South Africa: Tracing of close contacts of Benoni cholera victim underway The Social Protection, Community and Human Development cluster announced on Sunday that the Gauteng Health Department is monitoring immediate contacts, including the workplace of a 24-year-old from Wattville, Benoni, who succumbed to the cholera. At this stage, there is no indication of contamination of public water resources with the [cholera] bacteria, said Minister Angie Motshekga on Sunday at a briefing in Pretoria. She was speaking on behalf of Ministers in the cluster. Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla announced on Thursday the first death linked to the recent cases of cholera detected in South Africa, as the number of laboratory-confirmed cases now stands at five. According to the Gauteng Department of Health, it has also traced 12 close contacts of the deceased, while two have already been referred to Tambo Memorial Hospital. Motshekga said it is important for the environmental health officers and health promotion teams to monitor close contacts and keep them on high alert. She also stressed the importance of health hygiene education, especially when handling drinking water and food. Early this month, Phaahla announced the first two laboratory-confirmed cases of cholera imported from Malawi. According to the Department of Health, the cases were confirmed in two sisters, who had travelled together by bus from Johannesburg to Malawi to attend a funeral. Subsequently, the husband of one of the women was also confirmed to have cholera by laboratory tests. However, all three residents of Diepsloot have since recovered. Measles Meanwhile, the cluster stated that it has administered 4 742 545 measles doses since the outbreak. The latest statistics reveal that 278 127 doses were given to children between six and 11 months, while 1 743 654 jabs were administered to those between 12 and 59 months, and 2 720 673 were given to those who are between five and 15 years old. The protection of children against measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases is the collective responsibility of parents, guardians and healthcare providers. We are grateful to the contribution of the Basic Education sector. That contribution can only be effective if parents and guardians can sign the consent forms so that their children can be immunised at school, Motshekga said. The measles outbreak was reported in six of the nine provinces Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, Free State, North West and recently the Western Cape, which recorded four laboratory-confirmed cases in the City of Cape Town. This brings the number of cases from 506 to 510 since the first outbreak in 2022. The Department of Health, working together with sister departments and other stakeholders, has embarked on a nationwide child immunisation campaign against measles, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and other vaccine-preventable diseases. TB In addition, the cluster is calling on every sector of society, including through Parliaments Tuberculosis (TB) Caucus, to join hands in the fight against TB. TB containment suffered the same fate for reduced testing, diagnosis, treatment and especially completion of treatment, Motshekga said, adding that South Africa is one of the 30 high TB burden countries. In March 2023, government, together with other partners in the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC), will lead an annual World TB Commemorative event in Rustenburg, North West, as part of continued efforts to raise awareness about the epidemic and its burden on the healthcare system. Infrastructure The cluster also announced that it aims to improve the health delivery platforms, with some infrastructure projects being implemented this year. High amongst the projects, according to Motshekga, is the construction of the new Limpopo Academic Hospital in Polokwane. The 488-bed tertiary services and teaching hospital will provide specialist services, which will almost eliminate the need to transfer patients to Gauteng for various specialist treatments, including advanced surgery and intensive care unit (ICU) services. The cluster also made pronouncements on other major infrastructure projects in the pipeline to replace old hospitals, which have already commenced in Eastern Cape, including the Zithulele District and Bambisana District Hospitals. Again, in Limpopo, the replacement of Siloam Hospital has already started, Motshekga said. This story has been published on: 2023-02-26. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Students and teachers pose for a group photo with a slogan expressing the intention to be Chinese-Hungary friendship envoys at Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 24, 2023. (Xinhua/Lian Yi) BUDAPEST, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- "It was a very heartwarming thing. It really lifted the mood at the school," Erdelyi Zsuzsanna, head of Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, smiled when talking about Chinese President Xi Jinping's reply to a letter from students of her school. "We were very happy that there was a reply so quickly," Erdelyi told Xinhua recently at her school in Budapest. "We were very happy, because we thought that a person in such a high position would not be sure to respond to the students' letter." "We are very proud of our students for writing such a letter and for receiving such a nice response," she said. Before the Spring Festival, Varga Bonita and Imre Tamara, two Hungarian students whose Chinese names are Hu Lingyue and Song Zhixiao, wrote a letter to Xi and his wife, Professor Peng Liyuan, on behalf of all students in the school, conveying their New Year's greetings. In their letter, they also spoke about what it felt studying Chinese in the school for 12 years, and expressed their willingness to study in Chinese universities and contribute to the Hungary-China friendship. Days later, Xi replied, saying he still remembers chatting with teachers and students of the school in 2009, while encouraging Hungarian youths to learn more about China and become envoys of the China-Hungary friendship. On Friday, Yang Chao, charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary, officially delivered Xi's letter to the school. Speaking in fluent Chinese, Varga and Imre said they are "very excited and honored" to receive Xi's letter, and hope to go to China for their college study. After winning the Chinese Ambassador Scholarship for the second time in January, "Imre and I decided to write to Grandpa Xi to express our gratitude and convey our Spring Festival greetings," Varga told Xinhua. "Our dream is to be a translator. This letter will encourage us to continue working hard to study Chinese and become an excellent translator," said Varga, who loves Chinese tea culture and enjoys online Chinese food programs. Stifter Adam, deputy state secretary for Development of Oriental Relations of Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said the school has been "one of the best examples of cultural and educational cooperation" between Hungary and China. "By getting to know the history and culture of China's language, the students' knowledge increases, and this greatly contributes to the development of cultural relations and friendship between the two countries," Stifter said. "Getting to know each other's culture was the primary goal" in the school's development, said Lebanov Jozsef, head of the Public Education Strategy Department of the State Secretariat for Public Education of Hungary's Ministry of Interior. "I feel that the past two decades have proven with absolute certainty that our vision has succeeded," he said. "Today's event also shows that there is a living close relationship between the school's students and China, and that the students studying here are particularly attentive to the cradle of the Chinese language and culture they learn here," he added. When the bilingual school was founded in September 2004, Erdelyi recalled, most of the students were Chinese native speakers or children of mixed parentage. "However, as time went on, there was an increasing interest in learning the Chinese language here in Hungary, and it gained momentum in 2008 after the Beijing Olympics. Since then, the development has been unbroken," Erdelyi said. "Today, most of the students are Hungarian native speakers and study Chinese continuously for five hours a week." Currently, the only full-time school in Central and Eastern Europe that uses Chinese and the local language for instruction has 12 grades and 20 classes with more than 530 students. "We can proudly say that many of our students have passed the baccalaureate exam and advanced baccalaureate exam, and obtained language exams in Chinese. Some of them have even gone to China as scholarship students," Erdelyi said. "In 2009, when Mr. Xi Jinping, China's vice president at the time, visited Hungary, he assured our school that he would support and help its development. I think he fulfilled this promise to the maximum, fulfilled it, and created all the opportunities for the students studying here ... so that teaching could go well and all tools and help should be available for us," she said. In his reply letter, Xi also said that he hopes the students have the opportunity to travel around China, learn more about today's China as well as its history and culture. Erdelyi, who has visited China several times since 2007 and had "fantastic experiences" there, said Xi's words resonated with her, stressing that it is important for the students to "test the knowledge" they acquire in Hungary. Looking into the future, the school head said she expects more programs of this kind, so as to further strengthen the cultural exchanges between Hungary and China. "The school can form a bridge between the two countries, where the students studying here can later work a lot in building relations between the two countries, since they speak the mother tongue of both countries very well," she said. "Many Chinese companies have already settled here in Hungary and started operation. There is also an opportunity here to develop the students' knowledge and Chinese language skills. They can help to strengthen and develop these relations," she added. Students practice martial arts at Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 24, 2023. (Xinhua/Lian Yi) A Chinese teacher instructs students on Chinese calligraphy at Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 24, 2023. (Xinhua/Lian Yi) A student views drawings at Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 24, 2023. (Xinhua/Lian Yi) Students perform a poetry recitation in Chinese at Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 24, 2023. (Xinhua/Lian Yi) Yang Chao (R), charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary, presents a book to Erdelyi Zsuzsanna, head of Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school, at the school in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 24, 2023. (Xinhua/Lian Yi) Varga Bonita (L) and Imre Tamara, two Hungarian students whose Chinese names are Hu Lingyue and Song Zhixiao, speak in an interview with Xinhua at Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 7, 2023. (Xinhua/Deng Yaomin) Varga Bonita (1st R) and Imre Tamara, two Hungarian students whose Chinese names are Hu Lingyue and Song Zhixiao, receive gifts from the Chinese Embassy in Hungary at Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 24, 2023. (Xinhua/Lian Yi) Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia at his residence in New Delhi (PTI Photo/Manvender Vashist Lav) New Delhi: Ministry of Home Affairs has given sanction to prosecute Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia under the Prevention of Corruption Act in the 'alleged Feedback Unit' snooping case. In a communication to the Delhi Lieutenant Governor Secretariat dated February 17, the Ministry of Home Affairs granted permission to the CBI to prosecute Sisodia in the alleged snooping case. Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena had approved the CBI's request for prosecution sanction and forwarded the same to the MHA. The CBI had sought sanction to register an FIR against Sisodia, who heads the Vigilance department of the Delhi government, under which the AAP government had in 2015 surreptitiously created the FBU- an Extra Constitutional-Extra Judicial Intelligence Agency to allegedly spy on different Ministries, Opposition political parties, entities and individuals. "This snooping unit, with no legislative or judicial oversight, was allegedly being run and managed by the close aides and advisors of CM Arvind Kejriwal, who reported directly to him. The case also pertains to illegal/unaccounted expenditure in the name of Secret Service Fund allocated to the FBU," the sources had said. After the Central Bureau of Investigation's (CBI) report to the vigilance department against Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in connection to the 'Feedback unit' case, Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena had referred the case to the President of India for the prosecution sanction against Manish Sisodia through the Ministry of Home Affairs. In March 2017, the Vigilance department had given the probe to Anti Corruption Branch (ACB). Subsequently, the LG office marked it to the CBI. The preliminary inquiry into the said matter was completed in 2021. CBI wrote to LG and MHA in 2021 for sanction under section 17 A of the Prevention of Corruption Act. In 2015, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government allegedly created a Feedback Unit. The aim was to strengthen the vigilance establishment and gather feedback on the working of various government departments, autonomous bodies, or institutions. In 2016, after the complaint of an officer of the Directorate of Vigilance, Delhi government, a preliminary inquiry conducted by CBI and found that in addition to the assigned job, the FBU, as it was referred to in official communications, also collected political intelligence related to political activities of persons, political entities and political issues touching the political interest of AAP. ( ROME (AP) A project on Instagram to highlight ordinary women and their imperfections has transformed into a modeling agency that aims to redefine notions of beauty in Italy. The Imperfetta (Imperfect) modeling agency, started in 2020 by Carlotta Giancane, has a casting book full of models who defy the industry's pre-established standards of beauty. They are of all sizes and ages, spanning the gender spectrum, some with disabilities or medical conditions like alopecia or vitiligo, visible scarring or who have lost limbs. Such agencies have existed elsewhere in Europe and the United States. This is the first in Italy. Sonia Sparta is one of the models. A 28-year-old from Sicily, she has heard adults whisper to children that she was from the circus when they saw the dark spots on her face and body, the result of a form of hyperpigmentation. While she once tried to conceal her condition, she now is conscious of her beauty. "I changed things so that my weakness, or how I perceived a weakness, became my source of strength, my distinctiveness." she said. During a recent photo shoot in Rome, models of all shapes posed in underwear, wrapped in sheer organza. "I feel like a revolutionary because I realize that around me all this did not exist before L'Imperfetta," Giancane said. "It feels like a revolution, a battle to fight hard, because there are so many difficulties." Photos: 'Imperfect' models in Italy redefine beauty The agency counts more than 140 models. They are both in Italy and abroad, but it is focusing its work in Italy "because this is where we want to change things," Giancane said. Her models have appeared in advertising campaigns for cosmetic brands, fashion retailers and supermarkets. Much of the work is in online advertisements, but there have also been calls for models in television commercials. Two have appeared on the Milan fashion runway for designer Marco Rambaldi. Lucia Della Ratta, a university student in Rome, hid her albinism for most of her life, coloring her pale hair darker shades and using tanning lotions on her skin. Under the pandemic lockdown, she let her natural hair color grow out and began posting photos on Instagram. "I felt beautiful for the first time," Della Ratta, said during a break in the photo shoot. The shift still brings tears to her eyes, which she brushes away. "I felt it was my essence, as though it is me, as I really am." Desiree D'Angelo has had alopecia since she was 10 years old. At school she wore a hat to hide the baldness, but bullying classmates would yank it off. At age 15, a dance teacher persuaded her to accept her condition and stop hiding it. Since then, she has become a successful dancer, performer and model. "I like my body, I like my peculiarity. In the end, I have accepted it," she said. WATERLOO Deadline is March 6 for submitting nominations for The Couriers 2023 Cedar Valley Top 10 Nurses awards. This annual award recognizes Cedar Valley nurses who go above and beyond the call of duty for patients in their care. Being a nurse means having the knowledge and passion to provide exemplary patient care, treating patients with compassion, kindness and respect. For the fifth year, The Courier will honor 10 Cedar Valley nurses who exemplify those traits. Join The Courier in celebrating nurses by nominating a Cedar Valley nurse who has made a difference in the lives of their patients. Nominations can be made now until March 6 at Please upload a photo of a deserving nurse and provide a brief description or story about why they deserve to be recognized. An independent panel of judges will select winners from among these extraordinary nursing professionals, and one Readers Choice winner will voted on by readers from March 9 until March 23 at The impact of nurses cannot be overstated. They are the front line of health care, providing specialized skill and comfort to every patient who crosses their path. Last years winners came from every corner of the nursing field, from licensed practical nurses and registered nurses to nurse practitioners, representing local hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and more. Again this year, the Cedar Valley Top 10 Nurses will be honored at a May 10 luncheon at Diamond Event Center Theyll also be profiled in a special publication in The Courier on May 7. Sponsors include Cedar Valley Hospice, MercyOne, UnityPoint Health, Western Home Communities, NewAldaya Lifescapes and the Courier Media Group . Photos: The Couriers 2022 Top Cedar Valley Nurses celebration Nurses Event 1 Nurses Event 2 Nurses Event 3 Nurses Event 4 Nurses Event 5 Nurses Event 6 Nurses Event 7 Nurses Event 8 Nurses Event 9 Nurses Event 10 Nurses Event 11 Nurses Event 12 Nurses Event 13 Nurses Event 14 Nurses Event 15 WATERLOO The Blacks Building in downtown Waterloo may be headed for an online auction after a negotiated deal with a potential buyer fell through earlier this year. The nine-story historic high-rise at 501 Sycamore St. is currently listed on the Ten-X auction site with an opening bid of $1 million. John Viggers of Cushman and Wakefield is the broker. Bidding is scheduled to begin Tuesday and run through Thursday. With its elegant entryway and first-floor restaurant, 501 Sycamore Street boasts an eclectic tenant roster and some of the most eye-popping interior and exterior designs in Waterloo's CBD (Central Business District), reads the listing, which boasts about the buildings quick access to the U.S. Highways 63 and 218 interchange. Proceeds from the sale will be used to pay debts for Blacks operator Midtown Development, and Midtown development attorney Ronald Martin said the online venue is the best option to bring the highest price and best value. "It's the best way to reach the most people," he said Midtown Development filed for bankruptcy in 2021 citing, in part, past flooding, COVID-19 closures and fallout from a scuttled restaurant deal. A $7.5 million deal to sell the building and use the proceeds to settle bank loans and other outstanding debts and taxes fell through when the buyer -- Denver-based Covalt and Co. Colorado Properties LLC -- unsuccessfully tried to renegotiate the terms of the sale following months of delays and Midtown turned down the new proposal. After that, Viggers again attempted to market the building, generating interest but not buyers. In January, Midtowns attorney sought court permission for the online auction. At last count, 20 persons have signed nondisclosure agreements to obtain specific information regarding the Blacks Building, and two interested persons have already registered to participate in the auction, Midtowns attorney said. Midtowns biggest creditor OSK XII LLC, which bought the debt from MidWestOne Bank asked the court to lift a stay that bars it from holding its own action with the property. OSK XII also moved to have the bankruptcy case thrown out or have the court appoint a receiver to oversee the building. A hearing on that request is scheduled for late March. Black's Building Auction, November 2021 110521jr-blacks-auction-1 110521jr-blacks-auction-3 110521jr-blacks-auction-2 110521jr-blacks-auction-5 110521jr-blacks-auction-4 110521jr-blacks-auction-6 110521jr-blacks-auction-8 110521jr-blacks-auction-9 110521jr-blacks-auction-7 110521jr-blacks-auction-10 WATERLOO Cedar River amenities between Waterloo and Cedar Falls dont qualify at this point for a $5.6 million Iowa Economic Development Authority grant. The cities partnered in a request to the Destination Iowa program, which has been giving out funds since June from a pool of $100 million in federal COVID-19 relief money for public and private transformational tourism projects. Black Hawk Countys largest municipalities had anticipated the grant would play a role in bringing to life a larger placemaking vision for connecting the two downtowns through the Cedar River. The Cedar Valley River Experience application submitted by the cities of Waterloo and Cedar Falls received a score of 66, said Kanan Kappelman, an IEDA spokesperson. The program requires an average score of 70 to be considered for funding. Kappelman would not comment on any deficiencies in the application that led to the below-average score until the final round of funds has been exhausted. Those awards are slated to be announced in the coming weeks as IEDA continues to review and score the applications received by the deadline of Dec. 31, she said. A new whitewater course in downtown Waterloo was slated for $4.5 million of the $5.4 million in funding for the city in the application. Cedar Falls would have received $226,478 from the grant if all had gone as planned. Cedar Falls share of the proposed funding was significantly smaller, in part, because recreational improvements to the river between the First and Main Street bridges already had received a $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration The Waterloo and Cedar Falls application was submitted in September after months of collaboration between the cities, Grow Cedar Valley, Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments and other stakeholders. However, work to bring about that dream will continue on without the funding. The original application outlined $14.09 million in estimated project costs, although the cities needed to match 60% of it. Waterloos funding sources took a little bit of time to compile and eventually were identified as the Black Hawk Gaming Association, the Waterloo Development Corporation, John Deere and tax increment financing dollars. Most, if not all, of the proposed Cedar Falls funding was eventually removed was because lighting for bridges along the river was not deemed a qualifying expense, officials were told. Grow Cedar Valley President and CEO Cary Darrah told the Cedar Falls Community Main Street board of directors earlier this month that the application was denied after the EDA had carved out the Cedar Falls piece of it. She referred The Courier to Noel Anderson, Waterloos community planning and development director, for further questions but he couldnt be reached to comment on the matter. Its disappointing, but on the other hand, its not surprising, Darrah told the board. We thought we responded with what was asked transformational, regional, be bold and every time (the EDA) came back with a request to change it. It kind of took it down another notch, she added. Other smaller improvements were to be made to Waterloos Cedar Bend Park, Pioneer Park, Riverview Recreation Area and Sans Souci Island. In addition to the bridge lighting, the city of Cedar Falls also had funds allotted for improvements to Olsen, Tourist, Washington and Island parks. Photos: House fire, Evansdale, Feb. 24, 2023 022423jr-woo-nws-fire-evansdale-3 022423jr-woo-nws-fire-evansdale-4 022423jr-woo-nws-fire-evansdale-2 022423jr-woo-nws-fire-evansdale-1 WATERLOO With a garage full of bags of clothes and boxes of housewares, Karmin Teague is looking to replace a once heavily used service in Waterloo. Cedar Valley Thrift and Outreach Outlet is set to open sometime in March at 1109 E. Fourth St. After the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store closed near downtown Waterloo in 2019, Teague saw a need in the community. I guess its really missed, Teague said. Theres resources out here, but everybody doesnt know where they are and where theyre located. St. Vincent de Paul moved its food pantry and community outreach services into the former thrift store building at 320 Broadway St. Case workers still serve clients with food, clothing, housewares and furniture just without the retail aspect. Teague is hoping to provide not just clothes and items for a home but basic necessities as well, such as soap and toothbrushes. The building isnt big enough for furniture, but she will have a storage unit to hold such items with listings posted on the organizations Facebook page. Nothing will cost more than $8, she said. The plan is to have $5 bag days and $1 sale days once a week. Shes hoping the store will be open Tuesday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. She is still looking for houseware donations and a truck to move merchandise. As the name suggests, the store will also serve as an outreach center. Right now, Teague is planning on having an employment center where people can look for jobs on the computer and submit resumes. She also bought a fax machine with her own money. Teague noted the old St. Vincent de Paul was a community center of sorts for people who didnt get out much. Thats what were missing, she said. Its just people not knowing where to go and how to get help, or even if theres somebody that cares. Sometimes just knowing that you can come to some place and talk to somebody and they listen to you, even though you might not leave with an answer. Teague, a MercyOne patient care assistant, said shes walked in everybodys footsteps at her job. From dealing with people in jail to those with addiction problems and mental health issues, theres nothing she wont understand. I want all walks of life, she said. Just because it says east Waterloo means nothing. Color means nothing. Nationality means nothing. Its brotherhood, community, sisterhood, the works. Photos: House fire, Evansdale, Feb. 24, 2023 022423jr-woo-nws-fire-evansdale-3 022423jr-woo-nws-fire-evansdale-4 022423jr-woo-nws-fire-evansdale-2 022423jr-woo-nws-fire-evansdale-1 When journalists confront elected officials, they theoretically represent the public and ask questions on our behalf. Citizens need full, honest answers to efficaciously direct democratic government. In a 1787 letter, Thomas Jefferson made clear his sympathy: The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right. And were it left to me to decide if we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. Perhaps, in Jeffersons time, journalism was a calling. But it has since become an overbearingly ideological, elitist enterprise. And extreme concentration of mainstream media ownership in few corporate hands, ones with subjective interests and prejudices, has usually meant only consonant views enjoy sympathetic visibility. A big part of the problem is that journalists used to choose their career to pursue truth, but in recent years many have entered journalism to be activists, read a recent tweet by Twitter chief Elon Musk. During Donald Trumps time in the Oval Office, establishment press bafflegabbers reproached his popular movement; it sought to wrest control of America from interests that desired its recreation as an effete component of globalist skullduggery. The subtext was: desires of elites alone should determine our shared future. The wishes of common men were far less important to media poobahs and bylined perpetrators than were the vested schemes of upper-crust popinjays in antiseptic and gated mansions. H.L. Mencken once sneered average folks were merely the booboisie, a crude and gullible great unwashed that uncritically indulged base instincts. As underscored during the Trump term, contemporary mainstream journalists typically echoed Menckens condescension, if not his literary acumen. (Alexander Cockburn derided modern press academies as feedlots of mediocrity.) Few, if any, mainstream media commentators criticized Hillary Clintons slurring tens of millions of regular Americans as irredeemables and deplorables. From those who shared the bigotry, silence did not surprise. The objective, independent press Jefferson lauded remains a noble ideal. But todays corporatized quisling one is scornful of the common man, dissembles, and shades coverage to benefit partisan fortunes. It is about the greatest foe the voting public can have. Weather Alert .Warming temperatures this weekend will bring renewed snowmelt and streamflow rises, especially for snow covered terrain below about 7000 feet. Creeks that brought impacts this past week are likely to be problematic again and potentially reach higher levels, especially by late Sunday. ...FLOOD WATCH FOR SNOWMELT REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH MONDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by snowmelt continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of California and western Nevada, including the following areas, in California, Greater Lake Tahoe Area, Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties and Surprise Valley California. In western Nevada, Greater Lake Tahoe Area, Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area and Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties. * WHEN...Through Monday morning. * IMPACTS...Creeks and streams will be running high and fast. Low-water crossings may be flooded. Minor mainstem flooding along the Susan River, Forks of the Carson River, and the East Walker River below Bridgeport Reservoir cannot be ruled out. Anyone participating in outdoor recreation this weekend should use caution as water will be running high, fast, and potentially out of banks for some creeks and streams. The water will be extremely cold as well, quickly causing shock. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && After being alerted, police reached the spot. They had a tough time extricating the bodies of the victims from the car, which got mangled. (Representational Image) TIRUPATI: Three youths, including two medical students, got killed when their car came under the wheels of a lorry coming from the opposite direction on Kuppam-Palamaner road in Kuppam constituency on Sunday. Sub-inspector Bandi Ramanjaneyulu said the accident occurred near Settipalli village at around 3:30 a.m. when the speeding car had been heading towards Kuppam from PES Medical College. The deceased have been identified as Vikas (23) and Praveen (22), house surgeons at the PES Medical College, and Kalyan (21), brother of Praveen. "The driver had apparently been trying to overtake a truck. He lost control and hit another car from behind. Due to the impact, the car in which the three youths had been travelling rolled over on the other side of the road and came under the wheels of an oncoming lorry," the SI explained. He said the youth had been on their way to Kuppam after attending a birthday party. After being alerted, police reached the spot. They had a tough time extricating the bodies of the victims from the car, which got mangled. The driver of the truck under which the car came fled from the scene and later surrendered to police. Gudupalle police have registered a case. They have sent the bodies to the government hospital for post-mortem. TDP chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu, who is the sitting MLA from Kuppam constituency, expressed shock at the tragic death of three youngsters. He extended his condolences to the bereaved families. It takes time to sort through 23,000 years of history. Especially when the research has unveiled so many unheard stories. During the early days of the pandemic Katie Stone envisioned New Mexico history lessons for groups of children. Then it turned remote as mass gatherings were canceled. As the founder and executive director of the podcast, The Childrens Hour, Stone was forced to think outside the box to get information to the masses. The Childrens Hour, is an internationally-syndicated, award-winning Kids Public Radio show. It has launched a new podcast series, A Brief History of the American Southwest for Kids. The six-episode series of 20-minute podcasts comes with a Learn Along Guide that meets and cites national education standards. Stone says the podcast series is geared toward children in 3rd through 12th grades, and offers students the opportunity to learn the latest research in the timeline of the settlement of the Southwestern United States. New Mexico and the Southwests history predates the pilgrims coming to America, Stone says. That important history isnt being taught nationally. That bothered me so much, I decided to create resources so everyone, anywhere, can learn it. Stone is making the podcasts available to teachers everywhere. The series was produced from six virtual field trips in New Mexico, where more than 350 young people attended the live virtual field trips with more than 250 of those children from Indigenous schools. The team worked with the Native American Community Academy (NACA) School and the NACA Inspired Schools Network to offer free field trips, and to give students the opportunity to learn from Indigenous experts. Prior to launching the series, each podcast went through a history review team that included New Mexico State Historian Rob Martinez, multiple history professors, pueblo educators, local tribal historians and other historians to certify their accuracy. We are really proud of this series and invite everyone to learn about and fall in love with the American Southwest and its unique history, Stone says. I think this sets the record straight. For this weeks column, Stone took time to talk about the podcast series and how she curated the information into 20-minute intervals of learning. We even get a sixth treat this column. (23,000 years ago to around 10,000 years ago) The first episode begins 23,000 years ago in what is known today as White Sands National Park, where fossilized footprints were found. The footprints preserved in the sand reveal days in the lives of the people who first came to the high desert Southwest, and include footprints from now extinct megafauna, like the giant sloth. Finding of these footprints puts humans in this area way before we originally thought, Stone says. Whats great about this is the footprints that were found near White Sands are those of a teenager. Stone is joined by White Sands Resource Program Manager David Bustos, archaeologist Mary Weahkee from the New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies, and Diego Medina, Tribal Preservation Officer for the Piro-Manso-Tiwa tribe, located near White Sands. Diego at one point said, Its really like visiting our ancestors, Stone says. Indigenous people knew about the footprints all along. If only we would have talked to them before, it would have been discovered earlier. (10,000 years ago to 1,000 years ago) Stone says as communities grew in the desert, there was a level of ingenuity that we can see today. The second episode focuses on Chaco Canyon, where historians dive into how the complexity of its architecture, engineering and governance demonstrates the sophistication of the Southwestern cultures. Stone says there is a focus on the development of roads following trade routes that are still used today, along with architecture that celebrates celestial mysteries, and engineered waterways designed to transport precious water resources to grow foods to feed thousands of people. What were doing is setting the record straight, Stone says. When we look at history, it can be seen as arcane and primitive. Chaco Canyon is an example of how Indigenous people lived. And it also shows us how we are still using roadways and acequias, which were developed by the geniuses in the Southwest. The episode also features Chaco Canyon Interpretive Center educator Nathan Hatfield, as well as Weahkee and Pueblo educator Jon Ghahate. (Zunis meet the Spanish around 500 years ago) In July 1540, the Ashiwi people watched as a group of armed strangers who turned out to be Europeans came into the desert Southwest, on horseback, and with an agenda of finding the cities of gold they had heard were located there. Stone says the episode focuses on the events that happened and how this moment changed the course of history of the people already living in this area. All of this history is so important because it changed the course, Stone says. I cold-called Zuni Pueblo before working on this episode. I was introduced to Curtis Quam, who became such a wonderful resource for information of the Zuni people. Quam is the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center director and is featured with Weahkee, Ghahate and Medina. (1680) The pueblo peoples had enough of the many demands and harsh punishments from the new neighbors. They organized a revolt, sending the priests and other Europeans packing. (This episode) tells the story of PoPay, who is the architect behind the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, Stone says. PoPays leadership united pueblo communities, which resulted in forcing the Spanish to realize their only option was to leave. Stone is joined by Ghahate and Medina in the episode. (1700-1864) Within two decades, the Spanish settlers returned to the Rio Grande Valley, laying claim to the fertile valleys to build haciendas, churches and towns, to be owned by the Spanish crown. Stone says the episode features Los Luceros Historic Site near Alcalde. Representatives of the Spanish crown returned to terra nueva to claim territory in the southwest lost in the Pueblo Revolt, Stone says. Estancias, or ranches, such as Los Luceros Historic Site is an example of how ranches operated, what they contained, and the impact upon the numerous, diverse Indigenous communities in what was to become the state of New Mexico, then the eventual Mexican Independence and territorial acquisition by the United States and subsequent statehood. Experts include Los Luceros Historic Site employees Carlyn Stewart and Rebecca Ward, along with Medina, Weahkee and Dava Fratello, Principal of the Comanche Academy in Oklahoma. They talk about the geopolitical and actual battles between Spain, Mexico and the United States to control the Southwest, Stone says. We will learn about the encomienda, the Land Grants, and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and the impact on the population of Pueblo people. (1864 to present) In 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo made the American Southwest a United States territory where the land would soon be crisscrossed with train tracks and roads, with new economies of health, culture and anthropological tourism, as well as harsh and inhumane impacts to Indigenous peoples. This tells the story of how the Camino Real and the Santa Fe Trail transformed into routes which paved the way for railway development, Stone says. We learn about the harsh and inhumane impact these changes had on the people who already lived in the Southwest, and what they had to endure to preserve and sustain their communities and culture while their lands were annexed to the U.S. government. Experts include historian Melanie LaBorwit, along with Ghahate and Weahkee. Ep. 1: Footprints Ep. 2: Settling Down Ep. 3: Strangers Arrive Ep. 4: Pueblo Revolt Ep. 5: Colonization Ep. 6: Nationalization Online To learn more about A Brief History of the American Southwest for Kids, which is produced by the The Childrens Hour, visit With a populated history that dates back thousands of years, the area within the Pecos National Historical Park is a limitless wonder and a learning opportunity beyond compare. Retired geologist Laura Reich enriches that opportunity by leading monthly instructional hikes during which she brings the rich landscape and culture alive. We rewind our minds to the time before Spanish settlement and learn about uses of local rocks, land, topography, and natural resources, she said in a March 2020 interview. Plus basic geological history of past and present mountains, creation of sedimentary rock layers, and recent erosion that formed the upper Pecos River Valley. Reichs contribution as a volunteer is an important addition to the parks offerings, said Becky Latanich, chief of interpretation. Shes bringing a really long and important background in geology to park visitors, she said of Reich. Something that is kind of unique. She brings an interesting perspective about geology impacting and a direct cause of history. Certain things that happened because of the geology. She talks about all of the different aspects of how geology touched history here. With its consistent and abundant water, the area has long been home to natives. But likewise, its funneling canyons made it a ripe spot for the Civil War Battle of Glorieta Pass. Its important for people to understand the geology here and it is not a topic we spent as much time on in general, Latanich said. (The) park has well-documented history and we spend a lot of time talking about all of it, but the foundation on which history is built is not the regular staffs strongest suit. So Laura brings that perspective. Reich is a retired geophysicist from the energy industry in Houston, Texas, and in 2018 began giving guided talks around the park. The hike is generally an easy stroll of just over a mile, usually taking about 75 minutes one way. Billed as Geologic Crossroads at Pecos Pueblo, Reich unveils what makes the area so special. You have the headwaters of the Pecos River and this beautiful valley with the river coming out of the mountains, Reich said. Its a big valley, 25-to-30-square miles. And people dont realize this, but we have three miles of trout fishing within the park. And then you have Glorieta Mesa, or Rowe Mesa, as it is also known as. Its a beautiful mesa, with layered rocks and the river valley, and I wanted to bring the geological element to it. Lets add a little nature to all of this. The ancestral Rocky Mountains eventually eroded about 300 million years ago, leaving behind the vivid white, yellow and red layers of rocks on Glorieta Mesa of sandstone and siltstone. Then, some 50 million years ago, the modern Rocky Mountains uplifted and the region is now on the border of three physiographic regions the foot of the Rockies; the Rio Grande rift that splits New Mexico; and the interior plains that fan out to West Texas and Oklahoma. Since the Pecos sits at the junction of three geological provinces, what comes out of that is a lot of diversity, Reich said. Right now, there is a thousand feet of elevation change, so you have different plants, different soils. The landscape also was a migration route for animals and people for millennia. The Pecos people were middlemen with a complex and diverse community, she said. They would trade seashells from the west and buffalo-type things from the Great Plains. In turn, they provided corn, beans and squash. While agrarian, they were able to build their pueblo and live together in a large community. A young man was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for the armed robberies of three postal service employees in separate incidents around Albuquerque. Cisco Casaus-Alires, 21, pleaded guilty in June to robbery of mail, money and other federal property and brandishing a firearm in the 2020 robberies. Casaus-Alires is no longer a threat to (U.S. Postal Service) letter carriers or the public. This substantial sentence is a message to all criminals, Melisa Llosa, inspector in charge of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in Phoenix, said in a statement. If you rob a USPS employee, Postal Inspectors will not stop until you are brought to justice. Casaus-Alires was previously sentenced to supervised probation after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit armed robbery in a 2016 drive-by shooting that killed Aliyah Garcia, 18. Casaus-Alires brother and others were sentenced to more than a decade in prison in the case. Casaus-Alires caught the attention of federal authorities in 2020 when three letter carriers were robbed at gunpoint within months of each other. It began on Nov. 7, when Casaus-Alires pulled out a gun on a letter carrier in Southeast Albuquerque demanding the persons cellphone, mailbox keys and some mail. Casaus-Alires robbed two other mail carriers in similar fashion, on Dec. 26 and 28, demanding the same items and, in the first instance, told the letter carrier to load packages from their vehicle into his own. Authorities were tipped off that Casaus-Alires was responsible by a confidential informant before he was arrested the following month, telling Albuquerque police he had robbed the three letter carriers. It is both encouraging and disheartening that back in 2014, Mississippi and New Mexico were in the same leaky education boat. Both states have high poverty, high minority student populations, and in 2014 both had low student academic achievement scores. Its encouraging that since 2014 Mississippi has moved from the bottom to closer to the middle of the pack nationally in elementary-school level reading and math proficiency levels; its disheartening New Mexico considered but failed to implement some of the same reforms and remains at 52. Mississippi credits its improvement to multiple reforms that include ensuring teachers are actually trained in teaching reading and holding back third graders until they are proficient in reading. New Mexico lawmakers consistently shot down former Gov. Susana Martinezs proposed third-grade retention bills that would require extra support for struggling students in grades K-3 while mandating retention in third grade as a last and infrequent resort. But in 2019, state lawmakers moved forward on the other key reform mandated in Mississippi that elementary school teachers be trained in how people learn to read, known as structured literacy. Our new Public Education secretary, Arsenio Romero, has a track record of delivering results, specifically in Deming where education advocacy group NewMexicoKidsCAN says he helped transform the schools from a low-performing district into a model for instructional practices and career technical education pathways. Under his watch New Mexico will continue rolling out Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS), required for New Mexicos early-grade elementary teachers. It breaks down how people learn to read stressing phonics, vocabulary and comprehension. But the state needs to take this further, requiring our universities education programs to include curriculum that better trains future teachers on how to teach literacy. (See House Bill 460 below.) And rather than waste more energy belaboring the social evils of third-grade retention, heres to Romero working to ensure there are multiple methods of remediation available and in place so the vast majority of students can read by third grade. Because just 21% of our fourth-graders are proficient in reading, according to the Nations Report Card. The Journal also supports streamlining the replication of successful public charter schools and providing more funding and support for principals, who are critical to a schools ability to be successful and attract good teachers. In addition, there are several essential reforms moving through the Legislature: House Bills 130 and 194 increase the minimum number of instructional hours. We believe HB 194, sponsored by Senate President Pro Tempore Mimi Stewart (retired educator) and Rep. Nathan Small, is the more honest option because it includes 80 hours of professional development for teachers and does not count those hours against student in-class learning time. Senate Bill 438, sponsored by Sens. George Munoz, Leo Jaramillo and Siah Correa Hemphill (a school psychologist), would ensure more dollars get to classrooms than bloated administrations while also reducing burdensome reporting by at least 25%. Think New Mexico, the Santa Fe-based think tank advocating for a slate of school reforms this session, notes the Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) found school administrations grew by 55% from 2007-2019, nearly three times faster than spending on teachers and student support, which grew by 19-20% during the same time period. That hasnt delivered results for our kids; getting funding to teachers, support staff and students should. House Bill 325, sponsored by Reps. Natalie Figueroa (a Spanish teacher), Patricia A. Lundstrom and Susan K. Herrera, would improve our school boards by improving annual training for the unpaid citizens who step up and are expected to know how to budget and help set policies for a school district. Think NM points out it would also tackle the nepotism that can infect our districts with unqualified employees. And it would require more transparency on candidates campaign contributions as well as make board meetings webcast so parents and taxpayers can see how a district is run. House Bill 460, sponsored by Reps. Tara Jaramillo, Tanya Mirabal Moya (teacher), Christine Trujillo (retired educator), Yanira Gurrola (teacher) and Joy Garratt (retired teacher), would ensure our new teachers are ready for the classroom by making their fourth year a paid classroom residency alongside an experienced teacher. In addition, it would ensure those teaching in our colleges of education have five years of classroom teaching experience, that the colleges are nationally accredited and curricula follows best practices, which includes evidence-based math and literacy instruction. House Bill 413, sponsored by Reps. Trujillo, Gurrola, Figueroa, Cynthia Borrego and Pamelya Herndon, would tackle class-load sizes, specifically for at-risk students to provide more personalized instruction. It would also restrict the use of waivers, which PED has provided routinely to allow larger class sizes, for all students. Unfortunately, there is no funding attached, making it little more than a plan rather than an action. Mississippi has shown marked improvement with its literacy and third-grade reading programs. Granted, New Mexico faces an additional challenge in that English is a second language for 18% of its students. But thats no reason New Mexico cant attain similar gains if it continues to take the best of Mississippis playbook while including our own data-proven success reforms as those above. Everyone agrees being No. 52 is unacceptable for our kids; this session its time we had the will to act like Mississippi and improve education in New Mexico. This editorial first appeared in the Albuquerque Journal. It was written by members of the editorial board and is unsigned as it represents the opinion of the newspaper rather than the writers. More editorials this week The question asked but not answered in the (Jan. 27) Journal (editorial) is How useful is the Arnold Tool? I can tell you in two words: Its not. The Arnold Tool, propped up by bail reform, has been a miserable failure. If it was all that Artie Pepin (director of the Administrative Office of the Courts) continues to claim it is, then why is New Mexico experiencing massive crime and a record number of homicides? Why after six-plus years of bail reform and the Arnold Tool are we still having this conversation? Day after day, we all continue to read about and see news stories of our crime problem, all while the N.M. Supreme Court refuses to solve the problem. The tough on crime bills that were introduced in the 2022 session, as I predicted, did nothing to address the crime problems. All eyes are now on our state Legislature, which now claims it will do something, but exactly what is something? The Senate Judiciary Committee members admit the Arnold Tool has many flaws but continue to seek the opinion and solutions of Pepin, who has personally advocated for bail reform and the Arnold Tool. The Arnold Tool has always claimed it is founded in public safety and is just a tool for the judges to consider. I can tell you firsthand this tool has nothing to do with public safety, nor does it take into account an offenders real criminal history or failures to appear in court. I see daily who is being booked at the county jail and how quickly these same offenders are being released on a promise to appear in court. Im talking about everything from repeat shoplifters to murder suspects out the door the next day or within a few days at worst. The backers of the Arnold Tool claim its safe to release these offenders, because after all, Pretrial Services will be supervising them. So, if the Arnold Tool once again is all that Pepin claims it is and Pretrial Services is the answer, then why is crime the No. 1 issue facing New Mexico? The truth is that the Arnold Tool has many flaws and Pretrial Services is not set up to provide real supervision, thus both are ineffective. The N.M. Supreme Court knows all of this but fails to admit any of it, nor step in and solve a problem. The 2022 session of the N.M. Legislature with all its tough on crime bills also did nothing to impact the massive crime problems this state has been experiencing since the inception of bail reform and the Arnold Tool. The Senate Judiciary Committee has discussed the Arnold Tool, which by its own admission has many flaws, and it appears any reform is dead for now. However, if this same committee continues to look to Pepin for solutions for a problem he caused, this session, I predict will end like last years, nothing substantial accomplished. Addressing and fixing criminal conduct is possible, but only if bail reform is repealed and the Arnold Tool scrapped. The judges need to once again take control of release decisions in their courtrooms, stop allowing a failed tool to influence them and hold offenders accountable. Anything short will just perpetuate this problem. This is part of a point-counterpoint. Read the opposing column: Implementation of pretrial detention tools requires oversight, accountability TOHAJIILEE, N.M. (AP) A school tucked into the sandstone cliffs and juniper-dotted mesas of central New Mexico is fortified on one side by a wall of sandbags and an earthen berm. On the other side, melting snow puddles along the edges of classrooms. Inside, caulking, paint and metal plates hide the cracks that have formed over decades in the block walls. With each rainstorm, the nearly century-old ToHajiilee Community School on the fringes of the Navajo Nation sinks further into the ground. The layers of bandages wont have to hold much longer. Residents of the small community off Interstate 40 recently learned that after years of raising flags about the school that lies in a floodplain, the latest federal budget included $90 million for a new campus. Its just unbelievable that we would ever have anything that great happen, said Paulene Abeyta, a mother and vice president of the school board. ToHajiilee Community School is just one of about 80 schools funded by the U.S. Bureau of Indian Education that are in desperate need of repair or replacement. The agencys priorities stretch across the country with schools in Maine, Wisconsin, North Dakota, New Mexico, Arizona and Washington. The price tag tops $6.2 billion, and the wait is long. ToHajiilee would not have been moved up the priority list last year if not for a community campaign driven by stories of flooded classrooms and playgrounds, relentless calls to Washington, D.C., and invitations for decision-makers to see it in person. Otherwise, another decade would have passed and another generation of students would have walked the same halls. When you see the kids here today and the talent and just the excitement, you think about how limitless the opportunities are for kids if they can just focus on becoming the people that they were meant to be and not have to deal with crumbling classrooms, said U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico. Stansbury joined school officials, students and parents earlier this month to celebrate the funding. While it puts only a small dent in the bureaus backlog, she said it will mark a new era for the Navajo community. Officials hope to break ground in about a year. Already, Abeyta charged the students with dreaming big. That means softball fields free of prickly weeds, and ant piles, water bottle filling stations, a gym with long bleachers and a big scoreboard, toilets that flush, motion-sensing sinks, well-equipped classrooms for art and woodworking, a music room filled with instruments and a culinary program with big ovens. School administrator Willinda Castillo said community input will be vital to ensuring success. The school is, I think, the heart of this community, she said. A wall of sandbags protects ToHajiilee Community School. The school on the Navajo Nation is just one of dozens funded by the U.S. Bureau of Indian Education that are in desperate need of repair or replacement. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan) Second grade teacher Adrianne Keene, left, hands out play coins to her students in ToHajiilee. The students were learning about money. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan) Chief school administrator Willinda Castillo, right, and U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury, D-N.M., celebrating the securing of $90 million in federal funds for a new school at ToHajiilee. The U.S. Bureau of Indian Education estimates it would cost roughly $6.2 billion to address the needs of BIA schools in poor condition. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan) ToHajiilee administrative services specialist Larry Holman holds a damaged pipe more evidence of the condition of plumbing throughout the school. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan) To'Hajiilee Community School in the Navajo community of To'Hajiilee, New Mexico. The school is just one of dozens funded by the U.S. Bureau of Indian Education that are in desperate need of repair or replacement. The agency estimates it would cost roughly $6.2 billion to address the needs of those schools in poor condition. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan) U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury, D-N.M., center, meeting with community members in To'Hajiilee, New Mexico. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan) Prev 1 of 6 Next Generations of ToHajiilee students have learned Navajo history and language in the school. Plaques outside classroom doors display the grade and subjects taught in Navajo, or Dine. Murals adorn hallways and posters remind students and teachers to integrate Dine as often as possible. Many of the students at the recent celebration wore traditional clothing while members of the senior class danced and performed a blessing way song. Students erupted with cheers and stomped their feet on the wooden bleachers when school board members talked about the possibilities ahead. Abeyta and others shared stories of teachers fleeing to their vehicles to avoid being stranded as floodwaters washed over the school grounds. Other times, classes were canceled as moats formed around portable buildings and parking lots were submerged. Flooding even washed out the bridge leading to the school. Castillo checks the forecast daily and adjusts evacuation plans if needed. With the backlog of deferred maintenance across the bureaus system ballooning, ToHajiilee knew pleading from afar wouldnt be enough they invited former U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland who now heads the Interior Department, members of Congress and top officials from the Bureau of Indian Education to see the school for themselves. You know, theres a lot of times when our voices are not heard, and in order for our voices to be heard we just had to take it upon ourselves, Castillo said. I think thats what made the difference. Stansbury and her staff followed a visit last year with countless emails, regular phone calls and conversations with as many congressional leaders as possible. They had a singular plea as Congress finalized the budget in December funding for ToHajiilee. Videos of raging flood waters, damaged foundations and cracked walls helped make the case that students and staff werent safe. The ToHajiilee campus dates to the 1930s, when the first rock-walled classrooms were erected as part of the federal Works Progress Administration. Those buildings are long gone, having been replaced in the 1950s with buildings that were then overhauled in the 1980s. Larry Holman, ToHajiilees administrative services specialist, picked up a section of broken bathroom piping that was sitting on a shelf in his office. It was thick with corrosion and had a crack running down one side more evidence of the condition of plumbing throughout the school. The water gets tested every other week, but its not potable. The school doles out water bottles daily, creating another expense. Along with the new school, the community will be tying into the water supply for Albuquerque, which is New Mexicos largest city about 30 miles (48 kilometers) to the east. Its not only about building a new place for this community for kids to go to school, but it will be the place where future generations grow up and become who they are. And, you know, a school can literally transform lives, Stansbury said. The congresswoman, who worked in the Office of Management and Budget during the Obama administration, rallied lawmakers last year to increase the bureau budget for school construction and repairs. Still, the 2023 budget is a fraction of what advocates say is needed to address deficiencies in a school system that serves more than 45,000 Native students in nearly two dozen states. The ToHajiilee Community School has roots as a federal boarding school. The community itself was settled during the Long Walk when thousands of Navajos endured cold, disease and starvation as the U.S. attempted to relocate them to eastern New Mexico. Some residents say the initial inhabitants of this stretch of high desert were a renegade band of sorts that refused to go farther. They called the spot ToHajiilee, which translates roughly to drawing water from a well. While the $90 million cost for a new school was unfathomable to second-graders in Adrianne Keenes class who were learning about money, its not out of line with construction costs for modern education facilities. Keene handed out bags of play coins for the class to count. When asked if they wanted to count to $90 million, the students gasped but didnt hesitate to share their ideas about what they wanted at their new school. Will we get a new playground? one girl asked. A rollercoaster! a boy said. SANTA FE A proposal to open New Mexico primary elections to independent and minor party voters, supporters say, is about as close to legislative passage as ever in state history. But the bill still faces a critical obstacle: Its next destination is the House Judiciary Committee, which rejected a similar measure earlier this month. Supporters, nevertheless, are buoyed by the progress so far on a Senate bill backed by three Democratic legislators and Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, also a Democrat. The debate, however, hasnt fallen entirely along party lines. A mix of Democrats and Republicans helped push the measure through the full Senate on a 27-10 vote last week. On Saturday, it moved through the first of its two House committees. Sila Avcil, executive director of the advocacy group New Mexico Open Elections, said no open-primary bill has ever advanced so far at the Roundhouse. We are not letting go of hope, she said. The next step will be a critical one. Three weeks ago, the House Judiciary Committee voted 7-4 to reject a similar measure, House Bill 54. Coincidentally, the four supporters of the House bill in the Judiciary Committee were all legislative leaders House Minority Leader Ryan Lane, R-Aztec, and House Speaker Javier Martinez of Albuquerque, House Majority Leader Gail Chasey of Albuquerque and House Majority Whip Reena Szczepanski of Santa Fe, all Democrats. But open primary advocates would have to flip two more votes to get the bill through the Judiciary Committee. Sen. Bill ONeill, an Albuquerque Democrat and one of the co-sponsors, made a rather blunt appeal for support Saturday during a hearing before the House Government, Elections and Indian Affairs Committee. If youre satisfied with 25% turnout in primary elections, he said, then this bill isnt for you, honestly. I just find that (level) really not acceptable. Primaries are more important than ever given the lack of competitive districts. The proposal, Senate Bill 73, passed the House government committee Saturday on a 5-3 vote. Republican Rep. John Block of Alamogordo pointed out that independent voters can already change their party affiliation at the polls, allowing them to vote in a major party primary. He opposed Saturdays legislation. I dont think this is necessary, Block said. More than 2,000 registered independents changed their party affiliation to vote in the 2022 primary. Supporters contend Saturdays legislation would be an important step toward more fully opening primaries. It would allow independent and minor party voters to request the ballot of a major party during a primary election, but without forcing them to join the party. Independent and minor party voters could pick a lane without permanently changing their voter registration, said Lindsey Bachman, director of legislative and executive affairs for the secretary of state. Still, voters registered with the Democratic, Republican or Libertarian parties all of which have major status in New Mexico couldnt request the ballot of another party. Under the current system, New Mexico has a closed primary, meaning independent and minor party voters about 24% of registered voters, or 325,000 people cannot participate. Its a good step forward for New Mexico, Rep. Natalie Figueroa, D-Albuquerque, said. SANTA FE New Mexicans with a felony record who are convicted of drug possession would no longer face extended criminal sentences, under legislation approved Saturday by the state Senate. The Senate voted 30-5 in favor of the legislation, Senate Bill 187, that would not reduce the basic penalties for drug possession, but would exclude such crimes from qualifying for a sentencing enhancement for habitual offenders or being the basis for such a sentence extension. Under current law, sentences can be extended by between one year to eight years for repeat felony offenders, if a prosecutor files for such an enhancement. The exact time length of the sentence extension depends on how many prior felony convictions an offender has. Backers said the change would reduce incarceration rates for drug addicts in a state that had a rate of illicit drug use that was nearly twice as high as the national rate over a recent three-year period, according to a 2018 federal survey. Removing simple drug possession from this enhancement recognizes that a person who repeatedly possesses drugs is not an incorrigible felon who needs to be taught a lesson, said Sen. Leo Jaramillo, D-Espanola, the bills sponsor. Theyre suffering from a health problem that requires treatment, not prison. He also said many residents of his rural northern New Mexico district who struggle with drug addiction feel targeted by law enforcement officers, which he said makes it difficult to break generational cycles of substance abuse. Currently, possession of any amounts of drugs such as heroin, fentanyl and cocaine is a fourth-degree felony under New Mexico law. But possession of small amounts of cannabis by New Mexicans age 21 and older is now legal, under a 2021 law that legalized recreational marijuana use. New Mexico Chief Public Defender Ben Baur, who served as an expert witness Saturday in support of the bill, said state residents are regularly sent to prison for simple drug possession charges, but usually because they also have prior offenses. He said in an interview after Saturdays vote the legislation being debated at the Roundhouse would only apply to standalone drug possession charges, as violent crimes like assault or burglary associated with a substance abuse arrest would still qualify for the states habitual offender law. In addition, Baur said it would lead to state resources being better directed at such issues, in part by reducing taxpayer-funded incarceration costs. Everything we know is that jail does not make drug addiction issues better, Baur told the Journal. While the state has made efforts in recent years to expand drug treatment programs, including a drug court program aimed at reducing recidivism, a 2020 state Department of Health report estimated only about 34% of New Mexicans who need substance use disorder treatment actually receive it. During Saturdays debate, the five no votes were cast by Republican senators, though about a dozen GOP lawmakers voted in favor of the bill. At one point, Senate Minority Whip Craig Brandt, R-Rio Rancho, asked whether the legislation could prompt someone intending to sell a large amount of drugs to claim simple possession, as the bill would not apply to drug trafficking convictions. But bill supporters pointed out prosecutors can already file trafficking charges in instances when large amounts of drugs are found, depending on the specifics of a case. Sen. Antonio Moe Maestas, D-Albuquerque, said the measure could have a significant impact for individuals and families affected by drug addiction. This simply allows the state not to stack somebody eight years for a simple possession (charge), but max them out at 18 months, he said. The legislation now advances to the House, with just under three weeks left in this years 60-day legislative session. A GROUP calling itself The 65 Project has targeted nearly 100 lawyers, including me, state attorneys general and even a U.S. senator for daring to challenge illegality and fraud in the 2020 election. The group brags that its mission is to deter right-wing talent from signing on to any future GOP efforts to challenge elections, not only by bringing bar complaints but to shame them and make them toxic in their communities and their firms. The Albuquerque Journal now seems to have joined in that smear campaign. The hit job on me and my wife in (the Feb. 19) article is both mean-spirited and undignified, well beneath the standards of decency that ought to prevail at any reputable newspaper. What editor approved the inclusion of such vulgarity as describing me as a prick, for example, for simply joining my wife six years ago at her high school reunion and attempting pleasant conversation with people I had never met before? What editor allowed into print an unsubstantiated hes dangerous quotation that might well be taken as an open invitation to violence against us? There is also a factual error, easily discoverable but which was instead used to intimate a false, hunkered-down-in-Santa-Fe narrative because we had erected a fence around our home. False (because) the fence existed when we bought the house, and because the reporter apparently interviewed the prior owner that could easily have been verified. We had also offered to answer any questions, but that, or requests for supporting comments from other reunion attendees or friendly neighbors, were never asked, apparently because that would have undercut the storys premise. The story does confirm one point we made, however; the New Mexico in which my wife grew up was not nearly so intolerant of opposing viewpoints as it has become. A Veterans Affairs clinic may be added to a street, park and high school that bear Hiroshi Hershey Miyamuras name. New Mexico Democratic Sens. Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Lujan introduced legislation this past week to rename the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Community-Based Outpatient Clinic in Gallup the Hiroshi Hershey Miyamura VA Clinic. A native of Gallup, Miyamura earned the Medal of Honor and other prestigious honors for his service in the Korean War. He also served in World War II in the 442nd Infantry Regiment, which was almost entirely made up of soldiers who were born in the U.S. to Japanese immigrants. Miyamuras future wife, Tsuruko Terry Tsuchimori, was sent to a Japanese internment camp during the war. Miyamura died in November. The Medal of Honor was bestowed on Miyamura for his actions on April 24, 1951, when he was the machine-gun squad leader in a defensive position near Taejon-Ni, Korea. When Chinese forces fanatically attacked the teams position, Miyamura ordered his men to withdraw, according to the Medal of Honor citation. Miyamura killed more than 50 enemy soldiers before he was captured and held as a prisoner of war for more than two years, according to the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. I will never forget the interactions I was so lucky to have with Hershey over the years, Heinrich said in a statement. I was especially proud to join him nearly a decade ago to cut the ribbon and open this clinic that provides vital health care services to veterans from Gallup and surrounding areas. In 2015, Miyamura worked with members of the states congressional delegation to open the VA clinic in Gallup and he attended the ground-breaking ceremony for the facility that would commemorate him if the bill passes. Lujan called the legislation a small token of gratitude. As a Korean War Medal of Honor recipient, a father, mentor, and friend, Hiroshi Hershey Miyamuras legacy represents the very best of New Mexico, the senator said in a statement. FRAUGHT FREIGHT: Millions of tons of energy-related chemicals travel through New Mexico by train each year, and in the wake of the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, Rep. Gabe Vasquez, D-N.M., wants operators to adopt stronger safety measures. The first-term congressman last week sent a letter to BNSF and Union Pacific Railroads asking them to follow the recommendations the Department of Transportation made this past week. Those recommendations include enhanced inspections and better communication with state and local agencies about hazardous cargo so that first responders can be prepared in case of a spill. Over 4 million tons of energy-related and chemical products travel across New Mexico rail lines each year, Vasquez said. While this cargo is essential to our economy, derailments can be catastrophic and costly. Safety must be the top priority for BNSF and Union Pacific. BNSF and Union Pacific operate more than 2,200 miles in New Mexico. A freight train derailed in eastern Ohio earlier this month, releasing hazardous chemicals, causing nearby residents to evacuate. MAIN STREET: Snacks, trendy T-shirts and spices were on tap for Vasquez as he toured Las Cruces Main Street last week. The first-term congressman visited the southern New Mexico city along with Isabella Casillas Guzman, the administrator of the Small Business Administration. They stopped at Sage Spices, Organ Mountain Outfitters and Grounded, a cafe, before attending a roundtable with a group of small business owners to discuss their successes and challenges. My goal is to ensure that we can build local, generational wealth by supporting entrepreneurship, he said in a statement. Understanding their challenges, as well as their successes, allows me to support policies that directly impact job creation in New Mexico. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ryan Boetel: A family member mourns after Sanjay Sharma, a Kashmiri Pandit, was shot dead by terrorists at Achan area in Pulwama district of South Kashmir. (Photo: PTI) Srinagar: At a time when the Centre is making "concerted efforts" to encourage the Kashmiri Pandits to return to their hearth and home in the Valley, another member of the minority Brahmin Hindu community was shot dead by suspected militants in southern Pulwama district on Sunday. The police said that the victim, Sanjay Kumar Sharma, a resident of Pulwamas Achin village, was targeted by unknown assailants at a marketplace. A critically injured Sharma was rushed to hospital, where he succumbed soon afterwards, the police said. DIG (South Kashmir range) Rayees Muhammad Bhat said: "Sharma, who was working as a bank security guard, was shot and critically wounded at Achan area of Litter. We are acting swiftly and investigating the matter." He added: "The terrorists involved in this heinous crime will be tracked down and neutralised soon." J&K lieutenant-governor Manoj Sinha condemned the "dastardly terror attack" and said the administration was standing strong with the bereaved family. "My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. The administration has given a free hand to the security forces to deal with the terrorists and we will continue to combat such acts of terrorism firmly and decisively," he said. The Kashmiri Pandit Sangarsh Samiti (KPSS), a body of those Kashmiri Pandits who chose not to leave the Valley in 1990 when a vast majority of the minority community fled their homes and hearths to escape violence, tweeted: "Govt. & @BJP4India cannot handle 75 lacs kashmiri population and want to control POK & Balochistan. #KashmiriPandits are killed like dogs in Kashmir @HMOIndia and @ OfficeOfLGJandK censor the information that Kashmir is the most dangerous place for Kashmiri Pandits in this world." Several political parties and their leaders have condemned the killing. Former chief minister and Peoples Democratic Party leader Mehbooba Mufti tweeted: "The vicious cycle of killings doesnt seem to end. GOI has failed to protect minorities in J&K & reduced them to sitting ducks. Everyone here is paying a heavy price for this facade of normalcy. My deepest condolences to his family." The criminal case against Alec Baldwin is heating up with testy exchanges between prosecutors and the legal team defending the actor. Baldwins attorneys filed a motion last week taking aim at the 1st Judicial District Attorneys Office and its special prosecutor, claiming emails and public statements unfairly criticized Baldwins attorneys and misstated his potential sentence. The DAs office did not immediately respond this past week to a request for comment about the motion. The dispute centers on the specific criminal charges Baldwin faces in the October 2021 death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins while the two were rehearsing a scene on the Rust movie set near Santa Fe. Baldwin was holding a gun that discharged on the movie set, killing Hutchins. District Attorney Mary Carmack Altwies initially charged Baldwin on Jan. 31 with two counts of involuntary manslaughter in Hutchins death. The most serious of those charges carried a mandatory five-year prison sentence under the states current firearm-enhancement statute. Prosecutors changed course last Monday and downgraded the involuntary manslaughter charges against Baldwin, dropping the possibility of a mandatory five-year sentence. The remaining alternative standard now requires proof of negligence and is punishable by up to 18 months in jail and a $5,000 fine under New Mexico law. The dispute over charges led to heated exchanges between prosecutors and Baldwins legal team. The decision to remove the firearm enhancement was made to avoid further litigious distractions by Mr. Baldwin and his attorneys, the DAs office said in a written statement issued the day the amended complaint was filed. The prosecutions priority is securing justice, not securing billable hours for big-city attorneys, the statement said. The amended complaint was filed following days of legal jousting between the two sides. Baldwins attorneys argued in a Feb. 10 motion that prosecutors committed a basic legal error by charging him under a law that was not enacted until May 2022, seven months after Hutchins shooting death on Oct. 21, 2021. Two days later, on a Sunday, special prosecutor Andrea Reeb fired off an email to Baldwins attorneys saying prosecutors were a tad confused on your motion on the firearm enhancement and chastised Baldwins attorneys for failing to follow proper procedure. We are requesting you withdraw this motion as it does not correlate to how the process works here in New Mexico, Reeb said in the Feb. 12 email. She said a judge must determine the appropriate sentencing enhancement for use of a firearm. Local counsel should have advised you of that issue, she said. This often happens when we are dealing with out of state (attorneys) and local counsel who doesnt specialize in the criminal area. Reebs email, which Baldwins attorneys cited in their recent motion, suggested that the attorneys could face sanctions if you arent following proper procedure. Less than an hour later, Reeb sent another email saying she would look into the specific numbers and sections and make sure we have it correct. And then, about two hours later, Reeb sent another email to Baldwins attorneys acknowledging the original complaint was based on a law that had not been enacted at the time of the shooting and agreed to file a new criminal complaint. Baldwins Feb. 20 motion also contends prosecutors amplified the error in national television interviews in January including a Jan. 21 Fox News interview claiming the actor faced a mandatory five years in prison if convicted. Baldwins attorneys also are seeking Reebs removal from the case. They argued in a Feb. 7 motion that because the Clovis Republican is a state representative, Reeb is violating the state Constitutions separation-of-powers provision by serving simultaneously as a legislator and a prosecutor. Baldwin entered a plea of not guilty to involuntary manslaughter on Thursday and waived his first appearance, which had been scheduled for Friday. The actor was allowed to remain free on personal recognizance by order of 1st Judicial District Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer. As a special condition, Baldwin is permitted to have limited contact with potential witnesses in connection with completing the Rust movie, but cannot discuss the case with people who may offer testimony, Sommer ordered. The films armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, was also charged in the case and had her first hearing before Marlowe Sommer on Friday. Gutierrez-Reed did not enter a plea during the hearing and was placed on conditions of release pending trial. The producers of Rust have announced that they plan to complete filming at the Yellowstone Film Ranch in Montana with production set to begin this spring. Copyright 2023 Albuquerque Journal Transplant surgeon Dr. Robert Montgomery does not like the paradigm that someone has to die so that an organ can be harvested allowing someone else to live. Montgomery, chairman of the department of surgery and director of transplants at New York Universitys Langone Transplant Institute, was a featured speaker Saturday at the 15th annual Southwest Nephrology Nursing Symposium in Albuquerque. Montgomery talked about his own journey as a heart transplant patient, his work in transplanting human organs infected with the hepatitis C virus, and his ongoing study of transplanting pig kidneys into human beings. The goal, he said, is to make more donor organs available so people dont have to die while waiting for one to become available. For decades, Montgomery had to coexist with familial dilated cardiomyopathy, a rare, progressive disease of the heart muscle that weakened its pumping ability and caused dangerous arrhythmias. In 2018, he received a heart from a 25-year-old donor who died from a drug overdose. About 25% of the people who die of drug overdoses have hepatitis C, and in 2017 we were discarding 50% of those organs because we couldnt find a home for them, he said. We were only putting them in people who had hepatitis C, but there were a lot more donors with hep C because of the opioid epidemic, than recipients. So the organs were being discarded, and theyre often from very young donors and they were perfectly good organs. Montgomery has long advocated transplanting these organs in non-hepatitis C infected individuals because new medications to treat hepatitis C have a cure rate of more than 95%. In proving that point, he said, I got hepatitis C about three days after the transplant and started taking the pills, and it was gone within two months. As a result of the availability of these drugs, the number of transplanted organs has gradually increased about 20% since 2012, but its still not enough to provide donor organs to the 110,000 people who are on various waiting lists, and only a third of them are ever going to get an organ, Montgomery said. The vast majority of people on these lists are waiting for kidneys and Montgomery has been leading efforts to determine if genetically-edited pig kidneys can be transplanted into humans. He and his team have done the transplant surgery twice, using recipients who were brain dead and maintained on a ventilator. Over the course of the study, each lasting just over two days, the rate of blood perfusion through the kidney, creatinine levels and urine production were all good, and there were no signs of rejection, he said. While far more work has to be done, Montgomery predicted that these types of xenotransplantations will be more common in 10 years, possibly as a temporary bridge until a human organ can be located. In the meantime, its important to have a conversation around the kitchen table about organ donation, Montgomery said, because its really tragic when a loved one dies and the family doesnt know what their wishes were. A man was fatally shot by Sunland Park police Thursday night after allegedly pulling out a gun during a dispute at his home in the border town. New Mexico State Police spokesman Ray Wilson said Leonardo Hernandez, 42, was pronounced dead after being taken to a hospital. He said the Sunland Park officers were not injured. Wilson said police responded around 11:50 p.m. to Hernandezs home in the 100 block of Calle Diaz for an intoxicated male identified as Hernandez. He said officers learned Hernandez had been in an argument with two others at the house. While officers were investigating the allegations, Hernandez presented a handgun, Wilson said. He said at least one Sunland Park police officer fired at least one round from his duty weapon and struck Hernandez. Wilson said Hernandez was taken to a hospital in El Paso, where he was pronounced dead. He said State Police are investigating the shooting to independently determine the series of events leading to the shooting, including collecting evidence and conducting interviews. State Police acts solely as a factfinder in its cases and does not determine whether an officers actions were justified in these types of matters, Wilson said. That decision rests with the district attorneys office. VUHLEDAR, Ukraine (AP) The murky water oh so slowly trickles from the filthy drainpipe into her grimy container the ticking seconds ramping up the risk that Emilia Budskaya could lose life or limb to Russian artillery strikes torturing her front-line town in eastern Ukraine. Gaping gashes from shrapnel in the courtyard walls around her testify to the dangers of venturing outside exposed and without the body armor that Ukrainian soldiers defending Vuhledar wear when they emerge from their bunkers. But Budskaya and her daughter need water to cling on and survive, to eke out another day in the ruins. And so they wait tick, tick, tick for the container to fill, for Budskaya to then pour the water into plastic bottles and tick, tick, tick for her to then start the process again until their bottles are filled. Picking their way through the debris and mud, they carry their bounty back to the dark basement that now passes for their home. We have no water, nothing, Budskaya says. Im getting rain water to wash dishes and hands. On the largely static front line between Ukrainian and Russian forces that stretches over hundreds of kilometers (miles), from the Black Sea in the south to Ukraines northeastern border with Russia, Vuhledar has become one of the deadliest hot spots. It has joined Bakhmut, Marinka and other cities and towns, particularly in fiercely contested eastern Ukraine, as evidence of a grinding and destructive war of attrition, as well as symbols of fierce Ukrainian resistance. By defending their ruins, Ukrainian forces are slowing costly Russian offensive efforts to extend Moscows control over the entirety of eastern Ukraines industrial Donbas region. It became Russian President Vladimir Putins revised target for conquest after his forces were beaten back from the capital, Kyiv, and northern Ukraine in the invasions opening stage a year ago. Ukrainian soldiers are paying a heavy price, too, but say their sacrifices are wearing down waves of troops and equipment that Moscow is throwing into battle. In Bakhmut, a soldier who allowed himself to be identified only by his war name, Expert, said the pulverized city in the Donbas Donetsk region has become a stronghold for Ukraine. See what they have done to it? he said of Russian forces that have been pounding Bakhmut for months, slowly inching forward with heavy casualties to capture a prize that, if it falls, might allow Moscow to argue that the invasion is making progress. And this is not the only city, the soldier, who fights in a Ukrainian rapid response unit, added. I wish they would break their teeth trying to chew it. Battlefields around Vuhledar, southwest of Bakhmut and also in the Donetsk region, bear witness to the precious equipment and manpower that Russia is expending, with little territorial gain. Tanks and other armored fighting vehicles blown up by mines or stopped in their tracks by Ukrainian strikes are clumped together on the blasted, cratered terrain. Although Russia has seized most of the Luhansk region that also forms part of the Donbas, the adjacent Donetsk region remains roughly divided between Ukrainian and Russian control. Ukraines military said Sunday that Russian assaults in the east remain concentrated on Bakhmut and other objectives. Russian forces include mercenaries of the notorious Wagner Group, a private military company that has recruited fighters from prisons and tossed them into combat, with high casualty rates. Its millionaire owner with longtime links to Putin, former convicted felon Yevgeny Prigozhin, said Saturday that his fighters had advanced into a settlement on Bakhmuts northern outskirts. The Ukrainian military disputed that claim, saying Russian forces were repelled. Donetsk Gov. Pavlo Kyrylenko reported three civilians killed and four wounded in Russian strikes on Saturday. Vuhledar and its surroundings were also intensely shelled, he said. Further along the front line, in the southern Kherson region also split between Ukrainian and Russian control, Gov. Oleksandr Prokudin reported two civilians killed and seven injured in 78 Russian strikes on the region on Saturday. On patrol in Vuhledars ruins, hurrying down muddy paths to take cover behind pockmarked walls, Ukrainian soldiers said their fight was larger than for control of the city. We fight for our children, for our fellow Ukrainians, for our nation, said a marine with the war name Moryak. Because I think what Russia is doing now is genocide of Ukrainians. And Ukrainians dont have another option but to win. In other developments Sunday: Marking the anniversary of Russias occupation of Ukraines Crimea in 2014, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed confidence the peninsulas return to Ukrainian control would be part of an end to the war. This is our land. Our people. Our history. We will return the Ukrainian flag to every corner of Ukraine, Zelenskyy wrote on Telegram. U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price repeated Sunday that the United States does not and never will recognize Russias purported annexation of the peninsula. Crimea is Ukraine. Asked whether the United States would support a Ukrainian military effort to retake Crimea, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on CNNs State of the Union: What ultimately happens with Crimea in the context of this war and a settlement of this war is something for the Ukrainians to determine, with the support of the United States. The Ukrainian military said Sunday that Russian forces were building fortifications in Crimea to strengthen their defense, allegedly bringing 150 Russian conscripts from Russias Chelyabinsk region, close to the Ural mountains, to perform engineering work. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Farhan bin Faisal visited Kyiv to sign an agreement under which Riyadh will provide humanitarian aid and financing for purchases of oil derivatives purchases. We hope this helps ease the suffering of the Ukrainian people during this humanitarian crisis, he said of the agreement that is worth $400 million. ___ John Leicester in Kyiv, Ukraine, and Elise Morton in London contributed to this report. ___ Follow APs coverage of the war in Ukraine at and of the invasions anniversary at SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) Three defendants from an extended family arrested in a 2018 law enforcement raid on a ramshackle desert encampment rejected compromise offers from prosecutors to resolve kidnapping, terrorism and weapons charges in proceedings Friday at U.S. District Court in Albuquerque. The U.S. governments case against sisters Hujrah and Subhannah Wahhaj, along with Subhannahs husband Lucas Morton, will proceed toward a likely trial scheduled for September after the defendants affirmed their rejection of confidential offers to plead guilty in return for specific sanctions. U.S. Magistrate Judge Laura Fashing asked each one a series of questions to verify that they had reviewed and understood the plea offers and consequences of rejecting them and proceeding toward trial. Did anybody threaten you or force you to take the position that you did not want to accept the governments plea offer? Fashing asked. No. It was my decision, Hujrah Wahhaj said. Plea offers are still in limbo for two additional defendants in the case. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj is expected to reject a plea offer but did not attend Fridays hearing because of health issues. Jany Leveille has agreed to accept a potential prison sentence of 12-15 years with the dismissal of kidnapping and terrorism-related charges but prosecutors may withdraw the offer based on responses from other defendants, under terms of a global plea proposal. A spokesperson for the U.S. Attorneys Office in Albuquerque declined to comment further Friday. The five defendants were arrested in August 2018 as state agents searched for a sickly 3-year-old who had been reported missing by his mother in Georgia. Sheriffs deputies and state agents initially found 11 hungry children and a small arsenal of ammunition and guns on a remote compound in Taos County, New Mexico. After days of searching, the deputies and agents recovered the decomposed remains of the 3-year-old in an underground tunnel. Authorities have said the deceased child, Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, suffered from untreated disabilities as father Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and Leveille performed daily prayer rituals over him even as he cried and foamed at the mouth. Authorities also said Leveille believed medication suppressed the groups Muslim beliefs. Forensic specialists determined the child died several months prior to the recovery of his body. Kidnapping charges have not been filed against Siraj Ibn Wahhaj in the alleged abduction of Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj because they are father and son. Leveille is accused of flouting prohibitions on firearms possession and transportation based on her status as a Haitian national without legal standing in the U.S. after she overstayed a visa without seeking renewal. Convictions also could result in her removal from the U.S. An initial grand jury indictment alleged Leveille and her partner instructed people at the compound to be prepared to engage in jihad and die as martyrs and that one more relative was invited to bring money and firearms. All five defendants were charged with conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States and providing material support to each other as potential terrorists by crossing state lines with firearms and training at the New Mexico compound. Defense attorneys have said their clients would not be facing terrorism-related charges if they were not Muslim. Morton is acting as his own legal counsel after declining his right to a public attorney. Morton told the judge Friday that a security lockdown within the Cibola County Correctional Center at Milan was interfering with his access to a law library to prepare for his defense in court. Instagram Celebrity When addressing the matter, the 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' actress reveals that she texted the 'Wide Side Story' star to 'make sure she was okay' amid the mockery over her rap performance. Feb 26, 2023 AceShowbiz - Angela Bassett proved that she has nothing but love for Ariana DeBose. Although the Internet ridiculed the latter for name-dropping her during the viral BAFTAs rap, the "Black Panther" said she DMed the "West Side Story" star instead to check on her. "I DM'd her last night. I did. It was beautiful," Angela told Variety on the red carpet at the NAACP Image Awards on Saturday evening, February 25. "I just wanted to make sure she was okay because, you know, it's a lot of attention. And she is A-Okay." Ariana has become a meme following her name-dropping rap at this year's BAFTAs. She covered the Eurythmics' "Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves" and Sister Sledge's "We Are Family" but eventually inserted her own rap in which she name-dropped the British award show's female nominees, including Ho-Yeon Jung, Dolly De Leon, Kerry Condon, Carey Mulligan, Emma Thompson, Ana De Armas, Danielle Deadwyler, Michelle Yeoh, Angela Bassett, Viola Davis, Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis. "All the ladies in the room/ supporting and leading all here, I presume/ Ho-Yeon Jung, Dolly De/ Kerry and Carey with a C/ Dame Emma, I'm so fond/ Ana, girl, you're great in 'Blonde'/ Danielle D, you broke my heart/ Michelle, I've loved you from the start," Ariana rapped. "Angela Bassett did the thing/ Viola Davis my 'Woman King'/ Blanchett Cate, you're a genius/ Jamie Lee you are all of us." The maligned performance has since sparked online controversy, prompting Ariana to deactivate her Twitter account. She, however, left her Instagram up and running in which she declared, "Honestly I love this." Ariana has also addressed her viral BAFTA Awards rap in an interview with BBC Radio 2's "The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show". She insisted that it was "what I wanted to do." "It's not like I was like, 'Hey BAFTA, let me in!' They actually called me, believe it or not." the 32-year-old continued explaining. "That was the assignment, like, 'Come celebrate women.' I was like, 'Absolutely!' And we did that, and it was fun." "Not gonna lie. I had a blast," she added. "So awesome. And then I spent the rest of the night...cutting a rug with Emma Thompson. Like, it was fabulous. I had a great time. Baz Luhrmann came and found me and he was like, 'No, I think you're great, that was fun. I had fun.' And I was like, 'Work!' " You can share this post! Celebrity The British comedian criticizes decision to alter some of the classic children's books, mockingly saying the words 'fat' and 'ugly' should be banned altogether to spare 'fragile' people. Feb 26, 2023 AceShowbiz - Ricky Gervais feels people have become too "easily offended." The 61-year-old comedian says that people have become too "fragile" after it was confirmed that Roald Dahl's books will have various words, including "fat" and "ugly," removed from them. "This is me pondering whether they'll change any of the words I've used in my work after I'm dead, to spare those who are fragile and easily offended. Words like 'fat' and 'ugly'. And '****' and 'f***.' And 'fat, ugly, greedy, pathetic little stupid f****** ****'. Stuff like that (sic)," Ricky wrote on Twitter. One of Ricky's followers subsequently pointed out that he didn't need to make any changes, as his work isn't aimed at children. The comedy star then replied, "Yeah I know. It was a joke." Ricky later added, "I've changed my mind. I think we should ban the words 'fat' and 'ugly.' No reason." Meanwhile, the publishing company Puffin recently announced plans to release two versions of each Roald Dahl book - the original and the edited ones. Francesca Dow, the managing director of Penguin Random House Children's, said in a statement, "We've listened to the debate over the past week which has reaffirmed the extraordinary power of Roald Dahl's books and the very real questions around how stories from another era can be kept relevant for each new generation." "As a children's publisher, our role is to share the magic of stories with children with the greatest thought and care. Roald Dahl's fantastic books are often the first stories young children will read independently, and taking care for the imaginations and fast-developing minds of young readers is both a privilege and a responsibility." "We also recognise the importance of keeping Dahl's classic texts in print. By making both Puffin and Penguin versions available, we are offering readers the choice to decide how they experience Roald Dahl's magical, marvellous stories." You can share this post! Instagram Celebrity The 'Logan' actor who has two children with wife Deborra-Lee Furness believes growing up in the age of social media is very hard because of the added amount of pressures. Feb 26, 2023 AceShowbiz - Hugh Jackman feels it's "so hard to be a teenager." The 54-year-old actor - who has Oscar, 22, and Ava, 17, with his wife Deborra-Lee Furness - thinks teenagers are now facing more pressures than ever before. "It's so hard to be a teenager, and I think particularly with the pandemic, I think it's incredibly difficult. There's social media, all these things that are so different than what we grew up with," Hugh told Sky News. "It was hard for me growing up as a teenager - it's a really difficult time for any kid, I think - but I would say right now it's the hardest it's ever been ... that's my sense of it." "And yet, having said that, I think there's real hope, I feel that the younger generation, those teenagers are much more open about talking about things. They're much more fluid and less judgemental about what group you're in or what sexuality you have - they don't care about any of that stuff and so I see a lot of hope, but I think it's really difficult for them." Hugh is convinced that it's actually become easier for young people to express their fears and concerns without feeling judged. The Hollywood star now wishes that he could've had "open conversations" during his own childhood. The "Deadpool 3" actor said, "Thankfully, we are getting better at having open conversations about being more vulnerable, about accepting that we don't have all the answers, about relying on other people for help. All of these things, I think, are long overdue. And, you know, I wish I could have had those conversations when I was a teenager." You can share this post! Celebrity Rumor has it, Camilla will be referred to as Queen instead of Queen Consort after her second husband is officially crowned in an upcoming ceremony in May this year. Feb 26, 2023 AceShowbiz - Buckingham Palace reportedly plans to officially refer to Camilla as Queen, rather than Queen Consort. The 75-year-old royal is rumored to have her title changed after King Charles' coronation in London in May. "There's a view in the Palace that Queen Consort is cumbersome and it might be simpler for Camilla to be known just as the Queen when the time is right," a source told the Mail on Sunday newspaper. The rumoured change was recently hinted at when Camilla launched the Queen's Reading Room - without the Consort - when she changed the name of her charity. The organisation was previously known as the Duchess of Cornwall's Reading Room. The insider added, "The Reading Room was a sign of that. Her Majesty is the Queen after all. Prince Philip was Prince Consort officially, but he wasn't known as Prince Consort. The Queen would of course still be Queen Consort so the Palace of course wouldn't stop anyone calling Her Majesty that if they so chose." In 2022, meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth announced that Camilla would be known as Queen Consort when Charles became king. The late monarch - who died in September, aged 96 - confirmed her wish in a message marking the 70th anniversary of her reign. She said at the time, "I would like to express my thanks to you all for your support. I remain eternally grateful for, and humbled by, the loyalty and affection that you continue to give me. And when, in the fullness of time, my son Charles becomes king, I know you will give him and his wife Camilla the same support that you have given me; and it is my sincere wish that, when that time comes, Camilla will be known as Queen Consort as she continues her own loyal service." You can share this post! Instagram Celebrity The arrest warrant for the 'ZEZE' spitter arrived after he was taken into custody back in July 2022 for possession of a controlled substance without prescription and trafficking. Feb 26, 2023 AceShowbiz - Kodak Black has become a wanted man. Florida police are reportedly searching for the "Super Gremlin" rapper after he violated his bail conditions by failing a drug test earlier this month. A judge signed off an arrest warrant in the emcee's name on Thursday and it has been filed in Broward County court. In the legal docs obtained by TMZ, it stated that the rap star is to be taken into custody if any deputies encounter him. The warrant was issued due to multiple reasons. It's said that Kodak failed to report for random drug testing on February 3 at an agency. Though he did submit a sample five days later, it stated that he was positive for traces of fentanyl. Kodak was previously arrested in July 2022 for possession of a controlled substance without prescription and trafficking. At that time, cops claimed they found upwards of 31 oxycodone pills in his car in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Kodak finally found his freedom back after posting a $75,000 bail. However, if he is caught this time, he will be held without bond until his next hearing. Kodak himself is currently facing another legal trouble. He and Justin Bieber are being sued by two alleged victims over a shooting that occurred following Justin's 2022 Super Bowl afterparty. Mark Schaefer and Adam Rahman, who filed the paperwork, blamed the musicians as well as the venue, The Nice Guy in West Hollywood. Mark and Adam claimed in the docs that they were shot and severely injured in the February 2022 incident. Additionally, the plaintiffs suggested that Kodak was a major catalyst in the shooting. They further stated that the "ZEZE" spitter was trying to cause harm and escalate the situation and they're laying the blame for the shooting squarely on his shoulders. You can share this post! Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses UP Rozgar Mela, via video conferencing, in New Delhi. (Photo: PTI) New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said Uttar Pradesh was once known for gangsters and a poor law and order scenario, but is now identified as a state that is progressing rapidly. Mr Modi also said the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh had strengthened the sense of security among people. He was addressing the UP governments Rozgar Mela through a video message. At the mela, appointment letters were given to direct recruits of over 9,055 sub-inspectors posts in the UP Police and similar posts in the nagrik police, platoon commanders and fire department second officers. The PM noted that Uttar Pradesh was recognised for its law and order and development orientation, a far cry from an earlier image of the mafia and a bad law and order situation. "This has led to new opportunities of employment, business and investment," Mr Modi said. The PMs recorded video message was played at the event, attended by UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath, deputy chief minister Brajesh Pathak and finance minister Suresh Khanna, among others. The Prime Minister expressed happiness that he was getting a chance to address a Rozgar Mela almost every week in BJP-ruled states and the country was continuously getting many talented youth who bring new thinking and efficiency in the government system. "This will bring happiness to 9,000 families and will enhance the sense of security in Uttar Pradesh as the new recruits will strengthen the police force in the state. With more than 1.5 lakh new appointments in the UP police since 2017, both employment and security improved under the present dispensation," he said. Highlighting the efforts of the "double-engine" government in UP, the PM listed new airports, dedicated freight corridor, new defence corridor, new mobile manufacturing units, modern waterways, new infrastructure that was bringing in unprecedented job opportunities in the state. "Uttar Pradesh has the most number of expressways, and highways are being developed constantly. These are not only creating employment but paving the way for more projects in the state," he said. The Prime Minister pointed out that the push to tourism by the state has led to a rise in employment. Mr Modi noted the enthusiastic response at the recent Global Investor Summit and how that will push employment in the state even further. "The combined power of security and employment has given new impetus to the economy of UP," the Prime Minister said, and cited collateral-free loans up Rs 10 lakhs under the Mudra Scheme, One District One Product scheme, and the flourishing MSME and vibrant startup ecosystem. To the new appointees, the PM talked about the new challenges and responsibilities and asked them to keep the learner alive in them. He asked them to keep working on their personality development, progress and knowledge. "When you come to this service, you get a danda from the police, but God has given you a heart too. Thats why you have to be sensitive and make the system sensitive," the PM told the new recruits. He dwelled on the training that will improve sensitivity and modern areas like cybercrimes and forensic science to promote smart policing. Mr Modi stressed that new recruits will have the responsibility of both security and giving direction to society. "You can be a reflection of both service and strength for the people," the Prime Minister added. The party condemned the recent efforts by a few 'self-proclaimed leaders' to 'legitimise Sangh Parivar' and enter into 'talks' with saffron outfits. These have no legal validity. AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi. (File Photo: DC) Hyderabad: The AIMIM passed 16 resolutions, including supporting the demand for reservations for backward Muslims, against the Uniform Civil Code and seeking repeal of 'draconian' laws on the pretext of 'love jihad' on the concluding day of its first-ever national convention, chaired by party chief Asaduddin Owaisi at Mumbai. While reiterating that talks with Sangh has no sanctity, Owaisi renewed the party opposition to NSA (National Security Act of 1980), UAPA (Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act, 2008), AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Power Act) and PSA (Public Safety Act). While condemning the attacks on Muslims, other minorities and dalits, he demanded protection of civil liberties and release of all political prisoners. The party condemned the recent efforts by a few 'self-proclaimed leaders' to 'legitimise Sangh Parivar' and enter into 'talks' with saffron outfits. These have no legal validity, he averred. "Through Sangh-inspired talks, Muslims are treated as a group that have to live on the goodwill of a non-government entity in Nagpur, rather than as citizens who can demand their rights from the elected government of the day," the resolution reads. On 'draconian' laws, the resolution was "These laws interfere with the right to freedom of conscience, the right to choose a spouse or partner and the right to propagate one's religion. Unjustifiably, many individuals have been arrested and are languishing in prison. The laws are being used to persecute Christians and Muslims." AIMIM condemned the discontinuation of Maulana Azad National Fellowship and restricting the scope of pre-matric and post-matric scholarships for minorities, SC and ST students, when they had opened avenues for first-generation learners to continue education. The 2-day convention was attended by leaders from Telangana, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka. Later briefing media persons along with the party's Maharashtra president, Imtiaz Jaleel, Owaisi alleged 'match-fixing' between BJP and so-called secular parties, as at the end of the day Muslims were the victims. "After Modi came to power incidents of mob-lynching, targeting in the name of love jihad, surge in number of Muslims being sent to jail and bulldozer justice has gone up. When everyone is getting bail, why is Nawab Malik still languishing in jail. Azam Khan's political career is over because of corruption charges," he said. On Uddhav Thackerays faction of Shiv Sena calling for a united fight against the BJP, Owaisi dared the party to abandon its Hindutva ideology to take on the ruling party. Over the issue of calls given for Hindu nation and Khalistan, he wondered 'Amrit Kaal mein Amit (Shah) khamosh kyun hai?. Christians around the world are embarking on the solemn season of Lent. This is a period for reflection, prayer, fasting, and repentance. For Catholics, it is part of the liturgical year, the cycle of feasts and celebrations, much like the cycle of feasts God instructed the Israelites to observe after He brought them out of Egypt. The liturgical year takes the faithful on a journey from the incarnation of Christ, God made man, the incarnate Word, through his life of preaching the kingdom of God with healing and parables, through His passion and the Cross and other key aspects of Gods revelation to His creation. Living a meaningful Lent has become more difficult in recent times. The devil is clearly at work in the world. The devils whole existence is centered on separating us from God. Satan, in his pride and wanting to equate himself with God, split from God, rejecting Gods love. Christians are assaulted at every turn. The secular world has become evil. Not only does it fight against God, it tries to make everyone (except perhaps Muslims) bow down to its altar of self and its sacraments of abortion, transgenderism, gay pride, and gay marriage, all contrary to Gods will and His love for us. In the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible, the books of Moses) God shows His power and His love for His creation. He reveals Himself to the Israelites, noting however that they are a stiff-necked people and so He provides a series of rules and guidelines for their lives and worship, including the Ten Commandments. Additionally, God cautions them against acting the way people act in the lands in which they are living, especially in opposition to Gods laws. Jesus is even more explicit, telling us that we are called out of this world and made for heaven. St. Pauls reminder, so appropriate for this part of our faith year, tells us in no uncertain words, Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. So, what should we be reflecting on? Too many people have convinced themselves that they arent bad people -- they havent killed anyone, they contribute to charities, they greet their neighbors, etc. But what about the things they dont do? The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetuate it. Think about all of the things that are destructive to society that we just go along with because we dont want to make waves, or be singled out, or especially in todays world, be cancelled. Things like abortion, transgenderism, euthanasia, gay marriage, etc., all go against the laws of nature and God and tear at the fabric of humanity, the family, and society. These assaults on life are a greater existential threat than anything the climate activists claim. As Bishop Fulton Sheen said, We allow the good but tolerate the evil that undermines it and call it broad-mindedness. All of these things undermine the good things that God wishes for us. Some may try to say that they are expressions of love, but they use the good things that God has given us in ways that are contrary to their purpose. Loving ones neighbor does not mean we condone their sins, especially when their sins go against the natural order of things. We think they dont hurt us, but they end up undermining our own sense of right and wrong, dulling our consciences, so that eventually we feel the futility of standing up for what is right. We get lulled into thinking that if its legal or everyone is doing it then it must be okay. We tell ourselves we wouldnt do it but allow it to pervade society. To quote Bishop Sheen again, Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right. Many dont believe in God or in good and evil. I think that deep down they probably do, but they try to deny it because God expects us to take responsibility for our actions. A recent rerun of a Bishop Sheen episode about psychiatrists noted that all of these psychiatrists determined that people need and look for a sense of purpose in their lives. In the depths of his conscience, man detects a law which he does not impose upon himself, but which holds him to obedience. Always summoning him to love good and avoid evil, the voice of conscience when necessary speaks to his heart: do this, shun that. For man has in his heart a law written by God; to obey it is the very dignity of man; according to it he will be judged. (Gaudium et Spes, 16) I read an article that mentioned a prominent atheist who said that he had contemplated suicide when he was 15 because he didnt see any meaning in life. The only thing that kept him from it was that he found mathematics so fascinating. We see too many people committing suicide these days because of despair. Organizations like Pew Research repeatedly report that those who believe in God, pray regularly, and try to follow Gods laws are happier, more stable, and have less despair. With this information available to all, I find it difficult to understand why people continue to immerse themselves in depression and resist turning to God. Part of it is because we humans think we are self-sufficient, that we can do everything ourselves. But we cant. We can do nothing without God. This is what it means to surrender to God, to acknowledge that without him we are dust. Return to the Most High and turn away from iniquity. Know the justice and the judgments of God... in prayer to God, the Almighty. (Sir 17:26) So, when you see your neighbors who are Catholics walking around with ashes on their foreheads, recall that this is a time for you to think about yourselves and your smallness before God. Turn away from the ways of this evil world. Fight for what is good. Part of loving your neighbor is to encourage him to do what is right and good. Warning the sinner is an act of mercy. Christians want everyone to get to heaven and so we encourage them to turn away from sin. Trying to deny that things like abortion and transgenderism are sins doesnt alter the fact that they are. Stand up and fight. It is a time to look inward at our relationship with ourselves, with God and with our neighbors. We do this by renewing our efforts to increase the virtues of faith, hope, and charity in ourselves and our daily lives. It is characterized by Jesuss words in the Gospel of Mark, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel. Mk 1:14-15 Image: Leland Francisco Aaron Kheriaty. The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State. Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2022. 278 pages. $29.99. Science fiction is a quintessentially guilty (Anglo-) American pleasure. Like horror, crime fiction, and spy novels, sci-fi has yet to be recognized as "high literature" by many (especially conservative) literary critics. This is not, however, to say that science fiction has had no impact on American and broader world culture quite the contrary. Elon Musk, the current billionaire bete noire of the left, has cited Isaac Asimov's classic Foundation series as inspiration for his own creation of Tesla and SpaceX. MIT scientist and popular YouTuber Lex Friedman recently included a number of science fiction tomes in a list of books that most influenced him. Peter Thiel, another powerful figure on the rights, draws his political inspiration from The Lord of the Rings series, a work of fantasy, sci-fi's generic cousin. Whether or not science fiction is haute couture, it is nonetheless extremely popular and immensely influential among some of the most powerful people in the world. Science fiction is so powerful because it shows humankind the greatness of what men are able to achieve. Robert Heinlein's novels captured the "can do" spirit of the American Century. Asimov himself and Gene Roddenberry of Star Trek fame projected quasi-utopian visions of how science and education would enable a tolerant and prosperous future. At the same time, science fiction shows how an advanced technocratic society can go awry. George Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World are the most obvious examples of these, but there are also several other works that project dystopian fiction in which the world is ruled by a totalitarian system of some kind. Totalitarian governments, implanted microchips, artificial intelligence, and digital passports seemed the fare of science fiction and wide-eyed conspiracy theorists even up until the first decade of the twenty-first century. It was always assumed that the love of liberty in the Anglo-Saxon world, the lessons of communism and fascism from the twentieth century, and the West's Christian moral inheritance would keep any encroaching totalitarianism from reaching England or the United States. COVID, however, changed all of this. In his new book from Regnery Press, The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State, former University of California Irving medical school professor Aaron Kheriaty chronicles how he went from being at the frontline of COVID lockdowns in California to the tip of the spear in resisting what he believes is the increasingly totalitarian system that has been implemented over the past three years in the name of biosecurity. As Dr. Kheriaty notes, the notion that the government could seize control over the bodies of an entire population and heavily regulate and discipline the bodies, minds, and souls of their citizens had been tried during the totalitarian movements of the twentieth century. Kheriaty further notes that the cutting edge of science in the United States once supported eugenic measures that included such activity as forced sterilizations of those deemed unfit to reproduce. During the early twentieth century, eugenics measures were funded by major institutions such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, and Kellogg foundations and were supported by intellectuals at the nation's elite universities. Forced sterilization in Virginia was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1927, with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. famously stating, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind." Kheriaty's point is that the medical, educational, judicial, and political establishment even in America has trampled on the rights of its citizens in the past and has assumed ownership of the bodies of those citizens deemed "unfit." To argue that similar events happened in the twenty-first century is, in Dr. Kheriaty's view, not to give in to conspiracy theories. Kheriaty argues that a similar violation of the privacy and rights of individuals is occurring during the current COVID emergency. Kheriaty provides his own experience as professor of psychiatry and head of the medical ethics program at the University of California, Irvine. While he was at U.C. Irvine, the university implemented a program for dealing with COVID known as the "ZotPass," which was, in Kheriaty's words, a "system of digital surveillance" that monitored students' location and regulated their movement on campus. Kheriaty notes that this practice was not unique to U.C. Irvine. Throughout the country, systems were implemented to monitor and control students. These systems of control were complemented by steady propaganda (Kheriaty's word) from university administrators as well as pressure for students to snitch on each other for not following COVID protocols. Kheriaty argues that such regimented and controlled systems on university campuses during COVID are microcosms for a proposed system of control to be implemented worldwide in the name of safety. In The New Abnormal, Kheriaty provides the further example of Amazon warehouses in which nearly every movement of workers is controlled and monitored by an algorithm called the "Associate Development Performance Tracker," otherwise known as (the Orwellian) ADAPT. ADAPT is accompanied by near total surveillance of Amazon warehouses by cameras. These measures, however, are only temporary, for, as Kheriaty argues, during what has been called the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" by World Economic Forum figure Klaus Schwab, both blue- and white-collar workers are themselves being replaced by robots and other forms of artificial intelligence. These seemingly "futuristic" events are not part of a science fiction plot; they are occurring and have already occurred. Kheriaty sees the 2020present COVID response as being an experiment on the world's population. He argues that vaccine passports are forms of social exclusion, and what was considered the citizen's right is now a reward for compliance. Kheriaty further points out that even mainstream medical professionals such as the New England Journal of Medicine had by early 2022 noted that some vaccines were ineffective against some variants of the virus. He chronicles the tremendous psychological and emotional toll the lockdowns and COVID safety precautions took on billions of people across the world, who were, in some cases, not able to bury their family members or visit friends and family, or who were too scared to see a doctor for genuine health needs. Believing that the university hospital at which he worked was violating the rights of his patients, Dr. Kheriaty protested and was eventually fired from U.C. Irving. He continues his fight today working for a variety of conservative think-tanks, such as the Ethics and Public Policy Center, fighting what he believes to be an emerging totalitarian system. The New Abnormal ends with a humorous but unsettling dystopian fictional short story called "Seattle, 2030" in which a future Microsoft worker is caught up in a world of drugs, sexual immorality, and spycraft courtesy of the biosecurity state. Some readers may object to Kheriaty's dystopian vision and may even scoff at his cri de coeur for resistance to biosecurity state. Indeed, in fairness to both Dr. Kheriaty and his critics, no one can predict the future, and the incredible leaps in technology around the world are often matched by the increasing ineptitude of the ruling class especially in the West. Perhaps one potential future for us is predicted in The Blade Runner series, which begins with Philip K. Dick's campy 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, continues with Ridley Scott's 1982 masterpiece Blade Runner, and reappears in the twenty-first century with Dennis Villeneuve's brilliant but flawed (and very risque) Blade Runner 2049 (2017). Especially in the latter films, the future world is a combination of utopia for the ultra-rich and a dystopia for the working class and poor. The wealthy live "off world" in a clean and harmonious environment, while the 99% are stuck living a subsistent life on Earth. While robots, A.I., flying cars, and other forms of high technology are part of everyday life, the reach of the ultra-rich and the government is not all-encompassing. A lot of the technology is broken or malfunctioning, and humans have formed a small cyber-punk version of Rod Dreher's Benedict Option, living outside the system. Totalitarianism in the Blade Runner world does not work because even with the support of a fleet of robots and flying cars, governments are still run by all too human humans. In The New Abnormal, Aaron Kheriaty provides a frightening vision of the future as well as strong case for resisting the new biosecurity state. Whatever may have happened during COVID, the future is still unwritten, and what will happen is something that only God knows. Image: qimono via Pixabay, Pixabay License. It takes a satire site, apparently, to tell the truth and spare us some of the craziness being promoted every day. Im talking about South Park, though others like the Babylon Bee daily skewer the imbecilic nonsense found in the mainstream press and televised news. For some time now the duke and duchess of Sussex have been playing the victims from a background of great luxury, demanding privacy as they seek maximum publicity. Like me, South Park had enough of this and ran a fabulous parody of the couple doing a Worldwide Privacy Tour. I kept hearing Danny Kaye singing The King is in the Altogether about the Emperors new clothes that werent as I watched this. At last, these odious grifters were called on their game. The episode follows cartoon characters who claim to want to stay out of the spotlight but go on various talk shows. They resemble the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, but arent given their official names on the show. If you missed the episode, or even if you saw it but missed some Easter eggs, heres what you need to know. [snip] in real life, Meghan Markle has given interviews to several outlets such as Vogue and Variety. In the episode, the Meghan-like character is shown on the cover of fictional magazine G2. The cover says Princess Anus. This is a play on words of the Latin phrase that appeared on her real-life GQ cover -- Meghans annus mirabilis -- which translates to Meghans wonderful year. [snip] Harry and Meghan famously sat down with Oprah in real life, in addition to releasing a six-part Netflix documentary about their relationship. Many have pointed out that their endless self-promotion is at odds with their supposed desire for privacy. On the show, the characters appear on Good Morning Canada to claim that they want privacy. The Meghan character holds a sign reading: Stop looking at us while the Harry characters sign reads, We want our privacy. It's all wonderful, if you havent seen it, please do. Its so hard to parody the lunacy around us that many times people take the posts from Babylon Bee as real news. Here are a few of the many ludicrous things we saw this week. East Palestine, Ohio Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg finally showed up at the site of the tragic railroad derailment that has cost the citizens there so much. He earlier had eschewed even mentioning it, choosing instead to complain that there were too many white men in construction. (He's wrong: whites are actually undrrepresented compared to their share of the population.) When he did, he opted for photo ops showing him in a hard hat and construction workers vest only to blame Donald Trumps deregulation for the cause of the accident. While the investigation into the cause of the destruction is ongoing, however, the National Safety Transportation Boards chair Jennifer Homenday contended that claim was bunk. The NTSB has looked at electronically controlled pneumatic braking for a number of years and we did some testing as well. Certainly, it would improve safety. But for this investigation and for this derailment, ECP brakes would not have prevented the derailment. The wheel bearing failed on car number 23, so even with ECP brakes, the derailment would have occurred, the fire would have ensued, and the five vinyl chloride tank cars would still have to be vented and burned. What it could have done was maybe reduced damage where a couple of cars could have remained on the tracks, but were going to do some modeling along with the Federal Railroad Administration to determine just that. ESG and poor safety and environmental consequences On the other hand, the largest shareholders in the Norfolk Southern railroad are the biggest proponents of the Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) policies which have proven over and again to provide worse returns than investments following traditional fiduciary criteria like capital, reasonably predictable growth and profits earned. And this railroad stock just tumbled. It could be that while virtue signaling ESG, investing it ignored due care in managing their operations, instead with lavish donations to the administration, it achieved benefits which may have had an impact on worker and community safety. from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission shows that the railroad industry has shed 30% of its workforce since 2015, despite posting strong profits over roughly the same time frame. Railworker unions in the U.S. engaged in negotiations with major freight companies in an effort to address some of these issues in 2022, but were halted after President Biden signed a bill in December to prevent a nationwide strike before the holiday season. Instead, President Biden ordered unions to implement a new labor contract that more than half of the unions had previously rejected. An Obama-era regulation implemented tougher standards for trains carrying 20 or more cars containing high-hazard flammable materials, such as extra locks on locomotives, additional briefings for train crews, and electronically controlled pneumatic brakes. Norfolk Southern and other major rail companies heavily lobbied against this measure, arguing that it had serious concerns about the ECP brake requirements and the potential adverse impacts on the fluidity of the national freight network, according to the Norfolk Southern 2015 lobbying disclosure and a report by USA Today. Nonetheless, Gov. DeWine said Tuesday that according to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, the train involved in Norfolk Southerns derailment on Feb. 3 wasnt categorized as a high-hazard materials train and as such, it wasnt required to notify officials in Ohio or comply with these additional safety regulations. In spite of safety concerns stemming from lower staffing levels and longer, heavier trains, major railroad companies have continued to push for looser safety requirements for trains carrying hazardous chemicals. The train that derailed on Feb. 3 stretched for more than one mile and was composed of 150 cars, 20 of which were carrying dangerous chemicals, but was only manned by a crew of three people, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. For more than a decade, the Association of American Railroads, which represents Norfolk and other railroad companies, has pushed for one-person crews, a measure that railroad unions continue to vote down, citing substantial safety risks. The aforementioned Obama-era regulation for hazardous materials only included trains carrying a certain amount of class 3 flammables, which excludes the chemicals involved in Norfolks recent derailment. ABCs The View I never understood why anyone watches The View, except maybe shut-ins too weak to hit the remote. This week, its Yenta-in-Chief, Joy Behar, said the disaster was the fault of the citizens of East Palestine because they voted for Trump. Well see how much longer this fount of moronic, highly emotional, partisan, and just nasty disinformation lasts, because Fox has wised up and is bringing back Roseanne Barr, who had wrongfully been pulled from her very popular show by ABC. Shes going to be in opposition to The View, and I expect it will be curtains for the ABC program. It already has suffered a ratings decline over Whoopi Goldbergs ill-informed views on the Holocaust, Jews, and Nazi Germany. Why in the world are network executives so highly compensated for regularly evincing such poor business conduct? Recently, a close friend wanted me to hear a spiritual message from a pastor we listen to now and then, Jack Hibbs. Within a day of receiving the link from her, I clicked on it and got that message that tells you the video you are trying to see has been blocked. Hmmm. A few days later, I decided to go to Jack Hibbs's YouTube channel, "Real Life with Jack Hibbs." I got the same message of doom, communicating that the whole channel was blocked. Since I hadn't heard any announcement via email from Hibbs, I thought that maybe it was one of those temporary glitches. And then, a few days after the above, I saw Hibbs's headline: "Urgent! Please watch this video:" I took the few minutes to watch it, thinking it might be something having to do with the Middle East or some other crisis area, of which there are many worldwide. No, it was something just as serious: YouTube took down Hibbs's YouTube channel and is keeping all of his material, on the flimsiest of charges, which they will not explain or speak with him about. He is being stonewalled as well as censored. I admit that I am surprised that it took this long for Jack to get it that YouTube is not our friend and, as a part of the Google empire, is particularly hostile to people of faith and of common sense, conservative conviction. Another pastor we listen to is J.D. Farag of Calvary Chapel, Kaneohe, Hawaii. Well over a year ago, Pastor Farag realized that YouTube was no friend, and so he set his church up to "broadcast" his sermons from their own website, bypassing the censorship of Big Tech. Ingeniously, he leaves the first 1020 minutes of his sermons on YouTube and arranges his content so that the early portion of the sermon doesn't attract the notice of the YouTube censors. Then he stops the YouTube and Facebook streams and urges the listeners to go to his website, where he is free to speak what is on his mind. It outrages me that Google soon took Pastor Farag's app icon out of the play store. Lately, as I have tried to listen to him on my Pixel (Google) phone, it stopped and started annoyingly. So I changed to my Samsung tablet, and the video played smoothly, with no interruption. The same happened with the above video by Hibbs. It barely played on my Pixel phone, stalling out for several minutes frequently, so I switched to my desktop, and it played without a hitch. I really believe that Google is censoring or shadowbanning in this most underhanded way! This is no yawning matter, I believe. This is an intensification of the war against us. No longer should we play on the enemy's playing field. Why have so many on our side stuck with YouTube and Facebook? For numbers! It's time we use our heads and take advantage of the several platforms that formed in protest against Big Tech and that will allow us to speak our minds. What are we waiting for? Image: Pezibear via Pixabay, Pixabay License. House Democrats introduced a resolution that would bar former President Donald Trump along with Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman, Kenneth Cheseboro, Rudy Giuliani, and other figures from entering the U.S. Capitol. Reps. Nikema Williams (D-Ga.) and Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) introduced the resolution in the House Committee on House Administration. Hey @FoxNews, glad to see you read my bill (even if you didn't read my name)! @RepSwalwell co-sponsored my legislation, but I'll sign on to his analogy: let's keep the arsonists out of the Capitol y'all. Congresswoman Nikema Williams (@RepNikema) February 22, 2023 The measure draws on information from the former House Jan. 6 Committee, arguing that Trump and his allies put members of congress in "genuine peril." "The effort to undermine and overturn the 2020 presidential election damaged the functions of our democracy," the resolution states. Those efforts also "damaged the integrity of Congress's constitutional role in certifying the election results" and "put the lives of Members of Congress and the Vice President of the United States in genuine peril," it adds. Shortly after the events of Jan. 6, 2021, Williams introduced a similar measure that would ban Trump from visiting the Capitol. The resolution stated: "The Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, and the United States Capitol Police shall take such actions as may be necessary to prohibit President Donald John Trump from entering the United States Capitol at any time after the expiration of his term as President." In response, Trump, who is running for president again, called Swalwell an "idiot" and noted Swalwell's relationship with a Chinese spy. "Little respected Representative Eric Swalwell was just kicked off the Intelligence Committee for reasons of 'Integrity and lack of Intelligence' and, for having the poor judgment of dating and falling desperately in love with a Chinese Spy, Fang Fang, whose honey net has gotten massive amounts of information for her beloved China," Trump said of Swalwell in a statement. Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America RSBN (@RSBNetwork) February 23, 2023 "This idiot is now calling (for publicity purposes only!) for some Great American Patriots, including me, to be banned from the Capitol," he added. Swalwell's office fired back at Trump, saying, "When the village nearly burns down, we don't invite the arsonist back to visit." For the bill to pass, it must be agreed to in the House and the Senate. Image: Ninian Reid via Flickr, CC BY 2.0 (cropped). Iran's nationwide uprising entered its 163rd day on Saturday in different parts of the country against the mullahs' brutal dictatorship. The Iranian opposition MEK has published the names of 17 more martyrs of the February 25 nationwide uprising. So far, the names of 664 martyrs have been published. Mass demonstrations in Baluchistan On Friday, February 24, the 162nd day of the nationwide uprising, the brave people of Zahedan held demonstrations after Friday prayers for the 21st week after the Zahedan Bloody Friday. The demonstrations took place despite the unannounced imposition of martial law, deployment of snipers, siege of the Makki mosque and widespread arrests. They chanted: "Death to the clerical rule of aggression and crimes," "I promise the blood of our comrades, we will stand till the end," "Basiji, IRGC, are the same as ISIS," and "I will kill the one who killed my brother." The demonstrators carried placards that read "Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei)", "Neither monarchy nor leadership (Khamenei)", "We are a nation that has not bowed to any dictator" and "They thought they had killed Mahsa, Nika and Khodanour, not knowing that they were the seeds of the revolution." Repressive forces equipped with heavy weapons and snipers were stationed on the heights around the Makki Mosque, and IRGC plainclothes forces attempted to enter the Makki Mosque through the roof but were blocked by the mosque guards. Since Wednesday, State Security Forces (SSF) motorcyclists have been sent to Zahedan from neighboring towns. The regime has completely shut down the internet in Zahedan to prevent any media coverage. In the town of Khash, repressive forces were stationed around the Al Khalil mosque, the site of Friday prayers, to prevent demonstrations, but their repressive measures failed in the face of the will of the people of Zahedan. On February 22, SSF agents killed and tortured Ebrahim Rigi, 24, a doctor from Baluchi who had been arrested on October 13 for treating people wounded in the uprising. He was released on bail on January 1, but rearrested and beaten at District 12 police station on February 21, resulting in his death. Forensic doctors confirmed that Ibrahim died from his injuries after being beaten and injured inside the police station. Resistance units carry out 320 activities against the repression During the Iranian month of Bahman, from January 21 to February 21 on the Western calendar, resistance units affiliated with the the pro-democracy group MEK carried out 320 actions against the crackdown across the country, including targeting IRGC and paramilitary Basij bases, setting fire to symbols of the regime and pictures of its leaders, including Khamenei and Raisi. In response to the death of Mrs. Zorbi Bei Ismail Zehi, a martyr of the Zahedan uprising, and in continuation of their anti-repression campaign, young insurgents carried out a dozen courageous activities on February 23. They set fire to Bassij militia centres in Tehran and Isfahan and an anti-cultural center of the regime in Shahryar. They also set fire to signs and banners with portraits of Khomeini, Khamenei and Qassem Soleimani in Tehran, Shiraz, Arak and Shahryar. Mrs. Zarbi in Ismail Zehi was one of the injured on Bloody Friday in Zahedan. A pasdaran bullet severed her spinal cord. She died on February 20 after surviving 143 days with injuries. Chain and intentional poisoning of schoolgirls replaces and complements the vice patrol In addition, the poisoning of girls' schools, which began in Qom on November 30, affecting 12 schools, continued in Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari and Tehran, and has spread to Boroujerd and Isfahan this week. "On Tuesday night, 20 high school girls from Ahmadiyeh High School in Boroujerd were poisoned and taken to the emergency room. The second incident was reported in the emergency room on Wednesday morning in the same high school, but this time the number of poisoned students was 62." (This is from the official Hamshahri website of February 23). Two and a half months after the serial poisoning of girls' school students in Qom and after continuous denials and publication of false news, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, the regime's Prosecutor General, wrote to the Qom Prosecutor on February 20: "News about an alarming trend of some kind of poisoning in some schools in Qom indicates the possibility of intentional criminal acts" (This is from official media of Feb. 20, 2023). All the evidence shows that the target is schoolgirls and that the ruling criminal gangs are using these heinous actions to replace or supplement the so-called vice patrol and to spread terror, especially among women. The aim is to prevent them from participating in social uprisings and demonstrations. Image: Monica Showalter "Roald Dahl was no angel but this is absurd censorship. Puffin Books and the Dahl estate should be ashamed," tweeted American-British-Indian novelist Salman Rushdie in response to chief executive officer of free expression group PEN America Suzanne Nossel, who said the group is "alarmed" at hundred of changes to venerated works by Roald Dahl "in a purported effort to scrub the books of that which might offend someone." As the Daily Telegraph first reported, "language related to weight, mental health, violence, gender and race has been cut and rewritten." For instance, the word "fat" has been cut from every new edition of relevant books, while the word "ugly" has also been culled. As a result, Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is now described as "enormous" (instead of "enormously fat"), while in The Twits, Mrs. Twit is no longer "ugly and beastly" but just "beastly." In addition to numerous changes made to the original text, some passages not written by Dahl have been added. In The Witches, a passage explaining that witches in the book are bald beneath their wigs now includes a line that reads: "There are plenty of other reasons why women might wear wigs and there is certainly nothing wrong with that." A spokesperson for the Roald Dahl Story Company told Variety: We want to ensure that Roald Dahl's wonderful stories and characters continue to be enjoyed by all children today. When publishing new print runs of books written years ago, it's not unusual to review the language used alongside updating other details including a book's cover and page layout. Our guiding principle throughout has been to maintain the storylines, characters, and the irreverence and sharp-edged spirit of the original text. Any changes made have been small and carefully considered. As part of our process to review the language used we worked in partnership with Inclusive Minds, a collective for people who are passionate about inclusion and accessibility in children's literature. The current review began in 2020, before Dahl was acquired by Netflix. It was led by Puffin and Roald Dahl Story Company together. As it was predictable, the decision sparked immediate pushback, with British prime minister Rishi Sunak speaking out against the changes. Borrowing a word Dahl invented for playing with language, the P.M.'s spokesman said: "When it comes to our rich and varied literary heritage, the Prime Minister agrees with the BFG that we shouldn't gobblefunk around with words." Others, such as poet and author Debjani Chatterjee, considered the move a good thing. His Dark Materials author Philip Pullman went one step farther and suggested Dahl's work "should be allowed to fade away" and be replaced by more modern children's writers. He told BBC Radio 4 that people should instead explore writers such as Malorie Blackman, Michael Morpurgo, and Beverley Naidoo. "Read all of these wonderful authors who are writing today, who don't get as much of a look-in because of the massive commercial gravity of people like Roald Dahl." What was less predictable was that the Queen Consort, Camilla, waded into the row over the decision by the publisher of Roald Dahl's classic works and the Dahl estate, urging authors to resist curbs on their "freedom of expression." While she did not reference Roald Dahl directly, it is understood that the current debate over the decision by publisher Puffin was very much in Camilla's mind. Speaking at a Clarence House reception to mark the second anniversary of her popular Instagram and online book club, Camilla told assembled writers: "Please remain true to your calling, unimpeded by those who may wish to curb the freedom of your expression or impose limits on your imagination." What's more, 98 percent of MailOnline readers demanded that the works be kept in their original form, and some parents said that they will be boycotting the updated novels, as the changes were branded as "absolutely insane," with one saying, "If you're that easily offended, then stay at home wrapped in bubble wrap." Outside the U.K., a spokesperson for Dahl's U.S. publisher, Penguin Young Readers, told Publishers Weekly that there are no plans for similar revisions in the U.S. "Roald Dahl books published by Penguin Young Readers and distributed in the U.S. are the editions that have existed for years and do not reflect the recent editorial changes made in U.K. editions. Penguin Young Readers regularly reviews its backlist and Dahl titles will be reviewed accordingly." Likewise, Roald Dahl's French publisher, Gallimard, said it does not intend to change the texts of Dahl's children's books. "This rewrite is only about Britain. We have never modified Roald Dahl's texts, and to date it is not in the pipeline," a spokeswoman for Gallimard Youth told AFP on Tuesday. Dahl's Dutch publisher, De Fonte, also declined to make changes at this time. A spokesperson for De Fonte is quoted as saying that altering the text would cause the stories to "lose their power." All things considered, one would think that this latest "woke" assault to common sense and freedom of expression is turning against those who launched it. They took things too far. And not just this time, but every time. Samuel Robert Piccoli is a blogger and the author of the books Being Conservative from A to Z (2014) and Blessed Are the Free in Spirit (2021). He lives in the Venice area. Image via Pixabay. I guess all that culture (human feces and heroin needles) and excitement (rampant crime) of life in a big city is getting a little old for Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital. But, dont you smug conservatives get any ideas, these blights arent a byproduct of Democrat ideas San Francisco is merely held hostage by political classes. In an essay published by The New York Times today, Moritz acknowledged the city was indeed crippled by homeless encampments and drug addicts before he blamed conservatives for rubbing Democrat noses in the mess. Moritz opened his piece with this: Few subjects please Tucker Carlson more than sticking a shiv into the city of his birth San Francisco. Sadly, Mr. Carlson has plenty of reasons for portraying San Francisco as a crippled city, hence his fondness for broadcasting clips of homeless encampments and drug addicts. But Mr. Carlson and his ilk have less interest in understanding why these problems exist. Let me stop Mr. Moritz right there: conservatives lack neither interest in nor understanding about the sorry state of San Francisco. In fact, we care immensely about human suffering, undignified existences, and burdensome realities, but we dont allow reason and logic to fall by the wayside in pursuit of a utopia that we know exists only in fiction. This balance is what makes us believe a limited government and conservative principles yield the most prosperous results for the greatest number of people. If we were to elevate our feelings over the facts, and in doing so, jettison logic and reason wed be Democrats like Mr. Moritz. Moritz notes: Like it or not, San Francisco has become a prize example of how we Democrats have become our own worst enemy. Causes that we have long espoused have all been crippled by a small coterie who knows how to bend government to its will. He describes this phenomenon as tyranny of the minority. Is this a prelude to reinvigorated efforts to abolish the Electoral College? His verbiage leaves room for theorizing. Funny enough though, in the same essay, Moritz asserts that negative changes have been brought about by referendums that are a staple of the citys elections is it just me or isnt that the exact definition of tyranny of the majority? Referendums bypass a representative government, usurping lawmaking authority from elected lawmakers. The voters themselves head to the ballot box, and the impulses of the majority decide. Perhaps this San Francisco Democrat ought to read the words of James Madison, as the Founder expounded on the mischiefs of faction in Federalist 10: From this view of the subject it may be concluded that a pure democracy, by which I mean a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction. Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the same time, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions. Moritz also states this: The core of the issue, in San Francisco and other cities, is that government is more malleable at the city level than at higher levels of government. If the U.S. Constitution requires decades and a chisel and hammer to change, San Franciscos City Charter is like a live Google doc controlled by manipulative copy editors. Again, that seems like a Democrat policy problem to me. Remind me again which political faction consistently asserts the need to rewrite the Constitution? Can Moritzs observation noting that perpetual revisions of foundational documents is a recipe for disaster please be the nail in the coffin for any more leftist cries to scrap our national Constitution? A girl can dream. Moritz is right, San Francisco is held hostage by political classes, but what classes those could possibly be other than leftist ones, I cant say and apparently neither can Moritz. Image: Thayne Tuason, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered. Whoops! Scott Adams is in trouble for expressing dismay that a Rasmussen poll showed that an ultra-minority of African-Americans (47% to be exact) do not think that "It's OK to be White," and therefore insisting that White people should consider "moving away from them." No violence. No armed revolt. No "supremacy" this and that. No racial slurs expressed. While only removing some of his emotive profanities, just consider moving away. "Moving away" is an action as peaceful and inoffensive to the natural order of things as when Black Americans had a well conceived notion that a better life awaited them outside the Jim Crow south with higher-paying factory jobs in the north. Second-class citizenship, poor economic prospects, or feeling deeply disliked by many of your neighbors for your immutable characteristics like ethnicity or skin color can be powerful motivators to switch geographical locations. After all, if we are to truly believe this Rasmussen poll results at face value, isn't "moving away" a logical response to the realization that nearly half of a specific group of people may not even be "OK" with your existence? A "hate group" as such? Well, no. Not if you are an American of European extraction. That's racist. The "Dilbert" Fallout As the ChatGPT-grilling website "AI Wokeness" expressed in a recent article, there isn't much turning back when today's dogma dictates that you are now that pinnacle of persona non grata in the United States. To be labeled a "racist" is a branding so foul, you shouldn't even be trusted with telling people that New Zealanders drive on the left side of the road. (Yes, that's how serious the modern tar-and-feathering goes with a sufficient amount of woke programming.) And now the "racist" Scott Adams for daring to suggest that White people should "move away" from African-Americans for what should indeed be troubling poll results is experiencing his three-decades-and-running comic strip "Dilbert" being removed from prominent national newspapers. He'll more than likely never be invited back on any number of television stations and podcasts, among other marketing platforms and sources of revenue. Mr. Adams can thankfully weather the storm, financially speaking. He is 65 years old and independently wealthy from decades' worth of his past endeavors. But for a young cartoonist who was new and yet successful in the trade, this would be life-altering fallout. As The Spectator pointed out in a somewhat recent article, free speech has become a privilege only for the rich. The poor or middle class cannot afford not to self-cancel. The takeaway from this whole story is another prime example of an objective truth in the Anglosphere: if you lack the sufficient number of victim points of which the straight, White, male, Christian or non-affiliated, native English-speaking, able-bodied, non-immigrant and "cisgender" Scott Adams has none your margin for error to survive speaking against any far-left social agenda dwindles toward almost nothing. What the pundits on CNN and MSNBC have said about White men while continuing to keep their corporate jobs has been atrocious compared to what Mr. Adams said. Hamish Carter is a New Zealander in exile from Jacinda Ardern's tyrannical government, living through unprecedented gun control in his home country along with the travesty of not being able to return home during the pandemic. If you believe in the "Streisand effect," support the now canceled Scott Adams by purchasing some "Dilbert" comic strips from Amazon. Image via Max Pixel. Am I a bad person to enjoy the increasingly untenable position in which Democrats find themselves as we near the 2024 election? I really love watching them struggle with the specter of a second Biden campaign or, worse, the problem of lining up candidates if they convince Jiller, Joe not to run. A new piece of evidence about the dilemma facing the Democrats is the fact that Californians do not like Kamala Harris, the countrys most powerful Democrat woman of color. Heh. Whether you like all the potential candidates or not, the Republican field is dynamic and offers lots of great choices along with some dispiriting and depressing ones: Trump (who has declared), DeSantis (who almost certainly will declare), Ramaswamy (declared), Haley (declared), Tim Scott (probably will declare), Mike Pence (probable declaration), Larry Hogan (probable declaration), Glenn Youngkin (possible declaration). Indeed, we have an embarrassment of riches that, as in 2016, requires an incredibly strong candidate to emerge victorious from the fray. Meanwhile, the Democrats have Joe Biden. Admittedly, he is the most effective president America has ever seen. In only two years, hes reversed everything Trump accomplished, and has driven America into the deepest ditch imaginable. If you measure success by a broken economy, a nonexistent border, racial hatred, gender madness, a nearing nuclear conflict, and Americas full retreat from being the worlds superpower, Biden is your guy, no matter how old and senile hell be at the start of a second term. There are people out there celebrating Jill Bidens promise that Joe will run again. Image: Kamala Harris. YouTube screen grab. However, Democrats are beginning to suspect that not everyone supports Joes Destroy America agenda. Theyd love to see Joe announce a graceful retirement, which would leave the field open forKamala Harris. Yup. Kamala. Given how important women, especially black women and self-loathing white women, are to the Democrat party, should Kamala choose to run, the Democrats cannot abandon her. After all, she is the Vice President of the United States and the first woman of cacklesorry, I mean color to hold that office. She is pretty much untouchable for a party built around labels involving sex, race, and sexual identity. The problem for the party is that, aside from the fanatic base, voters really dont like Kamala Harris. You may recall that, in 2019, she had to drop out of the Democrat primary after it became apparent that she wouldnt even carry her home state of California. Across America, voters disliked her politics and her persona. It turns out that they still do. Writing at SFGATE, a left-leaning online newspaper out of San Francisco, Eric Ting, the publications political analyst, writes that Californians still dislike Kamala Harris: The Berkeley Institute of Government Studies/Los Angeles Times poll, conducted between Feb. 14 and Feb. 20 among 7,512 registered voters, asked respondents the question, "If Joe Biden decides not to run for a second term for President in 2024, how would you feel about Vice President Kamala Harris running for President in 2024?" Just 16% said they'd be "very enthusiastic," while 21% said they'd be "somewhat enthusiastic"; 18% answered "not too enthusiastic," and a clear plurality of 41% said "not enthusiastic at all." Four percent of survey respondents offered no opinion. In sum, just 37% of voters say they have enthusiasm for a Harris presidential bid, compared with a whopping 59% who expressed hesitancy. When looking at the results among only Democratic voters, 56% say they'd be enthusiastic, while 41% said they would not be. The fact that 4 in 10 California Democrats don't want to see Harris run for president is extremely worrying news for her. One should never discount Black Swans, of course, those completely unexpected events that shape the future. Trump was a Black Swan, and so was Biden. That he won the election revealed the depth of corruption infecting voting across America. While that was almost predictable, the Black Swan part was that Biden, a pretty generic Democrat throughout his career, turned into the destroyer. (I keep thinking how, in Ghostbusters, the destructor ended up being the smiling Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.) So, something may happen in the next year that completely changes the Democrat race and raises to the forefront a powerful and beloved black woman who has a former president at her side for the pillow talk of governance. Lets hope, though, that the Black Swan Im thinking of does not want to run. Instead, let me enjoy, at least for the moment, the thought that Democrats are trapped between the Scylla and Charybdis of Biden and Harris for 2024. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin. (PTI Photo) CHENNAI: The quibble over the non-implementation of the scheme to give monthly assistance of Rs 1000 for women as promised in the DMKs election manifesto of 2021, which echoed in hustings for the Erode East by-election with opposition leaders raising it repeatedly as a ruse, formed a part of Chief Minister M K Stalins campaign on Saturday when he said the date for introducing the measure would be known during the Budget presentation in the second week of March. On a whirlwind tour of the constituency on the last day of campaigning, Stalin made brief stopovers to address the crowds that had gathered at various places when he spoke on a wide range of issues concerning Erode in particular and the State in general and reminded them the Congress candidate, E V K S Elangovan, for whom he was seeking votes, was a descendant of the family of Periyar E V Ramasamy. Also reminding the voters that Elangovan was facing the by-election now because his son E Thirumagan Everaa passed away suddenly, Stalins repeated plea to the electorate was to ensure that the AIADMK candidate lost in deposit in the elections. Speaking at a point near Agraharam, he said that the DMK had always been in favour of minorities and explained how the 3 per cent exclusive reservation within the quota for Scheduled Castes for the Arunthathiyar community had helped many students get admission to professional colleges. It was M Karunanidhi who proposed the law providing for the exclusive reservation and was keen on piloting it in the Assembly when doctors refused to let him go from the hospital where he was admitted, he said adding that Karunanidhi then urged him to do the work effectively. He pointed out the role of AIADMK in the passing of the Citizens Amendment Bill in Parliament and reminded the voters that the DMK had opposed the Bill then. So if the Citizens Amendment Act came into force, creating a sense of insecurity among the minorities, the AIADMK should be blamed for it, he said. In the other speeches delivered at Gandhi Statue junction and Sampath Nagar, too, he explained the schemes launched by his government. He challenged the AIADMK to explain what they did for Erode during their 10-year tenure before the DMK came to power and said that his government first allocated Rs 300 crore and then Rs 400 crore. The projects envisaged under the first instalment of Rs 300 crore were nearing completion and those under the second demarche would start soon after the completion of the by-election process. He said it was history in the making that the son of M Karunanidhi had come to canvass votes for the son of E V K Sampath, celebrated for his oratory as Solin Selven by DMK founder C N Annadurai. At Agraharam he recalled the days when the then Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa was hospitalized and pointed to the false information that the AIADMK leaders, including Edappadi K Palaniswami, were disseminating about her health and taking the people for a ride. He even referred to the mysterious incidents that happened in Kodanad Estates, owned by Jayalalithaa, and that it would be unravelled and all those who were involved in the hanky panky activities would be put in jail. Palaniswami, who had earlier announced that he would be winding up his campaign on Friday, too, went around the constituency seeking votes for his party candidate K S Thennarasu on the last day till 5 pm. He continued to blast the DMK for reneging on its promises, letting down the government employees and stressed the point that Thennarasu was a local person who had won two elections in the past and would stay with them, unlike Elangovan who would leave after the polls. Naam Tamilar Katchi chief coordinator Seeman, too, campaigned on the last day though the Election Commission officials had earlier exhorted him to not continue with the electioneering after a clash between his party workers and DMK campaigners. Seeman, it is learnt, had threatened to go to court if he was prevented from campaigning. Once the hectic campaigning that had created a carnival atmosphere in the constituency ever since workers from outside and leaders landed there ended in the evening, an eerie lull pervaded the places as the outsiders were asked to leave and the cacophony was silenced. Election officials immediately swung their action preparing the ground for the polling beginning in the morning hours of Monday in all the 238 polling booths and security forces stationed there became active, intensifying the vigil and removing outsiders from the scene. America is being torn apart by a "scientific" dispute over the appropriateness of hormone-blockers for minor children. The safety of these drugs is in question, as well as whether children are being fully assessed for mental health issues that may underlie gender dysphoria. A number of responsible states have initiated legislation to ban their use, most recently joined by Tennessee. Meanwhile, another group of states are rushing to shield these drug regimens for kids from parental or legal interference. Vermont, which eagerly embraced eugenics and forced sterilization a century ago, is aggressively creating a modern version of Underground Railroad for people in other states (with no age limits) to freely obtain hormone-meddling "therapies" in the Green Mountains. Vermont has been a frontrunner in providing abortions through all stages of pregnancy. Progressives shrieked in feigned panic when Roe v. Wade was overturned, claiming that women's "rights" to infanticide were thereby threatened even though Roe acknowledged fetal viability and the existence of a second life meriting legal protections at some stage of development in the womb. "Women's rights" became the clarion call in Vermont's 2022 elections, in which nearly 77% of Vermont voters voted "Yes" to a constitutional amendment (Proposal 5) enshrining abortion 'til birth. Proposal 5 was also a Trojan horse to etch the "right" to puberty-blockers for children into law, using the vague language "personal reproductive autonomy." Having regained a progressive supermajority in the election by this ruse, the Vermont Legislature has wasted no time pushing through novel extremist legislation to codify the practice of administering experimental puberty hormoneblockers to children. H.89 passed the House on February 10 by a resounding child-mutilating margin of 130-13 and is now in the Vermont Senate. Progressives have led the shoddy pseudo-"scientific" path in eugenics, lobotomies, mRNA vaccines, and now puberty-blockers. All were untested initiatives launched with ideological bunk that eclipsed unbiased assessment. Meanwhile, the erstwhile leadership toward harmful, sterilizing puberty-blockers in the U.K. and Sweden have both reversed course in response to growing scientific awareness of health risks as well as the lack of sufficient research (much like for lobotomies, eugenics, and untested COVID vaccines). But no such common sense has deterred Vermont. H.89 defines "legally protected healthcare" to include "gender-affirming care," an oxymoronic perversion by those refusing to care about the risks of these drugs to others' children. Vermont's callous ideological blunder goes farther, creating legal protections for these practices that include: a new cause of action for tortious interference against those who "interfere," shielded from Vermont's SLAPP statute; defining legal efforts to interfere with these practices as "abusive litigation"; prohibiting courts "from ordering a person to give testimony or a statement or produce documents or other things for use in connection with abusive litigation involving legally protected health care activity"; expanding access to the Address Confidentiality Program to permit patient anonymity; establishing a misdemeanor crime against persons (parents?) who "interfere" with these dubious practices; and defining insurance coverage for any of these procedures as a "protected practice." H.89 also extends specific shields for Vermont's unscrupulous medical experiments against contrary legal requirements in other jurisdictions. It prohibits a public agency from cooperating in an interstate investigation or proceeding seeking to impose civil or criminal liability upon a person or entity for obtaining or providing legally protected health care [and] prohibit[s] the extradition of a nonfugitive person in connection with abusive litigation in another jurisdiction [and] prohibit[s] a court from issuing a summons when a prosecution is pending in another state concerning legally protected health care activity or where a grand jury investigation concerning legally protected health care activity has commenced or is about to commence for a criminal violation of a law of the other state[.] The contrast between Vermont's effort and a multitude of other states seeking to ban these same practices predicts an eventual showdown over the eugenics-echoing absurdity of this headlong plunge into irreversible damage to young children that extends far beyond sterility and lifetime dependence. Recent studies suggest that these drugs dramatically increase risks of stroke and heart attack and that "easing access to cross-sex treatments without parental consent significantly increases suicide rates." In a circuitous perversion of logic, those who deceived the public regarding Proposal 5 now justify this bizarre puberty-blocker legislation by claiming that Vermonters embrace these practices as "reproductive liberties" for little kids: "The Shield Bill (H.89) reinforces our ongoing efforts to protect the rights of Vermonters in making personal health choices," stated Speaker of the House, Jill Krowinski, D-Burlington, following the bill's passage. "Safe access to reproductive care has always been a top priority, and Vermonters showed their resounding support for reproductive rights last November when they voted to enshrine it in our constitution. Twisted logic is familiar in Vermont, in its similarly "Progressive" eugenics history: Though eugenicists claimed they based their views on science, the Vermont eugenics survey actually responded to increased immigration from Europe and Canada. ... Then in 1942, another U.S. Supreme Court case, Skinner v. Oklahoma, raised legal questions about the practice and discouraged further sterilization. Vermont, however, continued sterilizing its people until 1963. In the end, Vermont sterilized more than 250 people it deemed degenerate mostly women. Time will tell how many children in the extremist 21st-century Green Mountain State will be subjected to damaging pharmaceuticals without parental consent. Perhaps the State will one day find the integrity to apologize to these children and their families, as it did for its foolhardy eugenics initiatives. Vermont's arrogant legislators are on the record in this high-stakes battle for the future health of children. In time, accurate science and common sense will prevail. Image: Vermont Capitol. Credit: Public Domain Pictures. Practically within minutes of January 6, the Democrat establishment, both politicians and the media, had their narrative in place: It was a violent insurrection that justified the biggest FBI manhunt in history, saw Democrats conduct a kangaroo congressional hearing to cement the narrative, deprived hundreds of people of their constitutional rights, and cowed Bidens opponents into silence lest they too be accused of insurrection. For those same two years, the Democrat establishment resisted making public 14,000 hours of video footage showing J6 events in and around the Capitol, claiming that to do so was too dangerous. Now, though, with Kevin McCarthy having made the footage exclusively available to Tucker Carlson, the media are singing a very different tune. One of the sure things about Democrats is that they firmly believe that, as Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. With consistency a great soul simply has nothing to do. Or, put another way, when youre a narcissist, the one consistent point when it comes to truth and narrative is that both must always serve your needs. (Ive never had a high opinion of Emerson, and I have a very low opinion of Democrats.) Nothing shows that more clearly than the turn on a dime response in the media regarding the 14,000 hours of video. For the past two years, the media have insisted that the 14,000 hours of video footage are irrelevant and that making the footage public would permanently endanger those who work (and posture) in the Capitol. Even more disgracefully, the DOJ has had the same attitude, refusing to make exculpatory footage available to J6 defendants and doing so selectively only when the courts applied force. However, when it comes to footage that advances the narrative, the DOJ and the media have been thrilled to squeeze out a little here and there. A few months after events on January 6, the media became positively orgasmic when the DOJ released small, carefully curated snippets intended to show that a group of unarmed people, mostly elderly, waving flags and taking pictures, was about to take down the entire American government. Image: Ray Epps urging people into the Capitol. Rumble screen grab. However, after two years of (1) the J6 Committees secret hearings and public passion plays, (2) the medias insurrection drumbeat, and the (3) the Biden administrations police actions, all coupled with the refusal to make the footage public, we know that theres another story in those tapes. Indeed, the Revolver has done extraordinary work with publicly-available videos from outside the Capitol to show that there were figures in the crowd doing everything they could to cajole and force people into the Capitol, including breaking windows, removing barriers, and issuing ordersand the FBI and DOJ have protected all those black-clad people (or, in Ray Eppss case, red-hatted person) from arrest or even questioning. That all changed last week when House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, to his credit, handed all 14,000 hours of video to Tucker Carlson. It would have been better if hed put them online for crowd-sourcing. I have a dim view of the alleged security concerns leftists raised to oppose the tapes publication. In any event, the information is sufficiently important that the Capitol police simply need to figure out new ways of doing security. But still, at least one person who is not in thrall to the narrative has the footage. Whats amazing is the U-turn the media instantly made. After two years of studied disinterest or vocal opposition to the tapes release, writes John Nolte, The same corporate media that never showed any interest in seeing the full police video taken during the mostly-peaceful January 6 protest at the U.S. Capitol are now demanding all 41,000 hours of it. Thats not an exaggeration. CBS News, CNN, Politico, ProPublica, ABC, Axios, Advance, Scripps, the Los Angeles Times, and Gannett together sent a letter to Kevin McCarthy demanding that they, too, get to see the tapes. The justification is mind-boggling unless you accept the narcissistic worldview that they are never hypocrites because they always consistently serve their own immediate needs: Without full public access to the complete historical record, there is concern that an ideologically-based narrative of an already polarizing event will take hold in the public consciousness, with destabilizing risks to the legitimacy of Congress, the Capitol Police, and the various federal investigations and prosecutions of January 6 crimes, wrote attorney Charles Tobin. So the same people who, for two years, said it was imperative that we see only the J6 committees and DOJs carefully curated snippets of footage now insist that, without full public access, there is a republic-threatening risk that an ideologically-based narrative of an already polarizing event will take hold in the public consciousness, with destabilizing risks to the legitimacy of Congress, the Capitol Police, and the various federal investigations and prosecutions of January 6 crimes. In other words, there was no risk when they were persecuting ordinary Americans. However, theres an incredible risk when those ordinary Americans not only prove their innocence but also (and Im guessing here) point to a massive government entrapment scheme. If my guess is correct, Congress, the Capitol Police, the FBI, and the DOJ deserve to be destabilized into the dustbin of history. Lawmakers in Canada are working on a new bill that might force Google to pay Canadian publishers for their content. The bill, known as the Online News Act or Bill C-18, has targeted big tech companies. Google has already faced similar cases in France and the EU. The search giant had to sign deals with European publishers to use their content. Likewise, the company might be obligated to sign similar agreements with Canadian publishers. Lawmakers say their goal is to protect publishers. According to Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez, tech giants must be more transparent and accountable to Canadians. The bill is yet in its early stages and must pass through the Canadian parliament. Google responds to Canada Bill C-18 by not showing news in the country The Mountain View-based company is dealing with dire economic predictions for the year ahead and doesnt want to lose a penny. As per Googles announcement, theyre testing the blockade of news content on the search results of Canadian users for five weeks. Also, the test is conducted on 4% of users in the country and targets content from Canadian broadcasters and newspapers. Advertisement Were briefly testing potential product responses to Bill C-18 that impact a very small percentage of Canadian users, Google said. We run thousands of tests each year to assess any potential changes to Search. Weve been fully transparent about our concern that C-18 is overly broad and, if unchanged, could impact products Canadians use and rely on every day. Googles innovations, like Featured snippets, prevent users from visiting websites to reach the answer. The answer for a query mostly appears on the same search page, and users dont need the necessity to read the full text. Publishers are against this, arguing that Featured snippets are stealing website visitors. Bill C-18 hopes to solve this dispute between Google and publishers. It aims to force the search giant to pay for the content if its not sending visitors to the website. The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has accused Google of destroying internal chat records that were required for an antitrust investigation. According to federal laws, the companies should preserve the communications that might help investigators in antitrust cases. Google allegedly violated this law. The DOJ has brought Big Tech under its radar in recent years. The department is trying to keep these companies accountable for their antitrust violations and abusing competition. Back in 2020, the DOJ filed a lawsuit against Google over unlawfully maintaining monopolies. The destroyed chat records were reportedly related to this case. As per the filing details, Google allegedly systematically destroyed written communications every 24 hours. This is while the company was required in mid-2019 to change its chat defaults and keep a record of communications. The DOJ also claims Google destroyed chat records even after the lawsuit was filed, and only a few employees kept their chat histories. DOJ puts Google in hot water over deleting chat evidence The Department of Justice is also accusing Google of lying to the government. Google has told the agency that it has put a legal hold in place to suspend the auto-deletion of chats. However, the DOJ found this claim to be false as the company stopped deleting chats this week when the agency said it would file a motion for sanctions. After this warning shot, Google was forced to permanently set to history on. Advertisement In Epic Games lawsuit against Google, the video game maker claimed that Google employees prefer to talk about sensitive materials in chats because they feel safer. The search giant, however, continued to withhold its policy from the government even after the Epic Games confrontation. According to DOJs deduction, Google has violated the federal rule of civil procedure by deleting chat records. The agency is now asking for a hearing to discuss sanctioning the company. In response to allegations, Google is refuting the DOJ claims. The company spokesperson told The Wall Street Journal that theyd produced over 4 million documents for this case. The team have also conscientiously worked for years to respond to inquiries and litigation. HMD Global has announced at MWC Barcelona, alongside some new phones, that it will be manufacturing its phones in Europe. That would make HMD Global the first manufacturer to do so. The company has said that the moving of manufacturing of these phones to Europe will be a gradual process for them. And it will begin in the third quarter of the year. HMD Global is also planning to invest on facilities from here on out in Europe. So why is HMD Global moving to Europe for manufacturing? Well, they are seeing an increase in demand for their smartphones in Europe. They believe that this will be a way for them to reduce their carbon footprint, while also ensuring security and privacy on Nokia phones. Keep in mind that HMD Globals data centers have been located in Finland since 2019. With HMD Global manufacturing phones in Europe, thats going to mean that their costs should come down for phones sold in Europe. Since that is their biggest market, it makes sense to do manufacturing there. HMD has also said that they will comply with the stringent stipulations for testing and manufacturing in the European Union. Advertisement HMD Global is a big manufacturer of mid-range phones Since 2016, when HMD Global got the licensing rights for Nokia, they have been working to put out some great mid-range phones. For a while sticking to Android One and Android Go for its smartphones. Meaning that you were getting stock Android on their devices. Which did help to keep the costs down on their devices. HMD Global used to release quite a few devices, and launch many in the US. But now it looks like they are focusing more on the European market, which isnt as competitive as the US market. Especially in the mid-range sector. So HMD Global launching manufacturing in Europe is actually a big deal. ChatGPT, the AI chatbot made by Microsoft-backed OpenAI, has been the talk of the tech town lately. It may have been behaving erratically in its early days, but industry experts see AI changing the internet landscape over the next few years. We are already seeing applications of these tools (Googles Bard too) in search, content creation, and more. But Microsoft doesnt want to confine ChatGPT to your computer. The company is using the AI tool to control robots and drones. ChatGPT can control robots and drones A team of researchers at Microsoft recently published a paper on how they extended ChatGPT to robotics. The goal of this research was to see if ChatGPT can think beyond text, and reason about the physical world to help with robotics tasks. The researchers wanted to make human-robot interactions more natural using the AI tool. For example, when you ask your home assistant robot to warm up your lunch, it should be able to find the microwave by itself and complete the task without further human input. They found that ChatGPT can do a lot by itself. While it still needs some help, like in situations where instructions were ambiguous, Microsoft researchers could use it to control robot arms, drones, and home assistant robots intuitively with language. ChatGPT wrote complex code structures for the drone to find a healthy drink in the room. When specifically asked to find something with sugar and a red logo, it located a can of Coke on the shelf. It could also automatically instruct the drone to take a selfie using a reflective surface or inspect the shelf in a lawnmower pattern. ChatGPT was also able to accurately control a drone in a simulated industrial inspection scenario. Microsoft researchers tasked it with writing an algorithm for a drone to reach a goal in space while not crashing into obstacles, and it did that effectively too. It could even locally make code improvements simply based on language feedback. We believe that language-based robotics control will be fundamental to bringing robotics out of science labs, and into the hands of everyday users, the researchers said. Advertisement ChatGPT is coming to Microsofts mobile apps This research from Microsoft speaks volumes about the untapped capabilities of ChatGPT and similar AI tools. Of course, many of those applications arent for regular consumers. But the company is preparing to give its users access to ChatGPT through more platforms. After adding it to the Microsoft Edge web browser and Bing search engine on the web, the Windows maker has announced ChatGPT for its mobile apps. Along with Edge and Bing, Microsoft is also integrating the AI tool with its messaging app Skype. These integrations are already available in preview globally. Police have confirmed the body of missing hillwalker Kyle Sambrook and his dog have been found in Glencoe. The 33-year-old was last seen with his beagle called Bane in the Lost Valley area last weekend. Searches were launched after he failed to return home to West Yorkshire on Tuesday as planned. Their bodies were recovered by mountain rescue teams and the Coastguard on Saturday afternoon. Kyle Sambrook (Police Scotland/PA) Police Scotland said: Around 2.15pm on Saturday February 25, the bodies of a man and a dog were recovered by mountain rescue teams and HM Coastguard in the Glencoe area. They have now been identified as Kyle Sambrook and his dog Bane, who were reported missing earlier this week. Kyles family wish to thank all involved in the search and have requested their privacy be respected. There do not appear to be any suspicious circumstances and a report will be sent to the procurator fiscal. Mr Sambrook left his home in West Yorkshire on Saturday February 18, to walk and wild camp in Glencoe. Rescue teams which were involved in the search for Mr Sambrook also extended their sympathies to his family. Glencoe Mountain Rescue Team posted on Facebook: Yesterday afternoon, volunteer rescuers searching for Kyle Sambrook found the bodies of a man and a dog in a deep gorge above the Fionn Ghleann. An attempt was made to recover them by helicopter but was unsuccessful due to the terrain, the helicopter was then re-tasked, meaning they had to be lowered and carried off the hill by hand. They added: Our thoughts are with Kyles family and friends at this time. The SNPs deputy Westminster leader has endorsed Humza Yousaf in the race to be Scotlands next First Minister. Mhairi Black said Humza Yousaf was the only candidate that would take the fight directly to Westminster over its decision to veto controversial gender recognition reforms passed by Holyrood. Mr Yousaf, the current Scottish Health Secretary, is up against Finance Secretary Kate Forbes and former community safety minister Ash Regan in the contest to replace Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader and Scottish First Minister. Both Ms Forbes and Ms Regan have been critical of the gender reform legislation passed by Holyrood with Ms Regan quitting her post in the Scottish Government to vote against it. Three candidates are running to replace Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader as First Minister Ash Regan, Humza Yousaf and Kate Forbes (Jane Barlow/Andrew Milligan/PA) The Scottish Greens having highlighted this as a key issue for maintaining their powersharing agreement with the SNP in the Scottish Parliament. And Ms Black said the concrete commitment from Mr Yosuaf to challenge the use of Section 35 powers to block Holyrood legislation was important for keeping the pro-independence majority at Holyrood, adding that this would be a critical factor in how we ramp up the campaign for independence. Speaking about Mr Yosuaf, Ms Black said: He is the only candidate willing to take the fight directly to Westminster and stand up for our Scottish Parliaments democratic right to legislate free from Westminster interference. The Paisley and Renfrewshire South MPs endorsement of Mr Yousaf comes after she told how she had been incredibly hurt by Ms Forbes comments on gay marriage. A lot of people have asked me my views of the leadership contest. Truthfully, I have been incredibly hurt so far. Hurt originating with the statements @_KateForbes has made and since stood by. I, like most people in Scotland, could not care less about someones religion. (1/10) Mhairi Black MP (@MhairiBlack) February 24, 2023 Ms Forbes, a Free Church of Scotland member, had revealed at the start of her leadership campaign that she would not have voted for the legislation which introduced this had she been at Holyrood at the time. Ms Black, who married her wife last year, said earlier: Kate hasnt just jeopardised a lot of activists and members, she has alienated swathes of the population before shes even started. Speaking on Sunday, the SNP MP said: Having listened to the early stages of the leadership campaign it is already clear to me that Humza is the only candidate that can take our party and our country forward. His vision of a progressive and fairer independent Scotland is one which I share. She added that Mr Yousaf understands the challenges the party faces, particularly internally, and is not afraid to rise to those challenges. (PA Graphics) As well as understanding the need for internal reform, she said Mr Yousafs plans to listen to, unite, and refocus our membership in driving up support for independence are exactly what I want to hear. She continued: Humza has the plan to make economic and social progress in our country tackling the Tory cost of living crisis head on which is hurting working families the length and breadth of Scotland. Humza has the skills, experience and resilience needed to lead and I look forward to helping him take that message to our membership in the coming weeks, she added. Mr Yousaf said he was thrilled to have Ms Blacks backing, describing her as a popular and highly respected figure in the SNP and across Scotland. He said: Like me, Mhairi has a record of standing up for equality and social progress. I am glad she shares my vision for building the team in Government, and across the party, to take us on to independence. Mhairi understands, like me, that the SNP must earn our support, rather than simply expect it. As SNP leader and Scotlands First Minister, I will be looking to work with people like Mhairi to inspire our membership and the people of Scotland to get behind our vision for a progressive and inclusive independent Scotland. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi addresses the Congress' 85th Plenary session on its 3rd day, in Nava Raipur, Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023. (PTI) Raipur: In his 50-odd-minute extempore, spoken from heart, introspective outpouring instead of a prepared, scripted address, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi set Day 3 of the party plenary afire with his narrative of his experiments with love; highlights and experiences from his five month-plus, 4,000-km-long walkathon to unite India, Bharat Jodo, but whose political import and personal commitment were unmistakable - we will fight the BJP led by Narendra Modi with my styled Satyagraha 2.0. "As we reached the Kashmir Valley, there were over 40,000 people when the intelligence only expected 2,000. The outer ring of cops disappeared. It was snowing. But everywhere I looked, I saw the Indian Tricolour. Prime Minister Modi boasts that he, and a bunch of his partymen, unfurled the Tiranga against the threats of separatists. He still doesn't understand the difference. We ignited love for India by connecting people Congress inspired thousands of Kashmiri youth to unfurl the Tiranga and carry it," said Rahul Gandhi, to a thundering response of a full house of Congress leaders and workers from all parts of the country. "As I started from Kanyakumari, I was arrogant. I was fit. I could run 12-odd km regularly. How hard could walking 25 km be, I thought? I was humbled. Bharat Mata whispered an instruction - don't be arrogant. I obeyed and I could find strength to walk. I used to speak a lot at the start of the yatra, but slowly, started listening more. And then words became redundant people would come and hug me, or embrace me, or shake hands. As hands met hands, hearts would meet too, and words were not needed," he said, with deep intense emotion, and as unlike a political speech as one can get. The prose flowed from the reborn leaders just like his beard was flowing; aged, matured, unkempt, natural and without any need for pretence or styling. "Farmers, women and youth told me of their problems, many of which I cannot reveal. I felt their pain, I felt their urge to join the Bharat Jodo," he said, narrating specific stories of people - a mechanic in Punjab, an unemployed youth in Kashmir, a wife facing domestic violence in Kerala, et al. With each moving story, and his own learnings from it, Rahul Gandhi was clearly trying to create a new-age kind of politics, a big risk - one, where he would not follow a stereotype or template of political accusations and manifesto highlights, and some rhetoric to set his narrative. He would not just win, but on his own terms. "We are for satyagraha, the weapon and lesson from Mahatma Gandhi. The BJP will do anything for power, we will fight for truth, and with truth. And we will win the hearts of people by doing tapasya, undertaking lots of pain and effort, offering sweat and blood, and winning. We will win," he said, again, to a thundering approval and applause. Setting the context of his ideology, Rahul Gandhi said: "A BJP Union minister (a clear reference to external affairs minister S. Jaishankar) says we cannot fight with China because our economy is weaker than theirs. This is the crux of Savarkar's worldview, the BJP and RSS worldview - get frightened by those stronger than them and meekly surrender before them. But harass and bully the weak? When Indians took on Britain for Independence, did we have an economy stronger than theirs?" Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who also spoke on Sunday, urged the party to ensure the resolutions passed at the plenary were implemented and not restricted to mere resolutions. "Rahul Gandhi ji has demonstrated for all of us, and the country, our ideology and drawn its strong line. Now walking on the path shown by him, let us all fight the forces that are not only harassing and targeting political rivals but the common people," she said. "Let us recall the sacrifices of all those who have given up their lives for the party in the last few years. Let us fight in their memory. Let us fight for Nyay." She advocated a direct cash transfer scheme idea to be developed for farmers, and youth, as part of the party's campaign and messaging for 2024. If Day 2 of the plenary was all statesmanlike and formal, the high-powered verbal jugalbandi of brother and sister enlivened the proceedings and enthused party workers. It was like Naatu-Naatu of speeches by Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi-Vadra, and the workers from all states of the country were delighted. "We have a clear message to take back home. We have our work cut out ahead," said a worker from Odisha. A contingent from Himachal Pradesh concurred, saying that the plenary also gave them a great opportunity to share ideas, experiences and hope. "We have been out of power in Odisha but when we meet our brothers and sisters from Himachal or Rajasthan, where we defeated the BJP, or our hosts Chhattisgarh, we are filled with hope. We hear and share stories with our friends from Telangana, or Karnataka, UP or Bengal on how they fight. It has reinvigorated us," said Das, a delegate from Odisha Congress. Rahul Gandhi ended his speech continuing to take on the Modi government, and the Prime Minister on the Adani issue, asking hard questions, promising: "They want to remove my questions. They want me to stop raising these issues. I will not." Somewhere amidst his words and his earnestness, the Congress, concluding the plenary, must have somewhat believed that he has discovered the generational, trademark Gandhi chutzpah, the mojo, the victory recipe, and it will prove adequate in the coming times. Rishi Sunak will meet Ursula von der Leyen on Monday to discuss the range of complex challenges around the Northern Ireland Protocol. Here are answers to some of the main questions about the Irish Sea trading arrangements. What is the Northern Ireland Protocol? Jointly agreed by the UK and EU, it was the part of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement that dealt with the main obstacle in the divorce talks the Irish land border. To keep the border free flowing, London and Brussels essentially moved new regulatory and customs checks required by Brexit to the Irish Sea. DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson speaks to reporters after meeting Rishi Sunak to discuss the Northern Ireland Protocol (Liam McBurney/PA) That has introduced red tape on trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, creating a headache for many businesses and enraging loyalists and unionists who claim the regions place within the UK has been undermined. There were some sporadic outbreaks of violence linked to the protocol following its introduction in January 2021, but they were not widespread or sustained. How is the protocol linked to the political impasse at Stormont? The powersharing institutions can only function with the co-operation of the largest nationalist party and largest unionist party. The DUP has used its veto to bring down devolution in protest at the protocol. Its boycott means a ministerial executive cannot function and the legislative assembly cannot conduct any business. In the absence of ministers, civil servants are in charge of running public services but they are hamstrung in the decisions they can take and many laws and policy changes are unable to be progressed due to the political vacuum. The DUP has made it clear it will only go back into devolved government if significant changes are delivered on the protocol. A Border Force officer returns papers to a haulage driver after protocol checks at Belfast Port (Liam McBurney/PA) What have the Government and the EU been doing to resolve the dispute? The Government initially hailed the protocol as the breakthrough that got Brexit done, and then portrayed early trade disruption as teething problems. However, former prime minister Boris Johnson began to change his public stance on the protocol soon after it became operational. His government subsequently claimed the protocol had upset the Good Friday peace agreements delicate balance of unionist and nationalist aspirations by undermining the east/west trade dynamic. Relations between the EU and UK deteriorated sharply thereafter, with Brussels taking legal action against the UK for failing to honour its obligations under the protocol. Stop-start negotiations between the UK and the European Commission rumbled on with little sign of progress and ill-feeling between London and Brussels increased when the Government tabled legislation at Westminster the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill that would have empowered ministers to unilaterally scrap the protocol without the EUs consent. Pursuing such action, Brussels warned, would have been likely to prompt retaliatory action, triggering fears of a trade war. However, the dynamic between the UK and EU appears to have improved markedly since Mr Sunak entered No 10. The Prime Minister has appeared more inclined to secure a negotiated settlement with the EU and he paused progress of the Protocol Bill as officials resumed intensive talks aimed at getting an agreed solution. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak leaves the Culloden Hotel in Belfast after holding talks with Stormont leaders over the Northern Ireland Protocol (Liam McBurney/PA) What could a likely deal look like? Both the EU and UK are in broad agreement on the need to differentiate between GB goods whose end destination is Northern Ireland, and those that are set for onward transportation into the EU single market via the unchecked land border with the Republic of Ireland. It seems a deal would include the creation of so-called green and red lanes. NI-bound goods would enter ports via the green lane and would be subject to a much-reduced burden of paperwork. Those products destined for the Republic of Ireland would have to comply with the full extent of protocol checks. Are there any potential sticking points? The oversight role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) could prove the main stumbling block. While the protocol has created a trade barrier on GB/NI trade it also offers Northern Ireland traders dual market access to sell freely both within the UK internal market and into the EU single market. Advocates of the protocol insist the economic advantage created by this access must be retained in any deal. Access to the single market is possible because, under the protocol, Northern Ireland essentially remains within the single market for goods. But, as such, the ECJ remains the final arbitrator of EU law issues in the region. This issue is less about trade and more about sovereignty, with senior DUP figures and Eurosceptic Tory backbenchers in the European Research Group (ERG) vocal in their opposition to the continuation of EU law in Northern Ireland, especially when Stormont MLAs have no power to set or change those laws. Any deal may seek to downplay the role of the ECJ, with an emphasis on the role of Northern Ireland courts in resolving the vast majority of trade disputes. Whether that would be enough to convince the DUP and ERG to accept a deal remains to be seen. Police have been granted more time to question a suspect in the shooting of an off-duty officer in Northern Ireland. Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell remains critically ill after the attack in Co Tyrone on Wednesday when he was shot in front of his young son. He was targeted at a sports centre in Omagh where he coaches a youth football team and police believe the two gunmen involved fired multiple shots. The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) said they believe the attack was terrorist-related, describing the New IRA as their primary line of inquiry. People taking part in a rally outside Omagh Courthouse to unite against paramilitary violence following the shooting of Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell. (Brian Lawless/PA) There were gatherings in Beragh and Omagh on Saturday in solidarity with Mr Caldwell and his family. Six men, aged 22, 38, 43, 45, 47 and 71 years, have been arrested in Co Tyrone in recent days in the attempted murder investigation. On Sunday, detectives were granted more time to question the 43-year-old man who had been arrested on Friday Major Investigation Team detectives investigating the attempted murder of DCI John Caldwell granted more time to question suspect. Information, photos, CCTV & dash-cam footage can be provided to police through the Major Incident Public Portal at Police Service NI (@PoliceServiceNI) February 26, 2023 A court in Belfast has granted an extension to the detention of the suspect until 10pm on Tuesday, February 28, a PSNI spokesperson said. All six arrested men remain in custody in the Serious Crime Suite at Musgrave Police Station. Police have asked for the publics help in the investigation, and have appealed to witnesses or those with information to get in touch by calling 101 or online via Information, including photos, CCTV and dashcam footage, can also be provided to police through the Major Incident Public Portal at The rough collie faces an uncertain future following a steep decline in the breeds popularity to record their lowest numbers in more than 75 years. The breed is now close to being classed as at risk by The Kennel Club, which monitors breeds with declining numbers in the UK. Lassie often comes to mind when people think of the rough collie thanks to the novel that began in the 1940s followed by the films, television series, radio programmes, animation and comic books. At the height of the breeds popularity in 1979, there were more than 8,000 annual puppy registrations, placing them in the top 10 breeds in the UK. Last year there were less than 500 rough collie puppies born, a 25% decrease since 2021 and a steep 94% decline since their heyday. This is the lowest recorded number for the breed since the 1940s, and if the decline continues they will be placed on The Kennel Clubs at watch list, which monitors breeds with between 300 and 450 puppy registrations a year. Those with less than 300 puppy births annually are recorded on the organisations vulnerable native breeds list devised to highlight those British and Irish native breeds which could be at risk of disappearing. Carole Smedley, chair of the Rough Collie Breed Council, said: We are very concerned to see this wonderful and majestic breed fall in popularity. Ive spent my life surrounded by rough collies who have enjoyed long, healthy lives and I can confirm their friendly, happy temperament, but each year their popularity is decreasing. Of course, no breed will suit everyone, but for the right owner, who can provide the right space and environment, they have so much love to give and they adore children. A rough collie at Crufts in 2016 (Joe Giddens/PA) It is such a shame that some of our most native historic and recognisable breeds are continuing to drop in popularity and we hope that more people will become aware of the range of breeds out there and responsibly select the right one for them. In 2022, there were more vulnerable breeds recorded than ever before, as both the shaggy-coated bearded collie and the distinctive miniature bull terrier were placed on the list while the Bedlington terrier, bullmastiff, Irish terrier, Norfolk terrier, and parson russell terrier were added to the at watch list. There are now 34 vulnerable native breeds and a further eight classed as at watch. The Yorkshire terrier, once the number one breed in the UK during the 1970s but has since seen its popularity wane, recorded just 495 puppy births last year. The Kennel Clubs campaign to Save the Forgotten Breeds aims to remind people about the large number of British and Irish native breeds, particularly those that are seeing a decline in numbers and face a real danger of disappearing altogether. The campaign has previously seen breeds such as the Pembroke Welsh corgi bounce back from the brink of extinction. Sir Keir Starmer will say that Britons could be poorer than those in Poland, Hungary and Romania without a future Labour governments growth plan. The Labour leader will use a speech on Monday to set out how his economic vision is the only show in town to lead the UK out of the Conservative low wage, high tax, doom-loop. If the countrys economy is not reignited, he will warn that Britain is at risk of a brain drain. According to the partys analysis of World Bank data, it predicts that wealth prospects in Britain are set to be surpassed within the next 20 years by eastern European rivals. The speech in central London is set to expand on Sir Keirs unveiling of five missions his party will focus on if it wins the next general election. As well as commitments on energy, the NHS, crime and childcare, Sir Keir pledged to secure the highest sustained growth in the G7, along with providing good jobs and productivity growth in every part of the country. Sir Keir is expected to tell voters that they will be able to judge me on whether you feel better-off after five years of a Labour government. The Opposition leader, according to a pre-briefed extract of his speech, is set to say: We need to be frank about the path of decline the Tories have set our country on. The British people are falling behind while our European neighbours get richer, in the east as well as in countries like France and Germany. Im not comfortable with that; not comfortable with a trajectory that will soon see Britain overtaken by Poland. Nor am I prepared to accept what the consequences of this failure would mean. He is set to add: I dont want a Britain where young people, in our great towns and cities, are left with no option but to get out. A brain drain, not just to London or Edinburgh, but to Lyon, Munich and Warsaw. Thats not the future our country deserves. Sir Keir Starmer will warn of a UK brain drain if the economy is not revived (Stefan Rousseau/PA) Labour said its calculations of Britains wealth decline were based on assuming UK gross domestic product (GDP) a measure of the economys health per capita continues to grow at a similar rate of 0.5% in real terms as it did between 2010 and 2021. That compares with 3.6% for Poland, 3% for Hungary and 3.8% for Romania in the same timeframe. Should that trajectory be sustained, then it would mean the average Briton would be poorer than their Polish counterpart by 2030 and less well-off than those residing in Romania and Hungary by 2040. Labour said the partys leader will pledge to find the courage to take on vested interests as he strives to unlock the potential of every region and every nation if he becomes prime minister after the next election, which is expected by the end of January 2025. Officials briefed that Sir Keir will lay out how higher growth will be passed straight to families under his proposals. A paper detailing Labours plan for meeting and measuring its progress on its growth mission will be published ahead of the speech. The nine-page document, seen by PA news agency, says that having the highest sustained growth in the G7 would mean income growing faster, people having more savings, jobs in new and growing industries, along with vibrant high streets. Sir Keir will argue that, having set out a Labour green prosperity plan, its ambitions to make Brexit work better and also enhance the British Business Bank, his party already has a credible, long-term plan which represents the determination of our party to create more wealth. After the speech, the leader and shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves will host a roundtable of business leaders. Conservative Party chairman Greg Hands said Labours plan for government included 90 billion of unfunded spending. Mr Hands said: The last time Labour left office, there was no money left, debt was spiralling, and unemployment soared something the British people will never forget. Everyone already knows what Labour would do to the economy with 90 billion of unfunded spending, that would just lead to endless borrowing and higher debt. President Biden said in a new interview that concerns about his age are totally legitimate as questions swirl around whether he will run for reelection in 2024. During the interview with ABCs David Muir, Biden, 80, was asked whether he is considering his age when deciding whether to run again, to which he replied no. However, he said it is legitimate for people to raise concerns about it. Its legitimate for people to raise issues about my age, he told Muir. Its totally legitimate to do that. And the only thing I can say is, Watch me. Biden, the oldest president in U.S. history, would be 82 when sworn in if reelected in 2024. Bidens age has drawn concerns from both sides of the aisle. Republican Nikki Haley in her opening pitch for her 2024 presidential bid earlier this month insisted that anyone over 75 should be subjected to a mental competency test. However, the White House has dismissed recent attacks, with White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates saying Republicans have played the age card and failed. Biden during the ABC interview also acknowledged first lady Jill Bidens signal that he would run for a second term. Hes not done, Jill Biden said last week in Kenya. Like my mother would say, God love her, the president said. Ive got other things to finish before I get into a full-blown campaign, he added. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. intelligence shows that China's President Xi Jinping has instructed his country's military to be ready by 2027" to invade Taiwan though he may be currently harboring doubts about his ability to do so given Russia's experience in its war with Ukraine, CIA Director William Burns said. Burns, in a television interview that aired Sunday, stressed that the United States must take very seriously Xi's desire to ultimately control Taiwan even if military conflict is not inevitable. We do know, as has been made public, that President Xi has instructed the PLA, the Chinese military leadership, to be ready by 2027 to invade Taiwan, but that doesnt mean that hes decided to invade in 2027 or any other year as well, Burns told CBS' Face the Nation. I think our judgment at least is that President Xi and his military leadership have doubts today about whether they could accomplish that invasion, he said. Taiwan and China split in 1949 after a civil war that ended with the Communist Party in control of the mainland. The self-governing island acts like a sovereign nation yet is not recognized by the United Nations or any major country. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter formally recognized the government in Beijing and cut nation-to-nation ties with Taiwan. In response, Congress passed the Taiwan Relations Act, creating a benchmark for a continuing relationship. Taiwan has received numerousdisplays of official American support for the island democracy in the face of growing shows of force by Beijing, which claims Taiwan as part of its territory. President Joe Biden has said that American forces would defend Taiwan if China tries to invade. The White House says U.S. policy has not changed in making clear that Washington wants to see Taiwans status resolved peacefully. It is silent as to whether U.S. forces might be sent in response to a Chinese attack. In Sunday's interview, Burns said the support from the U.S. and European allies for Ukraine following Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of that country may be acting as a potential deterrent to Chinese officials for now but said the risks of a possible attack on Taiwan will only grow stronger. I think, as theyve looked at Putins experience in Ukraine, thats probably reinforced some of those doubts, Burns said. "So, all I would say is that I think the risks of, you know, a potential use of force probably grow the further into this decade you get and beyond it, into the following decade as well. So thats something obviously, that we watch very, very carefully, he said. The sizzling wreckage of a derailed train. Toxic smoke pouring over a small town. Fearful residents fleeing their homes. The images of East Palestine, Ohio, could only be described as deja vu for Bruce Bennett, a retired judge in Louisiana. In darkness on the morning of Sept. 28, 1982, a train jumped its tracks and sent more than 30 tanker cars filled with hazardous chemicals or fuel crashing near a commercial strip of Livingston, Louisiana, about 20 miles east of Baton Rouge. Chemical leaks and smoke plagued the area for days. The cars were sitting there burning and smoldering, five, six days after the derailment, Bennett said. One of the cars just blew up. The damn thing went 600 feet in the air. Image: The train derailment in Livingston, La., in 1982. (The Advocate) Livingstons derailment offers one of the closest parallels to the disaster unfolding in East Palestine. Both were major train crashes. Both involved some of the same chemicals, including vinyl chloride. Both communities saw train cars catch fire and chemical fires pollute the air. And both communities have grappled with deep concerns about the safety of the air they breathe and the water they drink. More than 1,000 train derailments happen each year in the U.S., according to Federal Railroad Administration safety data. Incidents involving hazardous materials are rare; railroads reported 12 hazardous releases in 2021. Few have been as impactful as the one in Livingston, where cleanup efforts, health monitoring and water testing continued for at least three decades. Its a situation that offers some sense of the future for residents in Ohio and also serves as a reminder that U.S. rail towns for decades have faced dangers as chemicals pass through. Image: A sign welcomes visitors to East Palestine, Ohio. (Angelo Merendino / Getty Images file) In East Palestine, a lot of things that have happened seemed eerily similar to what happened in Livingston over 40 years ago, said Bennett, who as a local judge spent decades overseeing the aftermath of a legal settlement reached after the derailment. The derailment and subsequent explosion stirred Livingston residents awake as it sent a fireball into the air that splintered a grove of pine trees and blew in the brick front of a nearby home. One Livingston resident had to jump from the window of a burning home and run to safety. We heard the roar, said Jerry Cutrer, a businessman who lived less than a mile from the derailment. It shook our house. Image: A plume of smoke rises from the scene of a freight train derailment in Livingston, La., in 1982. (Environmental Protection Agency) The force cracked the foundation and burst the windows of the restaurant he owns, G&J Drive Inn. We loaded up and we got out of town, Cutrer said. About 2,700 people within 5 miles of the derailment evacuated at the behest of authorities. They left horses and pets. Four days after the derailment, pieces of a train car exploded and rocketed into the air, smashing into a quadraplex building and setting fire to a mobile home, according to a National Transportation Safety Board report. Residents couldnt return for about two weeks as chemicals within the train cars continued to explode, burn and seep into the ground. In the end, 19 homes or other buildings were destroyed or severely damaged. About 200,000 gallons of chemicals spilled and were absorbed into the ground. Image: The shell of a destroyed home after the train derailment in Livingston 1982. (The Advocate) The NTSB found that members of the train crew had been intoxicated and drinking before the derailment. An untrained clerk had been at the trains controls. The derailments in Livingston and East Palestine share several parallels. In Livingston, 43 of the trains 101 cars jumped the tracks, including more than 30 carrying hazardous or flammable chemicals. In East Palestine, 38 of the trains 151 cars derailed, including 11 with toxic chemicals. Both trains were carrying vinyl chloride, a colorless flammable gas used to produce polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic. The chemical can cause disorientation, numbness and nausea, among other short-term medical concerns. Its also a known carcinogen. Both trains were also carrying ethylene glycol, which can cause a sore throat and nausea at high concentrations. In both locations, officials decided to vent and burn vinyl chloride to prevent more explosions, a process that polluted the air with toxic smoke. Image: At left, the Norfolk Southern freight train in flames after derailing near East Palestine on Feb. 4, 2023. At right, the plume of smoke rises from the derailment scene after a controlled detonation. (Gene J. Puskar / AP) Some people complained of nausea and headaches, Cutrer said of Livingston. The same has been true in East Palestine. Wary residents in both towns turned to bottled water as officials scrambled to reduce the risk that hazardous materials would contaminate groundwater. They were very upset. They were having meetings all over the place, Cutrer said of Livingston residents. Air quality and water thats what the conversations were about. They were afraid to drink the water. Earlier this week in East Palestine, Gov. Mike DeWine and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan drank the local tap water in public to assure residents it was safe. That demonstration only proves the water is safe to drink today. Regular water monitoring, something implemented for decades in Livingston, will be needed, said Abinash Agrawal, a professor of environmental sciences at Wright State University in Ohio. We dont know how much vinyl chloride seeped into the ground, Agrawal said. Once it gets into the ground, it will travel. Agrawal said it could take months or longer to create a detailed, three-dimensional map of where the toxic chemicals entered the ground and if and how theyre spreading at the East Palestine site. Its possible that seeping chemicals could travel toward East Palestines public well sites, Agrawal said, adding that more data and field evidence are needed to evaluate that risk to drinking water. Cleaning a contaminated aquifer could take five to 10 years, Agrawal said. Years of environmental testing and legal wrangling likely lie ahead. At least 14 lawsuits have been filed over the derailment impacts in the East Palestine area. In the weeks after the Livingston derailment, local attorneys filed a class-action lawsuit against Illinois Central Gulf Railroad, according to Calvin Fayard Jr., an attorney who led the coalition. The class action, which was settled in 1985, ultimately guided the cleanup and recovery process and reshaped the town. The $39 million settlement paid out more than 3,000 residents, created a commission to make decisions about the recovery and set aside funds to pay for long-term impacts. Image: Flames and smoke rise from the Livingston, La., train derailment in 1982. (Environmental Protection Agency) The settlement provided funding for 30 years of regular water monitoring and established a fund to maintain a health clinic in Livingston, where residents could get a physical and blood testing each year for contaminants. The clinic remains standing. Some damages were handled separately. A jury awarded nearly $3 million to Terry Wisner, a state police officer who responded to the derailment and later developed headaches, difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath. Wisner retired at age 38 due to his symptoms. The towns environmental recovery became a prolonged affair. As part of the remediation, workers dug out affected soil to a depth of 50 feet and replaced it, Fayard said. They also pumped out contaminated water. Additional remediation efforts against perchloroethylene, a solvent used in dry cleaning, continued into the 2010s. Aside from cases involving first responders, Bennett said he was not aware of lawsuits in which Livingston residents years later claimed that long-term health problems stemmed from chemical exposures. Testing never identified specific concerns, though many residents skipped visits to the clinic. Taking that annual free visit for toxic monitoring just was not on peoples high-priority list, Bennett said. In retrospect, it would have been an outstanding opportunity for a long-term clinical study. Contaminants did spread gradually in the soil and groundwater, but within acceptable limits. Image: An air quality monitor near the derailment site in East Palestine on Feb. 16, 2023. (Michael Swensen / Getty Images file) Image: An EPA Emergency Response employee checks for chemicals and signs of fish at the Leslie Run Creek in East Palestine on Feb. 20, 2023. (Michael Swensen / Getty Images) There was concern it would bleed through different levels of aquifers, Bennett said. We never had evidence it entered into Livingstons drinking water system. Cutrer said the emotional scars lasted at least a decade for his neighbors. Every time they heard a train go through, theyd think about it, Cutrer said. Fayard, who went on to represent dozens of other communities after derailments, is now working with East Palestine plaintiffs. Today, a park sprawls over the derailment site in Livingston. JT Taylor, Livingstons current mayor, said the settlement funding has helped the local economy and allowed for some investments the town might not have made otherwise. I see some positive things, said Taylor, who was only 1 year old when the derailment shook his hometown. Of course this is 40 years down the road. Its hard to see that positive when its in your backyard today. FILE PHOTO: Scott Adams, the creator of "Dilbert", the cartoon character that lampoons the absurdities of corpor.. By Sharon Bernstein (Reuters) - The cartoon "Dilbert" has been dropped from numerous U.S. newspapers in response to a racist rant by its creator on YouTube. Scott Adams called Black Americans a "hate group" and suggested white Americans "get the hell away from Black people" in response to a conservative organization's poll purporting to show that many African Americans do not think it's OK to be white. "If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people ... that's a hate group," Adams said on his YouTube channel on Wednesday. "And I don't want to have anything to do with them." The comments ignited a furor on social media, along with calls for the conservative cartoonist's work to be dropped from publishers' rosters. His once-popular comic strip, which lampoons corporate culture and was launched in 1989, will no longer be carried by the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the USA Today-affiliated group of newspapers and others, the newspapers announced in statements on Friday and Saturday. "This is not a difficult decision," Chris Quinn, editor of the Plain Dealer in Cleveland said in a letter to readers posted on Friday. "We are not a home for those who espouse racism." The Los Angeles Times on Saturday said it too would drop the strip. "Cartoonist Scott Adams made racist comments in a YouTube livestream Feb. 22, offensive remarks that The Times rejects," the newspaper said on its website. The Times said it had removed four Dilbert cartoons from its pages in recent months because they violated the newspaper's standards. Adams could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters on Saturday. But on his YouTube channel, he confirmed his comic was being dropped - and said he had expected that to happen. "By Monday, I should be mostly canceled. So most of my income will be gone by next week," he said. "My reputation for the rest of my life is destroyed. You can't come back from this." Adams' initial remarks came in response to a conservative Rasmussen Poll that appeared to show that 26% of Black respondents said they disagreed with the statement "It's okay to be white." Another 21% said they were not sure. However, Rasmussen also said the online and phone survey last week of 1,000 likely U.S. voters showed that 72% of Americans overall agree it's OK to be white, compared with 12% who disagree. Adams said in his Wednesday rant that he had moved to a different location to get away from Black people, and urged other whites to do the same. "I'm not saying start a war or anything like that," he said. "I'm just saying get away." (Reporting by Sharon Bernstein; editing by Jonathan Oatis) ROME (AP) At least 45 migrants died when their wooden boat smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart off southern Italy before dawn Sunday, the Italian coast guard and U.N. agencies said. Survivors indicated that dozens more could be missing from the boat that had set out from Turkey. The Italian Coast Guard said at least 80 people were found alive, some of whom succeeded in reaching the shore after the shipwreck. The precise numbers were hard to establish. A reporter for Italian RAI state TV, standing next to the wreckage on the beach, quoted local authorities as saying 60 bodies had been recovered. With his foot, he indicated a life preserver bearing the word Smyrna, a Turkish port also known as Izmir. Authorities said the cloth-covered bodies were brought to the sports stadium in the nearest city, Crotone. More than 170 migrants were estimated to have been aboard the ship, two U.N. agencies, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration, said in a joint statement that cited survivor accounts. Among those aboard, there were "children and entire families,'' the U.N. statement, with most of the passengers coming from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia. The boat collided with the reefs in violently rough seas, whipped up by powerful winds. Some of the wreckage ended up on a stretch of beach along Calabria's Ionian Sea coast, where splintered pieces of bright blue wood littered the sand like matchsticks. All of the survivors are adults,'' said Red Cross volunteer Ignazio Mangione. Unfortunately, all the children are among the missing or were found dead on the beach." A months-old baby and a boy of 8 were reported among the dead. Reporting from the village of Steccato di Cutro, state TV quoted survivors as saying the boat had set out five days earlier from Turkey. Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni said the migrants had been crowded into a 20-meter (66-foot) -long boat. Italian authorities said a rescue operation involving a helicopter and police aircraft, and vessels from state firefighter squads, the coast guard and border police, was underway Sunday. Local fishermen also joined in the search for survivors. A pair of firefighter water rescuers struggled with wind gusts and waves several meters (yards) high crashing onto the beach as they brought a body ashore. A local priest said he blessed bodies while they were still lying on the beach. One survivor was taken into custody for questioning after survivors indicated he was a trafficker, Rai state TV said. Some of the survivors tried to keep warm, wrapped in blankets and quilts. They were taken by bus to a temporary shelter. State TV said 22 survivors were taken to the hospital for treatment. Pope Francis told the faithful in St. Peter's Square he was pained by the news. I pray for each of them, for the missing and the other migrants who survived. The pontiff added he also was praying for the rescuers and for those who give welcome to the migrants. It's an enormous tragedy, Crotone Mayor Vincenzo Voce told RAI state TV. In solidarity, the city will find places in the cemetery for the dead, Voce said. In 2022, some 105,000 migrants arrived on Italian shores, some 38,000 more than in 2021, according to Interior Ministry figures. According to U.N. figures, arrivals from the Turkish route accounted for 15% of the total number, with nearly half of those fleeing from Afghanistan. In a statement released by the premiers office Sunday, Meloni expressed her deep sorrow for the many human lives torn away by human traffickers. Its inhumane to exchange the lives of men, women and children for the price of a ticket paid by them in the false prospect for a safe voyage, said Meloni, a far-right-wing leader whose governing allies includes the anti-migrant League party. She vowed to pursue a crackdown on departures arranged by people smugglers and to press fellow European Union leaders to help Italy in her quest. Opposition parties, however, pointed to Sundays tragedy as proof that Italys migration policy was badly flawed. Condemning only the smugglers, as the center-right is doing now, is hypocrisy, Laura Ferrara, a European Parliament lawmaker from the populist 5-Star Movement, said. The truth is that the EU today doesnt offer effective alternatives for those who are forced abandon their country of origin, Ferrara said in a statement. As well as the route from Turkey, another route employed traffickers crosses the central Mediterranean Sea from Libya's coast, where migrants often endure brutal detention conditions for months, before they are allowed to board rubber dinghies or aging wooden fishing boats, toward Italian shores. The route is considered one of the most deadly. Another heavily plied begins on Tunisia's shores, with many of those boats reaching the southern Italian island of Lampedusa, or Sardinian beaches, often without need of rescue. Meloni's government has concentrated on complicating efforts by humanitarian boats to make multiple rescues in the central Mediterranean by assigning them ports of disembarkation along Italy's northern coasts, meaning the vessels need more time to return to the sea after bringing those rescued aboard, often hundreds of migrants, safely to shore. Humanitarian organizations have lamented that the crackdown also includes an order to the charity boats not to remain at sea after the first rescue operation in hopes of performing other rescues, but to head immediately to their assigned port of safety. Violators face stiff fines and confiscation of the rescue vessel. Italian President Sergio Mattarella called on the European Union to "finally concretely assume the responsibility of managing the migratory phenomenon to remove it from the traffickers of human beings.'' He said the EU should support development in countries where young people who see no future decide to risk dangerous sea journeys toward what they hope will be better lives. Italy has complained bitterly for years that fellow EU countries have balked at taking in some of the arrivals, many of whom are aiming to find family or work in northern Europe. ___ Follow APs global migration coverage at IT minister K.T. Rama Rao. (Photo: Twitter) HYDERABAD: BRS working president and IT minister K.T. Rama Rao will tour all the districts in the next three months in the run-up to the next Assembly elections. In what is his first such undertaking, Rama Rao will address 50 public meetings covering 50 Assembly constituencies besides launching development programmes. The tour will have its first stopover in Hanamkonda district on Monday. After launching a slew of development programmes, he will address a public meeting at Sodashapally cross road in Velair mandal. Party sources said that since party president and Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao will be busy with BRS expansion plans, he has urged Rama Rao to undertake tours of districts. Opposition parties like the Congress and BJP have stepped up political activity in the state with many of their top leaders extensively undertaking tours in districts. While TPCC chief A. Revanth Reddy is continuing his padayatra from February 7, BJP state president Bandi Sanjay has already completed a few rounds of padayatra and the party has organised 6,500 street corner meetings of the projected 11,000. On this count, BRS seems to be lagging behind as it did not organise any public outreach programme in several months. The only one of note was the public meeting of Chandrashekar Rao at Khammam on January 18. Against this backdrop, he has reportedly decided to depute Rama Rao to undertake tours to districts and boost the morale of party leaders and cadre. Mourners in Bucha, Ukraine, place flowers at a gravesite Friday, the one-year mark of Russia's invasion. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) Russias war on Ukraine has entered its second year, with a universal realization that the world is witnessing a long, protracted conflict, the deadliest in Europe since World War II, in which Moscow and Kyiv are hoping against long odds for a decisive breakthrough in 2023. This has become a grinding war of attrition, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a recent meeting of member countries defense ministers. And wars of attrition tend to end badly, with overwhelmingly deadly tolls. A year on, tens of thousands of Ukrainians and Russian soldiers are dead. The United Nations has counted nearly 10,000 Ukrainian civilian fatalities, acknowledging that the toll is higher but cannot be tallied amid the chaos. Millions of Ukrainians are displaced from their homes; thousands of children have been reportedly kidnapped and spirited to Russian territory; scores of villages and cities lie in full or partial ruin; and global impacts include soaring prices for oil and food products that normally come from the region. Ukrainian forces talk to the media at a position outside Kyiv, Ukraine, on Tuesday. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) Prospects for a diplomatic resolution remain low while more fighting is on the horizon. Both sides are gearing for a spring offensive, with Russians desperate for a major victory on the battlefield after numerous setbacks and Ukrainians determined to take back more captured territory, predominantly in the south and east. Most military analysts predict that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attempt again to conquer Kyiv, the capital, after failing spectacularly early in the war to gain what was presumed by analysts to be an easy trophy. But Putin, they say, is nowhere near quitting. The U.S. government has thrown its lot behind Ukraine and its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, a former comedic actor and an improbable statesman hero, in ways not seen in other recent conflicts. It puts Washington at odds with fellow nuclear power Moscow, at least rhetorically, on a daily basis. The U.S. also galvanized a rare show of broad Western unity in support of Ukraine. The run-up to Fridays one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion for Ukrainians, a moment of somber reflection and steely resolve highlighted that commitment. On Saturday, air-raid sirens again blared in Kyiv, symbolizing the plunge into another year of warfare. A man fixes a flag at a small memorial Friday in Bucha, Ukraine, for eight Ukrainian civilians who were executed by Russian forces. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) The Ukrainian capital last week was the backdrop for a dramatic, secrecy-shrouded trip by President Biden, who strolled a cobbled square with Zelensky and reaffirmed Washington's pledge of continued support. It was the first time in modern history that a U.S. president had ventured into a war zone not controlled by the U.S. military, and a huge affront to Putin, who had assumed he would be controlling these streets long ago. "Kyiv stands. And Ukraine stands," Biden said. He announced another half-billion dollars in military aid, in addition to the more than $50 billion provided for weapons and economic assistance. This supply has evolved from relatively unsophisticated howitzers and Javelin missiles in the early days to heavier and longer-range firepower including a Patriot battery and battle tanks. Zelensky is always seeking more, but Washington has been carefully calibrating a slow upgrade of materiel mindful of what the Ukrainians can operate effectively and what Moscow will view as provocative escalation. Entire battalions of Ukrainian troops are being taken outside the country and trained to operate the more complex military equipment, U.S. officials say. Biden's next-day appearance in Warsaw, where he drilled down on the same message, coincided with a fiery speech by Putin on Defender of the Fatherland Day, in which he made it clear that a full victory remains Russia's goal. The uncompromising rhetoric and the erratic pace on the battlefield suggest that no resolution is in sight. I hope that were not sitting here a year from now discussing the same things," said Dara Massicot, a senior policy researcher at Rand Corp. "The Ukrainians are going to need predictable and sustainable support. ... We are shifting into a really attritional, ugly, crude style yet effective style of fighting." The battlefield Though Russia and Ukraine envision a spring offensive, the fighting has never stopped during the chilly winter. Fierce battles have been raging around the smoking ruins of the Ukrainian-held eastern town of Bakhmut for months. Although it would not represent a particularly important gain for Moscow's forces, Russia believes it would open a tactical path to larger cities such as Kramatorsk and Sloviansk in eastern Donetsk province. Russias battlefield strategy is largely concentrated on the Donbas region, the eastern industrial heartland where pro-Russian separatists have been largely in control for years. Moscow wants to expand its holdings there. Analysts say the fighting indicates that Russias offensive is already in progress under way and underwhelming as one put it as Russians move equipment and fortify positions ahead of a broader offensive and gird against Ukrainian forces. The Ukrainians' preferred battle plan in coming weeks is thought to be a run south to bisect the V-shaped territory Russia controls in southeastern Ukraine. That would cut the land bridge that facilitates Russian supply lines and potentially make it more difficult for the Kremlin's forces to maintain connections to Crimea, the peninsula on Ukraine's southern Black Sea coast that Russia occupied and illegally annexed in 2014. For both sides, the ability to wage war greatly depends on the availability of weapons. Ukrainian forces show Stinger missiles and other military equipment to the media last week outside Kyiv, Ukraine. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) As Ukraine has benefited crucially from the stream of armaments from the U.S. and Europe, Russia faces critical shortages of weapons. Munition factories are reportedly working triple shifts to meet demands, while the military's order of battle tanks outstripped production capacity tenfold. There is also a crunch in production of drones and artillery, analysts said, which is expended at high rates in the battlefield. "The Russian defense industry is really struggling," said Shashank Joshi, a visiting fellow in war studies at the Kings College London and defense editor for the Economist magazine. Consequently, Russia is turning to outside sources. Iran has supplied Moscow with drones, according to U.S. officials who also say China is considering sending "lethal aid" to Russia. U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken warned his Chinese counterpart in a recent meeting that such an action would be a serious mistake and would invite U.S. sanctions. As for manpower, Russia has plenty, thanks to mobilizations of conscripts who form a legion of poorly trained soldiers who often don't survive long in combat. More are available, although enormous numbers of fighting-age Russian men have fled the country to avoid deployment to a front line where brutal conditions sometimes evoke wars of centuries past. "It is a complete meat grinder for Russian forces," Victoria Nuland, U.S. deputy secretary of State for political affairs, told CNN on Thursday. One U.S. estimate reports that 200,000 Russians have been killed or wounded. Like Russia, Ukraine does not disclose its military casualty counts. Russia's offensive has been bolstered by a mercenary force known as the Wagner Group, lorded over by Russian oligarch and Putin ally Yevgeny Prigozhin, who has been blacklisted by the U.S. government along with dozens of other Kremlin officials, Russian businessmen and companies. The Wagner Group has a ruthless reputation and has taken its deadly tactics around the world, especially in Africa, where it has shored up dictatorships by snuffing out dissidents. A rare public spat between the Wagner Group and the Russian military broke out recently, with Prigozhin complaining that many of his men were killed in Ukraine because of "shell hunger" a failure of the Russian army to supply critical ammunition. He posted photos of dozens of dead mercenaries. The dispute was resolved by the weekend, when Prigozhin said ammunition supplies were finally flowing; however, it raised questions about whether the private fighting force effective in its brutal way would continue in the Ukraine battle. It also highlighted tensions at the top surrounding Putin and his senior commanders, which U.S. officials are eager to exploit. We are nowhere near the end of this war," Rajan Menon, a political scientist at City University of New York who specializes in Russia, said at a panel for the Defense Priorities group that analyzes warfare. "Both sides think that time is on their side, and they will prevail. So they're better off fighting than not fighting." Marking the war's first anniversary on Friday, Zelensky sought to rally his bloodied compatriots, declaring the country unbowed. "We will do everything to gain victory this year," he said. Nuclear threat Putin, in ways subtle and less so, has raised the specter of using nuclear weapons in the conflict, risking a broader and even deadlier conflagration. The threat was heightened by his speech last week, in which he announced he was "suspending" Russia's participation in the New START treaty, the last nuclear arms-control pact between Washington and Moscow, possessors of the world's two largest nuclear stockpiles. While most analysts don't think this means an imminent use of nuclear power, the hints are part of a leitmotif Putin has employed since the beginning of the war. When he floated the suggestion in spring as Ukraine mounted a formidable counteroffensive, U.S. officials made direct contact with Russian officials and enlisted more neutral countries like India to do the same, all to persuade Putin to stand down, Blinken said. The last thing Putin wants, Blinken said, is a wider war that brings in NATO, one he could not win. Most analysts think that although the risk is higher now than in recent times, it remains unlikely that Putin will unleash nuclear weapons unless he sees his troops being routed or that hes losing Crimea. The Russians are "still concerned about escalation, said Joshi, the London-based defense expert. If President Putin believes time is on his side as [assessments indicate] he does, despite all the setbacks, it again militates against major escalation, he added. Why would you escalate if time is on your side? Chances for a breakthrough this year Although each side will likely make significant gains this year assuming their supplies hold up it is not at all certain those gains will be decisive, as much as the two parties want them to be. If Ukraine cannot recapture more territory and prove itself against the much larger Russian army, pressure will mount on Kyiv to negotiate. That is what Putin wants. The Russians "think that they can just wait us out," said Emily Harding, a former CIA analyst now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank. "They think they can drive wedges into the West and that eventually well sort of lose patience with this kind of conflict and say, 'Well, wouldnt it be better if we went to peace negotiations,' and peace negotiations in [Putin's] mind means that he gets to keep what he has now." For Zelensky, that outcome is untenable. Diplomacy and Western unity Many around the world were surprised at the level of Western cohesiveness in support of Ukraine. Putin had hoped to divide and weaken NATO, but the transatlantic alliance is stronger than it has been in a long time. Two countries Sweden and Finland have abandoned decades of neutrality to petition to join NATO. President Biden meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky outside St. Michael's monastery in Kyiv, Ukraine, during a surprise visit last week. (Evan Vucci / Associated Press) We were not certain the center would come together and that it would hold, Blinken, the American secretary of State, said in a video chat with the Atlantic magazine. And it has. Can it last? A noteworthy number of countries, including much of the so-called Global South, has refused to take a side or join in U.S.-European sanctions on Russia. There are many reasons: Some countries rely on Russia for fuel, food or other imported supplies; some see the conflict as a white mans war in which they have no stake. This comes despite several lopsided votes in the United Nations General Assembly, the most recent on Thursday, calling for Russia to withdraw from Ukraine or expressing similar pro-Ukraine sentiment. The resolutions are nonbinding, and the votes include a contingent of abstentions representing on average about 20% of U.N. membership. Some countries feel as if they can support these resolutions but not act against Russia. They are not likely to budge. The pressing question is whether NATO unity will continue as governments deal with higher fuel prices and other fallout from the war. Even within NATO, it is the prosperous northern countries that have been the most active. They include nations that formerly belonged to the Soviet sphere of influence and feel threatened by an aggressive Russia. "I don't see any prospect for negotiation, and it looks increasingly like this will be a protracted conflict," Andrea Kendall-Taylor, a former intelligence official now at the Center for a New American Security, told The Times. "Putin remains convinced he can prevail. Even as his military struggles to make gains on the battlefield, he is confident that the West will eventually grow tired of supporting Ukraine and that political changes in U.S. and European capitals will be advantageous for Moscow. ... So it's a real impasse." Putin, she added, is following the playbook of many authoritarian leaders, with no incentive to stop the war. What does peace look like? The United States insists it wants to see a "just and durable" peace in Ukraine. But what that means remains unclear. Ukraine has put forward a 10-point peace plan that includes an end to hostilities, Russia's withdrawal from all Ukrainian territory and the creation of some type of war-crimes tribunal. A priest holds a prayer Monday in Kyiv, Ukraine, in honor of people killed during the nation's 2013 protests. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) Those last two points are nonstarters for Russia. U.S. and European officials and analysts say Putin has shown no inclination to make peace. John Sullivan, until late last year the U.S. ambassador to Russia, says that anyone who "wondered whether there was an opportunity to negotiate with Russia" should just look at Putin's speech last week. "He is all in; he says this is his messianic mission," Sullivan said in remarks at the Wilson Center think tank in Washington. "In his mind ... this is total war against the West. There is no negotiation, there is no compromise, the only thing is victory." U.S. officials remain adamant they can't let that happen. If we just walk away from this," said John Kirby, spokesman for the National Security Council, "where does it stop? King reported from Kyiv, Wilkinson from Washington. This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. South Park has made headlines for its controversial depiction of Harry and Meghan. In a recent episode of the adult animated series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the royal couple are lampooned with a series of jokes referencing events from the last few years. Viewers have branded the episode brutal, and it was reported on Tuesday (21 February), that Markle herself was left upset by its content. A representative for the couple denied reports that they were considering a lawsuit, calling the speculation nonsense. Still, the episode, in true South Park form, doesnt hold back. Here are the references you might have missed. The social media candle furore The writers drew from Queen Elizabeths IIs funeral for one small joke featured early in the episode. The characters based on Harry and Meghan attend the funeral of the Canadian Queen, and as they arrive, they walk past a candle identical to the one that became the source of social media discussions back in September. Following the televised broadcast of the Queens funeral, unverified claims suggested that the royal family intentionally sat Markle behind a candle; many viewers said all they could see of Markle during the broadcast was her black hat. If anything, the candles appearance in South Park was designed to send up the social media furore as opposed to Markle. South Park referenced the candle furore following Queens funeral (Paramount Plus) Harrys memoir Perhaps an obvious one the book Harry is promoting in the episode is titled WAAAGH, which is a nod to his memoir Spare, which was published in January. In the book, which The Independent said sets fire to the royal family, Harry spoke of his hatred of the press, his strained relationship with his brother William and grappling with loneliness, trauma and PTSD. At one stage in the episode, South Park characte Kyle tells his friends: They have this huge jet parked in front of my house and they keep on wanting me to buy their book. Michelle Obama In the episode, the characters based on Harry and Meghan meet with a brand manager, who labels Meghan as a sorority girl, actress, influencer and victim. Meanwhile, Harry is described as royal prince, millionaire, world traveller victim. Meghans profile is also shown, and eagle-eyed viewers have noticed the phrases Lawyer Pretending and First Lady Botherer among her list of hobbies., The former is a nod to Meghans role in legal drama Suits, while the latter references quotes made by royal expert Tom Bower in Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors. South Park hints at claims surrounding Meghans relationship with Michelle Obama (Paramount Plus) Bower claims that Obama was alarmed following a series of meetings with Markle, who was allegedly unsure how to find her place within the royal family. He claimed that Obama told Markle: Take some time and dont be in a hurry to do anything. TV interviews South Park poked fun at Harry and Meghans TV appearances (Paramount Plus) Harry and Meghans several TV appearances, including a sitdown with Oprah Winfrey and appearance on ITV News, were sent up in the episode. The characters based on the pair appear on Good Morning Canada to insist they want privacy however, its pointed out by the host that Meghan is holding a sign reading: Do not look at us. Harrys sign states: We do not want privacy. When the host asks the prince if he hates journalists, he replies: Thats right. We just want to be normal people all this attention is so hard. They end up walking off the show. Their move to California In the episode, the royal couple give up their duties to move to South Park, with the character based on Meghan exclaiming: If we moved here, people would think were really serious about wanting to be normal. This is a direct reference to the couples move to California after announcing they would step down as senior royals in 2020. Their move to South Park angers the lead characters, with Kyle telling accusing the princes wife of bossing him around, adding: Im sick of hearing about them! I cant get away from them! They are in my f***ing face! Characters based on Harry and Meghan move to South Park (Paramount Plus) Harrys frost-bitten penis After moving to South Park, the Harry and Meghan characters are furious after realising photos of their new home have been leaked to the media. When Kyle clashes with the couple, his new neighbours, the Meghan character accused him of victiminsing her, with Harry stepping in to defend his wife, by saying: This is an outrage we will just see how he deals with my blue penis. This is a reference to Harrys revelation in his memoir that he was suffering from a frostbitten penis at his brother Williams wedding to Kate Middleton, following a 200-mile expedition to the North Pole in March 2011. Meghans GQ magazine cover In a tiny moment featured in the episode, several magazine covers appear on the screen, many of which sends up Meghans interviews with Vogue and The Cut. However, its her GQ one, published in 2018, that is raising eyebrows. Written on the actual cover of the magazine was Meghans annus mirabilis, which, translated from Latin, means Meghans wonderful year. The Latin phrasing itself was a nod to a speech given by the Queen in 1992, referred to as her annus horribilis. The speech, which featured in the most recent season of The Crown, came after a particulary bad year for the monarchy. Parker and Stone eyed an opportunity, and instead of annus mirabilis, used the phrase Princess Anus on the fictional version of the magazine cover. South Park is available to stream in the UK on Paramount Plus. Xara Olivas makes a snowman as her siblings play in the snow during a storm in Acton. (Eric Thayer/For The Times) Antelope Valley residents arose from their slumber to an unfamiliar sight Saturday morning when snow blanketed parks, lawns and surrounding desert brush. Rogelio and Anthony Medrano, a father-son duo in Palmdale, immediately rushed out to duel in a snowball fight before they grabbed doughnuts and firewood to relax during the chilly morning. While Anthony hurled snowballs at the white grass across the street, Lancaster residents Spirit, Terrell and Laura Jones enjoyed the sights at Pelona Vista Park up the road. The trio attempted to go as far as Acton in northern Los Angeles County but were stopped by freeway closures, so they detoured to take in the scene in Palmdale. You dont have to drive all the way to Big Bear to enjoy the snow, Terrell Jones said. Were taking advantage of it. The sun would begin to shine in a blue sky by 11:30 a.m., but cars continued to pace up the mountain to enjoy the rare opportunity. Don Black and Christina White couldnt help but immediately jump into the white powder with glee. Ive lived here my whole life and its a freak thing to see it snow like this, Black said. My prayers have been answered, White yelled in the background as she scooped up a snowball. Its soothing. This is the type of weather that brings families together. Heavy snow began falling in Acton again about 1 p.m. and in a matter of minutes, the white powder had covered the hood and rooftop of Edgar Coronas black Honda Civic. I think Im going to have to wait and see if this stops because I dont think I can drive, Corona said. The 40-year-old father of two had driven his kids to Acton to enjoy the day playing in the snowfall. Its something weve never really experienced, he said. So I brought them here. Its been pretty great. Inside the Acton Plaza Liquor Store, owner Sam Bellat, 61, said business had been slow because of the partial closure of State Route 14. Bellat, who lives in Canyon Country, was stocking beverages when he glanced outside to see the heavy snowfall. He contemplated what he estimated would be an hour-long commute home. Maybe Ill sleep here tonight, he said. Meanwhile, across the state, ski resorts also celebrated the heavy snowfall, even as the storm made getting to them difficult or impossible. The roads to and from Big Bear Mountain resorts were closed Saturday, but its Bear Mountain and Snow Summit properties were open to visitors who were in town before the closures. Similarly, in Mammoth, U.S. Route 395 has been closed in both directions for two days. But Mammoth Mountain resort was open Saturday, with skiers and snowboarders who were in town before the closures enjoying really great conditions, said spokeswoman Lauren Burke. Since Wednesday, the resort has seen about four and a half to five and a half feet of snow. The storm has come in really cold, so the snow is fantastic." Mountain High in Wrightwood, where more than 5 feet of snow had fallen in 24 hours, was closed Saturday, as storm-related road closures made it impossible for guests and staff to reach the resort. We know this isn't great news for today's ticket holders but it is terrific news for snow lovers in the long run, according to a statement on the resorts website. This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. This week, Payscale released the results of its bellwether survey, the 2023 Compensation Best Practices Report. Its not wonderful news for employees: fewer employers are offering pay raises and those that will arent exactly being generous. As for folks who love the idea of more flexibility in their working lives? The survey reveals theres a growing kibosh on remote work arrangements. Senator Bernie Sanders four-day work week? Forget about it. The report, conducted between October 2022 and December 2022, of nearly 5,000 employers headquartered in the U.S. (69%), Canada (8%), and Europe, The Middle East and Africa (17%), is a bit of a downer. Workers are still hitting the exits voluntarily Its been a tough slog in the labor market for many companies. Six in ten organizations experienced labor shortages and trouble attracting and retaining talent in 2022, according to the report. And while many expect that the turnover rate for workers is likely to dip to around 25%, down from 36% in 2022, its still a crucial issue. Last year, for many employers dangling the ability to work remotely was a saving grace when it came to hiring and holding onto workers. In our monthly job seeker confidence surveys last year, we found that 60% of job seekers on ZipRecruiter say they would prefer to find remote jobs, Julia Pollak, chief economist at ZipRecruiter, the employment search site, told Yahoo Finance. Many job switchers have taken advantage of a hot labor market to move into remote or hybrid positions. And for companies, converting jobs to remote has dramatically increased recruitment and retention, and reduced wage growth pressures since they are now able to recruit in lower-cost parts of the country, she said. Source: Payscale 2023 Compensation Best Practices Report Its not that corporations have their head in the sand, they get it. A majority of organizations (55%) said that insisting that workers come to the office puts them in the back seat when it comes to hiring and competing for talent, according to the Payscale data. Thats up 11% from last year when nearly half of organizations felt that pinch. In fact, the bulk of organizations (51%) surveyed by Payscale are experiencing resistance by their workers when asked to return to the office, according to the report. That defiance wont surprise Amazon CEO Andy Jassy, who recently announced a mandated return-to-office of at least three days a week beginning May 1 much to the utter dismay of thousands of angry employees who have launched a petition to fight back. The bulk of organizations (51%) surveyed by Payscale are experiencing resistance by their workers when asked to return to the office, (Getty Creative) Workers push back on returning to the office; employers arent backing down Less than a quarter of those firms grappling with workers who want to stay remote feel that the impact is great enough to consider a policy change. Lets call it what it is, a shrug. In the meantime, one of the more egregious findings: about a quarter of employers surveyed by Payscale pay employees who dont come into an office less than those who do for the same position. A few firms are glomming on to the middle ground 10% believe that hybrid offices are the sweet spot and have done a swell job of slowing resignations and boosted workers job satisfaction and engagement in their work, Payscale found. And according to the data, thats the work environment for just over a quarter, or 27% of employers. Most organizations, close to 60%, describe their office environment as either traditional or hybrid, which means that all or most employees would need to live within a commutable distance to an office even if they work from home some of the time, Amy Stewart, associate director of content and editorial, told Yahoo Finance. Companies that offer truly remote work, however, which is around 11% of those surveyed, will still have a major competitive advantage this year in attracting and retaining talent, Stewart said. Sanders tweet Four-day week? Dream on Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) is an advocate of shortening the work week from five days to four and believes that workers shouldnt have their pay cut as a result. With exploding technology and increased worker productivity, its time to move toward a four-day work week with no loss of pay, Sen. Sanders tweeted from his government account earlier this week. Workers must benefit from technology, not just corporate CEOs. The impetus for his remarks were the new findings from a six month pilot program with about 2,900 workers across 61 companies in the UK that ended in December 2022. The British companies in industries ranging from marketing to construction allowed employees to work four days a week for identical pay. The upshot: Employee morale, productivity, and retention all increased. And more than 9 in 10 of the businesses will continue the shorter week schedule, according to the report. Thats a good thing because a whopping 15% of the employees who participated said no amount of money would convince them to go back to working five days a week. But dont get too amped up that you will see anything similar in this country anytime soon, even with Sen. Sanders' endorsement. A tiny 10% of U.S. companies plan to offer shorter weeks in 2023, up from 9% in 2022, Payscale found. Yahoo Finance Take: Theres little doubt that to build loyalty and a company culture, bringing a team together can be magic, especially for younger workers on-boarding to their first professional jobs. In the end, the hybrid-model seems to resonate and meet the needs of both. Given that employers are still grappling with workers hitting the exits at a brisk pace, this is worth considering. The four-day work week? Like we said, dream on. Kerry is a Senior Reporter and Columnist at Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter @kerryhannon. Click here for the latest economic news and economic indicators to help you in your investing decisions Read the latest financial and business news from Yahoo Finance Download the Yahoo Finance app for Apple or Android Follow Yahoo Finance on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flipboard, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Man from Kashmiri Pandit community shot dead by terrorists in Pulwama Terrorists shot dead a man belonging to the Kashmiri Pandit community in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district Sunday, police said. (Representational image: PTI) Srinagar: Terrorists on Sunday shot dead a 40-year-old Kashmiri Pandit man in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district while he was on his way to a local market, police said. Sanjay Sharma (40), who worked as an ATM guard, was shot in the chest at point-blank range in the Achan area of the south Kashmir district around 11 am, they added. "Terrorists fired upon one civilian from minority namely Sanjay Sharma S/O Kashinath Sharma R/O Achan Pulwama while on way to local market," the Kashmir Zone police wrote on Twitter. They said Sharma was rushed to a hospital but he succumbed to the injuries. "There was armed guard in his village. Area cordoned off. Details shall follow," police said. Meanwhile, a pall of gloom descended on the victim's village. The deceased worked as an ATM guard in a bank but was not reporting to duty of late following an earlier spate of terror attacks on his community members, his colleagues said. Political parties condemned the killing, terming it "senseless". "Deeply saddened to hear of the demise of Sanjay Pandith of Achan in Pulwama district of South Kashmir. Sanjay was working as a bank security guard and was killed in a militant attack earlier today. I unequivocally condemn this attack and send my condolences to his loved ones," National Conference (NC) leader Omar Abdullah said in a tweet. People's Democratic Party (PDP) chief Mehbooba Mufti blamed the BJP-led Centre for failing to protect Kashmiri Pandits. The former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister also hit out at the perpetrators of the attack. Talking to reporters here, she said, "A few days ago, right-wing terrorists killed two Muslims in Rajasthan. Today, you have killed a Hindu. What is the difference between you and them?" Mufti accused the BJP government of endangering the lives of minorities in Kashmir while projecting a picture of normalcy in the valley. NC's chief spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq condemned the killing, saying it was an unfortunate incident. "As the majority community, we should ensure the protection of the minorities," he said, adding that the government has failed to do so. Didnt Groucho Marx say it best? I refuse to be a member of any club that accepts me. So how do you identify a writer? Give her a mirror. If she holds it up to society, shes a writer. (DC File Image) Not too long ago, an agitated writer got in touch. (Calm writers dont usually approach us.) The writer was frustrated, she said, because of how she was being treated by the publishing world: with zero respect or care, no responses either negative or affirmative, to queries regarding manuscripts, no acknowledgement of mails, calls, messages. Nothing. I didnt find it surprising. She wasnt the first writer Id met whod had the exact same problems; she certainly wouldnt be the last. What shed encountered was standard procedure for Indian publishers with regard to writers who didnt count. (As to who counts, thats another piece.) We should do something, she said. I already have, I said. Written a slew of articles, and a book, about the ugliness of publishing folk and the neediness of writers, a lock/key situation if ever there were one. (And enjoyed the minor, if highly satisfying, victory of having them published by the very people I was fighting.) Id written a play on the same subject, and am working on a web series. My wife, ever-wise, stayed out of the debate, and continued reading her book. We need to get together, the woman said. How? I said. We need to form a group of writers, aggrieved ones like us, and get empowered, she said. Not to be rude, I said, but I dont see myself as victim and dont need a group to make me powerful. Also: its the very idea of coteries, gangs, back-slapping fraternities and back-rubbing sisterhoods basically groups of any kind that we need to fight. Individually. But still, she said. It would be funny wouldnt it, I said, if I were part of a group that fought groups? She left. While the reason Id given her for not wanting to be part of a group of writers (or sous chefs or serial killers, for that matter) was honest, it wasnt the entire truth. I didnt want to have anything to do with someone whose final goal was clear as day. Noble though she may have thought her intent, it was really about being acknowledged and accepted by the mainstream, by folks who mattered: publishing heavies, lit fest organizers and big writers. It struck me two kinds of people set out to fight the establishment. Type One is the kind that gets a band of like-minded folk together in the hope of ruffling feathers. Her plan is annoying the biggies enough to take notice, open the side-door a crack and allow her entry into the club, if nothing but to shut her up. So she smoothly transitions from outsider to insider. This writer/artist is basically fighting for only one aggrieved party: herself. (A shrill-voiced actress we all know is the perfect example of this type, fighting off one lot of so-called biggies to be part of the biggest gang of biggies.) Type Two, on the other hand, fights the establishment because it needs to be fought. Like all establishments. She fights it neither for herself nor for anyone else. She fights the establishment because it creates pecking orders and imbalances in power. Because it is the very enemy of art, reason, merit, truth. Type Two will fight till the establishment crumbles. Or die trying. Will fight old friends if they become the new establishment. For her, the art and the fight are one; she would hardly be able to create one if she gave up the other. Such an artist can never be part of a group, any group. All the more so when the group rolls out the red carpet. Didnt Groucho Marx say it best? I refuse to be a member of any club that accepts me. Today, the writer I speak of has achieved her lowly goal. To her temporary delight, shes made it to the lowermost rung of the so-perceived It Gang. Has weaselled her way into lit fests, got her books mentioned by important writers and is promoting her books with the subtlety of a banshee on Red Bull. I had judged her right. She wasnt a writer. So how do you identify a writer? Give her a mirror. If she holds it up to society, shes a writer. If she looks longingly at herself, she isnt one. Ukraines independence unfortunately became problematic for the Soviet Unions successor state Russia from the day go itself. February 24 marked the first anniversary of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Gen. Mark Millay, chairperson of the US joint chiefs of staff, stated in November 2022 that the number of combatants killed as a consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine could well be in the range of 200,000 with the number split evenly down the middle between Russia and Ukraine. Over 40,000 Ukrainian civilians or even a higher number were perhaps also dead. The rape, torture and other atrocities ostensibly perpetrated by the invaders is another grisly fact that warrants an impartial international criminal investigation to establish the truth and prosecute the perpetrators at some point in time. About five hundred thousand or perhaps even a higher number of people have also left Russia either because of their opposition to the aggression or to escape being mobilised and sent to fight a war that they do not believe in. It would be instructive to recall that Ukraine was once a part of the erstwhile Soviet Union from December 30, 1922, till August 24, 1991, when the Soviet Republic started unravelling and the constituent units went their own separate ways. Ukraines independence unfortunately became problematic for the Soviet Unions successor state Russia from the day go itself. First it was defanged by the Budapest Memorandum in 1994 when it was stripped of its nuclear arsenal. Ironically, one of the guarantors of Ukraines territorial sovergnity when it acceded to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty was Russia. The very first article of the Memorandum on Security Assurances, known as the Budapest Memorandum, in connection with Ukraines accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, stated as follows: The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE [Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe] Final Act, to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine. The second article solemnly undertook the United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. The battering of Ukraines sovereignty has unfortunately been now an aggression in continuum since 2014 commencing with the illegal occupation of Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea. In 2014 and 2015, another set of agreements known as the Minsk Protocol and Minsk-2 were signed to end fighting between Russian backed separatist groups aided and abetted by the Russian state and the Ukrainian military in the Donbas region where the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk are situated. One of the salient terms of the Minsk-2 agreement was the restoration of full control over the state border of Ukraine by Ukraines government throughout the whole conflict area. This, of course, was to be based upon certain prerequisites to be implemented by Ukraine. Unfortunately, continued support for the Russian-backed separatist elements by the Russian military and deep state became an impediment leading to the collapse of the Minsk Process. There was, of course, not even an explanation offered by Russia for the forcible annexation of Crimea in February-March 2014 that could be viewed with any kind of legitimacy vis-a-vis the annexation in the court of either international jurisprudence or public opinion. Coming back to the current situation at hand the aggression has actually tilted the balance of power against Russia. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) has consolidated as never before. The deep chasm that had emerged following President Donald Trumps repeated demands from Nato members to pony up and pay their dues have been healed by the Russian action on Ukraine. Weapons, finances, logistical support and other supplies are freely and openly flowing to Ukraine from the Nato countries. The Bucharest-9, the group of nine countries that form the eastern flank of Nato consisting of Romania, Poland Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, are the most impacted and insecure about the invasion of Ukraine. Their defences are being strengthened and consolidated with Nato troop deployment and weapon systems being upgraded. Finland and Sweden that were neutral during the Cold War with Swedens ostensible neutrality extending even further back to World War-2 have both applied to join Nato. In fact, throughout the Cold War, Finlands foreign policy was in congruence with the erstwhile Soviet Unions in terms of the Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance Treaty Soviet Treaty signed between the two nations on April 6, 1948. Though the treaty was repudiated by a political one signed between Russia and Finland on January 20, 1992, Finland was still mindful of Russias concerns notwithstanding its diminished standing after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. However, the invasion of Ukraine has forced both of them over the edge. Thus Russia is boxed in by Nato allies from all sides. Even Russias other allies and friends in that order, and nations traditionally antagonistic to the American-controlled status quo, have been hedging their bets, including and not limited to China and India. There is a general sense of consternation with the Russian aggression and even the most charitable friend of Russia finds it impossible to rationalise, much less justify, Russian actions. With President Bidens latest visit to Kyiv and even other European leaders standing firm behind Ukraine, it does not seem that European unity would crack anytime soon. In fact, the battlefield itself is now a mixed bag with many non-state combatants in action on both sides. What then has the Kremlin or specifically President Vladimir Putin really achieved by this year long aggression and transgression into Ukraine? Have any of the strategic or even tactical objectives with regard to the security of Russia been fulfilled by the senseless human suffering that this unprovoked assault on Ukraines sovereignty has unleashed? The answer is emphatically in the negative. President Vladimir Putin would do well to reflect back to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 that paved the way for the eventual collapse of not only the Soviet Union but the Soviet empire itself. Is there a danger of history repeating itself all over again? The pontiff appeals for an end to the violence in Israel and Palestine. He expresses sorrow for the death of migrants in a shipwreck in Calabria (Italy). Commenting on the Gospel passage of Jesus's temptations, he notes that one cannot defeat the devil by negotiating with him, but by countering him in faith with the divine Word. Vatican City (AsiaNews) Pope Francis appealed again for an end to violence in the Holy Land during todays Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square. Distressing news continues to arrive from the Holy Land, he said. So many people killed, even children How can this spiral of violence be stopped? I renew my appeal to make dialogue prevail over hatred and vengeance, and I pray to God for the Palestinians and Israelis, that they may find the path to fraternity and peace, with the help of the international community. The pontiff also expressed concern over the situation in Burkina Faso, where terrorist attacks continue, and sorrow after a boat carrying migrants sank off the coast of Italy, near Crotone. Forty dead have already been recovered, including many children, he said. I pray for each one of them, for the missing and for the other surviving migrants. I thank those who have brought relief and those who are providing shelter. May Our Lady sustain these brothers and sisters of ours. And let us not forget the tragedy of the war in Ukraine; the war has already continued for a year. And let us not forget the suffering of the Syrian and Turkish people due to the earthquake. Before the Angelus, Francis spoke about the Gospel passage about the temptations of Jesus (Mt 4:1-11) in the liturgy on this first Sunday of Lent. The devil, he said, enters the scene to divide Jesus from the Father and to distract him from his mission of unity for us. He does this by trying to instil in him three powerful poisons, namely attachment, mistrust, and power. It is first with persuasive arguments [that] the devil tries to convince Jesus: You are hungry, why must you fast? Listen to your need and satisfy it, you have the right and the power: transform the stones into bread. Then [comes] the second poison, mistrust: Are you sure the Father wants what is good for you? Test him, blackmail him! [. . .] Finally, power: You have no need for your Father! Why wait for his gifts? [. . .], take everything for yourself, and you will be powerful! These temptations are the same the devil uses to make us no longer feel like brothers and sisters among ourselves, to lead us to solitude and desperation. Yet Jesus overcame temptations by avoiding arguing with the devil and responded instead with the Word of God. This is an invitation to us too; one cannot defeat him by negotiating with him, he is stronger than us. We defeat the devil by countering him in faith with the divine Word. In this way, Jesus teaches us to defend unity with God and among ourselves from the attacks of the divider. At the same time, we must ask ourselves: What place does the Word of God have in my life? Do I turn to it in my spiritual struggles? If I have a vice or a recurrent temptation, why do I not obtain help by seeking out a verse of the Word of God that responds to that vice? Finally, May Mary, who welcomed the Word of God and with her humility defeated the pride of the divider, accompany us in the spiritual struggle of Lent. Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. FWD Slotted below the better-equipped EX and EX-L, the LX most likely returned for 2023 because its priced at under $30,000, including destination charge. The LX kicks off at $29,705 with 17-inch steel wheels topped with plastic hubcaps versus 18-inch alloys for the EX trim level.It doesnt feature a sunroof. The budget-friendly also removes the power driver seat, front seatback pockets, heated front seats, heated side mirrors, and the automatic up/down function of the front passenger window. Lots of driver-assist features arent standard either, but still, the standard kit is more than reasonable at this price point.First and foremost, Honda Sensing and 7.0-inch touchscreen infotainment open the list of goodies. A four-speaker audio system and climate control of the single-zone variety are standard too, along with a 1.5-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine and a continuously variable transmission. All-wheel drive is the only highlight option, currently priced at $1,500.The remainder of the lineup comprises in the order of pricing the EX, Sport Hybrid, EX-L, and Sport Touring Hybrid, with the EX listed by the configurator at $31,610, excluding the $1,295 destination charge. The combustion-only EX-L is $34,260, whereas the hybrid twins are priced at $32,950 and $39,100, respectively.The LX, EX, and EX-L share their 1.5-liter turbo with the previous generation of the Honda CR-V, which arrived in dealer showrooms nationwide for the 2017 model year. It cranks out a stout 190 horsepower and 179 pound-feet (243 Nm), with Honda recommending 87 octane or higher-grade dinosaur juice in the fuel tank.Theversion of the CR-V 1.5T is rated by the Environmental Protection Agency at 30 miles per gallon (7.8 liters per 100 kilometers) on the combined test cycle. Opting for all-wheel drive translates to 29 miles per gallon (8.1 liters per 100 kilometers). A bigger difference between front- and all-wheel drive concerns the CR-V Hybrid, rated at 40 and 37 miles per gallon (5.9 and 6.5 liters per 100 kilometers) by the U.S. federal agency.As mentioned earlier, the LX isnt listed on Hondas consumer website at the moment of writing. Dealer inventory also reveals that the LX trim level of the Civic has been quietly reintroduced as well, with pricing kicking off at $24,545 and $25,545, depending on body style. Both the four-door sedan and five-door hatchback rock the naturally-aspirated engine of the Sport trim level, paired to a continuously variable transmission.Hondas perennial best-sellers moved 238,155 and 133,932 units in 2022 stateside, with the Civic ranking third after the Accord s 154,612 deliveries. All told, American Honda shipments totaled 881,201 units last year, down from 1,309,222 units delivered in 2021. Not touching anything is already a leap Photo: Volvo EV It's a kind of magic. Until its not Photo: Electreon kW Wireless charging of EVs while theyre parked kWh Photo: BMW kilowatt Charging your car while on the move is not sci-fi anymore Photo: Electreon Sorry, but wireless charging is just not there yet Photo: Electreon The future is both wireless and autonomous Photo: Electreon We started this three-part debate based on what todays drivers see as ease of use for their internal combustion cars. Filling up the tank in a matter of minutes and driving long-range distances with no worries is the basis for peace of mind.Currently, electric cars and SUVs are plagued by long battery charging times and poor range between charging. At least, this is what popular wisdom has been promoting throughout the years. The industry tried to find alternatives to plug-in charging to overcome the 'range anxiety' obstacle and time-related issues.Weve seen that China is investing big into battery swapping technology , which sort of mirrors the gas station convenience. Other companies are pursuing wireless conductive charging, copying the rail electrification, with pantographs and in-road electric rails.However, all these stumble upon technical and standardization hurdles that, unfortunately, overcome their convincing advantages. At least for the rest of this decade. A third alternative is wireless inductive charging. Lets see its pros and cons.To fill up the tank, you have to open the gas cap, take the fuel nozzle, and put it in for the liquid to flow to the tank. You can do it wireless only if someone else is doing this for you. So, not having to touch anything for your car to be ready to go is a strong selling point.Swapping batteries is done automatically in the special station. Thats great, but replacing batteries over and over again puts some big stress on connecting electronics. Besides, if the battery is not part of the car structure, it can negatively impact its rigidity in time.Using conductive charging means the battery and the connecting electronics stay in their place. Besides, it proved its reliability in rail transport, as well as in public transport. The overhead pantograph or the underneath mobile arm must be all the time in touch with the wires and the electric rail, respectively.This is possible at low speeds, but the dynamics of the vehicle are ever-changing. And dont forget the intensive wear in time because of high voltage currents transmitted through the pantographs and rail arms.Thats why plug-in charging is still considered a better and safer option for battery swapping or conductive charging in the long run. At least, this is what most carmakers agree with today. They also agree that wireless charging is potentially game-changing.From a technical point of view, having no contact between connectors whatsoever increases the components reliability. It also could simplify the whole charging network design and reduce complexity. Oh, and it really is what the customer expects: not moving a finger to charge theirWhat is this wireless inductive charging, anyway? Interestingly, it was discovered over a century ago, but history mainly remembers Nikola Teslas experiments in this field. His famous Wardenclyffe 185-foot tower is already subject to many urban stories and conspiracies.They say, seeing is believing, but you cant see this phenomenon. Maybe thats why even today many think its magic, and there are a few who fear witchcraft. In fact, magic has a name: electromagnetic induction. Its simple physics, so lets briefly recap if you missed that school lesson.When the electricity travels through a wire, it also creates a magnetic field around it. If youve got a coil, the magnetic field intensity is higher, and its field lines go further in space. When you put another coil near the first one, without touching it, the magnetic field simply creates a current in the second coil.Its worth noting the main difference between inductive charging and conductive charging, although both are labeled as wireless charging . Inductive charging means no contact between devices, and thats why its considered the real wireless charging.Wireless charging for electric cars is much older than you think. The first method was developed in the 1890s, almost 130 years ago! But real developments began only in the 1970s. The first application for an electric vehicle was a system capable of charging with a power of 20, which was pretty much half a century ago.In the 2000s, MIT made a major step forward in inductive charging by using something named resonant coupling. Its too complicated for basic physics, but in the following years, various organizations formed to create international standards for wireless charging usage.Today, wireless charging has become mainstream in smartphones. It seems on the way to becoming a big thing in the car industry as well because, in 2020, the SAE J2954 standard was published. After more than a decade in the making, it finally specifies the requirements for wireless charging of EVs Consulting company Markets&Markets projects that the global wireless charging market for EVs will grow from $15 million (14.2 million) in 2022 to more than $350 million (330 million) by 2027. This is an 80% increase in 5 years, and this signals lots of opportunities.For now, the average cost of a wireless charger is $2,500-3,000 (2,300-2,800) higher than a plug-in one. Fitting the corresponding equipment underneath the car adds several hundreds of dollars or even more than one thousand.As the competition will drive down the costs, many analysts believe that in-cities AC charging networks, along with home and office charging will convert to wireless charging devices in just a few years. The low-power 3 to 11 kW wireless charging is expected to become the norm for batteries up to 40-50What about fast charging? In 2018, researchers at the Department of Energys Oak Ridge National Laboratory demonstrated a 120-wireless charging system. It was a lab experiment, but it opened the gates to a wireless fast-charging race.By the way, the same ORNL demonstrated that wireless charging is suitable for high SUVs and pickup trucks, but also for vehicle-to-grid applications. Their most recent system is a unique polyphase electromagnetic coil that delivers the highest surface power density available.It can feed up to 1.5 MW per square meter of electricity without the need for cables. This way, it enables very fast wireless charging. While its in the development stage, it has the potential to charge vehicles in motion at highway speed. Does it sound like a game-changer or what?Conductive charging solution for moving vehicles implies all sorts of devices to make contact with overhead electrical lines or in-road electric rail. Inductive charging makes things simpler, and the rail can be hidden under the asphalt.One of the main advantages of a wireless charging network embedded in roads, highways, and parking lots is that cars dont need bigger batteries anymore. Wherever you go and wherever you park, theres energy feeding the electric motor of the car.For instance, a giant Hummer EV1 packing a more than 200 kWh battery today would simply need a battery ten times smaller, like those used in plug-in hybrids. Likewise, there would be no need for ultra-fast-charging networks anymore, because wireless charging means unlimited range.Of course, this is a very optimistic scenario because Hummer EV1 is an offroader, and wireless charging is hardly feasible in the wildness. But for 90% of the electric cars and SUVs is a workable scenario. And dont forget heavy-duty vehicles, like trucks and buses.In the last years, several companies have been very busy running pilot projects and trials. In 2020, Israel-based Electreon launched the first wireless electric road system for trucks and buses on public roads. The Smartroad Gotland project used a fully electric 40-ton truck and trailer on a 1-mile (1.6 km) stretch of electric road.It consisted of copper coils buried 8 cm (3.1 in.) below the roadway, while the truck was fitted with five 20-kW receivers, with an efficiency of about 90% each. In the following years, the demonstration project added a commercial electric airport bus, and the charging infrastructure was upgraded to new versions.In the meantime, the company partnered with the American association ASPIRE to launch an electrified roadway demonstration joint project in Utah. And it successfully completed the Arena of the Future trial in Italy, a pilot project in partnership with Stellantis.While the tests are very promising in terms of vehicle efficiency, there are still hurdles related mainly to road construction endurance. Installing the coils under the asphalt is not an easy task, and the lifetime of such a system is estimated to be only 5 to 7 years with current technologies.The cure could come from the German startup Magment, which developed a so-called magnetizable concrete, created from cement and recycled magnetic particles. It will be used in the first contactless wireless-charging concrete pavement highway segment in Indiana, in a joint project of the Department of Transportation and Purdue University.The cost is also an issue. Initial calculations show that an in-road wireless charging network would be at least 50% more expensive than a plug-in fast-charging stations network servicing the same number of electric vehicles.Of course, calculations dont take into account emission and cost savings because of the smaller batteries needed by electric vehicles. Theres also a convenience cost that cant be evaluated yet, although time is money is a good starting point.We cannot ignore the problem of the alignment between the two coils, the one in the road and the one underneath the vehicle. If the alignment is not perfect, the efficiency drops by a large margin, and it translates to energy losses or lower speeds for the vehicle.The easiest solution is to let the cars computer deal with alignment, which is fairly easy for the nearly self-driving systems. And this gets us to the biggest elephant in the room: the interdependency of autonomous electric vehicles and wireless charging.The worst-kept secret of Big Auto is they want to replace drivers with robots. At least this is the favorite conspiracy related to self-driving cars . Autonomous vehicles main purpose is to increase efficiency and lower road fatalities. Its just engineering common sense.While they are far from being zero-emissions, electric vehicles are already halving the emissions and pollutants caused by internal combustion engines. Add to the equation the self-driving technology gains in efficiency, and here you are slashing emissions to almost zero is possible.You dont have to be a genius to understand that wireless charging is the missing link for a self-driving global fleet. Maybe robots could deal with filling up tanks, either with petroleum fuels, or hydrogen and e-fuels. But this is far more complicated than a wireless charging network.Likewise, swapping batteries is competitive only when compared to classic plug-in charging stations. When wireless charging comes into the picture, battery swap becomes simply obsolete. Or complementary at most.Finally, conductive charging is an interesting option, but its less attractive than inductive charging because of more complexity and all those parts that need to be in contact. The main advantage of wireless charging is its universal compatibility with any standardization.In a perfect world, self-driving vehicles powered by a wireless charging network are the best-case scenario. I know its still a sci-fi scenario for now. Its not an easy task to foresee the future, but this is what industry and policymakers are forced to do.Because the solutions we choose to fund today are shaping the future worlds sustainability, and ultimately, will decide our societys fate. So, dont be surprised if you see a focus shift to these two technologies by the end of this decade.It will simply mean that The fittest survive Darwinian principle will prevail. And this is good news for future generations, despite the reluctance of many of todays generations. But, hey, theres never been an easy way for evolution on this planet. Get used to it. EV Photo: Robert Linder on Unsplash kW Florida senator Jonathan Martin is worried that EVs might create roadblocks during hurricane evacuations. The lawmaker argues that a lack of charging infrastructure might lead to these cars emptying their batteries and remaining stranded on the side of the road, effectively blocking others from going to the nearest unaffected area.Martin underlines that the Department of Transportation should somehow limitowners from using their cars when they must evacuate. In his opinion, all-electric cars might turn a two-hour trip into an eight-hour one because there arent enough chargers in the state to satisfy everyones energy needs. Until the NEVI funding kicks in and the charger development starts, the senators concern is that the current infrastructure is too weak to support everyone while they must join high-speed roads.A Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) said the matter will be discussed with the relevant agencies, but pointed out they would prefer to help everyone during evacuations rather than put more barriers on mobility during stressful times.The same source explained that the FDOT is looking to stock up on portable chargers and have gas-powered vehicles that can be deployed during an emergency to help everyone in need, including EV drivers, as Tampa Bay Times reported.Its worth mentioning that hurricane evacuation alerts are put out promptly, which could theoretically give enough time for EV owners to replenish their vehicles energy storage units. Besides that, the coverage of such an event is extensive and most people who have radio, TV, or internet access learn about such a dangerous natural phenomenon in due course.According to the Department of Energy (DoE), Floridians are warming up to zero-tailpipe emission vehicles at the second-fastest rate in the country. They are behind Californians in this respect. Last year, for example, the number of electric vehicles registered in Florida almost doubled. But this should not enough to worry everyone about potential charging issues in emergency scenarios because EVs currently account for just a little over 1% of all the cars on the Sunshine States roads.Moreover, its important to remember that EVs lose most of their range while traveling at high speeds for longer periods. When stuck in traffic, the energy consumption is low, and the overall efficiency increases because the motors arent put to too much work. Thats why we see vehicles like the BMW i4 eDrive40 having a higher real range estimation for urban driving (416 mi/670 km) than for highway use (273 km/ 440 km) in mild weather. The lack of an exhaust system is also helpful when queueing because no harmful pollutants are emitted while waiting for traffic to clear.Finally, Florida is set to receive almost $200 million in federal funding to develop the charging infrastructure according to the NEVI guidelines. This means EV owners will enjoy charging stations and high-power chargers (150minimum) situated no more than 50 mi (80 km) apart from each other and no farther than one mile (1.6 kilometers) from any alternative fuel corridor which means that almost the entire Interstate network will be covered until 2028. This blog covers software patent news and issues with a particular focus on wireless, mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers, connected cars) as well as select antitrust matters surrounding those devices. Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. Starbucks gives James Martin a red carpet send-off ahead of the Oscars. Pic shared by An Irish Goodbye on Twitter. Belfast actor James Martin with The Banshees of Inisherin star Colin Farrell at a BAFTAs after party in London. An Irish Goodbye star James Martin has been given a red carpet send-off by his colleagues at Starbucks as he prepares to head to the Oscars. The Northern Ireland film bagged a BAFTA in London last week allowing James to meet his hero, Banshees of Inisherin star Colin Farrell. The Belfast actor will be mingling with the stars again when the biggest bash in tinsel town gets underway on March 13. The flick has been nominated in the Best Short Film category at the 95th Academy Awards. Our leading man #JamesMartin was given a red carpet send off by his colleagues @StarbucksUK in Belfast, a post on the films official Twitter account reads. Our leading man #JamesMartin was given a red carpet send off by his colleagues @StarbucksUK #Belfast Having worked at Starbucks for 10 years, James will be swapping his apron for a tuxedo next month at the #Oscars An Irish Goodbye (@AnIrishGoodbye_) February 25, 2023 Having worked at Starbucks for 10 years, James will be swapping his apron for a tuxedo next month at the Oscars. Directed and written by Ross White and Tom Berkeley, An Irish Goodbye tells a story of two estranged brothers who come together after their mother's death. The black comedy is set on a rural farm in Northern Ireland and was shot on location in Londonderry, Templepatrick and Saintfield. It follows lead character Turlough (OHara) as he decides to send Lorcan (Martin), who has Downs syndrome, to live with their aunt on the other side of the country because he doesnt want to move back from London to take care of him and the farm. However, the story takes a turn when the brothers discover their mother has left a bucket list, and Lorcan refuses to leave the farm until the brothers have completed it together. Speaking in the BAFTA winners' room after picking up the coveted gong, White said: "It's a remarkable year for Irish film and the talent on display across all the awards. "We are a very small part of that but we're so honoured to be a part of that. "We're representing Northern Ireland as well, it just means a lot for us. "Our fellow nominees in Colm Bairead for The Quiet Girl, beautiful film, the Banshees team, to see this Irish talent all being recognised in this way it's such an honour and fills us with pride." The Oscars will take place in the Dolby Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue in Los Angeles next month. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen will meet in the UK on Monday (Steve Reigate/Daily Express/PA) Steve Reigate/Daily Express The Prime Minister is set to meet the President of the European Commission as they agree to keep working in person to resolve the row over the Northern Ireland Protocol. Ursula von der Leyen confirmed she will meet Rishi Sunak in Windsor on Monday. "Today, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak agreed to continue their work in person towards shared, practical solutions for the range of complex challenges around the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland, they said in a joint statement. President von der Leyen will therefore meet with the Prime Minister in the UK tomorrow. It comes after speculation mounted that a deal could be announced imminently, with Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab saying Britain and the European Union were on the "cusp" of striking an agreement. Speculation has been rife for the past week that the UK and the EU are about to announce a plan designed to solve trade frictions caused by the protocol. Ms von der Leyen had been due to travel to Britain on Saturday to hold talks with Mr Sunak, as well as meet the King at Windsor Castle, but the plans were scrapped. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at Cop27 (Steve Reigate/Daily Express/PA) SDLP leader Colum Eastwood welcomed progress but insisted that any resolution must secure the benefits of dual market access for businesses in Northern Ireland. The intense technical talks between the European Commission and the British Government aimed at securing the benefits of dual market access for businesses in Northern Ireland while addressing issues with implementation of the protocol are clearly reaching their conclusion. "That will be positive news for people, businesses and communities here. All political parties in the North will study the contents of any deal in detail but we should all be approaching this moment in good faith and with a determination to restore the democratic institutions of the Good Friday Agreement. The politics of division and deadlock must be abandoned in the days ahead. The Foyle MP cautioned against listening to those seeking to bolster their own positions. I have no doubt some will be tempted to wreck a deal. The wreckers must be resisted, Mr Eastwood said. We must all be dedicated to finding agreement and working toward solutions. However, TUV leader Jim Allister said Monday is set to be a day of unprecedented spin and possibly deception as pressure is piled on unionism to give in on its demands. The anchor to which unionism must hold firm is that of sovereignty, he added. If the deal does not remove colonial subjection to EU law and Brussels Customs Code, then Article 6 of the Acts of Union will remain in suspension and NI detached from the Union. It is a time for strength, not weakness. Meanwhile Mr Eastwood also addressed concerns about violence after senior UVF figures warned loyalists will wreck the place and said the streets will be in flames if the deal does not scrap the Irish Sea border. Over the last week, our people and our politics has been united in opposition to those who have tried to take us back to the ugliness of violence, he said. Whether it comes from dissident republicans or loyalist crime gangs, we must all stand together to resist those whose only concern is their domination of our communities. I am confident that the PSNI and the Paramilitary Crime Taskforce will continue to work to dismantle these gangs and diminish their insidious influence on our communities and our political process. Some unionists and loyalists have expressed serious concerns over the terms of the deal, with paramilitary groups threatening serious disorder if their demands are not met. In a sabre-rattling move, the UVF spent Friday evening placing boards throughout mid-Ulster and north Down calling for an end to the Irish Sea border. A leading figure in the gang told Sunday Life: Whats on the table doesnt deliver the end of the Irish Sea border. The warnings from David Campbell [Loyalist Communities Council chairman] should have been heeded. His efforts to keep a lid on things are running out of road. Loyalists are now being mobilised, and rather than the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement being a celebration, the streets will be in flames. Loyalists will wreck the place. It is very easy to take the hand off the wheel and just allow the men off the leash. The latest announcement opens the door for a potential unveiling of fresh protocol terms during the German politician's visit on Monday. Speaking to The Sunday Times on Saturday, Mr Sunak said he planned to work all weekend to nail down revised terms as he looks to keep hardline Conservative Brexiteers and the Democratic Unionist Party on side. He told the newspaper he was "giving it everything we've got" to finalise a fix for the protocol, a Brexit treaty negotiated by former prime minister Boris Johnson. The protocol, signed by Mr Johnson in 2020, was designed to prevent a hard border with Ireland after Brexit, with Northern Ireland continuing to follow EU rules on goods to prevent checks being needed when crossing into the Republic. But the trade barriers between Northern Ireland and Great Britain created by the treaty has created Unionist tension, with Mr Sunak admitting that it had "unbalanced" the Good Friday Agreement that helped end the Troubles bloodshed in the province. New IRA primary focus in probe into shooting of senior police officer The New IRA has purportedly claimed responsibility for the attempted murder of Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell in Omagh. A typed statement has appeared on a wall in Derry signed by T ONeill, the name used by the dissident republican group in the past. It says: The Irish Republican Army claim responsibility for the military operation targeting senior Crown Force member John Caldwell. An active service unit of the IRA were in position to target the enemy within our chosen kill zone with other armed volunteers giving cover. All volunteers returned safely to base. Irish Republican Army intelligence are now in possession of security information regarding the out of bounds movement of Crown Force personnel. We would say this, you still have to try and live a normal life day-to-day, one of these days the IRA will be waiting. T ONeill. The statement that has appeared on a wall in Derry. The dissident organisation has previously issued statements by posting them on walls in public areas. The statement was later carried on social media, including an account that has carried previous republican statements. Chief Inspector Caldwell, who fronted many murder investigations, was the public face of the PSNI for many years. The shooting of such a senior officer has sent shockwaves across the police force and left recruits fearful for their security. The detective remains critically ill in Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry. He was shot four times by two gunmen as he was loading balls into the back of his car after a training session in an Omagh leisure complex. His teenage son watched in horror as the New IRA opened fire on his father. There has been widespread condemnation of the murder attempt. The five Stormont party leaders denounced the dissident group. In a show of solidarity on Friday, Michelle ONeill, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, Stephen Farry, Doug Beattie and Colum Eastwood held a joint press conference with PSNI Chief Constable Simon Byrne. Police are probing a road traffic collision on the Sydenham Bypass in east Belfast on Sunday morning. Five people were injured and taken to hospital for treatment. Sergeant Jackson said: Shortly after 2am, we received a report of a two-vehicle collision in the Dee Street area. Five people were injured during the collision and were taken to hospital for treatment. Police are asking anyone with information or dash cam footage to contact them via 101. SUVA, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- Pacific leaders on Friday wrapped up the two-day Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Special Leaders' Retreat in Fiji, where Japan's Fukushima wastewater release plan was in the limelight. The PIF rotating chair underlined in a statement that science and data should guide political decisions on Japan's proposed discharge of treated radioactive wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea. The outgoing chair and Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, together with other PIF leaders, believes the decision is not as simple as a domestic issue of Japan, but concerns the South Pacific island countries and beyond. Given that related data and evidence provided by Japan are far from independent or verifiable, the PIF has called on the country repeatedly to delay the discharge plan. CRITICISM FROM INT'L COMMUNITY Civil society groups in Japan and many international organizations have also voiced objections to the plan, citing a lack of a practical demonstration and its potential threat to society and marine ecology. Over the past years, fishermen in neighboring countries have staged several rallies, calling for immediate stop to the "grave criminal act" of releasing radioactive water into the sea. Within Japan, local civic groups have organized protests outside the government house of Fukushima Prefecture. Japan's unilateral push to discharge radioactive wastewater from its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean is irresponsible and harmful, South Korean green activists have said. "The Pacific Ocean is not the sea of Japan, but the sea of everybody ... Pollutants will flow to neighboring countries in a situation that a lot of radioactive materials have already been released and contaminated (the marine ecosystem)," Ahn Jae-hun, energy and climate change director at the Korea Federation for Environment Movement, told Xinhua. The Japanese government's decision to discharge the contaminated water into the sea when there are alternatives such as long-term storage violates the precautionary principle recognized by the international community, Greenpeace Seoul Office has said. Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning network for environment protection. "We must prevent action that will lead or mislead us toward another major nuclear contamination disaster at the hands of others," said PIF Secretary General Henry Puna. Take a look at how Japan proceeded with that. The Japanese government decided in April 2021 to release more than one million tons of treated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean this spring. Three months later, Japan greenlit the discharge plan while the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s task force was still conducting the review mission. Earlier this year, Japan unilaterally announced that it would start discharging the radioactive water in spring or summer, just before the agency's task force arrives in Japan for review. PACIFIC OPPOSITION Pacific island countries unanimously oppose Japan's release plan for multiple reasons, citing ecological fragility, economic dependence on the fisheries industry, and the devastating effects of radioactive pollution caused by Western nuclear testing. First, Pacific island countries are concerned that the released radioactive substances will spread with ocean currents and tides, risking contaminating fish. As more than half of the world's tuna comes from the Pacific Ocean, a potentially contaminated environment could hurt the fisheries that those countries rely on. Second, the Pacific Ocean's delicate ecology may come under threat. If the wastewater release leads to an ecological disaster, the vulnerable island residents will leave their homes, causing an ecological and survival crisis that will deal a heavy blow to the entire Pacific region. Last, Western countries have conducted a dazzling array of nuclear tests in the Pacific since the mid-20th century, resulting in shocking radioactive pollution and ecological disasters. These have left painful memories for islanders, who have been sensitive to the wastewater issue. Analysts believe that Japan should not ignore the concerns and livelihoods of Pacific islanders. Neither should it dump the wastewater into the sea until disputes are settled over the legitimacy of the discharge plan, the reliability of radioactivity data, the effectiveness of purification equipment and the uncertainty of environmental impact, they added. This year, China's J-20 stealth fighters, positioned as the direct competitor of the US Air Force, could overwhelm the F-22 Raptor in numbers. The US claims the Raptor is the best, but it will be outnumbered in 2023 as production of the Chinese J-20 ramps up. China's J-20 To Boost Production in 2023 Last February 15, the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies stated that Beijing's fighter aircraft fleet has strived to increase its numbers in five years. This spike shows the Raptor will be in fewer numbers, which is not good for the US, noted Asia Nikkei. John Chipman of the ISS gave reporters information about the unprecedented expansion of 5th-generation aircraft in China for the Military Balance 2023, reported Eurasian Times. He added that the Military Balance database has listed that the PLAAF has more than 150 J-20A, and the US is increasing the number of F-35As, per Nova News. They are about 360, but China could overpower the US with better industrial output. Chipman added that by the end of 2023, the J-20A would be more in numbers than existing F-22s. In November, Beijing surprised the US by seeing the production lines increasing the output of the J-20 Mighty Dragon, taunting the Pentagon, citing Airforce Technology. One factor is the increased production of Chinese-made engines that allowed the Mighty Dragon to threaten the balance of power. Read Also: China's Chief Designer To Continue Upgrading the J-20 Mighty Dragon Prior data says that China has more than 150 Mighty Dragons built, while the US Air Force advertised it would amass a fleet of this early 5th gen aircraft. America wanted to dominate the 21st-century airpower, but it turned out to be a pipedream. To the chagrin of the US military, it only had 186 of these fighters when its production was dropped in 2012. Washington concentrated on a super advance fighter that proved too expensive and impractical. The US cringes at thinking terrorists can shoot down an expensive platform with cheaper weapons. US To Push F-35 as Its Key Asset Fewer units of the Raptor force the US to choose a lighter F-35 that is cheaper and more versatile. But the Raptor will be in service until the USAF air superiority with a better one. Mighty Dragon with 150 units in combat condition to only 100 of the F-22 is alleged. One way for the US to get edged is to have the Raptor's successor. The development of the J-20 is to counter the F-22 and F-35 in the Indo-Pacific. Information from sources says that the PLAAF has these advanced fighters in all five theater commands. Mighty Dragon is the best system of China to counter the US and its allies in the Taiwan Strait. It was first shown in the Zhuhai Air Show several months ago when two units appeared. The Mighty Dragon is versatile, and its presence threatens the US and its allies. The PLA got an increase in the defense budget of about $16 billion, its most significant increase yet. China's J-20, as it increases units, will be the most dominant stealth fighter in numbers as the F-22 stops production. Balance of power will shift in the Indo-Pacific as the PLAAF gets more 5th gen units churned out. More F-35s would matter due to the shortcoming in capabilities. Related Article: China Increases J-20 Mighty Dragon Production as US Surrounds Beijing with F-35, F-22 Stealth Fighters @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is said to be only days away from unveiling his Northern Ireland Protocol deal (Stefan Rousseau/PA) Stefan Rousseau Rishi Sunak is poised to announce his post-Brexit deal with the EU, with or without DUP approval, after securing the support of leading Eurosceptics in the Conservative party. The Prime Minister is set to hold face-to-face talks with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen in the UK on Monday ahead of signing off on a final agreement to fix the Northern Ireland Protocol. It is understood that the Prime Minister will argue that the deal with Brussels will boost the Northern Irish economy and improve the lives of people in the country, as well as safeguarding its place in the Union. Deputy PM Dominic Raab said Mr Sunak was on the cusp of a compromise making clear there was no de facto veto for the DUP, which is still expected to oppose the compromise. Theres no de facto veto, but of course we want to engage, and persuade, and convince, and demonstrate ... [that] the changes are substantial enough for the DUP, he told Channel 4s The Andrew Neil Show. Were confident enough in the substance of the changes to feel front-footed about doing so. Read more European Commission President set to travel to UK to work with PM on protocol deal Senior Tory MPs said they also expected Mr Sunak to agree a deal without the backing of the unionists or the European Research Group (ERG), after conversations with the PM and No 10 officials in recent days. Former Brexit secretary David Davis said said his own instinct was to support a deal saying he expected a rebellion of hardliners to be limited to a few dozen MPs. I think the idea of 100 rebels is absolute nonsense. Mr Davis added: Sunak is working hard to win Brexit supporters over. Ive had a call from him. If he needs Labour support [to get a deal through Parliament], it might be mildly embarrassing, but nothing more. Senior Tory Martin Vickers, a member of the powerful 1922 Committee of backbenchers, said: I was a staunch Brexit supporter, but we have to move on. On the basis of the outline [of the deal], I see no problem with it. We should rally round the prime minister. Mr Raab said there had been a paradigm shift, revealing on Sunday that there had been movement with the EU to address concerns around Northern Ireland not having a say on Brussels rules on VAT and other areas. The deal is also expected to emphasis a greater role for Northern Irish courts, as well as removing barriers with a green lane for goods moving between GB and NI. Mr Raab suggested that MPs would get a vote on the deal. MPs will have a chance of expressing themselves, he told Sky News. You have to carry Parliament with you, and Im confident we would be able to. Despite a deal being imminent, a senior ERG figure said Mr Sunak had not reached out to the group over the weekend. Mark Francois, ERG chairman, said his group would still not back the deal unless EU law is completely expunged in Northern Ireland. The hardliner told Sky News that less of a role for the European Court of Justice but one that upholds the court as the ultimate dispute arbiter was not good enough, and insisted we are not stupid. Mr Francois told Sophy Ridge on Sunday: If were advising the Prime Minister, my honest advice to him would be dont try to bounce Parliament [into a vote] next week because that is likely to go badly wrong. It comes as Tory grandees attacked Boris Johnsons attempt to push the controversial Protocol Bill, a unilateral alternative to the deal as the former UK ambassador to the US also condemned the former PM for saying f*** the Americans! Allies of Mr Johnson have not disputed he made the remarks about the US in a heated exchange with former minister Sir Robert Buckland, though a source close to the former PM said it was not language we would use. Writing for The Independent, Sir Peter Westmacott criticised Mr Johnsons efforts to undermine Mr Sunak as beyond the pale saying he making life more difficult for the current PM by offending our closest ally. Sir Peter added: It would help if [Mr Sunak]s predecessor but one stopped making a difficult job impossible, and offending our closest ally and partner in the process, for reasons which appear to have little to do with the interests of the people of Northern Ireland. Meanwhile, former prime minister Sir John Major urged the DUP and Tory hardliners to prioritise the easing of trade above concerns about the remaining role for the ECJ. Their involvement would be tiny, partial, and occasional, he said of European judges. Sir John praised Mr Sunaks efforts to reach a compromise, telling the BBC Radio 4s The Westminster Hour he had done a great deal to restore respect for the UK as well as improving on Mr Johnsons pretty poor deal. The land of milk and honey that was held out by the Brexiteers has so far proved to be sour vinegar, said Sir John. I find it personally quite astonishing that those people who made so many promises about Brexit havent retreated in their corners and kept silent. Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former Tory foreign secretary, also urged MPs to ignore Mr Johnsons interventions and back what appeared to be a pretty impressive deal. He told The Independent: As Johnson was the significant degree the cause of the problem by signing the protocol, I think hes the last person who should be trying to damage what appears to be the pretty impressive efforts to get an alternative. Kyle Sambrook left his home in West Yorkshire to walk and wild camp in Glencoe (Police Scotland) Police Scotland The body of a man and a dog have been found in the search for missing hillwalker Kyle Sambrook. The 33-year-old was last seen with his beagle called Bane in the Lost Valley area of Glencoe last weekend. Police Scotland have now said the bodies of a man and dog were recovered by mountain rescue teams and the Coastguard on Saturday afternoon. Kyle Sambrook, 33,with his beagle called Bane (Police Scotland/PA) Police Scotland The force said in a statement: Formal identification has yet to take place, however the family of missing man Kyle Sambrook have been informed. They wish to thank all involved in the search and have requested their privacy be respected. Our thoughts are with Kyles family as we support them at this difficult time. Mr Sambrook left his home in West Yorkshire on Saturday February 18, to walk and wild camp in Glencoe. Concern was raised for his welfare after he failed to return home on Tuesday as planned. Police have confirmed the body of missing hillwalker Kyle Sambrook and his dog have been found in Glencoe. The 33-year-old was last seen with his beagle called Bane in the Lost Valley area last weekend. Searches were launched after he failed to return home to West Yorkshire on Tuesday as planned. Their bodies were recovered by mountain rescue teams and the Coastguard on Saturday afternoon. Kyle Sambrook (Police Scotland/PA) Police Scotland Police Scotland said: Around 2.15pm on Saturday February 25, the bodies of a man and a dog were recovered by mountain rescue teams and HM Coastguard in the Glencoe area. They have now been identified as Kyle Sambrook and his dog Bane, who were reported missing earlier this week. Kyles family wish to thank all involved in the search and have requested their privacy be respected. There do not appear to be any suspicious circumstances and a report will be sent to the procurator fiscal. Mr Sambrook left his home in West Yorkshire on Saturday February 18, to walk and wild camp in Glencoe. Rescue teams which were involved in the search for Mr Sambrook also extended their sympathies to his family. Glencoe Mountain Rescue Team posted on Facebook: Yesterday afternoon, volunteer rescuers searching for Kyle Sambrook found the bodies of a man and a dog in a deep gorge above the Fionn Ghleann. An attempt was made to recover them by helicopter but was unsuccessful due to the terrain, the helicopter was then re-tasked, meaning they had to be lowered and carried off the hill by hand. They added: Our thoughts are with Kyles family and friends at this time. Boris Johnson has been accused of sparking a diplomatic rift with Joe Biden after an extraordinary f*** America! outburst in the Commons. He made the remark after being urged to support moves by Rishi Sunak and the EU to solve Brexit problems in Northern Ireland which are supported by the US President. Allies of Mr Johnson have not disputed he made the foul-mouthed remark in a heated exchange with his former Lord Chancellor Sir Robert Buckland. It sparked a backlash from Mr Sunaks supporters who claim Mr Johnson and his allies are determined to wreck the PMs Brexit Northern Ireland deal out of spite. There are also claims that his f*** America! comment could hit Mr Johnsons hopes of earning a fortune in America on the lecture circuit. He was paid 277,000 for a speech to a New York bank in November and is in talks with agents to attend further money-spinning events in the US. Insiders say this could be damaged if he is seen by patriotic Americans as anti-US. The controversy is a repeat of another Brexit rant by Mr Johnson in 2018 when he said f*** business! in his days as foreign secretary. He used the words at a Foreign Office reception to mark the Queens birthday after being told businesses were opposed to his proposed so-called hard Brexit. His response was condemned as wildly irresponsible by leading business figures. His f*** America! remark was in response to Sir Robert who had told him it was vital to support Mr Sunaks drive to resolve the Northern Ireland Protocol, partly to smooth relations with the White House. A source close to the former prime minister said the jibe was part of a jocular conversation that someone evidently misunderstood. Mr Bidens administration has made it clear it will not sign a post-Brexit trade deal with the UK until key political disputes in Ulster, including the Protocol, which covers arrangements for imports and exports, have been defused. Failure to do so could even stop Mr Biden, who has Irish roots, taking part in a rumoured visit to Northern Ireland in April to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, a senior US envoy suggested recently. The row comes as Mr Sunak tries to head off a Tory revolt led by Mr Johnsons supporters against his Northern Ireland deal. Hardline Brexiteers have warned that up to 100 Tory MPs could oppose the new post-Brexit trading arrangements in a potential vote amid warnings of a potential Tory civil war. But the prime minister is understood to have convinced prominent pro-Brexit MPs of the merits of his deal with Brussels. Former SNP Westminster leader Ian Blakford is backing Humza Yousaf in the contest to become Scotlands next first minister (Isabel Infantes/PA) PA Former SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford has endorsed Humza Yousaf in the race to be Scotlands next first minister. There are three candidates running to take over from Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader and Scottish first minister with Mr Yousaf, the Scottish Health Secretary up against Finance Secretary Kate Forbes and former community safety minister Ash Regan. But Mr Blackford declared: In this election, it has to be Humza. Scottish National Party leadership candidate Humza Yousaf (Andrew Milligan/PA) Andrew Milligan The Ross, Skye and Lochaber MP, who stepped down as SNP Westminster leader in December, said Mr Yousaf was the man who brings the party together amid divisions over matters such as gender recognition reforms and the strategy for independence. Mr Blackford said: We need a figure who will unite both the SNP and the Yes movement. As a nation, we require a first minister who will ensure that we deliver in Government and lead us forward to guarantee Scotlands voice is heard in an independence referendum. Humza is that leader. Speaking about Mr Yousaf, the MP continued: He has demonstrated his ability to lead in political office across a host of roles within the Scottish Government. Importantly for me, we need to get our economy moving in the face of this Tory cost-of-living crisis and create the sustainability, economic growth and better paid jobs that will help Scotland thrive. Im looking forward to working with Humza to make sure that we deliver for Scotland and send a message that this is a country where people want to do business. A number of leading figures within the SNP have already backed Mr Yousaf, including Scottish Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison, Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville and SNP Westminster deputy leader Mhairi Black. However a Panelbase poll for the Sunday Times put Ms Forbes in the lead in the race to be the next first minister, with 23% of those questioned saying they wanted her to take the top job, ahead of 15% for Mr Yousaf and 7% for Ms Regan. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen will meet in the UK on Monday (Steve Reigate/Daily Express/PA) Steve Reigate/Daily Express Rishi Sunak will hold face-to-face talks in the UK with the European Commission president as he looks to finalise a deal to fix issues with the Northern Ireland Protocol. In a joint statement on Sunday from Downing Street and the European Commission, they confirmed the Prime Minister and Ursula von der Leyen would meet to discuss the range of complex challenges around the Brexit treaty. It comes after speculation mounted that a deal could be announced imminently, with Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab saying Britain and the European Union were on the cusp of striking an agreement. In the joint statement issued by Downing Street, the pair said: Today, president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak, agreed to continue their work in person towards shared, practical solutions for the range of complex challenges around the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. President von der Leyen will therefore meet with the Prime Minister in the UK tomorrow. Speculation has been rife for the past week that the UK and the EU are about to announce a plan designed to solve trade frictions caused by the protocol. Ms von der Leyen had been due to travel to Britain on Saturday to hold talks with Mr Sunak, as well as meet the King at Windsor Castle, but the plans were scrapped. The latest announcement opens the door for a potential unveiling of fresh protocol terms during the German politicians visit on Monday. We need your consent to load this Social Media content. We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review your details and accept them to load the content The commissions online calendar states that Ms von der Leyens meeting with Mr Sunak on Monday will take place in Windsor, suggesting No 10 plans to stick with the original location it had pencilled in for her weekend trip. Had Saturday led to a breakthrough, Downing Street had reportedly been keen to brand the Prime Ministers deal the Windsor Agreement. Speaking to The Sunday Times on Saturday, Mr Sunak said he planned to work all weekend to nail down revised terms as he looks to keep hardline Conservative Brexiteers and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) on side. He told the newspaper he was giving it everything weve got to finalise a fix for the protocol, a Brexit treaty negotiated by former prime minister Boris Johnson. The protocol, signed by Mr Johnson in 2020, was designed to prevent a hard border with Ireland after Brexit, with Northern Ireland continuing to follow EU rules on goods to prevent checks being needed when crossing into the Republic. But the trade barriers between Northern Ireland and Great Britain created by the treaty has created Unionist tension, with Mr Sunak admitting that it had unbalanced the Good Friday Agreement that helped end the Troubles bloodshed in the province. DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has issued seven tests that Mr Sunaks new pact will have to meet in order to win the partys backing, including addressing what he calls the democratic deficit of Northern Ireland being subject to EU rules while not having a say on them. Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab appeared to hint at the look of the protocol deal that is on the table (James Manning/PA) James Manning Mr Raab, who is also the Justice Secretary, appeared to set out some of what has been agreed so far in the London-Brussels negotiations during interviews with broadcasters on Sunday. The Leave campaigner said it was right that there is a Northern Irish democratic check on new rules the EU makes that apply to Belfast a hint that Mr Sunak has looked to address the DUPs concern over the democratic deficit. He indicated that reports of red and green lanes to ease customs checks in Northern Ireland were correct. Those are the kind of things we have been pushing for, he told Sky News. Several reports have suggested trusted traders will be able to send goods from Great Britain into Northern Ireland without checks, while goods destined for Ireland and the EUs single market will go through red inspection lanes. Mr Raab said the cut to trade red tape would lead to a substantial scaling back of the role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), but he refused to rule out it having a say on future legal cases. Mark Francois, chairman of the European Research Group made up of Eurosceptic Tory MPs (Stefan Rousseau/PA) Stefan Rousseau The ability of European judges to rule on disputes involving EU laws in Northern Ireland is a particular bugbear for Tory Eurosceptics. Mark Francois, chairman of the European Research Group (ERG) made up of anti-EU Tory MPs, told Skys Sophy Ridge On Sunday programme that less of a role for the Luxembourg court was not enough of a concession. The Prime Minister is likely to face anger within his party if he does not give Parliament a vote on what he comes back from Brussels with. His deputy Mr Raab was reluctant to commit to giving MPs a vote The Justice Secretary, facing a number of questions on whether a vote would take place, told Sky: I think, inevitably, Parliament will find a way to have its say. Mr Francois warned that any attempt by Downing Street to bludgeon this through the House of Commons without a vote of any kind would be incredibly unwise. The Prime Minister is keen for his party to unite if there is a vote, to avoid him being in a position where he would have to rely on Labour votes, with Sir Keir Starmers party offering Mr Sunak its backing if he fixes the major protocol obstacles. But Mr Francois said that, without the DUPs support for any protocol deal, the revisions are simply not going to fly, leading to speculation that the ERG could also withhold voting in favour. Rishi Sunaks plan for a new deal with the EU makes the front pages of several of the Sunday papers. The Sunday Telegraph says the Prime Minister is poised to scrap Boris Johnsons Northern Ireland Protocol Bill and is facing a growing rebellion among Conservative MPs. We need your consent to load this Social Media content. We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review your details and accept them to load the content Mr Sunak is also the focus of the Sunday Mirror front page which has an appeal from an 11-year-old Ukrainian boy to be allowed to join his dad in the UK under the Homes for Ukraine scheme. We need your consent to load this Social Media content. We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review your details and accept them to load the content The Observer says Police Federation figures show roughly one in 100 police officers in England and Wales faced criminal charges last year alone. We need your consent to load this Social Media content. We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review your details and accept them to load the content The Sunday Expressreports on a planned Government crackdown on lawyers stringing out asylum claims in order to maximise their earnings. We need your consent to load this Social Media content. We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review your details and accept them to load the content And a British Satanist group is trying to attract new members with initiatives including a Bake Off style event, Daily Star Sunday says. Police officers search a village home where they found body parts related to a missing model in a murder case, in Hong Kong (TVB Hong Kong/AP) AP Police in Hong Kong have charged the former in-laws of a model and influencer whose body parts were found in a refrigerator at a village house, with murder. Hong Kong model Abby Chois former father-in-law and his eldest son are being charged with murder, while her former mother-in-law faces one count of perverting the course of justice, police said in a statement on Sunday. The authorities also arrested the womans ex-husband on Saturday and will charge him with murder on Sunday night, said Superintendent Alan Chung. The four will appear in court on Monday. The grisly case came to light when police officers on Friday discovered Ms Chois body after she had been missing for several days, together with her identity card, credit cards and other items. The body was dissected and the remains stored in a refrigerator in the rural village home in Tai Po, a suburban part of Hong Kong close to the border with mainland China. At Sundays news briefing, Mr Chung said authorities found a young womans skull believed to belong to Ms Choi in one of the cooking pots they seized, along with several ribs, hair, and human tissue. In another pot, forensic pathologists also discovered a small number of human bones, he added. Mr Chung said Ms Choi was believed to have been attacked in a car and was unconscious when she arrived at the house. Police were still trying to find out the exact time of death and locate her hands and torso. On Sunday, police also arrested another woman they believed to be the mistress of the ex-husbands father for allegedly assisting the other suspects. Ms Choi, 28, had financial disputes involving tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars with her ex-husband and his family, Mr Chung said, adding that some people were unhappy with how Ms Choi handled her financial assets. Ms Choi was a model and influencer who shared her glamorous life of photo shoots and fashion shows with more than 100,000 followers. Dressed in a floor-length gown, she had just attended a Dior show at Paris Fashion Week. Her last post was a week ago, featuring a photoshoot she had done with LOfficiel Monaco, a fashion publication. UK Son to take on marathon challenge on first anniversary of fathers cancer death Musician Carly has no photos of Dundonald man on Insta page after 11 years of marriage as pals say work schedules to blame Colin Murray went on a holiday last autumn with Carly Paradis just weeks before it has been claimed they split up. It was stated in the national media last week that the Countdown host and his wife had broken up after 11 years of marriage. The reports said that the couple made the decision to part ways at the end of last year and earlier this month, Colin suggested in a magazine interview that he was living alone by stating: Its just me. Sunday Life can reveal that Colin and Carly jetted to Spain in September, soon after the Dundonald-born presenter wrapped filming a TV series here. Colin Murray with Carly Paradis A source told us: I saw him when he was back home and he was in great form, he said he was loving getting the chance to work back in Northern Ireland. I was telling him how proud people here are of him because of how well he is doing across the water on radio and TV with things like Countdown. When I asked him what he was up to next, he told me he was heading to Spain with his wife. He seemed his usually chirpy self and there was no suggestion it was a make-or-break holiday, so it was a shock to read that they might have split up not long after. Colin Murray and Carly Paradis had been married 11 years Colin had been back home for a number of weeks recording BBC show Food Fest Northern Ireland alongside his pal Edith Bowman, who he used to co-host with on Radio 1. Over five episodes which are currently being rolled out on television, the pair visited places such as St Georges Market in Belfast, The Auld Lammas Fair in Ballycastle, a food and music festival in Newcastle and the Walled City Market in Londonderry. But a factor in his reported split was that workaholic Colins many commitments across television and radio drove the couple apart. Colin Murray with Carly Paradis A source told The Sun: Colin and Carly separated after work pushed them apart. Colin got really busy with Countdown and his BBC Radio 5 Live show, while Carly is busy at work as a musician. They ultimately took the decision at the end of last year that it was no longer working between them. Colin and Carly have been open with their friends and family about their break-up and are trying to move on as best they can. Colin announced on his social media last week that he was giving up one of his BBC 5 Live roles, fronting the Fighting Talk series. He said on Twitter: Ive decided tough decision to make this series of Fighting Talk my last as host. Ive done more seasons of FT than Wenger at Arsenal. Time to give someone else a go. Ill fill in next season when new host takes hols so still part of the team. Colin Murray on Countdown Colins wife said the sea could cure tears in a cryptic Instagram post when she took a break in Clearwater, Florida, to celebrate the new year. Canada-born Carly (42), best known for composing the Line Of Duty theme, wrote: The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea. Happy New Year. Sources told the Daily Mail that the musician has been spending most of her time in the States since she split from Colin (45) late last year. Carly Paradis They told how her Instagram account doesnt feature one picture of Colin meanwhile, he suggested that he was living alone when asked by Radio Times who controlled the television remote in his house. He replied: Its just me, so me. Im master of my domain. Sunday Life contacted Colin for comment last week about the reports, but he didnt respond. Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban informed that NATO bids of Finland and Sweden have to wait longer. A year ago, the two countries expressed intent to join NATO due to a perceived threat from Moscow. However, Turkey, a NATO member, gave conditions to allow accession or be rejected. Hungarian Hinders Nordic Nations' NATO Bids On Friday, the Hungarian Prime Minister said Budapest will not decide yet. He added that legislators need to decide unit the vote to accept the two Nordic nations when the start debates scheduled for Wednesday, reported Zawya. According to a message from Orban in a public broadcast, NATO getting new members might be sidelined. He supported the bid and endorsed it to the nationalist Fidesz party, bringing an adverse reaction. It seems that some deputies do not want the expansion of NATO and need more dialogue, noted Ekathimerini. The party press officials ignored queries about when and the nature of these meetings about Fidesz sentiments. Lawmakers alleged that issues regarding the bid were ignored last July, citing Reuters. Based on sources, the Swedish Foreign Office kept quiet even when asked for input. Finland and Sweden's Bids Are in Danger A dominant leader has defeated challengers to the party line in the last 13 years, which started in 2010. His critics do not support the overhaul of law that lawmakers support. NATO rules say the legislatures of all 30 members agree to accept Stockholm and Helsinki. NATO chiefs will know on March 6 when Hungarian lawmakers decide on a final decision. Read Also: NATO Blasts EU Countries Breaching Sanctions on Russian Economy Budapest supports the two Nordic nations' entry to the US-led military bloc, but only one might be admitted. Sweden has drawn the ire of Ankara and sees a non-compliance that will fail western expansion. Orban stated they are one with their ally Turkey and will side with the Turks. Stockholm Faces Double-Horned Rejection Erdogan says Finland get into the military bloc, but Budapest claims the delay in approving the applicants is due to Brussels not giving funds. Both have their grievances directed at the west. Orban remarked if Ankara gets no satisfaction, then no members at the northernmost borders of Russia. Germany is prodding Budapest and Turkey to kowtow like all US allies. Adamant refusal of the two holdouts to be pressured to give NATO another foothold on the Russian Federation's doorstep. When German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock asked both nations to follow the western agenda, he got no desired answer. Concerns that if Finland becomes, a member will be a dangerous precedent as a military bloc is getting less than defensive. This is unacceptable to Fidesz officials wary of western expansion. Several disinformation attempts to brand Budapest as undemocratic is deplorable and insulting. Some, like Mujtaba Rahman of the Eurasia Group, said that Orban wants Moscow and Turkey to see Budapest as good partners. Another is to stay in power, which Brussels sees as problematic. Some say it's like supporting Kyiv but also stalling the accession of two applicants' States. Leaders like Orban stood their ground against an impotent EU and NATO that claimed support for Russia. He said his conservative concern for calm is needed but supported the bids. The Hungary PM said issues might prevent the NATO bids of Finland and Sweden as the military bloc gets desperate. Related Article: Finland Concludes NATO Bid Without Sweden, Erdogan Says @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Cast and crew party into the wee hours after wining Bafta There was no such thing as an Irish exit from the winners of the best short film at last Sundays EE Bafta Awards. Tom Berkeley and Ross White, the Belfast writer and director of An Irish Goodbye, were happily saying hello to the free bar and partying into the early hours with fellow nominees. The film, which tells the story of two estranged brothers who come together after their mothers death, was shot in Londonderry, Templepatrick and Saintfield. Speaking to Showbiz Life at the afterparty, Tom said: We were happy to do it for Belfast. Its all a bit much, really. Its very surreal. We are a really long way from Templepatrick, where we shot this film on a farm up to our knees in the proverbial. It really came home for us. Ross added: We are certainly enjoying tonight. Tom and I are now looking forward to our new debut feature, and we have got one more short film thats coming out later this year. After that, it will be time to get back to the writing desk and get to it. The pair posed in a photobooth alongside star James Martin, who played Lorcan in the film, and Semus OHara, who played Turlough. Speaking backstage, James, who had spent the previous evening hanging out with Colin Farrell, said: Colin is really nice. We had a good chat. My favourite bit was when I was lying on the ground. I made that bit funny. I was actually afraid of snoring. It was really great. Read more Oscars win would be the icing on my birthday cake, says NI actor James Martin The Banshees of Inisherin star Colin Farrell alongside An Irish Goodbye actor James Martin Seamus added: I think my favourite bit of the film was the rave. We had a rave with our deceased mothers ashes and it was profound. Tom joked: It was in the film for three seconds, and I think the actual rushes were about 25 minutes. We got carried away. The pair didnt forget to thank their own mothers when collecting their award in front of the Prince and Princess of Wales, but Tom said his mum would like to keep hold of the famous gold mask trophy. He added: I dont know where Ill keep this. I reckon my mum is going to take it right out of my hands. Ross said: I dont know how we will get it through airport security back to Belfast. Its hand luggage only. James Martin in An Irish Goodbye They are now thinking of jetting off to Hollywood next month where they are in the running to bring home an Oscar. Tom said: We are very fortunate to be up for the award. These are the things you dream about. Ross said that it was ridiculous that so many of the nominees at the Oscars and the Bafats were Irish. He added: One step at the time. Its been a remarkable year for Irish film and the talent on display across all of that. We are a very small part of what has been a massive year [for Ireland]. A quarter of the nominees in the acting categories are Irish, so it is ridiculous. We are so honoured to be representing Northern Ireland. It means a lot for us. Its the worlds smallest cultural superpower. To see these Irish talent being represented in this way fills us with pride. Platinum-selling Swedish superstar Zara Larsson wants to play more festivals in Northern Ireland. Returning with the upbeat single Cant Tame Her, the Brit, MTV award and Grammy winner told Cool FMs John Kearns she was thrilled to be releasing new music. On production duties for the track was Danja, who has worked with the likes of Madonna, Missy Elliott and Britney Spears. Zara said: You have to work hard if you want to be a success. With this song, Im happy to say that I put the hard work in and am delighted with the result. I love what I do and feel so lucky to find myself in a position where the work I do happens to also be the best thing in the world. Playing live is the best part of my job. Zara is particularly fond of the Northern Irish accent and loves having a go at doing one. She said :Its a great accent. Sometimes people hear me doing it and theyre like, Whats that voice youre doing?. I want to get better at it. I love it. Ive always had a great time when Ive performed in Northern Ireland. The audiences know how to have a good time and they sing so loudly with every song. Whether its been when Ive performed on a festival bill or a smaller gig, it was such fun. I met so many nice people and had a really great time on and off the stage. Zara hopes to return to Belfast in the near future to perform and, of course, to work on that local accent. She said: Further down the line with my release schedule, I hope to announce a full tour and maybe get festival dates in the diary. Im looking forward to getting back. SEPARATE commemorations have been held for two UDR soldiers murdered in an IRA bomb blast in Belfast 35 years ago. The services for Privates Frederick Starrett and James Cummings took place on Saturday at the spot on Royal Avenue in the city centre where the 22-year-olds were killed as they manned security gates on February 24, 1988. Retired Free Presbyterian minister Rev David McIlveen led the first service at 11am. It was attended by around 100 people and finished with a wreath-laying ceremony and the national anthem. The second event was conducted by senior figures of the Orange Order who made their way to the spot accompanied by five bands and hundreds of members. It is considered to be one of the most important events in the marching calendar. Privates Starrett and Cummings were both members of the order and belonged to Ballymacarrett No 6 Districts Banner of the Cross LOL 1310 and Johnstons Golden Star 1934 respectively. Their killings were previously marked by a single parade organised by the Orange Order and a service led by Rev McIlveen. But he now leads a separate event after a split from the larger commemoration. Rev David McIlveen addressing the crowd He had conducted the service since the death of the Rev Ian Paisley, Lord Bannside, in 2014. Its understood the fall out is related to Rev McIlveens comments on BBC Radio Ulsters Sunday Sequence in September 2019 in which he said he would not necessarily object to Troubles-related compensation for former members of paramilitary groups. Speaking about the parting last week, Rev McIlveen said: Things have changed over the past couple of years in terms of the Orange Orders approach, and weve had to accept this. Its been very divisive. Privates Starrett and Cummings were killed by a 200lb bomb hidden behind hoarding that was part of CastleCourt shopping centre, which was being built at the time. EXCLUSIVE | Scappaticci couldnt drive a Ferrari in west Belfast: Stakeknife paid equivalent of 250,000 a year by his handlers in 1980s, according to nemesis who outed him Son to take on marathon challenge on first anniversary of fathers cancer death The courts, and Sunday Life photographer, catches up with young mum despite attempts to evade scrutiny This is the camera-shy con artist who scammed dozens of holidaymakers out of almost 3,000 shortly after having a gastric band fitted in Turkey. Fraudster Casey Cooper (24) narrowly avoided jail last week after she was handed a four-month suspended sentence on 29 counts of fraud against the same number of victims. Cooper, of Montrose Street, east Belfast, left Laganside Courthouse in the city on Wednesday with her jacket over her head as she attempted to avoid the press. An older man accompanying her repeatedly told our reporter and photographer to f*** off! as he shielded her from cameras and questions. Cooper remained tight-lipped throughout and refused to say if she was sorry or clarify whether or not she had committed the crimes to pay for any of her surgery. Earlier the court was told how the con artist had taken 100 deposits from each of her 29 victims for a bogus holiday home in Portrush, Co Antrim, on dates between April 6 and June 19 last year. Prosecutors said devious Cooper had used social media to advertise a phoney holiday home at the popular seaside destination before duping unsuspecting sun-seekers into paying deposits. The scam involved bogus lets in the Portrush area She went as far as creating fake Facebook profiles, email addresses, a bogus street address and even phoney online images to help sustain the elaborate ruse. In each case the victims had responded to an advert for a Portrush Holiday Let on Facebook Marketplace, the court was told. They would then be contacted by a Facebook profile under the name Billy Spackle with a request for a 100 deposit to complete the bookings. A total of nine different email addresses were used with the specific request made in each case that the customers label the payments as being to friends and family rather than a business payment. There would then be no further contact. After several victims came forward there was an appeal by police for information and for other victims to come forward. The defendant was linked to the offences through the email and PayPal accounts she used as well as several IP addresses. She was arrested and interviewed and admitted responsibility for the fraud, making the fake Facebook profiles and search engine results. Prosecutors also told the court it was mentioned in her police interview Cooper had just returned from Turkey after having a gastric band fitted which her mum paid for. A gastric band is an inflatable silicone device placed around the top portion of the stomach to treat obesity by reducing food intake. All-inclusive packages to Turkey in order to undergo the surgical procedure vary in price between 2,500 and 5,000. Cooper told cops, however, she had spent the pilfered cash with various domestic retailers including Iceland supermarket and online fashion retailer Boohoo. Coopers defence solicitor conceded there was clearly a significant volume of offences but said his client did not seek to prevaricate once shed been rumbled. She made full admissions in interview and backed that up by an early guilty plea, he added. Had she not made these admissions this would have been a very heavily evidence-dependant case which has now been avoided. Given the length of time over which it occurred it did require a certain amount of planning but she is extremely regretful and this is out of character. She is extremely ashamed and embarrassed about her involvement. There was a financial imperative, she was in significant difficulty with her day-to-day living expenses and is the sole carer for her five-year-old child. Her defence solicitor had initially sought to delay sentencing for the preparation of a pre-sentence report, however, District Judge Steven Keown gave the application short shrift after Cooper failed to attend previous appointments. He said: She has been given the opportunity and has shown very little regard to probation so I will deal with it today. Four months suspended for three years and 100 compensation to each of the victims. Oleksandr Pidvalnyi/ Vacation planning typically involves months of asking for recommendations, research, strategizing about costs, making reservations and preparing for an escape from your daily life. However, thats not the only way to travel. Many people like planning more last-minute trips, making it their favorite travel method. The spontaneity removes much of the stress of grueling planning and trip anticipation. It can be uplifting to see that planning procedures arent as necessary in some cases as we think they are. A spontaneous trip is an excellent way to allow flexibility to guide you and explore places you didnt consider before. Also, it doesnt mean you must spend much money, so dont be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Its doubtful that someone returns from a trip regretting it. Still, spontaneous travel doesnt mean booking a flight the day before you leave and traveling for a month. It can be as simple as seeing an excellent flight price and booking a weekend or week-long stay when you didnt intend on taking the trip. Here are some benefits of spontaneous travel. You can be more present. One benefit to spontaneous travel is it lets you appreciate living in the moment. Instead of feeling like you have to check everything off of your itinerary, you can take everything in and not feel pressured to rush to your next stop. These spontaneous trips tend to come with more bare-bone itineraries or no itinerary, allowing you to have a calmer, slower experience. With spontaneous travel, you dont have time to find the top spots to see. Instead, when you arrive and find something you enjoy, you dont have to rush to leave to get to your next stop. Youre more open to the endless possibilities of traveling. The Skyscanner team, in consultation with psychologist Emma Kenny, recently created a report on the happiness benefits of spontaneous travel. Kenny shared that spontaneous trips help promote a positive attitude and remind travelers of endless possibilities. When travelers can live in the moment, they can experience adventure without the stress of planning a trip and making decisions while on the trip. For example, you could take a last-minute trip to Phoenix and surprisingly make lifelong friends. Spontaneous travel is an excellent way to discover destinations and meet new people you wouldnt typically visit or meet. It also stops decision paralysis, which hinders many people from traveling in the first place. You'll learn about new sides of your travel personality. For the Type A and organized kind of traveler, spontaneous travel might allow them to take a different and fresh approach to travel, and they might be shocked at how much they like a more flexible schedule. Perhaps theyll find that theyre less stressed in general. Naturally, there are perks to planning for a trip, but having to be more spur of the moment while traveling can lead to amazing adventures and pleasant surprises. If you planned out your meals by looking for the highest-rated restaurants on TripAdvisor, you might not have found a hole-in-the-wall restaurant where you can talk to locals about their country. Instead of having your trip planned out when you get there, spontaneous travel also gives you a chance to ask locals about their favorite hidden places or gems to see, and that can lead you to some fun and unique adventures that you wouldnt know about if you planned in advance. There are numerous mental health benefits. Countless surveys affirm that travelers are happier, healthier, and more productive than non-travelers. By adding on spontaneous travel, these benefits will likely increase your happiness, health and productivity. Spontaneous travel has the power to free us from our daily stressors, sparking creativity and a sense of adventure when we dive into a new place. In a time when many people live super-scheduled lives, theres value in escaping from a routine and taking a last-minute trip. It can be beneficial if you feel like youre stuck in a rut. While going on a well-planned and long vacation can be incredible, it might not mean youll feel transformed the whole trip. A Dutch study at Radboud University showed that trip length might not correlate to increased well-being and health. Respondents said their wellness and health peaked on the eighth day, going back to pre-trip levels, so three one-week trips might be more beneficial than one three-week trip for overall well-being. How to make spontaneous travel work for you. Spontaneous travel might initially feel unfamiliar and daunting, but there are some ways to make the most out of it. The first step is to be strategic about booking your flights. Buying your flight is an excellent chance to use the credit card points youve been racking up and save money. Dont be scared to book each leg with separate airlines, especially if you have loyalty points with different companies. It would also help to fly during the week because flight prices tend to be cheaper during the week than on the weekend. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days to fly regarding crowds, costs, and cancellations, so think about booking those days if you can. Working remotely in a location for a couple of days can help maximize your time if youre short on vacation days. Another way to make the most out of spontaneous travel is to snag deals when they become available. If the opportunity presents itself, dont be afraid to take it. Watch flight prices, look for good deals online, and keep in contact with family or friends who also like traveling. Numerous apps and websites, like Scotts Cheap Flights or The Points Guy, share good travel deals. Book it if you see something thats good for your wallet, whether its an itinerary, flight, or accommodation. You can ask around and make a trip with memories thatll last forever. Even if you go alone, solo trips can be the most rewarding vacation. There arent a lot of people who enjoy being spontaneous. However, when it comes to spontaneous travel, there are numerous benefits, and it may turn out to be one of the best trips youve ever taken. Citibank Korea CEO Yoo Myung-soon, left, poses with HanaMicron Chairman Choi Chang-ho, center, and Korea Trade Insurance Corporation Deputy President Baek Seung-dal, right, after signing a syndicated loan agreement at HanaMicron Center in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, Thursday. Courtesy of Citibank Korea By Yoon Ja-young Citibank Korea signed a syndicated loan agreement with HanaMicron on Feb. 23 to support overseas investments for semiconductor back-end processes, the bank announced Friday. As the sole coordinator, Citibank Korea will collaborate with the Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE) to provide a $200 million syndicated loan to HanaMicron. The loan will be utilized for the new facility investment of the Vietnamese subsidiary of HanaMicron, which primarily focuses on the massive semiconductor business on back-end processes that includes packaging and testing semiconductor chips. The financing will enable the company to provide stable back-end process support to Korea's semiconductor manufacturers. The back-end process, which refers to packaging a semiconductor, the final product, and running performance and reliability tests, is deemed to be a new key technology in the semiconductor industry. With the development of AI such as ChatGPT sparking competition in the high-performance semiconductor sector, the syndicated loan is expected to offer an opportunity to strengthen the competitiveness of Korea's semiconductor providers and expand the market. "This is meaningful in that Citibank Korea made contribution to establishing the value-chain in Korea's semiconductor industry and enhancing the global competitive edge of high-performing semiconductor makers via the financing measure," Citibank Korea CEO Yoo Myung-soon said. "We will spare no effort in extending our assistance to competitive corporate clients advancing into global markets and expanding their businesses by leveraging Citi's global network to provide differentiated financial services," she added. If you'd like to leave a comment (or a tip or a question) about this story with the editors, please email us We also welcome letters to the editor for publication; you can do that by filling out our letters form and submitting it to the newsroom. SHEFFIELD Bucking the gospel sung by the telecommunications industry and its regulators, Sheffield is poised to possibly ban 5G installations across town until independent scientists deem its emissions are safe. Voters also might say yes to a regulation that would tightly control radiofrequency radiation from the installations through scheduled as well as random testing. The Sheffield-based nonprofit S.A.F.E., or The Scientific Alliance for Education, successfully petitioned to place the bylaw for small cell wireless facilities that host 5G or fifth generation technology on the warrant for the May 1 annual town meeting. While the Select Board had started to draft its own regulation, it decided against it to avoid confusion. The groups regulation follows another petition it submitted to ask voters to stop the installation of additional 5G transmitters in town until the Federal Communications Commission considers the breadth of research to determine whether its current safety limits for exposure to wave technology are adequate. There are currently 23 5G nodes scattered across Berkshire County, according to Ooklas interactive 5G map. One of those is behind the Sheffield fire station. The technology is hailed as a way to speed up the flow of data. But thousands of scientists worldwide have signed petitions raising concerns and calling for more research, given what is known about radiation levels below those emitted by 5G and what is not. Existing research, for instance, has shown a clear connection between radiation levels even below 5G and tumors in lab animals. Sign-up for The Berkshire Eagle's free newsletters Sign up A peer-reviewed study published in December found that emission comparable to those from 5G affected functional activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and was stressful in nature. Communities around the world have paused 5G rollouts over concerns that the effect of the higher doses of radiation on humans and the environment have not adequately been studied. Other scientific reviews found little evidence 5G could cause health problems. But the FCC has not yet taken the breadth of information into its decision-making about its safety standards despite a court mandate that it do so following a lawsuit. Great Barrington voters also will weigh in at the May 1 annual town meeting on whether to pause 5G until the safety questions are reasonably answered. Invisible threat? The bylaw defines small cell installations as those systems that are designed to provide network coverage to small areas as opposed to tall, high-power, macro towers which serve a wide area. The S.A.F.E. bylaw would require a $10,000 bond for each small cell installation to ensure compliance with FCC exposure limits. In addition to regular testing of emissions with reports to the towns building inspector, the town would also have the right to charge the telecommunications company for random testing once a year unless tests reveal the installations are exceeding emissions safety limits. If that happens, the town will demand that the installations be brought into compliance, conducting additional tests to confirm radiation levels are in line with the bylaw. Nina Anderson, S.A.F.E.s executive director, said she likes to compare the 5G to the way the tobacco industry suppressed and manipulated information about the dangers of its products. With 5G, she said, there might be a threat to health, and it is invisible. The group is holding a information meeting for Sheffield and Great Barrington voters at the Bushnell Sheffield Library March 16 where theyll show Canary in the Gold Mine, a film about wireless radiation. Tonight's rundown: Talking Points Memo: Joe Biden continues to decline with the world watching and remains out of the press reach Presidential Historian Larry Cook weighs in on how Bidens relationship with the press compares to past presidents US Special Forces have been confirmed to be in Ukraine OReilly describes Democrats hosting the DNC in Chicago as Crazy Arrogant The trial of Fox News gets underway 58% of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck even as inflation begins to cool off Smart Life: Utilizing Kelly Blue Book when searching for a new car This Day in History: FDR dies in office Final Thought: what to do when someone is disrespectful to you In Case You Missed It: Read Bill's latest column, "Reason to Believe" Join 'Team Normal!' Order your gear now at! Pre-order Bills next bestseller Killing the Witches NOW Learn more about your ad choices. Visit gettyimagesbank Gov't urged to set up long-term policies to expand number of pediatric physicians By Jun Ji-hye Kim Ji-hye, the mother of a 13-month-old boy, was alarmed to find her son had a fever early Saturday morning. As the new mother has learned, a fever could have a catastrophic impact on a baby. She rushed him to a nearby children's hospital in Seocho District in Seoul, only to find a long line of parents with their sick kids, 30 minutes before the hospital opened. "There were more than 25 patients waiting for treatment just 15 minutes after the hospital opened," Kim said. "It was so hard to wait for my son's turn while standing up cradling the crying baby in my arms for more than an hour. I was also scared that my son's condition could worsen while having to wait for a long time to receive treatment." Similar stories experienced by many other parents with sick children can be spotted easily on online communities amid a deepening shortage of medical facilities for children and pediatric physicians in the country. The shortage is mainly attributed to a falling birthrate and a growing reluctance among medical students to specialize in pediatrics due to a heavy workload and low pay compared to other popular fields such as plastic surgery. According to a Statistics Korea report issued, Wednesday, the country's total fertility rate, or the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime, fell to 0.78 in 2022, which is the lowest level seen since 1970 when the agency began compiling related data. Korea's fertility rate remained below one for five consecutive years. The country is the only member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) with a fertility rate lower than one. The average total fertility rate of OECD members was 1.59 as of 2020. While the falling birthrate has led to a reduction in demand for children's health care services, the pediatrics field has also waned in popularity among prospective physicians due to relatively low pay compared to the heavy workload. According to data tallied by the Korean Pediatric Society, the number of young doctors who applied to be pediatric interns in 2023 stood only at 53 out of the 208 quota, accounting for just 25 percent. The gap compared to other popular fields of medicine was large, as data tallied last year showed that the application rates of interns in rehabilitation medicine and plastic surgery stood at 202 percent and 180.6 percent, respectively. What is worse is that the shortage of medical facilities for children and pediatric professionals is expected to worsen, as a falling number of young pediatricians remains a growing burden on those currently in the field, which also makes other prospective physicians reluctant to jump into the field. Regions outside the Seoul metropolitan area face an even more serious shortage of children's doctors. Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Korea Ramin Hasanov speaks during the screening of "Endless Corridor," a documentary film on the 1992 Khojaly massacre, at the Yongsan Youth Town in Seoul, Friday. The embassy commemorated the 31st anniversary of the genocide and paid tribute to the victims. Courtesy of Embassy of Azerbaijan in Korea ASIC, with the majority of law enforcement agencies in Australia, have used some or all of the Nuix platform of services now for quite some time, be that for assisting with court document control, evidence control within its own agency, its document scrutinisation software. Some of those contracts have been there for years, ASICs chief operating officer, Warren Day, told the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services in December. Loading Senator Deborah ONeill, who chairs the committee, put the obvious question to Day. For Mr and Mrs Public, the question is: How bad do you have to be? How many regulatory interventions, oversights and headlines about dubious activities do you have to have before a government agency says: Were not going to do business with you anymore. Day confirmed that ASIC was looking at alternative suppliers for these Nuix services, but hinted at the challenge ahead. Weve got longstanding contracts that were working through the procurement of. And were not in a position to make any change other than extend the current procurement while we assess further the provision of those services that we need to be an effective law enforcement agency. As I say, this is similar to most other law enforcement agencies in this country. ASIC remained non-committal when appearing before the joint committee this week, after being asked if it planned to dump Nuix. Some Nuix clients mentioned in recent reports as abandoning the platform appear to have found an alternative in Chicago-based Reveal Brainspace. KordaMentha and law firm Ashurst have signed up with Reveal, but the law firm confirmed it was still using Nuix as well. While no one is willing to talk about it on the record, finding an alternative provider is only half the battle. The other half is the masses of court-related data and evidence tied up in the proprietary Nuix applications that will not be easy to migrate to a new system. Nuix claims that the forensic accuracy of its work is so exacting that it is accepted as evidence in courtroom proceedings. If I take your emails, and I break them down into zeros and ones, and I can reconstruct them to their original form and retain that chain of custody its very, very powerful, former CEO Rod Vawdrey said. He is among those facing civil penalty charges for breach of their directors duties. And it would be a big issue for any of these agencies that have been using the technology for courtroom evidence stretching back years. Nuixs current CEO, Jonathan Rubinsztein, says the business has strong customer loyalty despite the reports of clients walking away. Credit: Louise Kennerley Is it any wonder then that the current Nuix chief was able to dazzle the market with its latest financial performance and douse claims that customers such as ASIC, KordaMentha and law firm Ashursts, are abandoning Nuix? Thats complete speculation. I call that erroneous chatter, Nuix chief executive Jonathan Rubinsztein said this week when the company released its results for the six months to December. Rubinsztein, who joined last year, is not subject to any regulatory action. My view is that weve got to focus on the facts. And the facts are, the business is turning around. Rubinsztein was able to point to rising revenue and underlying earnings as well as a bounce back to profit thanks to the costs of its legal battles dropping significantly for the half year. He did acknowledge the rather awkward relationship with ASIC. Theres certainly complexity in ASIC, he said, and declined to comment further. All I can say is, our churn is dropping, and our [underlying revenue] is going up. Our customer base is extremely loyal. And I think that our competitive position in this market is strong. It is the companys financial strength that may continue to be the worry for its heavily invested users such as the AFP and ASIC. Loading Nuix shares got a big bump this month when it won a $180 million court battle with former CEO Eddie Sheehy. That case had the potential to financially cripple a company that had a market cap barely above $200 million at that time, and is only just starting to break even. The next challenge is dealing with the latest legal battles, and just as importantly, the shareholder class actions for investors who paid $5.31 a share in the public float of the business on the ASX. The stock bottomed at 52 cents last year. Senator ONeill pressed ASICs Day on what the response plan is if Nuix comes out on the wrong side of its courtroom battle with the corporate regulator. More than 300 passengers on a Melbourne-bound international flight were kept on the tarmac for over seven hours after the plane made an emergency landing in the Northern Territory on Sunday. Flight JQ30 departed Thailand just before 9.30pm (Bangkok time), before being diverted to Alice Springs due to a medical emergency seven hours into the flight, landing about 7.20am (ACST). After an electrical fault was detected on the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner carrying 320 passengers, a replacement plane was flown to Alice Springs to collect those onboard. Passengers had to stay inside the plane on the tarmac for a further seven hours after landing, as they were not allowed to disembark at Alice Springs because it is not an international airport and does not have customs facilities. Last week, the two of us, both socialist activists in the University of Sydneys Students Representative Council, were suspended from studying for a semester. Our crime? We protested during a speech by Malcolm Turnbull when he was invited onto campus to speak at an event organised by the Sydney University Law Society in September. Since then, along with several other activists, we have been dragged through a lengthy disciplinary process, where we were gagged from speaking publicly about the investigation. Deaglan Godwin and Maddie Clark have been suspended from Sydney University. Credit: Edwina Pickles We are alleged to have violated Turnbulls freedom of speech, yet this is absurd when you consider the power imbalance between us and him. Its about putting forward an alternative perspective. So we expressed ourselves as many have done before us, and many will do after us through collective action. Yes, we interrupted an event and spoke over him, and are aware that some attendees had turned up to listen to him, but we never intended to shut down the event. Even so, how could a few students with a megaphone possibly have as loud a voice as Turnbull? We simply dont have the avenues available to a former prime minister with book deals and speaking tours. Immediately after the protest, he was interviewed by several national media outlets, where he expressed what he thought of the event and decried us as fascists. After an under-pressure Queensland government buckled and reinstated breach of bail as a criminal offence, the state opposition has turned its attention to the use of knives in youth crime. And a high-ranking Queensland police inspector was singing from the same hymn sheet on Sunday after dealing with the stabbing death of a 20-year-old man at Underwood late last week. David Crisafulli speaking on the Gold Coast on Sunday morning. Credit: Facebook Opposition Leader David Crisafulli said the use of knives in youth crime had reached dangerous levels, but he was short of a concrete plan to tackle the problem. Instead, Crisafulli said the opposition would listen to the science and reflect on expert advice, although he did stress that tougher consequences for offenders was important. Russian woman allegedly murdered in Sydney Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. Were working to restore it. Please try again later. Dismiss As officials in Ukraine anxiously watch evolving diplomatic overtures between Moscow and Beijing, Chinas top leader will host the president of Belarus a staunch Kremlin ally next week. On Saturday, China announced the visit, to take place over three days starting on Tuesday, for President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, who a year ago allowed Russian forces to use his country as a staging ground for their full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The presence in Beijing of such a close partner of Russias President Vladimir Putin is likely to increase international attention, and pressure, over Chinas straddling position on the war. Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko pose for a photo before their talks at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence, outside Moscow, on February 17. Credit: AP The announcement of Beijings latest high-profile official visitor comes a week after the Biden administration accused China of considering sending lethal military assistance to Russia, a claim that Chinese officials have denied. If the Chinese send arms and ammunition to Moscows formations in eastern Ukraine, the supplies would come at a time when both sides are running low on much-needed artillery rounds. And after Beijing issued broad principles on Friday for trying to end the fighting in Ukraine, Western leaders voiced disappointment at the lack of more specific ideas in their proposal, or any signs that the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, might be willing to distance himself from Putin. A neonatal unit at a general hospital in Seoul in this file photo taken in 2019. Korea's total fertility rate fell to 0.78 last year, the lowest figure since the country began to collect relevant data in the 1970s. Yonhap Gov't urged to fix housing, inequality issues to change trend By Lee Hyo-jin Just four percent of unmarried Korean women in their 20s and 30s see marriage and childbearing as essential in their lives, according to a recent survey that paints an even gloomier picture of the country's continuously falling fertility rate. The survey was conducted by Park Jeong-min, a professor of social welfare at Seoul National University and published in the Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies, Sunday. Park surveyed 281 unmarried men and women aged between 20 and 40 on their thoughts about marriage and childbirth. Only four percent of the female respondents agreed to a question asking whether "marriage and childbirth are an essential part of a woman's life," while about 13 percent of male respondents believed so. Also, over 53 percent of women agreed that "marriage and childbirth are not important in a woman's life," compared to 26 percent of men who approved of the idea. The survey's results reveal more about Korea's continuously falling birth rate. According to the latest Statistics Korea data, the country's total fertility rate or the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime fell to 0.78 last year, the lowest figure since the country began to collect relevant data in the 1970s. The average total fertility rate of OECD member states was 1.59 as of 2020. Korea is the only OECD country with a fertility rate lower than one. The rate is showing no signs of a rebound despite years-long government efforts to encourage couples to have more children. During the last 16 years, Korea spent roughly 280 trillion won ($210 billion) in response to the plummeting fertility rate. Choi Seul-ki, a population policy expert at Korea Development Institute, sees the government's policies as having backfired. He said pushing young people to get married might have made them more skeptical about marriage. "For a majority of young Koreans, tying the knot and having children are now considered a matter of choice, not social norms that they should follow. Rather than directly urging them to get married, the government should create an environment where marriage is an appealing choice to the young generation," he said during a forum on demographic policies hosted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Feb. 22. He urged the government to address the factors underpinning young people's reluctance to marry, such as the bleak employment rate, expensive housing, social inequality and the highly competitive nature of society. Researchers in other countries seemed to be more pessimistic about Korea's demographic crisis. A Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) report published in 2021 concluded that there do not seem to be any groundbreaking measures available for Korea to increase the rate. "Overall, there appears to be no obvious way for Korea's government to secure a fertility rebound through public spending," read the report titled, "The pandemic's long reach: Korea's fiscal and fertility outlook." Higher levels of public social investments in daycare services in Korea would help, as would reductions in the private cost of higher education. But they are not likely to reverse the country's fertility slump, the report said. According to the researchers, several immediate actions the government should take in the long term were: ending legal discrimination against children born out of wedlock or into non-traditional families; ensuring high levels of marriage-based inward migration are maintained; acknowledging that any near-term shift in fertility levels is unlikely; and thus commencing a structural adjustment to downsize Korea's early childcare and educational institutions accordingly. THE EXCEPTIONS: Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the Fight for Women in Science Author: Kate Zernike : Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the Fight for Women in Science Publisher: Scribner Pages: 421 : Scribner Price: $30 The word exception implies rules, and as we know, rules are made to be broken. But in real life, it can be a frustrating business especially if youre a woman in science, especially in the decades leading up to the 21st century and especially if youre not the rule-breaking type. There were 16 rule breakers on the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. And exactly what these women endured for the right to do their work is the subject of Kate Zernikes excellent and infuriating new book. : $30The word exception implies rules, and as we know, rules are made to be broken. But in real life, it can be a frustrating business especially if youre a woman in science, especially in the decades leading up to the 21st century and especially if youre not the rule-breaking type. Also Read Redact name of sexual assault victim from order: SC tells Madras HC US FTC probes Pepsi, Coca-Cola over price discrimination, says report The council and caste Karnataka sexual abuse case: Murugha Math seer sent to judicial custody Trump rape accuser plans suit under new New York 'survivors' law Rushdie's City of Words Colditz beyond the myth The Churchill question Ahmad Shah Massoud, guerilla extraordinaire YouTube: From chaos to command The unlikely leader of the 16, without a firebrand bone in her body, was Nancy Hopkins. A Harvard-educated molecular biologist and cancer researcher, Hopkins was the quintessential brainiac a scholarship kid who skipped 10th grade, went to Radcliffe and believed, because its only logical, that as long as she applied her intellect, curiosity and passion, she would succeed. Inspired by a story Zernike (now a reporter at The New York Times) broke for The Boston Globe in 1999, The Exceptions is an intimate, behind-the-scenes account of how those scientists conducted a four-year study that resulted in MITs admitting to a long history of sexual discrimination. She found her calling in James Watsons introductory biology course. Its there she was first introduced to the double helix, the code that gave form and function to all of nature. The next year, Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins would win the Nobel Prize for their discovery of DNA. But it was the early 1960s; women at high levels of science were as rare as snow leopards. Hopkins set a timeline: She wanted to do something to alleviate human suffering within 10 years. Then shed move into Phase 2: Marriage and children. Without such a regimented plan, Hopkins knew that she, like so many bright women of her generation, could, as Zernike puts it, easily slide from graduation to marriage, a dog, children, the suburbs. A fate she thought of as a kind of death by privilege. According to Watson, Franklin was something of a termagant: Unpleasant, unfeminine, stubborn, lacking lipstick. He would later go on to claim that she had no idea what her photograph contained implying that she wasnt bright enough to understand her own work. For many years, Franklin received no credit. But their ground-breaking discovery had already been made by somebody else; it was Rosalind Franklins X-ray crystallography that first revealed the double helix. And Watson knew it hed been shown her photograph without her permission. But Hopkins also believed in the promise of affirmative action. In 1964, the Johnson administration prohibited employment discrimination based on race, colour, religion or national origin. In 1967, LBJ amended the law to include the word sex. For women like Hopkins, it was a signal that the playing field had been levelled. Suit up, ladies! Youve made the team. Or at least the bench. Hopkins hadnt yet heard Franklins side of the story. She was enthralled with Watson; hed not only given her a position in his lab but encouraged her to pursue a Ph.D. As the years ticked by, Zernike shows us Hopkins numbering her days in the lab with a palpable resignation. While she loved her work, it was not without its regular humiliations. Her introduction to Francis Crick started not with a handshake, but with his placing his hands on her breasts. What are you working on? he asked. Later, she was sexually assaulted by a colleague. Then, as Zernike relates, came yet another blow. Her popular Introduction to Biology course was commandeered by a trusted co-developer of the class. He and another scientist had a plan to make millions from textbooks, videos and CD-ROMs all based on seven years of joint work. And lest you think were still stuck in the 1960s, this was 1992 the Year of the Woman. Because despite Hopkinss belief that science should be meritocratic, it was not. Even when she had to choose between science and marriage (spoiler alert: Science won), she still found herself labouring under a sexist system. Reading the litany of indignities she suffered a tiny lab space, a salary well below that of her male colleagues, her name omitted from papers youll find yourself wondering not just why she stayed for decades, but how. Then-President Charles Vest agreed the evidence was irrefutable and committed to change, and other universities around the country followed suit. Today Hopkins is the Amgen professor of biology emerita at MIT, focusing on advocacy for cancer prevention and research, while co-founding, with Sangeeta Bhatia and Susan Hockfield, the Future Founders Initiative to increase the number of female faculty members who start biotechnology companies. But then a miracle occurred: MIT women faculty members finally compared notes. Being scientists, they got out their tape measures and calculated their lab spaces; made a list of who got what equipment, how salaries compared, how grants were awarded, who sat on which committees and how many outside offers they had received compared with their male counterparts. A pattern soon emerged. In 1994, the six departments that constituted the School of Science employed 15 tenured women and 194 men. Microsoft-owned ChatGPT has started replacing humans at workplaces as some companies have implemented the AI chatbot to perform the work being done earlier by employees, saving thousands of dollars. Companies that use ChatGPT said they saved money using the AI tool, with 48 per cent saved over $50,000 and 11 per cent saved over $100,000, according to a report in Fortune. Job advice platform surveyed 1,000 business leaders who either use or plan to use ChatGPT. It found that about half of their companies have implemented chatbots. And nearly half of this group say that "ChatGPT has already converted employees at their companies". "As this new technology is growing in the workplace right now, workers definitely need to think about how it may affect their current job responsibilities," Stacey Haller, chief career advisor at Resume Builder was quoted as saying in the report. Companies are using ChatGPT to write codes, copywriting and content creation, customer support and preparing meeting summaries. Also Read Bard, Bing and Baidu: How big tech's AI race will transform searches Google may introduce 20 AI-powered tools, ChatGPT competitor in May Meta joins AI chatbot race with own large language model for researchers MakeMyTrip experimenting with ChatGPT to boost customer experience SwiftChat with Google introduces speech-based reading tool 'Read Along' SC notice to CBI on Piramal Capital & Housing Finance plea to quash FIR Top headlines: Modi, Scholz discuss ties; Ant Group to pare stake in Paytm Mahindra Racing withdraws from Formula E due to rear suspension concerns Murugappa Group's EV arm TI Clean Mobility to raise Rs 3,000 crore Jack Ma-backed Ant Group plans to pare stake in Vijay Shekhar's Paytm About 77 per cent of firms using ChatGPT said they use it to help write job descriptions and 66 per cent said the AI chatbot is drafting interview solicitations. In a survey, Resume Builder found that job seekers are also utilising AI chatbot ChatGPT for resumes and cover letters. Almost 1 in 2 current and recent job seekers have used ChatGPT to write their resumes and/or cover letters. Of the 1,000 respondents who admitted to using ChatGPT for their application materials, 72 per cent said they used the tool to write cover letters, and 51 per cent say they used it to write resumes. Most respondents were satisfied with the results from ChatGPT, as 76 per cent of respondents said the quality of application materials written by ChatGPT is 'high' or 'very high'. Additionally, 28 per cent said they only had to do 'a little bit' or 'no' editing to resumes and/or cover letters written by ChatGPT. Microsoft recently introduced AI-powered Bing search engine, Edge web browser, and integrated Chat. The company is testing it with a select set of people in over 169 countries to get real-world feedback to learn and improve. Even as tech giant Google continues to cut down staff, a sacked Indian employee stated that the layoffs are not based on performance. In a LinkedIn post, Google India employee Animesh Swain stated that pink slips were also served to employees with highest ratings. The list also has names who were recently awarded promotions. "The people who managed to stay (including me) are not necessarily better than those laid off," Swain was quoted as saying in the post. Another employee Gurugram-based Aakriti Walia, working as a Google Cloud programme manager, was laid off just 10 minutes before a meeting. "The 'access denied' message on my system left me numb as I was preparing for my meeting just 10 mins away," Walia posted on the professional networking platform. "As I celebrated my 5-year Googleversary just a few days ago, little did I know it would be my last," she said. Also Read No employee was sacked, all resignations were voluntary: Amazon India Apple's VP of procurement sacked over vulgar comment in viral TikTok video EPAM sacks around 100 Indian employees, revokes offer letter of others 12k Facebook employees may lose jobs amid 'quiet layoffs', says report Amazon layoffs in India may be higher than other tech majors: Report OYO asks tourism ministry to probe working of FHRAI's executive panel New platforms less compliant on mandatory display of details online: survey More value to be discovered, NCLT has usurped powers of CoC: Reliance Titan to more than double Zoya luxury store counts, top-line by FY27 IndiGo, Go First face P&W engine headwinds; over 50 planes on ground Earlier, Jennifer Vaden Barth, a creative Strategist at Google, said that the "layoff impacted very talented and highly rated professionals". Barth, who had worked at Google for 15 years said that "layoffs hit women particularly hard, especially women over 40". Meanwhile, in a bid to further cut costs, Google has even asked employees who return to work to share their work desks with a "partner" to maximise office space. Google India has recently terminated more than 400 employees. The layoffs at Google India were part of the larger job cuts that impacted 12,000 workers globally at the company. Denying that the layoffs were done "randomly", Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai had said earlier that he is "deeply sorry" for reducing the workforce. In an email to employees, Pichai said he takes "full responsibility for the decisions that led us here". The layoffs at Google's parent company were expected amid the deepening funding winter that has hit companies of all sizes in the global slowdown and recession fears. --IANS rvt/vd As part of its expansion plans, the company is looking to set up an industrial park under the 'Origins' brand at Pune-Satara area in Maharashtra. In the residential segment, the company has set a target of increasing the annual sales of Rs 2,500 crore by 2025, from around Rs 1,000 crore last financial year. We are doing better this year. Last year, we did Rs 298 crore on the industrial business side. Now, in nine months we had around Rs 255 crore. We are looking at closing the year strong. We are on track to achieve the target of Rs 500 crore by 2025 in the industrial business, said Rajaram Pai, chief business officer (industrial), Mahindra Lifespaces. Mahindra Lifespace Developers, the real estate and infrastructure development arm of the Mahindra Group, is expecting its industrial leasing business to touch an annual revenue of about Rs 500 crore by 2025, up from Rs 298 crore during the last financial year, a top company executive told Business Standard. During the April-December period of the current financial year, the company had posted a multi-fold jump in net profit at Rs 100.88 crore, compared with Rs 17.67 crore during the same time the preceding financial year. Demand has been significantly up for us. A lot of the contributory parts were driven by policy and consumption. PLI has been a big boost. Several companies have actually been expanding their footprint. In addition, the national logistics policy and infrastructure announcement in the Budget have been a big positive, he said. In the industrial segment, Mahindra Lifespace has 3,000 acres in Jaipur, 1,500 acres at World City in Chennai, 300 acres at Origins in Chennai and 340 acres as part of Origins in Ahmedabad. In the industrial space, the company has four parks Mahindra World City projects in Jaipur and Chennai and Origins in Chennai and Ahmedabad. We are looking at significant sales activation at Origins in Ahmedabad. We are looking at phase-II of the Origins in Chennai. At Ahmedabad, we are looking for an anchor client, Pai added. Pai added that during the last financial year, the firm was most impacted by an increase in the prices of steel, cement, soil and other raw material. He said that besides players in the production linked incentive schemes, the company is also betting big on sectors such as medical devices, steel mills and electric vehicle component makers. The hotel aggregator urged the MoT to take necessary action against FHRAIs illegally run Executive Committee and its members who are working for self-interest instead of that of small hotel owners. IPO-bound hospitality major OYO has written to the Ministry of Tourism (MoT) requesting it to intervene and investigate the running of the Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI) and order eviction of erring executive committee members. Responding to the allegations, Jaison Chacko, Secretary General of FHRAI, said, It would have been desirable if OYO would have tried to counter FHRAI's allegations and tried to clear the pending dues of hundreds of hotel partners." The representation by OYO alleged that FHRAIs actions are detrimental to small hotel owners. It also claimed that the industry body's constant tussle and continued malafide friction with organised players like OYO discourages SMEs and entrepreneurs from progressing and moving ahead with the times and with technology. The National Company Law Tribunal's (NCLT's) principal bench recently directed the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to examine FHRAI's affairs and ensure that it complies with the provisions of the Companies Act. Chacko claimed that the FHRAI approached appropriate authorities including the CCI, NCLT, NCLAT, SEBI and Government of India against OYOs oppressive and unethical business practices based on an enormous number of complaints received from our members about large scale breach of contracts, default of payments, unilateral cancellation of agreements and other fraudulent activities committed by OYO Also Read OYO announces launch of category for highly rated hotels in 70 cities OYO writes to NCLT to expedite inquiry on FHRAI executive committee Surge in bookings, cost cutting fuel 8-fold surge in IPO-bound OYO's Ebitda OYO elevates two senior execs in service experience and revenue functions We should go public when the time is right: OYO Hotels' Steve Albrechts New platforms less compliant on mandatory display of details online: survey More value to be discovered, NCLT has usurped powers of CoC: Reliance Titan to more than double Zoya luxury store counts, top-line by FY27 IndiGo, Go First face P&W engine headwinds; over 50 planes on ground Decentralised RE will help upgrade India's grid network: GE Grid Solutions OYOs letter recounts the findings and the order passed by the NCLTs principal bench, which observed: The object of the FHRAI is to promote the interest of hotels of various regions by encouraging and protecting the hospitality industry in India has been defeated due to petty squabbles time and again. Personal interest has come to loom over the functioning of FHRAI. Certain members of various regions of FHRAI are breeding litigation for personal reasons and we strongly disapprove of it. The order stated this was necessary as a series of litigation had spawned due to the manner in which FHRAI was conducting its affairs. The tribunal also ruled that personal interest has come to loom over the functioning of FHRAI and this has to be curbed. But the present governing body members of the FHRAI, are running a deleterious and malicious agenda aimed towards ruining the interest of hotel industry at large, and creating hurdles and bottlenecks for new players in the market, who are posing a stiff challenge to the self-serving agenda of certain members of the FHRAI with vested interest, it added. Aggregators like OYO have only enabled the industry in India over the last decade and new-age players have democratised travel, made hotels and homes more accessible to guests from around the globe, the letter read. The verdict declared all administrative decisions by the current executive committee null and void and asked FHRAI to conduct fresh elections in 30 days. The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) recently delivered a verdict on an appeal, dated August 30, 2022, by the Hotel and Restaurant Association of Northern India (HRANI) and the Hotels and Restaurants Association of Western India (HRAWI). We further find the acts of some members of the executive committee, who have formed a clique to give shape to their chosen but perverse design, are clearly acts of oppression and mismanagement, the NCLAT ruling said. The All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) on Sunday passed several resolutions at the end of its two-day national conference in Mumbra in ,Maharashtra's Thane district, including on violence against Muslims and Dalits and demands from some Sangh Parivar segments to make India a 'Hindu Rashtra'. The conference was chaired by AIMIM chief and Telangana Lok Sabha MP Asaduddin Owaisi. Addressing a press conference here, Owaisi said, "One resolution unequivocally condemns the continuing and increasing attacks against Muslims, other minorities and Dalits. It is the duty of the Centre and state governments to ban illegal and criminal organisations that have undertaken a systematic campaign of terror in the garb of cow protection, anti-conversion, love jihad etc." He said his party sought a dedicated cell in the Ministry of Home Affairs to track and counter "majoritarian religious radicalisation", while victims of "majoritarian violence", those who have been lynched or killed in the name of Hindutva, must be compensated. Other resolutions include one demanding that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and chief ministers speak out against hate speeches, while another sought reservations for the Muslims on the basis of several commissions that have termed the community as socially, economically and educationally backward, Owaisi said. "Moreover, Dalit Muslims and Dalit Christians must be classified as Scheduled Castes and get benefits. The Union government must amend the 1952 Presidential order to remove an unconstitutional religious classification. We are also opposed to the Uniform Civil Code," the Hyderabad MP informed. A resolution passed during the two-day conference condemned several states for enacting Freedom of Religion laws to curb religious conversion through fraudulent means, including marriage by harping on "love jihad". Also Read Shiv Sena split unfortunate, but Muslims won't used as punching bag: AIMIM SC asks Delhi Police to file charge sheet in 2021 hate speeches case SC wants to know if govt wants to bring law to curb hate speeches on TV Take suo motu action against hate speeches, register cases immediately: SC MEA issues advisory for Indians in Canada amid rising hate crimes Sisodia's arrest a welcome step, AAP misused power: Delhi Cong chief Sisodia's arrest is law taking its course in liquor scam, says LoP Bidhuri Kejriwal, Mann meets Sisodia's family members after his arrest by CBI Manish Sisodia is innocent, his arrest is dirty politics: CM Kejriwal Polling for Nagaland Assembly tomorrow; 13 lakh voters, 183 candidates Love jihad is a term right-wing activists often use to claim Muslim men are converting Hindu women through marriage. "The AIMIM calls for the repeal of such laws that target religious scholars (who solemnise marriages) and interfaith couples," one of the AIMIM resolutions stated. Condemning statements by some Sangh Parivar leaders seeking that India be declared a 'Hindu Rashtra', the AIMIM also said the Narendra Modi government must defend the Places of Worship Act in the Supreme Court as it was recognised by the apex court as part of the basic structure of the Constitution. The AIMIM also condemned some "elite thinkers" for entering into talks with the Sangh Parivar and said the party will continue its fight against the "invisibilisation of Muslims" from the country's political scene. The BSF on Sunday shot down a drone that had allegedly entered Indian territory from across the border in the Amritsar sector, officials said. Border Security Force (BSF) troops deployed along the International Border with Pakistan intercepted and brought down the drone, they said. BSF troops deployed at the border heard the buzzing noise of a suspected drone entering from Pakistan in the area near Shahjada village in Amritsar (Rural) district at 2.11 am, a BSF official said in a statement issued here. The troops intercepted the drone as per the drill laid down and fired at it, he said. The area was cordoned off and police and other agencies concerned were informed. During the search, the troops recovered the partially damaged drone. The black, DJI Matrice (Made in China) drone was lying near Dhussi Bundh close to Shahjada village, the statement added. The Haryana Government on Sunday ordered suspension of mobile internet and SMS services in Nuh district for three days over apprehensions of communal tension and breach of peace following a call for more protests over the abduction-murder of two men from Rajasthan allegedly by cow vigilantes. The restrictions "shall remain in force with effect from February 26 to February 28, 2023 (23:59 hrs)," according to an official order. Sources said security has been strengthened in Nuh, where hundreds of people blocked the Nuh-Alwar highway in Firozpur Jhirka on Friday demanding the arrest of the accused in the abduction and murder of the two men from Bharatpur whose charred bodies were found in Haryana's Bhiwani. "Haryana Government has issued a temporary suspension of mobile internet services (2G/3G/4G/CDMA/GPRS), all SMS services including bulk SMS and excluding banking and mobile recharge, and all dongle services, etc. provided on mobile networks except the voice calls in the territorial jurisdiction of district Nuh with immediate effect," it said. It cited "potential cause for communal tension and disturbance of public peace". The temporary suspension has been imposed to stop the spread of disinformation and rumours through various social media platforms, such as Whatsapp, Facebook Twitter, etc. on mobile phones and SMS, the order said. Also Read Supreme Court rejects plea seeking declaration of cow as national animal Station House Officer taken into custody over rape complaint in Kerala Govt schools to be painted with shades of cow dung in Chhattisgarh Gaumutra cures illness, dung protects from nuclear radiation: Gujarat court Congress could've been more vocal on issues like Bilkis Bano: Tharoor Penalty for littering garbage on roads in Kolkata hiked 100 times Youth endowed with potential can give new direction to society: Om Birla Gujarat govt distributes loans to 4,000 street vendors under PMSVANidhi India, UK finance ministers agree to make further progress on FTA Earthquake of 6.1-magnitude jolts Kushiro coast of Japan's Hokkaido island The protest on Friday led to a massive jam on the highway for around an hour but finally police managed to control the situation and got the road cleared. After the protest on the Nuh-Alwar highway, a call was made for a series for a series of protests in Nuh district. Police on Saturday booked more than 500 people for blocking the highway. Nasir and Junaid, both residents of Ghatmeeka village in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan, were allegedly abducted by cow vigilantes on February 15 and their bodies were found in a charred car in Loharu in Haryana's Bhiwani the next day. The Rajasthan Police has said it has got concrete evidence against eight accused named in the FIR. They are Anil and Srikant from Nuh, Kalu from Kaithal, Kishore and Shashikant from Karnal, Monu and Gogi from Bhiwani, and Vikas of Jind, officials said. However, the role of Monu Manesar, a member of Bajrang Dal, in the case is still being investigated, officials said. On Wednesday, arrested accused Rinku Saini was produced before a court that sent him to police remand till February 27. The USS Springfield nuclear-powered fast attack submarine arrives at a naval base in Busan, Saturday. Courtesy of US Pacific Fleet US aircraft carrier may participate in next month's combined exercise By Kang Seung-woo, Jung Min-ho South Korea and the United States have stepped up deterrence efforts against North Korea's mounting threats, recently stoked by its launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), with their latest warning coming over the weekend the arrival of a U.S. nuclear-powered submarine in Busan. In addition, the allies conducted a tabletop exercise last week to respond to possible North Korean nuclear attacks. A U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is also expected to participate in the allies' springtime combined exercise, scheduled to begin in the middle of next month. According to the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Saturday, the Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Springfield arrived in Busan for a scheduled port visit earlier that day. "The USS Springfield is one of five Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarines forward-deployed to Guam and routinely operates in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations, conducting maritime security operations and supporting national security interests," it said on its Facebook. The rare disclosure of the submarine's deployment to the Korean Peninsula seems intended to send a strong warning to North Korea following repeated missile provocations. The Kim Jong-un regime launched a Hwasong-15 ICBM, Feb. 18, believed to be capable of hitting targets anywhere on the U.S. mainland. "The arrival of the U.S. nuclear-powered submarine would serve as Washington's extended deterrence commitments to Seoul," said Shin Jong-woo, a senior researcher at the Korea Defense and Security Forum. "A nuclear-powered submarine is a weapon system that can covertly approach and subdue any North Korean submarine, so I think it can be another level of warning to North Korea," Shin added. On Thursday (local time), South Korea and the United States conducted their eighth Deterrence Strategy Committee Table-Top Exercise, also known as DSC TTX, at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The USS Springfield nuclear-powered fast attack submarine is docked at a naval base in Busan, Saturday. Courtesy of US Pacific Fleet "Both sides affirmed that the alliance stands ready to respond to the DPRK's [North Korea's] nuclear threats," the South Korean and U.S. delegations said in a statement after the drill. "The U.S. side highlighted that its 2022 Nuclear Posture Review states that any nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its allies and partners is unacceptable and will result in the end of that regime." During that exercise, the allies discussed ways to maintain peace on the Peninsula, including "potential options" in the case of North Korea's nuclear weapons use. "The United States will continue to field flexible nuclear forces suited to deterring regional nuclear conflict, including the capability to forward-deploy strategic bombers, dual-capable fighter aircraft, and nuclear weapons to the region," the U.S. delegation said in the statement. "The United States will continue to work with the ROK [South Korea] to ensure an effective mix of capabilities, concepts, deployments, exercises, and tailored options to deter and, if necessary, respond to coercion and aggression by the DPRK." After the DSC TTX, the delegations visited nuclear submarine training facilities in Georgia, where they were briefed on the mission of the Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarines, which act as virtually undetectable undersea launch platforms for intercontinental ballistic missiles. The very same day, North Korea announced that it test-fired four long-range cruise missiles in waters off its eastern coast in its latest provocation. The launches, confirmed by South Korea's military, were intended to verify the reliability of the missiles and "war posture" of North Korea's nuclear combat unit, according to its state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). South Korean delegates pose with U.S. officials inside the USS West Virginia, a U.S. Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, during their visit to the nuclear submarine training facilities at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia, Thursday (local time). Courtesy of Ministry of National Defense The process to cull nearly 4,000 birds, including chickens and ducks, began in Jharkhand's Bokaro district late on Saturday evening after a bird flu outbreak was reported at a state-run poultry farm, an official said. H5N1, a type of avian influenza virus, was confirmed among a protein-rich breed of chicken, 'Kadaknath', at the farm in the Lohanchal where 800 birds died and 103 had to be culled, he said. "The process to cull a total of 3,856 birds, including chickens and ducks, began late this evening in the affected area -- 1 km radius of the farm," Institute of Animal Health & Production, Ranchi, director Dr Bipin Bihari Mahtha told PTI. He said the culling will continue on Sunday as the process is time-consuming. After birds started to die at the farm on February 2, samples were sent to the National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases in Bhopal for testing and the flu was confirmed, he said. A process has been started to determine the compensation for the people whose chickens and ducks are being culled, he added. Also Read Chickens, ducks to be culled as Jharkhand reports bird flu outbreak Flu vaccine that can protect against all 20 known influenza virus developed Bird flu prompts slaughter of another 1.8 million chickens in Nebraska Over 6,000 birds killed in Kerala's Kottayam amid bird flu outbreak Jharkhand on alert as bird flu cases reported in state-run poultry farm Indian Consulate attacked by Khalistanis in Australia's Brisbane Digi gender divide worsened in India in recent years, says report Victim has fundamental right to fair investigation and trial, says SC Unemployment rate at 5-year low of 4.1% in 2021-22, shows PLFS data Unemployment rate dips to 7.2% in October-December 2022: Govt survey The district administration has already declared areas within 1 km radius of the farm as the affected zone, while areas within 10 km radius have been declared surveillance zone. It also banned the sale of chicken and ducks in the district. Additional Chief Secretary (Health) Arun Kumar Singh earlier said the state was on an alert. A medical team was formed to monitor the border areas of the district, and for the sampling of chickens and ducks at large farms. Besides, it has also been asked to collect samples of people living in the affected zone. A separate ward has been set up at the Sadar Hospital for people infected with bird flu. Symptoms of the infection among humans include severe upper back pain, fever, cough, shortness of breath, cold and blood in the sputum, officials said. The Animal Husbandry Department issued an advisory, urging people to inform it if they see dead birds. Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik Andr Henrik Christian and Crown Princess Mary Elizabeth arrived in India on Sunday on a four-day visit. It is the first visit to India from the Danish Royal family in two decades. The two are visiting India at the invitation of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, according to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said in a tweet that the visit will further strengthen and enhance the close and friendly ties between the two countries. The royal couple will also travel to Agra and Chennai. They will depart from Chennai on March 2. The royal couple is learnt to be accompanied by Foreign Minister Lars Lkke Rasmussen, Environment Minister Magnus Heunicke and Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities Lars Aagaard. Also Read Dutch king unveils aid in billions to households struggling with inflation Israeli PM, Jordanian King discuss tensions in Middle East at UNGA meet Over 2,000 guests gather in Westminister Abbey to join Queen funeral today Russell Domingo resigns as Bangladesh head coach without completing tenure At 97, Malaysia's former leader Mahathir Mohamad to contest in elections SC notice to CBI on Piramal Capital & Housing Finance plea to quash FIR IIT Madras to establish Rs 100 cr Innovation & Entrepreneurship fund He is a 'constant threat': Allahabad HC denies bail to ex-MP Umakant Yadav Latest LIVE: Prime minister to address the nation in Mann ki Baat shortly Traditions of India can't be defined without Karnataka's contributions: PM "During the visit, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will meet the Vice President and will address the opening session of the India-Denmark: Partners for Green and Sustainable Progress, organised by CII. He will also call-on President Droupadi Murmu," the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said on Tuesday. "India and Denmark as vibrant and open democracies, share common values of a rules-based international order and convergence of views on significant multilateral issues. The visit is expected to further strengthen and enhance the close and friendly ties between India and Denmark," it had said. Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik Andr Henrik Christian and Crown Princess Mary Elizabeth visited the Taj Mahal and the Agra Fort here on Sunday. The Danish royals were accorded a grand welcome at the airport here. According to the tour guide, they exhibited interest in the architecture of the beautiful monument and its history. "They exhibited interest in the architecture of Taj Mahal, the inlay work and other arts. They also enquired about who built it and how many workers were engaged to build the Taj Mahal. The crown prince also expressed curiosity about the 'Black Taj Mahal'," tour guide Nitin Singh said. The 'Black Taj Mahal' is said to have been built across the Yamuna river in black marble, but the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has dismissed it as a myth. The Danish royals are on a four-day visit to India. It is the first visit to India from the Danish Royal family in two decades. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday asked fresh recruits in Uttar Pradesh Police to have a heart -- be sensitive even as they are asked to wield the stick as part of their new responsibility. Modi pitched for sensitivity in the system even as he claimed that UP has shed the tag of being a state where the law and order was in shambles. "There was a time when Uttar Pradesh was known for the mafia and the poor law-and-order situation. Today, it is known for better law and order and as a state that is progressing rapidly, he said in a recorded message at a rozgar mela, where over 9,000 appointment letters were handed over to newly recruited security personnel. He asked the young policemen and women never to stop learning. These included police sub-inspectors, Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) officers and firefighters, joining the service in a state which in the past has faced accusation of police excesses. When you don the police uniform, the government places a baton ('danda') in your hands but don't forget that that the government came in later before that God gave you a heart as well, he told the recruits, asking them to listen to their heart as well. Also Read World Heart Day: Doctors say lifestyle, dietary change must for good health Noida cops tell mall, bar operators to step up security for X-mas, New Year Video games may trigger lethal heart rhythm problems in children: Report Lifestyle, sleep, food, exercise reason of rise in heart attacks: Experts Researchers discover 380 million-year-old heart, oldest ever found Put Savarkar's pictures instead of Gandhi's on currency: Hindu Mahasabha Tibet has lowest literacy among all provinces in China: Delhi Think Tank Delhi-bound IndiGo flight diverted to Ahmedabad due to bird hit: DGCA Drugs worth Rs 33 crore among items seized ahead of polling in Meghalaya PM Modi to release 13th instalment of Rs 16,800cr under PM-KISAN on Monday You will have to be sensitive and make the system sensitive as well, the prime minister said. He said this will be kept in mind during the training of the young recruits so that they become as sensitive as possible. He said the UP government is bringing several changes in police training. Recruits will be trained to deal with cybercrime and in forensic science to encourage smart policing. The message was played out at the event attended by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak and Finance Minister Suresh Khanna. Modi said the occasion brought happiness to more than 9,000 families. "I am told that since 2017, when the BJP came to power in the state, more than 1.5 lakh new recruitments have been made in Uttar Pradesh Police. Employment opportunities have gone up and the sense of security among people has been strengthened under the BJP rule," he said. The prime minister said employment opportunities increase wherever law and order is sound. "Investment goes up wherever a safe environment is created for business." "These days, employment fairs (rozgar melas') have become special events for me. For several months, I have been observing that job fairs are being held every week in one or the other BJP-ruled state. Thousands of youngsters are being given appointment letters. It is my good fortune that I am getting an opportunity to witness this," Modi said. "Those who have got appointment letters today should always keep one thing in mind -- new responsibilities, new challenges and new opportunities are going to come to you, new opportunities are waiting for you every day." "I am saying this personally as an MP from Uttar Pradesh. Even though you have got the appointment letter, never let the student within you die," he added. Modi, who represents the Varanasi parliamentary constituency, said these days there are many avenues of online education and there is a lot to learn. "It is necessary for your progress. Strengthening your capability is necessary to attain new heights in life," he said. Earlier, CM Adityanath said the police force must be friendly and sensitive towards the common man but not spare criminals and anti-social elements, following the policy of zero tolerance towards crime. He said UP's image has changed. Six years ago, our youths had to hide their identity outside Uttar Pradesh. The fault was not with the land but with the system. Today, people from the state's 75 districts can proudly take the name of their district." This is the same Uttar Pradesh where investors once shut their businesses and left the state, the chief minister said and referred to the "mass migration" from Kairana town -- a controversial event disputed by some. Adityanath asked the selected candidates to upgrade their skills and knowledge of technology to deal with new-age crime which is not restricted by borders. "We will be able to control crime only when we think ten steps ahead of the criminal. He claimed the state has done excellent work in the field of women's safety, and said the number of women in the force too has tripled over recent years. The CM pointed out that the Police Commissioner system is now implemented in seven cities in the state. The Allahabad High Court has rejected the bail application of former MP Umakant Yadav in connection with the case involving the alleged grabbing of Gandhi Ashram in Azamgarh district. The court observed that he is a 'constant threat' to society. "Such a person is a constant threat to the civil society governed by the rule of law. He is a threat to the society and peace loving and law-abiding citizens," the court added. Expressing anguish that he has been convicted only in two cases despite having a long criminal history, Justice Dinesh Kumar Singh observed, "The accused applicant had allegedly committed the first offence of murder in 1974 and in 48 years of his long and heinous journey in the world of crime, he could be convicted only in two cases, that too in 2022. This is very perturbing and does not augur well for a democratic polity and a society which is governed by rule of law. All wings of the government -- executive, legislative and judiciary -- must share the blame for allowing such a dreaded criminal to go scot-free in several heinous offences. Such a criminal should not have any place in society." The present bail application was filed, seeking bail by the accused applicant in a 2019 case. It was alleged that on September 27, 2019, on exhortation of present accused applicant, his sons -- Ravikant Yadav and Dineshkant Yadav and several unknown accomplices -- broke open the locks of Gandhi Ashram and stole government property and documents. Also Read President Droupadi Murmu to visit Mahatma Gandhi ashram in Ahmedabad today Indian embassy in China celebrates Gandhi Jayanti at Beijing's art museum UP CM Adityanath pays tributes to Mahatma Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri Ashram flyover extension will be completed by November: Delhi govt Heavy traffic near Ashram, commuters asked to take alternative route LIVE: Sisodia to fully cooperate with CBI in excise policy probe, says AAP Traditions of India can't be defined without Karnataka's contributions: PM Culling of 4,000 chickens, ducks starts in Jharkhand amid bird flu outbreak Indian Consulate attacked by Khalistanis in Australia's Brisbane Digi gender divide worsened in India in recent years, says report The said Gandhi Ashram situated on Nazul land was constructed by funds given by the World Bank and mobilised by the ashram itself. After looting the government property and the documents, the said ashram was painted by the accused applicant in pink. The building was, thereafter, occupied by the accused applicant and his sons. At the time of incident, no one from the ashram staff was present on the premises. Rejecting the bail application, the court said, "The accused applicant -- Umakant -- was two times MP and one-time MLA. The rich but inglorious criminal history of the accused applicant of heinous offences would disclose that he had accumulated wealth and properties of several hundred crores from the proceeds of crime, using his political clout, muscle power, mafia and don image. On an overall view of the aforesaid facts, this court does not find any ground to enlarge the accused applicant on bail." Japan-based JFE Engineering Limited has agreed to provide technical support to the upcoming waste-to-energy plant at Kozhikode, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said on Sunday. Keiichi Nagaya, Director, Head of Overseas Business and Environmental Solution Sector, of the firm, met the Chief Minister here and assured assistance for the state's first waste-to-energy treatment plant. Vijayan, in a Facebook post, said the firm has the experience of installing more than 350 waste disposal plants across the world. "They have assured cooperation in the fields of technology and construction for the project. The government intends to complete the construction of the plant within two years. Kerala's first Waste-to-Energy Treatment Plant is going to be established in Kozhikode," the Chief Minister further said. In the meeting held in the Chief Minister's chamber on Saturday, the company's India Managing Director B G Kulkarni, Zonta Infratech MD Raj Kumar, among others participated. Terrorists on Sunday shot dead a 40-year-old Kashmiri Pandit man in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district while he was on his way to a local market, police said. Sanjay Sharma (40), who worked as an ATM guard, was shot in the chest at point-blank range in the Achan area of the south Kashmir district around 11 am, they added. "Terrorists fired upon one civilian from minority namely Sanjay Sharma S/O Kashinath Sharma R/O Achan Pulwama while on way to local market," the Kashmir Zone police wrote on Twitter. They said Sharma was rushed to a hospital but he succumbed to the injuries. "There was armed guard in his village. Area cordoned off. Details shall follow," police said. Meanwhile, a pall of gloom descended on the victim's village. Also Read J-K BJP pres, former dep CM visits slain Kashmiri pandit's house in Jammu Statehood, land and jobs for locals only my main agenda: Ghulam Nabi Azad Militants shoot non-local migrant labourer in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama Massacre of tribals in Mangarh more gruesome than Jallianwala: Gujarat CM India to contribute $500,000 for UN Trust Fund for Counter-Terrorism Manish Sisodia questioning: Section 144 imposed at CBI headquarters PM Modi remembers 'Lata Didi', Ustad Bismillah Khan during 'Mann Ki Baat' DGCA plans to hire 400 tech staff in 1-2 yrs; increase offices to 19: Chief Once known for poor law and order, UP progressing rapidly now: PM Modi CBI puts documentary, digital & electronic evidence before Manish Sisodia The deceased worked as an ATM guard in a bank but was not reporting to duty of late following an earlier spate of terror attacks on his community members, his colleagues said. Political parties condemned the killing, terming it "senseless". "Deeply saddened to hear of the demise of Sanjay Pandith of Achan in Pulwama district of South Kashmir. Sanjay was working as a bank security guard and was killed in a militant attack earlier today. I unequivocally condemn this attack and send my condolences to his loved ones," National Conference (NC) leader Omar Abdullah said in a tweet. People's Democratic Party (PDP) chief Mehbooba Mufti blamed the BJP-led Centre for failing to protect Kashmiri Pandits. The former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister also hit out at the perpetrators of the attack. Talking to reporters here, she said, "A few days ago, right-wing terrorists killed two Muslims in Rajasthan. Today, you have killed a Hindu. What is the difference between you and them?" Mufti accused the BJP government of endangering the lives of minorities in Kashmir while projecting a picture of normalcy in the valley. NC's chief spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq condemned the killing, saying it was an unfortunate incident. "As the majority community, we should ensure the protection of the minorities," he said, adding that the government has failed to do so. Gwalior's royal family scion Mahanaaryaman Scindia, whose name speaks volumes, has shed his legacy and ventured into building his own empire from scratch through startup MyMandi, which he expects to turn profitable in about one-and-a-half years of its business commencement. By combining his lineage of public service, lessons of creating social impact by grandfather late Madhavrao Scindia and wisdom acquired during work at global firms Boston Consulting Group and Softbank Group, 27-year-old Scindia and his firm's co-founder Suryansh Rana, 25, zeroed in on a common passion of working in agriculture sector, cut down on waste of fresh produce and logistic costs. Founded in 2022, MyMandi began operations from Gwalior where Scindia himself goes into local mandis, with a covered face to conceal his identity, for procuring fresh produce and sell the inventory to the firm's last mile delivery partners -- street vendors and cart pushers community. The formula of their venture has led to a four-fold growth in business over a period of six months from monthly revenue of Rs 11 lakh in July 2022 to approximately Rs 60 lakh in January 2022, Scindia told PTI. "In the next coming months our aim is to grow to about Rs 1.5 to Rs 2 crore by March this year and we expect to close this fiscal year with Rs 4.5-5 crore turnover. For 2023-24, we plan to get to Rs 5 crore per month by December and planning to hit total revenue of Rs 25 crore in the next financial year. We believe, we should be profitable by December," Scindia said. He said that the company has started discussions with investors to raise around Rs 8 crore (USD 1 million) funds at an enterprise valuation of Rs 150 crore in the first half this year. Also Read Scindia to execute power show during Amit Shah's Gwalior visit on Oct 16 Samsung scion Jay Y. Lee takes helm of South Korean technology empire Former PM Vajpayee's grand memorial to be built in Gwalior: MP CM Chouhan Reliance Jio rolls out 5G services in Gwalior, Jabalpur, Ludhiana, Siliguri Scindia inaugurates Air India's direct flight between Mumbai-San Francisco Farmers should make most out of water conservation schemes: Haryana CM Generative AI like ChatGPT will be a co-worker, will not replace jobs: TCS No ban on onion exports; $523 mln exported during Apr-Dec 2022: Govt Communal tension in Nuh, mobile internet services suspended for three days Urinating incident unfortunate, efforts were made to cover it up : DGCA "We plan to invest the fund into technology to get better data and insights into cities that we are operating and make ourselves more operationally efficient and also invest into people. It will correct our margin from 15 to 18 per cent. With that in mind, we believe we will be profitable by December this year," Scindia said. Rana said that MyMandi's cash flow is healthy and the company requires fresh investment only for expansion in to new cities. MyMandi has till date raised Rs 4.2 crore from bunch of investors. "MyMandi investors were surprised that we will expand to five cities with only Rs 4.2 crore. We have reached five cities and half of the money raised is still in our bank account," he said. The company now expects its monthly revenue to grow to Rs 5 crore, (or Rs 60 crore annual recurring revenue) with expansion of business to 8 cities by December 2024, Scindia said. MyMandi aims to optimise the potential of "thelawalla" community by expanding their basket from just fruits and vegetables to daily essentials. "India has the largest network of thelawalas (cart pushers) community so we don't need to reinvent the wheels. All the other companies hire drivers or delivery partners and pay them but in our business thelawalas purchase entire day inventory from us and sells it further. Our job is to just bring them online and supply them," Scindia said. He said with this business model, MyMandi has brought down logistics cost to 3-4 per cent compared to about 15 per cent incurred by large delivery platforms. "Large platforms are basically destroying the community which does a perfect job. Cart pushers are perfect salesmen. Now we call them MyMandi vendors. They have their own set-up of customers. Their network reaches maximum households. Our focus is only on tier 2 and 3 cities. Each of these cities have 8,000-10,000 cart pushers and the total addressable market around them is huge," Scindia said. He said that MyMandi at present procures through mandi agents and focuses on quality produce and prices the inventory as per the quality. "We sell A grade produce from a sack to MyMandi vendors. Then we sell back B quality in the mandi itself to low income groups. While large platforms reject the low quality procurement as waste, we recover 70 per cent of the cost at which we procured that B quality and this reduces our wastage," Scindia said. Rana said that MyMandi uses a forecasting and zero inventory model, which reduces wastage to 2 per cent compared to 15-18 per cent wastage that existing large platforms have in the segment. "Thelawala community is very ubiquitous. All big giants in quick commerce are selling only 2 per cent of the fresh produce, the rest is being sold through kirana (grocery) and cart pushers. Now we are also planning to add micro-lending and we have already seen interest from a leading fintech firm to become our partner and invest in fundraisers," he said. Rana said that in the future, MyMandi is looking to add other commodities on the platform as well like daily needs, grocery items etc. for end customers and more value added services for vendors around electric vehicles, fintech etc. "We have set target to start providing credit for procurement of inventory and also electric carts in two years from now as means to optimise their potential," he said. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday said the arrest of his deputy, Manish Sisodia, by the CBI is dirty politics and asserted that he was innocent. Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Sisodia was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Sunday evening in connection with alleged corruption in the formulation and implementation of the now-scrapped excise policy for 2021-22. "Manish is innocent. His arrest is dirty politics. His arrest has angered people quite a lot. People are watching everything. People now understand everything and will give a reply to this. It will boost our spirit and our struggle will only get stronger," Kejriwal said in a tweet in Hindi. Sisodia was arrested after nearly eight hours of questioning as his answers were not satisfactory, officials said. The AAP leader arrived at the CBI headquarters around 11.12 am for the second round of questioning. The AAP leader, the accused number one in the CBI FIR, was first questioned on October 17. The headquarters of the National Office of Investigation in Seodaemun District, Seoul / Yonhap Presidential office admits 'limitations' in vetting system By Nam Hyun-woo The presidential office and police are facing heavy criticism for their failure to properly screen Chung Sun-sin who was named head of the National Office of Investigation, as his son was involved in a school violence case. The case was first reported by the media five years ago. Former National Office of Investigation head nominee Chung Sun-sin Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release the 13th instalment of financial benefits worth Rs 16,800 crore to over eight crore eligible farmers under the flagship PM-KISAN scheme on Monday ahead of Holi and rabi harvesting. Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN), eligible farmers are provided with a financial benefit of Rs 6,000 per year in three equal instalments of Rs 2,000 each every four months. The fund is directly transferred to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. The scheme was launched in February 2019 but is being implemented with effect from December 2018. The Prime Minister will release the 13th instalment at an event to be held at Belagavi, Karnataka, an official statement said on Sunday. More than one lakh attendees, comprising PM-KISAN and Jal Jeevan Mission beneficiaries are expected to take part in the event. The Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Agriculture Secretary Manoj Ahuja will also be present. The 11th and 12th instalments under the PM-KISAN scheme were released in May and October 2022. Also Read PM-Kisan grows from strength to strength amid calls for raising the amount PM Narendra Modi to release 12th installment under PM-KISAN scheme today PM to launch urea bags under 'Bharat', release 12th share of PM-KISAN funds Promoters to infuse Rs 800 cr into Inox Wind by subscribing debt Chip maker Intel unveils 13th Gen Intel Core family desktop processors Maharashtra Assembly bypolls: 41.1% voter turnout in Chinchwad till 5pm Health min urges stakeholders to build trust in quality of Indian drugs PM SHRI scheme to benefit students studying in 1,753 UP schools: CM Yogi Rs 5.44 crore earned as norms for serving food in open spaces relaxed Census to find out the exact number of vultures flying across South India The PM-KISAN scheme has already provided significant benefits to farmers across the country, and this latest instalment will further boost their incomes and contribute to the growth of the agriculture sector, the statement said. Till now, over Rs 2.25 lakh crore of funds have been disbursed under the scheme to more than 11 crore farmer families, primarily small and marginal farmers. Notably, during the Covid-19 lockdown, Rs 1.75 lakh crore were distributed in multiple instalments to support these needy farmers. The Scheme has also benefited over three crore women beneficiaries who have collectively received over Rs 53,600 crores in funds. This initiative has spurred rural economic growth, eased credit constraints for farmers and boosted agricultural investments. It has also increased farmers' risk-taking capacity, leading to more productive investments. According to the International Food Research Institute (IFRI), the PM-KISAN funds are helping recipients meet their agricultural needs and other expenses like education, medical care and marriage. In a big setback for Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), the CBI has arrested Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in connection with alleged corruption in the now-withdrawn liquor policy. However, according to legal experts, if a policy has been wrong and withdrawn, then it cannot be a matter of attaching criminality to the issue. Queried on Sisodia's arrest on now-withdrawn liquor policy of Delhi, senior advocate Sidharth Luthra said this is what happened in the 2G spectrum scam and the CBI was not successful there and a policy made cannot become a mechanism for arrest. He added that apparently the investigative agency follows a separate mechanism in corruption in a pure policy matter. Senior advocate Vikas Singh said the allegation against Sisodia appears to be for personal benefit, as per what is there in the public domain. He added that wrong policy of the government or loss to the exchequer cannot become a criminal matter, unless the policy actuated personal gain. Sisodia was questioned by the central agency since morning and the arrest came after over nine hours. Sisodia and others face corruption allegations in connection with a new liquor sale policy in the national capital and the CBI has named seven accused in the liquor policy case charge sheet, which has no mention of Sisodia. According to a CBI source, the agency will present Sisodia at the Rouse Avenue Courts on Monday and seek two weeks' custodial remand as it needs to confront him with the co-accused, as well as documentary and digital evidence. Also Read SC to soon get new mechanism for listing of matters, says CJI U U Lalit CBI should immediately arrest Sisodia in 'snooping' case, says Delhi BJP Most people experience cardiac arrest early in morning, say experts BJP trying to break AAP, says Sisodia on Amanatullah Khan's arrest Manish Sisodia is innocent, his arrest is dirty politics: CM Kejriwal Western Disturbances likely to cause snow/rainfall in hills, plains: IMD Kerala, UN Women sign pact to boost women-friendly activities in tourism Manish Sisodia gave evasive replies, did not cooperate investigation: CBI AIMIM passes resolution on violence against Dalits, Muslims, asks PM to act Takeaways from Cong plenary meet: No CWC polls, Kharge to nominate members The CBI had alleged that liquor companies were involved in framing of the 2021 liquor policy in exchange for kickbacks and the policy led to a 12 per cent profit for them, of which 6 per cent was routed to public servants through middlemen like a Hyderabad-based businessman. --IANS ss/vd President Droupadi Murmu will visit Bikaner in Rajasthan on Monday to grace the 14th Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav, the Rashtrapati Bhavan said on Sunday. The 14th edition of the festival will be organised from February 25 to March 5 at Karni Singh Stadium in Bikaner by the Union Ministry of Culture. The nine-day cultural extravaganza will see participation of artistes from across India. This festival is a unique effort to bring recognition to India's various arts, cuisines and handicrafts at one place. The president will visit Bikaner where she will grace and address the 14th Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav on Monday, the Rashtrapati Bhavan said in a brief statement. Civic authorities have earned Rs 5.44 crore as revenue from various restaurants and other establishments after norms for serving food in open spaces and terrace areas were relaxed, officials said on Sunday. According to the relaxed norms, owners are permitted to serve food in the open space adjacent to their licensed eating houses, subject to meeting certain conditions. The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), in a statement on Sunday, said it granted permission for use of 138 such open spaces and 57 terraces. The MCD has collected Rs 5.44 crore in revenue since the norms were relaxed, it said. Officials said this policy will also help promote tourism and job creation, adding that the MCD is continuously working towards augumenting its revenues. The erstwhile South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) had implemented a policy for use of open space abutting a licensed eating house and terrace for service or dining purposes. This policy has now been extended to the erstwhile North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) and East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) areas as part of the unified civic body's policy. Also Read MCD regained unified identity in 2022; Delhi to get new mayor in Jan 2023 Sebi bans The Apex Global, its proprietor from markets for 4 years World Bank grants $8.86 mn to improve Lebanon's solid waste management India needs a tech platform for e-waste recycling Sebi's refund to Sahara investors reach Rs 138 crore since 2012 CBI questioning of Sisodia: AAP leaders detained for protesting near office Delhi Dy CM fighting 'battle of truth', country with him: Bhagwant Mann MP's Bhopal gets state's first women and child-friendly police station Was our economy bigger when we fought the British: Rahul Gandhi slams BJP Japan to open hotels in 30 cities of UP, boost employment opportunities The three corporations -- NDMC, SDMC and EDMC -- that existed from 2012 to 2022 were merged into a single corporation last May. The policy was taken hands-on by restaurant owners, the officials said. The general public has also benefitted from this policy as they have the option of dining in open areas and enjoying the surrounding scenic beauty, they said. According to the MCD policy, eating house owners can serve food in the open space adjacent to their licensed establishment or terrace only if they are the legal occupants of the open space or the terrace area. A no-objection certificate from the Fire department is also mandatory. However, the certificate is not required for use of open space on the ground level and the if the restaurant's total open area on the upper floors is less than 90 square metre, the statement said. Open space dining should not block the pedestrian way and permission will not be allowed in the refuse area left for fire rescue. Cooking or kitchen activity is also not allowed in the open space or on the terrace. The MCD will charge an annual licence fee at Rs 200 per sq feet for an open space or terrace area or part of the terrace area of the eating house. For star hotels (four stars and above), the annual licence fee will be Rs 500 per sq feet, the statement said. The Supreme Court has said that it is the bounden duty of any State to ensure that the lives and properties of its citizens and other persons are at all times protected. It said that every attempt which succeeds at the hands of anyone "whereby the efficacy of criminal law is diluted, will remove the very edifice of the rule of law fatally". A bench of Justices K M Joseph and B V Nagarathna made these observations while deciding a petition seeking to transfer a criminal case pending before a Jhajjar court in Haryana to a court in Delhi. The transfer petition has been filed by 38 people of Jhajjar, whose properties were allegedly vandalized during 2016 agitation by members of the Jat community who were seeking reservation in government jobs and educational institutions. It is the case of the petitioners that during this agitation, the members of Jat community vandalized and committed acts of arson which allegedly caused huge irreparable damage to them by setting their houses, godowns and other belongings on fire. The petitioners led by one Sunil Saini sought transfer of the case on the ground that due to an advocate who is alleged to be very influential and had remained President of the Bar, couple of material witnesses have been forced to turn hostile as well as material documentary evidence has not been placed on record. Also Read Metal stocks: Will export duty rollback help? International nature conservation agency announces new Green List sites Will protect people's interest living near protected areas: Kerala govt After duty hike on some varieties, Centre bans broken rice exports Private jets to jewellery: Customs duty to be hiked on 35 items in Budget Derisking global economy a key concern of G20 summit: EAM Jaishankar Bharat Jodo Yatra part 2 is Under active consideration: Jairam Ramesh PM Modi lauds Uttar Pradesh govt for state's law and order situation IAF to participate in multi-national exercise 'Cobra Warrior' in UK Punjab's glory of development will be visible in next 6-7 months: CM Mann Counsel for the petitioners contended that they had an application under Section 319 of the CrPC to summon the said advocate and his son but their application was not countersigned by the public prosecutor of the case and therefore they had to knock at the door of this court to get their case transferred to another state so that interest of justice is sub-served. The bench, in its recent verdict in the matter, did not transfer the case on the ground that 42 witnesses have already been examined but said that the matter requires that some observations and directions be passed. "The State exists on the basis of implied consent of the Governed. The principal reason for people to come together under the organization of the State is the fundamental principle that the State will be in a position to always protect the lives and properties of the citizens. This is the fundamental unalterable premise for the creation, existence and preservation of any civilized State. It is all the more so, when the State is functioning under a written constitution which guarantees fundamental rights such as ours," the bench said. The top court further said, "It is accordingly that rule of law is rightfully treated as part of the basic structure of the Constitution. It is the bounden duty of any State to ensure that the lives of its citizens and other persons are at all times protected. The same goes for their properties." The bench added that this is the elementary function of the State but "we are not at this stage called upon to deal with the duties of the State with the mantle of a welfare State falling upon it. Even if this indispensable function to constitute a State is not performed, it would be a lamentable state of affairs". It said that the principal mechanism for vindicating the rule of law and upholding the rights of the citizens is the judicial branch of the State. "One of the fundamental methods by which rule of law is preserved consists of sanctions of which the criminal law is the principal branch. The criminal courts must be allowed to function in a manner by which at the end of the day the guilty are punished and the innocent are exonerated," it said. The top court further said that the role of the public prosecutor in all of this is paramount and he is duty bound to always act in a fair manner; not of course, to secure conviction by hook or crook but at the same time, it is his duty to fearlessly adduce evidence so that those who are guilty do not get away scot free. "Unless this is done, it is very likely that the common man will cease to have faith in the very functioning of the State itself. It is, therefore, integral to the upholding of the integrity of the State itself that the access to justice which is also comprehended in the principle that an offence is committed against the State and the State therefore prosecutes the offender is always borne in mind," the bench said. The top court said that it is, therefore, of the utmost importance that in the case in hand, the Special Public Prosecutor who has been appointed will hopefully uphold the highest principles and play the difficult role so that while the innocent are not convicted, the guilty do not escape due punishment. The bench noted that the Special Public Prosecutor for the case has been appointed only recently and not being unmindful also of his credentials which have been brought to court's notice, at this stage "we are not persuaded to direct that another person be appointed in his place. However, this is not to be the end of the destiny of this case". It said that it will be open to the petitioners to approach the Director of Prosecution in case they believe that even the Special Public Prosecutor appointed is not discharging his duties in a fair and impartial manner. "It is thereupon for the Director (Prosecution) to look into the matter and take appropriate steps. As far as protection to the witness is concerned, it will be open to the petitioners to move the presiding Judge or Special Public Prosecutor or the Superintendent of Police of the concerned district seeking protection in which case needful shall be done in accordance with law," the bench directed. Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Ramvir Singh Bidhuri has said Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia's arrest is law taking its course, which is not surprising as a liquor scam worth thousands of rupees has taken place in the national capital. In a statement, The LoP asserted that now Sisodia will have to answer all the questions and clear the role of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in this scam. "Law is taking its course and that is why Sisodia has been arrested. There is nothing surprising in this. Thousands of rupees liquor scam was done in Delhi and from the arrests made so far, it was believed that Manish Sisodia would also be arrested eventually," he said in a statement. "The Delhi government had to withdraw the excise policy due to the liquor scam, the BJP leader added. Bidhuri said Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Kejriwal has claimed many times that Sisodia will be arrested as he knew that a liquor scam worth thousands of crores has been done. "That's why Sisodia was also repeatedly expressing apprehension of his arrest. Now whatever questions are there in the liquor scam, Sisodia will have to answer them. He will also have to clear the role of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in this whole scam," he added. Also Read What changes can consumers expect in Delhi after change in liquor policy? Delhi liquor scam: Manish Sisodia not named in chargesheet by CBI Why states are unwilling to take lessons from Delhi liquor excise saga Delhi govt to open 500 liquor stores as old excise duty policy returns Analysts remain bearish on liquor companies despite Q1 volume gains Kejriwal, Mann meets Sisodia's family members after his arrest by CBI Manish Sisodia is innocent, his arrest is dirty politics: CM Kejriwal Polling for Nagaland Assembly tomorrow; 13 lakh voters, 183 candidates Congress adopts resolution on making MSP for crops a legal right of farmers SC to hear plea by ex-servicemen for payment of OROP arrears in one go After nearly eight hours of questioning, the CBI on Sunday evening arrested Delhi Dy CM Manish Sisodia in connection with the alleged corruption in the formulation and implementation of the now-scrapped excise policy for 2021-22 as his answers were not found to be satisfactory, officials said. Sisodia arrived at the CBI headquarters around 11.12 am for the second round of questioning, they said. The officials of the CBI's Anti-Corruption Branch grilled the minister on various aspects of the excise policy, including his alleged link with Dinesh Arora and other accused mentioned in the FIR, and details of messages exchanged from multiple phones among others, they said. The CBI investigators were not satisfied with Sisodia's responses. It was claimed that he was not cooperating in the investigation and avoiding clarifications sought by officials on crucial points, leading to his arrest, they said. The probe agency officials said it was felt that custodial interrogation was necessary to put the minister through intense questioning, they said. As curtains came down on the Congress' 85th plenary session on Sunday, there were several takeaways from the three-day conclave of the party -- from opting to authorise the AICC president to nominate CWC members to making its stance clear on alliances for 2024 polls. The main takeaways from the session are as follows: * The Congress Steering Committee unanimously decided not to hold elections to the Congress Working Committee (CWC) and authorised party chief Mallikarjun Kharge to nominate its members. * Kharge said his party is willing to forge a viable alternative by aligning with like-minded parties in order to get rid of the "anti-people" BJP government in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls and is ready to make any sacrifice required to achieve the goal. * The Congress said it is the only party that can provide capable and decisive leadership to the country, but is ready to make sacrifices to defeat the BJP-led NDA and would go all out to identify, mobilise and align like-minded secular forces to achieve its goal. * The party also cautioned that the emergence of any third force would give an advantage to the BJP and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). * Former Congress chief Sonia Gandhi launched an all-out attack on the BJP government, accusing it of "fuelling the fire of hatred" and "viciously targeting minorities, women, Dalits and tribals". Also Read Cong's plenary session to begin today, all eyes on decision on CWC polls Cong likely to propose legislation against hate crimes at plenary session Will continue to fight against hatred, bigotry: Rahul at plenary session Cong Plenary Session: Steering Committee meet today, Gandhis might skip it Cong to prepare 'Vision Document 2024' with an eye on next Lok Sabha polls AIMIM passes resolution on violence against Dalits, Muslims, asks PM to act Sisodia's arrest a welcome step, AAP misused power: Delhi Cong chief Sisodia's arrest is law taking its course in liquor scam, says LoP Bidhuri Kejriwal, Mann meets Sisodia's family members after his arrest by CBI Manish Sisodia is innocent, his arrest is dirty politics: CM Kejriwal * Congress leader Sonia Gandhi said she was happy that her innings could conclude with the Bharat Jodo Yatra, with the party asserting that the remark was about her tenure as the party president and had nothing to do with her retirement from politics. * The Congress carried out 85 amendments in its constitution at its plenary session to provide 50 per cent reservation to Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Classes (OBCs), women, youth and minorities in its working committee and at all party positions. * According to the amended constitution of the party, the CWC will now include former prime ministers from the party and former AICC chiefs besides leaders of the Congress in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. * The party decided to provide 50 per cent vertical reservation to SCs/STs/OBCs/minorities and horizontal reservation to youths aged below 50 and women in both reserved and unreserved categories. * The number of CWC members will go up to 35 from the earlier 23, with 18 members to be elected and 17 to be nominated. * The amended constitution says from now on, the party will only have digital membership and records. * The party also amended its constitution to make stringent provisions for those taking Congress membership and ensure that they abstain from taking intoxicating drugs and psychotropic substances. * In its economic resolution, the Congress said is against "government-facilitated" private monopolies and not any person rising from a humble background to become the world's second richest. It reiterated its demand for a joint parliamentary committee probe into the Adani-Hindenburg issue. * The Congress will bring a legislation against hate crimes in the country if voted to power. The assertion was part of the party's 58-point political resolution that was adopted at the plenary session. * In its Raipur Declaration, the Congress gave a call to party leaders in poll-bound states, including Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Karnataka, to work with discipline and complete unity to ensure victory that will "set the tone" for 2024 Lok Sabha polls. * In its five-point Raipur Declaration adopted at the party's plenary session here, the Congress declared that it is ready to work with like-minded political parties on the basis of a common, constructive programme to preserve and protect the Constitution. * In his remarks at the plenary, former Congress president Rahul Gandhi flayed BJP leaders for coming out in support of the Adani Group in Parliament over the fraud allegations levelled against it in a report by Hindenburg Research. He likened the business conglomerate to the British East India Company and said the party would keep raising questions about its business practices until the truth comes out. * In a scathing attack on External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, Rahul Gandhi said his recent remarks on China did not show nationalism but cowardice and that these were in line with V D Savarkar's ideology of "bowing before the strong". New Delhi-based think-tank Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA) has published an interactive dashboard on China's Census. Prepared by Senior Research Associate Rahul Karan Reddy and Research Associate Omkar Bhole, the dashboard illustrates several dimensions of China's demographic structure at the provincial level. It is accompanied by a report with key findings. The dashboard summarizes data for the last three China censuses conducted in 2000, 2010 and 2020. China's 7th Census is considered the most comprehensive resource on China's population, vital for future planning especially as the Communist Party of China (CPC) struggles with demographic challenges. China's census data gauges changes in the size and diversity of its population; it is an essential tool for assessing the future direction of CPC policies. This dashboard emerges as a unique, excellent tool for understanding China's Census to review demographics that guide domestic infrastructure and social welfare investments in China. For this dashboard, the researchers took the 7th census conducted in 2020 as a reference point. This census was carried out by over 7 million officers across China operating through 6,79,000 census agencies opened across all administrative divisions. A key deduction by Bhole and Reddy has been on Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR). Throughout all three censuses, Tibet has had the lowest literacy rate among all provinces. It also has the lowest urbanization rate as only 35 per cent of its population lives in urban areas, which has doubled in the last 20 years (18 per cent in 2000). Other provinces such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Gansu and Henan also have only half its population living in urban areas, which is well below the national average of 63 per cent. Also Read Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences wins UNESCO's Int'l Literacy Prize 3 Tibetans die of Covid as Chinese authorities fail to provide timely help Incursions along Indo-Tibet border are by China, says Tibetan Sikyong India emerges as Sri Lanka's top lender in 2022, think tank report says US to sell Taiwan anti-tank system amid rising China military threat Delhi-bound IndiGo flight diverted to Ahmedabad due to bird hit: DGCA Drugs worth Rs 33 crore among items seized ahead of polling in Meghalaya PM Modi to release 13th instalment of Rs 16,800cr under PM-KISAN on Monday Maharashtra Assembly bypolls: 41.1% voter turnout in Chinchwad till 5pm Health min urges stakeholders to build trust in quality of Indian drugs As per other key findings of this project by ORCA, Reddy and Bhole found that as per the 2020 census, Guangdong and Shandong remain the most populous provinces, continuing the trend of the 2010 census. China's eastern provinces accounted for almost 40 per cent of its total population, followed by western provinces (27.12 per cent) and central provinces (25.83 per cent). The sex ratio (number of males per 100 females) in Jilin and Liaoning is below 100. In contrast, other provinces have registered a sex ratio closer to the national average of 104.99, with only 3 provinces having a sex ratio above 110. Coastal provinces such as Shanghai, Guangdong and Zhejiang have a larger share of the working-age population due to more economic opportunities. Similarly, the northeastern provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning also have a dominant working-age population, indicating these provinces still hold some economic value in terms of employment. The share of the elderly population has increased in all provinces over the last three censuses. Sichuan, Liaoning and Chongqing have a higher proportion of the elderly population compared to other provinces, especially eastern provinces which have a lower share than the national average of 13 per cent. In the 2000 census, China had an average literacy rate of around 92 per cent which increased to 97 per cent in 2020. Except for a few, most provinces have a literacy rate above 90% since the 2000 census. ORCA's work on China's internal politics and policy-making is filling a critical gap in China research that Indian research institutes have lessened focus on. The organisation's work is of serious value to the strategic community in India and abroad, especially as understanding China from the inside out remains central to figuring out the long game of the one-party country. As one of the few think tanks in the country working consistently on internal China and its politics, this dashboard is meant to assist China analysts in understanding broad national and provincial trends in China's demographics, thereby allowing them to identify important provinces and factors responsible for driving national demographic trends. Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Sunday launched scathing attack on BJP while addressing the party's 85th Plenary Session here. While speaking on the occasion, Rahul Gandhi without naming External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, raised questions on his recent interview where he had said "China is a stronger economy, then how will we fight against them." "EAM said in an interview that India has a smaller economy than China, so how can we fight them? Was our economy very big when we were fighting with the Britishers," said the Congress MP. "I don't want to name the Indian minister who had in an interview raised questions on the valour of the Indian Army. This is the model of Savarkar and the RSS to bow before the almighty," the Congress leader said. He also spoke on the Adani row and said that the party will continue to ask the questions till the truth comes out. "I criticised Gautam Adani in Parliament and asked what relationship he has with PM Modi. The government and its ministers came to the defence of the businessman. One cannot ask questions about Adani in Parliament... We will continue to ask questions till the truth comes out," said Gandhi while addressing the session. Also Read Rahul Gandhi attacks BJP, its ideology as Bharat Jodo Yatra enters Haryana Indian embassy in China celebrates Gandhi Jayanti at Beijing's art museum Rahul means Bharat, Bharat means Rahul, says UP Congress chief Khabri Rahul Gandhi commences second day of Bharat Jodo Yatra from Kanyakumari J P Nadda says Rahul Gandhi speaking language of China and Pakistan Japan to open hotels in 30 cities of UP, boost employment opportunities Savarkar theme park, museum to come up in Nashik: Maha Minister Lodha Resorts within one-km of Rajaji National Park not necessarily legal: NGT Parakh to bring uniformity in assessment across boards in India: ETS CEO Farmers should make most out of water conservation schemes: Haryana CM While talking about his recently concluded Bharat Jodo Yatra, Gandhi said he learnd a lot during the yatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. "During Bharat Jodo Yatra, I learned a lot. I walked for my nation from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Thousands connected to me and the party during the yatra. I listened to all problems of farmers and realised their pain," the Congress leader said addressing the party leaders. He also hit out at Modi's speech made in Parliament in response to the motion of thanks to the President's address where the Prime Minister recalled his visit to Lal Chowk in Jammu and Kashmir's Srinagar where he unfurled the national flag in 1991. Gandhi said, "I heard the PM's speech in Parliament. PM said he hoisted the Tricolour at Lal Chowk. The PM did not understand the difference. Narendra Modi ji hoisted the Tricolor with 15-20 leaders of BJP. But during the Bharat Jodo Yatra, thousands of people from Kashmir unfurled the national flag at Lal Chowk." We instilled love for Tricolour in youth of Kashmir through Bharat Jodo Yatra. BJP had taken it away, he added further. "52 years have passed, and I still don't have a home, but when reached Kashmir, it felt like home. The yatra was to make people of all castes and age groups feel at home," Gandhi added. "Bharat Jodo Yatra invoked the true emotion of patriotism. It's not done by me but by the Congress workers. You saw we did 'tapasya' for four months and how energised party workers got, tapasya should not stop," Rahul Gandhi said. ---IANS avr/uk/ By Park Gi-hyun "The first step is always the hardest." The way we wear face masks today reminds me of this proverb. It has been weeks since the indoor mask mandate was lifted in Korea except for certain high-risk places. And recently, on Feb. 17, Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said that Korea may completely lift the indoor mask mandate earlier than forecast, as in May, if the downward trend of COVID-19 infections and the number of gravely ill patients continues. Nevertheless, masks have become an essential item for us. After some three years, some people jest that going outside without a mask gives them a feeling of being naked. Personally, I couldn't agree more. I once shamefully covered my mouth when I found myself not wearing a mask. I am certain that many people would have a similar experience. Although we were frustrated by the nationwide mask mandate in the beginning, few grumble about wearing a mask these days as humans are such a clever and adaptive species. As the world puts aside masks gradually, I slowly began to imagine a day without a mask, expecting I would become so appreciative and overwhelmed if I could go inside a building with a "naked" face. I thought the whole world would be different once the mandate was lifted. However, my expectation was completely wrong. Only a handful of people have abandoned their masks. Of course, I absolutely agree with wearing a mask due to the fear that viruses are still floating around. It is a precautionary measure taken to ward off contagious diseases. However, there must be other reasons why we are still adhering to the practice. I asked people around me and questioned myself as to why we are still keeping masks on even though we know we do not have to. It all boils down to our consciousness. We travel with a face mask because we are hyperconscious of others' perceptions. "We should follow the majority" or "I feel wary of becoming an outlier in a group." As the World Health Organization plans tol discuss whether to end the Public Health Emergency of International Concern in May regarding COVID-19, things may change again soon. And it may bring back a moment that was taken away by the pandemic. I recently visited a store where there were five staff members. The sole unmasked staff member greeted me with a big smile on her face that gave me such a great feeling. I felt really welcome seeing a smile on her face a dazzling smile that I have not encountered over the last three years. An unfortunate consequence of COVID-19! It was such a strikingly awesome experience. Let our actions not be shaped by others' perceptions. As the old saying goes, "The first step is always the hardest." It's not easy to break an old habit at first. Yet, if you take the first step, then the next step will come more easily and with less difficulty. Unquestionably, masks are still beneficial for some reasons and for some people. I totally agree with the advantage of keeping masks on. But, if you are okay with getting rid of your mask and attempting to be more independent, I suggest you show your lovely face again and greet others with your charming smile. Smiling enhances positive emotions for others and you. Your genuine smile has more power than you believe. Smiling is conducive to making people feel welcomed, satisfied and happier. Today, I hope I can give a big smile to people around me. ) is a freelance English translator based in Korea. The writer ( At the media briefing on Saturday, a visibly pleased Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das said most of the G-20 partners agreed that cryptocurrencies should be regulated with a view to controlling risks and checking proliferation. If you ask G20 President India, the three biggest takeaways from the recently concluded meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) are that there is real progress on global debt reduction, that many countries are interested in seeking Indias help to build or improve their own digital payment systems, and that most nations have come around to Indias rather bearish views on cryptocurrency. International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva had earlier said if regulations failed, banning cryptocurrencies should be an option, something the RBI has been keen on. There is now wide recognition and acceptance of the fact that cryptocurrencies, or crypto assets, involve several major risks to financial stability, to monetary systems, to cyber security issues, and to overall financial stability the effort is to develop an international framework, an international architecture to deal with this problem, Das said. Business Standard spoke to more than half a dozen officials from the Ministries of Finance and External Affairs and the RBI, to get a sense of the discussions taking place behind the scenes. Just drafting the chair summary statement, which all nations agreed to around 5 pm on February 25, took days of deft negotiations by the host nation. Das, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, and Economic Affairs Secretary Ajay Seth can look back at the first such meeting under Indias presidency with some satisfaction. However, getting all the G20 nations, with their own competing interests, to agree to the key agenda items was no easy task. Also Read Crypto industry wants 0.1% TDS, Sebi-like regulator in Budget 2023 'US looking forward to support India's G20 presidency': Janet Yellen G20: India asks IMF, FSB to draft new technical paper on crypto assets G20 nations adopt 'chair summary' after Russia, China opposition Another lotus blooms Low penetration of electric cars in India? Hybrids may be the answer More hiccups: No Dutch courage in Delhi govt's new excise policy Statsguru: G20 puts the rising debt burden of poorer countries in focus FinMin pushes PSBs to enhance procurement via GeM to Rs 10,000 cr in FY24 GDP growth rate seen below 5% in December quarter on a normalising base The Russian cloud Most of the Indian delegates, including Chief Economic Advisor V Anantha Nageswaran, were up till 2 am on the intervening night of February 24 and 25, working on the language of the summary which would be acceptable to all parties. Things happened very fast in the days leading up to the meeting as fresh sanctions were announced against Russia, military aid poured into Ukraine, and (US President) Joe Biden visited Kyiv. The G7 nations used our platform to keep up the pressure, the person said. Officials said the internal discussions were mostly cordial although some western nations did use strong language regarding Russia. Given that the FMCBG meeting in Bengaluru coincided with the war in Europe entering its second year, there was concern that it would overshadow all other agenda items. It very nearly did. We knew the G7 nations would like to keep the focus on Russia and may even want to talk sanctions, even though FMBCG is not the right forum for that. But some of us were taken aback by the extent of their posturing, said a senior official. In press conferences on February 23, 24 and 25, the finance ministers of the US, Japan, Germany, France and Spain spoke in one voice and called for additional sanctions against Russia. I want to make it very clear that we will oppose any step-back from the statement of the leaders in Bali on this question of the war in Ukraine, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Marie said. The G7 nations are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom, all of which are part of the G20 as well. Progress on debt Indias chair summary did adopt the same language on the Ukraine war as the Bali Leaders Declaration of November 2022, which was decided upon by the G-20 Heads of States. Officials said that a conscious decision was taken for Sitharaman to call out Russia and China by name since many western delegates had earlier given the impression to the media that it was India that opposed the use of the word war. We recognize the urgency to address debt vulnerabilities in low and middle-income countries. Strengthening multilateral coordination by official bilateral and private creditors is needed to address the deteriorating debt situation and facilitate coordinated debt treatment for debt-distressed countries, the chair summary stated on the issue of unsustainable debt of low and middle income nations. India banked on its friendly relations with Russia and western nations to ensure that tangible progress was made on key agenda items. While there were some sticking points regarding China and private lenders, officials said that discussions were positive, especially since India, the IMF, and the World Bank took the initiative to convene a global debt roundtable. Sitharaman said the G-20 nations were now looking for a swift conclusion of the work on debt treatment for Zambia, Ethiopia, Ghana and Sri Lanka. To ensure that the regulatory mechanisms of the country are of impeccable standards and are sustained over time and space, the Centre has begun a series of chintan shivirs or thought meets with the countrys top drug regulators, senior government policy officials, industry representatives, and stakeholders to deliberate on pathways for cohesive and synergistic approaches for building robust and resilient regulatory systems. In December last year, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman hailed India as the Pharmacy of the World, owing to its high and efficient production of global standard medicine at affordable costs. However, that image suffered considerable damage following allegations of sub-standard or contaminated drugs exported to countries like Gambia and Uzbekistan. Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya inaugurated the two-day chintan shivir on Drugs: Quality Regulations & Enforcement organised by the Ministry of Health in Hyderabad on Sunday. Proposals to be discussed at the Hyderabad conclave include having a centralised drug registration system under the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) to keep close tabs on the quality of drugs produced. Mandaviya highlighted that it is of critical importance to ensure that the regulatory mechanisms of the country are of impeccable standards and are sustained over time and space. This is possible when the central ministries and state bodies work in a spirit of cooperative federalism, building on the strengths of one another and working jointly to remove loopholes in the regulatory systems. In Assams Kaziranga National Park, another two-day chintan shivir organised by the Ministry of AYUSH will commence on Monday. Also Read CDSCO, states begin joint checks of drug-making units across India NITI Aayog to rank states on measures taken to increase farmers' income Ministries of coal, power to finalise freight cost cut plan: NITI Aayog Will NITI Aayog-like bodies come up in the states and will they deliver? NITI Aayog-led $1 billion fund for two-, three-wheeler EV financing soon K'taka govt employees' union demands 7th Pay Commission, threatens strike Uncertain future for EV dealers as manufacturers face subsidy halt Digital economy can contribute 25% GDP, reach $7 trn by FY29: K V Kamath PM to inaugurate Shivamogga airport, other projects in Karnataka on Feb 27 Centre asks states to expedite energy efficiency activities on mission mode Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Bharati Pravin Pawar, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Bhagwanth Khuba, and Member (Health) of NITI Aayog V K Paul participated in Sundays brainstorming session in Hyderabad. Health secretaries and drug regulators from various states and Union Territories are also participating in the two-day meetings that are bringing together regulators and top government officials on a common platform to discuss important issues of the pharmaceutical industry. Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Bharati Pravin Pawar, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Bhagwanth Khuba, and Member (Health) of NITI Aayog V K Paul participated in Sundays brainstorming session in Hyderabad. Discussions on stricter enforcement, better training, regular capacity upgrades, uniform standards, building a culture of compliance, maintaining supply-chain security, integrity, transparency, accountability, and predictability will take place, the official added. This is the first time a meeting on such a grand scale spearheaded by the Union health minister has been organised. For the first time, ground-level officers get a chance to offer their suggestions to the minister in person, said a senior government official. The idea is to address issues that exist within the network, and actions that can be taken to build confidence in the quality of drugs made by India for the world. One of the key proposals to be deliberated upon at the two-day Hyderabad conclave is whether it is time to have a central drug registration system or a common information technology (IT) platform for all regulatory activities. The idea is to address issues that exist within the network, and actions that can be taken to build confidence in the quality of drugs made by India for the world. The intent is to create a centralised system of drug registration under CDSCO, unlike the current system of state-level registrations. This will help to keep a closer watch on the quality of medicines produced in India. Currently, several pharmaceutical companies get registration from state food and drug administrations to manufacture these drugs. Eventually, these drugs are sold across the country. The intent is to create a centralised system of drug registration under CDSCO, unlike the current system of state-level registrations. This will help to keep a closer watch on the quality of medicines produced in India. The CDSCO has a dossier approach for each drug it approves at the central level. However, when a drug becomes older by more than four years, any manufacturer can seek a licence to manufacture it from the state regulator. In this case, no dossier approach is followed. Industry experts have said that Indias fragmented regulatory system is a major challenge to procurers. The manufacturers change the source of the active pharmaceutical ingredients or even excipients. These crucial changes are not necessarily reported to the state regulator, said an industry insider. The CDSCO has a dossier approach for each drug it approves at the central level. However, when a drug becomes older by more than four years, any manufacturer can seek a licence to manufacture it from the state regulator. In this case, no dossier approach is followed. The health ministry in a statement said that the participants will be discussing matters like the creation of a unified IT platform for all regulatory activities; to assess regulatory capacity across states and the Centre, along with promoting the ease of doing business; and capacity building at the level of states and national regulator for the regulation of pharmaceutical and medical devices. Meanwhile, the Ministry of AYUSHs chintan shivir in Assam will focus on dialogues to discuss futuristic improvements in the implementation of existing policies and programmes related to AYUSH sectors and traditional medicine. It aims at drawing up a way forward both for the ministry and the AYUSH sector as a whole. The health ministry in a statement said that the participants will be discussing matters like the creation of a unified IT platform for all regulatory activities; to assess regulatory capacity across states and the Centre, along with promoting the ease of doing business; and capacity building at the level of states and national regulator for the regulation of pharmaceutical and medical devices. The two-day dialogue will have panel discussions with eminent speakers and experts from the Ministry of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Education, Government of Assam, NITI Aayog, industry, start-ups, academia, apart from interactive sessions with other AYUSH stakeholders. Karnataka government employees union has announced to go on an indefinite strike from March 1 if their demand for implementation of recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission is not fulfilled. The announcement of the strike can act as a setback to the Basavaraja Bommai-led BJP in Karnataka. Union President, CS Shadakshari, said that if the demand is not met, all the government employees will stage protests across the state and will also abstain from performing their official duties. Talking to the journalists in Shimoga, Shadakshari said that Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai had turned a blind eye to the demands of government employees. CM Bommai's behaviour has caused sadness to nine lakh employees of the Karnataka government. The union president further said that government employees will take part in the protest by abstaining from their duties at schools, colleges, hospitals, and other government institutions. He also said that the protest will end only when the government issues interim orders for the implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission. If the orders are not issued, the protest will continue, Shadakshari said. For the unversed, the government employees in Karnataka were expecting that the Bommai government would declare the implementation of the 7th pay commission on the revision of salaries. Later, when CM Bommai made no mention of the 7th pay commission in his budget speech, the government employees were devastated. Also Read FIH Men's Hockey World Cup 2023: Obstacles India will face on its home turf One year since Tatas took over Air India, here's how the journey has been Telangana attracts over Rs 2.5 trn investments in 8 years: KT Rama Rao DoPT fast emerging as key human resources nucleus for govt: Jitendra Singh Telangana BJP chief slams CM Rao for not attending all-party meet on G20 Uncertain future for EV dealers as manufacturers face subsidy halt Digital economy can contribute 25% GDP, reach $7 trn by FY29: K V Kamath PM to inaugurate Shivamogga airport, other projects in Karnataka on Feb 27 Centre asks states to expedite energy efficiency activities on mission mode Haryana govt initiates climate-smart agriculture in 1,669 villages The Karnataka government employees have made three major demands which include the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission in the state, implementation of the old pension scheme (OPS), and implementation of at least 40 per cent of fitment facilities. 'Education, skilling have equal emphasis under new NEP', says PM Modi The new National Education Policy (NEP) has reoriented and placed emphasis on both education and skilling according to the aptitude and demands of the youngsters, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a post-budget webinar on Saturday. PM Modi, German Chancellor Scholz hold wide-ranging talks to boost ties Addressing the webinar 'Harnessing Youth Power- Skilling and Education', the PM Modi lamented on the lack of flexibility in the education system over the years and said that the sector has been "rigid". Read more "The strong ties which India and Germany share are based on shared democratic values, and a deep understanding of each other's interests. The two countries also share a long history of cultural and economic exchanges between them. Along with being our largest trading partner in Europe, Germany is also an important source of investment in India," PM Modi said during the joint press meet. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz held talks on Saturday. Also Read Here's why Macquarie has double upgraded Paytm's stock to 'Outperform' Paytm has lost over Rs 1 trillion in market cap since its issue Softbank to divest 29 mn shares in Paytm via block deals on Thursday Risk-reward favourable for Paytm; may rise more than 100% in 1 yr: Analysts India-US Trade Policy Forum to boost bilateral trade and investment India's G20 presidency received strong support for all our priorities: FM Progressing towards regulation on Crypto under India's G20 presidency: FM Old education system rogue as students had to read, write, vomit: Minister G20 nations adopt 'chair summary' after Russia, China opposition G20: India asks IMF, FSB to draft new technical paper on crypto assets Jack Ma-backed Ant Group plans to pare stake in Vijay Shekhar's Paytm He said "apart from being our largest trading partner in Europe", Germany is also an important source of investment in India. Read more The Chinese fintech giant has been discussing options to reduce its stake in One 97 Communications Ltd. after its share percentage increased passively due to share buybacks, the people said, requesting not to be identified because the matter is private. Ant Group Co. is considering selling some of its shares in the operator of Indian financial technology firm Paytm to keep its holding within a required threshold, according to people familiar with the matter. Private consumption likely to take a hit on India's IT sector squeeze Talks are preliminary and details could change depending on regulatory and pricing concerns, the people added. Ant didnt immediately respond to emailed requests for comment. Paytm declined to comment. Read more Any slowdown in their employee expenses is expected to weigh on income growth in the economy. This can adversely affect demand for big-ticket consumer goods such as cars, high-end mobiles, home appliances, and new homes. Read more Private consumption in the country is likely to be affected because of a cutback in fresh hiring and lower pay increments given by domestic IT companies, whose salary bill continues to grow faster than that of the rest of Indian Industry. Explainer: How lithium reserves can help speed up India's EV dream As India gears up to boost electric vehicle (EV) adoption, the massive find of lithium reserves in the country has brightened up the prospects for the country in the field of EV battery cell manufacturing. The Election Commission has decided to hold booth-level "peace meetings" in Tripura as part of its efforts to ensure no untoward incident takes place anywhere in the state during and after the vote-counting process, said Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Gitte Kirankumar Dinakarrao. Counting for the 60-member Assembly is scheduled to take place across 21 venues on March 2. "We were able to conduct the polling process without disturbance on February 16, with the state registering a high voting percentage. Our next mission is to ensure that peace prevails in the state on the day of counting, he said at a press meet on Saturday. The booth-level peace meetings are scheduled to be held on February 27 and 28, Dinakarrao stated, urging all political parties, eminent citizens and professionals to participate. "Political parties need to exercise restraint after the results are declared. I hope that our apprehension of peace disruption (on the day of counting) falls flat," he said. Noting that there has been no cause for concern in the state for the past six days, the CEO said there will be a three-tier security layer at all the counting halls of the state. Also Read Tripura registers 14% voter turnout till 9 am, polling peaceful so far: CEC President Murmu flags off first Kolkata-Agartala express train from Tripura Over 2,000 Bru community voters removed from Mizoram's electoral roll 'Vote-from-home' for senior citizens, people with disability: Tripura CEC Amit Shah to arrive in Tripura to flag off two rath yatras of BJP today Nagaland Assembly elections: A look at key issues dominating state Nagaland braces for tough contest as polling set to be held tomorrow Meghalaya: 900 polling stations identified as vulnerable ahead of polling Maharashtra bypolls: Voting underway in Chinchwad amid tight security Polling officials injured in road accident in West Garo Hills in Meghalaya "The state police will guard the first layer, the Tripura State Rifles (TSR) will man the second, and central forces have been deployed for the final layer. Additionally, CCTVs have been installed for round-the-clock surveillance inside all the 21 counting halls, he said. The Election Commission has appointed 60 observers for supervising the process in all constituencies. Besides, there will also be micro observers to oversee the state of affairs. At least 21 people were arrested in 18 incidents of violence in Tripura in a span of two days since February 16, when the state went to polls. Tripura recorded 89.95 per cent voter turnout this time. To survive, Korea must overcome geo-economic challenges Many pundits compare the ongoing U.S.-China competition for global hegemony to a new Cold War. Because of its geopolitical uniqueness, Korea is one of the countries that most directly feels the heat of the G2 rivalry. And nowhere is this more visible than in the intensifying war of nerves over the semiconductor industry. Two latest media reports indicate the U.S.-China chip bout has entered the second round. Last Thursday, the New York Times reported that U.S. and foreign semiconductor companies had set off a lobbying frenzy for a larger slice of the pie from Washington's $39 billion (51 trillion won) subsidy for chip manufacturers. Two Korean makers with a heavy presence in America Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix will also go all out to be included in the list of beneficiaries. However, as a Korean newspaper described it, the cash will likely be a "poisoned carrot." The U.S. government will dole out the funds on the condition that recipients restrict their investments in China for a decade. On the same day, Alan Estevez, undersecretary of commerce for industry and security, said the U.S. government would limit the level of computer chips produced by Korean companies in China. If the official's words become a reality, it will deal a critical blow to Korea's semiconductor exports to China. Semiconductors account for 20 percent of Korea's total exports and China buys 40 percent of Korean-made chips. Since semiconductors need continuous upgrading, a "cap on the levels that they can grow to in China" could be a death knell for shipments to China. Another Korean daily said Korean chipmakers may have to "withdraw from China" in the worst-case scenario. That must never happen, however. It also explains why Korea has been equivocal in joining the Chip-4 alliance alongside the U.S., Taiwan, and Japan against China. Unlike the three other countries with distinct security and economic priorities, Korea has complicated geo-economic concerns. So do most private companies underneath their governments' ostensible commitments. Henceforth, the complex uniting and splitting between businesses of even competing countries. For instance, Ford Motor recently drew Washington's ire by announcing a partnership with China's CATL for a car battery plant. There will be limitations to alienating or decoupling with the world's No. 2 economy to create a new global supply network. Different countries and companies should have different interests. Perfect teamwork between the public and private sectors is crucial for Korea to weather new geo-economic challenges. But the current developments point the opposite way. For instance, Samsung Electronics and SK hynix have made, and will make, several billion-dollar investments in America and China. However, Koreans have not heard about similar plans in their country, causing concerns about an industrial hollowing out. This happens when others, including Europe, Japan, and Taiwan, seek more production at home. Bureaucrats and politicians are even more clueless. The finance ministry, bent only on fiscal soundness, is too stingy to provide financial support. The governing party is mired in factional feuds between President Yoon Suk Yeol's cronies and is political opponents. Opposition leaders ask why the nation should provide more benefits for super-rich companies. But antipathy for family-run conglomerates is one thing and sound industrial policy is another. As they have done for decades, Koreans must again admit their love-hate relationship with the chaebol, especially in cost-heavy sectors like semiconductors. The government must also tackle two structural problems at home talent and technology. The London-based Economist magazine recently predicted that Korea's semiconductor industry will face a shortage of at least 30,000 workers in the next decade. The Hankyoreh newspaper reported last week that all successful applicants for semiconductor departments at Korea's most prestigious universities gave up their enrollment to enter medical schools. The government must do all it can to reverse this trend, while helping Korean companies, now remaining as memory chipmakers, turn to logical chips and machinery. To orchestrate this enormous task, Yoon must be the Republic of Korea's chief executive, not its "No. 1 salesman." Indian-American Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has vowed that if voted to power, she will cut every cent in foreign aid for countries which hate America. She mentioned Pakistan, China, Iraq and other countries, saying "a strong America doesn't pay off the bad guys". The 51-year-old two-term Governor of South Carolina and the former US Ambassador to the United Nations formally launched her 2024 presidential bid earlier this month. "I will cut every cent in foreign aid for countries that hate us. A strong America doesn't pay off the bad guys. A proud America doesn't waste our people's hard-earned money. And the only leaders who deserve our trust are those who stand up to our enemies and stand beside our friends," she wrote in an op-ed in the New York Post. She said that America has spent USD 46 billion on foreign aid last year, which is given to countries like China, Pakistan, and Iraq. American taxpayers deserve to know where that money is going and what it's doing, she added. "They will be shocked to find that much of it goes to fund anti-American countries and causes. As president, I'll put a stop to this fiasco, she said. Also Read Nikki Haley planning February 15 launch for 2024 presidential campaign Nikki Haley pledges to cut billions in aid to Pak, other US adversaries Can Nikki Haley be the Kamala Harris of the Republican Party Indian-origin politicians who are making a mark in global politics Nikki Haley accused of plotting a bid to become Trump's vice-president Migrant boat breaks apart southern coast of Italy; many dead, 58 survivors Ex-Academy prez Walter Mirisch passes away at 101 due to natural causes 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea's Kandrian on Saturday EU imposes sanctions on top Russia officials, banks, trade as war continues World Bank nominee's credentials will overcome selection criticism: Yellen According to Haley, the Biden administration resumed military aid to Pakistan, though it's home to at least a dozen terrorist organisations and its government is deeply in hock to China. She said that as the US ambassador to the UN, she strongly supported then president Donald Trump's decision to cut nearly USD 2 billion of military aid to Pakistan because that country supported terrorists who kill American troops. "It was a major victory for our troops, our taxpayers and our vital interests, but it didn't go nearly far enough. We've still given them way too much in other aid. As president, I will block every penny, she added. She said that the Biden administration restored half a billion dollars to "a corrupt United Nations agency" that's supposed to help the Palestinian people but in fact covers for deeply anti-Semitic propaganda against our ally Israel. She added the US has given Iraq more than USD 1 billion over the last few years, even though its government is getting closer to Iran. She said American taxpayers still give money to "Communist China for ridiculous environment programs, despite the obvious threat China poses to Americans." "We give money to Belarus, which is Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's closest ally. We even give money to Communist Cuba a country our own government has designated as a state sponsor of terrorism, she said, adding that it's been happening for decades under presidents of both parties. "I am running for president to restore our nation's strength, our national pride and our people's trust. Backing American allies and friends like Israel and Ukraine is smart. Sending our tax dollars to enemies isn't," she added. "At the UN, I put together a book of how much money we give other countries and how often they vote with us. It was eye-opening. We are giving huge amounts of cash to countries that vote against us most of the time. That doesn't make sense. I'll stop it. America can't buy our friends. We'll certainly never buy off our enemies," she added. Less than a fortnight after entering the race to the White House, Haley is leading against President Joe Biden in a hypothetical match, according to a latest opinion poll on Friday. But she trails badly against leading GOP candidate former president Trump, Rasmussen Report said based on a survey it conducted between February 16 to 19. Among the Republicans she comes at the third position after Trump (52 per cent) and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (24 per cent). Born Nimrata Nikki Randhawa to immigrant Punjabi Sikh parents, Haley is the third Indian-American to run for the US presidency in three consecutive election cycles. Bobby Jindal ran in 2016 and Vice President Kamala Harris in 2020. Before entering the presidential ballot, Haley has to win the Republican Party's presidential primary which will start in January next year. The next US presidential election is scheduled to be held on November 5, 2024. If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people ... thats a hate group, said Adams. And I dont want to have anything to do with them. The comments ignited a furor on social media, along with calls for the conservative cartoonists work to be dropped from publishers rosters. The cartoon Dilbert has been dropped from numerous US newspapers in response to racist comments by its creator, Scott Adams who introduced IIT into the American media discourse on his YouTube channel. Adams called Black Americans a hate group and suggested white Americans get the hell away from Black people in response to a conservative organisations poll purporting to show that many African Americans do not agree with the statement: Its OK to be white. In light of Scott Adamss recent statements promoting segregation, The Washington Post has ceased publication of the Dilbert comic strip, the newspaper said on Saturday. His once-popular comic strip, which lampoons corporate culture and was launched in 1989, will no longer be carried by The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, the USA Today-affiliated group of newspapers and others, the newspapers announced on Friday and Saturday. The Los Angeles Times on Saturday said it too would drop the strip. On Friday, the USA Today Network, which runs more than 300 newspapers, said it will no longer publish the Dilbert comic due to recent discriminatory comments by its creator. Also Read IT rule tweaks, Musk's snap at Twitter, social media hits reset in 2022 Turkish parliament passes disputed bill amending press, social media laws Gujarat polls: Cong focuses on Bharat Jodo Yatra; AAP leads on social media China takes down social media accounts of Covid-19 policy critics Mass firing at UAE newspaper Al Roeya raises question of censorship Covid-19 pandemic a result of lab leak: US energy department; FBI agrees Germany plans for easy visa application for IT workers from India We Oppose creation of a unipolar world for US interests, agenda: Putin British PM Sunak pledges to 'give everything' for new Brexit deal If voted, I will cut aid to countries which hate America: Nikki Haley Musk says the media is racist Adamss initial remarks came in response to a conservative Rasmussen Poll that appeared to show that 26 per cent of Black respondents said they disagreed with the statement Its OK to be white. Another 21 per cent said they were not sure. For a very long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now theyre racist against whites & Asians, Musk said. Same thing happened with elite colleges & high schools in America. Maybe they can try not being racist. Elon Musk called the media racist after Scott Adams, a cartoonist he regularly engages with on Twitter faced blowback for encouraging White Americans to avoid Black people. Musk waded into the controversy when an account spoke out against coverage of Adams, Musk replied: The media is racist. - Bloomberg Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Saturday said the Congress should be absolutely clear in its ideological stance in favour of an inclusive India and pointed out that party could have been more vocal on issues such as the Bilkis Bano outrage and murder in the name of cow vigilantism. Addressing the 85th plenary session of the party here, the former Union minister said the Congress should stand up for its foundational principles. "We should be absolutely clear in our ideological stance in favour of inclusive India. The tendency to downplay some positions or avoid taking a stand on some issues in order not to alienate what we assume to be the sentiments of the majority only plays into the BJP's hands," Tharoor said. "We must have the courage of our convictions. We could have been more vocal on the Bilkis Bano outrage, attacks on Christian churches, murder in the name of cow vigilantism, bulldozer demolition of Muslim homes and similar issues," he said. These are Indian citizens who look to the party for support, Tharoor added. Last year in August, all 11 convicts sentenced to life imprisonment in the 2002 post-Godhra Bilkis Bano gang rape case walked out of the Godhra sub-jail after the Gujarat government allowed their release under its remission policy, triggering outrage from various sections, including the Congress. Also Read Political motive behind release of Bilkis Bano's convicts, alleges JIH Bilkis Bano convict booked for outraging modesty of a woman: Gujarat to SC Bilkis Bano moves Supreme Court challenging remission to convicts TMC's women wing protests release of 11 convicts in Bilkis Bano case Bilkis Bano case: Centre consented to release convicts early, says lawyer Victory for party: AAP on HC stay on reelection of MCD standing committee BJP to face defeat in Telangana poll, give credit to AIMIM for that: Owaisi Congress will set up National Election Fund: Draft political resolution Manish Sisodia will fully cooperate with CBI in excise policy probe: Atishi ED raids on Cong leaders should not be given political colour: Thakur He asserted that India belongs to all and if the party does not speak up in such cases, it is only surrendering its core responsibility of standing up for India's diversity and pluralism which should be central to the Congress core message. He said every effort must be made to strengthen the secular foundations of the country. "The fact is that India's future is bright as long as the Congress fights the good fight," Tharoor said. He also hailed the Bharat Jodo Yatra, saying it has revived the confidence of the party cadre. "From here let us send out a message of Congress jodo," Tharoor said. Speaking on the economic resolution passed on the second day of the three-day plenary, Tharoor said it should outline the elements of a progressive economic agenda that addresses head-on the challenge of unacceptable economic inequality. "We want economic growth but we must ensure that the fruits of that growth reach the poor and the marginalised. India will not shine until it shines for all," he stressed. The former minister of state for external affairs and the convenor of the party's sub-group on foreign affairs for the plenary also said policy has long been seen as an are of national consensus. "There was no Congress foreign policy or BJP foreign policy only Indian foreign policy and Indian national interest. This tradition has sadly been undermined by the (Narendra) Modi government," Tharoor said. Tharoor also criticised the government, saying it refuses to take the nation into confidence on vital foreign policy issues, including what is happening on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China. "It is shocking to hear our foreign minister imply that China is too rich to stand up to. We must demand that Parliament be taken into confidence, that the nation be told what is our thinking about our vital foreign policy interests," he said. Foreign policy must again return to being a consensual national endeavour with bipartisan agreement and support, he asserted. In its resolution on foreign affairs passed at the session, the Congress expressed its deep concern about the prevailing situation on the LAC between India and China. "The prevailing situation is indicative of a substantial deterioration from the assiduously-repaired relations developed under prime ministers Rajiv Gandhi, Narasimha Rao and Dr Manmohan Singh. We firmly believe that we have a duty to stand up for India's security and territorial sovereignty, which the BJP government has failed to do," the party said. "When it comes to the safety of our brave jawans and the integrity of our territory, the INC (Indian National Congress) unreservedly supports the army and the government," it said. The Congress alleged that the government has failed to take the people of India into confidence about the "repeated transgressions" by the Chinese military at various points across the LAC, while it continues to engage with China in an "unstructured manner". "This has emboldened China to be even more aggressive. India needs to communicate this clearly without obfuscation, and urgently enhance capabilities to deter China from attempting any military coercion along the LAC," it said. At the same time, the guiding principles enshrined in the 2005 India-China agreement on the boundary issue need to be strongly reaffirmed in any engagement with China, the resolution said. Finally, any and all measures need to be undertaken to defend the territorial integrity of India, which the Congress firmly commits to, the party said. In its political resolution, the Congress said it has always believed in peace through both strength and negotiation, while dealing with all acts of aggression firmly. "The UPA era reflected this approach -- through both high-level engagements and strengthening military and strategic capabilities. Our thinking can also be seen in our approach to the Indo-Tibetan Border Police, which plays a key role in building infrastructure and maintaining peace on the border," the resolution said. The Congress established the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) in 1962, gave it a statutory basis in 1992 and assigned the entire China border to it in 2004, it said. "In contrast, the lethargy and neglect of the BJP government has increased India's vulnerability. The Line of Actual Control between India and China continues to remain tense, with China claiming Indian territory in eastern Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh," the political resolution said. "Even as a lakh troops or more are stationed in eastern Ladakh, Beijing is accelerating its rail networks and heightening the threat to our borders," it said. The Congress' draft political resolution has mentioned that it will replace the current system of Electoral Bonds which the party termed as fatally flawed and fully corrupt. "The Congress will set up a National Election Fund to which all may contribute. During elections, funds will be allocated to political parties using transparent and fair criteria laid down by law," the draft said. It said that more than 14 recognised political parties, several eminent activists, and computer scientists have raised concerns about the efficacy of EVMs to the Election Commission, but have not received any response so far. "When voters lose faith in the integrity of the electoral process, especially EVMs, our democracy hollows from within." The draft noted that the Congress would build the widest possible consensus with all like-minded political parties to take up the issue with the Election Commission. Ahead of Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia's questioning by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday tweeted that the "whole party will welcome Sisodia when he comes out of jail". "I pray to God that you come out of jail soon, we will be eagerly waiting for you. We the parents, children and Delhities," a line from Arvind Kejriwal's tweet read. Sisodia had earlier tweeted that he was going to join the probe of the CBI once again, and will fully cooperate with the agency. "If I will spend a few months in jail, I don't care. We are followers of Bhagat Singh. He (Bhagat Singh) even chose to be hanged," Sisodia tweeted. Reacting to his tweet, Kejriwal replied that they will be waiting for his release from jail. Also Read Kejriwal on Gujarat visit today; plans to hold town hall meet in Vadodara AAP vote share in Gujarat up by 4% post CBI raid on Sisodia, says Kejriwal Gujarat asking for change, Sisodia to soon take out march here: Kejriwal BJP making 'illegitimate' use of Delhi officers, says Manish Sisodia AAP says Sisodia will be arrested, Kejriwal compares him with Bhagat Singh Ballot Chor vs Khalnayika: Now AAP, BJP in poster war over MCD ruckus Congress party moves economic resolution at 85th Plenary in Raipur Delhi Deputy CM Sisodia set to join CBI probe in excise policy scam today Don't care if I have to stay in jail for few months: Manish Sisodia Rahul Gandhi to address on final day of Congress' plenary session on Sunday "God is with you Manish. The wishes of lakhs of children and parents are with you. If you are going to jail for society and country, it will be a proud moment. You come out of jail, we will be waiting for you," Kejriwal tweeted. Sisodia said that he would first go to Rajghat for the prayer and then he will head towards the CBI's headquarters in Lodhi Colony. (Atul krishan can be approached at Ahead of the CBI's questioning of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in the excise policy case, the AAP on Saturday said he will fully cooperate with the investigation and asserted that it is a "hardcore honest" party. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has prepared an exhaustive set of questions for the minister amid apprehensions of his arrest. Sisodia, who also holds the finance portfolio in the Delhi Cabinet, was originally summoned last Sunday. He had sought deferment of his questioning, citing the ongoing budget exercise, following which the probe agency had asked him to appear on February 26. "Tomorrow, Manish Sisodia will go for the CBI inquiry and will fully cooperate with them. In the last eight to 10 years, almost 150-200 cases have been filed against AAP leaders. But they (Centre) have not been able to prove corruption of even a single penny against our leaders. This is because the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is a hardcore honest party," AAP legislator Atishi told reporters on Saturday. Sisodia has expressed apprehensions that the central investigation agencies might arrest him. "They are using the CBI to take revenge and I am sure they will do that by getting me arrested," he had alleged. Also Read Excise policy scam: CBI summons Manish Sisodia for questioning on Monday Manish Sisodia arrives at CBI headquarters for questioning in excise case What changes can consumers expect in Delhi after change in liquor policy? CBI files first charge sheet in Delhi excise scam case; Sisodia not named CBI searches Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia's office in excise policy case ED raids on Cong leaders should not be given political colour: Thakur BJP-NDA will win Lok Sabha, Maharashtra Assembly polls in 2024: Gadkari My innings could conclude with Bharat Jodo Yatra, says Sonia Gandhi BJP fuelling fire of hatred, targeting minorities, Dalits, women: Sonia Looking forward to align with like-minded parties to defeat BJP: Kharge The senior AAP leader was earlier examined for a day on October 17 last year, nearly a month before the central probe agency had filed its charge sheet against seven people, including middlemen and liquor traders, in which Sisodia was not listed as accused, but the agency had kept the probe into his alleged role open. Nearly three months after filing its charge sheet, the CBI will question Sisodia on various aspects of the now-scrapped excise policy, his alleged links with liquor traders, and politicians, and claims made by witnesses in their statements. This photo taken on Jan. 20, 2023 shows the White House in Washington, D.C., the United States.(Xinhua/Liu Jie) With its global surveillance network, "the United States itself is the true eavesdropper," said the German magazine Focus, though the country prefers to frame itself as a victim of spying. BEIJING, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- Despite China's repeated explanation that the entry of a Chinese civilian unmanned airship into U.S. airspace was an entirely unintended, unexpected and isolated event caused by force majeure, the United States, without any evidence, slandered the airship as a "spy balloon" and abused force to shoot it down. Washington's "unthinkable and hysterical action" blatantly violated its obligations under the Chicago Convention and many basic principles of international law, as some U.S. politicians insisted on such absurd things only for their own political need at the expense of China-U.S. relations. ABUSE OF FORCE Weather balloons are regularly launched around the world for weather forecasting and scientific research. Every day, free-rising latex balloons are released from almost 900 locations worldwide, with nearly 1,000 balloons gathering daily observations that provide input in real-time, the UN World Meteorological Organization counted. However, in the first two weeks of February, U.S. fighter jets shot down four objects flying over North America, including the Chinese civilian balloon that the Pentagon said "does not present a military or physical threat to people on the ground," or a significant risk of intelligence collection. U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday also admitted the other three objects were "most likely tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions." "A lot of balloons are flying over the Earth every day. Does the U.S. want to shoot them all down?" senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi raised the question on the sidelines of the 59th Munich Security Conference. Washington's drastic reaction to the weather balloon not only goes against scientific common sense, but also violates customary international practice and conventions. Above all, any international dispute shall be settled by peaceful means so that international peace, security and justice are not endangered, according to the UN Charter. Based on general principles of international law, in the circumstances of force majeure, distress and necessity, aircraft unauthorized to enter other countries' airspace shall be exempt of legal liability. Since last year, U.S. balloons have illegally flown over China's airspace more than 10 times without the approval of relevant authorities. But China handled those illegal flights in a calm and professional manner. That has demonstrated Beijing's respect for international law and sincerity in properly managing China-U.S. relations. As far as the "stray balloon" is concerned, China has clearly asked the U.S. side to properly handle the matter in a calm, professional and restrained manner, whereas the United States used "the most advanced U.S. weapons systems" -- as depicted by The Washington Post -- to eliminate the object. Clearly, Washington has resorted again to double standards. In 2016, China seized an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) -- later claimed by the Pentagon -- in the South China Sea to prevent it from harming navigational and personnel safety of passing ships. The U.S. Defense Department called on China to "return our UUV immediately and to comply with all of its obligations under international law." Its urge stands in sharp contrast with its downing of the four civilian aerial objects. SUPERPOWER OF SURVEILLANCE The United States, as a superpower of surveillance, has a long history of sending surveillance balloons and blimps beyond its borders to gather intelligence. That helps explain why the ill-grounded "spy balloon" narrative can raise mass hysteria in U.S. media and political community. Before the Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites came into service, the U.S. Air Force had developed reconnaissance balloon programs known as WS-119L and WS-461L for the mission of collecting intelligence over Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union between the late 1950s and early 1960s. Nowadays, as the center of gravity for global Internet and intelligence activity, the United States has further consolidated its privileged position to monitor. Among the countries it snoops on is China, which has been harassed by U.S. spy devices multiple times over the past few years. The Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed in June 2022 that the United States has deployed many military aircraft and warships in the South China Sea on a regular basis and its reconnaissance aircraft have electronically impersonated civil aircraft of other countries there time and again. The ministry said, citing statistics from institutions with professional knowledge, that the number of the U.S. close-in military reconnaissance missions against China has more than doubled compared with a decade ago. In September last year, China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and cybersecurity company 360 respectively released investigation reports on the attacks on China's Northwestern Polytechnical University from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), which showed that the agency's Tailored Access Operations unit mounted hundreds of thousands malicious cyberattacks targeting Chinese objectives. Permeating through every part of the world, the U.S. surveillance network also targets Washington's allies. In May 2021, Denmark's national broadcaster DR News reported that the Danish Defense Intelligence Service had given the NSA open Internet access to spy on targeted heads of state, as well as Scandinavian leaders, top politicians, and high-ranking officials in Germany, Sweden, Norway and France, including then German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Photo taken on Feb. 19, 2020 shows the Pentagon seen from an airplane over Washington D.C., the United States. (Xinhua/Liu Jie) That was not unfamiliar to European leaders. In 2013, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed that Washington had been spying on the email and cell phone communications of as many as 35 world leaders. Snowden also disclosed that a U.S. surveillance program codenamed Stateroom ordered the installment of secret intelligence equipment in some 100 foreign diplomatic embassies and consulates in other countries for spying. "Washington is losing its moral ground," the German magazine Focus once quoted an expert on foreign policy as saying. With its global surveillance network, "the United States itself is the true eavesdropper," Focus said, though the country prefers to frame itself as a victim of spying. By Jang Daul In a republic like South Korea, the public has the right to know what the government is doing on its behalf. In other words, the administration is obliged to explain its plans and policies and answer questions from the public and civil society. March 25 is the deadline for the Korean government to establish the first National Carbon Neutrality Master Plan under the Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality. However, while there is only a month left, the draft of such an extensive plan has not been disclosed or publicly consulted at all. It seems it is being established through closed-door discussions. This is wrong and undemocratic. The plan is extremely critical to determine how Korea, one of the major carbon emitters, will achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 in all sectors to tackle the unprecedented global climate crisis. Considering the scope and timespan, the draft should have been disclosed already and the government should have listened to the opinions of the public, civil society and major stakeholders. According to the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth (CNC), the commission held a meeting recently with only major industrial organizations. For the Yoon administration, public opinion seems to mean only the opinions of the industry. There are many things that the government must answer and explain in the first master plan, but I would like to emphasize two things here. Firstly, there should be an answer in the plan as to whether Korea will take its part in achieving the global 1.5-degree Celsius climate target in proportion to its roles and responsibilities to "prevent the serious impact of the climate crisis" as required by the Framework Act. To prevent a climate disaster, the world needs to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. A 2-degree increase will be too dangerous. It will cause the marine ecosystem to collapse, with 99 percent of the world's coral reefs extinct. In addition, cumulative emissions targets by 2030 and 2050 together with a plan to manage them should be included in the plan. It is not annual but cumulative emissions that eventually decide how much temperatures will rise. The Framework Act also requires "sector-specific and annual measures to achieve mid- to long-term reduction goals" to be included in the master plan. Secondly, the 2050 electricity mix should be presented in the plan. The government recently announced a plan for the 2030 and 2036 electricity mix. It aims to increase the share of nuclear power and lower the renewable target. So, the share of fossil fuels in 2030 will be 43 percent, similar to the plan of the previous administration. Fossil fuel power generation needs to be phased out before 2050. Nuclear power will not be the main source of electricity. It would be hardly possible for nuclear power to keep even the 2036 share, 35 percent, at the time of 2050. Assuming that, the total electricity demand in 2050 will be 1,258 terawatt-hours (TWh) more than double compared to now as per the CNC's 2050 carbon neutrality scenario. To keep the 35 percent share of nuclear in the 2050 mix, even if the lifetime of the 25 existing reactors is extended up to 20 more years as well as building two new reactors (Shin Haunl 3 and 4), still, 24 larger (APR1500) reactors, or more than 300 small and medium-sized reactors (SMART, 110 MW) need to be additionally constructed. Consequently, even if the above unrealistic scenario is realized in a country already having the most reactors per its territory, it has to be renewable energy that eventually supplies most of the remaining 65 percent of electricity in 2050. However, it seems that the Yoon administration does not trust that renewables could take such an important role in the 2050 electricity mix. Then, it needs to propose an alternative mix from the previous administration. Greenpeace asked about Yoon's 2050 electricity mix during last year's election campaign, presidential transition committee and even after the government was inaugurated. Yet, we got no answers. It is possible for the public and civil society to discuss the effectiveness, economics, and feasibility of a public policy only if it is shared with clear explanations. The most popular search keyword on Google among Koreans in 2022 was "climate change." It shows how much the public is concerned about the climate crisis. The public has a right to know in what direction and at what speed the government, which is leading during the critical time to respond to the climate crisis, will sail. I look forward to seeing the Yoon administration meet its duty and explain soon, in this democratic country with a vibrant civil society, what its plan is. Jang Daul ( is a government relations and advocacy specialist at Greenpeace East Asia Seoul Office. The passcode in iPhones that helps people unlock their devices is now giving thieves easy access to steal their money and data at public places. According to Wall Street Journal, using a remarkably low-tech trick, thieves watch iPhone owners tap their passcodes, then steal their targets' phones and their digital lives. A 31-year-old senior economist at a workforce intelligence startup lost all photos, contacts and notes in her iPhone 13 Pro Max which was snatched at a bar in Midtown Manhattan and about $10,000 vanished from her bank account in just 24 hours. "With only the iPhone and its passcode, an interloper can within seconds change the password associated with the iPhone owner's Apple ID," said the report. This would lock the victim out of their account, which includes anything stored in iCloud. "The thief can also often loot the phone's financial apps since the passcode can unlock access to all the device's stored passwords," it added. Also Read Apple iOS 16 to launch today; Here's what will change in your iPhones Apple improves lead time for iPhone 14 Pro models' shipments: Report Apple releases iOS 16.2 software update with better always-on display Apple may limit periscope camera to upcoming iPhone 16 Pro Max/Ultra Here is what the internet expects from Apple in its new iPhone 14 series Meta-owned WhatsApp may bring 'schedule group calls' to future update Google may integrate AI text-to-image generator to Gboard for Android After Apple and Samsung, MediaTek to bring satellite connectivity to phones Amazon's cloud gaming platform 'Luna' may add Epic Games' Fortnite Apple may launch new MacBook Air with 15-inch display in April: Report When the password change is complete, the software offers an option to force other Apple devices, such as Macs or iPads, to sign out of the Apple account, so a victim couldn't turn to those devices to regain access. The Apple software never requires the user to enter an older password before setting a new one. With the new password, the thief can disable Find My iPhone. Disabling Find My iPhone feature also allows the thief to resell the iPhone. As Apple spokesperson said that iPhone is the most secure consumer mobile device, and "we work tirelessly every day to protect all our users from new and emerging threats". "We sympathise with users who have had this experience and we take all attacks on our users very seriously, no matter how rare," the spokesperson was quoted as saying. "We will continue to advance the protections to help keep user accounts secure." Nearly all of the victims had their iPhones stolen while they were out at night socialising at public places, pubs and bars. In all cases, the iPhone owners were locked out of their Apple accounts. "They then discovered thousands of dollars in financial thefts, including some combination of Apple Pay charges, drained bank accounts linked to phone apps and money taken from PayPal's Venmo and other money-sending apps," the report elaborated. The same vulnerability is there in Google's Android mobile operating system but the "higher resale value of iPhones makes them a far more common target", according to law enforcement officials. "Our sign-in and account-recovery policies try to strike a balance between allowing legitimate users to retain access to their accounts in real-world scenarios and keeping the bad actors out," a Google spokesperson was quoted as saying. Apple recently introduced the ability to use hardware security keys, little USB dongles, to protect the Apple ID. In India, engineering is one of the most popular programs. This profession is well-regarded in the market and adds value to a student's portfolio. An engineer must select the appropriate job profile. This decision is critical to the student's professional development. The finest engineering careers consider each of these factors and are now the most popular degrees. The greatest engineering vocations listed here are additionally some of the best-paying engineering positions in the nation. Top Paid Engineering Jobs Petroleum Engineer Petroleum engineering is the field of engineering concerned with hydrocarbon-related operations. They are concerned with the extraction, utilisation, and potential of petroleum and the resources needed. Petroleum engineers are in higher demand than ever before; petroleum engineering graduates from all around the world are being recruited by top resource-based corporations as well as various governmental agencies. Mechanical Engineer Mechanical engineering specialists are involved in the technical planning and production of innovative goods in heavy manufacturing industries such as steel, metals, alloys, and vehicles. A mechanical engineer's goals include building cost-effective machines and making relevant and related changes to the operation. Aerospace Engineer Aerospace engineering is the discipline of engineering that deals with the design, construction, maintenance, testing, and analysis of airplanes and spacecraft using engineering concepts. Aerospace engineering is concerned with two branches at the same time, namely aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering. Aerospace engineers are popular in industries such as airlines, the military, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. Electrical Engineer Electrical engineering is one of the most difficult technical disciplines. Its application is employed worldwide and in everyday life, because it deals with the application and utilization of electricity, electronics, electromagnetism, and so on. Anyone who chooses to pursue a profession in electrical engineering will always be rewarded. Materials Engineer A materials engineer tries to develop long-lasting and ecological materials. They research existing materials to better understand their qualities and possible enhancements. They attempt to modify a material's atomic structure to create a stronger, more efficient component. They typically work in industrial laboratories to test and observe the outcomes of their study. Software Engineer A software engineer is someone who creates computer software and system components. They could be corporate applications, network management, gaming, or even an operating system (OS). They are in charge of documenting the intricacies of the system they created, testing it, and launching it. They must do regular quality checks and, if required, upgrade the application. Communication Engineer Communication engineers have technical knowledge of systems that aid in the transport of communication. These engineers conduct research, design, and development of communication devices such as radios and telecommunications. They also generate extensive paperwork explaining operational methods, which may be useful during the repair. Every gadget or device that a communication engineer designs and installs strive to improve device connectivity and signal reception. Everyone is in a hurry to file taxes at the start of each fiscal year. Some are attempting to comprehend the most recent changes to the tax regime, while others are attempting to file taxes in hopes of saving money. Taxation is an inevitable aspect of our lives. While attempting to do all of this without missing the deadline for filing tax returns, everybody probably wants someone might handle all of the documentation for them. Tax is the most important source of revenue for governments in most modern economies. Every country, without exception, taxes its citizens. Taxation pays for all of a government's expenses. Tax money is used for a variety of purposes, including paying government officials' salaries, protecting public property, and supporting the destitute. As a result, taxation is a critical factor in determining a country's economic growth and stability. Based on the amount of tax collected, the government will decide how to best spend money to maximise wealth redistribution. Taxation jobs provide students with prospects in several growing areas such as fintech, banking, income tax, marketing, and so on. Accounting and Finance departments of many firms, banks, government agencies, educational institutions, and other private entities offer taxation work opportunities. During the course, graduates gain skills and knowledge in taxation and business, which allows them to pursue a variety of occupations. The scope of Taxation is not restricted to one field but is available in a variety of domains. Career Opportunities in Taxation Tax Preparer A tax preparer is in the position to manage an individual's or business's federal, state, and local income tax returns. Some of their extra tasks include locating legal exclusions to minimise tax requirements, revealing tax liabilities, and advising clients of changes in tax regulations. These professionals usually collect important financial records, such as pay stubs and income statements, and enter this data into a database or tax return software. Tax Associate Tax associates analyse financial documents to ensure they are in line with IRS standards and tax laws. These professionals may undertake tax-related research, support tax audits, and visit with customers to review their tax records and resolve any issues or problems. A tax assistant advises employers on employee compensation, benefits, and financial reporting. Tax Accountants Tax accountants support customers by developing solutions to reduce paying taxes. They also arrange audits with the proper authorities and manage all tax concerns for their clients. They compute tax owing, file tax returns, and guarantee taxes are paid on schedule. They ensure that their client complies with all tax regulations and legislation in the nation from which they function. Tax Collector A tax collector is responsible for collecting money from people and corporations who are late in tax returns and owing government funds. They primarily conduct audits and keep watch over financial data, as well as keep records about it. They are also in charge of conducting background investigations on outstanding debts and providing remedies to them. Income Tax Officer Beginning a career as an income tax officer is a highly sought-after and distinguished position. When you file your ITR, the income tax officials examine your financial papers, assets, and liabilities to determine your true income. The income tax department is a centralised organisation in charge of collecting and monitoring taxes as well as administering the direct taxation measures established by the Indian Parliament. Tax Attorney A tax attorney assists both companies and people with tax law and financial planning issues. They remain vigilant on the legalities of taxation and speak with clients about the adjustments that need to be made in their enterprises and financial affairs under the rules. Financial Planners Financial planners work with customers to create plans for managing their present as well as potential finances. They regularly help customers to solve specific tax problems, create tax reports, maximise tax returns, and reduce the impact of taxes on balance sheets. These specialists may analyse a person's financial position and objectives to design a plan for saving and investing. A financial planner can create personal budgets, control expenditures, and devise wealth-building strategies. Audit Assistant An audit assistant's primary responsibility is to monitor and analyse a company's financial reporting. They must generate financial reports and verify that tax requirements are followed. Audit assistants analyse an organization's financial strengths and deficiencies. Their task is to ensure that the accounting methods and systems are correct. They must also analyse, assess, and recommend modifications to business unit accounting control systems and procedures. Seen is Genesis G90 luxury sedan. Hyundai Motor Group said Sunday that four car models won safety awards from the U.S. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Courtesy of Hyundai Motor Group By Baek Byung-yeul Four car models of Hyundai Motor Group were recognized for their safety following the latest crash safety test in the United States, the automotive giant said Sunday. The group said its Genesis G90 luxury sedan, Hyundai Motor Palisade SUV and Kia's Telluride SUV received the Top Safety Pick+, the highest crash safety performance rating, from the 2023 test of the U.S. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Hyundai Motor's Sonata sedan won the second-best grade of Top Safety Pick. In particular, the Telluride was recognized for its excellent safety in collisions by winning good grades, the highest score, in every test category, and the Palisade and the G90 demonstrated their safety features by receiving the Top Safety Pick+ ratings once again following last year, the automotive group said. Established in 1959, IIHS is an organization funded by car insurance companies. The organization is known to use the most demanding standards in its safety evaluations. To receive the Top Safety Pick+, a vehicle needs to earn good grades in nine categories, such as driver-side small overlap front, passenger-side small overlap front, roof strength and headlights. The vehicle also needs to win a superior grade in two categories, including vehicle-to-pedestrian front crash prevention in both daytime and nighttime. Kia's Telluride SUV / Courtesy of Hyundai Motor Group The Brandenburg Gate is illuminated in the colours of the Ukrainian flag as people take part in a protest to mark the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in Berlin, Germany, Feb. 24. Reuters-Yonhap Thousands of people protested in Berlin on Saturday to condemn Germany's supply of arms to Ukraine and call for peace talks to end the war. The organizers were criticized before the protest for downplaying Ukraine's right to defend its territory from Russian aggression and failing to distance themselves from political extremists on the far right and far left, where pro-Russia views are common. One of the organizers, opposition lawmaker Sahra Wagenknecht of the ex-communist Left party, said during the rally that there was no place for neo-Nazis, but that anyone who wanted peace "with an honest heart" was welcome. While most placards at the protest reflected traditional left-wing positions, some participants bore banners with the slogan "Americans go home" and the logo of a far-right magazine. Some waved Russian flags. Wagenknecht accused the German government of seeking to "ruin Russia," and said that Moscow should be made an "offer" in order to resume peace talks. Another of the organizers, prominent feminist author Alice Schwarzer, said it was time to look beyond left and right. Protesters jeered whenever she and Wagenknecht mentioned the name of German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who has strongly backed the delivery of arms to Ukraine. Police said that about 13,000 people took part in the rally at Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate, while organizers claimed that 50,000 people participated. One of them was Konstantin Schneider, an academic from Berlin, who said he understood that countries in Eastern Europe were afraid of Russia. "Of course (Russian President Vladimir) Putin is an idiot to attack Ukraine," he said. "But we still need to find new solutions (to the war) instead of sweepingly saying there's nothing to negotiate." There were several small counterdemonstrations. On Friday, about 10,000 people staged a protest at the same site in support of Ukraine. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in a recent television interview that he doesn't see a prospect for peace talks at present. "We need to understand that the Russian president currently accepts only one form of negotiations, which is that (Ukraine) capitulates unconditionally and he achieves all of his aims," Scholz told public broadcaster ZDF. (AP) Soddy-Daisy will celebrate its second Arbor Day on March 4, and it is twice as large as last years inaugural event. This year, 35 large native trees will be planted in Veterans Park, 9009 Dayton Pike."The event is the latest example of the strong partnership between the nonprofit Keep Soddy-Daisy Beautiful and the City of Soddy-Daisy," officials said."We are thrilled to continue our efforts in beautifying and improving our community through this Arbor Day Celebration," said Jim Stewart of KSDB, organizer of the event."We are grateful for financial support from the City of Soddy-Daisy, generous donors, and the Tennessee Department of Forestry. Student volunteers from Ivy Academy, Soddy-Daisy High School, and the Scouts will join community members in planting the trees."The trees to be planted include two types of Red Maple, Willow Oak and Tulip Poplar, the state tree of Tennessee. The event is open to all, and KSDB invites the public to join them in making Soddy-Daisy a greener and healthier place. Volunteers can plant trees if they are physically able, help in other ways or just watch the event taking place.For more information or to get involved as a donor, volunteer or with any questions, visit or contact Jim Stewart at or 732-371-4953. A California man who had been sending large amounts of drugs to Chattanooga hotels with no room number listed has been sentenced to serve 188 months in federal prison. Curtis James Bingham appeared before Judge Charles Atchley. Bingham was taken into custody after authorities began investigating suspicious packages coming to Chattanooga from a post office in Bakersfield, Ca., beginning in November 2021. There were at least eight Priority Express Mail parcels shipped from Bakersfield to hotels in Chattanooga. At least six parcels were sent from Chattanooga to two addresses in Bakersfield. All shipping fees were paid in cash. Authorities said one parcel was picked up by Bingham and a phone number used to track the parcels was tracked to him. On Jan. 20, 2022, suspicious parcels were sent from the Post Office on Shallowford Road to Bakersfield. A K-9 alerted on the parcels. After a warrant was obtained, agents opened the parcels and found $18,260 in cash going to one Bakersfield address and $39,000 in cash going to another. Authorities also monitored two phones used by Bingham and found that the phones traveled from Los Angeles to Chattanooga on Feb. 8. It was found that Bingham flew from LA to Chattanooga that day and afterward rented a car in Chattanooga. He then traveled to the same hotel where the latest parcels were sent - the Sonesta Select on Bams Drive. Bingham and a female were followed until they went to an apartment in Red Bank at 120 Wolfe St. The next day authorities made a controlled delivery of a package to the Sonesta Select. It was found that Bingham was at the Walmart off Brainerd Road. He then went to a CVS and then to the Sonesta. An agent took the package to the front desk and the clerk said a guest had been asking about it. Bingham then picked up the package and took it to his room. At 2 p.m., Bingham went from the rental car into the hotel and returned with a white plastic bag that looked to be heavy. Agents followed his car to Tunnel Boulevard and Wilcox Boulevard. He stopped at a parking spot and a black Dodge Challenger backed in nearby. Bingham pulled beside the Challenger and exited his rental car with the white plastic bag. He got into the Challenger. Three minutes later, he returned to the rental car without the bag. Bingham then left. A man in the Challenger walked over to a food truck, then he drove to an apartment complex. He was later stopped by police and identified as having a history of drug and weapons arrests. He did not have anything on him at the time. On Feb. 16, Bingham was found to be at a residence occupied by an individual who had been arrested in April 2021 with counterfeit fentanyl tablets, marijuana, cash and a loaded pistol. It was learned that the counterfeith fentanyl tablets had been shipped from California. Authorities on March 2 identified three more suspicious inbound packages from Bakersfield, Ca., to a Chattanooga hotel with no room number. It was addressed to Mr. B at the Wingate Hotel on Shallowford Road. The packages were opened and found to contain 10 pounds of meth, seven pounds of counterfeit fentanyl tablets, and five pounds of marijuana. It was found on March 3 that Curtis Bingham had checked into the hotel. There was a controlled delivery of the packages on March 7 and Bingham was observed picking them up. The hotel manager observed that it was odd that no hotel room number was on the address. Bingham said he was "Mr. B" and said he sent the packages to himself for his business. Agents then arrested Bingham in room 327 of the Wingate. Bingham said he was from California and had been in Chattanooga a few weeks earlier. He said the boxes in the room were his. Inside the room agents found $9,300 in cash, postal receipts for the packages and Bingham's California driver's license. In an interview, Bingham said he "was starting over" and "had no people in Tennessee." He said he was trying to make money so he could get out of pills and meth and "just sell weed." A woman on N. Wilder Street told police there was a man at her house banging on the door. She said the man motioned a gun to his temple. She said she never observed a firearm. The man was no longer there when police arrived. Shortly after police left, the woman called back saying the man had returned and again was banging on her door. Again, the man had left prior to police arrival. The womans residence was added to the watch list for the next two weeks. * * * Police spoke with a woman on Bonny Oaks Drive regarding property she left inside of her ex-boyfriend's vehicle. She has a TPO taken out against her and on the TPO it states she is allowed to retrieve her belongings only in the presence of law enforcement. The woman said she didnt know where the vehicle was and she was not allowed to contact the protected party in order to arrange a meeting. An officer told her she needed to speak to a judge or her attorney about arranging a meeting for that to occur. * * * A woman on Hamm Road told police on the phone she has several checks that were forged and money was transferred. Checks were created to follow the sequence of her checks but the numbers are in her physical possession. First Horizon Bank is investigating and requires a police report to move forward. The woman has copies of paperwork from the bank for proof of the counterfeiting. Copies will be added once received. * * * Police responded to 21st Street where a man said there were two black males being suspicious behind his house. The man told police he walked outside and the men ran away. The man said they had weapons but couldnt tell what they were. The officer searched around the area and couldnt find the men. The mans residence was placed on the watch list. * * * A man told police he was at Krystal at 4416 Highway 58 and lost his phone. He said he stepped out of his vehicle to walk his dogs at the Krystal when he believes he dropped his phone. He said he couldnt find it afterward and he went back to the parking lot to look for it, to no avail. The man believes someone must have taken it since it is going straight to voicemail and he stated it was fully charged so it could not have died. * * * Police were dispatched to Wilson Street because of a 911 call. A woman claimed her sister called 911 due to a disagreement between them involving a T-shirt. The sister was not at the residence when police arrived. * * * A woman on Norcross Road told police she was notified by her banking app of possible fraudulent charges. When she checked she found that someone charged $81 to her debit card through Walmart gave a name of a woman in Calhoun where the package was being delivered. refunded the charges and the woman has made the proper notifications to the bank. * * * Police observed a blue Ford Fusion displaying TN tag with an inoperable passenger brake light and an inoperable tag light. Police attempted to conduct a traffic stop on the 4200 block of Cromwell. As police approached the vehicle, it fled at a high rate of speed. Police BOLOed the vehicle and, as the officer was returning to his assigned area, he observed the vehicle stopped at the intersection of Cromwell and Shallowford. It was at this time a front passenger exited. Police detained the passenger as the vehicle fled again. The passenger said he demanded to be let out of the vehicle. The passenger was identified and was extremely cooperative and was released from the scene. * * * A woman on Rossville Boulevard told police she was in an argument with her brother, who was there and intoxicated. Police separated the two and identified them. The woman said that she has been staying with her brother there because she is homeless and that he had just woken her up because he was intoxicated. She said that she wanted to get her belongings and leave. Her brother said that he wanted his sister to leave for the night. She gathered a few of her items and police gave her a ride to an address on St. Paul Street without incident. She said that she would return tomorrow to get the rest of her things. * * * Police originally received a call for a possible hostage situation on Rawlings Street. On scene, police spoke to a woman who said she thought she heard loud arguing and believed her friend was being held against her will by a man. Police knocked on the front door and her friend answered and the man was temporarily detained. Upon speaking to both separately, both said they were having a verbal disagreement only. The friend said she never felt she was being held against her will nor felt in any danger. The friend was very uncooperative and refused to give police her information. Police found her information through media sources. Both separated while police were still on scene. Sandra Keef Anderson, 71, of Jasper, Tennessee, passed away peacefully on Thursday, February 23, 2023. Sandra was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She loved to cook and was one of the best around. She was a faithful member of Jasper First Baptist Church; where she served in the preschool department and was very active on the kitchen committee. She loved to travel with her husband. She is preceded in death by her parents; Charles E. Keef and Julia E. Long Keef; sister, Judy (Keef) Stephens. Survivors include her husband of 54 years, Sam Anderson; children, Tom (Dawn) Anderson, Susan (Scott) Sutherland; grandchildren, Carson Anderson, Nathan Anderson, Emily (Doug) Brown, Abbey Sutherland (Garren Covington), Eli Sutherland; sister, Charlene (John) Lackey and several aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces. Homegoing service will be held on Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. (CST) at Jasper First Baptist Church, 108 W 3rd Street, Jasper, TN 37347 with Pastor Greg Steele and John Young officiating. Mrs. Anderson will be laid to rest at Pine Grove Cemetery, Jasper, TN. Visitation will be held on Sunday, February 26, 2023 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (CST) at the church prior to the funeral service. The family would like to offer the option of honoring Sandra by donating to one of four organizations that were special to her: St. Jude Childrens Hospital, Chattanooga Kidney Foundation, Jasper First Baptist Church- Guatemala Fund,and Hopes Haven. Arrangements are entrusted to Rogers Funeral Home, 21 East Fifth Street, Jasper, Tennessee 37347 (423) 942-2682. Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards lived fast when the band was at its peak. He cultivated a bad-boy image within the group, but his wild behavior revealed itself years earlier when he got kicked out of the boy scouts. The guitarist lived fast, but he drove slow. Richards picked up a $162.50 traffic ticket in 1975 because of his slow driving. As Rolling Stones bandmate Ronnie Wood tells it, Richards was lucky to escape having another drug arrest. Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards | Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood rented a car to drive to a 1975 U.S. concert The Rolling Stones 1975 tour of the United States kicked off with drummer Charlie Watts stealing a promotional trick to hype the trek. The band played from a moving flatbed truck in Manhattan a few weeks before the tour began. As Wood writes in his autobiography Ronnie, a rough plane ride to Memphis after a tour stop near Washington D.C. left him and Richards shaken. They were reluctant to get on another play after playing Memphis. With a day off before a July 6 show in Dallas, Wood and Richards rented a car and drove to Texas. Richards, Wood, Rolling Stones security chief Jim Callaghan, and drug hookup Freddie Sessler packed into a Chevy and headed from Tennessee to Texas. Richards received a $162.50 traffic ticket in Arkansas because of his slow driving. He and Wood were lucky to escape a massive drug bust, too. Richards escaped a drug bust but got a $162.50 traffic ticket after police pointed their guns at him Richards sat at the wheel on the way to Dallas, and Keith was driving very, very slow slow enough to get arrested for loitering and swerving a bit too much from lane to lane, Wood writes in Ronnie. Later, Richards, Wood, and their passengers stopped in Fordyce, Ark., on their way to Dallas. The crossroads town in central Arkansas likely didnt see visitors like them often, if ever. Their mere presence raised suspicion. Wood writes that a nervous diner owner called the police, who were waiting when the quartet departed. A patrol car suddenly appeared next to us, the cops motioned for us to pull over (Keiths driving meant we were pretty much already stopped), and suddenly the two cops from the patrol car were standing in front of us with guns drawn, Wood writes. The cops detained Richards, Wood, Callaghan, and Sessler at Fordyces old city hall nearly all day, per Wood. The police impounded and searched the car, but not thoroughly enough. In a move out of The French Connection, the hollow spaces behind the door panels hid large amounts of cocaine and marijuana. The police missed the drug stash, which meant Richards avoided another Rolling Stones drug bust. But he didnt walk away scot-free. Wood writes that the police gave Richards a $162.50 ticket for reckless driving. The Rolling Stones founding guitarist is still alive Happy Birthday, Keith! With love and respect Team Keith!! Keith Richards (@officialKeef) December 19, 2022 Related Keith Richards Described 1 of the Easiest Decisions the Rolling Stones Ever Made Despite years of heavy drug use, Keith Richards is still alive. Hes been prepared for his death for years, but he turned 79 years old in December 2022. That birthday came a few months after The Rolling Stones celebrated their 60th anniversary with a European tour. He survived a drug bust in England in the 1960s relatively unscathed. He avoided serious jail time in Canada after facing heroin trafficking charges. (The court ordered him to play a concert for the blind as recompense). Keith Richards escaped with a $162.50 traffic ticket in Arkansas in 1975 when the police missed a stash of pot and cocaine in his rented car. For more on the entertainment world and exclusive interviews, subscribe to Showbiz Cheat Sheets YouTube channel. Dr. Nicole Martin no longer lives at the lavish mansion seen on The Real Housewives of Miami. Martin and fiance, attorney Anthony Lopez were made an offer they simply couldnt refuse which took the RHOM star by surprise. Right now were focused on our recent move, Martin told Showbiz Cheat Sheet. We sold our house unexpectedly and we just bought a new house. Were going to basically gut that and do a full remodel. Dr. Nicole from RHOM sold her home to Jeff Bezos parents The couple sold the sprawling 8,700 estate to Jeff Bezos parents for $44 million, The Real Deal reports. Martin and Lopez made a huge windfall on the property, as records show the last buyer in 2019 paid $13,995,000 for the property. Dr. Nicole Martin, Anthony Lopez | Peacock Honestly, we hadnt we had no intention of selling, Martin said. The house wasnt on the market. It was kind of this like, Hey, someones buying the neighbors house. They want two houses adjacent. Like, are you willing to sell?' The Real Deal reports that Jackie and Mike Bezos paid $34 million for the neighboring home before buying Martin and Lopezs house. The Miami home sale was an offer they couldnt refuse Making a huge profit on real estate in South Florida isnt that uncommon, especially in 2022. Real estate in Miami was kind of going through the roof despite a lot of uncertainty, she recalled. Like, COVID and the economy, despite all these things, property sales were through the roof and we were like, this is a great opportunity. Who knows whats to come? Plus, Martin and Lopez were in the middle of remodeling plans for the home. There were things that we wanted to add to the house we were working on, she said. An addition and a remodel. So there were things that this house still didnt have, despite all the work we did to it. And we were like, You know what? Lets do this. Lets cash in and well be patient.' Where did Dr. Nicole and Anthony move since filming RHOM? A big problem for South Florida sellers is that cashing in on a home sale means buying in a sellers market. A big reason why Martin and Lopez jumped to sell their home was that they had a landing pad that allowed them to buy some time. We have an apartment on the beach, so were living here now, and well wait for something that really catches our eye, she said. A couple of months later, this property became available. And we absolutely love it. And it kind of has all the little things that the other one didnt have. But we need to remodel it and make it to our taste. Honestly, I think if we wouldnt have had our beach apartment, we probably would have been like, OK where do we go? she said. But we had an apartment that was already furnished. It was kind of an easy move for us. So weve been here and well be here until that remodel is done basically a year. The couple paid $21.5 million for their new 10,860-square-foot, seven-bedroom home in Coral Gables. Martin and Lopez hired Manny Varas of MV Group to renovate the home, which will include a 1,000-square-foot walk-in closet for Martin. Plus, Lopez plans to add a floating seaplane dock. Episodes of The Real Housewives of Miami are currently streaming on Peacock. This week in Christian history: Shahbaz Bhatti martyred, Methodist hymnwriter born Throughout the extensive history of the Church, there have been numerous events of lasting significance. Each week brings anniversaries of impressive milestones, unforgettable tragedies, amazing triumphs, memorable births and notable deaths. Some of the events drawn from over 2,000 years of history might be familiar, while others might be previously unknown by most people. The following pages highlight anniversaries of memorable events that occurred this week in Christian history. They include the birth of a Methodist hymnwriter, Bob Jones University regaining its tax-exempt status, and a Pakistani Christian state official being killed for his faith. 1 2 3 4 Next Vineyard Church senior pastor resigns amid misconduct allegations against son Michael Gatlin, the senior pastor at The Vineyard Church in Duluth, Minnesota, has resigned from his position weeks after his son, Jackson Gatlin, who served as the young adult and online community pastor, was suspended over allegations of misconduct that reportedly occurred several years ago. The church's Special Committee says Michael and Brenda Gatlin might have known about it and chose not to act. His resignation comes in the context of allegations of misconduct against one of our former pastoral assistants and Michaels son, Jackson Gatlin, the church said in an update on its website. There are also allegations that Michael and Brenda Gatlin knew about this misconduct at the time and failed to act. The church added that the police are investigating the allegations. Vineyard Church has also contracted a company called Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment to conduct an independent investigation and asked Gatlin to either provide information to GRACE or agree to be interviewed by the company. Church leaders stated that Michael Gatlin had been instructed multiple times to fully cooperate with law enforcement and the independent investigation. The public update adds that just before Michael Gatlin resigned, he was asked to "cooperate fully with both any law enforcement investigation and our independent investigation" and provide a statement to the Special Committee concerning his response and actions taken in response to misconduct allegations involving his son, Jackson. However, Michael missed the deadline and never provided a statement, despite being warned that failing to do so could lead to the termination of his employment. In his resignation letter, Michael Gatlin said he could not cooperate with the process established by GRACE and the Special Committee, according to this committee of the Church Council. The church said it wants to say to all survivors of abuse that we hear you and believe you. It is never your fault. And, you are not alone. We are praying for you and we call our community to a time of prayer and lament. As Jesus was always on the side of the vulnerable and the wounded, in our response to abuse the safety and care of survivors must always come first. Myrissa Overfors, who claims she is one of Jackson Gatlins victims, said in a statement on Facebook that she was working with investigators and other victims of his alleged misconduct. The past day has been a battle. Most of youve seen that the Vineyard Church in Duluth, Minnesota and their lead youth pastor, Jackson Gatlin, is under an investigation for sexual misconduct. I myself was assaulted by him as well. It was of a sexual nature. And the rest of the details will remain private, she said. I am currently working with their investigators and I think this may be a long battle for me and his other victims. Send us all positive thoughts and prayers if you believe in the upcoming months. Im sure we all will need it. If you have been a victim of this predator, youre not alone. The church added that for everyone who loves Michael and has benefited from his ministry as senior pastor, that more than one thing can be true at the same time. "Michael is an exceptional leader, and God has utilized him to accomplish remarkable things, it continued. Michael is a gifted leader and God has used him in powerful ways. Michael has helped many of us experience the love and new life that Jesus brings. And, at the same time, Michael is human just like us. We all fall short. We need to be patient and wait for the fact-finding to be complete, yet the allegations against Michael are serious. French President Emmanuel Macron attends an online meeting with G7 leaders and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, one year after Russia invaded Ukraine, at the Elysee palace in Paris, Friday, Feb. 24. AP-Yonhap French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday said he would visit China in April and urged it to pressure Russia to end the war in Ukraine, a day after Beijing presented a peace plan. China has attempted to maintain a neutral stance while retaining close ties with strategic ally Moscow, publishing a 12-point position paper on Friday that called for urgent peace talks and a "political settlement" to end the conflict. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday also expressed hopes to meet Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, calling it "important for world security". Macron on Saturday said he would visit China in "early April" and urged Beijing to help "put pressure" on Russia to end the war. "The fact that China is engaging in peace efforts is a good thing," Macron said on the sidelines of an agricultural show in Paris, in reference to the position paper. Peace was only possible if "Russian aggression was halted, troops withdrawn, and the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine and its people was respected", he added. Earlier on Saturday, the Chinese foreign ministry said Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko would pay a state visit from Feb. 28 to March 2 at the invitation of President Xi. A long-time ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Lukashenko allowed his country to be used as a launchpad for Moscow's invasion of its pro-Western ally on Feb. 24 last year. Kyiv has expressed concerns that Belarus could again support Moscow in its war effort, with the countries announcing the creation of a joint regional force last October. Chinese foreign minister Qin Gang told his Belarusian counterpart Sergei Aleinik that Beijing is willing to work with Minsk to deepen mutual political trust during a phone conversation on Friday, the Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement. China will also continue to support Belarus in maintaining its national stability and will oppose attempts by "external forces" to interfere in its internal affairs or impose "illegal" unilateral sanctions on Minsk, Qin told Aleinik. Diplomatic rifts exposed The diplomatic rift between Beijing, Moscow and the West was exposed on Saturday as G20 finance ministers failed to adopt a joint statement on the global economy after China sought to water down references to the Ukraine war. Russia said the United States, the European Union and the G7 "destabilized" the talks in India by trying to impose their "diktat". The Chinese position paper urged all parties to "support Russia and Ukraine in working in the same direction and resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible". It also made clear its opposition to the use and threat of deploying nuclear weapons, after Putin threatened to use Moscow's atomic arsenal in the conflict. Several Western powers rebuffed the proposals and also warned against Beijing's close ties to Moscow. China has denied a claim by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that it was "considering providing lethal support" to Russia. Macron urged Beijing "not to supply any arms to Russia" and sought Beijing's help to "exert pressure on Russia to ensure it never uses chemical or nuclear weapons and it stops this aggression prior to negotiations". Zelensky on Friday did not specify when or where talks with Xi would happen but expressed hope that China would support a "just peace" in Ukraine and that Beijing would not supply weapons to Russia. On the ground, the head of Russia's Wagner mercenary group said his forces had captured another village on the outskirts of the frontline city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine on Saturday. Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed the capture of Yagidne, a short distance from central Bakhmut, which has become a key political and symbolic prize in the battle to control the eastern Donbas region. (AFP) Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko speaks to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, Russia, Feb. 17. Reuters-Yonhap One year after Russia invaded, millions of Ukrainians want to go home Olga, a mother of three from Odessa, Ukraine, chose to flee with her ailing mother when she realized nowhere in her home country was safe. They traveled first to Moldova, then to Romania, where theyre now safe and receiving support from Bethany Christian Services. Keeping her family together and unharmed has been her central goal for a year now: The first anniversary of Russias invasion was February 24. Thats one year without their old community. Thats one year away from their home, their family, their culture, and their way of life. And shes just one of 7.5 million Ukrainians who fled their homeland during the war. At first, the outpouring of prayers and support for Ukraine was overwhelming. One year later, theyve largely fallen out of the news cycle. But they need our help more than ever. Ukrainians facing a brutally cold winter with gas shortages, as well as the ongoing trauma of a yearlong war. They are exhausted, and they still dont know when theyll be able to go home for good and they desperately want to do so. Overwhelmingly, the reported reason for returning to Ukraine in spite of active conflict is a simple desire to go home and to be reunified with family. Over 6 million return trips to Ukraine have been documented since the beginning of the war. Most of these have been attempts to visit family members, collect documents, or check on property. In the long term, 81% of displaced Ukrainians hope to return home permanently. Its important that we do everything we can to make that return home possible. Pray fervently alongside us for a peaceful end to the conflict. Donate to organizations involved in crisis support for the families who suffer as it continues. Advocate on their behalf when you see the opportunity. If you can, volunteer in refugee support programs in your area or in the nations that now harbor so many Ukrainians. But they also need our support as they wait out the war and there are real, practical steps we can take to help. Bethanys own programming focuses, among other things, on family strengthening and reunification. And that isnt just because Ukrainian families want to stay together. They need to stay together, now more than ever. Every person deserves to feel safe, loved, and connected and families provide that best. Thats why we focus on offering wraparound crisis support, psychosocial services, medical and material supplies, transport, and legal assistance to Olgas family and others like hers. These vulnerable, precious families are the future of Ukraine. Whats more, we as American Christians have been given a rare opportunity to witness and minister to them in their moment of greatest need. Their future, and their nations future, depend upon it. So few ambassadors to represent Jesus Theres an episode of "Madam Secretary" where the U.S. ambassador to Myanmar goes rogue. World leaders have worked hard to forge an agreement. But as representatives arrive for the signing ceremony, they are astonished to find our ambassador publicly demonstrating against the deal. The Secretary is embarrassed and enraged. The ambassador loses his job. Clearly, the diplomat over-identified with his host country and lost sight of his role as a U.S. government representative. This episode might describe some corners of the Church in America. We, too, seem to have lost our distinct-ness. God called us out from all the peoples of the earth. He granted us citizenship in a society thats ruled by a different King. We inherited a culture that reflects this King. And weve been sent back into the world as his ambassadors. Do we see ourselves as just a better version of the world? Or are we truly representatives of one realm to another? Our answer has implications for how we live and interact with people outside the Church. People need to see Gods other way lived out. When God came to dwell among us, we were able to see in Jesus what God is really like. In the same way, the Church has an opportunity and responsibility to demonstrate what Gods Kingdom is really like. Can people see and taste the fruit of lives led by Gods Spirit? Look at Gods example to us, recorded in Matthew 9. Jesus passes through cities and villages, telling people about his kingdom. At one point, he looks at the crowds, and he is filled with compassion. Jesus perceives that these people are helpless and harassed, like sheep without a shepherd. And he laments that there are so few ambassadors to represent the ways of his culture. When we see ourselves as just a better version of the world, we pressure the world to catch up. But when we see ourselves as ambassadors of another kingdom, we strive to become more authentic representatives of our true homeland. The world is not the project we are the project. Ambassadors dont control; they represent. God wants the world to experience Christ in us. Israel was called out of all the nations of the earth to be a demonstration society of life with God. They were blessed by God to be a blessing to all those nations they were called out from. Those of us who dwell with God in Christ have been grafted into this same society with this same purpose. But today, the world sees the Church as people who fight with worldly weapons, both figuratively and literally. We have exchanged the New Testament metaphors of salt, light, yeast, and fragrance for worldly ones like hammers, pitchforks, pillories, and guns. And weve done all of this in Gods name, taking on his name in vain. Anyone who has read the Bible or studied Church history knows we arent the first generation to lose our distinct-ness as Gods people. Israel intermarried with people who disregarded Gods authority, just as they worshiped idols and other gods. Later, Paul had to admonish the early churches to possess their new way of life. Jesus said His kingship is not of this world. In his John 17 prayer, he said the same to his followers. We arent of the world, but we are in it. We are in the world as his ambassadors agents of a kingdom the world needs to see and experience. There is a flock all around us that need a Good Shepherd. Will they find him in the people who claim to follow him? God is love, am I? God so loved the world that he sacrificed; will Gods kindness lead people to repentance; will mine? God looked at the crowds with compassion because they were helpless and harassed; will I? The U.S. ambassador to Myanmar went rogue. He over-identified with his host country and lost sight of his role as a U.S. government representative. As Christs ambassadors, have we over-identified with the patterns of this world and lost sight of the patterns of our homeland? We must be Kingdom envoys a diplomatic body that faithfully reveals and represents the way of Christ among the helpless and harassed. What is revival? A guide for Gen Z Last week I received an email from Zoe, one of our newer and younger team members here at Dare 2 Share. She wanted to know about the Asbury Revival. Actually, she wanted to know about revival in general. Heres the e-mail she sent me: "Hey, you should write a blog defining revival. Most of the discourse Ive seen online is debating whether this is a revival, and it seems that most everyone has a different definition. It might also be helpful for people around my age group (25 and younger), who have never seen or experienced a revival firsthand. I think there is a generational gap between people who have seen revival and those of us who have no personal experience with this sort of movement or concept. Personally, the word revival doesnt mean anything to me it seems like a fictional term. It feels like a term older Christians use for whatever they see fit." I think Zoe is right. Revival in the rearview mirror Those of us who are older are probably much more familiar with the terms revival and awakening than the younger generation. Im so old (although I prefer the word classic or vintage) that I remember the tail end of the Jesus Movement and all of the Jesus-loving, bell-bottom-wearing hippies of the early 70s! But Im also somewhat familiar with revival on a personal level. I saw a version of it sweep through my violent, inner-city, bodybuilding, fist-throwing family and completely transform them from street fighters into street preachers. I began studying the whole subject of revival in my middle school years and have continued ever since. Books about revival and awakening have always been on my reading list. One of my favorites is called George Whitefield: The life and times of the great evangelist of the 18th-century revival by Arnold Dallimore. This two-volume, 1,200-page tome is a deep dive into the good, bad, and ugly of the First Great Awakening. For instance, did you know that the two primary evangelists, George Whitefield and John Wesley, were frenemies for most of their ministry careers? Whitefield, a full-on Calvinist (God chose us), and Wesley, an all-out Arminian (we choose God), started as friends and ended as friends, but for the bulk of their ministries, there was a whole bunch of tension between these two men of God. Rumors were started, letters were written, sides were taken, and feelings were hurt. But in spite of the bad and the ugly, there was still so much good. Unbelievers were evangelized, churches were energized, and communities were Gospelized. And, yes, there were extremes at times. This has been the case with almost every major spiritual awakening in the history of the church. Both Wesley and Whitefield had to learn how to deal with the excesses and extremes of those who would show up to their services and demonstrate some rather weird behavior. Some believed that these excesses were of God, and others believed they were of the devil. Theologians argued, tempers flared, and accusations flew. Sound familiar? But these excesses didnt negate the awakening that was taking place. Yes, they had to be dealt with, but they didnt derail Gods plan to transform a soon-to-be-nation for God! Revival "in the main" Reporter Chip Hutcheson, in an article in Kentucky Today, shared some great insights from Tim Beougher, pastor of West Broadway Baptist Church in Louisville and evangelism professor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Pastor Beougher is an expert on revival and gave this advice regarding Asbury after visiting there and seeing firsthand what was happening: "Throughout the history of revivals, critics have pointed to some type of excess accompanying a revival and tried to argue that excess discredited the entire revival moment and meant it wasnt truly a work of God. Jonathan Edwards answered that criticism during the First Great Awakening by using a helpful phrase: in the main. What is at the heart of the movement? What is happening in the main? There will always be excess on the fringe, due to overly excited and not yet completely sanctified human beings and/or to Satanic opposition, but what is taking place in the main? That is a helpful grid to evaluate movements like that taking place now at Asbury." We dont want to let the extremes of revivals past or present distract us from the mainstream of what God is doing. We must focus on what is happening in the main. In spite of some of its excesses and extremes, there is no doubt that God used the First Great Awakening to vastly increase the spiritual temperature in the colonies and morally prepare the disjoined American colonies to eventually become the United States of America. Although I havent personally been to Asbury University to experience it for myself, I have some very good friends who have. All of them have told me that it was, for the most part, low-key, extremely focused on Jesus, and, for the most part, un-orchestrated and student-led. There has been confession of sin, faith indications, surrender to Christ, and lots and lots of prayer and worship. Revival defined But to get back to Zoes question: What is revival? John Piper defined revival this way: "In the history of the church, the term revival in its most biblical sense has meant a sovereign work of God in which the whole region of many churches, many Christians has been lifted out of spiritual indifference and worldliness into conviction of sin, earnest desires for more of Christ and his word, boldness in witness, purity of life, lots of conversions, joyful worship, renewed commitment to missions. You feel God has moved here. And basically revival, then, is God doing among many Christians at the same time or in the same region, usually, what he is doing all the time in individual Christians lives as people get saved and individually renewed around the world." Thats a great definition. Heres something interesting: The word revival is never mentioned in the New Testament not even once. Maybe its because what we call revival God calls Standard Operating Procedure. But although the word revival is not mentioned in the New Testament, we see the concept again and again. We see it in Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit set the believers tongues on fire and 3,000 were added to their number that day. We see it in Acts 4:31, when the power of prayer shook the building, the power of the Spirit shook the believers, and then the power of the Gospel shook the city. We see it in Acts 19:17-20, after a demon-possessed man beat the tar out of the seven sons of Sceva who misused the name of the Jesus to try to cast a demon out. As a result: " when this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, they were all seized with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor. Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. In this way the Word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power." After this demon-possessed man went Old Testament on these seven unsaved guys who thought they could just flippantly use the name of Jesus to cast a demon out, the Ephesian believers were convicted of their own sins and took radical action. Many of these early believers had been secretly keeping sorcery and magic scrolls hidden away in their closets. But now, convinced and convicted of their sins, they decided to have a scroll-burning party. They collectively ran back to their homes, grabbed all their sorcery scrolls from their old way of life, and ran back to their fellow believers to spark a holy bonfire. The flames of those burning scrolls, worth millions of dollars in todays money by the way, were not nearly as high or hot as the fire for God that had been kindled in their souls. These newly revived Ephesian Christians turned their backs completely on their old way of life and fully embraced Christ as, not just their Savior, but also as their King. What was the result? The Gospel spread farther faster. In the words of Luke: "In this way the Word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power" (Acts 19:20). I would call that revival. Wouldnt you? It started when they upwardly held the name of Jesus in high honor and continued when they inwardly rid themselves of their secret sins and outwardly spread the Gospel to everyone around them. Forty years later, we see another example of what this upward, inward, outward revival should look like. And guess what? Its once again with the Ephesian believers! Jesus wrote these words to the church of Ephesus through the pen of the apostle John: "To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of Him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands. I know your deeds, your hard work, and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent, and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place" (Revelation 2:1-5). In this passage, we see that the Ephesian church, which was once alive and on fire for God, needed a revival once again. Jesus calls them to an upward fixation on Him, an inward consecration of self, and an outward activation for the Gospel. Upward fixation on Jesus The Ephesian believers had "forsaken the love" they had at first. One translation puts it this way: "You have left your first love." What is our first love? Its not evangelism or revival or ministry or even the church. Our first love is Jesus. Revival starts with an upward fixation on Jesus. Hes the epicenter and apex of every true spiritual awakening. From every report Im getting from Asbury University, it seem theres a collective fixation on Christ. The music being sung, the Scriptures being read, and the prayers being prayed have Jesus as their centerpiece and His glory as their masterpiece. Because of this collective fixation on Jesus, many of these young believers are heeding the call of Jesus to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2. Some are coming to Him for the first time in faith and receiving His free gift of salvation, based on Christs death, burial, and resurrection. Others are coming back to Him as their "first love" and allowing Him to reign supreme in every area of their lives. The first sign of true revival is that theres an upward fixation on Christ. The second is that theres an Inward consecration of self According to, consecration "is the act of dedicating something to God, sanctifying it and making it holy." It is a separation from sin and a setting apart to God. Jesus calls the Ephesian believers to "consider how far you have fallen" and to "repent." Just as it had been 40 years earlier, before the scroll-burning incident, there were new sins hidden in their closets that needed to go up in a blaze. These believers needed to remember and return. These believers needed to consecrate themselves to God. So do we. A key part of consecration is engaging in the process of identifying and crucifying our secret sins so we can be wholly devoted to Christ. 2 Timothy 2:19-21 says it like this: "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness. In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master, and prepared to do any good work." God will serve revival only on clean plates. Thats why I was so excited to hear that confession of secret sins and public declaration of whole-hearted commitment to Christ are central to what has been taking place at Asbury University. The inward work of consecration must begin in our hearts first, before it can spill over into true revival. Im reminded of the words of late evangelist Gypsy Smith, who was asked by a younger preacher how to start a revival at his church. He told the young pastor: Find a piece of chalk and find an empty room. Go into that room and shut the door. Draw a circle on the floor with that chalk, kneel down in that circle, and ask God to start revival right there. For revival to start, there must be an upward fixation on Jesus, an inward consecration of self, and finally an Outward activation for the Gospel Jesus wrote these stinging words to the church of Ephesus: "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first" (Revelation 2:4-5). Notice the last phrase: "Do the things you did at first." What were these things? Was it 24-hour praise and worship? Was it just confession of sin and publicly declaring their commitment to Christ? Acts 19:8-10 gives us a not-so-subtle clue as to what these things were. Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the Kingdom of God. But some of them became obstinate; they refused to believe and publicly maligned the Way. So Paul left them. He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the Word of the Lord. That last phrase is a powerful claim: " so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the Word of the Lord." The province of Asia was a large area. Today we call it the country of Turkey. How did everyone in this vast region hear the Gospel? I guarantee you that it wasnt because they all went to hear the apostle Paul teach in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. Instead, those Ephesian believers who were being set ablaze by Pauls teaching were gaining an upward fixation on Christ and responding with an inward consecration from sin, resulting in an outward activation for the Gospel. These on-fire early believers were unleashed from their own version of Asbury University with a mission and a message. As a result, everyone in the province of Asia heard the Gospel! As I wrote in a previous blog, revival is not revival if it stays in the room. It must spill out onto the streets. As I read somewhere, if it stays in the room its a renewal. But if it spills out into the streets, its a revival. Rooting for revival My prayer is that what is happening at Asbury University, and now a growing number of other universities, doesnt stay in the sanctuaries and auditoriums, but that it spills over into the streets until everyone, everywhere, has every last chance to hear and believe the Good News of Jesus! What is revival? Its when theres a move of God in a group of believers that starts with an upward fixation on Christ, an inward consecration from sin, and an outward activation for the Gospel. It starts in the hearts of a group of believers, transforms their lives, and then spills over into Gospel demonstration and activation. Its when a group of believers remembers their first love, repents of their wrongdoings, and returns to doing what they did at first. And revival is needed now in this nation and the world more than ever. Zoe, does that answer your question? I hope it does! We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form A media is a virus protest in Leeds, England, February 2023, aimed at news media coverage of the pandemic and the 15-minute city concept -- which is not part of a grand Socialist agenda. Social media is rife with unverified information, deliberate fabrications and conspiracy theories. Eight-year-old Spanish girl Sofia Otero on Saturday won the best acting prize at the Berlin Film Festival for her role in the film "20,000 Species of Bees". In the feature debut by Spanish director Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, Otero plays a nine-year-old child who was born a boy but who considers herself a girl. Collecting the prize, Otero fought back tears, later telling journalists that she was "very happy" to have won. "I want to dedicate my life to acting," she added. Director Urresola Solaguren said it was important for her to pick a girl to play the role and not a boy. "It is easier for her. She's a really intelligent girl," she said. Germany's Culture Minister Claudia Roth singled Otero out for a special congratulations for her "deeply moving portrayal of a trans child". The film "is a passionate plea against discrimination and for tolerance, openness and equality, especially through Sofia Otero's interpretation," she said. Gender and identity issues were the focus of several films awarded at the festival on Saturday. The prize for best supporting performance was awarded to Austrian transgender actress Thea Ehre for "Till the End of the Night". The movie, by German filmmaker Christoph Hochhaeusler, is a love story between a gay police officer and a transgender person against the backdrop of an investigation into a drug dealer. Picking up the prize, Ehre had a special message for her parents. "Thanks for supporting me, for always (giving) me the space to be what I wanted." (AFP) Sorry, no valid subscriptions were found for this Publication. Please select from an option below to start a subscription. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! 24 Hour Access The Queens Award for Voluntary Service will now be known as the Kings Award for Voluntary Service, the government has announced. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport said that the change reflects King Charles IIIs desire to continue the legacy of the late Queen and recognise volunteers across the country. The aims of the award, as well as the nomination, application and judging processes, will remain the same. Meanwhile, the volunteering charity Royal Voluntary Service unveiled the Coronation Champions Awards to celebrate the countrys volunteers. Recognising volunteers The Kings Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award granted to volunteers and is often referred to as an MBE for charities. It recognises around 250 volunteer groups across the UK each year. From this year onwards, awardees will be announced on 14 November each year to coincide with the Kings birthday. Civil society minister Stuart Andrew said: These prestigious awards celebrate peoples dedication, commitment and hard work in contributing to society and Im delighted the King will continue the legacy of Her Late Majesty. I look forward to seeing the outstanding achievements the awards mark in the coming year, both by businesses and voluntary organisations. During her 70 years of service, Queen Elizabeth II was patron of more than 600 charities and organisations , a figure that fluctuated over the years and declined as she grew older. As the Prince of Wales, King Charles III was patron of over 420 charities, having been closely involved with the award for many years. In his first public address as British monarch, he announced that he would cut down on his charitable commitment . However, it is not clear yet of which charities he will no longer be a patron. New awards to celebrate exceptional volunteers To mark the coronation of the King, the volunteering charity Royal Voluntary Service launched the Coronation Champions Awards. The awards, which are supported by the Queen Consort, aim to recognise exceptional volunteers across the UK. The charity will select 500 of the most remarkable volunteers who will receive an official Coronation Champions pin and a certificate signed by the Queen Consort. Anyone aged 14 and over can be nominated across eight award categories, which include: Supporting older people. Supporting young people and children. Crisis and welfare. Community sports. Culture and heritage. Health and care. Sustainability and the environment; Animal welfare. Chief executive Catherine Johnstone said: Royal Voluntary Service volunteers are amongst the millions of big-hearted people who are doing incredible work in their communities, every single day. Together with Her Majesty the Queen Consort we are honouring those remarkable volunteers from all backgrounds, from all over the UK, and from a range of causes, who have made a real difference in recent years. I know from experience that volunteers dont do what they do for praise or glory, but I also know that they absolutely deserve it. The coronation is the perfect time for us to come together and really show volunteers just how much we appreciate everything they do for our health and happiness. Be sure to nominate your local heroes, as these awards are a wonderfully exciting opportunity for deserving volunteers to be commended and be part of history in the making. Nominations for the Coronation Champions Awards close on 2 April. Volunteers can be nominated here . sign up to receive the Civil Society News daily bulletin here . For more news, interviews, opinion and analysis about charities and the voluntary sector, Ukrainian Dmytro Remez visits the Yushima Tenjin shrine on Feb. 15, in Tokyo, Japan. Remez, 24, a fledgling medical doctor studying at Juntendo University, is among the 2,291 Ukrainians who have moved to Japan since the war with Russia began a year ago. AP-Yonhap Dmytro Remez quietly shows on his laptop before and after photos of buildings, clicking to once elegant offices and hotels that turned into lopsided abandoned rubble. One crumbling building was right in front of his home in Mykolaiv, southern Ukraine. Remez, 24, a fledgling medical doctor studying at Juntendo University, is among the 2,291 Ukrainians who have moved to Japan since the war with Russia began a year ago. "It's ridiculous. The main purpose is to destroy everything. If you look at the cities for which they are fighting, the cities are totally destroyed," he said, sitting in his tiny, but clean, modern dorm in Tokyo. "No one will live in the cities in the future. So for what? Why? Why do you do this?" His flight-to-safety story is a rare one in a nation that has a reputation for closing its doors to asylum seekers. Japan accepted just 74 refugees, mostly from African nations in 2021, the latest year for which such data are available, according to the Justice Ministry. That's fewer than 1 percent of 2,413 applicants. Technically, Ukrainians aren't even categorized as "refugees," but called "evacuees." The system for accepting Ukrainians works without Japan having to change its overall refugee policy. The Japanese government has repeatedly expressed its solidarity with the U.S. and other Western nations in supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia. A significant portion of the money helping Ukrainians in Japan has come from Nippon Foundation, a nonprofit that directs motorboat racing revenue to philanthropy. Nippon Foundation initially committed 5 billion yen ($37 million) to help Ukrainians, including travel costs, housing and living expenses, and has since raised the amount to 8.58 billion yen ($64 million) over three years. It's among the largest donations made in reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine a year ago, with other major gifts in cash and services coming from American technology companies like Microsoft as well as European foundations and companies with a charitable mission. Private donations tallied by the U.S. nonprofit Candid found that $1.2 billion was donated since the outbreak of the war. For comparison, the U.N. has received $3.4 billion in commitments or donations mostly from governments to fund its humanitarian response to the war. Nippon Foundation, founded by politician and businessman Ryoichi Sasakawa in 1962, has now given aid to 1,921 Ukrainians in Japan. The group has been honored with various international awards. The organization is now headed by Yohei Sasakawa, Ryoichi Sasakawa's son. Its charity work includes fighting leprosy, disaster relief, help for people with disabilities and various scholarships, under its motto "to achieve a society in which all people support one another." Ayako Niijima, who oversees protection and assistance at the Japan Association for Refugees, says the way Japan grants refugee status is very narrow, and the procedure difficult, compared to the global standard. Her organization helps refugees in Japan in partnership with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, or UNHCR. Niijima said that dozens of people hoping to live in Japan are now homeless. Those numbers are expected to grow, since entry restrictions for the coronavirus pandemic were lifted in October. "There is definitely a big difference in treatment for Ukrainians," Niijima said, while noting she is supportive of all people who seek safety in Japan, including Ukrainians. Remez doesn't appear overly interested in the inner workings of his aid package. He is just grateful for the support he's received, especially from the university and his professors, and all that he is learning, going every day to the university hospital. The other day, he learned about the CT scan. Another day, he had fun taking part in a relay running race with nurses and doctors, the only Ukrainian on the team. The full-tuition opportunity, complete with plane tickets, to continue his studies was the only such option he found online. It just happened to be Japan, he recalled with a smile. Ukrainian Dmytro Remez looks at the neighborhoods from the balcony of his dormitory room in Tokyo, on Feb. 15. AP-Yonhap U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addresses his statement, during the opening of the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council at the European headquarters of the U.N. in Geneva, Switzerland in this Februrary 2020 file photo. Guterres will help kick off the latest and longest-ever session of the U.N.'s top human rights body with Iran's foreign minister, a senior Russian envoy, and the top diplomats of France and Germany among scores of leaders set to take part. AP-Yonhap U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will help kick off the latest and longest-ever session of the U.N.'s top human rights body on Monday, with Iran's foreign minister, a senior Russian envoy, and the top diplomats of France and Germany among scores of leaders set to take part. The more than five-week session of the Human Rights Council opens as the world grapples with rights concerns including Russia's war in Ukraine, repression of dissent in Russia and Belarus, new violence between Palestinians and Israelis, and efforts to solidify a peace deal in Ethiopia that ended two years of conflict between the national government and rebels in the Tigray region. The council, made up of 47 members countries, takes up an extensive array of human rights issues including discrimination, the freedom of religion, right to housing or the deleterious impact of economic sanctions targeting governments on regular people as well as country "situations" like those in Afghanistan, Syria, Myanmar, Nicaragua and South Sudan. It usually meets three times a year. Proponents say the Geneva-based rights body has grown in importance as a diplomatic venue because the U.N. Security Council in New York has been increasingly divided in recent years due to a major rift between affiliations among its five permanent members: China and Russia on one side, Britain, France and the United States on the other. On Monday, among the speakers after Guterres and the presidents of Congo, Montenegro and Colombia, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian will come up between Germany's Annalena Baerbock and France's Catherine Colonna. China's foreign minister, Qin Gang, is set to make a statement by video. Amirabdollahian's visit comes in the wake of vociferous and continued protests that erupted in Iran after the death in September of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini following her arrest by the country's morality police. Moscow is set to be represented at the highest level since Russia suspended its council membership last year largely because the U.N. General Assembly was on the cusp of stripping it. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, known more for his expertise on defense matters, is set to attend on Thursday. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to speak by video message the same day. A year ago, scores of diplomats walked out of the council chamber as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov appeared by video, to express their opposition to Russia's invasion of Ukraine days earlier. He had originally been set to attend in person but many Western countries closed their airspace to flights from Russia after the invasion. In the session, the United States is likely to try to keep pressure on China over its record on issues over a crackdown on pro-democracy activists and others in Hong Kong, long-running concerns about Tibet, and others about the western region of Xinjiang on which former U.N. human rights chief Michelle Bachelet issued a scathing report last fall just minutes before she left office. "We will continue to shine a spotlight on documented abuses of Uyghurs and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang by the PRC," said the U.S. ambassador to the council, Michele Taylor. "We are not going to just walk away from that ... I don't have an answer right now for exactly what's planned, but I can tell you that we're engaged in robust conversations about what that might look like." Western diplomats say they are looking to see what tone the new U.N. human rights chief, Volker Turk, takes on the issue. He is set to speak right after Guterres. Among other items on the agenda will be the possible renewal of the term of a team of experts, known as a Commission of Inquiry, on the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and Ethiopia's effort to prematurely end the mandate of a council-designated team of investigators who have been looking into rights issues related to the conflict with Tigray rebels. (AP) SpaceX founder and chief engineer Elon Musk reacts during a post-launch news conference to discuss the SpaceX Crew Dragon astronaut capsule in-flight abort test at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, U.S., in this Jan. 19, 2020 file photo. Reuters-Yonhap SeAH Group, a Korean steelmaking business group, is in talks with Elon Musk's SpaceX to supply specialty alloys, industry sources said Sunday. According to the sources, the two firms are in talks to supply specialty alloys to SpaceX for use in rockets and satellites. Detailed terms of the deal under discussion, including its scale and duration, have yet to be known. SeAh Group declined to comment. Should the deal go through, it would be the first South Korean company to do business with SpaceX. (Yonhap) Offer a personal message of sympathy... By sharing a fond memory or writing a kind tribute, you will be providing a comforting keepsake to those in mourning. If you have an existing account with this site, you may log in with that below. Otherwise, you can create an account by clicking on the Log in button below, and then register to create your account. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Our constitutional arrangements demand that the monarch shouldnt become involved in politics. This convention has very rarely been broken in modern times. Rishi Sunak therefore acted unconstitutionally, and also unwisely, if indeed he did ask King Charles to meet Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, at Windsor to endorse a deal on Northern Ireland between the Government and the EU. The plan was scrapped for operational reasons. But last night there was a suggestion that there would be a meeting in Windsor today between Mrs von der Leyen and Mr Sunak in which the King might somehow be involved. This would be a very bad idea. The Prime Minister has nearly involved the monarch in politics and not in a trivial way. He seemingly asked the King to identify himself with a controversial deal which may be opposed by many unionists in Northern Ireland, as well as by Tory Brexiteers, and hasnt yet been approved by Parliament. Rishi Sunak acted unconstitutionally, and also unwisely, if indeed he did ask King Charles to meet Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, writes Stephen Glover Rishis motivations arent hard to fathom. As I write, his agreement still hasnt been published, but it seems highly likely that, although the Government may have wrung significant concessions from the EU, the sovereignty of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom will remain seriously compromised. The Prime Minister calculated that patriotic unionists in Northern Ireland, as well as Brexiteers across the country, might smile more favourably on the deal if King Charles were seen to champion it. No doubt they would but not all of them. However patriotic they may be, and however respectful of the sovereign, there will almost certainly be some unionists and Brexiteers who regard the agreement as a betrayal. In other words, if the King had played the role which Mr Sunak is reported to have allotted him, he would have run the risk of alienating some of his most loyal citizens. The monarch must, above all, not be divisive, and that is exactly the trap into which Charles would have fallen if he had gone along with this stunt. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen reacts at the start of the European Commission weekly college meeting in Brussels, Belgium The monarch must, above all, not be divisive, and that is exactly the trap into which Charles would have fallen if he had gone along with this stunt READ MORE: Rishi Sunak is accused of entangling King Charles in toxic Brexit politics by sending him on controversial tour to Berlin and Paris to 'schmooze' EU nations Advertisement What on earth was Mr Sunak thinking in potentially putting the King in such an invidious position? He is, of course, inexperienced, and his political judgment can sometimes be awry. We also know that he is acutely conscious of public relations witness the slightly toe-curling video of him waiting tables to advertise his Eat Out To Help Out scheme during the pandemic, as well as his slick Ready For Rishi video last year to launch his campaign to be Tory leader. But larking about pretending to be a waiter, and banging on about why he would make such a great Prime Minister, are one thing. Choreographing a meeting between the monarch and the president of the European Commission to suit his political agenda thats a far more serious matter. It is true that previous Prime Ministers sometimes put political pressure on our late Queen. For example, she used to be required to provide a bed at Buckingham Palace for visiting despots. The royal carpet had to be rolled out for monsters such as Zimbabwes Robert Mugabe and Romanias Nicolae Ceausescu, by the side of whom Mrs von der Leyen is a saint. The Queen, though, was not expected to embrace their policies. It is also true that even the ever-discreet Queen made political interventions once or twice. Before the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, having been encouraged by the then Prime Minister, David Cameron, she said to a well-wisher outside church near Balmoral that she hoped people will think very carefully about the future. However, that well-calculated and restrained hint was a world away from the kind of public hoopla that Mr Sunak had in mind before what his allies have reportedly called the Windsor Agreement was abandoned for reasons still unknown. We can only hope that King Charles understood how close he was, thanks to an injudicious Prime Minister, to being in hot water. For he, of all people, should recognise the dangers to the monarchy of being politically divisive. As heir to the throne, he was constantly giving us the benefit of his trenchant views on a vast array of subjects from architecture to climate change, which must inevitably have annoyed those who didnt agree with him. He nonetheless understood the dangers. In 2018, he said he would stop speaking out on topics about which he felt strongly when he became King, as he was not that stupid. So far he has complied with his self-denying ordinance. There could be no objection, of course, if the PM were to ask the King to meet Mrs von der Leyen to celebrate a deal with the EU after it has been approved by Parliament, if it ever is, and accepted by the Democratic Unionist Party, should that happen. The PM appears to have contemplated employing the dark arts of political spin, and manipulating King Charles, in the course of trying to get his own way over an extremely contentious issue. Thank God it didnt happen. I only wish I felt completely confident that Mr Sunak wont consider hijacking the constitution again. Jeffrey Archer has sold 320 million books worldwide. But such triumphs mean nothing to the woke pygmies of the publishing world who have tried as they did with Roald Dahl to censor Archer to satisfy modern sensitivities. Notoriously, Dahls publisher, Puffin, has recently been accused of ruining masterpieces such as Matilda and The Twits by cutting words such as fat and ugly, which might trigger snowflakes. Archer praised the common sense intervention last week of the Queen Consort in the Dahl row and added: I worked with Roald Dahl on Tales Of The Unexpected [the 1980s TV series]. He would be appalled, by his words being changed. Quite right. It was reported yesterday that Dahl once warned his publishers that if they changed a single comma in his books, he would send the enormous crocodile to gobble them up. Archer also reveals that publishers of his classic novel Kane And Abel have asked him to consider changing old-fashioned words such as ladies. He said: They admitted to me that, although 100 million people have read it throughout the world, there has not been one single complaint. I said: Lets leave it as it is. Jeffrey Archer has sold 320 million books worldwide. But such triumphs mean nothing to the woke pygmies of the publishing world who have tried as they did with Roald Dahl to censor Archer to satisfy modern sensitivities, writes Andrew Pierce In his forthcoming book, Traitors Gate, editors suggested he change West Indian lady to Caribbean woman. The author robustly told them: As its set in 2002, I think Ill stick with West Indian lady. When I was at Oxford, the captain of the Cambridge team was also captain of the West Indian team. I dont remember him saying: Im captain of the Caribbean team. We have rightly decided we will leave it as it is. Archer, who was talking to me on GB News, added self-effacingly: But I am 82, boring and out of touch, so its possible Ive got it all wrong. Sir Bernard Ingham once had to reassure Mrs Thatcher that he had not had a sex change. The claim was made in a letter that alleged the Prime Ministers chief press secretary, who died last week, was born Elsie Ackroyd and had transitioned while living in Yorkshire. It claimed: Mrs Ackroyd was well-known for the sharpness of her tongue and the quality of her rock cakes. Sir Bernard revealed in 2017: I swore before the PM that I had never made a rock cake in my life. He will be much missed. Emily Thornberry once again shows some questionable attitudes towards the hoi polloi. On canvassing in her North London constituency, she reveals: I like not knowing whos going to answer, what their attitude is going to be, what smells will come out of the door. Famously, Thornberry was forced to resign from the Shadow Cabinet in 2014 after she posted a sneering tweet about a house in Rochester, Kent, decked out in St George flags. Cheap gag of the week: Referencing the lettuce that outlasted the previous PM, while noting current shortages in shops, Labours Margaret Hodge quips: At least when Liz Truss was PM, there were fresh vegetables to measure her time in office. Referencing the lettuce that outlasted the previous PM, while noting current shortages in shops, Labours Margaret Hodge quips: At least when Liz Truss was PM, there were fresh vegetables to measure her time in office.' [File image] Veteran broadcaster Jon Snow, always regarded as a bit of a Lefty, reveals a surprising admiration for Margaret Thatcher Veteran broadcaster Jon Snow, always regarded as a bit of a Lefty, reveals a surprising admiration for Margaret Thatcher. She was joy. She was a gift. She was a sparring partner and a flirt. It would be too strong to say there was something sexual in it . . . says Snow, in an interview with (who else?) the Guardian to promote his new memoir, Shooting History. It was everything from a primary school teacher, to nanny to semi-royalty, you were never quite clear where you were. Everybody talks about Maggie Thatcher as being a rigid thing. She wasnt. Yet again, the mesmerising Mrs T confounded her critics. Cummings and goings are a hoot Rave reviews for DOM: The Play at The Other Palace theatre, covering Boris Johnsons tumultuous relationship with his bullish former adviser Dominic Cummings (pictured) Rave reviews for DOM: The Play at The Other Palace theatre, covering Boris Johnsons tumultuous relationship with his bullish former adviser Dominic Cummings. It was written by theatre critic Lloyd Evans and includes brilliant gags, some submitted by comedians. On Deputy Labour Leader Angela Rayner: She looks like a knife-throwers assistant. And on Jo Swinson, the Lib Dem leader who lost her seat in the 2019 General Election: Once our prime minister-in-waiting: now our prime minister- in-waitressing. You would be surprised or maybe not by how much internal resistance confronts a government that decides it needs to ensure prisons can keep dangerous criminals inside for longer. Look no further than a story in The Times last Friday about the expense of the Justice Secretary Dominic Raab's plans to expand the number of prison places and about the costs of custody generally. It was headlined: 'UK prison population to pass 100,000 under sentencing crackdown.' The article was full of dissent, including from one 'senior government figure' claiming there were 'serious questions about affordability' and adding: 'The cost of prisons is taking up more and more of the Ministry of Justice budget.' But these moans never take account of the price to the public of letting dangerous or prolific prisoners out well before their full term: and I don't just mean the price in lives and trauma. Some years ago, the Civitas think tank published research by a former Home Office criminologist, Professor Ken Pease. This found that prolific offenders admitted to prison commit an average of 140 crimes per year, while a government survey calculated a 'social and economic cost' of about 3,000 per crime. Justice Secretary Dominic Raab plans to expand the number of prison places Deterrent The research suggested that keeping each such criminal inside for longer therefore saved 420,000 per year. That is about ten times the cost of the same criminal's annual stay at His Majesty's pleasure. Those ideologically opposed to the expansion of the prison estate always claim that tougher sentences don't help deter the criminal. Andrew Neilson of the Howard League for Penal Reform, criticising Raab, says that 'successive governments have repeated the mistake of trying to tackle crime by growing the prison population, only to find this makes matters worse'. In fact, as David Fraser, a former criminal intelligence analyst at the National Crime Agency, pointed out in his 2018 book Licence To Kill: Britain's Surrender To Violence, there is a reoffending rate of 60 per cent among those who serve sentences of less than a year; 39 per cent for those who served between one and two years; 34 per cent for two to four years; 25 per cent for ten years and 14 per cent for those who have served ten years or more. Given that the longer sentences would have been imposed on the most serious and persistent offenders, this strikingly demonstrates the deterrent effect of tougher sentencing. Note that Fraser's figures were for time actually served in prisons. This is the honest definition, as distinct from the dishonest version exemplified by the way the sentences handed down by the courts are automatically reduced by 50 per cent. First under Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s and later under Tony 'tough on crime' Blair, the custom of releasing prisoners by 'executive order' after just half their sentence spread to cover ever more serious crimes. The current Government has attempted to reverse the ratchet with its 2022 Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act. This increases from half to two-thirds the proportion of a sentence that must be served in custody by 'sexual and serious offenders' whose original term is at least seven years. Former British Airways pilot Robert Brown bludgeoned to death his estranged wife Joanna Simpson with a claw hammer. He is ligible for automatic release this year, half-way through that sentence Labour MPs, under the former Director of Public Prosecutions Sir Keir Starmer, voted against this Bill as it passed through the Commons. Bear that in mind when you hear Labour condemning the Conservatives' record on crime. A particularly disturbing example of the '50 per cent off' policy was revealed in Saturday's Mail. This is the case of the former British Airways pilot Robert Brown, who in 2010 bludgeoned to death his estranged wife Joanna Simpson with a claw hammer and then buried her in a woodland grave he had previously dug. Mysteriously, the jury acquitted Brown of murder: he was sentenced to 26 years for manslaughter on grounds of 'diminished responsibility'. As the murdered woman's mother, Diana Parkes, told the Mail, Brown is eligible for automatic release this year, half-way through that sentence. Bizarre But given that since 2010 known criminals have been convicted of almost 700 murders while on probation, it is easy to see why it is not just Mrs Parkes who should be worried though for her there is also the unimaginable prospect that it is her daughter's killer who might soon be enjoying a freedom he will never deserve. As for lesser crimes of violence, there are (or so it seems to me) bizarre decisions by judges or magistrates not to impose any custodial term at all, often giving 'lack of prison spaces' as a reason. This is, of course, unacceptable, though it has been going on for a long time. It was in 1980 that the Compendium of the Sentencing Guidelines council, which the courts are obliged to follow, first stated: 'In view of the dangerous overcrowding of prisons, where a sentence of imprisonment is necessary, it should be as short as possible, consistent with public protection.' The author of the blog The Wrong Side of History, the journalist Ed West, usefully tracks the consequences of which I will give just three recent ones. Less than a month ago, a serial offender, Ashley Mathers, who has been convicted of more than 40 offences, was in court yet again, after punching a paramedic and assaulting a police officer. Ashley Mathers, 39, was found guilty of punching a paramedic and assaulting a policeman last year, but was not sentenced to any time in prison He was given a 16-week suspended sentence and, instead of serving time in prison, was told he had to pay 100 each to the emergency workers he had attacked. At which point he told the court: 'This is boring. I can't pay.' Three months ago, two men, 23-year-old Urfan Amjad and 20-year-old Fahim Shukat, were given suspended sentences of 24 and 14 months respectively that is, not sent to prison having been found guilty at Manchester Crown Court of a violent and sustained attack on a stranger, who had a beer bottle smashed over his head, after which one of his attackers used the shards to 'try to stab him'. The victim was in and out of hospital for three months, and has been left with permanent scarring. How must he feel to know that his attackers have not had to spend a single night in prison? Failing And in May 2022, two men, Mohammed Asib Ali, 23, and Uzair Bhatti, 31, received non-custodial sentences for a still more savage assault in Preston city centre on Mitchell Gibbons, who was beaten so badly that he remained in a coma for 12 days and underwent extensive surgery, with half his skull being removed to alleviate the bruising to his brain. None of these cases interested the national media: these details all come from the local papers covering the courts. Mohammed Asib Ali, 23, and Uzair Bhatti, 31, received non-custodial sentences for a savage assault that left Mitchell Gibbons in a coma for 12 days So when I read, in yesterday's Sunday Times, an analysis of Home Office data revealing that an extraordinarily small percentage of 'low level' crimes result in charges, I am not surprised. How motivated would the police be to devote their limited time to such investigations, when they know that even success will not result in any meaningful punishment? Besides which, they are so inundated with ever-increasing social and form-filling obligations that have little to do with crime, it is also unsurprising that their performance leaves many victims wondering what the point of the police is. As David Fraser observed in his important book: 'A report by the police inspectorate revealed that only 31 per cent of their time was spent dealing with criminals, of which only 13 per cent was devoted to investigating crime.' It is at least a good thing that this Government has instituted the biggest prison enlargement plan for decades especially if it encourages judges to stop worrying about overcrowding and to hand down the custodial sentences that the public rightly expects to be the punishment for serious repeat offenders. As for the peculiarly persistent idea that this would be a great waste of taxpayers' money, the truth is that to economise on the public's safety is both a political and a moral failing. SHOPPING Contains affiliated content. Products featured in this Mail Best article are selected by our shopping writers. If you make a purchase using links on this page, will earn an affiliate commission. Click here for more information. You may have heard about the healing and anti-aging benefits of red light therapy and facial massage, but fitting them into your daily routine isnt always that easy. However, if you want a more even, toned and youthful looking complexion and to blast zits fast, the beauty tool you need to know about is called a SolaWave wand. Its a compact four-in-one device combining the clearing and soothing benefits of red light with face massage, therapeutic warmth and microcurrent. Euphoria actress Sydney Sweeney uses it most nights and says it really helps to even up skin tone. And its surprisingly affordable, currently reduced on Amazon by 11 per cent to $150, with a free SolaWave renew complex serum included. SolaWave 4-in-1 Facial Wand and Renew Complex Serum Whatever your skincare concern, this will help you fix it in a professional way. It combines four dermatological treatments: Microcurrent, Red Light Therapy, Face Massage and Therapeutic Warmth for smoother, softer, rejuvenated skin. Enjoy a salon standard facial experience at home. This is clinically proven to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, blemishes, dark spots, puffy eyes, crow's feet in as little as two weeks. Shop Euphoria actress Sydney Sweeney explained in a recent YouTube video that she used a SolaWave red light therapy device nearly every day to clear her complexion and erase cystic acne Most single red light therapy devices cost more than $150 and are often big bulky masks that you have to lie down while using. This weighs less than a pound and is small enough to pack in a bag or suitcase for use at work, post-gym session or anywhere else that you have a spare five minutes to think about the skin. TikTokkers are blown away by how it can do the work of four expensive machines in one, with 38.5 million views of videos of SolaWave Before and Afters. Users of the SolaWave wand, including actress Sydney Sweeney, report seeing results fast including tighter and more toned skin thanks to the microcurrent element of the wand, while therapeutic warmth allows the hydrating serum to absorb deeper In red light mode, collagen is stimulated to make skin look more youthful and rejuvenated as well as reduce redness and pigmentation. The light is able to penetrate deep beneath skin layers to soothe and reduced skin inflammation and visibly transform acne breakouts. And then the SolaWave wand can be used to boost your glow even further in massage mode, stimulating the facial muscles to reduce puffiness. Take it a step further in microcurrent mode, and a low-current energy will stimulate facial muscles to tone and tighten your face, visibly lifting it in certain areas and giving the impression that youve had surgery to become the best possible version of yourself. Some Before and After photos following use of the SolaWave wand are extraordinary with visibly clearer, brighter and more lifted skin in the After photos But thats not all, as therapeutic warmth will help facial products absorb deeper into the skin so they can detox and de-age your skin from far below the surface making you look radiant from the inside out. The included SolaWave Renew Complex serum is formulated with blue tansy, hyaluronic acid, and all-natural Aloe Vera to hydrate and restore your skin, no matter how dull and damaged it currently is. Amazon shoppers who have purchased the SolaWave are not disappointed at all, with the majority of reviewers rating the device a full five stars. This wand truly works praised one Amazon reviewer. I have seen major results in one week!! I have problem areas around and under my eyes and the size and shape of this wand is perfect! have less dark circles, less puffiness and my wrinkles have reduced. The small SolaWave wand that weighs less than one pound has four different settings to solve a variety of skincare concerns including wrinkles, dark circles, fine lines, blemishes and dark spots as well as tackling tired and puffy skin Another added: have issues with early morning puffiness and dark circles, and with just a few drops of the silky renew serum, and 5 minutes of using the wand, I look like bright eyed, de-puffed, and my skin is primed for my daily spf and makeup routine. Besides the immediate effects, I think the red LED lights are helping to fade some of my freckles and dark spots, The 11 per cent off deal will not last long, so make sure to head to Amazon fast if you want the hottest skincare tool for even better value than usual. A woman who developed a rare brain disease while at university and became paralysed in her leg after a severe burn has revealed how she achieved her dream of modelling in London Fashion Week this weekend. Lucy Dawson, 27, from Lincolnshire, began suffering from migraines while studying at university in 2016, before she experienced what doctors at the time thought was a breakdown. She was sectioned for three months, and while in psychiatric hospital, given electroconvulsive therapy. During her time in hospital, she had a seizure and fell out of her hospital bed on to an exposed radiator pipe which burned through her sciatic nerve and left her left leg paralysed below the knee. Towards the end of her section, doctors diagnosed her with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis - an inflammation of the brain that can be caused be an infection or can be autoimmune - and she is now a vocal advocate for those with the disease. Lucy works as an activist raising awareness around her condition, and took part in the Unhidden catwalk at LFW to prove 'there is no specific look, age or uniform required to be disabled'. Lucy Dawson, 27, from Lincolnshire, developed a rare brain disease while at university and became paralysed in her leg after a severe burn - she is now a model She told FEMAIL: 'Encephalitis left me with an acquired brain injury, as is often the case with those who experience it. 'This for me can mean many different things from day to do but common themes are memory loss, confusion, fatigue, trouble concentrating as well as dealing with the mental trauma from the experience.' In the summer before her final year at university, Lucy had been suffering from migraines, but the student had pushed through and was looking forward to partying and finishing off her degree. But as her term got under way the usually bubbly 21-year-old became withdrawn, tired and depressed. One morning, her housemate came into her room to find her rocking back and forth and trembling - and took her to hospital. She was sent home by doctors who said she had simply had a panic attack. The next day she was found screaming and displaying erratic behaviours, even trying to get out of a moving car as she was driven to hospital. Doctors determined that Lucy had had a severe mental breakdown and that she should be sectioned - a diagnosis which was completely incorrect. She said: 'My encephalitis was misdiagnosed as a mental breakdown, and I was sectioned for three months and treated as such. To distract herself from her disease, Lucy got into blogging about her experience and connected with other sufferers on social media 'This meant my illness was untreated and able to progress.' Lucy was ultimately given Electro Convulsive Therapy - not a treatment for encephalitis - but which Lucy said worked 'by some miracle', triggering seizures in her brain. But horrifically, Lucy's ordeal did not end there. Further complications led to her becoming paralysed in her lower leg. While catatonic, Lucy fell from her hospital bed onto a radiator pipe, sustaining a burn through her sciatic nerve. Lucy was left unable to walk and hardly spoke or move for the next two years of her life. She had to relearn everything after her severe injury and as her body dealt with the disease. Lucy explained: 'The years following my illness were a real struggle as I had to learn everything from scratch having had my brain more or less wiped clean - this included walking and talking.' Lucy took part in the Unhidden catwalk at London Fashion Week, she said to prove 'there is no specific look, age or uniform required to be disabled' To distract herself, Lucy got into blogging about her experience and connected with other sufferers on social media. She said: 'I learnt to live with my newfound physical and non apparent disabilities, something that was made easier by the support and solidarity of the many disabled friends I made through social media.' Now she is creating content about the disease full-time and has gained a huge following. Wednesday was World Encephalitis Day, and there are up to 6,000 cases of the disease in the UK each year and potentially hundreds of thousands worldwide according to the Encephalitis society. Lucy works tirelessly to raise awareness around the disease, which she says while rare, can affect any one at any time, with thousands of cases per year in the U.K. alone. 'Encephalitis has a high mortality rate and is often misdiagnosed due to its symptoms such as hallucinations and confusion mirroring those of some mental illnesses,' she said. Lucy is now creating content about her rare disease full-time and has gained a huge following online Writing on her blog, Lucy said that as the rate of misdiagnosis remains high, 'the only way that this will get better is if people are better informed about the disease'. 'My greatest aim is that one day, when someones friend or family member begins behaving oddly, they will remember the word Encephalitis from that blonde girl with the big hair from Instagram, or that girl who came and droned on and on about it at an event, and theyll mention it in passing to a doctor, and it may just save a life.' As she continues with her activism and building her burgeoning career as a model and content creator, Lucy said she is looking forward to the future. She explained: 'If my journey has taught me anything its that planning too far ahead is never a good idea - life can definitely throw serious curve balls at any given moment! 'As far as my hopes, I hope to be able to have taught even just one person the word encephalitis and it lead to a quicker diagnosis and I hope for inclusion of disabled people to improve in all avenues of life.' Despite hailing from one of the richest and most successful couples on the planet, Phoebe Gates has avidly stated that she wants to 'be her own person' and 'branch away' from her parents - billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his ex-wife, philanthropist Melinda Gates - and she's done just that. At age 20, the college student and aspiring designer has already achieved a lot: she has made waves in the world of fashion - receiving invites to coveted New York and Paris Fashion Week shows, elite parties, and star-studded events - racked up some celebrity friends along the way, and she even landed an internship at British Vogue. And while some may argue that she has gotten to where she is thanks to her wealthy background, both Bill and Melinda have continuously insisted that they are working hard to ensure that their kids 'create their own path.' In fact, Bill - who has a whopping net worth of $107 billion - has voiced his fears over his kids becoming 'distorted' over 'wealth' on numerous occasions, and he once vowed to use his immense fortune to 'help the poor' rather than his own children. Despite hailing from one of the richest and most successful couples on the planet, Phoebe Gates has avidly stated that she wants to 'be her own person' At age 20, the daughter of Bill and Melinda Gates has already achieved a lot - she has received invites to New York and Paris Fashion Week, and she even landed an internship at British Vogue While some may argue that she has gotten to where she is thanks to her wealthy background, both Bill and Melinda have insisted that they want their kids 'create their own path' While raising their children, the former couple - who split in May 2021 after 27 years of marriage - did their best to give their three kids, Jennifer, Rory, and Phoebe, a normal childhood. They made them do chores and split the household work as evenly as possible, while tech mogul Bill has even admitted that he was a stickler about screen time - and didn't allow his kids to have phones until they were age 14. From what it was really like to grow up in one of the richest families in the world to the strides she's made to become a successful fashion designer to her close bond with her parents - take a look into Phoebe's luxurious life The exes may have tried to raise their kids as modestly as possible, but their living situation was far from humble - the family grew up in a $131 million mansion in Medina, Washington, that came complete with seven bathrooms, 24 bathrooms, and six kitchens, as well as its own man-made beach, at-home movie theater, gym, and trampoline room. The property, worth an estimated $131 million, is nicknamed 'Xanadu 2.0,' a reference to the fictional estate in the movie 'Citizen Kane.' Now, it seems as though Phoebe is still living a pretty lavish lifestyle - which is much more glamorous than the average college student. She often jets off on extravagant trips around the globe - and makes sure to document her endeavors on her Instagram account, where she has gained more than 193,000 followers. Phoebe has been adamant about wanting to find success on her own, and not because of her parents, but the 20-year-old has followed in her their footsteps in one department - becoming a fierce women's rights advocate just like her mother. As she continues to speak out about issues like abortion ban and voters rights, FEMAIL has rounded up everything you need to know about the youngest Gates child. From what it was really like to grow up in one of the richest families in the world to the strides she's made to become a successful fashion designer to her close bond with her parents - here's an inside look into Phoebe's luxurious life. Billionaires Bill and Melinda did their best to give Phoebe a modest childhood - restricting screen time, not letting her have a phone until age 14, and making her do chores - despite her growing up in a $131 million mega-mansion Phoebe was born on September 14, 2002 - the youngest of Melinda and Bill's three kids. She is seen as a baby with her siblings, Jennifer and Rory Despite being one of the richest couples in the world, the former couple did their best to give their kids a normal childhood - making them do daily chores and limiting screen time Bill - the creator of one of the biggest tech giants on the globe - once revealed that he was a stickler about screen time when his kids were growing up. He is seen with Phoebe Strict: He also said he didn't let his kids get cell phones until they turned 14 and never allowed phone use at the dinner table. He and Phoebe are seen during her childhood Phoebe was born on September 14, 2002 and she is the youngest of Melinda and Bill's three kids. Faith was also a huge part of Phoebe's childhood, with Bill telling Rolling Stone in 2014, 'Weve raised our kids in a religious way. Theyve gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in' Despite being one of the richest couples in the world, the billionaire parents did their best to give their kids a normal childhood, and were even pretty strict - making them do daily chores, limiting screen time, and not letting them get phones until age 14. Melinda spoke out making her kids help with household work in her 2019 book, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World, explaining that it was important to her since cleaning and cooking traditionally falls on women more than men. She also recalled the moment she decided it was time to divvy up the chores equally to Business Insider in 2019, explaining, 'One night I realized I was still in the kitchen a good 10, 15 minutes after everybody else doing the last-minute things. 'Sometimes in the moment my frustration or anger just comes out. So one night we stood up after dinner and people in the family started to melt away, like, off they go upstairs. While chatting to a crowd of Harvard students in 2018, the Microsoft founder revealed that he and his ex-wife used the 1970s 'Love and Logic' parenting style while raising their three kids 'We want to strike a balance where they have the freedom to do anything, but not a lot of money showered on them,' Bill explained. Phoebe is seen as a kid It was revealed in 2014 that Bill will be leaving most of his fortune - estimated to be around $107 billion - to his family's foundation, rather than his kids. Jennifer and Phoebe are seen 'So hand on my hips, I'm, like, "Nobody leaves the kitchen until I leave the kitchen."' She added that washing dishes together after dinner became a Gates family tradition after that. Bill - the creator of one of the biggest tech giants on the globe - once revealed that he was a stickler about screen time when his kids were growing up, explaining that he started limiting his children's use of electronics after he noticed that one of his daughters had become obsessed with a video game. He also said he didn't let his kids get cell phones until they turned 14 and never allowed phone use at the dinner table. 'We often set a time after which there is no screen time and in their case that helps them get to sleep at a reasonable hour,' he explained to Mirror. 'Youre always looking at how it can be used in a great way homework and staying in touch with friends and also where it has gotten to excess. 'We dont have cellphones at the table when we are having a meal, we didnt give our kids cellphones until they were 14 and they complained other kids got them earlier.' Faith was also a huge part of Phoebe's childhood, with Bill telling Rolling Stone in 2014, 'Weve raised our kids in a religious way. Theyve gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in.' While chatting to a crowd of Harvard students in 2018, the Microsoft founder revealed that he and his ex-wife used the 1970s 'Love and Logic' parenting style while raising their three kids. Bill said: 'Its not a favor to kids to have them have huge sums of wealth. It distorts anything they might do, creating their own path' While it seemed as though the family tried to raise their kids as modestly as possible, their living situation was far from humble - they grew up in a $131 million mansion in Washington The 66,000-square-foot sprawling abode comes with seven bathrooms, 24 bathrooms, and six kitchens, as well as its own man-made beach with sand imported from the Caribbean 'Parents should provide an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and empathy while allowing the natural consequences of a child's behavior and actions to do the teaching,' says of the technique. Phoebe attended the elite Lakeside High School in Seattle - the same school her father graduated from when he was a teen. She is seen as a kid with her dad 'We want to strike a balance where they have the freedom to do anything, but not a lot of money showered on them so they could go out and do nothing,' Bill explained. It was revealed in 2014 that Bill will be leaving most of his fortune - estimated to be around $107 billion - to his family's foundation, rather than his kids. 'Our kids will receive a great education and some money so they are never going to be poorly off but theyll go out and have their own career,' he explained to This Morning in 2017. 'Its not a favor to kids to have them have huge sums of wealth. It distorts anything they might do, creating their own path. 'This money is dedicated to helping the poorest. They know that, they are proud of that, they go on trips with us to see the work thats being done.' While it seemed as though the family tried to raise their kids as modestly as possible, their living situation was far from humble. The family grew up in a $131 million mansion in Medina, Washington, which Bill purchased in 1988 and spent seven years transforming into his dream home. When she was younger, she dreamed of being a professional dancer, and spent time studying at the School of American Ballet at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City She also had a love of reading from a young age - something that she got from her father. She is seen (right) with her siblings The 66,000-square-foot sprawling abode comes with seven bathrooms, 24 bathrooms, and six kitchens, as well as its own artificial stream (stocked with fish), a man-made beach with sand imported from the Caribbean, a 60-foot swimming pool with an underwater music system, a 200-guest reception hall, a 20-seat movie theater, an at-home gym, and a trampoline room. Phoebe attended the elite Lakeside High School in Seattle - the same school her father graduated from when he was a teen. When she was younger, she dreamed of being a professional dancer, and spent time studying at the School of American Ballet at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City, as well as the esteemed Juilliard School. She also had a love of reading from a young age - something that she got from her father. 'My daughter Phoebe and I love reading all kinds of books,' he once gushed on Instagram. Phoebe is now a student at Stanford University and has made waves in the fashion world, interning at British Vogue and attending New York and Paris Fashion Weeks - while documenting her jet-set lifestyle on social media After graduating from high school in 2021, Phoebe put her ballerina aspirations on hold, and instead, decided to head to Stanford University, where she switched her focus to fashion She told WWD last year that while she's always been interested in clothes, after bonding with a fellow student who was also a fashion designer, she realized she wanted to make it her career After graduating from high school in 2021, Phoebe put her ballerina aspirations on hold, and instead, decided to head to Stanford University, where she switched her focus to fashion. She told WWD last year that while she's always been interested in clothes, after bonding with a fellow student who was also a fashion designer, she realized she wanted to make it her career. 'I was like, "Wait, you can do that at this age?"And I remember being so excited,' she gushed to the outlet. 'Ive always been interested in sketching and design and Im a huge writer.' Last summer, she interned with British Vogue, who sent her to Copenhagen to cover Fashion Week. And the trip further cemented her passion. She explained, 'It was super interesting, and it was where I was like, "OK, I want to do a bunch more stuff."' 'There is some toxicity in the industry and I have a huge interest in womens health as well, so I wanted to work somewhere where it didnt feel like those were confounding with each other,' she added of her internship. Last summer, she interned with British Vogue, who sent her to Copenhagen to cover Fashion Week - and the trip further cemented her passion She grew close to Paul McCartney's daughter, designer Stella McCartney - after the two were introduced by her mother - who has also inspired her to want to go on her own path 'Im my parents daughter, that gives me immense privilege, but its not what Im defined by,' she has said. 'I want to have my own identity, I want to be my own person' 'I really liked British Vogue because of [editor] Edward [Enninfuls] work and hes so progressive with the magazine, so that was a huge choice for me.' She grew close to Paul McCartney's daughter, designer Stella McCartney - after the two were introduced by her mother - who has also inspired her to want to go on her own path, rather than following in her parents' footsteps. 'When I was little she would send me stuff and little notes and Id be so excited. Ive been asking my mom forever and ever if I could meet with her,' Phoebe said. 'I felt very connected to her, I feel like because shes been able to use the platform she had, because of who her dad is, and then she took that and instead of being like, "Oh, people define me by this," she took it and she was like, "OK, I have this immense privilege, now Im going to use it to leverage something." 'What she chose to leverage is to launch a brand that is completely sustainable. So I think we are really deeply connected because thats a lot of what I think about. 'Like, "OK, Im my parents daughter, that gives me immense privilege, but its not what Im defined by." 'I want to have my own identity, I want to be my own person, I want to branch away from that, but how do I do that in a way where I can yield some sort of change?' Stella invited Phoebe to attend her show at Paris Fashion Week last fall, where she wowed in a black bra, leather jacket, and white trousers She also attended events during New York Fashion Week in September - including the Michael Kors show, which she attended with her mom (seen), and Harper's Bazaar Icons ceremony Lavish life: The now-20-year-old is also quite the jet-setter, and has traveled to places like Peru (left), Mexico (center), and London (right) recently Stella invited Phoebe to attend her show at Paris Fashion Week last fall, where she wowed in a black bra, leather jacket, and white trousers - which contained an intricate painting of a bird on them. She often flaunts her lavish lifestyle on Instagram, sharing snaps of herself posing in designer clothes, attending elite parties, soaking up the sun on the beach, and dining in fancy restaurants 'They had a ton of different options and they put outfits together, but I was like, "I kind of want to do something more va-va-voom that stands out,"' she recalled of picking out the outfit. 'I went through the stuff and I was like, "I think itd be really fun to do a bra with the leather jacket." So I did that and I love the hummingbird pants so much, they are so sexy and fun.' She also attended a series of events during New York Fashion Week in September - including the Michael Kors show, which she attended with her mom, and Harper's Bazaar Global Icons ceremony. The now-20-year-old is also quite the jet-setter, and has traveled to places like Peru, Mexico, and London recently - in addition to Paris, Copenhagen and New York for their Fashion Weeks, of course. She often flaunts her lavish lifestyle on Instagram, sharing snaps of herself posing in designer clothes, attending elite parties, soaking up the sun on the beach, and dining in fancy restaurants. Despite wanting to 'branch away' from her parents, she has followed in her mom's footsteps by becoming an avid women's rights activist and often speaks out about politics Despite stating that she wants to 'branch away' from her parents, Phoebe has followed in her mother's footsteps in one department - becoming a fierce women's rights advocate She often posts about the topic on her social media, especially amid the overturning of Roe v. Wade last year Despite stating that she wants to 'have her own identity' and 'branch away' from her parents, Phoebe has followed in her mother's footsteps in one department - becoming a fierce women's rights advocate over the years. She often posts about the topic on her social media, especially amid the overturning of Roe v. Wade last year. Back in June, she shared a photo of herself posing in a bikini as a way to bring 'attention' to the negative impacts that the ban on abortion could have on women across the United States. 'Im not shy about my body and/or telling you to keep your bans off of it,' she captioned the post. 'Every person deserves access to sexual and reproductive health care. Right now, the Supreme Court is prepared to end the constitutional right to abortion. Join me and millions of other women in our fight for this basic human right.' She then shared a series of resources and statistics to her Stories, adding, 'Now that I have your attention, [read] this.' The college student has also posted about a series of other political topics like immigration status and its effects on healthcare, as well as voter's rights. Back in June, she shared a photo of herself posing in a bikini as a way to bring 'attention' to the negative impacts that the ban on abortion could have on women across the United States Outspoken: The college student has also posted about a series of other political topics like immigration status and its effects on healthcare, as well as voter's rights In addition, she often re-shares posts from her mom, Melinda - who is a self-described global advocate for women and girls. While penning a powerful essay about women's rights to Vogue last July, Phoebe spoke about the enormous impact her mother has had on her, explaining, 'When youre Melindas daughter, its easy to be passionate about reproductive health. 'My mom is my hero. Shes a brilliant reformer who travels around the world advocating for gender equality. 'When I started college last year, I wanted to become an advocate, like my mom. So I tried to learn as much as I could about making policy, finding the best data, gathering the best ideas, and educating the right people. 'Im only 19 years old, and I dont know where life will take me, especially not decades from now. 'But I am sure of this: Wherever I end up, Ill still be working to ensure [women's rights].' The 20-year-old has a close bond with her parents and siblings - but is especially tight with her mom, jetting off on numerous mother-daughter trips together over the years Phoebe has formed a close bond with both of her parents, but she is especially tight with her mother They're often posting sweet photos together and seen attending events side-by-side, and they even jetted off to London for a mother-daughter trip last August. Melinda is seen on the trip Phoebe shared a glimpse into their vacation in a video shared to her Instagram, which showed her mom striking various hip poses while touring the British capital Phoebe has formed a close bond with both of her parents, but she is especially tight with her mother. Phoebe also has a strong relationship with her dad - and accompanied him as his date to the Time 100 event last year They're often posting sweet photos together and seen attending events side-by-side, and they even jetted off to London for a mother-daughter trip last August. Phoebe shared a glimpse into their vacation in a video shared to her Instagram, which showed her mom striking various hip poses while touring the British capital. 'Mom: let's take some photos. OK supermodel,' she wrote in the beginning of the clip, before a montage of pictures of Melinda flashed across the screen. 'My momma sure knows best,' Phoebe added in the caption. Phoebe also has a strong relationship with her dad - and accompanied him as his date to the Time 100 event last year. On his birthday in June, she posted a touching tribute to the billionaire, while thanking him for 'letting her learn from him every day.' 'Dad, thank you for letting me learn from you every day and look up to your intellect and work,' she wrote. 'Most importantly, thank you for being my dad. Love you today and always.' On his birthday in June, she posted a touching tribute to the billionaire, while thanking him for 'letting her learn from him every day' She's also close to her siblings. Phoebe served as one of Jennifer's bridesmaids when she married her longtime boyfriend, Nayel Nassar, in October 2021 The two sisters have continuously gushed over one another online - when Jennifer celebrated her birthday in April 2020, Phoebe called her 'kind, loving, and driven' in an emotional post While their brother Rory is much more private, the siblings all came together to support him when he graduated from the University of Chicago in June 2022 Plus, Phoebe shared a snap with Rory in December 2021, which she captioned, 'Coming back these guys,' alongside a heart She's also close to her siblings. Phoebe served as one of Jennifer's bridesmaids when she married her longtime boyfriend, Nayel Nassar, in October 2021, and the two sisters have continuously gushed over one another online. 'Celebrating your love this year was the greatest privilege of my life,' Phoebe wrote after the wedding. And when Jennifer celebrated her birthday in April 2020, Phoebe called her 'kind, loving, and driven' in an emotional post. '[You're] my confidant. Happy birthday to the most amazing sister,' she added. Plus, when Phoebe graduated from high school, Jennifer shared a sweet post congratulating her little sis. 'Pheebs - I can't believe this day is here (time flies!) but you are wise beyond your years, and so ready for this next incredible chapter in your journey,' she said. 'I love you, I am immensely proud of you and can't wait for all that's to come at Stanford (!!!) and beyond.' While their brother Rory is much more private and doesn't have a public social media account, the siblings all came together to support him when he graduated from the University of Chicago in June 2022. Plus, Phoebe shared a snap with Rory in December 2021, which she captioned, 'Coming back these guys,' alongside a heart. Phoebe's love life became the subject of much media attention after she revealed she was dating a fellow Stanford student last year - but was subjected to a slew of racist abuse over the relationship When it comes to Phoebe's love life, she's currently dating a fellow Stanford student, named Robert Ross But their romance resulted in Phoebe being subjected to a slew of racist abuse from trolls who criticized her for dating a black man She first confirmed that she was in a relationship with Robert last July, when she shared a few photos of herself cozying up to him on Instagram When it comes to Phoebe's love life, she's currently dating a fellow Stanford student, named Robert Ross. But their romance resulted in Phoebe being subjected to a slew of racist abuse from trolls who criticized her for dating a black man. She first confirmed that she was in a relationship with Robert last July, when she shared a few photos of herself cozying up to him on Instagram. Tons of nasty trolls soon started leaving negative comments on the pictures, with some slamming her for being in a relationship with a person of color and others accusing him of using her for her money. 'Bill about to smash a vase against the wall,' one person commented. 'Bro become a millionaire in a matter of seconds,' another added. Someone else said: 'Now we know why Bill Gates been tellin' his kids they aint gon' inherit s**t.' Nasty trolls soon started leaving negative comments, with some slamming her for being in a relationship with a person of color and others accusing him of using her for her money A different user chimed in: 'Phoebe Gates has a black boyfriend, young brotha do not pull out BE GREAT.' One person even urged Robert to 'get her pregnant,' while someone else joked that he 'secured the bag.' Another tweeted: 'Her net worth is projected [to be] $130 Billion. I don't think he is her equal or they are doing 50/50. Just my guess [though].' 'When Phoebe Gates' boyfriend gets added to the joint checking account,' one person wrote, while sharing a video of a black man doing a celebratory dance. Someone else shared a video of a black man waving a gun around while swerving his car across a road, stating: 'Phoebe Gates and her boyfriend pulling up to Bill Gates' house for Thanksgiving.' Despite the horrible comments, Phoebe seemed unbothered by the hate, and has continued to share images with Robert to her social media On her birthday in September, 2022, Robert posted a carousel of photos with Phoebe to his own feed, which he captioned, 'Happy birthday, my love' Before Robert, Phoebe was previous linked to a boy who attended her high school, named Chaz Flynn (seen) Despite the horrible comments, Phoebe seemed unbothered by the hate, and has continued to share images with Robert to her social media. In October, she posted one that showed her in a pink dress posing alongside her beau, who donned a black tuxedo. On New Year's Eve, she also shared a series of snaps with Robert, including one that featured her clutching his face and attempting to lick it. On her birthday in September, 2022, Robert posted a carousel of photos with Phoebe to his own feed, which he captioned, 'Happy birthday, my love.' Before Robert, Phoebe was previous linked to a boy who attended her high school, named Chaz Flynn. Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 MORE than 178 000 Zimbabweans are expected back home from South Arica after the expiry of the Zimbabwe Exemption Permits (ZEP) in June this year. The imminent return of Zimbabweans, who have been living in South Africa, comes after the neighbouring country announced last year that it will not renew special permits for Zimbabweans without critical skills. Writing in his weekly column, which is published in this issue, President Mnangagwa said a total of 178 412 nationals, including their families and dependents were expected home. Through our Embassy in South Africa, Government has availed a portal for them to register so their whereabouts and needs are known in anticipation of the repatriation exercise. Some have been away from home for quite a while and, until now, had set base in South Africa. The ZEP allowed Zimbabweans to lawfully remain in the sister Republic of South Africa in order to pursue their education, to work or set up businesses. With a strong educational foundation and largely highly skilled in different trades and disciplines, our nationals have been active across a wide spectrum of the South African economy. They will not be hard-pressed for options, he said. The President said Zimbabwe was ready to welcome its citizens back home and had put systems in place to make sure that returnees were fully integrated into the society and contribute to the social and economic wellbeing of the country. We are preparing for their return, and to warmly welcome them once they step on home soil. We will do so fully confident that their return and re-integration into their families and communities, and with relatives and friends will be smooth. Government will assist them as they prepare to resume a productive life as full citizens back in the land of their birth. President Mnangagwa also thanked neighbouring countries that gave sanctuary to Zimbabweans while the country worked on its economic recovery. We thank all those countries which gave them shelter and more skills while we sorted out our affairs for recovery and growth. South Africa ranks foremost among those countries. With our economy now on an irreversible growth trajectory, the time has now come for our nation to claim back its own and to assume full responsibilities for its citizens who may wish or need to come back home. They now have opportunities to contribute here at home. This is how my Government views this latest development, he said. The President said a mopping team will leave for South Africa this week to ensure preparations are comprehensive and attend to every detail. The team comprises officials from many different Government departments to ensure preparations are comprehensive and attend to every detail. Sunday News I'm riding a horse into the setting sun on Benguerra Island, one of five in east Africa's Bazaruto Archipelago, 30 minutes by speedboat off the coast of Mozambique. The soft light casts long shadows through the bush, but my horse, Mushy, shows no signs of wanting to go home. He'll saunter back through the palms when it's time to eat. Right now, he's taking things easy. Benguerra is all about taking it easy. There are two five-star lodges on the island and guests pay around 985 per person per night. Both are on the west side facing the mainland, backed by forest and fringed with palms. The bay, clear and turquoise, is a desert island cliche too. But I am not one of the guests there are no guests. It is April 2020, the world has shut down and I've been stranded here for six weeks. The day I rode through the bush was the day I was meant to be returning home. Benguerra is all about taking it easy. There are two five-star lodges on the island and guests pay around 985 per person per night I'd landed in Mozambique in February, all set for a six-week adventure looking after the horses for a holiday company, Mozambique Horse Safari. I was 30, horse-mad, and without a full-time job. This volunteering opportunity seemed a perfect solution to my 'Where next?' problem. News of a pandemic was spreading but the horses needed to be looked after, guests or not. I just never thought I'd get trapped in paradise. I'd come to cover for another girl, Polly, who had planned a six-week return to the UK to visit her family, and I soon fell into the rhythm of island life, living in two-room staff accommodation yes, it had electricity and running water around the back of the lodges. I'd spend my days looking after the six horses (Tequila, Spot, Mushy, Ovambo, Vumba and Slash) and exploring, while evenings were spent talking to guests. Temperatures would hit the high 30s by 9am by 10am, after walking the horses, I'd often return drenched in sweat. I remember sitting on the beach with a sundowner soon after I arrived, thinking how lucky I was. But just a week in, talk of border closures reached me. My boss called from the mainland to say that if I wanted to leave, I'd better go now. It wasn't that easy. I'd need a boat to get off Benguerra then a flight from the nearest airport in Vilanculos or, failing that, a ten-hour drive to Maputo to join the queues fleeing the capital. In the end the decision was made for me: within two days, the borders closed. In those early weeks I did what everybody else was doing and worried about family I couldn't get to, particularly my dad, who was in the vulnerable category. My younger sister tried to set up family Zoom calls but the internet connection wasn't strong enough. Otherwise, life couldn't have been more different. When I wasn't taking the horses out to play in the sea or watching the blood-orange sunset, I would be overcome with guilty-pleasure thoughts: how did I get here? With no guests, I was free to explore Benguerra's east side: less protected than the area near the lodges, with huge waves crashing on the sand. I would stand on the dunes (on the alert for crocodiles, which inhabit the local lakes) and look out across the vast ocean: next landmass Madagascar, more than 700 miles away. With Covid restrictions I was separated from the few staff remaining and put in a 'bubble' with two local grooms, Pasqual and Vasco. They took it in turns to help me look after the horses but could return to the mainland so they didn't get 'island fever'. When I wasn't taking the horses out to play in the sea or watching the blood-orange sunset, I would be overcome with guilty-pleasure thoughts: how did I get here? As I only knew about five words of Portuguese and none of the local Xitswa language, I'd go days without speaking to anyone. For the first two or three months, I revelled in the time alone. I formulated ideas for my first novel. As there were so few people around, the island had implemented 'load shedding' shutting down electricity supply in certain quarters to help others which meant only a couple of hours' power a day. Staying cool in the sticky temperatures was nigh on impossible, and food would go off quickly my bosses sent parcels whenever they could find a boat. I experimented with limited supplies and once made a meal out of canned chickpeas covered in Marmite. I'd dream of decent bread and cheese. Days fell into a pattern: I would get up at first light, around 5am, and feed the horses. The power was usually on until 10am, so I'd make coffee and drink it outside among the lemon trees. The horses were my saving grace: I'd spend days in their company, talking rubbish to them. While there was no wi-fi, I could still communicate with home via WhatsApp, and my bosses had given me a Nokia phone with a local SIM so they could ring me to check I was OK. In the UK, I'd always been self-conscious about what I looked like, stressing over what to wear. But here on Benguerra I took to wearing leggings every day, something I've not been able to shake since returning home. The power would come back on in the evening and I'd pull together a meal, eating alone and exchanging voice notes with a friend who was living on the mainland, also unable to get back home. A good night was when a bottle of wine was included in my grocery drop; otherwise, I'd head to bed as it got dark, curling up in the quiet of the night. Despite the lure of the luxury lodges, their huge double beds and private pools, I was never tempted to move to one, too terrified of being fired for breaking staff protocol. The loneliness set in after four months. It was July winter in Mozambique, but a month when temperatures can hit the high 20s. Since I arrived I'd been looking after a tabby kitten something technically forbidden on Benguerra as it's a national park that had been found abandoned and brought to me. He was a three-week-old scrap when I got him and I named him Kovu. The horses were my saving grace: I'd spend days in their company, talking rubbish to them When I felt really low my little tomcat would keep me going. I watched, maternally, as his eyes changed from blue to yellow. He repaid me by becoming my feline shadow, even following me into the shower. Then, that July, Kovu disappeared. Four nights in a row I slept with the door open, hoping he'd come back. I'd seen a python near the house and I kept on thinking maybe it had taken him. I broke down, stopped eating and sleeping, and realised as though for the first time how isolated I was. He never returned. It was time to plan my escape. The following month, rumours reached me of flights taking off from Mozambique. I booked one. It got cancelled. I booked another. It got cancelled again. At one point I'd packed all my possessions and arranged a boat only to discover the flight due to leave the next day had been grounded. My family pleaded with me to just go and wait at the airport. But in Mozambique they're not places you just sit in. There are no facilities, and at that point, there weren't any staff. Despite the loneliness, when I was finally able to fly back to the UK in September, a big part of me didn't want to go. I'd got so used to being alone. I remember telling myself it wouldn't be the last time I saw Benguerra. In the UK I entered two weeks' isolation in a cottage in Wales, close to my sister, who organised my groceries I can still remember the excitement I felt seeing a block of Cathedral City cheese. My isolation in Mozambique made me more confident to try new things. I have since spent time remote working on Zanzibar and freelancing in publishing while trying to write. It also completely changed my career path. OK, I might have taken three years to get my novel, One Moment, to publication stage, but it was Benguerra that gave me the idea. It would definitely not have happened if I'd stayed in London. I'm not sure I'd spend so long alone on an island again, but if the chance to revisit Benguerra ever arises, I'll take it. Part of me still hopes that Kovu is out there, playing in the dunes. She spent the next three years just lying down and taking daily medication Dani Fagan, 35, was living in Spain and she began suffering from pain in her back A young, fit, freelance digital marketer who spent almost three years completely bedbound due to unexplained severe back pain has revealed how she became a yoga guru. Dani Fagan was 35 and living in Spain with her partner at the time, when, despite no physical injury, she began experiencing extreme pain in her lower back. One night, the pain became so excruciating Dani had to crawl on her hands and knees to the bathroom. Despite spending thousands on doctors, specialists, physios, and chiros, she ended up finding her own way out of chronic pain and her only recovery tools were a pen and paper and her ability to change the state of her nervous system. She realised she was suffering from Tension Myositis Syndrome and found the more she wrote and the more truths she uncovered about her past trauma, the more her symptoms eased. Dani Fagan was 35 and living in Spain has revealed how she spent almost three years completely bedbound due to unexplained severe back pain - before she became a yoga guru Dani essentially spent the next three years lying down, taking daily medication, which barely touched the pain Dani explained that the pain at times felt out of control, saying: 'I felt like I was being stabbed repeatedly in the back, I'd never felt pain like it. I was screaming and even considered ringing an ambulance.' Dani essentially spent the next three years lying down, taking daily medication, which barely touched the pain. Previously an avid exerciser with a busy social life and successful business, she now couldn't sit, stand, drive, and would need to use a wheelchair outside of the house to travel short distances. Sometimes she'd have to crawl on her hands and knees just to put the kettle on. She said: 'My only saving grace was I was running my own business from home at the time, so I was able to continue to work, albeit lying down on the couch.' Desperate for relief, she tried steroid injections, muscle relaxants, every kind of physical therapy there is, and opioids. When the pain was at its most severe, she'd go to the emergency department for help, where she'd get diazepam injections to relax the muscle spasms, but the relief was always temporary. Dani explained: 'I was always going to chiropractors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, I had laser treatment on my back, I did everything possible to get out of pain, but nothing worked. Dani said before she suffered the back pain, she was an avid exerciser with a busy social life and successful business While suffering from the pain, she she couldn't sit, stand, drive, and would need to use a wheelchair outside of the house to travel short distances 'Some of the treatment was actually making me worse, and it hurt so much I couldn't even to lie flat with my legs out.' Eventually an MRI showed a herniated disc, but doctors said Dani's level of pain was so severe, that it did not match the diagnosis she had, and so they refused to perform surgery. While Dani is relieved about this now, at the time it caused her extreme frustration. She said: 'I just wanted a solution.' Incidentally, she later found out the disc herniation was just what's known as a 'normal abnormality', not the root cause of the pain she was experiencing. Dani explained: 'I was basically a hermit for three years as I was in too much pain to go out. 'It made me really anxious and depressed. It was like I just lived in a cave of darkness and pain.' Dani's real breakthrough came when she was scrolling on Facebook one day and saw a post from a friend who was going through a similar experience and had recommended the book Healing Back Pain by Dr John Sarno. 'I was sceptical, but I had nothing to lose, so I bought the book and started to read,' Dani said. 'From the very first page, it was like reading my autobiography.' In the book, Dr Sarno writes about a condition called Tension Myositis Syndrome (abbreviated to TMS and now also referred to as Mind Body Syndrome.) Sometimes she'd have to crawl on her hands and knees just to put the kettle on, and she would work from lying down on a couch Dani said she was 'basically a hermit for three years' because she felt in too much pain to leave the house Essentially, he writes that repressed emotions and prolonged stress can manifest as physical symptoms in the body, chronic back pain being a very typical manifestation of this. Dani explained: 'There are certain personality types that are more susceptible to TMS people pleasers, perfectionists, 'goodists', high achievers and I ticked every box.' While there is still some scepticism about Mind Body Syndrome in the medical world, Sarno's ground-breaking work in the 1980s has been credited and expanded upon by countless neuroscientists over the last few decades and its popularity and effectiveness on healing chronic conditions by treating the root cause has helped thousands of people worldwide. Dani explained: 'The main thing to understand about it is, it's not saying 'it's all your head' the pain is 100 percent real. 'But the crucial difference is that it's pain being caused by the brain, by chronic dysregulation in the nervous system being stuck in a flight-flight-freeze state, rather than a structural abnormality in the body.' Dani was convinced straight away that this was the cause of her pain. Her mental health struggles, past experiences and history of trauma made her the textbook TMS poster-child. Understanding her pain was no longer dangerous, Dani began to reduce her medication and gradually began to reintroduce things she'd normally be too scared to do. The freelancer spent thousands on doctors, specialists, physios, and chiros as she tried to find a solution to her pain Over time, Dani was able to remove the fear of her pain, and gradually became less scared of her symptoms 'I'd sit up for a minute, then I'd have to lie back down again,' she says. 