South Africa: President deeply disappointed by decision to prohibit travel from SA President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on all those countries that have imposed travel bans on South Africa and other Southern African countries to urgently reverse their decisions. He urged them to lift the travel bans they have imposed before any further damage is done to the countries economies and to the livelihoods of people. There is no scientific justification for keeping these restrictions in place. We know that this virus, like all viruses, does mutate and form new variants, said the President. He was addressing the nation on Sunday evening on progress in the national effort to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, at the Union Buildings. Earlier this week, South African scientists identified a new variant of the Coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease. The World Health Organisation has named the variant Omicron and has declared it a variant of concern. The Omicron variant was first detected in Botswana and subsequently in South Africa, and scientists have also identified cases in countries such as Hong Kong, Australia, Belgium, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Denmark and Israel. Countries that have imposed travel restrictions on South Africa include the United Kingdom, United States, European Union members, Canada, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Japan, Thailand, Seychelles, Brazil and Guatemala, among others. We are deeply disappointed by the decision of several countries to prohibit travel from a number of Southern African countries following the identification of the Omicron variant. This is a clear and completely unjustified departure from the commitment that many of these countries made at the meeting of G20 countries in Rome last month. President Ramaphosa said they had pledged at that meeting to restart international travel in a safe and orderly manner, consistent with the work of relevant international organisations such as the World Health Organisation, the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the International Maritime Organisation and the OECD. The G20 Rome Declaration noted the plight of the tourism sector in developing countries, and made a commitment to support a rapid, resilient, inclusive and sustainable recovery of the tourism sector. The President said the travel restrictions are unjustified and unfairly discriminate against our country and our Southern African sister countries. The prohibition of travel is not informed by science, nor will it be effective in preventing the spread of this variant. The only thing the prohibition on travel will do is to further damage the economies of the affected countries and undermine their ability to respond to, and recover from, the pandemic, he said. He added that the likelihood of the emergence of more severe forms of variants is increased significantly where people are not vaccinated. That is why we have joined many countries, organisations and people around the world who have been fighting for equal access to vaccines for everyone. We have said that vaccine inequality not only costs lives and livelihoods in those countries that are denied access, but that it also threatens global efforts to overcome the pandemic. President Ramaphosa said the emergence of the Omicron variant should be a wake-up call to the world that vaccine inequality cannot be allowed to continue. Until everyone is vaccinated, everyone will be at risk. Until everyone is vaccinated, we should expect that more variants will emerge. These variants may well be more transmissible, may cause more severe disease, and may be more resistant to the current vaccines. Instead of prohibiting travel, the rich countries of the world need to support the efforts of developing economies to access and to manufacture enough vaccine doses for their people without delay, said President Ramaphosa. This story has been published on: 2021-11-28. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: SA to remain on Alert Level 1 While South Africa will remain on the Coronavirus Alert Level 1, President Cyril Ramaphosa has called on citizens who have not vaccinated to do so immediately. In taking the decision not to impose further restrictions at this stage, we considered the fact that when we encountered previous waves of infection, vaccines were not widely available and far fewer people were vaccinated, the President said on Sunday. Addressing the nation on developments in the countrys response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the President encouraged every person who has not been vaccinated to go to their nearest vaccination station without delay. The Presidents plea comes as scientists earlier this week identified a new variant of the Coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease. The identification of Omicron coincides with a sudden rise in COVID-19. This increase has been centred in Gauteng, although cases are also rising in other provinces. We have seen an average of 1 600 new cases in the last seven days, compared to just 500 new daily cases in the previous week, and 275 new daily cases the week before that. The proportion of COVID-19 tests that are positive has risen from around 2% to 9% in less than a week. This is an extremely sharp rise in infections in a short space of time, the President said. In addition, South Africa is expected to experience a fourth wave early in December as epidemiologists and disease modellers have warned government. There are several concerns about the Omicron variant, and we are still not sure exactly how it will behave going forward. However, we already have the tools that we need to protect ourselves against it. We know enough about the variant to know what we need to do to reduce transmission and to protect ourselves against severe disease and death. The first, the most powerful, tool we have is vaccination, the President said. Since government launched its public vaccination programme in May 2021, over 25 million vaccines doses have been administered in South Africa. Forty-one percent of the adult population have received at least one vaccine dose, and 35.6% of adult South Africans are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Significantly, 57% of people 60 years old and above are fully vaccinated, and 53% of people aged between 50 and 60 are fully vaccinated. While this is welcome progress, it is not enough to enable us to reduce infections, prevent illness and death and restore our economy, the President said. Engagements on mandatory vaccination Government has set up a task team that will undertake broad consultations on making vaccination mandatory for specific activities and locations. We have therefore been undertaking engagements with social partners and other stakeholders on introducing measures that make vaccination a condition for access to workplaces, public events, public transport and public establishments, the President said. This includes discussions that have been taking place at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) between government, labour, business and the community constituency, where there is broad agreement on the need for such measures. The task team will report to the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Vaccination chaired by the Deputy President, which will make recommendations to Cabinet on a fair and sustainable approach to vaccine mandates. We realise that the introduction of such measures is a difficult and complex issue, but if we do not address this seriously and as a matter of urgency, we will continue to be vulnerable to new variants and will continue to suffer new waves of infection, the President said. Government to review current regulations With the recent detection of Omicron, government will closely monitor infection rates and hospitalisation over the coming days and will review the situation in another week. We will then need to determine whether the existing measures are adequate or whether changes need to be made to the current regulations. We have started the process of amending our health regulations so that we can review the use of the Disaster Management Act to manage our response to the pandemic, with a view to ultimately lifting the National State of Disaster, the President said. Government will also implement the national resurgence plan to ensure that hospitals and other medical facilities are ready for the fourth wave. We are focusing on effective clinical governance, contact tracing and screening, effective clinical care, availability of health personnel. To ensure our facilities are ready, all hospital beds that were available or required during the third wave of COVID-19 are planned and prepared for the fourth wave. We are also working to ensure that oxygen supply is available to all beds earmarked for COVID-19 care, the President said. This story has been published on: 2021-11-28. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: UK convenes urgent G7 meeting to discuss Omicron Britain, currently chair of the G7 group of nations, on Sunday called for an emergency meeting to discuss the Covid crisis, after several European countries announced cases of the new Omicron variant. "Under the UK presidency an urgent meeting of G7 health ministers will also be convened on Monday 29 November to discuss the developments on Omicron," said Britain's health ministry. Britain is one of several countries to have announced cases of the new variant on their soil, including Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, even though most European countries have shut down flights from southern African nations, where the variant was first identified. The head of the World Health Organisation in Africa on Sunday urged countries to follow the science rather than imposing flight bans in a bid to contain the new variant. "With the Omicron variant now detected in several regions of the world, putting in place travel bans that target Africa attacks global solidarity," said WHO regional director general Matshidiso Moeti. South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday became the latest leader from the region to denounce the flight ban and the economic damage it is doing to the countries affected. The WHO on Friday declared the recently discovered strain a variant of concern, but scientists are still trying to assess how dangerous it is. (AFP) This story has been published on: 2021-11-28. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. More Vietnamese airports secure Airport Health Accreditation Two more international airports in Vietnam have been granted the Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) by the Airports Council International (ACI) for maintaining Covid-19 pandemic safety and prevention measures. According to the Airports Corporation of Vietnam (ACV), the Airport Health Accreditation was provided for Tan Son Nhat International Airport and Danang International Airport on November 26. The certificate will be valid for one year, starting from December 4, 2021. Free masks offered for passengers at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi Noi Bai, Phu Quoc and Cam Ranh international airports also secured the certificate earlier. The ACI Airport Health Accreditation is designed to help airports around the world prove to passengers, their employees, regulators, and governments that they continue to place the health and safety of passengers as their top priority via the establishment of specific safeguard measures in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. To be certified by the ACI, airports are assessed across a number of categories including cleanliness and disinfection, physical distancing, staff protection, physical layout, passenger communications and passenger facilities. Several localities in Vietnam have welcomed international tourists with the Covido-19 vaccine passport again, including Phu Quoc and Nha Trang. It is a must to produce COVID-19 vaccines, treatment drugs at home: PM It is a must to produce COVID-19 vaccines and treatment drugs domestically, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said at a meeting with representatives from ministries and agencies in Hanoi on November 27. He regarded the 5K principle, vaccines, treatment drugs, technologies, public awareness and other solutions as crucial factors to safely and flexibly adapt to and effectively control the pandemic. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the meeting. (Photo: VNA) The 5K principle was issued by the Ministry of Health, covering khau trang (facemask), khu khuan (disinfection), khoang cach (distance), khong tu tap (no gathering), and khai bao y te (health declaration). PM Chinh applauded the Ministry of Health and relevant ministries and agencies, especially scientists, researchers and producers of COVID-19 vaccines and treatment drugs for their efforts over the past time. He called for closer coordination to remove difficulties in research as well as administrative and legal procedures, striving to produce COVID-19 vaccines and treatment drugs at home. The nations interests, and the publics health and life must be the top priority, the PM emphasised. PM Chinh assigned the Ministry of Health to coordinate with other relevant ministries and agencies to review institutions to facilitate the process. The Ministry of Health reported that as of November 25, Vietnam had administered about 116.4 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines, with 47.4 million people fully vaccinated. The country has engaged in technology transfer, research and trial of such vaccines as Nano Covax, COVIVAC, ARCT-154, HIPRA, Sputnik V, Shionogi and some vaccines of Cuba and India. Six factories have registered for COVID-19 treatment drug production. Vietnam boasts advantages in foreign investment attraction Vietnam is assessed to have plenty of room to compete for foreign direct investment (FDI) against major competitors in the current global production shift, said Nguyen Bich Lam, former Director General of the General Statistics Office. In an inclusive interview with the Vietnam News Agency, Lam cited the 2021 investment report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) which said in 2020, Vietnam attracted 16 billion USD of FDI, entering the top 20 countries in the world in terms of FDI attraction for the first time. Production activities at Fuhong Precision Component Company in Dinh Tram Industrial Park (Photo: VNA) Despite COVID-19, in the first ten months, 23.74 billion USD worth of FDI were poured into 18 sectors in Vietnam, with processing and manufacturing obtaining the lions share of the sum, at 53.7 percent or 12.74 billion USD. This meant that foreign investors are placing great trust in Vietnam as part of the global supply chain. Also in the period, 7.09 billion USD were added to existing FDI projects in the nation, up 24.2 percent year-on-year, while foreign capital contribution and share purchase reached 3.63 billion USD. In the ten months, Vietnam reeled in 267.93 billion USD worth of export turnover, up 28.2 percent annually. Of the sum, the FDI sector contributed more than 196.7 billion USD, an annual increase of 20.3 percent. The foreign-invested sectors import value, meanwhile, reached nearly 176.9 billion USD, up 31.3 percent over the same period last year and accounting for 65.7 percent of the countrys total. Regarding Vietnam's advantages in attracting foreign investment, Lam said the macro environment and politics are stable, the economy is dynamic, and the consumption market is expanding with abundant supply sources. He also listed consistent policies for foreign investment attraction and improving business climate. In addition, Vietnam is a member of many large-scale multilateral and bilateral trade agreements such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP); Vietnam EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA); and Vietnams several bilateral trade agreements with the US, the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the UK. Lam noted that in order to effectively attract and maintain foreign investment in Vietnam, the Government and relevant ministries, sectors, and localities need to implement a number of solutions. Specifically, in the coming time, the Government should to review and promptly adjust foreign investment policies to keep up with fluctuations of the global economy and changes in FDI attraction strategies of other countries. He also stressed the necessity to build and maintain such competitive advantages as open investment conditions and transparent legal system; to consolidate the stable macro foundation; and to have the right strategy in handling the COVID-19 epidemic and speed up the vaccination process. Low-lying Mekong Delta deals with worsening land subsidence The Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta region needs consistent strategies to deal with groundwater extraction, land subsidence and saltwater intrusion in an increasingly urbanising area, experts said at a conference in Ho Chi Minh City on November 26. Speaking at the online event, Nguyen Huu Thien, an expert on Mekong Delta ecology, said that land subsidence is a threat to many of the worlds deltas, especially the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. A severe landslide along a bank of the Tien River in Thanh Binh district in the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap. (Photo: VNA) The overexploitation of groundwater in the region has contributed to severe land subsidence and will lead to devastating consequences if the practice continues, according to the expert. It is essential to support policymakers in exploring suitable, consistent strategies for mitigating subsidence in a participatory manner. In recent years, data has become available showing the rate at which the Mekong Delta is subsiding, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Thien, who is deputy head of the Governance of Land Subsidence and Groundwater Management for the Mekong Delta project, said it was paramount to identify alternative water sources, the value of water sources, and the link between groundwater extraction and land subsidence. Begun in January 2020 and completed last month, the project aimed to enhance the capabilities of individuals and organisations to develop sustainable strategies for dealing with the problems. Under the project, a new integrated delta model linked surface water, groundwater and geo-mechanical models in order to analyse the interrelated character of groundwater extraction, subsidence levels and saltwater intrusion. The integrated model was applied to quantify the effects of water management strategies in the Mekong Delta. Strategies were developed by simulating and demonstrating the effects of development scenarios and policy recommendations as mentioned in the Mekong Delta Plan in 2013. Four case-study fact sheets of Can Tho City and Ben Tre, Soc Trang, and Kien Giang provinces have been developed. The four provinces all face major problems concerning land subsidence and groundwater extraction depending on location-specific characteristics. The key challenges, needs and opportunities for governance of land subsidence and groundwater management were identified with the support of several workshops, close collaboration with Can Tho University, and key actors in the Mekong Delta. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has issued a decree that requires zoning plans to cope with land subsidence. Each province is at a different stage of implementing the decree. The four pilot provinces indicated common challenges: a scarcity of available data to be used in decision-making, a lack of a proper monitoring network, insufficient financial incentives (pricing), a lack of spatial planning, little regional coordination, limited regulations for groundwater extraction, and scarce financial and technical capacities. The project has contributed to good water governance, closing the disconnect between local communities and decision-makers. At a later stage, a collaborative learning process can start, creating flexibility in the set goals. Project challenges While further research is necessary to identify hotspots in the Mekong Delta, experts said it was clear from the evidence that land subsidence induced by groundwater extractions could lead to increased flood vulnerability and damage to infrastructure and buildings. Groundwater extractions are augmented by changes in weather extremes and climate change leading to increased saltwater intrusion and droughts, intensifying issues in the Mekong Delta, according to the experts. Groundwater extraction and resulting land subsidence is a gradual process, but vital tipping points should be avoided. These could have financial implications as well as affect a wide variety of livelihoods. Vietnam and the Netherlands signed the Strategic Partnership Arrangement on Climate Adaptation and Water Management under the Mekong Delta Plan in 2013. Since then, the two countries and international stakeholders have collaborated to translate the plans vision into concrete policy ambitions. The Mekong Delta, the countrys largest rice, fruit and seafood producer, is facing a land subsidence rate of 1 cm per year, with some areas reaching a rate of 5.7 cm, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Can Tho City has the highest rate of land subsidence, with more than 5 cm in most areas during the 2015 - 19 period. The rapidly increasing population and economic development are driving a rapid increase in water consumption. The associated extraction of groundwater for drinking water, agriculture and fisheries is to blame for the dramatic land subsidence in the low-lying region. President: Vietnam offers all possible support for Swiss firms President Nguyen Xuan Phuc has stated that Vietnam will offer all possible support for Swiss firms to cooperate with Vietnamese partners. He made the statement while receiving executives of several leading Swiss enterprises in the fields of infrastructure, heavy industry, high technology, electricity and pharmaceuticals in Bern, Switzerland on November 26-27 (local time). President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) and Chairman of DKSH Group Marco Gadola (Photo: VNA) During reception, Phuc said at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), Vietnam committed to reducing greenhouse gas emission to zero by 2050. The country advocated developing clean and renewable energy such as solar and wind power, especially offshore wind power. Vietnam wants Swiss hi-tech firms to grasp opportunities in these fields, he said, adding that as the country wants to develop infrastructure to connect with economic regions, he also expected more Swiss investment in this field. Suggesting the Swiss Government offer financial assistance to encourage firms to seek long-term opportunities in Vietnam, he wished that Swiss firms would raise their voice on this issue and push forward negotiations toward the early signing of the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), thus opening up opportunities for trade and investment activities. The Vietnamese leader also hailed Swiss companies for assisting Vietnam in the transfer of vaccine and medicine production technology, saying that it benefits both sides as well as helps save cost and time. Executives wished to partner with Vietnamese firms in the production of vaccines and medicines and other fields in Vietnam. They also expressed support for the signing of the FTA between Vietnam and the EFTA. President Phuc meets overseas Vietnamese community representatives President Nguyen Xuan Phuc has highlighted the overseas Vietnamese community as an inseparable part of the Vietnamese nation and an important resource for the cause of national construction, development and defence. President Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the meeting with representatives of Vietnamese associations, friendship organisations and community in Bern as part of his trip to Switzerland. During his meeting with representatives of Vietnamese associations, friendship organisations and community in Bern, Switzerland on November 27 (local time), the Vietnamese State leader highly appreciated their opinions and suggestions, adding that the Vietnamese Party and State are set to issue a mechanism to effectively collect and utilize feedback and initiatives of OV experts, intellectuals and businesspeople. He informed them about the situation in the home country with improved business environment that has drew a large number of top investors. External and global integration activities have been enhance further, with the nation having signed and enforced a number of new-generation free trade agreements. Phuc said he hopes that the OVs would continue offering mutual support, help fellows at home overcome the pandemic, as well as raise awareness of national traditions and culture among young generations, especially the Vietnamese language. He urged Vietnamese Embassy staff in Switzerland to better perform citizen protection and launch an array of practical activities to make greater contributions to the homeland, thereby upholding the power of great national unity. On the occasion, the President presented the Friendship Order to the Switzerland-Vietnam Friendship Association (SVFA) in honour of its contributions to the friendship between the two countries' people. President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Nguyen Phuong Nga also granted the insignia For Peace and Friendship among Nations, the most noble distinction of the VUFO, to SVFA President Anjuska Weil. As planned on November 28 morning (local time), President Phuc and his wife left Bern for Geneva to meet Director General of the UN Office in Geneva Tatiana Valovaya, Director General of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Daren Tang. Cut to environment tax on jet fuel proposed The Ministry of Finance has proposed a cut of the environment tax on jet fuel by half in order to support the local aviation industry amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Under the ministrys recommendation sent to the government, the tax would be halved to VND1,500 (USD0.0662) per litre from VND3,000 for the whole of next year. The Ministry of Finance has proposed a cut of the environment tax on jet fuel by half According to the Ministry of Finance, since the second half of 2020, the government has lowered the environmental tax on jet fuel by 30% to VND2,100 per litre. National flag carrier Vietnam Airlines said that the lower fuel tax had helped the firm to save VND155 billion (USD6.73 million) in 2020 and VND164 billion in 2021. Since late April 4 when the fourth Covid-19 wave hit Vietnam, most Vietnamese airlines have been nearly suspended. So the lower jet fuel tax policy has not assisted the local aviation sector as effectively as expected. AUKUS deal endangers international security order: Chinese, Russian representatives Xinhua) 09:06, November 28, 2021 Wang Qun (R), Chinese envoy to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, and Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia's permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna, attend a press conference on the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal and related non-proliferation issues in Vienna, Austria, Nov. 26, 2021. (Xinhua/Guo Chen) The trilateral nuclear submarine deal "endangered the international non-proliferation mechanism and global strategic balance and stability, as well as the post-war international security order," stated Wang Qun, Chinese envoy to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, and Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia's permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna. VIENNA, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- Chinese and Russian envoys expressed their solemn stance against the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia at the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Board of Governors meeting in Vienna on Friday. The board set up a new agenda suggested by China, and for the first time dedicated discussions on the "Transfer of nuclear materials in the context of AUKUS and its safeguards in all aspects under the NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)." The trilateral nuclear submarine deal "endangered the international non-proliferation mechanism and global strategic balance and stability, as well as the post-war international security order," stated Wang Qun, Chinese envoy to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, and Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia's permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna, at a joint press conference after the meeting. AUKUS nuclear submarine deal intensified regional tensions and increased the risk of an arms race, and "Russia is deeply concerned about this," said Ulyanov. At present, all U.S. nuclear submarines use weapon-grade highly-enriched uranium. If the trilateral nuclear submarine cooperation is to proceed, Australia will obtain a large amount of weapon-grade nuclear materials, which will seriously impact the international nuclear non-proliferation system, Ulyanov said. AUKUS not only violates the relevant norms of comprehensive safeguards agreements, but will also have a serious negative impact on the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and the construction of nuclear-weapon-free zones, he said. The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia concealed the progress of nuclear submarine cooperation from the international community, which is extremely non-transparent, Ulyanov stressed, adding that the three must report the relevant situation in a timely manner. Wang Qun, Chinese envoy to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, attends a press conference on the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal and related non-proliferation issues in Vienna, Austria, Nov. 26, 2021. (Xinhua/Guo Chen) Wang emphasized that in September, after the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia announced the establishment of AUKUS, under which the United States and the United Kingdom will assist Australia's acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out that the trilateral deal will give rise to "five dangers" and "three risks," affecting non-proliferation regime, regional security and strategic stability, which was widely echoed by the international community. The three countries draw lines with ideology and create new military blocs, and will exacerbate geographical tensions, said Wang, adding that, at a time when the international community generally opposed the Cold War and division, the United States flagrantly violated its policy of not engaging in a new Cold War, organized an Anglo-Saxon "small circle" and placed its geopolitical interests above international solidarity -- a typical Cold War mentality. This move will stimulate regional countries to step up their military development, and even seek to break through the nuclear threshold, pushing up the risk of military conflicts, which China firmly opposes, he stressed. Wang pointed out that AUKUS has huge hidden dangers and serious harm. "From the perspective of non-proliferation, it is a sheer proliferation act." The key to AUKUS is the transfer of tons of nuclear weapons materials by the two nuclear-weapon states, the United States, the United Kingdom, to Australia, a non-nuclear-weapon state, which obviously violates the purpose of the NPT, he explained. So far, the three countries have always avoided this basic fact, and even tried to confuse the public. AUKUS is a big trouble for the IAEA's safeguard arrangements and must be corrected, he said, adding that the international security is threatened unless AUKUS is stopped. Wang said that the IAEA Board of Governors on Wednesday decided to set up a new agenda item on AUKUS, starting the intergovernmental discussion process, which is the right step towards a proper solution of the issue. The move fully reflects the serious concerns of the Board Members on the trilateral deal, shows that the matter goes beyond the existing mandate of the IAEA's secretariat, and that member states must jointly explore and seek solutions through an intergovernmental process, he added. China has already proposed the establishment of a special committee that all member states can participate in, continue to have in-depth discussions on this issue, and submit reports to the Board and conference, Wang said. Until the parties reach a consensus, the three shall not carry out nuclear submarine-related cooperation, and the agency secretariat shall not negotiate with the three on safeguards arrangements for the trilateral deal, Wang stressed. The representatives of China and Russia also stated that they will closely follow the relevant trends of the trilateral deal, jointly maintain and continue to promote the relevant intergovernmental process initiated under the institutional framework, and work with all parties to defend the purpose of the NPT with practical actions, maintain the international nuclear non-proliferation system and jointly maintain global strategic stability and international peace and security. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Bianji) China-Africa economic cooperation enters stage of rapid development Xinhua) 09:08, November 28, 2021 A staff member shows a product in "Let's go China" exhibition hall at Kigali City Tower in Kigali, Rwanda, Sept. 9, 2021. (Photo by Huang Wanqing/Xinhua) BEIJING, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- China-Africa economic cooperation has expanded rapidly in scale and extent in nearly a decade, injecting impetus to the continent's development and bringing tangible benefits for people from both sides. With both China and Africa entering new stages of development, the complementary advantages of the two sides have become more prominent, with brilliant prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation, said Wu Peng, head of the department of African affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told a press conference on Friday. FLOURISHING DIGITAL ECONOMY The digital economy is one of the new highlights of China-Africa economic cooperation. "China has been helping African countries eliminate the digital divide and seize the opportunities of the information revolution," said Wu. Chinese companies have forged cooperation with major African operators in achieving full basic coverage of telecommunications services in Africa, and have built more than half of the continent's wireless sites and high-speed mobile broadband networks. In total, more than 200,000 km of optical fiber has been laid, giving broadband Internet access to 6 million households in Africa, and serving more than 900 million local people, according to a white paper titled "China and Africa in the New Era: A Partnership of Equals" released Friday. Besides, Chinese companies actively participate in building platforms of public services in Africa such as electronic payment and smart logistics. Thanks to the development of the digital economy, more and more African specialty products such as coffee and pepper have entered the Chinese market. "Africa is a continent of hope. It has the potential to realize leapfrog development in new economic fields," Wu said. BOOMING TRADE, INVESTMENT TIES Over the past decade, China has taken concrete initiatives to strengthen its trade and investment ties with Africa with strong momentum. China has been Africa's largest trading partner for the 12 years since 2009. The proportion of Africa's trade with China in the continent's total external trade has continued to rise, with the figure exceeding 21 percent in 2020, according to the white paper. From January to September, bilateral trade grew 38.2 percent year on year to reach over 185.2 billion U.S. dollars, according to figures from the Ministry of Commerce. The structure of China-Africa trade is also improving. There has been a marked increase in technology in China's exports to Africa, with the export of mechanical and electrical products and high-tech products now accounting for more than 50 percent of the total, according to the white paper. China has increased its imports of non-resource products from Africa, and offered zero-tariff treatment to 97 percent of taxable items exported to China by the 33 least-developed countries in Africa, with the goal of helping more agricultural and manufactured goods from Africa gain access to the Chinese market. Direct investment of Chinese companies in Africa rose 9.9 percent to reach 2.59 billion dollars during the first three quarters of the year, with the growth rate surpassing the pre-pandemic levels. "These figures fully demonstrate the confidence of Chinese enterprises in Africa's future development and the prospects of the African market," said Qian Keming, vice minister of commerce. BRIGHT PROSPECTS The dual successes of the Johannesburg Summit in 2015 and the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2018 spurred China-Africa cooperation to a new and unprecedented height. After years of dedicated efforts, the tree of China-Africa cooperation has flourished -- it is tall and strong, and cannot be shaken by any force, said the white paper. China will announce new cooperation measures with Africa over the next three years, including new trade and investment policies, at the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the FOCAC scheduled in Senegal's capital of Dakar from Nov. 29 to 30, Wu said at the press conference. China and African countries will continue to set the pace of cooperation through FOCAC, support the Belt and Road Initiative, bring the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership to a higher level, and deliver a brighter future together, said the white paper. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Bianji) Xi Jinping on China-Africa cooperation Xinhua) 09:09, November 28, 2021 Members of a Chinese medical team pose for a photo upon their arrival at the airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 16, 2020. (Xinhua/Wang Shoubao) BEIJING, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend and deliver a keynote speech to the opening ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) via video link, which is scheduled for Nov. 29 to 30 in Senegal's capital of Dakar. Xi has on many occasions emphasized the longstanding China-Africa friendship and the broad prospects of cooperation between the two sides. The following are some highlights of his remarks in this regard: -- With similar fate in the past and a common mission, China and Africa have extended sympathy to and helped each other throughout all the years. Together, we have embarked on a distinctive path of win-win cooperation. -- China will stay committed to the principles of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith and the approach of pursuing the greater good and shared interests, honor its commitments to Africa to the letter, persistently support Africa's development, and make greater contributions to Africa's development and rejuvenation and African countries' joint efforts to become stronger. -- The China-Africa relationship is currently at its best in history. The 2018 Beijing Summit of the FOCAC led to a new wave in developing the China-Africa friendship, with the implementation of its results injecting new vigor into their practical cooperation in various fields. -- Ultimately, it is for the peoples of China and Africa to judge the performance of China-Africa cooperation. No one could deny the remarkable achievements made in China-Africa cooperation, not with their assumption or imagination. -- Let me reaffirm China's commitment to its longstanding friendship with Africa. No matter how the international landscape may evolve, China shall never waver in its determination to pursue greater solidarity and cooperation with Africa. -- China and Africa's collaboration and common development will underscore important contributions to strengthening the power of developing countries, building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for humanity. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Bianji) Robberies at luxury stores increase on Black Friday in southern California Xinhua) 09:14, November 28, 2021 LOS ANGELES, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- A surge in "smash-and-grab" robberies at luxury stores this week forced the retailers and police in the southern California to increase in security on the Black Friday, the day following Thanksgiving that traditionally marks the start of the Christmas shopping season in the United States. "We are concerned like everyone across the country knows about the retail business crime," Debra Gunn Downing, executive director of the South Coast Plaza, told Xinhua on Friday. Monday evening, three to five masked men wearing black clothes and hoodies burst into an upscale restaurant in the mall and told customers to "get down" before running off with a purse and fleeing in a white car. Local police said at least one of the robbers apparently armed with a gun, and they were searching for the suspects as of Friday. Also on Monday, at least 18 people broke into a Nordstrom department store in Los Angeles and stole thousands of dollars in merchandise. And Wednesday evening, at least five people attacked another open Nordstrom store in Los Angeles downtown, then ran out with items that included about seven to eight expensive purses. On Saturday, a mob of about 80 people stormed a Nordstrom department store with weapons in Walnut Creek, 35 km east of San Francisco. Three suspects have been arrested on Wednesday and charged with multiple felonies, including robbery, burglary, organized retail theft, conspiracy and receiving stolen property. These incidents, dubbed "grab-and-go" or "smash-and-go" thefts, usually involve people taking expensive items and running off, rather than traditional shoplifters who snag items here and there while shopping around. The kind of organized retail crime cost U.S. retail stores and companies as much as 30 billion U.S. dollars a year, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In response to a recent increase in organized retail theft activities across the state, California Governor Gavin Newsom directed California Highway Patrol to increase their presence near major retail sites and announced a proposed increase in the 2022 to 2023 state budget to combat retail theft. Cities where the high-end shopping malls concentrate also have to protect the Black Friday by themselves. Beverly Hills hired two private security companies with 80 armed guards to bolster patrols this week after Local police have been working 12 hours shifts and are hoping to utilize over 2,000 security cameras watching over the city. "Our city is taking it serious, we're putting the money into it," Todd Johnson, president and CEO of Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce, told local KCAL 9 news channel Friday. Late Saturday night, a group of robbers attempted to break into luxury stores off Rodeo Drive, a famous shopping street in the Beverly Hills, by smashing the windows with sledgehammers but failed to get into the stores because of the thick protective glass. At Westfield Century City, an outdoor shopping mall in the Century City commercial district in Los Angeles, uniform officers were seen on foot patrol on Friday, while expandable barriers were ready to be installed. "We are monitoring the situation with smash-and-grab robberies around the county very closely," said Louis Schillace, a senior general manager at Westfield Century City. However, the measures did not stop the robberies. Friday night, a large group of robbers rushed into a luxury store in Beverly Grove, a bustling shopping and dining district in Beverly Hills, and stole several items. This incident prompted Los Angeles police late Friday to issue a citywide tactical alert. Police said those thieves stormed into the store Friday night and fled with sledgehammers and bolt cutters, which could be used for more "smash-and-grab" robberies. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Bianji) Xinjiang cotton industry representatives refute "forced labor" fallacies Xinhua) 09:35, November 28, 2021 URUMQI, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- Representatives from the cotton industry in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region denounced accusations of "forced labor" in the region at a press conference held on Saturday. They refuted the fallacies with detailed data, information on the industry, and their own experiences. Private enterprises in Xinjiang have established a sound mechanism for building harmonious labor relations and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers, said Nurali Yunus, an inspector of the Federation of Industry and Commerce (Chamber of Commerce) of Xinjiang. Nurali Yunus said there is no "forced labor" or disrespect of ethnic groups' customs and religious beliefs in the region. Peng Changming, vice president of Xinjiang Cotton Association, said Xinjiang's cotton textile industry provided jobs for nearly 1 million locals. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Bianji) Brazil looks to Chinese visitors to boost int'l tourism, minister says Xinhua) 10:32, November 28, 2021 RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- The Brazilian government is relying on Chinese visitors to boost international tourism to the South American country, Tourism Minister Gilson Machado has told Xinhua. During an interview with foreign correspondents earlier this week, Machado said that the Brazilian government is working to boost foreign visits once the COVID-19 pandemic situation is stabilized, and that the presence of Chinese tourists is fundamental to that goal. Brazil plans to open a tourism office in China and is going to formalize visa exemption for Chinese tourists, according to the minister. Challenges to have more Chinese tourists visit Brazil include the long distance between the two countries and a lack of air connections, he added. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Bianji) Feature: "My decision to stay in China leads to truly unique life" Xinhua) 12:46, November 28, 2021 File photo taken in 2014 shows Frank Hawke speaking during an event commemorating the 35th anniversary of exchanges between Chinese and American scholars in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua) WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- On Feb. 23, 1979, twenty-five-year-old Frank Hawke arrived at snow-covered Beijing Capital Airport with seven other U.S. students. They were the first group of American students to study in the People's Republic of China since the two countries officially normalized their diplomatic relations on Jan. 1, 1979. Hawke, who has lived and worked more or less continuously in Beijing over the past 40 years, is now the director of the China Program for the Stanford Graduate School of Business, located at the Stanford Center at Peking University. STUDY AND TEACHING IN PEKING UNIVERSITY Hawke's interest in China was sparked by two Sinologists at Stanford -- John Lewis and Harry Harding, when the economics undergraduate took some of their courses in contemporary Chinese politics. After graduating from his bachelor's program, he decided to pursue an academic career in Chinese studies and started to learn Chinese. "When I arrived in China, I actually spoke very little Chinese. I could maybe recognize some characters, but that was really about all," laughed Hawke, who speaks very fluent Mandarin with a Beijing accent now. After a short stay at the Beijing Language Institute upon arrival, Hawke was admitted to the Department of World Economy at Peking University. "Classical economist, Professor Hong Junyan became my mentor. He was a wonderful man. He treated us very kindly and was very much aware that we were a long way from home," said Hawke. Hawke was supposed to go back to Stanford after a year in Peking University, but he didn't. "I wasn't ready yet to go back because I felt that there was so much yet to learn," he said. Hawke then taught neoclassical economics at Peking University for one semester at the invitation of Hong. NEGOTIATIONS FOR CHINA'S FIRST AUTOMOBILE JOINT VENTURE After teaching in Peking University, Hawke joined a company called Unison International, which helped American companies do business in China. With Unison, one of the most famous deals Hawke participated in was the Beijing Jeep Corporation, the first Sino-foreign auto joint venture between American Motors Corporation, one of Unison's clients, and Beijing Auto Works. "I was the one facilitating on the ground, attending all the negotiations. I was providing a lot of advice in the context of the negotiations," said Hawke. "That was a very interesting negotiation," he said, adding that "every little detail had to be negotiated. Finally, we got it done in 1983." When China opened its doors to the global market in 1978, a motor car was still a novelty for Chinese, but now China becomes the top player both in auto manufacturing and sales, with cars being almost a household necessity. CONTRIBUTION TO CHINA'S AGRICULTURE In 1997, IMC Global, a world's leading producer of phosphate and potassium fertilizers, hired Hawke to serve as the president of its Asia subsidiary. That job gave him lots of opportunities to go around China and talk to not only Chinese phosphate producers, but also a great number of Chinese farmers. "That was really a lot of fun for me to be able to talk to Chinese farmers and learn about their lives and how we could help them improve their crop yields, not only by providing these very important fertilizers, but also in discussing how to farm more scientifically," said Hawke. "We were supplying something China badly needed, Chinese farmers badly needed, as the Chinese say, Feiliao Shi Liangshi De Liangshi (fertilizer is the food for the grain)," he said. In 2011, Hawke was offered his second job in agriculture -- to run East Asian operations for the International Potato Center, which is headquartered in Lima, Peru. What impressed Hawke most was "Chinese farmers were extremely friendly, always willing to answer our questions, always willing to learn." "That gives you a sense of accomplishment that you're working with people who really want to listen and maybe learn something." WITNESS OF CHINA'S RAPID GROWTH From 1979 onwards, Hawke has witnessed China growing at a very rapid rate, which is, as the World Bank described, "the fastest sustained expansion by a major economy in history." There were "rationed coupons for everything," as the Chinese government had to make sure that everybody had the basic necessities, he said. The nation at the time could not produce enough grains and various kinds of foods for her people, such as meats, eggs, and so on. "When the ration coupons went away, I think that was a sign that things turned the corner. So that was a milestone, obviously," he said. In the past 40-plus years, more than 700 million people in China have been lifted out of poverty, contributing to over 70 percent of global poverty reduction. "I have great confidence in China. I have great confidence in the Chinese people. I think the key to China's future is to unlock the genius of the Chinese people," said Hawke. CALL FOR PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE EXCHANGES Talking about the current strained U.S.-China relations, Hawke said the two countries "should be in a better position to understand the other side" after 40 years of the establishment of the diplomatic ties. The world's two largest economies can "still disagree, but we can disagree with respect out of mutual understanding," he said, noting that both sides should learn each other's history and culture. "One way to avoid mistakes, to avoid tragedy is by having very robust people-to-people relations. I would like to see more exchange students, more people going back and forth in all fields; it's extremely important," he said. "It's nice to have lived through a past worth telling," Hawke said of his China stories in retrospect. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Bianji) Factbox: Highlights of China-Africa economic, trade ties Xinhua) 14:27, November 28, 2021 BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's State Council Information Office has issued a white paper on Friday detailing the country's cooperation with Africa in the new era. China-Africa economic cooperation has expanded rapidly in scale and extent in nearly a decade, injecting impetus to the continent's development and bringing tangible benefits for people from both sides. The following facts and figures offer a glimpse of the achievements of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. -- China has been Africa's largest trading partner for 12 years since 2009. The proportion of Africa's trade with China in the continent's total external trade has continued to rise, which exceeded 21 percent in 2020. -- China has increased its imports of non-resource products from Africa, and offered zero-tariff treatment to 97 percent of taxable items exported to China by the 33 least-developed countries in Africa. -- China's imports in services from Africa have been growing at an average annual rate of 20 percent since 2017, creating close to 400,000 jobs for the continent every year. -- By the end of 2020, direct investment of Chinese companies in Africa had surpassed 43 billion U.S. dollars. -- China has established over 3,500 companies of various types across the continent, with private companies gradually becoming the main investment force in Africa. More than 80 percent of their employees are locals, and they have directly and indirectly created millions of jobs. -- To date, China has established agricultural cooperation mechanisms with 23 African countries and regional organizations, and signed 72 bilateral and multilateral agricultural cooperation agreements. -- By the end of 2020, more than 200 Chinese companies had an investment stock of 1.11 billion U.S. dollars in agricultural sector in 35 African countries. The investments cover areas such as planting, breeding and processing. -- As of October 2021, the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System had 42 indirect participants in Africa, covering 19 African countries. The People's Bank of China has signed successive currency swap agreements with the central banks of South Africa, Morocco, Egypt and Nigeria, to a total amount of 73 billion yuan (about 11 billion U.S. dollars). (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Bianji) Afghanistan wants good relations with all countries: acting PM Xinhua) 15:30, November 28, 2021 People receive relief assistance donated by a local philanthropist in Nahr Shahi district of Balkh province, Afghanistan, Nov. 21, 2021. (Photo by Kawa Basharat/Xinhua) "The Islamic Emirate wants to have good relations, economic ties and co-exist with all countries. Afghanistan will not interfere in internal affairs of any country, it is not our policy," acting Prime Minister of Afghanistan's caretaker government Mullah Hassan Akhund said in local media. KABUL, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- The acting Prime Minister (PM) of Afghanistan's caretaker government Mullah Hassan Akhund has said that Afghanistan wants to have good relations with the international community, including the neighbors and regional countries. "The Islamic Emirate wants to have good relations, economic ties and co-exist with all countries. Afghanistan will not interfere in internal affairs of any country, it is not our policy," Hassan Akhund said in his address broadcast in the state-run Radio Television of Afghanistan (RTA) on Saturday night. In his first address since the Taliban's takeover on Aug. 15, and the formation of its caretaker government on Sept. 7, Hassan Akhund noted that Afghanistan's soil will not be used against any country and the new administration will not allow anyone to use Afghan soil against anyone. "No harm has been inflicted to any country from Afghanistan and no one will witness harm from Afghanistan. Now, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is focusing on rebuilding our country," he said, noting that exerting pressure on Afghanistan will not benefit anyone. Afghan women attend a class at a university in Kandahar city, southern Afghanistan, Sept. 13, 2021. (Photo by Sanaullah Seiam/Xinhua) Regarding women's education, Hassan Akhund said that "the women's rights are safeguarded, and the Islamic Emirate respects the rights of education for women and girls. The women will be provided with an immune space for their education based on the Islamic laws." He also urged the provincial governors, police chiefs and judges to do their best in providing service to the Afghans, calling on them to strictly act against those who cause harassment among the people. "Those who harass ordinary people, or individuals who worked in the former government, must be accountable. It doesn't matter how high their rank is, those who are harassing people should be disarmed immediately and the report should be sent to me directly," he said. The acting PM also called on Afghans to get united and rebuild the country including its economy with goodwill, brotherhood and unity. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Bianji) Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 Your browser does not support the video tag. Welcome Guest! You Are Here: By Azernews By Ayya Lmahamad Azerbaijani and Iranian Foreign Ministers Jeyhun Bayramov and Hossein Amir Abdollahian have discussed the current situation in the region. The discussion took place within the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC in Ashgabat, the Foreign Ministry reported on November 28. During the meeting, the parties discussed the current situation in the region, including the Sochi meeting [of Azerbaijani and Russian Presidents, and Armenian PM], the declaration signed on November 26, the implementation of trilateral statements in general and the importance of the "3+3" cooperation platform. The ministers welcomed meetings held in New York on the sidelines of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, as well as constructive work on the implementation of agreements reached during numerous telephone conversations. In addition, satisfaction was expressed with the November 21 meeting of the co-chairs of the Azerbaijan-Iran State Commission on Economic, Commercial and Humanitarian Affairs in Tehran. The sides also discussed other important regional issues, including the situation in Afghanistan and its impact on the country and the surrounding region, as well as the negotiations in Vienna on Iran's nuclear program and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Additionally, they discussed cooperation between the two countries within international organizations and other issues of mutual interest. After liberating its lands from Armenia's occupation in a 44-day war with Armenia in 2020, Azerbaijan restored control over the 132-km section of the Azerbaijan-Iran border. The restoration of control over the state border created new opportunities and prospects for broader cooperation between the two countries. It should be noted that the trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Iran amounted to $339.1 million in 2020. This figure was $293.2 million in the first nine months of 2021. By Azernews By Ayya Lmahamad Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has invited the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) member states to benefit from the Zangazur corridor. He made the remarks in his speech at the 15th ECO summit held in Turkmenistans Ashgabat on November 28. At the last ECO summit, I informed my colleagues about the Zangazur corridor. Today I can say that the Zangazur corridor becomes a reality. This new transport infrastructure will be an important part of the East-West and North-South corridors. I am confident that the ECO member states will benefit from this corridor, he said. Victory and reconstruction Noting that Azerbaijan put an end to nearly 30 years of occupation of its territories by Armenia, the president recalled that the 44-days Patriotic War resulted in Armenias defeat and being forced to sign an act of capitulation on November 10, 2020. Aliyev stressed that Azerbaijan restored its territorial integrity and itself ensured the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions. He also underlined that all cities and villages, including cultural and religious heritage sites of Azerbaijan, have been totally wiped out by Armenia during the occupation. Speaking about the start of large-scale reconstruction work, the president emphasized that Azerbaijan is building new cities and towns from the scratch relying solely on its own financial resources. To that end, $1.3 billion has been released from the state budget this year. At least, the same amount will be allocated for this purpose in 2022, he said. Recalling the annunciation of liberated Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur as green energy zone, Aliyev noted that the liberated territories have the proven potential of 7,200 MW of solar energy and 2,000 MW of wind energy. Cooperation within ECO Aliyev stated that Azerbaijan is an active member of ECO, adding that the relations with the member states are based on friendship and mutual respect. We also enjoy fruitful cooperation with the ECO member states within international platforms, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Non-Aligned Movement, he said. Recalling that the Charter of the ECO Research Centers was signed during the 14th ECO Summit this March, the president expressed his gratitude to the member states for supporting late Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev's initiative. Azerbaijan will do its utmost for the efficient functioning of the Center based in our country. I invite remaining member states to join this important initiative, he said. Economic development The president noted that over the past 18 years, Azerbaijans economy has developed rapidly, and the gross domestic product increased more than three times. He emphasized that Azerbaijan has achieved a favorable investment climate as a result of large-scale reforms. Azerbaijan is placed 28th out of 190 countries in the World Banks Doing Business survey, he said. Aliyev noted that around $280 billion has been invested in the Azerbaijani economy, half of which is foreign investment. Our strategic foreign exchange reserves exceed our state external debt by over six times, he added. Noting that the countrys external debt accounts for only about 17.3 percent of its gross domestic product, the president stated that by the end of 2030, it is planned to decrease it to 10 percent. He also noted that over the past 18 years, the poverty rate in Azerbaijan has decreased from 49 percent to 6 percent, adding that the unemployment rate in the country is around 6 percent. Emphasizing that Azerbaijans achievements are highly appreciated by the international institutions, Aliyev noted that the Davos World Economic Forum report ranks Azerbaijan in the 10th place for the long-term government strategy and 5th in the world in terms of the leaderships commitment to reform. Again, according to the Davos report- Azerbaijan ranks the 2nd for electricity supply to the population, 11th for efficiency of railroad services, 12th for efficiency of air transportation services, 25th for efficiency of seaport services, and 27th for quality of road infrastructure, he said. Fight against COVID-19 Noting that Azerbaijan has launched an immunization campaign since mid-January this year, Aliyev stated that over 60 percent of the adult population in the country has received two doses of the vaccine. He stressed that almost $3 billion of the socio-economic stimulus package has been released to support COVID-affected people and businesses in the country. The president added that for the same purpose, $1.6 billion of financial assistance package will be allocated from the state budget in 2022. Aliyev also underlined that Azerbaijan is making significant steps to mobilize global efforts against the pandemic, adding that the countrys firm opposition against vaccine nationalism has been persistently stressed. This year, upon Azerbaijans initiative in its capacity as the Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement, resolutions on ensuring equitable access for all countries to vaccines were adopted at the UN Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly respectively, he said. The president added that Azerbaijan has provided financial and humanitarian assistance to about 80 countries directly and through World Health Organization to support their fight against the COVID-19. By Trend Close relations and cooperation between Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkey are important, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said, Trend reports citing the Iranian President Office's official website. He made the remark during a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the 15th summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Raisi noted that the three countries have many cultural and religious partnerships, and we must not allow problems to arise in these relations. Iranian President added that the development of relations between Iran and Turkey is in the interests of the peoples of the two countries, as well as peace and stability in the region. Raisi also pointed out the potential of trade and economic relations between Iran and Turkey is many times greater than today. By increasing trade, economic and political relations, the two countries can bring these relations closer to the level of strategic relations. "Various simplifications should be made for the development of cooperation between Iran and Turkey in various fields, including energy, banking and money, trade. In this regard, discounted tariffs can be reconsidered," he said. During the meeting, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also stressed the importance of developing and strengthening bilateral and regional relations. Erdogan added that high-level development of relations between the two countries, especially in the economic sphere, can be achieved. "Turkey, Russia and Iran can maintain security and stability in the region through cooperation with other countries in the region," Turkish President noted. By Trend Two Azerbaijani servicemen suffered as a result of mine explosion in Fuzuli region, Trend reports with reference to the Interior Ministry. The servicemen involved in the extra-urgent service of N military unit of the internal troops of the Interior Ministry, located in Fuzuli region, suffered as a result of explosion of an anti-personnel mine in Shukurbayli village. The wounded servicemen are being treated by doctors. The investigation is underway. An official dinner reception has been hosted on behalf of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in honor of heads of state, government and delegations attending the 15th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization, Azertag reported on November 28. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev attended the reception. By Trend At the decision of the Interagency Coordination Council, Georgia tightens state border crossing regulations for citizens from 8 countries in connection with spread of the new strain of coronavirus, Trend reports citing The regulations will enact from November 28, the Governmental Administration reports. Any person regardless of citizenship who traveled to the below-listed countries during the last 14 days, will be subjected to a 14-day quarantine at the government-assigned facilities. These countries are: South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Malawi. They will take PCR tests after completion of guaranteeing period. By Trend As part of participation of in the 15th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in Ashgabat, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov met with Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, Trend reports citing Kabar. The press service of the Kyrgyz president reported that the leaders of the two countries discussed current areas of the Kyrgyz-Turkmen bilateral relations, as well as the implementation of agreements reached at the highest level. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow warmly greeted Sadyr Zhaparov and expressed gratitude for accepting his invitation to participate in the anniversary ECO Summit in Ashgabat. He emphasized that the Organization is an important regional structure and noted the readiness of the Turkmen side to continue mutually beneficial cooperation with ECO member states. Sadyr Zhaparov noted the Kyrgyz side attaches great importance to deepening cooperation with Turkmenistan in trade, economic, energy and other areas. The two presidents expressed mutual readiness to further strengthen and deepen bilateral cooperation for the benefit of peoples of Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. Dubai Land Department (DLD) has officially invited international realtors and real estate professionals to the Global Investors and Real Estate Professionals Program, to network with investors and government officials from more than 170 countries at the Expo 2020 Dubai. As part of the invitation, international real estate delegations will be given access to several benefits, such as free membership in the Property Network Partnership (PNP), as well as special exhibition packages to visit 191 countries' pavilions at the Expo 2020. Invest in Dubai Real Estate has recently signed MoUs with more than 25 associations, which allow the visiting real estate delegations to meet and network with ministries and real estate authorities in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah. The programme will also allow the delegations to meet local and international developers in the city to understand and learn more about new projects. Real estate delegations will get the opportunity to attend Business & Culture Tours in Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi, along with business meetings with Dubai government entities. It will also accommodate visits and tours to real estate development sites in Dubai, with a complimentary luxury gala dinner. DLD Director General Sultan Butti Al Mejren said: "It is an honour to invite international real estate delegates to Dubai. The Global Investors and Real Estate Professionals program and Invest in Dubai Real Estate will create a boundless environment for real estate investors and professionals." "This initiative allows growth, diversity and increased connectivity within the industry. We are proud to be a part of this program because this is a fulfilment of our vision, as it brings the real estate industry together to achieve sustainable economic growth and success," he added. Majida Ali Rashid, CEO, Promotion and Real Estate Investment Management Sector, said: "We would like to view this invitation as an opportunity to acknowledge our good relations with real estate delegations from around the world." "Invest in Dubai Real Estate portrays the strength of the global real estate market during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the pandemic, we continue to stay true to our commitment to provide opportunities to everyone in the different real estate sectors and propel business transactions even more," he noted. "It is through our resilience that continues to further strengthen the citys competitiveness with the help of the latest technological innovation," she added. The 5th edition of the decoration, design and building materials exhibition DecoBuild wrapped up its 2021 activities at the Dubai World Trade Centre today (November 27) with more than 80 public and private exhibitors taking part in the four-day event, up 45.45% compared to the previous edition. Organized by the Mohammed bin Rashid Housing Establishment (MBHE), DecoBuild 2021 has been the largest edition to be held since its inception, attracting thousands of visitors who were interested to view the latest developments and global practices in the construction sector. The MBHE stressed that many deals, contracts and businesses have been concluded on the sidelines of 'DecoBuild 2021, which attracted the attention and gained the satisfaction of both exhibitors and visitors. Stretching over an area of 4,000 sq m, the event brought together dozens of exhibitors from government institutions and private sector companies, as well as the Whos Who of construction materials, contracting, decoration, engineering consultancy, interior and architectural design companies, in addition to banks and financial institutions, furniture companies, lighting and smart home services, it stated. Also during the exhibition, the MBHE announced it has joined the Young people of determination in Construction initiative, recently launched by the Dubai Youth Council. The move aims to support people of determination and help them effectively integrate into society, in line with its keenness to improve their happiness by providing them with suitable housing. A Turkish business delegation featuring 25 representatives from the Mediterranean Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters' Association, (AKAMIB) and the most prominent Turkish companies specialized in the production and manufacture of furniture, furnishings and interior design visited 'DecoBuild 2021 on the second day. The delegation discussed prospects of commercial cooperation with Emirati companies and the possibility of participation in the upcoming edition of the exhibition. The event saw companies showcasing the latest solutions to transform normal homes into fully or semi-smart ones, and offering attractive competitive offers, discounts, modern designs and architectures affordable for different budgets. Lauding the outstanding event, exhibiting companies said that DecoBuild 2021 has effectively helped them promote and enhance the position of their companies, adding that they are interested to take part in the upcoming editions due to the well-organization of the event and its resounding success achieved year after year.-TradeArabia News Service The most recent developments in dermatology and cosmetic medicine post-pandemic, as well as new treatments for incurable skin diseases like psoriasis and vitiligo will feature at a conference in Bahrain. The four-day event, Dermatology, Laser & Aesthetic Conference & Exhibition (BDLA4), from December 1 to 4, includes several sessions, workshops and scientific programmes for international partners. To be held physically and online, this medical event is the only one of its kind in Bahrain, and will be held in a strategic partnership with the National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA), in addition to notable worldwide training forums specialising in Dermatology, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic and Laser Medicine, and organised by the BDA Centre for Medical Training. BDLA4 is accredited by the National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA), with 24 training hours. On the sidelines, an exhibition will be conducted with the involvement of several international enterprises offering their latest cosmetic medical services and products. Dr Hussain Juma, a Consultant Dermatologist, the head of the conference's scientific committee, said this is the first conference in which such a large number of doctors from outside and inside Bahrain will participate, following the recovery and return to normalcy post-pandemic. According to Dr Juma, several pioneering dermatologists from inside and outside Bahrain will review during the conference the best international methods used in plastic surgery and treating skin diseases. The event serves as a forum for doctors to share their thoughts and experiences, as well as to provide them with the necessary skills, refine their knowledge, and enhance their capabilities, as well as to exchange ideas and debate the most recent medical breakthroughs in their fields, Dr Juma said. The head of the conferences organising committee and plastic surgeon, Dr Ahmed Shahda, stated that among the strategic partners for BDLA4 is the Middle East Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine Conference & Exhibition MEIDAM, Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference, and Exhibition Dubai Derma, The Saudi Cosmetic Medicine "Saudi Derma", the Oman Cosmetic Conference "Oman Derma", in addition to the Saudi Society for Cosmetic Surgery. The successful continuation of this medical event for the fourth year in a row demonstrates the organisers' commitment to hold it regularly, said Dr Shahda.