South Africa: 489 arrested for violence, infrastructure damage as NATJOINTS intensifies operations As violent looting and damage to businesses and infrastructure continue in parts of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, police had by Monday evening arrested 489 people. Of these, 166 were in KwaZulu-Natal and 323 in Gauteng. The National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) on Tuesday welcomed the deployment of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) in support of the operations of the South African Police Service (SAPS). The NATJOINTS said it had intensified deployments in all the affected areas in the two provinces and this would be augmented by SAPS recalling operational members from leave and rest days. This will increase the presence of law enforcement personnel on the ground. The continuation of the sporadic violent protests throughout the day and night has resulted in the increase in the number of fatalities, with three in KZN and six in GP, said NATJOINTS. The four police officers who were injured while responding to the violent protests over the weekend are recovering well. Last night, President Cyril Ramaphosa in his address to the nation extended his best wishes to the four SAPS members. Constable Sangweni was shot and injured in Alexandra, while his two colleagues, Sergeant Maraheni and Lieutenant Colonel Nefolovhodwe, were hit with bricks. Constable Seloane was shot and injured in Daveyton. The President also named those who had lost their lives: Nkosikhona Chiza, Ndumiso Shezi, Khaya Mkhize, Zethembe Ndwandwe, Lindani Bhengu and Lindokuhle Gumede in Gauteng and Bhekani Ndlovu, Themba Mthembu, Aphiwe Gama and Cebo Dlamini in KwaZulu-Natal. He said while there was a high cost to property, livelihoods and businesses, the loss of human life is the greatest cost of all. It is therefore a matter of vital importance that we restore calm and stability to all parts of the country without delay. It is vital that we prevent any further loss of life or injury. It is vital that we protect property and safeguard social and economic infrastructure. We are therefore mobilising all available resources and capabilities to restore order, said the President. He called on the country to come together and for everyone to play their part in restoring calm to those areas that have been affected by violence. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: 757 arrested, 10 dead in Gauteng, KZN violence Over 757 people have over the past five days been arrested for the wanton destruction and looting of businesses and properties. Of these, 304 were arrested in KwaZulu-Natal while 453 were nabbed in Gauteng. This was on Tuesday revealed by Ministers in the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security (JCPS) Cluster during a press briefing amid violence in the two provinces. Ministers in the cluster have over the past two days met to discuss the reports received from the Joint Operations Committee (JOCOM) of the South African Police Service (SAPS) and State Security. These reports included critical intelligence information from the State Security Agency (SSA), South African Police Crime and Defence Intelligence. The intelligence information has provided timeous, critical and sometimes unique analysis information to give early warning signs of potential risks and dangers. The law enforcement officers have used this intelligence information in responding with speed to the issues on the ground and attending to areas which have been identified as potential hotpot areas, said Police Minister Bheki Cele, speaking on behalf of the cluster. He said Ministers were satisfied with the reports they had received and were confident that law enforcement agencies were able to do their job effectively. He said of grave concern was the loss of lives that has accompanied the incidents of violence and destruction to property. Ten people have been killed in the two provinces. In all our operations, we still have the responsibility to save lives. The current situation on the ground is under strong surveillance and we will ensure that it does not deteriorate any further. We cannot allow anyone to make a mockery of our democratic state and we have instructed the law enforcement agencies to double their efforts the stop the violence and to increase deployment on the ground, he said. The cluster has called for an immediate end to this violence, looting and the disregard of the law and call for an immediate return to peace and stability. The Ministers said they were encouraged and heartened by the outpouring of messages from South Africans saying their shops, malls, taxis, trucks and other transport infrastructure will not be destroyed in their name. These messages of support echo the attitude of our country that this infrastructure is the life-blood of our society and economy. Without these we cannot hope to grow our economy, ensure we all have food and fuel and can go about our daily lives toward the goal of prosperity for all. Cele said South Africa was a democratic state governed by the Constitution. While South Africas Constitution guarantees the right of every person to protest, to organise, and to engage in free expression and free association, this should not infringe on the rights of others who may not want to protest. No amount of unhappiness or personal circumstances from our people, gives the right to anyone to loot, vandalise and do as they please and break the law. We call on the communities to exercise restraint in dealing with the situation and above all ensure that innocent civilians are not harmed, he said. The JCPS further urged all communities and groups to reject any call for violence and making this country ungovernable. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: KZN tables plan to counter violent protests Outlining KwaZulu-Natal's plans to deal with the spate of violent protests, Premier Sihle Zikalala has assured citizens that government is working hard to stop these riots. During a media briefing on Tuesday, the Premier said a multi-pronged response plan to deal with the protests has been developed and will be implemented by law enforcement agencies. The deployment of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) came as a result of engagements within the security cluster, having [seen the] events in various wards," the Premier said. The SANDF will work in support of the South African Police Service (SAPS). Their deployment will be supported by the intelligence coordinating committee, which will include intelligence, defence intelligence and State security. These forces will be part of our multi-disciplinary law enforcement strategy to quell the unrest and attempts to render the province ungovernable. This will enable our law enforcement authorities to counter these sporadic yet well-orchestrated violent protests, Zikalala said. In this regard, the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) and the Provincial Joint Operational and Intelligence Structures (PROVJOINTS) have intensified deployment in all areas affected by violent protests. This has been done to arrest protests and damage to property, as well as to stop the looting that has taken place recently. The SAPS, together with law-enforcement authorities, will be manning all key economic centres, highways and strategic areas that lead to hospitals, the port of Durban and other national key points. As the provincial government, we have directed that all municipalities must operationalise Operation Sukuma Sakhe to identify risks and threats in their area and report these before they even happen. We have also activated coordination at district level, where our mayors and councillors will work with all stakeholders and assist law enforcement to attend to threats and protests that are engulfing our areas. We are also ensuring that all MECs are on the ground, working with their respective mayors, stakeholders and districts to identify areas that might have threats and ensure that they are addressed, the Premier said. Zikalala said according to the latest fatalities statistics, 26 people died during a stamped as protestors ran riot. Law enforcement agencies have arrested 187 suspects. Cost to the economy The destruction to private and public infrastructure in the province has been estimated at about R1 billion. The violent protests have had a negative impact on the economy of our province. This is largely because the protests have targeted key economic centres and infrastructure, including shopping malls, trucks and major arteries such as routes on the N2 and N3. More significantly, this violence has crippled our small and emerging businesses. Hawkers cannot sell because cities are shut down, Zikalala said. With the taxi industry not operating, it is losing money and risks losing vehicles due to being unable to meet their commitment to the banks. The sectors that have been severely impacted include freight and retail. However, other sectors were not spared, as many companies had to suspend their operations due to the inability to transport materials and stock. These incidents have the potential to dampen investor confidence and derail our economic recovery efforts. The social cost of the damage might come in the form of increased unemployment and increased poverty in years to come, the Premier said. Protest hinder service delivery The blockading of key infrastructure routes has made mobility difficult and this has been worsened by the unavailability of public transport. As a result of this, some community health centres and clinics have been operating on skeletal staff, with many nurses, doctors, allied workers and general staff unable to report for work. Some clinics have had to be closed because of the unrest. Many hospitals with trauma cases are unable to undergo important [procedures] such as x-rays and others. It is extremely concerning that in some cases, the protestors stop vehicles from delivering much needed oxygen intended for the use of patients battling COVID-19 and other ailments, the Premier said. The protests have also put a stop to the COVID-19 vaccination rollout programme. The current situation has a huge potential to undermine our advances in battling the Delta variant of COVID-19, which is increasing at an uncontrollable rate across the province, the Premier said. Most municipalities within the province have also been adversely affected. The delivery of services has been halted due to the continuing unrest. Maintenance and infrastructure repair teams are unable to get to areas that require such service. The sporadic outbreak of violence has also hindered the delivery of basic services such as waste removal, and provision of water through water tankers in water scarce communities, the Premier said. Zikalala has called for the return of peace, calm and stability in the province and the country. We are appealing to the collective conscious of all those who are trying to render our province ungovernable to desist from what they are doing in order to avert the unnecessary loss of life, he said. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: State Security intelligence averted greater damage Swift State Security intelligence intervention spared the Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces from further destruction of businesses and public infrastructure. This was on Tuesday revealed by State Security Minister Ayanda Dlodlo during a briefing by the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security (JCPS) Cluster amid violent flare ups in the two provinces. She said even before the violence flared up, information was shared between the State Security Agency (SSA) and the South African Police Service (SAPS). We do this all the time, not only in this period that we are facing. From day one, when everything started, we did share information with the police, she said. Dlodlo said South Africans needed to understand that only so much can be done with the information that is at hand. Some of the information tends to be false, some of the information is accurate and true. We use various sources of collecting information and we'll also use our own systems for analysing the information to package it for our client, which in this regard would have been the police. The police, she said, would have done their best to follow up on the information given to them. Police also have their own crime intelligence capability, all agencies work together under the auspices of the JCPS Counter Intelligence Coordinating Forum, including the National Intelligence Coordinating Committee. The task of the latter was only to put a strategic product on the table, emanating from information that would have been collected from the intelligence services of the defence force crime intelligence and SSA. That information that we received, the information that we analysed and packaged was handed over to the police. However, the target was very fast moving, the Minister said. We tried our best wherever we could and we affected a lot more than what you see on national television, she said. Proactive stances taken by both intelligence services of the three ministries and the police averted greater crime. We want South Africans to rest assured that we avert a lot. What you see is only a part of what could have happened. She reiterated that the SSA and the police were not missing in action in the violence. We tried our level best in a very difficult situation, she said, commending staff from the departments for putting their shoulders to the wheel to ensure that information is available. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Social media violence instigators warned Government has issued a stern warning to those inciting violence and disregard of the law with inflammatory messages on social media. This warning was on Tuesday relayed by Ministers in the Justice, Crime Prevention, and Security (JCPS) cluster during a media briefing amid a flurry of public violence flare-ups in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. Chaotic scenes have been playing out in parts of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, leaving many businesses gutted and looted by protesters, who are reportedly calling for the release of former President Jacob Zuma from jail. The Cybersecurity Act states that any person who unlawfully makes available, broadcasts or distributes, by means of a computer system, a data message to a specific person, group of persons or the general public with the intention to incite violence, or call people to be involved in the destruction of any property belonging to people, is guilty of an offence. In a statement, the Ministers said those who engage in such acts will be liable for a criminal offence and could receive a fine or be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years. As the cluster, we are monitoring all social media platforms and we are tracking those who are sharing false information and calling for civil disobedience, they said in the statement read by Police Minister Bheki Cele. Meanwhile, Cele said they are engaging different platforms to track and trace the origins of inflammatory posts and messages inciting violence. Cele requested that these be taken down immediately. While the intervention of some communities to actively stop the mass lootings has been commended, we encourage communities not to take the law into their own hands and continue to work with the police, he said. The Minister said the involvement of other stakeholders was also critical in the fight against lawlessness. In this regard, the cluster had already engaged the leadership of private security companies to increase working relations with the police. As Ministers in the cluster, we have the responsibility to assert the authority of the State and to safeguard our territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic, the Ministers said. They reiterated President Cyril Ramaphosas message on Monday night in which he said: We are building up, not shutting down. We will not be deterred, as South Africans, from the task ahead. The Ministers said if the acts of violence continued unabated, the country ran the risk of running out of basic food, a development that would be disastrous for the country. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Defence Minister: State of Emergency only to be declared when need arises Defence and Military Veterans Minister, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, says the President will only declare the State of Emergency when the need arises. While the Minister strongly condemned the current looting and damage to infrastructure, she did not believe the situation warrants a State of Emergency. For now, I dont think there is an indication that there should be a State of Emergency, she said on Tuesday. Mapisa-Nqakula was speaking during a briefing by Ministers in the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security (JCPS) cluster amid public violence flare-ups in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. If the time comes, informed by intelligence gathered and coordinated by the three entities [SAPS, Defence and State Security], the President will be advised and [only] then would he declare a State of Emergency, if the need arises based on that assessment report. The Minister acknowledged that the situation is grave, and the nation is duly panicked. Were all concerned about what is happening A State of Emergency [however means that] you take all the liberties from the citizens and the military takes over the country. For now, we dont think weve reached that point, she explained. As the Commander-in-Chief of the South African Defence Force (SANDF), the President has deployed the army in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng in support of the operations of the South African Police Service (SAPS). Mapisa-Nqakula said the number of soldiers mobilised is far less than those who were deployed during the COVID-19 hard lockdown. She said an ongoing assessment is taking place behind closed doors to make decisions about the number of soldiers who will be deployed on the ground. When we talk numbers, we also have to talk possible expenditure incurred for the deployment of those people... Were informed by intelligence, and then [we will] decide about what kind of strength we need for deployment, and then we will make an announcement. The deployment of soldiers Major General Siphiwe Lucky Sangweni said the SANDF conducts deployment operations inside the country in support of the SAPS and to assist other State departments. SAPS and other law enforcement agencies will conduct their work and when there is a situation that requires or warrants that the military assists and supports as the security cluster, then the call will be made then, he explained. According to Sangweni, this involves conducting assessments and then the decision is sanctioned by the President. Its the President that will authorise the deployment of military internal operations. It will not be correct that the military is at the forefront in terms of law enforcement and dealing with criminality in the country, he said. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Gauteng Premier calls on community leaders to help quell looting Gauteng Premier David Makhura has called on the community and political leaders in the province to join hands with law enforcement agencies to stop the looting and destruction to property in the province. We must make sure that this looting stoops, Makhura said during his visit to the Meadowlands Police Station in Soweto, where a nearby mall- Ndofaya Mall - was looted. Looting at the mall continued during the Premiers visit. Makhura said looting has also happened in schools, where technology equipment has been stolen. A total of 10 people died during the looting incidences and a total of 279 people were arrested for looting in Gauteng. Among those who died is a Gauteng Metro Police officer, who was shot by looters in Kathorus. The officer was shot while responding to a call of looting at a mall. Makhura said the looting has severely affected businesses in Soweto. Businesses have been severely affected and the business community here have closed their businesses because they are afraid of the looters, Makhura said. Makhura, accompanied by the Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko and senior police officials conducted a walkabout at the mall. The Premiers visit was to assess the extent of damage caused to property. Countrywide, over 757 people have over the past five days been arrested for the wanton destruction and looting of businesses and properties in KwaZulu-Natal and in Gauteng. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Study shows forests play greater role in depositing toxic mercury across the globe LOWELL, Mass. - Researchers led by a UMass Lowell environmental science professor say mercury measurements in a Massachusetts forest indicate the toxic element is deposited in forests across the globe in much greater quantities than previously understood. The team's results underscore concern for the health and well-being of people, wildlife and waterways, according to Prof. Daniel Obrist, as mercury accumulating in forests ultimately runs off into streams and rivers, ending up in lakes and oceans. Mercury is a highly toxic pollutant that threatens fish, birds, mammals and humans. Hundreds of tons of it are released into the atmosphere each year by coal-burning power plants, as well as through gold mining and other industrial processes, and the pollutant is distributed by winds and currents across the globe. Long-term exposure to mercury, or consuming food containing high levels of the pollutant, can lead to reproductive, immune, neurological and cardiovascular problems, according to Obrist, chair of UMass Lowell's Department of Environmental, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Forests constitute the world's most abundant, productive and widespread ecosystems on land, according to Obrist, who said the study is the first that examines a full picture of how mercury in the atmosphere is deposited at any rural forest in the world, including the deposition of mercury in its gaseous form, which most previous studies do not address. "Trees take up gaseous mercury from the atmosphere through their leaves and as plants shed their leaves or die off, they basically transfer that atmospheric mercury to the ecosystems," he said. The results of the project, which is supported by a three-year, $873,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), were published today in an issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. UMass Lowell student Eric Roy, a double-major in meteorology and mathematics from Lowell, is among the study's co-authors. For the past 16 months, the team has measured how mercury in the atmosphere gets deposited at Harvard Forest in Petersham, a nearly 4,000-acre site that includes hardwood deciduous broadleaf trees such as red oak and red maple that shed their leaves every year. A set of measurement systems placed at various heights on the forest's 100-foot-tall research tower assessed the site's gaseous mercury deposition from the tree canopy to the forest floor. "Seventy-six percent of the mercury deposition at this forest comes from gaseous atmospheric mercury. It's five times greater than mercury deposited by rain and snow and three times greater than mercury that gets deposited through litterfall, which is mercury transferred by leaves falling to the ground and which has previously been used by other researchers as a proxy for estimating gaseous mercury deposition in forests," Obrist said. "Our study suggests that mercury loading in forests has been underestimated by a factor of about two and that forests worldwide may be a much larger global absorber and collector of gaseous mercury than currently assumed. This larger-than-anticipated accumulation may explain surprisingly high mercury levels observed in soils across rural forests," he said. Plants seem to dominate as a source of mercury on land, accounting for 54 to 94 percent of the deposits in soils across North America. The total global amount of mercury deposited to land currently is estimated at about 1,500 to 1,800 metric tons per year, but it may be more than double if other forests show similar levels of deposition, according to Obrist. The researchers are continuing their work at a second forest in Howland in northern Maine. Howland Forest, a nearly 600-acre research site full of evergreens that retain their leaves year-round, offers a distinctly different habitat than the deciduous forest in Petersham. Assessing both forests will allow researchers to examine differences in mercury accumulation between different forest types, Obrist said. The work is providing a hands-on research experience for Roy, a UMass Lowell Honors College student who was invited to become a member of the university's Immersive Scholar program in 2019. The initiative enables first-year students with outstanding academic credentials to participate in lab work and research right from the start of their academic studies. "It's really exciting to be a co-author," Roy said. "This study allowed us to quantify how much mercury is being accumulated in this type of forest. Modelers can use these results to improve their understanding of how mercury cycles through the environment on a global scale and how that might change in the future." Roy helped analyze the data collected in the field. "Eric's contributions to the study are tremendous. It's not very common for an undergrad to play such an important role in a major, federally funded research project," Obrist said. "His work is really impressive and he has become more and more active in data analysis and doing complex flux calculations and data processing. He really earned himself second author position in the paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences." ### Other contributors to the study include Asst. Prof. Roisin Commane of Columbia University; students and postdoctoral researchers from UMass Lowell and Columbia University; and collaborators from Harvard University; the Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nevada; and the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources and the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Lanzhou. Additional research support was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy. UMass Lowell is a national research university offering its more than 18,000 students bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in business, education, engineering, fine arts, health, humanities, sciences and social sciences. UMass Lowell delivers high-quality educational programs and personal attention from leading faculty and staff, all of which prepare graduates to be leaders in their communities and around the globe. http://www. uml. edu This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Report incidents of incitement Government has called on the public to report incidents of incitement and acts of violence to the police. This as violent protests take place in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, with protestors destroying public and private infrastructure. The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) has condemned the violent riots. Today is a sad day for Alex FM and the community at large after its broadcast equipment and related items were looted. The radio station has been serving the Alex community faithfully for about 27 years and is the voice of the residents of Alexandra, GCIS Acting Director-General Michael Currin said on Tuesday. Two days ago, a SABC news crew was also robbed of its equipment while covering protests in Alexandra. The violence, looting and destruction to property needs to stop now! Violence is never the answer. The media plays a crucial role to the economic and political development of citizens and it creates a broad range of information to stimulate citizens on the various developmental issues in their country, Currin said. South African media, Currin said, provides a platform to amplify the publics voices, facilitate meaningful participation, and foster social change. We need to work together to build our country. We cannot destroy what we have worked so hard to build, Currin said. The GCIS has called on religious leaders, traditional leaders, trade unions, businesses, community organisations, as well as political parties to help to calm the situation. Calm and order will be restored so that the task of rebuilding this country and creating a better life for its people continues. Government encourages members of the public to report incitement and acts of violence to the police by calling 08600 1011. Remember COVID-19 is still with us. We still need to protect ourselves by wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, and washing or sanitising our hands, the GCIS said. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Situation remains calm in Limpopo, says Premier With the violent protests taking place in parts of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabatha says the situation in the province remains calm. So far, only one truck was torched in Dennilton last night. Police have been able to disperse a mob that was trying to loot Dennilton mall, Mathabatha said on Tuesday. Addressing a media briefing on the provinces response to the ongoing public violence in the country, he said the security cluster has information on people who are trying to cause public violence in the province and they are being monitored, as well as attended to. We call upon people to not live in fear because the government will safeguard their lives and property. Our people must work together and report all incidents and threats coming from their places of residence and work, and across the spectrum, the Premier said. A report from the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster indicates that the province is ready for any eventuality that may arise. The South African Police Service (SAPS) is ready to deal with any dissidents who may wish to spoil our provincial resolution that we will not be part of any destruction of property and public violence. Destruction in its very nature brings along unintended consequences that are unfathomed, therefore as Limpopo, we urge our communities to be vigilant and be on high alert. As a province, we cannot afford to interrupt our COVID-19 rollout programme and we will not be part of the public violence, Mathabatha said. He encouraged citizens to adhere to the non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 and avoid gatherings. The Premier condemned the public violence that has taken place, as it infringes on the rights of South Africans. These acts of violence result in the destruction of property, destroy lives and livelihoods and in the main, infringe on the human rights of other citizens, as enshrined in the Constitution. The public violence we are experiencing equally affects us negatively. Today, most of our law-abiding citizens are living in fear and that cannot be allowed in our constitutional democracy, Mathabatha said. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Smarter by the minute: Myriad of applications unlocked by artificial intelligence Automation of technology has reshaped both the way in which we work and how we tackle problems. Thanks to the progress made in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) over the last few years, it is now possible to leave several tasks in the hands to machines and algorithms. To highlight these advances, in the July 2021 issue, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica features six articles covering innovative applications of AI that can make our lives easier. The first article, authored by researchers from Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering Department ASIM Lab, USA, delves into an interesting mixture of topics: intelligent cars, machine learning, and electroencephalography (EEG). Self-driving cars have been in the spotlight for a while. So how does EEG fit in this picture? Sometimes drivers become distracted or fatigued without realizing it, increasing the risk of a traffic accident. Fortunately, cars can now be equipped with AI systems that sense and analyze the driver's EEG signals to constantly monitor their state and issue warnings when deemed necessary. This article reviews the latest EEG-based driver state estimation techniques. They also provide detailed tutorials on the most popular EEG decoding methods and neural network models, helping researchers become familiarized with the field. The authors explain, "By implementing these EEG-based methods, drivers' state can me estimated more accurately, improving road safety." Next, scientists from Sichuan University, China and University of Florida, USA, propose a new approach for image captioning, a task that is difficult for computers. The problem is that even though computers can now aptly recognize objects in a given image, it is tricky to describe the scene solely based on these objects. To tackle this, the researchers developed a global attention-based network to accurately estimate the probabilities of a given region in the image of being mentioned in the caption. This was achieved by analyzing the similarities between local visual features and global caption features. Using an attention module, the model can more accurately attend to the most important regions in the image to produce a good caption. Automatic image captioning is a great tool for indexing large images datasets and helping the visually impaired. In the third article, scientists of Institute of Management Sciences, Pakistan, Yeungnam University, South Korea, Xidian University, China, and University of Naples Federico II, University of Calabria, Italy attempt to bring collaborative robotics to the field of top-view surveillance. More specifically, they propose a detailed framework in which deep learning is used in top-view computer vision, contrary to most studies that focus on frontal-view images. This framework uses a smart robot camera with an embedded visual processing unit with deep-learning algorithms for detection and tracking of multiple objects (essential tasks in various applications, including crime prevention and crowd and behavior analysis). In the fourth article, researchers from Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Hunan University, China, propose a new approach for producing super-resolution images based on features that a neural network can extract and use. Their method, called weighted multi-scale residual network, can leverage both global and local image features from different scales to reconstruct high-quality images with state-of-the-art performance. The authors say, "Current imaging devices certainly cannot provide enough computing resources, and thus, we designed a fast and lightweight architecture to mitigate this problem." The fifth article by researchers from the University of New South Wales, Australia, covers the complex topic of transparency and trust in human-swarm teaming. According to the authors, explainability, interpretability and predictability are distinct yet overlapping concepts in artificial intelligence that are subordinate to transparency. By drawing from the literature, they proposed an architecture to ensure trustworthy collaboration between humans and machine swarms, going beyond the usual master-slave paradigm. The researchers conclude, "Human-swarm teams will require increased levels of transparency before we can begin to leverage the opportunity that these systems present." The last, scientists from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China showcase yet another use of deep neural networks in the field of computer vision-- more specifically, in video anomaly detection. Existing models for automatically detecting anomalies in video footage try to predict or reconstruct a frame based on previous input and, by calculating the reconstruction error, determine if anything seems out of place. The problem with this approach is that abnormal frames are sometimes reconstructed well, leading to false negatives. The scientists tackled this problem by developing a cognitive memory-augmented network that imitates the way in which humans remember normal samples and uses both reconstruction error and calculated novelty scores to detect anomalies in videos. With verified state-of-the-art performance, the network can be readily applied in surveillance tasks, such as accident and public safety monitoring. We are all very likely to witness artificial intelligence becoming pivotal in many real-life applications soon. So, make sure to keep up with the times by checking out the July 2021 issue of IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica! ### Information of the Papers: (1) C. Zhang and A. Eskandarian, "A survey and tutorial of EEG-based brain monitoring for driver state analysis," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1222-1242, Jul. 2021. http://www. ieee-jas. net/ en/ article/ doi/ 10. 1109/ JAS. 2020. 1003450 (2) P. Liu, Y. J. Zhou, D. Z. Peng, and D. P. Wu, "Global-attention-based neural networks for vision language intelligence," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1243-1252, Jul. 2021. http://www. ieee-jas. net/ article/ doi/ 10. 1109/ JAS. 2020. 1003402?viewType= HTML&pageType= en (3) I. Ahmed, S. Din, G. Jeon, F. Piccialli, and G. Fortino, "Towards collaborative robotics in top view surveillance: A framework for multiple object tracking by detection using deep learning," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1253-1270, Jul. 2021. http://www. ieee-jas. net/ article/ doi/ 10. 1109/ JAS. 2020. 1003453?viewType= HTML&pageType= en (4) L. Sun, Z. B. Liu, X. Y. Sun, L. C. Liu, R. S. Lan, and X. N. Luo, "Lightweight image super-resolution via weighted multi-scale residual network," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1271-1280, Jul. 2021. http://www. ieee-jas. net/ article/ doi/ 10. 1109/ JAS. 2021. 1004009?pageType= en (5) A. J. Hepworth, D. P. Baxter, A. Hussein, K. J. Yaxley, E. Debie, and H. A. Abbass, "Human-swarm-teaming transparency and trust architecture," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1281-1295, Jul. 2021. http://www. ieee-jas. net/ article/ doi/ 10. 1109/ JAS. 2020. 1003545?viewType= HTML&pageType= en (6) T. Wang, X. Xu, F. Shen, and Y. Yang, "A cognitive memory-augmented network for visual anomaly detection," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1296-1307, Jul. 2021. http://www. ieee-jas. net/ article/ doi/ 10. 1109/ JAS. 2021. 1004045?viewType= HTML&pageType= en IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica aims to publish high-quality, high-interest, far-reaching research achievements globally, and provide an international forum for the presentation of original ideas and recent results related to all aspects of automation. The first Impact Factor of IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica is 6.171, ranking among Top 11% (7/63, SCI Q1) in the category of Automation & Control Systems, according to the latest Journal Citation Reports released by Clarivate Analytics in 2021. In addition, its latest CiteScore is 11.2, and has entered Q1 in all three categories it belongs to (Information System, Control and Systems Engineering, Artificial Intelligence) since 2018. Why publish with us: Fast and high quality peer review; Simple and effective online submission system; Widest possible global dissemination of your research; Indexed in SCIE, EI, IEEE, Scopus, Inspec. JAS papers can be found at http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/ xpl/ mostRecentIssue. jsp?punumber= 6570654 or http://www. ieee-jas. net This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Hong Kong: Personal data claims refuted The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today rejected an overseas media report alleging that its purchase agreement with Fosun Industrial Co contained clauses which empowered the company to collect the personal information of vaccinated people in Hong Kong. In a statement, the Hong Kong SAR Government said the July 12 report is completely untrue and misleading, and expressed deep regret over it. The purchase agreement concerned does not contain any clauses which empower or enable Fosun or any third party to collect, access, or via any means to obtain or use the personal information of vaccinated individuals. The Hong Kong SAR Government has always accorded great importance to personal data privacy, in particular the protection of medical records and relevant information. There are clear and stringent guidelines and procedures for the collection and use of personal information in respect of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. The relevant requirements under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance are also duly met. Click here for the relevant statement of purpose of personal data collection. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Hong Kong: Sophia Chan tours new health centre Secretary for Food & Health Prof Sophia Chan today inspected Sham Shui Po District Health Centre to understand more about its operation and the primary healthcare services provided there. The district health centre, the second one established by the Government, started to provide services by phases from June 30. Operated by St James' Settlement, the centre provides government-subsidised primary healthcare services including health promotion, health assessment, chronic disease management and community rehabilitation. Prof Chan was briefed by the centre's representatives on its operation, services and major facilities including those in the assessment and interview area, the activity area, the health resource corner and the rehabilitation and wellness area. She also watched a demonstration on the operation of the Pavigym area. The health chief also exchanged views with staff and gave them encouragement as well as chatted with members of the public using the services to find out their opinions. Prof Chan pointed out that the scheme on district health centres is a key component of the entire public healthcare system in a bid to change the treatment-led focus of healthcare services. It aims to encourage the public to take precautionary measures against diseases, strengthen their capability in self-care and home care, enhance public health, and reduce unnecessary usage of hospital or accident and emergency services with a view to relieving the burden of public hospitals. After the establishment of the district health centres in Kwai Tsing and Sham Shui Po, the Food & Health Bureau expects that the centres in five more districts and interim District Health Centre Express in the remaining 11 districts to be established within the term of the current Government. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: UK govt survives vote against foreign aid cut The British government on Tuesday avoided defeat over controversial plans to slash the foreign aid budget, which has triggered anger among lawmakers and campaigners who warned it will cost lives around the world. MPs in the House of Commons voted 333 to 298 to approve a government motion to keep the cuts until economic conditions allow the budget to be restored. The government maintains it needs to suspend a legal obligation to spend 0.7 percent of gross national income on aid to help rein in public borrowing, which has ballooned to second world war levels during the coronavirus pandemic. Finance minister Rishi Sunak had called a snap vote, hoping a pledge to reinstate the 0.7 percent commitment once borrowing is brought down would win over the rebels, including from within the governing Conservatives. But former prime minister Theresa May was among those who voted against, saying the government was turning its back on the world's poor as well as reneging on its election promise in 2019 to maintain the budget. "Fewer girls will be educated, more girls and boys will become slaves, more children will go hungry and more of the poorest people in the world will die," she said. The proposal to reinstate aid to 0.7 percent eventually was seen as an attempt to win over the rebels who threatened the government's 85-seat working majority in parliament. Sunak has said unforeseen pandemic spending meant he had to cut the budget from 15 billion to 10 billion, or find savings elsewhere. Prime Minister Boris Johnson opened Tuesday's debate by telling MPs that there was common ground on the issue. The main opposition Labour party's leader, Keir Starmer, said the cut was likely not temporary but "indefinite", given the prospect that the right economic conditions will not be met in the foreseeable future. The cut, which comes after sustained criticism about foreign aid spending from right-wing media, has also triggered fierce criticism from campaigners for its effect on humanitarian projects and the damage to Britain's global standing. (AFP) This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Project Air View maps ultrafine particles, soot and other substances in Amsterdam air Over the past two years, the municipality of Amsterdam, Utrecht University and Google have collaborated on Project Air View, in which the Amsterdam air quality was measured by two Street View cars with special measuring equipment. These maps have now been shared with the world for the first time. They show that motorized traffic can increase the concentration of ultrafine particles, soot and nitrogen dioxide in busy streets up to 3 times compared to quieter streets. The maps and data can be accessed via the websites of Google's Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) and Utrecht University. The quality of the air we breathe has a major impact on our health. Hyperlocal street-level air quality information can help residents, city planners and others identify areas of poor air quality and develop plans for improvement. Low emission zones Amsterdam in Google Maps Besides sharing the data and maps from Project Air View, Google will also roll out a new feature in Google Maps in Amsterdam in the upcoming weeks that will visualize low-emission zones in the city. This new feature gives drivers insight into when they are navigating through an environmental zone and whether a specific vehicle is allowed in the area. Based on this information, drivers can, for example, choose an alternative means of transport or take a different route. Measurements at street level Pollution data are measured at street level with Project Air View, on both busy and less busy roads. This gives hyperlocal insights, which are a unique addition to the measurements from the fixed measuring stations that Amsterdam already uses for monitoring and planning. The project also offered the possibility to measure certain air pollutants that are currently not routinely mapped (such as ultrafine particles and soot). The approximately 6 million measurements with the Street View cars took place in Amsterdam over 9 months in 2019 and 2020. Insights Motorized road traffic is the most relevant source of air pollution in Amsterdam. Air pollution in a busy street with a lot of traffic is about three times higher than in a quiet street with little traffic. The highest concentrations on the maps can be seen at the main access roads to the city, where there is a lot of car traffic. For example, for the three components measured (ultrafine particles, nitrogen dioxide, soot), the A10 ring road has the highest concentrations. Busy streets such as Stadhouderskade, Wibautstraat and Nieuwe Leeuwarderweg also score significantly higher than surrounding neighborhoods and streets. Concentrations around the city center appear to be higher compared to the neighborhoods that are more distant from the center (eg North, New West, South East). The data also show an increase in ultrafine particle concentrations in the vicinity of Schiphol, while concentrations of soot and nitrogen dioxide in these districts appear to be lower than in the rest of the city. According to the Municipality of Amsterdam, Project Air View confirms existing insights into air quality in Amsterdam. In certain areas it complements the existing air monitoring network, such as the extensive measurements of other substances. Think of the relatively new component ultrafine particles, a substance that is also important for health. Opportunities Roel Vermeulen, Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposome Science at Utrecht University: "It is crucial to have these very detailed maps of air pollution for an entire city, especially when we talk about harmful particles that are not regulated yet, like ultrafine particles. They are widely spread, and this is the first time we can see this in detail. This gives us the opportunity to investigate what the health effects are and whether there is a need for regulation." Google Netherlands' country manager, Martijn Bertisen: "We are happy that we can contribute to creating new insights about air quality in Amsterdam and make them available to researchers, politicians - and the citizens themselves. It also shows how advanced technology and partnerships can help solve some of the greatest challenges of the time, such as sustainability, when government agencies and private actors work well together." Air View has also been introduced in Copenhagen, Dublin and London, among others. The two Street View cars and the measuring equipment used in Amsterdam have been taken over by Utrecht University and will now be used for the Data- and Knowledge Hub Healthy Urban Living and the European research programme EXPANSE to measure air quality in several European cities, with Basel as one of the next cities. ### This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Bacteria are key to vaginal health, UArizona health sciences researchers say Bacterial vaginosis is the most common and recurrent gynecological condition affecting nearly 30% of women between the ages of 15 and 44, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A University of Arizona Health Sciences-led study recently identified a specific bacteria family and uncovered how it contributes to bacterial vaginosis, paving the way for new insights into disease prevention and treatment. Led by Melissa Herbst-Kralovetz, PhD, a member of the BIO5 Institute and associate professor of basic medical sciences at the College of Medicine - Phoenix, researchers found that members of the Veillonellaceae bacteria family contribute to an increase in inflammation and cell death, and alter the acidity of the cervical microenvironment. These changes support bacterial vaginosis and create favorable conditions for subsequent gynecological diseases, such as sexually transmitted infections and cancer. "Bacterial vaginosis is an enigma," said Dr. Herbst-Kralovetz, who is also director of the Women's Health Research Program. "We know many factors contribute to this disease, but little is known about the functional impact of the major players and how they're changing the local landscape." The paper, "Veillonellaceae family members uniquely alter the cervical metabolic microenvironment in a human three-dimensional epithelial model," published July 6 in the journal npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, found that Veillonellaceae family members contribute to disease by altering inflammation and metabolism in the cervicovaginal region. The female reproductive tract is typically colonized by bacteria that promote health, such as Lactobacillus. While these bacteria are considered friendly, an imbalance can lead to the creation of a biofilm - a consortium of many different harmful microbes - that promotes disease. Last year, Dr. Herbst-Kralovetz and colleagues described a hypothetical model in which the interactions between microbes and human cells alter the vaginal microenvironment and ultimately influence the balance between health and disease. This study is the first to define a definitive role for this bacterial family in bacterial vaginosis. Using a 3D human model, Dr. Herbst-Kralovetz's group evaluated the effects of three bacterium - Veillonella atypica, Veillonella montpellierensis, and Megasphaera micronuciformis - on the cervical microenvironment. They found that two species - V. atypica and V. montpellierensis - decreased lactate, an acid typically produced by beneficial bacteria that provides protection from harmful infections. These two species also increased substances that play a role in bacterial vaginosis-associated vaginal odor. They also found that M. micronuciformis further drives disease progression by increasing inflammation and promoting cell death through the production of certain fat molecules. Insights from this study lay the foundation for polymicrobial, or "multi-bug" studies, which can determine the complex interaction effects of multiple bacterial species on female reproductive health. "Using this study and our 3D model as a foundation, we hope to determine if and how other species are altering the environment to contribute to bacterial vaginosis," Dr. Herbst-Kralovetz said. "We have found that different species have distinct contributions, so we also hope to categorize a variety of bacterial vaginosis -associated microbes based on their unique effects on the female reproductive tract." Ultimately, Dr. Herbst-Kralovetz says this study and others like it can help to inform treatment and intervention strategies. "It is important to know who the major players are, but also how they're influencing physiological processes and disease, so we can develop targeted strategies to treat bacterial vaginosis and prevent subsequent gynecological infections and cancer," she said. ### Dr. Herbst-Kralovatz's co-authors from the College of Medicine - Phoenix are Jason Maarsingh, PhD, a postdoctoral research assistant in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pawel Laniewski, PhD, an assistant research scientist in the Department of Basic Medical Sciences. Other co-authors include undergraduate student Camryn Garza and Mary Salliss, who participated in the Bath University Placement/Exchange Program. This story has been published on: 2021-07-13. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. It is unclear if the pontiff will return tomorrow, as some have suggested. In a statement released yesterday, the Holy See Press Office noted that In order to optimise his medical and rehabilitation therapy, the Holy Father will remain in hospital for a few more days. Rome (AsiaNews) The Holy See Press Office issued a statement signed by its director Matteo Bruni, saying that The Holy Father is continuing his planned treatment and rehabilitation, which will allow him to return to the Vatican as soon as possible. It is unclear however if this will happen tomorrow, as some have suggested. In yesterdays statement, the Holy See Press Office noted that In order to optimise his medical and rehabilitation therapy, the Holy Father will remain in hospital for a few more days. For his part, Francis is still meeting other patients at the Gemelli University Hospital, as he did with the patients of the facilitys paediatric oncology ward, some of whom stood next to him on Sunday during the Angelus. In todays press release, Director Bruni goes on to say that after meeting many patients in the past few days, he addressed a special thought to those who are bedridden and cannot return home, expressing hope that they may live this time as an opportunity, even if experienced in pain, to open themselves with tenderness to their sick brother or sister in the next bed, with whom they share the same human frailty. With the Holy father in hospital, greetings and good wishes continue to arrive in the Vatican. The latest include messages from the leaders of some Muslim countries, like the Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, King Mohammed VI of Morocco and the Prime Minister of Bahrain Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa. On behalf of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations, Rabbi David Fox Sandmel said that he had offered fervent prayers for a rapid and complete recovery of the Pope. Among Catholics, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Paraguay, meeting for its 230th general assembly in Asuncion, expressed its fraternal affection for and closeness to the Pope. In particular, Paraguayan bishops entrusted Francis to the protection of the Virgin of the miracles of Caacupe. In Myanmar, Card Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon and president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Myanmar, said that he is praying for the Lord to bless the Pope with many more years of life, full of grace, in order to bring comfort to the wounded world. The people of Myanmar, the prelate added, are deeply touched by the constant pastoral care shown by Francis, particularly in the most difficult moments [. . .] bringing to the attention of the international community the anguish of this small country of ours , in which the lack of food and health care threatens many human lives. In two dioceses, more than 100,000 displaced people depend totally on the support of the Church. The situation is very sensitive and worsening rapidly. Finally, the Inspectorate General of Italys prison chaplains, noted that prisoners, chaplains, nuns, deacons and volunteers all stand by him with continuous prayers. Shanghai (Gasgoo)- Ningbo ZEEKR Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd., the company operating Geelys young premium EV brand ZEEKR, has been renamed ZEEKR Automobile (Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Area) Co.,Ltd. and its only shareholder changed to Shanghai Maple Guorun Automobile Co.,Ltd. from Geely Auto Group, according to the business information provider Tianyancha. The new shareholder is a subsidiary of Shanghai Maple Automobile Co., Ltd., which is 90% controlled by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group. ZEEKR 001; photo credit: ZEEKR After being reached for a comment by a local media outlet, Geely Auto said the withdrawal from ZEEKR is to put some assets of Geely Auto Group into the listed company system and under the management of ZEEKR. ZEEKR is a new electric mobility technology and solutions company created by Geely Holding Group to satisfy the global demand for premium electric vehicles. On April 15, the first ZEEKR-branded production model, the ZEEKR 001, was launched with its presale kicking off at the same time. The vehicle is expected for delivery in October this year. On June 25, Geely Holding announced the global headquarters of ZEEKR Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd. will be located in Ningbo, Zhejiang province. According to a statement released by Geely Automobile Holdings, the listed arm of Geely Auto Group, in late June, the board of ZEEKR Intelligent Technology has passed a resolution to explore different external financing options for the sustainable development of ZEEKR brand. News Headlines Japan donates another 1 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to Vietnam US prisoner abuse scandals expose hypocrisy of human rights defender claim 22:01, July 12, 2021 By Zhang Xinfeng ( People's Daily Online (Cartoon by Lu Lingxing) Frequent prisoner abuse scandals committed by the U.S. armed forces have had a great deal of exposure in the media, shocking the world with their brutality. Since its opening in 2002, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, the U.S. detention facility on the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base on the coast of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, has held numerous terrorist suspects captured in U.S. global counter-terrorism actions after the 9/11 attacks. A report by the U.S. military investigators to the Senate Committee on Armed Services on July 13, 2005 revealed frequent detainee abuse cases in the detention camp, many of which seriously breached the Geneva Conventions and U.S. military Law. Another notorious record was exposed in April 2004 when many photos showing U.S. soldiers abuse of Iraqi prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq from the second half of 2003 to early 2004 were aired by U.S. media outlets including CBS and CNN. One month later, a scandal involving abuse by U.S. troops in Afghanistan was exposed for the first time. Since then, more similar scandals committed by U.S. troops in Iraq and in Afghanistan have been exposed. The U.S. media revealed in 2017 that U.S. forces employed torture in their interrogations of detainees held in secret prisons in Yemen, and conspired in abuse cases committed by its allies. According to insider sources, the detainees were routinely beaten, trussed up on a grill'' and sexually assaulted. The frequent occurrence of prisoner abuse scandals revealed what the U.S. was truly like while it claimed to be a human rights defender. Related: US wages illegal wars, disturbs international order US wields sanctions to bully other countries Americas double standards aggravate humanitarian crisis US interference in other countries' internal affairs aggravates chaos in Middle East (Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji) Commentary: "Press freedom" not an excuse for Western interference Xinhua) 07:47, July 13, 2021 Photo taken on July 8, 2021 shows a view of Tamar Park in south China's Hong Kong. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaochu) The global community needs to keep vigilant over Washington's habitual tactics of twisting facts and truth, creating biased narratives, and deliberately stirring up an ideological confrontation to influence global public opinion. BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- In a ridiculous statement posted on the website of the U.S. State Department recently, the so-called "Media Freedom Coalition" pointed accusing fingers to the lawful actions of the Hong Kong authorities against the local Apple Daily newspaper. Washington is up to the same old tricks by interfering in China's domestic affairs under the guise of "press freedom." No matter what the pretext, nothing will halt Hong Kong's desire for stability and prosperity. Jimmy Lai Chee-ying is taken by the police to the headquarters of Apple Daily for investigation in Hong Kong, south China, Aug. 10, 2020. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) The Apple Daily -- a so-called "media outlet" -- has for years engaged in illegal activities that have seriously endangered China's national security and disrupted Hong Kong's development. From publishing fake news and spreading hate speech, to hyping up "color revolutions" and instigating "Hong Kong independence" as well as violent and criminal behaviors, the daily is widely regarded as "a toxic apple" by the people of Hong Kong. Hong Kong police arrested the directors of Apple Daily, who were suspected of colluding with external forces and jeopardizing national security. The arrests were not about "suppressing journalism" as claimed by the West. Instead, they were a legitimate move to safeguard the rule of law in Hong Kong and a response to the needs of residents who have long yearned for a return to normalcy in their city. Photo taken on July 7, 2021 shows a view of the Hong Kong Island seen from Tsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong, south China. (Xinhua/Wang Shen) Behind the coalition's "strong concerns" about the newspaper are some of its members' malicious intention to use "press freedom" as an excuse for violence and criminal acts. But media organizations and related personnel are not free to act outside the law. There is no doubt that the coalition's statement is part of a Washington-instigated smear campaign against China to contain the Asian country's development. For quite some time, anti-China elements in the United States have been meddling in China's internal affairs concerning Hong Kong and Taiwan, fabricating a "human rights crisis" in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and politicizing the coronavirus pandemic to attack China. The global community needs to keep vigilant over Washington's habitual tactics of twisting facts and truth, creating biased narratives, and deliberately stirring up an ideological confrontation to influence global public opinion. Michael Lueders, a well-known German writer, has revealed in his new book "The Hypocritical Superpower" that the U.S. government and its interest groups are apt at influencing and shaping public opinion by selecting information and polarizing the public's views. Photo taken on July 8, 2021 shows a view of a ferris wheel and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Hong Kong, south China. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaochu) The so-called coalition is neither a representative of the global majority, nor a reflection of the main voice in the international arena. Most importantly, its statement cannot shake China's resolve to implement the "one country, two systems" principle, maintain the rule of law in Hong Kong, and safeguard the country's sovereignty and security. It is time for Washington to abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations and stop talking down to other countries. Finally, it has to stop interfering in Hong Kong's and China's internal affairs under the pretext of "press freedom." (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Du Mingming) PLA expels destroyer on South China Sea arbitration anniversary, as US acting like disrupter in the past 5 yrs 08:17, July 13, 2021 By Xu Keyue and Liu Xuanzun ( Global Times Two warships attached to a naval frigate flotilla under PLA's Southern Theater Command carry out coordination drill during a maritime combat training exercise on April 21, 2021. (Photo/China Military Online) On Monday, which marks the fifth anniversary of the so-called South China Sea arbitration and the so-called award, the US suffered a head-on blow when trying to make provocations in South China Sea, fully exposing the US nature again as the destroyer of regional stability. Without authorization from the Chinese government, the US guided missile destroyer USS Benfold illegally trespassed into China's territorial waters of Xisha on Monday, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Southern Theater Command organized maritime and aerial forces to track and monitor it and expelled it, Senior Colonel Tian Junli, spokesperson of the command, said in a statement released on the same day. The Xisha Islands are inherent territory of China, and the US military's move seriously violated China's sovereignty and security, damaged peace and stability in the South China Sea, and violated international law and norms of international relations, Tian said, noting that this marks more irrefutable evidence of the US' militarization in the region with navigational hegemony. The US move shows it is continuing its provocations in the name of "freedom of navigation" with the illegal and invalid arbitral ruling, but China is displaying strong determination and capability even more so than five years ago in safeguarding its sovereignty and security, Zhang Junshe, a senior research fellow at the PLA Naval Military Studies Research Institute, told the Global Times on Monday. Before the provocative move, the US warned China it stands behind the so-called South China Sea ruling in a statement marking the fifth anniversary of the ruling that rejected China's territorial claims over the waterway, siding with the Philippines, CNN reported on Monday. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Sunday the US could invoke the US-Philippine mutual defense pact in the event of any Chinese military action against Philippine assets in the region. Chen Xiangmiao, an assistant research fellow at National Institute for South China Sea Studies in South Chinas Hainan Province, told the Global Times on Monday that the South China Sea Arbitration ruling was born under political manipulation by US-led Western power and serves as a tool to contain and smear China under the guise of international law. The US and its partners including Japan and Canada are trying to depict China as a destroyer of international norm and multilateralism and the US as a defender in their narratives by hyping up the ruling on South China Sea, Chen said. Zhao Lijian, spokseperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, on Monday slammed the US as its statement ignored facts, violated and distorted international law, went against the longstanding public commitment of the US government not to take a position on the issue of sovereignty in the South China Sea, provoked disputes on South China Sea in purpose and destroyed the peace and stability in the region, which is very irresponsible. China always advocates friendly negotiations and consultations to settle the South China Sea issue, treats our South China Sea neighbors as equals and exercises maximum restraint when safeguarding our sovereignty, rights and interests in the South China Sea, he noted. On the opposite, since the beginning of this year, the US side conducted close-in reconnaissance for nearly 2,000 times and over 20 large-scale military drills on the sea... This exposes its power politics logic and hegemonic practices, Zhao said. The series of provocations by the US on South China Sea issue have exposed that the US is actually the destroyer of international norms and multilateralism, Chen said. During the past five years, the China-Philippines relations have experienced a sound development and the situation in the South China Sea has seen a steady improvement, which is not attributable to the illegal ruling, but to the Philippine government's rational policy on the South China Sea and the consensus reached with China to shelve the ruling and not take the ruling as the precondition to deal with the South China Sea issue, Chen noted. In recent years, China and the Philippines have launched cooperation on the fishing industry, marine law enforcement and the epidemic fight, Chen said. China and the countries concerned in the South China Sea have effectively managed differences through dialogue and consultation, and constantly promoted practical cooperation, Zhao said. China and ASEAN members have fully and effectively implemented the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and made important progress in advancing consultations on a code of conduct in the South China Sea, Zhao noted. However, a few Philippine politicians are trying to press the Duterte administration on South China issues for their own political gains. Vice President Leni Robredo on Monday called out the Duterte administration for its failure to capitalize on the arbitral win of the Philippines against China five years after the ruling, Philippine media reported. Chen said as Robredo is likely to run for the presidency, she is trying to create a public image that she is striving for the national interests to win more support in the 2022 election. The minority of politicians in the Philippines wants to win support from pro-US and anti-China powers regardless of the Philippine citizens interests. (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Du Mingming) Bloomberg's pro-US anti-epidemic ranking serves political gains: epidemiologist By Lin Xiaoyi and Liu Caiyu (Global Times) 08:42, July 13, 2021 Photo taken on July 7, 2021 shows the US Capitol building in Washington, D.C., the United States. The highly transmissible Delta variant has overtaken the Alpha variant to become the dominant variant in the United States, according to new estimates from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).(Photo/Xinhua) In Bloomberg's latest COVID-19 resilience ranking under the title The best and worst places to be as the world finally reopens, the US jumped to the No.1 spot for the first time with its fast and expansive vaccine rollout stemming what was once the worlds worst outbreak, although it has incurred doubts. In response to a question about Bloomberg's ranking which placed the US first and China eighth, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Monday that the always authoritative Bloomberg had adopted such naive tricks, and it was neither factual nor respectful of science and human life. US, ranked 13th in June, soared to the top of the list as Bloomberg introduced several new indicators, highlighting the so-called reopening progress with other four major indicators people covered by vaccines, lockdown severity, flight capacity and vaccinated travel routes. Bloomberg argued that some in the Asia-Pacific regions like Singapore and the Hong Kong SAR have slipped in the rankings because strict border curbs remain in place and a zero-tolerance approach. Several of my colleagues and friends have been asking me over the past few days if this Bloomberg report is a misprint, Zhao said in response to a question from the Global Times. Zhao pointed out that reports show Bloomberg's so-called ranking omits key elements such as the confirmed COVID-19 cases and number of deaths in order to rank the US first, and considers the implementation of lockdown policies and border exit and entry control measures as negative factors. Data from Johns Hopkins University shows that an average of 19,455 new cases has been reported in the US in the past seven days. As of Monday, there were 33.8 million COVID-19 cases and over 600,000 deaths in the country. The intention of the ranking is evident to all that it is to serve political gains, Zeng Guang, a former chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told the Global Times on Monday. Zeng noted that a scientific ranking should at least evaluate basic epidemic data including the rate of deaths and overall infections, which would make the US one of the worst countries in epidemic performance. Lockdown measures, which are effective in containing the virus spread, should be considered as a positive element that gives extra points. However, they were instead considered negative in the ranking, Zeng said, adding that the ranking failed to give an accurate assessment of the epidemic situation in countries at all. It is just a tool to shape the illusion that the US epidemic prevention and control is under control, the epidemiologist noted. Being the top country in medical infrastructure and resources, the US has adopted improper anti-epidemic policies that disappoint American citizens, now Bloomberg makes the US the top above all other countries in COVID-19 resilience ranking, he said. what a shame! (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Hongyu) More harvests but less water consumption in China 08:59, July 13, 2021 By Wang Hao, Li Xiaoqian ( People's Daily A farmer poses for a picture with newly harvested wheat on a cherry-wheat relay cropping field in Zhangye, northwest China's Gansu province, July 2, 2021. (People's Daily Online/Yang Yongwei) China's annual water consumption in the agricultural irrigation sector has been maintained at around 340 billion cubic meters over the past 30 years, accounting for 56 percent of the country's total water use, according to a water-saving forum recently held in Jiuquan, northwest China's Gansu province. With 6 percent of the world's freshwater and 9 percent of the world's arable land, China is providing food for around 20 percent of the population on the planet. That's not easy for a populous country with an extremely uneven distribution of water resources. Water-saving irrigation has made vital contributions to China's stable agricultural water consumption. As of 2020, water-conserving irrigation had been applied on 567 million mu, or 37.8 million hectares of farmland across China, and 350 million mu of land was irrigated with high-efficient water-conserving techniques, such as sprinkler, mini sprinkler and pipeline irrigation. The coefficient of effective use of water in farmland irrigation was 0.565. China has constantly upgraded the supporting and water-conserving systems for its medium- and large-size irrigation areas. Thanks to the efforts, a series of ancient irrigation systems are still vigorous today, including the Dujiangyan in southwest China's Sichuan province, the Jinghui canal in northwest China's Shaanxi province, the Hetao irrigation area in north China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, and the Qingtongxia irrigation area in northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region. Besides, the country is also building new irrigation areas. As a result, China's effective irrigation area has grown from 240 million mu in 1949 to 1.04 billion mu at present, making it the country with the largest irrigation area in the world. Through a reform in the water price, a water conservation campaign was kicked off across China. From 2018 to 2020, China allocated 4.5 billion yuan ($695 million) to advance a mechanism for the pricing of agricultural water consumption, a mechanism subsidizing and incentivizing those who conserve water, a mechanism for water engineering construction and maintenance, and a mechanism for water use management. By the end of the last year, comprehensive agricultural water pricing reform had been implemented on around 400 million mu of farmland, with Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang taking the lead to complete reform missions. In addition, the reform has taken effect on almost all the farmland irrigation areas in Tianjin and Shaanxi. Chen Mingzhong, director of the Rural Water Resources and Hydropower Department under China's Ministry of Water Resources, introduced that China has invested huge amounts of central government subsidies on constructing supporting systems and upgrading water conservation systems in medium- and large-size irrigation areas. Water resource departments will keep expanding the investment, make further innovations in financing and investment mechanisms, make good use of local government bonds, and encourage and attract social capital, he added. (Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji) 'Freedom of press' rhetoric shall come to a halt 09:08, July 13, 2021 By Zhong Sheng ( People's Daily The US Department of State published a statement on Apple Daily on July 10 local time, expressing "strong concerns" about this publication that was shut down last month for instigating the "black terror" in Hong Kong. Published in the name of the Media Freedom Coalition (MFC), the statement was signed by 21 countries, making up less than half the organization's total members. It is like a desperate cry of a few Western countries wishing to offer their last but worthless support for the anti-China forces. Anyone with a conscience can see that the statement is misleading and totally abandons morality and ethics, running against justice under the disguise of so-called freedom of the press. Karl Marx once said that self-discipline of human spirit is the basis of morality. Obviously, freedom of the press is not a freedom that can escape moral restraint and it should not undermine human civilization. Apple Daily was a newspaper known for its "inciting, obscene and bloody" news. Such a publication of yellow journalism would have been abandoned and denounced even in the US, where yellow journalism originated. Yellow journalism trampled on morality in the US in the 1880s and early 20th century. Articles and pictures attacking celebrities and calling for wars were everywhere in the newspapers, chasing after profit in a crazy and greedy competition. In 1901, former US president William McKinley was assassinated nine months after the New York Journal publicly instigated it. US society believed that the newspaper was responsible, and its circulation subsequently dropped until it eventually closed. History is a mirror. It's inevitable that Apple Daily, following a path of the American yellow journalism and making a living by selling lies, finally hit a dead end. A Hong Kong media organization recently listed 100 crimes committed by Apple Daily, including funding fraud, bribery, slandering celebrities, and fanning up violence. In the past 26 years since the newspaper was established, it has been declared guilty numerous times, and has put itself into the "hall of shame" of history. Shutting down the newspaper was not an order from the government, but a choice of the market that expresses the views of most Hong Kong citizens. Any freedom or right in a civilized society shall not be practiced arbitrarily. On the contrary, it shall be stipulated and protected by laws that embody the public will. John Stuart Mill, a British philosopher who influenced liberal parties in a number of Western countries with his essay On Liberty, admitted that the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. Over 100 years ago, a former associate justice of the US Supreme Court said that the most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic. There is a clear legal boundary between freedom of the press and instigating crimes. The member countries of the MFC should ask themselves whether their laws allow news media to undermine national security, damage social order, divulge state secrets and instigate religious and ethnic confrontation. Many countries have clear legal provisions on freedom of the press. For instance, the Press Law of 1881 in France was designed to punish media organizations for incitement, slander and disturbance of public order. Similarly, the anti-China rioters who fanned up "achieving justice by violating the law" in Hong Kong two years ago were not abiding by the rule of law, either. Since the national security law for Hong Kong was enacted, the chaos in the city has ended and stability has returned, which is more conducive to normal news reporting. To have a better understanding of Hong Kong, the world must grasp the special administrative region's transition from order to prosperity. Over the past year, multiple media organizations from the US and UK have raised the number of foreign staff stationed in Hong Kong. How would MFC countries that signed the so-called statement explain such an arrangement? Some people from a few Western countries made a fuss about Apple Daily, but what they have done is just a farce staged under the name of freedom of the press. Such rhetoric shall come to a halt, as lies will eventually be torn apart by facts, which is an inexorable law. (Zhong Sheng is a pen name often used by People's Daily to express its views on foreign policy.) (Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji) China's StarTimes announces short video contest to showcase BRI projects in Africa Xinhua) 09:47, July 13, 2021 NAIROBI, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Chinese pay television service provider StarTimes on Monday announced the official start of a short video competition aimed at showcasing the transformative aspect of Belt and Road projects in Africa. StarTimes said the third edition of Belt and Road Short Video Competition will accept submissions from African contributors who demonstrate how China-funded projects are changing the livelihoods of the local population. StarTimes will be the media partner of the competition organized by the China Public Diplomacy Association, the News Center of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) of China and Global Times Online. "The competition is aimed at showcasing new individual and national development opportunities brought by international cooperation against the backdrop of the post-pandemic era while detailing stories of people-to-people bonds and how countries have since pulled together through adversity to jointly create a bright future through international cooperation," StarTimes said in a statement issued in Nairobi. The theme of this year's contest, "Share opportunities for a splendid future", will focus on strategic infrastructure projects including Kenya's Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), Lagos-Ibadan Railway in Nigeria, and national digital migration in Mozambique. Local media practitioners and ordinary citizens have been encouraged to participate in the short video competition based on their understanding of BRI. "Each video in the competition tells a distinct story of how China has joined hands with other countries to enhance local construction and economic development and build a community of shared future for mankind," said StarTimes. Submissions for the short videos commenced from June 17 ending August 27 while voting will take place from September 6 to 12. Experts evaluation is from September 13 to 18 and final results will be announced on September 27. Participants will be required to send the short video to the organizers or upload it on their social media accounts. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Chinese top legislator stresses ecological conservation at global forum Xinhua) 10:01, July 13, 2021 Li Zhanshu, chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, attends the opening ceremony of Eco Forum Global Guiyang 2021 and delivers a keynote speech in Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou Province, July 12, 2021. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei) GUIYANG, July 12 (Xinhua) -- China attaches great importance to ecological conservation, and its environmental protection has gone through a historic turnaround, Chinese top legislator Li Zhanshu said on Monday. Li, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, made the remarks while addressing the opening of the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference 2021 held in southwest China's Guizhou Province. China has made resource conservation and environmental protection a basic state policy and sustainable development a national strategy, Li noted, adding that the country's environmental protection has gone through a historic turnaround with wide-ranging implications. Reiterating China's pledge to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, Li said the country would contribute to coping with global challenges concerning the climate and environment and safeguarding global ecological security. To deliver on the pledge, Li stressed efforts in enhancing ecological awareness, accelerating green and low-carbon development, stepping up pollution prevention and control, improving the relevant legal system, and promoting international exchange and cooperation. Foreign leaders including Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Tongan Prime Minister Pohiva Tu'i'onetoa addressed the conference via video link, which is themed "Green and Low-carbon Development, Fostering a Community of Life for Man and Nature." (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Foreign diplomats, heads of int'l organizations in Macao visit exhibition on CPC centenary Xinhua) 10:08, July 13, 2021 MACAO, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Foreign consul generals and heads of international organizations in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) on Monday visited a photo exhibition in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Liu Xianfa, commissioner of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Macao SAR, said in his speech that by founding, leading, implementing and safeguarding the "one country, two systems" cause, the CPC had strongly safeguarded national sovereignty, security, development interests and the long-term prosperity and stability of the SARs. The commissioner's office would continue to comprehensively and accurately implement "one country, two systems" and the principle of "patriots administering Macao," so as to create a sound environment for safeguarding the overall stability of the Macao society and maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Macao. Rafael Custodio Marques, consul general of Mozambique in the Macao SAR, extended his greetings to the CPC on its centenary and his tribute to the CPC for leading the Chinese people to great political, economic and social achievements. He also extended his gratitude to the CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people for the spirit of friendship, solidarity and cooperation that they have demonstrated in the international cause of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Paulo Jorge Rodrigues do Espirito Santo, deputy secretary-general of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), told reporters after visiting the exhibition that China's achievements on various fronts have proved the "one country, two systems" principle a success. Over 60 people, including diplomats from Portugal, the Philippines and Angola, heads of international organizations, as well as their families visited the exhibition. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) China stresses disaster prevention, reduction to ensure autumn harvest Xinhua) 10:12, July 13, 2021 BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- China on Monday made arrangements for disaster prevention and mitigation for the agricultural sector to ensure a bumper autumn harvest. With more extreme weather conditions likely in the second half of the year, efforts should be made to ensure stable grain output and supply and cope with uncertainties in the international market, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian told a meeting on agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation work. Autumn grain yields account for the bulk of China's grain production, and disaster prevention and mitigation work is the key to autumn harvests. The minister urged targeted precautionary measures in different regions. Northeast China should pay attention to flood control and drought relief, while south China should be alert to typhoons, he said. Tang also demanded coordinated efforts in pest control during summer and autumn. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Chinese companies to supply 110 mln COVID-19 vaccines immediately to COVAX project Xinhua) 10:43, July 13, 2021 Photo taken on June 1, 2021 shows vials of Sinopharm vaccines in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua) Gavi announced in a press release that it had signed advance purchase agreements with Sinopharm for its "BBIBP-CorV" inactivated virus vaccine and with Sinovac for its inactivated virus vaccine "CoronaVac". GENEVA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Two Chinese pharmaceutical companies will provide 110 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines immediately to participants of the COVAX project, announced the global Vaccine Alliance Gavi on Monday. The Chinese Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines have been approved earlier this year by the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use. Gavi announced in a press release that it had signed advance purchase agreements with Sinopharm for its "BBIBP-CorV" inactivated virus vaccine and with Sinovac for its inactivated virus vaccine "CoronaVac". Workers transfer boxes of COVID-19 vaccines arrived at Abidjan International Airport in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, Feb. 26, 2021. (Xinhua/Yvan Sonh) The agreements, which come at a time when the Delta variant of the virus is posing a rising risk, will begin to make 110 million doses immediately available to participants of the COVAX Facility, the international vaccine supply and distribution facility co-led by WHO, Gavi and other partners, read the press release. According to the press release, 60 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine will be made available from July through this October, and 50 million doses of Sinovac vaccine will be made available from July through September this year. In addition, Gavi said that it has the option to purchase a potential total of 170 million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine and up to 380 million doses of the Sinovac vaccine in Q4 of 2021 and in the first half of 2022. An airport worker transports packages of Chinese COVID-19 vaccine at the Phnom Penh International Airport in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on July 10, 2021. (Xinhua/Phearum) "Thanks to this deal, and because these vaccines have already received WHO Emergency Use Listing, we can move to start supplying doses to countries immediately," said Gavi CEO Seth Berkley. A source with the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in Geneva commented Monday that the signing of the agreement between Gavi and the two Chinese vaccine makers is an important move showing China's commitment to treat vaccines as a "global public product." "The Chinese government has been actively encouraging and supporting Chinese vaccine research and development companies to participate in the COVAX to provide vaccines to developing countries," the diplomat said, adding that China is willing to continue to work together with all parties to promote the fair distribution of vaccines and make positive contributions to global solidarity in the fight against the epidemic. Workers arrange boxes of COVID-19 vaccines to be kept at the Palestinian Authority's storage facility in Salem village, east of the West Bank city of Nablus, March 17, 2021. (Xinhua/Ayman Nobani) (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Commentary: China's welcome panda news a success but not full stop of biodiversity efforts Xinhua) 10:54, July 13, 2021 BEIJING, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The growing number of the once-endangered wild giant pandas in China is the latest example of continuous efforts to save the planet's biodiversity. In a welcome piece of good news for the world's threatened wildlife, the at-risk status of wild giant pandas has been downgraded from "endangered" to "vulnerable," as their population has grown to some 1,800. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment attributed the notable progress to China's drive to establish a relatively complete system of nature reserves. While this change marks the improving condition of wildlife in China, it does not mean that efforts to protect wildlife in China will be downgraded. Only with a long-term vision and persistent actions can the protection of biodiversity continue to improve. Green development has become a key component of China's new vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. Its ecological conservation and restoration projects, such as forest and wetland protection initiatives and the fishing ban in the Yangtze River basin, are facilitating the recovery of rare and endangered species. The wild giant pandas, Tibetan antelopes and milu deer are living in better environments. The numbers of Siberian tigers, Asian elephants and crested ibises have grown rapidly. The welcome panda news came months ahead of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The meeting, to be held in China's Yunnan Province that is known for its dense forests and rich biodiversity, will review the "post-2020 global biodiversity framework." It is expected to see China and other countries pool their wisdom and resources to bring about a transformation in society's relationship with biodiversity and to ensure that the shared vision of living in harmony with nature is fulfilled. Biodiversity is wealth and treasure. Putting biodiversity conservation high on its domestic policy agenda will help China achieve harmony between humans and nature and foster green, eco-friendly and sustainable growth. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Singaporean deputy PM calls on ASEAN, China to nurture new areas of complementarities Xinhua) 11:05, July 13, 2021 Aerial photo taken on Nov. 26, 2020 shows the view of Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center, the venue of the 17th China-ASEAN Expo, and its neighboring buildings in Nanning, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. (Xinhua/Lu Boan) "The ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is a cornerstone agreement that has benefited all members," Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies Heng Swee Keat said. "Let us work towards upgrading this agreement, to reduce non-tariff measures and address new priorities, especially for the digital economy." SINGAPORE, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies Heng Swee Keat Monday called on ASEAN and China to fortify the foundations of existing partnerships, and nurture new areas of complementarities. He said while delivering a keynote speech at the FutureChina Global Forum (FCGF) 2021 that the two sides should strengthen the rules-based multilateral framework for trade and investments. "The ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is a cornerstone agreement that has benefited all members," Heng said. "Let us work towards upgrading this agreement, to reduce non-tariff measures and address new priorities, especially for the digital economy." He also called on the two sides to rebuild their aviation links and further liberalize the ASEAN-China Air Transport Agreement to boost the region's connectivity, as they prepare to resume cross-border travel. Photo taken on Aug. 6, 2020 shows a view of southwest China's Chongqing. A total of 230 cooperation projects have been inked under the framework of a China-Singapore connectivity initiative since it was launched in 2015. The China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity aims to conduct pilot cooperation in various fields. (Xinhua/Liu Chan) "Beyond ASEAN and China, we must maintain the momentum for global trade liberalization, and build confidence in multilateralism," he said. "RCEP (the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership), which was signed between ASEAN Member States, China, and four other major trading partners is an important next step." Beyond FTAs, Heng said that ASEAN and China should explore new building blocks, including digital collaboration and sustainable development, to strengthen cooperation, to seek new sources of growth and address global challenges. COVID-19 has accelerated the global shift to digital, and ASEAN and China must move swiftly to respond to this shift. Therefore, he called for piloting more city-to-city projects, and establishing Digital Economy Agreements at the country level. More over, climate change is an existential challenge, and both ASEAN and China understand the urgency of the challenge, he said, noting that ASEAN and China can focus on catalyzing a green recovery, from investing in buildings that are more energy-efficient, to exploring cleaner energy sources such as solar and wind. "China's Belt and Road Initiative or BRI is an important initiative, and a 'Green BRI' will be a major step in catalyzing green infrastructure," Heng said. Aerial photo taken on Jan. 14, 2021 shows the container terminal of Qinzhou Port in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. (Xinhua/Cao Yiming) The FCGF 2021, organized by Business China, a non-profit organization that aims to strengthen ties between Singapore and China, commenced on Monday morning. Held in a hybrid format for the first time, over 1,500 distinguished business leaders, public personalities, political leaders, and industry experts from Singapore, China, and the ASEAN region gathered at the forum, to discuss pertinent trends, opportunities, and lessons drawn from ASEAN and China, that will prepare the region for an increasingly volatile and complex "Never Normal" future. The "Never Normal" is a term coined by business entrepreneur, advisor, and author Peter Hinssen as a "reality where change is constantly triggered by 'seismic shocks'," -- be it ecological, societal, or geopolitical in nature. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Draft plan aims to ensure data security China Daily) 11:22, July 13, 2021 China plans to step up the development of data security products and services, as part of a broader push to cultivate its cybersecurity industry into a 250 billion yuan ($38.6 billion) sector by 2023. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the industry regulator, said in a draft three-year plan released on Monday that more efforts are needed to enhance capabilities in data management, with a focus on ensuring security in the storage, transfer and privacy of data. The move came as data security becomes a prerequisite for digital economic prowess and countries worldwide ramp up regulatory measures to better govern and protect data assets, experts said. The draft plan called for more efforts to build capabilities in intelligently managing data, optimizing data classification and strengthening data protection, on top of preventing data theft, tampering and leaking. The nation also aims to achieve breakthroughs in a number of crucial cybersecurity technologies by 2023, with accelerated integration of emerging technologies and cybersecurity services, the draft plan said. Last year, the market size of China's cybersecurity industry exceeded 170 billion yuan, twice the size of 2015, according to figures from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, a Beijing-based think tank. As of 2020, China had more than 3,000 enterprises engaged in cybersecurity-related business, covering network security equipment, services, software and system integration, the academy said. Du Guangda, deputy director of the cybersecurity administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that "Data has become a new type of production factor, having an important impact on economic development, social governance and people's daily lives and work." Wu Hequan, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said data security is of increasing importance, with the accelerated digital transformation of China. Data security is not just about technology companies. It is also becoming increasingly relevant to companies in traditional sectors, as the real economy becomes intertwined with the digital economy, and as more industrial, manufacturing and medical data go online, Wu said. Such risks were reflected in a ransomware attack that affected up to 1,500 businesses globally this month, Reuters reported. Amid rising risks, countries worldwide are placing increased importance on data security and play their part in regulating companies. Television broadcaster CNBC reported that United States President Joe Biden signed an executive order last month to protect personal data from foreign adversaries. The order sets criteria for the US government to evaluate the risk of apps linked to such adversaries, including the threat to national security. On Monday, shares of Chinese cybersecurity companies surged on the heels of the draft plan. Qi-Anxin Technology Group shares skyrocketed by 20 percent on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Qi Xiangdong, chairman of Qi-Anxin, said: "New cybersecurity challenges have popped up with the development of new technologies such as the internet of things. Governments and enterprises need to ramp up efforts to establish a complete network security system to combat the rising cyberattacks." (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Hongyu) People with visual impairments, dyslexia visit Tel Aviv Museum of Art Xinhua) 12:24, July 13, 2021 People with visual impairments and people with dyslexia visit the Tel Aviv Museum of Art in Tel Aviv, Israel, on July 11, 2021. A special meeting was held on July 11 at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Some exhibits selected from the museum's collection were displayed and made accessible to the visually impaired by various means including tactile graphics, audio description and Braille. (Photo by Gil Cohen Magen/Xinhua) (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Night economy in Tianjin, N China Xinhua) 12:36, July 13, 2021 Aerial photo taken on July 10, 2021 shows the venue of a drinking carnival in Xiqing District of north China's Tianjin. A drinking carnival called "Craft Brew" was held Saturday on the Wisdom Mountain Hill Square in Xiqing District, attracting many young visitors to come and play. People can enjoy a dazzling collection of craft beer, coffee and food from all over the world during the carnival. (Photo by Sun Fanyue/Xinhua) (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) China ready to strengthen cooperation with Turkmenistan: FM Xinhua) 12:57, July 13, 2021 Visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) holds talks with Turkmen Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, July 12, 2021. (Xinhua) ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, July 13 (Xinhua) -- China is willing to beef up cooperation with Turkmenistan in various areas, visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here on Monday. China sees Turkmenistan as a truly reliable strategic partner, and the development of bilateral ties has maintained sound momentum under the strategic guidance of the heads of state, Wang said during talks with Turkmen Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov. China will firmly support Turkmenistan in taking a development path suited to its own national conditions, its commitment to permanent neutrality, and its measures to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, said Wang. China, he said, is willing to take the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties as an opportunity to work with Turkmenistan to deepen political mutual trust, expand all-round cooperation, enhance coordination on major international and regional issues, and turn the high-level cooperation into more concrete results that will benefit the two peoples. China will continue to provide COVID-19 vaccines to Turkmenistan and back its efforts to fight the pandemic, said the minister. China is ready to step up cooperation with Turkmenistan in traditional and non-traditional security fields and help the country safeguard its national security, he said. Wang suggested that both countries seek to ratchet up the scale of cooperation in natural gas to solve existing problems, increase cooperation in oil and gas processing, new energy, green energy, nuclear energy so that the two countries can forge a long-term strategic partnership in the energy sector. The top Chinese diplomat also proposed that the two countries explore more opportunities in non-natural resources sectors to make bilateral cooperation more diversified and multi-faceted. Together with Turkmenistan, China is ready to speed up the alignment of China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative with Turkmenistan's development strategy to revive the Great Silk Road, create new growth areas like digital economy and cross-border e-commerce, implement cooperation in production capacity and investment, establish an interconnected network, advance agricultural and sci-tech cooperation, and expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which celebrated the 100th anniversary of the party's founding this year, China has found a development path suited to its national conditions and is widely supported by the people, Wang noted. While China's development marks an increase in the forces of peace and developing countries, Wang said some Western forces attempted to impede China's development by spreading disinformation, by meddling in China's internal affairs on the pretext of human rights, and by politicizing COVID-19 origin tracing in a bid to shift their responsibility for the botched response to the pandemic. He said China is ready to work with Turkmenistan to safeguard the basic norms governing international relations, including non-interference in other's internal affairs, jointly uphold international equity and justice, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries. Meredov, for his part, voiced his heartfelt congratulations on the centenary of the CPC, highly appreciated the remarkable achievements made by Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC and expressed confidence that led by the CPC, China will surely achieve its set development goals. Turkmenistan and China have established a high level of political mutual trust, have understood and supported each other on issues concerning their respective core interests, and have continuously deepened mutually beneficial cooperation as well as cultural and people-to-people exchanges, said the top Turkmen diplomat. Not long ago, the phone conversation between the two heads of state charted couse for the future development of bilateral relations, he said. As the two countries will usher in the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations next year, Turkmenistan is willing to take the opportunity to strengthen the alignment of China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative with Turkmenistan's development strategy to revive the Great Silk Road, and expand cooperation in the fields of anti-pandemic, security, oil and gas, and non-natural resources, said Meredov. Turkmenistan is grateful to China for providing COVID-19 vaccines and hopes that the two sides will jointly combat the "three evil forces" of terrorism, extremism and separatism, promote cooperation in biosecurity and information security, and strengthen cooperation in renewable energy, environmental protection, aviation and telecommunications, he said. Turkmenistan welcomes China's establishment of the Luban Workshop, a worldwide program for technical personnel, and hopes to set up a Turkmen-Chinese dialogue mechanism of cultural exchanges, he added. The two countries hold the same or similar positions on major international and regional issues, and Turkmenistan firmly supports China in improving the "one country, two systems" institutional system, opposes foreign interference in China's internal affairs and politicization of the COVID-19 origin tracing, and backs China in safeguarding its own core interests, said Meredov. Wang and Meredov agreed to negotiate and sign documents for cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative as soon as possible, formulate a five-year plan for cooperation and a plan for expanding partnership in economy, facilitate the negotiation on natural gas cooperation to achieve substantive progress as soon as possible, and ink international road transport agreements and pacts in other areas. They also conducted in-depth exchanges of views on international and regional issues of common concern, such as the situation in Afghanistan. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Commentary: Suppressing China won't help U.S. tech vitality Xinhua) 12:58, July 13, 2021 Photo taken on June 17, 2021 shows the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., the United States. (Xinhua/Liu Jie) Washington's bullying tactics harm itself and the rest of the world: America's credibility as a free and open country will be the first victim; people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States will take another hit; and the widely-accepted rules governing global trade will be severely disrupted. BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Washington's agitation to preserve its technological edge by suppressing China seems to be running unimaginably wild these days. Most recently, the U.S. administration added another batch of Chinese technology firms to its entity list over their alleged roles in so-called human rights abuses in Xinjiang and connections with the Chinese military. Before that, it was reported to have rejected visa applications by more than 500 Chinese students planning to pursue postgraduate study in sciences and engineering at top American universities. Those moves show that the current White House is still taking its cue from the toxic China policy engineered by the administration of Donald Trump. Blacklisting those Chinese firms has nothing to do with improving the human rights conditions in Xinjiang. U.S. politicians pay no more than lip service even when tackling human rights problems at home. How can they have real love for people in a region far off America's shores? Anyone with real knowledge of Xinjiang and an objective mind knows that the region has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years: the Uygur population continues to grow; terrorist acts have been tamed; and living standards have significantly improved. The United States, in sharp contrast, has a rather lamentable human rights record. Yet it seems that America's political leaders are either indifferent to or clueless about solving such chronic problems as systemic racial discrimination or a widening wealth gap. A visitor takes pictures of an AI-powered robot brewing coffee during the China International Big Data Industry Expo 2021 in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou Province, May 26, 2021. (Xinhua/Yang Wenbin) Moreover, Washington's move to deny visa applications of those Chinese science students is yet another proof that the United States is getting increasingly agitated towards China's technological progress and is turning to self-isolation and protectionism for help. For the record, China's purpose to promote scientific and technological advancement is not to outcompete the United States, but to improve the welfare of its own people and contribute to the world's peaceful development. And it would be infantile for China hawks in Washington to resort to blacklisting some Chinese firms or refusing to admit some Chinese students to prevent China from moving forward. In fact, despite Washington's repeated sanctions, China has still managed to achieve substantial technological progress over the years. Washington's bullying tactics harm itself and the rest of the world: America's credibility as a free and open country will be the first victim; people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States will take another hit; and the widely-accepted rules governing global trade will be severely disrupted. The United States is the world's sole superpower and the most advanced country in scientific innovation. Its own story of success indisputably attests to the necessity of openness and international cooperation for technological progress. Sadly, Washington's ballooning hubris and self-serving protectionist slant are demolishing the fundamentals that once underpinned the edifice of America's technological power, and leading the country down the wrong path. The United States should once again embrace a spirit of collaboration to maintain its technological competitiveness in the 21st century. It stands to lose otherwise. After all, America's biggest enemy is itself, not China. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Cooperating with China, Egypt seeks to become COVID-19 vaccine self-sufficient, regional exporter Xinhua) 13:11, July 13, 2021 CAIRO, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Egypt on Monday celebrated the local production of the first 1 million doses of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, seeking to meet domestic demand and then export to other countries in the region. Egyptian Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) and Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac signed two agreements in April to jointly manufacture the Sinovac vaccine in VACSERA's factory in the North African country. The first agreement enables the Egyptian side to obtain the expertise and technical assistance to produce the vaccine, while the second one gives the VACSERA the license to manufacture and pack the vaccine in its factory. IMPORTANT STEP TOWARDS SELF-SUFFICIENCY "Manufacturing the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the factories of VACSERA makes Egypt the first Arab and African country to produce the coronavirus vaccines," Mohammed Eid, director of Abbasia Chest Hospital in Cairo, told Xinhua. Producing the vaccine locally will have a great impact on controlling the pandemic, not only in Egypt but also in Arab and African countries, he said. "This move will enable Egypt to achieve great successes in controlling the spread of the virus ... Egypt is very qualified to produce the vaccines since it has a very strong scientific and technological base," he added. In addition to the health and technological benefits, Eid said, Egypt will also have economic gains from providing the vaccine to regional countries. He stressed that the Chinese approval of the production of the Sinovac vaccine in Egypt proves China's confidence in Egypt's scientific, technological and industrial capabilities. "This also means that China and Egypt are keen to strengthen their mutual cooperation for the interest of the two peoples," he added. Egypt is also seeking to expand its production capacity of the Chinese vaccine. Last week, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly told reporters that his government is in talks with the Chinese side to double the supply of vaccine raw materials in order to produce 600,000 doses per day. INTERNATIONAL ADMIRATION The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomed the cooperation between Egypt and China in producing Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Egypt. "The cooperation between Egypt and China is a successful model for international cooperation and transfer of global expertise, which contributes to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)," said Naeema Al-Gasseer, WHO representative in Egypt, in a statement last week. The WHO official said that the cooperation between Egypt and China in this regard helps achieve Goal 3.8 of the SDGs, concerning "access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines." The WHO also appreciates Egypt's plan to vaccinate 40 percent of its citizens and residents by the end of this year, saying it is consistent with the organization's call. It valued Egypt's plan to "achieve self-sufficiency in vaccines to become a center for exporting vaccines in Africa." So far, some 52 African countries have acquired more than 70 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines, according to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC). Africa CDC, the specialized healthcare agency of the African Union, said around 1.19 percent of Africa's population have been fully vaccinated. Five countries, namely Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Algeria have acquired and administered the most doses of COVID-19 vaccines to their respective populations, according to the agency. The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Africa reached 5,919,408 as of Sunday afternoon, Africa CDC said. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) China-EU trade sees rapid growth in H1 Xinhua) 14:04, July 13, 2021 BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Bilateral trade between China and the European Union (EU) saw a rapid growth in the first half of this year, demonstrating vitality and resilience in their trade cooperation, a customs spokesperson said Tuesday. China-EU trade jumped 26.7 percent from a year ago to 2.52 trillion yuan (389 billion U.S. dollars) in the first half, making the EU the second-largest trade partner of China during the period, data from the General Administration of Customs (GAC) showed. Around 16.6 percent of China's mechanical and electrical exports were shipped to the EU while more than one-third of the consumer goods imported into China were from the EU, said GAC spokesperson Li Kuiwen. "China and the EU are important economic and trade partners with strong economic complementarity and great potential for cooperation," Li said. Strengthening economic and trade exchanges between China and the EU is conducive to enhancing the well-being of the people on both sides, coping with global challenges and promoting the recovery of the world economy, Li added. Tuesday's data showed that China's total imports and exports expanded 27.1 percent year on year to 18.07 trillion yuan in the first half of 2021, marking an increase of 22.8 percent from the pre-epidemic level in 2019. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Chinese septuagenarian inspires netizens after earning degrees in painting, calligraphy People's Daily Online) 15:27, July 13, 2021 "It is never too late to learn," said Xu Anling, a septuagenarian from Jinshan district, Shanghai, who received her second bachelor's degree in Chinese painting last month. Photo shows Xu Anling standing beside her work. (Photo provided by the interviewee) The inspirational granny received her first degree in calligraphy in 2019. Xu said her keen interest in painting dates back to her childhood, but she was unable to pursue the hobby in her early years. After Xu retired and had no more pressure from work, she was finally able to throw herself into her artistic creations. "When I picked up the brush again after all these years, I just felt that I had picked up my childhood dream," Xu recalled. A group photo of Xu Anling with her teacher and classmates. (Photo provided by the interviewee) At one point, when Xu realized that she needed to improve her professional skills rather than focus only on creativity, she decided to sign up for further studies at the China Academy of Art, one of the country's top professional art institutions, at the age of 58 in 2009. Four years later, Xu was enrolled into the further education class for adults at the same university. However, obtaining her junior college diploma did not make Xu complacent. In order to be exposed to a more professional and systematic art learning experience, Xu decided to sit the national adult college entrance examination in 2017. Xu Anling holds a certificate for "outstanding graduate". (Photo provided by the interviewee) "I was thrilled when I received my university admission notice," Xu recalled, adding that during her time at university, she never felt ill at ease when surrounded by students in their twenties. "Faculty members and fellow students all courteously called me Sister Xu," she revealed, calling her past 12 years of schooling the most precious time in her life. Xu Anling draws a sketch. (Photo provided by the interviewee) After stories about Xu earnestly pursuing further studies at such an advanced age were circulated online, many netizens were deeply struck by her passion and grit. "I admire the old lady who believes in her own dream, does not set limits for herself, and always pursues what she is passionate about with hope in her heart," commented one netizen. "I hope I can just be like Aunt Xu in the future. Live and learn!" another online user posted. Photo shows Xu Anling's paintings. (Photo provided by the interviewee) Photo shows Xu Anling's paintings. (Photo provided by the interviewee) (Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji) Providing 500 mln vaccine doses to world, China aims to enhance int'l cooperation against COVID-19 Xinhua) 15:35, July 13, 2021 BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese vaccines are gathering steam across the world, injecting strong impetus into the global fight against COVID-19 as deaths from the virus topped 4 million worldwide and variants spread to more than 100 countries. As a steadfast advocate for equitable vaccine distribution around the globe, China has supplied 500 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines and concentrates to more than 100 countries and international organizations, accounting for one-sixth of the current global output. China has provided more doses to developing countries than anyone else and has vaccine cooperation partners all over the globe, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Monday. With the support of the Chinese government, Chinese vaccine companies have started joint production in many countries including the UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Pakistan and Mexico, with producing capacity exceeding 200 million doses. HIGH EFFICACY Two Chinese pharmaceutical companies, Sinopharm and Sinovac, will provide 110 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines immediately to participants of the COVAX project, announced the global Vaccine Alliance Gavi on Monday. The Chinese Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines were approved earlier this year by the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use. "The Chinese government has been actively encouraging and supporting Chinese vaccine research and development companies to participate in the COVAX to provide vaccines to developing countries," a diplomat with the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in Geneva said on Monday. Two doses of the Sinopharm vaccine provide 84-percent protection from death caused by COVID-19, showed a report by the Argentine Ministry of Health based on cases from the country's 24 provinces. In February, Argentina authorized the emergency use of the Sinopharm vaccine after Health Minister Carla Vizzotti signed a resolution, an official measure which highlighted the "safety, immunogenicity and efficacy" of the vaccine. The South African government, political parties, labor and civil society have given thumbs up to the CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, whose use in the country was approved by South African Health Products Authority (SAHPRA) on July 3. SAHPRA's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela said they approved the use of the CoronaVac vaccine based on its safety, quality and efficacy of the data presented to them. South Africa's opposition political party Economic Freedom Fighters also welcomed the Sinovac vaccine, calling on the government to make it available to the people soon. "The efficacy of the CoronaVac vaccine to the COVID-19 variants that are dominant in South Africa and its safety are essential. We are therefore looking forward to deepening our party to party relations with the CPC (Communist Party of China) and inter alia, scientific cooperation with China in our struggle to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and resolve underdevelopment," said South African Communist Party General-Secretary Blade Nzimande. Interim analysis of Phase 3 clinical trial of the CoronaVac vaccine in more than 10,000 participants, aged 18-59, in Turkey suggests the efficacy of two doses of the vaccine is 83.5 percent against symptomatic cases of COVID-19, according to a study published last week in The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. The vaccine -- which has been in Phase 3 trials since mid-2020 in Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, and Turkey -- can be stored and transported at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius, according to The Lancet. "This could be particularly important for global distribution, as some countries may struggle to store large amounts of vaccine at very low temperatures," said Murat Akova, lead author of the study and a professor at Hacettepe University School of Medicine in Ankara. The World Health Organization said Monday it believes that Chinese coronavirus vaccines Sinopharm and Sinovac, distributed internationally via COVAX sharing mechanism, were effective enough against the disease. "At any point, if we have concerns with the efficacy of these vaccines, we would definitely make that known. So, at this point, I think we are confident," WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan told a press briefing. SETTING EXAMPLE FOR INT'L COOPERATION A total of 438,867 new COVID-19 cases were reported across the world during the past day, bringing the global tally to 187,238,474, according to data by the Johns Hopkins University. Nonetheless, "at this stage in the pandemic, the fact that millions of health and care workers have still not been vaccinated is abhorrent," Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, told a biweekly conference in Geneva on Wednesday. Tedros reminded that "vaccine nationalism," whereby a handful of nations have taken the lion's share of vaccines, is "morally indefensible" and an ineffective public health strategy against a respiratory virus that is mutating quickly and becoming increasingly successful at infecting new hosts. "Variants are currently winning the race against vaccines because of inequitable vaccine production and distribution ... It didn't have to be this way and it doesn't have to be this way going forward," he noted. United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last week stressed that the world needs a global vaccine plan to at least double the production of vaccines and ensure equitable distribution, using COVAX as the platform. Under current circumstances, cooperation between China and other countries in producing COVID-19 vaccines has been increasingly welcomed by the international community, with many hailing such cooperation as setting an example for international vaccine cooperation and transfer of global expertise. Naeema Al-Gasseer, WHO representative in Egypt, praised the cooperation between Egypt and China in producing Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines in Egypt as "a successful model for international cooperation and transfer of global expertise, which contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals." Egyptian Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) and Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac signed an agreement in April to jointly manufacture Sinovac vaccines in VACSERA's factory in the North African country. Egypt has recently celebrated the production of the first 1 million doses of the vaccine, seeking to meet local demand and further export them to other countries in the region. Similarly, Malaysian firm Yong Tai Bhd, which has partnered China-based Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products (SZKT) to supply Chinese-produced COVID-19 vaccines in Malaysia, is aiming to offer its vaccines to the private sector by September or October. The firm, which has an agreement with SZKT to supply 10 million doses per year and an additional 10 million if required, has been conducting the Phase III Clinical Trial in Malaysia and has applied to the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency for approval to use the vaccines in the country. Yong Tai's CEO Boo Kuang Loon is confident that the vaccine developed by SZKT will be well accepted, as it is from the same technology platform as the other two Chinese COVID-19 vaccine developers Sinopharm and Sinovac. Elsewhere in Asia, Mongolian Foreign Minister Batmunkh Battsetseg said the two countries have maintained active cooperation despite COVID-19, setting a real example of how neighboring countries help each other and overcome difficulties together. "We are sincerely grateful to the Chinese government and people for donating vaccines and essential medical equipment to Mongolia during this difficult time, as well as for sharing experiences in successfully combating the pandemic," she said, adding that China's vaccine support is very important for Mongolia. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) China remains worlds largest B2C cross-border e-commerce market People's Daily Online) 15:59, July 13, 2021 China is the worlds largest business to customer (B2C) cross-border e-commerce market, and continues to see broad prospects for cross-border e-commerce. A staff member works at the factory of a clothing company in Yuping Dong Autonomous County in southwest China's Guizhou province. Clothing factories in the county have seen peak production and sales recently, as they now sell their products to more than 30 countries and regions around the world. (Photo/ Hu Panxue) According to statistics provided by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, China became the worlds largest economy in terms of B2C cross-border e-commerce in 2018, followed by the U.S. The two countries together accounted for nearly half of the total sales volume in the global sector. About 26 percent of global B2C transactions took place in the Chinese mainland, followed by the U.S. which had 21 percent, according to statistics from online payments giant Paypal. B2C cross-border e-commerce has become an important force stabilizing Chinas foreign trade. Last year, China's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports reached 1.69 trillion yuan (about 260.9 billion U.S. dollars), up 31.1 percent year on year. Medical materials for epidemic prevention and control, small home appliances, electronic products and toys became popular products on cross-border e-commerce platforms. According to AliExpress, a global online retail marketplace and part of Alibaba Group, sales of home appliances and household products both increased by more than 50 percent. A survey by AliExpress indicated that the best-selling products on cross-border e-commerce platforms are clothing, shoes, electronic products and toys, and most consumers like to buy products with high added value, such as artworks. Mould King, a company based in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong that produces and exports toys, built a profitable business online last year after shifting its focus to cross-border e-commerce to offset the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic. Consumers shop at a duty-free shop in east Chinas Jiangxi province. The store opened in the first half of the year and all the goods it sells were transported by the China-Europe freight train service. (Photo/Hu Guolin) An executive of the company disclosed that during the Double 11 shopping spree last year, the number of orders for toys received by the company increased by 100 percent. The products are of high quality and their prices are 85 percent to 90 percent lower than global brands. Over the past year, the global consumer market has moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and with foreign manufacturing badly hurt by the pandemic, goods made in China have risen to become a mainstay in the global consumer market, said Wang Mingqiang, general manager of AliExpress. E-commerce also provides a channel for medium- and small- sized companies to reach overseas customers more easily. Unlike the traditional mode of foreign trade, which involves various parties such as traders, foreign buyers, distributors at various levels, and retailers, e-commerce connects the manufacturers with the consumers directly, bringing more profits to the manufacturers and benefits to the customers. China has rolled out a basket of policies to support, regulate and guide cross-border e-commerce. The policy support has helped create a stable environment for enterprises to grow and greatly boosted their confidence, said Li Mingtao, vice president of a research institute affiliated to the China E-commerce Research Center (CECRC). (Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji) Safeguarding core interests underlined as shared mission for the two countries Leaders, officials and scholars have hailed the mature, unique partnership between Beijing and Moscow that outperforms traditional alliances, helps each other ensure strategic security at their doorsteps and provides support for multilateralism and peace across the globe. They made the observation as the two countries recently held a series of events to celebrate the upcoming 20th anniversary on Friday of the signing of the landmark China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. Beijing and Moscow extended the treaty last month, with President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin issuing a joint statement officially announcing the extension. The two countries have worked together to effectively promote multilateralism, oppose hegemony and power politics and contain the impulses of some Western countries for fanning a new Cold War and bloc confrontation, officials said. When addressing a grand reception on Sunday in Beijing to mark the anniversary, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi defined the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership as "not an alliance, but better than an alliance". In the past 20 years, under the guidance of the treaty, China-Russia ties have reached historic highs, and the two countries should further build staunch supporting pillars for world peace and security, Wang said. He underlined three shared missions for the two countries to step up what he called "side-by-side collaboration": safeguarding their core interests, promoting their development and revitalization, and championing regional security and stability. The two governments have thoroughly resolved the border issue left over from history and secured constant peace at their shared boundaries of over 4,300 kilometers. Annual bilateral trade volume has increased nearly 14-fold in the past two decades, from $8 billion in 2000 to $107.77 billion in 2020. Recently, Russia's Finance Ministry completed an asset structure adjustment to the National Wealth Fund, the country's sovereign wealth fund, and the share of the Chinese yuan was increased from 15 percent to 30.4 percent. "It shows Russia's confidence in the prospects of China's economic growth and China-Russia cooperation," Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Thursday. At the event on Sunday, Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov said that the two sides have stayed true to the treaty and achieved fruitful results through cooperation in various fields, and Russia-China cooperation has demonstrated strong stability and tenacity, particularly amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the changing global landscape. Xu Bu, president of the China Institute of International Studies, said the two countries have achieved constant progress in their ties as they "exercise mutual respect and mutual trust, pursue no alignment or confrontation, target no third countries and subscribe to win-win cooperation". As a result, their strategic cooperation has become increasingly mature, and their ties have "become a role model between major powers in modern times", Xu said at a recent seminar. In an interview with the US television broadcaster NBC last month, Putin voiced support for China on issues related to the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Taiwan, and he debunked attempts by some Western countries to alienate or sabotage China-Russia relations. "We do not believe that China is a threat to us," Putin said, noting that the two countries enjoy "a high level of trust and cooperation in all areas". Chen Wenling, chief economist at the Beijing-based China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said the two-way partnership is not only a country-to-country relationship, but also "an anchor of global peace and balance". "Without the cooperation of the two major countries, some people may be bolder and increasingly fearless when prioritizing their own national interests above the world's interests, bullying and suppressing other countries in order to maintain their hegemony," Chen wrote in a recent article published on a news website affiliated with the National Development and Reform Commission. International order As long as China and Russia further unswervingly champion the whole of humanity's common interests, a fair and just international order and the basic principles of international relations, more countries will follow their lead and stay undisturbed, and "the world will not be messed up too much and will be full of hope", she added. Since both China and Russia have announced that they will not form a strategic alliance to deal with other countries, this unique nonalignment policy "enables the development of the world's diversity and lays a solid foundation for world peace", Hong Kong-based China Review News said in a commentary. The two permanent members of the UN Security Council have shown that "equal cooperation can be achieved as long as countries respect each other and do not interfere in internal affairs", and "a no-win situation cannot be avoided unless cooperation is based on mutual benefits and mutual respect", it added. All three countries claim the islands and require either permission or advance notification before a military vessel passes through, which the U.S. did not give Monday. The USS Benfold destroyer sailed near the small archipelago, located south of China and east of Vietnam, in a move known as a freedom of navigation operation, according to the Navy. The operation challenged "the unlawful restrictions on innocent passage imposed by China, Taiwan and Vietnam," the Navy said in a statement. The U.S. Navy dismissed as "false" China's claims that it "drove away" a U.S. warship that passed through the disputed Paracel Islands in the South China Sea on Monday. The Navy added it would continue to carry out these operations "as long as some countries continue to assert maritime claims that are inconsistent with international law." "Unlawful and sweeping maritime claims in the South China Sea pose a serious threat to the freedom of the seas, including the freedoms of navigation and overflight, free trade and unimpeded commerce," the Navy said. "No member of the international community should be intimidated or coerced into giving up their rights and freedoms." Chinese authorities on Monday called the move "provocative" and urged the U.S. to stop, according to Reuters. The freedom of navigation operation comes on the fifth anniversary of an international court ruling in The Hague that held China had no historic title over the South China Sea. Beijing has ignored the ruling. Other islands and atolls in the South China Sea are contested by Brunei, Malaysia and the Philippines. China considers much of the resource-rich sea its territory -- overlapping with the territorial claims of other nations -- and has created hundreds of hectares of artificial islands to bolster its territorial claims. The U.S. frequently conducts freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea to dispute China's claims and to promote free passage through international waters that carry half the world's merchant fleet tonnage, worth trillions of dollars each year. The minimum wage for next year was set amid dramatic scenes on Monday at W9,160 for next year, an increase of a substantial 5.1 percent (US$1=W1,148). The sum is lower than the W10,000 President Moon Jae-in promised in his election campaign, but businesses still say they are struggling. The increase has been steep over the last few years, jumping a whopping 41.6 percent from W6,470 an hour in 2017. Road construction continued on Monday on a stretch of East South Street in New Braunfels. The city this week will be soliciting public input from people about the next slate of streets that should be focused on by city crews. New Braunfels, TX (78130) Today A mix of clouds and sun. High 92F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Mostly clear. Low 74F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Woburn, MA (01801) Today Overcast. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High around 70F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Cloudy with occasional rain showers. Low 64F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Zac Efron "busted" his grandfather out of his nursing home. The 33-year-old actor shared a funny video of he and his brother Dylan arriving at the retirement home to take their elderly relative out for the day and joked they'd had to sneak him out past the staff. In the Instagram video, the 'Mission: Impossible' theme played in the background as Zac said: "Time to bust grandpa outta here." In a black face mask, the 'High School Musical' actor sneaked through to the room and his grandfather added: "Let's get outta here." They got him out to the car where he had a drink of Coca-Cola and told his grandsons to "hit it" before making their escape. They then arrived back at the Efron residence, where they settled in to watch the Euro 2020 final between Italy and England. Towards the end of the clip, Zac joked his grandfather is "better at acting than I am". Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Meanwhile, the 'Baywatch' star called time on his romance with Vanessa Valladares earlier this year after 10 months together, and a source said their romance came to an end when Zac decided things didnt feel right anymore. The insider said: "Zac broke things off with Vanessa recently. It just didn't feel right to him anymore. He met Vanessa at the Byron Bay General Store in New South Wales, Australia, where she was working. And despite their split, Zac will reportedly stay in Australia as he loves the country. The source added: Zac will still stay in Australia. He just loves Australia so much. He is working and busy with several upcoming projects. He is happy, healthy and enjoying life." Meanwhile, Zacs friend Kyle Sandilands confirmed the stars break-up, and insisted there was no drama involved. He said: I can also confirm after speaking with him yesterday. Its only recent, but not like yesterday recent. But theyve gone their separate ways. [There was] no drama, but its done. In just over a week, the full 90-man roster is slated to report to Green Bay, with the first practice of training camp set for July 28. And because Rodgers has said next to nothing publicly about his intentions, all anyone can do at this point is make educated guesses. James "Jim" Henry Wright, 93, passed away on July 10, 2021 at Golden Living Center in Kokomo. He was born on February 6, 1928 to the late Gordon and Sarah Ellen (Armstrong) Wright. He married Ruth Shufflebotham on August 20, 1948, and she preceded him in death on October 30, 2009. He served during the Korean War in the United States Army from 1951-1953. On April 4, 2015, he had the privilege of going on an Honor Flight to Washington, DC with his sponsor, John Murdock. That is a memory he cherished for the rest of his life. Jim retired from Pittsburgh Plate Glass (PPG) after 43 years of dedicated service. Jim and his wife loved to go camping, wintering in Florida. They also enjoyed traveling to Europe and Hawaii. Most of all, they loved spending time with their family. Jim is preceded in death by his brother, Gordon Wright, Jr. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Left to cherish his memory are his numerous nieces, nephews, and relatives in England. Services for Jim will be held at 1pm on Wednesday, July 21 at Ellers Mortuary Webster St Chapel, with Chaplain John Murdock officiating. Friends and family may gather for an hour of visitation, from 12-1pm, prior to the service. Memorial contributions can be made to a charity of your choice in Jim's honor. The family would like to thank Waterford, Wellbrooke, Northwoods Commons, Golden Living Center, and Guardian Angel Hospice for their years of care to Jim. Attorney General Todd Rokita is demanding numerous officials connected to two Indiana virtual schools repay more than $154 million in state funds he claims the schools misspent or were not entitled to receive. The lawsuit filed Monday against Indiana Virtual School and Indiana Virtual Pathways Academy, along with various related business entities, is the largest amount of money the state has sought to recover following a State Board of Accounts audit. According to the lawsuit, officials at the online-only schools spent some $86 million in state funds without properly documenting the spending, used money for prohibited purposes or outside the terms of contracts, or funneled it to related businesses controlled by school officials. The schools also received nearly $69 million in state tuition support and other state aid between 2011 and 2018 for 4,706 students state auditors said never logged into an online class, and another 3,811 students who were listed as completing some courses despite no online activity, according to the lawsuit "This massive attempt to defraud Hoosier taxpayers through complex schemes truly boggles the mind," Rokita said. "This case demonstrates once again that public servants must remain ever vigilant in our work to safeguard the public treasury from opportunists." Records show the two virtual schools abruptly shut down in 2019 after officials at Daleville Community Schools, which authorized their charters, revoked them in light of questions about the virtual schools' accounting practices and commitment to academic standards. A State Board of Accounts special audit of the virtual schools covering the 2011 to 2019 period concluded public funds were misappropriated through malfeasance, misfeasance, and/or nonfeasance by the virtual school officials paving the way for Rokita to seek repayment through the courts. "The State Board of Accounts is committed to creating a culture of accountability where public officials and institutions are held to the highest standards," State Examiner Paul Joyce said. "We appreciate the attorney general for bringing this action on behalf of all the citizens of the state of Indiana." Court records do not yet list an attorney representing the virtual school defendants, which include individuals and businesses associated with the schools' administration, business managers and contractors. Rokita additionally is asking Hamilton Superior Court Judge David Najjar to order the defendants pay treble damages of $462 million, or three times the allegedly ill-gotten funds, as punishment for their actions. The Republican attorney general said local and federal prosecutors also have been alerted to the audit findings for potential criminal charges. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Watch Now: Riding Shotgun with NWI Paramedics The outcome of the state's civil lawsuit in this case could hinge on a similar, pending legal dispute involving two former School Town of Munster superintendents accused by the attorney general of unlawfully sweetening their pensions. At issue is whether the attorney general is permitted to seek repayment based on a State Board of Accounts special audit looking back years in the past, when state audits conducted at the time uncovered no malfeasance. The Indiana Supreme Court last year suggested in a different case that civil recovery based on a special audit is permissible. But it directed Lake Circuit Judge Marissa McDermott to determine how the high court decision applies to the Munster superintendents. She ruled in October the attorney general's case against former Superintendents William Pfister and Richard Sopko could proceed. The superintendents, however, are insisting their extra pension payments were lawful, and the state's lawsuit against them should be dismissed. The next hearing in the Munster case is scheduled for July 28. State v. Indiana Virtual Education Foundation lawsuit State Board of Accounts audit of Indiana Virtual School and Indiana Virtual Pathways Academy Get to know these new Indiana laws enacted in 2021 LANSING A Lansing man has been arrested for a fatal shooting in a driveway last week, police said. The Lansing Police Department arrested Juwan Frazier, 37, after he came to the police department with his attorney and turned himself in without incident, Chief Al Phillips said in a news release. WATCH NOW: Riding Shotgun with NWI Cops Patrolling Lowell with Cpl. Aaron Crawford Frazier was charged by the Cook County State's Attorney's Office with first-degree murder, police said. At 2:20 a.m. July 6, officers responded to a report of shots fire in the 17000 block of Grant Street in Lansing, police said. Officers found Floyd Steele, a 34-year-old Lansing resident, with multiple gunshot wounds to his head and body, sitting in a parked car in the driveway. He was treated by Lansing paramedics and taken to Franciscan Health Hammond where he died of the gunshot wounds, police said. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Police said Frazier shot Steele after seeing him with his ex-girlfriend. "The Lansing Police Criminal Investigations Division conducted a thorough investigation and the Illinois State Police Crime Scene Investigators gathered shell casings and other evidence from the scene. Detectives learned that the offender (Juwan Frazier) went to the address on Grant Street, where he previously lived, and observed his ex-girlfriend in a vehicle with another male subject," Phillips said in the news release. "Mr. Frazier confronted Mr. Steele and fired several shots striking him multiple times." Last Thursday, the Lake County Coroner's Office ruled the death a homicide. Frazier is slated to be taken to Markham Courthouse and is scheduled for a bond hearing on Tuesday. Gallery: Recent arrests booked into Lake County Jail RICHARDSON, Texas and CARMEL, Ind., July 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The XLerate Group ("XLerate") has added Liquid Motors to its arsenal of offerings serving consignors and buyers, both digitally and in-lane. Liquid Motors is a highly respected, critical service provider to independent auctions, dealers, marketplaces, and key industry participants. Cam Hitchcock, XLerate CEO, remarked that "we have come to know and trust Liquid Motors and the Liquid Motors team as a critical enabler of our multi-platform digital offering, which has grown explosively at XLerate and many other independent auctions. Michael Daseke and his core team are go-to resources for the auction community, and this team will continue to operate Liquid Motors as a highly independent service provider to auctions, dealers, and other consignors." Michael Daseke, Liquid Motors' CEO, commented that "becoming part of XLerate met several of our family's personal and professional objectives. XLerate is a well-respected and innovative group that will invest in Liquid Motors' technological capabilities and, at the same time, provide Liquid Motors with the independence and confidentiality it needs to be a trusted industry service provider. This is a great outcome for both Liquid Motors, its many customers, and the remarketing industry." Chuck Tapp, XLerate's EVP & Chief Revenue Officer, commented that "XLerate will benefit from the deep insight into various digital strategies that Liquid Motors is familiar with given its market visibility. Digital transactions have grown tremendously at XLerate over the last five years, and digital is a key component of XLerate's omnichannel, go-to-market strategy. The Liquid Motors acquisition will bolster our digital sales capabilities and transform our go-to-market strategy for other business segments. Liquid Motors provides us the opportunity to enhance and increase the unique value and capabilities to service our existing dealer, commercial, and institutional customers as well as potential prospects for whom we have previously been unable to provide solutions. The Liquid Motors platform allows us to integrate any auction functionality seamlessly." Liquid Motors, headquartered in Richardson, TX, was founded in 2006. XLerate Group is a multi-channel, multi-brand remarketing company that sells from 20 fixed and mobile auction platforms across 11 states and has a significant multi-seller platform presence. ABOUT THE XLERATE GROUP: Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute XLerate Group Auctions are a leading group of independent auctions with over 20 different simulcast online/physical sales combined with remote and off-site dealer sales, in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin, View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE XLerate Group Press Release July 13, 2021 De Lima seeks probe into shortcomings, accountabilities in govt's drug war Opposition Senator Leila M. de Lima has filed a Senate Resolution urging Congress to look into the gains, achievements, shortcomings, and accountabilities of the Duterte regime's "War on Drugs". In filing Senate Resolution (SR) No. 770, De Lima said that "in spite of billions of pesos in intelligence fund, there has been no notable achievements in terms of effectively neutralizing any drug syndicate other than kill suspected low-level drug peddlers." "Before this administration's term comes to an end, it behooves the Senate to evaluate the results or performance of one of the centerpiece programs of this government not only to determine the effectiveness of the program but also to hold accountable those who used this program as a cover for corruption and abuses," she said. During his first State of the Nation Address in 2016, Duterte said that "[w]e will not stop until the last drug lord, the last financier and the last pusher have surrendered or are put either behind bars or below the ground, if they so wish." However, then Director of the Philippine National Police Drug Enforcement Group (PNP-DEG) P/Col. Romeo Caramat admitted on Feb. 7, 2020 that the "shock and awe (approach of the government) definitely did not work," adding that the "[d]rug supply is still rampant". In fact, Peter Lim, who was accused by Duterte himself as one of the country's biggest illegal drug dealers, has an outstanding warrant of arrest for conspiracy to engage in illegal drug trading and a ?500,000 bounty on his head. To date, the government has yet to determine his whereabouts and confirm whether he has already left the country. De Lima recalled that when the House of Representatives conducted a probe on the illegal drug trade inside the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) in 2016, said investigation only led to the filing of three drug cases against her. De Lima has consistently and firmly asserted her innocence in these cases. She was acquitted in one of these three cases on February 17, 2021, exactly four years to the day after the charges were filed with the Regional Trial Court of Muntinlupa. "In spite of the allegation of conspiracy, none of the alleged co-conspirators who are NBP inmates were charged, except for Jaybee Sebastian who died under suspicious circumstances supposedly due to COVID 19" she said. "Even with direct access to the drug lords inside NBP, the government has failed to obtain leads on the drug supply chain or financing that could be useful in arresting the distribution of illegal drugs in the country." De Lima, the most prominent political prisoner under the Duterte regime, said that "even as the war on drugs offer little significant gains in stopping the distribution of illegal drugs in our country, the violence that attended it caught the eye of international human rights agencies." According to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) report, Duterte's "harmful rhetoric" and "incendiary" language combined with his government's "heavy-handed focus" on fighting illegal drugs and threats from insurgents has led to numerous deaths, arbitrary detentions and a suppression of dissent. "Noong 2016, pinaimbestigahan ko na ang walang habas na patayan at karahasan na dulot ng drug war ng gobyerno. Ang layunin natin: Matigil ang pang-aabuso at maglatag ng mekanismo para wastong tugunan ang salot ng ilegal na droga. Pero imbes na makiisa, ako ang pinuntirya, ginipit at ipinakulong." "Mahigit limang taon ang nakalipas, anong napala ng bansa sa War on Drugs ni Duterte? Libo-libong Pilipino ang pinaslang, kabilang na ang mga bata at inosente, habang naglipana pa rin ang ilegal na droga!", said De Lima. Vice President Leni Robredo, for her part, revealed in a report released last Jan. 6, 2020 that during her short stint as co-chair of the Inter-Agency Committee on Illegal Drugs (ICAD), law enforcement agencies were only able to seize 1% of the shabu supply in the Philippines. Press Release July 13, 2021 Statement of Senator Risa Hontiveros on Chinese Foreign Ministry's assertion that 2016 Hague victory is "a piece of waste paper" I unequivocally condemn Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian's statement that described our 2016 Hague victory as "nothing more than a piece of waste paper" and that it is "illegal, null, and void." On what planet does he think China is? The entire world has accepted and honored this landmark legal decision. The Arbitral Award has made it clear that China's nine-dash-line claim has neither historic nor legal basis as China cannot exceed what nations are entitled to under UNCLOS. China is a signatory to the UNCLOS, so she has to play by the same rules as everyone else. She stands alone against the global consensus on the issue. China is indeed part of the United Nations, and in fact, she is also a permanent member of the UN's Security Council, so Beijing's leadership better stop contorting international law, which member-nations should abide by, just because it is not in her favor. Beijing should also stop lying through her teeth. It is unfortunate that five long years since our triumph, China has still not come to her senses. The entire globe is still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic and it had been hoped that we would be more reflective about how we live and more especially, how we nations live together. But amid a health and economic crisis, China's behavior vis-a-vis the West Philippine Sea has only been obstructive, devoid of respect for our sovereign country. Moreover, Malacanang should denounce China's statement. It is long overdue. It is disturbing to read that China's position of relegating our 2016 victory to "waste paper" is similar to how President Duterte described this award. The words that come out of the President's mouth should echo the sentiment of the Filipino public, not of China. I have previously called on the President to retract his previous statement. He cannot abandon his duty to represent and fight for the best interest of the Philippines. He owes every Filipino that. 'The Great Wastes of China in what might become the Waste Philippine Sea' It is not only reclaiming land in the West Philippine Sea; by its actions, it is also renaming it as the Waste Philippine Sea. By turning reefs into toilets, two man-made things are now visible from space: the Great Wall of China on land, and the Great Wastes of China at sea. Ships are prohibited by domestic and international laws from dumping its refuse and trash into our oceans. Under Philippine laws, such are environmental crimes that carry a jail term and a hefty fine. But even without these laws, decent human behavior commands civilized men not to turn rich fishing grounds into a cesspool of feces. DENR should investigate this, and if there is basis, file charges in court. Government cannot fine sidewalk litterers while turning a blind eye to this. DFA should also study filing a diplomatic protest. Kuwait customs has seized 2.22 million bags of narcotics at the countrys Shuwaikh port, Kuwaiti state news agency KUNA reports. The substances were found in three containers left behind for over 90 days in the port. The General Administration of Customs also said the first container contained 111,000 bags of the narcotic substance Paan, the second had 109 bags, and the third 2 million bags. The authorities pledged to take action against the smugglers without providing details on their identities. The region has witnessed several attempts to smuggle prohibited drugs into some countries. Earlier in July, security officials in Saudi Arabia thwarted several attempts to smuggle large quantities of drugs into the Kingdom, Arab News reports. Coastal patrols in the Eastern Province had foiled an attempt to sneak 495,481 amphetamine tablets into the country, while naval patrols in Khafji in the Eastern Province had stopped 241 kilograms of hashish and 419,000 amphetamine pills from getting through, Arab News also notes. Maritime security officers also thwarted in the Tabuk region a smuggling operation of 334,000 amphetamine tablets. The Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP) signed Monday a memorandum of cooperation with the French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), the kingdoms state news agency SPA reports. The deal is meant to strengthen and develop a general framework for collaboration between the two countries. The cooperation agreement also seeks to raise the level of coordination between the two sides to promote intellectual property rights. SAIP has launched several programs to educate small and medium enterprises (SMEs) about intellectual property rights, SPA notes. SAIP, to promote intellectual property rights, has launched IP Clinic, a communication channel with inventors and SMEs. Detectives have formed a multi-agency team made up of the police, the military, and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to hunt down fugitive police officer Corporal Caroline Kangogo. The team of security agents has intensified the search on major highways, including the Nairobi-Nakuru-Eldoret and the Nairobi-Mombasa highways. The elite squad will also be surveilling hotels and means of communication. We have expanded our hunt to major highways, hotels, lodges and other places where we feel she could be hiding. Soon we shall arrest her, a senior detective with the DCI Special Service Unit told the Nation. Ms Kangogo has been on thee run for a little over a week now after she shot dead two men in a span of 24 hours, on Sunday, July 4 and on Monday. Nakuru County Criminal Investigations Officer Anthony Sunguti said it was difficult to trace Kangogo because she dumped her mobile phone. A defiant deputy president William Ruto has declared that he will not stop giving out cash donations to churches and welfare groups. Speaking at African Holy Ghost Christian Church in Huruma, Nairobi, on Sunday, Ruto appeared to respond to a jibe from president Uhuru Kenyatta. The Head of State had on Friday said that some leaders do not have plans for transforming the lives of Kenyans and have instead resorted to dishing out handouts. Kenyans dont want handouts. They want to be given the ability to fend for themselves, Uhuru said. In his response, Ruto appeared to accuse Uhuru of having double standards. When you were looking for votes you gave out Sh100 but you did not call it handout. But when I am giving to churches, boda bodas and mama mbogas, it becomes a handout. We may not be geniuses, but we are not fools, the DP said. You gave people Sh100 to get a five-year job but when I give Sh5,000 to mama mboga, that becomes a handout. Earlier in the day, Ruto spoke at New Breed City Chapel, Kiambu Road urging his critics to let him worship God in his own way. Some people have a problem with the way we worship. I have been accused of carrying money to church in sacks, but we will not stop, he said. Some of us did not have godfathers, we only know of God the Father. Allow us to worship God the way we think we should. DP Ruto further defended his donations citing the Bible. When you hear me talk about bottom-up, we are speaking the language of the Bible. The Holy Book says God will uplift the poor and they will dine with kings. That is the explanation of the bottom up approach of dealing with issues, he averred. According to a press release published by VIKING Life-Saving Equipment on July 2021, the company chooses inaugural DEFEA Athens as first live event to showcase consolidated high-performance boat, life-saving and safety solutions for defence sector. Model of Munin S1200 (Picture source: Army Recognition) With order volumes from defence customers in Greece at their highest level for many years, VIKING Life-Saving Equipment is taking the first real-life opportunity to present its consolidated portfolio of products and services to naval and military clients in an encouraging market. The return of a "real life" event comes at a time when Ministry of Defence procurement in Greece is gathering momentum. It also coincides with high activity at VIKING NORSAFE Life-Saving Hellas, the Danish companys Greek subsidiary. John Georgiadis, Managing Director, VIKING NORSAFE Life-Saving Hellas, says that VIKINGs boat production at plants in Norway, Greece and Asia has weathered COVID-19 challenges effectively. The first in a second batch of ambulance boats for the Hellenic Coastguard will leave its Athens plant at the end of July bound for the Sporades Islands. DEFEA will also provide a platform to introduce a new 14m fast patrol boat designed for a current tender. In addition, the Athens event allows VIKING to highlight the June reopening of its training center in Lavrio and the lifting of travel restrictions on service engineers. Consolidated global service has been a key gain for clients following the 2018 acquisition of NORSAFE by VIKING, he says. With a customer base including navies, air-forces, special forces, coast guards and SAR, law enforcement and harbor patrol, VIKINGs wider portfolio of life-saving equipment has also been turning heads in Greece, adds Sren Hansen, Senior Sales Manager Defence, VIKING Life-Saving Equipment. VIKING will bring its new SOLAS-approved PV9380 VIKING YouSafe Vanguard lifejacket to DEFEA, designed for its compatibility with other safety equipment. Another new life-saving product disclosure is being saved for the show itself, says Hansen. The Norsafe Munin S1200 represents a state of the art platform for all professional user groups requiring the highest possible quality in terms of seaworthiness, user-friendliness and safety at sea in all conditions. A TwinStepped wellproven deep V-Hull with superior shock mitigation, stability and maneuverability. Built to operate reliably and effectively in extreme conditions. The boat is designed to serve the patrol, boarding and inspection role, with deck layout allowing the crew to operate efficiently and comfortably over long periods of time. The layout and performance of the boat ensures optimum diving support, survey and work boat duties. The VIKING Norsafe Munin S1200 has a twin waterjet from Alamarin with joystick control and dynamic positioning. It employs a twin installation, Mercury diesel engines developing 740 hp offering a top speed of 45 knots. Decrease Font Size Font Size Increase Font Size Article body Within its release of the worlds most influential climate scientists, the international news agency Reuters has named Hanqin Tian, professor in Auburn Universitys School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, to its list of top scholars leading the study of climate change. Tian, who serves as the Solon and Martha Dixon Endowed Professor and director of the International Center for Climate and Global Change Research, was ranked 118th out of 1,000 international scientists. Known as a preeminent scholar of global environmental change, Tian also leads Auburns Climate, Human and Earth System Science (CHESS) Cluster, an interdisciplinary group of faculty working to advance solutions to persistent environmental challenges. Dr. Tians contributions to the study of climate systems continue to advance solutions to many of the grand challenges facing our society, including protecting natural resources and developing environmentally sustainable solutions, said Auburn Provost Bill Hardgrave. His exemplary record of research and scholarship certainly makes him one of the most influential scholars in the field. Two of Tians former graduate and postdoctoral fellows, Chaopun Crystal Lu and Wei Ren, also are included on the list. To compile the list, Reuters data journalist Maurice Tamman developed a system of identifying and ranking climate academics according to the influence of their research. Examining more than 350,000 scholarly papers, Tammans criteria included evaluating the number of publications as of December 2020, the frequency of those citations relative to other papers in the field and the number of references in the press, social media and other public policy papers. Tians groundbreaking research findings in the field of climate science have been featured in over 300 publications, including 10 papers published in the most prestigious scientific journals: Nature, Science and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, or PNAS. Tians Nature paper, A comprehensive quantification of global nitrous oxide sources and sinks, made the Altmetric Top 100 most discussed article out of 3.4 million works in 2020 and was featured in 134 news outlets globally. In 2019, Tian received a prestigious Andrew Carnegie Fellowship to support his work in climate change and food security. Tian was also elected as a fellow to the American Geophysical Union, or AGU, in 2020 for his outstanding and pioneering contributions to understanding the role of terrestrial ecosystems in controlling sources and sinks of greenhouse gases. AGU elects fewer than 0.1% of members to join this prestigious group of fellows. Tian has co-led an international consortium of scientists from 48 research institutions in 14 countries under the umbrella of the Global Carbon Project, on which he serves as one of 12 scientific steering committee members and co-chair for the International Nitrous Oxide Assessment. International collaboration is essential for solutions to global climate change and sustainable development goals, said Tian. Therefore, strengthening partnerships for international research and education is of critical importance to Auburn Universitys global profile and ranking. In the past decade, Tian has trained and prepared young scientists, including more than 10 doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows who have become faculty members across the United States, such as the two who also made the Reuters list: Lu, currently an assistant professor at Iowa State Universitys Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, and Ren, now an assistant professor in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at the University of Kentucky. Lu and Ren had a decade-long training and research experience in climate science at Auburn, initially as graduate students, postdoctoral and then research fellows before they assumed faculty positions, said Tian. Both received NSF CAREER awards, the most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty. Janaki Alavalapati, dean of Auburns School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, said the U.S. administration acknowledges the growing need for climate scientists and initiatives relating to academics, research and outreach. With global recognition of Auburns unique strengths in climate science, Auburn is well-positioned to engage and lead some of these emerging sciences, said Alavalapati. To extend the intellectual reach of Auburn University at regional, national and international scales, it would be strategic and timely to facilitate a conversation to explore avenues to strengthen and expand AUs climate science platform. (Written by Teri Greene) Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Yugra Bank seeks to collect about $643 mln from NK Dulisma oil company 12:37 13/07/2021 MOSCOW, July 13 (RAPSI) PJSC Bank Yugra has submitted over 48.5 billion rubles ($643 million) in creditor claims to JSC Oil Company Dulisma that is allegedly owned by Alexey Khotin, a former shareholder of the bank, according to the order of the Moscow Commercial Court. The court is to consider the claim on October 6. On June 10, the Moscow Commercial Court, at the request of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, introduced a monitoring procedure with respect to NK Dulisma. The register of claims of the oil company's creditors included the claims of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the largest taxpayers No. 2 in the amount of 7.5 billion rubles ($1 billion at the current exchange rate) of the principal debt, 602.6 million rubles ($8 million) in penalties and more than 3 billion rubles ($40 million) in fines. Alexey Posashkov was approved as the temporary manager of the debtor. In November 2020, the Moscow District Commercial Court dismissed a cassation appeal of Yugra Bank against the ruling of the Moscow Commercial Court of August 17, 2020, which terminated the bankruptcy proceedings against Dulisma Oil Company, saying that on the basis of the case materials the obligations of Dulisma to the bank had been terminated. NK Dulisma is a subsoil user of the Dulisminskoye oil and gas condensate field in the Irkutsk region. Previously, it was a part of Urals Energy, and in 2012 it was sold to business structures owned by the Khotin family. Supreme Court upholds 12-year jail term for ex-Russian top investigator in graft case RAPSI, Eugeny Varlamov 14:43 13/07/2021 MOSCOW, July 13 (RAPSI) Russia's Supreme Court has upheld a 12-year jail term for Alexander Drymanov, the retired head of Moscows Investigative Committee, sentenced for his role in a bribery scheme, the press service of the court told RAPSI. The Supreme Court excluded an indication of the conviction of Drymanov from the descriptive and analytical part of the sentence. Otherwise, the sentence and the appellate decision were left unchanged, the cassation appeals were dismissed, the statement reads. Moreover, the court dismissed appeals against the sentences of two other defendants, Colonel Alexey Kramarenko and ex-investigator Mikhail Maksimenko. The Moscow City Court convicted and sentenced Drymanov in March 2020. In addition to the prison term he was fined 196 million rubles ($2.6 million at the current exchange rate), prohibited from holding law enforcement and state posts for 7 years and deprived of his Major General rank. Kramarenko received 10 years in a high-security prison. Maksimenko was ordered to be imprisoned for 14 years. As it was established by the court and investigators, the defendants received a $1 million bribe for mitigation of restrictive measures with respect to a member of an organized gang. Neither of the defendants admitted guilt. According to Drymanov's testimony, since 2013, he has been constantly under the state protection, what, in his opinion, prevented any opportunity to receive bribes. Officers of security agencies routinely examined his office and listened to his phones, the general said in court. He emphasized that he could not affect decisions in criminal cases due to their quantity, but relied on the honesty of his subordinates. Dalondo Moultrie is the assistant managing editor of the Seguin Gazette. You can e-mail him at . Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian's Regular Press Conference on July 13, 2021 2021/07/13 CCTV: Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on July 9 that July 16 marks the 20th anniversary of signing the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. She said that the document laid the legal foundation for Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era, and practical cooperation across the board. The 20-year experience of steadily deepening bilateral ties shows that the Treaty has successfully withstood the test of time. The leaders of Russia and China have agreed that the anniversary of this document is the most important event in the countries' relations this year. Russia invariably strives to further implement the Treaty's potential and to deepen ties with China in the most diverse fields. What is China's comment? Zhao Lijian: China and Russia have a high degree of agreement on the significance and role of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between China and Russia. Twenty years ago, the two sides signed the Treaty on the basis of a comprehensive review of historical experience and an accurate grasp of the overall trend of world development. The past 20 years since the signing of the Treaty have witnessed accelerated changes in the world landscape and turbulent international situations. Guided by the spirit of the Treaty, China-Russia relations have forged ahead with determination and become stronger as time goes by. They have become a model of major-country exchanges and a pillar of strength for world peace and stability. In a few days, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty. Facts have proved that the principles enshrined in the Treaty can stand the test of history and practice, and live up to the expectations of the two peoples and the international community. During their video meeting on June 28, President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin jointly announced the extension of the Treaty and issued a joint statement, setting new goals and drawing a new blueprint for bilateral relations. Going forward, under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China and Russia will continue to work hand in hand and support each other, carry forward the vision of longstanding friendship enshrined in the Treaty, deepen strategic coordination and practical cooperation across the board, and make China-Russia relations in the new era more beneficial to the two peoples and the world at large. Bloomberg: A couple of questions. First, the Financial Times reported that US President Joe Biden has apparently warned US companies of the risk of doing business in Hong Kong, which would be the first time the US has issued a business advisory of this kind on Hong Kong. Does the foreign ministry have a comment on this matter? Second question, White House officials are said to be discussing proposals for a digital trade agreement covering Indo-Pacific economies, as the administration seeks ways to check China's influence. The details of the agreement are still being drafted, but the pact could include countries such as Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. The deal could also set out standards for the digital economy, including rules on the use of data, trade facilitation and electronic customs arrangement. Does the Foreign Ministry have a comment on this matter? Zhao Lijian: On the first question, I'm not aware of the situation. We always firmly oppose the US interference in China's internal affairs under the pretext of the Hong Kong issue. The Basic Law of Hong Kong and other relevant laws clearly protect the rights and interests of foreign investors. Since the implementation of the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR last year, the society in Hong Kong has returned to the right track and the Pearl of the Orient has become even more shiny. The so-called advisory to be issued by the US side is a typical political manipulation with double standard. As for your second question, I'm not aware of the situation. I want to stress that China always pursues openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation and is committed to working with neighboring countries to promote common development in the region. If what you said is true, the US act to build walls and counterbalance others in the region under the pretext of rule-setting violates the laws of the economy and the shared aspiration of countries in the region. This fully exposes its plot to gang up against China and contain its development and obstruct the common development of countries in the region. It is doomed to fail. Macau Monthly: The US State Department submitted on July 12 the 2021 Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act Report to Congress, once again accusing China of "committing genocide and crimes against humanity against Uyghurs...and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang". Do you have any comment? Zhao Lijian: Here is a joke. In this US report there are the following words: "This Administration will defend and protect human rights around the world". How hilarious! The US government has a deplorable human rights record that continues throughout history to the present. Some in the US are in the habit of giving prescriptions to others when they themselves are sick. A report following such absurd logic is completely worthless. Here is another joke. In the report the US accuses the Chinese government of committing "genocide and crimes against humanity" in Xinjiang. This is an outrageous and preposterous lie. It has revealed the true face of the US government to the Chinese people. The US image in the hearts of the Chinese people has collapsed and its credibility completely bankrupt. Speaking of "genocide and crimes against humanity", the US has a better claim to them than any other country. The US should not forget the innocent African American lives taken by the brutal Tulsa race massacre 100 years ago, the Indians who were cruelly expelled and slaughtered during the Westward Expansion, or the desperate cries of people like George Floyd. Due to US indifference to human rights, over 600,000 American lives have been claimed by COVID-19, ethnic minorities live in fear of racial hate crimes, refugees and immigrants are left in miserable conditions, millions of children suffer from abuse, poverty and forced labor. The US even condoned its troops' illegal killing and abuse of foreign civilians in overseas military operations, of which there is iron-clad evidence. The US is in no position to criticize other countries' human rights conditions. No matter how some in the US go to great lengths along its misguided course to hype up lies on Xinjiang, their political conspiracy to disrupt Xinjiang and contain China will only end up in failure. The US had better direct more energy to actually resolving domestic human rights problems. Indonesia Antara News Agency: Indonesia faces a worsening COVID surge. Yesterday, the other batches of China's Sinovac vaccines arrived in Jakarta. Indonesia is seeking more medical equipment supplies, such as oxygen generator, from other countries. What's your comment and will the Chinese government help the Indonesian government to contain the situation? Zhao Lijian: Since COVID-19 broke out, China and Indonesia have been supporting each other and conducting anti-epidemic cooperation, especially vaccine cooperation, which has been a pacesetter for such efforts globally, and has become a fine example of major developing countries combating the virus in solidarity. China is following very closely the epidemic situation in Indonesia and feels for the Indonesian government and people in their trying moments. We stand ready to do our utmost to provide urgently-needed assistance. The two sides will soon hold the HDCM Secretary-General Special Meeting on Fighting against COVID-19 and Public Health Cooperation. I'm sure more concrete measures will come out of it. Hubei Media Group: On July 12, the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council adopted again the resolution on "the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights" submitted by China. Can you brief us on the relevant situation? Zhao Lijian: On July 12, the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council adopted the resolution on "the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights" submitted by China. The resolution reaffirms that development makes significant contribution to the enjoyment of all human rights by all; the aim of development is to constantly improve the well-being of the entire population; and countries should meet the aspiration of the people for a better life. The resolution welcomes the tremendous efforts and achievements made by countries in promoting sustainable development and eradicating poverty; calls upon all States to realize people-centred development of the people, by the people and for the people; calls upon all States to promote sustainable development to enable better enjoyment of human rights, and to promote equality of opportunity for development. In their remarks, representatives of Venezuela, Pakistan, Cuba and Cameroon commended this important resolution draft submitted by China and thanked China for its lead role. They stressed that development is critical to countries, developing ones in particular, adding that without development, it would be impossible to achieve enjoyment of human rights and overcome the challenges brought by COVID-19. They said countries should step up international cooperation, uphold a people-centered approach, promote sustainable development, eliminate poverty and inequality and earnestly safeguard all human rights of the people. Development is mankind's eternal quest and the key to all problems. Better development is the only way to better promote and protect human rights. The ongoing pandemic across the globe is dealing a heavy blow to the economic and social development and the enjoyment of human rights in countries. In the face of grave challenges, countries should enhance solidarity and cooperation in fighting the virus while vigorously promoting sustainable development and redoubling the effort of reducing poverty to overcome the negative impact of the virus on people's lives. This is the third time the Human Rights Council adopt this important resolution submitted by China. It is hoped that the resolution can galvanize the consensus for promoting sustainable development and the universal enjoyment of human rights. China News Service: At the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council, systemic racism and racial discrimination in Western countries have caught wide attention. Can China share more information on that? Zhao Lijian: On July 12, an interactive dialogue on the protection of Africans and African descendants was held at the 47th session of the Human Rights Council. Developing countries condemned systemic racism and racial discrimination, and called on the international community to step up efforts to combat discrimination and violence against people of African and Asian descents. China made a joint statement on behalf of more than 50 countries. It stressed that Africans and people of African descent, Asians and people of Asian descent have long been suffering systemic racism, racial discrimination and hate crimes. Multilateral human rights bodies should take actions to treat both symptoms and root causes of systemic racism and structural racial discrimination, and eliminate legacies of slavery, transatlantic slave trade, colonialism and labor trafficking. The international community should work harder on racial discrimination and hate crimes targeting Asians and people of Asian descent. Political and public figures should stop making racist remarks. The rights of Asians and people of Asian descent should be fully guaranteed. The Chinese representative pointed out in the intervention that Africans and people of African descent still face systemic racism and racial discrimination in the U.S., the UK, Canada and EU member countries. They face serious discrimination and violence from law enforcement and judicial bodies and justice cannot be upheld. In recent years, discrimination and hate crimes against Asians and people of Asian descent surged rapidly in the U.S., the UK, Canada, Australia and EU member countries. This has to do with inflammatory remarks made by certain politicians and media. The international community should not stand idly by and should not allow discrimination and violence to continue to harm Africans and people of African descent, and Asians and people of Asian descent. