mutum target, which suggests the presence of a significant underlying hard-rock deposit, noted the company. Altamaria is focused on the exploration and development of gold projects within western central Brazil. Contact the author at giles@proacriveinvestors.com The Los Angeles-based company said the financing is a significant step towards a 10,000 car and van expansion over the next 18-24 months EVmo Chairman Terren Peizer noted that the financing is truly remarkable as it was accomplished in the absence of an equity capital raise and is non-dilutive Inc ( ), a provider of vehicles to the rideshare and delivery gig economy sector, announced that it closed $15 million in debt financing with New York based Energy Impact Partners (EIP). The Los Angeles-based company said the financing is a significant step towards a 10,000 car and van expansion over the next 18-24 months. The firm added that the expansion is aimed at its existing seven North American markets, and beyond. noted that it plans to add electric vehicles (EVs) to its platform, taking the overall fleet composition of EVs to more than 20%. "We believe that our strategic alliance with Energy Impact Partners will facilitate EVmos growth across major US markets. As many as 500 fleet units will be added to our platform and deployed immediately, including the addition of more EVs, improving our EV car mix to 20%, with the objective to ultimately be a fully EV company. With further financing we will endeavor to deploy 10,000 vehicles over an 18-24 month period, EVmo CEO Stephen Sanchez said in a statement. At the margin, every $10 million in debt and or equity capital raised should enable the company to purchase around 4,000 vehicles with an 85% to 15% car to van mix. This should translate to approximately $80 million in annual revenue for every $10 million of capital raised at the margin, said the company. EVmo added that it anticipates scaling to 25% EBITDA, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization margin. Meanwhile, EVmo Board Chairman Terren Peizer noted that the financing is truly remarkable as it was accomplished in the absence of an equity capital raise. We have continually said that we will lean on debt and other non-dilutive financing in addition to equity capital. This is a high EBITDA model that supports debt financing that we believe will create proportionately greater returns to shareholders, added Peizer. ThinkEquity, a division of Fordham Financial Management Inc, acted as placement agent for this debt financing. "As part of Energy Impact Partners focus on mobility being an instrumental sector leading the energy transition, we are excited to announce our investment and partnership with EVmo, said Harry Giovani, who is the CEO and Managing Partner of EIP Credit Strategies. Through our financing, CEO Stephen Sanchez together with the EVmo team will be able to further scale the companys electric fleet providing an essential and transformational product to the electric gig-economy. EVmo rents vehicles to customers who are participating in the gig economy. This includes ridesharing, carsharing and e-commerce platforms. The type of vehicles on the company's platform ranges from electric passenger vehicles to well-equipped cargo vans that are used by e-commerce delivery providers. Contact the author Uttara Choudhury at uttara@proactiveinvestors.com Follow her on Twitter: @UttaraProactive Victory Square (CSE: VST OTC: VSQTF) portfolio company Stardust Solars CEO Mark Tadros joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company has become the first and only coast to coast authorized Canadian dealer of the highly sought after solar and energy services provider, SunPower. Tadros explains more about their company and what being an authorized SunPower Dealer will mean moving forward. He also talks about SunPowers DC solar panels and InvisiMount mounting hardware design that has a much more desirable sleeker look. Benchmark Metals (CVE: BNCH OTCQX: BNCHF) President Jim Greig joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company has outlined their next drill program the flagship Lawyers Project in British Columbia. Greig telling Proactive, the company is planning 37,000 metres of classification drilling spread over several targets. Those targets include AGB, Dukes Ridge and Cliff Creek deposits. The company is looking to convert inferred to indicated resources for inclusion in a feasibility study. "I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I'm not a pro-vaxxer. I'm somebody that's looking at this thing and trying to figure it outI feel like a vaccination in a weird way is just generally kind of going against natureLike, I mean, if there is some disease out there -- maybe there's just an ebb and flow to life where something's supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people, and that's just kind of the way evolution goes. Vaccines kind of stand in the way of that. Do you follow what I'm saying? Does that make sense to somebody in medicine?" Newsmax host Rob Schmitt NO. Everyone in medicine A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. By SA Commercial Prop News A police officer arrests a looter inside a Cambridge Food store in Vosloorus on July 12 2021. Following this weekends spate of unrest across the country, the South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) strongly condemns the incidents of looting and malicious damage to retail property centers. Violence and looting continued in parts of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal on Monday, despite President Cyril Ramaphosa warning that those behind the violent protests and anarchy would be arrested and prosecuted. Maponya Mall and Jabulani Mall were looted today, and the Dobsonville Centre yesterday. All these centres are not far from police stations. SAPOA further points out that this maliciousness and damage to infrastructure and other property, is only going to further exacerbate the countrys socio-economic challenges, the broader financial impact of the looting and property destruction undermines the countrys economic confidence and will in all likelihood result in a greater economic downturn. Its deplorable, say SAPAO CEO, Neil Gopal, whilst people have the right to protest, they do not have the right to destroy property and steal. We recognise and respect the rights of every South African to protest peacefully and freely express their views on any matter of concern, our constitution affords us that right. However, these protesters must respect the rights of others. Clearly our police services are being overwhelmed and are ill equipped to deal with the magnitude, scale and nature of the violence and destruction that is happening around us. We are pleased that the Presidency has deployed the South African National Defence Force to help curb the situation, and for those who have been arrested to feel the full might of the law and be given punitive jail sentences that reflect our societys disdain of this criminal behaviour. South Africa violence spreads in wake of Zuma jailing Shops were looted overnight, a section of highway was closed and stick-wielding protesters marched through Johannesburg on Sunday, as sporadic violence following the jailing of former South African President Jacob Zuma spread. The unrest had mainly been concentrated in Zuma's home province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), where he started serving a 15-month sentence for contempt of court on Wednesday night. Zuma's sentencing and imprisonment have been seen as a test of the post-apartheid nation's ability to enforce the law fairly - even against powerful politicians - 27 years after the African National Congress (ANC) ousted white minority rulers to usher in democracy. Sudhir Gupta, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Madhya Pradesh's Mandsaur, has said that at the age of becoming a grandfather, Aamir Khan is looking for a third wife. The politician, known for making bizzare comments, spoke to reporters on Sunday on the occasion of World Population Day. "Aamir Khan left his first wife Reena Dutta with two children, Kiran Rao with one child and now, at the age of becoming grandfather, he is looking for a third wife," CNN-News 18 quoted the BJP leader as saying. "Those who claim that people like Khan have no brains for job other than selling eggs' were correct," he added. Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao, who have a son Azad, recently announced their separation. The two, in a video had asked everyone to pray for them and that both of them would happily co-parent their son. Andhra Pradesh government on Monday relaxed coronavirus curfew restrictions uniformly across all the 13 districts from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. The state government took this decision at a Covid review meeting chaired by Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy on Monday. As per the new rules, all commercial establishments should shut down by 9 p.m. and curfew restrictions will begin from 10 p.m., lasting for eight hours till 6 a.m. East and West Godavari districts will benefit from the latest relaxations as all other districts were already enjoying them. Last Monday, Covid curfew was relaxed till 10 p.m. in all the other 11 districts, considering their Covid positivity rate being less than 5 per cent, unlike the Godavari districts. The southern state is witnessing a lower number of infections on a daily basis. On Sunday, there were 2,665 Covid cases. The central government on Monday deployed the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) as heavy rain in Himachal Pradesh led to flashfloods in Kangra district, where 10 locals were reported missing and one has died. In upper Dharamsala, at least 10 parked cars, largely of tourists, were washed away and houses were partially damaged in Bhagsunag. Reviewing the ground situation in the state, Union Home Minister Amit Shah spoke to Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on the phone, assuring him that an NDRF team will be deployed to handle any exigency. He said the Centre will provide all assistance needed to tide over the crisis. Dharamsala, nearly 250 kms from the state capital Shimla, recorded precipitation of 184 mm, the highest ever during this monsoon. The damage to property was reported in villages located in the vicinity of McLeodganj, the political, cultural and spiritual hub of the Tibetan diaspora. Kangra Senior Superintendent of Police Vimukt Ranjan told the media that one body was recovered from the debris in Boh village in Shahpur subdivision of the district where 10 villagers reportedly went missing in flashfloods. "We don't have exact information on casualties. The extent of casualty and damage to the property will be known after the rescue workers reach the site," he said. Deputy Commissioner Nipun Jindal said all the access to the village has been snapped due to landslides. Elsewhere in Kangra, three houses and five shops located along a seasonal rivulet in the Gaggal area were damaged by gushing water. The damage to property was largely due to encroachments on rivulets, officials told IANS. India Meteorological Department (IMD) Director Manmohan Singh told IANS that heavy to extremely heavy rainfall was recorded at many places in Kangra district. The rainfall was widespread across the state. Palampur in Kangra district recorded 155 mm rain, the highest in the state, while it was 48 mm in Dalhousie, 10 mm in Shimla and 55 mm in tourist resort Manali. The Chief Minister expressed grief over the loss of life and property due to heavy rain. He directed the district authorities to ensure speedy relief and rescue operations in the affected areas. He urged local people and tourists to refrain from going near the river banks to avoid any untoward incident. The Pathankot-Mandi highway has been blocked for traffic due to landslide at several places and minor damage to a bridge near Manali. The weather bureau has forecast heavy rain at isolated places in the state till Wednesday. Trinamool Congress Mongalkote block president Ashim Das was killed at Lakuria in Mongalkote area in West Bengal's East Burdwan district late on Monday night. According to initial reports, the incident happened at 9.30 p.m. when Das was going home from Kashemnagar to Mongalkote on his motorcycle. On his way near Lakuria some people called him and when he stopped his motorcycle he was shot from very close range. Ashim Das was rushed to the hospital where he died. The incident triggered panic among the people in the area. Senior police officers including the SP of East Burdwan district rushed to the spot to investigate the murder. Though Trinamool Congress blamed it on the BJP but local BJP leaders claimed that it was a result of Trinamool Congress' internal differences. BJP leaders, who were taken hostage with family members by protesting farmers in a house in a Punjab town, were rescued early Monday by police after an over 12-hour ordeal and with the intervention of the high court. Rescued leaders blamed the farmers for unlawful act in the pretext of protesting against the three farm laws enacted by the Central government. They blamed the state Congress government for supporting the farmers. The incident occurred in Rajpura town, some 40 km from the state capital, where state general secretary Bhupesh Aggarwal was taken hostage along with others in a house on Sunday evening. Aggarwal told the media that he along with other party leaders and workers assembled in the town a day earlier for a district-level party meeting at the Bharat Vikas Parishad building. The farmers reached the meeting venue and disrupted it. Later they decided to hold a meeting in a house and they assembled there. The farmers reached there and held them hostage by snapping the water and electricity supply. In a video on social media, protesters could be seen chasing and heckling local councillor Shanti Swarup and even tearing his clothes while he was being taken away by policemen. This incident occurred on Sunday. However, the police denied he was attacked. A police team led the Deputy Inspector General Vikramjit Duggal was at the spot to rescue and escort the hostage leaders to safety. The situation throughout the night remained tense. When the holed up leaders were rescued by the police they claimed that the farmers chased, abused and heckled them. Also their vehicles were pelted with stones. However, farmer leader Prem Singh Bhangu blamed Aggarwal for provoking farmers by using abusive language. He said the incident flared up when Aggarwal's bodyguard pointed a pistol at the peacefully protesting farmers. The BJP approached the Punjab and Haryana High Court late Sunday and sought its intervention for the safety of its leaders. Directing the state to ensure the persons alleged to be illegally detained "are provided safe exit with adequate security and no harm is caused to anyone of them", Justice Suvir Sehgal asked the state to summit the report on July 12 at 2 p.m. Reacting to attack on the party leaders, Punjab BJP president Ashwani Sharma said: "This is an attack on democracy. There is complete lawlessness in Punjab as police have become mute spectators." The farmers in Punjab and Haryana have been protesting against the farm laws as they feel that these laws would pave the way for the dismantling of the minimum support price (MSP) system, leaving them at the mercy of big corporate entities. They are boycotting the BJP leaders too. In October last, the vehicle in which BJP chief Ashwani Sharma was travelling was attacked by 30-40 people with bricks and sticks near the toll plaza in Hoshiarpur town. Also the police fired tear gas shells and used water cannons in January to disperse protesting farmers, who stormed the helipad and vandalised the stage where Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar was to address a 'kisan mahapanchayat' to highlight the benefits of Centre's agriculture laws. The police used water cannons to disperse Delhi BJP leaders and workers as they tried to cut the water connection to Delhi Jal Board chairman (DJB) Satyendar Jain's house on Monday to protest the alleged poor water supply in the city. The protesters also threatened to cut off the water supply to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's residence if the issue is not resolved within the next two days. Delhi BJP chief Adesh Gupta said that the water cannons were used on party leaders while they were protesting outside the residence of state Health Minister Satyendra Jain. water crisis ' title='Delhi water crisis '>Delhi water crisis Adesh Gupta said that despite tall promises of tap water in every household by government, almost every area in Delhi is facing water scarcity. Despite tall promises of tap water in every household by the government, almost every area in Delhi is facing water scarcity. And for the areas that are getting water supply, there are constant complaints about quality of water supplied, he added Related Topics Coronavirus pandemic image copyrightGetty Images It is possible to catch two Covid variants at the same time, experts are warning after seeing a double infection in a 90-year-old woman who became sick with the Alpha and Beta types first identified in the UK and South Africa. The woman, who died in March 2021 in Belgium, had not been vaccinated. Her doctors suspect she contracted the infections from two different people. They believe it is the first documented case of its kind and, although rare, similar dual infections are happening. Her case is being discussed at this year's European Congress on Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. In January 2021, scientists in Brazil reported that two people had been simultaneously infected with two types of coronavirus, one of them a variant of concern called Gamma. Researchers from Portugal, meanwhile, recently treated a 17-year-old who appeared to have caught a second type of Covid while still recovering from a different, pre-existing Covid infection. The 90-year-old, who was infected with the two "variants of concern" the most worrying new versions of coronavirus that experts are tracking had been admitted to hospital after experiencing some falls, but later developed worsening respiratory symptoms. What are Covid variants of concern? Is there a limit to how much worse variants can get? Laboratory tests on samples taken when she was admitted revealed she had Covid-19, caused by two different mutated versions of the pandemic virus, simultaneously Alpha and Beta. Lead researcher Dr Anne Vankeerberghen, from the OLV hospital in Aalst, Belgium, said: "Both these variants were circulating in Belgium at the time, so it is likely that the lady was co-infected with different viruses from two different people. Unfortunately, we don't know how she became infected. "She was a lady who lived alone, but she got a lot of helpers coming in to care for her. "Whether the co-infection of the two variants of concern played a role in the fast deterioration of the patient is difficult to say." Viruses constantly evolve by mutating as they replicate. This creates new versions or variants. Covid has undergone some important changes that may give it an advantage for example, by increasing its ability to replicate or dodge some of our existing immunity from past infection or vaccination. The most concerning ones are being closely monitored by scientists and are called variants of concern. Currently, in the UK, it is the Delta variant that is spreading the most. Experts are confident that existing vaccines offer good protection against it. Scientists are designing new Covid vaccines that will be an even better match for new variants, and could be used as boosters. Prof Lawrence Young, an expert in virology at the University of Warwick, said: "Detecting two dominant variants of concern in a single person is not a surprise these could have been passed on by a single infected individual, or by contact with multiple infected people." He said more studies were needed to determine whether such infections in any way compromise the efficacy of vaccination, or make for a worse case of Covid-19. Colorado Springs, CO -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/12/2021 -- Western Fireplace has conveniently located Colorado fireplace stores across the state in Avon, Colorado Springs, and Fort Collins. In addition to modern gas fireplace inserts, traditional appliances like wood-burning stoves are also stocked. Older wood-burning stoves used to emit smoke and particulates and were not certified, whereas the high-quality Lopi wood-burning stoves showcased at Western Fireplace Supply are all certified by the Environmental Protection Agency. The experienced teams of fireplace experts can help advise which size of unit is best suited to the unique space a homeowner is looking to install a stove in. One of the side-effects of installing a unit that is too big, apart from the obvious overheating within a small space, is the inability to run the stove hot enough to burn the fuel at the optimal temperature. When the stove is allowed to burn hot and does not have to be constantly managed to slow the burning, the glass door on the front of the stove is cleaned as the stove operates. If the stove is not able to burn at high heat, the door will not be cleaned and will start to blacken. The doors on the Lopi wood-burning stoves will never warp or flex as the cast iron frame fits an inch deep inside the door. In addition, the cast iron glass frame retainer maintains a permanent air-tight seal around the glass. In terms of performance and quality, the Lopi stoves are the only stoves recommended by Western Fireplace Supply, there are no moving parts and so they also tend to be durable and reliable. Whereas wood-burning stoves can be used to heat an entire home or a smaller space, gas-burning stoves are more commonly purchased to economically heat one room within the home. Freestanding gas-burning stoves can be installed in almost any room, with the requirements of a gas line and the ability to vent the stove to the outside of the house. The team at Western Fireplace Supply is often able to install the gas line if there is not one already in place. Gas stoves can be turned on and off instantly, and most models can be controlled by a thermostat on the wall or a remote control unit. Small units are perfect for heating a small room or when zone heating is being used to minimize heating bills and improve efficiency. Zone heating is a strategy to choose to only heats certain areas within the home rather than heating every space. It can be limited by an open concept floor plan and is easier to achieve when rooms that are not extensively used can be isolated from the main living areas. An example of one of the smaller models of a gas stove is the Heat & Glo Tiara Petite gas stove, which has a single heat setting of 14,500 BTUs. With a durable cast iron construction, this efficient heater has detailed logs and an optional brick interior. Two larger models of the gas stove are also available, with the biggest model, the Tiara II, with heat settings of 26,000 to 36,000 BTUs, offered with three finishing options. Specifications for all of the models with dimensions can be found on the Western Fireplace Supply website, along with an overview of all the major product lines including fireplaces, fireplace inserts, stoves, and gas logs. In addition, all of their fireplace installers are extensively trained and certified, and licensed in gas line installation. One of the recent reviews from Terry in Colorado Springs, in May 2021, states "Inspectors told us they love inspecting your work because it was quality and done right." From traditional stoves with an injection of modern technology to sleek or see-through fireplaces which could become the focal point of a contemporary downtown apartment, Western Fireplace Supply have a wide range of fireplace design choices and custom fireplace options, Western Fireplace Supply stock wood burning stoves, pellet burning stoves, gas fireplaces, fireplace inserts, gas fireplace inserts, wood fireplace inserts, and pellet fireplace inserts, wood-burning fireplaces, gas logs. Their team of experts is able to help find the ideal heating solution or decorative fireplace for residential and commercial properties. About Western Fireplace Supply Operating since 1983, Western Fireplace Supply has seen many changes in fireplace design and technology in the decades since. They bring their depth of knowledge and the highest standards to offer a wide range of products including gas fire pit inserts, fireplaces, wood burning stoves, see-through fireplaces, gas fireplace inserts, fireplace vents, venting/chimney pipes, glass doors, and gas logs. Heating solutions are unique to each living space and customer. Their team of experienced professionals can help find the perfect wood burning stove for a cottage in the woods or a sleek Da Vinci custom fireplace for the most stylish and elegant apartment. More than just a showroom, Western Fireplace Supply has installers who are extensively trained and certified, they understand the complexity involved and place customer safety paramount. With three Colorado wood, pellet, and gas fireplace stores in Colorado Springs, Avon, and Fort Collins, Western Fireplace Supply has helped more people find heating solutions for their homes than any other Colorado fireplace store. To find out more and explore the website, please visit: http://www.westernfireplace.com/ Contact Details: Avon Fireplace Store - Western Fireplace Avon Colorado Fireplace & Fireplace Supplies Western Fireplace Supply 910 Nottingham Road Avon, CO 81620 970-827-9623 Colorado Springs Fireplace Store - Western Fireplace Colorado Springs featuring Colorado Springs fireplace inserts Colorado Fireplace & Fireplace Supplies Western Fireplace Supply 1685 Paonia Street Colorado Springs, CO 80915 719-591-0020 Fort Collins Fireplaces - Western Fireplace Fort Collins Colorado Fireplace & Fireplace Supplies Western Fireplace Supply 1408 Riverside Ave. Ft. Collins, CO 80524 970-498-9679 Edison, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/12/2021 -- HTF MI Analyst have added a new research study on Title 2021-2030 Report on Global IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Sales Channel with detailed information of Product Types [ Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Frozen Embryo Replacement (FER) & Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)], Applications [Clone, Transgenic, Embryonic Stem Cell Isolation and Culture & Test Tube Baby] & Key Players Such as Vitrolife AB, EMD Serono Inc, Irvine scientific, Cooper Surgical Inc, Cook Medical Inc, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Genea Biomedx, Auxogyn, Inc, Oxford Gene Technology & Ovascience etc. The Study provides in-depth comprehensive analysis for regional segments that covers North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa with global outlook and includes Clear Market definitions, classifications, manufacturing processes, cost structures, development policies and plans. The facts and data are well presented in the IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations with respect to its current trends, dynamics, and business scope & key statistics. If you are a IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and manufacturer and deals in exports imports then this article will help you understand the Sales Volume with Impacting Trends. Click to Get Sample PDF (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/sample-report/3367604-2021-2030-report-on-global-ivf-market Impact Analysis Global IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Market Research Analysts at HTF MI constantly monitor the IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and industry factors with impacts of current events; with this study an update of how industry players have tackled latest scenario and what key strategies have made significant difference is showcased. Key Highlights from IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Market Study. Revenue and Sales Estimation Historical Revenue and sales volume is presented and further data is triangulated with top-down and bottom-up approaches to forecast complete market size and to estimate forecast numbers for key regions covered in the report along with classified and well recognized Types and end-use industry. Additionally, macroeconomic factor and regulatory policies are ascertained in IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and industry evolution and predictive analysis. Manufacturing Analysis the report is currently analysed concerning various product type and application. The IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and market provides a chapter highlighting manufacturing process analysis validated via primary information collected through Industry experts and Key officials of profiled companies. FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS: In order to better understand IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and market condition five forces analysis is conducted that includes Bargaining power of buyers, Bargaining power of suppliers, Threat of new entrants, Threat of substitutes, Threat of rivalry. Competition Leading players have been studied from IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Industry depending on their company profile, product portfolio, capacity, product/service price, sales, and cost/profit. Demand & Supply and Effectiveness IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and report additionally provides distribution, Production, Consumption & EXIM** (Export & Import). ** If applicable Have Any Query? Ask Our Expert @: https://www.htfmarketreport.com/enquiry-before-buy/3367604-2021-2030-report-on-global-ivf-market Geographically, the following regions together with the listed national/local markets are fully investigated: - APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and Rest of APAC; Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka) - Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania) - North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) - South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) - MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa) The Latest Trends, Product Portfolio, Demographics, Geographical segmentation, and Regulatory Framework of the IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Market have also been included in the study. Market Growth by Applications: Clone, Transgenic, Embryonic Stem Cell Isolation and Culture & Test Tube Baby Heat map Analysis, 3-Year Financial and Detailed Company Profiles of Key & Emerging Players: Vitrolife AB, EMD Serono Inc, Irvine scientific, Cooper Surgical Inc, Cook Medical Inc, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Genea Biomedx, Auxogyn, Inc, Oxford Gene Technology & Ovascience Market Growth by Types: , Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Frozen Embryo Replacement (FER) & Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) Book Latest Edition of Study Global IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Market Study @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/buy-now?format=1&report=3367604 Introduction about Global IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Global IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) [Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Frozen Embryo Replacement (FER) & Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)] in 2018 IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Market by Application/End Users [Clone, Transgenic, Embryonic Stem Cell Isolation and Culture & Test Tube Baby] Global IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Applications Global Global IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Sales and Growth Rate (2014-2025) IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Competition by Players/Suppliers, Region, Type and Application IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and (Volume, Value and Sales Price) table defined for each geographic region defined. Global IVF Market by Player, Region, Type, Application and Players/Suppliers Profiles and Sales Data Key Raw Materials Analysis & Price Trends Supply Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers, Industrial Chain Analysis ........and view more in complete table of Contents Check Complete Report Details @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/reports/3367604-2021-2030-report-on-global-ivf-market Thanks for reading this article; HTF also offers Custom Research services providing focused, comprehensive and tailored research according to clientele objectives. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report like North America, Europe or Asia Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA 08837 Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218 sales@htfmarketreport.com Connect with us at LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter Mumbai, India -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/11/2021 -- JRE Private Limited is a renowned manufacturer of flexible hose assemblies and fittings and a representative of specialised equipment. The business represents various companies from England, Switzerland, Belgium, and Germany. The manufacturing division of JRE creates rubber, composite, PTFE, and stainless-steel hoses for many industries. JRE's manufacturing unit follows a quality management system that conforms to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 8001, CE, and ATEX. The manufacturer keeps upgrading its technology to build upon quality in its operations. In the latest media interview, the spokesperson of JRE Private Limited revealed, "We make continuous efforts to achieve zero-defect products at our manufacturing unit. There is an effective monitoring and improvement process for our quality management system. We also deliver relevant training to our employees so that they perform more efficiently. Our focus is also on maintaining cost-effectiveness and R&D to ensure the complete satisfaction of our clients. Our production and supply of high-quality flexible connections are driven by innovation." JRE manufactures and offers a wide range of products, including corrugated SS flexible hoses, thermoplastic composite hoses, cryogenic hoses, PVC hoses, dry break couplings, and break away couplings. Industries can also buy hydraulic hose fittings from JRE. These hydraulic hoses are of various types and find various applications, such as crude, hydraulic, fuel oils, lubricating oils, anti-freeze solutions, gasoline, water, and air. The manufacturer provides all the technical information and hose specifications to interested clients across several industries. The spokesperson further asserted, "We now offer the medium pressure wire braid hose that has a cover made of black, oil abrasion and weather aging-resistant synthetic rubber. The tube is constructed of black, oil-resistant synthetic rubber, with single wire braid reinforcement. Our clients can also get the high-pressure wire braid hose that has double wire braid reinforcement. Apart from that, our range of hydraulic hoses includes the medium pressure textile braid hose and the low-pressure suction and discharge hydraulic hose." JRE provides medium pressure thermoplastic hoses that feature a polyester tube, polyester yarn reinforcement, and polyurethane cover. These hydraulic hoses are perfect for gasoline, crude, fuel, and lubricating oil applications. Their temperature range is from -40C to +93C (-40F to +200F). If a client wants to buy flexible hose with a nylon tube, they can go for the high-pressure thermoplastic hoses. Some other types of hydraulic hoses that JRE manufactures are the high-pressure wire spiral hose, extra high-pressure wire spiral hose, and high-pressure wire braid hose. About JRE Private Limited JRE Private Limited provides high-quality flexible connections like hoses and quick release coupling in India and to its clients globally. The manufacturer's product range goes from specialised rubber hoses to marine loading arms, roof drain hoses, hose movers, hose racks, API couplers, and rubber and metallic bellows. JRE has a wide range of hoses, from 5 mm to 400 mm diameter, and a pressure range of up to 20,000 psi working pressure. These are suitable for most industries, including food, chemical, defence, pharma, and construction. Contact Information: JRE Private Limited 39, Mistry Building, 635 JSS Marg, Mumbai 400002, India Phone: 91-22-66368931 / 91-22-66368932 Email: info@jreltd.com Website: http://www.jreltd.com/ NASA has released a beautiful close-up shot snapped by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope of the globular cluster NGC 6380. Globular clusters are densely packed, spherical collections of hundreds of thousands or even millions of stars. They are among the oldest known objects in the Universe and are relics of the first epochs of galaxy formation. About 150-180 such clusters are known to exist around our Milky Way Galaxy. One of them, NGC 6380, is located approximately 35,500 light-years away in the constellation of Scorpio. NGC 6380 is not a particularly exciting name, but it indicates that this cluster is catalogued in the New General Catalogue (NGC), which was originally compiled in 1888, Hubble astronomers said. This cluster has, however, been known by many other names. NGC 6380 was originally discovered by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in 1826, and he rather immodestly named it Dun 538, they added. Eight years later, in 1834, it was independently rediscovered by the British astronomer John Herschel and he similarly immodestly went on to name it H 3688. The cluster was re-rediscovered in 1959 by the Armenian-Mexican astronomer Paris Pismis, who catalogued it as Tonantzintla 1 and who, to continue the pattern, also referred to it as Pismis 25. In addition to its colorful history of rediscovery, up until the 1950s NGC 6380 was thought to be an open cluster, the astronomers said. It was the British astronomer A. David Thackeray who realized that it was in fact a globular cluster. Nowadays, this cluster is reliably recognized in widely available catalogues as a globular cluster, and referred to simply as NGC 6380. Ketchikan: FREE Blueberry Vaccine Clinic July 11, 2021 Sunday PM (SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - In partnership with the Ketchikan Public Health Center and sponsored by the Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce, the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council presents the first ever Blueberry Vaccine Clinic during the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Councils 46th Annual Blueberry Arts Festival, Saturday, August 7th, at the St. Johns Episcopal Church parking lot, 10am to 5pm. The FREE Blueberry Vaccine Clinic will have available all three COVID vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Anyone can get their first or their second vaccine at the clinic! Please bring your vaccine card if this is your second. Those interested in a vaccine may sign up prior to Blueberry Saturday to schedule a time, but it is not required as walk-ins are very, very welcome. Please find the QR code and link for sign up at ketchikanarts.org In June the Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce (GKCC) received a $45,000 grant from the Alaska Chamber to incentivize vaccinations in Ketchikan. GKCC spent the bulk of the grant to purchase $100 gift cards from local Ketchikan businesses to be given away at several vaccine clinics since June 5th. As the original one-month grant timeline runs out, GKCC still has funds and $100 gift cards to disburse. In a new collaboration, GKCC will partner with the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council (KAAHC), to re-granting funds and gift cards and continue to encourage the Ketchikan community to be vaccinated from the COVID-19 virus. Each person that receives a COVID-19 vaccine during the Blueberry Vaccine Clinic will also receive a $100 gift card to a local Ketchikan business!!! In addition, each newly vaccinated person will be entered to win in hourly $100 CASH prize drawings from the Blueberry Mainstage located this year at the Market Cafe at the corner of Main and Dock streets. Every newly vaccinated persons name will be put back into the drawing for the Grand Prize of $2,000 drawn at 4:45 from the Mainstage. Everyone who has received a vaccine either at the Blueberry Clinic or prior, and can show their vaccine card, is eligible to be entered in the Grant Prize drawing!!!! Enter your name at the Blueberry Vaccine Clinic tent! Lastly, persons receiving vaccines on Blueberry Saturday will be encouraged to make some art while they are waiting. Artwork created at the Blueberry Vaccine Clinic will be combined with other artwork stations throughout the Blueberry Arts Festival to make a full installation to be exhibited at the Main Street Gallery. Related Information: FREE Blueberry Vaccine Clinic Blueberry Arts Festival, Saturday, August 7th, 2021 10am - 5pm St. Johns Episcopal Church parking lot Hosted by the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council Sponsored by the Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce In partnership with the Ketchikan Public Health Center Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews Source of News: Ketchikan Area Arts & Humanities Council https://www.ketchikanarts.org Representations of fact and opinions in comments posted are solely those of the individual posters and do not represent the opinions of Sitnews. Send a letter to the editor@sitnews.us Contact the Editor SitNews 2021 Stories In The News Ketchikan, Alaska Articles & photographs that appear in SitNews are considered protected by copyright and may not be reprinted without written permission from and payment of any required fees to the proper freelance writers and subscription services. E-mail your news & photos to editor@sitnews.us Photographers choosing to submit photographs for publication to SitNews are in doing so granting their permission for publication and for archiving. SitNews does not sell photographs. All requests for purchasing a photograph will be emailed to the photographer. First Cruise Ship Welcomed Back to Alaska Since 2019 "An important step toward Alaskas road to economic recovery Posted & Edited By MARY KAUFFMAN July 11, 2021 Sunday PM (SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Lieutenant Governor Kevin Meyer, and City of Ketchikan Mayor Bob Sivertsen joined community members in Ketchikan Friday at an event hosted by Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the trade association for the global cruise industry, as Royal Caribbean's Serenade of the Seas became the first large cruise ship to return to Alaska following the suspension of cruise operations due to the pandemic. U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Lieutenant Governor Kevin Meyer, and City of Ketchikan Mayor Bob Sivertsen joined community members in Ketchikan Friday morning to welcome the first cruise ship back to Alaska. Royal Caribbeans Serenade of the Seas arrived to the Ketchikan port Friday morning to serve as the states test cruise - with volunteer passengers - to demonstrate to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preventionl (CDC) the implementation of COVID-19 mitigation protocols. Following Fridays simulated voyage, nNine large cruise ships are currently scheduled to operate in Alaska this year, with 78 sailings to take place through Oct. 21, 2021. All sailings must receive approval from, and meet the requirements of, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The event marked the return of cruise tourism to Alaska nearly two years since cruise ships last operated in the state. Prior to the pandemic, cruise passengers represented more than 60% of all mainland visitors to Alaska, and the industrys operations generated more than $3 billion to the Alaskan economy per year, supporting 23,000 local jobs. In Ketchikan Friday morning, Senator Murkowski welcomes the first large cruise ship, Royal Caribbeans Serenade of the Seas, to return to Alaska since the pandemic. U.S. Senator Murkowski, Alaska Lieutenant Governor Meyer and City of Ketchikan Mayor Sivertsen spoke at the event, as did representatives from CLIA, Royal Caribbean Group, and Patti Mackey, president and CEO of the Ketchikan Visitors Bureau. CLIA concluded the speaking program with a tribute to U.S. Senator Murkowski for her leadership in the passage of the Alaska Tourism Recovery Act, which was instrumental in facilitating the return of cruise tourism in Alaska this summer. Murkowski said, I am pleased to welcome the first large cruise ship of the 2021 season. Tourism is the lifeblood for hundreds of Alaska small businesses and thousands of employees. Ive been committed to help bring tourism back for the 2021 season and keep Alaskans afloat through the hardships created by the pandemic. It was an all-hands-on-deck effort to find a solution to the 2021 cruise ship season and bring a much-needed economic boost to our communities. I want to thank the other members of the delegation for working with me to get my legislation, the Alaska Tourism Restoration Act, across the finish line. This legislation made it possible to begin to bring cruise ships back to Alaska so that our communities can have a productive tourist season. Today marks an important step toward Alaskas road to economic recovery from the pandemic. At the event, hosted by the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), Senator Murkowski was presented with an award in appreciation for her leadership in the passage of the Alaska Tourism Restoration Act (ATRA). Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) presented Senator Murkowski with an award in appreciation for her leadership in the passage of the Alaska Tourism Restoration Act (ATRA). Michael McGarry, Senior Vice President Global Government Affairs and North American Secretariat, CLIA said, CLIA and our ocean-going member lines have been hard at work to bring cruise business back to Alaska and to support a vibrant tourism economy, with enhanced health and safety measures. We would not be here today if not for the efforts of Alaskas elected officials, who moved mountains to ensure that communities throughout Alaska would not go a second summer without cruise tourism. On behalf of our members, we would like to share a special thank you to U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, whose commitment to serving her constituents was pivotal in bringing cruise tourism back to Alaska this summer. Alaska Lieutenant Governor Kevin Meyer said, The cruise ships are back, and we look forward to many more to come. This is the boost Alaska needs for our economy and businesses. This industry is critical to our state livelihood. Todays event is the result of the private sector and federal, state, and local governments working together. When we work together, good things happen for Alaska. City of Ketchikan Mayor Bob Sivertsen said, Having the ships return is like a late spring. As with spring it brings hope, joy and the anticipation of brighter days ahead. Ketchikan is ready for the hustle and bustle of a vibrant economy. We are excited to see our cruise partners back. Su Laxgayna, the New Path Dancers. Some of the many community members welcoming the first cruise ship back to Alaska. Russell Benford, Vice President, Government Relations, Americas, Royal Caribbean Group said, We are celebrating the much-anticipated return of cruising to Alaska today thanks to the determination and close collaboration of the cruise industry, policymakers and communities that are so reliant on tourism. Proud, resourceful Alaskan communities, which have endured almost two seasons without cruising, will once again welcome cruise visitors to this magnificent destination and Im sure Alaskan business owners look forward to reigniting the tourism economy and providing for their families. Patti Mackey, President and CEO, Ketchikan Visitors Bureau said, The arrival of Serenade in Ketchikan and the promise of additional ships sailing in Alaska this season is welcome news after a 21-month absence and the resultant economic disaster for Ketchikan's visitor industry businesses. The loss of both independent and cruise visitors in 2020 was devastating and only added to the impacts of the pandemic. We all owe Senators Murkowski and Sullivan and Congressman Young our thanks for breaking the logjam that kept ships from sailing and causing further damage to our community. In 2019, Alaska hosted over 1.3 million visitors by way of cruise ships. That number came to a halt in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated mandates, decimating Alaskan small businesses and Alaskas economy overall. The tourism industry in Alaska typically generates more than $214 million in state and municipal revenue, more than $1.4 billion in payroll, and $2.2 billion in visitor spending - all of which saw a significant decline during the coronavirus pandemic. Since cruise operations from U.S. ports were suspended in March 2020, it is estimated that more than 300,000 American jobs have been impacted or lost, with a corresponding loss of over $39 billion in economic activity. Nearly 70 percent of the industrys economic contributions in Alaska benefitted local small businesses in 2019 the highest percentage of any state in the country. Following the cancellation of the 2020 cruise season, the return of the first large cruise ship to an Alaskan port, with stringent measures in place and the support of health authorities, marks a significant milestone on the path to recovery for small businesses and communities in Alaska and across the country. Senator Murkowski is credited for working diligently to ensure that large cruise ships could return to Alaska to provide economic opportunity for communities and small businesses who rely heavily on tourism. Her legislation, the Alaska Tourism Restoration Act (ATRA), which was signed into law on May 24, 2021, provided a temporary fix under the Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA), paving the way for cruise ships to resume operations and transport passengers between the State of Washington and the State of Alaska. Due to the Canadian prohibition on passenger vessels traveling through Canadian waters, without the ATRA large cruise ships sailing to Alaska would not have been able to sail to Alaska this summer as the PVSA required a stop in a foreign country. On the Web: Watch Friday's Cruise Ship Event in Ketchikan Source of News & Photos: Office of U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski www.murkowski.senate.gov Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) cruising.org/ Representations of fact and opinions in comments posted are solely those of the individual posters and do not represent the opinions of Sitnews. Send a letter to the editor@sitnews.us Contact the Editor SitNews 2021 Stories In The News Ketchikan, Alaska Articles & photographs that appear in SitNews are considered protected by copyright and may not be reprinted without written permission from and payment of any required fees to the proper freelance writers and subscription services. E-mail your news & photos to editor@sitnews.us Photographers choosing to submit photographs for publication to SitNews are in doing so granting their permission for publication and for archiving. SitNews does not sell photographs. All requests for purchasing a photograph will be emailed to the photographer. Ketchikan agent Gary Freitag retires By ANNE GORE July 11, 2021 Sunday PM (SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - Gary Freitag, Alaska Sea Grants Marine Advisory Program agent in Ketchikan, retired in June after 13 years of providing educational and technical assistance and marine-related outreach for Southeast Alaska communities. His expertise, coupled with his passion for teaching and skill at making complex information understandable and interesting, has made him a valuable and respected resource for the region. Gary Freitag, Alaska Sea Grants Marine Advisory Program agent in Ketchikan from 2008 to 2021. Garys enthusiasm and passion will be missed, said Alaska Sea Grants Director Ginny Eckert. Freitags career in Alaska has spanned four decades. Prior to joining Alaska Sea Grant, he conducted research, evaluation and management of salmon aquaculture programs, first with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, then as Research Director at the Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association (SSRAA). He also taught oceanography at the University of Alaska Southeast, and has served on the Pacific Salmon Commission Chinook Technical Committee since 1984 as a liaison between fisheries management and the fishermen and communities who depend on salmon. Freitag has contributed his knowledge and expertise to marine mammal necropsy and disentanglement, invasive species and baseline marine monitoring, salmon fishery forecasting, and remote underwater vehicle operation. He has given numerous public presentations on a wide range of topics from seaweed mariculture to marine mammals. One of the accomplishments he is most proud of is getting students excited about marine science. Ive had them come up to me after theyve continued their studies and gotten jobs doing ocean science, and they tell me they wouldnt be doing this work if it werent for me, Freitag said. Working with people and sharing his passion for marine science is one of Freitags strengths. His work has always been relevant and useful, informed by the needs of the people and communities where he works. Plus his enthusiasm is just really infectious said Sunny Rice, Alaska Sea Grants Marine Advisory Program agent in Petersburg. One example of an innovative project Freitag initiated was a collaboration with Allen Marine Tours to sample nearshore waters for invasive European green crab. Freitag worked with the small cruise company to train staff to conduct sampling in a remote bay. Observing the research was interesting for the tourists and produced valuable data for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Freitag is still involved in a similar collaboration with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Institute, training volunteer members of the community to monitor for invasive marine species. Gary Freitag examines a settlement plate for invasive marine species. Photo by Deborah Mercy. Freitag developed an interest in the ocean as a child visiting the Jersey shore with his family. After completing degrees in chemistry and oceanography, he worked for NASA on an offshore remote sensing project in Norfolk, Virginia, where he honed his skills in marine geology, chemistry and archeology. After giving a presentation about that work, he was offered a job in Alaska collecting and analyzing sediment samples in Prince William Sound and Glacier Bay. When Freitag made a trip to Ketchikan to conduct seagrass surveys, he decided to stay. About working at Alaska Sea Grant, Freitag said, This has been the best job by far of any job Ive had. Because Freitags work reflects his personal interests and passions, he plans to keep doing a lot of the same stuff in retirement. Im going to try to relax a little more, but Im still planning on interfacing with students and schools, and I may teach a little too, he said. With characteristic light-hearted humor, Freitag added, The Pacific Salmon Commission told me Im not permitted to go anywhere. Freitag conducted his Marine Advisory Program work in Ketchikan with a passion for discovery, teaching, and sharing. His Alaska Sea Grant colleagues plan to continue to draw on his expertise. We might call him up now and then just to hear one of his wonderful stories, too, said Sunny Rice. Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews Source of News: SeaGrant Alaska https://alaskaseagrant.org Representations of fact and opinions in comments posted are solely those of the individual posters and do not represent the opinions of Sitnews. Send a letter to the editor@sitnews.us Contact the Editor SitNews 2021 Stories In The News Ketchikan, Alaska Articles & photographs that appear in SitNews are considered protected by copyright and may not be reprinted without written permission from and payment of any required fees to the proper freelance writers and subscription services. E-mail your news & photos to editor@sitnews.us Photographers choosing to submit photographs for publication to SitNews are in doing so granting their permission for publication and for archiving. SitNews does not sell photographs. All requests for purchasing a photograph will be emailed to the photographer. Alaskas Congressional Delegation asks Biden Administration to defend American waters from Canadian mine contamination. Will it? July 11, 2021 Sunday PM (SitNews) Juneau, Alaska - Alaska Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, along with Congressman Don Young (All R-AK), have sent a letter of concern to the Biden Administration regarding potential impacts from risky large-scale mines in Canada near transboundary waters that flow into Alaska. The letter, dated June 24, 2021 went to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and urges the Department of State and Canada to protect downstream communities from British Columbia (B.C.) mines potential negative impacts, in line with the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. In spite of decades of repeated efforts from both Republican and Democratic state and federal lawmakers, a proven record of failures in B.C., and repeated requests from sovereign Indigenous nations, B.C. has continued to heavily industrialize and put at risk the international salmon rivers vital to the Tongass National Forest. The ball is now in the Biden Administrations court. The letter highlights that seven years after Canadas worst environmental disaster, at Imperial Metals Mount Polley mine, Americans are still not protected from the potential downstream impacts of B.C.s large-scale mines. It also follows a report released on June 18, 2021 by the British Columbia government, highlighting that B.C. has failed to follow through on its commitments to prioritize human health and environmental safety in its mining regulations. Those commitments were made after the 2016 B.C. Auditor General reported that when it comes to the mining industry, B.C. is failing on every level to protect human health and the environment. We are very thankful that our congressional delegation continues to alert the Department of State regarding this complex international issue, especially as our wild salmon populations are struggling in the face of the climate crisis. But so far, these letters have fallen short to garner the attention of Secretaries of State. Thousands of Alaskans are united in asking to protect our coastal communities from B.C. the bad neighbors next door and we have been waiting, so far in vain, for our federal government to defend American interests and communities from existing and threatened Canadian mine contamination. President Biden has committed to initiatives like America the Beautiful and the Roadmap for a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership. If those commitments are to have any real meaning, Secretary Blinken must take immediate action to prevent our vital international salmon rivers from being completely overrun with poorly regulated, polluting mines in Canada, said Salmon Beyond Borders Director Jill Weitz. Lawmakers representing all U.S. states bordering B.C. have asked B.C. Premier Horgan to address B.C.s shortcomings and to stop contaminating U.S. watersheds. Earlier this month, Senator John Tester submitted a letter to Secretary Blinken requesting that he engage with Canada regarding B.C. selenium leaching from Teck Coals (Teck Resources) mining operations along the Elk River in Canada and into Lake Koocanusa and the Kootenai River in Montana. Twenty-five Washington lawmakers sent a letter to B.C. Premier in May of 2021, and Alaska state lawmakers have done the same. Furthermore, in 2019, the Senate delegations from Alaska, Washington, Idaho, and Montana every state downstream of British Columbia submitted a bipartisan, joint letter of concern to B.C. Premier John Horgan, expressing concerns that B.C.s industrialization of the headwaters of shared rivers will negatively affect shared resources. All sectors of Southeast Alaska, including Tribes, commercial and sport fishermen, business owners, municipalities, and hard working Alaskans, are united with the congressional delegations efforts to attract attention and action from the Department of State. What is missing from this renewed delegation letter is the signature of Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, said Weitz. Without it, B.C. and its mining industry continue to block action, claiming division amongst Alaskas elected officials. In all four states downstream Washington, Idaho, and Montana as well Canada is reluctant to correct its liabilities and is attempting to prevent the Department of State from taking action. Until B.C. is accountable for the ramifications of industrializing the headwaters of some of North Americas last remaining great wild salmon rivers, B.C. remains a liability to Canada, to the global markets, and to companies seeking to invest in responsible resource development. Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews Source of News: Salmon Beyond Borders www.salmonstate.org Representations of fact and opinions in comments posted are solely those of the individual posters and do not represent the opinions of Sitnews. Send a letter to the editor@sitnews.us Contact the Editor SitNews 2021 Stories In The News Ketchikan, Alaska Articles & photographs that appear in SitNews are considered protected by copyright and may not be reprinted without written permission from and payment of any required fees to the proper freelance writers and subscription services. E-mail your news & photos to editor@sitnews.us Photographers choosing to submit photographs for publication to SitNews are in doing so granting their permission for publication and for archiving. SitNews does not sell photographs. All requests for purchasing a photograph will be emailed to the photographer. 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Although this has been a theme from the beginning of human civilization, humans always have had a tendency to undermine the duties and responsibilities. The reason perhaps being that they gave priority to material needs and personal interests instead of overall moral values and ethical principles. Now we have come to a crisis point with the coronavirus pandemic, global warming, natural disasters and environmental pollution. Even before, these moral issues were there in respect of universal poverty, malnutrition and class discrimination. No international leader however appeared to care much for these needs when they were in power. The InterAction Council (IAC) consisting of a group of former statemen and leaders however came up with a Universal Declaration of Human Duties in 1997 which is much relevance today. Nevertheless, it is not clear whether this would be followed up by the IAC and others under the present circumstances. Past Religious Discourses Almost all religious leaders and most (ancient) philosophers emphasized the importance of human duties and responsibilities along with or separate from rights. Those were mainly the times of feudalism or similar social settings. Therefore one could cynically argue that those pronouncements were mainly to justify feudal societies, if not feudal exploitation. However a closer look at those teachings show whether it was Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Greek philosophy, Judaism or Islam that the purposes were to advocate rightful/spiritual individuals and cohesive societies. Almost all of those leaders found something wrong with the existing societies. Different leaders of course gave different reasons and explanations. The teachings also differed depending on the times and circumstances. For example, Sigalovada Sutta of the Buddha differed from the Laws of Manu of Hinduism. Sermon of the Mount of Jesus differed from the Ten Commandments that Moses advocated. These differences also were in respect of duties and responsibilities. It is difficult to discuss or compare all religious and premodern philosophical doctrines, in this short space, justifying the importance of duties and responsibilities. However the importance or the similarity between the Sigalovada Sutta (Buddhist) and the Sermon on the Mount (Christian) cannot be overlooked. Both discourses started with general moral principles whether we fully agree with them or not. The Buddha talked about four vices in conduct, evil action in four ways, and six channels for dissipating wealth as preface to his main discourse. Altogether fourteen evil thingswere emphasized that people have an obligation to prevent from. See Narada Thera on Sigalovada Sutta. The Christ talked about eight beatitudes before the main sermon. These were put forward as positive attributes. Blessed are (1) the poor in spirit, (2) who are meek in behavior, (3) the mourners, (4) who suffer from hunger, (5) who are the merciful, (6) those who are pure in heart, (7) the peacemakers, and (8) those who have been persecuted for righteousness sake. When he said blessed are those who suffer from hunger, the purpose was not to justify poverty,but to sympathize with the poor in unreasonable society. See Charles Gore for the Sermon on the Mount. In most of these moral principles, which have now been abandoned by many disciples, both leaders came closer in principles and heart. In the Veludvara Sutta, Buddha said one should not do anything to others that one does not like done to oneself. Likewise, near the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. This common principle is now identified as the Golden Rule. Sigalovada Sutta The Sigalovada Sutta is undoubtedly much pertinent to todays debates on rights and duties, emphasizing the reciprocity between different dutiesof duty holders. In advising Sigala about the real meaning of worshiping the six quarters,the Buddha explained the mutuality of duties between: children and parents; students and teachers; husbands and wives; friends and associates; employees and employers; religious leaders and their followers. Interpreted from Narada Thera, most interesting today might be the following. There are five ways a husband should minister duties to a wife: (i) by being courteous to her,(ii) by not despising her,(iii) by being faithful to her,(iv) by handing over authority to her,and (v) by providing her with adornments. On the other hand, There are five ways a wife must minister duties to a husband: (i) by performing her duties well,(ii) being hospitable to relations and attendants, (iii) being faithful,(iv) by protecting what he brings,and (v) being skillful and industrious in discharging her duties. Of course the duties were formulated based on the circumstances of those times. However, it is important to note that the duties of the husband came before the duties of the wife. During the Modern Era It was towards the end of the medieval period in Europe that the rights of individuals or groups (with some status) started to emerge. Magna Carta of 1215 was one example. It was the rebellious Barons against an authoritarian King/s that these rights were first articulated. However it is a mistake to consider that modern philosophers and intellectuals were not concerned about peoples duties. In 1673, Samuel Pufendorf wrote his treatise, On the Duty of Man and Citizen. He was basing his arguments on what meant to be natural law and said more inhumanity to man has been done by man himself than any other causes of the nature. According to him, the first duty of man is to the God, and then to the natural laws governing the society. As a consequence, man has duties to himself, the fellow citizens and society. When we normally refer to the modern origins of human rights philosophy, we refer only to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of the French Revolution (1789) or revised versions thereafter. However in 1795 there was a Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man and Citizen. The maintenance of society requires that those who compose it should both know and fulfil their duties, the document declared. This second declaration which became the basis of a new French constitution after Robespierres terror and anarchy (before Napoleons reign), declared both rights and duties. On the rights side, liberty, equality, security and property were declared as before. On the duties side, first came the duties of the legislators (like our parliamentarians), and the government. To mention only two of the other duty propositions, it said (1) the obligations of each person to society consist in defending it, serving it, living in submission to the laws, and respecting those who are the agents of them, and (2) no one is a good citizen unless he is a good son, good father, good brother, good friend, and good husband. I can go on and on referring to other declarations (of that time and after) and to philosophers like Emmanuel Kant, Emile Durkheim or Mahatma Gandhi. However the pertinent question is why did the drafters of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)in 1948 overlooked this side of human nature or necessity? I have previously mentioned that I asked this question from one of the UDHR drafters, John Humphrey, in 1988 at a UNESCO conference held in Malta. Unfortunately, he did not have a good answer except referring to Article 29 of the UDHR! InterAction Council In 1983, a former Prime Minister of Japan, Takeo Fukuda, initiated the InterAction Council (IAC). The other leaders who were in the forefront then and thereafter were Helmut Schmidt (Germany), Pierre Trudeau (Canada), Bill Clinton (US), and Malcolm Frazer (Australia). There were many others as members. As the IAC pronounced, The idea was that former world leaders would be free to reflect on their experiences, and look beyond the immediacy of current issues and the limitation of national interests, to focus on the long term structural factors driving the global agenda. It was in 1987 that the Council convened an important meeting in Rome of religious leaders for a dialogue of religious kind (interreligious dialogue) to emphasize ethical principles necessary in the circumstances of cold war, ideological and religious animosities, globalization of extreme profit making efforts and the neglect of moral and ethical principles. Conclusion More pertinent to our discussion here is the InterAction Councils initiative during 1996 and 1997 to bring a Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities which in fact was a great achievement. During this era of globalization, the Council declared that Globalization also applies to the necessity for global ethical standards, since without ethics and self-restraint, humankind would revert to the Jungle. It identified the Golden Ruleas an ethical standard common to all major religions that makes a collective life possible. Although the Declaration (another UDHR) was a great achievement, it was not properly followed up for reasons clearly not known. The InterAction Council is planning to have its (previously postponed) 37th Plenary Meeting on 1 and 2 December 2021 in Malta in association with the One Young World organization. Considering the validity of human duties and responsibilities along with human rights under the present circumstances of coronavirus pandemic, global warming, environmental disasters, and increasing global poverty, it is hoped and suggested that the InterAction Council would give much emphasis in promoting those ethical principles in its forthcoming meeting. Greenes attorney, James D. Ryan of North Palm Beach, on Monday issued this statement in response to the FTCs news release: Much of what the FTC claims Mr. Greene did is couched in the framework of what he supposedly knew or should have known. Regardless, the totality of Mr. Greenes circumstances led him to the conclusion that it was more practical to agree with the FTC than it would have been to split hairs. Why: Inspectors spotted 19 violations (five high-priority), including seven live small flying insects in the kitchen, food storage, bar floor drains and sushi bar, and six live cockroaches crawling directly on wonton chips in an open container, on the sushi bar prep table, on a container with in-use utensils, on a container with seasonings in dry storage, and inside the oven at cook line. They also spotted 11 dead cockroaches on the floor beside soy sauce container and inside a closed container of flour on dry storage shelf. The restaurant was ordered to stop selling and toss its flour and wonton chips due to not being in a wholesome, sound condition. Kiko was allowed to reopen July 8, although the follow-up inspection found 11 dead roaches by table with condiments and clean utensils and near a shelf with cooked wonton and taco shells and 14 more live roaches behind stove and fryer station, on a clean pan and atop a reach-in cooler with containers of cooked wonton and tacos. Inspectors shut down Kiko again on July 9 when a third inspection found 21 more dead roaches and 21 live ones crawling under the prep table, sink and in soda machine empty ice bin behind sushi bar. The restaurant remains closed as of July 12 until it passes a final inspection. Christian Emmanuel Sanons name has been cited by several of the people who are in custody in the case, the Herald learned, leading the national police to arrest him as part of the ongoing investigation into the leadership of the group of 26 Colombians and two Haitian Americans suspected of carrying out the assassination. Multiple sources in Haiti, requesting anonymity for their safety, have confirmed to the Herald that the detained men said they were hired by CTU, and several of the men indicated they had been in Haiti for at least three months, some longer. It is unclear if they knew or believed CTU leaders were aware of the assassination plot. The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights, Biden said. Those rights, including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future, must be respected. The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves. Cubas director general for U.S. affairs, Carlos F. de Cossio, dismissed her remarks in his own tweet: US State Department and its officials, involved to their necks in promoting social and political instability in #Cuba, should avoid expressing hypocritical concern for a situation they have been betting on. Cuba is and will continue to be a peaceful country, contrary to the US. Dr. Citrin made a mockery of his Hippocratic oath by cutting and pasting the same symptoms and vital signs for most of his patients so he could fraudulently bill insurers millions of dollars, Palm Beach State Attorney Dave Aronberg said in a news release. Our Sober Homes Task Force will continue to investigate, arrest and prosecute those, like Dr. Citrin, who exploit people in drug recovery and put profit over patient care. Eric Adams, Brooklyn borough president and the likely next mayor of New York, plus Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser and San Jose, California, Mayor Sam Liccardo are expected to attend the meeting Monday, according to two people familiar with the plans. They were not authorized to speak publicly about the meeting and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. Planas said he believes Senate leaders, who run campaigns for candidates from their parties and decide how money will be spent, knew someone was buying ads for NPA candidates in hopes of siphoning votes away from Democrats. He said he doesnt believe that Artiles, who resigned from the Florida Senate in 2017 after he used the n-word against some of his colleagues, would have had the influence to raise $550,000 himself. We still owe consideration to Haiti because of that support. In addition, roughly half of the 1 million Haitian-Americans live in Florida, most of them in South Florida. Links between here and there are numerous, to the point that South Floridians are accused in the plot to kill Moise. I wanted to add my two cents to the woman who wrote that since June, the state DEO unemployment assistance system wont let her log on, and when she called, they told her they werent aware of any recent problems. I tried to get on the system to claim my weeks for the prior two weeks. It kept knocking me off, at the beginning when I hit the button to claim my weeks, or halfway through, or when I was finished and tried to submit, it happened again. Since more people are working, these problems should not still exist anymore. Gov. DeSantis has had time to fix this. Remember this when its time to vote. The fight against drug trafficking along the south coast of Spain claimed the life of an member of the Customs Surveillance Service at the weekend. Jose Luis Dominguez Iborra, from Algeciras, died in a helicopter accident which happened while the aircraft was following a suspected drug-trafficking boat in the Strait of Gibraltar, thirty miles east of Sotogrande, and close to the border between Cadiz and Malaga provinces. The customs official who lost his life served as an aerial observer, and was accompanied by the pilot and co-pilot, who survived the accident. The flight crew managed to rescue the customs agent from the helicopter and revive him. However, when he reached land, the man's heart stopped again. More resuscitation manoeuvres were attempted by a mobile intensive care unit in Sotogrande port, but the man did not recover. According to SUR sources, the reason for the aircraft crashing into the sea during the pursuit, in the early hours of Sunday, is still unknown. The helicopter was giving air support to a patrol boat that was pursuing a suspected drug-trafficking boat. On Sunday morning, the Salvamento Maritimo coastguard service located the crashed helicopter and it was refloated using inflatable balloons by the Clara Campoamor recovery craft, at around 6.30pm. Spains prime minister, Pedro Sanchez, offered his condolences to the family and friends of the customs official and added, Thank you to all the security forces and authorities that work every day to protect us from crime. The Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Montero, said "it is still premature to venture theories" about the cause of the crash. The helicopter will be transferred to land and will be analysed to find the cause of the accident. Cruise activity is intensifying in the Port of Malaga on the Costa de Sol. And, after more than 16-months, the city will welcome its first ship operating an international itinerary, since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. On Tuesday, 13 July, the Aida Perla, which includes Gibraltar in its week-long tour of the Spanish Mediterranean, will dock in Malaga from 8am to 6pm. The German shipping company, Aida, plans to visit the Costa del Sol on nine occasions from 13 July to 1 November, once every fortnight. National cruise activity has already restarted in Malaga port after the arrival, on 15 June, of the TUI Cruises ship, the Mein Schiff 2. The Port Authority said, The arrival of Aida Perla will be the first time, since the pandemic, that a ship will arrives on an international itinerary, since it also has a brief stopover in Gibraltar," and it reminded that all health protocols established by the authorities will be strictly adhered to. This week it has also been confirmed that the British shipping company Marella Cruises has chosen Malaga as its base port to start two new itineraries next October. The Marella Explorer, which was officially named in the Port of Malaga in 2019, will offer a Continental Coasts cruise, which will include other ports on the Mediterranean coast, such as Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Alicante and Almeria; and, in addition, the Spirit of Iberia tour will visit the ports of Valencia, Ibiza, Cartagena, Cadiz and Gibraltar. A 36-year man, with Spina bifida, was rushed to hospital after an accident on Nerja's La Torrecilla beach on Sunday, 11 July. The man, from Cantabria, was with his family on the shore, when for unknown reasons, his wheelchair tipped over and he fell into the water. Two bathers in the area, who identified themselves as doctors, reportedly revived the man at the scene before he was flown to Malagas Regional Hospital by air ambulance. Officials are investigating the circumstances of the accident. A Local Police officer in Torre del Mal was injured after an 18-year-old moped rider refused to stop and smashed into the policeman. Officers had spotted the moped travelling fast and without lights but when the foot patrol tried to pull the rider over, he allegedly ignored their orders, accelerated and headed straight towards them. One of the policemen managed to leap out of the way but the other officer was hit. The 18-year-old rider tried to flee on foot, but was eventually stopped with the help of an off-duty Local Police officer from Valladolid town of Medina del Campo, who was on holiday in Velez-Malaga. The injured officer was transferred to hospital but has now been voluntarily discharged. He is recovering at home from a knee sprain with ligament damage, and multiple cuts and bruises. After the incident the moped rider tested positive for cocaine, cannabis, amphetamines and methamphetamines. He faces charges of reckless driving with contempt for the lives of others, driving without a licence and doing so under the influence of drugs. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 712-243-2624 or email circ@ant-news.com. Monday 05 September, 2016 Reliable information reaching Biafra writers desk has it that the life of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indi... 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They want the court to declare the directive stopping with immediate effect the delivery of petitions to Members of Parliament (MPs) at constituency centres that was announced by Acting Prime Minister (PM) Themba Masuku on June 24, 2021, to be unlawful and of no force and effect. They also seek an order from the High Court interdicting and restraining security forces under governments authority, and anyone acting at their behest, from disturbing or preventing them or any person from delivering a written petition to their relevant Member of Parliament (MP). Applicants Applicants in the matter are Nathi Dlamini, who is in the money lending business, Azi Comfort Hlatshwako, a lawyer, and Mandla Dladla, who is also self-employed in the informal sector. They are all members of the community under Lobamba Lomdzala Royal Kraal. They said they went to court because they were affected by the directive banning the delivery of petitions to tinkhundla centres. In their papers, they blamed the directive stopping the delivery of petitions to tinkhundla centres for the riots that they alleged resulted in a number of deaths unprecedented in the country. They informed the court that it would be in the interest of the country to allow them to deliver the petition to their MP Marwick Khumalo. It need hardly be stressed that the whole country has experienced unprecedented spates of violent protests that have even caught the attention of the international community as a result of the first respondents (government) directive of June 24, 2021, they said. Once the directive is declared unlawful, all other tinkhundla will be at liberty to deliver their own written petitions peacefully, they argued. The applicants told the court that government would suffer no prejudice by having the directive declared unlawful and set aside. Decentralisation They described an inkhundla as a local authority area inspired by decentralisation of State power and as an engine of development through which social services to the Eswatini community were developed. Nathi said tinkhundla centres were recognised by Section 80 of the Constitution and that the political system of Eswatini was exclusively modelled on the Tinkhundla System of Government. He told the court that the acting PMs directive was discriminatory in nature in that it was allegedly directed to those seeking to deliver petitions to their respective tinkhundla centres. It excluded other groups, be it religious or recreational gatherings. The Constitution is against any form of discrimination, Nathi said. He told the court that on July 3, 2021, together with other members of the community under Lobamba Lomdzala Constituency, they assembled at Mahlanya Sports Ground to deliver a petition of their demands to their MP, Khumalo. MBABANE We are being starved at the police stations where we are being kept. This was one of the submissions made by alleged looters who are currently detained in various police stations around the country. It is alleged that the number of the suspected looters who are currently detained is in excess of 200. There is no food to feed all the inmates who are now kept at the police stations. We are starved at the police stations where we are kept and there are no applicable international conventions for the minimum treatment of prisoners at the police stations since a police station is not a prison institution, contended the alleged looters. According to the accused persons, they were purportedly informed that the police service had no budget or staff to provide food for prisoners. Bail These allegations are contained in the application filed by their lawyer Thulani Maseko on Friday, where they are jointly seeking an order to be admitted to bail by the High Court. The alleged looters decided to approach the High Court after they were reportedly not given an opportunity to apply for bail or enter any plea when they appeared at the different magistrates courts. Instead, the magistrates are said to have only remanded them in custody. The applicants also want the court to direct all judicial officers, before whom the alleged looters were produced to be interdicted from remanding them in custody without any charge. They are further praying for an order to interdict all judicial officers before whom they were produced from postponing bail applications or denying them the right to plead to the charge. Applicants in the matter are Wakhile Mndzebele, Nkosinathi Dlamini, Sandile Dlamini, Mukelo Dlamini and various other detainees. In their application, the applicants further told the court that even the holding cells where they were being kept were already full, in particular those in Manzini and Matsapha, where most of the arrests took place. At the Matsapha Police Station on July 2, 2021, when our lawyers went to see some of us, they were told by the police officers that all the holding cells were full. The only holding cell which was available was one where a person of unsound mind was kept in isolation, submitted the accused persons. It was further their contention that the overcrowding in the holding cells was a breeding ground for COVID-19. This, according to them, was not only a threat to the Kingdom of Eswatini, but also to the rest of the world since this was a pandemic that was globally widespread. Giving background of the events leading to their arrests, one of the alleged looters, Mukelo Dlamini, narrated to the court that there was currently a constitutional and political crisis in the country. He informed the court that there was a call for certain reforms in the set-up of the country. MANZINI The three Members of Parliament (MPs) who have been vocal in the call for change have disputed that PUDEMO pulled a heist on their quest. The legislators said this in response to an article by our sister publication, the Times SUNDAY, wherein veteran journalist Bheki Makhubu was quoted as saying he believed that the Peoples United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO) had hijacked the current pursuit for political reforms in the country. The three MPs are Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza from Hosea Constituency, Mduduzi Gawuzela Simelane from Siphofaneni Constituency and Mthandeni Dube from Ngwempisi Constituency. To this, the Hosea Constituency MP said, in his understanding, all the people calling for change were in support of what they (MPs) presented in Parliament as legislators. Mabuza said they (three MPs) were calling for change in a manner which the government would be accountable to the people. This, he said, would be achieved by first having an elected PM and an Executive of government that was accountable to the electorate. He said: Whoever supports this change is with us. Even if it is a political party, they are with us because they are emaSwati first before they are members of an organisation. He emphasised that whatever PUDEMO was doing was part of their strategies in the quest to achieve what they were advocating for as representatives of the citizenry in Parliament. Mabuza reiterated that they did not hold the same view as Makhubu with regard that PUDEMO had taken over. He said in this call there was no leader, but it was a quest by the citizenry to achieve an accountable and independent government. Privileged The three MPs he is referring to were privileged to have the platform after they were elected by emaSwati to represent them in Parliament and they raised some of the things the public was seeking. The main goal is to achieve change and that is all that people want, inclusive of political parties, Mabuza said. The legislator said they (three MPs) and all other political parties in the country and civil society wanted an independent government just like in all other States that which was accountable to the people. The government that we are advocating for, just like PUDEMO, Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Swaziland and other political parties is one that has power to take decisions independently, he emphasised. Also, the Ngwempisi Constituency MP, Dube, disputed the insinuation that PUDEMO had taken over what they had initiated. He said people were advocating for what they all wanted. Dissenting He said in most instances, a dissenting voice was not appreciated as people were recently shot and killed for expressing what they wanted. Worth noting is that at the climax of pro-democracy protests a fortnight ago, some protesters were shot and killed as the demonstrations culminated in looting, vandalism and arson. Meanwhile, the Siphofaneni Constituency MP was in unison with his fellow legislators. MBABANE The controversy surrounding Eswatinis public relations company, Vuma Reputation Management, has taken a new twist. Yesterday, social media was abuzz following a statement believed to have been issued by its under-fire founder Janine Hills, to the effect that she had taken a decision to abandon her 49 per cent shareholding in the company. This follows a post on her Twitter account @janinehills which states that the founder of Vuma Reputation Management was renouncing her stake in the company and all monies owed to her. This comes after Vuma Reputation Management came under-fire from some of the South African media and social media for supporting the Eswatini Government and allegedly telling a different narrative with regard to two South African journalists who were allegedly detained by the Eswatini police. Hired Vuma Reputation Management was hired by government through a process that was overseen by the former and late Prime Minister, Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini, to market Eswatini. The three-year contract was entered into by government and the Johannesburg-based company in 2019 and the government then, through the late PM, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Trade Manqoba Khumalo and Minister of Finance Neal Rijkenberg had stated that they wanted to position the country as a stable, peaceful investment destination. Government Spokesperson Sabelo Dlamini confirmed late last night that a correspondent has been received to the effect that Vuma has stated the process to terminate the contract. As per any contract, provisions are available for either side to terminate, said Dlamini. The company, which Hills resigned from in 2020, has been under attack for its association with the Eswatini Government, an administration that is being accused of failing to respect the constitutional rights of its citizens, something which has led to the current social and political unrest. The Johannesburg-based company is under the leadership of Palesa Madumo and Tshepo Sefotlhelo. I am renouncing my 49 per cent stake in Vuma and all monies owed with immediate effect, reads the post on Hillss Twitter page. She further stated that she had always stood for honesty, integrity, unity and equality for all. Meanwhile, social media, in particular Twitter, had been calling on both Madumo and Sefotlhelo to respond to the many tweets which they have been tagged in. Welcomed In one of the responses to Hillss tweet, some welcomed her decision to relinquish her shares, but stated that honesty and integrity required that she furnished the people of Eswatini with the details regarding Vumas contract with the government. MBABANE A food supply crisis is looming in the Kingdom of Eswatini. This is due to violent protests which are currently taking place in neighbouring South Africa, where the kingdom procures most food items. The protests in the neighbouring country are allegedly linked to the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma and they began last week. Yesterday, the South African media reported how the protests had escalated from Durban to other towns such as Johannesburg. It was reported that in Johannesburg, shops were looted overnight (Saturday), a section of the M2 Highway was closed and stick-wielding protesters marched through the streets of Johannesburg yesterday, as sporadic acts of violence following the jailing of former South Africa President Zuma spread to the countrys main economic hub. This has come at a time when Eswatini had been already witnessing a limited supply of essential commodities such as food and fuel from South Africa due to fears by suppliers that their trucks would be set alight. Looted Already, 25 trucks were set alight in KwaZulu/Natal (KZN) over the weekend, while in Eswatini trucks from Checkers Shoprite and Southern Trading Company were also looted and burnt during recent pro-democracy protests. Another factor that is likely to worsen the situation is a threat by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) South Africa, which declared that it would close all the eight main entry points into the country. The entry points are Ngwenya, Matsamo, Mahamba, Lavumisa, Sicunusa, Mananga, Sandlane and Bulembu. The threat comes after the political organisation gave the authorities in Eswatini an ultimatum of seven days to respond to demands it tabled last week. The partys Head of International Relations Desk Commissar, Gardee Godrich, said this was not a threat but a commitment of a great march to the capital city of Mbabane. He said they were planning a great march from all the eight main entry points coming from South Africa into Eswatini. He said during those massive marches they would unleash not less than 10 000 of their members on each of the border posts. He said they would do that in a short space of time, which would be less than a month. The aforementioned situation, if implemented, would worsen the food supply woes in Eswatini as most of the big retail shops import commodities from South Africa. These outlets include Pick n Pay, Spar, Shoprite and Boxer. Mario Fernandez, Regional Manager of Lojaf Pick n Pay, said already they were experiencing difficulties in getting more stock from Johannesburg and Durban. He said already they could not get deliveries last Friday because the Ngwenya/Oshoek Border was closed for the better part of the day. The border was closed because some members of EFF South Africa were gathered at the border for a protest demonstration. They were there to deliver a memorandum where they gave the Eswatini Government the seven days to respond to their demands, failing which they would block all entry points into Eswatini. Fernandez said the border closure would not only affect Pick n Pay alone, but all the other retailers. Driver Trett, a global construction consultancy, has appointed Mustafa Gun as the new country manager for Qatar and Kuwait, expanding his current role into the Qatar marketplace. Gun has been with the company in the Middle East for over five years, spending the last year overseeing the growth of the Kuwait business, a press release stated. With more than 15 years of industry experience working in the Middle East, Europe and Asia, Gun has undertaken various commercial, contractual and claims management roles and has held senior positions in the organisations he has worked for. Driver Trett Managing Director and head of Middle East & Asia Pacific David Merritt said: Gun is a first-class talent and Im delighted that he has been appointed to lead our business in Qatar as well as Kuwait. Over the years he has demonstrated that he possesses not only the technical skills to lead from the front but also the leadership qualities to bring his impressive team of consultants and analysts with him. "Guns insight into the Qatari, Kuwaiti and Turkish construction markets will be of huge benefit to the Driver Trett business as we continue to grow our regional operations. Commenting on his appointment, Gun said: Driver Trett has been successfully operating in Qatar since 2010, and Kuwait since 2015, providing high quality dispute avoidance and dispute resolution services to the construction and engineering industry with our experienced local teams. "As I take up the role of Country Manager for Qatar and Kuwait, I believe we will be able to assist our existing clients in both countries with increased flexibility, strengthening our presence in the region and supporting our continued growth with new clients.-TradeArabia News Service The King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) has revealed that two new films will be part of its participation at the Saudi Pavilion, which is hosted by the Saudi Film Commission, at the 74th edition of the Festival de Cannes 2021. Well-known Egyptian screenwriter and producer Mohamed Hefzy will introduce his Ithra-commissioned film Sea of Sands (working title) alongside award-winning independent Saudi filmmaker Khalid Fahad's Valley Road, said Ithra in its press release. Produced under the Ithra Film Productions banner, Sea of Sands and Valley Road are both scheduled for release in 2023. Ithra confirms that the cast and crew for both films will consist of aspiring Saudi talent. They follow the successful international release of the experimental 2018 film Joud, an unconventional meditation on the cycle of life, Ithra's first commissioned film. Majed Z. Samman, head of Performing Arts & Cinema at Ithra and the producer of Sea of Sands and Valley Road, said: "We support the kingdom's growing film industry by nurturing homegrown talent and fostering cinema and filmmaking in Saudi Arabia. We are honoured to announce our next two projects at one of the world's prestigious film fairs as part of the Saudi Pavilion at Cannes Film Festival." Egyptian Hefzy is well-known at Cannes, having had three films entered in the official selection at the festival, and most recently a fourth film announced in the Critics' Week section. A leading figure in the industry in the Middle East and Africa, he has written, produced and co-produced nearly 40 feature films in Egypt, the US, the UK and the Arab world. His latest project, Sea of Sands, is a coming-of-age story centred around a young orphan Bedouin and a camel who form a special bond and embark on a journey across Saudi Arabia. "Ithra has played a significant role in supporting independent filmmakers from Saudi Arabia at a critical time just as the kingdom's film industry begins to take shape," said Hefzy. "I am thrilled to work with them and all the Saudi and Arab talent who will be joining this exciting project," he added. The film is set to be filmed at various locations around Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, Fahad's Valley Road follows the odyssey of Ali, an autistic young man who gets lost on the way to see a doctor in a nearby village. Ali finds himself alone in the middle of nowhere, where a series of obstacles and challenges cannot stop him from discovering the world ahead of him. The project Joud was Ithra's first commissioned film. Described as an 'ancient poem for modern times', the critically acclaimed film uses an experimental story structure derived from a pre-Islamic form of poetry, the 'Qasida'. The dialogue-free film was shot in 16 locations across Saudi Arabia and screened at several international film festivals. Apart from Ithra's commissioned films, the Center is also the driving force behind several initiatives supporting the kingdom's film industry. The Ithra Cinema, one of the few art house cinemas in the region, provides a purposeful and technological space for the kingdom's film talent to hone their skills and showcase their work. It is home to Saudi Film Production, Saudi Film Days and the Ithra Film Society, which presents a full programme throughout the year. Ithra is also the cradle of the annual Saudi Film Festival, the kingdom's first film festival supporting local talent and focused on content development. Furthermore, Ithra Film Productions has helped dozens of filmmakers bring their dreams to life. One of the largest film producers in the Kingdom, it has produced 20 films, of which 15 have received local, regional and international awards. Ithra is also offering a unique learning experience through a training and shadowing programme, providing an opportunity for those passionate about filmmaking to craft their career in the field.-TradeArabia News Service Innsbruck Tourismus, the official destination management organisation of the Innsbruck region of Austria, has introduced the Welcome Card Unlimited (WCU) with exciting promotions and offers to travellers from the Gulf region, The move follows the announcement of opening the Austrian borders to GCC travellers from July 1. The Welcome Card Unlimited, which guests staying for at least 2 nights can purchase as an upgrade for the complimentary Welcome Card, includes seven exciting attractions all less than an hour away from Innsbruck. This premium guest card entitles visitors to numerous offering across various services including, but not limited to, free public transportation across Innsbruck, indoor and outdoor activities, regional attractions, and discounts on lifts and cable cars. The card also includes free cable car travel on the Bergbahnen Oberperfuss, the DreiSeenBahn in Kuhtai, the Olympiabahn in the Axamer Lizum and the Muttereralmbahn in Mutters. It also provides entry to seven of the most popular attractions in the surroundings of Innsbruck which include Swarovski Crystal Worlds, Stubai Glacier and Achensee Lake boat trip and others. Travellers can purchase the Welcome Card Unlimited for 65.00 (AED284 or $77) for adults and 32.50 (AED142) for children aged 4 to 14. Purchasing the card is perfect to control holiday spending, and it will help save up to 130 if one chooses to visit all the top highlights. The mentioned packages can all be purchased through selected travel agencies in the GCC. Innsbruck is one of Austrias must see cities, and its known world-wide for its charming beauty. The capital of the Tyrol region is set in a spacious valley, with part of the city climbing up the walls of the Alps. The city itself is a collection of snow-covered medieval houses, narrow streets and classic European churches. It is also surrounded by marvellous natural scenery, rich in culture and is home to an array of fun-packed experiences. After the successful management and control of the pandemic in Austria, the destination has finally announced that it will be opening up its borders to all nationals and residents with a valid Schengen Visa arriving from a third country including travellers from the GCC region. Now, all vaccinated travellers from the GCC are able to visit Austria without a quarantine period. TradeArabia News Service Saudi Arabia has launched an initiative at Jeddahs Red Sea Operations Centre to provide tourist yachts with entry licenses in half an hour, a media report said. The centre assists foreign yacht owners, and their local agents, in Arabic and English to receive licenses to cross into Saudi waters, reported Arab News. Any request should include the yachts registration, its classification, and its marine radio certification, Hasan Al-Asmari, centre manager commander was quoted as saying in the report. A list of the names of the onboard staff, safety and insurance certificates are also necessary for applying for a license. In 30 minutes, we reply to the request via email with the license approved. HP: 1 crore saplings to be planted during state level Van Mahotsav 18 Jul 2021 | 7:41 PM Shimla, Jul 18 (UNI) A spokesperson of the Forest Department informed here today that to improve the green cover in the State, Forest Department is going to celebrate State Level Van Mahotsav. He said the State Level Van Mahotsav would be celebrated at Nirmand in district Kullu, which would be presided over by Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur. see more.. Agra hospital returns excess money from a patient after Yogi's intervention 18 Jul 2021 | 7:00 PM Lucknow, Jul 18 (UNI) A complaint against a private hospital in Janata Darshan programme of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath forced the hospital administration to return the extra money it had charged for the treatment of one Ashish Pathaks mother. see more.. Inflation broke backbone of public, corruption is throttling: Selja 18 Jul 2021 | 6:58 PM Chandigarh, Jul 18 (UNI) Haryana Pradesh Congress President Kumari Selja has alleged that corruption has reached its peak in municipal corporations, councils and municipalities. see more.. Bollywood actor Hema Malini visits Kheer Bhawani temple in Kashmir 18 Jul 2021 | 6:54 PM Srinagar, Jul 18 (UNI) Bollywood actor and BJP Member of Parliament (MP) Hema Malini visited Kheer Bhawani temple in central Kashmir district of Ganderbal, official sources said here on Sunday. see more.. Chennai, July 12 (UNI) An all party meeting convened by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Monday termed as an affront on the Constitution, Karnataka's move to construct a new dam at Mekedatu across River Cauvery in violation of the Supreme Court order. This was one of the three resolution adopted at the meeting of leaders of legislature parties held at the State Secretariat. It said as per the Apex Court order Karnataka could not take up any construction activity at Mekedatu without the consent of lower riparian states. 'But Karnataka, by violating this, is now actively taking steps to construct the dam at Mekedatu. This is strongly condemnable as the water requirements of the farmers in Tamil Nadu will be affected", it said. 'Karnataka's act in violation of the Supreme Court order is an affront on the Indian Constitution", the resolution said and urged the Union Government not to accord any permission to Karnataka on the issue. Another resolution said that all political parties have decided to extend their full support and cooperation to the Tamil Nadu government in stalling the efforts of the Karnataka government on the dam construction. Another resolution said in the first phase, it has been decided that the copies of the resolution would be submitted to the Centre by a delegation of all parties and then take up all legal steps to expedite the case pending before the Supreme Court. UNI GV 1330 New Delhi, Jul 11 (UNI) India-based staff has been temporarily pulled out of the Consulate in Kandahar in the wake of intense fighting near the city but the Mission has not been closed, External Affairs Ministry (EAM) said today. In a response to the media query, on the Indian Consulate in Kandahar, the Official Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said: "India is closely monitoring the evolving security situation in Afghanistan. The safety and security of our personnel is paramount. The Consulate General of India in Kandahar has not been closed. However, due to the intense fighting near Kandahar city, India based personnel have been brought back for the time being." "I want to emphasize that this is a purely temporary measure until the situation stabilizes. The Consulate continues to operate through our local staff members," Mr Bagchi further added. Arrangements are being made to ensure continued delivery of visa and consular services through the Embassy in Kabul. As an important partner of Afghanistan, India remains committed to a peaceful, sovereign and democratic Afghanistan, the Ministry said. UNI GK New Delhi, Jul 12 (UNI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday announced an ex-gratia of Rs 2 lakh each to the families of the people killed due to lightning strikes in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Besides, an aid of Rs 50,000 will also be granted to the injured, he said. Taking to Twitter, Mr Modi mourned the loss of lives in the lightning and announced an ex-gratia from the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF). According to the officials, the Prime Minister was briefed about the loss of lives and damage due to lightning in all the three states. As many as 20 people died after being struck by lightning in Rajasthan on Sunday. The deceased belonged to Jaipur, Dholpur, Kota, Jhalawar and Baran. More than ten people suffered injuries in separate incidents, the officials. In Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj alone, 14 people lost their lives, while four people got burnt due to lightning. Four people died in Kaushambi and one in Pratapgarh districts. While lightning claimed four lives in Fatehpur, as many were killed in Kanpur dehat. While Two each died in Unnao and Ferozabad due to lightning, one each in Aurriya, Hamirpur, Banda, Sonebhadra, Chandauli, Rae Bareli, Sultanpur and Mirzapur. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has expressed deep grief over the loss of lives and directed the concerned district authorities to ensure relief to the affected families. The CM has directed to immediately distribute the permissible relief amount to the families of the deceased and condolences have been expressed to the bereaved families. At the same time, instructions have also been given for the treatment of the injured. Lightning has also claimed seven lives in different districts of Madhya Pradesh. Of these, two people were from Sheopur district and two from Gwalior district. One person died in Shivpuri district along with one each in Anuppur and Betul districts, respectively. UNI AKS SB 1301 Six reserves, 2 companies of police force deployed at tourist hotspots Hamirpur (HP), Jul 12 (UNI) Department of Police have deployed six reserves and two companies of the police force from India Reserve Battalions located in different parts of Himachal Pradesh to the districts of Kangra, Kullu, Chamba and Lahaul and Spiti where a large number of tourists have already reached. They are also likely to help the local authorities during the natural calamities caused by the heavy monsoon rains during the months of July and August this year. This order will remain in force till August 31st, according to police sources. UW in the News State, national and international media frequently feature the University of Wyoming and members of its community in stories. Here is a summary of some of the recent coverage: UW anthropology Associate Professor Melissa Murphy was interviewed for a Science article about Samuel Morton, the first physical anthropologist in the U.S., who built a collection of crania to study racial differences. Morton, a controversial figure, was featured in the article, titled A racist scientist built a collection of human skulls. Should we still study them? Murphy studied Mortons collection, located at the University of Pennsylvania, when she was a student there. The Casper Star-Tribune and The Gillette News Record reported that UW students who report being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 have an opportunity to win a semesters tuition and fees, along with other prizes, including cash and a campus parking pass. Wyo4News published UWs announcement. Tardigrades will begin to undergo experiments this week on the International Space Station. The Wyoming Tribune Eagle published UWs release noting that the project -- the subject of study for UW molecular biologist Thomas Boothby -- is not just to understand how tardigrades survive in space, but also to take that knowledge and apply it to human health. UW Professor Bryan Shuman was among authors of a study on how potential megafires in Colorado could affect the state because of severe conditions. Colorado Newsline published a Big Pivots article that noted the authors concluded that the frequency of fire in high-elevation forest has shrunk from once every 230 years, on average, in the last two millennia to about 120 years during the current century. The Vail Daily and The Aspen Times also published the article. KUNC, a northern Colorado public radio station, interviewed Shuman about the hotter-than-usual summer weather experienced by Western states. Techtelegraph published an Independent article that featured UW alumna Caitlin Long. The article, titled How Wyoming become the unlikely Bitcoin capital of America, noted how Long has become the leader in introducing bitcoin to the state. Inside Higher Ed noted that UW is starting an M.S. degree program in environment, natural resources and society. The publication added the universitys newest offering in its latest roundup of nationwide degree programs. UWs partnership in the Wyoming Innovation Center, which recently broke ground on its carbon research incubator in Campbell County, was mentioned in an article republished by The Sheridan Press, titled Effort on at all levels to transform Powder River Basin into nations Carbon Valley. Sheridan Media published UWs release announcing that the Wyoming Institute for Disabilities (WIND) at the university has partnered with the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado and Wyoming. WIND will provide infrastructure and support that will assist the Epilepsy Foundations advocacy and outreach across the state. Wyoming News Now and The Rocket Miner also published UWs announcement. The UW School of Energy Resources Center for Economic Geology Research will host a public outreach meeting at the Integrated Test Center at Dry Fork Station in Gillette next month. Laramie Live published UWs release about the Wyoming CarbonSAFE Project. The Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network at UW recently received a federal grant aimed at helping small businesses and workers. Oil City News published UWs release about the Portable Assistance Grant that will allow the SBDC Network to increase training and advising opportunities for businesses and workers affected by the downturn in the energy industry. You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close USVI Commissioner of Tourism Joseph Boschulte, center, is pictured with, from left, Assistant Commissioner of Tourism Alani Henneman-Todman, and Lindsey Hanbidge, Kanchana Gupta and Siddharth Raghuraman of American Airlines. Training Delivered to GHA Clinical Professionals Ahead of Abortion Legislation Coming into Effect Following the outcome of the referendum on abortion, and in anticipation of the commencement of an abortion service at the GHA, the GHA has arranged for training to be delivered to clinical professionals in the GHA. On Friday 9 July two CPD sessions were delivered at the GHAs School of Health Studies to the healthcare providers who will be providing the service and those who may be involved in referrals to and from the service who attended both in person and virtually. The sessions are based on the fact that the GHA Department of Gynaecology at St Bernards Hospital will be the sole provider of this service in Gibraltar and focus on the aim to provide a choice of abortion methods, which are timely and safe depending on the personal health and circumstances of the individual woman and at all times within the legislative framework enacted in Gibraltar. The morning session was opened by the Minister for Health. The CPD sessions were delivered by Mrs Chandrika Balachandar, GHA Consultant Gynaecologist who is the lead for the service. During the sessions Mrs Balachandar shared detailed information about the service framework and evidence-based local guidelines that have been adapted from external sources such as WHO, RCOG, BPAS and NICE to enable them to guide the people of Gibraltar about the service. The Government has said it expects to commence the relevant parts of the Crimes (Amendment) Act later this week. Mrs Chandrika Balachandar, Consultant Gynaecologist, said: The Gynaecology Department is humbled to have been given the responsibility to lead on this important and sensitive issue and to be trusted to be the sole provider of abortion services in Gibraltar. The service, once it commences, will give a practical application to the result of the abortion referendum allowing, in particular, for a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy up to twelve weeks gestation. After 12 weeks, a woman can only have an abortion in certain limited circumstances. Outside of an emergency situation, two doctors will have to agree in good faith that the abortion is necessary. It must be noted that the earlier an abortion is carried out, the simpler and safer it will be and that getting support early on will also give the woman more time to make a decision if one is unsure whether to have an abortion or not once all the options are explained to her. The Minister for Health, the Hon. Samantha Sacramento MP, said: I wanted the GHA to be fully equipped and fully understanding of the processes in place ahead of the commencement of the legislation. I am grateful to Mrs Balachandar and her team who have tirelessly worked with the Medical Director, Director of Nursing, other health professionals and my legal team to ensure that the GHA is able to offer a safe and legal service to Gibraltar. The WCO and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have launched a new Project to improve the capacity of enforcement agencies to counter illegal shipments of plastic and hazardous waste in the cargo trade supply chain. The Project is part of the Container Control Programme (CCP), under which the two Organizations have established and provided training to dedicated Port Control Units (PCUs) and Air Cargo Control Units (ACCUs) at key seaports and airports. PCUs and ACCUs are joint units bringing together Customs officers and other national law enforcement personnel from the Police, Drug Enforcement Agency, Environmental Agency, Air Security Agency, etc. In recent years, PCUs around the world have reported many plastic and hazardous waste seizures. In 2020, they intercepted more than 630 metric tons of waste. The new Project, known as the CCP Project on Countering Illegal Hazardous Waste Trafficking and enjoying financial support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), will address existing gaps in the effective enforcement of regulations on the movement of waste. The Project was launched on 15 June 2021 with a kick-off meeting involving representatives from several international organizations. It gave participants an opportunity to learn about the findings of technical assessments undertaken by the CCP team jointly with the authorities in Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam and to discuss cooperation at the national, regional and international levels. Mr. Stig Traavik, Director of the Department for Climate, Energy and Environment at Norad, opened the meeting and declared that by stopping shipments of hazardous waste, we can prevent hazardous materials ending up in places where they contaminate the environment and pose health risks to people. The CCP Project is a very important and timely initiative and Norad is proud to support it, as part of the Norwegian Development Program to Combat Marine Litter and Microplastics. Besides providing technical assistance on illicit trade and border security in broader terms, CCP experts aim to encourage cooperation emphasizing both the human and environmental aspects of the illegal trade in plastic and hazardous waste as well its impact on national revenue and legal trade. The CCP initiative complements efforts developed as part of the Asia-Pacific Plastic Waste Project (APPW), aimed at strengthening the capacity of Customs administrations to mitigate and appropriately respond to environmental threats in the Asia-Pacific region. Fort Polk, LA (71446) Today Sun and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High around 90F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Some clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low near 75F. Winds light and variable. Body of Missing Boater Found in Lake Barkley By West Kentucky Star Staff LYON COUNTY - Authorities in Lyon County have recovered the body of a missing boater.The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife says the body of 31-year-old Dustin Fox of Princeton was recovered shortly after 11 a.m. Sunday near the mouth of Davenport Bay on Lake Barkley.Fox had been missing since Saturday afternoon, after witnesses said he was ejected from and struck by the boat he was in. There were no passengers on the boat.Conservation officers responded and found an unmanned vessel going around in circles near Davenport Bay.Lyon County Search and Rescue assisted KFW with the search and recovery efforts. An autopsy is planned, and the incident remains under investigation. Calloway Collision Leaves Three Injured By West Kentucky Star Staff CALLOWAY COUNTY - A two-vehicle collision in Murray on Sunday sent three people to the hospital.Calloway County deputies responded to the accident at the intersection of US 641 and Radio Road.According to the sheriff's office, 27-year-old Tiffany Martin of Almo was driving north on US 641 while at the same time, a 17-year-old was attempting to turn onto US 641 from Radio Road. Deputies say the juvenile failed to yield to Martin's vehicle, causing the cars to collide.Both drivers and a juvenile in Martin's vehicle were taken to the Murray-Calloway County Hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. Marshall County's New K-9 Helps in Drug Bust By West Kentucky Star Staff MARSHALL COUNTY - A complaint of illegal drug sales at a hotel in Marshall County led to the arrest of a Mayfield man on Thursday according to the Marshall County Sherriff's Office. It was also the first time the agency was able to utilize one of their new K-9's in an investigation.The Sheriff's Office says deputies conducted their search with K-9 Conor who is certified in narcotics detection. They say Conor alerted them to the presence of narcotics on a vehicle that was parked outside as well as an entryway to a room of the suspect they were investigating.Deputies say they arrested Daniel Copeland of Mayfield after allegedly finding two ounces of methamphetamine in his room. Copeland was charged with trafficking a controlled substance and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.K-9 Conor is one of two new K-9 officers recently acquired by the Sheriff's Office following the retirement of Officer Fox last week. Online Fundraiser For Lake Barkley Victim's Family By West Kentucky Star Staff LYON COUNTY - A fundraiser has been announced for the family of a Princeton man who was found dead in Lake Barkley over the weekend.The GoFundMe campaign has a goal of raising $10,000 for the family of 31-year-old Dustin Fox.Authorities found his body Sunday morning near the mouth of Davenport Bay on Lake Barkley."Dustin was an amazing, outgoing, hard working, loving husband and father that was taken from this world way too soon," the GoFundMe reads. "Dustin will forever be loved and never forgotten. I hope you rest easy, Dustin, and watch over your wife, kids, and family and friends during this tough time."Fox was reported missing Saturday afternoon after witnesses said he was ejected from and struck by the boat he was in.An autopsy is planned, and the incident remains under investigation.You can donate to the fundraiser by clicking here. On the Net: There is no shortage of places to hear live music in Middle Tennessee, but Franklin First United Methodist is boasting one of the largest songwriters rounds in the region as it brings in notable writers and up-and-comers to not only share their music but the stories behind it. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-11 18:03:24|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visits a primary school in Rucheng County, central China's Hunan Province, Sept. 16, 2020. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) -- A special symposium hosted by President Xi Jinping 10 months ago has remained an inspiring experience for Pan Jiuren, a deputy headmaster of a primary school in central China's Hunan Province. Pan, a rural teacher for 28 years, raised several problems facing rural education, including the shortage of teachers, particularly well-trained ones, at the symposium held on Sept. 17, 2020, in the provincial capital Changsha. "General Secretary [Xi] listened attentively when we raised the problems. Even now when I recall the meeting, it induces a feeling of warmth," Pan told Xinhua. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, summoned the meeting to solicit ideas from people at the grassroots for the 14th five-year plan (2021-2025) on the country's economic and social development, which was being drafted then. From July to September in 2020, he hosted seven such symposiums, meeting ordinary citizens from various walks of life, including migrant workers, farmers, truck drivers and restaurant owners. Ordinary people also contributed their wisdom to the drafting through more than 1 million comments online in August last year. It has been one of the many examples of how the CPC Central Committee, with Xi at its core, tried to make the people's democracy sounder, more extensive and adequate. "The very purpose of the CPC's leadership of the people in developing people's democracy is to guarantee and support their position as masters of the country," Xi said at a key gathering in 2014. Deng Xing, a judge of the People's Court of Gongshan County, carries the national emblem on his back while walking with his colleagues on a bridge over the Nujiang River on their way to work in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Aug. 30, 2019. (Xinhua/Jiang Wenyao) WHOLE-PROCESS DEMOCRACY Liu Zhengdong, senior partner of the Shanghai-based MHP Law Firm, still has fresh memories from the day when Xi visited the Gubei civic center in the city's Changning District on Nov. 2, 2019. "We were having a heated discussion about a draft law," Liu recalled. The civic center is one of the community-level contact stations set up by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC). Draft laws are sent down here so that ordinary citizens can discuss and have their opinions heard by lawmakers. Over 1,300 opinions were collected through these offices last year, contributing to 16 pieces of legislation, said Tong Weidong, a legislative official with the NPC Standing Committee. "People's democracy is a type of whole-process democracy. All major legislative decisions are made through due procedure and after democratic deliberation. It is a scientific and democratic decision-making process," Xi said. The compilation of the Civil Code is a vivid epitome of "open-door legislation" and democratic legislation. During the compilation process, the NPC Standing Committee deliberated the draft 10 times, solicited 10 rounds of public opinion, and organized three sessions for NPC deputies to discuss the draft. At the NPC annual session in 2020, over 100 amendments were made in light of opinions from various parties. Xi chaired three high-level Party meetings from 2016 to 2019 to hear the reports on the compilation of the code and gave important instructions. The NPC, China's national legislature, has displayed a broad representation of the people. Among the nearly 3,000 deputies to the 13th NPC, 15.7 percent are workers and farmers, up 2.28 percentage points over that of the 12th NPC. At the 2021 NPC annual session, the deputies put forward 473 motions and nearly 9,000 proposals and opinions. Mobile photo shows a hutong in Beijing, capital of China, Sept.17, 2019. (Xinhua/Zhang Chao) PEOPLE'S CREATIVE VITALITY On Feb. 1, 2019, when Xi walked into a "courtyard meeting hall" in a neighborhood of downtown Beijing, community workers and resident representatives were having a talk on renovating courtyards in hutongs, Beijing's traditional alleys. Xi joined the discussion, hailing the courtyard meetings as a mechanism that enabled community members to discuss and decide their own affairs. It is conducive to enhancing a sense of belongingness and ownership among the residents, as well as improving the precision and refinement of community governance and services, he said. In order to better manage community affairs, provide services and help people decide their own affairs, sophisticated and willing residents were elected to participate in community governance. Currently Beijing has more than 3,100 such courtyard meeting halls. Two downtown districts -- Dongcheng and Xicheng -- have seen thousands of elected residents running community affairs. The "courtyard meeting hall" in Beijing has several similar models in other parts of the country, for instance, "a village chat booth" in east China's Zhejiang Province. These effective mechanisms have empowered ordinary people and served as a pillar of China's people's democracy. The essence of the people's democracy is that people get to discuss their own affairs to reach the greatest common ground based on the wishes and needs of the entire society, Xi said. Laurence J. Brahm, a senior international fellow at the Center for China and Globalization, said Chinese democracy is different from that in the West. "It is a system of consensus-building. It is quiet, and in many ways, like Tai Chi," said Brahm. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-11 18:48:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A Moldovan citizen living in Romania casts the ballot at a polling station in Bucharest, Romania, July 11, 2021. Some 3 million voters of the Republic of Moldova are called on Sunday to cast their ballots in snap parliamentary elections, in which 20 political parties, two blocs and one independent candidate compete. (Photo by Cristian Cristel/Xinhua) BUCHAREST, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Some 3 million voters of the Republic of Moldova are called on Sunday to cast their ballots in snap parliamentary elections, in which 20 political parties, two blocs and one independent candidate compete. Although the number of parties participating in the current elections greatly exceeded that of the previous ones in early 2019, local public opinion generally believes that the competition is mainly between the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS), founded and led by Maia Sandu before she won the presidential election late last year, and the Electoral Bloc of Communists and Socialists (EBCS). The 101 seats in the unicameral parliament will be mainly shared by the two political groups while only one or two of the other contenders are likely to enter the parliament, according to local analysts. In order to enter parliament, the parties must garner more than 5 percent of the total votes and the electoral blocs 7 percent, while the threshold for independent candidates is 2 percent. With 3.28 million people eligible to vote, 2,000 polling stations across the country opened at 7:00 a.m. (0500 GMT) and will close by 9:00 p.m. (1900 GMT), according to the Central Election Commission. As many as 150 stations abroad are set to open between 7:00 a.m. and 9 p.m. local time. The latest polls showed that the pro-Western PAS is credited with the most votes, followed the electoral bloc EBCS, which brings together the Party of Communists and the Party of Socialists, two parties favoring friendly ties with Russia. The Sor Party and Renato Usatii Electoral bloc would be the other two contenders to pass the threshold of the parliament, according to the polls. The Moldovan parliament is elected for a four-year term under normal circumstances. The previous parliament operated in 2019-2021 and was dissolved by President Maia Sandu on April 28, after two failed attempts to form a government in the country. Local media said that Sandu has been pushing for an early parliamentary election soon after her election as president at the end of last year, as she believed that early elections could change the current parliamentary power balance that is unfavorable to her. In the disbanded parliament, the socialists bloc EBCS was the largest party with 37 seats, while the PAS had 15 seats. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 02:46:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo released by Virgin Galactic on July 11, 2021 shows the company's spacecraft VSS Unity rocket motor burn on "Unity 22". Space tourism company Virgin Galactic completed its first fully crewed test flight of its spacecraft on Sunday, making a giant leap toward commercial suborbital spaceflight. The mission, dubbed "Unity 22," was the company's fourth crewed spaceflight, and the 22nd flight test for the company's spacecraft VSS Unity. The crew took off from the company's homeport of Spaceport America in U.S. state of New Mexico Sunday morning. (Virgin Galactic/Handout via Xinhua) WASHINGTON, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Space tourism company Virgin Galactic completed its first fully crewed test flight of its spacecraft on Sunday, making a giant leap toward commercial suborbital spaceflight. The mission, dubbed "Unity 22," was the company's fourth crewed spaceflight, and the 22nd flight test for the company's spacecraft VSS Unity. It was also the first to carry a full crew of two pilots and four mission specialists in the cabin, including founder of Virgin Galactic Richard Branson, who was testing the private astronaut experience. The crew took off from the company's homeport of Spaceport America in U.S. state of New Mexico Sunday morning. The spacecraft, VSS Unity, achieved a speed of Mach 3 after being released from the mothership, VMS Eve, and reached space at an altitude of 53.5 miles. One and a half hours after take-off, the spaceship touched down safely at Spaceport America. The four mission specialists on board were Richard Branson; Beth Moses, chief astronaut instructor at Virgin Galactic; Colin Bennett, lead operations engineer at Virgin Galactic; Sirisha Bandla, vice president of government affairs and research operations at Virgin Galactic. The two pilots were Dave Mackay and Michael Masucci. The "Unity 22" mission focused on cabin and customer experience objectives, including evaluating the commercial customer cabin with a full crew, demonstrating the conditions for conducting human-tended research experiments, and confirming the training program at Spaceport America supports the spaceflight experience, according to the company. "I have dreamt about this moment since I was a child, but going to space was more magical than I ever imagined," Branson tweeted after the flight. Following this flight, the team will complete inspections of the vehicles and an extensive data review. Two additional test flights are planned before the company expects to commence commercial service in 2022. Virgin Galactic is not alone in trying to build space flight business. Blue Origin is also planning a manned flight to space on July 20 that will include its founder Jeff Bezos. Unlike SpaceX or Blue Origin, which put passenger capsules atop vertically launched rockets, Virgin Galactic uses a custom carrier aircraft that totes its rocket-powered spaceplane to an elevation where it is released. Then the rocket plane's motor ignites and blasts its way toward space. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 03:14:20|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SOFIA, July 11 (Xinhua) -- GERB-UDF coalition party leads in Bulgaria's early parliamentary elections by a narrow margin, according to exit polls announced by the Bulgarian National TV on Sunday. According to Alpha Research Agency's exit poll, GERB-UDF is expected to have 23.5 percent of the votes, against 22.3 percent for There Is Such A People. The exit poll by Gallup International said that GERB-UDF is leading the elections with 22.1 percent, and There Is Such A People takes 21.5 percent. Alpha Research said the two formations would be followed by a coalition led by the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) with 14.1 percent, Democratic Bulgaria coalition also with 14.1 percent, the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) with 11.7 percent, and "Rise Up! Thugs Out!" coalition with 5.5 percent. According to Gallup International, BSP has got 15.1 percent of the votes, followed by Democratic Bulgaria with 13.7 percent, MRF with 12 percent, and "Rise up! Thugs out!" with 4.8 percent. Boriana Dimitrova, manager of Alpha Research, said that several key questions, including who will be first and third, remain open. The official results are expected to be released on Thursday. Earlier on Sunday, after casting a ballot in a polling station in Sofia, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev said he expected that the parties had learned their lesson from the previous elections and would act much more constructively and responsibly in forming a stable government. "This is their most important task," Radev said. He said he hoped the next parliament "will give birth to an energetic, predictable and legitimate government," Radev said. The same six formations entered the parliament after the previous elections, which were held on April 4 this year. However, they failed to form a government, so Radev dissolved the National Assembly and appointed a caretaker government. Bulgarians all over the world went to polls on Sunday to vote in the country's early parliamentary elections. More than 6.7 million voters are eligible to elect 240 lawmakers from 15 political parties and eight coalitions, according to official data. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 07:45:28|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close UNITED NATIONS, July 11 (Xinhua) -- United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Sunday called for efforts to protect people's reproductive health rights as the world marks the World Population Day, which falls on July 11 annually. "As we mark World Population Day, let us pledge to ensure the reproductive health rights of everyone, everywhere," said the UN chief in his message for the international day. "The COVID-19 pandemic continues to upend our world, reaching one grim milestone after another. In addition to the millions of lives tragically lost, there has been a less visible toll: a shocking rise in domestic violence as women were forced into isolation with their abusers; empty maternity wards as women postponed motherhood; and unintended pregnancies due to curtailed access to contraceptive services," said the secretary-general. "Our latest estimates indicate that COVID-19 will push 47 million women and girls into extreme poverty. Many girls who are out of school may never return," the top UN official continued. "In every corner of the world, we are seeing a reversal of hard-won gains and an erosion of women's reproductive rights, choices and agency. With the onset of the pandemic, resources for sexual and reproductive health services were diverted," he said. "These gaps in access to health rights are unacceptable. Women cannot be alone in this fight," the secretary-general added. World Population Day is an annual event, observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. It was inspired by the public interest in Five Billion Day on July 11, 1987, the approximate date on which the world's population reached 5 billion people. World Population Day aims to increase people's awareness on various population issues such as the importance of family planning, gender equality, poverty, maternal health and human rights. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 09:57:35|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on July 4, 2019 shows visitors to the 25th China Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair held in northwest China's Gansu Province. (Xinhua/Chen Bin) LANZHOU, July 12 (Xinhua) -- At an ongoing trade fair in Lanzhou, capital of northwest China's Gansu Province, Uruguayan wine merchant Eduardo Rivero treated his guests to some nice wine produced at his chateau in Uruguay. "Like my home back in Uruguay, Gansu is a major wine producer in China. I'm looking forward to exchanges and cooperation with local winemakers through the fair," said Rivero. The 27th China Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair opened Thursday, attracting representatives of business associations and commercial establishments from 19 countries, including Belarus, Nepal and Moldova. Uruguay is one of the guests of honor at this year's event. Fernando Lugris, Uruguayan ambassador to China, said the growing market in western China has offered tremendous investment opportunities for Uruguayan enterprises. "We see strong economic complementarity between Uruguay and Gansu Province. We will focus on cooperation on dairy products, olive oil and the meat industry this time," he said. According to Lugris, Uruguay is the first country in the Southern Common Market to sign a memorandum of understanding on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with China, and is ready to tap into more business opportunities in western China. Benefiting from the BRI and the operation of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, western China, which previously developed less rapidly than the eastern coastal area, is now on the frontier of opening-up. A Japanese merchant introduces products to the guests at the 25th China Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair held in northwest China's Gansu Province on July 4, 2019. (Xinhua/Chen Bin) At a forum held at the fair, Li Yanqiang, president of Beibu Gulf Port Group in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said that the corridor, which connects about 10 western provincial-level areas like Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou, saw 2,902 freight train trips in the first half of 2021, up 72 percent year on year. The number of categories of delivered goods has surged from some 30 in 2017 to more than 500 now. "We have developed nearly 10 different kinds of national logistics hubs along the corridor, showing the great potential of the western Chinese market," said Li. Better services in transportation and infrastructure have brought more foreign merchants and investors to western China. Marteza Akbari, a sales representative for Iranian carpet, displayed their exquisite carpets and handicrafts at the fair. He said that his business remained bullish on the western Chinese market partly due to the improved logistics facilities. "I hope the BRI will tap substantial business opportunities so that more foreign entrepreneurs like me can benefit in western China," he said. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 11:06:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Many political party leaders around the world have lauded the governing experience of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and stressed the importance of closer inter-party cooperation worldwide for building a better world. Following the CPC and World Political Parties Summit held via video link on Tuesday, they spoke highly of the crucial contributions China and the CPC has made to the cause of human progress, expressing their willingness to follow China's experience to shoulder the responsibilities to seek happiness for the people. The summit is of "historic significance," said Jose Luis Centella, president of the Communist Party of Spain, as it enables parties with different ideas to reach consensus on the future of mankind, and will make important contributions to a better future of humanity. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has made great contributions to world economic development and demonstrated its experience in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, he said, noting that the principle of peaceful coexistence upheld by China has paved the way for cooperative development of mankind. Aleksandar Sapic, deputy president of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, said cooperation with China helped Serbia embark on the right path of development. "The development of the Serbian economy would be unthinkable without the Chinese investments and our Chinese friends, not to mention the situation we were in during the COVID-19 crisis, and the first to help us were our Chinese friends," Sapic said. Yulia Tymoshenko, leader of the Fatherland party of Ukraine, said that China, by its personal example of providing assistance to other countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, has shown that only joint efforts can successfully overcome global problems. "The achievement of the goals of sustainable human development by the countries of the world requires a global political dialogue and the search for better development solutions," she said. Romenio Pereira, secretary of International Relations of the Workers' Party of Brazil, said that holding this summit amid the COVID-19 pandemic is a demonstration of the strength of the CPC, which calls for unification of the peoples of the world to strive against poverty and inequalities, and for common development. Noting China's great contribution to the world, Pereira said that countries seeking to decrease inequality should learn from the experience of the CPC. Saadeddine El Othmani, Moroccan prime minister and secretary general of Morocco's Justice and Development Party, said that under the leadership of the CPC, China has become a tremendous country in such areas as science, technology and economy, to which the Chinese people and the CPC have devoted great efforts. The CPC has established good relations with political parties of different political doctrines, which is very beneficial to international cooperation and world peace, Otmani added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 11:26:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TBILISI, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the determining factor behind China's great changes and remarkable achievements, said Ali Ahmadov, deputy prime minister of Azerbaijan and vice chairman of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party. "The CPC has been playing a crucial role in China's rejuvenation and development cause. Without the CPC, there would not be a new China today," he said in a recent video interview with Xinhua. "The clever integration of national macro-control and market regulation has created one of the most efficient economic management models in the world today," Ahmadov said. The CPC has a strong political mobilization capacity of uniting all the social forces of China to commit to serving the people, which has consequently attracted firm support from the masses, he said. The rapid development of China's economy, Ahmadov said, has fully proved the system superiority of the CPC, which enables the country to focus on accomplishing major tasks. "The wise leadership of the CPC is the main reason for China's rapid economic development," and the great achievements of a country cannot be separated from the wisdom of its leaders, he noted. President Xi Jinping's proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative has received wide support from people in China and across the world, he said. "Azerbaijan fully supports this endeavor and is doing its utmost to implement it," he added. Ahmadov hailed the friendship and cooperation between the New Azerbaijan Party and the CPC as "an important part of the friendly relations between the two countries." As for the cooperation between the two countries in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Azerbaijani official described it as "a good example for countries around the world." "We are very grateful to our Chinese friends for promptly providing the vaccines to Azerbaijan. Many Azerbaijani people, including me, have been vaccinated with the Chinese vaccines, which makes us feel more secure," he said. "It is my firm belief that under the leadership of the CPC, China is bound to score greater achievements in the future," Ahmadov said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 11:42:23|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A health worker shows China-donated COVID-19 vaccines in Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 25, 2021. (Xinhua) BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- China is the world's largest vaccine supplier, having supplied more than 480 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to the international community, provided vaccine assistance to nearly 100 countries, and exported vaccines to more than 50 countries. With Chinese vaccines being administered worldwide, they have been found, according to multiple studies, highly effective in preventing infection, hospitalization, severe illness and death from the virus. Here are some figures & facts: Health workers transport a COVID-19 patient at San Jose Hospital in Santiago, Chile, May 15, 2020. (Photo by Jorge Villegas/Xinhua) SANTIAGO -- China's CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine effectively prevented COVID-19 in Chile, with the adjusted vaccine effectiveness reaching 90.3 percent for the prevention of severe disease, according to a study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine. A nationwide mass vaccination campaign was conducted from Feb. 2 to May 1, and a cohort including approximately 10.2 million people aged 16 years and above was used, according to the study titled Effectiveness of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Chile published. Among those who were fully immunized, the adjusted vaccine effectiveness was 65.9 percent for the prevention of COVID-19, 87.5 percent for the prevention of hospitalization, and 86.3 percent for the prevention of COVID-19-related death, the results of the study showed. The CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, is an inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech. CoronaVac uses an inactivated whole virus, compelling a recipient's immune system to attack the harmless form of the virus by producing antibodies to fight it off, thus leading to immunity. A medical worker receives a dose of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the Sabiha Uzun Maternal Child Health Center in Ankara, Turkey on Jan. 15, 2021. (Photo by Mustafa Kaya/Xinhua) LONDON -- Interim analysis of Phase 3 clinical trial of the CoronaVac vaccine in more than 10,000 participants in Turkey suggests the efficacy of two doses of the vaccine is 83.5 percent against symptomatic cases of COVID-19, according to a study published in The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. The randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in Turkey using the CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine, developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech. The trial involved over 10,000 participants aged 18 to 59 years. They were randomly assigned to receive two doses of the vaccine (given 14 days apart) or a placebo. The preliminary findings indicated that CoronaVac induced a robust antibody response, and no severe adverse events or deaths were reported among the participants. Most adverse events were mild and occurred within seven days of an injection, according to the study. However, more research is needed to confirm vaccine efficacy in the long term, in a more diverse group of participants, and against emerging variants of concern, said the study. CoronaVac uses an inactivated whole virus, compelling a recipient's immune system to attack the harmless form of the virus by producing antibodies to fight it off, leading to immunity. The vaccine can be stored and transported at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius and has been in Phase 3 trials since mid-2020 in Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, and Turkey, according to The Lancet. "One of the advantages of CoronaVac is that it does not need to be frozen, making it easier to transport and distribute. This could be particularly important for global distribution, as some countries may struggle to store large amounts of vaccine at very low temperatures," said Murat Akova, lead author of the study and a professor at Hacettepe University School of Medicine in Ankara. A woman receives a jab of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Montevideo, Uruguay, March 1, 2021. (Photo by Nicolas Celaya/Xinhua) MONTEVIDEO -- The COVID-19 mortality rate among Uruguayans aged 18 to 69 who were vaccinated with Sinovac vaccine fell by more than 95 percent, according to the latest Vaccine Effectiveness report from the Public Health Ministry. Two weeks after receiving the second dose of the CoronaVac vaccine, developed by Chinese drugmaker Sinovac, mortality fell by 95.3 percent among the vaccinated population aged 18 to 49, and by 95.2 percent among those aged 50 to 69, showed the report. Meanwhile, CoronaVac reduced hospitalization in intensive care units by 94.4 percent among those under the age of 49 and by 92.2 percent among people aged 50 to 69. In addition, COVID-19 infections dropped 64.5 percent 14 days after receiving the second dose in people aged 18 to 49, and 61.5 percent in people between the ages of 50 and 69, the report said. The ministry study monitors the "vaccine effectiveness and safety for SARS-CoV-2" by an interdisciplinary team. A nurse prepares a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac in Bangkok, Thailand, May 12, 2021. (Xinhua/Rachen Sageamsak) BANGKOK -- A new vaccination study conducted by Thailand's Chulalongkorn University has found that China's Sinovac vaccine has extremely high efficacy in boosting immune responses against COVID-19, according to media reports. The study run by the Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology of the Faculty of Medicine at the university showed that 99.49 percent of the recipients had developed antibody responses four weeks after their second shots, the Bangkok Post said, quoting the study results. Three weeks after the first shot, around 66 percent of the recipients had developed immune responses, the report added. The number of antibodies against the coronavirus was measured with Roche Elecsys Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay, a qualitative detection of total antibodies developed against the virus in people's blood samples before and after the vaccination period, said the research group. The tests were conducted before injections, three weeks after the first shot and four weeks after the second injection. A health worker (L) receives a dose of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine during mass vaccination program for health workers as a main priority group in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb. 4, 2021. (Xinhua/Agung Kuncahya B.) JAKARTA -- China's Sinovac vaccine against COVID-19 has appeared to be highly efficacious, as an overwhelming majority of vaccinated health workers were found protected from death and hospitalization, according to a Bloomberg report. Pandji Dhewantara, an official of the country's health ministry, told a press conference that among the 128,290 health workers vaccinated with Sinovac vaccines and tracked from January to March, 98 percent of them were protected from death and 96 percent from hospitalization as soon as seven days after the second dose. Dhewantara also said that 94 percent of the workers had been protected against symptomatic infection. The Indonesian study compared vaccinated people against the non-vaccinated to derive the estimated effectiveness, said the report. The median age of the participants is 31 years old. In an interview with Bloomberg, Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that another group of 25,374 people tracked showed the same effectiveness data for hospitalization and infection with the aforementioned group. Protection against death was 100 percent in the smaller group. "We see a very, very drastic drop," in hospitalizations and deaths among medical workers, Sadikin was quoted as saying. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 14:39:18|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A citizen rides in rain on a street in Haidian District of Beijing, capital of China, July 12, 2021. Heavy rainstorm has lashed the Chinese capital Beijing since 6 p.m. Sunday with precipitation up to 116.4 mm, according to the municipal flood control department. From 6 p.m. Sunday to 9 a.m. Monday, Beijing registered average rainfall of 65.9 mm. Urban areas of the city reported higher average precipitation of 79.9 mm. (Xinhua/Ren Chao) BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Heavy rainstorm has lashed the Chinese capital Beijing since 6 p.m. Sunday with precipitation up to 116.4 mm, according to the municipal flood control department. From 6 p.m. Sunday to 9 a.m. Monday, Beijing registered average rainfall of 65.9 mm. Urban areas of the city reported higher average precipitation of 79.9 mm. A total of 203 meteorological stations in the city recorded over 50 mm of rain. Among them, 43 witnessed rainfall exceeding 70 mm. Meanwhile, the districts of Fangshan, Mentougou, Changping, Haidian, Shijingshan, Yanqing and Huairou were hit by gales up to 9 grades, which means the wind speed topped 24.4 meters per second. Flood safety inspections on Beijing's main bridge areas and road facilities have been carried out by 2,906 personnel, said the municipal flood control department. The city's 57 rainwater pumping stations have been put into operation, with a cumulative drainage and storage capacity of 140,000 cubic meters. Rainstorms are expected to continue in Beijing on Monday, with precipitation up to 75 mm, which will weaken late in the afternoon and end at night, forecast the weather department. Beijing municipality has issued yellow alerts for rainstorm, lightning, gale and rain-triggered geological hazards. The weather department alerted people to heavy rainstorm and potential geological hazards and asked them to keep away from rivers and disaster-prone areas. China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe warning, followed by orange, yellow and blue. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 15:52:51|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JAKARTA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Another batch of COVID-19 vaccines in bulk produced by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac has arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Banten province, Indonesia, the country's Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said on Monday. The Sinovac vaccines in bulk will later be processed by PT Bio Farma, Indonesia's state-owned pharmaceutical company, into ready-to-use vaccines. The Indonesian government aims to accelerate the vaccination process to reach herd immunity and meet the target of two million COVID-19 vaccine injections per day in August, Budi added. "The vaccination program, in addition to implementing health protocol disciplines and complying with government policies such as PPKM (community activity restrictions), will help to reduce the rate of transmission quickly and to control the pandemic," said Sadikin. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 16:05:22|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on July 6, 2021 shows a venue of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and World Political Parties Summit at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua/Cai Yang) The CPC and World Political Parties Summit is of "historic significance," said Jose Luis Centella, president of the Communist Party of Spain, as it enables parties with different ideas to reach consensus on the future of mankind, and will make important contributions to a better future of humanity. BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Many political party leaders around the world have lauded the governing experience of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and stressed the importance of closer inter-party cooperation worldwide for building a better world. Following the CPC and World Political Parties Summit held via video link on Tuesday, they spoke highly of the crucial contributions China and the CPC has made to the cause of human progress, expressing their willingness to follow China's experience to shoulder the responsibilities to seek happiness for the people. The summit is of "historic significance," said Jose Luis Centella, president of the Communist Party of Spain, as it enables parties with different ideas to reach consensus on the future of mankind, and will make important contributions to a better future of humanity. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has made great contributions to world economic development and demonstrated its experience in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, he said, noting that the principle of peaceful coexistence upheld by China has paved the way for cooperative development of mankind. Workers unload a container of China's Sinopharm vaccines at the Belgrade Airport, Serbia, Feb. 10, 2021. (Photo by Predrag Milosavljevic/Xinhua) Aleksandar Sapic, deputy president of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, said cooperation with China helped Serbia embark on the right path of development. "The development of the Serbian economy would be unthinkable without the Chinese investments and our Chinese friends, not to mention the situation we were in during the COVID-19 crisis, and the first to help us were our Chinese friends," Sapic said. Yulia Tymoshenko, leader of the Fatherland party of Ukraine, said that China, by its personal example of providing assistance to other countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, has shown that only joint efforts can successfully overcome global problems. "The achievement of the goals of sustainable human development by the countries of the world requires a global political dialogue and the search for better development solutions," she said. A man takes photos of the decoration set up for the ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing, capital of China, July 3, 2021. (Xinhua/Li Xin) Romenio Pereira, secretary of International Relations of the Workers' Party of Brazil, said that holding this summit amid the COVID-19 pandemic is a demonstration of the strength of the CPC, which calls for unification of the peoples of the world to strive against poverty and inequalities, and for common development. Noting China's great contribution to the world, Pereira said that countries seeking to decrease inequality should learn from the experience of the CPC. Saadeddine El Othmani, Moroccan prime minister and secretary general of Morocco's Justice and Development Party, said that under the leadership of the CPC, China has become a tremendous country in such areas as science, technology and economy, to which the Chinese people and the CPC have devoted great efforts. The CPC has established good relations with political parties of different political doctrines, which is very beneficial to international cooperation and world peace, Otmani added. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 16:38:13|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KATHMANDU, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The Supreme Court of Nepal on Monday ordered the House of Representatives to be reinstated and directed the Office of the President to appoint leader of opposition party Nepali Congress Sher Bahadur Deuba as new prime minister by 5:00 p.m. local time Tuesday. The court ordered Deuba to be appointed as prime minister in two days and a lower house session called in seven days. The house was dissolved on May 22 by President Bidya Devi Bhandari over the recommendation of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, but it was challenged by an alliance of the opposition parties and others at the Supreme Court. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 17:33:02|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TEHRAN, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Reza's type 2 diabetes has always worried him, but raging COVID-19 has become another source of distress alongside the difficulties of acquiring the drugs he needs for survival. Since the U.S. sanctions have been affecting Iran's import of medicine from abroad, getting the everyday insulin shots has increasingly become a troublesome issue for Reza, who only wanted to be identified by his surname. Due to the lack of much-needed medicine, the wellbeing and even his life, and those of many others like him, are put in danger, the 69-year-old Iranian man warned. "You could say my life depends on them, especially on the insulin injections that I receive," Reza said, complaining that his children and loved ones sometimes have to travel far and wide to get his pills and shots. Yet, with the advent of the coronavirus, now his family members are risking their own health by going to crowded drugstores at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is still rampant in the country. Iran has reported over 3.37 million COVID-19 cases and more than 85,000 deaths since the country reported its first cases in February 2020. Today, the country is enduring a fifth wave of the pandemic driven by the spread of the Delta variant. "Some even tell me that their loved ones have been infected with COVID-19 because they were trying to get them shots or medicines," he said, slamming the U.S. restrictions imposed on Iran for importing medicines as "beyond evil." But not just those suffering from diabetes are experiencing these problems. Paria Abdollahi, an Iranian high school student diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) about four years ago, has to take pills in order to alleviate the symptoms over the past eight months. "There are some ADHD pills that cannot be exported to Iran because of the sanctions and their effects are 10 times higher than the ones currently available in the country," she said. This situation, she complained, has directly affected her ability to concentrate and study since she has not received proper medication. She thus had to take replacement medicines and even these have gotten expensive. Abdollahi's mother, a nurse, has seen many Iranians struggling to find the medicines they need. Some have to travel to the Iranian capital of Tehran to purchase overpriced pills. "One single pill, not the entire tablet, might cost around 30 million Rial (roughly 120 U.S. dollars) ... and many of the sick are of the lower income classes," she said. The effect of U.S. sanctions on Iran's medicine imports is nothing new but since the pandemic broke out, its negative impact has become much more severe. On Thursday, Iran's Ambassador to the United Nations Majid Takht Ravanchi termed U.S. sanctions as "a crime against humanity," noting that the negative results of unilateral sanctions on Iran's public health, amid the current pandemic and its consequences, have increased. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 18:57:11|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BAGHDAD, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Militants of the extremist Islamic State (IS) group on Monday detonated two power transmission towers in Iraq's eastern province of Diyala, sparking anger among residents amid a continuous power shortage in Iraq's scorching summer, a provincial police source said. "Daesh (IS group) planted bombs in two power transmission towers in Diyala province and detonated them, cutting off the electric power imported from neighboring (Iran)," the source Alaa al-Saadi told Xinhua. "Iran's power line supplies electricity to about 50 percent of Diyala's cities and has been attacked by IS militants four times this year," al-Saadi added. According to al-Saadi, many people demonstrated in the town of al-Salam and surrounding villages in the east of the provincial capital Baquba, about 65 km northeast of Baghdad, protesting the lack of electricity and demanding accountability from those responsible for the deterioration of the power shortage in Iraq. Iraq has been witnessing a chronic power shortage since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, as the country's electricity plants generate a total of 19,000 megawatts, far less than the actual demand of over 30,000 megawatts. Earlier, Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi held meetings to discuss the attacks attempting to sabotage power stations and transmission towers in several provinces of the country, and direct the army to strengthen the protection of power transmission lines. The attacks came as Iraq is witnessing a hot summer with temperatures sometimes hitting about 50 degrees Celsius in central and southern provinces. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 19:49:39|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close People with visual impairments and people with dyslexia visit the Tel Aviv Museum of Art in Tel Aviv, Israel, on July 11, 2021. A special meeting was held on July 11 at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Some exhibits selected from the museum's collection were displayed and made accessible to the visually impaired by various means including tactile graphics, audio description and Braille. (Photo by Gil Cohen Magen/Xinhua) Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 20:46:27|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KAMPALA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Four family members died of suspected poisoning in the central Uganda district of Luweero, police said Monday. Issa Semwogerere, Savannah Region police spokesperson, told Xinhua by telephone that the dead include a couple aged 63 and 60 and their two grandchildren aged five and six. "They were found dead in the house on Monday morning. We highly suspect it is poisoning but we shall wait for the final postmortem," he added. Semwogerere said they had to break the door of the family house where they found the bodies in beds. "We have also taken the food samples found in the house for examination," he added. In March, one person died while several others were hospitalized after eating suspected poisoned food at a funeral in the northwestern district of Maracha. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 20:48:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Monday urged certain Western countries to abandon their hypocritical double standards and political manipulation on human rights issues and address their own problems on human rights. Spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks at a daily press briefing after China, Belarus, Russia and Venezuela recently co-hosted a virtual side event during the 47th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). It exposed human rights problems in Western countries and their hypocrisy over human rights policies. Some Western countries like the United States have been plagued by serious human rights problems such as racial discrimination, forced labor and gun violence, and committed crimes including genocide of indigenous communities, illegal military intervention and indiscriminate killing of civilians in other countries, Zhao said. Instead of rectifying their own problems, Zhao said these countries have been in the habit of lecturing others as if they were "defenders" of human rights, and even fabricating lies and rumors to vilify others. Facts have proved time and again that human rights is the last thing on their mind, and their real intention is to meddle in others' domestic affairs. Zhao emphasized human rights doesn't mean a "patent" for a few countries, and it is even less defined by Western ideologies and values. "The key yardstick for measuring a certain country's human rights hinges on whether its people are satisfied or happy about it." In response to comments by Australian media reports that "the strongest public criticism came from China" at the 47th session of UNHRC when reviewing the third cycle of Australia's Universal Periodic Review, Zhao said China's criticism is the strongest because there is solid evidence for Australia's numerous human rights violations. He cited systematic discrimination and hate crimes targeting African Australians, Asian Australians and other minorities as well as Muslims and indigenous people. The Australian side should stop attacking and smearing other countries under the human rights pretext, do some soul-searching and resolve its own human rights issues well, Zhao added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 21:53:37|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Aerial photo taken on July 10, 2021 shows the venue of a drinking carnival in Xiqing District of north China's Tianjin. A drinking carnival called "Craft Brew" was held Saturday on the Wisdom Mountain Hill Square in Xiqing District, attracting many young visitors to come and play. People can enjoy a dazzling collection of craft beer, coffee and food from all over the world during the carnival. (Photo by Sun Fanyue/Xinhua) Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 22:24:03|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Zhang Qingyu(1st, R) talks with her friends in Qingxi Village, Huangjian Township of east China's Anhui Province, July 10, 2021. "I'd like to skip these two days of separation if I could." Xu wrote on her social network account as she was about to end her service in Huangjian Township. Xu Xiaochan and Zhang Jianming, together with their daughter Zhang Qingyu, moved to Huangjian Township of Huangshan City in 2019 as the couple decided to join in a campaign to provide medical services for local villagers there. The medical service in rural area, lasting for two years, is part of a program in Anhui province to call for doctors working in big cities to serve in remote villages to help impoverished people. In the past two years, Xu Xiaochan and Zhang Jianming have set up standardized clinics in the village and made regular home-visit to villagers. The couple also trained follow-up successors for village clinics and promoted medical knowledge in the mountainous area. Through their efforts, the public medical services in the township have been improved a lot. On July 10, the last day of their work in the township, local people came to bid farewell to them as the couple witnessed many great events in the village. "Huangjian Township has become our second hometown." Xu Xiaochan said, "Our hearts stay with the villagers here." (Xinhua/Zhou Mu) Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 22:38:11|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIRUT, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Lebanon's state security arrested on Monday a suspected member of the Islamic State group in Akkar in northern Lebanon, a statement by the Lebanese army reported. The arrested suspect has participated in the killing of two municipal policemen and the son of the mayor of the northern village of Kaftoun on Aug. 21, 2020, it said. The suspect has been referred to concerned judiciary bodies for further investigations and other legal procedures, the statement added. Caretaker Lebanese Interior Minister Mohammad Fahmi announced earlier this year that he had information about terrorist cells planning actions to jeopardize security in northern Lebanon. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 23:28:10|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- In a ridiculous statement posted on the website of the U.S. State Department recently, the so-called "Media Freedom Coalition" pointed accusing fingers to the lawful actions of the Hong Kong authorities against the local Apple Daily newspaper. Washington is up to the same old tricks by interfering in China's domestic affairs under the guise of "press freedom." No matter what the pretext, nothing will halt Hong Kong's desire for stability and prosperity. The Apple Daily -- a so-called "media outlet" -- has for years engaged in illegal activities that have seriously endangered China's national security and disrupted Hong Kong's development. From publishing fake news and spreading hate speech, to hyping up "color revolutions" and instigating "Hong Kong independence" as well as violent and criminal behaviors, the daily is widely regarded as "a toxic apple" by the people of Hong Kong. Hong Kong police arrested the directors of Apple Daily, who were suspected of colluding with external forces and jeopardizing national security. The arrests were not about "suppressing journalism" as claimed by the West. Instead, they were a legitimate move to safeguard the rule of law in Hong Kong and a response to the needs of residents who have long yearned for a return to normalcy in their city. Behind the coalition's "strong concerns" about the newspaper are some of its members' malicious intention to use "press freedom" as an excuse for violence and criminal acts. But media organizations and related personnel are not free to act outside the law. There is no doubt that the coalition's statement is part of a Washington-instigated smear campaign against China to contain the Asian country's development. For quite some time, anti-China elements in the United States have been meddling in China's internal affairs concerning Hong Kong and Taiwan, fabricating a "human rights crisis" in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and politicizing the coronavirus pandemic to attack China. The global community needs to keep vigilant over Washington's habitual tactics of twisting facts and truth, creating biased narratives, and deliberately stirring up an ideological confrontation to influence global public opinion. Michael Lueders, a well-known German writer, has revealed in his new book "The Hypocritical Superpower" that the U.S. government and its interest groups are apt at influencing and shaping public opinion by selecting information and polarizing the public's views. The so-called coalition is neither a representative of the global majority, nor a reflection of the main voice in the international arena. Most importantly, its statement cannot shake China's resolve to implement the "one country, two systems" principle, maintain the rule of law in Hong Kong, and safeguard the country's sovereignty and security. It is time for Washington to abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations and stop talking down to other countries. Finally, it has to stop interfering in Hong Kong's and China's internal affairs under the pretext of "press freedom." Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 23:39:51|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MOSCOW -- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that the presence of U.S. military forces in Central Asia "would not meet the region's security interests." "If Americans with more than 100,000 troops have not been able to achieve anything inside Afghanistan over the past 20 years, what results are they going to achieve with significantly smaller presence outside Afghanistan" within Central Asia, Lavrov said at a press conference. (Russia-US-Central Asia) - - - - BEIRUT -- Lebanon's state security arrested on Monday a suspected member of the Islamic State group in Akkar in northern Lebanon, a statement by the Lebanese army reported. The arrested suspect has participated in the killing of two municipal policemen and the son of the mayor of the northern village of Kaftoun on Aug. 21, 2020, it said. (Lebanon-IS) - - - - GENEVA -- Two Chinese pharmaceutical companies will provide 110 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines immediately to participants of the COVAX project, announced the global Vaccine Alliance Gavi on Monday. The Chinese Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines have been approved earlier this year by the World Health Organization for emergency use. (WHO-COVID-19-Chinese vaccine) - - - - BERLIN -- Germany has banned and dissolved the country's largest motorcycle club, the "Bandidos MC Federation West Central" and its 38 sub-organizations, the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) said here on Monday. Instead of just promoting motorcycle riding together, the club, whose members were prone to violence, was primarily concerned with its "criminal self-assertion against competing rocker groups and other organizations," the BMI noted. (Germany-Motorcycle club) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 23:54:15|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on July 8, 2021 shows a view of Tamar Park in south China's Hong Kong. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaochu) The global community needs to keep vigilant over Washington's habitual tactics of twisting facts and truth, creating biased narratives, and deliberately stirring up an ideological confrontation to influence global public opinion. BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- In a ridiculous statement posted on the website of the U.S. State Department recently, the so-called "Media Freedom Coalition" pointed accusing fingers to the lawful actions of the Hong Kong authorities against the local Apple Daily newspaper. Washington is up to the same old tricks by interfering in China's domestic affairs under the guise of "press freedom." No matter what the pretext, nothing will halt Hong Kong's desire for stability and prosperity. Jimmy Lai Chee-ying is taken by the police to the headquarters of Apple Daily for investigation in Hong Kong, south China, Aug. 10, 2020. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) The Apple Daily -- a so-called "media outlet" -- has for years engaged in illegal activities that have seriously endangered China's national security and disrupted Hong Kong's development. From publishing fake news and spreading hate speech, to hyping up "color revolutions" and instigating "Hong Kong independence" as well as violent and criminal behaviors, the daily is widely regarded as "a toxic apple" by the people of Hong Kong. Hong Kong police arrested the directors of Apple Daily, who were suspected of colluding with external forces and jeopardizing national security. The arrests were not about "suppressing journalism" as claimed by the West. Instead, they were a legitimate move to safeguard the rule of law in Hong Kong and a response to the needs of residents who have long yearned for a return to normalcy in their city. Photo taken on July 7, 2021 shows a view of the Hong Kong Island seen from Tsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong, south China. (Xinhua/Wang Shen) Behind the coalition's "strong concerns" about the newspaper are some of its members' malicious intention to use "press freedom" as an excuse for violence and criminal acts. But media organizations and related personnel are not free to act outside the law. There is no doubt that the coalition's statement is part of a Washington-instigated smear campaign against China to contain the Asian country's development. For quite some time, anti-China elements in the United States have been meddling in China's internal affairs concerning Hong Kong and Taiwan, fabricating a "human rights crisis" in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and politicizing the coronavirus pandemic to attack China. The global community needs to keep vigilant over Washington's habitual tactics of twisting facts and truth, creating biased narratives, and deliberately stirring up an ideological confrontation to influence global public opinion. Michael Lueders, a well-known German writer, has revealed in his new book "The Hypocritical Superpower" that the U.S. government and its interest groups are apt at influencing and shaping public opinion by selecting information and polarizing the public's views. Photo taken on July 8, 2021 shows a view of a ferris wheel and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Hong Kong, south China. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaochu) The so-called coalition is neither a representative of the global majority, nor a reflection of the main voice in the international arena. Most importantly, its statement cannot shake China's resolve to implement the "one country, two systems" principle, maintain the rule of law in Hong Kong, and safeguard the country's sovereignty and security. It is time for Washington to abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations and stop talking down to other countries. Finally, it has to stop interfering in Hong Kong's and China's internal affairs under the pretext of "press freedom." Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 01:53:49|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close GENEVA, July 12 (Xinhua) --The chief of the United Nations (UN) human rights agency stressed on Monday that law enforcement officials must be held accountable for crimes against people of African descent and alternative approaches to policing should be applied. Michelle Bachelet, the UN high commissioner for human rights, told the ongoing 47th session of the Human Rights Council that the murder of George Floyd in the United States on May 25, 2020, was a tipping point, which had shifted the world's attention to the human rights violations routinely endured by Africans and people of African descent. In an interactive dialogue with the Human Rights Council on systemic racism, Bachelet said that her office had received information about at least 190 deaths of people of African descent by law enforcement officials. She said that 98 percent of these cases happened in Europe, Latin America and North America. She urged the relevant states to acknowledge the systemic nature of racism and to show stronger political will to ensure racial justice. Urging human rights-based policy making, Bachelet also encouraged states to carry out a human rights audit of policies and practices related to law enforcement. To reduce crime and increase safety, she said, greater efforts should be made to recruit and include people of African descent in law enforcement, the criminal justice system and policy making. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 05:24:40|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WASHINGTON, July 12 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday invited a group of mayors and police chiefs from across the country for a meeting at the White House, where they discussed actions that could be taken to tackle the surging gun violence crimes. Also at the meeting held in the Roosevelt Room was Attorney General Merrick Garland, with whom Biden said he had spent "a long time" on curbing gun-related violence. "Most of my career has been on this issue," the president claimed at one time during the meeting. Biden said that the purpose of the meeting was to hear from local officials about what things have worked in their communities. He then went through his own approach, highlighting measures including stemming the flow of firearms, cracking down and holding gun dealers accountable for violating current law, and using the Department of Justice to crack down on illegal gun trafficking. Biden stressed the importance of supporting local law enforcement, highlighting funding through his 1.9-trillion-dollar American Rescue Plan. He talked about hiring police and paying them overtime, and investing in community policing. "We know when we utilize trusted community members and encourage more community policing, we can intervene before the violence erupts," Biden said. Biden also talked about the importance of mental health programs and job training for young people, saying authorities should "support young people to pick up a paycheck instead of a pistol." In addition, assisting those who have been incarcerated to reenter communities by means of providing housing and job support is another area that federal, state and local governments could work on, the president said. "If somebody gets out of jail right now after serving time, they get a bus ticket and 25 bucks, they end up under the same bridge they left. We know this will help." Eric Adams, Brooklyn borough president and the likely next mayor of New York, Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and San Jose, California, Mayor Sam Liccardo were among the attendees of the meeting, along with police chiefs of the cities of Memphis, Chicago, and Wilmington, among other officials and violence experts. Shootings and killings have been on the rise nationwide, with local politicians and police struggling to grapple with the skyrocketing violent incidents since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. Push for Congress to pass police reform legislation, meanwhile, continued on more than one year after the brutal killing of black man George Floyd by a white former police officer. Biden's administration unveiled a new national strategy on tackling gun violence on June 23, announcing measures including combating the illegal transfer of firearms, increasing funding for local law enforcement, investing in fact-based community violence interventions, expanding summer programming, employment opportunities, and other services and supports for teenagers and young adults, as well as helping formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reenter their communities. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 05:48:07|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BAGHDAD -- At least 36 people were killed on Monday when a huge fire broke out in a hospital treating coronavirus patients in Iraq's southern province of Dhi Qar, official Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported. The evening massive fire hit the quarantine center for coronavirus patients in al-Hussein Hospital in the provincial capital city of al-Nasiriyah, some 375 km south of Baghdad, INA said. (Iraq-Fire-Death) ---- TUNIS -- Tunisian Ministry of Health announced on Monday that China's Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine has been officially approved for marketing in Tunisia. "The Ministry of Health has granted an exceptional and provisional marketing authorization in the Tunisian market for China's Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine," said a ministry statement. (Tunisia-Sinopharm-Approval) ---- TEHRAN -- Iran on Monday reported 20,829 new COVID-19 cases, taking the country's total infections to 3,394,279. The pandemic has so far claimed 86,041 lives in Iran, up by 182 in the past 24 hours, the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education reported. (Iran-COVID19) ---- GAZA -- Israel on Monday decided to ease the tight restrictions imposed two months ago on export, import and fishing in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials said. The Palestinian general authority of civil affairs said that Israel allowed the movement and travel from Gaza to Israel and the West Bank. (Palestine-Israel-Export) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 05:51:42|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MONTEVIDEO, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou warned the public on Monday "not to claim victory" in the face of improved COVID-19 indicators. Lacalle Pou asked that everyone be "careful" and "not believe that this (pandemic) has past," because "if we let our guard down, we might concede a goal." For over four weeks, the South American country has seen improvement in its COVID-19 indicators, with a reduction in infections, active cases, deaths and intensive care unit admissions, after suffering the worst outbreak between April and May of this year. "The ideal situation would be to reach a summer as open as possible in successive stages," Lacalle Pou said. "Perhaps in the coming months we can open up to some foreigners." Last week, public shows, parties and other events were reactivated in the country, while in-person classes for secondary schools resumed on Monday, after the process was completed in primary schools in June. As of Sunday, Uruguay had accumulated 376,579 COVID-19 cases and 5,815 deaths, according to Ministry of Public Health data. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 05:56:37|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LA PAZ, July 12 (Xinhua) -- At least 24 people died and another 10 were injured after a public transportation bus plunged into a ravine more than 100 meters deep in the southern Bolivian department of Chuquisaca, police and medical workers said on Monday. The director of the Traffic Operational Unit, Colonel Jose Luis Assaf, told reporters the number of fatal victims may rise due to the severity of their injuries. According to Assaf, it was not clear what caused the accident near the community of Chataquila, where police and firefighters continued to work to rescue the injured and recover the bodies. "We are waiting for specialized personnel and a crane to arrive, although the conditions of the site make access difficult," he said, adding the bus had the capacity to carry about 35 passengers. Dr. Marcelo Valdivia of the Santa Barbara Hospital, where the injured were taken, confirmed the severity of the injuries. The driver of the bus, which was traveling from Potolo to Sucre, has not been identified, but it is presumed he is among the victims still trapped beneath the wreckage. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 04:12:49|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LAGOS, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Nigerian police said on Sunday a group of unidentified gunmen attacked a town in northwest Nigeria's Kaduna state, kidnapping 11 people, including a traditional ruler. Muhammed Jalige, a spokesman for Kaduna police, said in a statement the gunmen in great numbers "invaded Kajuru town" of the state in the early hours of Sunday. They shot sporadically and entered a traditional ruler's residence in the town, abducting the 85-year-old ruler and 10 of his family members. Jalige urged local residents to remain calm and provide credible information to the police and other security services to prevent any potential attacks on innocent persons. Nigeria has witnessed in recent months a series of gunman attacks across the country, resulting in many civilians killed and kidnapped. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 23:46:52|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ADDIS ABABA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, on Monday welcomed the proclamation by the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) of the final results of Ethiopia's six general elections. On Saturday, the NEBE announced that Ethiopia's ruling Prosperity Party won more than 400 out of 436 parliamentary electoral constituencies of the sixth Ethiopian general elections held on June 21. "The chairperson takes this opportunity to warmly congratulate Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for the overwhelming victory of the Prosperity Party at the national and regional level," an AU statement issued on Monday quoted Mahamat as saying. Chairperson of the 55-member pan African bloc commended the NEBE, political parties, civil society, and all other stakeholders for their collective efforts in ensuring largely peaceful, orderly, and credible elections, despite challenges relating to security, logistics and the COVID-19 pandemic. Under Ethiopia's parliamentary government system, the prime minister who is the highest authority of the land is selected from the party that wins the majority seats at the Ethiopian House of Peoples' Representatives (HoPR), the lower house of the Ethiopian parliament, and will be sworn in after parliamentary vote. The AU had deployed an Election Observer Mission, chaired by the former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo, to observe the election. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 00:27:11|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JUBA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- South Sudanese President Salva Kiir on Monday launched the operation of the first-ever South Sudanese-owned mobile telecom company. Kiir said the launch of Digitel Telecommunications will fast-track connectivity of areas previously not served by foreign-owned telecom companies operating in the country. "To our people who live in remote areas who need mobile service, the government is determined to bring mobile services to your locations," Kiir said in Juba, adding that his government played a crucial role in ensuring Digitel operates in the country. He revealed that remote areas like Maper in Rumbek North County of Lakes state and Pochala in Greater Pibor Administrative Area respectively are now connected to the mobile phone network. The president assured that mobile connectivity to other remote areas like Boma in Greater Pibor Administrative Area and Kuron Peace Village in Kapoeta East will soon be completed. "The government will explore options including tax exemption that will benefit importation of network equipment and telecommunication tools. These equipment will help increase the digital literacy program for our next generation ICT-driven economy," he said. Kiir noted that South Sudan needs to catch up with the rest of the world in terms of digital technology. Athiei De Chan Awuol, Executive Vice President for Digitel said that the company is committed to delivering digital services across the country. "For us to launch our telecom services and products at 10 years of our independence anniversary shows that South Sudanese can contribute towards a bright future for ourselves, for our children and for the next generation," said Awuol. He noted that the launch of Digitel demonstrates the commitment of South Sudanese to develop their country, adding that since 2011 the government has been working hard to attract foreign investors. Digitel joins South African-owned mobile giant MTN, and Zain telecom, respectively, in the South Sudan market. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 03:06:14|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TRIPOLI, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Monday that 326 illegal immigrants were rescued off the Libyan coast and returned to Libya from July 4 to 10. So far in 2021, a total of 16,026 illegal immigrants, including women and children, have been rescued, while 234 died and 510 went missing off the Libyan coast on the Central Mediterranean route, according to IOM. Libya has been suffering insecurity and chaos since the fall of the late leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, making the North African country a preferred point of departure for illegal immigrants who want to cross the Mediterranean Sea to European shores. Rescued migrants end up inside overcrowded reception centers across Libya, despite repeated international calls to close them. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 15:01:22|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ULAN BATOR, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Mongolia reported 1,496 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, bringing the national tally to 139,284, the country's health ministry said Monday. A total of five more COVID-19 related deaths and 3,858 recoveries were reported in the past day, bringing the respective national tallies to 689 and 107,524, according to the ministry. The ministry said 55.2 percent of the country's population have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Mongolia launched a nationwide vaccination campaign in late February, with the aim of vaccinating at least 60 percent of its population. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 15:08:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SEOUL, July 12 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's export logged a double-digit growth in the first 10 days of this month on the back of global demand recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic shock, customs office data showed Monday. Outbound shipment amounted to 15.08 billion U.S. dollars in the July 1-10 period, up 14.1 percent from the same period of last year, according to the Korea Customs Service. The export continued to increase since November last year amid the global demand recovery from the pandemic. The daily average shipment jumped 21.2 percent in the 10-day period. Export for oil products, auto parts, cars, semiconductors and smartphones all expanded in double figures in the 10-day period, but computer shipment posted a double-digit reduction. Shipment to the United States, the European Union (EU), the Middle East and Japan advanced in double digits, with export to Vietnam and China rising in single figures. Import soared 33.3 percent over the year to 19.01 billion dollars in the July 1-10 period, sending the trade deficit to 3.93 billion dollars. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 17:33:54|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Tokyo, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Tokyo stocks finished higher Monday with the benchmark Nikkei increased over 2 percent after a three-day fall due to Japan's strong machinery orders data and increases in U.S. and European market late last week. The 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average increased 628.60 points, or 2.25 percent, from Friday at 28,569.02. The broader Topix index of all First Section issues on the Tokyo Stock Exchange finished 40.95 points, or 2.14 percent, higher at 1,953.33. Trading volume on the main section decreased to 1,035.77 million shares from Friday's 1,425.64 million shares. After the Nikkei finished Friday at its lowest level since mid-May, the increases in the European markets and record highs on Wall Street last Friday stimulated a strong rising across a broad range of sectors of Tokyo stocks throughout the day. Masahiro Ichikawa, the chief market strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management Co, said, "A relative sense of security returned to the market after it overreacted negatively last week to concerns of a sluggish economic recovery (amid the coronavirus pandemic)." Before the market opened, the Japanese government released the data of machinery orders, which rose 7.8 percent in May. The stronger-than-expected data fueled expectations of robust capital spending by firms and helped a solid start of the market. Many market signals such as U.S. consumer price data, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's testimony will come up later this week for investors to make trading decisions. Machinery, metal product, and electric appliance sectors were leading the upward trend of the day. By the close of play, gaining issues outnumbered declining ones 2,010 to 149 on the First Section, while 33 finished unchanged. Yaskawa Electric jumped 6.5 percent after the industrial robot maker reported Friday its operating profit more than doubled in the same period from a year earlier. Bic Camera increased 4.7 percent after the electronics retailer announced a nearly 85 percent increase, year-to-year basis, in operating profit on Friday. Among issues benefited by the strong machinery orders data, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries ended 1.6 percent higher, and Panasonic jumped 2.4 percent. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 19:28:08|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close COLOMBO, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lanka's Health Ministry on Monday received 26,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccines, the second batch of this vaccine that arrived in the country this month. The vaccines were carried by a Qatar Airways flight from the United States and arrived at the Bandaranaike International Airport early Monday morning. Health officials said the doses were initially stored at the Katunayake Airport Cargo Village freezer facility and was then transported to the State Pharmaceutical Corporation Central Warehouse in Colombo by the corporation's freezer trucks. State Pharmaceuticals Corporation General Manager Dinusha Dasanayake told journalists that with this current stock of vaccines, the total volume of Pfizer vaccines that had been brought into Sri Lanka so far stands at 52,000 vials. State Minister of Production, Supply and Regulation of Pharmaceuticals Channa Jayasumana said the second batch of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines will be used to vaccinate people in the Mannar District, in the north. He said the first batch of 26,000 doses that arrived last week was being administered to students going abroad and to a group of fishermen in Mannar who may interact with Indian fishermen. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 20:01:12|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BANGKOK, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Thailand decided on Monday to adjust its COVID-19 vaccination policy by mixing Sinovac vaccine with AstraZeneca vaccine, intending to enhance immunity against the virus amid rising new infections. Instead of two Sinovac shots, the National Communicable Disease Committee has decided to give people the AstraZeneca vaccine as a second shot after their first Sinovac shot to raise their immunity against the Delta variant, Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said at a press conference. Anutin noted that there will be an interval of three to four weeks between the first Sinovac shot and the second AstraZeneca shot. Medical workers, who have been fully vaccinated, will also receive a third booster dose, using the AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine, according to the deputy prime minister. The Southeast Asian country is battling against a months-long surge in infections, with a fast spreading of the highly contagious Delta variant weighing on the already strained medical systems. The government also decided to implement home isolation or community isolation programs for those who have been found infected but had slight symptoms or no symptoms, Anutin said. To address the worsening situation, the country imposed tougher curbs in hard-hit regions, including the capital Bangkok and five nearby provinces. The measures, including a night curfew, a ban on gatherings of more than five people and non-essential travels, as well as closure of shopping malls, took effect from Monday and would last for at least 14 days. On Monday, Thailand reported 8,656 new infections, marking the first drop of daily tally in a week. The total number of infections rose to 345,027. Cumulative deaths from COVID-19 climbed to 2,791, up by 80 over the past 24 hours. As of Sunday, the country has administered more than 12.5 million doses of vaccine, with less than 5 percent of its nearly 70 million people fully vaccinated. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 21:33:25|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SINGAPORE, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies Heng Swee Keat Monday called on ASEAN and China to fortify the foundations of existing partnerships, and nurture new areas of complementarities. He said while delivering a keynote speech at the FutureChina Global Forum (FCGF) 2021 that the two sides should strengthen the rules-based multilateral framework for trade and investments. "The ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is a cornerstone agreement that has benefited all members," Heng said. "Let us work towards upgrading this agreement, to reduce non-tariff measures and address new priorities, especially for the digital economy." He also called on the two sides to rebuild their aviation links and further liberalize the ASEAN-China Air Transport Agreement to boost the region's connectivity, as they prepare to resume cross-border travel. "Beyond ASEAN and China, we must maintain the momentum for global trade liberalization, and build confidence in multilateralism," he said. "RCEP (the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership), which was signed between ASEAN Member States, China, and four other major trading partners is an important next step." Beyond FTAs, Heng said that ASEAN and China should explore new building blocks, including digital collaboration and sustainable development, to strengthen cooperation, to seek new sources of growth and address global challenges. COVID-19 has accelerated the global shift to digital, and ASEAN and China must move swiftly to respond to this shift. Therefore, he called for piloting more city-to-city projects, and establishing Digital Economy Agreements at the country level. More over, climate change is an existential challenge, and both ASEAN and China understand the urgency of the challenge, he said, noting that ASEAN and China can focus on catalyzing a green recovery, from investing in buildings that are more energy-efficient, to exploring cleaner energy sources such as solar and wind. "China's Belt and Road Initiative or BRI is an important initiative, and a 'Green BRI' will be a major step in catalyzing green infrastructure," Heng said. The FCGF 2021, organized by Business China, a non-profit organization that aims to strengthen ties between Singapore and China, commenced on Monday morning. Held in a hybrid format for the first time, over 1,500 distinguished business leaders, public personalities, political leaders, and industry experts from Singapore, China, and the ASEAN region gathered at the forum, to discuss pertinent trends, opportunities, and lessons drawn from ASEAN and China, that will prepare the region for an increasingly volatile and complex "Never Normal" future. The "Never Normal" is a term coined by business entrepreneur, advisor, and author Peter Hinssen as a "reality where change is constantly triggered by 'seismic shocks'," -- be it ecological, societal, or geopolitical in nature. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 22:07:12|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BISHKEK, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Kyrgyzstan on Monday reported 1,330 new COVID-19 infections, raising the total number of confirmed cases to 140,978. The Republican Headquarters for Combating COVID-19 also reported 763 more recoveries and 11 more deaths, bringing the total recoveries to 118,771 and the death toll to 2,113. Kyrgyzstan started its COVID-19 vaccination campaign on March 29 using China-donated vaccines. In addition, the Central Asia country received Sputnik V vaccines from Russia in April. Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Zhyldyz Bakashova said at a briefing on Monday that the country would need to vaccinate 70 percent of the population in order to create herd immunity from COVID-19. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 22:32:30|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MOSCOW, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that the presence of U.S. military forces in Central Asia "would not meet the region's security interests." "If Americans with more than 100,000 troops have not been able to achieve anything inside Afghanistan over the past 20 years, what results are they going to achieve with significantly smaller presence outside Afghanistan" within Central Asia, Lavrov said at a press conference. He said the United States intends to maintain a military presence in the region in order to exert influence. U.S. media reports claim Washington is in talks with Central Asian governments about basing troops in the region. Lavrov stressed that the presence of foreign military bases on the territories of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member countries must be subject to approval by all participants. The CSTO, a Moscow-led military alliance formed in 1992, consists of six former Soviet republics of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. "It is significant to note that none of these countries have submitted requests to the CSTO to hold consultations on this matter," he added. Lavrov said the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan was "too hasty" as a huge amount of equipment was abandoned. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 02:06:42|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SKOPJE, July 12 (Xinhua) -- North Macedonia and Albania signed on Monday a joint statement under which the two countries will join forces in preserving the Ohrid Region as one of the world's natural and cultural heritage, protected by UNESCO. The joint statement was signed in Ohrid city by North Macedonia's culture minister Irena Stefoska and her Albanian counterpart Elva Margariti, according to the Media Information Agency (MIA). The joint statement, according to Stefoska, opens a new chapter in the relations between the two countries in preserving the heritage of the Ohrid Region. The minister also called on local authorities, public and civil society to play their part and work together to preserve the region. The official meeting between the two ministers was held two years after the decision to include the Albanian part of the Ohrid Region in the world heritage list, under the protection of UNESCO. Via a Facebook message, Margariti said that during these two years Albania has taken important steps to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the Ohrid Region, despite the problems the country has faced with the devastating earthquake in November 2019 and the pandemic of COVID-19. "Both countries agreed and are fully committed and responsible to implement a joint strategic plan for the recovery of this region, accompanied by a detailed action plan on the measures we will take to prevent any kind of risk which may threaten the wealth of this region, which is no longer just ours," Margariti said. Lake Ohrid, one of Europe's deepest and oldest lakes, is located in the mountainous border between the southwestern part of North Macedonia and eastern Albania. North Macedonia's side of Lake Ohrid was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979, while Albania's side of the lake was designated UNESCO world heritage status in 2019. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 15:40:49|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WASHINGTON, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Charlottesville, U.S. state of Virginia, has removed several controversial statues from public space, nearly four years after a deadly white supremacist rally that shocked the historic college town and the country at large. Crew members took down three monuments in Charlottesville on Saturday, including bronze statues of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. Their stone bases were left in place temporarily and will be hoisted away at a later date, according to city officials. "Removing the statues is one step towards dismantling white supremacy in our community, but there is so much more to be done," Charlottesville's city government said in a release posed on Twitter. "You may feel anger, grief, relief, or even joy, all at the same time," the release said. "For some community members, this time may be a reminder of trauma already endured." On Aug. 12, 2017, white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and members of other hate groups gathered in Charlottesville for a self-styled "Unite the Right" rally to protest against the city's decision to remove the statue of Lee, a commander of the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War, before clashing violently with counter-protesters. After the confrontations were dispersed, an Ohio man espousing neo-Nazi and white supremacist beliefs deliberately drove a car into the crowd of counter-protesters who were marching peacefully, killing a woman and injuring 19 other individuals. The incident drew more national attention after then-U.S. President Donald Trump said "both sides" were to blame for the violence and "there were very fine people on both sides." The remarks were roundly criticized by both Democrats and Republicans. Joe Biden, who unseated Trump in the 2020 presidential election, has said he knew that he had to run for the White House after hearing the Republican's response to the Charlottesville rally. "It was a wake-up call for us as a country," Biden said in August 2020 when accepting the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. "For me, a call to action. At that moment, I knew I'd have to run," said the veteran politician, who campaigned heavily on race issues that year. "At the time, I said we were in a battle for the soul of this nation." In a statement on Saturday, the White House said it supports Charlottesville's move to take down the Confederate statues. "As President Biden has said, there is a difference between reminders and remembrance of history," the statement read. "The president believes that monuments to Confederate leaders belong in museums, not in public places." The petition to remove Lee's statue was filed in 2016, which was later approved by Charlottesville's city council. However, the plans were put on hold after a lawsuit from opponents. The Virginia Supreme Court ruled in April that the city could remove the statues. The city didn't complete procedural steps for the final removals until earlier the past week, while preparations to lift the statues off their pedestals began on Friday. "Taking down this statue is one small step closer to the goal of helping Charlottesville, Virginia, and America, grapple with the sin of being willing to destroy Black people for economic gain," Nikuyah Walker, Charlottesville's first female African American mayor, told reporters and observers as a crane neared the Lee monument on Saturday. Charles Weber, a local attorney who was a plaintiff in the lawsuit against Charlottesville, disagreed, telling local media that he believes "this act is not going to improve the life of anybody in the city." Efforts to take down statues of Confederate figures gained much traction across the United States after the May 2020 death of George Floyd, an unarmed African American man who lost his life during a police arrest in Minneapolis, state of Minnesota. Floyd's death sparked massive demonstrations against police brutality and racism in the country. At least 160 symbols honoring the Confederacy were removed in 2020, according to figures compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit U.S. group focusing on civil rights and public interest litigation. "The statues come down in Charlottesville today, and that means a chapter comes to an end," Emily Gorcenski, a counter-protester at the "Unite the Right" rally in 2017, tweeted on Saturday. "But the story is far from over, and the statues were never really the story at all." Enditem South Boston, VA (24592) Today Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon. High 88F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 70%.. Tonight Showers and scattered thunderstorms. Low 67F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 70%. Se ha superado la meta de 200 000 dosis de vacunas contra la COVID-19 aplicadas en Lima Metropolitana y Callao durante la primera #Vacunaton, informo el ministro Oscar Ugarte desde el centro de vacunacion de la Videna @LegadoOficialPE, en San Luis. #PongoElHombro ???? pic.twitter.com/suYl3ZPE57 The top official specified that "a president is not an arbitrator, and the National Elections Board is the only one which has the power to define (the results) ." Speaking from Lima's district of San Bartolo, where he supervised a seawater desalination plant, the Head of State noted that the preparation of the first draft budget for 2022 is being completed and will be submitted to the next government for it to get its priorities straight. In this regard, he mentioned the expansion of the water and sewage system in the upper part of Huaycan, which entailed an investment of S/131 million (about US$33 million), for the benefit of 36,000 inhabitants. "I could go on with a list of projects that will be secured not only in Metropolitan Lima but in various regions, which will ensure water, sewage, and wastewater treatment services," he said. The President reported that State-run water company Sedapal is about to sign a contract for the Nueva Rinconada project, which entails an investment of S/1.2 billion (about US$302 million), for the benefit of Lima's districts of Villa El Salvador, Villa Maria del Triunfo, and San Juan de Miraflores. Presidente @FSagasti: Hasta el momento hemos inmunizado a mas de 140 000 personas en este primer #Vacunaton que se realiza en Lima Metropolitana y Callao. La vacuna es el escudo mas seguro contra la COVID-19. Acudan a su centro de inmunizacion mas cercano.#JuntosPorElVacunaton pic.twitter.com/ma9NW6pOiK YEREVAN, JULY 12, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Government convened an extraordinary session today, e-gov.am reported. The session will begin at 11:00 in closed format. One item is on the agenda: the Cabinet will discuss approving the 2022-2024 state medium-term expenditure program and the 2022-2026 government debt burden reduction program. Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan YEREVAN, 12 JULY, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs ARMENPRESS that today, 12 July, USD exchange rate is up by 0.11 drams to 495.88 drams. EUR exchange rate is down by 0.02 drams to 587.72 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate is down by 0.03 drams to 6.64 drams. GBP exchange rate is up by 3.28 drams to 687.24 drams. The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals. Gold price is down by 20.71 drams to 28792.9 drams. Silver price is down by 1.42 drams to 414.68 drams. Platinum price is up by 290.76 drams to 17377.77 drams. YEREVAN, JULY 12, ARMENPRESS.A special Cabinet meeting was held today, chaired by Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. The Government approved the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework for 2022-2024 and the Debt Burden Reduction Program of the Government of the Republic of Armenia for 2022-2026, which seeks to ensure an average economic growth of 7% annually. The Government needs to build up the countrys economic potential, which in turn will take up the potential growth of the economy to a higher level. To this end, an effective investment policy should be implemented with the bulk of investment to be funneled towards the export sector, high technologies and infrastructure in order to achieve high capital efficiency. Increased labor and capital productivity is a prerequisite for ensuring high economic growth, which can be achieved through new technological solutions, a better business-investment environment and coordinated academic interventions. This calls for an average factor productivity growth of 5.3%. Export is another factor conducive to that goal. The higher growth of investment will be followed by higher growth of exports of goods and services in the foreseeable future. These developments will reflect the impact of a significant improvement in the productive component. At the same time, the share of exports in GDP will be enhanced. Fiscal policy will be aimed at reducing the debt burden and promoting long-term economic growth. Given the above high economic growth target, the government plans to smoothly reduce the debt burden. Reducing the debt burden below the threshold of 60 percent, as suggested by fiscal rules, will help create a fiscal space to respond to possible shocks. Nikol Pashinyan called everyones attention to a number of factors. First of all, we are legally bound to adopt a medium-term expenditure framework today. Second, we have to comply with the established procedure in the face of new realities. We will have to adopt the governments action plan in the near future. The government shall be guided by Civil Contract partys electoral program. Therefore, the 2022 state budget, the governments program and the relevant action plan must be based on the Civil Contract partys electoral platform. No matter a government department is supervised by non-partisan officials or by people with political affiliation: all available resources should be used to implement the Civil Contract partys electoral program. That is what we have to do in the next 5 years. At the same time, I cannot rule out that new programs may come to complement the program. According to the Acting Prime Minister, the Medium Term Expenditure Framework is a flexible instrument that should be adopted and start working today. Instructions have been given on the draft government program and the governments action plan. Finally, the 2022 budget must be formed according to that logic, Nikol Pashinyan said, noting that today we need to think about the implementation of measures under the pre-election program. In particular, at the previous discussion I instructed to ensure the construction of new schools and kindergartens. I expect that by the end of this year we will have approved at least a few dozen such projects, the Acting Prime Minister pointed out. The Executive approved the draft law On Amending the RA Law on State Duty, which is supposed to streamline the foreign trade of goods of strategic importance (copper-molybdenum concentrate, ferromolybdenum). According to the bill, part of the proceeds generated from the exploitation of the subsoil shall be used to develop the manufacturing industry, build up strategic assets in the mining sector, and strengthen the industrial value chains. In particular, it is planned to expand the value chain in the field of copper processing by initially launching the production of high purity cathode copper, and then ensuring rapid development of the ecosystem of related products. In order to develop environmentally clean and safe technologies amid the ongoing price hikes in the global market of non-ferrous metals, it was proposed to establish a state duty on copper, molybdenum ore and ferromolybdenum for the issuance of licenses, permits or certificates. The proposed licensing rates shall be applicable depending on the changing demand for these metals on the global marketplace. Acting Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan noted in this connection that the bill implies some implementation risks. We have a 100 percent consensus on goals, but we may face risks while implementing this tool. Nikol Pashinyan noted that the government is there to manage the risks and to take actions in the best interest of the country. I understand the potential risks. Nevertheless, all relevant legislative amendments should be developed and introduced as they are not at odds with the logic of anticipated risks, the Acting Premier concluded. Hayk Grigoryan was relieved of the post of RA Investigative Committee Chairman. With another government decree, Argishti Kyaramyan was appointed chairman of the Investigative Committee. YEREVAN, JULY 12, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan hosted the National Hero of Armenia, Argentine-Armenian businessman, philanthropist Eduardo Eurnekian. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan said, ''Dear Mr. Eurnekian, I welcome you in Yerevan. Your visit, such meetings are always important, because you are one of the important investors in the Republic of Armenia, in particular, one of the most important investors in the Republic of Armenia from the Diaspora. Therefore, I think your investments also predetermine the general investment climate in the Republic of Armenia. Our country has passed through very difficult challenges. Just a few days ago, in the June 20 elections, our government reaffirmed its mandate under the slogan "There is a future." And I hope that your work agenda and mood is aimed at restoring the economic optimism of our country and faith in the future. We value your personal role here a lot. Eduardo Eurnekian congratulated Nikol Pashinyan on the occasion of the victory of ''Civil Contract'' Party in the elections and added, '' Mr. Prime Minister, I am very moved by your words. Unfortunately, the pandemic changed the agenda of all of us in terms of time, space and flights, but it seems that we are already overcoming it, and I am here. Mr. Prime Minister, I did not want to delay it, I wanted to come as soon as possible, to congratulate you on your victory, because it is very important, and we supported your victory from the beginning. We invest in different spheres in Armenia. And we plan to continue making large-scale investments in Armenia. We are currently negotiating with a bank. We see a good growth in the tourism sector in Armenia, and fortunately, we will soon offer a new investment project in the airport construction sector. My cousin Martin, who is currently in charge of all this, will come to Armenia very soon to contact the person you will indicate, of course, for discussing the investment plan. We must be very pleased with the development in the wine and viticulture sector in Armenia that we have been able to predict, invest in and reform. Fortunately, today these wines are widespread throughout Europe. I do not want to take too much time from you, Mr. Prime Minister, I am at your disposal. Nikol Pashinyan and Eduardo Eurnekyan discussed the programs implemented by "Armenia International Airports" CJSC in Armenia. In particular, they touched upon issues related to the development, improvement of infrastructure, renovation and further operation of Yerevan "Zvartnots" and Gyumri "Shirak" airports, which were given to the company for concession management. The interlocutors also exchanged views on other business programs planned by companies owned by Eduardo Eurnekian in Armenia in the near future. YEREVAN, JULY 12, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania Bogdan Aurescu referred to the visit to South Caucasus by the EU Foreign Ministers in June. ''This must be the start of the renewed EU involvment in the region. We must think of all instruments available or new ones, such as deepening cooperation with the EU and promoting confidence-building measures'', ARMENPRESS reports the Romanian FM wrote on his Twitter page. EU foreign ministers visited Armenia in late June. They were received by Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Armen Sarkissian. The high-ranking European diplomats noted that the purpose of the regional visit was to emphasize the importance of relations with the South Caucasian countries for the EU and the Eastern Partnership. The court also ordered summoning a new session of the House of Representatives at 5 PM on July 18 Kathmandu: In a landmark verdict, Nepal's Supreme Court on Monday directed President Bidya Devi Bhandari to appoint Nepali Congress chief Sher Bahadur Deuba as prime minister by Tuesday and reinstated the House of Representatives for a second time in five months. A five-member Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court led by Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher Rana issued the verdict stating that President Bhandari's decision to dissolve the lower house upon a recommendation of Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli was an unconstitutional act, delivering a major blow to the veteran Communist leader who was preparing for snap polls. The bench issued a mandamus to appoint Deuba as the Prime Minister by Tuesday. Deuba, 74, has served as the prime minister on four occasions; first from 1995 to 1997, then from 2001 to 2002, again from 2004 to 2005, and from 2017 to 2018. Currently, he is the Leader of the Opposition in the House. The court also ordered summoning a new session of the House of Representatives at 5 PM on July 18. Chief Justice Rana also said that the bench has concluded that party whip does not apply when lawmakers take part in the voting to elect new Prime Minister as per Article 76(5) of the Constitution. The bench comprising four other senior most justices -- Dipak Kumar Karki, Mira Khadka, Ishwar Prasad Khatiwada and Dr Ananda Mohan Bhattarai -- had concluded hearings in the case last week. President Bhandari had dissolved the 275-member lower house for the second time in five months on May 22 at the recommendation of Prime Minister Oli and announced snap elections on November 12 and November 19. Last week, the Election Commission had announced the schedule for mid-term elections despite the uncertainty over polls. Welcoming the apex court verdict, senior leader of the Nepal Communist Party-UML Madhav Kumar Nepal said that the judgement was commendable. "The Supreme Court has done a commendable job. This has saved the political system that is in place. Since the court has directly asked to appoint Deuba as new prime minister, we have no role to play now," he said. Under Madhav Nepal's leadership, 23 lawmakers of UML had put their signature in favour of Deuba's claim to the prime ministership. Madhav Nepal also said that Parliament will now take all the decisions. "Parliament has been reinstated. We will now go to Parliament. All the decisions will be taken from Parliament now," he said. "The court's verdict has also raised moral questions on Oli's actions." Meanwhile, Prime Minister Oli's supporters, including youths and students affiliated to the ruling CPN-UML, took to streets here to protest against the apex court's verdict against the 69-year-old Communist leader. Cadres of the National Youth Force affiliated to CPN -UML gathered in Maitighar Mandal near the court premises chanting slogans against the verdict. "We are not bound to accept all the orders passed by the Supreme Court, beware!" read a banner carried by the demonstrators. Oli's confidant and former minister Mahesh Basnet was also present at the protests, according to media reports. As many as 30 petitions were filed against the dissolution of the House by the President. One of the petitions was filed by the Opposition parties' alliance with the signature of 146 lawmakers demanding reinstatement of the lower house of Parliament and appointment of Deuba as the prime minister. Nepal plunged into a political crisis on December 20 last year after President Bhandari dissolved the House and announced fresh elections on April 30 and May 10 at the recommendation of Prime Minister Oli, amidst a tussle for power within the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP). On February 23, the apex court reinstated the dissolved House of Representatives, in a setback to embattled Prime Minister Oli who was preparing for snap polls. Oli, who is currently heading a minority government after losing a trust vote in the House, has repeatedly defended his move to dissolve the House of Representatives, saying some leaders of his party were attempting to form a "parallel government". Pfizer has downplayed the role former prime minister Kevin Rudd played in fast-tracking shipments of Covid vaccines to Australia. The pharmaceutical giant said it was inaccurate to suggest any individual or third party had any role in the contractual agreements. "The only two parties involved in these agreements are Pfizer and the Australian government," a company spokeswoman told AAP on Monday. "All agreements and supply arrangements including dose planning are exclusively made with the federal government, and details of the agreement and discussions are confidential. Pfizer has downplayed the role former prime minister Kevin Rudd played in fast-tracking shipments of vaccines to Australia. Source: AAP "All discussions on supply and procurement with the federal government are led by Pfizer representatives in Australia." Mr Rudd contacted Pfizer at the insistence of senior Australian business leaders based in the United States. They were concerned Prime Minister Scott Morrison was not pushing hard enough and may have offended Pfizer by sending junior public servants into negotiations. Mr Rudd met virtually with the global head of Pfizer on June 30 and asked whether the delivery of Australia's doses could be brought forward. The pharmaceutical boss agreed to investigate what could be done. Mr Rudd then wrote Mr Morrison a letter to brief him on the discussions, with a deal announced eight days later. Pfizer has committed to delivering more doses to Australia sooner than expected, with one million doses to be rolled out each week from mid-July. Health Minister Greg Hunt said he chuckled when he read reports of Mr Rudd's involvement in the outcome. "We received a letter from the individual in question ... and we said to ourselves, 'Well, no doubt that will be released when our current negotiations are announced publicly'. That is exactly what happened," he said. Story continues Mr Rudd contacted Pfizer at the insistence of senior Australian business leaders based in the United States. Source: AAP Peter Dutton rips into Mr Rudd's claims Defence Minister Peter Dutton ripped into Mr Rudd over his approach to Pfizer executives and the media reports that ensued. "I suspect it wouldn't take our greatest detective within the Queensland Police Service to identify who leaked that self-serving letter," Mr Dutton told 4BC radio. "Kevin claims credit for many things, it used to drive his Labor colleagues crazy." The defence minister suggested Mr Rudd was inserting himself into the public debate because he was "bored to death in retirement". The former prime minister said his letter was consistent with Pfizer's public statements. "Mr Rudd has not claimed responsibility for decisions by Pfizer and - as he made clear to Mr Morrison - all negotiating powers rested with the federal government," a spokesperson said. "Mr Rudd would definitely not seek to associate himself with the Australian government's comprehensively botched vaccine procurement program." Do you have a story tip? Email: newsroomau@yahoonews.com. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and download the Yahoo News app from the App Store or Google Play. Thousands of football fans flocked to Melbourne's Lygon Street to watch Italy beat England in the Euro 2020 final, following a nail-biting penalty shootout. Early on Monday morning, fans packed into cafes and bars on the strip, affectionately known as Little Italy, to watch the match. A projector was also set up in Piazza Italia, in the Argyle Gardens, where flares were lit as a save from Gianluigi Donnarumma sealed the game for Italy - its first European Championship win since 1968. Victoria Police confirmed five people were arrested for letting off flares at the end of the match. Police officers and the public order response team remain on the strip as the party continues. "We know many fans will be looking to continue the celebrations or commiserations throughout the day but we are urging people to be respectful and responsible," Victoria Police said in a statement. "Any anti-social behaviour or alcohol-fuelled violence will not be tolerated." Victoria's Deputy Premier James Merlino, whose father Bruno was born in Italy, said he was "delighted" by the win. "It was a win and a pretty exciting thing for the very vibrant, very large Italian community here in Victoria," he told reporters. Mr Merlino said revellers were required to followed the public health advice and maintain some physical distance. "Of course, there are times when exuberance, human nature, means that that's a bit more difficult to achieve," he said. NSW has reported 112 new locally acquired cases, the highest number since the start of the latest coronavirus outbreak. Premier Gladys Berejiklian told reporters at least 34 people were in the community whilst infectious, adding that number needed to be as close to zero as possible before coronavirus restrictions could be eased. Of the new locally acquired cases, 64 are linked to a known case or cluster 41 are household contacts and 23 are close contacts and the source of infection for 48 cases remains under investigation. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian is urging people again to stay home. Source: Getty Ms Berejiklian said most of the cases were still concentrated in the Canterbury-Bankstown, Liverpool and Fairfield local government areas. The vast majority of cases are in the Fairfield Local Government Area. Everybody in Fairfield should be staying at home unless they absolutely have to [leave], she said. That is the message across everywhere in Greater Sydney, but in particular, when large numbers of the virus are circulating in one local government area, we must call that out. "We need to call that out because that is where the virus is spreading the most. We really want to stress that, even if you regard yourself as an essential worker, especially in the Fairfield Local Government Area, do not leave home if you have symptoms. "Do not go to work unless you absolutely know that you don't have the virus." Nine Sydney suburbs of concern Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant told reporters there were nine suburbs of concern in Sydney's southwest. The suburbs include Fairfield, Smithfield, Bossley Park, Fairfield Heights, Fairfield West, Wakeley, Bonnyrigg, Glenfield and West Hoxton. "I want to highlight that we are also seeing cases emerge among young adults in the 18 to 20-year-old age group in the Georges River, Bayside and Sutherland Local Government Areas and they are largely spreading it, again to echo the premier's words, to their closest friends and family," she said. Story continues Dr Chant added there are currently 63 COVID-19 cases admitted to hospital, with 18 people in intensive care, four of whom require ventilation. Fourteen of those in hospital are aged under 35. Dr Chant warned the Delta variant of the virus, which is circulating in Greater Sydney, dispelled the notion that the virus will not cause young people to become ill. In the 24 hours before 8pm, NSW conducted 46,478 tests and administered 11,467 vaccines. The latest figures come after the state reported 77 new cases on Sunday, with the premier warning it was "highly unlikely" the lockdown in Greater Sydney would end on Friday as planned. When will Sydney's lockdown end? Ms Berejiklian said with 34 cases infectious in the community for the entire duration of their illness, they did not have the answer for how long the lockdown in Greater Sydney would last. She added however there had been a massive drop in mobility in the community and once health authorities can determine the impact of that, then they will be able to have a better idea of when the lockdown will end. "Our priority is always about what life looks like once we get out of the lockdown and getting out of the lockdown as quickly as we can and providing less stress for our citizens as quickly as we can," she told reporters. "I can't stress enough that is up to all of us. We have a collective responsibility to make sure we all do the right thing we don't cut corners and it only takes a few people to do the wrong thing at the same time for us to be locked down for longer than we want to or longer than we need to." Do you have a story tip? Email: newsroomau@yahoonews.com. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and download the Yahoo News app from the App Store or Google Play. The 400-mile ride along the Erie Canalway Trail is back after COVID-19 forced it to shift to a virtual event in 2020. Cycle the Erie Canal returned on Sunday. The tour began in Buffalo and stopped in Medina, Orleans County. It continued Monday to Fairport, a Rochester suburb. This is the 23rd year for the ride, which is organized by Parks & Trails New York. There are cyclists from 34 states participating in this year's tour. Parks & Trails New York acknowledged that it was a difficult decision to hold the week-long event. Usually, there are months of planning involved before the ride begins. That wasn't the case this year. And the ever-changing COVID-19 restrictions Gov. Andrew Cuomo lifted the state emergency in June presented challenges. There are COVID protocols in place for Cycle the Erie Canal participants. Riders must be vaccinated or have a negative COVID-19 test 72 hours before the tour started. "Cycle the Erie Canal tour is a wonderful way to experience the Erie Canal," said Robin Dropkin, executive director of Parks & Trails New York. "It's fun, healthy, and good for the economy. We have cyclists aged 12 to 88 and they all get to experience what makes the Erie Canal and upstate New York so special." The company's strategy appears to have changed within the last few years, but the past is hard to ignore for Bronson and two other legislators, Assemblymembers Deborah Glick and Danny O'Donnell, who co-signed the letter. The three lawmakers are openly gay. "This move by the Thruway Authority strikes us as sending a message to LGBTQ+ individuals and families that it doesn't share the same commitment to their civil rights as New York state," Bronson wrote. Another legislator, Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal, joined those criticizing plans to open Chick-fil-A restaurants at Thruway rest stops. "Bigotry and discrimination are not New York state values," Rosenthal, D-Manhattan, said. "New York state has long worked to advance LGBTQ+ rights, but inviting a restaurant that is committed to blocking equality to open on state property will undermine our continuing efforts toward true equality." The Thruway's plans call for tearing down and rebuilding 23 of the 27 service areas along Interstate 90 or I-87. The remaining four rest stops will be renovated. The project, which was awarded to Empire State Thruway Partners, will begin this month and continue for the next two years. U.S. Rep. John Katko is asking Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen for an update on plans to make Harriet Tubman the new face of the $20 bill. In the letter, Katko, R-Camillus, wrote that honoring Tubman on the $20 bill is a "fitting tribute to her life and legacy" and noted that he was encouraged earlier this year when President Joe Biden's administration committed to placing the abolitionist and civil rights icon on paper currency. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in January that the Biden administration is "exploring ways to speed up that effort." "It's important that our notes ... reflect the history and diversity of our country, and Harriet Tubman's image gracing the new $20 note would certainly reflect that," Psaki said. Nearly six months have passed since Psaki's comments at a White House press briefing. In their letter to Yellen, Katko and U.S. Rep. Joyce Beatty are asking for an updated timeline on the redesign of paper currency. DENPASAR, Indonesia (AP) Indonesia on Monday ordered four foreign tourists to leave the resort island of Bali after violating health protocols as the country endures a devastating wave of COVID-19 illnesses and deaths. A Russian who tested positive for the coronavirus upon her arrival in Bali last Thursday was recaptured that night after she escaped mandatory isolation at an appointed hotel, said Jamaruli Manihuruk, who heads the Bali regional office for the Justice and Human Rights Ministry. She has been placed in an isolation facility in Balis capital, Denpasar, and will be deported as soon as she recovered from the virus, Manihuruk said. Three others were accused of defying mask mandates in public after being found unmasked in a raid last Thursday in the Kuta tourist area to enforce health protocols and prevent more infections, he said. The travelers from the United States, Ireland and Russia were placed in a detention room at the immigration office while waiting for their flights to their countries later Monday. LOS ANGELES Flame Technologies has announced the launch of a trading pair for its cryptocurrency Flame Token on Uniswap. The Flame Token (XFL) is a blockchain-based utility token for the creator economy that is compatible with the ERC-20 standard of the Ethereum blockchain. Its maximum supply is 21 billion XFL. The token is trading under the symbol XFL and can be swapped for USDC. The trading of Flame Token has now started in preparation for the launch of a Liquidity Provider Program where everyone will be rewarded for adding liquidity to the Uniswap USDC/XFL pool, the company said. It is built on top of the social media platform Sharesome to enable "open, instant and low-cost payments" for goods and services on the platform. Sharesome is billed as a social discovery network for adult content creators and brands designed to connect all stakeholders in the adult industry. The platform reports 1.6M monthly active users (MAU), 7,000 content creators, 500M monthly post views, and 1,200 active advertisers. To read a white paper about Flame Token, click here. To read the Flame Token Economy Paper, click here. Robert Knapp, founder of Flame Technologies, remarked, "Social media has reshaped the way brands are being built and how they advertise. Today, everyone has the power to build a brand online, or even become a brand. This is called 'the creator economy,' but adult content creators are banned from participating. Sharesome gives this power back to adult content creators, who generate billions of dollars in revenue every year. Flame Token is the first social media bound token that is being used to untap the $100 billion potential of the adult industry. I am happy to announce that, after several years of building and growing Sharesome, we can now finally launch XFL on the blockchain. Flame Technologies is based in Zug, Switzerland. The company has built a team of engineers, designers, researchers, blockchain specialists, marketers, and financial experts who work together to bring the XFL token to the NSFW social media site Sharesome and beyond. The company has obtained a no-action letter from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA. FINMA has assessed the business model as compliant with applicable laws and stated that there is no financial market licensing requirements for the issuance of the Flame Token. This means that the legal requirements are in place for the XFL Token to go live as planned. Uniswap is a decentralized exchange protocol built on Ethereum. It is an automated liquidity protocol. There is no centralized party required to make trades. Prices are set automatically by smart contracts, and liquidity is provided by LPs (liquidity providers). In each case, the plaintiffs are parents suing on behalf of children who suffer from severe neurological injuries that the lawsuits blame on their exposure to the chemical while they were in the womb or when they were very young. Aside from nearby spraying, the lawsuits say the parent, relatives or others in frequent contact with the child worked in the fields or packing plants and became contaminated with the chemical that they passed on to the child. Calwell filed related lawsuits last fall on behalf of farmworkers who his firm said spent years marinating in the pesticide. The first of those related lawsuits blames chlorpyrifos for causing autism, cognitive and intellectual disabilities in a now-teenager born in 2003. The teen's father worked spraying pesticides on farm fields and his mother packed what the lawsuit says was chlorpyrifos-covered produce in a facility surrounded by fields treated with the pesticide, often applied by aerial spraying. Calwell similarly sued Monsanto for damages he alleged it caused to homes in Nitro, West Virginia, with its use of dioxin to make the defoliant known during the Vietnam War era as Agent Orange. That case settled for $93 million, with Monsanto paying to decontaminate 4,500 homes, a fraction of those that he alleges in California will require more extensive decontamination followed by medical monitoring. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Fully vaccinated individuals have a level of protection from COVID-19 but those at high risk for serious illness should consider taking extra precautions right now, even if you have been fully vaccinated, Kim Showalter, Public Health Solutions Health Director, said in a press release. We wont know until next week if we are seeing a variant identified in the district but we do know the Delta variant is the predominant strain identified across the state at this time. If you have underlying health conditions that put you at increased risk for severe illness, please consider limiting your exposure to large groups of people right now and wear a mask when in public and unable to social distance. BILLINGS Fishing on the lower Yellowstone River has kicked in as flows have dropped and the water clarity is decent. A Texas man was arrested Sunday as he checked in to a flight departing from Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport and charged with sexual assault of a minor on a flight from Austin to Bozeman on July 8. Vincent Harry Kopacek, 76, of Fredericksburg, Texas, was arrested by FBI agents with the assistance of the Gallatin County Sheriffs Office and the Bozeman Yellowstone International Public Safety Office on one federal count each of attempted sexual abuse of a minor, abusive sexual contact, and assault within maritime and territorial jurisdiction. If convicted of the most serious crime, Kopacek faces a maximum 15 years in prison, a $250,000 fine and five years of supervised release. On July 8, Kopacek was seated behind a 15-year-old girl on a flight from Austin, Texas to Bozeman. According to the criminal complaint and court documents, the girl was seated in a window seat, which was fully upright during the flight, and that Kopacek was sitting directly behind the girls seat. Kopacek allegedly reached his hand around the girls seat between her seat and the interior wall of the aircraft and touched the girls body. The victim documented the alleged abuse with her cell phone. The activity took place from prior to takeoff in Austin to before landing in Bozeman. A Natrona County sheriff's deputy rescued two women on Saturday from the North Platte River after the raft they were riding on sank. The women were part of a group of five people on the raft, which was punctured at some point as it drifted downstream. None of the five were wearing life vests, according to the sheriff's office. One person swam to shore and two others managed to climb to an island in the river. The two women, meanwhile, grabbed onto overhead tree branches on the island, but were not able to pull themselves out of the water due to the steep bank, swift current and their depleted energy, according to the sheriff's office. Sheriff's Deputy Dexter Bryant arrived first on scene. He was followed by Sgt. Mark Bohr, who took up a downstream position with a throw rope. One of the women told Bryant that she didn't think she'd be able to hold on much longer, according to the sheriff's office. The second said she feared her friend would drown if her friend let go of the branch. Bryant acted quickly, removing his gear before putting on a life vest and swimming to the island. He pulled both women out of the water and onto to the island, the sheriff's office said. "Not only does it protect deputies against complaints, it protects the public as well, so I think it's a win all the way around," Kirchmeier said. Krile said Lincoln officers are required to use the body cameras whenever they're interacting with the public. Since Lincoln is a small department, she said officers have not had issues with overusing storage, despite using the cameras every day. The officers here have been very excited about them and are religious about using them," Krile said. "The only drawback I can think of is as the department grows, we have to keep buying more cameras, which is another few thousand dollars for each one. Both departments said it cost around $12,000 to get their cameras up and running. The Mandan Police Department is looking at a $182,449 package which includes 28 body cameras, upgraded in-car cameras, accessories, set-up, training and cloud storage for a five-year subscription. The department is asking for $36,918 in grant funding. The Bismarck Police Department and the Burleigh County Sheriff's Department do not currently use body cameras. Bismarck Police Chief Dave Draovitch said while the department would like to have them, they are not able to budget body cameras at this time. The district is shaped like a hatchet with an oversize head, snaking from Cleveland to Akron, nearly 40 miles to the south. The population is 53% African American, and nearly a quarter of residents live in poverty. The winner of the primary in the solidly blue district will likely cruise to victory in November's general election. A 53-year-old community college professor, Turner served on the Cleveland City Council, was a state senator and ran unsuccessfully for Ohio secretary of state before crisscrossing the country with Sanders during his 2016 and 2020 presidential bids. Her signature phrase, Hello, somebody! became a campaign fixture, prompting crowds across the country to yell back with delight. But those who worked with Turner years ago in Cleveland remember her for another catchphrase, Do you feel me? which she first used addressing audiences of otherwise unresponsive young people. As she talks to voters, Turner explains her support for universal health insurance coverage under Medicare for All by pointing to the experience of her mother, who was uninsured and died when she was just 42. Turner also says she wants student debt eradicated because she knows its sting: She and her son owe nearly $100,000 combined in loans she's still paying off. This story has been updated: HELENA Mont. (AP) Wildlife officials said they shot and killed a Montana grizzly bear Friday that had pulled a California woman from her tent and killed her earlier this week in the middle of a small Montana town. The bear was shot by federal wildlife workers wearing night vision goggles shortly after midnight, when it approached a trap set near a chicken coop about 2 miles (3 kilometers) from Ovando, where Leah Davis Lokan, 65, of Chico, California, was killed early Tuesday morning, said Greg Lemon with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. The bear had raided the chicken coop overnight Wednesday, and officials set a baited trap nearby hoping to lure the animal back. Based on the size of the bear, the color of the bear and the nature of the chicken coop raids, were confident weve got the offending bear, Lemon said. On Thursday night, an Ovando woman came home and found her door ripped off and noticed large claw marks, Powell County Sheriff Gavin Roselles posted on Facebook. A short time later, the male grizzly bear was killed in the area. Marshall said things went well for her at first. She enjoyed ranching and bonded with her small herd. I had gotten close to them. Id see them (in the pasture), Id scratch their heads once in awhile. Now, theyre all gone, Marshall said. There was just nothing to feed them. Normally, youd see people out haying around here, she added. Now, theres just nothing. Marshall said she might start over in the cattle business if conditions change. Ill wait and see what happens, she said. I might get back into this. Marshall said she was thankful for the support her brother gave her emotionally. Hes great, she said. A man who represented a group of cattle sellers from Surrey said, Things are a little better here than they are out our way. Its terrible with the drought out where we are. The seller, who asked not to be named, said of his group, Were each keeping five pairs. The rest were selling. The group of sellers had found little help from government programs. They had one program, where I think we got $50 or $60 a head, but otherwise, nothing, he added, laughing ruefully. Within days we have heard North Dakota has a serious shortage of workers, and that the governor is sending troops to the border to prevent people from coming into this country! Every state has a worker shortage issue. At a recent Chamber of Commerce event, the lack of people for open jobs was noted as a top problem. Recently our state Director of Commerce, James Leiman, stated, My biggest worry is workforce. Any creative ideas would be of the utmost benefit to the state. We also have churches teaching that we are to offer shelter and placement for persons suffering from war, gang related torture and death, and the inability to have sufficient income to support ones family. We suggest a totally different public policy response than using our military to stop people at the border. Lets use the National Guard to provide a safe route to North Dakota, working with the partnership of churches and chambers of commerce to resettle people. The federal government also needs to offer residents of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico hope for their future. International policies need to be in place so suffering people no longer feel they have no other choice but to leave home for safe opportunities. As executive stewards Christian business owners are called to weigh market forces and seek a profit, but we are also tasked with stewarding much more. [] The pandemic-era lockdowns caused immeasurable pain to countless businesses, with restaurants experiencing disproportionate levels of pain and suffering. According to the National Restaurant Association, food-service industry sales fell by $240 billion in 2020 from an expected level of $899 billion, and by the end of 2020, more than 110,000 eating and drinking places were closed for business temporarily, or for good. Even now, as the economy re-opens, operational costs are soaring and labor supply is low. In an essay for Christianity Today, Peter Demos of Demos Restaurants and Demos Family Kitchen offers a personal reflection on how his Christian faith has served as a close comfort and steadfast guide in navigating the business challenges of the past year. I watched sales drop at each of our locations anywhere from 60 percent to 90 percent as we shifted from dine-in services to carry-out and delivery only, explains Demos. As a result, I had to lay off employees, something I had never been forced to do apart from closing a location. Demos predicament is now all too familiar to American restauranteurs. But for Demos, whose restaurants stated purpose is to glorify God in all we do by serving others, the prospect of mass layoffs was not just a difficult financial reality. It presented unique questions for how he was supposed to weave his faith into executive leadership: As a Christian, Ive always been open about how my faith drives everything I do and shapes how I run my business. The decision to dismiss employees was agonizing, but I wanted to come up with the most ethical and moral way to care for those who worked for us Whats the most gracious way to cut employees in the middle of an economic crisis and a pandemic? None of us had been through this before, and there were no easy answers. We made sure to keep on the payroll a few individuals who needed to maintain health insurance to care for serious medical issues. We created a three-tier list of employees, ranked by skill level and attitude. We ended up having to lay off those on the bottom tier; thankfully we never had to move to the second tier. But I wanted to help those I had to let go. I looked for ways to offer support even after they were no longer on my payroll. I emailed them on a regular basis with information about ways to file for unemployment and other available benefits. But people were still angry even after we reached out to try to help. Some didnt believe the layoffs were necessary and disputed our motives, even going as far as calling us fake Christians. Like most businesses across America, Demos restaurant continues to struggle with the unforeseen aftershocks of the pandemic, ranging from acute labor shortages to supply chain disruptions to the ongoing polarization and politicization around mask-wearing and other safety protocols: Other employees returned only to quit once stimulus checks were received. Much like nearly every restaurant in America, we became and continue to be short-staffed. We are now encountering a staffing crisis of such proportions that we have been forced to re-close some locations or reduce hours at others. While we have hundreds of individuals apply to each job posting, despite offering pay 50 percent higher than minimum wage and exclusive sign-on bonuses, they simply do not show up to interview. The lack of willing workers has strained the entire industry and is now impacting our manufacturers and supply chains. Everything from aluminum lids for our to-go pans to chicken and ketchup packaging are running low. We have over 40 items currently on a watch list that may run out this week. We are talking daily and sometimes more with our distributors to stay on top of it and try to find substitutions, which is simply not always possible. To navigate these challenges, Demos has kept in close counsel with other Christian business leaders and restauranteurs, which helped ground his struggle in the context of creative service and hopeful perseverance. While the industry norm was to dwell in fear, resentment, and scarcity-mindedness, his faith and trust in God gave him fresh perspective and helped him focus on gratitude. I found that these [other Christian restaurant] owners tended to have more positive outlooks and recognized this was a season that God would see them through, he writes. When worry would rear its ugly head during the worst of the pandemic, I reminded myself that I trust a God who is in control, I would ask his forgiveness for my unbelief, and I would start being thankful for what he provided. In the final chapter of his book, Work: The Meaning of Your Life, theologian Lester DeKoster writes about these same struggles, calling the art of executive stewardship an awesome obligation of economic life one that Christians ought to embrace and inhabit with wisdom and humility. Whatever work we do puts our selves into the service of others and at the same time sculpts the kind of self each is becoming, writes DeKoster. But certain jobs unite work and wage (and price) in someones decision Theirs is the gift for merging all economic variables into price tags and wage rates and their choices are as sculpting of their own selves as any others. As executive stewards we are called to lean into economic decisions with our consciences, balancing a host of factors toward an ideal that transcends earthly inputs and considerations. The twin tracks of work and wage do not meet, and cannot be scientifically related, DeKoster writes. They are bridged by morality, not by mathematics. And it is in the self-sculpting choices of wage and price scales that managers must make the twin tracks merge under the all-seeing eye of God. It is here that justice, as defined by the will of the Creator and revealed in his Word, comes to bear upon the economy. Demos story offers just one possible approach. But as business owners continue to faithfully shepherd their enterprises away from the brink of economic collapse, his example points to a way of thinking and operating that can offer a stark contrast to the fears and economic assumptions of our post-pandemic age. In the simple ways we weigh and steward executive decisions wage rates, product quality, hiring and firing, layoffs, caring for those who fall on misfortune we remind the world that business is not just about economic self-provision, but also about human fellowship, bound together by human persons with ethical obligations to each other. I can see how our staff developed closer relationships as we weathered the storms of 2020 together, adapting and even expanding our business to shipping food nationwide, Demos concludes. And I can see signs of spiritual growth. A year like last year reminds us of our real bottom line: We believe it is our job to share the gospel through the business God gave us. It is his business, not ours. Demos story reminds us that mastering the art of executive stewardship will not only lead to more fruitful businesses; it will lead to more abounding diversity and fellowship across the economic order. It creates economic value across civilization, but it does so by creating social and spiritual value in ways that are both unseen and eternal. The Souvenir Part II" has been one of the clear standouts at the Cannes Film Festival. It played in the Directors Fortnight, which runs parallel to the Cannes official selection. It's a hushed, formally composed film that played down the Croisette from Cannes' central Palais. Still, few movies here have spawned as much fawning over. Hogg's project has already attracted a wide array of admirers (Martin Scorsese is an executive producer of both films). But The Souvenir Part II, which a24 will release, only enhances Hogg's achievement. Ive rediscovered a way of making films that I enjoyed when I was at film school before I got sucked into television," says the 61-year-old Hogg, who didn't make her feature directorial debut until 2007's Unrelated. It was the making of the film within the film within the film I dont know how many inside boxes there are. The hall-of-mirrors nature of The Souvenir only gets weirder. Tilda Swinton, an old friend of the director's, starred in Hogg's original 1986 short film, titled Caprice. In The Souvenir Part II, Byrne wears some of her mother's clothes from that time. After the first Cannes screening of the film, Swinton said emphatically, "It was a trip. WKBW-TV has named a replacement to anchor the shifts that had been filled by Keith Radford and Madison Carter. Pheben (pronounced Feb-in) Kassahun, who most recently worked as an evening anchor and multimedia journalist at WJHL in Johnson City, Tenn., begins working Monday at Eyewitness News. Her sign-off as a WJHL anchor on April 13 can be viewed online. A native of Dallas and a 2015 graduate of the University of Arkansas, Kassahun is expected to make her on-air debut as soon as she becomes acclimated. She will become the noon anchor, a position formerly held by Carter, and will anchor one of the two newscasts in the 5 p.m. through 6 p.m. time period, fulfilling one of Radfords roles. Carter, who had been a reporter as well as the noon anchor, left in April for a station in Atlanta. Radford, who had anchored the 5:30 p.m. newscast solo and co-anchored the 6 p.m. newscast with Ashley Rowe as a part-timer, retired last month. With Rowe expected to be on maternity leave in September, Kassahuns role could expand during Rowes absence. Canisius College is still finalizing plans for the fall. Niagara University has decided vaccinations will be encouraged, but not required at this point for students, faculty and staff. Face masks, social distancing and daily health screenings are not mandatory at Niagara, but may be required for some areas, such as clinical placements for nursing students. More than 19,000 University at Buffalo students have reported they have received at least one dose of the vaccine. With the virus at an all-time low in Western New York and New York State, and with the high rates of vaccination in our campus community, UB will be fully in person in the fall, UB President Satish K. Tripathi said in a statement Friday. Students and employees who are not vaccinated are to wear a mask at indoor and outdoor locations at UB, except in their residence hall rooms, personal workstations or while eating in university dining areas, according to the college. Masks also are required for all passengers on UB buses and at health care settings such as Student Health Services and the Dental Clinic. It's not just public universities requiring vaccinations. He said rest stops on the tours in recent years have featured speakers offering remarks on various causes. "Our focus is biking, and we don't care about your politics; we just want you to ride bikes and be your friend," Costello added. "Biking is good but it's not going to save the world." Slow Roll began its tours in 2015 and by the next year attracted more than 25,000 riders over 25 Monday night events. The concept is for bicyclists to coordinate via a Facebook group, meet at a designated site and set out at a leisurely pace along a predetermined route. All riders are welcome, and its free. Seamus Gallivan, spokesman for Walton, is a co-founder of the group. He acknowledged late Friday that Independent Health had relayed its "respectable concerns" and that conversations were expected to continue. "It's nothing new for Slow Roll to be engaged in issues that matter in the city," he said. "But there is nothing afoul." Gallivan said Walton is even selling raffle tickets for a fundraiser, but that her future as a Slow Roll board member is being discussed. "That's something she's thinking about," he said. "With our volunteers being largely from Delaware and Niagara (districts), when we go door-knocking on the East Side of Buffalo, some people don't open the doors," said Eve Shippens, a Buffalo teacher who serves as Walton's campaign field director. "They're like: 'This isn't people from our community knocking on our doors: We're not opening the door.' But when people did open the doors and have conversations, we found a lot of people who were energized over what India had to say." Another sign that Buffalo's professionals class lined up behind Walton can be found in her campaign finance reports. Several of her donors are associated with think tanks or nonprofits aimed at tackling the city's problems. Carl Nightingale, a professor of Africana and American studies at the University at Buffalo and co-secretary of the board at PUSH Buffalo, gave Walton more than any other donor: $5,200. Sam Magavern, senior policy fellow at the Partnership for the Public Good, gave $1,000. Robert Galbraith, senior research analyst at the Public Accountability Initiative, donated $130. Nightingale did not return an email seeking comment and Magavern declined to comment. But Galbraith said he has known Walton for several years through her work on housing in the Fruit Belt and has always been impressed with her. The challenge, they said, is crafting the right message to reach those reluctant to get the vaccine in a community where distrust of the government runs high. The key is getting the most accurate information about the vaccine's safety, delivered by family physicians and other trusted figures, to the public at large. "It's slow going," said Eva Benedict, president and CEO of Jones Memorial Hospital in Wellsville. "We wish our numbers were higher." 'You can't force me to get the vaccine' On March 1, just 12.2% of Allegany's 37,247 adults had received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, while the statewide average was 14.8%. Back then, officials said Allegany residents who, on average, are older and poorer than the average New Yorker had a hard time navigating the online system to register for vaccine appointments, especially made difficult by the limited availability of reliable broadband across large swaths of the county. Larger-scale vaccination clinics were few and far between in Allegany and officials complained the state was not sending enough doses to the county, where access to public transportation also is an obstacle. Thousands of Cubans marched on Havanas Malecon promenade and elsewhere on the island Sunday to protest food shortages and high prices amid the coronavirus crisis, in one of biggest anti-government demonstrations in memory. Many young people took part in the afternoon protest in the capital, which disrupted traffic until police moved in after several hours and broke up the march when a few protesters threw rocks. Police initially trailed behind as protesters chanted Freedom, Enough and Unite. One motorcyclist pulled out a U.S. flag, but it was snatched from him by others. We are fed up with the queues, the shortages. Thats why Im here, one middle-age protester told The Associated Press. He declined to identify himself for fear of being arrested later. Cuba is going through its worst economic crisis in decades, along with a resurgence of coronavirus cases, as it suffers the consequences of U.S. sanctions imposed by the Trump administration. An official in the Biden administration tweeted support for Sunday's demonstrations. In Oregon, the Bootleg Fire exploded to 224 square miles (580 square kilometers) as it raced through heavy timber in the Fremont-Winema National Forest, near the Klamath County town of Sprague River. The fire disrupted service on three transmission lines providing up to 5,500 megawatts of electricity to neighboring California. The largest wildfire of the year in California was raging near the border with Nevada. The Beckwourth Complex Fire a combination of two lightning-caused blazes burning north of Lake Tahoe grew by a third Sunday to 134 square miles (348 kilometers). However, firefighters working in temperatures that topped 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) were able to gain some ground, doubling containment to 20%. Late Saturday, flames jumped U.S. 395, which was closed near the small town of Doyle in California's Lassen County. The lanes reopened Sunday, and officials urged motorists to use caution and keep moving along the key north-south route where flames were still active. Do not stop and take pictures, said the fire's Operations Section Chief Jake Cagle. You are going to impede our operations if you stop and look at what's going on. Don Plotz, a Navy sailor, immediately wrote to Benchley: I couldnt put it down until I had finished it. For I have rather a personal interest in sharks. In vivid detail, Plotz recounted his experiences on a search and rescue mission in the Bahamas, where a hurricane had sunk the USS Warrington on Sept. 13, 1944. Of the original crew of 321, only 73 survived. We picked up two survivors who had been in the water twenty-four hours, and fighting off sharks, Plotz wrote. Then we spent all day picking up the carcasses of those we could find, identifying them and burying. Sometime only rib cages an arm or leg or a hip. Sharks were all around the ship. Benchleys novel paid little attention to World War II, but the war anchored one of the movies most memorable moments. In the haunting, penultimate scene, one of the shark hunters, Quint, quietly reveals that he is a survivor of the USS Indianapolis disaster. Four years ago, I wrote a plea on the editorial page for readers to register as organ donors, because my husband, Michael, was in need of a liver transplant due to liver cancer. Luckily, someone in New Jersey became an organ donor and my husband received that persons liver three years ago. Mike is doing very well. His doctors say he is the poster child for liver transplant patients. He takes his anti-rejection medication every 12 hours, as directed. However, this medication makes him immunosuppressed, unable to fight off infections as easily as others can. After all he has been through, a Covid-19 infection could kill him. We were eligible to get in line early and we each received our doses of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine in January and February of this year. However, we are not sure he is protected, as people who are immunosuppressed were not included in most clinical trials for the various vaccines. Ironically, the very medicines that keep his new liver from being rejected likely keep the Covid-19 vaccine from doing its full job. His doctors cannot reassure him that he is protected and, at this time, there are no good tests to determine his level of antibodies to Covid-19. Roswell Park designation In a boon for first responders who are still suffering from cancers because of the 9/11 terror attacks, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center has been named a member of the World Trade Center Health Program provider network. The federal program provides treatment to those with certified WTC-related health conditions at no cost to them. Its a startling reminder that just two months before the 20th anniversary of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people, brave men and women are still suffering. These are people who searched for survivors, cleared away rubble and have never been the same. Until now, those suffering from cancers had to travel to New York City for treatment. It shouldnt have taken this long to make this happen, but at least now, that problem has been eliminated. Rep. Brian Higgins of Buffalo put it well at a ceremony last week. Following the Sept. 11 attack thousands of people stepped up, left their homes and families and answered the call to respond to a nation desperately in need, he said. Now these heroic first responders right here in Western New York can receive the world-class cancer care they deserve right in their backyard. While watching Good Morning America, they had a report from our largest military base in Afghanistan, abandoned. A modern small city. They left motor vehicles, bikes and medical equipment. America spent billions of dollars on wars that lasted a total of 20 years, mostly based on lies. We have cities in America where the water is not safe to drink. We have urban areas that do not have clinics with enough equipment to service the needs of the public. We have a large number of people living on the beach in California. We send billions to Israel every year that they do not have to pay back. They have universal health care, free college for their kids. I hear on the news Israel has state of the art research centers and are number one in stuff. If they are doing so well, why do they need our money? Our leaders sold their souls to lobbyists who dont care about anything except their own interest. America has crumbling infrastructure and failing health care and educational systems. Why are we sending money anywhere? More than 400 people were shot over the Fourth of July in America. Violent crime every year passes the total death of American troops in our wars over 20 years. The Remarkable Story of Three Teenage Girls Who Seduced and Killed Traitors During WW II Dicky Wafelbakker walks home, carrying a tureen of soup in her hands. It is April 13, 1945, in Nazi-occupied Holland, and soup kitchens have sprung up all over to help keep citizens alive during the devastating famine, created by the Germans, that is gripping the country. Wafelbakker is a 57-year-old retired journalist and childrens book translator who never married and lives alone. Shes also a Nazi sympathizer who recently created a list of names and locations of Jews who are hiding in the area and mailed it off to the German secret police. What she doesnt know, however, is that her letter was intercepted at the post office and passed on to members of the Dutch resistance. Suddenly, two teenage girls sharing a bikeone peddling while the other sits side-saddle on the luggage rackride up beside her. Are you Dicky Wafelbakker? one asks. Wafelbakker tells them she is and walks on. For a few paces, the girls follow behind. Then one of them pulls out a gun and shoots Wafelbakker, killing her instantly. The two jump back on their bike and speed off, while Wafelbakker lies dead in the street, soup spilling everywhere. ADVERTISEMENT ------- Many years later, I would observe Freddie and Truus Oversteegen arguing, over tea, about which one of them had actually pulled the trigger on Wafelbakker that day. The incident was one of the many liquidations the two carried out during their years in the Dutch resistance. The Oversteegen sisters had joined the underground army at the ages of just 15 and 17. Eventually, they met and became close friends with another member, Hannie Schaft, and the trio often worked together on dangerous assignments. As a teenager, I once wrote a paper about these women, who hailed from my own hometown of Haarlem, a city 12 miles west of Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. Throwing myself into my research, I discovered that Truus Oversteegen was still alive. Brazenly, I called her up for an interview, and to my surprise, she invited me over. She shared her story with me, and a special bond grew between us. She introduced me to her sister Freddie, and for 20 years I had the honor of getting to know these two both as remarkable, courageous women, and as true friends. At a time when they would have been experimenting with makeup and giggling about boys, World War II broke out they faced a question far beyond what should have been expected of them at this age: to adapt or to resist? In 1940, a time when the three girls would have been experimenting with makeup and giggling about boys, World War II broke out and Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands. Immediately, they were deprived of their childhoods and faced a question far beyond what should have been expected of them at this age: to adapt or to resist? During World War II, relatively few people were active in the Dutch resistance against the German occupiers. It is estimated that 90 percent of the Dutch population tried to continue to live their lives as normally as possible. Another five percent became collaborators. The remaining five percent were engaged in active resistance. Only a small part of this group took up weapons, and the majority of those who did were men. Hannie, Truus, and Freddie were among the very fewsomewhere between just 10 and 15Dutch women who joined them. As Hannie Schaft said when she first signed up with the armed resistance, she wanted to take on the Germans, with weapons, if necessary. Truus, born in 1923, and her younger sister Freddie, born in 1925, grew up with their divorced mother Trijntje van der Molen and their little stepbrother Robbie. They were poor and living on welfare. Trijntje was an active member of the Dutch Communist Party, and frequently held party meetings at their tiny home. She found solace and courage in the Soviets fight against the rise of Hitler, and as early as 1934, Truus and Freddie gave up their beds so the family could offer shelter to five Jewish German refugees. They did this at great risk, as providing shelter to refugees was illegal in the Netherlands. Hannie Schaft was born Jannetje Johanna Schaft in 1920. Like Freddie and Truus, she came from a socially committed and politically engaged family. Her father Pieter worked in education and was active in the Social Democratic Workers Party. Her mother, Aafje, also worked in education prior to raising a family. Hannie grew up very isolated, especially after the tragic death of her older sister Annie, a terrible blow from which the family never really recovered. Because ideals like justice, peace, and equality were instilled in her from an early age, Hannie decided to go to law school in Amsterdam, with a focus on international law. Her dream was to work for the League of Nations (the forerunner of the United Nations) in Geneva once the war was over to contribute to international peace and justice. The three young women started out small with their resistance work and functioned independently in the early days. Hannie was introduced to the resistance in Amsterdam as a student, and Truus and Freddie found it via their familys ties to the Communist Party in Haarlem. Their earliest missions consisted of distributing illegal newspapers and flyers, gathering vital intelligence for the resistance, providing Jewish children with safe houses, and stealing identification papers for them. In the summer of 1943, the three met while working for an armed resistance group called the Raad van Verzet (Council of Resistance), or RVVa small cell of seven members. Gradually, they took on more dangerous forms of resistance. They carried out acts of sabotage, attacking and bombing railways and other strategic locations. Most perilously, they would liquidate high-ranking Nazi officers, Dutch Nazi collaborators, and traitors. Liquidating is just a nice word for killing, Freddie once explained to me. The RVV would meet and appoint which particular Nazi target had to be eliminated. Then members would pair up in teams to carry out these assassinations. The girls would carry their guns in their purses or pockets, awaiting or following their targets, and sometimes shooting at them from their bicycles. Freddie would map out the exact whereabouts of the target in advance, which could take weeks of preparation. Truus was the practical leader, and Hannie the brains of their operation. One advantage that the girls had over their male counterparts was that they could employ a resistance strategy using their femininity and sexual power as a secret weapon. Trembling with nerves, anxiety, and rage, they would stand in a noisy bar. Their eyelashes long and dark with mascara, their lips painted bright red, they would pretend to be Moffen girls (Kraut girlsDutch women who had relationships with German soldiers), giggle and flirt with a high-ranking Nazi officer, and coax vital intelligence out of him. Occasionally, they would invite their target for a romantic stroll, luring him into the nearby woods, where armed male members of their resistance cell laid in wait. As soon as the target arrived at the agreed-upon spot, he would be shot dead by their comrades. On one risky mission, Hannie and Truus attacked a barber who had given information to the German intelligence agency for money, and later became an SS officer. The two women arrived together on bikes. Hannie shot first, but her gun failed. Truus then tried to kill him, but despite hitting the man in his head and his back, he survived. His fiancee, who was standing next to him, began screaming, and the military police were called. "We were dealing with cancerous tumors in society that you had to cut out like a surgeon." Truus and Hannie had to escape. They fled to a nearby cafe, where Truus pulled out her gun and shouted, Gentlemen, your attention please. Were coming in now, but when the Germans come in, weve been here all afternoon. If you do not behave the way we want you to, and were on our way to heaven, we will take a few of you with us. We do not intend to just give up. Then they ordered a drink to make their breath smell of alcohol and pretended to be drunk. When a high-ranking German soldier came rushing in, Truus threw her arms around his neck and shouted, Hey Heinz, come here. Her behavior was so annoying and vulgar to the soldier that he left. ADVERTISEMENT Truus told me that carrying out these actions was not easy on them. Freddie would get so nervous before their missions that she would almost eat her handkerchief. Truus didnt suffer from anxiety at the moment of the attack, but afterward she would faint or become overwhelmed and have a crying fit. Hannie was also very nervous, but she would carefully comb her red hair and apply powder and lipstick before a mission. As she explained to Truus, she wanted to die beautiful. The three young women came from completely different backgrounds and had totally distinct characters. So, what did the clever auburn-haired Hannie, the down-to-earth tomboy and natural leader Truus, and the feminine and fierce Freddie have in common with each other, and what drove them? For one thing, they all honored the same ideal of a livable world and felt compelled by the inhuman conditions of the German occupation to take up arms against the enemy in order to fight injustice. They did what they did because it had to be done, as they often told me. They also all put their lives on the line, went to extraordinary lengths, and displayed exceptional bravery. Their main challenge, however, was to remain human in inhuman circumstances. Within their resistance cell, the three girls developed their own code of ethics. For example, they resolutely refused to carry out missions involving children, including the children of Arthur Seyss-Inquartan Austrian national who was the Commissioner of the Reich in the Netherlandswhom they were ordered to kidnap. The three female combatants bravely carried out hazardous missions that were not only technically challenging, but also mentally difficult. I really dont regret what we did, Truus explained. We were dealing with cancerous tumors in society that you had to cut out like a surgeon. There was no legal system in place that would condemn the Nazis crimes against humanity, crimes that would later become known as one of the worlds largest genocides. For Hannie, Truus, and Freddie, there was no other solution than to resist, fighting fire with fire. That is the cruelty of war, explained Truus. Their missions were so brazen and successful that eventually, the Nazis heard that a group of Dutch girls were carrying out assassinations and discovered that one of them had red hair. Hitler himself wanted her captured. As a result, Hannie cut her beautiful red hair, dyed it black, and wore fake glasses made of window glass to disguise her identity. All three girls had to go into hiding. But for one of them, time just ran out. On March 21, 1945, Hannie was pulled over on her bike by German soldiers for a routine check because she was carrying illegal newspapers. On further examination, they discovered her gun and knew they had caught the woman theyd been looking for. She was arrested and thrown in prison. The barbers fiancee was brought in and identified Hannie as one of the women who carried out the attack she witnessed. On April 17, 1945, less than three weeks before the end of the war, Hannie Schaft was executed by German soldiers, in the dunes near the North Sea. After the war, Hannie became the icon of female Dutch resistance. Her remains were eventually discovered and she was re-entombed in the presence of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands on November 27, 1945, as the ony female member buried at the honorary cemetery for fallen members of the resistance. To this day, every citizen in Holland learns about her life and resistance work in school, and every year there is a national commemoration service for her. The Oversteegen sisters were lucky to survive the war, but were forever haunted by the demons of their past. They also both dealt very differently with their traumas. Truus became a sculptor and painter and achieved great successshe even created a statue of Hannie Schaft that stands in Haarlem. She also travelled extensively to do public speaking about the war and her role in the resistance. Freddie lived a more secluded life, focusing on her family. Both sisters, however, had to fight to be recognized for their work in the resistance due to their ties to the Dutch Communist Party, and because they were women and not treated with the same reverence as male resistance fighters. Freddie, a true feminist, felt very strongly about this. Women dont count, she said. They still dont. That hasnt changed. Freddie also felt overlooked when compared to her older sister, who had received many awards for her resistance work, while Freddie was left unnoticed. It was only in 2014 that they were both given the Mobilization War Cross by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Despite the accolades, however, the fact remains that the sisters were traumatized and scarred for life as a result of what they had to do. Both suffered from severe nightmares, depression, and PTSD. For them, the war only stopped the day they diedTruus at age 92 in 2016, and Freddie a few years later in 2018, exactly one day before what would have been her 93rd birthday. My relationship with these women had a profound impact on me, and has influenced my entire professional and personal life. Because of them, I went to law school and started my organization, Sophies Women of War, to highlight women all around the world who have dared to take the lead during times of conflict. But most of all, I see it as my mission to share the story of these three Dutch resistance fighters with the world, which I do via speeches, lectures, and the book I wrote about them and their ideals of justice, equality, and peace: Seducing and Killing Nazis: Hannie, Truus and Freddie: Dutch Resistance Heroines of WWII. A few years before they passed away, a documentary was made about the sisters for Dutch television. How many people did you shoot? the interviewer asked the elderly Freddie at one point in the film. Sitting in a rocking chair and looking much younger than her 89 years, Freddie, with her white curly hair, trendy lilac hairband, blue tinted glasses, and fashionably colorful clothes, smiled kindly and patiently. Then, straightening her spine and lifting her chin slightly, she looked directly into the filmmakers eyes. I wont tell you the number of people I shot, she answered, sternly. I was a soldier. A child soldier, but a soldier, nevertheless. You should never ask a soldier how many people he shot. Her faintly crackly voice echoed in the room, then left a lingering silence. All photos courtesy North Holland Archives except Truus and Freddie with Stenguns (Photo Collection of Dutch Resistance Museum); Last Photos of Hannie Schaft (Public Domain); Truus and Statue (National Hannie Schaft Foundation), Truus and Freddie in 2003 (Maarten Poldermans) By Sophie Poldermans Excerpted from Seducing and Killing Nazis: Hannie, Truus and Freddie, Dutch Resistance Heroines of WWII This story originally appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of BUST magazine. Subscribe today! DES MOINES, Iowa, July 12, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Berkshire Hathaway Energy and Dominion Energy today announced they have agreed to terminate the planned sale of Questar Pipeline Group to Berkshire Hathaway Energy. The decision has no impact on the sale of gas transmission and storage assets to Berkshire Hathaway Energy completed in November 2020. That sale represented approximately 80% of the original transaction value. About Berkshire Hathaway Energy From our roots in renewable energy, Berkshire Hathaway Energy has grown to a $127.5 billion portfolio of locally managed businesses that share a vision of being the best energy company in serving our customers, while delivering sustainable energy solutions. These businesses deliver low-cost, safe and reliable service each day to more than 12 million electric and natural gas customers and end-users throughout the U.S., Great Britain and Alberta, Canada. Our employees pride themselves in putting customers first in all they do, and as a result, our businesses consistently rank high among energy companies in customer satisfaction. Berkshire Hathaway Energy is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, U.S. Learn more at www.brkenergy.com. Forward-looking Statements This news release contains statements that do not directly or exclusively relate to historical facts. These statements are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements can typically be identified by the use of forward-looking words, such as "will," "may," "could," "project," "believe," "anticipate," "expect," "estimate," "continue," "intend," "potential," "plan," "forecast" and similar terms. These statements are based upon Berkshire Hathaway Energy Companys current intentions, assumptions, expectations and beliefs and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other important factors. Many of these factors are outside the control of Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expectations include the impact of natural disasters and weather effects on revenues and other operating uncertainties, uncertainties relating to economic, political and business conditions and uncertainties regarding the impact of laws and regulations, including laws and regulations related to environmental protection, changes in government policy and competition. The foregoing factors that could cause Berkshire Hathaway Energy Companys actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in the forward-looking statements included in this news release should not be construed as exclusive and should be considered in connection with information regarding risks and uncertainties that may affect Berkshire Hathaway Energy Companys future results included in Berkshire Hathaway Energy Companys filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available at the Securities and Exchange Commissions website (www.sec.gov). Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Story continues View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210712005414/en/ Contacts Berkshire Hathaway Energy Media Hotline: 515-242-3022 mediahotline@brkenergy.com FORT WORTH, Texas, July 12, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jet Health, Inc., a leading regional provider of home health and hospice services, announced today the acquisition of Signal Home Health & Hospice, a San Antonio, Texas-based company. The acquisition marks Jet Healths seventh acquisition and furthers the Companys strategy to build a premier home health and hospice provider across the western and southwestern U.S. Founded in 2010, Signal Home Health & Hospice primarily serves patients in the greater San Antonio area as well as adjoining counties, providing hospice services, skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, social workers and home health aides. "Jet Health got its start in Texas, and we have been looking for opportunities to build density in the state by acquiring quality providers. San Antonio is the second-largest market in Texas, and the Signal Home Health & Hospice acquisition provides us the ability to further expand our presence throughout the state. This acquisition further reflects Jet Healths attractiveness to sellers seeking buyers that can provide not just a fair purchase price, but also one that shares their culture and commitment to quality care," explained Stacie Bratcher, Jet Healths chief executive officer. Signal Home Health & Hospice Owner Robert McDowell added: "I spent more than ten years building our company into a provider of quality home health and hospice services. Our strategy for success was simple recruit and retain top-notch professionals who deliver excellent clinical care and service. It was critical that the company to whom I sold my business shared those values and would afford our team the opportunity to continue to execute this mission. As we conducted the acquisition process and spent time with Jet Healths leadership and diligence teams, it was clear that this was in fact the right choice." Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Funding for the transaction was provided by Stifel Bank, SV Health Investors and Health Enterprise Partners. Stradling Yocca Carlson and Rauth acted as legal counsel to Jet Health. The transaction was facilitated by Agenda Health, a healthcare-focused Mergers & Acquisitions advisory firm, headquartered in Austin, Texas. Story continues About Jet Health Fort Worth, Texas-based Jet Health, Inc. is a home health and hospice provider offering skilled nursing care, physical, speech and occupational therapy, medical social services, hospice and personal care services. The Company operates from locations in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Idaho. Founded in 2016, Jet Health continues to build its business through organic growth, strategic acquisitions and de novo development in target markets. Jet Health leverages local brands and operating expertise and shares best practices across its companies while centralizing back office functions. For more information, visit https://jethealthinc.com. View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210712005082/en/ Contacts At the Company: Jim Glynn, 949-356-6525, info@jethealthinc.com Media Contact: Susan Turkell, 303-766-4343, sturkell@pairelations.com FILE PHOTO: U.S. and North Korean national flags are seen at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa island in Singapore By Josh Smith SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. humanitarian aid is a "sinister political scheme" to put pressure on other countries, a North Korean researcher said, after suggestions from U.S. allies such as South Korea that coronavirus vaccines or other help could promote cooperation. North Korea's foreign ministry published the criticism of U.S. aid on an official website on Sunday, a clear indication that it reflects government thinking. Kang Hyon Chol, identified as a senior researcher at the ministry-affiliated Association for the Promotion of International Economic and Technological Exchange, listed a series of examples from around the world that he said highlight a U.S. practice of linking aid to its foreign policy goals or pressure on human rights issues. "This vividly reveals that the American ulterior intention of linking 'humanitarian assistance' with 'human rights issue' is to legitimise their pressure on the sovereign states and achieve their sinister political scheme," Kang wrote. Among the examples he listed was declining American assistance to the government in Afghanistan, where the United States is due to withdraw the last of its troops in coming weeks. "In actual practice, many countries have undergone bitter tastes as a result of pinning much hope on the American 'aid' and 'humanitarian assistance'," Kang said. American officials have said they are supportive of humanitarian aid to North Korea but that no efforts are underway to provide direct assistance. South Korea has vowed it would provide coronavirus vaccines if requested, and some analysts have argued that such foreign aid could provide an opening to resume diplomatic talks with the North, which has rebuffed most overtures from Seoul and Washington since 2019. South Korea's unification ministry, which handles relations with the North, noted the article was not an official statement and said it would continue to seek ways to cooperate with Pyongyang to ensure health and safety in both Koreas. North Korea has shown no public signs of interest in aid from South Korea or the United States, though it has accepted at least limited assistance from China and Russia. (Reporting by Josh Smith; Additional reporting by Hyonhee Shin; editing by Robert Birsel) Lina El Arabi, the emerging French actor of the Cesar-nominated A Wedding, is set to headline The Malediction (Leana), a horror-thriller which will mark the feature debut of Abel Danan. The film is being produced by Leo Maidenberg, whose credits include Sisters in Arms and The Bunker Game. Xavier Gens, the producer of Mounia Meddours Cesar-winning film Papicha, is co-producing. Gens is also a director specialised in genre films with a track record including Frontiere (s). El Arabi was featured as a rising star at Toronto in 2017. More from Variety Penned by Danan and Emma Lacoste, The Malediction takes place today, in a world that is slowly recovering from a mysterious epidemic. The movie is set in Paris and follows Yara, a 25 year-old young Moroccan woman who came to study in Paris and has not left her home for several months, as she is agoraphobic since childhood because of terrible family events. Her only contact is with her grandmother, Najiyah, by phone. One evening, a mysterious apparition disrupts her daily life, and forces her to relive her worst fears, pushing her to the edge of madness. Yara then thinks she is haunted by an evil presence and does not know if all this is due to her own imagination. She quickly understands that she will have to fend for herself, and survive at all costs. The film is entirely filmed in Yaras small apartment and shows her visions and nightmares. Maidenberg cited Rosemarys Baby, Mother! and The Thing as references. Danan previously directed the short horror film Canines which played at Gerardmer and starred Melissa George (Mulholland Drive) and Pauline Chalamet (The King of Staten Island and The Sex Lives of College Girls). Story continues The Malediction will be lensed by cinematographer Michel Abramowicz (Taken, The Thing and From Paris with Love). The shooting will start at the end of the year in Paris and Morocco. Best of Variety Sign up for Varietys Newsletter. For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. A British diver involved in rescuing a group of young footballers from a cave in Thailand has praised Colin Farrells diligent method acting approach to portraying him in a forthcoming film. John Volanthen and Richard Stanton were part of a team of divers who saved 12 boys and their coach after they got trapped in the cave when it flooded in 2018. Mr Volanthen and Mr Stanton will be played by actors Farrell and Viggo Mortensen respectively in Thirteen Lives. John Volanthen (Victoria Jones/PA) Mr Volanthen told ITVs This Morning he had spent a fair bit of time with Farrell via video call, adding that he has been impressed by his diligence. So, over the time that he was filming, hes been training to run, he said. I do quite a lot of running and, ultimately, at the end of the film, he ran the Brisbane Marathon in a very respectable time, which I think is quite diligent for a method actor. He added that he had asked for Mr Bean to play him, but I was told by (director) Ron Howard in no uncertain terms he wasnt making that sort of movie. Viggo Mortensen (Ian West/PA) Mr Stanton said he had also had a lot of contact with Mortensen ahead of the films release. He told This Morning: I was communicating with him for many months before filming started just so he could get my mannerisms and the way I talk, and obviously hes a very skilled actor and you see him assimilate your character until he becomes a better me than I am. In 2019 Mr Stanton and Mr Volanthen were both presented with the George Medal for their roles in the rescue mission. The boys, aged between 11 and 16 and members of the Wild Boars youth football team, had cycled with their coach to the caves to explore when they became marooned inside. C-Level View | Feature In Search of a Student Relationship Management System A Q&A with Gerlie Jeltema Finding the perfect student relationship management system implementation, or SRM, is getting more important for today's higher education institutions, but, it seems, that's not getting any easier to achieve. And there's a history to these systems to keep in mind through all your planning. The student information system, or SIS, has been generally used in higher education institutions for decades, for the purpose of linking functions across the university, with the hopes of integrating student data and procedures. An SIS is mainly focused on the institution's systems of records and data, and it is largely used to support staff in their functional roles and internal responsibilities. A CRM, or customer relationship management system, originally produced for the corporate and business sectors, emerged close on the heels of the SIS. These CRM systems have been modified, for years, and refitted for education users. Finally, vendors have attempted to fill the need for a true student relationship management (SRM) system in higher education. An SRM is focused on the students as users and not only serves to record student data but also helps generate the institution's response to changing student needs. But, we've rarely found an SRM system that serves us, "out of the box". Here, South Orange County Community College District's IT Director - Enterprise Systems Gerlie Jeltema talks with CT about her institution's search for an SRM implementation for SOCCCD. "We've already had a series of business process analysis and journey map sessions with representatives from student services and instruction who serve our students in different aspects of their lifecycle." Gerlie Jeltema Mary Grush: Where does South Orange County Community College District stand in terms of a student relationship management system (SRM)? I've heard there's somewhat of a quest for an SRM at your institution. Gerlie Jeltema: It's exactly that; it's still a quest. We don't have an SRM in place at this time, so I am managing an initiative to understand what we need from an SRM and then we will select an SRM to implement (or even integrate more than one). Grush: Certainly your institution already has a student information system. What is the difference between a student relationship management, or SRM system, and an SIS? Jeltema: As far as I am concerned, the SIS is the primary means of managing student records, making sure that information about a student is accessible to the student, to our faculty when appropriate, and to our staff. An SRM, for us, is intended as a means of managing student engagement: Based on information that we know about the student that we store within our SIS how do we best engage the student, throughout his or her entire life cycle, from when they first show an interest in our institution, to completion of their academic journey with us? Grush: How long have SIS and SRM systems been around? Jeltema: SIS systems have been around, it seems forever! For as long as there have been students attending an institution, there has been some form of SIS for managing their records. (Students were attending long before computers; then, these systems were paper-based.) But SRM systems are comparatively new, with regard to the institutional memory. They're practically in their infancy as far as the higher education space is concerned, initially fashioned after the customer relationship systems (CRM) found in commerce. The idea of creating an SRM system that reflects the uniqueness of the higher education environment is fairly recent. HSHS Sacred Heart and St. Josephs hospitals are excited to receive $15 million in state funding as part of Governor Tony Evers biannual state budget, announced Thursday, July 8. The funding will allow our hospitals to expand capacity by adding 22 new psychiatric beds. The additional beds will enhance the existing units, creating a 33-bed adult unit at HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire and a dedicated 18-bed adolescent unit at HSHS St. Josephs Hospital in Chippewa Falls. We have been committed to serving the behavioral health needs of our communities for 60 years, said Andy Bagnall, HSHS Wisconsin President and CEO. This expansion directly aligns with our mission and allows our inpatient services to meet a significant community need. HSHS Sacred Heart and St. Josephs hospitals Executive Director of Behavioral Health, Toni Simonson said securing this grant to expand the hospitals emergency mental health services is crucial. I am so thrilled and appreciative of this funding, says Simonson. This is going to help us serve more community members during a time when mental health needs are rising at an exceptional rate. Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, who is preparing to enter next year's Democratic primary for U.S. Senate, quietly received his diploma from Alabama A&M University in May 2020, 12 years after he attended classes there. Barnes came under criticism two years ago for saying that he had a degree even though he had not yet fulfilled all the requirements to receive one. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Monday that the Barnes campaign provided a copy of his year-old diploma. Barnes received his Bachelor's degree in communications media specializing in performance. The diploma was dated May 1, 2020, and included signatures from Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey and Alabama A&M President Andrew Hugine, Jr. Barnes attended Alabama A&M from the fall of 2003 to the spring of 2008. In a statement, Barnes told the Journal Sentinel: "In 2008, I completed all my courses at Alabama A&M and walked in graduation ceremonies. However, due to a minor technical issue with my transcript, the diploma was never sent. Last year, I worked with the appropriate Alabama A&M officials to resolve the internal error and was awarded the diploma I earned back in 2008." The adaptation of the komiks series Trese is a game-changer in more ways than one. These creatures and their stories have been around for centuries, but it was only in 2021 that we could finally see our tikbalang, manananggal, and nuno on a global streaming platform like Netflix. RELATED: From ink to streaming: The road to building the Trese universe Certainly, the Netflix adaptation of Trese is seen by many creators as a good step forward in making local komiks more well known to international audiences, as well as to Filipinos who might not have been previously familiar with local works, says Noel Pascual, writer of komiks series Patay Kung Patay and Crime-Fighting Call Center Agents. Despite the abundance of creative talent in the Philippines and the wealth of source material from Luzon to Mindanao, the mindset that making komiks would never be anything beyond a side gig or passion project still exists. A real job meant having a stable income and benefits. You hear all of these stories from other people, They quit their day jobs to pursue their passions, but we werent like that! We still have day jobs, shares Tan, now based in Billund, Denmark where he works for the in-house agency of LEGO. I think for people, its such an eye opener for them to hear Kajo's story of spending one hour a day on the thing that you want. Or for me, at the end of your work, writing at the end of the day. The reissues of the first three "Trese books in time for the Netflix anime adaptation. Photos from AVENIDA BOOKS In reality, you really have no choice. If you really wanted to, and you only had one hour a day, use it, says Baldisimo, still working in advertising and currently based in Davao. Unfortunately, were not like Japan where manga is an industry where you make books that earn you enough to actually hire five assistants. Whats the reality in the Philippines? Follow your passion while doing your job, because your passion cant feed your family. Its been almost a month since the Netflix animated adaptation of Trese was released, a definitive milestone that can lead to more opportunities for people aspiring to work on a medium that has been one of the staples of storytelling through several generations (and includes two national artists: Francisco Coching and Larry Alcala). But what is it with these stories that make creators want to explore these worlds, and draw in readers from generation to generation? CNN Philippines Life talked to fellow Filipino creators currently trudging the same path starting from ashcans being sold in komikons and other local conventions, to developing worlds that fans have become invested in. Mike Alcazaren, AJ Bernardo and Noel Pascual promoted the first issue of Patay Kung Patay in Komiket 2015. The series finale is set to be published and released within the year. PHOTO COURTESY OF NOEL PASCUAL Noel Pascual is a mainstay in the indie circuit. Along with his frequent partner-in-crime, AJ Bernardo, they have amassed a following with their series Crime-Fighting Call Center Agents and Patay Kung Patay. When not writing comics, Pascual juggles research and writing gigs, and sometimes writes screenplays like Citizen Jake. This was also how he got his start for Patay Kung Patay, as he was originally hired by director Mike Alcazaren as screenwriter for the movie version, until it was decided to release it in its komiks version. Meanwhile, Andrew Drilon, a writer-illustrator, rose to fame with Kare-Kare Komiks. Now based in New York, he also started with photocopied copies of his creations and attending komikons, eventually leading him to joining the anthology publication SIGLO: Freedom with Dean Alfar and Elbert Or. Andrew Drilon. Photo from ANDREW DRILON/YOUTUBE CHANNEL His works also gained the admiration of Gerry Alanguilan and Budjette Tan, both of whom he included in Kare-Kares acknowledgments. He shares, Gerry is a huge inspiration to me and was a big supporter of my work, and Im still heartbroken by his passing. Budj is lovely. He messages me to check up on my comics work every so often, its really sweet. Hes a font of encouragement. After working for a local broadsheet, he dove into webcomics that he posted in Warren Ellis online forum, The Engine. Long story short, Kare-Kare Komiks became the 2016 National Book Award Winner for Best Graphic Literature in English. Andrew Drilon's "Kare-Kare Komiks" is a 2016 National Book Award Winner for Best Graphic Literature in English. Photo from ANDREW DRILON Worlds Collide The approach to world building is what usually sets stories apart. Theres always that sweet spot that allows these creators to dive into their created worlds, whether things are intended for the long run or it just falls into place along the way. One of the series that greatly influenced Trese was Warren Ellis and John Casadays Planetary. Its really paying homage and dissecting, interpreting, and rebooting certain characters from popular culture, shares Tan. I guess that also became the thinking behind Trese, its really taking what are the stories of the Pinoy that have lasted through these years, told from a police procedural point of view. With Crime-Fighting Call Center Agents (CFCCA), I wanted to write something in the comedy-horror genre, says Pascual. The comics are inspired by various elements of Pinoy culture and life from movies Shake Rattle and Roll to local mythology and showbiz, to playing DOTA in the neighborhood cafe. For Patay Kung Patay (PKP), Mike Alcazaren already had a complete story involving haciendas and zombies, and a revenge tale. AJ and I added to it while adapting it for the komiks medium, he adds. A script for the movie is also ready, if plans push through and producers are ready to back the project. The covers of Patay Kung Patay and Crime-Fighting Call Center Agents. Photos from NOEL PASCUAL The Legend of Caraboy was the first comic I did for Kare-Kare, and it came about because my writing group (The LitCritters) had a joke about how the quintessential Pinoy social-realist prose story was about a boy and a carabao in the rice fields, dreaming of a better future, says Drilon. I thought itd be funny to merge the boy and the carabao and do an unapologetically non-realist story I absolutely enjoyed the reckless abandon of drawing it, [I was] chuckling with every panel. And while the theme of these stories are familiar, it may not exactly be what readers get hooked on. Publisher Nida Ramirez, from the now-retired Visprint, and the new publisher of Trese, Avenida Books shares, Filipino folklore and mythology has a strong pull with the reading market because we grew up with these stories. They provide some sense of identity, because these characters are ours. But she is quick to point out that aside from the theme, the quality of the story is just as important. Andrew Drilons first two ashcans, The Germinator and Subwhere were sold when he was in high school. Photos courtesy of ANDREW DRILON These are stories that are told to us by our elders since childhood, its quite natural for creators to want to explore these ideas by having a more modern take on them or have them be starting points for their own spin of these tales, says Pascual. Art imitating the horrors of life It need not be deliberate nor explicitly expressed, but the worlds they create would always be reflective of society in one way or another. All of the stories of Trese are based on life experiences and whats [in the] headlines, says Tan. Or they have happened so many times, it just makes sense to the story. He then shares that when the third book Mass Murders was released, the Ampatuan massacres just happened. While people were asking if it was based on these incidents, it was easy to explain that it was written beforehand. Historically, it has happened a lot of times. I just make that connection that you take from the headlines, and then try to figure out which supernatural or mythical character to use, he says. Both Crime Fighting Call Center Agents and Patay Kung Patay present the slice-of-life stories in the Philippines, in the eyes of call center agents and showbiz reporters. But the depth comes in the social commentary. We would regularly talk about the plot and add details piece-by-piece to the surreal version of the Philippines thats in the komiks, shares Pascual. As he was only carrying a student visa, the social-realist scene Drilon conceptualized became all too real. The year after I arrived in New York, Trump won the presidency. It cast a shadow over my daily life. I heard horror stories of people being sent away with very little justification, and I knew I had to watch my step, he shares. The fear was that if I so much breathed in the wrong direction, I could be deported. So I was extra careful to stay within the lines of my visa agreement. Filipino folklore and mythology has a strong pull with the reading market because we grew up with these stories. They provide some sense of identity, because these characters are ours. The situation prevented him from doing dedicated comics work, so aside from working on webcomics, he was also juggling odd jobs. Even then, there were scary moments like last year, at the height of the pandemic, when they made institutional moves against international students that put us all in a difficult position; some really vicious, targeted policies that felt aimed at mowing us down. Thankfully, the schools pushed back with lawsuits and most of us made it through, he shares. Writing the Next Chapters In 2010, Drilon teamed up with Joaquin Valdes, Misha Lecaros, and Mark Dantes for the film Dagim. The supernatural aspects of the story really spoke to me, and I was excited to do something in the realm of Trese but different, he says. I pulled a lot of research and fleshed out the entire tribe depicted in the film, assigning a mythological creature to each actor and taking care to balance out the big icons (manananggal, tikbalang, and tianak), with more obscure ones (baras, segben, danag.) Slated to be released alongside its graphic novel, Black Clouds ballooned in the planning stage, leaving him unable to finish it before the movie release. His move to the U.S. led him to pursue a four-year course in painting with a special focus on figurative oils, a stark contrast to how he became a digital artist without having any formal arts training or education. Andrew Drilon enrolled in The Art Students League of New York, taking a four-year course in painting specializing in figurative oils to further hone his craft. Photo courtesy of ANDREW DRILON Im just spelunking for cool techniques and ideas to fold back into my chosen medium, Drilon says. Its one of the youngest art forms, and I feel like theres more we can do to expand our creative toolbox. That only happens if you look outside of the medium. Im a different artist now, so maybe Ill rethink the whole book. I want to flense off a lot of the narrative fat and execute it differently. Whatever happens, I think it will be better for the wait. If Drilon had The Creatures of Philippine Lower Mythology, Tan had The Soul Book. It was a little footnote on the margins, and it was a short section and description of the Talagbusao, Tan says about the Big Bad of the Netflix adaptation. When we had reached Book 3, Alexandra had already gone through most of the usual suspects, so I thought maybe she goes up against a god this time. She kind of did it with Bagyon, since elementals and gods are under the same classification. I thought since I couldnt find any other writings about them, we can take creative freedom. It took 15 years for stars to align, but those 15 years, grabeng synchronicity yun. Sulit, say Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo, co-creators of the komiks series Trese. Photo courtesy of NETFLIX When I write Trese, its pulling from many different sources. Its always at the back of my head, I wanna do my own Batman story, John Constantine, American Gods; but how do you make it as Pinoy as possible? It's really wanting to do and getting all of these influences and finding plotting out the right ingredients that you want to tell your own story, says Tan. Its really just taking things from headlines and then trying to figure out if behind the scenes, there might be an aswang, engkanto, who knows what it might be, he adds. In general, weve heard of stories of certain political figures, so mostly, when theres a Mayor character, its like three different mayors that weve heard of! The main plot of Patay Kung Patay is executed in a similar fashion. Its inspired by many different events, people, and political families. With its amalgam of personalities and events, were hoping that the readers can recognize the types of villains in the story who are all too common in Philippine society, says Pascual. The series has won plenty of awards in the local circuit, particularly with its profoundly executed covers that in itself spoke of the main themes in the story. He adds, We also want the readers to be able to relate to various characters in the story and see some of their own struggles, great and small, mirrored in it. We also hope our stories function as an interesting, scary, and sometimes funny revenge tale on these various powers-that-be. Opening doors for Filipino komiks and stories According to FlixPatrol, Trese spent 19 days on Netflix Top 10 list for the Philippines. It also made it into the Top 10 in 18 other countries, like Qatar (10 days), United Arab Emirates (eight days), Nigeria (six days), Jamaica, Kuwait, Bulgaria (five days). This has also greatly factored in with the sales of the books currently being distributed by Avenida Books. While it may take a couple more months to see the effects of the adaptation in book sales, they have released a total of 13,000 copies (Murder on Balete Drive - 5,000; Unreported Murders - 4,000, Mass Murders - 4,000) since taking over publishing. Dont panic buy. We have more than enough stocks on hand for each volume, Ramirez says. Restocks get sold out quickly, as with the case of stores on Shopee and Lazada that lead to astronomically repriced copies from scalpers. That just means their allocation is used up and they are waiting for the next delivery. That usually takes around two weeks. Avenida sells its books through their distributors: the physical and online stores of Mt. Cloud Bookshop (Baguio), Pandayan Bookshop, National Book Store, Fully Booked, Comic Odyssey, and Filbars Online, Secret HQ, and Komiket. Ramirez shares that the Book Development Association of the Philippines (BDAP) held an online book fair last year called Aklatan. Through the help of Shopee and Lazada, publisher members were able to start their online shops. Last years Manila International Book Fair was only held online. Despite these, she shares that the business still faces a lot of challenges. In most businesses, when your product sells, you keep your profit. In publishing, whatever you earn goes back in. You need funds for the reprints, because the more hot-selling the title is, the more reprints you need, Ramirez says. You need more funds for the next new titles, and you can only publish passion projects, the untested or those who have a niche market, when you have a stable of titles that consistently sell out. For these, creators turn to Secret HQ and Komiket, the shop built by the same organizers of the regular conventions. Before the pandemic, local indie komiks could be mainly bought through these conventions, in bookstores, and comic book stores, says Pascual. Since there hasnt been a convention since early last year, a lot of indie komiks creators have placed their comics online through local platforms such as Penlab, and sometimes through international platforms such as tapas and webtoons.com. The compilation of Tarantadong Kalbo's webcomics is published by Komiket Inc. Photo from TARANTADONG KALBO/FACEBOOK Penlab also links readers to the respective sites or pages of komiks they currently have, so that fans can find physical copies. There are other publishers like Mervstore and Haliya Publishing, whose website looks exactly how youd find him during local conventions, and a pandemic-inspired twist. But for creators and stories to further succeed, there are more things that Pascual feels could be improved. Hopefully, there would be venues online where readers can discuss komiks with each other similar to webcomics and manga and Western comics, he says. There has been much discourse about Trese, from why it became the one being adapted into an anime series, particularly because of its being a copaganda, issues about pacing, dubbing, and whether or not its something to celebrate. For creators who revolve in the same industry, its but a precursor for things to come. After all, it was a short order of six episodes much more could be done to address and improve if more opportunities arise from its reception. When I was growing up, I was inundated with books and comics and shows from the U.S., U.K., and Japan it dominated so much of my imaginative life. Because of that, there was always this feeling that my own culture was marginalized in the international exchange of stories, says Drilon. Its instances like these that afford our stories to be seen on a larger scale. Hoping more come out into the mainstream, says Filipino-American novelist Jason Tanamor, whose book Vampires of Portlandia became his means of embracing his identity and heritage. Filipino-American Novelist Jason Tanamor wrote Vampires of Portlandia, his means of embracing his identity and heritage Photo courtesy of JASON TANAMOR Tanamor was born and raised in the US, as his parents fled the Marcos dictatorship in 1974. It wasnt until decades later when an aswang was depicted in the T.V. show Grimm, that he learned of the lore. All my culture growing up was American. I wanted to introduce Filipino culture to the mainstream. The book may not seem authentic; rather an Americanized version of a culture born in the Philippines, he says. It took him nine months of extensive research to write the novel, his first of many that aims to support #OwnVoices, a movement started by Corinne Duyvis for an author from a marginalized or underrepresented group writing about their own experiences/from their own perspective, rather than someone from an outside perspective writing as a character from an underrepresented group. If we can get more stories and people who can make differences, such as authors writing OwnVoices stories, I think well begin to see a shift in industries that can depict people of color in a more positive light, says Tanamor. I find Trese on Netflix to be inspiring because, its the komik that could, in the sense that I know it was a labor of love between Budj and Kajo, committed to doing single issues on top of their families and day jobs, Drilon says. I like how its a sign of increasing global interest in Philippine culture. I hope it inspires more Filipinos to get their stories out into the world. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 12) A congressman from San Juan City admitted on Monday that he received two booster shots after receiving China's Sinopharm doses last year. In a public event, San Juan Rep. Ronaldo Zamora started his speech without a face mask, saying: "Kung nagtataka kayo bakit si Congressman Zamora ay hindi nagma-mask, sasabihin ko sa inyo. I have been vaccinated twice, twice over. Apat." [Translation: If you were wondering why Congressman Zamora is not wearing any mask, I will tell you. I have been vaccinated twice, twice over. Four times.] So far, the government has not given a go-signal for those fully vaccinated with two doses to take any booster shot, but Zamora reasoned that he received a "bootleg" COVID-19 vaccine brand which was also administered to President Rodrigo Duterte. "Kung pareho pinagkunan namin, pareho kami bootleg," Zamora said, noting that it means he would not have a document or vaccination form that will allow him to travel to other countries. [Translation: If we both got from the same source, that means we both received a bootleg vaccine.] Zamora then went on to say that unlike the Philippines that accepts almost all brands, the US and European countries do not allow any Chinese-made vaccines. He said one can only enter if one got doses from Western brands like Pfizer, Moderna, or the single-shot Janssen vaccines. The San Juan representative bared that he completed his Sinopharm dose last December ahead of the government's vaccination program rolled out in March this year. He said it was his doctors who advised him to take not one, but two booster shots since he is immunodeficient. He later told reporters that he got Pfizer as his booster shots. His son, San Juan mayor Francis Zamora, said in a separate briefing that the congressman had a history of undergoing a heart bypass surgery and a kidney transplant. He also stressed that the lawmaker is 76 years old. Currently, only seven COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have doses authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration, according to its website. They are Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, Janssen, Bharat Biotech, Moderna and Sinovac. Sinovac is the only Chinese brand that received regulatory approval, but has the steadiest supply in the country. Sinopharm previously received an EUA, but only for the donated batch used to inoculate Duterte, his close-in security group, and other public officials after the FDA granted a compassionate special permit in February. READ: FDA approves emergency use of Sinopharm vaccine Health Undersecretary Rosario Vergeire reminded Zamora and his team of doctors against mixing and matching different vaccine brands. "Gusto namin magpaaalala that mixing and matching and booster doses ay hindi pa nirerekomenda sa ngayon dahil hindi pa kumpleto ang mga ebidensya," Vergeire said in a briefing. [Translation: We want to remind that mixing and matching and booster doses is not yet recommended for now because the evidence is not yet complete on their effectivity.] Vergeire stressed that all medical professionals must adhere to protocols based on science and sufficient evidence. CNN Philippines' Anjo Alimario contributed to this report. (CNN) Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that 59.2% of Americans say they're thriving. Additionally, 73% of Americans said they experienced enjoyment for a lot of the previous day. The former is the highest rating Gallup has ever recorded on the measure dating back to when it was first taken more than 13 years ago. The latter is the highest since the coronavirus pandemic began early last year. What's the point: The last year has been tough for a lot of Americans. Among other issues, the coronavirus dominated our lives, and there was a very contentious presidential election. But with the election in the rearview mirror and more people returning to their pre-pandemic routines, Americans are feeling a lot more optimistic. A number of different measures show Americans are feeling better about themselves and the state of the country than they have in a while. The Gallup measures I mentioned shouldn't be too surprising given what we've been seeing from Axios/Ipsos polling. More Americans have been saying that their emotional well being has improved in the last week than gotten worse in every survey since May. From when the question was first asked in March 2020 through April of this year, more Americans had said it had gotten worse than better in every survey. This positivity goes beyond the personal and into the political. Last week, an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist College poll found that 47% of Americans said the country was going in the right direction. That was within the margin of error of the 49% who said we were going in the wrong direction. This 47% was the highest percentage who said the country was heading in the right direction in Marist polling since 2009, during the first year of the Obama administration. It's quite the turnaround from where former President Donald Trump was at this point in his presidency. Just 31% of Americans said the country was going in the right direction in a June 2017 Marist poll, while 61% said we were going in the wrong direction. Of course, Marist is just one pollster. When we look at the average of all polls, 43% of Americans agree that the country is going in the right direction compared to 51% who believe it is on the wrong track. Last year at this point, only 22% of Americans thought the country was going in the right direction. Four years ago, 34% said the country was heading in the right direction in an average of polls. Although we would expect Democrats to be more optimistic now than then, it's notable that they are more positive about the direction of the country now than Republicans were four years ago. In the Marist poll, for example, 87% of Democrats now think the country is going in the right direction compared to 66% of Republicans in mid-2017. Likewise, far more independents say the country is going in the right direction (44%) than did four years ago at this point (23%). The last time before President Joe Biden's administration that 43% of Americans said the country was going in the right direction in an average of polls was 2009. Indeed, 43% believing the country was heading in the right direction is actually a really good percentage historically. Last year, Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report examined how many Americans thought the country was going in the right direction before each presidential election since 1980. On average, 42% of Americans said the country was going in the direction in the years in which the incumbent party was reelected to the White House. A slightly higher 49% said the country was on the wrong track. The percentages right now are very similar to these averages. They are far different than the average 25% of Americans who believe the country was going in the right direction during the years in which the opposition party won the White House. On Election Day last year, only about 30% of Americans said the country was heading in the right direction. Interestingly, perhaps the best way to know people are feeling more charitable than normal about the state of our politics is to look toward Congress. Even the notoriously disliked Congress has seen a bump in its approval ratings this year. For the first time since 2009, Congress' approval rating topped 30% this year. Now, an approval rating in the low 30s isn't exactly high. Still, politics is often all relative. The question is whether Americans will continue to feel the good vibrations. If they do, Biden and Democrats are likely to benefit. If feelings take a downturn, Democrats are probably in for a rough midterm. This story was first published on CNN.com 'American optimism is highest in more than 10 years' Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, June 1) The number of guests who will be physically attending the President's sixth and final State of the Nation Address next month will still be limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Senate President Vicente Sotto III told reporters. "It's the Palace [Presidential Security Group] that wants a non-full plenary hall," said Sotto on Tuesday, after his meeting with House Speaker Lord Allan Velasco. Sotto added that he will still ask who will be attending, but noted that the Senate, including the Secretariat, will be comprised of a maximum of 30 people. The 2021 SONA will be held in July at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City. Last year, the pandemic forced Malacanang to scale down the annual address, including the long queue of VIP guests who walk down the red carpet at the North and South entrances of the House of Representatives plenary in their designer wear. Even media personnel were not allowed inside the Batasan premises, as they were only allowed to tap into the broadcast feed of state-run Radio Television Malacanang for their coverage. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 12) The Department of Health on Monday warned medical workers who will administer COVID-19 booster shots that they can be held held liable for their action. Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire reminded doctors and health workers that vaccine emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration does not include the use of an additional dose. "Kung ano ang nasa EUA, yan ang magiging gamit ng bakuna. Mag-ingat tayo dahil kapag may violations sa ganito, maaaring magkaroon ng sanctions," the official said in a media briefing. [Translation: The vaccines should be used based on what's indicated in the EUA. Be careful because this is a violation. You may face sanctions.] The warning came after San Juan Rep. Ronaldo Zamora admitted that he has received two Pfizer booster shots after completing his Sinopharm vaccination, meaning he has received four vaccine shots despite the shortage of supplies in the country. The DOH stood by its decision not to recommend booster shots yet due to vaccine shortage and lack of solid evidence that it is necessary to fully protect an individual against coronavirus. Vergeire said that based on their survey on healthcare workers, who mostly received Sinovac and AstraZeneca vaccines, completion of the two doses led to lower infection rate and no hospitalizations or deaths due to COVID-19. "Sana isipin natin na hanggang wala pang ebidensya ang booster shots na ito, bigyan natin ng kumpyansa ang ating mga bakuna. Lumalabas na sa ngayon, ang real world studies na ang lahat ng ginagamit na bakuna dito sa ating bansa ay effective against hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths and even effective against symptomatic infections," the DOH spokesperson said. [Translation: While we are waiting for evidence on booster shots, let us be confident in our vaccines. Based on real-world studies, all the vaccines used in the country are effective against hospitalizations, ICU admissions, deaths, and even symptomatic infections.] Pfizer recently announced that it is seeing waning immunity from its vaccine and said it is picking up its efforts to develop a booster dose that will protect people from coronavirus variants. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 12) Metro Manila is on course to fully vaccinating half of its residents by September, an official said on Monday. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chairman Benhur Abalos said a conservative estimate of 107,000 COVID-19 shots are being administered daily in the capital region, so 50% of the 14.6 million total population could have completed their two doses in the next two months. "Our projection is by the end of September, we will be having at least population protection. Majority of Metro Manilans will have two doses," he told CNN Philippines. The Department of Health earlier said population protection is reached if 50% of the people, including the most vulnerable sectors, are vaccinated. It also explained that protecting the population means the vaccination program will prioritize nine highly dense areas: Metro Manila, Bulacan, Pampanga, Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Metro Cebu, and Metro Davaocollectively known as NCR+8. Over 12 million COVID-19 shots have been administered nationwide since the vaccination drive started in March, officials said. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 12) The government has done everything in its power in affirming the landmark decision siding with the Philippines over its maritime dispute with China, Malacanang said Monday. We have done all that we could, given the absence po of an enforcement mechanism under international law, said Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque during his regular briefing. He said the government took all possible steps to breathe life into the ruling, which marks its fifth anniversary today. Kasama na po yung pagtatalumpati ng Presidente sa ating UN General Assembly na sinabi niya na kabahagi na po ng international law ang arbitral decision na yan, said Roque, referring to President Rodrigo Dutertes speech before the United Nations body in September last year. [Translation: It includes the Presidents speech before the UN General Assembly where he said the arbitral decision is already part of international law.] On July 12, 2016, a five-member arbitral tribunal in The Hague ruled unanimously in favor of Manila and invalidated Beijings sweeping claims over the South China Sea a decision the East Asian giant continues to reject. READ: Remembering the 2016 Hague ruling: What has happened since then? While the President has received praise even from his critics for his speech at the international assembly, he also drew flak for saying months later that Manilas arbitral win is just a piece of paper he can throw in a waste basket. Duterte has likewise been consistently criticized for his amicable attitude towards China, despite its numerous transgressions in the West Philippine Sea. This year, the Philippines has filed a string of diplomatic protests against China due to the presence of its militia vessels in the contested waters. Its latest filing was against Beijings imposition of a fishing ban in the South China Sea. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 11) Fishing trips in waters off Zambales used to be an exciting journey and a productive source of living for 42-year-old fisherman Noli Cocjin. But gone are the days when every trip is met with excitement since he knows the challenges fishermen have to go through to bring home enough catch to earn for their families. Foreign vessels equipped with more modern capabilities prevent small fishing boats like Cocjins from getting enough fish during each trip. Cocjin said some fishermen try to avoid conflict with foreign fishing vessels by trying to go as far as Palawan and Mindoro. "Dati po talaga dito lang po nahuhuli na malalaking isdabarilyete, Tuna, Blue Marlin. Kaya lang po sa katagalan ang dami nang nangingisda. Hindi lang po tayo, maski foreigner nandito rin po naubos po ng naubos," he said. [Translation: We used to catch big fishes like tuna, blue marlin. But now, we have so many competition including foreigners. We can no longer catch these big fishes.] Cocjin has been a fisherman in Zambales for 15 years. As much as possible he tries not to go to Scarborough Shoal, some 124 nautical miles west of his home province. China seized the shoal in 2012 after a tense sea standoff with the Philippines. Beijing continues to defy an international tribunals ruling on July 12, 2016 that invalidated its claims to the area and nearly the entire South China Sea. But some of Cocjins fellow fishermen brave the waters off Scarborough Shoal to make ends meet. "Mas madali ka makahuli ng isda roon, kaso ngayon limitado na ang galaw mo doon. Even though pwede ka pa rin mangisda doon pero may control na po hindi kagaya ng dati," he said. [Translation: It's easier to catch fish in Scarborough but your movement there is limited. They will allow you to fish in certain areas but it feels like you are being controlled.] 2016 Arbitral Award: enforceable or not? A month after President Rodrigo Duterte took office in 2016, an arbitral tribunal in The Hague handed down the Philippines victory in its case against China. The landmark arbitration ruling rejected China's nine-dash claim to almost the entire South China Sea. It said there was no legal basis for the claim that Beijing said was based on historical rights. It also recognized the Philippines' sovereign rights in areas within its 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone and continental shelf that are being claimed by China. The 479-page award by the tribunal created under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea also found that China had caused severe harm to the marine environment. But five years on, there seems to be differing views on how the Philippines can enforce the ruling. "We don't have a consistent China policy and a strong West Philippine Sea policy right now because there are contradictions and inconsistencies coming from the government," international foreign policy expert Chester Cabalza told CNN Philippines. Beijing repeatedly called the ruling baseless and Cabalza said China is emboldened to continue its activities in the South China Sea due to the Philippines failure to enforce the arbitral award. "We fail because of our derecognition of the Hague ruling. We thought that the Duterte administration will fulfill its promise which we won in 2016," Cabalza said. Experts: war is not only option vs. China Throughout his presidency, Duterte has also repeatedly said that he cannot go to war against China in asserting the countrys rights in the West Philippine Sea. "I cannot afford at this time to go to a war," Duterte said in a speech in May 2018. "I'm walking on a tightrope actually. I cannot afford to be brave in the mouth against China," Duterte also said in a speech early this year. Former Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario said that standing up for the nation's rights against China does not mean going to war. "We urge our people to reject this Chinese narrative of war because it is only intended to sow fear which is the trademark of a bully," Del Rosario said in a statement in April 2021. He also enumerated some options the Philippines can take, including reiterating the Philippine position at the next United Nations General Assembly in September 2021. Del Rosario added the Philippines should welcome the positions of the United States, Japan, EU, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia and Indonesia against China's claims in the South China Sea. The former DFA chief also wants Chinese officials to be criminally liable for destroying maritime resources. The Philippines should also strengthen its defense capabilities, he said, urging Duterte to appoint retired Supreme Court Justice Antonio Carpio as advisor on the South China Sea issue. DFA: 2016 Arbitral Ruling is final Despite President's changing tune when it comes to the importance of the arbitral award, the Department of Foreign Affairs made it clear that the country's foreign policy on the West Philippine Sea is what Duterte articulated before the UN General Assembly in 2020 that the ruling is now part of international law, beyond compromise and beyond the reach of passing governments to dilute, diminish or abandon. "The Award is final, Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. said. We firmly reject attempts to undermine it; nay, even erase it from law, history and our collective memories. He said anniversaries are an occasion to take stock of the past, mark the gains of the present, look to the future and find ways to work together for mutual benefit since no singular advantage can be gained by violating it. "We are also celebrating this, our gift to all countries without exception. It is a gift from a country thats not a power except for right in law. In 2012 we were David all alone, up against Goliath, amid hosts of indifferent spectators," he added. Filipino fishermen like Cocjin, however, continue to wait for the benefits from that gift. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 12) Half of the Senate filed on Monday a resolution calling for an investigation into reports of funds from state coffers being used to finance alleged troll farms spreading misinformation and fake news online. Senate President Tito Sotto, Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto and Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon joined Senators Kiko Pangilinan, Nancy Binay, Leila De Lima, Richard Gordon, Risa Hontiveros, Ping Lacson, Manny Pacquiao, Grace Poe and Joel Villanueva in filing Senate Resolution No. 768. It orders the appropriate Senate committee to hold an inquiry in aid of legislation into the said reports, as troll farms proliferate such false content in social media platforms. The resolution recalled how Lacson earlier alleged a government undersecretary has been mobilizing internet troll farms nationwide against political rivals or those not aligned with President Rodrigo Dutertes administration something the Palace denied. The senators also cited the Department of Finances award of a 909,000 communication strategy consultant contract to the suspected operator of inauthentic Facebook pages behind Dutertes online campaign in the 2016 polls. The DOF has since defended the contract as legal and aboveboard. The Senate resolution also mentioned a similar occurrence with the Foreign Affairs Department in 2017, where it had a similar social media consultancy contract with a known pro-administration blogger" accused of spreading fake news and hateful comments against the regimes critics. Such instances illustrate that troll farms and the misinformation and fake news that they propagate may be state-backed and state-funded, read the resolution. Filipinos should know why government spends public funds on troll farm operators disguised as public relations practitioners and social media consultants who sow fake news rather than on COVID-19 assistance, healthcare, food security, jobs protection, education, among others, it further said. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 12) -- President Rodrigo Duterte criticized anew longtime ally Senator Manny Pacquiao, this time for claiming that 10.4-billion worth of pandemic funds have gone missing. 'Wag kayo maniwala diyan. 10 billion mawala? [Dont believe him. Theres a missing 10 billion?] That is a work of a...I have a term for that, it is not mine, I just borrowed it, but I think Pacquiao is punch-drunk, said Duterte on Monday night, describing the boxer-turned-senator as someone who has suffered repeated blows to the head for making such allegations. The senator earlier accused the Department of Social Welfare and Development for failing to distribute billions of pesos in pandemic assistance. He also questioned the DSWD's deal with e-wallet application Starpay in the distribution of the Social Amelioration Program funds. However, the DSWD maintained that the amount was accounted for. It added that Starpay was just one of the financial service providers it hired for the distribution of the second tranche of the SAP funds. Duterte said Pacquiaos corruption allegations can never happen under his watch. Papayag ba naman ang COA (Commission on Audit) niyan? At hindi lang yan, papayag ba kami? Papayag ba ang mga secretary ng mga departamento na may mawala na 10 billion? he said. That is a statement coming from a guy who is punch-drunk. [Translation: Do you think COA will allow that to happen? And not only that, do you think we will allow it? Do you think the department secretaries will allow 10 billion to go missing? That is a statement coming from a guy who is punch-drunk.] Pacquiao earlier accepted Duterte's dare to expose corruption in the government, after the senator claimed the current administration is more corrupt than its predecessor. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 12) President Rodrigo Duterte again advised his daughter Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio to reconsider her rumored 2022 presidential plans, saying he wants to protect her from political opponents. "My stand is I am against really the candidacy of my daughter. I want her spared from the vagaries of politics dito sa Pilipinas, lalo na itong mga (here in the Philippines, especially) personalities around in the likes of Trillanes, De Lima," Duterte said in his weekly national address on Monday. Duterte was referring to his administration's fiercest critics -- former Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV and detained Sen. Leila de Lima. The President sarcastically wished for Trillanes and De Lima to win if they decide to run in the 2022 elections. "They can no longer be appeased for anything, they are also hungry for power. I wish that they would run and win so that we can see how they will run the government," said Duterte. Duterte added that his recent statements about considering a vice presidential bid next year were ony made to threaten his political rivals. "If it is good for the country, let's do it. If it will not contribute to the country, huwag na lang (never mind)," he said. RELATED: Consider me for vice presidency at this time Duterte In the address, Duterte again discouraged his daughter from running for a higher office in the next polls, saying it is not the appropriate time. "Run some other time. Mabastos ka lang. (You will just be treated rudely.) As a father, I would not want that to happen to my daughter," said Duterte. In a closed-door meeting with Cebu Gov. Gwen Garcia last July 9, the Davao City mayor had indicated that she was already "open" to seeking the presidency. In his previous speeches, the Duterte patriarch had repeatedly discouraged his daughter from vying for the highest post in the land. Today marks the 5th anniversary of the landmark Hague ruling on the West Philippine Sea. Tristan Nodalo looks back at some of the key moments of President Dutertes policy towards China and how fishermen in contested waters struggle through the years. (CNN) -- Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Sunday that the US government is not yet telling Americans who are fully vaccinated that they need a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, based on the current data, despite Pfizer saying it might be time for a third shot. Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union," Fauci told CNN's Jake Tapper that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the US Food and Drug Administration is saying right now, "given the data and the information we have, we do not need to give people a third shot, a boost, superimposed upon the two doses you get with the mRNA (Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccine) and the one dose you get with (Johnson & Johnson)." Fauci said that there are ongoing studies evaluating if and when the US will recommend booster shots. "There's a lot of work going on to examine this in real time to see if we might need a boost. But right now, given the data that the CDC and the FDA has, they don't feel that we need to tell people right now you need to be boosted," Fauci said. Drugmaker Pfizer said Thursday it is seeing waning immunity from its coronavirus vaccine and says it is ramping up efforts to develop a booster dose and will soon publish data about a third dose of its vaccine that could protect people from variants. The company also said it would seek FDA emergency use authorization for a booster dose in August. Hours after Pfizer issued its statement, however, the FDA and CDC issued a rare joint statement saying fully vaccinated Americans "do not need a booster shot at this time." The two agencies said they, along with the National Institutes of Health, "are engaged in a science-based, rigorous process to consider whether or when a booster might be necessary. This process takes into account laboratory data, clinical trial data, and cohort data -- which can include data from specific pharmaceutical companies, but does not rely on those data exclusively." On Sunday, Tapper asked Fauci if he was worried that if the CDC and FDA change their recommendations and later recommend booster shots that it could undercut trust in the two federal agencies or lead some critics to accuse the agencies of "flip-flopping." Fauci replied that the CDC and FDA make their formal recommendations "based on data that's evidence that proves we need to go in this direction." "Before you get that data, there will always be people, well-meaning people and well-meaning companies will say, 'You know, the way we look at the situation it looks like you might need a booster so let's go ahead and give a booster.' But that's not a formal recommendation," Fauci said. Fauci added, "Data evolves. You get more information as the time goes by. So when you get to the point, where you have enough information to make a firm recommendation, that is not flip-flopping. That is making recommendations as the data evolve." This story was first published on CNN.com "Fauci says Americans who are fully vaccinated do not need booster shots at this time". (CNN) -- Haitian authorities have arrested a man they say helped orchestrate the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, the country's police chief announced on Sunday. Moise was killed Wednesday in his Port-au-Prince home, in an attack that has shaken a country already rattled by rampant violence and political instability. The arrested suspect, identified as 63-year-old Christian Emmanuel Sanon, entered the country on a private jet in June, said Police Chief Leon Charles at a news conference. Police did not say what Sanon would be charged with, or what his motives may have been, beyond saying he arrived with "political intentions." Sanon is alleged to have been in touch with a Florida-based Venezuelan security firm to recruit 26 Colombian mercenaries and two Haitian-Americans. Their first assignment was to provide security for Sanon, but this mission is alleged to have evolved overtime. Police have previously said a group of at least 28 people are suspected in the killing. At least 20 of those suspects have been detained, including two American nationals. Three suspects have been killed, while a mass manhunt is underway for the five suspects still on the loose. Police said they received information on the operation from the detained Colombians. After the assassination, Sanon was the first person one of the alleged assassins called, said the police chief. Upon raiding Sanon's house, police said they found 20 boxes of 12 and 9 millimeter caliber ammunition, rifle and pistol holsters, 24 unused shooting targets, a cap labeled "DEA," two vehicles, and four Dominican Republic license plates. Police said they also found correspondence with "different sectors in the country" but did not specify who or what. It is not yet clear if Sanon, who police said was born in Marigot, Haiti, has retained legal representation to address potential charges, and he has yet to publicly comment on the allegations. Charles said the Haitian police are working with intelligence authorities in the Colombian government to trace how the mercenaries got to Haiti, who they were working with in Colombia, and who financed the operation. Authorities have described the group of suspects as "professional killers," consisting of members of the Colombian military. But even as more details begin to emerge of the people who allegedly killed Moise, little is known about the suspected masterminds and their motivation for the attack. The arrest of Sanon follows the arrests of two Americans, identified by Elections Minister Mathias Pier, as James Solages and Joseph Vincent, both naturalized citizens from Haiti. The US State Department said on Friday it was aware of the arrests, and was providing investigative assistance at Haiti's request. A delegation with representatives from the State Department, Department of Justice, and Department of Homeland security is being sent to Haiti, a White House official said Sunday. Officials are also reviewing a request from Haiti to send several hundred US troops to aid in stabilization efforts, said Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby on Fox News Sunday, though he declined to "get ahead of that process." Colombia has also lent its assistance with security and investigation after the attack, sending a special police unit and national intelligence officials, as well as personnel from Interpol assigned to Colombia's police. Power vacuum It was 1 a.m. when the attackers stormed the President's private residence in Petion-Ville, a suburb of Haiti's capital, shooting Moise 16 times, according to former Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe. First lady Martine Moise, who was also shot in the attack, was evacuated to intensive care in a hospital in Miami. The Caribbean nation of roughly 11 million people, many of them living amid poverty, now faces an even more uncertain future. Moise's death takes place against a background of extreme violence in the capital Port-au-Prince which has claimed the lives of many citizens in recent weeks. Haiti was already dealing with political turmoil, a growing humanitarian crisis, and a worsening Covid-19 epidemic. The assassination also leaves a huge power vacuum in Haiti, and no legal roadmap for Moise's succession. Its parliament is effectively defunct and two men are simultaneously claiming to be the country's rightful prime minister. Parliament became dysfunctional in January 2020, when the mandates of two-thirds of the 30-member Senate chamber expired, leaving just 10 senators in office. The supreme court president would normally be next in line to take over on an interim basis, but he recently died of Covid-19, judge Jean Wilner Morin, president of the national association of Haitian judges, told CNN. Joseph made clear he was assuming leadership on Wednesday, when he declared a "state of siege" in Haiti, closed the country's borders and imposed martial law. Joseph has vowed to hold onto power until presidential and legislative elections are held in September. But he has not been confirmed by parliament, which has not sat since 2020 -- and he was in the process of being replaced by Ariel Henry, whom the president appointed on July 5, shortly before his death. "Claude Joseph is not prime minister, he is part of my government," Henry told the Haitian newspaper Le Nouvelliste on Thursday. Pierre, the elections minister, has said Joseph would keep his role until the elections, which should take place as planned. On Friday, the country's 10 remaining senators instead nominated one of their own number, Sen. Joseph Lambert, as Haiti's interim president -- a direct challenge to the current interim leadership. But less than 24 hours later, Lambert appeared to pull back, saying on Saturday that his swearing-in had been postponed without giving a new date for the event. US delegation meets rival contenders Members of the US delegation met with rival contenders for the country's leadership on Sunday, according to Lambert and a source in Joseph's government. In a tweet posted on Sunday, Lambert said he had discussed his own bid for the top job with the delegation, and they "have made an appointment this evening for the following steps." According to the government source, the American representatives on Sunday asked Lambert to show patience in his pursuit of the presidency. Lambert did not respond to CNN's request for comment. CNN has reached out to the US State Department for comment on the claims of both Lambert and the government source but has not received a response. The government source also said the delegation later met with Joseph and Henry at the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince. In their meeting with the US delegation, the two rival prime ministers were encouraged to look for a way to collaborate, the source said. Henry did not comment publicly on Sunday's meeting and did not respond to CNN's request for comment. (CNN) -- As Texas' battle over voting rights continues to unfold during the special session in Austin, the outrage stoked by former US President Donald Trump's false 2020 election claims was still on full display Saturday a few hours north at the major gathering of conservative activists where Trump will be welcomed as the star attraction Sunday. Republicans are facing a set of highly competitive midterm elections in 2022 and still attempting to shape an agenda that will break through to voters. But the conversation at the Conservative Political Action Conference this weekend reaffirmed once again that the core activists of the Republican Party have no intention of moving on from Trump or the false claims he has trumpeted that the 2020 election was fraudulent, even though there is no evidence of widespread voting fraud in last year's contest. Normally, CPAC events serve as an audition arena for the next slate of future Republican presidential contenders. But there was scarcely a hint of that here this weekend as Trump's flirtation with another run for president in 2024 has effectively frozen the field -- with his Sunday speech serving as the main draw for attendees. Blue flags adorning a truck in the parking lot bore the slogan "Trump Won." Exhibition booths overflowed with Trump hats, flags, and other "45" swag. One 2024 T-shirt pictured Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis but only standing next to Trump as his potential vice president. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who will speak Sunday before Trump, mentioned the former president within the first two minutes of her last CPAC speech and has allied herself so closely with him that GOP voters often say they'd like to see her as his No. 2 instead of Mike Pence in 2024. At a gathering branded as "America UnCanceled," Donald Trump Jr. warmed up the crowd on Friday night with quick-witted condemnations of cancel culture and digs at Hunter Biden. But his biggest applause line wasn't even his own. During his speech, an attendee bellowed "Trump won!" eliciting a standing ovation and setting off a round of "Trump" chants. During a midday Saturday panel that was intended to be a "tough love" assessment of the Republican Party, GOP donor Bubba Saulsbury acknowledged that it has been difficult to shift the attention of both donor and voters to future contests because they are still "livid" about the 2020 outcome. "I know we need to talk about moving forward, but we've got to be honest with ourselves about where we've been and what happened," said Saulsbury, adding that every donor he's met "believes that there was some level of election fraud." "Talking to all the donors -- they're apprehensive to donate to anything but election integrity right now, because their thoughts are, 'Why am I going to spend my money if it's not going to be a free and fair election?'" Saulsbury said. Another Saturday headliner, GOP Rep. Jody Hice, who is challenging incumbent Republican Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger -- the Georgia state official who infuriated Trump by overseeing three ballot counts confirming Joe Biden's victory in Georgia -- steered a panel about Covid-19 toward the topic of election security. When Hice was asked how he would ensure that Americans get the correct information about the Delta variant this fall, he pivoted back to 2020. "I firmly believe this is the fight of our life politically," Hice told the crowd to applause. "If we lose election integrity, we lose everything. So that's my focus right now." He declined to provide any further comment to CNN. Trump the headliner On Sunday, the conference is set to open with two men who just recently addressed a QAnon-affiliated conference: Texas GOP Chair Allen West, who has announced plans to challenge Greg Abbott in the Texas governor's race, and Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert. Also on the agenda: A presentation on the future of American elections, the second election fraud panel of the three-day conference. The event also drew Proud Boys as well as the founder of the Oath Keepers, who was recently interviewed by the FBI about his role in the January 6 insurrection, according to the New York Times. He has not been charged with criminal wrongdoing. Trump will essentially close out the conference Sunday afternoon, after the announcement of the results of CPAC's straw poll which is intended to measure voters' interest in the potential GOP White House contenders. One question includes Trump on a list of potential 2024 candidates; the other does not. But no matter what Trump decides to do in 2024, his refusal to accept his 2020 election defeat is effectively shaping the GOP agenda nationwide a year and a half before the next set of elections. Republican-led states across the country have put forward more restrictive voting laws, with lawmakers pointing to concerns about nonexistent widespread election fraud to defend the new measures. Laws have already passed in Florida and Georgia, and Texas lawmakers were engaged in a special session of the Legislature over the weekend, debating their own set of proposals that could make it harder to vote. During the 2021 legislative sessions, the Brennan Center for Justice tracked at least 389 bills to restrict voting that were introduced 48 states. GOP lawmakers have also seized on the opportunity to push post-election audits, yet another way to undermine election confidence, raise money and curry favor with Trump. The so-called audit in Maricopa County, Arizona -- which continues to drag on -- has drawn Republican lawmakers from multiple states that have expressed interested in launching similar reviews. A Trump ally in Pennsylvania pressed forward with his plans for an election audit last week, sending requests to three counties for everything from their tabulation equipment to voter rolls. During the CPAC conference white cards were circulating among some attendees with a "7-Pt. plan to restore Donald J. Trump in days, not years." After the violence at the Capitol on January 6, federal officials are paying more attention to those sorts of fringe theories. CPAC organizers did not respond to CNN's request for comment about the cards. Trump and his allies have encouraged the ludicrous claims that he could be reinstated as President next month. But they have gained enough traction to lead the Department of Homeland Security to issue a warning last month that Trump's "reinstatement" fantasies could lead to more violence this summer from right-wing extremists. This story was first published on CNN.com "Trump's false election claims persist at conservative gathering in Texas". (CNN) A derelict plot on the banks of the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary, might seem like an unusual epicenter for a political earthquake. But that was before Prime Minister Viktor Orban's populist government announced a controversial plan for a prestigious Shanghai university to open its first overseas campus there in 2024 -- which Hungarians would apparently pay for. Now protests over the future of this nondescript site have galvanized Hungary's opposition, and united them in an attempt to topple Orban's ruling party at next year's general election. Since Orban swept to power 11 years ago, there have been plenty of demonstrations in Budapest against his assault on democratic freedoms. The self-styled defender of Christian values in Europe has rolled back civil liberties, ranging from migrant and LGBTQ rights to media freedom, as well as judicial and academic independence. Not that it's hurt Orban's political fortunes. His right-wing Fidesz party has enjoyed landslide election wins, with no serious political challenger outside Budapest. But the proposed Fudan University campus has become a potent issue. Its critics point to the huge cost to Hungary, warning that taxpayer money would be used to serve the interests of China's Communist Party. What's more, they say the campus would be built on land slated for affordable housing for around 10,000 Hungarian students. Thousands of protesters took to the streets in Budapest last month to oppose the plan, carrying placards emblazoned with the word "treason" and slogans such as "Hungarian money for Hungarian universities." Orban has made great political capital out of promoting "traditional" Hungarian values. The opposition now appears to be serving the populist leader a dose of his own medicine. The Fudan University controversy is "about whether this small country of 10 million can finally decide its own fate, about whether we will really be a free nation," opposition leader and Budapest mayor, Gergely Karacsony, told demonstrators in the capital, according to local media reports. "To an extent right now, the opposition has turned Orban's rhetoric against him," said Peter Kreko, director of Budapest-based think tank, Political Capital. Kreko said Orban had adopted an image of himself as "the greatest defender of sovereignty -- from the United States, from Brussels, from Berlin." Now the Prime Minister is effectively opening the door to Chinese interests -- and "that's hard to explain" to voters, he said. "China's image in central eastern Europe is not very favorable," added Kreko. "This is something that can be easily exploited by the opposition." Orban looks East In a drastic move, six of Hungary's opposition parties are putting aside their political differences to run jointly against Fidesz in 2022's parliamentary election. They include Karacsony's green party, Dialogue for Hungary, the former far-right party Jobbik, and young centrist party Momentum. This opposition coalition is yet to announce its candidate for prime minister, though the pro-European Union (EU) Karacsony is considered the frontrunner. In a joint letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping on June 22, the opposition leaders said that, if elected next year, they would "immediately halt" the university project and another planned Beijing-backed railway link between Budapest and Belgrade. Hungary and China agreed a 20-year, $1.9 billion loan deal for the railway, to be built by a consortium of Hungarian and Chinese firms. But much like the university campus, the railway has been criticized in Hungary over a lack of transparency in government dealings with China. The controversial business ventures are all part of Orban's "Eastern Opening" policy. In the wake of the global financial crisis and increasing tensions with the EU, the prime minister has increasingly sought to attract Chinese investment. "I think Orban really deeply believes in the decline of the West, and that the East is on the rise," Kreko said of the Prime Minister's ideology. "And therefore, if you have to bet on who are the future leaders of the world, then it's better to turn to China, than to the United States." So far, that policy has brought Hungary limited economic results. But it has created closer ties between the two countries. Hungary was the only member state to block an EU statement condemning China's new security law in Hong Kong, and it was the first EU country to approve Chinese vaccines. A broad alliance This is not the first time Hungary's opposition parties have joined forces. The same tactic paid off in 2019's municipal elections when Karacsony scored a shock win against the Fidesz-backed Budapest mayor. Whether they can replicate that success at a national level is another question. Were Orban to be defeated, it's no secret that EU lawmakers would largely breathe a sigh of relief, said Dermot Hodson, associate professor of political economy at Birkbeck College, University of London. Last month, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said Hungary "has no place" in the EU after the country passed a controversial new bill banning LGBTQ content in schools -- the latest in a long list of provocations to the bloc's core values. For EU leaders, "Orban has been a real headache in many ways," said Hodson, describing Hungary as a "challenger government." "Pushing back against the European Union, but wanting to stay within it, is a very damaging combination," he added. After the recent protests, the government announced a public referendum on the university -- but said it would be held after the election. Meanwhile, Hungary's parliament -- where Fidesz holds a supermajority -- voted in mid-June to donate state-owned land to a foundation in charge of the planned university campus. On the same day, the parliament also passed its anti-LGBTQ law, prompting further protests in Budapest and outrage from EU leaders in Brussels. The timing of the anti-LGBTQ legislation was "all part of an effort to divert the attention from the Fudan project," said Kreko. "Because the government feels this is something dangerous for their identity." The law also served another purpose for Orban: It splintered the opposition alliance after Jobbik joined Fidesz in voting for it. 'Decline of the West' A major sticking point for critics of the university plan is the cost -- reportedly more than the budget for Hungary's entire education system. According to leaked documents obtained by investigative journalism outlet Direkt36, the project would cost an estimated 1.5 billion ($1.8 billion), mostly financed through a loan from a Chinese state bank. The building work, on land originally slated for Hungarian student accommodation, would be carried out by a Chinese contractor, it added. Critics have raised eyebrows over the nature of a deal under which Hungarian taxpayers would effectively be paying for Fudan to set up its campus. According to the Direkt36 report, the so-called Fudan Hungary University would be established and maintained by a Chinese-Hungarian asset management foundation -- suggesting joint revenue from the project. CNN contacted Fudan University for a comment on the loan, but had not received a reply at time of publishing. The Hungarian government also did not comment on the reported cost of the loan in a lengthy statement to CNN. However it did say that 6,000 to 8,000 students from "Hungary, China and other nations" would learn from 500 lecturers at the campus' economics, humanities, engineering and medical science facilities. The Hungarian government added that Fudan University was already collaborating with five German universities, 24 Scandinavian universities and had an academic partnership with Yale University in the US. "If they manage to protect their national security interests, we are capable of that, too," it added. Nonetheless, two-thirds of Hungarians who have heard about the project oppose the Fudan University plan, according to a poll by liberal think tank Republikon Institute. And the university controversy could cut through to Orban supporters outside of Budapest, said Tamas Matura, assistant professor at Budapest's Corvinus University and founder of the Central and Eastern European Center for Asian Studies. He pointed to Direkt36's investigation revealing the original student housing planned for the site would be scrapped. "Average people who would love to send their children to the capital city to study at university" understand there is "a chance that their own children will have less access to cheap accommodation, because the Chinese have taken away that that opportunity," he said. The Hungarian government told CNN in a statement that the proposed campus would "not be taking space away" from the planned student accommodation. Matura said that Fudan was one of the world's best universities. But he also feared the Shanghai institution's deep financial pockets could draw the best professors and students from "under-financed" Hungarian universities. Critics also fear academic freedom would be undermined by the university's allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party. All of which comes against the backdrop of Orban's controversial university reforms, which critics say extend the ideological imprint of the ruling right-wing government. Indeed the George Soros-backed Central European University (CEU) was "forced out" of Budapest, after a years-long assault on its academic freedoms by Orban's government. The university relocated to Vienna, prompting protests in the Hungarian capital. Fudan is a "kind of second part of that political story unfolding," said Hodson. "This is a pushback on Orban's continuous assault on freedoms," he added, but pointed out that "there's a kind of progressive bastion in Budapest." Hodson cast doubt on whether demonstrations in the capital could seriously dent Orban's re-election chances elsewhere in Hungary. In protest at the university plans, Budapest's local authorities are renaming streets near the campus after prominent human rights causes about which the Chinese government is sensitive, including the Dalai Lama and the Uyghurs. The Hungarian government called Budapest's move "infantile" in a statement to CNN. And China's foreign ministry called the behavior "contemptible." These are literal signs of protest. The big question is whether this resistance in Budapest also points the way to meaningful change in Hungary. This story was first published on CNN.com 'Orban wants a Chinese university in Hungary. Opponents see a chance to turn his nationalist rhetoric against him' He took office in 2015, right as the federal government released a report showing that Pennsylvania had the nations starkest spending gap between rich and poor school districts. Soon after, lawmakers approved a modernized school-funding distribution formula, but Wolf had two challenges: boosting state aid and getting lawmakers to push more of the money through the new distribution formula. Wolf said he was close in June to getting lawmakers to route all school aid through the new formula, a step that requires $1.1 billion to avoid reductions in other districts shares. Instead, lawmakers approved $300 million no small amount, but far short of the required funds. One reason Wolf thinks he might still secure that funding next year is the states flush coffers, thanks to heaps of federal coronavirus aid. The state has never been, I dont think, at least in my lifetime that I know, in as good a financial shape, Wolf told the AP. So thats another thing that makes this possible. We can look at doing this kind of thing, even looking at a $1.1 billion expenditure. In our current financial situation, we can afford to do that. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Adding to that burden is the fact that #MeToo was always more about celebrity-led allegations. Primarily, its most lasting success was in heightening awareness around the trauma of sexual assault, not lessening the likelihood. The goal should be to get men, who are the vast majority of abusers, to stop. Not merely to offer women a space to voice their feelings about being attacked. Offering that platform without any real movement otherwise, feels cruelly conciliatory. The hashtag battle cry of #BelieveWomen isnt much solace when the manager controlling your hours at the fast-food outlet eyes you greedily up and down, or brushes your backside, because he knows you arent likely to report it. For other women, the abuser might be the landlord, who holds the reins over whether her children have a home. A very small percentage of accusations, single digits, are falsely reported. Although those 2 to 8% estimates are routinely misunderstood, cruelly believed to be higher, not because they are, but rather because so many cases devolve into he-said/she-said accounts. Overall, there was 26% turnover reported in 2020. A sense of staffing levels has been hard to come by. The state hasnt provided clear employment data by region to the Post-Dispatch, despite a Sunshine request for the information. State legislators, who have been investigating the Childrens Division through the Missouri House Special Committee on Government Oversight, recently received data indicating the agency isnt keeping up with the speed of the revolving door. As of May 4, 2021, one in five frontline positions allocated to judicial circuits statewide mainly investigators and caseworkers sat empty, or 317 out of 1,506 positions, according to a Post-Dispatch analysis of the data. Of the 46 judicial circuits, a third of them had less than 75% of their frontline Childrens Division positions filled. Nearly one in three positions in each of the three circuits that cover St. Louis, St. Louis County and St. Charles County were vacant. In the 12th Circuit, covering Warren and Montgomery counties, 42% of positions were unfilled. Two other circuits the 14th Circuit, comprised of Howard and Randolph counties, and the 42nd Circuit, where Shearin worked tied for worst, with 53% of positions unfilled. Current protocols will be strengthened for students' repatriation from Fiji where the contagious Delta variant is quickly spreading, says Director Tarivonda Videos Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. Shes looking for some glitz and glamour as her Zoom life soon ends and physical get-togethers have begun. Consumers are purging more than their worn-out pandemic wear. At the luxury resale site TheRealReal, with more than 22 million members, the total value of pre-owned goods sold this year through May was about $239 million, up by 53 percent from the same period in 2019, according to a company report. Some are taking the opportunity to reinvent their personal style, said Jessica Richards, a trend forecaster and fashion director for the Accessories Council, a nonprofit trade group. We saw a lot of consumers abandon their mindless shopping habits and instead focus on investment dressing. Less of being sick of their pandemic wardrobes but more wondering why they might own as much or what is the breadth of their closet, she said. Its now about streamlining and zeroing in on what their desired personal style image should be. Not everybody is looking to abandon their COVID style, however. In Lynchburg, 33-year-old Cameron Howe is ready to burn just about everything she has worn during the pandemic except her impressive legging collection as she transitions from a school career. However, those who have been fully vaccinated will no longer be required to wear masks within the building, Moore wrote. All persons entering the courthouse shall be asked, along with the other required questions, whether they have been vaccinated, the order reads. If they have been, they do not need to wear a mask while in the building, but they still must observe social distancing and have their temperature taken, use hand-sanitizer. According to Jon Zug, clerk of the Albemarle County Circuit Court, though the Supreme Court of Virginia order does grant flexibility to the courts, Judges Cheryl Higgins and Claude Worrell have not yet let the circuit court staff know if things will change soon. I would expect some changes come the beginning of the next term that commences on Monday, Aug. 2, Zug said. The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia similarly loosened COVID-19 precautions in May following a change in emergency orders and vaccination rates. The Charlottesville federal court no longer requires vaccinated people to wear masks or physically distance themselves. AFTON When Shipman resident Wisteria Johnson took to the stage Saturday, she led the crowd in spelling: V-I-C-T-O-R-Y. What do we have? Johnson asked. The crowd exclaimed in response: Victory! More than 100 opponents of the now-canceled Atlantic Coast Pipeline gathered Saturday at the Rockfish Valley Community Center in Afton for a celebration one year in the making, the COVID-19 pandemic having delayed the festivities. Dozens were grouped under white tents with overlapping chatter and music filling the air. The area was decorated with anti-pipeline paraphernalia, and many wore blue No Pipeline T-shirts. Im sure you all remember what it felt like when you heard the news that the pipeline was canceled, Joyce Burton, with Friends of Nelson, said as she clutched a copy of the Nelson County Times with the headline that read, Atlantic Coast Pipeline canceled. I just remember the disbelief; I had bruises on my arm from pinching myself. Im really excited that now, after a year, were finally able to reconnect with that feeling of relief we had back then, Burton said. SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Three men have been arrested in connection with the death of a 7-year-old girl who was hit by a stray bullet inside her Utah home, authorities said. The girl died at Heber Valley Hospital on Friday night, the Wasatch County Sheriffs Office said. The child's name was not released. Christopher OConnell, 34, was arrested Saturday on suspicion of manslaughter and is facing other drugs and weapons charges. Two other men, Colin Howells, 36, and Trever Pinter, 21, were also arrested over alleged crimes not directly related to the girls death. It was not immediately known if the three suspects had an attorney who could comment on their behalf. Police found O'Connell near the apartment in Heber City, about 45 miles (70 kilometers) southeast of Salt Lake City, after the shooting, according to police records. Detectives said his speech was slurred and he had a handgun. Howells and OConnell were inside Pinter's neighboring apartment Friday night, according to arrest documents. Officers found a bullet hole in the wall of the apartment that continued into the girls apartment, documents said. Those four or five years were not fun for us, said Kuhr, noting how the federal cap also separated families that partially came before 2016 while the rest were stuck outside the U.S. even after being vetted by the government. The separation of families whether it be through work, living in separate countries or at the U.S.-Mexico border is a significant stressor, Leon-Perez said. (asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk) For Al Barzanji, the daily phone calls are the closest option she has to bridge the 6,000-mile divide standing between her husband and their five children in Harrisonburg. Over the past five years, the conversations clung to hope that the pain in being apart will soon be worth it. Other times, they were filled with desperation. Fear. Doubt. Fera, do you think we did the right thing? her husband asks. She always reassures him with a yes because of the kids. The oldest graduates from George Mason University with an engineering degree next spring. One is at James Madison University studying biology. Another is headed there in the fall. The two youngest are in high school. This story has been updated. The removal of the George Rogers Clark statue at the University of Virginia on Sunday was for some a symbolic first step toward repairing the harm the monument represented over the course of its 100-year history. Workers strapped and adjusted the statue for about two hours before it was removed from its base, loaded onto a flatbed truck and taken to an undisclosed location. Erected in 1921, the statue depicts Clark on a horse, attacking a Native American family while backed by three frontiersmen wielding rifle, pistol and powder. It was paid for by Paul Goodloe McIntire, who also commissioned the three statues that were removed by the city of Charlottesville on Saturday those of Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson and one of Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and Sacagawea. Zac Russell, a UVa undergraduate and citizen of the Cherokee Nation, said the George Rogers Clark statue almost deterred him from attending the university. To Russell, the statue symbolized a celebration of genocide of Native people. To see it removed, Im just filled with joy, he said. That statue over the last 100 years has caused a lot of pain, so Im glad to see that the statue can no longer cause pain. Yes. I will do my part to conserve household energy usage, even if I'm uncomfortable in my home. No. It is too hot to conserve household energy usage. I already conserve, even before ERCOT requested it. Maybe, depending on the reason ERCOT provides and whether or not I am home during that time. Vote View Results Assam: Rs 10-crore gene bank to boost Assam fish yield July 12,2021 | Source: The Times of India Assam has set a target to increase fish production to five lakh metric tonnes by creating a gene bank worth Rs 10 crore, said fisheries minister Parimal Shuklabaidya on National Fish Farmers Day on Saturday. Recognising unmatched hardships and perseverance of the farming community, Suklabaidya thanked the farmers for adopting latest technologies like Biofloc and Cage Culture to increase production. Assam is making steady progress in the fish farming sector since 2016 with production attaining 3.93 lakh metric tonnes. The fish production would increase up to five lakh metric tonnes with the creation of the gene bank, for which the government has spent Rs 10 crore, the minister said at Jungal Balahu Fish Farm at Raha in Nagaon district on Saturday. The state government is implementing the five-year Gene Bank for Indigenous Fish (GBIF) project. Assam is the first northeastern state to attain self-sufficiency in fish seed production with 951.9 crore fish seed fry in 2019-20, and it is supplying these to the neighboring states. The project, which is being implemented through the College of Fisheries, Raha, under Assam Agricultural University, aims at conserving germplasm and restoring Assams endangered fish species. Unlike in the past, fishing is no longer a neglected sector with Prime Minister Narendra Modi according topmost priority to this sector, he said, adding that the led Government in Assam has been making concerted efforts to make use of the vast water resources of the state to increase fish production. Suklabaidya said many youths who have come back to the state due to the Covid induced lockdown have taken up fish farming by constructing individual and community ponds with Government subsidy. Of the 12,000 individual and community ponds, 10,000 ponds have been constructed, he added. Nagaon Deputy Commissioner Kavitha Padmanabhan, said the fisheries sector in the district is making good strides and the district has attained self sufficiency on the fish production front. West Bengal: Rising diesel price and dip in hilsa catch worry fishermen July 12,2021 | Source: Telegraph India Rising diesel price and a dip in the hilsa catch for the second year on the trot have left fishermen and the government worried because livelihoods of around 30,000 people are at stake. Because of the low yield, many fishermen are not taking their trawlers to the sea after one or two trips as diesel price has crossed Rs 90 a litre. Affording fuel cost, the main investment to catch hilsa, is tough. Many trawler owners like me have stopped sailing our boats temporarily as the expense-and-profit ratio is not viable. The cost towards fuel increased by 22 per cent compared to last year and production of hilsa reduced by 35 per cent. It is a survival challenge, said Satinath Patra, secretary of the Sunderban Samudrik Matsyojibi Shramik Union, an association of sea-fishermen. Sources said a trawler carries around 2,400 litres of diesel in barrels to trawl the sea for five days. Diesel on Thursday sold for Rs 92.50 a litre in Calcutta. One of my trawlers came back with hilsa worth Rs 1.5 lakh only. I could not recover my fuel cost. This isnt only my story but of everyone in this trade, said Patra, adding they would write to central and state governments seeking subsidised diesel for fishing. The situation is the worst this year with low hilsa catch and high diesel price, said Shyamsundar Das, secretary of the Digha Fishermens Association. Jayanta Pradhan, assistant director of fisheries in South 24-Parganas, said hilsa production is down by more than half compared to last year. Since the hilsa fishing season is yet to be over, the fishermen are keeping their fingers crossed, expecting to recover the loss in their next trips to the sea. But, the rising riverbed level due to siltation, trapping of juvenile fish and excessive harvesting by some fishermen are possible reasons why the hilsa is elusive. According to experts, the Hooghly river meets the Bay of Bengal close to the Sunderbans in South 24-Parganas, and the confluence is the favourite place for the hilsa, which move from the ocean to the river stream around this season. Till Tuesday around 2,000 boats that went to catch hilsa on June 15, after the expiry of the government-mandated gap from April 15 to June 14 to promote hilsa breeding, from Namkhana, Kakdwip, Raidighi in South 24-Parganas and from Digha, Shankarpur and Contai in East Midnapore have returned with their catch. But, the quantity of the fish was so meagre that the fishermen were reluctant to disclose the figure. According to the members of the fishermen welfare outfit in Namkhana, till Tuesday the total hilsa catch has not reached even 100 tonnes, less than a quarter of the projected catch during June-July every year. Hope the situation improves, said Patra. Nevertheless, after a few days of contemplation, Jordan and his business partners apologized and opted to rebrand their rum. Cultures are complex The reality is that adjudicating between cultural appreciation and appropriation is never simple, and that is because cultures are vast, complex, historically determined and ever-changing. In the cases of both Kardashian and Jordan, I would argue that had either of them sought to establish true cultural appreciation for the cultures from which they were drawing, the accusations and inappropriate use of cultural symbols could have been avoided. This could have been achieved through long immersion and deep learning over the years about the history and current manifestations of the cultures. Americans are increasingly living within fantastically diverse multicultural worlds. Sharing in each others cultures is not only good; when done right, it is important and helps build community. Denton, TX (76205) Today Rain showers this morning with some sunshine during the afternoon hours. High around 95F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Partly cloudy this evening. Scattered thunderstorms developing after midnight. Low around 75F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%. Denton, TX (76205) Today Isolated thunderstorms this morning, then partly cloudy during the afternoon hours. High 94F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30%.. Tonight Partly cloudy with a slight chance of thunderstorms overnight. Low near 75F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%. * Username This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. Choose wisely! The latest African country to attempt to open up its telecoms sector to competition is Djibouti in the Horn of Africa. According to Bloomberg, the country has said that it plans to offer a significant minority stake in state-owned operator Djibouti Telecom, which, apparently, is in the process of rolling out a 4G network, to a strategic partner. This is said to be part of a plan for the country to open up the sector and modernize its economy, though how much of Djibouti Telecom is to be sold off is not yet known. While this move seems to mirror the recent attempt of Djiboutis neighbour Ethiopia to open up its telecoms sector (among other sectors), the differences between the two countries, in terms of size and opportunities, are fairly significant. Ethiopia is the second-most populous country in Africa after Nigeria, with a population estimated at around 118 million. Djibouti has a population of just under one million. That said, Djibouti is positioned on one of the worlds busiest shipping routes. It also hosts landing infrastructure for twelve high-capacity undersea cables. Significantly the Djibouti government has been quoted as assuring would-be investors that there will be the chance to expand into mobile money and data centres. Mobile money in particular has been a sticking point for investors in Ethiopia, where restrictions on new entrants have given the incumbent operator a clear run at a very big mobile money market. It will be interesting to see whether new entrants have more luck in Djibouti. Starlink - Elon Musk's wireless satellite internet service - finally received authorisation to operate in Mexico for 10 years. It will be from October 28, 2021, when users in the country will be able to start using it. Starlink Satellite Systems Mexico lodged its request with the Federal Telecommunications Institute (Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, IFT) on 2 April this year, and received its licence on 28 May. As per the terms of its licence, Starlink must be operational within 180 days. The ten-year concession is extendable for a further ten years, said the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite broadband provider. The Mexican Republic it will offer a 1 Gbps browsing speed and, according to the firm, it is an ideal service to be used in rural areas, where there is little or no telecommunications infrastructure. The company already offers service plans in the United States, for a monthly fee of 99 dollars and with browsing speeds of 1 Gbps. However, the company guarantees that in the future the quality of its service will improve drastically so that its connection speed will increase up to 1Gb. According to Reuters, Elon Musks satellite internet company could offer global coverage starting in September. The president of the company, Gwynne Shotwell, indicated that SpaceX could transmit the service from space. Eastern Europe is in the data centre news again, thanks to a new deal planned for Poland and potential investment by a recently established fund in even more data centres across the region. According to French press reports, French data centre firm Data4 has announced plans to invest more than 100 million ($118.6 million) within three years, and up to 200 million by 2025 in its first campus in Poland. The campus will be situated on four hectares of land and will have 50MW of capacity when fully built out. Data 4 is owned by AXA Investment Managers. It already owns 21 data centres in France, Italy, Luxembourg and Spain. Slightly more tentative is the news, revealed on the Data Centre Dynamics website, that the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund (3SIIF), which is backed by a number of state-owned banks and focused on eastern Europe, may spend some of the more than 1 billion ($1.186 billion) it has at its disposal on digital infrastructure. Among the investments it has made to date (it was was established in 2019) are a December 2020 investment in Estonian data centre firm Greenergy Data Centres. Around the same time it also acquired MCF Group Estonia, which is developing a large data centre outside Tallinn, which is due to come online this year. MCF Group is reported to be planning more such developments across the CEE region in the future. While transport and energy are also target investment areas, 3SIIFs website says: There is a significant requirement for investment in digital infrastructure in order to service growing demand for digital services. We shall see. The company specifically targets the so-called Three Seas Region and the 12 countries which border the Baltic, Adriatic, and Black Seas, namely Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Spanish telecommunications tower operator Cellnex has closed the acquisition of the Polish infrastructure company Polkomtel Infrastruktura for some 1.6 billion euros after receiving the green light from Poland's competition watchdog UOKiK. The agreement, concluded with Cyfrowy Polsat Group, covers the acquisition of 99.9% of Polkomtel Infrastruktura, its telecommunications infrastructure subsidiary. Bringing in around 7,000 towers to its portfolio and active equipment which includes 37,000 radio carriers covering all the bands used by 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G, Cellnexs total reach in Poland hits more than 14,000 sites after finalising a deal with Polish operator Play in April. The agreement involves an investment of c. 1.6 billion by Cellnex, plus an additional programme to roll out up to c. 1,500 sites, as well as investments in active equipment, mostly for 5G, for a further c. 600 million over the next 9 years. The transaction has been financed with available cash. The Spanish company will operate voice and data transmission equipment, fibre backbone, and fibre-to-the-tower backhaul. Cellnexs CEO Tobias Martinez said: This allows Cellnex to rapidly consolidate and reinforce its position in Poland following the recent acquisition of towers and sites from Play. It also exemplifies our commitment to evolving the traditional tower operator model towards an integrated telecommunications infrastructure management model, combining the operation of passive elements (towers) and active elements such as transmission equipment, radio links, and fibre-to-the-tower. Cellnex and Cyfrowy Polsat have agreed on a 25-year service contract with subsequent renewals for 15-year periods. Operator Africell, which already has a presence in Sierra Leone, The Gambia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, has announced plans to deploy a brand-new 5G-ready network in Angola with the help of vendor Nokia. In fact 5G is only part of the story. Nokia has announced that it has signed a deal to deploy its network technologies to Angolas new mobile telecommunications operator to help it to provide 2G, 3G and 4G services in the capital city Luanda. However, for the new network in the capital, Nokia will deploy its AirScale Single Radio Access Network (S-RAN) across up to 700 sites not only to support 2G, 3G and 4G services concurrently, but also to be 5G-ready. Nokia points out that its AirScale platform can be seamlessly upgraded to support 5G networks through a software update. In addition, Africell will deploy the Nokia AirFrame data centre solution to run any cloud-based application, along with the microwave transmission network Wavence to support advanced packet networking, and the NetAct network management system to enable consolidated network view for improved network monitoring and management. Nokias IP routers for access, aggregation, backhaul and core will also be part of the deployment plans. Nokia will also deploy cloud-native Cloud Packet Core, 3G Core, Voice Core, and Registers for the voice and data core network software, which, it says, will enable Africell to achieve a high degree of flexibility for responding to changing customer demands by scaling the various network functions according to the traffic experienced. As part of the core network solution, says Nokia, its Policy Controller provides scalability, flexibility and performance for Africells diverse range of services. Nokia also will leverage its services expertise for the network planning, optimization, installation and care. African mobile technology company Africell confirmed earlier this year that it had finalised a deal that gives it a mobile telecommunications operators licence in Angola making it the countrys fourth operator. ATHENS, Ala. (AP) A longtime Alabama sheriff accused on theft and ethics charges is set to stand trial nearly two years after he was indicted. Jury selection is scheduled to begin Monday for Limestone County Sheriff Mike Blakely, who has continued to serve despite facing a dozen felony counts alleging he stole campaign donations, got interest-free loans and solicited money from employees. Blakely, 70, has pleaded not guilty and announced plans to seek an 11th term in office if acquitted. While state law doesn't require the removal of a sheriff under indictment, a conviction would result in his automatic ouster from office. In office since 1983, Blakely is currently the state's longest-serving sheriff. Court officials summoned roughly five times as many potential jurors as normal, about 500 people, because Blakely is so well known in the area, news outlets reported. Prosecutors have tried to tie charges that Blakely took money from public and campaign accounts to claims that Blakely drinks and gambles in out-of-state casinos. While the defense argued that such evidence is aimed at harming the sheriffs reputation, a judge ruled previously that jurors would be allowed to hear it. Turner, who previously specialized in repairing older buildings, said hes seen very dangerous damage in Florida buildings. Im surprised that (Surfside) is the first one that Ive seen this happen to," he said. "Im not surprised it happened; Im surprised its the first one. In Boca Raton, officials are working quickly to establish a recertification process for older buildings, Councilman Andy Thomson said. We have a number of high-rise condos on the beach, particularly. And I think thats what causes the most heartburn for people because of the potential of corrosion due to saltwater, Thomson said. Steven Rogers lives at the Chalfonte condominiums in Boca Raton, where neither the city nor Palm Beach County requires building recertification. But Rogers, who was elected the condominium association president, said they're not waiting for either to set a policy. The association hired engineers two years ago to inspect the two 22-story towers built in the late 1970s on the Atlantic Ocean. Rogers said he called engineers again after the Surfside collapse and told them he wants an inspection policy thats more stringent than Miami-Dades. The association is now making repairs with plans to do so every year. We've seen how the campaign against Cuba was growing on social media in the past few weeks,'' Diaz-Canel said Monday in a nationally televised appearance in which his entire Cabinet was also present. That's the way it's done: Try to create inconformity, dissatisfaction by manipulating emotions and feelings. In a statement Monday, U.S. President Joe Biden said Cuban protesters were asserting their basic rights. "We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cubas authoritarian regime,'' Biden said. The U.S. urges the Cuban government to serve their people rather than enriching themselves,'' Biden added. U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan Haq on Monday stressed the U.N. position on the need for freedom of expression and peaceful assembly to be respected fully, and we expect that that will be the case. MONTGOMERY Former President Donald Trump repeated his support of U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks in the Alabama race for U.S. Senate, and took a jab at Brooks well-funded rival Katie Britt. Britt said Saturday that its a sign of her campaigns momentum and fired back that she didnt need anyone to fight her battles. Trump in a statement reiterated his support for Brooks and took jabs at senators, including U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama and U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. Britt was Shelbys chief of staff but left to lead an influential business group. Trump, in a statement, said Britt, is not what Alabama wants. I see that the RINO Senator from Alabama, close friend of Old Crow Mitch McConnell, Richard Shelby, is pushing hard to have his assistant fight the great Mo Brooks for his Senate seat, Trump wrote in a statement, using the expression for Republican in name only. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Britt posted a video Saturday that didnt mention Trump by name but said she was responding to a statement put out about her candidacy. What I want to tell you is that doesnt scare me. Im here to fight for you, Britt said in a video posted on her campaigns Twitter account. HUNTSVILLE Jury selection began Monday in the trial of a longtime Alabama sheriff accused on theft and ethics charges, but news outlets and the public were barred from attending jury selection. News outlets report that potential jurors reported for jury selection for the trial of Limestone County Sheriff Mike Blakely, but the public and the media were barred from attending the proceedings at the Limestone County Event Center. WHNT reported that a court bailiff for retired Judge Pamela Baschab told reporters attempting to access the proceedings that the judge wanted to make sure jurors were comfortable and wouldnt be bothered by media. The station said jury selection has been public in other high-profile trials in the area including that of a police officer accused of murder. Blakely faces a dozen felony counts alleging he stole campaign donations, got interest-free loans and solicited money from employees. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} He has pleaded not guilty and announced plans to seek an 11th term in office if acquitted. While state law doesnt require the removal of a sheriff under indictment, a conviction would result in his automatic ouster from office. A woman practices livestreaming on social media in a training course in Hanoi in July, 2021. Photo by VnExpress. The Ministry of Information and Communications has proposed several regulations to tighten control on livestream activities on social media like Facebook and Youtube. Cross-border social media must demand operators of accounts with 10,000 or more followers/subscribers in Vietnam to provide contact information to the ministry, a draft decree says. It also requires websites and apps with 100,000 or more monthly frequent users to register with the ministry. Only registered accounts can host livestream videos to sell goods and services. The social media platforms will also be asked to block or remove flagged content within 24 hours upon "justified" requests by Vietnamese individuals and organizations affected by such content. The ministry estimates that by the end of June, the top 10 Vietnamese social media platforms had a total of around 80 million users. But the popularity of these platforms is low compared to foreign competitors like Facebook with 65 million users, Youtube (60 million) and TikTok (20 million). These platforms have not fully abided by Vietnamese laws, the ministry says. A lot of the content is fake news, causing instability and frustration in the society and inequality between domestic and foreign companies. Many individuals and organizations use these platforms to livestream and provide incorrect and offensive information about individuals and organizations, the ministry said. People are seen at Hamad International Airport, in Doha, Qatar, January 11, 2021. Photo by Reuters/Ibraheem Al Omari. Qatar has placed Vietnam in its yellow travel list of 87 countries and territories unvaccinated visitors from where need to undergo seven-day hotel quarantine on arrival. Under updated travel policies that take effect Monday, visitors then have to take a PCR test on the sixth day. Al Sharq newspaper reported however that people who got two shots of a vaccine approved by the World Health Organization are exempt from quarantine, and would take an anti-bodies test on arrival. They must furnish a negative PCR test certificate from an accredited health center in the country of departure valid for 72 hours after arrival. This also applies to visitors who are not vaccinated. Qatar is resuming issue of family and tourist entry visas on Monday. Egypt also updated entry rules, requiring vaccinated passengers from high-risk countries impacted by the highly transmissible Delta variant, including Vietnam, to undergo a rapid PCR test on arrival. Those testing positive will be transferred to a medical facility as a precaution. Around four million of Vietnam's 96 million people have got shots, with nearly 280,000 of them getting both doses. The government targets vaccinating 70 percent of the population by April 2022. With the country struggling to contain the Delta variant, several countries including Sri Lanka, Oman, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia have banned entry from Vietnam. Its containment of Covid was a global success story until late April until the fourth wave began. It has recorded 26,930 cases so far. The United States welcomes the recent release of journalist Nathan Maung, a United States citizen who was arrested on March 9 and imprisoned for months in a Burmese jail. Maung is the founder and editor-in-chief of the news website Kamayut Media. His Burmese colleague and website co-founder Hanthar Nyein remains in prison, charged with spreading misinformation, as the harsh crackdown against independent media in Burma continues. Although Nathan Maung was freed and returned to the United States, another U.S. citizen, Daniel Fenster, remains incarcerated in Burma. Fenster works for Frontier Myanmar, a news and business magazine. He was on his way back to the United States for a family visit on May 24, when he was detained at the airport by Burmese authorities. At a press briefing, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price called on Burmas military regime to allow Daniel Fensters safe return to the United States. The detentions of the U.S. citizens are part of a wave of arrests of journalists in Burma following the military coup, which seized power on February 1, 2021. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, dozens of members of the press are behind bars, detained during raids by security forces at their offices, or while covering anti-regime street protests which swept the country following the coup. Several Burmese journalists, including reporters Aung Kyaw, Zaw Zaw, and Min Nyo, were recently sentenced by military courts to prison terms of two and three years under an article in the penal code that criminalizes the dissemination of information that could cause disloyalty to the government on the part of security forces or civil servants. In addition, military authorities revoked the licenses of news organizations and restricted access to the Internet. State Department Spokesperson Price noted that a free and independent media is indispensable to building prosperous, resilient, and free societies. We have seen the junta in recent days attempting to stifle freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, he declared. And they do that knowing that only by suppressing the will of the Burmese people might they be able to retain some semblance of control. Mr. Price said, We will be pressing the case for all journalists who are wrongfully detained in Burma for doing nothing more than their job, ultimately knowing that their job is protecting the freedom of expression of the people of Burma. United States Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield announced nearly 407 million dollars in new humanitarian assistance to Venezuelans suffering as a result of the economic crisis caused by the Maduro regime and its enablers, which has crippled Venezuelas economy, driven millions of its citizens to flee their country, and left millions more inside Venezuela in need of humanitarian assistance. She made the announcement in mid June during the virtual International Donors Conference in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants. Through the second half of the twentieth century, oil-rich Venezuela was one of Latin Americas most affluent countries, boasting one of the strongest economies in Latin America. But over the last decade or so, due to mismanagement and corruption of the regime of Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela has spiraled into an economic crisis. Today, one in three Venezuelans is food insecure, the medical system is near collapse, and there is no end in sight to the humanitarian suffering of the Venezuelan people. So, Venezuelans have fled the country in droves. Since 2015, more than 5.6 million out of a population of about 30 million have fled the country. The newly announced funds will help support those Venezuelans who have fled to 17 countries across Latin America, as well as the communities hosting them. It will also go toward helping the 7 million Venezuelans who live within Venezuela and find themselves in desperate need of aid. This new funding will provide the Venezuelan people with a wide range of lifesaving and essential assistance, such as food, healthcare, safe drinking water, emergency shelter, access to legal and protection services, and livelihood opportunities, said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield. The funding will provide protection for vulnerable groups including women, youth, LGBTQI+, and indigenous people, and specialized assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, I reaffirm the commitment of the United States to assist Venezuela, refugees and migrants, the host communities that support them, and the most vulnerable still in Venezuela who are facing a worsening, complex humanitarian crisis. I also reaffirm our commitment to addressing the crisis through a peaceful, political solution, said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield. The United States remains steadfast in our support to the Venezuelan people in their struggle for the restoration of democracy and rule of law. ELKO Dangerously hot conditions continue as Elko experienced a seventh day of high temperatures reaching 100 degrees or higher, and the third day in a row of matching record highs. Elko reached 104 degrees on Monday, following highs of 103 on Saturday and Sunday. The high temperatures would need to persist for a few more days in order to break the record for 100-degree heat, however. The record is 12 days straight in 1917, from July 5-16. The second-longest streak is eight days, which happened in both 1892 and 1978, according to the National Weather Services Elko office. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The Elko area is under a heat advisory through Tuesday. Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors, advised the weather service. Highs should drop below 100 toward the end of the week, but only by a degree or two. Elkos all-time high temperature is 107 degrees, set on July 4, 1981 and July 24, 1890. WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) Tesla founder Elon Musk took to a witness stand Monday to defend his companys 2016 acquisition of a troubled company called SolarCity against a lawsuit that claims hes to blame for a deal that was rife with conflicts of interest and never delivered the profits he'd promised. And to the surprise of no one, the famously colorful billionaire did so in the most personally combative terms. I think you are a bad human being," Musk told Randall Baron, a lawyer for shareholders who was pressing Musk to acknowledge his mistakes in helping engineer the acquisition of SolarCity, a manufacturer of solar panels. I have great respect for the court, Musk later added, but not for you, sir. The long-running shareholder lawsuit asserts that Musk, who was SolarCitys largest stakeholder and its chairman, and other Tesla directors breached their fiduciary duties in bowing to Musks wishes and agreeing to buy the company. In what the plaintiffs call a clear conflict of interest, SolarCity had been founded by Musk and two of his cousins, Lyndon and Peter Rive. The blaze, which was only 8% contained, increased dramatically to 86 square miles (222 square kilometers) as firefighters sweltered in 100-degree temperatures. It was one of several threatening homes across Western states that were expected to see triple-digit heat through the weekend as a high-pressure zone blankets the region. Pushed by strong winds, a wildfire in southern Oregon doubled in size to 120 square miles (311 square kilometers) Saturday as it raced through heavy timber in the Fremont-Winema National Forest near the Klamath County town of Sprague River. The National Weather Service warned the dangerous conditions could cause heat-related illnesses, while Californias power grid operator issued a statewide Flex Alert from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday to avoid disruptions and rolling blackouts. The California Independent System Operator warned of potential power shortage, not only because of mounting heat, but because a wildfire in southern Oregon was threatening transmission lines that carry imported power to California. SEARCHLIGHT The push for a new national monument about 60 miles south of Las Vegas has taken on added urgency, in the face of a new wind-farm proposal in the area. The monument would be called Avi Kwa Ame, which is the Mojave Tribes term for Spirit Mountain. The 380,000-acre monument would connect the Mojave National Preserve on the California-Nevada border with the Colorado River plateau. Neal Desai, senior program director for the National Parks Conservation Association, said the landscape is holy ground for many Native Americans. This area is sacred to a dozen tribes, Desai explained. Its tied to the creation story. It is the area where the universe started for the Yuman tribes along the river. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Opponents noted the area already has some federal protections. However, a national monument designation would preclude any future commercial development. In recent weeks, town officials in Searchlight and Boulder City have endorsed the monument proposal. In 2018, the Bureau of Land Management rejected a bid by a Swedish company to build the huge Crescent Peak wind farm. Desai added he hopes the agency will also put a stop to the companys latest plans. With the ending of extra unemployment benefits in 26 states, workers have started to sue states to ensure the extra weekly payments of $300 continue. The states where judges ruled the payments must continue are: Maryland until July 14 at the earliest. until July 14 at the earliest. Indiana until September 6 when the scheme ends nationwide. Ohio and Texas are also facing lawsuits with the latter having 30,000 workers suing the state. There are expectations that there could be further lawsuits in other states after the lawsuits in Maryland and Indiana. Why are the decisions being challenged in court? Workers fear the end of extra benefits could throw millions of people into economic peril. In both Maryland and Indiana there are more than 500,000 unemployed residents according to the National Employment Law project (NELP). The states were sued on the grounds that there is a state requirement to "cooperate with the US Department of Labor and maximize benefits for unemployed residents." And it seems judges agree that the benefits must resume at least until the lawsuits are resolved. They said workers could suffer "irreparable harm" should aid not be given until then. Both states are appealing the ruling. "The state of Indiana took the appropriate steps to terminate its participation in federal pandemic unemployment program," Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb's office said in an emailed statement. "The agreement ended on June 19. The Governor and Department of Workforce Development will discuss an immediate appeal of the judge's order with the Attorney General." Why are the extra benefits ending early? Critics of the programmes say that these funds make it more profitable to stay at home rather than look for work. The benefits are scheduled to end nationally in September but the 26 states that requested an early termination say it will help get people back in the workplace. But it is not clear whether the move has encouraged more people back into work. The unemployment benefits are a part of President Biden's American Rescue Plan and are designed to lift the country out of the covid-19 depression. The country is dealing with a swathe of job vacancies that are not being filled as quickly as lawmakers would like, with the Department of Labor reporting 9.21 million vacant jobs countrywide. According to statistics published by John Hopkins University these are the five states with the highest and lowest rates of full vaccination, as of July 12 2021: Top five states by fully vaccinated people Vermont (60.26%) (60.26%) Massachusetts (58.65%) (58.65%) Connecticut (56.57%) (56.57%) Rhode Island (55.54%) (55.54%) Maine (54.96%) Bottom five states by fully vaccinated people Alabama (31.08%) (31.08%) Mississippi (31.27%) (31.27%) Arkansas (32.54%) (32.54%) Wyoming (32.68%) (32.68%) Louisiana (33.04%) Overall vaccination of the whole US is 48.52%. Why have these states got these vaccination rates? One factor that correlates to a low vaccine take up is poverty. Of the five states with the lowest rates of vaccination, three of them, Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas, are in the top five states with the highest poverty rate according to the 2019 census data. High rates of poverty mean a greater chance of poor access to medical services and of the states with the highest vaccination rates, three have poverty rates below the national average. The two outliers, Rhode Island and Maine, are extremely close to the national average. Another factor is race. Despite making up 12.9% of the population, 8.9% of African-Americans are fully vaccinated. This is mirrored by Hispanic/Latino Americans where 15.2% are fully vaccinated out of 17.2% of the population. Although the differences between these numbers have tightened since March, the difference could help explain why some states have a low vaccination rate. Indeed, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana have some of highest populations of people of colour in the country. Is there a link between the race and poverty? According to the latest census data, Hispanic and black Americans have twice the poverty rate of their white compatriots. There is also a history of distrust between black Americans and the government, especially in terms of healthcare after the reveal of the Tuskegee experiment. Black Americans were deliberately not treated for syphilis for decades, despite being told they were being treated with free healthcare. These problems make these groups much less likely to get vaccinated and are at greater risk from covid-19. President Biden announced extra help in March for minorities and last week introduced a new 'door-to-door' vaccination strategy for poor communities. Moreover, it is crucial that these states and communities are convinced to get the vaccine as the data shows black Americans are twice as likely to die after catching covid-19 and Hispanic Americans 2.3 times more likely to die. With these bottom five states having high numbers of ethnic minorities it is important that more vaccines are delivered and issued. As of Friday, China has provided 500 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines and concentrates used for production to more than 100 countries and international organizations, accounting for one-sixth of global COVID-19 vaccine production, a Foreign Ministry official said. Guo Xuejun, deputy director of the ministry's Department of International Economic Affairs, told Xinhua News Agency late Friday that China opposes vaccine nationalism and has actively supported other developing countries in their vaccine production and rollout. These countries include the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Pakistan and Mexico, with a total production capacity of over 200 million doses, he said. Of the 140 countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, 84 proposed importing Chinese vaccines in the first half of this year, Guo said, adding that China has proactively responded to all these countries' demands and promptly provided vaccines. "Our next step will be continuing to enhance our vaccine cooperation with various parties, further improve the accessibility and affordability of vaccines in developing countries, and make greater contributions to fighting the pandemic and promoting economic recovery," Guo said. CoronaVac, the COVID-19 vaccine developed by China's Sinovac Biotech, has been found to be 83.5 percent effective in protecting against symptomatic infection and has had no reported cases of severe adverse events, according to interim data from phase three clinical trials in Turkey published in the journal The Lancet on Thursday. The trials involved more than 10,000 participants and found the vaccine can induce a robust antibody response after two shots. CoronaVac is an inactivated vaccine that uses a killed version of the whole virus to induce an immune response. It can be stored at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius and has been approved for emergency use by 22 countries, including Thailand, Brazil, Uruguay and Ukraine. Last month, the World Health Organization also validated the vaccine for emergency use. "One of the advantages of CoronaVac is that it does not need to be frozen, making it easier to transport and distribute. This could be particularly important for global distribution, as some countries may struggle to store large amounts of vaccine at very low temperatures," said Murat Akova, lead author of the Lancet study and a professor at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in Ankara, Turkey. The interim study examined 10,029 participants aged 18 to 59 from Turkey who either received two doses of the vaccine or a placebo between Sept 14 and Jan 5. It found that the efficacy of the vaccine was 83.5 percent after two doses, and was 100 percent effective in preventing moderate and severe cases. However, the team also acknowledged that although the vaccine can induce an antibody response in 90 percent of recipients, the response decreased with increasing age of recipients. The study included a short follow-up period and a relatively young and low-risk population. So more research is needed to confirm its efficacy over the long term, and it should be conducted with a more diverse group of participants. The vaccine's ability to protect against emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2 should also be examined, the study said. As of Thursday, China's National Medical Products Administration said 22 COVID-19 vaccines had been approved for clinical trials in the country. Four vaccines have been granted conditional market approval and three have been authorized for emergency use in China. Assistance welcomed Since China began assisting other countries' COVID-19 inoculation efforts, heads of state and government of many nations have expressed appreciation for the help and some have even personally welcomed the delivery of the Chinese vaccines at the airport. In February, Mozambican Prime Minister Carlos Agostinho do Rosario extended warm greetings to the Chinese government and people on behalf of Mozambique. He said that, in the joint fight against the pandemic, China has shown brotherly friendship with the Mozambican people, and he thanked the Chinese government and people for their support. The same month, Peruvian Prime Minister Violeta Bermudez said her country was delighted to receive the Chinese vaccine, which will help the country fight the pandemic. In March, Dominican Vice-President Raquel Pena welcomed the vaccines at the airport and expressed gratitude for China's support and assistance, saying the vaccine will certainly provide an important guarantee for an early victory against the pandemic in the Dominican Republic. The vaccine provided by China has saved lives and written a chapter of cooperation between China and the international community in the fight against the pandemic, she said, adding that China has played a praiseworthy role in the global anti-pandemic effort. TBILISI, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the determining factor behind China's great changes and remarkable achievements, said Ali Ahmadov, deputy prime minister of Azerbaijan and vice chairman of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party. "The CPC has been playing a crucial role in China's rejuvenation and development cause. Without the CPC, there would not be a new China today," he said in a recent video interview with Xinhua. "The clever integration of national macro-control and market regulation has created one of the most efficient economic management models in the world today," Ahmadov said. The CPC has a strong political mobilization capacity of uniting all the social forces of China to commit to serving the people, which has consequently attracted firm support from the masses, he said. The rapid development of China's economy, Ahmadov said, has fully proved the system superiority of the CPC, which enables the country to focus on accomplishing major tasks. "The wise leadership of the CPC is the main reason for China's rapid economic development," and the great achievements of a country cannot be separated from the wisdom of its leaders, he noted. President Xi Jinping's proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative has received wide support from people in China and across the world, he said. "Azerbaijan fully supports this endeavor and is doing its utmost to implement it," he added. Ahmadov hailed the friendship and cooperation between the New Azerbaijan Party and the CPC as "an important part of the friendly relations between the two countries." As for the cooperation between the two countries in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Azerbaijani official described it as "a good example for countries around the world." "We are very grateful to our Chinese friends for promptly providing the vaccines to Azerbaijan. Many Azerbaijani people, including me, have been vaccinated with the Chinese vaccines, which makes us feel more secure," he said. "It is my firm belief that under the leadership of the CPC, China is bound to score greater achievements in the future," Ahmadov said. Picture by Qianli For some time, the US has been making a big fuss about the origin of the novel coronavirus and has produced ridiculous lies about it - one of the most absurd was the lab leak theory that came out of nowhere. Those behind such conspiracy embrace the presumption of guilt, and trust me, they are good at finding evidence with a predesigned conclusion in hand. However, doing so is not making any sense at all, nor is it consistent with facts. It undermines the global fight against COVID-19, and is detrimental to the public. Anti-intellectualism in the US is inconceivable In the early days of the outbreak, The Lancet, the worlds top medical journal, published a statement signed by 27 prominent public health scientists across the globe, pointing out that conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumors, and prejudice that jeopardize our global collaboration in the fight against this virus. The open letter has, unfortunately, brought trouble to Stanley Perlman, the famous American virologist from the University of Iowa. The Washington Post reported that in early June, he received a letter of threat that accused him of being Dr. Frankenstein yes, the Frankenstein who made monsters. This reminded me of a book I read Anti-intellectualism in American Life. According to Richard Hofstadter, the distinguished historian and author of the book, anti-intellectualism is a resentment and suspicion of the life of the mind and of those who are considered to represent it; and a disposition constantly to minimize the value of that life. To put it simply, anti-intellectualism shows a lack of rationality. It refers to people who turn a blind eye to facts that contradict their views, and those who only believe in things they think are right. Inconceivable cases of anti-intellectualism in America keep popping up many Republicans believe that global warming is merely a hoax sponsored by the liberals and some foreign governments, so they refuse to even talk about it. To make matters worse, some in the US believe the coronavirus is simply another flu strain, so people can still gather, there is no need for masks, and no need to take the jab. The truth is, there are widely shared conclusions among scientists on the origin of the virus that are against the so-called lab leak theory. Massimo Galli, head of the Infectious Diseases Unit at the Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan, Italy said that the coronavirus is an unknown virus with no signs of genome engineering inside, and that the lab leak theory has no scientific basis. Also, a team consisting of researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US recently published a report after analyzing 24,000 blood samples, which found that some Americans got infected with the coronavirus as early as mid-December, 2019. Despite all these findings, one has to admit that, as a scientific matter, origin tracing is not something that can be completed within a short period of time. The lab leak theory obviously fits well with anti-intellectual imaginations. There are people buying the theory, and some are hyping it up out of their ulterior political agendas. As a result, the lab leak theory became rampant in the US for a while. The lab leak theories for COVID-19 range from accidental to deliberate and even state-sponsored. These are easy claims to make, comprehensible to everyone, part of popular culture and catering to political discourse, said Dominic Dwyer, Australian immunologist and epidemiologist, and a member of the WHO team tasked with origin-tracing of the novel coronavirus. In fact, anti-intellectualism not only underlines the absence of scientific spirit, it also signals the collapse of American political morality at a time when its social stratification becomes more rigid, domestic politics more polarized and the Cold War mindset is coming back. Externally, anti-intellectualism is manifested by compensation claims against China and the lab leak theory; internally, its evidenced by the fact that no political solutions are found for the Black Lives Matter campaign, racial discrimination against Asians and the rampant gun violence. American scholar Francis Fukuyama wrote that in as early as 2014, he had lamented the deep-rooted corruption of American politics and the fact that the countrys governance bodies were becoming less effective. The situation only got worse after Trump entered the White House. It has since been deteriorating at an alarming speed and eventually reached a staggering level, and thats why the chaos like protesters raiding the Capitol could happen in January. Lets play track & field instead of wresting Ive noticed how much controversy there is recently in the US surrounding the lab leak theoryit shows how divided the American society is. Christopher Ford, former Assistant Secretary of State, recently published a lengthy open letter to prove his innocence, but the letter can be summarized in one simple line I didnt collude with the Communist Party of China. According to Ford, during his tenure the US was engaged in a full-government competition against the security challenges China brought to the US and its allies. He also said that he went to the UK to press the British government to immediately give up on Huawais technologies. But why would such a diplomatic elite be labeled by some in the US as a CCP spy? Now in retrospect, American media believe its because some senior officials in the US State Department refuted the lab leak theory in the early days of the pandemic. It is widely perceived in the US that these officials sided with China, and that Ford is one of them. Though filled with false accusations against China, Fords open letter demonstrated how the US State Department created the lab leak theory and scapegoated China. To put it simply, someone is trying to stick the lab leak label onto China despite the fact theres no scientific evidence for it. It ironically attests to the fact that when some in the US say they are tracing the origin, they are actually fabricating the origin of the virus. Peter Daszak, zoologist, member of the WHO team tasked with origin-tracing and President of the New York-based EcoHealth Alliance, dismissed the US intelligence reports as political, not scientific. Then why some people in the US work so hard to hype up the scandal? For the majority of the incumbent political leaders in the United States, their careers started in the Cold War era. The 78-year-old Biden, for example, entered politics in 1970, at a time when Americans liked to seek enemies for their global strategy. The political mindset of these people is clearly lagging behind as rules of the jungle, the Cold War mentality, and the zero-sum game still dominate their thinking. The insecurity that American hegemony may one day be replaced or threatened is forever lingering on their mind. Under such outdated mindset, the US even eavesdropped on its European allies, nor to mention China, a country with a different ideology but is quickly catching up with its growing strength. Steven Bannon, once Trumps strategist, said that America only had a time window of five years to contain China. Anxiety has intensified since Biden took office when it became clear that the US could not completely contain the development of China. This change in mentality is also perceived by people outside the country. Prof. Kishore Mahbubaniof the National University of Singapore said bluntly that the US had an indescribable fear of China after spending three months in the United States. The World Health Organization has called for scientists to carry out their researches based on reliable evidence, because otherwise the world may not get an answer from the origin tracing effort. Polluting the working environment of origin tracing will clearly not help mankind understand how and where the virus started. Very unfortunately, some in the US are only into hyping the issue up and bundling it with Xinjiang and Taiwan, in the hope that China would bear the brunt of international pressure, Chinas image would be tainted and that the US could shift its domestic pressure elsewhere. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President of the Schiller Institute, a US think tank, said recently that to accuse China of making the novel coronavirus is a malicious effort and an old trick by the West to smear China. But we live in a different time today, this global pandemic has taught us that the world is interconnected and mankind share the same destiny. Win-win cooperation should be the theme of this new era, and if there has to be competition, countries had better play the track and field type of game where one catches up with another and all countries progress together; instead of the wrestling game where countries attack one another. By observing the performance of the Wuhan Institute of Virology that stands at the very center of this hoax, one will find a different type of philosophy: According to The Daily Telegraph, when Peter Daszak, the zoologist I mentioned earlier, was on that trip to Wuhan, he was told by the institute that nobody even cared about the lab leak theory there, because they didnt want to fuel such groundless conspiracy theory. When asked about the theory in her interviews with foreign press, Shi Zhengli, a researcher with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, said that she was only concerned about the characteristics of the novel coronavirus and its latest strains. As I write now, confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US have exceeded 30 million, and the death toll has exceeded 600,000. These are not numbers, but human lives. This is by no means how the worlds leading power should look like. I sincerely hope that instead of hyping up the lab leak theory, the US can show political courage, get rid of the fetters of old thinking, shoulder up the responsibility for its own people and work on improving its competitiveness. Now it seems that the Chinese slogan of handle our own business well not only works for China itself, but also for the United States. Contributed by Longyuan from Official WeChat account of Poquanle [ Editor: WXL ] When the COVID-19 pandemic still rages on with many countries and regions in dire need of vaccines, the CoronaVac vaccine developed by Sinovac has been widely supplied across the world, demonstrating encouraging results in the global fight against the virus. To ease the bottleneck of the production capacity and reach broader recipients, China has cooperated with eight countries to manufacture vaccines locally. Screenshot shows the article published on Daily News Egypt. Egypts Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly was cited as saying that the country has already produced one million doses of the Sinovac vaccine domestically, according to a July 5 article from local media Daily News Egypt. The production line in Egypt marks the first instance of China working with an African country in vaccine manufacture. Its expected to benefit the neighboring African and Middle Eastern countries after meeting Egypts own needs. New evidence also emerged to reaffirm the safety and high efficacy of the vaccine developed by Sinovac. A woman receives a jab of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Montevideo, Uruguay, March 1, 2021. (Photo by Nicolas Celaya/Xinhua) Last month, a statement released by Uruguays Ministry of Public Health said the Sinovac vaccine reduced COVID-19 infections and deaths among Uruguayan adults. The real-world data showed the shots cut deaths by 95.3 percent among the vaccine recipients aged 18 to 49, and by 95.2 percent among those aged 50 to 69. Meanwhile, it was 94 percent effective at preventing intensive care admissions. As children and adolescents are always the key concern in vaccination drive, researchers have confirmed the safety and efficacy of CoronaVac for children as young as three in the early-stage human trials. Screenshot shows the paper published on The Lancet. CoronaVac was well tolerated and safe and induced humoral responses in children and adolescents aged 317 years, noted a June 28 paper published on The Lancet. In the trial, a total of 552 young participants were given two doses of vaccine from Sinovac 28 days apart. Among the various age groups, more than 96 percent of trial participants were found to develop antibodies against the coronavirus in initial studies. In terms of real-world application, Indonesia has recommended Sinovac vaccine for children aged 12 to 17, as Reuters reported on June 28. The country seeks to extend inoculations amid a surge in infections, said the article, Task Force data shows children aged 0-18 account for 12.6 percent of Indonesia's total COVID-19 infections. Vaccines are key to curb the pandemic. Globally, as of 5 July 2021, more than 183 million cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, including nearly 4 million deaths. According to the latest data from WHO, a total of 298 million vaccine doses have been administered worldwide to date. When the whole world is in a race between infection and injection, Chinese vaccines serve as a promising solution to the pandemic for the easy accessibility, safety and high efficacy. So far, China has provided vaccine aid to nearly 100 countries from 5 continents. More than 480 million doses of Chinese vaccines have been supplied to the international community, making China the largest supplier of vaccines in the world, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin told at a regular press conference on July 2. We also hope that all countries in the world that are able to do so will act as soon as possible, honor their commitments, and make their due contributions to promoting equitable distribution and application of vaccines for better global anti-epidemic cooperation, Wang said. [ Editor: WXL ] Digital RMB application in the future is displayed on a large screen at 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in Shanghai World Expo center on July 8, 2021. With the theme of "Intelligent Connectivity, Inspirational Cities", the conference aimed to promote global exchange and cooperation, and enhance the common welfare of mankind. (Photo/ Zhang Hengwei) Digital RMB application in the future is displayed at 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in Shanghai World Expo center on July 8, 2021. With the theme of "Intelligent Connectivity, Inspirational Cities", the conference aimed to promote global exchange and cooperation, and enhance the common welfare of mankind. (Photo/ Zhang Hengwei) Self-driving technology at the 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) attracts visitors, July 8, 2021. (Photo/ Zhang Hengwei) A visitor experiences interaction at the 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in Shanghai on July 8, 2021. (Photo/ Zhang Hengwei) People experience artificial intelligence products at the 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) held in Shanghai, July 8, 2021. (Photo/ Zhang Hengwei) [ Editor: WPY ] This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. The 100 years of the CPC is the 100 years of adhering to its original aspirations and always serving the people. The Chinese wisdom and Chinese solution the CPC-led fight against poverty embodies provide valuable reference for developing countries poverty relief programs, and have broad global value. In the context of the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is significant for the world to better understand China and the CPC and to promote global sustainable development and the process of modernization by narrating poverty reduction in China and deepening the sharing of poverty reduction experiences between China and the rest of the world. Supporting anti-poverty efforts in developing countries The world today, with political multi-polarization, economic globalization, social informatization, and cultural diversification, has already become a community of a common destiny. Meanwhile, such problems as poverty, starvation, diseases, and social conflicts are still troubling humanity and hindering global prosperity and development. China is always trying to promote the world's sustainable development. Since the introduction of the reform and opening-up policy, the CPC has elevated anti-poverty endeavors to a higher level of the whole party and country, and implemented large-scale, well planned and organized anti-poverty development, which successfully lifted 770 million rural poor out of poverty, contributed more than 70% to world poverty reduction rate, and accomplished the anti-poverty targets of the United Nations 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule. In addition, China has always supported the anti-poverty efforts and socio-economic development of developing countries by means of direct aid, concessional loans, and infrastructural development, which provides a strong impetus for advancing global sustainable development. Offering developing countries Chinese experiences to accelerate modernization Modernization is a relentless pursuit of developing countries, while getting rid of poverty is the foundation and premise for the modernization of a country. After World War II, with the national liberation and independence of numerous developing countries, countries have regarded developing national economies and improving people's standards of living as a priority, modernization has thus been accelerated. To promote national modernization, China has made many important explorations and contributions. The CPC has led Chinese people of all ethnic groups to accomplish a historic leap from being liberated to solving the problem of food and clothing shortage, from a basic to an all-round well-to-do society, and gone through the process of modernization that took Western countries hundreds of years to complete. Especially since 2020, China has overcome rapidly the negative effects of the pandemic and accomplished the poverty alleviation tasks as scheduled. The modernization of China is based on poverty reduction, with rural revitalization as a key project, and has deepened the understanding of the rules of national modernization, enriched modernization theories, and provided Chinese experiences to help accelerate the modernization of developing countries. To explain to the world the CPCs achievement and experience in harnessing poverty The biggest beneficiaries are the common people in every country with the promotion of international poverty reduction. Under CPC leadership, China has followed the historical trend of peaceful development and win-win cooperation, proactively provided development aid in various forms to Asian, African, and Latin American countries, regions, and international organizations, shared experiences of poverty reduction and development opportunities with the rest of the world, become an advocate, promoter and contributor in international anti-poverty campaigns, and built itself the image as a trustworthy, lovable and respectable country. To promote international poverty alleviation and modernization, in international exchange and cooperation on poverty reduction, CPC achievement and experience in addressing poverty have to be clearly emphasized to reinforce dialogue and communication, which can be done in three aspects: The first is equal consultation and promoting the sharing of governance experience. Strengthening the sharing of governance experience among countries is conducive to promoting international poverty alleviation and modernization. China and foreign countries can actively share their respective development experiences, discuss cooperation on global poverty alleviation and modernization on an equal and friendly basis, and promote global common development and progress. The second is mutual respect and learning, and promoting communication, exchange and sharing between and among civilizations. China advocates respecting the cultural diversity of the world, calls for communication and mutual learning between different cultures to deepen mutual understanding. Countries should respect different cultures and recognize cultural diversity, develop measures according to local conditions, explore and develop anti-poverty solutions that fit local conditions, and build a better world where countries respect each other's differences and pursue common prosperity. The third is to cooperate on building a community of shared future for humanity. Building such a community is a vision to promote global poverty alleviation and modernization. Duo to the epidemic, the process of global poverty reduction has suffered setback, which is detrimental to the world's sustainable development. The CPC has always been concerned about the wellbeing of the people of the world and actively contributed to building a world of common prosperity and free from poverty. At present, with less than 10 years to go until the realization of the United Nations 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development, countries need to further strengthen cooperation, work together to address the challenges of the pandemic, actively promote the anti-poverty campaign, get out of the gloom of poverty and backwardness, realize the aspirations of all peoples for a better life, and work together to build a future of solidarity, prosperity, and well-being. Written by Wang Hongbo, Researcher of the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies, & Wang Sipei, Research Assistant of the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies Translated by Fei Jinglun [ Editor: WXY ] A total of 182 unmarked graves were found at the site of a former aboriginal residential school in Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada, which was the third time unmarked graves were found around this type of schools in one month in Canada. People cannot help asking the following questions. How many more such cemeteries are there? How many aboriginal children have died as a result of inhuman abuse during the coercive assimilation process? When will the racist violations of aboriginal rights in Canada, the United States and other countries come to an end? The crimes were too numerous to record St Eugene's Mission School in Cranbrook was operated from 1912 to 1970 by the Catholic Church, in which many aboriginal children in the surrounding area were sent to be educated for white colonial assimilation. Like the 751 unmarked graves found at the site of Marieval Indian Residential School, these 182 newly discovered ones are also unmarked. Bobby Cameron, president of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, said that the nameless cemeteries revealed the crimes against humanity and the demolition of the cemeteries is no doubt a cover-up of the truth that so many children were abused and killed. In the aboriginal residential schools in Canada and the US, any of the aboriginal cultural activities were prohibited and aboriginal children were not allowed to speak their native languages. In many schools, students were called by numbers. Not only have they lost their cultural affiliation, but even their basic rights to live were completely ignored, and various abuses, including sexual abuse, frequently happened. A report by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015 shows that, from the 1840s to 1990s, at least 150,000 aboriginal children had been forcibly sent to residential schools, in which many of them have been brutally abused, with at least 3,200 abused to death. Some experts believe that the number of deaths was severely underestimated. Even then survivors are always seriously traumatized mentally and physically. The stolen generation The tragedies of the aboriginal groups not only happened in Canada. In some countries that were established by white colonists, such as the US and Australia, a wide range of assimilation policies also have once been implemented to force indigenous people to accept the white culture. As a part of the cultural genocidal policies, the main purpose of the aboriginal residential school is to cut the connections between the aboriginal children and the aboriginal culture and society to shape their identification with the white culture and system. The US has formulated a series of laws and policies since the 1819 Civilization Fund Act to promote the establishment of aboriginal residential schools all over the country. According to the researchers of the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition, at least 73 of the hundreds of aboriginal residential schools established then are still operating today. A report by the Australian government in 1997 estimated that from 1900 to 1980, approximately 1/3 of aboriginal children were sent into residential schools in Australia, which are usually hundreds or even thousands of kilometers from their original places of residence. Moreover, only lighter-skinned aboriginal children would be sent to residential schools in order to promote white assimilation. The term the stolen generation was hence created to describe the victims of cultural genocidal policies. The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in December 1948, which has listed cultural genocide as a crime of genocide. A report by the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015 suggests that the reason why the aborigines hate the residential schools is because the schools real purpose is to conduct cultural genocide through assimilation in the name of educational institutions, which makes the aborigines no longer exist as specific legal, social, cultural, religious and ethnic entities. Hard-to-eliminate racism The Canadian government now faces several cases concerning aboriginal issues. According to data published by the governmental website, the Canadian federal government has paid more than 4 billion US dollars to the victims of the residential schools. However, this attempt to seek reconciliation with money cannot address the roots of racism in Canadian society today and many aborigines are still living in hardship. The same is true in the US. In the case of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report about human rights by the United Nations, COVID-19-related hospitalization rate for American aborigines is five times that of non-Latino whites, and their mortality rate far exceeds the whites. Many Canadians insist that some cultures and societies are superior to the others, therefore they have the rights to impose their will on anyone they consider inferior, Taylor Knox, a public historian, wrote in an article on the website of National Post in March this year that this idea is the root cause of the genocide against aboriginal people since the colonial era. [ Editor: WXY ] KHARTOUM, July 11 (Xinhua) -- The Sudanese government decided on Sunday to send a ministerial delegation to the eastern Red Sea State to address the security issues in the state where several people were just killed in attacks. The ministerial delegation, including interior, transport, and health ministers as well as leaders of different security bodies, was instructed to travel to the state during an emergency meeting chaired by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok to discuss the security crisis there, according to a statement issued by the Council of Ministers. Hamdok stressed the need to impose strict security measures on the ground and to arrest whoever proves to have been involved in the violence, said the statement. He asked the delegation to immediately embark on talks with the state's political, security and community leaders, it added. Meanwhile, Interior Minister Izz-Eddin Al-Sheikh said joint forces will immediately head to the state to impose security for the citizens. The security committee of Red Sea State said on Sunday that armed men attacked joint forces in the southern part of the state while two persons launched a drive-by grenade attack on a club, leaving several people killed and injured. [ Editor: WPY ] YAOUNDE, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Cameroonian president Paul Biya has signed the treaty for the establishment of the African Medicines Agency (AMA), a specialized organ of the African Union (AU), state broadcaster CRTV reported on Sunday. The treaty for the establishment of the AMA was adopted by the AU in February 2019. Last week, Cameroon Senate approved a bill that authorized the country's president to ratify the treaty. The AMA should serve as the continental body that will govern the regulation of medicines and medical products on the African continent. It will regulate the access to safe, effective, good quality and affordable essential medicines and health technologies. [ Editor: WPY ] President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky believes that the commissioning of Nord Stream 2 poses a direct threat to the energy security of the European Union countries, and also says that Germany's support in restoring country's territorial integrity and sovereignty is important for Ukraine, the presidential press service has said. "The interlocutors paid special attention to the issue of Nord Stream 2. The President of Ukraine stressed that its commissioning poses a direct threat to the energy security of the EU," the report said. Zelensky noted the importance of supporting Ukraine by the next Federal Government of Germany on the issue of restoring sovereignty and territorial integrity, promoting the EU's unity on European integration of Ukraine and Ukraine's membership in NATO. The parties also discussed the further development of trade and economic cooperation and the establishment of a closer partnership. "Germany is one of the most important trade and investment partners of Ukraine," the President said. In addition, the parties discussed the struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic. Zelensky stressed the importance of further practical support from the European Union, in particular Germany, in providing vaccines to the population of Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelensky also noted that more than 60% of Ukrainians support Ukraine's accession to the EU. "During the Revolution of Dignity, Ukrainians had demonstrated their commitment to European values and readiness to uphold them," the report said. The head of state informed about the security situation in Donbas, especially in the context of the concentration of Russian troops and armament along the Ukrainian state border. "He also stressed the importance of intensifying the negotiation process to achieve peace in Donbas within the Normandy format and the Minsk process," the report said. Zelensky thanked for the warm welcome and stressed that the most important thing for him is the friendly relations between Ukraine and Germany. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky asks Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Dmytro Razumkov to convene an extraordinary plenary session, MP from the European Solidarity faction Oleksiy Honcharenko has said. On his Telegram channel, the MP posted a corresponding scan of Zelensky's letter to the head of the parliament. The President proposes to hold the extraordinary session of the parliament, at which five issues will be considered, including bills on the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes and on the specifics of reforming enterprises of the military-industrial complex. Earlier, it was reported that in the last plenary week (from July 13 to July 16), several extraordinary plenary sessions may take place. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday, July 13, will take part in the all-Ukrainian forum "Ukraine 30. Humanitarian Policy," which will be held in Kyiv for two days, according to the forum schedule published on the official website. In addition to the President, Head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak, artistic director of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center Illia Khrzhanovsky, Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Policy Svitlana Fomenko, Director at Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance Anton Drobovych, General Director of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center Maksym Yakover, and others will take part in the forum on July 13. The first day of the forum will be devoted to the discussion of the tragedy in Babyn Yar and Holodomor (famine). The topic of the national communities of Ukraine will also be discussed. On the second day of the forum (July 14), which will be dedicated to the topics of the language and indigenous peoples of Ukraine, Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko will take part in it. The rest of the speakers have not yet been reported. Media accreditation for participation in the forum "Ukraine 30. Humanitarian Policy" will last until 14:00 on July 12. Radicalized revanchist forces led by former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili are behind the unrest seen in Tbilisi on July 5 and 6, when over 50 journalists were beaten up by aggressive people, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said. "It was yet another unsuccessful plot against the country prepared by anti-state and anti-church forces backed by Saakashvili and his supporters," Garibashvili said at a government meeting on Monday. In the opinion of the prime minister, Saakashvili and his radicalized group were involved in both the LGBT pride parade in the center of Tbilisi on July 5 and the mobilization of opponents of the LGBT community. "All that was done to create chaos, destabilization and civil confrontation in Georgia, which Saakashvili and his supporters tried to use to come to power. We prevented those attempts," Garibashvili said. He also spoke about the Sunday demonstration of journalists who demanded his resignation. "It was a classic anti-state, anti-church and anti-people action that demanded the resignation of both the government and Patriarch Ilia II. The action was organized by opposition television channels directly controlled by Saakashvili. Those channels and Saakashvili have one goal: to overthrow the incumbent authorities as soon as possible," Garibashvili said. He extended condolences to the family of TV cameraman Alexander Lashkarava who died on Sunday after being beaten up by the crowd in the line of duty on July 5. "Regretfully, certain radicalized forces have tried to use this tragic case to the benefit of their political goals," Garibashvili said. Assessment of readiness for recognition of Ukrainian COVID certificates by EU states to be carried out soon Ukraine's MFA An assessment of readiness for the recognition of Ukrainian COVID certificates by EU member states will be carried out in the near future, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has reported. "Now two types of certificates have been introduced: international for travel [will take effect after completion of the recognition procedure] and internal for use within the country, for example, attending public events. We have already launched beta testing of digital COVID certificates in the Diia application. In the near future, an assessment of the readiness for the recognition of our certificates by EU member states will be carried out, after which an official assessment from specialists of the European Commission and a process of concluding international agreements will take place," the Foreign Ministry said in its responses to popular questions about travel in 2021. The ministry urges to follow the updates on the websites of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Health. The ministry said that Ukraine is one of the first countries that began communication with the EU side on the introduction of COVID certificates. In parallel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Digital Transformation, is negotiating bilaterally with countries on the mutual recognition of international certificates. Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said that there is no single system for all countries of the world or certain regions regarding digital or paper COVID certificates. "We recommend familiarizing with the requirements for the form of a COVID certificate for entering the relevant country on the MFA portal at the link: https://tripadvisor.mfa.gov.ua/. Select a country on the interactive map and find out the details," the ministry said. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine noted that up-to-date information on the entry rules for citizens of Ukraine to different countries of the world is available on the same portal. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine promptly updates information on the restrictions and requirements on the online map of this resource. We recommend checking the conditions before starting your trip abroad [even if you have purchased a tourist ticket or tour] in order to avoid complications at the border," the ministry explained. It is also indicated that if entry of citizens of Ukraine to the relevant state is possible provided an international certificate of vaccination against COVID-19, information on the list of recognized vaccines is also posted on the specified website. "Look for the necessary information in the section 'Temporary Entry Regime for Citizens of Ukraine' for the country you are interested in," the Foreign Ministry added. During his working visit to Germany, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky does not plan to discuss with Chancellor Angela Merkel the monetary issue of compensation to Ukraine for the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 Russian gas pipeline project, press secretary of the head of state Serhiy Nykyforov said. "The position of Volodymyr Zelensky is that Nord Stream 2 has long been not an economic issue, but a security issue. Therefore, I think there will be no talk of any economic compensation. The President of Ukraine is trying to stop the construction of Nord Stream 2. If we fail to do this, then we are talking about security guarantees, the return of temporarily occupied territories, and not monetary compensation," Nykyforov said at a media briefing following a meeting between the President of Ukraine and the Federal President of Germany on Monday, June 12. During a working visit to Germany, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky discussed with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier Ukraine's readiness to join the European Union and NATO amid the implementation of reforms in the spheres of legal proceedings and the fight against corruption, the presidential press service said on Monday. The head of state said, "the implementation of the provisions of the bill on de-oligarchization, together with other legislative projects, will ensure the separation of big business and politics in Ukraine." For his part, Steinmeier said that "the implementation of the anti-oligarchic law will provide more transparency and improve the business climate in Ukraine, which will increase the interest of German entrepreneurs to invest in Ukraine." The interlocutors paid attention to the security situation in eastern Ukraine, as well as further practical support from the European Union and, in particular, Germany, in providing the population of Ukraine with vaccines. During the meeting, the importance of the issue of preserving historical memory and restoring historical justice was also noted, which is being actively pursued in both countries. Investments in the project for the creation and development of the International European University have exceeded $3 million, founder and vice-rector for scientific, pedagogical work and international relations of the university Alla Navolokina told the Interfax-Ukraine agency after a press conference at the agency on Thursday. "Today, 850 foreign students from more than 40 countries of the world study at our university. We have already invested over $ 3 million. As part of the implementation of European education standards, students can choose freely more than 25% of subjects, not only in their professional field. Each student can choose from among seven faculties the directions that appeal to him. Even a medical student can study IT, design, or music. Even if only one student from the batch chooses a subject, we fully ensure its study. This is the uniqueness of our university," Navolokina said. Navolokina stressed that the university is creating a unique system of teaching a person throughout his life - from 3 to 93 years. We have created a university of a new formation, the main principles of which are equality and student-centrism. "The International European University seeks to bring Ukrainian education to a new quality level," Anatoliy Tolstoukhov, Doctor of Philosophy, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Chairman of the Development Assistance Council of the International European University, said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine. "Today, the process of consolidation of universities has begun in the world: along with schools, there will be much less of them. The specificity of our university is that at least two-thirds of students must be representatives of other countries. This means that we take responsibility for the presentation of Ukraine to the whole world, on the other hand, such a scheme allows us to enrich ourselves with the experience of world education in Ukraine," Tolstoukhov said. The most important thing, according to Navolokina, is that students and instructors should feel at the university like at home. For this, we have created an innovative system for a student to choose his own individual educational trajectory. The vice-rector also noted that all instructors, students and junior staff at the university communicate fluently in English, which makes it possible to create a comfortable language environment in the learning process. The International European University was founded in Kyiv in 2019. The university has its own educational building at 16a Mahnitohorska Street in Kyiv. Ukraine and Austria are its co-founders. The university specializes in teaching foreign students and Ukrainians, studying in scientific and educational institutions in seven areas: business schools, architectural and engineering, language, medical, IT, law and art schools. Egypts Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry discussed the latest developments concerning the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) with a group of European Union (EU) foreign ministers in Brussels. Shoukry shared the results of the recent United Nations Security Council meeting, held last Thursday, on the Ethiopian dam, the Egyptian foreign ministry said. During the meeting held over breakfast, Shoukry expressed Egypts appreciation of the EU statement last week criticising Ethiopia for commencing the second filling of GERD without reaching an agreement with downstream countries Egypt and Sudan, the statement added. Egypt and Sudan have repeatedly demanded a legally binding agreement on the filling and operation of the dam within a specific a timeframe, Shoukry said. Shoukry also affirmed the importance of outlining a roadmap to reach a just and binding agreement on the operation of the dam, endorsing a earlier call by the EU. Last week the EU said "a jointly agreed clear roadmap is urgently needed, setting out the timeframe and specific aims of the negotiations for talks to resume as soon as possible, and to continue on a regular basis thereafter." The EU also called upon the three parties to resume negotiations under the aegis of the African Union. The Egyptian foreign minister has been in Brussels since Sunday to hand over a message from President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to the President of the European Council Charles Michel. In media statements to Cairo-based Extra News on Saturday, Shoukry stated that Egypt was seeking to involve the EU in future negotiations over GERDs filling and operation policies along with the UN and US under the auspices of the African Union. Shoukry's visit to Brussels follows a week he spent in New York where he engaged in talks over GERD with UN officials and state representatives in the Security Council before participating in the council's meeting on Thursday. In the meeting with the EU foreign ministers, Shoukry tackled the latest developments in Palestine, asserting the need to revive international support to the peace process to reach a complete and just settlement. Egypt continues its efforts to achieve peace and stability in this issue based on the two-state solution in addition to working on the reconstruction of Gaza and presenting humanitarian aid and development support in the Palestinian territories in cooperation with the Palestinian authorities, he added. The top diplomats also discussed the latest developments in Libya where they agreed on the importance to hold the Libyan elections on 24 December 2021 without further delay and the necessity to clear Libya of foreign troops and mercenaries. On Syria, the foreign ministers exchanged views, with Shoukry stressing on the illegal immigration file and Egypts efforts to stop the influx of migrants since September 2016 in addition to hosting six million migrants and refugees in the country. Besides discussing the strategic bilateral relations between EU and Egypt, especially ways to boost European investments in the country, Shoukry showcased the latest positive steps taken in the human rights file on the political, economic, and social levels. Following his meeting with the EU ministers, Shoukry held a series of individual meetings with the European ministers of foreign affairs and EU officials. According to the Egyptian foreign ministry, he held a meeting with Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu to tackle the means to boost bilateral cooperation as well the latest developments in the GERD dispute. Shoukry also held a meeting with the EU Commissioner for International partnership Julia Urpilamen to discuss bilateral cooperation and partnerships. Short link: Egypts Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry discussed on Monday in Brussels with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg ways to activate and develop the cooperation and partnership programs between Egypt and NATO, the Egyptian foreign ministry announced. According to the Egyptian foreign ministry, the meeting involved a discussion about boosting cooperation between Egypt and NATO in fields including cyber security, counterterrorism, illegal immigration, and demining programs. During the meeting, Stoltenberg welcomed the renewal of the Individual Partnership cooperation program between Egypt and NATO as part of the cooperation between NATO and the Mediterranean Dialogue Partner countries. Launched in 1994, the Mediterranean Dialogue is a forum of cooperation between NATO and seven countries from the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean, including Egypt. Shoukry and Stoltenberg also discussed the different security challenges in the region, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean, North Africa, the Sahel, the Sahara and the Horn of Africa. The Egyptian foreign minister shared Egypts stances regarding the crises facing several countries in the region, as well as the Egyptian efforts in counterterrorism, asserting Egypts full commitment to supporting international efforts to fight terrorism and radical thought. Sameh Shoukry has been in Brussels since Sunday to hand over a message from President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to the President of the European Council Charles Michel. He has met a number of EU officials and European foreign ministers over the recent developments in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam issue as well as other regional matters. Short link: Egypts parliament the House of Representatives held a two-hour plenary meeting on Monday to take a final vote on a host of six legislations and three foreign agreements. Parliament Speaker Hanafy Gebaly said the laws were discussed and revised by the House and the State Council and were up for a final vote on Monday. A new three-month extension of the state of emergency in Egypt was finally approved by MPs. A decree issued by President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi (174/2021) stipulates that the state of emergency in Egypt be extended for an additional three months starting 1 am of 24 July, 2021. Article two of El-Sisi's decree states that the military and police forces will take all the measures necessary to combat terrorism, preserve security in all of Egypt, protect all public and private property, and safeguard the lives of citizens in line with the 1958 emergency law. MPs have also given the final approval to the amendments to the 1973 law on the measures regulating the dismissal of state employees. The amendments, drafted by MP Ali Badr, stipulate that state employees and civil servants with proven links to the Muslim Brotherhood group or to any terrorist-designated organisation will be automatically dismissed from the state's administrative units. Amendments to the House's internal bylaws were also approved on Monday. The amendments, drafted by MP Alaa Abed, will entail modifying 27 articles of the House's internal bylaws and eliminating four others. Abed said the amendments of the House's internal bylaws, issued in 2016, were necessary to go in line with constitutional amendments passed in Egypt in April 2019. Most significantly among the amendments is that MPs' salaries and financial rewards will no longer be exempted from taxes and fees. The amendments also state that a political party having three seats instead of 10 seats in parliament will be allowed to be represented in the House's General Committee. The amendments were also introduced to give the Senate, which was created in 2020, a say on legislations, agreements, and constitutional changes. Also, amendments to the 1937 penal code to introduce harsher penalties for assault and sexual harassment crimes were approved on Monday. Under the amendments, drafted by leader of the parliamentary majority party of Mostaqbal Watan (the Nation's Future) Ashraf Rashad, Article 306 (paragraphs A & B) of the 1937 Penal Code will be changed. The amended Article 306 (Paragraph A) states that whoever is convicted of assaulting others in public or private places in the form of sexual or pornographic gestures and insinuations, either in words or actions or virtually, will be sentenced to a prison term ranging from two to four years and a fine ranging from EGP 100,000 to EGP 200,000. The article also states that whoever is found guilty of repeating the crime in terms of chasing and tracking victims will be sentenced to a prison term ranging from three to five years and a fine from EGP 200,000 to EGP 300,000. The amended Article 306 (Paragraph B) stipulates an amendment to the Penal Codes Article 267, setting out that offenders whose circumstances allow them to have a professional, familial, or academic authority over a victim, or otherwise exercise any kind of pressure to allow them to commit their crime, will be sentenced to a prison term no less than seven years and a fine between EGP 300,000 and EGP 500,000. The same penalty will be imposed if the sexual harassment crime was committed by two persons or more and one of them was holding a weapon. MPs also approved legislative amendments allowing the General Authority for Arbitration and Cotton Tests to take charge of supervising all licensed cotton gins as well as handling of cotton on the market. MPs also finally voted in favour of a draft law granting the Egyptian Group for Multi-purpose Stations the concession of setting up and operating a multi-purpose station at Alexandria's port (quays 55-62). The House's agenda on Monday also included a final approval of two agreements on oil prospection. The two agreements allow the Ministry of Petroleum to sign contracts with Energy Egypt Limited Company to prospect for oil in Edko north of the Nile Delta, and with the Egyptian Holding Company for Natural Gas and Sea Dragon Energy Company to prospect for oil in south Dessouq in the Nile Delta. MPs concluded Monday's plenary by finally approving a loan agreement between Egypt and a consortium of French banks. Parliament Speaker Gebaly announced that the House's next plenary session will be held on 24 July. Short link: Egypts Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry discussed cooperation in the fields of emigration and asylum as he met on Monday with European Union Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson in Brussels. Shoukry and Johansson discussed means to support the pathways of regular emigration, enhance the protection of emigrants and refugees and develop regional and international cooperation in these fields, a statement by the Egyptian foreign ministry read. Egypt has managed over the past five years to totally stop illegal emigration through the country into Europe across the sea, according to states officials. In an interview with German newspaper Die Welt, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said no illegal emigrants could enter Europe through Egypt since September 2016. He noted that Egypt would not ask for anything in return from Europe or use this as a tool for political or economic blackmail. Shoukry headed to Brussels on Sunday morning to deliver a message from El-Sisi to the European Councils President, Charles Michel, and meet with senior officials at the European Commission. Shoukry separately met on Monday with Michel to deliver El-Sisis message. They discussed bilateral relations and regional issues on top of which was the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Libya, and the Middle East Peace Process, according to a statement by the ministry. Shoukry earlier on Monday met over breakfast with a group of European Union foreign ministers in Brussels. On Sunday, Shoukry met with Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, where he urged the Israeli government against any measures that may raise tensions with the Palestinians. The top Egyptian diplomat affirmed the need to move urgently towards breaking the current stalemate between the Palestinians and Israel, so that a fair and comprehensive peace process between the two sides can be launched. Short link: President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Monday encouraged the optimal use of assets belonging to the public business sector in line with the principles of good governance. He underlined the importance of ensuring the best management of assets to protect public funds and state-owned lands in cooperation with the ministries of public business sector and housing, a statement by the presidency read. This came during a meeting he had on Monday with Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly; Minister of the Public Business Sector Hisham Tawfiq; and Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Assem El-Gazzar. The meeting also dealt with following up on cooperation between the ministries of the public business sector and housing on making use of assets in the best way possible, the presidency added. El-Sisi was also briefed on Egypt's efforts to survey the untapped assets in the public business sector as part of the government's strategy to achieve the best economic and investment returns from the states resources nation-wide, the presidency said. *This story was edited by Ahram Online Short link: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry delivered on Monday a message from President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to President of the European Council Charles Michel in a bilateral meeting in Brussels. Shoukry delivered El-Sisis greetings to Michel and discussed fostering bilateral relations between Egypt and the European Union (EU). Shoukry also explained in detail Egypts stance regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), a statement by the Egyptian foreign ministry read. This comes only few days after the UN Security Council held a meeting to discuss the GERD issue. The UNSC meeting was requested by Egypt and Sudan, both of whom seek a binding agreement with Ethiopia over the filling and operation of the mega dam, a step Ethiopia has resisted. The dispute over the dam escalated after Ethiopia announced early in July that it was commencing with the second stage of filling the dams reservoir, despite the two downstream countries rejection of the step without a binding agreement. During the UNSC session, Egypt and Sudan expressed their concerns over the filling of the reservoir without an agreement, blaming the failure of negotiations on Ethiopias intransigence. Shoukry and Michel also discussed a number of regional issues of mutual concern, at the top of which is the situation in Libya in light of the outcome of the Berlin 2 Conference. They also reviewed the latest developments in the Palestinian issue and the overall situation in the Middle East. The top Egyptian diplomat also discussed pushing forward cooperation with the EU into broader horizons in the various political, strategic and economic fields, the statement read. Shoukry also expressed an aspiration to boost European investments in Egypt. Shoukry has been in Brussels since Sunday morning, where he met with senior officials at the European Commission. Earlier on Monday, Shoukry discussed cooperation in the fields of immigration and asylum with European Union Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson in Brussels. Shoukry and Johansson discussed supporting the pathways of regular immigration, enhancing the protection of immigrants and refugees, and developing regional and international cooperation in these fields. Shoukry also met over breakfast with a group of European Union foreign ministers in Brussels. On Sunday, Shoukry met with Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, where he urged the Israeli government against any measures that may raise tensions with the Palestinians. The top Egyptian diplomat affirmed the need to move urgently towards breaking the current stalemate between the Palestinians and Israel, so that a fair and comprehensive peace process between the two sides can be launched. Short link: Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi called on Monday for exerting more efforts to promote the local production of electric vehicles, including public buses, the presidency said in a statement. In a meeting with director of the Armed Forces Department of Motor Vehicles Kamel Wafai and MCV board chairman Karim Ghabour, El-Sisi ordered that these efforts be carried out in cooperation between the Ministry of Military Production and the private sector, following world-class standards of quality. El-Sisi instructed the concerned authorities to enhance cooperation with highly-experienced state and privately-owned bodies to expand the use of natural gas vehicles (NGVs). El-Sisi also emphasised the need to continue improving relevant infrastructure, including fuel stations and maintenance workshops. The meeting also discussed the state's collaboration with the private sector to manufacture heavy-duty trucks that run on alternative fuels, especially natural gas and electricity, given their economic and environmental benefits. Last year, Egypt announced plans to locally produce electric vehicles in cooperation with China. In press remarks last July, Public Enterprise Minister Hisham Tawfik said the country plans to produce 25,000 electric cars annually, manufactured by Egypts El-Nasr Automotive Manufacturing Co., in cooperation with Chinas state-owned automobile manufacturer Dongfeng. In May this year, Tawfik said Egypt will start manufacturing electric cars in 2022, with an initial capacity of 100 cars during the first year. In a January meeting with Tawfik, El-Sisi stressed the importance of using the largest possible percentage of local components in the country's efforts to manufacture electric vehicles. Short link: Egypts Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said on Monday that the European Union may take measures that affirm its dissatisfaction with Ethiopias practices and unilateral moves with regards to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) issue. Shoukry made the remarks after he met on Monday with EU officials in Brussels, as well as President of the European Council Charles Michel, Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg and other diplomats. Shoukrys visit comes only few days after the UN Security Council held a meeting to discuss the GERD issue. The UNSC session was requested by Egypt and Sudan, both of whom seek a binding agreement with Ethiopia over the filling and operation of the mega dam, a step Ethiopia has resisted. The dispute over the dam escalated after Ethiopia announced early in July that it was commencing with the second stage of filling the dams reservoir, despite the two downstream countries rejection of the step without a binding agreement. In a phone call to Sada El-Balad, Shoukry said he has urged the EU to understand the existential nature of the GERD issue for Egypt and to work on convincing the Ethiopian side of the necessity to show flexibility. The top Egyptian diplomat said the international community should live up to its responsibilities and send clear messages to the Ethiopian side of the necessity of changing its current approach. Shoukry said that an EU statement last week criticising Ethiopia for commencing the second filling of the GERD unilaterally displayed much appreciation for the Egyptian-Sudanese stance. The European Union, as an observer to the GERD negotiations, is ready to intensify cooperation to help resolve the current stalemate, Shoukry said. The minister also noted that the European Council has the desire to use its available capabilities to support the negotiation path. There is a willingness for the EUs role in the GERD talks to be transformed from an observer to a mediator, but this will require a decision by the African Union in consultation with the concerned parties, Shoukry noted. It was a good opportunity, during the meeting with the ministers and the meetings with EU commissioners, to emphasise the justice of the Egyptian stance and the interest of every Egyptian citizen in this issue, Shoukry said. The minister also noted that he stressed during the meetings that the GERD issue is a central one that must be resolved in order to avoid any kind of escalation or tension. When asked about the possible future measures that can be taken by Egypt, Shoukry said the country would take the proper measures at the proper time. The FM stressed that all Egyptian institutions coordinate and take appropriate measures at the proper time, affirming that Egypts policies are always characterised by responsibility and balance. Shoukry said the state is keen to achieve stability and security and defend the interests of the Egyptian people. Short link: The European Union on Monday formally established a military mission for Mozambique to help train its armed forces battling jihadists in the north of the country. A deadly insurgency by militants linked to the Islamic State group has ravaged the gas-rich Cabo Delgado province since late 2017, claiming some 3,000 lives and displacing 800,000 people. Former colonial master Portugal is already providing training for Mozambican troops. Lisbon's military instructors on the ground are expected to make up some half of the new EU mission, which will be headed by a Portuguese commander. "The aim of the mission is to train and support the Mozambican armed forces in protecting the civilian population and restoring safety and security in the Cabo Delgado province," an EU statement said, without giving details on the overall size of the deployment. "The mandate of the mission will initially last two years. During this period, its strategic objective will be to support the capacity building of the units of the Mozambican armed forces that will be part of a future Quick Reaction Force." A senior European diplomat told AFP in June that other countries including France, Italy, and Spain are also expected to provide personnel for the mission. The approval of the EU training mission comes as regional powers are also looking to bolster their support for Mozambique's fight to crush the insurgency. Last month the 16 southern African countries in the SADC bloc approved the deployment of forces as Mozambique's government said it was open to foreign boots on the ground to battle the jihadists. Rwanda said on Friday it would send a thousand troops. The EU has several other training missions in Africa, including in Mali, Central African Republic, and Somalia. The operation in Mali -- aimed at boosting the fight against jihadists -- has continued to operate despite concerns after the latest in a strike of military coups hit the country in May. Short link: EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Monday urged member states to consider imposing sanctions over the crisis in Ethiopia's Tigray, as the bloc looks to increase aid deliveries to the region. "We should be ready to use restrictive measures where we believe they are justified," Borrell said after a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels. Tigray is plunging towards a cataclysmic humanitarian crisis as a brutal war between the government and rebels from the region has left hundreds of thousands of people facing famine. Borrell said the EU wants to see a ceasefire declared by the government implemented on the ground, but warned that Tigray was instead being "cut off from the rest of the world". "The situation in the Tigray region has never been as bad," Borrell said. "In spite of the ceasefire announced by the government of Ethiopia, what we are seeing in Tigray, what we are afraid Tigray is going to suffer is a serious humanitarian crisis". Borrell said that Brussels was now looking to organise an "air bridge" to help bring aid to the region, but conceded it would not reach the vast number of people in need. Tigray has been the scene of fighting since Ethiopia Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sent the army in early November to topple dissident regional authorities. The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize winner accused them of orchestrating attacks on Ethiopian military bases. After early successes and a premature declaration of victory, government forces were bogged down in a vicious and months-long battle with the Tigray Defence Forces, or TDF. The Ethiopian army was backed by troops from the neighbouring Amhara region and the army of Eritrea, which borders Tigray. In late June, the TDF recaptured the capital Mekele, which had held by the Ethiopian army since 28 November. Short link: Jordan's State Security Court on Monday sentenced to 15 years' jail each two ex-officials accused of plotting to overthrow King Abdullah II in favour of his half-brother. Prince Hamzah, Abdullah's half-brother, was not on trial but the indictment said that former royal court chief Bassem Awadallah and co-defendant Sharif Hassan bin Zaid, an ex-special envoy to Saudi Arabia, had conspired with him to topple the king. The court convicted the pair of "incitement against the ruling system" and "sedition", an AFP reporter said. Search Keywords: Short link: Israel said Monday it had expanded the fishing zone off Gaza and would allow additional imports into the blockaded Palestinian territory following "recent security calm". Israel regularly restricts fishing and imports for Gazans in response to unrest, including during an 11-day conflict in May that saw Israel launch hundreds of air strikes on the enclave and its Islamist rulers Hamas fire thousands of rockets at Israel. "In light of the recent security calm ... the fishing zone in the Gaza Strip will be extended from 9 to 12 nautical miles," said a statement from the Israeli military branch responsible for civil affairs in the Palestinian territories (COGAT). The statement added that imports of medical equipment, fishing supples, certain industrial materials and textiles will also be allowed into Gaza. Gazan agricultural products and textiles have been cleared for export, COGAT said, noting the new measures are contingent on "the continued preservation of security stability". There has been sporadic unrest since a ceasefire ended the May conflict, with incendiary balloons launched from Gaza and Israeli reprisal air strikes, but no casualties have been reported. Israel has maintained a blockade on Gaza since 2007, the year Hamas took power in the strip. Short link: Saudi Arabia and Oman called on Monday for continued cooperation between OPEC and other allied producers to stabilise and balance the oil market, the Gulf states said in a joint statement. Saudi Arabia, the biggest oil producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and Oman, a small non-OPEC producer, are both part of the OPEC+ alliance, which includes other nations such as Russia. OPEC+ scrapped talks last week to adjust their agreement on oil output curbs after a dispute between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, another OPEC producer in the Gulf. The dispute halted plans to pump more oil into the market where crude prices have recently hit 2-1/2 year highs. OPEC+ have said they will decide later on a date for a new meeting, without signalling whether a compromise had been reached. Oman's leader, Sultan Haitham bin Tariq al-Said, visited Saudi Arabia on Sunday on his first official overseas trip since assuming power 2020. Short link: Iran on Monday unveiled an Islamic dating application aimed at facilitating "lasting and informed marriage" for its youth, state television reported. Called Hamdam -- Farsi for "companion" -- the service allows users to "search for and choose their spouse," the broadcaster said. It is the only state-sanctioned platform of its kind in the Islamic republic, according to Iran's cyberspace police chief, Colonel Ali Mohammad Rajabi. While dating apps are popular in Iran, Rajabi said that all other platforms apart from Hamdam are illegal. Developed by the Tebyan Cultural Institute, part of Iran's Islamic Propaganda Organization, Hamdam's website claims it uses "artificial intelligence" to find matches "only for bachelors seeking permanent marriage and a single spouse". Tebyan head Komeil Khojasteh, speaking at the unveiling, said family values were threatened by outside forces. "Family is the devil's target, and (Iran's enemies) seek to impose their own ideas" on it, he said, adding that the app helps create "healthy" families. According to Hamdam's website, users have to verify their identity and go through a "psychology test" before browsing. When a match is made, the app "introduces the families together with the presence of service consultants", who will "accompany" the couple for four years after marriage. Registration is free, as Hamdam has "an independent revenue model," the website said without explaining further. Iran's authorities, including the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, have warned several times against the country's rising age of marriage and declining birth rates. In March, Iran's conservative-dominated parliament passed a bill titled "population growth and supporting families." It mandates the government to offer significant financial incentives for marriage and to encourage people to have more than two children, while limiting access to abortion. The law awaits approval by the Guardian Council, which is tasked with checking that bills are compatible with Islamic law and the constitution. Short link: The top US commander in Afghanistan is to hand over his command at a ceremony in the capital of Kabul on Monday, as America winds down its 20-year military presence and Taliban insurgents continue to gain territory across the country. Gen. Scott Miller was poised to transfer authority to Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, the head of US Central Command, according to a US official who spoke on condition of anonymity to confirm the developments. McKenzie, also a four-star general, will operate from Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Florida. He will assume authority to conduct possible airstrikes in defense of Afghan government forces, at least until the US withdrawal concludes by Aug. 31. The handover ceremony was taking place in the heavily fortified Resolute Support headquarters in the heart of Kabul, at a time of rapid territorial gains by Taliban insurgents across Afghanistan. The Afghanistan National Defense and Security Forces, mostly funded by the United States and NATO, have put up resistance in some parts of the country, but overwhelmingly Afghan government troops appear to have abandoned the fight. In recent weeks, the Taliban have gained several strategic districts, particularly along the borders with Iran, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The Taliban control more than one-third of Afghanistan's 421 districts and district centers. A Taliban claim that they control 85 percent of the districts is widely seen as exaggerated. After Miller's departure, a two-star admiral based at the US Embassy in Kabul will oversee the US military's role in securing the American diplomatic presence in Kabul, including defending the Kabul airport. Miller's departure does not reduce the scope of the US military mission in Afghanistan, since McKenzie will assume the authorities now held by Miller to conduct airstrikes in defense of Afghan government forces under certain circumstances. The conditions under which such strikes might be used are not clear, nor is it known for how long McKenzie will keep the strike authority. Short link: South Korea's energy ministry said on Monday it had signed a 20-year liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply agreement with Qatar for the next 20 years starting in 2025. South Korea's state-run Korea Gas Corp (036460.KS) will buy 2 million tonnes of LNG annually from Qatar Petroleum (QATPE.UL). "This long-term contract is considered to have favourable contract conditions, which would help stabilise LNG supply as well as to significantly drop fees," the ministry said in a statement. It did not provide financial details of the agreement. The energy ministry added that KOGAS buys 9 million tonnes of LNG annually from Qatar through long-term contracts and a contract worth 4.9 million tonnes of LNG is expected to end in 2024. Short link: lithuania will open a new camp to house illegal migrants, the interior minister said on Monday, amid accusations from the Baltic state that Belarus is flying in migrants from abroad to send them illegally into the country. "This week we will launch a camp in Dieveniskes, fit to house 500 people," said Interior Minster Agne Bilotaite after a meeting of the Lithuanian leadership to discuss the migration crisis. The camp will be based around a disused school building and would be expanded later by building tents or temporary housing in the surrounding area, the minister's spokeswoman told Reuters. It will be situated in a pocket of Lithuanian territory almost completely surrounded by Belarus, connected to the rest of the country by a 2.5km wide isthmus. "The remoteness makes it is easier to ensure safety of people and the migrants", the spokeswoman, Lina Laurinaityte, said. Some 1676 migrants have entered country illegally from Belarus this year, of these 1057 in July, according to Lithuania's border guard service. Around half of the migrants are Iraqi citizens. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis on Monday suggested the migrants were being used as a means of pressure on the EU, which has imposed a series of sanctions on Belarus since a disputed presidential election. read more Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said his country is now only guarding the border as much as it is "profitable" to it, and as much as it can afford. read more Lithuania's main detention centre for migrants, in Pabrade, is full, and the migrants are being temporarily housed in sites scattered near the border area. Short link: Finland said on Monday it would pause decisions on deportations to Afghanistan to assess the deteriorating security situation. Afghan officials have urged all European countries to stop deportations for three months, as security forces battle a wave of violence triggered by a Taliban offensive. The Finnish Immigration Service said "the issuing of negative decisions that involve removal from the country to Afghanistan" had been paused on July 9. No further decisions would be taken until an assessment was completed, the service said. Immigration official Jaakko Purontie told local media asylum seekers would not automatically be given approval to stay, rather they would have to wait longer for a decision. The service has about 350 applications pending for Afghans. The strife-torn country is facing a crisis as the insurgents snap up territory across the countryside, stretching government forces and leading to a fresh wave of internally displaced families, complicated by a renewed outbreak of Covid-19. On Friday, the Taliban claimed to be in control of 85 percent of the country after seizing key border crossings. The spike in violence comes as the US and international forces are withdrawing from the country, and US President Joe Biden also said Friday that the US military mission would end on August 31 -- nearly 20 years after it began -- having "achieved" its goals. But he admitted it was "highly unlikely" Kabul would be able to control the entire country. Short link: New ministers in Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's government were sworn in on Monday after a reshuffle brought in a younger cabinet dominated by women aimed at focusing on economic recovery from the pandemic. Sanchez sacked several heavyweights including Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo on Saturday and brought in seven new faces in his first major reshuffle since his left-wing minority coalition came to power in January 2020. Sanchez, whose Socialist party has been lagging in opinion polls, said the new government would kick off a "new stage" in economic and social recovery. Women now head 14 of Spain's 22 ministries, up from 12 in the previous cabinet. Sanchez has made feminism and gender equality a banner of his government. The mean age of the ministers is now 50 instead of 55, in what Sanchez called a "generational renewal". Economy Minister Nadia Calvino, a former director general of the European Commission's budget department, was elevated to replace Calvo as deputy prime minister. Jose Manuel Albares, who up until now was Spain's ambassador to France, replaced Arancha Gonzalez Laya as foreign minister. She was widely criticised for allowing Western Sahara independence leader Brahim Ghali to be treated at a hospital in Spain, angering Morocco which lays claim to the former Spanish colony. Although the Polisario Front leader left Spain on June 2, diplomatic relations have remained tense. Albares said he wanted to "further strengthen our ties" with Morocco, which he called "our great neighbour and friend in the south". In May, the Socialists and their coalition partner, the far-left Podemos party, were routed in regional elections in Madrid by the conservative Popular Party (PP), which had campaigned on the need for looser pandemic restrictions. The PP has surged ahead of the Socialists in opinion polls following that election. Recent surveys suggest the PP and the far-right Vox together would win an absolute majority in parliament if a general election were held. The government's decision in June to pardon nine Catalan separatists serving lengthy jail terms over their role in a failed 2017 independence bid has also drained support. Spain suffered the largest contraction in Europe during 2020 as lockdowns wrecked its tourism-dependent economy. It is set to receive up to 140 billion euros ($166 billion) from a European Union economic rescue fund in the next few years. Short link: Spanish companies are keen on expanding and investing in Egypt, as it is their top leading destination in Africa, with the support of the Government of Spain, said Spains Minister of Trade Xiana Mendez Bertolo. Bertolo made her statements during a meeting held virtually on Monday with Egypts Minister of International Cooperation Rania Al-Mashat to discuss areas of joint cooperation between Egypt and Spain, in light of the status of the current portfolio of projects and the possibility of future partnerships. The Spanish minister also affirmed that Egypt is one of the most important foreign investment markets for Spanish companies, especially across the sectors of transportation, infrastructure, solar energy, and water treatment. This meeting came within the framework of the periodic meetings the international cooperation ministry holds with multilateral and bilateral development partners in order to boost Egypts regional and global economic cooperation. During the meeting, Al-Mashat discussed with Bertolo the possibility of launching an innovative mechanism for enhancing economic cooperation to promote economic growth and raise employment rates in both countries. The two sides also explored the projects to be implemented within the framework of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) that allocates 300 million for the strengthening of financial cooperation between Egypt and Spain. Moreover, they discussed the status of the ongoing projects carried out within the framework of the joint cooperation between Egypt and Spain, which includes a cultural project that aims to develop and preserve Luxors archaeological sites; in addition to another project that supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Egypt by providing lines of credit; and an infrastructure development project focusing on the inauguration of sewage treatment plants in Giza, Assiut, and Aswan. For her part, Spains minister applauded the Egyptian economys positive growth during the COVID-19 pandemic and discussed the wide horizons of future projects during 2021. She added Egypts positive growth goes back to the financial and monetary structural reforms implemented before 2020, in addition to implementing major development projects across vital sectors such as renewable energy, water, and sanitation, as well as infrastructure. The history of cooperation between Egypt and Spain dates back to the 1990s, as two cooperation protocols were signed. The first cooperation agreement was inked in February 1998, where Spain provided 225 million of development financing to Egypt. The second agreement was signed in 2008, via a MoU worth 250 million. The portfolio of cooperation between both countries since 2012 amounts to 190 million covering various sectors such as water treatment, energy, housing, and SMEs. The cooperation framework covers the offering of grants as well by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) to develop the health and tourism sectors. Both countries development agendas also focus on instilling empowering and inclusive communities for women and youth, as well as a transparent and just development ecosystem via Egypt's National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development. Short link: Leiletkom Saida (Good Evening), a theatrical localising and adaptation of its acclaimed director Khaled Galal, based on Russian Anton Chekhovs short story The Chorus Girl, has kicked off a 15-night run hosted by the National Theatre on Sunday. The National Theatre has a special magic. When we stand on its stage, we feel very proud. Nothing is like this theatre in the whole Arab world, stated Galal, who heads the Cultural Production Affairs Sector and the Artistic Creativity Centre, during the opening, which was attended by tens of viewers, including artists and officials of the Culture Ministrys Theatre Artistic House. Running every night at 8 until 18 July, the light comedy Leiletkom Saida which casts some of Galals Actors Studios talents, including Mohamed Aly Rezk, Mariam El-Sokkary, Passant Seyam, Marwa Eid, Alhan El-Mahdy, and Nadeem Hisham will be paused during the Eid Al-Adha Muslim feast, before returning back on 29 July until 3 July. Leiletkom Saidas crew includes decor and lighting designer Amr Abdallah, assistant director Ahmed Fouad, and executive director Ola Fahmy. A performance of Leiletkom Saida was televised and released on YouTube amid the Culture Ministrys COVID-19 lockdowns Culture Between Your Hands initiative, last year, gaining 4,195 views since 23 July 2020. The 1967-born, multi-awarded director Khaled Galal, who was among the honourees of Egypts 3rd World Youth Forum in late 2019, has directed and wrote numerous plays with the Actors Studios graduation projects Qahwa Sada, Sallem Nafsak, and Cinema Masr being among his most famous works, which were attended by hundreds of star artists, filmmakers, and VIPs. For more arts and culture news and updates, follow Ahram Online Arts and Culture on Twitter at @AhramOnlineArts and on Facebook at Ahram Online: Arts & Culture Short link: UN resolution calls for reconciliation in Myanmar AFP, , Monday 12 Jul 2021 The text itself calls for a 'constructive and peaceful dialogue and reconciliation, in accordance with the will and interests of the people of Myanmar, including Rohingya Muslims and other ethnic minorities' The UN Human Rights Council on Monday adopted a resolution condemning human rights violations by Myanmar's military against the Rohingya and other minorities, and called for a process of reconciliation. The resolution, brought forward by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, was approved without a vote in the Geneva-based council. China, one of the 47 council members, said it could not join the consensus but nonetheless did not insist on bringing the text to a vote. "Unfortunately, the humanitarian and human rights situation of Rohingya Muslims remains dire, and therefore requires a collective call by the council asking Myanmar to immediately halt human rights violations, and to uphold their fundamental rights," said Khalil Hashmi, Pakistan's ambassador to the UN in Geneva. The text itself calls for a "constructive and peaceful dialogue and reconciliation, in accordance with the will and interests of the people of Myanmar, including Rohingya Muslims and other ethnic minorities". It also voices "unequivocal support for the people of Myanmar and their democratic aspirations and for the democratic transition in Myanmar". The resolution calls for the immediate cessation of fighting and hostilities, of the targeting of civilians and of all violations of humanitarian and rights laws. It voices "grave concern" at continuing reports of serious human rights violations and abuses, including of arbitrary arrests, deaths in detention, torture, forced labour and "the deliberate killing and maiming of children". Myanmar has been in chaos and its economy paralysed since the military seized power from civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi on February 1. Thomas Andrews, the UN's special rapporteur on the rights situation in Myanmar, told the Human Rights Council last week that the military had carried out crimes against humanity since taking control, and slammed the international community for failing to "end this nightmare". He decried the "widespread, systematic attacks against the people" since the coup five months ago. Myanmar has experienced mass protests and a brutal military response since the coup. UN Human Rights chief Michelle Bachelet told the council last week that the situation in the country had "evolved from a political crisis to a multi-dimensional human rights catastrophe". "Suffering and violence throughout the country are devastating prospects for sustainable development, and raise the possibility of state failure or a broader civil war," she warned. Since the coup, nearly 900 people have been killed, while about 200,000 have been forced to flee their homes, according to UN numbers. https://english.ahram.org.eg/News/417061.aspx Egypts FM discusses GERD, regional issues with European Council president Ahram Online, , Monday 12 Jul 2021 Shoukry explained in detail Egypts stance regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry delivered on Monday a message from President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to President of the European Council Charles Michel in a bilateral meeting in Brussels. Shoukry delivered El-Sisis greetings to Michel and discussed fostering bilateral relations between Egypt and the European Union (EU). Shoukry also explained in detail Egypts stance regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), a statement by the Egyptian foreign ministry read. This comes only few days after the UN Security Council held a meeting to discuss the GERD issue. The UNSC meeting was requested by Egypt and Sudan, both of whom seek a binding agreement with Ethiopia over the filling and operation of the mega dam, a step Ethiopia has resisted. The dispute over the dam escalated after Ethiopia announced early in July that it was commencing with the second stage of filling the dams reservoir, despite the two downstream countries rejection of the step without a binding agreement. During the UNSC session, Egypt and Sudan expressed their concerns over the filling of the reservoir without an agreement, blaming the failure of negotiations on Ethiopias intransigence. Shoukry and Michel also discussed a number of regional issues of mutual concern, at the top of which is the situation in Libya in light of the outcome of the Berlin 2 Conference. They also reviewed the latest developments in the Palestinian issue and the overall situation in the Middle East. The top Egyptian diplomat also discussed pushing forward cooperation with the EU into broader horizons in the various political, strategic and economic fields, the statement read. Shoukry also expressed an aspiration to boost European investments in Egypt. Shoukry has been in Brussels since Sunday morning, where he met with senior officials at the European Commission. Earlier on Monday, Shoukry discussed cooperation in the fields of immigration and asylum with European Union Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson in Brussels. Shoukry and Johansson discussed supporting the pathways of regular immigration, enhancing the protection of immigrants and refugees, and developing regional and international cooperation in these fields. Shoukry also met over breakfast with a group of European Union foreign ministers in Brussels. On Sunday, Shoukry met with Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, where he urged the Israeli government against any measures that may raise tensions with the Palestinians. The top Egyptian diplomat affirmed the need to move urgently towards breaking the current stalemate between the Palestinians and Israel, so that a fair and comprehensive peace process between the two sides can be launched. https://english.ahram.org.eg/News/417067.aspx KYODO NEWS - Jul 12, 2021 - 22:06 | All, Japan Solar power will overtake nuclear power as the cheapest source of energy for Japan in 2030 due to the latter's ballooning safety measure costs following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, a government estimate showed for the first time Monday. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry at an expert panel meeting estimated the cost of generating nuclear power will rise about 10 percent from its previous estimate in 2015, while the cost of solar power will drop as it becomes more widespread due to decarbonization efforts. METI has traditionally emphasized the low cost of power generation as an advantage of nuclear power, but the government is aiming to make renewable energy the country's main energy source as part of its plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, a goal that will be reflected in the basic energy plan to be revised this summer. The estimated cost of generating nuclear power, which stood at least at 10.3 yen per kilowatt in 2015, has now risen by over 1 yen to at least 11.5 yen due to the implementation of measures required under the country's new nuclear safety rules. Conversely, the cost of solar energy for commercial use is expected to fall from the 12.7-15.6 yen range as estimated in 2015 to the 8-11.5 yen range, while solar energy for residential use is expected to fall from the 12.5-16.4 yen range to the 9.5-14.5 yen range as the price of panels and related equipment fall amid increased adoption. The minimum estimates for both onshore wind power and LNG-fired power generation are also lower than that of nuclear power. Onshore wind power is expected to cost at least 9.5 yen, down from the previous estimate of 13.6 yen, while that from gas-fired power plants, whose carbon emissions are about half that of coal-fired power plants, is expected to fall from 13.4 yen to 10.5 yen. Meanwhile, coal-fired power is estimated to rise from 12.9 yen to the 13.5-22.5 yen range as the cost of measures to curb carbon dioxide emissions increases. The estimates are based on the assumption that power generation facilities will be built and operated on vacant plots of land, and do not include the cost of acquiring the land itself. Figures are subject to change depending on how much renewable energy has been introduced in the future, fuel prices, and facility utilization rates, according to METI. KYODO NEWS - Jul 11, 2021 - 22:08 | All, Japan, Coronavirus Japanese prefectural governors on Sunday called on the central government to address a coronavirus vaccine supply shortage and implement a large stimulus to bolster pandemic-hit local economies. In a policy proposal, the National Governors' Association also called for thorough antivirus measures during the Tokyo Olympics set to open July 23, including restricting activities of foreign athletes. The governors released the proposal amid rising confusion at the frontline of inoculation due to supply shortages faced by many municipalities. The governors said local governments were forced to suspend accepting appointments for the COVID-19 vaccination, as well as canceling appointments, after the state pressured local authorities to accelerate the pace of providing shots. The proposal urged Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's government to recognize that its handling of the situation has caused confusion, even though local authorities have been trying to meet the government's goal of finishing inoculating all people in the country who want to receive shots by October or November. The central government must distribute COVID-19 vaccine supplies necessary for municipalities and unveil delivery schedules for the future, it said. "We have no choice but to limit the acceptance of appointments because supply is not meeting demand," said Ishikawa Gov. Masanori Tanimoto, one of 41 heads of the country's 47 prefectures who took part in an online meeting. Such a situation "dampens people's expectations for early vaccination," Tanimoto said. Some governors criticized the government's handling of workplace vaccinations as well. "As a result of setting the first-come, first-served basis system, major companies started vaccination early while small and medium-sized firms were forced to suspend receiving appointments," Yamanashi Gov. Kotaro Nagasaki said. The proposal also contains a request to implement a major economic stimulus package as local economies have been hard hit by the prolonged pandemic. The governors urged the government to swiftly formulate a supplementary budget and carry out "bold economic measures" to support a wide variety of businesses. KYODO NEWS - Jul 12, 2021 - 20:34 | World, All Hong Kong action movie superstar Jackie Chan, also known as a pro-Beijing politician, has expressed eagerness to join the Chinese Communist Party, its tabloid Global Times reported Monday. Since 2013, Chan has served as a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the nation's top advisory body that provides the mainland government with feedback and advice on key policy issues. Chan was quoted by the newspaper as saying at a forum last Thursday in Beijing, "I can see the greatness of" the ruling party and it "will deliver what it says, and what it promises in less than 100 years, but only a few decades." "I want to become" a member of the party, he added, according to the Global Times. The symposium invited Chinese film insiders to speak and share their views on the keynote speech by President Xi Jinping on July 1, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party. The mainland's response to the novel coronavirus pandemic and protests in Hong Kong as well as the celebration activities for the centennial of the ruling party, headed by Xi, have shown how people in the territory should contribute to the party, the newspaper said. Chan's remarks have "reflected Hong Kong elites' increasingly objective and rational understanding" of the party, the Global Times quoted experts as saying. Under China's "one country, two systems" policy, Hong Kong was promised it would enjoy the rights and freedoms of a semiautonomous region for 50 years following its return to the mainland in 1997. But Beijing has been recently taking strict actions against Hong Kong since large-scale protests sparked by a now-withdrawn bill allowing extraditions to the mainland morphed into a pro-democracy movement in 2019. KYODO NEWS - Jul 6, 2021 - 16:40 | All, World, Japan, Coronavirus Japan will provide Taiwan with some 1.13 million more doses of the AstraZeneca Plc coronavirus vaccine later this week, Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said Tuesday. The latest donation, to be delivered Thursday after a request from Taiwan, follows an initial batch of about 1.24 million doses transferred to the island in early June. The vaccine was developed by the British company and produced under license in Japan, according to the Foreign Ministry. "As people in Taiwan face difficulties, we hope that the vaccine from Japan will contribute to preventing the spread of infections," Motegi said in a press conference. Japan is also considering offering additional doses to Indonesia, where infections of the highly contagious Delta variant are spreading quickly, after delivering 1 million doses to the country last Thursday, Motegi said. Japan has enough AstraZeneca doses for 60 million people and approved their use in May, but it does not intend to use them immediately due to rare cases of blood clots reported overseas. Related coverage: Japan to donate more COVID vaccine doses to S.E. Asia from July 1 mil. COVID-19 vaccine doses donated by Japan delivered to Vietnam KYODO NEWS - Jul 12, 2021 - 15:11 | All, World, Japan Japan and the United States have urged China to respect the ruling of an international tribunal rejecting Beijing's expansive claims in the South China Sea, as Monday marked five years since the landmark decision. China's failure to comply with the ruling "undermines the rule of law as a fundamental value of the international community," Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said in a statement released Monday. In July 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled that China has no historic rights to resources in the South China Sea based on its expansive, self-proclaimed "nine-dash line." The case was brought to the court by the Philippines and the decision invalidated China's claim to virtually the entire South China Sea. Motegi said China's action not to comply with the ruling "is against the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with international law" including the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea. In Washington, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the rules-based maritime order in South China Sea is under greater threat than anywhere else, and called on China "to abide by its obligations under international law" and "cease its provocative behavior." In a statement released Sunday, Blinken urged China to also "take steps to reassure the international community that it is committed to the rules-based maritime order that respects the rights of all countries, big and small." The Japanese foreign minister said Japan "remains seriously concerned" about the situation in the waters and reiterated "strong opposition" to unilateral attempts to change the status quo of the region by force or coercion. Motegi also said Japan "highly appreciates" the Philippines' renewed commitment toward a peaceful resolution of the disputes in the South China Sea, citing President Rodrigo Duterte's statement at the U.N. General Assembly last year. The ruling was "beyond compromise and beyond the reach of passing governments to dilute, diminish or abandon," Duterte told world leaders, adding, "We firmly reject attempts to undermine it." Lucknow: To revenge the loss Gorakhpur Lok Sabha seat in recent byelection, the BJP president Amit Shah on Wednesday called a meeting of all its MLAs and allies in Uttar Pradeshs capital Lucknow to ensure smooth passage of its ninth candidate in the Rajya Sabha. Uttar Pradesh on Friday will decide on 10 of 31 Rajya Sabha seats. The BJP has fielded nine candidates. While, one each from the Samajwadi Party (SP) and Mayawati's Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) are contesting. The BJP is sure of winning at least eight seats as it has 311 MLAs. All UP BJP-ally MLAs meeting was called by the party president to ensure winning the ninth seat. The SP to stop Amit Shahs dream of bagging the ninth seat, party chief Akhilesh Yadav too had called all lawmaker meet. However, seven of his MLAs skipped the party meeting. With seven SP MLAs skipping it party meeting, speculations are being made that BSP-SP may lose one seat. The SP in all has 47 MLAs in the state, so its sole candidate should win. But their skipping the meeting has become a worry for BSP chief Mayawati. SP lawmakers are to support Mayawati's candidate in the Rajya Sabha polls as a pact between the leaders prior to Gorakhpur and Phulpur Lok Sabha seats. Mayawati to hit the magic number has to get 37 votes. BSP can hit the number only if the 10 SP MLAs. Congress has guaranteed her seven. Seven SP lawmakers absenting from the party meeting were Akhilesh Yadavs uncle Shivpal Yadav, Naresh Agarwals son. Yadav exerted that their candidates would win but he was upset over BJP fielding an extra candidate. If BJP had cared for democratic values, it would not had fielded the ninth candidate, said Yadav to his lawmakers. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Chandigarh: Former Punjab minister and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) general secretary Bikram Singh Majithia on Monday demanded registration of a criminal case against state Local Bodies Minister Navjot Sidhu and his wife Navjot Kaur for allegedly disclosing to the public the contents of a Special Task Force (STF) report, which was submitted to the high court in a sealed cover. Majithia alleged that Sidhu and his wife had disclosed the contents of the report at a press conference here last week. He also wondered how Sidhu and his wife had access to the report. "There is no way a report in a sealed cover report can be accessed by a woman, who does not hold any official position in the government, and by a man, who has no capacity to access it. Only the registration of a case and a thorough investigation can unearth the larger conspiracy as well as the people behind it," he said. Describing the "leak" of the STF report as the "gravest of criminal contempt", the Akali leader said the entire affair smacked of the worst kind of conspiracy and an attempt to make a mockery of the judicial process. "It is unheard that a report, sealed on the orders of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, has found its way into the hands of unauthorised persons with vested interests," he added. At the press conference, Sidhu had sought the arrest of Majithia, accusing him of having links with drug peddlers, while claiming that he was aware of the findings of the STF report. Kaur had also addressed the media, along with her husband. The Punjab minister had claimed that the "STF has made it clear that there is a substantial evidence of the role of Bikram Majithia in drug peddling, which needs to be probed. The Punjab government cannot ignore these facts". Majithia said "all the players in this drama" needed to clarify as to what was the urgency, desperation or personal agenda to disclose the contents of a report, which was being monitored by the high court and on which the government was to submit a report after due perusal. New Delhi: The Home Ministry has conveyed to a parliamentary panel that Sikh youths are being trained at ISI facilities in Pakistan to carry out terror activities in India, and members of the community who are settled in Canada and other places are also being instigated against the country with false and malicious propaganda. Top officials of the home ministry, led by the Union Home Secretary, told the Committee on Estimates, headed by senior BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi, that radicalisation of youths by terrorist groups through the misuse of internet and social media has emerged as a big challenge. According to the report of the committee - ' Central armed police forces and internal security challenges-evaluation and response mechanism' - which was tabled in Parliament on Monday, there have been some developments on the Sikh militancy front. The "commanders" of terror groups based in Pakistan are under pressure from ISI to further the Pakistani spy agency's terror plans not only in Punjab but also in other parts of the country, it said. "Sikh youth are being trained at ISI facilities in Pakistan. Interdictions and interrogations have revealed use of jailed cadres, unemployed youth, criminals and smugglers by Pakistan-based Sikh terror groups for facilitating terror attacks," the report said. Sikh youths based or settled in Europe, the US and Canada are also being misguided and instigated against India with false and malicious propaganda, but the situation is being watched closely by the central and state agencies and they are taking lawful action as and when required. On the issue of new challenges which have emerged as a threat to internal security, the ministry, in a note furnished to the committee, voiced concern over radicalisation of youths by the terrorist groups through the misuse of internet and social media. "The problem is further accentuated by the fact that the terror groups have started using secure social media platforms and proxy servers etc. to avoid detection by intelligence and law enforcement agencies. "Activities of radicalised people returning from conflict areas and threat of lone wolf attack are also a challenge," it said. The ministry told the panel that India continues to remain the prime focus of Pakistan-based terrorist outfits, particularly the Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad and a faction of Indian Mujahideen besides groups like SIMI and Al-Unmah. Separately, there are indications regarding revival of JeM in Pakistan and renewed efforts of the said outfit to cause harm to India. Besides, the IS and Al-Qaeda in Indian sub-continent have started posing new challenges to the existing security environment. The ministry also said that violence by Left Wing Extremism (LWE) outfits continues to pose a threat to the internal security scenario in the country. "Since its formation in September 2004, CPI(Maoist) has emerged as the most potent among the LWE outfits active in the country," the report said. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Apollo Hospitals on Thursday said that all CCTV cameras in the intensive care unit were switched off and all patients in the ward were shifted during the 75-day hospitalisation of former Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa, popularly known as Amma. One complete ICU was occupied by our former chief minister Jayalalithaa. So the hospital administration removed the (CCTV) because they did not want everyone to be watching, Prathap C Reddy, founder chairman of Apollo Hospitals told ANI on Thursday. The hospital founder chairman added that all the patients on the floor were shifted to other floors because of security reasons. Jayalalithaa was treated at the Apollo Hospitals, Chennai at the time of her death. Amma died on December 5, 2016. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: CBI Special Court granted bail to former Himachal Pradesh CM Virbhadra Singh, his wife and others in a money laundering case on Thursday directing them to furnish a bail bond of Rs 50,000 along with surety of the same amount. Delhi's Patiala House Court has fixed April 25th as the next date for scrutiny of the documents. On February 16, the Enforcement Directorate had arrested Chandrasekhar under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) for allegedly providing an amount of Rs 5.9 crore to Singh and his family members through his three personal bank accounts. Also Read: ED files supplementary chargesheet against Virbhadra Singh On a related note, Singh is accused of accumulating assets worth around Rs 6.03 crore which were disproportionate to his total income during his tenure as Union minister. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Whatsapp co-founder Brian Acton on Tuesday urged users that it was high time they deleted their Facebook accounts. Brain took to Twitter asking users to delete their Facebook accounts, joining the online movement encouraging Facebook users to delete their profiles on the social media platform with the #deletefacebook hashtag. The tweet comes at a time when Facebook has come under the close scrutiny of regulators and its stock price plunge following concerns over data privacy in the wake of revelations about Cambridge Analyticas misuse of user data. Brian wrote, "It is time" followed by the hashtag #deletefacebook. The Verge approached Brian for a comment in support of his post, but he is yet to respond. WhatsApp declined to comment on the matter. Facebook bought WhatsApp for USD 16 billion back in the year 2014. Jan Koum and Brian Acton were the co-founders of the instant messaging application company back then, until Brian, who is worth USD 6.5 billion decided to quit to start his own venture. Koum continues to lead the company. New Delhi: A suicide attack outside a mosque in Kabul killed at least 25 people and left 18 wounded, the Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman said. The explosion, near a Shiite shrine in the west of Kabul, came at a time when people were celebrating the Nawruz holiday marking the start of the Persian new year. The attacker was spotted by police before he entered a large gathering for the Norouz celebration in Kabul's Shakhi mosque, Mohammad Salem Almas, head of criminal investigations in the Kabul police, told the media. The attacker detonated the explosives that he was carrying before entering the mosque, Almas said. No terror group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Afghanistan is home to a powerful Islamic State affiliate that has repeatedly targeted Shiites, who the Sunni extremists view as apostates deserving of death. For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday issued notice to former Telecom Minister A Raja and DMK MP Kanimozhi in the 2G spectrum money laundering case. A bench headed by Justice SP Garg issued the notice asking all the accused to file a repy on the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) plea within 14 days. The court has listed the matter to May 25 for further hearing. The high court was hearing to the plea challenging a special court order acquitting Raja, Kanimozhi and others in the 2G spectrum money laundering case filed by the CBI and Enforcement Directorate (ED). The CBI had moved its application on Tuesday, while the ED had filed an appeal against the special courts judgement in the case on Monday. A special court on December 21, 2017, had acquitted Raja and Kanimozhi in the 2G spectrum money laundering case. Special judge OP Saini while announcing the judgement then had said that the CBI and ED had failed to provide sufficient evidence to prove the charges against 33 persons named in the case. The special court along with Raja and Kanimozhi had acquitted 17 others including Shahid Balwa and Vinod Goenka of STPL, DMK supremo M. Karunanidhi's wife Dayalu Ammal, Asif Balwa and Rajiv Aggarwal of Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Pvt Ltd, film producer Karim Morani, and P. Amirtham and Sharad Kumar of Kalaignar TV. The CBI had alleged that there was a loss of Rs 309.84 billion to the exchequer in allocation of licences for the 2G spectrum. The Supreme Court on February 2, 2012, had scrapped the allocation. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: After a long span of silence, social activist Anna Hazare has started an indefinite hunger strike in Delhi yet again. Coinciding with the death anniversary of freedom fighters Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Rajguru, the hunger strike is being carried out nearly seven years after his anti-corruption movement that shook the erstwhile United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government. As the strike gathers ground, the question that arises is - will the protest give birth to another Arvind Kejriwal? The protest venue is the same Ramlila Lila Maidan. Only the ruling government at the Centre is different. Last time, it was the UPA government in power. This time, it is Narendra Modis BJP-led government. And familiar faces like Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Puducherry Governor Kiran Bedi along with core members of 2011 protest are not to be seen in the ongoing Hazares fight against corruption. The 80-year-old Hazare sat on a hunger strike against corruption at the Ramlila Maidan in 2011. Thousands supported him. The anti-corruption crusader demanded proper investigation into corruptions cases in the country. Hazare has been pressing for the setting up of the Lokpal at the Centre and Lokayuktas in states. He has also been demanding implementation of the Swaminathan Commission report. This time, however, prior to starting the protest, Hazare had categorically said that he did not want another Arvind Kejriwal and banned him from joining the protest. The grand-old activist, learning lessons from the 2011 protest, which was supported by millions across the country, has taken several preventive measures to check that no person or group takes benefit of his anti-corruption protest to fulfil personal political agenda like Bedi and Kejriwal, who left the movement to join mainstream politics. Also, Hazare, who is on protest to highlight farmers issues and to press for a lokayukta in every state, has a complete fresh team from across the country with grassroot connections. The Ramlila Maidan protest this time is being organised by 20 fresh faces selected from 6000 volunteers from across the nation. All the volunteers have submitted an affidavit with Hazare stating that they will never join mainstream politics. To ensure the Centre listens to their voices, Hazare has distributed roles and responsibilities for every volunteer. The 6000 volunteers will be with Hazare till the time protest lasts and ensure people in large numbers join the protest in Delhi. The team has also been given responsibility to motion the protest across the country and raise lokayukta and farmers issue. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The Lok Sabha on Wednesday could not take up a no-confidence motion for the 13th consecutive day. The members of parties like the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) protested for Cauvery issue, while the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) protested and raised slogans demanding special status for Andhra Pradesh. With the Lok Sabha unable to take up the notices of the no-confidence motion against the government for the fourth day, it has been adjourned till 12 PM. Meanwhile, the Rajya Sabha has been adjourned till tomorrow after the TDP and TRS MPs raised loud slogans and demanded special status for Andhra Pradesh. Meanwhile, in Andhra Pradesh, a state-wide 'bandh' and blockade of national highways has been called by the party workers for more affect over their demands. LIVE updates: # 12:08 PM: LokSabha adjourned till tomorrow. # 11:34 AM: MP Naramalli Sivaprasad joined the protest dressed as a Swachh Bharat Abhiyan volunteer, carrying a wiper, demanding special status for Andhra Pradesh TDP MPs protest in Parliament premises, demanding special status for #AndhraPradesh. MP Naramalli Sivaprasad joined the protest dressed as a Swachh Bharat Abhiyan volunteer, carrying a wiper. #Delhi pic.twitter.com/Z41VPjKl8G ANI (@ANI) March 22, 2018 # 11:21 AM: Rajya Sabha adjourned till tomorrow after TDP MPs walked up to the Well with placards, raising slogans, demanding special status for Andhra Pradesh # 11:02 AM: Lok Sabha adjourned till 12 noon as loud slogans of 'we want justice' were raised as soon as proceedings began Rajya Sabha adjourned till tomorrow after TDP MPs walked up to the Well with placards, raising slogans, demanding special status for #AndhraPradesh pic.twitter.com/JCGRkIOFhk ANI (@ANI) March 22, 2018 # 11:00 AM: Rajya Sabha proceedings with Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu speaking on the occasion of World Water Day. "This year's theme is nature for water," he declares. This day also focusses on saving water reduce, reuse and recycle, he says. I hope the House joins me in conserving water, he says. The House agrees by thumping the table. # 10:52 AM: Unfortunate that Rahul Gandhi & Siddaramaiah are engaged in vote-bank politics & communal-disharmony politics. Tipu Sultan, known for tyranny & oppression of Hindus is black chapter in Karnataka's history. They may celebrate Tughlaq festival also: Ananth Kumar on RG's statement # 10:35 AM: AIADMK MPs hold protest in Parliament premises over #Cauvery issue. #10:25 AM: Telugu Desam Party (TDP) MPs hold protest in Parliament premises demanding special status for Andhra For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Hit by a series of protests over various issues, the Jawaharlal Nehru University administration has appealed to students and professors to restore normalcy in the campus and allow the institution to function without interruptions. "Centres such as the School of Art and Aesthetics, Centre for French and Francophone Studies and Centre for Historical Studies have been locked down or blockaded by some agitating students. As a result, holding of JNU Entrance Examinations-related viva-voce, M. Phil/ PhD viva voce, classes, mid-semester examinations are facing enormous difficulties," JNU Registrar Pramod Kumar said in a statement. The interests of student and teacher community have been damaged beyond repair, he said while appealing the community to restore normalcy in the campus. "The JNU Teachers' Association (JNUTA) and Jawaharlal Nehru University Students' Union (JNUSU) have combined their efforts by calling for total university strike that does not serve the interests of the JNU community and they are to be blamed for the prevailing chaos in the campus," the statement added. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: US President Donald Trump is likely to unveil sanctions against China tomorrow, the White House hinted on Thursday. The officials from the US Trade Representatives (USTR) said the US has solid proof of Beijing violating its commitments on property and technology-based transfers. "Tomorrow the president will announce the actions he has decided to take based on USTR's 301 investigations into China's state-led, market-distorting efforts to force, pressure and steal US technologies and intellectual property," White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah said on Thursday. The administration is disappointed by the responses the United States has been getting from China. "We have strong evidence against China. These are deeply concerning to the administration and raise severe questions about China and its commitment to market-oriented practices that they promised to engage in," said the official. The USTR scanned into four types of allegations: charges that China is putting pressure on companies to enter into joint ventures where they would transfer their technology to a Chinese company; US companies do not have the same technology to license their IP as a Chinese company. "It's difficult to use the WTO that involves the informal pressure stakeholders have complained about. The idea that you can take this to the WTO isn't practical. To the extent we can get at these things at the WTO, we will do so. We're pursuing a number of cases against them right now. We'll use it where we can but we can't use it to address everything," the official said. The administration disagrees on the fact that Chinas commitments have been completed. "All of us need to be aware of the history. It does raise a question about the history of the dialogue. That is something policymakers will have to take into account. The administration has been clear that China presents unique challenges," the official said. The US and Chinas trade deficit stand on a humongous $500 billion. President Trump is looking to reduce the trade deficit and has been emphasising on the its importance since the very beginning of this presidential campaign. Donald Trump thinks the trade deficit is against Americas national security interest, killing jobs in US and hurting its economy. For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday accepted request of the Centre to present a PowerPoint presentation to explain the technical details to the bench hearing the legal challenge to the Aadhar Law. The Centre will make the PowerPoint presentation on the Aadhaar Law on Thursday. The five-judge bench headed by Justice Dipak Misra accepted the request from the Attorney General Venugopal KK Venogopal argued that UIDAI chief would be the best person to explain the technical details of the Aadhaar system and its safety. The CEO of UIDAI can explain details in one hour through PowerPoint presentation, which can be argued for hours by lawyers, said Venugopal to the Supreme Court Bench. UIDAI chief Ajay Bhushan Pandey, a PhD in computer science will answer all questions on Aadhaar to the bench, Venugopal added. Two screens will be set up in the Apex Court that would let the bench and the petitioners to track the pointers. All doubts of petitioners and judges will be answered by UIDAI CEO, Venugopal added. The Supreme Court has been hearing a batch of pleas that challenge the Aadhaar Law, arguing that it violated an individuals fundamental right to privacy. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Kolkata: The Special Task Force (STF) of Kolkata Police carried out a major operation on The New Delhi (July 11, 2021). STF is said to have arrested three suspected terrorists of the terrorist outfit Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB). Several suspicious materials have also been recovered from their possession. According to media reports, the Special Task Force (STF) of Kolkata Police had received information today that some Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) terrorists were in Haridevpur. The three suspected terrorists from JMB had been living in a rented house here for the past few months. A senior police official said, the trio was arrested from Haridevpur area of south Kolkata on Sunday afternoon after receiving intelligence inputs. Talking to media after the operation, Kolkata Police STF Joint CP V Solomon Nesakumar said, "We have recovered jihadist literature and their Facebook accounts are also being scanned." At the same time, we have also found an important diary containing the names and numbers of JMB members. He added, "The investigation has started. We will produce the accused in court tomorrow." Assam Chief Minister launches financial scheme for Covid-hit widows Jagannath Rath Yatra: PM Modi greets nation, Amit Shah performs 'aarti' Father and son die after eating macaroni in Shahjahanpur Kolkata: A Special Task Force (STF) of Kolkata Police has arrested 3 Bangladeshi nationals suspected to be operatives of banned terror outfit Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB). As per reports, the three were picked up from a rented flat in Haridevpur on the western suburbs of the city on Sunday evening. Police said the three were staying in Kolkata for a few months on the pretext of medical treatment of a relative. "But they were actually raising funds and trying to recruit local Muslims for jihadi actions," said an officer of Kolkata Police special task force. The culprits were identified as Mikhail Khan, Rabiul Islam and Naziur Rahman, all hailing from Gopalgunj, home district of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. An intelligence official in Dhaka reportedly said that the three would certainly have a connection with other JMB activists active in West Bengal and south India. "So it was necessary to launch follow-up operations based on leads these three may provide." Uttar Pradesh's Salma sells her baby for 50000 and file fake case of kidnapping Drunk father beats 6-year-old innocent, police takes action after video surfaced Mother packed 10-day-old baby with bricks, yet newborn survived AUSTIN, Texas -- A diagnostic tool called the MasSpec Pen has been tested for the first time in pancreatic cancer patients during surgery. The device is shown to accurately identify tissues and surgical margins directly in patients and differentiate healthy and cancerous tissue from banked pancreas samples. At about 15 seconds per analysis, the method is more than 100 times as fast as the current gold standard diagnostic, Frozen Section Analysis. The ability to accurately identify margins between healthy and cancerous tissue in pancreatic cancer surgeries can give patients the greatest chance of survival. The results, by a team from The University of Texas at Austin and Baylor College of Medicine, are published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "These results show the technology works in the clinic for surgical guidance," said Livia Schiavinato Eberlin, an assistant professor of chemistry at UT Austin who leads the team that invented the pen, in collaboration with James Suliburk, head of endocrine surgery at Baylor. "Surgeons can easily integrate the MasSpec Pen into their workflow, and the initial data really supports the diagnostic accuracy we were expecting to achieve." The most common type of pancreatic cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, spreads rapidly and is highly lethal, with a five-year survival rate of 9% for all stages. The most effective treatment option is surgical removal of the tumor. Cancer surgeons face a dilemma: It's often difficult to tell good tissue from bad. If any cancerous tissue is left behind, there's a risk the tumor will regrow, potentially requiring the patient to undergo additional rounds of surgery, radiation or chemotherapy, and decreasing the chances of survival. On the other hand, removing too much healthy tissue, especially from vital organs, can also compromise a patient's health. Determining the margin between healthy and cancerous tissue is critical to a successful surgery. For this study, the investigators first used the MasSpec Pen to analyze 157 banked human pancreatic tissues to develop and evaluate the technology in the laboratory for pancreatic cancer. Then, the investigators moved the system to the operating room at Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center in Houston, which is affiliated with Baylor College of Medicine, where the surgeons tested the technology in 18 pancreatic surgeries. The pen has been tested in more than 150 human surgeries to date, including for breast and thyroid, and results of those additional tests will be submitted for publication soon. Mary King, a graduate student and the study's first author, and other members of the Eberlin research group operated the mass spectrometer during surgery. A typical surgery to remove a pancreatic tumor can take from 6 to 12 hours. "Surgery of the pancreas is a very complex and detailed surgery that requires numerous intraoperative decisions over several hours that can have long-lasting effects on oncologic outcomes for patients with pancreas cancer," said George Van Buren, M.D., associate professor of surgery at Baylor and one of the surgeons who performed operations during the experiment. "The MasSpec Pen technology opens the door for real-time, precision medicine to be performed in the operating room at a level that has never been seen before." These are the first published results of intraoperative use of the MasSpec Pen, in other words, on intact or just-removed tissue from patients during surgery. Preclinical research published about the technology in 2017 led to widespread enthusiasm and interest, including from writers in Hollywood who adapted the idea for a segment on the television program "Grey's Anatomy." The researchers plan eventually to submit the design to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for approval as a medical device. ### Banked tissue samples were provided by the Cooperative Human Tissue Network and Baylor. This work was supported in part by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health, and by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Livia Eberlin receives support for research in her lab from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. King, Suliburk, Eberlin, Jialing Zhang and others are inventors in US Patent No. 10,643,832 and/or in other patent applications related to the MasSpec Pen technology licensed by The University of Texas to MS Pen Technologies Inc. and its subsidiary Genio Technologies. Zhang, Suliburk and Eberlin are shareholders in MS Pen Technologies Inc. The University of Texas at Austin is committed to transparency and disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest. The university investigator who led this research, Livia Schiavinato Eberlin, has submitted required financial disclosure forms with the university. Eberlin is a co-founder with an equity stake in MSP Technologies, an inventor-led startup formed to commercialize the MasSpec Pen technology, owned by the university. Description This program will first guide the participants through a centering meditation, and then move into gentle, easily accessible yoga poses linked with breath. Each class will end with a guided meditation to integrate the breath and bodywork just taught. Please see the calendar of events at www.freeportlibrary.info for the link to join this virtual program. Freeport Memorial Library 516-379-3274. Free Government Innovation Awards Last call for 2021 innovation nominations The deadline for 2021 Government Innovation Award nominations is fast approaching. Don't miss this opportunity to spotlight outstanding government programs, industry partners and individual contributors; be sure to complete your submissions by 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 15. There are three award categories to consider: Rising Stars . These are individual awards, recognizing early-career phenoms whose leadership, innovation and all-around extra effort are having a powerful and positive impact. . These are individual awards, recognizing early-career phenoms whose leadership, innovation and all-around extra effort are having a powerful and positive impact. Industry Innovators . These awards recognize companies that are bringing innovative technology solutions to their government customers. . These awards recognize companies that are bringing innovative technology solutions to their government customers. Public Sector Innovations. The centerpiece of the Government Innovation Awards program, this category honors transformative tech that is truly reinventing government at the federal, state or local level via a specific project or program. That potentially mission-critical impact can stem from a new technology itself or from the innovative ways established tech is being leveraged to make government function better. So please be thinking about efforts across government that you believe are worthy of a Government Innovation Award, and get those nominations submitted today! (Adds details) PARIS, July 12 (Reuters) - The French government is set to make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for health workers, BFM TV reported on Monday ahead of a televised speech to the nation by President Emmanuel Macron. France has an entrenched anti-vaccination movement but authorities had banked on convincing enough people, including medical staff, to voluntarily get inoculated and curb the spread of the virus. However, a slowdown in vaccination rates as the summer holidays approach and a sharp upturn in new infections due to the now-dominant Delta variant have forced the government to rethink. BFM TV also reported Macron would say a health pass required to attend large scale events or to go clubbing will now be required for some other events, giving further incentive for people to get the jab. France has gone from an average of more than 400,000 first injections per day at the end of May to about 165,000 per day now. Macron is due to speak at 8pm local time (1800 GMT). (Reporting by GV De Clercq and Ingrid Melander; editing by Richard Lough) NEW YORK, July 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A New York state Supreme Court judge has allowed a lawsuit filed in December against Normandy Real Estate Partners involving the Netflix studio site at 333 Johnson Avenue in Brooklyn to proceed to discovery and trial. The judge sustained the principal cause of action breach of fiduciary duty of loyalty brought by plaintiff 333 Johnson LLC. Photo Credit: Anita Ng 333 Johnson partner and Sciame Construction (https://sciame.com/) founder Frank Sciame noted, "There is no doubt that with the judge allowing discovery, the truth will surface. The crux of Normandy's casethat Sciame Construction was not capable of building a Netflix Studiois tantamount to saying that Rolls Royce can't build engines." The 333 Johnson site in Brooklyn, New York, is currently under construction and is slated to be the future location of a Netflix Studios complex. The verified complaint filed December 28, 2020 in state Supreme Court charges breach of fiduciary duty of loyalty and fraud in connection with the sale of the property. Plaintiff 333 Johnson was in a joint venture with defendant Normandy Real Estate Partners ("Normandy REP") as a minority partner for three and one half years. The joint venture's purpose was to develop and sell the 333 Johnson property in the East Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. In the suit, the plaintiff alleges defendant Normandy REP deprived plaintiff of a deal with a value of $360 million dollars. The plaintiff was entitled to purchase Normandy's interest in the joint venture, and alleges Normandy concealed information about Netflix's lease of the property and induced plaintiff to waive that right. The same court had already ruled on a motion by the plaintiff for pre-lawsuit discovery as well as an order compelling the preservation of evidence. It was an unusual motion succeeding in a ruling that the plaintiff had sufficient information to file the lawsuit against Normandy, and the court ordered Normandy REP, Netflix Inc., and Steel Equity Management, LLC to preserve all relevant documents about the property and the allegations by the plaintiff. Story continues Prior to the sale, the property was improved with 160,000 square feet of interconnected buildings, with the potential for an additional 150,000 square feet. Prior to entering into the joint venture in 2015, plaintiffs invested substantial money and time to ensure that the property can be developed into a highly desirable project. They also created a strategic business plan to market the property. Some of the contributions 333 Johnson made to the joint venture were hiring architects and engineers, conducting market surveys of the area that generated tenant interest and lease offers and performing environmental assessments. At the end of this process, 333 Johnson partnered with Normandy REP to implement the business plan and develop the property for sale or lease. Per the agreement between 333 Johnson and Normandy REP, 333 Johnson was initially designated the managing partner of the entity. According to the Complaint in fall 2018, Normandy REP abruptly brought a buyer to 333 Johnson and demanded a waiver of 333 Johnson's right of first offer, which was spelled out in the parties' joint venture agreement. The Complaint went on to note that defendant Normandy REP warned 333 Johnson not to interfere with the sale that would result in a small profit for the joint venture for a property the defendant described as "a broken-down warehouse in Brooklyn." The potential purchaser, Steel Equities, made an offer of $52.5 million, well below the value of the property if the Netflix lease had been in play. The only reason 333 Johnson agreed to the sale was because Normandy REP did not disclose Netflix's desire to lease the entire site for sound studios, the lawsuit alleges. As noted in the court filing, Normandy clearly knew of Netflix' interest in the property because Normandy was already in discussion with Netflix over leasing Normandy properties in Manhattan. This included space at 888 Broadway which was owned and managed by a Normandy affiliate. It is alleged in the Complaint that Normandy REP arranged site access at the Brooklyn property for Netflix and its team of contractors, architects and engineers prior to the sale of the property to Steel Equities. On the exact day that the sale of the parcel closed (December 26, 2018) Steel Equities executed a lease with Netflix for the entire property as noted in the complaint. The first time 333 Johnson learned of the lease was when it was publicly announced in April 2019. At that same time New York State Empire Development offered $4 million in performance-based excelsior tax credits' linked to jobs that would be created at both 888 Broadway in Manhattan and 333 Johnson in Brooklyn. "We could have realized more than $300 million from the Netflix lease had we not been cheated out of that opportunity by our former partner Normandy REP," said Jin Lee of 333 Johnson LLC. "We are delighted by the ruling and look forward to quickly proceeding to discovery and trial." The Complaint seeks total damages in excess of $300 million and the trial is expected to be scheduled in early 2022. Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/333-johnson-llc-announces-judge-allows-lawsuit-against-normandy-partners-over-netflix-brooklyn-site-to-proceed-to-discovery-and-trial-301331101.html SOURCE 333 Johnson, LLC New Orleans, Louisiana--(Newsfile Corp. - July 11, 2021) - Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC ("KSF") and KSF partner, the former Attorney General of Louisiana, Charles C. Foti, Jr., remind investors that they have only until July 13, 2021 to file lead plaintiff applications in securities class action lawsuits against Array Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: ARRY), if they purchased the Company's securities between October 14, 2020 and May 11, 2021, inclusive (the "Class Period") and/or pursuant to the Company's October 2020 initial public offering, December 2020 secondary public offering, or March 2021 secondary public offering. These actions are pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. What You May Do If you purchased securities of Array and would like to discuss your legal rights and how these cases might affect you and your right to recover for your economic loss, you may, without obligation or cost to you, contact KSF Managing Partner Lewis Kahn toll-free at 1-877-515-1850 or via email: (lewis.kahn@ksfcounsel.com), or visit: https://www.ksfcounsel.com/cases/nasdaqgs-arry/ to learn more. If you wish to serve as a lead plaintiff in the class actions, you must petition the Courts by July 13, 2021 . About the Lawsuits Array and certain of its executives are charged with failing to disclose material information during the Class Period and/or in the Offering Materials issued in conjunction with the public offerings, violating federal securities laws. Specifically, the action alleges that the Company failed to disclose that increases in commodity and freight costs had been negatively impacting the Company's business and operations. On May 11, 2021, the Company disclosed that its first quarter 2021 results had missed profit analysts' expectations and withdrew its full-year 2021 outlook, due to increases in steel and freight costs, leading analysts to cut their ratings on the Company. On this news, shares of Array plummeted 46.1%, or $11.49 per share, to close at $13.46 per share on May 12, 2021. Story continues The first-filed case is Plymouth County Retirement Association v. Array Technologies, Inc., et al., 21-cv-2396. About Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC KSF, whose partners include former Louisiana Attorney General Charles C. Foti, Jr., is one of the nation's premier boutique securities litigation law firms. KSF serves a variety of clients - including public institutional investors, hedge funds, money managers and retail investors - in seeking to recover investment losses due to corporate fraud and malfeasance by publicly traded companies. KSF has offices in New York, California and Louisiana. To learn more about KSF, you may visit: www.ksfcounsel.com. Contact: Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC Lewis Kahn, Managing Partner lewis.kahn@ksfcounsel.com 1-877-515-1850 1100 Poydras St., Suite 3200 New Orleans, LA 70163 To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/89872. (Bloomberg) -- TikTok owner ByteDance Ltd. is working to ensure it complies with data security requirements before going public after meetings with Chinese government officials over the issue earlier this year, people familiar with the matter said. The Chinese tech giant, whose apps also include TikToks Chinese twin Douyin and the news aggregator Toutiao, had kicked off initial preparations for an initial public offering of its domestic assets, Bloomberg News reported in April. Yet ByteDance has been proceeding cautiously given recent regulatory changes in China, the people said, even before the IPO of Didi Global Inc. in New York, which sparked a backlash in Beijing. The Wall Street Journal earlier reported the March meetings with regulators and added that ByteDance had put its intentions to go public on hold indefinitely. But the company has not shelved its IPO plans and had not decided on specific timing, two of the people said, asking not to be identified discussing private information. ByteDance meets regularly with Beijing regulators about a range of issues, including data security, and the March discussions were part of that ongoing process, according to one person. Founder Zhang Yiming did not attend the March meetings, the person said. A ByteDance representative declined to comment. Companies seeking to raise capital in overseas markets are now facing greater scrutiny, after China on Saturday proposed new laws that will require virtually all firms heading for an IPO outside of China to undergo a cybersecurity review. Didi had gone ahead to list in New York in June, even though Bloomberg News reported regulators asked it as early as three months ago to delay the debut. Authorities have since commenced a cybersecurity probe into the firm and removed its services from Chinese app stores. In its report, the Wall Street Journal said regulators never called outright for a delay to ByteDances possible share offering, but they were concerned about data-security compliance by its apps in the country. Story continues The Cyberspace Administration of China and the China Securities Regulatory Commission didnt respond to the Journals requests for comment. Trading of ByteDances shares in private markets have held steady at about $330 billion over the past month, according to a person with direct knowledge, although asking prices for the stock have been higher. ByteDance had been considering plans to raise at least several billion dollars from a listing of its Chinese assets, Bloomberg reported in April. At that time, it was choosing between Hong Kong and the U.S. as its listing venue. The company in March hired Shou Zi Chew from Xiaomi Corp. as its CFO, fueling speculation an IPO was imminent. The company later issued a statement saying it didnt meet the conditions to go public and currently didnt have any such plans. (Updates with more context about the March meetings from the third paragraph) More stories like this are available on bloomberg.com Subscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source. 2021 Bloomberg L.P. The Bank of Ghana (BoG) is looking to pilot its central bank digital currency (CBDC) in two months time. BoG First Deputy Gov. Maxwell Opoku-Afari told local media the last phase before implementation of a digital cedi is expected to start by September, Modern Ghana reported Friday. Speaking to media at a workshop organized by the Journalists for Business Advocacy, the deputy governor also said the success rate of the banks pilot would determine the next stages. Related: BIS, IMF, World Bank Say Central Banks Must Consider Cross-Border Implications of CBDCs No definitive timeline for the potential launch of a digital cedi has yet been given. BoG Gov. Ernest Addison said in June the pilot will be such that a few people would be able to use the digital cedi on the mobile applications, CoinDesk reported at the time. Ghanas central bank says it is the first in Africa to say it was conducting work on a CBDC. In February, Ghanas central bank linked arms with digital transformation consortium Emtech in order to launch a sandbox focused on blockchain, CBDCs and financial inclusion. The governor said the bank would continue to keep the sandbox in order to promote innovation. Opoku-Afari also said its CBDC is fiat money, calling it cash on its own, according to the report. Related: Bank of Thailand: Dont Use Crypto for Payments Digital Currency is part of the central bank acknowledging the need for digital payment and digital delivery of financial services, the deputy governor said. This is formally to get into that space and be able to provide a platform on which we can add more value to digital transactions. Related Stories 7,000 Leading Experts from over 100 Countries Gather to Present Research on Blood Clotting problems in Patients with COVID-19, Bleeding Disorders, Prevention and Treatment of Arterial and Venous Thrombosis, and More PHILADELPHIA, July 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) will hold its 2021 Congress virtually from July 17-21. More than 7,000 scientists, researchers and physicians representing over 100 countries will attend to present, learn and exchange ideas on basic, translational and clinical research, and discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic advances in bleeding and clotting disorders. ISTH Logo "We are excited to connect clinicians, scientists and researchers from around the world with an interest in thrombosis and hemostasis as part of the Virtual Congress," said ISTH President Jeffrey Weitz, M.D. "Though we did not originally plan on hosting it online only, we are committed to continue to share the best and most innovative science in thrombosis and hemostasis especially for ISTH members who play a major role in the treatment and care of patients with COVID-19." The Congress Chair Sriram Krishnaswamy, Ph.D., and members of the local organizing committee will host the Virtual Congress live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Dr. Krishnaswamy and the local organizing committee will host plenary presentations and the Congress welcome ceremony on Saturday, July 17 from Philadelphia. Additional features of the scientific program include oral communications, late breaking abstracts, e-posters and recordings and virtual attendee interactions. The Virtual Congress will also include a virtual exhibition space for pharmaceutical, diagnostic and medical device companies as well as partner organizations, and will feature supported symposia and presentation theaters on the most recent diagnostic and therapeutic innovations in the field. "We are delighted to host the ISTH 2021 Congress virtually from Philadelphia and share the rich history and culture of this location with the scientists and clinicians around the world," said Krishnaswamy. "The program will represent the most up to date science that the fields of thrombosis and hemostasis have to offer." Story continues ISTH 2021 received more than 2,000 scientific abstracts, which will be presented as either online posters or oral communications. Abstracts cover the most important scientific topics in thrombosis and hemostasis such as arterial thromboembolism, coagulation and natural anticoagulants, diagnostics and OMICs, fibrinolysis and proteolysis, hemophilia and rare bleeding disorders, pediatric bleeding and clotting disorders, platelets and megakaryocytes, role of the hemostatic system in cancer, inflammation and immunity, thrombotic microangiopathies, vascular biology, venous thromboembolism, and women's health. Full abstracts can be viewed at abstracts.isth.org. The ISTH 2021 program is available at isth2021.org/program. Learn more and register at isth2021.org. Media Note: For assistance setting up interviews with ISTH Experts, or registering for ISTH 2021 as media, contact Andy Masten at andrew_masten@isth.org. For general information about the ISTH 2021 Virtual Congress, including the virtual press room, visit isth2021.org. About ISTH Founded in 1969, the ISTH is the leading worldwide not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to thrombosis and hemostasis. The ISTH is an international professional membership organization with more than 7,700 clinicians, researchers and educators in 120 countries working together to improve the lives of patients around the world. Among its highly regarded activities and initiatives are education and standardization programs, research activities, meetings and congresses, peer-reviewed publications, expert committees and World Thrombosis Day on October 13. The ISTH is dedicated to transformative scientific discoveries and clinical practices, the development of young professionals and the education of physicians, scientists and allied health professionals wherever they may live. Visit the ISTH online at www.isth.org. Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-experts-at-the-forefont-of-research-on-thrombosis-and-hemostasis-gather-for-annual-isth-2021-congress-hosted-virtually-301328895.html SOURCE International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis OTTAWA, ON, July 12, 2021 /CNW/ - In the fight against COVID-19, it is critical that as many Canadians as possible get vaccinated. That is why the Government of Canada is taking action to make sure every Canadian who wants a vaccine can get one, thereby closing the gap among populations with lower vaccine uptake. Today, the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Health, announced five new projects receiving funding through the Immunization Partnership Fund (IPF) to support vaccination efforts across Canada. These community-based projects will reduce barriers to vaccine uptake among communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic through evidence-based and culturally relevant vaccination strategies. The African Arts & Culture Community Contributor Society will receive funding to empower Black community leaders in British Columbia as COVID-19 vaccine promoters, establish Black-led vaccine clinics, and develop culturally responsive vaccine resources. The Mainline, a program of the Mi'Kmaw Native Friendship Centre, will receive funding to encourage vaccine uptake among people who use drugs and urban Indigenous peoples in Nova Scotia. This project will provide credible COVID-19 vaccine information to these communities and deliver low-barrier vaccine clinics and mobile services. Regroupement des centres d'amitie autochtones du Quebec will receive funding to train the staff of three Quebec-area Friendship Centres to raise awareness of the importance of vaccinating against COVID-19 among the Indigenous population, with a special focus on youth, through culturally responsive outreach. Regina Treaty/Status Indian Services Inc. will receive funding to implement a range of community-based COVID-19 education, promotion, prevention and outreach strategies to support vaccine uptake among urban Indigenous populations in Regina and surrounding communities. Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre will receive funding to hold weekly COVID-19 vaccine pop-up clinics at single room occupancy dwellings and homeless shelters for homeless or transient populations in Vancouver and New Westminster. This project will provide COVID-19 testing and vaccine education, promotion, and outreach to facilitate and encourage vaccine uptake among these populations. Story continues The Government of Canada is working closely with experts, provinces and territories, and other partners to encourage vaccine confidence and better understand the barriers people may face to getting vaccinated. The IPF is one tool to help people in Canada make informed vaccine choices through community mobilization and public outreach. Quotes "Vaccines are an important tool to protect Canadians against COVID-19. Getting vaccinated is a small action that makes a big difference which is why we're helping everyone in Canada get vaccinated against COVID-19. These projects are using tailored strategies to reduce vaccine access barriers and facilitate COVID-19 vaccine uptake among populations disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Supporting community-based solutions helps remove systemic barriers to vaccination and will protect more peopleand communities from COVID-19." The Honourable Patty Hajdu Minister of Health Quick Facts All project activities started in June 2021. The Immunization Partnership Fund (IPF) supports projects that improve access to vaccines and encourage vaccine acceptance and uptake. In 2020, as a response to Canada's COVID-19 vaccination efforts and building on the early momentum of the IPF, the Government of Canada invested an additional $64 million for projects to support COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Canada. This funding includes: The IPF is one of several programs by the Government of Canada to work with communities to increase vaccine confidence and address barriers to getting vaccinated. This includes the Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge which will provide up to 140 grants for community-driven information campaigns to empower community leaders to spread the work on COVID-19 vaccines and public health measures. The Ask the Experts campaign will run from June 15, 2021, to July 31, 2021. The ads will appear on TV, web sites, social media and in search engine marketing. Through a series of videos, the campaign answers a variety of questions such as the importance of getting the second dose of the vaccine, why people who are young and healthy need to get vaccinated, and how the vaccines work. Through the IPF: Associated Links Backgrounder: New Projects Funded Under the Immunization Partnership Fund Immunization Partnership Fund Vaccination and Immunization Canada.ca/Coronavirus SOURCE Public Health Agency of Canada Cision View original content: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/July2021/12/c5547.html OTTAWA, ON, July 11, 2021 /CNW/ - Today, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and the Honourable Harjit Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, have accepted a formal Request for Federal Assistance from the Province of Ontario for evacuation support in response to significant wildfires and heavy smoke threatening the community of Poplar Hill First Nation in Northwestern Ontario. The Government of Canada will provide immediate evacuation resources through the deployment of Canadian Armed Forces personnel and assets stationed at CFB Winnipeg. This will assist members from the fly-in community of Poplar Hill First Nation to begin evacuating as early as this afternoon to a designated host community. The Government Operations Centre is working to coordinate the federal response to the wildfire situation in Ontario. Officials are working closely with federal and provincial partners to coordinate this assistance. Quotes "The Government of Canada stands ready to assist the Province of Ontario and the residents of Poplar Hill First Nation, who are currently facing the threat of wildfires. Canadians can be assured that all levels of government are working together to deliver the required help. I strongly encourage impacted residents to follow the directions and advice of the local authorities and first responders. On behalf of all Canadians, I thank all first responders and CAF members working tirelessly to support Canadians in need." - The Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness "The Canadian Armed Forces are always ready to protect Canadians when threatened by natural disasters. The wildfires near Poplar Hills First Nations are tragic and we are honoured to be able to assist them as requested. Our quick mobilization of Hercules aircraft will ensure the residents are safe from potential disaster." -The Honourable Harjit Sajjan, Minister of National Defence Story continues Associated Links SOURCE Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada Cision View original content: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/July2021/11/c1549.html The Israel Investment Fund Group (IIFG) has announced they have invested a whopping $2.3 billion in bitcoin (BTC). The venture capital firm, based between Tel Aviv and Beverley Hills, California, shared a tweet on July 9, stating, As part of Portfolios diversification policy, we have invested 2.3 billion in Bitcoin. It is part of a global strategy to lead Israel to the future of the currency. IIFG particularly invests in Israeli startups, early-stage companies, and tech assets. However, the private investment firm also manages Israels sovereign wealth fund. Israeli forces seize Hamas crypto accounts The IIFGs multibillion-dollar investment comes amid reports that Israeli security forces have begun targeting and seizing cryptocurrency accounts used by the Palestinian Hamas group. These reports indicate that the Israeli Ministry of Defense uncovered a network of wallets containing BTC and other cryptocurrencies. They alleged that Hamas were using cryptocurrencies to raise funds for their military wing. Testing begins on digital shekel An ever-increasing number of countries are looking into the idea of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Some are further along than others. Many are still in the research stage, while others have already been recognized in legislation, such as in Ukraine. Others still, such as front runner China, is in the midst of its pilot program. At the time of the last update, issued back in May, Chinese private bank Zhejiang E-Commerce Bank had added itself to the pilot. Joining the ranks of six state-owned institutions, as well as online grocery services and food delivery units. At the end of June, Israel also joined the list of nations that had entered the testing phase of their CBDC. Andrew Abir, the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Israel, accidentally announced a pilot test of the digital shekel at a conference. Deputy Governor Abir clarified shortly afterwards that he was not totally convinced about the CBDC. He referred to his previous estimation that the chance of having a CBDC within five years is 20%. Even so, he said he was more optimistic than before, citing other countries activities regarding CBDCs as the reason. However, Abir still believes there is less than a 50% chance that Israel will have a digital shekel in five years. Study finds that gay villages have seen a disproportionate amount of closures, boarded up storefronts and high rents compared to the rest of the LGBTQ+ business community. Women entrepreneurs and business owners are significantly underrepresented in LGBTQ+ businesses with greater attention needed to develop more opportunities and support for intersectionality amongst the community. Canada is lagging behind the US in recognizing LGBTQ+ businesses as a minority group for preferential spending, procurement and relief funds. MONTREAL, July 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - Lightspeed (TSX: LSPD) (NYSE: LSPD), the one-stop commerce platform for merchants around the world to simplify, scale and create exceptional customer experiences, today announced the results of a study on the impacts of COVID-19 on the LGBTQ+ North American business community. Lightspeed POS Inc. Logo (CNW Group/Lightspeed POS Inc.) Lightspeed commissioned the exploratory study to Carleton University's Sprott School of Business along with the support from Canada's LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC).This study is part of Lightspeed's overarching Community through Commerce initiative, which serves as a tactical, data-driven approach to better understand the businesses Lightspeed powers with its one-stop commerce platform. As such, Lightspeed sought to gather actual data that would support some of the assumptions made about the true impacts of COVID-19 on this community. As a next step in this initiative, Lightspeed will engage with local North American LGBTQ+ Chambers of Commerce to identify ways of helping merchants continue to build thriving businesses. Lightspeed's inaugural Global Diversity and Inclusion survey revealed that 16.81% of its global employees identify as LGBTQ+ and 9 out of 10 report that they feel comfortable talking about their culture and background with their colleagues. 83% of survey respondents feel they can be their authentic selves in the workplace. "Lightspeed was founded in 2005, in Montreal's gay village and its original members were all part of the LGBTQ+ community. The ethos of our business has always been about diversity and inclusion from the very start, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that this research was particularly important to us," said Dax Dasilva, Founder and CEO of Lightspeed. "Both in the US and in Canada, majority-owned LGBTQ+ businesses generate trillions of dollars of contributions to the total GDP. Given their importance and influence on our economies, we wanted to understand exactly how the pandemic has affected this community and start a conversation with businesses and chambers of commerce, to help us build even better tools for resiliency." Story continues Purpose of the study: To assess whether there has been a disproportionately negative or positive impact from the pandemic on LGBTQ+ businesses and entrepreneurs. To explore whether LGBTQ+ businesses, in responding to the COVID-19 crisis, have explicitly turned to or benefited from gay villages/neighbourhoods and/or similar community organizations. To explore the options for investment and support that respondents perceive as necessary or helpful for post-pandemic recovery. Key results: According to qualitative data gathered from the study, gay villages saw a disproportionate amount of closures, boarded up storefronts and high rents compared to the rest of the LGBTQ+ led business community. The types of businesses located in the villages are mostly retail, restaurants, bars and entertainment, which, according to Statistics Canada, were hardest hit during the pandemic. Similarly in the United States, the National Restaurant Association reported that restaurant and food-service sales were $240 billion below their 2020 pre-pandemic forecasts. 110,000 eating and drinking establishments closed either temporarily or for good, and 2.5 million restaurant industry jobs disappeared. Our study showed that villages were not seen to be fostering business and entrepreneurship or providing a community or resources for businesses outside of retail and hospitality. Greater collaboration and partnership with Economic Development and the BIAs (Business Improvement Area) could bolster the opportunities in the gay villages. There is an opportunity for villages to promote diversity within LGBTQ+ businesses in their services and outreach, and to become safe spaces and hubs of innovation. Gay villages (areas or neighborhoods) are seen to have a strong social fabric, tight knit communities, with the potential to reach out to intersectional community members. There is an opportunity for villages to reach out to and bring in young entrepreneurs and businesspeople, who value the community and opportunity to collaborate. Women entrepreneurs and business owners are significantly underrepresented in LGBTQ+ businesses and greater attention is needed to develop more opportunities and support for intersectionality amongst the community. Participants in the study were predominantly male (70%) reflecting nation-wide studies showing that 80% of businesses had majority male ownership in the United States (United States Census Bureau) and 79% in Canada (Statistics Canada). The majority of respondents did not identify as intersectional (80%). Study reveals that Canada is lagging behind the US in recognizing LGBTQ+ businesses for preferential spending, procurement and relief funds. In the US, recognition is occurring at the city and state level, with strong movement toward federal recognition of LGBTQ+ businesses. As of January 2021, New York City recognized LGBTQ-owned companies as minority-owned businesses , making them eligible for billions in city contracts, as well as access to consulting, mentorship, educational programs and other resources. In Canada however, the federal government lags behind in recognition of the LGBTQ+ business community within the same categorization, which prevents them from benefiting from government funds. Small businesses/new entrepreneurs want to have a range of finance options, including loans, grants and investment. Intersectional business owners found it especially challenging to gain access to funding. Methodology This exploratory study focused on businesses in six North American cities: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles. There were two parts to the exploratory study: Survey: The pilot survey was open to any senior executive or founder of a business that is majority owned by a self-identified member of the LGBTQ+ community. Interviews: Structured interviews were conducted with leaders of the LGBT Chambers of Commerce, with leaders of similar advocacy organizations and with LGBTQ+ business leaders. A wide range of businesses were included, varying in size and sector, mainly service and technology-based businesses. The demographics presented in the findings may be reflective of our approach to participants through city business Chambers, with the Canadian Chambers as the main partners. This study is replicable in more cities and across a greater number of industries. The survey was available in both English and French with data being gathered from May 2021 and is current as of the publication date of this release. "Our research team at Carleton University was pleased to undertake this exciting research. The findings of our exploratory study demonstrate the need to better understand the LGBTQ2S+ business community and the opportunities that exist to realize the full potential of LGBTQ2S+ entrepreneurs and businesses, which already make a significant contribution to the Canadian and American economies" said Dr. Dana Brown, Dean at Carleton University's Sprott School of Business along with Drs Alastair Summerlee, Adjunct Professor and Rick Colbourne, Assistant Dean, Equity and Inclusive Communities. The study also confirmed trends that Lightspeed reported during its third quarter earnings regarding revenue growth in Australia which had recently re-opened its economy. Much like those findings revealed, LGBTQ+ respondents of our North American study said that they were intentionally buying local and supporting cities and neighborhoods to recover. This was also in line with our pan-European consumer behaviour results, which showed that Europeans have been returning to in-person dining and willing to pay more, tip more and prioritize local restaurants over chains. The study remains open in order to capture evolving North American trends. Leaders/founders of LGBTQ+ majority owned businesses can participate anonymously by going to: https://carletonu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bIaKhXjubYRqzrM It is also being extended to the UK where it will be led by the University of Southampton Center for Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation, in partnership with the Innovation Hub and Sprott School of Business at Carleton University. About Lightspeed Powering the businesses that are the backbone of the global economy, Lightspeed's one-stop commerce platform helps merchants innovate to simplify, scale and provide exceptional customer experiences. The cloud solution transforms and unifies online and physical operations, multichannel sales, expansion to new locations, global payments, financing and connection to supplier networks. Founded in Montreal, Canada in 2005, Lightspeed is dual-listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD). With teams across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific, the company serves retail, hospitality and golf businesses in over 100 countries. For more information, see www.lightspeedhq.com Follow us on social media: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter About Carleton University Carleton is a dynamic, research-intensive institution that engages in partnerships to address the world's most pressing issues. The university's corporate collaborations bring together world-class companies, researchers and a new generation of talent of more than 32,000 students to deliver innovations and results that are driving a more prosperous, sustainable future. Forward-Looking Statements This news release may include forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws ("forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are statements that are predictive in nature, depend upon or refer to future events or conditions and are identified by words such as "will", "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", "estimates" or similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Such statements are based on current expectations of Lightspeed's management and inherently involve numerous risks and uncertainties, known and unknown, including economic factors. A number of risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this news release, including, among other factors, those risk factors identified in our most recent Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, under "Risk Factors" in our most recent Annual Information Form, and in our other filings with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which are available under our profiles on SEDAR at www.sedar.com and on EDGAR at www.sec.gov. Readers are cautioned to consider these and other factors carefully when making decisions with respect to Lightspeed's subordinate voting shares and not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are not guarantees of future performance and, while forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions that Lightspeed considers reasonable, actual events and results could differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements made by Lightspeed. Except as may be expressly required by applicable law, Lightspeed does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or revise any such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Media Contacts: Lightspeed Media Relations media@lightspeedhq.com Victoria Baker Victoriab@nkpr.net Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/new-lightspeed-study-sheds-light-on-impact-of-covid-19-on-lgbtq-businesses-in-north-america-301331381.html SOURCE Lightspeed POS Inc. SUDBURY, ON, July 12, 2021 /CNW/ - Canada's mining sector is an important pillar of Canada's economy. Marc Serre, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources, on behalf of the Honourable Francois-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, will announce an important investment to accelerate the development and commercialization of innovative and sustainable mining technologies, which will benefit the industry across Canada. An in-person media availability will follow the announcement. Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 Time: 1:30 p.m. (ET) Location: XPS Expert Process Solutions A Glencore Company 6 Edison Road Falconbridge, Ontario Notes for media: Upon arrival, members of the media are asked to check in with staff at the designated COVID-19 screening/sign-in area by the event venue to provide contact tracing details. Attendees will be required to wear a face covering at all times and to remain at least two metres from others. Members of the media should contact ISED Media Relations (mediarelations-mediasrelations@ised-isde.gc.ca) no later than July 12 at 5 p.m. (ET) to confirm their attendance. The announcement will be live-streamed on the Canadian Science Facebook page. Stay connected Find more services and information at Canada.ca/ISED. Follow Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada on social media. Twitter: @ISED_CA, Facebook: Canadian Innovation, Instagram: @cdninnovation and LinkedIn SOURCE Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Cision View original content: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/July2021/12/c1223.html Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 12, 2021) - NervGen Pharma Corp. (TSXV: NGEN) (OTCQX: NGENF) ("NervGen" or the "Company"), a clinical stage biotech company dedicated to creating innovative solutions for the treatment of nervous system damage, today announced the addition of three world-class scientists and clinical researchers to its Alzheimer's Disease Scientific Advisory Board. Drs. Martin Farlow, Reisa Sperling and Michael Weiner have agreed to join Drs. Jeffrey Cummings, Bruce Lamb, George Perry and Henrik Zetterberg on the Alzheimer's Disease Scientific Advisory Board to guide NervGen as it prepares for the Phase 1b clinical trial of its lead compound, NVG-291, in Alzheimer's patients that is slated to begin in 2022. "The expansion of our Alzheimer's Disease Scientific Advisory Board with such impressive scientific and clinical leaders in the field speaks to the opportunity that our drug provides," stated Dr. Daniel Mikol, NervGen's Chief Medical Officer. "Given our NVG-291's multi-modal mechanism of action, including promotion of axonal regeneration, plasticity, remyelination, autophagy and an anti-inflammatory microglial phenotype, we have the opportunity to create a completely new treatment paradigm as a neurorestorative therapy for Alzheimer's disease. Whilst most therapies in development aim to slow progression of the disease, NVG-291 provides the potential to improve cognitive deficits by enhancing the nervous system's natural repair mechanisms." Paul Brennan, NervGen's President & CEO, added, "We are very excited about adding the clinical expertise of Drs. Farlow, Sperling and Weiner to the team. We now have a full complement of world-class experts to guide both our Alzheimer's preclinical studies and clinical trials leveraging biomarkers, neuroimaging and cognitive testing. The combined knowledge of this advisory board will help us maximize the probability of success as we advance the development of NVG-291 in a Phase 1b Alzheimer's disease clinical trial, which is slated to start next year upon the successful completion of our ongoing Phase 1 study in healthy volunteers." Story continues Dr. Martin Farlow is Professor of Neurology and Emeritus of Neurology at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis. He is also Associate Clinical Core Leader of the Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Center in Indianapolis and leads a large Alzheimer's and related dementias clinical trials site in the Department of Neurology, Co-PI for Discover and Pramlintide, site PI for ADNI and DIAN-OBS and Project Arm Leader for DIAN-TU. He was PI for the first pivotal trial of tacrine (first symptomatic drug for AD) and described the second mutation associated with familial AD that was used to create the first generally recognized transgenic model for AD (PDAPP Mouse Model). Dr. Farlow has led and/or contributed in various ways to over 230 clinical trials over the last 25 years, has authored 493 peer reviewed research papers and 509 abstracts. He is an active consultant to industry and serves on numerous Data Safety Monitoring Boards. Dr. Reisa Sperling is a neurologist focused on the detection and treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) at the pre-symptomatic or "preclinical" stage of AD. Dr. Sperling is a Professor in Neurology at Harvard Medical School, and Director of the Center for Alzheimer Research and Treatment at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Sperling is the co-Principal Investigator of the Harvard Aging Brain Study, and the NIH funded Alzheimer's Clinical Trial Consortium (ACTC). Dr. Sperling chaired the 2011 NIA-Alzheimer's Association workgroup to develop guidelines for the study of "Preclinical Alzheimer's disease." She co-leads the Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer's disease (A4) Study, the first trial aiming to prevent cognitive decline due to Alzheimer's disease in cognitively normal older individuals with biomarker evidence of early AD pathology. In 2020, she launched two new prevention trials in the AHEAD 3-45 Study with the ACTC. She has authored over 300 peer-reviewed research articles on neuroimaging markers and clinical trials in early AD. Dr. Sperling received the 2011 Derek Denny-Brown Award, the 2015 Potamkin Prize from the American Academy of Neurology, the 2018 Raymond Adams Lectureship Award from the American Neurological Association and was named one of the Most Disruptive Women to Watch in Healthcare in 2017. Dr. Michael Weiner has been conducting research for more than 50 years and is Principal Investigator of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), and the BrainHealthRegistry.org, an internet-based registry with the overall goal of accelerating development of effective treatments for brain diseases. Dr. Weiner's research largely focuses on treatment to slow progression in Alzheimer's disease, and on early detection and prevention. He completed his MD at State University of New York Upstate Medical Center Syracuse in 1965, his internship and residency at Mt. Sinai Hospital in 1967, and a residency and clinical fellowship in at Yale-New Haven Medical Center in 1968. He had various fellowships, earning Assistant Professorship at Stanford in 1974, and Associate Professorship at University of California, San Francisco in 1980 when he was one of the first to perform magnetic resonance spectroscopy on an intact animal. He subsequently pursued development of magnetic resonance imaging / magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a clinical tool. In 1983, he established the Magnetic Resonance Unit at the San Francisco VA Medical Center (which became the Center for Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases in 2000, and VA Advanced Imaging Research Center in 2020). Since 1990, he's been a Professor in Radiology, Medicine, Psychiatry and Neurology at UCSF. Dr. Weiner has published 903 peer-reviewed articles, holds 19 separate research grants, and has received numerous honors. In 2010, he was named one of the "Rock Stars of Science" in GQ magazine and received the Gold Medal of Paul Sabatier University and the City of Toulouse, France. In 2011, he received the Ronald and Nancy Reagan Award for Research from the Alzheimer's Association; in 2013, the Potamkin Prize for Research in Picks Disease, Alzheimer's Disease and other Neurodegenerative Disorders from the American Association of Neurology and the American Brain Foundation; in 2014 the Distinguished Investigator Award from Academy of Radiology Research; in 2018, an Honorary Professorship Award from Australian Catholic University; and in 2019, a Docteur Honoris Causa Degree from Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France. About NVG-291 NVG-291, a modulator of downstream activity of highly inhibitory molecules, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) present in the central nervous system, promotes repair mechanisms such as axonal regeneration; remyelination; plasticity; autophagy (a cellular self-cleaning mechanism that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components); and a non-inflammatory phenotype in microglia cells, the innate immune cells of the brain. NVG-291 modulates the inhibitory activity of CSPGs by inhibiting the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) receptor which has been shown to impede repair following injury to the nervous system, whether as a result of trauma, such as in the case of spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury, or disease-specific mechanisms, such as multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's disease. A Phase 1 trial of NVG-291 in heathy subjects is ongoing and, upon completion of the multiple ascending dose portion of the trial, NervGen intends to initiate a Phase 1b trial in Alzheimer's disease patients. Concurrently, the Company also plans to initiate Phase 2 trials in spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis with each of these trials planned to start in 2022. About NervGen NervGen is restoring life's potential by creating innovative solutions for the treatment of nervous system injury due to trauma or disease as a result of underlying inflammation and/or neurodegeneration. The Company is initially developing drugs for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury and Alzheimer's disease. About Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink (atrophy) and brain cells to die. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia - a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral and social skills that affects a person's ability to function independently. Approximately 5.8 million people in the United States age 65 and older live with Alzheimer's disease. Of those, 80% are 75 years old and older. Out of the approximately 50 million people worldwide with dementia, between 60% and 70% are estimated to have Alzheimer's disease. The early signs of the disease include forgetting recent events or conversations. As the disease progresses, a person with Alzheimer's disease will develop severe memory impairment and lose the ability to carry out everyday tasks. Symptomatic medications are available that may temporarily improve cognition, including acetylcholinesterase and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor inhibitors. These treatments can sometimes help people with Alzheimer's disease maximize function and maintain independence for a time. Different programs and services can help support people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers. There is no treatment that cures Alzheimer's disease or has a clinically meaningful benefit on disease progression. In advanced stages of the disease, complications from severe loss of brain function - such as dehydration, malnutrition or infection - result in death. For further information, please contact: Huitt Tracey, Corporate Communications htracey@nervgen.com 604.362.6209 Nancy Thompson, Vorticom Inc. nancyt@vorticom.com 212.532.2208 Follow NervGen on Twitter (@NervgenP) and LinkedIn (NervGen Pharma Corp.) for the latest news on the Company. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This news release may contain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. Such forward-looking statements and information herein include, but are not limited to, the Company's current and future plans, expectations and intentions, results, levels of activity, performance, goals or achievements, or any other future events or developments constitute forward-looking statements, and the words "may", "will", "would", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "trend", "indication", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict", "likely" or "potential", or the negative or other variations of these words or other comparable words or phrases, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements relating to: the preclinical and clinical development of NVG-291; our belief that the multi-modal mechanism of action of NVG-291 offers the opportunity for a completely new paradigm to treat AD; the timing, objectives and study design of the ongoing and proposed clinical studies for NVG-291; the ability of our AD-SAB to provide us with the guidance we need to maximize the probability of success in our studies; and the creation of innovative solutions for the treatment of nerve damage and neurodegenerative diseases. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions made by the Company in light of management's experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that we believe are appropriate and reasonable in the circumstances. In making forward-looking statements, the Company has relied on various assumptions, including, but not limited to: the Company's ability to manage the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; the accuracy of the Company's financial projections; the Company obtaining positive results in its clinical and other trials; the Company obtaining necessary regulatory approvals; and general business, market and economic conditions. Many factors could cause our actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements or future events or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including without limitation, a lack of revenue, insufficient funding, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, reliance upon key personnel, the uncertainty of the clinical development process, competition, and other factors set forth in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's Annual Information Form, Prospectus Supplement, financial statements and Management Discussion and Analysis which can be found on SEDAR.com. All clinical development plans are subject to additional funding. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements made in this news release. Furthermore, unless otherwise stated, the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release, and we have no intention and undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/89926 Provation MD enables Australian practitioners seamless capture of the Colonoscopy Clinical Care Standard indicators for safe and appropriate colonoscopies. Provation MD sample electronic procedure note for a screening colonoscopy with endoscope images and anatomical diagram. Provation MD sample electronic procedure note for a screening colonoscopy with endoscope images and anatomical diagram. Minneapolis, MN and Sydney, Australia, July 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Provation announced today that its gastroenterology (GI) procedure documentation solution, Provation MD, complies with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care's effort to increase clinical accuracy and safety when documenting colonoscopy procedures. Provation MD is a market-leading solution that is proven to improve operational and reporting efficiencies, procedure note accuracy, and overall physician and patient satisfaction. The solution allows endoscopists to efficiently and electronically create procedure notes to document all relevant procedure details and images. Provation MD currently serves over 150 Australian customers and is trusted by more than 80% of the top GI hospitals in the United States. Over 25 years, Provations international footprint has expanded from the United States, Australia, and New Zealand to the Middle East and Canada. In January 2019, funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, the Commission developed the Colonoscopy Clinical Care Standard. The Standard includes nine quality statements and a set of four clinical indicators for proper colonoscopy procedure care. The indicators include 1) adequate bowel preparation, 2) thorough colon examination, 3) adenoma detection, and 4) the presence of sessile serrated adenomas or polyps. The Colonoscopy Clinical Care Standard has been endorsed by ten key professional organisations and colleges including the Royal Australian College of Physicians (RACP), the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA), the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), and the Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSSANZ). By reporting on the Commissions indicators, Australian facilities can increase documentation standardisation for colonoscopies and improve quality patient care. Story continues Now, Australian GI practitioners utilising Provation MD can easily report on the Colonoscopy Clinical Care Standard indicators. Provation MDs Anticipatory Interface guides practitioners through an intuitive workflow navigation tree to offer appropriate selections for quick documentation, including fields for the Commissions requirements. Provation MD also features image management to associate relevant procedure images and electronic medical record (EMR) integration. The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Cares purpose is to contribute to better health outcomes and experiences for all patients and consumers, and Provations purpose is to empower Providers to deliver quality health care for all. Both organisations are committed to ensuring practitioners have the best technology to document required data, so that patients can be accurately assessed and treated. About the Commission The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care is an Australian Government agency that leads and coordinates national improvements in the safety and quality of health care based on the best available evidence. By working in partnership with the Australian Government, states and territories, the private sector, clinical experts, and patients and carers, the Commission aims to ensure that the health system is better informed, supported and organised to deliver safe and high-quality care. About Provation Provation is a leading provider of health care software and SaaS solutions. Our purpose is to empower providers to deliver quality health care for all. We provide innovative solutions in clinical productivity, care coordination, quality reporting and billing. Celebrating 25 years, Provation serves thousands of hospitals, surgical facilities, anaesthesia groups, and medical offices, including 43 of the top 50 U.S. hospitals for gastroenterology (GI) and GI surgery. Our comprehensive portfolio spans the entire patient procedure, from pre-op through post-op recovery and follow-up, with solutions for physician and nursing documentation (Provation MD, Provation Apex, MD-Reports and Provation MultiCaregiver), patient engagement, surgical care coordination, quality reporting, and billing capture (Provation SurgicalValet), order set and care plan management (Provation Order Set Advisor and Provation Care Plans), and EHR embedded clinical documentation (Provation Clinic Note). Provation is headquartered in Minneapolis, MN and backed by Clearlake Capital Group, L.P. For more information about our solutions, visit www.provationmedical.com. Attachment CONTACT: Tristan Galvan Provation 612.313.1548 tristan.galvan@provationmedical.com MISSISSAUGA, ON, July 12, 2021 /CNW/ - Schneider Electric Canada, together with the France Canada Chamber of Commerce Ontario (FCCCO) is proud to announce Adrian Thomas as the newly elected President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Canada (EUCCAN). Thomas, who currently serves as the country president of Schneider Electric Canada is entrusted with continuing the growth of EUCCAN by reinforcing transatlantic cooperation between the European and Canadian business communities. Schneider Electrics Adrian Thomas Elected President of European Union Chamber of Commerce in Canada (EUCCAN) (CNW Group/Schneider Electric Canada Inc.) "I am deeply honoured for the opportunity to join EUCCAN as their new President and build on the growth they've experienced in recent years," says Adrian Thomas, Country President of Schneider Electric Canada. "The EU and Canada both have an important role to play on the international stage and are uniquely positioned to drive this change with sustainability and innovation at the helm. I look forward to our collaboration as we strive to further strengthen relations between Canada and Europe." Thomas brings over 20-years of experience in the electrical and automation industry in North America. He joined Schneider Electric Canada in 2016 as the leader of the Building segment, and has since held multiple leadership roles before his appointment to Canada Country President in 2020. "I am proud to see Adrian serve as EUCCAN's President and be the flag bearer for the EU business community," says Honourable Madame Kareen Rispal, Ambassador of France to Canada. "He brings a wealth of experience and is well positioned to lead the EU business community towards green recovery post pandemic," added Sanjay Tugnait, President of France Canada Chamber of Commerce Ontario (FCCCO), and Global Managing Partner, Sustainability Practice, IBM GBS. In addition to working with EUCCAN, Schneider Electric is a founding member of the FCCCO since its inception three years ago and has contributed strongly towards the Chamber's rapid growth. From being a part of FCCCO's Innovate & Create Conclave, Startup Competition, and most recently, Chief Sustainability Officer's Think Tank, Schneider Electric continues to be at the forefront of driving sustainability and innovation. Story continues About Schneider Electric Schneider's purpose is to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for all. We call this Life Is On. Our mission is to be your digital partner for Sustainability and Efficiency. We drive digital transformation by integrating world-leading process and energy technologies, end-point to cloud connecting products, controls, software and services, across the entire lifecycle, enabling integrated company management, for homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure and industries. We are the most local of global companies. We are advocates of open standards and partnership ecosystems that are passionate about our shared Meaningful Purpose, Inclusive and Empowered values https://www.se.com/ca/en/ Follow us on: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Blog About France Canada Chamber of Commerce Ontario (FCCCO) The FCCCO is a prestigious non-profit organization. It has been established with a vision to enhance the ability of its members to make a significant contribution to the economic, cultural and social fabric of France and Canada. Schneider Electric Canada Inc. (CNW Group/Schneider Electric Canada Inc.) France Canada Chamber of Commerce Ontario (FCCCO) Logo (CNW Group/Schneider Electric Canada Inc.) SOURCE Schneider Electric Canada Inc. Cision View original content to download multimedia: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/July2021/12/c4283.html NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / July 11, 2021 / Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Ocugen, Inc. ("Ocugen" or the "Company") (NASDAQ:OCGN). Such investors are advised to contact Robert S. Willoughby at newaction@pomlaw.com or 888-476-6529, ext. 7980. The investigation concerns whether Ocugen and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud or other unlawful business practices. [Click here for information about joining the class action] On May 26, 2021, Ocugen stated its plan to submit an Emergency Use Authorization ("EUA") application for COVAXIN, a COVID-19 vaccine, to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration ("FDA") in June 2021. Then, on June 10, 2021, the Company issued a press release announcing that it "will no longer pursue an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVAXIN" but would instead "pursue submission of a biologics license application (BLA) for its COVID-19 vaccine candidate, COVAXIN." The Company's Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and co-founder further disclosed that "[a]lthough we were close to finalizing our EUA application for submission, we received a recommendation from the FDA to pursue a BLA path[,]" and that "this will extend our timelines[.]" On this news, Ocugen's stock price fell $2.62 per share, or 28.14%, to close at $6.69 per share on June 10, 2021. The Pomerantz Firm, with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Paris is acknowledged as one of the premier firms in the areas of corporate, securities, and antitrust class litigation. Founded by the late Abraham L. Pomerantz, known as the dean of the class action bar, the Pomerantz Firm pioneered the field of securities class actions. Today, more than 80 years later, the Pomerantz Firm continues in the tradition he established, fighting for the rights of the victims of securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, and corporate misconduct. The Firm has recovered numerous multimillion-dollar damages awards on behalf of class members. See www.pomerantzlaw.com. Story continues SOURCE: Pomerantz LLP View source version on accesswire.com: https://www.accesswire.com/655031/SHAREHOLDER-ALERT-Pomerantz-Law-Firm-Investigates-Claims-On-Behalf-of-Investors-of-Ocugen-Inc--OCGN FILE PHOTO: Workers assemble vehicles on the assembly line of the SEAT car factory in Martorell By Joan Faus and Nathan Allen MADRID (Reuters) -Spain will invest 4.3 billion euros ($5.1 billion) to kick-start the production of electric vehicles and batteries as part of a major national spending programme financed mostly by European Union recovery funds, the government said on Monday. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said the government-run plan would include the whole production chain, giving grants to companies with the goal of building the country's first battery plant and boosting manufacturing of electric vehicles. "It is important for Spain to react and to anticipate this transformation in Europe's automotive sector," he said, adding the private sector could contribute a further 19.7 billion euros to the initiative from 2021 to 2023, according to government estimates. After Germany, Spain is Europe's second-largest auto producer and the world's eighth biggest. As the industry confronts a tectonic shift towards electric vehicles and greater technological integration, Spain is racing against Germany and France to overhaul supply chains and retool its manufacturing bases. With the new investment, part of a 13-billion euro package earmarked for sustainable mobility, Sanchez expects the sector's contribution to economic output to reach 15% by 2030, from around 10% now. The programme could spur the creation of up to 140,000 new jobs and boost the national economy by 1%-1.7%, the government projects. It aims for the number of new electric vehicles registered to reach 250,000 in 2023, a big jump from the 18,000 registered in 2020, thanks to government-sponsored initiatives to buy cleaner cars and expand charging stations. As one of the main beneficiaries of a 750 billion euro EU recovery scheme, Spain will get around 70 billion euros in grants until 2026 to help revive its economy, which has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. While few private sector bidders have publicly emerged to seek a slice of the funds, Volkswagen's Spanish brand SEAT and utility Iberdrola have formed an alliance to work on a bid. Story continues Their involvement would fit within a wider project they are planning, covering all elements of electric vehicle production from mining to battery production to the manufacturing of a finished vehicle at SEAT's assembly plant outside Barcelona. ($1 = 0.8422 euros) (Reporting by Joan Faus and Nathan AllenAdditional reporting by Corina RodriguezEditing by Emelia Sithole-Matarise and Mark Potter) BANGKOK, July 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- In a move that will facilitate cross-border employment of MICE professionals, the teaching and training of MICE, and growth in ASEAN's MICE workforce, the Thai cabinet has approved an amendment to the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement of Tourism Professionals (ASEAN MRA-TP) that will benefit two more categories of workers - MICE professionals and event professionals. When the agreement was originally signed by ASEAN Tourism Ministers in 2012, the ASEAN MRA-TP covers only workers in two tourism categories - travel services and hotel services. Thai Cabinet approves amendment to ASEAN pact. Boosting cross-border employment, training, and capacity-building in MICE Mr. Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya, President, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization) or TCEB, said, "From 8 May 2013, the ASEAN MRA-TP required ASEAN member countries to implement action plans that will lead to the mutual recognition of tourism qualifications. Without the MRA-TP, a tourism professional's qualification is recognised only in his home country. With the MRA-TP, the qualification will be recognised by all ASEAN countries. The expanded agreement aims to boost the employment opportunities for qualified MICE professionals, enhance and harmonise the quality of MICE education, and to grow the region's MICE workforce. During its first 10 years, the agreement focused on travel and hotel services. Now, it will expand to also cover MICE and events. At the 23rd Meeting of ASEAN Tourism Ministers in Brunei on 15 January 2020, ASEAN Tourism Ministers approved the protocol to amend the ASEAN MRA-TP on an ad referendum basis." The signing of the protocol by individual countries was delayed from its original timeframe set in 2020 due to COVID-19 lockdowns in member countries and the delayed delivery of the agreement document. To date, the ad referendum has been signed by seven countries: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and Brunei. To translate the expanded agreement into action, every ASEAN member country will be required to follow a common competency standard. Thailand and Indonesia have been tasked with the development of the competency standards for MICE - Thailand in events and incentive travel, and Indonesia, in conventions and exhibitions. This will take place over the next three years. Story continues Thai agencies involving in the implementation of the agreement are the Department of Tourism, which will act as the chief liaison, and TCEB, Thailand's lead agency for MICE, which will oversee the training of event professionals. The Department of Tourism will nominate TCEB to become a member of National Tourism Professionals Board (NTPB) so that the certification of tourism professionals can include both MICE and event professionals in the future. "A vital economic driver for many countries, MICE has a bright future in ASEAN. TCEB believes that the liberalisation of trade and services and the improved mobility of qualified MICE professionals will benefit the region's event organisations and the industry as a whole. To enable a MICE professional to find successful employment throughout the region, we must start with a common standard and mutual recognition of qualifications. With close cooperation among member countries, I hope we can transform ASEAN into a world's leading destination for MICE by embracing the expanded ASEAN MRA-TP." Related picture: https://we.tl/t-5ZZppZejvB Thailand: Redefine Your Business Events Experience the Extraordinary with Our Extra Care About TCEB A LEADING AGENCY AT THE FOREFRONT OF THAILAND'S MICE INDUSTRY Established in 2004, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization) or TCEB - the government agency under the supervision of the Prime Minister - has been assigned a role to promote, support and develop business events industry - corporate meetings, incentive trips, conventions, exhibitions, mega events and world festivals. Serving as a strategic partner, TCEB helps deliver creative ideas and solutions to bring success and fulfill the requirements of business events. The overarching goal is to drive Thailand to become a global MICE and mega events destination that can drive the country's strategic industries and national economy. SOURCE Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) - The rising concerns about an increase in cyber attacks and the need to eliminate the threats will invite substantial growth for cyber security as a service market - The cyber security as a service market is extrapolated to expand at a CAGR of 12.5% between 2017 and 2025 ALBANY, N.Y., July 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Cyber Security as a Service Market: Growth Summary The threat quotient over the internet has increased phenomenally over the years. According to a survey by RiskBased, data breaches exposed nearly 4.1 bn records only in the first 6 months of 2019. A study by Ponemon Institute stated that security breaches have expanded by 11 percent since 2018 and 67 percent since 2014. These statistics highlight the necessity to keep cybersecurity measures in place for avoiding any untoward cases of breaching. Such advancements lead to an increase in the growth rate of cyber security as a service market. Transparency_Market_Research_Logo Cyber security as a service or CSaaS is a service that safeguards and protects a company's information system from terrorism and warfare espionage. Instead of in-house employees, many companies choose to outsource these services. Outsourcing these services is affordable than hiring employees for the same. Thus, the benefits associated with the adoption of these systems will bring profitable growth for the cyber security as a service market. Want to gain competitive advantage from our actionable, insightful business intelligence? Request a brochure today - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=40166 Transparency Market Research (TMR) has analyzed the cyber security as a service market from every perspective. The TMR experts, after performing a scrutinized research on various aspects expect the cyber security as a service market to expand at a CAGR of 12.5 percent during the forecast period of 2017-2025. The global market for cyber security as a service was valued at US$ 30.91 bn in 2016 and is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 87.59 bn by 2025, the end year of the forecast period. Story continues The use of other cyber security services such as managed cyber security services in organizations has increased greatly, which will bring tremendous growth prospects. Furthermore, the utilization of CSaaS services has increased substantially due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The reports of threats and breaches have increased due to the remote work mechanism adopted by numerous companies. Since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported a 300 percent increase in reported cybercrimes. These aspects will bring profitable growth for the cyber security as a service market. Request for Analysis of COVID-19 Impact on Cyber Security as a Service Industry https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=covid19&rep_id=40166 Key Findings of the Report Rising Adoption of Cyber Security as a Service in the Healthcare Sector to Accelerate the Pace of Growth Healthcare cybersecurity needs to be strengthened as a breach may lead to the exposure of patient data in wrong hands. Many healthcare facilities have all the data of the patients on the cloud for easy access. As per a survey by HIPAA Journal, approximately 9.7 mn records in the healthcare databases were exposed in September 2020 alone due to breaches. Thus, to counter these attacks, adoption of CSaaS is necessary. These factors bode well for the growth of the cyber security as a service market. Purchase Market Research Report on Cyber security as a Service - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=40166