-- TradeArabia News Service Demand levels are now back to pre-Covid levels and increased scrapping is helping to restrict the supply of vessels, boosting tanker earnings for 2022, a Tanker Conference heard. Organised by The Maritime Standard recently it was its most successful Tanker Conference yet, as over 200 delegates registered to attend in person at the Dubai World Trade Centre on November 23. In addition, the event, the sixth in the series, attracted a high number of guests who logged in online, with TMS building on the success of its trailblazing hybrid conference held despite the pandemic in November 2020. Conference editor, Clive Woodbridge, said: This conference is vitally important given the strategic significance of the tanker trades in this region. Moreover, it took place at a crucial time for the sector, as it faces up to a whole host of commercial, operational, environmental and human challenges, and this made it hugely topical and relevant. This years keynote speaker was Dr Ibrahim Al Nadhairi of Asyad Shipping & Drydocks, who set the scene perfectly, highlighting the main strategic challenges confronting the tanker shipping business. Climate change was a particular priority for Dr Al Nadhairi, as it was for many speakers throughout the day, and he urged owners to embrace the challenge of hitting a zero emissions target by 2050. This is one of the most important game changers for the shipping industry, he said. And it will provide a great opportunity for additional value creation, through the necessary upgrades and investments in tanker fleets. The overall theme of this years conference was, Charting a course back to market stability, reflecting the need for policies to build the sector back to commercial health after 18 months of unprecedented volatility. The opening session, moderated by industry veteran, Ali Shehab, assessed the short-, medium- and longer-term outlook for the tanker trades and what needs to happen to create a sound platform for recovery. The audience heard from several experienced and influential business leaders, including Captain Abdulkareem Al Masabi, CEO, Adnoc Logistics & Services; HK Joshi, Chairperson and Managing Director of the Shipping Corporation of India; Captain Saif Almheiri, Managing Director Abu Dhabi Maritime; Captain Rado Antolovic, CEO, Drydocks World Dubai; Shehab Al Rahma Manager Oil Terminals, DP World UAE; Panos Mitrou, Global Gas Segment Manager, LR; and Navin Kumar, Director, Drewry Maritime Research. Captain Al Masabi led the way with a well-researched and comprehensive presentation, which struck an optimistic and positive note, pointing out that demand levels are now back to pre-covid levels and increased scrapping is helping to restrict the supply of vessels, boosting tanker earnings in 2022. He was followed by Joshi, who described the regional tanker market scenario, the disruption caused by the pandemic and recent recovery as well as an informed assessment of the way forward. Mitrou provided an invaluable update on the use of LNG as fuel, future prospects and risks, while Kumar set out the outlook for LNG and LPG tankers and how this sector is adapting to the changes required by IMO 2030 regulations. The importance of support services for the tanker segment was tackled in the second session by a panel of speakers coming from a broad spectrum of activities within the business. Moderated by Andrew Baird, a partner at WFW, speakers included Ian Edwards, Area Manager, Middle East & Africa, DNV; Saleem Kadernani, Vice President, Commercial for the Middle East, South Asia & Africa Region, Inchcape Shipping Services; Chris Peters. CEO, Emirates Ship Investment Company; Jonathan Hudson, Market Leader, Tanker owners and adjacent stakeholders, Bureau Veritas; Prof Mustafa Amin Massad, Founder and President, Jordan Academy for Maritime Studies; and Petros Doukas, Mayor, Sparta & Former Deputy Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs, Greece. Edwards described the tectonic shifts that have taken place in the market and in particular the changes in regulation and digitalisation which are propelling tanker shipping to a cleaner and more connected future. Saleem Kadernani discussed the vexed issue of crew changes in the pandemic and proposed some interesting solutions, while Jonathan Hudson underlined how class can support tanker shipping in the digital age. Professor Massad underscored the importance of education and training and suggested that even when the battle with covid is over, distance learning courses would continue to be a highly effect means of delivering maritime education and training, while Doukas rounded off the session with a rousing presentation that put tanker shipping in its macroeconomic and geo-political context. The tanker industry has a pressing need to harness new ideas and fresh technology to meet its environmental and commercial goals and the third session focused how initiatives and innovations might shape the tanker business of the future. Expertly moderated by Jesper Kjaedegaard from Marcura Group, speakers in this session included June Manoharan, Director, Lukoil Marine Lubricants; Amit Singh, Sales Director, Gulf Oil Marine Limited; Morten Langthjem, Managing Director- Dubai, Glander International Bunkering; Capt. Zarir Irani, Managing Director, Constellation Marine Services; Ramee Rashid, Director, Seamaster Maritime; and Manuel Calzada, Director, International Business Development, JMP Ingenieros-Drone Hopper. Manoharan shared Lukoils experience with lubricants on vessels operating on VLSO, illustrating this with two fascinating case studies, and Singh charted his companys product development journey for the new CAT110 cylinder oil over the past year, leading to successful trials and no objection letter support in recent weeks. Capt. Irani focused on the topical subject of cybercrime and pointed out that cyber-attacks on shipping had jumped 300%, showing the industry remains vulnerable due to inadequate cyber awareness. Reflecting on the positive impact of this years Tanker Conference, TMS Managing Director, Trevor Pereira, added: It was great to have a packed house and to see so much interaction with, and appreciation of our high-quality speakers and presentations. With COP26 fresh in everyones minds, tanker shippings contribution to reducing climate change pressures was inevitably a key theme and the willingness of the industry to embrace change to achieve tough carbon emissions targets was encouraging.-- TradeArabia News Service The latest developments in Brazils halal market and new insights into the $5 trillion global halal trade will come up at the Global Halal Brazil Business forum in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from December 6 to 8, 2021. The event is set to provide a platform for officials, business, and experts to share their insights on global halal trade and its potentials, as well as the edicts surrounding trade of halal products. The forum also aims to shed light on the potential of Brazils halal market for stakeholders such as government entities of various nations, halal businesses, investors, federations, industry associations, chambers of commerce, exporters, distributors, retailers, and halal certification bodies. The business forum recognises importance and growing demand for high-quality halal, healthy, functional, and organic food products around the world. Organised by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC), the three-day event to be held virtual and in-person will be in partnership with the Federation of Muslim Associations in Brazil (FAMBRAS Halal) and supported by the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), BRF, Iceport and Portonave at the Renaissance Hotel. According to the State of Global Islamic Economy Report 2020, the revenue from the global halal trade, which serves around 1.6 billion consumers is $5 trillion, of which only $1.17 trillion accounts for foodstuff. The report also highlights the importance of a traceability guarantee, which offers greater security to the halal value chain and predicts a growth of 18% in the halal trade by 2024. Osmar Chohfi, President of ABCC, said: Through the business forum, we aim to create awareness among the Brazilian exporters about the immense potential in global halal trade and support them to enhance their operations to boost the trade of high-quality Brazilian halal products. The forum will be an ideal opportunity for firms in the Brazilian food industry to explore opportunities, learn and collaborate with stakeholders in halal businesses, accreditation, and certification bodies, to expand Brazils halal food trade and promote best practices, research, and development. The requirement for halal products is not limited to the food and beverages industry and extends as well to pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, services, finances, and tourism. The halal cosmetics industry alone is projected to grow up to $76 billion in terms of value by 2024. Brazil has strong potentials to expand its halal market at the global level considering its position as one of the largest animal protein exporters which meet the global halal standards. This business forum is also in line with the initiatives to ensure the integrity of the halal value chain. We are positive that this business forum will enable the creation of a business ecosystem for halal trade without any barriers across the world. The establishment of unified standards for halal trade will also boost halal businesses globally. As an important entity responsible for the diversification of Brazilian businesses, ABCC aims to increase the awareness of the Brazilian firms about current and future business opportunities and facilitate the entry of new stakeholders into the Brazilian industries flawlessly, added Chohfi. Ali Zoghbi, Vice President of FAMBRAS Halal, stated: In Brazil, the halal industry has created around 1.5 billion direct and indirect jobs and the sector also holds huge potential for new business prospects. The practices and initiatives in the whole chain of production in the industry also adhere to the concept of conscious consumption and ensure the authenticity of halal products. He also emphasised that even though most of the consumers of Brazilian halal products are Muslims, with the popularity of halal as a lifestyle, there are also many consumers who are non-Muslims. The key discussions on the first day of the business forum will revolve around opportunities, challenges, and Brazils role in the global halal industry. It will feature eminent personalities from governmental entities of various nations and experts in halal businesses. The second and third days will spotlight topics such as: Innovation and Technology in Halal as Competitiveness Factor, and Beyond Food - Halal in different ESG and Sustainability Ecosystems, respectively. The forum also aims to encourage Brazilian enterprises to take up the opportunities to diversify the halal market to other industries such as cosmetics, fashion, medicines, finance and tourism and mark the niche market for halal trade in all Muslim including non-Arab countries and Islamic communities in Europe and the US.-- TradeArabia News Service Emphasising that free zone is pivotal to boosting Ajmans position as preferred destination for business and UAEs status as a global trade and investment centre the Made in AFZ exhibition was opened in Ajman on November 28. The exhibition was launched to showcase the innovative products and services of companies operating at Ajman Free Zone, as well as provide a platform for building new strategic partnerships, said Eng Omar Bin Omair Al Mheiri, Acting Director General, of Ajman Free Zones Authority, who inaugurated it. Al Mheiri emphasised that the event, running till November 30 under the patronage of Sheikh Ahmed bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Board of Ajman Free Zones Authority, reflects the commitment of the free zone and the emirate of Ajman to build an environment that can fast-track business expansion and success, increase the emirates economic and investment activities, empower entrepreneurs, and support the growth of the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector, the backbone of the national economy. He said: The Made in AFZ exhibition is a continuation of our initiatives aimed at revitalising and accelerating Ajmans economic recovery and growth. Through this event, we seek to stimulate more commercial and investment activities across industries, especially in the SME, to help build a diverse local economy, increase Ajmans capability to meet the requirements of the future, and raise the emirates global competitiveness. We aim to make the local business environment more attractive to foreign companies and investors while ensuring the business communitys sustainable growth. Over the past years, Ajman Free Zone has significantly contributed to Ajmans economy-- effectively helping guide its growth and strengthening the emirates prominent position as a preferred destination for business. We are also helping enhance the UAEs active role in the global trade activities through our many initiatives. The free zone will move forward with its efforts to support businesses and ensure their success at the regional and global levels through a unique model that provides a unified platform for services and solutions. In addition, we will continue to work with our partners to ensure fast delivery of services and expand our offered solutions and facilities to our community, Al Mheiri added. Eng Ali AlSuwaidi, Director General of Ajman Free Zone, said that the exhibition forms part of the free zones initiatives to empower its business partners, as well as give them a broader space where they can forge new cooperation and highlight their products and services. AlSuwaidi said: The Made in AFZ exhibition mirrors our commitment to provide businesses with innovative solutions that accelerate their expansion and stimulate new investment activities. It is an extension of our endeavors to simplify and facilitate the ease of doing business in our community through our integrated commercial and investment system, as well as serve as an incubator for companies to grow. Our main objective at Ajman Free Zone is to consolidate the position of the emirate and the UAE as vital economic centers. We also seek to help realise the vision of our wise leadership and contribute to building a diversified and knowledge- and innovation-driven economy. During the UAEs preparations for the next 50 years, we will strive to reach new levels of leadership and excellence. Participating in the exhibition are several companies engaged in food and beverage, textile and health and beauty businesses, to name a few. Day one saw Coffeekif presenting the history and growth of Ethiopian coffee and the launching of a new product produced by cosmetics company Lolita Bonita. A panel discussion on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the real estate and building and construction markets was also held during the opening day. Furthermore, Centre Point signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Lolita Bonita during the same day.-- TradeArabia News Service UAE-based Adnoc Distribution has announced the signing of two new distributors for Adnoc Voyager lubricant in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The contracts will supply a full range of Voyager lubricants, with confirmed volumes of 1,500,000 litres, and signify the companys market entry into Africa. Adnoc Voyager is now available in 19 countries across three continents, spearheading the companys global presence. Adnoc Distribution has seen significant product growth in international markets including a distribution network spanning Asia, North and East Africa, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) as well as the Middle East region. Adnoc Distribution has doubled its international volumes over the past two years through a dedicated global growth strategy. We look forward to working with our new partners as we continue to expand into new global markets. The quality of our product has garnered great interest internationally, and we offer a fully integrated lubricant value chain, said Bader Saeed Al Lamki, CEO, Adnoc Distribution. We continue to grow in the coming years. We are constantly looking at market trends to ensure that we are engineering products that meet industry needs, not only here in the local UAE market, but worldwide. The launch of our dedicated Hybrid vehicle range lubricants last year is testament to this forward looking strategy. Adnoc Voyager is manufactured using Adnocs high quality Group III base oil, ADbase, which is produced by Adnoc Refining using Adnocs high paraffinic crude oil at its state-of-the art Ruwais refinery in the UAE. The high Viscosity Index (VI) of ADbase makes it an ideal lubricant component, ensuring efficiency and fuel economy for high performance engines, whilst meeting ever stringent environmental regulations. TradeArabia News Service The Israel National Cyber Directorate, which is responsible for all aspects of cyber defence in the civilian sphere, led an international drill on November 16, in Dubai, simulating a multinational cyber attack on the aviation industry. The event was held in the Israeli Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, in partnership with the Cybersecurity Council of the UAE. Yigal Unna, Director General of the Israel National Cyber Directorate, and Dr. Mohammed Al-Kuwaiti, Managing Director of the National Data Centre, were in attendance. Participating in the event were representatives from airports, airlines, aircraft manufacturers, civilian aviation authorities, cyber authorities and cybersecurity companies from countries including Israel, the United States, Germany, Greece, Morocco, Bahrain and the UAE, according to a statement from the Cyber Directorate. This was the first time that representatives from a number of countries gathered to simulate a cyber attack of this kind and worked together on how to handle it. According to Tamir Goren, Director of Special Technologies in the Technology Unit of the Israel National Cyber Directorate and a former pilot, "International organisation and collaboration on this issue is necessary, as over the past decade, we have seen an upswing in the number of attempted attacks on the aviation sector around the world at different levels of sophistication. "Aviation has become more digitally advanced, and communications between various threats has significantly increased the possibility of attacks. There have not yet been any attacks that have damaged aviation safety, nevertheless, the aviation sector and cyber authorities are intensifying efforts in this field in order to ensure the continued safety of aviation and functional continuity. "The Israel National Cyber Directorate and the Civil Aviation Authority are leading these efforts in Israel."-TradeArabia News Service Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. 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The act first, ask questions later approach reflected growing alarm about the emergence of a potentially more contagious variant nearly two years into a pandemic that has killed more than 5 million people, upended lives and disrupted economies across the globe. My mother saw the success of the rainbow tribe, because when we caused trouble as kids, she would never know who had done it because we never ratted on each other, risking collective punishment, one of Bakers sons, Brian Bouillon Baker, told the AP. I heard her say to some friends Im mad to never know who causes trouble, but Im happy and proud that my kids stand united. What to focus on? The skill as a guitarist with his encyclopedic range? His staggering ability to pick up almost any instrument and make music on it (many of his albums were one-man band projects)? His mastery as a producer and arranger? His songwriting not just for himself but for other artists, including Sinead O'Connor, who had a huge hit with his "Nothing Compares 2 U"? His showmanship as a performer, dancer and improviser? His pioneering spirit as a businessman who took on the music industry and forged his own path as an independent artist who came to grips with the Internet long before many of his peers did? And what about the role he played as a social and music-industry outsider, a diminutive, androgynous figure who didn't fit the mold of what an artist should wear, sound like or sing about ("I wish I was your girlfriend," he once sang to his would-be lover)? Burris said he thinks Potter had the right to use reasonable force and could get credit from the jury for intending to use her Taser. And if that happens, he said, the best the prosecution might get is a conviction on the lesser charge. But if the jury agrees she should not have used her Taser at all, he added, they might find it was first-degree manslaughter. Foreign business leaders and policymakers expressed confidence in South China's further development during a meeting in Hong Kong on Friday. "A New Journey with Greater Opportunities: A Virtual Tour of the Greater Bay Area for Foreign Businesses in Hong Kong" was jointly held by the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the SAR government and the Guangdong provincial government. Attending the event, Bjoern Lindner, president of the German Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, said that the city's further integration into the mainland offers lots of possibilities. He said the SAR government's ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 is a plan that requires the mutual efforts of all cities in the Greater Bay Area. Noting the negative influence of the border closure situation posed by the pandemic, Lindner hoped that the border will reopen soon so that normal business activities can be resumed and promising possibilities in the GBA can be pursued. David Graham, executive director of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, said the GBA is a promising platform for Hong Kong to give full play to its strength in the fields of financial services, professional services, business resolution and arbitration, as well as innovation and technology. Graham said the National Security Law for Hong Kong brings the city stability, which he believes is good for business. He said the law also brought a better relationship between Hong Kong and the mainland, with new business opportunities to be explored. The event also included a virtual tour of six enterprises from Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan and Zhuhai and their respective business focuses, including intelligent equipment and biomedical electronics. The foreign business leaders are not the only ones to have confidence in the GBA. Addressing the event, Liu Guangyuan, commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong SAR, said the area's development reflects China's determination to open wider to the world, its opportunities in fostering a new development paradigm and the SAR's benefits in getting onboard the fast-train of China's development. The commissioner's office will further support business groups to explore opportunities in the GBA so that they can share the dividends of the region's development and benefit from Hong Kong's integration into overall national development. In a keynote speech, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said companies in Hong Kong, which have a head start, will stand to reap opportunities from the GBA. Lam said the area's development is more than a regional development project, but also a platform that will bring Hong Kong closer with mainland cities and enhance its international trade and cooperation. Huang Liuquan, deputy head of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, told attendees that in Hong Kong's future development, the "one country, two systems" policy and its unique strengths will remain unchanged. Huang said the 14th Five-Year Plan and the GBA have both provided great platforms for Hong Kong's growth. He encouraged the chambers and enterprises to seize more opportunities and continue to benefit from "one country, two systems" and Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. You are here: China Beijing has recently issued a regulation that requires the setup of standardized Chinese and foreign-language signs in five categories of public venues, said the foreign affairs office of the municipal government. The regulation is aimed at elevating Beijing's international service level, improving its function as an international exchange center, and promoting the high-level opening up and high-quality development of the capital city. The five categories include public transport venues such as airports and railway stations; venues for large-scale international events like sports, conferences, and expos; communities with a mass of foreigners; emergency shelters; and other significant public venues of culture, tourism, and sports. The regulation will take effect starting Jan. 1, 2022. Flash Chinese and Russian envoys expressed their solemn stance against the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia at the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Board of Governors meeting in Vienna on Friday. The board set up a new agenda suggested by China, and for the first time dedicated discussions on the "Transfer of nuclear materials in the context of AUKUS and its safeguards in all aspects under the NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)." The trilateral nuclear submarine deal "endangered the international non-proliferation mechanism and global strategic balance and stability, as well as the post-war international security order," stated Wang Qun, Chinese envoy to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, and Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia's permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna, at a joint press conference after the meeting. AUKUS nuclear submarine deal intensified regional tensions and increased the risk of an arms race, and "Russia is deeply concerned about this," said Ulyanov. At present, all U.S. nuclear submarines use weapon-grade highly-enriched uranium. If the trilateral nuclear submarine cooperation is to proceed, Australia will obtain a large amount of weapon-grade nuclear materials, which will seriously impact the international nuclear non-proliferation system, Ulyanov said. AUKUS not only violates the relevant norms of comprehensive safeguards agreements, but will also have a serious negative impact on the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and the construction of nuclear-weapon-free zones, he said. The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia concealed the progress of nuclear submarine cooperation from the international community, which is extremely non-transparent, Ulyanov stressed, adding that the three must report the relevant situation in a timely manner. Wang emphasized that in September, after the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia announced the establishment of AUKUS, under which the United States and the United Kingdom will assist Australia's acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out that the trilateral deal will give rise to "five dangers" and "three risks," affecting non-proliferation regime, regional security and strategic stability, which was widely echoed by the international community. The three countries draw lines with ideology and create new military blocs, and will exacerbate geographical tensions, said Wang, adding that, at a time when the international community generally opposed the Cold War and division, the United States flagrantly violated its policy of not engaging in a new Cold War, organized an Anglo-Saxon "small circle" and placed its geopolitical interests above international solidarity -- a typical Cold War mentality. This move will stimulate regional countries to step up their military development, and even seek to break through the nuclear threshold, pushing up the risk of military conflicts, which China firmly opposes, he stressed. Wang pointed out that AUKUS has huge hidden dangers and serious harm. "From the perspective of non-proliferation, it is a sheer proliferation act." The key to AUKUS is the transfer of tons of nuclear weapons materials by the two nuclear-weapon states, the United States, the United Kingdom, to Australia, a non-nuclear-weapon state, which obviously violates the purpose of the NPT, he explained. So far, the three countries have always avoided this basic fact, and even tried to confuse the public. AUKUS is a big trouble for the IAEA's safeguard arrangements and must be corrected, he said, adding that the international security is threatened unless AUKUS is stopped. Wang said that the IAEA Board of Governors on Wednesday decided to set up a new agenda item on AUKUS, starting the intergovernmental discussion process, which is the right step towards a proper solution of the issue. The move fully reflects the serious concerns of the Board Members on the trilateral deal, shows that the matter goes beyond the existing mandate of the IAEA's secretariat, and that member states must jointly explore and seek solutions through an intergovernmental process, he added. China has already proposed the establishment of a special committee that all member states can participate in, continue to have in-depth discussions on this issue, and submit reports to the Board and conference, Wang said. Until the parties reach a consensus, the three shall not carry out nuclear submarine-related cooperation, and the agency secretariat shall not negotiate with the three on safeguards arrangements for the trilateral deal, Wang stressed. The representatives of China and Russia also stated that they will closely follow the relevant trends of the trilateral deal, jointly maintain and continue to promote the relevant intergovernmental process initiated under the institutional framework, and work with all parties to defend the purpose of the NPT with practical actions, maintain the international nuclear non-proliferation system and jointly maintain global strategic stability and international peace and security. Flash A high-speed railway connecting China's southwest with Laos has been given the thumbs-up-even before services get underway this coming week. Nearly 200 members of the media enjoyed a trial run on Friday on a section of the track along with people of diverse backgrounds. Jaruwan Udomsab, a university teacher, said the interior decor of the train is beautiful, with its representations of the folk culture of Yunnan province. The 1,024-kilometer China-Laos Railway will whisk passengers at speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour from Kunming, the capital of Yunnan, to Vientiane, the capital of Laos. "China's railway construction is really world-class. It's great in design and speed," said Jaruwan, a longtime resident of Kunming. Services on the line are due to start on Thursday and are expected to advance economic ties between China and the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. There are plans for the line to ultimately extend into Thailand and farther south. Li Bei, a train attendant on board for the trial run, said she and her colleagues have received training in diverse skills, including English and Lao for smoother communication with the passengers-as well as dancing. "The China-Laos Railway is an international one, linking the country to the world, and it will allow me to learn and see more in the months to come," Li said. Jaruwan, for one, is keenly awaiting the start of services. "I have lived in Kunming for more than a decade, and I hope to do some foreign trade or cultural exchanges after the international railway line has opened," she said. "I was too excited to sleep last night because I was invited to try the new train." Ma Sijie, a civil servant from Ning'er county in the city of Pu'er, Yunnan, said the new railway is good news for her hometown, as it not only links the county to Yunnan's provincial capital but also to the outside world. She said she plans to take advantage of the train to go abroad for sightseeing in the coming months. Economic acceleration The railway is expected to help Laos accelerate its economic development and improve people's livelihoods, as well as boost exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese province and ASEAN nations in the coming years, Yunnan authorities have said. The railway has 11 stations on the Chinese section and 10 on the 409-kilometer Lao section. It is due to become a showpiece of Laos' participation in the Belt and Road Initiative. It will take just three hours for trains from Kunming to reach the city of Jinghong in Yunnan's Xishuangbanna prefecture. Passengers will be able to keep on the move and reach Vientiane on the same day. Another happy traveler on the trial service was Viengxay Phoodthavons, a student from Laos. Viengxay said the train is well designed and comfortable and, importantly, the food on board is delicious. Construction of the railway has cost 55.68 billion yuan ($8.7 billion). The project includes 93 tunnels with a total length of 398 km, including 15 exceeding 10 km. The longest of them-the Anding tunnel-stretches for 17.5 km. In addition, the line has 136 bridges with a total length of more than 50 km. Flash Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a phone conversation on bilateral relations and cooperation with Ignazio Cassis, vice president and foreign minister of the Swiss Confederation on Saturday. Wang said that Switzerland is among the first Western countries to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, and over the past 70 years and more, China-Switzerland relations have maintained sound development and accumulated rewarding experience. First, the two countries respect each other, treat each other as equals, respect their differences, and learn from each other for common improvement, Wang said. Second, with pioneering and innovative spirit, the two countries have created many "firsts" including the establishment of "innovative strategic partnership," providing a strong engine for the development of bilateral relations. Third, the two sides have pooled their respective strengths to deepen practical cooperation on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, so as to bring tangible benefits to the two peoples, he added. From January to September, Wang said, with the two sides managing to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, their bilateral trade has increased by more than 70 percent year-on-year, showing the resilience and vitality of China-Switzerland relations and the important role of the China-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement. Wang said China and Switzerland have supported each other in the fight against the pandemic, and the national flags of the two countries on the Matterhorn Mountain in Switzerland and the Yulong Snow Mountain in China have sent a signal of unity. Switzerland is the headquarters of the World Health Organization (WHO) , he said, and China is ready to work with Switzerland to support the WHO in playing its due role and contribute to the equitable distribution of vaccines around the world. Noting that Switzerland is a strong country in winter sports, Wang said China is willing to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation in venue construction and personnel training, so as to enrich China-Switzerland relations and jointly promote the development of winter sports. Switzerland is also the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee, and both sides should jointly resist attempts to politicize sports, and should provide a healthy environment for international events, he stressed. Cassis agreed with what Wang said. He emphasized that Switzerland and China have a sound and close relationship, thanks to their mutual respect, mutual trust and mutual appreciation. The innovative strategic partnership between the two countries, Cassis said, has further highlighted the innovation-oriented spirit of both sides. The Swiss side congratulated China on its great achievements in fighting the pandemic, thanked China for providing support and cooperation to Switzerland, and lauded China's important role in promoting global economic recovery, he said. Switzerland opposes the politicization of sports, he said, extending congratulations on the smooth progress of the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and expressing the belief that the Olympics will be a success. The two sides have agreed to start negotiations on the upgrade of the China-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement as soon as possible. They also exchanged views on multilateralism. Wang said that both China and Switzerland are supporters of globalization and advocates for multilateralism. China appreciates Switzerland's constructive role in promoting political settlement of international disputes, Wang said, adding that China and Switzerland should work together to practice true multilateralism. The two sides should jointly safeguard the international system with the United Nations as the core, the international order based on international law, the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and the multilateral trading regime with the World Trade Organization at its core, Wang said. Cassis agreed with Wang's remarks, saying that against the backdrop of rising geopolitical tensions, Switzerland believes that the world should firmly support and promote multilateralism, and support the WHO and other international organizations in playing their due roles. Wang noted that Cassis recently said his country is always ready to play the role of a bridge-builder in international affairs, adding that this is a reflection of Switzerland's unique advantage and special influence, which China appreciates. He said China hopes that Switzerland can serve as a bridge between Eastern and Western civilizations, between developed and developing countries, and especially between Europe and China. This bridge, Wang said, should be built on multilateralism, with international laws and regulations as its pillar as well as equity and justice as its passport, so that it can stand firm and long, and get more support from the international community and become more popular. Cassis also said that this telephone conversation with Wang has been rich in content, and hopes that he can meet with Wang face to face as soon as possible, and continue the strategic dialogue process between the two countries. The court case in Sydney against Hillsong senior pastor Brian Houston has been delayed until next year. Australian website Eternity News reports that a local court deferred his case until 27 January 2022 when the date of his full trial is due to be announced. Houston has pleaded not guilty via his lawyer. New South Wales police charged Houston in August with concealing information about sexual abuse committed by his father in the 1970s. The charge followed a two-year police investigation. The elder Houston abused a number of children in his native New Zealand, but the case before the court concerns the abuse of Australian survivor Brian Sengstock as a young boy. In a statement in July, Brian Houston insisted that he did not find out about his father's abuse until 30 years after the event and that he was honouring the victim's "multiple requests not to inform the police". "The law at the time granted an exception to reporting a crime of this nature when a person had a reasonable excuse not to report," Houston claimed. "This state law has since further clarified that this type of situation - when an adult victim of child abuse explicitly does not want the matter reported - qualified as a reasonable excuse under the law." Reposted with permission from Christian Today The rush of adrenaline soars through my veins, as my heart pulsates in my chest. I take a moment to look around. The courageous smiles, the fierceness in their eyes, the strength in their voices these are my people, my tribe. They are the heartbeat of Australia. Together we walk, no, we march, side by side through the streets, united. Families, children, newborn babies cradled in their mothers arms, the old and the young, doctors, nurses, teachers, firefighters, tradies, carers we all march together in unison, peacefully protesting, and standing for our rights and our freedoms. The challenge No matter what your stance is on the vaccination mandate, I know that one thing is for sure united we stand, divided we fall. Right now, Australia has been faced with one of our biggest challenges of all during this pandemic: whether we stand for our rights and our freedoms as one united people, or if we decide to fall into submission to oppressive powers that create discrimination, division, and alienation against its people. Ultimately, the vaccine choice is yours to make, despite personal opinions, but the moment it becomes a vessel for destruction and division is the moment we have lost all understanding of the meaning of the words loving your neighbour. The Bible says in Mark chapter 2 verses 30 to 31, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. To love your neighbour as yourself is to show them the same kindness, respect, dignity, and love that you expect others to show you do to others what you would have them do to you. (Matthew chapter seven verse 12). Afterall, we are all children of God, who loves each one of us unconditionally. One John chapter three verse one says, See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! Division 2021 has been a year of trial, of growth, of change, of uncertainty, but more importantly, of challenge. I am overwhelmed with the growing community of those, vaccinated and unvaccinated, who have come together in the name of unity and freedom against the tyrannical mandates and restrictions put in place by our government There is a quote by Anthony Gregory that says, The most destructive thing governments do is divide people against each other, all in competition over the reins of the state. It can often feel like the government are overpowering the people, but we must remember who is ultimately in control. God allows certain things to happen for a reason. That reason may never become clear to us, but we must always trust that God allows certain things for a divine purpose. 2 Chronicles chapter 20 verse 12 says, Our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. Strength to the people The numbers from the protest marches all across Australia speak for themselves, as one million people marched for their freedoms and rights. It is hard to know how our participation will affect change, and it is even harder when the opposition seems so great. The thing is, those who fight and fight together for the rights and freedoms of all Australians are the majority and we have already won. We have decided to stand as one people, one nation, and one army against the discrimination and division created by our government. Alan Moore explains it perfectly in his quote, People shouldnt be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people. (V for Vendetta - 1982). John chapter 16 verse 33 says, I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. The power is with the people, and it is those people who stood firm and strong during this time that will create change. That change that will ring out all throughout history. 2 Chronicles chapter 20 verse nine says, If calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment, or plague or famine, we will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your Name and will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us and save us. Fight for freedom I felt honoured and proud to stand with my fellow Australian patriots as we marched, sang, and chanted for freedom. I am honoured to one day be able to tell my children that I did stand, that I did march for our rights and freedoms, and that I did do something about the injustice that is occurring in Australia right now. I will always fight for my freedom and my rights because what I am fighting for is not just about this current moment in history and the impacts it has on my life, but how it impacts my future childrens freedoms and rights as well. Alexander Hamilton once said, If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. What we do right now in moments like these impacts the future that we create for our children. Whatever God has planned, I want to make sure I was righteously a part of the army that stood tall and proud, no matter the opposition, for our freedoms and our rights. United we stand, divided we fall. We must hold the line and remember that the power is to the people. We are one, but we are many. God is about to do something great in Australia. 2 Chronicles chapter 20 verse 17 says, You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you. The proposed spectrum auction is likely to be held in the April-June quarter of 2022. (PTI file photo) New Delhi: Telecom industry body COAI is learnt to have asked the government to cut the base price of spectrum by more than half, for the proposed auction especially for 5G services, according to industry sources. In the first auction of radio airwaves in five years in March 2021, the government offered 2,308.80 MHz of spectrum in seven bands, at a reserve price of nearly Rs 4 lakh crore. However, airwaves in the premium 700 MHz and 2,500 MHz bands went unsold mainly due to high base price. The government could not put 3.3-3.6 Ghz frequency range for auction as it could not get it vacated in time and the base price of the radio waves in the spectrum band was termed to be very expensive for 5G services. "COAI has asked the government for a drastic cut in spectrum price for the proliferation of digital connectivity and specially for ushering 5G services. It has requested the government to reduce the base price by more than half in the proposed spectrum auction," a telecom operator representative told PTI. The proposed spectrum auction is likely to be held in the April-June quarter of 2022. The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) declined to comment on the matter. Representatives of two separate telecom operators quoted different figures on the scale of reduction demanded by the industry body, but concurred on the view that the COAI has sought to slash spectrum price by more than half. One representative said it is to the tune of 50-60 per cent and the other senior official of another telecom operator mentioned 60-70 per cent. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) had recommended a base price fixed at Rs 492 crore per megahertz for spectrum in 3.3-3.6 Ghz. Telecom operators interested in buying radio waves for 5G will have to shell out a minimum of Rs 9,840 crore on pan-India basis to buy spectrum in 3,300-3,600 Mhz band as Trai has suggested that it "should be put to auction in the block size of 20 MHz". In May, the government allocated spectrum to the telecom companies for trials across various locations for six months in the 700 Mhz band, 3.3-3.6 Gigahertz (Ghz) band and 24.25-28.5 Ghz band. At present 5G trials are going on in the country. The Department of Telecom has extended the trial period to May 2022, or till the time spectrum auction results are out, whichever is earlier. Vodafone Idea has demonstrated the highest download speed of around 4 gigabit per second during the trials. Telecom gear maker Nokia India had claimed to have recorded a top speed of 9.85 gigabits per second on VIL network in back-end data transmission, which means connecting mobile base stations network, during 5G trials in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. VIL has been running 5G trials in Gandhinagar with Nokia and in Pune with Ericsson. It remains to be seen if in the remainder of his term Prime Minister Modi draws the right lessons from the jolt to his leadership given by a few hundred sullen farmers. Representational Image. (PTI) The decision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to repeal the three farm reform laws he had introduced last year has been criticised by many advocates of economic reform and liberalisation as a major policy and political setback. Some of the Prime Ministers staunch supporters, who had hailed the original decision as being as important for Indian agriculture as the reforms of 1991 were for Indian industry, have argued that while Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao was forced in 1991 to introduce reforms by stealth because of an economic crisis, Mr Modis reforms were products of the courage of conviction. The irony in comparing Narasimha Raos reform initiatives with Narendra Modis lies in the fact that in July 1991 Rao was in the first month of a minority government while in November 2021 Narendra Modi is in the middle of the second term of a government with an overwhelming majority in Parliament. More to the point, Rao did not roll back any of his policy initiatives despite a threat to the very survival of his government, while Mr Modi has had to step back despite the absence of any threat to his government. It is the politics of policymaking that deserves a closer look than the economics of Mr Modis initiative. Heading a minority government with uncertain support from even within his own party, Narasimha Rao was able to provide leadership to the historic policy change that threatened the power of several constituencies of vested interests. Raos low-profile style combined with his gentle outreach to important Opposition party leaders, especially Atal Behari Vajpayee of the BJP, enabled him to secure the tacit, if not the explicit, endorsement of Parliament. If then finance minister Manmohan Singhs debut Budget of July 1991 had been voted down by the entire Opposition, the Rao government would have fallen. In the event, the Budget was passed and the government survived. Over the next five years Raos political management of policy ensured that his governments historic reforms survived and began to show results. So much so that none of his initiatives with respect to industry, trade and fiscal policy were reversed by the successive governments of H.D. Deve Gowda, Inder Kumar Gujral and Atal Behari Vajpayee. Almost all the political parties that had opposed Rao were constituents of one or the other of these three governments. Much the same can be said about Prime Minister Vajpayees policy initiatives. While it is true that his finance minister, Yashwant Sinha, earned the moniker of Rollback Sinha for having had to withdraw budgetary policy initiatives due to inadequate support within the ruling coalition, Vajpayee did manage to take forward the economic reform programme. Like Rao, Vajpayee too had established an excellent working relationship with several leaders of the Opposition political parties. Following the examples set by Rao and Vajpayee, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also adopted a consensual approach and despite heading a fractious coalition and, on occasion, facing opposition from within his own party, he was able to take the economy and the nation forward during his decade in office. The net result of such consensual policy making has been that the period 1991-2014 stands out as the golden era of economic growth during which there was a dramatic reduction in poverty, a sustained rise in the share of investment and savings in national income, an increase in the share of international trade in national income and an increase in Indias share of world trade. It is worth noting that a lower annual average rate of economic growth was recorded during the era of majority governments with powerful leaders the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s while the highest rates of economic growth and poverty reduction was recorded during the era of coalitions 1990-2014. The secret of successful policy management in a diverse, plural, sub-continental, federal, parliamentary republic like India lies in building political coalitions irrespective of parliamentary majority. The formula may not always work, but it ensures policy longevity. This is not just a lesson for the Prime Minister, but for all unilateralist chief ministers too. The problem with Mr Modis controversial farm laws initiative, as many have since commented, was not so much with the policy itself as it was with the manner in which the politics of policymaking was managed. Mr Modi has politically isolated himself from most political parties across the country by imagining that an election constitutes regime change. Merely because the Sonia Gandhi-led Congress Party has been rudderless and remains stunted by its own inadequacies, the BJP imagined that it had not only liberated India from Congress rule Congress-mukt Bharat but that it would now set the nation on a new course to become a Hindu Rashtra. It is the consequent hubris that has met with its comeuppance thanks to the farmers of Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh. When one compares the political style and record of both Indira Gandhi and Narendra Modi, two powerful PMs with a clear majority in the Lok Sabha and little opposition within their own ranks, with that of P.V. Narasimha Rao, Atal Behari Vajpayee and Dr Manmohan Singh, there is an important lesson to be learnt. It is not an accident or a mere happenstance that the economy performed better and the polity was more stable and secure during the interregnum between Indira Gandhi and Mr Modi than during their respective tenures. Indias political leadership must recognise that there is a link between how domestic politics is managed and how the economy performs. Both households and firms seek not just stability in policy, but also in the polity. A secure people look to the future with hope and optimism. An insecure people become risk averse and sullen. The growth process of 1991-2014 was driven by an optimism nurtured by the consensual leadership of three great statesmen. It remains to be seen if in the remainder of his term Prime Minister Modi draws the right lessons from the jolt to his leadership given by a few hundred sullen farmers. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the recently discovered B.1.1.529 strain of COVID-19, first detected in South Africa on 24 November, to be a variant of concern. The WHO has renamed the variant Omicron. The classification puts Omicron into the most-troubling category of COVID-19 variants, along with the globally dominant Delta and its weaker rivals Alpha, Beta and Gamma. In fact, Dr Gagandeep Kang, reputed microbiologist and virologist, has even stated that the new variant could be more transmissible and may escape immunity. With much uncertainty prevalent, this variant has certainly raised concerns across the world. Authorities even fear a wave of infections much worse than what was witnessed during the dreaded Delta wave outbreaks. Experts from across the country share their views: Virus cant sustain for long... ...Says Dr G V Rao, Director & Chief of Gastrointestinal & Minimally Invasive Surgery at AIG Hospitals. From what is known currently, B.1.1.529 has multiple spike protein mutations, and preliminary analysis suggests it is highly infectious. Almost all the cases with the Omicron variant were fully vaccinated individuals but the good part is they didnt develop any severe symptoms. We need to be cautious and continue our vigilance regarding this new variant. Theres also a silver lining with such high number of mutations, the virus becomes unstable and cant sustain in real world for long. Vaccination should remain a priority despite questions about effectiveness against Omicron because it is likely that they still remain protective to a certain extent. Best is to stick to the basics, i.e., keep the mask on, get fully vaccinated, maintain COVID appropriate behaviour. It is also advisable now to advocate for the booster especially for the venerable population. Dr K Subba Reddy, Sr. Consultant, Critical Care, Apollo Hospital, tells us that investigations are underway to determine the possible impact of these mutations on the capacity of the virus to transmit more efficiently, to impact vaccine effectiveness and evade immune response, and/or to cause more severe or milder disease. Its commonly referred to as super strain by healthcare experts as it has more than 30 mutations, twice as many as delta variants. According to preliminary reports, the 32 mutations in its spike protein make it 40% less vulnerable to the vaccine as compared to the other variants. l We dont know if its more transmissible than Delta. We have no data on how much more transmissible it is. It is unknown if it causes severe disease and death. It is unknown if it can escape vaccine-induced and naturally acquired immunity. It is likely, however, that fully vaccinated individuals will be protected against hospitalisation, severe disease, ICU admission and death. We have yet to encounter a variant that is so-called resistant to vaccines. Its a variant of concern, but still early days Dr Satyajit Rath, leading immunologist from India associated with Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, scientist from National Institute of Immunology, physician and pathologist, shares his thoughts. A fraction of SARS-CoV-2 virus samples from COVID-19 cases are being routinely tested for the full genetic sequence. Different countries do this differently; some like the UK or South Africa do it intensively, while some like India, much less. When a particular set of differences begin to show up together in these genetic sequences, repeatedly and quickly, alarm bells ring. Thats because it indicates a new strain, or variant of the virus. This is how the Omicron variant has been identified, initially in Botswana and South Africa, then in neighbouring countries, and now in Israel, Hong Kong and Belgium as traveller cases. Omicron is somewhat concerning for a number of reasons. First, its not a descendant of the Delta variant but a cousin. Second, a new variant commonly shows only a few differences in its genetic sequence, but the Omicron variant shows a large number. Third, many of these changes are in the sequence coding for the spike protein of the virus, which is the target of COVID-19 vaccines, raising the worry that the current vaccines may not protect as well against this variant. Fourth, this variants emergence appears to coincide with a sudden spurt in case numbers in South Africa; this indicates, though not proven yet, that it may be much more transmissible than the Delta variant. The first obvious caution is that it is early days as yet, with little definitive information, and we should wait for evidence to emerge. We dont know if Omicron is really as highly transmissible, though it could be, though theres no reason yet to think it causes severe illness. Whether vaccines work against a virus or strain is not a yes/no issue. Vaccine-related reality is a graded matter, and not if itll protect completely or not at all. While current vaccines may provide slightly reduced protection against it, they will likely still provide some protection. Another possibility is that an additional dose of current vaccines may be adequate. The least likely though not out-of-question possibility thus far is that we might need a new-generation vaccine, which will take some time to develop, test, manufacture and deploy. Third wave, experts divided Experts are divided on whether theres a possibility Omicron will drive a third wave as big as the second one in India. According to Dr Naresh Purohit, Advisor National Immunisation programme, and Dr GV Rao, the new strain may possibly cause the third wave and escalate cases. However, Dr Subba Reddy also feels that a third wave is unlikely because of vaccinations. Already, people have gotten infected and have immunity but numbers may increase, mortality will be less. Dr Venkat Ramesh, Consultant Infectious Diseases, Apollo Hospitals, says the anecdotal data suggest that it has the propensity for greater transmissibility because it has been sequenced in many cases quite rapidly, displacing even the Delta variant in South Africa, particularly among student communities in Pretoria and Johannesburg. The available epidemiological and clinical evidence so far shows that it is highly infectious and is not clear that this new variant has the capability to escape the antibody present in a vaccinated or naturally recovered person. Covishield, Covaxin produce immunity through a different antigen Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) scientist Dr Samiran Panda whos also the head of the Epidemiology Department at the countrys apex health research institute, has tweeted that Covishield and Covaxin the vaccines India has deployed for its national programme might hold out due to the following reason: mRNA vaccines are directed towards spike protein & receptor interaction, so mRNA vaccines need to be tweaked around this change already observed. But not all vaccines are similar, Covishield & Covaxin produce immunity through a different antigen presentation to our system, reads Dr S Pandas tweet. Click on Deccan Chronicle Technology and Science for the latest news and reviews. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter. Reports of Russia developing space technology that would rival; the west has shaken the EU and the US thoroughly. Much so that recent mock exercises by the US to attack the Russian federation are indications of how far the current US administration fears Vladimir Putin. Until recently, the US is relaxed; but the ASAT missile test caused a stir about how the Kremlin can destroy objects in low earth orbit (LEO). The test is a success that the US has arrayed its allies against the Kremlin. Russian ASAT poses a threat NASA noted the launch of the anti-satellite missile (ASAT) that obliterated Cosmos-1408 from Plesetsk in northwest Russia on November 14 or 15. Before getting shut down after 40 years in orbit, shattered to debris, reported the Express UK. Consequently, the international community had decried the missile test, which threatened other space vehicles. One more ASAT test by China in 2007 whose debris is hazardous for space satellites and the International Space Station. Ned Price of the State Department said that the Russian Federation jeopardized space by shooting down one of their satellites. Based on the estimate, the debris is over 1500 bits and other wreckage from earlier years, a collective threat to the space domain. Washington critiques Russia developing space technology weaponry that affects the sustainability of outer space that is opposite to what it claims against starting a space weapons race, cites the Republic World. Read Also: Russia, China Teams Up To Cooperate in the Space Domain; US Alarmed Its Main Adversaries are Together Due to the satellite missile test, seven occupants on the ISS had to take shelter in the Crew Dragon and Soyuz spacecraft for 120 minutes because of a debris cloud. With LeoLabs confirming debris "near" Kosmos-1408 and CNN quoting US officials that there was an ASAT test, rumours are solidfiying into a consistent story that indeed a Russian antisatellite test on Nov 13 or 14 hit Kosmos-1408 causing a debris cloud intersecting the ISS orbit Jonathan McDowell (@planet4589) November 15, 2021 Immediately, the US and UK had their representatives like Bill Nelson and Ben Wallace voice out that Russia is not concerned about space safety. These two nations consider Moscow a threat, but now Putin has deterrents to shut off these nations' forces from space communications. Russia to dominate space According to Juliana Suess from the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the ASAT test is what the face of space warfare will look like. It seems that Putin's gambit is paying off. Moscow itself is investing in more technologies that alarm the west more. She added the threat faced by Russia based on the Director for National Intelligence that their forces are adapting to blind space systems to win a conflict. The end goal for Vladimir Putin is to get an overwhelming advantage in space to neutralize the Americans and dominate the space front. For the Kremlin, its forces are undergoing modernization along with China that has allied with. They are aware that the US can resurge and make it hard for them to dominate space. Moscow has caught up, and there is a lot more research and development that can be done with Russian Know-How and Chinese funding, noted Air Force Mag. But the US and UK are working on getting lasers to counter their adversaries in space. The west cannot ignore Putin's ASAT missile attack; Russia developing space technology to kill space vehicles and defeat enemies is not new and will eventually be better. It is a deterrent that any nation should have and not abide by what the US or NATO dictates or any international body. Related Article: Expert Predicts Joe Biden's Failure To Stop a Ukraine Invasion As West Hesitates After Russian Weapon Demo @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. The Peoples Republic of China increases Chinese hypersonic missiles to deter the US and its allies in the Indo-Pacific. As these deterrents go, these weapons could turn the tide in Beijing's favor. But the mainland government said they would not use nukes first and wanted assurance from Washington if they lose in a conventional conflict that weapons of destruction will not be an option. But on the same note, the PRC wants a peaceful solution to the Taiwanese problem. Chinese fast and deadly missiles The super-fast missiles, Dong Feng 17 or DF-17, can fly at 7,680 miles or Mach 10+ launched from land and has a standoff range of 1,600 miles. A spokesman for the Defense Ministry of China, Wu Qian, informed that the DF-26 with a 3,000 miles range will be made in vast quantities, reported the Express UK. Two years back, the DF-17 was revealed in a four-minute video that was touted as hypersonic and unstoppable. Better yet, it was too fast to intercept by anti-missile defenses, cited the Sun UK. The missile has a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) that is multi-use; China can even use a nuclear warhead on it. But the Peoples liberation army is developing the DF-27, which comes after the DF-26, which will have a range of 5,000 miles. It can hit Hawaii, said the source as a potential target. China has a wide selection of anti-aircraft carrier weapons like DF-21D and DF-26 "aircraft carrier killer" #missiles. South China Sea is fully within grasp of the #PLA; any US #aircraftcarrier movement in the region is at the pleasure of PLA: analysts. Global Times (@globaltimesnews) July 4, 2020 According to the Military analyst Malcolm Davis, Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) remarked the DF-17 and Chinese hypersonic missiles has been mentioned in the US Department of Defense's in 2021 regarding China's military technology, noted ASPI. Read Also: China Revs Up its Increased Nuclear Threat With Hypersonic Missiles in its Quest to Neutralize Its Top Competitor He added that Beijing's increasing number of nuclear weapons and they are going to a launch-on-warning posture, with capacity for several degrees of tactical readiness. It opens up; if the Peoples' Republic of China is reconsidering its no first use policy when the US might resort to it any time, The US Department of Defense said the no first use policy is just a declaration and suggested the Chinese might not follow it. A US submarine deal started nuclear arms to deter China. The Department of Defense forgot to add that Joe Biden pushed the AUKUS defense deal, which effectively changed the nature of the conditions. Where the ASEAN is nuclear-free comes a change in the future. Washington demands that the PRC be more open about their nuclear capability, but China has not ascribed to any atomic treaty yet. The US wants to force Beijing to accede to its demands Mr. Davis added the happenings in the timing, not only the conflict over Taiwan but also Beijing. The White House has no first use policy yet. It might be in 2022, which concerns Xi Jinping. Davis stated that China is increasing its deterrence posture; to use its nuclear option as a deterrent in a conflict; keep it as a last resort. But the PRC does not trust the US to fight a conventional war if it loses much. Concern if the PLA and its units will reclaim Taiwan is causing high tensions because of China's claims. Even now, the PLA is training on fake made-to-scale aircraft carriers for when it comes to dealing with the real thing. But Zhao Lijian made it clear that the US is not crossing Beijing's red line, and remember, Chinese hypersonic missiles might do the talking and should back off. Related Article: China Reveals New Stealth Anti-Satellite Weapon; Hypersonic Glide Vehicle Technology Rattles the US @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Health officials across the globe are figuring out ways to prevent the further spread of the newest COVID-19 variant, Omicron. Even though the strain has not yet been detected in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci issued a firm warning on Americans to be very careful. Dr. Anthony Fauci talks about the seriousness of Omicron Fauci said that Omicron would be more transmissible than the previous COVID-19 variants due to its mutations during his recent television interview. Even though his predictions haven't been confirmed, Fauci noted that it's best to make this assumption so that the public will be more careful. The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) also said that Omicron has a bunch of mutations that suggest that it could evade protection of monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma for those that were already infected and recovered, as well as the vaccine. "Even though the numbers [in South Africa] are relatively small, the ability to infect people who have recovered from infection and even people who have been vaccinated make us say: 'This is something you got to pay really close attention to and be prepared for something that's serious,'" Fauci said via the Huffington Post. Read Also: United Kingdom Detects New COVID-19 Variant With 30 Mutations, Bans Flights From 6 South African Countries Where Virus Was Found Newest COVID-19 variant Omicron first detected in South Africa Omicron was first detected in Botswana on Nov. 11. Since then, a small number of cases have also been detected in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, and Germany. The recent detection of Omicron in the United Kingdom resulted in a temporary travel ban from six South African countries. But the country's health secretary, Sajid Javid, said that the cases in the U.K. don't have direct links to South Africa. Still, everyone is being asked to take extra precautions to prevent the further spread of the new COVID-19 variant. Republicans slam Dr. Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden Meanwhile, Fauci is receiving criticisms from Republicans for postponing the potential travel ban in the United States until after Thanksgiving. Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky sarcastically said that new variants do not spread on holiday weekends that is why a travel ban hasn't been imposed. City Councilman Joe Borelli is also upset with Fauci. He couldn't help but wonder why Americans still take the White House chief medical adviser seriously. Rep. Elise Stefanik also criticized Fauci and Joe Biden over the new possible COVID-19 restrictions. Stefanik said that Biden was first to criticize Donald Trump when he decided to impose travel restrictions into the United States last year, according to the New York Post. Unvaccinated Americans should get the jab According to Dr. William Schaffner, a professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, the possibility of Omicron infiltrating the United States should be enough reason for unvaccinated Americans to get the jab finally. Schaffner said that he hopes more people would take advantage of the COVID-19 vaccines available in their area in the next two weeks because getting inoculated will undoubtedly help. And even though Omicron could be the worst COVID-19 variant yet, the professor said that he believes vaccines can still work against it, according to CNN. Related Article: Jill Biden Heads Nationwide Effort To Encourage COVID-19 Vaccinations Among Children Following CDC's Approval of Pfizer-BioNTech Jab @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. A Hill-HarrisX poll recently named some of their presidential bets in the 2024 election if Joe Biden won't run for POTUS again. According to reports, the group's presidential bets include Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, and Michael Bloomberg. Out of the five, the incumbent Vice President has the most support. Lagging closely behind her is ex-FLOTUS, Obama. Harris garnered 13 percent of the votes during the Nov. 18 to 19 survey, while Obama earned 10 percent of the votes. The support for the latter's presidential candidacy reportedly came as a surprise because Barack Obama's wife has said time and again that she doesn't have plans to run for office. Michelle Obama has said no to running for president multiple times In 2017, the ex-FLOTUS said that she didn't' want to run for office because her whole family will be affected by her decision if she campaigned for the top spot. "I wouldn't ask my children to do this again because when you run for higher office, it's not just you. It's your whole family," Obama said via The Independent. Read Also: Michelle Obama To Guest Star In ABC's 'Black-ish'; Former First Lady Will Play Herself in the Popular Sitcom A year later, Obama once again denied claims that she was planning to run for president in the 2020 election. She said that the first thing that presidential candidates should have is a desire to lead the entire country. However, she never felt as though she wanted the job. The mom of two also commented about her supporters who are encouraging her to run for office because she's a woman. She said that there are plenty of other women who are also qualified and that want the job, but she doesn't feel the same way, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Two years ago, Obama said that there's zero chance for her to run for president in the 2020 election. The former first lady said that there are a lot of things she can still do to help the country and the Americans without being their POTUS, according to The Hill. Supporters of Obama even told her that she has the ability to beat Donald Trump, who ran for 2020 re-election but lost. Democrats later endorsed Joe Biden as their presidential bet, and the POTUS beat Trump. As of late, it's still unclear whether Obama could have a change of heart regarding her stand on becoming the president of the United States. Pete Buttigieg responds to Kamala Harris feud rumors Other than Obama, Harris is also making headlines as Democrats' top presidential nominee if Biden won't run for re-election. Her supporters are also urging the Biden administration to give the vice president a chance to showcase her skills and talents while she's still in office. Buttigieg is also receiving the support of thousands of Democrats. But when asked if he will compete against Harris as their party's presidential contender, the transportation secretary said no. He also denied claims that there's an ongoing rift between him and Harris after Biden seemingly sided with him by approving his proposal over the incumbent vice president. Buttigieg stressed that he and Harris are part of a team that is disciplined, and they do not focus on what's obsessing the commentators. Related Article: Kamala Harris vs. Pete Buttigieg: Transportation Secretary Denies Claims of Rift, Says They Are a Team @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. New York has started putting new measures to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 in the state. According to reports, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency that will go into effect starting Dec. 3. The state is anticipating a possible increase in the number of active cases due to the winter season. The newest COVID-19 variant, Omicron, has not yet been detected in New York or any part of the United States. But Hochul wants locals to be prepared for what is to come. New York's state of emergency aimed at helping residents, hospitals According to NBC New York, the state of emergency declaration will allow the state to acquire pandemic-fighting supplies, increase hospital capacity, and fight potential staffing shortages. The Health Department will also limit Non-essential and non-urgent procedures at hospitals. The state said that limited capacity would be defined as below 10 percent staffed bed capacity or determined by the Department of Health based on regional and health care utilization factors. New protocols that will be imposed on Friday will be re-assessed on Jan. 15. "We've taken extraordinary action to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and combat this pandemic. However, we continue to see warning signs of spikes this upcoming winter, and while the new Omicron variant has yet to be detected in New York State, it's coming," Hochul said via Record Online. Read Also: United Kingdom Detects New COVID-19 Variant With 30 Mutations, Bans Flights From 6 South African Countries Where Virus Was Found Gov. Kathy Hochul urges New Yorkers to get vaccinated Hochul is also urging New York residents to get vaccinated. As of press writing, less than 10 percent of adults in the state have not received a single dose. The governor also stressed that the COVID-19 vaccine is still the greatest weapon in fighting the pandemic. Hochul also reminded those who have already been vaccinated to get their booster on time. There is an ongoing concern in the United States regarding the new COVID-19 variant after being first detected in Botswana on Nov. 11. Omicron has also been detected in other parts of the world, including Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and Belgium. The United Kingdom has started banning flights from six South African cities. And more drastic measures will once again be imposed in the island country. UK PM Boris Johnson announces new measures amid Omicron According to Financial Times, these measures include taking a PCR test within two days of their arrival in the United Kingdom. Travelers still need to self-isolate until they receive their negative test results. A person who comes into contact with someone with a suspected case of Omicron needs to isolate for ten days regardless of their vaccination status. The same measures have not yet been imposed in the United States because the variant still hasn't been detected in the country. But Dr. Anthony Fauci said that Americans should keep their guards up over the possibility of Omicron entering the United States because it's better to be prepared. Fauci also said that Omicron would be more transmissible compared to the previous COVID-19 variants, according to the Huffington Post. Related Article: Dr. Anthony Fauci Warns Americans Over New COVID-19 Variant Omicron, Says Strain May Already Be In The United States @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. November 28, 202: Information Clearing House -- " Responsible Statecraft " The U.S. Office of Special Counsel found in its recent investigation that former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and 12 other members of the Trump administration violated the Hatch Act when they illegally used their official positions to campaign on behalf of Trump and other Republican candidates ahead of the 2020 election. Pompeos violation was arguably the most egregious and indisputable of the bunch. It was obvious at the time that a sitting secretary of state should not have been addressing a partisan political convention (the Republican National Convention) while overseas on government business (in Jerusalem). As a matter of propriety, a secretary of state is expected to stay out of the fray of partisan campaigning, and this is also required by law. Because they are no longer in government, Pompeo and the other former officials will not face any consequences for their flagrant lawbreaking. This is a flaw in the laws enforcement mechanism, but it is also typical of our political system, in which top officials and politicians commit open breaches of the rules and never pay any price for their offenses. All of this is part of a broader culture of elite impunity that prevails in Washington that permits people at the top of the government to get away with doing whatever they want. Meanwhile, low-level whistleblowers get the book thrown at them and their lives ruined for revealing outrageous government practices and crimes. Pompeos Hatch Act violation also fits into a larger pattern of his behavior at the State Department, where he appeared to use government resources to further his own personal political ambitions. His open political campaigning was part and parcel of his tenure at State, where he conducted himself as perhaps the most overtly partisan secretary of state of all time. Starting with the president himself, the Trump administration made a frequent habit of blurring or erasing ethical and legal lines when it suited their purposes, and Pompeos behavior was in keeping with that. No Advertising - No Government Grants - No Algorithm - This Is Independent Media The report states that Pompeos violations of the Act relate to his changing U.S. Department of State (State Department) policy to allow himself to speak at the RNC and thereafter using his official authority while giving that speech to promote President Trumps candidacy. The report found that Pompeo had made this change to department policy against the advice of department lawyers. He sought an exception to the rule prohibiting overseas campaigning by U.S. citizens employed by the government, and the exception was made only for himself so that he could speak to the Republican National Convention while in Jerusalem. Pompeo claimed then and later that he was speaking only in his personal capacity, but no other government employee would have been permitted to act as he did. It was impossible to miss that Pompeo abused his authority to bend the rules so that he could deliver a campaign speech to a partisan gathering. When he made the policy change that permitted the speech, he was acting in his official capacity: To facilitate that political activity, Secretary Pompeo had to exercise his official authority to amend the policy. That he did so to promote President Trumps reelection is a manipulation of official businessin this case, State Department policyfor the purpose of benefiting a candidate for partisan political office. When he was speaking to the convention while on official business outside the country, he was acting in his capacity as secretary of state. The OSC concluded that he was acting in an official capacity because he focused almost all of his speech on the administrations foreign policy record, thereby using his official authority in furtherance of President Trumps reelection. Previous secretaries of state had been careful not to appear at partisan conventions in the past to avoid creating any impression that they were engaging in prohibited political activities. This was appropriate not only in order to comply with the law, but also to protect the State Department from being used as a tool in a partisan campaign. This was a practice that secretaries of state from both parties observed, and it was only with Trump and Pompeo that it was abandoned. Because the secretary of state is supposed to represent the entire country to the world, it is harmful to the department and the country if the head of the department is perceived to be nothing more than a partisan shill. That is exactly what happened during Pompeos tenure. There have been much worse examples of elite impunity, of course, ranging from the lack of accountability for illegal torture under the Bush administration to the leniency shown to David Petraeus following his conviction for revealing classified information. Provided that a person is prominent and influential enough, he can commit crimes that earn ordinary government employees years or decades in prison while he receives only a slap on the wrist. Someone like Gina Haspel can go from running a black site where detainees were tortured to running the CIA while encountering remarkably little resistance along the way. High-ranking national security officials tend to be given the benefit of the doubt and are held to a more lenient standard than their subordinates when it is the senior officials that should be held to the most stringent standards of all. The OSC stated that it was releasing the full documentation of its findings to deter similar violations in the future, but no one is going to be deterred when there are no practical consequences for any of the lawbreakers identified in the report. As the report makes clear, the lack of accountability for violating the Hatch Act is baked into the existing rules, as there is currently no mechanism for holding senior administration officials accountable for violating the law. Trump officials Hatch Act violations may seem like minor instances of abusing power for political advantage, but they are part of a larger political culture that excuses powerful and well-connected people involved in corruption and lawbreaking. They represent a violation of the public trust, and they were attempts to leverage control of government office to exercise corrupt influence on the electoral process. Especially when the lawbreakers will face no formal penalties for their wrongdoing, it is imperative that they pay a price for it in the realm of public opinion. Daniel Larison is a contributing editor at and former senior editor at The American Conservative magazine. He has a Ph.D. in History from the University of Chicago. Follow him on Twitter @DanielLarison and at his blog, Eunomia, here. Bala Ramasamy The cover of the second volume of "Jikji," currently kept at the National Library of France / Courtesy of Cheongju Jikji Korea Organization By Park Han-sol Cheongju city government in North Chungcheong Province and two of France's national institutions will launch a joint scientific project to analyze "Jikji Simche Yojeol," better known as "Jikji" the world's oldest surviving book printed with movable metal type. The city signed a memorandum of understanding, Friday, with the National Library of France, where the only extant original copy of "Jikji" is kept, and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). The analysis of the book's materials and its state of preservation will be carried out by the Cheongju Early Printing Museum, Chungbuk National University's paper-based artifacts preservation center and CNRS's conservation and analysis center. The research findings will be announced via international academic journals and conferences. Through this collaborative research, Cheongju will push ahead with its project to produce some 60 faithful copies of "Jikji" that can reflect the condition of its original paper material and printing method. Although the city mulled over the project back in 2007, it then failed to come to fruition due to the lack of technology necessary for detailed analysis of the pages without damaging the original. The Buddhist text was published late during the 918-1392 Goryeo Kingdom in 1377, at Cheongju's Heungdeok Temple 78 years before the Gutenberg Bible, which was widely known as one of the earliest books printed using mass-produced metal type in Europe. The artifact was enlisted on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in 2001. The book was first acquired by Collin de Plancy, a French consul in Seoul, in the late 19th century. Later, it went into the hands of collector Henri Vever, whose death prompted its donation to the National Library of France in 1952. The original metal type print had two volumes, but only the second has survived. Syringes with needles are seen in front of a displayed stock graph and words "Omicron SARS-CoV-2" in this illustration taken, Nov, 27. Reuters-Yonhap South Korea said Saturday that it will restrict visa issuance and arrivals from eight African nations, including South Africa, starting the next day to block the inflow of the new Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus. It said South Africa and seven other nearby countries Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi will be re-listed as closely watched nations, subject to visa restrictions and tougher quarantine requirements. All arrivals from those regions must go through mandatory 10-day quarantine at designated facilities, with three polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests during the period. The measure takes effect from Sunday, they added. A list of injured students at Korea University who took part in the April Revolution in 1960 / Courtesy of CHA By Park Han-sol The Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) will step up its efforts again to enlist two of Korea's grassroots protests on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register, three years after it was stalled over a China-Japan dispute. One set of documents comprises official and private archives governmental records, media and investigative reports, photos and videos that testify to the April 19 Revolution, a nationwide protest in 1960 against the Rhee Syng-man government for rigging an election. The movement resulted in the end of Rhee's 12-year rule. Another historical archive up for registration features records produced by the 1392-1910 Joseon Kingdom, Japanese Legation and the participants of the Donghak Movement, an armed peasant uprising that took place in 1894. It was led by followers of the Donghak religion, now known as Cheondoism, in the name of social equality and anti-colonialism. If the application process goes as scheduled, UNESCO's final decision on their inclusion will be announced in 2023. The CHA initially pushed for the inscription of these archives on the Memory of the World Register in 2017, but the application had to be put on hold for more than three years as UNESCO's Executive Board sought to reform its policies in regards to registration and review procedures. Such a decision came after the organization added Chinese documents about the 1937 Nanjing Massacre in which Japanese troops were said to have killed as many as 300,000 soldiers and civilians in the former Chinese capital to its list in 2015. This drew heavy protests from Japan, which called it a "politicized decision" and even briefly withheld its funding for UNESCO the following year. The new policy, approved last April, stipulates that once UNESCO's Secretariat announces the general outline of the contents of the historical documents submitted by each country, other nations can file an objection. Before the item can move further down the review procedures for the Executive Board's final approval, a diplomatic discussion must be held between countries of interest, and mediated by a third party if necessary. Korea has, at present, a total of 16 entries in the UNESCO list, including the Hangeul handbook "Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon" and historical records on Gwangju's May 18 pro-democracy movement in 1980. National Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-seug delivers a keynote speech on democracy and political polarization at the 143rd Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly at IFEMA in Madrid, Saturday. Courtesy of Office of Speaker at National Assembly By Kwon Mee-yoo National Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-seug has been seeking cooperation with parliamentary heads of other nations to support the Korean government's efforts to stabilize the supply of raw materials, in relation to a recent urea shortage here. Park, currently attending the 143rd Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Madrid, Spain, held talks with IPU Secretary-General Martin Chungong, as well as his counterparts from various countries including Oman, Bahrain, Indonesia, Nepal, Switzerland and Georgia. Especially for the Middle Eastern countries, Park urged them to broaden their export portfolios to Korea. During a meeting with Khalid bin Hilal Al Mawali, chairman of the Consultative Assembly of Oman, Saturday, Park thanked Al Mawali for Oman's export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Korea and asked him to bridge Omani urea producers with Korea, as Oman is one of the world's top urea exporters amid the global supply chain reshuffle. Al Mawali replied that he would highlight the urea trade between the two countries, adding that he hopes to cooperate further with Korean companies in the fields of renewable energy as well as tourism, logistics, mining and agriculture. National Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-seug, right, holds a meeting with his Omani counterpart Khalid Bin Hilal Al Mawali, left, at IFEMA in Madrid, Spain, Saturday, during the 143rd Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly. Courtesy of Office of the Speaker of the National Assembly Lee Soon-ja, center, the widow of Chun Doo-hwan, and other bereaved family members enter the Seoul Memorial Park to attend Chun's cremation ceremony, Saturday. Yonhap By Lee Hae-rin The apology by the widow of Chun Doo-hwan for past wrongdoings inflicted by the former dictator has only refueled the anger of victims of the bloody suppression of the 1980 Gwangju pro-democracy movement, as Chun's side made it clear that the massacre was not subject to the apology. Former first lady Lee Soon-ja made the apology during Chun's funeral in Seoul, Saturday, four days after he died of a type of blood cancer. The former Army general, who seized power through a military coup in 1979 and served as president from September 1980 to February 1988, was responsible for the brutal suppression of Gwangju citizens but went to his grave without ever making an admission of guilt or an apology. In a speech as a family representative, Lee said, "On behalf of my husband, I would like to deeply apologize, especially to those who suffered pains and scars during his time in office." Lee's apology was initially assumed to be for the victims killed in the May 1980 uprising. But civic groups related to the movement, including those of bereaved families, criticized it for being vague and incomplete, saying they couldn't accept the apology. Then Chun's former secretary Min Jeong-ki told local reporters that Lee was not talking about Gwangju. "Lee clearly said 'during his time in office,'" Min told reporters hours after Lee's remark, at Seoul Memorial Park where the cremation took place. He explained that the Gwangju incident took place before his presidency, which officially began on Sept. 1, 1980. When asked to specify "those who suffered pains and scars," Min replied, "There are students who participated in (other) pro-democracy protests and died during torture by police (during Chun's term) He was not directly responsible but he was the president anyway." In light of this, the civic groups said Lee's apology was even more meaningless and only worsened their pain. "It seems Lee made the apology reluctantly and unwillingly because of the growing public criticism," Choi Hyung-ho, the head of Seoul branch of The May 18 Memorial Foundation, told The Korea Times, Sunday. "A truthful apology would require Chun's family coming to and kneeling at the victims' graveyard." Choi said what matters the most is the uncovering the whole truth about the movement, such as whether Chun ordered the shooting from military helicopters on citizens which Chun kept denying despite witnesses coming forward and forensic evidence of bullet holes high up in buildings and patients admitted to hospitals with injuries consistent with being shot from above. "Also a relevant law should be revised to recover assets accumulated illegally by Chun's aides during his term," he said. The two leading presidential candidates remained neck and neck with each other in the latest survey released Sunday. Yoon Seok-youl, the presidential nominee of the main opposition People Power Party, earned 38.9 percent support, while Lee Jae-myung, the candidate for the ruling Democratic Party, had 36.1 percent support in the poll conducted by Embrain Public. Yoon's lead of 2.8 percentage points was within the margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points at a 95 percent confidence level. The survey was conducted on 1,020 adults on Friday and Saturday. Coming in at a distant third place was Ahn Cheol-soo, representing the minor opposition People's Party, at 6.1 percent. Sim Sang-jeung of the minor progressive Justice Party was next at 5.6 percent. (Yonhap) Korea needs to reintroduce strict measures South Korea is facing a fifth wave of COVID-19 infections amid the spread of the potentially more transmissible Omicron variant throughout the world. The new variant, if unchecked, could deal a severe setback to the country's efforts to return to normalcy. The situation has been aggravated since Nov. 1 when the country eased quarantine measures and social distancing rules to ensure a gradual return to normal life under the "Living with COVID-19" scheme. The new daily infection cases remained high at 3,928 Sunday although they fell slightly from Saturday's 4,068. The number more than doubled in a month, hitting the record daily high of 4,115 Wednesday. Medical experts predict the figure will rise further during this winter. More worrisome is that the number of deaths and critically ill patients has continued to grow. The death toll from the coronavirus pandemic reached a record daily high of 56 Sunday. Seriously ill patients also hit the highest level of 647. As things stand now, it seems difficult to contain the ever-persistent virus without tightening the quarantine system and reintroducing strict social distancing guidelines. The Moon Jae-in administration should take immediate and bold action to respond effectively to the raging virus. On Monday it plans to unveil a series of quarantine measures against the pandemic. First of all, the health authorities should make all-out efforts to prevent the Omicron variant from finding its way into the country. On Sunday, the country imposed an entry ban on all foreign arrivals from eight African countries, including South Africa where the new strain was first detected. The ban is necessary, but not sufficient. It is still unknown if the Omicron variant is more dangerous or contagious than the Delta stain. Yet it is necessary to take strong preventive measures before it is too late. More importantly, the government must focus on treating critically ill COVID-19 patients to prevent their deaths. For this, it is urgent to increase hospital beds. Out of 714 beds set aside for seriously ill patients in hospitals in Seoul and its metropolitan area, 610 are already occupied. More than 1,200 patients are waiting for hospitalization. The problem is more serious in some provincial areas where beds are no longer available. If new infections continue to surge, there will be an acute shortage of hospital beds. The authorities should also expand medical facilities and supply more doctors and nurses to better treat COVID-19 patients. The government promised to do so whenever there was a spike in new infections. But it has yet to deliver on this promise. It even failed to make thorough preparations for the "Living with COVID-19" program. It is, however, never too late to take appropriate measures to avoid a possible collapse of the healthcare system. It is equally important to speed up vaccine booster shots, especially for the elderly and other high-risk groups. About 79 percent of South Koreans have so far been fully vaccinated. But it is tricky to achieve herd immunity because the efficacy of vaccines is on the decline as time goes by. Most of all, the people might have to endure a potential return to stringent quarantine and social distancing rules. It is also necessary for the government to provide more financial support to small businesses and the self-employed who will be hit hard by the resurgence of the coronavirus. We have a long way to go before exiting the dark tunnel. Deoksu Palace circa 1910-20 Robert Neff Collection By Robert Neff On Nov. 22, 1897, Empress Myeongseong was finally laid to rest in her tomb just outside of Seoul. The Independent a newspaper published in Seoul declared that the funeral was a "remarkable event [that] will never be forgotten by those who took part in it in any capacity." It added, "We are glad the great function passed off without any hitch and that the weather was so favorable." The newspaper, however, was not quite telling the truth. There had been many hitches both before and during the event. Shortly after her murder, the spirit of the empress was said to have grown restless and appeared in the room where her remains were kept. Two servants were literally frightened to death at least according to one newspaper account. When her remains were moved to Deoksu Palace in September 1896, there were further fatal incidents. A pallbearer was crushed while carrying the hearse and a small boy was killed as the procession passed the front of the palace. A couple of days later, the main beam of the palace's front gate fell and seriously injured a workman. Finding a suitable site for her tomb also caused a great deal of trouble and, undoubtedly, was expensive. It seems that when the location and date were finally settled upon, no one consulted with Mother Nature. The road leading from the East Gate to the Imperial Tomb was washed away by heavy rains and, according to The Independent, "at many points no bridges could be seen." Near the assassination site of the Korean empress in Gyeongbok Palace, circa 1908 Courtesy of Diane Nars Collection Yun Chi-ho, was especially critical of the government's efforts and the amount of corruption involved in the funeral. "Several hundreds of acres were bought around the Royal Grave and 20,000.00 were spent in planting trees thereon, in the two years past. Not a single tree is alive now. Next Spring the rascals will again squeeze a large amount of money out under the same pretext of planting trees which never live!" There was also a great deal of petty jealousy. A little over a week before the funeral, The Independent reported: "The Prime Minister, Sim Suntak, has been appointed Scrubber of the Coffin of Her Majesty... It may be a great honor for Mr. Sim to scrub the Imperial coffin, but some people doubt whether he can do it thoroughly. He is too feeble to use a brush and towel effectively." For additional protection and possibly to give the event a grander appearance additional soldiers were brought in from the provinces. According to The Independent, the regents in Hwanghae, Ganghwa Island, and Cheongju each sent 100 soldiers while Pyongyang was ordered to send 200. An American visitor and possibly his guide at the "Queen's grave" in 1922 Robert Neff Collection Yun gives a different description of the soldiers brought in temporarily for the funeral: "Two thousand coolies [laborers] have been hired at the rate of 2 for a dollar, for the occasion under the name of ["reserves"]. These coolies, dressed in tight trousers open wide where they ought to be closed, armed with rusty rifles which they used as sticks, were one of the innumerable evidences of the rottenness of the present administration." Apparently there were no foreign guests in the palace during the final preparations, so we are forced to rely heavily upon Yun's observations, which were recalled carefully in his diary considering it was his own private diary, he wrote truthfully and with very little political tact. "While the coffin was being taken out of the bier, a eunuch openly "sleeved" the fruits which were placed in front of the coffin. It maddened me to see this sacrilegious proceeding and if I had authority I would have given the rascal a lesson not to be easily forgotten." This was not the only food-related issue that infuriated him. "Food was plentiful. Hundreds of tickets were given out to persons who had no business to be fed by the King. I could easily have gotten a meal ticket but, as I had no connection with service, I preferred to go hungry." It is interesting that Yun refers to the Korean monarch as king as Gojong was made emperor about five weeks earlier. Yun was not the only disgruntled witness to the funeral procession there was also Horace N. Allen, the American minister to Korea. Years later, in his books and memoirs, Allen's description of the event were generally neutral. But in his immediate report to the State Department he was less than tactful. First he complained about having to go to the palace just before dawn where he endured "a long and tedious wait in the cold" as he and the other foreign representatives watched the start of the funeral procession and paid their respects to the emperor. There was obviously tension in the air especially in regards to the Japanese representative. Allen explained: "As the Korean Government had sent a Special Envoy to be present at the funeral of the Dowager Empress of Japan last year, the Japanese Government appointed their Minister to Korea to represent them officially at this funeral as Special Envoy." An American visitor to the "Queen's grave" in 1922 Robert Neff Collection By agreement, the foreign representatives were to meet at 2 p.m. at the Foreign Office and join Emperor Gojong's procession to the tomb. But when they arrived, they discovered that the procession had already departed. According to Allen, the emperor, "feeling chagrinned at the long delay he had caused us in the morning, started off an hour earlier so as to be on time." Allen chose to look at it as a blessing as "not knowing of this change we were spared the necessity of making a part of the procession." As for the accommodations at the tomb, The Independent reported that each diplomat was "provided with newly finished rooms with the necessary furniture" and every effort was made to ensure they were comfortable. Allen reported that the diplomats "were quartered in neat little 8x8 foot paper rooms, each containing a narrow cot and each room having to do duty for four persons." As for the fine dinner at the tomb, which Allen described in his book as being "elaborate," in his report seems to have been a diplomatic disaster. "We were served with dinner, at which occasion, owing to the lack of order and arrangement, the Japanese Envoy was placed in such an undignified position that he had to complain of it." The Japanese envoy was not the only bone of contention at the funeral so too were the Russian soldiers. At the palace, Yun noted that the emperor was "guarded by a number of Russian soldiers" and the Korean soldiers on guard were ordered to "turn around, facing the wall lest they might see the Imperial face!" Allen added that "one notable feature of the [funeral] was that four Russian non-commissioned officers constantly remained by His Majesty's chair and no one was allowed to approach without permission." The main gate of Deoksu Palace, circa 1906 Robert Neff Collection By Ahn Ho-young Korea's Supreme Court rendered its final ruling on the case brought by victims of forced labor during the Japanese occupation of Korea against Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Corp. in October, 2018. Since then, relations between Seoul and Tokyo have been in a deep freeze. Japan insists that Korea is not complying with international law, in particular the Claims Agreement concluded between the two countries in 1965. The Korean government counters that it has to respect the ruling of the independent court here. It was against such a backdrop that the Japanese government imposed an embargo that impacted Korean companies on the export of essential parts for manufacturing semiconductors, a key export item for Korea, in July, 2019. Several months later, the South Korean government responded by declaring that it would suspend the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) agreement between the two countries as a countermeasure against the Japanese embargo on semiconductor parts. Several Japanese officials and politicians sought my views on the suspension of the GSOMIA agreement at the time. I said I was deeply concerned and disappointed by Korean government's action. I swiftly added that I had been equally concerned and disappointed by the action taken by the Japanese government earlier in July. This was because the Japanese action violated a delicate firewall existing between the issues of history and the issues of cooperation in other areas. The observance of the firewall had enabled Korea and Japan to develop bilateral relations to mutual benefit for several decades irrespective of issues of history flaring up between the two countries from time to time. I was recently reminded of these exchanges with Japanese colleagues two years ago, as I read an interview with Yoshimasa Hayashi, the new foreign minister of Japan. Hayashi gave a press conference on Nov. 11, the day he was inaugurated. His answer to the question on Korea-Japan relations appeared to me to be along the following lines; "Korea-Japan relations are very important and must get sufficient attention. But, it will have to wait until issues of history are first be resolved, for which Korea must provide an answer." The first part was encouraging to me. With respect to the second part, I wonder if Hayashi could have gone a step further, as a leading member of "Kochikai," one of the most moderate factions within the conservative Liberal Democratic Party, which has typically supported a dovish foreign policy, including diplomatic engagement with Korea. For example, he could have said: "I urge the Korean government to provide an answer to the forced labor issues. In the meantime, I will not be bogged down by these issues, because there are so many other urgent issues Korea and Japan must address together. I will go ahead and engage the Korean government to jointly address them." In fact, such an approach is what we need, given the current geopolitical and economic situation in Northeast Asia and beyond. At the same time, such an approach would have worked as a stronger and far more effective incentive for the Korean government to diligently seek solutions for issues on history as well. In fact, there are a large number of issues which the two countries can engage in for mutual benefit, starting from some multilateral ones. One such issue is Korea joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). As a number of countries, including the United Kingdom, China and Chinese Taipei, apply for accession to the CPTPP, there is an increasing call for Korea to join it as well. One of the challenges facing Korea is Japan's presumed sabotage of its accession, as Tokyo tries to link this to the issues of history. Hayashi, for example, could declare that such a presumption is misplaced. Another possible multilateral forum where Korea and Japan could further strengthen cooperation is the Quad. I have long argued through this page as to why Korea must seriously consider participating in Quad activities. Sato Masahisa, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense in Japan's House of Councillors was recently asked by a Korean newspaper about his views on Korea joining the Quad, comprising the United States, Japan, India and Australia. He answered "Japan will welcome Korea joining the free world camp, even if we will continue to have questions about Korea's credibility." I am often reminded of all the efforts we used to make together between Korea and Japan at multilateral fora. Korea's accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in the 1990s owed a lot to the advice and cooperation we used to get from our Japanese colleagues, including Makoto Taniguchi, who was the OECD's deputy secretary-general at the time. During the Great Recession of 2008, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) emerged as a key institution for the global financial system, and was dubbed "the fourth pillar" of the architecture of global economic governance. In the process of joining the FSB, Korea again enjoyed the support and cooperation of Japanese officials, including Ambassador Yoichi Otabe, who used to be the G20 sherpa for the Japanese prime minister at the time. Were there no issues of history at the time of Korea's accession to the OECD or the FSB? There were. However, officials of Korea and Japan at the time were mindful of the advantage of adhering to the aforementioned firewall. Ahn Ho-young ( is president of the University of North Korean Studies. He served as Korean ambassador to the United States and first vice foreign minister. Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi will build a plant that can produce 300,000 vehicles annually in Beijing for its electric vehicle unit, authorities in the capital said on Saturday. The plant will be constructed in two phases and Xiaomi will also built its auto unit's headquarters, sales and research offices in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, the government-backed economic development agency Beijing E-Town said on its official WeChat account. Beijing E-Town said it anticipated the plant reaching mass production in 2024, a goal announced by Xiaomi's Chief Executive Lei Jun in October. In March, Xiaomi said it would commit to investing $10 billion in a new electric car division over 10 years. The company completed the business registration of its EV unit in late August. The company has been opening thousands of stores to spur domestic sales growth for its smartphone business but eventually intends to use these shops as a channel for its plans to sell electric vehicles. (Reuters) A gas station attendant stands next to a newspaper headline in Pretoria, South Africa, Saturday. AP-Yonhap By Kim Yoo-chul The Korean stock market is awaiting updates over the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. As the local stock market correlates very closely with moves in major indexes, investors are highly likely to react negatively following the U.S. and European stock markets' falls last week. Crude oil prices and Treasury yields plunged on Wall Street as a new strain known as the Omicron variant prompted fears of renewed social restrictions. As the market slides, investors are being advised to move their money into stocks of companies related to vaccine production, work-from-home, food delivery and games, analysts said, Sunday. Last week on Wall Street, Pfizer partner BioNTech and Moderna made gains on the back of the Omicron variant. Moderna said it is testing to see if a higher booster dose of its vaccine would provide protection against the new virus strain. From left are Samsung Electronics mobile chief Koh Dong-jin, consumer business chief Kim Hyun-suk and semiconductor business chief Kim Ki-nam / Korea Times file By Baek Byung-yeul Three Samsung Electronics CEOs those in charge of semiconductors, home appliances and IT and mobile communications will remain in their positions despite the upcoming year-end management reshuffle expected to take place this week, sources knowledgeable about the issue said, Sunday. "Samsung will keep on its three CEOs who are responsible for its three major pillars. But the company will diversify its executives' pools by expanding the promotion of low- and medium-ranked executives for the reshuffle," one of the sources said. Samsung's business structure comprises three major units Device Solutions overseeing its semiconductor business, IT & Mobile Communication supervising mobile devices and Consumer Electronics for TVs and home appliance products and each unit has been led by one of the three CEOs Kim Ki-nam, Koh Dong-jin and Kim Hyun-suk, since 2018. People queue to get on the Air France flight to Paris at OR Tambo's airport in Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 26. AP-Yonhap Britain, Germany and Italy detected cases of the new Omicron coronavirus variant on Saturday and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced new steps to contain the virus, while more nations imposed restrictions on travel from southern Africa. The discovery of the variant has sparked global concern, a wave of travel bans or curbs and a sell-off on financial markets on Friday as investors worried that Omicron could stall a global recovery from the nearly two-year pandemic. Israel said it would ban the entry of all foreigners into the country and reintroduce counter-terrorism phone-tracking technology to contain the spread of the variant. The two linked cases of Omicron detected in Britain were connected to travel to southern Africa, British health minister Sajid Javid said. Johnson laid out measures that included stricter testing rules for people arriving in the country but that stopped short of curbs on social activity other than requiring mask wearing in some settings. "We will require anyone who enters the UK to take a PCR test by the end of the second day after their arrival and to self-isolate until they have a negative result," Johnson told a news conference. Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson attends a media briefing on the latest COVID-19 update in the Downing Street briefing room, central London, Nov. 27. AFP-Yonhap People who had come into contact with people testing positive for a suspected case of Omicron would have to self-isolate for 10 days and the government would tighten the rules on wearing face coverings, Johnson said, adding the steps would be reviewed in three weeks. The health ministry in the German state of Bavaria also announced two confirmed cases of the variant. The two people entered Germany at Munich airport on Nov. 24, before Germany designated South Africa as a virus-variant area, and were now isolating, said the ministry, indicating without stating explicitly that the people had travelled from South Africa. In Italy, the National Health Institute said a case of the new variant had been detected in Milan in a person coming from Mozambique. Czech health authorities also said they were examining a suspected case of the variant in a person who spent time in Namibia. Omicron, dubbed a "variant of concern" by the World Health Organization, is potentially more contagious than previous variants of the disease, although experts do not know yet if it will cause more or less severe COVID-19 compared to other strains. England's Chief Medical Officer, Chris Witty, said at the same news conference as Johnson that there was still much uncertainty around Omicron, but "there is a reasonable chance that at least there will be some degree of vaccine escape with this variant". The variant was first discovered in South Africa and had also since been detected in Belgium, Botswana, Israel and Hong Kong. A KLM airplane landed from Johannesbourg is parked at the gate E19 at the Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands, Nov. 27. AFP-Yonhap Flights to Amsterdam Dutch authorities said 61 of around 600 people who arrived in Amsterdam on two flights from South Africa on Friday had tested positive for the coronavirus. Health authorities were carrying out further tests to see if those cases involved the new variant. One passenger who arrived from South Africa on Friday, Dutch photographer Paula Zimmerman, said she tested negative but was anxious for the days to come. "I've been told that they expect that a lot more people will test positive after five days. It's a little scary the idea that you've been in a plane with a lot of people who tested positive," she said. Financial markets plunged on Friday, especially stocks of airlines and others in the travel sector. Oil prices tumbled by about $10 a barrel. It could take weeks for scientists to understand fully the variant's mutations and whether existing vaccines and treatments are effective against it. Travelers queue at a check-in counter at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, after several countries banned flights from South Africa following the discovery of a new COVID-19 variant Omicron, Nov. 27. AFP-Yonhap Travel curbs Although epidemiologists say travel curbs may be too late to stop Omicron from circulating globally, many countries around the world including the United States, Brazil, Canada and European Union nations announced travel bans or restrictions on southern Africa on Friday. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and State Department added on Saturday to Washington's previously announced travel restrictions, advising against travel to eight southern African countries. U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris told reporters on Saturday that the administration will take it "one step at a time," when asked about additional travel restrictions. "For now we've done what we think is necessary," Harris said. Also on Saturday, Australia said it would ban non-citizens who have been in nine southern African countries from entering and will require supervised 14-day quarantines for Australian citizens returning from there. Japan and Britain said they were extending travel curbs to more African countries, while South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Oman, Kuwait and Hungary announced new travel restrictions. South Africa is worried that the curbs will hurt tourism and other sectors of its economy, the foreign ministry said on Saturday, adding the government is engaging with countries that have imposed travel bans to persuade them to reconsider. Omicron has emerged as many countries in Europe are already battling a surge in COVID-19 infections, and some have re-introduced restrictions on social activity to try to stop the spread. Austria and Slovakia have entered lockdowns. People queue to be tested for COVID-19 in Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov. 27. AP-Yonhap Israel will host the Miss Universe beauty pageant in the Red Sea resort of Eilat on Dec. 12 despite imposing travel restrictions to try to stave off the Omicron coronavirus variant, Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov said on Sunday. On Saturday, Israel announced that it was banning foreigners from entering the country, but Razvozov on Sunday told reporters that participants in the Miss Universe pageant would be granted waivers while possibly undergoing PCR testing every 48 hours and other precautionary measures. "This is an event that will be broadcast in 174 countries, a very important event, an event that Eilat, too, is very much in need of," he said before Sunday's weekly cabinet meeting. "We will know how to manage this event. So, by using the waivers committee, we will have events like this, to which the country already committed itself and cannot cancel." In televised remarks at the cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that Israel needs "to clamp down" on its borders to keep the country "open internally." Israel has confirmed one case of infection from the Omicron coronavirus variant. (Reuters) The Dakar rally will be raced across the daunting deserts of Saudi Arabia again in 2022 with organisers on Sunday revealing the full route that exploits the depths of the Rub' al Khali (Empty Quarter). The January 1-14 endurance test will be a third Dakar rally in Saudi Arabia, a country accused by the international community of a poor human rights record. But it will also be the 44th edition of the rally itself, with 1,065 participants aboard 578 vehicles racing across 8,375km of treacherous routes in the various categories. The landscape and backdrop of the course is similar to the last edition, and it begins and ends after 12 stages in the port city of Jeddah. From canyons and cliffs in the Neom region to stretches of dunes surrounding Riyadh, the race also takes in the Red Sea coastline and the mysterious Empty Quarter. (AFP) Extortion of avocado growers in western Mexico has gotten so bad that 500 vigilantes from a so-called "self-defense" group known as United Towns, or Pueblos Unidos, gathered Saturday and pledged to aid police. The vigilantes gathered for a rally in the town of Nuevo Urecho, in the western state of Michoacan, armed with AR-15s and other rifles, as well as a motley collection of shotguns. They said that drug cartels like the Viagras and the Jalisco cartel have been charging avocado growers 'war taxes' of about $1,000 per acre ($2,500 per hectare). Tired of the extortion demands and kidnappings, growers and farmers formed the group in 2020, and it now claims to have almost 3,000 members. (AP) In this photo released by the Taiwan Presidential Office, U.S. Representative Mark Takano, left, is greeted by Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen at the Presidential Office in Taipei, Nov. 26. AP-Yonhap The Chinese army has carried out a "naval and air force combat readiness patrol" near the Taiwan Strait following a contentious visit to the island by a group of American lawmakers, a spokesperson said. Tensions between Beijing and Washington have soared over the fate of democratic self-ruled Taiwan, which China has vowed to one day retake, by force if necessary. A group of American lawmakers arrived on the island Thursday offering support for the Taiwanese authorities, who Beijing accuses of seeking independence for the island. In response, the Chinese army on Friday carried out "a naval and air force combat readiness patrol in the direction of the Taiwan Strait," a spokesperson for the Eastern Theater Command said in a statement. "This is a necessary measure in response to the current situation in the Taiwan Strait," they added, pledging the army would "protect sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation." "The army will continue to be on high alert and take all necessary measures to counter, at any time, any interference by external forces and any conspiracy by separatists aiming at the so-called 'Taiwan independence'." No other information about the drills was given. In this photo released by the Taiwan Presidential Office, U.S. Representative Mark Takano, center left, chats with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen near other members of the U.S. delegation at the Presidential Office in Taipei, Nov. 26. AP-Yonhap Azure Cloud Application Architect State of Connecticut Judicial Branch East Hartford The State of Connecticut Judicial Branch is seeking an Azure Cloud Application Architect (Information Technology Enterprise Technologist) for the Information Technology Division, Application Development and Support Unit. Qualified applicants will possess experience in the specific functional area of IT Software Development. The successful candidate must have hands-on experience with cloud application development and working with complicated enterprise applications in the cloud with a focus on security. The preferred candidate will work with Web developers and administrators to architect and define the standards for a secure environment to support cloud-based application. The selected candidate will also participate to develop and support future strategies for Microsoft 365 products and services. Qualified candidates should be familiar with Cloud Based applications and able to design and implement new projects utilizing Microsoft .NET, and Microsoft Cloud technologies like Microsoft Power Automate Microsoft Power Apps MS Dataverse (Cloud Databases) MS Dynamics 365 Visual Studio 2017 or above MS SQL Server 2016 and SQL Azure databases Developer proficiency includes: In-depth knowledge of at least one of the .Net languages ( or C#) Knowledge with Windows DevOps architecture Experience with Data structure and data flow Experience in working with SOA and APIs Develop Identity aware applications using Active Directory, ADFS and Azure-AD Additional skills expected are: Excellent organizational, analytical, planning and technical skills Analyze requirements and prioritize and delegate tasks among team members Build solutions that integrate with other systems from demos and proofs-of-concept to deploy and support the finished product Share architecture and development best practices with team members Provide technical guidance and mentor others in areas of expertise Additional skills would be a plus: Knowledge of Azure DevOps Knowledge of PowerShell scripting Experience with eSignature Web UI & Responsive design principles In addition to the required qualifications, the successful candidate must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both oral and written. The selected candidate must have the ability to manage the workload for projects and support daily on-going activities, resolve problems during and after working hours and a willingness to coordinate with other teams and work effectively with all levels of technical and non-technical staff and management is necessary. The qualified candidate will possess excellent technical skills along with the ability to foster a team environment. Upon satisfactory completion of the initial probationary period, hybrid remote work may be available. Salary Range: $95,984 - $127,007/year plus State of Connecticut benefits. New employees begin at the minimum. The starting salary for existing state employees may be higher than the minimum, in accordance with existing Judicial Branch policy. The State of Connecticut Judicial Branch offers its employees a top notch array of health and retirement benefits including but not limited to: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave, group life insurance, 457 Deferred Compensation, voluntary flexible spending account programs, discounted auto and home insurance policies and long and short term disability. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING General Experience: Twelve (12) years of experience in information technology (IT), programming, systems/software development or another IT related field demonstrating a growing and broadening base of knowledge and experience. Special Experience: Three (3) years of the General Experience must have been at the expert working level with responsibility for performing a full range of highly complex technical support functions. Substitutions Allowed: 1) College training in management information systems, computer science, electrical engineering or information technology related area may be substituted for the General Experience on the basis of fifteen (15) semester hours equaling six (6) months of experience to a maximum of four (4) years for a Bachelors degree. 2) A Masters degree in management information systems, computer science, electrical engineering or information technology related area may be substituted for one (1) additional year of the General Experience. 3) Relevant certification in management information systems, computer science, electrical engineering or information technology related area may be substituted for up to six (6) months of the general experience. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Incumbents may be required to travel within the State in the course of their daily work. Applications must be received by December 26, 2021. Applications must be submitted through the on-line application site. Resumes or paper applications will not be accepted. Careers at the Branch play an essential role for the public and society. Our meaningful, challenging, and interesting positions have a long-lasting effect that serves to advance justice and ultimately provides for the greater good of all. Please reference posting number 21-4000-023 AA/EOE recblid soj6czwx3zmqcv6l8n8l6tzr33fj2v Family Health Centers at NYU Langone, a designated Level 3 Medical Home, is the largest federally qualified health center network in New York State, and the second largest in the nation. It includes eight primary care sites, 40 school-based health centers and dental clinics, four day care centers, the nation's largest dental residency program, and New York State's largest behavioral health program. The network also includes 12 community medicine sites providing care to disenfranchised New Yorkers, comprehensive HIV services, chemical dependency programs, and a family support center that offers educational, vocational, and other social support programs. Learn more about Family Health Centers at NYU Langone, and interact with us on LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Position Summary: We have an exciting opportunity to join our team as a Admin Assistant. In this role, the successful candidate The Administrative Assistant/Intake Specialist will provide support to the Family Support Services Department. He/she will assist with greeting and engaging community members, making outreach calls, assessing needs, screening for program or benefit eligibility, providing direct services to clients when requested or needed, scheduling appointments, making referrals ad completing necessary documentation and administrative tasks. Minimum Qualifications: To qualify you must have a High School Diploma required; Associate's preferred Bilingual English/Spanish required Computer literate: Outlook, Word, Excel Strong interpersonal skills Preferred Qualifications: Good interpersonal skills. Commitment to helping others. Two years of experience working with immigrant population. Qualified candidates must be able to effectively communicate with all levels of the organization. Family Health Centers at NYU Langone's network provides its staff with far more than just a place to work. Rather, we are an institution you can be proud of, an institution where you'll feel good about devoting your time and your talents. NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer committed to diversity and inclusion in all aspects of recruiting and employment. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration without regard to race, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender dysphoria, national origin, age, religion, disability, military and veteran status, marital or parental status, citizenship status, genetic information or any other factor which cannot lawfully be used as a basis for an employment decision. We require applications to be completed online. If you wish to view Family Health Centers at NYU Langone's EEO policies, please click here. Please click here to view the Federal "EEO is the law" poster or visit for more information. To view the Pay Transparency Notice, please click here. Since its launch in 1993 with a collection of six essential handbags, Kate Spade New York has always stood for optimistic femininity. Today, the brand is a global life and style house with handbags, ready-to-wear, jewelry, footwear, gifts, home dcor and more. Polished ease, thoughtful details and a modern, sophisticated use of colorKate Spade New Yorks founding principles define a unique style synonymous with joy. Under the vision of creative director Nicola Glass, the brand continues to celebrate confident women with a youthful spirit. Kate Spade New York is part of the Tapestry portfolio a global house of brands powered by optimism, innovation, and inclusivity. Job Title: Sales Associate Primary Purpose: The successful individual will leverage their proficiency in retail to Client & Service Expert: Achieves individual sales goals. Develops strong product knowledge across all categories. Responsible for ensuring exemplary customer service by delivering the ultimate kate spade Experience. Able to develop a personal connection with guests through effective use of the selling skills. Building Brand Equity: Understand and communicate the kate spade new york aesthetic, brand philosophy and lifestyle to the customer. Demonstrate interest and ability to work as part of a team. Operational Excellence: Execute operational tasks as per company directives. Accurately processes all POS transactions. Adhere to and apply visual directives, ensure that store standards are executed daily. The accomplished individual will possess... Professional selling skills and exceptional interpersonal skills Prior luxury goods experience preferred Proactive ability to multi-task and prioritize Works well in a team environment An outstanding professional will have... Bachelors degree in related field preferred Physical requirements Available to work store schedule, as needed, including evenings and weekends Standing for extended periods of time Able to safely lift boxes up to 40 pounds Comfortable climbing ladders Our Competencies for All Employees Drive for Results: Can be counted on to exceed goals successfully; is constantly and consistently one of the top performers; very bottom-line oriented; steadfastly pushes self and others for results. Customer Focus: Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; gets first-hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services; acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect. Creativity : Comes up with a lot of new and unique ideas; easily makes connections among previously unrelated notions; tends to be seen as original and value-added in brainstorming settings. Interpersonal Savvy : Relates well to all kinds of people, up, down, and sideways, inside and outside the organization; builds appropriate rapport; builds constructive and effective relationships; uses diplomacy and tact; can diffuse even high-tension situations comfortably. Learning on the Fly: Learns quickly when facing new problems; a relentless and versatile learner; open to change; analyzes both successes and failures for clues to improvement; experiments and will try anything to find solutions; enjoys the challenge of unfamiliar tasks; quickly grasps the essence and the underlying structure of anything. Perseverance : Pursues everything with energy, drive, and a need to finish; seldom gives up before finishing, especially in the face of resistance or setbacks. Dealing with Ambiguity : Can effectively cope with change; can shift gears comfortably; can decide and act without having the total picture; isnt upset when things are up in the air; doesnt have to finish things before moving on; can comfortably handle risk and uncertainty. Our Competencies for All People Managers Strategic Agility : Sees ahead clearly; can anticipate future consequences and trends accurately; has broad knowledge and perspective; is future oriented; can articulately paint credible pictures and visions of possibilities and likelihoods; can create competitive and breakthrough strategies and plans. Building Effective Teams : Blends people into teams when needed; creates strong morale and spirit in his/her team; shares wins and successes; fosters open dialogue; lets people finish and be responsible for their work; defines success in terms of the whole team; creates a feeling of belonging in the team. Managerial Courage : Doesnt hold back anything that needs to be said; provides current, direct, complete, and actionable positive and corrective feedback to others; lets people know where they stand; faces up to people problems on any person or situation (not including direct reports) quickly and directly; is not afraid to take negative action when necessary. Kate Spade is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and we pride ourselves on hiring and developing the best people. All employment decisions (including recruitment, hiring, promotion, compensation, transfer, training, discipline and termination) are based on the applicants or employees qualifications as they relate to the requirements of the position under consideration. These decisions are made without regard to age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic characteristics, race, color, creed, religion, ethnicity, national origin, alienage, citizenship, disability, marital status, military status, pregnancy, or any other legally-recognized protected basis prohibited by applicable law. Visit Kate Spade Regional Junior doctors of Assam join protest against delay in NEET-PG counselling Guwahati, Nov 27 (PTI) | Publish Date: 11/27/2021 11:21:24 AM IST Junior doctors of government medical colleges of Assam on Saturday staged protests against the delay in conducting NEET-PG 2021 counselling, claiming it has increased the workload of the already overburdened resident doctors. The protests were a part of a nationwide call by the Federation of Resident Doctors Association (FORDA) for suspension of out-patient department (OPD) services at hospitals from November 27. The protesting doctors at Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) here said the delay in the counselling process is leading to excess work pressure. We understand that the process got delayed due to the pandemic. But the delay has been too long. We demand that the counselling be completed at the earliest. COVID has put an extra workload on us and on top of it, we are having to work with half of our positions remaining vacant. We hope those in authority understand our problem, a protesting junior doctor said. Another doctor, participating in a similar protest at Fakruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College and Hospital at Barpeta, said, We are looking forward to January 6 when the Supreme Court will hear the case again and hope that a final verdict is delivered. Junior doctors of medical colleges and hospitals at Dibrugarh, Jorhat and Tezpur also joined in the nationwide stir. They refrained from attending OPD services and staged demonstrations in the hospital premises, displaying placards in support of their demands. The medical fraternity body had called for the nationwide strike over the delay in NEET-PG 2021 counselling process after the Centre told the Supreme Court on Thursday that the process will be further postponed by four weeks as it was reconsidering the Rs eight lakh annual income criteria for determining the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category for reservations in admissions. The Association had urged the Centre and the Supreme Court to take necessary measures for expediting counselling and admission besides fast-tracking the court proceedings on an urgent basis. The apex court has fixed January 6 as the next date for hearing. It is hearing a batch of pleas filed by students challenging the Centre and Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) July 29 notice providing 27 per cent reservation for Other Backward Class (OBC) and 10 per cent for EWS category in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-PG) admissions for medical courses for the current academic year. On October 25, the Centre had assured the top court that the counselling process of NEET-PG examination will not commence till the court decides the challenge to the proposed reservations in PG All India Quota seats (MBBS/BDS and MD/MS/MDS) from the current academic year 2021-22. The apex court had on October 21 asked the Centre whether it would like to revisit the limit of Rs eight lakh annual income fixed for determining the EWS category for reservation in NEET PG admissions and sought answers to some pin-pointed questions on the issue. Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-21 17:59:09|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close File photo taken in 2014 shows Frank Hawke speaking during an event commemorating the 35th anniversary of exchanges between Chinese and American scholars in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua) by Xinhua writer Yang Shilong WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- On Feb. 23, 1979, twenty-five-year-old Frank Hawke arrived at snow-covered Beijing Capital Airport with seven other U.S. students. They were the first group of American students to study in the People's Republic of China since the two countries officially normalized their diplomatic relations on Jan. 1, 1979. Hawke, who has lived and worked more or less continuously in Beijing over the past 40 years, is now the director of the China Program for the Stanford Graduate School of Business, located at the Stanford Center at Peking University. STUDY AND TEACHING IN PEKING UNIVERSITY Hawke's interest in China was sparked by two Sinologists at Stanford -- John Lewis and Harry Harding, when the economics undergraduate took some of their courses in contemporary Chinese politics. After graduating from his bachelor's program, he decided to pursue an academic career in Chinese studies and started to learn Chinese. "When I arrived in China, I actually spoke very little Chinese. I could maybe recognize some characters, but that was really about all," laughed Hawke, who speaks very fluent Mandarin with a Beijing accent now. After a short stay at the Beijing Language Institute upon arrival, Hawke was admitted to the Department of World Economy at Peking University. "Classical economist, Professor Hong Junyan became my mentor. He was a wonderful man. He treated us very kindly and was very much aware that we were a long way from home," said Hawke. Hawke was supposed to go back to Stanford after a year in Peking University, but he didn't. "I wasn't ready yet to go back because I felt that there was so much yet to learn," he said. Hawke then taught neoclassical economics at Peking University for one semester at the invitation of Hong. NEGOTIATIONS FOR CHINA'S FIRST AUTOMOBILE JOINT VENTURE After teaching in Peking University, Hawke joined a company called Unison International, which helped American companies do business in China. With Unison, one of the most famous deals Hawke participated in was the Beijing Jeep Corporation, the first Sino-foreign auto joint venture between American Motors Corporation, one of Unison's clients, and Beijing Auto Works. "I was the one facilitating on the ground, attending all the negotiations. I was providing a lot of advice in the context of the negotiations," said Hawke. "That was a very interesting negotiation," he said, adding that "every little detail had to be negotiated. Finally, we got it done in 1983." When China opened its doors to the global market in 1978, a motor car was still a novelty for Chinese, but now China becomes the top player both in auto manufacturing and sales, with cars being almost a household necessity. CONTRIBUTION TO CHINA'S AGRICULTURE In 1997, IMC Global, a world's leading producer of phosphate and potassium fertilizers, hired Hawke to serve as the president of its Asia subsidiary. That job gave him lots of opportunities to go around China and talk to not only Chinese phosphate producers, but also a great number of Chinese farmers. "That was really a lot of fun for me to be able to talk to Chinese farmers and learn about their lives and how we could help them improve their crop yields, not only by providing these very important fertilizers, but also in discussing how to farm more scientifically," said Hawke. "We were supplying something China badly needed, Chinese farmers badly needed, as the Chinese say, Feiliao Shi Liangshi De Liangshi (fertilizer is the food for the grain)," he said. In 2011, Hawke was offered his second job in agriculture -- to run East Asian operations for the International Potato Center, which is headquartered in Lima, Peru. What impressed Hawke most was "Chinese farmers were extremely friendly, always willing to answer our questions, always willing to learn." "That gives you a sense of accomplishment that you're working with people who really want to listen and maybe learn something." WITNESS OF CHINA'S RAPID GROWTH From 1979 onwards, Hawke has witnessed China growing at a very rapid rate, which is, as the World Bank described, "the fastest sustained expansion by a major economy in history." There were "rationed coupons for everything," as the Chinese government had to make sure that everybody had the basic necessities, he said. The nation at the time could not produce enough grains and various kinds of foods for her people, such as meats, eggs, and so on. "When the ration coupons went away, I think that was a sign that things turned the corner. So that was a milestone, obviously," he said. In the past 40-plus years, more than 700 million people in China have been lifted out of poverty, contributing to over 70 percent of global poverty reduction. "I have great confidence in China. I have great confidence in the Chinese people. I think the key to China's future is to unlock the genius of the Chinese people," said Hawke. CALL FOR PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE EXCHANGES Talking about the current strained U.S.-China relations, Hawke said the two countries "should be in a better position to understand the other side" after 40 years of the establishment of the diplomatic ties. The world's two largest economies can "still disagree, but we can disagree with respect out of mutual understanding," he said, noting that both sides should learn each other's history and culture. "One way to avoid mistakes, to avoid tragedy is by having very robust people-to-people relations. I would like to see more exchange students, more people going back and forth in all fields; it's extremely important," he said. "It's nice to have lived through a past worth telling," Hawke said of his China stories in retrospect. Enditem (Xinhua correspondents Hu Yousong, Liu Jie contributed to the story.) Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 00:02:58|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Tourists visit the Karnak Temple Complex in Luxor, Egypt, on Nov. 26, 2021. The Karnak Temple Complex in Upper Egypt's monument-rich city of Luxor is buzzing with tourists, as the North African country has witnessed a revival in tourism after a long recession amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) by Ahmed Shafiq LUXOR, Egypt, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- The Karnak Temple Complex in Upper Egypt's monument-rich city of Luxor is buzzing with tourists, as the North African country has witnessed a revival in tourism after a long recession amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This bustle and hustle around the temple and other archaeological sites in Luxor was more palpable especially when and after Egypt reopened the city's ancient Avenue of Sphinxes on Friday after years of renovation work. Visitors from different countries filed through the 2,400-year-old ancient walkway with 1,057 ram-headed and man-headed sphinxes lining both sides of it. Egypt aspires to use the reopening of the historical avenue to promote Luxor as the largest open museum in the world and highlight its distinct diverse tourist and archaeological potentials. "The place is rich in culture and history ... It is very exciting to closely see the ancient Egyptian civilization," Ray Rasmany, a U.S. young man, told Xinhua as he walked through the Karnak Temple. Rasmany, who visited Egypt for the first time, said the country is safe and the people are friendly, adding anti-COVID-19 measures are well applied in the country. As one of the key sources of income for Egypt, tourism accounts for about 12 percent of the country's GDP. It brought Egypt a record 13 billion U.S. dollars in revenues in 2019 with the arrival of more than 13 million tourists. The peak came after a few years of decline in tourism caused by a Russian plane crash over the Sinai Peninsula in October 2015 that left 224 dead, and a later EgyptAir plane crash in May 2016 that killed all 66 people on board. Later, tourism in Egypt began to decline again because of the COVID-19 pandemic and relevant lockdowns worldwide. "A boom has been seen in tourism here after Russia resumed in August direct flights to Egyptian tourist cities after a six-year ban following the explosion of a Russian airliner," Alaa al-Sahaby, owner of a hotel in Luxor, told Xinhua. The middle-aged man noted that the precautionary measures against the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing vaccination campaigns and the government's decision to resume tourism activities helped revive the ailing sector. "My hotel is unexpectedly fully booked ... This is almost the case with most of the other hotels across Egypt, not only in Luxor," al-Sahaby told Xinhua. He expressed hope for Chinese tourists to come back soon to Luxor, saying the Chinese tourists used to come in large numbers and spend well in the city. "Chinese tourists prefer cultural tourism. That is why they prefer to visit Luxor. A real boom will happen if Chinese tourists will visit again," the hotel owner noted. Egypt's official statistics showed China became the fourth largest source of tourists to Egypt in 2017, and according to the Chinese Embassy in Egypt, more than half a million Chinese tourists visited Egypt in 2018. For 2021, Egypt targets revenues of 6 billion dollars to 9 billion dollars in tourism and hopes to receive more than 6 million tourists. Egypt received about 3.5 million tourists during the first half of 2021, while the total revenues were about 4 billion dollars, according to the tourism ministry's data. Enditem Tourists visit the Karnak Temple Complex in Luxor, Egypt, on Nov. 26, 2021. The Karnak Temple Complex in Upper Egypt's monument-rich city of Luxor is buzzing with tourists, as the North African country has witnessed a revival in tourism after a long recession amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) Tourists take selfies at the Karnak Temple Complex in Luxor, Egypt, on Nov. 26, 2021. The Karnak Temple Complex in Upper Egypt's monument-rich city of Luxor is buzzing with tourists, as the North African country has witnessed a revival in tourism after a long recession amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) Tourists visit the Karnak Temple Complex in Luxor, Egypt, on Nov. 26, 2021. The Karnak Temple Complex in Upper Egypt's monument-rich city of Luxor is buzzing with tourists, as the North African country has witnessed a revival in tourism after a long recession amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) Tourists visit the Karnak Temple Complex in Luxor, Egypt, on Nov. 26, 2021. The Karnak Temple Complex in Upper Egypt's monument-rich city of Luxor is buzzing with tourists, as the North African country has witnessed a revival in tourism after a long recession amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) Tourists visit the Karnak Temple Complex in Luxor, Egypt, on Nov. 26, 2021. The Karnak Temple Complex in Upper Egypt's monument-rich city of Luxor is buzzing with tourists, as the North African country has witnessed a revival in tourism after a long recession amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) Tourists visit the Karnak Temple Complex in Luxor, Egypt, on Nov. 26, 2021. The Karnak Temple Complex in Upper Egypt's monument-rich city of Luxor is buzzing with tourists, as the North African country has witnessed a revival in tourism after a long recession amid the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 02:50:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close People wearing masks walk in London, Britain, Nov. 25, 2021. More than 10 million coronavirus cases have been recorded in Britain since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to official figures released Thursday. (Xinhua/Li Ying) In a press conference at Downing Street on Saturday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said all travellers entering Britain must take a PCR test by the end of the second day after their arrival, and must self-isolate until they receive a negative test result. LONDON, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- Two cases of the Omicron coronavirus variant have been detected in Britain, British Health Secretary Sajid Javid said Saturday. He said the cases, detected in Chelmsford and in Nottingham, are "linked" and the two individuals are now self-isolating along with their households while further tests and contact tracing take place. In a press conference at Downing Street on Saturday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said all travellers entering Britain must take a PCR test by the end of the second day after their arrival, and must self-isolate until they receive a negative test result. Meanwhile, rules on face coverings will be tightened up in shops and public transport, he said, adding that these measures are "temporary and precautionary" and will be reviewed in three weeks. Downing Street have subsequently tweeted: "Face coverings will become compulsory on public transport and in shops. But not including hospitality." People wearing masks ride the London Tube in London, Britain, Nov. 25, 2021. More than 10 million coronavirus cases have been recorded in Britain since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to official figures released Thursday. (Xinhua/Li Ying) "There are many things that we just cannot know at this early stage," Johnson said, noting that it does appear Omicron spreads very rapidly. He warned that the "extensive mutation...might at least in part reduce the effectiveness of our vaccines". The "targeted measures now" will "buy time for our scientists" to know what they are "dealing with", as well as facilitating more booster jabs in arms and keeping pressure off the National Health Service (NHS), he said. Four more countries have been added to Britain's travel "red list" effective from 0400 GMT on Sunday: Angola, Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia. The British government has previously added South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zimbabwe and Namibia to the country's travel red list. Flights from these nations to Britain have been suspended until 0400 GMT on Sunday when hotel quarantine is up and running. Passengers arriving in Britain from these countries from 0400 GMT on Sunday will be required to book and pay for a government-approved hotel to quarantine for 10 days. The British government has urged anyone who has arrived from these countries recently to get tested. Omicron, also called B.1.1.529, has also been identified in South Africa, Botswana, Belgium, Israel and possibly in other countries and regions. A growing number of countries and regions are suspending flights from southern African countries due to the new variant, which has sparked serious concern among scientists and researchers and triggered a massive slump of stocks in Asia, Europe and the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared on Friday the latest variant B.1.1.529 of SARS-CoV-2 to be "of concern", its most serious level, and officially gave it the Greek name Omicron. The WHO has asked countries to enhance surveillance and sequencing efforts to fight the new variant. Scientists are still unclear whether existing antibodies would react well to Omicron, which has 32 spike protein mutations, more than previously found variants. The country reported another 39,567 coronavirus cases in the latest 24-hour period, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 10,110,408. A woman wearing a face mask walks in London, Britain, Nov. 25, 2021. More than 10 million coronavirus cases have been recorded in Britain since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to official figures released Thursday. (Xinhua/Li Ying) Britain also recorded another 131 coronavirus-related deaths. The total number of coronavirus-related deaths in Britain now stands at 144,724. These figures only include the deaths of people who died within 28 days of their first positive test. More than 88 percent of people aged 12 and over in Britain have had their first dose of vaccine and more than 80 percent have received both doses, according to the latest figures. More than 29 percent have received booster jabs, or the third dose of a coronavirus vaccine. To bring life back to normal, countries such as Britain, China, Germany, Russia and the United States have been racing against time to roll out coronavirus vaccines. A man wearing a mask walks in London, Britain, Nov. 25, 2021. More than 10 million coronavirus cases have been recorded in Britain since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to official figures released Thursday. (Xinhua/Li Ying) Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 07:24:19|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close People wait at the departure hall at Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, Nov. 28, 2021. The Israeli government decided on Sunday to ban the entry of foreign nationals into the country in an attempt to stop the spread of a new variant of COVID-19. (Photo by Gil Cohen Magen/Xinhua) JERUSALEM, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli government decided on Sunday to ban the entry of foreign nationals into the country in an attempt to stop the spread of a new variant of COVID-19. The announcement came after a late-night cabinet meeting in which the cabinet discussed reinstating restrictions against the pandemic. The decision to close the country for foreigners will last for 14 days. In addition, phone-tracking technology will be put to use again in order to trace people who are obligated to quarantine. Israel has so far confirmed one case of the Omicron variant that was first detected in South Africa. In addition, a list of 50 African nations have been labeled as "red," forbidding Israelis to travel to them. Israelis arriving from the continent are obligated to stay in quarantine. All Israeli nationals who have arrived from Africa in recent days will likely be tested in the coming days as a precautionary measure. The Israeli military announced on Saturday that it will be distributing hundreds of home COVID-19 tests to civilians who have returned from those countries. Quarantine hotels which were closed until recently, will be re-opened. "We are currently in a period of uncertainty," said Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the start of the cabinet meeting. Bennett said his goal is to maintain "an open Israel with a functioning economy and open education system." The new strain is believed to be more contagious than previous ones. It is still unclear how effective vaccines are against Omicron. This week, Israel began vaccinating children from the age of five. The public response has so far been lackluster. More than 8,100 Israelis have died of the virus since March 2020. There are currently over 7,000 active cases, with 120 people critically ill in hospital. Enditem People wait at the departure hall at Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, Nov. 28, 2021. The Israeli government decided on Sunday to ban the entry of foreign nationals into the country in an attempt to stop the spread of a new variant of COVID-19. (Photo by Gil Cohen Magen/Xinhua) People wait at the departure hall at Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, Nov. 28, 2021. The Israeli government decided on Sunday to ban the entry of foreign nationals into the country in an attempt to stop the spread of a new variant of COVID-19. (Photo by Gil Cohen Magen/Xinhua) Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 16:35:56|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A herder drives his livestock by the Sayram Lake as they head for a winter pasture in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Nov. 26, 2021. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Herders load their livestock onto a truck as they move to winter pastures in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Nov. 24, 2021. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Herders and their livestock pass under the Guozigou Bridge as they head for winter pastures in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Nov. 25, 2021. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Aerial photo taken on Nov. 27, 2021 shows a herders' settlement in Sarbulak Township, Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Aerial photo taken on Nov. 25, 2021 shows herders driving their livestock along an expressway as they head for winter pastures in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Herders have food at a replenishment site in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Nov. 25, 2021. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Herders drive their livestock to winter pastures in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Nov. 25, 2021. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Herders and their livestock pass under the Guozigou Bridge as they head for winter pastures in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Nov. 25, 2021. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Herders load their livestock onto a truck as they move to winter pastures in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Nov. 24, 2021. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Herders drive their livestock to winter pastures in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Nov. 25, 2021. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Herders and their livestock pass under the Guozigou Bridge as they head for winter pastures in Huocheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Nov. 25, 2021. Local herders in Huocheng County are moving their livestock to winter pastures as the weather gets colder. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 16:35:18|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on Nov. 22, 2021 shows wind turbines of the De Aar wind power project invested by China's Longyuan Power and its South African partners in De Aar, South Africa. (Xinhua/Lyu Tianran) BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend and deliver a keynote speech to the opening ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) on Monday via video link. Attaching great importance to China-Africa relations, Xi has been consistently pushing for the building of the China-Africa community with a shared future. The following are some highlights of his remarks in this regard. June 21, 2021 In a phone conversation with Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan, Xi said that China is ready to work with Tanzania to consolidate political mutual trust, strengthen mutual support, jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and make positive contributions to the building of the China-Africa community with a shared future. Photo taken on April 9, 2020 shows the Dar es Salaam Port undergoing upgrading of port berths 1 to 7 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (Xinhua) June 17, 2020 "In the face of COVID-19, China and Africa have offered mutual support and fought shoulder to shoulder with each other," Xi said at the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity against COVID-19. "In the face of COVID-19, China and Africa have enhanced solidarity and strengthened friendship and mutual trust," Xi added. "To help Africa achieve sustainable development is what matters in the long run. China supports Africa in its effort to develop the African Continental Free Trade Area and to enhance connectivity and strengthen industrial and supply chains. China will explore broader cooperation with Africa in such new business forms as digital economy, smart city, clean energy, and 5G to boost Africa's development and revitalization," he said. A staff member unloads Chinese medical supplies from an airplane at the Kotota International Airport in Accra, Ghana, April 6, 2020. (Xinhua/Xu Zheng) June 25, 2019 In a congratulatory letter for the opening of the Coordinators' Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the Beijing Summit of the FOCAC, Xi said the FOCAC Beijing Summit is a milestone in the history of China-Africa relations. He said he hopes that the two sides will uphold the principle of consultation and collaboration for shared benefits, enhance communication and synergy, deepen solidarity and cooperation, and make solid progress in pushing for the implementation of the FOCAC Beijing summit's achievements and joint construction of the Belt and Road. In doing so, he added, the two sides can continuously improve the well-being of the 2.6 billion people in China and Africa and make unremitting efforts to build an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future. Photo taken on Nov. 8, 2020 shows a view of the Karuma hydropower project under construction in Kiryandongo district of Uganda. (Xinhua/Zhang Gaiping) Sept. 3, 2018 Delivering a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 2018 Beijing Summit of the FOCAC, Xi said, "With similar fate in the past and a common mission, China and Africa have extended sympathy to and helped each other throughout all the years. Together, we have embarked on a distinctive path of win-win cooperation." "Marching on this path, China has followed the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests. China has stood with African countries. Together, we have worked in unity and forged ahead," Xi said. Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 18:32:14|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), delivers an important speech at a CMC conference on military-talent-related work in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 26, 2021. The conference was held from Nov. 26 to 28 in Beijing. (Xinhua/Li Gang) BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed thorough promotion of military talent cultivation to support and lead the progress in strengthening the armed forces. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), made the remarks when speaking at a CMC conference on military-talent-related work, which was held from Friday to Sunday. Enditem Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), meets with representatives attending a CMC conference on military-talent-related work in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 26, 2021. The conference was held from Nov. 26 to 28 in Beijing. (Xinhua/Li Gang) Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 20:21:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close -- Launched in November 2013, the Chang'an trains have become a vital transport link between Europe and the city of Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi Province. The city was also where Zhang Qian, an envoy of the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-25 AD), started his mission to the Western regions over 2,000 years ago, which eventually led to the opening of the Silk Road. -- The Chang'an trains are the busiest among all 70-plus routes of the China-Europe freight train service, connecting Xi'an with Central Asian and European destinations, including 45 cities in Belt and Road countries. -- In 2020, Xi'an became a distribution center for the China-Europe freight train service, realizing the interconnections between the inland city and major sources of goods in China, such as the Yangtze River Delta in the east and the Pearl River Delta in the south. by Xinhua writers He Zhanjun, Li Hua and Jiang Chenrong XI'AN, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- With Christmas just a month away, a company in northwest China's Shaanxi Province has been producing at full speed and capacity, with LCD TVs rolling off the assembly line one after another. These TVs are then loaded onto cross-border freight trains and hit the shelves of numerous stores in Europe in roughly two weeks, ready for the influx of holiday shoppers. "Thanks to the stable and efficient operation of the Chang'an trains, the delivery time is cut by half," said Qian Xilong, general manager of the Xi'an CCG Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. "Sea shipping is still unpredictable due to the global COVID-19 situation, so many foreign buyers have shifted their orders to me," he added. Launched in November 2013, the Chang'an trains have become a vital transport link between Europe and the city of Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi Province. The city was also where Zhang Qian, an envoy of the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-25 AD), started his mission to the Western regions over 2,000 years ago, which eventually led to the opening of the Silk Road. As of Nov. 20, the Chang'an trains had conducted a total of 10,963 trips. They are the busiest among all 70-plus routes of the China-Europe freight train service, connecting Xi'an with Central Asian and European destinations, including 45 cities in Belt and Road countries. A China-Europe freight train gets ready to leave for Kazakhstan from Xi'an International Port in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, April 13, 2021. (Xinhua/Li Yibo) "Over 70 Chang'an trains are running every day, more than doubling the number in 2019," said Shao Bo'er, general manager of the company that oversees the operation of the Chang'an trains. The trains have provided strong support for international anti-pandemic cooperation. In 2020, some 56,000 tonnes of medical supplies were transported to Europe via the Chang'an trains. There was a time when some trains came back to Xi'an with empty cars. But now, every returning train is fully packed, said Sun Yimin, director of the administrative committee of Xi'an International Trade and Logistics (ITL) Park. Cookware from Germany, milk powder from the Netherlands and agricultural products from Central Asian countries are among the most popular imports delivered by the trains, according to Sun. To build a highly efficient and low-cost international trading channel, the ITL Park has collaborated with both local and international logistics companies, including DHL and DB Schenker, to create global freight lines. Because of the opening of a German fast line, the journey from Xi'an to Hamburg now takes 10 days, just three days more than air shipping. Imported vehicles arrive by a China-Europe freight train at a container terminal in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, June 13, 2018. (Xinhua/Li Yibo) In 2020, Xi'an became a distribution center for the China-Europe freight train service, realizing the interconnections between the inland city and major sources of goods in China, such as the Yangtze River Delta in the east and the Pearl River Delta in the south. According to Sun, cargo from 29 provincial-level regions is assembled and distributed in Xi'an through multimodal transport such as rail-land transportation. Shaanxi Siying, a computer monitor manufacturer once based in the southern metropolis of Shenzhen, moved to Xi'an in 2018. "I chose Xi'an because of the Chang'an trains," said the company's founder Zhang Yiming. "In Shenzhen, it used to take more than a month to transport my products to Central Asia by sea, but now it only takes seven days by train." For western Chinese cities, the China-Europe freight trains offer a new logistics channel and help local businesses tap the potential of overseas markets. According to Li Mingyuan, mayor of Xi'an, the freight train service is changing the industrial pattern of inland cities and boosting the opening-up of the ancient city of Xi'an. Aerial photo taken on Aug. 12, 2020 shows a China-Europe freight train leaving for Milan, Italy with anti-pandemic supplies from the Xinzhu Railway Station in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province. (Xinhua/Yuan Jingzhi) Statistics show that in 2020, the total value of foreign trade of Xi'an reached 347.38 billion yuan (54.33 billion U.S. dollars), with a year-on-year increase of 7.2 percent. Qian, of the CCG company, also moved his plant from Shenzhen in 2019 to the comprehensive bonded zone in the Xi'an ITL Park and is very proud of his timely and smart decision. "We have quadrupled our sales in one year thanks to the Chang'an trains," he said. "Many of my peers are envious of me now." (Video reporter: He Zhanjun, Li Hua, Jiang Chenrong; video editor: Zhou Sa'ang, Zhu Jianhui) Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 20:37:10|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A worker assembles a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker assembles a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker assembles a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) Workers adjust pianos at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) Workers assemble pianos at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker tunes a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker checks piano parts at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) Workers tune pianos at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker assembles a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker wipes a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) Pianos are displayed at a production base of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) Workers assemble pianos at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) Workers transfer a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker adjusts a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker tunes a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker marks on wood for piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) Workers tune pianos at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker assembles a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) A worker cleans a piano at a production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang, central China's Hubei Province, Nov. 23, 2021. The production factory of Parsons Music Corporation in Yichang is one of the largest piano manufacturing bases in the world. More than 2,000 piano-makers here carefully process, adjust and assemble pianos to bring musical joy to the world. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 23:24:24|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang attends a virtual conversation jointly held by the Carter Center and the George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations in Washington, D.C., the United States, Sept. 22, 2021. (Xinhua/Liu Jie) "This trend contradicts the development of the modern world. It is impossible to prevent the shaping of a global polycentric architecture but could strain the objective process," Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang and Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov say, adding "China and Russia firmly reject this move." WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Chinese and Russian ambassadors urged to stop using "value-based diplomacy" to provoke division and confrontation at this critical time that stronger coordination and cooperation are in urgent need in addressing an array of global challenges including the COVID-19 and climate change. Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang and Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov made the remarks in their co-authored article Respecting People's Democratic Rights published on The National Interest website on Friday. Calling the upcoming U.S.-led so-called online "Summit for Democracy" "an evident product of its Cold-War mentality," the ambassadors said the event will "stoke up ideological confrontation and a rift in the world, creating new 'dividing lines.'" "This trend contradicts the development of the modern world. It is impossible to prevent the shaping of a global polycentric architecture but could strain the objective process," they said, adding "China and Russia firmly reject this move." The ambassadors noted peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom are common values of humanity. Democracy is not a prerogative of a certain country or a group of countries, but a universal right of all peoples. "It can be realized in multiple ways, and no model can fit all countries," they added. Whether a country's path works depends on whether it meets the country's realities, follows the trend of the times, and brings about economic development, social stability and progress, and better lives for the people, the article said. "Ultimately, it relies on the support of the people and will be proven by its contribution to human progress." "Therefore, a basic criterion of democracy should be about the people, i.e. whether the people have the right to govern their country, whether their needs are met, and whether they have a sense of fulfillment and happiness," the ambassadors wrote. "If the people are only awakened when casting their votes and sent back to hibernation when the voting is over, if they are served with sweet-sounding slogans in campaigns but have no say after the election, if they are wooed during canvassing but left out in the cold after that, this is not a genuine democracy," they added. File photo taken on April 15, 2016 shows Anatoly Antonov during an interview with Xinhua in Moscow, Russia. (Xinhua/Bai Xueqi) What China has is an extensive, whole-process socialist democracy, which reflects the people's will, suits the country's realities, and enjoys strong support from the people, the article said. Russia is a democratic federative law-governed state with a republican form of government, the article said, noting that democracy is the fundamental principle of Russia's political system. "Democracy is not just about domestic governance; it should also be reflected in international relations. A truly democratic government will support democracy in international relations. It will not foster hegemony and division abroad while building democracy and unity at home," the ambassadors said, noting "the path to prosperity of nations goes through respectful cooperation with each other, despite some differences in views on particular issues." They said the sovereignty, security, and development interests of a country should not be violated, noting that interfering in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of fighting corruption, promoting democratic values, or protecting human rights, hindering their development, wielding the big stick of sanctions, and even infringing on their sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity "go against the UN Charter and other basic norms of international law and are obviously anti-democratic." International affairs should be handled in accordance with the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and decided in the spirit of true multilateralism, the ambassadors said. "Seeking supremacy and putting oneself always first are acts of hegemonism and unilateralism, and are obviously anti-democratic." There has seen no shortage of wars and turmoil worldwide to prove that spreading "democracy," its political system, and values against other countries' will severely undermine regional and international peace, security, and stability, the ambassadors said, adding bombings of Yugoslavia, military intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, and "democratic transformation" do nothing but harm. They called on countries to focus on running their own affairs well, instead of condescendingly criticizing others. "Certain foreign governments better think about themselves and what is going on in their homes. Is it freedom when various rallies in their countries are dispersed with rubber bullets and tear gas? It does not look very much like freedom," said the ambassadors. Faced with an array of global challenges, countries urgently need to strengthen coordination and cooperation for common progress, especially today when the international community needs to improve cooperation between all countries to counter the pandemic, foster economic development, and neutralize cross-border threats, said the ambassadors. "China and Russia call on countries: to stop using "value-based diplomacy" to provoke division and confrontation; to practice mutual respect and win-win cooperation in international relations, and to work for harmonious coexistence between countries with different social systems, ideologies, histories, cultures, and development levels," concluded the ambassadors. Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 13:22:12|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's State Council Information Office has issued a white paper on Friday detailing the country's cooperation with Africa in the new era. China-Africa economic cooperation has expanded rapidly in scale and extent in nearly a decade, injecting impetus to the continent's development and bringing tangible benefits for people from both sides. The following facts and figures offer a glimpse of the achievements of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. -- China has been Africa's largest trading partner for 12 years since 2009. The proportion of Africa's trade with China in the continent's total external trade has continued to rise, which exceeded 21 percent in 2020. -- China has increased its imports of non-resource products from Africa, and offered zero-tariff treatment to 97 percent of taxable items exported to China by the 33 least-developed countries in Africa. -- China's imports in services from Africa have been growing at an average annual rate of 20 percent since 2017, creating close to 400,000 jobs for the continent every year. -- By the end of 2020, direct investment of Chinese companies in Africa had surpassed 43 billion U.S. dollars. -- China has established over 3,500 companies of various types across the continent, with private companies gradually becoming the main investment force in Africa. More than 80 percent of their employees are locals, and they have directly and indirectly created millions of jobs. -- To date, China has established agricultural cooperation mechanisms with 23 African countries and regional organizations, and signed 72 bilateral and multilateral agricultural cooperation agreements. -- By the end of 2020, more than 200 Chinese companies had an investment stock of 1.11 billion U.S. dollars in agricultural sector in 35 African countries. The investments cover areas such as planting, breeding and processing. -- As of October 2021, the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System had 42 indirect participants in Africa, covering 19 African countries. The People's Bank of China has signed successive currency swap agreements with the central banks of South Africa, Morocco, Egypt and Nigeria, to a total amount of 73 billion yuan (about 11 billion U.S. dollars). Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 21:29:44|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- A senior official of the African Union (AU) Commission has hailed the comprehensive Africa-China partnership across a range of areas, especially fruitful cooperation in healthcare, ahead of a key meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). "Thank you to the government of China for the excellent cooperation. Thank you to all those who are working behind the scenes on building a better and stronger relationship between China and Africa, between the government of China and the African Union Commission," AU Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development Amira Elfadil told Xinhua ahead of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC, slated for Nov. 29-30 in Senegal's capital Dakar. She underscored that this year's edition of the FOCAC meeting comes days after the AU Commission marked the structural completion of the China-aided future headquarters of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), an essential part of the healthcare initiative adopted at the FOCAC Beijing Summit in September 2018. "This celebration is happening just days before the FOCAC meeting. So, it is very good that these two very important events are taking place almost the same time," Elfadil said. "We appreciate very much this commitment, this collaboration and the honoring of the commitment from China to the AU Commission, under the support we are getting within the area of health, especially to our Africa CDC," she said. The AU commissioner, in particular, hailed the China-Africa partnership in the health sector as a testament to the win-win collaboration, which needs to be further strengthened. "We would like it to continue for the future and to be a very positive partnership, looking to the health and wellbeing of all Africans and building this partnership in the area of health and health security and fighting pandemics," Elfadil said. She commended the Chinese government as "a very committed and reliable partner" of the AU in its endeavors for the betterment of the African continent. "We appreciate very much this partnership and we would like it to be a partnership for a better Africa and a prosperous Africa and part of fulfilling our dream for the Africa we want," Elfadil added. A white paper released Friday by China's State Council Information Office said the upcoming FOCAC ministerial is expected to produce plans for friendly Sino-Africa cooperation in the next phase. The white paper, titled "China and Africa in the New Era: A Partnership of Equals," hailed the meeting as an important diplomatic event for China and Africa to discuss cooperation plans and promote common development, saying it will be of great importance in promoting post-pandemic economic recovery and development in Africa, China and the world at large. Together the two sides will plan and discuss the outcomes to be adopted at the meeting regarding key areas including health, investment and trade, industrialization, agricultural modernization, climate change responses and digital economy, the white paper added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-29 00:01:03|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close RABAT, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Morocco will suspend all regular international passenger flights for two weeks over concern about the new COVID-19 variant Omicron. The suspension will come into effect starting Monday's midnight, the Moroccan Monitoring Committee of COVID-19 said Sunday in a statement. The decision has been taken due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, so as to preserve Morocco's achievements in managing pandemic, it added. The Moroccan Ministry of Health reported 116 new COVID-19 infections on Saturday, bringing the number of confirmed cases in the country to 949,648. The ministry also reported one fatality from COVID-19 complications, bringing the country's death toll to 14,774. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 08:34:44|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SYDNEY, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- The Australian states of New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria, as two major entry ports of the country, have introduced 72-hour isolation requirements for all international arrivals as health authorities scramble to sequence for the new Omicron variant in arrivals from southern African countries. NSW health authorities confirmed on Sunday morning two of 14 arrivals from southern African countries had tested positive for COVID-19 and had begun urgent genomic sequencing for the Omicron variant. The variant, believed to be more infectious than all previous strains, was first detected in South Africa and flagged as a "variant of concern" by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday. All recent arrivals from nine southern African countries were urged by NSW health authorities to self-isolate for 14 days, while passengers from flights with positive cases would be quarantined in a special health facility. Despite mounting fears, NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet said the state would stick to its reopening plans "for the moment". "This is a reminder that there is a long journey to go, and we think we have always had a fair and balanced approach," Perrottet told local news outlet Sky News. On Saturday afternoon Australian federal Health Minister Greg Hunt announced that non-residents would not be able to enter Australia from nine southern African countries and all flights from these countries would be suspended for 14 days as a "matter of precaution". Dr. Deborah Cromer at the Kirby Institute of University of New South Wales (UNSW) said while it is "unsettling" the emergence of a new variant was not unexpected. "Viruses constantly mutate and take on new forms, and the level of existing immunity against a new variant is key in determining the impact an emerging strain will have," said Cromer. She said that border closures would only help buy time for scientists to determine the effectiveness of existing vaccines against the new variant. "Closing borders may buy us some time to gather the data to answer these questions (vaccine efficacy against Omicron), however, as we have seen previously with both the original strain and with Delta, a virus will ultimately find its way past these barriers," she said. No cases of the Omicron variant have been confirmed in Australia. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 14:11:30|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close An Afghan man counts money at Sarai-e-Shahzada, a main exchange market in central area of Kabul, capital of Afghanistan, Nov. 27, 2021. Afghanistan's national currency afghani has continued to devalue to a lowest against the U.S. dollar in years, multiplying Afghan people's financial woes. (Photo by Aria/Xinhua) by Farid Behbud KABUL, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Afghanistan's national currency afghani has continued to devalue to a lowest against the U.S. dollar in years, multiplying Afghan people's financial woes. Ordinary people believe the situation increased their economic sufferings particularly amid skyrocketing prices of food and other basic commodities. "The exchange rate is changing daily. There is no control at exchange market and there is no plan to control the rate. You know, the afghani devaluation directly increases the prices of food items and other basic commodities as we import daily necessities from outside," Mauloddin, who like many Afghan people goes in one name, told Xinhua. "My income is in afghani, the price of goods are increasing but, of course there is no change in my income. I want the Taliban administration to do something, and to find a solution for economic crisis," said the owner of a small business from the northern Samangan province. Afghani was recently traded at 96.40 for one U.S. dollar in Sarai-e-Shahzada, a main exchange market located in central area of the capital Kabul, marking the lowest exchange rate in two decades. Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan in mid-August and set up a Taliban-led caretaker government on Sept. 7, the Asian country has been faced with multiple economic problems. In particular, economic situation has worsened over the impact of the United States freezing of over 9 billion U.S. dollars in assets belonging to Afghanistan's central bank, plus a halt of funds by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). United Nations officials in Afghanistan have repeatedly warned that Afghanistan's banking and financial systems are on the brink of collapse. They outlined a series of solutions to the crisis, including deposit insurance, adequate liquidity for the banking system and credit guarantees and loan repayment delay options for the real economy, according to UN sources. "The continuous fall of the national currency has added to our economic hardships, I can not afford to buy basic daily necessities and food for my family to survive the upcoming harsh winter," Abdul Shah, a Kabul resident who works as a driver, told Xinhua. Shah said that many households had survived decades-long violence and war but are severely affected by the recent economic crisis and currency devaluation. "Many cash-strapped families fell victim to the recent economic situation. The U.S. puts pressure on Afghanistan's banks to press the Taliban administration but the situation is continuing to press the ordinary people," he said, adding, "The recent economic situation is insufferable. We are facing a harsh winter while people cannot buy firewood and coal to keep themselves warm." Official data showed that about 54.5 percent of Afghans were living under the poverty line in 2019, and the figure soared to 72 percent in 2020. At the beginning of 2020, the afghani was traded at some 76 for one U.S. dollar, and at 77 in this year's January, 81 in July and 90 in mid-August. "The Taliban should find a solution for economic problems, they should control the exchange rate," Wahidgul Shinwari, a money exchanger, told Xinhua. "They should hire economic experts and advisors" in order to solve the economic problems, said Shinwari, who believes there are still good experts having not left the country. "The majority of Afghan people are now waiting for relief support from abroad, because they lost their income in recent months," said Shinwari, noting that "government employees did not receive their salaries in the past several months too." In a move to control the currency devaluation, the central bank, Da Afghanistan Bank injected 10 million U.S. dollars into the local exchange market on Nov. 15, but failed to arrest the currency weakening. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) recently announced that the humanitarian response in Afghanistan is scaling up with improved funding and access to life-saving aid. From Sept. 1 to mid-November, UN partners and non-governmental organizations have provided 7.2 million Afghan people with food assistance, according to data provided by the UN officials. The Taliban caretaker government has repeatedly called upon the United States to unfreeze the Afghan central bank's assets. Recently it said it would soon pay out the salaries for three months to hundreds of thousands of government employees. Enditem Photo taken on Nov. 27, 2021 shows people at Sarai-e-Shahzada, a main exchange market in central area of Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. Afghanistan's national currency afghani has continued to devalue to a lowest against the U.S. dollar in years, multiplying Afghan people's financial woes. (Photo by Aria/Xinhua) Photo taken on Nov. 27, 2021 shows people at Sarai-e-Shahzada, a main exchange market in central area of Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. Afghanistan's national currency afghani has continued to devalue to a lowest against the U.S. dollar in years, multiplying Afghan people's financial woes. (Photo by Aria/Xinhua) Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 15:08:20|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SYDNEY, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Health authorities of Australia's state of New South Wales on Sunday afternoon confirmed two cases of the new Omicron coronavirus variant after conducting urgent genomic sequencing from overseas travelers. The state, where the country's biggest international airport locates, said on Sunday morning that two of 14 arrivals from southern African countries have tested positive for COVID-19, and urgent genomic sequencing for the Omicron variant has begun. The variant, believed to be more infectious than all previous strains, was first detected in South Africa and flagged as a "variant of concern" by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday. Health authorities said the two cases, both coming to Sydney from southern Africa on the evening of Saturday, underwent testing on arrival and tested positive for COVID-19 late Saturday night. The two people were asymptomatic and are in isolation in the Special Health Accommodation. Both the cases are fully vaccinated. The two passengers were amongst 14 travelers from southern Africa who arrived in Sydney via Doha. The remaining 12 passengers are undertaking 14 days of hotel quarantine in the Special Health Accommodation. Around 260 passengers and air crew on the flight are considered close contacts and have been directed to isolate. Before the two cases were confirmed to be infected with the new variant, NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet warned that it is inevitable new variants will enter Australia, and said the government is taking a precautionary approach to the new variant. The state already introduced some new measures from midnight Saturday including mandatory hotel quarantine for travelers who have been in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini, Malawi, and Seychelles during the 14-day period before their arrival in NSW. Those who has already arrived in NSW from any of the nine African countries within the previous 14 days must immediately get tested and isolate for 14 days, said the NSW health authorities. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 19:28:49|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KUNDUZ, Afghanistan, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- The Afghan police have arrested eight suspected criminals in the northern Kunduz and Takhar provinces, officials said Sunday. In a crackdown on crime, the police rounded up five criminals who were involved in murder, kidnapping and robbery from Kunduz province on Sunday and the suspects are being investigated, provincial government official Matihullah Rohani said. Three more criminals were arrested from Taluqan city, capital of neighboring Takhar province on Saturday night, provincial government official Ansarullah Ansari said. The Taliban-led administration has vowed to improve security and ensure law and order across the war-torn Afghanistan. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 19:45:53|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close DHAKA, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- The sixth batch of gifted COVID-19 vaccines from the Chinese government to Bangladesh has arrived in Dhaka, the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh said on Saturday. This new batch of Sinovac vaccines arrived on Thursday, after five batches of gifted Chinese vaccines which were delivered in May, June, August and October this year, the embassy said in a Facebook post. In the fight against the coronavirus, China and Bangladesh have always been standing together, supporting and assisting each other in times of difficulties and challenges, said the embassy. Both daily cases and deaths of COVID-19 have fallen significantly in Bangladesh in recent months as vaccinations increased thanks largely to the support from China. According to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) under the Ministry of Health, more than 95 million vaccine doses have so far been administered in Bangladesh, with a large part of them being Chinese vaccines. Of them, 58.87 million people received at least the first dose while 36.19 million received both doses as of Saturday. Bangladesh began the vaccine rollout with Indian supplies in January but later ran into supply shortages. In June, the vaccination drive resumed largely with Chinese Sinopharm vaccines. Mushtuq Husain, adviser to the Bangladeshi Ministry of Health, has said that China's contribution was of immense help to Bangladesh in sustaining its mass inoculation drive and assuring lower mortality in any future wave. "We appreciate all of China's great contribution to our effort against the pandemic and hope our friendly cooperation will continue for years to come," said the official. Bangladesh reported 155 new COVID-19 cases and two more deaths on Saturday, taking the tally to 1,575,579 and the death toll to 27,975, the DGHS said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 20:04:38|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close by Chanthaphaphone Mixayboua, Zhang Jianhua VIENTIANE, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- China-Laos railway will bring new opportunities and provide huge momentum in strengthening Laos' economy, Valy Vetsaphong, vice president of the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and advisor to the Lao prime minister, has said. The streamlined bullet train, or electric multiple unit (EMU) train for the China-Laos railway, arrived at the newly-built Vientiane station on Oct. 16. Valy took a trial run of the EMU on the railway on Nov. 18. "It will be a historic moment for the opening of the railway in Laos," said Valy after the tour. "The outlook, especially the roof, is Lao style, and the decoration embodies Lao and Chinese cultures, conforms to the characteristics of the Laos-China railway. The stations are nicely built." The railway "will convert Laos from being geographically disadvantaged, by taking advantage of its location, to a regional land-linked hub," said Valy. The railway will be an important piece of infrastructure that increases the nation's transportation connectivity with other parts of the region, Valy told Xinhua in a recent interview, adding that many business operators will switch to exporting products by using the railway, which is expected to cut the cost of transport through Laos by 30 to 40 percent compared to traveling by road. The China-Laos railway will lay a new foundation for the introduction of foreign investment, and Laos will take the advantage to participate in the regional and global industrial chain. "The railway will result in the growth of many industries like tourism, trade and investment, especially in the processing industry, and it's going to help a lot for Laos' post-pandemic recovery," Valy said. Firstly, when the railway is operational, Laos' tourism industry is expected to benefit greatly from the expected rise in rail passenger traffic. "Business owners must prepare to welcome an influx of visitors under new normal conditions. They must improve their facilities and services standards. Laos has a lot of places where tourists can experience untouched nature and culture. With its rich natural resources and biodiversity, Laos can offer an opportunity to promote nature-based tourism," she said. Addressing the opening of the National Assembly (NA) on Nov. 1, Lao Prime Minister Phankham Viphavanh said Laos needs to consider the steps to take to reopen the country, including the start of services on the China-Laos railway. Meanwhile, many provinces in Laos are preparing for the return of tourists. Visitor attractions and accommodation will be restored and upgraded after being closed for months during the COVID-19 outbreak. "A second opportunity lies in organic agriculture production. Many investors are interested in growing and setting up factories in Laos to process agricultural products for export, because clean agriculture production is in high demand (while Laos meets its requirements)," said Valy. "From a personal perspective, we must develop and improve more organic agricultural production for export to regional and international markets," she said. The China-Laos railway "will not only benefit bilateral trade, but also benefit other countries that want to export products to China or even Europe, as using the railway could save both time and money," Valy said. She said a third opportunity lies in the processing industry. "For some products, even we can not provide parts of raw materials here, but they can process, assemble, export and ship them by rail to China and even beyond China to Europe through China-Europe Railway Express." She said the railway has highlighted Laos' geographical advantages, and that industries including finance and health care can also find development opportunities in Laos. The China-Laos railway is a docking project between the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative and Laos' strategy to convert itself from a landlocked country to a land-linked hub. The electrified passenger and cargo railway is built with the full application of Chinese management and technical standards. The construction of the project started in December 2016 and is scheduled to be completed and operational in December 2021. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 20:17:45|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob will make an official visit to Singapore on Monday, Malaysia's Foreign Ministry said Sunday. The visit at the invitation of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will be Ismail Sabri's first visit to the neighboring country since he assumed office in August. The visit comes with the commencement of the air and land Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) between Malaysia and Singapore beginning on Monday, the ministry said in a statement. "The leaders will discuss Malaysia-Singapore bilateral cooperation, including new opportunities for effective recovery from the impacts of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. Both prime ministers will also be exchanging views on regional and international issues of mutual concern," it said. The VTL allows fully vaccinated travelers from both countries to cross the border between the neighboring countries via land and air links following certain standard operation procedures (SOPs). Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 22:49:04|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JAKARTA, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia has banned international visitors who have travel histories from eight African countries in the last 14 days, to prevent transmission of the new, more contagious variant of coronavirus Omicron to the country, an official said on Sunday. Arya Pradhana Anggakara, spokesman for the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, said the eight countries are South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Eswatini, and Nigeria. "If any foreigners from those countries come, they will be immediately refused at the immigration checkpoint" Anggakara added. This Southeast Asian country also temporarily suspended visits and limited stay visas for citizens of those countries. The policy is to take effect on Nov. 29. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 23:56:28|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KATHMANDU, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Nepal's Home Ministry on Sunday decided to bar nationals from all African countries from entering the country for the time being, citing the threat posed by the new Omicron coronavirus variant. "Considering the high risks from the new variant of the coronavirus, we instructed our immigration offices on Sunday not to allow citizens of all the African countries, except those with official or diplomatic passports, to enter the country with immediate effect," Phanindramani Pokharel, the ministry's spokesman, told Xinhua. "Initially we instructed them verbally, and it will be formalized soon," he said, adding the ministry has not set any deadline for the new rule as the threat of the new variant is being examined globally. The World Health Organization declared on Friday the latest variant B.1.1.529 of SARS-CoV-2, first identified in South Africa, to be "of concern," its most serious level, and officially gave it the Greek name Omicron. In September, Nepal reopened the on-arrival visa service for foreign tourists fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with a view to reviving the tourism sector. Pokharel made it clear that even vaccinated tourists from African countries would not be allowed into Nepal for the time being. "African nationals who have already received Nepal's visas from Nepali embassies abroad won't be allowed to enter Nepal either," he said. Nepal neither has direct air links with African countries currently, nor has received a large number of African tourists. Pokharel said no decision has been made on Nepali nationals and citizens of non-African countries who arrive in Nepal via Africa. Nepal has been hit twice by the coronavirus, but it has seen daily new infections declining in recent months. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-29 00:44:22|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ISLAMABAD, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Authorities in Pakistan's northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province are determined to tap the economic potential of the province through the development of special economic zones (SEZs), chief executive officer (CEO) of the KP Economic Zones Development and Management Company (KPEZDMC) said on Sunday. The investment-friendly policies of the KP government and efforts of the KPEZDMC have enabled the province to attract foreign and local investments, CEO Javed Iqbal Khattak told the country's state news agency Associated Press of Pakistan. The province has now five economic zones including the Rashakai SEZ being constructed under the framework of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, he said, adding that the management of the company is following highly business-friendly policies to facilitate the investors. He said that work on other SEZs in other parts of the province is also passing through different stages, and the KPEZDMC has also mobilized investment of 165 billion Pakistani rupees (about 934 million U.S. dollars) through new and existing economic zones, and since March 2020 has allotted 357.61 acres of land to investors. "The company is committed to providing world-class industrial infrastructure and facilitating investors through its industrial facilitation offices," he added. He said that the company is working on sector-specific industries in the economic zones, with a special focus on minerals, jewels, marble, and fruit and vegetable. For fruit and vegetable, the economic zones' sites are situated adjacent to the districts known for the production of various fruits and vegetables, where the horticultural products would be value-added for both domestic and export purposes, he added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-28 10:38:55|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MEXICO CITY, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- Jamaica received 200,000 doses of China's Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine recently, half of which were donated by China with the remainder purchased by the Jamaican government, the Jamaica Information Service said Thursday. "These greatly appreciated Sinopharm vaccines demonstrate the value of the evolving relationship which Jamaica shares with China and is in keeping with the collective efforts to respond to an ever-changing environment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic," Prime Minister Andrew Holness said at an official handover ceremony in Kingston. Chinese Ambassador to Jamaica Tian Qi said the act represented the goodwill of the Chinese government and its people in supporting Jamaica's response to the pandemic. "We are glad to continue supporting our Jamaican friends and sharing our technology. Chinese medicines have been widely used in the world and have proven safe and effective. We are sure it will assist Jamaica's efforts to promote its vaccination program for the safety and health of the Jamaican people," Tian said. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Kamina Johnson Smith expressed her thanks to Ambassador Tian "for what we have been able to achieve as partners and as friends between our countries." "We are looking forward to our continued friendly cooperation and strategic engagement in the interest of our people as we seek to recover from this pandemic, recognizing that no one is safe until everyone is safe," she said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-11-29 07:10:06|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close International travelers wearing face masks walk out of the arrivals hall at Toronto Pearson International Airport in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, on Nov. 28, 2021. Two people in the Canadian capital city of Ottawa have tested positive for the highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19, according to the Ontario provincial government on Sunday. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua) OTTAWA, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- Two people in the Canadian capital city of Ottawa have tested positive for the highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19, according to the Ontario provincial government on Sunday. The two people recently traveled to Nigeria. "Ottawa Public Health is conducting case and contact management and the patients are in isolation," according to a statement issued by Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott and the province's Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore on Sunday. "The Ontario COVID-19 Genomic Network is continuing to actively monitor for all potential variants circulating in the province, including the Omicron variant, and is conducting genomic sequencing on 100 percent of eligible COVID-19 positive samples." According to the World Health Organization, the variant was reported by South Africa on Nov. 24, with the first confirmed case coming from a specimen collected on Nov. 9. On Friday, several countries, including Canada, announced travel restrictions for southern African countries. Canadian Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said in a statement that he has spoken with his provincial counterpart about the new cases. "This development demonstrates that our monitoring system is working," he said. "As the monitoring and testing continue with provinces and territories, it is expected that other cases of this variant will be found in Canada." On Friday, the Canadian government announced it will ban the entry of foreigners who may have traveled through South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho and Eswatini in the past two weeks. Enditem International travelers wearing face masks wait to enter a COVID-19 testing site after arriving at Toronto Pearson International Airport in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, Nov. 28, 2021. Two people in the Canadian capital city of Ottawa have tested positive for the highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19, according to the Ontario provincial government on Sunday. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua) International travelers wearing face masks walk with their luggage carts to a COVID-19 testing site after arriving at Toronto Pearson International Airport in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, on Nov. 28, 2021. Two people in the Canadian capital city of Ottawa have tested positive for the highly transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19, according to the Ontario provincial government on Sunday. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua) THE Congress of South African Unions (Cosatu) has revealed plans to engage the government on behalf of Zimbabweans that are likely to be deported due to expiry of the Special Dispensation Permits (ZSP) on December 31. This follows an announcement last week by South African minister in the Presidency, Mondli Gungubele, who said following deliberations, the SA government had decided that it would not renew ZSP permits, and would give its holders one year to apply for other visas. At the expiry of this 12-month period, those who are not successful will have to depart the republic or be deported, Gungubele said last week. But yesterday Cosatus International relations secretary Sonia Mabunda-Kaziboni said the organisation would find ways to assist the affected Zimbabweans through negotiations with the SA government. Right now we are trying to help comrades with the ZSP issue. Its not looking good, especially because the government has already made a declaration but well try to see if theres a way to get an extension at least, Mabunda-Kaziboni said. She said she would advise after the engagement with the leadership today (Monday), but indicated that it was a very tricky situation for the union. Indications are that the government of SAs decision was prompted by the sporadic threats and demonstrations by South Africans who opposed the renewal of Zimbabwean permits. The SA government reportedly fears the possibility of uncontrollable xenophobic attacks on Zimbabweans once it announces the extension of the ZSP permits. This was after South Africans launched a campaign dubbed #NotoZimbabweanpermits extension. Zimbabwe Community in South Africa (ZCSA) leader, Ngqabutho Mabhena last week said his organisation would engage the SA government on its decision to stop extending the permits. Newsday Direct flights between South Africa and the United Kingdom (UK) will resume next week, the Department of International Relations and Co-operation said on Sunday. Spokesperson Clayson Monyela said British Airways would resume direct flights to South Africa from Tuesday, with the first flight to London on Wednesday. It will be one daily flight to Cape Town and OR Tambo International Airport [ORTIA], Virgin flies three times a week into ORTIA. They have not stopped theirs, Monyela said in a tweet. The United Kingdom High Commission in South Africa said entry would still be restricted to United Kingdom/Irish nationals and those with residence rights would need to undertake 10 days quarantine in a government approved hotel. The United Kingdom (UK) imposed a travel ban on South Africa and other five southern African countries with effect from November 26, following the detection of a new Covid-19 variant known as Omicron first detected in Botswana and subsequently South Africa. The other countries on the UK red list were Botswana, Lesotho, eSwatini, Zimbabwe and Namibia. Botswana said the Omicron variant was detected on four foreign nationals who had entered the country on November 7, on a diplomatic mission. They tested positive for Covid-19 on November 11 as they were preparing to return. Botswana Health Minister Dr Edwin Dikoloti said the country has recorded 15 more Omicron variant cases, taking the country's tally to 19. One of the cases was a South African who was in the country visiting family. In a televised national address on Sunday, President Cyril Ramaphosa said he was deeply disappointed in the reaction to SA regarding the Omicron variant He said there was no scientific justification for keeping imposing restriction on South Africa. The emergence of the Omicron variant should be a wake-up call to the world that vaccine inequality cannot be allowed to continue. We have said that vaccine inequality not only costs lives and livelihoods in those countries that are denied access, but that it also threatens global efforts to overcome the pandemic, Ramaphosa said. He added that the restrictions were unjustified and unfairly discriminated against South Africa and southern African countries. The prohibition of travel is not informed by science, nor will it be effective in preventing the spread of this variant. We call upon all those countries that have imposed travel bans on our country and our southern African sister countries to urgently reverse their decisions and lift the bans they have imposed before any further damage is done to our economies. IOL The Miss Tourism board has made a shock U-Turn and reinstated Chipo Mandiudza, who had only reigned for two days before she was dethroned over nudes scandal. She was crowned on October 19 at a ceremony in Bulawayo, which was followed by controversy after her supposedly nude pictures made rounds on social media platforms. In the pictures were screenshots from a video in which Mandiudza looks like she was in gyrating dances clad in skimpy outfits. Mandiudza reportedly wrote to the Miss Tourism board tendering her resignation. But the model fired back at the board and revealed in the media that she was forced to resign. In a press statement released by Miss Tourism Zimbabwe board chairperson Busi Dube-Muleya, said Mandiudza a marketing student at Lupane State University has been restored as reigning queen till the next contest. It is common cause that in the last edition of the Miss Tourism Zimbabwe beauty pageant, the crown had been awarded to Chipo Mandiudza upon her successful virtual competing against other contestants, Dube-Muleya said. Subsequent to her winning of the top chair, Chipo was disqualified on account of inappropriate personal materials that went into the public domain. The Miss Tourism Zimbabwe pageant carries the name of the countrys tourism sector and for this reason, we apply the highest standards on pageant contestants on moral uprightness. As and when disciplinary measures will have been taken against a contestant, there is room for an appeals process in our disciplinary and grievances procedures. After Chipo had hurriedly handed us her resignation letter she automatically became suspended from the Miss Tourism Zimbabwe throne. She then formally appealed, presenting all the photographic materials that had caused the disciplinary measures against her during, which period the deadline for the Miss Tourism International entry lapsed thereby deeming it impossible for Chipo to compete. The Miss Tourism board has carefully looked at all the photographic images presented by Chipo on appeal. That process proved that though inappropriate, in fact on all the photos that caused the public stir, there was no nudity. Accordingly, the Miss Tourism Board reconsidered the circumstances and determined that Chipo Mandiudza be restored back to the throne with immediate effect as the reigning Miss Tourism Zimbabwe 2021 until the next MTZ pageant. Mandiudza will represent Zimbabwe in the Miss Tourism International search that will be held virtually due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The global finals will be held on December 15. Standard TEACHERS and Primary and Secondary Education minister Evelyn Ndlovu will today meet in Harare under the cloud of threats to boycott public school examinations that are scheduled to begin today. Teachers have registered their displeasure over disparities in salaries with other government workers, among several other issues about their conditions of service. Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe president Takavafira Zhou confirmed the meeting yesterday, saying it would include government and other stakeholders in the educations sector. Zhou said it would discuss several issues, including that of teachers threatening to boycott invigilation of the Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council (Zimsec) O and A Level examinations if they were not paid for the services. Its a final meeting that would apprise the minister of an array of challenges affecting teachers such as pathetic salaries and the need to restore the purchasing power parity of teachers salaries to the pre-October 2018 position of an average of US$540, Zhou told NewsDay yesterday. While this is a sole responsibility of the Public Service Commission (PSC), the line ministry needs apprisal so that it can inform the PSC, Cabinet and Treasury to address the issue as a matter of urgency. The issue of contract/payment for invigilation will be discussed. The current united front position of teachers is that no contractual agreement/payment, no Invigilation unless Zimsec is brought to pay teachers for the invigilation of public examination under its auspices, and teachers will not invigilate such examinations, Zhou said. Zimbabwe Teachers Association chief executive Sifiso Ndlovu said the issue of boycotting of Zimsec examinations would come up for discussion, among several other issues affecting teachers. But he said the decision to boycott would be up to individual teachers to make. To us, the contracts have to do with individual teachers, but at the moment, what we are engaged with is the discussion on the issue of examination management and related allowances. We are not going to look at invigilation only, Ndlovu said. We are looking at all various issues. The new curriculum is dictating that there be continuous assessment, which then makes examinations only a component of 30%, and with that, it means every teacher, who has been involved, is an examiner and in that instance, we are introducing a new paradigm, where we are asking the authorities now to introduce a policy that recognises the new paradigm that will remunerate all those involved in all those activities. That level of engagement will see us tomorrow (today) engaging the ministry together with other stakeholders to concretise them on that. Our position has always been that we want teachers paid for invigilation, but we have not yet said we are going to boycott invigilation. He said during todays meeting, teachers would make appropriate claims against government. The boycott position has not been communicated, and it will come to that if we have challenges along the way. At the moment, let us cross that bridge when we see it, Ndlovu said. Smaller unions like the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe have already made their position clear that their members will boycott invigilating the examinations as long as there was no written agreement to pay them for the services. Primary and Secondary Education ministry spokesperson Taungana Ndoro last week made it clear that if teachers boycotted invigilation of examinations, government will use anyone to invigilate them. Ndoro also said there were several non-unionised teachers that could invigilate for free. Last year, government used school ancillary staff and villagers to invigilate the examinations after teachers boycotted. Newsday Europe carbon price hits new record WTOP EU carbon price hits record. By AFP LONDON Petroleumworld 11 25 2021 European carbon prices surged Thursday to a record peak, one day after Germany's new coalition government indicated it could set a floor for the market. Just before midday, prices hit an all-time pinnacle at 74.39 euros per tonne, extending Wednesday's record-breaking run. Carbon trading, a key way to prevent climate change, involves companies buying the right to pollute from others who have a lower carbon footprint. Germany's centre-left SPD, Greens and liberal FDP presented their plans on Wednesday for the eurozone member nation's next ruling coalition. Climate protection features prominently in the coalition accord, with the Greens getting their way on bringing Germany's exit from coal forward to 2030 from 2038. "The carbon price ... was boosted by the coalition deal agreed between the SPD, Greens and FDP parties in Germany, which will give high priority to carbon pricing," noted Commerzbank analyst Barbara Lambrecht. "The coalition intends to campaign for a minimum price in the EU. If no agreement can be reached at EU level, national measures ... are to ensure a carbon price of 60 euros." ______________________________________ Mexico's economy shrank 0.4% in Q3: official data Luis Cortes/Reuters Mexico's president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador(AMLO) By AFP MEXICO CITY Petroleumworld 11 25 2021 Mexico's economy, the second largest in Latin America, shrank by more than initially estimated in the third quarter of the year amid a resurgence in Covid-19 cases, data showed Thursday. Gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 0.4 percent in the three months to September from the previous quarter, compared with a preliminary estimate of a 0.2 percent decline, the national statistics agency INEGI said. The contraction followed four consecutive quarters of growth in an economy rebounding from a deep slump triggered by the coronavirus pandemic. On a year-on-year basis, economic growth slowed to 4.5 percent in the third quarter, INEGI said. Even so, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador told reporters that his government was sticking to its forecast of economic growth of around 6.0 percent for the whole of 2021. Mexico's economy contracted by 8.5 percent in 2020 in the worst slump since the Great Depression some nine decades ago, as soaring coronavirus infections led to restrictions on economic activity. ________________________________ EU ministers back bloc's Big Tech clampdown justin Tallis/AFP The European Uinon has led the charge on cracking down on Big Tech By AFP BRUSSELS Petroleumworld 11 25 2021 European Union member states on Thursday agreed their common position on two landmark legislations that could set unprecedented oversight on Big Tech. Ministers from the EU's 27 member countries agreed the texts at a meeting in Brussels, which will serve as their marching orders in negotiations with the European Parliament that should start early next year. The Digital Services Act (DSA) and its companion Digital Markets Act (DMA) were proposed by the European Commission last year and are intended to give Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft never seen limitations on the way they do business. The versions approved on Thursday stayed quite close to the original proposals, while the drafts making their way through parliament are expected to make the demands on Big Tech much tougher. France, as the next holder of the EU presidency in January, will spearhead the talks and French President Emmanuel Macron has made a deal on the laws a priority for his country's six-month term. The two texts are "perhaps the most important in the history of digital regulation", said French Digital Affairs Minister Cedric O as he arrived for talks in Brussels, referring to a "historic day". The DSA is an attempt to harmonise rules against illicit content online and would impose stiff sanctions for any failure to takedown illegal speech or block sales of counterfeit products. The DMA meanwhile is a complete rewrite of current competition rules for Big Tech companies and would hand them a list of specific Do's and Don'ts on how they do business. CCIA, the lobby for Big Tech, said the DSA would provide welcome clarity on the rulebook for online content in Europe. On the DMA, however, "it remains to be seen whether the Council's hard work ultimately will translate into a more competitive Europe," it said. ________________________________ 'No progress' on eve of Iran nuclear talks: UN agency Reuters One of the steps away from the deal came earlier this year when Iran began restricting some IAEA inspections activity. By Jastinder Khera / AFP VIENNA Petroleumworld 11 26 2021 The UN nuclear watchdog said Wednesday there had been "no progress" in talks with Tehran on disputes over the monitoring of Iran's atomic programme, just days before talks restart on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), told a quarterly meeting of the agency's board that talks he held in Tehran on Tuesday were "inconclusive" despite being "constructive". Grossi had sought to tackle constraints put on IAEA inspections earlier this year, outstanding questions over the presence of undeclared nuclear material at sites in Iran, and the treatment of IAEA staff in the country. "In terms of the substance... we were not able to make progress," Grossi told reporters, saying that the lack of agreement had come "in spite of my best efforts". Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, told Iranian television his team "tried until the last moment" but there is still work to be done. Among other officials in Tehran, Grossi met Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. Amir-Abdollahian put a positive gloss on the talks, telling the official Irna agency on Wednesday that a "common declaration" had been reached which would be published "as soon as possible". -'Foot-dragging'- Grossi's visit came ahead of the scheduled resumption on Monday of negotiations between Tehran and world powers aimed at reviving the 2015 deal that gave Iran sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear programme. The United States said it was "disappointed" by the outcome of Grossi's visit and said it was ready to negotiate in Vienna. "But of course Iran's failure to cooperate is a bad sign about their seriousness in a successful conclusion to our negotiations," a State Department spokesperson said. The remaining members of the accord -- France, Germany, the UK, China, Russia and Iran -- will attend with the US taking part indirectly. The deal has been gradually disintegrating since former US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the deal in 2018. The following year Iran retaliated by starting to move away from its commitments under the deal, also known as the JCPOA. The US negotiator for the JCPOA talks Rob Malley warned that Washington would not "sit idly" if Iran delayed progress at the talks. "If (Iran) continues to do what it appears to be doing now, which is to drag its feet at the nuclear diplomatic table and accelerate its pace when it comes to its nuclear program... we'll have to respond accordingly," Malley told US broadcaster NPR. At the IAEA Board of Governors' meeting, the EU issued a joint statement saying it was "deeply concerned at the inconclusive outcome of the discussions" with Grossi. Russia's representative meanwhile said it supported Grossi's "intent to continue working with the Iranian side and call for Tehran to do the same". -'Excessively invasive'- One of the steps away from the deal came earlier this year when Iran began restricting some IAEA inspections activity. Iran and the agency currently have a temporary agreement that gives the IAEA access to monitoring equipment at Iran's nuclear facilities. However, the Agency has warned that the agreement is not a durable solution and Grossi said he was "close to... the point where I would not be able to guarantee continuity of knowledge" of Iran's nuclear programme if it continued. Grossi also said he had raised concerns while in Tehran about security checks on IAEA inspectors which the agency has described as "excessively invasive". He noted that the IAEA and Iran had a legal agreement "which is intended to protect inspectors from intimidation, from seizure of their property". "Our Iranian colleagues have instituted a number of measures which are simply incompatible" with this, he said. jsk-sk-sct/jh Agence France-Presse ________________________________ Oil settles down Friday $10/bbl in largest daily drop since April 2020 By Laura Sanicola and Jessica Resnick-ault / Reuters LONDON Petroleumworld 11 26 2021 Oil prices plunged $10 a barrel on Friday, their largest one-day drop since April 2020, as a new variant of the coronavirus spooked investors and added to concerns that a supply surplus could swell in the first quarter. Oil fell with global equities markets on fears the variant, could dampen economic growth and fuel demand. The World Health Organization has designated the new variant, which it named Omicron, as "of concern," according to the South African health minister. The United States, Canada, Britain, Guatemala and European countries are among those to restrict travel from southern Africa, where the variant was detected. read more Brent crude settled down $9.50 , or 11.6%, to $72.72 a barrel, a weekly decline of more than 8%. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude settled down $10.24 on Friday, or 13.1%, at $68.15 a barrel, declining more than 10.4% on the week in high volume trading after Thursday's Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. "The market is factoring in a worst case scenario situation in which this variant causes massive demand destruction," said Bob Yawger, director of energy futures at Mizuho. Both contracts fell to a fifth week of losses and their steepest falls in absolute terms since April 2020, when WTI turned negative for the first time amid a coronavirus-induced supply glut. News of the variant caused ructions in a market previously caught between producer and consumer nations. "The biggest fear is that it will be resistant to vaccines and be a massive setback for countries that have reaped the benefits from their rollouts," said Craig Erlam, senior market analyst at OANDA. OPEC+ is also monitoring developments around the variant, sources said on Friday, with some expressing concern that it may worsen the oil market outlook less than a week before a meeting to set policy. read more Scientists have so far only detected the Omicron variant in relatively small numbers, mainly in South Africa but also in Botswana, Hong Kong and Israel, but they are concerned by its high number of mutations which could make it vaccine-resistant and more transmissible. read more Drug makers Pfizer and BioNTech said if necessary they would be able to redesign their shot within 6 weeks and ship initial batches within 100 days. read more South Africa's foreign ministry said it would speak to Britain to try to get it to reconsider its travel ban. "Our immediate concern is the damage that this decision will cause to both the tourism industries and businesses of both countries," Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said in a statement. Oil prices rose early in the week as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies (OPEC+) suggested it could taper production in response to a strategic release from large consuming countries that are members of the International Energy Agency. read more Such a release was likely to swell supplies in coming months, an OPEC source said, based on findings of a panel of experts that advises OPEC ministers. read more The forecasts cloud the outlook for a Dec. 2 meeting when the group will discuss whether to adjust its plan to increase output by 400,000 barrels per day in January and beyond. "OPEC's initial assessment of the co-ordinated (stockpile) release and the sudden appearance of a new variant of the coronavirus raises serious concerns about economic growth and the oil balance in coming months," PVM analyst Tamas Varga said. ______________________________________ If you were looking for the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee website and ended up here, try this Got news tips, gossip, suggestions, complaints?E-mail us: We strive to avoid errors in our articles. Our correction policy can be found here Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Home Regional News East A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. The Omicron variant of the coronavirus has been identified in a citizen from Italy's southern Campania region, who returned to Milan from Mozambique "some days ago," Italian news agency ANSA has reported. The patient, an employee at an international company, "had been vaccinated with two doses," ANSA reported. On Sunday, the Campania region said in a statement that a "citizen returning from southern Africa has tested positive, as did his family of five people ...All his contacts have been immediately placed in isolation as a precautionary measure." "The genome was sequenced at ... Sacco Hospital in Milan from a positive sample taken from an individual coming from Mozambique. The patient and his family contacts are in good health," said the National Institute of Health on Saturday. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared on Friday the latest variant B.1.1.529 of SARS-CoV-2 to be "of concern," its most serious level, and officially gave it the Greek name Omicron. The WHO has asked countries to enhance surveillance and sequencing efforts to fight the new variant, Xinhua news agency reported. On Friday, Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza signed a travel ban on people who have visited South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini and Malawi in the past 14 days. 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ARISS is the organization that puts together special amateur radio contacts between students around the globe and crew members with ham radio licenses on the International Space Station (ISS). This will be a direct contact via amateur radio between students in Temuco, Chile and Astronaut Raja Chari (KI5LIU) . Students will take turns asking their questions. Local Covid-19 protocols are adhered to as applicable for each ARISS contact. The downlink frequency for this contact is 145.800 MHZ and may be heard by listeners that are within the ISS-footprint that also encompasses the radio relay ground station. Amateur radio operators using the CE6TC call sign will operate the ham radio ground station for this contact. The ARISS radio contact is scheduled for November 29, 2021 at 10:53 am Temuco time zone CLST (13:53 UTC, 8:53 am EST, 7:53 am CST, 6:53 am MST and 5:53 am PST). Colegio Pumahue is a private school with 1,200 students, ages 4 to 17. The school is part of the international group of Cognita Schools and a certified Cambridge International School. The teaching staff have integrated various aspects of space science and ISS topics into curricula for all levels and grades. Students in primary and secondary levels are also learning about radio communication and its practical applications as well as antenna building as a science course activity. Members of the Radio Club Temuco (CE6TC) will be providing support during the ARISS contact. As time allows, students will ask these questions: 1. What are you doing in the current mission? 2. How do you dispose of trash and other debris? 3. How does the planet Earth look from space? 4. How do you get dressed in the space? 5. How difficult is to stay away from your family? 6. How does it feel when you return to the Earth after being in space? 7. What happens to your bones, muscles, and joints in space if there is no gravity? 8. How does oxygen access work in space? 9. How do you manage to keep food from spoiling? 10. What do you miss the most about being on Earth? 11. How difficult is it to train to be an astronaut? 12. How can you communicate with your friends and family on Earth? 13. How do you think a student from Chile could become an astronaut? 14. How is it possible that space debris do not crash with the station? 15. What physical activity do you do to stay healthy? 16. How is the feeling of watching everything beyond the clouds? ARISS Celebrating 20 Years of Continuous Amateur Radio Operations on the ISS About ARISS: Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station (ISS). In the United States, sponsors are the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the ISS National Lab-Space Station Explorers, and NASAs Space communications and Navigation program. The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics topics. ARISS does this by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students. Before and during these radio contacts, students, educators, parents, and communities take part in hands-on learning activities tied to space, space technologies, and amateur radio. For more information, see . Media Contact: Dave Jordan, AA4KN ARISS PR Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Search on Amateur Radio on the ISS and @ARISS_status. Check out ARISS on No one actually makes the journey, but everyone wants to cross over in scarcely seaworthy inflatable dinghy, unless they are desperate. by Victor Cherubim The issue of people looking outside their borders, somewhere to live, somewhere they think they can earn, somewhere they are safe, or even feeling they have little to lose, is in the minds of migrants wanting to take the risk with their lives. Of course, fewer people, mainly refugees, have safely swum the English Channel than have climbed Mount Everest is well known. The Straits of Dover 21 miles across at its narrowest from Calais, in France hosts the worlds busiest shipping lane. The waters are rough and in November, absolutely freezing. No one actually makes the journey, but everyone wants to cross over in scarcely seaworthy inflatable dinghy, unless they are desperate. More than 25,700 people have made the crossing this year alone according to reliable data by the Press Association. Where do they come from? You would be surprised those who attempt the crossing are known to come from a host of countries ranging from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Tajikistan (Central Asia), Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, as far away as Guinea, Mali, Chad, Niger, and from affluent nations like Kuwait, Turkey and Albania. Many from a litany of more or less failed economies, others from relatively safe countries. We are told by UNHCR that the reasons vary, some are leaving war torn nations, other deserting forced military service, while still others are feeling persecution for their gender, sexuality, beliefs among other reasons. No one mentions out loud that some leave their countries, with their children, in search of adventure of a new life in affluence. What has Britain got which entices these migrants? Migrants see Britain as El Dorado. Calais MP Pierre-Henri Dumont said the UK has provided a magnetic attraction. People in Britain have a general feeling of accepting the underdog, the forlorn, the unwanted of society, because many in UK have come in search of refuge. He further said: We can put as many police officers on our French shores. We will not stop these crossings because we have 200 to 300 km of shore to monitor he told BBC Radio 5 Live. He said: Make it harder to come to UK, make it harder to find a job when you are illegal, harder to find a house when you are illegal. Stop all the magnetic attraction for these migrants to come to the UK. It is time for both our governments to stop blaming each other and try to find real solutions, he said. People Smuggling is Big Business? Another French MP Bruno Bonnell told Sky News, and he slammed the People Smugglers who persuade people to risk their lives crossing the Channel. For a few thousand Euros they promise them El Dorado in England. He was referring to the mythical South American City of Gold. He said 1500 smugglers had already been arrested this year and 60 percent of Channel Crossings were intercepted. It is not enough, fair enough. We need to create the conditions so the migrants stop being obsessed by crossing the UK border, he said. My experience when I came to the UK, not as a refugee? I came to the UK as a Commonwealth citizen over 55 years ago for studies, it was no El Dorado in London. It was hard grind. The first flat that I wanted to rent, the Landlady ask me whether I plan to cook curries, whether I was a Buddhist, whether I was intending to get married and bring my future wife? Prejudice was rife, I was the only person of colour in the office where I worked. I can go on and on. I went on to become the Chair of our Refugee organisation and tried my best to sort out homes for our homeless, and somehow lobbied our MPs for social housing and got ourselves registered as a Housing Association a social landlord with over 50 houses for the needy. Fifty five odd years on, things are so different. I am able to say that I can cope, in fact work with prejudice. Many of my readers will also note the Brits after Brexit wanted to take control of their borders, control of their currency, and control of their laws. It is ALL ON! Corona virus has put a lid on parts of that. People Smugglers are well aware of that but these smugglers do not know that they are all on Candid Camera. They are all been watched while simultaneously nearly everything is consumed by fear of the pandemic, which will also in due time consume the migrants? Migrants can neither expect the free medical treatment that they seem to expect, nor the safe refuge they may they be entitled to, under the UN Refugee Convention. Migrants will soon know that they may be deported to a far off lonely island to have their cases processed. The Border Patrol is we are told also going bonkers. It is only a matter of time that this people smuggling business will be brought under some semblance of control. Besides, both people smugglers and would be migrants will sooner than later come to know and fear the new South African COVID-19 virus strain of the B1.1.529 which is cascading all over Europe. How do Migrant Channel crossing compare around the world? The data from the UN body, UNHCR shows at least 105,135 people from all the migrant nations have arrived in Europe, via the Mediterranean so far this year. A total of 14,670 Asylum claims have been lodged in the first half of this year, compared with 13,370 in the same period in 2020 and 16,618 in the first six months of 2019. Migrants are on the move worldwide for a variety of reasons. We see them in United States, Australia as well in numbers. Nations are sooner than later expecting the United Nations to update the Refugee and Asylum claims law. In other words, we can also see more funds allocated to resolve migrant issues nearer their homes. This is not necessarily following the tragic deaths of 27 Iraqi and Syrian migrants including children in a dinghy in the English Channel on 24 November 2021. Next to Climate Change, Migration is perhaps, on UN Agenda. Where are the migrants from neighbouring countries located now? Do you know that Turkey currently hosts some 3.6 million Syrian refugees and nearly 320,000 people seeking refugee from other nations. Do you know Jordan has taken an unknown quantity of Palestinian refugees? Columbia hosts 1.7 million refugees, Uganda 1.5 million, Pakistan 1.4 million and you would be surprised Germany has 1.4 million migrants within its borders. Things must change to help migrants to be supported within their countries. A Special UN Agency for Migration Control is long overdue. By Libby Eggert Grinnell College has ended its partnership with Iowa Prison Industries (IPI), a work training program with the Iowa Department of Corrections which employs incarcerated people inside prisons to build furniture for Iowa businesses. Grinnell College President Anne Harris said this move was because she thinks the College should focus on liberal arts values. In the next several months, she plans for the College to reallocate resources from IPI to the Liberal Arts in Prison program (LAPP) which she said aligns more with the schools values. The LAPP program organizes three to four faculty-taught classes a semester in the Newton Correctional Facility (NCF) and invites incarcerated people who are admitted to the program to earn up to 60 credits with the College. NCF partners with IPI and employs 38 incarcerated men in canteen production, which includes hygiene and medical products. If theres going to be a relationship with prisons, it would be through that educational lens that the Liberal Arts in Prison program presents and sustains. Whats the college doing there [IPI] when it could be focusing on an educational mission program? Harris said. In 2019, Grinnells chapter of Million Hoodies, a national organization focused on the rights of people of color, called on the College to end their contract with IPI. They asked the reallocate the money from IPI to helping Black and Brown communities affected by the prison-industrial complex. The connection, the proximity of Grinnell to prison industries as business partners is not something that we like at all, so we are pushing the administration to recognize this, said president of Million Hoodies, Malcolm Davis `21, in 2019. Million Hoodies criticized the IPI program for unfair compensation. The jobs that worked on making furniture for the college paid 67 cents to $1 per hour of labor. I absolutely do believe in looking at entire systems of compensation and the idea of valued labor, said Harris. As of 2005, the most recent census of incarcerated people, Iowa had 27 out of 31 state or federal facilities with work programs, with over 66 percent of the incarcerated people working in Iowa prisons. 55 percent of inmates nationwide work in prisons. Inmates hired by IPI work in traditional sectors, such as creating furniture and cleaning supplies. Private companies can also hire incarcerated individuals to work for their businesses. Grinnell has had a contract with the program for over 25 years. IPI boasts the teaching of practical skills and reduction of recidivism. According to IPI, work training reduces recidivism from 38 percent to 30 percent. However, Million Hoodies and other organizations have said that the disproportionate number of Black and brown incarcerated workers affected by very low-paying work outweigh any reduction in recidivism. Disproportionate incarceration in Iowa is incredibly high, and because we are in Iowa, it is more than likely that we are using a labor force that is Black and brown, Davis said. And when you consider things like the fact that they have to pay like $3 to submit a health request, thats like a days work, said Jelani McCray `21, vice president of Million Hoodies Grinnell, in 2019 Harris said she has discussed offering additional financial compensation to the workers and laborers involved in work for the College but said it would be a challenge to get each prison partnered with IPI to divulge which specific prisoners should be compensated. In the meantime, Harris said her goal is to invest in the Liberal Arts in Prison program and to ensure the college will not sign another contract with IPI ever again. My own focus, my own interest in development in terms of developing programs at the college, which is what Im here to do, is to work with campus partners for good ideas, she said. The Liberal Arts in Prison program hired one new term staff member in January and will continue applying for grants. Emily Marie Guenther, who runs the program, is planning to expand into the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women (ICIW) in Mitchellville, the only womens prison in Iowa. That is very exciting to me, in terms of the impact that she and our students can have in that educational realm within the prison system, said Harris. Harris will work with Richard Whitney, assistant vice president for Facilities Management, on where to source new furniture when the need for new furniture comes. Harris said that she will make a statement on the college ending the IPI contract in the coming months. Correction, Dec. 1, 2021, 1:20 p.m.: A previous version of this article stated that the Liberal Arts in Prison Program hired several new staff members in the past year, when only one new staff member was hired. The S&B regrets this error. S&P Global Ratings has revised its outlook on Bahrain to stable from negative on the back of the kingdom recently announcing additional fiscal reforms to strengthen non-oil revenue and rationalise expenditure. It has affirmed its 'B+/B' long- and short-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on the sovereign. The transfer and convertibility assessment on Bahrain remains 'BB-', it said. The stable outlook indicates the agency expects the government to implement measures to reduce the budget deficit and benefit from support from other GCC sovereigns if needed, in addition to the direct fiscal support already pledged, said a S&P Global Ratings report. The agency said it expects the government's accumulation of debt to moderate, supported by recently announced measures that provide more clarity with regard to its medium-term fiscal consolidation programme. The government has updated and extended its Fiscal Balance Plan, changing the target date for a balanced budget to 2024 from 2022. The government has announced that the value-added tax (VAT) rate will double to 10% starting in 2022, strengthening non-oil revenue, it noted. "We expect the increase in VAT could contribute receipts of about 3% of GDP over the medium term, up from about 1.7% in 2021. Beginning in 2023, the government aims to further increase non-oil revenue by increasing fees and budget contributions from government-related entities and adding charges to government services. "Although we have not changed our oil price assumptions in the outer years of the forecast period ($55 a barrel over 2023-2024), oil prices have been higher than our assumption over 2021 and we revised our price assumption upward for 2022, helping revenue in the near term. We expect oil to average $75 a barrel for the remainder of 2021 and $65 a barrel in 2022," the agency said. On the expenditure side, although there are no major initiatives planned for 2022, the government plans to significantly reduce spending by rationalising government operating expenditure (opex), reducing manpower expense, rationalising social subsidies, and cutting capital expenditure (capex) over 2023-2024, the agency notes. This is in contrast to the previous plan, where the onus of fiscal consolidation was on raising non-oil revenue, after expenditure-reducing measures in 2019. "The recently announced measures represent a positive shift to a more balanced fiscal consolidation plan," it said. Even with non-oil revenue-raising measures, the government's dependence on oil receipts (accounting for about 70% of revenue in 2019) will continue over the forecast period to 2024, it said. The agency said it expects economic growth to recover in 2021 after a 5.1% contraction in 2020, as oil prices remain relatively high and economic activity in the region increases. Bahrain's small ($37 billion) economy contracted by an estimated 5.1% in real terms in 2020 as the pandemic and lower oil prices reduced consumption and investment activity. In particular, it was hit by contractions in larger GCC economies, given the close links between the countries through the tourism, transportation, and real estate sectors. The non-oil economy contracted by 7% in real terms. A deeper contraction was likely mitigated by government stimulus measures, with the full package amounting to BD4.5 billion (about 32% of GDP), largely a BD3.7 billion increase in loan facilities from the CBB and about BD290 million (2% of GDP) in budgeted stimulus measures. Growth in the oil sector was flat. We expect the economy to rebound in 2021, with real GDP expanding by 2.8%, as oil prices increase and regional economic activity picks up. The government's vaccination campaign has been successful and the King Fahd Causeway to Saudi Arabia reopened in May, providing additional impetus to economic growth. Projects funded by the $7.5 billion GCC Development Fund, provided in 2011-- which is separate from the $10 billion GCC support package -- will continue to support investment over the forecast period, it said. It expects Bahrain's current account deficit to narrow to 2.1% of GDP in 2021, following the 9.4% deficit in 2020 on lower oil prices and weaker receipts from tourism and financial services. Income payments and workers' remittances will remain a drain on the current account balance over the forecast period, it added. - TradeArabia News Service North Africa's leading platform for wood and woodworking machinery, will be showcasing more than 90 exhibitors from 38 countries and 8,000+ specialised visitors, and will be held at the Cairo International Exhibition and Convention Centre from December 9 to 12, thus bringing together wood and working experts, both regionally and internationally. Cairo WoodShow is of greater significance, especially in light of the qualitative shift made by Egypt's political leadership to target foreign investments from around the world in various industrial sectors, especially wood manufacturing, which will in return increase Egyptian exports to boost the economy. In contrast to its previous editions, the Cairo WoodShow's next edition will showcase a host of events and will not only highlight a world-class Exhibition, but will also include conferences, B2B meetings, seminars, and networking events. As of now, the global wood machinery market is expected to reach $4.7 billion by 2026 a new market study released by Global Industry Analysts predicts significant growth in several wood industry segments worldwide, particularly in woodworking machinery and furniture. Noting how the demand for wood products has risen during the Covid-19 crisis, the report projects the global market for woodworking machinery, which was estimated at $4.2 billion in 2020, will reach a revised size of $4.7 billion by 2026, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 1.7 percent. Furniture, another segment analysed in the report, is projected to record a 2% growth rate and may reach $2.7 billion by the end of the analysis period. Dawood Al Shezawi, President of the Organizing Committee of Cairo WoodShow, said: "The sixth edition of Cairo WoodShow aims to achieve the maximum possible benefit and support the Egyptian wood and woodworking industry." The total exports of furniture sector in Egypt is estimated at Egyptian pounds 30 billion, and accommodates 400,000 workers directly and nearly 600,000 indirectly, adding that the number of establishments working in the sector is close to 120,000, of them 95 % are medium and small enterprises.-TradeArabia News Service A four-day collaborative RO Week (Reference Offer Week) has started attended by professionals from across Bahrains telecommunications industry, to collect industry requirements in designing products for telecoms operators. Organised by BNET, the national network responsible for providing broadband network services across Bahrain, it is a first-of-its-kind event in the region for all licensed telecom operators in the kingdom. The process ensures fair and transparent delivery and pricing of BNETs national fibre broadband products and services, and develops collaborative relationships within the industry. Insights gathered from the workshop will shape the Reference Offer terms and costs under which BNETs services are offered to customers, with the ultimate goal of enabling a safe, secure and smart broadband infrastructure at competitive and reasonable prices in the kingdom. The RO Week workshop comprises a series of interactive sessions, which address BNETs guiding principles in designing products for Licensed Operators, in line with the Fifth National Telecommunications Plan (NTP5) of Bahrain. The majority of these sessions focus on Reference offer enhancements in the sector to provide broadband services in accordance with international best practices, in addition to receiving industry feedback and inputs from relevant authorities. Ahmed Jaber Aldoseri, Chief Executive Officer of BNET, commented: This inaugural event is an example of our pursuit of providing responsive solutions based on best practice, with consumer welfare and a customer-centric approach at the heart of everything we do. We envisage these four days to be a collaborative process with telecoms operators, where we will gather and assess their requests and feedback. We aim to ensure that they, our partners, have a seamless and efficient service, and the best way to do this is to actively listen to their requirements, and provide support to enable them to offer optimal and high-quality services, ultimately enhancing the end-user experience in the kingdom. -- TradeArabia News Service One out of five destinations continue to have their borders completely closed as new surges of Covid-19 impact the restart of international tourism, while98% of all destinations have some kind of travel restrictions in place, said the UNWTO. According to the UNWTO Travel Restrictions Report, 46 destinations (21% of all destinations worldwide) currently have their borders completely closed to tourists. Of these, 26 destinations have had their borders completely closed since at least the end of April 2020. A further 55 (25% of all global destinations) continue to have their borders partially closed to international tourism, and 112 destinations (52% of all destinations) require international tourists to present a PCR or antigen test upon arrival. The trend towards destinations taking evidence-based approaches to restrictions reflects the evolving nature of the pandemic will also help restore confidence in travel while helping keep both tourists and tourism workers safe The research also shows how destinations are opening up to vaccinated international tourists: 85 destinations (39% of all destinations worldwide) have eased restrictions for fully vaccinated international tourists, while 20 destinations (9% of all destinations worldwide) have made a full Covid-19 vaccination mandatory for entering a destination for tourism purposes. However, just four destinations have so far lifted all Covid-19-related restrictions completely (Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Mexico). UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: The safe easing or lifting of restrictions on travel is essential for the restart of tourism and the return of the social and economic benefits the sector offers. The trend towards destinations taking evidence-based approaches to restrictions reflects the evolving nature of the pandemic will also help restore confidence in travel while helping keep both tourists and tourism workers safe. As in previous editions of the UNWTO Travel Restrictions Report research, this latest report shows that regional differences with regards to travel restrictions remain. Asia and the Pacific remains the region with the most restrictions in place, with 65% of all destinations completely closed. In comparison, Europe is the most open global region to international tourists (7% of borders completely closed), followed by Africa (9%), the Americas (10%) and the Middle East (15%). The ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic further emphasises the importance of national authorities ensuring that immigration procedures and requirements are provided in a timely, reliable and consistent manner across all information systems and platforms, to maintain confidence and trust and to further facilitate international mobility. TradeArabia News Service Due to the recent emergence of the new Covid-19 Omicron variant, and with immediate effect, Qatar Airways said it will no longer be accepting passengers travelling from five Southern African countries in its global network. However, we will continue to accept passengers for travel into these countries in-line with current restrictions, an airline statement said. Passengers who are booked on Qatar Airways flights from seven destinations, Luanda (LAD), Angola; Maputo (MPM), Mozambique; Johannesburg (JNB), Capetown (CPT), Durban (DUR),South Africa; Lusaka (LUN), Zambia; and Harare (HRE), Zimbabwe, will not be accepted for travel until further notice, it added. These restrictions will remain in place until we receive further guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO). We will continue to review the situation on a daily basis as new information becomes available, the airline said. - TradeArabia News Service Bahrains Civil Aviation Affairs has updated its Red List countries to include Malawi, Mozambique, Angola and Zambia in addition to the existing South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Eswatini, a media report said. The move has been made in response to recommendations made by the National Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus (Covid-19), reported Bahrain News Agency (BNA). Passengers from Red List countries, including those who have transited through Red List countries, are prohibited from entry, except for citizens or residents of the Kingdom of Bahrain. All other travel procedures for arrivals eligible for entry to the Kingdom of Bahrain from non-Red List remain in place, and Red List countries remain in place. All entry procedures for the Kingdom of Bahrain can be viewed on the Ministry of Health's website, Mauritius has implemented additional arrival restrictions on flights arriving from South Africa to Mauritius with immediate effect in light of the latest available scientific data about the further spread of the new Covid variant, Omicron. Passengers arriving on MK852 from Johannesburg to Mauritius on Saturday 27 November will be subject to additional health screening. In addition to PCR tests done at arrival in Mauritius, passengers will have to observe an in-room, hotel quarantine period of at least 7 days. Air Mauritius will be providing one outbound flight from Mauritius to Johannesburg on Sunday 28 November. Restrictions on inbound flights from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Namibia and Eswatini are in place until further notice. Cargo flights will continue until further notice. Additional emergency repatriation flights for Mauritian citizens, Resident and Occupational Permit Holders will be organised through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A spokesperson for Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority commented: We acknowledge the significant disruption which result from such measures, particularly for the 176 passengers who arrived on MK852 on 27 November 2021 but they are essential to ensure the health and wellness of all. The passengers involved are being given all possible support in these difficult times for all. TradeArabia News Service Rotana, a leading hotel management company with hotels across the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and Turkey, has been awarded the title of Best Business Hotel Brand in the Middle East at the Business Traveller Awards 2021 (UK). This accolade recognises the groups commitment to setting the standard for service excellence and consistently delivering positive experiences to travellers across the region. Globally renowned as an industry benchmark for excellence, the Business Traveller Awards celebrate the companies at the forefront of business travel and services, as well as the hard work of top-level industry executives consistently delivering superlative experiences to travellers around the globe. The awards are voted by readers of the respected UK magazine and recognise the achievements and high standards set by the worlds leading hotels, airports and airlines. Guy Hutchinson, Rotana President & CEO said: In these particularly challenging times, we stood out by continuing to provide great service and experiences to our guests. We are extremely proud and delighted to receive this recognition. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Business Travellers readers for supporting us throughout the years and trusting in our brand. Being the Best Business Hotel brand is a testament to our commitment to exceeding our customers expectations and reflects the high standards across all our facilities and services, delivering our brand promise of Treasured Time to our guests around the world. Rotana currently operates 69 properties in 24 cities across 14 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and Turkey. The groups development pipeline remains highly active with46 upcoming projects, including 10 that will deliver more than 3,000 keys to the market in the next three years. TradeArabia News Service New Delhi, Nov 28 (UNI) Probing alleged violation of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) in the Amazon-Future deal, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Sunday summoned senior officials from the two companies, official sources said. It has been learnt that ED wants Future Group promoters to be in attendance to verify the alleged claims of breach of rules in the 2019 deal in which Amazon picked up 49 per cent stake in the Kishore Biyani led firm Future Coupons Pvt Ltd (FCPL). We are in receipt of summons issued by the ED in connection with the Future Group. As we have just received the summons, we are examining it and will respond within the given time frame, said an Amazon India spokesperson in response to a UNI query. Amid the ongoing tussle between Amazon and Future Retail Ltd (FRL), the American retailer on November 24 flagged possible financial irregularities involving Future group companies. In a letter to independent directors of Future Retail and its audit committee, Amazon stated that it is evident that transactions worth almost Rs 7,000 crore were undertaken between FRL and FEL, a company controlled by Biyani, in one financial year. "These significant related party transactions between FRL and FEL seem to be followed by yet another transaction between these two entities in FY 2020-2021 where FRL has purchased goods and services from FEL for an amount of Rs 682 crore at a time when FRL claims to be under significant financial stress due to Covid-19 pandemic," Amazon Inc is learnt to have said in its letter seeking thorough probe. Traders' lobby group Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has been demanding an ED probe into the affairs of Amazon India claiming that the American retailer is in violation of the FEMA and FDI rules. Amazon has, however, challenged the allegations and is fighting court battle. Commenting on a notice sent to Flipkart in August this year, CAIT had said that both Amazon and Flipkart are indulging in a preferential seller system on their respective marketplace which is against the FDI in e-commerce policy. "We demand the Enforcement Directorate to send a similar notice to Amazon also since both Amazon & Flipkart are sailing in the same boat, "CAIT National President BC Bhartia and Secretary General Praveen Khandelwal had said in a joint statement. UNI NK ACL1211 Government - Actively Monitoring COVID-19 Developments Worldwide HM Government of Gibraltar has said it is actively and continuously monitoring the global COVID-19 situation, particularly with regards to the new Omicron variant, which has been declared a variant of concern and has been detected in the United Kingdom. The Government moved quickly on Public Health advice to update the red list of countries for travel to Gibraltar. The Director of Public Health is in contact with colleagues in the United Kingdom to stay constantly up to date with the situation there and globally. Gibraltar already has a plan in place, should cases of the Omicron variant be detected here. It is not yet known how much more transmissible this new variant is, how much protection the vaccine will offer against this new variant or whether the new variant will result in more severe illness. As a precaution, the Director of Public Health has advised that if positive cases of the new variant do occur in Gibraltar, their close contacts will be required to isolate for 10 days regardless of vaccination status. This is a prudent measure that will be kept under review. All of these measures are in addition to the continued requirement for testing of all arrivals at Gibraltar airport and a requirement that all persons residing in or visiting Gibraltar who arrive via any of the other regional airports around Gibraltar from red listed countries should also submit to testing. The Director of Public Health, Dr Helen Carter, said: Gibraltar is constantly monitoring developments worldwide and already has a plan in place if the new Omicron variant is detected here. At the moment, the advice is to be vigilant. This means wearing a mask where you need to, keep to your social distance, wash your hands and call 111 to arrange a test as soon as you notice any symptoms. The Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo QC MP, said: 'We all have a responsibility to follow the advice from Public Health Gibraltar to ensure that we do everything possible to keep the spread of this new variant detected in the UK and elsewhere in check, insofar as may be reasonably possible. For that reason, we must ensure that all of us wear masks in shops and public transport. We are actively considering other measures and will make such further announcements as may be necessary. We all want to see our lives return to normal, but we cannot throw caution to the wind because we are fatigued by the virus. We must continue to adhere to the rules and use our common sense now that the Omicron strain has been detected in the UK and elsewhere.' China's reunification is historical trend: official 00:00:00 " " The Mojave Megaphone is located in a lonely spot of the Mojave Desert National Preserve. Eric Edwards/ The Mojave Desert is the driest desert in North America, and though it rests between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, it is remote, mostly roadless and full of secrecy. Not far from the ghost town of Crucero, California, this arid emptiness is home to the enigmatic Mojave Megaphone, so-called for its resemblance to a loudspeaker. Located in a remote corner of the Mojave Desert National Preserve, this "megaphone" is a rusty hunk of metal permanently embedded into a rocky outcropping. No one has been able to identify what, exactly, this thing is. Some call it the Sentinel Enigma. Others call it art. Everyone calls it a mystery, much like the Utah monolith that made worldwide headlines in November 2020. Furthermore, there's nothing and no one, for miles around. It's a riddle as to how this heavy, roughly 8-foot- (2.4-meter-) long, unwieldy object wound up in its resting place. Comprised of two horn-shaped pieces of metal bolted together in the middle, it's too big to be a one-person job. A group of people or perhaps aliens? went to a lot of work to place this monstrosity far from any civilized place, mounting it on the cliffside. No one knows how long it's been there, either. "My best guess is that it was put up there about 30+ years ago," says Eric Edwards, the founder of CampsitePhotos, via email. He wrote about the Sentinel Enigma on his blog and has visited it. "Although it is in two pieces, each piece is very heavy but a few people could probably carry and drag it up there. Still, it would be very difficult and take a long time to get it up that hill." " " You can see the megaphone at the very top of this hill. Eric Edwards/ Advertisement Possible Explanations for the Sentinel Enigma There's also another lingering question: What in the world is it? "That's the big question," says Edwards. "It has some similarities to a siren (circa 1940s and 1950s), but [that seems] unlikely. Still, the area was used to transport chemical agents (on rail) and perhaps a siren was used if there was a mishap." He also pointed out that there are no markings on it to indicate what it is or where it was made. Recently someone put animal skin over the openings and used it as a drum, but he says he doesn't think that was its original purpose. Others have speculated that it's part of a rocket system or perhaps a pipeline venturi, an hour-glass shaped enclosure that's used to control the flow rate of a fluid. Because it has crosshair shaped metal strips inside it, others believe it's a gunsight or sighting device of some sort. There are more fantastical theories, too perhaps it's a tool pointing out the location of a California cave system that extends for hundreds of miles, or even an "X" marking the spot of a huge gold hoard. Given its shape, though, the megaphone nickname makes a lot of sense. Maybe it's part of an antiquated alert system, as some people have guessed, like tornado siren on steroids. Or perhaps not. "It's probably not a civil defense or air raid siren," says Sarah Robey, a history professor at Idaho State University via email. "The early Cold War versions almost always have a rectangular mouth, WW2-era air raid sirens didn't really look like that either, even the ones that were more cylindrical. Moreover, you'd expect to find such civilian-oriented sirens in much more heavily populated areas than out in the desert." Her guess? It's a measurement tool of some kind. "Its proximity to Edwards Air Force Base (as well as Navy and Army sites) is a much bigger clue," she says. "Edwards is where the Air Force did a lot of sound barrier experiments, including Chuck Yeager's famous flights. I could definitely see something like the megaphone being some sort of measuring instrument related to flight, shock/sound waves, etc." She also points out that the Nevada Testing Site (now the Nevada National Security Site) isn't too far away. That's where all of the U.S. continental nuclear weapons were tested these were conducted above ground until 1963, then below ground after. "Even though the megaphone is 150+ miles [241+ kilometers] away, it's plausible that something like this could have been used to detect long-range shock waves or other disturbances," she says. "However, I kind of doubt it." Advertisement Visiting the Mojave Megaphone If you have a rugged vehicle with high clearance, you can make the journey to the megaphone and then hike the ridge to see it with your own eyes. "To reach it, someone would need to use a 4WD vehicle and drive through the Mojave River, then on dirt roads and through sand," says Edwards. "From Highway 15, exit Afton Canyon road and go east to the campground. From there, continue another 13 to 15 miles [21 to 24 kilometers] east through the canyon and follow the railroad tracks. Turn right (south) on Crucero Road for a few miles then start looking for it on top of a small hill." Once you're on location, it may be helpful to have the megaphone's exact coordinates (35.0056 degrees N, 116.1963 degrees W). Even if you don't have the motivation or means to see the megaphone in person, it's clear that these odd objects seem to spark the human imagination in weirdly moving ways. "The desert, especially remote desert locations, are inherently mysterious," says Edwards. "Often you'll find pristine areas with amazing views and beautiful (sometimes strange) geological formations. I think people like to put these strange objects in these locations because they add even more mystery and wonder. I doubt their intentions are to draw interest to any particular area, but rather to have a little fun and see how people might react." Now That's Interesting Think a megaphone finding adventure might be in your future? This stretch of the Mojave Desert can be deadly, with temperatures that approach 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54 degrees Celsius) in the summertime. Visit in cooler seasons instead. Also, keep in mind that no matter the weather, this is a remote location and you probably won't have cellphone service in case of car trouble or emergency. Take a friend for safety and make sure you pack spare tires and extra water, too. And in these times of COVID, some campgrounds and visitor centers at the Mojave National Preserve are closed, so check with them before setting out. Desde la localidad La Jalca Grande, en Amazonas, el presidente de la Republica, @PedroCastilloTe, viene realizando la inspeccion a las zonas afectadas por el sismo. By Dan Williams JERUSALEM (Reuters) -Israel will host the Miss Universe beauty pageant in the Red Sea resort of Eilat on Dec. 12 despite imposing travel restrictions to try to stave off the Omicron coronavirus variant, Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov said on Sunday. On Saturday Israel announced that it was banning foreigners from entering the country, but Razvozov on Sunday told reporters that participants in the Miss Universe pageant would be granted waivers while possibly undergoing PCR testing every 48 hours and other precautionary measures. "This is an event that will be broadcast in 174 countries, a very important event, an event that Eilat, too, is very much in need of," he said before Sunday's weekly cabinet meeting. "We will know how to manage this event. So, by using the waivers committee, we will have events like this, to which the country already committed itself and cannot cancel." In televised remarks at the cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that Israel needs "to clamp down" on its borders to keep the country "open internallly". Israel has confirmed one case of infection from the Omicron coronavirus variant. (Writing by Dan WilliamsEditing by Jeffrey Heller and David Goodman) MADRID (Reuters) - British tourists will be admitted to Spain from next month only if they can show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination, according to a Spanish government bulletin published on Saturday as the country tightened travel restrictions amid concern about the new Omicron coronavirus variant. Until now, Britons were admitted to Spain if they could show proof they had been fully vaccinated against coronavirus or a negative PCR test result taken up to 72 hours before arriving. "The appearance of new variants causing (coronavirus) obliges an increase in restrictions," with regard to people from the UK and Northern Ireland, said the announcement in the Bulletin of State. The new measure comes into force from Wednesday, Dec. 1. "This will affect British residents but not British people who are resident in Spain," a spokeswoman for Spain's Industry, Trade and Tourism said. About 300,000 Britons have residency in Spain, making it the largest group of UK citizens in Europe outside Britain. Spain restricted flights from South Africa and Botswana on Friday following similar decisions by other European governments.[L8N2SH3F2] (Reporting by Graham Keeley; Editing by Frances Kerry) (Adds Vale comment) By Gram Slattery and Marta Nogueira RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov 26 (Reuters) - Brazilian police have recommended multiple criminal charges against miner Vale SA and Germany's TUV SUD for their role in a 2019 dam burst that killed 270 people and caused extensive environmental damage, according to a statement on Friday. The federal police probe, one of several parallel investigations into the incident that ravaged communities in the state of Minas Gerais, indicated that "various pollution-related crimes" were committed, as well as crimes "against land and water-based fauna and flora." The police also recommended charges, including homicide, against 19 people who worked for Vale, which owned the dam, and TUV SUD, which was responsible for inspecting the structure. Minas Gerais state prosecutors filed murder charges against 16 people in 2020, though state authorities have been mired in a longstanding dispute with federal prosecutors over jurisdiction. Federal prosecutors will now examine the recommendations of the federal police and determine whether they will bring the charges recommended. Vale said it that it has always made security a core value and that it had no information that would have indicated the dam was about to fail. The company said its lawyer would comment on the matter after the latest police report was made available to the company. TUV SUD did not respond to a request for comment outside normal business hours. The federal police concluded a separate into the disaster in 2019, which focused on false statements presented to regulators. The company in February reached a 37.7 billion-real ($6.72 billion) agreement with prosecutors and the state of Minas Gerais to settle civil claims stemming from the collapse. (Reporting by Gram Slattery and Marta Nogueira; Editing by Sam Holmes and Cynthia Osterman) Four cases of coronavirus from the Omicron variant have been confirmed in NSW after the discovery of two more infected people. Almost 150 people have arrived in NSW from southern African countries where the new Omicron COVID-19 variant is running rampant, with four cases now confirmed. The two new cases arrived on a Singapore Airlines flight from southern Africa on Sunday, and every other person who was on that flight is now a close contact who needs to get tested and isolate for 14 days immediately. Both of the newly confirmed cases are fully vaccinated and are now in special health accommodation. Genomic testing on Sunday confirmed two overseas travellers who arrived in Sydney had been infected with the new coronavirus variant. Both passengers were asymptomatic when they arrived on Saturday night and are in isolation in the Special Health Accommodation. Both are fully vaccinated. NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet said 141 people have come to the state from the nine countries of concern over the past 24 hours, and all have been sent to hotel quarantine for 14 days. Although he has ordered all international arrivals to quarantine at home for 72 hours, Mr Perrottet insisted the NSW international and state borders would remain open. The three-day quarantine order is on top of a federal government requirement for travellers to enter quarantine for two weeks if they have been in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini, Malawi or the Seychelles in the past 14 days. "Ultimately we need to open up to the world (and) we need to do so safely," he told reporters on Monday. "We don't need to have a knee-jerk reaction, we need to have a proportionate and balanced response to the situation that's in front of us." "The responses should not be 'Let's shut down'." Mr Perrottet also stressed NSW was better equipped to confront new variants. "We've got to learn to live alongside the variants of the virus that come our way," he said. Story continues "And the vaccination rate here is one of the highest in the world. "That is not the case in the southern African nations." The premier has said there are no plans to adjust the state's reopening roadmap, which has restrictions easing for the unvaccinated on December 15. However, restrictions will be tailored in response to the variant if needed, he said. Meanwhile, the state added 150 new infections to its caseload on Monday. For the fifth consecutive day, no new deaths were reported. Hospitals are treating 170 patients, five more than the previous day, including 25 people in intensive care. Ten require ventilation. NSW is 94.5 per cent single-dosed for everyone 16 and over, while 92.4 per cent are fully vaccinated. Of 12- to 15-year-olds, 81.3 per cent have received one jab and 76.5 per cent both. The federal government has secured a site for a nuclear waste dump in South Australia but opponents say it's a "long way from a done deal". The government has acquired 211 hectares at Napandee, 24km west of Kimba on the Eyre Peninsula, with its plans subject to heritage, design and technical studies. "We have reached a major milestone in our work to deliver this national facility, and a solution that has eluded consecutive governments for more than 40 years," Resources Minister Keith Pitt said on Monday. The site will be used to store nuclear medical waste currently spread across more than 100 facilities including universities and hospital basements. The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation says it is "critical infrastructure for Australia". "Delivery of a national facility will allow ANSTO to focus on our core business of medicine production and science and innovation," a spokesperson said. But Conservation SA chief executive Craig Wilkins said under existing state laws, any attempt to impose nuclear waste on SA would trigger an investigation by state parliament's Environment, Resources and Development Committee. He said a wide-ranging inquiry was essential to reveal all the facts. "This issue has a long way to run. The facility is at least a decade away and faces many opponents and hurdles," Mr Wilkins said. The Australian Conservation Foundation said the proposal did not have the consent of the Barngarla traditional owners and would be contested both on the streets and in the courts. "If the minister was convinced of the project's merits he would not be cutting corners with traditional owners and the wider community," spokesman Dave Sweeney said. "The plan needs formal environmental and regulatory assessment and approval and is a long way from a done deal." South Australian Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young described the selection process as "dodgy from the start". Story continues "It's ripped small communities apart and traditional owners have vehemently objected to the proposal," she said. SA Liberal MP Rowan Ramsey, whose federal seat of Grey covers the site, acknowledged community concern about the facility, which is expected to create 45 jobs. "The majority of the local community are behind the project that will bring jobs and new economic opportunities for our region and look forward to the facility proceeding," he said. "This is not to say there are not some people with concerns and I will work with them to resolve those issues wherever possible, as we move into the detailed design, delivery and operational phases." In June, the federal parliament passed legislation allowing the resources minister to make an "intention to declare" a site for the nuclear waste facility. Mr Pitt said the vast majority of nuclear waste produced in Australia was associated with the production of nuclear medicine. "Nuclear medicine is used in the diagnosis of a variety of heart, lung and muscular-skeletal conditions as well as the treatment of specific cancers, and a by-product of its production is low-level radioactive waste," he said. "Along with the benefits comes a responsibility to manage the by-products. Without a facility like this, we can't enjoy the benefits from vital nuclear medicines on an ongoing basis." The city of Auburn is planning a new skatepark, and community members are welcome to participate in the process. Auburn is commissioning a new concrete skatepark to replace the current facility at Casey Park, the city said in a news release. People can weigh in on the project by going to to take a survey on the park's design. The survey will be open through Tuesday, Dec. 14. City residents can also come to a public meeting on the project from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15 at the Equal Rights Heritage Center, 25 South St. The city said members of the design team at Grindline Skateparks, which the city has contracted with for the project's design, will be present, and those who attend the meeting will have an opportunity to win prizes, including a skateboard deck from KRUDCO Skate Shop. Community Development Block Grant funding will be used for the design of the new skatepark, and the timeline for construction of the park depends on funding availability. The anticipated timeline for the project is set for design development from November 2021 to February 2022; final design work from February to March 2022; bids for construction March to May 2022; and construction from July to December 2022. Those seeking more information can call the city's Office of Planning and Economic Development at (315) 253-3513 or email Senior Planner Renee Jensen at Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 2 Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe (Global Times) A number of Chinese netizens complained on Friday night that Google Translate wrongly translates "AIDS" as "Communist Party of China Central Committee," or "AIDS patients" as "Wuhan residents," as some posts of screenshots of the problematic translation showed. Google China later said in an email to the Global Times that it is working on a fix. An official Sina Weibo account of the Chinese Communist Youth League's branch in East China's Anhui listed some screenshots of Google Translate showing that when a user types "AIDS" in Chinese and uses the English to Chinese translation, the words "CPC Central Committee" in Chinese show up. If the user types in the word "AIDS virus" then the equivalent words for "CPC virus" show up. The same situation occurs when the user types the word "AIDS patient" in the English to Chinese translating function - the result turns out to be "Wuhan resident" in Chinese. The Weibo post, which was posted at around 7 pm, attracted more than 2,000 comments within about three hours, with some netizens calling on the US search engine to apologize for such an insult to the CPC and Chinese people. "We are aware of an issue with Google Translate and are working on a fix," read a statement sent by Google China to the Global Times. In another updated statement, Google said the issue is now fixed. Google Translate is an automatic translator, using patterns from millions of existing translations to help decide on the best translation for our users, the company continued. Unfortunately, some of those patterns can lead to incorrect translations. As soon as we were made aware of the issue, we worked quickly to fix it, the search engine said in an email sent to the Global Times on Friday night. Google pulled out of the Chinese mainland and moved its servers to Hong Kong in 2010 after it refused to comply with China's regulations to filter search terms. Users on the mainland cannot access either. Around 10:30 pm, the official account of the Chinese Communist Youth Leagues branch in Anhui said Google responded to the issue, which has been fixed. We hope that the company can learn a lesson from it and enhance the technical management and netizens could take a rational attitude. An insult on Chinese people cant be tolerated, the youth leagues branch said. (Global Times) The capital city of the Solomon Islands has been under riots for days. The rioters have stormed the parliament, set fire to a police station, and attacked Chinatown and other businesses there. Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare on Friday blamed foreign interference for instigating the anti-government protests over his government's decision to cut "diplomatic ties" with the island of Taiwan and establish diplomatic ties with the Chinese mainland. Though, he didn't specify who is among the "other powers" that fomented the violence. Sogavare emphasized that the choice to establish diplomatic ties with Beijing conforms to the trend of the times and international laws. The Solomon Islands is a country with nearly 690,000 people in the South Pacific region. After Sogavare assumed office in 2019, his administration made a choice to set up diplomatic ties with Beijing. However, the island of Malaita of the country, where most of the rioters are reportedly from, has maintained its relations with the island of Taiwan. The New York Times said the Solomon Islands has been in a "heightened political tug of war," citing a former Australian diplomat stationed in the Solomon Islands saying that the US has been providing Malaita with direct foreign aid. Such analysis is representative of the US and Australia. Defending against China's influence into the South Pacific has been an outstanding geopolitical consideration of the US and Australia, which has been welcomed and longed by the Taiwan authorities, because four of the remaining 15 countries that keep "diplomatic ties" with Taiwan are in the South Pacific - and the future to consolidate such ties is uncertain. The South Pacific countries and the Chinese mainland have a strong capacity to cooperate under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. Over the years, many small nations have, on their own, chosen to have closer ties with Beijing. The measures taken to prevent these small countries from establishing diplomatic ties with China have included "dollar diplomacy," coercion, and inciting unrest within these countries to topple local governments. Australia has been offered a hand to maintain security in the Solomon Islands. Recently, Canberra has again deployed more than 100 police and defense force personnel to the country. Against this backdrop, it is not hard to imagine how easy it will be for an external force to wreak havoc there. Australia, the US, or the Taiwan authorities haven't admitted to being behind the "foreign interference" condemned by Sogavare. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison insisted that Australia's "presence there does not indicate any position on the internal issues of the Solomon Islands." Canberra even alleged the move was in response to a request from Sogavare. Nonetheless, the Associated Press cited observers as saying that "Australia intervened quickly to avoid Chinese security forces moving in to restore order." More importantly, neither Canberra nor Washington has condemned the riots in the Solomon Islands so far, despite the fact that the unrest has violated the basic spirit of democracy and the rule of law. Media coverage of the riots in the US and Australia was "matter-of-fact" and highlighted the rioters' political opposition to diplomatic relations with China. It is clear that Australia's overall attitude, and that of the US, is to connive with and even encourage the unrest, even though the Australian troops and police were sent to keep order in the Solomon Islands. What is right and what is not is obvious. Hence, aren't Morrison's remarks of "not indicate any position" actually a support for the evil doings? The government of the Solomon Islands and their people know what is really going on there. It is also not hard for the outside world to know. Prime Minister Sogavare noted there were other powers fomenting the riots, shouldn't the international community believe the words of this legitimate leader of the Solomon Islands? Ben Marks says: "If you are a fan of Southern California modernist architecture in the first half of the 20th century, you are probably familiar with names like Irving Gill, Frank Lloyd Wright, his son Lloyd Wright, R.M. Schindler, and Richard Neutra. But few have heard of Jock Peters, who contributed mightily to the movement before dying of tuberculosis at the age of 45 in 1934. That is about to change thanks to a new book by University of Texas architecture professor Christopher Long, whose Jock Peters, Architecture and Design: The Varieties of Modernism gives an unsung participant his due while reminding us how fluid modernism was in its infancy." Here's a snip from the article in Collectors Weekly: Russia's Vladimir Putin poses a more urgent foreign policy challenge than China for President Biden. (Eli Stokols / Los Angeles Times) President Biden arrived in the White House 10 months ago with two top foreign policy priorities: He wanted to rebuild the alliances his predecessor had trashed, and he wanted to focus on the U.S. competition with China. History, and other great powers, dont always cooperate with presidents grand designs. The most dangerous international crisis at the moment has come not from Asia, but from a more traditional nemesis, Russias Vladimir Putin. Biden has little choice but to deal with Putin's challenge and his Republican opponents could advance U.S. interests if they stopped denying the president the tools he needs to do so. Putins goal, which he has expressed bluntly and often, is to restore Russias sway over the empire it lost in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed. His immediate aim is to reverse the expansion of NATO, the U.S.-led military alliance, to Russias western borders. Putin has assets at his command: a surprisingly strong economy with soaring oil revenue, control over much of Europes natural gas supply, a military skilled in covert warfare and the ruthlessness to act brutally when it suits him. In recent months, he has warned neighboring countries, including Poland and the three small Baltic republics, all NATO members, that he considers their integration into the alliance an unfriendly act. He backed Belarus, his closest ally, when its dictator cynically imported hapless migrants from the Middle East, bused them to its border and demanded that neighboring Poland admit them as refugees. In his most threatening action, Putin has moved more than 90,000 troops to the borders of Ukraine, the former Soviet republic that he invaded in 2014 to seize the Crimean peninsula. The danger of a full-scale invasion has thrown the United States and its allies into crisis-prevention mode. Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III hosted Ukraines defense minister at the Pentagon earlier this month and delivered Coast Guard cutters to Kyiv's navy. British officials said they were preparing 600 troops for deployment to Ukraine. French President Emmanuel Macron said his country would defend Ukraines territorial integrity. Story continues But they all stopped conspicuously short of saying they were willing to go to war for Ukraine because they arent. Putin, by contrast, sees Kyiv's alignment with the West as a direct threat. He has often said Russians and Ukrainians are one people" and that the two countries should be close partners if not actually rejoined. And he has long warned that NATO membership for Ukraine is a red line. (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has told Ukraine it can apply for membership, but has carefully held off on beginning the formal process.) In recent months, Putin has moved his red line closer. Earlier this month he suggested that any NATO presence in Ukraine, including military aid and training, might cross the line. To Putin, NATO advisors and equipment are gradually transforming Ukraine into a de facto satellite of the Western alliance. Hes not entirely wrong. Russia experts believe he probably doesnt want to invade all of Ukraine a move that would be costly in military, economic and diplomatic terms so much as he wants to stop the countrys westward drift. Putin doesnt want Ukraine to have any interaction whatever with NATO, Fiona Hill, a National Security Council official during the Trump administration, told me last week. He wants Ukraine to be entirely, irrevocably neutral. Hes testing us, Hill added. Hes waiting to see how everyone reacts. If theres a strong enough reaction, he may back off. The softer our response, the more likely he will go. So the United States and its allies are trying to deter Putin from going to war, sending public warnings and private messages about the consequences of an invasion. What they need most is to reach and make public a consensus on specific sanctions they would apply in the event of Russian military action. But European countries, whose economies are more closely tied to Moscow than ours, are reluctant to commit. This is a test of our ability to engage in collective action, Hill said. A second useful step would be an offer from Biden to talk the problem out; Putin likes being taken seriously as the leader of a superpower. The president shouldnt accede to Putins demands that Western countries limit military aid to Kyiv, but he can make it clear that the assistance is solely for defensive purposes and that it doesnt mean Ukraine will move any closer to NATO membership. One more step: Senate Republicans should lift their blockade on Bidens nominees as ambassadors. The United States has no ambassador in Poland, France or Germany because Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri have blocked their confirmation. There hasnt been a U.S. ambassador in Ukraine since President Trump fired Marie Yovanovitch in 2019; Biden hasn't nominated anyone for the post because of the blockade, officials say. We cant put pressure on our counterparts in a crisis if we dont have an ambassador, Hill said; lower-ranking diplomats dont have the same power. Theres a broader lesson for the president and his aides here: The United States is still the only superpower with interests, influence and allies in every corner of the world. They dont have the luxury of choosing where the next crisis will come. One test of a great power is whether its leaders can walk and chew gum at the same time. This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. By Foo Yun Chee BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. tech giants should bear some of the costs of developing Europe's telecoms networks because they use them so heavily, chief executives of Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and 11 other major European telecoms companies said on Monday. The call by the CEOs comes as the telecoms industry faces massive investments for 5G, fibre and cable networks to cope with data and cloud services provided by Netflix and Google's YouTube and Facebook. Investments in Europe's telco sector rose to 52.5 billion euros ($59.4 billion) last year, a six-year high. "A large and increasing part of network traffic is generated and monetized by big tech platforms, but it requires continuous, intensive network investment and planning by the telecommunications sector," the CEOs said in a joint statement seen by Reuters. "This model which enables EU citizens to enjoy the fruits of the digital transformation can only be sustainable if such big tech platforms also contribute fairly to network costs," they said. The CEOs did not mention any tech firms by name, but Reuters understands that U.S.-listed giants such as Netflix and Facebook are companies they have in mind. Signatories to the letter include the CEOs of Telefonica, Orange, KPN, BT Group, Telekom Austria, Vivacom, Proximus, Telenor, Altice Portugal, Telia Company and Swisscom. The CEOs also criticised high spectrum prices and auctions, used by EU governments as cash cows, saying that these artificially force unsustainable entrants into the market. EU lawmakers' attempts to scrap surcharges on intra-EU calls also got short shrift from the CEOs who see this sector as a source of revenue from business users. "We estimate that they would forcibly remove over 2 billion euros revenues from the sector in a 4 year period, which is equivalent to 2.5% of the sector's yearly investment capacity for mobile infrastructure," the companies said. Story continues EU lawmakers have to discuss their proposal with EU countries before it can be adopted and may struggle to find agreement. ($1 = 0.8839 euros) (Reporting by Foo Yun Chee; Editing by Toby Chopra) (AFP via Getty Images) France is ready for a serious discussion with the UK on the migrant crisis but will not be held hostage by Britains domestic politics, the countrys interior minister Gerald Darmanin has said. It comes after relations between Paris and London reached a historic low after 27 people drowned off the UK coast while attempting to cross the English Channel on Wednesday. Both countries have been at loggerheads over how to stem the number of people arriving on British shores in small boats. Relations had already soured over post-Brexit fishing rights and the implementation of the Northern Ireland protocol. Interior ministers from France, the Netherlands, Belgium and the European Commission met in Calais on Sunday to discuss small boat crossings - without UK officials or Home Secretary Priti Patel present. "Britain left Europe, but not the world. We need to work seriously on these questions... without being held hostage by domestic British politics," Mr Darmanin told reporters after the meeting. Annelies Verlinden, Belgium Interior Minister, is welcomed by Gerald Darmanin, French Interior Minister and Natacha Bouchart, Calais Mayor, on Sunday (Getty Images) He added that France had been handling the issue of illegal migration to Britain for 25 years and it was now time London woke up to the situation. If migrants are coming to Calais, Dunkirk or northern France, its because they are attracted by England, especially the labour market which means you can work in England without any identification, he said. "Britain must take its responsibility and limit its economic attractiveness. But he added: This meeting was not anti-English. It was pro-European. "We want to work with our British friends and allies." Boris Johnson sparked fury in Paris earlier this week after publishing a letter on Twitter setting out five steps the two countries could take to deter migrants from making the perilous journey. French ministers were particularly incensed by the recommendation that illegal migrants be sent back to France. Paris responded by cancelling an invitation to home secretary Priti Patel to attend a meeting on Sunday with European counterparts to discuss the crisis. Story continues Health secretary Sajid Javid defended Mr Johnsons decision to publish the letter during a media round on Sunday morning. However, he stressed while the UK would need Frances cooperation to curb the flow of people crossing the Channel. Mr Darmanin said that little had been agreed at Sundays meeting with his European partners beyond further cooperation between police. The EUs border agency Frontex have also agreed to provide a plane from December 1 to monitor Frances northern coastline. Ms Patel was understood to be pleased with the decision to dispatch the Frontex plane. EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson told reporters after the meeting in the French port: "We have to prevent lives being lost. We have to prevent chaos coming to our external borders." Read More Migrant crisis: Where are the people heading to Britain coming from? More people cross Channel after deadliest day of migrant crisis BBC Radio 4 Today programme forced off-air after emergency alarm Malawi's President Lazarus Chakwera has accused Western countries of "Afrophobia" for shutting their borders to his and other neighbouring nations, after South Africa flagged the new Omicron coronavirus variant last week. Dozens of countries, including Qatar, the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Netherlands, have barred flights from southern Africa in a bid to keep the variant, named Omicron, off their shores. Morocco announced on Sunday it was halting incoming flights for two weeks from Monday, and Angola became first southern African country to suspend all flights from its regional neighbours Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa. Malawi's Chakwera is currently chairing the 16-nation Southern African Development Community (SADC) which has seen most of its members blacklisted, sparking outrage. "We are all concerned about the new Covid variant and owe South Africa's scientists our thanks for identifying it before anyone else did," Chakwera posted on his Facebook page. "But the unilateral travel bans now imposed on SADC countries by the UK, EU, US, Australia, and others are uncalled for. Covid measures must be based on science, not Afrophobia," he said. A variant of concern The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated Omicron a variant of concern and is assessing its impact. It is believed to be highly contagious and behind rising infections in South Africa, the continent's worst-hit country. Several governments deem the travel bans rushed and unjust, and South Africa said it felt "punished" for sounding the alarm. The country's health minister has described the bans as "draconian". On Saturday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken praised "South Africa's government for its transparency in sharing this information, which should serve as a model for the world". Story continues The WHO has called for borders to remain open. "We must work in solidarity," Botswana's International Affairs Minister Lemogang Kwape said at a Sunday press briefing in the capital Gaborone. "We are not going to be geo-politicising this virus," he added, when asked to disclose the provenance of Botswana's first detected Omicron cases, dating to November 7. Botswana has since picked up 19 cases of Omicron. Race against time France has yet to register cases of the Omicron variant but it has been identified in a number of European countries. Dutch health authorities said they have identified at least 13 cases of Omicron among 61 quarantined passengers who tested positive for cornavirus after arriving from South Africa. On Sunday evening both Germany and the UK had identified three cases each. Britain's health secretary said new Covid rules will be enforced from Tuesday. Mask-wearing will again be mandatory in shops and on public transport in England. And all arriving passengers will have to take a PCR test and self-isolate until negative. European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said on Sunday: "We are in a race against time," to understand the strain. She added that vaccine manufacturers needed two to three weeks "to get a full picture of the quality of the mutations". Scientists in South Africa said they had detected the new variant with at least 10 mutations, compared with three for Beta or two for Delta the strain that sent millions worldwide back into lockdown this autumn. Niger's government says two people were killed and 18 wounded after a French military convoy heading to Mali was blocked by protestors angry at the failure of French forces to reign in terrorism in the region. The armoured vehicles and logistics trucks had crossed the border on Friday after being blocked in Burkina Faso for a week after demonstrations about the lack of security there. People have been protesting the failure of both the Burkinabe authorities and French forces to stop mounting violence by Islamist militants. Anger about Frances military presence in its former colonies has been rising in Niger, Burkina Faso and other countries in west Africas Sahel region where France has thousands of troops to fight affiliates of al-Qaeda and Islamic State. Last weekend, hundreds of people in the Burkinabe city of Kaya blocked the French convoy, which is on its way from Cote d'Ivoire to Mali. It was able to leave Burkina Faso on Friday but ran into new protests on Saturday morning less than 30km across the border in the western Niger town of Tera, where it had stopped to spend the night. In its attempt to extricate itself, it (the French forces) used force. Sadly, we deplore the death of two people and 18 injuries, 11 of them serious, Nigers interior ministry said in a statement. An investigation has been opened to determine the exact circumstances of this tragedy and determine responsibility. Warning shots French military spokesperson Col Pascal Ianni told Reuters that French soldiers and Nigerian military police had fired warning shots to disperse protesters who were trying to pillage and seize trucks but said he could not confirm or deny the reported casualties. The convoy was later able to continue towards the capital, Niamey, Ianni added. Video shared by a local official showed the protesters, mostly young men, shouting Down with France, as black smoke rose from a burning barricade. France intervened in Mali in 2013 to beat back militants who had seized the desert north, before deploying soldiers across the Sahel. While it has killed many top jihadist leaders, violence has continued to intensify and spread in the region. Story continues In remarks broadcast on national television on Friday, Niger's president, Mohamed Bazoum, defended the French presence in the Sahel. "Of all the countries at our side in the fight against terrorism, France has sacrificed the most," he said, adding its departure would lead to "chaos". France has 5,100 troops in the Sahel under its Barkhane operation which spans five countries: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. On 10 June, President Emmanuel Macron announced a major drawdown of Frances military presence in the Sahel where forces have been battling jihadist insurgents for nearly a decade. (with Reuters) UAE's GreenDome Investments Acquires Elite Co. UAE's GreenDome Investments Acquires Elite Co. UAE's GreenDome Investments Acquires Elite Co. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GreenDome Investments announced today that it has closed on the acquisition of Elite Co. from Prama Holdings. Elite Co. is a leading fully integrated land freight and courier solutions providers in the Middle East. The transaction represents one of the region's largest acquisitions in the logistics market and is the first of many acquisitions by GreenDome Investments, a logistics investment vehicle owned by regional industry leaders. "The acquisition of Elite Co. represents our first transaction as we embark on a journey to build an integrated, customer-centric and technology-focused end-to-end global logistics services business. We intend to support the region's fast-paced economies while expanding our offering beyond the Middle East," said Saadi Abdul Rahim Hassan Al Rais, Chairman of GreenDome Investments and Managing Director of Rais Hassan Saadi Group. Elite Co., founded in the 1990s, is a highly specialized overland freight and courier services business and has state-of-the-art operations and assets across Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, with its regional hub in Dubai. It has over 1000 staff, 600 trucks and 100,000 square feet of warehouse capacity. "We are humbled by what we have built over the past twenty years and we could not have found a better-suited investor to take Elite Co. into its next phase of its growth. GDI's ambition to build a regional end-to-end logistics champion with global reach is inspiring and we are pleased that Elite will be the foundation from which this vision is realized," said Roney Malhotra, outgoing CEO of Elite Co. and Chairman of Prama Holdings. GreenDome Investments, headquartered in Dubai, aims to build an integrated logistics services powerhouse to tap into the Middle East and the world's growing logistics and e-commerce industry. The company is backed by regional industry leaders, including UAE-based Rais Hassan Saadi Group and the Sharaf Group, and Logipoint, a subsidiary of Saudi Industrial Services Company, SISCO, a listed company on the Saudi Arabia stock exchange. Story continues "We see tremendous opportunity in the Middle East, as well as the broader global logistics industry, and we intend to leverage our decades of experience and expertise to build, through M&A, a globally integrated freight, courier, and contract logistics businesses," said Mohammed Sharaf, former Group CEO of DP World and CEO of GreenDome Investments. "We aim to offer unparalleled services to regional and global markets, while we support partners and customers to unlock and create value. In addition, the growing e-commerce sector, both regionally and globally, represents an important growth segment we intend to capitalize on," added Sharaf. "Elite Co. is well positioned to capitalize on the projected growth in the e-commerce sector as well as the broader express courier market, both in the Middle East and around the world. We will capture value from the industry's growth by strengthening our network and offering, while also exploring global growth opportunities," said Hisham Albahar, Incoming CEO of Elite Co. "With the fourth industrial revolution upon us, we expect to see significant disruption and opportunity in the end-to-end logistics industry, and we intend to build on Elite Co.'s existing technology and expertise to improve efficiency, drive down costs and offer customer-centric solutions. Importantly, we will work closely with partners and customers to unlock value through sophisticated digital ecosystems to optimize supply chains," added Albahar. Press Contact: Related Images Image 1: UAE's GreenDome Investments Acquires Elite Co. Saadi Al Rais, GDI Chairman; Roney Malhotra, Chairman of Prama Holdings; Mohammed Sharaf, GDI CEO, Hisham Albahar, Incoming Elite CEO This content was issued through the press release distribution service at Attachment The family at the Doha airport, waiting to board their flight to Albania after not receiving help from the Canadian embassy to process their cases in Qatar. (Submitted - image credit) Every day is now painfully similar for an Afghan mother of four as her family waits anxiously in an unfamiliar country for answers from the Canadian government. CBC News is concealing her name as she fears for the safety of relatives still in Afghanistan. In October, the family received approval under Ottawa's special immigration program for Afghans who helped Canadian efforts in Afghanistan. They hoped they'd be starting their new lives in Canada by now. Instead, they're languishing in limbo. They spent more than a month in Qatar but were told the Canadian embassy there would not be able to help them finish the process of getting to Canada. It's unclear why. Now they're in Albania, hoping desperately for help on their case. The visa office they'll have to deal with is in Rome. "It gives you a feeling of, 'What should I do? What can I do? What will be the next step?'" she said. "What will happen with my children's future?" The Associated Press Her eldest hopes to be an astronaut, her youngest a scientist. Now they're out of school as they wait. While Ottawa says it's doing all it can to quickly process Afghan refugees, advocates say many including those who worked for the Canadian government find themselves stuck in third countries, mired in a web of bureaucracy. This family's struggle offers a snapshot of that reality. The mother is happy her family is now safe. She's thankful for Ottawa's help and still holds onto hope that they will soon be in Canada. But the indefinite wait, with little information, has taken a heavy toll. "There's been this kind of good policy intent but there's been a tremendous amount of confusion about what exactly is happening," said Janet Dench, executive director of the Canadian Council for Refugees. "People are feeling very frustrated with the Canadian government because they felt like there were undertakings to help them and it hasn't come through." Story continues Hope dashed As the Taliban began its lightning advance toward Kabul this past summer, this mother, who holds a masters degree in international relations, knew her family would need to flee Afghanistan. A long time advocate of women in sport and civil society, she feared her family would become a target a concern amplified by her long-time work on Canadian government peace-building projects through the embassy in Kabul. She also spent time working for a Canadian NGO. "Our main concern was security-wise," she said. "We were afraid the Taliban would attack our home because we have worked with NGOs and with foreigners for many years." In late July, she received an email from the Canadian embassy in Islamabad, inviting her to apply for the newly announced special immigration program for Afghans who were "integral to Canada's efforts" in Afghanistan. She submitted the required documents for her family within the three-day deadline. She says her children, husband and herself then went to the Canadian embassy in Kabul to submit the biometrics the Canadian government requires. Submitted by David Lavery Weeks later after Kabul fell to the Taliban on Aug. 15 she and her family received letters from the Canadian government asking the country's new rulers to allow their safe passage into Kabul's airport for a flight out of the country. But by then, the airport had become a dangerous flashpoint. Thousands of frightened Afghans crowded around its gates every day, desperate to escape. With their letters in hand, she and her family her four children, ranging from 11- to 17-years-old, and husband tried to enter the airport six times, she says, even sleeping outside the gates for two nights. But amidst the crowds and chaos, they were never able to get through. "It was really difficult for us to cross the Taliban checkpoints," she said. "All of us would take each other's hands to not lose each other. "It was so difficult." Wakil Kohsar/AFP/Getty Images 'We do not have any arrangements for you' Stuck in Kabul, a city where they feared for their lives, the family rarely went outside as they pleaded with Canadian officials for help. On Oct. 2 about six weeks after they applied the family received an email from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) informing them that their application under the special immigration measures had been approved. CBC News has reviewed that email and the others described throughout this article. CBC It said they would need additional travel documents but only offered vague information on how to proceed, with no help for leaving the country. Finally, in mid-October, the family was evacuated on a Qatar Airways flight with dozens of others. CBC News is withholding specifics of their escape at the request of those involved. Hoping they would quickly be en route to Canada, she contacted Canadian officials several times to tell them the family had made it to Doha, the Qatari capital. But the initial responses did not provide any guidance on next steps. "I keep thinking, 'What would happen if they ignore us?'" she said. "If they suddenly didn't accept us then what would we do?" It wasn't until weeks later, she says, that she was told the Doha embassy would not be able to help her family get their temporary resident visas required to enter Canada or arrange their onward travel. That realization came after she learned the organization that helped facilitate her family's evacuation was planning to move the group of evacuees to Albania. The country has agreed to house up to 4,000 Afghan refugees. She appealed again to Canadian authorities but in an email response from the embassy in the United Arab Emirates, she was informed, "We do not have any arrangements for you to be resettled to Canada from Qatar." Instead, the email advised her family to travel with the rest of the group to Albania. From there, she was told she would have to contact the IRCC office in Rome. She had already dealt with Canadian officials in Kabul, Ottawa and Abu Dhabi. "I don't blame IRCC because they have a lot of cases," she said. "But a lot of pressure is on our minds. We wake up and go to sleep without any plan." WATCH | Afghan refugees eager to start their new lives in Canada as they wait for immigration documents: Trudeau government urged to do more In an email to CBC News, Alexander Cohen, press secretary for Immigration Minister Sean Fraser, said despite what happened to this family cases are being processed in Doha. The embassy, he wrote, is issuing visa documents and assisting with onward travel to Canada. Given his assertions, it's unclear why this family which had already received approval under the special immigration measures program was told their case couldn't be handled in Qatar. "I feel weak," said the mother after learning other cases have been processed in Doha but not her family's. "I feel hopeless, and incapable of doing anything." CBC News detailed aspects of the family's case to Cohen but he said he could not comment on specifics, citing privacy concerns. "While normally we don't officially do IRCC processing in Qatar, we have improvised and assisted many of the Afghan refugees who've ended up there, and ultimately helped them make it to Canada," Cohen wrote. Cohen added that staffing has been increased at key embassies around the world as the government works to fulfil its pledge to welcome 40,000 Afghan refugees. The government has described the resettlement effort as unprecedented. Still, in an open letter to the Trudeau government published this month, the World Refugee and Migration Council acknowledged the government's efforts but urged it to find ways to process refugees faster. Toronto immigration lawyer, Nilofar Ahmadi, who is representing Afghan refugees stuck around the world, says the government is struggling to adapt. Like this family, many of Ahmadi's clients are facing difficult bureaucratic hurdles as they try to make their way to Canada. "I wish we were well-prepared," she said. "The government of Canada is learning through this crisis right now, unfortunately." 'How can we again manage to live our normal life?' The family is now living in a stark apartment complex with other Afghans in northwest Albania. Submitted The conditions are less hospitable than in Doha. The family is divided into two rooms on two separate floors. There weren't enough beds for everyone when they arrived and there's no internet connection in their rooms. Upon arrival, the mother updated IRCC on the family's new location. She says she has yet to receive a response. "Everything is new here for us," She said. "I feel we are starting yet again from scratch." Her children ask her constantly when they'll finally be able to call Canada home as she worries constantly about their future. "I'm always thinking about my children because they are not living their normal life now," she said. "How can we again manage to live our normal life?" Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, November 28) The country received more than half a million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine from Poland on Sunday, the first donation from the European country, according to vaccine czar Carlito Galvez, Jr. The 547,100 shots arrived past four in the afternoon at Terminal 3 of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Polish charge d'affaires to the Philippines Jaroslaw Szczepankiewicz said the donation was "an expression of solidarity of the Polish nation with the Filipino people." He also appealed to those who have yet to be vaccinated to do so "as soon as possible for your own sake, for the sake of your families, and for the sake of your country." Galvez welcomed the donation saying they would be given to those who need them. "It can be given to the different LGUs who will ask for AstraZeneca and it will be used either for boosters or first dose or second dose," he said. "Flexible tayo sa mga doses ng AstraZeneca na dumating ngayon, but mostly, ito ire-reserve na ito pagka once kailangan pa ng mga LGU na naubusan sila ng mga tinatawag na vaccine after the three-day vaccination program," Galvez added. [Translation: We will be flexible with the AstraZeneca doses that arrived today, but mostly this will be reserved for LGUs who will need more after the three-day vaccination program.] Galvez stressed the urgency of vaccinating the public, as cases have been rising in other countries due to the presence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19. "Imminent 'yan, hindi natin maiiwasan 'yan. We can only delay for some time, but definitely pagka tinatamaan ang Europe, it will take two months or even lesser, nandito na sa atin 'yan," he said. [Translation: It's imminent and we can't avoid it. We can only delay for some time, but definitely once it hits Europe, it will take two months or even less before it gets here.] (CNN) Most college students can't wait for their 21st birthdays. But Lakshmi Parvathinathan is terrified. It's the moment when everything she's worked for could slip away. "All my friends excitedly talk about turning 21 -- hitting the bars, all of that...but it's just something that I dread," she says. The day she turns 21, Parvathinathan will no longer be protected by the work visa that allowed her parents to immigrate to the United States from India. And she may face deportation. It's known as "aging out," and experts estimate that about 200,000 people like Parvathinathan are living in a similar limbo. Brought legally to the United States as children, many are scrambling to find ways to stay in the country they love. Some are forced to leave the US when they run out of options. They've dubbed themselves "documented Dreamers," and they say their plight shows how broken the US immigration system is. Even those who immigrate legally find themselves facing roadblocks that are impossible to surmount, Dip Patel says. The 25-year-old pharmacist is the founder of Improve the Dream, a group of "documented Dreamers" pressing Congress and the Biden administration to help save their futures. "The whole situation is something that most people don't really know even exists," he says, "that it's possible for an immigrant child to be brought here legally, do all their education here, but still not have a chance to become an American." 'Victims of outdated immigration laws' The issue is affecting a growing number of people, according to Julia Gelatt, a senior policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute. One major reason: the green card backlog is immense -- especially for immigrants from India; it can take decades for them even to have a chance to apply. That means many people who came to the US as young children are still waiting for their family's turn by the time they turn 21. At that point, the adult visa holders' children are no longer considered dependents, and they're kicked out of line and forced to find their own way to remain in the country legally. Another factor: some families who come to the United States on certain temporary work visas aren't ever eligible to apply to become permanent residents. And because young adults in these groups had visas allowing them to live legally in the United States, they weren't protected by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, the Obama-era program that provided work permits and protection from deportation to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. "'Documented Dreamers' are just one of many victims of our outdated immigration laws that are no longer aligned with the way immigration is really working today," Gelatt says. Members of Improve the Dream are hoping to fix that. They've been making the rounds in Washington, pushing members of Congress to pass a proposed law that would give "documented Dreamers" a chance to become permanent residents of the US, provided they've lived here for at least 10 years on a valid visa and graduated from an institution of higher education. "We're just hoping there's a future for all of us, and we can stay and contribute to the country we call home," Patel says. If not, Parvathinathan says, the consequences would be devastating. She's living on edge while she waits for a student visa The 19-year-old sophomore at Drexel University in Philadelphia hopes to become a doctor someday. Parvathinathan is majoring in biological sciences and trying to focus on her studies. But fears about her future loom over her. She first came to the US when she was 3 years old. And she doesn't want to be forced to abandon everything she's worked for and move to India, where she says she feels like a foreigner. Parvathinathan says she tried to get a student visa so she can stay in the United States past her 21st birthday. It still hasn't arrived, 14 months after her application. She's on edge, waiting for word and jumping every time an email notification flashes across her cell phone screen. "It's something that I think about all the time," she says. Applying for student visas can be difficult for documented Dreamers, says Gelatt of the Migration Policy Institute, because applicants are required to show they don't plan to stay in the United States -- something that's hard to prove for teens who've spent most of their lives here. And even securing a student visa doesn't end their worries -- it merely buys them time until they must scramble to find another temporary way to remain in the country, such as an employer-sponsored work visa. "It's like you're drowning, and every couple of years you get to take one breath, then are pulled back down," says Anagh Kulkarni, who will turn 21 in January. Kulkarni is a student at Ohio State University and also hopes to become a doctor. But he knows his chances are slim, since he'll be seen as an international student -- which means most US medical schools are unlikely to even entertain the notion of accepting him. He also can't get any hospital work experience to improve his application, since his dependent visa doesn't provide employment authorization. All that leaves Kulkarni full of anxiety and unsure of whether he has a future in this country. "Even if I do the best that anyone has ever done," he says, "I don't know if I'll be able to stay." She was forced to leave after she couldn't find a job It's a dilemma Erin Crosbie knows all too well. After living in Florida for nearly 17 years and getting a nursing degree from the University of South Florida, she says she had no other choice but to move back to Northern Ireland over the summer when she couldn't find a way to remain in the United States. She'd secured a student visa that let her stay in the country past her 21st birthday, but with its expiration date looming, Crosbie started searching for work. The pandemic had made her more determined than ever to become a critical care nurse, she says, but job after job that she applied to told her they couldn't hire her because of her immigration status. Each rejection phone call sent her into a panic. "It was hard. They weren't saying 'no' because of me. It wasn't that I had done something wrong, or didn't have the right qualifications," she says. "lt was because of something that was out of my control. I felt powerless." Now the 24-year-old is trying to start her life over in another country -- more than 4,000 miles away from her closest friends and family. The pain of having to leave them behind still stings. She hasn't been able to bring herself to update her social media profiles yet with her new location. Her parents, Nigel and Alison Crosbie, say the separation has been heartbreaking. They came to the United States in 2004 on an E-2 visa for investors in US businesses, bringing Erin, then 7, and her sister Morgan, then 3. Now the parents say they're faced with an agonizing possibility -- that the only way their close-knit family can be together again may be for them to sell the Florida business they've spent 17 years building and move back to Northern Ireland. "It's frustrating to me that we've done everything legally, but if you do things illegally, you seem to get further," Nigel Crosbie says. Congress could fix this. But that may be unlikely And it's hard to believe help will come from Washington, Nigel Crosbie says. Immigration matters, he says, always seem to be too toxic for any politician to touch. "No matter what party is in power, it seems to be like the poison chalice. Nobody wants to do it. They keep kicking the can down the road," he says. "They just don't realize the impact that it has on people's lives that are being torn apart." Parvathinathan says she's feeling optimistic after a recent visit to Washington with other members of Improve the Dream. The group shared their stories with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. They're hoping legislation introduced to help them earlier this year will eventually secure enough bipartisan support to pass -- and also that the Biden administration will include them in the planned revamp of DACA. The massive social spending bill House Democrats recently passed would give them some protection, but it faces an uphill battle in the Senate. When -- and whether -- any relief will come is anyone's guess. So Parvathinathan is trying to remind herself to be patient. But she finds herself still facing too many questions she can't answer. In a recent interview for a program at her university, someone asked where she sees herself in 5 or 10 years. She didn't know what to say. This story was first published on, "Why hundreds of thousands of kids in the US dread their 21st birthdays" Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, November 28) The government may again require the wearing of face shields as an added protection amid the threat of the Omicron coronavirus variant, one of the officials leading the countrys pandemic response said on Sunday. National Task Force Against COVID-19 chief implementer Carlito Galvez, Jr. said they will look into the possibility of bringing back the controversial face shield policy, which President Rodrigo Duterte lifted in most areas in mid-November. Some people from WHO (World Health Organization) also believe na kaya nagkaroon tayo ng magandang result dito sa Delta, as compared to others, is because of also the added protection of face shields, Galvez said in a press briefing. [Translation: Some people from WHO also believe that the reason why we were able to achieve good results during the Delta surge, as compared to others, is also because of the added protection given by face shields.] He further noted that Health Secretary Francisco Duque III is in favor of imposing any measure that could help in the fight against the coronavirus. Currently, only people in areas classified as Alert Level 5 or are under granular lockdowns are required to wear face shields. The President has meanwhile given local governments and private establishments in places under Alert Level 4 the discretion to keep or scrap the rule. A wind engineer from the University of the Philippines earlier said face shields would only trap viral airborne particles. Some local health experts, however, have maintained the equipment provides an additional layer of protection against the highly contagious virus. According to officials, no case of the Omicron variant has been detected in the Philippines so far.To prevent its entry, the government has temporarily suspended inbound flights from South Africa, Botswana, and other countries with cases or with the "likelihood of occurrences" of the new variant. READ: What we know about the Omicron variant Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, November 28) Some local government units and mall owners said they are ready for the three-day national vaccination drive called the Bayanihan Bakunahan which starts on Monday. According to National Task Force Against COVID-19 Chief Implementer Carlito Galvez, Jr., they are eyeing to vaccinate nine million Filipinos in the next three days. Included in the program are people who have yet to be vaccinated, inoculations for the pediatric group, and booster shots for healthcare frontliners, senior citizens, and the immunocompromised. To be realistic gawin naming three million yung aming mga target for the purpose na nakita natin na kinulang din ng syringes yung mga ibang mga Pfizer vaccines na dine-deploy sa ibang mga lugar, says Galvez. [Translation: We lowered our target three million per day to be more realistic since we have a shortage in syringes, especially for the Pfizer vaccines that were deployed in other areas.] The Quezon City local government said it has enough vaccine supplies for the event. It will even be sending some of its medical teams to assist in inoculation in the provinces. The QC government will be sending two teams to Cabanatuan and Jaen, Nueva Ecija to assist them in their implementation of the 3-day vaccination program. The teams shall be composed of doctors, nurses, and allied medical workers, said Mayor Joy Belmonte. Meanwhile, San Juan City is targeting to administer shots to more than 6,000 people in the next three days. We were able to vaccinate naman around three thousand before kaya lang yun yung general population kaya mas marami sila. Dito naman sa seniors and immunocompromised, medyo limited lang ang bilang na ito because there are certain prioritizations that DOH is giving to us, said Mayor Francis Zamora. [Translation: We were able to vaccinate three thousand before, but that was for the general population, so there were more of them to vaccinate. This time, we will be administering doses to seniors and the immunocompromised, so it would be a little limited because there are certain prioritizations that DOH is giving to us.] Two provincial governors in the CALABARZON region said they are ready for the national vaccination drive. Quezon Governor Danilo Suarez told CNN Philippines' Newsroom Weekend they have vaccinated on Saturday 800 persons. Suarez added they intent to vaccinate over 37,000 against COVID-19 in the province, as they continue their efforts in encouraging residents to be inoculated regardless of vaccine brand. Batangas Governor Dodo Mandanas, meanwhile, said the province has three mobile vaccination units and renovated clinics in schools and colleges, to aid their inoculation drive and meet their target to vaccinate over 53,000 residents. Mandanas said they have enough vaccine and syringe supply in the province, adding that they have incentivized their vaccination, while giving out food packs to medical frontliners. "Hindi kami tumitigil. Nadadagdagan lang ang aming mga facilities [We are not slowing down. Our facilities for vaccination continue to increase]," Mandanas told CNN Philippines' Newsroom Weekend. Mall owners say said they have been closely coordinating with their respective LGUs about the vaccination drive. SM Supermalls president Steven Tan said 66 of their malls are participating in the event and have made these preparations: 1. Coordinate with respective LGU/CHO on the daily target number of vaccinees to be inoculated in the mall. 2. Prepare set up based on classification requirements for general adult, pediatric and boosters. 3. Deploy proper directional signages and safety protocol reminders. 4. Align with LGU on the management of lines in and outside of the mall including proper manpower deployment. 5. Endorse our volunteers (from NU) to CHO. 6. Support project awareness through social media. Other malls see no problem in lending their spaces for the activity since it has been done successfully before. Eastwood City and Megaworld Lifestyle Malls will implement heightened health and safety protocols. We will utilize the most convenient venue inside our mall for the vaccination activity and also convert our open spaces as waiting areas to ensure their comfort, said Ritchie Pascual, Eastwood City deputy general manager. According to data from the Health department, 35,557,409 Filipinos have received two doses or have completed their vaccines as of Nov. 27. The government plans to expand the number significantly by the end of the year by launching the national vaccine drive in 17 regions. The second wave of the Bayanihan Bakunahan will be held from Dec. 15 to 17. (CNN) The US and its allies restart Iran nuclear talks on Monday unsure how Tehran's new government will approach negotiations, not optimistic about the prospects ahead and emphasizing that if diplomacy fails, the US is "prepared to use other options." The parties to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will reconvene in Vienna after almost six months to discuss a mutual return to the deal by both the US and Iran, but the hiatus has given time for new obstacles to take root. On Friday, Iran announced yet more advances in its uranium enrichment, which reduces the amount of time Tehran would need to develop a nuclear weapon, if it chooses to, an announcement clearly meant to give Iran leverage when it arrives in Vienna for talks. Other parties to the agreement including Germany, the UK, Britain, France, China and Russia are coming into the talks calling for negotiations to pick up where they left off. European sources tell CNN they expect the Iranians to treat the meeting as "round one." US officials have expressed similar concerns. The recently elected hardline government in Tehran will send a new set of negotiators to Vienna who have been emphasizing the need for complete US sanctions relief, not compliance with the deal, while US officials have said they have absolutely no plans to offer Iran incentives to talk. 'The time to choose is short' And senior US officials have repeatedly warned that if advances in Iran's nuclear program and enrichment capability continue unabated, they could render the benefits of the JCPOA moot a development that would force the US to pursue other options. "We are still hopeful that diplomacy can find a way," Brett McGurk, the National Security Council's coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, told the Manama Dialogue organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies. "But if it cannot find a way, we are prepared to use other options." "There is no question, we are not going to allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon, period," McGurk said. "And when it came to military force for behavior change, that is a pretty fuzzy objective for a military force. When it comes to military force to prevent a country from obtaining a nuclear weapon, that is a very achievable objective." US Special Envoy for Iran Rob Malley said in a tweet after a November 18 meeting with Middle Eastern allies and European parties to the deal that Iran could choose one of two paths: "continued nuclear escalation & crisis, or mutual return to the JCPOA, creating opportunities for regional economic & diplomatic ties." "Time to choose is short," Malley wrote. Sources familiar with preparations for the talks say that the parties were closely watching International Atomic Energy Agency director Rafael Grossi's visit to Tehran last week, seeing it as an indication of Iran's approach to the talks in Vienna, those sources said. Grossi told the IAEA board afterward that the talks were "inconclusive." One of the contentious issues remaining is that Iran is refusing inspectors from the IAEA monitoring access to the Karaj centrifuge production facility, which reports suggest has resumed operations. "This is seriously affecting the [IAEA's] ability to restore continuity of knowledge at the [Karaj] workshop, which has been widely recognized as essential in relation to a return to the JCPOA," Grossi told a Board of Governors meeting on Wednesday. The Arms Control Association noted that Iran's refusal to allow the IAEA to install new cameras or confirm that production hasn't restarted could undermine attempts to revitalize the JCPOA and its strict verification regime if it isn't possibly to fully complete records of Iran's nuclear program. Tehran's refusal to grant access to Karaj also drives speculation and concern about what, exactly, Iran is doing, the ACA said. 'No choice' On Thursday, the US Mission to International Organizations in Vienna told the IAEA meeting that "if Iran's non-cooperation is not immediately remedied ... especially the restoration of continuity of knowledge at Karaj, the Board will have no choice but to reconvene in extraordinary session before the end of this year in order to address the crisis." Meanwhile, on Friday, Iran announced its stock of 60% enriched uranium has grown to 66 pounds (30 kilograms) and its amount of 20% enriched uranium had also increased. Both levels are much closer to weapons-grade uranium which is enriched above 90%. According to the Arms Control Association, enriching uranium to 20% "constitutes about 90 percent of the necessary work to enrich to weapons-grade." As Iran's stockpiles grow, the ACA says, its breakout time, or the time it would take to produce enough uranium enriched to weapons-grade for one bomb, decreases. The ACA estimates that Iran's current breakout time is likely about one month, down from 12 months when the JCPOA was fully implemented. Enrichment was limited under the JCPOA, which the US left unilaterally in May 2018 under former President Donald Trump. Iran restarted enrichment last year to pressure the US to ease sanctions. 'A very uncertain proposition' State Department spokesman Ned Price reflected the ambiguity surrounding the resumed talks on November 22, calling the mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA "a very uncertain proposition." The next day, Price told reporters in Washington that, "it is our hope that the new government in Iran shows up in Vienna and shows up in Vienna ready to negotiate in good faith to build on the progress that had been achieved in the previous six rounds of negotiations." But he added that the US has "been very clear that we are not prepared to take unilateral steps solely for the benefit of greasing the wheel" to get the talks going again. Former President Donald Trump pulled the US from the deal in 2018. Sources familiar with the preparations for the talks have told CNN that the US and its allies are not at a point where they would begin offering Iran confidence building measures, but one official said there is a possibility the US and its allies could employ them down the road. As a result, incentives for Iran won't be discussed at this week's meetings in Vienna, where the US and allies will be focused on simply taking the temperature and seeking to advance from where they left off months ago, US and European sources explained. 'Plan B' Everyone involved in the talks is mindful of the ticking clock. The sources told CNN that there's still time to reach a deal, but it would likely run out by the end of next year. For now, they said there is no hard and fast "Plan B" yet. Critics of the deal say that the Biden administration has sacrificed leverage by easing pressure on Iran while it builds up its nuclear program. "The Biden administration's Iran policy is failing, and without a significant course correction that policy will either result in Iranian nuclear weapons or in a war to stop that development," said Mark Dubowitz, the CEO of Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Dubowitz argued that the administration's approach will allow Iran to rebuild toward a "lethal end state" of with pathways to nuclear weapons and a robust nuclear infrastructure. "Israel is going to have no choice but to use military force to stop Iran's nuclear weapons before Tehran reaches this lethal end state," Dubowitz said. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has been making clear that Israel will be prepared to act if necessary. Addressing delegates at a security conference near Tel Aviv on Tuesday, Bennett said that "if there is a return to the JCPOA, Israel obviously is not a party to the agreement and is not obligated by it." Bennett complained that after the nuclear deal was signed in 2015, the "State of Israel simply went to sleep. We were occupied with other things. We will learn from this mistake. We will maintain our freedom of action," he said. Western officials have tried to argue to the Israelis that attacks on Israel's nuclear program are not very useful when the overall goal is to come up with a comprehensive solution, and especially when the Iranians have sped up their capability to rebuild after attacks, sources familiar with the Iran talks have told CNN. Western officials have also raised the danger of Iran responding with kinetic action, but sources familiar with the talks say Israeli officials still seem to think that it is still an effective tool to show their capabilities. Asked about those warnings, Price said that, "at the end of the day, the United States and Israel, we share a common objective here, and that is to see to it that Iran is verifiably and permanently prevented from obtaining a nuclear weapon. And we continue to believe that diplomacy in coordination with our allies and partners -- and that, of course, includes Israel -- is the best path to achieve that goal." "We've also been very clear that this is not a process that can go on indefinitely and if the Iranians through their actions or through their inactions demonstrate or suggest that they lack that good faith, that they lack that clarity of purpose, we'll have to turn to other means," Price said Tuesday. "We have a variety of other means we're discussing those with our allies and partners." Diplomatic flurry In recent weeks, US officials have conducted a flurry of diplomacy with regional powers and other parties to the deal, working to forge a united front. President Joe Biden met with European partners to discuss Iran during the June G7 meetings in the UK. In recent weeks, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has also conferred with European allies, as well as China and Russia, on Iran. And Malley recently met with Gulf countries, Israeli officials and European partners in the JCPOA. "I think the Iranians believe they have some eastward option with Russia and China in which they can circumvent the pressure of sanctions," McGurk said on Sunday. "And that is just wrong. And so I think we are approaching the talks at the end of November as a pretty united front with the P5+1." This story was first published on, "Iran nuclear talks to restart as US emphasizes it's 'prepared to use other options' if diplomacy fails." (CNN) -- When people think of artificial intelligence, the images that often come to mind are of the sinister robots that populate the worlds of "The Terminator," "i, Robot," "Westworld," and "Blade Runner." For many years, fiction has told us that AI is often used for evil rather than for good. But what we may not usually associate with AI is art and poetry -- yet that's exactly what Ai-Da, a highly realistic robot invented by Aidan Meller in Oxford, central England, spends her time creating. Ai-Da is the world's first ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist, and on Friday she gave a public performance of poetry that she wrote using her algorithms in celebration of the great Italian poet Dante. The recital took place at the University of Oxford's renowned Ashmolean Museum as part of an exhibition marking the 700th anniversary of Dante's death. Ai-Da's poem was produced as a response to the poet's epic "Divine Comedy" -- which Ai-Da consumed in its entirety, allowing her to then use her algorithms to take inspiration from Dante's speech patterns, and by using her own data bank of words, create her own work. Ai-Da's poem was described was "deeply emotive" by Meller and includes the following verse: "We looked up from our verses like blindfolded captives, Sent out to seek the light; but it never came A needle and thread would be necessary For the completion of the picture. To view the poor creatures, who were in misery, That of a hawk, eyes sewn shut." Meller said that Ai-Da's ability to imitate human writing is "so great, if you read it you wouldn't know that it wasn't written by a human" and told CNN that when Ai-Da was reading her poem on Friday evening, "it was easy to forget that you're not dealing with a human being." "The Ai-Da project was developed to address the debate over the ethics of further developing AI to imitate humans and human behavior," Meller told CNN. "It's finally dawning on us all that technology is having a major impact on all aspects of life and we're seeking to understand just how much this technology can do and what it can teach us about ourselves." Meller said one key thing he and the team that work with Ai-Da have learned while developing her is that the project hasn't taught them how "human she is -- but it's shown us how robotic we are as humans." As Ai-Da has learned how to imitate humans based on our behavior, Meller says the project has shown just how habitual human beings are and how we tend to repeat actions, words, and patterns of behavior -- suggesting that it is we, in fact, who are robotic. "Through Ai-Da and through the use of AI, we can learn more about ourselves than ever before -- Ai-Da allows us to gain a new insight into our own patterns and our own habits, as we see her imitate them right in front of us," Meller told CNN. Not only can Ai-Da read and write poetry -- she is also capable of creating artworks, too, and made one for the Dante exhibition titled "Eyes Wide Shut" which was crafted in response to an incident in Egypt in October, when Egyptian security forces detained Ai-Da and wanted to remove the cameras in her eyes due to concerns over surveillance and security. "The incident showed just how much nervousness there is in the world around technology and its advancements," Meller said. Meller is aware, too, of the concerns over the increasingly advanced development of artificial intelligence and the potential for using algorithms to manipulate populations but he said that "technology on its own is benign -- it's those that control it whose intentions could be morally and ethically questionable." According to Meller, when it comes to worries about where the future of AI will take us, "the biggest fear we should have should be of ourselves and the human capability to use technology to oppress, not of the AI itself." Meller thinks that Ai-Da can be a pioneer in the world of AI and that what she produces -- whether it's poetry, artworks or something else -- will push the boundaries of what can be achieved in technology and will allow us to learn more about ourselves than ever before, all through the eyes of a robot. This story was first published on "Meet the robot that can write poetry and create artworks". (CNN) -- As the new Covid-19 Omicron variant spurs global travel bans, experts say concerns over its impact should prompt millions of unvaccinated Americans to get their shots -- and for those who are eligible, to get their boosters. "I would hope that within the next week or two weeks, so many of those people will take advantage of the vaccine," Dr. William Schaffner, a professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told CNN's Alisyn Camerota Friday. "That will help us in the immediate term. And I would anticipate that, as bad as Omicron might be, our vaccine still will be partially effective." Dr. Anthony Fauci echoed that, pointing to vaccinations and boosters as effective mitigation tools. "I'm saying this absolutely clearly, that if ever there was a reason for unvaccinated people to get vaccinated and for those who have been vaccinated when your time comes up to go and get a booster shot," Fauci told NBC News on Friday. "The booster shots give you a very, very important edge," he said, noting boosters increase the level of antibodies that protect against the virus. Data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed 196 million Americans, or 59% of the US population, was fully vaccinated as of Friday. An additional 37.5 million have received booster shots, the data shows. After a pandemic that has lasted nearly two years, experts and global leaders are anxious about the impact of the Omicron variant, and many nations have issued travel bans. Besides South Africa, the newly identified variant has been detected in Botswana, Hong Kong, Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic. Two cases of the variant have also been detected in the UK, Secretary of State for Health Sajid Javid said Saturday, prompting British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to announce a series of "targeted" measures to combat the variant. On Friday, the US moved to restrict travel from eight mostly southern African countries starting Monday as the World Health Organization deemed Omicron, first detected in South Africa, a variant of concern. Travel into the US will be restricted for those entering from Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, Malawi and South Africa. Fauci: 'Would not be surprised' if variant is already in US Omicron has raised concerns for health officials because there's a possibility it could be more contagious than the original novel coronavirus strain, the WHO said, and it also has a significant number of mutations. No cases of the variant have been identified in the US, the CDC said in a statement Friday, adding the agency is working with health officials both in the US and across the globe to learn more. The CDC continues to monitor variants, the agency's statement Friday said. "We expect Omicron to be identified quickly, if it emerges in the U.S." On Saturday morning, however, Fauci told NBC he "would not be surprised" if the variant was already in the US. "We have not detected it yet," he said, "but when you have a virus that is showing this degree of transmissibility, and you're having travel-related cases they've noted in other places already, when you have a virus like this, it almost invariably is going to go all over." Dr. Peter Hotez, a professor and dean of tropical medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine, agreed, telling CNN's Jim Acosta in an interview Saturday, "Yeah, it's likely here." Hotez indicated more would be known in the next week or two. In the meantime, it was important to keep things in perspective, he said, including the fact "we've not seen any evidence that Omicron produces more severe disease than any of the other variants." "In terms of whether or not this variant is going to resist the immune response to our current vaccines: it's possible, but it's unlikely to be totally resistant," he said. It could be "partially resistant," he added, like other variants that "never really took off, even though they had a lot of concerning mutations in the spike protein." "The most important thing we really need to know right now is how transmissible is this variant," he said, and whether it is "sufficient to outcompete" the Delta variant. "A week from now, if we have this discussion, we'll have a lot more information," Hotez said. Vaccine makers are working to determine effectiveness against Omicron Vaccine makers have said they are taking action to address the emergence of a new variant. Moderna is working quickly to test the ability of its vaccine to neutralize Omicron, the company said Friday, and data is expected in the coming weeks. The strain includes mutations "seen in the Delta variant that are believed to increase transmissibility and mutations seen in the Beta and Delta variants that are believed to promote immune escape," Moderna said in a news release. "The combination of mutations represents a significant potential risk to accelerate the waning of natural and vaccine-induced immunity." If its current vaccine and booster are insufficient against the variant, Moderna explained one possible solution is boosting people with a larger dose, which the company is testing. The company is also evaluating two multivalent booster candidates to see if they provide better protection against Omicron -- both of which include some of the viral mutations present in the variant. Moderna said it is also testing an Omicron-specific booster. "For several days, we have been moving as fast as possible to execute our strategy to address this variant," Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said in the news release. Scientists at BioNTech, the German company that partnered with Pfizer to make its Covid-19 vaccine, are also investigating the impact of the variant on their shot, with data expected within the upcoming weeks. A Johnson & Johnson spokesperson told CNN in a statement the company was also testing the effectiveness of its vaccine against Omicron. Covid-19 travel restrictions aren't all that effective, experts say The Biden administration's decision to curtail travel from eight countries is a precautionary measure as the US government learns more about the Omicron variant of coronavirus. But some experts say travel restrictions aren't as effective as they may seem. "Travel bans are modestly effective. They can obviously influence travel directly from that country to the United States," said Schaffner, the doctor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. "But obviously US citizens will be permitted to come back. They could bring the virus. And people could go from the country of interest, South Africa for example, and go to other countries that are not on the travel ban, and enter, if you will, by the side door. So travel bans are somewhat effective, but let's not expect a miracle," he said. US citizens, lawful permanent residents and noncitizens who are the spouses of citizens or permanent residents are exempted from the new restrictions. Dr. Megan Ranney, a professor of emergency medicine and Associate Dean of Public Health at Brown University, said universal vaccination requirements for all air travel would be more effective. "Or having quarantines when people arrive in the U.S. from other countries. Neither of those are particularly politically palatable right now, but they would make a much bigger difference in the spread of this variant," Ranney told CNN's Jim Acosta Friday. This story was first published on "Omicron concerns should spur millions of unvaccinated Americans to get their Covid shots, experts say". Yes, I found a better job Yes, but I'm still looking for a new job Yes, I retired Yes, I started my own business No, I like my current job No, but I'm currently looking for a new job Vote View Results Vietnam Airlines aircraft seen at Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City in January 2021. Photo by VnExpress/Quynh Tran National flag carrier Vietnam Airlines recorded a net loss of over VND3.5 trillion ($154.3 million) in the third quarter, a sharp decrease compared to the first two quarters. According to a summary of consolidated financial statements for the third quarter, Vietnam Airlines earned net revenues of VND4.7 trillion, down 37.6 percent year-on-year. The sale of goods dropped 20 percent year on year to VND7.7 trillion. The airline reported a total gross loss in the sale of products and services of about VND3 trillion. While its financial revenue more than quadrupled over the same period to more than VND560 billion, administrative expenses and costs related to the cost of products increased to more than VND347.5 billion and VND282.2 billion, respectively, resulting in the reported net loss. The Q3 loss was less than the losses of VND4.9 trillion and VND4.4 trillion recorded in the first and second quarter, respectively. Its loss in the first 9 months of the year has crossed VND12.1 trillion. The carrier explained that the sharp drop in consolidated profits in the third quarter was not only due to the decrease in profits of the parent company, but also because the profits of subsidiaries providing aviation services, like Vietnam Airlines Engineering Company (VAECO) and Noi Bai Airport Services Company (NASCO), also decreased sharply. Vietnam Airlines said that it has proactively implemented drastic solutions in business operations to minimize the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in a significant drop in Q3 losses compared to the first two quarters. As of September 25, the carrier increased its charter capital to VND8 trillion. The carrier said business activities have gradually stabilized and it is preparing conditions for the recovery and development phase after domestic flights are allowed to operate normally. As of September, Vietnam Airlines's total assets were valued at more than VND67 trillion, up more than VND4.5 trillion over the beginning of the year. The company has posted overdue debts of VND65.5 trillion compared to the beginning of the year, and more than VND1.4 trillion of equity, a decrease of nearly VND4.6 trillion over the same period. Of this, short-term debt is about VND42.2 trillion, up more than VND9.7 trillion. The ministry proposed that all air travel to and from South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, Lesotho and Mozambique be halted, and entry permits for passengers coming from these countries be suspended. It announced the same day that Vietnam has not recorded any case of the Omicron variant so far. Vietnam will step up surveillance to detect any sign of new variants early, it added. The National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Hanoi and the Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City are conducting gene sequencing of suspected new mutant infections, especially cases with an epidemiological history from countries in southern Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) on Nov. 25 announced that it has recorded a new strain called Omicron (B.1.1.529) detected in a number of southern African countries. According to scientists, the Omicron variant was first discovered in Botswana on Nov. 24, with up to 32 mutations in the spike protein. This is the most mutated variant of the novel coronavirus, which is predicted to spread faster with higher risk of reinfection than other strains. The image of Omicron was published Saturday for the first time. Compared with the Delta strain, it shows a large amount of mutations. The mutation number in Omicron is 43, compared to 18 in the Delta variant. Omicron's contact area is also larger, indicating higher infectivity than Delta. To mitigate threats from this new Covid variant, the U.S. and the European Union (EU) have banned flights from southern Africa and surrounding areas starting Monday. Four Southeast Asian countries Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore have also tightened travel with southern African countries, requiring people arriving from these areas in the last few days to be quarantined. The U.K. has also banned entry for people from South Africa and five neighboring countries. Similar moves have been made by Australia, Japan, India, Iran, Brazil and Canada. Israel is expected to ban all foreigners from entering the country from Sunday night, becoming the first country in the world to completely close its borders to prevent the risk posed by Omicron mutation. The health ministry said it will continue to coordinate closely with the WHO and counterpart agencies to implement international health regulations, promptly disseminate information about the variant and take appropriate pandemic prevention measures. Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wants an international treaty to end the sorry cycle of 'neglect and panic'. Photo by AFP World nations gather Monday to thrash out whether to pursue a pandemic treaty setting out how to handle the next crisis which experts fear is only a matter of time. The three-day meeting at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva comes with the planet still besieged by Covid-19, nearly two years on from the first recorded cases. The economic turmoil and millions of lives lost have triggered calls for new international defenses strong enough to prevent a repeat disaster. "We will have more pandemics in the future. The question is not if, but when," Jaouad Mahjour, the WHO assistant director-general for emergency preparedness, told reporters. The World Health Assembly -- the WHO's decision-making body comprising all 194 member states -- is holding an unprecedented special session to consider developing a new accord on pandemic preparedness and response. The meeting should conclude with a resolution on the way forward. The desired outcome -- whether a treaty or another formulation -- will come later down the line, potentially as far off as 2024. But how far countries are prepared to go in agreeing binding terms on getting ready for the next outbreak, and effective systems for stamping it out, remains uncertain. Rapid regulations or tougher treaty? The existing International Health Regulations were simply not designed to handle pandemics on the scale of Covid-19, or ensure equity and preparedness, said Mahjour. Indeed, the word 'pandemic' does not even appear in the texts. Though faster to enter into force, the scope for what can be done via regulations is far narrower than for a treaty. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wants a treaty to end the sorry cycle of "neglect and panic". "The ongoing chaos of this pandemic only underlines why the world needs an iron-clad global agreement to set the rules," he said Wednesday. The United States is thought to be less keen on talk of a treaty and more focused on agreeing content with rapid impact. However, more than 70 countries so far are backing a treaty, the health ministers of 32 of them said in a joint article. The ministers -- from nations including Britain, Chile, Germany, Italy, Kenya, South Korea, Spain, Thailand and Turkey -- said a treaty was "the only substantial proposal" that could ensure a "rapid, joint, effective, and equitable global response" to future outbreaks. "We cannot wait for the next crisis before we act," they wrote. Ensuring equitable access to vaccines, tests and treatments is a key special session issue for many African countries starved of tools to fight this pandemic. "Whatever we do, we need a continued commitment at the highest political level in the future," one European diplomat said, adding: "We need a legally-binding instrument to structure this... it's too important." Steve Solomon, the WHO's chief legal officer, told reporters there was "good reason to believe" a collective way forward could be found. 'Get on with it' The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, convened to rake over the failings in tackling Covid-19, reported its findings and recommendations in May. It proposed establishing a WHO framework convention. Under that treaty format, the bulk of it could be agreed quickly and elements could then be added to the framework over time. Equitable access to vaccines is a key issue for many African countries starved of tools to fight the current pandemic. Photo by AFP "This is not something that needs to be debated endlessly. Please get on with it," panel co-chair Helen Clark, the former New Zealand prime minister, said Monday. Following the 74th World Health Assembly in May, a working group was set up to find common ground ahead of the special session. It is racing to finalize a draft resolution for the session to debate. It is gearing towards proposing an intergovernmental negotiating body to start drafting and negotiating on the basis of the special session's outcome. Mahjour said recommendations up for debate broadly fall into four categories: equity; governance and leadership; financing, at national and international levels; and systems and tools to respond to global health crises. "There is some urgency... because the world cannot afford to have another pandemic for which the world is not prepared," said Mahjour. Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend and deliver a keynote speech to the opening ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) via video link, which is scheduled for Nov. 29 to 30 in Senegal's capital of Dakar. Xi has on many occasions emphasized the longstanding China-Africa friendship and the broad prospects of cooperation between the two sides. The following are some highlights of his remarks in this regard: -- With similar fate in the past and a common mission, China and Africa have extended sympathy to and helped each other throughout all the years. Together, we have embarked on a distinctive path of win-win cooperation. -- China will stay committed to the principles of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith and the approach of pursuing the greater good and shared interests, honor its commitments to Africa to the letter, persistently support Africa's development, and make greater contributions to Africa's development and rejuvenation and African countries' joint efforts to become stronger. -- The China-Africa relationship is currently at its best in history. The 2018 Beijing Summit of the FOCAC led to a new wave in developing the China-Africa friendship, with the implementation of its results injecting new vigor into their practical cooperation in various fields. -- Ultimately, it is for the peoples of China and Africa to judge the performance of China-Africa cooperation. No one could deny the remarkable achievements made in China-Africa cooperation, not with their assumption or imagination. -- Let me reaffirm China's commitment to its longstanding friendship with Africa. No matter how the international landscape may evolve, China shall never waver in its determination to pursue greater solidarity and cooperation with Africa. -- China and Africa's collaboration and common development will underscore important contributions to strengthening the power of developing countries, building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for humanity. The Egyptian and Russian navies wrapped up the joint naval drill Bridge of Friendship 4 in the Egyptian territorial waters of the Mediterranean, the Egyptian Armed Forces announced on Saturday. Libya's election commission on Saturday delayed publication of a final list of candidates for a presidential election scheduled in less than two weeks. Egypt's agricultural exports reached nearly 5 million tonnes over the past ten months of this year, recording a rise of 600,000 tonnes compared to the same period of 2020, the country's Agriculture Minister El-Sayed El-Quseir said on Friday. The exported products included citrus, potatoes, onions, strawberries, pomegranate, sweet potatoes, beans, beets, peppers, mango, garlic, grapes, watermelon, the minister added in a statement. The country's total agricultural exports in 2020 reached around 4.8 tonnes in 2020. Ahead of the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the exports hit approximately 5.4 million tonnes in 2019. Egypt is ranked first in the world for citrus fruit exports, according to previous remakes by El-Quseir. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypts non-petroleum exports to the European Union (EU) rose by 38 percent in the first eight months of 2021, reaping nearly 4.1 billion euro, up from 2.9 billion euro in the same period in 2020, Egypts Minister of Trade and Industry Nevine Gamea stated on Saturday. The hike was the result of high demand on Egyptian products from 23 European countries, most notably Italy, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands, Gamea's statement read. Egypt's exports of plastic products, fertilisers, aluminium, iron and steel, and organic chemicals recorded a remarkable increase, the statement said, quoting head of the Egyptian Commercial Services Ahmed Maghawry. Fruits, electrical equipment, textiles and clothing, glass products, cotton, and ceramics were also highly demanded in the 27 EU countries, added the statement. Egypt and the EU inked a free trade agreement that has been in force since 2004. Another agreement on agricultural, processed agricultural and fisheries products was enacted in 2010. Gamea said Egypt is keen on boosting trade cooperation with the EU, being "Egypts biggest trading partner." In 2020, the EU covered 24.5 percent of Egypt's trade volume, according to the European Commission. Total trade in goods between the EU and Egypt amounted to 24.5 billion euro in 2020. EU imports from Egypt totalled 6.4 billion euro, comprising mainly fuel and mining products, chemicals, agricultural and raw materials, as well as textiles and clothes. Up to 21.8 percent of Egypts exports were directed to the EU, while 25.8 percent of its imports came from the union. Egypts imports dropped in 2020 by 12 percent to $63.5 billion, down from $71.8 billion in 2019. Gamea previously attributed this drop to the increased reliance on domestically manufactured inputs used by local industries. Search Keywords: Short link: IAEA chief says he 'could not agree' in talks with Iran AFP , Wednesday 24 Nov 2021 The UN nuclear watchdog's head said on Wednesday that he "could not agree" in talks with Iranian officials to resolve disputes over the country's atomic programme, a day after returning from Tehran. Israel's defense minister said Thursday he hopes a better nuclear deal will come out of upcoming talks between world powers and Iran, but that Israel is hedging its bets and building up its military capabilities. Benny Gantz spoke to reporters at the close of a two-day visit to the Moroccan capital of Rabat, where he met with top Moroccan intelligence, defense and diplomatic officials. Among the issues discussed was Iran. 'Our obligation concerning Iran is to influence our partners and maintain an ongoing conversation,'' Gantz said. 'Our second obligation is to build up military power, which is something important in and of itself.'' Nuclear talks between Iran and world powers are set to kick off next week in Vienna. Iran has steamed ahead with its enrichment of uranium since the United States withdrew from a landmark nuclear agreement with world powers in 2018. Israel was deeply opposed to that agreement, and Israeli officials now say Tehran is closer than ever to developing nuclear arms. Iran says its nuclear program is for purely peaceful purposes and has blamed the breakdown of the agreement on the Trump administration's decision to withdraw from it and restore crippling sanctions. The Biden administration has said it hopes to negotiate a return to the deal. Israel is widely believed to be the only nuclear-armed country in the Middle East, though it maintains a policy of ambiguity about its own program. Gantz said that Israel must work in concert with the U.S. and avoid making the issue of Iran's nuclear program a partisan one. 'A good agreement is one that will plug the holes in the previous agreement in the fields of nuclear development, missile launching systems, breakout time and what Iran is doing in the region,'' Gantz said. Gantz's visit was the first official visit by an Israeli defense official to one of its new Arab allies. Israel and Morocco normalized relations last year as part of the so-called Abraham Accords and this week signed a defense agreement. The defense minister visited Rabat's sole functioning synagogue, Talmud Torah, and was welcomed by leaders of the small Jewish community. The cantor recited prayers for the welfare of the king and for Israel and its armed forces. On display was a framed picture of King Mohamed VI, the Moroccan flag and the Israeli flag _ an addition to the synagogue since the signing of the accords last year. 'Even when it's difficult, we need to strive for peace,' Gantz said to a group that included Moroccan and Israeli military officers. 'We must always been the strongest in the region.'' Search Keywords: Short link: Switzerland has announced the imposition of 10-day quarantine on travellers arriving from five countries, including Egypt, in a bid to curtail the spread of the new Omicron coronavirus variant. Passengers flying to Switzerland from the United Kingdom, the Netherland, the Czech Republic, Egypt and Malawi must present a negative COVID-19 test and undergo quarantine for 10 days, the Swiss health ministry announced on Saturday. The new decision comes amidst official confirmation in Egypt that no cases of the new variant have been detected until now. The World Health Organization has named the new "variant of concern" Omicron, first surfaced in South Africa, and scientists are racing to understand it and whether vaccines need adjustments. Switzerland banned Friday direct flights from South Africa and the surrounding region, announcing restrictions on travel from other countries, including Hong Kong, Israel and Belgium. The new contagious variant has already reached Asia and Europe, with cases detected in the UK, Italy, Germany and Belgium, in addition to Hong Kong. Europe's first case of the variant was discovered in Belgium on Friday, with Belgian virologist Mark Van Ranst announcing in a tweet that the variant was detected in "a returning traveller from Egypt". Egypt stressed the circulated tweet is unconfirmed and lacks documentation. Spokesman for the Egyptian Ministry of Health Hossam Abdel-Gaffar said in a televised statement on Saturday that no official statement was released from the Belgian government or the World Health Organization indicating Egypt's relation to the detected case. Furthermore, Egypt's acting Health Minister Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar said in a TV comment on Saturday that no cases of the new variant have been detected in the country so far, stressing that the country has raised the level of the preparedness to address the new variant. Egypt has tightened up the pandemic related safety measures at its ports due to the mounting concerns over the Omicron variant, suspending direct flights with South Africa, and imposing travel restrictions on passengers flying indirectly to Cairo from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini, Mozambique and Lesotho. Passengers coming from those countries to Cairo as a final destination through transit flights or stopping at Cairo International Airport as a transit point before reaching their final destination will take a rapid test. Egypt has recorded a total of 355,767 coronavirus infections so far, including 20,305 and the total number of recoveries 295,434. Search Keywords: Short link: Britain's government on Sunday pressed anew for joint action from France to stop cross-Channel people-smugglers, brushing off anger in Paris that saw it excluded from European talks on the crisis. Ministers from France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium will meet in the northern French port of Calais on Sunday afternoon, following the tragic deaths of 27 people last Wednesday as they attempted to cross from France to England in a fragile dinghy. France barred Britain from the meeting after Prime Minister Boris Johnson published the text of a letter to French President Emmanuel Macron setting out London's demands for concerted action. Those include sending illegal migrants back to France, and joint police patrols on the northern French coast. "Those are exactly the kinds of things we need to do," Health Secretary Sajid Javid told Sky News. Asked if it was wrong of Johnson to divulge the letter on Twitter, he insisted: "No, it wasn't. "We all need to be doing what we can to break the business model of these people-smugglers. That does mean working closely with our friends, France," Javid said. "Our policy is very clear: these boats must stop. We can't just do it on our own. We do need the cooperation of the French." But ahead of the Calais meeting, Britain and France faced mounting criticism for bickering instead of working together. "Both countries are engaged in a blame game while children drown in our Channel," Lisa Nandy, the foreign affairs spokeswoman of Britain's opposition Labour party, told Sky News. "It's simply unconscionable," she said. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt's Air Force held its first international forum, the Air Power Symposium, in Cairo on Sunday. The one-day forum at the Air Force's HQ in Cairo was attended by high-level delegations from different countries and a number of military experts. The forum offered an opportunity to highlight the crucial role that air power plays in defending Egypts skies, particularly the importance of advanced weapons. According to the forums website, the programme will also include technical presentations with the latest technology and solutions that are currently propelling air power players into the forefront of international air dominance. The event is also a key platform for Egypt's Air Force to develop strategies to help the country maintain its prominent role in the MENA region. The forum also reflects the Armed Forces interest in holding international military gatherings in Egypt. Coming on the heels of the forum, the second edition of Egypt's Defense Expo (EDEX 2021) will kick off on Monday and run through Thursday. Search Keywords: Short link: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry left on Sunday for Spain to take part in the Sixth Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), slated for Monday in Barcelona. The meeting will bring together the foreign affairs ministers of the 42 UfM member states to discuss regional developments, according to the union website. The gathering will take place in the framework of the celebrations surrounding the first Day of the Mediterranean, which commemorates on 28 November the start of the process that eventually led to the unions establishment. Egypt's top diplomat will underscore the importance of the UfM as an institutional framework for regional cooperation in various domains, most notably in the environment, climate, economic development and digital transformation fields. He also will reiterate Egypts commitment to cooperation with UfM member states within the framework of the unions adopted strategy since its establishment in 2008, a statement by the Egyptian foreign ministry said. Shoukry will also participate in the third ministerial meeting of the European Union (EU)Southern Neighbourhood, a body that covers the EU's relations with southern partners, including Egypt, Algeria, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Israel. The Egyptian minister will review Egypts priorities surrounding cooperation with the European side in several fields, according to the statement. FM Shoukry will underscore the significance of increasing the European investments in Egypt and the southern neighbourhood states, as well as develop the access of exports to European markets, with the aim of achieving sustainable development objectives. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt Defense Expo 2021 highlights the promise and potential of the U.S.-Egypt partnership and Egypts growing leadership in regional security. For more than 40 years, U.S.-Egypt defense cooperation has been a fundamental component of our strategic partnership and future military-to-military inter-operability will only make us stronger. 2021 was an historic year for the relationship between our two great navies and our collaboration in the area of maritime security. Egypt joined the U.S. Navy in eight naval exercises. In July, we attended President Sisis inauguration of the new Egyptian Navy base on the Mediterranean Sea; and in August, with Vice Admiral Ahmed Khaled Hassan Saeed, Commander of the Egyptian Naval Force, we celebrated the first visit of a U.S. Navy warship to the Berenice Naval Base on the Red Sea. At the November 8-9 U.S.-Egypt Strategic Dialogue in Washington, D.C., we reaffirmed our steadfast commitment to bilateral defense cooperation to meet current and future challenges, including in counterterrorism and border and maritime security. Egypt reaffirmed its commitment to active participation in the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), the largest multinational naval coalition in the world. This reinforced the successful completion of the 32nd U.S.-Egypt Military Cooperation Committee and Egypts hosting of Bright Star 2021, which advanced defense and maritime security cooperation and improved how our naval forces work together to interdict shipments carrying illegal cargo. We will continue to strengthen bilateral ties between our navies to promote regional security, stability, and prosperity. Ninety percent of the worlds trade travels by water, and Egypt is critical to many trade routes. Egypts contributions to safeguarding against smugglers, traffickers, and pirates is crucial to global commerce. Other opportunities on the horizon will enable our navies to deepen already strong ties. The U.S. Navy recently formed a new task force for integrating unmanned systems and artificial intelligence into our operations at sea. This will enhance our ability to monitor regional maritime activity in cooperation with our international partners.Egypt will take a leading role in the upcoming International Maritime Exercise (IMX) in January 2022. IMX 22 will be the largest naval exercise in the world, with more the 60 nations and international organizations participating in waters surrounding the Arabian Peninsula, and the Indian Ocean. Egypt will lead a multinational task force in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden during the exercise. The United States and Egypt are maritime nations. Our security is forever tied to the sea and for that same reason it is also tied to each other, and we must remain committed to advancing our maritime security cooperation together, as partners and as leaders. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt records 931 new coronavirus cases on Saturday, bringing the total infection tally officially to 355,767 since the outbreak began in February 2020, said Health Ministry in its daily coronavirus update statement. The ministry also reported 68 new deaths related to Covid-19 complications in the past 24 hours nationwide, bringing the total number of deaths from the virus to 20,305. The statement added that 531 patients have been discharged after recovering from the virus, bringing the total number of recoveries to 295,434. Egypt has tightened up the pandemic related safety measures at its land, air, and seaports due to the mounting concerns over the detection of the new coronavirus variant Omicron in South Africa. The country has suspended direct flights with South Africa, imposing travel restrictions on passengers flying indirectly to Cairo from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini, Mozambique and Lesotho. Passengers coming from those countries to Cairo as a final destination through transit flights or stopping at Cairo International Airport as a transit point before reaching their final destination will take a rapid test. The World Health Organization has named the new "variant of concern" Omicron, and scientists are racing to understand it and whether vaccines need adjustments. The variant has already reached Asia and Europe. Several countries including the US, UK, EU countries, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Bahrain began to impose flight restrictions on direct flights from Southern Africa countries. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt received on Saturday a shipment of 3.89 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine through COVAX in cooperation with the vaccine alliance GAVI, the health ministry announced in a statement on Sunday. Egypt has secured more than 84 million doses of all coronavirus vaccines, including Sinovac, Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, Sputnik, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna. The health ministry is accelerating its vaccination campaign in an attempt to reach its target of inoculating 40 million by the end of 2021, urging people to register on the ministrys website to receive the vaccine, according to the statement. The rate of vaccination in Egypt has increased to nearly 460,000 per day, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and acting Health Minister Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar said on Saturday night in a TV statement. About 30 million people have so far received the first shot while more than 15 million have been fully immunised, Abdel-Ghaffar added. Egypt has tightened pandemic related safety measures at its ports due to mounting concerns over the Omicron variant, suspending direct flights with South Africa starting 27 November, and imposing travel restrictions on passengers flying indirectly to Cairo from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini, Mozambique and Lesotho. Passengers coming from those countries to Cairo as a final destination through transit flights or stopping at Cairo International Airport as a transit point before reaching their final destination will take a rapid test. Egypt has made coronavirus vaccination mandatory for several sectors in the country, including the public sector, and since 15 November, unvaccinated employees have not been allowed to enter their workplaces unless they present a negative PCR test every 15 days. Starting 1 December, the state will not allow unvaccinated persons to enter government facilities. Last Wednesday, the government approved a third booster shot for the most vulnerable groups in the country, estimated at more than 4 million, starting early December. These groups, according to the cabinet, include patients who suffer from immunodeficiency, patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, the elderly, and healthcare workers provided that they took their second shot at least six months ago. Egypt has recorded a total of 355,767 coronavirus infections so far, including 20,305 deaths and 295,434 recoveries. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt's government approved on Sunday to vaccinate children from age 12 to 15 years old against Covid-19 using Pfizer. Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly headed a meeting on Sunday for the medical ministerial group on the latest developments of coronavirus in Cairo. According to the statement of the Egyptian cabinet on the meeting , the government will vaccinate children from age 12 to 15 following its decision in early November to vaccinate teens from 15 to 18 years old. Egypt has already received on Saturday a new shipment of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine donated by the US to Egypt via COVAX . The new shipment consists of 3,890,000 Covid-19 doses . During the meeting , Higher Education minister and Acting Health minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar revealed Egypt administrated so far 45.2 million coronavirus doses divided between 29.6 million first dose and 15.6 million second dose. He also added Egypt's total stock of coronavirus vaccine doses from different vaccine types reached 88.2 million doses whether imported vaccines or locally made. Egypt has already a stock of all coronavirus vaccines, including Sinovac, Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, Sputnik, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna. The government is targeting to vaccinate 40 million citizens by the end of 2021. According to statements to the media on Saturday , Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar stated about 30 million people have so far received the first shot while more than 15 million have been fully immunized. He also stated that about 30 million people have so far received the first shot while more than 15 million have been fully immunized. Search Keywords: Short link: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday called on countries to "urgently" reverse "scientifically unjustified" travel bans linked to the discovery of the new highly-mutated coronavirus variant Omicron. "We call upon all those countries that have imposed travel bans on our country and our southern African sister countries to immediately and urgently reverse their decisions," he said in his first address to the nation following last week's detection of the new variant. Dozens of countries have blacklisted South Africa and its neighbours since South African scientists flagged Omicron last week. "The prohibition of travel is not informed by science," Ramaphosa said. "The only thing the prohibition on travel will do is to further damage the economies of the affected countries and undermine their ability to respond to, and recover from, the pandemic," he added. "These restrictions are unjustified and unfairly discriminate against our country and our southern African sister countries". Although the World Health Organization has defined Omicron, a variant of concern, scientists are still assessing its virulence. Ramaphosa said the "most powerful tool" to limit its transmission was the vaccine and urged South Africans to get jabbed. He said the government was considering making vaccines mandatory for certain activities and locations in a bid to increase uptake. Just over 35 percent of adults in South Africa have been fully inoculated due to a slow start to its vaccine campaign and widespread hesitancy. The country is the worst virus-hit in Africa, with around 2.9 million cases and 89,797 deaths reported to date. Omicron is believed to be fuelling a rise in infections, with 1,600 new cases recorded on average in the past seven compared to 500 the previous week. Search Keywords: Short link: The United States under President Joe Biden is to resume on Monday indirect negotiations with Iran in Vienna -- but is far less optimistic than in the spring about the possibility of saving the Iranian nuclear deal. Its options to prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb are limited if talks fail. Relaunching the 2015 deal As president, Donald Trump withdrew from the international deal in 2018 and reimposed US sanctions lifted under the accord's terms. In response, the Islamic Republic has flouted many of the restrictions set on its nuclear program. Biden has said he wants to return to the deal -- negotiated in 2015 by then-president Barack Obama, under whom Biden served as vice president -- so long as Iran also resumes the original terms. The indirect negotiations in Vienna resume Monday after a five-month suspension imposed by Iran. "There is room to quickly reach and implement an understanding," a spokesperson for the US State Department said Wednesday. But the American envoy on Iran, Rob Malley, has said that Tehran's attitude "doesn't augur well for the talks." Washington has accused the Middle Eastern nation of dragging its feet and increasing its "radical" demands -- while still making progress that would bring it significantly closer to developing a bomb. An interim agreement If, when talks resume, it quickly becomes apparent to the United States that Iran only wants to buy time to step up its nuclear advances, then Washington will not "sit idly by," Malley warned. "We're going to have to see other efforts diplomatic and otherwise to try to address Iran's nuclear ambitions," he said. One of the diplomatic options mentioned was a possible interim agreement. "The Biden administration could look at a short-term deal, a limited agreement that freezes some of the most proliferation-sensitive activities in Iran in exchange for some modest sanctions relief," Kelsey Davenport, the head of nonproliferation policy at the Arms Control Association, told AFP recently. The goal is to buy some time, as Tehran is much closer to possessing a nuclear bomb than before. But such a move risks provoking an outcry in Washington, among Republicans but also among several members of Biden's Democratic Party, who would see it as too generous a concession to Iran. More comprehensive "If Iran comes back to the negotiating table with a long list of demands outside of the JCPOA, the US could reciprocate" and present its own list about Iran's role in regional conflicts and its ballistic missiles, said Davenport, using the official acronym for the nuclear deal. But doing so would open up long and complex negotiations with an uncertain outcome. And there is nothing to prevent Iran from continuing to develop its nuclear program during that time.More pressure For Suzanne DiMaggio, a researcher at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace think tank, the "options beyond restoring the deal are not great." "If there was a better plan out there, we would have heard it by now," she said Friday during an exchange with reporters. One possibility would be to increase economic sanctions, even as the Democratic administration continues to blast the Trump era "maximum pressure" approach as a failure. Punitive measures could also target China, which continues to buy Iranian oil despite a US embargo. But Beijing is unlikely to change its stance. US hawks opposed to the 2015 deal -- and there are many, particularly among conservatives -- argue that Washington should increase economic, diplomatic and even military pressure without waiting for the outcome of the Vienna negotiations. The military option Accused of weakness by proponents of a harder stance, the Biden administration began to toughen its approach in October, warning that "other options" than diplomacy were on the table to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. The White House did not specify what those options were, but it has clearly hinted at the possibility of military action. However, in a noted op-ed, former US diplomat Dennis Ross said that the "routinized" reference to "other options" had become insufficient, as "Tehran no longer takes Washington seriously." "The Biden administration needs to put the prospect of military escalation back on the table if it hopes to make progress on the nuclear issue," he wrote in the essay, published October 27. Israel, for its part, has clearly embraced this option as a possibility. But for DiMaggio, military force "will not ultimately solve the problem. "In fact, precedent is for the Iranians to meet pressure with pressure," she warned. "More aggressive steps beyond sanctions, including further sabotage of Iran's nuclear program, run the risk of resulting in a miscalculation, mistake or an escalation that cannot be managed, potentially sparking violent conflict." Search Keywords: Short link: Five Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters were killed and four wounded in a roadside bombing blamed on the Islamic State group, regional authorities said on Sunday. The Saturday evening bombing south of the city of Sulaimaniyah underlined the "serious threat" IS still poses to the Kurdistan region four years after the Iraqi government declared victory over the jihadists, the region's prime minister Masrour Barzani said. The region's peshmerga ministry said the slain fighters who were hit had been on their way to reinforce comrades who had come under attack by IS fighters. "We have warned time and again about the dangers posed by the Islamic State group terrorists," Barzani said. The last major attack blamed on IS in Iraq was an assault on a checkpoint south of Kirkuk that killed 13 policemen in September. The last major attack claimed by IS was a July bombing in the Baghdad Shiite district of Sadr City, which killed 30 people. IS seized swathes of Iraq in a lightning offensive in 2014, before being beaten back by a counter-insurgency campaign supported by a US-led military coalition. The Iraqi government declared the Sunni extremists defeated in late 2017, but the jihadists retain sleeper cells which continue to strike security forces with hit-and-run attacks. Search Keywords: Short link: Militants targeted a Pakistani military post in the northwestern tribal belt near the Afghan border, killing two soldiers in a firefight, the army said in a statement. The Pakistani army's media wing said late Saturday that militants attacked a post in the Datta Khel area of the district of North Waziristan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The area is a former militant stronghold. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. During an intense exchange of gunfire two soldiers were killed, the military said, adding that a search of the area was being carried out to find the militants. It gave no indication of the identity of the attackers. North Waziristan for years served as a safe haven for militants until the military carried out massive operations to try to clear the area. That forced the militants either to escape across the border into Afghanistan or hide in other mountainous areas near the border. Still, militants often strike against security forces. Pakistan is holding talks with Islamic militants known as the Pakistani Taliban with the help of the Taliban government in Afghanistan. There is a temporary cease-fire in place. Search Keywords: Short link: World Health Organization member states reached a consensus Sunday on kick-starting the process towards creating a pandemic treaty setting out how to handle the next global health crisis. Countries agreed to set up an intergovernmental body charged with drafting and negotiating a WHO accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. Nations are meeting in Geneva from Monday to Wednesday to discuss an international agreement setting out how to handle the next pandemic -- which experts fear is only a matter of time. Sunday's draft decision should be formalized during the meeting. The gathering comes with the planet still besieged by Covid-19, nearly two years on from the first recorded cases, and now shaken by Omicron, the new Covid variant of concern. The economic turmoil and millions of lives lost in the pandemic triggered calls for new international defenses strong enough to prevent a repeat disaster. The three-page draft decision was posted on the WHO's website. "WHO member states today informally agreed to start negotiations on a pandemic treaty. Now the resolution needs to be formally adopted tomorrow by world leaders," the European Union's diplomatic mission in Geneva said. "The events of the last weeks demonstrate more than ever the need for global solidarity and leadership. We look forward to world leaders demonstrating their joint commitment tomorrow. The momentum is there -- the planet must be better prepared." Shadow of Omicron This week's meeting of the World Health Assembly -- the WHO's decision-making body comprising all 194 member states -- is an unprecedented special session on how to handle the next pandemic. The final outcome -- whether a treaty or another formulation -- should be sealed in 2024. The special session is going ahead, despite travel restrictions relating to the discovery of Omicron. The World Trade Organization's four-day ministerial conference in Geneva next week was postponed due to the new variant of concern. A European diplomat told AFP that the emergence of Omicron had sharpened minds. "It shows this is far from over, and we really need the world to get together on this," he said. "It shows how it important it is that we come up with legal obligations towards each other to share information." The draft decision says WHO member states agree to establish "an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB)... to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instruments on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response". The INB's first meeting must be no later than March 1 next year to elect two co-chairs and four vice-chairs. Under their facilitation, the INB will then start to "identify the substantive elements of the instrument", and draw up a working draft by August 1. Comma Compromise A progress report will be presented at the regular World Health Assembly annual gathering in 2023, with the final outcome presented for consideration at the 2024 WHA. The United States -- uneasy about committing early to a treaty -- was wrangling over the placing of commas and their implications for how the outcome might be adopted but agreed to compromise. British ambassador Simon Manley said the decision "may only be the end of the beginning, but the flexibility shown and the breadth of support is a good portent for the vital efforts to come". The text acknowledged the need to address the "development and distribution of, and unhindered, timely and equitable access to, medical countermeasures such as vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics". WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has regularly hit out at the chasm between rich and poor countries access to jabs, tests, treatments and protective equipment for tackling Covid-19. Search Keywords: Short link: Mona Sewilam has the COMESA media award (TV category), on the sidelines of the 21st COMESA Heads of State and Government Summit held in Egypts New Administrative Capital on Tuesday. The winning documentary is an abridged special edition of one of the episodes of her programme titled "ON Africa" produced and aired on ON Network TV. Titled "COMESA: Between Equal Opportunities and African Integration" the film was presented, scripted and directed by Sewilam. It focuses on the important role of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) whose 21 member states have a population of 583 million which is about half of Africas population, and with a gross domestic product of $805 billion, and a global export/import trade in goods worth $324 billion. This renders COMESA the largest market for trade and investment in Africa. The documentary which was mostly filmed in Zambia where the COMESA secretariat is based also highlights Egypt's efforts to boost intra-African trade and achieve African integration. The documentary covered the significance of the Cairo-Cape Town Road that runs through Zambia. It filmed the successful Zambia-Egypt Joint Farm Venture located in Zambia, which will benefit from the road and COMESA's incentives on exporting its products to COMESA member states like Egypt. "All thanks go to the Zambian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Major General Ambassador of Zambia to Egypt Topply Mulambo Lubaya, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the then Ambassador of Egypt to Zambia and the Permanent Representative of Egypt to COMESA Ahmed Mostafa, for offering all the support needed to produce the winning documentary," said Sewilam. Sewilam previously won the COMESA award on the sidelines of the 20th COMESA Summit in the Zambian capital Lusaka. She emphasized that her winning is a concrete proof that Egyptian media is capable of carrying out outdoor coverage inside Africa and of competing at the regional level. Search Keywords: Short link: KYODO NEWS - Nov 28, 2021 - 19:43 | World, All The United States is planning to host an in-person summit of President Joe Biden and leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Washington in January, ASEAN sources have said. The summit would be the first face-to-face meeting of Biden and ASEAN leaders since he took office in January this year, as Washington is emphasizing its commitment to the region amid China's growing clout. The United States has proposed holding the summit in the third week of January and is coordinating the date with ASEAN members, the sources said. Ahead of the summit, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is slated to visit some of the countries in the group, including Indonesia and Thailand, in December, they said. However, the United States will probably not invite the leader of Myanmar's junta, Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, to the summit, according to the sources. Min Aung Hlaing led the Feb. 1 coup that toppled the elected government of civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The meeting of Biden and ASEAN leaders is being arranged as Beijing is bolstering its ties with Southeast Asian countries. On Nov. 22, China and ASEAN agreed to upgrade their ties to a "comprehensive strategic partnership," with President Xi Jinping making a rare appearance during a special online summit of the two sides. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang usually represents China at ASEAN-related summits. In late October, the United States and the 10-member bloc held a virtual summit, but without Myanmar. Biden said in the meeting that the United States will provide $102 million to the members of ASEAN to support the group's efforts to address the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and other issues. Biden's predecessor Donald Trump only attended one U.S.-ASEAN summit, in 2017. ASEAN groups Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Related coverage: U.S., Japan square off with China on maritime security amid tensions ASEAN holds summit without Myanmar, explores balanced approach Blinken shows concerns on Myanmar, calls ASEAN key to region's future KYODO NEWS - Nov 28, 2021 - 20:01 | All, Japan, World Japan and the United States are considering holding security talks involving their foreign and defense ministers in January to reinforce their alliance in dealing with China's increasing military assertiveness, Japanese government sources said Sunday. Arrangements are being made for Japan's Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi and Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi to visit the United States for the so-called two-plus-two meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the sources said. Tokyo and Washington are expected to agree to continue working closely on realizing the denuclearization of North Korea as well as maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, where tensions have grown with China stepping up military activities, the sources said. The in-person meeting will likely be held after Tokyo decides in December to shoulder more of the costs of stationing U.S. troops in Japan from fiscal 2022 in response to a request from Washington, with the ministers signing the cost-sharing accord, they said. Japan and the United States last held a two-plus-two security meeting in Tokyo in March. The two nations had initially hoped to hold the next meeting by the end of this year, but they are now expected to push it back due to Japanese political events in December, the sources said. The security talks will be the first involving ministers of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's Cabinet launched in October. Japan and the United States are also arranging to hold a summit meeting, but a date has not been set yet. Japan's annual defense spending has been on the rise in the face of North Korea's nuclear and missile development, and China's rise, with the Defense Ministry requesting a budget of 5.47 trillion yen ($48 billion) for fiscal 2022 starting in April. Kishida's Cabinet is expected to approve the draft budget in December. Related coverage: Japan gov't aware of sinking ground ahead of U.S. base landfill work Biden expressed hope Japan would increase defense spending to PM Kishida Japan set to meet U.S. request to shoulder more for hosting troops KYODO NEWS - Nov 28, 2021 - 09:46 | All, Japan, Coronavirus Over 60 percent of respondents to a recent online survey in Japan said they believe work-related get-togethers for drinking are "unnecessary," as the COVID-19 pandemic has reduced reliance on alcohol to deepen relationships. Those who shun so-called "nominication" -- a hybrid of the Japanese word for "drink" and "communication" -- that often signifies work colleagues meeting up over drinks, overtook supporters of the practice for the first time since Nippon Life Insurance Co. began the annual survey in 2017. In the survey conducted in October and answered by 7,774 people, 36.9 percent said they see post-work drinks as "unnecessary," while another 25.0 percent said such events are "somewhat unnecessary." The combined percentage of 61.9 percent marked a 16.2 point increase from the previous year. The most common reason among the 61.9 percent of respondents was an aversion toward needing to be mindful or attentive during drinking sessions at 36.5 percent, followed by 29.5 percent who said they feel drinking with colleagues is an "extension of work." Another 22.2 percent answered they "do not like alcohol." Only 11.1 percent said they see drinking with colleagues as "necessary," while 27.1 percent said the practice is "somewhat necessary." Of those who viewed nominication positively, a majority, at 57.6 percent, said it "closes the distance" with others and helps participants "discover the true feelings" of colleagues, while 38.5 percent said it serves as an occasion to "gather information. Another 33.6 percent answered that drinking with colleagues helps "reduce stress." "The number of people who are questioning the need to meet over drinks has risen, as they became unable to hold parties due to COVID-19," said Tomoki Inoue, a senior researcher at the NLI Research Institute. However, support for nominication may grow again once the pandemic has died down, he added. KYODO NEWS - Nov 28, 2021 - 09:08 | All, Japan The Japanese government was aware that a portion of the seabed at the planned relocation site for a U.S. military base in Okinawa, southern Japan, was weak in 2015, three years before controversial landfill work got under way there, official documents showed Saturday. A geological survey conducted by a contractor found the possibility of the ground sinking over the long term due to a weak seabed area. However, the government did not officially acknowledge the existence of the soft earth, which required reinforcement work, until 2019. The transfer of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, located in a densely populated area of Ginowan in Okinawa, is spelled out in a bilateral agreement between Japan and the United States. But transferring the base to the coastal area of Henoko has met with strong opposition from residents in the prefecture, which hosts the bulk of U.S. military installations in the country. Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki on Thursday did not approve the central government's plan to make the necessary changes to the landfill work to address the weak ground issue, saying that it was unacceptable to proceed with the construction of a new base that has no prospects of being completed. The revelation comes at a time when the government is expected to take countermeasures in a legal battle against the prefecture, which has refused to allow necessary changes to the plan. According to documents by the local bureau of the Defense Ministry in Okinawa disclosed to Kyodo News, a contractor surveying the seabed of the relocation site notified the bureau that thick layers of cohesive soil were found at the site in April 2015. The contractor discovered the soft seabed at a depth of some 70 meters below sea level, and the Defense Ministry's internal report in March 2016 included such data. Up to now, however, it was not clear how and when the issue was brought to the attention of the ministry's local bureau. Asked why the findings were not made public in 2015, the bureau said, "We do not normally disclose boring and other survey results every time they are conducted." At the time, tensions were high between the central government and the Okinawa government. Then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pushed for relocation, saying it was the only solution for eliminating the dangers the base could pose to the populous area. Then Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga opposed the plan after securing an overwhelming victory in a gubernatorial election a year earlier on his anti-relocation platform. A Japanese government source told Kyodo News that the local defense bureau in Okinawa had been taking the weak seabed issue seriously from an "early stage." Under the initial plan, the base construction work was to be completed in five years, but it is now expected to take around nine years. The administration of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also maintains that the relocation of the Futenma base to the coastal area is the "only solution" as it stresses the importance of the Japan-U.S. security alliance and the safety of residents. Related coverage: Okinawa gov. refuses to approve change to U.S. base transfer plan New Delhi: The long struggle of 95-year-old freedom fighter, Heera Singh has finally got over as the Delhi High Court hearing a plea related to his pension directed the central government to disburse entire arrears of pension within four weeks from Monday. Singh had applied for the pension under Swatantrata Sainik Samman (SSS) Pension Scheme, which is provided to freedom fighters for their struggle in the independence movement. The court, directing central government to pay him pension, observed that people have forgotten the agonies of those who suffered the thorns of ignominy and incarceration so that they could strew the path behind them with roses for generations to follow, like ours, to tread upon. In his petition, Heera Singh said that during the freedom struggle, he along with some other freedom fighters had captured government buildings like railway station, post office and police station making it tough for the British officers to establish communication in several areas of Bihar like Madubani, Dharbhanga and Patna. Justice C. Hari Shankar said, Complacency and inertia are endemic to mankind, and the instant case presents a classic example thereof. Ensconced in our ivory towers, we have become blind, and deaf, to the plight of those who made a cosy existence, for us, possible. The court also mentioned that after Indias independence, several schemes and policies were made to honour the struggle of freedom fighters and Swatantrata Sainik Samman is one of them. It went on to add that officials responsible to implement these policies are required to be compassionate and should adopt considerate approach. It was found that 25 years were consumed by the centre in order to only reject Heera Singhs application in 2007. The veteran fighter had applied for the pension in the year 1982 itself but then fought for almost 40 years to secure it. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: HDFC Bank Limited has recently issued a warning its internet users about an app called AnyDesk which is used to steal customers money through the unified payments interface (UPI). In this scam, the fraudster gains unauthorised access to users mobile device through AnyDesk mobile app and make transactions. Even Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued similar warning about some fraudulent apps but still many people fall victim of the scam. AnyDesk is an application available for smartphones on Google Play Store which gives remote access of devices. In this regard, HDFC Bank said, Beware! Fraudsters may ask you to download AnyDesk App and share a 9-digit code which gets them access to your phone to steal money. Do not share your card details / OTP / PIN with anyone and report any unusual activity immediately to the bank. Herere some of the ways through which the fraudster may lure victims: - The fraudster will call you as a bank representative to fix some bugs in the mobile banking apps. - He will even verify few details including full name, date of birth and mobile number. - Then the caller will convince you that there is some problem with your mobile banking app and will also offer solution to fix the same. - The fraud call will also try to convince that if you dont act soon then it may block your online banking services. - For remedies, they will recommend downloading AnyDesk app to solve the problem. - The fraud caller will then ask for a 9-digit app code which is generated on your phone. - Once the fraudster gets this 9-digit code, the caller will ask the victim to grant permission from the device. - In this way, the fraud gets complete access to your handset and will remotely steal passwords and even transact via your UPI account. - If you get such calls, News Nation would recommend you to immediately disconnect the call as the bank officer will never call you personally. New Delhi: Two persons were killed and one more injured after a man opened fire inside the waiting lounge at Lahores Allama Iqbal International Airport on Wednesday. According to latest media reports, the Lahore Police has arrested the suspect. The Dawn News reported that the personal enmity is said to be the reason behind the attack. Additional security personnel have been deployed in and around the airport after the incident. The Dawn reported that the entry and exit points of the airport has been shut down for the time being. According to Pakistani news portal Dunya News, both victims were nominated suspects in Pakistan Peoples Party leader Babar Butts murder case. The Dawn news has quoted SP Cantt Safdar Raza Qazi as saying that the attackers have also been identified. Arshad and Shan have been taken into custody, the Dawn reported. Located in eastern Lahore, the Allama Iqbal International Airport is spread in 1,364 acers. It comprises of new terminal complex, old terminal building including State Lounge and Hajj Lounge besides 2 runways and 22 Aircraft parking positions. The facilities are capable to handle operations of the type of Boeing 747. The Lahore Airport is the second largest civil airport in Pakistan. It largely serves Lahore and travellers from the Punjab province. For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: At least 6 people were dead and 20 others missing after a small dam named as Tiware Dam got breached in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. As many as 12 houses in the hamlet has been washed away after the dam got breached. It is to be noted that the breach in Tiware dam has caused a flood-like situation in seven nearby villages. In a tweet, the news agency ANI said, aMaharashtra: Bodies of 2 persons have been recovered by civil administration after Tiware dam in Ratnagiri was breached. About 22-24 people are missing. 12 houses near the dam have been washed away. Civil administration, police and volunteers are present at the spot.aA Take a look: Maharashtra: Bodies of 2 persons have been recovered by civil administration after Tiware dam in Ratnagiri was breached. About 22-24 people are missing. 12 houses near the dam have been washed away. Civil administration, police and volunteers are present at the spot. a ANI (@ANI) July 3, 2019 "6 bodies have been recovered so far after Tiware dam in Ratnagiri was breached. Rescue operations continue," ANI later noted.A #UPDATE 6 bodies have been recovered so far after Tiware dam in Ratnagiri was breached. Rescue operations continue. #Maharashtra a ANI (@ANI) July 3, 2019 A National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams have been rushed to the spot. Civil administration, police and volunteers are also present. More details are awaited. Due to a heavy rainfall in the state, so far 38 people have been killed. Twenty-two people were killed in a wall collapse incident in Mumbai while 14 died in rest of Maharashtra in rain-related incidents since Monday. The financial capital of the country was paralysed with most roads getting clogged and local train services, virtually coming to a standstill. Besides road and rail, flight operations at Mumbaias Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport were also hit severely due to heavy rains and a SpiceJet aircraft blocking a runway after overshooting it shortly before midnight. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi : National Independent Schools Alliance (NISA) of India, representing over 60,000 private unaided schools across 22 states, has raised a strong objection to the recommendation of the constitution of School Management Committees (SMCs) in private schools under the draft NEP (National Education Policy) 2019. According to NISA, forming of SMCs in private schools is a violation of the RTE (Right to Education) Act and a direct attack on the autonomy of edupreneurs. "Extending the powers of SMCs are a direct assault on the freedom and autonomy of private unaided schools, effectively turning SMC's into an instrument of surveillance and control for the government. Traditionally, private schools have been exempt from SMC's under the RTE Act. The clause instituting SMCs across all schools is in direct violation of the TMA Pai Judgment, Article 19 of the constitution and the Society's Act of 1960. Such a move not only is likely to burden parents but will likely deter new edupreneurs from starting schools adversely affecting inclusion and diversity in education, said Kulbhushan Sharma, national president of NISA. Explaining it further, S Madhusudan vice president of NISA said that the proposed SMCs will have outsiders i.e. a representative of the education department and one local representative and therefore they will have their own vested interests and they can intervene in projects related to school development. If there is public money involved in running a school then there should SMCs to monitor whether the funds are being properly used by the school administration or not but this is not the case with private schools as they use their own money and therefore constituting SMCs would be like harassing the management, Madhusudan said. The other significant demand raised by the NISA is of classification of private schools on the basis of fee structures as there's a huge variation in it among such schools. There are different kinds of private schools in India. Some are international schools and they are running it for profit, however, there are some private schools which are offering education at very low cost and their aim is providing education and not making a profit. So both of them cannot be categorised in the same category and therefore there should be different regulations for both of them. It is not at all justified to have a common regulation for schools charging Rs 10,000 per month or more and those charging less than even Rs 1,000 per month, Madhusudan added. There is a perception among parents that all private schools are looting them, but this is not the case, the schools body said. There should be no ambiguity that all private schools are charging hefty fees. There are over 50 per cent schools that are charging less than Rs 650 fees per month and there are 95 per cent schools where students have to give fees of less than Rs 2,500 per month. Approximately 2-5 per cent schools are charging hefty fees, NISA president emphasised. The new draft of National Education Policy 2019 also lacks any references to Direct Benefit Transfers/vouchers as a way to increase access to quality schooling. "The average per child expenditure per month in each state should be converted into targeted per child scholarships using the mechanism of Direct Benefit Transfer, presenting an opportunity to strengthen the hands of parents and help put a check on leakages in public funding of schools. Instead of social empowerment, the financial empowerment of the parents is paramount", elaborated Madhusudhan. Meanwhile, the deadline for public comments on the draft of the new National Education Policy will be extended by a month till July 31, HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal said in the Rajya Sabha. The draft of the new NEP, which was formulated by a panel led by former ISRO chief K Kasturirangan, provides reforms at all levels of education. Earlier, it was embroiled in a controversy over the recommendation regarding the three-language formula and mandatory Hindi teaching in schools. This sparked outrage across the political spectrum in Tamil Nadu forcing the government to issue a revised draft education policy that did not have a mention of the language being compulsory. Union Minister Prakash Javadekar, who had formed the panel when he was the HRD minister in the previous term, had earlier asserted that no language should be imposed on anyone. He clarified that the committee had only prepared a draft report and no decision had been taken on implementing it. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Indian aviation regulator DGCA Tuesday issued safety directions to airlines in the wake of multiple incidents of planes overshooting runways while operating amidst bad weather conditions. In a circular, the DGCA said, "Aircraft operations during monsoon season poses challenges, which of late have resulted in a number of occurrences." Issuing various directions to the airlines, the circular stated, "Crew should be well aware of the aircraft limitations and of take-off/landing performance calculations during the adverse weather operations." It added that while adhering to the minimum cockpit experience, which has already been laid down by the DGCA, the airlines should carry out their own "risk assessment" before conducting operations during adverse weather conditions. The regulator said that the airlines must "make available sufficiently experienced crew in the cockpit". The DGCA circular also said that the crew rostering should factor in the "fatigue element associated with the operations during adverse weather conditions". A senior official at the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) told PTI that it is probing the incidents of planes overshooting runways. On July 1, a SpiceJet flight from Jaipur overshot the main runway after landing at the Mumbai airport amid heavy rains. On June 30, another SpiceJet plane from Bhopal veered off the runway at Surat airport due to heavy rainfall and wind. An Air India Express flight veered off the taxiway after landing and got stuck in soft ground at the Mangalore airport on June 30. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: A SpiceJet aircraft from Pune veered off towards right from the runway centre line at the Kolkata Airport, owing to wet runway and a heavy rainfall during landing, on Tuesday, the airline spokesperson said. The spokesperson added that four runway edge lights were inadvertently damaged in the incident, but all passengers and crew safe. SpiceJet Boeing 737 800 aircraft, flight SG-275 on Pune-Kolkata route veered off towards right from the runway center line, owing to wet runway & heavy rain during landing, today. 4 runway edge lights were inadvertently damaged. All passengers & crew safe, the SpiceJet spokesperson. Amid multiple such incidents, aviation watchdog DGCA has issued safety directions to the country's airlines. It said in a circular that crew members should be well aware of aircraft limitations during adverse weather operations and airlines should carry out their own "risk assessment" before operating in such conditions. On Monday, a SpiceJet flight from Jaipur skid and overshot the main runway while landing at the Mumbai airport amidst heavy rains, although none of the passengers were hurt in the incident, said a source privy to the matter. The incident happened around 11.45 pm when the SpiceJet flight SG6237 flying from Jaipur to Mumbai skid and overshot the main runway, the source said. "A SpiceJet flight SG6237, which was coming from Jaipur to Mumbai, skid and overshot the main runway at around 11.45 pm on Monday night. All passengers are safe. The main runway has been temporarily closed," the source said. On June 30, a SpiceJet flight from Bhopal overshot the runway at Surat Airport, said the airport director of Surat. All passengers and crew members are safe and rescue operation was in progress, the director said. The incident came hours after an Air India Express flight veered off the taxiway after landing and got stuck into soft ground at the Mangalore airport on Sunday. All passengers and crew on board the Dubai-Mangalore flight are safe, the airport and the airlines said in separate statements. According to a statement issued by the Mangalore airport, the Air India Express Dubai to Mangalore plane veered off the taxi way after landing. The aircraft got stuck in the grass, it said. The operations at the airport are normal and the aircraft will be towed soon. "AI Express aircraft VT-AYA, operating IX 384, Dubai to Mangalore on June 30, after landing on runway 24 while vacating the runway to the right side, has gone off the taxiway into soft ground," the airlines said. Tailwind and wet runway with inadequate braking action were reported to be the reasons behind the incident, it said. All passengers and crew are safe, and they deplaned using step ladder, it said. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Tuesday said economic growth is high on the agenda of the Narendra Modi 2.0 government and various steps are being taken to accelerate the GDP. India's GDP hit a 5-year low of 6.8 per cent and moderation in growth momentum in 2018-19, is primarily on account of lower growth in agriculture, trade, transport, communication and services related to broadcasting, she said in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha. "Economic growth is high on the agenda of the Government. Various reforms are being undertaken by the Government in many spheres to improve GDP growth," she said. The key reforms in Government's new term include expansion to all farmers the cash transfer scheme PM-Kisan providing an income support of Rs 6,000 per year, which was earlier limited to farmers with a landholding of less than 2 hectares, she said. Along with this, she said, Government has also launched voluntary pension scheme for small and marginal farmers and small shopkeepers or retail traders. Further to give focused attention to issues of growth, the Government has constituted a five-member cabinet committee on investment and growth chaired by the Prime Minister, she said. Earlier, measures taken by the Government for growth promotion, included historic support and outreach programme for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector, expansion and facilitation of MSMEs across the country, liberalisation of FDI policy and introduction of the Goods and Services Tax, she said. Replying to another question, Sitharaman said the demonetisation of bank notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denomination resulted in significant positive impact. "Since illegally held cash forms the major chunk of terrorist funding, after the demonetisation, most of the cash held with the terrorists turned worthless. Demonetisation led to instant extinguishment of high quality fake Indian currency notes," she said. She emphasised that a significant growth has been observed in digital transactions in the country post demonetisation. "Growth of digital transactions in terms of value has increased to 188.07 lakh crore in September 2018, from 112.27 lakh crore in November 2016. Digital Transactions in terms of volume has increased to 241.88 crore in September 2018," she said. Short-term costs of demonetisation was in the form of inconvenience and hardship, especially to those in the informal and cash-intensive sectors of the economy but that was taken care of very soon, she said, adding, demonetisation also resulted in better tax compliance, greater tax revenues, more formalisation of economy and higher digital transactions. The economy has achieved high growth that averaged 7.5 per cent in the last 5 years (2014-15 to 2018-19) amidst significant improvements in macro-economic stability, she added. Mumbai: The travel and tourism industry expects reduction of tax burden, improvement of infrastructure and better connectivity from the upcoming Budget 2019, that will help double both the international as well as domestic tourist traffic. Travel company Cox & Kings Group CEO Peter Kerkar urged the government to speed up tourism projects in destinations that have the carrying capacity to absorb tourists in large numbers. Last mile connectivity from major metros to tourism destinations will act as a catalyst to double our tourism numbers and contribute to overall development, he added. Another area that the government should focus on is to increase the air seat capacity as this is one big challenge that the tourism sector is facing when it comes to attracting more overseas visitors, he said. On the domestic front, the UDAN scheme should be extended to more airports and help the private sector in making it viable, he added. Hotel and Restaurant Association of Western India (HRAWI) president and Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations Of India (FHRAI) vice president Gurbaxish Singh Kohli said the government should grant soft loans to hotels with a minimum project cost of Rs 25 crore against the present Rs 250 crore. We also request the government to consider including two options in GST for restaurants. This would include offering a composite GST with flat 5 per cent rate under which restaurants will not avail Input Tax Credit (ITC) and the other option being 12 per cent rate with ITC. The choice of opting into either of the options should be with the establishment, he added. Further, he said, GST on property rent should be abolished as this makes it totally unviable for establishments to sustain the high costs. For hotels, he said, are presently are required to levy either 0 or 12 or 18 or 28 per cent GST rates based on the declared room tariffs. We recommend that the rate categorisation be on the basis of transaction value instead and also that a uniform rate of 12 per cent be levied, Kohli added. FCM Travel Solutions, Indian Subsidiary of Flight Centre Travel Group, Managing Director Rakshit Desai said the Union Budget 2019-20 is expected to be promising for the travel industry, complemented by further tax rebate for the middle-income group. A review of GST is needed as tax on hotels varies according to room tariffs (18 per cent to 28 per cent). Tax on premium hotels in India is among the highest in the world, more than hotels in New York, London or Paris, he added. ixigo CEO and co-founder Aloke Bajpai said with around 70 per cent of our traffic is currently being driven by tier II and III cities, reflects the surge in demand from smaller cities for domestic travel. EaseMyTrip co-founder and CEO Nishant Pitti said the travel and tourism industry in India account for more than 9 per cent of the GDP and creates great opportunities for employment and foreign-exchange. I believe that government will definitely focus on this sector in Union Budget of 2019. There should be fund allotment for the infrastructural developments, be it the airports and railway stations, tourist places or other facilities. There must be no delay in refund of GST since the postponement in the refund blocks the working capital and creates stress for the industry, he said. There should also be a continuation of tax immunity for start-ups and small enterprises, he added. New Delhi: A seven-year-old girl was abducted and raped by an unidentified person in Shastri Nagar in Jaipur triggering protests by locals, the police said. As tension prevailed in the area, mobile internet services were suspended on Tuesday in 13 police station areas of Jaipur and security stepped up to prevent any flare-up, they said. The girl was found near her house on Monday night and was taken to a local hospital where the doctors referred her to JK Lone hospital. Her condition is stated to be stable. "The girl was abducted by a motorcycle-borne man and taken to a nearby place where she was raped," a police official said. After the incident came to light, a large number of people assembled outside Kanwatia hospital, where the girl was initially taken, following which additional policemen were deployed in the area. A mob also damaged windowpanes of some cars parked in the streets. "We have deployed additional policemen in the area to maintain law and order. The situation is under control and efforts are being made to arrest the accused," DCP North Manoj Kumar said. State Transport Minister Pratap Singh Khachariawas visited the hospital on Tuesday and enquired about the girl's health. "This is a heinous crime. The culprit should be hanged. Police are making all efforts to nab the accused," he said. Additional Director General of Police (civil rights) Janga Srinivas Rao also visited the victim at the hospital. Meanwhile, authorities have suspended internet mobile services in 13 police station areas in Jaipur from 2 pm on July 2 to 10 am on July 3 after "rumours" were being spread on social media about the incident. Jaipur divisional commissioner issued orders to mobile internet provider companies to suspend internet in Ramganj, Galta Gate, Manak Chowk, Subhas Chowk, Brahmpuri, Nahargarh, Kotwali, Sanjay Circle, Shastri Nagar, Bhatta Basti, Lal Kothi, Adarsh nagar and Sadar police stations. For all the Latest Crime News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Lucknow: In a shocking case of negligence, doctors declared a 20-year-old boy dead after 10 days of treatment and handed over the body to the family to perform last rites. However, family members noticed movement in his body just before they were about to bury him. The bewildered family rushed they boy identified as Mohammad Furqan - to a hospital where he has been put on a ventilator. According to reports, Furqan met with an accident on June 21 and was admitted to Ram Manohar Lohia hospital. After days of treatment, doctors declared him dead on Monday and the body was sent to his home in an ambulance. "Devastated, we were preparing for the burial when some of us saw movement in his limbs. We immediately took Furqan to the Ram Manohar Lohia hospital where the doctors said he was alive and have put him on ventilator support," his is elder brother Mohammad Irfan was quoted as saying by IANS. "We had paid Rs 7 lakh to the private hospital earlier and when we told them that we had run out of money, they had declared Furqan dead on Monday," Irfan added. Lucknow Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Narendra Agarwal said, "We have taken cognizance of the incident and the matter will be thoroughly probed." "The patient is in critical condition but definitely not brain dead. He has pulse, blood pressure and his reflexes are working. He has been put on ventilator support," the doctor treating Furqan said. Earlier, a similar incident was reported from Madhya Pradesh where a septuagenarian was declared dead by doctors was found alive in the morgue the next morning. The shocking incident happened at a government hospital in Madhya Pradesh's Bina town. However, the man a resident of Naugaon town in Chhatarpur district - died a short while later. New Delhi: Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra is the latest sensation on internet. Her recent speech in Lok Sabha in which she listed the "signs of early fascism" has been widely hailed as the "speech of the year" on social media. Moitra broke the internet with her maiden speech, which had quotes from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad to Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, in the Lower House of the Parliament on June 25. However, many have alleged that the a7 signs of fascisma and how they apply to the Modi government, were not Moitraas original thoughts but were, in fact, lifted from a 2017 article in Washington Monthly, which compared a12 early warnings of fascisma and how US President Donald Trump was ticking the boxes. One of the Twitterrati who alleged that plagiarism against Moitra was Dr Vijay Chauthaiwale, whose Twitter handle suggests that he is the in-charge of Bharatiya Janata Partyas foreign affairs department. A aThe famous speech by @Trinamool MP #MahuaMoitra which @sardesairajdeep praised was an article written by a US journalist on trump in Jan 2017. All she did was to juxtapose Modi in place of Trump. Plagiarism at its worst. Here is original article,a Chauthaiwale tweeted while sharing the Washington Monthly article. The famous speech by @Trinamool MP #MahuaMoitra which @sardesairajdeep praised was an article written by a US journalist on trump in Jan 2017. All she did was to juxtapose Modi in place of Trump. Plagiarism at its worst. Here is original article a Dr Vijay Chauthaiwale (@vijai63) July 1, 2019 News Nation went through the full speech of Moitra and compared it with Washington Monthly article. This is what we found out (Following is the excerpts of the Trinamool Congress MPas speech): A A First, letas see what the Washington Monthly wrote in a12 early warnings of fascisma article: aIf you go to the U.S. Holocaust Museum, you can see a sign hanging there that tells you what to look for if youare worried that your country may be slipping into fascism. Letas take a look at their twelve early warning signs of fascism. EARLY WARNING SIGNS OF FASCISM 1. Powerful and continuing nationalism 2. Disdain for human rights 3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause 4. Rampant sexism 5. Controlled mass media 6. Obsession with national security 7. Religion and government intertwined 8. Corporate power protected 9. Labor power suppressed 10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts 11. Obsession with crime and punishment 12. Rampant cronyism and corruptiona Now, hereas the excerpts of Moitraas asigns of early fascisma speech: aIn the few minutes that have been allotted to me, let me list out these dangerous signs. The first sign a there is a powerful and continuing nationalism that is being sphered into our national fabric. It is superficial, it is xenophobic, it is narrow. It has a lust to divide. It is not a desire to unite. Citizens are being thrown out of their homes and are being called illegal immigrants. People who have lived in this country for 50 years have to show a piece of paper to prove they are Indians. In a country where ministers cannot produce degrees to show that they graduated from college, you expect disposed poor people to show papers as proof that they belong to this country? Slogans and symbols are being used to test religion. There is no one slogan, no one symbol that ensure any Indian that they are patriot. There is no one test, Sir. No one test. Sir, the second sign a there is resounding disdain for human rights that is permeating in every level of governance.A There has been a ten-fold increase in the number of hate crimes between 2014 and 2019. 