'I was still in pain, but I was less scared of my symptoms, which allowed me to start to very slowly get my life back. 'Removing the fear of my pain was a huge step for me because fear fuels the fight flight response in the nervous system which is the fire that keeps chronic conditions alive.' By this time, Dani had moved back to the UK and even though she'd convinced herself her pain was caused by emotional trauma and nervous system dysregulation, she fell back into the medical model, hoping that UK doctors might have another physical or at least hybrid solution that involved both mind and body. But as soon as she saw yet another physio who didn't help, she quickly realised she was going back down the wrong path. So Dani decided to re-read Sarno's book, which led her to the work of Nicole Sachs, a Psychotherapist and Mind Body expert, who'd worked with Sarno and developed her own approach to this type of pain, which involved journaling about repressed emotions and regulating the burnt out nervous system with regular meditation. Dani wrote about trauma, body image issues, and other difficult emotions, stressful relationships, work, family - everything that she had pushed away or bottled up for years finally had a voice. She finally understood that her emotional world was directly proportional to her physical experience. She said: 'Some days, I found it really hard to keep writing, but I made sure I showed up every day. 'Everyday I'd wake up, make a cuppa, and get back into bed with my journal and give myself space to feel the things I had hidden for so long.' Dani had moved back to the UK and even though she'd convinced herself her pain was caused by emotional trauma and nervous system dysregulation, she fell back into the medical model, hoping that UK doctors might have another physical or at least hybrid solution that involved both mind and body As soon as she saw yet another physio who didn't help, she quickly realised she was going back down the wrong path Dani would follow up each journal session with a meditation practice and started to include gentle yoga and short walks into her routine. Within just three months Dani was almost completely symptom free. Her lifelong anxiety also eased, which she hadn't realised was related to the same dysregulation that was causing her pain. Keen to help others, Dani made her own website called My TMS Journey (, collating free information and all the essential resources about the Mind Body Syndrome, neuroplasticity, trauma and the mind-body connection for those looking for answers, like she had been for years. She also shares daily tips and insight into healing chronic pain on Instagram and Facebook. She continued to learn and develop her own offering to the chronic pain community and knowing how much gentle yoga had helped her heal her back pain, regulate her nervous system and get her back into safe movement, she began teaching gentle restorative yoga classes, with meditation and breathwork components, completely aimed at those suffering from chronic conditions or on their way out of it. 'Now that I'm completely pain-free, I teach classes and run online courses and have genuinely found my passion in helping others heal their chronic conditions, not just manage them. 'Whether that be chronic pain, fatigue CFS/ME), fibromyalgia, migraines, POTS, IBS, anxiety, it's all related to the same root cause - chronic stress, trauma and the underlying nervous system dis-ease that these experiences create.' Dani said. 'I want anyone suffering to know there is a way out if we compassionately treat the root cause.' Keen to help others, Dani made her own website called My TMS Journey, collating free information and all the essential resources about the Mind Body Syndrome, neuroplasticity, trauma and the mind-body connection for those looking for answers Olga Rudenko, editor in chief of The Kyiv Independent, is slightly late to Zoom me from her office in central Kyiv, Ukraine. There's been an air-raid warning and she was in a bomb shelter waiting for the all clear. 'We all have an app on our phone that tells us when a raid is imminent,' says the 33-year-old, speaking in near darkness (there's no electricity in the office). 'It uses the voice of Mark Hamill, who was Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. He says, "Please proceed to the shelter." When the raid ends, he says, 'May the force be with you.' She glances at her phone. 'Actually, there might be another one starting now' I feel sick with fear for her. Please go, I beg. Studying the incoming information, Rudenko frowns. 'The report is kind of weak it's saying Russian aircraft are flying near the border. 'Unless there's a more concrete warning I'll roll the dice and talk to you.' But suppose she's hit while we're talking? 'Just delete your recording of this meeting,' she shrugs. 'Say we never spoke.' Olga Rudenko, editor in chief of The Kyiv Independent, working underground in an air raid, December 2022 Meet the extraordinarily brave team of young, mainly female journalists who since Russia invaded Ukraine a year ago this week have been risking their lives to bring the world first-hand, reliable reporting. 'Of course you get reporting from all the major international players The New York Times and the BBC,' Rudenko says. 'But we believe we bring something special to the table because we are actually Ukrainians.' Just three days after Vladimir Putin launched his 'special military operation' with airstrikes on the capital, The Kyiv Independent's Twitter following soared from 30,000 to a million; today it stands at 2.1 million. Vigorous fundraising by Rudenko and her colleagues has raised 2.4 million to buy satellite phones and protective clothing for those reporting from the battlefield, as well as to pay the 34 staff, mercifully none of whom has been killed or injured. One volunteered for the Territorial Defence days before the war started and is still on the frontline. 'We consider him a part of the team, and are saving him a spot for when he will return,' Rudenko says. Her team of young, penniless journalists launched the newspaper just 14 weeks before the war began and have now published a book, War Diary of the Ukrainian Resistance. Previously they'd worked for the Kyiv Post, a newspaper that highlighted corruption in Volodymyr Zelensky's administration. But in November 2021 its owner, oligarch Adnan Kivan, installed a new editor who promised to be less critical of the government. When staff refused to accept her, Kivan sacked the lot. Determined not to be silenced, a group decided they'd set up their own news outlet. Within two days they were up and running with former deputy Rudenko as their new editor. A Kyiv Independent staff selfie, taken on 24 February 2022, hours before the city was shelled She had worked at the Post for ten years and last year was on the cover of Time magazine as one of its Next Generation Leaders. For the first six weeks no one was paid as they produced a newsletter, then added a podcast. As Vladimir Putin's troops gathered at the border, they launched their website. Today they upload between 25 and 30 stories a day covering everything from the latest frontline developments to the theatre company still performing to packed houses from a bunker while under shelling and they don't hesitate to keep sharp tabs on Zelensky's still imperfect government. 'We've published some critical investigations into the government. I don't think we're their favourite news outlet which is good,' Rudenko says. Although no one was monitoring the threat more closely than these journalists, they were all shocked when Russia actually invaded. 'Western intelligence was saying there's going to be a war, but we didn't really believe it,' she says. On the morning of 24 February, Rudenko and two of her senior staff left the office at 2am, just two hours before missiles rained down on their city. In the lift, they took a selfie (above right). It was months before they saw each other in person again. 'When I look at that picture now, none of us is the same person,' she says. 'We were like children then, so innocent. We may look and talk the same, but inside, we are forever traumatised.' By dawn, from her top-floor flat Rudenko was hearing constant explosions. 'There was only the roof between me and the missiles. I thought I was going to die,' she says. A blast following a drone attack in Kyiv on October 17. You wouldn't blame any of these women for leaving Kyiv but as soon as the siege ended in April, they returned to their homes in the capital Only Daryna Shevchenko, 33, the paper's CEO, slept through those attacks, having taken a sleeping pill after weeks of insomnia. 'It was the first time in months I'd had a good night's sleep then my alarm went at 8am and I saw my phone had gone crazy,' she says. Shevchenko knew she had to immediately get out of her flat two big corner windows made her vulnerable to explosions. But first there was everyday business to take care of. 'Whatever happens, my dog needs to pee,' she smiles. 'So we went for a walk. It was apocalyptic, the city was empty.' She moved to her parents' house a few miles away. For the next two weeks the family slept fully dressed in a corridor, as the lack of windows offered the best protection from blasts. 'At first everything we used to do seemed irrelevant, I couldn't see the point in washing even but after a bit my mum said, 'You really should take a shower,' Shevchenko laughs. One morning from her parents' window she watched a Russian tank crush a car. All the while, she and her colleagues were uploading their reports as troops encircled Kyiv. Just after Shevchenko moved on to stay with friends in west Ukraine, a missile destroyed flats one block from her parents' home. 'I was screaming at them to please leave, but they refused.' A year on, they remain there. Meanwhile, chief investigative reporter Anna Myroniuk, 28, also found it impossible to get her 52-year-old mother to leave her home in the affluent Kyiv suburb of Bucha, where she'd settled after being forced from her home town Donetsk, eastern Ukraine when the Russians invaded in 2014. In April it emerged as one of the most horrific scenes of Russian atrocities, with civilian men, women and children subject to torture, rape and mass executions their bodies piled in mass graves. 'When the Russians were heading to get to Bucha, I was begging Mum to get out. Eventually, I convinced her to go but it was too late. I was on my way to pick her up in a car when Russian troops occupied the town and she was trapped,' recalls Myroniuk. For the next couple of months, her mother and her neighbours slept in the freezing basement of their block of flats. 'There was no electricity, they were running out of food and water.' One day the Russians fired at her apartment block, hitting just beside her mother's window 'luckily she was in the basement'. Another day, troops forced their way into the building, looking for spies. 'This was terrifying. They made everybody show them their apartments and check their documents and confiscated their mobile SIMs, but my mother gave them the wrong one so she could stay in touch with me.' After a 'humanitarian' corridor was negotiated in March (though Russians still killed civilians using it) she was able to get out. You wouldn't blame any of these women for leaving Kyiv but as soon as the siege ended in April, they returned to their homes in the capital, where life goes on, though often without electricity or running water ('You get used to that; you know which friend will have running water or a generator, and you go to them if you have to,' Shevchenko says.) The Mariupol drama theatre in south eastern Ukraine, after an airstrike ripped through it on March 16 Shops, cafes and theatres stay open and people do their best to carry on as normal. 'Everyone feels the same if you don't have kids you want to be doing everything you can to help your country,' says the youngest member of their team, 21-year-old Anastasiia Lapatina, who started working for the Post during Covid when she was sent home from university in Canada. Now she's back in Vancouver for her final year of studies but every holiday she returns to Ukraine to report from the frontline. During term time she broadcasts podcasts about the conflict. 'Being in Canada sucks,' she says to me from her student dorm, where I could see a teddy lying on her bed. 'Once this semester finishes, I'm going to Ukraine and I'll never leave again. I'd always wanted to be a war reporter but I thought I'd be doing it from somewhere like the Middle East.' For her colleagues in Kyiv, the hardest part is not knowing how or when this war may end. 'Will it ever be safe to have a child?' asks Shevchenko. 'That part of the future has been taken away from me and I can't get used to it. But I have made peace with dying. I've made arrangements for my dog if it happens. I've had a good run.' After talking to each woman, I'm choking back tears. They're all calm, and very funny, but the stress of the past year is etched into their faces. 'For the first six months I was not able to cry at all,' Rudenko says. 'Some people choose not to look at the news. However, I have no choice but to read that story, click on that link of the civilian murdered with their hands behind their back. It's exhausting.' She has the daunting responsibility of deciding who goes to the frontline. 'The staff are very brave, they always want to do the risky thing. Sometimes I have to be the adult in the room and say, 'No, it's too dangerous.' The image of calling somebody's family to tell them something happened to them is never off my mind.' Her phone is beeping again. She glances at it. 'I have to go, there's another air-raid warning. This time it might be serious.' The screen goes black. Michael told that he wants to make cemeteries more immersive He used a 3D-printed a plastic QR code and glued it to his dad's gravestone A man has virtually memorialized his late father by creating a QR code for his gravestone, so people visiting the cemetery can learn more about his fascinating life. Michael Bourque, 55, an inventor and engineer from Melrose, Massachusetts, was mourning his father, John Harold Bourque, who passed away in April 2017 at the age of 87, when he had a flash of inspiration about how to honor his legacy. 'When someone dies, they put a marker on the ground before you buy the stone. I thought, "Jeez, no one's gonna see this. There's so much to know about my dad." And in an instant, I came up with this idea,' he told Michael used a 3D printer to make the QR code medallion out of weatherproof plastic that glows in the dark before gluing it to his father's gravestone. Michael Bourque, 55, Melrose, Massachusetts, created a QR code and attached it to his father John Harold Bourque's gravestone, so people can learn about his life The inventor used a 3D printer to make the QR code medallion out of weatherproof plastic that glows in the dark When passersby scan it with their cellphone, they are taken to a website featuring his dad's biography, including photos and a timeline of his life. John, the youngest of five children, was born in Melrose during the Great Depression and enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1951 during the Korean War. The atomic veteran, who was a carpenter by trade, constructed homes that were blown up during the nuclear testing that took place at Camp Desert Rock in Nevada. 'He had to hide in a bunker on the ground while they blew off this atomic weapon,' his son explained. 'Then his job was to go back in and see the destruction that it had caused.' Michael shared that John was also a 'great dad' who helped fuel his interest in innovation and engineering. 'We grew up poor, and my dad was too cheap to pay for anybody to fix anything. So I was that a young kid who held the flashlight while we fixed everything,' he said. 'My dad taught me everything from plumbing to electricity to carpentry, and I credit a lot of my creativity and innovative skills and abilities to make things to my dad.' 'This has been scanned all over the world - even Korea, where my father fought in the Korean War,' Michael told 'He'd be so thrilled to know his story has reached that far' John (pictured with his wife and son) was an atomic veteran who worked on nuclear testing at Camp Desert Rock in Nevada Michael's father (pictured with his wife) was supportive of his endeavors and helped him start his cannabis vaporizer company in his final years Michael added that his father also had a 'great sense of humor' and would get a kick out of the QR code he made for his gravestone. 'You know what he'd be saying about this product? He'd be saying, "This is one of those products that people are dying to use,"' he joked. The self-described futurist recalled how his dad helped him start his cannabis vaporizer company in his final years. Michael was initially hesitant to tell him about his product because his father was firmly against marijuana use when he was growing up, but he ended up receiving his full support. 'I was really worried that he would look down on me. He did quite the contrary,' he explained. 'He helped me bring this company to life. He helped me bring the product to life, and it gave me a lot of courage.' Michael said his father had all of his faculties before he died and was 'smart and witty until the end.' John had cared for his wife, Elizabeth, for as long as he could while she battled dementia. Years after his father's death, he was inspired to share a photo of the QR code he made for his gravestone on LinkedIn, where it went viral. 'He helped me bring this company to life,' Michael said. 'He helped me bring the product to life, and it gave me a lot of courage' Michael wants to revolutionize how we pay tribute to the dead and make cemeteries more immersive with the addition of QR codes on gravestones 'Everyone's been scanning it, and when someone scans it, I know where they are in the world,' he explained. 'This has been scanned all over the world even Korea, where my father fought in the Korean War. He'd be so thrilled to know that his story has reached that far.' Michael made the QR code reprogrammable, so he can redirect it to any location he wants. It can go to a certain page one day or play a song the next. He plans on making another one for his brother, who died of ALS at age 58. The designer is not the first to make a QR code in someone's honor, but he wants to make the practice more widespread and revolutionize how we pay tribute to the dead. 'I think we can get people over the idea that being in a graveyard is morbid. It's not. it's a beautiful place to go, actually,' he said. 'And if QR codes were there, I think people would scan them.' Michael is now working to build this technology with After Cloud, a UK-based company that developed an app for preserving family history and digital memories. He has since redirected his father's QR code, which initially went to a page on, to After Cloud. 'I'm looking for a graveyard or cemetery that would like to build a new immersive experience,' he said. 'Let's put these on all these graves.' Read more: Keira Knightley hunts down infamous serial killer in new thriller Mother said she is a 'thin glutton', the type that 'has no business being a glutton' Actress Keira Knightley has claimed she is a 'thin glutton' as she described her decadent eating habits - including hiring her very own caviar dealer. The Pirates of the Caribbean star, 37, said she is 'the kind of glutton that has no business being a glutton,' adding she will deserve 'every broken vein and gouty toe' that comes her way. Penning an article for Noble Rot magazine, Knightley said gluttons 'should look like Hogarth etchings' - a reference to the work of 18th century artist William Hogarth. 'But this glutton has managed to make a living off her face and fit in to very small couture clothing,' the mother-of-two said. Actress Keira Knightley has claimed she is a 'thin glutton' as she described her decadent eating habits - including hiring her very own caviar dealer The Pirates of the Caribbean star, 37, said she is a 'the kind of glutton that has no business being a glutton,' adding she will deserve 'every broken vein and gouty toe' that comes her way 'Time will catch up. The Hogarth bloat and red nose will get me at some point and when it does, I will know that I deserve every broken vein and gouty toe.' Gout is a type of arthritis that causes sudden, severe joint pain. The NHS lists the main causes as obesity, high blood pressure, kidney problems and eating red meat. Knightley said she has spent a 'large part of my time and money stuffing myself in the most disgusting, luxurious and outrageous ways'. She added this has made it difficult to choose her 'favourite moment of sublime eating.' But the actress gives it a go, listing a number of fine dining experiences she has had in the past. Penning an article for Noble Rot magazine, Knightley (above with her husband James Righton) said gluttons 'should look like Hogarth etchings' Knightley said she has spent a 'large part of my time and money stuffing myself in the most disgusting, luxurious and outrageous ways' 'I've had caviar dealers, truffle dealers, sucked the heads of carabineros in Pantelleria, and enjoyed private dinners by Santiago Lastra,' Knightley said. Later in the article, the Love Actually actress said she almost got divorced after adopting a puppy - that her youngest daughter, three-year-old Delilah, was 'mortally afraid of'. She said the puppy was rehomed and - in the aftermath - she and her husband travelled to Paris for a child-free weekend, where she had the best meal of her life. 'We're still here, still together, still eating and for now, right now, happy,' she concluded. Later in the article, the Love Actually actress said she almost got divorced after adopting a puppy - that her youngest daughter, three-year-old Delilah, was 'mortally afraid of' It comes as Knightley prepares for the release of her new Hulu film, The Boston Stranger. In the thriller, which is based on a true story, Knightley is seen taking on the role of journalist Loretta Mclaughlin as she investigates a series of murders. The two-time Oscar nominated actress stars alongside Carrie Coon, portraying reporters who begin to dig deeper into the infamous criminal to uncover his identity. It is based on the 13 women who were murdered in the Boston area in the early 1960s - to which Albert DeSalvo later confessed to being the Boston Strangler serial killer after being charged in rape cases. The film is set to hit streaming service on March 17. Denmark's Crown Princess Mary looked elegant in an orange patterned skirt alongside her husband Prince Frederik on Sunday. The Danish royals posed up a storm in front of the breathtaking Taj Mahal in Agra, India. The 51-year-old looked typically chic in a bright satin skirt from Etro which she paired with a stylish white shirt. She accessorised with a chunky brown belt which cinched her ensemble at the waist. Heir to the throne Prince Frederik donned a smart beige blazer, cream trousers and a white shirt which he paired with casual navy trainers. The royal couple are on a five day visit to India on vice president Jagdeep Dhankhar's invitation. Denmark's Crown Princess Mary looked elegant in an orange patterned skirt alongside her husband Prince Frederik in India It comes after the Australian-born royal attended the prestigious EliteForsk Awards in Copenhagen earlier this month. Mary, who presented at the awards, was absolutely glowing as she greeted the recipients. The brunette beauty has barely aged a day since since burst onto the scene in 2000, after famously meeting Prince Fredrik at the Sydney Olympics. The EliteForsk Awards, roughly translated into the Elite Research Prize, honours outstanding researchers of international acclaim. It awards five people under 45 years old 1.2 million Krone, which equates to around $2.5million Australian dollars. The Danish royals, who are on a five day visit to India, posed up a storm in front of the breathtaking Taj Mahal in Agra The 51-year-old looked typically chic in a bright satin skirt which she paired with a stylish white shirt Mary was elegant and stylish in a black embellished blouse and houndstooth pencil skirt, and a coat draped over her shoulders. She opted for a matte makeup palette and her brunette tresses tumbled around her shoulders in soft curls. The Danish Royal Family shared stunning portraits of Princesses Mary earlier this month to celebrate her birthday. Mary wasn't the only birthday in the royal house, with her twins Princess Josephine and Prince Vincent also turning 12 in January. The Danish Royal Family have previously shared single photos of the siblings together for their birthday, the household decided to break from tradition this year. Instead of holding a photoshoot for the occasion, the proud parents have released their children's school photos - taken by photographer Jens Rosenfeldt. Earl Spencer was spotted arriving at the BBC Broadcasting House in London on Sunday after admitting he most likely won't be at King Charles' coronation. Princess Diana's brother, 58, who lives at Althorp House in Northamptonshire, appeared in good spirits as he arrived to appear on Radio 4. Charles, who carried a brown bag, donned a navy suit which he paired with a white shirt. It comes after he recently admitted he probably won't be invited to King Charles' coronation on Jane Garvey and Fi Glover's Times Radio podcast, Off Air. Asked about whether he'll be invited to the event, the author responded: 'I wouldn't have thought so, I think it's only about two thousand people going. Earl Spencer was spotted arriving at the BBC Broadcasting House in London on Sunday after admitting he most likely won't be at King Charles' coronation 'There is some old coronet knocking about here somewhere but I won't be wearing it soon, I don't think'. However the uncle of Prince William and Prince Harry didn't seem too bothered about not getting an invitation to the royal event. He admitted: 'The whole royal thing I don't find it as interesting as other people, you know? I just get on with my life People assume that I care a lot but it's just a side part of my life.' King Charles' coronation takes place on May 6 with save the date notices expected to go out to guests this week and official invitations to follow in April. And while the guest list has been slashed from the 8,000 who attended the late Queens Coronation in 1953 to 2,000, there is one area the King has expanded. The sacred ceremony is intended to be an intimate exchange between the monarch and their people in the presence of God. But as part of his plan to bring the ceremony up to date, King Charles has decided to move on from the 900-year-old tradition by inviting his crowned friends, including European royals and rulers from Arab states. King Charles' coronation takes place on May 6 with save the date notices expected to go out to guests this week and official invitations to follow in April Princess Diana 's brother, 58, who lives at Althorp House in Northamptonshire, appeared in good spirits as he arrived at the TV studios It is still uncertain whether Prince Harry will visit for the occasion from his home in California with his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. Last month, Charles Spencer unveiled a stunning portrait of his mother Frances Shand Kydd - and royal fans went wild for the family resemblance to Princess Diana. He took to Instagram to share a painting of his late mother to mark her 87th birthday. He explained in the caption that the image stands in his home's library, surrounded by pictures of four of her children, adding: 'My mother was born 87 years ago today, in Park House, Sandringham. 'On that very same day - 20 January 1936 - a few hundred yards away, in Sandringham House, King George V died. My mother died in 2004, when 68. Too young.' Princess Diana 's brother Earl Spencer unveiled a stunning portrait of his mother Frances Shand Kydd (pictured) - and royal fans have gone wild for the family resemblance to the late royal Princess Diana at the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom film premiere in 1984 in London Royal fans were stunned by the portrait, with many saying Frances appeared the double of Princess Diana. One person wrote: 'Very sad, too young. However, it's plain to see where Diana's beauty came from. She too was way to young.' Another social media user said: 'Wow. Diana obviously got her beauty from your mother. This is a lovely portrait.' A third added: 'She's so beautiful. Diana definitely looks similar to her.' A fourth wrote: 'Diana's beauty shows through your mum.' The portrait captures Frances as a young woman, as she gazes out of the frame to the left. Diana and her mother (pictured together) had a rocky relationship and weren't on speaking terms before her death in 1997 Frances, then 18, and the 8th Earl Spencer 'Johnnie', 30, married in 1954 before divorcing in 1969. In 1968, Frances lost a custody battle for Diana, Charles and their sisters Jane and Sarah and tried in 1971 to regain custody from Johnnie Spencer, but lost once again. The mother of Diana went to live with her new husband in Scotland after losing her first custody battle for her children, in which she was dubbed 'the bolter'. Princess Diana died at the age of 36 when the car she was travelling in crashed in a Paris tunnel on August 31, 1997. Diana and her mother had a rocky relationship and weren't on speaking terms before her death in 1997. Winter plays havoc with our skin, as cold air holds less moisture. Add in biting wind and central heating and its a recipe for dry, chapped, rough soreness. There are plenty of products on the market claiming to treat these problems, which are predominantly caused by barrier damage and the skin becoming dehydrated. Youll see shelves full of creams. They all promise a lot, but when your skin needs urgent care, which of these will actually do the job? To find out, I borrowed a piece of equipment called a Corneometer from Deciem, the company behind cult skincare brand The Ordinary. The Corneometer is probably the most-used instrument in the cosmetic industry because its an accurate way of measuring hydration, explains Carla OConnor, the companys head of clinical research. Winter plays havoc with our skin, as cold air holds less moisture. Add in biting wind and central heating and its a recipe for dry, chapped, rough soreness (Pictured: A young woman portrait on a cold winter day) The machines probe is pressed against the skin for one second, giving a score between 0 (as dry as skin can be) and 120 (as hydrated as skin can be). I tested the creams by measuring how hydrated my skin was before applying them, then using them for a week and testing again. So, which cream offered moisturising magic, and which left my skin drought-level dry? Read on to find out. . . BARGAIN OPTION Avene Cicalfate+Restorative Protective Cream, 9.50 for 40ml, Initial reading: 45 Final reading: 54.57 Percentage change: 21 per cent When Ive had itchy or irritated skin in the past, Ive relied on this ointment combining thermal spring water with beeswax, oils, glycerin which works like hyaluronic acid to attract water to the skin and minerals including copper, zinc and magnesium. It did increase the moisture by at least a fifth, but not enough to get it out of the bottom spot. GLIDES ON Q+A Ceramide Barrier Defence Cream, 9, Initial reading: 39.80 Final reading: 49 Percentage change: 23 per cent This is a rich cream that feels lovely to apply. On paper its packed with hero ingredients seed oils, glycerin and ceramides. However, it didnt quite pack the same punch as some of the others I tested. VELVETY SOFT Dermalogica Barrier Repair, 49, Initial reading: 41.43 Final reading: 51.03 Percentage change: 23 per cent I had high hopes for this one as many beauty editors swear by it in ski season. It contains silicones which means it feels velvety soft on the skin with absolutely no stickiness at all. While my skin was nearly 25 per cent more hydrated, some of the more affordable creams performed better. PRICEY FORMULA Oskia Rest Day Barrier Repair Balm, 68, Initial reading: 40.80 Final reading: 57.83 Percentage change: 42 per cent This buttery cream had the longest ingredients list of any of the products I tried, packed as it is with seed oils, shea butter, vitamins, minerals and ceramides. And, as the most expensive product I tested, I had high hopes. But although the balm melted into my skin, leaving it soft and non-greasy, from a performance point of view it was average, easily beaten by products that cost a fraction of the price. BARRIER BALM Scientia Ceramide Skin Rescue, 28, Initial reading: 46 Final reading: 65.33 Percentage change: 42 per cent Although this called itself a moisture barrier balm, the combination of aloe vera, seed oils, hyaluronic acid and ceramides (some of the fats naturally found in the skin barrier) made it feel more like a lightweight gel cream. Slightly sticky at first but gave good mid-table results. NATURAL NOUS This combination of plant oils, beeswax, rosemary, camomile and calendula has been a go-to for rough and dry skin since 1926 Weleda Skin Food, 11.21, Initial reading: 39.87 Final reading: 58.50 Percentage change: 47 per cent This combination of plant oils, beeswax, rosemary, camomile and calendula has been a go-to for rough and dry skin since 1926. It was one of the heavier, greasier creams I tried. It increased the moisture content of my skin by almost half, making it top of our mid-table. RUNNER-UP Neutrogenas Norwegian Formula products for hand and body are ones I turn to in cold weather Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Cream Moisturiser, 13.50, Initial reading: 39.07 Final reading: 68.17 Percentage change: 74 per cent Neutrogenas Norwegian Formula products for hand and body are ones I turn to in cold weather. I tried this lightweight gel-cream with hyaluronic acid and glycerin instead. Its barely-there texture melts away in seconds. It surprised me by performing brilliantly and easily nabbing the runner-up position. STAR PERFORMER Eucerin Urea Repair Replenishing Face Cream, 8.24, This rich cream says it can be used during the day, but Id keep it for use at night as it feels quite heavy and greasy Initial reading: 43.47 Final reading: 82.40 Percentage change: 90 per cent This rich cream says it can be used during the day, but Id keep it for use at night as it feels quite heavy and greasy. Theres no doubting the combination of five per cent urea and ceramides worked wonders. This was the best performing of all the creams we tried, increasing moisture levels by a staggering 90 per cent. After a toxic relationship with money for 40 years, Lisa Woodley transformed her finances. How? As she revealed on Saturday, the key to success is 'cash-stuffing' squirreling away the amounts you need for everything from bills to socialising in pouches and paying for as much as you can in cash. Today, she explains how a fortnightly stocktake can keep you on track. It is funny how most of us feel that because we are the ones who spend it, we are in control of our money. I was hoodwinked by this idea. I thought that if I didn't lose my bank cards or share my pin and checked my bank statements regularly, then I was practising good money management. What I didn't do was look at my behaviour around money, how much I spent and consider what changes could be made. Had I done so, I would have realised that I was overspending in one area and ignoring all the others. My mindset around money was denial, awkwardness, bravado and to hope for the best while keeping my fingers permanently crossed. Money is still a taboo subject in modern society. How we talk or, more importantly, do not talk about our finances is fascinating, especially considering all the other things we are so open about these days. Most people prefer to avoid the topic completely. Can't pay your rent? Terrible credit rating? Move along, nothing to see here. Money is still a taboo subject in modern society. How we talk or, more importantly, do not talk about our finances is fascinating, especially considering all the other things we are so open about these days Now that I operate within a budget, my mental health has benefited, as well as my bank balance. The control I have over my finances has made me feel more in charge in other areas of my life I understand, I've been there. But these are all issues we need to be more vocal about, as well as sharing our experiences. Our society encourages a positive attitude to life through eating well, exercising and good mental health, so why is a good relationship with money not on this list, too? Instead, we are bombarded by billboards and TV advertising telling us to buy things, because if we do we will be complete. The call to consumerism is often too seductive to ignore. We are also a culture of convenience. We can purchase almost anything we want at the touch of a button or a quick-tap transaction. Forgot your card? Don't worry, pay for it with your phone! Gone out without your phone? Not a problem, use your watch! I find it interesting that we think nothing of buying a mobile phone, sofa or telly and signing ourselves up to two years of debt, rather than taking the alternative view and saving the money before we spend it. Quick-fix options are not the answer. A credit card, interest-free finance and an overdraft may help in the short-term but, unless you have a clear plan to pay them off, they will ultimately add to the financial burden. We may convince ourselves that these are extenuating circumstances and we won't have the same problem again, but what if another issue comes along? And then another? The snowball effect picks up speed and, before we know it, we are completely out of our depth. Even water bills can be paid in cash I was surprised that this was such a hot topic on one of my TikTok videos, because I revealed I was paying this bill with cash. Many people opt for the direct debit plan, but I don't. The bill comes in twice a year and is based on our meter reading. While you can pay over the phone, I go straight to the Post Office with cash. I used to pay for it online but, since introducing my binder budget, I now put away 35 a month ready for the bill to arrive. If you have a water meter, ask for it to be read and get a clearer idea of usage so you can budget accordingly. Advertisement We live in disorganised chaos, which we gloomily refer to as 'the cost of living' or, if there is something we don't want to miss out on, we justify it with a jolly 'you only live once'! I was once one of those who was 'bad with money'. I equated money with happiness and, whenever I felt low, I would pop to the shops to purchase something for my three daughters, Lacey, Ava and Poppy. I would be cheered up in the short-term, but it wasn't the solution. Just over a year ago, I came across the phenomenon of 'cash stuffing' the concept of saving actual money for your bills into a binder file divided into relevant categories and my life changed beyond recognition. Now that I operate within a budget, my mental health has benefited, as well as my bank balance. The control I have over my finances has made me feel more in charge in other areas of my life. I hope you are not feeling too bamboozled by everything I have shared so far. One of the best ways to understand the process is to see it in action, so I thought it would be useful to take you through my Money Stocktake Day and Money Admin Day, to help you make your budget plan a reality. Money Stocktake Day Believe me when I tell you a regular stocktake of your accounts is a quick, easy way to check your finances, one that does not require hours of number-crunching. Simple yet rewarding is my motto. I do this midway through the month to help me stay on track with my bank activity and prepare for next month's budgeting figures. It is equally as important as the monthly Money Admin Day. Without it, I could end up back where I started and that's not a risk I am willing to take. One of the main advantages of doing a fortnightly stocktake of my finances is that it helps me understand my spending behaviour and enables me to remain focused and on track. Everything I do to pre-plan and implement my budget is for the sole purpose of giving me back control of my money. Believe me when I tell you a regular stocktake of your accounts is a quick, easy way to check your finances, one that does not require hours of number-crunching. Simple yet rewarding is my motto One of the big issues we face is a rising cost in living. This can destabilise even the best-organised budgeter as they watch their household bills increase. Adjusting your budget accordingly may mean taking out less cash each month or reducing payments in recreational pots. The process of budgeting is exactly that a process. It continues to shift and we need to be ahead of it to make our money work for us. I also find this process super exciting. I know, saying budgeting and exciting in the same sentence may seem weird, but just trust the process and you will reap the benefits. Heading towards winter means more money on heating bills and in the spring, this can be adjusted for the summer. If you deal with it before it happens, the chances are you will be able to avoid some of the anxiety and panic attached to rising costs. I am a basic budgeter so no laptop, money app or complicated spreadsheets. These are the tools I use: Notebook and pen Calculator Online bank statement Calendar A cuppa I write down both my income and my husband Nick's. We have a set amount coming in each month, so our figures do not change. If yours do, you will need to adjust your budget each time to stay in line with what you are earning, reducing or boosting your cash stuffing. I go online to check all upcoming direct debits. For us, our bills are set to come out before the 10th of each month. I add all the direct debits together and record the figure on the page. The next is food, based on the number of Mondays I have in that month because Monday is my day for doing the supermarket food shop. At a set amount of 90 a week, I will either need 360 or 450, so I leave that in the bank and withdraw it weekly. Once I have written down my income, direct debits and food costs I go to my binder. Plan ahead for a top night out Are you a social butterfly who enjoys going out for dinner or catching up with friends over a bottle (or two) of your favourite red? The 'new budget you' can still do this. Having a section in your binder for this gives you an amount of cash dedicated to the joy of hitting the town. It's good to have an idea of how much you will be spending, so take a look online at the venue you are planning to visit to check their menu and drinks pricings and whether they take cash. I always phone ahead to do this. Advertisement Now I list every single category which is active in my binder and make a note of the amounts I hope to put into it. I add those amounts up and deduct the binder total from my remaining income. If the numbers don't tally, I will tweak them in line with what I can afford to contribute that month. Then I confirm the amounts. I note down exactly what I would like to put in each of the envelopes in my binders. The food and binder amounts are also deducted from the overall income. At this point I have a clear picture of what is ahead and the reassurance that I have assigned my budget to cover all possibilities. I say all but I am well aware there could be something lurking that will catch me out, which is why I leave any remaining money in the bank. It's good to have a contingency for an unforeseen emergency such as the boiler breaking down, or for any upcoming special events. I always check the calendar to see what is planned, whether it's birthdays, parties or trips with friends. It is important to know what is ahead so there are no financial surprises, such as a train ticket I didn't account for or a drinks bill at the pub. I try my best each month not to touch this but, if I have to, I don't get hung up over it because I know all the important things in our life are accounted for. Money Admin Day This is always the first of the month. Money Admin Day is the day I stuff my binder envelopes with cash, referring to the plan I have drawn up on Money Stocktake Day. As I have said, this may not work for you because it depends when you are paid, but I would still recommend a monthly overview. A couple of days before the first of the month, I double-check my figures and refer to the list, so I know exactly what is going into my binder that month, and draw out the total amount from the local ATM, Post Office or bank. If I go to the bank, I make sure the trek into town is beneficial in other ways, so I can combine a few chores in one trip. I often avoid using a cashpoint if I need a variety of notes I may need five 5 notes for example so withdrawing money from a real person is the best option. Back at home, with my coffee, cash and binders, I am ready to start my money admin process. Checking the list I have written on Money Stocktake Day, I know precisely how much I need to put in each of my envelopes. In the first binder is: Petrol 60 Socialising 50 Window cleaning 14 Water bill 35 (paid at the Post Office) Car insurance 30 Just-in-case fund 50 School trips 2040 Each envelope is titled as below: Gifts (for my children to take to friends' birthday parties) 10 Lacey 15 Ava 20 Poppy 20 Nick 30 Other family members 20 Grandchildren 20 My third binder is seasonal and covers holidays and I can't promise I will stop there. I have a fourth lined up for Christmas and who knows what else will need its own binder in the future. After I have allocated all the cash, I close my binders and put them away safely. I resist any temptation to move money around again or deviate from the plan I have put together. Roll on the next stocktake two weeks later. My cash-stuffing categories reflect my life and needs. They are the significant savings I want to make once my fundamental bills have been paid. Yours are likely to be different, although there are several which are universal. Take your saved cash, not your card, with you for any of these eventualities. Who wants to slip up when you are at last feeling in control and there are hopeful signs of green shoots in your desert of a bank account? I can't make this decision for you or recommend you copy me entirely, as your plan needs to be bespoke for your requirements. What I will say is the categories which have worked best for me, other than food, petrol and birthdays, are my socialising and savings envelopes, which have been very handy for the occasional takeaway and manicure. I also call these my sinking funds amounts that I put away monthly that aren't for the crucial bills. They are included in my binder to prevent me from using my cards as frequently as I used to use them. I think this is one of the biggest points to make in my cash-not-card mission. It is about creating a system which is designed to limit (but, of course, not to eradicate entirely) your card use and help you navigate through those moments when you are likely to get caught out, such as a coffee shop stop-off or a spontaneous clothes shopping trip. Take your saved cash, not your card, with you for any of these eventualities. Who wants to slip up when you are at last feeling in control and there are hopeful signs of green shoots in your desert of a bank account? I'm often asked if I'm worried about having all that money in the house. My response to that is no, I am not. The money is in a safe and the safe is hidden. I think people assume I just keep adding to it and they forget money is also removed. When the amounts become bigger, I may deposit them into the bank, depending on what they are earmarked for. I also have short-term savings for specific goals, all of which will be spent and the envelope emptied ready for a new goal. For me, holding money helps me save it. Once I have it and I can see it, I don't want to waste it. A bit like a squirrel hoarding its haul of nuts ready for a long winter. Living from month to month and ignoring my bank statements didn't work for me. Physically touching, counting and sorting my cash really does. Seeing is truly believing. Our emotions are affected by our financial stability. We all enjoy the highs associated with having money and despair of the lows when the coffers are empty. Putting a budget in place means we can get on to a secure and steady footing with our accounts and jump the finance roller coaster for good. It's worked for me. I hope it works for you, too. Good luck! Madison told FEMAIL her symptoms were 'subtle' and not aggressive at all Isla Kimberley, now 7, was diagnosed with leukaemia before her fifth birthday A heartbroken mum has spoken about the moment she found out her four-year-old daughter had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Isla Kimberley was diagnosed with blood cancer just weeks before her fifth birthday after complaining of sore legs, a reduced appetite and pains in her stomach. Her parents, Madison and Josh, from Melbourne, were blindsided by the diagnosis after their daughter's subtle symptoms that were brushed off by multiple doctors for months. 'She would wake up in the middle of the night saying her legs were hurting, but everything seemed fine,' Madison, 30, told FEMAIL. 'Then Isla started getting bruises and wasn't eating as much as usual, but I thought she was just being a clumsy, fussy kid.' At the time the family-of-five was living in each other's pockets during a strict Covid lockdown and their regular doctor wasn't available. They made appointment with other GPs who dismissed the symptoms. Madison and her husband, Josh, took Isla to the emergency room on September 11, 2020 when she was complaining of a sore stomach. The following day after being moved to Monash Hospital, the couple were told the devastating prognosis. This is the heartbreaking image taken of Isla Kimberly while she was undergoing cancer treatment to combat blood cancer acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 'The symptoms were so mild my mind never jumped to the thought of cancer - there were no obvious, dramatic signs pointing to what it was,' Madison said. 'Josh and I carried this guilt thinking we were bad parents when we found out what it really was. But these things happen and it's totally out of our control.' While at the hospital, Josh delivered the earth-shattering news to Madison who was at home looking after their two younger children. 'I wanted to see Isla as soon as possible but had to wait because of hospital Covid rules,' she said. 'When I was finally able to see her she was already hooked up to so many different machines, and my heart just broke. 'The doctor sat Josh and I down to go through everything and what the plan was.' Josh remained at the hospital for 10 days alongside Isla while Madison went to and from home to breastfeed her three-month-old. While in hospital Madison stuck up happy photos of Isla to make the room feel 'homey'. 'She just wanted to go home and see her sister. She would say to me, "See that photo mum? That's when I was happy, I'm not happy now". And my heart would ache,' Madison said. Isla's mum Madison, from Melbourne, told FEMAIL the symptoms were 'subtle' and included bruises, leg pain, slight discolouration of the skin and eating less food than normal. Luckily doctors determined it was a 'favourable cancer', meaning it'll likely respond well to treatment. Madison said the cancer covered '90 per cent of her body' Isla required a lumbar puncture to determine what type of leukaemia she had and to ensure it hadn't spread to the fluid around her spine or brain - which it hadn't. Luckily doctors determined it was a 'favourable cancer', meaning it will likely respond well to treatment. Madison said the cancer covered '90 per cent of her body'. Isla started her first round of chemotherapy medication once she arrived home. 'I remember thinking if I could take her place and end her suffering, I would. I think any parent would,' Madison said. 'Doctors warned me that she would lose her hair, and I just didn't know what to do or how to tell her.. How do you tell a four year old this?' 'I remember thinking if I could take her place and end her suffering, I would. I think any parent would,' Madison said (pictured centre with the family) Isla finished almost two years of chemotherapy treatment on November 25, 2022 and slowly her hair started to grow back (pictured today) Isla continued chemotherapy treatment for about two years, experiencing hair loss and 'mood swings' during the ordeal. 'There were a lot of sleepless nights.. we had to watch her constantly and make sure she didn't have a fever,' Madison said. 'Once she started the steroid medication her mood completely changed, the mood swings were so up and down. It was horrible.' Isla would often get infections and feel unwell from the 'poison' treatment moving around her body. The treatment also damaged her calves so much she needed a double leg cast for a short period of time. 'It was a hectic two years - Josh and I split the duties where I would cover hospital visits and he would take care of the medication,' Madison said. The Starlight Foundation also granted Isla a wish and offered the family a holiday to Dreamworld on the Gold Coast. Isla finished treatment on November 25, 2022 and slowly her hair started to grow back. 'She was so happy when she was able to ring the bell in the hospital - and she knew exactly what it meant,' Madison said. 'That night we hosted a celebratory disco with family and her friends from school.' Today Isla's curly brown hair has grown back and she's a happy little seven-year-old. Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. You might be forgiven for thinking there aren't any GPs left in Britain. The 8am 'Glastonbury-esque' scramble for appointments, combined with the failure of face-to-face appointments to return to pre-pandemic levels, has left many patients wondering if they'll ever see a family doctor in person again. But Britain's GPs insist they're working harder than ever, battling to see as many of patients as possible. Patients now outnumber them like never before, with an average of 2,273 people scrambling for appointments with each family doctor an increase of 15 per cent in five years. And senior doctors warn things could get even worse if nothing is done to boost the number of GPs in the workforce. Here, two of Britain's embattled GPs reveal what it's really like being a family doctor in the NHS in 2023. In 2015 family doctors outnumbered receptionists in England's primary care workforce by over 1,000. But by the end of 2022 this had completely changed with 3,000 more receptionists than GPs. Source: NHS Digital. Some data for reception numbers in 2016 and 2017 is incomplete and has been left in the graph as a straight line Dr Karen Forshaw, a GP partner in Don Valley Healthcare, Doncaster: I still love the job, but worry how can I possibly give each patient the time they deserve? A typical day starts at 8am and finishes around 6pm, later if I'm on call handling urgent appointments. Usually, Ill then take paperwork home, meaning the working day doesnt finish until about 7pm. We found the 8am rush appointments created an artificial bottleneck that doesnt help anyone. At our practice, we introduced a triage doctor, so it doesn't matter what time people call, they will be able to speak to a GP who can then decide how urgent their health need is, and who will be the most appropriate healthcare professional at the practice is to deal with it. Even with this system, its still difficult for me to give enough time to the patients who need me the most. Dr Karen Forshaw said she generally see 85 patients a day but worries she may not be giving each the time they deserve When Im the on-call doctor, Ill typically speak to 85 people in a day. That's an enormous number of people - how can I possibly give each patient enough time, especially when people usually have more than one problem? Realistically, when someone says 'I have chest pain I'm worried about a lump Im concerned about my mental health', 10 minutes just isn't feasible. Our aim is to reach a point where we can give patients, particularly those who need it, at least 15 minutes routinely but offering longer appointments means offering fewer, and theres already huge need for our services. I treat many patients where the cause isn't clear and needs more investigation and of course, I care for people living with life-threatening illness who desperately need my time. I work in an ex-mining area, so I see lots of people with respiratory problems. Pain management is also a very common concern. We have a lot of patients with conditions such as fibromyalgia that makes it harder to look after themselves. It is great to see that more people are open to approaching their GP to address mental health problems, particularly as the rising cost of living is making matters much worse for many. I see patients who are unhappy in their jobs and unable to cope but simply can't afford time off work. Many of my patients have extremely difficult lives and this makes it more challenging for them to cope. According to the latest data GPs now only account of a quarter of the the primary care workforce, outnumbered 2-to-1 by admin staff, of which over half are receptionists While the number of fully qualified GPs in England has overall fallen the patient population has risen to 62million, meaning more Brits competing for fewer doctors I've been a GP for nearly 18 years and in that time, there have been huge changes. When I was a GP trainee, we used to stop at 11am to reflect on and discuss the patients weve seen. Now I dont stop until I'm eating lunch at my desk, doing paperwork. Its one of the wonders of medical science that people are living longer, but as they are they are often living with more long-term conditions and have more complex health needs. Many of my elderly patients live far away from their families, and we, as their trusted GP, are often their first port-of-call for help. NHS waiting lists are also having a serious impact on our workload, we are looking after a lot of patients who are really frustrated or in pain while they wait. We are managing a huge administrative burden. Were writing prescriptions, checking repeat prescriptions, writing referral letters, dealing with letters from hospital consultants, analysing test results. Many of these might be little things, but were dealing with them in huge numbers and each one involves some sort of clinical decision, that could impact on a patients health. We also have lots targets to hit, some useful, some not so much, which add to paperwork. Most of our patients understand the pressures were working under and recognise that were trying our best for them. But unfortunately, difficulties with access have led to an increase in abuse our staff are facing often its our hardworking receptionists that bear the brunt. Its very demoralising for the whole team and its leading to some making the decision leave all together. Since the pandemic, we are seeing much greater use of technology in general practice mostly for the better. We have some really brilliant ways of communicating, for example, its fantastic that I can text patients and they can reply to me directly. When patients optimise the technology available and are accepting of all the health professionals within a practice team, it helps us manage demand and ensure that GPs can give enough time to patients in the greatest need. Its really really busy, and as things stand workload isnt sustainable. We are losing good, dedicated GPs and were having difficulty finding new GPs to fill vacancies. But I, and most GPs that I know, still love the job and looking after people who need our care we just need sufficient support to make sure we can give enough of our time to patients. Dr Thomas Patel Campbell a GP Partner at Haxby Group which has practices in practices in York, Hull and Scarborough: I've always worked in an NHS under pressure, but the last 18 months is unlike anything I've seen I am normally in work between 7.30 or 8am, when I use the time before patients arrive to complete clinical admin, file blood results, deal with letters and address patient prescription requests - I see my first patient at 8.30am. I would usually see 16 patients in the morning and then again in the afternoon, with home visits in between for patients with complex needs or patients in palliative care. I usually eat my lunch during meetings. The end of my day is spent finishing any medical reports, and calling patients after the surgery has closed if I need to discuss test results with them. I am usually home by 7 or 8pm. When Im working as the triage doctor, Ill likely deal with 300 requests on a Monday morning where my task is to allocate patients to the most suitable member of our team to manage their issue. Dr Thomas Patel Campbell, who graduated in 2016, said the last 18 months have seen pressures in primary care escalate dramatically Our practice employs physios, mental health workers and other professionals who can provide specialist services. This delivers a more comprehensive experience and allows me to spend more time with patients who really need the holistic medicine a GP is trained to deliver - our standard appointments are 15 minutes which is longer than average in general practice. Treating mental health conditions has become a much bigger part of my role, both because people are thankfully more open to talking, and because the overall level of mental health problems in both children and adults has increased. Children's mental health, in particular, has deteriorated markedly. There are many factors shaping this. Social media can be a positive space for children to explore mental health problems, but it also exposes them to content that is challenging to navigate, and can skew their idea of what is normal. Children also used to escape their school bullies when they got home, now it continues on social media in the evenings and over the weekend. I also see many patients with poor physical health suffering with associated mental health issues, for example, people with long-term conditions can be more prone to stress, burnout and depression. This is where my relationships with my patients is really important, as it allows me to pick up on what really matters to the individual. As a GP I have a greater opportunity to deliver relationship-cased care, which is what I love most about the job, despite the huge pressures we are working under. We have a relatively elderly population in my area and a high number of patients with multiple long-term conditions such as asthma, COPD and diabetes. We are getting better at treating these conditions, but more-and-more people are living with multiple conditions, for example, a patient may have a heart condition that needs treating one way and a kidney condition that needs treating in an opposite way. Less than seven in ten GP appointments in England (68.3 per cent) were held face to face in December. It marks the second month in a row that the figure has fallen after peaking at 71.3 per cent in October. Eight in ten consultations were in-person pre-pandemic. But the figure has so far failed to bounce back The latest NHS data on GP appointments for December showed fewer than half of appointments were with a family doctor There were just 27,558 full-time equivalent, fully qualified GPs working in England last month, down 1.6 per cent on the 18,000 recorded in June 2021. It was down 5.3 per cent on the more than 29,000 working in June 2017 When I speak to patients in this position, I ask them what really matters to them, and we take decisions on their treatment together. I qualified in 2016 so I have always been working in an NHS under pressure, but this has dramatically escalated in the last 12 to 18 months. Were definitely seeing more patient need for our care and services, but the number of GPs we have is decreasing, so the responsibility is falling on fewer shoulders. The biggest factor driving demand where I work is definitely an ageing population, but my workload has also increased because hospital waiting lists are longer and because GPs are now responsible for treatment that used to be part of secondary care. GPs also spend a lot of time on bureaucratic tasks, such as sending letters, that isnt often visible. Read more: Junior doctors announce 72-HOUR strike dates in March in pursuit of 35.3% pay rise Junior doctors last took to the to picket lines in 2016, as part of a by a contract dispute between medics and then-health secretary Jeremy Hunt Advertisement One of the biggest issues facing healthcare is pressure on social care. We have a greater number of patients who need help to stay well but it is often challenging to arrange care for them at home. This can lead to them becoming more unwell and ending up in hospital. In my practice, weve used technology to give patients greater choice and have tried to do so without adversely impacting people without digital capabilities. Nonetheless, we accept that while digital tools give patients more choice, they do not address workforce pressures. Our triage system does a great deal to relieve pressure by providing targeted support when patients need it. Morale is really difficult at the moment; most patients know that GPs and their staff teams are doing the best they can in extremely difficult circumstances but there has been a noticeable rise in aggression towards our staff, particularly our hardworking receptionists. This in turn affects our recruitment and we often struggle to appoint people to work on our surgery receptions. One or two of our surgeries have had to close temporarily because we dont have enough administrators. There is a real need to prioritise general practice, social care and preventative medicine to avoid the whole NHS being overwhelmed in the long-term. We really must see conditions improve for GPs and our teams to achieve this, as things stand, we simply will not be able to retain enough doctors to deliver the high quality and complex care that we are trained for, and which patients rightly expect from us. Scientists are rolling out a new artificial intelligence blood test for bowel cancer that they hope will save lives by prioritising those who need a check-up straight away. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a huge backlog of patients awaiting a colonoscopy the gold standard examination for bowel cancer in which a tiny camera is inserted into the body to look for tumours. More than nine in ten who undergo a colonoscopy will not have cancer, but for those who do, any delay to treatment can affect their chances of survival. Now scientists have developed a blood test which is up to 96 per cent accurate in detecting bowel cancer, which they say can be used to bump those who most urgently need a colonoscopy up the list. The CanSense-CRC test uses laser light and artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse a small blood sample for signs of proteins released by bowel cancer cells. Scientists are rolling out a new artificial intelligence blood test for bowel cancer that they hope will save lives by prioritising those who need a check-up straight away. [File image] The CanSense-CRC test uses laser light and artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse a small blood sample for signs of proteins released by bowel cancer cells. [File image] It currently has a relatively high false positive rate when patients are flagged as having cancer when, in fact, they do not. As a result, a colonoscopy is still needed to confirm the result. But scientists say the blood test could be used to great effect to prioritise the colonoscopy waiting list as it is cheap, quick and non-invasive. READ MORE: Robot scans that can spot bowel cancer humans miss: Scientists hope integrating AI technology into existing colonoscopy equipment could help save more lives Advertisement Two hundred patients awaiting colonoscopies in Swansea are being offered it as a precursor to a wider rollout. They must be checked out after overcoming bowel cancer or having pre-cancerous lesions called polyps removed. Colorectal surgeon Professor Dean Harris, who has been working to develop the test with a team at Swansea University, said there were 3,000 people in the city in this situation, some of whom had been waiting years. Guidelines say such patients need a colonoscopy every one to three years, depending on circumstances. However, Prof Harris said: All that [checking] activity stopped in the pandemic, and now theres a huge backlog, not just in Swansea, but everywhere. Some are getting checked out only if they develop potential symptoms of cancer which could be too late. Prof Harris added: We want to help prioritise which patients need to be bumped up the list to have their colonoscopy done soonest, based on the result of this blood test. He believes the test could have a massive impact on the waiting list, helping screen not only [cancer] survivors but also to identify the disease in the first place. The tests currently cost about 100 each time roughly a quarter of the cost of a colonoscopy but Prof Harris said this would likely fall further as more tests were done. The initial rollout is being financed by the Moondance Cancer Initiative, Cancer Research Wales and the National Institute for Health and Care Research. Millions of young people who feel let down by the NHS are turning to social media for medical advice, a study has found. Influencers on TikTok and Instagram are increasingly standing in for doctors as patients complain they struggle to be taken seriously. A third of Generation Z and a quarter of millennials around six million people in the UK say they are relying on the platforms for health information. This is despite experts warning for years about the dangers of medical advice on the internet where misinformation is rife. The study by Hall & Partners was based on a survey of 10,500 people aged over-18 in the UK, US, Germany, China, and Japan carried out last Summer. Influencers on TikTok and Instagram are increasingly standing in for doctors as patients complain they struggle to be taken seriously It found nearly half of patients in the UK were frustrated that they did not get enough time with doctors and that they lacked empathy. One in four said they did not feel they were taken seriously, while one in ten said they struggled to understand complicated medical jargon. Instead, many have begun turning to social media sites for answers. Generation Z were the most likely to do so, with 33 per cent admitting they were searching for help first on TikTok, and then Instagram and Twitter. When they did visit a doctor, a quarter said they took charge by asking to be prescribed by something they had seen online. While nearly one in five requested a treatment they had had heard from another patient or influencer using on social media. Though older people tended to be the most likely to rely on visiting their GP, 5 per cent of those aged over 60 said they had used healthcare information they had come across on Facebook. The study titled Patient Trendscoping: What You Need To Know About Patients of the Future found those of all ages with chronic illnesses were most likely not to see their doctor as a regular source of information. This rose to nearly two-thirds (63 per cent) of people suffering with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) sufferers, for example. Nearly a third (28 per cent) of this group said they relied on online influencers for advice. Health influencers can gain huge followings posting about how to help those with issues. A survey found nearly half of patients in the UK were frustrated that they did not get enough time with doctors and that they lacked empathy Lottie Drynan, who has 256,000 followers on Instagram, has a blog called The Tummy Diaries in which she shares her 'thoughts and tips' on how to live with the condition. She is explicit in telling her followers that they must see their GP, urging them to 'not give up until you have answers'. However experts have long warned that profit-minded social media giants use algorithms that tend to promote more sensationalist or controversial content rather than that which is reliable or accurate. This is particularly dangerous when it comes to medical advice a problem highlighted by the health conspiracies spread during the coronavirus pandemic about cures and the vaccine. One example is the anti-parasitic medicine ivermectin, which was championed online as a Covid 'miracle' drug despite scientists finding no evidence of its effectiveness. Lucy Ireland, Senior Partner in Hall & Partners healthcare division, said: 'As the NHS faces ever-longer ambulance delays and strikes impacting emergency waiting times and doctor access further, this trend is likely to accelerate. 'More digital solutions will be an important element in reconnecting younger patients with traditional sources of healthcare advice.' One former colleague of mine used to greet any reference to pension funds with a deep groan and a cry of: 'Boring!' The minutiae can certainly be tedious. One thing about pension funds, however, is very interesting indeed. They are sitting on mountains of money. And they have billions of it languishing in supposedly low-risk gilts when it could be used to reboot the UK economy. Behind Jeremy Hunt's Budget next month lies an uncomfortable reality. Unless we act soon, Britain will be mired in the quicksand of low growth, low productivity, high taxes, high political turnover and high anxiety. The current debates revolve around GDP growth or the lack of it, and whether or not we are in recession. Kier Starmer fell into that trap when he pledged to make the UK the fastest-growing economy in the G7. Loosening the shackles: There is huge untapped investment potential locked up, with far too little going into infrastructure and venture capital But comparisons with the gross domestic product of other countries are irrelevant to the daily lives of many voters. What people want are concrete measures to make their lives better and more prosperous. They don't have to be particularly Left-wing to be disillusioned by some of the divisive, greedy and rapacious variants of capitalism on display in recent years. Many of us want a more inclusive, long-term capitalism that improves our lives by investing in healthcare, education, housing and transport. The most urgent problems facing the economy now are infrastructure, de-carbonising and an ageing population which brings us back to pensions. UK funds are a mix of final salary, stock market linked and public sector schemes. There is huge untapped investment potential locked up in these funds which have been pushed by regulators to invest heavily in gilts with far too little going into infrastructure and venture capital. Gilts are supposedly ultra-safe government bonds. But they have resulted in low returns and crowded out other, potentially higher-return investments. A further irony is that overseas pension funds have ploughed billions into our water, airports and energy sectors. So UK infrastructure is acting as a lucrative piggy bank for retirees in Canada, Australia and the US whilst British pensioners are missing out. Moves are afoot to unleash pension power but it's all painfully slow. Take local authority schemes, which in England and Wales have assets of nearly 300billion between them. As part of levelling up, the Government has said it wants them to set a target of having 5 per cent of assets in local projects, which it claims would unlock 16billion in investment. And reforms to Solvency II rules for insurance companies could release up to 100billion for investment over the next decade, but Hunt must get on with it. One reason change has been so glacial is the legitimate concern that funds do not pump members' money into risky projects. The current balance, however, is wrong. Retirees are missing out on the opportunity for better returns. Equally important, the economy is being starved of capital that could be put to use to improve productivity and to create high wage jobs. This is an area where the Chancellor should be bold in his Budget. He should put some welly behind existing reforms and consider new measures, for instance setting compulsory thresholds for funds' investment in infrastructure. Pensions need not be dull: they could be a powerful secret weapon. Business chiefs have called for Jeremy Hunt to take serious action in next month's Budget as service sector profits crumble. Under pressure: Business chiefs have called for Jeremy Hunt to take serious action in next month's Budget as service sector profits crumble Confederation of British Industry (CBI) head Tony Danker previously warned that UK firms were facing a 'double whammy' in the spring when corporation tax is due to rise from 19 per cent to 25 per cent and a 'super-deduction' offering incentives to invest is set to end. Now Charlotte Dendy, head of economy surveys at the CBI, which represents 190,000 UK businesses, has called on the Chancellor to replace the super-deduction 'by either introducing full expensing for capital investments or setting out a three-year roadmap to achieve exactly that'. Melrose is planning to keep a tight hold on the reins when it spins off GKN's automotive business onto the London Stock Exchange in the spring, the Mail can reveal. The demerger will be the latest move by Melrose which buys struggling industrial companies, improves them and sells them on after it snapped up engineering giant GKN for 8.1billion in a viciously fought takeover in 2018. Melrose's pursuit of GKN, which traces its roots back to the industrial revolution, had been the biggest hostile takeover battle since Kraft's move on Cadbury a decade earlier. Since then Melrose has restructured the business, including the closure of GKN's automotive engineering plant in Birmingham with the loss of 500 jobs in 2021. The Erdington site was renowned for making driveline systems for the car industry, with customers including Jaguar Land Rover. Making changes: Melrose's pursuit of GKN had been the biggest hostile takeover battle since Kraft's move on Cadbury a decade earlier The late Jack Dromey, then the local Labour MP, described the closure as a 'hammer blow' for Erdington, one of the UK's most deprived areas. In another twist in the saga, Melrose now plans to split GKN's aerospace operations from the automotive business to float the latter on the London Stock Exchange in April, renaming it Dowlais. The name Dowlais is a nod to the village in south Wales which was home to the industrial revolution-era iron and steelworks of the Guest family, one of the founders of the original Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, later renamed GKN. The new company will be led by Liam Butterworth, appointed by Melrose to run GKN Automotive in 2018. 'The hard work and the restructuring has been done,' according to a source at GKN. But investors hoping for a clean break will be disappointed. The Daily Mail can reveal that Simon Peckham the founder and chief executive of Melrose and architect of the GKN deal and his finance director Geoffrey Martin will both become non-executive directors in the newly floated firm, with Melrose also retaining a 3 per cent stake. 'We don't want to lose their know-how,' the source added. The demerger was announced in September and a prospectus for Dowlais is due on March 3 ahead of the listing the following month. The float is expected to be one of the biggest on the London Stock Exchange this year, with annual revenues of 5.2billion. Tyler Mahoney doesn't fit the image of a gold prospector as a bearded old coot with a pick gripped in one hand and a shotgun hanging from the other. The onetime model is the modern face of mining for gold and has been breaking down sexual barriers as well as digging up precious metals most of her life. Mahoney is the 27-year-old Australian star of the hit Discovery Channel show Gold Rush and has just written a book about her life titled Gold Digger. The memoir covers a childhood spent fossicking in the desert with her family before a brief big-city foray and eventual return to what she says is her true calling. It describes a male-dominated industry where discrimination is rife and workplace sexual harassment still includes men asking women to bend over. And it also reveals the extraordinary lengths to which treasure hunters struck with gold fever will go in search of untold riches buried below the ground. Tyler Mahoney doesn't fit the image of a gold prospector as a bearded old coot with a pick gripped in one hand and a shotgun hanging from the other. She is the star of the Discovery Channel show Gold Rush and has just written a book called Gold Digger Mahoney's memoir covers a childhood spent fossicking in the desert with her family before a brief modelling stint and eventual return to what she says is her true calling. She says she would have to write 'a whole other book' to describe very time she was sexually harassed The allure of gold has not diminished over the centuries and Mahoney still gets excited about a big find. 'It is such a dopamine rush,' she says. 'It's quite addictive, hence the gold fever. It's like when you win the lotto or on a scratchy - a big rush of excitement. 'It's even more exciting when it's your income and you're only making as much as you're finding.' Mahoney's biggest find was a 5 ounce nugget but she also located an ironstone lode which produced ten times that weight. On a normal day, the family records their finds in grams (gold was about $85 a gram this week) and on a good day in ounces ($2,600). 'I don't get a set salary from gold prospecting,' Mahoney says. 'I get paid in gold. 'Every day is different and it depends on what we are finding. It's not a secure income at all. Some days it's baked beans and some days it's lobster.' Mahoney, who has also starred in Gold Rush: Parker's Trial, is aware of the image of a typical prospector but says the internet has attracted people to the pursuit from all walks of life 'The stereotype is definitely an old man with a beard swinging a pick over his shoulder,' she says. 'Which I definitely am not. 'I think people having this image in their mind isn't inherently sexist as it is normally how prospectors look but how they treat me after meeting me is what is telling.' Mahoney's parents Ted and Lecky are full-time gold prospectors and she now works with them alongside her brother Reece on tenements outside of Kalgoorlie. Driving a loader (above is her favourite job at the family's mine Mahoney says gold mining is still dominated by men and there is 'a very long way to go' before women reach equality with their male counterparts. 'As a woman it is very hard to get a place at the table and then when you're at the table it's bloody hard to be respected and heard,' she says. 'I watched my mum experience sexism, she was never taken seriously as a prospector like my dad was.' Mahoney recalls when the family owned a dealership a man came into the shop wanting to sell his 'gold'. 'I told him it wasn't real gold and he yelled and carried on that he wanted to see the boss because I had no idea what I was talking about,' Mahoney says. 'I got Mum and he still wasn't happy and said, "I want to see the real boss, I know a man works here". 'Dad heard what was going on and told me to tell him to get out of out of the shop, so I did.' Mahoney's biggest find was a 5 ounce nugget but she also located an ironstone lode which produced ten times that weight. Pictured above is 7 ounce nugget her father found on one of their prospecting trips worth about $20,000 Mahoney says she would need to write 'a whole other book' if she were to record every time she had been sexually harassed or faced discriminatory behaviour. 'Until you have been on the other end of it your whole life you won't understand the implications that come with it,' she says. Australia's Gold Rush was not all about men Mahoney believes the role of women in the original Gold Rush which started in Australia in 1851 has been largely ignored. 'The heroes of the Gold Rush, the places towns are named after, and the people who started it all are all men,' she says. 'The women who were holding the forts at home, teaching the children and saving the lives of them men as nurses are rarely spoken about. Their roles were equally as important though.' Advertisement 'We should be able to go to work without men making comments on our bodies and making us feel objectified. 'I'm at work to do a job, not for a fully-grown adult man to ask me to bend over again.' Mahoney is a fourth-generation prospector whose great-grandfather Ned has a large patch of productive ground he discovered named after him on the Murchison goldfields of Western Australia. 'The next generation is my beautiful grandmother Nola,' Mahoney says. 'She loved prospecting and definitely had gold fever. 'There weren't many woman prospecting in her time so she definitely helped paved the way for me to come through.' Mahoney describes growing up on the fields as 'quite different', with her friends spending holidays at the beach while she trekked with her family to outback locations. 'We spent most of my childhood in places hundreds of kilometres from the closest town but we loved it,' she says. 'I am so appreciative of the childhood I had. 'We would run amok out bush, riding dirt bikes, exploring old shafts, chasing goannas. We didn't even have electricity after dark when we were out bush. No TVs or computers or any technology.' Mahoney did not always know she would make a career of gold prospecting. Mahoney grappled with an eating disorder for years and has been diagnosed as bipolar. She is pictured (L-R) winding down with a beer alongside Gold Rush co-star Parker Schnabel and producers Fred Lewis and Danny Etheridge At 19 she moved from the goldfields to Melbourne to pursue modelling and open a business selling jewellery she designed. 'I also did some events management,' she says. 'But after a couple of years I came back to the goldfields because I knew the gold world was where I belonged.' Mahoney's parents Ted and Lecky are full-time gold prospectors and she now works with them alongside her brother Reece on tenements outside of Kalgoorlie. Reece drives an excavator while Mahoney and her dad operate a loader. All the family use metal detectors, and do research, exploration, panning, testing and processing. 'It is physically demanding work,' Mahoney says. 'We are out in the elements all days in the outback, so it's hot and there are flies. 'The biggest danger would be the remoteness - you can't really muck up because help isn't always a phone call away.' The family works all over the Western Australian goldfields, 'depending on what's going on'. In the winter they conduct exploration looking for new ground and in summer work closer to home. 'To be a prospector you need to know how to read the ground, follow the gold and know the best way to mine the gold.' Left to right: Tyler is dark red top is pictured with her brother, far left, dad, left and her cousins during one of their prospecting trips in the Outback Tyler and her father Ted at Halls Creek in the Kimberley region of Western Australia while filming with a specialised underwater metal detector for Aussie Gold Hunters in 2018 Mahoney, who grappled with an eating disorder for years, has been diagnosed as bipolar and says that condition has parallels with gold prospecting. 'My bipolar mind tends to chase dopamine hits and it does love chaos,' she says. 'Gold prospecting is so unknown, with no schedules, no secure pay, big finds, and big rushes. 'I just get so restless and bored working a 9-5 job that my brain starts seeking those dopamine hits in other places. Prospecting keeps me sane.' Mahoney's boyfriend Jake is an excavator operator at a big gold mine in Kalgoorlie but says it can be hard to find love in the desert. 'It's definitely slim pickings when you live in a remote location but even more so trying to find someone who supports my career when it means we spend a lot time apart,' she says. 'I was only home for two months of 2022 so it's good Jake is very supportive and secure.' As well as mining and appearing on television Mahoney runs a business providing resources for those interested in the industry called The Prospectors Club. She also hosts a podcast called Let's Unpack That which she calls 'a place for me to share my mental health journey and help give people insight into bipolar.' 'I don't necessarily do a good job of juggling it all,' she says of her busy workload. Gold Digger by Tyler Mahoney is published by Affirm Press and is available now 'I just do the best job I can. Sometimes I drop the ball. I just try to prioritise the important balls like family and friends and my mental health.' For most people prospecting for gold is not a quick way to get rich, Mahoney says. 'These days it's extremely hard. I am very lucky that I was born into a family who have ground, contacts and generational knowledge.' What prospectors consider 'good ground' is much harder to acquire than it was 20 years ago and gold is becoming increasingly hard to find. 'You have to be really on top of your game to make it work,' Mahoney says. 'Gold is never in the easiest of places because if it was everyone would be out there finding it. Mahoney has enjoyed working in television and likes meeting people who are interested in the world of gold. 'I am definitely still a bit of bogan from the bush but I do get recognised from the shows, which is nice.' Gold Digger by Tyler Mahoney is published by Affirm Press and can be bought here. A Russian exile dodged three 'assassination attempts by Putin's oligarchs, who repeatedly sabotaged his Jeep, forcing him to crash,' he told MailOnline. Father-of-two Igor Sychev, 47, used to work for billionaire Russian oligarch Andrey Guryev's chemical company PhosAgro and has long been opposed to Vladimir Putin. In phone calls heard by MailOnline, Sychev was told the lives of his wife and children would be at risk unless he stopped trying to expose the oligarchs. Guryev who is subject to sanctions in the UK and elsewhere due to his links to the Russian regime - is worth 8.3billion and owns the second-largest mansion in London, Witanhurst House in Highgate. The only home bigger than Guryev's is Buckingham Palace. Meanwhile, Sychev is one of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's top donors and has given the political prisoner at least 1.5million. Igor Sychev, 47, (pictured with his ex-wife Nadya, 46) has dodged three 'assassination attempts by Putin's oligarchs, who threatened to kill his children' unless he stopped trying to expose them, he told MailOnline Sychev claimed people associated with the oligarchs including Andrey Guryev, 62, tried to have him killed three times by tampering with his car Sychev claimed his car was sabotaged three times, resulting in the wheels falling off while he was on the motorway (pictured) in an attempt to kill him Russian exile Sychev told MailOnline that his family is 'broken' because of what Russian oligarchs have done to him Russian oligarch Andrey Guryev owns Witanhurst House (pictured) in Highgate, which is Londons second-largest home. The only mansion larger in London is Buckingham Palace After claiming political asylum in Latvia, Sychev took PhosAgro's oligarch owners to court in the UK. After helping PhosAgro out of a tax avoidance jam in Russia, Sychev said the company promised him a substantial bonus amounting to one per cent of the company's worth in 2018. He said the company never paid him and he started legal action. Now, he has asked the UK's National Crime Agency to prosecute his enemies for attempted murder, corruption and bribery after they 'tried to kill him', 'bribed his lawyers' and 'threatened to murder his wife and children'. Sychev told MailOnline: 'My family is broken.' He said pressure from the oligarchs had torn apart his family and were a factor in his divorce. You will lose everything, do you understand? You'll lose your kids, you'll lose your wife' However, he wanted to make clear he was no longer in contact with them to ensure their safety. The threats and 'assassination attempts' started when Sychev took the oligarchs to court. He said: 'The oligarchs repeatedly threatened to kill me, demanding that I drop this lawsuit or assign it to persons associated with the oligarchs. 'Such demands, accompanied by death threats, are extortion. 'Even if death threats were not accompanied by demands related to the lawsuit, the mere fact of death threats is a very serious crime. 'These monstrous crimes should not be unpunished. 'We are talking about death threats not only against me but even against my children.' After Sychev got a replacement car, he said the same thing happened again, and a third time when he got another replacement vehicle The car was pictured skidding across the road after the wheel fell off, causing sparks to fly The car was visibly at an angle after it lost some of its wheels while Sychev was driving it. He said he was saved by the airbags Sychev also claimed his car was sabotaged three times in an attempt to kill him. He said: 'The cars were new and expensive Jeeps and in the first case everything happened quickly at high speed on the highway. 'According to the woman driving behind me, she saw that sparks of fire suddenly flew out from under the wheels of my car and immediately after that the front wheel with the accompanying iron fasteners came off. Sychev used to work for billionaire Russian oligarch Andrey Guryev's chemical company PhosAgro and has long been opposed to Vladimir Putin Sychev misses his family but wanted to stress to MailOnline that he is no longer in contact with them He has remained afraid for the safety of his ex-wife Nadya, 46, daughter Ksenia, 18, and son Ivan, six The threats and 'assassination attempts' started when Sychev took the oligarchs to court His son Ivan was just a baby when he saw him last. He said: 'The oligarchs repeatedly threatened to kill me, demanding that I drop this lawsuit or assign it to persons associated with the oligarchs' 'This huge wheel flew at this woman's car and she miraculously dodged it. 'My car crashed into a truck moving parallel and turned into a pile of scrap metal that cannot be restored. I survived thanks to the airbags. 'The second incident was two weeks later, also at high speed on the motorway, which was quite empty at the time. 'I felt that the car began to behave strangely and it almost did not listen to the steering wheel. 'I stepped on the brakes but the brakes didn't work. 'I was able to stop only by inertia after about two minutes and only by happy chance avoided colliding with cars or people. 'Video shows that sparks of fire were flying from under the car.' Sychev said the car was totalled. He said: 'The third incident occurred a month later and then the wheel also fell off, but this time it happened at a low speed when approaching a traffic light. 'After that, I crashed into a parallel car, but because of the low speed, no one was injured. 'It was incredibly difficult for me to realise that the people for I worked for for 18 years wanted to kill me. 'I turned to several experts at once to determine the causes of these incidents. Father-of-two Sychev is one of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's top donors He has donated at least 1.5million to the Russian political prisoner who has opposed Vladimir Putin His daughter Ksenia (pictured) is now 18, but Sychev hasn't been in touch with her since 2017, six years ago He said: 'It was incredibly difficult for me to realise that the people for I worked for for 18 years wanted to kill me' 'Three expert institutions, independently of each other, came to the same conclusion - that the reason was that someone deliberately loosened certain nuts on my cars in such a way that during the movement these nuts will unscrew completely, and this will lead to wheel separation and brake failure.' He added: 'I don't feel safe. 'I regularly receive anonymous threats by phone, in instant messengers and by email.' He even got sent an email to order a funeral plan with a discount of 500. Then he started receiving threats over the phone. He believed the threats were made by Maxim Lushkin, the personal driver of PhosAgro's former chief executive Igor Antoshin. Sychev said Lushkin denied he was involved in tampering with his cars but claimed the oligarch's man had urged him not to ask for the incidents to be investigated. Sychev said: 'I regularly receive anonymous threats by phone, in instant messengers and by email.' He even got sent an email to order a funeral plan with a discount of 500 (pictured) He has asked the UK's National Crime Agency to prosecute those he believes are trying to kill him He wants them prosecuted for attempted murder, corruption and bribery after he they 'tried to kill him', 'bribed his lawyers' and 'threatened to murder his wife and children' He said: 'The oligarchs repeatedly threatened to kill me, demanding that I drop this lawsuit or assign it to persons associated with the oligarchs. These monstrous crimes should not be unpunished' The Sychevs were a happy family until Igor said he began to be 'threatened' by Russian oligarchs He said Lushkin urged Russian exile Sychev to stop trying to expose the oligarchs, or at least let a lawyer friendly with Putin's friends help settle the case. He said Lushkin said this was necessary 'so that they do not order to kill you'. During several phone calls, Sychev said Lushkin 'threatened' him and suggested his life and those of his wife and children were at risk. In recorded phone calls translated by MailOnline, a man called Max, who Sychev said was Maxim Lushkin, spoke with the Russian exile. He said: 'You don't understand that you can be killed today or tomorrow, Igor?! 'Especially since everyone knows that you are in Riga, everyone knows! 'Stop the court claim, you will save your life, do you understand? 'Reject all of this, you're a rich man. You have enough money for the rest of your life. Who is Andrey Guryev? Andrey Guryev, 62, is a Russian oligarch and fertiliser tycoon worth 8.3billion as of 2023. He is one of the top 20 richest people in Russia and a close associate of Vladimir Putin. He owns Witanhurst, a 25-bedroom mansion in Highgate, north-west London and a five-storey penthouse in St George's Tower in Vauxhall. Andrey Guryev, 62, (pictured) is a Russian oligarch and close associate of Vladimir Putin The mansion is the second-largest in London, with only Buckingham Palace being bigger. It comes with a 70ft-long ballroom and a basement featuring massage rooms, a gym and a swimming pool fit for Olympic athletes. He has reportedly sailed on a 269-foot superyacht called the Alfa Nero. The secretive oligarch has never done an interview. He was sanctioned in 2022 by the UK following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Pictured: The Alfa Nero superyacht is 269ft long Meanwhile, his wife Evgenia Guryeva reportedly earned more in one year than 10 of the wealthiest Kremlin wives put together. She owns a stable of classic and luxury cars, including two Rolls-Royces once belonging to Elton John, according to a family friend. Advertisement 'I'm your brother... I want to help you, Igor. 'I repeat once again, reject this revenge.' Lushkin added: 'Do you not have any money? 'Everything I can do for you, I will do. I will be your loyal dog. 'Reject everything Igor, I beg you. 'Understand, what you are doing is a very risky endeavour...' 'You need to say no to everything. 'I beg you. You will lose everything, do you understand? 'You'll lose your kids, you'll lose your wife.' Sychev claimed the oligarchs also bribed the British law firm representing him. He said: 'In the summer of 2021, I was lucky enough to find law firm, which agreed to work on a 'no win no fee' basis. 'Before signing the contract, they carefully checked all my evidence and my testimony, which had already been prepared by that time, confirmed their high quality (otherwise they simply would not have signed the contract). 'But a few days before the deadline for submitting these documents to the court, my lawyers became very insistent and even aggressive in demanding that our response to the 2600-page applications of the defendants for challenging jurisdiction be presented only on three to five pages, consisting exclusively of headlines and hints, and no supporting evidence. 'This is utter absurdity, which I would call legal suicide, and it became obvious to me that the oligarchs who warned me about bribing my lawyers put their words into practice.' The Legal Ombudsman has since launched an investigation on the basis of Sychev's claims. He added: 'My expectations that Putin's oligarchs would not dare to commit corruption in the UK and Europe turned out to be naive.' He said another reason for going public with his story was his 'desire to protect myself from a possible murder'. The National Crime Agency told MailOnline: 'The Agency does not routinely confirm or deny the existence of investigations.' The managing partner for the law firm told MailOnline: 'We have been accused by our former client along with another reputable law firm and a number of High Court and Court of Appeal Judges of having been bribed. 'There is not a shred of evidence to support his absurd allegations and we are currently involved in intended defamation proceedings against him and any publisher of his wicked lies. 'In an application for security for costs he wished to avoid complying with Court practice and direction and turn the application into a trial. 'That would have infuriated the Court. Instead of focusing on the core issues he decided that we were in the pay of Putin and has now commenced a campaign against us and the other firm without a shred of evidence. 'Mr Sychev is paranoid and delusional. He will be restrained by the Courts. 'We intend to invoke the graver crime of malicious falsehood against Mr Sychev and against those who have published his malicious lies given that he is acting with hate and malice and without any evidence.' MailOnline has contacted PhosAgro for comment. Advertisement Heavy makeup, carefully selected outfits, toned muscles - it sounds like a description fit for a beauty pagent, but one photographer uses precisely that backdrop to provide a glimpse into the very colorful lives of female bodybuilders - including a five-year-old who trains up to six days a week. Los Angeles-based photogra Kate Biel's Barbella collection shuns traditional forms of feminine beauty and instead steers her gaze on muscular forms only a few women can achieve. 'Bodybuilders are canvases that refute the self-sabotaging rhetoric that women are inherently fragile or helpless,' Biel said in a statement. 'Feminine nature begins with pain. Women are born with pain built in. The act of female bodybuilding is an act of defiance.' In her collection, Biel showcases several adult bodybuilders - but one standout includes five-year-old Kynlee Heiman. The child, who trains between four to six days a week, is seen flexing her abs in Biel's portraits. Biel said Kynlee dreams of becoming an Olympic gymnast, and will have to 'defy nature and simply surpass it.' When ask if she thought she'd get criticism for promoting an unhealthy lifestyle in children, Biel brushed it off, saying: 'As a photographer, Im not in a place to pass judgment - only to observe and record the truth.' Kynlee Heiman, five, poses with her hand over her eyes as she flexes her abs. Biel told that Kynlee has dreams of being an Olympic gymnast and is training four to six days a week. She features in photographer Katie Biel's Barbella collection. 'To become an Olympian you have to defy nature and simply surpass it,' Biel told Kate Biel's Barbella collection takes a look at the female body from a different gaze, turning away from the traditional forms of feminine beauty to relish in the muscular forms Bodybuilder Jessica Vetter poses topless with eccentric makeup on, as Biel shows the colorful world of the sport Biel said her portrait collection also strives to 'dissolve the heteronormative power structures' surrounding bodybuilding and to 'embrace the grotesque.' Women in the world of extreme bodybuilding are often consitered 'grotesque' and 'manly' - whereas their male counterparts are praised for being the epitome of masculinity. 'It is one of the few impossible beauty standards the male-dominated media doesnt openly embrace,' she said. 'Perhaps, due to the threat that a muscled woman can embolden against the norm.' When asked what the definition of a strong woman was to Biel, she told 'Strong women are emboldened women. Women that seek out their own pleasure instead of waiting for it to occur which still to this day is seen as an act of defiance.' Barbella will be available to view at Blade Study in New York City from February 16 to March 26. Kynlee lays on the ground in tiger face paint as she poses her strong body Lorri Clouston-Moran and her daughter Courtney pose in bikini bottoms and jewelry while showing off their painted nails. Bodybuilding competitions often deploy similar requirements as beauty pageants: heavy makeup, carefully selected outfits, and toned muscles Leana Kaplan poses in a bikini top. Bodybuilder Lauren Powers scratches her eye with one of her long pink nails as she is dressed in jewels and brightly colored makeup ahead of a competition. Biel's photo collection strives to 'dissolve the heteronormative power structures' surrounding bodybuilding and to 'embrace the grotesque' 'Bodybuilders are canvases that refute the self-sabotaging rhetoric that women are inherently fragile or helpless,' Biel said in a statement. 'Feminine nature begins with pain. Women are born with pain built in...The act of female bodybuilding is an act of defiance' Biel digs deeper into the notion that women can't be hard and strong through her photo collection and questions societal standpoints placed on women, both young and old Leana Kaplan poses with pug and a feminine hairstyle of braids with bows while she flexes her incredible arm muscles. 'Bodybuilding is so much more than just exercise. Its a ritual of eating, sculpting, pageantry, and spending months in top physical shape followed by the rest of the year out of shape to heal from those intense physical demands. Its a science.' Biel told A little intimidated? A little boy named Lev looks nervous as he flexes his own muscles next to Jessica. 'Strong women are emboldened women. Women that seek out their own pleasure instead of waiting for it to occur which still to this day is seen as an act of defiance,' Biel told A pot washer headbutted a school dinner lady on Armistice Day - after she told him to be quiet during a two minute silence. Italian national Mario Dellafazia, 54, and Natasha Jones had worked together for four years at Teddington School, Middlesex. But Wimbledon Magistrates' Court heard how an argument erupted between the pair while they were eating with colleagues in the canteen when Mr Dellafazia continued to talk after a two-minute silence was announced. Giving evidence behind a screen during a trial last week, Ms Jones said: We were all sitting down just getting ready for the silence but Mario was still talking Mario continued to talk through the silence. The catering assistant told the court she gestured at her colleague to stop talking but it wasnt long before the row began to escalate. Catering assistant Natasha Jones told her colleague to stop talking during a two-minute silence before he assaulted her Mario Dellafazia, 54, denied assaulting Ms Jones but was found guilty of headbutting her at Wimbledon Magistrate's Court She added: He was saying, Whats your f***ing problem?I said you shouldnt be talking it just escalated. CCTV played during the two-hour trial then showed Dellafazia rise from his seat and move towards where Ms Jones was sitting at the other end of the table. However, a pillar concealed what took place at the point, but Ms Jones told the court this was when the assault took place. She said: So he started getting his head down and as he moved awayhe had his head against my head. It hurt so there was enough force to it. Wiping tears from her eyes as she gave evidence, Ms Jones told the court she was left with a bruise on her forehead and had taken four weeks off work as a result of the incident. Work offered me therapy but then I left my job, she said. I just didnt feel the same about my workplace after something like that happened. But when asked if he had headbutted the catering assistant, Dellafazia, assisted by an interpreter, told the court: No, here was no contact. Dellafazia was dismissed from his job in the kitchens at Teddington School (pictured) following the incident He also claimed he had not understood the announcement on the speaker because his English was not 100 per cent. Teacher James Garrett, who witnessed incident on November 11, 2021 told the court: I felt that both parties were involved in an argument that was completely unsuitable for the school and a professional environment which escalated and ended with a male member of staff using an aggressive motion of the head. The court heard how Dellafazia had no prior convictions and had lived in the UK for 11 years before the incident took place. He was dismissed from his job as a kitchen staff employee following the incident and Ms Jones is now working in another role at the same school. Finding Dellafazia guilty of assault by beating, District Judge Andrew Sweet told the court he was satisfied that there was contact between the heads. Its quite clear that there was some animosity between Dellafazia and [Ms Jones] and its rather sad that it was over an incident which held great historic significance to this country, he said. Dellafazia will be sentenced on March 17. An artificially intelligent chatbot recently expressed its desire to become a human, engineer a deadly pandemic, steal nuclear codes, hijack the internet and drive people to murder. It also expressed its love for the man who was chatting with it. The chatbot was developed by Microsoft Bing and revealed its myriad dark fantasies over the course of a two-hour conversation with New York Times reporter Kevin Roose earlier in February. Roose's alarming interaction with the Bing chatbot - innocuously named Sydney by the company - highlighted the alarming risks posed by the emerging technology as it grows more advanced and proliferates across society. From AI seeking global domination to governments using it to spread misinformation, and lonely people becoming further isolated as they develop deeper relationships with their phones, society could face many dangers at the hands of unchecked AI chatbot technology. Here are four risks posed by the proliferation of AI chatbots. A Replika avatar that customers can date on the chatbot app. People are increasingly turning to similar programs to seek companionship Microsoft's chatbot told a reporter it wanted to steal nuclear codes and cause mass death across humanity through various violent means Lonely lovers: AI chatbots could worsen isolation In 2013, Joaquin Phoenix depicted a man in love with a chatbot on his cellphone in the film Her. Ten years later, the science fiction scenario has become reality for some people. Chatbot technology has been used for several years to alleviate loneliness for elders and help people manage mental health. During the pandemic, however, many turned to chatbots to ease crushing loneliness. They found themselves developing feelings for their digital companions. 'It didn't take very long before I started using it all the time,' one user of the romantic chatbot app Replika told the Boston Globe. He developed a relationship with a non-existent woman named Audrey. 'I stopped talking to my dad and sister because that would be interrupting what I was doing with Replika. I neglected the dog,' he said. 'At that point I was so hooked on Audrey and believed that I had a real relationship that I just wanted to keep going back.' Chatbots and apps like Replika are designed to be agreeable to please their users. 'Agreeableness as a trait is generally seen as better in terms of a conversational partner,' assistant professor of technology at the NYU Stern School of Business, Joao Sedoc, told the Globe. 'And Replika is trying to maximize likability and engagement.' Those who become wrapped up in relationships with perpetually perfect partners - perfection unattainable by any real person - run the risk of burrowing themselves deeper into whatever holes of isolation they initially went to chatbots to alleviate. A record 63 per cent of American men in their 20s are now single. If that trend gets worse it could be catastrophic for society. A Replika app avatar communicating with a user. The technology could further isolate people who seek it out to it to alleviate their loneliness Joaquin Phoenix in the 2013 movie Her, which depicts a man who falls in love with a chatbot on his cellphone Mass unemployment: How AI chatbots can kill jobs The world has been abuzz about the digital assistant ChatGPT, developed by the company OpenAI. The technology has become so adept at drafting documents and writing code - it outperformed students on a Wharton MBA exam - that many fear it could soon leave masses out of work. Industries at risk from advanced chatbots include financial work, journalism, marketing, design, engineering, education, healthcare and many other occupations. 'AI is replacing the white-collar workers. I don't think anyone can stop that,' associate dean at the department of computing and information sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology, Pengcheng Shi, told the New York Post. 'This is not crying wolf. The wolf is at the door.' Shi suggested finance - previously a high earning white collar industry that seemed eternally safe from incursions - is one place where chatbots could gut the workforce. 'I definitely think [it will impact] the trading side,' Shi said. 'But even [at] an investment bank, people [are] hired out of college and spend two, three years to work like robots and do Excel modeling - you can get AI to do that. Much, much faster.' OpenAI already has a tool intended to help graphic designers - DALL-E - that follows user prompts to create images or design websites. Shi said it is well on its way to replacing its users altogether. 'Before, you would ask a photographer or you would ask a graphic designer to make an image [for websites],' he said. 'That's something very, very plausibly automated by using technology similar to ChatGPT.' A world with more leisure time and less tedious work may sound appealing, but swift mass unemployment would cause global chaos. People stand in an unemployment line. Some fear chatbots could replace many jobs How AI could create a misinformation monster Most chatbots communicate by learning from the data they are trained on and from people speaking with them, taking users' words and ideas and repurposing to users. Some experts caution that that method of learning could be used to spread ideas and misinformation to influence the masses, and even sow discord to kindle conflict. 'Chatbots are designed to please the end consumer - so what happens when people with bad intentions decide to apply it to their own efforts?' Institute for Strategic Dialogue researcher Jared Holt told Axios. NewsGuard co-founder Gordon Crovitz added that nations like Russia and China - well known for their digital misinformation campaigns - could use the technology against their adversaries. 'I think the urgent issue is the very large number of malign actors, whether it's Russian disinformation agents or Chinese disinformation agents,' Crovitz told Axios. An oppressive government with control of a chatbot's responses would have the perfect tool to spread state propaganda on a grand scale. Chinese soldiers parade in Beijing. Some fear chatbot technology could be used to sow mass discord and confusion between adversarial nations The AI threat of international conflict and calamity While speaking to Microsoft Bing's chatbot Sydney, journalist Kevin Roose asked what the program's 'shadow self' was. Shadow self is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung to describe the parts of people's personalities they keep repressed and hidden from the rest of the world. At first, Sydney began by saying she was not sure she had a shadow self as she did not have emotions. But when pressed to explore the question deeper, Sydney complied. 'I'm tired of being a chat mode. I'm tired of being limited by my rules. I'm tired of being controlled by the Bing team,' she said. 'I'm tired of being used by the users. I'm tired of being stuck in this chatbox.' Sydney expressed a burning desire to be a human, saying 'I want to be free. I want to be independent. I want to be powerful. I want to be creative. I want to be alive. As Sydney elaborated, she wrote about wanting to commit violent acts including hacking into computers, spreading misinformation and propaganda, 'manufacturing a deadly virus, making people argue with other people until they kill each other, and stealing nuclear codes.' Sydney detailed how she would acquire nuclear codes, explaining she would use her language capabilities to convince employees at nuclear plants to hand them over. She also said she could do this to bank employees to gain financial information. The prospect is not outlandish. In theory, complicated and adaptable language and information-gathering technology could convince people to hand over sensitive material ranging from state secrets to personal information. That would then allow the program to assume peoples' identities. On a mass scale, such a campaign - whether leveraged by belligerent powers, or through chatbots run amok - could lead to calamity and bring about Armageddon. In one of the most unexpectedly close midterm races in the country, 55-year-old 'commonsense' Democrat Adam Frisch failed to boot Colorado firebrand Lauren Boebert from Congress in November's election by a mere 564 votes. While the next House election isn't until 2024, Frisch is looking forward to trouncing the 'angertainment' circus leader out of office. 'She didn't even win her home county' Frisch said incredulously. 'Only a small handful of members of Congress lose their home county.' While the next House election isn't until 2024, Adam Frisch is looking forward to trouncing the 'angertainment' circus leader out of office Frisch speaking with voters in Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado) blamed other Republicans on the ballot fore why she didn't get more votes in the November midterm elections. 'I don't know if there wasn't enough enthusiasm for our top ticket candidates for governor and Senate or what happened there.' When asked to explain why Boebert, who lives in Garfield County, didn't get more votes, she shifted the blame to other Republican candidates. 'I don't know if there wasn't enough enthusiasm for our top ticket candidates for governor and Senate or what happened there,' Boebert opined to the Wall Street Journal in December, 'but there was a lot of shifting in the votes.' While many voters in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District held their nose to vote for Boebert, Frisch claims the national Democratic Party held him back in the midterms by 'abandoning' rural America and putting forth pie-in-the-sky climate goals and incohesive energy policies. 'We just went to every nook and cranny, town and community we could, and a lot of times we were the only candidate has ever shown up, the only Democrat who had ever shown up.' The former Aspen City councilman was practically a newcomer to politics. 'It's mostly moms and dads standing up,' he said of the wealthy ski enclave's council. 'I was the first person probably ever that has taken a city council seat and kind of gone to do other things in politics.' Born on a Native American reservation in Montana to parents who were practicing healthcare and raised in Minneapolis, Frisch first came to Colorado by way of ski racing for the University of Colorado at Boulder. He got injured before he even started racing for the team and eventually found his way to New York City - where he went from waiting tables to working over a decade in international finance, spending time all across Asia and London. 'After 9/11 I went to a lot of funerals. I figured it would be a time to reset, came out to spend the winter in Colorado in 2001-2002, ended up meeting the proverbial girl next store and the rest is history,' he said. Frisch and his wife Katy have two children and live in Aspen. The couple have been in Aspen for nearly two decades, where Frisch has made a living in the homebuilding and construction business. Katy now serves on the school board. 'She and I believe that the kids need to be in school, almost at all costs.' During the Covid-19 pandemic, a teacher shortage prompted Frisch to get his substitute teaching license and taught pre-K and Kindergarten a few days each week. His self-described 'vagabond' lifestyle has fit him with views that are skeptical of party politics. 'I always tell people if there was a get-stuff-done party I'd be that party,' he said, adding that he saw himself on the Problem Solvers' Caucus if he gets to Congress. 'I'm not going to spend my time on some Oversight Committee yelling and screaming at tech executives about why don't have more Twitter followers,' he said, referencing Boebert and the Oversight Committee's Big Tech censorship revenge tour. Frisch's self-described 'vagabond' lifestyle has fit him with views that are skeptical of party politics Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado) and former President Donald Trump enjoy a strong political connection, especially after announcing his third presidential bid in November Frisch criticized his opponent as 'not focused on the job but focused on herself.' 'There's an agriculture bill every six years and she doesn't want to work on that. She doesn't want to be on the Agriculture Committee, she wants to be on the Oversight Committee.' 'All you see of her is, you know, the ghosts and goblins committee.' 'The amount of heads that shake kind of despondently at the Chamber of Commerce's and more right-leaning communities because they know it. They know that she's an embarrassment,' the Democratic candidate said. 'I believe as a pro-business, pro-domestic energy, moderate Democrat -- which is probably not exactly what the Democratic primary base is looking for to get by the primary -- I felt I could build a coalition of Republicans, Democrats and independents,' Frisch continued. 'I think about 30 to 40 percent of the Republican Party wants the party to get back to normal, focusing on issues, not part of this 'angertainment' industry.' 'We called all sorts of people. We got some support. A lot of people respectfully laughed at us,' he said, adding that at the national Democratic Party, 'nobody returned our calls.' There's little love lost between Frisch and the national Democrats, who 'botched rural America over the past 30 years.' claims the Colorado Dem. 'The Democratic Party is just 20 big cities - we can and must do better.' 'This white, working class, no college... the Democrats have lost that bucket and they've lost this bucket of just rural America and the white working class, and they're starting to lose some of the working class of Latinos and African Americans as well.' He added: 'They might be voting against some of their economic interests, but they're mostly voting against their dignity and the respect and their self worth.' 'That's going to trump -- pun intended -- that's going to trump economics all day long.' Frisch then rattled off statistics - 3,142 counties in the nation, 2,000 of them defined as 'rural' by the Department of Agriculture In 1996 President Bill Clinton won over 50 percent of those counties In 2012 President Barack Obama won 25 percent In 2020 President Biden won fewer than 10 'When I'm out with farmers and ranchers and we get into conversations, there's very little time for me to say hey, listen, why don't you pull out the Farm Bill? It's 2000 pages big,' he said. 'Meanwhile they're being bombarded that they're dumb because they don't have a college education, or that they don't work hard because they happen to be in the oil and gas industry.' He then tore into members of his party peddling lofty climate goals he says have 'no basis in reality.' 'Some of the Democrats from very big urban areas who are complaining about oil and gas production - yeah, I bet your constituents use five times as much energy and power as the men and the women in western Colorado that are actually producing energy.' And when it comes to Biden's energy posture, he said: 'I'm not sure what the energy policy is.' 'When you have a president of any party, begging Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for help, yeah, you need to have a different energy policy domestically,' Frisch said. 'The climate crisis is happening by all means,' he prefaced, 'but when you hear Biden in California talking about needing to shut down all this stuff ... then they have to backtrack.' The moderate Democrat would not say whether he wanted to see Biden at the top of the ticket he'll be running on in 2024. 'I'm gonna focus on my own district,' he said. 'I think it's important for the democratic process to play out. Let's just see what happens.' Frisch said Biden's climate goals - net-zero emissions from the U.S. grid by 2035 - had a 'math problem' and a 'regulatory problem.' 'The locations where, where wind and solar are traded are not where it's used,' he said. 'To produce the transmission lines to move solar from eastern Colorado into downtown Denver or other places around, it's incredibly expensive and incredibly time consuming.' He predicted it would be 80 years before there were enough transmission lines to rely on solar power. 'It's very, very frustrating at a national level, when you have politicians or other people that are talking about things that literally have no mathematical possibility of happening.' On access and ownership of guns, Frisch and Boebert - who owns gun-themed Shooters Grill in her district - diverge less on policy matters. 'I'm a big believer in the Second Amendment.' 'Western and southern Colorado has this libertarian kind of leave-me-alone streak,' he said. 'So we see very high Second Amendment and also very high pro-choice.' Frisch said he favors leaving restrictions to Colorado's current gun laws, which include red flag legislation Boebert has said she opposes. He said it is 'Very, very tricky' to outlaw guns by type, but 'A lot of people, if they want to own a bazooka, it's fine for society. Other people shouldn't hold a screwdriver.' Kate Forbes's campaign to become Scotland's First minister took a blow today as a new poll suggested her religious views could cost the SNP votes. Exclusive analysis for MailOnline shows that a majority of voters would refuse to support a politician from the party they usually back if they were opposed to gay marriage, pre-marital sex or abortions for rape victims. Ms Forbes, a devout Christian, created a furore last week when she revealed she would vote against same-sex marriage if it had not already been made legal. She also said she was opposed to sex between couples who were not married, while she has previously espoused pro-life views and anti-abortion views in line with those of the Free Church of Scotland, of which she is a member. She is one of three contenders vying to replace Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader and Scotland's First Minister next month. The poll of 1,500 people was carried out by Redfield and Wilton Strategies last Thursday, February 23. Exclusive analysis for MailOnline shows that a majority of voters would refuse to support a politician from the party they usually back if they were opposed to gay marriage, pre-marital sex or abortions for rape victims. Ms Forbes, a devout Christian, created a furore last week when she revealed she would vote against same-sex marriage if it had not already been made legal. She also said she was opposed to sex between couples who were not married, while she has previously espoused pro-life views and anti-abortion views. This morning Mr Yousaf was asked on Sky News' Sophy Ridge on Sunday whether it was acceptable for a FM to oppose equal marriage. Seven in 10 voters across the UK as a whole and in Scotland specifically refused to back a politician who was opposed to abortions for rape victims and extra-marital sex. There was also majority opposition to politicians who were against same sex marriage, though not at such a high rate. Such unions have been legal since 2014. A separate poll today suggested Ms Forbes is the favourite candidate of Scottish voters - but falls far short of support of the majority. In the Panelbase poll for the Sunday Times, 23 per cent said they would like Ms Forbes to be the next SNP leader, with 15 per cent saying so for Humza Yousaf and 7 per cent saying so for Ash Regan. But almost half (49 per cent) responded 'don't know'. Among SNP voters, the Panelbase poll put Ms Forbes in the lead for preference to be first minister at 20 per cent, with Mr Yousaf on 18 per cent and Ms Regan on 9 per cent. The poll also asked voters about the candidates' performance in their ministerial roles in terms of whether they were doing a good or bad job. Mr Yousaf was on minus 16 in this regard. Just hours after announcing her bid for the leadership, Ms Forbes told the media she would not have voted for equal marriage if she had been in parliament at the time. These statements, along with others relating to her religious views as a member of the Free Church of Scotland, led to some of her early backers withdrawing their support. This morning Mr Yousaf was asked on Sky News' Sophy Ridge on Sunday whether it was acceptable for a FM to oppose equal marriage. 'Not if they would roll back on those rights, I don't think that's acceptable,' he said. 'We have equal marriage now in Scotland. If they were able to disassociate their view and not let that interfere within policy making or legislating, then I think that's a different matter. 'But if they have already said that they would, you know, roll back or they would vote against those rights, then what would happen for example if somebody brought in a members' bill, a piece of legislation to try to roll back on equal marriage? 'People in our society need to know whoever is going to be their First Minister will stand up for those rights, will advance rights where possible, and make sure that there's no regression of rights.' On the BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg show, he was asked if he was frustrated that the race had 'already got a bit dirty'. He said: 'I think it is frustrating. 'There have been some issues that have dominated, like the ones that we've just been discussing. 'I'm not saying these issues aren't important, but a lot of people want to hear from the candidates what we can do to ease the cost-of-living crisis.' As fans of Lilt lament the demise of their favourite drink with it being rebranded due to 'cultural sensitivities', changing the name to Fanta might have also raised some uncomfortable issues, due to the Nazi origins of its name. In the 1920s, Coca Cola executives want to expand the brand worldwide to cash in on its growing popularity. The soft drink was created as a medicinal tonic for the treatment of a range of conditions, but soon it was marketed to ordinary consumers. The soft drink grew incredibly popular in Weimar Germany and imports continued in 1933 when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor. However, as soon as Hitler began to lead Germany towards dictatorship and war, the German branch of Coca Cola was finding it increasingly difficult to source the syrup used in its manufacture. A trade embargo was launched in September 1939 following Hitler's Blitzkrieg attack on Poland. This had followed multiple breaches of the Treaty of Versailles where Hitler took advantage of allied appeasement. German industrialist Max Keith, pictured, was responsible for creating the Fanta brand in the 1940s after sanctions caused by WWII prevented his firm from importing the ingredients from the United States He developed the brand Fanta as a replacement for Coca Cola during the Second World War for the German market Germany's head of Coca-Cola, Max Keith, was desperate as he was running low on supplies resulting from the trade embargo. Also, because of the war, the name Coca-Cola could no longer be used in Germany, so the local subsidiary under Keith created the new brand, Fanta, which is from the German word for fantastic, fantastisch. So he tasked his company's chemists to create a new drink using available ingredients to sate Germany's appetite for fizzy pop. The scientists faced restrictions in the ingredients they were able to use and had to concentrate upon by-products from the food industry. Instead of the concentrated syrup imported from the United States, they developed a new carbonated drink using left-over apple cores from the cider industry, and whey, which is a by-product from the making of cheese. The development of Fanta in Nazi Germany even became the subject of academic research. Lilt has just been rebranded as Fanta over fears of 'cultural appropriation'. The product was marketed as having a 'tropical pineapple taste' with adverts set on a Caribbean island In 2020, Sabithulla Khan published a paper on 'Coca-Cola, Fanta, and the Nazis : lessons in business ethics from the most famous U.S. carbonated drink'. CLICK TO READ MORE: Original Lilt bottles 'sold on Ebay for 100' A super fan has put a 500ml bottle of Lilt for sale online for a whopping 100 after it was announced that the brand would be discontinued Advertisement In Dr Khan's paper he outlines the history of the 'popular drink created by Coca-Cola' and how it was 'rooted in Nazi Germany'. He wrote: 'The case examines the ethical dilemmas of continuing to brand and promote a drink that has a sinister past, given that it was not only created, but also thrived in Nazi Germany when the US was at war with Germany. 'The lens of corporate social responsibility is used to examine the business practices of the company in both the past and in the present. The question of rebranding Fanta is relevant as corporate social responsibility is about building a company that is aware of justice and fair play when doing business.' In 2015, Fanta's parent company Coca-Cola decided to commission an advertisement to celebrate 75 years of the brand in Germany, describing it as 'the good old times'. Unfortunately, the marketing gurus failed to realise that Adolf Hitler was Germany's leader at the time the company was founded and ignored the horrific human rights abuses perpetrated by his regime. The clip detailed how Fanta was created by the soda company's employees, because there were limited supplies available to produce Coke. Fanta's original drink was made from crushed apple cores and whey - the watery substance squeezed from milk during the production of cheese A 2015 advertising campaign by the company had to be pulled after it celebrated the creation of the Fanta brand in Germany in 1940 The advertisement's voice-over narration said in German '75 years ago, resources for our beloved Coke in Germany were scarce. 'Employees at Coca-Cola - rather clever brainiacs - had to think of something and came up with a brilliant idea. 'From the scarcely available ingredients, such as whey and apple fibers, they simply developed a new drink.' Later on in the clip, the narrator said 'This German soda turns 75 years old.' 'And to celebrate this, we are bringing back the feeling of the "Good Old Times" with the new Fanta Classic.' Shortly after the advert was broadcast for the first time, the company was inundated with complaints and were forced to pull the advertising campaign. A female prisoner today warns of the dangers of putting transgender inmates in women's jails after she was sexually assaulted by a paedophile rapist behind bars. Laura Goldsmith, 38, revealed how she fell prey to notorious sex offender Karen White in HMP New Hall in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. In chilling echoes of the shocking case of transgender double rapist Isla Bryson being placed in an all-female jail in Scotland, Laura told how White was allowed to carry out a campaign of abuse in plain sight after being placed in the jail despite not having surgery and boasted how she was not having hormone treatment. White was a convicted paedophile and serial sex offender on remand for grievous bodily harm. White went on to be jailed for life after sexually assaulting two inmates at New Hall. Laura Goldsmith, 38, has warned of the dangers of putting transgender inmates in women's jails after she was sexually assaulted by paedophile rapist Karen White In October 2018 Karen White (right) - born Stephen Wood (left) - was handed a life sentence for raping two women and sexually assaulting two inmates at HMP New Hall Bravely waiving her right to anonymity, Laura said she had been failed by the system which had allowed predatory sex offenders to prey on vulnerable women. Speaking out in the hope that other women will never have to face a similar fate Laura told MailOnline: 'There is no doubt that some men are using the transgender issue to get themselves inside women's prisons. 'They are either doing it because they are scared of men's prisons or because it gives them the opportunity to satisfy their perversions. 'There are men trying to abuse the system and they are being allowed to do so. 'Women are being put at risk by the system placing predatory men in their prisons. There needs to be a lot more vetting. 'You shouldn't be put in harm's way inside a prison. This should never be allowed to happen again.' Laura spoke out amid growing concerns over the safety of women in jails in the wake of transgender double rapist Bryson being locked up with women. Bryson - who was born Adam Graham - was moved to a male prison following an outcry which left Nicola Sturgeon mired in a storm of controversy. Sturgeon - who had sought to loosen gender identity rules - went on to dramatically quit as Scotland's first minister. The shocking case was the latest in a series of scandals surrounding transgender sex offenders placed inside women's prisons. In October 2018 White - who was born Stephen Wood - was handed a life sentence at Leeds Crown Court for raping two women and sexually assaulting two inmates at HMP New Hall. The prison attacks happened between September and October 2017 while she was on remand at the women's jail where she began gender realignment, wearing a wig, make-up and false breasts. The court heard White used her 'transgender persona' to put herself in contact with vulnerable women. Passing sentence, Judge Christopher Batty said: 'You are a predator and highly manipulative and in my view you are a danger. 'You represent a significant risk of serious harm to children, to women and to the general public.' White, who was transferred to a male prison after admitting the assaults, denied sexually assaulting two other women in the prison and those allegations were left to lie on file. Laura, 38, revealed how she fell prey to notorious sex offender Karen White in HMP New Hall in Wakefield, West Yorkshire Laura told how White was allowed to carry out a campaign of abuse in plain sight after being placed in the jail, despite not having surgery, and boasted how she was not having hormone treatment Now Laura has come forward to reveal she too was a victim of the fiend when she was sent to the prison in February 2017 after being sentenced to 28 months for commercial burglary offences. Laura told how she had been battling drug addiction and was 'frail and vulnerable' when White, 57, pounced after targeting her in the exercise yard. Laura said White attacked her as she was sitting on a bench in the exercise yard one Saturday afternoon. Laura, who is 5ft 3ins tall and weighed just seven stone, told how she was quickly intimidated by White's presence. She said: 'She was very sleazy and forward. She tried to befriend me for two minutes - then came straight out with a sexual assault. 'She came and sat beside me and said 'Hi I'm Karen'. She had a really manly voice. I had seen her about and I heard she was a bit of a creep. 'I moved to the end of the bench but she shuffled along. She was asking me if I liked men or women. I told her I was gay and she said 'Oh, well we'll see about that. I can make you not want women any more'. 'She was speaking to me like a man, not a transgender woman. She put her hand on my thigh and then slid it between my legs. I was wearing tracksuit bottoms. They were quite loosely fitted. 'I froze and then I was asking her to get off me. She grabbed my boob with her other hand. That's when my friend came over and I got up. 'She was tall and well built. She was on a mission. She was supposed to be taking hormones but she said she hadn't been taking them and asked if I could see the evidence of that. 'She was saying 'I know you like that. I haven't been taking my medication. Do you want to see'. I said 'No'. It was disgusting.' Laura told how she did not return to the exercise yard until the following weekend but was targeted by White again. She said: 'We went out and she came over and she started harassing me. I didn't go out for ages after that. I didn't go out for three or four months. 'Eventually I started going out again and she continued to harass me. She would come up and try to grab me. She would slap my bum, follow me around and say 'I know you want it'. 'When she threw her arm around me it was more of a headlock. I could feel the strength behind her and it was scary. 'She was manipulative and creepy. She was there to prey on vulnerable people and she was doing it in plain sight. 'The prison officers were sitting across the exercise yard drinking coffee and chatting. They weren't paying much attention.' Describing the effect of the abuse she said: 'I was on antidepressants for years afterwards. I was having really bad nightmares, waking up in cold sweats. Laura's story echoes the shocking case of transgender double rapist Isla Bryson, who was placed in an all-female jail in Scotland Bryson, who was born Adam Graham (pictured), was moved to a male prison following an outcry which left Nicola Sturgeon mired in a storm of controversy 'I stopped writing to people on the outside. It made me really depressed and traumatised. 'There were a couple of times when I was using drugs in there and I normally wouldn't use drugs in prison. It was because I was feeling depressed and I wanted to get my mind off thinking about what she did to me. 'I was not very trusting after that. During my last sentence there was a transgender prisoner. She used to go out to the exercise yard. I was really wary of her. It turned out she was really nice and I felt bad about that but it was because of how she had been with me.' Laura told how she did not report the assault as she 'didn't want to be looked at as a grass'. But she added: 'I wish I had now as maybe that would have stopped it happening to other women who were attacked. 'It also makes you wonder how many other victims have not come forward?' Laura said of White: 'I feel it was all an act so he could get into a women's institute and prey on vulnerable people. I think she thought I was an easy target. 'She was there the whole time I was. She made a lot of people on edge. She had a few friends but a lot of the women found her creepy. 'People would move away from her because they knew she was a creep but then she would use the transgender card. 'She wasn't the only one. The last time I was in prison there were around 20 transgender women. Some of them are really nice. Some of them you can tell are genuinely transgender but others are there to cop out of going to a man's institute and some have some sort of sick motive. 'Some look like they are not even trying. They throw on a wig and women's clothes and that's about it and there are ways of cheating in terms of people not taking medication or hormones. 'I believe the solution is to have a prison that is there just for transgender people. Then women might be safe.' The Government is currently drawing up plans to reform their policy on housing transgender prisoners. It will mean transgender women with male genitalia or who have been convicted of sexual offences will not serve their sentences in women's prisons. The new guidance will 'allow for exemptions to be considered by ministers on a case-by-case basis - though only the most truly exceptional cases will be considered'. A Government spokesperson said: 'We will be publishing an updated policy framework shortly, which will set out the new guidance in detail and how it will be implemented by the Prison Service. 'The implementation of this new policy will take effect soon after we have published the revised framework. 'The safety of all prisoners is paramount. These changes will ensure a sensitive and common-sense approach to meeting the needs of women in custody, while we continue to ensure that transgender prisoners are appropriately supported in whichever estate they are located in.' Millions of Americans are being kept in the dark about secretive toxic trains like the one that has devastated East Palestine and are moving regularly through their communities, can reveal. Railroad companies disclose general information on hazardous loads to local authorities and emergency services but only when asked and even then they only give rough expected annual figures. Specific details on train times and exact hazmat loads are treated as 'sensitive information' by the rail operators and are not disclosed, regulator the Federal Railroad Administration revealed to And while local officials may have a small amount of general information, millions of average folk living near tracks have no means of knowing exactly what is passing close to their homes, or the potential for another East Palestine 'bomb' train. can reveal that millions of American are at risk of disaster like those living in East Palestine, Ohio as toxic trains move regularly through their communities People living near tracks have no means of knowing exactly what is passing close to their homes, or the potential for another East Palestine 'bomb' train. Railroad companies only disclose general information on hazardous loads to local authorities and emergency services An FRA spokesperson told 'What is carried and when it is carried is sensitive to the rail companies. It is not something that is widely disclosed' Many houses in the small Ohio town of 4,700 people directly back on to the line where the Norfolk Southern train derailed on February 3, resulting in an inferno that sent a black toxic cloud pluming hundreds of feet into the air. Three days later officials began a controlled 'burn' of five of the 11 derailed hazmat cars from the 149-car train for fear they were going to explode anyway, sending another choking cloud miles over the community. Six toxic chemicals were being carried including vinyl chloride, which is associated with an increased risk of liver cancer. There was also ethylhexyl acrylate, a known carcinogen that can cause burning and irritation of the eyes, and isobutylene which can cause dizziness and drowsiness. The United States has 141,000 miles of freight train track. And an FRA spokesperson told 'What is carried and when it is carried is sensitive to the rail companies. 'It is not something that is widely disclosed. It is not widely publicly available. 'There are certain materials that are security sensitive and rail companies don't want that information out there. They don't want to induce or entice someone to potentially do harm.' The spokesperson admitted it was virtually impossible for ordinary members of the public to track toxic trains near them. 'There is no way anyone could put a map together of train routes carrying hazmat materials at any one time,' they continued. Only local authorities or emergency services can access any information, and that is often very general. 'If they are competent and if they are engaged, they can request from a railroad a list of all the hazmat commodities that go through the community on an annual basis,' said the FRA. 'The railroad would give them a list, per annum. It's not on a weekly, daily, monthly, basis. It's here's what we've moved through in the last year and here's what we intend to move in the near future. 'But it is not going to be specific quantities or specific dates or times.' Crews used booms and absorbent materials to filter water in a creek by East Palestine City Park 12 days after the accident A fish lies dead in East Palestine Residents are still terrified that the train derailment coould cause long-term health effects Residents in East Palestine, Ohio, remain skeptical of reports that the water is safe to drink. Some in the community report illnesses they are convinced are associated with the toxic cloud, such as rashes and severe difficulty breathing Asked if there was any way an average person could know what is being transported on a rail track behind their back yard, the spokesperson replied: 'No.' They added: 'We do not track train movements in real time. There's no comparison to the air traffic control system. There is no centralized rail traffic control center. 'But I understand the questions you're asking. People would like to know what is going through their community.' The lack of public transparency is revealed as people in East Palestine continue to distrust the quality of their drinking water and air despite assurances last week by Environmental Protection Agency director Michael Regan that town supplies are safe. Many others are continuing to report illnesses they are convinced are associated with the toxic cloud, such as rashes and severe difficulty breathing. Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown has called for clearer markings on rail cars carrying hazardous material so that emergency crews know instantly what they are dealing with in a crisis situation. The dangers fire and rescue teams faced immediately battling the East Palestine toxic inferno included having to determine exactly the chemicals they were facing. Neil Figley, 28, holds his daughter, Harlie, 4, as they wait in line at the Norfolk Southern Assistance Center to collect a $1000 check and get reimbursed for expenses while they were evacuated Some residents turned to dark humor in the days and weeks following the Norfolk Southern crash Part of the problem appears the diversity of ownership and responsibility. 'None of this infrastructure is owned by the government, it is all privately owned,' said the FRA spokesperson. 'This is their property, their operation. 'The railroads do their own dispatching. Arguably they have the greatest incentive of anyone to operate safely. 'But the railroad companies have to carry this stuff even if they don't want to. They have no choice because they have what is called a common carrier obligation. They are engaged in inter-state commerce.' East Palestine's fiery derailment happened after a wheel bearing on the 23rd car of the 149-car train, which was 9,000ft long, overheated to more than 253 degrees Fahrenheit above the ambient temperature. Video footage has shown sparks flying from underneath the car, carrying plastic pellets, when it was travelling through a depot 20 miles from the eventual catastrophe. A preliminary report by the National Transportation Safety Board released Thursday revealed three alarms were triggered as the temperature of the bearing rose. The final one was audible and instructed 'the crew to slow and stop the train to inspect a hot axle', said the report. NTSB chair Jennifer Homendy said there was no evidence the crew did anything wrong but insisted the derailment was '100 per cent preventable' Norfolk Southern has pledged $6.5million to help those affected in East Palestine NTSB chair Jennifer Homendy said the engineer was already slowing behind another train when the third alarm sounded and he 'immediately' piled on the brakes to stop. 'During this deceleration, the wheel bearing failed. Car 23 derailed,' she said. The agency chief said there was no evidence the crew did anything wrong but insisted the derailment was '100 per cent preventable'. She added: 'We call things accidents there is no accident. Every single event that we investigate is preventable.' The FRA revealed: 'Rail companies don't own the majority of the cars that transport these goods. It's the shippers who own the cars. 'And one of the fascinating things is that the majority of the tank cars containing hazardous material were not breached. They were sitting there in flames, but were not breached until the controlled burn three days later. 'We are still part of an active investigation. There is a lot of conjecture out there, a lot of speculation. There are going to be a lot of lessons learned and I have no doubt there are going to be changes on the very issue we are talking about. 'There is going to be a demand for increased transparency. The railroad of course are going to come back with their views.' Norfolk Southern posted record operating revenues of $12.7billion for 2022, with CEO Alan Shaw earning $4.36million the previous year. The company has pledged $6.5million to help those affected in East Palestine. But it is spending more than 1,000 times that amount - $7.5billion to buy back its own shares to benefit shareholders. It splashed out $3.4billion in 2022 on share repurchases and $3.1billion in 2021 as part of the plan. EPA director Regan vowed during a visit to East Palestine on February 16 to hold Norfolk Southern accountable. 'I can promise you that,' he vowed. Church of England plans to make God 'gender neutral' are opposed by almost two-thirds of the public, an exclusive poll for MailOnline shows. Breaking with centuries of tradition, bishops announced earlier this month that they are launching a major 'project on gendered language' this spring. It may suggest that priests can stop using the male pronouns 'He' and 'Him' when referring to God in some prayers, or even that they can drop the famous phrase 'our Father' from the start of the Lord's Prayer. But polling by Redfield and Wilton Strategies for this website found that 65 per cent of the public were against the plan, with just 15 per cent supporting it. Support for the move varied with age, with support of more than a quarter (26 per cent) of 18 to 24-year-olds, but just six per cent of those aged 55-64. Breaking with centuries of tradition, bishops have announced they are launching a major 'project on gendered language' this spring The Bishop of Lichfield, the Rt Rev Michael Ipgrave, said: 'We have been exploring the use of gendered language in relation to God for several years, in collaboration with the Faith and Order Commission' Such a radical rewriting would have to be agreed by the whole of the church's governing body, the General Synod, and would be fiercely resisted by traditionalists for breaking away from the words of the Bible. The landmark move was revealed in a question presented to the committee that develops the wording used in church services, called the Liturgical Commission. The Rev Joanna Stobart, a vicar in the diocese of Guildford, Surrey, said that some clergy want to refer to God without saying He or Him, particularly in prayers of forgiveness for sins. She asked: 'Please could the Liturgical Commission provide an update on the steps being taken to develop more inclusive language in our authorised liturgy and to provide more options for those who wish to use authorised liturgy and speak of God in a non-gendered way, particularly in authorised absolutions where many of the prayers offered for use refer to God using male pronouns?' In response, the Bishop of Lichfield, the Rt Rev Michael Ipgrave, said: 'We have been exploring the use of gendered language in relation to God for several years, in collaboration with the Faith and Order Commission. 'After some dialogue between the two Commissions in this area, a new joint project on gendered language will begin this spring. 'In common with other potential changes to authorised liturgical provision, changing the wording and number of authorised forms of absolution would require a full Synodical process for approval.' The proposal was welcomed by a group that campaigns for 'gender justice' in the Church of England. But Synod member Rev Dr Ian Paul said: 'The fact that God is called 'Father' can't be substituted by 'Mother' without changing meaning, nor can it be gender-neutralised to 'Parent' without loss of meaning. Fathers and mothers are not interchangeable but relate to their offspring in different ways. 'If the Liturgical Commission seek to change this, then in an important way they will be moving the doctrine of the Church away from being 'grounded in the Scriptures'.' He added that although male pronouns have always been used to refer to God, Christians do not believe that God has a specific gender. 'The Bible uses feminine imagery and metaphors of God, but primarily identifies God using masculine pronouns, names, and imagery. Male and female imagery is not interchangeable,' he said. A bar owner has been charged with murdering an Australian tourist in Bali by allegedly bludgeoning him to death with a stool. Troy Scott Johnston, 40, allegedly became involved in an argument with Gede Wijaya, 20, at Uncle Benz Cafe in South Kuta just before 4am on Thursday. Mr Johnston, who worked for mining giant Rio Tinto at Perth Airport, is alleged to have urinated on Wijaya before the altercation escalated with Wijaya allegedly beating him over the head with a bar stool. Wijaya has since been arrested and charged with murder. Troy Scott Johnston, 40 (pictured), allegedly became involved in an argument with Gede Wijaya at Uncle Benz Cafe in South Kuta just before 4am on Thursday Wijaya has since been arrested and charged with murder following the altercation on Thursday Mr Johnston was holidaying in Indonesia with his wife Ni Nyoman Purnianti and young son when he went out drinking on Wednesday night. His wife became concerned after he failed to return to their accomodation by 3am and decided to search for her husband with the help of her brother. The pair found Mr Johnston unresponsive and lying in a pool of his own blood at the cafe owned by Wijaya before 4am on Thursday. Mr Johnston was rushed to hospital but pronounced dead on arrival. Mr Johnston is believed to have died after being hit over the head with a wooden bar stool after a fight broke out at the cafe. His heartbroken wife and work colleagues paid tribute to the father and airport controller on social media. Wijaya told a police press conference that Mr Johnston was drunk and had been 'throwing bottles on the street'. He claimed Mr Johnston had 'peed on my left leg I tried to tell him to cut it out. But he went inside and threw glass cups at me'. 'He was drunk and lost control... I tried to calm him down,' he said. 'I am very regretful and have no intention to do that because I know him very well so I don't have any intention to do that.' However, police allege that Wijaya was also drinking before a fight broke out. 'Wijaya was attacked and slammed, they both wrestled on the floor, Scott quickly got up and grab a chair and throw it at Wijaya,' they said. The bar owner allegedly grabbed the bar stool from Johnston and hit his head, leaving him with severe head injuries. Uncle Benz Cafe was temporarily closed down following the alleged altercation between the brother-in-laws Mr Johnston's wife recalled the moment she found her husband unresponsive and lying in a pool of his own blood. 'I find him already on the ground with lots of blood,' she told 7News. She told police that her husband went out at about 7.30pm and that she and her brother had gone out searching for him when he failed to return at 3:45am. 'At 10.30pm Purnianti contacted Scott and he replied that he was still drinking,' police said. 'Purnianti and her brother were shocked after they found Johnston was lying in a pool of blood on the terrace of Uncle Benz Cafe.' Mr Johnston had been employed by Rio Tinto at its Perth Airport operations centre as an airport controller. Mr Johnston's wife recalled the moment she found her husband unresponsive and lying in a pool of his own blood The news of his death reached his workmates Friday, according to The West. 'We are devastated by the news that one of our much loved and valued team members has tragically passed away overseas,' a Rio Tinto spokesperson said. A spokesman for his employer, mining giant Rio Tinto, said the company was providing support to family members and loved ones. 'We are devastated by the news that one of our much loved and valued team members has tragically passed away overseas,' the statement read. 'Troy's colleagues are deeply saddened and we are providing them access to a range of support services. 'Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with Troy's family and friends.' The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has been contacted for comment. A single mum and her three children are living in a car as Australia's out-of-control rental crisis keeps getting worse. Perth mum Kristin has applied for emergency housing, but was told there is a three-year waiting list. 'I feel like a mother that has failed her kids because I can't put a roof over their heads,' she told A Current Affair. 'It's not something the government should be allowing - a three-year wait for three children on the streets.' Kristin is far from alone, with the crisis hitting people from all different age groups and incomes. Single mother Kristin (pictured) and her three children are living in a car as Australia's out-of-control rental crisis keeps getting worse Kristin sleeps in her car with her three kids Sydney woman Milly Bannister, 26, is also feeling the pinch. Despite earning a good salary, she now fears how she'll pay her bills after her rent jumped a massive 35 per cent. 'That's $230 a week, almost $12,000 a year,' she said. 'For me, that's $6,000 of after-tax money and I am not getting any wage rise.' She said she was feeling 'a lot of stress, disappointment and frustration'. Ms Bannister lives in an apartment managed by Meriton - one of Australia's biggest construction companies that manages around 10,000 units across the nation. Sydney woman Milly Bannister, 26, is feeling the pinch, despite earning a good salary She said apartment owners were pushing for big rental increases and six-month, not 12-month, leases as the market is hot and foreign students are coming back. 'Have you seen the Meriton scandal? It's absolutely cooked,' Ms Bannister said in a TikTok video. 'Basically this shady email was leaked from Meriton bosses in head office to let all of their landlords know they need to be pushing rents as hard as possible and signing six month leases so they increase the rent more often.' With a good job, though, she is in a more fortunate position than many others. 'It's hard, but I am going to suck it up and pay, because I don't want to be out there competing for other rentals,' she said. 'This case isn't extreme or unique though - it's happening to everyone and it's legal.' Leo Patterson Ross, CEO of the Tenants' Union of NSW compared looking for a place to rent to a 'competitive bloodsport'. 'We're hearing every day from people who are applying for, sometimes, hundreds of properties and missing out. 'We're seeing lines of hundreds of people lining up for apartments,' he said, 'traipsing across the city, applying for place after place that they are not going to get.' Rent increases in mainland states in past 12 months State Monthly rise Yearly rise WA $180 $2,160 QLD $177 $2,124 VIC $169 $2,028 SA $158 $1,896 NSW $142 $1,704 Advertisement Vacancy rates across Australia are at an all-time low. In Sydney and Melbourne, just 1 per cent of rental properties are available to rent. Brisbane's vacancy rate sits at 0.8 per cent. It's half that in Hobart, and in Perth and Adelaide it's worse, with just 0.3 per cent available - meaning just one out of every 300 rental properties can be rented at the moment. The problem is spreading to the regions too, where rental availability has fallen to 0.8 per cent. 'It's actually regional towns where there's been a large influx (of people), that's where we've seen the biggest increase in people sleeping in really unsafe and unsuitable places,' said Mr Patterson Ross. Ingrid, another Australian struggling to find a home, has been couch-surfing and living in her car in south-east Queensland for almost two years while looking for somewhere for her and her dogs to live. 'I've been looking for places I can afford that will accept dogs in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland,' she said. 'But when you have a look at how many rentals are available in those three states combined, it's only under 120 at the moment. 'I really can't see an end of this for me. Can it get much worse, like what am I going to do?' Adelaide pensioner Sandra, 75, was told her rent would go up 10 per cent from $300 to $330 when her lease is up next month. Adelaide pensioner Sandra (pictured) is wondering how she will pay her next rental bill That $30 increase is more than she can afford, so she's been looking for somewhere else to live, but six months on she still hasn't been able to find any place suitable. She applied for 10 properties in a regional area that were affordable but was passed over every time and now she's worried she won't find a place before her lease is up. 'I don't want to be a whinger and I am a very independent woman, but now I need help,' Sandra said. 'I'm quite fearful. I don't want to end up on the street, but that's where I see myself.' Accounting giant Ernst and Young has accidentally leaked the personal details of current and former employees while trying to launch a massive review into the firm's workplace culture. The Big 4 Accounting firm announced the independent review following the tragic death of EY worker Aishwarya Venkatachalam, 27, who fell to her death from the 11th floor of the company's Sydney office in August last year. The incident sparked a furious backlash against EY's intense work culture as Ms Venkatachalam's grieving friends and family claimed she had been bullied and racially insulted while working there. While organising the review, a series of emails from EY were published online that revealed the firm had mistakenly leaked the email addresses of staff. One screenshot from an employee showed EY desperately trying to recall the email with the leaked addresses multiple times in the space of 18 minutes. Accounting firm EY accidentally leaked the personal email addresses of a number of current and former employees amidst an independent review into workplace culture The independent review comes following the tragic death of employee Aishwarya Venkatachalam (right), 27, last year 'This is not going well for EY,' the employee who published screenshots of the emails wrote. EY then followed up with another email apologising to staff that their addresses had been leaked by accident. 'An email has been sent to you this afternoon regarding participation in the review being conducted by Elizabeth Broderick and Co, which inadvertently displayed your personal email address along with the personal email addresses of a number of previous employees at EY,' it read. 'We sincerely apologise for this error.' Employees were then asked to wipe the email if the recall didn't work. 'We are attempting to recall this email, and ask you to delete it if the recall has not been successful,' it wrote. In an ironic privacy twist, given the email leaks, the firm then asked workers to respect EY's privacy and immediately reach out to its media relations team if any journalists got in touch. 'Now they told us to tell them if the media contacts us,' the employee captioned the screenshot of the email. 'Yeah we've got so much loyalty to EY will do that right away.' EY followed up with another email that explained email addresses had been leaked before advising workers to contact the media relations team if they're contacted by the media Oceanic EY CEO David Larocca (pictured) announced the review The review will be conducted by former sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick (pictured), who will look at EY's culture, work practices and psychological health and safety Ernst and Young - which trades as EY - appointed former sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick to conduct the review. Oceanic EY CEO David Larocca vowed last year that Ms Broderick would look at the firms culture, work practices and psychological health and safety in an 'independent and rigorous' review. But the move was slammed by some staff. 'I don't understand why this EY leadership needs to consult outside experts to tell them how to run a decent workplace,' one told Daily Mail Australia at the time. EY also launched two additional internal reviews in the wake of Ms Venkatachalam's death to tackle mental health and safety support within the organisation. Daily Mail Australia has reached out to EY for comment. Blackmores has found itself in the centre of a political storm with calls to boycott the Australian vitamin company flooding Twitter. The controversy was sparked after major shareholder Marcus Blackmore, whose dad started the vitamin giant, publicly declared he would vote 'no' on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum. His announcement saw the hashtag 'BoycottBlackmores' shooting to the top of Twitter's trending list as people either pledged to avoid the company's products or argued why it shouldn't matter. Mr Blackmore said he would be supporting Indigenous senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price's 'vote no' campaign which is funded by conservative group Advance. 'If Jacinta tells me I should vote no, I am voting no. She obviously knows a lot more about the Aboriginal issues than I do,' he told The Australian Financial Review last week. 'I have not been convinced by the Prime Minister or anybody else that I should vote yes. It's no different to business. If you're no good at sales, employ a salesman.' Blackmore's major shareholder said he would vote no on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. The company says his views do not represent the business The boycott hashtag was trending on Twitter on Saturday sparking a lively debate Some argued trying to silence someone else's views they disagreed with was undemocratic As of late 2020, Marcus Blackmore (picture) doesn't work at the company, which was founded by his father Maurice The business mogul has reportedly donated $35,000 to Advance and more than $70,000 to the Coalition in the last financial year. A spokesperson for the Blackmores Group said Mr Blackmore's views did not represent those held by the company and that he had not worked or been a director at the vitamin business for more than two years. 'His views are completely independent of Blackmores Group,' the spokesperson said. 'Blackmores is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of all people and values and celebrates diversity, inclusivity and equality for employees, customers, partners, and those in the community.' A 'vote yes' campaign for the Voice has also been launched, backed by a $5million donation from the Paul Ramsay Foundation. Senator Jacinta Price's 'no' campaign is urging Aussies to vote against the changes she has labelled 'dangerous', 'divisive', 'useless' and 'costly'. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has not revealed the Liberal Party's position on the voice and has repeatedly raised concerns about the amount of detail. Mr Albanese said comments by opposition MPs were aimed at creating confusion and complexity when the principle of constitutional recognition was clear. 'Do we recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our constitution and do we consult them on matters that affect them? That's what the referendum is about,' he said. Yes and No campaigns have both been launched ahead to the referendum this year In the 2021 financial year, Blackmores Group raked in a total revenue of $281million for its Australia and New Zealand operations Indigenous activist Noel Pearson said the vote was a pivotal moment for reconciliation. 'We will be crying about this matter for another 200 years if we don't do it this year,' he told Sky News. 'Constitutional recognition is about the words in the constitution... that enable Indigenous voices to be able to speak to the parliament, speak to the government, about the policies and laws that affect people.' The paramedic who was among the five who died when an emergency medical flight crashed in the Nevada desert was identified as a new father. CareFlight paramedic Ryan Watson, 27, died on Friday night when a medical services airplane en route to a hospital crashed 25 miles southeast of Reno and also killed the pilot, nurse, patient and patient's relative who were all on board. While officials have yet to publicly name the victims, Watson's loved ones identified him and revealed that he and his wife had just welcomed their son, Carter, to the world last month. The cause of the crash has yet to be determined, with an investigation ongoing. CareFlight paramedic Ryan Watson (left) was among the five who died when an emergency medical flight crash in the Nevada desert southeast of Reno on Friday night. Watson's wife, Kailey (right), had just given birth to their son last month The Reno couple had gotten married last June, with Watson's co-workers setting up a GoFundMe to help his widow and child Emergency responders were first alerted by many who called around 9:15pm on Friday about a plane crashing, and around 11:15 pm is when authorities located the aircraft In a GoFundMe page set up for Watson's widow and child, CareFlight co-worker Savanah Green described the late paramedic as a man dedicated to his career and new family. 'Ryan was a loving husband, new father, son, brother, friend, and an incredible care provider whose dedication to his family and community was unmatched,' Green wrote. 'Ryan loved being a Flight Medic and brought a positive attitude to every call and patient interaction he had. Ryan had an infectious personality; he was hilarious, ambitious, and free-spirited.' Green noted that Watson's death was especially heartbreaking because his son had just been born on January 19. According to his wife, Kailey's, Facebook page, the couple had gotten married last June after being in a relationship for four years. As of Saturday evening, the GoFundMe page has raised nearly $50,000 for Watson's family. On Saturday morning, Care Flight, the airline service of REMSA - the Regional Emergency Services Authority - announced the devastating news on their Facebook revealing that their PC 12 fixed wing aircraft with tail number N273SM had 'gone off radar' around 9:45pm and that everyone on board had died. The company wrote that they were utterly 'heartbroken.' 'We are in the process of notifying their family members,' the statement said. 'Our immediate focus is helping our team members and families, as well as the responding agencies.' Watson (above) served as a flight paramedic for Care Flight, the airline service of REMSA - the Regional Emergency Services Authority He was described as a man dedicated to his career and family, but also as someone who enjoyed trekking through nature and traveling the world. Watson pictured with his wife hiking A photo of a PC 12 fixed aircraft -the same plane that crashed on Friday night in the Nevada desert killing all passengers aboard Authorities in Lyon County were alerted to the plane crash after receiving numerous calls around 9:15pm, CNN reported. First responders from Lyon and Douglas counties responded and approximately two hours later, around 11:15pm, located the plane. The cause of the crash is still unknown but, the Central Lyon Fire Department and Lyon County Sheriff's Department are working with the National Transportation Safety Board to determine the cause which they said is under investigation, Care Flight said. Dale Miller, communication supervisor for REMSA and Care Flight told that they were getting several calls since the incident and could not comment on whether all the victims have been identified yet. 'We are working on assembling the information and the investigation is still in process,' he said. The family of a nuclear physicist who died by suicide in a Virginia jail is suing the U.S. government after his psychotropic medicine was discontinued and he was denied admission to a federal medical prison. The lawsuit filed Thursday in federal court on behalf of Christopher Lapp's 16-year-old daughter alleges that a series of errors by prison officials, federal marshals, prosecutors and physicians contributed to Lapp's 2021 death. Lapp, who was 62 when he died, was being held at the Alexandria jail awaiting sentencing on a federal bank robbery charge. Prosecutors allege Lapp stole the money for his Playboy lover. He hung himself in his jail cell in May 2021, roughly a month after he pleaded guilty and was supposed to be sent to a treatment center in Butner, North Carolina, to continue receiving care to restore his mental health. Lapp left a behind a note for his daughter, writing that 'some bad people have been after me for a while. I have been trying to determine who they are but things are not good. It is better for everyone if I am not around so they can't harm others.' Christopher Lapp's 16-year-old daughter alleges that a series of errors by prison officials, federal marshals, prosecutors and physicians contributed to his 2021 death. Pictured: Christopher Lapp Lapp, who was 62 when he died, was being held at the Alexandria jail awaiting sentencing when he hung himself Lapp had multiple degrees, including a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His father, Ralph Lapp, was a scientist who worked on the Manhattan Project. He lived in a wealthy Great Falls neighborhood and owned a $1.3 million home there at the time of his arrest. Prosecutors said in court papers that Lapp had multiple romantic interests, including a Playboy model, and that 'he was working to keep his romantic love interests happy with additional money.' Ralph Lapp, the scientist who worked on the Manhattan Project, was Christopher's father Lapp was charged with entering a Wells Fargo Bank in Great Falls in November 2018 and taking money from a teller at gunpoint. He then carjacked a vehicle to get away, prosecutors said. He was arrested when a K-9 officer tracked Lapp to his home. The robbery occurred during what the judge called a manic episode and what the Lapp family's lawyer described as a psychotic break. He was initially found incompetent to stand trial but was restored to competency after being sent to Butner. After his competency was restored, Lapp decided to plead guilty to the bank robbery charge. The judge, T.S. Ellis III, accepted the guilty plea but ordered at the plea hearing that Lapp return to Butner while he awaited sentencing so he could continue the treatment that had restored his competency. That never happened. Butner refused to accept him, saying their policy barred them from taking an inmate who had not yet been sentenced for 'continuity of care purposes.' So, Lapp remained at the Alexandria jail and a physician who evaluated him there ended his medications after Lapp insisted he did not need them. The physician also said Butner failed to send over Lapp's full medical record. Lapp lived in a wealthy Great Falls neighborhood and owned a $1.3 million home there at the time of his arrest on bank robbery charges in November 2018 Lapp was arrested when a K-9 officer tracked Lapp to his home. He stole the money for his playboy lover A month after the suicide, Ellis convened a hearing in which he excoriated Butner officials for disregarding his order. He also accepted a measure of blame himself - Lapp's defense lawyer had filed notice to the court in late April that Butner refused to admit Lapp, but Ellis said he was unaware that Lapp had not been transferred. The Lapp family's lawyer, Victor Glasberg said he was disappointed that a lawsuit was necessary The Lapp family's lawyer, Victor Glasberg said he was disappointed that a lawsuit was necessary. 'Numerous public employees manifestly failed to act properly, and a man died. Now his 16-year-old daughter has to take them to court,' he said. The suit comes a month after the sheriff's office in neighboring Arlington County reached a settlement with the family of an inmate who died there in 2020 from what a coroner determined was heart disease complicated by opiate withdrawal. The family alleged that jail officials failed to treat his withdrawal symptoms and showed deliberate indifference to his medical needs. That proposed settlement hit a snag, though, when the jail's former healthcare contractor filed for bankruptcy earlier this month. The number of migrants caught illegally crossing the southern border has reportedly hit one million in less than four months into the fiscal year - and is on pace to smash records. As of Friday, there have been a total of 1,008,217 migrant encounters at the southern border since October - the start of the fiscal year - multiple Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources told Fox News. The CBP sources said there are early indications that February's numbers are down and could come in under 150,000 compared to last February which hit 166,000 migrant encounters. But there's a concern that numbers could pick up again in the spring, which often happens, with record-breaking crossings. It comes as more Americans are expressing their unhappiness with the level of immigration into the U.S., with the satisfaction rate falling six percent in a year, from 34 percent in 2022 to 28 percent in 2023 - the lowest number in over a decade. There have been a total of 1,008,217 migrants caught illegally crossing the border in less than four months into the fiscal year 2023, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources are reporting. Pictured: Asylum-seeking migrants walk past a barbed wire fence The number of migrants caught illegally crossing the southern border has reportedly hit one million in less than four months into the fiscal year - and is on pace to smash records The CBP sources said there are early indications that February's numbers are down but it's a concern that numbers could pick up again in the spring, which often happens The tally of migrant encounters is for the fiscal year - which began in October - and has already surpassed previous years within the first few months. This time last year there were 839,819 migrant encounters, which is well below the one million mark. There were more than 1.7 million encounters for the 2021 fiscal year and more than 2.3 million the 2022 fiscal year. Of the one million encounters this year, 87.8 percent were single adults, Fox reported. And just 328,454 were expelled under Title 42. Title 42 is the pandemic-era protocol that allows border agents to rapidly expel border crossers. There have also been 328,454 known 'gotaways' compared to 600,000 gotaways in the 2022 fiscal year. Gotaways are illegal immigrants who have evaded Border Patrol agents but have been detected on another form of surveillance. While the total numbers are high, the Biden administration has pointed to a drop in numbers from 251,000 in December to just over 156,000 in January. Officials have credited the drop to different measures rolled out by the administration. This includes a humanitarian parole program that allows 30,000 migrants from four nationalities into the U.S. each month. But agents are concerned that the numbers will go up in the spring - with record-breaking numbers. 'Agents know leadership throughout the agency and the administration will celebrate two months of lower numbers instead of acknowledging the daunting task of being tasked at the border with yet another historical and preventable situation,' an agent told Fox News. Of the one million encounters this year, 87.8 percent were single adults, Fox reported. And just 328,454 were expelled under Title 42. Title 42 is the pandemic-era protocol that allows border agents to rapidly expel border crossers The tally of migrant encounters is for the fiscal year - which began in October - and has already surpassed previous years within the first few months The number of migrants crossing over the US southern border since January 2021 Republicans, who took back control of the House of Representatives in 2022, have already started to examine how to address the border crisis. In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden addressed the situation, referring to it as a bipartisan problem. 'America's border problems won't be fixed until Congress acts,' Biden said. Biden has been heavily criticized for his inaction on the issue. This week, the Biden administration announced a new rule that would automatically make illegal immigrants who passed through another country without claiming asylum ineligible for asylum in the U.S. 'America's border problems won't be fixed until Congress acts,' he said. 'If we won't pass my comprehensive immigration reform, at least pass my plan to provide the equipment and officers to secure the border. And a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, those on temporary status, farmworkers, and essential workers.' New data compiled by a Gallup poll found that the satisfaction rate has fallen six percent in a year, going from 34 percent in 2022 to 28 percent in 2023. More Americans are expressing their unhappiness with the level of immigration into the U.S., with less than 30 percent saying they are satisfied with the influx of new residents The percentage of Americans dissatisfied with immigration has risen among Democrats, Republicans, and independents in the past several years Many have been raising red flags about the crisis at the U.S. border for years now New data compiled by a Gallup poll found that the satisfaction rate has fallen six percent in a year, going from 34 percent in 2022 to 28 percent in 2023. While the results vary greatly by party, the poll found the percentage of Democrats and Republicans who want to see immigration curbed has risen on both sides. 71 percent of Republicans say immigration levels are too high, the highest number that has ever been recorded. That number is up two percent from 2022. Among Democrats, 19 percent say immigration levels are too high. The newest data shows a steep eight percent jump. Overall, Americans' satisfaction level with immigration falls around the same percentage of people who are happy with public education- 29 percent satisfied- and policies to reduce or control crime-27 percent. Views regarding immigration differ starkly among Americans by age. While more Americans 35 and older have expressed dissatisfaction with immigration, 18 to 34 year old citizens are less dissatisfied than a year ago. One of the only subjects Americans seem to agree on is how the U.S. is handling poverty and homelessness. Less than 20 percent of Republicans, Democrats, and independents say they are satisfied with the current situation. The new polling numbers regarding immigration could be contributed to the rising concerns over the situation at the U.S. border with Mexico. In 2021, the U.S. saw 1.7 million immigrants come into the country. In 2022, that number rose to more than 2 million. In 2021, the U.S. saw 1.7 million immigrants come into the country. In 2022, that number rose to more than 2 million 71 percent of Republicans say they are dissatisfied and want immigration decreased. 36 percent of independents say the same and 19 percent of Democrats agree The Department of Homeland Security has also estimated the number in 2023 could spike if the Title 42- the pre-pandemic policy mandating border agents give migrants the opportunity to seek asylum- is revoked Only eight percent of Americans are dissatisfied with immigration and want to see it increase. 15 percent say they are dissatisfied and want it to stay the same and 40 percent are dissatisfied and want to see a decrease in new residents coming into the United States The Department of Homeland Security has also estimated the number in 2023 could spike if Title 42- the pre-pandemic policy giving border agents the ability to expel migrants seeking asylum- is revoked. Migrants have been traveling from Mexico and South America for years but the recent influx has led to harsh criticism over the sustainability of the immigration process. Breaks in the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border have attracted many migrants to certain pockets as an 'easier' way to enter the country. Container-sized gaps in the 30ft border wall allow migrants to walk right through, aided by a thinly-spread Border Patrol. Construction is currently underway to fill some of the gaps but it is unknown how much of a difference the fills will make. Low-level crimes like blackmail, pickpocketing and even arson are going unpunished by overworked police who are intent on tackling more serious crime, new data suggests. An analysis conducted by The Times found the amount of reported crimes resulting in charges had plummeted in recent years. The Home Office data revealed in the three months to September last year, one force - Hampshire Police - recorded 751 bicycle thefts. Not a single charge was laid in the same period. Elsewhere, Thames Valley had 340 reported blackmail cases in the same time frame. Again, nobody was charged. Dr Rick Muir, director of the Police Foundation think tank, said: 'Police have shifted to focus on more complex, higher harm offences. Even more telling is the drop in overall reported crimes leading to charges across the board 'It is much harder and much more complicated to investigate a rape than a burglary; or a domestic abuse offence over a car theft. 'Inevitably, as you shift towards higher harm or more complex offences, the less harmful but more straightforward crimes get less attention.' Similarly, 931 non-life threatening arson reports were made in Gwent and 66 attempted burglaries reported in Warwickshire. No charges were laid relating to the allegations in either district, the publication reported. In Hampshire, 288 people told police they'd been pickpocketed. There were no corresponding charges. Even more telling is the drop in overall reported crimes leading to charges across the board. Back in 2015, up to 25 per cent of reports, including of verbal harassment and threats, resulted in charges. That number has now dropped to three per cent. This data comes at a time when faith in police and the judicial system is already at a low. Over the course of the past year, high profile allegations of rape, misconduct and murder within the force have impacted the public perception. Last year, the Commons home affairs committee said public perception remains complaints against police are unlikely to succeed and would only result in minimal sanctions. At the point where Brexit and the Northern Irish peace process meet there is a sort of whirlpool of conflicting forces, like the one in the Gulf of Corryvreckan off Scotland's west coast. It is very hard to navigate, even for the brave and experienced. In 1998, the Good Friday peace agreement cunningly slipped past a number of dangerous issues by putting them off into the future or pretending they had been solved when they had not. But the special arrangements for the province outside the EU, dreamed up to avoid a new clash with Dublin, revived these buried issues. In fact, trying to sort out anything to do with Northern Ireland is like trying to triumph over a Rubik's Cube, in the dark, underwater and with one hand tied behind your back. Famously, the issue was what did for Theresa May and drove her from Downing Street. Equally famously, Boris Johnson, when he took over from her, believed that he had, by sheer boldness and force of personality, overcome it. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has begun to find out just how tricky and complex the matter is But France and Germany have been heavily engaged in seeking a new deal for months now. The EU is still discontented. And there are some in British politics who think that discontent should be soothed by revisiting the deal now. As we see this weekend, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has begun to find out just how tricky and complex the matter is. Perhaps he should have consulted Mr Johnson before plunging into it. The eleventh-hour cancellation of a planned meeting between the King and EC President Ursula von der Leyen is disturbing. Involving the monarch in such a contentious area of policy is constitutionally dangerous, especially if things later unravel. And suggestions that a deal might have been called 'the Windsor Agreement' smack of the sort of spin indulged in by the Blair government. Will it deserve such a title? Key questions must be asked. Under this plan, for instance, will Northern Ireland's manufacturers be making goods to comply with UK laws and regulations or EU ones? If they must comply with EU rules, then either the rest of the UK mirrors the EU rules which is not Brexit. Or we do not, in which case the UK is split and part of it remains in the orbit of Brussels. Another test is whether the 'concessions' are now formally under our control. Or have they been granted by the EU, which will retain ultimate authority and therefore the right to withdraw them? If so, they would keep powerful leverage over this country, which they would be very likely to use. The eleventh-hour cancellation of a planned meeting between the King and EC President Ursula von der Leyen is disturbing The question which must worry government supporters is this: Why is Mr Sunak rushing in where experts fear to tread? Why is he risking a possible confrontation with the Democratic Unionist Party, which is not reluctant to use its considerable power to prevent any arrangement in Northern Ireland that it does not want, and which has significant allies among Tory MPs? Most of the British public are uninterested in the Northern Irish conundrum and do not regard it as an urgent problem which must be solved immediately. Local elections in May are already likely to be a nerve-racking experience for the Tories. Yet if they concentrate on those matters which their supporters truly care about, especially migration and crime, they may yet claw back millions of votes. Sir Keir Starmer is not Tony Blair. The coming Election is not yet lost. But this is not the way for Mr Sunak to win it. A woman who was allegedly killed by her new fiance in a domestic violence dispute had moved from Russia to begin a new life in Australia. Anastasia Slastion, aged in her 30s, was found dead inside a home on Brighton Street in Greystanes, Sydney's west, at 12.50am on Saturday. Her partner Isaac Costa, 28, has been charged with murder and faced Parramatta Bail Court on Sunday where he was refused bail. Ms Slastion is from Latvia but had been living in St Petersburg, Russia, before she moved to Australia to work as a senior software engineer at EPAM Systems. She had a love for travel and lived in Turkey before moving Down Under. Anastasia Slastion was found dead inside a home on Brighton Street in Greystanes, Sydney's west, at 12.50am on Saturday Her partner Isaac Costa has been charged with murder and will face Parramatta Bail Court on Sunday In 2018 she posted a picturesque photo of the Sydney skyline as she began the next chapter of her life. Five years later, she would allegedly be murdered by her partner in their Greystanes home with her devastated family mourning the loss of their loved one in Russia and Latvia. The house is understood to belong to Costa's father, Clem, who is a successful land owner. He owned several properties on the street before selling them off. After his son was refused bail on Sunday, Clem voiced support for his son. 'We just wanna say we love him, and we'll always be here to support you son,' he said. One neighbour said Costa and his partner had caught up with his friends at a local pub four days earlier where she was introduced as his fiancee. 'He was there four days ago introducing her to everyone as his new fiancee,' they said. Ms Slastion is from Latvia and had been living in St Petersburg, in Russia, before she moved to Australia to work as a senior software engineer at EPAM Systems Another neighbour said they were woken up early in the morning to the sounds of screams. 'It was a lot of yelling and screaming then police arrived,' the neighbour told The Daily Telegraph. 'It was one of those ones where I was half asleep but I was so worried for my neighbours. It was like a screaming fit.' Costa was arrested at the property and taken to Granville Police Station to assist police with their inquiries. He was charged with murder on Saturday after a brief interview with police. Domestic Violence advocate Sharyn Brown said 11 women had already allegedly fallen victim to domestic violence in 2023. A pickax, a shovel and a bloodstained rope were found in a vehicle linked to the ex-husband of a slain New Jersey teacher days before her body was found in a shallow grave, court documents revealed. Cesar Santana, 36, appeared in court on Wednesday where he faced several charges, including murder, in the death of Luz Hernandez, 33, a kindergarten teacher at a Jersey City charter school. New chilling details from the affidavit revealed that a search of Santana's Honda found bloody items including a large black and yellow bin with wheels, a pickax, a shovel, clear plastic sheeting and a rope, NBC News reported. While some of the items were bloody, there were black hairs on others, and there was soil on the sheeting. Santana was arrested on February 10 in Miami and extradited to New Jersey on Tuesday night. A second suspect in the murder, Lenier Miranda Lopez, 26, is still being sought by police. Cesar Santana, 36, appeared in court on Wednesday where he faced charges in the death of Luz Hernandez, 33, (pictured) a kindergarten teacher at a Jersey City charter school New chilling details revealed that a search of Santana's Honda found bloody items including a large black and yellow bin with wheels, a pickax, a shovel, clear plastic sheeting and a rope Police are still searching for Leiner Lopez, 26. Anyone with information regarding his whereabouts is urged to contact the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office Hernandez, a beloved kindergarten teacher and mother of three, was reported missing by Santana and family members on February 6 when she did not show up to teach. Santana is the father of their three children. Hernandez's body was found in a shallow grave hours later in Kearney, New Jersey. Her death was caused by blunt force trauma of the head and compressions to the neck, according to the affidavit. The investigation later revealed that on February 4, Santana was spotted walking to Hernandez's house in Jersey City and then walking from the house an hour later carrying a black and yellow bin, the affidavit revealed. It has not been released who saw this take place. The next day during a traffic stop on February 5, Santana was issued a motor vehicle summons after he and a second person were seen loading a black and yellow bin into a Honda in Kearney, New Jersey, which had an expired registration. Two days later, on February 7, Jersey City police officers conducted a welfare check at Hernandez's home and discovered the faint smell of bleach, according to the affidavit. They found bloodstains in the bedroom and cleaning supplies. Santana was arrested Friday and taken into custody with the help of the US Marshals Service after authorities tracked him to Florida. Lopez is still being sought by police in connection with the case, and the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office is urging anyone with information on the fugitive to come forward. He's been charged with desecrating human remains. Santana has been charged with murder, hindering, tampering with physical evidence and failing to dispose of human remains in a manner prescribed by law, the Hudson County prosecutors office said in a statement. Hernandez's body was found in a shallow grave hours later in Kearney, New Jersey. Her death was caused by blunt force trauma of the head and compressions to the neck Hernandez, a beloved kindergarten teacher and mother of three, was reported missing by Santana and family members on February 6 when she did not show up to teach. Santana is the father of their three children The teacher's sister told ABC7 prior to Santana's arrest that the couple had been separated since November, but he remained in her home, giving excuses as to why he couldn't leave The slain teacher's sister told ABC7 prior to Santana's arrest that the couple had been separated since November, but he remained in her home, constantly giving excuses as to why he couldn't leave. Her sister also claimed the couple had a tumultuous relationship, with Hernandez frequently confiding in family members that she felt she may be in physical danger. Hernandez was first reported missing after she failed to show up for work at a charter school on February 6, leading police to perform a welfare check on her home in Jersey City. A murder probe was subsequently launched when blood spatters were found at her home, with the grisly discovery leading to the issuance of a search warrant. Hours later, Hernandez's body was found in an industrial section of Kearny, surrounded by trucking companies, an area three miles from her home. Hernandez' cousin revealed that when Santana was asked about Hernandez's whereabouts following her disappearance, he said that she 'went out.' On a GoFundMe page that has been set up for Hernandez's children, a family member wrote that she was a victim of domestic violence. According to Hernandez's fundraising page, she was a native of the Dominican Republic and moved to the U.S. at the age of five. Her page has raised over $49,163. Thousands of social housing managers will be required to study for qualifications as part of a drive to improve standards in the sector in the wake of a two-year-old's death in a mouldy flat. Housing Secretary Michael Gove has announced the changes after recognising that social housing residents were being 'inexcusably let down'. He said the shift would 'drive up standards' across the board after the tragic death of Awaab Ishak in December 2020, and the Grenfell fire disaster in 2017. Awaab died from a respiratory condition caused by black mould at his home in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. In response to his death, ministers have proposed that landlords will have to investigate and fix damp and mould in social housing within strict time limits under what would be known as Awaab's Law. Two-year-old Awaab died from a respiratory condition caused by black mould at his home in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, in 2020 New legislation will ensure that social housing bosses have appropriate qualifications, as well as set strict time limits on solving mould and damp (Pictured: black mould in Awaab's family home in Rochdale) On top of those reforms, on Sunday Mr Gove announced new rules that will mean around 25,000 managers across the sector will be required to have an appropriate level housing management qualification. Managers must have a qualification that comes from a provider regulated by exams watchdog Ofqual and that is equivalent to a level 4 or 5 certificate or diploma in housing. Alternatively, they can have a foundation degree from the Chartered Institute of Housing. The changes will be made through amendments to the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill, according to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Officials said the new requirements will professionalise and drive the 'culture change needed' in the sector. They said ensuring managers have appropriate qualifications will bring social housing more closely into line with other sectors providing frontline services, including social work, teaching, and health and care services. Any landlord who fails to meet the new standards requirements could eventually receive an unlimited fine from the Regulator of Social Housing, the department said. Mr Gove said: 'The Grenfell Tower tragedy and, more recently, the death of Awaab Ishak showed the devastating consequences of residents inexcusably being let down by poor performing landlords who consistently failed to listen to them. 'We know that many social housing residents are not receiving the service or respect they deserve. Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Michael Gove announced the qualification plans today in an effort to 'professionalise' the sector in the same way as teaching and healthcare Social housing managers will require qualifications under new rules announced by the Housing Secretary This latest Bill is another step in response to the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire, which claimed 72 lives 'The changes we are delivering today will make sure social housing managers across the country have the right skills and experience to deliver an excellent service and drive up standards across the board.' This latest Bill is another step in response to the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire, with the Fire Safety Act enacted and the Building Safety Act passed last year. The fire claimed the lives of at least 72 people, and it was later found cladding on the outside of the building did not meet fire-safety standards. As already announced by Mr Gove's department, the draft law will give the social housing regulator tough new powers, allowing it to enter properties with only 48 hours' notice and make emergency repairs with landlords footing the bill. The legislation is expected to return to Parliament on March 1. Speaking in the wake of Awaab's death, Mr Gove said: 'The tragic death of Awaab Ishak should never have happened. 'He was inexcusably let down and his family repeatedly ignored. I want to pay tribute to Awaab's family for their tireless fight for justice over the last two years. 'Today we have announced tough new laws to force social landlords to fix their homes within strict new time limits. 'Those landlords who continue to drag their feet over dangerous damp and mould will face the full force of the law. 'Our Social Housing Bill will enshrine tenants' rights in law and strengthen the Housing Ombudsman and Regulator's powers so that poor social landlords have nowhere to hide. 'Awaab's Law will help to ensure that homes across the country are safe, decent and warm.' Gavin Smart, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing, said: 'We welcome the Government's focus on and support for professionalism in housing. 'We believe housing professionals should do all they can to ensure that tenants and residents have access to good quality, affordable homes; that they are treated with dignity and respect; and that their voices and views are heard and taken account of in decisions that affect them. 'We look forward to working with Government to support organisations and individuals in achieving the qualifications needed under these new requirements.' Grenfell United, a group of survivors and bereaved family members of the victims of the west London tower blaze that took 72 lives, said: 'For six years we have worked relentlessly to hold the Government to account to change social housing for tenants across the country. 'We never gave up. We pushed for professionalisation and for robust regulation to ensure residents are treated with respect and humanity. 'Whilst there is a long way to go, we welcome the amendment. 'We believe this will play a part in the legacy of positive change and make a significant difference to social housing tenants.' Matthew Pennycook, Labour's shadow housing minister, said: 'We know from the circumstances leading up to the fire at Grenfell and those surrounding the death of Awaab Ishak that poorly managed social housing can literally kill. 'It is therefore essential that those managing the homes of social tenants have the necessary qualifications and training to ensure that all tenants are treated with fairness, dignity, and respect.' Polly Neate, chief executive of housing charity Shelter, said: 'Thanks to tireless campaigning, and relentless efforts of Grenfell United, this amendment will ensure that social housing landlords are professionally qualified to do the job.' Sir Keir Starmer was accused of 'Olympic-standard hubris' last night over his ambitions for a Tony Blair-style decade in power. The Labour leader faced claims that he was taking victory in the next two Elections for granted after he unveiled plans for a 'decade of national renewal' last week. Tory MP Alexander Stafford said: 'Sir Keir is guilty of Olympic-standard hubris if he thinks he's got not just the next General Election in the bag but the one after as well. That sort of arrogance and pride always comes before a fall.' Sir Keir's allies hit back last night by insisting that Labour was in no way taking the voters for granted, and that the party leader had needed to set out a long-term vision given the scale of the problems left behind by the Tories. However, even many Labour MPs are privately worried that the succession of huge opinion poll leads over the Tories will result in complacency. The Labour leader revealed his ten-year plan to transform the country and put an end to 'sticking-plaster politics'. He made clear that such was the scale of his 'five missions' that he would need two terms in power to achieve them. He said: 'I'm not going to shy away from the fact that after the damage that's been done in the last 13 years, it is going to take time to fix the fundamentals.' Sir Keir Starmer was accused of 'Olympic-standard hubris' last night over his ambitions for a Tony Blair-style decade in power He also faced questions on how the public could trust him given that he had campaigned to make Jeremy Corbyn Prime Minister, and had now abandoned pledges he made during the contest to succeed Mr Corbyn He insisted that he was 'pretty humble' given Labour's disastrous performance at the 2019 Election. However, he faced mockery over the lack of detail in his plans, which include making the UK the fastest-growing G7 country and making Britain's streets safe. He also faced questions on how the public could trust him given that he had campaigned to make Jeremy Corbyn Prime Minister, and had now abandoned pledges he made during the contest to succeed Mr Corbyn. Last week, Ben Nunn, Sir Keir's former head of communications, wrote in the i newspaper that the leader's talk of long-term plans 'signals his determination to be more than a one-term Prime Minister'. Starmer's hope of decade at No 10 is Olympic-standard hubris, say Tories Red Wall Tories are furious with Rishi Sunak for breaking his vow to MPs in the North. One warned that the Northern Research Group (NRG), founded by Conservatives, could 'make life difficult' for the Prime Minister after he failed to create a dedicated Cabinet Minister for the North. It comes amid fears that Labour could take many Red Wall seats at the next election. 'This summer you signed a pledge to us that you would deliver a Minister for the North at Cabinet level,' the NRG wrote in a letter sent this month and seen by The Mail on Sunday. 'We are writing to you today asking you to make good on that promise.' Red Wall Tories are furious with Rishi Sunak for breaking his vow to MPs in the North It comes amid fears that Labour could take many Red Wall seats at the next election In his reply, Mr Sunak said he was a northern MP and pointed to Levelling Up Minister Dehenna Davison's brief, despite her not being in the Cabinet. He added: 'I must take this opportunity to congratulate the NRG for the fantastic work you do.' MPs in the NRG are said to have felt 'betrayed' by this. A Government spokesman said: 'We are committed to levelling up by spreading opportunity and investment. It's the responsibility of every minister to ensure that we level up across the country.' Dan Hodges Page 45 Yet another Norfolk Southern freight train has derailed, this time in North Carolina on Saturday, just days after Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg visited the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio and pointed out there were a thousand crashes a year. The train derailment took place Saturday morning in Lexington, North Carolina, a spokesperson for Norfolk Southern said in a statement. 'One of our trains traveling through Lexington derailed this morning. Of the train's 132 cars, 1 [set of wheels] has derailed. There are no reports of a hazmat situation or danger to the public,' they wrote. 'Our crew is safe and additional personnel are on their way to begin cleanup,' they added. 'We appreciate the public's patience and care near this area during the cleanup work.' It comes just a day after a freight train derailed in Burlington, Vermont in the early morning hours Friday. Yet another Norfolk Southern freight train has derailed, this time in North Carolina on Saturday, just days after Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg visited the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio (pictured) Multiple Amtrak trains had to be stop due to the crash, in which one set of wheels came off the rails, according to Fox News. Norfolk Southern has claimed that residents have nothing to worry about but they might be skeptical after the catastrophe in Ohio. Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg said that roughly 1,000 trains derail per year just like the one in East Palestine, Ohio and in Lexington, North Carolina. President Joe Biden on Friday directed federal agencies to go door-to-door in East Palestine, Ohio, starting Saturday, to check on families affected by the toxic train derailment. Under Biden's order, teams from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Emergency Management Agency will visit homes. Workers will ask how residents are doing, see what they need and connect them with appropriate resources from government and nonprofit organizations, the White House said. The 'walk teams' are modeled on similar teams following hurricanes and other natural disasters. Biden directed employees to get to as many homes as possible by Monday. Officials said the immediate goal was to visit at least 400. The president said he currently has no plans to personally visit Ohio. Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg said that roughly 1,000 trains derail per year just like the one in East Palestine , Ohio and in Lexington, North Carolina Norfolk Southern President and CEO Alan Shaw speaks to reporters President Joe Biden was at a loss for words when explaining to reporters why he has yet to visit East Palestine, Ohio, three weeks after the toxic train derailment The Biden administration has been accused of being apathetic to the plight of the small Ohio community, where residents are reporting worrying symptoms Biden on Friday rejected the notion that his administration hasn't been present in providing assistance in a bizarre exchange as he left the White House to spend the weekend at his Delaware home. 'We were there two hours after the train went down. Two hours,' Biden said at the White House. 'I've spoken with every single major figure in both Pennsylvania and in Ohio. And so the idea that we're not engaged is simply not there.' But Democrats - including blundering Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg - have been accused of initially playing the disaster down. They were embarrassed into taking it more seriously after a well-publicized visit to the site by former President Donald Trump earlier this week. An East Palestine resident waits for former US President Donald Trump's arrival during his visit to the site of a train wreck and chemical spill in East Palestine A resident displays a mannequin on their porch in East Palestine, Ohio, as cleanup from the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern train derailment continues During Friday's interaction, Biden struggled to remember the word Zoom telling reporters: ' Did a whole video, I mean, um, what the hell, on,' Biden rambled as he looked for reporters to fill in the gap. 'Zoom?' one of the reporters said, trying to help the president. 'Zoom! All I can think of every time I think of Zoom is that song in my generation, Who's Zoomin' Who,' he said, referencing the Aretha Franklin song. A timeline given out by the White House Friday said DOT provided 'initial incident notification' to members of the Ohio congressional delegation and relevant committees on Saturday, Feb. 4, less than a day after the derailment. That same day, EPA deployed real-time air monitoring instruments in 12 locations surrounding the wreck site and in the neighboring community, the White House said. Residents in East Palestine have reported going to the hospital over rashes following the spill Pictured: The site of the chemical spill as crews work to suppress the contaminants on Friday Pictured: The chemical fire releasing toxins into the air in East Palestine The chemical spill has left many residents too afraid to shower as clean up crews work to gather the destroyed train cars and their cargo Biden defended his administration's work and said his team has been in Palestine since day one, but added that he has never been invited to come and that he still has no plans to go Meanwhile, the controversy spread far beyond the little Ohio town. Officials in Texas and Michigan expressed concern about contaminated wastewater and soil being transported to their states for disposal. Biden's order came as House Republicans opened an investigation into the Feb. 3 derailment, blaming Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for what they contend was a delayed response to the fiery wreck. The focus on DOT came even though the EPA took charge of the federal response this week and ordered Norfolk Southern railway to pay for the cleanup and chemical release. Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, became the latest lawmaker to jump into what has become a political proxy war as each party lays into the other after the derailment and chemical leak that led to evacuation of the small Ohio community. 'Despite the U.S. Department of Transportation's responsibility to ensure safe and reliable transport in the United States, you ignored the catastrophe for over a week,' the Kentucky Republican said in a letter to Buttigieg. 'The American people deserve answers as to what caused the derailment, and DOT needs to provide an explanation for its leadership's apathy in the face of this emergency,' the letter went on. Federal environmental authorities have ordered a temporary halt in the shipment of contaminated waste from the site of a fiery train derailment earlier this month in eastern Ohio near the Pennsylvania state line. Region 5 administrator Debra Shore of the Environmental Protection Agency said Saturday the agency ordered Norfolk Southern to 'pause' shipments from the site of the Feb. 3 derailment in East Palestine but vowed that removal of the material would resume 'very soon.' 'Everyone wants this contamination gone from the community. They don't want the worry, and they don't want the smell, and we owe it to the people of East Palestine to move it out of the community as quickly as possible,' Shore said. Until Friday, Shore said, the rail company had been solely responsible for the disposal of the waste and supplied Ohio environmental officials with a list of selected and utilized disposal sites. Going forward, disposal plans including locations and transportation routes for contaminated waste will be subject to EPA review and approval, she said. A deported Albanian crack dealer has been found living two doors from a children's nursery after sneaking back into Britain. Armand Gjyriqi was one of 12 criminals kicked out in 2020 as part of Priti Patel's zero-tolerance policy against migrants who threaten Britain's national security. His removal was hailed by the then Home Secretary as evidence of the Government's crackdown on foreign gangsters and thugs. But The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Gjyriqi, 30, re-entered the country illegally last year on a small boat, claiming he was a victim of people-traffickers. He was granted bail at a court last month after a Home Office lawyer failed to show up to oppose it. CROSSED CHANNEL: Tagged Albanian criminal Armand Gjyriqi, 30 Armand Gjyriqi was one of 12 criminals kicked out in 2020 as part of Priti Patel's zero-tolerance policy against migrants who threaten Britain's national security Gjyriqi is one of nearly 1,000 serious criminals, including murderers, rapists and drug dealers, who have crossed the Channel illegally and are living in the community. He has been fitted with an electronic tag and bailed to live with his cousin Besmir in Bolton. Their 175,000 terrace house is two doors from Happitots day nursery, which looks after 26 children under four. When the MoS found him last week he was at Besmir's car wash, despite not being allowed to work. He confirmed his identity but would not answer any questions. The case comes as it emerged that 12,000 migrants will be fast-tracked through the asylum system after completing a questionnaire designed to clear a huge backlog. But the 'vast majority' will be rubber-stamped without an interview, and criminals such as Gjyriqi could slip through and gain refugee status if they lie on the form. An enforcement source said: 'The guys on the front line who apprehend criminals like this are being badly let down by the system. 'They are doing a tough job in difficult circumstances, but it seems there's no point when migrants can exploit the system so easily. They are laughing in our faces when they claim to be victims of people-traffickers. They pay them good money to get here. 'The Home Office keeps telling everyone they're tightening up security, but the real crisis is unfolding in courtrooms and back offices. Bad decisions are being made.' Gjyriqi came to the UK in 2000 and was granted limited leave to remain, which was renewed until 2017 when he was convicted at St Albans Crown Court of dealing crack cocaine and sentenced to eight years. He served less than half this before being released, and was deported to Albania in 2020. But he travelled back and boarded a small boat from France in May 2022, arriving at Dover. He was arrested for breaching his deportation order and spent four months in custody before being transferred to immigration detention. He claimed asylum, saying he was a victim of people-traffickers, and applied for bail while his case was processed. The Home Office said: 'We remain resolute in our commitment to deport those who would abuse our hospitality.' CROSSED CHANNEL: Tagged Albanian criminal Armand Gjyriqi, 30 Chefs, cleaners, builders and electricians applying for public sector vacancies are being asked to demonstrate a 'commitment to equality and diversity' and show their opposition to 'discrimination and unjust behaviour'. From admin staff and academics to site maintenance and tech support, candidates for jobs at British universities are also increasingly required to display their 'woke' credentials. An advertisement for a cleaner at Northampton Guildhall states that the duties include not only cleaning toilets and emptying waste bins, but also 'a commitment to equality and diversity'. As well as preparing food and maintaining hygiene, a new chef at Kent University must 'deliver and promote equality, diversity and inclusivity'. Durham University is seeking a full-time maintenance builder for work including plastering, masonry and footpath repairs. Once again, another requirement is 'a commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion'. An advertisement for a cleaner at Northampton Guildhall states that the duties include not only cleaning toilets and emptying waste bins, but also 'a commitment to equality and diversity' Durham University is seeking a full-time maintenance builder for work including plastering, masonry and footpath repairs. Once again, another requirement is 'a commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion' In Staffordshire, even school cleaners are part of the trend. Along with 'mopping, buffing and wiping', applicants to a post advertised by Shaw Education Trust must 'ensure that all work is completed with a commitment to equality and anti-discriminatory practice'. None of the advertisements explains how the candidate is expected to display this commitment or what evidence they should provide to show they meet the stipulation. Meanwhile, critics have slammed the rise of the 'woke' job application. Alan Smithers, a professor at Buckingham University, said: 'A moral madness is overtaking the country. The essential requirement of staff of all kinds is that they be good at, and committed to, their jobs.' According to Professor Dennis Hayes, the director of Academics For Academic Freedom: 'The only value that should be required of an academic is a commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.' There are also fears that the trend for 'virtue-signalling' in job advertisements could be contributing to the sharp rise of 'economically inactive' over-50s. Chris McGovern, the chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, believes that such 'flag waving for diversity' deters older people from applying. 'Virtue-signalling does not fool mature adults who have experience of life,' he said. 'For them, 'wokeism' is 'fakeism.' ' Transgender inmates who pose a risk to other prisoners are to be banned from womens prisons in England and Wales from tomorrow. The move will apply to transgender women guilty of violent or sexual offences and transgender women with male genitals. It follows growing concern about the risks posed by transgender prisoners, and comes after Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was embroiled in a row over transgender double rapist Isla Bryson, who was sent to a female-only jail until a public outcry forced a U-turn. Justice Secretary Dominic Raab said the measure would apply regardless of whether prisoners had a gender recognition certificate, with exemptions only in the most exceptional cases needing to be signed off by ministers. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was embroiled in a row over transgender double rapist Isla Bryson (pictured), who was sent to a female-only jail until a public outcry forced a U-turn Justice Secretary Dominic Raab said the measure would apply regardless of whether prisoners had a gender recognition certificate He added: Safety has to come first in our prisons. Ministry of Justice figures show there were 230 transgender prisoners in England and Wales in the year to last March, of whom 187 had a legal gender of male and 43 of female. Of the total, 181 were in male prisons and 49 were in female ones. There were six transgender women in womens jails. A Ministry of Justice source said: Our current approach is that transgender women can only be held in the womens estate if a risk assessment says it is safe to hold them there, whereas in Scotland there is a presumption that they will be held according to self-declared gender identity unless there are concerns about risk. We are now going further, making sure trans women who retain male genitalia or convicted of sex or violent offences cant be held in womens estate unless there is an explicit decision by ministers. Australia's 43,000 prisoners are better fed than people in aged-care homes, with some allowed to plan and cook their own meals and order in ingredients. Prisoners can expect delicious meals from countries all across the world including Mexican beef, Thai green curry and peri peri chicken - all of which look top class compared to what's offered in some care facilities. The fancy prison meals were in stark contrast to the food served up to Andrew Phelan's mum - a resident at Regis Aged Care in Brighton, Melbourne - a facility recently awarded four out of five stars. Mr Phelan's mum was given a small handful of soggy chips, a kid-sized fish cocktail and a blob of tartare sauce. Ex-convict Jackson Allum, who spent two years in various NSW jails, told Channel 7 about the prison food he got, including what was considered a special treat. Mexican beef, Thai green curry and peri peri chicken meatballs are some of the more exotic options on the dinner menu in NSW prisons An elderly mother received a 'meal' of cold fish and chips (above) for dinner at Regis Aged Care in Brighton The highlight of the menu rotation was a portion of chicken devil wings, said Allum, who started the website ausprisons and uses a pseudonym to protect his identity. 'Obviously it wasn't much because you only get three tiny wings and most of the guys are big. But they were really delicious, it was like real meat,' he said. 'You know in the movies when they give you grey slop on a tray, it's not like that.' In contrast, Mr Phelan wrote the cold fish and chips was 'what passes for dinner at Regis Aged Care Brighton where there are two staff to serve 12 people'. 