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet pointed out that "behind today's systemic racism and racial violence lies the absence of formal acknowledgement of the responsibilities of States and others that engaged in or profited from enslavement, the transatlantic trade in enslaved Africans, and colonialism." Relevant countries should take concrete measures, change discriminatory systems and measures, hold perpetrators accountable for racism crimes and provide reparations to victims to realize racial justice and equality at an early date. The African group, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Arab group, the Gulf Cooperation Council, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Indonesia, Vietnam, Belarus and others all condemned systemic racism and racial discrimination, urging relevant countries to fully and effectively implement the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, eliminate legacies of historical issues such as slavery, transatlantic slave trade and colonialism, end police brutality, prohibit the spread of speeches inciting racial discrimination, and earnestly protect the human rights of all, including Africans and people of African descent, Asians and people of Asian descent, and indigenous groups. We urge relevant Western countries to address the international concerns seriously, deeply reflect upon their issues of systemic racism and racial discrimination and take concrete measures to resolve them. By doing this they will be making tangible contributions to domestic protection and promotion of human rights and also to the progress of the international human rights cause. TASS News Agency: According to Russian media, Chinese Consul-General in Russian city of Vladivostok said that the two countries are planning to announce the mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccines in September. On Monday the Consulate-General of China in Vladivostok denied media reports. Are there any discussions on mutual recognition of vaccines between Russia and China? When mutual vaccine recognition can possibly happen? Zhao Lijian: We noticed that China's Consulate-General in Vladivostok already released information about this on its website. I don't have anything to add on that. Beijing Youth Daily: It is reported that Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, announced that it had signed advance purchase agreements (APAs) with Sinopharm and Sinovac on July 12. Could I have China's comment? Zhao Lijian: China has been strongly supportive and actively engaged in the COVAX program, and has announced supply of vaccines to the COVAX, mainly for the urgent needs of developing countries. Ever since their vaccines were granted WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) on May 7 and June 1 respectively, Sinopharm and Sinovac have immediately started coordination efforts to ensure production, and reached out to Gavi on vaccine supply. Under the recently signed purchase agreement, the two Chinese manufacturers will supply 110 million doses of vaccines to the COVAX over the next four months, with options for additional doses. This is another concrete step taken by China to honor its commitment to make vaccines a global public good, promote equitable distribution of vaccines and contribute to the global fight against the epidemic. As COVID-19 is still ongoing in many parts of the world, vaccines serve as the most powerful weapon against the disease. As the largest developing country and a responsible member of the international community, China never seeks its own interest at the expense of others, and rejects vaccine nationalism. Instead, we uphold the vision of a global community of health for all, and actively promote international vaccine cooperation with concrete actions, making real contributions to ensuring accessibility and affordability of vaccine in developing countries. To date, China has provided more than 500 million doses of vaccines and concentrates to over 100 countries and international organizations in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and the South Pacific, which is equivalent to one sixth of the total global output, making China the largest supplier of vaccines to developing countries. China will continue to make contributions to the equitable access of vaccines in developing countries. We also call on countries that are able to do so to take concrete actions sooner than later to help developing countries obtain vaccines, so as to secure an early victory against the epidemic. CCTV: Matthew Palmer, Special Representative for the Western Balkans and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the US Department of State, said during a recent visit to Montenegro that China is engaging in "debt trap diplomacy" in Montenegro and the Western Balkans and warned the country to be wary of commercial exchange with China. Do you have a comment? Zhao Lijian: China and Montenegro enjoy long-standing friendship. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 15 years ago, the bilateral relations have been growing smoothly with the two countries respecting each other's core interests and major concerns. We conducted productive cooperation in such fields as transport infrastructure on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, which is of great significance to Montenegro's economic and social development and the improvement of people's wellbeing. China sets great store by its relationship with Montenegro and hopes the two sides can work together to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation to deliver more benefits to the two peoples. I would like to stress that the attempt of certain countries with ill intentions to hype up the so-called "debt trap" in the cooperation with China will garner no support. The true intention behind the false accusation of "debt trap" is to sow discord between China and relevant countries. Anyone with impartial attitude on this issue will come to an objective conclusion. Shenzhen TV: A report by the NHK on July 8 showed that Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) found through its recent investigation of the nuclear waste storage area of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant that the lids of two containers became loose and fissure appeared. The density of radioactive substances of the water inside was up to 79,000 becquerel per liter. The areas around the storage were also contaminated to different degrees. This is the third time since March this year that the nuclear waste containers in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has leaked. What is China's comment on that? Zhao Lijian: As a Chinese saying goes, "do not make the same mistake more than three times". Since March this year, there have already been three disclosed leakages of the nuclear waste containers. We don't dare to imagine how many leakages are left undiscovered or hidden. In April this year, Japan has unilaterally made the wrong decision to release the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Over the past three months, the Japanese side has disregarded doubts and concerns both at home and abroad, abandoned international responsibility and obligation, distorted facts frequently, and tried to talk its way out of responsibility. Moreover, the Japanese side has done little while the nuclear waste leakage of the Fukushima power plant keeps happening. How is this not worrying and concerning? Putting one's own economic interests above the shared interests of the entire humanity as Japan did challenges the bottom line of human conscience, harms the public interest of the international community and the health and security of people across the world. The Japanese side should reconsider its wrong decision at an early date and give a responsible explanation to the international community. After China, the ROK and other stakeholders called for it repeatedly, the IAEA has decided to put together a technical working group on the disposal of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear incident which experts from China, the ROK and Russia will join. The Japanese side should show its sincerity and cooperate with the working group comprehensively, act with a great sense of responsibility for global public interests and prudently handle relevant issues in an open, transparent and scientific manner. Phoenix TV: On July 12 local time, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic of Cuba said in a televised address along with main government officials that the anti-government action on July 11 is by no means accidental. He said a few anti-Cuba elements are disrupting the peaceful life of Cuban people under the pretext of improving livelihood, and demanded that the US stop its embargo on Cuba. Do you have any comment? Zhao Lijian: We noted that after demonstrations took place in parts of Cuba on July 11 local time, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic of Cuba immediately went to the site to listen to the call of the people and delivered a televised address on July 12. As the Cuban side pointed out, the US embargo is the root cause of Cuba's shortage of medicines and energy. For the 29th consecutive year, the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution with an overwhelming majority calling for an end to the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed on Cuba by the US, which shows the widespread call from the international community. The US should fully lift its embargo on Cuba and play a positive role in helping the Cuban people overcome the effects of the epidemic. China firmly opposes foreign interference in Cuba's internal affairs, firmly supports what Cuba has done in fighting COVID-19, improving people's livelihood and upholding social stability, and firmly supports Cuba in exploring a development path suited to its national conditions. I'd like to stress that China stands ready to work with Cuba to implement the important consensus of the two heads of state and is firmly committed to deepening friendly relations between the two countries. Prasar Bharati: Indian and Chinese foreign ministers are in Tajikistan's capital Dushanbe for the SCO foreign ministers' meeting tomorrow. Is any bilateral meeting expected between the two foreign ministers on the sidelines of the SCO foreign ministers' meeting? Zhao Lijian: During the SCO foreign ministers' meeting, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will have exchanges with foreign ministers of other SCO member states on major international and regional issues and cooperation in various sectors under the SCO framework under the current situation, and make the political preparations for the SCO summit later this year. As for your specific question, we will release information in a timely manner. Please stay tuned. CRI: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia on July 9 released country reports on human rights situation, which points out that the United States continues to grossly violate human rights both inside and outside the country. The freedom of the media in the United States, to which Washington declares adherence, is sliding into complete degradation. The level of racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and other manifestations of such discrimination and xenophobia continues to rise. Do you have any comment? Zhao Lijian: I noted relevant reports. As a matter of fact, we have also shared the facts of US human rights abuses on multiple occasions. I want to stress as a Chinese proverb says, "The best way to hide a misdeed is not to commit it." The sins and wrongdoings the US government has committed in the field of human rights are too numerous to record. Even if the US government avoids any mention of that and seems forgetful, those countries whose people are living in misery due to the US sanctions, bullying and wars will never forget it. Journalists who have been silenced and harassed by the US will never forget it. The minorities who are persecuted by racial discrimination in the United States who cannot breathe freely will never forget. Each and every practice of US' human rights violations has long been documented, with iron-clad evidence that is indisputable. The reports released by the Russian side once again shows that the international community has long seen through the "human rights" disguise of the US, and it is high time that the US stopped its clumsy performance as the so-called "defender of human rights" and put aside the big stick of human rights it has wielded arbitrarily. The US should also spend more time listening to the voices of Asians and other ethnic minorities, indigenous people, refugees and immigrants at home, and seriously examine and correct its own human rights abuses such as genocide, racial discrimination and forced labor. The international community will wait and see how the US will correct its mistakes. SCMP: Japan released Defense of Japan 2021 white paper on Tuesday, which referred to the importance of stability around Taiwan for the first time. What is China's response? Zhao Lijian: Recently, the Japanese side has been making issues out of China, grossly interfering in China's internal affairs, making groundless accusation of China's normal national defense and military activities, pointing fingers at China's legitimate maritime activities and playing up the so-called "China threat". This is extremely wrong and irresponsible. China deplores and rejects this. I must stress that, Taiwan is part of China and the Taiwan question is purely China's internal affair. China never allows interference in the Taiwan question in any form by any country. China must and will be reunified. A complete reunification of China is most beneficial to regional peace and stability. Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are China's inherent territory. By conducting patrol and law enforcement activities in waters off Diaoyu Dao, China is exercising the inherent right of China as prescribed by law. The Coast Guard Law is just a routine piece of domestic legislation. It is not targeted at any specific country. And it is totally in line with international law and international practice. In fact, many countries, including Japan, have enacted similar laws and regulations long before China. Enough with Japan's "lying diplomacy" and double standard! The "Indo-Pacific Strategy" aims to stoke bloc confrontation and create cliques for geopolitical game. It marks the comeback of Cold War mentality and retrogression and should be tossed into the dustbin of history. Will Japan first solve the problem of its flagrant discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean before touting the idea of "free and open Pacific"? We once again urge Japan to approach the relevant issues with the right mentality, and show its respect for China's sovereignty and sincerity in upholding regional peace and stability. Global Times: According to reports, violent attacks occurred in the Cota 905 neighborhood in the southwestern part of the Venezuelan capital Caracas, resulting in the death of 4 police officers and 5 civilians. The Venezuelan police cracked down on the gangs involved in the case and killed over 20 criminals. President Maduro accused external forces including the US, Columbia and Spain of joining up with extreme right-wing elements in Venezuela to organize the attacks. Do you have any comment? Zhao Lijian: China opposes all forms of foreign intervention, radical violence and terrorist acts. We firmly support the effort of the Venezuelan government to uphold national peace and stability. We hope the international community can play a constructive role in facilitating the proper settlement of this issue through dialogue, so as to help Venezuela come back to the normal track of development at an early date. Bloomberg: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is using a trip to Brussels to urge EU members to help confront China and Russia. She is to say in a speech, "together we need to counter threats to the principles of openness, fair competition, transparency, and accountability". She accused China of unfair economic practices, malign behavior, and human rights abuses. Does the ministry have a comment on this matter? Zhao Lijian: China deplores and categorically rejects the remarks of Treasury Secretary Yellen. We always firmly support multilateralism and the multilateral trading regime with WTO at the core and conduct international economic and trade cooperation following the principles of equality and mutual benefit. We never bully others or wantonly impose sanctions, practice "long-arm jurisdiction" or willfully suppress foreign companies. The word "unfair" has nothing to do with China. Those who cherry-pick mechanisms and rules under the multilateral trading regime and go all out to smear and malign other countries based on lies, rumors and disinformation are being unfair in the true sense of the word. Kathleen "Kathy" Fitzsimmons Rotzell, 73 of California, MD, formerly of North Palm Beach, FL passed away on July 3, 2021 at her home with her husband by her side. She was born on March 2, 1948 in St. Louis, MO to Thomas Fitzsimmons and Mary Grace (Powers) Fitzsimmons. Kathy graduated in 1966 from Hazelwood High School in MO. She later attended Florissant Community College in MO where she studied Accounting. She worked many different places but most notably for Ozark Airlines and Venture Department Stores, from which she "retired" to become a stay at home mother, which was her favorite job of all, until she became a grandma. She married the love of her life, Timothy Clifford Rotzell on August 22, 1981 in St. Louis, MO. Kathy and her husband raised a daughter, Amanda, whom she loved dearly. She and her family loved to travel. Their most memorable trips were cruises and summer family vacations to many different destinations like Sarasota, Williamsburg, Gulf Shores, and Pigeon Forge. Family and friends were most important to her and she was, without a doubt, the caretaker and peacemaker of the family. When Amanda was in school, Kathy was the parent you would always find volunteering, involved with organizing field trips and running Girl Scout troops. As a grandma, she continued that tradition, remaining ever present, never missing a preschool graduation or a school performance. She was an excellent cook and her specialties according to her grandsons were pumpkin pie, mac-n-cheese, chili, and layered rainbow jello. Her love of learning and reading was evident as she always had her Kindle in hand. She was skilled in the knowledge of random trivia facts; winning trivia contests, answering the most challenging questions on Jeopardy and finishing any puzzle on the Wheel of Fortune. Her newest passion was researching her family heritage, delving into online research and recently making exciting new discoveries of family connections from far in the past that she had not known. Kathy will be remembered for her loving, compassionate, and outgoing personality and her ability to make friends with anyone no matter where their paths crossed. She was the life of the party with a presence that filled the room, a contagious laugh, and a wild story always on hand to share. She will forever be remembered and loved by all who knew her. Kathy is survived by her loving husband, Timothy; her beloved daughter, Amanda Ramos and favorite son-in-law, Ricky Ramos of California, MD, and her grandchildren, Ricky, Jr. and Timmy, whom she loved to spoil rotten. She was preceded in death by her parents. At this time services are private. Condolences to the family may be made at Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. Artist's impression of the HD265435 system at around 30 million years from now, with the smaller white dwarf distorting the hot subdwarf into a distinct 'teardrop' shape. CREDIT University of Warwick/Mark Garlick Astronomers have made the rare sighting of two stars spiraling to their doom by spotting the tell-tale signs of a teardrop-shaped star. The tragic shape is caused by a massive nearby white dwarf distorting the star with its intense gravity, which will also be the catalyst for an eventual supernova that will consume both. Found by an international team of astronomers and astrophysicists led by the University of Warwick, it is one of only a very small number of star systems discovered that will one day see a white dwarf star reignite its core. The team's new research is published in today's issue of the journal Nature Astronomy. With the help of W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea in Hawai'i, the astronomers were able to confirm that the two stars are in the early stages of a spiral that will likely end in a Type Ia supernova - a type that helps astronomers determine how fast the universe is expanding. The couple - a binary star system called HD265435 - is located roughly 1,500 light-years away; it is comprised of a hot subdwarf star and a white dwarf star orbiting each other closely at a dizzying rate of around 100 minutes. White dwarfs are 'dead' stars that have burned all their fuel and collapsed in on themselves, making them small but extremely dense. A type Ia supernova is generally thought to occur when a white dwarf star's core reignites, leading to a thermonuclear explosion. There are two scenarios where this can happen. In the first, the white dwarf gains enough mass to reach 1.4 times the mass of our Sun, known as the Chandrasekhar limit. HD265435 fits in the second scenario, in which the total mass of a close stellar system of multiple stars is near or above this limit. Only a handful of other star systems have been discovered that will reach this threshold and result in a Type Ia supernova. Lead author Ingrid Pelisoli from the University of Warwick Department of Physics explains: "We don't know exactly how these supernovae explode, but we know it has to happen because we see it happening elsewhere in the universe." "One way is if the white dwarf accretes enough mass from the hot subdwarf, so as the two of them are orbiting each other and getting closer, matter will start to escape the hot subdwarf and fall onto the white dwarf. Another way is that because they are losing energy to gravitational wave emissions, they will get closer until they merge. Once the white dwarf gains enough mass from either method, it will go supernova," she says. Using data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, the team was able to observe the hot subdwarf. While they did not detect the white dwarf, the researchers observed the brightness of the hot subdwarf varied over time; this suggests a nearby massive object was distorting the star into a teardrop shape. The astronomers then used Palomar Observatory and Keck Observatory's Echellette Spectrograph and Imager (ESI) to measure the radial velocity and rotational velocity of the hot subdwarf star, which allowed them to confirm that the hidden white dwarf is as heavy as our Sun, but just slightly smaller than the Earth's radius. Combined with the mass of the hot subdwarf, which is a little over 0.6 times the mass of our Sun, both stars have the mass needed to cause a Type Ia supernova. "Keck's ESI data was crucial in determining that the compact binary system exceeds the Chandrasekhar mass limit, which makes HD265435 one of the very few supernova Ia progenitor systems known," says co-author Thomas Kupfer, assistant professor at Texas Tech University's Department of Physics and Astronomy. As the two stars are already close enough to begin spiraling closer together, the white dwarf will inevitably go supernova in around 70 million years. Theoretical models produced specifically for this study also predict that the hot subdwarf will contract to become a white dwarf star before merging with its companion. Type Ia supernovae are important for cosmology as 'standard candles.' Their brightness is constant and of a specific type of light, which means astronomers can compare what luminosity they should be with what we observe on Earth, and from that work out how distant they are with a good degree of accuracy. By observing supernovae in distant galaxies, astronomers combine what they know of how fast this galaxy is moving with our distance from the supernova and calculate the expansion of the universe. "The more we understand how supernovae work, the better we can calibrate our standard candles. This is very important at the moment because there's a discrepancy between what we get from this kind of standard candle, and what we get through other methods," says Pelisoli. She adds, "The more we understand about how supernovae form, the better we can understand whether this discrepancy we are seeing is because of new physics that we're unaware of and not taking into account, or simply because we're underestimating the uncertainties in those distances." "There is another discrepancy between the estimated and observed galactic supernovae rate, and the number of progenitors we see. We can estimate how many supernovae are going to be in our galaxy through observing many galaxies, or through what we know from stellar evolution, and this number is consistent. But if we look for objects that can become supernovae, we don't have enough. This discovery was very useful to put an estimate of what a hot subdwarf and white dwarf binaries can contribute. It still doesn't seem to be a lot, none of the channels we observed seems to be enough," Pelisoli says. ### This research was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Science and Technology Facilities Council, part of UK Research and Innovation. ABOUT ESI The Echellette Spectrograph and Imager (ESI) is a medium-resolution visible-light spectrograph that records spectra from 0.39 to 1.1 microns in each exposure. Built at UCO/Lick Observatory by a team led by Prof. Joe Miller, ESI also has a low-resolution mode and can image in a 2 x 8 arc min field of view. An upgrade provided an integral field unit that can provide spectra everywhere across a small, 5.7 x4.0 arc sec field. Astronomers have found a number of uses for ESI, from observing the cosmological effects of weak gravitational lensing to searching for the most metal-poor stars in our galaxy. ABOUT W. M. KECK OBSERVATORY The W. M. Keck Observatory telescopes are among the most scientifically productive on Earth. The two 10-meter optical/infrared telescopes atop Maunakea on the Island of Hawai'i feature a suite of advanced instruments including imagers, multi-object spectrographs, high-resolution spectrographs, integral-field spectrometers, and world-leading laser guide star adaptive optics systems. Some of the data presented herein were obtained at Keck Observatory, which is a private 501(c) 3 non-profit organization operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. The authors wish to recognize and acknowledge the very significant cultural role and reverence that the summit of Maunakea has always had within the Native Hawaiian community. We are most fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain. Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. Traces of the gas phosphine point to volcanic activity on Venus, according to new research from Cornell University. Last autumn, scientists revealed that phosphine was found in trace amounts in the planet's upper atmosphere. That discovery promised the slim possibility that phosphine serves as a biological signature for the hot, toxic planet. Now Cornell scientists say the chemical fingerprint support a different and important scientific find: a geological signature, showing evidence of explosive volcanoes on the mysterious planet. "The phosphine is not telling us about the biology of Venus," said Jonathan Lunine, professor of physical sciences and chair of the astronomy department at Cornell. "It's telling us about the geology. Science is pointing to a planet that has active explosive volcanism today or in the very recent past." Lunine and Ngoc Truong, a doctoral candidate in geology, authored the study, "Volcanically Extruded Phosphides as an Abiotic Source of Venusian Phosphine," published July 12 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Truong and Lunine argue that volcanism is the means for phosphine to get into Venus' upper atmosphere, after examining observations from the ground-based, submillimeter-wavelength James Clerk Maxwell Telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii, and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in northern Chile. If Venus has phosphide - a form of phosphorous present in the planet's deep mantle - and, if it is brought to the surface in an explosive, volcanic way and then injected into the atmosphere, those phosphides react with the Venusian atmosphere's sulfuric acid to form phosphine, Truong said. Lunine said their phosphine model "suggests explosive volcanism occurring," while "radar images from the Magellan spacecraft in the 1990s show some geologic features could support this." In 1978, on NASA's Pioneer Venus orbiter mission, scientists uncovered variations of sulfur dioxide in Venus' upper atmosphere, hinting at the prospect of explosive volcanism, Truong said, similar to the scale of Earth's Krakatoa volcanic eruption in Indonesia in 1883. But, Truong said, "confirming explosive volcanism on Venus through the gas phosphine was totally unexpected." ### Funding for the research was provided by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. With this launch, Bhutan will become the first country to adopt UPI standards for its QR deployment and second country after Singapore to have BHIM UPI Acceptance at merchant locations NPCI International Payments Ltd (NIPL), the International arm of National Payment Corporation of India and Royal Monetary Authority (RMA) of Bhutan have partnered for enabling and implementing BHIM UPI QR-based payments in Bhutan. The service will be formally launched by the Honble Finance Minister of India Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman on 13 July 2021 at a virtual ceremony in presence of Honble Finance Minister of Bhutan, Lyonpo Namgay Tshering, Governor of Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan, Dasho Penjore, Secretary (Department of Financial Services) Shri Debasish Panda, Ambassador of Bhutan to India General V Namgyel, Ambassador of India to Bhutan, Ruchira Kamboj, MD & CEO of NPCI, Dilip Asbe and other distinguished guests. 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Built to support both liquid-cooled and air-cooled options, the HPE Apollo 20 System takes advantage of the Hewlett Packard Enterprise experience in HPC cooling technologies as workloads continue to push power and density. The cluster houses high-speed InfiniBand EDR interconnects and for efficiently handling large datasets for your simulations, data analytics, and innovative AI/ML emerging technology workloads. Commenting on the launch, A S Rajgopal, CEO & MD, NxtGen said Not long ago, high performance computing use cases came solely from the rarefied realm of research, government and the largest corporations. SpeedCloud HPCaaS makes it possible for mainstream enterprises to leverage these technologies for manufacturing excellence, healthcare, financial services, etc. We were encouraged by our customers eagerness to accelerate experimentation and innovation. How NxtGens SpeedCloud HPC-aaS stands out from its global competitors Speed SpeedCloud HPC-aaS leverages modern and advanced CPUs, GPUs, and low-latency Networks, helping its users perform massive calculations, now in a matter of minutes. Speed provided by the NxtGen HPC cluster depends on the configuration provided to it. Users will witness faster results and processing of data, if more clusters and cores are enabled to the job Pay Per Use NxtGen SpeedCloud HPC-aaS provides lower TCO since the resources are offered on-demand, fully managed, and maintained by NxtGen. Customers subscribe to the service and consume resources customized to their needs without any upfront investment Price Performance Faster calculations mean less wasted time and money. Additionally, with cloud-based SpeedCloud HPC-aaS, even small businesses and start-ups can afford to run HPC workloads, paying only for what they use and scaling up and down as needed. As HPC utilizes fewer clusters, it has the benefit of being cost efficient over supercomputing Fault Tolerance If one part of the system fails, the entire HPC system does not fail. Given that HPC workloads are compute heavy, NxtGen HPC clusters fault tolerance ensures that the computations continue uninterrupted Fostering Innovation SpeedCloud HPC-aaS is equipped to drive innovation across nearly every industry and can be the force behind scientific discoveries that improve the quality of life for people around the world NxtGen SpeedCloud HPC-aaS has been rolled out for a select few customers for comprehensive testing and inputs. To begin with, NxtGen has opened its HPC services at 100,000 CPU hours worth of free credits to academia. Further, NxtGen SpeedCloud HPCaaS Cluster will be made available to all technology education institutions for free on a time-share basis so that students can learn to use supercomputing models for research. AMS-IX (Amsterdam Internet Exchange), one of the worlds largest Internet hubs, is expanding its data centre footprint in the Netherlands with two new locations. As of October, they will add a Points of Presence (PoP) in the data centres of Smartdc in Rotterdam and Greenhouse Data Centers in Naaldwijk. It is the first time in the history of the organization that AMS-IX adds PoPs outside the Amsterdam metro area to the exchange in Amsterdam. According to the governmental body of the Metropolitan Region of Rotterdam The Hague, these latest expansions of AMS-IX are a great stimulus for the establishment of tech and enterprise companies in the region. Through AMS-IX, companies have direct connections with a multitude of networks regionally and globally and can therefore guarantee high quality and efficiency of digital services to be delivered. Many applications benefit from this enhanced connectivity, including live streaming, provisioning of business software, online gaming, the delivery of video calling services, or just facilitating an efficient set-up of extensive company networks. AMS-IX is one of the largest Internet exchanges in the world and has more than 875 networks connected to the exchange in Amsterdam, including companies like ebay, Akamai, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Tele2, Worldstream, Leaseweb, GoDaddy,, and many more. The exchange in Amsterdam is hosted in fourteen data centres in and around Amsterdam. The data centres in South Holland will be the fifteenth and sixteenth physical locations of the node. The arrival of AMS-IX is of great importance for the growth of the economy in our region, says Saskia Bruines, alderman for Economy in The Hague and also administrative leader of Digital Economy and 5G of the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague. The Rotterdam The Hague Metropolitan Region is an attractive location for tech companies and has the ambition to host many more top-tier companies in the future. Rapid Growth AMS-IX will start building the extension in South Holland this summer. These should be ready in the fall, says AMS-IX CEO Peter van Burgel. These new locations are of great importance for our ambitions. The Rotterdam The Hague region has the potential to grow into a major tech hub, so it is important for us to have a presence here. Several large technology companies are already established in the Rotterdam The Hague region and there are no restrictions to facilitate rapid growth. Smartdc pays close attention to optimizing its carrier ecosystem, offering an exceptional mix of in-house Tier-1 carriers and connectivity providers, says Smartdc CEO Richard Boogaard. With the expansion of a PoP from AMS-IX, Smartdc can offer a unique mix in terms of connectivity. At Smartdc, customers can directly pick up and connect local and international connections. The deployment of the physical AMS-IX-PoP makes us even more attractive as a data center provider for companies that want to host their IT infrastructures in the Rotterdam-Den Hague region, said Guido Sip, Chief Commercial Officer of Greenhouse Datacenters. Customers will now have even more opportunities to achieve the very highest reliability and network connection speeds for interconnectivity and international connections. It also represents a significant expansion in terms of options to optimize network traffic and associated costs, for example during large-scale live events including major international sporting events. Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the launch of AWS Public Sector Startup Ramp in India, a new program to help early stage public sector focused technology startups build solutions on AWS. AWS Startup Ramp is an acceleration program for startups that are building innovative solutions for public sector customers worldwide, including but not limited to customers in national and local government, space and defense, and healthcare. Startups in their early stage growth can apply to join the AWS Startup Ramp in one of two tiers: pre-revenue startups can apply to the Innovator tier, and post-revenue startups (with up to INR 100 crores in revenue) can apply to the Member tier. Startups meeting all qualifying application criteria will be reviewed and evaluated for participation based on their potential contributions to public sector customers. AWS Startup Ramp is modeled after AWS EdStart, which works with education technology (EdTech) focused startups, and AWS GovTechStart, our US-based program that supports commercial technology companies serving state and local governments. Each program offers eligible companies support including access to AWS Promotional Credit, technical training and support, a community of experts, and more. We are excited to launch the AWS Startup Ramp in India where there is incredible opportunity for startups to solve public sector challenges through their innovative solutions. This global initiative is a critical way for us to support startups who are using technology to change the world, said Sandy Carter, vice president of public sector partners and programs at AWS. Our experience in India has shown that public sector organizations are increasingly keen to experiment with new ideas and technologies to advance their missions at speed and scale. Startups bring disruptive innovative solutions that create broad impact, and can pivot quickly to meet societys changing needs. We are doubling down on our focus to serve the public sector, and empower startups with the new AWS Startup Ramp program. We are thrilled to introduce the program to expand the capabilities of Indias strong and aspiring startup ecosystem, said Rahul Sharma, President, Public Sector AISPL, AWS India and South Asia. Startups and industry experts weigh in on the value of this new AWS initiative During the development phase of the AWS Startup Ramp program, we worked with several startups focused on the distinct needs of the government technology sector. Learn how three of these companies worked with AWS Startup Ramp to accelerate development of new cloud-based technologies. Anil Nadig, co-founder of TraceX, a technology platform leveraging blockchain for a connected, clean, traceable, and transparent supply chain, shared, Working with AWS greatly helped accelerate our product development. The solution architects from AWS helped us in technology selection, cost optimization, and refinement of our application architecture for enabling our implementations at scale. As a matter of fact, AWS solution architects were at the forefront, helping us build resilience in our infrastructure and application architectures to prevent distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Fintech startup Whrrl is working to revolutionize the post-harvest ecosystem through its integrated blockchain platform. Their service helps reduce fraud risk that banks face with warehouse receipt finance, and provides warehousing and marketplace facilities to farmers that will aid in solving problems such as distress sale, access to finance, and market linkage. With AWS in the picture, we have always been ultra-sure about two things: first, the belief in our systems performance and their uptime. We are assured that with AWS support, we will not disappoint our stakeholders. Second, the financial support in the form of AWS Promotional Credit that weve received is hugely helpful for us as an early-stage startup, said Ashish Anand, chief executive officer (CEO) of Whrrl. Praveen Kuruganti, co-founder of Unmiti, an agritech startup that is working to monitor and evaluate agriculture projects, shared, The AWS team has been helpful during the initial phases of our company. AWS is the best cloud solution available in the market, both in terms of technology superiority and pricing. Most of our data is sensitive information related to the farmers and farmland, and with security features of AWS implemented, we are able to manage data security with ease. How to join AWS Startup Ramp If you have a big idea for a company that can help enable government entities to better serve its citizens, AWS Startup Ramp can help. By joining the program, AWS Startup Ramp members will have access to technical experts, education, and live or virtual events. You will build solutions on the same scalable platform used by QLess, Juvare, OpenGov, and SOMA Global. From idea to IPO and beyond, AWS looks to continually help improve public sector focused technology services and solutions. Through AWS Startup Ramp, qualifying startups can get access to low cost, simple-to-use infrastructure designed to enable it to scale and grow a business of any size. Saudi Arabias LogiPoint has awarded a SR68-million ($18.5 million) deal to Sahara Building Contractors for the construction of its multi-purpose warehousing complex, Warehouse Village V, at Jeddah Islamic Port. An internationally recognised and award-winning logistics real estate company, LogiPoint has grown to become the kingdoms premier developer and operator of transformative logistics parks and zones. The new facility will be built on a 24,500-sq-m area within the group's flagship logistics park - the Bonded and Re-Export Zone in Jeddah - with dedicated zones for handling frozen, chilled, ambient and dry cargoes. The bonded and re-export zone is a 1 million sq m fully integrated logistics platform dedicated to facilitating trade and development in the kingdom by enabling the supply chain and logistics industry and by creating value through investments in innovative, next generation solutions and state-of-the-art logistics infrastructure. Warehousing Village V also introduces a LogiPoint first with a dedicated zone designed and equipped to handle Pharmaceutical goods inside Jeddah Islamic Port. Additionally, the Value Addition Zone will enable LogiPoint to extend their time tested and much in demand value added services to their clients allowing them to act as a truly transformative logistics hub for the region. Currently, LogiPoint warehousing facilities are operating at over 100% utilization and hence Village V is a welcome addition, said a senior official. "We believe the companys mission of enabling logistics and facilitating trade and economic growth by acting as a stakeholder in the kingdoms growth has become more pertinent than ever before," remarked its CEO Farooq Shaikh. LogiPoints investments into infrastructure projects carry a multiplier effect for the kingdoms economy because of the multiple new investments these projects attract to the Kingdom. "Village 5 is going to be our most sophisticated addition yet to LogiPoints warehousing infrastructure inside Jeddah Islamic Port. The importance and relevance of a facility that is designed to receive, handle, store and distribute pharmaceutical goods can scarcely be overstated today," he noted. "At the same time, the addition of a multi-purpose state-of-the-art warehousing facility at LogiPoint BRZ reinforces Jeddah as an integrated logistics hub internationally and demonstrates just how well we are aligned with the Vision 2030s goal to make the Kingdom a regional logistics hub of choice. Village 5 is start of the expansion plans that is expected to increase LogiPoint BRZs warehousing capacity by about 150% during next 2-3 years," he added. Warehousing Village V has been designed by Jamjoom Consulting in line with international logistics infrastructure specifications and incorporates the latest green building technologies to ensure compliance with environmental standards. The facility will rely on renewable resources for power generation and has been designed to conserve energy through eliminating waste and using low consumption LED lighting system.-TradeArabia News Service Saudi Water Partnership Company (SWPC) has issued a Request for Qualification (RFQ) for the development of the Jazan small sewage treatment plants (SSTP) with a 104,500 cu m per day capacity. The Jazan Cluster comprises 17 small plants with sizes ranging from 1,000 cu m/day to 15,000 cu m/day, together with associated collection networks of 1,500 km (with lengths ranging from 7 km to 415 km). The main indicative plant features are expected to include the influent connections, tanker discharge points, all by-passes, inlet works and primary, secondary and tertiary treatment, pumping facilities including all the associated buildings, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical supply, control and instrumentation infrastructure, said the statement from SWPC. According to SWPC, a total of 46 companies, including 27 Saudi firms, as part of 38 consortia, have expressed their interest in the Jazan SSTP project. Leading global giants vying for the Jazan project include Spanish heavyweights Acciona Agua, FCC Aqualia and Copasa; Saur Sas (France); Marubeni (Japan); Arkoil Technologies (Netherlands); and Indian group VA Tech Wabag in addition to Chinese majors - Jiangxi JDL Environmental Protection, Jinluo Water Company and China Railway Construction Company. Among the Saudi companies, the top names in the race are Ajlan & Bros Energy Company; Tawzea; AlFanar; Al Khorayef Water; Haji Abdullah Alireza; Amiantit; Nesma; Mowah Company; and Tamasuk Holding in addition to some GCC players including Metito Utilities (UAE); Elsewedy Electric (Egypt); and Bahrain-based Lamar Holding, said the statement from SWPC. Following the tender bid, the winning group, through a project company to be incorporated, would develop the SSTP project on a build, own, operate and transfer (BOOT) model under a 25-year Sewage Treatment and Collection Network Implementation Agreement with SWPC, while for the collection network, it will be on a design, build, finance and transfer (DBFT). KPMG Al Fozan & Partners have been roped in as lead and financial advisors, while Jacobs Engineering Group (CH2M Saudi Limited) will be the technical advisor and Amer Al Amr Law Firm the legal advisor.-TradeArabia News Service Euro Auctions, Europe's leading auctioneers of industrial plant, construction and agricultural machinery, expands in the UAE and Middle East with the appointment of Milad Akhitar as a new Territory Manager for the UAE. Akhitar joins Euro Auctions with a solid sales background having worked in the media for many years in the plant and machinery sector. Working as the Key Account manager for Plant & Equipment magazine, Milad has good connections across the region, with an excellent understanding of the market, with experience in evaluating and assessing machinery and equipment. With good connections with the main decision makers in OEMs, dealers of used equipment, contractors, rental companies, as well as end users, Akhitar will be active in introducing the Euro Auctions brand to more potential consignors across the Middle East. "I have seen the growth of Euro Auctions in Dubai and across the region, from the early beginnings when the company took over the site at Jebel Ali Free Zone. Whilst known globally, the brand had little profile in the UAE, but now, having worked hard over the last five years, Euro Auctions has an excellent reputation in the region and are seen as the premiere auction site in Dubai. The company is seen as a trusted business partner attracting new consignors at each sale and becoming seen as the premier auction specialist in the Middle East. I was also impressed with the management structure and being a privately-owned business there is real sense of family with all of its employees, working as a cohesive team and all members having a real 'can do' attitude." "Euro Auctions have also been excelling in the market place, and realising good prices for its consignors for machinery and equipment entered into each sale. With new equipment in short demand, Euro Auctions has extensive reach globally and as such brings good compliments of excellent machinery to all sales, and recently many unregistered and 12 to 24-month-old machinery." -- TradeArabia News Service Etisalat Group, stc Group, Zain Group, Mobily, and du, from Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC), are joining forces for the implementation of Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) solutions in their existing telecom networks. They will share their industry knowledge and experience setting a clear path to drive innovation for the ICT sector across the Middle East. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the five operators confirms commitment to deploy Open RAN across their footprint, providing an opportunity to traditional RAN vendors to adopt open interfaces, software and hardware to build more agile and flexible mobile networks in the 5G and 4G era, support new entrants with innovative solutions and achieve cost efficiencies in RAN deployments. This partnership will open immense opportunities for operators and the telecom ecosystem with the availability of interoperable, competitive and commercial grade Open RAN products, building a framework to exchange best practices and technical outcomes. For customers, they will gain advantage with service catering to the local market requirements with faster time to market while using the most advanced mobile access networks. With operators focusing on introducing software capabilities in the Open RAN environment it will bring technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the forefront. Hatem Bamatraf, Chief Technology Officer, Etisalat Group, said: This is an extraordinary opportunity for the Middle East operators to come together to promote the development of an open technology that will help to enhance the flexibility and efficiency of our networks. I am excited about this partnership that will foster a diverse and secure 4G/5G ecosystem based on Open RAN solutions. This is also a testimony to Etisalats commitment and leadership in innovation in the ICT sector and to development and adoption of Open RAN ensuring the best network experience for our customers. Haitham Alfaraj, Senior Vice President of Technology and Operations in stc Group, said: stc is committed to the introduction of latest technologies and innovative 5G/4G mobile networks solutions. Todays announcement signals the entry into a new era of operators collaboration in Middle East to accelerate the development of Open Network technologies, which helps in diversifying our strategic technology growth. He added: Our commitment has always been to deliver a best-in-class mobile network to our deserving customers. This is an exciting milestone in stcs digital transformation journey; stc will continue to endeavour to always lead the market towards digital transformation, in line with the Kingdoms Vision 2030. Nawaf Al Gharabally, Zain Group's Chief Technology Officer commented: This joint and innovative initiative by like-minded and visionary regional mobile operators is truly inspirational as it brings multiple benefits to all our stakeholders and further enhances the Middle East telecom sectors position on the ICT world map. Alaa Malki, Chief Technology Officer at Mobily, said: Mobily is keen to strengthen this partnership, which copes with the latest innovations in ICT sector, as it improves the services provided to customers and build an advanced open access network. Almalki added: The implementation of Open RAN solutions supports the flexibility and provides more innovation in managing the network for more efficient operations. Mobily is willing to exert all efforts for the success of this partnership and forge several partnerships that push forward the development and innovation in the ICT sector. Saleem AlBlooshi, Chief Technology Officer, du, said: Driving innovation and Open RAN deployment is the shared responsibility of every telco operator. At du, we are committed to working with our regional counterparts, which will enable us to create further value by increasing infrastructure flexibility and efficiency while accelerating technology adaption and network expansion across the UAE. With Open RAN the industry is working towards standards and technical specifications that define open interfaces within the radio system, including hardware and software, so that networks can be deployed and operated based on mix-and-match components from different suppliers. Operators will be able to draw on the reinvigorated supplier innovation to drive cost efficiencies and more flexibly deliver customised services in response to evolving customer demands. The introduction of Open RAN, virtualisation and automation will enable a fundamental change in the way operators manage networks and deliver services. Operators will be able to add or shift capacity more quickly for end users, automatically resolve network incidents or provide enterprise level services on-demand for industry. TradeArabia News Service Indigo Living, a luxury home furnishing firm, has announced its biggest sale as part of this year's Dubai Summer Surprises promotion. Offering up to 75 per cent off, the sale will run until July 31, 2021 at the company's Sheikh Zayed and Al Wasl branches. Indigo Living recently launched their latest homecation collection, hoping to elevate buyers' at-home ambience, a statement from the company said. "Residents can use this opportunity to spruce up their surroundings and transform their home as the company promises huge savings on furniture, home decor, and more. Customers who want to upgrade/ refresh their homes, can also speak with their in-house design team," the company said. The sale is also available for customers who prefer shopping online - on , it added -TradeArabia News Service Gulf Air, the national carrier of the Kingdom of Bahrain, has announced that it will resume direct operations to Tbilisi International Airport in Georgia starting with three weekly flights, from July 15, 2021. The flag carrier currently flies to and from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Kuwait, Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Madinah, Muscat, Cairo, Amman, Casablanca, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Athens, Istanbul, Larnaca, Bangkok, Manila, Singapore, Dhaka, Colombo, the Maldives and several destinations in India and Pakistan. It has also launched all of its seasonal destinations for this summer with direct flights to Mykonos and Santorini in Greece, Malaga in Spain and Alexandria and Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt. Acting CEO Captain Waleed Abdulhameed Al Alawi said: "We have been operating direct flights between Bahrain and Georgia since 2017 and it is one of the airlines main destinations in the Caucasus region." "We are extremely happy to see a much healthier trend in summer traffic and the resumption of some of our most popular destinations as the global vaccination programme continues to bring a sense of normalcy back into our routine, he stated. Recently, Gulf Air had announced complimentary Covid-19 travel insurance coverage to all ticket holders including health and quarantine expenses in the unexpected circumstances of being diagnosed with or contracting the virus during passengers journeys. All tickets booked, including redemption tickets, on Gulf Air flights for travel until November 10 are automatically covered with Covid-19 insurance at no extra cost.-TradeArabia News Service Etihad Airways, the national airline of the UAE, is offering free private airport transfers to and from Dubai for guests travelling in Economy to select destinations. Tickets must be booked by August 11 for travel by September 30, 2021. Travellers will also earn double Etihad Guest Miles on their flight too. Guests travelling to Dubai do not need to quarantine on arrival and can travel easily from Abu Dhabi International Airport, using Etihads complimentary transfer services to Dubai. During the promotion, guests travelling in Economy can use the free private car service direct to their home, hotel, or preferred destination in the emirate of Dubai. Fatma Al Mehairi, Vice President Sales UAE, Etihad Airways, said: With Dubai just an easy one hour drive from Abu Dhabi International Airport, were committed to making travel as easy as possible for guests travelling to and from Dubai this summer. The Etihad Wellness programme also means guests can travel with Etihad with complete peace of mind. Guests travelling in Etihads Business and First cabins continue to have complimentary access to the Etihad Chauffeur service, regardless of their travel destination. In line with the Etihad Wellness programme, the driver will be wearing face masks and disposable gloves, and all vehicles are sanitised after every trip too. The free private airport transfer service is available for all guests travelling between Dubai and one of the following destinations: Amsterdam, Athens, Bangkok, Barcelona, Brussels, Casablanca, Chicago, Dublin, Frankfurt, Geneva, Istanbul, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, London, Madrid, Malaga, Manchester, Manila, Melbourne, Milan, Moscow, Munich, Mykonos, Paris, Phuket, Rabat, Rome, New York, Santorini, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Washington, or Zurich. In order to make travel as easy as possible, Etihad has extended its Verified to Fly travel document initiative across its entire network. Travellers can validate their Covid-19 travel documents online before arriving at the airport, and then access the fast track Verified to Fly check-in desks at the airport to beat the queues. TradeArabia News Service Help India! On July 4, a week after the Jammu drone attack, which was the first of its kind in Jammu and Kashmir, the district administration of Srinagar banned drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles in the district. The order directed those owning or possessing drone cameras or other similar kinds of unmanned aerial vehicles to deposit them at local police stations. The order has left many photographers in Kashmir apprehensive and fearful of earning a decent livelihood. Auqib Javeed | Support TwoCircles SRINAGAR On July 5, 27-year-old Burhan Nazira young wedding photographer handed over his drone camera to a local police station in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir. Nazir had bought his drone at Rs 2 lakh from New Delhi to make a living as a photographer. However, the recent government order banning drones in Srinagar has come as a dagger to Nazirs livelihood. Talking to, Nazir said that he was given a receipt at the police station after depositing his drone. I deposited my drone camera, charger, battery and some accessories at police station RajBagh in Srinagar, he said. On July 4, a week after the Jammu drone attack, which was the first of its kind in Jammu and Kashmir, the district administration of Srinagar banned drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles in the district. In an order, the Deputy Commissioner of Srinagar Mohammad Aijaz Asad directed those owning or possessing drone cameras or other similar kinds of unmanned aerial vehicles to deposit them at local police stations. The order, however, exempted government departments from using drones for mapping, surveys and surveillance in agricultural, environmental conservation and disaster mitigation sectors but directed them to inform the local police station before using them. The ban on drones has hit dozens of young and talented wedding photographers in Srinagar, who would use drones on wedding ceremonies, or for travel photography to get an aerial view of the beautiful Kashmir valley. Over the years, the use of drones in weddings has picked up and has become a trend in Kashmir with many youth investing a handsome amount of money to add drone technology to their armour and increase their income. I used to work in different Bollywood songs and would provide them with the aerial landscape of the Kashmir Valley. This was benefiting us in two ways. We would get to know about the beauty of Kashmir and we would earn a good amount of money, Nazir told However, the latest order has left Nazir and scores of other photographers in Kashmir apprehensive. Witnessing back to lockdowns since the abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019, Kashmirs economy has taken a hit. The conflict-dominated region has the highest number of unemployed people leading to a mental health crisis for its people. As reported earlier, the valley is witnessing rising cases of suicides amid the pandemic, which the mental health experts are blaming on joblessness. As per observers, the new order banning drones has added to the anxiety of the youth who work as photographers, or who use drones in their work. Through this order, the administration also cautioned that any violation of the guidelines will attract punitive action, and directed police to implement the restrictions in letter and spirit. What should we do? Why wont they allow professional photographers to do our job? We will go through mandatory verification and can co-operate with the authorities, Nazir said. Nazirs company Creative Photography Kashmir would offer a package to couples for a pre-wedding shoot in Kashmir. The use of drones in the package would be the selling point, Nazir said. Now we just have a camera and the gimbal. We cant afford other big equipment like cranes etc for film making, Nazir told said. Nazir said he doesnt know what to tell the families in Srinagar, who have booked him for shooting their wedding ceremonies and where usage of drones has been assured. What should I tell them now? he asked. Bilal Ahmad Dar, an ace cinematographer from Srinagar, has a different opinion. He argues that the extensive use of drones by the youngsters in Kashmir has created a mess. As a result, the administration is finding it hard to distinguish between a professional photographer and those who just use it for fun, he explains. Dar, however, believes the administration should have started a licensing and verification program. They should have allowed only the genuine drone users to operate, Dar, who runs Kashmir Creative forever and has over 42K followers on Instagram, told Dar said a professional drone user will never misuse the drone and knows its pros and cons. Like Nazir, another photographer Aadil Rehabar is also planning to hand over his drone to the local police station. Do I have any option rather than handing over my drone to the police,? Rehabar told He said that the addition of drones has been beneficial for photographers in Kashmir. Drones gave a new look to the stunning Kashmir landscape and people outside the valley would love that, he said. Rehabar said the people from the rest of the country want to see the meadows, mountains, lakes and other aerial views of the valley. Now with this order, the outsiders cant see it. And as a result, people who use drones for showcasing the beauty of Kashmir will suffer and their business will be hit, he said. Rehabar said the decision to ban drones in Srinagar (the ban was later extended to other districts) is not well thought out. I failed to understand why the administration decided to ban professionals from using drones, without even giving a thought to what would happen to our livelihood, Rehabar, who runs Kashmir Capture on Instagram having over 16K, added. Auqib Javeed is a Srinagar-based journalist and tweets @AuqibJaveed. Story by Senior Master Sgt. Vincent De Groot 185th Air Refueling Wing, Iowa Air National Guard A black and grey, U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II from the Indiana Air National Guards 122nd Fighter Wing recently rolled out from a repaint at the Air National Guard Paint Facility in Sioux City, Iowa. In a departure from the standard tactical two-tone grey livery, the Blacksnakes of the 122nd Fighter Wing conceived a sleek commemorative design to celebrate 100 years of aviation in the Indiana National Guard. Indianas two Air National Guard units, the 122nd FW in Fort Wayne and 181st Intelligence Wing in Terre Haute, both have a long history of flying single seat fighter aircraft in the Hoosier State. Consequently, the design for the A-10s new paint scheme venerates both the Blacksnakes of the 122nd FW and the Racers of the 181st IW. The new livery is a mixture of black and dark grey with colors breaking along standard A-10 paint lines on the wings, engines and fuselage. The aircrafts nose is wreathed with a distinctive 122nd FW green-eyed snake, complete with fangs, surrounding the aircrafts seven-barrel 30mm autocannon. One side of the aircraft has a 122nd FW fin flash with the text, Fort Wayne embossed in yellow over Indiana state-flag-blue background, while the opposite fin shows a Racers checkered flag with the text Terre Haute of the disbanded 181st Fighter Wing, now the 181st Intelligence Wing. [wbn_ads-google_one] The A-10s distinctive engine nacelles are embossed with an Indiana ANG centennial logo displaying the text Indiana Air National Guard under a large number 100 with the years 1921-2021. Although the Air National Guard was not officially established as a separate service until 1946, some ANG units like the 122nd can trace their beginnings to the interwar period between 1918 and 1941. Following the First World War, the War Department recognized the necessity of including aviation in national defense. The Indiana National Guard began their flying mission in 1921 with the establishment of the 137th Observation Squadron, based initially at Fagley Field in Kokomojust north of Indianapolis, Indiana. [wbn_ads-google_one] Now located in Fort Wayne, the 122nd FW has been flying single-seat fighter aircraft for most of its history. Presently, the Blacksnakes are equipped with the Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II, which they use primarily for close air support missions. Master Sgt. William Hopper, 122nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs Superintendent, noted that the 122nd adopted the Blacksnake moniker from the Revolutionary War figure, Anthony Wayne, who is also the namesake for the city of Fort Wayne. Also known as Mad Anthony Wayne, Wayne received the title Black Snake from Native Americans. Wayne was known for a methodical fighting style in which he instructed soldiers to lie in wait for the right moment to strike, similarly to the actions of a North American black snake. The Blacksnakes are proud of the names historical significance and connection it gives us to our local community and home town of Fort Wayne, said Hopper. This Indiana Air Guard A-10, with its unique paint scheme, may soon begin showing up at air shows, where it will help promote the mission and heritage of the Air National Guard. Units of the Air Force and Air National Guard can get permission to temporarily paint non-standard markings on aircraft as part of unit heritage and/or morale programs. The 122nd FWs A-10 paint scheme is one of several commemorative liveries recently completed by the ANG paint facility as many Air Guard units have been celebrating significant anniversaries in recent years. The Air National Guard paint facility is part of the Iowa Air National Guards 185th Air Refueling Wing in Sioux City; they have been painting small fighter aircraft since the 1990s. Turkish Airstrikes in North Iraq Ignite Fires in Assyrian Lands A Turkish airstrike July 6 ignited agricultural fields of Assyrian villages in the Nahla Valley of the Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq. As flames burned for hours at night and well into the next day, authorities never arrived to help extinguish the blaze. The fire and lack of emergency response is endemic in the region as Turkish attacks routinely impact communities in Iraq's north. Kurdistan authorities cannot enter villages during fires, a representative told Rudaw, because of fears of continued Turkish bombings. Another source told Al-Monitor that when an area is hit by Turkish airstrikes, authorities do not have permission to act until at least 24 hours have passed in case there are additional strikes. Read the full story here. by Vladimir Rozanskij President Sandu's Pas party exceeds 50% of the vote. The pro-Russia bloc of socialists and communists defeated. The vote of Moldovans abroad made the difference. Sandu promises a peaceful solution for Transnistria. Natalia Gavrilitsa is likely to be the new premier. Moscow (AsiaNews) - Moldovan President Maia Sandu's pro-European Action and Solidarity (PAS) party won over 52% of the vote in the July 11 parliamentary elections. This is the first time since 2009 that a party has secured an absolute majority in the country squeezed between Russia, Ukraine and Romania. Pas also broke the communist record of 50.07% in 2001, the highest result in the 30-year post-Soviet period. Sandu has already announced that she intends to proceed with a one-party government, with no alliances with other parties. In second place was the pro-Russian bloc of socialists and communists. Led by former presidents Igor Dodon and Vladimir Voronin, the electoral cartel gained 27.2%. The Sor party of businessman Ilan Sor, with 5.8%, and the party of German businessman Renato Usatij, which won 4.1%, also entered parliament. All other parties failed to pass the 4% barrier, and will now have to redistribute their votes. Participation was the lowest in recent history in a parliamentary election, remaining 48.41% below the majority of voters. Following the dissolution of parliament in April, Moldova's parliamentary elections were held ahead of their natural expiry date; the 101 MPs now elected are expected to remain in office for a period of four years. Dodon's Socialists and his allies controlled the previous legislature: pro-Moscow formations tried hard to oppose the European integration policy of Sandu, the country's president since December 2020. The Constitutional Court had accepted the dissolution, given the inability of parliament - which Sandu described as "corrupt" - to vote on the formation of a government. The resounding result in Sandu's favour was mainly due to the votes of Moldovans living abroad, driven in particular by the protests in Transnistria. In the strip of land on the Black Sea, still partly controlled by the Russians and run by a separatist government, 41 polling stations had been opened. Sandu promised to find a solution for Transnistria without conflict with the Russian Federation. Crowds of Sandu's supporters celebrated in the square in the centre of the capital, where Pas is based, chanting slogans such as "we have the majority!" and "the country for the young!". The two Pas leaders, Igor Grosu and Natalia Gavrilitsa, were there to greet the crowd. Gavrilitsa is expected to form the new executive, thus completing the tandem of "democratic women" in power in Moldova. by Emanuele Scimia The request is part of a new EU-China strategy that the European Parliament will vote on this Thursday. Commercial interests and common values between Europe and Taiwan are underlined. For rapporteur Hilde Vautmans, the EU Commission and Council are reluctant to avoid endangering relations with Beijing. However, they should defend European values when they are under attack. Brussels (AsiaNews) The European Commission and the European Council should move towards a bilateral investment agreement with Taiwan, said Hilde Vautmans, an MEP with the liberal Renew Europe group, speaking with AsiaNews. The request is included in a new EU-China strategy that the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament is set to vote on next Thursday. The draft report, of which Vautemans is the rapporteur, calls on the Commission and the Council to urgently start the impact assessment, public consultation and scoping exercise with the Taiwanese authorities. Taking into account regional dynamics in East Asia, it underlines the importance of economic relations between the Union and Taiwan, especially in areas like multilateralism and the World Trade Organisation (of which Taiwan is a member), technology and public health. The report describes as essential the cooperation with Taiwan on critical supplies, such as semiconductors, of which Taiwan is one of the worlds leading producers. For their part, Taiwanese authorities are urging the EU to sign a trade agreement with their country. Last month, the Taiwanese mission to the EU said that negotiations for an investment treaty should not be held hostage by EU-China investment talks. In 2020 Taiwan was the EU's 14th trading partner. The volume of trade (US$ 58.3 billion) was higher than that recorded by the Union with Vietnam and Singapore, two countries with which it already inked comprehensive trade and investment agreements. However, the European Commission remains lukewarm about the idea of entering into a formal agreement with Taiwan. We are looking into possible options to boost our engagement with Taiwan, which remains an important and like-minded trade partner. This is a work in progress in Brussels, said a European Commission spokesperson. For Vautmans, the EU Commission and the European Council are reluctant because they believe that the move would damage the EUs one China policy. China considers Taiwan a rebel province, and has never ruled out the use force to take it. The island has been de facto independent from mainland China since 1949. That year, Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist (Kuomintang) forces fled the mainland after losing the civil war with the Communists, but continued to claim to be the heir to the Republic of China founded in 1912. Chinese authorities have repeatedly warned the European Union not to entertain government relations with Taiwan. Signing a trade pact with Taiwan would spark Chinas anger, worsening already tense relations between the EU and China. Recently, the two sides have exchanged sanctions over Chinas treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, while the EU Parliament has frozen the ratification process of the China-EU investment agreement. According to Vautmans, this reluctance is not unsurprising, however, if you see the lack of official reaction from the Commission and European Council after Chinese countersanctions on EU individuals and entities defending human rights. EU leaders wants to avoid confrontation with China for good reasons, noted the MEP from Belgium, but at the same time EU institutions have to act united and defend European values when they are under attack. by Giorgio Bernardelli In 1990, Mother Teresa's nuns asked him to stay with them to celebrate Mass. A PIME missionary, as soon as he arrived he wrote: "The whole of Cambodia has been reduced to a forced labour camp". For 30 years he accompanied the rebirth of the small local Church. Phnom Penh (AsiaNews) - The Catholic Church of Cambodia is mourning its pioneer in the post Pol Pot era. Father Toni Vendramin, an Italian PIME missionary, who in 1990 was the first priest to return to the country after the reign of terror, died last night at the age of 78. He had been in the Royal Phnom Penh Hospital for a few weeks due to bacterial pneumonia. Vendramin had been a missionary in Bangladesh for 15 years before leaving for Cambodia, just when the Khmer Rouge government had launched its first signs of opening up. "Mother Teresa's sisters had been invited by the government: they wanted to return permanently, but were looking for a priest to accompany them. They had met a French missionary, Fr Emile Destombes (the future Vicar Apostolic of Phnom Penh, who died in 2016) who was there for two or three months on a cooperator's visa. He was joined by another Maryknoll missionary, Fr Tom Dunleavy. There were no other priests. The sisters told the government: we will go back to Cambodia, but we want a guarantee that we will have a priest with us to say Mass. On 23rd November 1990, with four nuns from the Missionaries of Charity, Fr Vendramin boarded a flight from Hong Kong to Phnom Penh. "We arrived without a visa, but with a letter of invitation from Prime Minister Hun Sen; at the airport they didn't know what to do," Fr Toni recounted. "The whole of Cambodia was reduced to a forced labour camp and the extermination of its own people, in the name of an aberrant and criminal ideology," the priest wrote a few days later in a letter to his friends. The Cambodian government wanted the Missionaries of Charity to open a home for landmine victims, but the sisters did not feel able to take on such a task. Instead, they started to gather and care for the sick or the beggars who slept in the streets; then they took in abandoned children or those suffering from AIDS." Vendramin recalled: "There were no churches, we had to celebrate Mass in private homes. At the end of 1990 we managed to have a dormitory of the minor seminary returned to us: that's where we celebrated our first Christmas, a very powerful and moving experience". Yet their work was still marked by many restrictions: "I could not move beyond a radius of 20 kilometres from Phnom Penh", the religious explained. "It was only with the arrival of the United Nations for the 1993 elections that freedom of movement improved and it was possible to start reorganising the Church. In recent years, Fr Vendramin had led the parish of St Peter, in the airport area. As long as the government allowed him to do so, he also visited the prison once a month to visit the inmates. Taking stock of his 30 years in Cambodia last year he observed: "Coming here was a very profound experience for me. Everything has changed in Phnom Penh: where there were only two or three paved roads, there are now 40-storey skyscrapers built by the Chinese. But the wounds of the past remain, more or less open or hidden. As for the Catholic presence, in all the missions today there is a kindergarten, sometimes a primary school. Together with basic facilities, homes for the disabled, other social initiatives at both diocesan and national level. The city has grown, but this little Church of ours is also growing in small steps". by Sumon Corraya Video goes viral on social media showing lawyer Gobinda Chandra Pramanik speaking out against an alleged anti-Hindu plot, accusing Christians of stealing the Vatican from Hindus. For the Bangladesh Christian Association, This kind of hate speech is a barrier to religious harmony in the country. Dhaka (AsiaNews) A Bangladesh Hindu leader has launched surreal accusations in a video that has gone viral, sowing confusion and raising concern among Christians Gobinda Chandra Pramanik, a lawyer and secretary general of Bangladesh Jatiyo Hindu Mohajote, said, during an online seminar last Thursday, that The Vatican was Hindu and Christians grabbed it, just as Muslims captured Makkah from Hindus. In reality, Pramanik's target is a campaign by some human rights activists to get the Bangladeshi government to change the Hindu family law so that Hindu women can inherit land. This was enough for Hindu radicals to lash out at Christians, accused them of plotting against Hinduism with legislative measures of this kind. Quoting the Gospel of Luke, Pramanik said that Jesus himself came to Earth to divide and dominate the world. He went so far as to define the God of the Bible as satanic. The video went viral on social media, upsetting many Christians. One of them is Nirmol Rozario president of the Bangladesh Christian Association. The Hindu leader hurts the feelings of Christians, Rozario said. He behaves like a fool. We strongly condemn this speech. For the Christian leader, Pramanik should apologise, noting that This kind of hate speech is a barrier to religious harmony in the country. For the head of Bangladesh Jatiyo Hindu Mohajote, this is not the first anti-Christian statement. Last month he accused Banchte Shekha (Learn to survive), a Christian NGO, of anti-Hindu propaganda. Headed by Angela Gomes, the advocacy group backs changes to the existing Hindu family law so that women can have the right to inherit. Her cousin, Nachelle Lunger, said she last saw Green at her brothers wedding in Erie in June. Hours before the wedding was set to begin, Lunger realized she hadnt bought a pair of shoes, so she went to the mall with Green, an avid shopper. But Green split off, and started shopping on her own. By the time her family found her, checking out at JCPenney, the group was too late to get their manicures for the wedding, and had to rush to the ceremony, Lunger said. In only about 30 minutes, Patels testimony unveiled details about the shooting and Ramos motivation not previously revealed. His testimony, and that of Dr. Gregory Saathoff before him, showed just how carefully Ramos planned the mass shooting, how he carried it out callously and how happy he was with the notoriety he received afterward. His testimony will continue Wednesday. The meeting the first held in-person in City Hall since the start of the pandemic came as Baltimore continues to see an accelerated rate of homicides and non-fatal shootings. As of Monday afternoon, there have been 182 people killed in the city so far this year, 10 more than the same time last year, and 367 others have been shot but survived, a 13% increase, according to police. The confrontation follows a November shooting when a Baltimore police officer working on the Warrant Apprehension Task Force fatally shot a suspect while surveilling a fugitive at the intersection of North Ellamont Street and Westwood Avenue. Police said the shooting suspect pulled up at the intersection in a vehicle around that time, got out and fired into the officers vehicle, striking one unnamed officer in the upper thigh. The officer returned fire, killing the suspect, police said. Under the law, the oversight board includes at least five people: the mayor or his designee, the City Council president or his designee, the comptroller or his designee, the city solicitor or an appointed member of the city law department, and a member of City Council appointed by the council president. If the mayor and council president agree, two additional members take seats: the deans of the law schools at the University of Maryland and University of Baltimore. Governors in about two dozen states almost all, like Hogan, Republicans have canceled those expanded benefits early, claiming that the increased jobless aid was hurting businesses by making people more reluctant to return to work as the economy reopens. Hogan administration officials, including Robinson, testified Monday that the governors decision to pull out of the unemployment programs also was driven by rising vaccination rates and concern about what they characterized as extensive fraud in claims. News Around the Republic of Mexico AMLO Offers Medicines, Vaccines to Cuba After Protests "Mexico could help [Cuba] with medicines, with vaccines, with food, with whatever is required, because health and nutrition are fundamental human rights," AMLO said during his morning press conference on Monday. Mexico City - President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Monday offered his help to the Government of Cuba in the face of protests against its current administration. In that sense, the president said that if necessary, he would offer humanitarian support "without any political tendency or bias." "Mexico could help with medicines, with vaccines, with food, with whatever is required, because health and nutrition are fundamental human rights," he said during his morning press conference. The protests erupted amid Cuba's worst economic crisis since the fall of former ally the Soviet Union in the 1990s and a surge in coronavirus cases, with people angry over goods shortages, curbs on civil liberties and the handling of the pandemic. The Mexican President remarked that to support the island, the U.S. economic embargo against Cuba must be "suspended". In addition, he indicated that he will ask Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard to establish a communication bridge between the two nations. Meanwhile, he repeatedly called on the governments of other countries not to intervene in order to respect the self-determination of the Cuban people. "Let them be the ones to deal with their affairs in a peaceful way, but let there be no interventionism," Lopez Obrador added. Sources: Vallarta Independiente, Reuters - President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Monday offered his help to the Government of Cuba in the face of protests against its current administration.In that sense, the president said that if necessary, he would offer humanitarian support "without any political tendency or bias.""Mexico could help with medicines, with vaccines, with food, with whatever is required, because health and nutrition are fundamental human rights," he said during his morning press conference.The protests erupted amid Cuba's worst economic crisis since the fall of former ally the Soviet Union in the 1990s and a surge in coronavirus cases, with people angry over goods shortages, curbs on civil liberties and the handling of the pandemic.The Mexican President remarked that to support the island, the U.S. economic embargo against Cuba must be "suspended". In addition, he indicated that he will ask Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard to establish a communication bridge between the two nations.Meanwhile, he repeatedly called on the governments of other countries not to intervene in order to respect the self-determination of the Cuban people."Let them be the ones to deal with their affairs in a peaceful way, but let there be no interventionism," Lopez Obrador added. Site Map Print this Page Email Us Top News Around the Republic of Mexico Mexico Vaccinating Tourism Workers in 8 Destinations The Mexican official stressed that the vaccination of workers is vital for the economic recovery of the tourism sector, which is prepared to serve national and foreign tourists in the face of new health requirements. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - The Federal Secretary of Tourism (Sectur), Miguel Torruco Marques, announced that the first phase of vaccination of workers in establishments in that sector includes eight tourist destinations. Vaccinations will begin in Cancun, Quintana Roo and in Los Cabos, Baja California, and then will continue in Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico City and Playa del Carmen. The official stressed that this measure is vital for the economic recovery of the sector, which is prepared to serve national and foreign tourists in the face of new health requirements. He indicated that according to Datatur projections, in this summer season, which runs from July 10 to August 28, the different destinations of the country expect to receive 20.2 million tourists, 178 percent more than in the same period of 2020, when only 7.4 million arrived. The destinations that will attract the largest number of visitors will be Cancun, Acapulco, Mazatlan, CDMX, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana, Merida, Leon and Oaxaca. He didn't mention Puerto Vallarta or Riviera Nayarit, which will surely have more visitors than most of those places. He reported that the country's hotel associations estimate to close the year with the arrival of 26.8 million international tourists, who will spend an estimated $12,200,000 US dollars on vacation. Torruco Marques explained that the profile of domestic tourism has changed, with visitors currently looking for places that offer more outdoor experiences. The business sector declared that all health protocols are in place and it is ready to receive the more than 20.2 million tourists that are projected to arrive in these destinations. The president of Concanaco Servytur, Jose Manuel Lopez Campos, assured that currently the tourist activity is at a point where the economic dynamics of the country's tourist destinations' return will depend on the actions carried out by civil society and the productive sectors in coordination with the authorities. He considered that coordinated actions can be the balance between continuing towards sustainable tourism recovery or returning to new confinements that will put thousands of tourism-related companies throughout the country at risk. Original article, written by Jose Fernando Ortega for - The Federal Secretary of Tourism (Sectur), Miguel Torruco Marques, announced that the first phase of vaccination of workers in establishments in that sector includes eight tourist destinations. Vaccinations will begin in Cancun, Quintana Roo and in Los Cabos, Baja California, and then will continue in Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico City and Playa del Carmen.The official stressed that this measure is vital for the economic recovery of the sector, which is prepared to serve national and foreign tourists in the face of new health requirements.He indicated that according to Datatur projections, in this summer season, which runs from July 10 to August 28, the different destinations of the country expect to receive 20.2 million tourists, 178 percent more than in the same period of 2020, when only 7.4 million arrived.The destinations that will attract the largest number of visitors will be Cancun, Acapulco, Mazatlan, CDMX, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana, Merida, Leon and Oaxaca. He didn't mention Puerto Vallarta or Riviera Nayarit, which will surely have more visitors than most of those places.He reported that the country's hotel associations estimate to close the year with the arrival of 26.8 million international tourists, who will spend an estimated $12,200,000 US dollars on vacation.Torruco Marques explained that the profile of domestic tourism has changed, with visitors currently looking for places that offer more outdoor experiences.The business sector declared that all health protocols are in place and it is ready to receive the more than 20.2 million tourists that are projected to arrive in these destinations.The president of Concanaco Servytur, Jose Manuel Lopez Campos, assured that currently the tourist activity is at a point where the economic dynamics of the country's tourist destinations' return will depend on the actions carried out by civil society and the productive sectors in coordination with the authorities.He considered that coordinated actions can be the balance between continuing towards sustainable tourism recovery or returning to new confinements that will put thousands of tourism-related companies throughout the country at risk.Original article, written by Jose Fernando Ortega for Contra Linea, translated and edited by Lorena Sonrisas for Site Map Print this Page Email Us Top Research News Field biologists, NASA planes to map biodiversity in South Africa A protea shrub growing amongst reeds and dozens of other plant species in South Africas Greater Cape Floristic Region. Photo: Adam Wilson By CHARLOTTE HSU The Greater Cape Floristic Region is a really fascinating place it has extremely high plant diversity, and theres been dramatic environmental change over the last 50 years, due to both climate and land use change. Adam Wilson, associate professor Department of Geography Scientists from the U.S. and South Africa are launching a campaign to map marine, freshwater, and terrestrial species and ecosystems in one of Earths biodiversity hotspots: the Greater Cape Floristic Region at the southwestern edge of South Africa. NASA will fly planes over the area for six weeks in 2023 to measure the height and structure of vegetation and collect ultraviolet, visual, thermal and other imagery across terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Satellites will gather additional data. Teams on the ground will make observations at locations of particular interest, logging plants and, possibly, animals they detect. Using this data, the team will map the regions biodiversity, providing estimates of the distribution and abundance of species, and the boundaries of ecosystems, and researching how biodiversity impacts the physical environment and vice versa. In other words, the campaign will help scientists understand the structure, function and composition of ecosystems in the study area. This is a broad collaboration between several organizations, says Adam Wilson, principal investigator and a UB biogeographer. The Greater Cape Floristic Region is a really fascinating place it has extremely high plant diversity, and theres been dramatic environmental change over the last 50 years, due to both climate and land use change. Our data will capture this regions biodiversity in greater detail than ever before from a plane or satellite. In combination with the field observations, these new data will help us understand this dynamic region and improve our ability to monitor biodiversity from space globally. A Cape Sugarbird pauses in the fynbos, a belt of shrubland in South Africas Cape Floristic Region. Photo: Adam Wilson The project, titled Marine, Freshwater, and Terrestrial Biodiversity Survey of the Cape (BioSCape), is funded by NASA, with UB researchers receiving $873,000 in NASA funding to complete their share of the work. The leadership team includes Wilson, associate professor of geography, College of Arts and Sciences; Erin Hestir of the University of California, Merced; Jasper Slingsby of the University of Cape Town; and Glenn Moncrieff of the South African Environmental Observation Network. Other institutional partners include the South African National Biodiversity Institute, South African National Parks, CapeNature Provincial Parks and the South African National Space Agency. Panoramic view of the Cape of Good Hope, Africas southwestern most point. The fynbos of South Africa is an ecologically important shrubland found in the Greater Cape Floristic Region. Photo: Adam Wilson Much of the research in Earth observation has been conducted in the worlds forested ecosystems, like the Amazon or northern temperate forests, says Moncrieff, a scientist with the South African Environmental Observation Network. But non-forest ecosystems harbor a substantial proportion of the worlds biological diversity, and perhaps the most diverse of these non-forest ecosystems are the shrublands of the Greater Cape Floristic Region in South Africa. BioSCape will bring the most advanced NASA remote sensing technology to this region, facilitating a large amount of research into remote sensing of biodiversity beyond the forest edge. We hope that by mapping plant biodiversity and its function, we will be able to show the link between important ecosystem services that many people here depend upon and the unique flora of the region. King protea, a flowering plant, is among species found in South Africas Greater Cape Floristic Region. Photo: Adam Wilson Slingsby, a lecturer at the University of Cape Town, adds: The BioSCape campaign really is a great opportunity, not only for boosting the use of remote sensing in the region, but for driving innovation in remote sensing of biodiversity in general. The shrubland ecosystems in the region are hyperdiverse and have complex spatial and temporal natural dynamics due to fire, seasonality, habitat heterogeneity, etc., and will really put the science teams to the test. The aquatic ecosystems will be no less challenging. The world is facing an extinction crisis, says Hestir, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at UC Merced. We are experiencing the sixth great extinction in the history of the Earth, with unprecedented rates of species loss. Understanding the diversity of life, what drives it and how it might change in the future is critical to maintaining and protecting life on Earth for us and all creatures. The UB Department of Geography is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to fill the position of BioSCapes science project manager. The team is committed to building a diverse and inclusive project, Wilson says. A second project New plant life emerges in the fynbos of South Africa after a wildfire. Such fires, which help many native plants reproduce, make it difficult to detect unusual changes in vegetation. Photo: Adam Wilson In a separate but related project in the Cape Floristic Region, Wilson is working with a team that includes some of the same partners to develop a tool that uses satellite remote sensing and AI to monitor ecosystems in the area. The goal is to detect fires, land-clearing, the spread of invasive plant species and other unusual damage to vegetation. The $483,000 effort also funded by NASA is a collaboration among UB, the South African Environmental Observation Network, the University of Cape Town, CapeNature, the Nature Conservancy in South Africa and South African National Parks. The idea is to create a decision-support tool that can support monitoring and management of biodiversity, Wilson explains. The system will flag unusual ecosystem changes, such as invasive species outcompeting native species, or land cover change in protected areas, so that teams on the ground can then go check it out to learn more about whats happening. This project will also leverage the expertise of Yingjie Hu, UB assistant professor of geography and a co-investigator on this project. Hu is an expert on geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI). One challenge of monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem changes in the Cape Floristic Region is distinguishing between natural changes such as wildfires that occur regularly and are vital to the health of the local ecosystem and anomalous changes that threaten biodiversity. Hus work will integrate AI and ecological modeling to facilitate development of a system that can make these distinctions. Today A mix of clouds and sun. High 98F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Tonight Mainly clear skies. Low 69F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Tomorrow Generally sunny despite a few afternoon clouds. Near record high temperatures. High 99F. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. Dakota graduated from Bret Harte in 2013 and went to Davidson College, NC where she earned a bachelor's degree in Arab studies. After spending time studying in the Middle East and Europe, she is happy to be home, writing about the community she loves. Comment Policy Calaveras Enterprise does not actively monitor comments. However, staff does read through to assess reader interest. When abusive or foul language is used or directed toward other commenters, those comments will be deleted. If a commenter continues to use such language, that person will be blocked from commenting. We wish to foster a community of communication and a sharing of ideas, and we truly value readers' input. Aston Carter, a staffing firm acquired by Allegis in 2011 that had been a division of Aerotek, will be headed by Stuart Ferguson, its president, and focus on job placement in professional areas. Those specialties include accounting and finance, governance, risk and compliance, operations and customer support. The firm runs more than 200 offices on four continents. Pilots must undergo training after not flying for a given period of time, leaving airlines shorter staffed than normal post-pandemic, when far fewer people traveled and fewer pilots were needed. The Federal Aviation Administration also sets limits on the number of hours pilots are allowed to fly things Tajer said American Airlines should have been aware of when scheduling flights for June and July. One of the speakers was County Councilmember Robert Wagner. Wagner, who said he was speaking for himself and not on behalf of the council, said there doesnt seem to be a simple solution. However, they should not be this far into it if no suggestion seems to work. If these people want to be hanging out, wherever theyre hanging out on this taxpayer-paid junket, theyre going to have to be prepared to do it for well over a year. As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas Capitol until they get their job done, Abbott said. Geyser Peak, in particular, is a winery that has had its up and downs. When former owner, Accolade Wines of Australia, got the property, we praised Daryl Groom for elevating its quality. When he left, the brand went back into a funk. But what we recently tasted under Pepis guidance was much better than what we remember. The Prime minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday took stock of Covid situation with chief ministers of the north-eastern states and praised them for building infrastructure to combat COVID-19. All the chief ministers acknowledged that the PM Care Fund has helped the north-eastern states for rising up to the challenges of COVID-19, stated sources. They also informed that in the meeting, chief ministers spoke in detail about the COVID-19 situation in their respective states. Many also thanked the Prime Minister for the continuous support they have been receiving from the Central government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic since the first wave. While all CMs have put forth their preparedness plans to deal with third wave and acknowledged that cases are on the decline, Mizoram CM Zoramthanga did speak about problems the state is facing due to the porous border with Myanmar and Bangladesh and cases are coming across the border. Union Home minister Amit Shah too was present at the meeting. A brief introduction cited a decrease in the number of COVID-19 cases and related deaths during the second wave. Sources stated that everyone agreed that there is continuous decrease in cases and deaths during the second wave. The chief ministers were asked to share their concerns if they want the Centre to resolve it. Sources confirmed that Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu stated that many ongoing projects in the state and internet connectivity in the state are in poor shape, and the state was unable to upload data on ICMR website and the positivity rate as stated at 16 per cent, is not that high. The positivity rate is 8 percent in the state, clarified the chief minister, according to sources. Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh said he should be able to vaccinate whole population within a month or two whereas Tripura CM thanked PM for Jan Dhan Yojana and help extended to combat Covid. Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma sought more vaccines for tea workers. He thanked PM for PM Cares Fund and gave a comparison of vaccines received between Assam and Kerala, sources stated. Acknowledging the fact that India is still in the midst of the second wave, a detailed analysis of the COVID-19 situation of the north-eastern states was done in the meeting. The Prime Minister advised strong steps at the micro-level and quoted Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma for not resorting to lockdown but making containment zones at the micro-level. He was asked to administer caution. PM Modi also asked to identify best practises and use them on a broad scale. The Prime Minister acknowledged that many businesses have borne losses especially in tourism industry. "I am concerned about large number of people thronging the tourists spots and saying that they want to enjoy before third wave hits. Third wave won't come on its own but through people," said PM Modi while cautioning everyone against impending danger ahead of the third wave of COVID-19. (ANI) Also Read: Coronavirus: India reports 31,443 new COVID cases, lowest in 118 days Expressing bond between both countries, Afghanistan Ambassador to India Farid Mamundzay on Tuesday said India's long-term commitment towards a peaceful, sovereign and stable Afghan remains strong. "India's long-term commitment towards a peaceful, sovereign and stable Afghan remains strong," Afghan Ambassador to India Farid Mamundzay said in a tweet. Mentioning country's security situation, the envoy also said that India has brought their diplomats back on the basis of safety and security grounds. "Indian consulate general in Kandahar has not been closed and continues to operate through local staff. The temporary measure to bring diplomats back to India is based on safety and security grounds," he said further. India has evacuated its staff from the war-torn country on July 11. India has its embassy in Kabul along with the consulates in Kandahar and Mazar where it has over 500 staff deployed. Two consulates in Herat and Jalalabad had ceased operations earlier there. The country, which has had a big presence in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban in 2001 following the US invasion, has been helping the successive governments there including the members of the northern alliance who have been friends with India for a long time. Describing the security situation in Afghanistan as fluid and deteriorating, the Afghan envoy to India Farid Mamundzay has said the Taliban need to cease violence and there should be an end to the bloodshed. "More than 200,000 Afghan civilians are displaced already. There is an active fight going on between Afghan forces and Taliban fighters in 200 districts out of a total of 375. There is also trouble in 18 border districts that share a border with several countries Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Iran," the envoy said. Considering that the complete withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan will end in August. India has worked immensely for the redevelopment of Afghanistan and helped it to construct Parliament building along with several roads connecting important cities of the war-torn country. (ANI) Also Read: Taliban attack on Afghanistan's Ghazni pushed back: Police Russia has expressed its concerns over reports that Pakistan is considering working out an alternate plan to construct the USD 2.5 billion Pakistan- Stream Gas Pipeline (PSGP) project from Port Qasim to Kasur, formerly known as North-South Gas Pipeline. The information was disclosed by the sources close to the Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Power and Petroleum told Business Recorder. It can jeopardise Pakistan's ties with Russia. Pakistan and the Russian Federation had signed the amended Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) on May 28 in Moscow on Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline Project (PSGP), now both the countries have to sign the share-holders Agreement (SHA) within 60 days from the signing of the protocol scheduled for July 27. Ministry of Foreign Affairs has conveyed Moscow's concerns to Petroleum Division, prior to the visit of a 12-member delegation headed by AA Tolparov, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Economic Cooperation and Fuel Market Development. The delegation held four-day parleys with Pakistan that started from Monday, reported Business Recorder. Moscow sent a letter to Islamabad on June 7, informing that a Russian delegation wants to visit Pakistan from June 22 for talks on the Heads of Terms and Shareholders Agreement with the participation of nominated entities ISGS and "PAKSTREAM" and competent authorities from the Pakistani side. Petroleum Division, which earlier agreed to a 56 diameters pipeline with Russia, is now considering using 42 diameter, which is more expensive. Meanwhile, US Charge d' Affaires, Angela Aggeler, also met the SAPM on Power and Petroleum a couple of days ago and sought an update on the gas pipeline project. Some stakeholders fear that the meetings of Americans before talks with Russians could be aimed at creating confusion, which will not be liked at the highest level, reported Business Recorder. The problems began soon after the signing of the amended IGA. As many as 27 days after the agreement was signed, CCOE (Cabinet Committee on Energy) that met on June 24 asked the Petroleum Division to finalize an alternate gas pipeline project by mid-July 2021, arguing there are massive negative consequences of the delay in the implementation of PSGP and the deadline set by the Supreme Court has already been missed. The Petroleum Division carved out an alternate plan under which the Petroleum Division wants to build the LNG-III pipeline under the consortium of Sui Southern, Sui Northern and PAPCO - the company of PARCO. The Petroleum Division favours the alternate project in case talks with Russia fail on the PSGP/also known as North-South Gas Pipeline. The Petroleum Division's proposal is based on Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) decision, of January 5, 2018, under which financing was approved for the 1.2 billion cubic feet per day gas (BCFD) capacity RLNG-III pipeline of 1,150 km from Karachi to Lahore through a 42-inch diameter pipeline. Later, the CCOE decision, the Petroleum Division responded to the Russian letter and informed them of Pakistan's readiness to negotiate the shareholder's agreement. Meantime, the Special Assistant to Prime Minister Tabish Gauhar has already favoured the Sui Southern and Sui Northern to develop the LNG-III pipeline from Karachi to Lahore in place of PSGP, advocating that the country should not rely on external assistance as it would escalate the cost of the project, reported The News International. The shareholder's agreement and deal on heads of terms with Russia may take more than one and a half years before any groundwork can get underway on the project. Besides, the Petroleum Division has made up its mind not to extend the guaranteed rate of returns to the Russian side against its 26 per cent shares in Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline. According to Tabish Gauhar, it has been decided that the government will not provide any sovereign guarantee for profit on any foreign investment in Pakistan in all sectors of the economy, whether it is in the power and refining sectors. The Russian Federation is negotiating this project with Pakistan since 2015 and has witnessed many upheavals lead to the delay. Reviewing the process since 2015 from the change of structures, change inequities up to amendments in IGA, the authorities in Pakistan are found at fault for the delay and not the Russian Federation, The News International reported. (ANI) Also Read: All COVID-19 restrictions in UK to end on July 19 Clay Center, KS (67432) Today A mix of clouds and sun with a slight chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. High around 85F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%.. Tonight Clear to partly cloudy. Low 64F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Folkston, GA (31537) Today Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon. High 92F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy after midnight. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 72F. Winds light and variable. Defense lawyers argued that Calk could not win approval for the loans without the banks loan committee and underwriters agreeing to the terms. And they noted that the loans were obtained at a time when Manafort was considered wealthy and successful and had not yet been criminally charged. United and Mesa also said the electric planes would help reduce climate-changing emissions. As some consumers have grown more concerned about the environmental impact of flying, the airline industry set a target of cutting emissions in half by 2050, while United and the U.K. aviation industry said they aim to reduce net emissions to zero by that date. Loyola Medicine announced Thursday that it would require employees and doctors to be vaccinated, becoming the first large hospital system in the Chicago area to do so. That requirement, to provide proof of vaccination in many cases by Sept. 21, will apply to employees and doctors at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Gottlieb Memorial Hospital in Melrose Park and MacNeal Hospital in Berwyn as well as Loyolas other locations. A: I started my CPS career as a science teacher. Im very passionate about science. It was a favorite topic of mine when I was a kid, and as a science teacher, I had parents who would come to me, and say my daughter never cared about science until she was in your class and now she says she wants to be a doctor, an engineer. It was so moving to me to know that I could play a small role in helping young girls, and specifically young girls of color, see that this is a viable pathway for them. As a lover of books, when I was a science teacher, I was always looking for crossover opportunities and works of literature that touch on science themes. It was hard to find really good ones and contemporary ones. And I wanted some good novels that would slide the science content in there. Theres quite a bit of real science in the book and I hope that science teachers as well as language arts teachers will see opportunities to collaborate and to see Maya models the research and inquiry process; she explains certain things to her friends; theres some real content about machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, as well as some other fun science stuff. That was definitely a big motivation for me to try to write a really fun book that was engaging in terms of the story, but that also could launch kids who may or may not see themselves as being curious about science down that path. Among the activities the Shedd is offering for Shark Week is the Virtual Shark Feeding Tour, a live virtual tour that gives guests a chance to see the behind-the scenes process of feeding in the Wild Reef Exhibit. Guests learn about meal preparation for the sharks, which receive restaurant-quality seafood, and about daily care. The tour lasts 40 minutes and is offered on select Saturdays and Sundays through August 2021. The cost is $49.95 per person ($44.95 for members). Pazdernik has previously been producing associate and company manager with Porchlight Music Theatre, where he had also directed for the Porchlight Revisits series. He has also worked at Chicago Shakespeare Theatre and won a 2017 Jeff Award winner for his direction of Refuge Theatre Projects High Fidelity. According to Tuesdays announcement, he served as Refuges artistic director for three seasons. We understand that those unemployed have inadequate food. We understand that the situation has been made worse by the pandemic, an emotional Makhura said on the state South African Broadcasting Corp. But this looting is undermining our businesses here (in Soweto). It is undermining our economy, our community. It is undermining everything. I was told they will go to your home back in your district, they will go to your place of work, they will got to your apartment in Austin or wherever you live close by when youre in session. And also family and friends that they may know of, he said. Earlier on a WBEZ radio segment, Palmer said the county was not prioritizing SEIU 73s contract demands compared with the other unions that reached deals with Preckwinkles team that Palmer said amounted to an average 4% more in increases than SEIU got. The county board president dismissed those statements later, saying her administrations offer to SEIU 73 was in the same range as that of the other groups, the local chapters of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; Teamsters; National Nurses United; and the Fraternal Order of Police. The topic is something that Brown said was brought up to President Joe Biden on Monday at the White House. The meeting with the president went an hour over the allotted time, Brown said. The president and other police leaders discussed short- and long-term solutions to crime deduction, including how to reduce the flow of illegal guns into the city. Brown said he also was able to talk one on one with Attorney General Merrick Garland and plans to have follow-up meetings with him. Police said Floyd Steele, 34, had been shot multiple times while parked in a car in the 17100 block of Grant Street. He was taken to a hospital in Hammond, Indiana, where he was later pronounced dead. The Lake County, Indiana coroners office determined his death was a homicide. You are here: Arts A naming ceremony for fossils of a new giant rhino species, Paraceratherium linxiaense of 26,500,000 years ago, was held in Hezheng County. Deng Tao, a research fellow of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, introduced the discovery and evolution of the stratum and geomorphology of the site. The fossils of the species e were buried in the stratum right below a dead tree, Deng said. In the early Oligocene, Paraceratherium linxiaense dispersed to South Asia through northwest China and its Pakistani descendants returned to Gansu and Xinjiang in the late Oligocene, Deng added. It shows that the QinghaiTibet Plateau had not formed at that time, or it was below 2,000 meters then, failing to impede the dispersion of large mammals like giant rhinos. A giant rhino weighed up to 24 tons, about the total weight of the four largest African elephants. It is the largest land mammal known in the history of the earth. It occurred 42 million years ago in the middle Eocene and died out 21 million years ago in the early Miocene. You are here: Business The State Administration for Market Regulation has unconditionally approved Chinese internet giant Tencent's acquisition of the country's second-largest search engine Sogou Inc, according to an announcement from the administration on Tuesday. Tencent shares were up more than 4% as of 10:29 a.m. China will apply to make the second phase of its migratory bird sanctuaries, which lie along the coast of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Gulf, a UNESCO World Heritage site before February, aiming to further protect wildlife in the world's largest intertidal wetland system. The migratory bird sanctuaries along the Yellow Sea-Bohai Gulf coast are in exceptionally productive areas that also serve as areas where many species of fish and crustaceans grow. The areas are of global importance as gathering places for many migratory bird species that use the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Large gatherings of birds, including some of the world's most endangered species, depend on the coastline as a stopover to molt, rest, winter or nest. Phase I of the area was inscribed into the World Heritage List by the World Heritage Committee in July 2019 at its 43rd session. Phase II covers several habitats of many migratory bird species in Tianjin and Shanghai and the provinces of Liaoning, Hebei and Shandong, said Yan Chenggao, deputy director of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration's nature reserves department. "Most of those regions are highly developed, which has been regarded as a downside for a world heritage site listing," he said. "We will work closely with the local governments and make reform plans with professional guidance. We are confident in finishing the declaration on time." The Phase II area is high in biodiversity, with about 280 species of fish and more than 500 species of invertebrates providing a variety of food sources for millions of migratory birds. The 186,400 hectares of Phase I, located in Yancheng, Jiangsu province, are important for more than 3 million birds among the East Asian-Australasian Flyway populations and provide critical habitat for 17 endangered wild species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's red list, including two of the world's rarest migratory birds-the spoon-billed sandpiper and the Nordmann's greenshank, which depend on the tidal flats for their continued survival. "Having the sanctuaries listed as a World Heritage site helped to increase public awareness of the migratory birds and also contributed to biosecurity and biodiversity worldwide," Yan said. Since joining the International Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1985, China has been granted 55 world heritage sites. Of these, 14 are natural heritage sites and four are mixed cultural and natural sites-both ranking first in the world. The 44th session of the World Heritage Committee will be held in Fuzhou, Fujian province, from Friday to the end of the month. Chinese police have located and rescued 2,609 missing or abducted children, including adults who had gone missing or were kidnapped as kids, since a nationwide campaign was launched in January to help reunite such victims with their families, the Ministry of Public Security said Tuesday. Police have cracked 147 cold cases involving child abduction and trafficking during the period, and arrested a total of 372 suspects linked to such crimes, the ministry told a press conference. One victim was traced after a span of 61 years, according to the ministry. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang recently held an online summit with U.K. business leaders and said that "China is willing to consolidate mutual trust with the U.K., along with mutual respect" and hoping to "expand common ground while shelving differences, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation for win-win results, build consensus and address divergences via equal dialogue, so as to promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral ties." The meeting was held against a backdrop of relations between the United Kingdom and China having experienced uncertainty. Although Boris Johnson has continued to make a number of gestures towards America's strategic version, nonetheless he has maintained a position of viewing China favourably, calling himself a "Sinophile" and showing understanding of the economic benefits of bilateral ties. The differences and disruptions have nonetheless held little significance, and, as of July, there have been many signs that the British government is recalibrating its ties with Beijing yet again and turning back to a policy of openness and engagement in the pursuit of economic ties, seen as vital in the wake of leaving the European Union. Prior to this meeting, signs of a rapprochement began with a phone call between Foreign Secretary Dominic Rabb and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, where the U.K. readout talked of trade between the two countries. Last week, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak publicly stated that it was important to deepen economic ties with China and to have a "stable and mature" relationship, an open swipe against Conservative Party hawks who have sought to advocate decoupling and engagement in line with the U.S. vision. The special relationship with America obviously remains the key driver of Britain's foreign policy. Ultimately, however, there is no Brexit prosperity without China. For the time being, London recognizes that China remains its largest potential market worldwide for exports and a critical source of foreign investment. As a result, the U.K. has avoided copying the American policy that has sought to sledgehammer the relationship and promote Chinese decoupling. Of course, this remains a very delicate balancing act. A constant factional to and fro between pro- and anti-China members of the British cabinet continues. While the hawks had their day for most of 2020, the pivot towards engagement sees them marginalized for now, with many of their efforts failing to disrupt relations. This is not likely to shift further unless game-changing tensions occur on some issue or other. This means there is political space for London and Beijing to engage again and focus on promoting economic ties, and this is what Boris Johnson's government is seeking. Potential risks will linger in the future; however, for now, one can look beyond the rhetoric and recognize that in practice business as usual is back on the agenda. Despite some challenges, the U.K. is still ready to pursue partnership with China in multiple areas. The Conservative right, as well as the media, will always be lurking on the sidelines to stir up trouble however, meaning it will be amicable and procedural, but always slightly on edge. Tom Fowdy is a British political and international relations analyst and a graduate of Durham and Oxford universities. He writes on topics pertaining to China, the DPRK, Britain and the U.S. For more information please visit: Opinion articles reflect the views of their authors, not necessarily those of If you would like to contribute, please contact us at Family Research Council Welcomes Andrew Brunson as Special Advisor for Religious Freedom NEWS PROVIDED BY Family Research Council July 12, 2021 WASHINGTON, July 12, 2021 /Christian Newswire/ -- Family Research Council is pleased to announce that Pastor Andrew Brunson has joined FRC as Special Advisor for Religious Freedom. For 23 years, Andrew and Norine Brunson dedicated their life to the mission of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Turkey by planting churches, starting a house of prayer, training Christian leaders, and providing aid to refugees. In October 2016, Andrew Brunson was falsely accused of terrorism and held for two years in Turkish prisons. Following a worldwide prayer movement and significant political pressure from the U.S. government, he was dramatically released in October 2018. Brunson, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, joins FRC at a critical time, as the persecution of Christians continues to increase around the world. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins stated: "In a world that is growing increasingly hostile to Christian beliefs, it is important that followers of Christ are prepared to stand firm in their faith. We must also defend the fundamental human right of religious freedom with confidence in the Lord as we show compassion toward all people. We are honored to welcome Andrew Brunson to the FRC team to help us in our vital mission of protecting and advancing religious freedom both at home and abroad." Andrew Brunson, FRC's Special Advisor for Religious Freedom, added: "During my imprisonment in Turkey, Family Research Council advocated for my release and encouraged many to pray for me. I am glad that I can now join with FRC to do for others what was done for me. It's very much on my heart to encourage those who are facing persecution." For more information on FRC's efforts to promote religious freedom around the world, visit: SOURCE Family Research Council CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Joshua Arnold, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397 NEWS PROVIDED BY Catholic League July 12, 2021 NEW YORK, July 12, 2021 /Christian Newswire/ -- Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the debut of "Benedetta" at the Cannes Film Festival: Worldwide, there are upwards of 1 billion Protestants, 1.4 billion Catholics and 1.8 billion Muslims. While Catholics revere Our Blessed Mother the most, the majority of Muslims, and many Protestants, hold the Virgin Mary in high esteem. Atheist film director Paul Verhoeven, who has a history of bigotry, both in print and on the screen, wants them to know that he has been thinking about them. His latest contribution to hate speech is "Benedetta," a movie designed to stick it to all of them, especially Catholics. The film "was inspired by real events," which means it is not an accurate portrayal. No matter, Catholic bashers believe every bit of it. The movie is based on a book by Judith C. Brown, "Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy," which features 17th century lesbian nuns who have gone off the rails. Given our gay-crazy world, where every perverse act is not only tolerated, but celebrated, it is not surprising to learn that "the audience at the Cannes press screening applauded the film's blasphemous nerve." Another film critic noted that at her screening, "the movie was received with shocked laughter and applause," yielding a "five-minute standing ovation." What were they so happy about? Benedetta, the star nun, has visions of having sex with Jesus, "a lanky-haired, high-key jealous hottie." "When Benedetta orgasms," Rachel Handler writes, "she screams, 'My God!' and 'Sweet Jesus.'" Benedetta and her lover, Sister Bartolomea, are shown "trading flirtatious remarks while audibly s****ing next to each other in the nunnery's toilets and, scenes later [this next part is revealing], as is the lesbian tradition, f***ing one another with a wooden figurine of the Virgin Mary carved very carefully into the shape of a dildo." The Telegraph, an English newspaper, was delighted. "Could anything be more Verhoeven than using a wooden Mary as a sex toy?" When Verhoeven was asked if he thought the film was blasphemous, he denied that it was. It is also true that the Klan deny they are racists. A critic cited in the New York Daily News called the movie a "blasphemous, sapphic nun fk fest that's horny, traumatizing, violent and unhinged." Handler, who liked the film, said it was "deranged on nearly every single level, a blasphemous, maximalist, hilariously erotic satire." The only prominent media source that was truly critical was Variety. It called the film pornographic, saying that Verhoeven is more interested in "kink" than anything else. "Simply put, 'Benedetta' intends to offend," amounting to "just another entry in the tawdry nunsploitation genre." Verhoeven is correct to say that not everyone will be offended by the movie. "Actually, I don't think the film will be scandalousat least not in Western Europe." He's right. Western Europe is a fully atomized secular oasis. "Maybe Americans will be different," he notes, owing to "more puritanism" there. In other words, Catholics, Protestants and Muslims who are insulted by his insults are puritanical and need to become more tolerant of his intolerance. Verhoeven is no stranger to the Catholic League. He spent two decades co-authoring an offensive book that he hoped would become a movie; it never made it to the big screen. But his work, "Jesus of Nazareth," did tell us what he really thinks. Jesus was not the son of God, the Dutchman says, and his mother, the Virgin Mary, was probably raped by a Roman soldier, resulting in Jesus' birth. Moreover, Jesus never performed any miracles and Judas Iscariot was not responsible for Jesus' betrayal. And how does he know this? He doesn't. He feels that it may be true. The hatred of Christians in many parts of the world these days results in torture, imprisonment and death. In Western Europe and North America, the Christian haters do not resort to violence: They just seek to disparage and silence them. That's why Verhoeven delights themhe appeals to the sickest appetites of these fully deracinated people. Contact Verhoeven's agent, Marion Rosenberg: Ministry to Russia's 'Forgotten' Partners with U.S. Churches RUSHING THE GOSPEL TO RUSSIA: A one-of-a-kind mission in the former Soviet Union is seeking to propel the Gospel in countries that once boasted they were strongholds of atheism. Slavic Gospel Association (SGA, ) announced today it has appointed Rev. Larry Pauley -- a veteran pastor -- as its new director of church relations. Slavic Gospel Association announces new director of church relations to boost ministry opportunities for American churches NEWS PROVIDED BY Slavic Gospel Association (SGA) July 13, 2021 LOVES PARK, Ill., July 13, 2021 /Christian Newswire/ -- A one-of-a-kind mission in the former Soviet Union is seeking to propel the Gospel in countries that once boasted they were strongholds of atheism. Slavic Gospel Association (SGA, announced today it has appointed Rev. Larry Pauley -- a veteran pastor -- as its new director of church relations. It aims to increase opportunities for U.S. churches to partner with evangelical churches across Russia and neighboring countries. "God's primary vehicle for working in the world is the local church," said Pauley, who was part of the first-ever national pastors' conference in Russia several years ago. "When American churches and churches in the former Soviet Union partner together to help those who are forgotten and advance the Gospel, God is glorified." Reaching 11 Time Zones SGA partners with an extensive network of more than 6,500 evangelical churches ministering to millions across a vast region -- covering 11 time zones -- from Eastern Europe to the Bering Strait off the coast of Alaska. The Illinois-based organization helps equip local churches across the former Soviet Union to share the Gospel, plant new churches, train pastors, run kids summer camps, and deliver crucial aid directly to hurting children, families and others at the point of need. 4 Million Meals, Thousands Receive Bibles Since the pandemic started, local Russian-speaking Christians partnering with SGA have delivered free groceries supplying over four million meals to desperate families -- and given out Bibles and "Jesus Loves You" ornaments to tens of thousands of children and parents, sharing the Gospel with at least 35,000 people who'd never heard it. "Through partnerships between evangelical churches in the U.S. and their counterparts in the former Soviet Union, God does amazing things," said Pauley, who has pastored churches in the U.S. attended by Russian and Ukrainian immigrants. Through its Orphans Reborn outreach, SGA -- founded by a Belarussian immigrant to the U.S. nearly 90 years ago -- supports evangelical churches serving more than 150 orphanages and shelters in Russia and the former Soviet Union, bringing food, Bible materials, and the hope of the Gospel to 12,000 "forgotten" children. "It's truly amazing how God has used the pandemic to open doors for the Gospel in Russia and other ex-Soviet countries," said SGA President Michael Johnson, "and it's a wonder how he's drawing together the hearts of Christians in America and believers in Russia -- who've never met each other -- to fulfill the Great Commission in the Russian-speaking world." Founded in 1934, Slavic Gospel Association (SGA, helps "forgotten" orphans, widows and families in Russia, the former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Russian-speaking immigrants in Israel caring for their physical needs and sharing the life-transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ. SGA supports an extensive grassroots network of local evangelical missionary pastors and churches in cities and rural villages across this vast region. SOURCE Slavic Gospel Association CONTACT: Matti Stevenson, 719-360-0586, Share Tweet What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 319-283-2144 or email What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 319-352-3334 or email The new law is only subject to secondary enforcement, which means police may not pull a driver over solely for an adult in the back seat without a seat belt. Under the law, a ticket may only be issued for the unbelted passenger if the driver is pulled over for another offense, such as speeding. Office space in East Hartford will be consolidated into four buildings on the campus, including the new $180 million engineering and technology building which opened in 2017. Although Pratt is reviewing which buildings on the campus will be retrofitted for use in the new hybrid workplace, it is unlikely that the landmark headquarters on Main Street, which hasnt been updated in years, will be among them, Pratt said. It has been a challenge since the first case, she said. You have people who still say it is not real. You have people who say it is a cold. You have people who say what is the big deal. You have people who say it is all a government plot. What the data is telling us is that for the general public, two doses of the vaccine is highly protective against the currently circulating variants, including the Delta variant. It seems like breakthrough infections are very rare and when they occur, symptoms are mild and they dont result in hospitalizations, said Dr. David Banach, an epidemiologist at UConn Health. What this list underscores is how many other companies out there need this funding. The companies not represented on this list had losses just as big as companies that are on this list. They just didnt get any money, Jennings said. Some of these businesses may fail. Jennings business applied for the grant and was passed over. The wellness checks did help, first and foremost, to build a relationship, a positive relationship, with the students and their families and help them understand that were here with the same shared belief that every student should have the opportunity to thrive in any educational setting, Benjamin said, adding that there were also barriers these students faced when it came to engaging in school, like having connectivity problems, that he would also help them with. Paluzsay recalled, My parents own home burned and I spent my first three years in the (Ewell) house, not that I remember it, she said. My family lived in the house until it was sold in 1962. One reason my family let Mr. Dewey Renick buy the land was because he was a family friend. He told my mother he would put a cemetery in and the house would always stay and be maintained. The Supreme Court has declined the plea of Telugu Desam MP and actor Maganti Murali Mohan, promoter of Jayabheri Group, and his relative Ram Mohan Maganti, to set aside the orders of erstwhile Hyderabad High Court against them. (PTI) Hyderabad: The Supreme Court has declined the plea of Telugu Desam MP and actor Maganti Murali Mohan, promoter of Jayabheri Group, and his relative Ram Mohan Maganti, to set aside the orders of erstwhile Hyderabad High Court against them in relation to sale of apartments in the Jayabheri Silicon Valley. The HC had directed the trial court at Miyapur to frame charges against them and start trial for breach of trust and cheating. Jayabheri had started the Silicon County, Jayabheri Silicon Towers and Club Jayabheri, a mixed development project in six acres around the rear 2000. Allegations against Jayabheri Constructions and its promoters and partners are that they had violated the norms prescribed by HUDA to leave a set back of 14 metres to Silicon County. But some part of this was used for a drive-way for the IT Towers and Club Silicon. On the other side of the Silicon County, the driveway was shown as 24 feet as per agreement, but practically it was only 16 feet. The second accusation is that though total land set apart by the accused for Jayabheri Silicon County was 18,521 sq yds, the actual existing area is only 16,568 sq yds and thereby the flat owners have lost 1953 sq yds. The accused have allegedly usurped this. The third allegation was about the common maintenance charges of the building complex. Complaints were made against the developers and promoters in 2008 before the Madhapur court, the FIR was registered and chargesheet submitted under Sections 406, 420 IPC read with several sections of the AP Apartments (promotion of constructions and ownership) Act. Challenging it, Murali Mohan and others filed a discharge petition before the trial magistrate court of Cyberabad, Kukatpally, located at Miyapur. The trial court discharged them. Challenging it, the complainants approached Hyderabad High Court in 2014, which then directed the trial court to continue the trial against the promoters and developers. Challenging it, Murali Mohan and two others approached the apex court, which rejected their plea two days ago. Revenue authorities handed over 1,100 acres of land to the Andhra Pradesh airport development corporation (APADCL), an the SPV (special purpose vehicle). Representative Image. (AFP) Nellore: Additional land is being acquired on a war-footing as part of a bid to develop airport-linked industries and cargo handling facilities at the proposed greenfield airport at Dagadarthi near Nellore. A reason for extending the scope of the proposed airport is the fast pace of development at industrial parks and the special economic zones in the district. Nellore is the lead district in terms of investment and income generated both in agriculture and allied sectors as also the manufacturing industry sector. Nellore is industrially well-connected to South-East Asia through the Krishnapatnam Port, which is Indias largest private port. The Ramayapatnam port is another planned port coming up in neighbouring Prakasam district. Nellore city also serves as an important industrial node along the Vishakapatnam Chennai and the Chennai Bangalore industrial corridors. The proposed airport site is located about 30km north of Nellore. The site is situated on the west side of the Guntur-Chennai Highway (NH-16) and 26km away from Krishnapatnam port and 50km from Ramayapatnam port. Recently, the AP government through its infrastructure corporation (INCAP) appointed RITES for updating of the techno-economic feasibility study (TEFS) report (primarily, updation of the passenger traffic forecast and cost estimates) and for a fresh cargo potential study. Revenue authorities handed over 1,100 acres of land to the Andhra Pradesh airport development corporation (APADCL), an the SPV (special purpose vehicle). Some 488.42 acres belonging to the forest department is being acquired now, said district collector KVN Chakradhar Babu. Saying that alternative land has been identified for compensatory afforestation, he expressed confidence in handing over the extent earmarked for the airport within the next three months. He said land allocation has been increased from the proposed1600 acres to 2000 acres to scale up the project for commercial activity and set up airport-based industries. The authorities have requested the principal chief conservator of forests, Guntur, to accord permission for initiation of transfer proposals and for conduct of a DGPS survey. New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with the chief ministers of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha, Maharashtra and Kerala on July 16 to discuss the COVID-19 situation in these states. These are among the states where the Covid infection numbers have seen an increase in several districts or have not in general seen a dip like they have in most other states. Modi on Tuesday interacted with the chief ministers of eight North-Eastern states, another region of concern, through video conferencing, and said the vaccination drive needs to be continuously ramped up to deal with the pandemic. He also said that it is a matter of concern that big crowds are thronging hill stations and market areas without masks and social distancing. Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao issued directions to officials on July 9 to submit a detailed report on vacancies in government departments to the Cabinet for approval on July 12. (Twitter) Hyderabad: A long wait of government job aspirants and unemployed youth for job notifications is expected to end with the State Cabinet meeting on Tuesday to approve the filling up of over 50,000 vacancies in government departments. The job notifications were last issued in 2018. The previous recruitment drive came to a halt for over three years, after the government devised a new zonal system for recruitments to ensure 95 per cent reservations for locals in employment and education opportunities. The creation of new districts, zones and multi-zones and the creation of a new zonal system based on them besides securing Centre's approval took three years. Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao issued directions to officials on July 9 to submit a detailed report on vacancies in government departments to the Cabinet for approval on July 12. Following this, officials of the finance department and heads of various departments identified vacancies and prepared a report. Accordingly, officials identified 50,000 vacancies, out of which, a majority were found in police and education departments. After the cabinet approval on Tuesday, the indent is expected to be sent to recruitment agencies such as the TS Public Service Commission, the TS Police Recruitment Board, the Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Recruitment Board, etc, to enable them to issue job notifications, conduct exams and release the finalised selection lists. The government is planning to issue notifications from August in a phased manner to ensure that all candidates get an opportunity to appear for recruitment exams with no clash in exam dates or other milestones of the recruitment process. Nellore: The TTD Vigilance and Security Wing has been asked to examine the possibility of adopting Israeli technology for providing a foolproof security cover for Tirumala, both to the temple and the multitude of visiting pilgrims, since the technology is believed to be the best. TD executive officer, Jawahar Reddy, said security in Tirumala shall be further strengthened with new technology. He, along with additional EO Dharma Reddy and chief vigilance and security officer Gopinath Jatti inspected the Common Command Control Centre at PAC (pilgrims amenity centre)-4 in Tirumala on Tuesday. During the visit, the CVSO thoroughly explained the functioning of the centre with the help of powerpoint presentation. He had explained to the EO with some video clippings about how their personnel prevent wild animal intrusion in living areas using automatic sirens and diverting them back to the woods. Gopinath Jatti gave details on how thieves, dalaris and cheats are caught hold with the help of CCTV footages inside the temple, at the hundi, at PACs, the Akhilandam and laddu counters. He also explained how missing children are reunited with their parents, how unauthorized hawkers are being identified etc. The CVSO said efforts are on to transform Tirumala into a crime-free pilgrim centre. Of the 1,654 CC cameras installed in the hilltown, 1,530 were integrated with the command control a facility to alert mobile vehicle-bound security personnel on their tabs immediately if any crime is committed in their region. A few more CC cameras will be linked to the C-Cube Centre to aid the functioning of the TTD vigilance staff, he said. TTD EO said the TTD vigilance and security wing is setting an example to other places of worship with its state-of-art hi-fi security apparatus. Later, the TTD EO felicitated 30 vigilance personnel including a woman guard who had excelled in discharging their duties and presented them with cash awards as a token of appreciation of their services. Thereafter, the TTD EO also inspected the CC cameras in Vaikunta Queue Complex 2 and made some valuable suggestions to officials. VGO Bali Reddy, AVSOs Veerababu, Gangaraju and Pawan were also present. The TTD EO inspected the rooftop slab works of the Alipiri footpath on Tuesday, walking down the route from the Sri Lakshmi Narayana temple to the Seventh Mile Prasanna Anjaneya Swamy. He urged CE Nageswara Rao to complete these works by this September as the annual Brahmotsavams are scheduled for October. He also inspected the works of the Alipiri footpath between Rajagopuram and Galigopuram. The EO took a look at the plantation works at the Seventh Mile Prasanna Anjaneya Swamy area by the forest wing of TTD and proposed DFO Chandrasekhar to give it an aesthetic feel by planting colourful and attractive floral species. DyEE Surendra, AVSOs Shailendra, Ganga Raju etc were also present. New Delhi: Crowded marketplaces and hill stations may be good for a revival of the economy, but they are also a cause of worry and an invitation for a possible Covid-19 third wave, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday as he expressed concern over people crowding at hill stations and markets without wearing masks or observing the social distancing norms. He urged all citizens to guard against complacency to prevent a third wave of the coronavirus. India on Tuesday recorded 32,906 fresh cases of Covid-19 and 2,020 deaths. The big jump in daily fatalities was because Madhya Pradesh revised its Covid-19 death data. MP is the third state after Maharashtra and Bihar to revise its Covid death figures. If we remain cautious and take precautions, we will be able to prevent the third wave there should be no compromise in this, the PM said during an interaction with the chief ministers of the northeastern states on the Covid-19 situation. The interaction was attended by the chief ministers of Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh. The CMs briefed the PM about the progress of vaccination in their states and the steps that are being taken to take vaccines to far-flung areas. They also discussed the issue of vaccine hesitancy and measures being taken to overcome it and gave an assurance of taking timely action to bring down the positivity rate as well as the number of cases in their states. The PM expressed his worry over the growing number of cases in some districts and stressed the need to detect these signals and take strict action at the micro level. He stressed the need for micro-containment protocols in dealing with the situation and asked everyone to make full use of the experience and best practices learnt in the past one and half years in this regard. Noting the fast-mutating nature of the virus, the PM advised strict monitoring of the mutation and keeping track of all variants. He said the experts were studying the mutations and their impact, adding: In such a scenario, prevention and treatment are critical. Acknowledging the impact of the pandemic on tourism and business, the Prime Minister strongly warned against crowding at hill stations without observing proper precautions. Rejecting the argument that people want to enjoy life before the arrival of the third wave, he said that it needs to be understood that the third wave will not come on its own. He said the main question in our minds should be how to prevent a third wave. Experts are repeatedly warning against carelessness and crowding as they can lead to a massive surge in cases, he said, strongly advocating for the prevention of avoidable crowding. On Friday, July 16, Mr Modi will interact with the chief ministers of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha, Maharashtra and Kerala to discuss the Covid-19 situation in these states. These are among the states where the infection numbers have seen an increase in several districts or have not in general seen a dip, unlike in most other states. Dr V.K. Paul, Niti Aayogs member (health), said, meanwhile: The third wave is already here in the world as 3.9 lakh new confirmed cases are being reported from across the globe each day. The Uttarakhand government on Tuesday announced its decision to cancel the Kanwar Yatra this year in view of the pandemic. In Odisha too the Bol Bam yatra has been cancelled. The Uttarakhand police is learnt to have sent back over 8,000 tourists from Mussoorie and Nainital to avoid overcrowding after the visuals of a sea of people surfaced. Meanwhile, the developers of Russias Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine said a deal had been struck with the Serum Institute of India (SII) to produce 300 million doses annually. The SII is also trying to upscale the production of its Covishield vaccine, and 110 million doses have been produced by July. On the other hand, Dr Reddys Laboratories has said it will strengthen the commercial rollout of Sputnik V vaccines in India in the coming weeks. HYDERABAD: The Telangana state Cabinet meeting which started on Tuesday will be continued to the next day after the meeting failed to arrive at the exact number of vacancies existing in various departments for issuing job notifications. The Cabinet will again meet on Wednesday at 2 pm to discuss and finalise the vacancies. This is for the first time that the Cabinet meeting is being continued to the next day, which is unheard of in any state or Union Cabinet meetings. The meeting chaired by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao began at 2 pm at Pragathi Bhavan. The Cabinet approved drafting an 'annual recruitment calendar' on the lines of Union Public Service Commission's annual recruitment calendar to fill vacancies arising in various departments every year. The Cabinet felt that this would be beneficial for job seekers and unemployed youth to know in advance the vacancy position besides schedule of issuance of job notification and conduct of exam and plan their exam preparation accordingly. The Cabinet directed secretaries of all departments to attend the meeting with full details of existing vacancies in their respective departments on Wednesday. It also directed officials to distribute all existing posts and future vacancies to all districts, zones and multi-zones as per the recently approved new zonal system to implement 95 percent jobs to locals in each district, zone and multi-zone. The Cabinet also approved 50 percent reservations for local students in admissions into government residential schools in every Assembly constituency. Several key decisions to be taken today The state Cabinet which met here on Tuesday for over seven hours put off taking a decision on increasing market value of agriculture, non-agriculture lands, registration charges and stamp duty. Although the meeting chaired by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao at Pragathi Bhavan discussed in detail about this issue, no decision was taken as the meeting could not arrive at a consensus on the amount of hike to be effected. The cabinet sub-committee on resource mobilisation headed by finance minister T Harish Rao submitted a report to the Cabinet seeking enhancement of market value of properties, registration charges and stamp duty as they were last revised in 2013 in undivided AP. This apart, the Cabinet approved release of Rs 1,200 crore to ensure adequate drinking water supply in the peripheral municipalities of Hyderabad city. The Chief Minister instructed the officials concerned to initiate immediate measures to prevent scarcity of drinking water in Hyderabad and its surrounding areas in future. He also asked the officials to establish a third wire (neutral) for power supply in all villages especially for streetlights in an attempt to prevent any inadvertent short circuits. While reviewing the implementation of Palle and Pattana Pragathi programmes, the Chief Minister directed all ministers to achieve 100 percent target of constructing Vaikuntadhamams (crematoriums) in all districts within a month. He said no town or village should exist without a crematorium in any district after a month. The Cabinet instructed officials to explore the option of 'land pooling' in all municipalities to develop layouts. The Cabinet also discussed the prevailing corona situation in the state. The medical and health department official team, which toured seven districts, where Covid cases are comparatively higher, to assess the ground situation, submitted a report to the state government. The team explained the measures being taken to curtail 'third wave' in the state. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form El Paso Democrat Joe Moody was stripped of his position as speaker pro tem of the Texas House on Thursday in the first major backlash for a De Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Hartford City, IN (47348) Today Cloudy skies this morning will become partly cloudy this afternoon. High 81F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Clear skies. Low 62F. Winds light and variable. How is the pixie cut wig market? The global market for human hair wigs is expected to reach $5 billion by 2026, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 8.5% over the forecast period from 2021 to 2027. "Baldness" has become a common problem around the world. According to data from cross-border e-commerce retail platforms, sales of human hair wigs and pixie cut wig have been growing at a rapid rate of 300% all year round. Over the past few years, the pixie cut wig market has been driven by the increasing number of customers requesting extensions or wigs for aesthetic or functional purposes. African natives and people of African descent are the biggest consumers of pixie cut wig and extensions. Wigs are popular in Africa, where they are as much a part of everyday life as clothes and shoes. Their hair is curly, a good head of hair is a symbol of beauty, many women even wear several wigs, including pixie cut wig. North America human hair wigs market contribution is expected to rise. Right now, transaction volume is growing at about 50 percent a year in the U.S. and Europe, and it going to grow 100 to 300 percent in Africa. In 2020, North America occupied the global wig and hair extensions market with more than 40% market share. The region population of African and Caucasian descent is the main source of sales of human hair wigs. The US market is heavily influenced by age groups. By region, the pixie cut wig market for human hair wigs is divided into Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East and Africa. North America has the largest share in terms of revenue and currently dominates the market segment. In the United States and Mexico, the presence of major suppliers and the growing demand for these wigs, which are fashion and style accessories, has helped fuel the demand. Social media scammers sell phony wigs at high-end prices Social media is rife with misleading ads, but sometimes scammers go a step further. They create social media accounts, build (or buy) a following and trick consumers into paying big money for products or services they never planned to deliver. BBB Scam Tracker recently found an increasing number of social media scammers selling (allegedly) high-end wigs. Social media scammers selling wigs at high prices affected the market and price of pixie cut wig. The demand for human hair wigs has driven the expansion of the market for most pixie cut wig. Feel free to send an email to for the latest information of pixie cut wig. How does the scam work? Youll find a social media account, usually on Instagram, with professional-looking photos and nice wigs. The "web celebrity" claims to be a professional stylist who works with celebrities and seems to have a legion of fans. You contact the seller and they send you a deal on the item youre interested in. When you accept, they ask you to pay through an e-wallet app. After you send the money, the seller promises to deliver the fake by a specific date. Scammers may ask for extra money to get your wig just right. When your wig arrives, it doesnt look anything like it in the photo! Or you might never get any wigs. When you try to contact the seller about the situation, they claim to deliver as soon as possible or simply deny that the transaction ever happened. Either way, if you ask for a refund, the seller will block you and disappear. One victim told BBB Scam Tracker that she had paid $900 for a wig, but it never arrived. After trying to get a refund, the Instagram she bought, a web celebrity, blocked her and posted her home address. "She told me that she would block me forever and that she would be in touch with me through her lawyer." Ive never heard of any law firms. I never got my money back." "To make matters worse, this lady started Posting my private home address on her public Instagram account for all to see. I entrusted her with my sensitive information and she publicly leaked it!" How do you spot social media sales scams Take a close look at the seller social media profile. Legion sellers post frequently, respond quickly, and clearly show and describe the services they offer. Fake social media accounts are devoid of original content, offering only general introductions and little real engagement. Read their reviews. If a seller is not very reputable, you may find reviews pointing to poor customer service or outright scams. Keep in mind, though, that sellers can delete or hide bad reviews, so the absence of negative reviews doesnt necessarily mean the company is reputable. Check for clear sales agreements. A reputable business will have a clear process for selling and delivering products. In addition, the seller should give you a written confirmation of the purchase, as well as detailed instructions if you need to cancel the order or ask for a refund. If the seller information about payment or delivery is unclear, or they cant provide a receipt for your purchase, you can shop elsewhere. Use secure payment methods. It always best to pay for products and services with a credit card. That way, if something goes wrong, you can fight the charge. If the seller insists that you pay through a digital app, especially if it insists that you mark the money as a friend or family member, think again. Bypassing normal payment methods is a common tactic used by scammers to scam you out of your money. The price of pixie cut wig The price of pixie cut wig will fluctuate randomly under the influence of pixie cut wig cost, political and economic changes in the international market in recent years, frequent adjustment of international trade policies, and fluctuations of the international exchange rate. Loveuwig is a trusted Nigerian human hair wigs supplier for women online at the best prices. Find affordable virgin human hair wigs online and refresh your look! Loveuwig is committed to give you the most favorable price and the most honest service. If you are looking for quality pixie cut wig, please feel free to send an email to for the latest price of pixie cut wig. The pixie cut wig market trends The forecast of the global pixie cut wig market shows the upgrading of the consumption structure, which provides the impetus for the economic shift to high-quality development, and opens up a broad market development space for human hair wigs products, beauty salons and other fashion hair and makeup industries. The size of the pixie cut wig is expected to continue to grow, with the global wig market expected to reach $250 million by 2027. The cost of pixie cut wig Actually, the cost of pixie cut wig is a wild card because raw materials are hard to supply in the wig industry. The price of the pixie cut wig varies from a few hundred to a thousand, and the profit is considerable. Real human hair is the main raw material, but the purchase requirements are more strict, also cant hot dye. Although chemical fiber hair is also one of the raw materials, the service life is short, also easy distortion, the market share is far lower than the wig of real person hair. Due to the scarcity of raw materials, the development of the whole wig industry will be more or less restricted, and the cost of pixie cut wig will also fluctuate accordingly. The supplier of pixie cut wig Loveuwig with the website of is a Nigeria based wig store with factories and local retailing stores in both Nigerian and China. Loveuwigs only sell 100% real human hair wigs, including pixie cut wig, with many different styles or colors such as lace front wigs, bob wigs, curly wigs, wave wigs,straight wigs, Brazilian hair wigs, African women wigs, and Nigerian women wigs. If you are interested in pixie cut wig, please send an email to and get morn information about it. Hellicopters and vehicles are deployed at U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, during this year's first Combined Command Post Training between South Korea and the U.S. in this March 8 photo. The two sides are yet to reveal the scale of the drill, which is anticipated to take place next month. Yonhap Pyongyang issues warning against August exercise plan By Nam Hyun-woo North Korea has resumed its belligerent rhetoric against a combined summertime military exercise between Seoul and Washington, raising questions about whether the Kim Jong-un regime will escalate the situation with a military provocation. Uriminzokkiri, a North Korean propaganda website, issued a warning Tuesday to South Korea and the U.S. with regard to the drill expected to be held in August, saying that "war exercises" and peace cannot exist simultaneously. "The current instability on the Korean Peninsula is fully attributable to the warmongers among the South Korean military colluding with an outside power, and engaging in reckless, confrontational machinations," the website commented. Citing previous exercises including the Combined Command Post Training in March and Seoul's participation in the cooperative maritime exercise Pacific Vanguard, it alleged "(South Korea) showed its craze for war exercises." Uriminzokkiri also mentioned the recent deliveries of material and equipment to upgrade the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense base in Seongju, North Gyeongsang Province, and South Korea's deployment of RQ-4 Global Hawk high-altitude unmanned surveillance aircraft, saying "war games to strengthen armed forces will never stand hand in hand with peace." Another propaganda website, Meari, also slammed the South Korean government for "pouring taxpayers' money into introducing and developing weapons without considering the South Korean people's toughened livelihood amid the fast spread of a vicious virus." North Korea's newly developed submarine-borne ballistic missile Pukguksong-5 is shown at a military parade held Jan. 14 to mark the ruling Workers' Party of Korea's eighth congress, in this photo released by the country's state-run Korean Central News Agency the following day. Yonhap Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Won In-choul met with new U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) commander Gen. Paul LaCamera Tuesday and discussed ways to boost a combined readiness posture and the bilateral alliance, officials said. LaCamera took office earlier this month to lead the U.S. military in South Korea, as well as the South Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Korea and the United Nations Command. During the meeting, Won stressed the importance of maintaining a robust combined defense posture and advancing the bilateral alliance. LaCamera vowed to "strive towards an even greater and stronger Republic of Korea-U.S. alliance, which was forged in blood 70 years ago," according to JCS. "The two sides agreed to beef up cooperation and coordination, and to work more closely for a firm readiness posture," JCS said. Key pending issues include the combined military exercise slated for August. Seoul's defense ministry said discussions are under way with the U.S. about when and how to stage the summertime exercise amid North Korea's protest and the COVID-19 pandemic. (Yonhap) Republic of Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Chairman Gen. Won In-choul presents a traditionally made, inlaid mother of pearl baton to Gen. Paul J. LaCamera, head of the United Nations Command, ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command and United States Forces Korea, Tuesday, during the latter's first visit to the headquarters of the JCS in Seoul's Yongsan District since taking command July 2. LaCamera also met Defense Minister Suh Wook to discuss pending matters regarding the ROK-U.S. alliance. Courtesy of JCS Officials of Yongin City and the environment ministry inspect a bear farm in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, July 8, two days after two three-year-old bears escaped from the breeding farm. One of them was found and killed on the day of the escape, and the authorities are searching for the remaining one. Yonhap By Bahk Eun-ji It has been a week since two Asian black bears escaped from a breeding farm in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, but authorities are still searching for one of them after the other was killed. Earlier on July 6, the owner of a bear breeding farm in Yongin reported to the city government that two three-year-old male bears, weighing 60 kilograms each, disappeared at around 10:30 a.m. Workers from the city's wild animal control department and the Ministry of Environment conducted a search operation of nearby mountainous areas and killed one of them after finding it near a house about a kilometer from the farm. But the authorities suspended the search two days later as no trace of the other bear had been found. The city government said it would lure the bear to the farm and attempt to capture it rather than killing it following protests from animal rights groups. It installed three unmanned traps and three thermal imaging cameras near the farm. But the traps and cameras have only caught badgers so far. Residents have made about 10 reports on the missing bear, but all have been false alarms. The city government and the ministry resumed the search work on Monday in hopes of finding any trace of the missing bear. Suspicions have been raised that only one bear escaped from the farm, rather than two as the farm owner claims, because animal control workers have found traces of only one bear based on footprints around the farm. But the authorities are continuing the search operation on the premise that two animals escaped due to the possibility that an undiscovered bear could pose a threat to humans. An abalone farmer in Gangjin County in South Jeolla Province whose abalone farmed in waters near Maryang Harbor were killed after a monsoon downpour earlier this month kneels on top of the dead abalone before Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Moon Seong-hyeok and his aides, asking for help, July 12. Yonhap By Ko Dong-hwan A whopping 29 million farmed abalone in Korea's southern waters died after days of a monsoon downpour earlier this month disrupted the habitat that the mollusks live in. The dead abalone, some of them unripe young ones, were concentrated in farms in waters off the coastal counties of South Jeolla Province. Over 6 million abalone raised by 61 households died in Jindo, and 300,000 farmed by five households were killed in Wando. But the most abalone died in Gangjin County. At enclosed farms in waters near Maryang Harbor in southern Gangjin, the summer monsoon fatally affected some 22.9 million abalone raised by 32 households. Taking into account other South Jeolla counties with abalone farms, such as Jangheung and Haenam, the total number of abalone killed in the province amounts to a whopping 29.23 million, farmed by some 100 households. Their market value has been assessed at over 22.6 billion won ($19.8 million), according to the Korean daily newspaper, the Chosun Ilbo. The abalone are believed to have died because the fresh water that had accumulated on land due to the heavy downpours during the period of July 5 to 7 overflowed into the coastal sea water areas where the farms are situated. The fresh water reduced the salinity of the sea water, disrupting the natural conditions required for abalone to live. The severity of these incidents raised the concern of the regional authorities, resulting in South Jeolla Governor Kim Yung-rok and Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Moon Seong-hyeok visiting the farms in Gangjin, July 12. Some 30 Gangjin residents whose abalone were killed in the rain sought the help of the governor and the minister at one of the farms. With the dead abalone on fishing nets, reeking in the hot summer sun in front of them, some desperate fishing industry workers even knelt down before the government officials, pleading for help. According to Kim, the current laws set the amount of legal subsidies for fishermen who lose their products at an average of 23 percent of their original value. Kim said that the laws need to be revised to raise the subsidy rate to above 50 percent in order to be of any practical help to abalone farmers. While a two-year-old abalone's market value is around 3,000 won, only 700 won is offered as a subsidy under the current laws, which is an amount that is hardly helpful. Kim also pointed out that the current laws only cover fully grown abalone, leaving a legal loophole in which young abalone are not subsidized. Kang Seong-woon, the provincial government's ports and shipping division official, said that the provincial authorities have begun clearing the dead abalone from the farms in order to prevent contamination of the sea water surrounding the farms. They have also started the process of requesting from the ministry a list of legal adjustments to help the farmers. Lee Jun-seok, left, chairman of the main opposition People Power Party, answers questions from reporters at the National Assembly in Seoul, Tuesday. Yonhap By Kang Seung-woo Lee Jun-seok, chairman of the main opposition People Power Party (PPP), is in the hot seat for backpedaling in less than two hours on an agreement with his ruling party counterpart to provide COVID-19 relief money to all citizens. On Monday, ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) Chairman Rep. Song Young-gil and Lee met and agreed to provide emergency relief funds to all citizens regardless of their financial status, according to their respective spokespeople. The government and the ruling party had initially decided to provide the relief money only to those outside the top-20 percent income bracket. However, the agreement was short-lived as PPP spokeswoman Hwangbo Seung-hee corrected her previous wording, saying the two leaders agreed to review the need to first use the extra budget to expand support for pandemic-hit small business owners and, if there is money left over, review the need to expand the handouts to all citizens. It was an apparent withdrawal from the agreement announced just one hour and 40 minutes earlier. The reversal came because, as soon as the news about the agreement broke, some PPP members immediately objected to Lee, who had changed the party's stance of selective payouts without consulting its lawmakers. "Despite promising to operate the party in a democratic fashion, Lee acted like an imperial leader, disregarding the party philosophy," Rep. Yun Hee-suk said on Facebook, Monday night. She reiterated her criticism of Lee, Tuesday, saying he ruined the PPP's stance of opposing the ruling party's plan to shower money on the public. Jeju Governor Won Hee-ryong also said, "I am disappointed by Lee's decision, given that he agreed to what the DPK wanted. DPK Chairman Song may make fun of the PPP." The ruling party, particularly its presidential hopefuls, did not waste the opportunity to bash Lee, urging him to make a public apology. "Although it is very common in political circles that any agreements are easily breached, the reversal is not the right thing to do for either the public or the rival party," Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung said on Facebook, Tuesday. The governor is the leading presidential contender within the ruling bloc. "It cannot happen if the PPP respects the people as sovereigns. Internal complaints should be eased within the party," he added. Choo Mi-ae, a former justice minister, said the administration of state affairs is not a joke, while Rep. Lee Nak-yon, a former prime minister, criticized the PPP leader for throwing the people into confusion. In response to the growing criticism, Lee said in a radio interview, Tuesday, that due to the stricter social distancing rules, he and Song had to discuss the issue without their respective spokespeople, which prevented him from delivering the details precisely to his spokesperson. Rep. Kim Eui-kyeom of the minor opposition Open Minjoo Party / Yonhap By Bahk Eun-ji Criticism is mounting over a journalist-turned-lawmaker's remark that it was common for journalists in his days to impersonate the police in order to obtain information for stories. Other journalist-turned-politicians all refuted the remark by Rep. Kim Eui-kyeom, of the minor liberal Open Minjoo Party, a former spokesman for President Moon Jae-in, urging him to apologize to journalists. He made the remark Monday in a radio interview about a case where two reporters from local broadcaster MBC allegedly impersonated police officers, while looking into suspicions surrounding former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol's wife. Former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-youl / Yonhap By Ko Dong-hwan One year has passed since the government announced its ambitious commitment to economic growth based on carbon neutralization and other eco-friendly strategies under the Green New Deal. To mark the first anniversary on July 14, the Ministry of Environment rolled out several consumer-friendly initiatives on Tuesday to boost the use of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), which form one of the pillars of the Green New Deal. On Wednesday only, 31 hydrogen vehicle recharging stations across the country will offer discounted recharging rates. Twenty-nine stations will offer a 20 percent discount to the current rate of 8,800 won ($7.68) per kilogram, lowering the price to 7,000 won. Two stations in Seoul's Gangdong District and Incheon's Namdong District will offer an 11 percent discount, reducing the rate to 7,800 won. The participating stations account for 45 percent of the entire hydrogen-recharging stations in operation nationwide. The locations of the participating stations can be checked at the websites of or . During the day, people can also test-drive hydrogen cars made by Hyundai Motor, which agreed to cooperate with the ministry for the event. People can make reservations on Tuesday or Wednesday at 19 hydrogen car test-driving centers across the country that are operated by the carmaker. Test drives are also available at Hyundai Motor dealerships. Those who want to make reservations on Tuesday either at a test-drive center or a dealership can do so at . "With the help of this event, we hope that hydrogen cars, which are 'moving air purifiers,' will draw more interest from people," said Kim Seung-hee, an official at the ministry's Air Quality Policy Bureau. "We will spur our efforts to meet our country's national goal of complete carbon neutralization by 2050 by safely and promptly establishing hydrogen car recharging infrastructure so that people can drive hydrogen vehicles more conveniently." The government hopes the number of hydrogen cars purchased by consumers by 2025 would reach 200,000 vehicles, while aiming to build 450 hydrogen car recharging stations across the country by then. Park Jun-sik, head of the Minimum Wage Commission, leaves the commission's final meeting held at Government Complex Sejong, Tuesday, during which the minimum hourly wage for 2022 was set at 9,160 won. Yonhap Hourly minimum wage for 2022 set at 9,160 won By Lee Hyo-jin The country's hourly minimum wage for 2022 has been set at 9,160 won ($7.98), a 5.1 percent increase from the current 8,720 won, which did not satisfy either the union or business sectors. Unions expressed anger over President Moon Jae-in's unfulfilled campaign pledge to hike the minimum wage to 10,000 won per hour during his five-year-term, as this year's negotiations were the last to be held during his term. Representatives from business were equally unsatisfied, as they had been calling for a virtual freeze of the minimum wage considering the problems facing small- and medium-sized enterprises due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Around midnight, Monday, the 27-member Minimum Wage Commission, a trilateral panel composed of nine members each from the union, business and public sectors, voted on the new wage during its final plenary session held at the Government Complex Sejong. Only 14 members participated in the vote as all nine members from the business sector and four union representatives left the room in protest against the proposed wage hike. The final proposal of 9,160 won, made by representatives for the public, made up of professors and experts in labor issues, passed the vote with 13 in favor and one abstention. The unions had proposed an increase of 14.7 percent to 10,000 won, while the business side insisted on a 1.5 percent rise to 8,850 won. The two sides failed to narrow the gap as both were firm on their demands. The union representatives insisted that the 10,000 won rate was the bare minimum to ensure the livelihoods of low-paid workers and their families. Union representatives speak to reporters after leaving the Minimum Wage Commission's plenary session at the Government Complex Sejong, Monday, to protest a proposed minimum hourly wage hike to 9,160 won. Yonhap By Vera Songwe ADDIS ABABA Despite incurring high costs in terms of lost and foregone social and economic progress during the COVID-19 pandemic, Africa has so far avoided the kind of health and economic calamity that some anticipated when the crisis began. Like any crisis, the pandemic could represent an opportunity to lay the groundwork for a better future. But it won't be easy. First and foremost, the continent must get COVID-19 under control, which requires ensuring equitable access to vaccines. As it stands, some advanced economies are on track to achieve widespread vaccination within months. Yet Africa is struggling to secure the 90 million doses it needs to inoculate the highest-priority 3 percent of its population, including health-care workers and the most vulnerable groups. This is clearly a humanitarian disaster in the making: Every day those most at risk are denied access to COVID-19 vaccines is a day when more people die needlessly. But it is also an economic disaster: According to a National Bureau of Economic Research study, if the advanced economies continue to hoard vaccine doses, the global economy would suffer losses of more than $9 trillion in 2021. There is some promising news. U.S. President Joe Biden's administration recently pledged to join the 100 other countries seeking a temporary COVID-19 waiver of the World Trade Organization intellectual-property rules. Allowing countries to manufacture generic versions should, one hopes, facilitate the rapid scale-up of vaccine production, thereby enabling all countries to immunize their populations soon. But ending the pandemic is only the first step. Africa must also strengthen the resilience of its health systems and supply chains. Success will depend largely on countries' commitments to the kind of collaboration and solidarity that characterized the pandemic response. Africa was nowhere near prepared for COVID-19. Before the pandemic, the continent's annual health-care financing gap already stood at $66 billion, while 550 million people lacked legal identity, making it extremely difficult for health authorities to test, treat, and identify priority groups for vaccination. Moreover, Africa-based manufacturers could meet only 2 percent of the continent's needs for medicine, and 1 percent for vaccines. In 2018, nearly 96 percent of African countries' pharmaceutical imports were from outside the continent. Food supply chains are similarly vulnerable: 82.2 percent of food imports were from outside Africa in 2018. The combination of trade disruptions and protectionist policies during the pandemic proved just how vulnerable such "optimized" global supply chains can be. That is why, in addition to boosting investment in health-care systems, Africa must work to diversify its supply chains in strategic industries and develop regional value chains. This must include strengthening local capacity to manufacture vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics. To aid this effort, governments should ratify the Treaty for the Establishment of the African Medicines Agency and begin collaborating on common regulatory and quality standards. Beyond supply chains, African countries many of which remain highly dependent on oil, commodities, and tourism must make economic diversification a top priority. Here, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) can play a central role. The AfCFTA investment protocol soon to be adopted will enable Africa to attract funds that can be channeled toward more productive sectors including transport infrastructure and logistics thereby facilitating greater intra-African trade. More broadly, by creating a single market of 1.2 billion consumers worth $2.5 trillion the AfCFTA can facilitate industrialization, enabling African economies to ascend the value-added ladder. Yet Africans can and must go further and reimagine our economies, so that they are inclusive, green, and digital. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women, young people, slum dwellers, and informal workers. These groups must be at the center of the pandemic recovery. Governments must ensure equitable provision of services, such as health care and education. They must devise effective policies to unlock employment and business opportunities for underserved populations. And they need to emphasize long-term returns by allocating resources toward high-impact projects in areas that can crowd in private investment. A good example of a project that brings together Africa's private sector, regulators, and governments is the Africa Communication and Information Platform. The ACIP is an interactive mobile-based menu system that enhances African governments' ability to communicate and interact with the citizenry in mitigating and managing the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19. Using artificial intelligence and mobile data analytics, the ACIP turns user-generated survey data into actionable health and economic insights to inform the pandemic response. Investments in sectors such as renewable energy, climate-smart agriculture, and sustainable public transport also meet the requirements of durable returns, leading to significantly more job creation and value added than fossil-fuel-based investment. In South Africa, for example, green projects could deliver up to 250 percent more jobs and 420 percent more value added, compared to fossil-fuel alternatives. To fund a green pandemic recovery, African governments should take advantage of carbon offsets and innovative sources of finance, including green and blue bonds and debt-for-climate or debt-for-nature swaps. Governments will also need to create incentives for the shift from resource-intensive to sustainable models of production and consumption. Finally, Africa must invest in its digital economy. The pandemic has shifted a significant share of work and consumption online. Moreover, grassroots innovation is already happening across the continent. The value of e-commerce on the continent could reach $500 billion in 2030. The public sector must encourage and facilitate these developments. To achieve the African Union's vision of "continental ownership" in the digital space, countries must fulfill their commitment to raise gross expenditure on research and development to 1 percent of GDP. At the same time, they must invest in the relevant hard infrastructure (such as electricity and broadband) and soft infrastructure (consumer protection, privacy and data regulations, and digital skills). The United Nations' Economic Commission for Africa will continue to support member states. That means using our convening power and technical expertise to drive progress in critical areas, including fiscal policy, domestic resource mobilization, macro-structural reforms, trade, investment, green growth, intellectual property, digitalization, debt management, sustainability, and AfCFTA negotiations and implementation. When the history of the coronavirus crisis is written, policymakers will be assessed not only by how they coped with the pandemic, but also by what they made of it. If Africa emerges with old inequalities unaddressed and new opportunities unrealized, we will have missed a window. We must recognize that a better normal is possible, and act boldly to make it a reality, thereby transforming the crisis into an opportunity. Vera Songwe is United Nations under-secretary-general and executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa. This article was distributed by Project Syndicate ( Time to keep balance between nuclear power and renewables Korea's nuclear safety watchdog has finally given conditional approval for operations to commence at the Shin-Hanul No. 1 nuclear power plant, which had been delayed since its completion in April last year. The Nuclear Safety and Security Commission gave the go-ahead to the 1,400-megawatt reactor in Uljin, 330 km southeast of Seoul, after eight hours of heated discussion last Friday. Its operation has been put off for 15 months due to "safety concerns" raised by the Moon Jae-in administration, which is seeking to phase out nuclear power generation and shift to renewable energy. Two factors were pivotal in reversing the government's stance a snow-balling economic loss and expected power shortages. According to Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Corp. (KHNP), the cost of managing the idled plant amounts to 1.1 billion won ($958,000) a day, and incurs an additional cost of 540 billion won if operation is delayed for 16 months. The change by the Cabinet under new Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum also played a role. "I think it is problematic for the government to mothball a newly dedicated power plant," Kim said in his reply to lawmakers' questions. The Moon administration also seems to have become aware of the criticism about its policy to "denuclearize" the country's energy mix too rapidly. Pro-nuclear energy experts have pointed out that the government needs to adjust its pace to phase out such power plants until the country attains sufficient commercial viability with renewable energy resources, such as solar and wind power. Rep. Song Young-gil, chairman of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DPK), said recently, "We need to introduce small modular reactors (SMRs) to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050," signaling a change in the ruling camp's energy policy stance. However, it is not just difficult but undesirable to flip-flop on the country's energy policy. Considering the huge investment poured into building renewable energy infrastructure, the environment-friendly energy industry and the unchanged need for developing related technology, the government should keep a balance between its policy of nuclear phase-out and ways of making the most of the existing reactors. The conditional approval of the Shin-Hanul No. 1 reactor indicates that whoever takes power next May will have to come up with a better energy policy. Focus on helping those hit by COVID-19 The Ministry of Economy and Finance is on a collision course with the ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) over whether to provide COVID-19 relief aid to all citizens. The clash came Tuesday, one day after the leaders of the DPK and the main opposition People Power Party (PPP) reportedly reached a consensus on the need for a universal handout of relief cash to all South Koreans. Economy and Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki said during testimony at the National Assembly that he is against the idea of universal relief handouts. He made clear that his ministry will not follow a "political decision" regarding its fiscal operations. In late June, the Moon administration proposed an extra budget of 33 trillion won ($28.7 billion) to finance another aid package after holding consultations and coordinating with the DPK. At the time, the government and ruling party agreed to provide handouts to people in the bottom 80 percent income bracket and small business owners. The supplementary budget plan, the second of its kind this year, is based on the ministry's position that it should not exceed the excess tax revenue of 31.5 trillion won. Local media reported Monday that DPK Chairman Song Young-gil and his PPP counterpart Lee Jun-seok had reached an agreement on the universal provision. The next day, however, the PPP backtracked. Spokeswoman Hwangbo Seung-hee said the two leaders agreed to "first use" the government's proposed extra budget to expand the scope of aid recipients among small business owners who have suffered the most from the pandemic's fallout. She added that they agreed to review the need to expand the scope of the recipients to all people if there were leftover funds. In other words, the PPP has reaffirmed its stance on giving relief cash selectively to those bearing the brunt of the coronavirus. It has made clear its opposition to the DPK's push to make the aid available to all members of society. Lee, the new young leader of the PPP, seemed to have agreed on the matter with Song without carefully considering his party's basic position. However, more worrisome is that the DPK has now decided to change the government's plan in order to provide aid to all people. Song and his party cannot avoid criticism for trying to resort to populism ahead of the next presidential election set for March 9, 2022. Against this backdrop, the finance ministry is right to oppose the DPK's move. It is not the time to push for the universal provision of relief aid. Rather, the government and the DPK should consider providing more handouts to the poor, the self-employed, and small business operators who will be hit harder by the fourth wave of the pandemic. Politics should never be allowed to meddle in fiscal operations, especially when the country's fiscal health has deteriorated due to multiple relief packages following the spread of COVID-19. By Bernard Rowand Recently, I've taken to helping my best friend in a fortunate way. He's allowed me to mentor his second son in a job search. It happened after wishing the young man a happy birthday on Facebook. In doing so, my friend has given me a chance to help a fine college graduate search for his first job in the United States. The experience leaves me with good feelings, and also a sense of time passing and the role of generations. It also shows the friendship between Korean and American people and their countries. I've written about the enduring value of a certain type of Confucian thinking in Korean political culture. A few of my Korean friends say to me, "You are so Confucian." I don't really think so, but I believe in the ongoing vitality of a certain kind of Korean Confucianism. Not neo-Confucianism or sexist Confucianism but a continuing, ever-present, and vitalizing Confucian thinking grounds my faith. This kind of Korean Confucianism avoids scapegoating, conserves and extends common self-development, and honors the ties of generations, within and outside the family. My friend accepts me as part of his family, and his son as an uncle. Korea has given me so much self-development. My seniors and peers, academics and their families welcomed me from early adulthood to the present. They value who I am and what I do, and they let me help them, at times leading, at times following. I can tell you this experience has happened for me in the United States as well. Friendship through learning brings happiness. Zong In-Sob recorded the tale of "The Young Gentleman and the Tiger," a story about friendship. In it, the young man accepts friendship with various objects, and gains the means to save a young girl from a ravenous tiger. Friendship brings to life what may not seem alive. It extends humanity to all who embrace it. This friendship goes beyond, though it respects ties of blood, age, and nationality. As I reach toward my 57th year, I aspire to "give back" to Korean friends, my extended family, and to Korea. Helping my friend's son is one way of doing so. Confucius believed in taking care of basics, including the primary value of education as lifelong development within a community, as a way of creating fundamental energy for life and its continuity. When I help my friend, making him as my junior into a new friend in a way, and I help the next generation to stand on the shoulders of the present one. Confucianism teaches one to surrender one's self to life's movement and to the harmony that binds all. Through understanding the contemporary and permanent relevance of this kind of Confucianism, I find peace and transcend the limits nations put on humanity. My friend's son is a Korean born in America and a graduate of an American university. He's bilingual and at home both in Korea and in the United States. Like many Koreans, he's looking to gain some career experience in America and chart new paths. I have given him advice on the kind of tone with which to present himself in a meeting and how to answer questions directly and with consideration. I want him to value first and foremost what he brings to the table. We've had some success thus far, and it made my day when this young man said, "It's all about love." Whatever my friend's son gains from me isn't the main purpose. I'm trying to instill in him the impulse to keep going. Success follows the spirit to learn, along with aptitude and skill. The way of the heart is to encourage the values of this kind of Korean Confucianism. Arthur Lovejoy's "The Great Chain of Being" reflects this way of helping others. When it occurs across cultures, friendship anticipates a fuller world of peace and happiness. I don't think Confucius thought about nationalism and internationalism. We need to overcome their limits, while respecting both. Much of the work moves to younger generations, but I think it's in good hands between the people of South Korea and the United States. In many ways, we've helped one another as nations, as people and as fellow human beings. May these efforts in friendship continue. And may my friend's son, and all young adults, take this mantle of mutual self-development for the good of society, which is what we pray for this common trust for now and forever more. Bernard Rowan ( is associate provost for contract administration and professor of political science at Chicago State University. He is a past fellow of the Korea Foundation and former visiting professor at Hanyang University. Apple's logo is seen at an Apple Store in New York / AP-Yonhap Korean firm partners with US giant for strategic interests By Kim Bo-eun Apple is stepping up its efforts to strengthen its foothold in the Korean smartphone market by capitalizing on LG's smartphone exit. LG Electronics made a strategic decision early this year to withdraw its loss-making smartphone business, and the process is set to be completed this month. Existing players in the market are moving quickly to capture parts of LG's market share, offering trade-in programs for LG smartphone users here. LG accounted for 13 percent of the local smartphone market in 2020, and Apple 20 percent, according to market tracker Counterpoint Research. Samsung took up the dominant share of about 65 percent. LG's exit from the smartphone market was widely expected to benefit Samsung, based on presumptions that Android-based handset users would likely opt for models using the same operating system (OS). But Apple appears to see an opportunity to expand its market presence. And LG seems willing to work with the U.S. tech giant, as this is in its interests as well. Apple and LG are in talks for LG's home appliances and electronics retailer Best Shop to sell iPhones and other Apple items. LG also recently offered Apple's iPhone, Apple Watch and iPads on an online mall for its executives and employees. This came as a surprise as LG had offered only its own products via this mall previously. LG Uplus, LG's telecom affiliate, is also known to be developing an Apple iOS-compatible system for use by LG executives and employees. An ad for LG smartphones is seen at a business district in Seoul. Yonhap Hanwha Systems' UAM Butterfly / Yonhap By Kim Hyun-bin Hanwha is speeding up development of its urban air mobility (UAM) business, aiming to launch it by 2025. Hanwha Systems, in cooperation with U.S. aircraft manufacturer Overair, has been jointly developing the Butterfly, which has a maximum speed of 320 kilometers per hour, capable of traveling from Yongin to Gwanghwamun Square in just 15 minutes or from Gwanghwamun to Incheon in 20 minutes. The Butterfly is equipped with Hanwha's radar, sensors and aviation electronics technology and four electric Overair tilt-rotors capable of vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL). The Butterfly is 100 percent electric and does not emit pollutants. It's also relatively quiet, emitting less than 65dB of noise, compared to conventional helicopters which produce over 150dB of noise. The noise level of the UAM is similar to that of a luxury sedan that makes 70dB of noise. Not only is Hanwha jointly developing UAMs, but it is also involved in creating related infrastructure and aims to provide total mobility solutions in cooperation with prestigious companies in the field. In January, Hanwha Systems signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Korea Airports Corp (KAC), SK Telecom and the Korea Transport Institute to establish a UAM business model and ecosystem. The Hanwha affiliate also plans to launch the world's largest "verti-port," a city terminal for the takeoff and landing of air taxis, at Gimpo International Airport in southwestern Seoul, in cooperation with KAC. Hanwha is looking at the big picture to export its services overseas. In May, Hanwha Systems signed an MOU with British Skyports to develop air taxi infrastructure. Skyports specializes in developing verti-ports. Although the future of UAM services seems to be promising, many experts believe it will be difficult to find success in the local market. "Hanwha is most likely focusing on the overseas market to export its UAM technology, as its operations in Korea will be very limited due to strict regulations," an industry official familiar with the matter said. "Also there are many military bases all around Seoul and the country designated as no-fly zones." Former Korea International Trade Association Chairman Kim Young-ju, fifth from left, who was named to lead Korea's World Expo 2030 bid, poses with Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum, fifth from right, Busan Mayor Park Heong-joon, fourth from right, and other dignitaries during a general meeting of the government-led bid preparation committee at Lotte Hotel in downtown Seoul, Tuesday. Yonhap By Yi Whan-woo A government-led special committee to prepare Korea's bid to host the World Expo 2030 in Busan held its first general meeting, Tuesday. Operated under the wing of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the committee named former Korea International Trade Association (KITA) Chairman Kim Young-ju as its chief during the meeting at Lotte Hotel in downtown Seoul. Kim will spearhead the bid for the country's first-ever World Expo, scheduled to be held in 2030 from May 1 to Oct. 31. If successful, the World Expo 2030 will be held at a 2.7 million-square-meter area near Busan North Port, a part of Busan Port that is being redeveloped. Kim will be assisted by 68 committee members who were also named during the meeting. The 68 consist of high-profile figures, both active and retired, from business, government, media and other sectors. Among them are four chairmen of the country's five largest conglomerates Chey Tae-won of SK, Chung Euisun of Hyundai Motor, Koo Kwang-mo of LG and Shin Dong-bin of Lotte who will serve as the committee's vice chairmen. Notable is the absence of Samsung with its chief Lee Jae-yong being imprisoned over a corruption scandal. It remains unclear whether or not the country's top business group will have a representative to serve as a committee vice chairman. In their respective speeches, Kim Young-ju and Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum expressed hope to get the most out of the five conglomerates in preparation for the bid. "I am burdened by overwhelming responsibilities. Still, I will do my best by capitalizing on the networks of the business community including the five largest corporations as well as the government's diplomatic capability for a successful bid," Kim Young-ju said. The prime minister assessed the five corporations can help the nation to bid for the expo. The Busan municipal government officially expressed its wishes last month to host the expo in 2030 and has been working on preparations. The committee accordingly seeks to set up a cooperative body jointly with relevant ministries and the Busan municipal government by August at the latest to better visualize the bid strategy. Korea and Russia are the only two countries so far that have announced their official intentions to bid on hosting the World Expo 2030. Headquartered in Paris, the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) oversees and regulates World Expos. The 2030 host will be announced during a BIE meeting November 2023. Korea has hosted Specialized Expos, or expos on a smaller scale and of a shorter duration than World Expos, in Daejeon in 1993 and Yeosu, South Jeolla, in 2012. People demonstrate, some holding Cuban and U.S. flags, during a protest against the Cuban government at Versailles Restaurant, Miami, July 12. AFP-Yonhap President Joe Biden on Monday called protests in Cuba ''remarkable'' and a ''clarion call for freedom,'' praising thousands of Cubans who took the streets to protest food shortages and high prices amid the coronavirus crisis one of the island's biggest antigovernment demonstrations in recent memory. ''The Cuban people are demanding their freedom from an authoritarian regime. I don't think we've seen anything like this protest in a long long time, if, quite frankly, ever,'' Biden said in a brief exchange with reporters at the start of a meeting with mayors and law enforcement officials to discuss gun violence in the U.S. The comments marked a notable change in tone from Biden's old boss, Barack Obama, who as president sought to ease decades of tensions between Washington and Havana while loosening U.S. imposed economic sanctions. It was an effort that was reversed by Republican President Donald Trump, who partially rolled back Obama's rapprochement, limiting U.S. travel to the island, banning American financial transactions with dozens of enterprises, and more. ''We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba's authoritarian regime,'' Biden said in an earlier statement Monday. ''The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights.'' Julie Chung, the acting assistant secretary for the department's Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, on Sunday suggested that the protests were driven by Cuban people exercising ''their right to peaceful assembly to express concern about rising COVID-19 case/deaths medicine shortage. We commend the numerous efforts of the Cuban people mobilizing donations to help neighbors.'' White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki speaks to reporters during a briefing at the White House in Washington, July 12. Psaki spoke about the ongoing protests in Cuba and the administration's coronavirus vaccine plans. EPA-Yonhap But White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday sought to frame the protests being driven by far broader frustration, calling the demonstrations ''spontaneous expressions of people who are exhausted with the Cuban government's economic mismanagement and repression.'' Psaki added that the U.S. remains ready to assist Cuba in its COVID-19 vaccination effort, but the Cuban government's decision not to participate in COVAX a worldwide initiative aimed at distributing vaccines to poorer nations complicated the effort. ''We certainly recognize and understand that access to vaccines is one of the issues that a number of individuals on the streets is voicing concern about, but we have to determine what the mechanism would be to work with the Cuban people to get vaccines to them,'' Psaki said. The scene of demonstrators on Havana's Malecon promenade and elsewhere on the island was an unusual scene as the communist leadership has historically shown little tolerance for criticism. Police initially trailed behind as protesters chanted ''Freedom,'' ''Enough'' and ''Unite.'' One motorcyclist pulled out a U.S. flag, but it was snatched from him by others. Police scuffle and detain an anti-government demonstrator during a protest in Havana, Cuba, July 11. Hundreds of demonstrators went out to the streets in several cities in Cuba to protest against ongoing food shortages and high prices of food products amid the COVID-19 pandemic. AP-Yonhap A looter smiles as she runs away from a member of the South African Police Services at the Lotsoho Mall in Katlehong township, East of Johannesburg, July 12. AFP-Yonhap Rioting triggered by the imprisonment of former South African President Jacob Zuma escalated Monday as shopping malls in Johannesburg were looted, major roads were blocked by burning tires and the police and military struggled to contain the violence. President Cyril Ramaphosa, in a somber address broadcast to the nation Monday night, vowed that the police and army would restore order, and he appealed to all South Africans to work together for peace. The unrest started last week in KwaZulu-Natal province after Zuma was imprisoned for contempt of court. What began as fairly small-scale blocking of roads in Zuma's home area intensified and spread to Gauteng, South Africa's most populous province, including Johannesburg, the country's largest city. The South African National Defence Force has been deployed to help the police. At least 10 people have been killed and more than 490 arrested ''in acts of public violence rarely seen in the history of our democracy,'' Ramaphosa said. A woman wearing a face mask walks past a damaged KFC fast food restaurant at Naledi shopping complex in Vosloorus, east of Johannesburg, South Africa, July 12. AP-Yonhap Without once mentioning Zuma, Ramaphosa said that the ''violence may indeed have its roots in the pronouncements and activities of individuals with a political purpose, and in expressions of frustration and anger ... However, what we are witnessing now are opportunistic acts of criminality, with groups of people instigating chaos merely as a cover for looting and theft.'' He said the root cause of the rioting is South Africa's high rate of poverty and unemployment. ''This moment has thrown into stark relief what we already knew: that the level of unemployment, poverty and inequality in our society is unsustainable,'' Ramaphosa said. ''We cannot expect a lasting and durable peace if we do not create jobs and build a more just and equitable society in which all South Africans can participate freely and equally.'' He urged all South Africans to refrain from violence. ''Together, we will defeat those who seek to destabilize our country,'' he said. ''We will stand as one people, united against violence, unanimous in our commitment to peace and to the rule of law.'' Earlier Monday, the looting of retail centers broke out in several of the poorer areas of Johannesburg, including Benmore, Jeppestown, Vosloorus, and Soweto, where the Jabulani and Dobsonville malls were hit. A man gestures as rioters loot the Jabulani Mall in the Soweto district of Johannesburg on July 12. AFP-Yonhap Retail stores in Alexandra, east of Johannesburg, were also affected, and journalists covering the riots for the public South African Broadcasting Corporation and news channel Newzroom Afrika were robbed of their equipment. Several malls, car dealerships and retail centers in more affluent areas of Johannesburg, including Rosebank and Kempton Park in eastern Johannesburg, closed early even though they were not directly threatened. In KwaZulu-Natal, people took appliances, including microwave ovens, television sets and clothing from stores in the Mariannhill and Umlazi areas. The violence began last week when Zuma began serving a 15-month sentence for contempt of court. He defied a court order to testify before a state-backed inquiry probing allegations of corruption during his term as president from 2009 to 2018. The Constitutional Court, the country's highest court, began hearing Zuma's appeal on Monday. A picture taken in Vosloorus, southeast of Johannesburg, July 12, shows the Gold Spot Shopping Centre after being looted. AFP-Yonhap MetLife Group, Inc. seeks Principal Software Engineer in Cary, North Carolina to assess delivery strategies and automation opportunities. Requires Bachelor's or foreign education equivalent in CS or Eng plus 5 years' experience developing and delivering IT solutions. To apply visit Req #118503 recblid vjuvhy0rgns2x8xv1zjknb23yhgq1k The City of Dubuque invites applications for the position of Computer User Support Technician. The successful candidate will provide first line technical assistance and support to end users experiencing technical, hardware or software issues; answer questions or resolve computer problems for clients in person, via telephone or electronically; provide assistance concerning the use of computer hardware and software, including printing, installation, word processing, electronic mail and operating systems; and perform other duties as assigned. Graduation from an accredited two-year college or technical school with major coursework in computer science, information technology, network security or management information science; or equivalent education and experience required. The successful candidate will possess the ability to follow a management philosophy that is input oriented and values equity, problem solving and the development of partnerships; and the desire to be part of an organization that values service, people, integrity, responsibility, innovation and teamwork. The City offers an annual salary range of $42,182 to $55,182, and an attractive benefits package which includes twelve weeks of paid parental leave. The City of Dubuque is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status. recblid w4ur82guh5exuk3l8kk9sj1tqaiv88 Academic Lab Coordinator - Writing Center About Tulsa Community College Tulsa Community College is committed to creating equitable and inclusive work environments to support the success of the full range of our employees. We believe that employees who feel valued and respected will create policies, programs, practices and services to effectively meet the needs and exceed the expectations of our increasingly diverse student populations. We encourage candidates to apply who have demonstrated capacity to create inclusive work environments, to work effectively on increasingly diverse teams, and to serve the increasingly diverse college community. We are committed to hiring and retaining a racially diverse, culturally competent staff at all levels of the organization who not only reflect the demographics of our students, but also continue to deepen their skills and competencies to serve the full range of our community. Job Summary: Responsible for the daily operation of the respective Tutoring Center (Writing Center). Collaborate with peers on each campus to provide academic support for students in the form of tutoring. Responsible for assessing and responding to the academic needs of faculty and students. Provides assessment to the college. Campus: Southeast Classification: Staff Position Type: Full-time Curricular: If Faculty, Contract Length: Job Code Number: 3822F-6-21 Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in related curricular area. One year experience tutoring or teaching. Demonstrated supervisory experience. Ability to organize daily work and perform duties under limited supervision. Excellent verbal or written communication skills; ability to interact with others. Preferred Qualifications: Master's degree in the related curricula area. Tutoring certification and experience in developmental education. Starting Salary Range: $16.30/hour - $18.54/hour Work Schedule: generally Monday-Friday 8-5 pm Posting Date: 06/30/2021 Closing Date: Open Until Filled: Yes Special Instructions to Applicants: We are hiring for a full-time Academic Lab Coordinator for the Southeast Writing Center, starting in summer 2021. Advertised Department: School of Communication, English, and World Languages recblid sf9sqr0cf87dr3h8c692nis5c0v0a6 Requisition ID 2021-37575 Hospital TRHMC Shift Day Department Center For Public Health Category Social Services Hours per Pay Period 16 # of Openings 1 Position Type Regular Part-Time Work Schedule 8 hours during Monday-Friday with some flexibility Overview The Center for Public Health is the only provider of HIV care services federally designated for both Berks and Schuylkill counties in Pennsylvania and serves almost 1,000 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) annually. As a Ryan White funded clinic, it has a multidisciplinary Ryan White clinical team, including nurses, social workers, nutritionists, behavioral health therapists, pharmacists, certified registered nurse practitioners, colo-rectal surgeons, family medicine physicians, and infectious disease physicians. In this role, the Coordinator will be responsible for special projects, grant writing, monitoring, and reporting, as well as other tasks. The Coordinator will see special projects through to completion and will work with multidisciplinary teams to do so. Responsibilities Responsible for utilizing evidence-based therapeutic practices within the context of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure the delivery of quality behavioral health services to patients and families. Provides behavioral health support, education, and supervisory services to colleagues, Reading Health System departments, and to other providers and agencies as needed. Qualifications Education Requirements Master's Degree Experience Relevant Experience Certification and Licensure ACT 31 Training as mandated by the position (child abuse recognition and mandated reporting) Dual certification in Mental/Behavorial Health and Substance Abuse Required Skills Computer Skills to include use and navigation Excellent Communications Skills Excellent Interpersonal Skills Bilingual preferred Detroit Neighborhoods Reporter The Detroit Free Press is looking for hard-charging reporter with social media savvy and an ability to meet people where they are -- in the neighborhoods -- and tell their stories with detailed authority and authenticity. The ideal candidate will have the ability to write short and longer pieces on interesting people and places in and around the city of Detroit, occasionally filing several stories in a day, similar to a blog format. A deep knowledge of the city of Detroit, it's nuances, history and residents is a huge plus and preferred. The successful candidate will be a well-organized, detail-oriented, self-starter, capable of working independently while consistently producing attention-grabbing stories across all platforms that engage and inform readers online through video and audio stories, by connecting with them through social media and through our print product. So, if you have a love for being out in the community, getting to know people and telling great stories in a great city for a high-energy newsroom, we're waiting to hear from you! *This is a full time reporting position. *Please apply with cover letter and links to clips of your recent work. #content The Maryland Independent College and University Association (MICUA), a non-profit association which has as its mission the representation, coordination, and impassioned advocacy on behalf of independent higher education in Maryland, is seeking an experienced individual to assist in providing research support and analysis of both State and federal higher education statistics and related fiscal and employment data and information. The successful candidate must have the ability to respond effectively and creatively to complicated requests for information. The successful candidate will have expertise in database management software, presentation software, visual representation of data, and spreadsheet manipulation, as well as experience with statistical and analytical methodologies and strong writing skills. At times, the work of MICUA is performed in an intense and challenging environment and the successful candidate will exhibit excellent interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work well as part of a team. The Research Analyst works collaboratively with the team and reports directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Responsibilities include: collecting and interpreting data and information from various sources; compiling and analyzing datasets to produce presentation elements; drafting reports and other documents; assisting with the representation of MICUA on workgroups; assisting with the facilitation of campus-based affinity groups; and coordinating the solicitation and collection of donor information for the Independent College Fund of Maryland. A bachelors degree is required and a graduate degree in a related discipline or previous work experience as an institutional researcher is preferred. A candidate is expected to exhibit a proven history of positive social relationships and interactions with colleagues, supervisors, and other stakeholders and a willingness to be challenged and attempt to exceed expectations. General Description: The Research Analyst provides research support and analysis of both State and federal higher education statistics and related fiscal and employment data and information. Responsibilities include: creating tables, charts, graphs, dashboards, infographics, reports, and other documents to support the MICUA mission; researching matters that are responsive to requests of the MICUA team, MICUA member institutions, and key policy-makers and leaders including elected and appointed officials and their staff; and liaising with the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) and campus-based institutional researchers and financial aid officers. The Research Analyst additionally provides support for the Independent College Fund of Maryland. This position works collaboratively with the team and reports directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Specific Duties: Collect, interpret, and synthesize data and information from MHEC, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), National Postsecondary Student Aid Survey (NPSAS), the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), and other State and federal sources; Compile and analyze datasets to produce tables, charts, graphs, dashboards, infographics, and other presentation elements showing the operational and fiscal impact of MICUAs member institutions; Coordinate with the Director of Communications to produce visually understandable presentation of data and information; Conduct surveys and compile and analyze responses from MICUA member institutions; Evaluate studies, reports, regulations, State and federal legislation, and other issues impacting higher education; Draft reports and other documents that incorporate both qualitative and quantitative data and information that supports the MICUA mission and positions before State and federal officials; Assist the Associate Vice President for Government and Business Affairs with the drafting of testimony for legislative bill hearings; Assist with the interpretation of financial ratio analyses in support of the capital project grant request process; Assist with the representation of MICUA on State agency and other workgroups and committees on issues relating to research, data collection and use, and institutional reporting; Assist with the coordination and facilitation of meetings of campus-based affinity groups, including institutional researchers and financial aid officers; Attend meetings of interest to MICUA member institutions; Coordinate the solicitation and collection of donor information for the Independent College Fund of Maryland; Identify relevant issues and trends that are likely to affect MICUAs member institutions; and Handle other responsibilities as assigned by MICUA leadership. Qualifications: A bachelors degree in a related discipline is required A graduate degree in a related discipline or previous work experience as an institutional researcher is preferred Expertise in the use of database management software, presentation software (PowerPoint), and spreadsheet manipulation (Excel) is required Experience with statistical and analytical methodology preferred Excellent interpersonal and communications skills Ability to work well as part of a team Advanced research and writing skills Knowledge of information technology and web-based applications preferred The position is salaried between $50,000 and $75,000 and offers a full range of benefits, including health, dental, vision, long-term disability, and life insurance. MICUA does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, disability, religion, age, or any other protected class under federal, state, or local law in recruitment, admission and access to, or employment with the organization. MICUA provides flexible work hours with the opportunity for both in person and telework engagement. Please email a resume and a letter of interest that includes three professional references to Candidates may also submit letter(s) of recommendation for consideration. The position remains open until filled; however, letters of interest must be received by August 15, 2021, to guarantee full consideration. recblid w4pzduwwko2xzyqwyeea12ldtl41hz LOCAL COMPANY NEEDS CDL DRIVERS $16 PER HR WITH BENEFITS! 850-769-9136 The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces Federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. These laws protect employees and job applicants against employment discrimination when it involves: Unfair treatment because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information . Harassment by managers, co-workers, or others in the workplace, because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. Denial of a reasonable workplace accommodation that the employee needs because of religious beliefs or disability. Retaliation because the employee complained about job discrimination, or assisted with a job discrimination investigation or lawsuit. Not all employers are covered by the laws we enforce, and not all employees are protected. This can vary depending on the type of employer, the number of employees it has, and the type of discrimination alleged. An employee or job applicant who believes that he or she has been discriminated against at work can file a "Charge of Discrimination." All of the laws enforced by EEOC, except for the Equal Pay Act, require employees and applicants to file a Charge of Discrimination with us before they can file a job discrimination lawsuit against their employer. Also, there are strict time limits for filing a charge. The fact that the EEOC has taken a charge does not mean that the government is accusing anyone of discrimination. The charging party has alleged that an employer has discriminated against him or her and it is the EEOC's job to investigate the matter to determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that discrimination has occurred. recblid educbfrjcymju2bo3gd1lcx2yfvhdl Are you looking for an exciting career with a nationally known company and industry leader? AmeriGas Propane, the largest distributor of propane in the United States, is searching for an energetic and customer service oriented person to join us as a Delivery Representative. At AmeriGas, our employees are the keys to our success and we are proud to offer a comprehensive benefits package, in addition to excellent starting pay: $10,000 Sign On Bonus Exceptional medical, dental and prescription benefits 401(K) with company match Generous bonus potential Paid time off (including holidays) Uniforms Paid Training Annual performance reviews and salary increases Propane discounts Career advancement Tuition reimbursement Job Summary: The Delivery Rep delivers filled gas grill cylinders to large retail chains and convenience stores that resell the cylinders to individual consumers. Full cylinders are placed into the customers storage cage and exchanged for empty cylinders, which are loaded back onto the truck and taken back to the AmeriGas facility for refill. Education & Experience: At least 21 years old with a valid Class B CDL, including HazMat and Air Brake endorsements Willingness to work outdoors in all weather and driving conditions Lifting, pushing, pulling, bending and climbing in and out of the truck recblid tsunnaqisuyl9sqirtrk860owejobz RMI is seeking a professional individual to join our human resources team as an HR Business Consultant to work in our Anchorage office. This is a great opportunity for emerging professionals with some prior HR experience, as it is fast-paced and exciting, working with clients and employees in all aspects of HR and in a variety of industries Must have a Bachelor's degree and at least two years of practical human resource and benefits experience, or equivalent combination of education and experience. The ideal candidate will have knowledge of both federal and multi-state employment law. Duties include the following: Counsel and assist clients regarding all aspects of employment, including hiring, employee counseling and separations. Ensure client compliance with employment law. Administrative duties, including managing FMLA, unemployment, worker's compensation, onboarding, drug tests, background checks, and E-Verify. Assist employees with benefit-related questions, including health, life, dental and vision insurance plans, HSA, FSA, as well as coordinating open enrollment. Write employee handbook policies, job descriptions, job postings and other employment documents. Investigate employee grievances and harassment/discrimination claims. Conduct training on topics such as sexual harassment and hiring/firing. To perform the job successfully, proven abilities should include: Dependability, accuracy and thoroughness, and innovation. Excellent customer service skills, including patience and a desire to provide assistance. Able to communicate with and build trust with a wide variety of people, including professional speaking and writing skills. Able to work with a variety of insurance carriers, outside vendors, brokers, and other internal departments with an understanding of benefits terminology is preferred. Able to multi-task and work well under pressure. Excellent word processing and spreadsheet skills. Spanish language skills are a plus. Competitive pay, excellent benefit package including health, dental, vision, and life insurance, 401(k) with employer match, and Flexible Savings Account. This is a non-smoking company. Must pass post-offer, pre-employment drug test and background check. This employer participates in the E-verify program. recblid 6ejj15aay5rarkq4arpkltoyqcdqt6 Magnolia, AR (71754) Today Partly cloudy early. Thunderstorms developing this afternoon. High 88F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms this evening becoming more widespread overnight. Low 72F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 70%. Why Helium Stocks Are Set To Soar in 2021 You thought it was about balloons. Instead, its one of the most strategic gases in the world And were running out of it. Helium was discovered at the beginning of the last century, and the US government immediately placed production and supply under strict control. Then, in the 1960s, the Cold War rendered helium even more valuable. It was collected and stored in the US federal helium reserve in Amarillo, Texas. It was only in the late 1990s that the government allowed helium from the reserve to be sold to private entities. Now, the reserve is nearly depleted and will shut down entirely in September. Why all the fuss about a gas the general public largely associates with party balloons? Because its a critical gas from a technical, biomedical, and national security standpoint. By adding it to the list of strategic minerals, the US government is recognizing that our healthcare and high tech future is intricately tied to helium, says Chris Bakker, CEO of Avanti Energy Inc. (TSX:AVN.V; US OTC:ARGYF), a junior Canadian explorer that is getting ready for its maiden drill on a prime helium prospect in Alberta. With so much at stake, and the US taking over 2 billion cubic feet off the market, the next explorer to hit a new helium discovery of commercial viability will reward early-in investors Even better if its a small-cap whose stock would jump by multiples at every positive announcement in the exploration phase. Right now, Avanti looks best positioned as our next North American helium play at a time when supply is absolutely critical. And its just made its biggest acquisition move, yet There are 4 reasons to put Avanti Energy Inc. (TSX:AVN.V; US OTC:ARGYF) on your radar: #1 Avanti Is exploring for a gas that isnt just strategic, its make-or-break for trillion-dollar industries The 21st-Century economy is nothing without helium. Nothing is possible without it. Not astrophysics. Not space travel. Not big data. Not fiber optics, or even an MRI. There would be no video streaming No Netflix. No cell phones. And there is absolutely no substitute for helium in the massively growing $5.7-billion cryogenics market, where temperatures below 429 F are required. Running out of helium would be like going back in time. In the case of cryogenics quite literally. Helium is formed when radioactive elements (uranium and thorium) decay through fission into smaller particles that are helium atoms stripped of their electrons. That fission replenishes helium that is then dispersed in the atmosphere or trapped in minerals typically found in natural gas reservoirs, where helium is usually mined as a by-product. Helium is a noble gas. Its non-combustible, very unreactive, highly stable and so light that Earths gravity cannot hold it. Once it escapes into the atmosphere, its gone forever in the vacuum of space. Its properties are vital to virtually everything that is the backbone of our modern-day economy. In addition to the fact that it is inert and nonreactive, helium is also non-toxic and boils at -268 degrees Celsius--near absolute zero, which is the lowest temperature in the universe. No other element comes close to this magic of being able to remain a liquid at such temperatures. In other words, helium is irreplaceable. And its 100x more valuable than natural gas. Natural gas goes for around $3 per Mcf. Helium can go for as high as $400 per Mcf. Its not traded like a commodity, though, so prices are harder to track. And for the next 20 years, we are facing a situation in which helium supply will not be able to keep up with demand. That makes Avantis prospective helium acreage in Alberta and Montana prime-time territory. Canada has some of the largest helium reserves in the world, and several explorers are hovering around some of the best territories in Saskatchewan. With helium prices hitting what the Calgary Herald calls stratospheric levels, and supply rapidly diminishing, Alberta is witnessing a land rush that hopes to turn the province into a major supplier of the critical gas. That makes Avantis two newest moves in Montana even more important. Theyve moved on over 60,000 acres in northern Montana, one on territory that is nearby and on-trend with helium prospects in Saskatchewan and the other on-trend with drilled wells in Alberta that have shown helium concentrations over 2%. #2 4 Prospective Helium License Acquisitions, and Avantis Biggest Yet Avanti Energy Inc. (TSX: AVN.V; US OTC: ARGYF) could be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the helium rush, and its four big license acquisition moves are putting it on analysts radar. The beginning of Q2 saw Avanti acquire the license for over 6,000 acres from the Government of Alberta in highly prospective helium territory, and then another ~2,500 acres in Alberta. Those projects--Knappen and Aden--show helium up to 2% and helium-trapping structures. Gas analysis at Knappen shows helium concentrations up to 2.18% and nitrogen up to ~98%, as well as several deep structural features that are ideal for trapping helium. Aden has an even more promising structural trap and similar high helium concentrations in multiple zones Avantis Alberta acquisitions garnered some attention due to the fact that this province is prime-time for helium but it was what happened next that set the radar pinging. In mid-April, Avanti moved to acquire the helium license rights to a 12,000-acre land package in Montana that is on-trend with an active helium drilling area in Saskatchewan, and anticipated to close in the coming weeks.. Two months later, Avanti made its biggest move yet announcing its intention to purchase the helium license rights a huge land package of ~50,000 more acres in Montana. Although the transaction is not finalized just yet, the highlights look great, and appears to contain multiple formations like Aden where surrounding wells showed helium in multiple Devonian and Cambrian targets. More specifically, they show helium of 1.5% to 2.2% in the Cambrian and 0.7% to 1.7% in the Devonian, along with nitrogen up to 96%. Those are some impressive numbers to start with considering that in Alberta, 1% helium is considered a very good concentration. But the biggest news is this fourth acquisition of license rights to the 50,000 acres in Montana that Avanti expects to be finalized by the end of this month, giving Avanti rights to 60,000 acres (75,000 total acres when you include Alberta) of prospective helium land against the backdrop of a critically looming supply squeeze. Alberta is gunning for status as a major global helium hub and Avanti Energy Inc. (TSX: AVN.V; US OTC: ARGYF) might just be the one to help the province do just that. Its got a track record that makes this look perfectly feasible #3 The Avanti team has done this before with giant Encana Helium is found by drilling wells, similar to natural gas. The team at Avanti Energy Inc. ( TSX: AVN.V; US OTC: ARGYF) has already made one discovery in Canadas prized Montney, for Encana. Thats one of the richest natural gas deposits in the world, and its also where you find helium. That Montney discovery ended up producing 300,000 boe/d over 15 years. Avanti CEO Chris Bakker has over two decades of experience in oil and gas and served as a commercial negotiator with Encana/Ovintiv for major facilities and pipelines in the Montney gas play. Hes an expert in natural gas exploration, from acquisitions and exploration to drilling and production. #4 Analysts have initiated coverage and insiders are buying it up Insiders have been buying up this stock, and thats always a good sign Beacon Securities Limited, which initiated coverage recently, is maintaining its 12-month $3.80 price target, noting that with its big move on another 50,000 acres in Montana, Avanti now has a contiguous land block that may support several years of drilling. If successful, numerous development wells would follow with production in H2/22 once facilities are configured and installed, Beacon notes, adding that critical mass has been achieved with Avanti, which now has a key asset on which its world-class technical team can explore. The helium rush is on and demand is set to be as staggering as this gas is critical, while Avanti looks to be positioned to catapult Alberta into a major global helium hub. This is early days speculative exploration play, but if it pays off, it will pay off big--all the better before it starts pinging Wall Street radar. By: Lucas Friedman ** IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER -- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! ** PAID ADVERTISEMENT . This article is a paid advertisement. and its owners, managers, employees, and assigns (collectively the Publisher) is often paid by one or more of the profiled companies or a third party to disseminate these types of communications. In this case, the Publisher has been compensated by Avanti Energy Inc. (Avanti or AVN) to conduct investor awareness advertising and marketing. Avanti paid the Publisher to produce and disseminate four similar articles and additional banner ads at a rate of seventy thousand US dollars per article. This compensation should be viewed as a major conflict with our ability to be unbiased. Readers should beware that third parties, profiled companies, and/or their affiliates may liquidate shares of the profiled companies at any time, including at or near the time you receive this communication, which has the potential to hurt share prices. Frequently companies profiled in our articles experience a large increase in volume and share price during the course of investor awareness marketing, which often ends as soon as the investor awareness marketing ceases. The investor awareness marketing may be as brief as one day, after which a large decrease in volume and share price may likely occur. This communication is not, and should not be construed to be, an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. Neither this communication nor the Publisher purport to provide a complete analysis of any company or its financial position. The Publisher is not, and does not purport to be, a broker-dealer or registered investment adviser. This communication is not, and should not be construed to be, personalized investment advice directed to or appropriate for any particular investor. Any investment should be made only after consulting a professional investment advisor and only after reviewing the financial statements and other pertinent corporate information about the company. Further, readers are advised to read and carefully consider the Risk Factors identified and discussed in the advertised companys SEC, SEDAR and/or other government filings. Investing in securities, particularly microcap securities, is speculative and carries a high degree of risk. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This communication is based on information generally available to the public and on interviews with company management, and does not (to the Publishers knowledge, as confirmed by Avanti) contain any material, non-public information. The information on which it is based is believed to be reliable. Nevertheless, the Publisher cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. SHARE OWNERSHIP. The Publisher owns shares and / or options of the featured company and therefore has an additional incentive to see the featured companys stock perform well. The Publisher does not undertake any obligation to notify the market when it decides to buy or sell shares of the issuer in the market. The Publisher will be buying and selling shares of the featured company for its own profit. This is why we stress that you conduct extensive due diligence as well as seek the advice of your financial advisor or a registered broker-dealer before investing in any securities. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS. This publication contains forward-looking information which is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements in this publication include that prices for helium will significantly increase due to global demand and use in a wide array of industries (including key technology sectors) and that helium will retain its value in future due to the demand increases and overall shortage of supply; that Avanti can pursue exploration of the recently acquired licenses of property in Alberta; that Avantis licenses in respect of the Alberta property can achieve drilling and mining success for helium; that Avanti will be able to acquire the rights to helium on the 12,000 acres of land in Montana pursuant to its recent letter of intent announced on April 16, 2021, and the helium rights to the ~50,000 acres of land in Montana pursuant to its recent letter of intent announced on June 14, 2021; that the Avanti team will be able to close on the aforementioned Montana helium license acquisitions; that the Avanti team will be able to develop and implement helium exploration models, including their own proprietary models, that may result in successful exploration and development efforts; that historical geological information and estimations will prove to be accurate or at least very indicative of helium; that high helium content targets exist in the Alberta and both Montana projects; and that Avanti will be able to carry out its business plans, including timing for drilling and exploration. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Risks that could change or prevent these statements from coming to fruition include that demand for helium is not as great as expected; that alternative commodities or compounds are used in applications which currently use helium, thus reducing the need for helium in the future; that the Company may not fulfill the requirements under its Alberta licenses for various reasons or otherwise cannot pursue exploration on the project as planned or at all; that the Company may not be able to acquire the helium rights to the Montana lands as contemplated in the letter of intent or at all; that the Avanti team may be unable to develop any helium exploration models, including proprietary models, which allow successful exploration efforts on any of the Companys current or future projects; that Avanti may not be able to finance its intended drilling programs to explore for helium or may otherwise not raise sufficient funds to carry out its business plans; that geological interpretations and technological results based on current data may change with more detailed information, analysis or testing; and that despite promise, there may be no commercially viable helium or other resources on any of Avantis properties. The forward-looking information contained herein is given as of the date hereof and we assume no responsibility to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law. INDEMNIFICATION/RELEASE OF LIABILITY. By reading this communication, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this disclaimer, and further that to the greatest extent permitted under law, you release the Publisher, its affiliates, assigns and successors from any and all liability, damages, and injury from this communication. You further warrant that you are solely responsible for any financial outcome that may come from your investment decisions. TERMS OF USE. By reading this communication you agree that you have reviewed and fully agree to the Terms of Use found here If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, please contact to discontinue receiving future communications. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. is the Publishers trademark. All other trademarks used in this communication are the property of their respective trademark holders. The Publisher is not affiliated, connected, or associated with, and is not sponsored, approved, or originated by, the trademark holders unless otherwise stated. No claim is made by the Publisher to any rights in any third-party trademarks. 2005-2019 - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication. Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. Honmono, which will be open regular market hours Tuesday through Saturday, will join two other new Downtown Allentown Market tenants: Johnnys ArtsWalk Diner, a casual concept offering burgers, cheesesteaks and more from the husband-and-wife team behind Johnnys Bagels & Deli; and 1838, an Allentown-themed beer and wine bar from the operators of two existing market tenants, Batch Microcreamery and Middle Eastern favorite Zahra. However, two doses are definitely better than just one. In the U.K., where the delta variant now accounts for more than 90% of all infections, more than 20% of all delta infections were in partially vaccinated people while about 8% were in fully vaccinated people, according to an analysis by NBC News in late June. A recent peer-reviewed report from scientists in France found that the delta variant may be resistant to some types of monoclonal antibodies and that a single shot of the Pfizer vaccine provided very little protection. It provides a clear path for students from us to you, out into the workforce to do great things for this community, said Mark Erickson, president of Northampton Community College. What makes this partnership even more compelling is when our students go from us to you, they thrive. Lockett claimed that a commanding officer, Lt. Stephen Homoki, kept a compilation of photos of Black people, many of whom had never been arrested by Easton police, and ordered officers to stop and photograph Black people. The city responded by saying the logbook was a legitimate police tool used to track individuals of all races and ethnicities who had multiple aliases and no identification. It also said Lockett admitted never personally hearing the order to stop and photograph Black people. I was just coming home from work when I see water coming in the window from the [Poquessing Creek], said Robert Viereck, who lives in the flooded Bensalem complex, Lafayette Gardens. I told my fiancee, Get the cats. And we had to get three cats out of here. The carpet started getting wet before anything and as soon as I opened up the door, water just rushed in. It was so fast. We didnt have time to grab nothing but the cats. Images Sorry, there are no recent results for popular images. As a current print subscriber, you receive 24/7 access to our website and online e-edition at no additional charge. All you have to do is activate your access. To activate digital access, you will need your account number. You can find your account number on any recent subscription notice or bill. International 40 Taliban militants killed in Afghan airstrikes KABUL, JUL 12 (IANS) | Publish Date: 7/12/2021 1:31:13 PM IST At least 40 Taliban militants were killed in multiple strikes carried out by the Afghan Air Force, the Ministry of Defence confirmed on Monday. In southern Helmand province, 14 militants were killed and two others wounded after warplanes targeted Taliban hideouts in Garmser district, the Ministry said in a statement. The victims included Mawlawi Hijrat, a deputy commander of the Talibans Sara Keta or Red Unit for Garmser. Twenty militants died and 35 others were injured when the air force targeted hideouts in Dilaram district in western Nimroz province, according to the Ministry. Besides, six militants were killed and five others wounded after the air force hit a Taliban position in Tagab district of eastern Kapisa province. A huge amount of militants weapons and ammunition were also destroyed in the raids, the statement said. While the US and NATO troops are leaving the country, violence in the country is on the rise. To check the situation, the Afghan government security forces also continued to press the militants. International SA to deploy military as nationwide riot intensifies over Zumas imprisonment Police walk past a shop looted in protests following the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma, in Durban. JOHANNESBURG, JUL 12 | Publish Date: 7/12/2021 1:30:13 PM IST The South African government is all set to deploy troops to control the violence that has erupted in various parts of the country over the jailing of former president Jacob Zuma for contempt of court. Initially, soldiers will be deployed in two provinces -- Guateng and KwaZulu-Natal, the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) announced on Monday. KwaZulu-Natal is Zumas home province. Zuma is currently imprisoned in the Estcourt Correctional Centre for failing to obey a court order to testify at a judicial commission that is investigating allegations of corruption during his term as South Africas president from 2009 to 2018. The 79-year-old politician, who denies corruption, handed himself in to police on Wednesday last week to begin his 15-month sentence. Following his arrest, Zumas supporters across the country have started demonstrations by blocking roads with burning tires and other obstacles. Shops were looted and buildings set on fire in the violent protests, which also claimed six lives so far. The SANDF in a statement said it has commenced with pre-deployment processes and procedures in line with a request for assistance received from the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure to assist law enforcement agencies deployed in Gauteng and KwaZulu Natal provinces to quell the unrest that has gripped both the provinces in the last few days. The deployment will commence as soon as all deployment processes are in place, it said. The SANDF said its mandate is strictly to help keep police safe as they carried out their duties. The exact number of soldiers who will be deployed has not been announced yet, which the SANDF said would be released after law enforcement agencies have done an assessment of the situation. Meanwhile, live telecasts on TV channels showed police personnel being outnumbered by the looters, who include both women and children. The video footage showed rioters carrying off huge furniture items from shops and looting pickup vans loaded with goods. A number of shopping centres in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng provinces have been stripped bare as looting goes on unabated. Even heavily fortified automated teller machines have been ripped apart and tens of thousands of currency notes looted. Major banking group Nedbank has already announced the closure of all its branches across the country. The violence by Zumas supporters has been condemned across the board by the government, the opposition parties and civil society organisations. They say the supporters are engaging in criminal action in the name of protests about the jailing of the former president. In an address to the nation on Sunday evening, President Cyril Ramaphosa expressed concerns about the violence being ethnically based. The South African Chamber of Commerce warned about the huge setback to the economy as the rand began dropping in value. There is also a major concern that the rioters will become super spreaders of COVID-19 as most of them were not wearing masks. Level 4 of the five-level lockdown regulations was extended for a fortnight by Ramaphosa on Sunday evening in the wake of the exponential rising infections and deaths due to the deadly viral infection. However, Isobel Frye, Director of Studies In Poverty And Inequality Institute, said the riot is the publics reaction to unemployment and poverty spilling out in the country. Millions of people are employed in the forestry industry, which connects us to an expanding range of consumer items that may be traced back to the forest. To fulfill ever-increasing national and international demand, nations frequently rely on natural resource exploitation and agricultural expansion. Land development destroys biodiversity, rich soil, and ecosystem services, endangering future generations' well-being. Today, forests all around the globe are under attack. They are ill, they are burning, and they're going away. Economic expansion has put a great strain on the world's forests. To achieve this balance, everyone is encouraged to leave what is left intact, repair what can be restored, and be good stewards of our scarce woods. Indonesia's Rainforest and Resources For years, the country Indonesia, which has been the greatest producer of palm oil, has been open to anybody who wished to establish a plantation. However, a ban on new plantation licenses that became permanent in 2019 under Widodo, along with record commodity prices, has slowed the commodity's previously unstoppable rise. Indonesia is home to one-third of the world's tropical rainforests, which are home to people and birds, leopards, rhinos, tigers, and gibbons. New safeguards are helping these crucial areas thrive. Indigenous tribes, primates, and many more now have a seat at the table thanks to Indonesian President Joko Widodo, who was elected in 2014. The Widodo administration's shepherding of land-use changes and the re-establishment of a logging moratorium has resulted in four straight years of deforestation reductions. This consistent effort culminated in 2020, when the country recorded its lowest forest-loss rates since tracking started, with a 75 percent year-over-year decrease. Half of Indonesia's 17,500 islands are now covered by forests, peatlands, marshes, or mangroves. There are some very lovely and iconic creatures that rely on trees for survival in those areas. These include the Sumatran orangutan, the Komodo dragon, rhinos in Java, starlings in Bali, dwarf buffalo in Sulawesi, and the Sunda clouded leopard in Kalimantan. This beneficial shift in forestation techniques has been observed not just by communities, but also by the Norwegian government. The first tranche of a 1 billion prize came in Indonesia nearly a decade after signing an agreement that would reimburse government agencies if they could minimize forest loss. Also read: Trees in Western US Are Slowly Dying of Thirst Brought by Severe Drought The Palm Oil Moratorium in Indonesia Since, Palm oil is the most widely produced vegetable oil, accounting for 66 million tons per year. Because of its cheap global market price and characteristics that lend themselves well to processed meals, the food industry has used it in half of all retail items. Palm oil may be found in frozen pizzas, biscuits, margarine, body creams, soaps, cosmetics, candles, and detergents. Few people understand that biofuel accounts for nearly half of all palm oil imported into the EU. The mandated mixing of biofuels into motor vehicle fuels has been a major source of deforestation since 2009. Currently, oil palm plantations occupy more than 27 million hectares of the Earth's surface. That is when Indonesia's president has made a temporary moratorium on forest clearing permanent. The government says the policy has proven effective in curtailing deforestation. Environmental activists say it has not helped slow the loss of primary forests. They say the deforestation rate has actually increased within areas that qualify for the moratorium. The moratorium, which forbids the conversion of main natural forests and peatlands for oil palm, pulpwood, and logging concessions, was implemented in 2011 by then-President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as part of broader measures to decrease greenhouse gas emissions caused by deforestation. The ban was originally set to last two years, but it has been extended three times since then, with the most recent extension agreed in 2017 and set to expire on July 17 of this year. Also read: California Drought Putting Trees in Bay Area 'Under Stress' Chinese researchers plan to fire more than 20 of the nation's largest rockets into space in hopes to potentially divert 'doomsday asteroids' that could impose massive destruction and end life on Earth. The 23 Long March 5 rockets that weighs 992 tons (900 metric tons) are expected to deflect the 85.5-million-ton (77.5 million metric ton) asteroid Bennu. The space rock which is the size of the Empire State Building could hit Earth in 1 out of 2,700 chances, but would leave behind a historic catastrophic event. The asteroid impact - 1,200 megatons of kinetic energy - could hit Earth with an collision that is roughly 80,000 times greater than the energy of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, and as destructive as the 100-million-megaton space rock that wiped out the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago. Saving the Earth, Armageddon Style If you haven't watched the movie yet, Armageddon is a 1998 Bruce Willis film that used atomic bomb method to save the planet. In a 2013 article, it was predicted that the movie was real after Ukrainian astronomers detected a 1,350-foot-wide massive asteroid that could hit Earth on 2032, with a note that chances of collision could likely shift one way or another. According to scientists from China's National Space Science Center, the asteroid Bennu could swipe within 4.6 million miles (7.5 million kilometers) of Earth's orbit between 2175 and 2199. The scientists plan to use the 'more direct, yet riskier means' such as the atomic bomb method in the aforementioned film, which in reality could lead to devastating consequences, but could divert the space rock away from a fatal course of around 6,000 miles (9,000 km) - 1.4 times the Earth's radius. "Asteroid impacts pose a major threat to all life on Earth," Mingtao Li, space science engineer of the National Space Science Center in Beijing and lead author of the new study, wrote in the paper. "Deflecting an asteroid on an impact trajectory is critical to mitigating this threat." Also read: Black Holes Could Grow Massive Tsunamis from Outflow Winds According to NASA HAMMER: The NASA Plan China plans to follow the NASA Plan in dealing with asteroid Bennu, but theirs is 'slightly more costly'. The Hypervelocity Asteroid Mitigation Mission for Emergency Response (HAMMER) is the past proposal made by the United States of sending off a fleet of 30-foot-tall (9 meters) spacecraft to fend off the large asteroid in different direction. To do so, NASA conducted some simulations and found that around 34-53 HAMMER spacecrafts should be fired 10 years before Bennu collides with Earth. A NASA spacecraft called Osiris-Rex was sent to the classified B-type asteroid to collect loose pieces of samples from its surface and expected to bring the samples back to Earth in 2023. China's Long March 5 rockets had been a key to their space ambitions as they are being used to deliver modules to China's space station, as well as to launch probes to Moon and Mars. However, it also raised some major safety concerns due to their past uncontrolled reentry to Earth. Also read: NASA Scientists Are Studying Lightning to Predict Hurricane Intensity A strong storm system capable of creating a tornado passed over the El Paso and Las Cruces areas Sunday night, bringing 70 to 90 mph wind gusts, flying dust, heavy rain, intense lightning, and huge hail as well as heavy rain, powerful lightning, and large hail. This storm also caused a massive power outage that affected more than 17,000 El Paso Electric customers. Severe Thunderstorms Severe Thunderstorms on Multiple Occasions Weather warnings were in place in the El Paso and Las Cruces regions until approximately 9:15 p.m., when circumstances began to ease. About 17,000 El Paso Electric customers across the Borderland lost power as a result of what ABC-7 chief meteorologist 'Doppler Dave' Speelman described as a "monster storm," a massive tree on the New Mexico State University campus was among many uprooted, and there were scattered reports of hail damage and flooded roads throughout the region. Power Interruption About 3,500 people were still without power Monday morning, according to EPE. However, crews were "working as swiftly and safely as possible to restore electricity," according to the utility. According to the EPE's outage map, the 17,000 dispersed power outages that occurred during the storm spanned Dona Ana County to El Paso County. Related Article: Destructive Tornado Sweeps Through Chicago Overnight, Damaging More Than 100 Homes Damages A felled tree stopped traffic near Country Club Road and Montoya in west El Paso, in addition to the uprooted tree on the NMSU campus; city personnel worked late into the night to attempt to get that tree removed. After a multi-vehicle pileup near Lordsburg, Interstate 10 westbound was blocked due to 60 mph wind gusts and limited visibility due to blowing dust. U.S. 70 in the Las Cruces region was one of the highways that were heavily inundated. According to the New Mexico Department of Transportation, it was blocked from milepost 160 to 170, a region known as the "San Augustine Pass," which claimed it was inaccessible and would be closed until further notice. NM 28 from milepost 0 to 14 in Anthony was also inundated with debris. The National Weather Service issued a Flash Flood Warning for El Paso and Dona Ana counties through 11:30 p.m. Sunday. According to ABC-7 StormTrack Doppler Radar estimations, up to 1.9 inches of rain fell in portions of west El Paso over a 3-hour period, 1.8 inches in Las Cruces, and 2.7 inches near White Sands Missile Range. Storms Creating Tornadoes A tornado is one of nature's most devastating storms, with its whirling column of wind. Houses can be ripped from the ground, vehicles can be thrown into the air, trains can be flipped, and trees may be uprooted by the most violent tornadoes. Greensburg, Kansas, was hit by tragedy on a spring night in 2007. A mile-wide tornado was coming shortly before 10 p.m., according to the alert. It wasn't just any tornado, though. It was a category EF5, the most severe, with winds estimated to be above 320 kilometers (200 miles) per hour. Emergency Measures Most people in Tornado-prone areas had enough time to get to their basements or storm shelters, thanks to the warning sirens. However, only a few structures are capable of withstanding an EF5 tornado. The hurricane swept the town apart in less than ten minutes. People climbed through the ruins once the rage subsided. Their houses had been destroyed or taken away from them. Ten people were killed, and 95% of the town's buildings were damaged or destroyed. Also Read: Storm Anxiety: How to Handle Extreme Weather Phobias During Hurricane Season For more climate and weather updates, don't forget to follow Nature World News! CONSUMER watchdog, National Consumer Rights Association (Nacora) has warned that the ongoing riots in neighbouring South Africa following the imprisonment of former President Jacob Zuma will likely spark food shortages and price hikes in Zimbabwe. Nacora spokesperson Effie Ncube said Zimbabwe would be affected as its economy was largely dependent on the South African economy, with most food items in local supermarkets being South African products. As much as we are seeing traffic being disrupted in South Africa, particularly commercial trucks and trains, this will have an impact on the Zimbabwean economy by way of shortages of basic commodities that mostly come from South Africa. We might see this in the coming weeks, particularly if the protests are sustained over a long period of time, Ncube said. He said this would translate to price hikes, as well as scarcity of products. Violence, destruction of property and looting gripped parts of KwaZulu Natal and Gauteng provinces following Zumas incarceration over contempt of court charges. Zuma has started serving a 15-month jail term. President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday warned that his country faced the risk of food and medication insecurity in a few weeks. Political analysts said apart from food shortages, the South African disturbances also had political implications for Zimbabwe. Analyst Rashweat Mukundu said: The economic fortunes of Zimbabwe are tied to those of South Africa as it is our biggest trading partner and contributes a huge source of diaspora remittances to Zimbabwe. Durban is also a trade transit point for Zimbabwe. This means continued chaos in South Africa will impact negatively on the Zimbabwean economy, resulting in the increase of poverty. Another political analyst Vivid Gwede said: The ongoing political, social and economic crisis in South Africa does have an impact on the region because the countrys political and economic stability as a regional economic powerhouse is important for Sadc. Youth Forum Zimbabwe director Ashton Bumhira said the situation in South Africa should serve as a reminder to authorities in Harare that the absence of violence did not mean there were no genuine grievances from the people. Meanwhile, International Cross-Border Traders Association president Denis Juru yesterday warned all foreigners in South Africa to abstain from participating in the violent protests which had claimed 45 lives by end of day yesterday. Newsday ZIMBABWE Human Rights NGO Forum executive director Musa Kika yesterday filed a fresh application seeking the recusal of judges set to preside over a case where a Zanu PF activist wants the Constitutional Court to overturn a High Court ruling on Chief Justice Luke Malabas continued stay in office. President Emmerson Mnangagwa extended the top judges term using a controversial constitutional amendment that extended the retirement age for judges to 75. But three High Court judges, Justices Happias Zhou, Edith Mushore and Jester Charewa ruled in May that Malaba ceased to be chief justice judge after attaining the age of 70, which was the retirement age for judges prior to the constitutional amendments. Marx Mupungu, represented by Lovemore Madhuku, applied to the ConCourt challenging the High Court ruling, arguing that Mnangagwa acted constitutionally. The case will be heard today ahead of a Supreme Court appeal by government over the ruling. All the Supreme and Constitutional Court judges cited in Kikas case also appealed the High Court ruling. Legal experts have been calling for their recusal, arguing that they were conflicted parties. The court has already appointed a friend of the court (amicus curiae), Advocate Tawanda Zhuwarara, to assist with Madhukus application. Zhuwarara on Monday filed his heads of argument seeking to have Kikas case dismissed on a technicality. The judges will today decide whether to proceed with the case after Kika cited 18 of them in his latest application seeking their recusal from presiding over the matter. They will also decide whether to give Kika time to respond to issues raised by Zhuwarara. The 18 judges were also cited as respondents in his first application under case HH264/21 in which he challenged the extension of Malabas tenure. In his application, Kika argued that the High Court ruling handed down on May 15, 2021 by a three-member panel affected the same judges who were set to make a determination on Mupungus application at the ConCourt. He is also seeking relief that in the event that Malaba, cited as the first respondent in the matter, was confirmed to hold the office of chief justice, he too had to recuse himself from hearing the matter in Mupungus case CCZ13/21. This is an application made in terms of section 85(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe for the recusal of the cited honourable judges being second to 17th respondents and of Luke Malaba (the first respondent), in the event that he is found to still be the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe, from hearing the matter under case number CCZ13/21 as that would infringe the applicants right to a fair hearing as provided by section 69 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Kika stated in the court papers. My emphasis is on the constitutional requirement of impartiality and independence of an adjudicating body. This is by no means a mathematical concept, but one that is gleaned from circumstances surrounding a matter. I submit that there cannot be greater indication of the possibility and potentiality of partiality when the order being sought before the cited honourable judges under CCZ/13 concerns them directly and further is pertaining to a High Court matter in which the honourable judges are not only parties, but which they have opposed and now have appealed against. The appeal is pending. Zhuwarara, in his heads of arguments as a friend of the court, said Kikas case should be dismissed because he did not seek leave to sue Malaba and his deputy, Elizabeth Gwaunza, as prescribed in Order 3 Rule 18 of the High Court. According to Zhuwarara, Order 3 Rule 18 of the High Court states that no summons or other civil process of the court may be issued against the President or any judge of the High Court without leave of the court granted on court application made for the purpose. It is noted by present counsel that the CJ Malaba and the Deputy Chief Justice Elizabeth Gwaunza were cited as respondents in the proceeding a quo, Zhuwarara said. Both the chief justice and deputy chief justice are High Court judges by operation of section 170 of the Constitution and no litigation can be instituted against them unless leave to sue is obtained in terms of Order 3 Rule 18 of the High Court rules (1971). He said the High Court erred by entertaining Kikas application before obtaining leave to sue a judge of the High Court. As there were no valid proceedings in the court a quo (lower court), it follows that the constitutional issues and questions dealt therein were improperly determined, Zhuwarara said. Put bluntly, the declaratory order that causes these confirmation proceedings cannot be even engaged on the merits as the High Court did not have the requisite jurisdiction to proceed to deal with the merits of the disputation. Newsday The ads goal is to illustrate the risks of the highly transmissible delta variant to younger people, as CNN noted. The only problem is, that age group will not be eligible for the shots until later this year. People under age 40 have been told to wait for availability of the Pfizer vaccine because of the rare chance of blood clots from AstraZeneca, CNN said. Now, though, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said that those under age 40 could ask their doctors for that shot, even though those vaccines had until now been prioritized for high-risk groups including health care workers and the elderly. I dont know many more times you can say to people, Listen, it will save your life, " King told Fauci after he spoke about the dangers of the highly transmissible delta variant and the urgency that lends to vaccination efforts on CBS This Morning. I have this problem with some members of my own family, which Im now going to ban for Thanksgiving vacation. Thats how strongly Im taking what youre saying. Under the new emergency measures, authorities could impose a fine of 1 million rupiah ($70) for foreigners who did not use masks properly and deport those who did not wear masks at all. Previously, foreigners were given guidance to use masks properly, were fined for a first offense and were deported after a second offense. It would be easy to toss a black hat on the guy and call it a day because it would make us feel better to be able to just say he was a psychopath, Macmanus told the Daily News. But the truth of the character is he was more complex. He was a product of his nature, being born, I believe, a narcissistic sociopath, having that nature nurtured throughout his upbringing and then having it blow up into a full conflagration when he actually began to operate and people were telling him how good he was. The offers are still clustered in some of the citys highest-performing, and wealthiest, districts. Students in Manhattans District 2, which spans much of lower Manhattan and the Upper East Side, received more than 300 offers about 13% of those given out, despite making up less than 10% of the citys kindergarten class. At best, the Mayor, once again, is ill-informed as to the operations of the New York State Court System. In New York State, by statute, while the Office of Court Administration operates the courthouses, the local municipality is responsible for both providing the facility and maintaining it, OCA spokesman Lucian Chalfen told The News. One of Calks preferred choices, secretary of the Army, simply wasnt going to happen, Scaramucci said. The Mooch said he had no idea that while Manafort was lobbying on Calks behalf, Manafort was also trying to score two loans from Calk worth more than $16 million. Why on earth he went there I dont know, said the 31-year-old friend, who was shown a photo of the suspect by an emergency room worker. So I went outside immediately after she showed me that picture and he was there. And I see him physically right in front of me. I immediately called the cops. It is obvious to anyone with any sense of racial justice that Maud is racist and openly so. She attacks efforts to end racism by claiming there is no racism. ... Maud Maron has no business having a career in public defense, and were ashamed that she works for the Legal Aid Society, the BALA tweet said. Judge John Cronans decision hinged on a contract Moore signed prior to his interview with Cohen, who was in costume and pretending to be an Israeli anti-terrorism expert showing off a device that detected pedophiles. The prank was filmed shortly after Moores campaign for U.S. Senate was derailed by allegations he had sexually assaulted two women when they were underage. Moore denies the claims. I urge them to make their apologies public ASAP to show their sincerity, as this situation is more than just about the impact on our business, but rather what it says about privilege in society. When we receive such videos, we will post it instead of this video to provide closure. Until then, this post will remain in order to be a place holder to inform people of this development and other development. Trump Payroll is run by Trump Organization employees and processes payroll for company staff, according to an indictment in New York state court. In 2015 and 2016, Trump was listed as the only officer of Trump Payroll, according to Florida records, the Journal reported. Trump wasnt charged in the case. He also spilled that Wallace would sell the stolen money orders on WhatsApp and the encrypted messaging app, Telegram, prosecutors said. Cook said he would sometimes drive with Wallace to deliver the money orders to customers they found on those apps, prosecutors charged. Chanel should not be in prison. He should have had a fair trial, McCall said. The real killer is still on the loose. We are demanding that she live up to her campaign commitment and reopen the investigation. The 57-year-old victim was ambushed from behind near W. 47th St. and Sixth Ave about 10 p.m. July 5, cops said. A stranger doused him with a mystery liquid, possibly a cleaning material, without saying a word, startling video released by cops shows. Less than two months later, on Feb. 9, he was arrested again with a gun, this time outside a bodega on Richman Plaza near the River Park Towers. Then, on March 27, he and several other teens were caught with a gun after they were stopped fleeing a shooting inside Crotona Park; that case ended up sealed, a law enforcement source said. It was not clear if the gun belonged to Gil-Medrano. The university did not acknowledge wrongdoing in reaching the settlement last year, but it did agree to update its procedures for preventing, identifying, investigating and dealing with sexual misconduct. Some changes include requiring a trained chaperone to be present during intimate physical examinations of patients age 8 or older unless they opt out. Building a safer Baltimore requires us to hold violent offenders accountable, Scott said during the news conference. Our Warrant Apprehension Task Force goes out each and every day attempting to apprehend those tho cowardly commit violence in our streets and bring them to justice so that these families and communities can begin to heal. She figured the signage would go unnoticed, but photos of it quickly made the rounds on social media, promoting her bosses to call and tell her to take it down. Flores said she started work at her local Burger King after the start of 2021 and has since dealt with understaffing, 50 to 60 hour work weeks and kitchen temperatures topping 90 degrees due to a lack of air-conditioning. According to Flores, when she was hospitalized for dehydration, upper management said she was being a baby. West said in March that rather than pursuing tenure at Harvard Divinity School, where he signed on in 2017, he would return to his previous teaching job at the Columbia University-affiliated Union Theological Seminary. He implied that tenure was an issue in his decision and suggested that his politics, particularly with regards to supporting Palestinians in the Middle East, were a factor in his deteriorating relationship with the school. After being told he needed to purchase a credit card company gift card to pay the fee, and that the cards were only for sale in an adjacent terminal, Rosen allegedly stormed off and left his bag at the counter. When the employee told Rosen he needed to take the bag with him, he made his fateful remark. The woman said she later asked a different flight attendant for an extra garbage bag so she could keep the dirty diaper with her during the rest of the trip. But that second crew member told her she had done nothing wrong and should have disposed of the diaper in the bathroom, Khan said. He had diarrhea, and thats unfortunate, and its happened before, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mark Windham said. He had to go back to jail to be cleaned up. We did that, I was able to make some phone calls to get him cleaned up and brought back here today so we dont lose court time. A 60-year-old woman who was with Sylvester when the shooting started was struck by one bullet in one of her knees. She remains in good condition at the hospital. A second woman also suffered injuries after being grazed by a bullet near her mouth. The victim said the man began touching her before the plane even took off and continued until it landed about three hours later, according to prosecutors. She reported the abuse to her family after leaving Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport and her family then contacted law enforcement, authorities said. Garcia, the former sanitation commissioner, conceded to Adams last week after a data dump showed her trailing by roughly 1%. And Adams, who is an overwhelming favorite in the general election, has spent the days since on a victory tour that took him to the White House on Monday. And so weve allowed people to take terms and slogan to define what it means to be liberal, progressive, moderate, conservative, he added. I dont live by that. Im a very complex person. Life is complex. I look at the issues and come up with real solutions to solve them. And so I say to the Democratic Party: if you allow slogans to direct how we govern our city and New York City, were going to make a big mistake. That cant happen, and Im not going allow that to happen in my city. With this nomination, the Biden Administration reaffirms the best tradition of American foreign policy and diplomacy: the credo that partisan politics should stop at the waters edge. U.S. foreign policy can and should be bipartisan, Flake said in a statement. That is my belief as well, and my commitment. I was told they will go to your home back in your district, they will go to your place of work, they will go to your apartment in Austin or wherever you live close by when youre in session. And also family and friends that they may know of, he said. Alexander Lashkarava, 37, was shooting footage of a protest against a planned Pride parade last Monday when he was assaulted by anti-LGBTQ protesters. Lashkarava was one of dozens of journalists injured by the mob, suffering facial fractures and a concussion, according to Reporters Without Borders. We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cubas authoritarian regime, Biden said. I dont think weve seen anything like these protests in a long, long time if, quite frankly, ever. France has slapped Google with a fine of nearly $600 million for its failure to reach an agreement with publishers that would allow for the technology company to use snippets of their content on Google News. They are going to leave this prison hell where they dont belong and where they risked extreme violence every day, Nkom told Reuters. We are not going to stop there. We must explain to people that a court must never again convict LGBT people in this way, she added. Some say Adams is magnifying the citys crime growth out of all proportion: After all, murders here number only 225 so far this year. While thats up 37% over 2019, its down 15% from 11 years ago and 77% from 1993. Shootings, while more than doubling since 2019, are still 70% below their high-water mark in the Bad Old Days. Anyhow, suggest the calm-mongers, the bloodshed is largely the result of COVID-19-created economic desperation, as though that means itll soon magically dissipate. (Never mind the fact that pandemic-related displacement didnt drive crime increases in other countries.) Another data-driven solution is to continue investing in justice reforms which, despite narratives to the contrary, have worked to make New York City safer and more just. Take bail reform. According to many in leadership and many of my Wall Street peers, bail reform has fueled violence in our city. However, research by the Mayors Office of Criminal Justice shows that in 2020, after the new bail law was passed, only approximately 1% of the thousands of New Yorkers released pretrial were re-arrested for a violent felony. Further, the research shows that the remaining 99%, thousands of New Yorkers, have a better chance of not committing a new crime and contributing to their communities because they are home with their families rather than in a cage. Schmitt, though perhaps singular in his eloquence, is hardly alone in his opinion that vax bad, COVID good in the new right wing, the movement thats chosen to parrot disgraced President Donald Trumps anti-science quackery, villainization of public health, and rejection of common sense. (It painfully bears pointing out that Trump, some of his family members, and many of his employees contracted COVID while bragging openly about flouting mask and social-distancing recommendations.) The prosecutor of record does not have any correspondences from any attorney claiming to represent Mr. Massey, which are passed along by the front office when received. That prosecutor is listed in the public court documents, spokesperson Casey McNerthney said in a statement. Meghan, 39, also spoke to Winfrey about struggling with her mental health during her time in the U.K., and said she learned of concerns within the palace about how dark their son Archies skin might be before his 2019 birth. The post included throwback photos of Ford, including one showing the actor suited up as the Star Wars character Han Solo, as well as more recent images, including one of him with Hamill. I was thinking it was like glamping or something like that, still going to be like some kind of five-star experience, she said, recounting the experience to Arsenio Hall, who was guest hosting Jimmy Kimmel Live. And you get there and you really are in the middle of the jungle, and you dont get to eat after 1 p.m. You have to walk a very far distance to get your water. You cant shower because theyre in a drought, so you cant use the water, obviously. You need to respect the rainforest. Nothing glamorous about it. Its all a part of sort of making you vulnerable so that you surrender to the experience. The nod comes seven years after Orange is the New Black star Laverne Cox became the first transgender person to receive an Emmy nomination in any category in 2014 getting the first of her four nominations for outstanding guest actress in a drama series that year, according to Variety. A mural of the late rapper Earl "DMX" Simmons is seen at the Calcagno Houses on July 13, 2021 in Yonkers, New York. The mural, painted by artist Floyd Simmons (no relation), was unveiled at Calcagno Houses, the public housing complex where DMX once lived. DMX died on April 9 after suffering a catastrophic cardiac arrest. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images) Weve got 63 percent of our voting population that said enough is enough. We have to have their backs, Commissioner Jimmy Weekley said. We have to stand here and find a way in which we can defend that referendum question that was passed. And weve got to tell the state of Florida, you can preempt this all you want, were going to keep coming back with ordinances or resolutions in a way that we can get what our constituents want. I think its an opportunity for all of us who have been considering to get vaccinated or not to go ahead and exercise that, Rolon said. What we hope is that as more people become vaccinated, the less of a threat that will become for our community. Fear because we still have loved ones there, and we know whatever we do and say here can backfire to them, de la Torre said. But I am very proud of the people who said enough, we are going out, I dont care. This is a new generation. It is not my generation. They know there is more out there, and they know that living in fear and oppressed is not a way of living. Officials have described Walker as a leader of the 438 gang, based in the Silver Star Road area, which they have linked to multiple shootings and homicides in the greater Orlando area in the last year. At least one other person who officials have linked to the 438 has denied it is a gang, calling it a place of housing. The suspect, though, didnt match anyone in DNA databases and remained unknown to the public for years until Tuesday, when local and state authorities announced they had used genetic genealogy to identify Harris as a suspect in the two cases. The 50-year-old nighttime delivery driver was arrested July 2 and booked into the Orange County Jail on two charges of sexual battery with a deadly weapon or physical force. J.Z., a 6-year-old biracial Black girl with autism, was eating at Universals Loews Royal Pacific Resorts character breakfast with her family on March 23 when she saw Gru. She was excited to meet a character from one of her favorite movies and posed with him as he placed the symbol on her shoulder in photos and at least one video, according to the lawsuit. The Miami Herald and the McClatchy Washington Bureau have learned that the suspect is Joseph Gertand Vincent, first arrested more than 20 years ago for filing false information on a U.S. passport application and who went on to become an occasional DEA informant. Dr. Citrin made a mockery of his Hippocratic oath by cutting and pasting the same symptoms and vital signs for most of his patients so he could fraudulently bill insurers millions of dollars, Palm Beach State Attorney Dave Aronberg said in a news release. Our Sober Homes Task Force will continue to investigate, arrest and prosecute those, like Dr. Citrin, who exploit people in drug recovery and put profit over patient care. It is notable that on January 6, 2021, Mr. Curzio did not go to the Capitol in the company of any gang members; he did not wear any gang colors; he did not give a Nazi salute; he did not have any posters with Nazi insignias. In short, his presence at the Capitol had nothing to do with his prior gang affiliation, Balarezo wrote in April. The Coast Guard statement suggested that such permission would not be forthcoming. It noted that the voyage is dangerous and unforgiving, with nearly 20 Cubans dying while trying to cross in recent weeks. It said the Coast Guard is working with state, local and federal partners to monitor unpermitted vessel departures from Florida to Cuba. To be very clear, we do not think those protesting for Cuban freedom in Miami, Tampa or anywhere else should be charged with a felony for blocking traffic. We generally dont think they should be charged at all except in extraordinary circumstances. Were glad theyre exercising a freedom granted to them by the U.S. Constitution. Were all for less flooding and cleaner water. But paying for it by cannibalizing housing money is no solution, especially when the state had other pots of money it could easily have used, like revenue from a new online sales tax. Lawmakers didnt have to use housing money to pay for environmental projects, they chose to use it. Thats fine, but her praying isnt helping the people with whom she comes in contact. Granted, she was masked and gloved, but she probably doesnt spend the entire day like that. I dont wish to be at the mercy of health-care organizations who do not offer their patients the assurance of vaccinated workers or even let us know that they are not vaccinated. The only solution is for us, the vaccinated patients, to demand that we be treated by vaccinated health-care workers. It is a free-market issue. We will find other providers. I actually wish that wasnt the case. I believe money is one of the most corrupting influences in politics, that our Founding Fathers never intended to equate million-dollar checks from corporate interests with an individuals right to free speech and that the U.S. Supreme Court got it wrong when ruling as much in the Citizens United case. Heck, I might even cheer any serious effort to challenge that premise. But Florida politicians arent serious people. And they have no objections to corporate cash or massive donations. They roll around in it like pigs in slop. I mean, they are cheering about someone saying that its a good thing for people not to try and save their lives, Fauci said. Everybody starts screaming and clapping. I just dont get that. I mean, and I dont think that anybody whos thinking clearly can get that. What is that all about? People understand the difference between peacefully assembling which is obviously peoples constitutional right and attacking other people or burning down buildings or dragging people out of a car, he said. Those are not just simply run-of-the-mill protests like we would see in the U.S. They dont have freedoms respected there, whereas in the U.S. you have a panoply of freedoms that are respected. They are seeking an end to the regime itself. Youll have huge percentages of the population will not be able to identify the number of branches of government for the federal government, you will have key mistakes about what period of history does Abraham Lincoln belong in, who were some of the main Founding Fathers, can you name some of the key ideas in the Bill of Rights, DeSantis said. The history center is the only Florida institution recognized in the 2021 AASLH awards. It also won in 2017 for its One Orlando Collection Initiative. The museums current exhibition called Community: Five Years After the Pulse Tragedy uses multiple artifacts from that collection. Community remains on display through Aug. 15. Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The appointment of the governing body of the High Commission for National Reconciliation in Libya is close, the official spokesperson of the Presidential Council, Najwa Wahiba, told reporters here Monday Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The Libyan Parliament, sitting in the eastern city of Tobruk, on Tuesday resumed its plenary session on the draft law of state finance for year 2021, while differences still persist among members of the House about this budget Geneva, Switzerland (PANA) - Releasing two companion reports on Monday, the UN health agency has provided the first global recommendations for DNA-altering technology, known as human genome editing, to be used as "a safe, effective and ethical" public health tool to benefit everyone Welcome back pirates! As you make your return to campus The East Carolinian has created a forum that centers around topics within the community where readers can express their experiences and concerns. With the new guidelines set in place by East Carolina University do you feel as these precautions will keep you safe? Survey TNR Engineering has been awarded the contract to provide bulk earthworks and civil engineering works at the mine. ( ) has taken the next step towards production at its flagship Lindi Jumbo Graphite Project in Tanzania, appointing local contractor TNR Engineering to undertake site preparation work. The value of the mobilisation agreement is about US$5.6 million and it aligns with Walkabouts local first policy and extensive due diligence process examining safety, experience and capabilities. TNR is well known to Walkabout, having previously successfully completed an early works contract in 2019, and as part of the contract, it will complete excavation and terracing of the processing plant it started in 2019. Local-first agenda Walkabout CEO Andrew Cunningham said Walkabout would continue to rely on local knowledge and expertise. We have one of the highest grade, undeveloped natural flake graphite projects globally, and were excited at the imminent escalation of activity on site in Tanzania, he said. Our longstanding working relationship with TNR Engineering will enable a smooth transition towards becoming a mine developer and producer. Mine works In addition to completing the works started in 2019, TNR will complete and compact access roads and internal roads, ROM pad and wall, stormwater drainage, raw water pond, explosives magazine and mine workshops and offices. It will also complete the earthworks at the tailings storage facility including topsoil loading and stockpiling, bulk excavation and roadbeds, fill for tailings storage facility embankments, and supply and install piping and HDPE lining and fencing. TNR has also been awarded the contract to complete the civil works on-site to the value of about US$3.1 million, which includes all of the earthworks, concrete works and building in preparation of the construction and installation of the Lindi Jumbo Processing Plant and associated infrastructure. TNR is deploying project staff, sourcing local accommodation and undertaking stakeholder engagement facilitated by the Lindi Jumbo team and it is expected the team will be mobilised on site this month. Directors show support Meanwhile, Walkabout directors have demonstrated their confidence in the companys energy minerals strategy by participating in a recent entitlements issue. On July 12 non-executive chairman Michael Elliot acquired a total of 1.43 million shares for a total value of $286,000 in a mix of direct and indirect interests, taking his total holding to 15.83 million shares with 2.2 million of these held in a direct interest. Executive director and CEO Andrew Cunningham acquired a total of 91,908 shares valued at $18,382 in direct and indirect interests. He now holds a total of 659,873 shares in two indirect interests and 772,223 shares in a direct interest. Director Allan Mulligan acquired 200,000 shares valued at $40,000 in a direct interest, taking his holding in that interest to almost 3.969 million while a further 1,705,801 shares are held in an indirect interest. Create your account: sign up and get ahead on news and events NO INVESTMENT ADVICE The Company is a publisher. You understand and agree that no content published on the Site constitutes a recommendation that any particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction, or investment strategy is... In exchange for publishing services rendered by the Company on behalf of named herein, including the promotion by the Company of in any Content on the Site, the Company receives from said issuer annual cash... The Bank of England's Prudential Regulation Authority said the banks remained "well capitalised and resilient and as a result the restrictions on payouts were being lifted with immediate effect Shares in several of the UKs major banks moved higher on Tuesday after the scrapped a ban on dividend payments introduced during the Coronavirus pandemic. In a statement on Tuesday morning, the BoEs Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) said that the UKs banks remain well capitalised and resilient and that uncertainty around the economy and the pandemic had decreased significantly since December last year. As a result, the PRA said the guardrails on dividends introduced in 2020 have been removed with immediate effect as part of the central banks intention to transition back to its standard approach to capital-setting and shareholder distributions through 2021. The BoE initially forced banks to suspend dividend payments in March last year as the onset of the pandemic caused global markets to tumble. The central bank also announced in December that for 2021 banks could announce dividends but not pay them. Despite the removal of the restrictions, the BoE warned that the banks should continue to support households and businesses through the economic recovery, and as a result bank boards should continue to exercise an appropriate degree of caution around the level of any shareholder distributions. However, the return of dividends boosted bank shares in early trading, with PLC ( ) up 1.3% at 47.8p, while ( ) rose 0.7% to 173.9p, Holdings PLC ( ) climbed 1.6% to 419.3p, gained 1% to 459.5p and PLC ( ) ascended 1.9% to 210.7p. Following several years of significant under-investment across the junior exploration sector, we are taking a major-company approach to the funding and development of exploration projects," said Dr. Kerim Sener ( ) announced the launch of a discovery fund to assess potential investments in discovery-stage mineral exploration companies. The wholly owned fund, Asgard Metals Fund, is being developed as part of Ariana's proprietary Project Catalyst Strategy. Asgard Metals Pty. Ltd, the wholly owned Australian subsidiary of Ariana, intends to invest an initial A$2mln (1.1mln), primarily into listed exploration companies with projects that meet its rigorous selection criteria. Investments will be focused on potentially high-value discovery-stage opportunities, which show early development potential, and the projects can be located anywhere in the Eastern Hemisphere, so they are close to Ariana's operational hubs in Australia, Turkey and the UK. "We are launching the Discovery Fund in order to support the early-stage exploration of high-quality exploration opportunities, which show the potential for value creation over the near-term, said managing director Dr. Kerim Sener. This launch is in line with our long-term ambition to represent the cutting-edge of the mineral exploration and development sector internationally. It builds on our earlier and highly successful strategy of making early-stage exploration investments in gold and lithium assets across several non-European jurisdictions, which now provides the financial basis of the Fund. Following several years of significant under-investment across the junior exploration sector, we are taking a major-company approach to the funding and development of exploration projects to the benefit of our project partners, and ultimately, our shareholders," he concluded. Selected projects will receive an initial investment of up to about A$500,000 in capital and will receive expert assistance from the Ariana team, while participating companies will have the opportunity of working with Ariana's exploration team. A glance at some of the day's highlights from the Proactive Investors newswire (LONEVG) has announced progress for its lead asset on two fronts in the field of cancer. In the US, it has applied to the Food & Drug Administration for orphan drug status for SFX-01 in the area of glioma, a brain cancer with a very poor prognosis. A separate announcement, meanwhile, revealed that SFX-01 shows some very early promise as a potential leukaemia treatment. ( ) said the Cape Town Formula E meeting, where it has a five-year commercial rights contract, has been confirmed as the fourth race on the 2021-22 calendar. ( ) gave a half-time report in which the board expressed confidence that full-year results would be in line with market expectations. ( ) and Jubilee Metals Group ( ) have committed to an immediate pilot sampling and investigation programme at Caeruss portfolio of copper-gold assets in Cyprus. ( ) reported a 12.3% increase in gold production to 201,608 ounces for the year to end June 2021, boosted by underground operations at its Barberton and Evander mines in South Africa. ( ) told investors it believes its two gold projects in Western Australia, Northern Zone and Jundee East, could each deliver significant shareholder value over the medium term. ( ) reported on its second quarter which it described as another positive period, both financially and operationally. Zephyr Energy Plc ( ) has kicked off the drilling of the State 16-2LN-CC appraisal well ahead of schedule. ( ) announced the launch of a discovery fund to assess potential investments in discovery-stage mineral exploration companies. Bushveld Minerals Limited ( ) gave notice that its annual general meeting (AGM) will be held in Guernsey on 5 August. ( ) announces that it will hold an investor presentation with a questions and answers session after its AGM annual on 27 July at 12pm BST via video conference. Chief executive Ryan Moore and chairman Jonathan Rowland will host the presentation, covering highlights from 2020 and future plans. FastForward Innovations Ltd ( ) said its change of name to Seed Innovations Limited will take effect from 8am on Wednesday 14 July with its ticker changing to SEED but the ISIN and SEDOL codes remaining the same. The search engine giant is locked in a battle with publishers APIG, SEPM and AFP over copyright compensation Google ( ) has been whacked with a 500mln fine by Frances antitrust watchdog for not talking in the right way to the countrys media groups. The search engine giant is locked in a battle with publishers APIG, SEPM and AFP over copyright compensation for the use of news stories on its platform. Googles fine follows accusations it has not been acting in good faith during the talks and came with a warning it will face a further penalty unless it comes up with a solution. Google, which is owned by , has to find a solution within the next two months on how to compensate news agencies and other publishers for the use of their news or face further penalties of 900,000 per day. Google said while very disappointed it would comply with the ruling. "Our objective remains the same: we want to turn the page with a definitive agreement. We will take the French Competition Authority's feedback into consideration and adapt our offers," Reuters reported. "We have acted in good faith throughout the entire process. The fine ignores our efforts to reach an agreement, and the reality of how news works on our platforms." Frances antitrust authority said the fine stemmed from the fact it has already demand Google hold talks within three months with any news publishers that requested them. "When the authority decrees an obligation for a company, it must comply scrupulously, both in the spirit and letter (of the decision). Here, this was unfortunately not the case," the antitrust body's chief, Isabelle de Silva, said in a statement. Azure acquired the Barton Gold Project in September last year and the exploration licence has now officially been granted. On-ground exploration, including drilling, will be underway as soon as practicable. ( ) (OTCMKTS:AZRMF) has started initial exploration at its wholly-owned Barton Gold Project in WAs Eastern Goldfields following the granting of an exploration licence. The Barton project is in the Kookynie Gold District, close to several large and growing gold deposits and adjoins Minerals Ltds ( ) new Puzzle North gold discovery. It is mostly soil-covered and has undergone little historical exploration, with a best drill intersection of 7 metres at 1.26 g/t gold within 18 metres at 0.77 g/t along trend from Puzzle North. Azure exploration team mobilised Azure managing director Tony Rovira said the companys exploration of the project would now take the next step, with a detailed airborne magnetic survey already underway while on-ground exploration, including drilling, would be underway as soon as practicable. Barton contains several very exciting gold targets and we have already commenced our maiden exploration program, with a detailed aeromagnetic survey underway to be followed by aircore and reverse circulation drilling, he said. The Barton tenement provides us with sole ownership of a large and highly prospective foothold in the Kookynie Gold District, which has recently seen substantial increases in gold resources and new discoveries being made close to our property. Given recent exploration successes by other companies in the Kookynie district, Azure is confident that comprehensive and targeted exploration on the largely unexplored 200 square kilometre landholding has good potential for the discovery of significant gold mineralisation. Azure has entered into a Heritage Protection Agreement with local Traditional Owners to allow on-ground exploration activities. Barton Gold Project potential The Barton Gold Project lies adjacent to the historical gold mining town of Kookynie, about 40 kilometres south of Leonora in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. Azures exploration licence contains 67 graticular blocks covering around 200 square kilometres of the Kookynie Gold District and adjoins several growing gold deposits, including Minerals Ulysses Gold Project, s ( ) Apollo Hill Gold Project and recent high-grade gold discoveries at Kookynie by ( ). Since the 1890s, the Kookynie-Orient Well-Ulysses district has produced more than 1.1 million ounces of gold from open pit and underground mining of high-grade, quartz vein gold deposits and currently hosts additional gold resources in excess of 3 million ounces. The majority of historical exploration in this district focused on areas of outcrop and shallow soil covered terrain, however, due to extensive soil cover within the Barton project area, all soil sampling and shallow drilling previously undertaken was ineffective in testing for bedrock-hosted gold mineralisation. Recent drilling by Genesis at their newly discovered Puzzle North prospect has identified wide zones of shallow gold mineralisation over a strike length in excess of 400 metres. Mineralisation is associated with quartz veining hosted in hematite-sericite altered granite adjacent to a north-striking granite-greenstone contact. The nearest mineralised drill holes are about 300 metres south of the Barton tenement boundary and the mineralised zone remains open and trends directly towards Azures property. Next steps Initially, Azures drilling will follow-up gold mineralisation intersected historically at the Daisy Corner prospect, which may represent the northern extensions of the recent Puzzle North discovery where Genesis Minerals is undertaking a resource definition drilling program. The company will also test for structurally controlled bedrock-hosted gold associated with cross-cutting shears and fault zones elsewhere on the property. - Daniel Paproth Development activities are critical for the gold explorer, which is hard at work shaping one of the worlds highest-grade open pit projects. Matador Mining Ltd (ASX:MZZ) (OTCMKTS:MZZMF) (FRA:MA3) is advancing development activities across the Cape Ray Gold Project in Newfoundland, Canada, with a suite of key environmental studies nearing completion. The gold explorer has been collecting environmental data over its project since 2019, with the findings set to form the basis of the companys environmental impact statement, slated for government submission in 2022. Meanwhile, Matador has also engaged with First Nations groups in the area and advanced discussions with other key stakeholders. The gold explorer is also starting to develop its environmental, social and governance framework, aligning its strategy with global standards. Significant source of jobs and income Executive chairman Ian Murray said: Canada has a well-defined methodology for progressing the environmental assessment and permitting process that typically incorporates an extended period of between two and five years for data collection. Matador has now completed most of this baseline work, with the effects assessments and valued component section writeups commencing shortly. Importantly, the work completed to date with our independent consultants indicates that the process should proceed on schedule, complying with all the required legislation. In addition, discussions with local communities and government officials in Newfoundland have shown significant support for the project with the expectation that the project will be a significant source of jobs and income in the future. Development activities With baseline data collection, field and technical studies underway, Matador is preparing to commence a suite of impact assessments during 2021s second half. In quarter four, Matador hopes to draft the environmental impact statement (EIS) and prepare it for peer review. After that, the gold explorer is targeting EIS submission to both federal and provincial governments in 2022s second quarter, while the next major milestone the permitting process commencement date is estimated to occur in 2023. As it looks ahead, Matador has also outlined the remainder of its environmental assessment work in 2021. Activities include: Final field studies; Final fauna data collection; Final data collection from surface and groundwater sites, including water quality and sediments data; First Nation engagement plans; Completion of traditional knowledge and land use assessments; Effects Assessments and; Valued component writeups for the EIS. As an investment in Cape Rays future development, Matador is also looking into future power sources. The ASX-lister has commissioned a local power company to identify grid connection points at the Newfoundland project for future power generation. Positively, the Newfoundland and Labrador province is on track to achieve 98% green renewable hydroelectric power and is committed to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. There are two energy providers on the island, either of which Matador can select based on location and power requirements. Powers costs for the project are estimated to land between C$0.06 per kilowatt-hour and C$0.10 per kilowatt-hour some of the lowest power costs in Canada. The Cape Ray Project Matadors flagship gold exploration asset is situated along the Cape Ray shear, one of the most prospective, yet underexplored gold regions in North America. The Newfoundland-focused gold explorer is developing what it anticipates will be one of the worlds highest-grade open pit projects in a world-first jurisdiction. Currently, Cape Ray hosts an 837,000-ounce gold resource, grading at 2 g/t 96% of which is less than 200 metres from the surface. The Newfoundland project sits along 120 kilometres of continuous strike, 88% of which has seen just 20 historical drill holes. During its 2021 exploration campaign, Matador intends to complete more than 20,000 metres of resource exploration drilling and a major greenfield discovery program its largest campaign to date. These results highlight the possibility of breccia-vein style copper-gold mineralisation below the current Kalkaroo mineral resource that may have bulk tonnage underground mining potential, says technical director. Havilah shares have been as much as 12% higher on the news, up to a two-week high of 23.5 cents. ( ) (FRA:FWL) has received high-grade copper hits of up to 39 metres of 1.62% at East Kalkaroo as it continues to strengthen its large Kalkaroo Copper-Gold-Cobalt Project in South Australia. Assay results from four recent reverse circulation (RC) drill holes at East Kalkaroo have been returned with these holes designed to test for breccia-hosted copper-gold mineralisation at the eastern end of the Kalkaroo orebody. Apart from the 39-metre intersection from 131 metres, other economic grades of copper sulphide and oxidised gold mineralisation included: 59 metres at 0.83% copper and 0.28 g/t gold from 145 metres; 34 metres at 0.70% copper and 0.78 g/t gold from 100 metres; 15 metres at 0.67% copper from 173 metres; and 15 metres at 1.59 g/t gold from 118 metres. Taking Kalkaroo to development Havilah technical director Chris Giles said the latest results were proof of the companys significant progress at Kalkaroo. Our RC drilling at East Kalkaroo has returned some excellent drilling intercepts in highly brecciated (fractured and broken) and veined host rocks, he said. This mineralisation is known to continue to at least 500 metres depth based on an earlier 2001 drill hole. These results highlight the possibility of breccia-vein style copper-gold mineralisation below the current Kalkaroo mineral resource that may have bulk tonnage underground mining potential. Our priority objective remains advancing the West Kalkaroo gold open pit towards development during 2022. Detailed drill results The drill holes were specifically targeted on the Kalkaroo fault zone at East Kalkaroo to test for deeper copper-gold sulphide mineralisation in areas marginal to the current Kalkaroo mineral resource. Widespread copper and gold mineralisation was intersected in all drill holes, closely associated with highly brecciated and veined host rocks within or adjacent to the Kalkaroo fault zone. Location of East Kalkaroo drill holes and the planned West Kalkaroo gold open pit outline (blue), which is being advanced towards development. All of the East Kalkaroo drill holes ended in brecciated and mineralised material associated with the interpreted position of the major Kalkaroo fault zone. For these drill holes the assay results are copper-rich in the sulphide zone, with gold mineralisation tending to be patchy and less consistent within the copper mineralised intervals. However, gold was encountered in the oxidised ore zone and Havilah plans to further test the mineralisation with an additional tier of shallower drill holes. The assay results are consistent with the few earlier drill holes that intersected this zone, such as the 2008 Havilah diamond drill hole KKDD196A, with results as follows: 33 metres of 1.0% copper and 0.25 g/t gold from 119 metres; 10 metres of 0.47% copper and minor gold from 165 metres; 22 metres of 0.54% copper and 0.14 g/t gold from 209 metres; and 11 metres of 0.47% copper and 0.15 g/t gold from 252 metres. Of particular significance is an earlier MIM Exploration Ltd diamond hole in the near vicinity that intersected the widest and deepest zone of primary copper-gold mineralisation ever drilled on Kalkaroo deposit, with an intersection of 317.4 metres of 0.26% copper and 0.1 g/t gold from 316 metres to the end of hole. It represents a potentially large mineralised zone at East Kalkaroo, that has only ever been tested by one drill hole, to a vertical depth of 500 metres. The high tenor of copper mineralisation intersected at much shallower depths in the drill holes indicates a well-mineralised system, pointing to the potential of the breccia-vein copper sulphide mineralisation at depth. Project details and next steps Havilahs 100%-owned Kalkaroo copper-gold-cobalt deposit contains JORC-compliant resources of 1.1 million tonnes of copper, 3.1 million ounces of gold and 23,200 tonnes of cobalt. It has an open pit ore reserve of 100.1 million tonnes at a copper equivalent grade of 0.89% of which 90% is proven - making Kalkaroo is one of the largest undeveloped open pit copper-gold deposits in Australia on a copper equivalent ore reserve basis. Testing of the deep breccia-vein zone is beyond the current depth capacity of Havilahs RC drilling rig; it will be followed up in due course by contract diamond drilling. In the meantime, Havilah has mobilised its drilling equipment to the Mutooroo Copper-Cobalt-Gold Project about 70 kilometres to the south of Kalkaroo, to begin next week. - Daniel Paproth Securities will remain in a trading halt until Thursday, July 15, 2021, or when an announcement is released to the market. Initial observations from drilling at Big One Deposit of the Mt Oxide project have been positive. ( ) ( ) ( ) has been granted a trading halt pending the release of an announcement relating to material exploration results. The halt will remain in place until the start of regular trading on Thursday, July 15, or until an announcement is released to the market, whichever occurs earliest. Big One intepretations The company was highly encouraged by observations from reverse circulation drilling at the key Big One Deposit within the flagship Mt Oxide Project in northwest Queensland. For the first three holes drilled at Big One mineralisation intersections ranged from 7 to 17.5 metres, according to field geologist estimates. In addition, preliminary down-hole electromagnetic (DHEM) survey results from holes BO_315RC, BO_316RC and BO_317RC, as well as eight 2020 drill holes, suggest the density of copper mineralisation intersected is potentially higher than initial expectations. Geophysical campaign in Zambia Earlier this month, the company announced the launch of a comprehensive induced polarisation (IP) survey across the key Luanshya and Mkushi projects in Zambias copper belt. Given the scale of the campaign, the explorer expects it will take 6-8 weeks to complete and fully analyse the results. To accelerate identifying targets that can be drill tested, CCZ has engaged Geophex Surveys (GS) to undertake the survey. Reconciling findings with known anomalous areas at the surface should identify priority targets to drill. The company has staked a total of 996 claims over 24,900 hectares which are strategically located and contiguous to First Mining Gold, Sokoman Minerals-Benton joint venture, and to Marvel Discovery Falcon said the most significant deposit is the Hope Brook gold mine which was in production from 1987 to 1997 producing 752,163 ounces of gold ( ) (OTCPINK:FGLDF) (FRA:3FA) said it has acquired a significant land position within the Hope Brook Area in Newfoundland. The mineral exploration company has staked a total of 996 claims over 24,900 hectares, which are strategically located and contiguous to First Mining Gold, -Benton joint venture, and The acquisition gives it a strategic land position as exploration activity within Newfoundland continues to accelerate with no sign of slowing down, Falcon said. The Hope Brook mine was and is a very significant gold deposit intimately associated with structure, said Falcon CEO Karim Rayani in a statement. Falcon's land is situated in a very active structural corridor giving us a tremendous opportunity for success." Within this immediate area, Falcon said the most significant deposit is the Hope Brook gold mine which was in production from 1987 to 1997 producing 752,163 ounces of gold. The Hope Brook deposit is now owned by , which has outlined an additional 6.33 million tons at an average grade of 4.68 grams per ton (g/t) gold for 954,000 ounces of gold in the indicated and inferred categories. Falcon holds five additional projects, including the Camping Lake Gold property and the Springpole West Property in the world-renowned Red Lake mining camp; a 49% interest in the Burton Gold property near Sudbury Ontario; and in British Columbia, the Spitfire-Sunny Boy Gold Claims and the Gaspard property. Contact the author at Tradplus has integrated Kidoz SDK into its mediation solution for mobile apps, which will seamlessly serve Kidoz ads within kids mobile apps using the TradPlus solution Kidoz co-CEO Eldad Ben Tora said the company is 'expanding globally and China is a strategic market that we are unlocking via strategic partnerships like the one with TradPlus' Kidoz Inc ( ) (OTCMKTS:KDOZF), a mobile AdTech developer and owner of the market-leading KIDOZ Contextual Ad Network and the Kidoz Publisher SDK, said it has partnered with TradPlus, a leading mediation platform in China. The company revealed that Tradplus has integrated Kidoz SDK into its mediation solution for mobile apps, which will seamlessly serve Kidoz Ads within kids mobile apps using the TradPlus solution. Compliant with all national and international regulations (COPPA and GDPR) in relation to child safety, global advertisers work with Kidoz to target and reach more than 300 million children and families every month. Top brands such as , Lego, Disney, Crayola and more, launch kid-safe ads on the Kidoz Network. "TradPlus is a leader in mediation technology in China and now thousands of apps will have the opportunity to access Kidoz ad inventory. TradPlus is excited to bring kid-safe advertising to our publishers in China and leverage Kidoz global sales operations," TradPlus CEO Matt Wang said in a statement. TradPlus is a trusted and popular mediation platform that provides professional monetization services for top publishers in China, serving more than 50 billion ad requests daily. "Kidoz is expanding globally, and China is a strategic market that we are unlocking via strategic partnerships like the one with TradPlus," said Kidoz co-CEO Eldad Ben Tora. "As privacy and safety concerns are increasing globally, partnering with TradPlus is mutually beneficial, as Kidoz can enable top app developers in China and Asia to safely monetize their under 13 traffic, and will expand the Kidoz Network with hundreds of millions of users in China. Google certified and Apple approved, Kidoz provides an essential suite of advertising technology that unites brands, content publishers and families. The approval from Google and Apple have made Kidoz the most popular mobile network for Kid-Safe publishers and our growth is a result of our high performing media and highly engaged users, said Ben Tora. Our partnership with TradPlus is a great achievement for Kidoz and we look forward to working together." Founded in 2017, TradPlus is a monetization service that integrates SDKs of multiple mainstream ad networks around the world. Through the refined management of advertising resources and optimization algorithms, TradPlus provides developers with the best solutions for mobile traffic monetization. Kidoz has offices in Anguilla, Canada, UK, and Israel. Contact the author Uttara Choudhury at Follow her on Twitter: @UttaraProactive The company said the patent application, entitled 'Psilocybin and Norbaeocystin Compositions and Methods of Treatment', contains 67 new inventive claims and further demonstrates its vision to build a strong intellectual property portfolio PsyBio said it plans to submit its initial pre-investigational new drug application request by the end of this quarter PsyBio Therapeutics Corp ( ) (OTCMKTS:PSYBF) (FRA:PSYB) said it has filed a new provisional patent application with the US Patent and Trademark Office aimed at protecting numerous novel psychedelic drug candidates being developed for clinical trial evaluations. The patent application, entitled 'Psilocybin and Norbaeocystin Compositions and Methods of Treatment', contains 67 new inventive claims. The biotechnology company said it further demonstrates its vision to build a strong intellectual property portfolio. PsyBios portfolio now includes five pending provisional patents and one pending non-provisional patent application. In a statement, PsyBio CEO Evan Levine told investors the company is uniquely positioned as one of the leading biotechnology companies sponsoring the development of new therapeutic targets for a myriad of human health conditions. "PsyBio has a multifaceted, biotechnology-focused development program spanning compounds from different plants and fungi as well as a discovery program for a variety of non-natural drug targets, Levine said. "We have successfully tech transferred the first two molecules from the bench to commercial manufacturing and will continue with additional product candidates in the coming months, he added. The company said it plans to submit its initial pre-investigational new drug (IND) application request by the end of this quarter with the goal of filing an investigational new drug application around the end of 2021. "Results from our latest testing demonstrate preliminary enhancement of efficacy when compounds are combined," said Dr Matthew S. McMurray, a member of PsyBio's scientific advisory board and assistant professor of psychology at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. "This suggests powerful synergies exist between certain tryptamines, which may herald improved therapeutic profiles and safety. The collaboration agreement with PsyBio has expedited testing of these novel tryptamine combinations in my laboratory," he added. PsyBio Therapeutics is an intellectual property-driven biotechnology company developing novel formulations of psychoactive medications produced by genetically modified bacteria for the treatment of mental health challenges and other disorders. The team has extensive experience in drug discovery based on synthetic biology and metabolic engineering as well as clinical and regulatory expertise progressing drugs through human studies and regulatory protocols. Contact the author at TraQiQs solutions have been deployed with leading multi-national customers around the world and are helping increase customer loyalty, improve profitability and drive efficient financial transactions The Gig economy has become a focus in recent years as working patterns shift and companies and people take on more flexible working conditions due to digitization, a phenomenon that has been accelerated by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Gig workers are independent contractors and temporary workers who enter into formal agreements with on-demand companies to provide services to the company's clients as opposed to traditionally employed workers. One firm which is working to embrace the Gig economy is . ( ), a global technology company with a suite of products designed to offer a comprehensive set of services that enable customers to meet their goals in a dynamic global technology environment. TraQiQs leading-edge FinTech and AI (artificial technology) and ML (machine learning) solutions have been deployed with leading multi-national customers around the world and are helping increase customer loyalty, improve profitability and drive efficient financial transactions. TraQiQ has a global presence with offices/customers in Asia, North America, Africa and Latin America and its leadership and advisory team includes people with deep experience of running large businesses as well as successful entrepreneurs. One of those successful entrepreneurs is its CEO, Ajay Sikka, who Proactive sat down with to find out more about the company. Proactive: TraQiQ describes itself as a leading provider of FinTech solutions for the gig-economy, can you explain what you mean by this? Ajay Sikka: There has been so much conversation in the last few years about FinTech, with companies chipping away at the monolithic banking system. There are so many trends, but the one that I like the most is the one that puts the customer at the center. And it's not just FinTech standalone. Its about other trends together with FinTech that make the customer happy. These trends, such as AI and ML help us predict their requirements. FinTech is an enabling technology that helps put the transaction in place, but you've got other important trends like blockchain that provides the next level of security and so on. So, what we're trying to do at TraQiQ is look at a scenario where we are building a product stack that brings these FinTech solutions to the masses. We use our strength in working with the Gig economy to enable a lot of things. We have a wallet, we have our settlement engine, we have our own workflow engine, meaning that we have a complete software stack. And this software stack enables customers to manage tasks. You can take our software, and you can manage your 5 people, 500 people, 5,000 people. More importantly, we also have a network of over 14,000 people in India who are actually doing deliveries. So, we get this beautiful combination of the FinTech tools, the wallets, as well as the actual gig workers, the actual task workers who bring these two things together going into the field, collecting cash payments from a variety of customers. So it kind of brings these two worlds together, these two worlds that are colliding. And that's kind of what we are enabling today. The company is focused on three primary pillars designed to help identify customers, facilitate transactions, and fulfill those transactions. So can you tell us more about that? Our company is very heavily focused on these three areas. The first one, being very customer-centric, is to really understand your customer: What they want? When do they want it? How do they want it? There are so many dimensions to our customers which means we have a complete suite of AI and ML tools that help us understand a customer's behavior, the transactions they are doing, how they are doing them, and when they're doing them. The second is our FinTech stack that enables a bunch of transactions. This could be for customers who have bank accounts and credit cards, and for customers who don't. We have tools that enable you to make a payment via a text message. The third and final pillar is our last mile pillar where we facilitate deliveries and tasks where were a combination of Uber Eats, Doordash and TaskRabbit. If I look at the service we provide, our people in India are probably the most proficient at doing deliveries and tasks in the area of finance, banking and insurance. But we also do a variety of other services such as background verifications and address verifications. We also work with real estate companies to help their tenants in a variety of tasks. TraQiQ has also been building blockchain-based solutions to leverage that super-secure infrastructure for more complex transactions. How is that progressing? We all agree about the power of blockchain. We talk about security and microtransactions, and the technology prowess is amazing. But there is a second dimension as well and that's the people part of it. If you look at the data, 44% of gig workers are university graduates; 28% of them are professionals, they are lawyers and accountants and so on. I believe about 60%-plus do it to generate extra income to support their lifestyle. There is a lot of data on these people because this is such a high-growth element of our ecosystem today. When all of it started it was really good because all these venture-funded companies were getting a lot of money to these task workers coming into the network. However, if you talk to these people there is a lot of angst. They don't really make as much money as they were supposed to, with people in regular jobs making more. So these are the areas of blockchain I think that really needs to get highlighted, not just the secure network. Why do I need an Uber or Lyft or Doordash, if I can build a suitable blockchain solution that means the actual nodes of the network can interact amongst themselves, and make that extra 30%-40% of money. So from our perspective, we look at both sides, the security and all the other technology benefits as well as the people benefits. So how does blockchain help us? It helps us from a hiring process. If people have all their credentials and certifications on a blockchain, as we do each and every transaction, we can validate and make sure it's all good. That way our customers or partners or employees, everybody gets paid rapidly. And then there's also the whole notion of sharing money equally. So we are very, very committed to the blockchain platform. We actually built a wallet a couple of years ago and we are rearchitecting some of the components of our product stack right now. We are well on that journey and we're hoping that before the end of the year that we'll be making an announcement where we can start actually bringing them into our core production products. The company has a goal of getting to a $20 million-plus run rate in revenue this year, through both organic growth and strategic acquisitions. So, is more M&A imminent? Yes, we have demonstrated that we are keen on adding companies to our portfolio. But it's not just pure acquisitions. If you look at organic growth first, we announced in our Last Mile business a couple of weeks ago our growth in the verification segment, where our task workers physically go to locations and verify whether somebody does live or work there. We are going to be adding a couple of more segments in the near term in our Last Mile business. Similarly, in our Loyalty and Rewards business, we have added a couple of very large, multinational customers where our products have gone live and we're waiting to make sure everything goes well, and will be talking about those as well. So there's a fair amount of organic growth in our core business. However, if you look at the three pillars we just talked about, I expect us to make a couple more acquisitions. Some of it is about adding new technology, new products to the mix. But we're also very keen on adding significant new revenue streams. Our current focus is emerging markets and we're hoping that we can add new geographies to the mix. As of now, it does appear that we will be able to get to our $20 million run rate, or better perhaps, by the end of the year. So what should TraQiQ shareholders expect from the company in the near term? Our company is continuing to grow rapidly and our growth is, very specifically, in the three areas we've talked about, which is in Analytics, to target the customer, in FinTech, and then Last Mile delivery. This growth will continue. It will continue to be a very focused set of parameters that we will deliver on. We've talked about our revenue numbers. We've not talked about profitability, but it's coming, it's coming very soon, and we expect to be profitable in the short term to near term. The area that I'd love for our shareholders to see is new geographies, new revenue streams, new product bundles. This world that we live in is innovating so rapidly, there are so many new things happening, that it's critical that we not stop that process. COVID impacted us in many ways, however, we were fortunate that we were able to continue our revenue growth, with not very much of a hit to expenses. Our employees were fabulous, they stuck with us through many of the challenges. So going forward, I expect acquisitions; I expect better revenue; I expect us to hire a lot more people as we build out this business rapidly. In the world of technology, our employees are the most important element outside of customers. So we will be talking more about what we're doing with our employees. We'll be talking more about the social benefits that our company is helping with. And I think, lastly, over the course of the next 6 to 12 months, we'll also start talking about the profitability goals that we have, not just revenue goals. Contact the author at Tocvan Ventures (CSEL TOC) CEO Derek Wood joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company is continuing with their Phase II drill program at the Pilar Project in Mexico. That drilling has included a step-out hole that hit 35.1 meters at 0.66 g/t Au and 6 g/t Ag. That was 100 metres east of the main Pilar zone. Wood talks more about the drill program and what the company is planning to do next. BioSig will collaborate with the physician team at Medical City North Hills as the company continues to advance and expand upon the clinical and commercial strategy for its PURE EP technology PURE EP technology is currently installed at several clinical sites in Texas, one of the three strategic areas that BioSig is focused on in the targeted commercial launch phase alongside the Northeast and Florida BioSig Technologies Inc ( ) has announced the signing of a new agreement for the clinical evaluation of the companys PURE EP technology for arrhythmia care at Medical City North Hills in North Richland Hills, Texas. As part of the evaluation agreement, Medical City North Hills clinical representatives will provide on-site training and assist with data collection and interpretation and workflow customization for every physician and all electrophysiology lab staff members to ensure optimal user experience. We are pleased to start conducting patient cases at another outstanding hospital in Texas. With over 400 electrophysiology labs, the state of Texas is home to some of the greatest cardiac care facilities in our country, BioSig CEO Kenneth Londoner said in a statement. We look forward to collaborating with the physician team at Medical City North Hills as we continue to advance and expand upon our clinical and commercial strategy, Londoner added. PURE EP is a computerized system intended for acquiring, digitizing, amplifying, filtering, measuring and calculating, displaying, recording and storing of electrocardiographic and intracardiac signals for patients undergoing electrophysiology (EP) procedures in an EP laboratory. The company noted that Texas is one of the three strategic areas that BioSig is focused on in the targeted commercial launch phase, alongside the Northeast and Florida. PURE EP technology is currently installed at several clinical sites in Texas, including Houston Methodist Hospital. BioSig added that more than 50 physicians have completed over 1000 patient cases with the PURE EP System across 12 clinical sites. Contact Sean at "I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I'm not a pro-vaxxer. I'm somebody that's looking at this thing and trying to figure it outI feel like a vaccination in a weird way is just generally kind of going against natureLike, I mean, if there is some disease out there -- maybe there's just an ebb and flow to life where something's supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people, and that's just kind of the way evolution goes. Vaccines kind of stand in the way of that. Do you follow what I'm saying? Does that make sense to somebody in medicine?" Newsmax host Rob Schmitt NO. Everyone in medicine Russian Business Ombudsman praises effectiveness of business support amid pandemic RAPSI, Vladimir Burnov 11:13 13/07/2021 MOSCOW, July 12 (RAPSI) The economic support measures taken by the authorities have helped to save small and medium-sized businesses during the period of the pandemic and respective restrictions, according to Business Rights Commissioner Boris Titov. This Monday, Titov presented President Vladimir Putin with a report on the results of his activities in 2020. Special attention in the report was paid to business support measures amid the pandemic, the Kremlin press service informs. Titov believes that measures to support business and entrepreneurship over the pandemic period have been very balanced. In spite of the fact that initially these measures were somewhat frowned at, basing on their results it can be seen that the measures were weighed, effective, and timely, Titov is quoted as saying. The best practice on the part of the authorities, the Business Ombudsman believes, is that they refrained from massive lock downs. In the III-IV quarters of 2020, small and medium-sized businesses practically recovered, and large ones were generally loosing less, Titov observes. According to the Business Rights Commissioner, the measure providing for a 15% reduction in social contributions from businesses worked very well and was economically justified, for instance, the personal income tax has grown by more than 6% in terms of budget revenues. At the same time, he praised the fact that in 2020 the number of business inspections decreased and asked the President to extend the moratorium on inspections of small and medium-sized businesses until 2022. However, Titov notes, the figures registered in the first quarter of 2021, unfortunately, were not so good. A special index developed by his Office in cooperation with Sberbank demonstrates that the revenue of small businesses decreased by 19% over this period, and the current situation demands to ask for working out additional support measures and reintroduction of some already used ones in the event new restrictions on businesses are needed because of the pandemic, the Business Ombudsman stressed. A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. After UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath unveiled the draft population control bill, Congress leader Salman Khurshid said the state should tell how many "legitimate or illegitimate" children ministers have. While other opposition parties have termed it as an election gimmick, commenting on the draft bill Khurshid said the state government should share how many "legitimate and illegitimate children" its ministers have. Khurshid said, "Politicians should declare how many children they have. I will also declare how many I have and then it should be discussed." The Yogi government in Uttar Pradesh has unveiled its new policy on population control for 2021-30 on the occasion of the World Population Day on July 11. The Chief Minister has called for a community-centric approach to population control so that better facilities may be made available to the people and the state can be developed properly. "Poverty and illiteracy are major factors for population explosion. There is also a lack of awareness about population in certain communities and we therefore need community-centric awareness efforts," he said. According to a government spokesmen, the state's total fertility rate is 2.7 per cent currently whereas it should ideally be less than 2.1 per cent. In yet another blow to China, navies from India and Maldives participated in the fourth edition of Ekatha exercise, with Male making a statement that it is India and not China which will serve as the net security provider of Maldives. A pivotal nation in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), Maldives is strategically located close to key international shipping lanes. In a meeting with Vice Admiral Anil Kumar Chawla, Flag Officer, Commanding in Chief, Southern Naval Command of the Indian Navy on Sunday, the Maldives Foreign Affairs minister Abdulla Shahid not only reflected on the "historically strong bilateral relations" between the two countries, particularly in the field of defence and security cooperation, but also discussed in detail the "emerging security threats" in the region. Held at the Maldives' Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting saw Shahid reaffirming his government's commitment to focus on strengthening maritime safety and security in the Indian Ocean and also acknowledging the "important role" played by the Indian Armed Forces in enhancing and developing the capacity of the Maldives National Defence Force. "Delighted to meet with Vice Admiral A.K. Chawla, Flag Officer, C-in-C, Southern Naval Command of Indian Navy today. Discussed importance of cooperation between countries in maintaining peace & security in the Indian Ocean Region, especially in light of emerging security threats," the minister tweeted after the meeting. Shahid was accompanied by the country's Foreign Secretary, Abdul Ghafoor Mohamed and Joint Secretary, India Division, Mariyam Midhfa Naeem at the meeting. Building bridges of friendship, Indian Navy's elite marine commandos unit MARCOS have held joint training exercises with the strategically located neighbour since 2017, contributing to the capacity building of the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Marines and enhancing the interoperability of the forces. Vice Admiral Chawla also paid a courtesy call on Maldives Defence Minister Mariya Didi following the end of the Exercise Ekatha who appreciated the support provided by the Indian Navy during the Covid-19 pandemic, undertaking the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) surveillance and towards training of the MNDF personnel. Thanking the Indian Armed Forces for the continued support rendered to MNDF, Maldives' Chief of Defence Force, Major General Abdulla Shamaal also deliberated on enhancing maritime security cooperation and other key areas of military cooperation during his meeting with the top Indian Navy officer. India leads maritime security efforts A key maritime neighbour in the Indian Ocean Region, Maldives continues to occupy an important place in India's 'Neighbourhood First' policy and the 'SAGAR' (Security and Growth for All in the Region) vision of the Narendra Modi government. In pursuit of its priority of growth and development, or 'sabka saath, sabka vikas', the Indian government is continuously working to increase the momentum and energy in the bilateral relationship which has "reached unprecedented levels" under the leadership of PM Modi and President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. In May, New Delhi announced the opening of a new Consulate General in Addu City to help augment India's diplomatic presence in Maldives and make it commensurate with the existing and aspired level of engagement. A month before that, in the first meeting of the 'Joint Working Group on Counter Terrorism, Countering Violent Extremism and De-Radicalisation', both sides had reviewed threats posed by terrorist entities that are under UN sanctions and emphasised the need for concerted action against all terrorist networks. India had also played a key role in the Maldives candidate, Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, winning the election to the post of the President of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, last month. The victory meant that the Maldives will be only the sixth President from a Small Island Developing State, presiding over the UN General Assembly in the history of the United Nations. With two-thirds of the world's oil shipments and half of all container ships passing through its waters, Maldives remains a geo-strategically important country, especially with the growing presence of China in the Indian Ocean Region. With maritime security becoming the most pressing issue, India has not only conveyed its unwavering support and assistance to Maldives, but also led discussions on issues pertaining to cooperation among Indian Ocean countries at engagements like the 'Indian Ocean Region Defence Ministers Conclave 2021' held in Bengaluru earlier this year and the revived 'NSA-level Meeting on Trilateral Maritime Security Cooperation', organised after a gap of six years, in Colombo last November. The long delayed monsoon finally arrived early on Tuesday giving much needed respite to the citizens in Delhi-NCR. The national capital along with adjoining cities including - Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida, and Ghaziabad have also received rainfall. On Monday evening, the Met Department had predicted that the conditions were favourable for further advance of southwest Monsoon over Delhi, parts of West Uttar Pradesh, some more parts of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. "Thunderstorm with light to moderate intensity rain and winds with speed of 20-40 Km/h would occur over and adjoining areas of isolated places of Delhi, North-East Delhi, East Delhi, NCR (Noida, Ghaziabad), Sonipat, Aurangabad, Palwal (Haryana)," IMD had tweeted on Monday. The South-West monsoon arrived in Delhi-NCR after India Meteorological Department's (IMD) several predictions made in the last 15 days went wrong. Reacting to the arrival of monsoon on Tuesday, Madhavan Rajeevan, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences, tweeted, "Finally Monsoon Rains over Delhi! Even though monsoon conditions were prevailing the last 2-3 days, India MET dept was waiting for these rains to declare the onset of monsoon. Last 2 days it has rained everywhere surrounding Delhi, except Delhi." "Rain realised over Delhi between 7 to 8.30 hrs of today, the 13th July 2021. Safdarjung - 2.5 (cm), Ayanagar - 1.3, Palam - 2.4, CHO Lodi Road - 1.9 and Ridge- 1.0," read another tweet of IMD. Due to the delay in the arrival of the monsoon, the MET Department had to face criticism. On July 11, Madhavan Rajeevan, responding to criticism on its wrong prediction, had said, "We just don't download someone's model forecast to provide users. We have one of the best end-to-end forecasting systems, thanks to the Monsoon Mission. Trust us, we are one of the best and we will keep improving. Our forecasts sometimes can go wrong." This year, the rains were first predicted to make a record early march across the country, initially predicted to hit Delhi by June 13-15. But in the latter half of the month, the progress slowed down before it eventually stalled and entered a three-week break phase. The Monsoon had reached almost all parts of the country but had stayed away from Delhi, Haryana, parts of west Uttar Pradesh and west Rajasthan. The weather forecasting agency had predicted that monsoon is expected to cover these parts by June -- a little less than a month back but that did not happen. K Jenamani, a senior scientist at IMD has said they will study why the arrival of monsoon was delayed in Delhi despite favourable conditions. Edison, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/13/2021 -- HTF MI Analyst have added a new research study on Title Global Durable Juvenile Products Market Report 2020 by Key Players, Types, Applications, Countries, Market Size, Forecast to 2026 (Based on 2020 COVID-19 Worldwide Spread) with detailed information of Product Types [Strollers, Child Seats, Bicycles & Tricycles, Baby Carrier & Others], Applications [Maternity & Childcare Store, Brand Store, Supermarket & Online] & Key Players Such as Britax, Dorel Industries Inc., Artsana Group, Newell Rubbermaid, Kolcraft Enterprises, Combi Group, Silver Cross & Goodbaby International Holdings Ltd. etc. The Study provides in-depth comprehensive analysis for regional segments that covers North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa with global outlook and includes Clear Market definitions, classifications, manufacturing processes, cost structures, development policies and plans. The facts and data are well presented in the Durable Juvenile Products report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations with respect to its current trends, dynamics, and business scope & key statistics. If you are a Durable Juvenile Products manufacturer and deals in exports imports then this article will help you understand the Sales Volume with Impacting Trends. Click here for free sample + related graphs of the report @: Impact Analysis Global Durable Juvenile Products Market Research Analysts at HTF MI constantly monitor the Durable Juvenile Products industry factors with impacts of current events; with this study an update of how industry players have tackled latest scenario and what key strategies have made significant difference is showcased. Key Highlights from Durable Juvenile Products Market Study. Revenue and Sales Estimation Historical Revenue and sales volume is presented and further data is triangulated with top-down and bottom-up approaches to forecast complete market size and to estimate forecast numbers for key regions covered in the report along with classified and well recognized Types and end-use industry. Additionally, macroeconomic factor and regulatory policies are ascertained in Durable Juvenile Products industry evolution and predictive analysis. Manufacturing Analysis the report is currently analysed concerning various product type and application. The Durable Juvenile Products market provides a chapter highlighting manufacturing process analysis validated via primary information collected through Industry experts and Key officials of profiled companies. FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS: In order to better understand Durable Juvenile Products market condition five forces analysis is conducted that includes Bargaining power of buyers, Bargaining power of suppliers, Threat of new entrants, Threat of substitutes, Threat of rivalry. Competition Leading players have been studied from Durable Juvenile Products Industry depending on their company profile, product portfolio, capacity, product/service price, sales, and cost/profit. Demand & Supply and Effectiveness Durable Juvenile Products report additionally provides distribution, Production, Consumption & EXIM** (Export & Import). ** If applicable Have Any Query? Ask Our Expert @: Geographically, the following regions together with the listed national/local markets are fully investigated: - APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and Rest of APAC; Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka) - Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania) - North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) - South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) - MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa) The Latest Trends, Product Portfolio, Demographics, Geographical segmentation, and Regulatory Framework of the Durable Juvenile Products Market have also been included in the study. Market Growth by Applications: Maternity & Childcare Store, Brand Store, Supermarket & Online Heat map Analysis, 3-Year Financial and Detailed Company Profiles of Key & Emerging Players: Britax, Dorel Industries Inc., Artsana Group, Newell Rubbermaid, Kolcraft Enterprises, Combi Group, Silver Cross & Goodbaby International Holdings Ltd. Market Growth by Types: Strollers, Child Seats, Bicycles & Tricycles, Baby Carrier & Others Book Latest Edition of Study Global Durable Juvenile Products Market Study @ Introduction about Global Durable Juvenile Products Global Durable Juvenile Products Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) [Strollers, Child Seats, Bicycles & Tricycles, Baby Carrier & Others] in 2019 Durable Juvenile Products Market by Application/End Users [Maternity & Childcare Store, Brand Store, Supermarket & Online] Global Durable Juvenile Products Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Applications Global Global Durable Juvenile Products Sales and Growth Rate (2016-2026) Durable Juvenile Products Competition by Players/Suppliers, Region, Type and Application Durable Juvenile Products (Volume, Value and Sales Price) table defined for each geographic region defined. Global Durable Juvenile Products Players/Suppliers Profiles and Sales Data Key Raw Materials Analysis & Price Trends Supply Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers, Industrial Chain Analysis ........and view more in complete table of Contents Check Complete Report Details @ Thanks for reading this article; HTF also offers Custom Research services providing focused, comprehensive and tailored research according to clientele objectives. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report like North America, Europe or Asia Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA 08837 Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218 Connect with us at LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter Northbrook, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/13/2021 -- According to the new market research report "Military Sensors Market By Platform (Airborne, Land, Naval, Munitions, Satellites), Application, Type, and Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, Rest of the World) - Global Forecast to 2026", published by MarketsandMarkets, the market size is projected to grow from USD 9.9 Billion in 2021 to USD 13.2 Billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2021 to 2026. The military sensors market is growing at a significant rate across the world, and a similar trend is expected to be observed during the forecast period. Increasing demand for battlespace awareness among defense forces, ongoing advancements in MEMS technology, increasing use of UAVs in modern warfare, and increasing focus on weapon system reliability are fueling the growth of the military sensors market. Ask for PDF Brochure: "The gyroscope sub-segment is projected to lead the military sensors market from 2021 to 2026." The introduction of MEMS-based gyroscopes has been a major point of innovation in the gyroscope technology. An increase in demand for high performance inertial navigation systems (INS) has fueled the growth of gyroscopes in military sensors market. The military aviation industry, which is one of the key consumers of inertial navigation systems, has been a major reason for the market growth and is expected to be a key driver for the global market. The increased adoption of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the defense sector will also play a major role in market growth. In June 2019, the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) awarded a USD 4.4 million three-year contract to Vector Atomic (US) for the MDA Hypersonic Defense Component Technology program to design a micro-flatpack accelerometer-gyroscope sensor that will use hybrid integrated photonics. The company will develop and test a low size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) navigation-grade gyroscope-accelerometer capable of navigating under severe acceleration, shock, and vibration characteristics of a hypersonic missile interceptor. "Based on application, electronic warfare segment will register the highest growth from 2021 to 2026." Significant technological advancements and integration of sensors and electronics in military equipment are resulting in a shift towards multilayered defense systems, which is expected to drive the electronic warfare segment in military sensors market during the forecast period. Adding to these factors, the increase in the use of UAV systems and the need for ground surveillance and communication jamming serve as opportunities for the electronic warfare segment. In March 2021, BAE Systems secured a USD 58 million contract to begin low-rate initial production of an electronic warfare system for F-15s to protect pilots from advanced threats coming over the electromagnetic spectrum. The contract scope includes multispectral sensors and countermeasures, signal processing, microelectronics and algorithms to deliver radar warning, situational awareness, geolocation, and self-protection capabilities. Browse in-depth TOC on "Military Sensors Market" 200 Tables 44 Figures 256 Pages Inquiry Before Buying: "The North America is projected to lead the military sensors market from 2021 to 2026." Significant investments in R&D activities for the development of advanced military power solutions by key players and increased demand for lightweight and energy-efficient sensors are some of the factors expected to fuel the growth of the military sensors market in this region. The US is expected to drive the growth of the North American military sensors market during the forecast period, owing to easy access to various innovative technologies and significant investments being made by manufacturers in the country for the development of improved health monitoring and warfare sensors. Several developments have taken place in the field of military sensors in the region. Major companies profiled in the report include Honeywell International (US), TE Connectivity (Switzerland), Raytheon Technology (US), Lockheed Martin (US), Thales (France), Bae Systems (UK) among others. Related Reports: Aircraft Sensors Market by Connectivity, Platform (UAV, EVTOL, Fixed, Rotary), Sensor (Pressure, Temperature, Speed, Proximity, Gyro) Application (Engine, Door, Environmental Control), End Use (OEM, Aftermarket), Region - Global Forecast to 2025 About MarketsandMarkets MarketsandMarkets provides quantified B2B research on 30,000 high growth niche opportunities/threats which will impact 70% to 80% of worldwide companies' revenues. Currently servicing 7500 customers worldwide including 80% of global Fortune 1000 companies as clients. Almost 75,000 top officers across eight industries worldwide approach MarketsandMarkets for their painpoints around revenues decisions. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the "Growth Engagement Model GEM". The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write "Attack, avoid and defend" strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors. MarketsandMarkets now coming up with 1,500 MicroQuadrants (Positioning top players across leaders, emerging companies, innovators, strategic players) annually in high growth emerging segments. MarketsandMarkets is determined to benefit more than 10,000 companies this year for their revenue planning and help them take their innovations/disruptions early to the market by providing them research ahead of the curve. MarketsandMarkets's flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, "Knowledge Store" connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets. Contact: Mr. Aashish Mehra MarketsandMarkets INC. 630 Dundee Road Suite 430 Northbrook, IL 60062 USA: +1-888-600-6441 Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/13/2021 -- With this special offer you just need to buy a flight ticket to Dubai or reconnect via Dubai and you get to stay in a luxurious 5 Star Hotel in Dubai for a night. Book a business class ticket to Dubai and stay for 3 (three) nights in a 5 Star hotel. Travel Guzs always delivers world class travel services at affordable prices and complete satisfaction. With the Dubai Stopover program, travelers can reconnect to Dubai with cheap business class tickets from various US Gateways. The hotel features award-winning dining options, its own shopping galleria and much more; and is conveniently located near attractions like the Dubai Mall, Burj Khalifa and the Dubai Opera. Dubai is a place where you can experience the pinnacles of luxury accommodation and five-star dining, but also more down-to-earth traditions and leisure activities. Book by July 15, 2021. Travel Guzs has negotiated Air Fares in Economy and Business Class to Suit your Budget, fly from Miami, New York, Newark, Boston, Washington, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle to Dubai spend 1 or 3 Nights with Travel Guzs Complimentary Hotel Accommodations Offer and Connect to Your Onward Destination to Phuket, Maldives, Seychelles, Nairobi, Athens, Milan, Cairo, Cape Town, Cebu, Kathmandu, Kula Lumpur, Johannesburg, Mumbai, Amman and many more. Travel Guzs is an authorized travel agency to offer Dubai Expo packages. Dubai Stopover/Dubai Experience specifically designed for short-stay tourists to enjoy the wide range of attractions and experiences of the Emirates at the most affordable rates. Emirates Dubai Experience has been specifically created for passengers connecting or transiting via Dubai International Airport. It is well suited for Tourists looking for exclusive customized Dubai experiences. Dubai Stopover enables guests to choose from a variety of hotel stay options and activities whether it is for a short stay in Dubai or 3 or more days stay in Dubai. This program allows tourists to enjoy a taste of Dubai. Travel Guzs is committed to work closely with partners to curate and offer Dubai Itineraries that can be experienced in a shorter time frame. Passengers can also schedule to visit places and Sightseeing in Dubai before arrival. Stopover in Dubai offers the best added value service available in Dubai, allowing visitors to experience an array of popular attractions and experiences. With Stopover in Dubai, the passengers will be able to explore popular attractions in Dubai, including Burj Khalifa, Theme Parks, Dubai Marina, Dubai Fountain Show, City Sightseeing with Hop on Hop Off Bus, Aquarium and Underwater Zoo & Dubai Frame according to the customer's schedule. Hamid Lakhani, the CEO of Travel Guzs speaking about this launch: "We are extremely excited about Complimentary Hotel Night(s) Program. With the introduction of this new Emirates Dubai Stopover, Tourists are provided with additional ease of access to a few tourists' attractions in the city with great benefits for both Families and for Independent Travelers. TravelGuzs is offering a taste of the Emirates Leisure attractions, the program will not only allow guests to optimize their time in the city of Dubai but shall also convince them to come back and re-discover what else does Dubai has more to offer." About TravelGuzs TravelGuzs is one of the reputed & leading Travel Management Company based in US and India, currently in process of expanding the reach of services to Companies globally for association to partner for all kinds of travel needs, be it air, hotel, car, insurance, holiday packages or Cruises. With a strength of more than 12 travel arrangers on roll most of them are IATA certified with minimum 15 years of experience. Having worked on more than a million travel itineraries over the past decade, TravelGuzs is a rising star. Media Contact New Delhi, India -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/12/2021 -- Tula Digital has perfected the art of developing and manufacturing weighing solutions in line with the global industry standards. The company has three certified, state of the art facilities for the production of electronic weighing scales, weighbridges, and weigh-based systems. Accurate, efficient, and cost-effective, the weighing solutions have takers across industries, regions, and countries. Companies like ISRO, BHEL, SUPERTECH, ICGEB, NV Group, ICICI Bank, BIKANERWALA, HAVELLS, Hero Honda, Pepsi, MOD, and Max Healthcare have been relying on Tula Digital to usher improved materials flow capabilities and transparency into their day to day operations. The spokesperson at Tula Digital stated, "23 years on, Tula Digital has been at the forefront of the delivery of weighing solutions in India. We have 30 plus locations across India to cater to every industry and region, requiring accurate measurements and higher accountability. We even ship to five countries, giving us a strong international presence. Our USP has been a stunning product variety backed by the promise of quality, prices, and friendly service. We offer Retail Scales, Weighbridges, Precision Balances, Table Top & Platform Scales, and Tank Weighing. We are extensively relied on for custom weighing solutions to the client's specifications." Tula Digital is one of India's leading electronic weighbridge manufacturers, supporting all applications, budgets, and requirements. The company offers it all with full quality assurance from Steel Pitless and Steel Pit Type to Concrete Pit Type and Concrete Pitless. Tula Digital has a thriving after-sales service setup with factory-trained engineers extending their expert service on-site. The company has partnered with DIBAL (Spain) Retail Scales, a top-rated weighing and labelling company credited with streamlining the European retail industry. As a distribution partner, Tula Digital sells and services DIBAL retail scales India-wide with commitment. On truck weighing machines, the spokesperson further stated, "Tula Digital is associated with both steel and concrete platform top truck weighing machine. Also, we have analogue and digital options for loadcells. The digital loadcell system is developed in-house in line with the industry standards in accuracy and efficiency. While both types of loadcells deliver similar performance and functionality, digital loadcells offer a certain advantage in accuracy, ease of use and upkeep, and overall security. They incorporate an internal system to convert analogue signals into digital ones, making the loadcells virtually tamper-proof." Since the digital loadcell system is self-calibrating, the need for corner adjustments is pushed out of the equation while truck scale commissioning time is also brought down significantly. The system can also be relied on for improved diagnostics and error reporting, discouraging the chances of deliberate tampering. The truck weighing machines are powered by Swift Weighlink, user-friendly software that can be operated on any PC. The software is designed to deliver precise info on date, vehicle, supplier, material, and more. Reports can be retrieved on all transactions taking place within a specified time frame. About Tula Digital (India) Pvt. Ltd Since 1997, Tula Digital (India) Pvt. Ltd is the market leader in weighing technology. Under the Swift brand, the company offers retail scales, weighbridges, precision balances, tabletop & platform scales, and tank weighing solutions. Lately, Tula Digital is attracting a deluge of those who want to get pit less weighbridges across India and abroad. Contact Information: Tula Digital (India) Pvt. Ltd Head Office: A-12, Naraina Industrial Area Phase 1, New Delhi 110028, India Telephone: + (91)-11-4141 1058/ + (91)-98100 33681/ + (91)-98731 99235 (Mon-Sat 9:30 AM 6:00 PM) In 2020, planetary scientists detected small amounts of the biosignature gas phosphine (PH 3 ) in the atmosphere of Venus using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) radio telescopes. In a new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a duo of scientists from Cornell University argues for the plausibility of volcanically extruded phosphide as an abiotic source of the atmospheric phosphine. It is of value to ask why phosphine is in the Venusian atmosphere, if it is there, said Cornell Universitys Jonathan Lunine and doctoral candidate Ngoc Truong. Phosphine had been considered and proposed as a potential biosignature in oxidizing terrestrial exoplanets atmospheres. However, the specific pathway of biological production of phosphine still remains uncertain with no known direct metabolic pathway. The authors hypothesize that trace amounts of phosphides formed in the mantle are a plausible abiotic source of the Venusian phosphine observed. In their hypothesis, small amounts of phosphides, sourced from a deep mantle, are brought to the surface by volcanism. These phosphides are then ejected into the atmosphere in the form of volcanic dust by volcanic eruptions. Sufficiently large explosive eruptions similar to the scale of Earths Krakatoa volcanic eruption in Indonesia in 1883 could inject material directly into the Venusian sulfuric acid cloud layer, explosions invoked by other scientists to explain the episodic changes of sulfur dioxide seen in the planets atmosphere. There, these phosphides react with sulfuric acid in the aerosol layer to form phosphine. The phosphine is not telling us about the biology of Venus, Professor Lunine said. Its telling us about the geology. Science is pointing to a planet that has active explosive volcanism today or in the very recent past. Our phosphine model suggests explosive volcanism occurring, while radar images from NASAs Magellan spacecraft in the 1990s show some geologic features could support this, he added. If Venus has phosphide a form of phosphorous present in the planets deep mantle and, if it is brought to the surface in an explosive, volcanic way and then injected into the atmosphere, those phosphides react with the Venusian atmospheres sulfuric acid to form Phosphine, Truong said. In 1978, on NASAs Pioneer orbiter mission, scientists uncovered variations of sulfur dioxide in Venus upper atmosphere, hinting at the prospect of explosive volcanism, similar to the scale of Krakatoa volcanic eruption. But confirming explosive volcanism on Venus through the gas phosphine was totally unexpected. _____ N. Truong & J.I. Lunine. 2021. Volcanically extruded phosphides as an abiotic source of Venusian phosphine. PNAS 118 (29): e2021689118; doi: 10.1073/pnas.2021689118 A new study led by a Duke University researcher supports the idea that domestication enhanced the cooperative-communicative abilities of dogs as selection for attraction to humans altered social maturation. Dogs are born with the innate ability to understand that were communicating with them and were trying to cooperate with them, said lead author Hannah Salomons, a doctoral student at Duke University. In the study, Salomons and colleagues compared 44 dog and 37 wolf puppies (5-18 weeks old) on a battery of temperament and cognition tasks. In one test, the researchers hid a treat in one of two bowls, then gave each dog or wolf puppy a clue to help them find the food. In some trials, they pointed and gazed in the direction the food was hidden. In others, they placed a small wooden block beside the right spot a gesture the puppies had never seen before to show them where the treat was hidden. The results were striking: even with no specific training, dog puppies as young as 8 weeks old understood where to go, and were twice as likely to get it right as wolf puppies the same age who had spent far more time around people. Seventeen out of 31 dog puppies consistently went to the right bowl. In contrast, none out of 26 human-reared wolf pups did better than a random guess. Control trials showed the puppies werent simply sniffing out the food. Even more impressive, many of the dog puppies got it right on their first trial. Its not about which species is smarter, Salomons said. Dog puppies and wolf puppies proved equally adept in tests of other cognitive abilities, such as memory, or motor impulse control, which involved making a detour around transparent obstacles to get food. It was only when it came to the puppies people-reading skills that the differences became clear. Other tests showed that dog puppies were also 30 times more likely than wolf pups to approach a stranger. With the dog puppies we worked with, if you walk into their enclosure they gather around and want to climb on you and lick your face, whereas most of the wolf puppies run to the corner and hide, Salomons said. And when presented with food inside a container that was sealed so they could no longer retrieve it, the wolf pups generally tried to solve the problem on their own, whereas the dog puppies spent more time turning to people for help, looking them in the eye as if to say: Im stuck can you fix this? This study really solidifies the evidence that the social genius of dogs is a product of domestication, said Duke Universitys Professor Brian Hare, senior author of the study. Its this ability that makes dogs such great service animals, It is something they are really born prepared to do. Much like human infants, dog puppies intuitively understand that when a person points, theyre trying to tell them something, whereas wolf puppies dont. We think it indicates a really important element of social cognition, which is that others are trying to help you. The study was published in the journal Current Biology. _____ Hannah Salomons et al. Cooperative Communication with Humans Evolved to Emerge Early in Domestic Dogs. Current Biology, published online July 12, 2021; doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.051 Page Content The Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley would like to reiterate to the public that the Collective Food Assistance Program coordinated by the St. Maarten Development Fund (SMDF) is still open and actively accepting new registrations. Persons who were previously beneficiaries of the Red Cross version of the program received a WhatsApp or SMS text message to re-register their households under the new program being coordinated by SMDF and implemented by K1 Britannia, Freegan Food Foundation, and COME Center. Persons who were receiving assistance from any of the three organizations are also able and encouraged to re-register. If you are having difficulty re-registering your household; appointments can be made to visit the Help Desks in Dutch Quarter or Cole Bay by sending a WhatsApp message to 721-554-3219. Persons interested in registering for the first time can visit or send a WhatsApp message to 721-554-3219 for further assistance. The Whatsapp number services the languages of English, Spanish and Creole. The Prime Minister is right when he said that there is a need to focus on developing futuristic solutions in the fields of education, health care, agriculture, defence and cyber technologies. by N.S.Venkataraman In an interaction with the heads of over hundred institutes including the IITs and the Indian Institute of Science (IISC), IISERs , Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the Atmanirbhar Abhiyan implemented by Government of India should form the basis to achieve the dreams and aspirations of India in the coming 25 years. Prime Minister further said that R&D institutions would be critical to ensure that the upcoming decade is termed Indias Techade A long way to go : The Prime Minister is right when he said that there is a need to focus on developing futuristic solutions in the fields of education, health care, agriculture, defence and cyber technologies. Obviously, the Prime Minister knows that several other sectors including chemical and allied industries have to expand and improve the performance in quantitative and qualitative level, as the progress in chemical and other industries is a pre condition for development in several other sectors.. The Prime Minister expects much from the innovators, researchers and scientists in India. However, considering the ground realities, it appears that India still has a long way to go. Obviously, drastic changes have to be brought about in the mindset of the Indian scientists , technologists and entrepreneurs , apart from the fact that the commitment of those in power and those serving in government machinery at various levels should be significantly improved. Performance in R & D field While there are some isolated spectacular achievements in R&D in some sectors, taking a holistic view, the overall achievements in Indian R&D field does not inspire confidence. R&D activities are taking place in India largely in government owned CSIR labs and universities. The contribution of the private sector in R&D activities is minimal due to whatever reasons. As a result, the growth of Indian industry now is largely dependent on the level of import of technology from abroad, which happens even from tiny countries like Taiwan, South Korea and Israel. To achieve Prime Ministers aspirations for Indias Techade, it is absolutely necessary that an element of dynamism and accountability have to be injected in the Indian R&D institutions and universities. Since the government is spending thousands of crores of rupees year after year in funding research and in maintaining research institutions, the Government of India needs to ensure that the investment is well spent. Obviously, one solution could be to privatize the CSIR labs and convert them into joint venture between private bodies and the government , that would lead to purposive and target oriented and time bound research activities. Further, international organisations should be encouraged to set up research centres in India , for which India need to proactively modify the patent regulations and policies relating to intellectual property rights . This would go a long way in moving towards Techade India. Meddling environmentalists In India, unfortunately, the dividing line between politicians and environmentalists have become too thin. As a result, even some well meaning projects have been stopped by so called environmentalists,due to political reasons and motivated, poorly informed and prejudiced views. It is a sad fact that the media and politicians do not give credence to the views and opinions of the scientists and researchers in matters relating to science ,technology and ecological issues. The politicians and activists seem to think that they have the liberty to over rule the scientists and researchers. The immediate example is the Neutrino project in Tamil Nadu , which has been stranded due to agitation by politicians and environmental activists, who seem to think that they know better than the researchers and scientists even with regard to such advanced technologies. It may be recalled that the views of former President Abdul Kalam , who was a renowned scientist, supporting the Neutrino project was not good enough for the politicians and activists in Tamil Nadu to give up their resistance to the Neutrino project. Several other poorly informed and prejudiced debates against important projects have resulted in the derailment of the projects , which has been causing enormous harm to the industrial development and scientific advancement in the country. The grim fact is that the counter productive and motivated environmental campaign have become stumbling block to achieve the Prime Ministers dream for Indias Techade. Certainly, Prime Minister has to restore the pride of place for technologists and researchers in the national arena and in the decision making process. In the present vitiated climate in the country, where it appears that politics is the be all and end all of the national activity , ensuring the respect for the researchers and technologists appears to have become a challenging task. Need consistent and long term government policy : On many occasions, the project promoters and industrial leaders have found that the frequent change in the policies, tax measures and directives of the government have upset their short term and long term plans , due to lack of consistency in the policy measures of the government. One immediate example that comes to mind is the retrospective tax, which has made the Vedanta group go to court against the Government of India. The frequent and sudden changes in the mining laws have also impacted several mineral based industries. Sugar industry is yet another victim of the governments whimsical policies with regard to cane pricing , export of sugar etc., which come as a bolt from the blue for the project promoters. Entrepreneurial dynamism need recognition : Certainly, there are many project promoters and entrepreneurs in India in multiple fields, who have shown extraordinary level of initiatives that have contributed to the industrial and economic growth of India. While some entrepreneurs could have indulged in misappropriation on some occasions , they are very few in number and it is extremely counter productive to view all entrepreneurs with suspicion . Some politicians and motivated critics have been creating a bad image about the project promoters as if they are greedy and exploiters and the media give undue publicity to such negative aspersions. For example, the campaign against the Sterlite Copper unit in Tamil Nadu which has been forced to close down by the Tamil Nadu state government is suspected to be more political than technical. Many believe that Sterlite Copper has been sinned against rather than sinning. While the courts have allowed Sterlite Copper to resume operations after examining the environmental issues and suggesting some remedial measures, the hate campaign against the promoters is so strong and venomous and the state government is refusing to permit the unit to operate. As a result, India has now become a net importer of copper though it was an exporter of copper when Sterilite Copper was in operation. In the process , India is losing foreign exchange worth several thousands crores of rupees. Indias Techade achievable : All said and done, the Prime Ministers aspiration on Indias techade is praiseworthy and achievable. However, this cannot be achieved by tall talk and impressive dreams. While several measures are required to improve the investment and research climate, the need is that investors and researchers should be given their due place in the country and their true image as contributors for national growth should be protected, so long as they operate within the ambit of the law. Finally, this article would not be complete without mentioning political corruption at various levels including at ministerial level, which is adversely impacting the growth of the economy and industrial projects. The Prime Minister should boldly and clearly tell the ministers and bureaucrats, both at the central and state level, that they should stop forthwith the habit of summoning chief executives and top officers of the industrial and commercial organisations for personal appearance at the drop of a hat. Often , such summons are suspected to happen due to the demand for favouritism and bribes by those in power. Many times, the executives feel humiliated at the hands of even petty government officials. The Prime Minister has to condemn such behavior and tell the ministers and bureaucrats that they should exercise their powers within limits of modesty and humility and should not behave like emperors. While Indias Techade is technically feasible, whether it is achievable in practical terms is a moot question. The Prime Minister has done well to call upon the scientists and technologists and industrialists to raise up their performance . At the same time, the Prime Minister should also realize that they can raise their performance, only if the ministers and bureaucrats and officials at various levels in the government too raise their standards of performance. It needs two hands to clap. 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29: ... code stack: /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html:25 /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ /var/cache/mason/obj/1784076917/main/smetimes/dhandler.html.obj:17 /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/autohandler_template.html:149 Can't call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25. Trace begun at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 129 HTML::Mason::Exceptions::rethrow_exception('Can\'t call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25.^J') called at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 160 HTML::Mason::Component::run_dynamic_sub('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fc002b62198)', 'main') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 951 HTML::Mason::Request::call_dynamic('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00268b908)', 'main') called at /var/cache/mason/obj/1784076917/main/smetimes/dhandler.html.obj line 17 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 138 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fc002b62198)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 1305 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 1295 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef) called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 958 HTML::Mason::Request::call_next('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00268b908)') called at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/autohandler_template.html line 149 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 138 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fc002bb1f28)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 1303 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 1295 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef) called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 484 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 484 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 436 HTML::Mason::Request::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00268b908)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 165 HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00268b908)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 831 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handle_request('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00268bec0)', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7fc002f9e2f0)') called at (eval 487) line 8 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handler('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7fc002f9e2f0)') called at -e line 0 eval {...} at -e line 0 System error error: Can't call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25. context: ... 21: 22: 23: % foreach my $c (@categories) { 24: <%perl> 25: my $category_id = $c->get_id(); 26: my @stories = Bric::Biz::Asset::Business::Story->list ( { element_type_id=>1148, category_id=>$category_id , Order=> 'cover_date', publish_status => 't' , OrderDirection=> 'DESC' , Limit=>10 } ); 27: 28:
29: ... code stack: /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html:25 /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ /var/cache/mason/obj/1784076917/main/smetimes/dhandler.html.obj:17 /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/autohandler_template.html:149 Can't call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25. Trace begun at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 129 HTML::Mason::Exceptions::rethrow_exception('Can\'t call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25.^J') called at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 160 HTML::Mason::Component::run_dynamic_sub('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fc002ec8c68)', 'main') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 951 HTML::Mason::Request::call_dynamic('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc002fdd0a0)', 'main') called at /var/cache/mason/obj/1784076917/main/smetimes/dhandler.html.obj line 17 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 138 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fc002ec8c68)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 1305 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 1295 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef) called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 958 HTML::Mason::Request::call_next('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc002fdd0a0)') called at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/autohandler_template.html line 149 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 138 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fc002fcef98)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 1303 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 1295 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef) called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 484 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 484 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 436 HTML::Mason::Request::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc002fdd0a0)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 165 HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc002fdd0a0)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 831 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handle_request('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00268a848)', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7fc002ee0728)') called at (eval 487) line 8 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handler('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7fc002ee0728)') called at -e line 0 eval {...} at -e line 0 Homestead, FL (33030) Today A mix of clouds and sun. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 88F. Winds E at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 78F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. In Afghanistan, having in mind the example of South Vietnam, people who have worked with foreign forces have no illusions. by Tomislav Jakic As the date of complete withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan nears, more and more often we hear comments in which this withdrawal is compared with (literally) the escape of US military forces from the South Vietnam in the seventies of the last century . Even more, as the Taliban, who were the main objective of NATO (and in fact the US) military intervention in Afghanistan are rapidly taking control of all major parts of the country, including the border crossings to several neighboring countries, for example Iran. Washington, as could have been expected, rejects such comparisons, although they are very founded and although it is almost certain that the Taliban will gain control over the whole country after the withdrawal is completed. Just as the communist forces from North Vietnam once took over the south, thus uniting the country in todays Vietnam. Both in Afghanistan, and in Vietnam the withdrawal of foreign troops was preceded by a yearlong war in which, according to some estimates, more than seventy thousand Afghans and Pakistani were killed, leading to a situation in which today almost 50% of the population of Afghanistan is just surviving below the poverty line. In Vietnam everyone in the south who have in any way cooperated with the Americans, suffered, if nothing else than being sent for a long-term re-education in special camps. In Afghanistan, those who have cooperated with NATO forces, if only as translators, openly fear for their lives in the country under the rule of the Taliban. In the south of Vietnam, hundreds of people floated for weeks on small boats along the coast, in the vain hope that they will be picked up by their American friends, whose warships will suddenly appear on the horizon. They didn't come. In Afghanistan, having in mind the example of South Vietnam, people who have worked with foreign forces have no illusions. Thus, a wave of refugees towards neighboring already started, and there is no doubt that this wave will reach Europe as well. The war lasted for twenty years and, the longest war the US waged in its short history. And although President Joe Biden successfully avoids triumphant phrases a typical for George Bush junior, such as: "Mission accomplished," even his milder variant: Goals achieved does not corresponds to the truth. If the goal was to fight against terrorism and Al Queida, then the target was reached in liquidating Bin Laden and breaking up of this organization, meaning that the time for withdrawal from Afghanistan was during the Obama mandate, when Biden was vice president. If, however, the goal was to destroy the Taliban, then the war in Afghanistan, is a total US failure (it would be wrong to say that Americans are the losers, because the biggest loser the people of Afghanistan). And a failure it was. Not only because the eradication of the Taliban failed, but primarily because the Taliban are "American offsprings" (just like Bin Laden), summoned to life and supported both financially and militarily, only to hamper Soviet troops after their intervention in Afghanistan (1979), with the clear aspiration to turn Afghanistan in some sort of "Soviet Vietnam". Yes, the Soviets did militarily intervene after they estimated that the government of the nonaligned Afghanistan could become close to the West. After ten years of fighting they understood that this attempt has no perspective and retreated - organized with a commander-general who was the last to cross the bridge at the border at the rear of his troops (unlike the Americans who escaped by helicopters from the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon and now left Bagram, their largest air base in Afghanistan under cover of night (although they claim to have informed the military forces of the Afghan government which, given the situation on the ground, would be more correct to call the Kabul government, or the government in Kabul . It is also not true what President Biden claims when he says that the purpose of the American intervention in Afghanistan was not "nation building". Because a profound reform of the Afghan society was something that was considered to be one of the key tasks of NATO forces, since the Taliban pushed the country back to the Middle Ages (which will probably do again now). At the same time, it is forgotten that Afghanistan until the overthrow of King Mohammed Zahir Shah was a relatively advanced Asian country, with this "advanced" referring primarily to the position of women in society and the education system. The inclusion of women in social life, schooling of girls is emphasized as a major success of intervention by foreign forces, as if this never existed before in a country that gave a birth to the Prince of Physicians Ibn Sina/Avicenna reminds us notable Afghan scholar, prof. Djawed Sangdel. And indeed, it seems as if those forces that have emerged under American greatcoats did not destroyed such Afghanistan. Today, the country is literally devastated by twenty years of war, and the only result of those twenty years, the only thing that has progressed, is the cultivation of poppies, that is, the smuggling of opium. This author remembers well the conversation of the then Croatian president, Stjepan Mesic with his Afghan counterpart Karzai in which Karzai complained that the Americans are putting him under pressure to destroy poppies farms, arguing that he neither can nor will do this, because in this case half of the country would starve, being stripped of this source of income. And one more question arises, when we try to analyze the implications of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The intervention in this country which took place soon after the famous attacks on the New York twins was conceived as intervention of the Atlantic Pact. And nominally it was. But if one views things, as they really are, it must be admitted that NATO (in this case too) acted as an extended arm of US policy; just as now, as soon as the United States announced its decision to withdraw its troops, and NATO hastily brought the decision to withdraw troops from their member countries too. Pointing up this fact, and it is a fact, that cannot be blurred by any rhetorical figure, we want to say that the member states of NATO, should wisely think twice (at least now, if they have not done this so far), what is the purpose of NATO, precisely what is the purpose of NATO, if it is acting as Washingtons puppet on the string. We have also in mind the "enthusiastic" sending of troops to the border with Russia, in order to prepare Europe for defense against "Russian aggression". To whom and what goal serves such a NATO, to whom and to what goal does serve the policy of violent overthrow and / or establishment of regimes in other countries, to whom and to what goal does serve the policy of imposing certain social (and economic) framework to countries that want to go their own way, to whom and to what goal does serve the continuation of the anti-Russian hysteria, especially after Biden - Putin summit, which was supposed to open, or at least ajar new chapter in relations between the two countries? As for Afghanistan - to come back to the beginning of the story - Biden's statement that it is not necessarily inevitable" that Afghanistan will be conquered by the Taliban after the US (NATO) withdrawal, it is simply hypocritical. It won't be long before reality denies it. But. The US are not giving up their efforts to be present in Afghanistan in the future too. Washington tries to hire some allies in the region to take a role in attempt to keep the government in Kabul alive. The term "proxy wars" is nothing new! To summarize: in Afghanistan, the world will follow a kind of reprise of what happened in Vietnam in the past, so the phrase "already seen" (deja vu) makes a lot of sense. And secondly, no less important, the United States loses its credibility with such moves, in other words, those who are American allies should consider the price of such a partnership, that is, how much it pays off. And if it pays off at all. Author is one of the most influential Yugoslav and Croatian journalists, who is covering the international relations for over 50 years and who served as Foreign policy Advisor to Croatian President Stjepan Mesic (2000. 2010.). Before Betty Thompson became involved in city and state government, she was a civil rights activist, fighting for jobs for Black people at places like Jefferson Bank. She marched for fair housing beyond public housing and led rent strikes. I would rather do more inspections if it gives us results wed like to get that is to insure fewer properties and only take the ones required by law, Beruff said. Later, he said he wanted to give Citizens ammunition to get us out of hundreds of thousands of policies. Boba tea, also known as bubble tea or pearl milk tea, is named after the signature chewy balls of tapioca that bob near the bottom of the cup. The sugary drink originated in Taiwan, where boba is as ubiquitous as coffee in the United States. In South Florida, bubble tea is gaining fame as a refreshing and playful shaken beverage that fans can customize to their tastes. This is not a time to be sitting on our hands and saying unless it happened in Surfside Trantalis said after the boards meeting. It makes no sense to just rely on one cause that may have caused the Champlain to collapse, there could be other types of causes that may threaten these buildings, especially the older ones. Scott attempted to contact the victim using various accounts. She would block the accounts, but the same request would appear from a different account, deputies said. At one point, the victim said Scott accessed her Snapchat account and changed her password, although she was able to regain control of the account. The defense has not disclosed a trial strategy. A conviction on at least one of the 17 first-degree murder counts would be required to impose the death penalty under the law. Even with the conviction, it takes only one juror to opt for a life sentence under current state law. They see the international leaders come in and out, he continues. Theyre flying in and out, theyre on the plane to Haiti, nobody knows what theyre doing. They see the leadership, all they do is drive beautiful cars. ... They enjoy life in Haiti. They go to the beach, they have all the beautiful houses, they have funds. So what happens to the rest of the people living in poverty? Theyre discouraged. They have no hope. According to FHP troopers, the man saw the car, but wasnt able to stop in time, and struck the back-end of the womans car. The force of the impact pushed both vehicles into the center lane. One officer said she was receiving training from Hite when he touched the top of her breast on several occasions, despite requests for him to stop. She gave a sworn statement that Hite once touched her butt without permission and another time placed his hands on her inner thighs. Inman and two dogs go into the building, but the small black dog is fighting Inman to stay outside near [the man] and the dog continues looking back at the man as Inman pulls it inside, according to the arrest report. The demonstrations were extremely unusual on an island where little dissent against the government is tolerated. The last major public demonstration of discontent, over economic hardship, took place nearly 30 years in 1994. Last year, there were small demonstrations by artists and other groups, but nothing as big or widespread as what erupted this past weekend. Doctors in COVID-19 wards often say they avoid confronting patients families who are mishandling oxygen tanks, for fear they will react violently, he said. But families say that they have legitimate fears about leaving the lives of their vulnerable loved ones up to medical staff that they regard as under-resourced, overburdened and disinterested. What I think whats happening in Cuba is there are people that are rebelling against a communist dictatorship. They are not necessarily, we were talking about this, necessarily designed to be peaceful. They are trying to end the regime. And so that is fundamentally different from what we saw law summer, when people were burning down buildings. And it fortunately wasnt happening in Florida to any large extent burning down buildings, looting, breaking windows, targeting law enforcement and all those things, DeSantis said. Forensic scientists are like artists, Perper told The Miami Herald in 1994 as he was preparing his move to Broward from the Allegheny County Coroners Office in Pittsburgh. An artist is painting an object or doing the sculpture and, at some time, its finished. You can continue forever to chisel another detail into it, another crease. But sometimes, you have to move to another challenge. For me, Broward is that challenge. Among other things, there arent enough monitors for the 400,000 acres of cane. One had been out of use for eight years. In addition, regulators use a system that doesnt take into account short-term pollution from the burns an average of 25 per day for four months. Women did not always have the same opportunities we have today, and that becomes abundantly obvious when I assist women reaching retirement. When it comes to topics like estate planning, budgeting and managing income, many of these clients simply do not have the knowledge or experience to make informed decisions. There are many reasons why this situation is so pervasive. Perhaps they have always let their husband handle their finances, left the workforce many years ago, and/or were never interested in managing their own money until they were forced to do so. Marbella is approaching the Covid-19 cumulative incidence rate limit imposed by the Junta de Andalucia to request the border closure of municipalities with more than five thousand inhabitants. The Costa del Sol town has an incidence rate of 854 infections per 100,000 people in the last fourteen days, on the verge of the one thousand threshold established by the regional government to ask the judicial authorities to order that no one can enter or leave the municipality - except for justified reasons. In Malaga province there are six other towns that exceed this rate (Istan with 2008 and Carratraca with 1,216) or are close (Ojen with 864; Montejaque with 843; Benaojan with 894 and Serrato with 829), but in these cases they do not exceed five thousand inhabitants. The Junta does not apply the same measures in small towns as in large municipalities because, in the former, the incidence rate when measured per 100,000 inhabitants, can be triggered by a small outbreak, even if it is localised and controlled. For example, Montejaque has an incidence rate of almost 900 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks despite the fact that only eight positives have been diagnosed in this period of time. In large cities, however, the judicial request is almost automatic. And that's where Marbella comes in being, at the moment, the only large town in the province with a rate higher than 800 infections. During Spains state of alarm, the regions could decree the perimeter closure of the towns when they considered it appropriate. But when it ended in May, the regional governments lost the ability to make decisions. The most effective measures to control the pandemic, such as a curfew or lockdowns, have since depended on the judicial authorities. The president of the Junta de Andalucia, Juanma Moreno, has reiterated on several occasions that he will request the perimeter closure of those municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants whose rate exceeds one thousand cases, although the request may not be instantaneous because the experts also evaluate other parameters such as the pressure on healthcare and the percentage of intensive care beds occupied by coronavirus patients. Officers from Spain's National Police force have helped dismantle an alleged international criminal organisation, made up of French nationals of Northwest African origin, which was based, in part, in the Axarquia region. During Operation Pinas, the police arrested a member of the network in the Malaga town of Almachar, where it is alleged the gang handled and stored consignments of hashish and marijuana bound for France. During a search of one of the houses allegedly used as a drug storage place in Almachar, officers found a 4.35 metre wingspan drone that was used for the transport of hashish and marijuana between Morocco and Spain, according to the National Police. In the same property, numerous tools used to handle, prepare and ship narcotic drugs and various computer equipment were also seized. The person was taken into custody in Almachar under a European arrest warrant and three other people were detained in France. The number of coronavirus infections continues to rise in Spain - especially among the youngest, unvaccinated age groups although, fortunately for now, its real impact is nothing like that of previous waves. On Monday, 12 July, the countrys cumulated incidence rate stood at 368 infections per 100,000 inhabitants but it is expected that it will soon exceed 400. For now, these infections are not directly translating into a collapse of the hospital system or a significant increase in deaths, since young people have the disease with less virulence and there is already a large sector of the older population vaccinated. But the big question is whether this trend is going to continue like this. The director of Spains Centre for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES), Fernando Simon, has predicted that the incidence of Covid-19 cases at 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants will exceed 400 "in a couple of days", although he also believes that Spain could soon be entering a "progressive stabilisation phase" as infections are increasing at a slower rate. The problem continues to be the unvaccinated, according to Simon, with an incidence rate "up to 20 times more than the vaccinated." Will these cases end up in hospitals? Simon warns that the increase in infections "is gradually being noticed in the levels of hospital occupancy." He insistED that, for now, it is very likely that they will not reach the levels of previous waves, "but there may be a significant impact and therefore there may be some units with excessive pressure again." The Ministry of Health expert added that the increase in infections is already having an impact on the healthcare system, even if there are not more people in hospital. "The primary care and public health services, are those that are currently experiencing this pressure in the face of this number of cases of infections among young people, as they are responsible for contact tracing. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 712-243-2624 or email Texas A&M's Education Abroad program gives students the opportunity to travel and explore new places particularly as COVID-19 cases begin to decline. LGBTQIA+ history is on display in a new exhibit that is available throughout the College Station and Houston areas, with an additional opportunity to view the exhibit through the Cushing Memorial Library and Archives beginning on July 12. Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. if the people of Biafra want Republic of Biafra, it will be a reality during my administration. ----Donald Trump Donald Trump I wi... Unlimited website access 24/7 Unlimited e-Edition access 24/7 The best local, regional and national news in sports, politics, business and more! With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you already subscribe to our print edition, sign up for FREE access to our online edition. Thanks for reading The Henderson News. MANZINI Despite the ban on the delivery of petitions, political parties have vowed to peacefully ground Manzini this coming Friday. This is according to the President of the Peoples United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO), Mlungisi Makhanya, who spoke on behalf of the Political Party Assembly (PPA). Makhanya said the PPA would have a four-week mass rolling action which shall consist of a massive peaceful march in the hub of the country Manzini on Friday. Leading to this march, the PUDEMO president said there would be decentralised activities throughout the week, whose itinerary would be released by the PPA today. This follows that the political parties leaders could not meet yesterday to formulate their programme due to certain logistics. Furthermore, Makhanya, in an interview with South African 24-hour news channel eNCA said they were convinced as the PPA that their struggle was getting headway. He emphasised that they would be filling the streets in a build-up for Friday in what he termed the mother of all marches as they were resolute in intensifying their call for democracy. Swipe Also, Makhanya took a swipe at people he described as arm chair critics as he emphasised that it was simple for those watching from afar to be critical of the civil society groups as they lacked the facts. He said they were privileged to interact with people, most recently being families of those who were injured and died during the pro-democracy protests a fortnight ago. The pro-democracy protests which had started peacefully as protesters delivered petitions to their constituency centres, took a turn for the worst when violence, looting and torching of businesses and structures happened. The violence started at Siphofaneni Constituency when protesters were denied an opportunity to present their petition to the Member of Parliament (MP), Mduduzi Simelane. This soon spiralled countrywide as it climaxed on June 28, 2021, when supermarkets were looted, vandalised and torched, resulting in the army being deployed to beef up security in the country. During these protests, many people were allegedly shot by security personnel and government, who first denied any casualties, later confirming 27 while pro-democracy activists have been claiming that over 60 people died and many sustained injuries due to being shot with live rounds. Meanwhile, Makhanya said the violence had not stopped as a mourner was supposedly run over by a vehicle filled with security personnel. Therefore, the PUDEMO president said it was apparent that people were being forced to be scared. On the other hand, he said there was immense support for pro-democracy advocates in their quest to pursue the ideal of a democratic society. He said a number of organisations in the region, inclusive of South African political parties, were in solidarity with the people of Eswatini. MANZINI There is a COVID-19 scare at Matsapha Police Station as about four suspected looters have tested positive for the virus. According to an impeccable source, the suspected looters were arrested in Matsapha last weekend and one of them fell sick while locked up at the jam-packed Matsapha Police Station cells. Thereafter, the source said the suspect was taken to hospital where he was tested for COVID-19 as the medical practitioners saw COVID-19 symptoms. He said the test results reflected that he had contracted the virus. After that, the source said contact tracing was conducted and more suspected looters who were locked up at the Matsapha Police Station were tested for COVID-19 and three more tested positive. Transported Later on the day (Sunday), the source said the police from Matsapha Police Station transported the suspects who had tested positive for COVID-19 to Manzini Remand Centre (Zakhele), but they were turned back. As a result, the source said the suspected looters were locked up in the jam-packed police cells. He said this raised concerns with the other suspects and the police themselves as they were at risk of contracting the virus. After testing positive for COVID-19, they spent two days (Sunday and yesterday) in the packed police cells and they might see the prosecution today, the source said. The source added that the fears were that this might result in a superspreader as the police cells were full. Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati said procedurally, His Majestys Correctional Services (HMCS) facilities did not accept a patient without a doctors report. She said it was on that regard that the suspects in question were turned back. They are still at Matsapha Police Station and they might go to court or see the prosecution tomorrow (today), the police mouthpiece said. It is worth noting that according to reports from the Ministry of Health, the country has been hit by the third wave of COVID-19 as the number of new cases has been increasing drastically these days. By end of business on Sunday, the country had recorded a total of 19 918 cases of COVID-19 and this was after 48 people tested positive for the virus on the day (Sunday). On that day, there were five deaths, which took the total number to 692. MANZINI - A car which was travelling the late Thabani Nkomonyes mother was shot, allegedly by the police. The incident allegedly took place on Sunday evening around 8pm at Ngwane Park. The mother of Thabani, Siphiwe Mkhabela was travelling with a 34-year-old man, who was driving, when the incident happened. According to an impeccable source, the car was supposedly shot once while at Ngwane Park, but luckily, no one was injured. The source claimed that the police who are purported to have shot the car, were part of a team which was deployed to patrol around Manzini and surrounding areas, including Ngwane Park. He said after the incident, the duo went home and yesterday morning, they went to the Manzini Police Station, where they reported the matter and opened a case against the police. After reporting the matter, the source claimed that the police promised the complainant that they would investigate it and give a report. Deployed He alleged that the police said their investigation would start with getting the list of the officers who were deployed to patrol around the area on the day in question and they would then find out how the shooting incident took place. When reached for comment, Mkhabela said she could only confirm that the car she was travelling in on Sunday night was shot, allegedly by the police. She asked not to comment about the incident until she received a report from the police, who promised her that they would investigate and revert to her. On the other hand, Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati said there were over 20 vehicles that were found at Ngwane Park. She said the cars were found there after 8pm and the people were ordered to disperse, but they did not comply. She said when the police emphasised to the people to disperse, they did not and other means were used. However, Vilakati said a complaint was reported with the police that a vehicle was shot while at Ngwane Park on Sunday. Investigate We are still trying to investigate on what happened and how was the car shot, she said. Worth noting is that as a stringent way to restrict the spread of COVID-19, government set an 11-hour curfew, between 6pm-5am. During this period, the public is encouraged to be at home. Thabani is the 25-year-old University of Eswatini Law student who went missing on the night of Saturday May 8, 2021 after the car, a Mazda II Demio, which he was driving, was said to have been involved in a road traffic accident at Nhlambeni, along the Mhlaleni/Nhlangano Public Road. After the accident, his body was not located. It was eventually discovered five days later, on May 13, 2021 and it was about 20 metres from where the car was found. It is worth mentioning that Thabanis mother is one of the key witnesses in the ongoing inquest into his death. dnata, a leading global air and travel services provider, has announced the appointment of Musdalifa Abdullah as the companys Managing Director for Singapore. In his role, Musdalifa will oversee dnatas ground handling, cargo and catering operations at Changi Airport in Singapore. He will manage a team of 1,800 employees, ensuring world-class services and safety for over 40 airline customers. Stewart Angus, dnatas Divisional Senior Vice President for Airport Operations, said: Im pleased to announce that Musdalifa will lead our Singapore team. Im confident that our partners and colleagues will all benefit from Musdalifas customer-oriented approach and extensive experience in the aviation industry. Our Singapore business will be in good hands. A Singapore national, Musdalifa joined dnata in 2017. As Chief Financial Officer for dnatas Asia Pacific Region, he has played an important role in the transformation and innovative development of dnata Singapore in the last few years. Before joining dnata, Musdalifa held several senior positions within the aviation industry in Singapore and the UAE. Musdalifas appointment is effective immediately. A trusted partner of over 300 airline customers, dnata operates at 129 airports globally. In the Asia Pacific region dnata provides quality and safe ground handling, cargo and catering services to more than 80 airlines at 14 airports in four countries, including Australia, Singapore, Indonesia and The Philippines. TradeArabia News Service Spains Ampo Poyam Valves today (July 13) announced the launch of its new valves manufacturing and servicing plant in Dammam Second Industrial City, Saudi Arabia in partnership with the kingdoms Dar Massader Group. The two companies have partnered to form a joint local subsidiary known as Ampo Arabia, the company said in a statement. Ampo Arabia, an extension of the main valve manufacturing plant in Spain, will follow similar structure, technical and operational capabilities, as well as rotating key staff to ensure consistency and product quality. In addition, the local facility will positively impact local delivery lead times and after-sale services to meet demands of current and future projects, the statement added. Commenting on the partnership and launch, Salah Elkadiki, General Manager Ampo Arabia, said: Fast, reliable and top-quality service at a global scale is one of Ampo Poyam Valves main success factors, and that is why it is considered as a world leader in highly engineered valves for the most severe applications and industries. By aiming to become a strategic partner and share the Kingdom of Saudi Arabias Vision 2030, we have decided to align our future to become part of the local industrial cluster. In addition, we aim to improve our services for customers in the Kingdom and the neighbouring countries as we see that through our Ampo Arabia, and the new plant. He added: Our local plant will also create quality job opportunities for Saudi nationals through our extensive training and development programs. Ampo Arabias facility will commence manufacturing as early as the first quarter of 2022. Dar Massader will play a crucial role in assisting Ampo Arabias Saudi Arabia and regional expansion as it will provide market analysis and utilize its network to support local sales. Dar Massader will also liaise with local regulators, provide HR staffing and utilize its vast experience for on-ground project executions. Noting on part of Dar Massader Yazeed Alzoom, Board Director and Deputy CEO, said: Dar Massaders role shall primarily emphasize on realizing the Saudi Vision 2030 by expanding national industry capacity, transferring global top-tier technology and know-how to the Saudi market and arming local manpower with competitive industrial positions that can add exponentially to the Kingdoms national economy. Alex Eizmendi, Ampo Poyam Valves Strategy Director noted that: Our unique partnership with Dar Massader reflects our faith in the Saudi local industrial infrastructure as well as the vast domestic and regional marketplace, believing that the new venture shall stand as an addition to both of us as well as the Saudi industrial cluster as a whole. We have opted to localize highly engineering valve products that are needed by the local and the GCC industrial sectors. We presume that our new AMPO Arabia is just a start that might be followed by further business opportunities that can add higher value to the Saudi thriving economy. Ampo Poyam Valves has been in Saudi Arabia since 1998 and during all those years it has supplied more than 20,000 valves for strategic projects such as Marjan Field Expansion, Berri Field Development, South Berri Water Injection Plant, Upgrade Water Disposal Facilities at Qatif and Abqaiq Water Injection Project, amongst others. From now on, however, valves will be manufactured and locally supplied from Ampo Arabia. Ampo Arabias local plant shall design and manufacture highly engineered valves, in addition to providing best-in-class services and technologies for the local and regional industry covering applications in the oil, gas, petrochemicals, chemical, water, mining and power sectors. The new 5,000 sq m plant includes valve assembly, testing, painting, and servicing facilities. AmpoArabia will then manufacture a range of highly engineered and custom gate, globe, check and ball valves, and has the ability to contribute to its global manufacturing capacity. Ampo Poyam Valves is well known for having the most reliable and safest valves in the market, and is backed by 57 years of experience, technology, know-how, references, operating time of the valves and a fully in-house manufacturing process that starts from its own foundry. Moreover, Ampo Poyam Valves also has one of the widest ranges of valves in the market, offering ball, gate, globe, check, lift plug, switch, slurry angle and butterfly valves, together with Integrated Smart Solutions. The extensive range of solutions offer the highest level of reliability hand in hand with minimum operating and maintenance costs for the most critical applications. The Ampo Service team guarantees prompt response to customer needs wherever they are globally; including technical support in start-up stages, commissioning, engineered solutions, equipment selection, preventive, and predictive maintenance, troubleshooting and training.TradeArabia News Service Hardees and Initiative Media partnered with Snapchat to elevate its brand image and to connect with consumers by building on its Go All In campaign. Through this collaboration with Snapchat, Hardees leveraged a dual-format approach using augmented reality (AR) Snapchat Lens and commercials to generate awareness and excitement around the brands limited-edition burgers launched for the Godzilla vs. Kong blockbuster in collaboration with Warner Bros. Launched regionally, the results were outstanding with the lens delivering more than 15 million impressions with an average playtime of 15s vs 10s for the QSR industry. UAE and Qatar witnessed a stellar playtime of 35s and 24s respectively. Commercials on the other hand delivered more than 2.9 million impressions with an eCPV of 0.005 vs 0.01$ benchmark and a completion rate of 90%. The campaign delivered +6 points brand lift which is double the norm for Mena and +14 purchase lift within the 18-20 age group. Vishal Badiani, Creative Strategy Lead for Mena at Snapchat: Snapchat offers formats that really do make the most of the mobile screen - from passive formats like full-screen, sound-on video ads in our brand safe content environment, through to completely immersive and interactive AR Lenses in our camera. You can see with this campaign just how effective and impactful it can be for brands that use both. Anupama Jangid, Lead Digital & Media, Hardees, said: "Partnering with Snapchat has given us the opportunity to reach our new and existing audiences in an entertaining and engaging way. The campaigns performance and the impact it has had on our brand image is remarkable. It has been a pleasure working with the Snapchat team and we look forward to working with them again in the future. -- TradeArabia News Service Centara Hotels & Resorts, a leading hotel operator in Thailand, has announced the much-anticipated opening date of Centara Reserve Samui in August 2021. Centara Reserve is Centaras sixth brand, complementing the groups five other industry-leading labels including Centara Grand, Centara, Centara Boutique Collection, Centra by Centara and COSI. Marking the start of a new era of experiential luxury hospitality, Centara Reserve offers personalised travel experiences for individuals seeking a meaningful escape with experiences crafted with a personal touch. Each Reserve property is set in a uniquely curated destination, inviting guests to explore a world reserved for them. Set at the tranquil end of Chaweng Beach, Centara Reserves flagship resort on Samui will comprise 184 brand-new luxury rooms, pool suites and beachfront pool villas. Guests can enjoy five unique dining experiences and the worlds first Reserve Spa Cenvaree, as well as a state-of-the-art fitness centre, yoga pavilion, childrens zone, and diverse event spaces. Travellers are invited to be among the first to experience the curated spaces and unique services at Centara Reserve Samui, the first resort in Centaras new collection of luxury hotels and resorts. From a short Samui sojourn to an extended escape, and for those who enjoy the good life, to those who enjoy the suite life, a trio of experiences have been wonderfully crafted for guests. Choose from a selection of introductory offers to complement your travel lifestyle from THB5,900++ ($180++) per night inclusive of breakfast, complimentary room upgrade and much more. TradeArabia News Service The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted an international media forum titled Regional Dialogue with Participation of Political Scientists and Reporters. Representatives of the Turkmen and foreign mass media as well as academic staff and students of Ashgabats higher education establishments participated in the forum both online and in-person. The media forum participants discussed prospects for the further strengthening of international cooperation, including between the mass media of different countries. The leaders and representatives of Mir TV and Radio Company, the Russian international network of information agencies Russia Today, the TV and radio company of Uzbekistan, the agency for press and mass communications Tatmedia of the Republic of Tatarstan, the State TV and Radio Company of Belarus, the TV and radio broadcasting of the Republic of Korea spoke about their approaches to solving problems in the sphere of mass media. The speakers highly appreciated the level of partnership between states in the information space. In particular, it was emphasized that Turkmenistan established a regular exchange of news reports and analytical materials with foreign media on the political, economic, social and cultural life of the countries of the region and the world in accordance with its neutral foreign policy. TURKMENISTAN.RU, 2021 Kabul, Jul 13 (UNI/Xinhua) A total of 29 militants have been confirmed dead as fighting planes struck Taliban fighters' gathering in Tepa area of Afghanistan's northern Jawzjan province on Monday, the Defense Ministry said in a statement released on Tuesday. Three key Taliban commanders were among those killed in the air raids along the road linking Jawzjan to the neighboring Sari Pul province, the statement said. A large quantity of arms and ammunitions of the militants were also destroyed in the airstrikes, the statement added. Taliban militants have yet to comment on the incident. The militant group has overrun more than a dozen districts in Jawzjan and the neighboring Faryab, Balkh and Sari Pul provinces over the past two months. UNI/XINHUA ACL1314 Kathmandu, July 13(UNI) Sher Bahadur Deuba was sworn-in as the new Prime Minister of Nepal on Tuesday. Deuba was administered the oath of office by President Bidya Devi Bhandari administered at a ceremony at the latter's official residence, Sheetal Niwas this evening. Earlier today the President's office had issued a notice stating that Deuba has been appointed the PM as per the Supreme Court's Monday verdict. However, to the surprise of many the notice did not reveal the Article under which the appointment was being made. The Supreme Court in it's order had specified that Deuba would be made the PM in accordance with Article 76 (5) of the Constitution. Deuba had made it clear to the President that he will not take the oath unless the notice is rectified and the article specified. Bhandari agreed to Deuba's terms and appointed him pursuant to the aforementioned article. Deuba, who has earlier served four terms as Nepal's PM will now have to gain the trust of House of Representatives within 30 days, as provisioned by the Constitution. UNI XC RKM EDII to set up an entrepreneurship development center in Bhutan Kolkata, Jul 13 (UNI) Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) will be setting up an Entrepreneurship Development center in Bhutan. The proposed Center will be the 6th overseas entrepreneurship development center, established by EDII with the support of Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India, dedicated to promoting and nurturing entrepreneurship. The other countries that have seen such Centres with EDIIs efforts are Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Uzbekistan. As a precursor to the establishment of the Center, EDII has organised a two-day virtual policy makers workshop to gain insights on Bhutans entrepreneurial calibre and needs. UW Proposes Transformation in Light of Budget Reductions, Changing Needs Aiming to better serve Wyoming, adjust to economic shifts and respond to a changing higher-education landscape, the University of Wyoming is pursuing a transformation of its academic programs to propel new and ongoing initiatives and to deal with budget cuts. A proposal from the administration of UW President Ed Seidel to the universitys Board of Trustees, announced today (Tuesday), would reconfigure UWs colleges; discontinue or reorganize some academic programs; build on UWs existing Tier-1 Engineering, Science and Trustees Education initiatives; advance the new Wyoming Innovation Partnership; and launch a School of Computing, a Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and a Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Initiative. The world, Wyoming and higher education are in the midst of major changes; UW must respond. In order to better serve our students and our state amid a significant decline in state funding, we must restructure to put UW on a sustainable path for the future, Seidel says. The goals of this plan are to enhance the student experience and train them for success; become a better engine for innovation and economic development; and develop new revenue streams. The plan, which will be presented in detail to the UW Board of Trustees during its meeting in Torrington this week, consists of these primary components: Reconfiguration -- Reorganize UWs academic colleges to create larger, more stable departments with common disciplinary interests while reducing redundancies. Specifically, the plan calls for changing the College of Engineering and Applied Science to the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. Currently in the College of Arts and Sciences, these departments -- Chemistry, Geology and Geophysics, Mathematics and Statistics, and Physics and Astronomy -- would move to the newly named College of Engineering and Physical Sciences and become part of new academic units there. Meanwhile, the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources would become the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Moving to that college from the College of Arts and Sciences would be the departments of Botany, and Zoology and Physiology, as well as the Life Sciences Program. The College of Arts and Sciences would become the College of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts -- bringing UW in line with the way many universities organize those disciplines. These reorganizations would expand and enhance two very important colleges central to our land-grant mission, focused on agriculture and engineering, better positioning the university to advance the Tier-1 Engineering and Science initiatives, and making its research programs more competitive in the federal science and technology ecosystem. They would provide additional critical mass, create new synergies and bring new opportunities for faculty members and students in all of the academic units housed in these colleges, Seidel says. At the same time, we would still have a very robust college focused on the arts, humanities and social sciences, which also are part of the land-grant charge -- and are at the core of a strong university education. New and ongoing initiatives -- The university also will propose new initiatives to advance its offerings in computing and digital literacy, needed for all students and all disciplines of study, such as precision agriculture, and central to supporting economic growth in Wyoming. It will propose to launch a new School of Computing, as well as a campuswide Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) and the Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality (WORTH) Initiative. These three linked initiatives are aimed squarely at training students in areas important for advancing key markets for the future economy of Wyoming, while propelling the new Wyoming Innovation Partnership. The Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP) -- formerly the Wyoming Innovation Network -- is a new collaboration with the states seven community colleges endorsed by Gov. Mark Gordon to develop innovative solutions that will support and enhance Wyomings economy and workforce. It includes an emphasis on focusing workforce development on high-potential areas; supporting and training entrepreneurs and new business startups; a research and market analysis agenda aimed at technology transfer and commercialization; and developing outside revenue sources such as corporate partnerships to provide new opportunities for students. WIP is about aligning all of higher education to work together on both training students, giving them skills to succeed in the new economy and creating jobs -- attracting companies and building the economy so students can stay in Wyoming, says Seidel, who notes that WIP is pursuing funding from the American Rescue Plan Act and other potential federal sources. We have an opportunity to truly move the needle for Wyomings economy as we collaborate with the community colleges, private and federal partners, and others. The proposed School of Computing is envisioned to be a statewide asset led by the university with statewide and national impacts and global reach. It would provide the organizational infrastructure and emphasis to accelerate the growth and impact of computing, artificial intelligence and data science at UW across research, teaching, entrepreneurship and engagement. The school would collaborate with all academic departments and UW Libraries, student success programs and discovery programs. The CEI would serve as the hub for entrepreneurship education and practice, supporting the teaching of entrepreneurial skills across all disciplines; providing experiential programs for students; and engaging in statewide outreach. WORTH would serve the states second-largest economic sector by providing real-world experiences for students; courses, training and certificates via distance technologies to working professionals; outreach services such as market analyses and business incubation; and applied research in collaboration with industry. Program elimination or consolidation -- Move, combine or eliminate a number of departments and programs, most with relatively small enrollments. The proposed program reconfigurations and consolidations would increase critical mass of faculty and students into a smaller number of departments; reduce administrative overhead; better serve students; and organize better for research competitiveness and corporate partnerships. Certain programs with low enrollment would be eliminated. The proposed changes would reduce expenditures by more than $13 million annually, as the university seeks to address budget cuts and restructure to better support its students and the state economy, and to grow new revenue streams. The restructuring and budget reduction would lead to the elimination of as many as 75 faculty and staff positions at the university, including up to 10 department heads. Programs that are not discontinued or reorganized, including UW-Casper, would receive a 3 percent budget reduction. The proposed changes to academic programs have been informed by an in-depth review considering enrollment and graduation numbers; scholarly output; external grant funding; constitutional and statutory requirements; private support; and relevance to the states economy and goals. Students currently enrolled in programs eyed for discontinuation would be able to complete their degrees. In the newly named College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, the departments of Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering would be discontinued, but those degrees would continue to be offered under new academic units. Likewise, the Department of Chemical Engineering would be discontinued, but its degrees would be maintained under a reorganized unit that includes the current Department of Chemistry. From the current College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Geology and Geophysics would be reduced in size, and it would join the Department of Petroleum Engineering in a new unit to include geological sciences and preserve geological, geophysics and geosciences degrees. From the current College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics would be consolidated with the Department of Economics in the College of Business; the program in agricultural communications would move to the Department of Communication and Journalism; and the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences would be reduced, with the nutrition program moving to the College of Health Sciences, and the Early Care and Education Center moving to the College of Education. In the current College of Arts and Sciences -- to become the College of Social Sciences, Humanities and Art -- the Creative Writing Program would be consolidated into the Department of English; the Department of Visual and Literary Arts would be renamed to the Department of Visual and Performing Arts and add the departments of Music, and Theatre and Dance. The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies would be reduced. And the American Studies Program would move into the School of Gender, Culture and Social Justice, with a number of low-enrollment degree programs in that school combined into a single degree with various concentrations. The School of Counseling, Leadership and Design would be discontinued in the College of Education, and the college would be reorganized. A number of low-enrollment degree programs have been identified for discontinuation as well. Academic program reorganizations, consolidations, reductions and discontinuances are governed by UW Regulation 2-13, which requires a period of review to seek feedback from stakeholders including the Faculty Senate, the Staff Senate, the Associated Students of UW and other interested parties. This process is scheduled to be initiated this month by Provost and Executive Vice President Kevin Carman, with the planned deadline for feedback Oct. 1. Under that timeline, the finalized academic reductions are slated to be presented to the trustees in November. More information can be found at It is never easy to restructure or eliminate academic programs and positions. The faculty positions being considered for elimination are filled by real people who work hard for this university, and the magnitude of what we are proposing is, as far as we can tell, unprecedented in the universitys modern history, Carman says. But, the situation we face as a university, with a 25 percent drop in state funding in recent years and a need to respond to changing times, necessitates a reconsideration of the way were structured and what we offer. Our proposal will now go through the collaborative review process directed by university regulation, and we will consider all input in an effort to assure the best possible outcomes. Carman notes that specific reductions to programs focused on statewide outreach, such as UW Extension and the university agricultural research and extension centers, are not part of the proposal. The university absorbed a $42.3 million reduction in the current biennium, accomplished by eliminating about 80 unfilled positions; centralizing budget, facility and operational activities; a utility cost savings initiative; one-time use of reserves; and other efficiencies. In addition to the changes noted above, the university is considering an across-the-board reduction for academic programs and administrative offices; cost-saving measures related to end-of-appointment sick leave; reduction of sick-leave accruals; centralizing administrative functions; and restructuring debt. UW also is seeking approval to increase parking fees. We are committed to making UW a best-in-class, 21st century land-grant university true to its Wyoming roots, and that means taking bold steps even during a time of financial distress, Seidel says. We look forward to our discussions with the Board of Trustees and our many constituents to refine our plans to serve the best interests of our students and the people of Wyoming. More details of the administrations proposal are available in the materials prepared for the Board of Trustees July 13-16 meeting, which may be found at You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close remaining of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. DOYLINE, La. Funeral services are expected to be finalized Sunday for a Webster Parish law enforcement officer who died in the line of duty Friday night. Sheriff Jason Parker said he is assisting the family of Deputy William Earl Collins Jr., also known as Billy, as they make the arrangements. Parker had to make an announcement Friday night that no sheriff wants to make and thats to acknowledge the death of one of his own men while on the job. Residents in the village of Doyline are also grieving the loss. The community of Doyline grieves the senseless death of one of our own, Officer Billy Collins. He was killed tonight in the line of duty while responding to a call for service. We are heartbroken for his family, friends and fellow officers. I ask that you join us in lifting up Billys family, his Doyline Police Department family and his Webster Parish Sheriffs Office family in your prayers, states a post on the Village of Doyline Facebook page. RELATED REPORT: Webster deputy killed while working for Doyline PD; suspect in custody Condolences also have been shared by other area law enforcement agencies, and by hundreds of northwest Louisiana residents whove joined in mourning the loss of a public servant. Collins wore a sheriffs badge during the day as a supervisor at Bayou Dorcheat Correctional Center. But on his off time, he also patrolled the streets of his hometown of Doyline as a part-time officer. He was serving in his capacity as a Doyline officer Friday just before 6 p.m. when he two fellow sheriffs deputies responded to a disturbance at a house on Green Tree Street. Collins arrived ahead of the deputies, and all took on gunfire from a man inside the house. The officers returned fire. Collins was shot in the head. He was flown to Ochsner LSU Health Hospital in Shreveport, where he died at 7:43 p.m., Parker said. As many as 200 law enforcement officers from multiple surrounding agencies converged on the small municipality to secure the scene. Negotiators tried unsuccessfully for over four hours to contact the alleged shooter, whom KTBS has confirmed is Mahlon Taylor. Just before 11 p.m., entry was made into the home, where officers found Taylor with a gunshot wound. Life-saving measures were started, and he was taken by helicopter to Ochsner LSU Health, where he was last listed in critical condition, according to a hospital spokesman. State police detectives will lead the investigation. Charges are pending against Taylor. Other law enforcement losses Collins is the fourth area law enforcement officer to die in violent encounters while on the job since 2015. The others are: Man Sentenced on Sex Abuse Charges By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - A man who plead guilty to multiple charges involving sexual abuse of a minor has been sentenced.The McCracken County Circuit Clerk's office says 20-year-old Joseph Newcomb was sentenced to nine years in prison by Judge Tony Kitchen.Newcomb plead guilty May 14 to 2nd degree sexual abuse, promoting a minor in a sexual performance, use of electronics to procure a minor for sex, 2nd degree sodomy, and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Charges were dismissed for unlawful transaction with a minor and tampering with evidence.The charges stem from his arrest last September after police reportedly found him smoking marijuana in a car with a 12-year-old girl. Officers said Newcomb exchanged marijuana for sexual contact with the girl, whom he initially claimed was his cousin. McCracken Co. Now 2nd Amendment Sanctuary By West Kentucky Star Staff MCCRACKEN COUNTY - The McCracken County Fiscal Court voted during its regular meeting Monday to make McCracken County a 2nd Amendment sanctuary county.Part of the resolution read, "the McCracken County Fiscal Court wishes to express its intent to stand as a sanctuary county for 2nd Amendment rights and to opposes within the limits of the constitution of the United States and the commonwealth of Kentucky any efforts to unconstitutionally restrict such rights."The resolution went on to state the purpose was to "preserve" for the people of McCracken County their rights guaranteed by the constitution and that opposition had to be within the bounds of the constitution.Commissioner Jeff Parker, who submitted the resolution, said it was a copy of what came from Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron's office.McCracken County Judge Executive Craig Clymer said he previously opposed a similar resolution because he felt it was unnecessary, considering those rights are protected by the US Constitution."I was the one that voiced opposition to the resolution last time, not because of the substance of it, it was more philosophical opposition," Clymer said. "Because the United States Constitution, the supreme law of the land, that it's superfluous and unnecessary for a county government to adopt or validate or enforce or state that we are going to follow what we have to follow."Clymer also said that he doesn't opposes the measure if the commissioners feel strongly it needed to be done. He said he believes in the right to bear arms and exercises his right to do so frequently.Commissioner Bill Bartleman pointed out that the resolution does not instruct law enforcement to not enforce any federal law, but expresses the court's opposition to any restrictions. Bartleman said only three counties in the state have not adopted some sort of resolution like this, with McCracken being one of them.In the end the resolution passed with all commissioners voting in favor. Clymer abstained from the vote. Motions Heard in Two Men's Court Cases By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - Motions were introduced in court Friday related to separate cases.A court clerk says a motion was made to split charges against Demario Daniels. He was arrested March 19 after a McCracken Sheriff's drug detective met a man who had allegedly agreed to sell methamphetamine. Daniels was a passenger in the vehicle and fled on foot. He faces charges of fleeing or evading police second degree, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct second degree, wanton endangerment second degree, identity theft, possession of a handgun by a convicted felon, and was wanted on multiple warrants, including escape second degree.A hearing on the motion is scheduled for July 30.An attorney for 28-year-old Bradley Vallely moved to reduce his bond, and a hearing has been scheduled for July 29. Vallely faces charges of first-degree wanton endangerment, possession of methamphetamine, possession of ecstasy, possession of marijuana, possession of a hallucinogen, possession of a legend drug, and possession of drug paraphernalia.He was arrested May 14 after a man found a child on his Epperson Road property. McCracken Deputies found Vallely asleep in a nearby home, and he claimed the child's mother hadn't told him the child was there. A search of the home reportedly uncovered meth, ecstasy pills, marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, other pills, and drug paraphernalia. The child's mother is also facing charges. Murder Suspect's Arraignment Postponed By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - The first court appearance for a Murray man facing a murder charge was continued on Tuesday.Twenty-year-old Khalil A. Griffin was set to be arraigned in McCracken District Court, but it was continued to July 20, according a court clerk.Griffin turned himself in June 25 after a warrant was issued for his arrest on June 11.The murder charge stems from a shooting incident on June 10 at the intersection of Elmdale Road and Jameswood Drive that claimed the life of 28-year-old Thomas Willett.Another man, 25-year-old Justin C. Wells, of Lone Oak, was arrested shortly after the shooting and faces charges of complicity to murder and tampering with physical evidence.On the Net: Police Locate Missing Paducah Man By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - Paducah Police are reporting that Williams was located and is in good health.The Paducah Police are seeking help in locating a missing person.Police said 33-year-old Antonio R. Williams was last seen at Baptist Health Paducah. He is 5'7 with black hair and brown eyes. Police say Williams is possibly driving a gray 2000 Chevrolet Tahoe with Illinois plates.Anyone with information is asked to contact the Paducah Police Department. Fulton Principal Takes New Position By West Kentucky Star Staff FULTON - The Fulton Independent School System is now looking for a new principal.The opening comes after the Christian County Public School System announced the hiring of Fulton's Mancell Elam as the districts diversity administrator.Elam returns to Christian County where he taught for 11 years. He was also assistant principal at Hopkinsville High School in 2018.Elam is a Fulton County High School and Murray State graduate. Elams wife, Renisha, also works in the Christian County School System as an elementary school principal. Lyon, Caldwell 641 Project Hearing Monday By West Kentucky Star Staff WESTERN KENTUCKY - Registration is still open to provide a final round of input in Monday's Zoom hearing about the US 641 project in Lyon and Caldwell counties.The online meeting on the project to realign 9 miles of the US 641 corridor as a four-lane highway will be held at 6 pm.During the meeting residents will get an update about the preferred route between Eddyville and Fredonia. They will then have an opportunity to provide comments and input for the official record.The route maximizes the use of land owned by other state agencies and has been adjusted slightly near the Fredonia Valley Quarry to utilize a section of old railroad bed.Once complete, the new roadway will link with another US 641 improvement project between Fredonia and Marion, which opened to traffic in 2018.Participants must register in advance at As of Monday, they had 49 people registered and had received written or verbal comments from several people in advance.On the Net: Name of Driver Injured By Falling Tree Released By West Kentucky Star Staff TRIGG COUNTY - The Trigg County Sheriff's Office has released the name of a woman that was severely injured Sunday morning after a tree fell on her vehicle on P Pool Road in Trigg County.Deputies told WKDZ the driver, 31-year-old Melissa Wyatt, was driving on P Pool Road shortly before noon when the tree hit her car, trapping her and her passenger inside.Trigg County rescue was able to free the pair after a local resident used his tractor to help remove the tree.Wyatt and her passenger, 48-year-old Adam Ingram, were taken taken to Trigg County Hospital for treatment. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-12 19:06:17|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Medical workers administer doses of COVID-19 vaccine to school teachers at the Army Hospital in Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 12, 2021. Sri Lankan authorities on Monday began administering the Sinopharm vaccines to teachers and school staff across the country, with an aim to re-open schools as soon as possible. (Photo by Ajith Perera/Xinhua) COLOMBO, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lankan authorities on Monday began administering the Sinopharm vaccines to teachers and school staff across the country, with an aim to re-open schools as soon as possible. Minister of Education G.L. Peiris, who attended one of the vaccination centers in Colombo, along with several other ministers and Army Commander Shavendra Silva, said they hoped to complete vaccinating teachers, principals, and non-academic employees within a week. Accordingly, arrangements have been made to vaccinate all school employees of 10,155 schools in the country under this program, Peiris said. The minister added that this program had been launched directly under the directives of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, following which discussions were held with all the provincial governors, chief secretaries, provincial directors of education, and the health division. Peiris said continuing to keep schools closed in this manner due to the COVID-19 pandemic was not possible and expressed confidence that this vaccination program would be completed soon. Health authorities said that following the arrival of a batch of Sinopharm vaccine on Sunday morning, doses had been distributed to the respective districts to begin vaccinating teachers. According to official statistics from the Health Ministry, nearly 3 million people in Sri Lanka, above the age of 30 years, have received the Sinopharm vaccines in Sri Lanka to date, making it the leading vaccine to be administered among the general public. Out of the nearly 3 million people jabbed, over 1 million have received their second injections as well, Health Ministry statistics showed. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 00:40:14|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BUCHAREST, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The pro-European Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS), supporting President Maia Sandu, won 52.8 percent of the vote in Moldova's snap parliamentary elections on Sunday, the Central Election Commission (CEC) said on Monday after the final count of votes in the country and abroad. The pro-European PAS was followed by the Electoral Bloc of Communists and Socialists (EBCS) with 27.17 percent and the Eurosceptic Sor Party with 5.74 percent. Accordingly, these three parties will enter the country's next Parliament. The other contenders -- one electoral bloc, 18 parties and one independent candidate -- failed to reach the thresholds of seven percent, five percent and two percent of the vote, respectively. Turnout on Sunday was 48.41 percent or 1.447 million people, the lowest ever recorded in Moldova. Over 212,000 Moldovans voted abroad, where the PAS won 86.23 percent and the EBCS 2.47 percent. The official preliminary results indicated that the PAS, founded and led by President Sandu until her victory in the presidential elections late last year, would hold the majority in the 101-seat unicameral Parliament and would be able to form a government on its own. "We consider the result a natural manifestation of democracy," Igor Dodon, leader of the Party of Socialists, which is part of the EBCS together with the non-parliamentary Party of Communists, told a press conference on Monday. "I congratulate the PAS party and President Maia Sandu on the victory. They now have all the power -- the president, Parliament, government, the Constitutional Court," he said, calling on the winning party to "form a government and start working." The Parliament of Moldova is elected for a four-year term under normal circumstances. The previous Parliament was elected in 2019 but was dissolved by President Sandu on April 28 after two failed attempts to form a government. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 00:58:46|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close British Prime Minister Boris Johnson walks back to Downing Street after attending a press conference in London, Britain, on July 12, 2021. The British government confirmed Monday that most COVID-19 restrictions in England will end next week despite surging cases caused by the Delta variant first identified in India. (Photo by Ray Tang/Xinhua) LONDON, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The British government confirmed Monday that most COVID-19 restrictions in England will end next week despite surging cases caused by the Delta variant first identified in India. Most restrictions are set to end on July 19 as part of the final step or Step Four of England's roadmap out of the lockdown, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has previously announced. But this still needs to be confirmed on Monday following a review of the latest data by the government. The detailed arrangement of Step Four includes: no more limits on social contact to allow people to gather in groups of any size; removing the "one meter-plus" rule in almost all settings, except for specific places such as airports; no capacity caps on large scale events; people are no longer required to work from home, etc. Speaking at a press conference Monday at Downing Street, Johnson said it is "vital" to proceed with caution and "this pandemic is not over". His remarks came as Britain reported another 34,471 coronavirus cases in the latest 24-hour period, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 5,155,243, according to official figures released Monday. It is the sixth day in a row where the daily cases have been more than 30,000. The country also recorded another six coronavirus-related deaths. The total number of coronavirus-related deaths in Britain now stands at 128,431. These figures only include the deaths of people who died within 28 days of their first positive test. Johnson said that England's strict border policy would continue, and tracking, tracing and isolating positive cases will stay in place. The move to Step Four was delayed by up to four weeks so every adult could be offered a vaccine. Some 6.8 million first and second doses have already been administered in England during the delay so far, according to a government statement released on Monday. It is the right time to go to Step Four, Britain's Health Secretary Sajid Javid said during his speech in the parliament on Monday. "If not now, when? There will never be a perfect time to take this step because we simply cannot eradicate this virus." Despite the easing which will see legal requirement to wear face masks in shops and on public transport being scrapped, the government will still recommend the use of face masks in crowded areas, according to Sky News. Scientists have warned that lifting all restrictions at this stage could increase likelihood of dangerous variants. More than 87 percent of adults in Britain have received the first jab of COVID-19 vaccine and over 66 percent have received two doses, the latest official figures showed. Javid said that the government is now on track to offer every adult a dose of the vaccine by July 19. The vaccination rollout will continue to accelerate by bringing forward second doses for under 40s to eight weeks - meaning the entire population will benefit from maximum protection more quickly, according to the government. To bring life back to normal, countries such as Britain, China, Russia, the United States as well as the European Union have been racing against time to roll out coronavirus vaccines. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 02:03:28|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, addresses the 74th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, May 24, 2021. (WHO/Christopher Black/Handout via Xinhua) At Monday's press conference, the WHO chief warned of the danger of easing measures while many countries in the world still lack vaccines for their population. The virus variant first identified in India in October 2020 is continuing the spread around the world and has now been detected in 104 countries, he said. GENEVA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), on Monday warned of the "devastating outbreaks" caused by the Delta variant of COVID-19, saying that the new strain of the virus was infecting people "at a scorching pace." "Last week marked the fourth consecutive week of increasing cases of COVID-19 globally," Tedros said at a virtual press conference from Geneva, adding that "after ten weeks of declines, deaths are increasing again." The virus variant first identified in India in October 2020 is continuing the spread around the world and has now been detected in 104 countries, he said. "The Delta variant is ripping around the world at a scorching pace, driving a new spike in cases and deaths." Fans of England are seen during the final between England and Italy at the UEFA EURO 2020 in London, Britain, on July 11, 2021. (Xinhua/Han Yan) Leaders around the world have responded to the new rise in infections in markedly different ways, with countries such as France adopting new restrictions while others easing them. The United Kingdom (UK), for one, still intends to lift all restrictions on July 19. At Monday's press conference, the WHO chief warned of the danger of easing measures while many countries in the world still lack vaccines for their population. "The current collective strategy reminds me of a firefighting team taking on a forest blaze," he said. "Hosing down part of it might reduce the flames in one area, but while it's smoldering anywhere, sparks will eventually travel and grow again into a rolling furnace." Tedros reiterated his call on governments to share vaccines, adding that "the world should battle together to put out this pandemic inferno everywhere." People wait in line to receive COVID-19 vaccines during mass vaccination at Gelora Sepuluh November Stadium in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, July 10, 2021. (Photo by Kurniawan/Xinhua) Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 09:57:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on June 1, 2021 shows vials of Sinopharm vaccines in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua) BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Two Chinese pharmaceutical companies will provide 110 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines immediately to participants of the COVAX project, announced the global Vaccine Alliance Gavi on Monday. The Chinese Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines have been approved earlier this year by the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use. China is the world's largest vaccine supplier, having supplied more than 480 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to the international community, provided vaccine assistance to nearly 100 countries, and exported vaccines to more than 50 countries. With Chinese vaccines being administered worldwide, they have been found, according to multiple studies, highly effective in preventing infection, hospitalization, severe illness and death from the virus. Here are some figures & facts: Health workers transport a COVID-19 patient at San Jose Hospital in Santiago, Chile, May 15, 2020. (Photo by Jorge Villegas/Xinhua) SANTIAGO -- China's CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine effectively prevented COVID-19 in Chile, with the adjusted vaccine effectiveness reaching 90.3 percent for the prevention of severe disease, according to a study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine. A nationwide mass vaccination campaign was conducted from Feb. 2 to May 1, and a cohort including approximately 10.2 million people aged 16 years and above was used, according to the study titled Effectiveness of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Chile published. Among those who were fully immunized, the adjusted vaccine effectiveness was 65.9 percent for the prevention of COVID-19, 87.5 percent for the prevention of hospitalization, and 86.3 percent for the prevention of COVID-19-related death, the results of the study showed. The CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, is an inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech. CoronaVac uses an inactivated whole virus, compelling a recipient's immune system to attack the harmless form of the virus by producing antibodies to fight it off, thus leading to immunity. A medical worker receives a dose of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the Sabiha Uzun Maternal Child Health Center in Ankara, Turkey on Jan. 15, 2021. (Photo by Mustafa Kaya/Xinhua) LONDON -- Interim analysis of Phase 3 clinical trial of the CoronaVac vaccine in more than 10,000 participants in Turkey suggests the efficacy of two doses of the vaccine is 83.5 percent against symptomatic cases of COVID-19, according to a study published in The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. The randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in Turkey using the CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine, developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech. The trial involved over 10,000 participants aged 18 to 59 years. They were randomly assigned to receive two doses of the vaccine (given 14 days apart) or a placebo. The preliminary findings indicated that CoronaVac induced a robust antibody response, and no severe adverse events or deaths were reported among the participants. Most adverse events were mild and occurred within seven days of an injection, according to the study. However, more research is needed to confirm vaccine efficacy in the long term, in a more diverse group of participants, and against emerging variants of concern, said the study. CoronaVac uses an inactivated whole virus, compelling a recipient's immune system to attack the harmless form of the virus by producing antibodies to fight it off, leading to immunity. The vaccine can be stored and transported at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius and has been in Phase 3 trials since mid-2020 in Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, and Turkey, according to The Lancet. "One of the advantages of CoronaVac is that it does not need to be frozen, making it easier to transport and distribute. This could be particularly important for global distribution, as some countries may struggle to store large amounts of vaccine at very low temperatures," said Murat Akova, lead author of the study and a professor at Hacettepe University School of Medicine in Ankara. A woman receives a jab of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Montevideo, Uruguay, March 1, 2021. (Photo by Nicolas Celaya/Xinhua) MONTEVIDEO -- The COVID-19 mortality rate among Uruguayans aged 18 to 69 who were vaccinated with Sinovac vaccine fell by more than 95 percent, according to the latest Vaccine Effectiveness report from the Public Health Ministry. Two weeks after receiving the second dose of the CoronaVac vaccine, developed by Chinese drugmaker Sinovac, mortality fell by 95.3 percent among the vaccinated population aged 18 to 49, and by 95.2 percent among those aged 50 to 69, showed the report. Meanwhile, CoronaVac reduced hospitalization in intensive care units by 94.4 percent among those under the age of 49 and by 92.2 percent among people aged 50 to 69. In addition, COVID-19 infections dropped 64.5 percent 14 days after receiving the second dose in people aged 18 to 49, and 61.5 percent in people between the ages of 50 and 69, the report said. The ministry study monitors the "vaccine effectiveness and safety for SARS-CoV-2" by an interdisciplinary team. A nurse prepares a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac in Bangkok, Thailand, May 12, 2021. (Xinhua/Rachen Sageamsak) BANGKOK -- A new vaccination study conducted by Thailand's Chulalongkorn University has found that China's Sinovac vaccine has extremely high efficacy in boosting immune responses against COVID-19, according to media reports. The study run by the Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology of the Faculty of Medicine at the university showed that 99.49 percent of the recipients had developed antibody responses four weeks after their second shots, the Bangkok Post said, quoting the study results. Three weeks after the first shot, around 66 percent of the recipients had developed immune responses, the report added. The number of antibodies against the coronavirus was measured with Roche Elecsys Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay, a qualitative detection of total antibodies developed against the virus in people's blood samples before and after the vaccination period, said the research group. The tests were conducted before injections, three weeks after the first shot and four weeks after the second injection. A health worker (L) receives a dose of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine during mass vaccination program for health workers as a main priority group in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb. 4, 2021. (Xinhua/Agung Kuncahya B.) JAKARTA -- China's Sinovac vaccine against COVID-19 has appeared to be highly efficacious, as an overwhelming majority of vaccinated health workers were found protected from death and hospitalization, according to a Bloomberg report. Pandji Dhewantara, an official of the country's health ministry, told a press conference that among the 128,290 health workers vaccinated with Sinovac vaccines and tracked from January to March, 98 percent of them were protected from death and 96 percent from hospitalization as soon as seven days after the second dose. Dhewantara also said that 94 percent of the workers had been protected against symptomatic infection. The Indonesian study compared vaccinated people against the non-vaccinated to derive the estimated effectiveness, said the report. The median age of the participants is 31 years old. In an interview with Bloomberg, Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that another group of 25,374 people tracked showed the same effectiveness data for hospitalization and infection with the aforementioned group. Protection against death was 100 percent in the smaller group. "We see a very, very drastic drop," in hospitalizations and deaths among medical workers, Sadikin was quoted as saying. Staff members unload Chinese COVID-19 vaccines at the Ezeiza International Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 1, 2021. (Photo by Martin Zabala/Xinhua) BUENOS AIRES -- The COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinopharm is 84 percent effective in preventing death from the disease, showed a report by the Argentine Ministry of Health. The document, titled "Study of the National Vaccination Campaign's Effectiveness in Reducing Mortality from COVID-19 in People aged 60 and over," was prepared by the ministry with cases from the country's 24 provinces during the period from Jan. 1 to June 22. The study found that the Sinopharm vaccine has an efficacy of "84 percent after the application of its two doses," state news agency Telam reported. The effectiveness against COVID-19 mortality in the Sinopharm vaccine reached 61.6 percent with the application of the first dose in the 147,908 cases analyzed, and increased to 84 percent after the second dose was applied to the same number of people. In February, the country authorized the emergency use of the Sinopharm vaccine after Health Minister Carla Vizzotti signed a resolution, an official measure which highlighted the "safety, immunogenicity and efficacy" of the vaccine. In an interview with Xinhua, Argentine infectious diseases expert Martin Hojman said that the Sinopharm vaccine is "effective" and its arrival in the South American country is "excellent news." "It has two doses. It is an inactivated vaccine that has proven efficacy and no adverse effects, it is a safe vaccine," said Hojman, a member of the Argentine Society of Infectious Diseases. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 09:59:55|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KAMPALA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Uganda's coffee exports in June and for the 2020/21 financial year hit a 30-year record high, according to the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA). The East African country exported 618,388 60-kg bags worth 58.56 million U.S. dollars in June, the highest monthly record since 1991, and an increase of 47 percent in quantity and value from a year ago, according to a report published by the UCDA Sunday. In the year ending June, Uganda exported 6,078,638 60-kg bags worth 559.26 million dollars, up from 5,105,881 60-kg bags valued at 496.28 million dollars the previous year, Apollo Tugume Kamugisha, director of development services at the UCDA, told Xinhua by telephone. The high yields were a result of the government's intensive coffee growing campaign that started in 2014, said Kamugisha, adding that 302 million coffee seedlings were distributed to farmers countrywide. "Since coffee takes about three years to mature and come into production, that is why we are seeing high yields this year," he said. A positive trend in global coffee prices in the last two weeks of June prompted exporters to release their stocks, according to Kamugisha. The UCDA has also been engaging farmers in best handling practices to avoid post-harvest losses, he said. "As a result, farmers stopped harvesting immature coffee and learnt how to dry the harvest well, resulting into higher value of export quality," he said. The official predicted that an upward trend would continue now that the coffee sector had rebounded. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 10:44:56|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close by Xinhua writer He Fei BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Washington's agitation to preserve its technological edge by suppressing China seems to be running unimaginably wild these days. Most recently, the U.S. administration added another batch of Chinese technology firms to its entity list over their alleged roles in so-called human rights abuses in Xinjiang and connections with the Chinese military. Before that, it was reported to have rejected visa applications by more than 500 Chinese students planning to pursue postgraduate study in sciences and engineering at top American universities. Those moves show that the current White House is still taking its cue from the toxic China policy engineered by the administration of Donald Trump. Blacklisting those Chinese firms has nothing to do with improving the human rights conditions in Xinjiang. U.S. politicians pay no more than lip service even when tackling human rights problems at home. How can they have real love for people in a region far off America's shores? Anyone with real knowledge of Xinjiang and an objective mind knows that the region has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years: the Uygur population continues to grow; terrorist acts have been tamed; and living standards have significantly improved. The United States, in sharp contrast, has a rather lamentable human rights record. Yet it seems that America's political leaders are either indifferent to or clueless about solving such chronic problems as systemic racial discrimination or a widening wealth gap. Moreover, Washington's move to deny visa applications of those Chinese science students is yet another proof that the United States is getting increasingly agitated towards China's technological progress and is turning to self-isolation and protectionism for help. For the record, China's purpose to promote scientific and technological advancement is not to outcompete the United States, but to improve the welfare of its own people and contribute to the world's peaceful development. And it would be infantile for China hawks in Washington to resort to blacklisting some Chinese firms or refusing to admit some Chinese students to prevent China from moving forward. In fact, despite Washington's repeated sanctions, China has still managed to achieve substantial technological progress over the years. Washington's bullying tactics harm itself and the rest of the world: America's credibility as a free and open country will be the first victim; people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States will take another hit; and the widely-accepted rules governing global trade will be severely disrupted. The United States is the world's sole superpower and the most advanced country in scientific innovation. Its own story of success indisputably attests to the necessity of openness and international cooperation for technological progress. Sadly, Washington's ballooning hubris and self-serving protectionist slant are demolishing the fundamentals that once underpinned the edifice of America's technological power, and leading the country down the wrong path. The United States should once again embrace a spirit of collaboration to maintain its technological competitiveness in the 21st century. It stands to lose otherwise. After all, America's biggest enemy is itself, not China. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 12:16:02|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese police have located and rescued 2,609 missing or abducted children, including adults who had gone missing or were kidnapped as kids, since a nationwide campaign was launched in January to help reunite such victims with their families, the Ministry of Public Security said Tuesday. Police have cracked 147 cold cases involving child abduction and trafficking during the period, and arrested a total of 372 suspects linked to such crimes, the ministry told a press conference. One victim was traced after a span of 61 years, according to the ministry. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 12:23:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close HANOI, July 13 (Xinhua) -- China plays a crucial role in handling major regional and global issues, a senior official of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has said in a recent interview with Chinese media outlets. China has actively taken part in regional and international bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms, and made significant contributions to promoting international cooperation under the framework of the United Nations, said Le Hoai Trung, head of the Commission for External Relations of the CPV Central Committee. Political parties are an important force in international politics and relations, with significant responsibilities and an indispensable role in dealing with both regional and global issues and challenges, said Trung, former Vietnamese deputy minister of foreign affairs, who has paid multiple visits to China. China has developed rapidly under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and plays a significant role in regional and international affairs, he noted. The initiatives China has put forward can help the international community realize its common development goals, Trung said. "Vietnam welcomes the Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which have boosted regional and global economic growth, facilitated multilateral investment and trade, and shortened the development gap between countries," he said. Vietnam and China are neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, and they are also socialist countries led by the communist parties, which are both advancing their socialist cause, Trung noted. The CPV, the Vietnamese state and its people would like to extend warm congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the CPC's founding and the remarkable achievements the CPC has made over the century, he said. China has gained valuable experience since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the launch of reform and opening-up in 1978, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress, he continued. "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and other theories on state governance are of particular referential value to Vietnam," Trung noted. The CPV and the CPC have maintained regular exchanges and communications, which provided significant guidance for the Vietnam-China relations, he said. The relations between the two countries remain stable and positive, and the two sides have carried out effective exchanges and cooperation at different levels in flexible ways despite the COVID-19 impacts, according to Trung. "We are willing to push forward concrete exchanges and cooperation with China in all respects at all levels," he said. "I hope the two sides will closely work with each other, implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two parties and two countries, and contribute to consolidating and promoting the relations between the parties and countries," said Trung. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 13:03:24|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on June 17, 2021 shows the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., the United States. (Xinhua/Liu Jie) Washington's bullying tactics harm itself and the rest of the world: America's credibility as a free and open country will be the first victim; people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States will take another hit; and the widely-accepted rules governing global trade will be severely disrupted. by Xinhua writer He Fei BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Washington's agitation to preserve its technological edge by suppressing China seems to be running unimaginably wild these days. Most recently, the U.S. administration added another batch of Chinese technology firms to its entity list over their alleged roles in so-called human rights abuses in Xinjiang and connections with the Chinese military. Before that, it was reported to have rejected visa applications by more than 500 Chinese students planning to pursue postgraduate study in sciences and engineering at top American universities. Those moves show that the current White House is still taking its cue from the toxic China policy engineered by the administration of Donald Trump. Blacklisting those Chinese firms has nothing to do with improving the human rights conditions in Xinjiang. U.S. politicians pay no more than lip service even when tackling human rights problems at home. How can they have real love for people in a region far off America's shores? Anyone with real knowledge of Xinjiang and an objective mind knows that the region has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years: the Uygur population continues to grow; terrorist acts have been tamed; and living standards have significantly improved. The United States, in sharp contrast, has a rather lamentable human rights record. Yet it seems that America's political leaders are either indifferent to or clueless about solving such chronic problems as systemic racial discrimination or a widening wealth gap. A visitor takes pictures of an AI-powered robot brewing coffee during the China International Big Data Industry Expo 2021 in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou Province, May 26, 2021. (Xinhua/Yang Wenbin) Moreover, Washington's move to deny visa applications of those Chinese science students is yet another proof that the United States is getting increasingly agitated towards China's technological progress and is turning to self-isolation and protectionism for help. For the record, China's purpose to promote scientific and technological advancement is not to outcompete the United States, but to improve the welfare of its own people and contribute to the world's peaceful development. And it would be infantile for China hawks in Washington to resort to blacklisting some Chinese firms or refusing to admit some Chinese students to prevent China from moving forward. In fact, despite Washington's repeated sanctions, China has still managed to achieve substantial technological progress over the years. Washington's bullying tactics harm itself and the rest of the world: America's credibility as a free and open country will be the first victim; people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States will take another hit; and the widely-accepted rules governing global trade will be severely disrupted. The United States is the world's sole superpower and the most advanced country in scientific innovation. Its own story of success indisputably attests to the necessity of openness and international cooperation for technological progress. Sadly, Washington's ballooning hubris and self-serving protectionist slant are demolishing the fundamentals that once underpinned the edifice of America's technological power, and leading the country down the wrong path. The United States should once again embrace a spirit of collaboration to maintain its technological competitiveness in the 21st century. It stands to lose otherwise. After all, America's biggest enemy is itself, not China. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 13:30:19|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on May 9, 2021 shows the exterior of Egyptian Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) in Cairo, Egypt. (Xinhua/Sui Xiankai) Producing the vaccine locally will have a great impact on controlling the pandemic, not only in Egypt but also in Arab and African countries, said Mohammed Eid, director of Abbasia Chest Hospital in Cairo. CAIRO, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Egypt on Monday celebrated the local production of the first 1 million doses of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, seeking to meet domestic demand and then export to other countries in the region. Egyptian Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) and Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac signed two agreements in April to jointly manufacture the Sinovac vaccine in VACSERA's factory in the North African country. The first agreement enables the Egyptian side to obtain the expertise and technical assistance to produce the vaccine, while the second one gives the VACSERA the license to manufacture and pack the vaccine in its factory. IMPORTANT STEP TOWARDS SELF-SUFFICIENCY "Manufacturing the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the factories of VACSERA makes Egypt the first Arab and African country to produce the coronavirus vaccines," Mohammed Eid, director of Abbasia Chest Hospital in Cairo, told Xinhua. Producing the vaccine locally will have a great impact on controlling the pandemic, not only in Egypt but also in Arab and African countries, he said. "This move will enable Egypt to achieve great successes in controlling the spread of the virus ... Egypt is very qualified to produce the vaccines since it has a very strong scientific and technological base," he added. In addition to the health and technological benefits, Eid said, Egypt will also have economic gains from providing the vaccine to regional countries. He stressed that the Chinese approval of the production of the Sinovac vaccine in Egypt proves China's confidence in Egypt's scientific, technological and industrial capabilities. "This also means that China and Egypt are keen to strengthen their mutual cooperation for the interest of the two peoples," he added. Egypt is also seeking to expand its production capacity of the Chinese vaccine. Last week, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly told reporters that his government is in talks with the Chinese side to double the supply of vaccine raw materials in order to produce 600,000 doses per day. Staff members work at a mass vaccination venue converted from the Cairo's International Exhibition Center in Cairo, Egypt, on May 25, 2021. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) INTERNATIONAL ADMIRATION The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomed the cooperation between Egypt and China in producing Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Egypt. "The cooperation between Egypt and China is a successful model for international cooperation and transfer of global expertise, which contributes to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)," said Naeema Al-Gasseer, WHO representative in Egypt, in a statement last week. The WHO official said that the cooperation between Egypt and China in this regard helps achieve Goal 3.8 of the SDGs, concerning "access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines." The WHO also appreciates Egypt's plan to vaccinate 40 percent of its citizens and residents by the end of this year, saying it is consistent with the organization's call. It valued Egypt's plan to "achieve self-sufficiency in vaccines to become a center for exporting vaccines in Africa." So far, some 52 African countries have acquired more than 70 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines, according to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC). Africa CDC, the specialized healthcare agency of the African Union, said around 1.19 percent of Africa's population have been fully vaccinated. Five countries, namely Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Algeria have acquired and administered the most doses of COVID-19 vaccines to their respective populations, according to the agency. The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Africa reached 5,919,408 as of Sunday afternoon, Africa CDC said. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 13:50:36|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close VIENTIANE, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Border patrols in Laos on the Mekong River are being stepped up in Champasak and Savannakhet provinces to prevent people entering Laos from Thailand illegally. Local daily Vientiane Times on Tuesday quoted Deputy Head of the Public Security Department in Champasak province, Sivilay Keopaseuth, as saying that his staff were partnering with soldiers to patrol the river in Champasak and Savannakhet provinces, which recorded a spike in imported COVID-19 infections. On Tuesday, Champasak province (some 484 km south of Lao capital Vientiane) recorded 43 new imported cases of the virus and Savannakhet province (some 410 km east of Lao capital Vientiane) recorded 21 imported cases, according to the National Taskforce Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control. Border controls have been enhanced under the prime minister's order on reinforcing containment, prevention and response measures to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was issued in the middle of April. Police and soldiers are using longboats to patrol the river. Teams are monitoring boats crossing the Mekong River around the border area with Thailand to prevent people entering Laos illegally and avoiding screening for COVID-19. Laos has seen a spike in imported cases of COVID-19 since the start of this month. Most of the new infections were found among Lao workers returning from Thailand. On Tuesday, Laos reported 76 new COVID-19 infections, with the total number standing at 2,901. Laos reported its first two confirmed cases of COVID-19 on March 24 last year. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 15:18:23|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TIANJIN, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Mahmoud Alsalehi sanitized his hands before walking toward the sickbed of a young patient, gently shaking a toy to delight the 1-year-old who just had surgery for congenital heart disease. When the kid relaxed, Alsalehi leaned down carefully, put a stethoscope on the child's chest, and listened to the child's heart. As a well-loved doctor by kids, Alsalehi was called "Uncle Lao Ma," a nickname derived from the first syllable of his given name. "Ma" literally means horse in Chinese, which represents diligence. "I like this name, and it makes me feel very close to the kids," he said. Alsalehi, 39, who hails from Palestine, now works as the director of Pediatric Cardiology II and Pediatric ICU Department in TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital in north China's Tianjin Municipality. During his training in a children hospital in Canada, Alsalehi got a chance to work for the TEDA hospital in August 2019. "I accepted immediately. China is a very close friend to Palestine and helped us a lot. I hope to help more Chinese children with congenital heart disease to give back to China," Alsalehi said. With the help of Chinese colleagues, Alsalehi soon acclimatized himself to his new working environment. Shuttling between patients' sickbeds, screening and monitoring their heart conditions, reviewing the echocardiogram and checking their nursing records, Alsalehi and his colleagues are always busy making tailored medical and surgical plans for each child. "I often joke around and said that my colleagues are like 'motors' that work ceaselessly. I really admire these dedicated Chinese doctors who are considerate to their patients," Alsalehi said. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, pediatric patients had to stay in the ICU alone after surgeries. Without their parents' company, they were prone to loneliness and anxiety, a major concern for doctors. Pediatric doctors including Alsalehi himself racked their brains to console the young patients. "Even though I cannot speak too much Chinese, I try my best to express my kindness through smiles and eye contact," Alsalehi said, adding that he treated them as his own children. Since 2004, the hospital has worked with local authorities and plenty of charities to carry out dozens of projects to provide free surgeries for children with congenital heart disease from poor families. Their surgery expenses are completely covered by charity projects, which have already reached 24 provincial-level regions of the country. Alsalehi said he hopes to be dispatched to remote regions in China, which were once haunted by poverty, to help kids with congenital heart disease there, like what his colleagues have done for years as part of the country's anti-poverty efforts. "It would make me happy to see those less-privileged children enjoy a normal life again," he said. In the future, Alsalehi plans to go back to Palestine and build a professional pediatric cardiology team. "I hope to do something for my people and my country. The experience I gain in China will definitely be useful." Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 15:30:20|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese vaccines are gathering steam across the world, injecting strong impetus into the global fight against COVID-19 as deaths from the virus topped 4 million worldwide and variants spread to more than 100 countries. As a steadfast advocate for equitable vaccine distribution around the globe, China has supplied 500 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines and concentrates to more than 100 countries and international organizations, accounting for one-sixth of the current global output. China has provided more doses to developing countries than anyone else and has vaccine cooperation partners all over the globe, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Monday. With the support of the Chinese government, Chinese vaccine companies have started joint production in many countries including the UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Pakistan and Mexico, with producing capacity exceeding 200 million doses. HIGH EFFICACY Two Chinese pharmaceutical companies, Sinopharm and Sinovac, will provide 110 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines immediately to participants of the COVAX project, announced the global Vaccine Alliance Gavi on Monday. The Chinese Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines were approved earlier this year by the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use. "The Chinese government has been actively encouraging and supporting Chinese vaccine research and development companies to participate in the COVAX to provide vaccines to developing countries," a diplomat with the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in Geneva said on Monday. Two doses of the Sinopharm vaccine provide 84-percent protection from death caused by COVID-19, showed a report by the Argentine Ministry of Health based on cases from the country's 24 provinces. In February, Argentina authorized the emergency use of the Sinopharm vaccine after Health Minister Carla Vizzotti signed a resolution, an official measure which highlighted the "safety, immunogenicity and efficacy" of the vaccine. The South African government, political parties, labor and civil society have given thumbs up to the CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, whose use in the country was approved by South African Health Products Authority (SAHPRA) on July 3. SAHPRA's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela said they approved the use of the CoronaVac vaccine based on its safety, quality and efficacy of the data presented to them. South Africa's opposition political party Economic Freedom Fighters also welcomed the Sinovac vaccine, calling on the government to make it available to the people soon. "The efficacy of the CoronaVac vaccine to the COVID-19 variants that are dominant in South Africa and its safety are essential. We are therefore looking forward to deepening our party to party relations with the CPC (Communist Party of China) and inter alia, scientific cooperation with China in our struggle to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and resolve underdevelopment," said South African Communist Party General-Secretary Blade Nzimande. Interim analysis of Phase 3 clinical trial of the CoronaVac vaccine in more than 10,000 participants, aged 18-59, in Turkey suggests the efficacy of two doses of the vaccine is 83.5 percent against symptomatic cases of COVID-19, according to a study published last week in The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. The vaccine -- which has been in Phase 3 trials since mid-2020 in Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, and Turkey -- can be stored and transported at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius, according to The Lancet. "This could be particularly important for global distribution, as some countries may struggle to store large amounts of vaccine at very low temperatures," said Murat Akova, lead author of the study and a professor at Hacettepe University School of Medicine in Ankara. The World Health Organization said Monday it believes that Chinese coronavirus vaccines Sinopharm and Sinovac, distributed internationally via COVAX sharing mechanism, were effective enough against the disease. "At any point, if we have concerns with the efficacy of these vaccines, we would definitely make that known. So, at this point, I think we are confident," WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan told a press briefing. SETTING EXAMPLE FOR INT'L COOPERATION A total of 438,867 new COVID-19 cases were reported across the world during the past day, bringing the global tally to 187,238,474, according to data by the Johns Hopkins University. Nonetheless, "at this stage in the pandemic, the fact that millions of health and care workers have still not been vaccinated is abhorrent," Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, told a biweekly conference in Geneva on Wednesday. Tedros reminded that "vaccine nationalism," whereby a handful of nations have taken the lion's share of vaccines, is "morally indefensible" and an ineffective public health strategy against a respiratory virus that is mutating quickly and becoming increasingly successful at infecting new hosts. "Variants are currently winning the race against vaccines because of inequitable vaccine production and distribution ... It didn't have to be this way and it doesn't have to be this way going forward," he noted. United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last week stressed that the world needs a global vaccine plan to at least double the production of vaccines and ensure equitable distribution, using COVAX as the platform. Under current circumstances, cooperation between China and other countries in producing COVID-19 vaccines has been increasingly welcomed by the international community, with many hailing such cooperation as setting an example for international vaccine cooperation and transfer of global expertise. Naeema Al-Gasseer, WHO representative in Egypt, praised the cooperation between Egypt and China in producing Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines in Egypt as "a successful model for international cooperation and transfer of global expertise, which contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals." Egyptian Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) and Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac signed an agreement in April to jointly manufacture Sinovac vaccines in VACSERA's factory in the North African country. Egypt has recently celebrated the production of the first 1 million doses of the vaccine, seeking to meet local demand and further export them to other countries in the region. Similarly, Malaysian firm Yong Tai Bhd, which has partnered China-based Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products (SZKT) to supply Chinese-produced COVID-19 vaccines in Malaysia, is aiming to offer its vaccines to the private sector by September or October. The firm, which has an agreement with SZKT to supply 10 million doses per year and an additional 10 million if required, has been conducting the Phase III Clinical Trial in Malaysia and has applied to the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency for approval to use the vaccines in the country. Yong Tai's CEO Boo Kuang Loon is confident that the vaccine developed by SZKT will be well accepted, as it is from the same technology platform as the other two Chinese COVID-19 vaccine developers Sinopharm and Sinovac. Elsewhere in Asia, Mongolian Foreign Minister Batmunkh Battsetseg said the two countries have maintained active cooperation despite COVID-19, setting a real example of how neighboring countries help each other and overcome difficulties together. "We are sincerely grateful to the Chinese government and people for donating vaccines and essential medical equipment to Mongolia during this difficult time, as well as for sharing experiences in successfully combating the pandemic," she said, adding that China's vaccine support is very important for Mongolia. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 16:09:52|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close As the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened confrontation between China and the West, many scientists have called for the end of politicization of COVID-19 origin tracing, saying that the process should be a scientific rather than geopolitical one. Produced by Xinhua Global Service Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 16:16:01|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close PHNOM PENH, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia will host the 13th ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Summit (ASEM13) on Nov. 25 and 26 via videoconference, according to a foreign ministry's statement on Tuesday. Cambodia will host the summit virtually given that the COVID-19 pandemic still prevails and emerging variants trigger new waves in many parts of the world, including Cambodia, said Foreign Ministry's secretary of state Luy David, who is the ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) leader for Cambodia, according to the statement. "The decision has been made based on the recommendation of the National Committee for Combatting COVID-19 that a physical summit is neither safe for ASEM leaders to attend nor practical as the virus continues to rage on while travel restrictions are being re-imposed by many countries," it said. The statement was released after the ASEM SOM was held via videoconference last week, the statement said, adding that the meeting was attended by all 51 ASEM SOM leaders as well as the representatives from the European Union, ASEAN Secretariat, and Asia-Europe Foundation. The meeting substantively discussed the draft of the Phnom Penh Statement on the Post-COVID-19 Socio-Economic Recovery, which will be one of the two outcome documents to be adopted at the ASEM13, the statement said. Originally scheduled for Nov. 16-17, 2020 in capital Phnom Penh, the summit had been twice postponed due to the pandemic. ASEM is comprised of 53 partners, including 21 Asian countries, 30 European countries, the ASEAN Secretariat, and the European Union. Collectively, ASEM partners represent 65 percent of the global economy, 60 percent of the world's population, 55 percent of the world trade and 75 percent of the world tourism. ASEM was founded in 1996 and Cambodia became its member in 2004. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 16:18:24|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close PHNOM PENH, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen said Tuesday that 5 million people in the Southeast Asian nation have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine so far. Nop Mean, a 70-year-old farmer from northwestern Oddar Meanchey province, was the 5 millionth person to be vaccinated, the prime minister wrote on his Facebook page, adding that he awarded the man 10 million riels (2,500 U.S. dollars) and some relief items for being the special recipient. "Thank all of the compatriots for joining in the fight against COVID-19 through receiving vaccines in order to protect yourselves and family members," Hun Sen said. "To date, we have vaccinated 50 percent of our 10 million targeted adult population." Cambodia launched a vaccination drive on Feb. 10, with China being the key vaccine supplier. The country reported 830 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, pushing the national total caseload to 62,700, the health ministry said, adding that 28 new fatalities were reported, taking the overall death toll to 953. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 16:27:27|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on June 1, 2021 shows vials of the Sinopharm vaccine in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua) As a steadfast advocate for equitable vaccine distribution around the globe, China has supplied 500 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines and concentrates to more than 100 countries and international organizations, accounting for one-sixth of the current global output. BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese vaccines are gathering steam across the world, injecting strong impetus into the global fight against COVID-19 as deaths from the virus topped 4 million worldwide and variants spread to more than 100 countries. As a steadfast advocate for equitable vaccine distribution around the globe, China has supplied 500 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines and concentrates to more than 100 countries and international organizations, accounting for one-sixth of the current global output. China has provided more doses to developing countries than anyone else and has vaccine cooperation partners all over the globe, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Monday. With the support of the Chinese government, Chinese vaccine companies have started joint production in many countries including the UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Pakistan and Mexico, with producing capacity exceeding 200 million doses. A staff member checks tags on vials of COVID-19 vaccine at a packing line of Sinovac Life Sciences Co., Ltd. in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 23, 2020. (Xinhua/Zhang Yuwei) HIGH EFFICACY Two Chinese pharmaceutical companies, Sinopharm and Sinovac, will provide 110 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines immediately to participants of the COVAX project, announced the global Vaccine Alliance Gavi on Monday. The Chinese Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines were approved earlier this year by the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use. "The Chinese government has been actively encouraging and supporting Chinese vaccine research and development companies to participate in the COVAX to provide vaccines to developing countries," a diplomat with the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in Geneva said on Monday. Two doses of the Sinopharm vaccine provide 84-percent protection from death caused by COVID-19, showed a report by the Argentine Ministry of Health based on cases from the country's 24 provinces. In February, Argentina authorized the emergency use of the Sinopharm vaccine after Health Minister Carla Vizzotti signed a resolution, an official measure which highlighted the "safety, immunogenicity and efficacy" of the vaccine. A medical worker prepares to put vaccines developed by Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinopharm into a refrigerator in La Plata, Argentina, March 3, 2021. (Photo by Martin Zabala/Xinhua) The South African government, political parties, labor and civil society have given thumbs up to the CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, whose use in the country was approved by South African Health Products Authority (SAHPRA) on July 3. SAHPRA's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela said they approved the use of the CoronaVac vaccine based on its safety, quality and efficacy of the data presented to them. South Africa's opposition political party Economic Freedom Fighters also welcomed the Sinovac vaccine, calling on the government to make it available to the people soon. "The efficacy of the CoronaVac vaccine to the COVID-19 variants that are dominant in South Africa and its safety are essential. We are therefore looking forward to deepening our party to party relations with the CPC (Communist Party of China) and inter alia, scientific cooperation with China in our struggle to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and resolve underdevelopment," said South African Communist Party General-Secretary Blade Nzimande. Interim analysis of Phase 3 clinical trial of the CoronaVac vaccine in more than 10,000 participants, aged 18-59, in Turkey suggests the efficacy of two doses of the vaccine is 83.5 percent against symptomatic cases of COVID-19, according to a study published last week in The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. The vaccine -- which has been in Phase 3 trials since mid-2020 in Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, and Turkey -- can be stored and transported at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius, according to The Lancet. "This could be particularly important for global distribution, as some countries may struggle to store large amounts of vaccine at very low temperatures," said Murat Akova, lead author of the study and a professor at Hacettepe University School of Medicine in Ankara. The World Health Organization said Monday it believes that Chinese coronavirus vaccines Sinopharm and Sinovac, distributed internationally via COVAX sharing mechanism, were effective enough against the disease. "At any point, if we have concerns with the efficacy of these vaccines, we would definitely make that known. So, at this point, I think we are confident," WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan told a press briefing. People walk on a street in London, Britain, on July 12, 2021. (Photo by Ray Tang/Xinhua) SETTING EXAMPLE FOR INT'L COOPERATION A total of 438,867 new COVID-19 cases were reported across the world during the past day, bringing the global tally to 187,238,474, according to data by the Johns Hopkins University. Nonetheless, "at this stage in the pandemic, the fact that millions of health and care workers have still not been vaccinated is abhorrent," Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, told a biweekly conference in Geneva on Wednesday. Tedros reminded that "vaccine nationalism," whereby a handful of nations have taken the lion's share of vaccines, is "morally indefensible" and an ineffective public health strategy against a respiratory virus that is mutating quickly and becoming increasingly successful at infecting new hosts. "Variants are currently winning the race against vaccines because of inequitable vaccine production and distribution ... It didn't have to be this way and it doesn't have to be this way going forward," he noted. United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last week stressed that the world needs a global vaccine plan to at least double the production of vaccines and ensure equitable distribution, using COVAX as the platform. Under current circumstances, cooperation between China and other countries in producing COVID-19 vaccines has been increasingly welcomed by the international community, with many hailing such cooperation as setting an example for international vaccine cooperation and transfer of global expertise. Naeema Al-Gasseer, WHO representative in Egypt, praised the cooperation between Egypt and China in producing Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines in Egypt as "a successful model for international cooperation and transfer of global expertise, which contributes to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals." Egyptian Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) and Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac signed an agreement in April to jointly manufacture Sinovac vaccines in VACSERA's factory in the North African country. Photo taken on May 9, 2021 shows a building of the Egyptian Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) in Cairo, Egypt. (Xinhua/Sui Xiankai) Egypt has recently celebrated the production of the first 1 million doses of the vaccine, seeking to meet local demand and further export them to other countries in the region. Similarly, Malaysian firm Yong Tai Bhd, which has partnered China-based Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products (SZKT) to supply Chinese-produced COVID-19 vaccines in Malaysia, is aiming to offer its vaccines to the private sector by September or October. The firm, which has an agreement with SZKT to supply 10 million doses per year and an additional 10 million if required, has been conducting the Phase III Clinical Trial in Malaysia and has applied to the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency for approval to use the vaccines in the country. Yong Tai's CEO Boo Kuang Loon is confident that the vaccine developed by SZKT will be well accepted, as it is from the same technology platform as the other two Chinese COVID-19 vaccine developers Sinopharm and Sinovac. Elsewhere in Asia, Mongolian Foreign Minister Batmunkh Battsetseg said the two countries have maintained active cooperation despite COVID-19, setting a real example of how neighboring countries help each other and overcome difficulties together. "We are sincerely grateful to the Chinese government and people for donating vaccines and essential medical equipment to Mongolia during this difficult time, as well as for sharing experiences in successfully combating the pandemic," she said, adding that China's vaccine support is very important for Mongolia. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 17:01:48|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LUANDA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Angola has approved a draft law which aims to create an agency responsible for carrying out the investigation of accidents and incidents in the transport sector, authorities announced on Monday. The draft law approved by the Angolan parliament was for the amendment to the country's Civil Aviation Law, aiming to make up for some deficiencies and make updates in compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organization, said Ricardo de Abreu, the country's transport minister. "It (the document) was established that the executive should create an entity that is responsible for carrying out the investigation of accidents and incidents in the transport sector, which includes the activity of civil aviation," he said. The minister further said that the agency, to be called the National Public Institute for Investigation and Prevention of Accidents and Incidents of Angola, will be created by Presidential Decree. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 17:05:44|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Incomes of people in southwest China's Guizhou Province have been increased thanks to the area's forest carbon sink trading program. Guizhou officially launched a pilot project, which is literally translated as Individual Plant Carbon Sink Trading for Guizhou's Targeted Poverty Alleviation, and its online platform in 2018. Trees planted by registered impoverished households are given identities, with the storage amount of carbon emissions calculated based on each plant's variety, age and size. All individuals, enterprises and organizations dedicated to low carbon growth can purchase the carbon sink trees via the platform, and the amount of sales will be deposited to the personal bank account of the tree owner. Produced by Xinhua Global Service Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 17:23:20|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday met with representatives of all who had participated in the preparations for the centenary celebrations of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, expressed appreciation for their work and achievements, encouraging them to work hard to make new contributions. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 18:21:56|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Aing Sambo, secretary general of Funcinpec Party in Cambodia, has extended his admiration of China for its achievements in reducing poverty, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and battling the COVID-19 pandemic under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). He made the remarks in a recent interview with Xinhua. Produced by Xinhua Global Service Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 19:53:48|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), a major platform for the service trade in the country, will take place in early September in Beijing, authorities said on Tuesday. China will expand the opening up of the service sector and further relax market access restrictions, said commerce ministry official Chen Chunjiang at a press conference. Highlighting openness, cooperation, and global economic recovery, the CIFTIS 2021 will focus on current topics such as the digital economy and carbon neutrality, said Yan Ligang, head of the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau. Apart from the traditional venue of the China National Convention Center, some CIFTIS events will take place in Shougang Park, a new city landmark, once a vacated industrial site in Shijingshan District, said Yan. As of Tuesday, some 138 overseas organizations and foreign embassies in China had shown their intentions to stage exhibitions or meetings at the CIFTIS, according to Yan. The fair, to be held from Sept. 2 to Sept. 7, will feature an exhibition area of 130,000 square meters and will likely see over 100 forums, conferences, and business negotiations, he added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 20:01:09|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MANILA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines and China have shown "excellent cooperation and solidarity" in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, Philippine Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin said Tuesday. "The Philippines and China have demonstrated excellent cooperation and solidarity since the pandemic started," Locsin said in his opening remarks during a webinar on China's experience in the fight against COVID-19. "The Philippines is grateful for China's assistance to the country's public health response, including in-kind and vaccine donations," Locsin said. The top diplomat also thanked China for sharing "best practices and know-how" with the Philippines. "Chinese medical experts came over to teach us what they knew although China was battling the virus still," Locsin said, ending the speech with thanks to China "from the bottom of my heart." Vince Dizon, the deputy chief implementer of the government's response against COVID-19, echoed Locsin in appreciating China for the steady supply of COVID-19 vaccines to the Philippines amid the global shortage of supply. China was the first-ever country to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to the Philippines, allowing the government to kick off its vaccination drive on March 1. Dizon said China is "the biggest supplier" of COVID-19 vaccines to the Philippines. "I thank China for its help. Thank you to our partners in China," he added. Aside from sending a Chinese medical expert team to the Philippines, China has donated personal protective equipment, tests kits, and other equipment needed to defeat COVID-19 to the country. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 20:06:48|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close -- As the global vaccination rollout brings light to countries wrapped in a COVID-19 darkness, an emerging "political virus" has cast a shadow on the origins of the disease. -- Some Western politicians have cooked up the lab-leak hypothesis to blame China and unleash intense waves of disinformation about the disease's origins, which have drawn criticism from the science community. -- Scientists are increasingly worried about the consequences of unfounded allegations, which will hinder origin-tracing work and undermine preparations for the next pandemic. BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- As the global vaccination rollout brings light to countries wrapped in a COVID-19 darkness, an emerging "political virus" has cast a shadow on the origins of the disease. As of Tuesday morning, more than 187 million people around the globe have contracted the virus, with more than 4 million lives lost. However, some self-interested Western politicians are concocting conspiracy theories and spreading misinformation about the origins of the deadly virus, including the tired lab-leak hypothesis. Such unsubstantiated notions do nothing but distract researchers dedicated to learning how and where the contagion began. Scientists worldwide have spoken out against practices of politicizing the origins of COVID-19. Chinese expert members of a WHO-China joint team introduce the report on the WHO-convened global study of COVID-19 origins at a press briefing in Beijing, capital of China, March 31, 2021. (Xinhua/Zhang Yuwei) OPEN QUESTION How and when the novel coronavirus reached "patient zero" remains unanswered. Evidence has begun to emerge that COVID-19 had been circulating around the world earlier than the pathogen was first reported in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. In mid-June, a new antibody testing study by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, which analyzed more than 24,000 blood samples from all 50 U.S. states between Jan. 2 and March 12, 2020, found evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the country earlier than initial reports, which date back to late December 2019. In early June, the World Health Organization requested an Italian research team re-test the samples in their study. Last November, Italy's National Cancer Institute reported that it found evidence of COVID-19 antibodies in the blood of four Italian cancer test subjects in October 2019, meaning they would have been infected by the virus in September, while the first known patient in Italy was detected with infection on Feb. 21, 2020. Dominic Dwyer, an Australian virologist with the University of Sydney, thinks that animals are the likely source of COVID-19, but it remains overhasty to reach a definitive conclusion right now, saying "the 'gotcha' evidence still eludes in what can take years." In the view of David Fidler, a global health researcher with the Council on Foreign Relations, a Washington-based think tank, it's hard to expect COVID-19 origin investigations to reveal definitive data any time soon, according to a report published in the science journal Nature in late May. The origins of most Ebola outbreaks remain mysterious, and researchers have spent 14 years nailing down evidence that the 2002-04 SARS epidemic was caused by a virus transmitted from bats to civets to humans, Fidler said. The video screenshot taken on March 30, 2021 shows Peter K. Ben Embarek, leader of an international team of experts to Wuhan, attending a virtual press conference. (Xinhua) FOLLOW SCIENCE In late March, the WHO released a report on the global tracing of COVID-19 origins, following a 28-day joint study in Wuhan by 34 experts from the WHO and China. The experts assessed the likelihood of possible pathways, saying COVID-19 introduction through an intermediate host is "likely to very likely," through cold/food chain products "possible," and through a laboratory incident "extremely unlikely." Calling the report "a very important beginning," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: "We have not yet found the source of the virus, and we must continue to follow the science and leave no stone unturned as we do." Nonetheless, some Western politicians have cooked up the lab-leak hypothesis to blame China and unleash intense waves of disinformation about the disease's origins, which have drawn criticism from the science community. Danielle Anderson, who has extensive experience in bat-borne virus research, is the only foreign scientist to have worked in the high-security BSL-4 lab of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In an interview with Bloomberg in June, Anderson rejected the lab-leak theory, saying, "If people were sick, I assume that I would have been sick -- and I wasn't. Anderson also said that no one she knew at that time was ill. "We went to dinners together, lunches. We saw each other outside of the lab," said the virologist, who feels "dumbfounded by the portrayal of the lab by some media outside China, and the toxic attacks on scientists that have ensued." Furthermore, Vladimir Dedkov, deputy director for scientific work at Russia's Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, recently told Xinhua that if the hypothesis of an artificial origin is investigated, then it is necessary to investigate all laboratories with viruses of this type, not only in China, but in other countries. Only scientists who rely on international cooperation can clarify the question of the origins of new viruses, he added. The video screenshot taken on May 7, 2021 shows World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attending a press briefing in Geneva, Switzerland. (Xinhua) POLITICAL HINDERANCE Some non-scientists are rushing to fabricate evidence in the name of science. U.S. President Joe Biden has tasked the U.S. intelligence community to produce a report on the origins of COVID-19 within 90 days, instead of offering assistance to the WHO and facilitating the worldwide hunt for the source of the virus, including in his own country. Meanwhile, scientists are increasingly worried about the consequences of unfounded allegations, which will hinder origin-tracing work and undermine preparations for the next pandemic. Earlier this month, two dozen prominent international scientists reiterated their belief that the coronavirus evolved naturally rather than escaped from a lab, in a letter published in The Lancet medical journal. Photo taken on March 30, 2021 shows an exterior view of the headquarters of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland. (Xinhua/Chen Junxia) "Allegations and conjecture are of no help, as they do not facilitate access to information and objective assessment of the pathway from a bat virus to a human pathogen that might help to prevent a future pandemic," they wrote. "Recrimination has not, and will not, encourage international cooperation and collaboration." "I concur with the many scientists who say that politicizing the science does not help genuine efforts to identify the origins of SARS-CoV-2, or ongoing collaboration between Chinese and Western scientists," said Hume Field, a science and policy advisor for China and Southeast Asia at EcoHealth Alliance in New York. It just generates "doubt" and "mistrust" and fundamentally undermines the united global effort needed to prevail against the virus and the pandemic, Field told Xinhua. Similarly, Dedkov said politicizing the topic is purely counterproductive, urging his colleagues to work together to find the cause of the pandemic instead of blaming China without proof. (Video reporter: Zhang Xuan; Video editor: Peng Ying) Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 20:25:37|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close CHENGDU, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Police in southwest China's Chengdu City said Tuesday that they have busted a cross-border online gambling case involving over 100 million yuan (about 15.46 million U.S. dollars) and arrested 74 suspects. In February this year, Chengdu police discovered that a suspect surnamed Cao was engaged in cross-border online gambling activities by acting as an agent for overseas gambling sites and set up dens for the illegal activity in the Shuangliu and Chenghua districts of Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Eleven of the suspects are agents of more than 20 foreign gambling apps. They solicited gamblers to use the apps through China's popular social networking apps WeChat and QQ, from which the suspects made profit. After an investigation, over 200 police officers raided 15 dens in Chengdu on April 19, confiscating 38 computers, 276 cell phones and more than 100,000 yuan in cash. Further investigation into the case is underway. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 20:53:09|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the state Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji and Han Zheng meet with representatives of all who have participated in the preparations for the CPC centenary celebrations, in Beijing, capital of China, July 13, 2021. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu) BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday met with representatives of all who had participated in the preparations for the centenary celebrations of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, expressed appreciation for their work and achievements, encouraging them to work hard to make new contributions. Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee -- Li Keqiang, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji, and Han Zheng -- attended the meeting. At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held earlier, Xi made a speech after hearing a report on the celebrations. Xi noted that the celebrations of the CPC centenary, a major event in the political life of the Party and the state, have reached the expected results under the CPC Central Committee's strong leadership and through joint efforts of all participants. The celebrations turned out to be a grand ceremony of the Party and a festival for the people, he said. The passion and positive energy aroused by the celebrations can channel into the dynamic for fully building a modern socialist country and realizing national rejuvenation, Xi said. He called for efforts to make the Party stronger, ensure its core leadership over socialism with Chinese characteristics, and better present the CPC to the world so as to enhance the international influence of the Party and the country. Xi stressed strengthening and expanding what has been achieved in the celebrations to ensure a good start for implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) and embarking on a journey toward the second centenary goal: building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. Speaking at Tuesday's meeting, Wang Huning called for studying and implementing Xi's speech and requirements, while consolidating and expanding the achievements of the celebrations. He called on all Party members, officials, and the public to channel their passion into actions in their work. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 20:55:12|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close by Dana Halawi BEIRUT, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Hadi Hadba cried when he showed cell phone photos of his father lying in bed next to an oxygen concentrator, which failed to save his life due to successive electricity cuts in Lebanon. Suffering from a lung disease, Hadba's father had to use the oxygen concentrator for at least 14 consecutive hours. But because of the power supply shortage in Lebanon, the machine stopped working on Saturday afternoon, leaving the old man dead on his bed. "I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my father lying lifeless on his bed," the 28-year-old man told Xinhua. Lack of electricity in Lebanon has been a chronic problem, exacerbated by the shortage of U.S. dollar which limits the country's capacity to import fuel for the operation of power stations. As a result, Lebanese households bear daily intermittent power cuts that last for around 20 hours a day if not more. Even worse, diesel generators most Lebanese used to make up for the power failure now face an absence of sufficient supply of the fuel across the country. On that afternoon, Hadba borrowed an uninterruptible power source in hope of sustaining the oxygen machine for a few hours, but it was too late. Failing and corrupt policies adopted by successive governments in Lebanon deprived the Lebanese of some basic rights, including the right to access medicines, proper hospitalization, advanced internet services, and 24 hours of electricity. The electricity sector has cost Lebanon around 40 percent of 95.6 billion dollars of its public debts since 1990. However, Lebanese authorities failed to reform the sector, just relying on ships for power generation which cost millions of dollars yearly. "It is corruption in this country that kills my father and many others," Hadba said. Asma el-Zein, a young lady in her 30s, told Xinhua that her mother had a heart attack last year and she has to use a special device against her sleep apnea to help her breathe at night and prevent heart strokes. "My brothers and I have been in shifts at night to keep an eye on my mum in light of the successive power cuts and the interrupted service by owners of private generators," el-Zein said. The nightmare of electricity blackout has expanded to hospitals which have been pleading to authorities to find a drastic solution to power shortage while warning them that patients' health is in danger. Firas Abiad, director of Rafic Hariri University Hospital, told Xinhua that his hospital has been relying on private generators only as a temporary solution. Abiad noted that his hospital can reduce the number of beds to minimize power consumption but it would be unfair for patients who can not afford to go to private hospitals. Sami Haddad, head of maintenance at El Roum Hospital, told Xinhua that power shortage crisis has worsened when hospitals are forced to pay for the generators' spare parts in U.S. dollar while they charge patients with the local currency which has lost over 90 percent of its value. "It is hard for us to sustain for much longer," Haddad said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 21:54:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close RABAT, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The French Development Agency granted Morocco a loan of 150.6 million euros (180 million U.S. dollars) to support Morocco's agricultural Green Generation Strategy, official news agency MAP reported Tuesday. Morocco's Green Generation 2020-2030 Program-for-Results is designed to make farming more rewarding and strengthen sustainable agriculture by streamlining climate-smart practices. Agricultural sector represents 14 percent of Morocco's GDP annual growth rate, and is the main provider of jobs, with nearly 38 percent. Morocco's Green Generation Strategy aims at achieving a total transition toward climate resilient agriculture that in future will be able to mitigate the impact of severe droughts. It also targets the empowerment of young people and women in rural areas to develop their own businesses and cooperatives in the agricultural sector. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 23:08:07|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close People search remains at the quarantine center in al-Hussein Hospital in al-Nasiriyah, Iraq, July 13, 2021. At least 92 people were killed and dozens wounded in a huge fire that broke out at a hospital in Iraq's southern province of Dhi Qar, the official Iraqi News Agency reported on Tuesday. (Xinhua) BAGHDAD, July 13 (Xinhua) -- At least 92 people were killed and dozens wounded in a huge fire that broke out at a hospital in Iraq's southern province of Dhi Qar, the official Iraqi News Agency reported on Tuesday. On Monday evening, the fire broke out in the quarantine center of the al-Hussein Hospital in the provincial capital al-Nasiriyah, and quickly spread to the nearby 20 sandwich panel caravans. Firefighters and teams of civil defense rushed to the scene to evacuate the patients and health workers, and they put out the fire hours later. On Tuesday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi held a cabinet meeting, during which he pledged to announce the result of the investigation into the fire within a week, according to a statement issued by the prime minister's media office. Meanwhile, al-Kadhimi decided to suspend and detain the director-general of the provincial health department, the director of the hospital and the provincial civil defense director, and ordered an investigation into the deadly incident, said the statement. He also declared a three-day national mourning for the casualties, it added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 23:50:59|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to strengthen vaccine, medical cooperation with Barbados and help the country win the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic at an early date, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday. "At present, the COVID-19 pandemic is still spreading across the world. We feel a duty bound to extend a helping hand whenever our friends need one," Xi said in a phone conversation with Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 00:19:14|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close RABAT, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Morocco announced on Tuesday 1,897 new COVID-19 cases, taking the caseload in the North African country to 545,016. The total number of recoveries from COVID-19 in Morocco increased to 526,168 after 882 more were added. The death toll rose to 9,395 with 11 new fatalities reported during the last 24 hours, while 338 people are in intensive care units. The COVID-19 fatality rate in Morocco stands at 1.7 percent while the recovery rate is 96.5 percent. Meanwhile, 10,713,551 people have received so far the first vaccine shots against COVID-19 in the country, and 9,409,395 people have received the second doses. The North African country launched a nationwide vaccination campaign on Jan. 28 after the arrival of the first shipment of China's Sinopharm vaccines. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 00:30:05|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese side stands ready to conduct in-depth vaccine cooperation with Turkey and help it defeat the COVID-19 pandemic at an early date, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday in a phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Xi pointed out that since last year, the practical cooperation between China and Turkey has yielded encouraging results, showing strong resilience and great potential. The close cooperation between the two sides in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic has become a new highlight in bilateral relations, Xi said. Noting that China and Turkey are about to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations, Xi said the Chinese side is willing to work with Turkey to promote greater development of China-Turkey strategic cooperative relations. Xi emphasized that both sides should respect each other's core concerns and enhance strategic mutual trust. China supports Turkey in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and in taking a development path in line with its own national conditions, Xi said, adding that China is also willing to strengthen cooperation with Turkey in anti-terrorism, security and other fields. Xi called on the two sides to promote synergy between joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Middle Corridor project of Turkey, explore new ideas and measures to optimize bilateral trade structure, and improve economy and trade cooperation so as to push for more fruitful results in their practical cooperation. Both sides should jointly oppose labelling the virus and politicizing origin tracing, and promote the building of a global community of health for all, Xi added. For his part, Erdogan said the safety and effectiveness of Chinese vaccines have won recognition and trust worldwide, and Turkey hopes to strengthen vaccine cooperation with China. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 00:39:24|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- A spokesperson with the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council voiced support on Tuesday for Macao's Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election in disqualifying some candidates for the upcoming Legislative Assembly election. The candidates were disqualified for not upholding the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) or not pledging allegiance to the Macao SAR. The move is in line with the "one country, two systems" policy and the Basic Law, and is to ensure the implementation of the principle of "patriots administering Macao," said the spokesperson. Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Macao SAR must be staunch patriots, the "patriots administering Macao" principle must be implemented in the Legislative Assembly election, and the candidates must meet the standards for patriotism, the spokesperson added. The upcoming election is a major event for the Macao SAR in 2021, and the central government will give its full support to the SAR in organizing the election, according to the spokesperson. "We believe all sectors of Macao society will respect and support the decision by the Electoral Affairs Commission regarding the election, firmly safeguard the 'patriots administering Macao' principle, and elect Legislative Assembly members that fit the patriot standards," said the spokesperson. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 01:14:51|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday that China is ready to continue strengthening cooperation with Ukraine on vaccine and traditional Chinese medicine, and help the country beat the COVID-19 pandemic. Xi made the remarks in a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Ever since China and Ukraine established their strategic partnership 10 years ago, bilateral ties have maintained a healthy and stable momentum in development, and their cooperation in various areas has achieved positive results, bringing tangible benefits to the people of the two countries, Xi said. He also said that the two countries have since last year joined hands in fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic, and carried out cooperation on vaccine and other areas, deepening the friendship between the two peoples. The Chinese side is ready to work together with Ukraine to carry forward the traditional friendship, deepen mutual understanding, strengthen practical cooperation, and take the 30th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral ties next year as an opportunity to actively push forward China-Ukraine relations, and help the two countries better achieve their respective development goals, Xi added. Noting the recurring waves of the outbreak, Xi said the only way for the international community to perform well in humanity's arduous fight against the virus is through solidarity and cooperation. Xi added that the two sides should take high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road as an opportunity to push forward cooperation on such projects as infrastructure and China-Europe freight train service, advance cooperation on agricultural products, and expand people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. For his part, Zelensky noted that the Chinese side just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), saying that the Ukrainian side extended its congratulations, and wishes greater achievements by the Chinese people under the CPC's leadership. In the face of the strike by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese side has offered timely and precious assistance to Ukraine, which has played an important role in helping Ukraine fight against the disease, he said, adding that he hopes the two sides can strengthen cooperation on vaccines, medicine and other areas. Noting that the Ukrainian side attaches great importance and is dedicated to developing a closer Ukraine-China strategic partnership, Zelensky said Ukraine firmly adheres to the one-China policy, and is ready to take the 10th anniversary of the bilateral strategic partnership as well as the 30th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral ties as an opportunity to promote exchanges and cooperation with China in various areas. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 01:23:00|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese side stands ready to conduct in-depth vaccine cooperation with Turkey and help it defeat the COVID-19 pandemic at an early date, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday in a phone conversation with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Xi pointed out that since last year, the practical cooperation between China and Turkey has yielded encouraging results, showing strong resilience and great potential. The close cooperation between the two sides in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic has become a new highlight in bilateral relations, Xi said. Noting that China and Turkey are about to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations, Xi said the Chinese side is willing to work with Turkey to promote greater development of China-Turkey strategic cooperative relations. Xi emphasized that both sides should respect each other's core concerns and enhance strategic mutual trust. China supports Turkey in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and in taking a development path in line with its own national conditions, Xi said, adding that China is also willing to strengthen cooperation with Turkey in anti-terrorism, security and other fields. Xi called on the two sides to promote synergy between joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Middle Corridor project of Turkey, explore new ideas and measures to optimize bilateral trade structure, and improve economy and trade cooperation so as to push for more fruitful results in their practical cooperation. Both sides should jointly oppose labelling the virus and politicizing origin tracing, and promote the building of a global community of health for all, Xi added. For his part, Erdogan once again congratulated the Communist Party of China on its centennial. He said that this year also marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and China, which is of special significance for both countries. Turkey attaches importance to developing relations with China, and is willing to have close contacts with China and look to the future, jointly build the Belt and Road, and expand practical cooperation in such fields as economy, trade and infrastructure, Erdogan said, adding that Turkey welcomes investment cooperation with Chinese enterprises. Expressing appreciation for China's invaluable support in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic, Erdogan said the safety and effectiveness of Chinese vaccines have won recognition and trust worldwide, and Turkey hopes to strengthen vaccine cooperation with China. Turkey has and will continue to adhere to the one-China policy firmly, he said. Turkey also supports China in safeguarding its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and in combating terrorism, he said, adding that his country does not allow anyone to use Turkish territory to engage in separatist activities that endanger China's sovereignty. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 01:23:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MACAO, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SAR on Tuesday voiced firm support for Macao's Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election in carrying out its duties in accordance with law and rendering some candidates unqualified to stand for election. The commission announced Tuesday that 20 candidates were rendered unqualified to stand for the direct election of the upcoming Legislative Assembly election for having not upheld the Macao SAR Basic Law, or not pledging allegiance to the Macao SAR. The number of candidate lists for the direct election was reduced by five from 19 to 14. The SAR government said that upholding the Macao SAR Basic Law and pledging allegiance to the Macao SAR are the fundamental standards for members of the Legislative Assembly, noting that it is the responsibilities of the commission to examine the qualifications of candidates in accordance with law so as to safeguard the overall interests of the Macao SAR and the constitutional order as stipulated in China's Constitution and the Macao SAR Basic Law, and implement the principle of "patriots administering Macao." The SAR government stressed that disqualifying certain candidates does not affect the basic rights enjoyed by Macao residents in accordance with law, the freedom of speech they enjoy, or their right to know and supervise the SAR government's work. The SAR government vowed to continue supporting the commission in carrying out its duties in accordance with law to ensure the steady and sustained implementation of "one country, two systems" and maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Macao. The liaison office said making sure members of the Legislative Assembly uphold the Macao SAR Basic Law and pledge allegiance to the Macao SAR is an inevitable requirement for implementing "one country, two systems" and safeguarding the fundamental interests of the country and Macao. The office stressed that the decision of the commission serves the overall and long-term interests of the Macao SAR and the vital interests of Macao residents, adding that the decision is of profound and lasting significance to maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Macao, guaranteeing the livelihood and well-being of Macao compatriots and promoting the steady and sustained implementation of "one country, two systems" with Macao characteristics. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 01:27:25|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to strengthen vaccine, medical cooperation with Barbados and help the country win the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic at an early date, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday. "At present, the COVID-19 pandemic is still spreading across the world. We feel a duty bound to extend a helping hand whenever our friends need one," Xi said in a phone conversation with Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley. Xi said that Barbados is China's good friend and partner in the eastern Caribbean, adding that since the two countries established diplomatic ties 44 years ago, the two sides have seen sustained high-level exchanges and fruitful cooperation. He also said that since the outbreak of COVID-19, China and Barbados have pulled together and jointly overcome the difficulties of the moment. Noting that both countries adhere to putting the people first, Xi said China stands ready to strengthen exchanges of experience in national governance with Barbados, expand practical cooperation in infrastructure and other fields, and keep promoting China-Barbados relations to new levels. China is willing to continue providing help for Barbados in economic and social development to the best of its ability, Xi said, adding that the two sides should reinforce coordination and cooperation in international affairs and safeguard the common interests of developing countries. The Belt and Road Initiative has created more opportunities for common development, Xi noted, saying that China is ready to work with Barbados and other Caribbean countries to promote the joint construction of the Belt and Road. Xi also said that he hopes that Barbados can make positive contributions to advancing cooperation on the China-Caribbean community with a shared future and to boosting China-Latin America relations. For her part, Mottley extended her sincere congratulation on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Under Xi's far-sighted and strong leadership, China has successfully realized its first centenary goal and eliminated absolute poverty, she said. She also expressed her belief and wish that under the leadership of the CPC, China will definitely make greater achievements on its new journey to achieve the second centenary goal. Barbados is glad to have such a friend as China, Mottley said, adding that her country is ready to work with China to strengthen bilateral practical cooperation and multilateral communication and coordination, jointly build the Belt and Road, and promote Barbados-China ties as well as Latin America-China ties for greater development. Mottley thanked China for offering precious help to Barbados in fighting against the pandemic, saying that her country opposes politicizing the origin tracing of the virus, appreciates China for its positive contributions to promoting the fair distribution of vaccines among developing countries, and hopes to strengthen vaccine cooperation with China. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 01:37:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close GAZA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- A senior Qatari diplomat said on Tuesday that Qatar exerts efforts to ensure that a new round of tension between Israel and militant groups in the Gaza Strip does not recur. Mohammed al-Emadi, the Qatari envoy to the Gaza Strip, made the remarks in a meeting held late on Monday night with Yehya Sinwar, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Gaza. In a press statement sent to Xinhua, the office of al-Emadi in Gaza said that "Qatar is making efforts with all parties to ensure the establishment of a ceasefire and to ensure that the round of escalation is not renewed." The statement added that al-Emadi told Sinwar during their meeting that his country "is keen to bring urgent humanitarian and relief aid to the populations of the Gaza Strip as soon as possible." According to the statement, al-Emadi discussed with Hamas leaders the current political situation and the developments in the region and expressed hope that calm will be stable in the Gaza Strip. On May 21, Egypt brokered a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas-led militant groups in the Gaza Strip, ending 11 days of tension between the two sides that killed more than 250 Palestinians and 13 Israelis. The statement said that al-Emadi explained to Sinwar that Qatar is standing by the Palestinian people, and will keep supporting the Palestinians at all levels. Meanwhile, Sinwar told al-Emadi that the Qatari support for the Palestinian people "confirms the depth of the relationship and the firmness of Qatar's position in supporting the Palestinian cause." Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 01:51:51|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Turkmenistan is willing to expand cooperation with China in various areas, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov said here on Tuesday at a meeting with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Berdymukhamedov asked Wang to convey his sincere greetings to Chinese President Xi Jinping and extended his warm congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. China is the only country that has eliminated absolute poverty and completed the building of a well-off society in an all-round way, and Turkmenistan admires China for its achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, Berdymukhamedov said. Turkmenistan and China are long-term strategic partners, and the relationship between the two sides is based on mutual respect, trust and support, the president noted. Berdymukhamedov thanked China for consistently supporting the international initiatives put forward by Turkmenistan and its permanent neutrality, saying that Turkmenistan firmly supports the one-China principle and will continue to firmly support China on issues involving China's core interests. To cooperate with China in the energy field is a political decision made by Turkmenistan, he said, adding that Turkmenistan regards China as a long-term and reliable strategic partner in the field of natural gas, and is willing to further expand cooperation with China in the fields of information, communications, high technology, etc. The Turkmen side thanked China for its assistance in fighting the epidemic. China's vaccines are safe, effective and trustworthy, and Turkmenistan is willing to continue to strengthen vaccine cooperation with China, according to Berdymukhamedov. China and the five Central Asian countries are not only close neighbors, but also friends and partners. They have huge space and potential for mutually beneficial cooperation, and should work together to give full play to the role of the "China+Central Asia" mechanism to maintain regional security and stability, and promote regional development and prosperity, Berdymukhamedov added. The Turkmen side advocated that neighboring countries should play a bigger role on the Afghan issue, and expressed its willingness to strengthen communication and coordination with China on the situation in Afghanistan. Wang conveyed Xi's cordial greetings to Berdymukhamedov. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations nearly 30 years ago, the China-Turkmenistan ties have seen healthy and stable development, with the strategic guidance of the heads of state being the biggest advantage and mutual support being the most fundamental feature, Wang said. Not long ago, the important phone conversation between the two heads of state charted course for and injected impetus to the future development of the bilateral relations, he said. Wang said that China firmly supports Turkmenistan's commitment to permanent neutrality, its important initiatives aimed for international peace and prosperity, and its major political processes. China is ready to deepen cooperation with Turkmenistan in various areas and add more substance to their strategic partnership, he said. Wang said the two countries should sign as soon as possible documents on the alignment of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative with Turkmenistan's development strategy to revive the Great Silk Road, formulate a five-year plan for all-round cooperation, plan overall strategic cooperation between the two countries, and turn the high-level political relations into more concrete results that will benefit the two peoples. Wang noted China always views cooperation with Turkmenistan in natural gas from the strategic and long-term perspective and offers to be the most reliable and stable export market for Turkmenistan's natural gas. China is ready for cooperation with Turkmenistan across the whole industrial chain of oil and gas, and jointly forge a high-level strategic partnership in the energy sector, he said. Wang suggested that both countries expand cooperation in non-natural resources sectors and enrich their strategic cooperation. He said China will continue to provide aid, including vaccines, to Turkmenistan to help it combat the COVID-19 pandemic, strengthen bilateral health cooperation, and build a global community of health for all. Wang emphasized that the current security situation in Central Asia is not optimistic, and the urgency and necessity of strengthening security cooperation between China and Turkmenistan have become increasingly prominent. China is willing to maintain close communication with Turkmenistan on the situation in Afghanistan, strengthen cooperation under the "China+Central Asia" framework, strictly guard against and respond to the spillover effect of the situation in Afghanistan on neighboring countries, and maintain regional peace and stability, Wang said. During his visit to Turkmenistan, Wang also held talks with Turkmen Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov, and met with Turkmen Deputy Prime Minister and Turkmen President of China-Turkmenistan Cooperation Committee Serdar Berdymukhamedov. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 01:57:17|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close DHAKA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The entry of Chinese vaccines into the COVAX demonstrates contributions China has been making to solving the uneven distribution of COVID-19 vaccines around the world, a Bangladeshi health advisor said on Tuesday. Mushtuq Husain, an adviser to the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research under Bangladesh's Health Ministry, in an interview with Xinhua said so far China is the country that provides the most vaccines for developing countries. He said China's contributions will bolster the inoculation drive against the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. The official said Bangladesh is delighted to learn that the Chinese drugmakers Sinopharm and Sinovac will provide COVID-19 vaccines for the COVAX program to bolster its goals of reducing death and suffering as well as improving the global economy. "We are very happy and feeling relieved that Sinopharm and Sinovac have contributed to COVAX to facilitate the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccine to the developing countries," he said, adding that this would be a big boon for the whole world in the fight against the deadly disease. The official said Bangladesh is in need for more Chinese support to rein in the worsening COVID-19 situation. The Bangladeshi health official also said they are seeking more cooperation with Chinese organizations in the fight against infectious diseases. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 04:15:58|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BRUSSELS, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The Council of the European Union (EU) on Tuesday approved the first batch of national plans for recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic fallout, concluding the process for nearly half of EU countries to get the initial capital. The first 12 countries to be able to get the much-needed loans and grants are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain. "I think today is a historic day because it's the first time that the EU, the European Commission supported states in such way. For example, went to the markets, issued bonds, and now pays grants and loans to the countries," declared Slovenian Minister for Finance Andrej Sircelj, whose country holds the current presidency of the Council of the EU. "This is excellent news. We have come a long way in preparing these ambitious plans. The EU funding can now start to flow to finance much-needed reforms and investments in each of these countries," said Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commission Executive Vice-President in charge of An Economy that Works for People. "But this is only the start. Putting all plans into proper and rapid effect will be vital," he cautioned. The 12 countries will now have to sign grant and loans agreements with the European Commission, which will enable the commission to unlock a 13 percent pre-financing of the total amount each country will receive. Countries should get their pre-financing by the end of July, according to Dombrovskis. "I think it's very important that this formal final approval of these plans is set to arrive exactly in the moment when the recovery is underway. This will boost confidence in the markets," said Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy. The money will be allocated from the 672.5 billion-euro Resilience and Recovery Facility, an instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU, the bloc's massive recovery package. Up to 312.5 billion euros will be available in grants, and up to 360 billion euros in loans. Among the 12 EU member states, Italy will receive 191.5 billion euros from the EU, including 68.9 billion euros in grants and 122.6 billion euros in loans. It is the largest package so far. Italy's plan devotes 37 percent of expenditure on projects that support climate objectives, including a large-scale renovation program to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. A quarter of the money will go to digital investments, according to the European Commission. An extraordinary economic and finance council will be held virtually in late July, during which the resilience and recovery plans of Slovenia, Lithuania, Cyprus, and Croatia should be approved. Ireland could also be part of the second batch, announced Sircelj. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 05:41:08|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TUNIS, July 13 (Xinhua) -- A plane loaded with 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine arrived on Tuesday at Tunis Carthage Airport from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), said a statement released by the Tunisian Presidency. The batch of COVID-19 doses offered by the UAE follows a telephone conversation between Tunisian President Kais Saied and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, it said. This aid, which aims to support Tunisia's fight against the pandemic, reflects the strong relations between the two countries, according to the statement. The presidency also announced that Tunisia received 250,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from Algeria to help fight the pandemic. "This noble initiative reflects the strength of the bonds of brotherhood and the solid relations between Tunisia and Algeria," said the presidency. On Tuesday, another batch of 50,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine donated by Turkey also arrived in Tunisia. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 12:48:03|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close CAIRO, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Egypt on Monday celebrated the local production of the first 1 million doses of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, seeking to meet domestic demand and then export to other countries in the region. Egyptian Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) and Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac signed two agreements in April to jointly manufacture the Sinovac vaccine in VACSERA's factory in the North African country. The first agreement enables the Egyptian side to obtain the expertise and technical assistance to produce the vaccine, while the second one gives the VACSERA the license to manufacture and pack the vaccine in its factory. IMPORTANT STEP TOWARDS SELF-SUFFICIENCY "Manufacturing the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the factories of VACSERA makes Egypt the first Arab and African country to produce the coronavirus vaccines," Mohammed Eid, director of Abbasia Chest Hospital in Cairo, told Xinhua. Producing the vaccine locally will have a great impact on controlling the pandemic, not only in Egypt but also in Arab and African countries, he said. "This move will enable Egypt to achieve great successes in controlling the spread of the virus ... Egypt is very qualified to produce the vaccines since it has a very strong scientific and technological base," he added. In addition to the health and technological benefits, Eid said, Egypt will also have economic gains from providing the vaccine to regional countries. He stressed that the Chinese approval of the production of the Sinovac vaccine in Egypt proves China's confidence in Egypt's scientific, technological and industrial capabilities. "This also means that China and Egypt are keen to strengthen their mutual cooperation for the interest of the two peoples," he added. Egypt is also seeking to expand its production capacity of the Chinese vaccine. Last week, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly told reporters that his government is in talks with the Chinese side to double the supply of vaccine raw materials in order to produce 600,000 doses per day. INTERNATIONAL ADMIRATION The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomed the cooperation between Egypt and China in producing Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Egypt. "The cooperation between Egypt and China is a successful model for international cooperation and transfer of global expertise, which contributes to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)," said Naeema Al-Gasseer, WHO representative in Egypt, in a statement last week. The WHO official said that the cooperation between Egypt and China in this regard helps achieve Goal 3.8 of the SDGs, concerning "access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines." The WHO also appreciates Egypt's plan to vaccinate 40 percent of its citizens and residents by the end of this year, saying it is consistent with the organization's call. It valued Egypt's plan to "achieve self-sufficiency in vaccines to become a center for exporting vaccines in Africa." So far, some 52 African countries have acquired more than 70 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines, according to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC). Africa CDC, the specialized healthcare agency of the African Union, said around 1.19 percent of Africa's population have been fully vaccinated. Five countries, namely Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Algeria have acquired and administered the most doses of COVID-19 vaccines to their respective populations, according to the agency. The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Africa reached 5,919,408 as of Sunday afternoon, Africa CDC said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 15:03:12|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ADDIS ABABA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Ethiopia registered 66 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, taking the nationwide tally to 277,137 as of Monday evening, the country's Ministry of Health said. The ministry said no deaths were registered over the last 24 hours and 33 more recoveries were reported during the same period, bringing the total number of recoveries to 262,022. Ethiopia has so far recorded 4,343 COVID-19 related deaths. Ethiopia, Africa's second-most populous nation, has so far reported the largest number of COVID-19 cases in the East Africa region. According to the ministry, Ethiopia currently has 10,770 active COVID-19 cases, of whom 121 are under severe health conditions. Amid the national push for vaccination, the East African country has so far administered a total of 2,062,456 COVID-19 vaccine doses, according to the ministry. It received the first batch of China's Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines donated by the Chinese government in March. Figures from the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that Ethiopia's COVID-19 cases accounted for about 5 percent of Africa's total. Ethiopia is among the countries the hardest hit by COVID-19 in Africa, following South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 18:35:25|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LUSAKA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- It is a bright Sunday morning and 7-year-old Grace Chimdidi and her elder sister 17-year-old Chiyembekezo Chimdidi, are preparing to visit their grandparents in Chazanga, a peri-urban area in Zambia's capital Lusaka. Grace is always ecstatic about visiting her grandparents who live a few kilometers from her home. A visit to their grandparents is an opportunity for her to climb trees and eat roasted maize among other things. For Chiyembekezo going to Chazanga entails having a free fancy hairdo done by one of her aunts, something that she has always looked forward to whenever she is around her grandparents' place. "Please remind your grandfather about the vegetable seedlings I requested for and don't forget to carry them along on your way back," said the children's mother as the two sisters headed to a nearby bus station. No sooner had they reached the station than a minibus stopped and they quickly got on board. Within minutes, the two children were at their grandparents' place. Once inside the premises, elated Grace rushed to knock on the front door that was quickly answered by her grandfather, 72-year-old Kasuli Chenje, who seemed somewhat perturbed to see the duo. Instead of welcoming the children in, Chenje stood in the doorway and asked Chiyembekozo and Grace to take a few steps backward while he reached for his mobile phone which was in one of his pockets. He swiftly dialed a number. "We will not be receiving any visitors for a while. We have had too many funerals in our compound and so it will not be wise to allow Chiyembekezo and Grace inside the house. Sorry, I will have to send them back," he said as he ended the brief phone conversation. He turned to look at the two and said that "sorry I cannot allow you inside the house or around this place. I have already spoken with your mother and she understands why that is so. Please go back home." Chiyembekezo and Grace left their grandparents' house both confused and disappointed at the turn of events. The girls got in a taxi and headed back home without saying much. "It seemed as though he was suggesting that my sister and I were carrying the coronavirus," said Chiyembekezo, after days of that sad episode at their grandparents' place. "I think he was only trying to protect himself and us because anyone can pass on the virus without knowing and there is no sure way of telling who has it who and who doesn't," she added. The story of Chiyembekezo and Grace exemplifies what is currently happening in a number of communities in Zambia today. With the third wave of COVID-19 taking a toll on society, households are not only fearful of welcoming visitors but also unsure of how to handle the social dilemmas brought about the pandemic. Individuals continue to recount how the pandemic has greatly affected their lives particularly its social aspects. "COVID-19 has really shown us the unimaginable. Who would have thought that for one to attend a funeral ceremony of a relation or friend they would need to be invited," said 35-year-old Tobias Mumba, a resident of Lusaka. He went on to recount how he was denied the privilege of attending a friend's funeral in June this year. After days of waiting for an invitation to attend the funeral of the said friend, Mumba tried to gatecrash but failed. According to Zambian sociologist Mwiya Mataa, physical interactions have been an essential part of human social experience, and are particularly important for the social development of young people. Mataa who is a lecturer at the University of Zambia, said in response to the COVID-19 situation, societies will need to adopt new values and new norms in order to survive. "But we must ensure that we disseminate accurate information about COVID-19 so that individuals fully appreciate that it is in their best interest not to, for instance, attend a funeral physically," he explained. He further emphasized the need to continue investing in technology noting that physical interactions are diminishing and people the world over are relying more on technology to stay connected with friends and family. "We now have to value virtual interactions," Mataa stressed. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 20:50:25|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close GABORONE, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Botswanan government on Tuesday issued an advisory to its citizens against travel to neighboring South Africa and Kingdom of Eswatini, due to the ongoing incidents of violence and unrest in the two countries. In a media statement from the Botswanan Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation, Botswanan citizens were advised to avoid unnecessary travel to some parts of South Africa, particularly KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng Provinces. Batswana (Botswanan citizen) who are already in South Africa were advised to exercise extreme caution and avoid unnecessary movements, especially in cities such as Johannesburg and Durban. Botswanan truck drivers were advised to consider alternative routes to avoid protest areas. In South Africa, protests started in the KwaZulu-Natal province last week over the imprisonment of former President Jacob Zuma for failure to abide by a court order. Supporters of the former President started violent protests and looting calling for his immediate release from jail. The protests were reported to have spread to other provinces including Gauteng by Monday evening. The ministry also advised Batswana to avoid unnecessary travel to the Kingdom of Eswatini due to civil unrests in that country. Those people who are already in Eswatini were advised to exercise extreme caution and avoid unnecessary movements within the country. Unrest started in the Kingdom of Eswatini at the end of June when demonstrators took to the streets to protest against the monarchy and for democratization. What started as a peaceful protest then escalated into violence and looting a few days later as the government took a hard-line stance against the demonstrations and prohibited the delivery of petitions. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 23:07:46|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LUSAKA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Zambia has seen an improvement in the availability of oxygen following a critical shortage due to increased COVID-19 cases as the third wave rages on, a government official said on Tuesday. Kennedy Malama, Permanent Secretary in charge of Technical Services in the Ministry of Health has since thanked local producers for responding to the oxygen shortage by making the commodity available. "We continue making good progress in commodity security to ensure enhanced quality of care in our health facilities. We are pleased to report that we have greatly improved our oxygen availability," he said during a COVID-19 update press briefing. Zambia currently has 12,163 active cases, with 11,203 under community management while 960 are admitted to isolation facilities. Out of those admitted, 696 are on oxygen therapy with 152 in critical conditions. The country's cumulative cases currently stand at 178,748 following 2,006 new cases recorded in the last 24 hours while total deaths stand at 2,904 following 37 new deaths during the past 24 hours. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 00:42:27|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close NAIROBI, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The introduction of real estate investment trusts (REITs) in Kenya has enabled local and foreign property owners and developers to address finance constraints, Geoffrey Odundo, the chief executive of Nairobi Securities Exchange said. He noted in a statement on Tuesday after an investors meeting in Nairobi that REITs in Kenya have opened up a new investment asset class that is accessible not only to large investors, but also retail investors. In 2013, Kenya became the third African country to establish REITs as an investment vehicle with the country's regulations providing for three types of the assets. Wycliffe Shamiah, Capital Markets Authority chief executive, observed that REITs have helped unlock the value of the real estate sector in the east African nation by facilitating developers' access to capital that can help boost growth of the capital markets. Through REITs, he added, investors get an opportunity to diversify their investment portfolios. The NSE currently has three REITs that are the ILAM Fahari I-REIT, which started trading in November 2015, the Acorn Student Accommodation I-REIT and D-REIT launched in February. Kenya's REITs market, according to analysts, has the potential for vast growth and to transform the country's property sector. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 08:12:58|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JAKARTA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- A ship with about 109 people on board caught fire in the waters off western Indonesia on Monday afternoon, but all the passengers and crew members were rescued safely, an official said. The ship, Gunsa 8, caught fire when it was sailing in the Bangka Strait. The fire came from the engine of the ship, said Aswind Abu Nawar, head of the emergency unit of the disaster management agency in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung province. The ship departed from a seaport in the province and was heading for a sea port in South Sumatra province, according to the official. "All of the 90 passengers and 19 crew members were rescued by another passenger ship which was passing by at that time. Six of the people on board were children," he told Xinhua via phone. "The fire was extinguished by a tugboat which was equipped with tools for stopping fires at sea," said Aswind. All the passengers were transported to the seaport in Kepulauan Bangka Beitung, he said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 13:48:12|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close VIENTIANE, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The Lao government has extended the ban on the import of cattle and other beef products due to an outbreak of lumpy skin disease, which is continuing to spread in various areas of the country. According to local daily Vientiane Times on Tuesday, measures have been introduced to monitor and control the spread of the disease and address the shortage of beef and buffalo meat so there is enough to meet the needs of consumers. The Department of Livestock and Fisheries under the Lao Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has issued guidelines to control the transport of cattle until the disease outbreak subsides. A ban on the transport of cattle between provinces has been instituted to ensure the disease does not spread around the country, with checkpoints to be set up on roads. The department has instructed the relevant sectors and local authorities to inform the public, farmers, and livestock businesses about the ways to prevent the spread of the disease, including improving hygiene and ensuring a clean environment for livestock. The department stressed the need for closer coordination between central and local authorities to prevent delays in response to the disease outbreak. Lumpy skin disease is a viral infection that affects cattle but cannot be transmitted to humans. It is transmitted by direct contact, such as by eating contaminated food, proximity to a herd, and by contact with an infected animal. The virus is also indirectly transmitted by blood-sucking beetles and mosquitoes. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 15:31:11|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KABUL, July 13 (Xinhua) -- A total of 29 militants have been confirmed dead as fighting planes struck Taliban fighters' gathering in Tepa area of Afghanistan's northern Jawzjan province on Monday, the Defense Ministry said in a statement released on Tuesday. Three key Taliban commanders were among those killed in the air raids along the road linking Jawzjan to the neighboring Sari Pul province, the statement said. A large quantity of arms and ammunitions of the militants were also destroyed in the airstrikes, the statement added. Taliban militants have yet to comment on the incident. The militant group has overrun more than a dozen districts in Jawzjan and the neighboring Faryab, Balkh and Sari Pul provinces over the past two months. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 18:05:50|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close NEW DELHI, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Two more cases of Zika virus have been detected Tuesday in the southern Indian state of Kerala, taking the case tally to 21, officials said. According to the local health department officials, both the cases are from Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala. "Two more people in the state have been diagnosed with the Zika virus," a local news agency quoted Kerala health minister Veena George as having said. "A 35-year-old resident of Poonthura and a 41-year-old resident of Sasthamangalam. With this, 21 Zika virus cases are confirmed in the state." Last week 14 cases were detected in the state. The first case was a 24-year-old pregnant woman. Later on, 13 people, mostly healthcare workers, were found infected. Since then cases keep on increasing though at a slower pace. Following the detection of Zika virus cases, the local government sounded an alert across Kerala. George on Sunday said hospitals in the state have been instructed to test patients, especially pregnant women, with fever, rashes and body pain. "We have intensified the vector control activities and given a message to district medical officers and collectors," George said last week. "We have also prepared the action plan to manage the infection." Zika virus is mostly spread by mosquitoes. It can also be sexually transmitted. The mosquito-borne virus has been linked to shrunken brains in children and a rare auto-immune disease called Guillain-Barre syndrome. India reported a Zika outbreak in the western state of Gujarat in 2016-17. The current outbreak has been reported at a time when the state is battling the ongoing second wave of COVID-19. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 18:23:07|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close COLOMBO, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lanka's Cabinet of Ministers on Tuesday approved a proposal to attract digital tourists into the country and to introduce a long-term visa category for these digital tourists, the government information department said. According to a statement from the government information department, when visiting Sri Lanka, digital travellers often stay in restaurants, public libraries, and other such venues and provide their services online through devices with internet access. A proposal made by Tourism Minister Prasanna Ranatunga was approved by the ministers to provide high-speed internet connections for communication, long-term visas, affordable accommodation, tax exemption for earnings, etc. to such tourists which are the facilities required to attract such a tourism market. "By attracting digital tourists to Sri Lanka and providing them with the facilities they need to stay longer, the country will be able to earn more foreign exchange," the government information department said. Sri Lanka's tourism sector has been one of the worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the government is now looking at ways to revive this sector. An estimated 4 million people are directly and indirectly employed in this sector. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 19:15:25|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Sher Bahadur Deuba takes oath as Prime Minister during an inauguration ceremony administered by Nepali President Bidya Devi Bhandari in Kathmandu, Nepal, July 13, 2021. Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba was appointed prime minister of the country on Tuesday within a deadline set by the Supreme Court. (Office of the President of Nepal/Handout via Xinhua) KATHMANDU, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba was appointed prime minister of the country on Tuesday within a deadline set by the Supreme Court. "The president has appointed Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba as the prime minister" under the Constitution of Nepal, Bhesh Raj Adhikari, chief personal secretary to Nepali President Bidya Devi Bhandari, told Xinhua. "He will be administered the oath of office and secrecy at 6"00 p.m. today (Tuesday)," said Adhikari. In its Monday verdict ordering the dissolved House of Representatives to be restored, the Supreme Court also directed Bhandari to appoint Deuba as the new premier by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday local time. It is the fifth time for 75-year-old Deuba to assume the premiership. The 2017 general election in Nepal was held under his leadership. The outgoing Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli succeeded him in February 2018. Deuba will head the government until the next general election slated for November next year if he survives a vote of trust in the House of Representatives within 30 days after his appointment as prime minister. The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a session of the lower house of parliament shall be called in seven days. Currently, the Nepali Congress has 61 seats in the 271-member lower house, and Deuba needs 136 votes to pass the floor test. Among the parties and factions that had endorsed Deuba's claim to the premiership, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) has 49 seats, the Upendra Yadav faction of the Janata Samabadi Party has 12 seats, and the Rashtriya Janamorcha has one seat. While the Madhav Kumar Nepal faction of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist) headed by Oli had supported Deuba's bid for the post of the prime minister, this faction has forged an agreement with the Oli faction to settle their disputes. As recommended by Oli, President Bhandari dissolved the lower house on May 22 after she rejected claims by Deuba and Oli to the premiership, a move that was challenged by an alliance of the Nepali Congress and other opposition parties and factions at the Supreme Court. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 21:28:45|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A man receives a dose of Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccine at Port Moresby General Hospital in Port Moresby of Papua New Guinea (PNG), July 13, 2021. Papua New Guinea (PNG) announced a rollout of the Chinese-made Sinopharm vaccine on Tuesday in a further effort to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the Pacific island country. (Chinese Ambassy to Papua New Guinea/Handout via Xinhua) SYDNEY, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Papua New Guinea (PNG) announced a rollout of the Chinese-made Sinopharm vaccine on Tuesday in a further effort to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the Pacific island country. A ceremony was held at Port Moresby General Hospital in the capital city of Port Moresby. The event was attended by Chinese Ambassador to PNG Zeng Fanhua, PNG Health Minister Jetta Wong, Forestry Minister Walter Schnaubelt, Deputy National Pandemic Response Controller Dr. Daoni Esorom and Port Moresby General Hospital CEO Dr. Paki Molumi, as well as representatives from the World Health Organization. Schnaubelt received a vaccine jab on site. The announcement came after donations of the Sinopharm vaccines arrived in PNG in late June. Zeng said vaccination is the key to defeating the pandemic. China has provided more than 500 million vaccine doses to over 100 countries globally. According to China's National Health Commission, there have been more than 1.38 billion doses administered in China so far, which Zeng said testifies to their safety and effectiveness. He added that the China-donated vaccines would help PNG protect its people's health and safety. China will also continue to work with PNG to strengthen health exchanges and help PNG cope with the pandemic. Wong thanked the Chinese government for donating the vaccines. He said the fact that Chinese vaccines have been approved by the WHO for emergency use and are provided to participants of the COVAX project illustrates their safe use. He called on PNG residents to get vaccinated, saying the more people get vaccinated the earlier they could be protected from the virus. Dr. Esorom said a national rollout of the Chinese vaccines will help PNG better control the pandemic and prepare for a possible new outbreak. According to the latest statistics released by the PNG government as of July 9, the total number of COVID-19 cases in the country reached 17,340 with 179 deaths. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 22:27:19|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BANGKOK, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The Thai government approved on Tuesday a one-month relief aid for people affected by travel restrictions and curfew under the sustained COVID-19 situation. A total of 30 billion baht (about 920.24 million U.S. dollars) will be granted to employees and business owners in Bangkok, its five neighboring provinces, and four southern provinces, according to government spokesman Anucha Burapachaisri. The government will provide each Social Security-covered employee with financial aid equal to half their monthly pay, up to 7,500 baht (about 230 U.S. dollars), and an additional 2,500 baht (about 76 U.S. dollars) on top, Anucha said. Employees without Social Security coverage will receive 5,000 baht (about 153 U.S. dollars) from the government, he said. The affected business operators will receive 3,000 baht (about 92 U.S. dollars) for each of their employees for a maximum of 200 headcount, he added. Thailand on Monday imposed a semi-lockdown in Bangkok and nine provinces to curb the further spread of coronavirus, especially the variants. With 8,685 new COVID-19 cases and 56 deaths recorded on Tuesday, the country's total number now stands at 353,712 infections and 2,847 deaths. As of Monday, nearly 13 million doses of vaccine have been administered in Thailand. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 22:29:33|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ISLAMABAD, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Three terrorists and two security forces personnel were killed as the Pakistani military conducted an operation against militants in the country's northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, the military said on Tuesday. The security forces conducted the intelligence-based operation in the Zewa area of Kurram district of the province, and killed three militants, the army's media wing Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement. The ISPR said that two security forces personnel were killed during an intense exchange of fire with terrorists. "Cordon and search operation is in progress to eliminate any other terrorists found in the area," said the statement. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-14 00:11:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Turkmenistan is willing to expand cooperation with China in various areas, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov said here on Tuesday at a meeting with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Berdymukhamedov asked Wang to convey his sincere greetings to Chinese President Xi Jinping and extended his warm congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. China is the only country that has eliminated absolute poverty and completed the building of a well-off society in an all-round way, and Turkmenistan admires China for its achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, Berdymukhamedov said. Turkmenistan and China are long-term strategic partners, and the relationship between the two sides is based on mutual respect, trust and support, the president noted. Berdymukhamedov thanked China for consistently supporting the international initiatives put forward by Turkmenistan and its permanent neutrality, saying that Turkmenistan firmly supports the one-China principle and will continue to firmly support China on issues involving China's core interests. To cooperate with China in the energy field is a political decision made by Turkmenistan, he said, adding that Turkmenistan regards China as a long-term and reliable strategic partner in the field of natural gas, and is willing to further expand cooperation with China in the fields of information, communications, high technology, etc. The Turkmen side thanked China for its assistance in fighting the epidemic. China's vaccines are safe, effective and trustworthy, and Turkmenistan is willing to continue to strengthen vaccine cooperation with China, according to Berdymukhamedov. China and the five Central Asian countries are not only close neighbors, but also friends and partners. They have huge space and potential for mutually beneficial cooperation, and should work together to give full play to the role of the "China+Central Asia" mechanism to maintain regional security and stability, and promote regional development and prosperity, Berdymukhamedov added. The Turkmen side advocated that neighboring countries should play a bigger role on the Afghan issue, and expressed its willingness to strengthen communication and coordination with China on the situation in Afghanistan. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-13 21:12:30|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close NICOSIA, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Cyprus' Deputy Ministry of Tourism started offering subsidized holidays to vaccinated people as a means of encouragement to people to get the COVID-19 jab, a statement said on Tuesday. At the same time, the Cyprus Employers' Federation urged its members to consider banning employees who refuse to be vaccinated. From Friday to the end of August, the government will pay 35 percent of the cost of accommodation in hotels and tourist apartments for individuals who present a certificate proving they have received at least one dose of one of the EU-approved vaccines, according to the statement. The arrangement applies to all permanent residents of Cyprus. Deputy Minister for Tourism Savvas Perdios said that about 25 percent of hotels and hotel apartments have applied to take part in the scheme, which also involves offering reduced prices. He said the move aims both at increasing the ratio of vaccinated people and at helping the hotel industry to deal with the situation of reduced tourists from abroad. The campaigns are mostly aimed at encouraging people of the age group between 16 and 30 to get vaccines. Zoi Dorothea Pana, an expert on COVID-19 at European University Cyprus, said that the majority of young people have not received even the first dose of a vaccine. She added that 90 percent of new COVID-19 cases relate to young individuals. The median age of new cases dropped to 23 years of age, and as a result, the median age of patients has dropped to 53 years of age. Pana also said that 67.6 percent of the population over 16 have received the first dose of a vaccine, but the ratio of people who have completed their vaccination regimen is only 57.5 percent. Enditem The nominee to be the next secretary of the Navy pledged Tuesday to support the push to grow the service to 355 ships over the next three decades. But during Carlos Del Toro's nomination hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, several Republican lawmakers questioned whether President Joe Biden's proposed military budget would be enough to set the Navy on that path. Del Toro told lawmakers that he fully supports the fiscal 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, which requires the Navy to reach that 355-ship goal. The service currently has about 297 battle force ships, including logistics and supply vessels. Read Next: No Plans for Space Force PT Test Yet The growth in sea forces will be necessary as the military shifts its attention from the land-based conflicts in the Middle East of the last two decades to the Pacific region, he explained. Deterring China in particular will require a "more dominant maritime strategy" and more resources for the Navy and Marine Corps, Del Toro added. If confirmed, Del Toro said he would make the case for more Navy resources to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin as the fiscal 2023 budget proposal is prepared. Although some Republicans questioned the Biden administration's budgeting priorities, the questioning of Del Toro was collegial, and no issues emerged that appeared likely to jeopardize his confirmation to run the Navy. In his opening statement, Del Toro highlighted China as a top challenge for the United States. China's "determined incursion" into the South China Sea represents a persistent naval threat, he said. "China's rising military expenditures, fueled by a growing economy coupled with their global adventurism, means that we can no longer take U.S. naval superiority for granted," Del Toro said. "Access to contested waters requires more robust capabilities and capacity." Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., concurred with Del Toro's assessment of the threat posed by China, but disagreed that Biden's proposed budget adequately addresses that. He cited Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday's testimony to the House Armed Services Committee last month that the proposed top-line budget figure for the Navy would set the service on a path to only 300 ships. Wicker said lawmakers from both parties are willing to help the service find the resources it needs to counter and deter China. The Navy would receive $211.7 billion under the proposed 2022 budget, an increase of $207 billion from the current year. It calls for transforming the fleet with new ships, and would speed up the retirement of several older ships to free up resources. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., questioned the proposed budget's emphasis on research and development as opposed to buying new ships. Del Toro said that, while he wasn't present while this budget was being prepared, it's important for the Navy to invest in research and development to prepare for future conflicts. "We can't be fighting the wars of yesterday, we have to fight the new wars of tomorrow," he said. "That includes cybersecurity and space and many other challenges that are presented." He later told Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., that the Navy needs to invest in missile technology, hypersonics, cybersecurity and other advancements in computing power. Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper last September, in the waning months of his tenure running the Pentagon, laid out an ambitious plan for reaching at least 355 ships, including proposals to overhaul the shipyards necessary to produce and maintain ships. Esper's plan also called for focusing on the Indo-Pacific with a more dispersed fleet, and a new class of frigates to better withstand the threat from China's long-range "carrier killer" missiles. However, Esper -- whose relationship with former President Donald Trump was already rocky -- was not in a position to follow through on that plan given his limited time left in office, and such a surge in military spending did not appear to have bipartisan support. -- Stephen Losey can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @StephenLosey. Related: Navy Speeds Up Ship Retirements as It Ramps Up Investment in New Platforms press release Washington, DC Third Waves Rage Around The World As New Variants Create New Threats Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, a Senior Chief Deputy Whip and Chair of the Consumer Protection and Commerce Subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee, led a letter to the German Ambassador urging the nation to reconsider it continued opposition to a waiver of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property (TRIPS waiver). Specifically, the group is requesting a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will be in Washington this week to meet with President Biden. Schakowsky was joined by Representatives Earl Blumenauer, Rosa DeLauro, Lloyd Doggett, Andy Levin, Adriano Espaillat, Jesus Chuy Garcia, Barbara Lee, and Angie Craig. The letter, in part, reads: We are troubled by the European Unions continuing opposition to this initiative, which we understand is a position led by Germany within the EU. The United States and almost every other WTO member seeks to enact a COVID emergency temporary TRIPS waiver as quickly as possible. In advance of/when Chancellor Merkel is in DC the July 15 summit with President Biden, we respectfully request an opportunity to meet with her to discuss the urgency of Germany ending its blockade against adoption of a waiver. Scaling up much greater production of mRNA vaccines is necessary to save millions of lives and livelihoods. Thanks to IP barriers, it is the U.S. and German firms that have the only approved COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that hold the monopoly power to decide if this scale-up will occur. This summit will decide the fate of tens of millions of people. This same group of legislators led a group of 110 Member of Congress to call for the White House to support the TRIPS waiver. In May, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai announced that the Biden-Harris Administration supported the TRIPS waiver, in response to the extraordinary threat the coronavirus continues to pose around the world. A full PDF of the letter is available HERE. The government's attempt to regulate the media is the only the latest in series of failed attempts to do so. The front banners of major newspapers in Nigeria on Monday bore a picture of an individual with a sealed mouth. "Information Blackout," read the caption that ran with the picture. "It's not just against the media... .it's about society's right to know, your right to be heard." The message is a joint release from the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) and Newspaper Proprietors' Association of Nigeria (NPAN). It is expected to be the chyron on television stations, the jingles on radio stations and the lead graphics on online media. This is a pushback by media organisations in the country against the Buhari government's brazen attempt to regulate social media and censor the press through controversial media bills at the National Assembly. The controversial bills are the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC) and the Nigerian Press Council (NPC) Act amendment bills. The former sought lawmakers' cooperation to include "all online media" among the media organisations the government seeks to be able to censor. Existing censorship on broadcast stations persists, and instances, where the stations are ordered to stop the broadcast of programmes the government feels uncomfortable with, are rife. Heavy fines are imposed at will when there is an alleged breach. The latter gives the president the right to appoint the chairman of the board of the Nigerian Press Council (NPC). It also empowers the president to appoint all other members of the board upon the recommendation of the information minister. "I stand resolutely by the NUJ, NGE and NPAN in its campaign against information blackout as represented by the NPC and NBC (Media) Act amendment Bills," a former vice president, Atiku Abubakar, wrote on Facebook Monday evening. "Freedom of the press and access to information is the oxygen of democracy and must never be compromised." Attempts At Stifling Free Speech Since coming to office, the Buhari administration has made clear its preference for controlling, or possibly, silencing the media. Mr Mohammed, a lawyer and former spokesperson for the ruling All Progressives Congress, has led the effort to actualise that mandate. Mr Buhari ran a repressive military dictatorship in the early 1980s and his government jailed journalists and critics, and enacted draconian anti-press decrees. As a candidate seeking to return a civilian president, Mr Buhari claimed he had become a "reformed democrat". His government's initial attempts to regulate social media through a bill at the National Assembly fell flat largely due to public backlash. The government has now clawed back its resolve through the newly introduced controversial media bills. Mr Mohammed says it is the practice across the world. However, PREMIUM TIMES has shown his narrative is flawed as most of the countries Nigeria seeks to emulate are ranked poorly in the press freedom and on the human development index. In June, the government banned Twitter after the social media platform deleted President Buhari's post, and threatened to prosecute Nigerians who continued with its use. The administration has refused to reverse the decision despite public backlash and international condemnations. It, however, later admitted it lacked the legal backing to go after Twitter users. Rights groups and activists have criticised the government's move to regulate the media and have demanded greater transparency in government. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Media By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "The National Assembly should not enact any law that will deny press freedom," the executive director of the International Press Centre, Lanre Arogundade, told PREMIUM TIMES in June. "The public should know that an assault on the media is an assault on them. It's not a media battle alone, it is for everyone," Mr Arogundade added. A coalition of civil society organisations including Amnesty International and the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) also lashed at the bills in a recent statement. "The Nigerian authorities have continued to propose laws to regulate the social media, and restrict the rights to freedom of expression, access to information, and media freedom, including through legislative bills popularly known as the 'Hate Speech Bill' and 'The Social Media Bill' which both provide severe punitive sanctions such as the death penalty in some cases, for social media users convicted of 'crimes' provided under them." Economic empowerment advocacy group, the Affirmative Action Group (AAG) has distanced itself from recent utterances by its controversial deputy president Passion Java who last week endorsed Mary Mliswa-Chikoka for the position of Zanu PF Mashonaland West provincial chairperson which became vacant following the elevation of Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi as a politburo member. The comments by Java are said to have divided the AAG's board members prompting the group's president Mike Chimombe to issue a statement over the weekend. "The comments that were made by the Vice President Passion Java were in his personal opinions and do not represent AAG. It is, therefore, futile to try and malign the reputation of the AAG leadership and what it stands for by associating the organisation with the remarks made by Vice President Java in his personal capacity. "Vice President Java will buttress this point by speaking on these issues to correct the misconception that has arisen as a result of his personal opinions. The AAG is apolitical and holds its values sacrosanct and, therefore, has no business dabbling in Mashonaland West politics, which the circulating video is attempting to project," said Chimombe. He added that AAG does not campaign for political parties but stands with President Emmerson Mnangagwa's policies. "The AAG does not endorse or campaign for political candidates. We only stand for the President of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Cde ED Mnangagwa and his economic empowerment policies of attaining an upper middle income economy through the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) initiative." he said. Another controversial businessman with strong links to the ruling party, Delish Nguwaya is said to have resigned from AAG following Java's statements. AAGPassion JavaPhillip Chiyangwa The Benin Palace and the Edo State Government disagreed over where the artefacts will be housed. The Edo State Government has downplayed the reported rift between it and the Oba of Benin, Oba Ewuare II over the proposed return and storage of the 1,130 stolen artefacts belonging to the state. The position was contained in a statement by the Secretary to the Edo State Government, Osarodion Ogie on Monday. The Oba had asked the Federal Government to temporarily take custody of 1,130 stolen Benin artefacts when they are repatriated from Europe amid the controversy surrounding where the artefacts will be housed. The Benin Palace and the Edo State Government have disagreed over where the artefacts will be housed. While the palace wants the artefacts kept in the Benin Royal Museum, which will be built within the palace, the state government wants the items preserved in the proposed Edo Museum of West African Arts. The artefacts were looted during the invasion of the Benin Kingdom in 1897 by the British. In the statement, the state government said it has always acted transparently and in consonance with existing federal and state laws in all matters relating to the proposed return of the artefacts and monuments. Governor Godwin Obaseki also said he would "continue to make efforts to secure a private audience with His Royal Majesty to discuss his concerns." The Governor also ordered that "on no account should anyone, whether in government or acting independently, engage in disrespectful exchanges and/or altercation with our revered Royal Majesty and the Benin Royal Palace". While appreciating the federal government, the state government assured that it would work with all the interested parties to ensure the eventual return of the artefacts. Read full statement below: Benin artefacts: Obaseki will continue to engage His Royal Majesty to secure final return The attention of the Edo State Government (EDSG) has been drawn to the widely publicized media statement issued by the Palace of His Royal Majesty, Omo N'Oba N'Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba of Benin, Oba Ewuare II. It is concerning that the statement appears to have created the impression that there is a major conflict between the interests of the EDSG and His Royal Majesty with regards to the laudable national milestone of having our highly valued artefacts returned home to Nigeria. The Government of Edo State and the Governor have always acted transparently and in consonance with existing Federal and State laws in all matters relating to the proposed return of the artefacts and monuments. The actions of the government thus far on this issue have been driven by selfless, patriotic considerations and in the best interest of Edo State and Edo people. The Governor of Edo State, His Excellency, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has displayed and will continue to display immense respect for our traditional institutions and therefore will continue to make efforts to secure a private audience with His Royal Majesty to discuss his concerns. The Governor has consequently ordered that on no account should anyone, whether in government or acting independently, engage in disrespectful exchanges and/or altercation with our revered Royal Majesty and the Benin Royal Palace. Governor Obaseki, meanwhile, expresses his gratitude to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari (GCFR) and Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed and other officials of the federal government for their patriotic and tireless efforts that have brought us to the verge of this eagerly anticipated achievement which has remained elusive for over a century. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Entertainment By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. While thanking and congratulating the Federal Government, the President, the Minister, the Royal Palace of the Oba of Benin and all stakeholders who have contributed to the successes so far recorded in this endeavor, the Governor assures that he will continue to work assiduously with all local and international stakeholders for the eventual and final return of these valued records of our great and glorious heritage back to Benin City for the benefit of ALL Edo people, Nigerians and the black race. Osarodion Ogie Esq. Secretary to the Edo State Government The Bureau of Public Enterprises says it has shortlisted 30 projects for privatisation and concession. The Nigerian government does not plan to privatise the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE), has said. Yunana Malo, Director, Energy Department, of the BPE said at a media conference on Monday in Abuja, that the bureau would instead hand over the company to a private manager on a concession arrangement to get maximum value. He said transmission was the weak link in the power reform, as generation which was privatised had since attracted investments, making it more efficient. He said the generation capacity had improved, adding that 60 per cent of the distribution segment had also been partially privatised and was beginning to pick up through the reforms of the Federal Government. "The seemingly weak link is the transmission component, it is still 100 per cent owned by the FG," he said. "The idea is to think outside the box and bring in solutions that will make the transmission component service the value chain, and make it more efficient. "Government is not thinking of privatising, it is thinking of ways and means that the private capital can be brought into the transmission component without giving out the ownership of Transmission Company," said Mr Malo. He explained that the bureau would use the concession option, "so that we can have somebody building the high tension lines, covering areas that have not been reached or to maintain the existing ones to get maximum value, to move from the radial system we have today into a mesh. "So the idea is not to privatise but to reform and make it efficient, bringing in private sector operational modalities within the transmission company." On the Federal Government's 40 per cent stake in the Distribution Companies (DISCOS), Mr Malo said the shares were still intact and protected by BPE. Alex Okoh, BPE Director-General, said over the years, N1 trillion had been generated from 234 concluded transactions of previously government-owned enterprises from various sectors of the economy. He said the Bureau expected to generate N493.40 billion net revenue from various transactions as approved by the National Council on Privatisation (NCP). He said over 30 projects had been categorised under five segments with 22 of them carried over from 2020. He, however, said the plan to privatise the nation's refineries had been dropped as the Federal Government was considering other approaches to revitalise and improve on them. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Energy By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The director-general said BPE was very close to resolving the issues surrounding the Ajaokuta Steel Company, especially the litigation and that once that was done a decision would be taken on how to proceed with it. Mr Okoh said the rationale for privatisation was to generate revenue for government, reduce operational inefficiencies, revitalise and optimise public sector entities and increase investment level as a catalyst for growth. "The country's fiscal space is getting increasingly constrained, as a result, government cannot provide the resources required to meet all of its obligations and bridge the huge infrastructure gap. "The most feasible option is to attract private sector investments. BPE's current initiative in its 2021 work plan and additional roles in the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) space is, therefore, poised to impact on the economy positively. "This is in the areas of infrastructure development, improved health care service delivery, power generation and supply, employment creation, food security, and human capital development," he said. Shell had claimed the case would be better decided in Nigeria. Now, its subsidiary SPDC will now be part of the lawsuits filed in England against Royal Dutch Shell. Royal Dutch Shell has given up its struggle to move a Niger Delta oil spill case, involving thousands of the region's residents, from the UK to Nigeria, Bloomberg said Monday. The decision comes on the heels of two recently lost suits for Shell. In January a Dutch court directed the supermajor to pay compensation to residents of its operational base in the country's far south for an oil spill action, a couple of decades ago. Members of Nigeria's Ogle and Bile communities numbering around 40,000 said the energy giant and its local unit, SPDC, are both accountable for oil contamination in the Niger Delta since the 1980s. The push gained notability under the leadership of community organiser and environmental rights activist Ken Saro-Wiwa, who was executed by the Nigerian government in 1995. Shell's lawyers failed to return to the High Court of England with the position that the trial, half a decade old, would be better decided in Nigeria, said parties in the suit, stating that SPDC will now be part of the lawsuits filed in England against Royal Dutch Shell. In February, the UK Supreme Court said in a pivotal trial of the possibility of Shell's parent company being sued in English courts for activities of its Nigerian operation. Nevertheless, it allowed Shell to argue that it was better to leave any action against SPDC to courts in the West African nation. With SPDC's inclusion in the UK trials, more documents on Shell's operation in Nigeria are likely to be made public. Bloomberg quoted Daniel Leider, an attorney representing the claimants as saying in a statement that "this is a significant win" for the affected communities because it means they can finally bring their case to trial. "Shell's oil contamination remains in their drinking water, land, and waterways, and still no clean-up has taken place," Leider said. The firm said that it cleans up any environmental damage, irrespective of what causes it. Royal Dutch Shell plc has a horrific history in Nigeria, where a number oil spills it partly blames on sabotage, has prompted it to re-evaluate its future there. CEO Ben van Burden told shareholders in May that "the balance of risks and rewards associated with our onshore portfolio is no longer compatible with our strategic ambitions." The company had earlier this year announced a move to become "net-zero" in respect of carbon emissions by 2050. Mr Ekweremadu says a single term of five or six years will help circumvent the distractions and manipulations that come with the quest for second term. A former Deputy President of the Senate, Ike Ekweremadu, has advocated the amendment of the 1999 Constitution to reflect a single term rotational presidency. Mr Ekweremadu made the call on Monday in Lagos while speaking at the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Ikeja Branch Law Week 2021 with the theme "The Nigeria of Our Dreams." He said he had long advocated a single presidential term of five or six-years. "This will help us circumvent the distractions, manipulations, divisiveness, and excesses that come with quest for a second term of executive offices. "It will as well ensure that power rotates more frequently among the various sections and groups. "If people are sure that it will get to them, the struggle for it by various sections will be less desperate. "Besides, it is better if every President or Governor understands that he or she has only a single term to begin and complete all his or her good works," he said. Mr Ekweremadu said this model had worked for some Latin American democracies in the 1970s when they faced similar challenge of excessive contestation for power. He said some Latin American countries adopted the model for a fixed period of time and had since reverted to two presidential terms after their democracies stabilised. "Some others such as Mexico still operates a single term of six-years," he said. Mr Ekweremadu, who represents Enugu West Senatorial Distrct, noted that a region's access or lack of access to political power affected public attitude and sense of belonging in governance and democracy. He said there was nothing to prove that sections of Nigeria that produced presidents or military Heads of State were better off than those that had not. "Save the patronage enjoyed by a privileged few, rotational presidency is nevertheless imperative in our African environment where ethno-religious and sectional sentiments are still high. "So, in the higher and long-term national interest, it is time to revisit and entrench the idea of rotational presidency. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "This idea was first muted in Nigeria by the late military Head of State, General Sani Abacha, in his 1995 Independence Anniversary speech," he said. Also speaking, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Joe-Kyari Gadzama, called for the devolution of some centralised powers between the Federal, State and Local Governments. He said the centralised nature of powers of government under the federal system had stood against the equal and progressive development of states and local government areas. "It also stands against the effective exploration of the resources in Nigeria for development purposes. "I believe that the need to devolve some of the powers vested at the centre will also serve the interest of government in providing Nigerians with the opportunity to succeed. He said that to achieve this, some items must be moved from the exclusive legislative list to the concurrent list. Mr Gadzama noted that a list of items to be undertaken solely by the local government should be introduced by the constitution to be called the 'residual list.' The SAN said the general legislative limitation for local government which was contained in Section 4(7)(a) of the 1999 constitution should be deleted. The NFIU boss, Modibbo Tukur, placed the agency's associate directors on suspension for initiating investigations against Atiku Abubakar and Bola Tinubu, almost a year ago. The Nigeria Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) has dismissed two of its top officials who were suspended nearly a year ago for initiating investigations against Atiku Abubakar and Bola Tinubu. The Director and Chief Executive Officer of the agency, Modibbo Tukur, notified the two officials of their dismissal in separate letters sent to them on June 29, PREMIUM TIMES was reliably told by insiders, who have also raised concerns about the legitimacy of the NFIU boss' action. PREMIUM TIMES had reported how Mohammed Mustapha, the associate director, Intelligence and Investigation, and Fehintola Salisu, associate director, Compliance and Analysis, were suspended by Mr Tukur in August 2020 for initiating the probes against Mr Abubakar, a former Vice President , and Mr Tinubu, a former governor of Lagos State. Although both Messrs Abubakar and Tinubu are big guns in the rival Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and the All Progressives Congress (APC), respectively, both men are believed to be eyeing the presidency in the forthcoming 2023 elections. Mr Tukur levelled other allegations against the two senior NFIU officials, but initiating separate investigations against the two politically-exposed persons appeared to be the driving force for the action taken against them. According to him, Mr Mustapha wrote to the Inspector-General of Police and the Chair of Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on Mr Abubakar without authorisation in violation of his standing directive. He had added that launching such investigation was not part of Mr Mustapha's departmental briefing. On Ms Salisu's role in the former Vice-President's case, the NFIU Director stated in a document relied on by PREMIUM TIMES for the previous report, "she claimed to have minuted the request on the investigation of Atiku Abubakar to Mustapha AbdulRahman (Mr Mustapha) who went ahead to write IGP and the EFCC Chairman directly, all without approval while I was actively on duty as the Head of Agency." Mr Tukur also alleged that Mr Mustapha sent a request to the United States of America based on an old Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) case against Mr Tinubu. "Significantly, after his suspension, it was discovered that he initiated a request to the U.S on Bola Ahmed Tinubu which he extracted from an old case of CCB," he had stated. In 2011, during the then President Goodluck Jonathan-led administration, the CCB accused Mr Tinubu of breaching Nigeria's code of conduct law by operating foreign accounts while serving as Lagos State governor between 1999 and 2007. The case was eventually dismissed by the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT). Accusing Mr Mustapha of violating procedure, the NFIU Director said his approval as the CEO of the agency was not sought before the move to initiate a probe against Mr Tinubu was initiated. 'Outcome of investigation' Insider sources , who are privy to the goings-on at the Nigeria's number one financial intelligence agency, told our reporter that Mr Tukur had queried, suspended and ordered the probe of the two officials August 11, 2020, for their roles in initiating investigations against Messrs Abubakar and Tinubu, among other allegations. He said in the letters seen by our insider sources that they were given the opportunity to defend themselves in line with the principle of fair hearing. The investigative committee recommended the dismissal of the two officials, Mr Tukur was said to have written in his letters of dismissal sent to them. He also specifically accused Mr Mustapha of conniving with an unnamed staff member of the agency to enjoy full salaries and benefits during the period of his suspension. Our source said the NFIU who alleged that such conduct "is both criminal and prosecutable in the service", demanded that he "make a full refund to government." Mr Mustapha was also directed to return all NFIU's property in his possession immediately. Our reporter reached to Mr Mustapha and Ms Salisu for their comments in vain. They did not answer calls or respond text message enquiries sent to them on the matter. Background A law firm, C. Chris Ekemezie & Associate, had sent a petition to Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission (ICPC) , accusing Mr Tukur of various infractions including alleged "unexplainable" suspension of two of the agency's staff members. In the petition, later dismissed, the petitioner alleged that the two staff members were suspended "for trying to profile a politically- exposed person from his (Mr Tukur's) state." Mr Tukur, in his response to the petition, defended his action taken against the officials, but also raised other sundry allegations against the officials. Concerns over legitimacy of officials' dismissal Many insiders and close observers of the NFIU have raised concerns about the legitimacy of Mr Tukur's action dismissing the two officials, who are just a notch below the CEO in the hierarchy of the agency. Mr Mustapha and Ms Salisu are the remaining legacy staff members of the NFIU in the directorate cadre of the country's foremost financial intelligence body. PREMIUM TIMES learnt that the other four associate directors only came on board after the re-establishment of the unit through the new NFIU Act which came into force in 2018. It is against the norm of global financial intelligence bodies for member Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) to take actions such as disciplining staff members in a manner that appears to be politically-motivated, experts in the field have told our reporter. "Dismissing staff members, top directors at that, in connection with moves to investigate politically exposed persons, is definitely not global intelligence bodies will frown on," one of them said. In addition to that, some insiders have punctured the dismissal for being arbitrarily done. Section 7(3) of the NFIU Act 2018 gives the agency the power to make staff regulations to provide for staff disciplinary procedure and remunerations. But three years down the line since the coming into force of the Act, the regulations meant to be issued with the approval of the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice "and other appropriate authorities" have yet to see the light of the day, insiders say. The implication is that the Director takes disciplinary actions in the agency at his whims and caprices. The public service rules that can also fill in the gap in the absence of the NFIU staff regulations were also not followed in the case of the two NFIU officials, because it confers only on the Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) the exclusive power to dismiss any officer in the public service, PREMIUM TIMES' analysis shows. Rule 030307 of the Public Service Rules enumerated the strict procedures that must be followed for an official in the public service to be dismissed by the Federal Civil Service Commission. The procedure stipulated in the Rules begins with issuing a query to the officer stating the grounds for the proposed disciplinary action against him or her. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The officer will be expected to respond in writing, within the period specified in the query. If the officer submits his/her representations and the Federal Civil Service Commission is not satisfied that he/she has exculpated himself/herself, and considers that the officer should be dismissed, it shall take such action accordingly. "Should the officer however fail to furnish any representations within the time fixed" the Rules say, "the Commission may take such action against the officer as it deems appropriate." This could be a breach Mr Tukur hid under But it goes further to state that "If upon considering the representations of the officer the Commission is of the the opinion that the officer does not deserve to be dismissed from the Service but deserves some other punishment, it shall impose on the officer such punishment as it considers appropriate". It adds that "where necessary, the Commission may set up a board of inquiry which shall consist of not less than three persons one of whom shall be appointed chairman by the Commission." The members of the board are to be selected with due regard to the status of the officer involved in the disciplinary case and to the nature of the complaint which is the subject of inquiry. The findings of the board, if it decides that the officer be dismissed, must be approved by the commission for the dismissal to take effect. If not approved, the officer must be immediately reinstated. The rules provide that the disciplinary procedure must be completed within 60 days. Contrary to the provisions of the rules, the procedure for the dismissal of the two NFIU officials started and ended between him and the agency's investigative committee. No regulations were cited in the letters of dismissal sent to the officials. The Borno State Governor, Professor Babagana Zulum yesterday said that the alleged appointment of a governor over some territories in Borno state by Boko Haram and Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP), was not authenticated. Governor Zulum also declared that he was fully in charge of the state and that there was nothing contrary to show the emergence of any parallel government in the state. The governor, who stated this while speaking to State House correspondents after meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari at the presidential villa, Abuja, said his administration was not investigating the issue. It will be recalled that a report had recently emerged, which claimed that the insurgents had appointed one Abba Kaka as the governor under a new leadership restructuring by an interim council. Professor Zulum, who dismissed the veracity of the report, said: "We are yet to validate the authenticity of this report that ISWAP appointed governor in Borno state. So, as the governor of the state, I think it's not right for me to speak on something that I don't have full knowledge of." Asked whether he would investigate the report, he said there was no such plan, even as he blamed the report on the social media. He said, "(I am) not investigating. This report is not authenticated. You have just seen somebody written something in one of the... I think it's on Facebook or something like that. You're a journalist and I think we have to prove reports beyond reasonable doubts, before commenting on such reports. "As far as I'm concerned. I'm the governor of Borno State and I don't have any information that we have another government Nigerian state. Yes. And I'm very much in charge." On his mission to nation's seat of power, he said that he was at the presidential villa to seek the president's assistance to repatriate the over 200,000 Borno indigenes who fled insurgency to Chad, Cameroon and Niger Republic. He stressed the need to bring them back as according to him, the security situation in the state has improved. He said: "Now that we have started witnessing gradual return of peace to Borno State, these people that are taking refuge in our neighbouring countries are willing to return home. "Therefore, Borno State government picked a date of 27th of November 2021 for the commencement of the repatriation process, especially to local government areas of Abadam and Guzamala. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "So, I came to brief Mr. President, to solicit his support, with the view to ensuring hitch-free repatriation exercise." The governor, however, declined to place a figure on what it might take to implement the repatriation, saying: "I can't quantify, but I think the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs with its agencies; NEMA, the Refugee Commission and indeed the Northeast Development Commission, lastly the Borno State government, have the capacity to shoulder the responsibility of the repatriation exercise." On the fate of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) still in camps in the state, Governor Zulum said government was working on returning them to their communities. He said, "On the issue of internally displaced persons, yes the IDP camps are not palatable, that is why the government of Borno state and indeed the federal government, are exploiting the potentials of resettling them back to their own communities or relocating them to areas that are safe." Vanguard News Nigeria RELATED NEWS A total of N4.8 billion was allocated to NIA to monitor in the 2021 Supplementary Budget approved by the National Assembly last week. A total of N4.8 (4,870,350,000) billion has been allocated to the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) to monitor WhatsApp messages, phone calls, text messages, among others. Of the figure, N1.93 billion was earmarked for "WhatsApp Intercept Solution" and N2.93 billion for "Thuraya Interception Solution" - a communications system used for monitoring voice calls or call-related information, SMS, data traffic, among others. This was contained in the supplementary budget approved by the National Assembly last Wednesday. The lawmakers had approved and passed a supplementary budget of N982 billion (982,729,695,343) for the 2021 fiscal year, against the N895 billion proposed by President Muhammadu Buhari - indicating an increase of about N87 billion. While N123.3 billion was fixed for recurrent (non-debt) expenditure, N895 billion was earmarked for contribution to the Development Fund for Capital Expenditure for the year ending on the 31st day of December, 2021, Another N45 billion was approved for foreign aid/loans. This budgetary allocation comes amidst several attempts by the federal government to limit freedom of expression in the country - an act many have described as a means to gag the media. It comes barely a month after the federal government suspended the operation of Twitter in the country on June 4. Besides, the National Assembly, particularly lawmakers at the House of Representatives, are in the process of amending several media bills with the aim of "regulating the media." Some of these bills include the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC) Act and the Press Council Act. The Minister of information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, had in June asked the House of Representatives to include internet broadcasting under the control of the NBC. He said all online and internet broadcasting entities should be included in section two (c) of the bill - which gives powers to the NBC to "receive, process and consider applications for the establishment, ownership of radio and television stations including... ... ." "I want to add that internet broadcasting and all online media should be included in the bill," Mr Mohammed said at a public hearing. Similar proposals are contained in the Press Council Amendment bill. And the bills, if passed with the recommendation of Mr Mohammed, online media entities will have to get approval from the NBC before operating. Many have opposed and rejected the proposed amendments, describing the prescriptions as draconian, ill-advised and an attempt to gag the media on all fronts. In protest of the proposed amendments, major newspapers on Monday, published the same headlines calling on the National Assembly to halt the amendments. It was sponsored by the Nigerian Union of Journalists, Nigerian Guild of Editors and Newspapers' Proprietors Association of Nigeria. "Information Blackout: This is what the National Assembly wants to achieve with the NPC and NBC (media) amendment bills," read the front pages of papers like Punch, Vanguard, the Nation, Daily Sun and the Guardian. There were also previous attempts to control the social media space via bills introduced by two Niger senators at the Senate. More details of the budget In the supplementary budget seen by PREMIUM TIMES, N11.48 billion was also allocated to the Defence Headquarters for the purchase of ammunition and another N15.8 billion for the purchase of vehicles and generators. While the Nigerian Army headquarters got N37.6 billion for ammunition, N14.8 billion for arms and N 48.6 billion for "vehicle requirement." Another N96.5 billion was given to the agency for "payment for purchase of defence equipment". The equipment was, however, not clearly stated. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Media By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. In the same vein, the Nigerian Navy was given N36.5 billion for "arms and ammo requirement" and N140.7 billion was allocated to the Nigerian Air Force for "additional aircraft requirement." Under the budget of the Department of State Security, a total of N6.5 billion was earmarked for the construction of multipurpose gatehouses and installation of integrated security systems of the National Assembly. While N1 billion was approved for constitution review, N6.7 billion has been allocated for procurement and installation of new oxygen plants nationwide and repairs of oxygen plants in hospitals in the Federal Capital Territory. The federal government had said the budget is specifically meant to enhance the capacity of the military and paramilitary agencies to tackle the various security challenges in the country. The Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, admonished relevant committees of the upper legislative chamber to carry out oversight and ensure that the funds are properly utilised. The federal government has endorsed a digital platform enabling travelers book accommodation and other hospitality experiences influenced by local culture. The vice president. Prof. Yemi Osinbajo gave the endorsement in Abuja last week when he launched Aura by Transcorp. Aura is Nigeria's equivalent of where members of the public can make reservations for hotels, apartments, spas, restaurants, even photographers. Osinbajo described the Aura application as an "excellent innovation" that would give a boost to the country's hospitality industry. Speaking of his experience using the aura app which is owned and operated by Transcorp Hotels, the vice president said he "was quite intrigued by the concept of Aura. I actually went to the website to better acquaint myself with the service. I downloaded the app on my phone and on my iPad and I found the dashboard was quite easy to navigate". Of particular interest to him was the fact "there are copious offerings of hotels, short let apartments, restaurants and I have found the response interesting." While commending Transcorp Hotel for coming up with the Aura app, Osinbajo noted that "the unique offering here is that Transcorp Hotel is putting its huge reputation behind helping customers choose the best accommodation. I think this is great and it will help revive the hospitality industry especially after the downturn in the aftermath of COVID-19". "I would like to commend the Transcorp team led by my brother and the man of many ideas, Tony Elumelu." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Also speaking at the event, chief executive officer (CEO) of Transcorp Hotels, Dupe Olusola, said: "Aura will create jobs and help diversify the country's economy". According to her, "Aura is a digital hospitality platform that gives people the opportunity, at the touch of their fingertips, to book exciting accommodation, restaurants, spas and other hospitality derivatives at all locations in Nigeria." She explained, "Aura is an opportunity to diversify our economy, it is an opportunity to create jobs and employment, an opportunity to develop domestic tourism and leisure travel. There is nothing that has been done like this before in Nigeria and our plan is to go beyond and to Africa and take on the world". Aura app she further said, will be helpful "so many people that have invested in real estate and have left it fallow and are not actually making money from it. Aura provides an opportunity for you to list your property and be able to make money from it." Emir of Kajuru, Alhassan Adamu, broke down in tears shortly after he was released. He was speaking to a gathering of his subjects after his release but was overwhelmed by feelings. He started saying, "People of Kajuru... " and then his emotions overcame him. He covered his face with both hands to contain his emotions in a 21-second clip Daily Trust has seen. His release on Monday evening reunited him with his subjects. Bandits had abducted him from his private residence in the early hours of Sunday. They had contacted the family to demand a ransom of N200 million on Monday but hours after this, the monarch marched back into his kingdom in Kaduna state. Hid children, grandchildren, and some title holders of the emirate are still being held. "We have been informed that at least Moderna and Pfizer laboratories are working on a third special dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, known as booster shot," he stated. The minister explained that "this dose is not like the ones that have already been administered, but a booster against the variants that are circulating around the world." "There is no scientific evidence to prove that a third single dose is better than two," he added. Booster to be expected In statements to RPP radio and TV station, the high-ranking official affirmed that it is foreseeable that Peru will need to boost the immunization effort against COVID-19 as the protective effect of the vaccines is still unknown; laboratories are just testing it, and the immunity of those who have been infected lasts no more than nine months. Ugarte emphasized that Minsa has purchased an additional quantity of vaccines, because it considers it advisable to enhance the protection of the population with a third dose. Perhaps, Minsa will provide a booster dose at the end of the year to those who have already been vaccinated against COVID-19, following the same order of priority: front-line healthcare workers, the elderly, and people with comorbidities. "We have bought enough doses considering this forecast," he concluded. (END) SMS/JOT/RMB/MVB Loading... The Ministry of Health (Minsa) is assessing the possibility of enhancing the protection of the population vaccinated against COVID-19, Health Minister Oscar Ugarte said while commenting that Moderna and Pfizer laboratories are working on a third special dose of the vaccine.Publicado: 13/7/2021 . 18:01 | Callao (Callao region), Jul. 13. Thus, the main port of entry for visitors to Peru has been recognized as a destination that complies with all the safety measures for COVID-19, in order to protect tourists and tourism service providers operating in this important area of the country. The ceremony was attended by local authorities and business people in the tourism sector. "With great enthusiasm, we grant this important recognition to Callao region, which will contribute to the responsible and safe restart of tourism, as the conditions for its reactivation are generated and promoted," Carbajal stated. "Callao is the first image (of the country) that visitors see and, as such, we must ensure their safety and that of all of us," she added. Joint efforts Mincetur noted that the receipt of this stamp is the result of collaborative efforts made by public and private agents in the region to promote the resumption of tourist activities. To obtain the Safe Travels Stamp, Callao' regional authorities had to submit a formal evaluation request to Mincetur. Afterwards, virtual and field working meetings were held and sectoral health protocols were implemented through surveillance plans or COVID-19 prevention documents. In addition, tourism service providers had to undergo audits, as well as checks of cleaning, disinfection, and waste management, to verify that they comply with the protocols established by the Government. As part of the commitment to receive the Safe Travels Stamp, authorities and the population must ensure compliance with the aforementioned protocols. Besides, at the Executive-Branch level, there will be constant monitoring of safety and hygiene actions in the region. Below are the tourist circuits that have been classified as safe for tourists at times of COVID-19: - Real Felipe Fortress - Grau Plaza - Galvez Plaza - Monumental Callao area - Matriz Church - Abtao Naval Submarine Museum - Palomino Island - San Lorenzo Island - Neighborhood of Chucuito - La Punta's Main Square - Wiesse Pier - Santa Rosa (Saint Rose) Plaza Gastronomic route It features eight representative restaurants from Callao region. (END) NDP/LIT/RMB/MVB Loading... Peru's Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) has handed over the Safe Travels Stamp bestowed by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) to Callao Destination, which includes the districts of Callao and La Punta.Publicado: 13/7/2021 YEREVAN, JULY 13, ARMENPRESS. Experts believe that the Ambassadors of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries to Azerbaijan France, Russia and the United States, have rejected the official Bakus invitation to visit Shushi because they do not consider that the Artsakh issue is solved and are interested in the resumption of the negotiation process under the auspices of the Co-Chairs. Expert on Azerbaijani studies Taron Hovhannisyan told Armenpress that that step of the three Co-Chair countries aims at not obstructing the resumption of the negotiation process. I suppose that the motive of not visiting the occupied territories of Artsakh at the invitation of Azerbaijan is for those countries not to damage the future process of the conflict settlement which they want to resume. Otherwise, their visit could have had a very serious negative impact on the prospects of returning to the settlement process and could be perceived as a message by that countries that they agree with Azerbaijans approach that the issue is solved, Taron Hovhannisyan said. Asked whether with this step Russia, France and the United States show signs for restoration of the Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship format, the expert noted that this is more like a desire to quickly restore the process or a demonstration of a desire of not obstructing the resumption process. According to him, if the Ambassadors of the Co-Chair countries visited Shushi, it would show that they are not so interested in the resumption of the Karabakh process, but, instead, they accept that this new status-quo is a solution to the conflict. But as the Co-Chairs have stated that this is not a solution for them, therefore, the only effective tool of staying in the process is the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship. Mr. Hovhannisyan said the talk mainly concerns France and the United States because Russia is already involved in the process. Therefore, they need to come back to the process and participate in the management of that process. Thus, the resumption of the negotiation process for the conflict settlement within that same format is beneficial to them, the expert stated. Analyst, expert on Oriental studies Armen Petrosyan is convinced that the decision of the Ambassadors of not visiting Shushi is again connected with the fact that the Artsakh issue is not solved yet, in particular that the status of Artsakh is not clarified. He noted that the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries have made quite a competent decision of not visiting Shushi. Ambassadors of 46 countries accredited to Azerbaijan and representatives of the diplomatic corps visited Artsakhs occupied territories, including Shushi, on July 9-10 at the invitation of the Azerbaijani government. However, the Ambassadors of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries Russia, France and the US, have rejected Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyevs invitation. The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs support resumption of the high-level political dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan aimed at the lasting and comprehensive settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, however the Azerbaijani leader continues to claim that the conflict is solved after the 2020 War. Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan STEPANAKERT, JULY 13, ARMENPRESS. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh has issued a statement over the recent visit of diplomats accredited in Azerbaijan to the occupied territories of Artsakh. Armenpress presents the full text of the statement: We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the organization on July 10, 2021 by the Azerbaijani authorities of the visit of staffers of foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Azerbaijan to the occupied territories of the Republic of Artsakh, including the city of Shushi. By such actions, Azerbaijan is trying to consolidate the results of the aggressive war it unleashed on September 27, 2020 with the participation of Turkey and militants from international terrorist and extremist organizations against the Republic of Artsakh. We emphasize once again that the current situation is the result of illegal actions of Azerbaijan, which has grossly violated fundamental principles of international law, such as the non-use of force or the threat of force, the peaceful settlement of disputes, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, equality and the right of peoples to decide their fate and the implementation of international obligations in good faith. Azerbaijan's attempts to legitimize the current illegal state of affairs also means justifying the unleashing of an aggressive war, cooperation with international terrorists, violations of international humanitarian law and war crimes. In this regard, it is regrettable that foreign diplomats accredited in Azerbaijan have succumbed to Baku's manipulative actions, which are not only aimed at preventing the resumption of the process of a comprehensive settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict, but also undermine the foundations of international relations, laying the basis for recognizing the results of illegal actions as an acceptable norm. No territorial acquisitions resulting from the threat or use of force should be recognized as legitimate. We reiterate that the territories of the Republic of Artsakh, including the city of Shushi, captured by Azerbaijan with the support of Turkey and international terrorists during the 44-day war, are temporarily occupied territories in accordance with the norms of international law. The city of Shushi is an integral part of Artsakh both in territorial, cultural, economic and historical aspects. Any attempt to reject it is a gross violation of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Artsakh. The restoration of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Artsakh and the acquisition of international legal personality by Artsakh are indispensable conditions for achieving a comprehensive settlement of the conflict and establishing lasting peace in the region. We call on the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair states to take all necessary steps aimed at resuming the negotiation process with a view to a final settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict. YEREVAN, JULY 13, ARMENPRESS. The queue of foreigners at a COVID-19 mobile vaccination site in downtown Yerevan is conditioned by the recent change in the vaccination policy for foreign nationals, spokesperson to the minister of healthcare of Armenia Hripsime Khachatryan told Armenpress. The queue is connected with the new change according to which starting from July 15 only those foreign nationals, who will spend over 10 days in Armenia, will have the right to be vaccinated here. Perhaps this is the reason that the citizens of our neigbour country are actively being vaccinated these days, she said. Vaccinations for foreign nationals in Armenia are free of charge. They can get vaccinated with AstraZeneca. Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan YEREVAN, 13 JULY, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs Armenpress that today, 13 July, USD exchange rate up by 0.28 drams to 496.16 drams. EUR exchange rate down by 0.17 drams to 587.55 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.06 drams to 6.70 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 0.14 drams to 687.38 drams. The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals. Gold price down by 200.69 drams to 28592.21 drams. Silver price down by 1.13 drams to 413.55 drams. Platinum price up by 249.09 drams to 17626.86 drams. YEREVAN, JULY 13, ARMENPRESS. The heads of the relevant diplomatic missions were invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia with regard to the participation of the diplomatic representatives of some countries in the visit organized by the Azerbaijani authorities to the occupied territories of Nagorno-Karabakh on July 9-10, ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the MFA Armenia. The ambassadors have been handed over note verbal addressed to the respective governments, wherein it was particularly stated that the Republic of Armenia considers utterly unacceptable the visit of diplomatic representatives accredited in Azerbaijan to the occupied territories of Artsakh, including Hadrut and a historical center of Artsakh - Shushi: regions which were ethnically cleansed and their population was a subject of war crimes and other mass atrocities committed by Azerbaijani armed forces during the recent aggression. It was emphasized that by arranging such events the Azerbaijani authorities are trying to legitimize the aggression against the people of Artsakh and to strengthen their own claims of having resolved the conflict by force. During all the meetings, it has been underlined that the involvement of diplomatic representatives in such visits contradicts the spirit of cooperation existing between the Republic of Armenia and those countries, as well as to the position of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship. In this regard, Armenia strongly calls for refraining from any actions that may justify the use of force and thereby undermine regional peace and security. The use of force and mass atrocities cannot settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the resolution of the conflict can be achieved only through negotiations under the auspices of the only internationally mandated format- the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has brought the above-mentioned position to the attention of the capitals of the respective countries, which hold non-resident diplomatic missions to Armenia. YEREVAN, JULY 13, ARMENPRESS. Fr. Archimandrite Shahe Ananyan, Director of the Inter-Church relations Department of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin commented on the false announcements made by the Grand Mufti of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims` Board Allahshukur Pashazadeh in an interview with ARMENPRESS, as well as spoke about the possible meeting between the Catholicos of All Armenians, the Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims` Board and the Patriarch of All Russia. - How would you comment on the statements of Allahshukur Pashazadeh, the chairman of the Caucasus Muslims` Board, made in Shushi about St. Ghazanchetsots Church, that it's allegedly of non-Armenian origin? - We learnt from the media about the regular false announcements made by Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims` Board Allahshukur Pashazadeh in front of different religious denominations of Azerbaijan What can we say? It is a style typical of Pashazadeh, to interpret facts according to their own interests and perceptions. Avoiding thinking about the occupation of the most part of Artsakh, leaving thousands of families without shelters, desecration and destructions of religious-cultural values of the Artsakh Diocese, Pashazadeh again referred to the so-called Aghvan-Udi church (Caucasian Albania-edited) and its false religious-cultural agenda. - Its known that there is an official format of meetings between the Catholicos of All Armenians, the Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims` Board and the Patriarch of All Russia, in the sidelines of which a declaration has been signed on the peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Does that format still exist and is that possible that new meetings and discussions are held in that format? - There is an official format of trilateral meetings between the Catholicos of All Armenians, the Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims` Board and the Patriarch of All Russia, where the religious leaders have discussed the opportunities of finding ways for a peaceful settlement of the Artsakh conflict, and naturally, many other issues related with it. Still during the military operations the Catholicos of All Armenians had sent a letter to Patriarch Kirill, expressing readiness to meet with the leader of the Caucasus Muslims in a trilateral format aimed at fostering the restoration of the ceasefire and regional peace. After the 44-day war the Catholicos of All Armenians sent an official letter to Patriarch Kirill, so as he could leave for Baku under Patriarch Kirills mediation to meet with Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev and Pashazadeh for discussing the issues of returning the Armenian POWs and the preservation of our religious-cultural heritage in the territories that have passed under the Azerbaijani control. As refers to the announcement of Allahshukur Pashazadeh about his willingness to meet under the UN auscpices, that's a result of misunderstanding. The Catholicos of All Armenians answered to the proposal of the UN representative in the USA about meeting with the Azerbaijani Sheikh (Pashazadeh) that Patriarch Kirill has already agreed to hold such a meeting in Moscow. YEREVAN, JULY 13, ARMENPRESS. Caretaker Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan held a phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the initiative of the latter. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister, the American side congratulated Nikol Pashinyan on the victory of the Civil Contract Party in the elections, emphasizing the consistent steps taken by the Armenian Government in the recent years aimed at ensuring the democratic achievements of Armenia. In this context the U.S. Secretary of State highly assessed the efforts made by Nikol Pashinyan aimed at the easing of pre-election tensions and establishing civilized relations with the opposition. Antony Blinken emphasized the importance of the reform agenda implemented by the Government of Armenia, particularly, in the spheres of fight against corruption and justice and added that the USA is ready to continue assistance in this direction. At the same time he noted that the relations between the two countries is based on democratic values. Caretaker Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan thanked for acknowledging Armenia's achievements in the direction of democratic reforms. He praised the United States' continuous support to strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law in Armenia, as well as for launching a police patrol in Yerevan. Pashinyan noted that the patrol service will expand throughout the country in the future and hoped that the U.S. assistance will give an opportunity to fulfill that process. The caretaker Prime Minister highly assessed the efforts of the Assistant Secretary Philip Reeker for the return of the Armenian POWs from Azerbaijan a month ago. The return of POWs and the withdrawal of the Azerbaijani armed forces from the sovereign territory of Armenia were highlighted as key factors for establishment of peace in the region. The U.S. Secretary of State assured that the USA will continue making efforts for ensuring the return of all the POWs. Referring to Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the Secretary of State strongly highlighted the restoration of the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs, emphasizing the necessity of developing a clear agenda for the peace process, which will give an opportunity for finding a sustainable ad lasting settlement to the conflict. In this context, Nikol Pashinyan also stressed that the conflict is not settled and needs a comprehensive solution, which can be achieved only within the framework of the Minsk Group Co-chairs' format. The American side agreed with the Prime Minister's observation that the status quo can not be stable, and the Minsk Group Co-chairs need a clear agenda that will contribute to the success of the talks. Magna Carta came out of an intra-elite struggle between 40 barons and their King We now take our liberties and rights for granted, and the way of life it guarantees us as inherent. But what we now have has come after a long process of evolution, and many a time they flowed out of something else quite unintended. The Magna Carta is a case in point. In June, the entire English-speaking world celebrated the 806th anniversary of the Magna Carta, or Great Charter, that is synonymous with the fundamental rights and rule of law which are considered the cornerstones of modern democracy. Much of the world now believes that the Magna Carta came out of an eruption of a long-suppressed yearning among the common people for protection against the caprices of the monarch and the nobility. But it is not so. It came out of an intra-elite struggle between 40 barons and their King. Englands King John had emptied the royal treasuries in a fruitless war with France, and the barons were no longer willing to meet his demands for higher taxes. The consequence was the Magna Carta to protect the barons from the Kings demands. The demand to be judged by their peers was another protection. It was not meant for the ordinary people, but only for the barons. Thus, the Magna Carta was not quite a grand demand for equality, the basic freedoms and rule of law but just a narrow demand for restricting the rulers powers to ring fence the interests of the elite. But the myth of the Magna Carta has endured, and it is often invoked whenever and wherever people struggled against injustice and freedom. Mahatma Gandhi invoked it in South Africa when he fought for racial equality, and emancipators and freedom fighters like Nelson Mandela, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro and Martin Luther King Jr have invoked it when they were being tried for sedition by oppressive rulers. Like those English barons, they too were arguing for limiting the oppressive and unjust powers of oppressive regimes, but now not just for themselves and their peers, but for all their fellow citizens. The story of modern democracy is about the long journey from the rights of a few to the rights of all. Another myth that endures is that the twin notions of democracy and the rule of law somehow originated with the Magna Carta and its acceptance. The fact is that the King rejected the Magna Carta soon after it was presented to him. But King John avoided the consequences of the barons indignation by helpfully dying and thereby perpetuating the myth. The first democracies long preceded the Magna Carta of 1215. Even as early as the sixth century BC, several independent republics existed in India as sanghas and ganas. The main characteristics of these sanghas and ganas were a raja, elected or hereditary, and a deliberative assembly. These assemblies met regularly and passed laws pertaining to finances, administration and justice. The raja and other officials obeyed the decisions of these assemblies. While these assemblies were mostly comprised of the nobility and landowners, in some cases they included all free men. But the Brahminical system prevailed in the sense that the monarch always had to be a Kshatriya. While the Licchavis, who held sway over the Kathmandu Valley in present-day Nepal and a major part of northern Bihar, were governed by an assembly of about 7,000 rajas who in turn were the heads of all the major families, others like the Shakyas, the clan to which Gautam Buddha belonged, had assemblies open to all people, rich or poor, and noble or common. The greatest contribution to the evolution of democracy as a philosophy was in Athens, where great philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle lit up the public discourse with their brilliance and original thinking. Socrates and his pupil, Plato, deliberated and expounded on the role of a citizen within a community and laid down the foundations of the political philosophy that flourished in Athens and spread to most of the world over the next two and a half millennia. Aristotle, who counted among his students Alexander the Great, dwelt more on systems of government and who first qualified liberty as the fundamental principle of democracy. This principle that whatever is decided by the majority is sovereign has always had to contend with the rights of the individual. In the United States of America, which was formed after a great debate among the founding fathers as a democracy, it was by majority will that slavery had flourished till the Civil War. It took another century before equal rights for black people became the majority will. This constant struggle for individual rights against the will of the collective has been the central story of the evolution of the modern democratic state. Free India by contrast provided for all these rights and liberties from the beginning in its Constitution. The Magna Carta, because it sought to limit the powers of the ruler, perhaps still has a place in our hearts and minds, because of just that. To most of us citizens in democratic states, our life is also a constant struggle against the assertion of collective will to trample individual liberties or the rights of smaller groups. The rise of democratic and elected parliaments in England and Scotland just 50 years after the Magna Carta is not a coincidence but the consequence of that demand to share power. It is from the Magna Carta that the English writ of habeas corpus evolved, safeguarding individuals and their freedoms against unjust and unlawful imprisonment with the right to appeal. It is from this emergence of petitions for the production of the body that parliaments in due course became to be increasingly used as a forum to address all the concerns and grievances of ordinary people. Thus, whatever be the first intent of the Magna Carta, its consequences greatly expanded over the centuries into a charter, which guarantees individual liberties, equality and justice to all, irrespective of their race, religion and class. But that struggle is far from over. It goes on and only its forms change as human values and means change. Back in 2018, I featured Hooked Up Seafood in Wildwood as one of my stops during the initial season of Shackin Up for the Summer. It was one An apartment building in Sydney's eastern suburbs has been plunged into isolation, with no one allowed to enter or leave after Covid-19 spread to five different households. Of NSW's 89 new coronavirus cases on Tuesday, one was linked to the apartment block on Botany Street Bondi Junction. "There are nine cases identified in recent days across the five different households," Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said on Tuesday. "I think the key message to us is when you're in apartment buildings, we're not wanting you to congregate in any shared spaces with instituted mask-wearing requirements for those premises. The apartment block in Bondi Junction has been plunged into isolation and under guard after nine residents across five different units tested positive to Covid-19. Source: AAP "We understand and respect that they are private premises but we are really requiring under a public health order that you wear masks when you're transiting through common areas." The health advice for wearing face masks in all shared areas of apartment complexes applies to not only residents, but visitors, building managers, concierge staff, contractors, delivery drivers and cleaners. In a statement, NSW Health said authorities were working with the residents and strata management to assess the situation. NSW Health also said it was working with other agencies and "implementing measures to address infection control and the health and welfare of residents". NSW Police are guarding the perimeter and the premises is cordoned off with no one allowed in or out. A video shared by Today Show reporter Lara Vella shows supplies being dropped off for residents inside. NSW Health is working with police and private security to ensure compliance. Source: AAP A spokesperson with NSW Police confirmed officers and private security were assisting NSW Health, and were ensuring food and other provisions and services were provided to the residents throughout their 14-day isolation period. The Covid outbreak was first detected in Bondi last month and now 767 cases have been reported since and the Delta strain spreading to other parts of Sydney. People in Greater Sydney are subject to lockdown and people are not allowed visitors from other households or leave the home unless it is "absolutely necessary". Story continues Right now in NSW, there are 65 people in hospital with Covid-19 and 21 people in intensive care, four patients are on ventilators. It was also announced on Tuesday a man aged in his 70s has died after contracting Covid-19. With AAP Do you have a story tip? Email: You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and download the Yahoo News app from the App Store or Google Play. Japan will make additional donations of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine to Taiwan and other Asian neighbours this week, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi says. Japan will ship out 1 million doses each to Indonesia, Taiwan and Vietnam on Thursday as part of bilateral deals with those governments, Motegi told reporters on Tuesday. An additional 11 million doses donated through the COVAX sharing scheme will be sent this month to Bangladesh, Cambodia, Iran, Laos, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, as well as various Pacific Island states, he said. Taiwan's Foreign Ministry expressed thanks for the gesture, particularly at a serious stage in Japan's own coronavirus battle. Japan has donated about 3.4 million doses to Taiwan in a show of support for the Chinese-claimed island. "The friendship between Taiwan and Japan is unwavering," the Taiwan ministry said in a statement. "The Foreign Ministry once again thanks our partners in freedom and democracy for their warm assistance and strong support." In a statement, Vietnam said it would receive a million doses from Japan on Friday in the southern business hub of Ho Chi Minh City, where it is fighting its largest outbreak yet after months of successful containment. "It is encouraging that a number of richer countries have made generous pledges and donations of vaccines to countries in Asia in recent weeks," said Alexander Matheou of aid group the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). "We need to speed up the delivery of these lifesaving doses so that we can get them into people's arms, giving us a genuine shot at containing this pandemic once and for all." Taiwan has complained that Chinese interference blocked its deal this year to secure vaccines from Germany's BioNTech SE , charges Beijing has denied. Since then, vaccine donations have rolled in to Taiwan. Taiwan's relatively small domestic COVID-19 outbreak has generally been brought under control, except for a few sporadic community infections. Japan has pledged $US1 billion ($A1.34 billion) and 30 million doses to COVAX. Motegi said on Tuesday the AstraZeneca doses made in Japan were approved by the World Health Organisation on July 9 for use in COVAX. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cayuga County will move to temporary offices at Cayuga Community College later this month as a new workforce development center is built at the extension's Grant Avenue home. The extension will be closed July 21-23 as it completes its move to the Cayuga Works Career Center in the Regional Economic Center wing of the college, 199 Franklin St., Auburn. The extension will reopen July 26 in Suite 204, and its phone number will remain (315) 255-1883. The extension will return to its longtime offices at 248 Grant Ave. after construction on the workforce development center is finished. Afterward, the extension will be able to partner with others in the building, namely Cayuga Community College Community Education and Workforce Development, and the Cayuga Works Career Center. The extension and its programs will also benefit from technological upgrades to the building. Upcoming blood drives The following blood drives are scheduled to take place in the Cayuga County area: 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 15, at St. Mary's Church, 15 Clark St., Auburn 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday, July 16, at the Elbridge Fire Department, 275 E. Main St., Elbridge 2 to 6 p.m. Friday, July 16, at First Baptist Church of Memphis, 1960 W. Genesee Turnpike, Elbridge 7:15 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, July 17, at Sacred Heart Church, 90 Melrose Road, Owasco 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, July 31, at the Skaneateles Fire Department, 77 W. Genesee St., Skaneateles 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, July 31, at First Presbyterian Church, 112 South St., Auburn For more information, visit or call (800) RED CROSS. The first round of hearings will occur shortly before the commission receives redistricting data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Imamura said the commission will get the data in mid-August, then prepare draft maps that will be presented to the public by Sept. 15. After the release of the draft lines, the commission must hold public hearings to gather feedback. That set of hearings will begin in October. Once the commission reviews the comments, it will finalize its proposal and submit it to the state Legislature. To win approval, it must be supported by two-thirds of the state Assembly and Senate. However, there is a constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot this year to change the number of votes needed to approve a redistricting plan. Instead of a supermajority, the amendment would require a simple majority vote to adopt redistricting plans. For now, though, the commission's focus is on hearing from New Yorkers. Martins said they want to learn more about communities of interest and how best the commission can represent these areas in the new lines that are drawn. "We are the first independent redistricting commission for the state of New York," he said. "What we do will set precedent going forward." Politics reporter Robert Harding can be reached at (315) 282-2220 or Follow him on Twitter @robertharding. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Get Government & Politics updates in your inbox! Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. An obscure New York law prohibited barbers from performing their duties on Sundays. Until now. Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday signed legislation to repeal the section of New York's business law that made it illegal for barbers to engage in "shaving, hair cutting or other work of a barber on the first day of the week." Barbering on Sunday was considered a misdemeanor. For a first offense, the barber would be fined no more than $5. Repeat offenses would result in fines of between $10 to $25, a jail sentence of 10 to 25 days, or both. But the law was rarely enforced. State Sen. Joe Griffo and Assemblyman Billy Jones introduced legislation to repeal the language prohibiting barbering on Sundays. It received unanimous support in the state Legislature. "Barbershops and salons, like all small businesses, have faced significant, unprecedented and strenuous challenges during the coronavirus pandemic," said Griffo, a Rome Republican. "By removing outdated and unnecessary laws such as this, these businesses will be provided with an additional opportunity to recover financially as we work to rebuild our local and state economies." We actually only contributed maybe a third of what we hold here because the other two-thirds of the materials...we received under an agreement that we wouldn't share them, he said. The first part of the grant was focused on building an infrastructure for the database, which Axelrod said was mostly complete. He expects the second part to expand on that foundation. All of those infrastructure and planning and data pieces needed to be designed and constructed, he said. Towards the end of the last phase of the grant that was all getting completed and tested. The next phase is really about building out and expanding all of those aspects and the use of the system. He said a few additional institutions had been brought into this phase of the pilot project. Ultimately, Axelrod said, it's something that we would want to offer as a membership organization so that schools around the country could pay a reasonable fee to participate. He gave the example of a smaller institution, such as a community college, with a disability support team of only a few people to help several students with disabilities. But, primarily, youll want to climb Saddle Mountain for the views not just at the top but on the exposed road wending around the south-eastern ridge, affording unobstructed gazing of the San Francisco Peaks and Kendrick Mountain, as well as the green expanse of the Kendrick Meadow hugging Highway 180 down below. I was most eager to get to the top so I could gawk, like a traffic-accident rubbernecker, at the fresh burn scar from the Slate Mountain Fire, which charred more than 11,000 acres on both sides of 180. Recently, driving west on 180 to the Grand Canyon, I had seen blackened patches of forest really close to the highway, but was buoyed by seeing that many of the ponderosa pines emerged relatively unscathed. A view from on-high, I figured, would give me a better sense of the devastation wrought. But and heres another pleasant surprise things didnt look so bad from the summit. Yes, you could see blackened spots that looked like male-pattern baldness. But there was no widespread scarring; the forest still looked mostly intact. Best of all, I didnt have to make awkward small talk with other people at the summit because, remember, not another soul was around and no footprints either on the forest road, merely scattered cloven hoof prints. Other new records in the area included: 111 degrees in Page on both Saturday and Sunday (beating the previous record of 107 in 2013 and 106 in 1976 and setting a new all-time high); 110 in Winslow on Saturday (106, 2003); 108 in Seligman on Saturday (106, 2003); and 119 degrees in Phantom Ranch on Friday (116, 2003). But all that hot weather may have helped to bring this new set of monsoon storms, said NWS meteorologist Carter Humphreys. The warmer temperatures have been the result of high pressure that's been sitting over the Southwest. And that's been working to kind of pull some of this moisture up into Arizona to get the monsoon going, Humphreys said. A lot of that moisture is originating in the Gulf of California, he said. During monsoon season, its not uncommon to see significant thunderstorms develop and begin to move across Mexico, Humphreys said. Then high pressure systems can pull those storms north and into Arizona. For the latest Museum Fire scar weather conditions and NWS notifications, visit Residents should sign up for emergency notifications at More information is available at WASHINGTON (AP) Emerging from a private meeting at the White House, Sen. Bernie Sanders said Monday that he and President Joe Biden are on the same page as Democrats draft a transformative infrastructure package unleashing more than $3.5 trillion in domestic investments on par with the New Deal of the 1930s. Sanders, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, and Democrats on his panel also huddled privately at the Capitol for two hours late Monday with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and key White House advisers during a consequential time for Biden's top priority. Congress is racing to put together a sweeping proposal financing infrastructure, family assistance and other programs for initial votes later this month. Sanders, I-Vt., said he had a very good discussion" with Biden . He knows and I know that were seeing an economy where the very, very rich are getting richer while working families are struggling, Sanders told reporters. Hong Kongs district councilors largely take care of municipal matters such as organizing construction projects and ensuring that public facilities are in order. Their election took on symbolic importance, however, after Hong Kong was rocked by pro-democracy protests for much of 2019. In elections that year, many pro-democracy candidates unseated incumbent councilors seen as loyal to Beijing. Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said at a regular news conference Tuesday that she is sure that given the security law, each district councilor will gauge their past behavior to check if they have crossed a line. Individual incumbent district councilors of their own accord took some actions after seeing that there are certain legal requirements, that is, legal liabilities will have to be borne if they have violated certain rules and regulations, Lam said. They decided to resign. This is out of our control. Lam said that despite the exodus of district councilors, authorities will press on with the oath-taking for the remaining councilors. She also brushed off concerns about whether the resignation of the councilors would affect the operations of the District Council. Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. Living alone should be a personal choice, but many people in China find it strange that women, especially younger women, would make such a decision, particularly as it may result in a barrage of criticism. Yang Lin (not her real name) was the subject of online gossip after she accidentally locked herself in the bathroom of her Beijing apartment. The incident occurred in February on Chinese New Year's Eve. Yang expected the evening to be quiet and uneventful because she had stayed in Beijing for the holiday, heeding official appeals not to travel to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. The mishap came when she finished showering. She had closed the door securely, but when she turned the shabby doorknob at about 1 am, the door remained stuck despite her frantic efforts to open it. To make matters worse, she hadn't taken her smartphone into the bathroom, and there was no one in the apartmentapart from her "roommate", a cat named Sphinxto help her escape the muggy, cramped bathroom. She tried opening the door by many means, including inserting an eyebrow trimmer into the key barrel and even removing the showerhead and using it to bang on the door in the hope of making a breach. Nothing worked. Then, she pinned her hopes on shouting to see if the Siri function on her iPhone would respond and allow her to call for assistance. The night was long and tough, but the 30-hour ordeal ended when Lin Jian, a 30-something man who lived in the apartment below, heard Yang's calls for help and phoned a locksmith. Yang's life should have returned to normal, but she posted her story on WeChat Moments. When a friend shared a screenshot of the post, the story went viral, triggering a wave of criticism about Yang's decision to live alone. She was distressed by comments that blamed her for living alone and not having a boyfriend, but even worse, she was followed and threatened by strangers. Eventually, she had no option but to find another apartment. A new option Despite the criticism, living alone is becoming a regular choice for many young people, especially those who are single. Figures from the Ministry of Civil Affairs show that 240 million people were single in 2018, and about 77 million of them were living alone. That figure is projected to rise to 92 million this year. Li Ming, a 24-year-old Beijing native, enjoys living on her own, even though it costs more than sharing. "I'm having a very good time. I get up early, at about 6:30 am, and nobody disturbs my life. I have a nice breakfast, and then I concentrate on my work and finish all my early tasks during the morning," she said. Zhang Siyu (an assumed name) is looking forward to living alone because she currently shares an apartment with three other women and a man. While it's quite normal for younger or junior employees to do this in Beijing, the monthly rent for a single room is still reasonably high at about 4,000 yuan ($617). "I think the criticism of the girl (Yang) was crazy. I would enjoy living alone, and I would do so if I had the money. I saw some malicious comments about Yang's experience, which I thought were irrational. It's a personal preference to lock doors or not. For me, it's quite normal to lock the door when using the restroom even when I am at my parents' house in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region," said Zhang, 25, who works in the education industry. "Also, the focus should not be on having a boyfriend or not. It's funny, anyway. The criticism sounds like 'Living alone is dangerous, but you will be safe if you have a boyfriend.' People who hold that opinion may have a misunderstanding about intimate relationships that aren't just limited to boyfriends, but to anyone you trust, such as a friend or the house owner, who may be able to offer emergency help." Safety concerns Safety, security and feeling lonely are the main concerns of some of those who live alone. Yang Shumiao (not her real name) has worked in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, for two years. She shares an apartment with strangers. "I have my own room, and I don't really know the people I live with. So I'm effectively living alone, even though I'm actually sharing an apartment," she said. The 24-year-old said her residential area is quite secure, but she still has fears about her safety. "Earlier this year, I accidentally fell to the floor. It really hurt, and I couldn't get up by myself. The sharp pain lasted more than 10 minutes, but I eventually climbed into bed. I was worried I had a bone fracture and felt really sad," she said. "I feel like I am an empty nester in such a big city, even though I'm only in my 20s. That makes me feel aggrieved from time to time." She expressed sympathy for Yang Lin, the young woman who was subjected to cyberbullying. "Everyone has the right to choose the way they live. But a girl may have to do much more to protect herself when she lives alone," she said. "I like the humorous notion of changing a female tenant's name to a masculine one. I once joked that I planned to change my name to Yang Bajun (meaning'a bossy man'). It's a joke, but kind of poignant," she said ruefully. Xu Xiaowen contributed to this story. The drafted plan stated that BPS plans to operate in a traditional learning environment for the 2021-2022 school year, unless a state Directed Health Measure or federal mandate requires otherwise. It further states that if there is a COVID-19 outbreak of 10% or more of the student and staff population, which is roughly 250 people, that the district would look to implement some or all of their safety protocols for 1-10 consecutive school days. Trusty asked if the plan could state the school board could consider, but not necessarily adopt, any mandate. The district plans to operate in a traditional learning environment during the 2021-2022 school year, unless theres a COVID-19 outbreakand consideration would be given to state DHMs or federal mandates. So then its consideration, not we will follow, Nielsen said. Because again, over half of our budget is federal dollars. I dont think we could operate without federal assistance. If theres other school districts saying were not following this, then it gives the school board a chance to discuss and make a decision locally, Trusty said, regarding the DHMs. Nielsen noted that the return plan has to be reviewed every six months until Sept. 1, 2023, because thats how long ESSER III funding is allowed. MOSCOW (AP) Russia has strongly warned the United States against deploying its troops in the former Soviet Central Asian nations following their withdrawal from Afghanistan, a senior diplomat said in remarks published on Tuesday. Russias Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow conveyed the message to Washington during Russian President Vladimir Putins summit with U.S. President Joe Biden in Geneva last month. The warning comes as the U.S. military said last week that 90% of the withdrawal of U.S. troops and equipment from Afghanistan is complete. Biden said the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan will conclude on Aug. 31. I would emphasize that the redeployment of the American permanent military presence to the countries neighboring Afghanistan is unacceptable, Ryabkov said. We told the Americans in a direct and straightforward way that it would change a lot of things not only in our perceptions of whats going on in that important region, but also in our relations with the United States. He added that Russia has also issued the warning to Central Asian nations. Billings will buy the Stillwater Building downtown for $17.1 million and begin the process of building it out to be the new home for the city's law and justice center and city hall. Billings City Council voted 10-1 Monday night to accept the buy/sell agreement with building owner WC Commercial and move to the next phase of acquiring the building. "Looking at the whole of what the city needs ... this meets those needs," said council member Roy Neese. Council member Penny Ronning cast the lone no-vote, explaining that she loves the building but was disappointed with the process used by the city to vet the facility and negotiate to buy it. "I don't think it's been good government the way this has worked," she said. She wanted more opportunities for the public to comment on the process and the decision, and she wanted to hear from the public how they thought the city should spend the money it will be using to buy the Stillwater. New legislation will be one of the focuses of North Dakota's seventh annual Indian Education Summit, being held Thursday and Friday at the state Capitol and the neighboring North Dakota Heritage Center & State Museum in Bismarck. The Legislature earlier this year approved Senate Bill 2304, which requires North Dakota studies instruction in elementary school to include an emphasis on the states federally recognized Indian tribes: the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, or Three Affiliated Tribes; the Standing Rock Sioux; the Spirit Lake Nation; the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa; and the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Nation. Including curriculum in our classrooms that speaks to the culture of our Native American students is essential to helping them learn, said Lucy Fredericks, the Department of Public Instructions director of American Indian and multicultural education. State Rep. Ruth Buffalo, D-Fargo, a member of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, helped garner support for the bill. She'll speak during the summit on Native American Education for All. Scientists say climate change has made the West much warmer and drier, and they warn that weather will get wilder as the world warms. They say extreme conditions are often from a combination of unusually random, short-term and natural weather patterns heightened by long-term, human-caused climate change. However, special studies are needed to determine how much global warming is to blame, if at all, for a single extreme weather event. North Dakota this spring and summer has had nearly 1,500 wildfires scorching more than 100,000 acres, including two Badlands fires last week that blackened more than 3,000 acres. The total area burned this year is about eight times what burned in all of 2020. All of the state is mired in drought -- much of it in extreme or exceptional drought. Firefighters have had some success in keeping the Bootleg Fire out of several small communities. Quick actions from crews on the ground prevented numerous homes from catching fire during nighttime ember showers, a U.S. Forest Service statement said Monday. 1999 as a Turning Point: Lionizing the 1989 Student Leaders 13. 7. 2021 / Muriel Blaive cas cteni 18 minut - Shortly after the fall of communism Monika Pajerova saw herself, modestly, as an interpreter who, on the margins, helped some Civic Forum activists. - Twenty years later, she was already a Hero of the 1989 Revolution, she had almost single-handedly carried it out. - Was the requirement for the construction of heroic figures, which emerged in 1999 along with anticommunism and attempts to exclude some citizens from the political process, really helpful? Many thanks to Veronika Pehe, Marian Lozi, and Jill Massino for their critical remarks on this text. In September 1990, I enrolled as a student in the Faculty of Czech at the University of Oriental Languages in Paris. I already had a passion for everything Czech, and I eagerly followed the activities of the cultural institute. We had a new Czechoslovak ambassador, Jaroslav Sedivy, and a new cultural attache, Monika Pajerova. Sedivy was a jovial fellow, and at every event I attended until 1992 (when I left Paris for Prague), he reminded that he had inspired Kundera in his character of Tomas in The Unbearable Lightness of Being minus the philandering, as I keep repeating to my skeptical wife, he would quip to the audiences unfailing mirth. Another joke he was fond of repeating was that his young cultural attache, Monika Pajerova, had been one of the leaders of the Velvet Revolution. But Monika Pajerova was very shy, and she would blush bright red to the root of her very blond hair. She would feel compelled to protest: No, no, not at all, I was no leader, I just happened to be there and to speak some languages, and they needed people to communicate in English and French to the outside world! Fast forward twenty years, and the improvized-press-attache of 1989 discovered her inner heroic identity after all. Monika Pajerova was among the top personalities of the student generation who managed to lay the ground of the independent student movement during the mid-1980s During these unsettled days when the communist regime was collapsing, Monika Pajerova organized the strike committee at the Faculty of Arts, and also functioned as a spokeswoman of the University Strike Committee and later also participated in the newly established Civic Forum activity . Indeed, by 2009, Monika Pajerova had not only become a full-fledged leader of the Velvet Revolution but, it was now revealed, she had actually planned it for years together with Pavel Zacek. Large information panels on Wenceslas Square put together by the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, which Zacek had founded the previous year and of which he was director, described how Pajerova and he had met and planned all the details of the revolution: This really conspiring groups task was to establish a very powerful network throughout universities. After STIS united with Stuha led by Simon Panek, an unbelievably sophisticated organization of future strike committees was created throughout the faculties. Its ability to act quickly and its professionalism surprised us. It is probably an irony of fate that the November 17th demonstration was only one of the many planned activities which we prepared together. But the other ones were swept away by the avalanche of changes that came after the police raid on National Avenue . Since the Czech public is fond of the notion of historical truth, what is the historical truth in this case? That Monika Pajerova was a modest cog in the wheels who happened to be at the right place at the right time, and was otherwise a loyal citizen of the communist state, who had the privilege not only to study in Czechoslovakia but to repeatedly travel, and even study, in the West , or that she was a genuine student leader during a movement that was preparing to bring down the communist regime? Had Sedivys remark, that was made partially or wholly in jest at the time, become the new truth? Is my own memory reliable, or has it been influenced by the thirty-two years that have passed in between? Did I even hear or understand correctly what was said back then? The answer is: both versions of the story are equally true insofar as the notion of historical truth is a feeble concept that changes with time and is inscribed in a constantly evolving context. The example of Monika Pajerova, that I take here because I happened to hear her in 1990 but the same point could doubtless be made also of the other student leaders, shows that their personal trajectories and the rewriting of their biographies has evolved alongside the tenets of ideal conduct defined and redefined along the years by the official memory politics of the Czech state, as well as by the societal evolution of the relationship to the communist past. The narrative substantially evolved between three versions over twenty-four years: what I remember hearing in 1990, the interviews Monika Pajerova gave to Mirek Vanek in 1997-1998 for his volume One Hundred Student Revolutions, and Monika Pajerovas memoirs published in 2014 , purportedly reproducing her contemporary diaries but evidently heavily redacted. As P remysl Houda has usefully pointed out in an analysis inspired by cultural anthropologist Alexei Yurchak , the great pains Pajerova (and others) takes into painting herself as having been against the system before 1989 is a reconstruction that dates to the post-socialist period. Indeed, the within/against the system dichotomy is a dissident discourse that was mainstreamed only after 1989, resulting in the representation of the socialist public sphere as illegitimate and anyone being active in any way in the late socialist period as being against the system, whereas there was no such binary at the time. In 1990, the students were modest and dedicated to the collective success of the newly established democracy; by 2009, the state narrative was promoting a call for heroes, perhaps to divert the attention away from the failures of the decommunization policy, and those of the 1989 social actors who had a career or a reputation at stake made use of this new call. How have we reached this state of development? I contend that a major stage was the year 1999 and the first commemoration of the Velvet Revolution. Who benefited from the 1989 rupture? The narrative promoted by the students and more generally by the new political elites after 1989 was one of rupture, that refused to acknowledge any continuities with the pre-1989 regime. Yet the wider public had no qualms acknowledging and underlining these continuities. In a report prepared for the Czech public radio CRo 1 in 1999, here is what the providential ordinary people had to answer to the question of knowing if we had succeeded in dealing with the communist past in the previous ten years: I think we weren't doing bad under the communists and we didnt have what we have now, this horrible Sherwood park at the Prague Central Station where we are standing now; We have not come to terms with the communist past, I fundamentally think we havent. The economy of the country today is controlled by the communists, absolutely nothing happened to anyone, yet it would have been easy to document the crimes; I don't see that we are any better off than we were before, not me personally, anyway. As for myself, I've had three heart attacks and the communists gave me a pension and the new guys in power now took it away. And so, I actually have to go to work even though I had three heart attacks; The people who were in the Communist Party and who were in power just turned their coats. Even more enlightening is the reaction of surprise and shock by the guests of the same talk show, first of all former dissident and now politician Rudolf Battek: These are bitter words, and one is at a loss how to respond part of the historical tragedy is in the way it all happened ten years ago. Indeed, Battek lamented that his generation had not been morally prepared for the change, and had to take on board many of the former communists in 1989, some of whom were decent, but some of whom were crooks. As to the other guest, former student leader Monika Pajerova, she mentioned that the communist regime had all the power, while the revolutionaries had only public opinion on their side, so their aim was mainly to avoid spilling blood. This is a legitimate argument to justify the course taken by Havel and his allies in November-December 1989. As I have shown in another article , the dissidents suffered from a lack of legitimacy in the revolutionary days. They were the only alternative to the communist power, but they represented only a minor segment of society at first. Their only argument was to be anticommunist, and this is how the anticommunist constitutional identity of the new state was born. Insofar as the new state was anticommunist, the policy of lustration seemed to make sense. However, it proved to be misplaced, and needlessly excluded from public service many a competent, be they formerly communist, administrator. Instead, it pushed the former apparatchiks, who had the social, economic, and networking capital, towards the economic sphere, and it left it entirely at their mercy. As both Battek and Pajerova readily admitted it, neither the dissidents, nor the students, any part of the loose opposition, or the West for that matter, were prepared and ready for such a radical change as the fall of communism, nor could they have been. When Vaclav Klaus appeared in 1989, despite the personal misgivings of upcoming President Havel the former dissidents could only be grateful for his presence, as they had no idea how to navigate the economy. They also did not have much of an idea in the following years about what Klaus was really up to as Finance Minister which might appear, in hindsight, as little else but preparing to sell the country away to emerging barons of the industry, or in any case slowly but systemically destroying the core value of Czech identity, i.e., egalitarianism. Perhaps the most visible symbol of the continuity in behavior, if not in policy, of the post-1989 leaders was the gigantic 1998 electoral billboard of Vaclav Klaus that had taken the place of the previous statue of Stalin, itself the biggest Stalin statue in the world. The megalomaniac impression that resulted from it was quite at odds with the message conveyed by the billboard, We think differently. The 1999 debates make clear that the student leaders and former dissidents were fully aware of their own shortcomings in 1989, while the public was begging them to rectify their original mistakes. The petition Thank You and Goodbye!, organized by seven former student leaders of 1989, Monika Pajerova, Igor Chaun, Vratislav Rehak, Josef Broz, Vlastimil Jezek, Simon Panek, and Martin Mejstrik was a manifesto that demanded the resignation of political leaders Vaclav Klaus (then head of the lower chamber of Parliament) and Milos Zeman (then head of the government), the end of the so-called opposition agreement, and the restoration of civic decency. Indeed, the opposition agreement passed between ODS and CSSD in 1998 had essentially silenced the opposition and stifled the democratic debate. The petition garnered 200,000 signatures in just a few months and was, according to opinion polls, supported by 56% of the population. The public was evidently expecting, and hoping, that the former dissidents and/or student leaders would create a new political party and lead the country back on the path of honesty and decency. But none of the political leaders who had been in power since 1989 agreed that they should step down, be it Milos Zeman, Vaclav Klaus, Petr Pithart, Daniel Kroupa, Jan Ruml, Marek Benda, or even Vaclav Havel. As in 1989, the former students toyed with the idea to run for political mandate. However, as in 1989, they eventually gave up on it in the context of internal feuds. Jezek decided not to involve himself, as his embedded distrust in political parties was too strong. Independent senator Vaclav Fischer, held by pundits as a potential head of a future party, refused to meet with the students. Simon Panek decided to keep dedicating himself to humanitarian work. Igor Chaun supposed that a new political subject would be born and decided to remain a filmmaker. Martin Mejstrik said he was too busy reconstructing his house in Mala strana although he would indeed be elected senator in 2002 and continue on his own path of anticommunist radicalization. Josef Broz left for France. As to Monika Pajerova, she aimed for a federation of civic movement (that would never really take off), and continued her career as a civil servant. That the former students pulled off from political engagement as a group was a fateful turn in the post-communist development; their retreat symbolizes the unwillingness, or inability, of anyone in this country to shoulder the responsibility of developing civic society, even though both they and the wider public knew it was badly needed. The Original Sin The former students were of course not responsible for the imperfections of the transition out of communism. But their attitude only worsened the situation. Here is one small example of historical reconstruction: in 1999, Monika Pajerova knew that the lack of development of Czech civic society was a major handicap in the post-communist transition. She called for a dialogue between different groups of citizens, between the state and society, between state institutions and society. Ten years earlier, in her speech on 17 November 1989, she had already appealed for dialogue: It is all about dialogue, because there is more that unites us than divides us, she had then said. "People clapped a lot, she reminisced in 1998 about her 1989 speech, because it was the feeling of probably every one of us that nobody has a completely pure conscience, everybody got a little mixed with up the regime, every (student) was taking the tests in Marxism-Leninism, but what we had in common was bigger, and that is what we had to build on. By 1999, she had seemingly forgotten that her call for dialogue in 1989 was one of dialogue with the communists, not against them, and one that took into account peoples everyday compromission with the regime. If the devil hides in the detail, by 1999 the former students notion of dialogue now actively excluded the communists and their 20% share of the electorate. Monika Pajerova invited the media to exercise judgment and stop inviting communist leaders, she wanted them simply to be pushed out of the mass media. Or as Igor Chaun put it, We invite everyone to join us for a decent and peaceful meeting. Our slogan is: Take your Christmas bells with you, and you, communists, stay home. Martin Mejstrik agreed, as did film director Jan Hrebejk. The question becomes, of course, the following: if the students notion of dialogue excluded both the elected representatives and the communists, who would have been the discussion partners? Between whom and whom should the national dialogue have taken place? From excluding the communists to rewriting history It gets worse. Vratislav Rehak, another one of the former students and authors of the appeal, pronounced the following words at the big demonstration organized by the Thank You and Goodbye! organizers: I call on you to wage intellectual terror against current politicians, MPs and representatives of all parties. It is your democratic right to ask them what they are doing and why they are doing it, and to demand that they make amends. In a country that had recently exited a forty-year dictatorship, a call on citizens to exercise intellectual terror upon their elected representatives was rather chilling. Indeed many 1999 students and other citizens were in favor of using radical practices to get rid of the communists. In their rejection of the communists, the former students replicated the communist methods that had become standard practice in Czechoslovakia against the enemies of communism: rejection, boycott, appeal for intellectual terror. I therefore argue that the movement around Thank You and Goodbye! symbolizes a turning point in the post-1989 regime, one that would turn genuine concerns and a sincere analysis of the democrats own shortcomings into a new ideology of remembrance that would gain extraordinary precedence in the following years. Under the guise of never forgetting, the former students would in the following decade transform their pertinent analysis of the situation in 1989 and in 1999 into a powerful anticommunist ideology that would soon endeavor to rewrite history, with all the more determination, as Ondrej Slacalek has shown, that the growing importance of anticommunism in public discourse was in fact hiding the loss of its hegemony . This is how we arrived at the biographical difference between 1990 and 2009 described in the incipit of this article. Conclusion The hard and painful way to solve the inconsistencies of the Velvet Revolution would have been for society to face their own past, their own involvement, their own compromission with the past regime, and it would have been for intellectual elites to lead them in this direction. Instead, the refusal to lead any dialogue with the communists was a more facile path. By pretending that communism was alien to Czech culture, by externalizing the communist period as a period that was not worth belonging to Czech history, the new democracy adamantly rejected any possibility of national reconciliation and placed itself into an impossible position: what kind of democracy could pretend that 20% of the electorate did not exist? How could a movement make any claim to national unity in these circumstances? How could it blame the past while pretending the new political actors did not belong to this very same past? In the same way as the postwar Czechoslovak democracy had pretended that the Germans had never belonged to Czech history, the post-communist Czech democracy pretended that the communists had never belonged to Czech history. The refusal to hold any nation-wide reconciliation was a fateful choice of the post-communist regime, one that would create the necessity to rewrite history so as to de-legitimize the place of communism in national history the latest avatar of which is its latest proposal to reduce the pensions of former communists and secret policemen . The radicalization of the former students is inscribed in this collective refusal to face the past, be it in 1989, 1999, or 2009 or as it would continue be in 2019. It opened the door to the manufacture of heroes. By the end of 1999, Monika Pajerova had already become, in Erik Taberys words, a legendary figure of the student movement. 0 Dear President Trump, It was my great honor to serve as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in your Administration. You asked me to prioritize public safety, and that is exactly what I did. While Larry Krasner, the radical leftist Philadelphia District Attorney, was letting violent criminals go and refusing to prosecute rioters, looters, and arsonists, our Office was putting them in jail and standing up for law-abiding citizens. In the spring of 2020, I prosecuted and won an election fraud case against a Judge of Elections in South Philadelphia who was stuffing the ballot box. I also charged the political consultant (a former Democratic Congressman) who was paying bribes to the Judge to stuff the ballot box. President Trump, you were right to be upset about the way the Democrats ran the 2020 election in Pennsylvania it was a partisan disgrace. The Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and the partisan State Supreme Court made up their own rules and did not follow the law. Even worse, the State Attorney General, Josh Shapiro the very person responsible for the enforcement of state election law declared days before Election Day that you could not win the election. It would be hard to imagine a more irresponsible statement by a law enforcement officer, especially during a hotly contested election. In light of such statements, it is hardly surprising that many Pennsylvanians lack faith in our states election results. On Election Day and afterwards, our Office received various allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities. As part of my responsibilities as U.S. Attorney, I wanted to be transparent with the public and, of course, investigate fully any allegations. Attorney General Barr, however, instructed me not to make any public statements or put out any press releases regarding possible election irregularities. I was also given a directive to pass along serious allegations to the State Attorney General for investigation the same State Attorney General who had already declared that you could not win I disagreed with that decision, but those were my orders. As a Marine infantry officer, I was trained to follow the chain of command and to respect the orders of my superiors, even when I disagree with them. Mr. President, public service is in my blood, and I would like to serve the people of Pennsylvania and restore conservative leadership to our state. I will be the Republican candidate for Governor with the best chance to win the general election in November 2022. Based on my background and experience, I am uniquely positioned to defeat Mr. Shapiro (the likely Democratic candidate) and would welcome the chance to discuss this with you in person. I would be honored to have your support. Once elected Governor, one of my first priorities would be to modernize Pennsylvanias election process and protect the right of all Pennsylvania citizens to cast a legitimate vote. That means no ballot harvesting, undated ballots, unsigned ballots, ballots collected after Election Day (other than legitimate military and overseas absentee ballots), obstacles to poll watchers observing the counting of ballots, different rules in different counties, and, of course, no ballot stuffing of the kind that I previously prosecuted. It also means responsible voter ID legislation. Ensuring peoples confidence in elections should be a nonpartisan issue. In short, we have a responsibility to make it easy to vote, but hard if not impossible to cheat. That is how we respect the will of the people and how the best and most deserving candidates win. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to see you soon. Very respectfully, William M. McSwain Former United States Attorney, Eastern District of PA, 2018-2021 Finish this article for as low as $1 when you purchase a day pass. Just click the sign up button to purchase. If you are already a subscriber, just click log in to continue reading. "I can't take anybody else this year. It's not that I can't do it, it's that there are no vendors available," she said. Roman is dealing with things she never thought she would see: She can't find a baker for a cake that she doesn't even need until October. A flower shortage partly due to California growers switching their crops to cannabis has caused floral costs to nearly double. She is three chairs short for a party that increased its head count and the vendor doesn't have any left in that style. "It's been super hard to have those conversations and get people to understand what I'm talking about," she said. "One groom is super upset that they can't invite 30 more people. It's not that I don't want more people they won't fit in the tent." With everyone in the industry so busy, it has been hard to connect with vendors. For the first time, Roman has had to staff her office with three people on weekdays just to keep up with calls and emails, and to double and triple check orders. When she finally gets someone on the phone, she keeps them there until everything is straight. "The lag in communication is insane because they don't have the bandwidth to do their job and manage their inbox at the same time," she said. All of the properties are part of the developers' $150 million conversion of the former Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo campus into Elmwood Crossing. A separate request by the developers to subdivide 219 Bryant St. into four parcels three on Bryant and one on Hodge was tabled at the companies' request. The board also agreed to rezone the former Spencer Kellogg Elevator and Buffalo Malting grain silo complex at 395 Ganson St., at the corner of Michigan Avenue, to enable the redevelopment of the four-story facility with its 20 silos into a nonprofit community center and home for Hope Rising Together. Constructed in 1909 and adjacent to St. Mary's Cement, the complex is 110 feet tall, with a 60-foot central penthouse on top, but most of it won't be used. "It is quite a substantial building at the waters edge," said project architect Douglas Klotzbach of K2 Architecture. "The silos are pretty much not usable." The Clarence nonprofit organization, which was founded in 2009, focuses on providing clean water, education, healthcare and sustainable development in the West African nation of Sierra Leone, but has been expanding its services in its hometown. It plans to use the first floor of the silo structure totaling 19,040 square feet for a theater, film studio, music or podcast room, offices and volunteer work areas. "Theres been immense pressure for studio spaces around the United States," Murrett said. "Thus the owners willingness to advance the entire buildout at this point in time, but in a slightly different configuration." No changes are planned to the interior support space or the exterior elevations of the building, and the number of people in the building or on site is not expected to change, Murrett said. However, the overall building will now be 18% bigger at 67,000 square feet in size, with the larger studio pushed to the east side while the smaller stages are "tucked in the core," he added. "We have made modifications not only to satisfy our investors but also to react to the marketplace and post-Covid adjustments that have happened in the industry," Quinn told the Buffalo Planning Board Monday. New technology in filmmaking, particularly the use of a video wall system that "basically replaces the green screen approach," is one reason for the change. And by using smaller stages, he added, Great Point's clients would be able to work on three scenes at once, while also isolating people more for social distancing and safety. "This gives us a much more diverse operation," he said. "It's also oriented toward streaming rather than a big movie, although we could do a big movie." The man spoke to The News on the condition that he not be identified by name. He said he had hoped to tell Grosz at the confirmation about the abuse by Keppeler, but he quickly realized that would not be possible when he approached the altar to be confirmed. I was immediately scared and uncomfortable. The bishop looked me over from head to toe and literally licked his lips, the man said. Grosz then told him that he looked as if he had stepped out of the pages of GQ magazine, according to the man. The newly confirmed teenagers gathered with their families, Keppeler and the bishop inside a church hall after the Mass. The man said he found himself alone with Grosz in a separate room until Keppeler walked in and encouraged them to rejoin the party. Later, Grosz posed for pictures with the boy and various family members. He was molesting me, feeling me, groping me the whole time, the man said. His mother and grandmother, who both attended the confirmation, remembered Grosz paying an unusual amount of attention to him. Buffalo Common Council members are holding a public meeting as another vehicle to get feedback from the community for how the city should spend hundreds of millions of dollars in federal stimulus funding. Its a listening session, said Council President Darius G. Pridgen. We just want to give people another way to weigh in, said University Council Member Rasheed N.C. Wyatt, chairman of the Finance Committee. Buffalo is slated to receive $331 million in American Rescue Plan funds. Half of the windfall about $166 million arrived at City Hall on June 1. The second payment is expected to come next year. All the funds must be spent within the next four years. In early June, Mayor Byron W. Brown announced the city will distribute its $331 million through what Brown deemed the "Buffalo Transformation Fund. The four pillars of his plan to transform the city's social and economic landscape are people, places, progress and prosperity, he said. A 4-foot-by-8-foot glass window etched with words from the U.S. Constitution was installed Monday at the Robert H. Jackson U.S. Courthouse, replacing a panel damaged last year during protests against police brutality after the death of George Floyd. Joe Geiger, property manager for the federal courthouse, said the glass was damaged during the last weekend in May 2020 when protests in Niagara Square turned violent. "For a period of many hours, rocks and bricks were being thrown at the building, and damaged it," Geiger said about the panel. "It's a double-pane glass, though. It's ballistic grade, so the interior pane was never damaged. It was just the decorative exterior pane with lettering on it that was damaged," Geiger added. All 4,543 words of the U.S. Constitution are etched into the glass facade of the federal courthouse. The damaged panel was one of a kind, which set off a yearlong journey to create a replacement. Geiger said the original installer and the original etcher were no longer in business, complicating matters. Three-year-old Shaquelle Walker Jr. was a hugger. He would latch onto his younger brother "every five seconds." Shaquelle got his own share of hugs after he was bit by a dog over Fourth of July weekend, Alexis Lewis, the boy's great aunt, said. After getting bit in the stomach, Shaquelle promised his family he would become stronger, so no more dogs could bite him, Lewis said. Shaquelle will never get that chance. The boy's family is making funeral arrangements after last week's quadruple shooting on Donovan Drive where police said a hail of bullets the same caliber of which prosecutors said were found inside a Cheektowaga apartment where two "persons of interest" live ended Shaquelle's life and wounded three men. Since then, Lewis said Shaquelle's little brother doesn't understand why his best friend isn't there to give him a hug. And all the family has left is the memory of the little boy's infectious smile. "He had these dimples. They go all the way," she said of Shaquelle, with her index fingers pointing to her cheeks. A Porter man who has been in and out of mental institutions since he was charged in 2018 with killing his stepfather, has been deemed competent to stand trial. That's happened before to Gregory A. Roy, only to have him relapse and be recommitted to the custody of the state Office of Mental Health. After a brief court appearance in Lockport on Tuesday, defense attorney George V.C. Muscato said he has filed a notice to offer a psychiatric defense at Roy's trial, which has not yet been scheduled. Roy, 32, is charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Rudy Ray Rockett, 64, of Redondo Beach, Calif. Rockett's body was found May 19, 2018, in a ravine in East Otto State Forest, Cattaraugus County. At the time, the Niagara County Sheriff's Office said Rockett had been shot multiple times April 29, 2018, in a car driven by Roy. They said Rockett thought Roy was driving him to Buffalo Niagara International Airport for a flight back to California, but investigators said Roy took a circuitous route through Niagara County and allegedly killed his stepfather at some point during the drive. A Rochester teenager was arraigned Tuesday on an indictment charging him with two felonies stemming from a pursuit that seriously injured a Buffalo police officer, according to the Erie County District Attorney's Office. The 16-year-old, whose name has not been released by authorities, is accused of fleeing from Officer Jonathan Negron, who was rendered unconscious in a crash during the June 3 chase. The teen was arraigned before Erie County Court Judge Kenneth Case on charges of assault on a peace officer and unlawful fleeing a police in a motor vehicle. Negron was dispatched to respond to a 911 call about four people in a vehicle with a gun at Crossman Avenue and Heminway Street. When Negron spotted the vehicle on Genesee Street, the teenager allegedly sped east toward Cheektowaga. The teen drove through Mount Calvary Cemetery, crossed onto Harlem Road, and crashed into two vehicles and a utility pole near Mafalda Drive. The collision caused the pole to fall and crash through the front windshield of Negron's patrol vehicle. On Friday, Perry wrote, "Quelle we love u forever fly high u got ur wings now." Three men also were injured in Monday's shooting. While no arrests have been made, Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn has said that two "persons of interest" in the shooting face drug and weapons possession charges in Cheektowaga. The Buffalo police investigation into Monday night's shooting led to a search warrant being executed Tuesday at an apartment on Slate Creek Drive, off French Road, in Cheektowaga, Flynn said. That shooting, which happened during an impromptu gathering involving fireworks at about 11 p.m. in the courtyard at the Ferry Grider Homes, "was the genesis or the foundation of the search warrant," Flynn said Thursday. After the search in which police found an assault rifle and a handgun, as well as cocaine and drug paraphernalia, two residents of the apartment Dequan I. Richardson, 22, and Jonay B. Robinson, 25 each were charged with four felonies and two misdemeanors. Republicans who dominate the state Legislature rejected complaints from Democrats after the fraud allegations emerged that responsibility rested with lax state regulations. GOP leaders argued it was difficult to legislate against criminal intent. Democratic Rep. Ed DeLaney of Indianapolis said he was only surprised by the scale of the apparent fraud and that he had little hope of the state recovering much money. He said the state had provided flimsy supervision. We need to learn from this, DeLaney said. You know if you give vast sums of money to people who are allowed to act outside of public view, they might take advantage of it. The schools reported an enrollment of about 7,200 students before state education officials cut off funding in 2019 based on preliminary audit findings of the enrollment padding. Officials in Indiana have disagreed about oversight responsibilities between the State Board of Education, the state Department of Education and the Daleville Community Schools, a district of about 1,000 students near Muncie, which was the charter authorizer for the two online schools. State auditors cited the Daleville district for a lack of meaningful oversight and monitoring. District officials, however, maintained the district played no role in the erroneous enrollment reports and didnt have access to data about the online schools students until 2018 because of concerns about federal student privacy laws. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Moore had been told he was receiving an award for supporting Israel. But in the segment, Baron Cohen appeared as a faux counterterrorism instructor Col. Erran Morad, discussing bogus military technology, including a supposed pedophile detector. In the segment, the device beeped repeatedly as it got near Moore, who sat stone-faced. The judge noted the absurdity of the segment in dismissing Moores lawsuit, which sought $95 million in damages. In light of the context of Judge Moores interview, the segment was clearly a joke and no reasonable viewer would have seen it otherwise, the judge wrote. Court records indicate Moore and his wife, who also was a plaintiff in the suit, are appealing. Of course we will appeal this Court used words like tricked and Joke in describing Cohens behavior but will still do nothing to rein in his fraudulent misconduct, Moore said in a statement texted to The Associated Press. Baron Cohen has for years lured unwitting politicians into awkward interviews. He has faced past lawsuits over similar pranks, but those were tossed out because the individuals had signed releases. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. We are doing things that probably entail a high risk of contagion," he said. No matter whether it's this variant or another one, the risks we take would lead to an increase in transmission. Spain has fully vaccinated more than 21 million people or 46% of its total population. But only roughly 600,000 of those are under 30, the next target group for vaccine jabs. Since lifting a national state of emergency in May, regional authorities trying to keep the spread of the virus at bay have sought court authorization for adopting restrictions that curtail basic freedoms. That has led to varying results. While judges on Monday rejected plans by the northern Aragon region to close nightclubs, a Valencia high court authorized the 10-person limit on meetings there and a 1 a.m.-to-6 a.m. curfew in 32 towns. The targeted towns, including the regional capital, were labeled high risk after the regions 2-week caseload jumped from fewer than 50 new cases per 100,000 residents last month to more than 250 currently. In Catalonia, where authorities over the weekend described the surge of new cases as explosive, an uptick in hospitalizations, including among few dozen patients who had received two doses, has caused concern. Metro North has a fleet of dual mode locomotives, which could provide service north of Poughkeepsie on to Rhinecliff, Hudson and Albany. The NIMBY squad (Not In My Backyard) living in communities north of Poughkeepsie years ago would not allow the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Metro North Railroad to even conduct a feasibility to study for potential extension of Metro North service beyond Poughkeepsie. Even with speeds of 110 miles per hour, most people west of Albany from Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse would rather fly to New York City than take Amtrak. Real high-speed rail is 200 miles or more per hour as available in Europe or Japan. Air travel would still be faster by several hours. It might make more sense to just add additional service between Niagara Falls and Albany, along with Albany to New York. Rather than increasing speed, potential new customers could be attracted by increasing the frequency of service to various intermediate destinations from Niagara Falls to Albany and Albany to New York. This requires purchase of additional equipment and increase in operating subsidies. There is also the need for more grade crossing improvements and feeder bus services to other smaller cities and towns adjacent to existing Amtrak stations. The reports have prompted questions on the legality of using surplus campaign funds for this purpose. Federal law requires campaign funds be used only for campaign-related travel, even if leftover from a previous campaign. Van Orden was not an active candidate in January. Derrick Van Orden not only lied about his involvement in a deadly attack on our democracy, but he appears to have violated federal law by bankrolling his attendance as he stood on the Capitol grounds during the insurrection on his campaigns dime, DPW executive director Nellie Sires said in a statement. Van Ordens misconduct is disturbing, unethical and confirms hes unfit to represent Wisconsin, Sires said. The Van Orden Campaign said this in a statement: This is a frivolous complaint by a bad faith campaign. Two weeks ago Ron Kind missed votes in Congress so Joe Biden could buy him two scoops of ice cream, and then claimed it was a meeting to talk about vaccination rates to cover it up. Anybody who used to think Ron Kind isnt a typical Washington D.C. politician is being shown otherwise on a nearly daily basis. The lies that Ron Kind and his allies continue to push prove exactly what Derrick has said about entrenched politicians like Ron Kind for the last year: They will do and say anything to keep their power. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The fact that the OMB will not be pursuing the change at this time will ensure that essential community services, funded by various federal agencies which consider population size and MSA status, will continue into the foreseeable future," said Bismarck Mayor Steve Bakken. We are very grateful the current threshold will remain in place at 50,000 people." Federal statisticians who originally had recommended the change said it was long overdue, given that the U.S. population has more than doubled since the 50,000-person threshold was introduced in 1950. Back then, about half of U.S. residents lived in metros; now, 86% do. The committee of federal statisticians that made the recommendation said Tuesday that it would now support putting it on hold pending additional research and outreach to municipalities and others. Updates to these standards are considered every decade. Even though the proposal was made during the Trump administration, and put on hold in the Biden administration, statisticians say any changes to the standards aren't based on politics. Of the 734 public comments the Office of Budget and Management received about the proposed change, 97% opposed it, the agency said Tuesday in a notice of its decision. Authorities didn't immediately say how the men escaped, but said they should not be approached by members of the public under any circumstances. With high efficacy and a good safety profile, it is critical that the Sputnik vaccine is accessible in full measure for people across India and the world, said Adar Poonawalla, the CEO of the Serum Institute of India. Dmitriev said that Sputnik V vaccines manufactured by the Serum Institute of India will be supplied to the Indian market and also be exported to more than 60 countries that have registered for the Russian vaccine. The announcement came as coronavirus deaths in Russia hit another daily record Tuesday with authorities reporting 780 more fatalities amid a continuing surge in infections. Russias coronavirus task force reported 24,702 new coronavirus cases on Tuesday. The daily tally of confirmed infections has soared from around 9,000 in early June to over 23,000 in early July. Officials have attributed a steady rise in infections and an increase in mortality on Russians lax attitude toward taking precautions, the growing prevalence of the more contagious delta variant and vaccination reluctance. Authorities have sought to boost vaccinations which have remained at a lower rate than in many Western countries. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) The Philippines saw foreign direct investments spike by 114.4% in April, recent Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas data revealed. The BSP on Monday said inflows rose to $679 million during the month, from the $317 million logged in April 2020. The latest figure brought cumulative investments to $3.1 billion, also a 56.3% rise from the $2 billion recorded from January to April last year. The central bank said that the higher FDI tally came on the back of positive foreign investor sentiment on the countrys macroeconomic fundamentals and strong growth prospects. Foreigners investments in debt instruments climbed to $500 million during the month, up 121.2% from last years $226 million. Equity capital placements, meanwhile, rose 131% in April to $108 million from $47 million. However, reinvested earnings fell from $88 million to $82 million during the month a 6.2% decline. Most of the investments in equity capital made in April came from Japan, the United States, and Singapore. The central bank noted these were funneled primarily in the manufacturing and real estate industries. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 7) Newly crowned Binibining Pilipinas Intercontinental Cinderella Obenita's reply went viral after she was asked about the value of luxury items during the Q&A segment of the pageant held over the weekend. During the Q&A portion of Binibining Pilipinas 2021 competition held at Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City on Sunday, renowned fashion designer Michael Cinco asked the 25-year-old beauty of Cagayan de Oro - Misamis Oriental: "How important are luxury items like bags, clothes, and jewelry for a woman when the national economy is down and struggling?" Obenita answered by saying that women always have different choices. "In life, we always find ourselves in a crossroad of choices. Women always have a choice - whether to prioritize luxury items while we are facing a pandemic, and we also have a choice to embrace the concept of a New Beautiful, which is responsive to the needs of the times, and adaptive to the change of times. I think I would choose to be that woman, the one who understands the problems of the Philippines, the problems of my community, so that we may be able to uplift each other. I would be that kind of woman, to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable," she said. Pageant fans and netizens lauded Obenita for her answer. "Ms. Intercontinental PH Cinderella Obenita answered the question not only in a manner that respects women's choice, but also being steadfast with her stance that is called upon her as a true spokesperson, which is to be the woman of change and action. #BinibiningPilipinas2021" Twitter user @jadee_arr said. "Of all the [Binibini], Cinderella Obenita is my favorite who really nailed the QandA portion. " said @ceo_fren. However, some slammed the question for being "misogynistic." "Smh. A lot of men buy luxury brands but you don't see them getting asked with these questions," said @SofiaiDragon. Prior to the Q&A round, Obenita was named the wildcard finalist, rounding out the Top 13 candidates in the pageant. She was eventually crowned alongside three other queens who will represent the Philippines in upcoming international competitions: Samantha Panlilio of Cavite won Binibining Pilipinas Grand International, Maureen Montagne of Batangas was hailed Binibining Pilipinas Globe, while Hannah Arnold of Masbate won Binibining Pilipinas International. READ: Masbate's Hannah Arnold crowned Bb. Pilipinas International 2021 Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 12) Half of the Senate filed on Monday a resolution calling for an investigation into reports of funds from state coffers being used to finance alleged troll farms spreading misinformation and fake news online. Senate President Tito Sotto, Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto and Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon joined Senators Kiko Pangilinan, Nancy Binay, Leila De Lima, Richard Gordon, Risa Hontiveros, Ping Lacson, Manny Pacquiao, Grace Poe and Joel Villanueva in filing Senate Resolution No. 768. It orders the appropriate Senate committee to hold an inquiry in aid of legislation into the said reports, as troll farms proliferate such false content in social media platforms. The resolution recalled how Lacson earlier alleged a government undersecretary has been mobilizing internet troll farms nationwide against political rivals or those not aligned with President Rodrigo Dutertes administration something the Palace denied. The senators also cited the Department of Finances award of a 909,000 communication strategy consultant contract to the suspected operator of inauthentic Facebook pages behind Dutertes online campaign in the 2016 polls. The DOF has since defended the contract as legal and aboveboard. The Senate resolution also mentioned a similar occurrence with the Foreign Affairs Department in 2017, where it had a similar social media consultancy contract with a known pro-administration blogger" accused of spreading fake news and hateful comments against the regimes critics. Such instances illustrate that troll farms and the misinformation and fake news that they propagate may be state-backed and state-funded, read the resolution. Filipinos should know why government spends public funds on troll farm operators disguised as public relations practitioners and social media consultants who sow fake news rather than on COVID-19 assistance, healthcare, food security, jobs protection, education, among others, it further said. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) Trainings of police and fire personnel being held in Baguio City have been temporarily halted after protocol violations were discovered. Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong said he asked Philippine National Police chief Gen. Guillermo Eleazar and Bureau of Fire Protection chief Jose Embang Jr. to immediately stop trainings. "It's about time that we send a strong message that if you cannot comply with the minimum health standards in the City of Baguio, we will never accept any PNP training dito sa siyudad [here in the city]," Magalong said at the Laging Handa briefing on Tuesday. He said there were a lot of violations of minimum public health standards, as well as lack of physical distancing in barracks and in classrooms. Magalong added that rules in the city must be followed and the PNP was "not a separate republic." Meanwhile, the mayor said training of BFP personnel was temporarily stopped because there was COVID-19 transmission in the training site. "Ganon din ang nangyayari [the same thing happened]," he said. "Indefinitely, both training ng PNP at BFP hinto muna indefinitely hanggang makita ko yung kanilang mga ginagawa at they are very compliant with the minimum public health standard," added Magalong. [Translation: Trainings of both the PNP and BFP have been stopped indefinitely until I see what they are doing and that they are very compliant with the minimum public health standard.] The mayor said both chiefs acted quickly upon his request and assured him inspections would be conducted. Neither the PNP nor the BFP have released statements on the issue. (CNN) When you compare states with high vaccination rates to states that are lagging, the difference in the number of people getting COVID-19 is staggering. Over the past week, states that have fully vaccinated more than half of their residents have reported an average Covid-19 case rate that is about a third of that in states which have fully vaccinated less than half of their residents, according to a CNN analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas are the only states to have fully vaccinated fewer than 35% of their residents. Average daily case rates in each state were among the 10 worst in the country last week. Vermont leads the nation with about 66% of its population fully vaccinated and while case rates there increased compared to last week, the state still had the lowest case rate in the country last week, with an average of less than one new case per 100,000 people each day. States that have fully vaccinated more than half of their residents reported an average of 2.8 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people each day last week, compared to an average of about 7.8 cases per 100,000 people each day in states that have vaccinated less than half of their residents. "We really need to get more people vaccinated, because that's the solution," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Monday on "CBS This Morning." "This virus will, in fact, be protected against by the vaccine." Across the country, more than 99% of US Covid-19 deaths in June were among unvaccinated people, said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Howard Jarvis, an emergency medicine physician in Springfield, Missouri, told CNN on Monday that his sick patients are all unvaccinated. "If they're sick enough to be admitted to the hospital, they are unvaccinated. That is the absolute common denominator amongst those patients," he said. "I can see the regret on their face. You know, we ask them, because we want to know, are you vaccinated? And it's very clear that a lot of them regret (not being vaccinated)." The pace of vaccinations has dropped sharply in recent months. About 246,000 people initiated vaccination each day over the past week, down 88% from the April peak, and about 278,000 people became fully vaccinated each day over the past week, down 84% from the April peak, CDC data shows. About 56.2% of Americans 12 or older are fully vaccinated. CDC, FDA looking into risk of nerve complication after J&J shot Federal health officials are investigating the possibility that Johnson & Johnson's coronavirus vaccine might slightly raise the risk of a rare neurological complication known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), a spokesperson from the CDC said in a statement to CNN on Monday. But even if the vaccine does raise the risk, it's still better to get vaccinated, the CDC stressed. "GBS is a neurological disorder in which the body's immune system damages nerve cells, causing muscle weakness or in the most severe cases paralysis. Each year in the United States, an estimated 3,000 to 6,000 people develop GBS; it is typically triggered by a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. Most people fully recover from GBS," the spokesperson said. "Reports of GBS after receipt of the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) are rare, but do likely indicate a small possible risk of this side effect following this vaccine. Around 100 preliminary reports of GBS have been detected in VAERS after 12.8 million doses of J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine administered. These cases have largely been reported about two weeks after vaccination and mostly in males, many aged 50 years and older." The same pattern is not seen with the other two vaccines authorized in the United States, made by Moderna and Pfizer. The spokesperson said the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices would discuss the matter in an upcoming meeting. The US Food and Drug Administration updated the label for the vaccine Monday. "Reports of adverse events following use of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine under emergency use authorization suggest an increased risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome during the 42 days following vaccination," the updated label reads. 'Surprising amount of death' will occur in some US regions from increased cases, expert says As the Delta variant rapidly spreads, US hot spots have seen climbing case numbers and an expert warns a "surprising amount of death" from Covid-19 could soon follow. The United States is averaging about 19,455 new cases over the past seven days, a 47% increase from the week prior, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. And a third of those, CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner said, come from five hot spots: Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri and Nevada. "In places like Missouri where ICUs are packed, you're going to see a surprising amount of death," Reiner said Sunday. At Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Missouri, 91% of patients in the intensive care unit are on ventilators and many are in their 20s, 30s and 40s, Chief Administrative Officer Erik Frederick told CNN on Saturday. That is especially concerning, he said, because at the peak last year there were only 40 to 50% of ICU patients on ventilators. Typically, spikes in COVID-19 cases leads to a rise in death rates three to four weeks later as a small percentage of the infected are hospitalized and deteriorate. "We will start to see an increase in mortality in this country," Reiner said. What is particularly frustrating for many experts, Reiner said, is that the deaths are "completely avoidable" now that vaccines are available. "The vaccines we have work really well against this variant. It doesn't need to be this way," Reiner said. Pfizer to brief the US on boosters Another concern for many experts as variants spread is whether the population will need boosters for their vaccines. Pfizer will virtually brief US government officials Monday evening regarding the potential need for booster shots of its Covid-19 vaccine, a company spokesperson and two administration officials confirmed to CNN. The meeting is seen as a courtesy, and federal guidance on boosters is not expected to change immediately following the meeting, a senior health official said. Last week, Pfizer/BioNTech reiterated its expectation that people may need boosters to its vaccine in six months to a year, citing waning immunity they are seeing among people who got it. The company also said it would seek emergency use authorization in August from the US Food and Drug Administration for a booster. But some experts have argued the data is showing boosters are not necessary yet. "Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need a booster shot at this time," the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FDA said. "FDA, CDC, and NIH (the National Institutes of Health) are engaged in a science-based, rigorous process to consider whether or when a booster might be necessary." Fauci also disputed the need at this time. "Given the data and the information we have, we do not need to give people a third shot, a boost, superimposed upon the two doses you get with the mRNA (Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccine) and the one dose you get with (Johnson & Johnson)," he told CNN on Sunday. Further, World Health Organization leaders asked wealthy countries Monday to hold off on giving booster doses to their residents before people in other countries can even get their first doses. "Instead of Moderna and Pfizer prioritizing the supply of vaccines as boosters to countries whose populations have relatively high coverage, we need them to go all-out to channel supply to COVAX, the Africa Vaccine Acquisition task team, and low- and middle-income countries, which have very low vaccine coverage," WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a media briefing. Experts weigh whether vaccinations should be mandated In the United States, the now-dominant Delta variant, which is believed to be more transmissible, has driven the rising case numbers. And the variant has sparked discussions over local vaccination mandates. Experts say vaccines are key to managing spread. With information changing rapidly, it is important to be smart about how vaccinations are mandated, George Washington University School of Medicine professor Dr. Gigi El-Bayoumi said. "In states where there are high vaccination rates, that are like 75 or above, it makes sense to loosen up the restrictions. In places where there are not, such as some of the Southern states, it makes sense" to mandate vaccinations, El-Bayoumi said Sunday. Mandates at the local level are a good idea, Fauci told CNN. "We're talking about life and death situation. We've lost 600,000 Americans already, and we're still losing more people. There've been 4 million deaths worldwide," Fauci said. "This is serious business." Fauci expects vaccine mandate hesitancy to lift when vaccines are fully approved, he said. Right now, Covid-19 vaccines are being administered under emergency use authorizations, which Fauci said has made some people skeptical as to their safety and efficacy. But the amount of data that supports the importance and safety of the vaccines is more than anything experts have seen for an EUA, he said. "These vaccines are as good as officially approved with all the I's dotted and T's crossed," Fauci said. CNN's John Bonifield, Kaitlan Collins, Maggie Fox, Eric Levenson, Amanda Sealy, Veronica Stracqualursi, Naomi Thomas and Ben Tinker contributed to this report. This story was first published on, "'Surprising amount of death' will soon occur in these US regions from increased Covid-19 cases, expert says." Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) With a major international debt watcher recently dialing down on its expectations of the Philippines, some economists are flagging its potential repercussions on the economy and livelihoods. Earlier this week, Fitch Ratings revised its outlook for the country from "stable" to "negative," with the rise in risks to the country's credit profile due to the COVID-19 health crisis and the economy's scars from it among the reasons it cited. While the global credit rater affirmed its BBB rating for the Philippines, a negative outlook means the "likelihood is there" for a downgrade of the country's investment grade, UnionBank chief economist Carlo Asuncion told CNN Philippines. "Syempre kasi dapat mas mura, mas madaling um-access ang gobyerno at mga private companies sa external financing systems," he explained, as a lower investment grade means it's going to be more expensive for the nation to secure debts abroad. [Translation: Of course it's supposed to be cheaper, easier for government and private companies to access external financing systems.] "Definitely may impact diyan 'yung mga needs na kailangang pondohan ng gobyerno, needs na kailangang pondohan ng mga private companies that were actually expanding," he explained. "May impact 'yan sa job generation." [Translation: That definitely has an impact on needs the government needs to finance, needs of private companies that were actually expanding that must be funded. That has an impact on job generation.] Some 3.73 million Filipinos were out of work as of May, easing from the month prior with the relaxation of quarantine restrictions. This translates to a national 7.7% unemployment rate. Asuncion says this reflects how the Philippine economy and its growth potential are seen at least in the medium term. ING Bank senior economist Nicholas Mapa, for his part, noted the recent revision shows how ratings agencies have been paying attention to the rise in outstanding debt while "recognizing the slowing momentum of the economic engines." The country's outstanding loans breached 11 trillion in May as the government borrowed more to beef up its COVID-19 war chest. However, this also came as the government's stimulus package Bayanihan 2 expired at end-June, with billions of pesos still unspent. While the proposed Bayanihan 3 already hurdled the House of Representatives, Congress as a whole has yet to pass it. "Despite showing some green shoots, the overall growth trajectory is likely less vibrant compared to pre-pandemic levels as consumption remains constrained by high unemployment and investments are held back due to poor sentiment," said Mapa. Asuncion also noted that the recent downgrade might make other credit raters also take a look, mentioning in particular S&P Global Ratings and Moody's Investors Service. Earlier this year, S&P maintained its BBB+ rating for the Philippines while Moody's affirmed its Baa2 rating. Both ratings come with a stable outlook. "If trends continue we could see other ratings agencies follow suit in the next 3 months with a possible downgrade by yearend if fiscal metrics worsen further," Mapa further explained. BDO chief market strategist Jonathan Ravelas told CNN Philippines the outlook revision is a "writing on the wall" that the country needs to do better in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Ravelas mentioned that ramping up the national vaccine drive can allow the further reopening of the economy, a move that he said can ensure recovery takes place. This is a view shared by RCBC chief economist Michael Ricafort, who also noted that additional measures to open the economy more will also boost the government's revenue collection efforts and in turn slash the national budget deficit and slow the debt stock's growth. A budget deficit happens when the government spends more than it collects. The deficit reached 200.3 billion in May, a five-month high. CNN Philippines correspondent Melissa Lopez contributed to this report. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) Overseas Filipinos sent more money in May 2021, recent data from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) showed. Remittances hit $2.65 billion during the month - up by 13.3% from $2.34 billion in May last year. This pushed total remittances from January to May to $13.68 billion - a 6.6% increase from $12.83 billion during the same period last year. The BSP said land-based workers with contracts lasting at least a year sent home $2.05 billion in May this year. This is 16.2% higher than the $1.77 billion recorded in May 2020. Remittances made by seafarers and short-term land-based laborers also grew from $519 million to $532 million - rising by 2.7%. The central bank reported cash transfers from overseas Filipinos in the United States had the biggest chunk of overall transactions for the period. Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, South Korea, Qatar, and Taiwan were also top sources of remittances from abroad. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) The newly-crowned beauty queens at the 57th edition of the Binibining Pilipinas 2021 looked back at what transpired at Sunday's pageant as they get ready to represent the country in international competitions this year. Binibining Pilipinas International Hannah Arnold of Masbate, Binibining Pilipinas Grand International Samantha Panlilio of Cavite, Binibining Pilipinas Intercontinental Cinderella Obenita of Cagayan de Oro-Misamis Oriental, and Binibining Pilipinang Pilipinas Globe Maureen Montagne of Batangas shared with CNN Philippines on Tuesday how they prepared themselves for the coronation night held last Sunday at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City. "I did not feel the pressure. Instead, I used that as my motivation, knowing that so many people believe in me and that they were on the other side of the camera watching," Arnold told The Source. Arnold, who will be competing at the Miss International pageant in November, revealed the importance of being her true self and letting go of others' expectations something she learned from her first stint at Binibining Pilipinas in 2019. READ: Hannah Arnold on 2019 pageant loss: 'I was forcing myself to be someone else' Panlilio said she and the other girls motivated each other during the coronation night. "I was quite nervous backstage. However when we were backstage, I looked at the girls beside me, I think Hannah was beside me as well, we just looked at each other and said, 'We could do this. Well be fine, just be calm and be yourself.'" Obenita, the wildcard finalist who rounded out the Top 13 contestants in the semi-finals, expressed her gratitude to fans and friends who believed in her. "I'm really thankful to be voted by the people, to be part of the Top 13 and to be voted as your wild card. You really made it happen," she told New Day. "To the Binibining Pilipinas, maraming salamat (thank you) for this twist. I think it's really destiny." RELATED: Here's why Binibining Pilipinas Intercontinental Cinderella Obenita's Q&A went viral Montagne, who has had an extensive experience in competing in international pageants, discussed plans for her advocacies while preparing for the Miss Globe 2021 pageant. "During Binibining Pilipinas, I was advocating (for) HIV and AIDS awareness, so I hope to contninue working with organizations like The Red Whistle, Stay Sexy and other orgs," she said. "And during the pandemic we started a community kitchen in Siargao so I do hope we'd do more feeding programs dito sa (here in) Manila." Gabrielle Basiano of Borongan, Eastern Samar and Meiji Cruz of Valenzuela were named as the first and second runners-up in the pageant. The 2021 Binibining Pilipinas pageant was the first edition of the competition since the Miss Universe Philippines Organization announced in December 2019 that it had acquired the Philippine franchise for Miss Universe. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) Newly-crowned Binibining Pilipinas International Hannah Arnold shared how she once tried her luck in the same pageant two years ago. The 25-year-old beauty from Masbate told CNN Philippines' The Source on Tuesday what it was like to join Binibining Pilipinas for the first time in 2019 and the major lesson she learned when she failed to bring home the crown. "Back in 2019, I guess there was so much expectations and I was kind of forcing myself to be someone else. However that night, I realized its better for me to just truly be me, Hannah Arnold," said Arnold, who finished as a top 15 finalist at the time. "And thats what I really brought on July 11. I just gave my all to God and said its His plan if I will win or not and I just enjoyed the night so much," she said. In the Binibining Pilipinas 2021 competition held at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City on Sunday, Arnold gave a winning answer during the Q&A segment. CNN Philippines anchor Pinky Webb asked her: "Given the reach and power of social media, do you believe that genuine freedom of speech exists in the Philippines nowadays? Why or why not?" Arnold responded by noting the importance of social media in choosing the country's next leaders. "First of all, freedom of speech is a basic human right that we all must remember. It is important for a democracy. With our upcoming election, we definitely need freedom of speech. For example, on Twitter, we are limited to a few characters, and what I have seen in this Tweets is powerful. That has helped me think about who I'd like to vote for in the upcoming elections," she said. Arnold succeeds Bea Patricia Magtanong as Binibining Pilipinas International. Should she win at the Miss International competition in November in Japan, she will be the country's sixth titleholder after Aurora Pijuan, Melanie Marquez, Precious Lara Quigaman, Bea Santiago, and Kylie Verzosa in 2016. Three other queens were also crowned during the ceremony. Samantha Panlilio of Cavite won Binibining Pilipinas Grand International, Cinderella Faye Obenita of Cagayan De Oro - Misamis Oriental was named Binibining Pilipinas Intercontinental, while Maureen Montagne of Batangas was hailed as Binibining Pilipinas Globe. They will be representing the country in international pageants. As suggested by neuroscientist Sam Harris, science and morality shouldnt condemn each other. Somewhere in between are decisions that come with difficult questions. During the pandemic, hospitals grapple with those decisions. Philippine Hospital Association President Dr. Jaime Almora compared the COVID-19 situation in the Philippines to a doomsday scenario in the movies. The scenario consists of patients waiting to be accommodated in emergency rooms, overworked frontliners, inadequate medical resources, and people dying as they wait to be attended to. Deciding which patients should get access to health care first is a crucial part of a health workers job. Caught in this morass of ethically compromised situations and systemic inefficiencies are not only COVID-19 patients but also those suffering from other diseases, such as cancer and chronic kidney disease. Deciding which patients should get access to health care first is a crucial part of a health workers job. Photo by JL JAVIER There was a time during the pandemic that doctors could only answer phone calls and text messages from cancer patients, explaining to them the unfortunate scenario of closed clinics and suspended services, and facilitating the transfer of their care, according to the paper The Pain of Sending Away Cancer Patients Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in Philippines, written by Frederic Ivan Ting, Aveline Marie Ylanan, and Dennis Lee Sacdalan and published in the Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology (EJMO). What goes around Sandy Mae Gaspay, whose mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2017, can speak to this. I believe that, in a way, my mom died because of COVID-19, she said. Last year, she would visit her doctor twice a month. When the pandemic hit the Philippines, her chemotherapy sessions had to be done at home. In August 2020, lumps grew on the neck and chest of Sandys mother. It was difficult for her to breathe. She felt like drowning. Sandys mother was hospitalized due to a build-up of water in her body. She and her companion were able to enter the emergency room after taking a rapid test. The hospital inserted a tube on the right side of her stomach to remove the accumulating water. Not all hospitals, especially those inundated with COVID-19 patients, can fully accommodate non-COVID patients. Resources are scarce. The workforce is drained. Metro Manila ICU capacity has peaked many times with the surge of COVID-19 cases. From Visayas to Mindanao, hospitalization capacity is a serious concern. And even if those with life threatening illnesses manage to hold on, they may still walk away from the hospital with a long shadow behind them. RELATED: Govt needs to double COVID-19 beds in NCR treatment czar In the case of Sandys mother, that shadow has eyes. When she was hospitalized for the second time, an ambulance picked her up from their home. The people who went inside their house were wearing PPE. The neighbors saw them. Shortly after, a rumor spread in their barangay that Sandys mother was COVID-19 positive. Sandy said she and her siblings stopped laughing at the rumor when it started to blow out of proportion. They learned that convenience stores refused to accommodate their helpers daughters. Another neighbor, a close contact of their helper and a barangay aide, was denied a days work. Meanwhile, Sandys mother was placed in the COVID-19 wing in the hospital because of her breathing problems. Sandy said she and her siblings were worried that their mother would be further exposed to health risks. They showed their mothers previous RT-PCR negative test result to convince them that she had no COVID-19. Still, she was treated as if she had COVID-19 as the attending staff all wore PPE every time they entered our room. As a result, our hospital bill ballooned to twice or thrice the expected amount. We wanted to complain further, but mom just said to pay the bill and let it go, Sandy recalled. Normally, mom would want to stay longer in the hospital for a week so her body could stabilize after chemo, she would have enough fluids with the IV, and her condition could be monitored. This time, we had to go home immediately after her procedure as it was riskier to stay in the hospital, not to mention expensive, Sandy added. Sandy, who works in Manila, heeded her mothers request for her to come home to Tacloban after her second hospitalization. Sandy said she had to travel by land due to the quarantine procedures of LGUs. When she came home, she was able to take care of her mother. She and her siblings set up a separate room for their mother inside their house. They placed an oxygen tank and a hospital bed inside the room. I feel lucky that we were not totally powerless and had resources when we dealt with our moms ordeal. I can just imagine the less fortunate who have no voice and dont even get to be counted as casualties of this pandemic, Sandy said. But on September 12, 2020, Saturday, her mother could not sleep. She was rejecting food and vomiting blood. Had there been no COVID-19, Sandy said they would have brought their mother to the hospital right after her first vomit. The next day, her mothers condition showed no signs of improvement. They decided to call an ambulance. Meanwhile, Sandys mother was placed in the COVID-19 wing in the hospital because of her breathing problems. Sandy said she and her siblings were worried that their mother would be further exposed to health risks. They showed their mothers previous RT-PCR negative test result to convince them that she had no COVID-19. The hospital ambulance was not willing to pick her mother up. They feared that she had COVID-19 after learning that she had difficulty breathing. Sandy and her siblings also asked for help from the citys rescue office, but it only catered to COVID-19 patients. It was the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) that responded to them after hours of making phone calls. When they arrived at the hospital, Sandys mother had to wait for 10 minutes inside the ambulance. Sandy said the hospital was informed about her mothers condition prior to her arrival, but no staff was there to attend to their mother. Since the ambulances blood pressure monitor wasnt working, her sister used her smartwatch on their mother. After a while, her mothers heart rate started slowing down. Still, the hospital told them to wait a bit more because the staff had to don their PPE first, as well as swab test her mom, though the earliest result would be the next day as the lab was closed on Sundays. Their mother was transferred to the isolation area outside of the emergency room instead of the ICU. The lack of urgency was very appalling, said Sandy. While her siblings were making phone calls left and right, their mother stopped breathing. The hospital staff tried to resuscitate her, but the line on the ECG machine went flat. Looking back, Sandy felt lucky that they had resources to support their mothers entire ordeal. I can just imagine the less fortunate who have no voice and dont even get to be counted as casualties of this pandemic, she said. Science can address the disjunction between the need for urgent care and the inadequacy of health care systems that people from all walks of life deserve. Moral reasoning can and should make that happen. When these two dont meet, some have to bear the pain or beg for their life. The weight of waiting Jon Emmanuel Agads back and legs were aching. He had been sitting in his wheelchair for over seven hours. He was in pain, but like many other patients in line, he could not do anything but wait for a doctor. Earlier that day, he and his mother, Eleonor, were about to go home after a routinary check-up. But they stayed because he suddenly found it difficult to breathe. The attending medical staff could only check his oxygen and blood pressure. They told him and his mother to wait for a nephrologist, but they couldnt guarantee somebody would attend to them because there were still other patients waiting to be treated in the ER. Jon Emmanuel Agad has been battling chronic kidney disease since he was five years old. His monthly check-up was halted when the pandemic hit the country. Photo courtesy of the AGAD FAMILY COVID-19 patients had to wait for days before admission, according to data obtained by Rappler from the Philippine College of Emergency Medicine (PCEM). Imagine the waiting that non-COVID patients like Jon Emmanuel, or Jeuel, endure. The number of hospital visits is low throughout the pandemic. Non-COVID patients fear getting infected by the virus and face travel restrictions due to community quarantine measures. Using claims data from the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), the authors of The Hidden Health Cost of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines, examined 12 high burden diseases in the Philippines, including stroke, cancer, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), gastroenteritis, chronic kidney disease, and pneumonia. They saw a decline in the number of medical claims in both public and private health facilities in 2020. The figure has not returned to pre-pandemic levels in the third quarter. The paper, published by The Center for Global Development, found stable claims for chemotherapy but declines for cataract removal surgery and child delivery in hospitals. This supports the anecdotal evidence that many hospitals temporarily halted or reduced healthcare services, the researchers wrote. Tings paper in EJMO states: In a situation of an international health emergency such as this COVID-19 pandemic, the principle of justice will ethically dictate the allocation of very limited resources such as manpower and hospital. This involves treating patients fairly and equitably, which means those who are sicker and need more urgent care are prioritized. However, in a crisis shrouded by systemic inefficiencies and ethically compromised events, fairly and equitably wont look the same in different situations and to different social classes. Wala na po kasing bed. Lahat ng patients sa ER ay nasa tent area. Sa wheelchair lang natutulog ang mga bantay at kanya kanyang gawa ng paraan. Yung iba, humahanap ng karton para mahiga na lang sa sahig, said Jeuel's mother, Eleonor. Photo courtesy of the AGAD FAMILY Jeuel has been battling chronic kidney disease since he was five years old. His monthly check-up was halted when the pandemic hit the country. His check-ups resumed, but they were not face-to-face. If they didnt need to be admitted to the ER, they had to wait at a parking lot where, despite being in a tent, they are largely exposed to the sun and the rain. Only a nurse would attend to the patient and then bring the laboratory results, records, and assessment to the doctor. The nurse would return to the patient to give them the doctors prescription, medical abstract, and a laboratory test request for the next check-up. Hindi po sapat yung tent, Eleonor said. Mainit at hindi mapigilan magdikit-dikit rin mga tao kaya dumidistansya po kami. Naghahabol kami ng lilim. Hindi po kasi sila basta-basta nagpapapasok sa building. Jeuel was admitted thrice to the hospital in 2020. According to Eleonor, his admission in September was the hardest. They had to wait for the swab test result for more than 12 hours before they were brought to his room. Wala na po kasing bed. Lahat ng patients sa ER ay nasa tent area. Sa wheelchair lang natutulog ang mga bantay at kanya kanyang gawa ng paraan. Yung iba, humahanap ng karton para mahiga na lang sa sahig, she said. Ako po ay nakapagdala ng folding stool at dun lang natulog nang nakaupo, pero paggising ko, ay na migraine po ako, na nagsimula sa back pain dahil sa hindi maayos ng posisyon sa pagtulog. Yung iba raw pong patients, ilang araw nang naghihintay ng beds, she added. What made their current situation harder for Eleonor is the company she is working for imposed a four-day workweek on its employees when the pandemic started. The new setup reduced her salary to 5,000, and it greatly affected her sons treatment. Naputol po yung loan cycle ko. Dahil po sa hindi enough yung salary ko sa gamutan ng anak ko, I resorted to loans. Mangungutang ako para ibayad din. Then yung sobra, idinadagdag ko sa gamot. Pero dahil nag-temporarily stop operation yung ibang lending companies, natigil rin yung pagbayad ko, she said. She has asked for financial assistance from government agencies and is trying to look for additional sources of income. However, Jeuels medical expenses, including costly maintenance medicines, are piling up. Young soldier Rein Reyes froze when she first saw her baby, Primo, 25 days after she gave birth to him. He is a lot smaller than I thought he is, she said. But that young, gentle warrior put COVID-19 to shame on the day he was born. Primo and his mother survived an unplanned Cesarean section. Primo was born 11 weeks early in March 2021 because Rein tested positive for COVID-19. At 28 weeks, she had fever, loss of taste and smell, and a terrible headache. Rein Reyes with her baby Primo. Photo courtesy of the REYES FAMILY They can't give me meds for COVID-19 kasi there's no study for pregnant women, and it might harm the baby, Rein said. I told her [OB-GYN] let's give the antibiotics some time to work kasi two days pa lang naman. However, she still had trouble breathing. When she could no longer complete a sentence, the doctors convinced her and her husband to do the C-section to save her and the baby. When Primo was born, he was diagnosed with patent ductus arteriosus, neonatal pneumonia, and apnea of prematurity. But the private hospital where they were admitted took good care of Primo, according to Rein. I felt all the love they have for the babies in the NICU. Before joining other babies in critical care, Primo had to be placed in the NICU isolation room for two weeks to make sure he did not get the virus. Meanwhile, his mother stayed in the COVID-19 floor where patients are in separate rooms with oxygen support. "It was hard because I was alone in the room while recovering from both COVID and CS. Plus the agony of having my baby in the NICU, and I wasn't allowed to see him. I was just crying the whole day. The nurses were very kind and they always tried to comfort me, Rein said. Primo is now over two months old. The doctors made sure he would be able to breathe on his own when they were discharged. They took home oral meds for apnea, and so far, he has no more apnea episodes at home. We just have to make sure he will be healthy for the first two years of his life, Rein said. That's why I also made sure I breastfeed him from the moment he got home. Happy to say now he is exclusively breastfed. "It was hard because I was alone in the room while recovering from both COVID-19 and CS. Plus the agony of having my baby in the NICU, and I wasn't allowed to see him. I was just crying the whole day, Rein said. Photo courtesy of the REYES FAMILY Rein shared that there were other women who were in the same situation as hers but many of them did not make it. I begged for my life. I was praying the whole time and really asked God for a second chance for my family, Rein said. It made me feel so depressed, and I kept on blaming myself that my baby was suffering. What happened to us made me want to become a better person, she added. As hospitals fill up due to COVID-19 cases, there would be more people like Rein, Eleonor, and Sandy if the government and medical institutions continue to settle with the choices they have now instead of creating reforms and a system where no life is deemed less valuable than the other. *** If you would like to help Jon Emmanuel Agad, you can follow his Facebook page Jeuel's Journey to Healing. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) As the government seeks to standardize the adobo recipe, Nancy Reyes Lumen - known as the "Adobo Queen" - expressed her opposition to such move, emphasizing that every Filipino has his or her own way of cooking the well-loved food. "Adobo, it's a property, you cannot meddle with someone's property. Everybody owns their own adobo," she told CNN Philippines' The Final Word. Lumen also described the move to standardize the dish as a "very rude awakening." "The word standardize is so stressful and intimidating. They could have not started with adobo because adobo, it hits at the gut of the Filipino," she said. The Department of Trade and Industry earlier announced that a technical committee will be developing the Philippine National Standards when it comes to cooking some popular local dishes. This will pave the way for a "distinguished Filipino food culture while establishing the common ground for food businesses," and will also determine an authentic Filipino adobo dish, according to the department. It drew flak on social media, but on Sunday, the DTI clarified the proposed standard in cooking adobo and other local dishes are for international promotion only, and will not be mandatory for Filipino households. Instead of doing this, Lumen suggested that the government develop an adobo product - like powders or sauces - which will really say "Philippine Adobo." Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) Filipino American author Meredith Talusan's memoir is a liberating trip down memory lane. She talked about embracing changes -- from leaving the Philippines to transitioning to another gender -- in her book titled "Fairest: A Memoir." "I am a transgender and I am also a Filipino first-generation immigrant," she told CNN Philippines' New Day. "A lot of people can't tell because I am albino...and I just thought that all of those elements combined for a really interesting story." Being able to contemplate and write about her "confusing experiences" turned out to be a crucial process for the award-winning author and journalist. "Writing the book has been a way for me to come to terms with all of these experiences," she also said. "A lot of them are really difficult and a lot of them entailed a lot of loss." Advocating for LGBTQ+ rights The Fairest writer also expressed hope her book can make a contribution to the LGBTQ+ rights movement as she noted the discrimination against their community persists. "There has definitely been a lot more visibility, a lot more tolerance [on] the LGBTQ+ people," the author said. "But at the same time, with that degree of visibility, with...allies coming to our defense, there are also a lot of forces attempting to silence us. And also, we still experience really significant rates of violence." "And so, I do think the fight and the advocacy around LGBTQ+ issues [are] far from over and I hope my book can contribute positively to that conversation," she added. Talusan's memoir was a finalist for the 2021 Lambda Literary Awards, which has been honoring the literature produced by or for the LGBTQ+ community for over 30 years now. What's next? Talusan disclosed she is now working on fiction short stories and a novel. Many of her characters are Filipinos, interacting with Filipinos or in the Philippines, she shared. She emphasized that her Filipino roots will be a big part of her work no matter where she is. Talusan has written for The Guardian, The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Nation, WIRED, SELF, and Conde Nast Traveler, and many other publications. A recipient of the 2017 GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism, she graduated from Cornell University with an MA in Comparative Literature and an MFA in Creative Writing; from California College of the Arts with an MFA in Visual Art. She also earned a BA in English and American Literature from Harvard University. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 7) The daily number of new cases in seven cities in Metro Manila is rising again, an official said Tuesday. "These are the cities of Makati, San Juan, Muntinlupa, Mandaluyong, Manila, Malabon, and Navotas," Department of Health chief epidemiologist Alethea de Guzman told an online briefing. After having negative two-week growth rates or TWGRs from June 13 to 26, these cities logged positive growth rates from June 27 to July 10, according to de Guzman's presentation. Malabon recorded the highest increase with a 116% TWGR while the rate of six others ranged from 5% to 33%. Meanwhile, the epidemiologist also flagged Makati and San Juan for having high COVID-19 bed occupancy rates. Makati's utilization rate in terms of COVID-19 beds and ventilators is at 70%, while the beds for patients in intensive care units in San Juan's hospitals are all occupied as of July 10, de Guzman said. The average number of COVID-19 cases recorded per day in Metro Manila from July 6 to 12 is 633, lower than the 644 tallied the week prior, the official said. "Mula sa dulo ng Hunyo hanggang ngayong July, flat or plateau po talaga ang ating NCR at very very slow po yung pagdecline," she said. [Translation: From late June until this July, cases in NCR have seen a flat or plateau trend and their decline is slow.] A group of researchers monitoring the country's COVID-19 trends had the same observation. "Over the past three weeks, the weekly growth rate has averaged -3%, which indicates that the trend is nearly level or flat," OCTA Research said in its report on Tuesday. The highest daily average recorded in the NCR was 5,534 from March 29 to April 4 this year, de Guzman said. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) The Commission on Elections said mass gatherings during the campaign season cannot be banned outright, but they will certainly be conducted differently amid persistent coronavirus threats. They will be smaller, they will be more strictly controlled, and in-rally behaviors will have to be very different, COMELEC spokesperson James Jimenez said in a House of Representatives committee hearing on Tuesday. For one, political candidates would have to state venue capacities first before holding the event, so the number of attendees could be regulated. The commission is also eyeing restrictions on the granting of permits, Jimenez said. Veering away from tradition, candidates will also be prohibited from shaking peoples hands and from other gestures which the COMELEC said could qualify as public displays of affection. Where public displays of affection used to be part of the whole idea of campaigning as they say, politicians go out to shake hands and kiss babies, youre not going to be able to do that anymore, because that will certainly be very risky behavior, Jimenez said. He added food can no longer be distributed during campaign gatherings as an additional preventive health measure. On why mass gatherings wont be banned even in the midst of the pandemic, he said it is the only platform universally accessible to all candidates regardless of income level. He noted getting exposure through mass media, such as broadcast or print, is costly. While social media is free, he said those moneyed still have obvious leverage, as they could pay for advertisements or hire more administrators, among others. Meanwhile, Anyone can stand on a street corner and gather people to himself," he said. The campaign period for president, vice president, senator, and party-list groups is from February 8 to May 7. Campaigning is prohibited on April 14 and 15 for the Holy Week break. The Constitution sets elections on the second Monday of May, which falls on May 9, 2022. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) The Quezon City government will conduct contact tracing for people, including online personalities and celebrities, who attended a party in a bar that was temporarily closed for violations of health protocols, a local official said Tuesday. "Actually, yesterday, upon closure, we requested the management of the Ciso's bar to submit their guest list so that we can start our contact tracing," Quezon City Task Force Disiplina head Rannie Ludovica told CNN Philippines' New Day. Ciso's and another bar in Tomas Morato were ordered closed after photos and videos shared on social media showed patrons partying in these places, the local government said Monday. Around 160 people, including "social media influencers and known celebrities," were seen in Ciso's bar, Ludovica said. The establishment can accommodate up to 300 people, he added. Under the general community quarantine guidelines of Quezon City, bars are still not allowed to operate. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) President Rodrigo Duterte will go down in history as the Philippine leader in power when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Just like the rest of the world, his administration aims to bring down the number of cases over time in order to reduce deaths and to eventually achieve herd immunity. But with a year left in office, where is the Duterte administration in dealing with the global health crisis? Read our three-part series. Test, trace, treat, and isolate are the primary pillars of the government's pandemic response. But one remains the weakest link, more than a year into the health crisis. A significant portion of the country's population should be protected against COVID-19 through vaccination. However, four months into the government's program, only a measly 3% have been fully vaccinated. Health experts lament that the Philippine government has always been late in sealing its borders since the start of the pandemic and until now that more transmissible coronavirus variants are emerging. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) The Department of Health said the Philippines is in a race against the coronavirus variants of concern as other countries are being challenged to control their spread. We are in a race against the variants of concern at nakararanas ngayon ang ibang bansa ng matinding surge dahil sa pagkalat ng mga variant (and other countries are experiencing surge due to the spread of the variants), DOH Secretary Francisco Duque III said during a taped briefing Currently, a spike has been prevented in the Philippines and the number of cases in some areas is plateauing due to the strict community restrictions being implemented to prevent the spread of variants, especially the more transmissible ones, Duque explained. However, he noted that efforts should not be wasted which is why it is important that more Filipinos, especially the elderly, get immunized. Hindi natin dapat ito sayangin at dapat itong maging daan tungo sa pagbabakuna ng mas marami pang Pilipino lalo na ng mga senior citizens, Duque said. [Translation: Efforts should not be wasted, and this should be the way for more Filipinos, especially the senior citizens, to get vaccinated.] There have been concerns on whether COVID-19 shots are effective against the coronavirus variants, especially those listed as variants of concern. There are also calls to the administration for a booster shot to ensure that one has the right protection from getting infected. Food and Drug Administration Director General Eric Domingo assured that coronavirus vaccines remain useful despite this threat. Citing data from the World Health Organization, he noted that vaccines remain effective against the variants of concern despite reduction in their efficacy level. Generally, efficacy of vaccines decline up to 20% when one is exposed to the Alpha variant. For the Beta variant, efficacy declines up to 30%. Data for the Gamma and Delta variants are not yet complete, but those current available show that efficacy of COVID-19 shots are reduced by up to 20% for both. Domingo then reiterated the call to get inoculated whatever the brand is to protect oneself from the virus. To date, the government has administered more than 13 million vaccine doses, of which around 3.5 million Filipinos have completed their COVID-19 shots. Vaccine czar Carlito Galvez Jr. said they target to reach at least 7 million fully vaccinated individuals by the end of July. This as the government aims to immunize at least 60% of the population, with more focus in Metro Manila, to achieve population protection. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) President Rodrigo Duterte has said his constant mention of a possible vice presidential run in next year's polls is part of his tactics to scare critics, even as he admitted he is truly open to the idea of taking the government's second highest seat. "Ako naman, 'yung vice president ko, pantakot lang sa kanila 'yan. But sabi ko, let us see if it is good for the country, I will do it." he said during a televised speech on Monday. He added, "If it does not contribute anything to our Republic, then huwag na lang, magsasayang lang tayo ng oras pati you contribute to the conundrum of the moment." [Translation: My vice president plans, that's to scare them off. But as I said, if it's good for the country I will do it. If it does not contribute anything to our Republic, then I won't do it. It will just waste our time and may contribute to the conundrum of the moment.] In the same speech, he reiterated his advice to his daughter Sara Duterte not to seek the presidency in the 2022 elections. The Davao City mayor earlier said she is "open" to the idea, but Duterte said she should reconsider since he wants to protect her from political critics like Senator Leila de Lima and ex-Senator Sonny Trillanes. The filing of certificates of candidacy for the May 9 national elections will be held from Oct. 1 to 8. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) OCTA Research said it supports the move to allow children to go out even without being vaccinated, but added its support is tempered "with caution." "Sinusuportahan ng OCTA as a group iyong hakbang ng gobyerno pero sinusuportahan namin ito with caution kasi nga kailangan ho talaga may mga iba pa tayong kailangan i-establish," said Professor Ranjit Rye on Tuesday. [Translation: As a group, OCTA is supporting this move by the government, but we support this with caution because there are other things that must be established.] OCTA's statement came days after the Inter-Agency Task Force on COVID-19 said children aged 5 and above can go outdoors in areas under general community quarantine and modified GCQ, as long as the areas are not under "heightened restrictions." Among the matters OCTA wants the government to address are the guidelines for allowing kids to go out and their strict enforcement to reduce the risk of virus transmission to youngsters. "May consensus kami na okay 'tong idea na 'to as long as may guidelines tayo na susundan across the city, lalo iyong sa National Capital Region na ma-ensure iyong safety po ng ating mga kids po 'no. Ang importante po dito iyong siguraduhin na susundan natin, ma-monitor at ma-enforce iyong minimum public health standards,' Rye added. [Translation: There a consensus among us that this idea is okay as long as there are guidelines that must be followed across the city, especially in the National Capital Region, to ensure children's safety. What's important is to ensure that minimum health standards are followed, monitored and enforced.] OCTA said handwashing facilities should be included in areas designated as safe spaces. Area managers should also be assigned to help enforce health standards. The group also urged parents to observe safety protocols, particularly when traveling by public transportation to these places. The Department of Tourism also chimed in over the IATF's decision, saying the ruling was not a "blanket authority for complacency and misrepresentations." "We must continue to be vigilant and act responsibly as well," Tourism Secretary Berna Romulo-Puyat said on Sunday. Meanwhile, Metro Manila mayors said they would release a list of allowed outdoor places for kids. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) A ranking PDP-Laban official supported by President Rodrigo Duterte does not see the chief executve running in the vice-presidential race with Senator Manny Pacquiao as standard bearer. Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi, vice chairman of the ruling party, thumbed down the Pacquiao-Duterte tandem floated by Senator Koko Pimentel, the groups executive vice chairman and former president. Pimentel earlier said this could be the potential compromise as squabbling heats up within the Presidents political party which was co-founded by Pimentel's father the late Senate President Aquilino 'Nene' Pimentel Jr. Pimentel supports Pacquiao, president of the party, whose supposed criticisms against party chairman Duterte now threatens his possible presidential bid. Sa ngayon po ang posisyon ng partido is to convince the President to run for vice President in 2022," Cusi told reporters in an online interview on Tuesday. "Kung isusulong nila na si Senator Pacquiao ang maging katandem yun na nga ba sinasabi ko nung mga nakaraang araw na sinusunog na nila ang bahay, sinusunog na nila ang kanilang mga tulay e papaano pa sila babalik? [Translation: Right now, the position of the party is to convince the President to run for vice President in 2022. If they will push for Senator Pacquiao as President Dutertes running mate thats what I have been saying. They have been burning the house, burning bridges, how can they make a comeback?] Cusi said its not proper for party members to publicly criticize partymates, much more the chief executive and party chairman. So kung ganoon ang gagawin mo, umalis ka (If thats what you will do, just leave), he said. Asked if this means the Pacquiao-Duterte tandem is out of the question, Cusi said, At the present condition prevailing, I dont think that is possible. Complaint vs. Pacquiao up for discussion The Cusi faction will hold a national council meeting on Friday and the national assembly the following day both gatherings sanctioned by Duterte. Cusi said part of the agenda is the PDP-Laban Bulacan Chapters complaint against Pacquiao for criticizing Duterte. There will be a report on that coming July 16, Cusi said. That investigation is not to expel but investigation on the accusations made by Senator Manny Pacquiao. While Cusi said he does not want to preempt any decision from the national council, he said it is possible sanctions would be imposed against Pacquiao. Under the party constitution, disciplinary measures "shall range from warning, censure, and suspension, up to expulsion." It all stemmed from Pacquiao's May 3 comment that he found Duterte's public pronouncements on the South China Sea dispute lacking. The senator's camp said he did not mean to get on the Presidents bad side, and was only comparing Duterte's recent remarks to his previous ones. But Duterte went on berating Pacquiao in public speeches. Pacquiao recently accepted Dutertes challenge for him to prove claims that corruption worsened under the current administration. He identified some agencies as graft-ridden, but has yet to present proof. Asked what may happen if Pacquiao decides to stop making negative comments against the administration, Cusi said the boxer-turned-lawmaker just has to prove himself to the members. He has to present himself to the body and articulate, discuss his position why he should be chosen as a presidential standard bearer," Cusi said. "He has to convince the body. What expulsion? As for the Pacquiao wing, Cusi and two other party officers Acting Secretary General Melvin Matibag and Membership Committee Chairperson Astra Naik have already been expelled from the party. The two sides clash in interpreting their party constitution. Citing the PDP-Laban charter, the Cusi group said the Pacquiao-led national executive committee does not have the authority to discipline members only the council or chapter of the erring member or the national council can do so. But Pimentel, who wrote the party constitution, said that in an "emergency situation" such as when there is an attempt to divide the party, members can be automatically expelled for taking an oath of membership in or allegiance to any other political party. This is the allegation hurled against Cusi and other officers for supposedly supporting the possible presidential bid of Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte of the regional group Hugpong ng Pagbabago. Cusi denied pushing for the father-and-daughter tandem, saying the party has not decided on a standard bearer yet. The Cusi wing plans to elect new officers during the national assembly on Saturday. This means the ruling party may again submit two different sets of officers to the Commission on Elections, leaving the poll body to decide which one is legitimate, just like what happened in the 2019 midterm polls. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) A national survey revealed that more adult Filipinos are inclined to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. The recent poll by Pulse Asia from June 7 to 16, showed that 43% of adult Filipinos are willing to receive their COVID-19 shot, an increase from Februarys 16%. The rest of the Filipino adults are either not going to get their vaccine (36%), unable to say whether they will get their dose or not (16%), or are already vaccinated (5%), either fully (2%), or partially (3%). A big chunk at 55% of those from Metro Manila, and 48% from Mindanao, as well as 50% from Class ABC and 42% from Class D will get their vaccine now that supply is available in the country. On the contrary, 49% of Visayans said they will not get their dose. Around the same percentages of those in the rest of Luzon and Class E will either get a vaccine against COVID-19 (both at 38%) or they will not (39% and 44%, respectively), Pulse Asia added. Vaccine safety is the most common concern for those not receiving their shot (69%) and those still undecided (79%). This is also the predominant reason across geographic and socio-economic areas among those not inclined to get vaccinated ranging from 59% to 76% and 57% to 80%, respectively. It is also the main reason for those who cannot say whether they will get inoculated or not at 57% to 85% and 76% to 95%, respectively. Meanwhile, 35% of those not getting their COVID-19 vaccine would change their mind when they see that their relatives, friends, and/or acquaintances who have received their doses are safe, while 33% would flip when a medical expert assures them about the safety of the shot. Among the undecided ones, the top reason that would convince them is seeing someone they know who got vaccinated is safe (44%). The survey also revealed that 96% of the adult population is concerned that they or a member of their household will get infected with the coronavirus. Concern about contracting the virus is also high across geographic areas (96% to 98%) and socio-economic classes (96% to 97%). The national survey was conducted face-to-face with 2,400 representative adults aged 18 and above. It has a 2% error margin at the 95% confidence level. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) The Department of Science and Technology said a letter of agreement between the country and the World Health Organization has been signed for the vaccine solidarity trial to be held in the Philippines. "Nagpirmahan na. Pormal na po ang pagsasagawa nitong WHO solidarity trial on vaccine. Nagpirmahan na ng letter of agreement si Secretary Duque, representative ng Philippine government, at saka yung WHO chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan," said DOST Undersecretary Rowena Guevara on Tuesday. [Translation: It has been signed. The WHO clinical trial will be formally done. Secretary Duque, the representative of the Philippine government, and WHO's chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan signed the letter of agreement.] Guevara said the WHO has given the final clinical trial protocol, standard operating procedures and investigational brochures, but did not reveal more details, including the number of people who would take part in it. The health official added that the trial can help in discovering the most effective vaccines for Filipinos. She however said they still could not disclose which vaccines would be included in the study. In May, Dr. Marissa Alejandria, a Philippine representative to the international clinical trial, told CNN Philippines that recruitment is ongoing and that it will take place in various hospitals all over the Philippines. In April, the DOH said the country's participation in the vaccine solidarity trial was approved by the DOH's Single Joint Research Ethics Board. Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire earlier said the study will initially involve at least 500 COVID-19 patients in 20 hospitals, adding that the sample size could expand. Doctors will enroll patients for the trial, she added. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) The government will look into a report allegedly showing the dumping of human waste by Chinese ships in the Spratly Islands, the Department of Defense said. In a statement on Tuesday, Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said he has directed authorities to verify and investigate the report of US-based geospatial imagery firm Simularity, which supposedly revealed that Beijings vessels have been causing long-term marine life damage by dumping waste and sewage in the reefs. While we are confirming and verifying these wastes being dumped in the WPS, we consider such irresponsible acts, if true, to be gravely detrimental to the marine ecology in the area, Lorenzana said, adding that all nations staking their claims on the South China Sea must be responsible stewards of our natural resources and environment. A number of lawmakers, including Senators Ralph Recto, Risa Hontiveros, and Francis Tolentino, earlier urged the Duterte administration to take a more proactive role following the circulation of the Simularity report, which purportedly showed that the sewage discharge has led to an increase in chlorophyll A pigment. Simularity said chlorophyll A concentration leads to excess phytoplankton which cannot be consumed by the reef inhabitants, which die and sink to the sea floor to be consumed by bacteria. It also warned that damage to the reefs directly affects the fish stocks of the entire South China Sea, where the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam have claims, but is mostly contested by China. The reported added the ceaseless dumping of raw sewage may lead to a hunger crisis and a collapse of commercial fishing as the size of fish stock in the disputed waters is directly linked to the health of its reefs. Lorenzana, however, still raised questions over the report. The photo of a ship seen dumping waste accompanying the report was found to have been taken in the Australian Great Barrier Reef in 2014, Lorenzana said. Therefore this intent to mislead has cast great doubt on the accurateness of the Simularity Report. The Environment Department earlier said it will coordinate with the DND and Coast Guard to authenticate the report and verify if Chinese vessels were involved in the incidents. If proven, it said it will "seek the attention" of the Chinese government through the Department of Foreign Affairs. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 13) A US-based geospatial imagery firm has revealed that Chinese ships in the Spratlys Islands are creating long-term marine life damage in the entire South China Sea. Simularity, in a report released on the fifth anniversary of the Philippines' arbitral win against China on Tuesday, said the crews of the hundreds of anchored ships continue to dump human waste and sewage in the reefs. "Sewage effluent sources in the Spratly Islands include ship wastewater and human habitation without sufficient sewage treatment. When the ships dont move, the poop piles up," it said in the report with the hashtag #ChinaStopShittingOnTheSpratlys. It reported that sewage discharge led to increase in chlorophyll A pigment, as evidenced by satellite imagery taken in mid-June. This was also seen in the Union Banks or Pagkakaisa Banks, a group of features in the Kalayaan Island Group which the Philippines considers part of Palawan province. It said chlorophyll A concentration leads to excess phytoplankton which cannot be consumed by the reef inhabitants, so they die and sink to the sea floor to be consumed by bacteria. These bacteria consume oxygen that would normally be available to the fish, creating a "dead zone" for marine life. Simularity warned that damage to the reefs directly affects the fish stocks of the entire South China Sea, where the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam have claims, but is mostly contested by China. The ceaseless dumping of raw sewage may lead to a hunger crisis and a collapse of commercial fishing as the size of fish stock in the disputed waters is directly linked to the health of its reefs. The report said this "catastrophe of epic proportions" will take the reefs decades to recover even with active mitigation. "The damage to the reefs in just the last five years is visible from space. This time period is after and therefore in addition to the well-documented reef destruction wrought by Chinas giant clam harvesting and artificial island building," it said. When asked for a response, the Chinese Embassy only pointed out the report's use of an old photo taken in Australia. The report used the photo as an illustration of phytoplankton and algal blooms caused by excess nutrients in water. (CNN) -- Thousands of Cubans took to the streets on Sunday to protest a lack of food and medicine as the country undergoes a grave economic crisis aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic and US sanctions. Demonstrators complained about a lack of freedom and the worsening economic situation during the rare protests, according to people who spoke to CNN and videos from multiple cities, including capital Havana. Many chanted for "freedom" and called for President Miguel Diaz-Canel to step down. Multiple protesters were arrested by police, who used tear gas to break up some demonstrations. In Havana, a CNN team witnessed demonstrators being forcibly arrested and thrown into the back of vans by police officers. There were also violent clashes, where protesters turned over a police car and threw rocks at officers. In a nationally televised address, President Diaz-Canel said US trade sanctions had created economic misery on the communist-run island. Diaz-Canel did not offer the protesters any concessions in his speech, but instead urged his supporters to physically confront them. "The order to combat has been given," he said at the end of his appearance, "Revolutionaries need to be on the streets." In the city of San Antonio de los Banos, just outside Havana province, hundreds of people defied a heavy police presence to air their complaints. One resident who did not wish to be identified told CNN that residents had been enduring power outages for a week and that had "detonated" the growing outrage. Social media platforms are being restricted in Cuba, according to internet monitor NetBlocks. NetBlocks tweeted on Monday that "Social media and messaging platforms restricted in #Cuba from Monday on state-run internet provider ETECSA; real-time network data corroborate reports of internet disruptions amid widening anti-government protests; incident ongoing #CubaSOS." The NetBlocks website said its metrics showed that WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and some Telegram servers were being disrupted. Videos uploaded to social media showed how the spontaneous protest movement has gained momentum, with streams appearing of other protests in a handful of cities and towns across the island. In some of the videos, people shouted they "weren't afraid" or that they wanted liberty or access to coronavirus vaccines. President Diaz-Canel made an unplanned stop in San Antonio de los Banos on Sunday after police had cleared protesters, while Cuban government officials blamed the protests on "salaried agents" on Twitter. On Monday, US President Joe Biden expressed support for the Cuban people, calling on the Diaz-Canel government to "hear their people and serve their needs." "We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba's authoritarian regime," Biden said in a statement. President Diaz-Canel criticized the protests, calling demonstrators vandals who "broke into the stores and stole [many] items." He reiterated that US sanctions were the cause of Cuba's ailing economy. US-Cuban relations are at their lowest point in years. The Trump administration enacted some of the toughest economic measures against Cuba in decades, and so far, the Biden administration seems reluctant to lift them. The already struggling Cuban economy has been hit hard as tourism and good imports have dropped steeply during the pandemic. On Sunday, Cuban health officials reported a record single-day increase for new Covid-19 cases and deaths. Calls for restraint White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan tweeted support for the Cuban people Sunday night saying, "the U.S. supports freedom of expression and assembly across Cuba, and would strongly condemn any violence or targeting of peaceful protesters who are exercising their universal rights." Other US officials also urged for restraint, saying Cubans had the right to protest. "We are deeply concerned by "calls to combat" in #Cuba. We stand by the Cuban people's right for peaceful assembly. We call for calm and condemn any violence," Julie Chung, acting assistant secretary for the Department of State's Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, tweeted Sunday. "For decades, Cuba's dictatorship has used violence and repression to silence its people, rather than permit the free exercise of democracy and their basic social rights," Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez said in a statement. "This must end. The world's eyes are on Cuba tonight and the dictatorship must understand we will not tolerate the use of brute force to silence the aspirations of the Cuban people," he added. Cuba's Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez criticized Sullivan's statement on Monday, saying he had "no political or mortal authority to speak about Cuba." "His government has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars to promote subversion in our country & implements a genocidal blockade, which is the main cause of economic scarcities," Rodriguez added in a tweet. This story was first published on, "Cubans take to streets in rare protests over lack of freedoms and worsening economy" (CNN) Several of the men involved in the operation that killed Haiti's president previously worked as US law enforcement informants, according to people briefed on the matter, as US investigators grapple with an increasing number of Florida links to the alleged hit squad. At least one of the men arrested by Haitian authorities previously worked as an informant for the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the DEA said in a statement in response to CNN. "At times, one of the suspects in the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise was a confidential source to the DEA," the DEA said in a statement. "Following the assassination of President Moise, the suspect reached out to his contacts at the DEA. A DEA official assigned to Haiti urged the suspect to surrender to local authorities and, along with a U.S. State Department official, provided information to the Haitian government that assisted in the surrender and arrest of the suspect and one other individual," the DEA said. The DEA said it is aware of reports that some assassins yelled "DEA" at the time of their attack. The DEA said in its statement that none of the attackers were operating on behalf of the agency. Others also had US ties, including working as informants for the FBI, the people briefed on the matter said. The FBI said in response to CNN's reporting that it doesn't comment on informants, except to say that it uses "lawful sources to collect intelligence" as part of its investigations. Moise was killed Wednesday in an operation that Haitian authorities say involved at least 28 people, many of them Colombian mercenaries hired through a Florida-based security company. Authorities on Monday announced the arrest of a suspect who they say orchestrated the assassination. Christian Emmanuel Sanon, 63 years old, entered the country on a private jet in June, Police Chief Leon Charles said at a news conference. Haitian authorities say that Sanon hired Florida-based CTU Security, which they alleged recruited men initially to provide security for Sanon, though their mission appears to have changed thereafter. It's not clear that the men who worked as US law enforcement informants wittingly participated in the assassination plot or were aware of the mission, the people briefed on the matter said. CNN has not been able to reach Sanon or his representatives for comment since his arrest. Haitian authorities have provided limited details on the investigation, but the growing number of Florida connections to the plot appears to portray an operation at least partly hatched in the United States. That may increase the likelihood that the US Justice Department could bring charges against any US participants in the plot. Haitian authorities have said three US citizens are under arrest for their involvement in the assassination. (CNN) -- At least 41 people have been killed in a hospital fire in the southeastern Iraqi city of Nasiriya, Dr. Ammar al-Zamili, the spokesperson for the local health department, told CNN. At least five people were critically injured. The fire on Monday night is believed to have started after oxygen tanks exploded in an ICU treating Covid-19 patients, al-Zamili said. "The civil defense teams managed to control and put out the major fire that broke out at al-Hussein hospital in the city with the help of health workers and neighborhood volunteers," al-Zamili told CNN. Al-Zamili and other health officials could not say how many people were inside the building when the fire broke out but said an operation is continuing to evacuate people "if they are still alive," including health workers. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi will hold an emergency meeting with a number of ministers and security commanders "to find out the causes and repercussions" of the deadly fire, his office said Tuesday morning. Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi tweeted the fire shows a failure to protect lives "and it is time to put an end to this catastrophic failure, and Parliament will shift today's session to examine options regarding what happened." Al-Hussein Hospital was set up to treat Covid-19 patients at the start of the pandemic and has quarantine stations on site. In April, at least 82 people were killed in a huge fire at a Covid-19 hospital in Baghdad. That fire had started after oxygen tanks exploded in the Covid-19 ICU. Nasiriya, in Dhi Qar province, is about 360 kilometers (225 miles) southeast of Baghdad. This story was first published on, "41 killed in fire at Iraqi hospital treating Covid-19 patients" (CNN) -- South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has deployed the country's military to restore calm after days of violent protests and looting sparked by the imprisonment of former leader Jacob Zuma. Ramaphosa addressed the nation Monday evening, calling for calm after at least six people died in the violence and hundreds were arrested. As Zuma's lawyers argued for a sentence reduction Monday, protests and looting centered in two provinces escalated. "We will not hesitate to arrest and prosecute those who perpetrate these actions and ensure they face the full might of the law," Ramaphosa said in a national address, as local media played live pictures of malls being looted in Durban. "It is this rule of law that enables our society to function and our economy to develop in the interests of the people of South Africa." Ramaphosa acknowledged the protests and looting may have begun with political grievances, but that criminal elements had taken over. "What we are witnessing now are opportunistic acts of criminality," he said. Ramaphosa also warned that continued protests and looting could further undermine the nation's Covid-19 response and vaccination rollout. Several vaccine sites had to pause administering Covid shots because of the violence, he said. "We will soon be facing a huge risk of food insecurity and medication insecurity in a few weeks. Our vaccination program has been severely disrupted just as it is gaining momentum," he said. His remarks come just 24 hours after he extended the country's lockdown by another two weeks. CNN witnessed police firing rubber bullets at dozens of looters as they ran from a mall with everyday items, while other shops in the vicinity were set ablaze. Zuma, 79, was jailed for 15 months on June 29 for contempt of court. He had refused to appear at an anti-corruption commission to answer questions about several allegations, including bribery and fraud. He has repeatedly denied the long-running allegations of corruption against him. He handed himself over to police last week to begin his jail term after days of speculation over whether he would comply with the court's orders. Zuma's conviction marks a fall from grace for the former leader, who served as president from 2009 to 2018 and was once widely celebrated as key figure in the country's liberation movement. Zuma spent 10 years in prison with anti-apartheid hero and former President Nelson Mandela. This story was first published on, "South African military deployed as ex-leader Zuma jailed and looting spreads" The Afghanistan National Defense and Security Forces, mostly funded by the United States and NATO, have put up resistance in some parts of the country, but overwhelmingly Afghan government troops appear to have abandoned the fight. In recent weeks, the Taliban have gained several strategic districts, particularly along the borders with Iran, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Afghanistan's National Security Adviser Hamdullah Mohib, who attended the handover, said the U.S. and NATO withdrawal has left a vacuum that resulted in Afghanistan's national security forces stranded on the battlefield without resupplies, sometimes running out of food and ammunition. In comments after the ceremony, Mohib said the greatest impact of the withdrawal is a lack of aircraft to resupply troops. Currently, the government is regrouping to retake strategic areas and defend its cities against Taliban advances. The Taliban control more than one-third of Afghanistan's 421 districts and district centers. A Taliban claim that they control 85% of the districts is widely seen as exaggerated. After Miller's departure, a two-star admiral based at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul will oversee the U.S. military's role in securing the American diplomatic presence in Kabul, including defending the Kabul airport. Local editor's pick top story Cumberland County Claremont sale debate could boil over into other matters after weeks of acrimony Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Cumberland County is considering selling Claremont Nursing & Rehabilitation Center at 1000 Claremont Road in Middlesex Township. Eichelberger Becca Raley Scott While a sale price for the anticipated transfer of Claremont Nursing and Rehabilitation Center has yet to be inked, a political price may already have been extracted, regardless of whether the county completes the deal. Although public discussion of the matter has sometimes been strident, the tone behind the scenes has often been even more fractious, veering from a policy debate into a contest over political motives. At the center of the matter is a belief by county Commissioner Gary Eichelberger, a Republican and the chair of the countys three-member governing body, that opposition to the sale proposal he has championed is part of a coordinated political operation. Those who have voiced skepticism of the countys process regarding Claremont, the county-owned nursing home, are often Democrats and supporters of the union that represents Claremont employees, and whose views on the privatization of public assets differ from Eichelbergers. But local leaders have voiced concern that Eichelbergers accusations go far beyond a simple divide in policy preferences between a conservative commissioner and more liberal constituents. Selling Claremont: Key questions for the proposed sale of Cumberland County's nursing home Close In a series of previously unreported emails and conversations that have become increasingly public over the past three months, Eichelberger has suggested that this discord could or would impact future dealings with local organizations and municipalities far beyond the issue over Claremonts future. Corresponding with the leadership of the Partnership for Better Health in April, Eichelberger wrote that the county will approach any new entanglements with the Partnership with far greater caution in the future, I would imagine, due to what Eichelberger perceives as the local public health nonprofits collaboration with political bullies and union proxies. Eichelberger sent a similar missive to Carlisle Borough leadership after the borough passed a resolution urging the county to delay and reassess its decision to divest of Claremont. In the email, Eichelberger wrote that the county has the ability to identify many possible improvements that Carlisle may need to make, including traffic issues around county buildings as well as what Eichelberger described as frequent assistance to borough police from county sheriffs deputies. This would seem to indicate a shortfall in staffing on the part of the borough police that may need to be prioritized higher and more publicly in the future, Eichelberger wrote. He also wrote that the county is often reviewing its real estate needs, including determining whether the borough remains an appropriate setting for many offices at all, outside of those that are legally required to remain in the county seat. These issues are not raised as threats, Eichelberger wrote at the end of the message. Middlesex Township approves zoning change that would ease possible sale of Claremont Nursing and Rehabilitation Center The zoning amendment that passed on Wednesday creates a new zoning district, labeled institutional, in Middlesex Townships land-use code, and re-zones the county-owned land along Claremont Road and Army Heritage Drive to this new zoning classification. The contentious nature of the matter has not abated in recent weeks if anything, it has only grown more public. The emotional correspondence that Gary is sending out to, as far as I can tell, half the county, is confusing people because it doesnt seem like what they would expect from an elected official, said Deb Fulham-Winston, a Carlisle borough councilor and board member of the Partnership for Better Health, where she served as chair until her term ended in June. Eichelberger has also not changed direction, reiterating that he believed certain entities have overstepped their bounds. Can I say theres not going to be any consequences? I cant say that, Eichelberger said in an interview last week. And thats not on me, those are choices other people made. If youre going to engage in scorched earth, youre going to be eating ashes. Eichelberger also said he was taking tangible steps to act. Ive asked the [county] solicitor to arrange for an additional layer of review whenever one of our departments is engaging with the Partnership, Eichelberger said, in order to ensure there is no chance of any kind of quid pro quo involved. Im not saying they implied a quid pro quo, it is the action [which] raises the question of whether there is an expectation of quid pro quo ... there is a pattern of behavior, Eichelberger said. The Partnership for Better Health, however, is in the dark as to what this alleged pattern of behavior may be that would lead Eichelberger to believe that there could be an appearance of impropriety. Our focus throughout the Claremont deliberations has been bringing forward quality research, said Becca Raley, the nonprofits executive director. We have a longstanding and positive relationship with many departments in Cumberland County and we plan for that to continue. The Partnership for Better Health provides grant money and support, to the tune of millions of dollars per year, to organizations that are involved in health care and wellness. This includes assistance to agencies and projects under the direct purview of the county government. Eichelberger maintains that members of the public may believe that this history buys the Partnership undue influence over county decisions, such as the Claremont sale. This accusation is baseless, according to the Partnership; the organization has never suggested or entertained the idea that its offers of assistance regarding Claremont constitute a quid pro quo over the countys final decision regarding the nursing home, Raley said. In our role as public servants and stewards of community funds, our work is consensus-driven, fully accounted for and transparent, Raley said. Sale process In October 2020, the county commissioners Eichelberger, Republican Vince DiFilippo and Democrat Jean Foschi voted to retain Susquehanna Group Advisors as a consultant on a possible sale of Claremont. The facilitys account balance has been declining since 2015, dipping into the negative earlier this year, meaning the county will need to begin subsidizing the facility with general fund tax revenue, something Eichelberger and DiFilippo have said they are unwilling to do for any significant length of time. Foschi was initially supportive of a sale investigation, saying divestment should be fully vetted as an option, but quickly soured on the process. The sale was being pushed as the only outcome being justified to the public, Foschi said, instead of the county trying to quantify the time and cost associated with turning Claremont around, either under county or private ownership. The county has done a terrible job of explaining why this place needs to be sold, and they did a terrible job going with primary and secondary bidders, Foschi reiterated in a recent interview, referencing the March vote by the commissioners (with Foschi in objection) to name Transitions Healthcare as its primary interested party, with Allaire Health Services as a secondary. Negotiations with Transitions fell through in April. Eichelberger has said for the past month that a sales agreement with Allaire may be within days of finalization, although no public vote on the matter has taken place. Opposition presses forward as Cumberland County on cusp of Claremont sale deal An agreement with Allaire Health Services, the prospective buyer for Claremont, is imminent, County Commissioner Gary Eichelberger said this week, and could come as soon as Monday. Opposition to the sale has been consistent through the time period, led by the group Citizens Saving Claremont, which includes a number of liberal-leaning activists. The regional chapter of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which represents Claremont, promoted a rally to pause the sale procedure. Other municipalities in the county also passed resolutions similar to Carlisles, including the Republican-controlled boroughs of Newville, Mount Holly Springs and Mechanicsburg. The Partnership for Better Health offered to fund a financial prospectus study for Claremont and encouraged the county to apply for COVID-19 relief grants through the Partnership. It also sent the commissioners a lengthy analysis of the issues facing skilled nursing facilities, citing academic studies and news articles. The Partnership also commissioned a poll, done by Susquehanna Polling & Research, that showed that a plurality of the 400-person sample size was opposed to privatization, although nearly as many said they were unsure. Eichelberger has been adamant that these undertakings are not simply a series of individuals who have different values and policy priorities from himself rather, he believes, they are part of a coordinated effort, a viewpoint he has not hesitated to share. In a letter sent last month to multiple municipalities that passed resolutions similar to Carlisles, Eichelberger opined that wider public concern is largely a product of the ongoing disinformation, and nearly all opposition communication is part of an orchestrated campaign that is highly political in nature. I think they were working in very close alignment, Eichelberger said this month. Clearly the Partnership was just parroting what the other interest groups were saying. I do think they were working in cooperation. Those on the receiving end of Eichelbergers missives have often expressed confusion. Neither myself or anyone on council is coordinating anything with anyone, Carlisle Mayor Tim Scott said. They may have certain political sympathies, but this is grassroots. Weve received communications from Citizens Saving Claremont and weve received communications from the commissioners and other stakeholders, Raley said. But we are not a member of those groups. Anyone can call me at any time and tell me what they think, but were neutral and independent and here to be of service to local residents. Lobbying To Eichelberger, outside parties making public recommendations on county business after he believed their concerns had been addressed crosses the line into lobbying, which he does not welcome. Its not engaging in dialogue with us. Its meant to hammer us over the head, he said. I dont see that as their role. The warnings he has issued regarding matters beyond Claremont are necessary to keep the debate within the proper parameters, Eichelberger said. To me, thats what I have to do to get the proper message out there so that the general public does not have their thought process contaminated by these people who have an agenda, he said. These guys know what theyre saying is false and they continue peddling it. These are the people who are driving the dialogue. The falsehoods that Eichelberger ascribes to others often do not match up to the public discourse of those individuals or organizations, however. Eichelberger maintains that the Partnership had an agenda from the get-go, citing the December 2020 analysis paper regarding nursing home financials and performance metrics, which the Partnership sent to the commissioners. In describing the paper to The Sentinel, Eichelberger said it concluded all privatizations have been bad and therefore all privatizations will be bad and that Raley demanded that you drop what youre doing and commit to retaining Claremont as a public institution, no matter what. The 23-page paper itself makes the statement that not-for profit facilities typically offer higher quality care. Beyond that, Raley said, none of the assertions Eichelberger ascribed to the Partnership have been expressed or implied. In one email to the commissioners, Raley had observed that the poll contracted by the Partnership would suggest most local residents would respect and appreciate any pause or doubling back you may do to reconsider other options. She also said that, based on the Partnerships review of performance data for the remaining buyers the collection of finalists leave much to be desired. But beyond these observations, Raley said the Partnership has not taken a formal position on whether the county home should be sold or retained. In the case of Carlisle, Eichelberger blamed the borough for spreading the poorhouse fallacy, the idea that privatizing Claremont would leave the countys most disadvantaged residents with fewer options for long-term care. This is a misnomer, Eichelberger said, because many private facilities, including ones operated by Allaire, have the same or even a higher proportion of Medicaid beds compared to Claremont. The countys sales plan, dating back to October, intends to execute a clause in the prospective sales agreement that requires a buyer to maintain Claremonts Medicaid beds for a period of 10 years. Carlisles resolution, however, does not pursue the Medicaid ratio argument; rather, the document passed by the borough council states that former Carlisle Borough residents account for one-sixth of the residents of Claremont. Carlisle does have the countys most acute poverty problem, according to federal metrics. Although the borough may not have literally stated the claim, Eichelberger said it was his belief that the resolution was reinforcing that message very clearly. The Medicaid ratio is also a matter of dispute regarding the Partnerships poll, in which one of the questions stated that Claremonts Medicaid population makes Claremont different from other long-term care facilities, a premise Eichelberger rejects. Another of the questions posed to respondents asked if they would be willing to pay an extra $20 in property taxes on a $200,000 home in order to keep Claremont in county hands. That number is based on the countys projection of Claremonts account going roughly $2.6 million into the red this year. Eichelberger said this number is deceptive. The countys finance office has projected a tax increase or equivalent of between 8% and 14% next year if the county must retain ownership of Claremont although this projection was only put forth after the Partnership poll had been completed and published. Eichelberger did not entertain the notion that the Partnership may have simply conducted a poll with poorly framed questions or information that was superseded after the poll was conducted. Rather, the poll was intended to reinforce an ideological message, and the phrasing of the questions indicates, in Eichelbergers view, that the Partnership was working in very close alignment with other groups and is neck deep in union-dominated Democrat politics. Explicitly partisan and electoral implications have been launched with some frequency; in one email chain, Eichelberger accused Fulham-Winston of creating a yet another circus of outrage to make liberals feel relevant where they cannot win elections. While Fulham-Winston and others acknowledge that their views are certainly to the left of Eichelberger, the debate should not be about partisan electoral interests, they said. We have a public issue that is not being well-aired because of one persons decision about how the conversation is being framed, Fulham-Winston said. To me, thats what I have to do to get the proper message out there so that the general public does not have their thought process contaminated by these people who have an agenda, he said. These guys know what theyre saying is false and they continue peddling it. These are the people who are driving the dialogue. The falsehoods that Eichelberger ascribes to others often do not match up to the public discourse of those individuals or organizations, however. Eichelberger maintains that the Partnership had an agenda from the get-go, citing the December 2020 analysis paper regarding nursing home financials and performance metrics, which the Partnership sent to the commissioners. In describing the paper to The Sentinel, Eichelberger said it concluded all privatizations have been bad and therefore all privatizations will be bad and that Raley demanded that you drop what youre doing and commit to retaining Claremont as a public institution, no matter what. The 23-page paper itself makes the statement that not-for profit facilities typically offer higher quality care. Beyond that, Raley said, none of the assertions Eichelberger ascribed to the Partnership have been expressed or implied. Information is from police reports and may be incomplete depending on the status of an investigation. Phone numbers are nonemergency. President Biden and former president Trump, who first announced the withdrawal of U.S. forces, have said that America cannot engage in nation building. Even recent history has proved that true. The larger question is whether we can defend ourselves against further attacks on this country if Al-Qaida regroups and, with the help of Iran, stages another 9/11-type attack, or worse, this time with nuclear devices. All wars cost money, lives and limbs. The question is whether the investment was worth it. Did it produce desired outcomes? At best the answer when it comes to Afghanistan is problematic. At worst, it is what The Economist magazine calls a disaster. The Military Times reports on a study by the Cost of War Project, which found that the combined cost of our involvement in Afghanistan is over $2 trillion: Those funds do not, however, include the amount the United States government is obligated to spend on lifetime care for American veterans of this war, nor does it include future interest payments on money borrowed to fund the war. The Cost of War Project also estimates 241,000 people have died because of the war in Afghanistan, which includes more than 2,400 American service members and at least 71,344 civilians. Will there be a wall to commemorate U.S. deaths? The Vietnam Veterans Memorial still haunts me when I visit it in Washington, D.C. I knew some people whose names are carved into the black granite wall. My name might have been one of them. As an Army enlisted man, I received orders for Vietnam, but managed to get re-assigned, thanks to my position at Armed Forces Radio in New York and contacts at the Pentagon. More than 58,300 others were not as fortunate. What did we learn from Vietnam? Obviously nothing because we have repeated history in Afghanistan. There was no end game, except to hold off the Taliban, an entity motivated by religious fervor that has no intention of quitting. If Al-Qaida regroups and another terror attack is launched against the U.S., what will be our response and who will be assigned blame? Readers may email Cal Thomas at Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to track the delta variant and its prevalence in the United States. The delta variant, first identified in India, has now spread to more than 60 countries and accounted for 30.4 % of COVID cases in the United States between June 6 and June 19. Its rapid spread has led the CDC to upgrade it from a variant of interest to a variant of concern. CDC data updated for a two-week period ending June 19 shows the delta variant as the third most prevalent variant (10.7%) of COVID-19 for Region 3 in the United States, comprised of Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. The CDCs state table shows the delta variant in Pennsylvania at 3.4% of total cases for the same time period. Right now, the most dominant variant in Pennsylvania is the B.1.1.7 strain that was originally detected in the U.K. It is also known as the alpha variant. Those numbers are expected to increase in the CDCs estimates for the two-week period ending July 3. The delta variant will become the dominant variant in the country at 51.7%. In Region 3 it is expected to rise to 31.4%. There were three patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the county in Wednesdays report, with none in an intensive care unit and one on a ventilator. Email Jeff at Follow him on Twitter @SentinelPratt. Concerned about COVID-19? Sign up now to get the most recent coronavirus headlines and other important local and national news sent to your email inbox daily. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Videos Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. The signing agreement between REST Development Ltd and the Ministry of Lands in the presence of URA, State Law and UNELCO. Photo: DoWR In addition, theres the letter of Mrs. Maria Perkins. She was a literate, enslaved mother who was writing to her husband saying, please find a buyer for me right away because they already sold my son Albert away and theyre taking me to the courthouse next week. And then he just disappears from the historical record. So we do have some words from actual enslaved people to draw from, Schmidt said. Schmidt said that some of the descendants encouraged the development of an educational component to accompany any monument or physical marker. Schmidt and Douglas held their last tour of the Confederate statues on Memorial Day. They aim to give participants greater historical context to the white supremacist origins of the statues through tours. The tours specifically focused on the context of the statues in relation to Charlottesvilles Black community, particularly how the statues were erected in parks that were only open to white people. Dr. Douglas estimates weve had over 1,000 people I think its made a difference and people say, you know what you said, it really made me think, it changed my mind about some things. It really moved me. So I think its made a difference just in terms of educating the community, and thats why Dr. Douglas and I do them, Schmidt said. EXPOSED TO THE VIRUS? NO PROBLEM The rules say students who are exposed to someone who has the virus don't have to stay home for 10 days to quarantine. They can continue to attend class if they don't have symptoms and if they keep wearing a mask and are tested twice a week for 10 days. But they can't participate in sports or other extracurricular activities during that period. LUNCH OUTSIDE Schools should still enforce physical distancing during lunch. The state says schools should have students eat outside as much as possible. LIMIT VISITORS The state says schools should limit nonessential visitors, including volunteers, who are not fully vaccinated. VACCINES ENCOURAGED, NOT REQUIRED The state says vaccination is strongly recommended for everyone eligible. Right now, that's anyone 12 and older. But the state doesn't say it's required. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Matt Benson, a Cincinnati-based attorney, estimated his firm alone has filed more than two dozen such motions, with the vast majority being granted by judges. The court is being flooded with these motions, he said. This is now a major tool to avoid a removal order against a client. ICE, which had argued in the Supreme Court case that its notification process was sufficient, said Friday it's been providing the required information on a single notice since January 2019. It also referred to a June memo in which it said ICE lawyers will exercise their prosecutorial discretion in deciding whether to challenge immigrants who seek to reopen their immigration cases in light of the Niz-Chavez ruling. In the meantime, Agusto Niz-Chavez, the 30-year-old Guatemalan national at the center of the Supreme Court case, says hes waiting for his case to be remanded to the immigration court in Detroit. Niz-Chavez says hes anxious for it to be resolved. His wife was deported to Guatemala last year and hes been raising their three children in Detroit while trying to balance work at a local pallet factory. RICHMOND The Virginia Bar Associations summer meeting has for decades hosted the first general election debate of Virginias campaigns for governor. That wont be the case this year. Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin on Monday announced that he would not participate in the associations July 24 debate at the Omni Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, citing his objections to organizers about the format and the moderator, Judy Woodruff, anchor and managing editor of PBS NewsHour. Democrat Terry McAuliffe had accepted the debate at the VBAs summer meeting, a fixture of Virginias campaigns for governor since 1985. Youngkin, through his campaign, said he would participate in three debates. McAuliffe has agreed to participate in five, including the VBA encounter. Right now, the only debate both campaigns have agreed to is one organized by the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy on Sept. 16. The campaigns have been tussling for weeks over when and where the candidates would debate. McAuliffe on Monday accused Youngkin of trying to hide from voters. Debates have long been highly publicized venues for voters to get to know the candidates for governor arenas where politicians have to defend their ideas unscripted. McAuliffe, who in mid-June announced his intention to participate in the bar association debate, along with four others, said the decision showed Youngkin lacked courage." His refusal to participate in this debate is an insult to Virginians and shows that Glenn knows just how out of step he is with the people of the Commonwealth, said McAuliffe, who is seeking a second, nonconsecutive term in office. After McAuliffe's campaign announced in mid-June the debates he intended to participate in, the Youngkin campaign was initially silent on the schedule. A spokeswoman then said the candidate would participate in at least one debate and was open to doing two others. Youngkin's campaign on Monday confirmed he planned to participate in three debates: one hosted by Hampton University, Liberty University and the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce in late August; one at the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy in September; and a to-be-determined host and location in mid-October. The Appalachian School of Law event is the only one both men have committed to. Also in the race making a longshot third-party bid is activist and educator Princess Blanding. Yes. I will do my part to conserve household energy usage, even if I'm uncomfortable in my home. No. It is too hot to conserve household energy usage. I already conserve, even before ERCOT requested it. Maybe, depending on the reason ERCOT provides and whether or not I am home during that time. Vote View Results Pakistan: Seafood exporters see potential in export to China July 13,2021 | Source: Daily Times China is our backbone in exports. In seafood exports, China is the compulsory aspect of our sales, Suhail Firdous, CEO of Super Star Enterprise told Gwadar Pro. Located in the northern part of the Arabian Sea, Pakistan is endowed with rich fishing potential and its seafood export has shown robust growth. The seafood exports during July-May (2020-21) were recorded at $383.088 million against the exports of $373.382 million in July-May (2019-20), showing growth of around 2.6 percent, according to the latest data of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). The export to China takes up a great proportion. According to data from International Trade Center(ITC), Pakistans exports of fish and aquatic products to China accounted for 29% of Pakistans total exports of such products in 2019. 7-8 different types of fish are mostly consumed in China. There is a Tianjin City where our Sole Fish is very popular. Pakistans 70% Sole Fish is consumed in that city. There is also Ribbon Fish, cuttlefish, squid, octopus, and other items that are loved by Chinese people, said Suhail Firdous. Targeting this huge market, Suhail Firdous mentioned that from a marketing point of view, its very easy for the export as all we need to do is to prove the quality. 2021 Daily Times India: Aquaculture startup raises $4 million funding July 13,2021 | Source: The Fish Site The round was led by Rebright Partners and Flourish Ventures, while AgFunder and 6G Capital also participated, along with existing investors Omnivore and Hatch. Aquaconnect's digital platform helps fish and shrimp farmers maximise their income by connecting them with smart farm management tools, financial services and customers. Aquaconnects mobile app features predictive SaaS tools for pond management, which improve productivity and help farmers avoid disease risks. This farm data intelligence is then leveraged by Aquaconnects omnichannel marketplace, allowing farmers to transact directly with farm input manufacturers, banks, insurance companies, and certification bodies. Finally Aquaconnects post-harvest market linkage solution helps shrimp and fish farmers sell their traceable and certified produce to buyers across the globe. Aquaconnect* currently works with over 30,000 aquaculture farmers across Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. Despite India being the worlds largest exporter of shrimp and second largest aquaculture producer globally, the industry is fraught with various challenges ranging from unscientific farming practices to inefficiencies in the value chain. Aquaconnects full-stack platform provides a 360-degree solution for aquaculture farmers. The startup plans to use this pre-series A funding to strengthen their GIS-enabled fintech product development and accelerate the volume of exports flowing through the platform. They intend to launch their Series A round in six to nine months. Raj Somasundaram, founder and CEO of Aquaconnect, said: The recent investment from marquee investors like Rebright, Flourish, AgFunder, and others is a strong validation of our goal to become Indias largest aquaculture value chain aggregator, and will help us scale up in both size and scope. We will deploy the fresh capital to scale our farm advisory, financial services, and marketplace for seafood exports. Commenting on the investment, Brij Singh, general partner of Rebright Partners, said: We are backing Aquaconnect to help enable digital transformation in Indias aquaculture industry by supporting all stakeholders to increase exports of high-quality seafood with traceability to key markets like Japan. Anuradha Ramachandaran, investment director of Flourish, said: "Flourish is proud to back Aquaconnect. Raj and his team have developed a platform that uses data and technology to help farmers maximise their income, access financial services and connect with customers. Aquaconnect is a compelling example of how financial services that are integrated with popular platforms can empower small businesses and enhance their owners' livelihoods, reflecting the importance of embedded finance as an investment thesis for Flourish." Based out of Chennai, Aquaconnect was founded in 2017 by Raj Somasundaram, an IIT Kanpur alumnus. Before starting Aquaconnect, Raj founded Hexolabs, a mobile VAS company, that operated across 15 countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The World Economic Forum has named him among Young Global Leaders 2012 in recognition of his leadership and contribution in the field of mobile communications and information services. He also became a TED Fellow in 2009 for his accomplishments in Mobile4Good initiatives in emerging markets. Aquaconnects leadership team includes industry veterans from consumer internet, BFSI, and data science backgrounds. Arpan Bhalerao, the Chief Growth Officer, is an IIT Madras and Indian School of Business alumnus, who previously served as an AVP at Urban Company. Karthivelan, the Chief Operating Officer, is a seasoned banker, while Venkatesan OV, an MIT TechReview recognized data scientist, leads the technology and data sciences team. Finally, Amit Salunkhe, ex-Head of BFSI at Cropin, and Sudhir Silawal, formerly with Farmguide, are spearheading the fintech and GIS endeavors respectively. 2021 ? Hatch Accelerator Holding Limited Here are 20 things to know about his royal soles: 1. Prince, a massive star with a diminutive body, had a smallish foot. Hiatt, who wears a women's size 8 or 8.5, could easily fit in his shoes, meaning he probably wore a men's size 6.5 or 7. Not that he ever bought any shoes off the rack after 1981 or so. 2. Prince had shoes made for every outfit, usually out of the same material as the outfit. But when it came to more generic shoes say white, black, peach or turquoise he'd require three or four pairs of each. "Matching the boots to the colorful suits was a bit much, it wasn't the way one with any fashion sense normally dressed," Leeds said. "But this was rock 'n' roll where rules were nonexistent. And it didn't escape me that matching from head to toe tended to elongate a rock star who was self-conscious about his height." 3. Prince would sit with Hiatt and pore over European fashion magazines Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan, et al for inspiration. He'd give her ideas, she'd draw sketches and get his feedback and take the instructions to the designers. This national crisis or more impolitely put, this national disgrace is why the Biden proposals didnt end with just the infusion of federal funds. More significantly, the Title I money is conditioned in part on states efforts to remedy inadequacy and inequity in their own funding. The full details of the proposed new Title I equity grants are not known. But essentially, to get some of the new Title I funding, states would have to set goals for improving equity and adequacy and show progress toward meeting those goals. States are encouraged to establish state equity commissions. The Education Trust, a national policy group, lauds the grants as a catalyst for state and district leaders to remedy inequities in their existing school funding systems. Maryland clearly has a leg up on other states. The Blueprint for Marylands Future charts a 13-year course toward a world-class school system and provides some additional funding. The blueprint has received national praise as a gold standard for school finance systems. Still, as some experts attest, the blueprint comes up substantially short on necessary funding. The learning loss caused by the pandemic has shone painful light on the depth of students deficiencies and the huge costs of closing achievement gaps. And the COVID federal funding will end all too soon. Self-guided tours were allowed immediately, while guided tours will be offered daily at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. beginning July 19. Tours of the Capitol tower won't return until 2022. For updated information on hours, tours, and ongoing construction, go to the website for visitors. Visitors will not be able to see the Senate and House chambers, which are undergoing renovations through the end of the year. The main entrance and rear entrance will be closed at time for the refurbishing work. During the closure, only state government officials, lawmakers, limited staff, some capitol employees, and journalists were allowed inside. The House and Senate held three short special sessions in 2020 and the full 160-day regular session in 2021. Committees held virtual hearings, but lawmakers were required to come to Salem for the final floor votes. The closure has been politically divisive, with Republicans who opposed many of the state limits imposed during the virus crisis demanding the public be allowed into the building when the Legislature was meeting. Oregon State University's chief diversity officer is leaving OSU to return to Ball State University to help guide the universitys strategic initiatives. Charlene Alexander joined OSU in the summer of 2017 after serving as a Ball State professor for 16 years and as Ball States associate provost for diversity and interim associate vice president for community engagement for four years. A native of the West Indies island of Trinidad, she will leave OSU on Sept. 17. Charlene has contributed remarkably to Oregon State University by leading the creation and development of the Office of Institutional Diversity, said Becky Johnson, OSUs interim president. Students, faculty and staff of color and all members of the university community have benefited from Charlenes contributions, leadership, care and compassion. Johnson said Alexander has collaborated with OSU campuses, colleges, divisions and departments to advance the recruitment and retention of students from historically underrepresented communities; recruit and retain diverse faculty; foster an inclusive, safe and welcoming university community; and collaborate with community leaders to promote diversity, equity and inclusion statewide. In Oregon, the Bootleg Fire exploded to 224 square miles (580 square kilometers) as it raced through heavy timber in the Fremont-Winema National Forest, near the Klamath County town of Sprague River. The fire disrupted service on three transmission lines providing up to 5,500 megawatts of electricity to neighboring California. The largest wildfire of the year in California was raging near the border with Nevada. The Beckwourth Complex Fire a combination of two lightning-caused blazes burning north of Lake Tahoe grew by a third Sunday to 134 square miles (348 kilometers). However, firefighters working in temperatures that topped 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) were able to gain some ground, doubling containment to 20%. Late Saturday, flames jumped U.S. 395, which was closed near the small town of Doyle in California's Lassen County. The lanes reopened Sunday, and officials urged motorists to use caution and keep moving along the key north-south route where flames were still active. Do not stop and take pictures, said the fire's Operations Section Chief Jake Cagle. You are going to impede our operations if you stop and look at what's going on. * Username This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. Choose wisely! Denton, TX (76205) Today Mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High around 95F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies early followed by scattered thunderstorms overnight. Low 76F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%. The seven countries holding out against the US-backed global minimum tax Deutsche Telekom-owned Croatian telco Hrvatski Telekom and Zagrebacka Banka (ZABA) have signed an agreement with Telemach Hrvatska (priorly TELE2) owned by United Group on the sale and purchase of the shares of the Optima Telekom. Under the deal, the South-eastern European service provider United Group will secure the 17.41% share currently held by HT and 36.90% owned by Zagrebacka Bank. The closing of the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and other agreed contractual conditions and is expected by the end of 2021. Optima Telecom provides services to 125,000 broadband subscribers and 55,000 pay-TV customers. It is listed on the Zagreb stock exchange. After obtaining regulatory approvals, United Group will launch a tender offer for Optimas outstanding stock. United Group entered the Croatian market last year after acquiring Tele2s business in the country. United Group is spending 130 million on modernising Telemach Croatias mobile network to improve quality, expand coverage and offer a full 5G experience. It is also investing 100 million to build a state-of-the-art fibre optic network on which it is already offering Croatian customers fixed telephony and superfast broadband internet with speeds from 300 Mbps to 2 Gbps. This agreement is a step further in our plan to transform Telemach Croatia into a fully converged telecom operation offering the full range of telco services including TV on our own infrastructure, said Telemach Croatia CEO Adrian Jezina. Were zooming up on the start of school. Im super excited Washington State University is going to completely be back to normal, with no restrictions. That is the appropriate response to the end of the pandemic, and it is a statement against irrational fear, and pro-science. COVID-19 has now ATHENS, Ala. (AP) A judge on Tuesday reversed course and will allow reporters to witness jury selection in the corruption trial of a longtime north Alabama sheriff. Retired Criminal Appeals Judge Pamela Baschab, who is presiding over the case against Limestone County Sheriff Mike Blakely, granted the request from media organizations. They included the Alabama Press Association and the Alabama Broadcasters Association joined with newspapers and television stations. Baschab had initially barred reporters and the public from attending jury selection. Members of the public have a constitutional right to attend criminal court proceedings, the media groups said, adding that Baschab's decision to hold jury selection in secret is unconstitutionally overbroad." Referring to reports that the judge closed the selection process for the comfort of potential jurors, media members argued that the judge failed to take less restrictive steps that could include asking potential jurors sensitive questions in her office. In office since 1983 and indicted in 2019, the 70-year-old Blakely has pleaded not guilty to a dozen felony counts alleging he stole campaign donations, got interest-free loans and solicited money from employees. Blakely faces a dozen felony counts alleging he stole campaign donations, got interest-free loans and solicited money from employees. He has pleaded not guilty and announced plans to seek an 11th term in office if acquitted. While state law doesnt require the removal of a sheriff under indictment, a conviction would result in his automatic ouster from office. In office since 1983, Blakely is currently the states longest-serving sheriff. Court officials summoned roughly five times as many potential jurors as normal, about 500 people, because Blakely is so well known in the area, news outlets reported. Prosecutors have tried to tie charges that Blakely took money from public and campaign accounts to claims that Blakely drinks and gambles in out-of-state casinos. While the defense argued that such evidence is aimed at harming the sheriffs reputation, a judge ruled previously that jurors would be allowed to hear it. Meanwhile, Baschab barred the defense from presenting evidence to show that other public officials have done the same thing as Blakely without being charged. In a brief order, she agreed with prosecutors who claimed that an everyone is doing it and the state is picking on me defense cant be presented to jurors. I know the character of the man, Caldwell said. You take a man like that and youre then going to say he participated in a brutal crime of murder, knowing that being associated with that would send him to the pits of hell? ... If there was one man who would be willing to stand in the breach to help his country, it would be Christian. Haiti's National Police chief, Leon Charles, said Moises killers were protecting Sanon, whom he accused of working with those who plotted the assassination. Charles said officers found a hat with the logo of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, 20 boxes of bullets, gun parts, four license plates from the Dominican Republic, two cars and correspondence, among other things, in Sanon's house in Haiti. Twenty-six former Colombian soldiers are suspected in the killing and 23 have been arrested, along with three Haitians. Charles said five suspects are still at large and at least three have been killed. They are dangerous individuals, Charles said. Im talking commando, specialized commando. MONTGOMERY Three Dothan residents have been sentenced to prison for their roles in stealing guns from firearm dealers in 2019, a U.S. attorney announced Tuesday. A judge sentenced 19-year-old Michael T. Taylor to 26 months in prison on July 8. Previously, 20-year-old Jamir Y. Baxter and 21-year-old Michaela R. White were both sentenced to 36 months imprisonment in June and May, respectively, according to an announcement from acting United States Attorney Sandra J. Stewart of the Middle District of Alabama. Following each of their prison sentences, they will serve three years of supervised release. There is no parole in the federal system. Court records show that on Aug. 6, 2019, Baxter, acting alone, burglarized Performance Machine Works in Dothan. He stole five firearms, including a Glock model 27 .40-caliber pistol; a Glock model 20 10mm pistol; a Glock model 48 9mm pistol; an FN model 509T 9mm pistol; and a Remington model 1911 R1 .45-caliber pistol. Then on Sept. 6, 2019, Baxter, Taylor, and White all conspired to burglarize The Outpost, a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) in Dothan in order to steal guns. They made entry into the building by using hand tools to remove material and breach the business back wall to avoid setting off the alarm. Controversial U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) is set to be the keynote speaker for a GOP event at the Dothan Civic Center next Friday at 7 p.m. The private event hosted by the Alabama Federation of Republican Women, a political action group (PAC), is selling tickets for $99 plus tax. We are excited to have Congresswoman Greene as our keynote speaker, Patty Hobbs, AFRW PAC director, said in a press release. She is exactly the kind of firebrand Republican woman we need to help drain the swamp. We hope she will fire up our guests and encourage them to continue supporting Republican candidates and values. This fundraiser will help the Alabama Federation of Republican Women PAC, which will help Republican candidates in future elections. Greene represents Georgias 14th congressional district, which is adjacent to northeast Alabama. Shes made national headlines due to several incendiary comments shes made before and during her term in office. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} We have to look at this data on these deaths and recognize that over 96% of the deaths were in unvaccinated people, Landers said. I mean, literally, that is astounding information and absolutely indicates that we have a much better chance of people surviving if theyre vaccinated against this disease. Landers points out that the latest J&J warning deals with 100 cases out of millions of doses of vaccine and the possible link has not been fully reviewed. Landers said shes more concerned about the cardiac risks for people with COVID-19, including children. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} I think if you look at the data, what people are only hearing is a very small risk and making a decision on a very small risk as opposed to the very large risk of dying and also the very large risk of having long COVID or complications from COVID as a result of the disease, Landers said. Nationally, the daily number of new COVID-19 cases has doubled in the last three weeks, attributed to the Delta variant, lagging vaccination rates and Fourth of July gatherings. The numbers of cases, deaths or hospitalizations across the country are still far below numbers when the pandemic hit its peak this past winter. If these people want to be hanging out, wherever theyre hanging out on this taxpayer-paid junket, theyre going to have to be prepared to do it for well over a year, he said. But it was not immediately clear who was footing the bill for the Democrats' trip. Martinez Fischer said he would use his own campaign funds to pay for hotels for House members, but declined to comment on who funded the chartered flights. Speaking in the airport parking lot, he blasted the governor for likening the group, which includes many Black and Latino lawmakers, to animal or property, to say he will corral us and he will cabin us in the capitol to get this agenda. After addressing the media, Black lawmakers led the group in singing We Shall Overcome." Over the weekend, Texas Republicans began advancing measures that also bring back provisions to ban drive-thru voting, add new voter ID requirements to absentee ballots and prohibit local elections officials from proactively sending mail-in ballot applications to voters. Abbott also gave lawmakers a lengthy to-do list this summer, heavy on hot-button conservative issues including restrictions over how race is taught in schools and banning transgender athletes from playing in girls' sports. The decision to flee carries risks, and no guarantee of victory in the long run. Charles Henderson was born in 1860 in Pike County. His father owned a mercantile business and died when Charles was 16. By 17, Charles Henderson was running his fathers business and by 20 had turned it into the largest wholesale grocery company in Southeast Alabama. By the age of 27, he had formed his own railroad company, established the Troy Normal School which later became Troy State University and now Troy University, and started the Standard Chemical Company. By the way, he was elected the mayor of Troy at age 26. He resigned as mayor of Troy in 1906 after being appointed president of the Alabama Railroad Commission, which not only regulated railroads but utilities also. It is now known as the Public Service Commission. During this era, he brought telephone and electricity to Troy. He owned both entities. He also owned the Pea River Utility Company. At 54, Charles Henderson was elected Alabamas 35th governor. He is known in history as Alabamas Business Governor. When he took office, the state was broke. When he left in 1919, the state coffers were flush, which was apropos for the states Business Governor. In June, Hoa Phat produced 658,000 tons of raw steel, a year-on-year increase of 49 percent. It sold 569,000 tons of finished products, including 230,000 tons of construction steel and 230,000 tons of hot-rolled coils. The sales of construction steel was the lowest volume in the last four months. In March, the group had made its biggest-ever monthly sales of over one million tons of steel products, including nearly 480,000 tons of construction steel. Its sales of construction steel, hot-rolled coils and steel billets all surged over 30 percent over March 2020. The group says sales of construction steel and steel tubes in June dropped against May 2021 and June 2020 mainly due to the impacts of the fourth wave of Covid-19 nationwide, especially in HCMC and southern provinces. Besides, the rainy season has started, weakening demand for construction steel. In the first half of this year, the group sold 1.8 million tons of construction steel, up 22 percent on-year. After a sudden surge in the beginning of this year, steel prices have kept declining in the last few weeks in Vietnam, mostly because of a fall in world steel billet prices, especially China. Many construction contractors said the prices of domestic steel products were still high, cutting deep into their profits. Steel costs account for 10-30 percent of a construction project. According to the Vietnam Steel Association, the decrease in steel prices will slow down in the coming time and could even go up. To stabilize prices, the association has advised Vietnamese steel producers to limit exports and increase supplies of hot-rolled steel and raw steel in the domestic market. Vietnam produced nearly 12 million tons of steel products of different kinds in the first five months of this year, a year-on-year rise of more than 38 percent, while exporting nearly 2.8 million tons, up 80 percent. The country exported 1.1 million tons of steel to China in the five-month period, twice that of last year, according to the General Department of Vietnam Customs. Vietnam on Monday requested Israel to help it access Covid-19 vaccine sources, and share the doses it had ordered. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh made the request to his Israeli counterpart Naftali Bennett during the pair's first telephonic dialogue, adding he wished for Vietnam and Israel to cooperate more in the Covid-19 fight, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As the pandemic continues to progress around the world, Chinh wanted the two countries to cooperate on vaccine research and development, as well as for other treatments. Israel should prioritize supporting Vietnam to gain access to Covid-19 vaccines and drugs as soon as possible through all means possible, including sharing the vaccine doses Israel had already ordered from AstraZeneca and Moderna. In response, Bennett said he agreed with Chinh's proposals and requested the two countries' relevant authorities soon discuss the topics further, especially cooperation regarding Covid-19 vaccines, which would help deepen relations between the two nations. Bennett praised Vietnam's achievements in the Covid-19 fight as well as its socio-economic development and foreign relations. Both PMs agreed to cooperate to make Vietnam and Israeli relations become more practical and effective through boosting negotiations and signing free trade agreements, while aiming for higher investment and bilateral trade turnover goals post-pandemic. They also invited each other for official visits for the upcoming 30-year anniversary of the two countries establishing diplomatic relations (1993-2023). Around 60 percent of Israel's 9.3 million population have received at least one shot of the Covid-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer/BioNTech, prompting a dramatic decrease in the number of daily cases in June to single digits, Reuters reported. But as the government relaxed social distancing measures and mask requirements, the Delta variant also began to spread globally. The variant's higher transmissibility is thought to have contributed to a rising number of new cases in Israel in recent days. Last Sunday, Israel said it would begin to offer a third shot of the Pfizer vaccine to adults with weak immune systems, while still deciding if the booster would be available to the general public. Vietnam meanwhile has vaccinated over 4 million people with at least one shot of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, with over 280,000 having received two shots. The United States has imposed sanctions on four members of the Ortega-Murillo regime in Nicaragua, as a wave of repression and intimidation in the country reaches new heights. These four regime insiders include representatives from the national legislature, banking industry, military, and a daughter of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo. Just months before the November 2021 presidential election, 27 high-profile opposition leaders, including six presidential candidates, have been arrested on apparently trumped-up corruption and national security charges. They include Cristiana Chamorro, Arturo Cruz, Felix Maradiaga, Juan Sebastian Chamorro, Miguel Mora, and Medardo Mairena as well as student leaders, private sector representatives, and other civil society activists. The regime continues to harass independent media and other civil society members who express dissent as well. In a written statement, Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned the latest actions of the Ortega-Murillo regime and declared that the United States holds President Ortega and those complicit in these actions responsible for their safety and well-being. The U.S. sanctions were imposed in response to the recent wave of repression, as well as to the failure of the regime to implement meaningful electoral reforms called for by the Organization of American States and backed by the UN Human Rights Council. While this latest campaign of fear and repression is particularly egregious, the Ortega regimes assault on human rights and democracy is not new. A violent government crackdown on prodemocracy protests in 2018 left at least 325 persons dead; more than 2,000 injured; and hundreds illegally detained, tortured and disappeared. State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said that under President Ortega, Nicaragua is becoming an international pariah moving farther away from democracy. Mr. Price noted that the United States has additional tools at our disposal to hold members of the regime and those who enable them to account, and we will not hesitate to do so. On June 15, 26 member states of the Organization of American States supported a resolution calling for President Ortega to take urgent action to restore full respect for human rights and to create the conditions for free and fair elections. On June 22, 59 governments signed a joint statement at the UN Human Rights Council calling for the immediate release of the prisoners. U.S. diplomatic efforts have included coordinating with the OAS, EU, and other international partners to pressure the Ortega-Murillo regime to relent on its repression against the Nicaraguan people who deserve more than a one-party state. RENO The Northern Nevada Section of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration this week announced the availability of a specialty Nevada license plate to honor mining in Nevada. These plates are available through local Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles offices, or they can be ordered online through the DMV website. Northern Nevada SME first submitted a request for a specialty plate to honor mining in December 2011, and the DMV approved the request in August 2018. Northern Nevada SME solicited design ideas for the plate from its membership and from other professional societies. The winning design for the plate was submitted by Patsy Moran, PhD, an SME registered member, and fine-tuned with help from numerous Nevada SME members. We have been working to make this plate available for a long time, and we are pleased with the final result. It honors both the past and future of mining in our state. Any supporter of mining and its vital role in Nevada should be proud to have this plate on their vehicle, stated Chris Blue, chairman of the Northern Nevada SME. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} July 12Brad L. Catlett, 53, of Visalia, California was arrested in Clark County on a warrant for contempt of court. Bail: $1,360 Charmaine King, 30, of Elko was arrested at 667 S. Fifth St. for battery. Bail: $1,140 Indiara J. Modesto, 24, of Owyhee was arrested at 9735 Thomas Loop Road on two Bureau of Indian Affairs tribal charges. Bail: $1,000 Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Daniel P. Murphy Jr., 43, of Elko was arrested at 700 S. Fifth St. for felony possession of a controlled substance. Bail: $5,000 Casey J. Ross, 24, of Carlin was arrested at Elko County Jail on a warrant for two counts of failure to appear after bail on a misdemeanor crime. Angel G. Santos, 37, of San Jose, California was arrested at Elko County Jail for fugitive felon from another state. Marcus R. Swallow, 33, of Clinton, Utah was arrested at the Salt Lake County Jail for assault with a deadly weapon, resisting a public officer with a deadly weapon not a firearm, and possessing, receiving or transferring a stolen vehicle. Bail: $40,000 Love 1 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 ELKO The countys active cases of COVID-19 continued to decline over the past week, while the test positivity rate increased. There were 35 new cases and 42 recoveries, for a total of 47 active cases as of Monday. Most of the new cases were in Elko and Spring Creek. Two were in Carlin, one in Wells and one in Wendover. Hospitalizations ranged from one to four last week. The test positivity rate increased to 21.9% from 14.4% a week prior. The case rate per 100,000 people also increased, from 211 to 238. Elkos case rate is the second-highest in the state, behind only Clark County at 405. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} As of Monday, Nevada was tied with Louisiana for the second-highest average case rate per capita in the nation, behind Arkansas. Hospitalizations in Nevada were up 85% over the past two weeks. A total of 28.5% of vaccine-eligible residents in Elko County have been vaccinated. The statewide rate is 46%. Most of the increases in COVID-19 infections are blamed on the Delta variant in places with low vaccination rates. The U.S. Surgeon General, meanwhile, continued to waffle over whether booster shots would be needed. Mormon missionaries and settlers arrived in Eastern Nevada in May of 1864 with hopes of establishing a network of growing colonies in the area. This effort, led by Francis Lee, was responsible for establishing the town of Panaca. William Hamblin, a Mormon missionary to the Native Americans, was shown a location where panacker was found in abundance. The Panacker Ledge (Panaca Claim) was staked and the town of Panaca was born. When Panaca was first settled, the area was a part of Utah. Upon a request by the Nevada State Legislature, in 1866 the boundary was revised and Congress allowed an additional degree of longitude to be added to the eastern border of Nevada. The Mormons who declined to recognize this change refused to pay taxes to Lincoln County and the state of Nevada. After much conflict and extensive surveys, in 1870 the Mormon settlers were declared to be residing in Nevada. Many of them left the state leaving only a handful in what had been planned to be the foundation of the Latter Day Saints. Panaca remained as an outpost with its population of a few hundred. LAS VEGAS (AP) The Las Vegas area has seen an increase in homicides the first half of this year, compared with the previous two years, a newspaper tally found. After a decrease in 2019, Clark County homicide cases rose 37% in 2020 and went up again in the first half of 2021, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Monday. There were 75 killings from January to June compared with 66 slayings in the first six months of last year, a 14% increase. Las Vegas police reported eight cases of children under 8 years old killed during the first six months of 2021, a significant increase after seven homicides of young children were reported in all of 2020. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said that based on his three decades of law enforcement experience, he thought the COVID-19 pandemic may play a role in the increased number of young children slayings. I think its anxiety over COVID and economic factors in those cases, Lombardo told the Review-Journal. A lot of people tend to lash out when they dont see a light at the end of the tunnel. BUHL, Idaho A Proud Boys float was one of nearly 100 that went through the center of town during last weekends Sagebrush Days parade. The men accompanying the float wore the black and yellow polo shirts often associated with the far-right group, while they carried an American flag and a black flag with the yellow letters P.B. The organization, which has locally run chapters throughout the country, describes itself as a pro-Western fraternal organization for men who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world; aka Western Chauvinists, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League have labeled the organization as a hate group. Caitlin Patten, who has lived in Buhl for six years, is concerned that a local chapter of this organization participated in the parade, given the groups national reputation and its connection with the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol. Im very concerned that a group that (is) nationally known as a hate group was allowed into a small town family-friendly parade, Patten said in a Facebook message to the Times-News. Whether or not the local group is more moderate or not, they are representing that name and that reputation. (AP) Dozens of wildfires burned across the torrid U.S. West on Monday, but fire agencies reported some progress in corralling the flames and forecasters predicted a gradual decrease in extreme temperatures, The Associated Press reported. The two largest fires were burning forests in northeastern California and southern Oregon, sending smoke across Nevada and other states. The Beckwourth Complex, two lightning-ignited blazes, covered about 140 square miles on Northern Californias border with Nevada. Plumas National Forest officials said firefighters successfully contained almost a quarter of the blaze but still expected some extreme fire activity. Evacuation orders and warnings were in effect for remote areas of Californias Lassen and Plumas counties and Nevadas Washoe County. Some structures were destroyed over the weekend in Doyle, California, a town of about 600 residents. In Oregon, the Bootleg Fire covered 240 square miles in the Fremont-Winema National Forest, near the Klamath County town of Sprague River. After doubling in size at least twice over the weekend, it grew only incrementally Sunday, a sign of some progress, said Rich Saalsaa, spokesman for the Oregon State Fire Marshal. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Judge Doughtys frank words point directly to the nub of the issue. While the Biden administration has no rational reason for impeding the development of the USAs vast hydrocarbon reserves, it has a strong ideological reason for doing so: Team Biden, like the hardcore environmentalist movement, is fanatically opposed to the idea of Americans having access to abundant and affordable domestic supplies of reliable energy. That overall bias comes into focus if one looks at other Biden energy policies. On his very first day in office, Biden issued an EO that scuttled the Keystone XL Pipeline that was to transport Canadian crude oil to American refineries. On June 1, Biden banned drilling for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. (In a case of tone-deaf timing, that ban was announced on the same day that the price of oil rose above $70 per barrel for the first time in two years.) And on June 23, The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is resurrecting a dubious Obama maneuver to exploit the Endangered Species Act to restrict fossil fuel development on millions of acres of land. (Actually, the greater danger to winged wildlife are wind and solar energy installations.) Michigan residents who sign up to get a covid-19 vaccine will be eligible to enter a new lottery offering the chance to win an enormous cash jackpot, as well as other lucrative prizes. The exciting new incentive was first announced on 1 July by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and it goes live on Monday 12 June. Eligibility for the lottery is retrospective, meaning that anyone who has received at least one shot of a vaccine will be able to enter. The top prize is a $2 million jackpot, in addition to another $1 million draw and daily prizes of $50,000 each. Young people who have received a vaccine will get the chance to win one of nine $55,000 college scholarships. How to sign up for the Michigan vaccine lottery To be entered into the Michigan vaccine lottery you must have received at least one shot of a covid-19 vaccine and be a US resident living in Michigan. Entrants aged 18 or above will be entered into the cash draw while those aged 12-17 will be eligible to win the college scholarships. You will not be automatically entered into the lottery and will instead have to sign up for the Michigan Shot to Win lottery. You can either do this by going to and submitting your details, or through the covid-19 hotline on 888-535-6136. The hotline is open from 8am to 5pm on weekdays and 10am to 1pm on weekends. Gov. Whitmer is optimistic about the impact that the new incentive will have, describing it as a great way to encourage more Michiganders to get the safe and effective vaccine so you can protect yourself, your family, and help get life back to normal. If we all roll up our sleeves and do our part, we can all win big. Michigan currently below the national average vaccination rate Since the new year the ongoing vaccination effort has been the top priority for health officials looking to bring an end to the pandemic. Across the US a total of 334,600,770 shots of a covid-19 vaccine have been administered, meaning that 55% of the total population have received at least one shot with 48% now fully vaccinated. The state with the highest proportion of vaccinated residents is Vermont, where 75% of the population have had at least one dose. According to the latest figures from the New York Times, in Michigan 52% of people have received a dose. The state with the lowest vaccination rate is Mississippi with only 37% of residents having had even a single shot of a coronavirus vaccine. When the COVID-19 pandemic still rages on with many countries and regions in dire need of vaccines, the CoronaVac vaccine developed by Sinovac has been widely supplied across the world, demonstrating encouraging results in the global fight against the virus. To ease the bottleneck of the production capacity and reach broader recipients, China has cooperated with eight countries to manufacture vaccines locally. Screenshot shows the article published on Daily News Egypt. Egypts Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly was cited as saying that the country has already produced one million doses of the Sinovac vaccine domestically, according to a July 5 article from local media Daily News Egypt. The production line in Egypt marks the first instance of China working with an African country in vaccine manufacture. Its expected to benefit the neighboring African and Middle Eastern countries after meeting Egypts own needs. New evidence also emerged to reaffirm the safety and high efficacy of the vaccine developed by Sinovac. A woman receives a jab of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Montevideo, Uruguay, March 1, 2021. (Photo by Nicolas Celaya/Xinhua) Last month, a statement released by Uruguays Ministry of Public Health said the Sinovac vaccine reduced COVID-19 infections and deaths among Uruguayan adults. The real-world data showed the shots cut deaths by 95.3 percent among the vaccine recipients aged 18 to 49, and by 95.2 percent among those aged 50 to 69. Meanwhile, it was 94 percent effective at preventing intensive care admissions. As children and adolescents are always the key concern in vaccination drive, researchers have confirmed the safety and efficacy of CoronaVac for children as young as three in the early-stage human trials. Screenshot shows the paper published on The Lancet. CoronaVac was well tolerated and safe and induced humoral responses in children and adolescents aged 317 years, noted a June 28 paper published on The Lancet. In the trial, a total of 552 young participants were given two doses of vaccine from Sinovac 28 days apart. Among the various age groups, more than 96 percent of trial participants were found to develop antibodies against the coronavirus in initial studies. In terms of real-world application, Indonesia has recommended Sinovac vaccine for children aged 12 to 17, as Reuters reported on June 28. The country seeks to extend inoculations amid a surge in infections, said the article, Task Force data shows children aged 0-18 account for 12.6 percent of Indonesia's total COVID-19 infections. Vaccines are key to curb the pandemic. Globally, as of 5 July 2021, more than 183 million cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, including nearly 4 million deaths. According to the latest data from WHO, a total of 298 million vaccine doses have been administered worldwide to date. When the whole world is in a race between infection and injection, Chinese vaccines serve as a promising solution to the pandemic for the easy accessibility, safety and high efficacy. So far, China has provided vaccine aid to nearly 100 countries from 5 continents. More than 480 million doses of Chinese vaccines have been supplied to the international community, making China the largest supplier of vaccines in the world, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin told at a regular press conference on July 2. We also hope that all countries in the world that are able to do so will act as soon as possible, honor their commitments, and make their due contributions to promoting equitable distribution and application of vaccines for better global anti-epidemic cooperation, Wang said. [ Editor: WXL ] Zhang Qingyu(1st, R) talks with her friends in Qingxi Village, Huangjian Township of east China's Anhui Province, July 10, 2021. "I'd like to skip these two days of separation if I could." Xu wrote on her social network account as she was about to end her service in Huangjian Township. Xu Xiaochan and Zhang Jianming, together with their daughter Zhang Qingyu, moved to Huangjian Township of Huangshan City in 2019 as the couple decided to join in a campaign to provide medical services for local villagers there. The medical service in rural area, lasting for two years, is part of a program in Anhui province to call for doctors working in big cities to serve in remote villages to help impoverished people. In the past two years, Xu Xiaochan and Zhang Jianming have set up standardized clinics in the village and made regular home-visit to villagers. The couple also trained follow-up successors for village clinics and promoted medical knowledge in the mountainous area. Through their efforts, the public medical services in the township have been improved a lot. On July 10, the last day of their work in the township, local people came to bid farewell to them as the couple witnessed many great events in the village. "Huangjian Township has become our second hometown." Xu Xiaochan said, "Our hearts stay with the villagers here." (Xinhua/Zhou Mu) 15 1 [ Editor: WXL ] Li Zhanshu, chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, attends the opening ceremony of Eco Forum Global Guiyang 2021 and delivers a keynote speech in Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou Province, July 12, 2021. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei) GUIYANG, July 12 (Xinhua) -- China attaches great importance to ecological conservation, and its environmental protection has gone through a historic turnaround, Chinese top legislator Li Zhanshu said on Monday. Li, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, made the remarks while addressing the opening of the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference 2021 held in southwest China's Guizhou Province. China has made resource conservation and environmental protection a basic state policy and sustainable development a national strategy, Li noted, adding that the country's environmental protection has gone through a historic turnaround with wide-ranging implications. Reiterating China's pledge to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, Li said the country would contribute to coping with global challenges concerning the climate and environment and safeguarding global ecological security. To deliver on the pledge, Li stressed efforts in enhancing ecological awareness, accelerating green and low-carbon development, stepping up pollution prevention and control, improving the relevant legal system, and promoting international exchange and cooperation. Foreign leaders including Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Tongan Prime Minister Pohiva Tu'i'onetoa addressed the conference via video link, which is themed "Green and Low-carbon Development, Fostering a Community of Life for Man and Nature." 