10X. This is like the valuation of an e-commerce start-up, Sir. There are forces in this country that are sitting there just pushing this number up. The lynching of citizens in broad daylight is being condoned. From Pehlu Khan in Rajasthan last year to Mr Ansari in Jharkhand yesterday, the list is not stopping. The third sign a there is an unimaginable subjugation and control of mass media today.A Five of the largest news media organizations in India are today either indirectly controlled or indirectly debted to one man in this country. TV channels spent a majority of airtime broadcasting propaganda for the ruling party. Coverage of every Opposition party is cut out. Let the government come out with facts and figures to show ad-spend per media house. What are they spending the money on and which media houses are they blocking out? The Information and Broadcasting Ministry employs over 120 people solely to check the content on TV channels every day to make sure that there is no anti-government news being put out. Fake news is the norm. This election was not fought on the plank of farmer distress. This election was not fought on unemployment. This election was fought on Whatsapp, on fake news, on manipulating minds. Every piece of news that this government, I repeat, every piece of news that this government have put out, every lie that you put out, you repeat and repeat and then it becomes the truth. This is the Goebbels doctrine. You talk about naamdar and kaamdar? Let me tell you the Congress party might have put up 36 dynast since 1999 in parliament but the BJP put up 31. Every time you put out one figure anything that is not the truth, you are destroying the fabric of India. Yesterday the floor leader of the Congress party said that the co-operative movement has been a failure in Bengal and I urge him to check his facts. The one co-operative that he is referring to a Bhagirathi a in Murshidabad is now in profit. Every little misinformation that we put out serves to destroy this country. The fourth sign is that there is an obsession with national security a identification of enemies.A When we were children our mother used to tell us to do this and do that or kala bhoot will come. It is as though all of us in this country today are in fear of some nameless, shameless kala bhoot. There is fear pervading everywhere. The achievements of the army are being usurped in the name of one man. Is this correct? New enemies are being created every day and the irony is that over the last five years terrorist attacks have gone up manifold. There has been a 106 per cent increase in the death of jawans in Kashmir. The fifth sign is that the government and religion are now intertwined in this country.A Do I even need to speak about this? Need I remind you that we have redefined what it means to be a citizen? With the NRC and the Citizenship Amendment Bill we are making sure that there is only one community that is the target of anti-immigration laws. Members of Parliament these days are more interested in the fate of 2.77 acres of land than in the 812 million acres of the rest of India. Yeh sirf 2.77 acre janmabhhoomi ka mudda nahi hain. Yeh sara desh, 80 crore acres, ko akhand rakhne ka prashna hai.A The sixth sign is the most dangerous. There is complete disdain for intellectuals and the arts.A There is a repression of all dissent, funding is being cut for liberal education, scientific temperament which is enshrined in Article 51 of the Constitution. There is Article 51 of the Constitution, which demands a scientific temperament. Everything we are doing is pushing India back to the dark ages. Secondary school textbooks are being manipulated and distorted in order to indoctrinate.You donat even tolerate questioning, let alone dissent. I wish to quote the great Hindi poet, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar. I wish to tell you this, that the spirit of dissent is integral to India. You cannot shatter us. aHaan haan duryodhan baandh mujhe,A baandhne mujhe toh aaya hai.A Zanjeer bari kya laya hai?A Yadi mujhe baandhna chahe man,A pehle toh baandh anant gagan. Sune ko sadhna sakta hai, woh mujhe kab baandh sakta hai?a I ask you this, you cannot keep us down. Number seven, the last sign; there is an erosion of independence in our electoral system. The Election Commission was used to transfer key officials. Rs 60,000 crore was spent in this election; 50 percent by one party, Rs 27,000 crore. In 2017, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum put up a poster in its main lobby and it contained a list of all the signs of early fascism. Each of the seven signs I have pointed to you featured in that poster. There is a danger of fascism rising in India. It is incumbent upon all of us to stand up to it. Let us, the Members of this 17th Lok Sabha decide which side of history do we want to be on. Do we want to be upholders of this Constitution or do we want to be its poll bearers? I do not dispute the resounding mandate that this Government has got but I have the right to disagree with your idea that athere was no one before and that there should be no one after you.a In conclusion, I quote the poet Rahat Indori: aJo aaj saahibe masnad hain kal nahin hongeA Kiraaydaar hain jaati makaan thodi hai,A Sabhi ka khoon shaamil yahan ki mitti meA Kisi ke baap ka hindustan thodi hai?aa For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi : Amid the continuous rise in the number of childrens death from Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) in Bihar, Nitish Kumar government on Tuesday told the Supreme Court that there is a shortage of 47 per cent doctors in government-run health centres in the state. In terms of numbers, there are only 5,205 doctors against the sanctioned strength of 12,206. The state government, in an affidavit filed in the top court, also accepted that there is 70 per cent vacancy of nurses in hospitals. Only 5,634 nurses were there in government-run hospitals and health centres against the sanctioned strength of 19,155, the government said. In case of lab technicians and pharmacists, the vacancy stands at 72 per cent and 58 per cent of the sanctioned strength, the affidavit said. The court had on June 24 directed the state to apprise it about the status of public medical care facilities, nutrition and sanitation within a week in view of deaths of over 100 children in Muzaffarpur due to the outbreak of AES. Regarding AES cases, the state government said 824 cases have been reported and the number of deaths was 157. It, however, said that it was not known whether 24 deaths out of 215 cases were due to AES. "State of Bihar had already taken all possible steps to prevent the spread of the disease by providing additional medical facilities at the affected region, public awareness campaign at the village level, involving various agencies to assist the government etc," it said. "It is respectfully submitted that the overall human resources available in health system in the state is not as per standard norms," the affidavit said, adding that health department has taken steps to recruit medical officers, para-medical and other technical support staff. It said that requisition for recruitment of 4,012 general duty medical officers and 2,425 specialist doctors has been sent to the Bihar technical services selection commission. The state government said that Chief Minister Nitish Kumar himself "is personally involved and actively engaged in finding ways and means to control and treat the dreaded AES disease" in Bihar. It said that the state, in cooperation with the Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences and other agencies, has simultaneously provided all medical facilities to treat the affected children. "The steps taken up by the State has prevented spread of the disease and has reduced the fatality rate arising out of the AES disease," it said, adding, "In view of the steps taken by the state of Bihar, the fatality rate has come down to 19 per cent whereas the global fatality rate of AES is around 30 per cent". "In view of the constant and consistent efforts taken by the state of Bihar and in view of the change in weather conditions, there is a substantial reduction in number of reported cases of AES and JE in the State. The state of Bihar would continue its efforts to prevent any such condition in future," it said. The state government said that malnutrition is associated with the issue of sanitation and safe drinking water and they are already working on sanitation and hygiene issues under the 'seven-nischay yojana'. "It is respectfully submitted that the state government has initiated a socio-economic survey in affected areas to ascertain socio-economic factors behind AES incidence to initiate vigorous and coordinated campaign with the active involvement of the concerned departments to bring about speedy improvement/change in the socio-economic status of the relatively poor people who are mainly susceptible and vulnerable to the threat of AES disease," it said. The state government said that they are fully aware and "quite conscious of recurrent resurfacing" of AES cases in Bihar and has been continuously taking steps to protect and save precious human lives. Besides Bihar, the Supreme Court had also asked the Centre to file response on the issue. The top court is hearing a petition filed by advocate Manohar Pratap who has said that he was deeply "pained and saddened" by the deaths of more than 126 children, mostly in the age group of one to 10 years, in Bihar due to AES. "The deaths of children are a direct result of negligence and inaction on the part of the respective state governments of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Union of India in handling the epidemic situation which arises every year due to outbreak of AES also called Japanese encephalitis," the plea said. The petitioner has also sought directions for all possible steps to stop the disease outbreak in the earlier epicentre, Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh, and to create awareness about preventive steps and first aid. Symptoms of AES include high fever, convulsions and extremely low blood sugar levels. Among the factors said to trigger the syndrome are malnutrition. There were more than 44,000 cases and nearly 6,000 deaths from encephalitis in India between 2008 and 2014, said a 2017 study published in The Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR). Researchers said the patients often report acute onset of fever and altered consciousness, with a rapidly deteriorating clinical course, leading to death within hours. Litchis grown in Muzaffarpur, the country's largest litchi cultivation region, are said to contain a toxin which can cause a drop in blood sugar levels if consumed by a malnourished child. With PTI Inputs For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The government should take steps to increase liquidity in the system in the upcoming budget to give a boost to cash-starved real estate sector and achieve Housing for All by 2022, according to property developers and consultants. Allotment of industry status to real estate sector, single-window approval for development of realty projects, further tax exemptions to homebuyers as well as developers and a policy to promote rental housing also figure in realtors wishlist for this budget. While the Modi-led government in its last term had introduced several reformative measures with the overarching aim to revive the sector, some measures are still awaited with respect to mitigating impending challenges related to fund raising, capital and liquidity, said Anshuman Magazine, Chairman & CEO - India, South East Asia, Middle East & Africa, CBRE. Magazine further said in addition to the grant of an industry status, the sector is also expecting the government to further ease ECB (External Commercial Borrowings) norms. According to Dhruv Agarwala, CEO,, governments intervention to resolve the Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) crisis will help in reducing the liquidity constraints in the sector. We can also expect the government to step in to increase bank funding to the sector to help projects stuck owing to the liquidity concerns, he said. Puravankara MD Ashish Puravankara echoed similar sentiments and stressed on repressing the liquidity crunch in the real estate sector. He also felt the need to frame a National Rental Housing Policy in order to meet the target of Housing for All by 2022. Sobha Ltd Vice Chairman and MD J C Sharma sought an increase in the threshold value of affordable housing under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) scheme from the current Rs 45 lakh to Rs 75 lakh as land costs are high in metro cities. REPL CMD Pradeep Misra said government should take steps to grant infrastructure status for the real estate sector, while, Ruparel Realty MD Amit Ruparel said having a single window clearance is what we look up to which will be beneficial for both the developers and the consumers. Saya Homes CMD Vikas Bhasin expects that the budgetary support for subsidy amount under Credit-Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) for both Economically Weaker Section (EWS)/Lower Income Group (LIG) as well as Middle Income Group (MIG) should be doubled so that more home aspirants can purchase their dwelling units. Signature Global Chairman Pradeep Aggarwal said the government should double the amount of fund allocation for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. Neh Srivastava, Under Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs & President CSSOS, hoped that Budget will have some plan to kick start funding in the sector. Tax incentives for both homebuyers and builders, along with a special scheme for affordable housing, are the areas we are looking forward to, he said. Wealth Clinic CMD Amit Raheja said, the RBI has cut the repo rate thrice but banks have not passed on the benefits. We expect the government to come up with some policy that can help the buyers get that benefit. In the June review, RBI had cut key lending rates by 0.25 per cent for the third time this year to spur economic growth. Wadhwa group MD Navin Makhija hoped that the budget will emphasise on housing sector and more tax sops will be provided to homebuyers. New Delhi: Huawei, the Chinese tech giant, has launched a new tablet called MediaPad T5. The key highlights of the Huaweis new tablet are 10.1-inch screen, octa-core processor, dual speakers and dated Android 8.0 Oreo operating system. In a statement, Huawei stated that MediaPad T5 tablet is the only tablet that the company is offering right now in India. The company's sub-brand Honor, however, does offer the MediaPad T3 at a price of Rs 10,999. Huawei MediaPad T5: Specifications Featuring a thin and light body, the tablet measures 243x164x7.8mm and weighs 460 grams. Huaweis all-new tablet runs on Android 8.0 with the company's EMUI 8.0 on top. The device has a 10.1-inch full-HD (1920x1200 pixels) display with 16:10 aspect ratio. The tablet is powered by octa-core HiSilicon Kirin 659 SoC, paired with up to 3GB of RAM, and 5,100mAh battery. Huawei MediaPad T5 is equipped with dual stereo speakers, 5-megapixel auto-focus rear camera with an f/2.4 lens, and a 2-megapixel fixed-focus front shooter with an f/2.4 lens. As far as the connectivity options are concerned, the tablet features Wi-Fi 802.11ac, 4G LTE support, GPS and Micro-USB port. Huawei MediaPad T5 will be sold in Black colour. Huawei MediaPad T5: Price, Sale date & Launch offers In India, the base variant of 2GB of RAM and 16GB of onboard storage will cost Rs 14,990 while the 3GB + 32GB storage model is priced at Rs 16,990. The new tablet will go on sale from July 10 onwards via Amazon India. As an introductory launch offer, Huawei will offer a free flip cover and Huawei Earphone AM 12 worth Rs 2,998 absolutely free with MediaPad T5. In Afghanistan, the Taliban government was formed, and it has been more than three months since it was formed. In such a circumstance, the Taliban are effectively running their country's governance. Mullah Hassan Akhund, the acting Prime Minister (PM) of Afghanistan's interim administration, recently stated, "Afghanistan wishes to strengthen ties with the world community, particularly its neighbours and regional partners. Hasan Akhund, in fact, made this claim in a recent speech in the state. According to the statement, "All countries should have excellent ties, economic connections, and coexistence, according to the Islamic Emirate. It is not Afghanistan's policy to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries. Let me tell you that this speech was broadcast on Afghanistan's Radio Television (RTA) on Saturday night. Hassan Akhund had said in his first statement following the Taliban's takeover on August 15 and the creation of his acting government on September 7, "Afghanistan's territory would not be used against anybody, and the new administration will not allow anyone to use Afghan territory against anyone. Simultaneously, he declared, "Afghanistan has caused no harm to any country and would cause no harm to anyone. 'Afghanistan's Islamic Emirate is now concentrating on reconstructing the country.' He went on to say, "Putting pressure on Afghanistan would serve no one's interests. Hassan Akhund, on the other hand, stated with regards to women's education, "Women's rights are safeguarded, and the Islamic Emirate respects women's and girls' educational rights. Tripura people have faith in BJP: Dilip Ghosh CM Uddhav Thackeray's tenure completed 2 years, said- 'Turn disaster into opportunity' Discord in Congress! Manish Tewari attacked Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury Scientists have recently reported that if the asteroid hit the earth, it would have caused a terrible disaster. A total of 77 megatons of energy will be released in this impact. That is to say, the world's greatest nuclear weapon will have 1.5 times the energy of the hypothetical bomb. NASA is keeping a close eye on this asteroid's movements. On November 28, 1994, American astronaut Caroline Schumacher found the asteroid at the Palomer Observatory. WR12 was given the designation in 1994. On Monday, the asteroid WR12 1994 will pass Earth at a distance of 3.8 million kilometres. However, experts believe that this asteroid will pass through our planet's atmosphere. Direct Alan Duffy of the Space Technology and Industry Institute, according to reports, argues that the occurrence does not require to pique people's interest. "My suggestion is not to look at this item with your own eyes for God," he told the journalists. He needs to admit that it has the potential to be harmful. He said that a rising celebrity in Russia was severely damaged in 2013. A Chelyabinsk event has occurred. Selibinsk is a large city with a lot of structure. People should not attend these high-octane activities if they do not have to. They have a really bright shine about them. The retina of the human eye may be damaged as a result of this. If that's the case, make sure you're not looking at it directly. 'Jethalal' wants to date Babita Ji in real life too Crew brought down plane after passenger created ruckus Monalisa's blue bikini avatar robbed the hearts of fans New Delhi: The outbreak of corona infection is once again on the rise. Many countries in Europe have lockdown-like conditions. There are strict restrictions, hotels are closed, markets are sleeping, clouds of lockdown are hovering over Christmas fervour. According to a report, restrictions have been tightened to prevent sharp injuries in coronavirus cases in European countries, while lockdowns are in place. In The Austrian Capital Vienna, bars are closed, while Christmas markets in Munich, Germany, are on the run. Meanwhile, the situation in the British capital London is much better. In India too, people in India are worried about the possibility of a next corona wave amid rising restrictions in Europe. There is a global uproar after the new variant of the corona, Omicron, met in South Africa and subsequently found its cases in other countries. Here, instructions have been issued by the Government to increase surveillance in this regard. Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan has written to all states on the new variant 'Omicron' directing them to carry out intensive prevention, increase surveillance measures and intensify corona vaccination. Though this is not the first time that the situation in Britain is different from neighbouring countries due to infection, this time people do not seem to be as nervous as before. Britain has been hit by three nationwide lockdowns so far and corona in Europe has killed the highest number of 1,45,000 people in Britain after Russia. On the other hand, hospitals are seen struggling due to increased infection cases in many countries including Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Czech Republic. Lockdowns and restrictions have been imposed in these countries due to case sessions. 'UPTET Exam 2021' cancellation leaves students angry TMC will not attend the meeting of opposition parties Tripura people have faith in BJP: Dilip Ghosh The new variant of the corona has created a stir all over the world. The name of the new variant is 'Omicron' which is spreading to countries around the world. In view of this, the State Governments in India have now started taking precautionary measures. The list includes Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Kerala where rules have been tightened for international travellers. It is said that these passengers have been made required to RT-PCR test on entry in the state. On the other hand, states like Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand, the capital of the country, have asked the administrative authorities to take a strong stand in this regard. Karnataka has already issued new strict guidelines following the recent covid blast at SDM College in Karnataka. Karnataka Guidelines: Screening of international passengers at airports has been intensified here. The circular says that international travellers from South Africa, Botswana and Hong Kong will have to undergo covid tests and those found positive will have to remain in institutional quarantine for 10 days. Not only that, all passengers entering the State in the last 15 days from these countries will have to undergo an RT-PCR test. Guidelines of Maharashtra - All international passengers coming here are required to follow the rules laid down by the Government of India. At the same time, passengers who have been administered two vaccine doses or rt-PCR tests that have been conducted within 72 hours are also allowed to travel in the State. There will be a penalty in case of non-compliance with rules. Gujarat Guidelines: Passengers returning from travel to other countries have been made mandatory for RT-PCR tests at the airport. In addition, every passenger coming from South Africa will be made quarantined. Madhya Pradesh - Health Minister Vishwas Sarang has said that there is nothing to worry about at the moment. No case of a new variant has been found yet. Everybody has been alerted. LG holds a meeting in Delhi Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal held a meeting with senior officials here. Hospitals have also been asked to be prepared for emergency situations. Coincidence or experiment? Akhilesh Yadav trolled for one of his tweets First case of Zika virus found in Fatehpur, government alert PM Modi's big meeting on Omicron Home Just In Dowry as a cause of violence against women in Nepal: The foundation of dehumanisation and inequality It has been a long since people have heard any news of some married woman burnt alive by her husband and his family or receiving any sort of violence because of her receiving little dowry during her wedding. But, has the dowry system and related violence has come to an end in Nepal in reality? Although the number of reported cases of dowry-related violence has been declining over the years, the reality is underreported, claim activists. The dowry system has been illegalised in Nepal since a long time ago. Yet, it is rampant in Nepal, contributing to different forms of violence against women. There is a tendency among general people to keep the issue aside as many think the dowry system is limited to Terai, the districts of Nepals southern plains only. However, Pallavi Payal, a Terai-focus activist and researcher, says this is not the case but the system is dehumanising every single woman in Nepal. On the occasion of 16 days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, Onlinekhabar has talked to Payal about the intensity of the dowry as a source of violence against women. Excerpts: First, tell us about the gravity of the problem as far as the dowry system is concerned. This is definitely a much bigger socio-economic issue. This system is directly related to so many socio-economic problems like poverty, child marriage and a lot more. Firstly, let me clarify that the dowry system is not only the problem of the Terai region. This is a national problem. Most people assume that dowry is given and taken only in the Terai region among Madhesis, but I have seen this system in existence in Kathmandu also. Dowry system and child marriage have been made the identity of the Terai region, which is very wrong. We have to look at this in a broader sense. It is also happening in Kathmandu and other urban areas in different forms. In this capital city also, there is a practice of going to the grooms house days before the wedding, measuring the size of the couples room and wall for providing carpet, curtains, and all other furniture. What do we call this? Isnt it a form of dowry? I have also heard some people ask for gifts for guests of the wedding procession (janti). It is everywhere; it has been like this for ages. There has been a lot of work and campaigning for abolishing the dowry system targeting the Terai region. Due to that, there is an increasing awareness that the dowry system is bad practice. I, hence, feel this problem is gradually declining in some places of the region. Yet, in other places, it has spiked as well. So, I cant express the gravity of the problem. Neither do I have any too to measure its gravity. But, you must have an idea about how dowry is contributing to gender-based violence. People justify the dowry system stating are giving their daughter gifts and all. But, when the daughter is herself independent and empowered, there is no need for any materialistic gift from parents. The ones who ask for or take dowry defend themselves, stating they are relieving great baggage (the daughter) from the parents shoulder as if they have to pay for that. But, you see this system dehumanises women this way. It belittles a woman from a human being to a mere object. As a result, this gives freedom to abusers to treat her in whichever way they want. Consequently, this mindset takes a very aggressive turn in a rigid society as people resort to actions like abandoning her, even murdering her (burning her alive). And, in the so-called upper class, they are tortured mentally. Sadly, many such women cant speak up, considering the prestige of their families. Such cases rarely come out. Another problem is the increasing level of expectation of the grooms side for extra respect in the form of gifts. Every guest would need a special gift. This is a modern form of dowry. They dont directly demand dowry, instead, they ask for it indirectly stating we dont want anything, yet you can always give gifts to your daughters relatives. Also, nowadays, people are gifting more advanced and expensive tools such as washing machines, and cars. Because of dowry, from the wedding itself, unequal relationships are built in the marriage and their respective families. And, that develops into physical, mental and social violence. So, havent there been any positive changes in peoples mindset about this issue? I have noticed many people consider people not giving or receiving dowry as noble and good persons. Yet, it is also problematic because not taking dowry should not be glorified but normalised. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Nonetheless, more girls are going to school and educating themselves. The realisation that they should work and be independent after completing studies has also developed in certain societies. Moreover, the campaigning is not centred in Kathmandu anymore. After the federal system, social activists and NGOs have reached local levels. I cant assure you this change is happening across Nepal. But, some positive signs are seen. Yes, the number of dowry-related cases is seen declining every year, as per the report of Nepal Police also. Do you have any comments on that? As I already told you, in some places, the intensity of the problem has actually declined and in some others, probably they even lack the awareness that this system is wrong or a dowry-related case can be reported. Some others might have hesitated to report. But, whats problematic is the practice of doing settlement. Whats the guarantee that the survivors husband and family wont repeat torturing her in the name of dowry? What happens to the complaint after that? Therefore, we cant say there is no dowry system and related violence in our society. We can simply look around our society and say the case of the dowry system has not declined . There are more cases than reported. It also depends on how many places the data are collected from and how they are processed and analysed. If so, why are dowry-related incidents not discussed until they become very extreme? When a woman is being tortured and suffering in her husbands house, even her parents and family generally want to settle the matter. After all, in our culture, there is a belief that a woman belongs to her husbands house, meaning there is nominal space for intervention for her parents. Neither can she muster the courage to speak up against such violence in society. Hence, until any such extreme accidents dont happen, both the family and the society will remain silent. In some cases, women are manipulated in such a way that they couldnt speak. Overall, our culture and system that prioritise settlement and take dowry as a family issue stop many cases to get reported and bring this into the discussion. It is high time we brought changes in the way anti-dowry campaigns are done. There also should be a campaign about marriage being an equal relationship. So, who should the campaigns move ahead? One should not see the dowry system as the problem of the Terai region only. Campaigners should promote women education. First, they should analyse contemporary problems and then cater awareness in a subtle way in more comprehensible forms such as a story. The more we promote women leadership, the more it contributes to abolishing such problems as it becomes easy for a woman to share her problem with another woman. Photo: Wikimedia Common The dowry system was prohibited by the law in Nepal in 1976. But, listening to you, it seems the authorities have completely failed. The main reason why our authority is failing is the authority itself is discriminatory. Besides, the practice of doing settlement, a lack of awareness in the officials and their stereotypical mindset towards women, the Madhesi community and other vulnerable groups are some other reasons. How sensitively the authority is dealing with such issues is still a question. Also, any research analysing the strength, effectiveness and weakness of anti-dowry campaigns is usually not carried out. As a result, the campaigning system is not updated timely, leading to failure. So, who should do what to make reforms? It is very necessary to have discussions at the family and community levels on why this system is wrong, and why one should stop this. A learned individual in a family or a community should initiate such conversation. Side by side, if we want this to be eliminated by root, the authorities have to be serious and responsible. The feminist movement also should be inclusive. With changing time, problems change, research should be carried out time and again to find ways to deal with such problems. Likewise, big weddings should not be promoted. Moreover, the expenditure of the wedding should be equally shared between the brides side and the grooms side. Home Just In Tecno Camon 17P in Nepal: Does the new phone bring any new excitement? Tecno Camon 17P is a new entry into the smartphone market of Nepal. Tecno is a company that has a presence in almost 60 countries around the world, being Nepal the latest one. Its recently launched product Tecno Camon 17P is a mid-range smartphone that can be purchased for under Rs 25,000. Mi and Samsung are the big players in the range here as they have captured a lot of market share in this price category. Nonetheless, recently, Realme has also joined the race with Realme 8i and Realme C21Y. Now, the new brand, Tecno, has come up with Tecno Camon 17P in Nepal. What do you think it will perform in the market? We will reveal our forecasting below. But, first, lets get into the specifications to know more about this smartphone. Specifications Dimension Height: 168.67mm Width: 76.44mm Thickness: 8.82mm Display 6.8 inches FHD IPS LCD, 500 nits, 60Hz Sim Dual sims Resolution 1,080*2,460 pixels OS Android 11, HIOS7.6 Chipset Mediatek Helio G85 GPU Mali-G52 MC2 Storage 128GB Card Slot Unspecified RAM 6GB Camera Front: 16MP, dual-LED flash Rear: 64MP, 2MP, macro 2MP, depth 8W AI lens Sound Loudspeakers and 3.5mm headphone jack Battery 5000mAh, Li-Po Fast charging 18W Sensors G-sensor, ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, fingerprint sensor Price Rs 23,690 Design and display Tecno Camon 17P has a glass front, polycarbonate back and a plastic frame. The polycarbonate on the back has a matte surface which gives the phone proper aesthetics and also prevents fingerprint smudges. At the back of the camera is the linear camera setup and a huge Camon branding just below it. The fingerprint sensor lies on the side of the phone which also works as a power button. On the other side, there is only a sim tray while the speaker, USB Type-C, and a 3.5mm headphone jack all are on the bottom side of the phone. There is a 6.8-inch IPS LCD display on the phone with an FHD resolution of 1,080*2,460 pixels. The refresh rate of the display is 60Hz while it can reach a peak brightness of up to 500 nits. Camera Tecno Camon 17P has a quad-camera setup on the back and a single 16MP camera on the front. The main 64MP camera is accompanied by a 2MP depth camera, 2MP Bokeh and an AI lens. The camera can record videos in 2K resolution and also shoot time-lapse in 2K, which is something new for this price category. The front-facing camera is limited to 1080p only. The rear camera has a quad-LED flash and the front camera has a dual-LED flash. Photo: Tecno Mobile Performance and battery Life Photo: Mediatek Tecno Camon 17P runs on Android 11 with HIOS7.6 on top. The phone is powered by a Mediatek Helio G85 chipset. Furthermore, the phone has an 8 core CPU with HyperEngine game optimisation that gives a boost in performance. The graphics of the phone are handled by Mali-G52 MC2. The phone gets its life from a 5,000mah non-removable Li-Po battery which supports an 18W fast charging. The intelligent scheduling and balancing on the phone allows for the reallocation of resources to ensure maximum power efficiency of the battery. This battery backup should give you decent power for your everyday works or even for gaming. Connectivity and storage The connectivity options on Tecno Camon 17P include Bluetooth, GSM, GPRS, LTE and wifi. The phone also supports FM Radio and has a 3.5mm headphone jack for audio connectivity. Other than this, the phone comes in a single variant of 6GB RAM and 128 GB of internal storage. The price of Tecno Camon 17P is Rs 23,690. Verdict In this price range, it directly competes against Samaung Galaxy F22, Galaxy M32, Redmi 10 Prime, Redmi Note 10S, Vivo Y21 and Realme 8i and every one of them seems to have the advantage over Tecno Camon 17P. The phone does provide a 60Hz refresh rate display so you can expect smooth swiping. But, all the brands on the list have already amassed a lot of followers and also provide better specifications and features in this price category. Almost every smartphone on the list offers a better build, better camera performance, better performance and have a brand value in the market. Overall, there is nothing new on Tecno Camon 17P and the price range is similar to the existing leaders of the market. If Tecno does not offer something exciting to the people, let it be price or some features, it is hard to see it compete for a long time in the Nepali market. Emanuel B / After sitting at home in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic and dipping our toes back into travel in 2021, maybe it's time to think about making a bigger travel splash in 2022. And a great, international one at that. See: Will Travel See Another Halt Until 2022? Find: Is It Better To Use a Travel Agent or Plan Your Own Vacation? Travel experts shared with us their ideas of some of the best-priced places in the world in terms of hotels and food, and GOBankingRates put together a list of 10 international destinations that could provide adventure, ambiance and affordability in the new year. The destinations range from Mexico to Asia to the Caribbean and beyond, and whether you want beach and relaxation or the outdoors and nightlife, there's something for everyone on this list. Of course, before and after booking, you'll want to stay up to date on COVID-19 protocols and requirements. Read on to learn more about your potential 2022 vacation. Last updated: Oct. 15, 2021 GeorgePeters / Cancun, Mexico When it's winter everywhere else in January, the average high in Cancun is 81 degrees. And it has the endorsement of Jeremy Scott Foster, the CEO and founder of TravelFreak, a professional travel and adventure guide. "Cancun has everything to offer its visitors; it's practically a multi-generational destination from luxury resorts, sandy beaches and fantastic nightlife," he said. "Luckily, it's also incredibly affordable. Where prices are highest during the first week of each month, rates then reduce to approximately $50 [per night] for two people in a three-star resort and $80 in a four-star resort." From the Pet Sitter to the Tour Guide: Here's Who To Pay During Your Vacation tommasolizzul / Getty Images/iStockphoto Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico If you prefer something less touristy in Mexico than Cancun, head to a different part of the Yucatan Peninsula. You'll enjoy similar weather, as well as plenty of spots for swimming and snorkeling, and experience the local food scene at an affordable price. Story continues "Cities just slightly off the path of the tourist mecca of Cancun, including Playa del Carmen, Tulum and Merida, offer an incredible variety of activities, exquisite food, and inexpensive lodging," said Wes Jacobs, the founder of Apollo Medical Travel. "Young travelers in groups can consider staying in open bunk hostels for $8 USD a night. Airbnb accommodations in a private room or boutique hotel start at around $25 USD per night." More: 10 Secret Ways To Find Really Cheap Flights Emdadul Hoque Topu / India To Kevin Mercier, a travel blogger, India is the place to visit in 2022. "I believe India is one of the countries more travelers need to start researching in 2022," he said. "Travelers can find everything from the beautiful mountains, beaches, wildlife tours, to culinary delights and delicious local drinks here. India is also one of the best yet cheapest locations for a romantic vacation." How affordable? Right now, very affordable given the favorable exchange rate from rupees to dollars. "Unless you're looking to stay at a five-star hotel or resort, you'll find it hard to spend $50 a day here. You can get by on around $30 in most Indian cities by staying at cheap guest houses instead of hotels. The average price for a single person for accommodation in India is around 1,120 rupees ($15)." Modern Money Etiquette: Who To Tip When You're Traveling Eunika Sopotnicka / Kenya If you've always dreamed of a safari, 2022 might be the year. "I'd suggest travelers to consider East Africa. You can expect to pay as low as $15 a night for hotel stays and you get so much bang for your buck," said Will Hatton, the founder of travel blog The Broke Backpacker. "You'd struggle to book a place in a 30-bed dorm in Australia for that kind of money, so take your hard-earned money and spend it where it spreads so much. "Kenya is a very diverse country with many options to choose from. You'll find that most places will offer a safari and the beach and be of a reasonable price." Learn: How To Save Money on Hotels Anywhere in the World, Any Time of Year Istanbul Istanbul, Turkey's largest city in terms of population, has emerged as a destination both for those looking to travel on a budget and for those who have a bit more to spend on vacation, said Sean Lau, a travel expert and travel blogger at LivingOutLau. "One of the best worldwide travel destinations in 2022 is Istanbul," he said. "As the value of the Turkish lira continues to drop, Istanbul becomes one of the best value-for-money travel destinations. Learn about the captivating history of one of the most influential cities in the world, indulge in delightful Turkish cuisine and discover the gorgeous Turkish handicrafts." Lau said a luxury hotel won't cost more than $100 a night, with budget hotels available in the $20 range. Explore: 10 Hidden Hotel Fees That Sneak Up on You Andrey Danilovich / Getty Images Lombok, Indonesia Lombok is an island in Indonesia for the adventurous. Trek to a waterfall in the midst of a jungle, go snorkeling or diving, or climb Mount Rinjani, an active volcano. When you're done with your adventures, stop at Air Kalak Hot Springs to enjoy its medicinal properties. "For those looking for somewhere cheap, well, Lombok offers a broad choice of just about anything," said James Cutajar, who runs The Travel Deck, a website focusing on Southeast Asia. "Hotels start at around $30 a night and food is just as affordable. For instance, fresh grilled fish including sides won't set you back more than $10." Helpful: The Top 10 Best Travel Hacks To Save the Most Money Bruno Ismael Silva Alves / Punta Cana, Dominican Republic "One destination we're seeing a lot of bookings for 2022 already that is very affordable is Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic," said Val Streif, the marketing manager at GetMyBoat, a boat rental app similar to Airbnb. "The Dominican Republic is often regarded as one of the most affordable destinations in the Caribbean, offering budget-friendly travel in a region where many islands only offer expensive luxury resorts and pricey hotels." The beach destination also "offers a lot of authentic culture and unique experiences, while also providing all the touristy comforts you want on a vacation," Streif said. Helpful: 13 Insider Secrets From Travel Agents That Will Save You Money Phuket, Thailand Phuket reopened to visitors who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in July, with some hotel rooms as low as $1 per night to attract tourists. While the prices might not be that low in 2022, it's still poised to be a bargain, said Luke Charny, the founder of A Chef's Tour, which organizes culinary tours in Asia and Latin America. Charny picks Phuket as the place to be in 2022 because of quiet beaches, excellent infrastructure for tourists and "some seriously good discounts." He said travelers should be able to get rooms overlooking the beach for $20 a night. Check Out: 40 Pandemic Airport Secrets Only Insiders Know LeoPatrizi / Tallinn, Estonia Henrik Jeppesen, a travel blogger and the founder of Every Country in the World, liked Tallinn so much that he moved there. "Tallinn has a fantastic old town with well-preserved buildings and it's a UNESCO World Heritage Site," he said. "The best value is one of the monthlong stays at the beautiful contemporary Citybox Hotel starting at just 350 euros (about $405 USD) per month. "If you are looking for a shorter visit, Hestia Hotel Kentmanni is a fantastic hotel in a great quiet location with great offers including breakfast and spa access. Tallinn is a great place to live and a fantastic place to visit. ... Oh by the way, the number one ranked restaurant on TripAdvisor has lunch offers for just 5 euros (about $6) Monday through Friday." Options: 10 Credit Cards To Consider for Travel Rewards mareandmare / Getty Images/iStockphoto Belgrade, Serbia The Serbian capital city has a mix of historic sites, river views and nightlife. Torben Lonne, the co-founder and chief editor of review guide, recommends it for its "vibrant atmosphere, friendly people, and cheap food and drinks." "You can find very good deals for accommodation and rent entire apartments for $20 or $30 per night," he said. "Since Belgrade is very well connected with public transport, you don't have to be located downtown in order to get to all of the attractions easily. Being further away from the city center reduces the prices significantly and allows you to see other parts of the city. When it comes to food and drinks, most of the traditional restaurants are very cheap. ... More importantly, the food is delicious and chefs mainly use quality, organic ingredients that you can also find at one of the farmers markets every day." More From GOBankingRates This article originally appeared on 10 Cheap Worldwide Travel Destinations To Consider for 2022 Tony Rivetti / ABC Amid a calamitous year (and then some) marked with historic civil unrest, a full-blown pandemic and a whiplashed economy, we could all use some words of encouragement. And to whom shall we turn for those prized pearls of wisdom? Might we suggest financial advisors. These money-minded folks are able to see the state of the economy in a way that the average American doesn't always get to see -- unless they're hiring them or their services. They bring a detached, big-picture perspective to financial affairs, understanding situations not only according to how they feel in the short term, but what they mean in the long term. Take a Look: Small Ideas That Turned Into Million-Dollar Businesses Find Out: 7 Surprising Costs That Come With Starting a Business Just as people lean on mentors in their respective fields, financial advisors look to successful people in their industry for guidance and perseverance. GOBankingRates consulted 11 different money experts to learn: What quotes spoken by great financial thinkers do they turn to in these times of trouble? How can these words of wisdom help out the average American right now, no matter their money situation? Last updated: Sept. 28, 2021 Albert H. Teich / Suze Orman "The only way you will ever permanently take control of your financial life is to dig deep and fix the root problem. If you're not staying on top of your money, you are putting your financial well-being at risk." Ebony J. Howard, CPA, a financial expert for, loves how this quote "establishes how to maintain financial security." She added that this bit of Suze Orman's wisdom is essential to help folks become adequately prepared for any crisis that may arise during COVID-19. "Ensuring that you have built an emergency savings fund to cover at least six months' worth of expenses is the key to stay afloat -- while focusing on keeping spending habits under control, lowering debts and only the necessities." Story continues Discover: See the Full List of Money's Most Influential and More Daniel Zuchnik / WireImage Warren Buffett "Over the long term, the stock market news will be good. In the 20th century, the United States endured two world wars and other traumatic and expensive military conflicts; the Depression; a dozen or so recessions and financial panics; oil shocks; a flu epidemic; and the resignation of a disgraced president. Yet the Dow rose from 66 to 11,497." Warren Buffett wrote these prescient words in The New York Times op-ed in 2008 during the Great Recession. Now, in the bellows of the COVID-19 recession, these words ring true again to Asher Rogovy, chief investment officer at Magnifina. "The pandemic is certainly the biggest economic event which has occurred for many years [and] there was a violent market reaction in March and April, but many analysts predict that by this time next year, it will no longer be affecting the stock market," Rogovy said. "This is Buffett's wisdom: to invest with a very very long-term horizon. He is the master at putting aside emotions and focusing strictly on the numbers. According to our research, only 30% of bear markets since 1950 have lasted more than three and a half years. The most recent one didn't even last three quarters." Learn: 12 COVID-Proof Money Tips From Financial Planners Kathy Hutchins / Mellody Hobson "I know many members of our community steer clear of Wall Street because of the perception that the stock market is risky, but I am convinced the biggest risk of all is not taking one." Tremaine Wills, investment advisor at Mind Over Money, holds dear this quote from Mellody Hobson, co-CEO of Ariel Investments. "As a new advisor working to close the wealth gap, this message resonates deeply with me," Wills said. "Fear of risk cripples many clients into not taking action which can seal in the fate of perpetual financial stress." As this pandemic rages on, making any financial moves might feel extra perilous, but try to consider the risk from a place of abundance rather than of fear. See: All You Need To Know About the Economy and Your Money Debby Wong / Mark Cuban "Creating opportunities means looking where others are not." Nicole Tanenbaum, partner and chief investment strategist at Chequers Financial Management, appreciates this pearl of wisdom from famed entrepreneur Mark Cuban. "The ability to take a contrarian view as an investor and take advantage of others' herd mentality can often lead to great outcomes for your portfolio if done using a systematic and strategic approach," Tanenbaum said. "Investing in out-of-favor sectors and asset classes when others are shunning them can provide opportunities to create long-term value. This allows the strategic investor to take advantage of short term emotionally-fueled market dislocations. Specifically, setting an allocation objective and sticking to it over time is key, which allows for rebalancing over time as the portfolio moves away from its original target allocation. In other words, buying more stocks as prices fall and selling them as prices rise." With the stock market on a rollercoaster during this pandemic, it's worthwhile to heed this advice and take advantage of some of those sliding share prices. Check Out: 25 Companies Making the Most Money From Coronavirus Dave Ramsey "Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else later." This Zen riddle of a quote from Dave Ramsey is a go-to for Jeff Rose, CFP and founder of the personal finance website Good Financial Cents. "The pandemic is real and not going away anytime soon," Rose said. "Most people are in a 'hold their breath' approach -- hoping that their job remains secure, or a new job is just around the corner and their savings won't run out. They aren't looking to change the way they live, but that's not the right approach to take: It's time to be proactive and cut your spending vigilantly, find ways to start making money (like driving for InstaCart or delivering for Amazon) to boost those savings, and find ways to cut current debt, like refinancing student loans and curbing spending habits." More Tips: Steal These Money Secrets From 25 Millionaires Under 25 Kent Sievers / Charlie Munger "If you want to be an outlier in achievement, just sit on your a** and read most of your life." This tough love quote from Warren Buffett's right-hand man Charlie Munger speaks to Sammy Azzouz, JD, CFP, president of Heritage Financial and author of The Boston Advisor blog. It highlights the importance of financial literacy and underscores that curiosity and education are key to smart money moves. "2020 has brought us a lot of things we never would have wanted, but one positive is the ability for people to read more about things they've always wanted to learn, like how to improve their personal finances or to pursue the next leg of their careers," Azzouz said. Budgeting Guide: How To Create a Budget You Can Live With Chase Brock / GOBankingRates Farnoosh Torabi "Money is a resource. It's not good, it's not bad, it's not evil, it's just a resource." Tracy Shen, holistic wealth advisor, managing partner at Florin Group, is endeared to this quote from personal finance expert and journalist Farnoosh Torabi because it instructs us to see money without any drama and to regard it in a more simple and detached way. "This helps some of our clients since they have anxiety with money," Shen said. "So we teach them to build a positive relationship with money by finding out their money beliefs." If you find yourself worrying about money right now, take a deep breath and a step back. Ask yourself whether you think of money as "good" or "evil" and then focus on letting go of those associations so as to regain perspective and hopefully, feel a little less stressed. See: More Stimulus Money May Be Coming Your Way - Here's What To Do With It Equim43 / Wikimedia Commons Benjamin Graham "In the end, how your investments behave is much less important than how you behave." This witty insight from Benjamin Graham, known as "the father of value investing," appeals to Richard Best, a writer for DontPayFull who has over 30 years of experience in financial services. He likes it because it underscores the importance of not letting emotions rule your actions. "Graham and many of the other legendary investors believe investing without a solid investment plan, or the patience and discipline to stick with one, can leave a person vulnerable to [their] emotions, which invariably leads to disastrous results," Best said. "Emotions are what make investors do things they later regret, such as fleeing the market after a steep decline or buying at the peak of market euphoria -- both of which can have a devastating impact on their long-term investment performance." In these pandemic-ridden times, the air is charged with fear and anguish. Feel your feelings, but don't let them sneak into your financial decision-making. Find Out: The First Thing You Should Do With Your Social Security Check Charles Krupa/AP/REX/Shutterstock Peter Lynch "Invest in what you know." This pithy pearl from Peter Lynch, former fund manager for Magellan at Fidelity, is valued by Tricia Rosen, CFP, Principal, Access Financial Planning, in good times and in bad. "[It means] take advantage of your specialized, local knowledge of a product, service, or company to identify opportunities before they become more widely known," Rosen said. "Research them further and then invest in them if they seem like a well-run, viable business. Granted, he said it before the internet and a Google search was common, and when active management was king, but it still holds true today. Most successful products and services get their initial momentum through word of mouth, so when you see a product or service which seems to provide a strong value, it's worth looking into further to see if they would be a good investment opportunity." Again, investing during a struggling economy can feel weird or even frightening -- but don't let anxiety stop you from doing your homework; after all, even now people are still becoming billionaires for the first time. Helpful: 17 Tips To Live Comfortably Off Just a Social Security Check Randy Miramontez / Zig Ziglar "Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes." Howard Dvorkin, chairman of, appreciates this no-nonsense quote by the sales icon Zig Ziglar during these dark times. "Since the start of the pandemic, I've urged Americans to hold onto what they have and pay off debt where they can," Dvorkin said. "Most people were wise, and credit card spending came to a halt in the second quarter. Many financial intuitions foresee a slow and hard recovery, but there is still time for people to reassess their recession savings plan. It's best for most people not to continue their spending as normal, and this holiday season, I'm begging people to keep in mind: the worst is not yet over." Be Aware: Unplug These Appliances That Hike Up Your Electricity Bill Doucefleur / Getty Images/iStockphoto Jim Rohn "Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time." This quote from entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn inspires Anthony Appleton-Tattersall, CA, MBA, director of AAT Accounting Services, who finds that it carries special meaning during the pandemic. "During Covid, many people have found out just how much their time is worth," Appleton-Tattersall said. "Money is still important of course, but so many are considering switching or downshifting career moves that should have been front of mind years ago." [rock-component slug="more-from-gobankingrates"] This article originally appeared on Advice From Mark Cuban, Warren Buffett and Other Experts That Can Help You Survive a Crisis Securities Litigation Partner James (Josh) Wilson Encourages Investors Who Suffered Losses Exceeding $50,000 In Lightspeed To Contact Him Directly To Discuss Their Options New York, New York--(Newsfile Corp. - November 28, 2021) - Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP, a leading national securities law firm, is investigating potential claims against Lightspeed Commerce Inc. ("Lightspeed" or the "Company") (NYSE: LSPD) and reminds investors of the January 18, 2022 deadline to seek the role of lead plaintiff in a federal securities class action that has been filed against the Company. If you suffered losses exceeding $50,000 investing in Lightspeed stock or options between September 11, 2020 and September 28, 2021 and would like to discuss your legal rights, call Faruqi & Faruqi partner Josh Wilson directly at 877-247-4292 or 212-983-9330 (Ext. 1310). You may also click here for additional information: There is no cost or obligation to you. Faruqi & Faruqi is a leading minority and Woman-owned national securities law firm with offices in New York, Pennsylvania, California and Georgia. As detailed below, the lawsuit focuses on whether the Company and its executives violated federal securities laws by making false and/or misleading statements and/or failing to disclose that: (1) Lightspeed had misrepresented the strength of its business by, inter alia, overstating its customer count, gross transaction volume ("GTV"), and increase in Average Revenue Per User ("ARPU"), while concealing the Company's declining organic growth and business deterioration; (2) Lightspeed had overstated the benefits and value of the Company's various acquisitions; (3) accordingly, the Company had overstated its financial position and prospects; and (4) as a result, the Company's public statements were materially false and misleading at all relevant times. On September 29, 2021, market analyst Spruce Point Capital Management published a report regarding Lightspeed. Spruce Point also issued a press release summarizing its findings. The summary stated, among other things, that "evidence shows that Lightspeed massively inflated its business pre-IPO, overstating its customer count by 85% and gross transaction volume ('GTV') by 10% - a payment volume metric that a former employee described as 'smoke and mirrors'"; that there was "evidence of declining organic growth and business deterioration through Lightspeed's IPO, despite management's claims that Average Revenue Per User ('ARPU') is increasing"; and that the Company's recent acquisition spree has come at escalating costs with no clear path to profitability, while management pursues aggressive revenue reporting practices." Story continues On this news, Lightspeed's stock price fell $13.73 per share, or 12.2%, to close at $98.77 per share on September 29, 2021. The court-appointed lead plaintiff is the investor with the largest financial interest in the relief sought by the class who is adequate and typical of class members who directs and oversees the litigation on behalf of the putative class. Any member of the putative class may move the Court to serve as lead plaintiff through counsel of their choice, or may choose to do nothing and remain an absent class member. Your ability to share in any recovery is not affected by the decision to serve as a lead plaintiff or not. Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP also encourages anyone with information regarding Lightspeed's conduct to contact the firm, including whistleblowers, former employees, shareholders and others. Attorney Advertising. The law firm responsible for this advertisement is Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP ( Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your particular case. All communications will be treated in a confidential manner. To view the source version of this press release, please visit CHICAGO A popular actor steps out onto the street and is brutally reminded that, despite his fame and wealth, places still exist where the color of his skin and sexual orientation put him in danger. That was the story that ricocheted around the world after Jussie Smollett, a Black and openly gay actor, reported to Chicago police that he was the victim of a hate crime. Nearly three years later, Smollett is about to stand trial on charges that he staged the whole thing. He was charged with felony disorderly conduct after law enforcement and prosecutors said he lied to police about what happened in the early morning hours of Jan. 29, 2019, in downtown Chicago. He has pleaded not guilty. Jury selection is scheduled to begin Monday. Disorderly conduct, a class 4 felony, carries a sentence of up to three years in prison but experts have said it is more likely that if Smollett is convicted he would be placed on probation and perhaps ordered to perform community service. Smollett told police he was walking home from a Subway sandwich shop at 2 a.m. when two men he said recognized him from the TV show Empire began hurling racial and homophobic slurs at him. He said the men struck him, looped a makeshift noose around his neck and shouted, This is MAGA country, a reference to then-President Donald Trumps campaign slogan, Make America Great Again. Reaction to his reported assault underscored the increasingly polarized political landscape; Democratic politicians and others called it a shocking example of Trump-era bigotry and hate, while Republicans accused liberals of rushing to paint the presidents supporters as racists. Just weeks later came the stunning announcement that Smollett was charged with staging the attack to further his career and secure a higher salary. And, police said, he hired two brothers from Nigeria, to pretend to attack him for $3,500. This made the spotlight on Smollett shine even brighter, but this time he was vilified as someone willing to use one of the most potent symbol of racism in the U.S. to further his career. Story continues The most vile and despicable part of it, if its true, is the noose, Judge John Fitzgerald Lyke Jr., who is Black, said during Smolletts first court appearance. That symbol conjures up such evil in this countrys history. Smollett also became a national punch line. He was the subject of a Saturday Night Live skit and a host of Black celebrities, from NBA analyst Charles Barkley to comedian Dave Chappelle, took turns poking fun at him. Then came the anger that Smolletts fame accorded him influence that is out of reach for most. Reports indicated Cook County States Attorney Kim Foxx, at the request of former first lady Michelle Obamas onetime chief of staff, communicated with a member of Smolletts family early in the investigation. Foxx recused herself from the case then her office suddenly dropped the charges, and Foxx found herself at the center of a media firestorm as she refuted the suggestion that her office gave the television star a break. All that set the stage for what turned a simple question of Smolletts innocence or guilt into a convoluted legal saga that has dragged on for nearly three years. Trial was delayed in part because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought cases around the country to a halt for months. But also, charges were filed, dropped and filed again by a special prosecutor who was brought in to take over the case. Smollett whose career has since faded will this week return to the glare of the media spotlight, but this time as he passes the forest of news cameras as he makes his way to and from court. The producers of Empire, on which he starred for four years, renewed his contract for the sixth and final season in 2019, but he never appeared in an episode. Nor has he released any music or given significant musical performances. He has, however, directed an independent film, funded by his own production company, that is premiering at the American Black Film Festival this month. The movie, B-Boy Blues is an adaptation of a 1994 novel, the first in a series, about the lives of gay Black men in New York. But once in court, what will unfold will be what may sound like a bad movie for the simple reason that a short movie is exactly what authorities have long maintained Smollett was trying to create. Key witnesses will be the brothers, Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundairo, who say Smollett wrote them a check to stage the attack. They are expected to characterize Smollett as the star and director of an attack in full view of a surveillance camera that he mistakenly believed would record the whole event. And, according to their lawyer, the brothers will also describe how Smollett drove them to the spot where the incident was to play out for a dress rehearsal. He was telling them Heres a camera, theres a camera and heres where you are going to run away, said their lawyer, Gloria Rodriguez. Taskmaster US Season 1 The series was produced for Comedy Central in 2017 and aired April 27 to May 18 2018. Reggie Watts is the host with series creator Alex Horne in the assistant spot. The contestants are Lisa Lampanelli, Freddie Highmore, Ron Funches, Dillon Francis and Kate Berlant. I'm not familiar with anyone other than Freddie. I've hardly noticed what's going on in stand up in the US since Tough Crowd With Colin Quinn. There were 8 episodes of the US version of Taskmaster and only the one season. The episodes were only a half hour with 22 mins of actual show. The prize task has been changed to one contestant bringing in a prize to win. There were a couple of filmed tasks and one stage task. There was fairly good banter in the studio parts and a lot of being annoyed with Alex during the filmed parts. I got a few laughs but it's not as consistently entertaining as the UK version or the version from New Zealand. I'm sure my liking of the UK contestants is a big part of my enjoying that series more then the US version. I'm glad to have seen the US version but I'm guessing I'll be less likely to get back to them before I watch the UK and NZ versions a few more times. I'll also have the versions from Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Belgium and Norway to watch. That's a lot to episodes especially since those Scandinavia countries are still producing programs. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Johnna Reeder Kleymeyer is ready to start working with regional leaders to tackle issues generated by the rapid growth of the Colorado Springs area surging housing costs, a labor shortage and traffic congestion. She starts Monday at the Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC, working alongside retiring CEO Dirk Draper for about two weeks before taking over the top job Jan. 1. She has spent the past 2 years as a management and leadership consultant after spending more than 20 years in economic development, corporate communications and government affairs in her native Tennessee and Ohio, mostly in Cincinnati, a metro area more than twice the size of Colorado Springs. "I wanted this job because of the opportunity. I like to be part of a winner and Colorado Springs is a growing region. I have worked in rural communities and major metro areas. All of these brought me to Colorado Springs at just the right time," Reeder Kleymeyer said. "I have built my career on regionalism and seeing El Paso County and Colorado Springs work so closely together is intriguing to me. I want to be part of a team that helps solve our growing pains." Julie Calvert, CEO of the Cincinnati Convention and Visitors Bureau, called Reeder Kleymeyer "a transformative leader who is passionate about the community where she lives and works. She is a leader who gets involved and cares. When she is involved, she gets things done. She also has the gift to grow people to make them their best selves, but isn't the kind of person who tells you what you want to hear. She encourages people to lean in and hear more." Reeder Kleymeyer said she took the job "looking for a greater quality of life, in addition to a quality of career. I grew up in a much smaller area than Greater Cincinnati and welcome the challenge to grow the Colorado Springs (area). I sought the opportunity to be in a mid-size, fast-growing region where I could greater influence change and make a difference in the community. I am an avid outdoors person and gain peace from nature so the West was calling and I answered. I have loved my time in Cincinnati. But it just cannot compete with the Colorado Springs mountain views." Brian Hodgett, vice president of government and community affairs for Proctor & Gamble, who worked with Reeder-Kleymeyer to spin off the economic development arm of the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber into a separate organization she later headed, described her as "a force of nature with a strong personality when she walks into a room, you know it. She is someone who leaders of both large and small companies see as someone they respect and could talk to." Reeder Kleymeyer described the chamber's application and interview process a field of 170 candidates as one of the most thorough of which she had been a part. She plans to spend her first year as CEO listening and learning about the chamber's legislative agenda and what local businesses need to continue recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. "Economic prosperity is the cornerstone for any chamber or economic development organization and I have no plans to alter that vision and mission to be the No. 1 region to do business," Reeder Kleymeyer said. "Colorado Springs is not unique in its challenges. If you are going to have problems, these are good ones to have. Any thriving region will face housing affordability, traffic congestion and labor shortage issues. I've worked in communities that would love the national attention Colorado Springs enjoys for its outdoor lifestyle and strong military presence." Candace McGraw, CEO of the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, describes Reeder Kleymeyer as a "strong leader and consensus builder who brings others along with her but makes sure they make it to the destination. She is a natural collaborator and connector who is one of those people who understand the power of working together, using their people skills to drive to a positive result." Reeder Kleymeyer grew up in rural northwestern Tennessee before getting her degree in communications from University of Memphis. She returned to her hometown, Union City, to work for the Obion County Chamber of Commerce, hoping to make a difference in the 30,000-person county before heading the downtown development organization in Jackson, Tenn., about 85 miles northeast of Memphis and several times the size of Obion County. After six years in those two areas, Reeder Kleymeyer moved with her family to Cincinnati, where finding a job in her 20s proved difficult because she had no network of business contacts or friends. She was eventually hired to head government affairs for Kentucky at the United Way of Greater Cincinnati. "United Way gave me a chance and allowed me to cut my teeth in government affairs, designing legislation on early childhood education and other issues. I fell in love with the work," she said. However, love doesn't pay the bills, so Reeder Kleymeyer took a second job selling makeup at Dillard's. After nearly three years, she was ready to move into a higher-paying job in the corporate world, handling community affairs, charitable giving and government affairs for Citibank in Ohio and Kentucky. Citibank was a major donor to United Way and had more than 3,000 employees in the Cincinnati area, and the job taught her the importance of corporate citizenship. She also learned that nonprofits needed to be operated "like a business to show a return on investment for those who were investing" in the organization in her case, the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber. "Having sat on that side of the table helped me to understand the value we need to bring to our members," Reeder Kleymeyer said. An early mentor also told her she had more to learn she needed to understand the business side of the company if she was going to advance to the C suite, so she headed off to graduate school for two years while still working full-time to get a master's degree in business administration. She stayed at Citibank for nearly five years before moving to grocery giant Kroger to head its national communications operations for labor contracts. She stayed there about a year before taking a communications post with Duke Energy for Kentucky and Ohio, where she wrote press releases, speeches and presentations for the company's president. After 1 years, she was promoted to vice president of community relations, government affairs and economic development for the same two states. "I got a better understanding of customer relations, such as having the utility bill correct and the lights on. It helped me to understand what the customer needs," Reeder Kleymeyer said. "If I hadn't had the previous experience (in government affairs), I never would have gotten that opportunity to make the company's case about reliability and cost. It also allowed me to go deeper into the technical side of economic development." While at Duke Energy, she served on the board of the chamber at the same time some business leaders wanted to split the group's economic development arm into a separate organization. She played a pivotal role in that effort and was hired to be the first president and CEO of the newly formed nonprofit, the Regional Economic Development Initiative (REDI) Cincinnati, helping attract, keep and foster expansion of businesses with a staff of 25 and a $6 million annual budget. The Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC has a $4.1 million annual budget. "We had a lot of success we were the No. 1 performing area in Ohio for four consecutive years and were chosen by Site Selection magazine as one of the top five regions to do business. We created more than 25,00 jobs" in the nearly five years she spent with the group, Reeder Kleymeyer said. During that time she helped the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport land service from Southwest Airlines, the North American hub for Amazon's Prime Air unit and more than 175 other projects that produced billions of dollars of investment. "Everybody likes to cut a ribbon for a new company, but our most important client is the one that is already here," Reeder Kleymeyer said. "Most of your (economic development) wins come from expansions by existing businesses, rather than from attracting new companies. Helping existing companies generally makes up 80% of your project wins, so helping existing companies with their work force, infrastructure and location needs is the first priority." Reeder Kelyemeyer left REDI after five years, having accomplished all her goals and seeking more flexibility in her schedule. During the past three years, she served as interim dean of the business school at Northern Kentucky University, was executive vice president of Cincinnati-based health care software company AssureCare and was a member of the board of directors of Delta Dental of Kentucky while also operating her consulting business. "When I left my first job, I wanted to move to a bigger place. I have worked for Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits and economic development organizations. Every opportunity has given me the skills I needed for the next opportunity, all culminating in this opportunity in Colorado Springs," Reeder Kleymeyer said. "The mountains are what intrigued me (about the job), but once I met the people and felt (their) hospitality, I was sold." A Gazette investigation shows an increasing number of soldiers, including wounded combat veterans, are being kicked out of the service for misconduct, often with no benefits, as the Army downsizes after a decade of war. A Denver woman was arrested Sunday after a man was found fatally shot inside of a camper in Jefferson County, according to the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office. Deputies said they responded to reports of gunshots just before 1 a.m. in the 11000 block of Cochise Circle in Conifer. The victim was dead when deputies arrived. The suspect in the shooting, 36-year-old Sarah Kalan, fled the scene in a truck but was quickly found and taken into custody, deputies said. Kalan is being held in the Jefferson County jail. Deputies have not released the identity of the victim or any information about how Kalan is connected to him. According to public records, Kalan was arrested and charged with attempted first-degree murder in 2006 in El Paso County, a charge which was later dropped for second-degree assault with a deadly weapon. Records indicate she was sentenced to six years in prison in that case. Kalan most recently lived at the Gathering Place in Denver, a nonprofit serving homeless women, transgender individuals and children, according to public records. The identity of the victim will be released by the Jefferson County Coroner's Office after his family has been notified, deputies said. Parents Edgar Jaimes and Olga Aguirre hug their daughter Mia Jaimes after she and other students were released from the building after a shooting occurred in the south parking lot of Hinkley High School on Nov. 19 in Aurora.