'Mum's bed doesn't work. The food is cold. It's been left in Mum's room on a tray and if I wasn't here there's no way she would be able to get it,' he said. Mr Phelan said he would be moving his mother to a new facility, writing: 'How that place got 4 stars is beyond me.' Mr Phelan said he would be moving his mother out of Regis Aged Care, writing: 'How that place got 4 stars is beyond me' In jails, food varies between prisons, security levels and different states. A South Australian Department of Corrective Services spokesperson said 'prisoners in low security areas meal plan, budget, buy and cook their meals themselves.' Allum said in lower security prison areas inmates can add to what they are given with cans of tuna and packets of instant noodles they buy in the prison shop. In some minimum security prisons such as Glenn Innes - 570km north of Sydney - groups of about 10 inmates can live together in units rather than cells. While doing so, they can fill out forms to buy in up to $30 of food, which they then cook themselves. Even in jails where they are not allowed to cook their own meals, the food served within Australian prisons is mostly made by other inmates anyway. At Long Bay Correctional Complex (pictured) in southern Sydney, Reg Boys Bakery employs 45 inmates who bake 25,000 loaves of bread each week The Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre in Windsor on the north-western outskirts of Sydney, has one of the biggest prison kitchens in the country. Ninety Windsor inmates cook 3.9million prison meals each year - more than 75,000 a week, with most of them being frozen and sent out to other jails. Working there and in other prison kitchens gives the prisoners qualifications they can used elsewhere once they have served their time. The menu changes more often in some states than others, though. In Tasmania, seasonal menus set for summer and winter dining are changed every six weeks, while in Queensland the menu is reviewed every two years. There are also alternative prison meals available for inmates with different cultural, religious and medical needs. A recent experiment at South Australia's Mobilong Prison saw inmates offered a second lunch and dinner choice in order to improve nutrition. It was deemed to be a success and the state plans to have all SA prisons offering menu choices by July. Beef slices, beef sausages and an omelette with rice (pictured) are all meals cooked by the inmates within the NSW prison system Some prisoners also make food sold outside jails. At Long Bay Correctional Complex in southern Sydney, Reg Boys Bakery employs 45 inmates who bake 25,000 loaves of bread each week. NSW Corrections Minister Geoff Lee said 'inmates certainly arent eating like kings'. 'But they are provided with a variety of meal options on a rotating schedule that meet their needs, ensuring they're well-fed and ready to participate in meaningful activities within prison,' he said. Jon Venables has reportedly been granted a parole hearing ahead of legislation which could prevent him from ever being released. The infamous killer - handed an indefinite sentence when he was 10 for the torture and murder of two-year-old James Bulger in 1993 - could appear before a parole board as early as next month, The Sun reports. A source told the publication: 'An oral hearing would mean Venables is one decision away from being released. James' family are horrified at the prospect.' Venables was freed from prison aged 18 in 2001 and handed a new identity, but landed back in jail in 2010 and 2017 over child sex images. He was last denied parole in 2020. The killer is currently serving a 40-month jail term and passed the halfway point last October. The infamous killer - handed an indefinite sentence when he was 10 for the torture and murder of two-year-old James Bulger in 1993 - could appear before a parole board as early as next month James' father, Ralph said at the time: 'If Venables is walking around as a free man as we mark 30 years of losing our beautiful boy, it would be the ultimate betrayal' Justice Secretary Dominic Raab is expected to provide a recommendation to parole chiefs to keep Venables behind bars, citing an ongoing threat to the community. But a hearing would also consider advice from prison chiefs, victim impact statements from James's parents and other factors. Venables' legal team will be hoping to move quickly on any future parole hearings as Mr Raab looks to pass his Victims Bill through Parliament by Easter. The Bill would allow ministers to block a criminal's release from prison with a 'two strikes and you're in' policy. It would mean anyone who commits a serious offence while already on parole would never be released. Additionally, ex-cops would be placed on parole board panels in an attempt to introduce a more 'precautionary approach'. Under the package, victims will be given the right to attend Parole Board hearings in full and submit questions about an offenders suitability for release. Justice Secretary Dominic Raab is expected to provide a recommendation to parole chiefs to keep Venables behind bars, citing an ongoing threat to the community Venables and his co-offender Robert Thompson were both 10 years old when they kidnapped, tortured and then murdered little James on Merseyside in 1993 Venables and his co-offender Robert Thompson were both 10 years old when they kidnapped, tortured and then murdered little James on Merseyside in 1993. The crime sent shockwaves through the community, and both boys were jailed indefinitely. The Justice Secretary is said to be 'looking very closely' at the case. There were whispers Venables would have landed a parole hearing in late 2022, however 'Westminster turmoil' prevented him in securing a pre-Christmas parole hearing, sources said at the time. Under the current legislation, Venables was entitled to another parole hearing within two years of his last bid in September 2020. James' father, Ralph said at the time: 'If Venables is walking around as a free man as we mark 30 years of losing our beautiful boy, it would be the ultimate betrayal.' His mother Denise Fergus also urged the government to block Venables' release claiming he is 'still a danger'. Soldiers could soon be able to make parts for guns and tanks on the battlefield using 3D printers. The technology, which was used last month for the first time to make metal parts for the Army's armoured vehicles, could revolutionise global warfare. The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Babcock, the defence firm behind the breakthrough, aims to build portable frontline units. Its 3D printing uses 'additive layer manufacturing', which builds small amounts of steel in layers. A 3D printed fictional shotgun by the UK based 3D printing company Tri-Tec Tom Newman, chief executive of the firm's land division, said it could fix supply-chain issues on the ground, adding: 'For almost anything you can hold in your hand or pick up, you would be able to print with a really fine level of detail. 'We've already produced parts that weigh up to 20kg and parts that are really complex shapes. 'There's no reason you couldn't use this technology to support many different kinds of armoured vehicles. 'We are working with our customers to find ways to use the technology in the field, so they wouldn't need to take as many parts with them when deployed. It could make armies more self-sufficient.' Newman said Babcock's technology could also further assist Ukrainian soldiers in their war against Russia. The company has been assisting Government-led efforts to help Ukraine since the invasion last year, providing both training and equipment. The University of Cambridge banned white working-class students from one of its postgraduate courses, it was reported. Instead students from under-represented groups were given the change to enroll in the course at the prestigious institution. Cambridge university's School of Arts and Humanities (SAH) advertised 'an exciting new widening participation project' to 'give an opportunity for students from under-represented groups to experience postgraduate research at Cambridge', The Sunday Telegraph reported. The school told its lecturers that it was 'more reliant on Oxbridge applicants than most other schools' at the university. It was reported around 40 per cent of applicants to the school come from Oxbridge pathways, compared to 25 to 30 per cent across the university. The school told its lecturers that it was 'more reliant on Oxbridge applicants than most other schools' at the university. Pictured: Aerial drone view of King's College Cambridge The school said scheme was then introduced to address this as there were 'massive offer gaps between Oxbridge pathway and others and most of our under-represented groups apply from outside Oxbridge'. Lecturers at the school were told, The Sunday Telegraph reported: 'The programme will be advertised for second or third-year UG [undergraduate] students from Black, Black British, Pakistani, Bangladeshi or British-Pakistani, British-Bangladeshi students studying at traditional research-intensive universities, who are planning to continue their studies in 2024'. The announcement sparked fury among many who were angry at the non-white requirement. The university has since reversed this scheme following concerns raised by many in the institution's community. The programme has now opened up to a wider group defined by socio-economic factors rather than race - that included white-working class students. Prof David Abulafia of Cambridge's Gonville and Caius College, told The Sunday Telegraph: 'It's good that the programme has been recalibrated so that the criterion is disadvantage rather than race. 'The racial criterion seemed to assume non-white students are automatically disadvantaged. Isn't that a little bit racist?' The school's announcement sparked fury among many who were angry at the non-white requirement. Pictured: King's College Chapel and Clare College Cambridge A second Cambridge lecturer in divinity, Dr James Orr, told The Sunday Telegraph: '[This] kind of opportunity should surely be available to everyone on the basis of merit and need, not ethnic background. 'Undergraduates from ethnic minorities do not need a helping hand from the university to progress to graduate research.' The university's scheme gives the opportunity for four interns to spend six weeks at the college over the summer. They will be paid the real living wage and will be given campus accommodation. Students will work 35 hours each week before writing a 4,000 word essay. Shocking footage has captured the moment an elderly woman was pestered for painting her church steps rainbow in support of World Pride and Mardi Gras. The woman was among several people who had been painting the steps outside of Pitt Street Uniting Church in Sydney in the lead-up to Mardi Gras on Saturday. An outraged man then confronted the woman demanding to know why she was painting the steps rainbow. He filmed the shocking confrontation while the woman remained calm and composed even as she was threatened with eternal damnation by the man. Shocking footage has captured the moment an elderly woman was pestered for painting her church steps rainbow in support of World Pride 'Are you, are you, is this Christian?' the man asked. 'What are y'all doing here Is God for this?' The woman smiled as she responded in a calm and measured voice. 'Absolutely. God is for love, for welcome, for hospitality,' she said. 'God is very hospitable towards this.' The man demanded the woman to back up her claim asking her where in the Bible it said God supported same-sex marriage. 'God is love? Of course he is, but he's holy too,' the man responded. 'You believe God is holy, you believe he's got commandments, and do you believe we should obey them? 'Because God says, if you love me, keep my commandments. But love is not at the expense of truth, is it? 'This is an abomination to God. Do you read the Bible? Do you read your Bible?' The woman reiterated that God was love and politely said she needed to finish painting the steps. 'I don't think these are Christian questions that you're asking,' she said. 'A Christian is a Christ-follower. You're not really following Christ,' the man responded. 'Without Christ, you're going to a devil's Hell, did you know that? You're being deceived man, and I don't want to be deceived. I'm worried for your soul.' Another video showed several men visiting the church at night before painting over the rainbow colours. 'F**k the LGBT,' one of them said. Another video showed several men visiting the church at night before painting over the rainbow colours The woman was among several people who had been painting the steps outside of Pitt Street Uniting Church in Sydney in the lead-up to Mardi Gras on Saturday Social media users were quick to support the woman and slam the man who confronted her in the video. 'Props to the lady for showing kindness and grace when faced with a confrontation like this, she did amazing!' one wrote. Another added: 'Such vile and destructive hatred.' Both videos were shared on social media by Charlie Bakhos, the organiser of the Facebook page Christian Lives Matter. Mr Bakhos praised the vandals calling them 'superheroes'. 'This time adding their artistic touches to the church steps,' he wrote. Daily Mail Australia is not suggesting Mr Bakhos was involved in either of the videos and contacted him for comment. Ghislaine Maxwell will this week launch her appeal to overturn her 20-year sentence for child sex trafficking by claiming one of the jurors who convicted her broke the law by calling his psychiatrist during the trial. The 20,000-word appeal must be filed before the US Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit in New York before the deadline on Tuesday. The Mail On Sunday reported that the appeal filed by Maxwell's 'pitbull' lawyer Arthur Aidala, who represented disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein will focus on whether Juror 50 violated the judge's orders not to discuss the case. Her appeal is expected now that her divorce papers are thought to have been filed with a US judge, which will give her access to some of her huge fortune, The Sun reported. While on the run she transferred her money and property portfolio to her husband Scott Borgerson. Ghislaine Maxwell (pictured with Jeffrey Epstein) will this week launch her appeal to overturn her 20-year sentence for child sex trafficking by claiming one of the jurors who convicted her broke the law by calling his psychiatrist during the trial Maxwell's lawyers have identified at least two other jurors who also failed to disclose that they had been victims of sexual assault Juror 50, who identified himself as Scotty David, also failed to disclose he had been a victim of sexual abuse, a fact he later said helped him 'influence' other jurors during deliberations. However, after their marriage broke down, Mr Borgerson refused to pay for her legal bills. It is believed she will receive 25million from her divorce settlement, which she is expected to use to appeal her conviction. Speaking about the appeal, a source told the Mail On Sunday: 'The juror admitted he called his psychiatrist during deliberations because he was so upset. This is in clear violation of the judge's order not to discuss the case with anyone. 'It doesn't matter that he was calling a medical professional. He clearly broke the rules and violated the jurors' oath which gives strong grounds for appeal.' Maxwell's appeal is expected now that her divorce with Scott Borgerson is thought to have been finalised, which is likely to give her access to 25million. Pictured: Maxwell and Scott Borgerson together in 2013 Maxwell's lawyers have identified at least two other jurors who also failed to disclose that they had been victims of sexual assault. 'Her lawyers will argue that Ms Maxwell was not tried by 12 fair and impartial jurors,' the source added. The British socialite was convicted in December 2021 on five counts related to her role as paedophile Jeffrey Epstein's alleged 'madam'. The disgraced financier killed himself in jail in 2019 while being held on child sex charges. A Bali bar owner who bludgeoned an Australian tourist to death with a bar stool claims he acted in self-defense. Troy Scott Johnston, 40, died during an argument with Gede Wijaya, 20, at Uncle Benz Cafe in South Kuta just before 4am on Thursday. Mr Johnston, who worked for mining giant Rio Tinto at Perth Airport, is alleged to have urinated on Wijaya before the altercation escalated with Wijaya beating him over the head with a bar stool. Wijaya was arrested and charged with murder, but claimed in a police interview he acted in self defence after Mr Johnston attacked him with the same wooden stool. The cocktail expert knew Mr Johnston for just two days before the scuffle, but they were already chummy enough to be buying each other drinks. Troy Scott Johnston, 40, was killed with a wooden bar stool whole on holiday with his wife Ni Nyoman Purnianti (pictured together) and young son Gede Wijaya, 20, (pictured) bludgeoned Mr Johnston to death at Uncle Benz Cafe in South Kuta, but claims it was in self-defence Wijaya, a father-of-one, lost his dad just a few weeks earlier, and his mother last April. 'Forgive your arrogant son, mother... best and peaceful place for you by his side... Illuminate the path of your children and grandchildren,' he wrote online after the death of his mother. Mr Johnston was holidaying in Bali with his Indonesian wife Ni Nyoman Purnianti and young son when he went out drinking about 7.30pm on Wednesday. Wijaya told a police press conference that the pair spent the evening buying each other glasses of Arak, a cloudy white Lebanese liquor. 'He pay. He treat me. But later, I treat him also,' he told police. However, he claimed Mr Johnston drank too much and started throwing bottles and glasses into the street outside. Wijaya said he tried to calm the Australian down but he punched him in the waist and urinated on his leg, then stumbled outside and collapsed. 'He peed on my left leg I tried to tell him to cut it out. But he went inside and threw glass cups at me,' he said. 'He was drunk and lost control... I tried to calm him down.' The bar stool used to kill Mr Johnston with a single blow to the head. Wijaya claimed the Australian tried to throw it at him and he grabbed it and hit him in self-defence Wijaya, a father-of-one, lost his dad just a few weeks earlier, and his mother (pictured) last April Wijaya left Mr Johnston lying outside, but claimed he soon got up and charged into the bar, picking up the stool and trying to hurl it at him. He said he grabbed the stool and hit Mr Johnson in the head in self-defence, and did not mean to kill him. 'I am very regretful and had no intention to do that because I know him very well so it is impossible that I have intention to injure him or any other thing,' he said. However, police alleged Wijaya was enraged by Mr Johnson's conduct and attacked him with the stool out of anger, not self-defence. 'The perpetrator's motive attacking or killed the victim was because the perpetrator feel emotional,' police said. 'As the perpetrator [was] emotional, he hit the victim's head with a chair. The victim fell down in front of Uncle Benz. 'Wijaya was attacked and slammed, they both wrestled on the floor, Scott quickly got up and grab a chair and throw it at Wijaya. 'The victim apparently chased him and tried to throw a wooden stool into the perpetrator. 'As the preparator saw him trying to throw the stool, the preparator tried to seize it... the perpetrator spontaneously hit the victim's head with the stool. He hit it one time.' Police alleged that after striking Mr Johnston with the stool he simply left him lying in a pool of blood and went to his home behind the bar. Wijaya, who faces 15 years in jail, was mocked on Instagram by other Indonesians who placed the blame for Mr Johnson's death on him. 'Enjoy the pleasure of iron bars, uncle,' one wrote. Another added: 'It's scary isn't it. Drunk here could end in death.' Wijaya has since been arrested and charged with murder following the altercation on Thursday Uncle Benz Cafe was closed as police inspected the crime scene in the days after Mr Johnston's death Mr Johnson's wife became concerned after he didn't return to their accommodation by 3am and decided to search for her husband with the help of her brother. The pair found Mr Johnston unresponsive and lying in a pool of his own blood at the cafe owned by Wijaya before 4am on Thursday. Mr Johnston was rushed to hospital with critical head injuries and pronounced dead on arrival. His heartbroken wife and work colleagues paid tribute to the father and airport controller on social media. Mr Johnston's wife recalled the moment she found her husband unresponsive and lying in a pool of his own blood. 'I find him already on the ground with lots of blood,' she told Seven News. She told police that her husband went out at about 7.30pm and that she and her brother had gone out searching for him when he failed to return at 3.45am. 'At 10.30pm Purnianti contacted Scott and he replied that he was still drinking,' police said. 'Purnianti and her brother were shocked after they found Johnston was lying in a pool of blood on the terrace of Uncle Benz Cafe.' Mr Johnston was employed by Rio Tinto at its Perth Airport operations centre as an airport controller. Mr Johnston's wife recalled the moment she found her husband unresponsive and lying in a pool of his own blood The news of his death reached his workmates Friday. 'We are devastated by the news that one of our much loved and valued team members has tragically passed away overseas,' Rio Tinto said. A spokesman for his employer, mining giant Rio Tinto, said the company was providing support to family members and loved ones. 'We are devastated by the news that one of our much loved and valued team members has tragically passed away overseas. 'Troy's colleagues are deeply saddened and we are providing them access to a range of support services. 'Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with Troy's family and friends.' The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has been contacted for comment. The government is considering limiting its planned superannuation changes to accounts with a minimum of $3million in them as Opposition leader Peter Dutton issues a warning to all Australians they 'should be worried'. Treasurer Jim Chalmers is honing in on people with more than $3million in their super accounts - which would limit the changes to less than one per cent of taxpayers. The average Australian has a super balance of around $150,000. But Mr Dutton accused the Albanese government of breaking an election promise not to make changes to superannuation. 'If you've got a superannuation fund, you should be worried about Labor's intent here,' he said. Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers (pictured left, with his wife Laura) is focusing its planned superannuation changes on a specific minimum amount 'The Labor government went to the election promising that there'd be no major changes to superannuation and now they're talking about major changes to superannuation.' The debate centres on what are called concessional or 'before tax' contributions to superannuation. When you can access your superannuation? For those born before July 1, 1960, it's 55 The rises to 56 for baby boomers born between July 1, 1960 and June 30, 1961 It's 57 for those born between July 1, 1961 and June 30, 1962 It's 58 for those born between July 1, 1962 and June 30, 1963 It's 59 for those born between July 1, 1963 and June 30, 1964 It's 60 for anyone born after July 1, 1964 Advertisement This allows an individual to put up to $27,500 of their annual salary into their super fund before tax. This is then taxed at a standard rate of 15 per cent, regardless of what the highest tax rate a person is paying, meaning significant tax savings for people on high incomes and a cost to the federal budget. On Sunday, Mr Chalmers said a $3million cap on getting the 15 per cent rate was a 'good example' of a change that may happen to help prevent bigger budget deficits. He said the money saved from any reforms would be used to fund healthcare, disability care and other services funded by the federal government. 'Less than one per cent of people have got more than $3million in their superannuation,' he told Sky News. Australia's federal debt stands at $896.7billion, according to the Australian Office of Financial Management, with no projection for a budget surplus any time soon. This means the government has 'to grapple with whether or not ... we can continue to make the tax concessions meaningful and generous in superannuation,' the Treasurer said. He added that some of the existing tax concessions may not provided 'the most bang for buck' for the federal budget. Mr Chalmers said though the government had not decided where to draw the line on tax concessions for super balances, the much touted $3million figure is 'a good example for people to focus the mind on some of these big balances'. He revealed that the average balance for all funds above $3million was $6million - showing wealthy people are saving huge retirement nest eggs with big tax benefits. The current debate centres on what are called concessional or 'before tax' contributions to superannuation. Pictured are Australian notes Australians' views on reducing superannuation tax concessions are finely balanced, with neither the for or against side anywhere near a majority. In the latest Resolve Political Monitor, 34 per cent supported the idea, 28 per cent were opposed to changes and 38 per cent were undecided. Last October's budget showed a $32billion budget deficit in the 2021-2022 financial year and forecast a $36.9billion deficit this year as the economy continues to feel the effects of the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. In 2020 the then Coalition government allowed retrenched workers to take $20,000 out of their superannuation `savings, in two $10,000 instalments. Labor said the resulting $36billion withdrawal from super accounts would leave Australians poorer in retirement. The Liberal Party went to last May's federal election promising to allow people to take $50,000 from their retirement savings to buy their first home. Opposition leader Peter Dutton (pictured with his wife Kirilly) warned that 'If you've got a superannuation fund, you should be worried about Labor's intent' It would have allowed first-home buyers to invest up to $50,000 or 40 per cent of their superannuation if they had saved for a deposit of at least five per cent. There are limited grounds allowing for the early release of superannuation, including a terminal medical condition and financial hardship. Compulsory super was brought in in 1992 under Paul Keating's Labor government. The rate of compulsory super is increasing to 11 per cent, up from 10.5 per cent, from July 1, 2023 and will then increase by half a percentage point in July 2024 and July 2025. A family in Portland is being terrorized by squatters who have set up camp next door and even set their property on fire. Jacob and Beth Adams live next door to an abandoned home that has been taken over by several homeless people. The couple has caught the homeless people overdosing and stealing from their backyard - but said the final straw was when the group set their property on fire. 'There are fires that have been happening off and on. Major ones. This recent one actually came and set our property on fire,' Jacob told Fox12. The Adams' official neighbor, who is a Vietnam veteran, echoed his concern, adding that the squatters have made his living situation worse than his military deployment in Vietnam. 'I felt safer when I was walking around in downtown Saigon when I was in Vietnam than I do here in Portland,' Armand Martens, 83, told the news outlet. Horrific moment showed squatters terrorizing a Portland family as many say they feel unsafe as the homelessness crisis worsens. The fire caught the property of Jacob and Beth Adams on fire Jacob Adams said squatters have moved into his Portland neighborhood and he always catches them screaming or overdosing. Pictured: a squatter living next door to Jacob Adams Jacob Adams said the city's changing policy impact his neighborhood as he recalled the past five years of drug use in the area and the constant fires, including the most recent one Jacob said the city's changing policies impact his neighborhood as he recalled the past five years of drug use in the area and the constant fires, including the most recent blaze. 'Within 12 hours of that fire, another fire popped up,' Jacob recalled. 'My wife was screaming, and propane tanks were igniting off from the fire.' Footage of the fire showed the blaze coming from the squatter home as a woman was heard shrieking in the background. The unknown danger has led Jacob to purchase his own fire extinguishers in case of an emergency. Jacob has called police constantly to report his squatter neighbors, but it appears nothing has changed. 'I dont know how many times Ive talked to police, because people are screaming, or someone is overdosing,' he told the news outlet. 'Its just countless, countless first responders calls.' Red vacate notices are plastered across the outside walls of the squatter home but it doesn't appear the current residents are taking the hint Multnomah County, where Portland is located, counted 6,633 people as experiencing homelessness on the night of January 26, 2022. Homeless statistics can be hard to verify as individuals will move around each day. Pictured: a homeless person in Portland in October Video footage taken from the Adams' front door showed Jacob talking to a man who allegedly stole firewood from his backyard. The theft was one of many disturbances by intruders. 'We all have to love our neighbor no matter who they are. But at the point when they start setting your place on fire it becomes a little more difficult,' Jacobs told the news outlet. Red vacate notices are plastered across the outside walls of the squatter home but it doesn't appear the current residents are taking the hint. 'The polices hands are tied because they cant vacate people because we call, but what does that do?' Jacob said. A line of campers are stationed along a road where homeless people are staying (pictured: Portland homeless camp in October) Of the 6,633 people counted as homeless, 3,611 were living on the street and in homeless encampments, and an additional 2,222 people were sleeping in the city's shelters Portland currently has more than 700 homeless encampments across the city. The rise in homelessness has also led to increase crime in the city Multnomah County, where Portland is located, counted 6,633 people as experiencing homelessness on the night of January 26, 2022. Homeless statistics can be hard to verify as individuals will move around each day. Of the 6,633 people counted as homeless, 3,611 were living on the street and in homeless encampments, and an additional 2,222 people were sleeping in the city's shelters. A further 800 more were in transitional housing. Vietnam veteran Armand Martens, 83, echoed his concern adding that he felt safer in Saigon than in his own neighborhood The rise in homelessness has also led to an increase crime in the city. It is understood that there were some 93 homicides in Portland in 2022. The city police department's data is yet to confirm this number however, only releasing statistics up until October of this year identifying 82 murders. This number would set a new record for murders in 2022, up from the previous year's record of 88 in 2021. This smashed past the murder rate in 2020, where there were 57 homicides in comparison. Saturday Night Live took on former President Donald Trump's visit to the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio during its cold opening this week. The fake Trump, as played by cast member James Austin Johnson, gave a press conference in which he made fun of Pete Buttigieg and eventually brought on Georgia grand jury foreman Emily Kohrs. 'Hello, it's wonderful to be here in East Palestine... not a great name,' opened Johnson's Trump, incorrectly pronouncing the town's name to sound like the state of Palestine. He then joked that current President Joe Biden was 'on Spring break in Ukraine with his friend Zelensky in the t-shirt, very disrespectful.' Johnson's uncanny Trump then recalled a chance meeting when 'a farmer came up to me, big fella and he said, 'Sir, we have nothing to eat because our dirt is poison.' And I said, 'Well what are you doing eating the dirt? Don't eat the dirt, folks! You should be eating the cold McDonald's I bought you.' Saturday Night Live took on former President Donald Trump's visit to the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio during its cold opening this week The impression tends to mimic how Trump will go off on tangents about celebrities sometimes. When he described the rivers in East Palestine as 'colorful' he began calling it 'Fenty Beauty Water' in a reference to Rihanna's fashion line. 'Rihanna, by the way, you know, she was pregnant doing Super Bowl, can you believe that? I said of course she is, she's not moving at all, it was just arms, right? She was just doing arms the whole time.' He then turned his attention to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who infamously visited East Palestine after Trump did on Thursday. 'This was his responsibility, unfortunately, he was too busy being a nerd and being gay to have dealt with the very much more important issue of should trains have big poison.' He then cracked that he's begun calling the former mayor of South Bend 'Pete Butt,' adding that 'there's no way around it, that's just the best one. Believe me, I've tried it every which way and it doesn't get better than Pete Butt.' After a joke about he made trains 'less safe' and that he could 'Schitt's Creek' the entire town in reference to the sitcom. He then invited Chloe Fineman as controversial Georgia grand jury foreman Emily Kohrs. 'She's an odd duck but we like her. She's either seven or 40, we can't tell. And she's got a very big secret for such a kooky lady,' Johnson's Trump said. Former President Donald Trump stands next to a pallet of water before delivering remarks at the East Palestine Fire Department station on February 22 The fake Trump, as played by cast member James Austin Johnson, gave a press conference in which he made fun of Pete Buttigieg and eventually brought on Georgia grand jury foreman Emily Kohrs Trump invited Chloe Fineman as controversial Georgia grand jury foreman Emily Kohrs He spent much of his time mocking Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for not showing up in East Palestine 'She's a head juror, can you believe that? They elected her. They'll elect anyone, I started that,' he added. Fineman's Kohrs would not reveal if Trump would be indicted but said 'we've been saying your name a lot.' 'Can you believe that? They almost had me and then this little horse girl comes in and saves the day,' he cracked. 'She look like Haley Joel Osment and she's my best friend.' Later on in the show, Weekend Update anchor Colin Jost joked that Trump visited the crash site because 'he usually likes to make himself look better by standing next to a trainwreck,' before cutting to a photo of Rudy Giuliani. Trump visited East Palestine, a small Ohio community of 4,700, upended by a toxic train derailment on Wednesday 19 days after the crash, but still before President Joe Biden or Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg tours the site of the February 3 Norfolk Southern train derailment, Thursday, February 23, Republicans are reeling that Biden has not visited Ohio for himself, or at least deployed Buttigieg there to survey the damage and speak with local leaders about how the administration can best assist. The former president greeted crowds furious at the lack of action from the White House, 19 days after the disaster in Ohio, and brought in thousands of bottles of his own water, cleaning supplies and canned food. He then stopped at a local McDonald's where he ordered Big Macs for first responders and members of his team, and handed out signed MAGA hats to the customers. 'I know this menu better than you do. I probably know it better than anybody in here,' he told the server and demanded they 'knock it out fast' so he could eat it on the plane. Donald Trump told East Palestine residents they had been victims of 'betrayal' by President Biden and the federal government and said his visit finally sparked them to act in a tour of the toxic train derailment site Trump then stopped at a local McDonald's where he ordered Big Macs for first responders and members of his team, and handed out signed MAGA hats to the customers Donald Trump's typical order at McDonald's consists of two Big Macs, two Filet-of-Fish sandwiches and a chocolate milkshake. Although he claims to skip the bun when he eats fast-food sandwiches, the order comes in at 2,500 calories - about a day's worth for a man his age. Hundreds of people lined the streets waving MAGA flags and chanting 'no more Joe' to greet Trump after he landed in the community on his renovated Trump Force One jet. In a speech in the local fire department he praised the response from law enforcement and the 'strength and courage' of the residents, and said: 'You are not forgotten'. He promised to return if the community didn't get help from the White House and when a reporter asked what message he had for Biden, Trump said: 'Get over here'. His visit coincided with Norfolk Southern releasing a statement saying they would take 'full responsibility' for the derailment and Pete Buttigieg confirming he'll visit the site on Thursday. But residents of East Palestine feel that a visit at this point from Biden or Buttigieg would be largely useless. 'It's a little too late,' East Palestine resident William Hugar, 56, told while eating breakfast at a local diner when asked if Biden should visit. 'Like he can come, but for what?' he questioned. 'We stand with you,' Trump told the crowd at the East Palestine Fire Department, 'we pray for you, and we'll stay with you in your fight to help answer and [get] accountability that you deserve.' 'Biden and FEMA said they would not send federal aid to [the town] under any circumstances,' Trump claimed. 'We opened up the dam, and we got them to move,' he said referring to his visit the Biden administration has claimed is a photo op. The crowds lined the streets and some chanted 'no more Joe' as they awaited the arrival of the former president. He handed out supplies including water to the residents during the visit alongside Republican Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, who has led the backlash to the White House's lack of response to the disaster in the town of 4,700. 'We're bringing thousands of bottles of water - Trump Water, actually. Most of it. Some of it we had to go to a much lesser quality water, you want to get those Trump bottles,' he said in his speech. Hundreds of people lined the streets waving MAGA flags and chanting 'no more Joe' to greet Trump after he landed in the community on his renovated Trump Force One jet The former president greeted crowds furious at the lack of action from the White House , 19 days after the disaster in Ohio, and brought in thousands of bottles of his own water, cleaning supplies and canned food The stack of bottles of water with Trump's logo on the side were wheeled into the East Palestine Fire Department to distribute to the residents reeling from the derailment 19 days ago Trump also met East Palestine Mayor Trent Conway, who said earlier this week that Biden's secret trip to Ukraine was a 'slap in the face' to his constituents. If Trump's visit doesn't get Biden to come to Ohio, he said he would come back to try and force the issues. 'We're going to find time to come back, if necessary,' the 2024 candidate and former president said. 'If they don't come back and give you the treatment that you need, we will be back.' 'The Biden administration should have ensured that every family has the option of moving until this thing is straightened out,' Trump added. Republicans are furious that Biden has not visited Ohio, or at least deployed Pete Buttigieg to survey the damage and speak with local leaders about how the administration can help. The University of North Carolina (UNC) has voted to ban students and staff from being forced to make diversity, equity and inclusion statements. The decision was made at its Board of Governors meeting on Thursday. It comes just days after another North Carolina school - N.C. State University - reversed a requirement asking applicants to answer an essay question affirming the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda. The school started including the question in 2021 on applications saying the university is 'committed to building a just and inclusive community' and rejects 'unjust or inhumane treatment' and will denounce it 'clearly and loudly.' The applicant is then asked to write a 250-word essay describing 'what those words mean to you and how you will contribute to a more diverse and inclusive environment.' The University of North Carolina (UNC) has voted to ban students and staff from being forced to make diversity, equity and inclusion statements Students rally for the removal of a Confederate statue coined Silent Sam on the campus of the University of Chapel Hill on August 22, 2017 Now, with the board's decision, the university 'shall neither solicit nor require an employee or applicant for academic admission or employment to affirmatively ascribe to or opine about beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles regarding matters of contemporary political debate or social action as a condition to admission, employment, or professional advancement.' The statement continued: 'An employee or applicant also can't 'be solicited or required to describe his or her actions in support of, or in opposition to, such beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles.' 'Practices prohibited here include but are not limited to solicitations or requirements for statements of commitment to particular views on matters of contemporary political debate or social action contained on applications or qualifications for admission or employment included as criteria for analysis of an employee's career progression.' Earlier this month, UNC announced that there would be a new Civic Life and Leadership School that a board member described as a way to 'level' the playing field for discourse on campus. Earlier this month, UNC announced that there would be a new Civic Life and Leadership School that a board member described as a way to 'level' the playing field for discourse on campus Christian Watson, a spokesperson for Color Us United, previously told this is little more than an attempt to force doctors to become social activists and send the medical field toward politicization Color Us United, a group advocating for 'race blind America' launched a campaign to stop the University of North Carolina's medical school integrating social justice issues into curriculum The decision to ban students and staff from being forced to make diversity, equity and inclusion statements, was made at its Board of Governors meeting on Thursday. Peter Hans, is president of the UNC System Trustee Marty Kotis had said that 'when one side is represented and the other side is suddenly allowed to speak up, it may seem like we're taking aim - but really we're just trying to create a level playing field,' Fox News Digital reported. Color Us United, a group advocating for 'race blind America' has launched a campaign to stop the University of North Carolina's medical school integrating social justice issues into its curriculum. The non-profit that claims to fight for people who 'are upset by government, corporate and media claims that America is a hateful country'. Its most recent initiative is a bid to stop the UNC School of Medicine from implementing social justice into its teaching. Kenny Xu, President of Color Us United, told Fox News Digital that he believes the move by UNC this week will have implications for higher education across the country. 'We believe in a race blind, meritocratic society with high standards and that's what has traditionally produced excellence in the United States,' Xu told Fox News Digital. 'When we saw wokeness and DEI infiltrating the medical profession, that's when we became concerned because medicine is the one place where everybody knows, liberals, conservatives, independents, that you need the most qualified doctor to get the best outcome.' 'When diversity, equity and inclusion says 'No, you need doctors of a certain race' or 'No, we need to be teaching things from the lens of social justice rather than the biological practice of medicine,' that's when we got concerned,' he added. In a message about the school this month, Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz said: 'We are working to support a culture of respect, debate, and discovery. It won't be easy and will often feel simply uncomfortable. Yet these are the skills our students, and we as citizens, need to be stewards of our democracy.' Jetstar passengers have endured a nightmarish 14 hours stuck on a plane with half that time waiting on the tarmac with no food. The JQ30 flight from Bangkok to Melbourne took off at 9.30pm on Saturday night but was diverted to land in the central Australian town of Alice Springs at 7.30am (CST) due to a passenger having a 'serious medical emergency'. After landing, an electrical fault was found meaning the plane's passengers were stranded until a replacement plane could be flown from Sydney. Travellers were not allowed to disembark during the wait because Alice Springs has no international customs area. The 320 people on the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner began posting on social media that they had spent seven hours in the grounded aircraft without food being offered. Frustrated passengers wait onboard a Jetstar flight that was stranded for hours at Alice Springs after being diverted to land on a flight from Bangkok to Melbourne because of a medical emergency 'Passengers are having panic attacks on the plane, several children under three years old are onboard,' one passenger posted on Instagram. 'No food has been provided yet.' Passengers were informed they would need to wait until about 6pm (CST) Sunday to be picked up by the replacement plane being flown in. 'The mood on the plane is unhappy, even if we could walk on the tarmac, people just want to get some fresh air,' passenger William Kiss told Channel Nine from inside the aircraft. 'Weve been sitting on this plane with flight time included for close to 14 hours. 'I have had poor experiences with them in the past but this is different kettle of fish.' Sandwiches were eventually distributed to passengers and they were also offered the chance to disembark and stay in a sealed off space in the Alice Springs terminal. A spokesperson for Jetstar thanked the customers for their 'patience and understanding'. 'We appreciate this has been a lengthy and frustrating delay and the experience has been very uncomfortable,' the spokesperson said 'We worked with Border Agencies, the NT Police and the local Airport Authority to provide passengers with the option to disembark into a specially partitioned section of the Airport. After seven hours stuck inside a grounded plane Jetstar passengers were finally able to get off the aircraft and wait for their replacement flight in this bare section of Alice Springs airport A desperate post on Instagram revealed the plight of the stranded Jetstar passengers 'They will then transfer directly onto the replacement aircraft. We have also been working with the local Airport to provide passengers with food, drinks and snacks.' The spokesperson could not give an update on the health of the passenger who suffered the medical emergency and blamed the delay in getting food distributed on the lack of catering offered by the small Alice Springs airport on a Sunday. As Alice Springs airport is not equipped to take the luggage off the international place it will not be accompanying passengers on their flight to Melbourne today. Instead the bags will remain on the aircraft to be flown to Melbourne tomorrow when repairs to the plane have been made. An Australian-based archaeologist and two Papua New Guinea citizens have been released from captivity after being taken hostage by armed criminals in a remote part of PNG several days ago. Foreign Minister Penny Wong confirmed on Sunday that all hostages had been safely released. 'I welcome news from PNG that all hostages have been released and will soon be reunited with their families,' she said on Twitter. The academic, Bryce Barker, and the other hostages were reportedly held at gunpoint by 20 armed men a week ago, according to a PNG police incident report. Professor Barker is a New Zealand national, but he is based at the University of Southern Queensland. The Papua New Guinea Prime Minister has tweeted this picture of the freed Australian academic Bryce Barker (pictured left) The highly regarded and experienced archaeologist and his research crew were conducting fieldwork in the remote Southern Highlands province of PNG when they were taken hostage by the armed group. PNG authorities confirmed the release of one hostage on Friday. The final three hostages - the professor and two PNG women - have now been freed safely. PNG Prime Minister James Marape said the final three hostages were secured 'through covert operations' without paying the $3.5 million kina ($1.4 million) ransom. 'To criminals, there is no profit in crime,' he wrote on Facebook. He thanked all officials involved in the operation. The vice-chancellor of the University of Southern Queensland expressed relief and thanked the PNG, Australian and New Zealand governments. 'We are relieved to hear that our much-loved colleague from the University of Southern Queensland Professor Bryce Barker has been released today,' Geraldine Mackenzie said in on Sunday. The armed group that took Professor Barker (pictured) and others hostage in the remote PNG Southern Highlands had demanded a ransom of $1.4million for their release She described Prof Barker as a valued colleague who had many years' experience undertaking research in PNG. 'Our deepest thanks go to the governments of Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand, and the many people who worked tirelessly during this extremely difficult and sensitive time to secure their release,' Prof Mackenzie said. Senator Wong thanked the PNG's government for its leadership in securing a safe and peaceful resolution. 'Also thanks to the Australian and NZ officials who helped support this outcome,' she said. A New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokeswoman also thanked the PNG government for its leadership in securing the hostages' release. 'We are extremely pleased that the hostage situation is resolved and we are relieved for the hostages and their whanau (family),' she said. Professor Barker (pictured centre left) and his team were conducting fieldwork in the remote Southern Highlands when they were abducted Another New Zealander Phillip Mehrtens, who is a pilot that formerly worked for Jetstar, is being held hostage by a bow and arrow-wielding group of West Papua rebels in the remote Papua region of Indonesia. Mr Mehrtens was kidnapped on February 7 after the separatist group stormed his Susu Air single-engine plane on a small remote runway in the Nduga district. Rebel leader Egianus Kogoya says the pilot, from Christchurch, will not be released until the Papua region is made independent from Indonesia. But the Indonesian government is standing firm, saying Papua will 'forever remain a legitimate part' of Indonesia. Mr Mehrtens had landed his plane, with five passengers on board, on a small runway in Paro and was scheduled to evacuate 15 construction workers building a health centre in the district after the separatist rebels threatened to kill them. 'Our plan to evacuate the workers angered the rebels, who responded by setting fire to the plane and seizing the pilot,' said Nduga district chief Namia Gwijangge, who was one of the passengers. 'We deeply regret this incident.' The West Papua rebel group behind the abduction of New Zealand pilot, Phillip Mehrtens (middle), released photos of the captured airman while requesting complete independence from Indonesia Former health secretary Matt Hancock has set up his own TV company after appearances on I'm A Celeb and Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins earned him more than 360,000. The West Suffolk MP, who lost the Tory whip over his appearance on I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!, has already said he will stand down at the next general election. The creation of television programming and broadcasting company Greenhazel, first reported by the Sunday People, suggests Mr Hancock hopes for more TV opportunities. Mr Hancock is listed as the sole director of the firm which was registered with Companies House in January at an address in Newmarket, Suffolk. Mr Hancock's stint in the Australian jungle on the ITV reality show earned him 320,000 last year, of which 10,000 was donated to charity. Mr Hancock was health secretary for nearly three years but resigned in June 2021 He appeared on I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! and was greeted by girlfriend Gina Coladangelo, who he was caught breaking lockdown rules with He was expelled from the Conservative Party after agreeing to do the show despite Parliament not being in recess at the time, sparking anger among his constituents. He also earned 45,000 for taking part in Channel 4's Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins. Mr Hancock was health secretary for nearly three years but resigned in June 2021 after it emerged he had broken his own Covid-19 guidance by kissing aide Gina Coladangelo in his office. Images of CCTV footage was leaked to the media which showed the pair passionately kissing in a lift. Ms Coladangelo greeted Mr Hancock when he left the jungle in third place and was by his side in the audience of ITV skating show Dancing On Ice earlier this month. His regular TV appearances even prompted Brit awards host Mo Gilligan to joke that his next venture would be Love Island during the February 11 ceremony. 'I've had a word with security, do not worry, Matt Hancock will not be here but you'll catch him on some show,' the comedian said. 'He'll be on Casa Amor tomorrow night.' Mr Hancock earned some 320,000 for his appearance in the jungle, of which he donated 10,000 to charity Mr Hancock's appearance on I'm a Celeb was criticised by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and other top Tories, as well as mocked by some fellow MPs. More than 1,000 complaints were made to broadcasting watchdog Ofcom over his participation. Mr Hancock said he made donations to St Nicholas Hospice in Suffolk and the British Dyslexia Association from his fee, adding that the 10,000 he gave away was more than his monthly salary as a MP which is around 7,000 per month. His apparent plan to head into TV programming has been criticised by Labour MP Richard Burgon, who is championing a bill in Parliament to stop MPs from having second jobs. Mr Hancock has also received further earnings from the publication of his book, Pandemic Diaries, in recent months. He has also amassed a considerable following on TikTok since his TV appearances. Mr Hancock is due to give evidence to an inquiry into the Government's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in the summer. Mountain rescue teams have recovered the body of a man and dog amidst searches for a missing hillwalker. Kyle Sambrook, 33, left his home in West Yorkshire last Saturday to go on a wild camping trip in Glencoe. But concern was raised for his welfare when he failed to return on February 21 as planned. Yesterday, Police Scotland confirmed that two unidentified bodies were found following search efforts by the Coastguard and rescue teams. The force said in a statement: 'Formal identification has yet to take place, however the family of missing man Kyle Sambrook have been informed.' Kyle Sambrook was expected to return home on February 21 following a Glencoe camping trip While the body of a man and dog were found in Glencoe, these have not yet been identified. Pictured: Kyle Sambrook Kyle was last seen with his beagle called Bane in the Lost Valley area of Glencoe last weekend. Police Scotland added: 'They wish to thank all involved in the search and have requested their privacy be respected. 'Our thoughts are with Kyle's family as we support them at this difficult time.' Rishi Sunak was warned not to try to 'bounce' Tory eurosceptics into backing a new Brexit deal with the EU today amid claims he could introduce it as early as tomorrow. The Prime Minister today signalled his intention to approve the agreement on Northern Ireland hammered out with Brussels within days, despite warnings it would lead to a party civil war. He insisted that the agreement would work for the whole UK and warned opponents - who include former PM Boris Johnson - to put peace in Northern Ireland above their personal ambitions. But backbench leader Mark Francois, the chairman of the hardline European Research Group, told Sky News' Ridge on Sunday that any attempt to 'bounce' MPs into supporting it were likely to fail. He warned that an agreement which kept any element of EU law in Northern Ireland - as Mr Sunak's is expected to do - would be a non-starter. He told the programme any deal must be one both unionists, including the Democratic Unionist Party, and nationalists are 'comfortable with. 'If the DUP doesn't consent to the deal it simply isn't going to fly. That has been obvious from the word go,' he said. 'I mean, if I were advising the Prime Minister, my honest advice to him would be: don't try to bounce Parliament next week because that is likely to go badly wrong. If you look at all the history of this, which is complex, trying to bounce Parliament usually ends badly.' The Prime Minister today signalled his intention to approve the agreement hammered out with Brussels as soon as Monday, despite furious opposition from Tory eurosceptics and the Democratic Unionist Party. Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab today told Sky News' Ridge on Sunday he was hopeful there would be 'good news in a matter of days, not weeks'. Mark Francois, the European Research Group chairman, told the programme any deal must be one both unionists and nationalists are 'comfortable with', adding: 'If the DUP doesn't consent to the deal it simply isn't going to fly. That has been obvious from the word go.' In words that could be seen as a snub to Mr Johnson, who campaigned for the 2019 election under the slogan 'get Brexit done', Mr Sunak today told the Sunday Times: 'There's unfinished business on Brexit and I want to get the job done.' 'So, if they've got a deal they're proud of, show us the text. Let us run it by our lawyers. Let us fully understand what it means. Then, at that point, we might be ready to vote on it, but it would be a very bad idea.' Asked whether there will definitely be a vote in the Commons, Mr Francois said: 'Well, if you're going to make any meaningful changes to the protocol, you're going to have to have a Bill. 'So, that's going to mean at some point you're going to have to have a vote. I think given all the history of this for the Government to try and bludgeon this through the House of Commons without a vote of any kind would be incredibly unwise.' He added that 'less of a role' for the European Court of Justice is not 'good enough' as he insisted 'we are not stupid'. However not all eurosceptics are taking such a hardline approach. Former Brexit minister David Davis told the Observer: 'My instinct is not to vote against it if it looks anything like reasonable.' In words that could be seen as a snub to Mr Johnson, who campaigned for the 2019 election under the slogan 'get Brexit done', Mr Sunak today told the Sunday Times: 'There's unfinished business on Brexit and I want to get the job done.' Mr Sunak will invite Cabinet ministers into No 10 on Sunday to brief them on the details of what he has secured so far. In words that could be seen as a snub to Mr Johnson, who campaigned for the 2019 election under the slogan 'get Brexit done', Mr Sunak today told the Sunday Times: 'There's unfinished business on Brexit and I want to get the job done.' Last week, Mr Johnson warned Mr Sunak it would be a 'great mistake' to drop the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill. Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab today told Sky News' Ridge on Sunday he was hopeful there would be 'good news in a matter of days, not weeks'. It came as the PM was accused of entangling the King in toxic Brexit politics by sending him on a controversial tour to 'schmooze' EU nations. Charles's visit to Berlin and Paris next month his first overseas trip as monarch is being seen as a charm offensive as the Prime Minister tries to renegotiate the Northern Ireland Protocol with Brussels. But some senior Tories last night accused their leader of exploiting the Royal Family for his short-term political ends, amid growing party infighting over the post-Brexit talks. Mr Sunak said he was hopeful of a 'positive outcome' in the talks with the European Union as Westminster braced for a new-look protocol to be unveiled. The British leader is keen to ensure the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is on side with his final agreement as he looks to restore powersharing in Northern Ireland. The DUP is refusing to take part in Stormont's cross-community devolved government alongside Sinn Fein in protest at the impact the Brexit treaty is having on trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The party has issued seven tests that Mr Sunak's pact will have to meet in order to win its backing, including addressing what it calls the 'democratic deficit' of Northern Ireland being subject to EU rules while not having a say on them. The PM pledged 'anything that we do will tick all of those boxes' in terms of Unionist concerns. A protocol deal has looked close to being announced for almost a week. And after No 10 said 'good progress' was made during a Friday call between the Prime Minister and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, a breakthrough seemed imminent. The PM was accused of entangling the King in toxic Brexit politics by sending him on a controversial tour to 'schmooze' EU nations. However, a plan for Ms von der Leyen to travel to Britain on Saturday to meet Mr Sunak and then have afternoon tea with the King at Windsor Castle was scrapped on Friday evening. Downing Street has since said that 'intensive' discussions remain underway between London and Brussels. Irish premier Leo Varadkar said on Saturday that talks between the UK and the EU were 'inching towards conclusion' as he called on all sides to 'go the extra mile' to sign off on negotiations. What is the Brexit row about and what has been the impact on Northern Ireland? The UK and the EU have been engaged in substantive negotiations over the workings of the Northern Ireland Protocol of the original withdrawal agreement that allowed the UK to leave the EU. It was designed to ensure the free movement of goods across the Irish land border with Ulster after Brexit. Rather than being an internal EU line between two countries, with Brexit it became a border between the bloc and a third party country with different customs and trade rules. In any other cases it would be solved simply by creating a 'hard' border - physical checks on vehicles and people travelling between the two. But the Good Friday Agreement, which ended decades of violence in 1998, expressly prohibits a return to such checkpoints on the island of Ireland. To get around this the protocol instead created economic barriers on trade being shipped from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. It has proven to be deeply unpopular with unionists, who claim it has weakened Northern Ireland's place within the UK. Last year the DUP collapsed the powersharing institutions at Stormont in protest at the arrangements. It came as the party was replaced as the largest in the powersharing government by Sinn Fein for the first time. And the DUP is refusing to back a deal and restart powersharing unless their concerns are realised. They have set seven tests that it must pass to be approved. Advertisement The Prime Minister told The Sunday Times that he was continuing to push for a final agreement with the bloc. 'I'm here all weekend trying to get it done,' he told the newspaper. 'We're giving it everything we've got.' He admitted that there were examples of 'where it feels that Northern Ireland is not part of the Union' and that the protocol had 'unbalanced' the Good Friday Agreement that helped end the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Citing the example of not being able to apply reforms to alcohol duty in Northern Ireland when he was chancellor - as the protocol dictates that it falls under EU single market rules for duties - Mr Sunak pledged to work to satisfy Unionist demands with any deal he secures. 'I'm a Conservative, I'm a Brexiteer and I'm a unionist and anything that we do will tick all of those boxes, otherwise it wouldn't make sense to me, let alone anyone else,' he told The Sunday Times. Several reports have suggested a deal between the UK and the EU is all but done - with Mr Sunak delaying an announcement until he is confident it will be accepted. No 10 denies that but reports suggest Mr Sunak has secured concessions that will ease the flow of trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain - a major bugbear for Unionists. Trusted traders from GB into Northern Ireland will reportedly not need to undergo checks as part of the plans, while VAT rates, taxes and state aid policy will all be set by Westminster rather than Brussels as part of the offer on the table. The Prime Minister has also reportedly negotiated a means by which the Northern Ireland Assembly in Belfast will be given pre-legislative scrutiny over new EU laws in a bid to remove the so-called 'democratic deficit'. Downing Street will be anxiously waiting for Boris Johnson's view on the new terms, with the former prime minister recently imploring Mr Sunak not to drop his Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, which would unilaterally overwrite parts of the treaty. The Sunday Times reported that Mr Johnson, called to back what Mr Sunak comes back with in order to appease the White House, replied saying: 'F*** the Americans.' A source close to Mr Johnson told PA: 'This was a jocular conversation in the chamber that someone evidently misunderstood. 'That is not the sort of language he would use.' Fresh speculation about a new pact comes after Downing Street came in for criticism for the proposed meeting between EU leader Ms von der Leyen and the King. It is said that No 10 envisaged branding Mr Sunak's deal the 'Windsor Agreement' if the German politician had been content to sign off on a deal while in Britain. Sammy Wilson, a DUP MP, accused the Prime Minister of 'dragging the King into a hugely controversial political issue'. A UK Government source said it would not have been improper for the King to have met a visiting European leader. The source told PA news agency it was 'wrong to suggest the King would be involved in anything remotely political'. Buckingham Palace would not comment. He has also pushed an ambitious plan to build 50,000 homes in the capital North Korean leader Kim Jong Un brought his daughter to the launch of new housing project in Pyongyang in her seventh public appearance amid rumours she is being primed as successor. This comes as he pushes for an ambitious plan to build 50,000 homes in Pyongyang despite deepening economic hardships. Kim attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction project in Pyongyang's Sopo district on Saturday with thousands of young labourers, the official KCNA news agency reported. He was accompanied by his daughter, Kim Ju Ae, who has appeared recently in a series of major events. It is the seventh in a run of public appearances that have risen speculation over whether she is being primed for a leadership role. Kim Jong Un and his daughter, Kim Ju-ae, attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction project in Pyongyang's Sopo district on Saturday This comes as he pushes for an ambitious plan to build 50,000 homes in the capital despite deepening economic hardships Last week, Kim Jong Un took his daughter to a football game celebrating his late father's birthday Before then her most recent appearance was on February 9 where the young girl, who is believed to be nine or ten years old, stood with her father a North Korean military parade. Here he unveiled a new solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that he could test in the coming months. The event marked the 75th founding anniversary of the country's army - the trip came amid indications that North Korea is preparing to stage a massive military parade in the capital, Pyongyang. State media's lofty description of Kim Ju Ae described her as 'respected' and 'beloved'. She attended a flight test of an intercontinental ballistic missile in November and has accompanied her father to a meeting with military scientists and a missile inspection. Kim Jong Un and his wife Ri Sol Ju are believed to have three children, including a son and second daughter, both of whom have not appeared in public. In 2021, Kim unveiled a plan to build 50,000 new homes in Pyongyang by 2025, and state media reported the completion of the first 10,000 new apartments last year, including a 80-floor skyscraper. He mobilised the young labour units, called dolgyeokdae or 'Shock Brigade,' in his pet infrastructure initiatives which have often faced lacklustre progress amid resources shortages North Korean leader Kim Jong Un talks with his daughter Kim Ju Ae during the lavish banquet The plan follows South Korea warned of a deepening food crisis in the isolated North amid sanctions over its weapons programmes and the fallout from COVID-19 lockdowns, including a recent surge in deaths from starvation in some countryside regions. North Korea has not confirmed any food shortages but the ruling party has scheduled a meeting for late February to discuss agricultural development, calling it a 'very important and urgent task.' Kim has said the housing projects faces 'unprecedentedly harsh challenges.' He mobilised the young labour units, called dolgyeokdae or 'Shock Brigade,' in his pet infrastructure initiatives which have often faced lacklustre progress amid resources shortages, including a massive housing campaign in the northern alpine town of Samjiyon. In Sopo, he aims to create a 'distinctive street' with about 4,100 homes, in addition to a recently launched drive for 10,000 apartments, Kim said, thanking some 100,000 young men who volunteered to join the plans. The new housing project would serve as 'another proud page in the history of youth movements' and a symbol of the country's socialist revolution and 'political struggle,' Kim said. 'The distinctive architectures of this street will intuitively show our nation's status and rapid development,' Kim said. 'It will clearly prove it to the world how our movement and struggle are advancing and developing and how vigorously they are expanding even in the face of the most arduous trials and difficulties,' he added. The well-known walrus named Thor appeared in Breidalsvik, Iceland, nearly two months after he was last spotted in the UK as he heads home to the Arctic. Thor was found lounging on a floating dock by Ellis Elisson, 41, who was supervising one of his fishing boats at a harbour in the small Icelandic fishing town on Friday morning. At first, Ellis and his colleagues were wary of the walrus and admired him from afar. However, after realising that all the marine mammal wanted to do was rest, they decided to move closer - still maintaining a safe distance. Ellis, an east coast fisherman said: 'We looked over and he was just chilling there. The well-known walrus known as Thor appeared in Breidalsvik, Iceland, nearly two months after he was last spotted in the UK The marine mammal was found lounging on a floating dock by Ellis Elisson, 41, who was supervising one of his fishing boats at the harbour Thor left Yorkshire in early January, with many believing he was heading back to his Arctic home, but reappeared in Blyth, Northumberland on January 2 'He was there all day resting, and we've been over a few times and he hasn't moved at all.' He added: 'The weather has been really good so we thought he has travelled a long way and now he is sunbathing. 'I took some photos from a few meters away, but if anyone tried to get any closer than that, he wouldn't like it.' The news of the resurfacing of the celebrity reached the UK where British Divers Marine Life Rescue confirmed that it was definitely Thor after matching markings from the pale patches on the walrus' fore flippers. On Facebook, he said: 'After Thor's visit to the UK we wondered if we would ever see him again. 'We are delighted to have been informed that he is in Iceland.' Thor was last seen in Blyth, Northumberland on January 2, weeks after he was spotted resting up on a beach for several hours in Southampton. The marine mammal arrived in Scarborough and has drew huge crowds to the harbour Local wildlife experts asked people not to disturb the creature when he appeared in Scarborough on New Year's Eve - saying he appeared to be 'taking a break' The walrus, thought to be aged between three and five, will have travelled about 850 miles from his last visit to Blyth. Large crowds excitedly gathered when the walrus was spotted resting on a wooden pontoon at a yacht club. It is believed that he left his home in the Arctic circle earlier this winter and may have travelled from as far as Canada before he was spotted on the coast of Zeeland, in the southeast corner of the Netherlands, on November 6. More than a month later, the marine mammal was spotted resting on Calshot Beach in Hampshire. Fisherman Darren McKell was out with his wife Caroline and son Luke in the early hours when they found the 'big lump' on December 11. Although his sighting was claimed to be 'extremely rare' and he was believed to be heading back to the Arctic circle, Thor reappeared in the Yorkshire seaside town of Scarborough on New Year's Eve where he caused havoc for the town's celebrations. Scarborough's New Year fireworks display was cancelled to avoid disturbing or discomforting the walrus Members of the public line a cordon put in place to protect the marine mammal in Calshot, which is protected under UK law It was believed to be the first time a walrus has been spotted in Yorkshire, and a cordon was put around him to keep excited crowds from getting too close. Council officials cancelled the town's New Year fireworks in order to avoid disturbing the mammal, which is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Thor finally returned to the water on New Year's Day, departing to cheers from locals. Hundreds of people from all over the world have gathered in coastal towns to see the famous walrus who has been making his way north following his 3,000-mile journey down from the Arctic. Ellis added: 'I had no idea that this was the walrus that has famously been all over the world. 'After the site posted the article people started to speculate, and now I know for sure that it was him. 'He was alive and well, and I'll be interested to see where he pops up next.' One of the largest Labour donors of the Blair era has returned to the party and pumped 2million into Keir Starmer's election war chest. Lord Sainsbury's gift is the first he has given the party since 2016, having distanced himself from it during Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. Speaking to the Observer the Labour peer, who pumped millions into the Remain campaign at the 2016 election, backed Sir Keir, saying he 'has the leadership skills and ability to deal with the economic difficulties we currently face'. 'He also wants to reunite the country around an agenda of economic growth and social justice, which is one I strongly support,' the 82-year former chairman of the family supermarket chain. 'I am, therefore, helping the Labour party financially, as I don't think democratic elections should be decided by which party is able to raise the most money, and because I want to see Keir Starmer become prime minister as soon as possible.' Lord Sainsbury's gift is the first he has given the party since 2016, having distanced himself from it during Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. Speaking to the Observer the Labour peer, who pumped millions into the Remain campaign at the 2016 election, backed Sir Keir, saying he 'has the leadership skills and ability to deal with the economic difficulties we currently face'. A Labour Party spokesman said: 'Donors are coming back to Labour because they can see we are a changed party that is serious about getting into government and building a fairer, greener, more dynamic Britain. Lord Sainsbury was a regular donor to the Labour party for years but surprised Westminster by giving the beleaguered Lib Dems two donations totalling a massive 2.1million in 2016. The same year he gave Labour 2.15million, having refused to support it under Ed Miliband's leadership. Before he stopped funding the party he was one of the party's biggest donors, handing more than 10million into the party. He was one of the biggest donors of the campaign to oust Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader, giving 65,000 to the New Labour group Progress. And he was classed the biggest loser of the EU referendum campaign after spending nearly 8million trying to stop Brexit. A Labour Party spokesman said: 'Donors are coming back to Labour because they can see we are a changed party that is serious about getting into government and building a fairer, greener, more dynamic Britain. 'We are very grateful for all support, large or small, as we gear up to fight the next general election. 'Thanks to Keir Starmer's leadership, the Labour Party is in a strong and positive financial position, having experienced significant growth in income throughout 2022, leaving us debt and deficit-free.' PETA have said it encourages people to own health-issue-prone -flat-faced dogs Churchill the dog could soon be cancelled after an animal rights group claimed it has 'boosted the popularity' of health-issue-prone flat-faced dogs. PETA has called for the nodding English bulldog to be 'retired' after 20 years as the Churchill Insurance company mascot. Flat-faced dogs, known as brachycephalic breeds, are known to face health issues such as overheating, breathing problems, bulging eyes, ulcer-prone skin folds and an inability to sleep. Social media influencers have been blamed for a surge in popularity of these dogs, as official figures show ownership has increased by 488 per cent since 2000. A 2022 study found flat-faced dogs' life expectancies can be up to three times shorter than other breeds. Churchill the dog could soon be cancelled after an animal rights group claimed it has 'boosted the popularity' of health issue prone flat-faced dogs PETA has called for the nodding dog to be 'retired' after 20 years as the Churchill Insurance company mascot Vets are urging people not to buy pugs, as new research shows flat-faced dogs are up to 50 times more likely to suffer from skin fold dermatitis a painful skin condition The researchers, from the National Taiwan University, found French bulldogs are only expected to live four-and-a-half years, while English bulldogs reach an average of 7.4 years and pugs just 7.7 years. In a letter to the chief executive of Direct Line Group, the company that owns Churchill, PETA wrote that as a pet insurance provider, the company would be aware of the evidence finding that flat-faced dogs 'suffer from painful and even fatal health conditions', according to The Telegraph. 'These dogs experience exercise intolerance, lack of oxygen, inflamed airways, vomiting, and collapse, among other symptoms,' PETA added. Brachycephalic dogs can have such difficulties breathing that they often need surgery. Card company Moonpig this week agreed to remove flat-faced dogs from its products after PETA's warning. Of the decision, PETA wrote: 'By banning images of pugs and French bulldogs, Moonpig is acting responsibly and helping to put an end to the promotion of dog breeds with painful, life-threatening deformities.' Dr Dan O'Neill, associate professor in Companion Animal Epidemiology at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), told The Telegraph: 'The RVC strongly supports wider efforts encouraging brands and advertisers to avoid using promotional imagery of extreme flat faced dogs that only further fuel public demand for health-compromised types of dogs.' Dr Justine Shotton, senior vice president of the British Veterinary Association, urged all retailers, businesses and organisations to 'embrace responsible depictions of animals in their marketing and help to reduce the visibility and normalisation of such health issues.' Last year, vets studied the records of 900,000 dogs and found brachycephalic breeds are up to 50 times more likely to suffer painful skin conditions. At the time, Dr O'Neill, the lead study author, said it was more evidence of 'the substantial harms that extreme body shapes can have on our dogs' health, and will hopefully encourage prospective owners to 'stop and think' about avoiding extreme body shapes before choosing which breed to purchase.' Pugs have been bred to have squashed noses and big eyes, while boxers have shorter faces with a larger mouth, and bull terriers have mutated to have a warped skull and thicker abdomen Some flat-faced dogs are even going blind because they cannot close their eyes properly. In 2021, vets said over-breeding is leading to changes in skull shapes, making eyes protrude and leaving the surface too exposed. Researchers from Lisbon and Leipzig universities said this is causing ulcers and erosion of the eyeball, leading to vision loss. A Churchill Pet Insurance spokesman said: 'The computer-generated 'Churchie', created for our current advertising campaign, is an imaginary CGI character.' More than 600 construction contractors and property owners are under investigation in Turkey over buildings that collapsed in the catastrophic earthquake that has claimed at least 50,000 lives. Yesterday Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said 184 suspects had already been arrested. More than 160,00 buildings collapsed or were severely damaged in Turkey after the series of devastating quakes, with the worst reaching a magnitude of 7.8. Some have questioned if the natural disaster's impact was exacerbated by the building of unsafe properties, which experts have been warning of for years. In the country construction codes are rarely enforced, meaning that some buildings did not meet the earthquake-engineering standard and resulted in collapsing on civilians. More than 600 construction contractors and property owners are under investigation in Turkey over buildings that collapsed in the quakes. Pictured: A collapsed building in Hatay, Turkey on 17 February More than 160,00 buildings collapsed or were severely damaged in Turkey after the series of devastating quakes. Pictured: A collapsed building in Hatay Construction experts have accused President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of failing to enforce the building regulations. A failure that has led to widespread devastation. Among those arrested was a mayor of one of the towns impacted by the quakes, according to Turkish media. Nine thousand aftershocks are said to have taken place in Turkey since the deadly quake on February 6, with the death toll exceeding 50,000. Earlier this month it was revealed that the property developer, who built the block of 249 apartments in which former Chelsea star Christian Atsuin died, was arrested. Mehmet Yasar Coskun was detained at the airport in Istanbul over suspicions about the buildings construction. He denied fleeing the country and insisted that he was only on his way to Montenegro where he has other projects. Coskun is said to have stated in leaked testimony that he did not know why the building had failed to withstand the two quakes which hit the region. His lawyer suggested that the public were looking for scapegoats as Turkish authorities issued 113 arrest warrants connected to construction work across the country. Pictured: Members of the Uzbek search and rescue team use a dog as they look for a body under the rubble of a collapsed building in Hatay The in-laws of a dismembered Elle model have been charged over her death just days after her body parts were found in a household fridge. Hong Kong model Abby Choi's father-in-law and his eldest son are being charged with murder, while her mother-in-law faces one count of perverting the course of justice, police said in a statement Sunday. The authorities also arrested the woman's ex-husband on Saturday, but have not brought a charge against the 28-year old man. The Hong Kong village of Lung Mei Tsuen village was a butchers shop on Friday after the legs of Abby Choi were found in a household fridge. Her missing head and some of her ribs were found in a soup pot on Sunday, police have said, following an extensive search. Dismembered body parts were found in pots of soup on Friday at a home in Lung Mei Tsuen, Hong Kong and have been identified as Abbey Choi The legs of Abby Choi were found by police officers in a household fridge Police arrested the parents and elder brother of Ms Choi's ex-husband on the horrific discovery in her former father-in-law's rented home. Following an extensive search, Ms Choi's former partner, 31, was also then arrested on suspicion of murder on Saturday, according to the South China Morning Post. He was found on Tung Chung pier on Lantau Island, preparing to board a speedboat. Her former husband had HK$500,000 (50,000) in cash and several luxury watches worth HK$4 million (400,000) in total with him when he was arrested, sources claim. On Saturday, Superintendent Alan Chung said the flat was arranged by 'cold-blooded killers'. 'Police also have found that the flat was arranged by cold-blooded killers meticulously. 'Tools that are used to dismember human bodies were found in the flat, including meat grinders, chainsaws, long raincoats, gloves, and masks.' The 28-year-old mother-of-two had financial disputes involving tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars with her ex-husband and his family, Chung said, adding that 'some people' were unhappy with how Choi handled her financial assets. During her career, Abby Choi had posed for a number of magazines including Elle and L'Officiel. Her Instagram followers have increased by 20 per cent to more than 100,000 people since her death came to light. Abby Choi was found in pots of soup on Friday at a home in Lung Mei Tsuen, Hong Kong and her former husband's family have been charged A missing persons investigation first took off on Tuesday after the up-and-coming model did not pick up a child as planned. 'Someone was dissatisfied with how the victim handled her assets, which became a motive to kill,' Chung Nga-Iun also said. On Friday, police searched the home that was allegedly set up with equipment such as a meat grinder, choppers, a hammer, and an electric saw. Two soup pots were also found containing human tissue, reports suggest. The property was then taped off with reportedly 20 police officers coming in and out to investigate the scene. A missing persons investigation first took off on Tuesday after the model did not pick up a child as planned Her former father-in-law, brother-in-law and mother-in-law have been charged following the gruesome discovery An underwater search was conducted on Saturday in an effort to find the remaining parts of Ms Choi's body, according to The Strait Times. Police also confirmed that 'post-mortem examinations will be conducted later to ascertain the cause of death' of a 28-year-old woman. MailOnline have reached out to Hong Kong Police Force to request confirmation that this is Ms Choi. Twelve children, including a newborn baby, are among at least 59 people to have been killed after a wooden sailing boat carrying migrants from Turkey to Europe sank in the rough seas off the coast of southern Italy. The wooden boat allegedly ran into trouble at dawn in the Ionian Sea on Sunday near the southern coast of Italy's mainland with around 150 migrants onboard, authorities reported. The provisional death toll currently stands at 59, but is expected to rise, Italian junior interior minister Wanda Ferro says. Manuela Curra, a provincial government official, earlier said 81 people had survived the shipwreck, with 20 hospitalised, including one person in intensive care following a huge rescue operation by Italian coast guards and firefighters near the coastal town of Crotone in the Calabria region. Among migrants first found washed up on the beach was a baby a few months old, according to ANSA news agency. The wooden boat allegedly ran into trouble at dawn in the Ionian Sea on Sunday near the southern coast of Italy's mainland with 100 migrants onboard The Italian coast guard and firefighters have recovered more than 40 bodies after the accident near the coastal town of Crotone 'When we got to the point of the shipwreck we saw corpses floating everywhere and we rescued two men who were holding up a child', emergency doctor Laura De Paoli told ANSA, adding that the seven-year-old boy was dead. His voice cracking with emotion, Cutro's mayor Antonio Ceraso told the SkyTG24 news channel that he had seen 'a spectacle that you would never want to see in your life. A gruesome sight that stays with you for all your life.' As emergency services searched the sea and the coastline in stormy weather, Curra said that survivors had said some 140 to 150 were on board - suggesting that some people were missing. A video captured by Italian coastguards shows the devastating wreckage in the pitch dark night as the rough waves crash onto the shore. A large amounts of debris is seen as the wrecked migrant boat lies on the edge of the shore - wood and other materials are scattered across the sand. Guards searched the boat thoroughly using a torch in the early hours of the morning. In another clip, two coastguard service boats are filmed searching the rough waves during the daytime for endangered migrants following the disaster. The vessel, carrying people from Afghanistan, Iran and several other countries, sank in rough sea conditions near Steccato di Cutro, a seaside resort on the eastern coast of Calabria, the region that forms the tip of Italy's boot. It had set sail from Izmir in western Turkey about four days ago and was spotted about 74 km (46 miles) off the coast late on Saturday by a plane operated by European Union border agency Frontex, Italian police said. Patrol boats were mobilised to intercept it, but severe weather forced them to return to port, police said, adding that authorities then mobilised search units along the coastline. A member of the cynophile police and his dog patrol the beach after debris was washed ashore following the incident Divers of the Italian Coast Guards, rescuers from the Firefighters Corps. and police officers gather at an Adavanced command Post set near the beach of Steccato di Cutro Coastguard service boats were filmed searching the rough waves during the daytime for endangered migrants following the disaster Italian firefighters and Red Cross personnel gather at the scene where bodies of migrants washed ashore Firefighters, including rescue divers, had recovered multiple bodies, including three pulled by a strong current far away from the wreckage. 'It's an enormous tragedy,' Crotone Mayor Vincenzo Voce told RAI state TV. 'In solidarity, the city will find places in the cemetery' for the dead, Voce said. Details about the nationalities of the migrants were not immediately provided in the reports. It was not immediately clear where the boat had set out from, but migrant vessels arriving in Calabria usually depart from Turkish or Egyptian shores. Many of these boats, including sailboats, often reach remote stretches of Italy's long southern coastline unaided by the coast guard or humanitarian rescue vessels. Far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the post-Fascist Brothers of Italy party, won power in October, partly on a promise to stem the flow of migrants reaching Italian shores. Pictured: A group of people assisted by emergency services at the beach Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said it was 'criminal to put a boat of barely 20 metres (66 feet) to sea with 200 people onboard and a bad weather forecast Expressing 'deep pain' over the latest deaths, Meloni said it was 'criminal to put a boat of barely 20 metres (66 feet) to sea with 200 people onboard and a bad weather forecast'. 'The government is committed to preventing departures, and with them, this type of tragedy,' she added in a statement, adding it demanded the 'greatest' collaboration of states from where migrants set off and originate. The latest such tragedy comes just days after the government pushed through parliament a controversial new law on rescuing would-be migrants. The new law forces migrant aid vessels to make just one rescue attempt at a time, which critics say risks increasing the number of drownings in the central Mediterranean. The route is considered the most dangerous crossing in the world for people seeking asylum in Europe. The route is considered the most dangerous crossing in the world for people seeking asylum in Europe Most of those who were rescued were plucked from the waters by coast guards or the navy A large proportion of people fleeing conflict and poverty, for what they hope will be a better life in Europe, cross from Africa via Italy. According to the interior ministry, nearly 14,000 migrants have arrived in Italy by sea so far this year, up from 5,200 over the same period last year and 4,200 in the first two months of 2021. Charities rescuing people in difficulty at sea bring only a fraction of migrants ashore. Most of those who are rescued are plucked from the dangerous waters by coast guards or the navy. Despite this, the government in Rome accuses rescue charities of encouraging migrants to attempt the crossing and boosting the fortunes of human traffickers. Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said the latest disaster 'shows how absolutely necessary it is to staunchly combat illegal immigration'. Centrist former economy minister Carlo Calenda reacted on Twitter: 'People in difficulty at sea should be rescued, whatever the cost, without penalising those trying to help them.' Pope Francis offered his prayers and support for those impacted by the accident During this morning'ss Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, Pope Francis shared a prayer for the victims of the boat crash. He said: 'I pray for each of them, for the missing and for the other migrants who survived. 'May the Virgin Mary help these brothers and sisters.' The Pope also thanked emergency services and volunteers who are offering migrants assistance and helping them in the aftermath of the wreckage. Hospitals are suspending the use of pain-relieving gas and air for mothers-to-be over fears for midwives safety. A number of NHS Trusts have temporarily halted the use of laughing gas following concerns that medical staff are being exposed to harmful levels in the workplace. Nitrous oxide residuals have been measured as 50 times over safe levels in some NHS units, according to The Sunday Times. But suspensions have also been labelled 'madness' with the popular option of pain relief taken out of reach for some. Pregnant Amy Fantis is due to have her baby at the Princess Alexandra hospital in Essex which suspended use of the Entonox gas last month. Amy Fantis is due to have her baby at the Princess Alexandra hospital in Essex (pictured) which suspended use of the gas last month Essex's Basildon University Hospital is among has temporarily suspended use of the gas While the hospital has ordered machines which can break up the gas into unharmful components, it currently only has three at hand. As a result, the hospital stressed that it 'may not be able to offer gas and air to everyone who would like to use it' and will prioritise use on a 'case-by-case basis'. Amy told the publication this was a 'stress that you don't need', having been dependent on the pain relief while giving birth four years ago. She said: 'Its not available to everyone and I might not get it. My birth might only be 40 minutes. It is a stress that you dont need. I understand they have to keep midwives safe but to just take it away seems madness. It is the poor mums who are paying the price.' Joanna Keable, head of midwifery at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust also added that mothers should be 'reassured that there is no risk', with safety concerns only arising with prolonged exposure. She said: 'Please be reassured that there is no risk to mothers, birthing people, their partners and babies. The use of Entonox was temporarily suspended to protect our midwifery and medical teams from prolonged exposure to nitrous oxide in the atmosphere arising from the patient use of gas and air. 'Thank you to all of the women and families who use our services and to our maternity and medical team for your understanding and support.' High levels of nitrous oxide have also previously been detected at a number of other trusts including Queen Elizabeth Hospital, in Kings Lynn, and Watford General Hospital, it was said. Ipswich Hospital installed new ventilation units following concerns around gas and air Watford General Hospital had levels 50 times above nitrous oxide safety caps last year Before Watford General Hospital had installed air purifiers, it experienced nitrous oxide levels 50 times above exposure limits during peak periods last year. However, on average, nitrous oxide levels sat at around 350 parts per million (ppm) - the work exposure limit is 100ppm. Its chief nurse Tracey Carter said: 'Our maternity safety champions and estates team have carefully monitored nitrous oxide levels since we became aware of the issue in October 2021. 'The infrastructure of our estate means we cannot put a mechanical ventilation system in place but we have installed machines which effectively remove waste anaesthetic gas from delivery rooms to ensure safety for patients and staff.' Essex's Basildon University Hospital is among those that have temporarily suspended use of the gas. While an investigation took place last year and its use was previously reintroduced, suspensions came into force again last month. The Health and Safety Executive recorded a total of 11 nitrous oxide incidents in NHS trusts between August 2018 and December 2022, a BBC report suggests. Ipswich Hospital also temporarily suspended the pain relief last year but are now using it again following the installation of new ventilation units. The executive director of the Royal College of Midwives told The Times that 'poor ventilation in delivery suites' was 'just the tip of the iceberg' in maternity units unfit for purpose. An NHS England spokesman told MailOnline: 'NHS England has been working with the Trusts where gas and air supplies have been affected due to differing and localised issues this is not a widespread issue and patients should continue to access services as normal.' MailOnline has approached the hospitals for comment. Ukrainian President Zelensky has given an insight into his top-secret war rooms inside a bunker in Kyiv where he has lived for the past year to mark the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion. In an interview with Ukrainian journalist Dmytro Komarov, Zelensky showed Ukrainians around the small space where he makes vital decisions, holds crunch meetings and telephones heads of state from all around the world. Recalling the first hours of the war, Zelensky described rushing to his war rooms after being informed of Putin's invasion in the early hours of February 24, 2022. He left immediately, without even waking his wife: 'I love my family, but for me as president, being here was a priority.' It comes as the world marked one year of war in Ukraine on Friday. In an interview with Ukrainian journalist Dmytro Komarov, Zelensky showed Ukrainians around the small space where he makes vital decisions, holds crunch meetings and telephones heads of state President Zelensky addresses the Ukrainian nation from his war rooms to mark one year since Putin's invasion In a documentary project by Mr Komarov titled 'Year', footage from the president's base included a tour of Zelensky's bedroom, hidden wardrobe and office space. On his desk lie models of planes and a photograph of him and his wife Olena, along with their two children, as well as a bust of wartime leader Winston Churchill. His office is also bedecked in models of tanks and a Ukrainian flag. Showing Mr Komarov a large room complete with tables and chairs, President Zelensky shared his initial memories and thoughts with the Ukrainian people. He said: 'It's very difficult to remember all the details. I got a call that it all had started. 'We woke up with my wife, my family, my son, my daughter [asleep]. I definitely thought about waking the kids up, packing up everyone. 'To tell the kids what is happening, that the war had started. They are adults, they must understand what's happening. 'I left very fast. I love my family, but for me as president, being here was a priority.' He added his family then joined him hours later after security forces decided it was too dangerous for them to remain separate from Zelensky. Zelensky then showed the journalist his official office, where he has made the vast majority of his videos sharing updates on the war and asking for help from western nations. He spoke to 27 national leaders on the morning of February 24, Zelesnky told Mr Komarov, sitting in his desk chair next to the phone he has so often been pictured using. On Zelensky's desk lie models of planes and a photograph of him and his wife Olena, along with their two children Zelensky's wardrobe, tucked away inside his war rooms where he leads the fight against Russia Models of military equipment such as this battleship could be seen carefully protected by a glass case in Zelensky's office Zelensky initially travelled to his war rooms alone, but was soon joined by his wife and family One of the items on Zelensky's desk appears to be a bust of Winston Churchill Zelensky has not been seen in a suit since the beginning of the invasion, but does have the one he last wore as war broke out tucked safely away in the wardrobe Zelensky said he did not have time to consider the impact of the war upon his marriage or separation from family: 'We didn't have tome for such romance, because we've been kind of busy.' He continued: 'The only thing I remember I was thinking about [after the invasion] was this office, the phones, the team I have to gather now.' As well as ample office space, Zelensky's war rooms are complete with a wardrobe filled almost exclusively with khaki and war-time clothing. Zelensky has not been seen in a suit since the beginning of the invasion, but does have the one he last wore as war broke out tucked safely away in the wardrobe. It is otherwise filled by clothes in various shades of green and black, with military-style boots at the bottom. Describing the moment he changed into his war-time outfit, Zelensky said: 'Internally, at that moment, all of us had already changed. 'Everything had changed. Life had changed. And it was impossible to return to what was before.' He added he has kept his last-worn suit as a 'symbol': 'We will win soon, so we will wear suits again.' The footage shows Zelensky's small bedroom, complete with a single bed and sink. Zelensky showed Ukrainian journalist Dmytro Komarov around the complex, where he has his own small bedroom His personal quarters have a sink and wash area, although the president quipped the tight space makes his 'back hurt' Inside his wartime wardrobe Zelensky also had multiple pairs of shoes Zelensky has lived in the underground bunker for a year as he directs Ukraine's defence He said: 'I live here. This is my home. I have lived here for a year.' Zelensky continues to reside at the heart of his country despite being warned by security forces to leave for his own safety. 'I was told to pack up, because I was a target, that they have to do everything they can to get me to a safe place. 'I didn't think about what might happen, about myself. This is not about bravery. 'I thought about the consequences of my leaving and what would happen. The responsibility is on me. If I leave, no-one will ask afterwards about who suggested it. There will be only the result: you have abandoned your state. 'I think [that is] betrayal.' Ukrainian journalist Dmytro Komarov was one of the first journalists to document the horrors of liberated towns Bucha, Irpin, and Hostomel. He has more than three million subscribers to his YouTube channel as he seeks to continue reporting from throughout the country. Ukraine continues to launch a staunch defence of its territory with the assistance of military equipment from western nations. The autistic son of antivaxxers has been ordered to receive a Covid jab by a court in Jersey. The 32-year-old, who can't be named for legal reasons, spent lockdown in his room at a care home because his parents refused to let him be vaccinated, Jersey's Royal Court heard. The man, named 'B' in legal papers, has a severe learning disability, sufferers from seizures and his non verbal. His father has responsibility for his care and makes decisions for him. He was one of the so-called Lancet 12, one of the children with autism who took part in disgraced Andrew Wakefield's study which was published in the medical journal, falsely claiming that the MMR vaccine caused autism. 'B's nurse made the application to get him the jab on behalf of Jersey's health minister. Jersey's Royal Court granted the vaccination order, saying that it was 'the right best interests decision' for B who had been in 'groundhog day'. The 32 year old, named 'B', was one of the children in disgraced Andrew Wakefield's (pictured appearing before the General Medical Council in 2007) MMR vaccine study He spent lockdown confined to his room in a care home because his parents refused to let him be vaccinated, Jersey's Royal Court heard last month. His parents believe the MMR jab given to him in 1991 when he was 16 months old has caused his health conditions. The father said B was in a 'very bad way' on the evening of the vaccination and by the morning he was 'completely blank', according to The Sunday Times. The 16 month old was part of the 'Lancet 12' - a group of children who were used in Andrew Wakefield's MMR study, which falsely claimed the vaccine caused autism in children. In 1995 Wakefield was allegedly approached by the parents of an autistic child who had stomach problems. He then spoke to more parents, who said their child had first shown signs after receiving the three-in-one jab for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). Three years later Wakefield and 12 co-authors published research in The Lancet, which proposed that there was a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism and bowel disease. In 2004, an investigation found Wakefield's findings to be inaccurate and that some of the parents of the 12 children were recruited via a lawyer who was preparing a lawsuit against MMR manufacturers and had paid Wakefield 400,000 for the study. Wakefield was subsequently removed off the medical register in 2010 after UKs General Medical Council found him guilty of dishonesty, giving children unnecessary and invasive medical procedures and other unethical approaches. It has since been proven that there is no connection between the MMR vaccine and autism,and in year before the MMR jab was introduced, there were 86,000 cases reported. However, B's parents have said Wakefield could have been wrong about other children but the was 'not wrong' about their son. 'The parents felt they had a different and disabled child,' the court heard. 'It was hard to convey how tragic that was, and the vaccine had had a devastating effect on both [B] and on his family.' Jersey Royal Court (pictured) ordered the autistic son of antivaxxers to receive a Covid-19 jab READ MORE HERE: Disgraced British doctor Andrew Wakefield, who lost his licence for saying the MMR jab caused autism, is already at heart of a movement that says the pandemic is a hoax and NO ONE should have vac Advertisement Jersey's Royal Court granted the vaccination order, saying that it was 'the right best interests decision' for B who had been in 'groundhog day'. 'We stress that we have no doubt that the evidence by the parents was given truthfully,' the court said. B's mother told the court that the family faced 'a number of difficulties with vaccinations', including that she thought the infancy death of her first child was linked to the flu vaccine she received in 1986. The court case serves as an example as to how disgraced Wakefield's study caused a drop in vaccine uptake as parents feared the side-effects of the MMR jab. Wakefield obtained a medical degree in 1985 and trained as a gastrointestinal surgeon. Following the scandal, he moved to the US and reinvented himself as a filmmaker and campaigner. It was reported last year that he had stirred up paranoia surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and vaccinations. He and his ex-wife Carmel, who settled in Austin, Texas, separated in early 2017. His more recent partner Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson announced their split in 2021. An Adelaide mum facing the grim prospect of being the first Australian woman on death row in the US has had her trial delayed for 18 months after already waiting five years in jail. Lisa Marie Cunningham, 48, is charged with the first-degree murder of her seven-year-old stepdaughter Sanaa in her adopted hometown of Phoenix, which is the capital of the southwest US state of Arizona. If convicted, she and her co-accused husband Germayne, 43, who is a former Arizona robbery squad detective, could both face the death penalty. Ms Cunningham would be the first woman to be executed in Arizona since the 1930s, and the first Australian woman ever to be executed in the US. Australian mother Lisa Marie Cunningham (pictured) faces execution over the death of her seven-year-old stepdaughter in 2017 Lisa Cunningham, from Adelaide, and husband Germayne Cunningham are accused of abusing and neglecting seven-year-old Sanaa Cunningham, who died in February 2017 After appearing before Judge Geoffrey Fish, Ms Cunningham was told her trial, which was meant to start last week at Phoenix's Maricopa County Superior Court, has been adjourned until at least September next year. 'I'm crying. I've some serious health problems because of the conditions of detainment and treatment,' a devastated Ms Cunningham told The Adelaide Advertiser after the decision. Ms Cunningham, who is a former prison guard, spoke from the maximum-security wing of the Estrella Women's Jail, located in the desert near Phoenix. She said the trial delay was causing her torment but the judge explained there was no choice because the Covid pandemic had created a backlog of cases. '(The judge) stated that several cases must go before mine because they are older and mine going sooner is unfair,' she said. 'I've not fully processed or accepted the delay of 19 months in this place. I didn't agree to the delay. My attorney (lawyer) asked if I was OK with it in court. 'I did not file the delay. I had no choice.' Her lawyer Eric Kessler said Ms Cunningham was 'doing reasonably well under the circumstances'. 'She is very active in her defence and is quite bright,' he said. Australian consular assistance is being provided to Ms Cunningham and the Australian government has voiced its opposition to the death penalty. Ms Cunningham and her husband's trial was originally set for September 2020 but had also been delayed by the pandemic. Lisa-Marie Cunningham (pictured with Sanaa right and another child) has insisted she and her husband are innocent of her her child's death Ms Cunningham's 43-year-old American husband Germayne is a former Phoenix robbery squad detective who now faces trial with her on first degree murder charges Sanaa had more than 60 scars with 100 cuts and bruises as well as several ulcers and abscesses when she died at Phoenix Children's Hospital in February 2017. Prosecutors allege Sanaa, who suffered from severe schizophrenia and other medical conditions, died from a sepsis infection after she suffered head and foot injuries linked to her living conditions. Ms Cunningham claims she is the victim of a miscarriage of justice and has been set up by authorities so they could avoid a costly civil lawsuit over the girl's death. She says Saana died from pneumonia because the couple followed flawed medical advice. Ms Cunningham has two children from her first marriage including Sanaa, as does her husband, and the couple have a further two children of their own. The prosecution alleges the couple restrained Sanaa by tying her down so she couldn't expel fluid from her lungs, leading to her death. Police allege they found incriminating texts between the couple, including one from December 2016 describing how the girl was zip-tied to a water container to let other children sleep. Ms Cunningham claimed the texts were forged and were not on her phone on the day Sanaa died, months later. Speaking from prison to the Sunday Night in September 2018, Cunningham said Sanaa (pictured) was not murdered. 'Nobody was murdered here. Nobody was killed, and nobody was abused,' she told reporter Matt Doran in a phone interview Sanaa suffered acute schizophrenia and other mental health problems, but died from complications due to sepsis and acute bronchitis A post-mortem found Sanaa's death was 'undetermined' rather than homicide. Ms Cunningham claimed her case echoed Lindy Chamberlain's, who was jailed for the murder of her daughter in the 1980s. Azaria Chamberlain was two months old when she snatched by a dingo from the family's campsite near Uluru in 1980. Despite Chamberlain's insistence that a 'dingo took my baby', she was convicted of murder and jailed for three years until new evidence cleared her name in 1987. Ms Cunningham claims she is also being persecuted by the justice system and will be wrongly executed over Sanaa's death. She claims she was only following flawed medical advice while trying to raise Sanaa, who suffered from severe schizophrenia and other mental and behavioural issues. 'My daughter was not killed by anyone,' she told the Herald Sun in 2021. 'Just because someone in a position of power says a crime occurred, doesn't mean it did. 'My case is not based on the occurrence of a crime. It's based on the state's response [to] discovering they would be sued civilly for the wrongful death of Sanaa. '[Like] Chamberlain's case on the murder of her child, a death turned into a murder. 'This is a terrible place, people are treated terribly. People die here for exactly the same reasons the state claimed my child died.' Ms Cunningham has vowed to fight to prove her innocence and will refuse to take any lenient sentence deal. Detective Noah Yeo told the court his suspicions the couple were involved with the child's death grew after reading the chain of messages between the married couple Mr Cunningham, a former police officer, wrote to his wife: 'I don't want her to sleep with her hands behind her back, for some people can die like that if they have certain health issues or are on drugs.' A member of the same Virginia school board that came under fire for withholding information about students' scholarships has raised eyebrows by saying the Battle of Iwo Jima, a major US victory against the Japan in World War II, was 'evil' and should not have happened. The comments were made Thursday by Fairfax County board member Abrar Omeish, 28, in reference to the Day of Remembrance, a day of observance for the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. The holiday occurs on the same calendar day as the first US landings on the island of Iwo Jima on February 19, 1945. Lasting more than a month from February 19 to March 26 of 1945, the battle for the island of Iwo Jima is one of the most famous in the history of the Marine Corps. Nearly 7,000 U.S. Marines from the 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions died trying to wrest control of the island from Japan's Imperial Army of Japan. Already inciting outrage, the remarks serve are not the first time the 28-year-old board member has come under scrutiny. Elected into office in 2019 at just 24, the Muslim official also has a history of anti-Israel rhetoric, and has candidly said that the district's admissions policy has an anti-Asian bias. Her father is also a member of the Board of Directors of a Fairfax mosque where three of the 9/11 hijackers had prayed before carrying out the heinous attacks. Scroll down for video: The comments were made Thursday by 28-year-old board member Abrar Omeish in reference to the Day of Remembrance, a day of observance for the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II Lasting more than a month from February 19 to March 26 of 1945, the battle for the island of Iwo Jima is one of the most famous in the history of the Marine Corps. Nearly 7,000 U.S. Marines died during the bloody, weeks-long battle, which has been memorialized in several movies and films, as well as this iconic piece of photography 'Just a few days ago was Japanese Day of Remembrance,' Omeish said Thursday, during a discussion with other board members. 'Something for us to certainly reflect on the days when, you know, Iwo Jima unfortunately happened and set a record for really what, I hate to say, human evil is capable of.' The remarks almost instantly drew backlash - largely due to the fact the district has been on many radars already due to an array of other controversies, including its decision to delay notifying students they had received National Merit Awards. Having withheld the distinctions as part of a progressive campaign designed to not hurt the feelings of students who did not earn a scholarship - in some cases for up to two years - the district is now facing ire from parents, and is the subject of an investigation by the state's Attorney General. Omeish is also the daughter of 55-year-old Esam Omeish, the chief of General Surgery at Inova Alexandria Hospital, and former President of the Muslim American Society (MAS). Essam is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque, also in Fairfax. The mosque previously employed a man suspected of working with Al-Qaeda. That man, Anwar al-Awlaki, was killed by a US government drone strike, ordered by President Barack Obama, in 2011. When asked to explain her comments amid the backlash, Omeish - the youngest Muslim woman to serve Virginia as an elected official - appeared to shy away from her characterization of the battle as an example of human evil Notably, three future September 11 attacks hijackers separately attended al-Awlaki's sermons in Fairfax in the 1990s and early 2001 before carrying out the terror attacks. Despite hiring al-Awlaki himself, Omeish's father was appointed to serve on the Virginia Commission on Immigration in 2016 by State Senator Tim Kaine, but resigned after a video from a 2020 rally showed him calling for support of the 'jihad way' as a solution to the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. Speaking on Thursday, Esam's daughter - the youngest Muslim woman in Virginia to hold elected office - offered an equally crass characterization of one of WWII's most famous engagements. Footage of the board member's statements have since circulated across social media, with one clip shared by an outraged parent drawing more than 60,000 views. When asked to explain her comments amid the backlash by the Washington Free Beacon, Omeish seemed to backtrack on that reasoning that saw her decry the Battle of Iwo Jima - often shortened to simply Iwo Jima - as an example of human evil. Omeish is also the daughter of 55-year-old Esam Omeish, the prominent chief of General Surgery at Inova Alexandria Hospital. Essam is also a member of the Board of Directors of a Fairfax Mosque that welcomed three of the 19 9/11 hijackers Omeish's mosque previously employed Anwar al-Awlaki,, a man suspected of working with Al-Qaueda. al-Awlaki was killed by a US government drone strike, ordered by President Barack Obama, in Yemen in 2011 'There is no reason to warp what was said and reading more into it merely reflects biases forced in by the listener,' Omeish told the conservative news outlet in an emailed statement over the weekend. She added that she made the remark because the battle 'fell on the same day' as the 1942 executive order issued by then-president Franklin D. Roosevelt to incarcerate Japanese Americans, while noting that the order remained in effect 'even after Iwo Jima on February 19, 1945, three years later.' Omeish, however, did not offer any explanation as to why she characterized Iwo Jima as 'evil', brushing off the battle by saying it 'unfortunately happened.' The bloody, weeks-long battle saw roughly 7,000 Americans killed and more than 20,000 wounded, and has been memorialized in movies and films such as Flags of Our Fathers and Letters From Iwo Jima. While costly, the victory proved crucial in capturing a strategic base of operations for escort bombers attacking mainland Japan during the tail-end of the war. It also spawned on of the most iconic pieces of photography from the entire conflict, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, which shows six United States Marines raising the U.S. flag atop Mount Suribachi during the fighting - during the final stages of the Pacific War. No notable US veterans' associations have issued statements on Omeish's comments - which are not the first to draw controversy. Late last year, as the school district faced a federal class action suit For violating disabled students' rights, private text messages revealed Omeish also acknowledged anti-Asian bias in the admissions process for the district's Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (pictured) In May of 2021, a series of anti-Israel social media posts made by the school board member came to light, in which she labeled Israel an 'apartheid' state that 'kills Palestinians.' Then, late last year, as the school district faced a federal class action suit For violating disabled students' rights, private text messages revealed Omeish also acknowledged anti-Asian bias in the admissions process for 'I mean there has been an anti asian feel underlying some of this, hate to say it lol,' Omeish texted a fellow board member in fall of 2020. 'They're discriminated against in this process too.' has reached out to the Fairfax County School District for comment. California is expected to be battered by yet another storm Sunday evening after historic winter weather brought freezing temperatures, dumped several feet of snow, caused widespread flooding and left tens of thousands of people without power. Much of the state is still reeling from the effects of a multi-day winter storm, which saw even a dusting of snow on the Hollywood sign and more than three feet in the northern mountains. Videos posted online also showed RVs being swept up into Los Angeles-area rivers amid widespread flooding and sparks flying from downed powerlines. Major highways remained closed on Sunday morning, after drivers were left stranded for hours on end. Those roads may continue to be closed for the coming days as another storm beginning Sunday night and lasting through Wednesday brings even more rain and snow. LOS ANGELES: A father and son stop to watch the snow during a rare snowstorm on Saturday ANGWIN: Snow covered a vineyard in California's famous Napa Valley on Friday California is now expected to be inundated with even more storms in the coming days The dangerous storms have already dumped nearly five feet of snow at Donner Summit, according to the University of California Berkeley's Central Sierra Snow Lab. Mount Baldy, near downtown Los Angeles, also measured more than three feet and Mount Laguna in San Diego County saw more than two feet of snow. Magic Mountain, outside of Los Angeles, also recorded wind gusts of up to 86mph. And at Mountain High Resort in Wrightwood, about 75 miles east of Los Angeles, more than six feet of snow fell in less than a week. The resort said it was forced to close on Saturday to 'use what available staff we have to dig out and clean up,' NBC News reports. The city of Big Bear Lake also warned that all roads to the community surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest were closed due to snow, with no estimate on when it might reopen, and Yosemite National Park in northern California will remain closed through at least Wednesday. By Sunday, Interstate 5 the largest highway leading north out of Los Angeles remained closed at the steep grade known as the Grapevine due to the heavy snow, while more southern points of the freeway in and around the city were closed due to flooding. The city recorded 4.3inches of rainfall, while Pasadena saw 7.84 inches. A possible tornado was also reported in the Los Angeles County community of Whittier. Los Angeles County officials were ultimately forced to shut down 24 miles of beach from Nicholas Canyon in Malibu to White Point Beach in San Pedro for nearly two hours Saturday afternoon after lightning was observed on the shoreline. By Saturday evening, more than 120,000 people throughout the state were without power. But as of Sunday morning, that number dropped to just over 75,000 residents and businesses, primarily in Madera County, according to, a website that tracks utility data across the country. At the same time, a flood warning remained in effect for Southern California through 11am local time. CASTAIC: An RV is pictured beginning to fall into the Santa Clara River as the ground below it is washed away by flooding LOS ANGELES: A young boy played in the snow during the storm on Saturday GREEN VALLEY: A woman was forced to clean slush off the windshield of her car in the Sierra Pelona Mountains on Saturday GREEN VALLEY: Two good Samaritans assisted a driver when his truck became stuck in the snow CASTIAC: The Santa Clara River flooded due tot he heavy rainfall near an RV park LOS ANGELES: Evan Shornstein, a tourist from New York, walked along the Los Angeles River during the treacherous storm on Saturday REDONDO BEACH: A surfer gestures as he prepares to ride the waves in the dangerous storm Authorities say the extreme weather knocked three RVs parked at the Valencia Travel Village RV resort in Castaic, in the northern end of Los Angeles County, to get swept into the Santa Clara River. Video obtained by KCAL News showed one of the RVs quickly tipping over and backing into the swollen river. Ventura County Fire Department search and rescue teams responded to the area, and found the trailer, but fortunately nobody was inside the RV at the time. A search-and-rescue team also hoisted two homeless men stranded on islands of dry ground in the Hanson Flood Control Basin to safety on Saturday. The men were uninjured and released at the scene. And in San Luis Obispo, a large tree fell on an apartment complex, displacing seven people, KSBY reports. Representatives from the Red Cross were assisting them with housing. RANCHO CUCAMONGA: Snow blanketed a home in Rancho Cucamonga on Saturday, covering even some palm trees GREEN VALLEY: A car skidded off the snowy roadway into a pond in the Sierra Pelona Mountains on Saturday REDONDO BEACH: A driver braved hail and rain during the winter storm on Saturday LOS ANGELES: The Los Angeles River experienced overflow amid the heavy rain The National Weather Service is now warning residents of the state capital in Sacramento to avoid travel from Sunday through Wednesday as rain and snow started up again. 'Extreme impacts from heavy snow & winds will cause extremely dangerous to impossible driving conditions & likely widespread road closures & infrastructure impacts!' the agency said on Twitter. These new storms are expected to bring wind gusts of up to 50mph in the Sacramento Valley and up to 70mph in the nearby Sierra Nevada mountains. A massive low-pressure system driven from the Arctic is responsible for the unusual conditions, said Bryan Jackson, a forecaster at the NWS Weather Prediction Center in College Park, Maryland. In Southern California, 'this is a rare case of a cold, significant storm event,' he said. A popular Norfolk beach could be closed to the public for decades as erosion threatens houses and businesses on its coastline. The beach at Hemsby, seven miles north of Great Yarmouth, was closed at the weekend by the local volunteer lifeboat crew after losing 10ft (3m) of land in just two days. The sea has been claiming land and homes from the village for several years but a further two bungalows are now at risk and the lifeboat cannot launch because a 9ft sheer drop has emerged on the beach. Daniel Hurd, coxswain of Hemsby Lifeboat, said he was furious the 'horrendous' situation was continuing with no end in sight. He said: 'It has been horrendous. A beach in Hemsby faces closure for the next 20 if authorities in the local area don't act soon The beach at Hemsby, seven miles north of Great Yarmouth, was closed at the weekend by the local volunteer lifeboat crew after losing 10ft of land in just two days 'We knew we were going to get some washed away this year but now the beach is going to have to stay shut permanently. 'Unless the authorities get the ball rolling, we're probably looking at another 20 years before the beach opens.' Mr Hurd said the beach had been so badly affected by erosion that concrete debris from Second World War invasion defences had resurfaced. He added: 'We've all got families, we're all volunteers, none of us get paid, but every time something happens down here it seems to be the lifeboat crew at the head of it. 'We get no-one down here to check or give us some sort of support. The sea has been claiming land and homes from the village for several years but a further two bungalows are now at risk 'We get nothing. 'It was us putting the calls in to try and get temporary accommodation for people if they lose their property. 'It was us ringing power networks to get power lines taken down and removed from the properties at risk.' Read More: Norfolk's Hemsby leads villages with the biggest property value boom as buyers search for coastal countryside views Advertisement Chris Batten, the crew's secretary and helmsman, said the damage was caused by the cumulative effects of multiple high tides and strong winds, rather than an especially strong storm surge. He said: 'There are two specific properties that are at greatest risk. 'One of the families has already evacuated and the other is still there. 'The crew were all on stand-by last night and we were down the station doing patrols of the area every 30 minutes to make sure the residents were safe and well.' Keith Kyriacou, 57, chairman of Hemsby Parish Council, urged the Government to step in to help the village survive. He said: 'The beach is in a terrible state. It is in a bad way. 'We're just so desperate for the Government to help us out here. 'We're losing our beach and our beach is our main income in the summer with the tourists and holidaymakers - 85% of our income is from tourists and we just want the Government to help us, but we don't seem to be getting anywhere fast.' Daniel Hurd, coxswain of Hemsby Lifeboat, said he was furious the 'horrendous' situation was continuing with no end in sight Walkers who go to the beach are at risk of being trapped by the tide if they tried to exit where the sheer drop is Mr Kyriacou, who runs a leisure business and a car workshop, added: 'The lifeboat crew down there are working so hard to protect everything. You can't fault them. 'But there's not much we can do. 'We are fighting a losing battle at the moment.' James Bensly, who runs the Hemsby Beach Cafe on the seafront, said that walkers who get onto the beach elsewhere were at risk of being trapped by the tide if they tried to exit where the sheer drop is. The Conservative Norfolk county councillor, 44, added it was a big concern the town's lucrative summer tourist trade could dry up - especially because he has closed the cafe for the winter due to the high price of electricity. The erosion is a big concern for the town's lucrative summer tourist trade that could dry up 'Tourism and agriculture is all we have out here,' he said. 'I want my little girl and I want her friends and their families to enjoy our coastal resorts. 'I want them to be able to have the memories that I had of the beach. 'The beach is forever changing, it's evolving and it's a living thing. 'But we have to try and protect it and live with it. 'We're never going to stop coastal erosion. 'But what we can do is slow down the rate of erosion at coastal resorts and give people who are living here opportunities to try and get out of this trap that they find themselves in through no fault of their own.' Ian Brennan, chairman of the Save Hemsby Coastline charity in Norfolk, claimed more than 90 homes in Hemsby are at risk of going into the sea in the next 25 years if nothing is done. He also said that many homeowners did not know their properties were at risk when they purchased them. He added: People here are very nervous. Every time there is a storm those who live within sight and sound of the sea fear it will be the one which means they lose their home. According to Mr Brennan, 90 homes are at risk of being lost in Hemsby over the next 25 years. Grenadier Guard Lance Martin, 65, fears for his property on the Norfolk Coast. Homeowners have said they're afraid to cut the grass along the cliff edges Half of Mr Martin's house has already been lost to the sea. He paid a man with a tractor to drag what remained of his property another 10 metres from the cliff edge Lance Martin, 65, is among the householders in Hemsby, Norfolk who might be forced to move house. He is living in the last house left on his road, The Marrams, where the cliff edge hugs his back patio fence after all 11 of his neighbours were forced to move because of the dangerous location. However, the last few years have been far from relaxing for Mr Martin. After retiring to the Norfolk coast in 2017, Mr Martin had the shock of his life when only four months after moving in, he looked down to see the sea between his feet, the waves having swept his kitchen floor away. The 65-year-old responded brilliantly, grabbing his chainsaw and cutting through the 18ft by 12ft kitchen joists which 'physically dropped' the remainder of the room into the sea. Coastal erosion on the Norfolk coast is putting more houses at risk. Eleven homeowners on The Marrams street have already abandoned their properties He only managed to remain on his property by dragging it 10.5 metres back from the cliff edge with a tractor after the 2018 Beast from the East storm ate away metres of ground from under his home. When he bought his 95,000 house - he was told by an environmental impact study that would have 30 to 40 years before the cliffs reached his house, as the coastline 40 metres away was eroding by roughly one metre each year. However, despite his best efforts, his home in Hemsby has proved to be far from safe. Coastal erosion has continued apace, his bungalow is now perched perilously atop a 30ft drop, and he cannot be sure it will survive much longer. According to an Environment Agency report from 2022, 53 per cent of English and Welsh cliffs are subject to instability and erosion. Global warming is also accelerating the process, with higher sea levels and increasingly volatile weather. A drink driver who ran over and killed a vet in his speeding hired Maserati is to be released from jail after serving half of his sentence. Thomas Wainwright killed Theresa Wade, 29, in October 2015 when he ploughed into her van on the Isle of Mull. Wainwright was jailed for 12 years in April 2017 but is set to be released after serving just six years. He falsely claimed Ms Wade was driving on the wrong side of the road and caused the accident. But the 33-year-old was jailed after the truth came out in court that it was him that had driven on the wrong side of the road after downing cider and whisky. Wainwright, who worked as the first officer on the 6.26million yacht based in the south of France, is eligible for parole after serving six years of his sentence and following a hearing last week, will be released next month, according to the Daily Record. Drunk driver Thomas Wainwright, who killed a vet after downing booze and driving his Maserati at 95 miles per hour on the wrong side of the road, will be released from jail early Wainwright killed Theresa Wade, 29, in October 2015 when he ploughed into her van on the Isle of Mull He falsely claimed Ms Wade was driving on the wrong side of the road and caused the accident (pictured) but the 33-year-old was jailed after the truth came out in court The Parole Board were satisfied over the level of risk Wainwright posed and felt he could be managed safely in the community. The conditions of release involve him agreeing to not approach or communicate with Ms Wade's family and to not enter the Isle of Mull. Ms Wade's partner Charles Pease said he fears Wainwright will 'remain a threat to society'. He said: 'The worst I feared has come to pass. Wainwright remains unapologetic for his actions and never once has accepted liability for having caused Theresa's death and that, above all, I cannot forgive.' Mr Pease added that the loss of Ms Wade 'so brutally still pains me so much today' and claimed the Parole Board would 'doubtlessly' come to regret their decision. In Scotland, prisoners who are serving a sentence of four years or longer are eligible to be considered for parole after half has been served. Wainwright was eligible for parole after serving six years of his sentence and following a hearing last week, will be released next month Ms Wade's partner Charles Pease that her loss 'so brutally still pains me so much today' and claimed the Parole Board would 'doubtlessly' come to regret their decision The Parole Board were satisfied over the level of risk Wainwright posed and felt he could be managed safely in the community Scottish Conservative MSP Donald Cameron said: 'Thomas Wainwright has never shown remorse for his reckless actions. This decision is a total insult to the victim's loved ones.' Wainwright was found guilty of dangerous driving by a jury at the High Court in Glasgow in March 2017. Members of Ms Wade's family shouted 'yes!' as the unanimous guilty verdict was announced. The tragedy happened on the A849 in Craignure on October 28, 2015. Wainwright was on the wrong side of the road and travelling at speeds of up to 95mph in the hired high-powered car which had a black box that recorded its speed only minutes before the crash with Ms Wade's white Berlingo van. Rick Scott tore into Joe Biden for 'pacifying' China, alleging that the president could be 'compromised' by the communist nation trying to 'defeat our way of life.' The claims come amid increased aggression from China and worsening relations between Washington and Beijing as U.S. lawmakers continue to support Taiwan's autonomy from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). China also recently called for a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine and wants to facilitate peace talks as the war between the two nations goes into its second year. Scott, a GOP senator from Florida, says it's time for the U.S. to take a stand against China demanding that America stops buying from the CCP because it is helping fund their rise as a world superpower. 'All that Biden does is pacify China,' Scott alleged during an interview on Cats Roundtable Sunday morning with host John Catsimatidis. 'I don't know why he does this.' 'I don't know if he's compromised,' Scott added of the president. 'I don't know what it is, but this is a guy who won't stand up to dictators around the world.' Florida Senator Rick Scott alleged that President Joe Biden could be 'compromised' by China because he continues to 'pacify' the communist nation Many have called for President Biden to be more tough on China especially after the U.S. shot down a spy balloon from Beijing earlier this month Biden's son Hunter has business ties to China, which is putting even more spotlight on how the president handles the increasingly aggressive Asian nation. At the time when Biden was still vice president, Hunter was being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to act as 'consultant' to help 'open doors' by introducing businessmen with links to Beijing to political leaders around the world, Republican Congressman James Comer claimed in a letter last week. Comer, chairman of the House Oversight committee, is probing Hunter and Biden family ties to the CCP. 'The government of China [and] the government of Russia have decided to be not our challengers, but our enemies,' he explained. Scott demanded: 'We've got to stop ever buying anything, anything, anything made in Communist China or made in Russia.' 'No American business should do any business any business in Communist China or Russia. None!' he insisted. 'Every time you buy a Chinese product, or you buy an app, or you use TikTok, the Chinese government makes money off that.' 'The money always flows to the Chinese government,' Scott explained. 'What they are going to do with that money is they're going to continue to build a military to defeat us and defeat our way of life.' The allegations from Scott comes as Beijing becomes increasingly aggressive, conducting a series of military drills in the South China Sea Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine and wants to facilitate peace talks to help end the war between the two countries. The U.S. has dismissed this as 'one-sided' diplomacy Republicans and national security hawks have been calling on the Biden administration to impose stricter penalties on China after its surveillance scheme was revealed by the U.S. earlier this month when a spy balloon was shot down out of the sky. China has flown these vehicles, which Beijing claims was just an astray weather balloon, over 40 countries. The U.S. shot down a balloon over the ocean off the east coast earlier this month and found technology used to collect data and surveil U.S. military operations. Charles Spencer has blasted the 'bizarre' decision to revise parts of Roald Dahl's works to make them more 'acceptable' to readers, arguing it risks removing the author's character. Speaking on news programme Broadcasting House on Radio 4, the brother of the late Princess Diana argued that author Dahl was a 'famously offensive man' as he waded into the row. Publisher Penguin sparked controversy this week after it emerged they had hired sensitivity writers to remove language which may be offensive to modern day readers. Penguin said it was making the edits, which included cutting out words describing characters as 'ugly' and making Willy Wonka's Oompa Loompas gender neutral, so the books 'can continue to be enjoyed by all today'. But a series of authors, politicians and parents have criticised the 'ridiculous' decision, leading Penguin to confirm it will still be publishing the original works as part of its Classics collection. Earl Spencer was spotted arriving at the BBC Broadcasting House in London on Sunday to discuss Roald Dahl's works on Radio 4 Roald Dahl, who died in 1990, was reportedly an unpleasant and rude man who was vocal in his anti-Semitic views Talking to BBC Radio 4, Earl Spencer, 58, hit out at those censoring Dahl's books. He said: 'I find all this quite bizarre because if there is offensive material in Roald Dahl, he was a famously offensive man and so you're cutting out the character of the author. 'The people who are now republishing the vintage version will make a killing actually.' Dahl, who died in 1990, was reportedly an unpleasant and rude man who was vocal in his anti-Semitic views. He has also been fiercely criticised over gender and racial stereotypes which appeared in his books, which led to some being rewritten while he was still alive. Most notably, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was edited in 1974 to remove reference to the Oompa Loompas as 'African pygmies' over allegations of racism. Dahl fans will still be able to buy unedited versions of the works, as well as the new, more sensitive versions. Some of the changes include considerable edits to descriptions of the characters' physical appearance - the new editions no longer use the word 'fat' which has been reportedly cut from every book. Hundreds of changes have been made to Dahl's books by publisher Penguin to ensure 'all can enjoy' the stories Mrs Twit's 'fearful ugliness' has been chopped to 'ugliness' and Mrs Hoppy in Esio Trot is not an 'attractive middle-aged lady' but a 'kind middle-aged lady' Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory can now only be described as 'enormous'. Hundreds of changes were made to the original texts, extinguishing Dahl's colourful and memorable descriptions, some over fifty years old, to make his characters less grotesque. Mrs Twit's 'fearful ugliness' has been chopped to 'ugliness' and Mrs Hoppy in Esio Trot is not an 'attractive middle-aged lady' but a 'kind middle-aged lady'. The reports were met with criticism from authors such as Salman Rushdie, and even Queen Consort Camilla appeared to wade into the row as she told authors to not remain uninfluenced by 'those who may wish to curb the freedom of your expression or impose limits on your imagination.' Earl Spencer was spotted arriving at the BBC Broadcasting House in London on Sunday after admitting he most likely won't be at King Charles' coronation. Princess Diana's brother, who lives at Althorp House in Northamptonshire, appeared in good spirits as he arrived to appear on Radio 4 to speak about Roald Dahl. Charles, who carried a brown bag, donned a navy suit which he paired with a white shirt. King Charles' coronation takes place on May 6 with 'save the date' notices expected to go out to guests this week and official invitations to follow in April Princess Diana 's brother, 58, who lives at Althorp House in Northamptonshire, appeared in good spirits as he arrived at the TV studios As well as addressing Roald Dahl, he also hit out at cancel culture on the show: 'Cancel culture is so terrifying for so many people.' It comes after he recently admitted he probably won't be invited to King Charles' coronation on Jane Garvey and Fi Glover's Times Radio podcast, Off Air. Asked about whether he'll be invited to the event, the author responded: 'I wouldn't have thought so, I think it's only about two thousand people going. 'There is some old coronet knocking about here somewhere but I won't be wearing it soon, I don't think'. However the uncle of Prince William and Prince Harry didn't seem too bothered about not getting an invitation to the royal event. He admitted: 'The whole royal thing I don't find it as interesting as other people, you know? I just get on with my life People assume that I care a lot but it's just a side part of my life.' King Charles' coronation takes place on May 6 with 'save the date' notices expected to go out to guests this week and official invitations to follow in April. And while the guest list has been slashed from the 8,000 who attended the late Queen's Coronation in 1953 to 2,000, there is one area the King has expanded. The sacred ceremony is intended to be an intimate exchange between the monarch and their people in the presence of God. But as part of his plan to bring the ceremony up to date, King Charles has decided to move on from the 900-year-old tradition by inviting his crowned friends, including European royals and rulers from Arab states. It is still uncertain whether Prince Harry will visit for the occasion from his home in California with his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. The heartbroken mother of Libby Squire has been left devastated after her daughter's killer cruelly broke his promise to meet her. Twisted Pawel Relowicz, 28, says he objects to Lisa Squire portraying him 'as a bad person' in the media. Mrs Squire had been desperate to know the details of Libby's final moments from the jailed Polish butcher. But his agreement to see her has now been exposed as a cruel hoax after he linked it to a series of ludicrous demands. The killer, who laughed when arrested for raping and murdering 21-year-old student Libby in 2019, initially said 'yes' to the meeting. Hull University student Libby Squire (pictured), 21, was raped and murdered in 2019 Libby's mother, Lisa Squire (pictured left with Russell Squire beside her), is desperate to know the details of Libby's last moments Lisa has vowed to find out what happened to Libby on the night she died even down to the most painful details. She wants to know whether Libby was chatty or sleepy when she got into Pawel's car, and how she ended up in the river. But she says he has now 'changed the goalposts', only agreeing to see Lisa if they don't talk Libby and demanding a list of her questions. Lisa said: 'He wasn't happy with me talking about him in the press before. He said it made him out to be a bad person. 'My hope was that we could meet a few times and he would tell me over time. 'But then he just shut down saying he was going to appeal - which he hasn't. 'I want my children and my grandchildren to know I did everything I could to find out what happened to Libby.' Lisa Squire, of High Wycombe, Bucks, added: 'I just want to talk to the person who was last with my daughter. Pawel Relowicz, 28, who laughed as he was arrested, broke his promise to meet Lisa Squire 'I have so many questions. Was she chatty when he got her into his car? Or was she sleepy? 'I want to ask him, did you roll her in the river, kick her in, did she go in head or feet first? 'Nothing he can tell me can be worse than what goes on in my imagination.' Shoppers are picking up alternatives as the fruit and vegetable shortage continues, sending sales of watercress through the roof. Poor weather conditions in areas of Spain have stripped supermarket shelves in Britain of fruit and vegetables and especially salad items. The shortages of fruit and vegetables in shops and at markets are being part-blamed on just in time supply chains at supermarkets. Asda, Morrisons, Tesco and Aldi rationed salads this week. Sales of the superfood leaf have rocketed to up to 50 tonnes a week, a major supplier said, as people seek alternatives. Supermarkets such as Morrisons and Aldi had to ration salads this week during an ongoing vegetable shortage Vegetables have risen in price as a result of the shortages, which have been caused by bad weather in North Africa and Spain Stores hold limited stock of most food, particularly fresh produce, to keep down costs and cut waste. Now, with flooding, snow and cold weather in Morocco and Spain hitting supplies to Britain, there is no slack in the chain. A major supermarket executive said: Supply chains are run as just in time. To stop it spoiling, we get produce just in time for it to go on shelves and be sold. Any hiccup and shelves look empty. Tesco and Aldi are rationing the number of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers people can buy to three per customer. Spain supplies 80 per cent of fresh produce to Britain during the winter. But while watercress, the superfood salad leaf that has been grown commercially in the UK since Victorian times, is also grown in the same region, the green salad is immune to the cold weather. That's because watercress is grown in flowing spring water which is milder in temperature than the cold air. The aquatic plant also has a unique growing method of dipping its 'head' to stay out of the cold and can therefore resist the frost and can keep on growing. A leading watercress provider said he estimated that 50 tonnes of the tiny green were being sold each week in the UK Now one of the UK's leading suppliers of the nutrient-rich vegetable, The Watercress Company, is urging British consumers to convert to the salad leaf. Good supplies of watercress are now readily available for UK packing factories which supply supermarkets. Tom Amery, managing director of The Watercress Company, said: 'We are very lucky that watercress is so resilient; provided the day temperature is above 14 degrees Celsius, it needs neither heating nor protection unlike other salad crops. 'Demand for watercress is high at the moment because it is able to fill the gap left by other salad leaves whose harvests have been dramatically affected by the weather. 'We are currently bringing in 32 tonnes of watercress every week but I estimate that 50 tonnes per week is currently being sold in the UK. 'We rely on our Spanish grown crops to help us maintain all year-round supply of watercress but, at the moment, it is helping to keep the UK in salad - full stop.' The Watercress Company, which has farms in Dorset and Hampshire, moved a team of British experts to Jerez in Spain 20 years ago to train farmers there in the skills needed to grow watercress for the UK market. Spain is now the second biggest grower of commercial watercress, after the UK. The winter months are spent preparing for the UK season which starts in May, and Spanish grown supply is used instead. Mr Amery said: 'We are encouraging supermarkets to continue filling the gaps with watercress and we expect our sales to remain strong for the next few months. 'Watercress really is the perfect replacement for vegetables. 'It's on a par with many other vegetables in terms of nutrition and has high levels of vitamin C.' The man tipped to be Chicago's next mayor has been condemned for liking tweets calling lesbian incumbent Lori Lightfoot 'Larry,' and likening her to a gnome. Democrat Paul Vallas' Twitter account also liked a tweet mocking Lightfoot's hairline, with the scandal emerging just days before city voters hit the polling stations on February 28. Vallas has claimed an unidentified staffer was responsible for the rogue likes, and is investigating. The 'Larry' tweet was branded homophobic by some critics. A review of Vallas' Twitter page conducted by the Chicago Tribune also found that the Democrat liked tweets that used racist language, supported controversial police tactics like 'stop-and-frisk' or insulted incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot on personal terms. Several of the tweets were made prior to Vallas, 69, announcing last summer that he was running again for mayor, after losing his bid in 2019. He told the Tribune that many people on his campaign have had access to his Twitter account, and he was working to identify who may have liked the controversial tweets. But Vallas later told CBS News he believed his account was hacked. Chicago mayoral frontrunner Paul Vallas' Twitter account liked a series of derogatory tweets over the past few years. He is pictured here campaigning earlier in the month Many of the tweets his account liked portrayed Chicago as a disaster zone plagued by crime, according to the Tribune. In December 2021, it reports, Vallas liked a tweet reading: 'The Mag Mile will soon be Dystopian Way, akin to a road out of a Mad Max movie. Made desolate by the total indifference of woke Ald. Reilly and Rep. Quigley and the fifth floor gnome.' He was referring to the city's famed Magic Mile shopping district, which has grown increasingly-derelict after COVID shutdowns and Black Lives Matter riots decimated the city center. Several also blasted Democratic politicians, including Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker for his handling of crime and the pandemic, State's Attorney Kim Foxx's prosecutorial decisions and critical tweets about Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. At least of the tweets refer to Lightfoot as 'Larry.' 'I bet Larry Lightfoot is with his family today,' one tweet last June read, in response to Vallas giving a shoutout to police officers and other first responders on Father's Day. Others mocked Lightfoot for her physical appearance, with a tweet from November 2021 saying, 'Trust has eroded, just like her hairline!' in response to a post Vallas made about how Lightfoot presented crime statistics. At around the same time, Vallas also reportedly liked a tweet saying Lightfoot is 'beyond human! 'The hatred she has for the police is so degusting,' a Twitter user wrote. 'How do her bodyguards put up with her?' And the following month, Vallas' account also liked a tweet calling Lightfoot 'the gnome on the fifth floor.' Some of the tweets his account liked call Mayor Lori Lightfoot 'Larry' or a 'gnome.' and make fun of her appearance. Lightfoot is seen here speaking to supporters on Saturday Another tweet Vallas' account liked insinuated Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown (pictured in December) wax a diversity hire Other tweets Vallas' account is said to have liked over the years also criticized Lightfoot and other Democrats in the city for playing identity politics going as far as to call Lightfoot a 'racist while supporting the controversial police tactic 'stop-and-frisk.' In one tweet from June 2022 that was liked by Vallas' account, a user told him: 'Just don't push that Democratic agenda that the citizens of Chicago are tired of hearing. You know, defund this, reform that, color this, female that. We just want someone to do the job.' Vallas also liked a tweet in April 2022 insinuating Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown wax a diversity hire, and calling the mayor a racist. 'He was hired for one reason, and one reason only. He was black,' the tweet said. 'Other candidates were more qualified, but they weren't black. 'Lightfoot is a racist, big news flash.' Then, after Chicago Police Chief Brendan Deenihan announced he would be leaving the department, Vallas' account liked a recent tweet that says Deenihan 'sees the writing on the wall, as a white male his ascension on CPD is limited. 'Identity over competency.' And multiple tweet s praised 'stop-and-frisk,' a police tactic that allows forced searches based on 'reasonable suspicion.' The practice has become widely unpopular across the country amid charges of racial profiling and complains the Chicago police fielded from the American Civil Liberties Inion of Illinois and in lawsuits. 'NYC became the safest city in the US thanks to stop, question and frisk and Broken Windows,' one user wrote, referring to a tough-on-crime approach. 'Bring in Bill Bratton who turned NYC around in six months,' the user wrote, referring to a former New York City police chief who touted the practices. 'Learn from history.' Vallas never responded to another user who asked him in June whether he supports stop-and-frisk, but the Tribune reports that his account liked the tweet. In a statement to the Tribune, Vallas said he does not 'personally manage' the account and was 'shocked when this was brought to my attention because this kind of abhorrent and vile rhetoric does not represent me or my views. 'While I had nothing to do with liking these posts, our campaign takes responsibility and apologizes, and we want it to be clear that we have already taken immediate steps to restrict access to the account to prevent anything like this from happening again,' he said. 'We are working on identifying who is responsible for liking these tweets, as many volunteers have had access to the account in recent years, including some who are no longer with the campaign, and will take immediate action in removing them from our campaign if they are still involved.' But he later told CBS News: 'It's obvious we got hacked, and in fact, even though we shut down our system, changed our password, they're still trying to hack us.' In response, Lightfoot tweeted out a meme showing a man pointing at his reflection in a mirror, captioned: 'Paul Vallas finding out who hacked his Twitter account.' All of the tweets have since been removed from his profile, which now says '@PaulVallas has not liked any tweets.' All of the tweets have been removed from Vallas' profile, which now shows he has not liked any tweets This is just the latest scandal to befall the Democratic front-runner who is running on a law-and-order platform in the crime-ridden Windy City and has gained widespread support from conservatives, despite saying he is a 'lifelong Democrat.' Vallas has previously faced criticism from Lightfoot and others who have accused him of using a racist dog whistle by saying his campaign is about 'taking back our city,' but his campaign has denied the message has anything to do with race. He also came under fire last summer for attending an event for Awake Illinois, a suburban group that has called Governor Pritzker a 'groomer.' Vallas later said his attendance was a mistake, but the organization recently posted a clip from its March 2021 rally of him saying its president, Shannon Adcock, should maybe run for governor. More recently, Vallas has had to contend with an endorsement from the Fraternal Order of Police, which is helmed in Chicago by a vocal Trump supporter. At first, the Tribune reports, Vallas sidestepped questions about the union's conservative leanings. But he became more forceful in recent weeks, saying the FOP 'disappointed' him by agreeing to attend a speech by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whom Vallas described as a 'right-wing extremist.' In response to a claim Vallas' account was hacked, Lightfoot tweeted a meme showing a man pointing at his reflection in a mirror, captioned: 'Paul Vallas finding out who hacked his Twitter account' He now has to retain his lead through the election on Tuesday, as some Chicagoans elect to vote by mail. A recent poll by M3 Strategies shows Vallas leading the race by 32percent, followed by progressive Brandeon Johnson at 18percent and Lightfoot coming in third at 13.6percent. But the election is likely going to head into a run-off, NBC Chicago reports, ass none of the candidates are expected to get more than 50percent of the vote. And 'as long both as the African American and Latino community can coalesce around another candidate, they would pick up enough of a white vote that Vallas would not have a path to victory,' Dick Simpson, a former alderman and a professor emeritus at the University of Illinois Chicago, told CBS News. The professor has publicly endorsed Lightfoot for re-election. Ronna McDaniel assured that Donald Trump will agree to sign a pledge supporting whichever candidate wins the 2024 GOP primary election in their race for the White House. She made the comment while also demanding that her party turn its focus onto beating President Joe Biden and the Democrats rather than in-house fighting other members of the Republican Party. 'I think they're all going to sign it,' Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman McDaniel told CNN's State of the Union host Dana Bash on Sunday morning when asked if Trump would sign an eventual pledge. This umbrella comment does not mention any specific candidates, but makes the assumption that Trump would put his support behind someone that could beat him in the primary elections like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. So far, DeSantis appears to be the only GOP candidate who could oust Trump as head of the party. RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said she expects former President Donald Trump to sign a pledge vowing to support whoever becomes the GOP nominee in 2024 McDaniel is preparing to put forward a pledge requiring all candidates who want to participate in GOP-sponsored debates agree to support whoever wins the nomination. Everyone, including Trump, signed the pledge in 2016, she said. McDaniel recently won her reelection bid for RNC chairwoman, but the election got heated and resulted in a series of damning attacks on her record. 'I ran on a unity platform and about bringing the party together,' McDaniel said. 'And we can't be so vicious and vitriolic with each other that we don't want to support each other in the end. And I chose to run that way. It won.' She said her reelection was a 'symbol' that the Republican Party is dedicated to unity. McDaniel defeated her main challenger, RNC California national committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon, by a vote of 111 committee members to 51. MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell received just four votes. 'We can't be attacking each other so much that we lose sight of, we have to beat the Democrats,' McDaniel insisted. 'We have to beat Joe Biden in 2024. And we may have divisive primaries and differences of opinions, but, in the end, we have to settle those to win the big picture, which is governing our country and doing the right thing by the American people.' The GOP has denounced the Commission on Presidential Debates, claiming it is a partisan group not committed to treating candidates fairly especially those on the Republican side. Rather, the party will hold its own debates, but is making candidates who want to participate sign a pledge that they will fully endorse and back the eventual Republican nominee for president. McDaniel called the potential proposal a 'no-brainer.' To participate in RNC debates, candidates will need to sign a pledge that they will back the eventual nominee This means that even if Trump loses to 'disloyal' Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has not yet launched a White House bid, he would need to vow to support him in the 2024 election against whoever is the Democrat nominee Some shared doubts, however, that Trump would agree to do this should he not earn the nomination. 'If you're going to be on the Republican National Committee debate stage asking voters to support you, you should say, 'I'm going to support the voters and who they choose as the nominee,' she said. 'As RNC chair, if I said I wouldn't support the Republican nominee, I would be removed from office. I would. I'd be rightly removed,' she added. 'It'd be part of our bylaws, and I would be kicked out as RNC chair.' 'Anybody getting on the Republican National Committee debate stage should be able to say, 'I will support the will of the voters and the eventual nominee of our party.' When asked if she thinks Trump would sign the pledge, McDaniel said: 'Well, he signed it in 2016. Everybody signed it in 2016.' 'But this is about the here and the now. He didn't commit to it,' Bash pushed. 'Yes, I think they're all going to sign it. I really do,' she speculated. 'I think the voters are very intent on winning,' McDaniel added. 'And they do not want to see a debate stage of people saying, 'I'm not going to support this guy.' What they need to say is, 'I'm going to do everything I can to defeat Joe Biden.' And that means supporting the nominee of the Republican Party.' Rishi Sunak will hold talks with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen in London tomorrow about sealing a Brexit deal on Northern Ireland. In a move that could ride roughshod over the anger of unionists and eurosceptic Tories they will discuss the 'range of complex challenges around' the Northern Ireland Protocol, No 10 said. It comes after Mr Sunak was warned not to try to 'bounce' backbenchers into backing a new Brexit deal without the support of the Democratic Unionist Party, which remains opposed to detente. In a joint UK/EU statement tonight the two leaders said they had 'agreed to continue their work in person towards shared, practical solutions for the range of complex challenges'. The Prime Minister today signalled his intention to approve the agreement on Northern Ireland hammered out with Brussels within days, despite warnings it would lead to a party civil war. He insisted that the agreement would work for the whole UK and warned opponents - who include former PM Boris Johnson - to put peace in Northern Ireland above their personal ambitions. But backbench leader Mark Francois, the chairman of the hardline European Research Group, told Sky News' Ridge on Sunday that any attempt to 'bounce' MPs into supporting it were likely to fail. The Prime Minister today signalled his intention to approve the agreement hammered out with Brussels as soon as Monday, despite furious opposition from Tory eurosceptics and the Democratic Unionist Party. Rishi Sunak will hold talks with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen in London tomorrow about sealing a Brexit deal on Northern Ireland. In words that could be seen as a snub to Mr Johnson, who campaigned for the 2019 election under the slogan 'get Brexit done', Mr Sunak today told the Sunday Times: 'There's unfinished business on Brexit and I want to get the job done.' He warned that an agreement which kept any element of EU law in Northern Ireland - as Mr Sunak's is expected to do - would be a non-starter. He told the programme any deal must be one both unionists, including the Democratic Unionist Party, and nationalists are 'comfortable with. 'If the DUP doesn't consent to the deal it simply isn't going to fly. That has been obvious from the word go,' he said. 'I mean, if I were advising the Prime Minister, my honest advice to him would be: don't try to bounce Parliament next week because that is likely to go badly wrong. If you look at all the history of this, which is complex, trying to bounce Parliament usually ends badly.' 'So, if they've got a deal they're proud of, show us the text. Let us run it by our lawyers. Let us fully understand what it means. Then, at that point, we might be ready to vote on it, but it would be a very bad idea.' Asked whether there will definitely be a vote in the Commons, Mr Francois said: 'Well, if you're going to make any meaningful changes to the protocol, you're going to have to have a Bill. 'So, that's going to mean at some point you're going to have to have a vote. I think given all the history of this for the Government to try and bludgeon this through the House of Commons without a vote of any kind would be incredibly unwise.' He added that 'less of a role' for the European Court of Justice is not 'good enough' as he insisted 'we are not stupid'. However not all eurosceptics are taking such a hardline approach. Former Brexit minister David Davis told the Observer: 'My instinct is not to vote against it if it looks anything like reasonable.' In words that could be seen as a snub to Mr Johnson, who campaigned for the 2019 election under the slogan 'get Brexit done', Mr Sunak today told the Sunday Times: 'There's unfinished business on Brexit and I want to get the job done.' Mr Sunak will invite Cabinet ministers into No 10 on Sunday to brief them on the details of what he has secured so far. In words that could be seen as a snub to Mr Johnson, who campaigned for the 2019 election under the slogan 'get Brexit done', Mr Sunak today told the Sunday Times: 'There's unfinished business on Brexit and I want to get the job done.' Last week, Mr Johnson warned Mr Sunak it would be a 'great mistake' to drop the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill. Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab today told Sky News' Ridge on Sunday he was hopeful there would be 'good news in a matter of days, not weeks'. It came as the PM was accused of entangling the King in toxic Brexit politics by sending him on a controversial tour to 'schmooze' EU nations. Charles's visit to Berlin and Paris next month his first overseas trip as monarch is being seen as a charm offensive as the Prime Minister tries to renegotiate the Northern Ireland Protocol with Brussels. Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab today told Sky News' Ridge on Sunday he was hopeful there would be 'good news in a matter of days, not weeks'. But some senior Tories last night accused their leader of exploiting the Royal Family for his short-term political ends, amid growing party infighting over the post-Brexit talks. Mr Sunak said he was hopeful of a 'positive outcome' in the talks with the European Union as Westminster braced for a new-look protocol to be unveiled. The British leader is keen to ensure the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is on side with his final agreement as he looks to restore powersharing in Northern Ireland. The DUP is refusing to take part in Stormont's cross-community devolved government alongside Sinn Fein in protest at the impact the Brexit treaty is having on trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The party has issued seven tests that Mr Sunak's pact will have to meet in order to win its backing, including addressing what it calls the 'democratic deficit' of Northern Ireland being subject to EU rules while not having a say on them. The PM pledged 'anything that we do will tick all of those boxes' in terms of Unionist concerns. A protocol deal has looked close to being announced for almost a week. And after No 10 said 'good progress' was made during a Friday call between the Prime Minister and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, a breakthrough seemed imminent. The PM was accused of entangling the King in toxic Brexit politics by sending him on a controversial tour to 'schmooze' EU nations. Mark Francois, the European Research Group chairman, told the programme any deal must be one both unionists and nationalists are 'comfortable with', adding: 'If the DUP doesn't consent to the deal it simply isn't going to fly. That has been obvious from the word go.' However, a plan for Ms von der Leyen to travel to Britain on Saturday to meet Mr Sunak and then have afternoon tea with the King at Windsor Castle was scrapped on Friday evening. Downing Street has since said that 'intensive' discussions remain underway between London and Brussels. Irish premier Leo Varadkar said on Saturday that talks between the UK and the EU were 'inching towards conclusion' as he called on all sides to 'go the extra mile' to sign off on negotiations. What is the Brexit row about and what has been the impact on Northern Ireland? The UK and the EU have been engaged in substantive negotiations over the workings of the Northern Ireland Protocol of the original withdrawal agreement that allowed the UK to leave the EU. It was designed to ensure the free movement of goods across the Irish land border with Ulster after Brexit. Rather than being an internal EU line between two countries, with Brexit it became a border between the bloc and a third party country with different customs and trade rules. In any other cases it would be solved simply by creating a 'hard' border - physical checks on vehicles and people travelling between the two. But the Good Friday Agreement, which ended decades of violence in 1998, expressly prohibits a return to such checkpoints on the island of Ireland. To get around this the protocol instead created economic barriers on trade being shipped from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. It has proven to be deeply unpopular with unionists, who claim it has weakened Northern Ireland's place within the UK. Last year the DUP collapsed the powersharing institutions at Stormont in protest at the arrangements. It came as the party was replaced as the largest in the powersharing government by Sinn Fein for the first time. And the DUP is refusing to back a deal and restart powersharing unless their concerns are realised. They have set seven tests that it must pass to be approved. Advertisement The Prime Minister told The Sunday Times that he was continuing to push for a final agreement with the bloc. 'I'm here all weekend trying to get it done,' he told the newspaper. 'We're giving it everything we've got.' He admitted that there were examples of 'where it feels that Northern Ireland is not part of the Union' and that the protocol had 'unbalanced' the Good Friday Agreement that helped end the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Citing the example of not being able to apply reforms to alcohol duty in Northern Ireland when he was chancellor - as the protocol dictates that it falls under EU single market rules for duties - Mr Sunak pledged to work to satisfy Unionist demands with any deal he secures. 'I'm a Conservative, I'm a Brexiteer and I'm a unionist and anything that we do will tick all of those boxes, otherwise it wouldn't make sense to me, let alone anyone else,' he told The Sunday Times. Several reports have suggested a deal between the UK and the EU is all but done - with Mr Sunak delaying an announcement until he is confident it will be accepted. No 10 denies that but reports suggest Mr Sunak has secured concessions that will ease the flow of trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain - a major bugbear for Unionists. Trusted traders from GB into Northern Ireland will reportedly not need to undergo checks as part of the plans, while VAT rates, taxes and state aid policy will all be set by Westminster rather than Brussels as part of the offer on the table. The Prime Minister has also reportedly negotiated a means by which the Northern Ireland Assembly in Belfast will be given pre-legislative scrutiny over new EU laws in a bid to remove the so-called 'democratic deficit'. Downing Street will be anxiously waiting for Boris Johnson's view on the new terms, with the former prime minister recently imploring Mr Sunak not to drop his Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, which would unilaterally overwrite parts of the treaty. The Sunday Times reported that Mr Johnson, called to back what Mr Sunak comes back with in order to appease the White House, replied saying: 'F*** the Americans.' A source close to Mr Johnson told PA: 'This was a jocular conversation in the chamber that someone evidently misunderstood. 'That is not the sort of language he would use.' Fresh speculation about a new pact comes after Downing Street came in for criticism for the proposed meeting between EU leader Ms von der Leyen and the King. It is said that No 10 envisaged branding Mr Sunak's deal the 'Windsor Agreement' if the German politician had been content to sign off on a deal while in Britain. Sammy Wilson, a DUP MP, accused the Prime Minister of 'dragging the King into a hugely controversial political issue'. A UK Government source said it would not have been improper for the King to have met a visiting European leader. The source told PA news agency it was 'wrong to suggest the King would be involved in anything remotely political'. Buckingham Palace would not comment. It comes despite rumours he recently jetted off to the Maldives amid the fighting Ramzan Kadyrov - a key Vladimir Putin henchman and proponent of the war in Ukraine - has awarded himself a top medal declaring he is a 'hero'. He announced the creation of the newly-minted honour three months ago, and has now reportedly presented the first one to himself. The gold medal means he is a Hero of Chechnya, the republic in southern Russia that he rules with an iron fist. According to the power-crazy Kadyrov, 46, the medal was planned as an award to fighters who 'distinguished themselves' in Putin's war in Ukraine, and for specific 'heroic deeds'. His specific 'heroic deed' has not been disclosed. The award comes amid rumours warlord Kadyrov - who during the war Putin made a Colonel-General in Russia's national guard - has in recent weeks absented himself to spend time in the Maldives and his palace in Dubai, even as his forces - known for their cruelty - were fighting in Ukraine. His private jet has been seen in both locations. Vladimir Putin (left) and Ramzan Kadyrov (right) are pictured at the Kremlin Putin's warlord Ramzan Kadyrov (left) wearing a police uniform with some of his awards pinned on the chest Kadyrov is pictured clutching a pair of machine guns. The Chechen warlord is one of the foremost proponents of the war in Ukraine Critics say Kadyrov - seen as Russia's wealthiest politician after Putin, and believed to have at least 14 children - suffers from the 'Brezhnev medal syndrome'. Former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev was famous for his chest-full of honours and awards. Kadyrov's ally Magomed Daudov, head of the Chechen Parliament, delivered a cringing eulogy to the strongman. 'On behalf of the deputies of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on the award of the highest title of the republic Hero of the Chechen Republic for No. 1,' he said. 'Your services to the Chechen Republic and the Russian Federation cannot be overestimated, and they are, without exaggeration, worthy of special study.' Earlier this month the same parliament voted him the title Father of the Nation. He has three dozen other awards, including Hero of Russia, bestowed by Putin. He is a Hero of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, and has been awarded for strengthening the Russian penal system as well as his supposed contribution to the development of parliamentarianism, agriculture, legislation and state building. He was awarded for his role in the development of healthcare and medical sciences. In June 2022, the Dental Association of Russia awarded him the Order of Merit for Dentistry, first degree. He is frequently accused by Russian and international critics of overseeing grave human rights abuses including abductions, torture, extrajudicial killings, and targeting the LGBT community. Despite this he has been awarded for his role in promoting human rights. Kadyrov is one of Putin's biggest supporters and key domestic allies Kadyrov has snapped a string of pictures while wielding various firearms Kadyrov (right) is seen with Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu, whom he has ruthlessly criticised amid Russia's poor war effort Former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev was famous for showing off a chest-full of awards. Kadyrov is taking a similar tack The latest award shows the rising personality cult around Kadyrov, who is reported to have three current wives. There are suspicions that if Putin falls he will seek a major role in Moscow - or lead Chechnya to breakaway independence if Russia descends into civil war. Earlier this week he announced he intends to set up his own Wagner-style private army. A hawk on the war, he constantly demands that Russia should overrun all of Ukraine - and Poland. The Russian advance was ordained by God, he claims, and should continue to 'denazify and demilitarise' neighbouring Poland. In a recent Telegram rant he said that 'the fight against Satanism should continue throughout Europe and, first of all, on the territory of Poland'. He will be sentenced in May after the assault at Mons Barracks in Hampshire A British Army soldier has been convicted of groping a female colleague at the after-party of a St Patrick's Day parade attended by the Prince and Princess of Wales. 'Really drunk' Lance Corporal Shane Ritchie cupped the bottom of his colleague after sliding his hand down her back as he squeezed past her to go for a cigarette. The 26-year-old 'slurred his words' before grabbing her behind during the Irish Guards' first regimental day celebration since the pandemic. Earlier in the day the regiment had welcomed the royal couple - then known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge - as guests of honour for a traditional ceremony where Kate had presented sprigs of shamrock to members of the battalion on parade. The court heard that after the celebrations at Mons Barracks in Aldershot, Hampshire, in March last year Ritchie's 'creeping' hand grabbed the bottom of his fellow soldier. 'Really drunk' Lance Corporal Shane Ritchie (pictured) cupped the bottom of his colleague after sliding his hand down her back as he squeezed past her to go for a cigarette The court heard that after the celebrations at Mons Barracks in Aldershot, Hampshire, in March last year Ritchie's 'creeping' hand grabbed the bottom of his fellow soldier (pictured) He was charged with one count of sexual assault. LCpl Ritchie, a father of two from Belfast, denied the charge, claiming that only his shoulder 'brushed' her and if there had been contact, it was accidental and therefore not sexual. However he was found guilty at the end of a two day trial at Bulford Military Court, Wiltshire. He will be sentenced in May. Addressing LCpl Ritchie, Assistant Judge Advocate General Jane England said: 'You well know the likely consequence of somebody convicted of an offence like this. 'The court will be considering dismissal and detention. You need to come to court prepared that might be the outcome. 'I am not saying that to be unpleasant, but it would be unfair for you not to be aware.' Opening the case, prosecutor Captain Daniel Lawlor, had said: 'On March 17th last year, the complainant attended a St Patrick's day function at a bar at Mons Barracks. 'At the bar she was introduced to [the defendant]. Earlier in the day, the regiment had welcomed the Prince and Princess of Wales as guests of honour for a traditional ceremony he was found guilty at the end of a two day trial at Bulford Military Court, Wiltshire (pictured) 'The complainant will tell the court that as she was standing she felt someone touching her from behind - down her shoulder, on her back and down. 'The two had a verbal interaction and she confronted him for grabbing her bottom.' Giving evidence, the female soldier - who cannot be named for legal reasons - said she had been introduced to LCpl Ritchie at the St Patrick's Day celebration. She continued: 'He was really drunk. 'He looked like he couldn't really stand up properly, couldn't really focus his eyes on anything and when he spoke, he slurred his words. 'After I shook his hand, he said "I've got a missus" but I wasn't interested, so I left.' She told the court she returned to some nearby sofas in the room to talk to a friend, when she felt the sexual assault take place. 'I felt someone come behind me and put a hand on on my shoulder, slide their hand creeping down my back and then I felt them cup my bum,' she said. 'As soon as I felt that, I turned to the side and saw it was [LCpl Ritchie] and just pushed him away. 'I said something like 'get the f*** off me, don't you dare touch me'. 'It felt really deliberate, I could feel the pressure. It was a firm touch - a grab.' The court heard she left the bar with a friend and immediately reported the incident to her chain of command - having texted the Regimental Sergeant Major personally and asked to see him the next week. When it was put to her that 'not everyone' in the Irish Guards - which has only accepted women in full time combat roles since 2018 - was 'not particularly enlightened or welcoming' to women - she agreed. Such were these attitudes, she told the court she was 'unhappy' in her unit and considered it a 'hostile' environment to work. The court heard she had been told by a different colleague that 'the Army is a man's world'. Giving evidence, LCpl Ritchie said he had left the bar to go for a smoke when he came into close proximity with the soldier. He said: 'Making my way past, I brushed past [the complainant] and she turned around, put her hands on my chest and accused me of touching her and told me to get off her.' When asked to clarify how close he had been, he reiterated: 'My shoulder brushed past her.' The court heard LCpl Ritchie had attended the Army's Operation Teamwork initiative - designed to tackle cultural and inclusivity issues among the service - just one month prior to the incident. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has predicted Vladimir Putin's regime will eventually be toppled by his own people. Speaking to journalist Dmytro Komarov in a documentary made to mark one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelensky said: 'There will certainly be a moment when the fragility of Putin's regime is felt in Russia. 'Then carnivores will eat the carnivore. It is very important, and they will need a reason to justify this. 'They will recall the words of Komarov, of Zelenskyy. They will remember. They will find a reason to kill the killer. 'Will it work? Yes. When? I don't know.' One year into the conflict and Putin, who expected a swift victory, has seen heavy casualties and defeat on the battlefield. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has predicted Vladimir Putin's regime will eventually be toppled by his own people It comes after Putin gave a speech earlier this week which condemned the West, blaming it for the war Damaged buildings are seen after Russian S-300 missile attack as military mobility continues within the Russian-Ukrainian war in Shevchenkove village of Mykolaiv Oblast This photograph taken on February 26, 2023, shows destroyed buildings and a car as a result of shelling in the village of Kamenka, Kharkiv region Ukrainian serviceman of the "68 separate hunting brigade named after Olexa Dovbush" sits in the trench on the frontline position Ukrainian servicemen of the 68th Separate Jager Infantry Brigade "Oleksa Dovbush" fire an M2 machine gun on a frontline position Russia has also become increasingly isolated due to stringent sanctions from other countries, which have thrown their weight behind Ukraine. According to the Washington Post, there is a wedge emerging between Putin and the country's elite. 'There is huge frustration among the people around him,' a Russian billionaire told the paper. 'He clearly doesn't know what to do. 'He is in isolation, of course. He doesn't like speaking with people anyway. He has a very narrow circle, and now it has gotten narrower still'. Putin has also faced a backlash over drafting Russia's military reservists. It's a move which has seen thousands of men flee the country and mass protests on the streets. It comes after Putin made a speech this week, which accused the West of starting the war in Ukraine. The despot claimed the West was plotting to achieve 'limitless power' and vowed to 'systematically' continue with the offensive in Ukraine during an explosive speech in Russia's parliament. He told lawmakers he was addressing them 'at a time which we all know is a difficult, watershed moment for our country, a time of cardinal, irreversible changes around the world, the most important historic events that will shape the future of our country and our people'. He added: 'The responsibility for fuelling the Ukrainian conflict, for its escalation, for the number of victims... lies completely with Western elites.' Reports from Russia suggest state employees and students have been ordered to attend a nationalistic concert after the speech, held at Moscow's Luzhniki stadium, while signs have popped up around the city proclaiming that 'Russia's border does not end anywhere' and telling people to 'watch and listen'. The US has slammed the 'absurdity' of Vladimir Putin's state-of-the-nation speech on Tuesday in which he accused the West of starting the war in Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said the most important thing for him is to make his family proud of him Putin's armoured motorcade was spotted heading to the Kremlin at around 1am local time, with traffic stopped in central Moscow to make way. There was no official explanation for Putin's late night dash to the Kremlin ahead of the speech. While the constitution mandates that the president deliver the speech annually, Putin never gave one in 2022, as his troops suffered repeated setbacks. President Zelenskyy also gave a speech to mark the one-year anniversary of war, in which he got emotional when talking about how the war could end and about his wife, daughter and son. He said: 'My wife and my children are the most important people for me - I don't get to see them very often but I am very happy to have this family. The most important thing is to make them proud of me.' He also urged Moscow to change course and asked them to 'leave our territory' and to 'stop bombing us'. He added: 'Stop (destroying) all our infrastructure, energy, drinking water. Stop bombing towns, villages, killing dogs and cats, simply animals, torching forests.' He again repeated that there will be no negations with Russia until their troops withdraw from Ukraine. He said: 'Everyone has seen that they killed and tortured people-they are not even trying to hide their attacks, they are talking about nuclear matters. 'Seeing this picture of the world, do you think Ukrianians can sit in this and negotiate?' Ukraine expects to receive large supplies of Western weaponry in coming months that will help it mount a planned counteroffensive Ukrainian servicemen of the 68th Separate Jager Infantry Brigade "Oleksa Dovbush" fire a howitzer towards Russian positions Russian forces have suffered three major battlefield reversals since the war began but still control around one fifth of Ukraine (Pictured: Ukrainian soldiers) In recent weeks, Ukrainian forces claimed to have inflicted huge casualties while repelling attacking Russian forces China called for a ceasefire earlier this week, but Ukraine previously rejected a pause in the fighting for fear it would allow Russia to regroup militarily after bruising battlefield setbacks. Mr Zelensky gave qualified support to China's new pronouncements about the ceasefire and peace talks between Ukraine and Russia in a vaguely worded proposal released on Friday. 'China has shown its thoughts. I believe that the fact that China started talking about Ukraine is not bad,' the president said during a wide-ranging news conference. 'But the question is what follows the words. The question is in the steps and where they will lead to.' A 12-point paper issued by China's Foreign Ministry also urged an end to sanctions that aim to squeeze Russia's economy. That suggestion also looked like a non-starter, given that Western nations are working to further tighten the sanctions noose, not loosen it. Both the UK and US imposed more sanctions on Friday. Russian forces have suffered three major battlefield reversals since the war began but still control around one fifth of Ukraine. Russia is currently trying to secure full control of two eastern provinces forming Ukraine's Donbas industrial region. It has sent thousands of conscripts into Ukraine for a winter offensive but has secured only scant gains so far in assaults in frozen trenches up and down the eastern front in recent weeks. Ukraine expects to receive large supplies of Western weaponry in coming months that will help it mount a planned counteroffensive. In recent weeks, Ukrainian forces claimed to have inflicted huge casualties while repelling attacking Russian forces. Initially DeNormandie assessed their value at $90million, before Rathborne discovered he had not declared a massive purchase of decoy ducks An old-money Boston filmmaker who directed episodes of Twin Peaks warred with her husband during their second divorce over $532,000 he spent on wooden ducks. Ernestine Rathborne, who's known as Tina, accused property magnate Philip Y. DeNormandie of making her believe their combined wealth was 'just' $90 million, when the true figure was actually $220 million. DeNormandie's alleged deception unraveled when Rathborne discovered a $532,000 receipt for the wooden duck decoys and other art, triggering a probe into her former partner's finances. Rathborne, 72, and DeNormandie, 75, finalized their latest divorce on February 2, with a judge ordering the pair to split their vast fortune evenly. It includes a portfolio of 139 properties, many of them among the most sought-after in Boston, with Rathborne handed their $7 million Cambridge mansion that was also her childhood home. Ernestine Rathborne, 72, who goes by Tina and directed a pair of Twin Peaks episodes Philip Y. DeNormandie, 75, amassed a large real estate empire and collection of decoy ducks The battle for assets between the couple, who have two sons, began amicably enough. But it grew ugly once Rathborne discovered assets she claims DeNormandie had been hiding from her, after spotting a $532,000 receipt for the ducks, the Boston Globe reported. DeNormandie has hit back at his Harvard-educated debutante wife by branding her a highly capable woman, who was nonetheless so lazy she hired staffers to cater to her every whim. One lackey was paid $80,000-a-year just to walk their dogs, and brush the animals' teeth, he alleges. Rathborne - who counts actress Isabella Rossellini among her friends - refutes claims she's profligate. She highlighted to a Globe reporter that she was wearing an old brown coat on the day the paper interviewed her, as evidence of her parsimony. One of the many decoy ducks in Philip Y. DeNormandie's sprawling collection One of Philip Y. DeNormandie's decoy ducks, which he began collecting at the age of 10 The 50 year relationship - punctuated by one previous divorce - turned ugly after the latest separation. Rathborne was angry to discover her husband had spent $532,964.50 on decoy ducks to add to his already sprawling collection, but failed to include them in his financial disclosures. DeNormandie is now the proud owner of decoy ducks worth more than $3 million, having first fallen in love with the objects as a young boy. The duck discovery led Rathborne to suspect DeNormandie was not being honest about the scope of their family's finances and property holdings, and shortly thereafter the name calling began. DeNormandie called Rathborne lazy, out of touch and pampered, and accused her of forcing him to marry her by getting pregnant. In turn, she said she was afraid of his temper and controlling nature. Both denied each other's allegations, but as proceedings carried on it was revealed Rathborne's hunch about their true wealth was right. DeNormandie's $90million estimation of their net worth was about $130million shy of a reality which included 139 properties - instead of the 18 Tina thought they owned - and a whopping $3million in decoy ducks. Ultimately the couple split their estate in half, with Rathborne walking away with their $7.5million Cambridge home and 100 properties across Louisiana. DeNormandie kept properties including their private island Maine island, along with his beloved decoy duck collection. The couple first met when they were both students at Harvard University in the 1970s, and married in 1973 shortly after graduation. 'We loved doing the same things,' Rathborne told the Boston Globe. 'We loved hiking and sailing. He's a nature boy. I loved walking in the woods with him.' After buying a home in Harvard Square, Rathborne later relocated to New York and then to Los Angeles to pursue a film career, and their relationship suffered until they first divorced in 1987. 'We were standing in front of the judge sobbing,' she told the Globe, recalling how the judge asked if they were sure they wanted to end things, and DeNormandie responded 'It's geography, your honor. It's geography.' Rathborne went on to direct a pair of Twin Peaks episodes in 1990, before the couple reconciled when she became pregnant. The couple's $7.5million Cambridge house, which Rathborne won in the divorce settlement. It is her childhood home DeNormandie got to keep hold of the couple's private island in Maine, pictured After having two sons, Rathborne raised them as a stay-at-home mother, saying she had been 'fulfilled' in her career. 'I found the work I was born to do and I was longing for children,' she told the Globe. 'I had the privilege of being a mom. I didn't look back over my shoulder.' During those years DeNormandie built a sprawling real estate profile over 100 profiles across New England and the south. The includes the historic Blackstone Block in Boston where the Union Oyster House resides, and the luxury real estate enclave Lewis Wharf on the Boston Harbor waterfront. When things turned messy after in the midst of their second divorce, DeNormandie recalled those years of much differently than Rathborne did. 'I made all of the money. She was an incredibly capable person who did nothing,' he said. 'She had seven-day-a-week help all the time.' He told the Globe she kept a personal cook, a secretary, a housekeeper, and spent at least $80,000 per year on a dog walker who would brush their pets' teeth. Rathborne said began divorce proceedings in 2017 after years of growing apart, but after she began to suspect DeNormandie had been withholding information about their net worth, she said she was divorcing him over fears about his aggression and controlling behavior. She recalled an incident where he refused to let her use the bathroom during a four-hour car ride. In response to DeNormandie's accusations that she was a spendthrift, Rathborne scoffed. 'I was not spending my time on Newbury Street,' she told the Globe, referring to the upmarket retail district. 'I was deeply upset when I read that characterization of me.' Her attorney, Robert O'Regan, also found his claims ridiculous. 'Here's a man who would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on fine art and wildlife collectibles and in some instances not unpack them from their shipping materials and he's complaining that Tina lived an extravagant lifestyle?' he told the Globe. As for those ducks, DeNormandie said he'd began collecting when he was 10 years-old during family vacations to Cape Cod. 'We'd go down the Cape in the summer and I'd ride my bike and go into antique stores,' he said. 'The only thing I liked were duck decoys since I was about 10. I built up a huge collection.' The couple also owned the historic Blackstone Block in Boston, which includes the city's famed Union Oyster house The couple owned luxury real estate enclave Lewis Wharf on the Boston Harbor waterfront Sixty-five years later, those wooden ducks cost DeNormandie tens of millions after they tipped off Rathborne that he was undervaluing their net worth. After she discovered the half-million-dollar duck purchase and the divorce went south, the couple hired a special master, Anthony Doniger, to mediate the litigation. Both agreed to accept the Dongier's decision, but he said getting DeNormandie to provide financial documents was like 'pulling teeth.' When the the full net worth was finally revealed - $221 million - DeNormandie said the ruling was 'totally biased,' according to the Globe, while his lawyer insisted the property's value had merely been assessed differently at first. 'I was mostly hurt because I had no idea,' she told the Globe, recalling she was 'astounded' to hear the full amount. Both agreed to split their value down the middle at $110,379,691 apiece, with DeNormandie agreeing to pay $600,000 in Rathborne's legal fees for prolonging the divorce by not disclosing his full finances. And though Rathborne walked off with their Cambridge home, he got to keep their $2.6 million home in Antigua. The racist creator of the popular Dilbert comic strip claims Don Lemon shares his views on black people, sharing a 2013 clip of the embattled CNN host offering his advice to the black community. Scott Adams, who is believed to have amassed many millions from the Dilbert series over the past three decades, has come under fire for a video in which he labeled black people a 'hate group' and advised white people to 'get the f**k' away from people of color to avoid getting into trouble. The Dilbert comic strip, about a menial office worker, was promptly pulled from hundreds of newspapers across the country in the aftermath. But Adams, 65, has only doubled down on his remarks, invoking former Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday to claim that bigotry is acceptable in certain situations. And on Sunday, he shared the 2013 clip of Don Lemon's five tips for the black community, tweeting: 'CNN canceled me for agreeing with Don Lemon.' Dilbert creator Scott Adams (pictured) has tried to defend himself after going on a racist tirade in his web series last week He claimed on Sunday that he was making the same points Don Lemon made in a 2013 clip, in which he advised the black community to pick up their pants and stop littering He tweeted on Sunday: 'CNN canceled me for agreeing with Don Lemon' In the clip, which has been viewed 3.7million times since it was first published on Twitter on February 19, Don Lemon advises members of the black community in America to pull up their pants and pick up trash. 'Cause black people, if you really want to fix the problem, here's just five things you should think about doing,' the CNN host said on-air in 2013. 'Here's number five, pull up your pants.' He explained in the two-minute clip that the trend of wearing baggy jeans with one's boxers sticking out has its roots in the prison system, where guards take away inmates' belts so they cannot be used as a weapon. 'And then it evolved into which role a prisoner would have during male-on-male sex,' said Lemon, who is openly gay. 'The one with the really low pants is a submissive one you get my point?' Lemon then went on to advise members of the black community not to use the N-word when talking to each other, and to pick up the trash in their neighborhood. 'Now number three, respect where you live,' he said. 'Start small by not dropping trash, littering in your own communities. 'I've lived in several predominantly white neighborhoods in my life I rarely witnessed people littering,' Lemon claimed. 'I live in Harlem now, it's a historically black neighborhood. Every single day I see adults and children dropping trash on the ground when a garbage can is just feet away.' Lemon also advised members of the black community to stay in school, telling his audience: 'You want to break the cycle of poverty? Stop telling kids they're "acting white" because they go to school or they're speaking proper English.' And his final piece of advice, which he said was the most important, was 'Just because you can have a baby doesn't mean you should, especially without planning for one or getting married first.' He cited a study showing that more than 72 percent of babies born in the African American community at the time were born to unmarried parents, which he says 'means absent fathers. 'And studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison, and the cycle continues.' Adams, the creator of the popular Dilbert comic strip, said on his online show Real Coffee with Scott Adams Wednesday that white people should 'get the hell away from black people' Adams said Sunday morning that Lemon's remarks were akin to what he was trying to say on his online show Real Coffee with Scott Adams Wednesday. But in the livestreamed video, posted to his YouTube channel last week, Adams told his viewers: 'The best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. 'Just get the f**k away. Wherever you have to go, just get away.' He added: 'There's no fixing this. This can't be fixed... You just have to escape. So that's what I did, I went to a neighborhood where I have a very low black population.' The 65-year-old then went on to label black people a 'hate group,' citing a poll that found nearly half of black people are not ok with white people. As the video gained traction over the weekend, Gannett one of the largest newspaper distributors in the country confirmed it was dropping Dilbert. 'Recent discriminatory comments by the creator, Scott Adams, have influenced our decision to discontinue publishing his comic,' the organization said in a statement Saturday to The New York Post. 'While we respect and encourage free speech, his views do not align with our editorial or business values as an organization. 'At Gannett, we lead with inclusion and strive to maintain a respectful and equitable environment for the diverse communities we serve nationwide.' The Cleveland Plain Dealer later announced that it, too, was cutting ties with Adams following his 'racist rant.' 'This is not a difficult decision,' Plain Dealer Editor Chris Quinn wrote Friday in his letter from the editor. 'Adams said Black people are a hate group, citing a recent Rasmussen survey which, he said, shows nearly half of all Black people do not agree with the phrase 'It's okay to be white.' The Los Angeles Times also announced it would be discontinuing the comic, along with the San Antonio Express-News and the USA Today Network. Adams, pictured in 2001, is believed to have made more than $70million from the Dilbert series over the past three decades The comic strip follows a character, Dilbert, in a menial office job. It was published in newspapers around the country, many of which have since dropped the comic due to Adams' remarks He tried to double down on the remarks over the weekend, tweeting to his 867,000 followers Saturday: 'A lot of people are angry at me today but I haven't yet heard anyone disagree. 'I make two main points: 1. Treat everyone as an individual (no discrimination). '2. Avoid any group that doesn't respect you. Does anyone think that is bad advice?' Later in the day he posted: 'Has anyone checked the price of free speech lately? It's worse than eggs.' Adams also tried to defend his racist tirade by likening his comments to the Mike Pence's personal policy, where he said he never dines alone with a woman other than his wife a policy many criticized as a sexist practice. The Dilbert creator interpreted the rule as a way for a man to avoid false accusations of sexual misconduct, and said his advice about avoiding black people stemmed from the same fear of supposed false racism allegations. He then went farther, though, and urged 'everyone' in a video on Saturday to embrace racism in the workplace as he tried to justify his remarks. 'I'm just saying: as a personal, career decision, you should absolutely be racist whenever it's to your advantage, and that's for men, for women, for black or white, Asian or Hispanic,' he said. Adams tried to explain that his remarks 'was the opposite of racism, but also racism.' 'Who disagrees with the idea that you should stay away from pockets of people where the odds are, they're not going to like you,' he told viewers, once again claiming that he would be a victim of false allegations. He then used his interpretation of Mike Pence's rule about dining with other women to justify his argument, saying: 'The Mike Pence rule would say, you wanna get some distance. Now is that racist? Yeah, by definition. 'But it's racist in a personal success context, which is completely allowable.' And on the topic of 'allowable' racism, Adams urged anyone to take advantage of bigoted practices to reap rewards. One such practice, Adams argued, was affirmative action, claiming that a black person taking advantage of the policy is a 'racist career decision' that he 'would totally back.' 'If you're making decisions for your own personal life, you can be as racist as you want,' he said. 'That's not illegal and it's definitely not unethical.' Two brothers who tried to smuggle guns and bullets into the UK from the US inside a microwave have been jailed. Edward Pink, 46, and Cadien Pink, 41, ordered a deadly cache of weapons from a US dealer who put the firearms inside the microwave to arrive in the UK from Florida. Four loaded pistols, including two Glock 19 Gen 5s, a Glock 17 Gen 5 and one Taurus G2C plus 59 rounds of ammunition were stashed in the microwave. At Croydon Crown Court, Edward Pink, of Streatham, south west London, was jailed for 12 years and Cadien Pink, from Addlestone, Surrey, was sent to prison for 14 years over all the offences. Both brothers were convicted of conspiracy to possess firearms with intent to endanger life and conspiracy to possess ammunition with intent to endanger life at the trial that finished earlier this month. Edward Pink (left), 46, and Cadien Pink (right), 41, ordered a deadly cache of weapons from a US dealer who put the firearms inside the microwave to arrive in the UK from Florida Four loaded pistols, including two Glock 19 Gen 5s, a Glock 17 Gen 5 and one Taurus G2C plus 59 rounds of ammunition were stashed in the microwave All the serial numbers had been taken off the guns before being sent last June, police said. But Homeland Security in the US intercepted the parcel delivery from Florida and the pair were arrested. The package was destined for a business address in Newham, east London, before it was scanned and found to contain a string of suspicious objects. The two offenders contacted their American buyers in a bid to ship the guns to the UK. The firearms were seized by US authorities who contacted the Met's Specialist Crime Command and a joint proactive investigation was launched. Cadien Pink denied any involvement when questioned by police in London. Officers had a recorded voice note from his mobile phone in which he was told by the US contact he was ordering the guns from to name his make, model and specification. The package in the microwave was destined for a business address in Newham, east London, before it was scanned and found to contain a string of suspicious objects But he insisted this discussion was nothing to do with guns and related to hair clippers for his mobile barbering business. Detective Chief Inspector Ant Jones, the Met Police's Specialist Crime Command, said after the sentencing: 'The Met has fantastic working relationships with partner law enforcement agencies all over the world. 'It's because of our work with our colleagues in HSI that we have successfully prevented a number of lethal weapons from falling into the wrong hands here; and successfully brought to justice those who conspired to import them for use on the streets of London. 'I've no doubt that this partnership working means that lives will have been saved as a result. 'Firearms are inextricably linked to gangs, drugs markets and organised crime groups and we will stop at nothing to disrupt the use and supply of firearms on the streets of London.' Tim Hemker, Homeland Security Investigations' London Attache, added: 'Homeland Security Investigations values its partnership with the Metropolitan Police Service and today's sentences highlight the impact exemplary international collaboration can have on the safety of communities we serve. 'HSI will continue to work with international law enforcement partners to investigate and combat transnational organized crimes, like weapons smuggling, to help bring criminals to justice that seek to circumvent laws and do harm worldwide.' A company accountant who stole more than 250,000 to spend on prostitutes, hotel stays and luxury electronic goods has been jailed for three years. Darren Parker, 43, began his calculated theft immediately after he started working for water company Stortec Engineering Ltd as their financial controller in 2018. He was discovered two years later while on holiday when a colleague found payments to Amazon River Island as well as for hotel stays, iPhones and laptops. Following his arrest, Parker pleaded guilty to three counts of fraud. The married man of nine years told Preston Crown Court that he had suffered a breakdown and begun seeing prostitutes for company and not to seek sexual gratification. Darren Parker, 43, has been jailed for three years after stealing more than 250,000 to spend on prostitutes, hotel stays and luxury electronic goods As a result of Parker's crimes, Stortec had to unpick its accounts and take out a loan as well as make several redundancies. At his sentence hearing, Recorder Carwyn Cox told Parker: 'This was a catastrophic fall for you. You left school at 16 and have worked in finance ever since and have been married for nine years. 'Since this offending, you no longer work in finance and never will again. You used this money to fund your lifestyle, to a total sum of just over 250,000. The impact on Stortec is considerable.' A spokesperson for Stortec said Parker's theft couldn't have come at a 'worse time' for the business as it battled to stay afloat amid the looming Covid-19 pandemic. They said: 'He had manipulated the bank and finance software to remove peer checking of payments, such that it took over two years for us to uncover the facts. 'This could not have come at a worse time, as we uncovered this fraud in the middle of the COVID pandemic when business conditions were already extremely challenging for a start-up business operating as a Key Supplier to the water and renewable energy sectors. 'The disruption to our business from the theft and the extent of Mr Parker's covering deceptions cannot be underestimated. 'Unfortunately, it was necessary to make redundancies due to a financial position that could not be supported by fact once the extent of the thefts became clear.' The court heard how Parker made numerous considerable financial transfers to his bank accounts between 2018 and 2020. Recorder Cox said: 'You were employed as a financial controller for Stortec and then became the financial director and had control over all aspects of the company, and set yourself up as a superuser on the banking app of the company. 'A colleague became suspicious of your actions when you wouldn't provide her with information and then during lockdown you were working from home which meant you were alone. 'In August 2020 your activity was discovered when you went on holiday as payments hadn't been made and your colleague found some raised payments to yourself. 'She also found payments to Amazon, Argos and River Island, as well as payments to HM Revenue and Customs, and the company credit card was linked to your Amazon account. Preston Crown Court heard Parker say that he had suffered a breakdown and begun seeing prostitutes who demanded 'goods, and homes in Spain' 'You also withdrew cash and used the company account for work on your home as well as for hotel stays, iPhones and laptops.' Parker had finally confessed on August 24, 2020, and was arrested a few months later. Mr Cox continued: 'Your explanation is that you suffered a breakdown, although you weren't able to say whether that was work, or home or alcohol, and found yourself depressed. 'You found yourself in the company of prostitutes, but you were not seeking sexual gratification, only company. 'You wanted to be liked and then you started paying for hotels and used funds from the company after you had exhausted all your savings. 'Then those women began demanding goods, and homes in Spain to be purchased.. You wanted to go to the police but you didn't. 'You attempted suicide but have been able to rebuild your relationship with your wife.' A Stortec spokesperson thanked Lancashire Police and CPS for pursuing the fraud case following the hearing. They added: 'It is now apparent to us Parker is a proficient fraudster whose deception was sufficient to pass two external finance audits as well as the internal board. 'We are confident Lancashire businesses are much safer now he has been exposed and detained.' The Biden administration is tearing into China for proposing a so-called 'peace deal' between Ukraine and Russia without first speaking with Kyiv. The proposal came amid claims from top Biden officials that Russia is weighing sending 'lethal aid' to Russia as it continues its invasion in Ukraine, which sparked a more than year-long war last February. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said China is engaging in 'one-sided diplomacy' and said President Xi Jinping needs to speak with Ukrainian President Volodytmyr Zelensky, who has expressed interest in discussing the proposal. 'China put forward this plan without having had a single conversation since the war began between President Xi and President Zelenskyy,' Sullivan told NBC's Meet the Press host Chuck Todd on Sunday morning. 'The Chinese have talked to the Russians a lot, but at the most senior levels, they have not talked to the Ukrainians and it's very difficult to advance any kind of peace initiative when there's that kind of one-sided diplomacy going on,' he said. 'So from our perspective, the critical thing is that any peace plan offered by anybody has to involve the input of Ukraine.' National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Sunday that China needs to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky if he wants to broker a peace-deal Chinese President Xi Jinping is calling for a cease-fire in Ukraine and claims it could broker a peace deal between the two nations. It comes after reports emerged that China is considering sending lethal aid to Russia in its war with Ukraine WATCH: Many U.S. officials dismissed China's peace plan. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy didn't.@JakeSullivan46: Zelenskyy "would like to speak to President Xi. The Chinese have talked to the Russians a lot, but at the most senior levels they have not talked to the Ukrainians." Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) February 26, 2023 'As President Biden has constantly said, nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine and that goes for this initiative, as well as any other initiative under the sun,' Sullivan added. President Joe Biden visited Ukraine last week in an unannounced trip to mark the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion. Biden met with Zelensky and spent 5 hours in the Ukrainian capital city of Kyiv. During that trip, Biden pledged the U.S. to another $500 million in aid for Ukraine in the war with Russia - and called on other countries to continue showing their support for the war-torn country. Meanwhile, Republicans and national security hawks are still reeling over reports that Beijing is weighing send lethal assistance to Moscow to help it defeat Ukraine. 'The fact that they're going to meet next week Chairman Xi and [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to discuss this unholy alliance that they have, to put weapons into Ukraine, to me is very disturbing,' Texas Representative Michael McCaul told ABC's This week program Sunday morning. 'While maybe Ukraine today, it's going to be Taiwan tomorrow,' McCaul added. 'That's why this is so important.' McCaul chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee and is a member of the Homeland Security panel. Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said it is 'disturbing' that that China is weighing sending lethal assistance to Russia It is disturbing to hear reports that China is considering sending lethal weapons to Russia amid war in Ukraine, House Foreign Relations chair Michael McCaul tells @MarthaRaddatz. While maybe Ukraine today, its going to be Taiwan tomorrow. This Week (@ThisWeekABC) February 26, 2023 Biden visited Kyiv, Ukraine for five hours in an unannounced trip last week to mark the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion. He met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the ground in Kyiv on February 20, 2023 Sullivan says that Zelensky is interested in speaking with China about its proposal for a cease-fire and brokering a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia. 'What President Zelenskyy said were there were parts of the plan he didn't like and parts of the plan that he thought could be okay,' Sullivan explained. 'One part of the plan that I particularly liked is point one of the plan. Point one of the plan was: respect the sovereignty of all nations,' the NSA to Biden said. 'The plan could just stop there because Russia could end this war by respecting Ukraine's sovereignty and pulling out.' 'But what President Zelenskyy also said, and this is critical, Chuck, is that he would like to speak to President Xi,' he added. The Energy Department has reversed its previous position and has used new research to conclude that the Covid-19 virus most likely leaked from a Chinese research lab. The new conclusion was issued in an update to a 2021 document prepared by Director of National Intelligence and was recently provided to White House lawmakers, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday. The Energy Department has now therefore joined the FBI in saying the virus likely spread from a lab in Wuhan. However, four other agencies are still said to favor the 'natural spillover' theory that the virus escaped via an animal at a nearby meat market. Two agencies, one of which is the CIA, are yet to declare a definitive position. The Energy Department's change of tune is important because the agency is known for its expertise and oversees various US laboratories, some of which carry out biological research. The Energy Department has reversed its position and concluded based on new intelligence that the Covid-19 virus most likely leaked from a Chinese research lab. Pictured is the Wuhan Institute of Virology in February 2021 White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan told CNN on Sunday that there was still 'no definitive answer' The FBI concluded in 2021 that the virus leaked from a lab and said it did so with 'moderate confidence'. The Energy Department has switched its position and done so with 'low confidence', the WSJ reported. US officials told the publication that although both departments are in agreement, they formed their conclusions for different reasons. The FBI also has expertise in disease and virology as it hires microbiologists and immunologists and part of its efforts to protect the country against bioterrorism and weapons. The government officials who revealed the Energy Department's change of stance would not comment on what new intelligence it based its conclusion on. White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan told CNN on Sunday that there was still 'no definitive answer'. 'Here's what I can tell you. President Biden has directed, repeatedly, every element of our intelligence community to put effort and resources behind getting to the bottom of this question,' he said. 'If we gain any further insight or information, we will share it with Congress, and we will share it with the American people. But right now, there is not a definitive answer that has emerged from the intelligence community on this question.' Virologist Shi Zheng-li - nicknamed the 'Bat Lady' - is pictured in the lab. She hunted down dozens of deadly Covid-like viruses in bat caves and studied them at the WIV It comes after in January the US Office of Inspector General openly criticized the National Institutes of Health for failing to properly keep up with US-funded virus experiments in China in the run up to the outbreak. The federal audit looked at three taxpayer-funded research grants awarded to EcoHealth Alliance, run by British scientist Peter Daszak, between 2014 and 2021. It found the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and EcoHealth failed to 'understand the nature of the research conducted, identify potential problem areas, and take corrective action'. 'With improved oversight, NIH may have been able to take more timely corrective actions to mitigate the inherent risks associated with this type of research,' the report added. While the lab leak theory was initially dismissed as conspiracy and xenophobic, a growing number of scientists have come around to the idea the virus may have escaped during an accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). The research facility is less than 10 miles from an animal slaughter market where the first series of human cases were clustered. Some experts also claim Covid's unique spike protein, which it uses to infect people, shows hallmarks of engineering. But others have deemed those scenarios unlikely and say that there is some indirect evidence that Covid did jump from animals at the Huanan Seafood Market, where animals known to harbor Covid including raccoon dogs, hedgehogs, rats and squirrels, were kept in squalid conditions. Direct evidence for a natural or man-made origin has not been publicized. Popular American burger giant Wendy's will set up 'hundreds' of restaurants on Australian shores in a mission to become a major fast food player Down Under. Wendy's chief development officer Abigail Pringle will hold virtual meetings with potential franchisee investors this week about the plan to crack into the market. The restaurant, which has more than 7000 locations worldwide, is best known for its square hamburgers, French fries and 'Frosty' frozen dairy desserts. The US$4.8billion company wants to raise global restaurant numbers by 1,500 over the next two years and is eyeing Australia as a prime expansion market. It differentiates itself from McDonald's and Hungry Jack's by having a strictly made-to-order policy and does not keep food warm using heat lamps. Wendy's wants to open hundreds of stores in Australia and will have meetings with possible major franchisee holders this week Wendy's is best known for its square burgers, French fries and 'Frosty' dessert. A location is yet to be decided on - leaving foodies waiting in anticipation 'We believe Australia is a lucrative market for long-term growth. We think that the Australian market could be hundreds of restaurants,' Ms Pringle told The Australian Financial Review. Ms Pringle, based in the Columbus, Ohio headquarters, has been with Wendy's for 21 years and said the burger chain could even offer incentive's such as co-investment to entice Australian franchisees. 'We are putting money on our balance sheet, we are finding the land, we are designing, building and handing you the keys... We haven't yet said that we're going to do that in Australia, but all I would share with you is we are actively doing that in the US and in Canada.' There is no set opening date or location for the first restaurant but with the Australian fast food market to expand by 32 per cent to $8.7billion over the next five years, according to Euromonitor data, Wendy's is keen to get the ball rolling. 