3 1 [ Editor: WXL ] The CR400AF-Z and CR400AF-BZ Fuxing intelligent bullet trains are firstly put into service on the railway lines of Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing-Harbin, Chengdu-Chongqing, June 25, 2021. The new Fuxing intelligent bullet train integrates modern technologies of 5G, cloud computing, big data and more, upgraded in terms of intelligence, safety, and convenience in operation and maintenance. Since the service functions have been optimized again, passenger experience is expected to be further improved. Photo taken on June 25, 2021 shows the CR400BF-GZ brand new intelligent Fuxing bullet train departing from Beijing Railway Station. It is the first bullet train numbered with "G" at Beijing Railway Station. (Sun Lijun/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 25, 2021 shows the G8602 Fuxing Intelligent bullet train from Chongqing West to Chengdu East operated for the first time. (Bao Liang/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 25, 2021 shows staff members of the G8602 Fuxing Intelligent bullet train providing food for passengers. (Hu Zhiqiang/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 25, 2021 shows staff members of the first G5 Fuxing intelligent bullet train from Beijing South to Shanghai Hongqiao explaining the use of intelligent equipment and facilities to passengers . (Yang Baosen/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 25, 2021 shows the G901 Fuxing Intelligent bullet train from Beijing Chaoyang Station entering Harbin West Station. (Yuan Yong/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 25, 2021 shows the driver on mission in the G904 Fuxing intelligent EMU train. (Yuan Yong/Guangming Picture) [ Editor: WXY ] The 42-year-old Liu Tianxin is a native of Guizhou Province in southwest China. He lives in Liudong Village, Zhemi Town, Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture. In order to seek better development opportunities, he once left his hometown to work in the Pearl River Delta of China. In 2012, he gave up the highly paid job in Guangzhou City, southeast China's Guangdong Province, and determined returned to his hometown to start a business of his craftsmanship. Considering the local ethnic customs, Liu Tianxin opened an embroidery workshop in Liudong Village, embarking on his own "Embroidery" road. Liu sews embroidery products at the workshop by himself. Through long-term operation, he finally explored a unique way to independently design and produce ethnic embroidery tourism products with Maonan characteristics and adapted to the market in southwest China's Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan Province, which perfectly met the diversified market needs. Photo taken on June 8, 2021 shows Liu sewing embroidery products at the embroidery workshop in Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, southwest Chian's Guizhou Province. (Xiao Wei/Guangming Picture) In the past eight years, Liu started as the "boss" of a small factory with 20 people, focusing on creating brands, developing markets, and training workers. At the same time, as a party member of the Communist Party of China, Liu's active entrepreneurship also promoted the local economic development. Photo taken on June 8, 2021 shows Liu (first from right) instructing workers to operate embroidery machine tools at the embroidery workshop in Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, southwest Chian's Guizhou Province. (Xiao Wei/Guangming Picture) With the gradual expansion of market demand and scale, the number of workers in the workshop has grown from 20 to more than 300 now. The factory has also expanded from Zhemi Town to the relocation site for poverty alleviation and resettlement, effectively driving the employment of the relocated people. Thanks to Liu's efforts, the town has achieved an organic combination of poverty alleviation through employment and relocation. Photo taken on June 8, 2021 shows Liu (first from left) discussing embroidery patterns with workers at the embroidery workshop in Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, southwest Chian's Guizhou Province. (Xiao Wei/Guangming Picture) The embroidery workshop has also become a characterized industry of local economic development and poverty alleviation. Photo taken on June 8, 2021 shows Liu taking photos of the finished embroidery products at the display area of the embroidery workshop in Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, southwest Chian's Guizhou Province. (Xiao Wei/Guangming Picture) Speaking of the next plan, Liu Tianxin said confidently that in the future, the local people will definitely embroider a better life with the skills of their own hands. Photo taken on June 8, 2021 shows workers packing the embroidery products at an embroidery production enterprise in Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, southwest Chian's Guizhou Province. (Xiao Wei/Guangming Picture) [ Editor: WXY ] BEIJING, July 8 (Xinhua) -- The China-Italy Youth Future Fashion Design Competition kicked off at Tsinghua University on Thursday, aiming to build an international innovation platform for the two countries' young people. As one of the major activities of the "China-Italy Year of Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship," the competition was held by Tsinghua University, the Polytechnic University of Milan, and the government of Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, in east China's Zhejiang Province. Tsinghua University said that the competition would promote innovation, production, and education in design and discover and cultivate cutting-edge design talent with creativity and vitality. Fu Zhiyong, the deputy director of the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub and associate professor at the School of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, said the competition welcomes Chinese and Italian young innovators under 45. It is also open to global artists, designers, teachers, students, and design lovers. With the theme of "Tech for Fashion," the competition has categories like Fashion Design, Fashion Technology, and Fashion Lifestyle. In the case of Fashion Technology, it focuses on combining arts and technologies, including applying new materials and technological innovations. Participants may register and submit an entry through the official website and sign up as individuals or teams. The entry collection is open until September 6. An expert panel will evaluate the entries for the first and second rounds. The Final Round Evaluation and the Award Ceremony will take place in the Keqiao District of Shaoxing City in October. Prize winners of the competition will qualify for a special exhibition held by the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub during the 2022 Milan Design Week. The competition aims to combine science and technology, arts, culture, and a vision for a better life to promote international cultural exchanges and cooperation, said Fu. "More importantly, we hope to gather young people's innovative powers from both countries, link them with fashion design, have more exchanges in creativity and culture, and promote innovative achievements," he added. Enditem [ Editor: JYZ ] Photo taken on June 1, 2021 shows vials of Sinopharm vaccines in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua) BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Two Chinese pharmaceutical companies will provide 110 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines immediately to participants of the COVAX project, announced the global Vaccine Alliance Gavi on Monday. The Chinese Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines have been approved earlier this year by the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use. China is the world's largest vaccine supplier, having supplied more than 480 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to the international community, provided vaccine assistance to nearly 100 countries, and exported vaccines to more than 50 countries. With Chinese vaccines being administered worldwide, they have been found, according to multiple studies, highly effective in preventing infection, hospitalization, severe illness and death from the virus. Here are some figures &facts: Health workers transport a COVID-19 patient at San Jose Hospital in Santiago, Chile, May 15, 2020. (Photo by Jorge Villegas/Xinhua) SANTIAGO -- China's CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine effectively prevented COVID-19 in Chile, with the adjusted vaccine effectiveness reaching 90.3 percent for the prevention of severe disease, according to a study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine. A nationwide mass vaccination campaign was conducted from Feb. 2 to May 1, and a cohort including approximately 10.2 million people aged 16 years and above was used, according to the study titled Effectiveness of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Chile published. Among those who were fully immunized, the adjusted vaccine effectiveness was 65.9 percent for the prevention of COVID-19, 87.5 percent for the prevention of hospitalization, and 86.3 percent for the prevention of COVID-19-related death, the results of the study showed. The CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, is an inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech. CoronaVac uses an inactivated whole virus, compelling a recipient's immune system to attack the harmless form of the virus by producing antibodies to fight it off, thus leading to immunity. A medical worker receives a dose of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the Sabiha Uzun Maternal Child Health Center in Ankara, Turkey on Jan. 15, 2021. (Photo by Mustafa Kaya/Xinhua) LONDON -- Interim analysis of Phase 3 clinical trial of the CoronaVac vaccine in more than 10,000 participants in Turkey suggests the efficacy of two doses of the vaccine is 83.5 percent against symptomatic cases of COVID-19, according to a study published in The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. The randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in Turkey using the CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine, developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech. The trial involved over 10,000 participants aged 18 to 59 years. They were randomly assigned to receive two doses of the vaccine (given 14 days apart) or a placebo. The preliminary findings indicated that CoronaVac induced a robust antibody response, and no severe adverse events or deaths were reported among the participants. Most adverse events were mild and occurred within seven days of an injection, according to the study. However, more research is needed to confirm vaccine efficacy in the long term, in a more diverse group of participants, and against emerging variants of concern, said the study. CoronaVac uses an inactivated whole virus, compelling a recipient's immune system to attack the harmless form of the virus by producing antibodies to fight it off, leading to immunity. The vaccine can be stored and transported at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius and has been in Phase 3 trials since mid-2020 in Brazil, Indonesia, Chile, and Turkey, according to The Lancet. "One of the advantages of CoronaVac is that it does not need to be frozen, making it easier to transport and distribute. This could be particularly important for global distribution, as some countries may struggle to store large amounts of vaccine at very low temperatures," said Murat Akova, lead author of the study and a professor at Hacettepe University School of Medicine in Ankara. A woman receives a jab of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Montevideo, Uruguay, March 1, 2021. (Photo by Nicolas Celaya/Xinhua) MONTEVIDEO -- The COVID-19 mortality rate among Uruguayans aged 18 to 69 who were vaccinated with Sinovac vaccine fell by more than 95 percent, according to the latest Vaccine Effectiveness report from the Public Health Ministry. Two weeks after receiving the second dose of the CoronaVac vaccine, developed by Chinese drugmaker Sinovac, mortality fell by 95.3 percent among the vaccinated population aged 18 to 49, and by 95.2 percent among those aged 50 to 69, showed the report. Meanwhile, CoronaVac reduced hospitalization in intensive care units by 94.4 percent among those under the age of 49 and by 92.2 percent among people aged 50 to 69. In addition, COVID-19 infections dropped 64.5 percent 14 days after receiving the second dose in people aged 18 to 49, and 61.5 percent in people between the ages of 50 and 69, the report said. The ministry study monitors the "vaccine effectiveness and safety for SARS-CoV-2" by an interdisciplinary team. A nurse prepares a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac in Bangkok, Thailand, May 12, 2021. (Xinhua/Rachen Sageamsak) BANGKOK -- A new vaccination study conducted by Thailand's Chulalongkorn University has found that China's Sinovac vaccine has extremely high efficacy in boosting immune responses against COVID-19, according to media reports. The study run by the Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology of the Faculty of Medicine at the university showed that 99.49 percent of the recipients had developed antibody responses four weeks after their second shots, the Bangkok Post said, quoting the study results. Three weeks after the first shot, around 66 percent of the recipients had developed immune responses, the report added. The number of antibodies against the coronavirus was measured with Roche Elecsys Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay, a qualitative detection of total antibodies developed against the virus in people's blood samples before and after the vaccination period, said the research group. The tests were conducted before injections, three weeks after the first shot and four weeks after the second injection. A health worker (L) receives a dose of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine during mass vaccination program for health workers as a main priority group in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb. 4, 2021. (Xinhua/Agung Kuncahya B.) JAKARTA -- China's Sinovac vaccine against COVID-19 has appeared to be highly efficacious, as an overwhelming majority of vaccinated health workers were found protected from death and hospitalization, according to a Bloomberg report. Pandji Dhewantara, an official of the country's health ministry, told a press conference that among the 128,290 health workers vaccinated with Sinovac vaccines and tracked from January to March, 98 percent of them were protected from death and 96 percent from hospitalization as soon as seven days after the second dose. Dhewantara also said that 94 percent of the workers had been protected against symptomatic infection. The Indonesian study compared vaccinated people against the non-vaccinated to derive the estimated effectiveness, said the report. The median age of the participants is 31 years old. In an interview with Bloomberg, Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that another group of 25,374 people tracked showed the same effectiveness data for hospitalization and infection with the aforementioned group. Protection against death was 100 percent in the smaller group. "We see a very, very drastic drop," in hospitalizations and deaths among medical workers, Sadikin was quoted as saying. Staff members unload Chinese COVID-19 vaccines at the Ezeiza International Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 1, 2021. (Photo by Martin Zabala/Xinhua) BUENOS AIRES -- The COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinopharm is 84 percent effective in preventing death from the disease, showed a report by the Argentine Ministry of Health. The document, titled "Study of the National Vaccination Campaign's Effectiveness in Reducing Mortality from COVID-19 in People aged 60 and over," was prepared by the ministry with cases from the country's 24 provinces during the period from Jan. 1 to June 22. The study found that the Sinopharm vaccine has an efficacy of "84 percent after the application of its two doses," state news agency Telam reported. The effectiveness against COVID-19 mortality in the Sinopharm vaccine reached 61.6 percent with the application of the first dose in the 147,908 cases analyzed, and increased to 84 percent after the second dose was applied to the same number of people. In February, the country authorized the emergency use of the Sinopharm vaccine after Health Minister Carla Vizzotti signed a resolution, an official measure which highlighted the "safety, immunogenicity and efficacy" of the vaccine. In an interview with Xinhua, Argentine infectious diseases expert Martin Hojman said that the Sinopharm vaccine is "effective" and its arrival in the South American country is "excellent news." "It has two doses. It is an inactivated vaccine that has proven efficacy and no adverse effects, it is a safe vaccine," said Hojman, a member of the Argentine Society of Infectious Diseases. [ Editor: WPY ] The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) plans to begin in the near future the gradual lifting of restrictions on the purchase of foreign currency by businesses without obligations, said Deputy Head of the NBU Yuriy Heletei. "We are ready to move on towards currency liberalization. This is our absolute priority. The next important step will be to remove the requirement for businesses to buy foreign currency against obligations," he said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine. The deputy head of the National Bank noted that, in the opinion of the regulator's team, such a decision will have a greater impact on the foreign exchange market than the latest liberalization measures. "Now we are actively discussing this topic and finalizing the discussion on modality. The removal of this restriction will be gradual, but it will happen. This decision will be approved by us shortly," Heletei added. An article written by Russian President Vladimir Putin called "On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians" has been published on the Kremlin's website. The president's article was published in both Russian and Ukrainian. "I said at the recent Q&A session, responding to a question about Russian-Ukrainian relations, that Russians and Ukrainians are one people, one whole. These words are not some kind of tribute to the current situation, the current political circumstances. I have said this more than once; it's my conviction. Therefore, I believe I need to state my position in detail, share my view of the current situation," Putin said at the beginning of his article. The president said he used public documents that contain well-known facts, not some secret archives, when he worked on the article. "The leaders of today's Ukraine and their external patrons prefer not to mention these facts. But it is now accepted to condemn 'the crimes of the Soviet regime,' including in them even those events to which the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the USSR, let alone today's Russia, have no relation, on various occasions, with reason or without, including abroad," the article says. Meanwhile, the actions of the Bolsheviks to separate from Russia its historical territories are not considered a criminal act, Putin said. "It is clear why. If it weakened Russia, it suits our ill-wishers," he said. The borders between the republics were conditional in the USSR, but all these territories, and most importantly, the people who lived in them, found themselves abroad overnight in 1991, Putin said. "Everything changes. Including countries, societies. And of course, a part of a people can realize itself as a separate nation at a certain moment, in the course of its development, for a number of reasons, [due to] historical circumstances. How should one treat that? There can only be one answer: with respect!" Putin said. Speaking on the desire of the republics to create their own states, Putin recalled the words of Anatoly Sobchak. "I will mention here the evaluation given by Anatoly Sobchak, one of the most prominent political figures of the new Russia, first mayor of St. Petersburg. As a highly professional lawyer, he believed that any decision should be legitimate, and therefore, he said the following in 1992: the republics that founded the Union had to go back to the borders in which they joined the Union after they annulled the 1922 Treaty. All other territorial acquisitions are a subject for discussion, negotiation, because the foundation was annulled," he said. In other words, "leave with what you came in with," Putin said. "It's hard to argue with such logic. I will only add that, like I said, the Bolsheviks began arbitrary changes of the borders even before the creation of the Union, and all manipulations with the territories were conducted according to their own will, ignoring the opinion of the people," he said. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky says he intends to respond to the published article by Russian President Vladimir Putin "On the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians" in the future. "We will definitely analyze this article as soon as I find the time: we will read it in detail and if it is necessary for this article to find an answer, it seems to be written in Ukrainian [...] it means that we need to answer something. Well, think about it," Zelensky told reporters at the conference "Ukraine 30. Humanitarian Policy," answering a question whether Zelensky plans to somehow respond to Putin's article, released on Monday in Russian and Ukrainian on the Kremlin website. However, he said that he did not have time to read the entire article. "But some parts, the ones that I read, I saw deep work there. Indeed, the president of the Russian Federation spent a lot of time, because there is a lot of archival work. Well, I can only envy that the president of such a large state can take so much time to afford to spend on such a volume of such detailed work [...]. We are constantly talking about our meeting, and now the president of Russia does not have enough time for the meeting of the presidents of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. I just did not know what he wastes his time on, and now I see the result. But it seems to me that it is important that after all, some things, and by the way, those that he wrote about, we could discuss. And, probably, I would provide him with a lot of material, which can also be used in another article in the future," Zelensky said. The head of the Ukrainian state also commented on the thesis from Putin's article about the "fraternal people." "As for the fraternal people, I already answered: we are forgotten when we talk about the victory over fascism, about the Second World War, and how many lives were lost among Ukrainians, and we are remembered on other occasions that we are fraternal peoples. It seems to me that I just so I think that [...] it is not brotherly to do that. More like Cain and Abel, something from this story," he said. At the same time, Zelensky said "if the president of the Russian Federation has already started to write in Ukrainian [Putin's article was also published in Ukrainian], then we are doing everything right, in this direction I support this decision." President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky says that Ukraine needs guarantees of stable gas supply if the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is launched under the Baltic Sea. "For us, these are not just words energy security. We receive $2 billion for transit annually. If we are talking about Ukraine's Green Deal, where we are going is about reducing gas production and use, reducing thermal generation. Where do we get money for all this? Two billion, and part of this money we spend on infrastructure, our army, changing the energy infrastructure of Ukraine. Where to get this money?" Zelensky told journalists at the Ukraine 30. Humanitarian Policy all-Ukrainian forum on Tuesday. He said Ukraine needs "approximately 10-15 years of guarantees of a stable gas supply for the population, since the volume of Ukrainian gas production is insufficient." According to the head of the Ukrainian state, "the price of gas is also important." "We have an annual package, it is less than UAH 8 for population. What will happen if there is no transit of gas or there is an opportunity to receive gas from Europe, at what price? Who will compensate for this?" Zelensky said. The President also spoke about differences in views on the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with who he held talks earlier on Monday. "Yes, we have different views on Nord Stream, but, nevertheless, I believe that we have made a lot of arguments [...] There will be a meeting between the Chancellor and President [of the United States Joe] Biden, and there they will discuss what Nord Stream 2 brings, what it will bring to Europe and what it will bring separately to Ukraine, and how to guarantee energy security for Ukraine, and so that we do not lose from this stream if it is completed and put into operation," Zelensky said. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated the need to hold a meeting of the Normandy Four (Ukraine, Germany, France, Russia) to resolve the situation in Donbas. "The Normandy meeting should be [...] Clusters have been worked out, steps for the practical implementation of the Minsk process. The clusters were developed by the German side and approved by France. And we are, in principle, in favor. They were handed over to the Russian side, and everyone can see that the Normandy meeting is being postponed because of the position of Russia," Zelensky said during a conversation with journalists at the Ukraine 30. Humanitarian Policy all-Ukrainian forum on Tuesday. He said the Ukrainian side "is doing everything to hold the next meeting of the Normandy Four." "We did everything to ensure that Russia also fulfills all the points of the agreements in December 2019 at a meeting of the Normandy Four," Zelensky said. Pechersky District Court of Kyiv has seized assets of MP Taras Kozak (Opposition Platform - For Life faction) wanted for aiding treason and plundering the national resources. "Pechersky District Court of Kyiv, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office [PGO], decided to seize Kozak's movable and immovable property," the PGO press service told Interfax-Ukraine. As reported, MPs Viktor Medvedchuk and Taras Kozak (Opposition Platform - For Life faction) on May 11 were notified of suspicion of high treason and attempted plunder of national resources in the Russia-occupied Crimea. According to Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova, the suspicion concerns three episodes of illegal activity and cooperation with the aggressor country. According to the investigation, in 2015, Medvedchuk conspired with an official of the Russian government to extract minerals on the Black Sea shelf (the sea economic zone of Ukraine, temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation). Another episode of criminal proceedings concerns the transfer of information containing state secrets to Russian security services. The third episode of illegal activity relates to anti-Ukrainian subversive activities, in particular, devising the anti-Ukrainian Luch project. On May 12, Medvedchuk arrived at the Prosecutor General's Office, got acquainted with a copy of the suspicion presented to him and said that he did not intend to hide from the investigation, and the suspicions were politically motivated. Kozak, according to law enforcement agencies, is in the Russian Federation. At the same time, according to Medvedchuk, Kozak is staying on the territory of Belarus, where he is undergoing treatment. Kozak has been put on the wanted list, there is a court decision on his arrest to choose a preventive measure. The court chose a preventive measure for Medvedchuk in the form of house arrest. Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov announced that he had submitted a letter of resignation. "In accordance with Part 1 of Article 18 of the law of Ukraine on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, I submitted a letter of resignation from the post of Minister of Internal Affairs. Thanks to the Interior Ministry team for the years of joint work. Thanks to every officer, private and employee. I am honored!" the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said, citing Avakov on Tuesday. According to a photocopy of the document posted on the ministry's website, Avakov wrote the letter of resignation on Tuesday, July 13. As MP Yelyzaveta Yasko (Servant of the People faction) reported on Facebook, the issue of Avakov's resignation could be considered at the parliament on Wednesday or Thursday. Avakov headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine since February 27, 2014. For the first time, he was appointed to a post in the government under Arseniy Yatsenyuk (2014-2016). Later Avakov was a member of the governments under Volodymyr Groysman (2016-2019), Oleksiy Honcharuk (2019-2020) and Denys Shmyhal (2020-2021). Russia-occupation forces in Donbas on Tuesday, July 13, carried out a provocation by shelling a peaceful settlement near the contact line using weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements, the Ukrainian side of the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) reports. "On July 13, 2021, between 7:40 and 8:25, mercenaries from occupied Syhnalne carried out targeted shelling of Taramchuk settlement, Donetsk region, using artillery systems with 122 caliber. In total, the invaders fired more than 30 shells, as a result of which civilian buildings and a transformer substation were damaged, which led to the blackout of Yablyneva and Shyroka Streets," the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) press center said on Facebook. It is noted that none of the civilians were injured. Also, the Ukrainian side of the JCCC said that the enemy deliberately resorts to provocative shelling, increasing the number of violations with the use of prohibited weapons. "At the same time, the mercenaries hide behind another Kremlin narrative about 'protecting the Russian people' and, allegedly, 'firing back,' which confirms the direct connection between the actions of occupation forces and their Moscow curators and serves as yet another proof of the planned nature of provocations by pro-Russian criminals," the report says. The Ukrainian side of the JCCC stresses that the Ukrainian Armed Forces strictly adhere to the ceasefire regime. All these violations were recorded and documented by the Ukrainian side of the JCCC and transferred to the OSCE SMM and the preliminary investigation bodies of Ukraine. U.S. stands with Cuban people in call for freedom, Biden says People hold Cuba's national flag during protests against and in support of the government, amidst the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Havana, Cuba (Photo : REUTERS/Alexandre Meneghini) President Joe Biden said on Monday the United States supports the people of Cuba in their call for freedom and relief from the pandemic and economic woes, but the White House stopped short of a shift away from a Trump-era embargo of the island. Thousands of Cubans joined street protests from Havana to Santiago on Sunday in the biggest anti-government demonstrations in Communist-run Cuba in decades. They chanted "freedom" and called for President Miguel Diaz-Canel to step down. Advertisement Biden referred to the protests as "remarkable" and told reporters at the White House that the Cuban people were "demanding their freedom from an authoritarian regime." He called on Cuban leaders to allow the protests to proceed without violence. "The United States stands firmly with the people of Cuba as they assert their universal rights, and we call on the government... to refrain from violence or attempts to silence the voice of the people of Cuba," Biden said. He declined to answer questions about whether the United States would alter its policy toward Cuba, and White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki gave no indication of an immediate shift. Biden's administration has been reviewing its approach to Cuba since he took over from Republican President Donald Trump, who had closed the door to increased tourism to the Caribbean island nation opened up by Democratic President Barack Obama. "We are assessing how we can be helpful to the people of Cuba," Psaki said. The protests erupted amid both Cuba's worst economic crisis since the 1990s and a record surge in coronavirus infections. People denounced shortages of basic goods, curbs on civil liberties, and the authorities' handling of the pandemic. "The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights. Those rights, including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future, must be respected," Biden said in a statement earlier on Monday. "The United States calls on the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves." Diaz-Canel on Monday blamed U.S. sanctions, which were tightened in recent years, for problems such as medicine shortages and power outages. Psaki said U.S. policy still allowed significant amounts of aid to get through to Havana. Sidney Powell, an attorney later disavowed by the Trump campaign, participates in a news conference with U.S. President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani (not pictured) (Photo : REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/File Photo) A U.S. judge on Monday appeared likely to reprimand Sidney Powell, a former campaign lawyer for Donald Trump, and other attorneys over a lawsuit they filed in Michigan seeking to overturn Democratic President Joe Biden's election victory. U.S. District Judge Linda Parker in Detroit suggested the pro-Trump lawyers should have investigated the Republican former president's voter fraud claims more carefully before suing. Advertisement "Should an attorney be sanctioned for his or her failure to withdraw allegations the attorney came to know were untrue?," Parker said during a court hearing via video conference. "Is that sanctionable behavior?" She said she thought affidavits in the case had been submitted in "bad faith." Parker held the hearing to determine whether Powell, Lin Wood and other pro-Trump lawyers should be disciplined for a lawsuit they filed last November that made baseless claims of widespread voter fraud in the U.S. presidential election in Michigan. They are not the only lawyers allied with Trump to land in hot water for supporting his false claims that his election defeat was the result of fraud. New York state and Washington, D.C., in recent weeks suspended former New York City Mayor and Trump confidant Rudy Giuliani's law license after finding he lied in supporting Trump's claims. Parker dismissed the Michigan lawsuit last December, saying in a written decision that Powell's voter fraud claims were "nothing but speculation and conjecture" and that, in any event, the Texas lawyer waited too long to file her lawsuit. 'REALLY FANTASTICAL' Parker did not rule during the hearing on whether she would impose judicial sanctions on Powell, of Dallas, and her co-counsel, or refer them to a regulatory body for disbarment proceedings. She said she would issue a written ruling "in due course." But she spent a large portion of the hearing grilling Powell and the other attorneys on whether they vetted affidavits claiming voter fraud in Michigan before filing them in federal court. "I don't think I've ever seen an affidavit that makes so many leaps. This is really fantastical," Parker said. "So my question to counsel here is: How could any of you as officers of the court present this affidavit?" Powell asserted the hundreds of pages of affidavits showed they had conducted due diligence, and that the only way to test them would have been at trial or a hearing on evidence they have gathered. Her co-counsel repeatedly called for such an evidentiary hearing. Starting in January, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and other government lawyers asked the judge to discipline the pro-Trump lawyers, saying they had filed a frivolous lawsuit full of typos and factual errors and should be held accountable. "What they filed was an embarrassment to the legal profession," David Fink, a lawyer for the city of Detroit, said during Monday's hearing. "This was a sloppy and careless effort." Powell represented Trump's campaign when he tried to overturn last Nov. 3's presidential election in the courts. His campaign distanced itself from Powell after she claimed without evidence at a Nov. 19 news conference that electronic voting systems had switched millions of ballots to Biden. On Nov. 25, a team of lawyers led by Powell filed a lawsuit on behalf of Michigan Republicans alleging rampant voter fraud. They also sought to have Trump named the winner of the Midwestern state's election, giving him Michigan's votes in the U.S. Electoral College, which formally elects the winner of presidential races. During the hearing, Parker asked Powell and her co-counsel why they did not voluntarily dismiss their Michigan case on Dec. 14 when the Electoral College confirmed Biden's victory. "Why did the plaintiffs not recognize this lawsuit as moot and dismiss it on that date?," Parker asked. Donald Campbell, a Michigan attorney representing Powell and the other lawyers, replied that the election was "fluid" and unpredictable and that the pro-Trump legal team believed its lawsuit was still viable after Dec. 14. A sign warns of extreme heat in Death Valley, California, U.S., (Photo : REUTERS/Bridget Bennett/File Photo) A punishing heat wave was again forecast to bring near-record high temperatures to many parts of the U.S. West on Monday, as a wildfire raged out of control in drought-stricken Oregon. The forecast comes a day after Death Valley, California, hit a scorching 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54 Celsius), one of the highest temperatures ever recorded on Earth. Advertisement But the National Weather Service said the intense heat had likely peaked across much of the region, ahead of more seasonable temperatures later this week. In Oregon, the so-called Bootleg Fire had burned through more than 153,000 acres (nearly 240 square miles) as of Monday morning, mostly in the Fremont-Winema National Forest. Hundreds of residents in the Klamath Falls area, in south-central Oregon, were under mandatory evacuation orders, and the Klamath County Sheriff's Department began issuing citations to enforce them and will consider the unusual step of making arrests if necessary, county officials said. The agency that manages California's power grid, the California Independent System Operator, issued a "flex alert" urging residents to conserve power between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. local time on Monday, after the Bootleg Fire in Oregon disrupted electric transmission lines. Other states have also confronted fires as temperatures soared in many areas. Along California's border with Nevada, the Beckwourth Complex Fire had grown to around 89,600 acres (140 square miles) as of Monday morning, with about 23% containment, according to the state's fire incident reporting system. In Arizona, federal authorities on Monday were investigating the crash of a small plane that went down while surveying a wildfire in the northwestern part of the state, killing both crew members. Authorities said the Beechcraft King Air C-90 aircraft was part of the initial effort to contain the Cedar Basin Fire when it crashed at about noon on July 10 near Wikieup, approximately 139 miles northwest of Phoenix. The fire has burned 734 acres and is 75 percent contained as of Monday morning, fire officials said. The crew members were identified as Jeff Piechura, 62, a retired Tucson fire chief, and Matthew Miller, 48, a pilot with Falcon Executive Aviation Inc. The Department of Interior Office of Aviation Services, in conjunction with the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration, are investigating the accident. SpaceX founder and Tesla CEO Elon Musk looks on as he visits the construction site of Tesla's gigafactory in Gruenheide, near Berlin, Germany, (Photo : REUTERS/Michele Tantussi/File Photo) Elon Musk insisted in court on Monday he does not control Tesla Inc and said he did not enjoy being the electric vehicle company's chief executive as he took the stand to defend the company's 2016 acquisition of SolarCity. The lawsuit by union pension funds and asset managers alleges the celebrity CEO strong-armed Tesla's board into wasting the company's assets to buy SolarCity, which was running out of cash. Musk at the time owned a 22% stake in both Tesla and SolarCity, which was founded by his cousins. Advertisement Musk said in his testimony Monday that he's tried "very hard not to be the CEO of Tesla, but I have to or frankly Tesla is going to die." The shareholders' lawsuit accuses Musk of dominating deal discussions, pushing Tesla to pay more for SolarCity and misleading shareholders about the deteriorating financial health of the solar panel maker. Kicking off a two-week trial in Wilmington, Delaware, Musk, wearing a dark suit, white shirt and a slightly askew dark tie, refused to agree he controlled board members and disagreed that recordings of interviews depicted him as a boss with unlimited power. Shareholder attorney Randall Baron asked if the board vetted his two "master plans" for Tesla or his Technoking title, which he gave himself in March. "It generated a whole bunch of free press and Tesla doesn't advertise and it's helpful to general sales," he said of the unusual title, calling it a joke. "I think I'm funny." Tesla's master plans outline the company's long-term goal to create affordable vehicles with sustainable power sources. Central to the case are claims that Musk was a controlling shareholder of Tesla. If he was, it would impose a tougher legal standard and increase the likelihood the deal was unfair to shareholders. Shareholders have asked the court to order Musk, one of world's richest people, to repay to Tesla what it spent on the deal. Musk often declined to give the simple yes or no responses sought by Baron. Most of the questioning focused on the Tesla board's control over Musk. Musk was initially questioned for about an hour by his attorney, Evan Chesler, who asked him to describe his relationship with the board of directors. Musk said: "I'd say good. They work hard and are competent. They provide good advice and are rigorous in acting on behalf of shareholders." Legal experts said the judge will be looking for evidence that Musk threatened board members or that directors felt they could not stand up to him. Board members and others involved in the 2016 deal will testify beginning as soon as Tuesday. Baron warned Musk at the start of questioning that "we plan to spend a lot of time with you. It's going to be a grind." Musk grimaced, poked at the six-inch thick binder exhibit and replied "I can tell by the binder." Tesla's directors settled allegations from the same lawsuit last year for $60 million, paid by insurance, without admitting fault. U.S. President Joe Biden walks from Marine One as he returns from Wilmington, Delaware, to the White House in Washington, U.S. (Photo : REUTERS/Joshua Roberts) President Joe Biden will call efforts to strip the right to vote from some Americans "authoritarian" in a speech on Tuesday, the White House said on Monday. Biden "will lay out the moral case for why denying the right to vote is a form of suppression and a form of silencing," and discuss steps the administration plans to take to shore up voting rights, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said. Advertisement Biden's speech in Philadelphia will address the ongoing "onslaught of voter suppression laws based on a dangerous and discredited conspiracy theory that culminated in an assault on our capitol," she said. Republican governors of Arizona, Florida and Iowa have signed new voting restrictions this year, while state legislatures in Pennsylvania and Texas are trying to advance similar measures that the Biden administration and Democrats say target minority voters. Biden will also "decry efforts to strip the right to vote as authoritarian and anti-American," Psaki said, adding that the president plans to make the case for passing laws in Congress and building a voter education system to fight "the worst challenge to our democracy since the Civil War." The TikTok logo is pictured outside the company's U.S. head office in Culver City, California, (Photo : REUTERS/Mike Blake) Popular short-video app TikTok told its employees on Monday that some will be offered the option to work remotely for up to two days a week after they return to office, according to an internal message seen by Reuters. TikTok will also give employees the choice to work remotely from a domestic location based on manager approval, according to the message. This policy applies to full-time employees and interns in the United States, the UK and Ireland, with other markets to follow. Advertisement The company is currently working fully remote and is yet to set a return-to-office date. TikTok hired "thousands of colleagues" during the pandemic, according to the message. "There is no substitute for in-person collaboration, and we're excited to eventually re-open our U.S. offices. But it's clear that many of us have adjusted well to working from home, and value the flexibility and balance," one of the messages said. TikTok operates in countries including the United States, U.K, France, Germany, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan. The United States is one of TikTok's biggest markets, with major hubs in Mountain View, California, Los Angeles, New York and Austin, Texas. The vast majority of employers believe their employees do not want to return to in-person work as offices reopen amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and most are planning to implement a hybrid model allowing remote work some of the kind, according to a survey that Reuters reported in May. Apple Inc, Google and Amazon have made similar announcements on moving to a hybrid work week this year. TikTok is owned by Chinese tech giant ByteDance and has sought to distance itself from Beijing after the United States raised national security concerns over the safety of the personal data it handles. The logo of the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies is pictured next to a statue on top of a building in Copenhagen, Denmark, (Photo : REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay/File Photo) Chinese telecommunications company Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and U.S. group Verizon Communications agreed to settle a pair of lawsuits alleging patent infringement, the companies both said on Monday. The confidential settlement came days into a trial that opened in one of the two lawsuits last week. Huawei and Verizon filed joint motions to dismiss both cases and Verizon's counterclaims late on Sunday in two U.S. courts in Texas. Advertisement In February 2020, Huawei sued Verizon alleging the company used a dozen Huawei patents without authorization in areas such as computer networking, download security, and video communications, seeking an unspecified amount of compensation and royalty payments. Verizon said it was "happy with the settlement reached with Huawei involving patent lawsuits. While terms of the settlement are not being disclosed, our team did an outstanding job bringing this protracted matter to a close." Huawei said in a statement it was "pleased that Verizon and Huawei reached an agreement that ends the companies' patent litigation. The terms of the agreement are confidential." The company noted it "holds more than 100,000 active patents worldwide, including about 10,000 U.S. patents." Verizon had last year had filed counterclaims against Huawei, claiming the Chinese company violated Verizon patents. Huawei said in 2020 it was "simply asking that Verizon respect Huawei's investment in research and development by either paying for the use of our patents, or refraining from using them." Huawei has been a flashpoint in the U.S.-China relationship for several years. The United States placed the company on an economic blacklist in 2019 over what it said were national security concerns. In June 2019, Reuters reported that Huawei told Verizon it should pay licensing fees for use of more than 230 Huawei patents and was seeking more than $1 billion. Representations of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency are seen in this illustration picture taken (Photo : REUTERS/Edgar Su/Illustration/File Photo) Trading volumes at major cryptocurrency exchanges fell by more than 40% in June, research showed on Monday, with a regulatory crackdown in China and lower volatility among the factors depressing activity. Spot trading volumes fell 42.7% to $2.7 trillion, with derivative volumes down 40.7% to $3.2 trillion, London-based researcher CryptoCompare's data showed. Advertisement "Headwinds continued as China persisted with its crackdown on bitcoin mining," CryptoCompare said. "As a result of both lower prices and volatility, spot volumes decreased." Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, fell more than 6% last month, touching its lowest since January, as authorities in China tightened restrictions launched a month earlier on bitcoin trading and mining. It had tumbled 35% in May, with its losses sparked by Beijing's moves to rein in the fast-growing sector. Crypto trading volumes tend to spike during periods of extreme price swings. Major cryptocurrency exchange Binance, which has faced scrutiny from regulators across the world, retained its position as biggest platform by spot trading volume, CryptoCompare said. Still, volumes at Binance fell 56% in June to $668 billion. An employee demonstrates a sample of crude oil in the Yarakta Oil Field, owned by Irkutsk Oil Company (INK), in Irkutsk Region, Russia in this picture illustration taken (Photo : REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko/Illustration/File Photo) Oil slumped on Monday over concerns about spreading COVID-19 variants derailing the global economic recovery that has brought fuel demand to near pre-pandemic levels, while tight crude supplies kept prices from falling lower. Brent crude for September settled at $75.16 a barrel, losing 39 cents, or 0.5%. U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude for August settled at $74.10 a barrel, down 46 cents, or 0.6%. Advertisement Both benchmarks shed about 1% last week, stalling out a rally that had brought both U.S. crude and Brent to levels not seen since October 2018. Tokyo reimposed pandemic-related restrictions due to concerns over coronavirus infections, less than two weeks before the city hosts the Summer Olympic Games. "It has raised hackles in the market about demand recovery again," said John Kilduff, a partner at Again Capital in New York. "Asia is obviously essential. It's a swing demand center, and this is a huge setback." The spread of new variants and unequal access to vaccines threaten the global economic recovery, finance chiefs of the G20 large economies said over the weekend. The remarks weighed on the oil demand outlook. "Traders are now refocusing on the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and global concerns over the new variants' expansion," Rystad Energy analyst Louise Dickson said. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and their allies, a group known as OPEC+, abandoned talks last week that would have raised output, after a dispute between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates about how to extend the pact. Analysts say the collapse of talks raises the longer term prospect of producers abandoning the deal and pumping at will. That concern fed trader fears last week, leading to a bout of selling that has not quite abated. "The longer the standoff ... the greater the possibility of some sustained price weakness," said Jim Ritterbusch of Ritterbusch and Associates in Houston. "For now, we still anticipate some movement this week with an OPEC+ plan to disregard 2022 production quotas while focusing on the coming six months in which the UAE demands for less production restraint may be accommodated." Helping to limit oil price losses, stockpiles in the biggest crude producing nation continued to tighten, with U.S. inventories falling to the lowest since February 2020 in the week to July 2. [EIA/S] Egypts Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said on Monday that the European Union may take measures that affirm its dissatisfaction with Ethiopias practices and unilateral moves with regards to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) issue. Shoukry made the remarks after he met on Monday with EU officials in Brussels, as well as President of the European Council Charles Michel, Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg and other diplomats. Shoukrys visit comes only few days after the UN Security Council held a meeting to discuss the GERD issue. The UNSC session was requested by Egypt and Sudan, both of whom seek a binding agreement with Ethiopia over the filling and operation of the mega dam, a step Ethiopia has resisted. The dispute over the dam escalated after Ethiopia announced early in July that it was commencing with the second stage of filling the dams reservoir, despite the two downstream countries rejection of the step without a binding agreement. In a phone call to Sada El-Balad, Shoukry said he has urged the EU to understand the existential nature of the GERD issue for Egypt and to work on convincing the Ethiopian side of the necessity to show flexibility. The top Egyptian diplomat said the international community should live up to its responsibilities and send clear messages to the Ethiopian side of the necessity of changing its current approach. Shoukry said that an EU statement last week criticising Ethiopia for commencing the second filling of the GERD unilaterally displayed much appreciation for the Egyptian-Sudanese stance. The European Union, as an observer to the GERD negotiations, is ready to intensify cooperation to help resolve the current stalemate, Shoukry said. The minister also noted that the European Council has the desire to use its available capabilities to support the negotiation path. There is a willingness for the EUs role in the GERD talks to be transformed from an observer to a mediator, but this will require a decision by the African Union in consultation with the concerned parties, Shoukry noted. It was a good opportunity, during the meeting with the ministers and the meetings with EU commissioners, to emphasise the justice of the Egyptian stance and the interest of every Egyptian citizen in this issue, Shoukry said. The minister also noted that he stressed during the meetings that the GERD issue is a central one that must be resolved in order to avoid any kind of escalation or tension. When asked about the possible future measures that can be taken by Egypt, Shoukry said the country would take the proper measures at the proper time. The FM stressed that all Egyptian institutions coordinate and take appropriate measures at the proper time, affirming that Egypts policies are always characterised by responsibility and balance. Shoukry said the state is keen to achieve stability and security and defend the interests of the Egyptian people. Short link: Egypt has set Thursday 15 July as the deadline for Egyptians stranded in the UAE to register their data with the Ministry of Emigration and Expatriates Affairs to return home via the Emirati airlines. Over 1,900 Egyptian workers who were enroute to Saudi Arabia via the United Arab Emirates found themselves stranded in the UAE as the kingdom suspended the entry of non-citizens travelling from Ethiopia, the UAE, Vietnam, and Afghanistan over coronavirus concerns. The Saudi decision went into effect on 4 July, with no date set for lifting the restrictions, according to the Saudi official press agency. Minister of Emigration and Expatriates Affairs Nabila Makram said on Monday that Fly Dubai had set July 15 as the deadline for receiving requests from Egyptians stranded in the UAE due to their inability to continue their trip to Saudi Arabia because of new travel restrictions issued by the Saudi authorities. She added that cooperation is underway with the ministries of tourism and civil aviation, Dubais government, and the three airlines to sort out the problem, commending the commitment of about 38 travel companies to facilitate the return of stranded citizens and relieving them of additional financial burden. Stranded Egyptians who traveled via UAE airlines should register their trip details, especially the number of their tickets and the name of the airliner on the ministry's link. Short link: Related 64 dead in catastrophic hospital fire in Iraq Egypt extended its condolences to Iraqi's government and people over a fire that erupted at the Imam Hussein Hospital in Dhi Qar province. The flames erupted at the Imam Hussein Hospital, an isolation hospital for coronavirus patients, on Monday night, leaving 64 people dead and over a 100 wounded. In a statement Tuesday, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry extended condolences to the victims' families, wishing the injured people a speedy recovery. Short link: The Ever Given container ship that had blocked the Suez Canal in March left Egyptian waters at 4 a.m. local time following inspections at Port Said, a canal source said on Tuesday. Ship tracker MarineTraffic showed the Ever Given to be underway in the Mediterranean Sea north of the Egyptian coast. The ship were idle in the Egyptian waters for nearly four months before a compensation deal reached with the Egyptian Suez Canal Authority (SCA) on Wednesday. The 400-metre ship, which was refloated on 29 March by a fleet of Egyptian tugboats and diggers, was caught in a legal dispute linked to an initial $916 million compensation claim against the ships Japanese owner. The SCA had demanded $916 million in compensation to cover salvage efforts, reputational damage, and lost revenue before publicly lowering the request to $550 million. During the signing ceremony of the deal on Wednesday, Khalid Abu-Bakr, the SCAs lawyer, said that the canal authority was committed to keeping the terms of the agreement confidential. Short link: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his Belgian counterpart Sophie Wilmes discussed on Tuesday ways of promoting bilateral cooperation in various fields, foremost of which are combating antiquities smuggling and restoring tourism coming from Belgium. Shoukry, who is on an official visit to Brussels, commended the interest of Belgian companies in participating in Egyptian development plans, particularly infrastructure and renewable energy projects. Minister Shoukry reviewed, during the meeting, the continued national efforts aiming to reinforce human rights conditions and the country's success in combating illegal immigration, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Hafez said. Egypt is hosting nearly 6 million immigrants and refugees, according to Hafez. Both ministers also tackled a number of regional and international issues of mutual concern, including the developments in the Palestinian cause and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam dispute. Short link: In a meeting on Tuesday, Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell tackled the latest developments in several issues of mutual concerns, including the Palestinian cause and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) dispute. Shoukry and Borrell exchanged points of view regarding means of pushing forward peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis, as well as efforts to reconstruct Gaza and support the Palestinian economy. Egypt mediated a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian factions in May, ending 11 days of military operations in the Gaza Strip that caused devastation in the enclave. Egypt has also allocated $500 million for reconstruction in Gaza. Cairo seeks to revive the long-frozen peace talks to end the decades-old conflict by reaching a two-state solution and establishing a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital based on 1967 borders. As for the GERD dispute, Egypt seeks to reach a binding deal over the filling and operation of the dam built by Ethiopia on the Blue Nile, a crucial source of water for Egyptians. Throughout the decade-long negotiations, Ethiopia which says the project is important for its development goals has evaded a legally binding deal and only sought guidelines that could be modified at any time at its discretion. Tuesday's meeting also dealt with the situation in Libya and efforts aimed at combating illegal immigration, said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Hafez. During the meeting, Shoukry presented the Egyptian vision for solving these regional issues and restoring stability in order to achieve prosperity in the region, according to Hafez. Both officials emphasized the importance of pursuing all aspects of cooperation to promote the "strategic" relations between Egypt and the EU in light of the shared challenges at the regional and international levels. Minister Shoukry, who arrived in Brussels on Sunday on an official visit, has met with several officials over the past two days. Short link: Egypts Defense Minister Mohamed Zaki signed on Tuesday a military cooperation protocol with Serbias Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic in Cairo, the Egyptian Armed Forces said. According to the Egyptian army spokesperson, Zaki and Stefanovic discussed issues of mutual concern, topped by military cooperation and exchange of expertise between the two countries' armies. Stefanovic and a delegation of Serbian military officials are currently on a visit in Egypt to attend the meetings of the Egyptian-Serbian military cooperation committee in Cairo. During Tuesdays meeting, the Egyptian defense minister lauded the deeply-rooted relations with Serbia in the military field. For his part, the Serbian minister lauded the pivotal role played by Egypt at the regional and international levels and its efforts to maintain regional security and stability. The meeting was attended by Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces Mohamed Farid. Short link: Egypt's Health Minister Hala Zayed has thanked Slovenia for donating to Egypt 250,000 doses of Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine through COVAX, the health ministry said. Zayed met Slovenias ambassador in Cairo Mateja Prevolsek at the health ministry on Tuesday, and they discussed ways to boost medical and health cooperation between Egypt and Slovenia, the ministry said in a statement. Slovenia announced that it would donate 250,000 doses of AstraZeneca to Egypt along with 500,000 euros to the global COVAX initiative. The Slovenian government said the donation to Egypt is part of tripartite agreement between Slovenia, Egypt and AstraZeneca. Slovenian News website reported the decision was in the best interest of Slovenia because it was better to have as many people vaccinated as possible outside the country to reach higher collective immunity, especially in countries where Slovenians travel to a lot as tourists or on business, such as Egypt. According to statements by health officials, more than 3 million people have been vaccinated in Egypt. Short link: High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell has expressed concern over the situation regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), state-owned MENA news agency reported.Borrell made the comment during a meeting Tuesday with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry to discuss a range of issues in the context of the partnership between the EU and Egypt, a statement by the European External Action Service (EEAS) said.Borrell and Shoukry discussed the importance of the Nile waters for downstream countries, including Egypt.The EU high representative stressed that efforts led by the African Union (AU) to solve the GERD dispute have the support of the EU and need to be intensified to reach a solution agreeable to all parties.He also reiterated the EUs regret over Ethiopias announcement about the start of the second filling of the GERD without reaching a prior agreement with downstream partners on this issue. The top Egyptian diplomat has been in Brussels since Sunday to hand over a message from President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to the President of the European Council Charles Michel. In statements to Cairo-based Extra News on Saturday, Shoukry stated that Egypt was seeking to involve the EU in future negotiations over GERDs filling and operation policies along with the UN and the US under the auspices of the African Union. Last week the EU said "a jointly agreed clear roadmap is urgently needed for GERD, and called for setting out the timeframe and specific aims of the negotiations for talks to resume as soon as possible. It criticized at the same time Ethiopia for commencing the second filling of GERD without reaching an agreement. The EU also called upon the three parties to resume negotiations under the auspices of the African Union. Middle East Peace Process and Libya Borrell also expressed appreciation for Egypts important role in the Middle East Peace Process, particularly in reaching a ceasefire ending recent hostilities and towards the joint objective of a two-state solution. He said that the EU will work closely with Egypt and other international partners to restart the political process to bring about lasting and sustainable solutions. Borrell and Shoukry also agreed in their talks on the shared interest of Egypt and the EU in a stable and united Libya and the importance of supporting the Government of National Unity and UN efforts in making progress on the different political, security and economic tracks. This includes the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries from the country and the need to respect the roadmap for the organization of the parliamentary and presidential elections on 24 December 2021. The discussion further centered on cooperation between the EU and Egypt on immigration-related issues, including the shared objectives of preventing irregular immigration and ensuring the protection of asylum seekers and refugees as well as the promotion of legal channels of migration and mobility. Short link: Austrias Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said on Tuesday that no one should play with fire in the current stage of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) dispute. In statements to Egyptian talk show On my responsibility" on Sada El-Balad TV channel, Schallenberg said that the River Nile is a matter of existence and it is not owned by a specific country. There are international laws that regulate those issues [of trans-boundary rivers] and no country can control alone the matter, he added. Schallenberg stated that the European Union was extremely concerned over Ethiopia's unilateral actions. The top Austrian diplomat revealed that he spoke with Ethiopian officials recounting to them the Danube River and its history as an example on how to resolve the conflicts and disputes over trans-boundary rivers. He also suggested that the upstream country should send its experts to study the Danube Rivers history so they can benefit from that. The Danube River runs through ten countries, the largest number in the world, while the Nile comes second with nine countries. The Egyptian foreign minister has been in Brussels since Sunday to hand over a message from President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to President of the European Council Charles Michel. In statements to Cairo-based Extra News on Saturday, Shoukry stated that Egypt was seeking to involve the EU in future negotiations over GERDs filling and operation policies along with the UN and the US under the auspices of the African Union. Last week, the EU said "a jointly agreed clear roadmap is urgently needed for GERD, and called for setting out the timeframe and specific aims of the negotiations for talks to resume as soon as possible. It also criticized Ethiopia for commencing the second filling of GERD without reaching an agreement. The EU also called upon the three parties to resume negotiations under the auspices of the African Union. Short link: Tigrayan forces claimed Tuesday to have launched a new offensive in the conflict-torn northern region of Ethiopia, two weeks after the federal government declared a unilateral ceasefire in the face of rebel advances. A spokesman for the Tigrayan forces told AFP they had seized Alamata, the main town in southern Tigray, after launching the offensive on Monday. Getachew Reda said fighting was also taking place in western Tigray. The claims could not be independently confirmed because communications were largely down in the area, while an Ethiopian military spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The Tigray Defence Forces last month swept across large parts of Tigray and seized the regional capital Mekele after eight months of brutal conflict with federal troops. The fighting -- marked by grisly massacres and widespread sexual violence -- has killed thousands of people, while the United Nations says hundreds of thousands are on the brink of famine. Security forces and officials from the neighbouring Amhara region had moved in to both the southern and western areas of Tigray in November in support of the Ethiopian army, after Tigrayan forces cleared out during the early phase of the war. 'In hot pursuit' "We promised to liberate every square inch of Tigray," Getachew said. "Yesterday (Monday) we launched an offensive in (the southern region of) Raya and were able to absolutely rout federal defence forces and Amhara special forces divisions," he said. "We have been able to secure most of southern Tigray including Korem and Alamata (the main town in the area)". Getachew said TDF fighters were still "in hot pursuit" of pro-government fighters, adding: "We don't want to give them a chance to regroup." The offensive was launched just two days after election results showed Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had won a landslide in a June election that went ahead despite the Tigray conflict that has battered his global reputation. The TDF had described its seizure of Mekele and most of Tigray as a major victory and branded the government's unilateral ceasefire a "joke." Rebel leaders later said they accepted the ceasefire "in principle" but posed strict conditions including the withdrawal from the region of Eritrean and Amhara forces. Abiy and other officials have countered that federal forces executed a strategic pullback to focus on other threats. Abiy -- who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 for his efforts of rapprochement with neighbouring Eritrea -- sent the army into Tigray last November to oust the region's once-dominant ruling party, the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). Abiy had accused them of orchestrating attacks on Ethiopian military bases in Tigray, an important economic and industrial region in the Horn of Africa nation. Short link: Clashes erupted Tuesday between rival forces in a refugee camp in Ethiopia's war-hit Tigray region, humanitarian sources told AFP, citing witnesses. Fighting broke out in the Mai Aini camp housing Eritrean refugees between Tigrayan forces and Ethiopian soldiers and their allies in the Amharan special forces, the sources said. There was no immediate word on casualties from the clashes, which come after Tigrayan forces announced a new offensive in south and west Tigray. Short link: As Lebanon's economy tanks, foreign envoys are resorting to increasingly undiplomatic language to make clear their exasperation with politicians who demand bailout cash without delivering basic reforms in return. Donors have conditioned any financial aid to the Mediterranean country on the establishment of a new government to enact urgently needed reforms that would tackle endemic graft. But while Lebanese citizens slide further into poverty, politicians remain unable to agree on a new government line-up, nearly a year on from a deadly port explosion that forced the last one to resign. "There's great frustration with the Lebanese political class, because it's incapable of placing the common good above its personal interests," a French diplomatic source said. As political parties squabble over ministerial portfolios, the Lebanese pound has plunged, lately trading on the black market at less than a tenth of its official value. Bread has become more expensive and petrol scarce, while at home and work Lebanese swelter during increasingly long power cuts. Supplies of some drugs have run low and the cash-strapped state can barely buy enough fuel to keep the nation's power on, respectively leaving charities and private backup generators struggling to fill the gap. The French diplomatic source said the international community was ready to help Lebanon. But "sadly we can't because, opposite us, we have no one to talk to, or we do but they don't have the means -- or the willingness -- to act". The last government, painstakingly cobbled together, had barely got off the ground before the explosion at Beirut port on August 4, when hundreds of tonnes of ill-stored ammonium nitrate fertiliser ignited, killing more than 200 people. 'Help yourself' Foreign donors have over the past year pledged millions of dollars in humanitarian aid to the Lebanese people, including at two conferences organised by former colonial power France. But, said the French source, "we're not going to provide the Lebanese state with a blank cheque". A high-ranking UN official said a third donor conference this month would be the chance to sound the alarm over the "humanitarian consequences" of the political paralysis. "Lebanon -- which has a GDP higher than most poor countries -- is facing food insecurity, malnutrition and issues of access to basic services," the official said. But "humanitarian aid cannot be a sustainable solution," the official noted, adding that the international community will not "take over the state's... role". An Arab diplomat in Beirut said Lebanese decision-makers did not appear to have a plan of their own, hoping instead that the international community would help, without them "making any concession, any change" in return. "The international community has long been repeating the same thing: Help yourself so that we can help you." In Lebanon, more than half the population now lives below the official global poverty line. Beirut's diplomats have seen living conditions deteriorate first hand. "Electric power supply is down at my residence since early morning," the Japanese ambassador Takeshi Okubo tweeted Friday. Canada's envoy, Chantal Chastenay, earlier this month tweeted a photo as she edged bumper-to-bumper in a gas station queue, "waiting in line patiently like everyone". Local media then asked lawmakers and ministers how they filled their tanks. "The guys" took care of it, they said, referring to their drivers and bodyguards. 'Something rotten' In a meeting with ambassadors last week, outgoing prime minister Hassan Diab urged donors to drop their pre-condition that a government be formed ahead of releasing funds. He said money was needed now to "save" the country, and tried to blame the crisis on a foreign "siege". The French ambassador, Anne Grillo, said on Lebanese state television that the country's collapse was instead "the deliberate result of years of mismanagement and inaction" by the country's political class. The broadcast was then suddenly interrupted. Alongside her US counterpart Dorothy Shea, Grillo last week headed to Saudi Arabia, to discuss with Riyadh how to press for the creation of a Lebanese "government that is committed to and able to implement reforms". Saudi Arabia has major influence over Lebanon's Sunni politicians, while Riyadh's regional rival Iran backs powerful Shiite group Hezbollah -- a cleavage that has long complicated governance in Beirut. The two ambassadors said "concrete actions by Lebanon's leaders to address decades of mismanagement and corruption" would be crucial to unlocking donor money. Days earlier, and with the one-year anniversary of the Beirut port explosion fast approaching, the outgoing British charge d'affaires wrote a farewell note decrying "something rotten at the heart of Lebanon". "The failure so far to hold anyone accountable... is just the most dramatic example of the impunity and irresponsibility that characterises too much of Lebanese life," Martin Longden said. Short link: Iran confirmed Tuesday ongoing "negotiations" with the United States over a potential prisoner swap, after a US official said Washington is working to release its detained citizens. The US envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, said on Saturday that President Joe Biden insists on the release of all Americans and will not accept a "partial deal". Malley called the release of Americans detained in the Islamic republic a "priority" and said that negotiations with Iran have "made some progress," NBC News reported. Asked about Malley's remarks, Iran's government spokesman Ali Rabiei confirmed the talks and said Tehran calls for the release of all Iranian prisoners, not just those held in the US. Iran "is ready to swap all political prisoners in exchange for freeing all Iranian prisoners across the world," he told reporters at a televised press conference. They include those "who have been detained upon US orders" or at Washington's request, he added, saying that "the negotiations on this issue are ongoing". Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said Monday that Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had "put forth a plan to swap all Iranian and American prisoners", state news agency IRNA reported. "Biden's administration also considered this issue from the first day" in office, he added. The remarks came as Iran has engaged in talks with world powers in Vienna on reviving its 2015 nuclear deal. The agreement, which limited Iran's nuclear programme in exchange for international sanctions relief, has been on life support since former US president Donald Trump withdrew from it in 2018 and reimposed sanctions. Arrests of foreigners in Iran -- especially dual nationals who are often accused of espionage -- have increased since then. Tehran and Washington have held indirect negotiations in the Austrian capital since early April. The two countries in May denied having concluded a prisoner exchange deal, following reports that an agreement was made on the sidelines of the Vienna talks to release four prisoners from each side. Iran and the US have had no diplomatic relations since 1980, and tensions between them worsened during Trump's tenure. But they have released each others' citizens in the past, most recently in June 2020, when the US freed Iranian scientist Majid Teheri as Tehran set free US Navy veteran Michael White. The most prominent exchange between them came in 2016, months after the nuclear deal was clinched, with four Americans released in exchange for seven Iranians. Short link: Thousands of Palestinians marched through Ramallah Tuesday to bury rights activist Suha Jarrar, 31, as Israel refused to release her mother, lawmaker Khalida Jarrar, from prison for the funeral. "We are all your daughters, oh Jarrar," the crowd chanted. Khalida Jarrar, 58, has been arrested and jailed many times and often held without charge in what Israelis call administrative detention. Palestinians and human rights organisations had pressed in vain for her release for her daughter's burial. Suha Jarrar was found dead in her Ramallah home on Sunday, according to the advocacy group Al-Haq where she worked. Al-Haq director Shawan Jabarin told AFP the cause of death was not known and the family was waiting for autopsy results. A statement from the group said Suha Jarrar would remain "a role model in her strength, patience, generosity and defiance in the face of extreme injustice and adversity of Israel's prolonged military occupation and apartheid". Khalida Jarrar was sentenced to two years in prison in March 2021 for belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which Israel and the United States label a "terrorist" organisation. She had been detained without charge since 2019, and her sentence included time served. Jarrar was elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council, or parliament, as part of the PFLP, but the Israeli occupation military did not find evidence she had taken part in violent acts. On Monday, Palestinian demonstrators threw rocks and shook the yellow gates of Ofer military prison north of Jerusalem, where many Palestinians are held. Israeli occupation forces responded with tear gas. Activist Abdullah Abu Rahma told AFP he attended the protest "to express our solidarity with Khalida Jarrar", put pressure on Israel and "for our voices to reach the human rights and international institutions to stop this arbitrary arrest". At Al-Haq, Suha Jarrar specialised in environmental and gender issues, including briefing the United Nations on Palestinian access to water under Israeli occupation. She studied in Canada and earned her Master's in climate change science and policy in Britain. Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine Director for Human Rights Watch, blasted Israel's decision not to release Khalida Jarrar for her daughter's burial. "Having repeatedly detained Khalida in violation of her rights, Israeli authorities should at minimum allow her to say goodbye to her daughter," Shakir wrote in a statement. Short link: An explosion Tuesday in the Afghan capital Kabul killed four civilians and wounded five others, police said. The rush hour blast occurred "in the centre of Kabul", police spokesman Ferdaws Faramurz told reporters. Short link: France calls on all its citizens in Afghanistan to leave over security concerns: Embassy "The government will set up a special flight on the morning of July 17th, departing from Kabul, in order to allow the return to France of the entire French community," the embassy said in a statement Malta reversed plans to introduce a ban on unvaccinated travellers just hours before it was due to come into effect Wednesday, with those without coronavirus jabs able now to quarantine. "Persons who arrive to Malta from any of the countries listed... without being in possession of a vaccination certificate shall be required to submit themselves to a period of quarantine," the government said in a legal note issued late Tuesday. The length of the quarantine period was not immediately clear, although Malta had already imposed a requirement for those arriving from certain "red" countries to spend 14 days in self-isolation. The Mediterranean island nation last week said it would become the first European country to impose a ban on unvaccinated travellers after a spike in Covid-19 cases. But that announcement drew criticism from the European Commission, as it risked undermining an EU-wide travel certificate that shows whether someone is vaccinated, has recovered from coronavirus or has recently tested negative. Health minister Chris Fearne had appeared to shut the door completely on US tourists and others, saying last Friday that only a Maltese, British or European vaccination certificate would be valid for entry. However many more countries are included in the new legal notice, which comes into effect on Wednesday, including most of the United States, Japan and others. Unvaccinated Malta residents who found themselves outside the country when the rules changed can show a negative PCR test, as long as the country involved is on the approved list. Short link: The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) has announced a package of procedures that aim at easing banking operations in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak. On Sunday, the CBE instructed domestic banks to raise daily transaction limits on credit cards, besides cancelling fees and commissions applied at points of sale and on withdrawals from ATMs for six months. The CBE announced that these actions come as a part of a number of procedures the CBE has adopted to cope with the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus and its likely consequences. In a statement, the CBE said the procedures are in line with the states orientation in response to Coronavirus, to give reassurance on the stability of the Egyptian banking sector, and to support the national economy in this phase. The procedures also include keeping bank deposits locally in branches as reserves as well as urging clients to use credit and debt cards instead of cash. The CBE added that is following all updates on the domestic and global levels regarding Coronavirus, committing to take all necessary actions to preserve banking and monetary stability. Short link: By :Dr.Mohamed Sobhi El Said Othman The Vision The dream of establishing a gigantic industrial medicinal hub has been always a desire that the Egyptian state sought after for a while ago, as the Egyptian state commenced on founding & building the basis for such concept seven years ago, of a hub that is to be built on the foundations of quality and efficient management, until we have reached the time eventually for the execution of this concept, it is a decision that is consistent and parallel with too many unprecedented efforts exerted towards the different sectors for the time being at Egypt, that befits both its great heritage and people. President. Abdelfattah Al-Sisi has made the decision for establishing this venture, and the work took place in the past three years, until the first phase of the medicinal city was opened on the 1st of April 2021, a launch that was attended by Mr. President himself and other senior statesmen, imposing an unmistakable sign emphasizing the importance of this national project, that the state have sought after for long ago as in order to possess modern technological and industrial capabilities in such vital field. The city of medicine also known as (GYPTO Pharma) is a specialized hub in manufacturing various medicines and vaccines, occupying an area of a total one hundred and eighty thousand square meters in Khankah, Qalyubiyah north of Cairo, thus making it is the largest pharmaceutical hub in Egypt & MENA. The Egyptian states vision was to establish a national pharmaceutical entity that operates per the global standards towards achieving various strategic aims including: First aim: Enabling the Egyptian citizen to access safe and efficient medicine, that is compliant with different international standards & good manufacturing practices (GMP) with an affordable price. Second aim: Achieving sufficiency of supply and therefore enhancing the states strategic pharmaceutical safety, and preventing the monopolistic practices. Third aim: Establishing a regional and an international hub for the pharmaceutical industry, therefore attracting the mega pharmaceutical companies to invest further in Egypt, especially in the strategic & essential medicinal products. Fourth aim: Bolstering Egypts investments in this sector, and unlocking huge potentials as for the exports, therefore supporting the Egyptian the economy and reducing the pharmaceutical imports. Fifth aim: Keeping up with the worlds technological pace in the pharmaceutical sector, mainly in the specialized strategic & essential products. Sixth aim: Spreading the proper pharmaceutical awareness across the Egyptians, and therefore curbing the misuse of medicines. Seventh aim: Turning focus into the manufacturing of critical forms of medicines, aimed to counter such widespread chronic diseases in Egypt for ex. (Blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, kidney diseases, brain diseases, nerves, antibiotic and hormones), not to mention that GYPTO Pharma would enable Egypt as well to enroll in the field of developing and producing vaccines. Eighth aim: Allowing Egypt to foster new pharmaceutical industries, such as the raw materials, and to expand into the manufacturing of oncological drugs, as these are the two main mandates issued by Mr. President to those in charge of implementing this project since its inception. The recent pandemic crisis of COVID-19 has proven that the countries that recover from it firstly are the ones with the first and foremost scientific progress in research and manufacturing, especially in the fields of vaccines, and perhaps this confirms that the vision in establishing the medicine city was insightful and timely. The execution of the GYPTO PHARMA takes place in two phases:The first phase : Consisting of two parts, with a total size of one hundred and twenty thousand square meters:- Part 1 : Includes non-sterile medicines of a solid and non-solid forms, as well as liquid forms with a total number of ten production lines spread across thirty three thousand square meters of land. Part 2 : Includes the sterile production halls, consisting of five production lines, fully equipped with the most advanced tech in co-operation with big pharmaceutical companies in Europe, USA and South Korea, the first stage is also inclusive to a seven thousand square meters of warehouses with an overall height of fifteen meters built as per the highest standards, as well as five administrative buildings. the second phase : Occupies sixty thousand square meters, dedicated for the production of the oncological medicinal forms, hormones and antibiotics. It is projected that the medicine city would consist of a total number of one hundred and sixty production lines, producing the various pharmaceutical forms of medicine, these lines have a projected production capability of one hundred and fifty million packages annually. In addition to the fact, that a ten thousand square meters of land were designated to build an electricity supply station with a total capacity of fifty mega volt amber, meeting the citys entire demand of energy demand. The Plan & Governance The Egyptian pharmaceutical sector currently includes an overall one hundred and fifty three factories with seven hundred different production lines, marking a total number of seventeen thousand registered products, yet six thousands and three hundred of them are the ones that are actively traded in the market, this represents eighty eight percent of the Egyptian markets demand for medicine. And still twelve percent of the domestic markets drug needs are still imported since they are highly specialized and more complex, such as cancer drugs. Narrowing this gap is a strategic goal of the Egyptian state, and the existence of such gap has undoubtedly prompted the states efforts to consider establishing a city of medicine. As the objective of this gigantic city is to produce the essential, strategic and most complex medicines, the city certainly applies what is known as the good manufacturing practices (GMPs), enabling it to apply the highest quality standards while managing to provide an electronic governance system within the city, yet capitalizing on the human resource as in order to raise a professional, trained worker who is capable of functioning with and adapting with such a fully automated work environment Noting the citys facilities are equipped with the most advanced machinery and tech that could sort out any type of medical forms ( for instance tablets) that do not comply with the physical required specifications as in terms of weight, color or any other specification automatically, the machinery therefore are time efficient as it cleans itself in an automated manner, instead of the exhausting manual procedure of cleaning. We could then assume that all the pharmaceutical forms with the varying degree of importance from basic to strategic are manufactured per the highest quality standards in the city of medicine (GYPTO Pharma). There is no doubt that the citys most crucial and prominent aim is to penetrate into the industry of the raw materials manufacturing, thus taking the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt & the region to a whole new point where it was long overdue. Such desired co-operation and co-ordination between the city of medicine and the Egyptian pharmaceutical authority and the newly established unified purchase authority will always be in the interest of Egyptian citizens, as such collaboration will certainly narrow and encounter any gap of a qualitive or storage nature regarding the essential products that Egyptian drug security relies upon. Not only that, but the city aims to export twenty five percent to thirty percent of its production in a phased manner, which will enhance Egypts exports of medicine both in quantity and quality, as the pharmaceutical exports accounts to just two hundred and fifty million dollars per annum, and therefore the citys facilities are seeking to attain the European credit certificates as in order to penetrate new markets and bring more exports potential for the citys products, the upcoming days will bring positive news regarding the launch of the citys medicative products to the market, following the completion of the stability tests, as each product that is approved for release from the authority of medicine will be offered at an affordable price for Egyptians citizens. Day by day, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisis directives will be met to increase the minimum strategic stock of medicines and medical supplies to at least six months, reaching the goal of securing a two to three year stockpile, and here we could say that the health crisis that the world has witnessed in the past two years due to coronavirus pandemic has forced the countries of the world to launch and develop themselves rapidly across three directions:- First direction: The pharmaceutical industry. Second Direction: Enhancing the logistics of the health sector through the implementation of strategic warehousing projects for medicines, medical supplies and devices. Third direction: Achieving self-sufficiency of vital and essential products. And undoubtedly the medicine city project and the fruitful cooperation with the medicine authority and the unified purchasing authority are pushing the Egyptian states momentum to complete the movement on these previous axes. Moving towards export Since many years and the state has been launching projects and initiatives related to the medical & health sector in Egypt, including but not limited to the likes of the comprehensive health insurance for instance, and the following integration and application of the project on five governorates in its first phase, in addition to the Dignified Life initiative which includes the establishment of various health units, medical centers and hospitals in the Egyptian countryside to provide the highest standards of medical service to more than fifty eight million Egyptians, also the 100 millions health project, and as a continuation of these initiatives and projects, the state is currently completing another critical aspect of the project, which is the industrial aspect and one of the dazzling and promising examples is the Medicine City project, of which has been discussed in detail previously, and as we mentioned that it is projected to export thirty percent of the citys production upon completion. Then what is the trade volume of the medicine industry both internally and externally? The total trade volume of the internal market of medicine in Egypt is about hundred and twenty five billion pounds, of which ninety billions are through the private sector and thirty five billions are through government tenders. As for the export, its volume does not exceed two hundred and fifty million dollars per year, of which is undoubtedly not proportionate with the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt, and for many reasons, including: Discouraging pricing policies as the local pricing policy is the referential for the export price. The constant increase in the domestic demand for many essential drugs, and therefore constraining some of the export opportunities, especially for the essential drugs. Once again reiterating that the decision to establish the city of medicine is a great boost to the Egyptian drug market is a must here, not only to narrow the shortage gap in the list of essential drugs for the local market, but also to penetrate & unlock a wider field for exporting the citys production upon fulfilling the domestic demand needs. The value of the global pharmaceutical industry in the year 2020 reached 1.43 trillion dollars, of which about 150 billion dollars are spent on research and development in order to keep pace with the increasing global demand for medicine A quick look at the top ten drug manufacturers in the world, one could find that some of these companies have budgets nearly the size of some countries budgets and with gigantic annual business numbers. And here is a list of the top ten drug manufacturers in term of their sales in 2020: Listed Companies Country of Origin Total Revenue (USD Billions) 1 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Swiss 53 2 Pfizer Inc. USA 49.7 3 Johnson & Johnson USA 42.2 4 Merck & Co. USA 41.8 5 Novartis International AG Swiss 37.7 6 AbbVie USA 33.3 7 The Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. Japan 31.3 8 Bristol Myers Squibb USA 26.1 9 Sanofi S.A. France 25.7 10 Amgen Inc. USA 23.4 The volume of global pharmaceutical exports in 2018 amounted to about $371 billion, and these exports increase annually by an average of 5.8%. Europe accounts for about 79.7% of the value of these exports globally, followed by Asia with about 10.7%, while North America contributes about 8.1% of the value of these exports, and the exports of the rest of the world of medicine represent only small percentages such as: Latin America 0.7% Australia 0.5% Africa 0.2% Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of drugs and medicines during 2018: Listed Companies Country of Origin Total Revenue (USD Billions) 1 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Swiss 53 2 Pfizer Inc. USA 49.7 3 Johnson & Johnson USA 42.2 4 Merck & Co. USA 41.8 5 Novartis International AG Swiss 37.7 6 AbbVie USA 33.3 7 The Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. Japan 31.3 8 Bristol Myers Squibb USA 26.1 9 Sanofi S.A. France 25.7 10 Amgen Inc. USA 23.4 A great effort to open new markets, develop the current markets of Egyptian medicine and review some policies that may limit the launch of export figures to a level worthy of the Egyptian pharmaceutical industry is accordingly in orderEgypt is ranked the 50th in the list of the countries with exporting volume of 250 million dollars which is far below the ambitions of many of the drug industrys pioneers and those of Egyptian statesmen and those associated to that sector. Hence, a strong focus should be placed on the development of the size of this sector and its exports, especially with the praised endorsement of consumers and importers of Egyptian medicine in the external markets in terms of quality and effectiveness. There is no doubt that the presence of giant projects such as the city of medicine pushes towards the aforementioned and we are still waiting to start and expand the manufacturing of pharmaceutical materials in the city of medicine to boost the probabilities of Egyptian medicine in competition both internally and externally. We are confident that we will soon see a marked surge in Egyptian drug exports as well as unprecedented successes in ensuring Egyptian drug security and the availability of essential medicines for Egyptian citizens. Finally, a special tribute to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and to the Egyptian statesmen for bringing this gigantic and leading project to reality About The Author: One of the leading experts in developing and marketing of cosmoceuticals and supplements, Founder of MACRO Group Pharmaceuticals, Octipharma UAE and CIRA Pharma group Egypt All specialized in producing and promoting pharmaceuticals, cosmoceuticals and food supplements. Dr.Sobhi has contributed in the huge enrichment and development of the industry specially in the field of cosmeceuticals Currently he is moving on to the next chapter by founding CIRA Pharma group with its administrative office opened for business in Nasr city Cairo along with the CIRA factory in Badr city Cairo expected to open for business by 2021 which is being founded with the highest Quality Standards for the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals. Blog : Linkedin : Twitter : Mail :[email protected] Facebook : Instagram : Short link: In the heart of Cairos oldest market place, lies the workshop that has adorned the holy Kaba with its hand woven stitches for decades. Elegant calligraphy serma tableaus covers the entrance and walls of the small workshop. Shawqi Al-Qasabgi, reads the old sign that summarises about 100 years of hand weaving the Kiswa (Holy Kabas cover). Last Friday, the To The Workshop Initiative resumed its local tours that uncovers gems and human treasures in Egypt. Founded by specialist in intangible heritage Mostapha Kamel in 2015, the initiative aims to document and safeguard handicrafts in Egypt, as well as introducing such rich elements of intangible heritage to new generations. After being on hold for a long while due to COVID 19, the initiative restarted its activities by visiting the old workshop during the Hajj season. Al-Qasab hand weaving style I am the grandson of Othman Abdel Hamid, who was the head of Dar Al-Kiswa in Egypt (1923-1926) and we are honoured to say that for three successive years, we were the ones to hand weave it, explained Ahmed Shawqi Al-Qasabgy to Ahram Online. Being among the masters of the trade, Ahmed Al-Qasabgys family name is related to the hand weaving of Qasab string, which is a very tough string made of 22 threads. The Qasab weaving is a very famous Egyptian embroidery that has adorned the holy Shrine for centuries. With its shades of bright yellow and white, the Egyptian hand made calligraphy of Quran verses gracefully crowned the four corners of the Kiswa. The makers of Kiswa were ten of Egypts finest embroiderers. They would spend one year making it. Sitting in two groups of five opposite to each other, they used to perform ablution, then rinse their hands with rose water. They would recite the Fatha and start off using the Qasab string, which was made of silver, plated with gold. They would cover their fingers with leather to avoid pricking them with the needle, remembered Al-Qasabgy. Al-Qasab style, also known as serma, was not limited to Kiswa making. It decorated the front area of the royal Khedive and kings jackets with their golden colours. My grandfather was also in-charge of hand weaving military badges and that of the Egyptian king. We would hand weave the royal suits of the king with the crest and sashes, Al-Qasabgy explained. The Kiswa stopped being made in Egypt during the Nasser era, for political reasons. And after the assassination attempt on the late-President Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian government stopped ordering handmade military badges, added Al-Qasabgy. Since then the family business expanded the scope of the art of Qasab to include canvas, clothes, curtains, fabric for upholstery, and even wedding dresses. In this workshop we hand wove the 11 meter long wedding veil of Princess Diana, he told Ahram Online. And we also decorated the crib of Princess Alia, the military uniform of Sadat (late Egyptian president), Sudanese, Kuwaiti and Yemeni military uniforms to name but a few. Al-Qasabgy added. From Cairo to Mecca with love Kiswa has been made in Egypt for centuries. According to the book titled Kiswa of Kaba and The Arts of Hajj, by Ibrahim Helmy, the first account of Kiswa was documented in the year 159 Hejra in the book titled Akhbar Macca (Mecca News), where the author Al-Fakehi stated that the he had seen the Kiswa made of Al-Kabati fabric of Egypt. That Kiswa had been made in Egypt since the time of Prophet Mohamed until the end of the Fatimid reign. The fabric of Kiswa itself was made of pure silk, black in colour with same colour prints of religious quotes such as: Ya Hannan Ya Mannan (O you the source of kindness and that who provides for us), Subhan Allah wa behamdihi, sub7an allah al azim, Al Hafiz, Subhan Allah Al Azim (Praise Allah the great), La Ilah Ella Allah Muhamed Rasoul Allah (There is no god but Allah, and Muhammed is the Prophet of Allah) then the name god. Such quotes are scattered along the fabric, Al-Qasaby explains. The annual ceremony of sending the Kiswa to Mecca was a grand procession, with khayamia decorated camels, members of sufi orders and the Walli himself in the lead until they bid them farewell at the Bab Al-Wadaa (The Gate of Farewell). In addition, Egypt also has a long tradition of artistic hajj rituals that includes, hajj songs and hajj graffiti. All the colours of Kiswa Though black in colour for decades, the Kiswa was not always black, noted Al-Qasaby. During the Mamluk era, till the Othman era, the Kiswa was dark red, white, yellow and green. After the arrival of a new Kiswa, the old one is usually kept inside the Kaba. Saudi Arabia used to hand out pieces of the old Kiswa as royal gifts for high profile people. Even the key to the door to kaba is kept in a handmade cover. Written by Helmy The embroidery of calligraphy is no easy task. It required experienced artistic hands of calligraphers who would draw the design in Tholous Tarkeeb Arabic style, which is usually used in Kiswa embroidery, noted Al-Qasaby. Among the oldest Egyptian calligraphers of Kiswa was Abdalla beih Zohny and Hajj Refaie (around 1340 hijra) as well as Saudi calligraphers Helmy (1365 hijri) and Salem Bagnid (1430 hijri). Helmy used to sign his works with the phrase : Written By Helmy, he noted. Short link: South Koreas ambassador to Egypt endeavors to reinforce public diplomacy activities through music hoping that his efforts contribute to bringing people of Egypt and Korea together. Hong Jin-Wook announced that the Korean Embassy produced a video clip titled "Love for Egypt: Saxophone by the Korean Ambassador - 3Daqat and National Anthem of Egypt". The song comes as part of the embassys continued public diplomacy activities, the diplomat said. Ambassador Hong said that he was more than delighted to humbly share what he had practiced for the past one year since his appointment as the Korean Ambassador to Egypt in June last year to express his love for Egypt through music. The ambassador added that the popular Egyptian song 3Daqat (three beats), which was also covered by the Korean boy group B.I.G., is quite well known to the Korean people. He further said that as the old Egyptian proverb "He who understands music understands the cosmos" goes, he hopes that his efforts will contribute to bringing the two countries' peoples together so that they can better understand their beloved friends in the other side of the globe. Short link: What is the role of UNODC in combating terrorism in the Middle East and the Gulf? As the custodian of international norms and standards on crime prevention, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) works on a wide range of issues to help member states at large and particularly those in areas like the Middle East and the Gulf to improve their legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks to prevent crime. Terrorism prevention is also high on the priority list of the UNODC. We start by helping member states to develop and enhance existing legal and regulatory frameworks to comply with resolutions coming out of the UN Security Council in addition to the relevant treaties and conventions covering terrorism and its financing. Thus, we work with countries to ensure that their domestic legal system recognise the major offences of terrorism and embed all the needed legal instruments to detect, prevent, and stop terrorism at the national, regional, and international levels. The second level we work on is helping countries to establish an appropriate, and to enhance the existing, institutional framework in their main law-enforcement and criminal justice bodies such as the police, the security services, the prosecution service, and the judiciary to ensure the active and effective detection, investigation, interrogation, and prosecution of terrorism cases in their jurisdictions. The third level is building countries capacities to prevent the violent extremism and fundamentalism that leads to terrorist acts. In addition, we help countries put together methods to enhance public awareness with regards to terrorism. Helping member states to build the needed national, regional, and international partnerships to help them face the threats of terrorism is particularly important. For example, on the national level, we support the establishment of national commissions and committees including all stakeholders, starting with the government and civil society such as NGOs, because terrorism prevention is a very complex exercise that needs the collaboration of the whole of society. This is the reason why we also work with all national committees on countering terrorism in most member states, of course the Middle East and the Gulf included. In light of the expansion of the use of social media and communication platforms, how does UNODC help in limiting the use of cyberspace and communication technology in terrorist operations? A lot of efforts are being put in by UN member states, UNODC, as well as other UN entities, to prevent the use of the Internet for terrorism and crime. In doing so, there are three different categories of prevention. First, we try to help member states in building the capacities of law enforcement to be able to detect and intercept the use of the Internet in committing crime at large and terrorist acts in particular, and of course we are also lean on partnerships with our agencies and international entities such as Interpol and Europol. As the regional representative of UNODC for the Gulf, I work very closely with GCCPOL, which is the entity that deals with criminal justice and law enforcement in the GCC countries. The second category is the prevention of the use of Internet for recruitment by terrorist groups. With the technological revolution that we have seen in the whole world, and of course also in the Arab world and the GCC, terrorist groups have started targeting young people in particular and the users of social media platforms to try to inject their poisonous narratives and recruit more members to such groups. We have seen hundreds of cases in many countries, Europe included, where youth in particular have been introduced to and recruited by terrorist groups over the Internet. As a result, they have in some cases travelled to join them in areas where such groups exist like Syria, Iraq, and Libya. An important aspect of our task is working with religious institutions and establishments such as Al-Azhar in Egypt, the Bin Naif Society in Saudi Arabia, and Hedayah in the United Arab Emirates, to get the help of their scholars to counter the violent extremist narratives of the terrorist groups. Do you have any agreements with communication service providers, usually foreign companies, to help in countering terrorism? One of the main challenges that countries and the UN faces is the fact that most of the social media platforms are privately owned by global enterprises. However, when these have been approached, they have shown a full commitment and have engaged with us and UN member states to make sure that there are very strict measures that prevent the use of these social media platforms for the interest of the terrorist groups. I would like to say that when such partnerships with the private sector came into force and the coordination actually started between member states and the service-providers, this helped very much in the war against terrorism worldwide. Egypt has strategic relations and strong ties with the Gulf states. How have these been translated into joint efforts to combat terrorism and extremism? Of course, it is not only the culture and traditions and the geographic space that link the Gulf countries with Egypt, but also the aspects and perspectives of national security and the common challenge of terrorism. Most of the coordination and cooperation we are doing with the Gulf countries is with the full participation of Egypt in the areas of countering terrorism, countering violent extremism, and more importantly in countering the financing of terrorism, because the financing of terrorism is actually the root cause for the existence of these groups. There is a lot of cooperation between the Gulf countries and Egypt to share information, intelligence, and practices and experience in the area of countering terrorism and countering the financing of terrorism that is a challenge that is threatening the entire region. Many Western countries are looking forward to working closely with such partnerships between the Gulf countries and Egypt, in order to benefit from the ability of the Gulf countries and Egypt and other Arab countries to use Muslim scholars to offer a moderate religious discourse to counter the narrative extremist groups may use to recruit new members. Moreover, there are a lot of linkages and financial ties between the Gulf, Egypt, and Europe and the US, and that is why they seek to benefit from such solid partnership between the Gulf countries and Egypt in countering the financing of terrorism and working on the detection, interception, and prevention of money laundering and the illicit financial flows that are feeding terrorism not only in the region but also beyond. One of the main manifestations of such partnership is the cooperation among the Gulf countries, Egypt, Morocco, Iraq, and Jordan to implement UN Security Council resolutions related to terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Islamic State group to detect and intercept the financing of such entities and individuals. The Gulf countries work very closely with Egypt and a number of Arab countries to ensure that they have a very advanced, progressive, yet harmonised, listing system that detects and dismantles such terrorist groups and dries out the financial means of financing them. This has been very rewarding not only for the region, but also at the global and international levels as well, because it has revealed the involvement of certain entities and individuals in terrorist acts and in supporting terrorist groups, and it has helped in intercepting and drying up their financing sources. In the light of the current tensions in the region, to what extent are you given powers to limit and investigate crimes related to terrorism, the Internet, and social media? UNODC does not interfere directly with any ongoing investigations or interrogations, but rather puts countries in the best position to conduct the most effective investigations, detection, information, and evidence-gathering leading to interrogation and prosecutions. This takes place through helping them to develop and build capacities for law enforcement and to provide them with the best evidence-gathering techniques, like, for example, techniques to deal with cyber-crime, especially in relation to organised crime and terrorism. We also help in building regional and international platforms for the coordination of criminal cases on organised crime and terrorism. For example, in the Gulf and through our work with the GCC Secretariat, we have been able to support the establishment of the GCCPOL, which is a platform that gathers law-enforcement and security agencies from all six Gulf countries to work on harmonising criminal intelligence. It also cooperates with its peers from international and regional platforms such as Interpol and Europol to make sure that global efforts on investigating, interrogating, and prosecuting such cases are done in coordination to achieve such objectives. We are also working equally actively with global counter-terrorism and counter-organised crime programnes led by our headquarters in Vienna, while maintaining a fully collaborative partnership with our regional programme for the Arab states led by our regional office in Cairo. Of the main challenges, one of the first is the nature of organised crime and terrorism. First, these have a changing nature, as they differ from one country to another depending on the goals of the criminals or terrorist groups. So, this crime is transnational, as it crosses the borders of the countries concerned and benefits from its existence in several countries to facilitate and implement criminal acts in other targeted countries. That is why during intelligence-gathering and the detection and investigation of such crimes, the law-enforcement or the security agency of one country never has the full picture and the full information, because the information is scattered between several countries and several territories. Gathering this information requires a lot of coordination between law-enforcement and criminal-justice entities in other countries, and that is exactly the role of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in enhancing and triggering international cooperation in investigating and prosecuting organised crime and terrorism. There are many facets of terrorism. Is the role of the United Nations limited to combating religious terrorism? Terrorism is an act of terror that is committed for religious, political, or criminal reasons by a group of any origin that is seeking to terrify people or governments in order to achieve a certain objective. It does not have to be for religious reasons, as some people might think. For example, we see in some parts of Latin America and the Caribbean drug cartels and drug lords using terrorist acts against the government and peoples of the nations concerned in order to be able to pursue the illegal cultivation, production, and illicit trade in drugs. We have seen also that in other parts of the world certain extremists belonging to religious sects target people of different ethnicities to cleanse the society, as they claim. It is unfortunate that in the last few decades there have been a lot of terrorist acts committed by terrorist groups hailing from a certain religious group, as it is more rewarding for them to hide under the cloak of religion. But, of course, we do understand that terrorism is much wider than any particular religion or belief, and that it includes, for example, the hate speech that might trigger a terrorist act. Does the United Nations work to combat the ideology that leads to terrorism and human trafficking, or is it satisfied with military and financial solutions only? Most of our work does not only aim at combating terrorism or preventing it but is primarily concerned with enhancing the ability of member states to counter violent extremism and the violent thoughts that lead to terrorist acts in the long run. We work on preventing terrorism by helping governments and presenting members of society, particularly the youth, with a well-balanced religious discourse that will attract them back to society and to a healthy mental state that denounces violent extremism. In so doing, we take full advantage of the many entities and bodies in the Gulf countries, but also in the rest of the Arab region and Egypt, that work in this vein. For example, in the Emirates we have the Hedayah International Centre that works with the rest of the world on developing a counter-narrative to the fundamentalism and extremism that leads to terrorism. We work in Saudi Arabia with the Prince Mohamed bin Naif Centre that works on the rehabilitation of prisoners and terrorists. Al-Azhar in Egypt is playing a prominent role in developing the counter-narrative of what is called moderate Islam that explains to the Arab nations and the West that Islam is a religion that calls for peace and the security of all members of society and the rest of the world. What are the types of crimes that are classified as human trafficking? What are the difficulties you face in eliminating these forms of crimes? Human trafficking or trafficking in persons is one of the main types of organised crime, and the extent to which it can be harmful not only to countries but also to society and its members has many manifestations. The most famous, which some people may mistakenly believe is the only side of human trafficking, is the exploitation of prostitution in different countries. However, human trafficking also involves the exploitation of human beings in any sort of work that is aimed at bringing a financial return or a financial benefit to an organised crime group. For example, we have forced labour, and exploitation at work, particularly in construction or farming, as we can see in some Western countries and in the Arab region, as well as trafficking in human organs. I believe trafficking in organs is one of the most shocking manifestations of human trafficking, and it shows the extent to which pressing socioeconomic factors, in addition to the disturbances and conflicts that are happening in a lot of countries, can push members of society who face poverty and have no source of income to sacrifice their organs to survive. Organised crime groups seek to take advantage of such tragic circumstances to traffic organs from whoever will financially reward them. We also see emerging manifestations of human trafficking in the Arab region, such as arranged marriages where family members seek to traffic their underage daughters as temporary brides to whoever will pay the family. We have also seen that the political unrest and the armed conflict in many countries in the Arab world have caused the displacement of families from their homes, leaving them in poverty with no source of income and making them more vulnerable to human trafficking, which has resulted in the emergence of a new trend of trafficking in persons that is exploited by terrorist groups in what is referred to as jihad marriages. This refers to terrorist groups seeking to traffic females from different countries of the world and sexually exploit them to encourage foreign terrorist fighters to fight in battles. The UNODC, being the custodian of the relevant protocols of the UN Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime, is exerting all possible efforts to help member states in countering such challenges and working together not only on detecting, investigating, and prosecuting cases of human-trafficking, but also and more importantly providing the victims with care and support. It provides the victims of human trafficking with all the social, health, and legal protections they need to recover from such atrocities. In the Gulf countries, for example, we are working with national committees on combating human trafficking, as is also the case in Egypt. We are also working with the Arab League, which is the regional body that gathers the Arab countries to support the development of Arab responses against human trafficking and provides the needed victim care and support. The Arab network on combating human trafficking brings together all relevant entities from the Arab region to work harmoniously to fight human trafficking and provide its victims with all the needed care and support. The UN plays an active role in many contentious issues. What funding sources enable it to play this role? The UN depends on the contributions of its member states in supporting its activities worldwide. There are various sources of funding: the regular contribution for membership, or a countrys contribution to support a certain cause or certain activities, like, for example, for the UNODC Office for the Gulf Region to which the Gulf countries contribute 100 per cent of the needed funds for the Gulf region, in addition to contributing to our global activities aimed at helping other countries. There are many countries in the world that support the fight against terrorism, the fight against drugs, and the fight against human trafficking and contribute specific funds to support those activities. How has your background as an Egyptian judge affected your work and helped you to reach this high-ranking position in one of the most important and sensitive United Nations bodies? I have been blessed with the knowledge and experience I gained from working for more than 18 years in Egyptian law enforcement and the judiciary. I started in the prosecution service and made my way up to the judiciary to become a judge, and this gave me a wide spectrum of experience on crime prevention and criminal justice, and it helped me very much in understanding crime and investigative techniques related to criminal justice and law enforcement. It also gave me also a good understanding of the patterns of organised crime and terrorism, money laundering, and the financing of terrorism. My work as a judge provided me with knowledge and experience on how to analyse cases, how to weigh evidence, and how to issue balanced sentencing. Together with my academic education in the area of international criminal law, I was also lucky to study with one of the prominent figures who established this subject in Egypt, the late Mahmoud Sherif Bassiouni, who was also the head of a fact-finding mission in the former Yugoslavia. By the time I joined the UNODC, I had a great deal of experience in the Egyptian judiciary, in addition to the academic knowledge that enabled me to take lead positions in Afghanistan and in the UNODC headquarters in Vienna, and now most recently as the regional representative of the Organisation for the Gulf Countries. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Short link: On Sunday the Court of Cassation Egypts highest judicial authority upheld the life sentences handed down to 10 senior Muslim Brotherhood officials, including the outlawed groups supreme guide Mohamed Badie. The court found that the international branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, in collaboration with the Shia Lebanese Party Hizbullah, the Palestinian movement Hamas, and armed elements of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps were able to infiltrate Egypts eastern border with Gaza and help large numbers of Islamist prisoners escape during the security vacuum that followed the 2011 uprising. The court said all appeals filed by Brotherhood defendants had been rejected and that its judges agreed that the Cairo criminal court verdict issued in September 2019, should be upheld. The Court of Cassation judgement is the second against the Muslim Brotherhood in a month. On 14 June, the court upheld death sentences passed against 12 Muslim Brotherhood leaders involved in 2013s Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square mass sit-in protest which was dispersed by security forces. The 12 Brotherhood leaders include prominent officials such as Mohamed Al-Beltagui and Safwat Hegazi, the main organisers of the 2013 sit-in protests in east Cairos Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square and west Cairos Nahda Square. Following the dispersals, Islamist activists affiliated with Muslim Brotherhood and militant Salafist groups, attacked police stations, electricity pylons, the Media Production City, and churches across the country. Tarek Fahmi, a professor of political science at Cairo University, said in a TV interview that Sundays ruling would severely undermine the Brotherhood. The verdicts came after much deliberation and are final, said Fahmi. The court rejected the defendants appeals, concluding that the Brotherhood leaders were active in destabilising the country in 2011. The group coordinated closely with Islamist militant movements such as Hamas and Hizbullah, and when the regime of former president Hosni Mubarak began to collapse moved quickly to exploit the chaos. The ruling sends a clear message that the Muslim Brotherhood has no hope whatsoever of returning to power in Egypt. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives on Monday approved legislation that allows state employees with proven links to the Muslim Brotherhood or any other terrorist-designated groups to be dismissed. Ibrahim Al-Heneidi, chair of the Houses Legislative and Constitutional Affairs Committee, said the new law, first submitted by MP Ali Badr, reflected a general awareness of the necessity of ridding government and administrative circles of Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist elements. According to Heneidi, the bill, an amendment to the Law on Non-Disciplinary Dismissal of Civil Servants (10/1973), will also help protect national security by purging the government and administrative system of employees holding radical ideologies. The new law defines the conditions under which civil servants and state employees with proven links to the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist-designated organisations can be dismissed, said Al-Heneidi. Civil servants and state employees will first be suspended from exercising their roles for six months, a period during which they will be paid half their salary. After six months they will be completely and legally dismissed. Badr said he drafted the law in response to the pressing need to remove terrorist elements from the administrative system. Cabinet ministers had complained to parliament that they lack the legal tools to rid their ministries of civil servants who espouse radical ideologies and with links to the Muslim Brotherhood, said Badr. The new law gives them the means to sack employees with proven links to the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist-designated groups. The law gives civil servants the right to appeal against their dismissal and return to their jobs should their links to extremist organisations prove to be false. The current civil service law prohibits state employees from using their jobs to serve radical agendas or publish confidential information on social media but in recent years employees have ignored these prohibitions. It was important that the law be amended to fight this phenomenon, and protect the state from the Muslim Brotherhoods wicked plans, MP Essam Alaa told Al-Ahram Weekly. Minister of Transport Kamel Al-Wazir told parliament last month that Egypts Railway Authority includes 162 Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated employees. He urged MPs to change the law and give him the tools to rid the Railway Authority of the forces of darkness and evil. Last month, Minister of Waqf (Religious Endowments) Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa complained to MPs that there are many sleeper Muslim Brotherhood cells in government ministries and the Brotherhood spends a lot of money on these cells to promote its agenda in government circles and stir up trouble. Ibrahim Shaarawi, deputy justice minister, said the law will allow the state to fight extremist elements in administrative circles while at the same time allowing state employees to appeal their dismissal before administrative courts. Abdel-Fattah Mohamed, a member of the Legislative and Constitutional Affairs Committee, argued that the legislative changes had become an urgent priority because extremist and terrorist groups had been able to infiltrate government circles in recent years, mostly in the form of sleeper cells, When the Muslim Brotherhood was in power between 2012 and 2013, it worked to place its members in all government sectors, he said. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Short link: Two months ago, Egyptian and Turkish officials concluded two days of talks in Cairo aimed at normalising relations. In a joint statement on 6 May, the two sides said they would evaluate the outcome of the first round of consultations before agreeing the next move, and that an Egyptian delegation would visit Turkey for a second round of talks. On Monday, however, Egypts Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri told Sada Al-Balad TV channel that while we could hold a new round of exploratory talks with Turkish officials in the future there is nothing on the agenda right now. In another TV interview on 25 June, Shoukri said: We have reservations over Turkish policies in a number of areas, particularly the deployment of Turkish forces in Libya. Their presence there lacks legitimacy. It is based on a deal between Turkey and the transitional Libyan government which was not authorised to initiate such an agreement. International consensus is behind the resolutions of the Berlin 2 Conference which clearly state that all foreigners in Libya should leave. Informed sources told Al-Arabiya TV channel on 24 June that Cairo had stipulated Turkish forces must leave Libya before any more steps towards normalising relations between the two countries are taken and had sent a message to the Turkish intelligence agency informing it there can be no security coordination or bilateral talks until the condition is met. This explains why Egypt is refraining from holding further exploratory talks with Turkey despite Ankaras eagerness to resume such talks, said Al-Arabiya. On 3 July, Shoukri referred to another obstacle in the way of normalisation, telling Cairo and the People TV channel that Ankara is still giving refuge to fugitive Muslim Brotherhood members facing terrorism charges in Egypt. He, nonetheless, noted that Ankaras recent move to prevent some Muslim Brotherhood fugitives from appearing on TV channels and the social media was a positive step. Shoukri was referring to Ankaras decision on 24 June to prevent two Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood hosts from appearing on Al-Shark and Mekamleen TV channels which broadcast from Istanbul. Al-Arabiya described the ban as an attempt to pave the way for the restoration of relations with Egypt and cited sources as saying that four other Brotherhood-linked TV hosts Moetaz Mattar, Mohamed Nasser, Hisham Abdallah, and Hamza Zoba had been banned from TV channels and social media. Despite such moves, Al-Ahram political analyst Beshir Abdel-Fattah says Turkeys relations with the Muslim Brotherhood remain strong, and no one should expect the banning of a few hosts from appearing on TV to lead to an improvement in relations. Meanwhile, on 2 July Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that We have military forces in Libya, Syria, Azerbaijan and the East Mediterranean and we will stay there, he said. MP Mustafa Bakri says Erdogans statement was deliberately provocative. I think it explains why Cairo wont move forward towards normalising relations with Turkey. Egyptian officials have yet to be convinced that Ankara is sincere in wanting to normalise relations with Cairo. Last months visit of the Turkish defence and foreign ministers to Libyas capital Tripoli to review a Turkish air base there, merely served to confirm Cairos suspicions. Bakri also notes that Yassin Aktay, one of Erdogans leading advisors, condemned Egypts Court of Cassation for upholding death sentences against 12 Muslim Brotherhood leaders found guilty of inciting violence and of murder. In an article in Yeni Safak newspaper, Aktay said that an Egyptian court had ratified a previously issued ruling to execute 12 people, including ministers in the elected government that was overthrown by the coup, as well as figures in the party of that government. These conflicting signals coming from Turkish officials send one message Ankara is neither sincere nor serious about restoring relations with Egypt, says Bakri. Dalia Ziada, an Egyptian human rights activist, points out that Aktay is the architect of the relationship between the Turkish president and the Muslim Brotherhood and one of the most important catalysts for the deterioration of relations between Egypt and Turkey after 2013. He facilitated the entry of Muslim Brotherhood members who fled Egypt to Turkey, and he has been taking care of them since then. Over the past seven years he has been supervising and directing Muslim Brotherhood activities inside Turkey, especially their media activities targeting the Egyptian state, she says. It seems that there are two wings in the Turkish government: one led by Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu pushing for reconciliation with Egypt, and one led by Aktay pushing in the opposite direction. Bakri also notes that Turkishs reconciliation talks with Saudi Arabia have also faltered. I think that Egypt and Saudi Arabia are in coordination in this respect, and no one should expect a breakthrough in relations with Turkey anytime soon. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Short link: Like her husband Anwar Sadat, Jehan Sadat, who died this week, is the focus of conflicting views and contradictory sentiments. Below, Al-Ahram Weekly recalls some of the most significant moments in the life of this controversial but remarkable woman, in her own words. 29 August 1933: Jehan Raouf was born in Cairo to Safwat Raouf and Gladys Cotrell. Her parents had met in 1923 when Safwat was studying medicine at the University of Sheffield. Gladys was a music teacher. It was a marriage, Jehan Sadat later said, that her fathers family had vehemently opposed.I did not know until I was 11 that my name was Jehan, a Persian name picked out by my father which means the world. My mother, who was English, had nicknamed me Jean, and that is what I was called by my father, an employee at the Ministry of Health, she wrote in her memoir A Woman of Egypt. I was born on Roda Island, one of two islands in the Nile linked by bridges to Cairo in the east and Giza to the west. In Cairo, my family was not poor and not rich but middle class.She attended school in Giza and developed an early interest in politics because, as she wrote in her memoir, she grew up at a time when unease about the performance of the king was growing. Sentiment was mounting against king Farouk. He did whatever the British asked him to as long as they let him stay on the throne His government was extraordinarily corrupt, and it was said that many in it sold titles and government positions in exchange for land I wanted to be proud of our king but instead I was ashamed.My obsession with politics was puzzling to my family. My father was not political at all. she said.29 May 1949: In 1948, during a summer holiday with her family in Suez, Jehan met Anwar Sadat. The year also saw the creation of the state of Israel.I did not recognise him when I first saw him. Perhaps it was because of the hour, two oclock in the morning, when I was in my aunts kitchen in Suez helping to prepare Sohour, the predawn meal, during Ramadan. Perhaps it was because of the improbability of it all. How could this man, this national hero, be just sitting in the hall of my cousins home? It was unbelievable.Jehan Sadat wrote that her admiration of Anwar Sadat was instant and irreversible. She would ask a family member to tell her stories of Anwar Sadats political battles against the British occupation.I was thrilled to hear the story of how Anwar had first been sent to prison after the British security police searched his house and found a German transmitter that he was trying to fix so that he could send a treaty to Rommel in the desert east of Alexandria. Anwar wanted to offer Rommel Egyptian military support in return for Egyptian independence, she wrote.In her memoir, Jehan Sadat agreed that what she learned about Anwar Sadat should have quelled her interest in him. A man who was almost 20 years her senior, who came from a very poor background, whose life had had more downs than ups and whose future was uncertain. But, she adds, it was impossible for her as a 15-year-old romantic girl to be practical.It was her birthday, she wrote, and Anwar Sadat was still in Suez with her family. He took her for a drive and told her that while he could not buy her anything for her birthday, he would sing her a Farid Al-Atrash song.At 15, or at any age for that matter, I did not need to be told about the power of love. It is an emotion that comes easily to women, she wrote.On 29 May 1949: A little under a year after their first encounter in Suez, the couple married.You are a lucky man, the photographer said to Anwar as we posed for our official wedding photograph.My husband and I began a journey that was carefully charted. Often our roots would be very different. But always our destination would be the same, she wrote.22 July 1952: The eve of the day when the Free Officers, of which Anwar Sadat was one, decided to depose Egypts last monarch, king Farouk. Anwar and Jehan had gone to the cinema. Following their return to the house of Jehans parents the porter came and asked her about her husband. When he knew that Anwar Sadat was parking the car in the garage the porter handed her a note that had been left by a man who had come looking for her husband. Once he saw the note Anwar Sadat pretended that a friend of his was really unwell and rushed to see him.The following morning a worried Jehan Sadat got a telephone call from her husband who told her to turn in the radio. At 7:30am on 23 July 1952 she heard her husband reading a statement: Egypt has gone through a difficult period in its recent history, which has been plagued by bribery, graft, and corruption. The corrupt elements were responsible for our defeat in the Palestine war. This is why we have carried out a purge. The army is now in the hands of men in whose ability, integrity, and patriotism you can have complete confidence.For Egypt, just as for the Sadats, this was clearly a new beginning. Anwar Sadat was now part of the ruling regime.When her husband was made speaker of the Peoples Assembly, Jehan Sadat became more involved in public affairs. She wrote that by 1965 she was becoming increasingly anxious about what she saw as misguided policies, not least the way the civilian and military police handled any form of opposition, from landowners to members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The latter were particularly loathed by Abdel-Hakim Amer, Gamal Abdel-Nassers minister of defence and right-hand man.Many of Amers influential colleagues were running out of control, using their new positions of power to crush anyone they disliked and to stifle all criticism of the government, Jehan Sadat wrote. Anyone suspected of being a member of the Brothers or even knowing one was being seized for questioning and often tortured. The property of former politicians was being appropriated in the name of the state.5 June 1967: Anwar Sadat, never commented much on her worries over state management, looked his wife in the eyes and told her that, contrary to the news on the radio, Egypt had lost the war. Jehan, I have just come back from speaking with Amer and Nasser Every one of our planes is lost. Israeli infantry have already captured Arish. Our soldiers are on the run. This is a disaster for Egypt, she recalled.Egypt faced political upheaval and an ongoing military struggle to rebuild its military capabilities and the combat readiness of the Egyptian Armed Forces. Following the mysterious death of Amer, Anwar Sadat became vice president on 19 December 1969.28 September 1970: Jehan Sadat wrote in her memoir that she woke up after having a disturbing dream. She told her husband that in the dream she had been standing on her parents balcony and watched Arab leaders, who had just taken part in an Arab summit in Cairo, walking with tears in their eyes. A few hours later, Nasser was dead.6 October 1973: Jehan Sadat was the spouse of a president who had come to power when part of Egypt was occupied, and when Nassers supporters, who opposed her husbands presidency, were working to remove him.She wrote: Anwar, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for them to arrest you, to put you in prison, to kill you? I asked him in exasperation, one night in April. Well, Jehan, you have forgotten something very important, God is with me, he would answer.Less than a month after this conversation, Anwar Sadat had his political opponents arrested. His wife, meanwhile, began to assume an ever larger public role.In her memoir, she does not shy away from sharing details of conversations she had with her husband about domestic political developments of details of conversations she had with his aides in which she confided to them her concerns over his safety.In her memoir, Jehan Sadat wrote that she had suspected war was round the corner but was not sure. Her husband had gone on yet another mission that would take a few days. She had sent her three daughters and son to school and was listening to the radio.Suddenly, just after 1:30pm, the news bulletin I had been waiting for interrupted the normal programming: Attention, enemy forces have started an attack against our forces in the Gulf of Suez. Our forces are now engaged in repelling the aggressors.Following Egypts victory in 1973 Anwar Sadat embarked on a series of daring political decisions, on the home and foreign fronts. Jehan Sadats public profile also grew. She became increasingly active over health and social issues, particularly those relating to women.Not only did Anwar Sadat face criticism for his economic and political choices, he also came under fire for allowing Jehan Sadat to assume a high-profile role. But as Jehan Sadat wrote in her memoires, her husband felt he had the confidence of the vast majority of the people. Nor was she particularly upset when critics referred to proposed amendments to the personal status law as Jehans laws.19 November 1978: On this day, Anwar Sadat made his controversial/historic visit to Jerusalem in pursuit of a negotiated settlement to the Arab-Israeli struggle. Following the trip the negotiations started with Israel that would eventually lead to signing a peace treaty with Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin.Anwar Al-Sadat, Menachem Begin, Jimmy Carter. These men, these leaders are shaking hands, embracing each other. The sight is too much to readily absorb. It is 26 March, 1979 We are at the White House where the three men have just signed the Camp David Peace Accords. I cannot believe this is actually happening, Jehan Sadat wrote in A Woman of Egypt.What followed, however, kept Jehan Sadat on edge. Her husband was moving from one confrontation to the other, on the domestic and foreign fronts. Egypt lost the support of other Arab states, and the Arab League moved its headquarters from Cairo. Tensions were running high and, in September 1981, Jehan became increasingly alarmed when her husband ordered the arrest of a wide range of political opposition figures. 6 October 1981: 6 October 1981, was one of the few days out of thousands of days that I did not fear for my husbands life. 6 October had become one of Egypts proudest anniversaries, the annual celebration of the moment in 1973 when our soldiers had crossed the Suez Canal to reclaim the land taken from us by Israel, she wrote in her memoir. Her confidence, sadly, proved misplaced. During the military parade staged to celebrate the anniversary of the crossing Anwar Sadat was assassinated. Anwar was buried in a tomb shaped like a small pyramid right across from the parade grounds in Nasr City where he was gunned down. This was my decision not his, wrote his widow. In the years that followed the death of her husband Jehan Sadat lived between Egypt and the US. No longer a controversial figure, she maintained a public presence by sharing her memories of life with her husband in TV and press interviews. In 1987 her memoir, A Woman of Egypt, was published in English from Simon and Shucster. An Arabic edition soon followed. Following the January 2011 uprising that forced her husbands successor Hosni Mubarak to resign, Jehan Sadat showed sympathy with the demands of the protesters. On 6 October 2012, however, with Mohamed Morsi president of Egypt, she was shocked to see Aboud Al-Zomor, one of the Islamist army officers involved in planning her husbands assassination, invited to an event organised by the presidency to mark the October War. Following Morsis removal from power, Jehan Sadat said she was relieved to see him out of office. She said she had faith in President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi who she felt would continue the mission of her late husband. In recent years Jehan Sadat made fewer and fewer public appearance. Her time was mostly dedicated to her family her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. For the last two years her appearances became ever more rare as her health became increasingly frail. On 24 June 2021 Jehan Sadats family announced that she had been admitted into intensive care, and on 9 July 2021 the announcement was made that she had died. 10 July 2021: Jehan Sadat was laid to rest next to her husband in the tomb built for Anwar Sadat next to the Monument to the Unknown Soldier. Jehan Sadats burial ceremony followed a military funeral attended by President Al-Sisi who ordered the minting of a medal to honour Jehan Sadat, the first woman in Egypts history to be given a military funeral. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Short link: The UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting that convened on 8 July failed to adopt the draft resolution that Tunisia had tabled on behalf of Egypt and Sudan. The draft called on Ethiopia to negotiate in good faith with the two downstream countries, and set a timetable of six months for reaching an agreement, under the umbrella of the African Union, on the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).A few days ahead of the UNSC meeting Ethiopia began the second filling of the dams reservoir in the absence of an agreement. Cairo and Khartoum are now telling concerned world capitals that this is the last filling Ethiopia can get away with in the absence of a legally binding agreement.In meetings with European Union (EU) officials this week, and with UN Security Council officials last week, Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri urged international bodies to live up to their responsibilities and send clear messages to Addis Ababa that it must end its refusal to negotiate seriously. Informed diplomatic sources said that in Brussels Shoukri made it clear to his European interlocutors that Egypt cannot be expected to continue to accommodate Ethiopias intransigence.It was not for nothing that the foreign minister stressed in his speech before the UNSC that GERD represents an existential threat to Egypt in the absence of an agreement on its filling and operation, said a diplomatic source.He added that Shoukri was very clear that when the push comes to shove Egypt will do what it takes to defend itself. I think the message is clear we have been far too patient to be blamed by anyone for taking action to defend our own survival, he added.Egyptian diplomacy is adopting parallel approaches in its attempts to resolve the GERD issue, says Ayman Abdel-Wahab, a senior analyst at Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, one of which is to mobilise international public opinion by highlighting the repercussions of Ethiopias refusal to reach a legally-binding agreement.On Monday, after concluding a series of meetings with EU officials in Brussels, and with the President of the European Council Charles Michel and Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg, Shoukri hinted the EU may soon make clear its unhappiness with Ethiopias unilateral moves over the dam.In his statement before the UNSC, Shoukri had already commended the EU for its statement, issued hours before the UNSC meeting, expressing concern over Ethiopias unilateral decision to start the second filling in the absence of an agreement. Shourki called on the UNSC to take a similar position.The foreign ministers of Egypt and Sudan both held consultations ahead, and after, the UNSC meeting. While Shourki left New York for Brussels, his Sudanese counterpart Mariam Sadik Al-Mahdi travelled to Moscow to lobby for support from Russia which is about to sign a major military deal with Ethiopia.In Brussels, Shoukri stressed the need for a clear roadmap and timeline for Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt to reach a legally-binding agreement on the dam.During his meeting with Michel, Shoukri conveyed a message from President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi, and stressed that Cairo would like to see the EU, UN, and US involved in future negotiations over GERD. Khartoum has long been pushing for a proposal to the same effect that the UN, EU, and US play a part in talks alongside the African Union only for Ethiopia to reject it out of hand.Concerned Egyptian diplomats say that while last weeks meeting of the UNSC saw a consensus among members on the need for the three riparian countries to reach an agreement through AU-led negotiations, it failed to draw a roadmap on how to get there.In the press conference that followed the session, Shoukri told the media that the next step is in the hands of the UNSC and its members who must assume their responsibilities under the UN charter and work to resolve the dispute peacefully.The unilateralism displayed by Ethiopia threatens the water security of Egypt and Sudan and the livelihood of 150 million people Ethiopia has yet to demonstrate the political will needed to reach an agreement, and this has been the main obstacle to resolving the dispute despite the flexibility and moderation that Egypt and Sudan have shown, he told the press conference.Abbas Sharaki, a professor of geology and water resources at Cairo University, says it is only sensible for Egypt to give the UNSC a chance to take a clear position on the way forward. According to Sharaki, should the UNSC fail to take a clear position on GERD it will be up to Cairo and Khartoum to decide their next step, which could include legal action over the building of the dam, the way it is being built, and its location.According to Abdel-Wahab, should diplomatic lobbying fail to get the world to pressure Ethiopia into changing its position, then it will be up to Cairo and Khartoum to underline to international players the danger this poses to peace and security in the Horn of Africa.He argues that a cooperative approach with Addis Ababa and other countries can go hand-in-hand with a tougher approach that reminds all concerned parties of the high cost of water as a weapon against Egypt.Abdel-Wahab is also under no illusions about the tough stand Egypt and Sudan will have to take even if an agreement is reached given there is nothing to guarantee that Ethiopia will stick to any agreement, or will not use the water weapon against Egypt in the future.Ethiopia started building the mega dam in 2011. Last year, it unilaterally executed a first 5 bcm filling of the dams reservoir. On 5 July it started a second filling, initially planned to trap 13.5 bcm of water. Construction delays, however, mean the second filling is unlikely to reach more than 9 bcm. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Short link: In a move aimed at limiting losses due to an oversupply of local cement production, the Egyptian Competition Authority (ECA) has decided that all cement companies working in Egypt will reduce production starting on 15 July. Decision 56/2021 means that cement producers will introduce a 10.69 per cent cut in their production in addition to a 2.81 per cent reduction per production line. It gives room for further cuts at older factories. The reductions will last for a year, according to the decision. The move was made in the wake of a proposal submitted by 23 industry players to preserve competition in the market and stop the losses they have been shouldering for the last three years. The Cement Division of the Federation of Egyptian Industries has announced its support for the decision. According to a statement, the crisis that the industry is currently facing, the need to protect the industry, and the interests of consumers all explain the decision made by the ECA with a view to preserving competition in the marketplace and rationalising cement production. The production capacity of Egyptian cement producers has reached about 85 million tons per year. The opening of new cement factories and production lines in conjunction with a drop in sales to about 50 million tons have caused a crisis in the market, and the repercussions of the Covid-19 and consequent weaker demand have added insult to injury. The Ministry of Trade and Industry has been in talks with cement companies operating in the local market over the last few months to reach an agreement to reduce their production, as part of a solution to the current losses and to help the sector cope with the oversupply that it has been suffering from. Medhat Stefanos, head of the Cement Division at the Federation of Egyptian Industries, praised the decision, saying that the production of cement should be based on consumption. Cement is not a commodity that can be stored for a long time, and Egypt has been self-sufficient in cement for many years. Further excess supply would have meant that the market would have kept deteriorating until the factories were forced to close, he said. He added that the decision to reduce production at the 23 cement companies had come with the aim of protecting them from the risks of bankruptcy and closure. He pointed out that the production capacity of state-owned factories is about 18.5 million tons on 10 production lines, while the private sector is estimated to have a capacity of 64 million tons with 37 production lines. The overall value of investment in the Egyptian cement sector is about LE250 billion. However, Ahmed Al-Zeini, head of the Building Materials Division at the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, said that the decision to cut cement production had already led to an increase in market prices. Cement prices have increased by LE50 over the past two days for the production of some companies, he said. The average price of a ton of cement currently ranges between LE900 and LE1,000. Although the buying and selling of cement is currently slow, I expect more price increases to come, Al-Zeini said, adding that the Building Materials Division had held a meeting last Thursday to discuss the decision and its effects on the market. It wanted to see cement companies steady any increases in prices and to monitor them carefully. It asked for the market to be studied on a monthly basis, with special attention being paid to the impact of this decision on prices, Al-Zeini said. A report on demand and supply and the prices of cement is to be submitted to the ECA every two weeks to protect the market from price hikes, he added. The Arab Cement Company said in a statement to the stock exchange that its profits would likely improve in the light of the expected rise in cement prices in the coming period. It expects its production to decrease by 26 per cent in the wake of the decision. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Short link: As the US withdraws from Afghanistan, Iran is turning its eye to opportunities there to fill the void left by the decades of military existence of the US, as it becomes the most vulnerable in the region to the threats posed by the bordering country. With the Taliban taking over Afghan cities and districts, violence and chaos are growing on the borders with Iran. Tehran has moved to hedge its bets and establish contacts with both warring sides in the war-torn neighbouring country to facilitate peace talks. Last week, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif whose government supports an all-inclusive Afghan government that includes Taliban met the group negotiators; they issued a joint statement that confirms the groups intentions for a negotiated settlement on the future of the country just before the Taliban captured a key border crossing between Iran and Afghanistan. The role of Iran in making a breakthrough remains unclear as it already lost trust by supporting Taliban against US forces after the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal. But Sanam Vakil, an Adjunct Professor of Middle East Studies at the Johns Hopkins University told Al-Ahram Weekly, Facilitating an accommodation between both parties in Afghanistan will help Iran remain a credible broker with both sides. Iran is one country among others like China and Russia that has direct interests motivating its influence in Afghanistan in the future especially after the US pullout. There is a lot to lose and gain for Iran in Afghanistan as Iran has a long involvement in Afghan politics by supporting various political factions and recently this activism was at its peak since the start of the Afghan peace process in 2018. Navid Mohebbi, a policy fellow of the National Union for Democracy in Iran, told the Weekly that the meddling of Iran in Afghanistan talks to the Iran doctrine of being sympathetic to groups and countries that are inconsistent with international norms and in conflict with the interests of Western countries as these groups can support each other in regional and international developments. Irans military doctrine in the Middle East is based on the creation and support of proxy groups to the extent that these groups effectively seize power in respective countries. Irans support for dozens of militia groups in Iraq, Hizbullah in Lebanon, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, as well as the Houthis in Yemen, are just a few examples that align with this doctrine, Mohebbi added. Iran, one of the most influential regional actors in Afghanistan, has always seen Afghanistan as a threat to its security but also an opportunity to expand trade and accessibility to Afghan and Central Asian markets. Iran has other trade ambitions in Afghanistan through the first railway between Iran and Afghanistan, launched in December 2020, which aims to connect Afghanistan with the world through the Iranian port of Chabahar. On the security level, Iran has extended security interests in Afghanistan and this was embodied in sending fighters to deter the Islamic State Khorasan Province. Iran sees that any engagement in the Afghan peace process is an aspect of defending its backyard and that broader influence there is required. At the same time, Afghanistan represents a menace that needs to be tamed by Iran for a couple of reasons. This is happening at a defining moment as Iran already faces discontent at home as hopes for economic relief are fading due to sanctions by the West along with the elections excluding the reformists of Iran, yielding to the victory of the hardline cleric Ebrahim Raisi. Afghanistan presents Iran with more of a threat than an opportunity, said Ali Vaez, Iran Project director and senior adviser to the president at International Crisis Group. The ongoing violence caused by the Taliban takeover of Afghan provinces is expected to produce waves of refugees that will flee to Tehran across the borders, a crisis that makes the border guards intolerant as some 50 migrants were allegedly beaten and drowned last year while crossing the bordering Harirod River. At the same time Iran is alarmed by the Taliban control over Islam Qala, a key border post between the two countries and a gateway to the Afghan city of Herat where the Iranian consulate is located, as it saw the killing of nine Iranian diplomats there by the Taliban in late 1990s. In addition, relations between Tehran and the Taliban are mostly marked by hostility and being at odds as the Sunni militiamen and the extremist groups sympathetic with them, regard the Shiism of Iran an apostasy. While Iran has developed a relationship with the Taliban in the past few years, the two sides neither trust nor like one another. While Iran prefers to see the US withdraw from its near-abroad, it does not want to see a total takeover by the Taliban, Vaez told the Weekly. So in the short run, Iran will have to manage the chaos and prevent instability on its borders. Tehran will try to protect its own security interests, primarily through diplomatic mediation between Afghans and, if not, true pressure. For the latter, it might need to draw on some of the Afghan Shia militias that it deployed to Syria in 2014-2016. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Short link: Foreign ministers of the European Union agreed late on Monday to establish a sanctions regime against Lebanese political leaders, who have been unable to create a coalition for almost a year. Yet the effectiveness of such a move in ending the countrys political crisis is debatable. The pan-European organisation gave no details on the new punitive process, which has been led diplomatically by Paris. All that is known about it is that it will include travel bans and asset freezes. Despite being a key piece of information, the names of the targeted politicians remain unknown. I can say the objective is to complete this by the end of the month. I am not talking about the implementation of the regime, just the building of the regime according to a sound legal basis, EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell said. The French Foreign Minister Jean-Yvez Le Drian believes that Lebanon has been in self-destruct mode for several months; he adds that now there is a major emergency for a population in distress. Last May France decided to impose sanctions on Lebanese officials, involving restrictions on their arrival to its soil. Names were not revealed, but the decision was related to the fact that many of the Lebanese leaders own properties and investments and have bank accounts in France and Europe in general. Prime minister-designate, ex-premier and Sunni leader Saad Al-Hariri and President Michel Aoun, a key ally of the Iran-sponsored Shia Hizbullah group, have failed many times to reach a coalition deal. The problem is reportedly related to who will get the majority of ministerial seats in the new government. This is clearly an issue of trust. For example, Hariri at some point in time called on Aoun to ignore party affiliations, while the latter accused him of submitting a line-up different from the one they discussed. Yet Tony Badran, a Lebanon expert at the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies, doubts if it would work. When Macron came to Lebanon in August of last year, he met with Hizbullah MPs and as reported in Le Figaro at the time, told them he wanted to work with them. Similarly, the Biden administration is set to lift sanctions on Hizbullahs patron in Tehran, which will trickle down eventually to Hizbullah, and through it, to Lebanon. In other words, the US posture towards Iran, and Frances towards Hizbullah, makes the proposition of EU sanctions even more moot, said Badran, who previously testified in the US House of Representatives on US policy towards Lebanon, Syria and Iran. It remains to be seen how sanctions would affect the lives of ordinary Lebanese people, especially amid endless post-explosion economic crises. In that sense, Badran argued that the ruling oligarchy in tandem with the Central Bank has been avoiding structural reforms that would erode their power. The Central Bank and the private banks meanwhile have been writing off liabilities and loading all losses on the depositors The sectarian chiefs and the Central Bank governor are playing up the spectre of further economic deterioration in order to put the onus on the US and Europe, as well as international organisations, to intervene with more financial aid, he explained. Hassan Diabs caretaker government last month decided to cut fuel subsidies, and then increase its prices by more than a third. The average price of 20 litres of 95-octane petrol increased by 35 per cent, reaching 61,000. Diesel prices rose by 38 per cent, which equals a 12800-pound increase. Speaking to Al-Ahram Weekly from Beirut, Sarah Al-Richani - an assistant professor of Mass Communications at the American University in Cairo - noted that fuel subsidies were not entirely removed. They were just reduced, although it is not enough to stop the smuggling into Syria nor to instigate another round of protests. It remains to be seen if such sanctions will be enacted in the first place, whether they will be enacted on a select few or the entire political class and what they will entail. The French visa bans on a select few it appears have not rattled the largely inept, corrupt and contemptuous political class. Pressure in whichever form though is welcomed by the hapless and traumatised general public as they struggle to make ends meet, Al-Richani pointed out. Nowadays, Lebanon is facing massive crises as regards shortages in electricity, medicine and petrol. Never-ending human stories about how the Lebanese people are suffering are told on a daily basis through social media platforms and local and international media outlets. This is something to add to a tragic fact: the world doesnt want to give Lebanon money. The absence of an elected government to talk to and the strong influence of Hizbullah in both parliament and presidency have led to this end result. Official estimates suggest that the country needs $10 to $15 billion to make up for the destruction caused by last years devastating port explosion. So far, international donors offered only $298 million in humanitarian aid, and most of the money has not been transferred yet because of such political considerations. As put by Imad Salamey, an associate professor of political science at the Lebanese American University, Lebanon is doomed to further plunge into economic collapse amid political paralysis that undermines any prospect for solutions. Hence, the economy appears to drift the country towards pure laissez faire in light of shifts towards the black market. Two major aspects now dominate economic activities: humanitarian assistance and the black market. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Search Keywords: Short link: The most lethal and transmissible variant of the Covid-19 virus is taking Tunisia by storm, exacerbating the countrys political and economic difficulties in what is probably the North African countrys worse crisis since the 2011 uprising. This week, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said that Tunisia, described as going through a hard time, has the highest death rate from Covid-19 in the Arab world and Africa continent. WHO Tunisia representative Yves Souteyrand said that there are more than 100 deaths a day from Covid-19 in Tunisia. In a country of just 12 million people, thats really a lot, he said. On Monday, the Tunisian authorities said that 144 people had died from Covid-19 complications, down from a record 194 the previous day. According to the Health Ministry, Tunisia now has a daily infection rate of 8,500 people. Healthcare professionals expect a surge in the death toll by the end of July to rise from the current 189 to 300. We are in a catastrophic situation... the health system has collapsed, and we can only find a bed in hospital with great difficulty, Health Ministry Spokesperson Nisaf Ben Alaya said. We are struggling to provide oxygen... and doctors are suffering from unprecedented fatigue, she said. The boat is sinking. On Thursday, neighbouring Libya announced that it would close its land border and airport with Tunisia for a week due to the rise in coronavirus cases in the country, a government spokesman said. Tunisian President Kaies Saied has sought the assistance of the countrys army in dealing with the health crisis and overseeing vaccinations. He has also been reaching out to Arab leaders for their support. Saied said that Saudi Crown-Prince Mohamed Bin Salman and Abu Dhabi Crown-Prince Mohamed Ben Zayed had pledged vaccines and medical equipment. Meanwhile, Tunisian Parliamentary Speaker Rached Al-Ghannouchi spoke with the Qatari and Turkish authorities in a bid to secure medical aid and pledges for vaccine jabs scheduled for this week. The presidents office said last week that the US had pledged to donate 500,000 vaccination doses to Tunisia. Libya has also pledged to send medical aid. Algeria sent 100 cubic metres of oxygen to the Tunisian health authorities on Thursday, while Qatar sent a military plane with a field hospital on board, including 200 medics and 100 respirators. Observers have noted the political dynamics in the swift Arab response to help Tunisia seen as the only success story of the Arab Spring while neglecting to assist Lebanon in dealing with its catastrophic economic and health crisis. This is vaccine diplomacy at its best, and Europe is absent when needed the most, commented Tunisian political analyst Youssef Cherif on his Twitter account. The Saudis and Emiratis are providing Tunisia with 1.5 million jabs this week. The Algerians are sending 250,000 jabs. Along with the Egyptians, the Qataris and the Turks, they are sending tons of medical equipment to the ravaged country, he said. France, the US and the EU, the expected natural allies, were much slower to react. After successfully containing the virus during the first wave last year, Tunisia is now struggling with a rise in infections that medical professionals attribute to the Covid-19 Alpha and Delta variants. The country imposed a lockdown in some cities starting last week, but it refused to introduce a full national lockdown out of fears it could hurt its already fragile economy further. Now the entire health sector is failing under the weight of the surge in infections in ways reminiscent of Italys tragic struggle with the pandemic at its onset. Intensive care units in Tunisias public hospitals currently have some 4,354 Covid-19 cases. On 6 July, the government declared the collapse of the health sector after hospitals reported a 200 per cent occupancy rate by Covid-19 patients and a shortage of oxygen supplies. The Delta variant is 55 per cent more transmissible than the Alpha variant initially detected in the UK. The WHO says it will become the dominant strain of the coronavirus globally. There has been a power struggle between the president, the parliamentary speaker and the prime minister in Tunisia over recent months, and this has meant that the nations most powerful institutions have not been coordinating efforts or prioritising the pandemic over political disputes. Zeid Mhirsi, a Tunisian policy strategist for the New York-based Global Health Strategies, said Tunisias health crisis was the result of the limited vaccination process that has only covered three to four per cent of the population. Social distancing has been a struggle in the absence of large-scale lockdowns, he said in a telephone interview from New York. The governments efforts to mitigate the impact of the economic crisis in the country has caused a far more serious predicament that has spun out of control. Tunisia has one of the highest percentages of older people in Africa, which is reflected in the high death and infection rates that continue to grow. The Delta Covid-19 variant took the government by surprise and overwhelmed the health sector at a time when the thinking was that open air, summer activities were safer, Mhirsi told Al-Ahram Weekly. But the kind of Arab solidarity Tunisia had received was unprecedented, he observed. I want to congratulate the Arabs coming together for the first time on such large-scale support. The influx of jabs, field hospitals and oxygen will help increase the capacity of the health system and save people from dying in the short term, he added. And hopefully this will prevent a fourth wave of the virus. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Short link: On his first foreign trip since his enthronement last year, the Sultan of Oman Haitham Bin Tariq Al-Said landed in Neom northwest of Saudi Arabia on Sunday. This is also the first visit by an Omani ruler to Saudi Arabia in many years. All official announcements about the two-day visit focused on consolidating cooperation between the two Gulf neighbours, especially on the economic front. Yet the significance of the visit and the talks concern hot regional issues, with Yemen topping the list. Both Saudi Arabia and Oman share borders with Yemen, and Oman recently actively joined the UN-sponsored efforts to settle the Yemen conflict and end the six year-long war. Friendly relations between Oman and Iran give the Sultanate some edge to claim it is at an equal distance from all parties. Western observers following Gulf developments see the visit as a symbolic move that Oman is resuming its activities after a transition period following the death of late Sultan Qaboos Bin Said last year mainly as a neutral regional mediator that keeps out of conflicts. But it also indicates the new approach by Oman to face its internal economic hardships. Recently, the Sultanate witnessed demonstrations protesting rising unemployment among young Omanis. The Coronavirus pandemic exacerbated debt and budget deficit problems. Trade and investment agreements with the biggest economy in the region, as announced during Sultans visit and talks with King Salman and his Crown Prince, could alleviate some of these burdens. Since the oil price crash of 2014, Omans debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio has leapt from about 15 per cent in 2015 to 80 per cent last year, while Omans plans to diversify revenue away from oil and reduce spending on its bloated public sector have made slow progress, according to a Bloomberg report. But the pressing regional issue of the Yemen war is of great concern for both Riyadh and Muscat. The Houthi militia continues to attack southern Saudi cities and towns, using armed drones and ballistic missiles. Almost every day, Saudi defences intercept and destroy a projectile from the south. Inside Yemen, the fighting is claiming more lives and impoverishing an already devastated population. On the day Sultan Haitham started his Saudi visit, the Houthi militias carried out a rare missile strike on a southern region that has seen renewed infighting between forces allied to a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia. The attack on a military base in Abyan took place while the internationally recognised government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) both amass fighters in the area and Riyadh moves to ease tensions. This is in addition to the ongoing Houthi assault on gas-rich Marib, the northern region not under their control. Whether the Abyan attack is meant to further complicate Saudi efforts to bring its allies together or just pull the forces of the legitimate government away from Marib is not clear. But it further complicates the international endeavour to stop the war in Yemen. The STC is wary of Hadis government as it includes the Muslim Brotherhood affiliate Islah Party. The ultimate aspiration of the STC is to control southern Yemen in any form to be agreed on in a final settlement of the crisis. The southerners worked well with Emirati forces within the Saudi-led coalition until the UAE withdrew its forces from Yemen in 2019. Militarily, the Saudis need the UAE to push the Houthis to the north of Yemen. Politically, they need the Omanis for their friendly relations with Iran and their interest in ending the war on their border, as one veteran British commentator close to the region told Al-Ahram Weekly. He added that the Saudis are now parting ways with the UAE on certain issues, and Oman might be poised to fill this void. One remarkable regional development in the Gulf in recent weeks has been the Emirati stance within OPEC, which is in contradiction to the Saudi position, which some have seen as going beyond economic differences. Saudi Arabia didnt join the Abraham Accords, normalising relations with Israel as the UAE and Bahrain did last year. Oman was believed to be the next Gulf country in line to do so, but its Foreign Minister Sayid Badr Bin Hamad Al Busaidi told the London-based Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat that his country would not be the third Gulf nation to normalise relations with Israel even though it supports the Abraham Accords. The Israeli media floated the suggestion that Muscat might be hosting Iran-Saudi talks, and not only mediating the Yemen crisis. The Israeli daily The Times of Israel reported concerns that any Omani-sponsored rapprochement between Riyadh and Tehran might not be in the interest of Israel. It referred to a previous meeting in Baghdad as mainly focusing on Yemen, but talks in Oman would be on broader issues. Yet few observers are optimistic about the Omani role in ending the war in Yemen. The Saudi commentator Abdul-Aziz Alkhames told the Weekly that nothing much is expected of Omani mediation. Alkhames added that the problem with the Houthi militia is Iranian support which creates conditions prior to any possible peace talks. Neither Oman nor any others will be able to achieve a breakthrough in settling the Yemeni conflict peacefully as long as Houthis see no need to compromise. They think they are in a better position and are not accepting negotiations. While US-Iran talks in Vienna are ongoing and Washington plans on re-joining the nuclear deal, the Arab Gulf countries might be seeking their own route to a new chapter in relations with Iran. That would be the first step in sorting out the Yemen crisis and similar issues in the region where Iran and its proxies are involved. As the British commentator put it, An Iranian president leaning to the right might be the person to make peace with Gulf neighbours. Look to Israel for example: leftist governments always talked about peace with Arab countries, but it was always Likud governments that made it. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Search Keywords: Short link: A decade of pointless negotiations with Ethiopia over the building of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Nile has convinced the Egyptian leadership that it is time to take matters to international mediation before Egypt has to resort to firmer action. The UN Security Council meeting on the matter on 8 July was part of this intention on the part of the Egyptian government, designed to counter Ethiopias irresponsible insistence on treating the Nile as its own possession. The debate over the use of a river originating in one country and flowing through another has long been settled by the international law governing such issues. Accordingly, the claim by Ethiopia that the Nile originates on its territory and thus that it has the right to control it is simply an act of aggression that places this already divided country in the line of fire from its neighbours, particularly those who rely on the Nile for their survival such as Egypt and Sudan. During the recent Security Council session, the Ethiopian representative, his countrys Minister of Irrigation Seleshi Bekele, delivered a speech full of arrogance and self-deception. He started by saying that he was amazed to find himself addressing the Security Council, adding that he was the first such minister to do so. But, of course, the Ethiopian government chose him as the representative of his country in making this speech. Bekele then repeated his countrys claim that it is willing to resolve the crisis and that the real issue was that Egypt and Sudan are not willing to do so. Bekele tried to stress the importance of the African Union (AU) being the primary sponsor of the negotiations and not the UN Security Council. But he failed to mention the fact that Ethiopia has broken its commitments and every agreement it has signed on the GERD, the last of which was the memorandum of understanding between Egypt and Ethiopia in 2015. Ethiopias record of bailing out of any signed agreement is well known, and from here came the importance of involving the Security Council in the negotiations before any further escalation of conflict in the region. The international community has not seen the escalating situation between Egypt and Ethiopia as perilous enough to intervene, despite Ethiopias complete disregard of international law. This complacency has empowered the regime in Addis Ababa to continue its tomfoolery with the continuous building of the massive dam, and it has even gone as far as to threaten to build a hundred more, according to its Foreign Ministry. This very declaration exposes the lies that the Ethiopian regime has been trying to sell to the international community and its claims that it seeks a peaceful resolution of the crisis with Egypt. To cover up its domestic failures, the Ethiopian regime led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has incited the Ethiopian public against Egypt through an elaborate media campaign that claims that Egypt is one of the reasons for Ethiopias failure as a state a claim that could not be more ludicrous. Egypts allies and friends around the world understand the severity of the situation. Former US president Donald Trump wondered why Egypt had allowed the building of the dam, asking why it did not simply demolish it. He said the Egyptians would take it down if they had to, adding that he would not blame them if they did. However, Egypt chose not to take this road, even though it is more than capable of doing so effectively. The Egyptian state has chosen diplomacy instead, given the stark quantitative and qualitative difference between the sophisticated Egyptian army and the rudimentary Ethiopian one. Moreover, there are other aspects to consider if military operations are to be initiated by Egypt over the GERD crisis. As President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi has said, a war over this issue would cause mayhem in the region and eventually affect the whole world. A new war in the region, or even a limited conflict, could result in the disruption of the flow of vessels through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal for as long as military operations are ongoing. The Suez Canal blockage in March this year caused global trade losses amounting to $9 billion, and that was just over the one week of the canals closure. Should a new war occur, these losses will take place over a longer period and cause a spike in oil prices as well as shipping prices should the war drag on. Thanks to Egyptian diplomatic efforts led by Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri, the international communitys response to Egypts call to intervene before the situation escalates has been in many cases conspicuous, with the Arab League, the US and the European Union all issuing statements. The Russian response has been obscure and requires clarification. That said, there has still been no clear message from the international community to hold Ethiopia to its responsibilities over the GERD. This kind of complacency will escalate the situation in the coming period, as Egypt will not put up with further incursions by the regime in Addis Ababa. The world has stood by nearly silent as the Ethiopian regime has murdered and tortured thousands of people in the Tigray region of the country. Egypt cannot be a victim of this regime, as it has more than enough capabilities to defend its national interests. The Ethiopian regimes threatening tone against Egypt and Sudan does not befit a country that is itself fighting a civil war and that has already been responsible for massacres. The Tigray Defence Forces fighting the government in Addis Ababa have reclaimed the capital of the Tigray region and kicked out the Ethiopian army forces in a humiliating defeat for the regime. Ahmed must not be allowed to use the GERD to cover up his regimes crimes in the country and thus cause the larger crime of disrupting water supplies to over 150 million people in Egypt and Sudan. It is up to the Security Council and its permanent members to realise that a war may be imminent if they do not keep the Ahmed regime in check and oblige it to negotiate in accordance with international law. If this does not take place, Egypt will defend its God-given right to the Nile, emphasising its position as the first and most important ancient civilisation in the world founded on its banks. It is imperative for Egypt to maintain the security of its citizens, which far surpasses the importance of maintaining cordial relations with Ethiopia. The writer is a political analyst and author of Egypts Arab Spring: The Long and Winding Road to Democracy. *A version of this article appears in print in the 8 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: Negotiations are in progress in New York over a proposed Security Council resolution calling on all parties in the dispute over Ethiopias Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD) to return to the negotiating table. The goal would be to hammer out a binding agreement on the rules for filling and operating the dam. The negotiations would take place under African Union (AU) sponsorship and be attended by key international observers. Egyptian and Sudanese diplomats are shuttling between influential world capitals in order to clarify the Sudanese-Egyptian position and the need for a binding agreement before the dispute reaches a point it can no longer be contained. Perhaps the most significant recent development in this regard was the statement released by the EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Commission on 8 July, expressing the EUs disappointment with Ethiopia for having proceeded with the second filling unilaterally and calling for a clear roadmap to ensure that serious negotiations between Cairo, Khartoum and Addis Ababa resume as soon as possible. Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukris talks in Brussels were consistent with this and with Egypts desire to break the vicious circle of negotiating rounds with Addis Ababa that lead nowhere. It is not enough just to return to the negotiating table. There have to be genuine guarantees, especially on the technical track, that the talks under AU auspices will not end in failure again. The very fact that the UN Security Council (UNSC) convened to discuss this crisis is proof of how precarious it is, especially after the Ethiopian speech exposed Addis inveterate intransigence and persistent unilateralism. The Ethiopian spokesman made it clear that his government has no desire to consult with or share information with the downstream nations despite the peril GERD poses to Sudan and Egypt both in terms of water supply and the possible structural instability of the dam itself. The positions of Egypt and Sudan, on the one hand, and Ethiopia, on the other, are so far apart on some crucial issues that third parties are needed to break the impasse between them. The parties most able to do this are the UN, the EU and the US. Egypt and Sudan want a timeframe for the anticipated new round of negotiations and they want the output to be consistent with the rules and principles governing the management of shared watercourses, as this is the best means to achieve sustainable development in all three countries, the fulfillment of their rights, and the sound, equitable and optimal usage of Nile waters. Egypt, which has consistently advocated such principles, has never denied Ethiopias right to develop and to generate electricity. Indeed, Egypt took the lead in submitting proposals for electricity grid linkups. History tells us that crises of this sort start when the international community ignores the signs they are looming and that they end when the international community acts together to solve them before they escalate into major and extended conflicts. Although many UNSC members are reluctant to embroil that body in water disputes, which is understandable in the context of the intricate and sensitive nature of international relations, Egypt strongly believes that pre-emptive diplomacy is of the essence in order to forestall further deterioration of the situation after Ethiopia initiated the second filling of GERD, in a direct challenge to Cairo and Khartoum, and in defiance of international norms and principles. Ethiopia is not interested in talks that would lead to a binding agreement. It dismisses the notion of a dispute settlement mechanism and it refuses to discuss the dangers of drought and prolonged drought. In short, it places no value on the lives and wellbeing of millions of people in Sudan and Egypt. This type of behaviour can only generate more severe conflict in the near future. If regional and international peace and security are to be preserved, then the countries that want to address this problem outside of the UNSC must treat Egypt and Sudans concerns seriously. International observers in any negotiating process must prove themselves effective in bridging points of view and imposing a roadmap. This is the only realistic alternative to the UNSC platform, which some fear would be too politically sensitive at this point as it would set a precedent for the international handling of water disputes while others caution that this is precisely the type of issue the UNSC should begin to consider in light of the spectre of mounting conflicts over water resources because of climate change. The fact is that Ethiopia has already politicised GERD. The government there has capitalised on it for domestic gains and it has set its sights on regional gains, inspired by the unrealistic dream of weaponising water in order to impose its political hegemony over other Nile Basin countries. International stakeholders in East Africa need to see Addis Ababas designs for what they are and act quickly to promote a roadmap to resolve this crisis. *A version of this article appears in print in the 8 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: There is a river that has gently flowed for 30 million years, six times older than previously thought. It could have been just another river, on the face of the earth, like the hundreds of thousands flowing across the globe. No one has really counted them but estimates run to over 250,000, with 76 rivers that are 1,000 miles long and 160 that are considered major. This could have been any one of those rivers, but it was not. This river had a historic mission to accomplish. It was destined to create the greatest civilisation man has ever known. It is the River Nile. Its very name evokes a thrilling sensation of excitement and wonder. For thousands of years, it has and always will be, the source of life in Egypt. It travels for 6,650km from its origin in Africa, and takes an unusual flow northwards, unlike most rivers, until it reaches the Mediterranean Sea in Alexandria. On its northward journey it cruises through 10 or 11 countries: Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, and Egypt. The flow into Egypt is in itself a miracle .Researchers, among the University of Texas scientists, published a study in Nature Geoscience, which assessed the links between geographical and physical features, and connected the Niles topography to its age as well as its journey. It revealed a conveyor mantle of mountain rock rushing up against the Ethiopian highlands in the South, and pulling the surface down to the north. This incline kept the Nile on a consistent northward course from its beginning to the end. The study said if it were not for the mantle movement, the Nile would have turned West long ago but nothing would stop this river from its mission. History would not be changed. As destiny would have it, after the West turn, it turns north again by making a great half-circle to the East and then back to its northern course. Finally reaching Cairo it splits into two branches or distributaries that feed the Mediterranean, the Rosetta branch to the West and the Damietta branch to the East, forming the Nile Delta. Another miraculous occurrence took place over 10,000 years ago. Evidence of habitation in Egypt stretches back tens of thousands of years. The earliest inhabitants of the Stone Age, the hunter-gatherers roamed the desert area, rich in wild life. However, the Sahara desert began to expand and no specific reason is known to date. Scientists have two theories, a tilt of the earth or a change in rainfall patterns. The desert nomads needed to move closer to the river in search of water. Grateful to the river that gave them life, they deified it. The population grew, so did their prosperity and output. They called their great river Hapi and happy it made them indeed. They built a civilisation that became a wonder of the world. Monuments, architecture, art, trade, science, medicine, crafts, there was no end to their ingenuity. When the Greek historian Herodotus, came to visit this wonderland, he wrote: Egypt is the gift of the Nile. He was right of course, but Egyptians gave back to the Nile by building a civilisation that lasted 8,000 years and was the root of the Greek, Roman and other civilisation to come. There is no place to list ancient Egypts accomplishments, and certainly not to take away from other great, ancient pre-historic civilisations: Sumeria, Phoenicia, Carthage, Kush, Nubia, China, Ethiopia among others. The purpose is to emphasise the Nile and what it meant to Egypt and the Egyptians. If you hear that Africa is the cradle of civilization, which civilisation comes to mind? Despite foreign conquests and colonisations, it stood firm and erect, retaining its identity, expanding, turning the foreigner into a proud Egyptian. It became a seat of learning with its famous ancient Biblotecca, Plutach, Diogenes, Laetitius Pythagorus, Aristotle among others came to study in Egypt, a mystical wonder of spirituality, of creation, of love and of wisdom, the land of Isis and Osiris, of the Sun God Ra and Akhenaten the worlds first monotheist. The Roman historian Seneca, owned land in Egypt. He wrote of the miracle of the exotic fame of the Nile and how efficiently by Egyptians used it. In modern times, the discovery of the impeccable tomb of king Tutankhamun, fondly known the world over as King Tut, who was only 19 when he died. The discovery of his tomb in 1922 created a veritable mania worldwide. Fashion, furniture, costumes, Art Deco designs even hair styles and perfumes were dedicated to the boy king. Who has not heard of Hatshepsuts courage, the perfection of Queen Nefertiti, or of Cleopatras allure, marrying a Roman emperor, and dying for the love of her Antony. Every discovery of the ancients brings back the magic of the land to the consciousness of the world. The discovery of the solar boats that sailed into the night with the dying pharaoh, was so perfect and astounding, it was front news on The New York Times for six consecutive days in 1954, only WWII took received that kind of coverage Hollywood has not missed a beat in depicting ancient Egypt and the Ten Commandments. This is where Moses kneeled to God, this is where the Virgin Mary found refuge from King Herod. Authors, historians, and scientists are still enchanted by the land of the Nile. Herodotus today would write: Egypt is the Nile! The Nile is Egypt! Whoever drinks of the waters of the Nile, will surely return. Old saying (accredited to Napoleon) *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Search Keywords: Short link: We were sitting in a cafe watching one of the Arab satellite TV channels when one person referred sarcastically to an analyst being interviewed on a talk show. These experts make fortunes without putting in much effort, he said. My attempts to explain that such experts had probably invested years studying until they had reached that status did not seem to resonate. But this person may not be the only one thinking this way. Many experts have been keeping a low profile despite the fact that they are more and more in demand, particularly since the outbreak of the Arab Spring revolutions in 2011 and due to the acceleration and complexity of events in the region. An average Arab satellite channel hosts some 25 experts per day in different domains, social, political, and economic, asking his or her opinion of events. According to the Arab Broadcasting Union, there are now some 133 Arab news channels out of a total of some 1,101 Arab channels. This means that more than 3,300 experts are hosted on Arab channels daily, assuming that the same faces do not show up more than once. Moreover, there are also thousands of experts working in universities and research centres who do not show up on our screens. This means that there is now a huge number of experts in different fields playing influential roles in forming public opinion and government policy-making. Are these experts really adequately qualified? This has been an issue of debate recently, particularly as many people may call themselves strategic experts when there is no guarantee that they have a long-term vision of current events. The controversy is not unique to the Arab region, but is rather a global issue. Google the word expert, and you will be inundated with sarcastic comments and YouTube videos poking fun at various experts views in both the Arab and Western countries. US writer Tom Nichols, author of The Death of Expertise: the Campaign against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters, examines the relationship between experts and others and has expressed his frustration at the demise of the public credibility of many experts. The Internet is one reason why experts have been keeping a low public profile, he says, as it can provide the illusion that almost anyone knows enough to challenge expert views. Such attacks on experts, however, may not be totally unfounded. The rise of the populist tide in much of the world and the dramatic ebb of democracy have provided a platform for some political leaders to express their hostility towards experts. Former US president Donald Trump slammed experts in his last election campaign as terrible, for example. Trump also ridiculed the views of chief US epidemiologist Anthony Fauci during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the same vein, the UK Brexit also unveiled a rift between anti-Brexit experts and sections of society insisting that Britain should maintain its EU membership and pro-Brexit populist politicians. UK Minister Michael Gove publicly slammed experts critical of Brexit, for example. Yet, there are certain international criteria that all experts should adhere to. An expert should have scientific integrity and remain objective when analysing phenomena. He or she should have the skills to present a new vision when tackling certain issues. More importantly, an expert should have the ability to provide reliable expectations that can enable decision-makers and others to confront future crises and reduce potential losses. Expert credibility comes under fire when such views and expectations prove unrealistic. This gap between expert viewpoints and reality undermines the prestige of experts, as people start to think that perhaps they have not looked deeply enough into what they are talking about or studied it well enough. They may think that some experts are biased or controlled by personal whims or serve the agendas of various parties. This dilemma is particularly evident in the field of forecasting. Experts lose public trust when they fail to anticipate major crises. Although there have always been expectations that epidemics could occur, no expert predicted the Covid-19 pandemic or warned that it could sweep the globe and impact life in such an unprecedented way. Experts can fail in their predictions for two main reasons, many studies agree. The first is linked to the nature of the tools employed in building future knowledge and expectations, which may lack objectivity and tend toward generalisation. The second may be what experts themselves call cognitive blindness, meaning building judgements of current events on the logic of previous experiences, leading to unexpected surprises. The 2011 Arab Spring revolutions may be a case in point. Before 2011, protests had already erupted across the region, but many experts underestimated or even ignored them on the grounds that the Arab regimes were in full control of their societies. They similarly underestimated the impact of social media and miscalculated the magnitude of pent-up public ire due to the deterioration in economic, social, and political aspects of life in the region. DILEMMA OF STANDARDS: However, experts remain an influential force that states employ to support their policies and enhance their global status. Experts are the ones who produce government narratives that shape foreign policies and form global agendas. The spread of the rhetoric of economic reform, governance, conflict resolution, and other such buzzwords reflects the influence of experts in forming global policies. US political scientist Joseph Nye has been influential in reshaping perceptions of power through the concept of soft power, for example. One of the reasons behind the US rise after World War II was its appreciation of experts, seeing them as qualified to interpret crises and propose alternative policies. It is therefore not surprising that the US today has the largest number of the worlds most influential think tanks even after its relative decline with Chinas rise to power over the past two decades. According to the Pennsylvania Global Index, which measures these and other things, there are about 1,777 think tanks in the US, in addition to its prominent universities and media that influence global public opinion. The global force of such experts has led many US research centres like Brookings, Carnegie, Rand, and others to be even keener on applying strict standards of expertise, particularly in academic teaching. Academics employed in such centres have lists of qualifications, and in addition to various degrees they have many publications in the field of their specialisation and long years of experience. They have often undertaken security and diplomatic positions. This means that such experts should possess academic knowledge as well as field experience. It is also important that they should have scientific and academic references as a further guarantee that they are qualified for the job and that their work is open to public inspection. Arab experts, on the other hand, may not be qualified in quite the same sense since the Arab region has different political and social conditions as well as less money for scientific research. There are fewer opportunities for people to receive institutional training in different fields. According to Mohamed Ezz Al-Arab, an expert at the Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, the centre employs three criteria for hiring experts. They should have a doctoral degree in the social sciences, should have spent 10 years in a prior appointment, and should have published at least five studies in their field of specialisation. However, the problem with Arab experts, Ezz Al-Arab said, is that they have fewer opportunities to mingle with people in general compared to experts in western countries, and they thus depend more on office than on field work when analysing phenomena. This has put the credibility of Arab experts into question, since some of them may not live up to the international standards set for such expertise. In the meantime, the fact that many Arab satellite TV channels have to cope with limited margins of freedom and the lack of expertise in the region have resulted in the rise of a new kind of media expert who may not be deeply acquainted with the nature of events and may sometimes be interviewed just because they have views that match the editorial policy of the host channel. Groups of so-called on-call experts have thus emerged, being experts who are ready to analyse any event or issue even outside their field of expertise because they are ready to speak to the camera and have views matching the editorial policies of the interviewing channel. Such on-call experts may use terms that lend an aura of superiority to what they are saying in attempts to legitimise government policies. CLIMATE PRESSURE: The political climates in which they operate form a source of pressure on many experts. In times of political turbulence, they have great influence over public opinion since many ordinary citizens depend on them to clear the fog surrounding events. In the wake of the Arab revolutions, for instance, the media had an increasing influence in mobilising the public, whose power rose in the face of governments. It is no surprise that the 2016 Arab Satellite Broadcasting Report, a survey of media in the region, indicated a growth in the number of satellite TV channels from 440 to 1,122 launched in the period between 2006-2007 and 2016. This meant that more and more experts were needed to explain and even justify events in the light of a highly polarised environment between supporters and opponents of the Arab Spring. Meanwhile, the emergence of a number of think tanks and research centres on the Arab region also gave rise to a new calibre of experts seeking fame on the satellite channels. They might be looking for PR to promote their own careers or to promote the centres they were working for. This has been particularly the case in the Arab region, where thousands of PhD holders have sought the limelight. In Egypt, for instance, estimates by the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) indicate that 9,000 people obtained PhDs in 2019 alone. In the meantime, the failure of the Revolutions, the collapse of state structures in Libya and Yemen, the rise of armed militias, and cross-border terrorism have all given rise to a new calibre of security and strategic experts who have been badly needed to explain such events to the public on satellite channels. The problem is that these experts may not always live up to high standards. According to Khaled Okasha, a security expert and director of the Egyptian Centre for Strategic Studies, the turmoil and high speed of events in the Arab region have increased demands for security experts to speak to the media. He says that those who do so should be qualified, adding that military and security academies such as the Nasser Military Academy and the Police Academy both grant scientific degrees and qualifications at the international level. A further problem is that some experts may function as agents or spokesmen either for the authorities or for the opposition. This politicisation of expert views has sometimes undermined their credibility. People may suspect the knowledge that such experts provide, thinking that they are defending a particular political party in an attempt to reach the official policy-making rank in the framework of the rotation of elites. The fact that many government officials are already employed in research centres upon their retirement is already widespread in Europe and the United States. Experts tend to be more politicised at times of political polarisation. In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, the satellite channels provided platforms for competing experts who provided different takes on such issues as the NATO intervention in Libya, the war in Yemen and Syria, and the recent normalisation with Israel, for example. When experts get politicised, they may suffer from the same so-called confirmation bias as ordinary citizens, selecting information that serves their arguments and supports their viewpoint and ignoring the rest. However, unlike ordinary citizens, experts choices may not be just the product of human error. The issue of who is funding the experts also undermines their credibility, since their views may be seen as serving the agenda of their financiers rather than providing objective knowledge to the public. Canadian author Alain Deneault has been highly critical of experts who commodify knowledge and defend various interests. For Deneault, such experts think according to who pays them and who funds their research since many major companies, including oil companies, finance research centres where experts may be asked to express views that serve the economic interests of the companies in the global market. Experts may even get excluded in cases where they disagree with the policies of those financing them. A case in point was a recent incident when US expert Barry Lane was expelled from the New America Research Centre in 2017 after supporting an EU decision to impose fines on Google for abusing its powers over the Internet. Google was one of the largest funders of this centre. CONSPIRACIES AND PROPAGANDA: Some experts have also recently come under fire for spreading false information or conspiracy theories that lack evidence and are not based on reliable sources, a matter which has recently become a subject of political satire in the media. The Covid-19 pandemic has created fertile soil for experts to spread conspiracy theories since people have been stressed or even panicked by it. This general atmosphere of fear has pushed some experts to simplify events and jump to conclusions without adequate study or reliable evidence, and this has reinforced the US-China war of mutual accusation on who was responsible for spreading the virus. Conspiracy theories have been spread by academic experts such as Tim Hayward from the University of Edinburgh in the UK and Russian biologist Igor Nikulin, who have insisted that the new coronavirus is a biological weapon invented by the West to weaken China. They have also said that international institutions have been exploiting the epidemic in order to promote genetically modified vaccines. The coronavirus crisis has also provided a platform for non-specialists to promote views regarding the pandemic and the effectiveness of vaccines. Dozens of videos circulating on YouTube feature non-epidemiologists as well as media professionals and YouTubers giving their takes on the issue of vaccination, warning against it or even slamming it as part of an international game to control human beings, all without providing any evidence or even being specialists in the field. Such conspiracy theories and non-specialist opinions greatly contributed to the initial public reluctance to accept the vaccines, also casting doubt on the opinion of experts at the World Health Organisation (WHO). These factors have shaken the status of experts in the Arab region and the rest of the world, but they do not mean they no longer have any power. Their speculations may falter and they may get mired in polarisation and conspiracy theories, but they still have an important role to play in promoting public awareness and orienting governments. After all, India and Brazil lost billions of dollars and thousands of lives when they ignored expert opinions on the coronavirus pandemic. Maintaining the status of experts may require a national and global review of the professional and ethical standards governing their work, whether addressing public opinion or dealing with decision-making circles. *A version of this article appears in print in the 15 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly. Short link: Malta lifts ban on unvaccinated travellers AFP, , Tuesday 13 Jul 2021 Persons who arrive to Malta from any of the countries listed... without being in possession of a vaccination certificate shall be required to submit themselves to a period of quarantine, the government said Malta reversed plans to introduce a ban on unvaccinated travellers just hours before it was due to come into effect Wednesday, with those without coronavirus jabs able now to quarantine. "Persons who arrive to Malta from any of the countries listed... without being in possession of a vaccination certificate shall be required to submit themselves to a period of quarantine," the government said in a legal note issued late Tuesday. The length of the quarantine period was not immediately clear, although Malta had already imposed a requirement for those arriving from certain "red" countries to spend 14 days in self-isolation. The Mediterranean island nation last week said it would become the first European country to impose a ban on unvaccinated travellers after a spike in Covid-19 cases. But that announcement drew criticism from the European Commission, as it risked undermining an EU-wide travel certificate that shows whether someone is vaccinated, has recovered from coronavirus or has recently tested negative. Health minister Chris Fearne had appeared to shut the door completely on US tourists and others, saying last Friday that only a Maltese, British or European vaccination certificate would be valid for entry. However many more countries are included in the new legal notice, which comes into effect on Wednesday, including most of the United States, Japan and others. Unvaccinated Malta residents who found themselves outside the country when the rules changed can show a negative PCR test, as long as the country involved is on the approved list. KYODO NEWS - Jul 13, 2021 - 23:37 | All, Japan, Coronavirus The administration of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga faced a growing backlash Tuesday for a controversial plan, retracted after a day, to have financial institutions help enforce a ban on eateries serving alcohol in Tokyo to curb the spread of COVID-19. Both ruling and opposition parties criticized the proposal, viewed as an implicit threat to withhold loans from restaurants and bars already hit hard by the pandemic. Yasutoshi Nishimura, the minister in charge of the coronavirus response, apologized at a press conference for "causing confusion and anxiety" by suggesting the move last Thursday. "I failed to fully get across the point, so I feel sorry," he added, while denying he would resign as a minister over the matter. The government said it had also abandoned a plan to ask beverage wholesalers to stop selling alcohol to eateries during the state of emergency, also in place in Okinawa. Nishimura said an official from the Cabinet Secretariat had briefed Suga and other members of his Cabinet on the plan to call on financial institutions to help enforce the alcohol ban. It appeared to contradict Suga's assertion Friday that he "had no knowledge" of Nishimura's statements the previous day. The government's top spokesman, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato, told a separate press conference the meeting with Cabinet members in question was on Wednesday, but there had been no discussion of specific measures. The government said Tuesday it had also abandoned a plan to ask beverage wholesalers to stop selling alcohol to eateries during the state of emergency, also in place in Okinawa, a senior administration official said. Under the COVID-19 state of emergency covering Tokyo from Monday through Aug. 22, restaurants and bars are prohibited from serving alcohol and are required to close by 8 p.m. The plan regarding financial institutions sparked an outcry among eateries, some of which have defied the restrictions amid the government's slow payout of "cooperation money" for businesses that comply. The No. 2 figure in Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Secretary General Toshihiro Nikai, on Tuesday expressed his chagrin at Nishimura's suggestion of the move, ahead of a general election later this year. "I'd like him to give us an explanation beforehand in order to avoid any misunderstanding, and to be careful in putting out his message," Nikai was quoted by a senior LDP official as saying at a party meeting. Meanwhile, Yukio Edano, leader of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said "the problem is with the entire administration, not just Nishimura." The opposition is expected to further press the matter in parliamentary hearings later this week. Related coverage: Japan retracts controversial policy over alcohol-serving restaurants Nishimura vowed to stay on as minister, saying he will "live up to the responsibility of curbing the spread of the virus and creating an environment in which businesses can be maintained." Last Thursday, he said the government would share with financial institutions information about their clients running restaurants and bars that were not following the alcohol ban, and wanted such institutions to request compliance with anti-virus measures. The Cabinet Secretariat the same day sent the finance and industry ministries a document asking them to seek the cooperation of lenders including state-backed ones under their jurisdictions, indicating the government had already been moving to put the plan into action. Nishimura retracted the plan the following day. Other Cabinet members claimed they had been opposed to the proposal from the beginning, with Finance Minister Taro Aso saying he told his aide to ignore the directive. The government has been encouraging financial institutions to provide more loans to eateries, but the policy "was about stopping making loans, which did not make sense," he said. Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Hiroshi Kajiyama said he "strongly felt there was something wrong" with making such a request to financial institutions and instructed ministry officials to find out what the purpose was, adding he did not give approval to go along with the plan. KYODO NEWS - Jul 13, 2021 - 13:34 | All, Japan, Coronavirus Japan will donate 1 million additional doses of a COVID-19 vaccine each to Taiwan, Indonesia and Vietnam later this week, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said Tuesday. The provision of Britain's AstraZeneca Plc vaccine manufactured in Japan under license to Taiwan from Thursday comes on top of a total of some 2.37 million shots already delivered to the self-ruled island in two batches since early June. The offers of AstraZeneca vaccine doses to Indonesia, where a highly contagious Delta variant is spreading quickly, and Vietnam from Thursday also follow initial donations of some 1 million doses and 2 million shots, respectively. Japan has so far provided AstraZeneca vaccine doses also to Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, according to the Foreign Ministry. Separately, Motegi said Japan is coordinating near-term shipment of a total of about 11 million shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine to 15 countries including Cambodia, Laos, Fiji, Kiribati and Iran through the U.N.-backed COVAX global vaccine sharing program. Japan has enough AstraZeneca doses for 60 million people and approved their use in May, but does not intend to use them immediately due to rare cases of blood clots reported overseas. By Reito Kaneko, KYODO NEWS - Jul 13, 2021 - 21:01 | All, Japan Stability in the Taiwan Strait is more important than ever, threatened by increasing Chinese military pressure, Japan's annual defense report said Tuesday, touching on the issue for the first time. This year's white paper, reported to the Cabinet the same day, said China has further intensified military activities around Taiwan with some 380 Chinese warplanes entering Taiwan's southwestern airspace in 2020, citing data from the island's Defense Ministry. The paper also mentioned that Chinese warships, including an aircraft carrier, sailed through the Bashi Channel, the waterway connecting the South China Sea with the western Pacific Ocean, and conducted a military drill last year. "Stabilizing the situation surrounding Taiwan is important for Japan's security and the stability of the international community," the paper said. "With military activities in the East and South China seas and around Taiwan becoming more active, we need to pay more attention to the military trends of the two countries (the United States and China) in the Indo-Pacific region," Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi said at a press conference when asked why Taiwan stability was mentioned in the report. As attention was growing to the timeline of a possible Chinese invasion of the island democracy, former U.S. Indo-Pacific Command chief Adm. Philip Davidson said in March that China could try to invade Taiwan "in the next six years." Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and U.S. President Joe Biden said in a joint statement in April that peace and stability are important across the strait, the first reference to Taiwan by the two countries' leaders in such a document in more than half a century. Taiwan and mainland China have been governed separately since they split amid a civil war in 1949. Beijing has since regarded Taiwan as a renegade province awaiting reunification by force if necessary. While pledging to build up his nation's military, Chinese President Xi Jinping committed to the "reunification" of Taiwan with the mainland in a speech on the 100th anniversary of the ruling Communist Party's founding. In reaction to the release of the paper, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters, "China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes" the report. Japan has "grossly interfered" in China's internal affairs, "unreasonably condemned" China's normal defense and military activities and "exaggerated the so-called Chinese threat," Zhao said. Kishi wrote the preface for the paper in a rare move, saying Japan would collaborate with such countries as Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, India, New Zealand and the United States that share the same value to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific, an initiative apparently aimed at countering China's rising assertiveness. "It expresses my determination as defense minister to protect the country, including values" such as freedom, democracy, the rule of law and respect for fundamental human rights, Kishi said at the press conference. The Taiwan issue was raised in the white paper to show that concerns voiced in the Japan-U.S. leaders' communique remain intact, said Takeshi Yuzawa, a professor of international relations of East Asia at Hosei University. "Japan's intention is also reflected to show its increasingly serious concerns over China's military activity against Taiwan," he said. The paper gives harsher criticism for China's "unilateral attempts to change the status quo by coercion" near the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. Last year, Chinese coast guard vessels were spotted near the islands for 111 consecutive days, the longest streak since Japan bought the islets from a private owner and put them under state control in 2012. The paper claims activities of Chinese vessels represent "a violation of international law." Beijing implemented a maritime law in February that allows its coast guard to use weapons against foreign vessels it views as illegally entering its waters. The law "includes problematic provisions in terms of inconsistency with international law," the paper said. The paper includes a new section focusing on U.S.-China relations, describing the world's two biggest economies as being in a "strategic race" and saying their rivalry will be even more apparent in various fields. Related coverage: Japan, U.S. urge China to comply with tribunal ruling on South China Sea FOCUS: G-20 hails cooperation, but ease in U.S.-China tensions not in sight KYODO NEWS - Jul 13, 2021 - 18:20 | All, Japan Japan and Britain have held an anti-piracy military drill in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia in East Africa, Japan's Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi said Tuesday. The drill, conducted on Sunday and Monday, involved the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer Setogiri and P-3C patrol planes as well as a strike group of the British aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Navy's largest warship, Kishi said. U.S. and Dutch naval vessels accompanying the British strike group also participated in the exercise, according to the defense minister. It marked the first time for the MSDF to hold a joint drill with the Queen Elizabeth. "Together with Britain, the United States and the Netherlands, we have demonstrated our willingness and capability to ensure the safety of sea traffic that is the cornerstone of global prosperity," Kishi told a press conference Tuesday. "We will continue to conduct joint exercises with the strike group in a strategic manner," he added. The strike group left Britain in May for the western Pacific to showcase London's increased engagement in the Indo-Pacific in the face of Beijing's active presence in the East and South China seas. During the joint antipiracy drill, the participating units engaged in replenishment at sea and photographing vessels, according to the Japanese Defense Ministry. Japan has dispatched the destroyer Setogiri and P-3C aircraft for an anti-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden. Related coverage: Japan, Britain to hold joint naval drill in Gulf of Aden KYODO NEWS - Jul 13, 2021 - 16:00 | All, Japan Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi said Tuesday he expects space tourism to "accelerate rapidly" after U.S. company Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. successfully carried passengers to the edge of space on the weekend. "I think changes such as a collapse in the cost (of space tourism) will happen soon," Noguchi of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said in an interview with Kyodo News. The 56-year-old, who returned to Earth in May after a six-month stay at the International Space Station, predicted that costs could fall from tens of millions of yen per person at present to fit the budgets of ordinary tourists. "I think we can organize 'a six-day space trip with Noguchi'," the veteran astronaut joked. "If you want to see the aurora borealis, the coral reefs of the Caribbean Sea, and the Himalayas in one day, the only way will be through space travel." On Sunday, Virgin Galactic's space plane flew to about 80 kilometers above Earth's surface, successfully sending the six passengers including the company's founder, billionaire British businessman Richard Branson, into suborbital space and allowing them to enjoy a few minutes of weightlessness. In November last year, Noguchi arrived at the ISS aboard U.S. aerospace manufacturer SpaceX's Crew Dragon ship on his third mission to the station. In his two previous space missions in 2005 and 2009, he traveled on the Space Shuttle Discovery and a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. During his latest mission, Noguchi conducted his fourth spacewalk. He stayed on the ISS for a total of 335 days -- the longest by a Japanese astronaut. Looking back on what was his third space flight conducted while he was in his 50s, Noguchi said, "I am happy to be able to keep challenging myself." Noguchi said it is important for him to support astronauts following in his footsteps such as Kimiya Yui, 51, and expressed his desire to continue his involvement in JAXA's international space exploration. Related coverage: Japan astronaut Noguchi to return to Earth on April 28 aboard SpaceX ship U.S., Japan, France astronauts arrive at ISS in SpaceX ship Japan's Hoshide, other astronauts head to space station aboard SpaceX ship KYODO NEWS - Jul 13, 2021 - 16:34 | World, All, Japan, Coronavirus Surging coronavirus cases in Southeast Asia, in such countries as Malaysia and Indonesia, have started affecting the supply chains of Japanese companies, with the possibility of regional production disruption becoming more real. In Malaysia, where lockdown has been in place since June 1, plants belonging to Toyota Motor Corp. and Honda Motor Co. remain closed. That is largely because of regulations that limit factory workers reporting to work to 10 percent or less. The lockdown has already been extended twice, with more stringent restrictions imposed July 5 on Malaysia's capital region, where Japanese companies operating in the country are concentrated. Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., which makes smartphone materials in Malaysia, announced a production halt on July 5. Even though the government has since allowed the electronics industry to resume work, a press representative of the company says production will not return to earlier levels until sometime between late July and early August. Japanese companies have also been hit hard in Indonesia, where daily new infections surpassed 40,000 on Monday. A survey conducted by the Japan External Trade Organization showed manufacturer after manufacturer decrying the increase in infections and the impact on their operations. One company reported having 18 percent of its workforce infected, creating problems for its operations. Also finding it difficult to operate at full capacity due to restrictions imposed on people's movements, many Japanese companies operating in Indonesia are considering sending their Japanese expatriates back home. An official of a Japanese automaker posted in Southeast Asia said the difference between the coronavirus pandemic and natural disasters lies in the former having a long-term impact on supply chains and hitting multiple areas simultaneously. The official said that in Southeast Asia, where vaccine rollouts remain slow, it is difficult to make a one-year forecast, much less longer ones. Thailand, considered a linchpin of Japanese companies' production networks in the region, has had a curfew imposed on the Bangkok region since Monday. But that has yet to be accompanied by strong restrictions on corporate operations. A Japanese electronics company suggested that the curfew's impact is expected to be limited. Vietnam, once touted widely for successfully containing the pandemic, is experiencing a surge in cases in its largest city, Ho Chi Minh City. So Kitami, a researcher at JETRO Bangkok, said that while Japanese companies are doing their best amid the pandemic, "there is a possibility that if infections continue to spread in other countries, regulations as strong as Malaysia's could be adopted there." "That could sap the appetite for investment," he said. KYODO NEWS - Jul 13, 2021 - 18:06 | News, All, Japan Four electricians from the United States and Britain who came to Japan to work on the Tokyo Olympics have been arrested on suspicion of using cocaine, police said Tuesday. The four -- two Britons and two Americans -- were arrested between July 3 and 5, but have denied the allegations, according to the police. The four had entered Japan between February and May to take part in maintenance work for electric generators used at venues for the Tokyo Games, commencing their duties after completing a 14-day quarantine. On July 2, all four were drinking at a bar in the capital's central Roppongi district from around 8 p.m. After leaving the bar, one of the suspects trespassed at a nearby apartment, prompting the police to hurry to the scene, according to the police. A drugs test on the four men revealed cocaine use, they said. Olympic minister Tamayo Marukawa said at a press conference Tuesday, "If (their crime) proves to be true, it's an incident that could damage the image of the games. It's really unfortunate." The four, who are suspected of using cocaine between July 3 and 4, are employees of Tokyo-based Aggreko Events Services Japan, a local subsidiary of a foreign-owned firm dealing with electric generators. The company said it is fully cooperating with the police investigation and that the four men have been suspended from their posts. "We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this incident may have caused to the people of Japan, the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the athletes, and the many people who are working to ensure the safety of the Tokyo Olympics," it said in a statement. The games organizers said it has issued a warning to Aggreko Events Services Japan and urged it to ensure no such similar incidents occur. In light of the incident, Marukawa said, "Nonessential outings at night will not be tolerated, even after the quarantine period is over." KYODO NEWS - Jul 13, 2021 - 15:09 | All, World Japan will extend $5.8 million in emergency humanitarian aid to Myanmar where supplies of food and daily necessities are scarce following the Feb. 1 coup, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said Tuesday. The aid, to be delivered through U.N. agencies such as the World Food Program and the United Nations Children's Fund, is expected to cover supplies for some 136,000 people affected in the southeastern part of Myanmar near the Thai border, where living conditions have sharply deteriorated since the military takeover. The latest provision by Japan is on top of its initial donation of $4 million in food aid, also through the WFP, to deliver food for about 600,000 people in Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar. Japan has so far contributed about $20 million in humanitarian assistance to Myanmar, including the latest provision, following the ouster of Myanmar's democratically elected government and civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi. "The Japanese government will continue to stand by the people of Myanmar in providing assistance," Motegi told a press conference. Japan has condemned the Myanmar military's violent crackdown on peaceful protesters and called for a halt to violence, the release of Suu Kyi and other detainees and a return to the democratic process. The government has put on hold new official development assistance for the Southeast Asian country in response to the coup, though it remains cautious about joining the United States and other democracies in imposing sanctions on individuals and groups involved. Related coverage: Myanmar sees daily COVID-19 infections surpass 5,000 for 1st time Japan grants visas to 300 Myanmar nationals amid political unrest Myanmar troops forced way into Japan diplomat's home in April: source New Delhi: Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi on Monday announced Rs 6,000-7,000 crore investment plan in 100 Indian start-ups companies in order to strengthen their hardware and software ecosystem. Earlier in 2017, the tech giant had invested in 10 start-ups and with the new plans, they are taking a step forward towards their goal. "Till 2017 the net investment of the company was Rs 3,000 crore. In the next five years we will invest Rs 6,000 crore to Rs 7,000 crore in around 100 start-ups in India," PTI quoted Manu Kumar Jain, the Managing Director and vice-president of Xiaomi India. According to Jain, Xiaomi is especially interested to invest more in mobile tech side with the aim to strengthen hardware and software ecosystem of the start-ups. He has also promised to keep the momentum in Xiaomi's fastest growing success all over the world. Much to the delight of customers, the company has recently unveiled its first flagship experience store in Chennai and is offering products sold in China but not available in India. The products include an electric cycle, a self- balancing scooter, an electric folding bike, smart shoes, smart cooker, laptop, water purifier, he said. "The company will use feedback from customers on these products to understand the level of customisation required before launching some of them in India," Jain added. While Xiaomi was actually introduced to build an internet company back in 2000, currently it is known to be one of the leading smartphone companies across the globe. However, the company has several internet products called 'ecosystem products'. Smart shoes, smart cycles, smart scooters, smart air purifiers, smart water purifiers, and smart routers are some of those internet products available in China. Also Read | Uber exits Southeast Asia; will not impact India operations Talking about Xiaomi's future plans Jain said, "Our aim is to make everything smart, internet-enabled and eventually run by a smartphone. "Everything that we have in China is not suitable for India market," he said. "For instance, we have a water purifier but it doesn't have a water tank whereas in India market where you have power and water shortage, you need a water tank," he added. Xiaomi had already launched its televisions in China and is currently selling smartphones, air purifiers and different mobile accessories across Indian markets. "India is a very important market for us and within a very short time, we have been able to capture significant market share in the smartphone market. TV is a big category after smartphones for Xiaomi and in China, we are the fastest growing TV brand," he said. The combined market share of the company in online and offline is 27 per cent as per market research institute GFK, according to Jain. "We grew almost 20-30 times in offline. We already have 2,500-Mi preferred partners in 25 big cities in India," he said. While the company has over 750 mobile service centres in India, it wants to further manufacture other electronic products across the country. "But we need certain volumes to start manufacturing and you have to do a return-on-Investment analysis. If that is favourable, we would want to set up local factories for everything here," Jain stated. Also Read | Vivo V9 launched in India; Check price, specifications, features and more The company has expanded to five big warehouses and 26 smaller ones in India, he added. To a question, he said Chandigarh is one of the biggest centres for the company in north India. "As per GFK, Xiaomi holds 40.3 per cent market share in Chandigarh's offline smartphone market for January 2018," he said. (With inputs from agencies) Lucknow: A day after Mayawatis Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) suffered a setback in the Rajya Sabha biennial elections in spite of support from Samajwadi Party (SP), on Saturday she confirmed that results will unlikely impact the newfound affability between the 25 years arch-rivals. The BSP chief also launched a sharp attack on the BJP for allegedly engaging in horse trading and fear to force lawmakers to switch sides, only because it wanted to defeat a Dalit candidate. Fearing of the outcome of Gorakhpur and Phulpur Lok Sabha bypoll results, the BJP tried to create a rift between the SP and BSP via the Rajya Sabha elections by forcing in a ninth candidate, Mayawati said. We are happy with our performance, Our candidate supported by SP and BSP had garnered 32 seats in first preference but loss in because his numbers were more in the second preference, the BSP chief added. Mayawati further asserted that she has no complaints against the SP and Congress. SP chief Akhilesh Yadav did what he had promised us, BSP chief added. Stating reasons for the loss, Mayawati said that one of her own party members cheated them by cross-voting and accused the BJP of "playing dirty games to win the election". We losing a seat is same as it is of the public. PM Narendra Modi and Yogi Adityanath government like always have misused the government machinery and perpetrated terror and fear along with horse trading to make a passage for its candidate to Rajya Sabha, Mayawati added. The BSP chief also added that the Rajya Sabha polls is a clear example that BJP believes in money power than the constitution. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Scribes across the world regularly face dangers from ruling powers for revealing the truth. In India too, it is no different. For years, editors and correspondents have been allegedly targeted in various ways by persons in the government ranks or people associated with underground groups. An international report compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists ranks India as the deadliest nation for reporters in Asia, even more than Pakistan and Afghanistan. The killing of scribes in the country is only lower than war-torn Syria and Iraq. The latest casualty of the profession are three young journalist two from Bihar and one from Madhya Pradesh. Journalist Sandeep Sharma, 35, was hit by a dumper from behind, killing him on the spot. He was going for a work assignment on Monday morning. His friends and family members have claimed that the hit and run case by a heavy vehicle was not a case of road accident. Sharma was murdered for investigating the nexus between police and sand mafia in Madhya Pradeshs Bhind district, said a local scribe. Navin Nishchal, a correspondent of leading vernacular newspaper in Bihar and his colleague Vijay Singh were rammed by a SUV allegedly driven by the village council headman and his son at Bihars Bhojpur district late on Sunday. According to family members, Nishchal was recently threatened of dire consequences by a local leader for writing against him. In February, a journalist in Lucknow was attacked by unknown assailants with rods and sharp weapons. He was lucky to survive the attack thanks to his wife who ran with a pistol for his rescue on hearing ruckus at outside the house. According to CPJ data, 66 journalists were killed across the globe while carrying out their duty in 2017 and in India alone five journalists were brutally murdered. The journos who lost their lives in 2017 for doing their work were Gauri Lankesh in Bengaluru, Santanu Bhownik in Tripura, Sudip Datta in Tripura, Navin Gupta in Kanpur and Rajesh Sheoran in Haryana. The profession has lost at least 64 brilliant journalists since 1992. The CPJ report states that the journalists who were killed had exposed corruption or government machinery and mafia nexus. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Amid the growing unity among Opposition parties against the BJP, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will attend a dinner hosted by the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar on Tuesday. Banerjee, who reached Delhi on Monday for a four-day visit has taken an initiative to forge an alliance of Opposition parties to defeat the BJP in 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Aimed at consolidating Opposition unity for the upcoming general elections, NCP chiefs dinner is seen as another attempt towards an anti-BJP alliance after last weeks gathering at UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhis residence. Mamata, who shares a healthy relationship with Sonia could not attend the dinner she hosted last week on March 14. But during the visit, she is also expected to meet the UPA chairperson on Wednesday. Also Read | Mayawati firm on BSP-SP alliance to crush BJP in 2019 Mamata has termed her meeting with Sonia as "strictly personal visit". However, it was not clear whether she will also meet Congress president Rahul Gandhi. Mamatas expected meeting with Sonia comes days after she met with Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao who is keen to form a federal front minus the BJP and the Congress. However, Pawar is more likely to support an alliance formed around Congress and Mamata too will not support any scheme that keeps the Grand Old Party out of it. In politics, situations sometimes allow everyone to come and work together. I have faith in democracy. It is best to work along with everyone, Mamata had said after meeting Rao. She has also thrown her weight behind the SP-BSP alliance and welcomed Mayawatis statement that her partys alliance with Akhilesh Yadv-led Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh will remain at least till 2019. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Amid conflicting reports, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday met Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar in Delhi. Earlier in the day, while talking to news agency ANI, Pawar had denied reports of any meeting taking place with the Bengal CM. There is no meeting, there is no dinner, news agency ANI quoted the chief as saying. The meeting between the two leaders is seen as an attempt towards stitching a federal front to defeat the BJP in 2019 Lok Sabha election. A strident critic of the Narendra Modi-led NDA government, Banerjee is considered as one of the key interlocutors between opposition parties. The Bengal CM, who reached Delhi on Monday for a four-day visit, is also expected to meet UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi at his residence on Wednesday. Also Read | Mamata Banerjee in Delhi to meet Sharad Pawar, Sonia Gandhi; anti-BJP alliance on agenda Banerjee, who shares a healthy relationship with Sonia, termed the meeting a "strictly personal visit". However, it was not clear whether she will also meet Congress president Rahul Gandhi. Her expected meeting with Sonia would come days after she met Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, who is keen to form a federal front minus the BJP and the Congress. However, Pawar is more likely to support an alliance formed around Congress and Mamata too is unlikely to support any scheme that keeps the Grand Old Party out of it. In politics, situations sometimes allow everyone to come and work together. I have faith in democracy. It is best to work along with everyone, Mamata had said after meeting Rao. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Washington: In a decision reminiscent of the Cold War era, the US on Monday expelled 60 Russian diplomats, describing them as "intelligence officers" and ordered closure of the country's consulate in Seattle over the use of nerve agent allegedly by Moscow against a former Russian spy in the UK. A dozen of these expelled diplomats are based at Russia's Permanent Mission to the UN. " President Donald J Trump ordered the expulsion of dozens of Russian intelligence officers from the United States and the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle due to its proximity to one of our submarine bases and Boeing," the White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders, said. All Russian diplomats, connected to the country's intelligence agencies, and their families have been given seven days' time to leave the country. The White House said this is in retaliation to the use of nerve agent against former spy Sergei Skripal in the United Kingdom, which blames Russia for the attack. Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33, both remain critically ill in hospital in Britain. Moscow has denied these allegations. The United Kingdom has already expelled 23 Russian diplomats. The United States takes this action in conjunction with its NATO allies and partners around the world in response to Russia's use of a military-grade chemical weapon on the soil of the United Kingdom, the latest in its ongoing pattern of destabilising activities around the world, Sanders said. "'s actions make the United States safer by reducing Russia's ability to spy on Americans and to conduct covert operations that threaten America's national security. With these steps, the United States and our allies and partners make clear to Russia that its actions have consequences," she said. She said the US stands ready to cooperate to build a better relationship with Russia, but this can only happen with a change in the Russian government's behaviour. There are 100 Russian intelligence officials based in the US. This is the first step, a senior Trump administration official told reporters during a conference call. The US reserves the right to expel more, the official added. The US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, said that the United States has begun the process of expelling 12 intelligence operatives from the Russian Mission to the United Nations who have abused their privilege of residence in the United States. "After a review, we have determined that the 12 intelligence operatives engaged in espionage activities that are adverse to? our national security. Our actions are consistent with the United Nations Headquarters Agreement," she said. Haley said Trump's decision shows that Russia's actions have consequences. "Beyond Russia's destabilising behaviour across the world, such as its participation in the atrocities in Syria and its illegal actions in Ukraine, it has now used a chemical weapon within the borders of one of our closest allies," she said. "Here in New York, Russia uses the UN as a safe haven for dangerous activities within our own borders. , the United States and many of our friends are sending a clear message that we will not stand for Russia's misconduct," Haley said. The strong US move comes after the UK alleged that on , Russia used a military-grade nerve agent to attempt to murder a British citizen and his daughter in Salisbury. "This attack on our Ally the United Kingdom put countless innocent lives at risk and resulted in serious injury to three people, including a police officer," the State Department Spokesperson, Heather Nauert, said. In response to this outrageous violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention and breach of international law, the US will expel 48 Russian officials serving at Russia's bilateral mission to the United States, she said. "We will also require the Russian government to close its Consulate General in Seattle by . We take these actions to demonstrate our unbreakable solidarity with the UK, and to impose serious consequences on Russia for its continued violations of international norms," Nauert said. The US calls on Russia to accept responsibility for its actions and to demonstrate to the world that it is capable of living up to its international commitments and responsibilities as a member of the UN Security Council to uphold international peace and security, she said. The US move was followed by 14 European Union member states who expelled a number of Russian diplomats in a coordinated response. Germany, France and Poland have said they will each expel four Russia diplomats, the Czech Republic and Lithuania three, Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands two, and Latvia one. Colonel Skripal was convicted of treason in 2006 and jailed for 13 years for selling secrets to MI6, which had recruited him in the 1990s. The senior intelligence officer with Russian military intelligence GRU, was pardoned in a spy swap in 2010 and settled in Salisbury, Wiltshire. The US move revives memories of the Cold War (from 1950s to early 1990s) when the two super powers - the United States and the Soviet Union - were engaged in a competition for increasing their sphere of influence and often targeted each other with such expulsions. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Srinagar: Two Jammu and Kashmir police personnel and one army men were killed and another was injured in an encounter between militants and security forces in the Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir. Five terrorists have been gunned down by joint security forces since Tuesday evening, Army spokesperson said on Wednesday. Two policemen lost their lives and another was injured in the gunfight. The wounded personnel is undergoing treatment at a hospital. His condition is stated to be stable, a Jammu and Kashmir Police spokesperson said. An encounter broke out in the Arampora area of Kupwara on Tuesday evening after security forces launched an operation in the wake of militants opening fire at an Army patrol party. The spokesperson said the anti-militancy operation, which continued overnight, was going on when reports last came in. Four unidentified militants were killed in the operation on Tuesday. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Centre to file a comprehensive status report giving details of conditions in Rohingya refugee camps in various states. A bench comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justices A M Khanwilkar and D Y Chandrachud considered the submission of senior advocate Colin Gonsalves that conditions at the camps are unhygienic and "filthiest to say the least". The senior lawyer, appearing for the petitioner Zaffar Ullah, said the Centre and states like Haryana, Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir should be asked to provide better hygienic facilities at these camps. The plea alleged that poor and unhygienic conditions at these camps have led to several deaths recently. Also Read: 6,700 Rohingya killed in first month of Myanmar violence: MSF The Rohingyas, who fled to India after violence in Myanmar's western Rakhine state, are settled in Jammu, Hyderabad, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi-NCR and Rajasthan. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: North Korea leader Kim Jong-un on Monday made a surprise visit to China ahead of his potential meeting with US President Donald Trump. As per reports in Bloomberg, Kim's visit to China is his first known overseas trip since taking power in 2011. Details of his visit including its purpose and itinerary were not yet known, Bloomberg said. Japanese media reported earlier on Monday that a high-ranking Pyongyang official appeared to have arrived by train in Beijing. Sources close to the matter said the visit of the official was intended to strengthen ties between Beijing and Pyongyang that have been badly hit by North Koreas bid to enhance its nuclear arsenal and Chinas backing of tough sanctions against North Korea at the United Nations Security Council. For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Three journalists were allegedly killed in the last 24 hours in separate incidents in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, according to sources. While two journalists of a leading vernacular newspaper were rammed in Bihar's Bhojpur district, another was mowed down by a heavy vehicle in Madhya Pradesh on Monday morning. Journalist Sandeep Sharma, 35, who had been investigating the nexus between police and sand mafia in Madhya Pradeshs Bhind district was hit by a dumper from behind, killing him on the spot, family members and friends said. According to local scribes, the incident happened hardly a few meters away from the town Kotwali Police station but police took more than 20 minutes to reach the incident site. Recently, the channel where Sharma worked, had aired an audio conversation on the link between police officials and sand mafias. Bhopal Press Club president told the media that Sharma had informed the local administration about the issue. He had submitted a written complaint citing threat of life to the Bhind superintendent of police (SP), Madhya Pradesh press club members said. In another incident, Navin Nishchal and his colleague Vijay Singh were rammed by a SUV allegedly driven by the village council headman and his son at Bihars Bhojpur district late on Sunday. Police have identified the village headman as Mohammad Harsu. According to a Bihar police officer, Harsu has several criminal cases against him. Soon after the incident, local torched the SUV. However, the local headman and his son managed to escape. Both the journalists died on the spot. An FIR has been lodged against Harsu and his son, Bihar Police added. Nischals brother also informed the police that Harsu and his family members had recently threatened the deceased over an article published against the local headman. We have formed a special team to nab the accused, Bhojpur SP Avkash Kumar said. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Congress president Rahul Gandhi on lashed out at the media for allegedly stirring hate against him with their "cunning twisting of facts". He said he was honoured they made their livelihood spinning lies about him. Gandhi took to Twitter to express his criticism of the media and cited the 'Cobrapost' sting operation, allegedly revealing that 17 media firms were ready to push communal reports for cash without even raising a bill for it. "I can never hate those who try to stir up hate against me, with fake stories and their cunning twisting of facts. For them it's just business; hate sold for a price, as the Cobrapost expose shows," Gandhi said on Twitter. "I'm blessed and honoured that they make their livelihoods spinning lies about me," he added. The Cobrapost sting operation is codenamed Operation 136. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Tata Steel Ltd on Friday said it has won the bid to acquire debt-laden Bhushan Steel (BSL) in an insolvency auction. In a statement, the company said it has been "declared as the successful resolution applicant by the committee of creditors of Bhushan Steel Limited on March 22, 2018, subject to obtaining necessary regulatory approvals, including approval from the NCLT and the Competition Commission of India." Tata Steel said it has accepted the letter of intent (LoI) for BSL under the corporate insolvency resolution process of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 (IBC). Also Read: Tata Sons to sell 1.48 percent stake in TCS for Rs 8,127 crore, funds likely to be used for paying off wireless division's debt For all the Latest Business News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The Election Commission on Tuesday announced the poll dates for the upcoming Karnataka Assembly elections. The voting for the assembly elections shall be held on May 12 and the counting shall happen on May 15. The Election Commission announced that the elections in the state will be held in a single phase. The term of the current 224-member legislative Assembly ends on May 28. The elections in the South Indian state is due to be conducted in late April or early May. As per sources, the elections in Karnataka can be held in two phases. The elections would once again see the BJP take on its traditional rival Congress, which has been in power in the state. After BJP came to power in the Centre in 2014, it has won in states like Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Assam and Manipur by reducing the Congress to just four states. Suggested Read | Amit Shah goofs up in Karnataka, calls BJP's Yeddyurappa 'most corrupt CM' Live updates from Election Commission's press conference: #11:40 am The Election Commission announced that the elections in the state will be held in a single phase. #11:30 am Voting to be held on May 12, counting of votes on May 15 - CEC OP Rawat #11:25 am Candidates cannot spend more than Rs 28 lakh while campaigning - CEC OP Rawat #11:22 am The use of loudspeakers will be regulated - CEC OP Rawat #11:20 am Election Commission has mandated parties to use eco-friendly items while campaigning for the Karnataka Assembly election. #11:15 am Karnataka Assembly elections will see 56,696 polling stations, an increase of almost 9 per cent compared to the last election - Election Commision #11:15 am The model code of conduct comes into effect immediately - Election Commision #11:10 am Karnataka Assembly election will see special arrangements being made for women - CEC OP Rawat #11:10 am More than 450 voting stations will be managed by all-woman staff - CEC OP Rawat #11:05 am 4.96 crore voters in Karnataka - CEC OP Rawat #11:00 am Chief Election Commissioner OP Rawat is now speaking at the press conference in New Delhi. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The main Opposition Party Congress will move a no-confidence motion against Modi government on Tuesday as the budget session of Parliament resumes after a three-day break. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) has also given a similar notice to Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha. Earlier the Congress party was supporting the TDP and YSR Congress who has already given notices for a no-confidence motion against the Modi government. The notices could not be taken up as the House was not in order due to the protests by the Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS), and AIADMK in the Well of both Houses of Parliament. Also Read | Election Commission to announce poll schedule for Karnataka Assembly elections today However, the TRS has decided not to protest in the Well on Tuesday, paving a way for the no-confidence motion to be taken up by the speaker. The House was getting adjourned every day. A misconception was gaining ground that we were not letting the House function at the behest of the ruling BJP to block the no-confidence motion, the Indian Express quoted TRS floor leader in the Lok Sabha AP Jithender Reddy as saying. We will also participate in the deliberations, the TRS leader said. Live Updates: #12:10 PM: Lok Sabha adjourned till tomorrow, after ruckus. # 12:05 PM: Congress has become a marginal party, Kharge ji needs to introspect on it. We are always ready to have a discussion no-confidence motion: Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar, amid ruckus in Lok Sabha # 11:06: Lok Sabha adjourned till 12 noon after loud slogans of 'we want justice' were raised in the House as soon as proceedings began. # 11:00 AM: Meanwhile, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to meet NCP Chief Sharad Pawar in Delhi today # 10:55 AM: "YSRCP says they'll not attend the all-party meet called by Andhra Pradesh CM. They don't have clarity & credibility, they are hand in glove with BJP. They say 5 of their MPs will resign, let us see, they must've spoken to govt that they don't accept the resignation: TDP MP CM Ramesh # 10:50 AM: YSR Congress party MP's stage protest in Parliament over demand for special category status for Andhra Pradesh. #10:30 AM: RJD MP JP Narayan Yadav gives adjournment motion notice in Lok Sabha, writes, 'Urgent discussion should be held on inciting speech by two Union Ministers in Bihar & situation arising out of the pending arrest of the main accused in Bhagalpur clashes. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday invoked the legacy of grandmother and former prime minister Indira Gandhi while addressing the public in Chikmagalur district in poll-bound Karnataka. "You supported my grandmother when she needed it the most. I can never forget this. Whenever you need me, I will always be available," said Rahul Gandhi, referring to Indira Gandhi's political comeback which started with the Lok Sabha bypoll win in Chikmagalur in 1978. Expressing confidence Rahul Gandhi said that the ruling party will win the polls because of unity and hard work of its cadres, Congress President also requested people to bless him with their support as they did to his grandmother. "I humbly request you to bless me with your support like you supported my grandmother Indira Gandhi," the Congress president said. He also took a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for telling "lie". he said Modi was talking about corruption while sharing stage with party members who were jailed on graft charges. Also Read: Congress denies links to Cambridge Analytica, says BJP, JD-U used services in 2010 Modi doesn't see corruption in the sudden rise in turnover of a company owned by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Amit Shah's son Jay Shah, he said. The Prime Minister was also not addressing corruption cases of state unit president B.S. Yeddyurappa and diamond jeweller Nirav Modi, said Gandhi his 30-minute address delivered in Hindi and translated into Kannada by a party leader. "People do not want to listen to lies or hate speeches. They want to listen to truth and issues that concern them. "Four years of Modi's rule has gone by and he has only one year left. He is going to lose the next (Lok Sabha) elections in 2019 with this kind of rule." The 47-year-old party chief was on a two-day visit across the coastal districts of the state since Tuesday. This was his third visit to the state since February. Earlier in the day, he visited Sringeri Mutt and interacted with the students of "Veda Pathashala". Also Read: CBI registers FIR in Rs 824-crore 'loan fraud' by Kanishk Gold; carries out searches For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Pervez Musharraf, former Pakistan military ruler, is likely to return to the country from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in April, sources said. "Former president (Retd) General Pervez Musharraf would return to Pakistan next month," Iqbal Dar, secretary general of the Pakistan Awami Ittehad (PAI), was quoted as saying by the 'Dawn'. Musharraf, who has been living in Dubai since 2017, has to appear before a special Pakistani court in a high treason case. The 74-year-old retired General was indicted in March 2014 on treason charges. And he has been declared "proclaimed offender" by courts in the treason and the Benazir Bhutto assassination cases. Musharraf imposed emergency in the country, which led to the sacking of over 100 judges and confinement of Supreme Court judges in their houses. The former president, however, was permitted to leave Pakistan on the pretext of medical treatment. Also Read: Pakistan protests as India denies visas for Ajmer Sharif pilgrims He had sought adequate security from the government for his return and his lawyer had moved a petition to the Interior Ministry, stating that the former president faced security threats. The ministry, in its response, had sought the details of Musharraf's travel itinerary and his stay in Pakistan so that necessary fool proof security arrangements can be made for him well in time. On March 16, the special court hearing the treason case against him authorised the government to suspend his passport as well as his computerised national identity card. The court had also directed the Interior Ministry to approach the Interpol for the arrest of the former president. Also Read: India lodges another protest after diplomats harassed in Pakistan PAI is a coalition of 23 political and religious parties led by the former General, and Musharraf ruled Pakistan from 1999 to 2008. (With inputs from agencies) For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Marriage is an institution which gives a start to new life, achievements in the form of love, support, and identity. Delay and problems in marriage for marriageable girls is a big tension for the parents. According to our ancient scriptures, marriage is a pious relation and have allotted separate duties for both the partners. If Vastu Shastra principles are to believed then it can do wonders for love and affection between all family members. By following certain Vastu Shastra rules unmarried girls will be able to find their life partner soon. Follow these Vastu Shastra principles to get married soon: # The room of an unmarried girl should always be in the north-west direction of the house and the south-west direction should be avoided. # The rooms of the house should be painted in pastel colors to help positive energies in the house. Black and brown should be avoided. # Also, the door of the attached toilet must be kept closed when not in use. # Not only girls but all the family members must avoid sleeping under the beam. It causes unnecessary pressure and also is detrimental in terms of health. # Girls are also suggested to wear red color as it brings back the lost love in your life and stimulates the desire as well. # Mirrors should be strictly kept in the bedroom, visible to beds or reflecting the bed from any side. The mirrors can be placed in the south and west walls without facing the beds. Three bomb blasts on July 13, 2011, following serial blasts on local trains in Mumbai on July 11, 2006, shocked not only Mumbai but the whole of India. The bomb blasts in Mumbai on July 13, 2011, were carried out by the Indian Mujahideen to commemorate the birthday of Ajmal Kasab, accused of the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai. The entire conspiracy to carry out the July 13 bomb blast in Mumbai was that of Indian Mujahideen's Aka Yasin Bhatkal. In Mumbai, 3 bomb blasts were carried out in the busiest areas in a span of 10-15 minutes. It was Wednesday and it was evening. Mumbai, which never slept, was a laughing-sport that evening as they did every day. The employees were returning to their homes after working. The women had gone for a walk with their children. But on July 13, 2011, Maya Nagari probably had no idea that she was going to have a moment that would hurt them for a lifetime. The first blast took place in south Mumbai, at 06:54 pm. The blast was caused by a bomb planted in a bike in Khau Gali in Jhaveri Bazar. At first, no one understood anything. The movement of the people turned into a stampede. There were only screams all around. A minute later, a bomb placed in a tiffin box outside the prasad chamber, and the Pancha Ratna building in the Opera House area exploded a massive explosion. This area of the opera house is one of the busiest areas of Mumbai. There is a movement of hundreds of people at a time. When the second blast took place, the people of Mumbai feared that Mumbai was once again the target of terrorists. The third blast was followed by a bomb hanging from an electric pole at a bus stand near the Pigeon Khana area of Dadar at 07:05 hrs. However, Mumbai police had promptly recovered two live bombs from Grant Road Santa Cruz. The bomb blasts, which used IED, are said to have been more powerful than the earlier blasts in Mumbai. The lands of the three places where the blasts took place were shaken. The glass of the buildings was broken. The rags of the bodies of those directly exposed to the blast were scattered for several meters, with only blood and rags of bodies all around. Mumbai was once again counting the bodies of its people. The bloodstained mutilated bodies were waiting for them to be wrapped up and handed over to their loved ones. The injured people were lying unconscious in a pool of blood. While 31 people lost their lives in the blast, 500 people were seriously injured. Ajmal Amir Kasab, accused of the brutal terror attack in Mayanagari on November 26, 2008, had his birthday on July 13. Kasab was sentenced to death at that time. On July 13, 2011, the blasts in Mumbai were carried out in memory of Kasab's birthday. Indian Mujahideen chief Yasin Bhatkal had said he was proud of the blast. The entire plan for the bomb blasts was made by Yasin Bhatkal. This was followed by a high alert in Delhi, Bengaluru, and the rest of the metros. Several persons were questioned after the blast. the ATS was entrusted with the responsibility of investigating the blast. Clues were sought in 18 states during the investigation. Blast accused Yasin Bhatkal was arrested from the Nepal border on August 28, 2013, after an undercover operation after which he was later sentenced to death. Earlier, on 11th July 2006, serial bomb blasts were carried out targeting a local train called the Lifeline of Mumbai. There were 7 blasts in Khar and Bandra Road stations during 7 minutes. 189 people were tragically killed while 900 others were injured in the blasts. Earlier also, in 1993, 2002, 2003, Mumbai was constantly rocked by bomb blasts. These 3 big faces joined the crucial Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs Family members had to do it as soon as wedding card of a Hindu girl with a Muslim boy went viral Big news: Rs 5 lakh disappeared from Nashik currency note press Kathmandu: Nepal received more than 1.5 million doses of johnson and johnson corona vaccine from the US on Monday. Nepal has received these vaccine doses when the country is facing a serious vaccine fort. This is the first consignment of vaccine received by Nepal. The US has provided 15,34,850 doses to Nepal through the 'Covax Scheme'. US Ambassador Randy Berry handed over the vaccine to Nepal's health minister Krishna Gopal Shrestha on Monday. "Today we are giving nepal enough JNJ Covid-19 vaccine through cowax to completely vaccinate 15 lakh people," Berry wrote after handing over the vaccine to Nepal. "I am proud that the US is the only largest country to help Nepal with covid-19. The gift is aimed at saving people's lives on behalf of the American people," Berry added. On the other hand, PM K P Sharma Oli expressed gratitude to the US government on behalf of the Government of Nepal and the people for providing the vaccine. According to media reports, Health Minister Shrestha said on Monday that the US vaccine dose will be given to people between the ages of 50 and 54. According to a press release issued by the Ministry of External Affairs, the johnson and johnson vaccine will boost Nepal's vaccination campaign amid the second wave of the Covid-19 epidemic. Covid Roundup: Britain reports another 34,471 coronavirus cases Arvind Kejriwal to arrive Goa today, Keep an eye on next year's assembly polls Crime against women, children in Kerala: BJP chief to intensify action plan Kathmandu: Nepal caretaker Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli resigned on Tuesday as opposition leader Sher Bahadur Deuba is set to be sworn in as the new PM after the Supreme Court's verdict, saying that Our party abides with the order given by the Supreme Court. The apex court in its verdict ordered President Bidhya Devi Bhandari to appoint Deuba as the successor of now caretaker Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli. A total of 146 members of the House of Representatives (HoR) reached out to Supreme Court with a writ petition to demand the restoration of the house and appoint Sher Bahadur Deuba, as the next prime minister on May 24. The petitions at that time included a total of 61 members of the House of Representatives from the Nepali Congress, 49 from the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre), 23 from the Madhav Nepal faction of CPN-UML, 12 from Upendra Yadav-Baburam Bhattarai of Janata Samajbadi Party and one from Rashtriya Janamorcha Nepal. With Oli failing to secure the vote of confidence on May 10, Bhandari on May 13 had appointed Oli prime minister under Article 76 (3) of the constitution as the leader of the party with the highest number of members in the House. A week after his appointment, Oli on May 20 in a sudden move recommended that the President invoke Article 76 (5) to choose a new prime minister. Dissatisfied with the judgement of the Supreme Court, supporters of caretaker Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Monday staged a protest against the order to reinstate the dissolved House of Representatives (HoR). Spanish cabinet reshuffle: Pedro Sanchez names younger Cabinet with more women Woman commits such act in a flying plane that endangered passengers' lives UN CBD releases new Global Biodiversity Framework for managing nature Kathmandu: Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba has become the country's PM for the 5th time on Tuesday. The move is seen as a major setback for KP Sharma Oli, who is playing the role of Communist Party leader and so far acting PM. According to media reports, President Vidya Devi Bhandari has made him PM under Article 76(5) of the Constitution. This is the fifth time that Deuba (74) has returned to power as Nepal's PM. His appointment comes after the Supreme Court ordered on Monday. The court had sealed Deuba's claim for the POST of PM by removing KP Sharma Oli. The President's Office has informed Deuba about his appointment. It is not yet clear when Deuba will be sworn in as preparations are on for the same. Sher Bahadur has been PM 4 times before. It has first held the post of PM - September 1995 - March 1997, second time July 2001- October 2002, third time June 2004- February 2005 and fourth time June 2017-February 2018. Deuba will have to get a vote of confidence in the House within 30 days after his appointment as PM under the constitutional provision. Must chant this divine mantra of Hanuman ji on Tuesday Urvashi Rautela to be seen in Randeep Hooda's 'Inspector Avinash,' to play this character Delhi HC sends notice to Central government over new Aadhaar card number Sugarcane is one of the most productive plants on Earth, providing 80 percent of the sugar and 30 percent of the bioethanol produced worldwide. Its size and efficient use of water and light give it tremendous potential for the production of renewable value-added bioproducts and biofuels. But the highly complex sugarcane genome poses challenges for conventional breeding, requiring more than a decade of trials for the development of an improved cultivar. Two recently published innovations by University of Florida researchers at the Department of Energy's Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI) demonstrated the first successful precision breeding of sugarcane by using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing -- a far more targeted and efficient way to develop new varieties. CRISPR/Cas9 allows scientists to introduce precision changes in almost any gene and, depending on the selected approach, to turn the gene off or replace it with a superior version. The latter is technically more challenging and has rarely been reported for crops so far. In the first report, researchers demonstrated the ability to turn off variable numbers of copies of the magnesium chelatase gene, a key enzyme for chlorophyll biosynthesis in sugarcane, producing rapidly identifiable plants with light green to yellow leaves. Light green plants did not show growth reduction and may require less nitrogen fertilizer to produce the same amount of biomass. That study, published in Frontiers in Genome Editing, was led by CABBI researchers Fredy Altpeter, Professor of Agronomy at the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), and Ayman Eid, a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Altpeter's lab. The second study, also published in Frontiers in Genome Editing, achieved efficient and reproducible gene targeting in sugarcane, demonstrating the precise substitution of multiple copies of the target gene with a superior version, conferring herbicide resistance. Scientists co-introduced a repair template together with the gene-editing tool to direct the plant's own DNA repair process so that one or two of the thousands of building blocks of the gene, called nucleotides, were precisely replaced in the targeted location. The result was that the gene product was still fully functional and could no longer be inhibited by the herbicide. That study was led by Altpeter and former CABBI Postdoc Mehmet Tufan Oz. Altpeter's lab, part of CABBI's groundbreaking project to develop new oil-rich sugarcane varieties, has pioneered research with sugarcane genome editing using the TALEN gene-editing system. But the two recent publications are the first to successfully demonstrate CRISPR gene-editing in sugarcane as well as gene targeting for precision nucleotide substitution in sugarcane using any genome-editing tool. "Now we have very effective tools to modify sugarcane into a crop with higher productivity or improved sustainability," Altpeter said. "It's important since sugarcane is the ideal crop to fuel the emerging bioeconomy." Sugarcane is a hybrid of two kinds of parent plants, so it has multiple sets of chromosomes rather than just two, as with humans or "diploid" plants. That creates genetic redundancy -- with many sets of genes doing the same job -- which may contribute to the plant's productivity: If one set breaks, there's a backup. But it makes sugarcane extremely difficult to modify. Crop scientists have to target all the genes and copies that govern a particular trait in order to make improvements. With conventional breeding, two types of sugarcane are cross-bred to reshuffle the genetic information present in each parent in the hope of enhancing a desirable trait such as disease resistance. The problem is that genes are transferred from the parents to offspring in blocks, and desirable traits are often linked with deleterious genetic material. This means scientists often have to do multiple rounds of backcrossing and screen thousands of plants to restore the elite background, or underlying plant characteristics, in addition to improving one trait theyre attempting to modify. The process is more time-consuming and costly in plants with complex genomes like sugarcane. Precise gene-editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 offer a much more targeted path to crop improvement because it avoids the reshuffling of genetic information and simply changes inferior gene versions into superior ones. Given the sugarcane genome's complexity, Altpeter and his team focused initially on genes that control noticeable traits -- leaf color and herbicide resistance -- so they could determine if the edits worked. Beyond providing an easily identifiable phenotype, the targeted genes may prove useful in future research. Changing the chlorophyll content of sugarcane has the potential to increase canopy level photosynthesis or reduce the requirement for nitrogen fertilizer, based on previous plant modeling. Sugarcane is a tall, dense plant, with the top leaves getting lots of sun and shading lower foliage. If the upper leaves have less chlorophyll, sunlight can penetrate deeper into the plant, increasing its biomass with the same amount of light and less fertilizer. Herbicide resistance is not only an agronomically desirable trait to facilitate weed management; it will also facilitate future gene-editing efforts by enabling suppression of non-edited plant cells. At CABBI, Altpeter and his team are already applying the results to develop improved sugarcane lines. Sugarcane has many different gene targets that can translate into more biomass or the production of lipids or specialty fatty acids -- all of which would advance CABBI's goals to produce fuels and other products from plants to replace petroleum. Because the crop is already harvested and processed for sugar extraction, the basic infrastructure to process its raw material into a product on a shelf is essentially in place. "Adding value streams is relatively inexpensive compared to other crop alternatives," Altpeter said. ### Coauthors on the first study included CABBI visiting scientist Chakravarthi Mohan, CABBI Lab Technician Sara Sanchez, and former CABBI Postdoc Duoduo Wang, all in Altpeter's lab. Coauthors on the second study included Angelika Altpeter, Ratna Karan, and Aldo Merotto of the Agronomy Department at UF/IFAS. Description "In Her Night of Romance, an heiress (Constance Talmadge) traveling in England disguises herself to discourage fortune hunters. She falls in love with a handsome nobleman, who is secretly impoverished. When they spend a night alone at his former estate, they are forced to pretend that theyre married, a situation that threatens to unravel their storybook romance just as its getting started. Often appearing as the virtuous vamp (a mesmerizing beauty who could be naughty yet nice), Brooklyn-born Constance Talmadge was one of the biggest stars of silent movies. Her style and comic timing feel as modern today as they were almost 100 years ago. At the end of the era, she chose (without regret) to retire from motion pictures and enjoy her personal life, without ever having made a talkie. (USA, 1924, 70 min., NR, Silent with English intertitles | Dir. Sidney Franklin)" Cinema Arts Centre Description With live music offered just about every night, K.J. Farrell's is a must-visit for music fans in Nassau County. The venue has a full menu of appetizers, pizzas, tacos, sliders, and more to snack on during each show. Darren Gallagher & The Killer Band will be performing on this particular date. New DRI and EAF installations in Gijon will reduce carbon e missions at the companys Spanish operations by approximately 50% The DRI installation in Gijon will also enable ArcelorMittal Sestao to be the worlds first full-scale zero carbon-emissions1 steel plant 13 July 2021, 13:45 CET ArcelorMittal has today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Spanish Government that will see a 1 billion investment in decarbonisation technologies at ArcelorMittal Asturias plant in Gijon. The investments will reduce CO 2 emissions at ArcelorMittals Spanish operations by up to 4.8 million tonnes, which represents approximately 50% of emissions, within the next five years2. The MoU states the commitment of ArcelorMittal and the Government of Spain to transition towards a decarbonised steel industry. ArcelorMittal will introduce new manufacturing processes that contribute to a considerable reduction of CO 2 emissions. It will also further intensify its R&D capabilities in Spain to support the new project and innovation requirements. The Government of Spain will promote reforms and investments to support the development and growth of a strong, more competitive and sustainable industrial sector, as well as endeavouring to provide maximum financial support for the project, in line with Spanish legislation and European Union regulations. Given the significant cost associated with the transition, in terms of both capex and opex, it is ArcelorMittals expectation this support will cover at least half of the additional cost to enable its operations to remain competitive as it accelerates its decarbonisation program. The MoU was signed at an event in ArcelorMittal Asturias plant in Gijon, which was attended by ArcelorMittal Executive Chairman, Lakshmi Mittal, CEO Aditya Mittal and the President of Spain, Pedro Sanchez as well as Raul Blanco, the Secretary General for Industry, and Adrian Barbon, President of the Asturias regional government. At the heart of the plan is a 2.3 million-tonne green hydrogen direct reduced iron (DRI) unit, complemented by a 1.1 million-tonne hybrid electric arc furnace (EAF). This starts the transition of the Gijon plant away from the blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace steelmaking production route to the DRI-EAF production route, which carries a significantly lower carbon footprint. The new DRI - which will be the first of its kind in Spain - and EAF will be in production before the end of 2025. Story continues To maximize the emissions reduction potential, ultimately green hydrogen will be used to reduce the iron ore in the DRI, with the EAF powered by renewable electricity. The support of the national and regional governments in this project is crucial as it will enable ArcelorMittal to have access to green hydrogen supplied through a consortium of companies that will cooperate in the construction of the infrastructure required in order to produce hydrogen in the Iberian Peninsula using solar-powered electrolysis and to transport it directly through a network of pipelines. The initiative involves the construction of multiple large-scale solar farms, with hydrogen produced in situ and with the corresponding impact in terms of employment. The Gijon DRI will also feed the companys Sestao plant, situated approximately 250km from Gijon, where production is already entirely from the electric arc furnace route. This means that by 2025 ArcelorMittal Sestao will produce 1.6 million tonnes of steel and be the worlds first full-scale steel plant to achieve zero carbon-emissions. Speaking at the signing of the MoU in Gijon, Aditya Mittal, CEO ArcelorMittal, said: It is widely understood that for the world to achieve net-zero by 2050, faster progress over the next decade is essential. The MoU we have signed today will play an important role in doing exactly that. The construction of the new green hydrogen DRI plant in Gijon will not only enable us to reduce emissions from our Spanish operations by half but will also result in the worlds first full-scale zero carbon-emissions steel plant in Sestao. Clearly, this is a project that will require the support of many different partners to succeed; our plan hinges on the supply of affordable, mass-scale hydrogen, access to sustainable finance and a supportive legal framework that allows us to be competitive globally. The Spanish government has clearly defined plans to transition the country to a decarbonised economy and I have been impressed by the progress made in creating the energy infrastructure that this green economy will require. As a large emitter, the steel industry can make a vital contribution to achieving net zero by 2050. This project demonstrates what is achievable. Expressing their support for the plan, Spains Minister of Industry Maria Reyes Maroto said: The Government of Spain and the ArcelorMittal Group fully agree that the transition towards a decarbonised economy is an essential objective for Spain, and they both recognise the industrial, technological and regulatory challenges that this transition poses for Spanish industry, as well as the opportunities it offers, in terms of innovation and improved competitiveness. The Government of Spain, through the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, will strongly support a new framework of institutional relations between the Government and the ArcelorMittal Group, because the Government of Spain recognises the importance of the steel industry for the development of the Spanish economy, while also recognising that the industry needs a stable and predictable legal framework as the best tool to enable it to be competitive and attain the targets set in terms of energy transition and digitalisation, both at national and at European Union level. In this regard, the Government of Spain is exploring regulatory instruments to support the industry in the transition process, such as the compensation programmes for electricity-intensive industries, tools to promote improved energy efficiency, public financing for digitalisation, instruments to promote industrial investments, training programmes and strategies to promote the use of clean fuels. ArcelorMittal Europe has a target to reduce CO 2 emissions by 30% by 2030, and an ambition to be net-zero by 2050. The company is pursuing two pathways to achieve this: Innovative DRI and Smart Carbon. ArcelorMittal Spains operations are already contributing to the reduction of CO 2 emissions from the companys steelmaking operations. Earlier this year, ArcelorMittal Asturias completed its project to capture hydrogen-rich coke oven gas and re-inject it into the blast furnace, replacing some of the coke used in the blast furnace. Deploying this innovative technology will result in a reduction in CO 2 emissions of 125,000 tonnes a year, equivalent to the emissions generated by the annual consumption of 84,000 Spanish households with individual natural gas-based heating systems. These CO 2 savings have already generated XCarb green steel certificates, which were launched by the company in March 2021, allowing ArcelorMittal customers to report a reduction in their Scope 3 CO 2 emissions. ENDS Notes to editors: ArcelorMittal Asturias plant in Gijon currently operates using the blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace steelmaking method. It has two blast furnaces producing hot metal for Aviles and Gijon steel shops: Aviles steel shop produces slabs for the hot rolling mill (in Aviles) and the heavy plate mill (in Gijon). Gijon steel shop produces billets for the the wire rod mill (in Gijon) and blooms for the rail mill (in Gijon). Once the plan announced today has been implemented: Gijons blast furnace B will produce hot metal for the Aviles steel shop DRI will be produced in Gijon for Sestao and Gijon steel shop, which will be revamped as an EAF ArcelorMittal Sestao operates two EAFs and produces a range of flat products. Sestao is approximately 250km east of Gijon. About ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal is the world's leading steel and mining company, with a presence in 60 countries and primary steelmaking facilities in 17 countries. In 2020, ArcelorMittal had revenues of $53.3 billion and crude steel production of 71.5 million metric tonnes, while iron ore production reached 58.0 million metric tonnes. Our goal is to help build a better world with smarter steels. Steels made using innovative processes which use less energy, emit significantly less carbon and reduce costs. Steels that are cleaner, stronger and reusable. Steels for electric vehicles and renewable energy infrastructure that will support societies as they transform through this century. With steel at our core, our inventive people and an entrepreneurial culture at heart, we will support the world in making that change. This is what we believe it takes to be the steel company of the future. ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MT), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS). For more information about ArcelorMittal please visit: Contact information ArcelorMittal Investor Relations General +44 20 7543 1128 Retail +44 20 3214 2893 SRI +44 20 3214 2801 Bonds/Credit E-mail +33 171 921 026 Contact information ArcelorMittal Corporate Communications Paul Weigh Tel: E-mail: +44 20 3214 2419 1 On a Scope 1 and 2 basis. 2 Should green hydrogen not be available at affordable rates by the end of 2025, natural gas would be used to power the DRI furnace. This would still result in a very significant reduction in CO2 emissions, of 4 million tonnes, approximately 45%. HSBC China Joe Biden is to take new steps to isolate American companies operating in Hong Kong, sparking fresh concerns for HSBC as it turns its focus on Communist China. The White House will this week warn US firms of the growing risks of operating in the region as Beijing asserts greater control over the financial hub, the Financial Times reported. Analysts said such a move could hamper HSBCs ability to serve customers in the US and in Hong Kong. The lenders most profitable region is Asia and it is headquartered in London, but it also has a regulated bank in the US. The warning comes as HSBC sharpens its focus on the Far East, despite a recent crackdown by Beijing on pro-democracy campaigners in the region. Gary Greenwood, a banking analyst at Shore Capital, said HSBCs business model of trying to operate in the West and in Hong Kong was looking more difficult due to the deteriorating political landscape. He added: One of the things HSBC pushes as its key point of difference is its international reach and its ability to service companies cross-border. So if the Biden administration makes it more challenging for companies to operate in both jurisdictions, or makes it more challenging for lenders to service those companies operating cross-border, then that may create difficulties for HSBC. The US President is expected to warn businesses that the Chinese government can gain access to data that foreign companies store in Hong Kong. He will also issue a warning about a new law that means Beijing can target individuals and organisations involved in implementing foreign sanctions with countermeasures including asset seizures, the FT reported. HSBC has increasingly pivoted its focus towards Hong Kong and last month handed a major promotion to the banker who led its support for a controversial security crackdown in the financial hub. In April, it also moved a raft of top executives from London to the former British territory to bolster its operations in the Far East. Story continues Mr Greenwood added that, in his view, HSBC would be broken up in the coming years due to the political turmoil in Hong Kong. The push in that direction will ultimately come from the political situation damaging the internationalisation benefits that the group gets. If you start to erode that, then theres no point being an international business anymore, he said. However, he added that any breakup was unlikely to happen under the current management team. HSBC declined to comment. VANCOUVER, BC, July 13, 2021 /CNW/ - Healthy ecosystems are the foundation of every part of our lives. We depend on them for clean air and water, food and medicine, security from natural disasters, and cultural connection. Canada and the United States are committed to strong, ongoing collaboration with their partners to protect and manage the health of the Salish Sea ecosystem. Logo: Government of Canada (CNW Group/Environment and Climate Change Canada) Today, the governments of Canada and the United States announced that they have signed a new four-year "Action Plan" under their Joint Statement of Cooperationfirst signed in 2000that commits both countries to work together on transboundary issues and challenges facing the Salish Sea ecosystem. Under the action plan, the two nations will continue to engage with partners across the region to advance shared priorities for ecosystem health, including information sharing, improving transboundary coordination, and reporting on ecosystem health. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also updated their joint "Health of the Salish Sea Ecosystem Report" analyzing ten indicators of the health of the Salish Sea. Overall trends described in this report reveal some improvement, but also areas of no change or decline that can be identified as ecosystem priorities for future action. The renewed joint action plan reinforces the commitment by Canada and the United States to address ongoing and new challenges to the health of the Salish Sea together. ECCC and the U.S. EPA will continue to work together with Salish Sea partners, including British Columbia, the State of Washington, Indigenous peoples, local governments, universities, and stakeholders, on the priorities identified in the Action Plan to achieve the goals under the Joint Statement of Cooperation. Quotes "Collaboration and partnerships are key to addressing the challenges facing the transboundary Salish Sea ecosystem. The government of Canada is committed to continue working together with our partners to achieve our collective goals. Sustainable stewardship of the ecosystem is critical to the economic and overall well-being of a growing population in the region." The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Story continues "This action plan and indicators report highlight the importance of continued partnership between the U.S. and Canada. The waters of the shared Salish Sea are the economic, social, and cultural backbone of the communities of the region, and we're confident that the enduring partnership between EPA and ECCC will continue to advance the protection and restoration of the Salish Sea for future generations." Michael S. Regan, Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Quick facts The Salish Sea ecosystem is one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in North America and includes the Juan de Fuca Strait, Puget Sound, and Georgia Basin. Today, about 8.7 million people live in the areas around the Salish Sea. By 2040, it is expected the population will expand to over 10.5 million people. The Joint Statement of Cooperation between Canada and the U.S. serves to: The 20212024 Action Plan prioritizes the following: The "Health of the Salish Sea Report" draws from publicly available monitoring, research, and other information gathered between 2017 and 2020. The work aims to answer the following questions based on a suite of ten indicators: The data and information in the report were provided by ECCC, the Puget Sound Partnership, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Coast Salish Gathering, Washington state agencies, British Columbia agencies, Metro Vancouver, Western Washington University's Salish Sea Institute, and many others. Associated links Logo: EPA (CNW Group/Environment and Climate Change Canada) SOURCE Environment and Climate Change Canada Cision View original content to download multimedia: Surge in cyber-attack and security breaches in physical systems and need for operational technology networks drive the global critical infrastructure protection market. PORTLAND, Ore., July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Allied Market Research published a report, titled, "Critical Infrastructure Protection Market by Component (Solution, Service), Security Type (Operational Security, Information Security), Industry Vertical (IT & Telecom, BFSI, Energy & Utility, Government and Defense, Oil & Gas, Transportation & Logistics, Manufacturing and Others): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2020-2027." According to the report, the global critical infrastructure protection industry generated $118.19 billion in 2019, and is expected to witness $203.09 billion by 2027, witnessing a CAGR of 7.2% from 2020 to 2027. Allied Market Research Logo Prime determinants of growth Enforcement of stringent government regulations toward the adoption and implementation of critical infrastructure protection software, surge in cyber-attacks and security breaches in physical systems, and need for operational technology networks drive the global critical infrastructure protection market. However, high initial cost of CIP and lack of interoperability between the CIP solutions along with complexity in the technical operation hinder the market growth. On the other hand, emergence of cutting-edge technology such as cloud technology and internet of things (IoT) along with rise in investment of government authority present new opportunities in the coming years. Download Report Sample (150 Pages PDF with Insights) at Covid-19 Scenario Various regulatory bodies have lifted off some of the enforcement criteria during the pandemic. However, several new organizations have been planning for long-term regulatory compliance with data security and data management becoming crucial factors for adoption of critical protection infrastructure services and solutions. The majority of organizations have adopted the "work from home" policy, so the demand for cloud-based systems increased significantly. However, the risks regarding cyber threats rose, which led to increase in investments in cyberinfrastructure security. Though many tourist places were closed, leading to reduced implementation of critical information security systems, the opening of tourist places during the post-lockdown would lead to a gradual increase in demand. Get detailed COVID-19 impact analysis on the critical infrastructure protection market: Story continues The solution segment to maintain its lead position throughout the forecast period Based on component type, the solution segment held more than three-fifths of the total share of the global critical infrastructure protection market in 2019, and is expected to maintain its lead position throughout the forecast period. This is due to increase in adoption of CIP solutions among enterprises to gain strategic as well as competitive advantage and strong infrastructure security over their competitors. However, the services segment is estimated to manifest the fastest CAGR of 8.0% from 2020 to 2027, owing to assurance provided by these services for effective coordination between service provider companies and customers by offering services such as implementation and training, consulting services, and managed services. The operational technology segment to maintain its leadership status by 2027 Based on security type, the operational technology segment contributed to more than half of the global critical infrastructure protection market in 2019, and is expected to maintain its leadership status by 2027. This is due to rise in demand for critical infrastructure security solutions in manufacturing, transportation & logistics, energy & utility sectors with increase in incidents of cyber threats and attacks. However, the information technology segment is projected to register the highest CAGR of 8.7% from 2020 to 2027, owing to increase in number of data centers in industrial verticals such as BFSI, IT & telecom, and the oil & gas industry. For Purchase Inquiry: North America to maintain its dominant share in terms of revenue by 2027 Based on region, North America contributed to the largest market share in 2019, holding around two-fifths of the global critical infrastructure protection market, and is projected to maintain its dominant share in terms of revenue by 2027. This is due to rise in usage of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, industrial automation, and a major shift toward digital transformation. However, Asia-Pacific is expected to maintain the largest CAGR of 9.7% from 2020 to 2027, owing to strong economic growth along with the ongoing developments in the national security and personal safety sector. Leading Market Players Honeywell International Inc. BAE Systems Plc IBM Corporation Lockheed Martin Corporation General Dynamics Corporation DXC Technology Company Northrop Grumman Corporation Airbus Intel Corporation TRL Technology Ltd. Access AVENUE- A Subscription-Based Library (Premium on-demand, subscription-based pricing model) at: ht Avenue is a user-based library of global market report database, provides comprehensive reports pertaining to the world's largest emerging markets. It further offers e-access to all the available industry reports just in a jiffy. By offering core business insights on the varied industries, economies, and end users worldwide, Avenue ensures that the registered members get an easy as well as single gateway to their all-inclusive requirements. Avenue Library Subscription | Request for 14 days free trial of before buying: Similar Reports: Building Information Modeling Market Expected to Reach $15.89 Billion by 2027 5G Technology Market to Reach $667.90 Billion by 2026 Location-based Services Market is Expected to Reach $183.81 Billion by 2027 About Us: Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain. Pawan Kumar, the CEO of Allied Market Research, is leading the organization toward providing high-quality data and insights. We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry. Contact: David Correa 5933 NE Win Sivers Drive #205, Portland, OR 97220 United States Toll Free: +1-800-792-5285 UK: +44-845-528-1300 Hong Kong: +852-301-84916 India (Pune): +91-20-66346060 Fax: +1-855-550-5975 Web: Follow Us on: LinkedIn Twitter Cision View original content: SOURCE Allied Market Research World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. WHEN Group appoints Dr. August Hanning to Advisory Board. WHEN Group appoints Dr. August Hanning to Advisory Board. Leading German Government Security Expert Joins as Company Eyes Global Expansion NEW YORK, NY, July 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: WHEN) (WHEN Group or the Company), a cybersecurity company with proprietary technologies developed to protect individuals and enterprises from cybersecurity threats, announced today the appointment of Dr. August Hanning, the former director of Germanys Federal Intelligence Service (BND), and state secretary of the German Federal Interior Ministry, to its Advisory Board. Dr. Hanning joins World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. as the company is expanding commercial availability of its security monitoring solutions for businesses, organizations, and families. Dr. August Hanning, commenting on joining the WHEN Group Advisory Board, said: I am excited to join a company whose cutting-edge technology positions it as a leader in developing a new generation of cybersecurity technology. With the constant rise in cyber-attacks and data breaches across the globe, cybersecurity plays a critical role in securing global enterprises and their infrastructure, as well as national governments. I look forward to applying my expertise to drive the Companys global growth and help position WHEN Group as a world leader in cybersecurity." Dr. August Hanning has over 50 years of experience in top intelligence and security leadership roles. Prior to being appointed as the state secretary of the Federal Interior Ministry in 2005, and president of the German Secret Service, the Bundesnachtrichtendienst (BND), in 1998, Dr. Hanning supervised the intelligence services of the Federal Chancellery, where he served as the director general from 1996. Starting in 1986, Dr. Hanning led the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) to the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) in Berlin, where he was responsible for diplomatic relations between the two countries. Dr. Hanning earned his law degree in Munster and Freiburg, Germany, in 1966. Story continues We are pleased to welcome Dr. August Hanning to WHEN Groups Advisory Board, said WHEN Group President Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Danny Yatom. As a fellow senior intelligence expert, I am ecstatic that Dr. Hanning accepted our invitation to join the board. His addition further expands our existing skills and experiences, and we are confident he will provide invaluable insight and expertise as we continue to develop our innovative and groundbreaking technology and global strategy." WHEN Group CEO Giora Rosenzweig said: With long decades of service in major national security and intelligence positions in Germany, Dr. Hanning is a significant asset to our board. The recent addition of senior global security veterans like Maj. Gen. (ret.) Danny Yatom, president of WHEN Group, and now Dr. Hanning to the company, demonstrates WHEN Groups commitment to expand its expertise and develop the next generation of cybersecurity systems. Rosenzweig continued: Recent high profile ransomware attacks (Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that the damage caused by ransomware could cost the worldwide stage $265 billion by 2031) highlight the increase in global cyber threats and costs to businesses and governments, and with the inclusion of Dr. Hanning, WHEN Group is perfectly positioned to directly take on these challenges. Future WHEN Group Press Releases and Updates Interested investors and shareholders will be notified of future Press Releases and Industry Updates by e-mailing About WHEN Group World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. (d/b/a WHEN Group) is a holding company comprised of SG 77, Inc./RNA Ltd, which develops and significantly improves existing cybersecurity solutions in the B2C and B2B marketplace. WHEN Group develops new systems by applying pattern recognition technology based on IOT / mobile / servers and computer activity, analyzing human and device behavior, relationships and BPM (Business Process Management) in order to automatically identify and prevent potential danger to individuals and companies. The B2C Cybersecurity division targets families concerned with external cyber threats and exposures in addition to monitoring a child's behavioral patterns that may alert parents to potential tragedies caused by cyberbullying, pedophiles, other predators, and depression. The B2B Cybersecurity system software development and implementation company is focused on innovative solutions for the constantly evolving cyber challenges of businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governmental entities. By deploying a highly experienced development team, RNA Ltd. anticipates both internal and external cyber threats, by identifying behavioral patterns that flag potential cyber compromises. Additional information is available at: . Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements involve substantial uncertainties and risks and are based upon our current expectations, estimates, and projections, and reflect our beliefs and assumptions based upon information available to us at the date of this release. We caution readers that forward-looking statements are predictions based on our current expectations about future events. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Our actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including, but not limited to, our ability to integrate the operations of the acquired entities and manage the combined entity, the success of our business plan, market reception of our products, our ability to raise the capital needed to realize our business plan and on commercially reasonable terms, our ability to retain needed personnel and our ability to compete against companies with much larger resources as well as the risks and uncertainties discussed under the heading "RISK FACTORS" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020 filed on April 15, 2021, and in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statement for any reason. Investor Relations: World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. Tel: +1 561-870-0440 Email: Media Contact: Binyamin Tjong-Alvares Rimon Cohen PR for WHEN Group @tjongalvares +972 52 6791817 Attachment DFC's investment supports Government of Canada's objective of planting two billion trees over 10 years OTTAWA, ON, July 13, 2021 /CNW/ - Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is excited to announce a $100,000 investment in Tree Canada's National Greening Program (NGP), which will support the planting of 25,000 trees in various locations throughout Canada. The NGP is supported in part by the federal government's Two Billion Trees Program. Today's announcement, made in conjunction with DFC's Annual General Meeting, represents a major step towards that goal. Dairy Farmers of Canada (CNW Group/Dairy Farmers of Canada) Canadian dairy farmers are dedicated to preserving our natural resources for future generations and taking concrete steps to fight climate change. Trees play an important role in diversifying and restoring native vegetation, stabilizing soil, creating habitat and corridors for wildlife, and promoting carbon sequestration and clean air for all. Thanks to advances in agricultural technology and the sector's ongoing commitment to continuous improvement, producing one litre of milk in Canada emits less than half the greenhouse gas emissions than the global average. Our carbon footprint decreased by 23% from 1990 to 2016 alone, according to data from Environment and Climate Change Canada. Still, the dairy sector is constantly striving to identify new innovations and efficiencies. This fall, our sector will again take its stewardship of the environment to the next level, when the environment module of the proAction program is fully phased in. Under proAction, dairy farmers demonstrate stewardship of their animals and the environment, and produce high-quality milk under some of the world's most stringent standards and practices. Through investments in research, the adoption of new practices and creative partnerships such as this one, the dairy sector will continue to find innovative ways to support a greener future for all Canadians. Quotes: Pierre Lampron, President, Dairy Farmers of Canada Story continues "Over the years, dairy farmers have made great strides in cutting emissions, land use and water use associated with milk production. We are thrilled to support Tree Canada's National Greening Program, which will contribute to our collective future." Danielle St-Aubin, Chief Executive Officer OR Leo Duguay, Chair of the Board, Tree Canada "Tree Canada is grateful to work with and receive the generous support of Dairy Famers of Canada. We applaud their commitment to sustainable practices and for planting trees as a way to preserve our country's green spaces and mitigate the effects of climate change. We look forward to working closely together to make a positive impact across the country." Hon. Seamus O'Regan Jr., Minister of Natural Resources "Planting two billion trees is more than a plan for climate action. It's a plan for creating thousands of good, green jobs. We're rolling out tree-planting projects right across the country, like this one with Dairy Farmers of Canada. Planting trees gets us to net-zero." ABOUT DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national policy, lobbying and promotional organization representing Canadian dairy producers. DFC strives to create stable conditions for the dairy sector in our country. It also seeks to maintain policies that promote the sustainability of Canadian dairy production and promote dairy products and their health benefits. SOURCE Dairy Farmers of Canada Cision View original content to download multimedia: Cactus Export service helps local business owners meet growing overseas demand, with next-day delivery excluding customs inspection and clearance process. CITES Permit (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora) and Phytosanitary Certification are required by the customs authority, and import requirements at different destination countries vary. DHL's cross border and customs expertise makes it easy for local sellers to export cactuses from Thailand to four destination countries in Southeast Asia BANGKOK, July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- DHL Express Thailand has introduced Cactus Export Service to provide next-day delivery of delicate plants like cactuses from Thailand to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia. Cactuses have become increasingly popular in Southeast Asia. This new service will allow local business owners to capture the opportunities of this increasing demand and expand their reach across the region. DHL Express provides cactus business owners with access to direct routes from Bangkok Hub and Gateway to the four country destinations. Full tracking visibility is enabled across the entire supply chain and supported by DHL Express' own fleet of planes, ground transport and logistics facilities. "Regular conversations with our customers in order to review our services and identify areas where we could improve is important to us. We are constantly looking at ways to better serve our customers, and to be the platform of choice. By expanding our capabilities to now include cactus delivery not only opens doors to new possibilities and cross-border opportunities for our customers, it also shows our versatility and commitment to meet their needs," said Ken Lee, CEO, DHL Express Asia Pacific. According to the Global Succulent & Cactus Plants Market Report 2020, the Succulent & Cactus Plants Market will register 16.80% CAGR over the next six years to 2027[1]. The four destinations accommodate international trade amid the COVID-19 gardening boom. Many cactus species are highly localized and tend to be slow-growing. These features make cactus particularly attractive to collectors interested in exclusivity. Story continues "The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of lifestyle e-commerce. With our cactus export service, cactus business owners can take advantage of our global network and expertise to get their products quickly delivered. This launch reflects our commitment to Thai SMEs, the sector most affected by the pandemic. We continue exploring alternative services for them, working closely with our operations to establish compliant processes that address the restrictions for cactus shipping to accommodate them," said Herbert Vongpusanachai, Managing Director at DHL Express Thailand & Head of Indochina. Cactuses adapt well to the intense heat and survive the warm and dry conditions of a centrally heated home. These succulents are also perfect for the less green-fingered, as they need only moderate watering and minimal care. The cactus business has become one of the hottest during the pandemic, with shops struggling to keep some species in stock. DHL Express clear processes and guidelines to ship cactuses "With home gardening surging in popularity during the lockdown, I have been growing cactuses at home and this propelled me to take the plunge into entrepreneurship. I started the cross-border business because the market is much bigger and I use DHL Express for delivery," said Athiwat Chakpan, the owner of Cactus Inter. "Although drought-resistant cactuses can survive without soil for months, having them packed with limited airflow during transit may cause the cactus to die quickly and lead to fragmented quality. Using a reliable express service provider is essential to building trust, especially with my return customers. Being able to track and trace their products en route, and receive their cactus plants safely and on time, is a great customer experience that we always aim to deliver." To deliver cactuses to Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia with DHL Express, a CITES Permit (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora) is required by the customs authority, together with Phytosanitary Certification to certify that cactus is free from pests and aligns with conditions of the destination country. The recipient is advised to contact the ministry or relevant agency before the goods are delivered to prepare the import documents and facilitate prompt delivery. Contact our Customer Service at 02-345-5000 (24 hours) for shipment booking instructions of DHL Express Cactus Export service or read an interview of how business is spiking for the Thai cactus seller amid a Covid-19 gardenging boom at DHL Logo (PRNewsfoto/DHL) End Website: Follow us at: DHL The logistics company for the world DHL is the leading global brand in the logistics industry. Our DHL divisions offer an unrivalled portfolio of logistics services ranging from national and international parcel delivery, e-commerce shipping and fulfilment solutions, international express, road, air and ocean transport to industrial supply chain management. With about 400,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories worldwide, DHL connects people and businesses securely and reliably, enabling global sustainable trade flows. With specialized solutions for growth markets and industries including technology, life sciences and healthcare, engineering, manufacturing & energy, auto-mobility and retail, DHL is decisively positioned as "The logistics company for the world". DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group. The Group generated revenues of more than 66 billion euros in 2020. With sustainable business practices and a commitment to society and the environment, the Group makes a positive contribution to the world. Deutsche Post DHL Group aims to achieve zero-emissions logistics by 2050. SOURCE DHL SAN DIEGO, July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Fresh Start Surgical Gifts will donate life-changing surgeries to 11 children during their Surgery Weekend July 17-18 in partnership with Rady Children's Hospital, ranked among the nation's top children's hospitals in 2021 by U.S. News & World Report. Fresh Start will also see an additional 35-40 children at their clinic for postoperative follow-up visits, speech therapy, laser treatments, dental and orthodontic services. Fresh Start patient Andrea, age 3. She was born with a port-wine stain covering a large portion of her face, and will receive her final treatment on July 17 at Surgery Weekend. With advancements in technology over the years, a high-tech laser is used by Fresh Start Volunteer Dr. Bari Cunningham, Dermatologist, and Dr. Greg Ostrow, Ophthalmologist. The value of Andreas medical treatments to-date is over $100,000, all provided at no cost to her family. Fresh Start Surgical Gifts will donate life-changing surgeries to 11 children during their Surgery Weekend July 17-18. Fresh Start Surgical Gifts transforms the lives of disadvantaged infants, children and teens who have physical and cosmetic deformities through their gift of reconstructive surgery at absolutely no cost to patients or their families. World-renowned surgeons donate their time and expertise pro bono to these children to offer them the medical care they need, and essentially, a fresh start in life. "Our mission goes beyond just helping children we are literally shaping lives," says Shari Brasher, CEO of Fresh Start Surgical Gifts. "Some of these families have been told no so many times; we're so grateful that with the help of our volunteer expert surgeons, we're able to give them the medical care they deserve and make all of their dreams come true." To efficiently treat children's deformities, Fresh Start hosts six Surgery Weekend cycles annually. Each cycle provides patients with two days of intensive surgeries along with supporting medical treatments, such as dental, orthodontics, laser and speech therapy. Fresh Start's volunteer medical professionals are highly qualified and strive to empower the confidence of these children. The surgeries set for this upcoming surgery weekend range from kids starting at age 3 to 25. The cases range from several cases of microtia, two gynecomastia cases, two hand surgeries, cleft palate surgery and an intense laser treatment for a port-wine stain. Story continues Always in pursuit of excellence and to provide disadvantaged children the best possible care, Fresh Start Surgical Gifts formed a partnership with Rady Children's Hospital over 10 years ago. Through this partnership, reconstructive surgery and other medical services are provided at the Fresh Start Clinic at Rady Children's Hospital by a volunteer team of private practice surgeons and medical professionals from Rady Children's Hospital and UC San Diego. Fresh Start also partners with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. To see a preview of Surgery Weekend, click here. Every child receives the highest quality medical care, and the families never see a bill for the services provided. Each donor's money is put to the highest use and each dollar donated enables Fresh Start to provide $5 in medical care. One hundred percent of contributions go directly to medical programs. For more information on Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, please visit ABOUT FRESH START SURGICAL GIFTS Fresh Start Surgical Gifts transforms the lives of disadvantaged infants, children and teens who have physical and cosmetic deformities through their gift of reconstructive surgery. Providing reconstructive, plastic and neurosurgeries for children across the U.S., Fresh Start's commitment to children extends far beyond medical care. The organization ensures their children will leave feeling more empowered than before. The impact Fresh Start has on their children's confidence, drive to receive an education and desire to make a difference goes unmatched. To learn more, visit Cision View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Fresh Start Surgical Gifts SAN CLEMENTE, CA, July 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NewMediaWire Global WholeHealth Partners, Corp. (OTC: GWHP), a multinational supplier of over 70+ FDA approved tests and including Dengue, Ebola, Zika, TB and Malaria for international sales, also offers one of the largest lines of tests for CoViD19 SARS2, and is prepared to help in the fight against CoViD19 SARS2. With the pandemic still not under control in the United States, and new variants coming out, Global needed to make sure it kept up with the needs of the nation and the world. With the new More Highly Contagious COVID-19 Strain quickly spreading throughout the US and the rest of the world, Global WholeHealth Partners, Corp. (OTC: GWHP) confirms their Antibody and Antigen Test Kits detect the mutated COVID-19 strain, like the newest variant DELTA (B1.6117.2), the UK strain (B.1.1.7) and the South Africa (B.1.351). The Delta variant was first identified in India in December 2020 and led to major outbreaks in the country. It then spread rapidly and is now reported in 104 countries, according to a CDC tracker. As of early July, Delta has become the dominant form of the coronavirus in the U.S., U.K., Germany, and other countries. In the U.K., for instance, the Delta variant now makes up more than 97% of new COVID-19 cases, according to Public Health England. Researchers have said that the Delta variant is about 50% more contagious than the Alpha variant, which was first identified in the U.K., according to The Washington Post. Alpha, also known as B.1.1.7, was already 50% more contagious than the original coronavirus first identified in China in 2019. The U.K. variant of SARS-CoV-2, known as B.1.1.7., was first discovered in the U.S., in the state of Colorado, at the end of last year. Since then, 690 cases have been detected across 33 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports. California has the second most reported cases in the country, behind Florida, with 150. Of those, the majority of infections have been diagnosed in San Diego County, according to Dr. Clayton Chau, the countys health officer. The New Variant DELTA COVID Story continues Although currently available vaccines appear to be effective against most of the coronavirus variants that have been identified to this point, the strain fueling a resurgence of COVID-19 in South Africa (B.1.351) was not slowed down by vaccines developed Newsom said, One of the cases was found in Alameda County and the other in Santa Clara County. So far, only six cases of a South African variant of the coronavirus have been reported in the U.S., but concern among experts is growing, as emerging data suggests available vaccines may not protect as well against it. The world newest tally on the COVID-19 Virus: The global tally for the coronavirus-borne illness rose above 185.6 million on Friday, while the death toll climbed further above 4.01 million, according to data aggregated by Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. leads the world with a total of 33.79 million cases and in deaths with 606,483. India is closing in on the U.S. in cases at 30.75 million but is third in deaths at 405,939, while Brazil is second in deaths at 530,179 but is third in cases at 18.96 million. Mexico has the fourth-highest death toll at 234,458 but is 15th in cases with 2.6 million. In Europe, Russia leads in deaths with 138,441 fatalities, while the U.K. has 128,601, making Russia the country with the fifth-highest death toll in the world and highest in Europe. There is no better way to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 and its various mutated strains then by utilizing the rapid antibody test or antigen test kits that we offer to accurately detect those who have become infected and having them immediately quarantine, says Charles Strong, CEO of Global WholeHealth Partners, Corp. With some of the variants being resistant to vaccines, like the DELTA (B1.6117.2) and South Africa strain B.1.351, testing more people and following the CDC guidelines is the way to win this war on COVID. Global WholeHealth Partners recognizes that there is a crucial need for faster testing and faster results when it comes to fighting the COVID. Global WholeHealth Partners knows that the quicker the test results can be reviewed by a Front-Line Healthcare Worker, the quicker we can stop the spread of this disease. With results in minutes versus hours or days with other diagnostic kits, the more lives that can be saved with the FDA authorized COVID-19 POC serology Point of Care Test. With the new fingerstick test, healthcare providers can prick a patients finger and get results in minutes without having to wait for venous blood. Global WholeHealth Partners will be able to distribute these tests to more urgent cares, hospitals, and to help curb the spread of CoViD19 SARS2. As a third surge of the coronavirus threatens much of the United States, public health experts across the country say there still arent enough tests available to keep the virus under control. About 30 million Covid-19 tests are given every month, according to estimates from The Atlantic magazines Covid Tracking Project. But studies have found that the U.S. would need millions more 193 million a month, according to one report to be effective. The USA has the largest number of Covid-19 cases in the world and there is concern that this next wave of infections will be worse than the previous. Global WholeHealth Partners, Corp. is confident that its Covid-19 Rapid Test can make a difference through assisting companies, staff, and public places where transmission may occur with a reliable, accurate, and fast Rapid Test. Global Wholehealth Partners, Corp. provides cutting edge technology using In-vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Real-Time PCR Machines for detection of SARS-CoV-2 IgM/IgG antibodies in human serum, plasma, or whole blood. It has led the fight against vector borne terminal diseases such as Ebola, ZIKA, Dengue, Malaria, Influenza and Tuberculosis, Corona Viruses, and among other vector borne diseases with an FDA Certificate of Exportability (2260-11-2019). The company was founded on March 7, 2013 and is headquartered in San Clemente, CA. GWHP develops, manufactures, and markets in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests for OTC, or consumer-use as well as professional rapid diagnostic point-of-care (POC) test kits for hospitals, physicians offices, and medical clinics in the US and abroad. Notably, GWHP offers CE Marked tests for its high quality, rapid antibody test for COVID-19 and an EUA filing with the FDA is pending approval. Currently, the Company offers over 70 products FDA approved and many are Approved for OTC use, and 19 POC products approved by the FDA CLIA WAIVED. Disclaimer: The Company is not making any express or implied claims that its product has the ability to eliminate, cure or contain the Covid-19 (or SARS-2 Coronavirus) at this time Media Contact: Name: Charles Strongo CEO, Global WholeHealth Partners, Corp. Email: Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains "forward-looking statements. Such statements may be preceded by the words "intends," "may," "will," "plans," "expects," "anticipates," "projects," "predicts," "estimates," "aims," "believes," "hopes," "potential" or similar words. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, are based on certain assumptions and are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control, and cannot be predicted or quantified and consequently, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, risks and uncertainties associated with (i) market acceptance of our existing and new products, (ii) negative clinical trial results or lengthy product delays in key markets, (iii) an inability to secure regulatory approvals for the sale of our products, (iv) intense competition in the medical device industry from much larger, multinational companies, (v) product liability claims, (vi) product malfunctions, (vii) our limited manufacturing capabilities and reliance on subcontractors for assistance, (viii) insufficient or inadequate reimbursement by governmental and other third party payers for our products, (ix) our efforts to successfully obtain and maintain intellectual property protection covering our products, which may not be successful, (x) legislative or regulatory reform of the healthcare system in both the U.S. and foreign jurisdictions, (xi) our reliance on single suppliers for certain product components, (xii) the fact that we will need to raise additional capital to meet our business requirements in the future and that such capital raising may be costly, dilutive or difficult to obtain and (xiii) the fact that we conduct business in multiple foreign jurisdictions, exposing us to foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations, logistical and communications challenges, burdens and costs of compliance with foreign laws and political and economic instability in each jurisdiction. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC's website at The Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. OTTAWA, ON, July 13, 2021 /CNW/ - The Government of Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories are working together to help create new opportunities in the Northwest Territories and provide greater access to quality education, build healthier communities and support a sustainable and dynamic economy. Today, the Minister of Northern Affairs, the Honourable Daniel Vandal, Northwest Territories' Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, the Honourable R. J. Simpson, and Aurora College President Andy Bevan highlighted new investments in post-secondary education in the territory, with an emphasis on key priorities such as access to higher education and the expansion of the post-secondary education system in the Northwest Territories. To further increase access to quality post-secondary education in Canada's North, Minister Vandal highlighted that Budget 2021 proposes to provide $8 million over two years, starting in 202122, to the Government of the Northwest Territories to support the transformation of Aurora College to a polytechnic university. As well as increasing access to post-secondary education for Northerners, this transformation will also advance the growth of research beneficial to Arctic and Northern communities and people, and all Canadians. This funding is in addition to Budget 2019 measures to strengthen Arctic and Northern communities, including $40 million over five years to support options for post-secondary education in the North. This funding included $1 million to establish a task force to study post-secondary education in the Arctic and the North; $26 million for a new science building in support of Yukon College's transition to Yukon University; and $13 million to help the Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning meet the high demand for their Indigenous-led, northern land-based learning. The need to address education in the North was identified by co-development partners in Canada's Arctic and Northern Policy Framework, launched in 2019, as part of its goal of supporting resilient and healthy northern and Indigenous People. Story continues Supporting post-secondary education in the Northwest Territories will benefit all northern residents, especially youth and Indigenous Peoples, who represent over 50% of the population in the territory. Investments in education also benefit lower-income individuals and families through increased access to degree programs along with applied training in order to obtain skills needed in the workforce. Quotes "Every Canadian should have the opportunity to continue their education, learn new skills and have the same chance at success in life. Our government will continue to work with territorial, provincial and Indigenous partners to address issues that matter to them, including better, more relevant and accessible education and increased opportunities for skills development, practical learning and access to local high-quality higher education. The transformation of Aurora College will allow it to become the institution that's needed to underpin social and economic development and prepare Northerners for jobs in their communities or wherever they wish to go. Access to education will help develop the skills needed for today's jobs and it will promote innovation and economic growth. Together with partners, we are creating an environment in the Arctic and North in which Canadians have access to the education needed to help them succeed." The Honourable Daniel Vandal, P.C., M.P. Minister of Northern Affairs "We are pleased to be working with the Government of Canada to strengthen the post-secondary education system in the Northwest Territories. The $8 million federal investment will support planning and development of the polytechnic university, but also affirms the importance of our continued work in this area. The transformation of Aurora College into a polytechnic university will bring wide-ranging economic and social benefits to generations of Northerners. It will also help ensure local businesses and industry can fill current and future in-demand jobs. Through the establishment of a polytechnic university, we will be increasing access to quality programming for residents in all communities, providing more equitable opportunities for Northerners to reach their education and career goals." The Honourable R. J. Simpson Minister of Education, Culture and Employment in the Government of the Northwest Territories "Co-investment by the Government of Canada in the planning and development of a Northern polytechnic university is critical to our success. Federal co-investment continues to be key to maintaining quality teaching and research programs in the North, and helping to ensure those programs can be tailored to Northern priorities. We look forward to working with both the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to increase access to quality post-secondary education opportunities for Northerners and to build capacity for Northern research." Andy Bevan President of Aurora College "Improving access to high quality post-secondary education in the Northwest Territories is key to ensuring a brighter future for our youth. Through the Government of Canada's investments, we are working with our local partners to help make this future a reality." Michael McLeod Member of Parliament for Northwest Territories Quick facts Budget 2021 includes $101.4 billion over three years in proposed investments as part of the Government of Canada's growth plan that will create good jobs and support a resilient and inclusive recovery. Key measures include the following: The Government of Canada launched Canada's Arctic and Northern Policy Framework on September 10, 2019. For the first time, the federal government worked collaboratively with Indigenous representatives and six territorial and provincial governments to define and co-develop this long-term vision. Associated links Stay connected Join the conversation about the North: Twitter: GovCan_North Facebook: GovCan North You can subscribe to receive our news releases and speeches via RSS feeds. For more information or to subscribe, visit SOURCE Indigenous Services Canada Cision View original content: TSX:GWO WINNIPEG, MB, July 13, 2021 /CNW/ - Great-West Lifeco Inc. (Great-West Lifeco) subsidiary Irish Life Group Limited (Irish Life) has reached an agreement to acquire Ark Life Assurance Company dac (Ark Life) from Phoenix Group Holdings plc for a total cash consideration of 230 million, in a transaction which will see approximately 150,000 policies and 2.1 billion in assets move to Irish Life. Great-West Lifeco Inc. Logo (CNW Group/Great-West Lifeco Inc.) "As a leading provider of life insurance, pensions and investments in Ireland, this acquisition adds significant scale to Irish Life's retail division," said Paul Mahon, President and Chief Executive Officer, Great-West Lifeco. "Together with focused execution on our strategy, this transaction enhances our ability to provide customers with market-leading wealth and insurance solutions." "Our ambition is to grow our business both organically and through acquisitions where we see a strong commercial and cultural fit," said Declan Bolger, Chief Executive Officer, Irish Life Group. "Our existing relationship with Ark Life means we are ideally placed to continue to offer excellent customer service for policy holders, including access to enhanced digital services." Ark Life is closed to new business, and manages a range of pensions, savings and protection policies for its customers in the Irish market. This transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including receipt of regulatory approvals, and is expected to close by early 2022. About Great-West Lifeco Inc. Great-West Lifeco is an international financial services holding company with interests in life insurance, health insurance, retirement and investment services, asset management and reinsurance businesses. We operate in Canada, the United States and Europe under the brands Canada Life, Empower Retirement, Putnam Investments, and Irish Life. At the end of 2020, our companies had approximately 24,500 employees, 205,000 advisor relationships, and thousands of distribution partners all serving our more than 30 million customer relationships across these regions. Story continues Great-West Lifeco and its companies have approximately CAD$2.1 trillion in consolidated assets under administration as at March 31, 2021 and are members of the Power Corporation group of companies. Great-West Lifeco trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the ticker symbol GWO. About Irish Life Irish Life is one of Ireland's leading financial services groups, now taking care of 1.4 million customers. We help people to confidently prepare for and embrace life's changes with our wide range of health, life, pension and investment solutions. Irish Life delivers innovative solutions for personal and corporate customers, backed by the highest standards of service. And as part of Great-West Lifeco, we have access to experience and expertise on a global scale, so we can continuously enhance our leading range of services and solutions. SOURCE Great-West Lifeco Inc. Cision View original content to download multimedia: CLEARWATER, Fla., July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Joshua T. Chilson, partner at Johnson Pope in Clearwater, Florida, has been appointed by Florida Bar President-elect Gary Lesser to the Board of Directors of The Florida Bar Foundation, a statewide charitable organization whose mission is to provide greater access to justice. Joshua T. Chilson Josh is a well-respected leader in the Florida legal community currently serving on The Florida Bar Board of Governors representing the approximately 4,000 lawyers and judges of the Sixth Judicial Circuit since 2016. Prior to that time, he served as President of the Clearwater Bar Association where he received numerous honors including multiple president's awards and the CBA's top honor, the Ralph Richards Award. Josh is a civil trial lawyer. He practices almost exclusively in the area of personal injury, having represented clients in most all types of personal injury matters including auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, wrongful death, premises liability incidents, negligent security, dog bites, defective products and most other types of negligence actions involving serious injuries. Josh is a longtime supporter of The Florida Bar Foundation becoming a Florida Bar Foundation Fellow many years ago. His Foundation board term began on July 1, 2021. The Florida Bar Foundation accomplishes its mission by funding programs that expand and improve representation and advocacy on behalf of low-income persons in civil legal matters, improve the fair and effective administration of justice, and promote public service among lawyers. Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP is a regional, full-service law firm with offices in Tampa, Clearwater and St. Petersburg. CONTACT: Suzanne Kinman Director of Public Relations 813-767-0960 Cision View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP (Bloomberg) -- An oil refinery that was once one of the largest in North America filed for bankruptcy after a series of environmental breaches and a government-ordered shut down, highlighting pressures faced by the oil industry to curb its environmental impact. Limetree Bay Refining LLC sought creditor protection on Monday after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency halted its operations earlier this year. The St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands-based refinery, which filed for bankruptcy in 2015 under previous ownership, said in a statement that it plans to use the court protection process in Houston to negotiate with creditors and equity holders and weigh options including asset sales. The refinery sought bankruptcy due to severe regulatory and financial constraints that forced it to suspend its refinery operations indefinitely, and has lined up as much as $25 million of so-called debtor-in-possession financing that will help it maintain the refinery through the Chapter 11 process, according to the statement. Arena Investors is providing the DIP loan through an affiliated entity, according to people with knowledge of the situation who asked not to be named discussing a private matter. A representative for Arena didnt immediately respond to a request for comment. The refinery, which had restarted operations in February after years of inactivity, was well positioned to process sour crude oil supplies from South America and meet fuel demand in regions such as the U.S. East Coast. Halted Operations The 200,000-barrel-a-day refinery in May was forced to halt operations following emissions incidents that included contamination of drinking water. On June 21, the company said it was suspending plans to restart the business and cutting more than 270 workers after efforts to raise capital foundered. In the years prior to the troubles, Limetree spent more than $4 billion to refurbish the refinery, according to court papers. Limetrees woes have prompted investigations by the EPA and the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and National Resources, according to court papers. The Office of the U.S. Attorney in the Virgin Islands also requested to visit the refinery, and the company faces multiple class-action lawsuits related to the alleged pollution problems, the companys chief restructuring officer, Mark Shapiro, said in court documents. Story continues The company is in talks with regulators about the conditions for reopening, Shapiro said. Affiliates of BP Plc and Baker Hughes Co. are among its largest creditors, according to court papers. Limetree is controlled by EIG Global Energy Partners, which said in an emailed statement that it became the reluctant owner of the troubled refining operation in April as part of a restructuring. EIG had previously led a group of Limetrees so-called mezzanine lenders and has been involved in efforts to revive the refinery since 2018. EIG, based in Washington D.C., specializes in private investments in energy infrastructure. Terminal Business Limetree was formed in 2016 after an affiliate of ArcLight Capital Partners and Freepoint Commodities LLC bought the St. Croix refining units and terminal assets from Hovensa LLC, a venture owned by Hess Corp. and Venezuelas state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela SA that had filed for bankruptcy months earlier. In 2018, Limetree announced an approximately $1.3 billion funding plan to restart the idled refinery, which started running earlier this year. The refinerys parent will continue to operate its related oil storage terminal business. That unit is working with financial and legal advisers to navigate financial strains associated with the shuttered refinery, Bloomberg reported on Monday. The bankruptcy comes at a time when the industry is struggling with shrinking profitability, excess production capacity and rising competition from mega-refineries in Asia amid a push by the Biden Administration to move the U.S away from fossil fuels. The case is Limetree Bay Services LLC, 21-32351, U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas (Houston). (Updates with details about creditors starting in 8th paragraph) More stories like this are available on Subscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source. 2021 Bloomberg L.P. Reuters (Reuters) -Some U.S. tech companies expressed disappointment with a ruling by a federal judge that blocked new applications to a program that protects immigrants who were brought to the United States as children from deportation. U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen on Friday sided with a group of states suing to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, arguing that it was illegally created by former President Barack Obama in 2012. "We have long argued in support of this program, filing an amicus brief in this case, and we are very disappointed by the decision (from the judge)", Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda said. Military Flight Training Schools Market Scope of the Report A new study on the global military flight training schools market is published. It presents detailed information of key market dynamics, including drivers, trends, and challenges for the global military flight training schools market as well as its structure. New York, July 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Military Flight Training Schools Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2020-2030" - This study offers valuable information on the global military flight training schools market in order to illustrate how the market is expected to expand during the forecast period i.e. 20202030. Key indicators of market growth, which include value chain analysis and compound annual growth rate (CAGR), are elucidated in This study in a comprehensive manner. This data can help readers interpret the quantitative growth aspects of the global military flight training schools market. An extensive analysis of business strategies adopted by leading market players is also featured in This study on the global military flight training schools market.This can help readers understand key factors responsible for growth of the global military flight training schools market. In this study, readers can also find specific data on avenues for qualitative and quantitative growth of the global military flight training schools market. This data would guide market players in making apt decisions in the near future. Key Questions Answered in Study on Military Flight Training Schools Market What would be the Y-o-Y growth trend of the global military flight training schools market between 2020 and 2030? What is the influence of changing trends in technology on the global military flight training schools market? Would North America continue to be the most dominant regional market for providers of military flight training schools over the next few years? Which factors would hinder the global military flight training schools market during the forecast period? Which are the leading companies operating in the global military flight training schools market? Research Methodology A unique research methodology is utilized by the analyst to conduct comprehensive research on the global military flight training schools market and arrive at conclusions on future growth prospects for the market. This research methodology is a combination of primary and secondary research, which helps analysts warrant the accuracy and reliability of the conclusions drawn. Secondary research sources referred to by analysts during production of the report on the global military flight training schools market include statistics from company annual reports, SEC filings, company websites, World Bank database, investor presentations, regulatory databases, government publications, and market white papers. Analysts have also interviewed senior managers, product portfolio managers, CEOs, VPs, and market intelligence managers, who have contributed to the production of This study on the global military flight training schools market as a primary research source. These primary and secondary sources provided exclusive information during interviews, which served as a validation from leading players operating in the global military flight training schools market.Access to an extensive internal repository as well as external proprietary databases allowed this report to address specific details and questions about the global military flight training schools market with accuracy. The study also uses a top-down approach to assess the numbers for each segment and a bottom-up approach to counter-validate them. This has helped in making estimates on future prospects for the global military flight training schools market more reliable and accurate. Read the full report: About Reportlinker ReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place. __________________________ Story continues CONTACT: Clare: US: (339)-368-6001 Intl: +1 339-368-6001 OTTAWA, ON, July 13, 2021 /CNW/ - Today the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced the reappointment of Ms. Genevieve Parent as a member of the Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal for a three-year term, effective August 31, 2021. Ms. Parent is a full-time professor at the Faculty of Law at Universite Laval, where she is also the Legal Research Chair in Food Diversity and Security. An associate member of the French Academy of Agriculture since 2019, Ms. Parent holds a PhD in International Law. Her main areas of interest include food security, as well as national and international agri-food law. Ms. Parent has been active in research over the past 20 years, focusing on national and international legal instruments for ensuring food diversity, the impact of international law on Canadian and Quebec agri-food legislation, the achievement of greater coherence between international economic law and other dimensions of law to promote sustainable global food security. Ms. Parent has published numerous scientific papers and is frequently invited to speak at various national and international meetings dealing with food security issues. In 2016, the Government of Canada implemented an open, transparent and merit-based process for selecting Governor in Council appointees. Appointees play a fundamental role in Canada's democracy by serving on commissions, boards, Crown corporations, agencies and tribunals across the country. Quote "The Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal acts to balance our rights while protecting the health and well-being of consumers and enhancing the economic vibrancy of Canadian agriculture. I am pleased to announce the reappointment of Ms. Parent to the Tribunal where her valuable experience and knowledge of food security and agri-food law will continue to be an asset." - The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Quick Facts The Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal is an independent, quasi-judicial body established by the Government of Canada to provide impartial reviews of notices of violation issued by federal agencies regulating agriculture and food. Members of the Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal are appointed by the Governor in Council upon the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. Additional Links Story continues Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn Web: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada SOURCE Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Cision View original content: DELAWARE CITY, DE / ACCESSWIRE / July 13, 2021 / Nearthlab, an innovator in wind turbine technology, is thrilled to announce next month's opening of its first US-based office in Delaware City, Delaware in July. Nearthlab, an industrial drone technology company, currently offers much-needed solutions in the wind energy business: safer, more efficient ways to inspect wind turbines. CEO Jay Choi said, 'It takes a day to inspect a wind power plant using conventional ways, but the same inspections take 15 minutes using Nearthlab drones.' Wind turbines have been a viable alternative energy source for decades, but the wind energy field has not always been efficient or safe. Nearthlab's approach leverages artificial intelligence capabilities to minimize human involvement in wind turbine inspection, optimizing production while reducing risk. In addition to delivering massive improvements in how wind turbines are inspected, Nearthlab backs its approach with reliable, flawless results and an accident-free record, making them a trusted presence in wind energy. Prioritizing human safety has always been a priority for CEO Choi. 'The goal is to recognize Nearthlab as a drone solution provider that everyone uses during facility safety inspections,' explains Choi, adding, 'I hope that Nearthlab can become a standardization of industrial drones.' Nearthlab's ability to harness AI's capabilities means wind turbine inspection time and costs both improve, a benefit that greatly serves both private and public interests. With experience that includes collaborating with leading companies, Nearthlab's expansion to the United States only further solidifies its place as a trusted partner in wind energy. About Nearthlab Nearthlab began as a startup in South Korea focused on increasing safety and inspection outcomes for wind turbines. The company offers AI-powered O&M services, both through autonomous drones and a unique data management platform, Zoomable. Story continues Blades are the most expensive components of a wind turbine, constantly facing extreme loads and changing weather conditions. As such, they need regular maintenance to stay reliable and functional. With Nearthlab technology, the operational efficiency of wind turbines is drastically increased in a safe and reliable way. Contact Information: For Media Inquiries, please contact SOURCE: Nearthlab View source version on DUBLIN, July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The "North America Disposable Medical Supplies Market 2020-2030 by Product Type, Raw Material, Application, End User, and Country: Trend Forecast and Growth Opportunity" report has been added to's offering. Research and Markets Logo North America disposable medical supplies market is expected to grow by 6.5% annually in the forecast period and reach $106.9 billion by 2030 owing to the growing incidence of disease & disorders coupled with aging population, rising incidence of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs), and the growing preference towards the low-cost disposable medical supplies amid COVID-19 pandemic. Highlighted with 27 tables and 54 figures, this 113-page report "North America Disposable Medical Supplies Market 2020-2030 by Product Type, Raw Material, Application, End-User, and Country: Trend Forecast and Growth Opportunity" is based on comprehensive research of the entire North America disposable medical supplies market and all its sub-segments through extensively detailed classifications. Profound analysis and assessment are generated from premium primary and secondary information sources with inputs derived from industry professionals across the value chain. The report is based on studies on 2017-2019 and provides estimates for 2020 and forecasts from 2021 till 2030 with 2019 as the base year. In-depth qualitative analyses include identification and investigation of the following aspects: Market Structure Growth Drivers Restraints and Challenges Emerging Product Trends & Market Opportunities Porter's Five Forces The trend and outlook of the North American market is forecast in an optimistic, balanced, and conservative view by taking into account of COVID-19. The balanced (most likely) projection is used to quantify the North American disposable medical supplies market in every aspect of the classification from perspectives of Product Type, Raw Material, Application, End User, and Country. Based on Product Type, the North American market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ bn) for 2019-2030 included in each section. Story continues Surgical Instruments & Supplies Infusion & Hypodermic Devices Contact Lens Syringes Tubes Diagnostic & Laboratory Disposables Glucose Monitoring Strips Blood Collection Consumables Diagnostic Catheters Bandages & Wound Dressings Infection Management Exudate Management Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Devices (NPWTD) Nonwoven Medical Disposables Shoe Covers Sterile Nonwoven Swabs Surgical Caps Surgical Drapes Surgical Gowns Surgical Masks Dialysis Disposables Incontinence Products Intubation & Ventilation Supplies Other Products Based on Raw Material, the North America market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ bn) for 2019-2030 included in each section. Plastic Resins Nonwoven Material Rubber Paper & Paperboard Metals Glass Other Raw Materials Based on Application, the North American market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ bn) for 2019-2030 included in each section. Cardiovascular Care Cerebrovascular Care Ophthalmology Gynaecology Urology Orthopaedics Other Applications Based on End User, the North American market is segmented into the following sub-markets with annual revenue ($ bn) for 2019-2030 included in each section. Hospitals Ambulatory Surgery Centers Clinics & Physician Offices Home Healthcare Assisted Living Centers & Nursing Homes Other End Users Geographically, the following national/local markets are fully investigated: U.S. Canada Mexico For each key country, detailed analysis and data for annual revenue ($ bn) are available for 2019-2030. The breakdown of key national markets by Product Type, Application, and End User over the forecast years are also included. The report also covers the current competitive scenario and the predicted trend; and profiles key vendors including market leaders and important emerging players. Key Topics Covered: 1 Introduction 2 Market Overview and Dynamics 3 Segmentation of North America Market by Product Type 4 Segmentation of North America Market by Raw Material 5 Segmentation of North America Market by Application 6 Segmentation of North America Market by End User 7 North America Market 2019-2030 by Country 8 Competitive Landscape Companies Mentioned 3M Company Abbott Laboratories, Inc. B. Braun Melsungen AG Baxter International Bayer AG Becton, Dickinson and Company Cardinal Health, Inc. Domtar Corporation Johnson & Johnson, Inc. Medline Industries, Inc. Medtronic Plc Molnlycke Health Care AB Smith & Nephew Plc Terumo Medical Corporation For more information about this report visit Media Contact: Research and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager For E.S.T Office Hours Call +1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call +1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 U.S. Fax: 646-607-1904 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 Cision View original content: SOURCE Research and Markets The Admissions Department at NPU makes the path to earning a bachelor's degree more accessible for prospective students from Merritt College FREMONT, Calif., July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Through a recently enacted articulation agreement, Northwestern Polytechnic University (NPU) has made the path to a bachelor's degree more accessible for community college students at Merritt College of Oakland, California. The articulation agreement with Merritt College allows for the easy transfer of credits to NPU and shortens the degree completion time for students interested in earning a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) or a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA). (PRNewsfoto/Northwestern Polytechnic University) Dr. Steven Pantell, Merritt College's Articulation Officer, said, "Merritt College's transfer agreement with NPU has helped to ease the transfer of students between our two institutions." In order to maximize accessibility and ease of use, the articulation agreement also provides a list of specific courses that are mapped to undergraduate General Education (GE) and major course requirements. NPU President Peter Hsieh said, "We at NPU make sure that our students and prospective students get the best chance at a high-quality education that will position them for future success, whether it is in the pursuit of career goals or further academic accomplishments. We are very pleased that we can reinforce our relationship with Merritt College, which has established itself as an excellent institution that shares a common goal with NPU to offer its students as many educational opportunities as possible. We're proud to be partners with Merritt College." Beyond the articulation agreement with Merritt College, NPU continues to develop partnerships and relationships with other educational institutions throughout California. Prospective students from community colleges are highly encouraged to discuss the transferability of credits with counselors at their respective colleges and also with the NPU admissions team. Story continues Please contact PR@NPU.EDU for additional information. Founded in 1984, Northwestern Polytechnic University (NPU) is a WASC-accredited non-profit private university in Fremont, California that awards bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science, engineering, technology, and management programs. Learn more at Cision View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Northwestern Polytechnic University - N-butanol market is estimated to grow at a sizable CAGR of 6.1% during analysis period 2021-2031. Increased product use in paints, coatings, building, and construction sectors will boost sales - Increased demand from paints and coatings, automotive, plastic additives, and adhesives & sealants industries will shape growth of North America market ALBANY, N.Y., July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Companies operating in the global n-butanol market are increasing focus toward strengthening their production capabilities. This move is in response to the potential growth in demand for n-butanol following restoration of markets after COVID-19 pandemic. Transparency_Market_Research_Logo A new assessment report by Transparency Market Research gives lucid data and analysis on the global n-butanol market. This study emphasizes that the market is likely to gather the valuation of around US$ 14 Bn by the end of assessment period 20212031. Request the Covid19 Impact Analysis at N-butanol Market: Key Findings Varied Applications of N-butanol Fuel Market Sales N-butanol refers to a colorless liquid that shows medium volatility. It is popular as a primary alcohol that is used as a chemical intermediate for manufacturing of various other chemicals including amino resins and esters. At present, the liquid is utilized in the production of a wide range of consumer products. Thus, increased product use as a solvent for coatings, paints, fats, varnishes, waxes, oils, plasticizers, and rubber is foreseen to bring extensive sales opportunities in the n-butanol market in the years to follow. Increased Product Use as Solvent Creates Massive Demand Opportunities for Market Players As n-butanol shows solubility in nearly all organic solvents, it finds wide application as a solvent for a wide range of formulated products including inks, paints, camphor, adhesives, cosmetics, and dyes. In addition to this, n-butanol is in high demand across the building and construction industry. This growth is on the back of its various properties including high solubility and good reactivity. Thus, the thriving building and construction industry will work in favor of the n-butanol market in the forthcoming years. Story continues See how you can be a leader in N-butanol Market with our Research Report, Get Brochure at: N-butanol Market: Growth Boosters N-butanol is extensively utilized in polymers, plastics, brake fluids, synthetic rubber, and lubricants in the manufacturing industry. Thus, increased product application in manufacturing industry will help in expanding growth of n-butanol market in the forthcoming years. In the food and beverages industry, n-butanol is increasingly used for artificial food flavoring purposes. This factor is estimated to bring lucrative avenues for players in the market for n-butanol. Over the period of past few years, there is noteworthy growth in the use of coatings across varied end-use industries. This aside, the government bodies of many countries across the globe are increasing investments toward the infrastructure development activities. All these factors are likely to generate incremental expansion avenues in the global n-butanol market over the period of next few years. Major vehicle users from across the globe are showing concerns pertaining to the VOC emission of solvent-based coatings utilized across the automotive industry. This aside, the government authorities of many nations are introducing stringent environmental regulations. Owing to this scenario, a noteworthy growth in the acceptance of water-soluble paints is projected in the period of upcoming few years. As a result, the global n-butanol market is likely to observe high demand opportunities from the companies engaged in the paints and coatings industries. N-butanol finds application as an industrial intermediate in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, ethers and butyl ether acetates, plastics, and polymers. Apart from this, it is utilized in different end-use industries including personal care and marine. It is also used in chemicals in the form of chemical intermediate in the production of plastics, adhesives, oil, varnishes, and wax. On the back of all these applications, the market is foreseen to gather promising sales opportunities in the years ahead. View Detailed Table of Contents at N-butanol Market: Well-Established Participants The report profiles key participants working in the n-butanol market. Thus, the study sheds light on many important aspects such as key product offerings, financials, strategies, and recent developments of all market players. The list of key players in the market includes following names: Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Eastman Chemical Company SABIC Dow KH Chemicals GALAXY CHEMICALS KH Neochem Co., Ltd. Solventis OQ Chemicals GmbH Purchase Premium Research Report on N-butanol Market @