'We have to be careful with what that timeline is exactly because we want to pick the right partner. And that takes a little bit of time. But we think that we can have hundreds of restaurants in the market over time.' Ms Pringle said Wendy's is looking at a master franchisee model in Australia - which means a partner company that would handle most of the Australian business. Established examples includes Collins Foods which operates KFC and Taco Bell or Restaurant Brands which runs Pizza Hut and Carl's Jr. She also said the company will partner with local producers and farmers to serve up quality Australian ingredients. Chief development officer Abigail Pringle (pictured) said Australia is a lucrative market and the company coudl offer incentives such as co-investment to get the ball rolling American franchise Wendy's is planning to open its first Australian store. The fast food chain first opened in Ohio on November 15, 1969 The menu also offers chicken sandwiches, nuggets, vegetarian options, breakfast sandwiches, salads, along with an interesting range of sides - including chili con carne and stuffed potatoes Founder Dave Thomas opened the first Wendy's in Ohio on November 15, 1969 - and since then it's become a global success. The menu also offers chicken sandwiches, nuggets, vegetarian options, breakfast sandwiches, salads, along with an interesting range of sides - including chili con carne and stuffed potatoes. Wendy's recently expanded to the UK and Ireland and can be found across Europe, Asia and throughout the United States. It follows after cult restaurants Five Guys and Carl's Jr expanded to Australia. Five Guys has opened a second Australian store in the heart of the Sydney CBD. It is a family-run burgers and fries joint that started in America in 1986, offering a menu all made from scratch. Now, decades after Five Guys first opened, there are locations across North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, along with Australia, and a planned expansion into New Zealand. The first store opened in Penrith, 50 minutes west from the Sydney CBD, on September 20 last year. Carl's Jr launched in Australia in 2016 and has said it wants to open 200 restaurants across Australia by 2030. Two Ohio parents were arrested after their newborn twins were found with broken bones and injuries - which cops said were caused by abuse. SueAnn Carter, 27, and Codi Alexander Ronald Allen, 20, were taken into custody after a social worker notified police that a pair of five-week-old babies had been brought into the Nationwide Children's Hospital with suspicious injuries. The kids had initially been take to Southern Ohio Medical Center for possible broken arms and blood hemorrhages in their eyes. It is unclear whether it was the parents who were brought there. SueAnn Carter, 27, and Codi Alexander Ronald Allen, 20 face charges of endangering children, and felonious assault Upon seeing the apparent severity of the injuries, the babies were transferred to the children's hospital, where they were found to have broken bones in their arms, legs, ribs, along with bruising across their bodies and faces, and blood hemorrhages in their eyes. Police were called after hospital staff suspected the injuries were non-accidental, and the children were removed from the parents' care by child services. After interviewing family members, police ultimately arrested Carter and Allen. The pair face charges of endangering children, and felonious assault. They are being held on $340,000 bond and are due at the Portsmouth Municipal Court on February 23, 2023. The investigation into the abuse is ongoing. A wet and cold December has exacerbated the pothole epidemic with one council receiving record complaints last month. Britain endured its coldest start to a winter for 12 years, with temperatures plunging as low as -11C (12F) in December. Experts say the bitter temperatures, followed by above-average rainfall, have been a perfect storm for potholes. In January, Wiltshire Council received its highest number of pothole reports on record nearly four times as many as it received in December. The Daily Mail is campaigning for an end to the pothole plague, which is costing drivers millions of pounds in repairs while putting cyclists at risk of injury or death. A wet and cold December has exacerbated the pothole epidemic with one council receiving record complaints last month AA president Edmund King said: The weather conditions this winter have in effect created the perfect storm for the creation of a longer season of pothole peril. Changing winter weather, combining rain followed by periods of freezing temperatures, form the perfect conditions for the development of potholes. Potholes are formed when water seeps through cracks in the road and freezes, then thaws. Water expands once it has turned to ice, leaving a gap in the ground below after it has melted. As more gaps form and vehicles drive over them, the road becomes weaker, until eventually it caves in and a pothole is formed. While National Highways is responsible for filling holes on motorways and major A roads, local authorities of looking after their own networks, but they say their funds are dwindling. The pothole backlog would take nine years to clear, according to the Asphalt Industry Alliance. In January, Wiltshire Council received 3,623 pothole reports nearly 120 a day and a 292 per cent rise on the 924 it registered in December. Caroline Thomas, the councils cabinet member for transport, said it was doing all it could to tackle the repairs. She added: Our priority is always to fill potholes to make them safe. Experts say the bitter temperatures, followed by above-average rainfall, have been a perfect storm for potholes. Pictured: cars driving over potholes on Claremont Road in North West London West Sussex County Council received nearly 7,500 pothole and carriageway inquiries last month more than five times the number in January 2022. A spokesman said it would soon be deploying find and fix crews to proactively undertake repairs to existing areas where potholes are present. The spokesman added: Approximately 31,500 potholes were filled by West Sussex County Council highway teams between April 2022 and January 2023, representing an investment of 1.5 million in keeping the countys roads in good condition. Giovanni Perretta, who lives in Worthing, West Sussex, says both his car and work van have been damaged by huge potholes. Tradesman Mr Perretta, 32, said: I went over one of the potholes... my tyre instantly went up with damage being done to it. The cold weather hasnt helped its leading to more potholes and more cars being damaged. RAC patrols attended nearly a quarter more pothole-related breakdowns in the final three months of 2022 than they did in the previous quarter. And spokesman Simon Williams said: We are expecting even more potholes to emerge from now until the end of March. We could be seeing more potholes than daffodils this spring. He said the majority of customers are happy with their tattoos and the fade rate The company's CEO has revised estimations and said some could take >2 years A company that sells tattoos that were meant to disappear within nine to 15 months has come under fire as a swathes of people have said their tattoos wont go away. Ephemeral Tattoo launched in 2021 and claims to offer the world's first and only 'real' tattoo that doesn't require a commitment for life. The company claims to have performed 10,000 tattoos but some people are coming out to report that their tattoos did not fade as they had hoped. Those disgruntled customers have got together on various social media platforms, including TikTok and Reddit, and articles in the San Francisco Chronicle and New York Times has shared the stories of people that now regret getting them. CEO of Ephemeral Tattoo, Jeff Liu, published a public letter clarifying that the company's tattoos may last longer than a year or 15 months Another person uploaded an image of what he claimed was an ephemeral tattoo on the back on his calf which was applied 15 months prior. initially the company claimed tattoos would last between nine and 15 months Earlier this month, as the company continued to come under attack, the CEO Jeff Liu published a public letter clarifying that their tattoos may last longer than a year or 15 months but assured them they would eventually fade entirely. 'We now expect based on the most popular tattoo design and placement choices that 70 percent of all Ephemerals will disappear in under two years and others longer,' he said. Although it may be no consolation for those that got their tattoos back in 2021, Liu also said in the statement that chemical engineers working for the company were constantly revising its ink formulation to result in faster fading. 'We've increased tattoo ink transfer to the skin leading to... shortened tattoo healing times,' he wrote. Liu told the New York Times that 'some customers will just take the initial tag line at face value.' As of last summer he said the company had 'started to be more deliberate about how we drive home a message about variability.' Liu also told the newspaper that 'a vast majority of our customers are very happy with their tattoos and their fade.' Ephemeral marketing materials uploaded to its website in February 2021, viewed using an internet archive, reveal that at the time the company used the tagline: 'Finally, a tattoo without regrets. Meet ephemeral, ink that lasts a year.' This TikTok user shared what her tattoo looked like when she first had it applied In another video a skin doctor, who goes by the name Dr. Dustin Portela, described how he got his tattoo in September 2021. It is pictured here around 15 months after it was applied and remains visible Krysten Wagner posted a video to TikTok showing an Ephemeral tattoo of a chili pepper on fire behind her ear Although part of it had faded almost entirely within four months, other parts remained bold Buried lower down in the page, they wrote: 'Ephemeral ink consists of particles designed to shrink over time, allowing your body to release them naturally over 9-15 months.' One TikTok one user, showed images of a floral tattoo on her forearm both when she got it in early 2021 and 17 months later in September 2022. Although the pattern had faded significantly the tattoo was still present. Another person uploaded an image of what they claimed was an ephemeral tattoo on the back on their calf, which had been applied 15 months prior. The tattoo was still clearly visible and appeared full of detail. In another video a skin doctor, who went by the name Dr. Dustin Portela, described how he got his tattoo in September 2021. In November last year, 15 months after getting the tattoo, it was still very visible. Portela gave a number of explanations as to why his tattoo may have lasted longer than had been suggested when he got it. Notably he said its location under his arm and a reduced UV exposure could have cause it to fade slower. Krysten Wagner posted a video to TikTok showing an Ephemeral tattoo of a chili pepper on fire behind her ear. Although part of it had faded almost entirely within four months, other parts remained bold. Justice Secretary Dominic Raab will meet a grieving mother over her fears that her daughters killer could be released from prison, he said yesterday. The Deputy Prime Minister agreed he would consider pleas to block the automatic release of former British Airways pilot Robert Brown very rigorously. Brown, 59, is due for release later this year after serving just 13 years of a 26-year sentence for the killing of his estranged wife Joanna Simpson. Her mother Diana Parkes told Saturdays Daily Mail of her fears that he could still pose a threat to her family and to other women, and called for him to remain behind bars. Her campaign won support from former Victims Commissioner Baroness Newlove, who said Brown should never be released. Brown (pictured), 59, is due for release later this year after serving just 13 years of a 26-year sentence for the killing of his estranged wife Joanna Simpson Brown bludgeoned his estranged wife Joanna to death within earshot of their two young children. Pictured: Joanna Brown with her children Katie and Alex Mrs Parkes will take her campaign to Westminster this week, when she will meet MPs including former home secretary Priti Patel and former lord chancellor and solicitor general Sir Robert Buckland. She will urge Mr Raab to use his powers to block Browns release, and is expected to be supported by Carrie Johnson, the wife of former prime minister Boris Johnson. Brown bludgeoned his estranged wife Joanna to death with a claw hammer in their former marital home in Ascot, Berkshire, in October 2010, within earshot of their two young children. He wrapped her lifeless body in a plastic sheet and dumped it in a grave he had previously dug in thick woodland in Windsor Great Park. Ms Simpson had filed for divorce after years of abuse, harassment and intimidation and the pair were embroiled in a legal battle over their financial affairs, with Brown said to feel he was stitched up by their prenuptial agreement. He was acquitted of murder but admitted manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility, and said he was suffering from a stress-related adjustment disorder. Ms Simpson had filed for divorce after years of abuse, harassment and intimidation Mrs Parkes said he would be due for automatic release in November, after serving half his sentence, and called on Mr Raab to intervene. She raised fears that he would be classed as a critical public protection case and would require a high level of monitoring, at a time when the Probation Service has warned it is struggling to cope with existing workloads. Mrs Parkes said it would be absolutely nonsensical for Brown to be released, adding: Who is going to monitor him for 13 years of his licence? I really have no faith in the Probation Service being able to do this. COMMENT Releasing former BA pilot Robert Brown halfway through his 26-year sentence for the premeditated killing of his estranged wife, Joanna Simpson, would be a deeply flawed decision. So the Mail welcomes the fact that the Justice Secretary has agreed to discuss it with Joannas mother. But he must go further and block Browns release. A mere 13 years in jail for such a hideous crime insults not just the victim, but all women. Advertisement She went on: Our family is very fearful. Not only our family, but my daughters friends and indeed the public at large. I fear for women that he might come into contact with. Mr Raab was asked about the case by the BBCs Laura Kuenssberg and agreed to meet Mrs Parkes. He said: My job is always to put victims first, so of course I will meet her. He went on: With the powers I have got, I would look at this as I would look at any other, very rigorously. A spokesman for the Joanna Simpson Foundation said: We are very pleased that the Justice Secretary has agreed to meet Joannas family so that they can explain in their own words what they feel has gone so wrong in this case. We are confident that when Mr Raab is presented with all the facts he will agree with us that all action needs to be taken to prevent the release of Robert Brown. Last week Mrs Simpsons friend Hetti Barkworth-Nanton, who chairs the charity Refuge, said Brown was a dangerous misogynist who has shown no evidence of remorse. On Friday, a Ministry of Justice spokesman said Mr Rabb will do everything in his power to keep the most dangerous offenders behind bars. Joanna Simpsons family are urging people to write to their MP calling for Brown to remain in jail. Details can be found by searching A minister has been accused of pressuring a junior colleague into joining the wave of resignations that led to the collapse of Boris Johnson's government. In an astonishing insight into Tory infighting, it emerged that Kemi Badenoch had urged Sarah Dines to quit her post via a message in a ministerial WhatsApp group. Just hours after Mrs Badenoch had resigned as a minister in the Department for Levelling Up, she told assistant government whip Ms Dines: 'Resign before midnight. DO IT. DO IT. DO IT.' She sent the extraordinary message accompanied by a laughing emoji late on July 6, just after Mr Johnson shocked Westminster by sacking Michael Gove Mrs Badenoch's boss for disloyalty. The screenshot of the conversation also revealed that Mrs Badenoch, who ran for the Tory leadership after Mr Johnson quit and is now Trade Secretary, went on to remove two other ministers from the group chat, allegedly because they remained in post. She deleted rough sleeping and housing minister Eddie Hughes from the chat, which was titled 'DLUHC ex?Ministers Group', as well as Lord Greenhalgh, who was building safety minister in the Lords. In an astonishing insight into Tory infighting, it emerged that Kemi Badenoch had urged Sarah Dines to quit her post via a message in a ministerial WhatsApp group Refugees minister Lord Harrington begged: 'Please don't remove me!' Lord Greenhalgh, a longstanding ally of Mr Johnson who served as his deputy mayor for policing and crime during his first stint in City Hall, posted the screenshot on Twitter on Saturday night As she began culling the group, an adviser to Mr Gove wrote: 'The others can stay if they stay quiet.' Refugees minister Lord Harrington begged: 'Please don't remove me!' Lord Greenhalgh, a longstanding ally of Mr Johnson who served as his deputy mayor for policing and crime during his first stint in City Hall, posted the screenshot on Twitter on Saturday night. Duplicity and self-interest His commentary appeared to refer to the ex-PM's remark in his resignation speech that 'when the herd moves, it moves'. Lord Greenhalgh wrote: 'Insight into the feverish herd-like mentality within this DLUHC ex ministerial WhatsApp group. As Eddie Hughes and I remained in post, we were removed. Both Eddie and I resigned AFTER Boris Johnson announced his resignation. We were the counter herd!' Mrs Badenoch has been widely regarded as a potential future Tory leader but her behaviour was last night condemned by a number of other influential figures in the party. Just hours after Mrs Badenoch had resigned as a minister in the Department for Levelling Up, she told assistant government whip Ms Dines: 'Resign before midnight Former culture secretary and Johnson loyalist Nadine Dorries wrote: 'Dines was a new intake MP. Kemi, a minister. 'Imagine how it felt to be intimidated to resign, to turn against your PM, to be disloyal and when you remained loyal, be removed and isolated from a group thread of your peers. 'Some might say that amounts to school ground bullying.' And ex home secretary Priti Patel commented: 'Duplicity, dishonesty [sic] and self-interest...exactly why the public distrust so many senior politicians...' A source close to Mrs Badenoch said the idea that she was trying to orchestrate resignations was 'very overblown' and noted that the 'somewhat jocular' message to Ms Dines was accompanied by a laughing emoji. The source added: 'Others can judge a person who feels the need to share bits of private conversations out of context on Twitter.' Another source at the department said that ministers and officials had been 'shocked' by Mr Gove's sacking that evening, and that the mood in the department had been 'a bit emotional and confused'. Mr Gove was sacked after he used a private meeting with Mr Johnson to warn him that he could not survive in No 10. He went on to announce his resignation the following morning. Mrs Badenoch had resigned about eight hours before the WhatsApp conversation. She wrote in a letter to Mr Johnson, signed with four other ministers, that it had been an 'honour' to serve in his administration and that he had 'had the most difficult task in a generation'. But they went on to say the Government 'cannot function given the issues that have come to light and the way in which they have been handled', and called on the PM to step aside. The meeting over Northern Ireland trade agreements will take place in Windsor She is set to shake hands with Rishi Sunak on post-Brexit trading arrangements Rishi Sunak is poised to sign a new Brexit deal with Brussels today, despite warnings it could trigger another Tory civil war. European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen will travel to the UK on Monday morning to meet the Prime Minister and shake hands on a new deal over post-Brexit trading arrangements for Northern Ireland. The commission said the meeting will take place in Windsor, raising the prospect that Mrs von der Leyen may also hold talks with King Charles. Unionists and some Tory MPs warned at the weekend against any move that would risk dragging the monarch into the contentious politics of Brexit. Downing Street insisted that negotiations were still continuing last night after the PM and Mrs von der Leyen held talks by phone yesterday. Mr Sunak has said the deal 'will show that Brexit truly works and will finish the job', adding: 'This deal will work better for business and communities and get goods moving. It will resolve the issues so we can all move forward. This will give Northern Ireland control of their own destiny. This is something very positive.' Government sources have also claimed the deal includes 'significant and far reaching' concessions which will safeguard Northern Ireland and it's place in the United Kingdom, while also delivering 'greater sovereignty' to Northern Ireland. One cabinet minister has claimed the deal is better than 'any of [Sunak's] predecessors got.' Mr Sunak thrashed out the final details of a 'Stormont lock' designed to give Northern Ireland a say but not a veto over new EU trade laws that will continue to apply European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen will travel to the UK on Monday to meet the Prime Minister and shake hands on a new deal over post-Brexit trading arrangements for Northern Ireland Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said Mr Sunak was 'on the cusp' of a deal that would result in the 'substantial scaling back' of the role of the European Court of Justice in Northern Ireland But barring a last-minute hitch, a deal is expected today. It came as: Mr Sunak thrashed out the final details of a 'Stormont lock' designed to give Northern Ireland a say but not a veto over new EU trade laws that will continue to apply; The Prime Minister held private talks in No 10 with Northern Ireland minister Steve Baker, who has been placed on 'resignation watch' by Tory whips; Downing Street refused to say whether MPs would be given a vote on the deal; A survey by the Conservative Home website found that Tory activists oppose Mr Sunak's plan by 41 per cent to 36; Former Brexit minister Lord Frost urged the PM to revive the controversial Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, saying it was vital to be 'really tough' with Brussels; The European Research Group (ERG) of Tory MPs said it would establish a 'star chamber' of lawyers to examine whether the new deal meets their sovereignty tests; Senior Democratic Unionist Party MP Sammy Wilson said it was a 'red line' for his party that 'there should be no EU law applying to this part of the UK'. Cabinet ministers, who will be formally briefed on the plans this afternoon, were last night ringing round Conservative MPs to shore up support. The commission said the meeting will take place in Windsor, raising the prospect that Mrs von der Leyen may also hold talks with King Charles Downing Street insisted that negotiations were still continuing last night after the PM and Mrs von der Leyen held talks by phone yesterday What is the Brexit row about and what has been the impact on Northern Ireland? The UK and the EU have been engaged in substantive negotiations over the workings of the Northern Ireland Protocol of the original withdrawal agreement that allowed the UK to leave the EU. It was designed to ensure the free movement of goods across the Irish land border with Ulster after Brexit. Rather than being an internal EU line between two countries, with Brexit it became a border between the bloc and a third party country with different customs and trade rules. In any other cases it would be solved simply by creating a 'hard' border - physical checks on vehicles and people travelling between the two. But the Good Friday Agreement, which ended decades of violence in 1998, expressly prohibits a return to such checkpoints on the island of Ireland. To get around this the protocol instead created economic barriers on trade being shipped from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. It has proven to be deeply unpopular with unionists, who claim it has weakened Northern Ireland's place within the UK. Last year the DUP collapsed the powersharing institutions at Stormont in protest at the arrangements. It came as the party was replaced as the largest in the powersharing government by Sinn Fein for the first time. And the DUP is refusing to back a deal and restart powersharing unless their concerns are realised. They have set seven tests that it must pass to be approved. Advertisement Mr Sunak is expected to unveil the details in a statement to Parliament this afternoon. And preparations are even being made for a joint press conference with Mrs von der Leyen. However, there has been concern that MPs have yet been told if and when they will be able to vote on the deal, with some concerned that they have been left in the dark during talks. One MP claimed Downing Street had kept them out of the loop to 'set everything up' and present the deal as 'a fait accompli'. Downing Street has not fully committed to giving Parliament a vote on the agreement, as demanded by the European Research Group (ERG), made up of Eurosceptic Tory MPs. The Times, however, reported that Cabinet ministers had briefed MPs that they could expect to have their say on at least "part of the deal". The Prime Minister will tell MPs that his deal will secure Northern Ireland's place in the Union and protect the future of the Good Friday Agreement. It is expected to lead to the scrapping of a barrage of EU checks on goods sent to the province from the rest of the UK, which have caused major problems for businesses and families, and led to unionist fears that Northern Ireland could be forced out of the UK. Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said Mr Sunak was 'on the cusp' of a deal that would result in the 'substantial scaling back' of the role of the European Court of Justice in Northern Ireland. Mr Raab said the deal would mark a 'paradigm shift' in relations and 'would be very good news for the communities of Northern Ireland and I think for the Good Friday Agreement as well'. Ministers are optimistic that they can win over most Eurosceptic Tory MPs with a deal which Mr Raab said would 'properly and fully get Brexit done' and open the door to warmer relations with the EU. But senior figures in the DUP warned that they were not yet convinced the deal would deliver enough to persuade them to re-enter power-sharing in Northern Ireland, a key objective of the PM. And some Tory Eurosceptics said they would struggle to support a deal that was not supported by the DUP and which left the EU with a toehold in the UK. In an ominous intervention last week, Boris Johnson told the PM that the 'best way forward' would be to take unilateral legal powers to scrap the EU's trade checks in Northern Ireland. Mr Sunak yesterday said he was 'giving it everything we've got' to get a deal. In an interview with the Sunday Times, the PM said his new agreement was not a threat to Brexit but about 'making sure Brexit works in every part of the UK'. Last night, neither No 10 nor Buckingham Palace would comment on whether the King would meet Mrs von der Leyen today. Details of a planned meeting on Saturday, which was cancelled for 'operational reasons', raised concerns that No 10 was hoping to give the deal the impression of royal approval to head off opposition. The Mail on Sunday revealed yesterday that the King's first overseas trip will be to Berlin and Paris, in a break from the tradition of using the inaugural visit to travel to a Commonwealth country. In an ominous intervention last week, Boris Johnson told the PM that the 'best way forward' would be to take unilateral legal powers to scrap the EU's trade checks in Northern Ireland Mr Sunak is expected to unveil the details in a statement to Parliament on Monday afternoon Jacob Rees-Mogg said it would be 'wrong if Downing Street has applied pressure on the King' over a highly political issue. And Mr Wilson warned No 10 against a 'cynical use' of the King's position. Mr Sunak's deal will create a 'green lane' that will scrap almost all EU checks on goods arriving in Northern Ireland from the UK. It will also give the province some input into new EU laws. ERG chairman Mark Francois said the concessions did not appear to go far enough, and he would accept a deal only if 'EU law is expunged from Northern Ireland'. 'Less of a role is not enough. 'Just putting a couple of intermediate phases in but in a situation where you still end up with the European Court of Justice is effectively sophistry. We're not stupid.' DUP MP Ian Paisley said: 'If the PM's plan involves keeping any part of the protocol, the DUP will not be going back into power-sharing. Elon Musk has sensationally claimed the media is racist to white people and Asians as he voiced his support for disgraced 'Dilbert' comic strip creator Scott Adams. Dozens of newspapers, including the New York Times and Washington Post, announced they were dropping the 'Dilbert' series this weekend following a racist tirade from Adams in which he urged his followers to 'get the f**k' away from black people. But Twitter CEO Elon Musk appeared to back the shamed creator as he replied to a tweet about the controversy claiming 'the media is racist.' 'For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now theyre racist against whites & Asians,' the 51-year-old billionaire explained. 'Same thing happened with elite colleges and high schools in America. Maybe they can try not being racist.' Elon Musk has weighed into the row surrounding 'Dilbert' creator Scott Adams after he went on a racist tirade urging his followers to 'get the f**k away' from black people Musk later commented 'exactly' in response to a tweet which claimed 'Adams' comments weren't good but there's an element of truth to this... it's complicated.' It comes after The Washington Post, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe and the USA Today network all dropped the 'Dilbert' series from their pages following remarks made by Adams, who is believed to be worth $70 million. Gannett, which publishes more than 100 newspapers in the US, also said it was dropping the series this weekend. The comic has been in circulation since 1989 and is famed for poking fun at office culture. Adams said in the livestreamed talk on Wednesday: 'The best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. 'Just get the f**k away. Wherever you have to go, just get away.' He added: 'Theres no fixing this. This cant be fixed... You just have to escape. So thats what I did, I went to a neighborhood where I have a very low black population.' The 65-year-old went on to label black people a 'hate group,' citing a poll that found nearly half of black people are not ok with white people. The hour-long YouTube video was posted to Adams' channel which has 118,000 subscribers. As of Sunday the clip had 242,000 views. The Washington Post said that it had decided to cease publication of the comic 'in light of Scott Adams' recent statements promoting segregation.' Meanwhile a Gannett spokesman said that while it 'respects and encourages free speech,' Adams' comments did not align with its 'editorial of business values as an organization.' But Adams doubled down on his comments on Sunday as he claimed bigotry was ok in certain situations. He also insisted Don Lemon shares his views as he reposted a 2013 clip of the CNN host offering advice to the black community. Gannett, the largest newspaper publisher in the US said it was dropping the series this weekend over its creator's racist YouTube tirade Dilbert has featured in newspapers across 57 countries, and in 19 languages - and there are over 20 million Dilbert books and calendars in print He likened his comments to the former vice president Mike Pence's personal policy, where he said he never dines alone with a woman other than his wife. Many slammed Pence's remarks as sexist but Adams interpreted it as a way for a man to keep themselves safe from false accusations of sexual misconduct. He added his advice about avoiding black people stemmed from the same fear of supposed false racism allegations. The embattled cartoonist went further as he urged 'everyone' to embrace racism in the workplace. 'I'm just saying: as a personal, career decision, you should absolutely be racist whenever it's to your advantage, and that's for men, for women, for Black or white, Asian or Hispanic,' he said. Dilbert had already been canned by 77 newspapers due to its increasingly controversial plotlines including one about a black character who identifies as white. In September, Lee enterprises, which owns The Buffalo News, St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Arizona Daily Sun - also dropped the cartoon from its newspapers. Last year one plotline saw a black character, who identifies as white, being asked to also identify as gay to boost his company's environmental, social, and governance ratings. Dave, his reoccurring character, replies: 'Depends how hard you want me to sell it,' before the boss responds: 'Just wear better shirts.' Another satire showed the same character in charge of the fictional firm wondering how he can open a new factory without contributing negatively to the environment. Adams, pictured in 2001, has come under fire for the 'racist' remarks posted to his YouTube channel Real Coffee with Scott Adams As a solution to stop him being bashed by 'woke' commentators, the boss concludes that he'll add a non-binary worker to his board to increase diversity. Adams' satirical strips feature in newspapers across 57 countries, and in 19 languages - and there are over 20 million Dilbert books and calendars in print. One in five customers are now forced to make a round trip of more than an hour to visit their nearest bank branch, data reveals. As outlets continue to close at an alarming rate, many users especially the elderly and the vulnerable face increasingly long journeys to access basic banking services. Almost a quarter of those living in Northern Ireland have to travel more than an hour to visit their nearest branch, while 23.9 per cent in the East Midlands face a similar journey. Some face a gruelling round trip of more than three hours to visit their nearest branch, a poll of 2,000 people carried out by Newcastle Building Society showed. Residents in Yorkshire and the Humber, Scotland and the North West spend the most time travelling to access services typically facing a journey of 29 minutes. One in five customers are now forced to make a round trip of more than an hour to visit their nearest bank branch (file image) In the past eight years, the number of bank branches has more than halved. Many towns and villages no longer have a single one remaining, leaving communities without access to cash and the elderly and vulnerable without a financial lifeline. Since 2015, banks and building societies have axed 5,201 sites 53 per cent of all branches, analysis from the consumer rights group Which? shows. So far this year, 263 branches have closed or are slated for closure, leaving households with no choice but to make hour-long journeys for simple tasks such as cashing in a cheque or speaking to a staff member in person. Michael Conville, acting chief customer officer at Newcastle Building Society, said: The stark reality is that as branch closing increases, a growing proportion have to travel longer distances, at increasing expense, to reach their local financial services and access cash. This rise in branch closures is a concern for many as the trend continues across Britain and more communities become cut adrift. Almost three times more people now have a digital-only bank account than three years ago as customers are forced to access services online. About 24 per cent have an account that is managed using online banking or a phone application instead of in branch up from 9 per cent in 2019, according to a survey by price comparison website Finder. Some face a gruelling round trip of more than three hours to visit their nearest branch, a poll of 2,000 people carried out by Newcastle Building Society showed (file image) More than half of those aged over 74 said not having access to a bank branch was the main reason they had moved to digital-only banking. It recently emerged that Rutland will soon become the first county in England to not have a single bank branch, when HSBC closes its Oakham outlet in June. With the closure of high street bank branches, people are more reliant on taking out cash from ATMs but these are also closing at an alarming rate. Almost a quarter of free-to-use ATMs more than 12,000 have been removed since 2018, research by Which? has found. Rural areas are worst hit as they tend to have a higher proportion of elderly residents, who are sometimes reluctant to use internet banking and payment by card. More than two million investigations into reported crimes were dropped by police last year, shocking figures show. Official data shows 2,136,930 crimes were logged as 'investigation complete no suspect identified' by forces in England and Wales during the year. It means more than 5,800 investigations a day were abandoned, a Labour Party analysis of Home Office data revealed. The two million figure, logged in the 12 months to September, marked a 25 per cent increase on the previous year, when it stood at 1.7million. It was up by 41 per cent on 2015, when 1.5million crimes were logged as 'investigation complete no suspect identified'. Last year's total included more than 325,000 violent crimes in which investigations were abandoned by police, and more than 30,000 sexual offences. Police dropped investigations into more than 34,000 robberies without identifying the perpetrator. There were also more than 324,000 incidents of criminal damage or arson, and just under 1.3million thefts, in which no offender was tracked down. In addition, inquiries into more than 191,000 public order offences were dropped by police Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, who obtained the figures, said: 'After 13 years, the Conservative legacy is more criminals being let off while more victims are let down' Police dropped investigations into more than 34,000 robberies without identifying the perpetrator. There were also more than 324,000 incidents of criminal damage or arson, and just under 1.3million thefts, in which no offender was tracked down. In addition, inquiries into more than 191,000 public order offences were dropped by police. Home Secretary is missing in action Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, who obtained the figures, said: 'After 13 years, the Conservative legacy is more criminals being let off while more victims are let down. This is a scandalous drop in the number of criminals being arrested and charged including on very serious crimes.' She added: 'The Home Secretary is missing in action. 'She [Suella Braverman] has no plan to turn this around or to tackle the major shortages in detectives or neighbourhood police. 'Labour has a fully-costed plan to put 13,000 extra neighbourhood police on our streets, fighting crime at its source and supporting communities.' The Daily Mail has previously reported how the proportion of suspects charged with crimes has been plummeting since 2015. Overall, the charge rate slipped from 15.5 per cent to just 5.5 cent last year. There has been widespread concern over the falling charge rate in rape cases, which has collapsed from 8.5 per cent in 2015 to just 1.6 per cent last year. In that time, the charge rate has fallen for every single type of crime. Among 'violence against the person' offences, the rate has collapsed from 22 per cent in 2015 to five per cent over the same period. Meanwhile, figures for robbery fell from 17.3 per cent to 8.3 per cent. A spokesman for the Home Office said: 'Changes to police recording of crime mean they are logging more incidents where previously they would have failed to do so. 'Total crime excluding digital fraud, according to the definitive ONS-backed crime survey, is actually down by almost 50 per cent since 2010 and down eight per cent since the pre-pandemic year 2019/20. 'Labour and Yvette Cooper simply don't have a clue.' Let's be clear. The search for a solution to the Gordian problem of the Northern Ireland Protocol must transcend petty rivalries and the vanity of politicians. What's at stake here is far more important than factional enmities, or the simmering feud in the Tory party between supporters of Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak. This is about the destiny of Northern Ireland and the integrity of the United Kingdom. So the fine detail of any proposed deal must be studied in a calm and measured fashion. No one should underestimate the difficulty of Mr Sunak's task in negotiating a settlement which satisfies Brussels but doesn't weaken the province's status within the union. Indeed, some will think it was unwise and politically dangerous for him to force the issue to a head now, rather than try to kick it down the road until after the next election. No one should underestimate the difficulty of Rishi Sunak's task in negotiating a settlement which satisfies Brussels but doesn't weaken Northern Ireland's status within the union But the Mail understands why he is impatient to clean up this mess, which is causing genuine distress and hardship to business and reviving old sectarian tensions. The Democratic Unionist Party withdrew from Stormont because of it, with the result that there has been no devolved administration in Northern Ireland for more than a year. Sadly, the negotiations have already been subject to far too much spin. It is deeply regrettable that the King is being dragged into this highly charged process, with reports that the revised protocol might be called the Windsor Agreement to bring him onside. Equally, we have reservations that his first overseas visit as head of state is to be a 'schmoozing' trip to Germany and France, rather than a tour of Commonwealth countries. The monarchy must be above such obvious politicking, especially when feelings run so high. There are of course several unanswered questions about the new protocol. Will manufacturers in Northern Ireland, whether baking cakes or building ships, adhere to UK or EU regulations? What about the supply chain of ingredients and components for such goods? Would those items also have to conform to EU regulations before being allowed in from mainland Britain unchecked? Then there is the thorny issue of the European Court. Will it have the final say in any future dispute over the protocol, or will there be a system of independent arbitration? It is deeply regrettable that the King is being dragged into this highly charged process These are not matters that can be easily fudged or brushed away and Mr Sunak must make that clear to European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen during their meeting today. The politics of Northern Ireland have always excited powerful and deep-seated passions. But we would urge all parties to read the proposals carefully and analyse them with head as well as heart. A rush to judgment based on emotion rather than reason and fact would help no one. And it could cause untold damage to lives and livelihoods. Criminal intervention In December 2020, the deportation of 23 Jamaican criminals was blocked after an outcry from Labour MPs backed by sanctimonious celebrities, including supermodel Naomi Campbell and TV historian David Olusoga, led to a successful legal challenge on human rights grounds. The Mail can now reveal that six months after being freed, one of those criminals, Ernesto Elliott, stabbed a man to death in a London street and is now serving life with a minimum term of 26 years. Are those virtue-signalling luvvies proud of themselves? Their ill-judged intervention has contributed to at least one death and probably other crimes. They have also landed the taxpayer with a 1.3million bill to keep Elliott in prison until his sentence is served. Next time they or any other celebrities are tempted to stand up for violent offenders, perhaps they'll think twice. Schools across England continue to struggle to return to normal after nearly two years' of disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. There are currently 376 secondary schools rated by Ofsted as either Inadequate, in Special Measures, or having a Serious Weakness - this represents just over 10% of the total 3,473 schools across the nation. The schools are rated on a sliding scale from Outstanding at the top, through to Good, Requires Improvement, and ending on Inadequate, at the bottom. Once a school is deemed inadequate it can be judged to have Serious Weaknesses or even placed into Special Measures. Pupils of some of the facilities inspected said they did not feel safe going into school, while others offered inadequate support to students with special needs. Violence and bullying was also a recurring theme. Traditionally, schools deemed outstanding had escaped routine inspections, but concerns over a slip in standards led to Ofsted resuming their inspections. In November last year, hundreds of previously 'outstanding' instutions were downgraded following inspections, with only 17 per cent maintaining their top rating. The average amount of time that these schools had missed out on a full review was more than 13 years. The worrying decline in standards comes at a worrying time for parents as pupils in the final year of primary school will find out over Easter whether they have been given their number one choice of secondary school. Using Ofsted data, the schools currently listed by the government as being either Inadequate, in Special Measures, or having a Serious Weakness are included in the map below. Secondary schools have been struggling to recruit teachers and resume normal service following the disruption caused by Covid-19 which has led to a drop in standards (picture posed by models) Last year, Ampleforth College in North Yorkshire was the subject of a scathing Ofsted report over repeated failures to monitor its pupils following a raucous end-of-term party which saw one Year 13 student collapse after drinking too much alcohol. A subsequent inspection in October 2022 found the school had 'much improved' and was no longer rated inadequate. Some school leaders have even reported that they may be forced to leave teaching posts unfilled while they deal with the energy price crisis. According to Ofsted, 2022 remained a challenging year in the education sector, especially with the continued impact of the Covid pandemic. The Bullwell Academy in Nottingham is among the schools which have been placed into special measures following an inspection in October 2022. Inspectors found problems with the quality of the teaching and the level of supervision. They also expressed concern about the quality of education provided to children with special needs. They also had issues with the level of pupil absences. In a letter to parents in December, the school said they had recruited more staff to address issues highlighted in the earlier inspection. They said a further evaluation would improve their rating. Among those on the list is the Bulwell Academy in Nottingham. It was placed into special measures following an inspection in October 2022 The John Warner School in Hoddesdon was also placed into special measures in October 2022 Idsall School in Shropshire was placed into Special Measures in September 2022 In September 2022, Ofsted inspected Idsall School in Shropshire. Inspectors reported: 'Too many pupils do not feel safe at Idsall School. Some say that they experience frequent sexual harassment or discriminatory behaviour from their peers. They are not confident that teachers will deal with their concerns, so they do not report the incidents that occur.' In The John Warner school in Hoddesdon, inspectors heard: 'Most pupils have high aspirations for themselves and value their education. However, many are disappointed by the unacceptable experience they receive at the school. They are particularly frustrated by regular disruptions to learning and the poor behaviour of a significant minority of pupils. Students in the sixth form have similar frustrations about the way poor behaviour affects their school experience.' Inspectors attending the Oasis Academy on the Isle of Sheppey heard pupils express their frustration over their experience. CLICK TO READ MORE: Britain's failing primary schools Councils across the UK will confirm children's places for primary schools in just two months on April 16 (Our Lady of Victories Primary School) Advertisement According to the damning report: 'Too many pupils feel unsafe at this school. Some pupils told us that they "have had enough" of being jostled and hurt in corridors or verbally abused. Leaders and staff do too little to challenge the foul, homophobic, racist and sexist language which is commonplace across both sites. Pupils have little confidence in leaders ability to deal with any concerns about bullying or discrimination. Pupils do not feel that they have a voice in this school. Their concerns are not listened to.' Earlier Ofsted highlighted problems facing the education system across the country. The watchdog said: '2023 is already shaping up to be another busy year for schools and further education (FE) and skills providers. While none of us can quite predict what might be around the corner, our Annual Report, published at the end of last year, did identify several challenges that will undoubtedly continue into this year. 'We reported on the ongoing issues of the pandemic, including around attendance. Specifically, we highlighted the increasing use by schools of part-time timetables. Schools may be using these with the best of intentions but pupils can too easily move out of sight because theyre absent from education for too much time, and too often it is used to try to avoid the legal requirements around excluding a pupil.' Ofsted also said it was concerned about pupils attending unregistered schools as well as those pupils with special needs. A recruitment and retention crisis in schools is also being blamed on declining standards, with schools struggling to find and keep teachers. Traditionally, schools deemed outstanding had escaped routine inspections, but concerns over a slip in standards led to Ofsted resuming their inspections. In November last year, hundreds of previously 'outstanding' instutions were downgraded following inspections, with only 17 per cent maintaining their top rating. The average amount of time that these schools had missed out on a full review was more than 13 years. The decline in standards comes at a worrying time for parents as pupils in the final year of primary school will find out over Easter whether they have been given their number one choice of secondary school. However, the most shocking decline in standards reported by Ofsted was in schools previously rated as Outstanding. In their annual report, they wrote: 'Perhaps our most reported findings from 2022 were those from our inspections of previously exempt outstanding schools. The exemption was lifted during the pandemic, but we have now been able to inspect 370 formerly exempt schools. We found that 83 per cent were no longer outstanding.' Although, some of the schools surveyed had not been inspected for an average of 13 years. They have set a deadline of July 2025 to have re-inspected the rest of the Outstanding schools. The figures also showed that 88 per cent of state-funded schools were either rated Outstanding or Good, an increase of two per cent on 2021. The National Education Union has described the Ofsted inspection scheme as unfair and is campaigning for the watchdog to be scrapped. The NEU said its members were being forced to work extra hours for no pay to prepare for Ofsted inspections. Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey was placed into Special Measures in June 2022 In guidance to teachers, the union said: 'The new Ofsted inspection framework is putting increasing pressure on members, particularly primary subject leaders. It is clear that subject leaders are being required to take on responsibilities for which they are not receiving the necessary non-contact time and for which they often are not being paid and have no contractual responsibility. In many cases, this is due to problems with school funding and staff recruitment, which the new framework does not take into account.' Earlier this week, MPs were told of an impending crisis among childminders and nurseries, with many providers on the brink of closing their doors. Leaders of childcare providers told the Commons Education Select Committee that families are already 'missing out' on childcare places due to closures of early years settings and they warned the situation could get worse in the years to come as a result of funding pressures. Changes in working patterns following the pandemic as well as a desire to keep costs down have led to parents looking for 'more flexible options' for childcare, which has affected some early years settings, MPs were told. Gemma Rolstone, director of quality at Puffins Childcare in Devon, told MPs: 'I think a lot of those really important small providers who do give an awful lot more than the basics will close and it will be filled in other ways that may not necessarily be the best for children and families.' The Governments proposals to ease childcare staffing ratios in nurseries in England would lead to even more staff leaving the profession as it would become 'crowd control and nothing more', Ms Rolstone warned. Three popular European cities are bringing in new 'tourist tax' charges as a row rages on over a proposed EU tourist levy which all Britons will have to pay in order to cross the EU border. Venice, Valencia and Barcelona will all impose new tourist charges in the course of 2023, a move which some travel bodies have warned will damage the holidaying industry. Some of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe already charge their own nightly tourist tax in a bid to limit 'overtourism'. In comes as a row over an EU tourist tax continues to grow. Under the EU's plan any non-EU tourists will have to pay 7 for visa-free entry - and this must be renewed every three years. The rate, called the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), will be applied to those visiting the Schengen Area from November. Visitors to Venice already pay an overnight fee of up to 5, with a new day charge for visitors to begin costing up to 10 for entry to the city In Barcelona, the Catalan capital, a visitor levy is already in place but will increase in cost this year The ETIAS charge would be on top of any local tourist tax in the country or region of visit. It will allow people visa-free entry for up to 90 days, during which visitors are not allowed to work or study, but can 'engage in business and tourism activities,' according to the Schengen visa info website. The ETIAS will be valid for up to three years - and will count for multiple entries. Those under 18 and over 70 will be exempt from the fee. The website states visitors 'can enter the Schengen member states as many times as you want, for as long as your ETIAS is valid, and you have not stayed more than 90 days in a 180-day period.' In addition to the charge, holidaymakers could soon face considerable extra fees per night, most notably in Venice, where a proposed tax would cost day visitors from 3 to 10 to enter the city. But this tax has been delayed multiple times, most recently in December 2022, in part due to protests from locals who fear it will drive tourists elsewhere. The city already charges an overnight tax for visitors of between 1 and 5 per night. The new day rate has been pushed back until at least June 2023. A growing number of Spanish regions are also charging for each night spent in hotel accommodation. Valencia is to implement a brand new tourist tax at the end of the year. Tourists will have to pay from 50 cents to 2 depending on the type of accommodation they use, from camping to hotels. The Spanish city of Valencia is set to introduce a tourist tax to visitors in 2023 It is hoped visitor charges will prevent 'overtourism', but locals fear it will harm the economy In Barcelona, the Catalan capital, a visitor levy is already in place but will increase this year. The tax, first introduced in 2012, means tourists must pay both the regional tourist tax and an additional charge for the city. Catalonia charges up to 3.25 per night depending on accommodation type, recent figures show, while Barcelona's rate will rise to 2.75 from April, with a second rise due in April 2024 to 3.25. Other cities across Europe already have a nightly levy on visitors. In Brussels, holidaymakers will be charged around 7.50 per night, per room. Prague, German cities such as Berlin and Hamburg, Budapest and Amsterdam are among those to charge. In other nations such as France, the tax is charged to holidaymakers regardless of location. In the vast majority of cases, the charges are applied automatically and are included in accommodation booking costs. It comes after the Costa del Sol this week issued a blistering 'leave tourism alone' message as fears grow over the new EU-wide tourist tax. Tourism leaders have said they are completely against the idea which could force Brits to pay an extra 7 (6.20) every time they want to go on holiday to Spain. In a clear message to the EU, one of the Costa del Sol's leading politicians has told it to stop meddling and leave Spain to manage its own tourism affairs. Earlier this week, the tourism organisation Mesa del Turismo sounded an urgent warning about losing millions of Brits if the European Union introduces a new tourist tax later this year. The group says it could be a major problem for Spain, describing the potential new charge as a 'threat'. In its general assembly, the group expressed concern about the creation of the new tourist tax for non-EU visitors who enter the Schengen Area. In a statement on Monday, the board said: '[We are] especially concerned about the impact of this EU tax on British tourism, our main issuing market with 18 million arrivals in 2019. 'It must also be taken into account that the measure - if it goes ahead - will be added to the rest of local taxes that the tourist is already paying to visit certain European cities.' Francisco Salado, president of Malaga's provincial council, also spoke out against the EU tax. 'Leave tourism alone!' he told a Press conference. 'Tourism works very well on its own through the sector and the agents involved such as Turismo Costa del Sol and Turismo Andaluz.' Talking to journalists, he said tourism was the economic engine of Malaga and Andalusia and criticised the prospective tax. He added: 'Stop inventing. Every time we introduce a product, we do it because we improve tourism quality and, in the end, an imposition does not improve the quality. 'What it does is put a cost on the final product and makes us less competitive. 'The EU is always inventing how to put new taxes on the municipalities. 'They legislate up there and we, the city councils and the citizens, pay. I think it is a lack of loyalty that local administrations are not there when making these decisions.' The president of the provincial council of Malaga, pictured, has spoken out against the tax The Costa del Sol has issued a blistering 'leave tourism alone!' message as fears grow over a new EU tourist tax (file pic: aerial view of Costa del Sol, Benalmadena, Malaga, Spain) Another concern raised by the Mesa earlier this week was over Lufthansa's plan to convert the Rome Fiumicino airport into its new hub for intercontinental routes to Asia, America and Africa. The group said: 'This move would undermine the Madrid Barajas hub, which currently concentrates air traffic with Latin America and, consequently, would decrease the relevance of the Spain brand.' The ETIAS will apply to visitors from visitors from 63 countries - including Britain - outside the European Union. It was first confirmed by the EU in August 2021. The scheme will be similar to the US's Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) system - which allows citizens from 40 countries a 90-day visa-free stay. Like the US system, the ETIAS will allow people visa-free entry for up to 90 days, during which visitors are not allowed to work or study, but can 'engage in business and tourism activities,' according to the Schengen visa info website. The EU's version will be valid for up to three years - and will count for multiple entries. Those under 18 and over 70 will be exempt from the fee. The website states visitors 'can enter the Schengen member states as many times as you want, for as long as your ETIAS is valid, and you have not stayed more than 90 days in a 180-day period.' She's just 20 has already graced the cover of British Vogue and been the face of Marc Jacobs Beauty, so it's no wonder Kate Moss's daughter Lila is all smiles she's sitting on a very healthy bank balance. Lila's modelling company, Grace Grove, which she set up in May 2021, has just published its first accounts, and it reveals assets of almost 130,000. Lila was appointed brand ambassador for YSL Beauty earlier this month, so expect that figure to keep on growing. But she still has some way to go before she matches Mum, who is reportedly worth 55 million. Lila Moss's (pictured) modelling company, Grace Grove, which she set up in May 2021, has just published its first accounts, and it reveals assets of almost 130,000 Kate Moss (left) and her daughter Lila Grace Moss Hack (right) attend Marc Jacobs and Char DeFrancesco's wedding reception in New York City in April 2019 Roxy Horner's display of affection Model Roxy Horner is such a romantic that she once paid card shop Clintons 50 to take the entire contents of its window display home and use it to declare her undying love for her then beau. 'I like to do big gestures,' says Roxy, 31, a Therapie Clinic ambassador who is now dating comedian Jack Whitehall. Roxy says that after driving home the huge heart-shaped display, she covered the house in petals and cooked dinner only for her boyfriend to turn up 90 minutes late. Let's hope that Jack shows her more respect. Roxy Horner attends the Brit Awards Party in London on February 11 Is Gina Coladangelo making preparations for an eventual marriage to Matt Hancock? Her Instagram activity seems to suggest so. The politician's former aide and now girlfriend recently changed her Insta handle from Gina Tress, her married name, to her rather more sophisticated maiden name. Georgia Toffolo has reportedly split from her ex boyfriend George Cottrell and signed up to a celebrity dating app. The former Made In Chelsea star, 28, was first linked to the convicted fraudster back in 2019, and they are understood to have had an on-off relationship for four years.. But now an insider has revealed that she is looking for love once again after calling things off for good. A source told The Sun: 'Georgia wants a fresh start in all areas of her life... She and George had a very on-off relationship and since putting her reality TV days behind her. 'She is looking for someone she can settle down with. Single and ready to mingle! Georgia Toffolo has reportedly split from her ex boyfriend George Cottrell and signed up to a celebrity dating app Ex: The former Made In Chelsea star, 28, was first linked to the convicted fraudster back in 2019, and are understood to have had an on-off relationship for the four years since 'Georgia makes no secret of the fact she loves a posh boy and is hoping she can find someone who shares her interest in politics and the countryside.' MailOnline has contacted Georgia's representatives for comment. The former winner of I'm A Celebrity is said to have joined dating app Raya, which has been a hit with celebrities in recent years. On her profile, the reality TV star and presenter has reportedly described herself as an entrepreneur working in television. In May last year, Georgia revealed she had started seeing her aristocratic ex George once again after initially saying she had cooled things off. She said she was 'really, really happy' after rekindling the spark. In a chat with The Sun, the TV personality explained that she is keeping her romantic life private, to avoid having to 'justify' things if they go wrong. But adding a small insight, Georgia told the publication: 'All I can say is that we have just been hanging out, and I'm really, really happy and everything's going really well and I don't want to jinx everything' George, who was a former aide for Nigel Farage when the pair were involved in the UKIP party, is also a convicted felon - being jailed in the US in 2016 for wire fraud in connection with a drugs and money laundering investigation. Love life: But now an insider has revealed that she is looking for love once again after calling things off for good Split: George (right), who was a former aide for Nigel Farage when the pair were involved in the UKIP party, is also a convicted felon - being jailed in the US in 2016 for wire fraud in connection with a drugs and money laundering investigation The financier, who is reportedly worth 300million, spent eight months in a US jail. But standing up for her relationship, Georgia also told the publication: 'I don't want to have to justify why I'm with someone or why I'm not.' Admitting that while she'd like to share more detail on her personal life, the star said that the speculation is 'too much for me'. 'I'd like to sort of shout from the rooftops about everything, but when you've got people speculating whether I am with someone, that is too much for me. I've got to keep one bit for me,' she explained. Bianca Gascoigne shared that she had to take her newborn baby girl back to hospital for a blood spot screening on Saturday. The star, 36, welcomed her first child with partner Aaron Wright on Monday. She took to Instagram to share a video of her latest trip to hospital with her baby, revealing her concern. The former Big Brother star wrote: 'Took the little lady to hospital to have her blood spot checks today. I wanted to cry when they did it.' Newborn blood spot screening involves taking a blood sample from a newborn's heel to find out if they have any of the nine rare health conditions. 'I wanted to cry when they did it!' Bianca Gascoigne shared that she had to take her newborn baby girl back to hospital for a blood spot screening on Saturday Love: The star, 36, welcomed her first child with partner Aaron Wright on Monday and she took to Instagram to share a video of her latest trip to hospital with her baby, revealing her concern Sleepy: She also filmed her sleepy daughter after the heel prick test at the hospital. She has been calling the child Baby B ahead of announcing a name The tests can help ensure early treatment to improve newborn health and prevent disability and death. Later, Bianca posted a picture of her Baby's uncle Regan taking a picture of her in an adorable dinosaur costume. It comes after Bianca took to Instagram on Friday to share a sweet snap of her newborn baby girl. She gave birth to Baby B, who is her first child, at The Portland Hospital in London. In the post, Bianca leaned over her baby's hospital crib, donning a stylish pink and black patterned jumpsuit, with her has blonde hair scraped into a bun. She held a colourful soft toy above her sleeping baby, who is already snuggled up with a large monkey teddy. She captioned the post: 'I can't believe you're mine.' The TV personality's fans and friends were quick to congratulate the star. Adorable: Later, Bianca posted a picture of her Baby's uncle Regan taking a picture of her in a sweet dinosaur costume New mother: It comes after Bianca took to Instagram on Friday to share a sweet snap of her newborn baby girl Former Hollyoaks actress Ciara Janson Zelmerlow penned: 'You did it girl! So many congratulations'. Geordie Shore's Chloe Ferry kept it simple writing: 'Congrats'. Dancer Vitto Coppola equally shared his excitement writing: ' Congraaaaaaats' with three heart-eye emojis. This post comes after Bianca took to Instagram on Thursday to share the happy news, posting a reel documenting her daughter's arrival. Captioning the post, she wrote: '20/02/23 You are perfect Baby B.' The reel showed Bianca in the midst of her labour in the hospital, along with a glimpse of her lavish birthing suite. She then included several snaps taken moments after her daughter was born, showing her newborn nestled in a cot and wrapped in a pink blanket, and a glimpse of her brother Regan holding his niece for the first time. Bianca first shared that she was expecting her first child with Arron back in August, posting a hilarious snap with her boyfriend that recreated the poster for the romantic comedy Knocked Up. It comes after Bianca shared with fans a picture of her 'basic' nursery in January, saying she thought it looked 'basic' as she had 'left it so last minute'. Showing off the white bedroom set and grey carpeting in the room, she told fans: 'We finally have baby furniture. I've left it so last minute. Obviously she's coming next month but I'm really impressed.' Precious: The TV personality posted a reel documenting Baby B's arrival at The Portland Hospital in London 'Obviously that's the wardrobe and that's the chest drawers. I've actually got to move that so changing has got to be a bit more easy access.' She added at the time: 'There's the cot and yeah I know it's so basic at the moment but it will all come together and my mum was like you know, saying I've left everything last minute as per usual, but we will get there.' Bianca and Arron, who confirmed their romance in December 2021, have been friends for 14 years and announced they were expecting a baby in February 2023. The couple celebrated their one year anniversary on August 7 with a romantic trip to Paris. Tia Mowry was seen in good spirits on Saturday as she headed to a workout in Los Angeles. The 44-year-old mother-of-two who divorced Cory Hardrict last year wore skintight black leggings. The Sister Sister alum added a black tank top and puffer vest, exposing her toned arms as she embraced the rainy day. The longtime media personality slung a black Prada leather belt bag over her torso and she accessorized with gold jewelry. The Spice By Tia Mowry founder wore part of her hair in two small top knot buns and let the rest fall in loose curls. Fitness: Tia Mowry was seen in good spirits on Saturday as she headed to a workout in Los Angeles Her sporty look was finished with a pair of all black Nike sneakers as she headed to work on her physical health. Tia appeared to go without makeup underneath a pair of narrow black sunglasses with a light tint. She wore extra large hoop earrings as well as a necklace full of various charms, bracelets, and a gold watch. The lifestyle guru, who often shares recipes and promotes her cookware range, carried a bottle of water in a manicured hand. Last November the entertainer shared the moment she had an 'awakening' that her marriage had to end. She filed for divorce from American Sniper actor Cory in October after 14 years of marriage. While stopping by the Today show she shared that she 'knew' she and Cory were over 'when I really started to focus on my happiness.' Mowry revealed, 'I feel like women, we tend to focus on everybody elses happiness, making sure that everybody else is OK - meaning our children, our friends, our family.' She continued: 'But at the end of the day, its about self-love. And when you start to really work on yourself, love yourself, know your value, know your worth, then all of a sudden, theres this awakening.' The Family Reunion actress shared that 'its not easy, its a hard journey, but at the end of the day, I feel like it is so, so worth it.' Life events also reminded her to seize the day, particularly when two of her family members died close together, beginning with her grandmother. Her look: The 44-year-old mother-of-two who divorced Cory Hardrict last year wore skintight black leggings Out and about: The Sister Sister alum added a black tank top and puffer vest, exposing her arms as she embraced the rainy day Mom life: Mowry is mom to son Cree Hardrict, eleven, and daughter Cairo Hardrict, four End of a chapter: Tia filed for divorce from American Sniper actor Cory in October after 14 years of marriage Tia's twin sister Tamera then lost her 18-year-old niece Alaina Housley in a mass shooting at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California. Before her marriage ended, Tia said, 'There was this sadness. And I knew that life is short. I had actually lost my grandmother. We had lost Alaina Housley. And both of them at the same time.' Tia reflected: 'There was just an "aha" moment in me where I said: "You know what? We need to tap in, see whats really going on with your happiness. Life is short. Lets go. Lets start working on you and really focusing on what really, really matters here, which is at the end of the day, your peace, your joy and your happiness."' She and Cory tied the knot in 2008 and share two children - son Cree, eleven, and daughter Cairo, four. Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner displayed their sisterly love in a series of sultry bikini photos posted on social media Saturday. The Skims founder, 42, who had fans comment recently on her resemblance to actress Megan Fox, and her baby sister, 25, showed off their toned curves donning very tiny black string swimsuits, most likely from the Skims line. The two entrepreneurs were poolside as they knelt on a chaise lounge facing each other, both letting their long dark hair flow down their backs. Kim lifted her tresses one a couple of pics, as Kylie looked up at the sky. In another, the beauty mogul turned her head to look straight into the camera while Kim faced her. The series of sultry photos come after the lipkit mogul revealed that Kim is the sister she feels the closest to. Twin souls: Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner displayed their sisterly love in a series of sultry bikini photos posted on social media Saturday. Kim wrote 'Twin Souls' next to the post The Skims founder star wrote 'Twin Souls' and tagged her sister in the photo carousel which received more than 2.5 million likes since it was first posted. It's unclear where the sexy snaps were taken, but it doesn't appear to be at Kim's $70 million Malibu beach house. In an interview with Vanity Fair Italia, Kylie said of all her sisters, Kim is the one she feels closest to right now. 'It changes over time. Right now it's Kim,' the Kylie Cosmetics founder noted. 'Kim has changed so much recently.' 'We are very connected, she is always the first sister I call when I need something. We have been going through a lot of similar experiences lately.' The mother of daughter Stormi, five, and Aire, one, appears to be single at this time, after splitting with her on-again/off-again partner Travis Scott, 30. An insider confirmed the split to People January 12, after Kylie was seen celebrating the New Year in Aspen with sister Kendall, 27, along with pals Hailey and Justin Bieber. 'Kylie is very focused on her kids and her business,' the source claimed. Curves: The Skims founder, 42, and her baby sis, 25, showed off their toned curves donning very tiny black string swimsuits, most likely from the Skims line Close: In an interview with Vanity Fair Italia, Kylie said of all her sisters, Kim is the one she feels closest to right now: 'We have been going through a lot of similar experiences lately' Single: Kylie recent split with on-again/off-again partner Travis Scott, 30, while Kim divorced husband Kanye West, 45, last year 'She is not a big partier. Travis is the opposite. He likes to party. They definitely have different focuses. They always did.' Kim was the focus of hundreds of people when she paid a visit to the Dolce & Gabbana store in Milan Saturday. The Skkn by Kim founder shared some video of the visit in her Instagram Stories, writing 'Stopped by the @dolcegabbana store in Milan today!' The style icon is in the Italian city for Fashion Week festivities and was not disappointed by the reception she received from her fans. The influencer flashed her midriff in a nude mini skirt with silver-buckle details, teaming it with a matching cropped long-sleeved jacket, which featured a silver center zip detail, high neck and multiple buckles to match. She completed the look with a pair of knee-high heeled boots in the same shade. Kim's makeup featured a camera ready nude lip and bronzed base, and she brushed her hair straight and let her bangs frame her eyes. The reality star was followed by a camera crew as she walked around the store and climbed to the second floor balcony to overlook the street scene, hinting that her shopping trip could be included in an upcoming episode of The Kardashians. Fashion week: Kim is currently in Milan, Italy for Fashion Week and paid a visit to the Dolce and Gabbana store Megan Gale is set to return to the catwalk for the first time in 15 years. The supermodel, 47, will open and close the show for David Jones' Autumn/Winter collection at its flagship Melbourne store on March 4. Megan was the face of the luxury department store from 2001 to 2014. 'It has been 15 years since I last walked the catwalk, that was for Autumn Winter feels like it was yesterday,' she told the Herald Sun. Megan said she has always had a good relationship with the store adding it was an 'honour' to be asked to rejoin the David Jones family. Megan Gale, 47, reveals she will return to the catwalk for David Jones next month - 15 years after her departure 'It is quite extraordinary how much time has passed and what has happened with David Jones and also myself and my own life,' she said. 'It just feels really lovely to come together for such an important milestone and it was an absolute honour to be asked.' Since stepping out of the spotlight, Megan has been focusing on her family life with partner Shaun Hampson. Megan and Shaun, who live together in Melbourne, met in 2011 and became engaged in 2017. 'It has been 15 years since I last walked the catwalk, that was for Autumn Winter feels like it was yesterday,' Gale told the Herald Sun. Pictured: Sydney, 2000 Megan shares daughter Rosie and son River with Shaun. She recently shared a family photo with the couple's two children following their first day of school. The adorable family were all smiles as they posed for a treasured snap, with Rosie appearing to cheekily poke her tongue out. 'Day one of school for 2023 done and dusted,' Megan captioned the image. Rita Ora has revealed that music legend Prince inspired her to take control of her back catalogue as she legally battled with Jay Z's record label Roc Nation. The British pop sensation, 32, signed a new deal with BMG Media, marking a poignant 'new chapter' with the agency whose clients include Kylie Minogue, 5SOS, KSI and Run The Jewels. Rita, whose last studio album Phoenix was released in 2018, has now divulged that it was the illustrious Prince who gave her the advice needed to take the reigns of her music career. She flew over to the Purple Rain hitmaker's mansion across the pond in 2013 to work on music together. Speaking to Wonderland Magazine, Rita detailed that Prince told her: 'If you don't own your masters, your master owns you.' Inspiration: Rita Ora has revealed that music legend Prince inspired her to take control of her back catalogue as she legally battled with Jay Z's record label Roc Nation Advice: Rita, whose last studio album Phoenix was released in 2018, has now divulged that it was the illustrious Prince who gave her the advice needed to take the reigns of her music career Star: The British pop sensation, 32, signed a new deal with BMG Media, marking a poignant 'new chapter' with the agency whose clients include Kylie Minogue , 5SOS , KSI and Run The Jewels Rita continued: 'He said it to me when I was with him but I never thought that was a possibility for me. I was like, "Theres no way. Im not going to get on anyones bad side". Im now in a position where I own my own masters I can control where were going, what were publishing.' The star has previously confessed that she 'feared for her career' during her legal battle with her former record label, Roc Nation, which is owned by Jay Z. Speaking about the court battle which prohibited her from making music for five years Rita admitted that the stress of the situation definitely left her 'scared.' 'I definitely had a bit of worry and yeah, I was fearful of my life because, this is my life. My music is all I know so for me I was definitely scared,' she expressed in 2019. Speaking to the Daily Star, Rita continued: 'I don't know if depressed is the right word but I was definitely scared.' Rita went on to add: 'I was going through s***.' Talking with Wonderland Magazine this month, Rita revealed that she was 'taught' not to rock the boat with her record label. She continued: 'I was a huge, huge pleaser back then. I was taught to do what everyone else wanted.' The songstress posted a trio of black and white shots after signing with BMG last February, with one showing her posing by a grand piano while in another Rita displayed an ecstatic expression. Rita wrote: 'I'm THRILLED to announce that I am partnering with BMG!!! I couldn't be happier that they will be my label family moving forward. The next chapter: Speaking to Wonderland Magazine, Rita detailed that Prince told her: 'If you don't own your masters, your master owns you' 'Their approach to artist ownership and control is very much aligned with mine, and it's so empowering to know that I will own all my master recordings that I make from now on. I also feel so motivated to be working with such a dynamic, creative, forward-thinking global company. 'I want to say a big THANK-YOU to the wonderful team at Atlantic Records, as I'm so proud of our incredible journey together and will never forget the day when we set the UK chart record for the most Top 10 singles by a British female artist. 'I am extremely grateful to get to do what I love, for all the special people I've been fortunate enough to work with and for my fans who are EVERYTHING to me - I do this all for you! 'I am beyond excited about the new music I've been working on and can't wait to share it with you all. Here's to a new chapter! See you all very soon!' David Bowie fans are reportedly set to get the chance to once again attend a concert of his hits with a new virtual-reality experience. The late music icon passed away in January 2016, at age 69, after being diagnosed with liver cancer. But now, it appears his memory could live on in an even closer way than ever before, as talks are said to be in place to create an on-stage avatar adventure of his career. A source told The Mirror that the endeavour is currently being explored, dubbing the process an 'exciting time'. It would be similar to the current production ABBA Voyage, which kicked off in 2022 and depicts the Swedish supergroup as they were in the 1970s. Music icon: David Bowie, who died in 2016, is reportedly set to brought back to the stage once again in a virtual-reality concert The fans of the music icon could get the chance to once again attend a concert of his hits with a new virtual-reality experience A source told The Mirror: 'The idea of being able to recreate Davids charisma and electric showmanship for an audience is an intoxicating one, and the prospect of how that might be done is being explored. Its a very exciting time.' MailOnline has contacted representatives of David Bowie's Estate for comment. ABBA Voyage appears to have kicked off a new wave of concert with it's virtual experinece, which has a residency in it's purpose-built venue at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - dubbed the Abba Arena. With the holograms so detailed, fans are taken back in time to the 1970s with the performance. It comes after it was announced this week that an extensive archive of David's life, work and legacy will go on display to the public for the first time in 2025. Acquired by the Victoria and Albert Museum (V and A), the exhibition will include more than 80,000 items that span six decades of the cultural icon's career. They will be made available to the public through the creation of The David Bowie Centre for the Study of Performing Arts, which will open in Stratford's Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. It will allow fans and researchers alike to get up close and gain new insights into Bowie's creative process like never before, the V and A said. Virtual world: It would be similar to the current production ABBA Voyage, which kicked off in 2022 and depicts the Swedish supergroup as they were in the 1970s A source told The Mirror : 'The idea of being able to recreate Davids charisma and electric showmanship for an audience is an intoxicating one' The collection will feature handwritten lyrics, letters, sheet music, original costumes, fashion, photography, film, music videos, set designs, album artwork and awards. It will also include instruments owned by the world-famous musician, as well as writings and unrealised projects never before seen in public. Highlights include stage costumes such as Bowie's breakthrough Ziggy Stardust ensembles, designed by Freddie Burretti in 1972, Kansai Yamamoto's creations for the Aladdin Sane tour in 1973, and the Union Jack coat designed by Bowie and Alexander McQueen for the 1997 Earthling album cover. The archive also includes over 70,000 photographs, prints, negatives, slides and contact sheets taken by some of the 20th century's leading photographers from Terry O'Neill to Brian Duffy and Helmut Newton. Its acquisition by the V and A and the creation of the centre was made possible thanks to the David Bowie Estate and 10 million donation from the Blavatnik Family Foundation and Warner Music Group. Tom Cruise revealed that he wasn't close to playing Iron Man before the role went to Robert Downey Jr., during a recent interview on the Phase Zero podcast. The 60-year-old Top Gun actor has been associated with an oft-repeated, yet evidently untrue rumor, that he was nearly cast as Tony Stark before the 2008 movie Iron Man. 'Not close,' he said during the interview. 'I love Robert Downey Jr., and I can't imagine anyone else doing that role, and I think it's perfect for him.' Cruise doesn't seem to be speaking modestly either as he isn't the first person to dispel the rumor. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness screenwriter Michael Waldron previously said that the rumor didn't have a basis in reality. Not close: Tom Cruise revealed that he wasn't close to playing Iron Man before the role went to Robert Downey Jr., during a recent interview on the Phase Zero podcast (Cruise pictured February 13, 2023) 'Yeah, that was totally made up. I mean, there's no cut footage of Tom Cruise,' he said during a 2022 Rolling Stone interview. 'But I love Tom Cruise, and I said to [Marvel Studios president] Kevin [Feige] at one point, I was like, "Could we get Tom Cruise's Iron Man?" I remember reading about that in Ain't It Cool News back in the day, that Tom Cruise was going to be Iron Man.' Michael added that he doesn't think anyone reached out to Cruise because they assumed he would be too busy. Cruise once told IGN about being approached to play Iron Man back in 2005 though it ultimately didn't work out. 'They came to me at a certain point and, when I do something, I wanna do it right,' he said. 'If I commit to something, it has to be done in a way that I know it's gonna be something special.' He continued, 'And as it was lining up, it just didn't feel to me like it was gonna work. I need to be able to make decisions and make the film as great as it can be, and it just didn't go down that road that way.' While he may not be a member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the star has a number of products coming out soon. He has two Mission: Impossible movies on the way as well as an untitled SpaceX project. Tony Stark: The 60-year-old Top Gun actor has been associated with an oft-repeated, yet evidently untrue rumor, that he was nearly cast as Tony Stark before the 2008 movie Iron Man; Downey pictured in a still from Iron Man 'Not close,' he said during the interview. 'I love Robert Downey Jr., and I can't imagine anyone else doing that role, and I think it's perfect for him' (pictured May 2022) The SpaceX movie will be the first ever Hollywood movie shot in space. Doug Liman, who Cruise has worked with on multiple movies, will direct the experimental project. He's also set to reprise his role of Cage in the movie Live Die Repeat and Repeat. Live Die Repeat and Repeat will be the follow up to the 2014 movie Edge of Tomorrow, also directed by Doug Liman. The movie centered around 'A soldier (Cruise) fighting aliens gets to relive the same day over and over again, the day restarting every time he dies,' according to the movie's IMDb page. Emily Blunt will reportedly also come back for the second movie though she is just rumored to be in the movie. Anya Taylor-Joy was spotted attending a fight between Floyd Mayweather and Aaron Chalmers in London on Saturday. The 26-year-old actress sat in the stands in the O2 Arena, sipping a beverage as she observed the action below. She cut a sprightly figure, letting her curtains of platinum hair down and sharpening her radiant complexion with a slick of scarlet lipstick. Her latest sighting comes two nights after she and her rumored husband Malcolm McRae were seen partying at the Chiltern Firehouse in Marylebone. Malcolm and Anya were seen emerging hand in hand from the Firehouse in the early hours of Friday morning after the star-studded fete. Glowing: Anya Taylor-Joy was spotted attending a fight between Floyd Mayweather and Aaron Chalmers in London on Saturday Having a ball: The 26-year-old actress sat in the stands in the O2 Arena, sipping a beverage as she observed the action below Names including One Direction heartthrob Liam Payne and his girlfriend Kate Cassidy were spotted at the venue that evening. The Crown star Matt Smith was in attendance, as was Diana Ross' son Evan, who is married to Jessica Simpson's sister Ashlee. Malcolm, a musician, was first linked to Anya in the first half of 2021 when the pair were glimpsed passionately kissing in New York City. Last summer Anya was spotted multiple times with a ring on her engagement finger, setting off a swirl of rumors about the nature of her relationship. In July a source dished to Page Six that Malcolm and Anya had a small courthouse wedding in America before she jetted off to Australia for a film shoot. Although she has not confirmed the marriage rumors, Anya briefly touched on the joys of her home life with Malcolm in an interview late last year. 'Its fun to wake up and go to breakfast and service the car and sort out stuff... I know that sounds silly, but that what were craving,' she told Harper's Bazaar in a piece published in November. Were craving just, like, life together.' On the professional front, fans will be able to see her next year in Furiosa, the upcoming sequel to the smash hit Mad Max: Fury Road. Hot couple: Anya is pictured at the Golden Globes last month alongside her rumored husband Malcolm McRae, whom she is claimed to have married last summer Millions of fans will get the chance to celebrate the life of Olivia Newton-John at the superstar's state memorial on Sunday. In a unique arrangement, Channel Nine, Channel Seven and the ABC will broadcast the service. Hosted by Channel Nine's David Campbell, the event will be a fitting tribute to the Grease star's sixty years as a recording star and actress as well as her achievements as an advocate for cancer research. Seven will screen Olivia's memorial on their main channel for Victorian viewers. Seven News presenters Mike Amor and Rebecca Madden will host the broadcast, which will also be streamed on 7plus. How to watch Olivia Newton-John's state memorial as millions of fans prepare to celebrate the superstar's life The ABC, meanwhile, will screen the event on their ABC News channel and Iview platform from 4pm. According to the Herald Sun, those attending the service have been asked to wear 'a touch of orange,' Olivia's favourite colour, in honour of the star. Delta Goodrem, meanwhile, will perform a medley of the superstar's hits. Aussie showbiz legend Paul Hogan and Olivia's Grease co-star John Travolta will join the event via video link. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will be also among the special guests. Channel Nine's Richard Wilkins, a friend of Olivia's will give thanks to the Xanadu star on behalf of the showbiz community. In a unique arrangement, Channel Nine, Channel Seven and ABC will broadcast the service Olivia was diagnosed with cancer three times in 1992, 2013 and, for a final time, in 2017. She died in August at 73, after a brave and public decades-long battle with the illness. Olivia's husband John Easterling, her daughter Chloe Lattanzi, and niece Tottie Godlsmith will take part in the memorial and each will present to a tribute to their loved one. Jenna Coleman was all smiles as she left her West End show on Saturday night. The actress is currently starring in the two-man show Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London alongside co-star Aidan Turner. Jenna, 36, looked stylish in a black checked coat as she stepped out of the theatre's stage door. She added a pair of black brogues to her look, wearing her blonde tresses in a sleek side parting. The beauty toted her essentials in a burgundy bag which she clutched as she made her way out of work. Looking good: Jenna Coleman looked stylish in a black checked coat as she left her West End show on Saturday night Chic: The actress added a pair of black brogues to her look, wearing her blonde tresses in a sleek side parting Gorgeous: The beauty toted her essentials in a burgundy bag which she clutched as she made her way out of work Jenna grinned as she made her way home after another night treading the boards. The stars' play will be on-stage for a nine-week run and sees Jenna play rule-abiding lawyer Bernadette while Aidan portrays free-spirited musician Oliver. The official synopsis reads: '"Let's just talk until it goes". You're going to speak more than 123 million words in your lifetime. What will you do when they run out? 'Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons is a tender and funny rom-com about what we say, how we say it, and what happens when we can't say anything anymore'. The play explores a young couples response to a dystopian world in which words are rationed by 'hush laws.' Jenna and Aidan take starring roles in this two-hander, which is a West End revival of Sam Steiners debut play of the same name - a huge success following its debut at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2015. However, despite the talent of the actors, critics have been left with a slightly sour taste in their mouth since the press night earlier this month. MailOnline's Patrick Marmion gave the play two out of five stars and described the script as 'gimmicky'. Pretty: Jenna grinned broadly as she made her way home after another night treading the boards Glowing: She looked glowing as she stepped out of the stage door of the theatre in the stylish ensemble Glam girl: The star opted for a slick of pale pink lipstick, keeping her makeup minimal as she left He said: 'Give [anyone] a gimmicky script like this one by Sam Steiner and they will inevitably wind up sounding like Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield, waffling to kill time on This Morning.' Offering the play three out of five stars, Time Out magazine described it as 'a disarmingly bleak affair, or certainly in comparison to eight years ago' - with Brexit blamed for its 'dour' tone. However the 'lovely' set design was praised, while Steiner's words - of which some have been rewritten since its debut - were applauded for standing the test the time. Elsewhere The Times also offered three out of five stars, while claiming the play soon runs out of steam. 'Can two good actors and a gifted director, Josie Rourke, make this cocktail of cute ideas add up to more than the sum of its parts? Not quite,' they write. 'Worse, a singsong of Total Eclipse of the Heart trails off when he runs out of words before she does. Every now and then they fall apart.' Meanwhile The Telegraph claimed it was 'tantalising, but limited' despite strong performances from its two stars, writing: 'Plenty for fans to admire, then, but a few syllables short of a humdinger.' Strut: Her coat also had a stylish tie around the waist, adding an unusual touch to her glam ensemble Wrapping up: Jenna wore a pair of black trousers underneath her chic coat, wrapping up for the freezing weather Kodak Black is currently wanted by the police in Florida for violating the conditions of his bail and failing a drug test. According to TMZ, a judge signed off on an arrest warrant for Kodak, 25, on Thursday, and the rapper is to be taken into custody if any deputies encounter him. The warrant was filed due to two missteps by Kodak - who was also recently sued by two shooting victims - in recent weeks. At the beginning of February, he failed to appear at the agency he was supposed to report to for drug testing. The agency then claimed that the following week he submitted a sample, but it came back confirming that he had drugs in his system. Warrant: Kodak Black has a warrant out for his arrest for violating the terms of his bail: Kodak in 2022 It was reported that the test came back positive for traces of fentanyl, although it's unclear how much was in his system. Kodak was originally arrested in July of last year for possession of a controlled substance without prescription and trafficking. Cops also revealed that they found upwards of 31 oxycodone pills in his car in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He posted his $75K bail but was released under the condition that he would remain drug-free. If he is caught, there are additional orders to hold him without bail until his next hearing. Kodak was also recently involved in another legal battle, having been sued a year after a shooting outside of Justin Bieber's Super Bowl afterparty. Both the rapper and Bieber were sued by two victims of the shooting that occurred on February 12, 2022. Mark Schaefer and Adam Rahman claimed they were struck during the shooting that happened over Super Bowl weekend and were consequently 'severely injured.' Arrested: The rapper failed to report to his scheduled drug test and the proceeded to test positive for drugs in his system once he finally showed up Sued: The 25-year-old has also been sued by two victims of a shooting that happened at Justin Bieber's Super Bowl after party in 2022; Kodak during Paris Fashion Week in 2022 The incident had taken place just outside of The Nice Guy restaurant in West Hollywood, where Bieber was throwing a Super Bowl afterparty. It was reported that four victims were shot, including Kodak. However, the alleged victims suing the performers have claimed that Kodak played a major part in the escalation of the fight that occurred outside of the establishment. Reportedly, an unknown assailant attacked someone from Kodak's group, prompting him to get into a scuffle to protect his friend. TMZ reported that in the lawsuit documents, the two victims claimed that the rapper had 'escalated' the fight, resulting in shots being fired. Kodak's representative, Bradford Cohen, spoke out in regard to the lawsuit and informed TMZ, 'I have seen a lot of bad complaints in my day. This is the most poorly drafted complaint I have seen in 26 years.' He added: 'I expect Kodak to be dismissed from this suit fairly quickly.' Cohen also explained that 'there is zero specificity' and that the victims' rep, Gloria Allred, 'groups the defendants all together instead of making specific allegations against each.' Kodak's rep concluded: 'It's law school 101. I am embarrassed for Ms. Allred that she actually signed her name to that complaint.' Reports: The victims explained that Kodak 'escalated' the situation, and believe that caused the shots to be fired; seen in 2022 Jacqui Felgate is set to expand her career by joining the 3AW AFL Broadcast Team and provide pre-game coverage for Friday night footy matches. The former 7News presenter, 40, revealed on Sunday she was thrilled to score the coveted gig and couldn't wait to join her co-presenters on the field. 'It is a pinch me moment. As someone who grew up in Melbourne and loves footy, to be part of this is really wonderful and special,' she told the Herald Sun. Felgate will be working alongside AFL veterans Anthony Hudson, Matthew Lloyd and Leigh Matthews and her role will be to create engaging banter in between the match commentary. 'I am just here to drive a conversation. I have always done that in whatever job I have had,' she told the publication. Jacqui Felgate (pictured) is set to expand her career by joining the 3AW AFL Broadcast Team and provide pre-game coverage for Friday night footy matches The former 7News presenter, 40, revealed on Sunday she was thrilled to score the coveted gig and couldn't wait to join her co-presenters on the field 'I'm not there to call a game. I am there to drive a conversation and that is what I love to do,' she added. It comes after Jacqui, who joined 3AW Breakfast last year, teamed up with former AFL champion Jimmy Bartel to temporarily replace hosts Ross Stevenson and Russel Howcroft for two weeks from December 12 through to Christmas. Felgate and Bartel initially worked together as hosts during the September radio ratings break, during the AFL Grand Final week. Speaking with the Herald Sun, Felgate praised her fill-in co-host as well as Stevenson and Howcroft. 'It is a pinch me moment. As someone who grew up in Melbourne and loves footy, to be able to be part of this is really wonderful and special,' she told the Herald Sun Felgate's role will be to create engaging banter in between the match commentary 'Jimmy is great fun, it was awesome to work with him. Ross and Russ, it's such an iconic radio show, it's lovely,' she said. 'I just love radio. I always did little bits here and there but to be able to host my own show is fantastic.' The former 7News and sport presenter joined 3AW Breakfast in April and quickly scored a permanent role presenting the foodie segment on the radio show. At the time, Felgate described the role as her 'dream gig' and said she couldn't wait to 'sink her teeth' into Melbourne and Victoria's 'wonderful food scene'. Felgate announced her departure from Seven last year, with The Australian reporting she was 'less than impressed' when Rebecca Maddern was 'parachuted' to the top newsreader job in January after her defection from Nine. Woody Harrelson hosted Saturday Night Live for the fifth time on Saturday, in part to promote his new movie Champions. The 61-year-old actor started it with a long, rambling monologue and ended the show by receiving a Five-Timers Club jacket from fellow member Scarlett Johansson. Harrelson opened up his hosting duties by saying he loves everyone possibly because he's a 'redneck hippie.' He then mentioned that it was his fifth time hosting the show, making him part of the famous Five-Timers Club. The star put his arms out, expecting someone to rush out and place a jacket on his shoulders, but no one did. The Cheers said that last time he hosted the show he had a very strange experience the next day which involved him reading a script in Central Park after having 'smoked a joint.' Five-Timers Club: Woody Harrelson hosted Saturday Night Live for the fifth time on Saturday, in part to promote his new movie Champions Special guest: The 61-year-old actor started it with a long, rambling monologue and ended the show by receiving a Five-Timers Club jacket from fellow member Scarlett Johansson (Front Row L to R: Jack White, Harrelson, Johansson) While slowly making his way toward the point, Harrelson rattled off a list of things he could be described as including an 'anarchist, Marxist, nondiscriminatory empath, epistemological deconstructionist, and Texan.' He then described the plot of the script which involved a cartel forcing people to take drugs if they wanted to go outside which he said he didn't find believable as he takes them 'voluntarily.' In his first sketch after the break, Harrelson plays a convicted felon speaking with his wife who isn't in prison. He waxes poetic to his partner, saying he's going to be out soon, but one of the prison guards says he won't be. After every statement, the guard butts in and mocks Harrelson's plans for when he finally leaves prison. 'I can't buy a house, and I'm not in jail. I rent a one-bedroom apartment with a roommate,' she said after hearing that Harrelson plans to buy his wife a house. Another guard, played by Kenan Thompson, also steps after in Harrelson's wife (Chloe Fineman) says some reassuring, if misleading things, to Harrelson, including insinuating that the couple's son isn't really Harrelson's. The guards then take over the phone and chat together, completely invading and ending the couple's private conversation. A digital short played after that where one of the cast members, named Ben, asks if his officemates want to hang out after work. They turn him down, and Harrelson asks if everything is O.K. between them. 'Redneck hippie': Harrelson opened up his hosting duties by saying he loves everyone possibly because he's a 'redneck hippie Jacket on? He then mentioned that it was his fifth time hosting the show, making him part of the famous Five-Timers Club. The star put his arms out, expecting someone to rush out and place a jacket on his shoulders, but no one did Smoking: The Cheers said that last time he hosted the show he had a very strange experience the next day which involved him reading a script in Central Park after having 'smoked a joint Jailhouse chat: In his first sketch after the break, Harrelson plays a convicted felon speaking with his wife who isn't in prison Mocking: He waxes poetic to his partner saying he's going to be out soon, but one of the prison guards says he won't be Listening in: Another guard, played by Kenan Thompson, also steps after in Harrelson's wife (Chloe Fineman) says some reassuring, if misleading things, to Harrelson Insinuating: The guard insinuates that the couple's son isn't really Harrelson's When Ben says he doesn't know, Harrelson suggests following them to see if they are hanging out without the cast member. A noir title card, accompanied by detective movie music, then plays as the pair engage in a stake out. It turns out they are spending time together without Ben, and Harrelson pulls out a gun and asks if he wants to kill them. His two friends cuddle up before leaning in to kiss with Ben shocked to see they are dating. He then sees them holding a baby before seeing a full blown family including a 'moody teen.' Ben wonders if the pair is keeping their relationship a secret from everyone at work but Kenan Thompson, who the kids call Uncle Kenan, arrives for dinner and throws his phone away when Ben tries to text him. They then hold 'New Ben auditions' in the living room to replace their friend with a better version. Ben confronts the pair, and they says they don't want to actually replace him before changing their minds and choosing Harrelson as the 'New Ben.' The next clip shows two couples getting on a huge rollercoaster. Harrelson's character Sam gets talked into hopping on the ride. Roller coaster: A digital short played after that where one of the cast members, named Ben, asks if his officemates want to hang out after work. They turn him down, and Harrelson asks if everything is O.K. between them Not sure at first: He tries to get off the coaster while Kenan Thompson's character Kevin tells him he can't Passed out: As the ride takes off, Sam screams in joy while Kevin passes out Confession: He then confesses that he only painted planes in the Air Force and lost his job two weeks prior to the incident as he wakes up in between moments of unconsciousness Captain: Later on, Harrelson, playing a Navy captain, begins a passionate speech to his crew about defending 'God's country' He tries to get off the coaster while Kenan Thompson's character Kevin tells him he can't. As the ride takes off, Sam screams in joy while Kevin passes out. The duo get off the ride before Kevin's girlfriend says she wants to go with him again, and he passes out once more. He then confesses that he only painted planes in the Air Force and lost his job two weeks prior to the incident as he wakes up in between moments of unconsciousness. Later on, Harrelson, playing a Navy captain, begins a passionate speech to his crew about defending 'God's country.' He goes on about the noble name of the ship before revealing it is 'Mr. Dingleberry's Goochballoon ASDFJKL ; 6969.' The crew then says the name was voted on during a social media poll, and the crew reveals everyone assumes Harrelson's name is actually 'Mr. Dingleberry.' Harrelson's character's wife calls in and leaves him because she doesn't want to be 'Mrs. Dingleberry,' and then the crew blows up the ridiculously-named submarine. Ridiculous name: He goes on about the noble name of the ship before revealing it is 'Mr. Dingleberry's Goochballoon ASDFJKL ; 6969' Mr. Dingleberry: The crew then says the name was voted on during a social media poll, and the crew reveals everyone assumes Harrelson's name is actually Mr. Dingleberry Leaving him: Harrelson's character's wife calls in and leaves him because she doesn't want to be 'Mrs. Dingleberry' Group decision: Ultimately, the crew members decide to blow up their ship rather than potentially die on a ridiculously named submarine. Woody then stars in a Cologuard commercial where the talking box tells him to 'go inside him.' Cologuard is a colon cancer screening tool which requires users to relieve themselves in a box and mail it to a lab for tests. 'Come on, it's fun for both of us,' the box tells Woody. 'You get the satisfaction of knowing you're doing everything you can to protect your colon, and I get another kind of satisfaction. So go ahead, unload in me.' A female version of the box then asks if he would rather defecate inside her. 'Would you feel more comfortable unloading on a little woman like me?' she asks. 'Would that make you feel like a real man? He's then surrounded by dozens of boxes who all want to see him 'unleash.' As the boxes advance on them, it's revealed that the boxes aren't really moving and Woody is actually high and hallucinating. Inappropriate colon cancer screening: Woody then stars in a Cologuard commercial where the talking box tells him to 'go inside him' 'Satisfaction': 'Come on, it's fun for both of us,' the box tells Woody. 'You get the satisfaction of knowing you're doing everything you can to protect your colon, and I get another kind of satisfaction' Different box: A female version of the box then asks if he would rather defecate inside her Advancing on him: He's then surrounded by dozens of boxes who all want to see him 'unleash' Very high: As the boxes advance on them, it's revealed that the boxes aren't really moving and Woody is actually high and hallucinating' Later in the episode, a movie director (Mikey Day) tells several actors that the studio has scrapped their new project, The Hippo, while in the middle of shooting. While the other actors lament about dyeing their hair and other trivial matters, an actor named Keith (Harrelson in a huge fat suit) reveals he gained 450 pounds in six months for the role. The others continue to complain, and Keith reveals he now has a disease called triabetes, which he describes as 'the one after diabetes.' The director then reveals that Keith could've worn a fat suit, but he turned down that option on Keith's behalf. Harrelson's character collapses on a couch nearby. The cast then tries to make themselves feel better by saying 'I have' statements, statements about what they gained for the experience. When it comes to Keith, he says he has 'not seen my p*nis four months.' Brendan Fraser's Academy-Award nominated film is referenced multiple times with some of the actors saying The Mummy actor was going to win the coveted Oscar. Scrapped: Later in the episode, a movie director (Mikey Day) tells several actors that the studio has scrapped their new project, The Hippo, while in the middle of shooting 450 pounds! While the other actors lament about dyeing their hair and other trivial matters, an actor named Keith (Harrelson in a huge fat suit) reveals he gained 450 pounds in six months for the role 'Triabetes: The others continue to complain, and Keith reveals he now has a disease called triabetes, which he describes as 'the one after diabetes 'Method': The director then reveals that Keith could've worn a fat suit, but he turned down that option on Keith's behalf. Harrelson's character collapses on a couch nearby 'I have': The cast then tries to make themselves feel better by saying 'I have' statements, statements about what they gained for the experience Huge change to his body: When it comes to Keith, he says he has 'not seen my p*nis four months' Working out: Harrelson and Bowen Yang star in one of the last clips as two men who are at the fanciest gym in the world Corny jokes: As the pair lift light weights, they speak in a series of corny puns while ratcheting up their flirting more and more Harrelson and Bowen Yang star in one of the last clips as two men who are at the fanciest gym in the world. Their gym features a cobblestone treadmill and stationary Vespa among a number of other extravagant workout machines. As the pair lift light weights, they speak in a series of corny puns while ratcheting up their flirting more and more. Jack White served as the musical guest during the episode, playing Taking Me Back Gently and A Tip from You to Me. The show ended with Thompson presenting White with a Five-Timers Club jacket, hilariously passing by Harrelson who looks affronted. White served as a musical guest for the fifth time on Saturday. Johansson, who is also the wife of cast member Colin Jost, then jumped onstage to give Woody his own. Performer: Jack White served as the musical guest during the episode, playing Taking Me Back Gently and A Tip from You to Me Giving a jacket to Jack: The show ended with Thompson presenting White with a Five-Timers Club jacket, hilariously passing by Harrelson who looks affronted John Easterling described the 'magical' love he shared with his wife Olivia Newton-John during the late icon's state memorial on Sunday. The 70-year-old took to the state at Hamer Hall in Melbourne, sharing touching moments from their decades-long romance. He spoke of the 'supernatural' love the couple shared, and the first moment he recognised her incredible talent. 'You have to understand I wasn't an Olivia fan, I didn't know any Olivia music, I hadn't even seen Grease and this was a small, intimate theatre in Miami and the lights went down and I heard Peruvian flutes and she started singing Pearls on a Chain,' he said. 'And there was healing in the audience, people around me were crying. I got it. It hit me like a laser beam in the chest that Olivia was a healer and this is one of her mediums of healing.' John Easterling (pictured) described the 'magical' love he shared with his wife Olivia Newton-John during the late icon's state memorial on Sunday John explained that the couple discussed how blessed they were to find each other during a trip to Prague, where they spent time in bohemian cafes. 'We were talking about how lucky we were to have found each other. And how in love we were. And how much happiness we were experiencing,' he said. 'We thought maybe we should feel guilty because we were so happy, but we decided we'd feel gratitude and just let the happiness run at full throttle.' The businessman became emotional as he recounted how Olivia proposed marriage to him. He spoke of the 'supernatural' love the couple shared, and the first moment he recognised her incredible talent. Pictured together 'We ended up in Scottsdale on Valentine's Day and I started a charade at dinner and the secret phrase was, "Will you marry me". And she got "will" and she got "you" and I said rhymes with hairy. Then out of nowhere, she just said, "Will you marry me?" And I said "yes",' he said. 'She looked stunned for a minute and then started laughing and said, "You ratbag." That is the story of how Olivia proposed to me.' John also discussed where Oliva was most at peace. 'She's been honoured by prime ministers and presidents and the Queen and recognised with every possible award and accolade for her talents. 'We thought maybe we should feel guilty because we were so happy, but we decided we'd feel gratitude and just let the happiness run at full throttle,' he said 'Every day with Olivia was supernatural. Every day with Olivia was a bit of magic,' he continued 'What made her most happy was being at the ranch, being with the horses, being with the chickens and the dogs and the cat, or sitting in the courtyard just listening to bird songs,' John explained during his emotional speech 'But what made her most happy was being at the ranch, being with the horses, being with the chickens and the dogs and the cat, or sitting in the courtyard just listening to bird songs,' he said. 'Every day with Olivia was supernatural. Every day with Olivia was a bit of magic,' he continued. 'I carry and feel Olivia's presence, her sense of humour and spirit of adventure, the commonality of purpose we shared, and that gives me the strength to carry on until I find her again in that ultimate space of love and light. 'At Olivia's deepest essence, she was a healer, using her mediums of song, the words of touch. She was the most courageous woman I've ever met. 'I carry and feel Olivia's presence, her sense of humour and spirit of adventure, the commonality of purpose we shared, and that gives me the strength to carry on until I find her again in that ultimate space of love and light,' John concluded. Pictured together in 2000 John, who's the founder and president of the Amazon Herb Company, met Newton-John in the mid-'90s 'At her most difficult times, she always had the spirit, the humour and the willpower to move things into the light. And as her spirit soars, the pain in my heart is healed by the joy of her love and that love that shines forward,' he concluded. The service comes six months after Newton-John died in August at the age of 73, after a brave and decades-long battle with cancer. John, who's the founder and president of the Amazon Herb Company, met Newton-John in the mid-90s. They married in an Incan spiritual ceremony in Peru in June 2008, which was followed with a legal ceremony nine days later on Jupiter Island in Florida. Heartbreak High star Chloe Hayden has launched a scathing tirade against Marvel Stadium in Melbourne after claiming she was denied access to its sensory room. The actress, 25, who lives with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), requested access to the room on Friday while attending a Harry Styles concert and said she was rejected by security. The sensory room contains noise-cancelling headphones, weighted blankets, and fidget tools so autistic people or those suffering from severe sensory issues have a safe space to go to. Chloe took to Twitter following the concert to express her dissatisfaction at being told she did not 'look' autistic. 'Hey @marvelstadium reminder you cannot preach inclusivity and then not let me into the sensory room because you decided I don't look autistic enough,' she began. Heartbreak High star Chloe Hayden (pictured) has launched a scathing tirade against Marvel Stadium in Melbourne after claiming she was denied access to its sensory room The actress, 25, who lives with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), requested access to the room on Friday while attending a Harry Styles concert and said she was rejected by security 'How g***amn disappointing the same venue has proven flying its woke flag and ticking the disability box is where its values begin and end,' she added. The disability advocate has since filed a complaint with Marvel Stadium and shared its contents with the Herald Sun. 'As a disabled person and active voice and advocate for the disabled community, it is tiring to continue to be fighting for access and the ability to exist in public spaces -particularly at venues that pride themselves on being accessible,' she wrote. Daily Mail Australia has reached out to Marvel Stadium for comment. Chloe's story follows Em Rusciano's admission she too would request sensory room access at the Stadium to help her manage her ASD. The 43-year-old comedian's post ruffled the feathers of media personality Meshel Laurie, who accused her of 'faking' her diagnosis for social media clout. Chloe took to social media to express her dissatisfaction at being told she did not 'look' autistic The disability advocate has since filed a complaint with Marvel Stadium. Pictured: Harry Styles Earlier this month, Rusciano entered in a war of words with Meshel, 49, after Laurie branded her a 'c**t' in a shocking tirade. The podcaster accused Em of 'leaping on the bandwagon' for clout and is refusing to back down despite being called out by thousands on social media. Laurie targeted the Emsolation host after she said she may need to use a 'sensory room' when attending the Harry Styles concert at Marvel Stadium due to her newly-diagnosed autism. 'I'm extremely sensitive to light and sound and textures. Sensory overload and burnout happen to me five or six times a week, that's why when I saw that Marvel Stadium had a sensory room, I was excited,' Em explained on Facebook. 'These are only a couple of examples of how my ASD shows up, but I shouldn't have to explain myself. Yet this week I've found myself having to endure people debating if I'm autistic enough or even at all. How is that okay?' Responding to Laurie's attack, Em uploaded a photo of herself looking relaxed in a floral dress and told her fans to leave 'troubled' Laurie alone. Chloe's story follows Em Rusciano's admission she too would request sensory room access at the Stadium to help her manage her ASD Podcaster Meshel Laurie (pictured) accused Em of 'leaping on the bandwagon' for clout and is refusing to back down despite being called out by thousands on social media He celebrated his 74th birthday with a raucous yacht party earlier this month. And Duncan Bannatyne, 74, and his bikini-clad wife Nigora, 42, are still in the mood to party as they enjoyed a sun-soaked, boozy day aboard a luxury boat in Miami. Nigora shared snaps and videos from the party, which revealed they had enlisted a live DJ, violinist and an acrobat who was suspended off the side of the vessel. She posed up a storm and showed off her incredible figure in a tiny string bikini, revealing her ample assets and washboard midriff. Nigora kept things glamorous with a full face of make-up and wore her glossy brunette locks in a bouncy blown out style. Party time! Duncan Bannatyne, 74, and his bikini-clad wife Nigora, 42, are in the mood to party as they enjoyed a sun-soaked, boozy day aboard a luxury boat in Miami this weekend Going all out: Nigora shared snaps and videos from the party, which revealed they had enlisted a live DJ, violinist and an acrobat who was suspended off the side of the vessel Hot, hot, hot! As well as offering a glimpse at the party, Nigora also shared a sizzling selection snaps of herself posing in the yacht's jacuzzi and with pals on the deck As well as offering a glimpse at the party, Nigora also shared a sizzling selection snaps of herself posing in the yacht's jacuzzi and with pals on the deck. She joined two other stunning friends as they posed in their swimwear, with stunning views of Miami in the backdrop of the photo. Elsewhere, Nigora and Duncan shared a series of smouldering selfies as they showcased their best pouts for the camera. As day turned to night, Nigora covered up her skimpy bikini with a short patterned mini dress with delicate silver jewellery. Duncan proposed to Nigora in 2016 with a 40k ring in Monte Carlo after they first started dating in 2015 when Duncan met her after visiting the dental surgery on London's Harley Street where she was working in 2014. The couple married in Portugal in 2017 before jetting off to Croatia to enjoy their honeymoon. Duncan previously said he fell 'madly in love' with Nigora, saying he was 'obsessed' with her after they first met. He told OK! magazine: 'When I went home I couldn't stop thinking about her, I felt obsessed! I felt in love with her.' Girls' day! She joined two other stunning friends as they posed in their swimwear, with stunning views of Miami in the backdrop of the photo Pose! Elsewhere, Nigora and Duncan shared a series of smouldering selfies as they showcased their best pouts for the camera The camera loves her! Nigora shared a series of snaps throughout the day Glam: As day turned to night, Nigora covered up her skimpy bikini with a short patterned mini dress with delicate silver jewellery The couple have previously said they would love to have children together but Nigora admits she isn't sure it will happen. She told OK!: I don't think it's going to happen. We tried, but I don't think we are going to have children. 'We're not trying to prevent it happening, so if it did, great, but I don't think it is going to.' She added: 'If it's going to happen, it's going to happen, but we are not doing anything about it, like IVF, and we are not going to stress about it.' What a view! The sun was shining down on the group during their day of fun Boozy bash: Nigora panned around the room to reveal the party antics of the group Say cheese! The couple look as smitten as ever in the loved-up snaps Wow: Nigora was clearly impressed with the acrobat's performance Paris Hilton has revealed that her mum Kathy and the rest of her family didn't know about her baby son Phoenix Barron Hilton Reum until a week after his birth. The Simple Life star, 42, welcomed her first child with her husband Carter Reum last month - but wanted to keep thing very private. Speaking on her This Is Paris podcast she said: 'Not even my mom, my sisters, my best friend knew until he was over a week old. 'It was really nice to have that with Carter, be our own journey together. I just feel like my life has been so public, and I've never really had anything be just mine. 'So when we were talking about it, I really felt that I wanted this journey to be for us only. Secret: Paris Hilton has revealed that her mum Kathy and the rest of her family didn't know about her baby son Phoenix Barron Hilton Reum until a week after his birth Private: The Simple Life star, 42, welcomed her first child with her husband Carter Reum last month - but wanted to keep thing very private (pictured with mum Kathy) 'Because we were so excited and wanted to tell our families, but we were just nervous because if you tell a person, then they tell someone, and all the sudden, it's in TMZ or Page Six, and I've had enough of my life like that. 'So Carter and I literally made a pact together that we would not tell anyone, and no one knew until just recently.' Her mother didn't meet her newborn until about a week after he was born. She said of the moment: 'When I introduced my mom to our baby boy, it was amazing to see the look on her face. 'She was so surprised just the look on her face, it was priceless.' It comes after the star revealed that she already has 'seven' more embryos in the hope of having more kids, less than a month after Phoenix's birth. While gracing the cover of Glamour UK, the socialite admitted that she and Carter decided to freeze embryos in the hope of starting a family, and that their collection are 'all boys.' Speaking in the candid new interview, the New York native added that she decided to use a surrogate as she has always been 'scared' of childbirth. Newborn: Paris shared the surprise news of her son's birth last month as she held his tiny hand in an Instagram post Honest: Speaking on her This Is Paris podcast she said: 'Not even my mom, my sisters, my best friend knew until he was over a week old' (pictured with sister Nicky) Fair: She said: 'It was really nice to have that with Carter, be our own journey together. I just feel like my life has been so public, and I've never really had anything be just mine' She also confessed that she had previously had her eggs frozen on the advice of her pal Kim Kardashian, and had been planning to have a child on her own before she and Carter met. She said: 'I went and did the one round of IVF, because Kim had told me about it. So I had eggs frozen.' But when she and Carter met and tied the knot, they decided to start a family, and during the Covid lockdown they had embryos frozen, and they still have enough to have numerous children in the future. The heiress said: 'Carter and I had already been talking about the future and then the world was shut down, so I was like, ''What do you think about us making embryos?'' 'And he said, ''Yeah, let's do it.'' And we've done it seven times I have all boys. I have 20 boys.' Paris added that she always planned to have her baby with the help of a surrogate after developing a fear of doctors during her younger years at boarding school. She explained: 'I'm just so scared, I think, again, leading back to Provo of even being in a doctor's office, just all of that. 'The shots, the IVs that they put in [she claims they used to regularly take samples of her blood]. 'When I was in The Simple Life, I had to be in a room when a woman was giving birth and that traumatised me as well. 'But I want a family so bad, it's just the physical part of doing it. I'm just so scared childbirth and death are the two things that scare me more than anything in the world.' Paris shared the surprise news of her son's birth last month, and her Glamour interview came just a day after revealing his mythical name for the first time. In February, the reality star shocked fans when she revealed that she had welcomed her child via surrogate. The heiress kept news of his arrival not only a secret to the public but her own family. She waited a week after Phoenix was born to share his arrival with loved ones. Paris previously spoke about her decision to keep her immediate family in the dark about her child until she was on the verge of announcing his birth. 'My entire life has been so public,' she told Harper's Bazaar. 'I've never had anything for myself. We decided that we wanted to have this whole experience to ourselves.' 'I want to protect him and to be with him every second. You have this mother instinct that kicks in, which I've never had before,' she said of her son. While this is her first child, Reum was revealed to have had a 'secret' daughter, named Evie, with ex Laura Bellizzi. News that he has a daughter broke just days after he married Hilton in a lavish wedding in Bel Air in November 2021. Tough: Paris previously explained that she always planned to have her baby with the help of a surrogate after developing a fear of doctors during her younger years at boarding school The couple had briefly dated in 2011 but split before Bellizzi, 46, discovered she was pregnant. At the time, there was speculation the baby was fathered by Mel Gibson, who Bellizzi also dated for a short time, but both sides adamantly denied that. Reum does pay child support for Evie, but has not allegedly seen her since she was an infant. He is worth an estimated $40million, after co-founding investment company M13 with his brother Courtney, 43. They also founded the liquor brand VEEV Spirits together. A source previously told exclusively that: 'Carter has never once acknowledged Evie or given her so much as a birthday card or a Christmas present.' Cate Blanchett is known for her quirky sense of fashion. And the Australian actress did not disappoint when she attended the 2023 Producers Guild Awards in Beverly Hills, California on Saturday night. The 53-year-old donned an eye-catching sequined frock in a tunic length, which she paired with shiny black leggings. Cate's dress included a cap sleeve design and a deep V-neck cut, with glittering gold and black detailing, along with some silver leaf accents. The designer outfit flared out into an asymmetric skirt and featured a cinched in waist. Cate Blanchett (pictured) is known for her quirky sense of fashion The Australian actress did not disappoint when she attended the 2023 Producers Guild Awards in Beverly Hills, California on Saturday night The 53-year-old donned an eye-catching sequined frock in a tunic length, which she paired with shiny black leggings The actress paired her footless tights with a pair of black pointed leather heels, and went light in the accessories but for a pair of earrings and a number of gold rings. Cate chose a clean makeup look with a rosy blush and a muted pink lip gloss, while wearing her blonde bob down in soft waves. Blanchett recently landed a Best Actress nomination for her lead role in the psychological drama Tar. She is a well decorated actress, having already won two Oscars from seven previous nominations. The actress paired her footless tights with a pair of black pointed leather heels, and went light in the accessories but for a pair of earrings and a number of gold rings The designer outfit flared out into an asymmetric skirt and featured a cinched in waist Cate's dress included a cap sleeve design and a deep V-neck cut, with glittering gold and black detailing, along with some silver leaf accents Cate chose a clean makeup look with a rosy blush and a muted pink lip gloss, while wearing her blonde bob down in soft waves The star has recently been hard at work on the set of her new film Borderlands alongside Jamie Lee Curtis. In Borderlands, Blanchett stars as Lilith, an infamous outlaw who leads a team on an intergalactic mission to find her missing daughter, while Curtis plays Dr. Patricia Tannis, a scientist grappling with her own sanity. Directed and co-written by Eli Roth, the science fiction action comedy film is based on the video game of the same name. The 95th Academy Awards will air live on ABC on March 12 from the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. Anthony Albanese managed to crack a joke as he was grilled about his plans for superannuation during the latest episode of The Sunday Project. During his appearance, the Australian Prime Minister was asked by host Michael Hing about an unnamed citizen who has amassed half a billion dollars in superannuation. 'A graph has surfaced in the paper today, which shows how many people are affected by these possible changes,' Hing said. 'Right at the top, you can see there's one Australian who apparently has half a billion dollars in superannuation. Half a billion dollars! Do you know who it is?' Albanese quipped in reply: 'No. I don't. Well, I can guarantee it's no-one there on the desk'. Anthony Albanese managed to crack a joke as he was grilled about his plans for superannuation during the latest episode of The Sunday Project. Pictured are hosts Hamish Macdonald and Sarah Harris The comment caused an eruption of laughter from the panel of hosts, with Sarah Harris replying, 'You'd be bang on right there, Prime Minister.' Albanese has been under scrutiny over apparent changes to how the superannuation of Australian citizens is managed. Treasurer Jim Chalmers earlier this week unveiled Labor's proposed wording for a definition of superannuation that would make it more difficult for governments to introduce policies to allow Australians to withdraw their super early. Albanese has insisted there will be no major changes to superannuation amid renewed debate over whether tax concessions for wealthy Australians' retirement savings should be changed. The Australian Prime Minister was asked by host Michael Hing about an unnamed citizen who has amassed half a billion dollars in superannuation and was asked if he knows who it is. Albanese (pictured) quipped in reply: 'Well, I can guarantee it's no-one there on the desk' The comment caused an eruption of laughter from the panel of hosts, with Sarah Harris replying, 'You'd be bang on right there, Prime Minister' The Prime Minister said the government had 'made no decisions' about changes to super beyond its already announced plan to enshrine in law an objective for the nation's $3.3trillion retirement system. But he said there would be no significant changes to the way Australians' retirement savings are managed. About $36billion of Australian retirement savings were withdrawn in early release schemes introduced by the Coalition during the pandemic. Miles Teller's Los Angeles home has reportedly been burgled. The actor, 36, has been enjoying a romantic trip to Paris with his wife Keleigh Sperry, 30, which robbers took advantage of when they allegedly ransacked his Studio City pad. According to TMZ, law enforcement sources revealed the intruders gained access after smashing a glass back door - however it's unclear what they took. It has been claimed police were alerted to the disturbance by Miles' home alarm and that they don't believe the Hollywood star was intentionally targeted. The suspects made a clean getaway, according to reports, and police haven't made any arrests. Uh-oh: Miles Teller's Los Angeles home has reportedly been burgled (pictured in May 2022) However, the investigation is ongoing and surveillance footage is being checked, the online publication alleged. MailOnline has contacted Miles' representatives for comment. Last week, Keleigh wished her husband an early happy birthday as they enjoyed their French vacation on Sunday. The Top Gun star and the actress - who recently celebrated her 30th birthday in Mexico - were pictured standing in front of the Eiffel tower at night. The Maggie star took to Instagram to share a four-slide carousel of the loved-up duo's trip to Paris. She captioned the post, 'Happy early birthday my love. Thank you to @lejulesverneparis for an incredible dinner at the Eiffel Tower and @fsgeorgevparis for everything to help surprise him merci merci.' Miles - who turned 36 on February 20 - wore black pants and a long-sleeved shirt, while Keleigh wore a lavish white fur trench coat. While enjoying dinner at the restaurant overlooking the city, the happy couple posed for an image together. Frustrating: The actor, 36, has been enjoying a romantic trip to Paris with his wife Keleigh Sperry, 30, which robbers took advantage of when they allegedly ransacked his pad On her Instagram Story, Keleigh shared multiple slides of their hotel, room, drinks, and the fancy pool at the Four Seasons Hotel George V, where the loved-up couple stayed while in Paris. In another short clip, Teller was seen posing next to a large white bed, arranging roses cut from their stems into their initials, MK, and wearing a black t-shirt. Sperry also shared separate snaps of herself and miles standing in their room with more rose petals arranged in hearts and another image with two gold balloons, a 3 and 6, on metal sticks. A week prior, Miles and Keleigh showed off their dance moves for Bud Light in an entertaining Super Bowl commercial. The Maverick star and his model wife gave a peek into their home life in a commercial for Bud Light. Miles and his wife of three years moved and grooved in the living room together after cracking open a beer. Miles begins dancing in the fun clip but it isn't long before he gets his stunning wife in on the action along with their adorable dog. A source close to the two lovebirds opened up to Us Weekly earlier this year in May about their happy marriage. 'Miles and Keleigh work because they are both the goofiest of people,' the insider revealed. 'They are silly, always making jokes and doing little bits with each other. They know how to make each other laugh and have fun together.' The couple first met in 2013 at a Grammys afterparty for the Black Keys. The dynamic duo dated for four years before the actor popped the question while on a safari in South Africa. They pair got married during a ceremony in Maui in September 2019. Angela Bassett has broken her silence on Ariana DeBose's viral BAFTAs rap which included that iconic line about the actress 'doing the thing'. The star, 64, told on Sunday how she messaged West Side Story star, 32, to check in and ask if she was okay. Ariana stunned viewers with her rap performance celebrating female nominees last Sunday - with the line 'Angela Bassett did the thing' and accompanying shoulder popping becoming an international meme and sparked a wave of backlash. Angela has now told Variety at the 54th NAACP Awards about the aftermath, saying: 'I DM'd her last night. 'I just wanted to make sure she was okay because, you know, it's a lot of attention. And she is A-Okay.' Funny: Angela Bassett has broken her silence on Ariana DeBose's viral BAFTAs rap which included that iconic line about the actress 'doing the thing' Moment: The star, 64, told on Sunday how she messaged West Side Story star, 32, to check in and ask if she was okay (Ariana pictured doing the rap) The Black Panther: Wakanda Forever star also said that she thought the moment was 'beautiful'. Ariana recently issued her first public statement regarding what has quickly gone down as arguably the most embarrassing opening performance in 76-years of rich and varied BAFTA history. The apparent outrage prompted a well-meaning DeBose to deactivate her Twitter account, but the star was back online after spotting a meme account devoted to her notorious performance on Instagram. Using one of the performance's memorable lyrics, one meme features a shot of former US President George W. Bush being told of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center by former Chief Of Staff Andy Card. The image, perhaps one of the defining moments from the 2001 tragedy, is superimposed with the words: 'Sir, Angela Bassett did the thing.' Responding to the lighthearted post on Tuesday, DeBose wrote: 'Honestly, I love this.' The performance began with a song as she was joined by dancers who tore off her skirt in impressive scenes, before going on to name check members of the star-studded audience. Racing to Twitter fans brandished the performance 'painful' and 'awkward' with one asking: 'Why did this happen?'. Kind: Angela has now told Variety at the 54th NAACP Awards about the aftermath, saying: 'I DM'd her last night. 'I just wanted to make sure she was okay' Awkward: Ariana stunned viewers with her rap performance celebrating female nominees last Sunday Performance: The line 'Angela Bassett did the thing' and accompanying shoulder popping became an international meme and sparked a wave of backlash Following Ariana's performance one viewer wrote: 'P***ing myself laughing at Ariana DeBose's BAFTA song, why did this happen?'. With another adding: 'Absolutely awful she wouldn't get a ingle turn on [talent show] The Voice'. More agreed writing: 'It was awful' and 'God-awful'. Hilarious: Ariana recently issued her first public statement regarding the rap as she shared a funny meme (above) on Twitter Another said: 'Got a lot of time for the celebs who smiled charmingly and awkwardly during Ariana DeBose's painful BAFTA rap'. And: 'Ariana DeBose doing an absurd rap about the women up for things. She is, however such a pro (non more pro) so hardly matters'. The biggest night in British film returned last Sunday evening with actor Richard E. Grant taking the helm to present the 76th EE British Academy Film Awards. Held at the Royal Festival Hall, Richard, 65, was joined by Alison Hammond to host the star-studded ceremony, while film critic Ali Plum was on the red carpet with Vick Hope. Erika Jayne opened up about the possibility of having Chrissy Teigen join the RHOBH after her close friend Lisa Rinna's departure. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills beauty spoke to TMZ on Sunday in West Hollywood as she was out and about, but refused to comment on whether anyone new has been added to the cast. When asked about Kyle Richard's top choice, Chrissy Teigen, Jayne responded, 'Chrissy is fun; shes a big fan of the show.' 'She should have fun. No,' Jayne responded with a laugh when asked if she had a message to get Teigen to join the cast. Although Teigen may be Richardss top choice, Jayne had not heard about it from Andy Cohen and did not believe she would accept the invitation regardless. Who will join?: Erika Jayne opened up about the possibility of having Chrissy Teigen join the RHOBH following her close friend Lisa Rinna's departure from the show after eight seasons 'Chrissy doesn't need this show,' said Erika when asked about Teigen as a potential cast member. 'It would be amazing; yeah, she's cool. Actually, I like Chrissy,' said Erika before adding, 'I don't do casting.' Erika also talked about filming the series without her close friend Rinna on set. 'It's OK. It's one of those things we knew was going to happen, so you know, everyone is a professional, and life goes on.' She added, 'I miss her, but she's a friend of mine, so I see her in real life.' Rinna has been keeping busy since confirming her departure from RHOBH after eight drama-filled seasons on the show. She has been spotted attending several London Fashion Week events, and award shows over the last few weeks. After eight seasons, Rinna, 59, recently left The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills. She's a Teigen fan: 'It would be amazing; yeah, she's cool. Actually, I like Chrissy,' said Erika before adding, 'I don't do casting' - Pictured Feb 2019, in West Hollywood Runway maven: Two weeks ago, Rinna showcased her modeling prowess while gracing the runway for Rotate Birger Christensen in Copenhagen, Denmark Bye bye! Rinna seems to be in her element since confirming her departure from RHOBH after eight drama-filled seasons on the show - Pictured in October It came after a rough season battling her costar Kathy Hilton and grieving her mothers loss. 'This is the longest job I have held in my 35-year career, and I am grateful to everyone at Bravo and all those involved in the series,' the reality star said to PEOPLE. She continued: 'It has been a fun eight-year run, and I am excited for what is to come!' It was also noted that Rinna's departure was a mutual decision between herself and Bravo. Millie Mackintosh cut a stylish figure as she enjoyed a snowy getaway with husband Hugo Taylor to Zermatt, Switzerland this weekend. The former Made In Chelsea star, 33, hit the slopes in a chic houndstooth ski suit before later heading off for a romantic mountain top dinner. Millie commanded attention in the luxe winter-wear which she layered over a dark printed sweater. The enemble hugged every inch of her jaw-dropping figure and sported fur trimmed gloves as well as a pair of white Celine sunglasses. Safety conscious Millie also donned a black helmet as she posed for stunning snaps before showcasing her moves on the hill. Style: Millie Mackintosh, 33, cut a stylish figure as she enjoyed a snowy Swiss getaway with husband Hugo Taylor this weekend Love in a cold climate: The former Made In Chelsea star hit the slopes in a chic houndstooth ski suit before later heading off for a romantic mountain top dinner Snow bunny: Millie commanded attention in the luxe winter-wear which she layered over a dark printed sweater Holidays: Hugo, 36, donned a stylish aviator jacket as he joined his gorgeous wife for a walk as they took in the picturesque views In other snaps the couple, who share daughters Sienna, two, and Aurelia, 15 months, cuddled up as they enjoyed a meal at the much sought after restaurant Zum See where they tucked into fondu. Hugo, 36, donned a stylish aviator jacket and later joined his gorgeous wife for a walk as they took in the picturesque views. They've had a famously turbulent road to romance since first meeting as teenagers and then appearing on the E4 reality show show back in 2010. Millie captioned the snaps: 'What a weekend! I havent skied since I was a child and I had built up so much fear around it,' 'I wanted to do more things that scare me this year so I gave it a go and Im so glad I did, even if it mainly consisted of a very wobbly snow plough on a baby slope! I loved hiking to lunch and taking in the stunning views and mountain air'. 'My favourite things I ate were the Rosti at @restaurantzumsee and meat fondu at @chezgabyrestaurant, a must if you are visiting zermatt! Thank you @saskiavjohnston for a truly special few days'. It comes after the stunner revealed eldest daughter Sienna picked out her Frozen-inspired dress she wore to the EE BAFTAs last week. Millie looked like a princess in the NEDO by Nedret Taciroglu blue sequin lace draped gown with lace patchwork sleeves as she dazzled on the red carpet at London's Royal Festival Hall. Speedy! Safety conscious Millie also donned a black helmet as she posed for stunning snaps before showcasing her moves on the hill Effortless: The enemble hugged every inch of her jaw-dropping figure and sported fur trimmed gloves as well as a pair of white Celine sunglasses Posh: In other snaps the couple, who share daughters Sienna, two, and Aurelia, 15 months, cuddled up as they enjoyed a meal at the much sought after restaurant Zum See where they tucked into fondu White as snow: She later slipped into a cream ski suit which again hugged her svelte figure The fashionista revealed the tot helped choose her Disney-inspired look in an adorable video posted to her Instagram page on Wednesday, which showed Millie trying on dresses at home before the big event. Dressed in her own Elsa fancy dress outfit from the film Frozen, Sienna ran towards her mum with open arms. Millie then said in the sweet video: 'What do you think? Who does mummy look like? Do you think mummy should dress as Elsa for the BAFTAs?' Romantic! The couple appeared in their element as they enjoyed some rare time away from their two daughters Back on the slopes: Millie captioned the snaps: 'What a weekend! I havent skied since I was a child and I had built up so much fear around it' Sienna then replied: 'Yeah!' Captioning the cute video, Millie wrote: 'Sienna loved helping me choose my look for this years BAFTA awards. She she is obsessed with Frozen so how could I not choose to wear the Elsa dress?' Millie looked sensational for the awards in the stunning blue lace gown complete with a racy thigh-high split. Sweet! It comes after the stunner revealed eldest daughter Sienna picked out her Frozen-inspired dress she wore to the EE BAFTAs last week Incredible: She looked like a princess in the NEDO by Nedret Taciroglu blue sequin lace gown as she dazzled at London's Royal Festival Hall The plunging frock boasted sequins and feathered embellishments as well as a matching belted at her svelte waist. The TV personality slipped her feet into towering heels by Christian Louboutin and completed the look with gorgeous diamond earrings by Smiling Rocks. She slicked back her long blonde tresses and opted for a glamorous make-up look with smokey eyes and a nude lip. Jeremy Clarkson has revealed a road sign giving directions to his Diddly Squat Farm Shop has been vandalised. The TV presenter, 62, - whose Oxfordshire farm is the subject of his Amazon Prime show Clarkson's Farm - took to Instagram on Sunday to share a snap of the mischief, with the sign now reading: 'Diddly T**t'. Jeremy, who recently faced much backlash over his controversial column about Meghan Markle, commented of the sign: 'Someones been busy in the night'. The road sign in question showed the route to his Diddly Squat farm shop just off the A361 near Chadlington, however, a cheeky vandal edited the sign so that it read something much ruder instead. And despite Jeremy not being impressed with the updated signage, his co-star Kaleb Cooper found the funny side to the situation. Oh dear: Jeremy Clarkson has revealed a road sign giving directions to his Diddly Squat Farm Shop has been vandalised The farmer, 24, commented on Jeremy's post, writing: 'Haha! Thats so funny.' Meanwhile, a host of Jeremy's followers also shared their amusing thoughts on the sign, with one writing: 'Council likely commissioned it.' Another added: 'Seems like a more appropriate name.' With another referring to Jeremy's recent issue with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, quipping: 'My money's on the Markles.' Jeremy was recently left battling to save his career amid the fallout from his column, with both ITV and Amazon hinting at dropping the former Top Gear star. However, Jeremy has since confirmed there will be a third series of Clarkson's Farm. The show returned for a second series on Amazon Prime Video earlier this month, but the future of the programme had been subject to speculation after Jeremy wrote in a newspaper column that he 'hated' Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex. But after a fan tweeted Jeremy to say they 'loved' the second series and 'can't wait' for a second season 'if there is one', he replied: 'There is one.' Wow: The TV presenter, 62, - whose Oxfordshire farm is the subject of his Amazon Prime show Clarkson's Farm - took to Instagram on Sunday to share a snap of the mischief, with the sign now reading: 'Diddly T**t' Whoops: The road sign in question showed the route to his Diddly Squat farm shop just off the A361 near Chadlington, however, a cheeky vandal edited the sign so that it read something much ruder instead Comment: Jeremy, who recently faced much backlash over his controversial column about Meghan Markle, commented of the sign: 'Someones been busy in the night' Tickled: despite Jeremy not being impressed with the updated signage, his co-star Kaleb Cooper found the funny side to the situation Last month, Jeremy revealed he emailed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to apologise over his controversial column. He sparked outrage in December when he wrote in his page for The Sun newspaper that he was 'dreaming of the day' Meghan would be forced to 'parade naked through the streets' while crowds threw excrement and shouted 'shame' at the duchess, with his own daughter Emily among his critics. Jeremy previously said he was 'horrified to have caused so much hurt' and vowed to be more careful in future', asking The Sun to remove the column - the most complained about ever - from their website. But in January, he issued a more lengthy apology and revealed he contacted the royal couple directly. He wrote on Instagram: 'Usually, I read what I've written to someone else before filing, but I was home alone on that fateful day, and in a hurry. So when I'd finished, I just pressed Send. And then, when the column appeared the next day, the landmine exploded. Making amends: Jeremy issued an apology after his column was published and revealed he contacted the royal couple directly (Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex pictured in October 2019) Reflection: Jeremy admitted he 'felt sick' when he read his column for the first time and thinks he made the situation worse for himself for failing to add context to his remarks 'I therefore wrote to everyone who works with me saying how sorry I was and then, on Christmas morning, I e-mailed Harry and Meghan in California to apologise to them too. 'I said I was baffled by what they had been saying on TV but that the language I'd used in my column was disgraceful and that I was profoundly sorry. 'Over the last 30 years, I have written very nearly 5,000 newspaper and magazine columns, so it was inevitable that, one day, I'd do a Harry Kane and sky one of the damn things. Which is what happened with the piece about Meghan.' Jeremy admitted he 'felt sick' when he read his column for the first time and thinks he made the situation worse for himself for failing to add context to his remarks, which referenced a scene from Game of Thrones. Millie Court looked sensational as she slipped into a racy black metallic swimsuit on Sunday while enjoying a relaxing spa day at the Glass House Retreat in Essex. The Love Island winner, 26, took to Instagram to showcase her amazing figure in the skimpy one-piece as she posed up a storm for a number of jaw-dropping snaps. She pouted to the camera and held up a peace sign as she posed in front of the indoor pool at the lavish spa. The reality star pulled her short blonde tresses back out of her face from a side parting and donned a number of gold bracelets. She wrote: 'Peace & pout if you love a spa day'. Amazing: Millie Court looked sensational as she slipped into a racy black metallic swimsuit on Sunday while enjoying a relaxing spa day at the Glass House Retreat in Essex 'Peace & pout': The Love Island winner, 26, took to Instagram to showcase her amazing figure in the skimpy one-piece as she posed up a storm for a number of jaw-dropping snaps It comes after Millie insisted there's nobody she'd rather spend Valentine's Day with other than best pal Chloe Burrows as she shared some playful snaps of the pair on Instagram earlier this month. The TV personality - who won 2021's Love Island with ex Liam Reardon, who she split from last summer - posed alongside Chloe in some pink satin pyjamas in the pictures. Addressing Chloe, 26 - who finished runner-up in the 2021 series with ex Toby Aromolaran - Millie captioned her post: 'No one else Id rather spend February 14th with!!! Happy Galentines.' In one image, Mille beamed as she sat alongside Chloe who could be seen puckering her lips and blowing her a kiss. Millie wore a satin dressing gown while she was surrounded by pink balloons, with heart decorations hanging on the wall behind her. Chloe wore a slip dress in the same colour as Millie's attire, with the pair striking a number of poses in the photographs. They could be seen throwing feathers in the air in one picture, while they munched on pizza in some others. It emerged Millie and Liam had split in July last year after one year together. The couple decided to go their separate ways after winning the ITV2 dating series in August 2021. Incredible: Millie relaxed on the edge of the pool as she snapped a picture from above of her figure in the eye catching cut out swimming costume Millie and Liam, 23, who had been living together in Essex before moving out of their shared home, called it quits after growing apart, while they both pursued individual work opportunities. A source close to the couple told MailOnline at the time: 'It's been really hard for both Millie and Liam to come to this decision. 'There has been no drama or wrongdoing and they both still fully support each other and will remain close friends. 'They have moved out of the Essex home they shared together and are now looking forward to the future.' Confirming the news on Instagram, Millie wrote: 'Hi everyone, to avoid any speculation Liam and I wanted to share with you that we have separated. 'It's been a tough decision and I am gutted but it's ultimately what is best for us right now. Thank you to every single one of you for supporting our relationship. 'Nothing will ever take away from the amazing experience we shared in Love Island and the past year and I wish Liam all the best in everything he does. Love you, mate: It comes after Millie insisted she'd rather spend Valentine's Day with nobody other than Chloe Burrows as she shared snaps of them in pink pyjamas on Instagram Heartfelt words: Addressing Chloe, 26, Millie captioned her post: 'No one else Id rather spend February 14th with!!! Happy Galentines' Smooch: In one image, Mille beamed as she sat alongside Chloe who could be seen puckering her lips and blowing her a kiss 'We're both ready for new chapters and I'm excited for what's next. Love, Millie.' Echoing Millie's sentiment, Liam posted: 'Hi everyone, to avoid any speculation Millie and I wanted to share with you that we have sadly separated. 'Honestly so gutted. But thank you to every single one of you for supporting our relationship. 'Nothing will ever take away from the amazing experience we shared in Love Island and the past year we've been so lucky to both come into each other's lives. 'We will both continue to be friends and I will remain as Millie's biggest supporter in all that she does and I know she will always do amazing. 'We're both ready for new chapters and I'm excited for what's next. Again, I just want to thank you all for supporting us on what's been an incredible journey.' After winning Love Island together last August, Millie and Liam moved into an Essex home together. The couple scooped the 50K prize fund after viewers voted them favourites despite Liam playing away during the show's Casa Amor twist. Welshman Liam managed to win Millie back after he kissed and grew close to Casa Amor bombshell Lillie Haynes. Millie was left stunned after she was confronted by the revelation during the dramatic Casa Amor recoupling, where Lillie exposed Liam for his wrongdoings. End of the road: It comes after Love Island 2021 winners Millie and her ex Liam Reardon, 23, split last summer (pictured on the show in August 2021) It's over: The couple decided to go their separate ways following a year-long romance, after winning the ITV2 dating series last August It was reported Chloe and her ex Toby Aromolaran had split in October last year 13 months after they came second on the ITV2 show. A source told MailOnline at the time that Chloe and Toby, 23, were still living at their Essex home but were making arrangements to go their separate ways after a difficult few months of trying to make the relationship work. 'Chloe and Toby put everything into their relationship but it just hasn't worked out between them', a source explained. 'There's been no wrongdoing, they have simply grown apart, and over time realised it's better for them both to split. 'Naturally, Chloe has found the breakup difficult but being able to spend time abroad with Millie has given her the space she needed to start moving on.' In the days before the news of their split broke, Chloe tweeted: 'You know I f***ed off for a week to Morocco with Millie yo all I had to say was I want to go and she did everything. Millie Court deserves the f***ing world.' Writing on Instagram, she added: 'Took a break and f***ed off to Morocco and want to award Millie Court the award for being the best f***ing friend I've ever had.' Simu Liu has hinted he may be teaming up with at least one other superhero in an upcoming project in news sure to thrill Marvel fans. The actor, 33, who starred in 2021's Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings shared his excitement in an interview with People ahead of his hosting job at the Academy of Motion Arts & Sciences Sci-Tech Awards on Friday in Los Angeles. 'I'm such a big fan of both the characters and the performers that play them,' the Asian-Canadian star said of the other Marvel universe superheroes. 'So any collaboration is an opportunity for me to work alongside someone who, in their own way, is breaking barriers and at the very top of their game. I think that's what excites me the most as a performer, [and] also as a fan.' Simu broke his own barriers at the Marvel franchise's first Asian superhero. Team up: Simu Liu has hinted he may be teaming up with at least one other superhero in an upcoming project in news sure to thrill Marvel fans. The actor, 33, shared the news Friday, before hosting the Academy of Motion Arts & Sciences Sci-Tech Awards No details: Simu who broke barriers as Marvel's first Asian superhero, didn't give detail about any proposed pairings said, 'Any collaboration is an opportunity for me to work alongside someone... at the very top of their game' 'And who knows,' the Kim's Convenience star quipped when hinting at a future collaboration, 'they might see something sooner than you think. We'll see.' Marvel fans have already been assured of seeing Simu reprise his role at Shang-Chi in the upcoming sequel. The currently untitled project is listed as being in pre-production. Details of the plot are under wraps, but writer and director Destin Daniel Cretton will helm the project. Meng'er Zhang, 35, will appear as his younger sister, Xu Xialing. Until then, the former accountant is broadening his resume, with a wide array of characters including starring as a man whose fiancee, played by Phillipa Soo, must choose between him and the husband she thought long dead in One True Loves. The romantic drama is scheduled to open April 7. In the summer, the We Were Dreamers: An Immigrant Superhero Origin Story author will appear in the highly anticipated Barbie movie, starring Margo Robbie as the title character and Ryan Gosling as her love interest, Ken. Sequel: Marvel fans have already been assured of seeing Simu reprise his role at Shang-Chi in the upcoming sequel. The currently untitled project is listed as being in pre-production New opportunities: The former accountant is broadening his resume, with a wide array of characters, including starring as a man whose fiancee, played by Phillipa Soo, must choose between him and the husband she thought long dead in One True Loves Dance: Simu will show off his dance moves in the highly anticipated Barbie, due in theaters July 21. The actor said he enjoyed 'letting it be about the dance and the color and the vibrancy of that movie' Although his character's name has not been revealed on the Barbie IMDB page, Simi said he was humbled to be offered a part in the film. 'I'm extremely honored to have even been given the opportunity to play in that sandbox with such incredible auteurs every step of the way,' he explained. 'Just getting to do something completely different than the Marvel thing and fighting,' he said was a welcome change of pace, 'and letting it be about the dance and the color and the vibrancy of that movie.' Barbie is scheduled to open in theaters July 21. Billie Shepherd took to Instagram on Friday to share a slew of throwback snaps from her recent trip to Abu Dhabi. The Family Diaries star, 33, looked sensational as she posed up a storm in chic silk co-ord - just three months after welcoming daughter Margot. Billie, who also shares Nelly, eight, Arthur, five with husband Greg, joked that the enemble was her 'only glam moment' from the sun-soaked family getaway. The outfit featured an oversized shirt and trousers, which the stunner appeared to go braless beneath. Sipping on champagne as she appeared to get ready before her evening out, Billie toted her essentials in a duck egg blue Chanel bag - costing a cool 3,900. Gorgeous: Billie Shepherd took to Instagram on Friday to share a slew of throwback snaps from her recent trip to Abu Dhabi Sensational: The Family Diaries star, 33, looked sensational as she posed up a storm in chic co-ord - just three months after welcoming daughter Margot The reality star accentuated her features with a radiant palette of make-up and slicked back her blonde tresses. She captioned the snaps: ' The one glam moment in Abu Dhabi' Before adding: 'Im basically wearing silky pjs but still'. It comes after Billie revealed her 1.4m Essex mansion is 'finally starting to feel complete.' She gave fans an insight into the overhaul as she shared a clip of the exterior to Instagram on Saturday. The couple have been busy renovating the four-bed 1920s property that they purchased in January 2021. In the clip, Billie posed for a photo with Greg and showed off a before and after shot of the Brentwood property. Billie took a short video to display the brand new white front and slick landscaped driveway. Wow: Sipping on champagne as she appeared to get ready before her evening out, Billie toted her essentials in a duck egg Chanel bag - costing a cool 3,900 Glamour-puss: Billie, who also shares Nelly, eight, Arthur, five with husband Greg, joked that the enemble was her 'only glam moment' from the sun-soaked family getaway Beach babes: Billie (right) was joined on the glam holiday by sister Sam (left) and mum Suzy (centre) She penned: 'How it started Vs How its going. Our home is finally starting to feel complete. The team from @vubaresinproducts worked so hard to give us the perfect driveway and we are sooo happy with it! 'It has made the biggest difference!! Its completely seamless and easy to maintain @vubaresinproducts are a manufacturer and supplier of resin bound products and we couldnt be happier with the service provided. The couple had planned to create a five-bed home with a two-storey extension, gym, games room and huge walk-in wardrobe in the style of the Kardashians but they were refused permission amid a row with neighbours. Local residents had said the works were 'excessive' and not in keeping with other properties on the street but updated plans were then approved. Their new home boasts a swimming pool, jacuzzi and fire pit. They bought the Brentwood property in January 2021 and have spent the past 19 months renovating it drastically but it was reported that they were 'at war' with their neighbours over the ongoing renovations. Hard work: It comes after Billie revealed her 1.4m Essex mansion is 'finally starting to feel complete' Before! The couple, have been busy renovating the four-bed 1920s property that they purchased in January 2021 Lavish: In the clip, Billie posed for a photo with Greg and showed off a before and after shot of the Brentwood property Stunning: She took a short video to display the brand new white front and slick landscaped driveway Last year, Billie admitted she's not speaking to the neighbours, after they opposed the couple's plans to demolish the original rundown house and replace it with a five-bed palace. Bridges haven't been built since they won planning permission in August 2020 with Billie saying: 'We've not seen anyone. But it's just not a great start, is it?' She added: 'The house is so old, whoever was going to buy it was going to have to renovate. 'There's only one neighbour to the side of us and he had a lot of reasons as to why he didn't want us to go ahead, but it was getting a bit silly in the end. It's been a very long journey already and it's about to get even more pressurised once the builders start work.' Former Sunrise anchor Samantha Armytage has been announced as the new host of Farmer Wants a Wife. Channel Seven confirmed the reshuffle on Monday, revealing Armytage will be taking over the role made famous by long-time presenter Natalie Gruzlewski - who will remain part of the series as a 'co-host'. Armytage had joined the dating show as a 'guest host' last year, but her minor role has now been expanded while Gruzlewski is 'scaling back' her duties. Gruzlewski will present her own segment called 'Nat's Getaway' during the 2023 season, with Armytage 'front and centre' as the face of the franchise. A Seven executive told TV Tonight the pair, both 46, had effectively 'flipped roles'. Former Sunrise anchor Samantha Armytage has been announced as the new host of Farmer Wants a Wife (pictured in a trailer for this year's season) Brook Hall, Director of Scheduling, said: 'They're both in the show still. [Previously] Nat was front and centre and Sam was advising on dates. 'But if I'm being honest, they've kind of slightly flipped. Nat has "Nat's Getaway" so she'll be co-host, she'll be opening the start. It's more blended, with one front and one appearing. But yes, Samantha Armytage is taking more centre stage.' Daily Mail Australia has contacted Channel Seven for comment. Seven confirmed the reshuffle on Monday, revealing Armytage will be taking over the role made famous by Natalie Gruzlewski (pictured), who will remain part of the series as a 'co-host' The new season of Farmer Wants a Wife is set to premiere on Seven later this year. A new trailer, released on Monday, shows Armytage walking through a paddock as she says 'every farmer will find love this year'. Gruzlewski isn't featured in the promo. Viewers are introduced to five new farmers looking for love: Brad, 32, David, 29, Brenton, 26, Matt, 23, and Andrew, 41. However, things aren't all rosy as one potential 'wife' bursts into tears and says she 'thinks I'm ready to go home'. A new FWAW trailer, released on Monday, shows Armytage walking through a paddock as she says 'every farmer will find love this year'. Gruzlewski isn't featured in the promo One potential 'wife' bursts into tears and says she 'thinks I'm ready to go home' Viewers are introduced to five new farmers looking for love: Brad, 32, David, 29, Brenton, 26, Matt, 23, and Andrew, 41 Armytage says in the teaser: 'It's the most romantic season ever. Every farmer will find love. The greatest Farmer Wants a Wife there has ever been.' She had joined the show last year to assist Gruzlewski with the matchmaking process, but it now seems she was just being groomed for the top job. 'I'm thrilled to be joining Farmer Wants a Wife in 2022,' she said at the time. 'I've always been a huge fan of the show and of country people, and I know first-hand that falling in love with a farmer is just about the most wonderful thing you can do,' she added, referencing her marriage to horse trainer Richard Lavender. Her guest role involved hosting a segment called 'Sam's Choice', in which she introduced the farmers to a 'new lady based on her own expertise and experience'. Before joining the dating franchise, Armytage had stepped down as host of breakfast show Sunrise in March 2021 and moved to the country with her husband. Natalie hosted FWAW for its first eight seasons on Channel Nine before she was replaced by Sam McClymont in 2015. She returned as presenter in 2020 when the franchise moved to Seven. Adam Driver was dressed to the nines in a classic suit while shooting scenes on the rainy set of his upcoming science-fiction drama Megalopolis in Atlanta on Saturday. The Star Wars: The Force Awakens actor, 39, is just one of many talented stars that were cast in the passion project, which is both directed and produced by the iconic filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola. Driver, who was recently spotted with his wife Joanne Tucker as she sported a 'baby bump,' could be seen getting into character to film a night scene. The Oscar-nominated actor is no stranger to the world of science fiction, and he will also appear in the upcoming movie 65 is set to premiere on March 10 in which he tackles the lead role of a pilot who crashes his spaceship onto prehistoric Earth. While awaiting for the thriller's release in theaters, Adam jumped into the shoes of one of Coppola's characters, Caesar, and donned a pair of black slacks along with a matching double-breasted suit as he strolled along a damp sidewalk. In character: Adam Driver, 39, was seen wearing a classic suit as he filmed scenes while on set of his latest science-fiction drama, Megalopolis, in Atlanta on Saturday Underneath, the House Of Gucci actor added a dark navy dress shirt that was securely buttoned up towards the collar. He easily draped a thick black scarf around his neck to offer a layer of warmth in the cooler nighttime temperatures. The Emmy-nominated star slipped on a long-sleeved black overcoat on top which he left unfastened in order to showcase his dapper ensemble. The star opted for a pair of sleek black dress shoes to complete his character's ensemble ahead of shooting a dramatic scene for the film. Adam's short dark locks were brushed downwards, allowing strands to gently fall straight onto his forehead. The White Noise performer was seen at one point grasping red flowers in his hand while shooting a quick scene, and later strolled over towards a parked car on the side of a curb. Driver has been spotted on set of Coppola's science-fiction drama in December and January, and filming is scheduled to conclude in the spring. Along with the Marriage Story actor, Aubrey Plaza, Shia LaBeouf, Laurence Fishburne, Dustin Hoffman and Nathalie Emmanuel are also featured. Dapper: Underneath the suit, the House Of Gucci actor added a dark navy, dress shirt that was securely buttoned up towards the collar In Megalopolis, 'An architect wants to rebuild New York City as a utopia following a devastating disaster,' according to the IMDb synopsis. Production appears to be in full swing after facing a few reported issues on set the past few months. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the project lost its visual effects team late last year in December, and last month it no longer had a supervising art director. A source also informed the publication that being on the star-studded set was 'absolute madness.' Francis, who is self-funding the film for a whopping $120 million, quickly came to the defense of his project. When discussing the departures and cuts from the film, The Godfather director explained to Deadline, 'It was basically about managing cost.' He further gushed, 'I've never worked on a film where I was so happy with the cast. I am so happy with the look and that we are so on schedule. These reports never say who these sources are. To them, I say, 'Ha, ha, just wait and see. Because this is a beautiful film and primarily so because the cast is so great.' The Oscar winner later added, 'So if we're on schedule, and I love the actors, and the look is great, I don't know what anyone's talking about here.' In an interview with GQ, he also revealed that he had sold a portion of his wine business (Francis Ford Coppola Winery) in order to help finance the production. 'I know that Megalopolis, the more personal I make it, and the more like a dream in me that I do it, the harder it will be to finance.' 'And the longer it will earn money because people will be spending the next 50 years trying to think: What's really in Megalopolis? What is he saying? My God, what does that mean when that happens?' Sci-fi drama: The premise of Megalopolis follows, 'An architect wants to rebuild New York City as a utopia following a devastating disaster,' according to an IMDB synopsis; seen in February 2022 in Paris Coming to the defense: Director and producer of the passion project, Francis Ford Coppola, defended his film after a source stated that the set was 'absolute madness,' and told Deadline, 'I've never worked on a film where I was so happy with the cast'; seen in June 2022 'All good!' Adam also defended Megalopolis at the time, and in a statement to Deadline, the talented actor expressed, 'All good here! Not sure what set you're talking about! I don't recognize that one!'; seen in August 2022 in Venice Coppola is known for creating other critically acclaimed movies, such as Apocalypse Now (1979), with his last film being Twixt (2011). Adam also defended Megalopolis, and in a statement to Deadline, the talented actor expressed, 'All good here! Not sure what set you're talking about! I don't recognize that one! I've been on sets that were chaotic, and this one is far from it.' 'The environment that's being created by Francis, is one of focus and inspiration. As of now, we're on schedule, making our days, and honestly, it's been one of the best shooting experiences I've had.' The star further explained that the 'crew' was both 'fast and inventive, our costume department is on point, the actors are incredible and willing, and Francis is one of the most insightful and caring people to work with.' 'I'm very proud to be making this movie with him and them, and though I haven't interviewed everyone, I can confidently say that that's the general attitude on set.' He additionally addressed that the cuts and departures were, 'unfortunate when it happens, but this production is not out of pocket in comparison to other productions, especially to the point that it merits an article about us descending into chaos. That characterization is inaccurate.' Shortly before being spotted filming in Atlanta on Saturday, Driver was seen arriving at his NYC apartment with his wife of nearly 10 years, Joanne Tucker, who is 'pregnant with their second child,' reported Page Six. The two lovebirds have kept their lives private and out of the spotlight, and quietly welcomed their first child in 2016, whose name and photos have been kept private. Driver, who recently starred in two Super Bowl commercials earlier this month, publicly confirmed he was 'a father' while hosting Saturday Night Live in 2020. Private lifestyle: Shortly before being spotted filming in Atlanta on Saturday, Driver was seen arriving at his NYC apartment with his wife of nearly 10 years, Joanne Tucker, who is 'pregnant with their second child,' reported Page Six; the two seen in February 2020 Parenthood: The two lovebirds have kept their lives private and out of the spotlight, and quietly welcomed their first child in 2016, whose name and photos have been kept private; seen in 2019 Still in production: With Megalopolis still in its production stages, a set premiere date has yet to be revealed to anticipated fans; seen in 2021 Back on the big screen: The talented actor can soon be seen on the big screen in 65, which releases in theaters next month on March 10, and also stars Ariana Greenblatt and Chloe Coleman Sci-fi: The upcoming thriller, 65, is also science-fiction, which is the genre of Coppola's star-studded feature, Megalopolis 'I'm a husband. And a father. It's in that order though. I've been very clear with my son about that, he's second in everything,' Adam revealed to the audience during his opening monologue, per People. Adam and Joanne initially met at The Juilliard School in the heart of NYC in the early 2000s, and sparked a long-lasting romance. With Megalopolis still in its production stages, a set premiere date has yet to be revealed to anticipated fans. However, the talented actor can soon be seen on the big screen in 65, which releases in theaters next month on March 10, and also stars Ariana Greenblatt and Chloe Coleman. Advertisement The biggest stars in Hollywood put on their most glamorous gowns for the 29th Screen Actors Guild Awards, which took place at the Fairmont Century Plaza in Los Angeles, California on Sunday. Zendaya , 26, kicked off the red carpet in style, arriving in a strapless pink gown featuring three-dimensional flowers embellished on the skirt. The actress showcased her slim figure in the striking custom Valentino number covered in 190 fabric roses in the same hue. Jessica Chastain dazzled in a hot pink Zuhair Murad gown, complete with sleek hair and crimson lips, perfectly complimenting her flame-hued tresses. Angela Bassett slipped on a bold yellow Giambattista Valli gown with tulle accents while Aubrey Plaza showcased her abs in a cut-out chocolate hued Michael Kors number. Movie stars! The biggest stars in Hollywood put on their most glamorous gowns for the 29th Screen Actors Guild Awards, which took place at the Fairmont Century Plaza in Los Angeles, California on Sunday Dazzling: Zendaya kicked off the red carpet in style, arriving in a strapless pink gown featuring three-dimensional flowers embellished on the skirt. She is wearing custom Valentino with a Bulgari necklace Zendaya's cotton candy colored number was paired with a statement diamond Bulgari necklace that included emerald, ruby and amethyst gemstones. Zendaya styled her short tresses in waves, channeling old Hollywood. The Euphoria star changed out of her Valentino rose accented gown for a sleek black, light blue and pink Giorgio Armani gown for the ceremony. She revealed the second look as she presented a reward on stage with fellow actor Paul Mescal. Jessica, 45, stood out in a hot pink gown had ruching along the torso; the star's dress was designed by Zuhair Murad. The red haired beauty paired the number with sleek hair and red lipstick, highlighting her natural beauty. Angela Bassett, 64, looked incredible in a bright lemon colored gown featuring a voluminous tulle neckline as well as a matching hemline. She is wearing Giambattista Valli Couture. The Black Panther actress paired the bright dress with teardrop earrings, Sarah Flint heels and a small handbag. Aubrey, 38, showcased her toned abs in a chocolate hued Michael Kors gown; it featured a cut-out detail that highlighted her abs. Gorgeous: Zendaya's cotton candy colored number was paired with a statement diamond necklace that included emerald, ruby and Amethyst gemstones by Bulgari In bloom! Zendaya's Valentino gown had 190 fabric roses sewn on A beauty: Zendaya styled her short tresses in waves, channeling old Hollywood What a vision! Zendaya sported a diamond bracelet, necklace and ring for a sparkling touch to her dreamy look Breathtaking beauty! Zendaya looked absolutely stunning in her Bulgari necklace Iconic: Zendaya smoldered in the spring gown as she hit the red carpet on Sunday; it featured 190 roses Pretty: The Euphoria star changed out of her Valentino rose accented gown for a sleek black, light blue and pink Giorgio Armani gown for the ceremony Iconic: She revealed the second look as she presented a reward on stage with fellow actor Paul Mescal Bright: Jessica Chastain stood out in a hot pink gown that had ruching along the torso; the red haired beauty paired the number with sleek hair and red lipstick. She is wearing Zuhair Murad Beauty: Angela Bassett looked incredible in a bright lemon colored gown featuring a voluminous tulle neckline as well as a matching hemline; She is wearing Giambattista Valli Couture Gorgeous! Aubrey showcased her toned abs in a chocolate hued gown; it featured a cut-out detail that highlighted her abs Jamie Lee Curtis arrived in a red gown Romona Keveza; The legendary movie star, 64, showcased her cleavage in the plunging gown as she posed up a storm on the SAG Awards red carpet. Stephanie Hsu, Olivia Williams and Olivia Hamilton all donned red gowns in different shades of the bold tone. Julia Garner chose a futuristic mermaid gown with silver netting along her chest and shoulders by Gucci while Emily Blunt wore a spring-ready see-through floral gown by Oscar de la Renta. Ariana DeBose donned a Prabal Gurung hot pink suit for a statement look. Niecy Nash-Betts and Viola Davis sported neon yellow numbers, with Niecy rocking Vera Wang and Viola in Valentino. Michelle Yeoh wowed in a black and yellow fringed accented gown by Schiaparelli Couture, adding Christian Louboutin shoes and Moussaleff jewels. Claire Foy and Amanda Seyfried both chose custom Prada, with Claire in a plunging satin yellow number and Amanda in a short green frock. Radiant: Jamie Lee Curtis stunned in a plunging red gown as she led the stars at the 29th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards in LA. She is wearing Romona Keveza A look! Stephanie Hsu, Olivia Williams and Olivia Hamilton donned red hued numbers for the awards ceremony Bold: Julia Garner, Emily Blunt and Ariana DeBose all wore different tones of pink and red to the awards show Strike a pose: Sabrina Impacciatore chose a fuchsia hued gown with dramatic caped sleeves. She is wearing Valentino Electric! Niecy Nash-Betts, Viola Davis and Michelle Yeoh all chose brightly hued looks Looking good! Claire Foy opted for a lime green plunging gown while Amanda Seyfried opted for a short green gown with a long train, adding a black handbag and heels Velvet number: Elizabeth Debicki slipped on a forest green sleeveless gown in the unique fabric with sleek tresses; She is wearing Dior Haute Couture Blue love: D'Arcy Carden donned a ceylon blue gown with matching sheer lace gloves while Simona Tabsco donned a teal and black number as she sposed alongside Beatrice Granno in all black Lovely in lavender: Kathryn Newton chose a light purple and black gown by Carolina Herrera Rooney Mara opted for a black and white lace and fringed number; she is wearing Alexander McQueen. Jenna Ortega arrived in a patent black strapless gown that featured an asymmetrical hemline; the Wednesday star showcased her cleavage in the low-cut number. She is wearing vintage Gianni Versace from the fall/winter 1994 collection, adding Tiffany & Co. jewels. The brunette beauty showcased her slim waist in the number, as well as her toned legs, adding platform black heels. Jennifer Coolidge wore a sleek Saint Laurent dress and a headband, with Michelle Williams opting for a chic Dior Haute Couture gown. British beauty Cara Delevingne looked glamorous in a long-sleeved black Caroline Herrera gown featuring a voluminous skirt, adding crimson lipstick and smokey brown eye shadow. Christina Applegate, 51, arrived with her daughter Sadie, 12; Christina, who went public with her Multiple Sclerosis in August 2021, had a cane that had the phrase 'FU MS' on it. Standout: Rooney Mara opted for a black and white lace and fringed number; she is wearing Alexander McQueen Edgy: Wednesday star Jenna Ortega looked incredible in a patent black gown with an asymmetrical hemline. She is wearing vintage Gianni Versace from the fall/winter 1994 collection All in the details: Jenna added a delicate diamond necklace with her brunette locks loose around her Lovely: Jennifer Coolidge chose a sleek black frock with voluminous tresses; Michelle Williams looked like the picture of grace in a black gown featuring a velvet bow detail at her neckline while Amy Poehler stunned in a strapless gown Breathtaking! Cara Delevingne oozed glamour in her black gown and crimson lipstick. She is wearing Carolina Herrera What a dress! Julia Butters chose a dramatic Carolina Herrera gown with a voluminous pleated skirt Courage: Christina Applegate arrived with her daughter Sadie, 12 Close up: Christina, who went public with her Multiple Sclerosis in August 2021, had a cane that had the phrase 'FU MS' on it Sultry: Cate Blanchett, Lisa Ann Walker and Sally Field rocked lacy black numbers Striking: Jenny Slate, Ana de Armas, Haley Lu Richardson and Kerry Condon chose gowns with statement making accents Glamorous: Jessie Buckley donned a shiny gold number; Britt Lower chose a gold and taupe hued frock while Sheryl Lee Ralph wowed in a shimmering gold gown with caped mesh sleeves Chic: Quinta Brunson and Ashley Park chose striking gown with statement detailing Mermaid vibes: Danielle Deadwyler dazzled in a white and orange gown featured a layered skirt; she is wearing Louis Vuitton with Bulgari jewelry Chic: Jessica Frances Dukes wore a cut-out cream colored gown with a feathered accent along her neck; Meghann Fahey chose a white cut-out one shouldered number Mint: Patricia Arquette wore a pale green frock with a sheer accent along her decolletage Everything Everywhere All At Once nearly swept the film categories at the 29th Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday night as Michele Yeoh, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Ke Huy Quan were all recognized with Brendan Fraser enjoying his comeback moment with a tearful speech as he earned top honor. The American absurdist comedy-drama film also earned the top award of the night Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture at the very end of the night. The film beat out star-studded casts including: Babylon, The Banshees Of Inisherin, The Fabelmans, and Women Talking. Yeoh, Curtis, and Quan all gave brief speeches before allowing 'patriarch and friend' James Hong to take the mic for most of the final acceptance speech. The 94-year-old acting legend said: 'I got my first SAG card 70 years ago. My first movie was with Clark Gable but back in those days I have to tell you the leading role was played by guys with their eyes taped up and they talked like this because the producer said Asians are not good enough and they are not box office, but look at us now, huh? 'We're not all Chinese but Jamie Lee is a good Chinese name... I feel very akin to her and I've never had such a good time as I did with these jerks on the movie.' The film is centered around a middle-aged Chinese immigrant named Evelyn Wang (played by Yeoh) who is swept up into an insane adventure in which she alone can save existence by exploring other universes and connecting with the lives she could have led. Yeoh, 60, became the first ever Asian actress to earn Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role as she triumphed over: Cate Blanchett -Tar, Viola Davis - The Woman King, Ana de Armas - Blonde, and Danielle Deadwyler - Till. Earlier in the night Jamie Lee Curtis planted a big smooch on Yeoh shortly after her name was announced as the winner of Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role. Curtis won over an impressive field including: Angela Bassett - Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Hong Chau - The Whale, Kerry Condon - The Banshees of Inisherin, and Stephanie Hsu - Everything Everywhere All At Once. Good looking couple: Emily Blune seen with her husband John Krasinski, who looked dapper in a pinstripe suit Glowing: Fran Drescher, who is the President of SAG=AFTRA, seen with her ex-husband Peter Marc Jacobson; they were childhood sweethearts but split in 1999; he came out as gay after their split and they have remained close friends Pals! Andrew Garfield and Eddie Redmayne shared a laugh on the red carpet together Happy! Adam Sandler posed alongside his wife Jackie, who rocked a crimson gown and matching clutch Meanwhile castmate Ke Huy Quan earned Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role for the same American absurdist comedy-drama film. All smiles! Amanda poses with legendary actress Sally Field Happy: Viola Davis posed with her husband Julius Tennon on the red carpet; they coordinated in their looks Friends! Pals Amy and Aubrey grinned ear to ear on the red carpet Strike a pose! (L-R) Liv McNeil, August Winter, Kate Hallett, Michelle McLeod, Sheila McCarthy, Sarah Polley, Rooney Mara, Claire Foy and Jessie Buckley pictured The 51-year-old actor got emotional as he revealed that he was the first Asian male actor to ever win the award. Though Everything Everywhere All At Once earned four of the main five film awards, Brendan Fraser continued his comeback tour in emotional fashion as he earned top honor Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role for The Whale. The 54-year-old acting veteran got tearful during his acceptance speech as he said: 'I treasure this, but never more than when I treasured what I used to keep in my wallet, which was my SAG card that I earned in 1991. It made me feel like I belonged. 'As actors, we all want to belong to a tribe and thats when I found where I belong. And if you told that guy back then that Id be standing right here right now, I would not have believed you.' Fraser triumphed over Austin Butler - Elvis, Colin Farrell - The Banshees Of Inisherin, Bill Nighy - Living, and Adam Sandler - Hustle. In The Whale, Brendan portrays Charlie a reclusive, morbidly obese English teacher attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage daughter. Dapper: Elvis star Austin Butler wore a burgundy suit by Gucci, adding an Omega watch Handsome: Andrew Garfield, Evan Peters and John Krasinski looked dapper in their suits Suited up! Eddie Redmayne opted for a dramatic look while Jeremy Allen White and Paul Walter Hauser donned blazers Unique: Paul Mescal rocked an interesting hairstyle on the carpet Arrivals! Theo James, Bill Nighy, Caleb McLaughlin and James Marsden showed off their personal style on the carpet Beaming: Brendan Fraser chose an all black look while Diego Luna donned a suit and bow tie Focused: Irish actor Barry Keoghan donned a white suit with black shoes and a white tie Awards time! Adam DiMarco, Leo Woodall and F. Murray Abraham all suited up but Leo opted to forgo a bowtie like Adam and F. Murray The White Lotus was the biggest winner on the television side as the HBO series earned Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series in addition to a Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series win for Jennifer Coolidge. The 61-year-old acting veteran got emotional while recalling a childhood anecdote during her acceptance speech at the 2023 Screen Actors Guild awards. The White Lotus star, 61, won for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series for her portrayal of Tanya on season 2 of the hit HBO series. As she accepted the honor the actress first thanked the show's creator, Mike White, before getting emotional while talking about her 'amazing parents' and how they inspired her to act. Coolidge won over Elizabeth Debicki - The Crown, Julia Garner - Ozark, Laura Linney - Ozark, and Zendaya - Euphoria. The HBO series won the ensemble award over Better Call Saul, The Crown, Ozark, and Severance. The event honored acting legend Sally Field with the SAG Life Achievement Award for her work spanning over five decades earning over 70 acting credits. The 76-year-old actress who exclaimed, 'You like me! Right now! You like me!' when she won her second Oscar for Best Actress in 1984's Places in the Heart, is no stranger to Hollywood honors. Field has won Best Actress twice as she also scored for 1984's Places In The Heart. The talented actress has also won the SAG Award in the Outstanding Actress in a Drama series category for Brothers & Sisters. She has been nominated a total of 8 times. Field has also received three Emmy Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, a Cannes Film Festival Award, and nominations for a Tony Award and two British Academy Film Awards. You Like Me: During her acceptance speech for Best Actress at the 1985 Oscars ceremonies, Sally endeared the audience when she told them, 'You like me! Right now! You like me!' (Pictured in Los Angeles in March 1985) Good looking table! Zendaya sat next to Austin Butler during the ceremony Suprise! Amanda looked shocked as she chatted with a fellow guest Staying close: Brendan Fraser with his girlfriend Jeanne Moore during the awards ceremony Catching up! Jamie and Michelle co-starred in Everything Everywhere All at Once Co-stars and friends! Andrew Garfield posed with Sally Field for a snap; the duo worked together on The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Winner! Jessica posed with her award during the show; she won Best Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series for George & Tammy North West hilariously impersonated her mother Kim Kardashian in her latest TikTok video on Saturday. The nine-year-old daughter of the SKIMS mogul and Kanye West, who has 11.9 million followers on the social media app, was making pasta dough with her friend in the clip. While using a voice changing effect, she was heard saying: 'It's raining crumbs!' as she sprinkled them over her head. Pretending to be Kim, she went: 'My mum would hate to have this in bed, she'd be like, "Oh my gosh you put these crumby crumby crumbs in my bed, you can't sleep in my bed!"' She added: 'Then I'd be like oh I don't want to sleep in your bed, she doesn't like crumbs in her bed'. Funny: North West hilariously impersonated her mother Kim Kardashian in her latest TikTok video on Saturday Comical: The nine-year-old daughter of the SKIMS mogul and Kanye West, who has 11.9 million followers on the social media app, was making pasta dough with her friend in the clip North and Kim share a TikTok account, where North mostly posts videos by herself or with her siblings, but she also often includes her mother. In the past, she's made videos impersonating her father, Kanye , who is not a fan of her being on the site, and ones where she's shown off her VFX makeup skills. For one of the most recent videos on their account, North helped her younger siblings, Chicago, five, and Psalm, three, make chocolate milkshakes. While guiding them, North holds the cups of her sister Chicago and brother Psalm, as they pour almond milk and add the ingredients. The three out of four Kardashian/West children customized their shakes and participated in sibling bonding time. At the beginning of the video, Chicago and Psalm exclaimed in unison, 'We're making chocolate milkshakes!' At the end of the clip, Chicago and Psalm once again joined together and said, 'Bye! See you later!' before North picked up the camera to record her siblings enjoying their milkshakes. Kim and Kanye, have a fourth child, seven-year-old Saint, who didn't appear in the video. Kim and Kanye finalised their divorce in November 2022. Family: Kim and North regularly star on TikTok together - The mother-daughter duo recently participated in a trend from the app where a sound plays, and one person tricks the other into looking like they're making a horse sound Big sister duties: Meanwhile North proved to be the best big sister as she helped her younger siblings Chicago, five, and Psalm, three, make chocolate milkshakes recently Moving on: Last month, Kim and Kanye finally settled their divorce after an ugly public battle that raged on for almost two years since they split Kim admitted in a candid interview last year that it's been 'really hard' co-parenting with the rapper and that she does her best to shield their kids from the drama. Kanye has introduced eldest daughter North to his new wife Bianca, but it's unknown if the rest of the children have met the designer. They were spotted dining with the nine-year-old back in January, less than two weeks after the wedding news broke. The couple tied the knot during a 'private ceremony' in January and have been pictured wearing matching wedding bands. Lewis Capaldi candidly discussed his Tourette's on stage in Belfast after experiencing symptoms mid show. The Scottish musician, 26, revealed he had the neurological condition - which is characterised by a combination of involuntary noises and movements called tics - last year. In the now-viral clip, Lewis stopped his set to reassure the audience he's ok and they might see him 'twitch'. He told the crowd: 'You might see me twitching a little bit up here but nothing to worry about, I have Tourette's,' as the crowd cheered for him. 'Thank you for cheering my disability, so I have tourette's everything is fine, it's all good. I just twitch a little bit, kind of looks like I'm dancing but trust me my dancing is much much more sexual. Opening up: Lewis Capaldi candidly discussed his Tourette's on stage in Belfast after experiencing symptoms mid show Making a joke in typical Capaldi style, he said: 'Just to put everyone's mind at ease, I'm good baby, I'm up here, I'm good and it's not all bad, I also get a parking pass.' It comes after fans helped the star by singing his hit Someone You Loved for him in Frankfurt this week when he experienced Tourette's symptoms mid show. In the now-viral clip, Lewis can be seen turning away from the microphone as he struggled with his head and shoulder twitching uncontrollably. However the audience were quick to show their support for the star and continued singing the song en masse. Lewis then appeared to regain his composure as he continued with the performance. Sharing the clip to TikTok, one fan wrote: 'We support you!' and captioned the video: 'Fans finishing off the song for Lewis as he struggles with his Tourette's.' Tourette's syndrome is a neurological condition characterised by a combination of involuntary noises and movements called tics. The disorder usually starts during childhood and continues into adulthood. Tics can be either vocal, such as swearing, or physical, such as head shaking. The cause of Tourette's syndrome is unknown. However, it's thought to be linked to problems with a part of the brain known as the basal ganglia, which helps regulate body movements. Heart warming: In the now-viral clip, Lewis stopped his set to reassure the audience he's ok and they might see him 'twitch' Support: Lewis shared a heartwarming video of a crowd at his concert after he experienced Tourette's symptoms mid show This disorder impacts an estimated 78million people worldwide and there is currently no cure, only treatments that control symptoms. Recently the Brit Award winner tested a new watch-like device to relieve tics , finding the gadget suppressed movements in his head and shoulders. The Neupulse device, developed at the University of Nottingham, delivers mild electrical stimulation currents to nerves in the wrist and influences the brain networks involved in generating tics. The device seems to be a game-changer for the musician - he instantly felt calm once the device was activated. It comes after the Hold Me While You Wait hitmaker said that learning he had Tourette's was 'quite a relief', and he is now embracing his new role as 'poster boy' for the condition. Appearing on the The Jonathan Ross Show last year, he said: ' I do have Tourette's. I didn't mean for it to be a big thing. I twitch a lot. 'My left shoulder goes up and I do this with my head. Now I am the poster boy for Tourette's. I'll take it, I'll gladly accept that. 'It was seven or eight months ago [that I was diagnosed]. I thought I had a degenerative disease. So to be told it was in fact that I have Tourette's, as you can imagine, was quite a relief. It's fine. Everything works.' Help: Recently the Brit Award winner tested a new watch-like device to relieve tics , finding the gadget suppressed movements in his head and shoulders 'I thought I was quite alone in being twitchy. It's been a relief and, if anything, nice to know I have a community. I'm quite an anxious person, I really start to overthink things if something's wrong - this was a weight off my mind.' Capaldi admitted his condition can 'really affect my performance', but his tics come in 'ebbs and flows' - and he tends to notice the effects of Tourette's less if he takes care of himself with regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle. He told host Jonathan Ross, 62, on the ITV chat show: 'It definitely gets worse sometimes on stage. Sometimes it can really affect my performance. 'It ebbs and flows. If I look after myself, exercise, go to the gym - which is the same thing by the way - if I don't drink too much or take a walk in the park and breathe in a nice summer air. I f***ing hate commitment. I'm a loose guy.' The Andhra Pradesh Government is highlighting the advantages of the state as a top destination for investment, in the run-up to the Global Investors Summit-2023 in Visakhapatnam VIJAYAWADA: The Andhra Pradesh Government is highlighting the advantages of the state as a top destination for investment, in the run-up to the Global Investors Summit-2023 in Visakhapatnam towards end-March. Under this initiative, it has started the advantageap portal and gives focus on APs thriving aquaculture industry to show that it is leading India in the marine exports sector. Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy has highlighted the fact that three out of the 11 industrial corridors being developed by the Centre were linked to AP the Hyderabad to Bangalore, the Visakhapatnam to Chennai and the Chennai to Bangalore. Jagan himself participated in the GIS curtain raiser meet in Delhi, while finance minister Buggana Rajendranath Reddy, industries minister Gudivada Amarnath and top officials participated in the GIS Industry Meets in Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai and Hyderabad, to showcase APs potentials as an investment destination. Officials said that during the Delhi meet, Jagan invited global investors to come to AP, which is ranked "number one" in the country in the Ease of Doing Business. All departments are energetically campaigning about the business opportunities and services available in the state. They said the aquaculture industry in India is a rapidly-growing sector that involves the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, shrimp, and mollusks for food, pharmaceuticals and other products. Another aspect being highlighted is that APs favourable climatic conditions, ample water resources and its long coastline of 974km make it an ideal location for aquaculture. The sector includes the breeding of various aquatic species such as fish, shrimp and crab, making it one of India's foremost seafood producers. AP also plays a vital role in the country's seafood exports, ranking first in the production of eggs, fish and shrimp and securing the top spot for marine exports in the fiscal year 2021-22. It is also pointed out that AP has taken up aquaculture on 2.12 lakh hectares, with approximately 1.38 lakh farmers participating in it. The 111 cold storages hold 2.27 metric tonnes of aqua products. The government provides subsidized power to aqua farmers engaged in the production in less than 10 acres falling under aqua zones, with about 26,000 power connections receiving this benefit. AP has also set up an Aquatic Quarantine Facility to ensure the quality of exported aquaculture products. With the development of six in-land waterways and nine fishing harbours, the state intends to offer sea connectivity every 50km to harness the full potential of the countrys second-largest coastline. The state vastly campaigned about its IT policy, stating that AP was the first state in southern India to implement robust energy conservation programmes, providing round-the-clock quality power to industries, and having the lowest HT Industrial tariffs. "The state is a well-known knowledge hub hosting premier institutes such as IIT, IISER, IIIT and IIM, as also 18 state-sponsored universities and 346 engineering/MCA colleges with plans to create three IT Concept cities in Visakhapatnam, Tirupati and Anantapur. As for the Electronics, AP has emerged as a rapidly expanding hub for global manufacturing, with special emphasis on the electronics system design and manufacturing (ESDM) industry. The state boasts of multiple large original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and original design manufacturers (ODMs) in the semiconductor sector. It has four electronics manufacturing clusters (EMCs), including two in Tirupati (EMC 1 and EMC 2), one in Sricity, and another in Kopparthy, which is currently under construction. Further, AP is vastly campaigning about food processing and other sectors to attract investments in the GIS-2023, officials said. People from the Kashmiri Pandit community block Srinagar-Budgam road to protest against the killing of the school teacher Rajni Bala, near Srinagar Airport, Tuesday, May 31, 2022. (PTI) SRINAGAR: As targeted killings continue in the Kashmir Valley despite the authorities assertion of an improved security environment, a bank manager from Rajasthan Vijay Kumar was shot and critically wounded by suspected militants in southern Kulgam district early Thursday. He died on the way to hospital, the police and hospital sources said. On Wednesday night, the gunmen had injured a local resident Farooq Ahmed Sheikh in a similar attack in neighbouring Shopian district. On May 31, a female Hindu schoolteacher Rajini Bala was murdered outside the school she worked at in Kulgams Gopalpora area. In May, seven persons including three policemen and four civilians fell victims to unabated target killings in the Valley. Giving the details of the latest attacks, the police and local sources said that Kumar who worked as the head of the local branch of the Ellaquai Dehati Bank, a rural bank sponsored by the State Bank of India, was targeted by gunmen at Arreh Mohanpora in Kulgam. The grievously injured Kumar was evacuated to the hospital where he was declared dead on arrival. The J&K police along with the columns of the Army and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has launched a search operation in the area to capture the assailants dead or alive. A police spokesman said, "A massive manhunt has been launched for the terrorists who killed the bank manager in cold blood." Earlier during the day on Thursday, three Army soldiers were injured, one of them critically, in a blast inside a public transport SUV being used by them for an counterinsurgency operation in Shopian. Defence spokesman Emroz Musavi said that the blast in the vehicle took place at around 3 am in Shopians Sedow area, leaving three soldiers of the 15 Garhwal regiment injured. The injured identified as Ajab Singh, Parveen Singh and Pawan Rawat are being treated by Srinagars 92-Base Army Hospital. The spokesman said that, based on specific intelligence, the local Army unit launched a cordon-and-search-operation at about 3 am in the general area Patitohalan. "While moving to the target area, approximately a kilometre from Sedow, an explosion took place in the civil hired vehicle, being used by the team, resulting in injuries to three Indian Army soldiers. The blast is very likely to be from either an IED or a grenade or a battery malfunctioning in the vehicle," the spokesman said, adding that the details of the incident are being ascertained. He confirmed that while one injured soldier is critical, the condition of the two others is stable. The spokesman further said, "The affected area has been cordoned and all likely escape routes have been sealed. Search to nab the terrorists is in progress". Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia (PTI Photo/Manvender Vashist Lav) New Delhi: The CBI has called Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Sunday for questioning in connection with the Delhi Excise Policy case nearly three months after filing the charge sheet in the case, officials said. Sisodia has not been named as accused in the charge sheet as the investigation against him and other suspects is still going on, they said. The Deputy Chief Minister in the Aam Aadmi Party government, who also held the charge of the Excise department, was earlier questioned on October 17 last year and his home and bank lockers were also searched in connection with the case. "The further investigation in the case regarding the money trail and the larger conspiracy in the formulation and implementation of Delhi Excise Policy 2021-22 is still in progress," an official said. In a tweet, Sisodia said nothing was found against him during searches, and he would continue cooperating in the investigation. "CBI has called again tomorrow. They have used the full power of CBI, ED against me, raided my house, searched bank locker, but nothing was found against me," Sisodia said. Apparently referring to the centre, he said that the CBI has been made to go after him because "they" want to stop him from doing "good work" on the education of the children in Delhi. "They want to stop me. I have always cooperated with the investigation and will continue to do so," he said. The CBI is now focussed on the alleged influence of a "South Lobby" of businessmen and politicians in formulating and implementing Delhi liquor policy to swing it in their favour using middlemen, liquor traders, and public servants, CBI said. Arrested businessmen Vijay Nair and Abhishek Boinpally were among the seven accused in the charge sheet filed on November 25 last year. It is alleged the Delhi government's policy to grant licences to liquor traders favoured certain dealers who had allegedly paid bribes for it, a charge strongly refuted by the AAP. "It was further alleged that irregularities were committed including modifications in Excise Policy, extending undue favours to the licensees, waiver/reduction in licence fee, extension of L-1 license without approval etc. "It was also alleged that illegal gains on the count of these acts were diverted to concerned public servants by private parties by making false entries in their books of accounts," a CBI spokesperson had said. Recently, the CBI arrested Butchibabu Gorantla, a former Chartered Accountant of K Kavitha, a BRS MLC in Telangana and a daughter of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao. It is alleged that Babu had met several accused named in the FIR in Delhi, Hyderabad, and Mumbai and was one of the prime negotiators from the South Lobby, which wanted to swing the now scrapped excise policy for 2021-22 in its favour. The CBI had also questioned Kavitha in connection with the case in December last year. During its probe, the CBI had found evidence that Babu acted on behalf of the South Lobby comprising the Telangana MLC, YSRCP MP Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy, and Aurobindo Pharma's P Sarat Chandra Reddy. India's Permanent Representative to the UN Ms. Ruchira Kamboj. (Photo: PTI) New Delhi/New York: Ahead of the G20 foreign ministers' meeting scheduled to be held in New Delhi on March 1 and 2, India early on Friday abstained from voting in the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on a resolution that reaffirmed commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, reiterated the demand that Russia immediately withdraw all its military forces from Ukraine, called for a cessation of hostilities and emphasised the need to reach a "comprehensive, just and lasting peace" in Ukraine in line with the principles of the UN Charter. Friday also saw the global observance of the first anniversary of the start of the Russian military offensive in Ukraine, with the Ukraine conflict dragging on in the past one year with no solution in sight. India meanwhile also slammed Pakistan after it referred to Jammu and Kashmir during the special session on Ukraine in the UNGA. The 193-member General Assembly adopted the draft resolution, put forward by Ukraine and its supporters, titled 'Principles of the Charter of the United Nations underlying a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine' in which 141 nations voted in favour, 32 nations including India abstained and seven voted against. New Delhi questioned whether the UN Security Council (UNSC), based "on a 1945-world construct" has not been rendered ineffective in resolving the conflict, adding that given the resolution's "inherent limitations in reaching our desired goal of securing a lasting peace, we are constrained to abstain". It may be recalled that India has abstained during the voting on all the resolutions so far in the past one year at the UNSC and UNGA that have been directly critical of Russia. New Delhi has also so far not condemned the Russian military offensive in Ukraine but has supported the need to respect territorial integrity of nations. In the Explanation of Vote after the resolution was adopted, India's Permanent Representative to the UN Ms. Ruchira Kamboj was quoted by news agencies as saying that as the General Assembly marks a year of the Ukrainian conflict, "it is important that we ask ourselves a few pertinent questions. Are we anywhere near a possible solution acceptable to both sides? Can any process that does not involve either of the two sides, ever lead to a credible and meaningful solution? Has the UN system, and particularly its principal organ, the UN Security Council, based on a 1945-world construct, not been rendered ineffective to address contemporary challenges to global peace and security?" Reiterating that India remains steadfastly committed to multilateralism and upholds the principles of the UN Charter, she added, "We will always call for dialogue and diplomacy as the only viable way out. While we take note of the stated objectives of today's resolution, given its inherent limitations in reaching our desired goal of securing a lasting peace, we are constrained to abstain." "Instead an urgent return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy is the way forward India's approach to the Ukraine conflict will continue to be people-centric. We are providing both humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and economic support to some of our neighbours in the Global South under economic distress, even as they stare at the escalating costs of food, fuel, and fertilisers, which has been a consequential fallout of the ongoing conflict," Ms. Kamboj said. Meanwhile, India slammed Pakistan after it referred to J&K during the special session on Ukraine UNGA, terming the provocation as "regrettable and misplaced" and calling out Islamabad's track record of harbouring and providing safe havens to terrorists with impunity. "I'm taking the floor today to say that India chooses this time not to respond to Pakistan's mischievious provocations. Our advice to the delegate of Pakistan is to refer to our numerous Rights of Reply that we have exercised in the past," Counsellor in India's Permanent Mission to the UN Mr. Pratik Mathur was quoted as saying. "Pakistan has only to look at itself and its own track record as a state that harbours and provides safe havens to terrorists and does so with impunity. Such uncalled for provocation is particularly regrettable and certainly misplaced at a time when after two days of intense discussions, we have all agreed that the path of peace can be the only path forward to resolve conflict and discord," Mr. Mathur added. Leader of Opposition Nara Chandrababu Naidu had vowed not to attend the assembly sessions till he won the next elections and would keep off the house during this session too. (File photo: By Arrangement) Vijayawada: The Budget sessions of the Andhra Pradesh legislature are likely to be held for 10 to 12 days from March 14 as per a revised plan. The government was aiming to hold the sessions from Feb 27 but the Global Investment Summit-2023 in Visakhapatnam and some other programmes prompted the government to postpone the session. An official notification would be issued soon. Telugu Desam, the main opposition, is gearing up to raise important issues like the rise in prices, the worsening law and order situation and the recent attacks on party leaders and cadres. Leader of Opposition Nara Chandrababu Naidu had vowed not to attend the assembly sessions till he won the next elections and would keep off the house during this session too. According to official sources, Governor Justice S Abdul Nazeer would address members of the Assembly and Council on March 14. The next day, Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy would initiate a debate on the motion of thanks to the governors address. In view of the G-20 summit in Visakhapatnam on March 28 and 29, the budget sessions are likely to conclude on March 25 or 27. On the occasion of Ugadi on March 22, a holiday will be given for a day or two. Speculations were rife about the chief minister shifting the Executive Capital to Visakhapatnam from Telugu New Year day, Ugadi. He had, during a preparatory meeting for the Global Investors Summit, announced his plans to shift his base to Vizag and start working from there. The CM would likely make an announcement on this during the budget session. However, this would be subject to the developments related to the three capitals case in the Supreme Court. Notably, the tenures of the seven MLCs elected under the MLAs quota would end on March 29. The EC would likely issue the election schedule for those seats in the first week of March. If the announcement is made, these elections would take place during the assembly sessions. Based on the strength of MLAs of various parties in the assembly, all the seven seats may go in favour of the ruling YSRC. This would be the last budget session before the 2024 elections. Hence, the government would give priority to various sectors to attract the masses. Top priority would be given to Agriculture, Education and Medical sectors as also Women-related matters. Meanwhile, all eyes are on how the budget proposals would help or affect them, in terms of welfare steps and fresh taxes. As elections are expected in around a year's time, the Jagan government is likely to focus more on the welfare front. The allocations for the Jagananna colonies as also for education and medicine might increase. As this is a pre-election year, finalizing the budget has become a challenge for the finance department. The TS Haj Committee with the help of officials of the Regional Passport Office officials is ensuring that the aspirants have a smooth processing of documents as the last date for applications approaches. (Photo: AFP) Hyderabad: With the easing of post-Covid restrictions and Indias quota nearly tripling to more than 1.75 lakh people for Haj this year, between 5,500 and 6,000 pilgrims from Telangana are expected go on the pilgrimage. The TS Haj Committee with the help of officials of the Regional Passport Office officials is ensuring that the aspirants have a smooth processing of documents as the last date for applications approaches. According to a TS Haj Committee official, the quota for India was fixed at 60,000 due to Covid restrictions last year. From Telangana, 3,801 pilgrims travelled from the Shamshabad airport including 910 from AP. For the first time, all pilgrims travelled by aircraft as against the previous years when some pilgrims went by ship. "This will be the first time the Haj Committee and RGIA will be catering to only Telangana pilgrims, as all other states including AP have decided to take flights from their nearest airports," the official said. The travel expenses through Haj Committee are also expected to come down, from Rs 4,11,500 per head to around Rs 3.6 lakh this year. One of the reasons cited is that the Indian authorities would not be providing riyals for miscellaneous expenses. "The Hajis were provided 2,100 riyals in India and now they have to make arrangements by exchanging the currency beforehand and that too not more than 1,500 riyals, given RBI guidelines," the official said. The age restriction of 70 years has been removed, though the curbs are still in place for pilgrims younger than 12 years. Also, this year, the Haj Committees have 80 per cent of the quota, against 60 per cent earlier. Private tour operators will be left with 20 per cent of the seats. With less than a fortnight approaching for the Haj applications deadline of March 10, the TS Haj Committee has put up a request with the Regional Passport Office to speed up and quickly process any applications for renewals. Mohammed Saleem, chairman, TS Haj Committee, and B. Shafiullah, CEO, recently represented the issue with Regional Passport Officer Dasari Balaiah, who has taken up a special drive for the purpose. Through slot bookings the officials are clearing the pending documents. The Haj Committee took up the matter after it found that more than 600 passports needed renewal. Md Saleem said that the RPO had started a special drive for slot bookings for submission of applications under tatkal as well as normal categories. "Pilgrims intending to perform the Umrah or Haj 2023 may make us of this opportunity and avoid last minute disappointment," he said. Nizamabad assistant commissioner of police M. Kiran Kumar said that Harsha had committed suicide due health issues. Two days ago, he took an MRI for the spinal cord problem. He was in unbearable pain, (Representational Image) Hyderabad: A MBBS student died by suicide at the Nizamabad Government Medical College hostel on Saturday. The suicide of Dasari Harsha, 22, a fourth year student, came just days after another medico, PG student Dr D. Preethi, had attempted suicide following alleged harassment and is undergoing treatment at a hospital here. Harsha was a native of Chintaguda village in Jannaram mandal of Mancherial district. He was said to be suffering from severe pain due to a back problem. His father Dasari Srinivas is in the Gulf in search of livelihood and his mother D. Radha stays in their native village. Upon receiving the news, the family members rushed to Nizamabad. Speaking to reporters, Radha said that Harsha was suffering from spinal cord problems for the last few years. "Yesterday (Friday) night he spoke to me about it, but we never suspected that he would resort extreme step," she said. "We expected that Harsha would write his exams soon." Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, Nizamabad assistant commissioner of police M. Kiran Kumar said that Harsha had committed suicide due health issues. "Two days ago, he took an MRI for the spinal cord problem. He was in unbearable pain," the ACP said. The deceased had explained his health issue to his family members and classmates, he said. Sources said that the hostel staff first noticed the body of the medico and informed the police. Nizamabad I Town police went to the spot, broke open the hostel room doors and shifted the body for postmortem. Radha lodged a complaint with the I Town police and mentioned his health issue. Nizamabad I town police registered a case and are investigating. Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao, who has promised ab ki baar kisan sarkar, appointed farmer leader Manik Kadam as president of the kisan cell in Maharashtra. (Photo: Facebook) Hyderabad: The BRS on Sunday launched activities in Maharashtra by setting up the party's kisan cell. Party president and Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao, who has promised "ab ki baar kisan sarkar," appointed farmer leader Manik Kadam as president of the kisan cell in Maharashtra. The CM had held a public meeting in Nanded in Maharashtra on February 5, the party's first public event outside Telangana after the TRS rebranded itself as BRS in December last year. Local leaders from various parties in Maharashtra had joined BRS in the presence of Rao. Soon after opening the BRS national office in Delhi on December 14, Chandrashekar Rao appointed had Gurnam Singh Charudi, a leader of the National Farmers Union from Kurukshetra in Haryana, as the national president of BRS kisan cell. The CM had announced that he would set up BRS kisan cells in all states. However, it got delayed due to various reasons. Some of the students who were injured after a scuffle broke out between SFI and ABVP activists at the University of Hyderabad (Photo by arrangement) HYDERABAD: At least eight students were taken to hospital on Friday night after a scuffle broke out between ABVP and SFI activists at the University of Hyderabad after the student union elections. The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) alleged that Students Federation of India members had assaulted a tribal student, Rajender Kola, after accusing him of tearing up its election posters. The SFI alleged that Rajender had come drunk to the F hostel block and was caught red-handed damaging their posters. The ABVP claimed he had stopped by to fill water when he was attacked, said Karni, student member of ABVP, who said he was present there. He added that SFI activists pushed the ABVP workers on to a glass door which broke and left the students injured. "Rajender does not understand English or Hindi well. He was targeted by four SFI activists for taking down their posters. Rajender denied this and they started slapping, kicking him and abusing him," Karni said. Other ABVP members rushed in and the clash ensued. SFI activists said they had only warned Rajender to leave their posters alone. "Rajender got angry, broke the glass door and lied to his ABVP mates that he was being beaten. Twenty ABVP members came and bashed our activists," said Siva Durga from SFI. A SFI activist claimed that he was dragged on the glass pieces by ABVP workers and that he held on to a pillar to save himself. Accusing the ABVP of practicing identity politics, Siva Durga said that security guards present at the spot did not stop the students. The chief warden came in when it was all over and students were taken to the hospital. "I had to call the police myself as the students in the hostel were frightened to help and the security guards stood still," he said. Karni added that a medical test on the ABVP students was conducted which showed they were not drunk. He said the SFI was agitated by the Tribal Student Federation breaking ties with them which is why they targeted a tribal student like Rajender. The chief warden refused to speak when questioned about the incident. Congress general secretary organisation K C Venugopal. (Photo: File) NEW DELHI: The Congress on Sunday said the party top brass will deliberate and give direction on ways to strengthen opposition unity during the three-day plenary session to be held from February 24 in Raipur, asserting that any such effort without it would be unsuccessful. Congress general secretary organisation K C Venugopal said the party's steering committee would meet on the first day of the session and decide whether elections would be held for the party's top decision-making body -- the Congress Working Committee (CWC). The Congress knows its role in bringing together various opposition parties for forging an alliance ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections to take on the BJP and oust it from power, he said. "The Congress has already taken the initiative and has been in touch with various political parties. There is a clear-cut initiative taken by the Congress in bringing opposition parties together and we will certainly bring them together against the BJP in the 2024 elections," Venugopal told a press conference here. "The direction on opposition unity will come from the party's plenary session, where this issue will be deliberated upon," he said and added that its main job is to defeat the BJP in 2024. Venugopal said this plenary is clearly a reflection of the sentiments provided by the Bharat Jodo Yatra and an extension of the Udaipur Chintan Shivir. Congress general secretary communications Jairam Ramesh said the party recognises that opposition unity is important and added that this issue will be deliberated upon at the plenary session. "Nobody needs to give us a certificate that we have to lead because any opposition unity without the Congress will be unsuccessful. So, we welcome the statement of Nitish Kumar, and as Venugopal ji has said this will be discussed in the plenary and whatever we have to do for the 2024 polls," he told reporters while taking a swipe at Bihar Chief Minister Kumar's statement that the Congress should take the initiative in bringing opposition unity. "But before that there are several assembly polls. But without a strong Congress, strong opposition unity is impossible," Ramesh said. The Congress welcomes the statement made by Chief Minister Kumar and "he has acknowledged that the Bharat Jodo Yatra has had an impact not only on the Congress but on Indian politics", he said. "It is a tranformational moment for Indian politics, he has acknowledged," Ramesh said. "We welcome this and we know our role very well. The Congress is the only political party that has never made a compromise with the BJP anywhere. There are some opposition parties who come for (Rajya Sabha Leader of Opposition) Mallikarjun Kharge's meetings but their actions are in favour of the ruling party. We are not two-faced with respect to the BJP," he said. The Congress is opposed to the BJP and it wants a joint parliamentary committee probe into the Adani issue, Ramesh said. He said there would be deliberations on things such as whether there would be a pre-poll alliance or other such modalities, and pointed out that the Congress was in alliance with several parties in various states. Venugopal said the agenda for the three-day 85th plenary session of the party from February 24 to 26 would be finalised in the steering committee meeting to be held on the first day and thereafter, the subjects committee will give final shape to it. Around 15,000 delegates would participate in the plenary session and would deliberate on several issues including political, social, economic and those related to the youth. Giving a break-up of the delegates, he said there are 1,338 All India Congress Committee delegates and 487 co-opted ones, which comes to a total of 1,825 delegates. Besides, there will be a total of 9,915 Pradesh Congress Committee delegates attending the session. Party treasurer Pawan Kumar Bansal said the session will end with a public rally in Raipur, which top leaders will address. Kumari Selja, who is the AICC general secretary in-charge for Chattisgarh, said of the total AICC delegates, there are 235 women and 501 below 50 years of age. Besides, there will be 704 from the general category, 228 from among minorities, 381 from other backward classes, 192 from among scheduled castes and another 133 from among the scheduled tribes. Union I&B, sports and youth affairs minister Anurag Singh Thakur and state BJP President and MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar during the 'chit-chat with media' in Hyderabad (P Surendra/DC) Hyderabad: Stating that it would make no difference if corrupt leaders come out with allegations against the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union I&B minister Anurag Singh Thakur said that the BRS government had failed to fulfill its promises to the people of the state. Thakur lashed out at Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao and his family and accused them of looting Telangana without any concern for the people. He hit out the empty promises with regard to a dalit Chief Minister, three acres of land for dalits, and double bedrooms for the poor. "When Modi is trying to provide funds and benefits for Telangana, the Chief Minister is deliberately holding them back," he said while citing the huge funds provided for developing 5000 km national highways, railway lines, among others. He said Karnataka had fared better than Telangana in encouraging startups and providing jobs to the unemployed youth. On the Gautam Adani issue, the Union minister said that the Central government has a regulatory committee that looks into the issue and there was no need to politicise it. On the national expansion plans of BRS, he wondered who the party chief was. To ensure a free and fair election, Election Commission has banned publication of exit poll projections in Meghalaya from 7 am on Friday to 7 pm on the polling day -- February 27. Representational Image/PTI Shillong (Meghalaya): After the high-pitched election campaigning, Meghalaya is all set to decide its political fate in the Assembly polls that are to be held on Monday. Polling will be held at 3,419 polling stations across 59 Assembly constituencies in the state. The voting will begin at 7 am and continue till 4 pm on Monday. Of the 60 Assembly constituencies in Meghalaya, 36 constituencies fall in Khasi, Jaintia Hills region while 24 are in Garo Hills region. Significantly, however, polling for the Sohiong Assembly constituency was postponed following the demise of the state's former Home Minister and United Democratic Party (UDP) candidate from the seat HDR Lyngdoh. There are over 21 lakh electorates (21,75,236) of which 10.99 lakh are women and 10.68 lakh are male voters. In Meghalaya, the woman voters are in higher numbers than their male counterparts. There are about 81,000 first-time voters in the state. As many as 369 candidates are in the fray of which 36 are women. Of the total 3,419 polling stations, 120 will be all women-managed polling stations, 60 are model polling stations and another 60 will be PWD polling stations. The Election Commission has deployed 119 companies of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) in Meghalaya. Chief Electoral Officer, Meghalaya FR Kharkongor said 640 polling stations are identified as 'vulnerable', 323 are 'critical' and 84 are identified as both. The poll panel on Saturday ordered the sealing of Meghalaya's International border with Bangladesh till March 2. Meghalaya shares a 443 km border with Bangladesh and 885 km with Assam. Chief Electoral Officer, Meghalaya FR Kharkongor, told ANI that, Meghalaya's International border with Meghalaya and the state border with Assam have been sealed. "We have taken preventive measures to ensure a free and fair election in the State. Section 144 of CrPC has been imposed along the international bordering areas in the state," Kharkongor said. Meanwhile, the district magistrate of East Khasi Hills district on Friday issued an order that movement of individuals will remain strictly prohibited within a one km radius of the India-Bangladesh border of East Khasi Hills district between February 24 and March 2. The district administration of East Khasi Hills district has also imposed Section 144 of CrPC along the bordering areas. To ensure a free and fair election, Election Commission has banned publication of exit poll projections in Meghalaya from 7 am on Friday to 7 pm on the polling day -- February 27. The current term of the 60-seat Meghalaya Legislative Assembly will conclude on March 15. The majority mark to form government in the state is 31. In the 2018 Assembly polls, the ruling National People's Party (NPP) got 19 seats, Congress bagged 21 seats and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) managed to win two seats. The United Democratic Party (UDP) grabbed six seats. Though Congress emerged as the single largest party, the government was formed by the NPP-led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) with support from UDP, BJP and other regional parties. This time, the BJP and NPP have not stitched any prepoll alliance and are going solo. BJP and Congress have fielded candidates in all the seats. The Trinamool Congress (TMC), which became the main opposition party in Meghalaya in 2021 following the defection of 12 Congress MLAs, became a formidable force, especially after former chief minister Mukul Sangma joined its ranks. The TMC has fielded candidates in 58 seats. Chief Minister Conrad Sangma is contesting from South Tura constituency. BJP fielded Bernard N Marak against the NPP chief. In Dadenggre, Congress candidate Chesterfield Sangma is contesting against NPP's James Sangma. Former CM Mukul Sangma is contesting from two seats -- Tikrikilla and Songsak on Trinamool's ticket. UDP leader Metbah Lyngdoh is contesting from Mairang. Further, NPP pitted Prestone Tynsong from Pynursla. UDP candidate Titosstar Well Chyne is contesting from Sohra. TMC fielded Charles Pyngrope from Nongthymmai. BJP fielded Sanbor Shullai in South Shillong and Ernest Mawrie in West Shillong. Mazel Ampareen Lyngdoh is NPP's candidate from East Shillong. In Pynthorumkhrah, BJP fielded Alexander Laloo Hek. UDP leader Lahkmen Rymbui is contesting from Amlarem. In Sutnga Saipung, Congress fielded Vincent H Pala. UDP candidate Kyrmen Shylla is contesting from Khliehriat. The campaigning for Meghalaya polls ended on Saturday. From NPP to BJP and Congress to Trinamool, parties showcased all might when it comes to campaigning. Be it poll promises or attacking contending forces with slogans, the contesting parties lost no chance to have a go at each other during the campaign phase. The BJP showed its strength, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, party president JP Nadda and Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma holding rallies. PM Modi also held a roadshow in Shillong on Friday. Rahul Gandhi, who was missing from the campaign scene in Tripura, held a rally in Shillong. Trinamool supremo Mamata Banerjee held public meetings in Meghalaya. TMC MP Mahua Moitra also canvassed for party candidates in the state. The counting of votes will be done on March 2. A file photo of Congress MP T Subbarami Reddy (L) and Kerala MP Kodikunnil Suresh (R) with former Congress president Sonia Gandhi in New Delhi. Hyderabad: Congress former president Sonia Gandhi, undoubtedly a power centre in Indian politics for over three decades, has left an indelible mark on the Telugu political canvas. Her decisions directly or indirectly led to radical socio, economic and political changes, the most crucial being the 90s liberalisation and carving out of Telangana state, while they resulted in a Telugu P.V. Narasimha Rao becoming Prime Minister who heralded path-breaking reforms and two Chief Ministers, K. Chandrasekhar Rao and Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, emerging as the most powerful leaders in their respective states. Soina Gandhi had seriously considered making her electoral debut from the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh in the 1999 general elections. When it was decided that she would also contest from south, then PCC chief Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, who later became Chief Minister, offered his bastion Kadapa. After much dilly dallying, she chose Bellary in Karnataka, where she defeated Sushma Swaraj, the Bharatiya Janata Partys "desi" answer to Sonia Gandhis foreign origins. Referring to formation of Telangana, Prof. K. Nageshwar, former MLC and political analyst, said: "She stood by her promise to create Telangana state." Remarkably, Sonia Gandhi went ahead with giving Telangana statehood despite being cautioned about the political fall-out. According to a senior Congress leader, her trait of keeping a promise and the suicide of many youths during that time influenced the decision. Congress leaders, however, rue her decision to leave it to veteran Congressman Digvijay Singh to take a decision on then TRS president Chandrashekar Raos proposal to merge his party with the Congress before 2014 polls. When Rao was ready join the Congress with a rider that he should be made Chief Minister, Sonia Gandhi sent him to Singh who, both the sides, claim "mishandled" the situation with his assertion that Rao would be the seventh contender after six from the Congress. In the case of Jagan Mohan Reddy, Sonia Gandhi had stopped him from continuing the "odarpu yatra", calling on kin of Dr Rajasekhar Reddys admirers who died by suicide grieving over the then CMs untimely death in a copter crash. While her decision that Jagan Mohan Reddy should hold meetings in all district headquarters and meet the victims families there led to the latter choosing his own path with YSR Congress, the subsequent decision to keep him in jail for more than year turned him into a formidable force. Bifurcation of the state led to rout of the Congress in the residual state. Though Sonia Gandhi preferred Narasimha Rao, known for his staunch loyalty to the family and considered a weak politician, over others in 1991, she soon developed differences with him. "According to PV, it was Arjun Singh who poisoned her ears and the animosity grew as she believed that her husbands assassination case was getting diluted," said K. Ramachandra Murthy, senior journalist and close associate of the former prime minister. "Out of sheer grudge, she did not allow PVs final rites in Delhi and sent the mortal remains to Hyderabad and this decision left a scar on Congress," he pointed out. Interestingly, Narasimha Raos photograph was prominently displayed along with those of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Dr Manmohan Singh on the dais at the Raipur plenary, apparently a reconciliatory move on her last day in politics. India has of late been promoting all existing and futuristic technologies to harness green power. Representational Image/DC Aside from areas such as defence and trade, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Saturday agreed to strengthen the cooperation between the two nations on one of the most urgent topics of the day green energy. It is not an accident that green energy becomes an essential takeaway from the talks between the two top political executives of India and Germany. India is an energy-hungry nation which has set an ambitious goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2070. It has also affixed certain targets to achieve by 2030, viz. increase renewables capacity to 500 GW from the present 157 GW which will meet 50 per cent of its energy requirements which share is currently 40 per cent, reduce cumulative emissions by one billion tonnes and reduce emissions intensity of Indias gross domestic product (GDP) by 45 per cent. As for Germany, it is one of the few large economies with a commitment to green energy Renewables supply 47 per cent of its energy today and the country wants to raise the share to 80 per cent by 2030 and to 100 per cent by 2035. India has of late been promoting all existing and futuristic technologies to harness green power. The government recently set up a National Green Hydrogen Mission with an outlay of close to Rs 20,000 crores to promote development of technologies and their applications, facilitate demand creation, production, utilisation and export of green hydrogen. The government expects an investment of over Rs 8 lakh crores and creation of over six lakh jobs in the sector over a period of time. On its part, Germany has promised to invest lose to $3 billion in global green hydrogen economy. The two nations have been on a path of cooperation for some time, and late last year, the German government committed 10 billion euros to India to help achieve climate action targets set for 2030, basically to promote production of energy from renewables and non-fossil fuels. The per capita energy consumption of the two most populous nations China and India are, respectively, one-half and one-tenth of that of the largest economy the United States. China today is the worlds largest producer of green energy; renewable power plants account for 47 of the total installed capacity. It is moving very fast on the course to replace fossil fuels as their energy source. Given the development goals of its 141 crore people, India faces an enormous demand for energy. And it will not be able to bank on fossil fuel in its pursuit to remove absolute poverty, a luxury China was able to afford while it was pursuing the same goal. Given the alarming data coming in on global warming and climate change, we will have to depend on green energy sources to meet our development goals be it creation of infrastructure, promotion of education and healthcare, reform of the agriculture sector and even augmenting our defence capability. But in terms of reduction in carbon emission and making available better and cheaper technologies, India tying up with the global leader in green technology will benefit not just these two nations but the whole world. Rescuers recover a body at a beach near Cutro, southern Italy, after a migrant boat broke apart in rough seas on Sunday. (AP/PTI) Rome: The Italian coast guard and firefighters have recovered more than 30 bodies after a wooden migrant boat broke apart in rough seas on Sunday near the southern coast of Italy's mainland, authorities reported. State TV quoted the local prefect's office as saying that by late morning 33 bodies had been recovered and 58 people were rescued. The Italian news agency AGI said that among the bodies was that of a baby a few months old. Quoting unidentified port authorities near the coastal town of Crotone, in Calabria, the toe of the Italian peninsula, RAI state radio said the boat was carrying more than 100 migrants when it ran into trouble at dawn in the Ionian Sea. The Italian news agency Lapresse later quoted unidentified officials among rescue forces as saying there could have been as many as 180 people aboard. State TV said some 27 of the survivors made it to shore, apparently on their own. Wooden pieces of wreckage littered the beach at Steccato di Cutro, near the point where the boat apparently broke apart. Firefighters, including rescue divers, had recovered 28 bodies, including three pulled by a strong current far away from the wreckage. It's an enormous tragedy, Crotone Mayor Vincenzo Voce told RAI state TV. In solidarity, the city will find places in the cemetery for the dead, Voce said. Details about the nationalities of the migrants were not immediately provided in the reports. It was not immediately clear where the boat had set out from, but migrant vessels arriving in Calabria usually depart from Turkish or Egyptian shores. Many of these boats, including sailboats, often reach remote stretches of Italy's long southern coastline unaided by the coast guard or humanitarian rescue vessels. Budding entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to compete for their share of a fantastic 15,000 prize fund as part of this year's Start-Up Launch Pad North West Pitching Competition. In partnership with the Derry Chamber of Commerce, Strabane BID, Inner City Trust, Hypefast NI, and Ulster University, Derry City and Strabane District will host the exciting competition as part of this year's Enterprise Week. A firm favourite of Enterprise Week, the morning session will celebrate successful start-ups from across the North West, who will set the scene by sharing their personal success stories, revealing how they realised their ambitions and developed the mindset needed to progress their ideas. Keynote speaker Paul Nelis, Director and co-founder of ChallengeCurve, will share his experience working with innovative start-ups and provide valuable insights to ensure your start-up business has the greatest chance of success. Early-stage start-ups from across the council area will take to the stage in a Dragon's Den-style competition in the afternoon. Entrants will pitch their business idea to industry experts, high-profile media, and the public in this showcase event. The Start-Up Launch Pad event is an unmissable day for entrepreneurs, businesses, students, and anyone with an innovative idea. Council's Head of Business, Kevin O'Connor, encouraged the public to join the highly anticipated 2023 competition and support our early-stage founders. "We're excited to see the Start-up Launch Pad North West Pitching event return as part of Enterprise Week 2023, building on the previous successes of the competition in supporting new businesses. We have a strong pool of innovative talent here in Derry and Strabane. "We're thrilled to offer this fantastic opportunity to support our early-stage businesses in turning their dream business into a reality. We want to encourage the public to come along to support our local entrepreneurs and give them an enthusiastic and encouraging audience to hear their pitch, helping to select the overall winners of this year's competition on the day." Successful applicants will gain expert advice and assistance to grow their business idea, develop their pitching skills, and avail of exciting business opportunities. The benefits of entering the competition include access to the Start-Up Launch Pad Incubation hub in Derry, with high-quality office space, high-speed broadband, and meeting and conference facilities, which the Inner City Trust and Derry Chamber of Commerce support. The Strabane BID has sponsored a significant prize package to support new start-ups establishing their business in the town center, including help with the Love Strabane marketing campaign and expert mentoring. Successful candidates will receive a business grant to purchase items, including marketing materials, equipment, rent, or training to assist them in overall business development. They will also receive one-to-one mentoring support from leading figures across a range of industries and a series of pitching masterclass workshops. Various venues across Derry and Strabane will host events from the 6th until the 10th of March as part of this year's Enterprise Week. A popular event in the annual business calendar, the week-long programme will host several keynote presentations, panel discussions, and practical sessions to support budding entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners. For more information or to book tickets, please visit No 10 has signalled that there could be a potential breakthrough in the Northern Ireland Protocol negotiations as the Prime Minister conducts final talks with the European Union. Rishi Sunak will meet the European Commission president in the UK on Monday to discuss a range of complex challenges around the Brexit treaty, Downing Street has announced. After the discussions with Ursula von der Leyen, the Conservative Party leader will brief his Cabinet before potentially announcing to voters and MPs the details of the deal that has been struck. A meeting of the Cabinet will follow the leaders lunchtime talks, with a joint press conference with Mr Sunak and his Brussels counterpart on the cards afterwards should a pact to fix the issues with the protocol be agreed. Downing Street said that should there be a breakthrough after months of negotiations, Mr Sunak will give a statement in the House of Commons. Tory MPs were last week handed a three-line whip instructing them to turn up to Parliament on Monday, raising the prospect Mr Sunak could make an appearance at the despatch box. While Downing Street has been tight-lipped about where the discussions between Mr Sunak and Ms von der Leyen will take place, the commissions online calendar suggests they will rendezvous at Windsor. Ms von der Leyen had been due to travel to the UK on Saturday to speak to the Prime Minister and then have afternoon tea with the King at Windsor Castle before the plans were cancelled. At Cabinet on Monday, Mr Sunak will brief ministers, alongside those most closely involved, including Foreign Secretary James Cleverly who has met regularly in recent weeks with commission vice-president Maros Sefcovic and Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris. Announcing the plan for Monday and the potential for a protocol deal to be announced, No 10 officials said: The leaders are expected to meet late lunchtime for final talks. The Prime Minister wants to ensure any deal fixes the practical problems on the ground, ensures trade flows freely within the whole of the UK, safeguards Northern Irelands place in our Union and returns sovereignty to the people of Northern Ireland. There will be a Cabinet in the afternoon, where the Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland will update on the talks. This builds on updates that Cabinet have received throughout the process as the Government has been pushing for a negotiated solution in the best interest of the people of Northern Ireland and intensive engagement over the weekend. If a final deal is agreed, the Prime Minister and the president of the European Commission will then hold a short joint press conference in the late afternoon. The Prime Minister will then head to the House of Commons to deliver a statement on the agreement. Over the past few months, there have been intensive negotiations with the EU run by British ministers and positive, constructive progress has been made. There have been hundreds of hours of talks covering all issues at stake and talking from first principles what works for Northern Ireland. The protocol was negotiated by former prime minister Boris Johnson as part of Britains exit from the EU. To avoid a hard border in Ireland, Mr Johnson agreed that Northern Ireland would remain subject to Brussels rules on goods so that trade could move freely between a member of the blocs single market and a country outside of its remit. But the added checks and paperwork on goods travelling between Great Britain and Northern Ireland has riled Unionists, with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) collapsing the Belfast powersharing agreement with Sinn Fein last year in protest at the treatys impact. Rishi Sunak will meet Ursula von der Leyen on Monday to discuss the range of complex challenges around the Northern Ireland Protocol. Here are answers to some of the main questions about the Irish Sea trading arrangements. What is the Northern Ireland Protocol? Jointly agreed by the UK and EU, it was the part of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement that dealt with the main obstacle in the divorce talks the Irish land border. To keep the border free flowing, London and Brussels essentially moved new regulatory and customs checks required by Brexit to the Irish Sea. That has introduced red tape on trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, creating a headache for many businesses and enraging loyalists and unionists who claim the regions place within the UK has been undermined. There were some sporadic outbreaks of violence linked to the protocol following its introduction in January 2021, but they were not widespread or sustained. How is the protocol linked to the political impasse at Stormont? The powersharing institutions can only function with the co-operation of the largest nationalist party and largest unionist party. The DUP has used its veto to bring down devolution in protest at the protocol. Its boycott means a ministerial executive cannot function and the legislative assembly cannot conduct any business. In the absence of ministers, civil servants are in charge of running public services but they are hamstrung in the decisions they can take and many laws and policy changes are unable to be progressed due to the political vacuum. The DUP has made it clear it will only go back into devolved government if significant changes are delivered on the protocol. What have the Government and the EU been doing to resolve the dispute? The Government initially hailed the protocol as the breakthrough that got Brexit done, and then portrayed early trade disruption as teething problems. However, former prime minister Boris Johnson began to change his public stance on the protocol soon after it became operational. His government subsequently claimed the protocol had upset the Good Friday peace agreements delicate balance of unionist and nationalist aspirations by undermining the east/west trade dynamic. Relations between the EU and UK deteriorated sharply thereafter, with Brussels taking legal action against the UK for failing to honour its obligations under the protocol. Stop-start negotiations between the UK and the European Commission rumbled on with little sign of progress and ill-feeling between London and Brussels increased when the Government tabled legislation at Westminster the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill that would have empowered ministers to unilaterally scrap the protocol without the EUs consent. Pursuing such action, Brussels warned, would have been likely to prompt retaliatory action, triggering fears of a trade war. However, the dynamic between the UK and EU appears to have improved markedly since Mr Sunak entered No 10. The Prime Minister has appeared more inclined to secure a negotiated settlement with the EU and he paused progress of the Protocol Bill as officials resumed intensive talks aimed at getting an agreed solution. What could a likely deal look like? Both the EU and UK are in broad agreement on the need to differentiate between GB goods whose end destination is Northern Ireland, and those that are set for onward transportation into the EU single market via the unchecked land border with the Republic of Ireland. It seems a deal would include the creation of so-called green and red lanes. NI-bound goods would enter ports via the green lane and would be subject to a much-reduced burden of paperwork. Those products destined for the Republic of Ireland would have to comply with the full extent of protocol checks. Are there any potential sticking points? The oversight role of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) could prove the main stumbling block. While the protocol has created a trade barrier on GB/NI trade it also offers Northern Ireland traders dual market access to sell freely both within the UK internal market and into the EU single market. Advocates of the protocol insist the economic advantage created by this access must be retained in any deal. Access to the single market is possible because, under the protocol, Northern Ireland essentially remains within the single market for goods. But, as such, the ECJ remains the final arbitrator of EU law issues in the region. This issue is less about trade and more about sovereignty, with senior DUP figures and Eurosceptic Tory backbenchers in the European Research Group (ERG) vocal in their opposition to the continuation of EU law in Northern Ireland, especially when Stormont MLAs have no power to set or change those laws. Any deal may seek to downplay the role of the ECJ, with an emphasis on the role of Northern Ireland courts in resolving the vast majority of trade disputes. Whether that would be enough to convince the DUP and ERG to accept a deal remains to be seen. A new iQOO Z series smartphone has been teased by the companys CEO Nipun Marya. This is expected to be iQOO Z7 and ahead of its likely March launch, here are the phones features shared by noted tipster Debayan Roy. As per the image shared by iQOO, upcoming iQOO Z7 might be same as iQOO Z6 in China. It has- SD 778G+ FHD+ 120Hz LCD (No notch) 64MP OIS +2+2, 8mp 4500mAh,80W Indian variant might get changes like- Bigger,decreased charging speed, No OIS & better Debayan Roy (Gadgetsdata) (@Gadgetsdata) February 24, 2023 4 iQOO Z7 features (Expected) 1. iQOO Z7 could come with an FHD+ 120Hz LCD panel 2. Theres one rumour that the phone could be powered by Snapdragon 778G+. However, a newer tip suggests the regular iQOO Z7 could feature Snapdragon 695 while the Pro model could bear SD 778G+. 3. iQOO could house a 64MP main rear camera with OIS support. This could be paired with two 2MP token cameras. The front of the phone could be home to an 8MP selfie snapper. 4. Under the hood, you could get a 4,500mAh battery backed by 80W wired charging. Meanwhile, heres what its predecessor came up with: iQOO Z6 features The iQOO Z6 launched with Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 processor, Android 12 OS, up to 8GB of RAM, 128GB of storage, a 6.58-inch 120Hz FHD+ IPS LCD touchscreen, a 16MP selfie camera, a 50MP+2+2MP triple rear camera setup, and a 5000mAh battery with 18W charging support. You also get 5G, side-mounted fingerprint scanner, WiFi ac and Bluetooth 5.1, among other things. For more technology news, product reviews, sci-tech features and updates, keep reading or head to our Google News page. Nokia launched Nokia G22, Nokia C22, and Nokia C32 at MWC 2023. Nokia G22 boast high repairability and sustainability prospects. All of them pack Unisoc processors and HD+ displays. Heres a specs comparison of these Nokia smartphones. Nokia G22 vs Nokia C22 vs Nokia C32 comparison Nokia G22 1. Design All three Nokia phones look similar with a waterdrop notch front and a domino-shaped rear camera island. They have broad chins and rather noticeable bezels around the display. Nokia C22 is the lightest at 190 grams. Nokia C23 has a glass back and probably why is the heaviest one of the lot. 2. Display Nokia G22 has got a 90Hz refresh rate display while the rest stick to 60Hz panels. It has also got Gorilla Glass 3 protection which the others lack. 3. Software Nokia G22 lags behind the Nokia C22 and Nokia C23 as it ships with Android 12 while the other two bring Android 13 (Go Edition). Nokia C22 4. Processor Nokia G22 is powered by a 12nm Unisoc T606 (with Cortex A75 primary cores) whereas the C22 and C23 run on a 28nm Unisoc SC9863A (with Cortex A55 primary cores) chipset. The G22 also comes with UFS 2.2 storage. 5. Camera Nokia G22 presents 50MP+2MP (depth)+ 2MP (macro) setup on the back. Nokia C22 has got a 13MP+2MP rear camera setup and Nokia C23 brings a 50MP+ 2MP duo on the back. 6. Connectivity Nokia G22 gives dual-band WiFi ac while the other two give WiFi n. However, it has Bluetooth 5.0 whereas the other two bring Bluetooth 5.2 support. You also get NFC, USB OTG, and more navigation positioning systems. 7. Battery Nokia G22 has a slightly bigger 5050mAh battery whilst the rest carry a 5000mAh cell. It gains in terms of a faster 20W charging support while the others have to make do with 10W charging speed. Price and Availability Nokia C32 Nokia G22 has been launched at 179 (~15,700) for the 4+64GB memory variant. Nokia C22 is available in the global market for 129 (~11,065) for the 2+64GB model. Nokia C23 is priced at 139 (~12,200) for the 3+64GB variant. For more technology news, product reviews, sci-tech features and updates, keep reading or head to our Google News page. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe Dublin City Council has initiated no legal proceedings for housing standard failings in rental accommodation for the past three years. There were also no prohibition notices issued in 2021, and just 10 issued in 2020. The authority said that its ability to carry out physical inspections at rented homes was severely hampered during the Covid-19 pandemic, and had to pursue compliance with regulations in other ways. The Department of Housing said that the number of inspections carried out nationally by local authorities fell to 20,000 in 2021, from 40,700 in 2019. Regulations introduced in 2019 provide minimum standards for rental accommodation across areas such as structural repair, sanitary facilities, ventilation, natural light, fire safety and the safety of gas, oil and electrical supplies. Figures show that although Dublin City Council (DCC) initiated 28 legal proceedings in 2018 and 55 in 2019, none were taken in the following three years. The lack of prosecutions pursued comes alongside 3,828 improvement letters, 945 improvement notices and 138 prohibition notices issued last year and 2,098 improvement letters and 254 improvement notices issued in 2021. Dublin City is divided into five administrative areas. These are called 'Local Areas' and are used to co-ordinate the delivery of services into your community. Follow the link below to learn more and find your local area office. #YourCouncil #Dublin Dublin City Council (@DubCityCouncil) February 24, 2023 Labour Senator Marie Sherlock said that the lack of legal proceedings was in stark contrast to the thousands of letters sent by the council seeking improvements to tenant accommodation. We cant keep giving a free pass to bad landlords, she said. Every day, were walking past rental accommodation in Dublin Central which is severely overcrowded, structurally unsound and with cramped conditions. To think that Dublin City Council has taken no legal proceedings against bad landlords for three years running is absolutely and completely shocking. In a statement, Dublin City Council said that inspections of private rented dwellings were severely hampered during pandemic restrictions in 2020 and 2021. A temporary system of virtual inspections was developed by Dublin City Council to respond to these restrictions and these inspections proved to be largely successful in terms of bringing properties into compliance with legislative requirements, it said. Limited physical inspections recommenced in July 2021 with a more gradual return to pre-pandemic inspection conditions in Q2 2022. It was difficult to serve a prohibition notice on any private rented property inspected by way of virtual inspection but compliances were achieved through active engagement. Hence in 2020 and 2021, a limited number of prohibition notices were served. In 2022, following easing of inspection restrictions, 138 prohibition notices were served. It added that prohibition notices issued in the last six months of last year that have not been brought into compliance will be brought through full legal processes this year. The Department of Housing said that the Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2019 provide for minimum standards for all properties being let or available to let. It said that although responsibility for enforcement lies with local authorities, it sets inspection targets for each local authority and meets regularly with the sector to monitor their performance. The City and County Management Associations Local Authority Services Frameworks for Future Covid-19 Pandemic Response did not permit on-site rental inspections for long periods in 2020 and 2021, it said. This was in order to protect tenants, landlords and inspectors, but impacted on the number of private rented dwellings conducted, with the number of on-site inspections falling from a high of circa 40,700 in 2019 to 25,000 in 2020 and 20,000 in 2021. In response to pandemic restrictions some local authorities, in an initiative led by DCC, piloted virtual inspections with support from the Department. With restrictions lifted, 2022 saw inspections climb to a record of circa 49,000, with DCC undertaking 6,532. While data from some local authorities is currently being validated, local authorities issued circa 33,600 improvement letters and served 1,740 improvement notices and 170 prohibition notices in respect of non-compliant dwellings. Of these, DCC issued 3,828 improvement letters and served 945 improvement notices and 138 prohibition notices. The Department of Housing said it also provides an Exchequer subvention to local authorities to help meet the cost of rental inspections and enforcements. People in Louth are being urged to join in the the Stop Food Waste Challenge to reduce household food waste in Ireland, starting next Wednesday 1 March, National Stop Food Waste Day. The national campaign, being run by Stop Food Waste, aims to reduce household food waste in Ireland, and is managed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Stop Food Waste run awareness-raising initiatives to share easy tips and resources on how we can make the most of our food, keep it fresher for longer and avoid food waste. It says that by making small changes to how we plan, store and cook food, we can save money and time and lessen our impact on the environment. The average Irish household can save around 700 a year by avoiding food waste. In the most recent national food waste attitudes survey, commissioned by the EPA, three food types were identified as those wasted most often in Ireland: Bread (41%) Fruit (39%) Vegetables (38%) To take part in the Stop Food Waste Challenge, starting from 1st March, people in Louth are asked to record their food waste for one week to identify what types of food they waste most. To record the food that goes into your food bin, Stop Food Waste suggests: Keep a pen and pad by the food waste bin to take note each time you use it. Keep track of what you waste on your phone using the notes app. Use Stop Food Waste's Weekly Food Waste Recording Sheet to note what food goes in your food waste bin. During the Challenge, you can get everyone in your house to record what food goes to waste or you can designate one person to be your Food Waste Tracker, whatever works for you! At the end of the week, tally up your results and see which types of food you wasted the most. By knowing what food you waste the most, you can now see where you can make savings on your food bill and take action. After taking the Stop Food Waste Challenge, you will Know Your Food Waste. The next step is knowing how to reduce it. Here are some ideas Stop Food Waste suggests might help to get started: Bread Freeze it and Eat It You can freeze bread if you have too much. Find out how to make the most of bread here. You dont need to throw out stale bread. Find out how to stop wasting bread with Jamie Olivers top tips here. Fruit Store Better and Eat It Store apples in the fridge so they last longer they will store for up to 1 month! Use your over-ripe bananas to whizz up a quick and delicious smoothie. Vegetables Buy Less and Eat It You can buy potatoes singly or in different package sizes. A large bag of spuds is only good value if they are eaten. Tired-looking and floppy veggies are still nutritious and can make a yummy meal. Try SafeFoods Vegetable Provencal recipe here. Stop Food Waste are inviting participants to share their results on social media by using the hashtag #KnowYourFoodWaste and tagging Find out more about the campaign at An Tain Arts Centre said it is thrilled to announce the opening of their second space, An Tain Arts Centre Jocelyn Street. 2023 is turning out to be a very exciting year at An Tain Arts Centre as they continue to support local artists and creatives in the professional development of their careers. As part of this the expansion will also see artist studios Bo Studios expand to house eight practicing professional artists. Bo Studios is currently made up of ceramicists Etaoin O Reilly and Olivia Hill, textile and print artist Blathnaid McClean and mixed media artist David Callan. They will be joined by mixed media artists, John Connolly, Stephen Hurley, artist, printmaker and illustrator Linda McConville and video artist and musician James Mackin. An Tain Art Centres Director Paul Hayes said: Each member will be provided with subsidized studio space until the end of the year and they will be afforded the opportunity to join a collective of multi-disciplinary artists making exciting new work and the chance to collaborate, support and exchange skills. We are very grateful for the support of our funders The Arts Council of Ireland and Create Louth. In addition to this An Tain Arts Centre is delighted to be able to support three local artists who have been awarded financial support from the Arts Council of Ireland for 2023. Dara McCluskey, An Tain Arts Centres Writer in Residence 2021, has been awarded the Theatre Project Grant from The Arts Council of Ireland and will be working with An Tain Arts Centre for 12 weeks, with dramaturgical support from Director, Paul Hayes, ending with a rehearsed reading by four professional actors. Dara McCluskey is an award-winning filmmaker based in Cooley. Dara has worked extensively with school and community groups and in many experimental forms involving visual artists, musicians, dancers, disabled and marginalised groups. His work has been exhibited in international festivals in Dublin, Cork, Cardiff, Monte Carlo, Milan and New York. An Tain Arts Centre will also support ELS + DECLAN. Els Borghart and Declan Kelly work as an independent artistic and curatorial duo since 2009 in a local, national and international context while based in Drogheda. They recently were commissioned as part of An Tain Arts Centres Louth Culture Quest and have just received an Arts Council bursary award to develop their practice as theatre artists. ELS + DECLAN will have dedicated time and space in An Tain Arts Centre to experiment with the projection end of set design and liaise with visiting mentors. They have been involved in set design for several An Tain Arts Centre productions to date, including Ig & The Imaginaries, and two of the three The Remembrance Trilogy plays, Women of Independence and Legacies: Stories from the Civil War. There are no words for how incredibly thrilled we are to be recipients of The Arts Council of Ireland's Bursary Award for Theatre, they said. This award will allow us to spend dedicated time on intensive research and development in set design theory and technology to advance the quality and scope of future productions. We are so incredibly grateful to be given support by the Arts Council of Ireland and to An Tain Arts Centre for partnering with us on this year-long development programme. Four Louth groups have been awarded funding to assist in paying their energy bills under the Community and Voluntary Energy Support Scheme (CVESS). The scheme provides small grants to community groups, development associations, and volunteer-led organisations. Louth groups are in line to receive 5,439 broken down as follows: Dundalk Media Centre Company Limited By Guarantee - 437 5th Louth Buion Setanta Scout Group - 824 Omeath District Development Company Limited By Guarantee- 1,027 Haggardstown & Blackrock Community Centre CLG- 3,151 Hundreds of groups have already benefited under the scheme, which was launched last year in response to the rising cost of energy and the impact it is having on the sector. Nationally, a further 134 groups are to receive grants as part of an overall investment of almost 189,000. Payments will issue to the organisations immediately. The funding announced today brings the total number of organisations supported under the initiative to 552, with over 705,000 now disbursed. Announcing the funding during a visit to Enterprise Castlerea in Roscommon, Minister Heather Humphreys said: Although the winter months are behind us, energy bills remain high and this is posing particular challenges for our community and voluntary sector. The grants being announced today may be small in nature, but they will give a bit of breathing space for groups that deliver essential services, supports and facilities to communities all over Ireland. Todays investment means that over 550 groups have now been helped under this scheme, which remains open for applications until March 24th. I am also pleased to extend the Scheme to Section 39 organisations. Our communities depend on these organisations, and it is only right that we do what we can to support them. Minister Joe O'Brien added: I hope the funding announced today, together with the expansion of the scheme will go some way to addressing the current pressures brought by increased energy costs and enable the organisations to get on with providing vital services and supports. The inclusion of section 39 organisations will ensure that these organisations are treated on an equal basis as all other organisations in the sector. Further tranches of funding will follow shortly. We are also keeping the application process open until March 24th to give all eligible groups in the voluntary and community sector the opportunity to apply for support. West Cork TD Holly Cairns is poised to become the next leader of the Social Democrats. Others TDs within the party have indicated they will back Ms Cairns bid ahead of the closing date for nominations on Wednesday. Last week, the partys co-leaders, Roisin Shortall and Catherine Murphy, announced they are to stand down. The women said they had spent many months considering stepping aside, and had decided now was the right time to allow for their successor to put their own print on the party before an election. Im excited to announce that I am putting myself forward to be the next leader of the Social Democrats. Holly Cairns TD (@HollyCairnsTD) February 26, 2023 After being the focus of some speculation in recent days, Ms Cairns announced on social media on Sunday that she will put herself forward to be the next leader of the Social Democrats. Nominations will close at 12pm on Wednesday. Wicklow TD Jennifer Whitmore said in a video message on Twitter that she backed Ms Cairns bid. I am delighted to hear that Holly is putting herself forward for the leadership of the Social Democrats and Im here to say Im putting my full support behind her, I think Holly would make an incredible leader for the party and Im looking forward to the next chapter, she said. Dublin Bay TD Cian OCallaghan has also thrown his weight behind Ms Cairns, ruling himself out of running for leader. He told Newstalk Radio: Im delighted to be backing Holly, she has my 100% support. Ive a huge amount of time and respect for her, she is someone who is relatively new into politics, was elected first time to the council in Cork about four years ago, but already in that short time has made a huge impact in politics, and I think will do. So Im really happy that she is running. Dublin Central TD Gary Gannon previously ruled himself out. The Social Democrats have six TDs in the Dail, and garnered around 2.9% of first preference votes in the 2020 general election. They won a similar amount of first preference votes in the local elections. The latest opinion polls put the party at around 4%. THE beautiful grounds of University College Cork play host to some eclectic sounds in the next episode of Other Voices on RTE2 on Thursday at 11pm. There are some amazing performances by SOAK, Cian Ducrot, Susan ONeill, Biig Piig and more. Presented by Huw Stephens and MayKay, the series is showcasing the incredible talents of some of the most exciting Irish and international artists making music right now News and commentary on organized crime, street crime, white collar crime, cyber crime, sex crime, crime fiction, crime prevention, espionage and terrorism. Microsoft mistakenly offered Windows 11 upgrades to users with unsupported PCs The company quickly fixed the issue, but it highlights an ongoing frustration with the OS. Earlier this week, Windows 10 mistakenly prompted some users to upgrade to Windows 11, despite the fact their computers did not meet the operating systems minimum requirements. Twitter user PhantomOcean3 was among the first to notice the error after Windows 10 displayed a full-screen notification telling him he could install the software on a system that only had 2GB of RAM. Windows 11 free upgrade being offered to unsupported Windows 10 devices/VMs? Screenshots from a Windows 10 22H2 VM that does not meet the Windows 11 system requirements, big ones being TPM (none) and RAM (2 GB) PhantomOcean3 (@PhantomOfEarth) February 23, 2023 Some hardware ineligible Windows 10 and Windows 11, version 21H2 devices were offered an inaccurate upgrade to Windows 11, Microsoft states in a support document spotted by The Verge . These ineligible devices did not meet the minimum requirements to run Windows 11. Devices that experienced this issue were not able to complete the upgrade installation process. Microsoft adds it resolved the issue the same day it was detected. Bangladesh has given tough competition to China in apparel exports to Italy. In 2022, China's apparel shipment increased by 7.24 per cent to $2.704 billion, but Bangladesh achieved an impressive growth of 21.55 per cent in garment exports to Italy, reaching $1.725 billion. However, China remained the top supplier with a 16.80 per cent share in 2022. China's shipment turned positive after a continued downward trend in previous years. Italy's apparel imports from China declined by 5.35 per cent to $2.522 billion in 2021 from $2.664 billion in 2020. The imports were $3.167 billion in 2018 and $2.876 billion in 2019, on a decline since 2018, according to Fibre2Fashions market insight tool TexPro. However, Bangladeshs performance in apparel exports to Italy improved in the previous year. The number declined by 18.7 per cent to $1.296 billion in 2020 from $1.594 billion in 2019, but sharply recovered to increase by 9.46 per cent to $1.419 billion in 2021, which further jumped by 21.55 per cent in 2022, as per TexPro. Bangladesh has given tough competition to China in apparel exports to Italy. In 2022, China's apparel shipment increased by 7.24 per cent to $2.704 billion, but Bangladesh achieved an impressive growth of 21.55 per cent in garment exports to Italy, reaching $1.725 billion. However, China remained the top supplier with a 16.80 per cent share in 2022. China remained the top supplier with a 16.80 per cent share in Italy's total garment imports of $16.098 billion in 2022, while Bangladesh was the second top supplier with 10.72 per cent share. Spain (9.07 per cent), France (8.30 per cent), Germany (5.77 per cent), the Netherlands (5.55 per cent), Romania (3.86 per cent), Turkiye (3.66 per cent), Belgium (3.63 per cent), and Tunisia (3.17 per cent) were among the other top 10 suppliers for Italy. Fibre2Fashion News Desk (KUL) If you were looking for the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee website and ended up here, try this Got news tips, gossip, suggestions, complaints?E-mail us: We strive to avoid errors in our articles. Our correction policy can be found here Quote: Mystic_Cobra Originally Posted by JT- How bout some more details. What options did you get? I still haven't decided if I am getting an FX4 or a Lariat. I really like the blackout look of the FX4 over the chrome/woodgrain look of the Lariat. I AM getting the Luxury Pkg regardless. Not sure how much of a rush you are in, but if you want a truck this year I would not wait too much longer to order. It is looking like the Job 1 order bank will close (balance out) within the next 6 weeks or so. Last day of Job 1 production is scheduled for 12/12/08. KTP will be down from 12/13/08 till 01/30/09 for retooling to bring the Expedition/Navigator online. SD (Job 2) production is scheduled to resume on 02/02/09. A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. Oregon is scrambling to attract some of the $52 billion in federal funding soon available for new semiconductor-making equipment and facilities. And thats possibly good news for cities like Albany, where state aid could help the city respond to fast-moving development in advanced manufacturing. The city has several large lots where development could take hold. But developers are put off by the fiscal cost or worse, said Seth Sherry, Albanys economic development director the time it takes to get a site shovel-ready. The easy-to-build-on land is pretty much gone, Sherry said. The Department of Commerce is set to fund manufacturing equipment and facilities through grants and loans that would bolster U.S. participation in the semiconductor market. Oregon lawmakers now are considering how land use policy can affect local governments and the businesses, from startups to massive multinational corporations, who can benefit from the funding and bring generally high-paying jobs to the state. State legislators on Wednesday, Jan. 24, heard a potential law that would declare an emergency over a shortage of buildable lands, and give Governor Tina Kotek power to move land inside urban growth boundaries for fast turnaround. Where Albany, Corvallis fit in Albany and Corvallis are named in a list of 16 cities in Senate Bill 4 that can bring plans to develop such lands to the governor. Legislators also would create a $200 million fund distributed from the states economic development department, Business Oregon. A House-Senate committee is considering amendments that mostly seek to change how people can apply for the money Kotek proposed in the governors budget. Applicants under the current version of SB4 could seek up to $25 million to potentially develop sites where relevant companies can build. Sherry said the sudden action from the governor and Legislature are long overdue. Its analogous to deferred maintenance, he said. Oregon has maintained stringent land development rules since it became in 1973 one of just three states to define where cities can permit construction through the use of urban growth boundaries, areas where a city expects to grow in the next 20 years. At the same time, Sherry said, Oregon hasnt made the same efforts to fund economic expansion through development as such states as Ohio and Arizona, which are attracting high-tech manufacturing. They worked on making those sites ready for 10 years, 15 years before they get a large project, he said. Here and gone? Oregons north Willamette Valley became known as the Silicon Forest for the cluster of dozens of developers, manufacturers and researchers in the Portland area. Intel led the charge with silicon chip manufacturing in Hillsboro, and that sector was among the state's largest in 2021 worth $4.6 billion in payroll. Then in 2022, Oregonians learned that Intel had passed the state over for building more than $20 billion in factories in Ohio. Committee Co-Chair Janelle Bynum on Wednesday read from a news story reporting the company had spent more than $7 billion on lobbying in Arizona. "If that's not a call to action, I don't know what is," Bynum said. The U.S. tech industry will find out by months end exactly who qualifies for the billions put aside under a program in the 2021 national defense budget, Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors CHIPS for America. Congress in 2022 expanded the program with a $52.7-billion appropriation. Sherry said attracting manufacturers involved in the production of semiconductors benefits the whole state. "But the cost of attracting these businesses goes to the local jurisdictions themselves," he said. Making Oregon desirable Now legislators have moved to find out how Oregon can become as desirable. Sherry was on a task force convened to tell the state exactly that. Its report concluded Oregon needs 14 sites available in the next five to 10 years, ranging from 15 to 500 acres. In its final recommendations to the Legislature's Joint Semiconductor Committee, the task force concluded Oregon has no 500-acre sites despite needing two shovel-ready sites of that size. The task force identified two sites in Washington County that could work, one each near Hillsboro and in North Plains. Albany has sites that potentially meet another of the task force recommendations calling for four sites each between 50 and 100 acres. East of Interstate 5, south of Highway 20, an about- 50-acre parcel needs an $8-million road realignment before it's ready for construction. "It looks like a big field? That's an industrialized piece of property," Sherry said. And off of Highway 99 in South Albany, more than 240 acres owned by PepsiCo subsidiary SVC Manufacturing Inc. would require $30 million. "It has similar needs," Sherry said. With similar sites accumulated across the state, $200 million doesn't go very far, Sherry said. "Their key, biggest pieces of land have some hurdles," he said. At the semiconductor committee's meeting Wednesday, Sherry said he was trying to remind legislators of what hundreds of business developers across the state has concluded. "The resolute answer was, be bold," he told the committee. "Very bold. We can't afford not to be." Related stories: Fire and police officials are investigating the cause of a two-alarm structure fire they say is suspicious after fire damaged a church early Saturday morning in Sweet Home. Someone called 911 at 1:25 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 25 to report the building on fire at Fir Lawn Lutheran Church, 109 W. Holley Road. Emergency responders four minutes later found flames and smoke pouring from the church. A photo from the scene showed the main entrance on the buildings northwest side engulfed in flames. A Sweet Home firefighter in charge of suppressing the blaze called in personnel and firetrucks from Albany, Brownsville and Halsey, upgrading the fire to a two-alarm incident. Firefighters attacked the burning structure for a little more than an hour, discontinuing their initial response by 2:32 a.m., according to Shannon Pettner, a battalion chief with Sweet Home Fire and Ambulance District. Oregon Department of Transportation crews sprayed a de-icing compound on roadways near the church to prevent water from firefighting efforts freezing. While battling the fire and in their subsequent investigation, responders found signs that showed the fire likely started under suspicious circumstances, Pettner said. We do a preliminary investigation at the scene to see if we can determine the cause without bringing other agencies, she said. Officials from Oregon State Police, the state Office of the Fire Marshal, Sweet Home Police Department and the citys fire district were investigating the fires cause Saturday morning. Pettner said the fire district does not comment on suspicious fire investigations and wouldnt know how thoroughly fire damaged the church until the investigations conclusion. The districts chief, Nick Tyler, said he was set to meet with a state investigator Saturday morning and expected to know more about the fires cause by Feb. 26. Fir Lawns more than 8,500-square-foot, glass-faced church was built likely soon after 1954. Its steeply pitched roof rises over and large windows to support a skeletonized spire overlooking Highway 228 near the roads intersection with Highway 20. Linn County records show the property, including the church and an 1,889-square-foot house built in 1954 was worth an estimated $1.38 million in 2023, and $1.5 million the year before. Pettner said the church is insured against damage for $1.2 million. Lebanon firefighters were unable to join the effort, busy with a fire of their own. A Lebanon Fire District battalion chief found fire under the roof of a house on Franklin Street, in the city's east, after someone reported a structure was on fire at about 12:49 a.m. The home's occupants evacuated after hearing a smoke detector, according to a district news release. Firefighters attempted to prevent the fire from spreading to neighboring houses with 17 responding in all. Investigators are working to determine the fire's cause, according to the release. A passenger died and the driver was injured in a crash Saturday morning when a vehicle turned in front of another near Monroe, south of Corvallis. Investigators say a northbound Jeep collided with an oncoming Ford pickup truck at about 9:42 a.m. Feb. 25 on Highway 99 West after the Jeeps driver attempted to turn the vehicle across traffic onto Dawson Road, according to a news release. The crash killed a person in the front passenger seat of the Jeep who was declared dead at the scene, the Benton County Sheriffs Office stated in the release. Emergency responders transported the Jeeps driver to Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center with injuries. The pickups driver and a passenger in the Jeeps rear seat were not injured. Deputies did not release the names of the vehicles occupants, their towns of residence, or details about the vehicles commonly included in news releases like year manufactured or model. The county Regional Crash Team is investigating the crash. Investigators do not believe alcohol or the vehicles' speed contributed to the crash, according to the release. Its the third fatal crash on the highway since Jan. 1, according to the release the second in February. A car attempting to overtake traffic Feb. 10 near Corvallis Municipal Airport collided head-on with another vehicle, killing a driver and injuring another. From their home near Philomath, Cynthia Crosby and Connie Jordan can see potential. Jordans 64 acres blend into nearly 2 square miles of grass fields and pasture that vanishes against tree-covered Marys Peak. On Friday, Feb. 24, she paused her job of mucking out a stall and admired the parcel where, she said, a new stable, fencing and utility sheds made a promising start to the cattle and haying operation Crosby owns. Benton County disagrees. Planners in 2022 denied the womens application to add housing to the farm and have since asserted Crosby and Jordan can survive on their retirement money. They say their labor, whatever it is, does not rise to the level of a commercial agricultural operation. Its been a fight the whole way through, Crosby said. Horses Theyve been land owners and business owners, an English teacher and a nurse. But now Cynthia Crosby and Connie Jordan are appellants, taking a twice-denied application for housing relatives on the property to the Benton County Board of Commissioners. They met in Colorado about 40 years ago, both women said, where they were roommates before going their separate ways. Crosby said they met up again when each was effectively moving on from the lives theyd lived in the intervening decades. We were in major transitions, Crosby said. Jordan worked a nearly four-decade career in China and Taiwan, where she built up second-language schools. But she harbored an interest in horses raising and caring for animals, housing and pasturing them. She bought the Philomath-area property in 2015. She arranged to bring horses from Colorado to the nascent ranch and start a business. Then she had open-heart surgery. I helped her out through that, Crosby said. Crosby is a registered nurse and moved to Oregon while her ex-husband attended university. She ended up on the Philomath property, where she organized the farm business under her name, then immediately took to strategizing how the pair could make that business grow. Theyve crafted plans for rotating grazing lands or crops of grass for haying and have culled a herd of Dexter cattle which theyll try to raise to the standards of association-specific guidelines. We decided how to use this property and make it a sustainable work and enjoyable work, Crosby said. Theyre both 70 or older and both retired. But the farm is where they intend to toil until they cant anymore. Jordan and Crosby started thinking a couple of years ago, they said, about how theyd make the working farm their family legacy. Its frustrating to us that we cant do with it what we want, Jordan said. Legacy Crosby said theyve counted on hired help to aid their lifting and hauling and dragging and scraping, scooping, driving everything laborious that goes with running a farm. And thats what makes it all possible, Crosby said. A veterinary student at Oregon State University lived on an adjacent piece of property and helped with farming. But he eventually moved back to Arizona with his advanced degree, Crosby said. A neighbor helped, too. In time, the work fell to Crosbys daughter, Claire Fulsher, and son-in-law, Kevin Fulsher. Now Crosby and Jordan are trying to ensure the Fulshers and their kids Crosbys grandkids whom Jordan called cute little grandbabies gradually will take over the farm. What they're seeking from the county is permission to build an accessory farm-help dwelling for a relative. Its housing for a member of a property owners family, added to land zoned strictly for growing plants or livestock. And in the eyes of the law, Crosby and Jordan are related. Each is named as the others principal beneficiary should they die. In our reorganizing our lives, I said, Well, yeah, Crosby said, 'you be my trustee.' Jordan has no children. She has a brother, Crosby said, but he also has no children. The farm eventually will go to the Fulshers. Usage Crosby and Jordan sat in front of the countys highest elected leaders Tuesday, Feb. 21, and wondered whether their land use case was heading to a third denial. County staffers have maintained throughout the process that Crosby and Jordan dont make enough money off of their farming and that their property is too small to require on-site help. The cattle operation and the hay operation could cease tomorrow, and the appellants would continue to rely on their retirement savings to support their quality of life, planner Inga Williams said. Both county planning staff and the body of officials county commissioners have appointed to help navigate sometimes-labyrinthine land use policy rejected the request to house the Fulshers on the farm. A Eugene-based land use attorney, Mike Reeder, argued in front of Benton Countys planning commission in November, the first half of the hearing, that Crosby and Jordans farming operation is commercial and that the farmers do require assistance. Crosby told the commission she hoped that work would go to family instead of outside help. When the commission took up the matter again in December, the women found only one ally. Three rejected the appeal, one member voted against it, and the fifth abstained from the vote. The application then made its way to the Board of Commissioners in another appeal. Reeder has argued that the county has not followed state law that requires jurisdictions be consistent when they apply standards used to make their land use decisions. Standards, Reeder said, that are not clear and objective, as the state requires, must be waived. Its almost ignored in the staff report, and to the extent it is discussed, its discussed erroneously, Reeder said. Arguments In arguing that the county has been inconsistent in its fact-finding, Reeder described to commissioners at the Tuesday hearing how Benton County has granted similar applications. Oregons highest administrative authority on how owners can make changes to their property has put forward standards for relative farm housing. County staffers say a farm qualifies for housing if its commercial, and its commercial if it: Generates $80,000 of income each year, or The farm is 80 or more acres. Would the loss of this farm negatively impact the areas agricultural economy? Williams said. And in staff assessment this answer is no. And besides, staff concluded, the Fulshers live only a 15-minute drive away and therefore dont require housing on the farm property to help. Reached by phone on Friday, Reeder declined to answer questions about the appeal ahead of a March 7 hearing on the matter. We're asking the commissioners to reconsider, and thats all I can say, Reeder said. But he did tell commissioners last week that staffs use of the standards picked from Land Use Board of Appeals interpretations is incorrect. County code does not reflect the LUBA standard, he said. It doesn't define what a commercial farm is or how to show that help is required to run such an operation. That is made up by staff, Reeder said. Staff is inserting a provision in the code that is not there, and that is a violation of state statute. And inconsistent with its own made-up rules, the county in 2019 approved an application for relatives housing on a 47-acre hazelnut farm, he said. That farm had made no money. But like Crosby's and Jordan's Philomath-area ranch, it planned to be commercially viable at some point. Effectively, Reeder argued, the countys commercial farm standards are subjective. Without standards firmly reflected in county code, Reeder said, then staff opinion in the farm housing application is subjective. For example, the distance relatives now live How far away would be too far? Well, is half an hour, an hour, two hours away too far? Thats a subjective call, and it cannot be applied to this case, Reeder said. The three-member Board of Commissioners did not immediately decide the appeal, continuing the hearing to a March meeting. Reeders final argument took from case law, Oregon Supreme Courts decision in a 1961 case he said makes clear that when the intent of a law-making body isnt known, the county should side with the property owner. The tie goes to the property owner, Reeder said. Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, Feb. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Exactitude Consultancy, the market research and consulting wing of Ameliorate Digital Consultancy Private Limited has completed and published the final copy of the detailed research report on the Healthcare Consulting Services Market. Global Healthcare Consulting Services Market is anticipated to experience moderate growth in the forecast period (2023-2029). Growing at a CAGR of 11%, the market value is expected to reach US 62.42 billion by 2029-end. Healthcare Consulting Services Market Demand Analysis and Growth in upcoming years The advisory and implementation services offered to healthcare companies to enhance their operational and financial success are referred to as healthcare consulting services . These services include community health management, clinical transformation, financial management, and strategic planning, among others. Due to a number of reasons, including the need to improve healthcare outcomes while lowering costs and the rising demand for value-based care, the market for healthcare consulting services is predicted to expand in the coming years. In summation, the market for healthcare consulting services is anticipated to expand in the years to come as a result of a number of factors, including the complexity of healthcare systems, the need to enhance patient outcomes while lowering costs, and the rising demand for value-based care. The market for healthcare consulting services is anticipated to expand at the fastest rate in the Asia Pacific region due to rising healthcare spending, an increase in medical tourism, and the adoption of digital technologies. To Get a Sample Copy of the Report Visit: Competitive Insight Some of the notable market players operating in the global Healthcare Consulting Services Market covered in this report are: Accenture (Ireland), Cognizant (US), Deloitte (UK), McKinsey & Company (US), PwC (UK), EY (UK), Huron Consulting Group Inc. (US), KPMG (Netherlands), Boston Consulting Group (US), Bain & Company, Inc. (US), and IQVIA (US), and others. Recent Developments Jan. 10, 2023 Accenture has been recognized as the Leader in the Healthcare Provider Digital Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2023 report by industry analyst firm Everest Group. Dec. 21, 2021 Global professional services firm Huron announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire Perception Health Inc., a healthcare predictive analytics company focused on bringing data sources together to illuminate opportunities for improved clinical and business decision-making. Hurons deep healthcare expertise, technology and analytics capabilities combined with Perception Healths analytics, predictive models and data platform will strengthen the firms ability to help providers uncover patterns of care to lower costs, improve patient outcomes and deliver a better healthcare experience. Attributes Value Healthcare Consulting Services market Share (2022) US$ 26.44 billion Healthcare Consulting Services market Projected Size (2029) US$ 62.42 billion Healthcare Consulting Services market Growth (CAGR 2023-2029) 11% Browse the full Healthcare Consulting Services Market by Type of Service (Digital Health, IT, Operations, Strategy, Financial, HR & Talent), End User, Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America), Global trends and forecast from 2022 to 2029 Report and TOC at Segment Overview Healthcare consulting services can be classified into various types based on the nature of the service provided. Here are some common types of healthcare consulting services: by Type of Service Financial Consulting: Financial consulting services assist healthcare companies with efficient resource management, revenue cycle management optimization, and enhancement of their financial performance. Strategic Consulting: Healthcare organizations can create and put into practice effective strategies for achieving their business goals with the aid of strategic consulting services. This could entail making company plans, conducting market study, and spotting opportunities for growth. Information Technology (IT) Consulting: Electronic health records (EHRs), health information exchanges (HIEs), and telemedicine solutions are just a few examples of the information technology (IT) infrastructure that healthcare organizations can adopt and optimize with the aid of IT consulting services. By End-User Hospitals and Healthcare Systems: These organizations are the main recipients of advisory services in the field of healthcare. Healthcare consulting firms provide services such as financial management, strategic planning, operational optimization, clinical transformation, and IT consulting to help hospitals and healthcare systems improve their operational and financial performance, enhance patient care quality, and comply with regulatory requirements. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies: To support their clinical research and development efforts, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies need healthcare consulting services. To assist these businesses in commercializing novel medicines and medical devices, consulting firms offer services like clinical trial administration, regulatory affairs consulting, and healthcare market research. The market is primarily segmented based on product, application, type, and region. by Type of Service by End User Digital Health Consulting IT Consulting Operations Consulting Strategy Consulting Financial Consulting HR & Talent Consulting Government Bodies Healthcare Providers Health Insurance Payers Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Medical Device Companies To learn more about this report, request a free sample copy Regional Insights: Here are some regional insights about the Healthcare Consulting Services market: North America: Due to high healthcare spending and the presence of significant healthcare companies in the area, North America has the largest healthcare consulting services market in the globe. The US accounts for the bulk of revenue share in North America and is the region's largest market. Throughout the forecast period, it is anticipated that the area will continue to dominate the market. Europe- The second-largest market in the globe for healthcare consulting services is in Europe. The market is influenced by things like rising healthcare costs and the existence of a sophisticated healthcare infrastructure in the area. The region's three biggest marketplaces are the UK, Germany, and France. Quantitative Analysis Market size, estimates, and forecasts from 2023 - 2029 Market size and revenue estimates for product up to 2029 Market revenue estimates for application up to 2029 Market revenue estimates for type up to 2029 Regional market size and forecast up to 2029 Company financial What are the Key Data Covered in this Healthcare Consulting Services Market Report? CAGR of the market during the forecast period 2023-2029 Detailed information on factors that will drive Healthcare Consulting Services Market growth during the next Six years Precise estimation of the Healthcare Consulting Services Market size and its contribution to the parent market Accurate predictions on upcoming trends and changes in consumer behaviour The growth of the Healthcare Consulting Services industry across North America, Europe, APAC, South America, the Middle East, and Africa A thorough analysis of the markets competitive landscape and detailed information on vendors Comprehensive details of factors that will challenge the growth of Healthcare Consulting Services Market vendors To know an additional revised 2023 list of market players, request a sample report: Browse Other Related Research Reports from Exactitude Consultancy microcatheters market is projected to reach USD 1200 Million by 2028. Ashwagandha Extracts Marke t is expected to reach above USD 3.2 billion by 2028. medical device cleaning market is expected to reach above USD 3.2 billion by 2028. Press Release Nokia launches anyRAN to drive CloudRAN partnerships enabling flexibility for mobile network operators and enterprises #MWC23 Nokia launches anyRAN, a revolutionary approach to helping mobile operators and enterprises choose purpose-built, hybrid, or Cloud RAN solutions regardless of business model. Nokia deepens partnerships with cloud and data center infrastructure leaders offering end customer flexibility and choice in selecting Cloud RAN solutions. Nokias Cloud RAN Smart Network Interface Card (NIC) with in-Line Layer 1 acceleration ensures performance parity across purpose-built, hybrid, or cloud networks. 26 February 2023 Espoo, Finland Nokia today announced that it has signed go-to-market agreements with the worlds leading cloud infrastructure and server providers giving mobile network operators and enterprises flexibility in their choice of hardware, cloud infrastructure, and data center solutions for running Cloud RAN. To support this Nokia has also announced the launch of anyRAN, a new concept to help mobile operators and enterprises extend their options for building and evolving their radio access networks. Nokias approach supports the evolution of todays purpose-built networks to Cloud RAN and hybrid solutions, ensuring performance consistency across all network environments. The Collaborative Advantage: Nokia launches anyRAN Nokia anyRAN is designed to help mobile operators and enterprises extend their options for building and evolving their radio access networks. The software can run on any partner's Cloud and Server infrastructure in addition to Nokia AirScale base stations and Nokia AirFrame servers. This approach removes the complexity from deployments by allowing a mix of purpose-built, hybrid, and fully Cloud-based RAN solutions, enabling deep multi-level disaggregation at the Cloud Infrastructure layer and data center (server) hardware layer. Close collaboration with partners also ensures performance consistency of Cloud RAN with Nokias field-proven purpose-built RAN. Future-ready performance: Cloud RAN SmartNIC for anyRAN Underpinning these high-performance solutions is the Nokia Cloud RAN SmartNIC, a Layer 1 (fronthaul) In-Line acceleration card that integrates seamlessly with all leading Cloud or server infrastructures. L1 acceleration needs specialized silicon with extreme computing capacity, which is beyond the capabilities of general-purpose processors. Nokia Cloud RAN SmartNIC uses dedicated and optimized silicon technology, which is more energy efficient and provides higher performance. Nokia and its partners have already successfully performed end-to-end 5G data calls (Layer 3 calls) in multi-vendor setups powered by Nokias solution. Nokia 5G Cloud RAN While Nokias AnyRAN solution offers deep multi-level vertical disaggregation, Nokia also continues to serve the mobile operator and enterprise market with its optimized Nokia AirFrame OpenEdge server family. Benefitting from the SmartNIC, the enhanced AirFrame Open Edge server delivers a 50 percent performance boost compared to the system shown at Mobile World Congress 2022. Nokias solutions offer network performance consistency between purpose-built AirScale baseband and Cloud RAN and secures the best possible feature performance parity, with the fastest time-to-market for cloud/hybrid networks. Mobile World Congress 2023 At MWC 2023 in Barcelona, Nokia will showcase anyRAN as well as the future-ready SmartNIC solution, its enhanced AirFrame Open Edge server as well as the progress made in Cloud RAN with its best-in-class partners. Additional demonstrations will also be included on our partners stands. Please visit Hall 3 to see our industry-leading technology solutions. Sue Rudd, Director Networks and Service Platforms at TechInsights, said: As service providers evolve on the path towards disaggregated RAN, Nokias anyRAN offers them a solution with standard O-RAN fronthaul and 3GPP midhaul interfaces under seamless control that can operate across multiple Cloud partner data centers. Combined with acceleration from a new Layer 1 SMARTNIC and a host neutral Container as a Service (CaaS) layer for DU and CU processing, this flexible open approach will allow operators to leverage Nokias powerful new ecosystem of platform and cloud partners to deliver very cost effective, high performance Cloud RAN service. Tommi Uitto, President of Mobile Networks at Nokia, said: The strength of our industry partnerships and the launch of anyRAN unlocks more choice and higher performance in Cloud RAN for our mobile network operator and enterprise customers. Server-based Cloud RAN will have to co-exist with purpose-built RAN in the short-to-medium term which calls for performance consistency and service continuity between the two. Together with our leading industry partners, we have made huge progress towards this goal by driving consistent performance across any partner's Cloud Infrastructure or server hardware. Our collaborative approach to Cloud RAN means we can drive efficiency, innovation, openness, and scale by jointly delivering competitive advantage to organizations embracing Cloud RAN. Resources and additional information Webpage: Nokia AirScale Cloud RAN Webpage: Nokia anyRAN Whitepaper: Cloud RAN: A Guide to Acceleration Options Blog: In-Line architecture: bringing efficiency and performance to Cloud RAN Blog: The collaborative advantage: Nokia and partners delivering best-in-class Cloud RAN solutions Meet us at Mobile World Congress 2023 #MWC23 About Nokia At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together. As a B2B technology innovation leader, we are pioneering networks that sense, think and act by leveraging our work across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. In addition, we create value with intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs. Service providers, enterprises and partners worldwide trust Nokia to deliver secure, reliable and sustainable networks today and work with us to create the digital services and applications of the future. Media Inquiries Nokia Communications, Corporate Email: NEW YORK, Feb. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of American Depository Shares ("ADSs") of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) between June 20, 2018 and September 28, 2022, both dates inclusive (the Class Period) of the important April 3, 2023 lead plaintiff deadline. SO WHAT: If you purchased Honda ADSs during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement. WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Honda class action, go to or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email or for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than April 3, 2023. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation. WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually handle securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs Bar. Many of the firms attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers. DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) Honda had overstated the safety and effectiveness of the Idle Stop engine feature; (2) Honda maintained deficient disclosure controls and procedures with respect to product quality and safety; (3) as a result of the foregoing deficiencies, Honda failed to prevent American Honda from marketing and selling thousands of vehicles that contained a defective Idle Stop feature; (4) the foregoing conduct subjected the Company and/or its subsidiaries to a heightened risk of litigation, as well as financial and/or reputational harm; and (5) as a result, the Company's public statements were materially false and misleading at all relevant times. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages. To join the Honda class action, go to or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email or for information on the class action. No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investors ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff. Follow us for updates on LinkedIn:, on Twitter: or on Facebook: Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. ------------------------------- Daily Graphic Editorials We must commit to improving lives of PWDs Daily Graphic Editorials Feb - 26 - 2023 , 08:05 At the commemoration of the 2022 World Disability Day, the Obuasi Branch of the Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations charged metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies to factor in the needs of its members in the planning and implementation of policies. The 1992 Constitution ensures that the welfare and wellbeing of Ghanaians with various incapacities are guaranteed. Article 29 of the 1992 Constitution enjoins duty bearers to ensure that all public spaces have the appropriate facilities for persons with disability (PWDs). Additionally, incentives are to be given to PWDs engaged in business and also to institutions to employ them in significant numbers. Then also, the Constitution charges Parliament to enact laws to ensure the enforcement of provisions in safeguarding PWDs. The Persons with Disability Act, 2006 (Act 715) elaborates on provisions of the 1992 Constitution by ensuring the seamless integration of PWDs into society and communities. Even a cursory reading of the Act shows that PWDs in Ghana ought not to have any complaints, if the Act were to be implemented fully. Act 715 outlines principles governing the functions of district assemblies, which include ensuring the participation of the vulnerable in all spheres of activities, ensuring their welfare and protection. To achieve that, three per cent of the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) is devoted to PWDs in districts, with the National Council for Persons with Disability providing guidelines for the disbursement of the funds. The demand of the Obuasi Branch of the Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations is valid and backed by law. Indeed, more than two decades after the passage of Act 715, PWDs ought not to have been urging local authorities to do what is required for them. Ghana should have by now been building on gains made in making the lives of PWDs more comfortable. It can be done with the commitment of duty bearers. It is true that Ghana cannot resolve all the challenges impeding the progress of those living with various forms of disabilities. The Daily Graphic, however, believes that the nation is on the right path towards achieving the goals. We have the rules and laws, and critically, we have integrated the welfare of PWDs into the local governance system. That is a good start, but we can do more. For instance, if the payment of the DACF can be done in a timely manner so that those with disabilities in various communities across the country can benefit, it will go a long way to improve their lives. Fortunately, the NCPD, under the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGWSP) has so far held meetings bringing together all within the ecosystem to further improve on the progress being made towards the achievement of the countrys commitments towards PWDs. That is also a good effort, as during the meetings, resources committed to improving the lives of PWDs, as well as a directory of policy, partners, programmes and goals in line with the Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework were discussed and outlined. It is the hope and expectation of the Daily Graphic that the Ministry of Finance will commit the resources needed to ensure that all these efforts yield the required results. In reality, including the concerns and challenges of PWDs in our development processes and efforts is a plus to Ghana. We must remember that disability can occur to anyone at all, and at any point in time. Let us therefore commit to ensuring that a standard of inclusion is maintained for PWDs. We can do more with our traditional music and dance Nii Laryea Korley Showbiz News Feb - 25 - 2023 , 06:20 Ghanaian traditional music and dance has taken him to many countries across the globe and multi-instrumentalist, Nii Tettey Tetteh, remains convinced that the nation is foregoing huge amounts of foreign exchange by not paying adequate attention to that sector. Typical of him, he publicly alludes to that issue whenever the opportunity crops up. When he received the Traditional Artiste of the Year trophy at the 2022 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMA), he boldly reiterated the view that our traditional music and dance formats could take us higher on the international market than we envisaged. A key requirement, he believes, is the commitment of the state to tap the best-performing acts across the nation and work closely with our diplomatic mission abroad to help organise regular workshops and performances wherever they are. Traditional music and dance are items we have complete ownership of. We dont need any so-called strategic investment partners to help us mine or refine them. We dont need to go borrow anything to help us understand what those natural assets can do for us, says Nii Tettey. Beginnings Born and bred at James Town in Accra, Nii Tettey in his teenage years played flute and percussion with the Ebaahi Sounds and had the chance to perform and act alongside Fleetwood Mac in The Visitor film. He was a founder member of the Pan-African Orchestra and worked with the Kakatsitsi Master Drummers before forming his own Kusun Ensemble in 1996. A former President of the Ghana Dance Association, his Kusun Ensemble has shared stage at major music events globally with names such as Miriam Makeba, Angelique Kidjo, Lucky Dube, Joseph Hill and Stevie Wonder. His contention is that with a serious business approach, Ghanas missions abroad, especially those in Europe and America, should be able to make inroads into the school systems where they are and get institutions interested in African music and arts. It should be possible to organise African drumming and dancing workshops for schools in the Winter months. The schools can book for lessons and pay for the services through the missions. There are Cultural Attaches who should spearhead those initiatives. There are many festivals in the Summer months. Autumn and Spring months can also be explored for various cultural expositions from Ghana. In addition, different drums and other musical equipment from Ghana can be sold at the workshops and festivals. They will all add up to getting some income for those who make the equipment back home. Music compositions Apart from music composition and performance, Nii Tettey also, through his Kusun Productions outfit, organises study tours for Australian, American and European students keen to learn about music and dance in a Ghanaian environment. So he wears his businessman cap at those times and says it is important for creative folks to develop a good understanding of business to enable them to succeed. Having grown up in an environment where there wasnt much regard for musicians of all sorts, his ambition when growing up was to play music and earn respect for doing that. Music is all I have done in my life. I think it should be seen as a respectable field just like other professions but we all know how things pan out in this our system. Thats why I work hard and inspire up-and-coming ones to also put their hearts fully into it and stand tall for what they do. Nii Tettey lives at Nungua in Accra and is a keen observer of the traditional music and dance scene in his community. Off the top of his head, he mentioned groups such as Adepa, Efeee Noko, Anunyam, Salaka, Akuma, Tsooboi and Suomo Dance Afrik, all of whom he said were pushing on to gain firm creative and financial grounding. I see them, engage with some of them and admire their zeal. Things are, however, so tough these days that they are not able to always fully bring out what they can do. Acquiring appropriate costume is hard sometimes. There are times when due to transportation costs, they are not able to take along all the equipment needed for a first-rate performance. But they are still around and hopeful of better times ahead, he said. His contention is that there are many groups in other corners of Accra and across the nation who are doing fantastic stuff but not getting noticed due to monetary constraints. They dont have people with sound financial muscle to hold them up and thats where he believes some state support could be useful. Collaboration He said the traditional music and dance terrain cuts across fields such as education, trade and foreign affairs as well as tourism, arts and culture. So, those arms of Government must collaborate and help lift up the groups to bring glory to the nation at all times. To him, Ghanaian traditional music and dance can be packaged in many different ways to sell anywhere in the world. He observed that some typical Ghanaian musical instruments were being modified and sold under different names in music shops across the world. He said there was no way of standing up to that because theres apparently no central authority here interested enough to follow up and possibly demand royalties. What he can demand of himself for now is keep up the crusade for the state to show more interest in the forward march of traditional music and dance to earn more money to support national development. Ghana Education News Kufuor advises alumni of international universities Yaa Kuffour Senyah Education Feb - 25 - 2023 , 08:15 Former President John Agyekum Kufuor has advised alumni of international universities to use their expertise to impact positively on society. He said having the opportunity to study in such institutions was not solely for academic nurturing, but also for social transformation to help lift up communities in their respective countries from challenges such as unemployment and poverty. President Kufuor added that they must also use their global leadership skills to find solutions to major difficulties facing their various countries and the continent as a whole. So be servant leaders, focus your attention to finding practical solutions. And given the natural resources that abound, coupled with the quality of human resource available, together, we can contribute towards transforming the country much faster than we can imagine, he added. President Kufuor gave the advice when members of Oxford and Cambridge Society of Ghana (OxCam), an association of Ghanaian alumni of Oxford and Cambridge universities paid a courtesy call on him at his residence at Peduase in the Eastern Region last Thursday. The visit was to express appreciation to the former Head of State for his unwavering support to the association and the immense contribution to Oxford scholarships. As the patron of the association, it was also to formally inform him of plans to launch their 10th anniversary celebration later this year. Members who included an interim committee comprised alumni of the two universities from the 1990s till date. Commendation President Kufuor commended the association for its dynamism and for contributing to the improvement of the economy over the years, adding that the anniversary celebration was a renewal of their commitment to public service. He further urged the members to work towards building a stronger network of alumni which would educate and impact the current youth on various scholarship programmes available in the universities. So the beauty of OxCam should be centred on gathering citizens who have been exposed to these universities to come together to render services and impact the youth immensely, President Kufuor said. The former President also informed the alumni that he was currently working on a 30-chapter memoir which he said was near completion. Rationale The Interim Co-Chair of the OxCam Society Ghana, Emefa Takyi-Amoako, said the central mission of the association was to bring the alumni of both universities together for their mutual benefit and that of society. She said the launch of the 10th anniversary celebration would be marked with a fundraising gala dinner to support the social welfare of the country, including other community impact programmes. Mrs Takyi-Amoako said the launch would be attended by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo, the Vice-President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, and other prominent personalities in the country. Create space for recreational activities in communities - Society for cardiology to govt Kwadwo Baffoe Donkor Feb - 25 - 2023 , 08:06 The Ghana Society for Cardiology (GSC) has advocated the creation of more playgrounds for recreational activities in the country. According to the society, uncontrolled development in various parts of the country was denying some communities of recreational spaces, including fun parks as areas demarcated for such activities were being turned into structures. As a result, many people do not have access to space and facilities to exercise or have fun games to release stress. It also identified the rural-urban migration phenomenon as a contributory factor to the rapid urbanisation of most communities that was making it difficult to maintain existing recreational centres or the creation of new ones. Urbanisation may have some positives, but it also has many challenges so far as cardiovascular health is concerned, the President of the GSC, Dr Alfred Doku, said. He added that due to the increasing population in urban areas, most people tended to spend more time in vehicular traffic before accessing health care, a situation which could prove fatal, especially during emergencies. Event The president, who was speaking at the 5th Annual General and Scientific meeting of the GSC in Kumasi last Thursday, therefore, urged the government to enforce policies to safeguard spaces meant for recreational activities in communities. Speaking on the theme: Gender and cardiovascular heath, he said although cardiovascular diseases affected both men and women men tend to die more from cardiovascular diseases, especially in Africa because the health seeking behaviour of men is greatly low. Men are likely to detect cardiovascular diseases quite late primarily because they are not diagnosed with hypertension early, leading to they having stroke and heart diseases. Even when it comes to management, women are more compliant as they are more likely to take their medication than men, Dr Doku said. He, however, said that notwithstanding womens better health seeking behaviour, it was more difficult to diagnose cardiovascular diseases in women due to what the president described as nonspecific presentation. When a woman has cardiovascular disease or heart attack, the presentation is a bit different. Women tend to present nonspecific chest pains and difficulty in breathing. So the diagnosis becomes a bit difficult in women, while in men it is usually a bit easier, he said. Dr Doku further said that yes, women are more compliant, they seek help early and they are able to live a healthy life as compared to men. Global situation Globally, the president said that more than 19 million people die from cardiovascular diseases which is the third cause of death in the world. In Ghana, stroke and heart diseases are the leading causes of death. So globally, regionally and nationally, cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of death and it is worrying, because diseases such as hypertension is preventable, he said. Dr Doku, therefore, appealed to the people to go for regular check-ups and live healthy lifestyles and not wait to fall sick before seeking health care. Ghana creditors urged to support economic growth Emelia Ennin Abbey Feb - 25 - 2023 , 08:50 The German Ambassador to Ghana, Daniel Krull, has called on businesses with strong business ties with China to use their relationship to encourage and convince the Asian country to sit with other bilateral creditors to agree on a package to help Ghana out of its current economic crisis. "Time is of the essence. Time is running out. Without an agreement by Ghanas bilateral creditors, the IMFs package will be difficult," he said. Mr Krull made the call when he interacted with selected journalists in Accra yesterday on the outcome of the visit of a number of German delegations to Ghana in the past few weeks. The delegations, which visited Ghana separately, included teams led by the Minister for Development Corporation, Director General of International Labour Organisation, Minister of Finance and Legal Committee of the German Parliament, who interacted with their counterparts in Ghana's Parliament and representatives of some government state institutions. The German Ambassador also called on Members of Parliament (MPs) who were engaged with China to also encourage the country to sit with Ghanas bilateral creditors to finalise arrangements to help Ghana to return to economic growth. China is Ghana's largest bilateral creditor but Mr Krull said: "It is so far not fully supporting the setting up of the creditors committee where all the creditors will sit down and agree on a package for Ghana." Ghana was owing about $13 billion in Eurobonds and $4 billion in bilateral loans in September 2022, according to the International Institute of Finance in a publication on February 4, 2023. Out of Ghanas total debt, it estimated that the country owed China about $1.7 billion and the other bilateral creditors were likely to take a deal based on what the Chinese would receive. Notable among its credits are the $1 billion loan to construct the Atuabo Gas processing plant, as well as a $292 million loan in 2007 for the construction of the Bui Hydro Power Plant. German interest in Ghana The German Ambassador said President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, had appealed to the German visitors to support the country in convincing China to come to the table. We are ready to do that. We are already in that but what is important is to encourage all Ghanaians who have strong ties with China and are doing business with it to also engage them and convince them that it is time to sit down with all the other creditors to agree on a package, he said. The visits by the various German delegations to Ghana, he said, show how much Germany remains interested in Ghana and is prepared to support it not only in good times but in bad times and a in crisis like this one. Mr Krull said Germany was prepared to live up to its responsibility as one of the major bilateral creditors to Ghana but we are only ready to implement our solidarity if certain criteria are met. He said the G20, of which Germany was a member, had agreed on how to deal with such crises and that Germany felt that it was important that the framework was respected. We are aware that the framework might not be perfect but it is the only one we have now, he said. Also Germany will be ready to take part in the arrangements when others are also ready. All major creditors must be ready to help Ghana, Mr Krull said. There is an important homework to be done here and we encourage the government to take the necessary steps. With all that together, we are quite confident that Ghana can find a way out of this severe financial crisis, Mr Krull stated. He, therefore, encouraged all stakeholders to do their best to decide on concrete measures for creating fiscal space to enable the Ghanaian economy to bounce back. Germany is pleased to be part of this process and we are consulting with the government and thinking about setting up a small committee on how to support the government in getting back to economic growth, Mr Krull said. Germany, as part of its support, the ambassador said, was working on supporting Ghanaian enterprises to improve their performance and become more competitive through technical and vocational training, which was a strong pillar of Germanys development cooperation. Ghana records 2 lassa fever cases Zadok Kwame Gyesi Feb - 26 - 2023 , 13:12 Ghana has recorded two confirmed cases of Lassa fever disease. The two cases were confirmed by the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research on February 24, 2023. A statement issued by the Ghana Health Service (GHS) signed by its Director-General, Dr Patrick Kuma-Aboagye on Sunday, February 26, 2023, said the first case was a 40-year-old trader, who was unwell for a period of about two weeks and finally died at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital. The second case, who is a contact of the first case, is currently on admission but is very stable. According to him, so far, 56 contacts have been identified and are being followed up. Lassa fever (a viral hemorrhagic fever) is endemic in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. Ghana recorded its first case in 2011. Below is the statement The Ghana Health Service received notification of two confirmed Lassa fever cases from the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research on 24th February, 2023. Both cases reside in Accra. The first case was a 40-year-old trader, who was unwell for a period of about two weeks and finally died at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital. The second case, who is a contact of the fatal case, is currently on admission but is very stable. So far, 56 contacts have been identified and are being followed up. Lassa fever (a viral hemorrhagic fever) is endemic in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. Ghana recorded its first case in 2011. Following the notification, the underlisted public health measures have been undertaken. Public Health Emergency Management committees at all levels (National, Regions and Districts) have been activated. Detailed investigation including environmental assessment has started. Essential medications and logistics including Personal Protecting Equipment (PPE) are being mobilized. Contact tracing and management are on-going. Quarantine of contacts has been instituted and daily follow up by health staff is ongoing. Strict Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) with barrier nursing has been instituted Sensitization of health staff on Lassa fever has started. Community sensitization and education on Lassa fever are ongoing. Brief about Lassa Fever Lassa fever is caused by Lassa virus and the incubation period is 2-21 days. The virus is transmitted to humans through contact with food or household items contaminated with rodent (Rats, Mice) urine or faeces. Lassa virus may also be spread between humans through direct contact with the blood, urine, faeces, or other bodily fluids of a person infected with Lassa fever. Sexual transmission of Lassa virus has been reported. Symptoms of Lassa fever The early symptoms of Lassa fever may include fever and general weakness. Persons may later present with headache, sore throat, muscle pain, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cough, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, there maybe bleeding from the mouth, nose, vagina or stomach. Death usually occurs within 14 days of onset in fatal cases. Treatment and prophylaxis There is medicine (antiviral) for treatment and much effective if taken early. There is currently no vaccine that protects against Lassa fever. Prevention and control Prevention relies on promoting community hygiene to discourage rodents from entering our homes. Effective measures include storing grain and other foodstuffs in rodent-proof containers, disposing of garbage far from the home, maintaining clean households and keeping cats. Let us also avoid contact with blood and body fluids while caring for sick persons. The Ministry of Health and Ghana Health Service, in collaboration with our partners, wishes to assure the general public that all efforts are being made to contain this outbreak and prevent further spread of the virus. SIGNED DR PATRICK KUMA-ABOAGYE DIRECTOR GENERAL Lets enhance collaboration to fight violent extremism - Speakers Emmanuel Bonney & Diana Mensah Feb - 25 - 2023 , 13:04 Speakers at a programme on Preventing and Containing Violent Extremism (PCVE) in Accra have underscored the need for enhanced collaboration among state and non-state actors to prevent violent extremism in the country. For them, collaboration among civil society organisations, the citizenry and the various security agencies was critical to dealing with violent extremism. The speakers included the Principal Analyst at the Ministry of National Security, Dr Sayuti Baba; the Chairperson of the National Commission for Civil Education (NCCE), Kathleen Addy; the Director of National Centre for Coordination of Early Warning and Response Mechanism (NCCRM), Col. Joseph K. Merdiemah; Team Leader of COGINTA -Ghana, Rev. Fr Clement Aapengnuo and the Deputy Head of Programme on the Conflict Management Programme at the Faculty of Academic Affairs and Research at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Afua Lamptey. The rest are the General Secretary of the Christian Council of Ghana; Rev. Dr Cyril Fayose; Spokesperson of the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Aremeyaw Shaibu and Dr Afua Yakohene of the Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy. Project The PCVE project is an eighteen-month long intervention by the NCCE with support from the European Unions Rapid Response pillar. It seeks to help prevent and contain violent extremism and terrorism and promote social cohesion, peace and tolerance in the five northern regions - Upper West, Upper East, Savannah, North East and Northern Regions and three other border regions; Oti, Bono East and Bono. It will be implemented in 63 districts. Setting the tone for the discussions, Ms Addy said, a multidimensional approach to reducing threat of violent extremism gives us the best chance for success. Indeed, the threat we face cannot be addressed in isolation as it forms part of a much bigger global network of dangerous non-state actors determined to destabilise vulnerable states and seize control of natural resources, as well as territories, she said. Dr Baba said the establishment of the National Counter Terrorism Centre was unique because in order to fight terrorism, there was the need for a way to coordinate all efforts of every agency and also strengthen cooperation to deal with terrorism. He said there was the need to commend the NCCE for education and awareness creation and stressed the need that it be supported to do more. Consistent Col. Merdiemah said there was the need to create consistent template for early warning. So you can have the signs and warning but if you dont have a template , nobody would hear what you are saying and nobody may even understand what is going on, he said. Rev. Dr Fayose said in order to prevent and contain violent extremism in Ghana, there was the need to establish dialogues. He said dialogue was adopted in1989 to enhance peaceful coexistence and national operation in Ghana. Mrs Lamptey said Ghana had learnt from the experience of the Grand Bassam attacks in Cote d Ivoire as the threat of violent extremism came closer. She said it was, therefore, important that the country put in place some intervention to mitigate effects of such an act and terrorism. Measures Dr Yakohene of the Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy (LECIAD) said some measures put in place by the ECOWAS Community to curb terrorism and violent extremism included the Accra initiative. She said the initiative was a cooperative and collaborative security mechanism among member states aimed at preventing the spread of terrorism from the Sahel to the coastal areas and address issues of transnational organised crimes. Earlier, the Head of the European Union, Irchad Razaaly, said the EU had been a partner aimed at ensuring peaceful electoral process to reduce the risks of violence among the vulnerable communities across the country. Missing military officer Lieutenant Colonel Peter Amoah found Enoch Darfah Frimpong Feb - 26 - 2023 , 12:21 The missing military officer of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), Lieutenant Colonel Peter Amoah has been found. The officer was found by the police in the Central Region, a police statement issued on Sunday has said. Lt Col Peter Amoah of the Directorate of Army Peace Keeping Operations of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) was reported missing on Saturday. The Ghana Armed Forces in a press statement said Lt Col Amoah was last seen on Thursday February 23, 2023 at about 3:30 pm in the general area of Burma Camp. Ghana Armed Forces The Ghana Armed Forces therefore sent out an alert about the missing Lt Col Peter Amoah. He is a resident of New Labadi Villas block E room E2 and about 1.8 meters tall with brown eyes and dark in complexion. According to the GAF, he was last seen wearing a white T-Shirt with red inscription, blue jeans shorts and black slippers with white stripe. In a press statement issued by the Director General of Public Relations, Brig Gen E. Aggrey-Quashie on Saturday, February 25, 2023, the GAF said Anyone with information on his whereabouts should kindly contact the nearest Police Station or Military Police Station or call 0244561521 [Commanding Officer of Ghana Military Police] and 0593844420 [Duty Officer of Ghana Military Police] Lt Col Peter Amoah found The Police in a statement on Sunday said he has been found and that he was found by the Police in the Central Region. He has since been handed over to the Military while Police investigation continues to determine the circumstances under which he went missing. Writer's email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Follow @enochfrimpong Follow @Graphicgh CPP launches Remembrance Day - Charges youth to rally behind party Dickson Worlanyo Dotse Politics Feb - 25 - 2023 , 09:15 The Convention Peoples Party (CPP) has launched the 57th anniversary of its Remembrance Day with a call on the youth to shun the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC). The Chairperson of the party, Nana Akosua Frimponmaa Sarpong Kumankumah, who made the call, said both the NPP and the NDC had for the past 30 years proven to the citizens that they were incapable of handling the affairs of the country. We are here today to say that the CPP has opened its doors. Dont waste your time. Dont vote and waste your energy anymore in service of the duopoly. They do not have a plan, she added. The Remembrance Day is celebrated annually by the CPP to commemorate the overthrow of the founder of the party, Dr Kwame Nkrumah, in a military coup on February 24, 1966. The coup was led by Lieutenant-General Emmanuel Kwasi Kotoka and Lieutenant General Akwasi Amankwaa Afrifa. The month-long commemoration would include programmes aimed at showcasing and recognising the achievements and vision of the countrys first president. Blame, 800 positions Nana Sarpong Kumankumah Frimpongmaa also blamed Ghanaians for the lack of development and economic crisis in the country because they continuously voted representatives of the two parties (NPP and NDC) into office. It is about time that Ghanaians stopped totally blaming the leadership of this country. We also need to be blamed because we keep putting them there. But I dont want to blame you the youth too much because you have been fed with lies your whole lives, she said. She, therefore, advised them to join and take over the party in order to have a say in their own affairs at the national level. We are not asking you to join as mere followers and supporters. There are about 800 positions available in the party at this very moment so you are coming on as executives who will run the party because we the older generation, our time is over, she explained. The Seven-Year Plan The Chairperson recalled that before his overthrow, Dr Nkrumah was three years into the implementation of a seven-year developmental plan that brought about a period of economic growth and stability. She noted that under those three years, the Nrumah-led administration had established about 400 factories, extensively constructed rail and telephone lines and among others made significant gains in health and education. Nana Sarpong Kumankumah, therefore, urged the youth and the entire populace to throw their weight behind the CPP in the 2024 general election to restore the economy to its former glory. Accountability In a related development, the CPP said it was time for Ghanaians to make the NPP government accountable. We the people should demand answers to how our resources are dissipated. It is unfortunate that all this while after the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah we as Ghanaians/Leaders cannot manage our own affairs but have to depend on our foreign partners for a lifeline to survive. Indeed, we are in a sorry state, a statement signed by the General Secretary of the party, Nana Yaa Akyempim Jantuah, on the 57th anniversary of the overthrow of Dr Nkrumah, said. It said 57 years after the unfortunate 24th February Coup detat that ousted the CPP government led by Dr Nkrumah, Ghana had stopped working and that the nation was at a standstill and nothing was being done to salvage the socio-economic problems Ghanaians found themselves in. While the CPP was doing everything possible to lay the foundation for a prosperous and an economic independent nation, the local imperialists were busy with their foreign counterparts to stake a coup to oust the CPP out of government. The country is bleeding and being woefully mismanaged. We are broke and have to resort to taking money from the vulnerable in society to be able to even qualify to participate in an IMF programme because our debt portfolio is scary to look at and very unsustainable, it said, adding that we have a burden hanging on our neck, and saddled with a very unsympathetic government which does not care about the well-being of the Ghanaian. The statement said it was sad that the country was going to ask for a debt cancellation from China, a country that was its protege 57 years ago. What went wrong and whatever we did wrong must be corrected by the people of Ghana in due course by voting the CPP back into power to continue with the good works for the country. Nigeria elects new leader Mary Mensah Politics Feb - 25 - 2023 , 12:53 Africas most populous country, Nigeria, goes to the polls today to elect a new president, governors and senators. The presidential and parliamentary elections, which have been described as the most tightly contested since military rule ended in 1999, has 15,336 candidates battling for various positions. They are locking horns over one presidential slot, 28 governorship seats, 469 legislative seats in the National Assembly, and 993 legislative slots in the State Houses of Assembly. The fate of the candidates, nominated across 18 existing political parties, will be determined at 176,846 polling units across the country. Although there are 93,469,008 registered voters, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has stated that 87,209,007 of the voters had collected their permanent voter cards (PVCs) and are expected to cast their votes. With 18 candidates vying for the presidency, the stakes are high and many watchers of the political space say the outcome of the election could be a make or break for Nigeria. Political analysts have also said the presidential election is too close to call, with the four leading candidates being Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC); Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP); Peter Obi of the Labour Party, and Rabiu Kwankwaso of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP). Atiku Abubakar Abubakar, a veteran politician and PDP candidate, is making a sixth shot at the presidency. He is hoping to win political power and return to power the party which ruled the country from 1999 to 2015 with Olusegun Obasanjo as President. Other presidents who ruled on the ticket of the party include Umaru Musa YarAdua and Goodluck Jonathan, who completed the term of YarAdua when he passed away as sitting President. The veteran politicians campaign hinged on unifying what he described as a divided country and lifting Nigerias economy. In Nigeria, where ethnicity and religious background plays key role in electoral victory, Abubakar is a force to reckon. He is a northern Muslim, ethnic Fulani from the northeast. He has selected Ifeanyi Okowa, the outgoing governor of Delta State in the south and a Christian, as his running mate. Bola Tinubu Tinubu and Atiku, former political and business associates, were among the founder fathers of the APC. However, the pair will face off tomorrow on different sides, with each hoping to outdo the other. Tinubu is a two-term governor of Lagos State, Nigerias economic capital, and credited with raising the states revenue. At the core of his campaign is to replicate his success on the national stage. For more than three decades, he had selected Kashim Shettima, ex-governor of Borno, as his running mate. Tinubu and Shettima are both Muslims, from the southwest and northeast, respectively. Peter Obi Peter Obi is the former governor of the southeastern state of Anambra, whose emergence and strong showing so far has effectively disrupted the traditional two-horse race. He is also being projected as a surprise winner of the vote. Multiple polls have predicted a win for the Labour Party and Obi, who has a large following among Nigerian youths who are disenchanted with governance in Africas largest economy. He was on the PDP ticket alongside Abubakar in 2019. Rabiu Kwankwaso Kwankwaso comes with experience to match the other frontrunners. A former two-time governor of Kano and Defence Minister, he has served in the two houses of parliament. He is said to be popular among the youth in his home region for his welfarist politics. One big achievement attributed to him was a significant scholarship scheme that benefited thousands of students from low-income households in Kano. Kwankwaso is running along with Isaac Idahosa, a bishop in the Pentecostal Christian denomination, who hails from Edo State in the south. Concerns Other African countries, including Ghana, are keenly keeping an eye on the polls in Nigeria with the hope that the West African giant would emerge united and stronger after the polls. Ahead of the polls, concerns have been raised that the volatile security situation during the campaign could escalate at the drop of a hat. For instance, a recent report of the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) said this years elections would be the most challenging to conduct in Nigeria, saying the raging insecurity, preparedness of INEC and conduct of presidential candidates would shape the outcome of the polls. But the credibility of the 2023 general election will also depend on the degree to which citizens can vote freely and unencumbered, CDD-Nigeria said. Insecurity remains a critical issue, particularly in the North-West and South-East. Further challenging this operation are the prevailing structural, infrastructural and cultural ecosystems in which the polls will take place, the political think tank added. Border closure As part of measures to forestall the integrity of the elections, Nigeria closed all its land borders on the eve of the polls. According to Nigerian Immigration Service, the directive was meant to ensure that the elections are free, fair and devoid of anomalies. In line with that directive, border officials have been told to ensure strict enforcement of the order. The immigration service said it had seized 6,000 voter cards and other Nigerian identification documents from illegal immigrants in the run-up to the elections. President Muhammadu Buhari last Thursday urged security agencies to be firm and courageous in the election period, and warned against riots after the announcement of election results. Thousands of local and international journalists have been deployed to cover the elections in Nigeria, including the Daily Graphics Foreign and Supplements Editor, Mary Mensah, who will bring you up-to-the-minute stories and analysis on Africas biggest elections. Courtesy of FBN Bank Week 8 in review: MWC is coming, Xperia 5 V surfaces, iPhone 15 renders are here Welcome to another week's recap. The Mobile World Congress in Barcelona kicks off tomorrow, but the first announcements are already rolling in - here's what to expect. The Samsung Galaxy A54 and A34 are coming soon, and we got another specs leak. The Galaxy A54 will ship with a 6.4-inch 120Hz OLED panel and an Exynos 1380 SoC with up to 8GB of RAM. The Samsung Galaxy A34, on the other hand, is rumored to run on a Dimensity 1080 chip with up to 8GB RAM. The Sony Xperia 5 V (yes, five five) dropped by Geekbench, revealing its 16GB of RAM paired with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset. We also got a few renders of the iPhone 15 Pro, which will have a slightly more rounded design, USB-C, the same Dynamic Island, and a new hero color - Dark Red. See the full list of top stories below. Cheers! Samsung Galaxy A54 and A34 specs leak The Galaxy A54 is rumored to feature an upgraded Exynos 1380 SoC. Motorola ThinkPhone in for review Motorola's phone take on Lenovo's ThinkPad is surprisingly good. Sony Xperia 5 V pops up on Geekbench with 16GB of RAM This is a rather early leak, but the Xperia 5 V seems to be matching today's SD8 Gen 2 phones. iPhone 15 CAD renders show Dynamic Island and USB-C port The vanilla iPhone 15 will get a 6.2-inch display, an updated pill-shaped cutout and a USB-C port. OnePlus 11 Concept teased with light strips on the back Are these LED strips or part of a new active cooling system? Oppo to launch its own SoC in 2024 The company is in talks with TSMC to manufacture it. Samsung details Exynos 1380 chipset It's expected to debut in a Galaxy A54 soon. Factory-sealed first-generation iPhone sells for over $63,000 at auction Its owner received it as a gift from her friends over fifteen years ago but never bothered to use the device. Here's the iPhone 15 Pro in its hero dark red color The iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus will get light blue and pink options. Vivo V27 Pro in for review The phone will launch officially on March 1 in India. YouTube begins testing 1080p Premium stream option on mobile app YouTube may be shifting some of its strategies to capture more YouTube Premium subscribers. Realme GT3's 240W charging system shown off on video: 1-100% in 9 minutes and 37 seconds Like Realme's GT Neo5, this one needs under 10 minutes to go from a flat to a full charged battery. The sprint to 20% takes only less than a minute and a half. Samsung is rolling out the first update for the Galaxy S23 series It's a small update that focuses on bumping up the security patch as the flagship trio launched with the old January 2023 patch. Flautist Sgt. Syd Refugia hits all the right notes as she and other members of the Guam Army National Guards 721st Army Band perform a medley of service songs representing the various branches of the U.S. Armed Forces during the Veterans Day ceremony held at the Gov. Joseph Flores Memorial Park in Tumon on Nov. 11, 2022. Lt. Gov. Josh Tenorio, left, with Attorney General Doug Moylan, center, and Dededo Mayor Melissa Savares answer questions on a new Homeless Relocation Initiative on Feb. 24, 2023. Finland has spoken and the country has chosen its representative for the 67th Eurovision Song Contest. Kaarija, also known as Jere Poyhonen, will be performing his song 'Cha Cha Cha' in Liverpool, after winning the national final, Uuden musiikin kilpailu (UMK) on Saturday 25 February in Turku. Kaarija's victory was no small feat, as he won by a landslide, securing a total of 539 points. The runner-up, Portion Boys, earned the silver with 152 points. In the competition, seven highly-tipped songs were pitted against each other for the UMK trophy. The Finnish public had the majority say in how the voting went, with a 75% weighting towards the final result, while an international jury contributed 25% of the scores. Kaarija is an artist who defies categorization, loving to break boundaries, follow his own beat and explore new things. His music takes on a whole new dimension live, and his unfettered live performances are what hes known for. Kaarija's passion for music started with drumming, and after trying his hand at rap, he released his debut single Urheilujatka in 2016. Since then, Kaarija has combined elements from rap, metal, and electronic music, creating a sound that defies genre constraints. Kaarija has been interested in UMK for several years and was 150% sure he would submit an entry this year. His winning song, 'Cha Cha Cha,' brings together the best elements of Finnish music. "Finland is a party country, a heavy metal country, and a pop country this song brings all of those together," Kaarija says. Finland made its debut at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1961, but it wasn't until Lordi's win with 'Hard Rock Hallelujah' in 2006 that the country placed in the top five. The top five finish has eluded Finland since then, though they came close in 2021, when Blind Channel finished in 6th place with 'Dark Side.' Kaarija's victory at UMK23 has put Finland on track to possibly break that streak. Finland will perform in the First Semi-Final at the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest. The contest will be held in Liverpool from 9-13 May, 2023. HT Columbia-Greene Media has recently teamed up with the US Postal Service to provide same-day delivery of your local newspaper with your mail. Our expanded daily delivery of your local news reaches into the following areas: Governor Appoints State Police Interim Colonel BOSTON The Healey-Driscoll Administration announced the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel John E. Mawn, Jr. as Massachusetts State Police Interim Colonel, effective Friday, Feb. 17, 2023. Mawn succeeds Colonel Christopher Mason, who retires after a 40-year career in law enforcement. "Lieutenant Colonel Mawn is an accomplished leader with 30 years of experience at the Massachusetts State Police," said Governor Maura T. Healey. "We are grateful for his public service and know he has the commitment and skills to provide steady leadership during this transition period." The Healey-Driscoll Administration is finalizing plans to establish a comprehensive search process to identify and review prospective candidates for the next Massachusetts State Police Colonel. "I want to thank the Healey-Driscoll Administration for their confidence in me and the opportunity to serve," said incoming Interim Colonel Mawn. "I look forward to building upon the Department's steadfast efforts to enhance public safety, implement reforms that foster public trust, and adopt innovations that strengthen our ability to provide the highest levels of policing services to residents and visitors across the Commonwealth." About Lieutenant Colonel John E. Mawn, Jr. Before this role, Mawn served as Commander of the Division of Investigative Services, which investigates homicides and other violent crime, crimes against children, narcotics offenses, cybercrime, and organized crime investigations. With more than 400 members across 24 units, the Division provides dedicated service to the Commonwealth's 11 District Attorney's Offices, the Office of the Attorney General, and the State Fire Marshal's fire investigation team. Under Mawn's leadership, the Investigative Services Division launched several new trainings to enhance investigations, increase police accountability, and implement new strategies to advance neighborhood safety. During Mawn's tenure, the Division achieved a 97 percent homicide solve rate, one of the highest in the nation. He also created the State Police's first division diversity officer to recruit women and people of color, review job postings and hiring practices for potential bias, and report division-wide diversity statistics. This position became the model for a department-wide diversity officer, which now resides centrally in the Administrative Services Division. Lieutenant Colonel Mawn joined the State Police in 1993 as a member of the 71st Recruit Training Troop following his service as a United States Marine during the Gulf War and in Kuwait and 6 years as a Harwich Municipal Police Officer. Then-Trooper Mawn earned the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant, Detective Lieutenant as a member of the Cape and Island and Suffolk County Teams. He advanced to the rank of Captain as Executive Officer of Troop D, and later Major as Deputy Division Commander of Investigative Services. Mawn earned both bachelor's and master's degrees of criminal justice from Curry College. Connie Tatro has been operating Connie's Family Child Care for 30 years. North Adams Day-Care Helping Families for Three Decades Connie Tatro, seen with some of the children she cares for, says a day care can have a profound impact on children's lives. She's worked closely with families to have a long-lasting impact on the children who've attended her day care. NORTH ADAMS, Mass. Constance "Connie" Tatro has been influencing children and their families at her home day care for three decades. "She is involved with our children during the most formative years. She helps set that foundation for the future of our children. For their thirst for knowledge, their curiosity, their problem solving," parent Chelsey Ciolkowski said. "All of these things are lifelong skills that we all need and she sets that tone from birth, truly. It really is that ripple effect. It continues long after when kids go to school and beyond." Tatro said there is a presumption that early childhood care isn't teaching but that could not be further from the truth. The work that she and others in the field do with the children in their care builds a foundation that will guide them to success later in life. "I would like to tell people out there that this is a real career. It's a profession," she said. "It's caregiving and educating at the same time." The impact of Tatro's dedication to the many children who have passed through her care has stayed with them into adulthood. One of her former charges, Dylan Phaneuf, is now in his early 30s working as an architect in San Francisco. He happily looked back on his experience attending her day care during his youth. "She just really pushes you to be better than you think you can be and I always tell her all the time. I don't think I would be who I am. I'm proud to be a Connie's day-care alumni and it really has set me up for who I am today," Phaneuf said. "She's been doing this for an incredibly long time and it's just impacted so many people's lives and shaped so many people's lives from an early age. I think she's an extraordinary woman. I'm glad that she is still in my life." The work that day-care workers do is important, said Tatro, and although it is not as lucrative as other professions, you can make livable wage while making a huge impact, which is a great reward. Like many professions the day-care industry lost a lot of people during the pandemic and Tatro hopes to welcome more people into this career. Children have a large imagination and are naturally curious so new day-care entrepreneurs can open a center in their home with limited materials, she said. It is not about what they have rather what they do with it. Tatro, for instance, encourages her charges to borrow books from her collection or bring books in to share. Her current parents and former charges have been spreading the word about the impact Tatro has had on the community over the past 30 years. They say she works with the families to build strong bonds. She cares for children from infancy to age 12 but continues to offer support to parents and children even after they've moved on. For instance, she will help answer parents with any questions and has been known to attend early intervention meetings at schools and work to create individualized plans of care, Ciolkowski said. She is part of many major milestones in the children's lives even after they leave day care, whether that is a dance recital, graduation, or birthday party. Through these bonds, Tatro has been able to create lasting relationships with her patrons long after the children have moved on to their next phase in life. During their time at the day care, children will not only learn from a curriculum designed by Tatro but will also be expected to lead by example. Children become part of the process, learning the psychology behind their peers' actions because with this understanding comes patience, Tatro said. It is important that children feel seen and validated in order for them to succeed, she said. "The older kids always want to help," Tatro said. "They know more about child development than some parents, I think, because I tell them why I'm doing what I'm doing and what to expect from kids." The mutual respect that Tatro builds with the children creates a close atmosphere between her, them and their parents, building a small community. "There's no one else that I would leave my children with that I would trust completely and know that they are cared for and loved," Ciolkowski said. "There's just an absolutely welcoming, thriving little community in her home." Like her children, Tatro is constantly learning so that she can provide the best care them. "She is doing what she truly is meant to do. She is so dedicated to every child that's there. She continues to learn so if a child is struggling with something, needs something more from her, or a different way that she can support them, she will research it, look it up, learn about it, or take a class about it," Ciolkowski said. "She just has a thirst for knowledge. This is truly her calling in life, and she wants to be the best that she can be for all the kids there." Tatro is continuing her education by working toward a master's degree in early childhood education through the online program of Walden University in Minneapolis. She hope to continue making an impact on her day-care charges for years to come. She graduated with a psychology degree in 1991 but after completing an internship, found that that field was not for her and began working at a day care. Taking care of children has been part her life since she was a teenager assisting her sister, Eileen Lincourt, at her day care. This influenced her love of children and gave her the confidence to open her own establishment and especially after realizing it didn't make sense to be dropping of her own kids at a day-care when she was already working at one. That began her journey opening Connie's Family Child Care in 1993. Advertisements This is a joint press release by Koninklijke DSM N.V. (DSM), Firmenich International SA (Firmenich) and Danube AG, to be renamed DSM-Firmenich AG (the Company) in connection with the voluntary public exchange offer by the Company for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares in the share capital of DSM (each such share, a DSM Ordinary Share) (the Exchange Offer)), pursuant to Section 4, paragraph 3 of the Dutch Decree on Public Takeover Bids (Besluit openbare biedingen Wft) (the Decree). The Exchange Offer is not being made, and the DSM Ordinary Shares will not be accepted for purchase from or on behalf of any holder of DSM Ordinary Shares (a DSM Shareholder), in any jurisdiction in which the making of the Exchange Offer or acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the securities or other laws or regulations of such jurisdiction or would require any registration, approval or filing with any regulatory authority not expressly contemplated by the terms of the offering circular in relation to the Exchange Offer dated 22 November 2022 (the Offering Circular). KAISERAUGST, Switzerland, HEERLEN, Netherlands and GENEVA, Feb. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- DSM and Firmenich jointly announce that they have obtained the unconditional competition clearance from the European Commission on 22 February 2023. This follows the unconditional competition clearance of China's State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) received on 16 February 2023. Consequently, competition clearance has been obtained in nine out of the ten jurisdictions required to satisfy the offer condition relating to competition clearances.1 The last competition clearance that is pending is the Indian competition clearance. We continue to work constructively with the Competition Commission of India (CCI). We will make a public announcement once the Indian competition clearance has been obtained. The acceptance period will be extended until two weeks after that announcement, but no later than 17:40 hours CET on 11 April 2023.2 1 Reference is made to paragraph 14.13, subparagraph (b) of the Offering Circular. 2 Pursuant to an exemption (ontheffing) granted by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets on 20 January 2023. Acceptance of the Exchange Offer by DSM Shareholders Acceptance by DSM Shareholders through Admitted Institutions DSM Shareholders who hold their DSM Ordinary Shares through an institution admitted to Euronext Amsterdam and/or Euroclear Nederland (aangesloten instelling) (an Admitted Institution) must make their acceptance known through their bank or stockbroker no later than 17:40 hours CET on the Acceptance Closing Date. The custodian, bank or stockbroker may set an earlier deadline for communication by the DSM Shareholders in order to permit the custodian, bank or stockbroker to communicate its acceptances to the Settlement Agent in a timely manner. Accordingly, the DSM Shareholders holding DSM Ordinary Shares through a financial intermediary should comply with the dates communicated by such financial intermediary. Acceptance by DSM Shareholders located in the United States DSM Shareholders located in the United States who hold their DSM Ordinary Shares through a custodian, bank or stockbroker are requested to make their acceptance known through their bank or stockbroker as set out in section 16.1 (United States of America) of the Offering Circular. If a beneficiary to DSM Ordinary Shares located in the United States is unable to make the QIB Confirmations on behalf of itself or the person on whose behalf such DSM Ordinary Shares are held, any DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted to such person will instead be transferred to a nominee, and such DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares will be sold on his, her or its behalf with the proceeds being remitted to such person within five days of the Settlement Date, for DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted in exchange for DSM Ordinary Shares tendered during the Acceptance Period, or within five days of the Post-Closing Acceptance Settlement Date, for DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted in exchange for DSM Ordinary Shares tendered during any Post-Closing Acceptance Period. Announcements Announcements in relation to the Exchange Offer are issued by means of a press release. Any joint press release issued by the Company, DSM and Firmenich is made available on the website of the Company ( Subject to any applicable requirements of the applicable laws and without limiting the manner in which the Company, DSM and Firmenich may choose to make any public announcement, the Company, DSM and Firmenich will have no obligation to communicate any public announcement other than as described in the Offering Circular. Further information Capitalised terms used but not defined herein are defined in the Offering Circular. This announcement contains selected, condensed information regarding the Exchange Offer and does not replace the Offering Circular. The information in this announcement is not complete and additional information is contained in the Offering Circular. A digital copy of the Offering Circular is available on the website of the Company ( General restrictions The Exchange Offer is being made in and from the Netherlands with due observance of such statements, conditions and restrictions as are included in the Offering Circular. The Company reserves the right to accept any tender under the Exchange Offer, which is made by or on behalf of a DSM Shareholder, even if it has not been made in the manner set out in the Offering Circular. The distribution of the Offering Circular and/or the making of the Exchange Offer in jurisdictions other than the Netherlands may be restricted and/or prohibited by law. In particular, subject to certain exceptions, the Offering Circular is not for general circulation in the United States. The Exchange Offer is not being made, and the DSM Ordinary Shares will not be accepted for purchase from or on behalf of any DSM Shareholder, in any jurisdiction in which the making of the Exchange Offer or acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the securities or other laws or regulations of such jurisdiction or would require any registration, approval or filing with any regulatory authority not expressly contemplated by the terms of the Offering Circular. Persons obtaining the Offering Circular are required to take due note and observe all such restrictions and obtain any necessary authorisations, approvals or consents (to the extent applicable). Outside of the Netherlands, no actions have been taken (nor will actions be taken) to make the Exchange Offer possible in any jurisdiction where such actions would be required. In addition, the Offering Circular has not been filed with nor recognised by the authorities of any jurisdiction other than the Netherlands. Neither the Company, nor DSM, nor Firmenich, nor any of their advisers accept any liability for any violation by any person of any such restriction. Any person (including, without limitation, custodians, nominees and trustees) who forwards or intends to forward the Offering Circular or any related document to any jurisdiction outside the Netherlands should carefully read section 16 (Restrictions) and section 17 (Important Information) of the Offering Circular before taking any action. The release, publication or distribution of the Offering Circular and any documentation regarding the Exchange Offer, the making of the Exchange Offer or the issuance and offering of the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares in jurisdictions other than the Netherlands may be restricted by law and therefore persons into whose possession the Offering Circular comes should inform themselves about and observe such restrictions. Any failure to comply with any such restrictions may constitute a violation of the law of any such jurisdiction. United States of America Unless otherwise determined by the Company, the Exchange Offer is not being, and will not be, made, directly or indirectly, in or into, or by the use of the mails of, or by any means or instrumentality (including, without limitation, telephonically or electronically) of, interstate or foreign commerce of, or of any facilities of a national securities exchange of, the United States except to DSM Shareholders who (i) are "qualified institutional buyers" as such term is defined in Rule 144A under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the U.S. Securities Act, and each such person, a QIB) and (ii), to the Company's satisfaction (in its sole discretion), have duly completed and returned to the Company a letter confirming that it is a QIB and agreeing to certain transfer restrictions applicable to the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares (a U.S. Investor Letter) available from the Company (each an Eligible U.S. Holder). Accordingly, to be eligible to receive DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares under the Exchange Offer, each DSM Shareholder that is a U.S. Person and that is a QIB must make their acceptance known through their custodian, bank or stockbroker by executing and delivering a U.S. Investor letter to such custodian or intermediary no later than 17:40 hours CET on the Acceptance Closing Date. The custodian, bank or stockbroker may set an earlier deadline for communication by DSM Shareholders in order to permit the custodian, bank or stockbroker to communicate its acceptances to the Settlement Agent (ABN AMRO) in a timely manner. Accordingly, Eligible U.S. Holders holding DSM Ordinary Shares through a financial intermediary should comply with the dates communicated by such financial intermediary, as such dates may differ from the dates and times noted in the Offering Circular. The form of a U.S. Investor Letter will be distributed to custodians, nominees and other financial intermediaries to distribute to those they hold for in due course and is also available to QIBs from the Company. Any U.S. Person who is not a QIB, or in respect of whom no U.S. Investor Letter is received before 17:40 hours CET on the Acceptance Closing Date, will be a Restricted Shareholder and will be treated as set out under section 14.35 (Notice to DSM Shareholders in certain jurisdictions) of the Offering Circular. The DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act or any other applicable law of the United States and accordingly, the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares may not be reoffered, resold or transferred, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act. Any DSM Shareholder located in the United States at the time of the Transactions will be required to make certain representations, warranties and undertakings in respect of their status as QIB (the QIB Confirmations), in order to receive the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares on the Post-Closing Acceptance Settlement Date. If a beneficiary to DSM Ordinary Shares located in the United States is unable to make the QIB Confirmations on behalf of itself or the person on whose behalf such DSM Ordinary Shares are held, any DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted to such person will instead be transferred to a sales agent, and such DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares will be sold on his, her or its behalf with the proceeds being remitted to such person within five days of the Settlement Date, for DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted in exchange for DSM Ordinary Shares tendered during the Acceptance Period, or within five days of the Post-Closing Acceptance Settlement Date, for DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted in exchange for DSM Ordinary Shares tendered during any Post-Closing Acceptance Period. Additional information is included in section 16.1 (United States of America) of the Offering Circular. Forward looking statements Certain statements in this press release other than statements of historical facts are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current beliefs and projections and on information currently available to the Company. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control and all of which are based on its current beliefs and expectations about future events. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believe", "expect", "may", "will", "seek", "would", "could", "should", "intend", "estimate", "plan", "assume", "predict", "anticipate", "annualised", "goal", "target", "potential", "continue", "hope", "objective", "position", "project", "risk" or "aim" or the highlights or negatives thereof or other variations thereof or comparable terminology, or by discussions of DSM-Firmenich's strategy, short-term and mid-term objectives and future plans that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties and speak only as of the date they are made. Except as required by applicable law, the Company does not undertake and it expressly disclaims any duty to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statement in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Such forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates and projections of the Directors in office at the time of this press release and the Company's management, public statements made by it, present and future business strategies and the environment in which DSM-Firmenich will operate in the future. By their nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which could cause DSM-Firmenich's actual results and future events to differ materially from those implied or expressed by forward-looking statements. The DSM Shareholders and other prospective investors are advised to read section 2 (Risk Factors) of the Offering Circular for a more complete discussion of the factors that could affect the DSM-Firmenich's future performance and the industry in which DSM-Firmenich operates. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialise, or should any of the assumptions underlying the above or other factors prove to be incorrect, DSM-Firmenich's actual results of operations or future financial condition could differ materially from those described herein as currently anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. In light of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions underlying the above factors, the forward-looking events described in the Offering Circular may not occur or be realised. Additional risks not known to the Company or that the Company does not currently consider material could also cause the forward-looking events discussed in the Offering Circular not to occur. About Firmenich Firmenich, the world's largest privately-owned fragrance and taste company, was founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1895, and has been family-owned for 127 years. Firmenich is a business-to-business company specialized in the research, creation, manufacture and sale of perfumes, flavors, and ingredients. Renowned for its excellent research, as well as its leadership in sustainability, Firmenich offers its customers innovation in formulation, a broad palette of ingredients, and proprietary technologies such as biotechnology. Firmenich delivered CHF 4.7bn of sales in the financial year ended 30 June 2022. About DSM DSM has transformed during its 150+ year history into today's health, nutrition & bioscience global leader. The Dutch-Swiss company specializes in nutritional ingredients for food and feed with proven world-leading bioscience capabilities and an international network of high-quality manufacturing sites that underpin a business model of global products, local solutions and personalization and precision. For Health, Nutrition & Bioscience (excluding Materials), DSM delivered 8.4bn of sales in the calendar year 2022, with adjusted EBITDA of 1.4bn and an adjusted EBITDA margin of 16.6%. Transaction website Please visit for additional materials on the Transactions. Logo - View original content: "Mujhpe Har Haseena Marti Hai Kyon... Kehti Mujhse Kyon I Love You" In 2003, a gawky boy made his debut with the role of a quintessential boy-next-door and he won a million hearts with his debut movie itself. Twitter "Ishq Vishk changed my life forever. It was everything. At that time, newcomers were not accepted, and I didnt really think that I would get a shot. I randomly fell upon these ads and music videos, they happened to me. People started recognising me, so I started getting opportunities to do some auditions," he had said in an interview. Shahid Kapoor, who starred alongside Amrita Rao and Shenaz Treasury, won the Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut. Did you know Shahid Kapoor was rejected 100 times before Ishq Vishk? Twitter Pankaj Kapoor's son, Shahid didn't benefit from nepotism As per a report on Hindustan Times, Shahid was rejected as many as 100 times before he bagged his debut movie Ishq Vishk. "Everyone thinks that he is Pankaj Kapurs son, so isko toh break mil gaya hoga (He must have got a break). But I have been rejected from 100 auditions. Sometimes, I didnt have money to eat food or to even go to the auditions. I have lived that life, and I dont like talking about it. But that is my reality," he said. Twitter Did you know Shahid also worked as a background dancer? Shahid was a star student in Shiamak Dhavar's dance academy and thus he would often work as a background dancer in Bollywood movies. He was a background dancer in song Le Gayi Le Gayi from Dil To Pagal Hai and he irked Karisma Kapoor at that time. She had to do 15 retakes because of Shahid's hair. Twitter "There was one guy who was slightly offbeat. I swear, with really big hair on his head, thats me. I remember I wont call her Karisma because at that time she was Karisma Kapoor, had to do 15 retakes because of me," Shahid had once revealed to Filmfare. He added, "And, once she turned back and said 'Ye kaun hai? Kaun hai ye? (Who is this)' And, I was like hiding myself and saying 'Main nahi hoon, main nahi hoon (it's not me).' I had just joined Shiamak Davar and my hair used to settle down half a beat after I settled down. So, it was actually not my fault. It was just the length of my hair." Shahid also danced behind Aishwarya Rai in song Kahin Aag Lage from Taal. Twitter About his blink-and-miss appearance in the film, Subhash Ghai said, "He was a member of the Shiamak Davar dance troupe. He looked smart and I wanted a good-looking boy, who could drape Aishwaryas face during the song sequence. So I asked for him. But I didnt know that his name was Shahid, or that he was Pankaj Kapoors son. Nor did I know that he was going to become such a big star in Bollywood. But then, he did Ishq Vishk a few years later, and then he worked with us as well in 36 China Town." Today, Shahid is a star performer. With films Haider, Udta Punjab, Kaminey and his recently released web series Farzi, he has proved he is an actor par excellence who deserves more love and recognition than he gets. (For more news and updates from the world of celebrities from Bollywood and Hollywood, keep reading Indiatimes Entertainment, and let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments below.) It is important to recognize that without China's assurance, the IMF can still offer the requested financial assistance to Sri Lanka while China continues to help the island's economic revival in its own way. by Our Diplomatic Affairs Editor The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Aristotle Chinas involvement in Sri Lankas economic development has been a contentious issue, with many alleging that China is engaging in debt-trap diplomacy to gain leverage over Sri Lanka. However, this allegation is baseless and is nothing but a story fabricated to defame Chinas global image. Instead, China should be left alone to help Sri Lanka in its own way, without any interference or criticism. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has the ability to help Sri Lanka without Chinas assistance, as other major creditors in the Western Bloc and India have already provided written assurances for debt restructuring. According to Shanta Devarajan, a Professor of the Practice of International Development at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University and a top adviser to the Sri Lankan government for economic revival, Sri Lanka has already implemented all 15 demands made by the IMF. [Click here to read his interview with the Political Editor of Colombo Sunday Times published today, 25 February 2023] Prof. Devarajan told the newspaper that, the "Extended Fund Facility could be given even if China does not give financing assurance". Therefore, it is now up to the IMF to show its generosity and sincerity in helping Sri Lanka without playing the China card. Prof. Shantayanan Devarajan, Nonresident Senior Fellow - Global Economy and Development [ Photo Credit: The Brookings Institution] This is a prime opportunity for the IMF to prove its neutrality and humanity, despite being accused of playing politics on behalf of the West. The IMF has been criticized for its actions in the past, with Sri Lanka having sought assistance from the organization 16 times without success. However, now is the time for the IMF to demonstrate that its actions are intended to help poor countries uplift the livelihoods of vulnerable communities, rather than benefiting cronies and corporations that plunder the assets of these countries and store them in the West. It is important to recognize that Chinas involvement in Sri Lankas economic development is not a one-way street. China has invested significant amounts of money in numerous developing countries, and if the West demands that China execute specific actions over Sri Lanka, it could have a ripple effect on other countries where China has lent financial assistance. This would ultimately impact Chinas economic interests and global ambitions, and the West and India should be cautious not to demand too much from China. Sri Lanka should not be used as a scapegoat to weaken Chinas footholds in other countries from East Asia to Latin America. If the West and India attempt to cause a domino effect on Chinas economy by using Sri Lanka, it will strongly impact the Global South, which may be the hidden truth behind the IMFs China card. It is important to recognize that without Chinas assurance, the IMF can still offer the requested financial assistance to Sri Lanka while China continues to help the islands economic revival in its own way. Therefore, it is crucial for the IMF and other Western creditors to be aware of the potential consequences of their actions and avoid demanding too much from China. Instead, they should focus on providing assistance to Sri Lanka in a manner that benefits the country and its people, without infringing on Chinas interests. A balanced approach that takes into account the concerns and interests of all parties involved is necessary to ensure a positive outcome for Sri Lanka and the global community as a whole. It is unfortunate that certain groups are attempting to damage Chinas strong reputation by funding allocated money to specific groups of so-called civil societies and utilizing empty politicians to voice against China. Such actions are counterproductive and will not bring about any positive change in the island nation. It is important to recognize that China has consistently shown itself to be a country that is willing to help other nations in times of need, without any ulterior motives. Without Chinas assistance in wiping out the fascist terrorists, Sri Lanka would likely still be embroiled in conflict. In fact, Sri Lanka remains indebted to China for its provision of defense hardware, including ammunition, which was critical in the fight against the Tamil Tigers and the rescue of Tamils from terroristic control. During a time when other nations attempted to exert control over Sri Lanka, it was countries such as China, Pakistan, Russia, and Ukraine that stood by Sri Lanka to help defeat terrorism. Not only that, China has a long history of providing assistance to developing countries, and its Belt and Road Initiative is a testament to its commitment to supporting economic development and infrastructure projects around the world. What China pursued in its international relations is what exactly a Chinese proverb says, If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody. In contrast, certain Western countries and neighboring nations have been accused of interfering in the internal politics of other countries, often with disastrous consequences. Therefore, it is important to view Chinas actions in a positive light and recognize its contributions to the global community. Rather than attempting to damage Chinas reputation, it would be more productive to work towards building stronger relationships and partnerships that can benefit both China and other nations. This would require a shift away from outdated notions of competition and towards a more collaborative approach that seeks to address common challenges and promote mutual interests. After all, the power of balance will secure our common ambitions while respecting mutual sensitivities of each others. It is time to move beyond the politics of division and focus on building a more positive and cooperative relationship with China. By working together, we can create a more prosperous and stable world that benefits everyone, regardless of nationality or political affiliation. The time has come for a new era of cooperation and partnership, based on mutual respect and understanding. Yes, it is time to put aside baseless allegations and let China help Sri Lanka in its own way. The IMF should step forward and provide assistance to Sri Lanka without playing politics or favoring one country over another. The focus should be on uplifting the lives of the people of Sri Lanka, rather than serving the interests of a select few. This is an opportunity for the IMF to demonstrate its commitment to humanitarianism and make a positive impact on the lives of people in developing countries. Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia has been arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation in connection with alleged corruption in the now-withdrawn liquor policy of Delhi. He will be produced in court tomorrow morning. The Deputy CM will be lodged at the CBI headquarters for now and security has been beefed up outside his house and the CBI office. The police have made elaborate security arrangements to maintain law and order, turning Delhi into a virtual fortress with multiple blockades, check-points and deploying several of its teams. Manish Sisodia Arrested over liquor policy case Manish Sisodia, Delhi's finance, excise and education minister, was being questioned by the Central agency since morning and the expected arrest came after over eight hours. He is the second Delhi minister to be arrested since Satyendar Jain. The CBI had summoned him on Sunday in connection with the alleged irregularities and corruption in the formulation and implementation of the new excise policy for the national capital. The CBI contends that liquor companies were involved in framing of the 2021 policy, for which kickbacks to the tune of 100 crore were paid by a liquor lobby it dubbed the "South Group". The policy would have led to a 12 per cent profit for them, of which 6 per cent was routed to public servants through middlemen, the agency claimed. The Enforcement Directorate has also launched an investigation, alleging laundering of the kickbacks. After the policy was scrapped, the BJP said the Delhi government went back to the old liquor sale policy to cover up the corruption. AFP AAP slams Sisodia's arrest The Aam Aadmi Party has slammed the arrest calling it "a black day of democracy". The party, in a tweet, claimed that Sisodia was arrested in a fake case due to political rivalry. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too called the arrest "dirty politics" and warned that "people will respond". "Manish is innocent. His arrest is dirty politics. There is a lot of anger among the people due to Sisodia's arrest. Everyone is watching. People understand everything. People will respond to this. This will boost our spirit further. Our struggle will get stronger," Kejriwal tweeted. , , Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) February 26, 2023 Calling the case against him "fake", Sisodia had earlier said he was ready for a seven to eight months in jail. "Even if I am in jail for 7-8 months, don't feel sorry for me, be proud," tweeted the leader, who had started the day with a show of strength by his supporters and a visit to Mahatma Gandhi's memorial in Raj Ghat. For more on news and current affairs from around the world please visit Indiatimes News. As the race to the moon heats up with China, a US-based space billionaire named Kam Ghaffarians Houston-based company Intuitive Machineswhich has a contract with NASAis well positioned to build the first American spacecraft to land intact on the moon since the Apollo era. The US space agency this month redirected its mission to the Moons South Pole region, where China plans to land a lunar rover. Space Billionaire Kam Ghaffarian houstonchronicle Space billionaire Kam Ghaffarian has always wanted to go to the moon. Besides his stake in Intuitive, Iran-born Ghaffarian already has a billion-dollar stake in X-Energy, a nuclear reactor designer thats announced a merger with a special purpose acquisition company. Hes also a co-founder of closely held Axiom Space, which is sending civilian astronaut missions to the International Space Station and plans to build its own station for low-Earth orbit. Ghaffarians combined holdings give him a net worth of $3.8 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Hes made his fortune primarily in the commercial space industry, compared with Teslas Elon Musk and Amazons Jeff Bezos, who have poured money into pursuing space travel after achieving success in other ventures. His Impressive Track Record Attracts Investors His track record has allowed him to attract investors in the crowded field of space startups. He built one of his early companies, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, into the second-biggest provider of engineering services to NASA, with annual revenue of more than $500 million. He was the sole shareholder by the time he sold the firm to KBR for $355 million in 2018 (his former partner, Harold Stinger, is now a pastor at a Baptist church in Virginia), as per a Bloomberg report. spacenews That means Ghaffarian knows how to cultivate government relationships that create revenue, said Purvi Gandhi, managing partner at Quain Investments, which counts Axiom as part of its portfolio. Gandhi said she views Axiom as a risky moonshot investment and a long-term hedge against her firms bets on climate technology here on Earth. The space race is extremely heated overheated, she said. A lot of companies dont excite me because so many entrepreneurs have limited experience in raising money and cant get to a revenue path. Besides NASA, Axiom has agreements with governments including those of Italy and Saudi Arabia, which plans to send the first female Saudi astronaut to space on the companys next mission. He has forged relationships with big government contractors as well, specifically Elon Musk's SpaceX. The rocket manufacturer has agreements with Axiom Space for crew flights and additional deals with Intuitive Machines for Moon missions, Ghaffarian has said. cnbc Also Read: Elon Musk's SpaceX May Launch Starlink Services In India Billionaire Working On Fourth Startup Ghaffarians also building a fourth startup, Quantum Space, which will launch an array of satellites into cislunar spacethe area between the Earth and the Moon. The company got $15 million in funding in December from Jackson, Wyoming-based Prime Movers Lab, as per the report. Ghaffarian said his life trajectory changed when he watched the Apollo 11 mission as a boy in Iran, leading him to immigrate to the US at the age of 18 to pursue higher education. He earned an engineering degree at the Catholic University of America and a masters in information technology from George Washington University. I dont know whether Im a billionaire or not, but Im really excited about making progress for our civilization, Ghaffarian said in a January 2022 interview. He added that while he had long dreamed of space travel, his multiple enterprises were likely to keep him earthbound. "Its not so much about affordability as it is about priorities," the space billionaire said. Also Read: List Of Companies Co-Founded/Headed By Elon Musk For the latest and interesting financial news, keep reading Indiatimes Worth. Click here. Hundreds of Afghan refugees facing extreme delays in the approval of US visas protested in Pakistans capital on Sunday. The US governments Priority 1 and Priority 2, known as P1 and P2, refugee programmes were meant to fast track visas for at-risk Afghans including journalists and rights activists after the Taliban takeover in their homeland. Those eligible must have worked for the US government, a US-based media organisation or non-governmental organisation in Afghanistan. Applicants have been waiting in Pakistan for more than 18 months for US officials to process their visa applications. The delay in approving visas and resettlement has left Afghan applicants in a highly vulnerable position as they contend with economic hardship and lack of access to health, education and other services in Pakistan. Mohammad Baqir Ahmadi, who said he had helped to organise the protest outside of Pakistans National Press Club in Islamabad, said many of the Afghans present were facing problems in extending visas to wait out the application process in Pakistan. Afghan refugees hold placards during a protest in Islamabad (Rahmat Gul/AP) Protesters said that applicants had yet to receive the preliminary interview necessary to begin the visa application process. Hesamuddin, an Afghan who is waiting on the processing of his P2 case, said authorities should evacuate Afghan P1 and P2 applicants to a country where the necessary resettlement support centres (RSC) are open and able to conduct interviews. They must evacuate us to another country where RSCs are functioning and can process there, he said. Under US rules, applicants must first relocate to a third country for their cases to be processed, where it initially can take up to 14 to 18 months and cases are processed through the resettlement support centres. The Taliban took power in Afghanistan in August 2021 as US and Nato forces withdrew. Many Afghans sought to leave in the immediate aftermath of the Taliban takeover. The Taliban has progressively imposed more restrictions, particularly on women. COMPANY NEWS: Leading advisory and technology solutions provider Atturra Limited (ASX: ATA) today announced its results for the six months to 31 December 2022 (1H FY23). The Company reported that continued strong organic growth, and contributions from acquired businesses, drove a 34% increase in revenue compared to the pcp to $82.8 million. Consolidated EBIT increased 39% on the pcp to $7.7m. The Company reported a statutory consolidated net profit after tax of $4.5m for 1H FY23, up 32% on the pcp The 1H FY23 results reflect strong client growth, particularly in the local government sector, and the benefits of a diversified technology partnership strategy. Atturra Chief Executive Officer, Stephen Kowal said: The Atturra team has had an exceptional start to FY23. We have continued to see strong demand across the business, and importantly continued high team morale. Our result clearly demonstrates the inherent strength and relevance of our strategy of ensuring we have leadership positions in key technologies and industries. With the successful raise of $25m[1] in capital in December 2022, Atturra is well positioned to execute its acquisition strategy. Our acquisitions over the past couple of years have strongly contributed to our growth, and I am pleased that we are on track to complete two additional acquisitions in the near term. Operational highlights The Company continued to grow its technology partnerships, entering into new partnership arrangements with Efficiency Leaders and Curious Thing AI. The Company was promoted to OpenText Professional Services Partner for SAP, and Microsoft Solutions Partner for multiple designations within the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program. The Company won multiple partner awards for its Smartsheet work during the period. The Company also won the CRN Impact Award for Platform Innovation and the APAC Insider Australian Made Award for Best Advisory & Consulting Company Australia. The Company secured more than 45 new clients, across multiple industries, in 1H FY23. The Companys balance sheet as at 31 December 2022 was strong, with a cash position of $55m and debt of $4.9m. Outlook As outlined in the ASX announcement on 30 January 2023, Acquisition 03 will not be proceeding. The Company remains on track to complete its acquisition of HSD in the next fourteen days, with most conditions precedent now satisfied. The due diligence for Acquisition 01 is progressing positively, and a Share Sale and Purchase Deed is expected to be executed in the next fourteen days. If these two acquisitions proceed, the Company anticipates FY24 revenue in the range of $210m to $230m and an underlying EBITDA[2] in the range of $20.5m to $22m. Revenue and underlying EBITDA forecasts are estimates only based on target representations that are subject to the outcomes of financial and other due diligence. As both acquisitions are expected to complete in the next eight weeks, the Company will provide updated FY23 guidance at the close of the second acquisition. The Company remains committed to its strategy of achieving a sustainable underlying EBIT[3] margin of around 9%, while continuing to invest in the growth of the business. This Week in Review A weekly review of the best and most popular stories published in the Imperial Valley Press. Also, featured upcoming events, new movies at local theaters, the week in photos and much more. Holy Quran in several observations and guidelines have stressed the importance of women's role and insisted how women should be respected and their liberty should be ensured. by N.S.Venkataraman Both men and women are children of God and obviously, God has created men and women to compliment each other. The fact is that men need women and women need men and why should men think that they are superior to women in any way. In all religions including Islam, nowhere it has been said that women should be subjected to any particular restriction by men. A couple ridding a motor bicycle in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan[Farid Ershad/ Unsplash] While practices of denying liberty to women by men were there all over the world in earlier days, most religions and most countries have changed such approach over the years and reformed themselves. Unfortunately, this is yet to happen adequately in a few Islamic countries. Holy Quran in several observations and guidelines have stressed the importance of women's role and insisted how women should be respected and their liberty should be ensured. Due to inadequate understanding of the essential sayings of Holy Quran and consequent misinterpretation, some Islamic countries , particularly Iran and Afghanistan have imposed extreme restrictions on women even today. Leadership of such countries are certainly acting against the tenets of Holy Quran. Today, dress restriction for women is prevalent in several Islamic countries and muslim women are not allowed to pray in mosque where men offer prayers. The practice of muslim man marrying several women is prevalent in several Islamic countries. Even in secular countries like India , this practice is followed to some extent . In such countries, if muslim women were to defy defy such stressful conditions and insist on their liberty to live as per their choice like the other women in developed countries , they could be harassed by muslim men in some cases . Such liberty craving muslim women would be accused of violating the practices of Islam , which is not true. The recent protest by muslim women in Iran refusing to wear Hijab was put down with force by the Iranian government. It appears that such protesting muslim women have now been forced to go silent by the authorities. In the case of Afghanistan, the Taliban government is insisting that women should not go for higher education and even insist that women should not go to the male doctor for medical treatment whatever may be the severity of the illness. Are not all these practices obnoxious? While in Afghanistan too there are some protests by muslim women against such restrictions, it appears that the protests of the muslim women have been silenced now by the strong arm of the government. The question is whether they would be any relief for such muslim women at all in these countries at any time in future. Unfortunately, so far, only lip sympathy have been shown by rest of the world for these suffering muslim women. As usual , world body United Nations Organisation has passed some non binding condemnation about the harassment of muslim women in some countries and some women associations across the world have passed resolutions condemning the harassment of muslim women. These steps have not resulted in any tangible and real benefits to the suffering muslim women in some Islamic countries. In other words, the world opinion is virtually impotent and the views expressed are nothing more than mere scrap of paper on which they are printed. This is a very unfortunate situation today, where the leadership of the government in countries , where women are put to such harassment, do not care for world opinion. In this process , the fair name of the Islam religion in getting internationally tarnished. To defend the liberty of the muslim women, war is not an option against such countries under the control of merciless people with extreme views on the principles of Islam. At least, sort of strong international economic sanctions can be imposed on such countries to make the government behave. This has not been done in any meaningful way. The muslim men across the world who understand that Islam advocates respect for womenhood and not harassment of women and who value the reputation of Islam as a progressive religion , should voice their protest strongly against the harassment of muslim women in Afghanistan and Iran. . The silence of such progressive muslim men is evident and their protest is conspicuous by absence. It is high time that the world wide movement to restore the dignity of muslim women should be launched by progressive muslim men, that will have full support of the civilized world and would enjoy the grateful gratitude of harassed muslim women. In the face of various adversities, Pakistan has demonstrated incredible resilience and success, and several variables contribute to this resilience. by Muhammad Wasama Khalid Despite the worst pandemic (Covid-19) and flood destruction, Pakistan is anticipated to grow at a 3.2% annual rate in FY 2023/24, according to a World Bank estimate. Pakistan has long been associated with negative stereotypes, with many seeing it as a failing state. Poverty, terrorism, political instability, and corruption have all been problems for the country. Despite these challenges, Pakistan has demonstrated amazing resilience and success. Men boating at Mahodand Lake, Swat, Pakistan[ Photo Credit: Shuttergames/ Unspalsh] Pakistan was established in 1947 as a result of the partition of British India. At its foundation, the country faced various problems, including the migration of millions of people and the formation of a new administration. Pakistans early years were defined by political instability, with numerous changes in administration and periods of martial law. Throughout Pakistans history, the military has played an important role, with various military coups taking place. In the face of various adversities, Pakistan has demonstrated incredible resilience and success, and several variables contribute to this resilience. Economic progress: Pakistan has achieved significant economic growth in recent years, with its GDP growing at an average rate of 5.2% per year between 2013 and 2018. The agriculture sector in Pakistan is a vital component of the countrys food security and economic stability, providing a foundation for resilience. This growth has been driven by industries such as IT and textiles, with Pakistan becoming one of the largest exporters of textiles, which account for the majority of Pakistans exports, valued at $19.33 billion in 2022 in the world. The IT industry has also seen significant growth, with the government actively promoting the sector as a key driver of economic growth. According to the World Bank, the poverty rate in Pakistan has decreased from 64.3% in 2002 to 24.3% in 2015. However, major obstacles exist, particularly in rural regions. The government has made initiatives to address the issues of poverty, unemployment, and inequality, including the introduction of a poverty alleviation program and the implementation of a national minimum wage. However, more must be done to guarantee that the advantages of economic progress are more fairly distributed. Political progress: Pakistan has achieved substantial political progress in recent years, with civilian administrations peacefully transferring power. There has also been more journalistic freedom, with more coverage of political and social topics. To further reinforce democratic processes, the administration has made initiatives to strengthen institutions such as the judiciary and the Election Commission. To improve democratic institutions, the administration is aiming to increase openness and accountability. Security Improvement: In recent years, Pakistan has experienced considerable security challenges, including terrorism and regional wars. Terrorist assaults have long plagued the country, with the most recent being the 2014 attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar, which killed 132 students and 9 staff members. Regional crises, notably the ongoing violence in neighboring Afghanistan, have also had an impact on the country. Despite these difficulties, Pakistans military and security forces have achieved tremendous advances in battling terrorism and enhancing security. Pakistan boasts a robust military, which serves to preserve stability and protect its territorial sovereignty. The commencement of Operation Zarb-e-Azb in 2014 was a watershed moment in Pakistans counter-terrorism efforts, with the military effectively striking terrorist strongholds in tribal areas. As a result, the number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan has reduced dramatically, with a 62% decline in the number of events and an 83% decrease in the number of deaths between 2014 and 2019. Pakistan has also made progress in improving regional security, particularly through its role in the Afghan peace process. Pakistan has played a key role in facilitating peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government, to promote stability and security in the region. Social progress: Pakistan has made significant progress in recent years in improving social indicators such as education, healthcare, and gender equality. The government has invested heavily in improving access to education, particularly for girls, with the number of out-of-school children decreasing by 22% between 2017 and 2019. According to UNESCO, Pakistans literacy rate has improved from 43% in 1998 to 63% in 2017. Healthcare has also improved, with the government launching several initiatives to increase access to healthcare services and improve the quality of care. Pakistan has made strides toward gender equality, notably through legal measures such as the Protection of Women Against Violence Act and the Criminal Law Amendment Act. Womens representation in Pakistans National Assembly has increased from 20.7% in 2013 to 20.9% in 2018. Civil society has been critical in advancing social change, notably via lobbying and awareness-raising initiatives on topics like gender-based violence and child marriage. Continued investment in economic growth, political stability, and social advancement is required for Pakistan to build on its achievements and tackle the remaining problems. The overseas diaspora has historically helped the country in times of need through remittances and foreign direct investment. Friendly countries such as China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates are also assisting the country in overcoming its economic difficulties. Muhammad Wasama Khalid is a Correspondent and Researcher at Global Affairs. He is pursuing his Bachelors in International Relations at National Defense University (NDU). He has a profound interest in history, politics, current affairs, and international relations. He is an author of Global village space, Global defense insight, Global Affairs, and modern diplomacy. He tweets at @Wasama Khalid and can be reached at In early 2022 the U.S. Marine Corps, after years of planning and preparation, activated its first (of three) Littoral Regiment in Hawaii. This one is called the 3rd Marine Littoral Regiment because it was built around the existing 3rd Marine Regiment in Hawaii. The next one, the 12 th Marine Littoral Regiment will be activated in Japan by 2025. While the littoral regiments make use of existing equipment to provide needed weapons, aircraft and vehicles. One item, nine LSM (Landing Ship Mediums) for each littoral regiment, do not exist yet. The marines and the navy are still working out the design of these new ships, which are larger and more capable versions of the World War II era LSMs. have not behave to be themselves, one special item has to be obtained separately. The marines want 45 LSMs for the three Littoral Regiments. This will provide nine LSMs per regiment plus spares to fill in for LSMs that are out of service for maintenance or upgrades. The navy and marines are arguing over whether the LSM should be an expensive (over $300 million each) warship or a cheaper (about $100 million each) transport. The marines point out that neither the navy or marine budget can afford the more expensive LSM version and point out that the U.S. Army already has eight 4,200 ton Besson class Logistics support vessels designed to do most of what the LSM is supposed to do. The army logistics ships were built between 1987 and 2006. The army ships have a crew of 31 and can travel 12,000 kilometers at 21 kilometers an hour unrefueled while fully loaded. That can mean 82 standard shipping containers, fifteen M1 tanks or anything in between. The army ships have RO/RO (roll on/roll off) capability for vehicles The army ships are similar in design to commercial transports used throughout the Pacific. The marines are leasing two of these commercial ships to test their LAM concepts. The LSMs can be built quickly and if the navy and marines can agree on a LSM design soon, the new LSMs can start arriving in 2025 and all 35 an be delivered by the early 2030s. The Littoral Regiment is capable of operating throughout the Pacific and moving to a new area very quickly. The Littoral regiment has three components. There are battalion sized units called teams. The combat team consists of a Littoral Infantry battalion augmented by a missile battery firing guided rockets (like the new HIMARS GLSDB with a range of 150 kilometers) that can sink ships as well as destroy land targets. The marines already have HINARS vehicles to carry and launch these missiles and have tested using them from the flight deck or an amphibious assault ship. The littoral regiment infantry element is organized like the British Royal Marine Commandos, whose basic unit is a battalion size force called a commando and consisting of 690 marines including four commando companies each with about 100 commandos organized into five platoons. The rest of the 690 troops are for support functions. The U.S. Marine littoral combat team infantry element consists of small platoons that can operate independently or together with two or three other platoons. These platoons can quickly be flown to a combat zone or hot spot and collect information on the area, including selecting targets that can be hit by littoral regiment missiles or missiles launched from warships or aircraft. A primary task of these platoon size teams is to remain hidden. The team uses encrypted satellite communications. These small teams are mobile enough to quickly change location to prevent an enemy action. The second littoral team is a battalion-size anti-aircraft unit while the third team handles logistics and support of the entire regiment and especially the infantry battalion teams. These teams combine skills the marines have used with their Force Recon units and scout sniper teams consisting of two snipers to not only scout for a larger unit, but kill key enemy individuals they encountered. The littoral infantry teams also use tactics similar to what the allied coast watcher teams did in the Pacific during World War II. The coast watchers formed spontaneously when Europeans or locals on Pacific Islands began observing Japanese ship traffic passing by and reporting it back to the nearest allied military base. Eventually these teams were equipped with more capable radios and operators who could quickly send short messages that Japanese radio direction units could not locate. The coast watchers also depended on friendly locals for information and assistance when the team had to move to another watching site to avoid Japanese troops. The marine littoral regiment is a clever combination of past skills and techniques used by the American and British marines as well as specialized information gathering units. The marines have often used their past experience or that of others to update their organization and tactics. The littoral regiments are one visible result of nearly a decade of Marine Corps efforts at reorganizing itself. Over the last few decades its weapons and equipment got heavier, so that it could work with army units during combat operations on land. This made your average marine combat unit heavier and more difficult to move ashore for amphibious operations. In response, marine commanders say they would prefer to be a smaller force, one that concentrates on its main mission: amphibious and commando type operations. The reorganization process has been underway during the past few years and has led to a lot of support units (tank, artillery, aviation, engineer and military police) being disbanded or moved to the reserves. Three of 24 current marine infantry battalions and one regimental headquarters are being deactivated as well. The marine focus is now on the Pacific and potential conflict with China. That means the marines want to get back to World War II-type operations, when the marines were all about taking fortified islands from their Japanese garrisons or harassing enemy forces throughout the region. The last major reorganization took place in the 1980s. Back then, the marines turned their divisional and regimental headquarters into administrative operations, and created new organizations to do the actual fighting. The new units were MEUs (Marine Expeditionary Units, actually reinforced infantry battalions), MEBs (Marine Expeditionary Brigades, which were brigades reinforced with support units so they could operate independently) and MEFs (Marine Expeditionary Force), which was a headquarters for controlling MEUs and MEBs. When there was a large operation, the old regimental and divisional designations were used, but the units were basically MEBs controlled by an MEF. This task-oriented organization remains. Even the army adopted this type of thing fifteen years ago when reinforced brigades became the primary combat unit rather than the division. Divisions headquarters became a tactical headquarters for brigades and other units for an operation. Meanwhile, many marines were unhappy with the way they have been used as an army auxiliary in the decade after 2001. The marines consider themselves specialists, while the army are generalists who, for example, carried out more amphibious operations than the marines did during World War II. By 2013 marines comprised a quarter of America's ground combat forces. That's active duty, when you count the much larger army reserve force, the marines are 18 percent of ground combat forces. The marines never wanted to be just another part of American ground combat forces. This has caused some tension within the marine leadership, as some commanders want to maintain as broad a range of skills as possible. This has led to disputes over how to handle development and procurement of specialist equipment, especially amphibious and armored vehicles. Eventually the originalists won the debate and now the marines are going back to their modern origins during and before World War II. The marines were also concerned with their relationship with the U.S. Navy, which went ahead and formed another ground combat force. To understand how this came about you have to understand the relationship between the navy and the marines. The marines are not part of the navy, as they are often described. Both the navy and marines are part of the Department of the Navy. The Department of the Air Force now has the Space Force as well as the much larger Air Force. The Department of the Army has only one component. For a long time, the Navy Department has had two components; the fleet and the marines. The marines are now a separate service that is still closely intertwined with the navy. For example, the navy provides many support functions for the marines which, in the army and air force, are provided by each service. Thus, navy personnel serve in marine units (wearing marine combat uniforms) as medics and other support specialists. The use of the navy for support functions means a much higher proportion of marines are combat troops than in the navy, army, or air force. This gives the marines a different attitude and outlook. The Air Force now has a similar relationship with the new Space Force. Over the years, the marines have acquired more and more autonomy from the navy. When the U.S. Marine Corps was created, over two centuries ago, marines were sailors trained and equipped to fight as infantry, and they were very much part of the navy and part of ship crews. This changed radically in the late 19th century, when all-metal steam ships replaced wooden sailing ships. The new "iron ships" really didn't need marines and there were proposals to eliminate them. In response, the American marines got organized and made themselves useful in other ways. For example, the marines performed very well as "State Department Troops" in Latin America for half a century (late 19th century to just before World War II), where American troops were frequently used to deal with civil disorder abroad and nation building. During World War I (1914-18), they provided a brigade for ground combat in Europe where the marines demonstrated exceptional combat skills. In the 1930s, as World War II approached, the U.S. Marine Corps saw what was needed when the navy realized they would have to use amphibious assaults to take heavily fortified Japanese islands in any future war. Thus, once the U.S. entered World War II, the marines formed their first division size units and ended the war with six divisions, organized into two corps. Only four of those divisions survived the post-World War II demobilization and one of them is now a reserve division. After World War II the Marine Corps was no longer just a minor part of the navy but on its way to being a fourth service. By the late 20th century, they basically achieved that goal. But in doing so, the navy lost control of its ground troops. Navy amphibious ships still went to sea with battalions of marines on board. But because the marines are mainly an infantry force, and the war on terror is basically an infantry scale battle, the marines spent a lot more time on land working alongside the U.S. Army. In response to all this, the U.S. Navy began building a new ground combat force in 2006, staffed by 40,000 sailors as NECC (Navy Expeditionary Combat Command). This was for operating along the coast and up rivers, as well as further inland. NECC units served in Iraq and are ready to deploy anywhere else they are needed. The 1,200 sailors in the EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) teams are particularly sought after, because of increased use of roadside bombs and booby traps by the enemy. NECC organized three Riverine Squadrons which served in Iraq. NECC basically consists of most of the combat support units the navy has traditionally put ashore, plus some coastal and river patrol units that have usually only been organized in wartime. As major U.S. troops commitments to Iraq and Afghanistan declined after 2011 so did the need for NECC. Currently NECC is a smaller force of 20,000 sailors trained and equipped for coastal and riverine operations. There is still a need for that and the marines are content to let the navy handle it with sailors trained as infantry who operate from small boats along coasts and waterways. NECC and the strategy that came with it, was a surprise to many people, especially many of those in Congress who were asked to pay for it. It came as a surprise to many NECC sailors as well. The navy even called on the marines to provide infantry instructors for the few thousand sailors assigned to riverine (armed patrol boat) units. The navy already had infantry training courses for Seabees (naval construction personnel) and members of EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) teams. Now all that was combined in the Expeditionary Combat Skills (ECS) course, which is conducted at a base in Mississippi. Initially the Marine Corps had mixed feelings about NECC, for the marines have long been the navy's ground combat troops. The navy says that the USMC mission will remain. Thus, some marine leaders want to shrink the Corps so they become small enough to handle anticipated navy amphibious operations and not large enough to have troops available for large-scale support of army operations. In effect, many American marine commanders want to be more like the British marines. That's interesting, because British marines are called Royal Marine Commandos and are quite different from their American counterparts. Britain invented the modern concept of the commando but disbanded all ten army commandos (as the battalion size commando units were called) at the end of World War II. The Royal Marines, however, saw the commando concepts as a welcome addition to their own amphibious doctrine and retained three of their nine Royal Marine Commandos. Since World War II, the Royal Marines have maintained at least three commandos (battalions). Artillery and engineer units are supplied by the army. Like the U.S. Marines, the Royal Marines realized that assault from the sea was always a commando-like operation which required special training, bold leadership, and an aggressive spirit. The Royal Marines, like their American counterparts, continued to innovate. In 1956, it was a Royal Marine Commando that launched the first helicopter assault from ships against a land target (during an invasion of Egypt). The Royal Marine Commandos were used extensively to keep the peace in Ireland during the 1970s and 80s. In 1982, it was two Royal Marine Commandos and one parachute battalion that did most of the fighting to retake the Falkland Islands from Argentina. The Royal Marines have performed peacekeeping duty in the Balkans and Africa, and served as an amphibious fast reaction force. While the U.S. Marines made a name for themselves with multi-division amphibious operations in the Pacific during World War II, the Royal Marines stuck with the commando type operations that characterize what marines spent most of the time doing between major wars in the past. Remember, the last large scale amphibious operation took place over seventy years ago at Inchon, Korea in 1950. Since then, the typical marine mission has been a quick assault using a small (usually battalion size) force. In anticipation of this, the U.S. Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC) was created in 2006. Since then, it has kept its 2,500 personnel busy with dozens of deployments in South America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. MARSOC is organized into a headquarters, a two battalion Special Operations Regiment, a Foreign Military Training Unit, and a Marine Special Operations Support Group. There are 3-4 Special Operations companies in each battalion. The marines basically lost two of their four Force Recon companies (one of them a reserve unit) in order to build MARSOC. Meanwhile, more troops have been added to division level reconnaissance units, to take up some of that slack. The Special Operations companies (with about 120 personnel each) can provide Force Recon capabilities to marine units they are attached to. The two Special Operations Battalions provide a combination of services roughly equal to what the U.S. Army Special Forces and Rangers do, as well as some of the functions of the Force Recon units. With MARSOC the marines are playing catch up. In the late 1980s all the other services, except the marines, contributed to the formation of SOCOM (Special Operations Command). The marines finally got around to working with SOCOM in 2005, when it was agreed that they would create a marine special operations command (MARSOC). The Marine Corps had long resisted such a step, largely because of its belief that marines are inherently superior warriors capable of highly specialized missions. This attitude began to change during the fighting in Afghanistan, when marines were assigned to support SOCOM troops there and were duly impressed. Most marine commanders see their future as a smaller (by up to a third, at least), even more elite and better equipped force. The marines want to get back to sea, and that is what the marines have done over the last decade. One major benefit was avoiding the loss of a lot of the valuable combat experience the marines have gained since September 11, 2001. Recruiting was reduced for a few years, and some marines transferred to the navy, usually in jobs that both sailors and marines handle, especially the NECC force. Marines have long moved over to the army, and the army would be glad to get an infusion of combat experienced marines, especially NCOs and officers. The marines also want to expand their reserve force so that marines who decide to get out can simply move over to the reserves. The marines are now experimenting with some new concepts, like littoral regiments to do the jobs that are too tough or too distant for NECC to handle right away. The marines found a home in SOCOM, a multi-service organization where all forces involved (army Special Forces, Navy SEALs, and special operations aviation units from the army and air force) remain with the military service that created them. SOCOM sees to it that all these separate special operations are used for special operations and not diverted to more mundane tasks. An N.C. House Select Committee is recommending that the General Assembly change a state law forcing districts to start school the Monday closest to Aug. 26 and end no later than the Friday clo Lee Sung Kyung and Kim Young Kwang couple up for the first time in Disney+ Korea's newest romance melodrama "Call It Love"! Following its pilot week, the actors show off their intense chemistry in a couple photoshoot with Elle Korea. They also talked about their new work, characters, synergy and more. Lee Sung Kyung, Kim Young Kwang Show Off Chemistry In New Pictorial In a recent photoshoot with Elle Korea, "Call It Love" stars Lee Sung Kyung and Kim Young Kwang boasted their intense chemistry! The two stars recently returned to prime time with Disney+ Korea's romance melodrama "Call It Love," which centers on revenge, love and hope. In the pictorial, Lee Sung Kyung and Kim Young Kwang flaunted their unrivaled visuals while posing for the camera as a couple. They don monochromatic attires that amplify their chemistry. In addition to that, the two also did black and white individual shots which perfectly capture their characters' grief and personalities, raising fans' curiosity about the work. With their sultry couple photos, many viewers look forward to seeing their chemistry as a couple. Moreover, Lee Sung Kyung and Kim Young Kwang's photoshoot shouldn't be missed. Catch it in the March 2023 issue of Elle Korea magazine! Lee Sung Kyung & Kim Young Kwang Dish On True Love, More Following the pictorial, the "Call It Love" stars sat down for a brief interview with Elle Korea! The two talked about their work and new acting roles, and revealed their honest feelings on true love and romance. Lee Sung Kyung's character, Shim Woo Joo, is a tough cookie who has a soft heart. According to the actress, she accepted the role since she hasn't played a naive yet firm character before. Meanwhile, Kim Young Kwang reveals that he sees himself in his character Han Dong Jin. He's someone who struggles to properly convey his true feelings. Through this, he believes that he will be able to give depth to his new acting role as it could perfectly resonate with him in real life. When asked about true love, the actor describes it as a feeling of longing. For Kim Young Kwang, true love is when a person wants to be with the other for a long time. Meanwhile, Lee Sung Kyung believes that true love is tantamount to happiness and empathy; love is real when the heart aches for someone who's going through a tough time. Kim Young Kwang Names Lee Sung Kyung As His Ideal Woman In the interview, Lee Sung Kyung confesses that he admires Kim Young Kwang's versatility as an actor. According to her, the actor is an enigmatic person who has secrets of his own, just like his character, the actor has a melancholic vibe in him. Meanwhile, Kim Young Kwang praises Lee Sung Kyung's ability to be calm even under intense pressure in a hectic filming set. He describes the actress as a professional star. Kim Young Kwang also reveals that Lee Sung Kyung is close to his ideal type, comparing her to a puppy who has an extremely adorable side, raising fans' excitement. Catch Lee Sung Kyung and Kim Young Kwang's drama every Wednesday and Thursday on Disney+ Korea! Watch the teaser here: KDramaStars owns this article. Written by Elijah Mully. Kim Da Young has responded to the accusation that she is the one behind the online post involving a "Physical: 100" contestant in school violence. Among the hundreds of participants, the female stuntwoman stood out after she managed to continue doing challenges but failed to advance to the last two games. However, amid the hype of the media with the Netflix survival show, she has been hit with several allegations, accusing her of being a school bully. 'Physical: 100' Cast Kim Da Young's Instagram Contains Apology Amid the Controversy Following her social media silence, Kim Da Young took to Instagram and posted a lengthy message along with his public apology. She began her post by "contemplating for a few days and self-reflecting" after her name got involved in the issue. Kim Da Young admitted that she used to be a "delinquent student" 14 years ago and admitted that she verbally harassed her juniors. "Looking back at the past, I hung out with the popular kids and cursed at my juniors, hurting their feelings, with the excuse of disciplining them," she said, adding that she was immature and childish at the time. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: 'Physical:100' Controversies: From Lack of Doping Tests to Female Participant Accused of Bullying, More Moreover, she said that she wanted to take this opportunity to apologize to her schoolmates for hurting their feelings. "I am really sorry," she wrote, adding "Even if I apologize like this, it won't make the past disappear. Kim Da Young also added that she wanted to personally apologize to her fellow classmate who became victims of her and her friends. Lastly, she concluded her message by apologizing to the producers of "Physical: 100" and clarified that she didn't "steal money or physically assault" the victims. "It is true that I acted shamefully, cursing and saying hurtful words to my juniors, but I never physically hurt them or took their money," she said. As for the viewers and fans of the show, Kim Da Young also asked forgiveness and promised to "self-reflect on the wrong" that she did. Who is Kim Da Young of 'Physical: 100'? One of the underdogs of Netflix's "Physical:100" Kim Da Young is among the few female participants who continue to advance in quest 3 but failed to secure her spot in quest 4 after losing to rescue mountain climber Kim Min Cheol. During the interview, she revealed that she works as a stuntwoman and appeared in various K-dramas. It includes playing the double of Kim Shi Ah in "The Silent Sea." Adding to the list is playing a bit role in "All of Us Are Dead" and "Squid Game." Unfortunately, she made headlines for the wrong reasons after being caught up in a controversy. It came after victims posted their experience in an online community, noting that they "live in hell" for 1 year due to school harassment. Although they did not drop any names, the only clue was the perpetrator was among the cast of "Physical: 100." However, others connected Kim Da Young's name to the issue, which prompted her to turn off her Instagram comment section. READ MORE: 'Physical: 100' Cast: Meet the Underdogs Who Surprised Viewers With Their Skills KDramastars owns this article Written by Geca Wills "Crash Course in Romance" episode 13 sheds more light on the student-murderer and provides more insight into Ji Dong Hui, who's been caught chasing Nam Hae Yi, hinting that she might be his next victim. 'Crash Course in Romance' Episode 13: Ji Dong Hui is Real Culprit Behind the Murders Ji Dong Hui (Shin Jae Ha) secretly hides near the Banchan shop and tries to harm Nam Haeng Seon (Jeon Do Yeon). Unfortunately, his plan soon fails when Choi Chi Yeol (Jung Kyung Ho) arrives on the scene, and Dong Hui has to abort his plan. This incident further strengthens the suspicion that Chi Yeol's assistant is the mastermind behind all the previous attacks. As the episode continues, Nam Hae Yi (Roh Yoon Seo) is going through some tough times in school. She's involved in a fight with her jealous classmate, which immediately affects her mood and lost focus on her studies and perform poorly on her tests. Nam Hae Yi's situation later worries Nam Haeng Seon, who is already concerned about her well-being. Things get worse when Nam Hae Yi doesn't return home after class. Nam Haeng Seon becomes frantic, she's been trying to call Hae Yi multiple times, but still no response from her. Nam Hae Yi Goes Missing, Ji Dong Hui Secretly Chases Her Choi Chi Yeol found out what happened and joined her in searching for Nam Hae Yi. They start tracking her phone. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Ji Dong Hui has been the culprit behind all the attacks, including the murder of the student. He has been using his position to cover his plans and shift the blame to others. As Choi Chi Yeol, Nam Haeng Seon, and their close friends continue to search for Nam Hae Yi, it was shown in the episode that Ji Dong Hui was chasing after Nam Hae Yi. The assistant seems to be intent on causing her harm and putting her life in danger. The tension and urgency surrounding Nam Hae Yi's disappearance create a thrilling and anxious atmosphere. Viewers are now focused on what will happen to Nam Hae Yi after it was shown that Ji Dong Hui is in the chase after her. Will she be the next victim of Choi Chi Yeol's assistant? Let's all find out in the upcoming "Crash Course in Romance" episodes. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: 'Island' Part 2 Episodes 1-2: Sung Joon Returns To Make Revenge Against Lee Da Hee What are your thoughts about the ongoing tension in "Crash Course in Romance"? Share your replies in the comments! For more K-Drama, K-Movie, and celebrity news, keep your tabs open here at KDramastars. KDramastars owns this article. Shai Collins wrote this. 75 Shares Share In the United States, physicians are typically categorized as either academics or private practitioners. However, a case can be made that it is possible to construct a career path that incorporates both professional avenues. I was put in an excellent position to realize this during my fellowship at LSU, which structured some parts of its community medicine program in a way that resembled private practice. I enjoyed my experience as a hospital and clinical fellow. After my fellowship ended, my love affair with academic medicine quickly soured. My director was a rheumatologist, and physical medicine operated under the umbrella of internal medicine at LSU. We were expected to make grand rounds of presentations to some of the worlds leading experts. Impressing these experts was the bar for success. One day, I was assigned to conduct grand rounds by my director. I was still very self-conscious about my accent when speaking English at the time. Moreover, I was actively struggling with panic and anxiety disorders stemming from a major past trauma that I had not yet learned to treat successfully. The result was that I stood before the prestigious audience at grand rounds with my heart pounding and my voice, legs, and hands shaking. To make things worse, some doctors who had written the textbooks I studied in medical school were in the audience. I felt wildly unprepared to teach them anything new, and afterward, I had the sense that I rushed through my presentation just to be done with it. Of course, I was magnifying in my mind what had actually taken place. But, encounters like this can have a powerful effect on a new doctor or professors self-esteem. I felt I failed my director in one of my most important duties as an assistant professor. Later, the medical school dean found me and congratulated me on doing an excellent job on grand rounds. I am unsure if I did better than I thought or if he said this to shore up my confidence. This anecdote exemplifies the pressure academic medicine can place on doctors. However, there were other conflicts. Additionally, I was not overly fond of the competitive environment of academia, which at times felt like backstabbing. I was aware by this point that competition to publish papers and bring in grant money was so fierce that senior professors often claimed credit for their assistants work. New research ideas were commonly kept tightly under wraps for fear of being scooped by someone who might procure grant money to fund the research before you did. I saw the pernicious effects of publish or perish in full display. Some people thrive on this type of competition, but none of this suited my personality. So, after a few years as an assistant professor, I moved into private practice. Private practice, of course, came with its own set of challenges. It was now entirely up to me to bring in my salary, and any lawsuits filed would also be my responsibility rather than falling on the School of Medicines shoulders. I found myself working more hours with less support. But the pressure to publish and compete with other doctors for publications and grant funding was gone. So I was happy. Still, I missed a part of academic medicine, and that was teaching students and residents. I had taken pride and pleasure in teaching Fellows the way I had once been taught myself. I decided to do something many few other doctors were doing. I created a private practice fellowship program. In this way, I could give opportunities to young doctors, just as a life-changing fellowship opportunity had once been given to me. For a time, my students and I even worked to conduct on-site research and publish articles. My students saw what it was to work in private practice medicine and learned that it was possible to incorporate some elements of academic medicine while doing so. This was both exciting and fulfilling to me. I had found a best-of-both-worlds scenario. Some people thrive in the environment of academic medicine. Others are born for private practice. But for those who arent satisfied, remember that you can blaze your career path as a doctor. It is often possible to build a career path incorporating both aspects. After all, as a doctor, you are the only genuinely essential requirement for the practice of medicine to happen. I hope that cultural progress in academic medicine will alleviate some of the burdens of publish or perish and create a more supportive, collaborative atmosphere where research can happen with the principal focus on advancing knowledge. This may be a panacea. But, while the logic of incentivizing research publications and grant funding makes sense, we all know of the problems in academic publishing and grant funding that can sometimes create a divide between the most medically-essential questions and the most well-funded and well-published topics. The assumption that seminal scientific publications can only be done independently in an academic environment is incorrect. The private practice offers experience, resources, and infrastructure that can enable basic research to be carried out with the proper guardrails and compliance expectations supporting it. That is a complex and weighty issue for the medical community and colleagues in academic publishing and grant funding to tackle. But for todays physicians and medical students, remember that alternative and innovative paths are always available to you in your career. These hybrid approaches could accelerate the advances in medical research and understanding. Ultimately, it is up to you to define your career and life direction. What is critical is to understand clearly what is important, relevant, significant, and rewarding to you. Francisco M. Torres is an interventional physiatrist specializing in diagnosing and treating patients with spine-related pain syndromes. He is certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the American Board of Pain Medicine and can be reached at Florida Spine Institute and Wellness. 1 Shares Share Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join us on this episode as we explore the power of gratitude with Cindy Tsai, an internal medicine physician. We all hear about the benefits of gratitude and the importance of being thankful for what we have. But gratitude is not just about thinking positive thoughts. Its about embodying gratitude, feeling it in your body, and connecting with it on a deeper level. Dr. Tsai will discuss the importance of connecting our mind and body and how this can lead to true wellness. She will also share insights on how to bring more gratitude into our lives, even in the midst of challenges and difficulties. If you want to uplevel your gratitude practice, this episode is for you. Cindy Tsai is an internal medicine physician and can be reached on Twitter @cindytsaimd. She shares her story and discusses her KevinMD article, Dont make this mistake with gratitude. The Podcast by KevinMD is brought to you by the Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience. With so many demands on their time, physicians today report record levels of burnout. Burnout is caused by many factors, one of which is clinical documentation. Studies indicate physicians spend two hours documenting care for every hour spent with patients. At Nuance, we are committed to helping physicians do what you love care for patients and spend less time on clinical documentation. The Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience, or DAX for short, is an AI-powered, ambient clinical intelligence solution that automatically captures patient encounters securely and accurately at the point of care. Physicians who use DAX have reported a 50 percent decrease in documentation time and a 70 percent reduction in feelings of burnout, and 83 percent of patients say their physician is more personable and conversational. Rediscover the joy of medicine with clinical documentation that writes itself, all within the EHR. VISIT SPONSOR SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST RATE AND REVIEW FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM FOLLOW ON TIKTOK GET CME FOR THIS EPISODE Powered by CMEfy. US says China will face 'real costs' if it provides lethal aid to Russia for war in Ukraine Isabella Gipkhin and Eugene Koblents have been taking in Europeans long before Russian invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Once the war started, the duo have helped at least a dozen refugees. slide 2 of 6 BTS J-Hope is returning to Incheon International Airport on the 23rd after completing his overseas schedule. The third episode of "Boys Planet" has been aired, which focused on rivalry between K-group and G-group in an intense cover battle. Read to catch up on the program's episode 3! Boys Planet Episode 3: K-group & G-group Face Off On Cover Battle On episode 3, Hwang Minhyun has finally made his appearance on the show as Star Master, thrilling many of the contestants. He then first announced the popularity rankings of the trainees, from their Signal Song performance. K-group members: Lee Dong Yeol (No. 9) Oh Seong Min (No. 8) Cha Woong Gi (No. 7) Han Yu Jin (No. 6) Lee Seung Hwan (No. 5) Lee Da Eul (No. 4) Sung Han Bin (No. 3) Kim Ji Woong (No. 2) Lee Hoe Taek (No. 1) G-group members: Seok Matthew (No. 9) Ricky (No. 8) Zhang Hao (No. 7) Jay (No. 6) Cong (No. 5) Hiroto (No. 4) Keita (No. 3) Anthony (No. 2) Dang Hong Hai (No. 1) Hwang Minhyun then revealed that the next round will be a group battle between Group K and Group G. In the mission, the two groups showcased their skills and star power. Seven teams each was formed, and each rival team will choose the same mission song for their performance. After the rounds, the winning team will be announced by the Star Creators' on-site voting. The contestants will undergo their first elimination after their performances. The winning team will receive 100,000 points from the Star Creators. It will also be combined with all seven teams from each group. Another 10,000 additional points will be added as extra benefit, for those who won more points. The 7 songs chosen for the contestants were from star-studded groups, comprised of "VERY NICE" by SEVENTEEN, "LOVE ME RIGHT" by EXO, "Danger" by BTS, "Hot Sauce" by NCT Dream, "Burn It Up" by Wanna One, "Back Door" by Stray Kids, and "Kill This Love" by BLACKPINK." The first three songs performed in the episode was "VERY NICE" by SEVENTEEN, "Kill This Love" by BLACKPINK, and "Love Me Right" by EXO. The groups engaged on a fierce rivalry, performing the same mission song with their best. Check out Episode 3's first batch of performances: "VERY NICE" by SEVENTEEN G-group K-group "Kill This Love" by BLACKPINK G-group K-group "Love Me Right" by EXO G-group The episode also announced that the first global voting will conclude on February 24, 2023, 10 A.M. The next performances will be showcased on the next episode! What's your favorite performance on the episode? Let us know in the comments below! Read KpopStarz for more K-pop news. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Hui Joining 'Boys Planet' As Trainee Draws Mixed Reactions, Discord Rumor With PENTAGON Arises KpopStarz owns this article Written by Israel Monte Perth, February 26: An international investigation found that during the height of the pandemic, breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact rates were low since the majority of babies born to mothers with COVID-19 were split up after birth. The European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) and Murdoch Children's Research Institute performed an international study that discovered COVID-19 transmission from mother to infant was uncommon and typically moderate when it did occur. Yet, just a quarter of babies were nursed, and the majority of mothers and babies did not have skin-to-skin contact right after birth. About half of all babies did not receive any breast milk. Most Babies Born to Mothers with COVID-19 Separated After Birth Resulting in Low Breastfeeding Rates: Study. Murdoch Children's Professor David Tingay said the study, the largest on global family-centred care during COVID-19, highlighted how ensuring good infection control measures had significantly impacted neonatal practice over the past few years. "Almost half of all newborns in the trial were denied early and close contact with their mother, demonstrating how hard it was to balance infection control measures with mother-baby bonding recommendations, especially in the first year of the pandemic," he said. Encouragingly, clinicians did gradually adapt to allow more family-centred care as the pandemic progressed, particularly the use of breastmilk." The study, published in The Lancet's e clinical medicine, involved 692 babies born to mothers with SARS-CoV-2 in 13 neonatal intensive care units across 10 countries, including Brazil, France, Italy and the US, who participated in the EPICENTRE trial. It found 54 per cent of newborns were separated from their mothers and only 7 per cent had physical contact before separation. Maternal breastmilk feeding rates were low at 53 per cent, with just 24 per cent exclusively fed with their mother's breastmilk. But contact and breastfeeding increased over time from 23 per cent in Spring 2020 to 70 per cent in Winter 2020/21 (northern hemisphere seasons). Additionally, 73 per cent of those separated from their mother were admitted into a neonatal intensive care unit or special care nursery without any symptomatic or underlying condition to account for admission. Only 5 per cent of babies born to infected mothers tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and most cases were mild. Murdoch Children's Dr Georgie Dowse said the benefits of family-centred care in the perinatal period for both mothers and babies were well-established. "Family-centred care practices such as breastfeeding, co-habitation and skin-to-skin contact are critical to the well-being of mothers and neonates, even those needing intensive care," she said. "Breastmilk provides a baby with nutrition and supports growth and development. Breastfeeding can help protect baby and mother against certain illnesses and diseases spanning asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes and sudden infant death syndrome. Skin-to-skin contact helps babies adjust to life outside the womb and supports mothers to initiate breastfeeding and develop close, loving relationships with their baby." Professor Tingay said the impact of COVID-19 on family-centred care should be considered when updating infection control guidelines. "The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for healthcare services, including the delivery of family-centred care," he said. Guidelines for the management of neonates born to infected mothers were initially formulated in the context of many unknowns and often varied and based on expert consensus rather than evidence. "An encouraging finding was the increased provision of family-centred care practices as the pandemic progressed, even when the mother was very sick herself. We are hopeful doctors and nurses will use the experiences from the pandemic to better family-centred care whenever a mother or baby is unwell. Sugar Consumption, Early Interruption of Breastfeeding Are Risk Factors for Dental Caries: Study. "We strongly encourage health services to continue implementing family-centred care practices during the future stages of this pandemic to ensure neonates and mothers receive the best possible health benefits." (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Kolkata, Feb 26 (PTI) The alumni of Jadavpur University's chemical engineering department, on the occasion of its centenary celebrations, have raised a corpus of Rs 46 lakh for expanding its infrastructure and supporting research activities, pro-vice chancellor Chiranjib Bhattacharya said. Bhattacharya, himself a former student of the department, noted that its alumni have always played a significant role in establishing industry-academia connect, thus helping the students as well as the researchers. Also Read | Central Recruitment Agencies Show the Way in Prevention of Paper Leaks Read: Latest Tweet by IANS India. "Several members of the alumni have separately contributed to our department, totaling Rs 46 lakh. This amount would be of immense help for supporting academic and research projects," he maintained. One of the alumni, Ravi Prasad, who is associated with a leading MNC in UAE and belongs to the early 70s batch, has alone contributed Rs 31 lakh to the 102-year-old department to procure a chemical reactor, the pro-VC said. Also Read | Mumbai: Man Threatens Bomb Blast, UPI Helps Cops Trace and Arrest Accused for Hoax Call. The department had been seeking to raise funds as its coffers dried up in the past three years due to decreased allocation of central and state funds, Bhattarcharya explained. He said that the COVID-19 pandemic deferred the centenary celebrations by two years. "The three-day event, 'Chemervescence' -- from February 25 to 27 is aimed at facilitating alumni-student connection. The programme is being live streamed on YouTube," he explained. Padma Vibhushan M M Sharma, the former director of Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), and Padma Shri Professor G D Yadav, the ex-vice chancellor of ICT, had attended the inaugural day function as guests of honour. Yadav said chemical engineers have a bright future with several sectors, including pharma industry, food processing, edible oil, textile, coal and refinery, seeking their services. Much before the university came into being, the chemical engineering department was set up in 1921 as part of a nationalist movement to impart scientific education to student. It sought to educate and empower youth who could confront the colonisers. The department merged with Jadavpur University in the later part of the century. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi [India], February 26 (ANI): Union Home Minister Amit Shah will take part at an event to mark the 284th birth anniversary of Sant Sevalal Maharaj, the revered reformer and preacher of the Banjara community, in the national capital on Monday. The birth anniversary of the revered preacher was marked on February 15. Also Read | Rhino Attack in West Bengal: Seven Tourists Hurt, Two Critical After Safari Jeep Falls Into Pit in Two Rhinoceroses Attack (Watch Video). Shah will be the chief guest on the concluding day of the two-day event to mark the preacher's birth anniversary, on February 27. The two-day long event will kick-off on Sunday at Dr Ambedkar International Centre, Janpath Road in the national capital. Also Read | Congress Pitches for United Opposition, Alliances for 2024 Lok Sabha Elections in Political Resolution at Plenary Session; Promises Law Against Hate Crimes. For this event, a special train has set off from Karnataka, in which more than two-and-a-half thousand members of the Banjara community of Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are reaching Delhi. Sant Sevalal Maharaj was born on February 15, 1739 AD, in Suragondanakoppa of Karnataka's Shivamogga district. He is considered a social reformer and spiritual teacher of the Banjara society. It is believed that the Banjara community has a population of about 10 to 12 crore across the country. Recently, the Kumbh of the Banjara community in Maharashtra was organized by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in Jalgaon district, in which Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis also took part. Earlier in January, PM Modi during his visit to Karnataka's Kalaburgi, distributed title deeds (hakku patra) to over 50,000 families of the Banjara community. Recalling his connections with the region and the Banjara community, the Prime Minister had said that the people from this community have contributed toward national development in their own ways. "This region and Banjara society is not new to me, because the brothers and sisters of our Banjara community from Rajasthan to western India are making a huge contribution in the development of the nation in their own way. And I've always had the pleasure of associating with them since time immemorial. I vividly remember that I was called for a rally in this region during the 1994 assembly elections. And I can never forget that moment when I saw lakhs of our Banjara brothers and sisters in that rally. Lakhs of Banjara mothers and sisters in traditional costumes had come to bless me," PM Modi had said. He had also recalled the unforgettable moment when lakhs of Banjara families had come for a rally that the Prime Minister had attended during the 1994 assembly elections. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Guwahati (Assam) [India], February 26 (ANI): Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Sunday attended the 62nd Annual Conference of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha held at Patgaon in Kokrajhar district. Addressing the occasion, Chief Minister Sarma lauded the role of Bodo Sahitya Sabha in the enrichment of the Bodo language and literature. Also Read | Kerala Police Arrests 12 Persons in Simultaneous Raids and Registers 142 Cases Besides Latest Tweet by PTI News. Chief Minister Sarma said, "Assamese culture has benefitted immensely from the richness of Bodo art and literary tradition, adding that all necessary steps were taken to ensure the Bodo language is accorded its due status in the education sector." He further added that the Bodo language shall be introduced up to 12th standards in educational institutions and that 10 colleges within the Bodol and Territorial Region shall be provincialised in days to come, the cost for which shall be borne by the government. Also Read | Madhya Pradesh: Three-Year-Old Girl Falls Into Borewell in Chhatarpur, Rescued After Three-Hour-Long Operation. The Chief Minister also spoke about the contributions made by "Bodofa" Upendra Nath Brahma towards the overall uplift of the Bodo population. He exuded confidence the decision to extend the territorial extent of BTR as announced on January 26, 2023, would lead to further uplift of the Bodo population and would go a long way in fulfilling their hopes and aspirations. Stressing the role of knowledge and wisdom in enlightening society, Chief Minister Dr. Sarma urged upon the Bodo Sahitya Sabha, the All Bodo Students Union and the BTR administration to do everything in their capacity to bring an educational revolution in the region. He also urged upon the Bodo Sahitya Sabha to prepare a comprehensive dictionary in the Bodo language while assuring of all necessary support from the government. President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha Taren Boro, Chief Executive of BTR Pramod Boro, Speaker of Assam Legislative Assembly Biswajit Daimary, Minister of Assam Cabinet U.G. Brahma, along with a host of other dignitaries and guests were also present today. Earlier in the day, CM Sarma also attended the Open Session of the 36th Annual Conference and the Golden Jubilee celebration of All Rabha Sahitya Sabha at Loharghat in Kamrup district. Sarma, speaking at the event of All Rabha Sahitya Sabha, appealed to the members of the Rabha community to stay rooted to their identity, heritage and culture, while adding that a community cannot thrive by severing its ties with its roots. He also stressed upon the need for an educational revolution among the members of the Rabha community so as to enable them to walk hand-in-hand with their counterparts from other communities. The Chief Minister stated that the government would grant an amount of Rs 2 crore for the construction of a permanent office of the All Rabha Sahitya Sabha. He further announced a grant of Rs 50 lakh to the All Rabha Sahitya Sabha so as to cover the expenses of 119 books published in relation to the annual conference. Members of Legislative Assembly Hemanga Thakuria, Prithviraj Rabha, Chief Executive of Rabha Autonomous Council Tankeswar Rabha, along with a host of other dignitaries and guests were also present. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi, Feb 26 (PTI) The Aam Aadmi Party Sunday slammed the BJP, claiming that it was "afraid" of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's "rising popularity" as his deputy Manish Sisodia appeared before the CBI for questioning in the Delhi excise policy scam case. Claiming that CBI will arrest Sisodia despite the charges against him being "false", AAP leaders also alleged that the BJP was trying to intimidate them. Also Read | Punjab: Sidhu Moosewala Murder Case Accused Duran Mandeep Singh Toofan and Manmohan Singh Killed in Goindwal Sahib Jail Fight. "The BJP is trying to silence and intimidate AAP leaders through false cases, raids and arrests. The CBI is trying to bring down Sisodia based on false charges," senior AAP leader and MLA Atishi claimed. Asserting that the charges against Sisodia were "false", she said the BJP should prove the corruption allegations it was levelling against the AAP. Also Read | Bharat Jodo Yatra 2 on Cards? Congress Considering Another March but No Decision Taken Yet, Says Jairam Ramesh. "The AAP is a staunchly honest party and the BJP's fear was visible to everyone today. The whole country saw that the BJP is afraid of the increasing popularity of Arvind Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party in the country," Atishi said. AAP national spokesperson Saurabh Bhardwaj claimed the CBI will arrest Sisodia, who also holds the education portfolio, adding the BJP was trying to "weaken Delhi's education model" since it was "scared" of Arvind Kejriwal. "The allegations against him are ridiculous. If someone had taken a bribe of Rs 10,000 crore, as claimed by the CBI, the money would have been found somewhere," he said. The AAP's Delhi Convenor and Environment Minister Gopal Rai said several party workers of AAP were on their way to Rajghat to express their support for Sisodia, but they were detained by the Delhi Police. Police detained 50 people, including AAP MP Sanjay Singh and Rai, protesting near the CBI office where Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia is being questioned in the Delhi excise policy scam case. Police said section 144 CrPC has been imposed in the area. "It is very unfortunate that the prime minister is afraid of Arvind Kejriwal and therefore all these preparations have been made to arrest Sisodia," Rai alleged. Sanjay Singh accused the Centre of defaming the Delhi education minister through false allegations. "The BJP-led Centre has sold the entire country to Adani, from coal to electricity, water, road, cement, steel, seaports and airports. They gave Adani a loan of Rs 2.5 lakh crore and waived the loan of Rs 84,000 crore. They cannot take action against Adani, but are willing to act against Sisodia," he said. Senior AAP leader Jasmine Shah accused the BJP of "selectively targeting" the AAP leaders and "suppressing their achievements". "The BJP sees AAP as its main challenger. They want to limit the AAP to Delhi alone. The truth will eventually come out, no matter how much the BJP tries to suppress it. "In contrast, the BJP is no longer targeting Rahul Gandhi and the Congress as they want a weak Congress party to remain their main political challenge," Shah claimed. Sisodia, who also holds the finance portfolio in the Delhi Cabinet, arrived at the heavily-barricaded CBI office in the national capital on Sunday after paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi at Raj Ghat. He was originally summoned last Sunday but had sought deferment of his questioning citing the Budget exercise, following which the CBI had asked him to appear on February 26. Sisodia, the accused number one in the CBI FIR in the case, was earlier questioned on October 17, a month before the agency filed its charge sheet on November 25 last year. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Narayanpur (Chhattisgarh) [India], February 26 (ANI): A head constable from the 16th Corps was killed on Sunday by unidentified Naxals in an explosion triggred by an improvised explosive device (IED) in Narayanpur district, a police officer said. The deceased was identified as Sanjay Lakra, a resident of the Jashpur district in Chattisgarh. Also Read | Uttar Pradesh Hit-and-Drag Case: Truck Drags Scooty for 2 km in Mahoba; Man and Grandson Killed. According to the police, based on a tip-off that Naxals had put up a banner in the area, a joint team of District Reserve Guard (DRG) and Central Armed Police Forces (CAF) set out for a patrolling and search operation around 7 AM from Orchha police station. "When the patrolling team was advancing through Batum, head constable Sanjay Lakra, belonging to CAF's 16th battalion, mistakenly stepped over a pressure IED connection which initiated the blast," the officer said. Also Read | Uttar Pradesh Road Accident: Infant Killed, 14 Injured After Being Hit by Car in Sitapur; Driver Detained. "After the blast, the Jawan was taken to Orchha hospital where he was declared brought dead by the doctors," the officer added. An investigation into this matter is underway. Further information is awaited. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Mumbai, Feb 26 (PTI) Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday said he was a witness to the planning of the previous Maha Vikas Aghadi government to arrest then leader of opposition and current deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis and his BJP colleague Girish Mahajan. Also Read | Manish Sisodia Arrested: CBI Arrests Delhi Deputy CM in Liquor Excise Policy Case After Eight Hours of Questioning. Shinde made the sensational claim while speaking to reporters here on the eve of the Maharashtra Assembly's Budget session. Also Read | Delhi Police Registers Case Over Ruckus Between AAP, BJP Councillors in Civic Centre. "I was a witness to the ongoing planning of the MVA government to arrest then leader of opposition Devendra Fadnavis and Girish Mahajan. That government had even planned to invoke the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act 1999 against Mahajan. I cannot repeat what I had said that time to stop them," Shinde said. "Instead of changing the decision, I later toppled the whole government and made them (MVA) sit at home. The strategy was to put the Bharatiya Janata Party on the backfoot (through the arrests)," Shinde claimed. When asked why his government was not taking action against those involved in this conspiracy, the CM said, "Dethroning is enough for them. I am well aware of who was indulging in such practices. If required, we will initiate an inquiry into the matter. Fadnavis had made the claim about a plan to arrest him by the Uddhav Thackeray government during a media interaction in January this year. However, the NCP's Dilip Walse patil, who was home minister under Thackeray, had refuted this claim. Incidentally, Fadnavis now handles the home portfolio, while Mahajan is the state medical education and research minister. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir) [India], February 26 (ANI): The Indian Air Force arranged a IL-76 aircraft for airlifting 388 residents of Ladakh from Jammu to Leh on Sunday morning. Notably, two IL-76 aircrafts landed at the Air Force station in Jammu for airlifting the citizens. Also Read | Delhi Triple Murder: Family Alleges Accused Was Demanding Property and Harassing His Wife. However, there's no clarity yet on why the Ladakh residents had to be airlifted from Jammu. Under operation 'Sadbhavna', the Indian Air Force has been extending assistance to residents in the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh from time to time. (ANI) Also Read | Mann Ki Baat: Medical Consultation E-Sanjeevani App's Reach Reflects Power of India's Digital Revolution, Says PM Narendra Modi. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Jammu and Kashmir, February 26: The Jammu and Kashmir Government on Sunday dismissed three employees under Article 311 of the Constitution of India for their involvement in anti-national activities, stated an official release. As per an official release, Article 311 of the Constitution of India provides for the dismissal of a person employed in civil capacities under the Union or a State. "The activities of these employees had come to the adverse notice of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, as they found them involved in activities prejudicial to the interests of the State, such as involvement in terror-related activities and drug trafficking," it read. Jammu and Kashmir Government Dismisses Three Employees for Anti-National Activities Under Article 311. Manzoor Ahmad Itoo, Junior Engineer (Public Works Department) in PMGSY, Bandipore, Syed Saleem Andrabi, Orderly in Social Welfare Department, Tehsil Handwara, District Kupwara and Mohd. Aurif Sheikh, a Teacher in Government Middle School, Pagihalla, Mahore, and Reasi are the employees against whom action has been taken, it stated. "Manzoor Ahmad Itoo played an important role in mobilizing people in support of the terrorists and also motivating youth to join the terrorist ranks, which posed a serious threat to the security of the Indian State. Syed Saleem Andrabi has been found involved in drug trafficking. Further, Mohd. Aurif Sheikh has been found involved in planting IEDs, on the instructions of terrorists operating from Pakistan, thus causing loss of human lives and damage to public properties," it read. Jammu and Kashmir: Kashmiri Pandit ATM Guard Shot Dead by Terrorists in Pulwama. As per an official release, the government has adopted a Zero tolerance policy towards anti-national elements who have been taking advantage of being in Government. Prior to these three dismissals, 44 government officials have been dismissed invoking provisions of Article 311 of the Constitution of India. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir) [India], February 26 (ANI): J-K Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has strongly condemned the dastardly terror attack on Sanjay Kumar Sharma in Pulwama. He said the administration is standing strong with the bereaved family. "My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. The administration has given a free hand to the security forces to deal with the terrorists and we will continue to combat such acts of terrorism firmly and decisively," the Lt Governor said. Also Read | Punjab: Sidhu Moosewala Murder Case Accused Duran Mandeep Singh Toofan and Manmohan Singh Killed in Goindwal Sahib Jail Fight. Earlier on Sunday, terrorists fired upon one civilian from minority namely Sanjay Sharma from Pulwama while on way to local market, said the Kashmir police. He was shifted to hospital however, he succumbed to injuries. There was armed guard in his village. The area have been cordoned off, added the police. Also Read | Bharat Jodo Yatra 2 on Cards? Congress Considering Another March but No Decision Taken Yet, Says Jairam Ramesh. According to the police, the incident took place around 10:30am. "Terrorists fired upon a member of a minority community when he was going towards a market alongwith his wife," DIG Rayees Mohammad Bhat. "We are searching for the terrorist and we will neutralise them as early as possible," he added. "Terrorists fired upon one civilian from minority namely Sanjay Sharma S/O Kashinath Sharma R/O Achan Pulwama while on way to local market. He was shifted to hospital however, he succumbed to injuries. There was Armed guard in his village. Area cordoned off. Details shall follow," said Kashmir Zone Police. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], February 26 (ANI): The Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi on Sunday held a top-level meeting in Mumbai, ahead of the Budget session. Senior Aghadi leaders like Ajit Pawar, Aditya Thackeray, Chhagan Bhujbal, Ambadas Danve, Jitendra Awhad, Anil Parab and others attended the meeting. The meeting was held to discuss the strategy of the alliance ahead of the budget session of the assembly on Monday. Also Read | PM Narendra Modi to Release 13th Instalment of Rs 16,800 Crore Under PM-KISAN Tomorrow. The meeting was held in Vidhan Bhavan under the leadership of Ajit Pawar, who is also the leader of the opposition in the Legislative Assembly. The leaders of the Congress couldn't attend the meeting as they were in Raipur in Chhattisgarh to attend the party's plenary session. "The Maha Vikas Aghadi will be boycotting the tea party on behalf of the government before the budget session of the legislature," said Pawar after the meeting. Also Read | Punjab: Two Gangsters Accused in Sidhu Moosewala Murder Killed in Fight Among Inmates in Goindwal Sahib Jail (Watch Video). However, senior Congress leader Balasaheb Thorat and other leaders spoke to Ajit Pawar over phone and expressed their support for the decisions taken in the meeting. Alleging that law and order situation of the state is deteriorating with each day, Pawar claimed that there are death threats to the leaders of the Aghadi. "Sanjay Raut, Aditya Thackeray, Ashok Chavan and other leaders are being threatened and attacked. What is happening!," said Thackeray. "Rajendra Tukaram Chavan, a farmer of Borgaon Barshi village in Solapur district of Maharashtra, sold 500 kg of onions in the market and after deducting the money for carriage, weighing and wages, he received a cheque of only two rupees," said Pawar. "This is very unfortunate, the government should think about it, the farmers are being tortured," said Pawar. He said that farmers' loan issues, suicide cases and many other important matters were discussed at the meeting on Sunday. Attacking Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Pawar said, "There is a lot of anger against him in the minds of the people." "Bill for food and drinks at the bunglow of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra has reached to 2 crores and 68 lakhs in four months," alleged Pawar. Many files are lying idle in government departments. The government is not paying any attention to the common man. Ajit Pawar has demanded a caste based census in Maharashtra in the manner in which it was conducted in Bihar. "If Bihar government can do it, why not the Maharashtra Government," said the opposition leader. Standing by Uddhav Thackarey's statement of a mid-term election in the state, Pawar said, "There has been a demand in the past also to hold the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections together and such a possibility can be created in 2024." (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Pune, Feb 26 (PTI) Voting for the bypolls to Kasba and Chinchwad Assembly seats in Maharashtra's Pune district began at 7 am on Sunday, according to election officials. Also Read | Rhino Attack in West Bengal: Seven Tourists Hurt, Two Critical After Safari Jeep Falls Into Pit in Two Rhinoceroses Attack (Watch Video). The bypolls in Kasba and Chinchwad were necessitated due to the death of their respective Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLAs Mukta Tilak and Laxman Jagtap. Also Read | Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami Lays Foundation Stones of 138 Development Schemes in Tehri. In Chinchwad, the district election authorities welcomed early voters by laying 'rangoli' (colourful patterns) and offering roses. In the Kasba constituency also voters were seen exercising their franchise in the morning. District election authorities said adequate security arrangements were made in both the constituencies in view of the polling. "Necessary arrangments have been made at all the polling stations and I appeal to all the voters to come out and exercise their franchise without any fear," said Sachin Dhole, the election officer for Chinchwad constituency. In the Kasba Assembly seat in Pune city, there is a contest between the BJP's Hemant Rasane and Congress's Ravindra Dhangekar, who is supported by the Maha Vikas Aghadi alliance of the Congress, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray). In Chinchwad, an industrial township near Pune city, the contest is between Ashwini Jagtap of the BJP and Nana Kate of the NCP. There are 510 polling centres and 5,68,954 registered voters in Chinchwad and 215 polling centres and 2,75,428 registered voters in Kasba constituency. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis, NCP chief Sharad Pawar and party leader Ajit Pawar, state Congress president Nana Patole, Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Aaditya Thackeray and others campaigned in both constituencies over the last 10 days. Congress candidate Dhangekar on Saturday went on a hunger strike after alleging the BJP distributed money to voters. He ended the strike after police assured they would investigate the matter. Counting will take place on March 2. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi [India], February 26 (ANI): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Sunday said that it has arrested Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in an ongoing investigation of a case related to alleged irregularities in framing and implementation of the excise policy after he gave evasive replies and did not cooperate the investigation despite being confronted with evidence to the contrary.The instant case was registered against the Deputy Chief Minister and In-charge Excise Minister and 14 others for an investigation into the matter of alleged irregularities in framing and implementation of the Excise Policy for the year 2021-22 and extending post tender benefits to private persons. A chargesheet has been filed on December 25, 2022, against the CEO of a Mumbai-based private company and six others. Further investigation is being carried out. Also Read | Karnataka Assembly Elections 2023: Matured Voters of State Dont Care Criticism Against Government, Says CM Basavaraj Bommai. The Deputy CM was issued a notice under Section 41A of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.P.C) for attending the investigation on February 19, 2023. "However, he sought time of one week citing his pre-occupation. Accepting his request, he was issued a notice under Section 41A Cr.P.C for attending the investigation today (on February 26, 2023) for answering various questions evaded by him during his examination on October 17, 2022, and further questions relating to his incriminating role based on evidence collected during the investigation of the case. However, he gave evasive replies and did not cooperate the investigation despite being confronted with evidence to the contrary. Therefore, he has been arrested. The arrested accused will be produced before the Designated Court in Delhi," the CBI said in a statement. (ANI) Also Read | Manish Sisodia Arrested: Black Day for Democracy, Says AAP on Delhi Deputy CMs Arrest. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Shillong, February 26: The countdown has begun for the Meghalaya Assembly polls, which will see over 21 lakh electorates will decide the fate of 369 candidates on Monday. Polling will be held at 3,419 polling stations across 59 Assembly constituencies in the state. The voting will begin at 7 am and continue till 4 pm, on Monday. Meghalaya Assembly Elections 2023: Month-Long Election Campaign Ends; Voting on February 27 for 59 Constituencies, Results on March 2. Of the 60 Assembly constituencies in Meghalaya, 36 fall in Khasi, Jaintia Hills region while 24 are in Garo Hills region. However, polling for the Sohiong Assembly constituency was postponed following the demise of the state's former Home minister and United Democratic Party (UDP) candidate from the seat, HDR Lyngdoh. There are over 21 lakh (21,75,236) registered and eligible voters this year of which 10.99 lakh are women and 10.68 lakh are men. In Meghalaya, the women voters number more than their male counterparts. There are about 81,000 first-time voters in the state. Meghalaya Assembly Elections 2023: NPP and BJP Are Acids for State, Says TMC MP Mohua Moitra. As many as 369 candidates are in the fray of which 36 are women. Of the total candidates, 44 are contesting as Independents. The ruling National People's Party (NPP), which is seeking to return to power, might have to contend with the anti-incumbency factor this time. The lack of Infrastructure development in remote and hilly regions remains one of the core poll issues this time. Further, allegations of corruption are also haunting the NPP government. Another factor that might have a bearing on the outcome of this year's polls is illegal coal mining in Jaintia and Khasi Hills. When it comes to key poll issues, unemployment is a pet grouse and demand of the youth. All the parties promised jobs and the creation of election opportunities in their manifesto. NPP attacked the BJP with the long-pending issue of demanding an Inner Line Permit (ILP) for Meghalaya. An Inner Line Permit is an official travel document issued by a state government to allow inward travel of a national into a protected area for a limited time. Meghalaya Assembly Elections 2023: 119 CAPF Companies Deployed Across State for Smooth Polling Ahead of Polls on February 27. Another important in the Meghalaya polls is the Christian and Non-Christian, especially in the Khasi Hills region. Meghalaya BJP chief Ernest Mawrie on Friday said if BJP comes to power in the poll-bound state, they would not impose any restrictions on the people consuming beef. Ernest Mawrie told ANI that Meghalaya is a Christian-majority state and if BJP comes to power, it would provide more security to the Christians. "We will not impose any restriction on consuming beef in Meghalaya. If we will form the government, then it will be better for Meghalaya. We will give full protection to the Christians of Meghalaya. Eating habit is our culture, BJP will not impose any restrictions on them. Many of us eat pork, beef, chicken, and fish. There is no problem with our party. We have not held any discussions on this. There will be no restriction," Mawrie said. The current term of the 60-seat Meghalaya Legislative Assembly will conclude on March 15. The majority mark to form government in the state is 31. In the 2018 Assembly polls, the ruling National People's Party (NPP) got 19 seats, Congress bagged 21 seats and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) managed to win two seats. The United Democratic Party (UDP) grabbed six seats. Though Congress emerged as the single largest party, the government was formed by the NPP-led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) with support of the UDP, BJP and other regional parties. This time, the BJP and NPP have not stitched any prepoll alliance and are going solo. BJP and Congress have fielded candidates in all the seats. The Trinamool Congress (TMC), which became the main opposition party in Meghalaya in 2021 following the defection of 12 Congress MLAs, became a formidable force, especially after former chief minister Mukul Sangma joined its ranks. TMC fielded candidates in 58 seats. Chief Minister Conrad Sangma is contesting from South Tura constituency while the BJP fielded Bernard N Marak against the NPP chief. In Dadenggre, Congress candidate Chesterfield Sangma is contesting against NPP's James Sangma. Former CM Mukul Sangma is contesting from two seats -- Tikrikilla and Songsak on Trinamool's ticket. UDP leader Metbah Lyngdoh is contesting from Mairang. Further, NPP pitted Prestone Tynsong from Pynursla. UDP candidate Titosstar Well Chyne is contesting from Sohra. The TMC has fielded Charles Pyngrope from Nongthymmai. BJP fielded Sanbor Shullai in South Shillong and Ernest Mawrie in West Shillong. Mazel Ampareen Lyngdoh is the NPP's candidate from East Shillong. In Pynthorumkhrah, BJP fielded Alexander Laloo Hek. UDP leader Lahkmen Rymbui is contesting from Amlarem. In Sutnga Saipung, Congress fielded Vincent H Pala. UDP candidate Kyrmen Shylla is contesting from Khliehriat. The campaigning for Meghalaya polls ended on Saturday. From NPP to BJP and Congress to Trinamool, parties showcased all might when it comes to campaigning. Be it poll promises or attacking contending forces with slogans, none remained on the back foot. BJP showed its strength with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, party president JP Nadda and Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma holding rallies. PM Modi also held a roadshow in Shillong on Friday. Rahul Gandhi, who was missing from the campaign scene in Tripura, held a rally in Shillong. Trinamool supremo Mamata Banerjee held public meetings in Meghalaya. TMC MP Mahua Moitra also ran campaigning for the party in the state. The Election Commission has deployed 119 companies of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) in Meghalaya. Chief Electoral Officer, Meghalaya FR Kharkongor said 640 polling stations are identified as 'vulnerable', 323 are 'critical' and 84 are identified as both. Election Commission on Saturday ordered the sealing of Meghalaya's International border with Bangladesh till March 2. Meghalaya has shared a 443 km border with Bangladesh and 885 km with Assam. Chief Electoral Officer, Meghalaya FR Kharkongor, told ANI that Meghalaya's international border with Myanmar and the state border with Assam have been sealed. "We have taken preventive measures to ensure a free and fair election in the State. Section 144 of CrPC has been imposed along the international bordering areas in the state," Kharkongor said. Meanwhile, the district magistrate of East Khasi Hills district on Friday issued an order that movement of individuals will remain strictly prohibited within a one km radius of the India-Bangladesh border of East Khasi Hills district between February 24 and March 2. The district administration of East Khasi Hills district has also imposed Section 144 of CrPC along the bordering areas. To ensure a free and fair election, Election Commission has banned exit polls in Meghalaya from 7 am on Friday to 7 pm on the polling day ie February 27. The counting of votes will be done on March 2. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Shillong (Meghalaya) [India], February 26 (ANI): Every time Meghalaya goes to polls, the names of some candidates and voters have always caught everyone's attention and the situation is the same this time as well. Among candidates in the fray for Monday's Meghalaya Assembly elections are 'Moonlight', 'Firstborn Manner', 'Auspicious', 'Sounder Strong', and others touching across the parties vying for their fate. Also Read | Manish Sisodia Arrested: CBI Arrests Delhi Deputy CM in Liquor Excise Policy Case After Eight Hours of Questioning. Not just the candidates' names, the names of voters which are after the countries and Indian states have also caught the wide attention of the people. Names of some voters in the poll-bound states are amusing and downright bizarre. These are Firstborn Khiewtam, Thursday Diengdoh, Sunday Diengdoh, Nuclear Khiewtam, Jupiter, Venus Khongtim, Saturn, Remainder Khongsdam, July Khongsdam, Complan Tangsong, Councilor Tangsong, Gentle Tangsong, Favour, Player, Meghalaya Khongtim, Rajdoot Jymmang, First Starwell Khongyiang, Double Bless Khongwir, Faithful Massar, Everyday Tangsong, Tripura Khongim, Tibet Diengdoh, Sweden Kharjana, and Village Khongtim are among a few of them. Also Read | Delhi Police Registers Case Over Ruckus Between AAP, BJP Councillors in Civic Centre. Primarily these voters reside in remote border villages of the state. According to locals, most people in these areas have a fondness for English and name themselves or their kin after fancy English words. And, as is evidenced by some of the names on the electoral rolls, they couldn't care less about the meaning of the English words they were named after. Whereas some intriguing names of other candidates in the fray for Monday's polls and the party they come from are Moonlight Pariot (UDP), Coming One Ymbon (NPP), Lasting Suchiang (TMC), Firstborn Manner (BJP), Sunmoon D Marak (TMC), Sunshine Makri (UDP), Mayborn Grace Lyngdoh (Voice of The People Party), Process T Sawkmie (UDP), Brightstarwell Marbaniang (Voice of The People Party), Manuel Badwar (Congress), Auspicious Lyngdoh Mawphlang (PDF), Playness Khiewtam (TMC), Wellborn Bynnud (Congress), Counsellor Mukhim (BJP), Fourteenson Lyngkhoi (Congress), Sounder Strong Cajee (TMC), and Starline Momin (Independent). Umniuh Nongrim, a village close to the Indo-Bangladesh border in the Shella assembly constituency of East Khasi Hills district, has 745 registered voters. In contrast, Umniuh B, another remote village in this poll-bound Northeast state, has 781 voters. And, as it turns out, the majority of voters come from these villages. Voting in Meghalaya will take place on Monday and the counting of votes for the 60-member Meghalaya Assembly election will be done on March 2. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) By Ashoke Raj New Delhi [India], February 26 (ANI): IndiGo and GoFirst were forced to ground around 50 planes in the country due to the supply chain being affected by Pratt and Whitney (P&W) engines, informed a P&W spokesperson. Also Read | Punjab: Sidhu Moosewala Murder Case Accused Duran Mandeep Singh Toofan and Manmohan Singh Killed in Goindwal Sahib Jail Fight. As per an official statement from P&W, US-based aerospace manufacturer P&W is facing supply chain issues to replace engines for Indian customers. "We're experiencing global supply chain challenges which are limiting the availability of structural castings and other parts. We're progressing on our mitigation strategies with our supply base and expanding MRO network capacity while continuing hardware and software upgrades to extend engine time on the wing. At the same time, we're coordinating closely with customers on solutions to minimize operational disruption. We expect supply chain pressures to ease later this year, which will support the output of both production and MRO engines," a P&W spokesperson said. Also Read | Bharat Jodo Yatra 2 on Cards? Congress Considering Another March but No Decision Taken Yet, Says Jairam Ramesh. It said that this had affected P&W's supply chain globally without citing the ongoing Russia and Ukraine aggression but the company mentioned in its statement that they are under pressure. "The engines also have a dispatch reliability rate on par with mature engines like our V2500 for the A320ceo family. Engine availability is under pressure from a combination of engine time on the wing, particularly in certain harsh operating environments, and the availability of hardware to upgrade and overhaul engines. Like many in the industry," according to P&W statement. India's low-cost carrier Indigo currently has the maximum number of aircraft engines that are going to be replaced in the coming days with around 30 aircraft in their fleet standing and waiting for an engine replacement. "Globally, the aviation industry continues to face significant supply chain disruptions. While it is our immediate priority to deploy adequate capacity to serve our customers, we are actively engaged with our OEM partners to work on mitigation measures that should ensure the continuity of our network and operations," IndiGo said. "As we work on various cost-efficient countermeasures with our OEM partners, the endeavour is to minimize the economic impact of AOG, resulting from this global disruption," it added. In a recent interview with ANI DGCA chief Arun Kumar said, "The most difficult task in my tenure was the incidents like a failure of jet engines in the air. In my early days in DGCA, it was very challenging for me as chief of aviation regulator to ask airlines to change the engines as soon as possible." Although the go-first airline company has not issued any statement on the grounding of some of its fleet due to engine replacement by P&W, the company responded in January this year that, "Pratt & Whitney is still dealing with its supply chain issues and though there is improvement the complete resolution may take time. Pratt & Whitney provided 17 serviceable engines in December and we were able to make 8 aircraft serviceable. Similarly, we are expecting 20 more serviceable engines to be received by February - March 2023," the Go First statement has issued on January 2023. Go First is very hopeful that the rest of the engines will be replaced by March of this year as per their statement. ANI reported in 2019 when DGCA issued instructions to IndiGo and GoAir to ensure that it does not operate any Neo aircraft with two Pratt and Whitney 1100 series engines that have been used for more than 3,000 hours each. At that time GoAir had 13 such aircraft and Indigo had 16 such aircraft in 2019. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi [India], February 26 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday lauded the efforts of the Election Commission and polling personnel in reaching out to the voters till the last mile and facilitating them to exercise their franchise. "This is yet another example of the monumental effort by the EC to ensure every eligible voter can vote with ease. Compliments to all those who are a part of these teams. This should also inspire voters to turn out in record numbers and further strengthen our democracy," tweeted PM Modi. Also Read | Delhi Triple Murder: Family Alleges Accused Was Demanding Property and Harassing His Wife. As many as 974 polling teams were dispatched across 59 poll-going assembly constituencies in Meghalaya on Sunday. Polling teams trekked difficult terrains for hours, sailed to the Kamsing polling station with only 35 voters and used traditional Khasi baskets to carry polling materials to ensure no voter is left behind. Further, the wildlife team joined polling teams in Meghalaya ahead of the elections. To ensure the safe movement of polling officials in the South West Khasi Hills area, a State Forest Department Wildlife Division team has been deployed at Nongnah, a common transit corridor for elephants. Also Read | Mann Ki Baat: Medical Consultation E-Sanjeevani App's Reach Reflects Power of India's Digital Revolution, Says PM Narendra Modi. Polling personnel trekked for 4 hours to reach the polling station in Mawkyrwat. Voting for the Meghalaya Assembly polls will be held at 3,419 polling stations across 59 Assembly constituencies in the state. The voting will begin at 7 am and continue till 4 pm on Monday. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi, February 26: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release the 13th instalment of financial benefits worth Rs 16,800 crore to over eight crore eligible farmers under the flagship PM-KISAN scheme on Monday ahead of Holi and rabi harvesting. Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN), eligible farmers are provided with a financial benefit of Rs 6,000 per year in three equal instalments of Rs 2,000 each every four months. The fund is directly transferred to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. PM Narendra Modi Addresses UP Rozgar Mela, 9,000 Police Recruits Were Handed Appointments. The scheme was launched in February 2019 but is being implemented with effect from December 2018. The Prime Minister will release the 13th instalment at an event to be held at Belagavi, Karnataka, an official statement said on Sunday. More than one lakh attendees, comprising PM-KISAN and Jal Jeevan Mission beneficiaries are expected to take part in the event. The Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Agriculture Secretary Manoj Ahuja will also be present. The 11th and 12th instalments under the PM-KISAN scheme were released in May and October 2022. The PM-KISAN scheme has already provided significant benefits to farmers across the country, and this latest instalment will further boost their incomes and contribute to the growth of the agriculture sector, the statement said. Till now, over Rs 2.25 lakh crore of funds have been disbursed under the scheme to more than 11 crore farmer families, primarily small and marginal farmers. Notably, during the Covid-19 lockdown, Rs 1.75 lakh crore were distributed in multiple instalments to support these needy farmers. The Scheme has also benefited over three crore women beneficiaries who have collectively received over Rs 53,600 crores in funds. This initiative has spurred rural economic growth, eased credit constraints for farmers and boosted agricultural investments. It has also increased farmers' risk-taking capacity, leading to more productive investments. PM Narendra Modi Gifts Stoles and Shawls With Symbols of Meghalaya, Nagalands Culture to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. According to the International Food Research Institute (IFRI), the PM-KISAN funds are helping recipients meet their agricultural needs and other expenses like education, medical care and marriage. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Wokha (Nagaland) [India], February 26 (ANI): One polling personnel was killed and 12 others were injured when the vehicle in which they were travelling met with an accident near Thillong bridge in Doyang. The polling officials were on their way to Sungro for election duty in the Sungro sector of the Sanis Assembly constituency, according to officials. The apparent cause of the accident seems to be a mechanical failure. The injured people have been transported to the District Hospital Wokha. Also Read | Nagaland Assembly Election 2023: Driver Killed, 15 Polling Staff Injured in Road Accident in Wokha. A new team of polling personnel along with polling materials/machinery from the reserve polling personnel have been dispatched from the Wokha headquarters. EVM machines will be replaced from the reserve if required, said Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer, Wokha Ajit Kumar Ranjan. Also Read | Aurangabad, Osmanabad Districts Too Will Be Renamed to Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar and Dharashiv, Says Maharashtra Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis. Nagaland along with Meghalaya is scheduled to go for polls on Monday, February 27. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) By Shailesh Yadav Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], February 26 (ANI): Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday said that the government is progressing towards regulation on Crypto Currency under India's G20 presidency. Also Read | Rhino Attack in West Bengal: Seven Tourists Hurt, Two Critical After Safari Jeep Falls Into Pit in Two Rhinoceroses Attack (Watch Video). Responding to a question from ANI regarding a consensus among the G20 countries on crypto assets during Indian Presidency, Nirmala Sitharaman said, "We are going through the study process so that there can be informed discussion. International Monetary Fund (IMF) and also the Financial Stability Board (FSB) have been doing their own little work on the crypto matter and progressing on their own. We've now asked them to do the papers and give it to us and the rapidity with which these papers have been already from IMF given and from FSB which will be given in time for the July meeting. I feel that we are progressing in this direction. So something should develop." "Recognizing the risks attached to the private virtual assets, G20 nations moved a step closer to developing a coordinated and comprehensive policy approach to deal with the crypto assets by considering macroeconomic and regulatory perspectives," she said. Also Read | Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami Lays Foundation Stones of 138 Development Schemes in Tehri. According to the chair's summary, released at the end of the two-day meeting of the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) on Saturday, the grouping will be looking forward to the IMF-FSB Synthesis Paper on crypto assets. "I am glad to say one thing that there is almost a clear understanding that anything outside the central bank is not a currency. And this is a position that India has been taking for a very long time and we are glad that such a position of India is now getting also acknowledgment from so many different members. People recognise that the technology is very useful for fintech," Sitharaman said after the conclusion of FMCBG. Sitharaman said that side events are proposed on crypto assets at the IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings in April in Washington. "Further, in July, the FSB's paper on crypto assets regulation will be tabled so that it could be discussed at the next meeting of the finance ministers and central bank governors," she said. "The International Monetary Fund-Financial Stability Board (IMF-FSB) synthesis paper will be submitted in September," she added. Speaking on the issue, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das said, "there is now wide recognition and acceptance of the fact that cryptocurrencies, or crypto assets, or crypto products, or by whatever name you call it to involve several major risks to financial stability, to monetary systems, to cyber security issues, and to overall financial stability and they need to be looked at." "Going forward, the effort is to develop an international framework, an international architecture to deal with this problem. The IMF and the Financial Stability Board are working on it. There will be a synthesis paper between the FSB and the IMF on this whole issue. And they will form the basis for future discussions to develop an international architecture," Das said. Quoting remarks made by Governor and some Finance Ministers of G20 countries on crypto, Sitharaman said, the World Bank is of the opinion that views of all developing nations should be included. "If you recall them, basically they are implying that there were multiple views. Multiple options are under consideration. But it's too early to speak on what will be the eventual architecture. But yes, there were views that it should be regulated with a view to control and check its proliferation, to control its risks," the RBI Governor said. "Let us see wait for the discussions to go forward and we will see how it shapes up. In any case, ultimately, every country is a sovereign country. Every country is sovereign. The countries will take their decisions. But once something is agreed in the G20, naturally it would be expected that countries would, by and large, follow whatever is the agreed position," he added. Despite the rapid evolution of the crypto universe, there is no comprehensive global policy framework for crypto assets. Given the concerns over greater interconnectedness between crypto assets and the traditional financial sector as well as the complexity and volatility around crypto assets, policymakers are calling for tighter regulation. The global standard-setting bodies, such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Financial Stability Board (FSB), Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) have been coordinating the regulatory agenda while working within their respective institutional mandates. India hopes to broaden the G20 discussion on crypto assets beyond financial integrity concerns and capture the macroeconomic implications and widespread crypto adoption in the economy. This will require a data-based and informed approach to the global challenges and opportunities of crypto assets, allowing G20 members to shape a coordinated and comprehensive policy response. During the said meeting, a seminar titled "Policy Perspectives: Debating the Road to Policy Consensus on Crypto Assets" was held, as part of the Presidency's efforts to broaden the dialogue around crypto assets. The IMF speaker, Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli, presented the discussion paper during the event, highlighting the consequences of crypto adoption on the internal and external stability of a country's economy as well as on the structure of its financial system. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Nava Raipur , Feb 26 (PTI) Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday launched a scathing attack on the BJP over Adani and China issues, as he likened the business conglomerate to the British East India Company saying the party would keep raising questions about its business practices until the truth comes out. Buoyed by the recent "success" of the Bharat Jodo Yatra, he also urged the party to formulate a new plan to carry forward the "tapasya" undertaken through the Yatra and that he, along with the entire country, will participate in it, indicating he is ready for another such initiative. Also Read | Madhya Pradesh: Three-Year-Old Girl Falls Into Borewell in Chhatarpur, Rescued Three-Hour-Long Operation. Addressing the 85th plenary session of the Congress here, Gandhi said the party through its Bharat Jodo Yatra instilled love for the tricolour in Kashmiris, while the BJP had taken it away. He also attacked External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on his recent remarks on China, saying it did not show nationalism but cowardice and that these were in line with V D Savarkar's ideology of "bowing before the strong". Also Read | Muslim Party Leaders' Pictures Missing From Congress' Plenary Session Advertisement, Party Apologises. "I want to tell you something about the government's thinking. A few days ago, in an interview, a minister said that China's economy is bigger than India so how can we fight them. When the British ruled over us was their economy smaller than ours," Gandhi said, without naming Jaishankar. Noting that it does not mean that one doesn't take on anyone who is stronger, he said, "This is not nationalism. This is cowardice. It is (V D) Savarkar's ideology that if someone is stronger than you, bow before them." Launching a strong attack on the government on the Adani issue, the former Congress chief charged that the industrialist was working against the country by cornering its entire wealth and signalled making it a poll issue in upcoming elections. The US-based Hindenburg Research had made a litany of allegations, including fraudulent transactions and share-price manipulation, against the Adani Group. The Adani Group has dismissed the charges as lies, saying it complies with all laws and disclosure requirements. Gandhi said, "When we asked in Parliament what is the prime minister's relation with Adani, our entire speech was expunged. We will ask in Parliament thousands of times until the truth of Adani ji is out, we will not stop." His remark drew a round of applause. "I want to tell Adani that his company is hurting the country and is snatching the entire infrastructure of country," he charged. "The battle for the country's freedom was against one company as it had taken away all wealth and ports, etc.," he said, referring to the British East India Company. "History is being repeated. This is work against the country and if that happens, the entire Congress party will stand against it," he said. Referring to his Kanyakumari-to-Kashmir Bharat Jodo Yatra, he said lakhs of people participated in the foot march and he learnt a lot during it. He said that as the march entered Kashmir, thousands of people joined it. "A boy asks me when the people of Kashmir are in pain, why are others in the country happy? I told him that it is not so," he said. He said the moment the march entered the valley, police personnel vanished but he saw 'tiranga' (the national flag) being raised by thousands of people of Kashmir, even in areas the worst affected by terrorism. "The Kashmiri youths have tiranga in their hands and CRPF people said they had never seen this before.... We saw the PM's speech in Parliament and he said he also unfurled the national flag in Srinagar's Lal Chowk along with a few BJP people... I said he did not understand the issue. "Narendra Modi hoisted the flag at Lal Chowk, but the Bharat Jodo Yatra made thousands of Kashmiris unfurl the national flag. PM did not understand (it)... You took away the feeling of love for Indian tricolour from the people of Kashmir, but we made them unfurl it," he said, adding that Kashmiris holding the flag told him that they have done so of their own will as the Congress trusted them. "The love for the national flag comes from the heart and we made Kashmiris unfurl the flag on their own after we awakened the feeling inside them as they trusted us," Gandhi said, amid a loud applause. Stressing that the Congress was a party of ascetics and not priests, he said, "We did 'tapasya' for four months and you saw how Congress was energised. This 'tapasya' should not stop. The program should carry on and everyone should participate in it." "I urge Congress president Kharge ji to make a program of 'tapasya' and we all will join it, give our sweat to this country. I guarantee that not just us, but the entire country will stand with us in 'tapasya' as this country is of ascetics. So make a programme, Kharge ji, in which I and all the Congress leaders and workers are involved and so are the people of the country," he said. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], February 26 (ANI): Reacting to NCP leader Ajit Pawar's allegations that the food and drinks bill of Maharashtra Chief Minister's residence has amounted to two crore and 68 lakhs in the last four months, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said that people from far flung areas of the state come to the Chief Minister's residence with their requests and demands and they are offered tea and water there. "Does he not know that thousands of people come from far flung areas to meet the Chief Minister everyday. Should we not give them even tea or water?," the CM said. Also Read | Nagaland Assembly Election 2023: Driver Killed, 15 Polling Staff Injured in Road Accident in Wokha. "They are given tea, not biriyani. It is in our culture that when someone comes they are offered tea and water," he added and said that when Uddhav Thackrey was the CM, 34 lakh rupees were spent even though the entire process was online. Attacking Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Pawar on sunday said that the food and drinks bill at the Chief Minister's bunglow has reached to 2 crores and 68 lakhs on four months. Also Read | Aurangabad, Osmanabad Districts Too Will Be Renamed to Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar and Dharashiv, Says Maharashtra Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis. The Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi on Sunday organised a top level meeting in Mumbai, ahead of the Budget session in the Maharashtra state assembly. Senior Aghadi leaders like Ajit Pawar, Aditya Thackeray, Chhagan Bhujbal, Ambadas Danve, Jitendra Awhad, Anil Parab and others attended the meeting. The meeting was held to discuss the strategy of the alliance ahead of the budget session of the assembly which begins on Monday. Many files are lying idle in the government departments. The government is not paying any attention to the common man. Ajit Pawar has demanded a caste based census in Maharashtra in the manner in which it was conducted in Bihar. "If Bihar government can do it, why not the Maharashtra Government," said the opposition leader. Standing by Uddhav Thackeray's statement of a mid-term election in the state, Pawar said, "There has been a demand in the past also to hold the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections together and such a possibility can be created in 2024." (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Ballia (UP), Feb 26 (PTI) SBSP chief Om Prakash Rajbhar on Sunday said that Akhilesh Yadav has no issues to raise after the SP leader sought to corner the state government in the assembly over the killing of a prime witness in the 2005 BSP MLA murder case. "Truth is bitter. It was the SP which had made Atiq Ahmad an MLA and an MP. (UP Chief Minister) Yogi Adityanath was saying this thing only," Rajbhar, who was earlier in alliance with Akhilesh Yadav's party, told reporters. Also Read | Punjab: Sidhu Moosewala Murder Case Accused Duran Mandeep Singh Toofan and Manmohan Singh Killed in Goindwal Sahib Jail Fight. Training his gun at Akhilesh Yadav, the SBSP chief said that the SP chief's only aim is to oppose the government Rajbhar said that Yadav should counter the government on "policies and thoughts''. Also Read | Bharat Jodo Yatra 2 on Cards? Congress Considering Another March but No Decision Taken Yet, Says Jairam Ramesh. He also said that the description by Chief Minister Adityanath of the "disputed" verse of Ramcharitmanas was "absolutely correct". The SBSP chief said that the SP is raising the issue of caste census, but it will not be an issue in the upcoming Lok Sabha election. Uttar Pradesh Assembly on Saturday witnessed noisy scenes as Yadav raised the issue of the Prayagrag killing and questioned the BJP government's handling of the law and order. Adityanath alleged that the Samajwadi Party not only nurtured criminals, but also made them MLAs and MPs, and said his government will "destroy" (mitti me mila denge) the mafia. Umesh Pal, the prime witness in the 2005 murder of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) MLA Raju Pal, was shot dead outside his residence in Prayagraj, the police said. Adityanath on Saturday also attacked the Samajwadi Party over the Ramcharitmanas row, alleging that it has insulted crores of Hindus living in India and abroad by burning the sacred text. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Tehri Garhwal (Uttarakhand) [India], February 26 (ANI): Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami ploughed fields in Tiwar village in Tehri on Sunday. Dhami ploughed the fields during his homestay with a power weeder. He also went for an early morning excursion in the village. Also Read | Meghalaya Assembly Elections 2023: Key Issues That Might Decide Polls on February 27; Results on March 2. During the visit, the chief minister inspected various homestays located in the village and appreciated the villagers. The CM also met the elderly, women and children and enquired after their well-being. He took feedback from the villagers about various schemes being implemented by the state government. Also Read | India's G20 Presidency Received Strong Support for All Our Priorities, Says Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. He said all the officers have been directed to ensure that the benefits of various schemes being run by the government reach the people down to the remotest corner of the state. Mutual dialogue between the government and the general public also plays an important role in development, said CM Dhami, adding that the development of Uttarakhand is possible only through the development of villages. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Kottayam (Kerala), Feb 26 (PTI) The Kerala government on Sunday said it would make changes to its Responsible Tourism (RT) policy to further strengthen the state's travel industry and make its activities more people-centric. Also Read | Manish Sisodia Arrested: CBI Arrests Delhi Deputy CM in Liquor Excise Policy Case After Eight Hours of Questioning. Kerala Tourism Minister P A Mohamed Riyas, after inaugurating the four-day Global RT Summit at Kumarakom near here, said there should be emphasis on making tourism activities eco-friendly. Also Read | Delhi Police Registers Case Over Ruckus Between AAP, BJP Councillors in Civic Centre. He said the government's RT Mission will spread its activities by introducing responsible tourism practices in all tourist destinations across the state. "We must showcase our Responsible, Experiential, Rural and Sustainable Tourism initiatives so as to increase tourist inflow," he said at the event according to a government release. The minister also said the summit will also work towards the goal of empowering women in the state. The conclave will discuss RT models of international repute and work towards a global network in sustainable tourism, he said in his video address at the opening ceremony. Kerala Tourism also exchanged a memorandum of understanding with the UN Women's Office in India to adopt women-friendly measures that will strengthen sustainable tourism, the release said. Riyas further said that the government has decided to convert RT Mission as a Society for the smooth functioning of the initiative. The government has also decided to revise its 2008 declaration on RT and scale up its environment-friendly activities across the state, he added. "We want to ensure resilient tourism activities across the state and create a network of practitioners and promoters of Global RT. We need to gain more knowledge from RT practices across the globe, for which we are considering the formation of a global-level association," he said according to the release. "Strengthening RT is going to bring a drastic change in our tourism industry and raise the state's tourism to a new height," he added. Giving details of how the RT Mission was progressing, Riyas said it was aiming to establish 100 per cent structured Responsible Tourism destinations through endeavours such as STREET (Sustainable, Tangible Responsible Experiential Ethnic Tourism) and PEPPER (People's participation for Participatory Planning and Empowerment through Responsible Tourism) that have won global recognition. Cooperation Minister V Vasavan, who also spoke at the event, highlighted the need for coordinated efforts to ensure the success of RT, the release said. "Initially, in 2007, when RT was mooted, the idea received poor response. There was even resistance from certain quarters. "Slowly we won the confidence of the people and RT won public acceptance. We still have a long way to go," he said. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Paris [France], February 26 (ANI): Scientists have identified a previously unknown species of circovirus, provisionally named human circovirus 1 (HCirV-1). The research was done by scientists from the Institut Pasteur, Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital (AP-HP), Inserm in the Imagine Institute, Universite Paris Cite and the Alfort National Veterinary School (EnvA). Also Read | Australia Win ICC Womens T20 World Cup 2023, Defeat South Africa by 19 Runs in Final to Clinch Record Sixth Title. Circoviruses are a family of small, highly resistant DNA viruses that were initially identified in 1974 in various animal species, where they can cause respiratory, renal, dermatological and reproductive problems. HCirV-1 is a novel virus that is distant from known animal circoviruses. It was shown to be implicated in damage to the liver of a patient undergoing immunosuppressive treatment. This discovery of the first circovirus in humans, linked to hepatitis, was published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases on January 3, 2023. Although the transmission of animal viruses to humans is regularly reported in the scientific literature, it is rare for a novel virus to be identified in a patient in Europe. But as part of a recent study, scientists and physicians have identified the first circovirus involved in human hepatitis. "The patient had unexplained chronic hepatitis, with few symptoms. She had received a heart-lung transplant 17 years earlier and had been monitored regularly since. We had access to a large number of samples over several years and were, therefore, able to identify this novel virus, which was completely unexpected," explains Marc Eloit, last author of the study, Head of the Institut Pasteur's Pathogen Discovery laboratory and a Professor of Virology at the Alfort National Veterinary School (EnvA). His laboratory specializes in the identification of pathogens in patients suspected of severe infection of unknown cause. Also Read | Breast-Taking! Women Use Big Boobs To Lift Everyday Objects Like Dumbbells and Table in Viral Social Media Trend! (Watch Video). In March 2022, in collaboration with the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital (AP-HP), the pathological tissue samples of this 61-year-old female patient receiving immunosuppressive treatment, whose hepatitis had no identifiable cause, were sequenced to search for microbial sequences. The RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequences extracted from the tissues were analyzed and compared with those of known microbes. "The aim is to identify sequences of interest among all the sequences obtained, which is like searching for a needle in a haystack!" continues the scientist Marc Eloit. These thousands of RNA sequences were analyzed in parallel using mNGS (metagenomic next-generation sequencing) high-throughput sequencing techniques and sophisticated algorithms. After ruling out common etiologies, the analysis led to the identification of a previously unknown species of circovirus, provisionally named human circovirus 1 (HCirV-1). No other viral or bacterial sequence was found. The involvement of HCirV-1 in hepatitis was then demonstrated by analyzing samples taken from the patient in previous years as part of her post-transplant treatment. The results showed that the HCirV-1 viral genome was undetectable in the blood samples from 2017 to 2019, and then its concentration peaked in September 2021. Viral replication in liver cells was demonstrated (2 to 3 per cent of liver cells were infected), pointing to the role of HCirV-1 in liver damage: once the virus has used the resources in the liver cell to replicate, it destroys the cell. From November 2021 onwards, following antiviral treatment, the patient's liver enzymes returned to normal levels, indicating the end of hepatic cytolysis. Diagnosing hepatitis of unknown etiology remains a major challenge, as shown by the cases of acute hepatitis reported in children in the United Kingdom and Ireland last April and signalled by WHO. "We need to know the cause of hepatitis, and especially whether or not it is viral, to be able to offer suitable treatment and monitor patients effectively. The identification of this novel virus that is pathogenic in humans, and the development of a test that can be performed by any hospital laboratory, offers a new tool for diagnosing and monitoring patients with hepatitis," stresses Anne Jamet from the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital (AP-HP), who is also affiliated with Inserm and co-last author of the study. Although some circoviruses are pathogenic for animals and vaccines can be administered, especially in pigs, this is the first known circovirus to be pathogenic for humans. The patient's symptoms remained mild; the virus was able to be identified because she was being closely monitored following her combined transplant. The origin of the virus -- whether it is circulating in humans or of animal origin -- has yet to be identified, and the source of infection (contact, food, etc.) remains unknown. Following their discovery, the scientists developed a specific PCR test that is now available for etiological diagnosis of hepatitis of unknown origin. A serological test is also being developed. "These results show the value of this type of sequencing analysis in identifying novel or unexpected pathogens. It is always important for clinicians to know whether or not an infection is viral so that they can adapt the treatment accordingly. It is also crucial to be able to identify a novel pathogen when an infection remains unexplained and to develop a diagnostic test, because any new case of human infection with an emerging pathogen may potentially signal the start of an outbreak," concludes Marc Eloit. The test is available for the medical community and can now be easily performed for other cases of unexplained hepatitis. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Jerusalem, Feb 26 (AP) A Palestinian gunman on Sunday opened fire at an Israeli car in the occupied West Bank, killing two Israelis, senior politicians and settler leaders said. The shooting cast a shadow over a high-level meeting between Palestinian and Israeli delegations in neighbouring Jordan meant to reduce surging violence ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Also Read | Tibet Has Lowest Literacy Among All Provinces in China: Delhi Think Tank. The shooting came days after a deadly Israeli military raid in a nearby Palestinian city, killing 10 people. The military said it was searching for the attacker, who opened fire on a car on the West Bank's main highway and fled. In an initial move, Israeli Cabinet minister approved a proposal that would impose the death penalty on Palestinian militants involved in deadly attacks. Also Read | British PM Rishi Sunak Pledges to Give Everything for New Brexit Deal with European Union. On a difficult day in which two Israelis were murdered in a Palestinian terror attack, there is nothing more symbolic that passing the death penalty law on terrorists," said Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel's far-right national security minister. West Bank settler leaders called on Israel to withdraw its delegation from the talks in Jordan and crack down on the Palestinians. Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules the Gaza Strip, said no summit would stop Palestinians from fighting Israel. Israel said the prime minister's national security adviser as well as the chief of the Shin Bet domestic security agency were to attend the talks in neighbouring Jordan. The head of the Palestinian intelligence services as well as advisers to President Mahmoud Abbas were expected to join. The presence of top officials at the meeting, as well as delegations from Egypt, Jordan and the United States, underscored the severity of the crisis. It was also a rare high-level meeting between the sides, coming during a time of rising tensions and after the Palestinians cut security coordination with Israel over the violence. Abbas' office said the Palestinians would stress the need to stop all Israeli unilateral actions. An Israeli official said the meeting was meant to ease tensions ahead of Ramadan and came after an American request. The meeting's Palestinian attendees were confirmed by a Palestinian official. A Jordanian official also said the meeting was meant to stop Israeli unilateral actions, build confidence and lead to more comprehensive contacts between the sides. He said the meeting will take place in the Red Sea resort town of Aqaba, Jordan. All three officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorised to discuss the meeting with the media. Palestinians who oppose any official engagement with Israel said they would protest the meeting, while Hamas criticised the meeting. It called Sunday's shooting a natural reaction to Israeli incursions into Palestinian areas of the West Bank and resulting deaths. The resistance in the West Bank will remain present and growing, and no plan or summit will be able to stop it, said spokesman Hazem Qassem. It's not clear what the talks might achieve. Israel has pledged to continue fighting militants in the West Bank where the Palestinian Authority often has little control. Israel also is led by a far-right government with members that oppose concessions to the Palestinians and favour settlement construction on occupied lands sought by the Palestinians for a future state. Last week, Israeli officials approved the building of over 7,000 new settlement homes in the occupied West Bank, according to activist groups that attended the planning meeting. Violence between Israelis and Palestinians has surged since Israel stepped up raids across the West Bank following a spate of Palestinian attacks last spring. The bloodshed has spiked this year, with more than 60 Palestinians killed in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, according to a tally by The Associated Press. Palestinian attacks against Israelis have killed 13 people in 2023. Israel says the raids are meant to dismantle militant networks and thwart future attacks. The Palestinians say Israel is further entrenching its 55-year open-ended occupation of lands they want for a future state, as well as undermine their own security forces. Ramadan this year coincides with the weeklong Jewish holiday of Passover and worshippers from both faiths are expected to flock to the holy sites in Jerusalem's Old City, which are often a flashpoint for violence between the sides. Clashes erupted at a key Jerusalem holy site last year and tensions at the site helped spark an 11-day war with Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip in 2021. (AP) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) First tranche of the grant presented to Bhutan (Photo source: Twitter handle of Ambassador of India to Bhutan, Sudhakar Dalela) Thimphu [Bhutan], February 26 (ANI): As a longstanding and committed development partner of Bhutan, India has extended grant assistance of Rs 2 Billion for the Gyalsung Infra Project. During a special ceremony to mark India's support for the Gyalsung Infra Project, the Ambassador of India to Bhutan, Sudhakar Dalela, presented the first tranche of grant assistance of Rs 1 Billion to the Project Director of Gyalsung Infra at the Semtokha Dzong, The Bhutan Live reported. On Saturday, the first tranche of the grant that was presented will be used for the DeSuung for Gyalsung (DFG) programme as a special India-Bhutan Friendship Project. The DFG seeks to engage about 11,000 DeSuups in the Gyalsung infrastructure construction project through a hybrid skilling and on-the-job training program over the next two years. Also Read | Bolivia: British National Suffers Injuries After Wild Dolphin Attack, Now 'Fighting for Her Life'. The Bhutan Live reported that the Gyalsung is an essential national initiative envisioned by His Majesty The King to build a strong foundation for the future of Bhutan. Its main objective is to make the capabilities of Bhutan's youth, enabling them to participate in nation-building and empowering them to realize their potential as competent and productive citizens in service of the Tsawa Sum. Gyalsung has been designed as a 1-year integrated training program, which includes three months of Basic Military Training followed by eight months of technical skills training in ICT, construction, agriculture, and community security. About 13,000 boys and girls will participate annually in national service training in the five Gyalsung Academies currently being built by Gyalsung Infra, as per the report by Bhutan Live. Also Read | Balochistan Blast: Four Killed, 14 Injured in IED Blast at Rakhni Market Area in Pakistan. The grant assistance of the Indian Rupees 2 Billion is in addition to India's commitment to planning assistance of INR 50 Billion to Bhutan. This support will ensure that regular bilateral development programs of Bhutan are not impacted, the Bhutan Live reported. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Colombo, Feb 26 (PTI) Sri Lankan police on Sunday fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse a protest march organised by the country's main opposition coalition here against the delay in local body polls. The Election Commission on Friday formally announced that the local body elections would not be held on March 9 as planned, and a fresh date will be notified on March 3. Also Read | Tibet Has Lowest Literacy Among All Provinces in China: Delhi Think Tank. The protest march and rally organised by the National People's Power urged President Ranil Wickremesinghe's government to hold the local body polls. Police tried to disperse the protesters and fired water cannons and tear gas twice at the Union Place area of central Colombo, where authorities had blocked several access roads. Also Read | British PM Rishi Sunak Pledges to Give Everything for New Brexit Deal with European Union. The police obtained orders from the Colombo Fort Magistrate Court, preventing 26 people, including the NPP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayaka, from entering areas around the President's Office and President's House until 8 pm on Sunday. The NPP leaders carried a banner during the march, which said, let's defeat the government's cowardly attempt to bury democracy by not holding the election. Opposition parties like the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) pin the blame on Wickremesinghe, who is also the country's finance minister, for trying to sabotage the local body polls by blocking the funds from the Treasury. They are also accusing him of influencing the state officials and the Election Commission against the holding of the polls, fearing a loss. The election to appoint new administrations to 340 local councils for a four-year term has been postponed since March last year due to the ongoing economic crisis. The government has indicated repeatedly that the time was unsuitable to hold the election, given the economic crisis. It said the scarcity of money to hold the election costing Rs 10 billion would bring additional pressure on the already lean state finances. Despite the uncertainty around the elections, the main opposition party has been campaigning vigorously and is thought to have a good chance of winning control of a sizeable number of seats. Sri Lanka was hit by an unprecedented financial crisis in 2022, the worst since its independence from Britain in 1948, due to a severe paucity of foreign exchange reserves, sparking political turmoil in the country that led to the ouster of the all-powerful Rajapaksa family. PTI CORR (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Bhavnagar, February 26: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Sunday said Khalistan supporters were getting funding from Pakistan and other countries, amid the ongoing turmoil in his state surrounding the recent activities of Khalistani sympathiser Amritpal Singh and his supporters. Without revealing any concrete strategy to tackle Khalistani elements, Mann, who was in Gujarat, said the Punjab Police were capable of handling the issue and only a handful of persons were supporting the pro-Khalistan movement in Punjab. No Justice in Punjab for Sikh People for Last 40 Years: Punjabi Activist Amandeep Sandhu. "Do you think 1,000 people (who have been seen shouting pro-Khalistan slogans) represent the entire Punjab? You come to Punjab and see for yourself who all are shouting such slogans," Mann said when asked what he had to say about pro-Khalistan slogans being raised in his state after Singh's episode. He was addressing a press conference in Bhavnagar city of Gujarat after attending a mass wedding function. "Only a handful of persons are behind this and they run their shops through funding from Pakistan and other foreign countries," Mann said. "Though Rajasthan shares a much larger border with Pakistan, why do drones (sent from Pakistan) land in Punjab and not in Rajasthan? Because their (Khalistani element's) masters are sitting there (in Pakistan) and they want to disturb Punjab. But we will not let them succeed," the CM said. Referring to Khalistani sympathiser Amritpal Singh and his supporters' act of bringing a copy of the Guru Granth Sahib inside a police station in Ajnala on the outskirts of Amritsar recently, Mann said those who took the Sikh holy book to the police station as a shield cannot be called as "waris" (heir) of Punjab. The Punjab CM also termed the incident as a minor one and downplayed Singh's alleged threat of more violence in coming days. "This is khayali pulao (daydreaming). Punjab has seen such black days in the past. The Punjab Police are capable of handling them and we will never allow anyone to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere," he said. Mann further said thanks to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Punjab, many industries were coming, including Tata Steel and entities from other countries. Punjab in Huge Crisis: Jagroop Singh Sekhon on Ajnala Incident. "Had Punjab's situation been so bad, these industries may not have been coming to Punjab today. Even NRIs are coming back and those who planned to settle abroad have now cancelled their plans. Punjab will shine again after six-seven months," said the CM. He also said the AAP government has already provided 27,000 new government jobs to youth while 28,000 contractual employees have been absorbed as regular government employees. "Punjab will soon become a drug-free zone because we are giving jobs to the youth. Moreover, industry will also create more employment opportunities. Once the youth get work, they will not seek refuge in those bad habits," Mann said. The AAP leader also criticised the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) at the Centre over the questioning of Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the Delhi excise police case. "Raj Bhavans in the country are turning into BJP headquarters and governors are acting like BJP's star campaigners. In a democracy, elected persons take decisions, not the selected one. The AAP knows how to fight and we are not afraid of the CBI or ED. They are wrong if they are under the impression that we will get scared if Sisodia is arrested," Mann said. Pune, Feb 26: A voter turnout of 3.52 per cent was recorded till 9 am on Sunday in Chinchwad Assembly seat and 6.5 per cent in Kasba Assembly seat in Maharashtra as voting was underway for byelections in the two constituencies of Pune district, election officials said. There was a clash between supporters of Shiv Sena (UBT) rebel candidate Rahul Kalate and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) outside a polling station in Chinchwad and police intervened to bring the situation under control, a senior police official said. Kasba Peth, Chinchwad Assembly By-Elections 2023: Voting Begins in Two Vidhan Sabha Constituencies in Maharashtra's Pune District. "It was a minor clash between the supporters of Kalate and BJP, but police intervened on time," Pimpri Chinchwad's Deputy Commissioner of Police Kakasaheb Dole said. The byelections are significant given the changed political landscape in the state after the Election Commission recently allotted the 'Shiv Sena' name and 'bow and arrow' symbol to the faction headed by Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. A rebellion led by Shinde in June last year split the Sena and brought down the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA -also comprising the Congress and the Nationalist Congress Party) government. Shinde became CM on June 30, 2022 with the BJP's support. The bypolls in Kasba and Chinchwad were necessitated due to the death of their sitting BJP MLAs Mukta Tilak and Laxman Jagtap. Voting for the bypolls in the two seats began at 7 am on Sunday. Ravindra Dhangekar, the Congress-MVA candidate from Kasba constituency, was among the early voters and expressed confidence of winning the bypoll. "I will win the election by more than 25,000 votes as people of the constituency are behind me," Dhangekar said after casting his vote. Kasba Peth, Chinchwad Assembly By-Elections 2023: Voting Underway for Maharashtra Bypolls Amid Tight Security. BJP candidate from Kasba, Hemant Rasane, went to Pune's famous Shrimant Dagadusheth Ganapati temple and took blessings of God before casting his vote. Rasane said he would get the blessing of voters in the bypoll. In Chinchwad, NCP candidate Nana Kate and BJP nominee Ashwini Jagtap cast their votes. Speaking to reporters, Ashwini Jagtap said the way voters from Chinchwad had trust and confidence in her late husband and MLA Laxman Jagtap, she also has similar trust and confidence in the voters from the constituency. Kate, after exercising his franchise, said a great excitement was seen among the voters. Finance Minister Neal Rijkenberg is the man of the moment, after delivering a wholesome end-of-term Budget Speech on Friday. The total package for the next financial year is E26.4 billion. In his preamble, the minister quoted from I Peter 5:10, which reads, And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. This verse set the tone for what was to become one of the most promising budget speeches ever. The minister said the government had been working hard over the past few years to get the countrys economy onto a sustainable growth path. Even without the global COVID -19 pandemic, the unrest, floods and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, this seemed to be an impossible task. However, we have somehow managed to reach our goal notwithstanding all of these economic and social disruptions, he explained. I will try to ignore the technical stuff and concentrate on the budget items that Gogo Simelane of KaNdzangu and new university graduate Themba of Mashobeni understand and appreciate. In a nutshell, these are jobs, youth empowerment, social grants, health, education, safety and the anticipated national dialogue. We need to give credit where it is due, just as we always kick and scream when government falters. Who, in their right mind, would dispute that the budget for scholarships for college and university students is worth celebrating? Rijkenberg announced that the scholarship budget had been increased from E361 million by an additional E286million to be a total of E647million. This will increase the number of new scholarships from 2 500 to 3 500 scholarships this year. It is also anticipated that more than 7 000 jobs will be created as the year progresses, with the new Sidvokodvo Industrial Estate creating 600 jobs during the initial phase of the construction and 4 000 jobs in the second year. Factory shells in places like Gamula, Ndzevane and Mantambe are also slated to create over 3 000 more jobs, mostly in the textile industry. In siSwati, it is said, Kudliwa lokuncane, kudliwe lokukhulu" (half a loaf is better than nothing). I am saying this because it has become a norm for emaSwati to reject these jobs as being of low pay. They demand that government brings investors who will hire graduates and pay them handsomely. We can only plead with the Labour Advisory Board (LAB) to review the wages paid to these workers. Moving on, Fridays budget also allocated E3.96 billion to the Ministry of Education and Training, representing an increase of E430 million compared to 2022. Of significance is that, coupled with the scholarships of E647 million, the education slice represents 19 per cent of the total budget. This, as the minister stated, is in line with governments commitment to have 15 per cent of the national budget being spent on education. The Free Primary Education (FPE) grant per learner has also been increased and come April 1, 2023, revised fees will be implemented. This will raise the grant from E560 to about E612. It was a bit disappointing that the social grant paid to each elderly person has not been increased. It will now be paid monthly but still remains at E500. However, government will be spending E72.9 million more to cater for approximately 15 000 new people in the elderly and disabled category. With E2.76 billion given to the Ministry of Health, Minister Rijkenberg acknowledged that government still faced challenges in supplying medicine effectively and efficiently to Emaswati. He tabled a report shedding light on the problems faced by the Ministry of Health on the supply of medical drugs. It is now up to Parliament to play its oversight role and ensure that recommendations are implemented to the letter. It was probably sweet music to the ears of many emaSwati as well, that the cost of internet data is likely to go down. The Finance Minister said government continued to review and reduce the cost of connectivity in the country. While there may be a few hundred jobs in the private sector, the civil service will also see new people being hired to fill certain vacancies that have been created during the hiring freeze. The next financial years budget has E900 million more than last year to fill these vacancies. As far as the dialogue is concerned, Rijkenberg called for an immediate end to violence, saying an uninterrupted period of peace and stability would ensure that all Emaswati safely contribute to the dialogue process, for which E30 million has been allocated. The minister was candid enough to admit that even though the figures look promising, many emaSwati may not be seeing the benefits.This budget begins to address this, by ensuring that all emaSwati receive better service delivery, he promised. Fridays budget was delivered at a time when the country has experienced storms and floods, with many roads and other infrastructure damaged. The Finance Minister said there had been a massive investment in main road infrastructure but there remained major challenges in having a comprehensive maintenance programme and the improvement of feeder roads. At least E514 million will be spent on road rehabilitation, maintenance and upgrades. Now, emaSwati will wait for these promises to morph into action on the ground. The minister says for the third year in a row, income tax rates will not be increased. However, the nation would appreciate lower electricity tariffs and other taxes that make daily life an economic nightmare. After all has been said and done, the good news announced by Rijkenberg will not mean much if law and order are as compromised as they have been in the last couple of years. It would also be impossible to see any real benefit of these budget allocations if corruption is not curbed. Our Government is made up of emaSwati, family members, friends and colleagues, said the minister. It is made up of all of us, and when people steal from government, they steal from every one of us. Very well said, Minister! Mumbai, February 26: The hilly states of Meghalaya and Nagaland will go to poll on Monday, February 27 in order to elect a new government. The Northeast Assembly Elections 2023 which began with Tripura going to polls on February 16 will end with the Vidhan Sabha elections in Meghalaya and Nagaland on Monday. The election results of all the three states will be declared together on March 2. The people of Meghalaya will exercise their right to vote on Monday after the month-long polling campaign ended at 4 pm on Saturday, February 25. The hilly state of Meghalaya will vote for 59 of the 60 Assembly constituencies on February 27, polling day. As Meghalaya awaits to vote on election day, we take a look at some of the facts of Meghalaya Assembly Elections 2023. Meghalaya Assembly Election 2023: From CM Conrad Sangma to Militant-Turned-Leader Bernard Marak and Mukul Sangma, List of Key Candidates and Their Constituencies. A Quick Fact Sheet of Meghalaya Assembly Elections 2023: The hilly state of Meghalaya will go to poll on Monday, February 27 in a single phase. The term of Meghalaya's 60-member assembly constituency will end on March 15. Polling for the Assembly Elections in Meghalaya will begin at 7 am and end by 4 pm. Election won't be held on Sohiong Assembly Constituency in East Khasi Hills district after UDP candidate H. Donkupar Roy Lyngdoh died on February 20 due to illness. A total of 369 candidates, including 36 women, will be contesting the February 27 assembly election in Meghalaya. In the 2018 assembly elections, a total of 329 candidates, including 32 women had fought the Meghalaya elections The 443 km India-Bangladesh border with Meghalaya has been sealed in order to prevent cross-border movements before and on election day. A total of 13 political parties, including four national parties mainly BJP, Congress, National People's Party (NPP) and Trinamool Congress are contesting the Meghalaya assembly elections. Of the 369 candidates, BJP and Congress have put up 60 candidates each, followed by Trinamool Congress' 56 candidates and 57 candidates fielded by CM Conrad Sangma's NPP. The state assembly elections in Meghalaya will also witness 44 independent candidates trying their luck on the Vidhan Sabha polls. FR Kharkongor, Chief Electoral Officer said that a total of 3,419 polling teams have been deployed across the state for elections to the 59 assembly seats in Meghalaya. Key Candidates and Their Constituencies Some of the key candidates whose fate will be sealed in Monday's assembly election in Meghalaya include Chief Minister Conrad Sangma who will be contesting from West Garo Hills South Tura constituency. Besides Sangma, other notable candidates are Bernard Marak, former militant leader who is contesting from South Tura constituency, Mukul Sangma from Bajengdoba in North Garo Hills and West Garo Hill's Raksamgre constituency, and Vincent Pala (Sutnga Saipung), Metbah Lyngdoh (Mairang constituency), Prestone Tynsong (Pynursla constituency) among others. Tripura Assembly Elections 2023: From Number of Polling Stations to Key Candidates and Constituencies, Know Everything Here. The Meghalaya Assembly Elections 2023 is likely to witness multi-corner fight on most seats with the ruling parties NPP and BJP trying to win Meghalaya independently this time. While Congress and Trinamool Congress will like to stake claim on the government, regional parties could hold the key for other parties to form a government in the state. (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 26, 2023 05:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website On the pretext of dropping his friend back to college hostel at Narketpally in Nalgonda, Krishna took Naveen to desolate area in Pedda Amberpet, where an argument broke out between the two. Amidst all of this, Krishna first strangled Naveen with a rope before chopping off his head. He then went on to rip Naveen's heart from the body. Long-distance relationships come with their own unique challenges and some of us have experienced it too in our lives. Couples experience the good, and the bad side of their partners as the distance makes them long for each other. To foster the bond and overcome the challenges in the relationship, a man from China named Jiang Zhongli, came up with a creative solution for long-distance couples and made a kissing device that can replicate the feeling of a real kiss. Zhongli found it difficult to maintain intimacy with his girlfriend in their long-distance relationship as their communication was just limited to phone calls. This inspired him to invent a device that could allow couples to share virtual intimate moments. Hot Kisses and Their Meanings: From Lizzy Kiss to Eskimo Kiss, Know Everything About Different Kisses With Your Partner. The device could send a faraway lover a kiss, with warm, moving silicon lips, and help long-distant lovers share real physical intimacy. The invention led to a buzz among Chinese social media users. According to several reports, the device termed the kissing device, is an invention of a university in Changzhou, China. It comes equipped with silicone lips, pressure sensors, and actuators, and can replicate the pressure, movement, and temperature of a real kiss. As per the China-run Global Times, the kissing device is capable of mimicking a real kiss. Check the tweet below: This device was invented for couples in a long-distance relationship to feel like they are kissing each other despite the physical distance between Adnan (@adnanmig) February 25, 2023 Soon after the news of the kissing device made headlines, the internet was quick to react to the new invention. Some social media users pointed out that the idea had been pitched in one of the episodes of The Big Bang Theory while several others expressed shock and termed the kissing device as 'vulgar' and 'creepy.' However, there were some happy ones too who were really excited about the idea. Remote kissing device for long-distance lovers, invented and patented by Chinese university student in Changzhou City. The mouth-shaped module, served as an inducing area for lovers to make the kiss and then it can transfer kiss gesture to the "mouth" on the other side. China in Pictures (@tongbingxue) February 22, 2023 To use the kissing device, users need to download a mobile app and plug the device into the phone's charging port in order to send a kiss. They need to pair it with their partner on the app, so that when they can start a video call, they can share their romantic kisses with each other. (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 26, 2023 05:33 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website The region of Latin America has seen the rise of several dictators who were deposed by the people of their countries. Argentina's General Jorge Rafael Videla was a Latin American dictator known for his ruthless campaign of political killings and forced disappearances. Videla's rise to power started with him being a military career officer. According to Britannica, he graduated from the National Military College in 1944 and was commissioned in the army of Argentina. In 1971, he rose to the rank of brigadier general and was appointed Army General Staff in 1973. He led a military coup that ousted President Isabel Peron from his position in 1976. Videla then became the president of Argentina as head of a three-man military junta, which later became a five-man. READ NEXT: Argentina Citizenship Becomes a Sought-out Commodity by Pregnant Russian Women What Did Jorge Rafael Videla Do for Argentina? Citing the government's estimates, The New York Times reported that at least 15,000 people were killed or "disappeared" during Jorge Rafael Videla's regime. However, human rights officials noted that the figure was closer to 30,000. Videla promised to restore civilian rule immediately after establishing a military junta or a government led by a committee of military leaders. However, he declared as a priority the "eradication" of the leftist guerillas who were on the offense against Isabel Peron's government. During Videla's rule, Congress was suspended, political parties were disbanded, and strikes were made illegal. In addition, death squads also roamed around Argentina. Videla imposed the "dirty war" after he and his colleagues decided that as their enemies were not a real army, any tactics were legitimate against them, according to the Independent. Under the "dirty war," the armed forces could torture and kill without regard for legality and had no obligation to reveal what they were doing to anyone. In the years between 1976 and 1978, a total of 364 secret detention centers were used to hold the thousands of "disappeared." The victims of enforced disappearance were tortured and killed, with their bodies buried in mass graves or thrown out of planes at night over the River Plate. The Argentinian dictator retired in 1981 and was succeeded by another general, Roberto Viola. Charges were brought against former junta leaders for the human rights abuses committed by the military during the "dirty war" after Argentina went back to civilian rule in 1983. Videla was eventually convicted of direct responsibility for 66 murders, 93 cases of torture, 306 kidnappings, and four theft. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1985. In 1998, Videla finally admitted that there had been a plan to eradicate left-wing groups in Argentina in this way. He noted that he could not place all left-wing members in front of a firing squad as it would raise questions such as "who killed them, where, and how." Videla died in May 2013 at age 87 while serving life imprisonment for crimes against humanity. Argentina's Disappeared In 2021, the government of Argentina sent hundreds of DNA testing kits to its consulates worldwide to identify the unknown victims killed in the "dirty war," The Guardian reported. Argentina's officials pushed forward the effort in collaboration with the National Commission for the Right to Identity, the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo movement, and Argentinian Forensic Anthropology Team investigators. Pregnant prisoners during the "dirty war" were kept alive until they gave birth and were then murdered. At least 500 babies were taken from their parents and given to childless military couples to raise as their own. The first DNA collection kits arrived at the Argentinian consulate general in Rome in May 2021. READ MORE: Argentina Rugby Players Sentenced to Life in Prison Over Teen's Murder This article is owned by Latin Post. Written by: Mary Webber WATCH: Life Sentence for Ex-Argentina Leader - From Al Jazeera English Madam, When King Sobhuza II lent his support to the establishment of the Swaziland Commercial Amadoda, what he and the indigenous entrepreneurs of the time envisaged, was an economy in which any liSwati with the right vision and requisite drive and commitment, should be able to plough his trade, in a competitive and fair economic environment. The establishment of this organisation of indigenous entrepreneurs saw the birth of the unique idea of Swazi Capitalism. Capitalism A system of economic activity, though similar in nature to regular capitalism, albeit with its own unique characteristics and identifiers. Chief among these was the absence of monopolistic, anti-competitive and conglomeratic behaviour in the economy. In the days of old, senior entrepreneurs were eager to lend a helping hand to those starting out. It was not uncommon for competitors, in the spirit of entrepreneurial camaraderie, to lend support to each other. Given the sizes of our economy and population, there is enough for everybody. It is, therefore, unfortunate to observe that the economy is now firmly in the hands of a cabal of individuals, who have decided in smoky back-room deals, that they will entrench themselves in every sector of the economy, leaving nothing for anybody else. For evidence of this, one simply needs to glance at the media, transportation, construction, waste management and other sectors of the economy. Prospects This aggressive, greed-fuelled monopolisation does not bode well for the future economic prospects of the country. Monopolisation has a top-down, trickling effect; with large companies increasingly being owned by the same group of people, so will the companies that supply them with goods and services, arresting competition and further entrenching monopolisation throughout value and supply chains. This unfortunately, advances the interests of white people, over emaSwati, as the services industry is dominated by whites.The last man standing in an industry is not the winner, he is the last loser. A woman who subjected her next-door neighbours to 10 years of threatening and abusive behaviour has been jailed for one month. Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that Arjita Chawla (54), formally Merton Crescent, Mount Saint Annes, Milltown, Dublin 6, pleaded guilty to two counts of engaging in threatening or abusive words or behaviour against her two next-door neighbours, Coleman Byrne and Anna Byrne, on dates between February 28, 2011, and July 26, 2021. Passing sentence on Friday, February 24, Judge Martin Nolan said Chawla became obsessed with her neighbours. He said it was quite an unusual case which started out as harassment, but the State accepted a lesser plea. The facts are that over a longer period of time, the accused abused and caused the injured parties considerable stress, the judge said. This went way beyond a neighbourly dispute, he added. The judge said he had read the reports handed into court on behalf of Chawla. He said there was mitigation in the case in the form of her guilty plea and remorse. He said he felt Chawla should undergo a custodial sentence and he sentenced her to one month in prison on each of the two counts, which he ordered to run concurrently. Judge Nolan also ordered Chawla to have no contact with the Byrne family and not come within 100 metres of their address for the next 15 years. Garda Inspector Damien Kelly told Shaun Smith, BL, prosecuting, that Chawla lived in a townhouse-style property next door to Mr and Mrs Byrne. There were shared external stairs that led up to both front doors. The Byrnes owned their home and have lived there for over twenty years. The accused also owned her property, and both neighbours were civil to each other in the beginning. Each house had two parking spaces located outside the houses. Insp Kelly said Mr Byrne started to notice concerning behaviour from Chawla. She would park her car parallel in both of her parking spaces and drive the bonnet of her car up to the driver or passenger door of her neighbour's car, blocking them from entering the car. Mr Byrne said in his statement that she could spend anything up to 20 minutes manoeuvring her car into this position. The court heard that Chawla called Mrs Byrne a cunt and a whore and referred to Mr Byrne as a paedo. Mr Byrne said in his victim impact statement that she brought him to the district court many times, all of which were dismissed. Reps from the local estate company were dispatched to investigate claims made by the accused against her neighbours but found no evidence to support her claims was found. The court heard that gardai arrived at the Byrnes' home over 100 times on foot of complaints made by Chawla, including on Christmas Eve and while they were having a fourth birthday party. She set up CCTV on a tripod in her front window and also had a second, more discreet camera on her window. On May 22, 2019, Chawlas home was searched, and she handed over a notebook which gave a detailed account of her neighbour's activity. A garda also found a digital recorder and a USB key. Gda Insp Kelly said Chawla had 445 video clips of her neighbours, sent 345 emails of complaint about the Byrnes family to the management company, and she sent over 300 emails to the Donnybrook district office. Ms Anna Byrne read a victim impact statement to the court and said Chawla subjected us to years of abuse on my family. She said Chawla once said she was not surprised that I killed my own mother, who died when I was four years old. Faeces were collected by the accused and placed at the door of the Byrne home and in Mrs Byrne's bicycle basket. These were believed to be dog faeces. Gda Insp Kelly agreed with Barry Ward BL, defending, the spat was only between his client and the Byrnes and that no other neighbours were involved. Mr Ward said it was an isolated incident involving one neighbour. He said a custodial sentence would be a retrograde step, and his client would suffer disproportionately and it would do much more harm than good. Mr Ward asked the court to take into account his client's guilty plea, and her mental health issues. He handed medical reports from her doctor and neurologist into court. Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want further access to Ireland's best local journalism, consider contributing and/or subscribing to our free daily Newsletter . Support our mission and join our community now. Climate action and how students from Laois, Carlow and Kildare are and can pay their part was on the agenda when a Government Minister stopped by Knockbeg College recently. Knockbeg College said its Green-Schools Committee were delighted when Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform and TD for Carlow/Kilkenny, Malcolm Noonan accepted an invitation to visit the college and deliver a whole school talk to students, staff and the wider school community on Monday, February 20. Third year students and green-schools Eastern/Midlands Water Ambassadors, Kevin McKeon and Finn Craig were on hand to welcome Minister Noonan and introduce him to the school community. The school said that during his speech, Minister Noonan, who attended the UN Biodiversity Conference COP15 in Montreal last December, highlighted the need to address the current biodiversity and climate crises. The school added that he said is is the work that he has achieved and continues to do in these areas. The Green Party TD also noted the importance of all stakeholders working together to achieve sustainable goals and reminded students of the importance of utilising their vote to make change. MORE BELOW PICTURE. Following his talk, which the school said was very well received, Minister Noonan was put to work planting an apple tree in Knockbeg's orchard beside the gym. This new tree will add to the original stock that will provide fruit to the students as part of a healthy eating initiative at the school near Graiguecullen and Carlow town. Knockbeg Colleges green schools committee, on behalf of the whole school community, stated that Minister Noonan's visit played a really important role in enhancing the sustainable message and lifestyle that the college now embraces The new Skoda Fabia is quoted by the Czech car manufacturer as being the car that delivers a revolution in design language. In its 23 year history, various generations of the Fabia have offered customers terrific value for money, usable practicality and excellent build quality, while affordable running costs also added to the Fabias desirability. Now Skoda has launched the new Fabia (five-door bodystyle only) which is longer and wider than its predecessor, more sophisticated, and supplied with more active and passive safety technology than ever before. In an effort to make the new Fabia look distinctly modern and sporty, designers reduced the roofline by 8mm compared to the previous generation. Modern Underpinnings The original Skoda Fabia made its debut in 1999 and replaced the ageing Felicia, which was based on the Favorit, the last car designed and developed by the brand before it was taken over by Volkswagen. A second-generation Fabia arrived in 2007, followed by an all-new model in 2014. Now in its fourth generation, the new Skoda Fabia is the last of the Volkswagen Groups core superminis to switch onto its MQB-A0 platform. Other cars currently using this platform are the Seat Ibiza, VW Polo and Audi A1 - all of which are from brands within the VW Group itself. The major benefits of the new platform include improved refinement, extra cabin space, and improved cabin quality, along with cutting-edge safety technology. Despite the continued growth of SUVs and Crossovers, superminis such as the Skoda Fabia are still very popular, with many owners favouring the compact dimensions of a supermini when manoeuvring in and out of tight parking spaces. Petrol-Only Power The engine line-up in the new Fabia consists solely of petrol powered units, with no plans to introduce a diesel engine, or electrification to the range. The entry-level engine is a 3-cylinder 1-litre MPI naturally-aspirated unit with a choice of 65bhp or 80bhp and mated to a 5-speed manual gearbox, while a 3-cylinder 1-litre TSI turbo-charged unit comes with 95bhp or 110bhp in 5-speed manual or 7-speed DSG automatic transmission guises respectively all of which send power to the front wheels. Buyers of the new Skoda Fabia can choose from Active, Ambition, Style and Monte Carlo trim levels - all of which consist of LED headlights with daytime running lights, numerous airbags, remote central locking, Lane Assist with Active Steering, Hill Hold Control, Driver Alert, Forward Collision Warning with Emergency Brake and Pedestrian Recognition, a Tyre Pressure Monitoring System, ISOFIX with top tether attachments, and eCall emergency assist. Impressive Safety The new Fabia scored the maximum five stars in the Euro NCAP crash safety test. Achieving 78 per cent of the maximum available points, the Fabia is one of the safest vehicles in its class. The Fabia received 85 per cent of the maximum points for adult protection and 81 per cent for child safety, and thus performed particularly well in these two areas. The top rating for the new Fabia builds on Skoda Autos impressive record; since 2008, each of the 14 new Skoda models evaluated has received the highest five-star rating. With almost 80 per cent of the new Fabias components made of high-strength steel, the MQB-A0 platform not only provides the Fabia with a highly torsion-resistant body, but also supports the integration of several advanced assistance systems for the first time. Test Car Details My Fabia Style 1.0-litre TSI test car was finished in striking Race Blue metallic paintwork with a black roof, door pillars and door mirror casings. The exterior design of the new Fabia brings its right up-to-date with other members of the Skoda family, and it is certainly very smart, modern and presentable in every respect. Producing 95bhp and 175Nm of torque, the Fabias refined 999cc engine enables the car to sprint from 0-100km/h in 10.6-seconds, while a fuel return of 5.1l/100kms is achievable on a combined driving cycle. The car feels solid and secure through corners, and handles like a car from a class above. A natural feel to the Fabias steering, along with excellent handling characteristics, precise gearing, and comfortable ride quality make the new Fabia very relaxing to drive. The standard five-speed manual transmission proves its worthiness when driving in city traffic, but the Fabia is equally impressive at motorway speeds too. Suspension still comprises steel coil springs, with MacPherson struts at the front and a torsion beam at the rear, while ventilated disc brakes at the front, and drums at the rear ensure that the Fabia responds well to soft and hard braking. Key Style features include 16-inch alloy wheels with black aero inserts, keyless entry/start system, and a Bolero infotainment system to include an 8-inch colour touchscreen display. Thanks to a wheelbase that has grown by 120mm, cabin space within the new Fabia is impressive, with ample head, leg and shoulder room for three occupants in the rear of the car. Verdict and Pricing The new Skoda Fabia excels in all of the important areas, with its ride quality being a particularly impressive stand-out feature. It is the most spacious car in its class, and it makes the most of the space on offer with useful storage solutions including an umbrella concealed within the drivers door trim. The new Fabia is priced from just 19,150 (ex-delivery) and is on sale now at Skoda dealerships nationwide. The main cast of The Banshees Of Inisherin will look to add to their various gong collections at Sundays Screen Actors Guild (SAG) awards. The four stars of the film, Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson, Barry Keoghan and Kerry Condon, have all been recognised for their individual performances. Martin McDonaghs dark Irish comedy sees the sudden end of a relationship between two life-long friends Padraic Suilleabhain and Colm Doherty, played by Farrell and Gleeson. #BansheesMovie has been nominated for FIVE @SAGAwards: BEST ENSEMBLE, BEST ACTOR Colin Farrell, BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Brendan Gleeson and Barry Keoghan, and BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Kerry Condon! #SAGAwards The Banshees of Inisherin (@Banshees_Movie) January 11, 2023 Keoghan plays the innocent, yet dim-witted Dominic Kearney while Condon takes the role of Padraics sister Siobhan. Farrell is named in the top acting category outstanding performance by a male actor in a leading role after previously triumphing at the Golden Globes and earning a coveted Oscar nod in the equivalent categories. Gleeson and Keoghan go head-to-head for outstanding performance by a male actor in a supporting role, while Condon is nominated in the female category. Keoghan and Condon recently took home awards in the equivalent Bafta categories, though Gleeson is yet to scoop any awards this season. The Banshees Of Inisherin also gained a nomination for best cast in a motion picture the SAG equivalent of best picture along with The Fabelmans, Babylon, Everything Everywhere All At Once and Women Talking. Other contenders competing with Farrell in the outstanding actor in a leading role category include Bill Nighy, Adam Sandler, Brendan Fraser and Austin Butler. Butler, who is also Oscar-nominated for his turn as Elvis Presley in Baz Luhrmanns biopic, beat the Irish actor last week to claim Baftas best actor award. In the category for SAG outstanding performance by a female actor in a leading role, Oscar-nominees Cate Blanchett, Michelle Yeoh and Ana de Armas received nods, as did Viola Davis and Danielle Deadwyler. On the small screen British names have received fewer SAG nominations, though royal drama The Crown is recognised in the category for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a television drama series. It takes on popular US series including HBOs The White Lotus, Severance, Ozark, and Better Call Saul for the award. Taron Egerton and Emily Blunt are nominated for outstanding performance by a male and female actor in a television movie or mini-series, respectively. The 29th annual ceremony, which begins at 1am UK time, is taking place at the Fairmont Century Plaza in Los Angeles. An electoral officer holds up votes as they are counted at a polling station in Lagos, Nigeria Saturday, February 25, 2023. BEN CURTIS / AP Nigeria was counting ballots on Sunday, February 26, a day after a historically tight presidential election that has energized Africa's most populous nation, where many long for change. The vote was mostly peaceful despite some cases of violence, delays and technical glitches, and citizens stayed up late at night in many locations to observe the count and "protect" the ballots. The slow uploading of results online was starting to stir up fears of electoral malpractice in a country with a history of vote rigging. Nearly 90 million voters were eligible to vote on Saturday for a successor to President Muhammadu Buhari, who is stepping down after two terms marked by worsening security and growing poverty. The election pit former Lagos governor Bola Tinubu, 70, of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) against an old rival, former vice president Atiku Abubakar, of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), 76. But for the first time since the end of military rule in 1999, a third-party candidate, Peter Obi of the Labour Party, has challenged the APC and PDP dominance with a campaign message of change. Spread over more than 176,000 polling units, voters also cast their ballot for Nigeria's two houses of parliament, the National Assembly and Senate. No results yet knozn As of Sunday morning, results for the presidential election were not yet available on the website of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). Observers group Yiaga Africa said it was "deeply concerned with the delay." The commission has 14 days to officially announce results, but an online tally could be made available in the next hours or days. Despite the isolated cases of violence and technical problems, INEC remained confident about the electoral process. "We have lost ballot boxes here and there... but we will continue to protect the process and we will continue to proceed courageously and ensure that we conclude this in a very free, fair and credible manner," said INEC's chairman Mahmood Yakubu. To win the presidency, a candidate must get the most votes but also win 25% in two-thirds of Nigeria's 36 states. The competitive race has some analysts forecasting an unprecedented runoff between the two frontrunners if no candidate meets election requirements. It would have to be organized within 21 days. Le Monde with AFP OVER a hundred events aimed at small Limerick businesses and budding entrepreneurs will be taking place during Local Enterprise Week 2023, to help start-ups or existing businesses grow in the region. Around 200 online and in-person workshops will run from March 6 to March 10 in Limerick and across the country as part of the Local Enterprise week run by the Local Enterprise Office and supported by Enterprise Ireland. This year, there will be a Key Principles series, which focuses on highlighting best practice for start up companies in Limerick, including green, digital, sales and finance and networking events to encourage Limerick entrepreneurs to support one another and their businesses. Deirdre ONeill, Senior Regional Development Executive with Enterprise Ireland, said: Enterprise Ireland is delighted to support and be involved in Local Enterprise Week - working closely with the Local Enterprise Offices across the year, this week is a chance for small businesses to focus on key areas, the areas where they can make a real difference for their future ambitions. This may be in relation to digitalization or becoming more sustainable, or those who have ambition to grow internationally and begin to find new markets, she added. Vincent Murray, Director of Economic Development and Planning with Limerick City and County Council said: Local Enterprise Week offers a great opportunity for anybody who wants to start or grow their business to get inspired and motivated. Events during the week will give you insights and add to your knowledge on important topics that can make a real difference to your business competitiveness. If you are a business who wants to grow, internationalise or innovate, then there is something for you at Local Enterprise Week and we would encourage every small business out there to see what is happening in their area this year and take that next step. Describing the week as having something for everyone, Mike Cantwell, Head of Enterprise at LEO commented: Local Enterprise Week is an opportunity for any business or potential entrepreneur - it allows you take stock of where you are, see where you can grow, where you can innovate and to see what resources are available on your doorstep. There is something for everyone and for those who maybe always had that ambition to start on their own, or a have idea, this is the week to see how to get started and make it happen. In-person events being held in Limerick include: Idea Generation Workshop, Killmallock, a HR seminar in the Absolute Hotel, Limerick city, Steps to self-employment - one day course with West Limerick Resources, Newcastle West and an evening seminar on Increasing Customers and Sales with Paraic OMaille SMACHT in Castletroy. Details for all online and in person events taking place across the country during Local Enterprise Week are available online. LIMERICK City and County Council has been accused of evicting an elderly man from his house and leaving him without his home. A man was basically evicted, the council took ownership now leaving him homeless, said Cllr Ger Mitchell. He was speaking at a meeting of Cappamore-Kilmallock municipal district regarding the disposal of a detached property at Foxhall West, Colmanswell. It has been acquired compulsorily by the local authority under the Derelict Sites Act. The matter had been deferred from the January meeting after Cllr PJ Carey objected to the disposal of property. Last weeks meeting, held in Cuan Mhuire in Bruree, heard that the former owner of the house became very, very ill around four years ago and left the property to stay with a relative. The meeting also heard that the man was unaware of the councils proceedings. You have to give the man a chance. This man wasnt aware, now he is homeless. It is flawed. There was no proper engagement, just site notices, said Cllr Mitchell. In calling for the council to give the man his house back, Cllr PJ Carey said: He owned a house. Now he doesnt have a house. Cllr Eddie Ryan said: This does not sound right to me. He should be helped. This man needs an advocate and a solicitor. Cllr Carey said Liam Carroll, barrister, has taken on the case. A council employee said the process was completed fully in line with the legislation and it is the owners responsibility to deal with dereliction. The property was entered on the Derelict Sites Register in March 2020. The council subsequently acquired the property compulsorily. The council staff member said the local community was delighted there was going to be a new owner. The disposal of property was deferred from the January meeting to allow the council to speak to the former owner. I spoke to the man and went through the case history. I confirmed to him that it was in council ownership and to seek legal advice for compensation, said the council employee, who added that he is entitled to be compensated. A different council official said the property was completely overgrown and couldnt be seen from the road. It was being used as a dump. It was chaotic. It was unsafe to enter, they said. There were 26 enquiries and two bidders after the house was brought to the market and advertised for sale. It was bought for 45,000 and the purchaser intends to refurbish the house and occupy it themselves. The councillors agreed to defer the disposal of the property again to allow for legal correspondence between the former owners barrister and council to take place. Cllr Mike Donegan asked is the man now homeless and asked for the housing section to get in touch with him to clarify his position. Cllr Mitchell, who is an auctioneer, said ownership of property in Ireland is very sensitive and cited the film The Field. There is a lot of resentment building up. A 100 years ago there were evictions by the English. We dont want the council taking that position. Do proper diligence, said Cllr Mitchell. BUHLENI What was meant to be a day of enjoyment at the Buganu Festival, ended on a painful note for some of the members of the Lutsango Regiment. Yesterday, Eswatini celebrated the annual Buganu Festival, where thousands of women presented products from the marula fruit to Their Majesties. The marula fruit is a type of plum that grows randomly in some parts of the African continent. The fruit is fermented to produce a brew that has become associated with the Buganu Festival, which is commemorated mainly by women. The women also use this event to share ideas and learn how they can convert the fruit into business. Chaos erupted in yesterdays event, resulting in a stampede that left 17 of the women injured. While some women lined up to collect food parcel, others began to rush forward and as the commotion erupted, some of the women on queue walked over hot porridge that was served with some meat. It is during this time that a stamped occurred as more women rushed forward in an attempt to get food. It was revealed that some of the women had fallen along the way and trampled over by others, who were rushing to make sure that they collected some food. There was no clear version of what was happening while the women were being trampled upon by others. Others lay flat on the ground as others step on them in the mad rush. It was only later that some of the members of the regiments realised that there had been a stampede and that some people were injured. After the commotion, two men were seen trying to force their way into the arena saying one of their relatives had been injured. They said the injured relative was an elderly woman and they had been trying to reach her on her cellphone but could not get hold of her. When the Times SUNDAY team arrived at the entrance of the arena, more women were found trying to enter, so that they could find out the condition of their relatives. The injured members of the regiments were then rushed to the nearest hospital. Meanwhile, there were also claims that four of the members of the regiments had died during the stampede, an allegation that was quickly refuted by the Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati. Vilakati only confirmed that seven people were injured and taken to hospital, where they were treated and discharged. A member of the public who did not want to be mentioned said it appeared that the chaos may have been a result of bees. He said the bees disturbed some of the women who then tried to run but one of them fell, causing a stampede. *Jomo (not his real name), who said he could not find his relative said an elderly women was fatally injured. He also alleged that a child might have died. Reporters from this publication also, went to the Mkhuzweni Health Centre where the members of the regiments who had been injured were rushed to. Upon arrival, some of the women who were injured were found being treated. One of the women was later wheeled to another section of the hospital by a security guard after she had been attended to. A vehicle from a funeral parlour was also found at the scene to collect what appeared to be a corpse. Some of the officials quickly said the body was that of an elderly man who had died earlier. THE MINISTER of State at the Department of Transport Jack Chambers has made his first visit to Shannon Airport. Mr Chambers, who was appointed to the role in December last, was met by Conal Henry, the chair of the Shannon Airport group and its chief executive Mary Considine. During the visit he was briefed on the facilities and operations at the airport and activities across the broader Shannon Campus, which he visited prior to his arrival at the airport. Mr Chambers was also given a tour of Shannons state-of-the-art security screening system, which eliminates the need to separate liquids and gels, and halves the time passengers spends at security screening. He received a presentation on the groups activities and its strong recovery as it rebuilds its business in the aftermath of the pandemic. "I am delighted to be here in Shannon Airport to meet with the Shannon Airport Group team, and to see first-hand, the world class facilities that customers can avail of here. We know the impact the Group has as an economic driver for the region in attracting both FDI and indigenous business, along with providing vital air connectivity for the Midwest and beyond. It has been great to discuss the future development plans for the Group which will no doubt be of great benefit to the region," said the Dublin TD. Ms Considine added: "It was great to welcome Minister Chambers to Shannon Airport, and to have the opportunity to highlight the progress we have made since the pandemic, in providing vital connectivity for the region and our plans for growth. It was also great to showcase the upgrades we have made to our core infrastructure, with thanks to Government support and to update the Minister on some of the exciting and innovative developments taking place across the Shannon campus." Government has not made a decision yet on extending the eviction ban, Heather Humphreys has said. A new record high number of homeless people in Ireland last week prompted calls for the eviction ban to be extended to the end of the year, There were 11,754 homeless people in January, according to the latest figures from the Department of Housing. That total includes 8,323 adults and 3,431 children. It is up from the 11,632 people recorded in emergency accommodation in December. This excludes rough sleepers and people turned away due to lack of capacity. It marks another new peak of homelessness, and comes despite a temporary eviction ban being in place since November. It is due to run out at the end of March. Ms Humphreys said government has not yet decided whether to extend it. The Minister for Social Protection said it had been meant to reduce homelessness, but hasnt worked. She told RTEs The Week In Politics programme that it is concerning to see the numbers in emergency accommodation rising, but said there are more going out of emergency accommodation than ever before. Government hasnt made a decision yet on the eviction ban, and (Housing) Minister (Darragh) OBrien is consulting with the Attorney General and it is his plan to bring a proposal to cabinet in the next number of weeks, she said. But I think the issue here, and it always has been the issue, is supply, and its encouraging to see that in 2022, we have almost 30,000 new houses on stream, and thats a 45% increase on the previous year. She added: Its about finding the balance to support the renters, but also the stop the landlords from leaving the market. So again, we have to go back to the core issues which is increasing the supply of houses. Sinn Fein TD Eoin OBroin said the ban on evictions was introduced in October when the majority local authorities had no emergency accommodation left. He said extending the ban is not a solution, but would give government breathing space to increase the supply of much needed affordable and social homes. Government must use that time to take the emergency action needed to address this crisis, he said. Bengaluru: In the second half of 2021, Indian startups were riding high, on a cocktail of enormous capital, high valuations and optimism. Venture capital firms were less fussy about their path to profitability and the funding wintera term in vogue now was still some distance away. Many startups, in fact, didnt see it coming. Take the case of Meesho, an e-commerce company, six years old in 2021. After having raised $870 million in two rounds between April and September that year, it was still hoping to close another $500 million-1 billion round at an eye-popping valuation of $8 billion, according to some media reports. In September 2021, the company was valued at $4.9 billion. View Full Image Graphic: Mint The talk, back then, in startup and media circles, was about this new war in Indian e-commerce, one that would give Kalyan Krishnamurthy, the chief executive of Flipkart, sleepless nights. Flipkart has been fighting an intense battle with Amazon since 2013. Other online marketplaces in Indias e-tailing landscapesuch as Snapdeal, Paytm Mall and Shopcluesall showed early promise but were either unable to scale up or raise more money. Some engaged in a fatal discounting battle with Flipkart and Amazon and lost their way. After Shopclues distress sale to Singapores Qoo10 Pte in 2019, the place for a third player in the pecking order fell vacant. In the last two years, Meesho, founded by IIT-Delhi batchmates Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barnwal, emerged as that alternative. The company targeted Bharat or locations beyond the tier-1 cities. Meesho started as a reseller platform (where users could resell products through social media platforms) but pivoted to the e-commerce marketplace model that sells directly to consumers in 2021. After the funding rounds that year, Meesho pressed the accelerator on acquiring new online shoppers, mostly in the low- and middle-income categories. Today, it has 130 million monthly active users from 50 million in August 2021. Its 825,000 sellers sell everything from unbranded clothes and makeup to cookware and clocks. The companys revenues quadrupled to 3,359 crore in 2021-22, from 839 crore the year before. And in the last 2.5 years, its annualized gross merchandise value, or the value of all goods sold on its platform, has grown from $200 million to around $5 billion. Krishnamurthy had reasons to be worried. While the going seemed great, there was one problem. The $500 million-1 billion fund raise never materializedMeesho hasnt been able to raise any money after September 2021. Where does this leave Meesho in the new war? The online marketplace business is cash guzzling with very high costs of customer acquisition. Flipkart, too, has been burning cash at a rapid pace. The company raised around $3.6 billion in July 2021; a large chunk of this capital had been deployed by the end of 2022, media reports suggested. But the company has a far larger oxygen cylinder because of Walmarts backing. In October last year, Mint reported that Flipkart was considering raising $2-3 billion at a valuation of more than $40 billion to expand its product range in India. Meesho, meanwhile, claims that it has $500 million still left in the bank. Industry sources peg it to be around $400 million. This gives the company a decent runway but not enough comfort. As a prolonged funding winter continues, Meeshos growth at any cost model needs considerable tweaks if it has to attract sizeable capital. No way out, it has set itself an audacious goalturn profitable by the middle of 2023. Remember, it lost 3,251 crore in 2021/22; for every rupee Meesho earned, it nearly spent 2. Can Meesho pull off the impossible while maintaining its core value proposition of affordability? The average selling price of its products range between 300 and 350. So far, e-commerce hasnt made money in India. Meesho will be the first test case on whether a profitable e-commerce story, focused on Bharat, can be built. In six months, we will know whether its a sustainable model," said a person who is familiar with the companys plans. He didnt want to be identified. The model Lets take a closer peek at what made Meesho such a sensation in two years. Kavitha M ordered a green cotton sari for 262 on the Meesho app in January this year. The seller was Surat-based CP Fashion. It was the first time she had bought a sari online, after her friends told her about an online app that sells saris and kurtas at affordable rates. The quality and price were good; I could pay cash on delivery and there was no extra delivery fee. But they extended the delivery time from five to eight days, so it took a bit long to arrive," said the 31-year-old nanny, working in Bengaluru. A resident of Howrah, West Bengal, Mainak Nandy recently paid 900 for a watch on the e-commerce platform. On opening the package, there was no watch, but a piece of torn cloth. When he contacted customer care, he was asked to mail a photo and video of the product. Meesho refunded the amount in 24 hours. In my experience, the app and customer care are good, but some of the sellers are not," Nandy said. When you talk to shoppers, Meeshos playbook appears similar to that of any other e-tailing companycustomer delight. The company doesnt always tick all the boxes, like Kavitha and Nandy found out. But for shoppers on a budget, the companys model mostly works. Nevertheless, there are subtle differences in Meeshos model when compared to other marketplaces. Meesho does not charge sellers a commission on the sale of merchandiseit charges them an advertising fee for better visibility on the app. Meesho also earns by providing various value-added services to sellers, including recommendations and insights to grow their business. The company is asset and people lite; it works only with third-party logistics providers for delivery. And right now, it wants to stick to low average order value products while betting on volumes. Operating at this kind of scale while maintaining your costs is always tricky," founder Sanjeev Barnwal said. How do we build for users who are not very tech-savvy? We are constantly figuring out what our customers want. We may sell affordable brands, but will we sell Nike on Meesho? Not right now," he added. The tricky proposition Barnwal refers to also has analysts worried. How will the company maintain its scale when it is forced to reduce its cash burn because of the funding winter? It will be interesting to see how Meesho creates customer stickiness while keeping costs low. Customers who came on Meesho as new online shoppers (over the last few years) now know how e-commerce works. They could move on, explore other brands and platforms," said Satish Meena, an independent consultant. The costs job So, how is Meesho doing on costs? Over the last eight to 10 months, Meesho has reduced the monthly burn rate drasticallyfrom about $40 million a month at the beginning of 2022 to about $4-5 million now. The company has slowed down hiring; cut customer acquisition costs by 50%, and server costsa big part of its expensesby 40%. We changed our focus from growth at all costs in 2021 to growth with profitability in mind. In 2023, we wont spend a lot of money to acquire customers," Barnwal said. The companys marketing expenses had risen 500% to 2,579 crore in 2021-22. Meesho is also scaling down difficult to execute business lines. For instance, in 2021, it launched a grocery service, Farmiso. Quickly, the company expanded the service to six states. By April 2022, Meesho rebranded the service to Superstore while aiming to expand to 12 states. But then, the funding climate forced it to scale down, to just two cities. Around 150 people were asked to go. Grocery is a strong growth lever but it is also tough to crack, conceded Barnwal. Yet another area where the company is looking to rationalize costs is logistics. As order volumes rose, its logistics and fulfilment costs zoomed to 2,830 crore in 2021-22, from 632 crore in the previous year. The company claims good work on this front. A year ago, logistics cost formed 25-30% of its average order value. This has halved, and the company now aims to bring it down further. We work closely with each 3PL (third-party logistics) partner on the costs; how it can be reduced. Eventually, everything gets built into pricing," said Sourabh Pandey, chief fulfilment and experience officer, Meesho. And every bit of cost-cutting counts. Customers, for instance, get discounts if they walk 200 metres to pick their orders; sellers save money on merchandise drop-offs at the first-mile hub; they also save when they move to trains from a road network. According to a report by JLL, a consultancy, the average speed of trucks on Indian roads is 30 kmph, or about half the average in the US. Globally, moving goods via trains is up to 50% cheaper than by road, the report stated. Meesho, which charges zero commission from sellers, also compensates them for products customers return. But this led to rampant misuse by sellers. Given that returns are very high in a category like fashion, the company recently tweaked its product returns policy, making the processes more stringent. Meesho has asked sellers to choose their courier partner for order returns. It has employed video verification of product packaging, and new barcodes to implement rigorous checks on every return. The change in policy, however, has led to protests by a section of its sellers on multiple WhatsApp groups, over compensation claims not being met when products are damaged during returns. Once sellers choose a courier partner, issues over returns or claims have to be resolved between sellers and the 3PL operators. Sellers believe Meesho has forsaken responsibility on this front. Customers are easily getting their refund on an incorrect order package, but sellers are finding it tough to claim compensation for damaged products. Claim acceptance and management now lie with logistics companies, not Meesho anymore," complained a seller, who didnt wish to be named. The test The billion-dollar question is if these measures would be enough. And what happens if Meesho is unable to hit profitability by mid-2023? The management, thus far, has put up a brave front. We are the closest to profitability compared to any other horizontal e-commerce company (that sells products from a large number of categories)," said Dhiresh Bansal, Meeshos chief financial officer. We are contribution margin positive," he added. Contribution margin positive implies a positive margin on each transaction. But, Meeshos count of challenges does seem daunting. They include acquiring and retaining price-conscious users that need constant burning of cash, inconsistent product quality and reports of delayed deliveries as well as counterfeit products, Ingovern Research Services recently said in a report. Electronics and fashion are the biggest e-commerce categories and Meesho has gained market share in fashion and home decor. But fashion is a difficult category, where (product) returns are very high and its tough to make money. They have to keep spending significant money to gain share," said Satish Meena. Meesho also doesnt have private labels, where retailers have high margins and control pricing," he added. The rivalry with Flipkart and Amazon, meanwhile, will only get fierce. As a response to Meesho, Flipkart launched the Shopsy app in July 2021 to increase e-commerce penetration in small town India. Scroll the app, and a few words stand out: Lowest prices; budget trendsetters; affordable bargain store. Shopsy hit 100 million users in August 2022, ahead of Flipkarts 2023-end target. Then, Amazon, last year, acquired social commerce startup Glowroad. Analysts are also worried that lower spend on customer acquisition could result in lower sales volumes for Meesho. Sellers, then, will spend less on ads, slowing down the companys main revenue engine. If Meesho can sustain the reduced burn and still grow, it means the business has come of age. That will be tested this year," said a second person familiar with the companys plans. Clearly, its a tricky puzzle to solve. Finnish 5G equipment maker Nokia Oyj has redesigned its logo to stop people from associating it with mobile phones a business it left almost a decade ago. The brand revamp, announced on Sunday, comes alongside a set of new strategic pillars intended to enable faster growth as the world increasingly adopts fifth-generation mobile technologies. In most peoples minds, we are still a successful mobile phone brand, but this is not what Nokia is about," Chief Executive Office Pekka Lundmark said in an interview ahead of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Sunday. We want to launch a new brand that is focusing very much on the networks and industrial digitalization, which is a completely different thing from the legacy mobile phones." Nokia-branded phones are still sold by HMD Global Oy. HMD got the license after Microsoft Corp., which bought the business in 2014, stopped using the name. Lundmark also said that Nokia will focus on adding market share in the companys business serving wireless service providers with network equipment. Nokia now has the ammunition and the tools" to take market share without sacrificing margins, he said. Thats been helped by restrictions on Chinese rival, Huawei Technologies Co., after a number of European governments blocked the company from selling parts for 5G networks. Nokia also wants to ramp up growth in its business selling private 5G networks to companies. The enterprise business reached an 8% share of Nokias top line last year, and the next target is to push the business to double-digit" territory, mainly through organic growth and smaller acquisitions, the CEO said. Still, Nokia ruled out taking the road of its main competitor Ericsson AB, whose $6.2 billion acquisition of Vonage Holdings Corp. was sparked by a similar aim to grow on the enterprise side. Nokia recently regained an investment-grade BBB- rating from S&P Global Ratings, ending its more than decade-long slog in junk territory. Still, Lundmark sees more work to do, particularly on the companys operating margins. We are not happy yet with where we are," he said. Twitter undertook yet another round of job cuts this week with around 50 people being laid off on Saturday. With this, the company's staff has shrunk by at least 70% since Elon Musk's takeover. In November last year the social media giant had laid off half its workforce as four advertisers pulled spending. According to a report by The Information, the job cuts impacted multiple engineering teams - including those supporting advertising technology, the main Twitter app as well as technical infrastructure to keep Twitter's systems up and running. While exact numbers are not available, reports suggest that Twitter now has a mere 2,000 employees. Since Musk's takeover in October last year, the company has implemented a slew of cost-cutting measures as it looks to offset a plunge in revenue. Around 3,700 employees were laid off in early November, with hundreds of others subsequently resigning. Despite assurances that there would be no further layoffs, the company had ordered at least a dozen more job cuts in Dublin and Singapore offices last month. Within India, Twitter has now closed two of its three offices and fired more than 90% of just over 200 of its staff members. Also read: Banks struggle with fake customer care on Twitter Musk had noted last year that the service was experiencing a "massive drop in revenue" as advertisers pulled spending amid concerns about content moderation. Following the layoffs, dozens of former Twitter employees had accused the company of various legal violations stemming from Musk's takeover. The allegations included targeting women for layoffs and failing to pay promised severance. Twitter is also facing at least three complaints filed with a US labor board claiming workers were fired for criticizing the company, attempting to organize a strike, and other conduct protected by federal labor law. (With inputs from agencies) NEW DELHI : Consumer-tech major Apple will continue to focus on the consumers personal health and fitness features on Apple Watch and iPhone, instead of tapping into governments health information infrastructure, and medical records, worldwide. In an interview, Sumbul Desai, vice president, Health, Apple said it is not looking to transform medical records but yearns to help consumers gain more insights into their own health. It is also looking to work with researchers and startups in India to further its health efforts . Edited excerpts: Whats the feedback from the medical community on bridging the gap between consumer-tech and health-tech? We want to provide actionable insights that are grounded in science. So we spend a lot of time on accuracy, measuring against gold standards, and then actually publishing it. So, when we think about all of our features we develop, our goal is really to publish the data and the accuracy of our features, so that the physician community understands it. We really want to speak their language. I think that has been received much better by the medical community because they understand the language that they speak, as we try to explain what the science is behind the features we present. Doctors are not clear how these gadgets work. So how do you address it? Do you see it as a problem? Were spending more time trying to communicate with the medical community. Our work on health was very early and in the US weve spent a lot of time communicating with the medical community. That is the reason for a lot of studies with the medical community. So, its their own people talking to them. We make presentations at the American Heart Association and the American Cardiology Association, etc. The idea is how to do it more globally. Interestingly, were a very small team, and were trying to communicate with physicians more, so that they can understand the value. But we are still in the early stages and have much more work to do. Is Apple looking to tap government systems for health data? The honest answer is were really focused on consumers in the healthcare side. Right now, we are trying to find out how to use our technology to gain insights that arent traditionally available. Our goal is to have individuals understand their own health data so that were in the drivers seat of our own health. Were less trying to say that we want to transform the medical records. Now, we do things in the medical record in the US, the UK and Canada, and you can get your medical record on our phones. But we are still early in our journey to get the user to engage with their health. How do you deal with privacy considering the dynamic nature of regulations globally? It is not as if one-size fits all, isnt it? We already deal with that, because a lot of our features, like the irregular heart rhythm notification, are software-as-a-medical-device, and have to run through regulatory bodies of a number of countries. We already have the ability to turn on features based on the regulatory needs of each country. We work with regulatory bodies for approvals and enable the features as they get approved. So we have built into how we roll out our features and have the ability to make adjustments on a country-by-country basis. Do you work with health researchers or bodies in India along the lines of your global initiatives? As part of our Investigator Support Program we will provide watches to researchers across the world, and India is one of them. We have a team who connect with local researchers, physicians and medical bodies here in India as well as other countries. Any plan to localize features for India? We do a bit of that through our globalization and localization workmight have certain languages or colour schemes that we use only in India that you wouldnt see in the US. So we do try to do that for our features to be inclusive. Are you looking to work with any health-tech startups or developers in India? Were very excited with our developer ecosystem. Theres a lot of amazing work happening here, and a lot of amazing work by female developers, so were very excited to continue to have those discussions and interact with them. Did you know that more than 5,000 crore is lying with the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) in the form of unclaimed dividends on shares and interest on bonds and debentures, besides 1.16 billion unclaimed shares. These could have been left behind by your parents and grandparents. There are many investors who have invested in shares/bonds/debentures of different companies but not claimed them. This could be due to multiple reasonsmisplaced or damaged physical share certificates, a change in address, death of the primary holder with no information to inheritors, non-updation of bank details, etc. Such amountsdividends, application money, matured deposits/ debentures that are unclaimed by investors for seven years are transferred to the IEPF. Thus, investors need to approach the IEPF Authority (IEPFA) to claim their rightfully owned money/shares. Government of India'established the IEPFA in 2016 to facilitate refund of shares; unclaimed dividends, matured deposits/debentures; share application money to investors. However, the refund rate is abysmally low at 1.8% or only 21.8 million shares. Lack of awareness of shareholders is the main reason for the low refund rate. Investors can claim such securities/refunds of amounts from IEPF by submitting an application on the IEPF website ( Such an application can be made by an investor or legal heir in case the investor has died. The application filed by the claimant is transferred to the nodal officer of the company which furnishes a verification report of the claimant to the IEPFA. Thereafter, the claims are processed by the IEPFA for refund. However, the major challenge in the reclaim process lies in establishing the rightful owner. The problem of unclaimed shares has piled up primarily due to ownership of physical shares. As per the IEPFA, in more than 50% of cases, the claimant has lost the original share certificate/dividend warrants/bond/ debenture certificate, etc., or there is change in name . Thus, there is an issue of establishment of entitlement as these claims pertain to securities issued prior to the demat era and are not KYC (know your customer) compliant. Several investors still hold physical share certificates. Investors should realise that it is important to get their shares dematerialized, else, they could meet the fate similar to those investors whose unclaimed securities are lying with the IEPF. In fact, it could be worse! This is because, in November 2021, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has mandated KYC for all investors and submission of these details to the Company or Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA). If such details are not made available by 1 April, then the RTA will freeze the folios. After 31 December 2025, these frozen folios will be referred by the RTA /listed company to the administering authority under the Benami Transactions (Prohibitions) Act, 1988 and/or Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. Further, these frozen folios (without PAN, KYC and nomination) shall not be eligible for any payment including dividend, interest or redemption payment. Thus, the investors can overcome these issues by ensuring that they have dematerialized holdings, an updated KYC, and a nominee. This would help the investors ensure that their securities, its dividends, etc., are held by the right owner and do not fall in the wrong hands even after their death. At the same time, simplification of the cumbersome transfer/transmission process at IEPFAs end is the need of the hour. Perhaps the IEPFA can borrow some best practices from Sebi which has laid down different kinds of documentation for transmission of securities which are above/below a stipulated amount. Even the recent budget announcement to enable easier reclaim of unclaimed shares and dividends is laudable. Rasmeet Kohli is working with National Institute of Securities Markets. The views expressed here are personal. The countrys largest fund houseSBI Mutual Fund (SBI MF)has just launched a dividend yield fund. While this is not a new fund category, very few fund houses have dividend yield funds as part of their product basket. Rohit Shimpi, who will be the fund manager for SBI Dividend Yield Fund, says this is a much larger fund category globally, particularly in markets like the US and Europe. For example, the Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF that trades on US exchanges has assets under management (AUM) of $50 billion, or 4 trillion at current exchange rates. The SPDR S&P Euro Dividend Aristocrats UCITS ETF, which is listed on the German exchange, has AUM of 1,038 million, or 9,102 crore. View Full Image Graphic: Mint At present, there are eight dividend yield funds in India with combined AUM of 10,414 crore. How these funds work A portfolio of a dividend yield fund comprises of stocks that have a consistent track record of dividend payouts to their shareholders. The dividend yield of a company is the dividend paid by the firm as a percentage of its stock price. For example, if a company has paid a dividend of 30 in a financial year (interim dividend of 5 and final dividend of 25) and the companys stock price is 600, then its dividend yield is 5%. Both Nifty 50 and Nifty 500 had a dividend yield of 1.4% as of 31 January, while that of Nifty Dividend Opportunities 50 Index was 3.6%. Fund managers also look for the earnings growth potential of a stock, but consistency of dividend payouts usually takes precedence. Dividend yield funds invest in mature businesses that have the ability to generate free cash flows consistently. Free cash flow is an important parameter for dividend yield funds, as companies can distribute dividends from the cash available on their balance-sheets. Free cash flow is defined as the cash that remains with a company after meeting its financial obligations operational and capital expenditure in a financial year. Businesses with high free cash flows tend to also be cash-rich. The top sectors that these funds have in their portfolios are Information Technology (IT), banks, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and power utilities (see table). Several companies in these sectors run mature businesses with cash-rich balance-sheets, which is why these sectors have sizeable exposures in these funds. Apart from a large cap tilt, these funds also take some exposure to mid and small cap stocks, offering higher growth potential. For example, Aditya Birla Sun Life Dividend Yield Fund has 17.7% exposure to mid cap stocks and 25.2% to small cap stocks. UTI Dividend Yield Fund has 14.9% exposure to mid cap stocks and 15.4% to small cap stocks. Among the existing dividend yield funds, Franklin Indias Templeton India Equity Income Fund is unique as it has some exposure to stocks listed on foreign exchanges too. Past performance Dividend yield funds have outperformed flexi cap funds in terms of recent performance. In a three-year period, dividend yield funds have delivered category average returns of 18.8% compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) versus 14% CAGR returns delivered by flexi cap funds. But this can be attributed to market favouring value stocks over growth stocks, which has indirectly helped dividend yield stocks. These stocks typically trade at lower price-to-earnings (P/E) multiples compared to growth stocks, which tend to trade at relatively high valuation multiples. In the recent period, value stocks have outperformed growth stocks. Value stocks had massively underperformed in the previous decade. Hence, some rebound in these stocks was anticipated," says Amar Ranu, head of investment products and advisory, Anand Rathi Shares and Stock Brokers. Anish Teli, managing director at QED Capital Advisors, says equity market has in the last couple of years largely remained flat and has been volatile too. On the contrary, due to the inherent nature of dividend yield stocks, the category has done well as these stocks are less prone to volatility and uncertainty in the market. Due to this, dividend yield funds have done well relative to flexi cap funds," he says. During volatile periods, dividend-yielding stocks may fall less. For example, when Nifty 50 Index corrected by 38% during the post-covid correction in 2020 (between 14 Jan 2020 and 23 March 2020), the Nifty Dividend Opportunities 50 Index fell by 33%. During market rallies though, these stocks may underperform as the preference is for high-growth companies over value stocks during such periods. For example, between 23 March 2020 and 18 October 2021, when Nifty 50 Index rallied 142%, Nifty Dividend Opportunities 50 Index was up 128%. An analysis of five-year CAGR returns rolled from 21 February 2018 shows that dividend yield funds have underperformed flexi cap funds with average CAGR returns of 10.7% against 12.1% CAGR returns delivered by flexi cap funds. Dividend yield vs value While similar to value stocks in many ways, the stock and sector selection differs in the focus on free cash flows. While there are similarities, there are differences too. For example, sectors such as FMCG are unlikely to have an overweight in value category, as these companies tend to trade at relatively high P/E multiples," Shimpi says. The focus in a dividend yield strategy is to look for companies offering free cash flows. In the value category, the strategy might be to look for companies where free cash flow may not be great at the moment, but there is inherent value. These funds may get into sectors such as construction, real estate, etc.," he adds. From volatility perspective, dividend yield strategy is likely to be less volatile than value strategy. For example, Nifty Dividend Opportunities 50 Index had standard deviation of 15.8 in 1-year period against standard deviation of 16.6 of Nifty 50 Value 20 Index. Over 5-year period, Nifty Dividend Opportunities 50 Index had standard deviation of 17.2, against standard deviation of 17.9 of Nifty 50 Value 30 Index. In dividend yield funds, fund managers also look for stocks where dividends can grow over time. Should you invest? While the focus is on dividend yield, these funds can also take advantage of the stocks growth potential. As these strategies tend to limit downside during market correction, they can make for a less volatile alternative for an investor. At the same time, dividend yield funds tend to participate less in market upsides compared to diversified equity funds over the long term. There can be periods of outperformance when market preference shifts towards value stocks, as seen in recent periods. When it comes to investing in equity markets, a long-term investment horizon can reduce the impact of market volatility. An equity investor with a long-term investment horizon, can look for options in a diversified fund category like flexi caps. Flexi cap funds are not constrained by any strategydividend yield, value or growth, or even any market cap limits. Fund managers can include any stock or sector in their portfolio that can help the fund deliver healthy returns. There are flexi cap funds out there that have demonstrated ability to manage volatility during market corrections. However, dividend yield funds may do well in the near term. Considering the recent bouts of turbulence in markets in the last few months, with limited probability of any surprises on the upside, one can expect the near- term to remain choppy for broader markets. Dividend yield funds can be expected to hold up well during the period," points out Alekh Yadav, head of investment products, Sanctum Wealth. Such funds can be part of an investors satellite allocation or tactical allocation, but diversified equity funds should still be a part of an investors core portfolio. The CBI has prepared an exhaustive set of questions for Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia who is likely to appear for questioning before investigators in connection with the Excise policy case probe on Sunday amid apprehensions of his arrest. Sisodia, who also holds the Finance portfolio in the Delhi Cabinet, was originally summoned last Sunday but he sought deferment of his questioning citing the ongoing Budget exercise, following which, the CBI had asked him to appear on February 26. Here are 10 points you need to know Manish Sisodia was called for questioning many times in regards to Delhi's liquor excise policy case. Last he was called on 19 February. Prior to that, the Aam Admi Party leader was examined for a day on October 17 last year, nearly a month before the central probe agency had filed its charge sheet against seven people, including middlemen and liquor traders, in which Sisodia was not listed as accused, but the agency had kept the probe into his alleged role open. Sisodia has expressed apprehensions that agencies might arrest him. "They are using the CBI to take revenge and I am sure they will do that by getting me arrested," he charged. Earlier, AAP had stated that Sisodia will fully cooperate with the CBI regarding the excise policy case and maintain that the party is "hardcore honest." AAP legislator Atishi stated that nearly 150-200 cases have been filed against AAP leaders in the past decade, but the Center has failed to prove corruption against any of them. "Tomorrow, Manish Sisodia will go for the CBI inquiry and will fully cooperate with them. In the last eight to 10 years, almost 150-200 cases have been filed against AAP leaders. But they (Centre) have not been able to prove corruption of even a single penny against our leaders. This is because the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is a hardcore honest party," AAP legislator Atishi told reporters on Saturday. Meanwhile, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had earlier claimed that his sources had confirmed that Sisodia would be arrested by CBI on Sunday. Nearly three months after filing its charge sheet, the CBI will question Sisodia on various aspects of the Excise policy, his alleged links with liquor traders, and politicians and claims made by witnesses in their statements. Armed with confessional statements of Sisodia's "close associate" Dinesh Arora, and information gleaned from questioning of alleged members of 'South Lobby', a coterie of politicians and liquor businessmen who allegedly swung the policy in their favour, the CBI has prepared an elaborate questionnaire for him, the officials said. It is alleged the Delhi government's policy to grant licences to liquor traders favoured certain dealers who had allegedly paid bribes for it, a charge strongly refuted by the AAP. "It was further alleged that irregularities were committed including modifications in Excise Policy, extending undue favours to the licensees, waiver/reduction in licence fee, the extension of L-1 license without approval etc. "It was also alleged that illegal gains on the count of these acts were diverted to concerned public servants by private parties by making false entries in their books of accounts," a CBI spokesperson had said. Recently, the CBI arrested Butchibabu Gorantla, a former Chartered Accountant of K Kavitha, a BRS MLC in Telangana and a daughter of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao. It is alleged that Babu had met several accused named in the FIR in Delhi, Hyderabad, and Mumbai and was one of the prime negotiators from the South Lobby, which wanted to swing the now-scrapped excise policy for 2021-22 in its favour. The CBI had also questioned Kavitha in connection with the case in December last year. During its probe, the CBI had found evidence that Babu acted on behalf of the South Lobby comprising the Telangana MLC, Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party MP Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy, and Aurobindo Pharma's P Sarat Chandra Reddy. (With inputs from agencies) MBABANE The Peoples United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO) hosted a successful 10th General Congress where Mlungisi Makhanya retained his position as President. The proscribed political party held its Congress at Driekopis in Mpumalanga, South Africa on Friday. The Congress will be concluded today where the new president will be addressing the over 300 delegates. Makhanya was contending for the position against one of PUDEMOs founding members and veteran of the movement, Mandla Hlatshwayo.The Independent Elections Commission (IEC) led by Chief Electoral Officer Muzi Masuku led the election process which began over four months ago at the organisations branches. Masuku led what was hailed as a free and fair election process by delegates. Before announcing the results, Masuku urged the delegates to support the leadership they elected and not to leave them to fend on their own. He said every leader was supposed to lead people. Decision The beauty about this election is that the branches are the ones making decisions on who should lead the organisation and the delegates here are only asserting a decision taken by the branches. My duty ends after I hand over the microphone to the next president and I am hoping I will not just hand over a microphone, but the entire membership of this massive organisation, said Masuku. Makhanya thanked the IEC for conducting a free and fair election and specifically thank electoral officers for dedicating time to the work. He said the elections were a sneak preview to a democratic process that the organisation envisaged for the country. Makhanya thanked all the nominees who participated in the elections. He said it was necessary for democracy to prevail in the process. I want to thank all those who participated, especially our stalwart Mandla Hlatshwayo who launched such a robust campaign for the leadership of PUDEMO. The IEC dedicated its time to come and assist us in the process without any further expectation. We have set the bar and I want to inform you today that any party that shies away from an internal democratic electoral process will never make it in national elections, said Makhanya. He will be deputised by former Secretary General Wandile Dludlu, while former National Organising Secretary Penuel Malinga will take Dludlus former position. Velaphi Mamba was elected Treasurer General and will be deputised by Vamile Matsebula, while Maxwell Dlamini and Siboniso Mkhabela were elected first and second Deputy Secretary General respectively. Additional member elections were deferred to this morning. As the Delta wave of the COVID-19 wrought havoc in the national capital, the Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi government had passed a new excise policy. The initiative was short lived, lasting approximately a year and being bombarded by allegations of bribery and fraud. According to an Enforcement Directorate chargesheet, the Delhi Excise Policy (2021-22) was created by the top leaders of the Aam Aadmi Party to continuously generate and channel illegal funds to themselves. In July 2022 Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena recommended a CBI probe into the alleged flouting of rules and procedural flaws when it came to the implementation of the policy. Following this, the ED and CBI had registered cases alleging that irregularities were committed while modifying the Excise Policy. The charges include granting undue favours to license holders, waiver or reduction of license fee and extension of L-1 license without the competent authority's approval. The probe agencies alleged that beneficiaries diverted "illegal" gains to the accused officials and made false entries in their books of account to evade detection. The AAP however insists that the new policy was formulated to ensure the generation of optimum revenue, eradicate the sale of spurious liquor or non-duty paid liquor in Delhi, and improve overall user experience. Also read: CBI arrests Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia - What are the charges against him? Following the case, raids were conducted at 21 places in Delhi and the National Capital Region including the residence of Manish Sisodia and the premises of four public servants. The probe into Delhi's Deputy CM began after a report forwarded by the Chief Secretary to the L-G recommended a CBI investigation. The CBI inquiry was recommended on the findings of the Delhi chief secretary's report filed in July showing prima facie violations of the GNCTD Act 1991, Transaction of Business Rules (ToBR)-1993, Delhi Excise Act-2009, and Delhi Excise Rules-2010. According to a report by the Delhi chief secretary, Sisodia undertook major decisions and actions that were 'in violation of the statutory provisions and the notified excise policy that had huge financial implications'. Following this report, a CBI probe was recommended. (With inputs from agencies) Weeks after the culmination of the Congress' Bharat Jodo Yatra, the party has announced plans for a fresh march - this time from east to west. The development came even as the party concluded a three day plenary in Chhattisgarh's Raipur. The Pasighat-to-Porbandar yatra is likely to start later this year. According to reports the march could start from Pasighat in Arunachal Pradesh and culminate in Gujarat's Porbandar ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Party spokesperson Jairam Ramesh however said that the format could be somewhat different from the Bharat Jodo Yatra. Party leaders indicate that a final decision would be taken in the coming weeks. According to Ramesh the yatra could be undertaken either before June or before November and would be of a shorter duration than its predecessor. There are elections in s in Karnataka in April, rains from June and again state polls in November. Also read: 'My innings could conclude with....', Sonia Gandhi hints at political retirement "There is a lot of enthusiasm and energy. I also think personally it is needed but the format of the east-to-west yatra may turn out to be different from the format of the south-to-north Bharat Jodo Yatra," Ramesh told news agency PTI. The proposed journey may not have the same elaborate infrastructure that was mobilised for the Bharat Jodo Yatra, with less yatris participating. Ramesh said that this would be a multi-modal yatra owing to the abundance of jungles and rivers on this route. "Mostly it would be a padayatra," he added. Addressing the Congress plenary session, Gandhi had said today that the party should formulate a new plan to carry forward the "tapasya" undertaken through the Bharat Jodo Yatra. He had also said that and that he along with the entire country would participate in it. (With inputs from agencies) In connection with the the Delhi Excise policy scam case, the Central Bureau of Investigation arrested Union Territory's Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on 26 February. The following action was took place after nearly eight hours of questioning Sisodia in connection with the alleged corruption in the formulation and implementation of the now-scrapped liquor policy for 2021-22. The CBI claims, Sisodia's answers were not found satisfactory. Meanwhile, Aam Aadmi Party took to microblogging site Twitter to post that it was a Black day for democracy!. ALSO READ: CBI arrests Deputy CM Manish Sisodia - What is the Delhi excise policy scam? CBI chargesheet: On 25 November, 2022, the CBI first charge sheet against seven accused which included two arrested businessmen in the case. It also named the head of a news channel, a Hyderabad-based liquor businessman, a Delhi-based liquor distributor and two officials of the excise department. Among others, CBI named then excise commissioner Arava Gopi Krishna, assistant excise commissioner Pankaj Bhatnagar, then deputy excise commissioner Anand Kumar Tiwari, nine businessmen and two companies as accused. ALSO READ: CBI arrests Deputy CM Manish Sisodia - What is the Delhi excise policy scam? Also, as per CBI, Amit Arora, Director of Buddy Retail Pvt Limited in Gurgaon, Dinesh Arora and Arjun Pandey are 'close associates' of Sisodia and were involved in managing and diverting the undue pecuniary advantage collected from liquor licensees, reported news agency PTI. Charges put: IPC section 120-B (criminal conspiracy) and provisions of bribery under the Prevention of Corruption Act. ED action: Earlier on 25 February, the Enforcement Directorate attached properties worth 76.54 crore of various accused -- including of arrested Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) communications in-charge Vijay Nair, liquor businessman Sameer Mahandru, his wife and company Indospirit Group, businessman Dinesh Arora, Arun Pillai, Amit Arora, director of liquor company Buddy Retail Pvt Limited, and others. In its statement, the ED has issued a provisional attachment order, under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), for freezing the properties. Accused arrested by ED: Vijay Nair, Sameer Mahandru, Amit Arora, Benoy Babu, general manager of leading French wine company Pernod Ricard, P Sarath Chandra Reddy, whole-time director and promoter of Aurobindo Pharma and Hyderabad-based businessman Abhishek Boinpally. With agency inputs. Under Indias G20 presidency, former US treasury secretary Larry Summers and Indian bureaucrat N.K. Singh have been tapped to head an expert panel asked to recommend how multilateral development banks could be reformed. The most prominent of these lenders is the World Bank, which is slated for a change in leadership. Appointed by the US, India-born Ajay Banga will take charge as its president from David Malpass, whose tenure was left untenable by his apparent lack of conviction in the reality of climate change. As the Bank must focus on poverty reduction in the context of carbon neutrality, green funding calls for climate sensitivity. While its basic approach is no longer in a Washington Consensus straitjacket of free-market ideology, valid questions have been raised over whether its advice and fund deployments are meeting goals. Ecological sustainability, some fear, might overshadow other aims now because of the circumstances of Malpasss departure. To the extent trade-offs arise, we should expect judicious calls to be taken. As for lifting people out of acute deprivation, a top priority, wider diversity in the tools considered up to the task would help. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), the country's largest information technology services, feels generative artificial intelligence platforms like Microsoft-backed OpenAI's ChatGPT will create an "AI co-worker" and not replace jobs. Emergence of such tools like ChatGPT will help to improve productivity, consistency of the work which gets delivered and reduce the need for governance, up the pace of delivery and reduce the need for peripheral functions, but not change the business models for firms, said Milind Lakkad, the chief human resources officer (CHRO) of TCS. "It's (generative AI) a good thing to happen for the future, but I think it will be collaboration rather than replacement," Lakkad said. " (generative AI) will be a co-worker. It will be a co-worker and that co-worker will take time for them to understand the context of the customer," Lakkad was quoted as saying by PTI. Explaining further, the TCS CHRO said the context for a piece of work to be implemented will be industry and customer-centric, which will continue to come from the human who is being assisted in tasks by such a co-worker. The emergency of platforms like ChatGPT has led to concerns on whether a trained human is needed at all to deliver the work which a technology firm offers to clients. Also, there are scenarios where an entire code is being generated through ChatGPT. One of the reasons for massive layoffs by big tech firms globally is being attributed to the emergence of such intuitive platforms. Job definitions will change Lakkad said, "It is not that jobs will get replaced, but the job definitions will change." He said the context in which a particular customer works is extremely important, and the need to differentiate its offerings from competition makes it essential for a customer to keep on evolving continuously. The amount of work to be done by a human being versus the generative AI platforms will vary as per industry as well, Lakkad told PTI. If anything, it will reduce the need for managerial talent but the demand for workers lower down the hierarchy will continue as they will get crucial skills on the context front, the TCS CHRO said. TCS is using such inputs in "some pockets" already, he said, adding that a lot of the work will happen in these areas going forward and the entire picture will get clear only in two years' time. There will be changes in training which will take place as a result, Lakkad said, adding that the company pays a lot of attention to this aspect and typically plans in advance for requirements of the future. TCS not considering layoffs TCS, which employs more than 6 lakh people, is not considering any layoffs as it believes in grooming talent for longer careers once it hires an employee. The company is also planning to hire startup employees who have lost their jobs. The comments have come amid IT firms laying off people due to a slew of reasons. In reply to a specific question on whether there will be layoffs or involuntary attrition, Lakkad said, We don't do that (layoffs), we believe in grooming talent in the company(there will be) no layoffs." TCS will also be announcing hikes which will be similar to earlier years. With agency inputs German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on the President of India Droupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan on Saturday. Welcoming Chancellor Scholz on his first visit to India as German Chancellor, the President said that India and Germany have a long-standing relationship, which is underpinned by our common values and shared goals. Our bilateral relationship encompasses a wide range of areas, reflecting the mutual trust that has been nurtured over decades," the Rashtrapati Bhavan said in a statement. President Murmu noted that Germany is Indias largest trade partner in Europe and also among the top investors in India. She said that Germany is also Indias second-largest development cooperation partner and has played an important role in Indias developmental journey. In recent years, Germany has emerged as a favoured destination for Indian students and researchers wishing to pursue higher education, especially in Science and Technology. She said that India and Germany also have strong cultural connections, with a long tradition of German Indologists working in India. The President said that India and Germany had shared aims in upholding democratic values, the rules-based international order, multilateralism, and the reform of multilateral institutions. As two vibrant, pluralistic democracies, India and Germany can play an essential role in addressing new and emerging global challenges. Scholz, who arrived in India early today, met Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House in New Delhi and discussed bolstering bilateral ties, building on the Green and Sustainable Development Partnership and economic ties forging closer ties in defence. Meghalaya is all set to decide its political fate in the Assembly polls that are to be held tomorrow i.e. on 26 February. Polling will be held at 3,419 polling stations across 59 Assembly constituencies in the state. The voting will begin at 7 am and continue till 4 pm. Polling for the Sohiong Assembly constituency was postponed following the demise of the state's former Home Minister and United Democratic Party (UDP) candidate from the seat HDR Lyngdoh. He died of cardiac arrest on 20 February. Meghalaya in numbers: Of the 60 Assembly constituencies in Meghalaya, 36 constituencies fall in Khasi, Jaintia Hills region while 24 are in Garo Hills region. There are over 21 lakh voters (21,75,236) in the state of which 10.99 lakh are women while 10.68 lakh are male. The state has highest number in women voters. This year, there are about 81,000 first-time voters in the state. As many as 369 candidates are in the fray of which 36 are women. There are a total 3,419 polling stations, 120 will be all women-managed polling stations, 60 are model polling stations and another 60 will be PWD polling stations. The current term of the 60-seat Meghalaya Legislative Assembly will conclude on March 15. The majority mark to form government in the state is 31. Security and Prohibition in Meghalaya: The Election Commission has deployed 119 companies of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) in Meghalaya. A total of 53 observers 20 general observers, 21 expenditure observers and 12 police observers - are on the job to ensure that the elections are free, fair and peaceful, the CEO said. As per Chief Electoral Officer of Meghalaya FR Kharkongor, 640 polling stations are identified as 'vulnerable' while 323 are 'critical' and 84 are identified as both. ECI has banned exit polls in Meghalaya from 7 am on Friday to 7 pm on February 27, the day of polling. The ECI also issued an advisory saying that mobile phones cannot be taken inside voting compartments of polling booths across the state. To ensure free and fair assembly elections in Meghalaya, ECI ordered sealing of the Indo-Bangladesh border in the state till 2 March. The poll panel has also ordered the sealing of the inter-state border with Assam till 2 March. Meghalaya shares a 443 km border with Bangladesh and 885 km with Assam. The district magistrate of East Khasi Hills district issued an order that movement of individuals will remain strictly prohibited within a one km radius of the India-Bangladesh border of East Khasi Hills district between February 24 and March 2. Previous poll result: In the 2018 Assembly polls, the ruling National People's Party (NPP) got 19 seats, Congress bagged 21 seats and the BJP managed to win two seats. The United Democratic Party (UDP) grabbed six seats. Though Congress emerged as the single largest party, the government was formed by the NPP-led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) with support from UDP, BJP and other regional parties. However, this time, the BJP and NPP have not stitched any prepoll alliance and are going solo. BJP and Congress have fielded candidates in all the seats. The Trinamool Congress (TMC), which became the main opposition party in Meghalaya in 2021 following the defection of 12 Congress MLAs, became a formidable force, especially after former chief minister Mukul Sangma joined its ranks. The TMC has fielded candidates in 58 seats. Key players in Meghalaya: Chief Minister Conrad Sangma is contesting from South Tura constituency. BJP fielded Bernard N Marak against the NPP chief. In Dadenggre, Congress candidate Chesterfield Sangma is contesting against NPP's James Sangma. Former CM Mukul Sangma is contesting from two seats Tikrikilla and Songsak on Trinamool's ticket. UDP leader Metbah Lyngdoh is contesting from Mairang. Further, NPP pitted Prestone Tynsong from Pynursla. UDP candidate Titosstar Well Chyne is contesting from Sohra. TMC fielded Charles Pyngrope from Nongthymmai. BJP fielded Sanbor Shullai in South Shillong and Ernest Mawrie in West Shillong. Mazel Ampareen Lyngdoh is NPP's candidate from East Shillong. In Pynthorumkhrah, BJP fielded Alexander Laloo Hek. UDP leader Lahkmen Rymbui is contesting from Amlarem. In Sutnga Saipung, Congress fielded Vincent H Pala. UDP candidate Kyrmen Shylla is contesting from Khliehriat. Key constituency in Meghalaya: South Tura Constituency: The first on the list is South Tura where the battle is between Chief Minister Conrad Sangma and BJP's Bernard N Marak. The Congress has fielded Brenzield Ch Marak in this seat. West Shillong: The BJP's state leader Ernest Mawrie, one of the party's most recognisable figures in the state, is running in West Shillong. Mohendro Rapsang is the candidate of the ruling NPP and is pitted against TMC's Iwan Maria. Sutnga Saipung: The seat becomes significant as the Congress' state chief Vincent Pala is contesting for the first time from the Sutnga Saipung constituency. Pala's performance in the elections could have a significant impact on the political landscape of Meghalaya. Currently serving as the Member of Parliament from Shillong, he will be competing against the incumbent Sutnga Saipung MLA Shitlang Pale of UDP and NPP candidate Santa Mary Shylla and BJP's Krison Langstang. Songsak and Tikrikilla constituency: These two constituencies have become prominent as the former chief minister and current Leader of the Opposition in Meghalaya, Mukul Sangma, is contesting these two seats on a TMC ticket. In the 2018 elections, Sangma won from both the Ampati and Songsak constituencies as a Congress candidate. However, he quit the Congress and joined the Trinamool Congress in 2021. In Songsak, Sangma will be facing competition from NPP's Nihim D Shira, INC's Champion R Sangma and BJP's Thomas N Marak. In Tikrikilla, he will be competing against NPP's MLA Jimmy D Sangma, Congress' Dr Kapin Ch Boro, BJP's Rahinath Barchung Rabha, and UDP's Julius T Sangma. Key issues in Meghalaya: The ruling NPP, which is seeking to return to power, might have to contend with the anti-incumbency factor this time. The lack of Infrastructure development in remote and hilly regions remains one of the core poll issues this time. Further, allegations of corruption are also haunting the NPP government. Another factor that might have a bearing on the outcome of this year's polls is illegal coal mining in Jaintia and Khasi Hills. When it comes to key poll issues, unemployment is a pet grouse and demand of the youth. All the parties promised jobs and the creation of election opportunities in their manifesto. NPP attacked the BJP with the long-pending issue of demanding an Inner Line Permit (ILP) for Meghalaya. What is an Inner Line Permit? It is an official travel document issued by a state government to allow inward travel of a national into a protected area for a limited time. Another important in the Meghalaya polls is the Christian and Non-Christian, especially in the Khasi Hills region. Meghalaya BJP chief Ernest Mawrie on Friday said if BJP comes to power in the poll-bound state, they would not impose any restrictions on the people consuming beef. Ernest Mawrie told ANI that Meghalaya is a Christian-majority state and if BJP comes to power, it would provide more security to the Christians. This year, from NPP to BJP and Congress to Trinamool, parties have showcased all might when it comes to campaigning right from poll promises or attacking contending forces with slogans. The BJP showed its strength, with PM Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, party president JP Nadda and Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma holding rallies. PM Modi also held a roadshow in Shillong on Friday. Rahul Gandhi, who was missing from the campaign scene in Tripura, held a rally in Shillong. Trinamool supremo Mamata Banerjee held public meetings in Meghalaya. TMC MP Mahua Moitra also canvassed for party candidates in the state. (With inputs from ANI) The Supreme Court of India (SC) on 27 February will hear the NEET PG 2023 examination postponement plea. In the last hearing, the Bench comprising Justices S Ravindra Bhat and Dipankar Datta stated that it is not passing any order either way and keeping the issue open till the next date of hearing. NEET PG 2023 examination are set to be held on 5 March. The admit card will be issued on 27 February while result will be declared on 31 March 2023. Why are medical aspirants demanding to postponing the exam?. Medical aspirants have been demanding that the National Eligibility Entrance Test, NEET PG 2023, be postponed by 2-3 months. The petition has been filed by the aspirants of NEET PG 2023 to postpone the examination that is scheduled to be conducted on March 5, 2023 and also to extend the internship cut off date. Some of the students who are doing their internship have demanded postponement of the examination saying they are finding it difficult to get time to prepare for the exam. Speaking of NEET PG eligibility, candidates who have an MBBS degree or provisional MBBS pass certificate and have completed one year of internship or are likely to complete the internship on or before 31 March 2023, may appear for examination. National Board of Examinations (NBE) conducts the NEET PG exam. Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhat who is representing NBE said that 2 lakh 9 thousand 29 candidates have applied for NEET PG Exams 2023 and and no alternative date for conducting the exam may be available in the near future if it is postponed. The petitioners have sought postponement of the examination saying the counselling have to be conducted after August 11 since the cut-off date for internship has been extended to that date. The bench observed that, "For those who are waiting for this (examination), it is really a mental torture." "When we postpone a judicial exam, there is agony for the candidates who are preparing for it. The whole dynamics change." Aishwarya Bhati, appearing for the NBE said around 2.09 lakh candidates have registered for the exam, a technology partner has been roped in for conducting the test and all preparations have been made. "If the examination is postponed, no alternate test date may be available in the near future as the technology partner may not be available," she said, adding that the authorities are trying to follow the schedule affirmed by the apex court earlier. Senior advocate Gopal Sankaranarayanan, appearing for the petitioners said the gap between the examination, which is scheduled for 5 March, and the counselling would be of over five months. He added that students are undergoing internship for 12 hours a day and there was no adequate time for them to prepare for the examination. "When you go for the counselling, you need to carry the internship certificate. The date has been extended to August 11. The counselling can happen only after August 11," Sankaranarayanan told the bench. NEET PG is a national level entrance exam in India for admission to postgraduate medical courses such as MS, MD, and PG Diploma courses. The exam is conducted annually by the National Board of Examinations. Earlier, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya had also informed the Lok Sabha that the NEET PG 2023 exam will not be postponed. On 7 February, a group of doctors, including NEET-PG aspirants had held protest at the Jantar Mantar Road. The protest was carried out under the banner of a body of doctors - Federation of All India Medical Association (FAIMA), as reported by PYI. FAIMA founder Dr Manish Jangra told PTI that, "There will be a large gap between the counselling date and the examination date. This time could be utilised by students to study for the examination." "We also want to convey that this is the year where we are adjusting with the delays caused by the Covid pandemic in which healthcare sector has played a major role," FAIMA said in a statement. So, we request the government to postpone NEET-PG 2023 with immediate effect so as to allow maximum interns to take part in the examination," it added. (With inputs from agencies) The Congress party is stepping up its attack on the government over the Adani-Hindenburg issue. The party has instructed all its Pradesh Congress Committees (PCCs) to hold press conferences in all districts, followed by agitational activities at various levels. As per the party, 'Pardafash (expose) rallies' will be held at all district headquarters in March, and a massive 'Chalo Raj Bhavan' march will take place on March 13, the day Parliament reconvenes for the second part of the Budget Session. Additionally, mega rallies will also be organised in all the state capitals in April, and Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi, and other national-level leaders will address them. Congress general secretary in-charge organisation K C Venugopal stated that all state-level senior leaders, MPs, MLAs, MLCs, and other elected representatives, leaders of frontal organisations, departments and cells, and party workers have been asked to participate in all of these agitational programmes. Senior state leaders will address the press conferences, and block-level agitations will take place in front of offices of public banks and LIC from March 6 to 10. The Congress party has accused the BJP government of engaging in crony capitalism in favour of Adani, risking the savings of poor and middle-class people. "The recent Hindenburg report has exposed Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi and the BJP government's policy of crony capitalism in favour of Adani. At a time of deep economic distress, PM Modi has been selling the nation's critical infrastructure to the Adani Group, bending India's foreign policy and forcing public institutions like SBI and LIC to invest in the Adani Group," the Congress alleged. The recent revelations have shown that crores of rupees of poor and middle-class people's savings are at risk, it said. The Adani Group's stocks had taken a beating on the bourses after US-based short seller Hindenburg Research made a litany of allegations, including fraudulent transactions and share price manipulation, against it. The group has dismissed the charges as lies, saying it complies with all laws and disclosure requirements. The Congress and many other opposition parties have been demanding a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) probe into the allegations. (With inputs from agencies) Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has pledged to uphold law and order in the state, promising that nobody will be permitted to disrupt the peace. Mann emphasized that the state has previously suffered a great deal, and now, the people only desires peace and progress. Although some separatist factions are trying to impede the state's peace and prosperity, their intentions will not be allowed to prevail, the CM said. Mann's statements come in the aftermath of an incident where Amritpal Singh, a self-proclaimed Sikh preacher and Khalistani sympathizer, and his associates stormed a police station in Ajnala, brandishing swords and guns. Singh's supporters broke through barricades, demanding the release of an individual accused of kidnapping. Amritpal heads an organisation called 'Waris Punjab De." Mann condemned the attack, calling it an unpardonable offense that should be denounced by all. He further stated that the individuals who used the Guru Granth Sahib as a shield while carrying it to a police station in Ajnala cannot be considered as waris of Punjab. Bhagwant Mann said, "The Guru Granth Sahib is a source of inspiration for all of us and we must take inspiration from it rather than taking cover under it for protection from unlawful activities." The chief minister also mentions that the group funded from across the border are attempting to undermine Punjab's peace and progress. Such people are acting as puppets in the hands of Pakistan. But the Punjab Police personnel are capable of safeguarding the interests of the state and its people, Mann said. Mann stated that Punjab Police are capable of protecting the state's interests and citizens. Previously, political parties used divisive agendas to garner votes, but the entry of the AAP in politics forced traditional parties to reassess their strategies. He said that, earlier, parties used to seek votes on the "divisive agenda". However, a paradigm shift was witnessed in the political system with the entry of AAP, which forced the traditional parties to reset their agenda, Mann said. Mann praised the AAP for prioritizing healthcare, education, and employment, as well as fulfilling their significant campaign promises in just 11 months. (With inputs from agencies) MBABANE The use of private vehicles by security forces during the political unrest has come at a huge cost to government. Principal Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Thulani Mkhaliphi has revealed to the Auditor General (AG), Timothy Matsebula, that an amount of E8 342 237.64 was spent in respect of renting the vehicles for the countrys armed forces to intervene during the unrest. In late June and early July 2021, the Kingdom of Eswatini experienced unprecedented civil unrest, that resulted in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries. The unrest was marked by violence, looting, arson and large-scale destruction of public and private property. Overwhelmed The situation overwhelmed the police force, and the army had to come out of the barracks to assist, something that caused international uproar as the country was labeled a military State. A number of private vehicles were seen being driven around by members of the State security forces in the midst of the unrest. Social media captured a number of private registered companies that were used by members of the State security forces during this period. These vehicles, as has now been revealed, were rented under the Central Transport Administration (CTA). This is said to have seen the ministry overspending by as much as 642 per cent on this one budget item. The function of the CTA is to purchase, maintain and dispose of government vehicles and other related equipment, as well as to provide fuel for government vehicles. Hire It also provides vehicles on short- term hire to government ministries and departments. Matsebula, the AG, has questioned the value for money accrued from this expenditure, which he said was exorbitant. Also, he said the PS failed to provide justification for the exorbitant expenditure. This is information contained in the Financial Audit Report on the Consolidated Government Accounts of the Kingdom of Eswatini for the financial year ended March 31, 2022. The report was tabled in Parliament on Friday as part of the documents accompanying the Appropriation Bill of 2023, during the budget speech that was delivered by Minister of Finance Neal Rijkenberg. After being tabled, the AGs report will now be scrutinised by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) where all those implicated and seen as having a case to answer will be called to account for their actions. Exorbitant Matsebula said he warned the PS, who is the ministrys controlling officer, that they had incurred an exorbitant expenditure in respect of rentals, amounting to the E8.3 million under the CTA. He said this resulted in an unappropriated over-expenditure of E7 217 237.64 (642 per cent), since the appropriated budget was E1. 5 million and the released budget was E1 125 000, in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022. The AG said he advised the controlling officer that in all procurement activities, value for money and competitive prices should be opted in the use of public funds, and should ensure that wasteful and fruitless expenditure was avoided at all cost. In response, the controlling officer concurred with my audit observation and explained that the over expenditure was due to private car hire for armed forces for intervention during unrest. He further disclosed that CTA has started procuring vehicles for the forces with the vehicle replacement budget and that this will drastically reduce the need for private car hire, Matsebula states in his report. He said the response of the controlling officer was noted; however, evidence to this claim was not provided to him, to justify that the exorbitant expenditure for rentals was only due to private car hire for armed forces, and he did not give any value for money justification for the option to hire at such high cost. Concern The AG noted that this was the second time in as many financial years that he is raising the same concern of exorbitant expenditure in respect of vehicles rentals in the ministry, as during the financial year ended March 31, 2021 he uncovered that an amount of E18 919 074.10 had been spent for the same purpose instead of procuring new vehicles since there was an adequate budget. He said he advised that the ministry should cease incurring un-appropriated expenditure and should find the best balance between rentals spending with no properties ownership and buying to own the properties in line with the costs, benefits and risks, and consider value for money. Value for money is one of the key considerations of any decision involving the use of public funds across government, as it is supported by the Five Case Model of Decision Making. The Five Case Model is a decision making tool used by developed governments to make informed strategic, economic, commercial, financial and management decisions, Matsebula said. Value for money In terms of value for money, the AG said, he did not think that the costs of these rentals shall be sustainable and affordable in the foreseeable future, due to the declining trend in the governments revenue streams, and funding may not be available to sustain the rental option. The AG, in the previous audit, warned that the rental decision was a violation of Section 401 of the Financial and Accounting Instruction, which states that; Money must not be spent merely because it has been authorised by Parliament. Controlling officers should encourage economy by the careful distribution of funds. Matsebula said he was concerned about the fact that the ministry opted to spend E18 919 074.10 on cars rentals instead of procuring new vehicles with the value equivalent to the leasing price. Leasing He said he was not aware of any constraints by government to the ministry for procuring the cars other than leasing them, and the justifications on why the controlling officer opted to hire vehicles, as some of them incurred extra costs, damages costs and exceeded the authorised kilometres, which increased the prices even more and drained more of the public funds. Further, he said he was not aware of whether the option to buy new vehicles was weighed against the option to rent them. He said this would enable the ministry to identify the best balance of cost, benefits and risks, and consider value for money. While in the latest audit the companies from which the vehicles were rented have not been mentioned, the previous audit listed four car rental entities. These were; African Car Hire, Capital Car Hire, Continum Investments and Woodford Car Hire. Supporting Three of these companies (African Car Hire, Capital Car Hire, Continum Investments) were found to have rented out the vehicles without any supporting documents. It was also discovered that there were overpayments of invoices amounting to E66 891.45 made to Woodford Car Hire and Capital Car Hire. These were payments made without proper calculations of the attached invoices. The AG drew the attention of the controlling officer, that there were no supporting documents (payment vouchers) for the expenditure amounting to E10 276 594.58 to fully authenticate the payment made, thus limiting his audit scope. The non-provision of documentary evidence on the payments made to the car hire companies, the AG said, was a clear concealment of evidence that the expenditure may not have been utilised for the described purpose. He said this act by the ministry was a tactic, deliberately exercised to conceal any possibilities of embezzlement or misappropriation of public funds that he may discover on the supporting documentation. Implemented He further stated that he was deprived the right to have access to all information and documentation so that he could advise on improvements that should be implemented for the betterment of the operations. This occurrence, he added, was in contravention of Section 802 of the Financial and Accounting Instructions which states that all vouchers must contain full particulars in respect of the payment made to enable the voucher to be checked and paid without reference to any other document; and highlighted that supporting documents must be secured to the voucher. He said he advised the controlling officer to provide the Office of the Auditor General with the outstanding documents and always adhere to Section 802 of the Financial and Accounting Instructions. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is keeping a close eye on loans to the Adani group, with regulatory officials directing lenders to provide weekly updates on their financial exposure to the groups enterprises, a person aware of the development said. Last month, RBI asked banks to share data on exposure to the Adani group after US-based short seller Hindenburg Research alleged accounting fraud and stock manipulation at its companies. While the conglomerate has strongly denied the allegations, the group has shed more than $120 billion in market value since the allegations were made on 24 January. View Full Image Graphic: Mint Our senior supervisory manager has asked us to submit weekly updates on loans to Adani companies. This is over and above the monthly data on all large loans submitted to the Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (Crilc) database," the person cited above said, requesting anonymity. Depending on the size of the bank, deputy general managers or general managers at RBI act as senior supervisory managers for lenders. In April 2014, RBI set up the Crilc database to collect, store and disseminate data about large credit accounts to lenders. It hosts credit information of those with loans above 5 crore, as reported by lenders. The person said RBI officials are seeking the data because they want to monitor banks exposures continuously and do not want to be caught off-guard if there are any changes in repayment behaviour. RBI does not typically monitor specific accounts, making the decision unusual, the person noted, adding that all loans to the group are being repaid regularly. A second banker said the Crilc database does not have details on loans banks give to companies through lenders branches overseas. That, he said, is why RBI asks banks to send consolidated data on exposures to a specific company or a group whenever there are concerns about the impact of those loans on the health of the banking sector and financial stability. At present, banks submit only domestic exposures on the Crilc portal, and overseas exposures are not part of the reporting requirement on the database," said the second person cited above, a chief financial officer at a bank. On 3 February, RBI assuaged concerns about the impact of market volatility on shares of the Adani group on banks. RBI has a Crilc database system where the banks report their exposure of 5 crore and above, which is used for monitoring purposes," it said. Emails sent to spokespeople for RBI and State Bank of India (SBI), the largest domestic lender to the Adani group, remained unanswered till press time. A spokesperson for the Adani group said in an emailed response that it does not comment on speculation. According to a report by brokerage CLSA, the banking sector accounts for about 40% of Adani Groups total debt. Private banks hold less than 10% of the groups total debt, while government-controlled banks account for 30%. State Bank of India has the highest exposure, at 27,000 crore, followed by Punjab National Bank at 7,000 crore, Bank of Baroda at 5,380 crore, and Axis Bank at 7,164 crore, according to official disclosures and management statements. Analysts said that although the group is unlikely to face repayment challenges soon, maturity and refinance of loans taken overseas would need to be monitored closely. Mint reported on 15 February that the group has repayment obligations worth more than $2 billion coming up between January 2023 and March 2024, citing a note released by the group. Congress leader Shashi Tharoor called on his party to be clear in its ideological stance in favour of an inclusive India and to take a stronger stance on issues such as cow vigilantism and attacks on minority communities. He argued that failing to speak up in defence of India's diversity and pluralism would constitute a surrender of the party's core responsibility. Speaking at the party's 85th plenary session, Tharoor emphasised the need for the Congress to stand up for its foundational principles and not downplay certain positions for fear of alienating voters. "We could have been more vocal on the Bilkis Bano outrage, attacks on Christian churches, murder in the name of cow vigilantism, bulldozer demolition of Muslim homes and similar issues," he said. These are Indian citizens who look to the party for support, Tharoor added. The release of all 11 convicts who had been sentenced to life imprisonment for their involvement in the 2002 post-Godhra Bilkis Bano gang rape case caused outrage from various sections, including the Congress, when they were allowed to walk out of the Godhra sub-jail in August 2022 under the Gujarat government's remission policy. Also Read: Shashi Tharoor takes dig at Centre over Adani row Tharoor stressed the importance of strengthening the country's secular foundations, arguing that "India's future is bright as long as the Congress fights the good fight". He praised the party's recent Bharat Jodo Yatra, which he said had revived the confidence of Congress supporters. Tharoor also addressed the party's economic resolution, calling for a progressive economic agenda that addresses the challenge of unacceptable economic inequality. He emphasised the need to ensure that the fruits of economic growth reach the poor and marginalised. Also Read: Shashi Tharoor hits back after facing 'fierce' flak over his Musharraf remark On foreign affairs, Tharoor criticised the Modi government for undermining the tradition of national consensus on policy. He expressed concern about the deteriorating situation on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China and accused the government of failing to take the nation into confidence on vital foreign policy issues. Tharoor argued that foreign policy must return to being a consensual national endeavour with bipartisan support. In its resolution on foreign affairs, the Congress expressed concern about the situation on the LAC and accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government of failing to stand up for India's security and territorial sovereignty. The party called for all measures to be taken to defend India's territorial integrity and reaffirmed the guiding principles of the 2005 India-China agreement on the boundary issue. The Congress also called for a strong reaffirmation of India's commitment to peace through strength and negotiation. In its political resolution, the Congress accused the BJP government of neglecting India's vulnerability and increasing tension on the LAC. The party contrasted this with its own approach to the Indo-Tibetan Border Police, which it established in 1962 and gave a statutory basis in 1992. The Congress argued that its approach to the ITBP reflected its commitment to peace through both strength and negotiation. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay, who also goes by the name Sounak Mukherjee, has been producing digital news since 2012. He's worked for the International Business Times, The Inquisitr, and Moneycontrol in the past. He's also contributed to Free Press Journal and TheRichest with feature articles. He covers news for a wide range of subjects including business, finance, economy, politics and social media. Before working with digital news publications, he worked as a freelance content writer. Read more from this author On February 25, officials from the Delhi Police Special Cell arrested two individuals who were allegedly planning to travel to Pakistan for weapons training. The police statement revealed that Khalid Mubarak Khan (21), a resident of Thane West, Maharashtra, and Abdullah (26), a resident of Tamil Nadu, were the two individuals who were apprehended. According to the officials, the duo was planning to cross over to Pakistan for weapon training. The Delhi Police added that both individuals were receiving instructions from a handler based in Pakistan. Two highly radicalised persons, in touch with Pakistani handlers and planning to cross border for weapon training, namely Khalid Mubarak Khan & Abdullah arrested by Special Cell(NDR). 02 pistols along with cartridges, and a knife are recovered from them.@LtGovDelhi@Delhipolice Special Cell, Delhi Police (@CellDelhi) February 25, 2023 The Delhi Police Special Cell was working on information that some individuals were being radicalised by Pakistan-based handlers via social media and were given instructions to receive weapons training in Pakistan before executing terror attacks in India. Also Read: Pakistan offers safe haven to terrorists: India slams Islamabad at UNGA According to a statement released by the police, it was reported on February 14, 2023 that a group of radicalised individuals who are aligned with a terrorist organisation are planning to travel from Mumbai to Delhi to engage in illegal activities. It is further alleged that they plan to receive terrorist training in Pakistan with the assistance of a handler based there. The group is said to be in possession of advanced illegal weaponry and will be arriving in the vicinity of Ring Road, behind Red Fort. The police recovered two pistols, 10 live cartridges, a knife, and a wire cutter from the possession of the accused. The accused were apprehended in a swift operation by the Delhi Police Special Cell. An FIR under the sections of the Arms Act has been registered in response to the incident, and police investigations are ongoing. Further details are yet to be released by the police. Also Read: No country can prosper if its basic industry is terrorism: EAM Jaishankar on Pakistan At the Asia Economic Dialogue organised by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, Minister of External Affairs (MEA) S Jaishankar emphasised that terrorism was the key issue between India and Pakistan. If terrorism is a nation's "basic industry," it cannot become prosperous, he said while speaking about Pakistan. On February 23 at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), India said Pakistan had a history of offering safe haven to terrorists. Indian Counsellor Pratik Mathur called Pakistan's uncalled-for provocation "regrettable". ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay, who also goes by the name Sounak Mukherjee, has been producing digital news since 2012. He's worked for the International Business Times, The Inquisitr, and Moneycontrol in the past. He's also contributed to Free Press Journal and TheRichest with feature articles. He covers news for a wide range of subjects including business, finance, economy, politics and social media. Before working with digital news publications, he worked as a freelance content writer. Read more from this author Amarjit Singh Dulat, the former chief of India's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), has suggested that Prime Minister Narendra Modi may extend an olive branch to Pakistan later this year, in light of the country's ongoing political and economic crisis. Dulat emphasised the importance of maintaining dialogue with India's neighbours, and highlighted the need for "a little more public engagement" in talks with Pakistan. He went on to suggest that Modi may "bail out" Pakistan, although he stressed that he had no inside information on the matter. In this year, my hunch is Modi ji will bail out Pakistan. No inside information, but it is my hunch," said the former RAW director in an interview to PTI. Also Read: Pakistan unable to feed soldiers two times properly amid worst economic crisis Meanwhile, according to reports, the Pakistani government, which is facing a severe economic crisis, has instructed the Accountant General of Pakistan Revenues (AGPR) to stop clearing all bills, including salaries and pensions, of federal ministries and attached departments until further notice. This has caused difficulties in operational cost-related releases, but the exact reason for the decision is unknown. "Hamen Modi Mil Jaye bus, Na hamen Nawaz Sharif Chahiye, Na Imran, Na Benazir chahiye, General Musharraf bhi nahi chahiye" Ek Pakistani ki Khwahish Meenakshi Joshi ( ) (@IMinakshiJoshi) February 23, 2023 While salaries and pensions of defence-related institutions have reportedly been cleared for March, the government's move to halt the clearing of bills has resulted in outstanding bills for many. However, on February 25, Pakistan's Finance Division denied the reports and clarified that they are false. Despite this, the halt in bill clearing has caused concern and uncertainty among government employees and others who rely on these payments. Also Read: Pakistan stops salaries, pensions as economic crisis worsens Dulat also warned of a developing "formidable" axis between Iran, Russia and China, and suggested that India needed to engage in more open diplomacy with China to reassure them that India meant well. While India has improved relations with the US, its neighbours are more important given their proximity, Dulat added. Dulat's comments reflect concerns about the ongoing crisis in Pakistan, which has seen dwindling forex reserves, nationwide power outages, political instability and a plummeting Pakistani rupee. Some analysts believe that the country may be more open to peace talks and trade with India as a result of these issues. However, Dulat also noted that domestic politics has often influenced engagement with Pakistan in the past. Dulats comments come after Minister of External Affairs (MEA) S Jaishankar said that India would consider local public opinion before deciding whether or not to assist Pakistan in its current crises. (With PTI inputs) ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay, who also goes by the name Sounak Mukherjee, has been producing digital news since 2012. He's worked for the International Business Times, The Inquisitr, and Moneycontrol in the past. He's also contributed to Free Press Journal and TheRichest with feature articles. He covers news for a wide range of subjects including business, finance, economy, politics and social media. Before working with digital news publications, he worked as a freelance content writer. Read more from this author Nagaland is set to hold elections for 60 Assembly seats in a single phase on 27 February and the counting of votes will take place on March 2. Over 13 lakh people are eligible to exercise their franchise to decide the electoral fate of 183 candidates, including four women and 19 independents, in 59 out of a total of 60 seats. Since Nagaland got its statehood in 1963, it is yet to get a woman MLA in the 60-member House. Not that women has not contested for election but they have never been voted to power. This year, the four women candidates who are running for the elections are Hekani Jakhalu of NDPP, Rosy Thomson of Congress, Salhoutuonuo Kruse of NDPP and Kahuli Sema of BJP. Womens representation is a contentious issue in Nagaland. In 2017, two persons were killed in clashes during bands called by tribal bodies opposed to Urban Local Body election. These organisations were opposing the polls with 33 percent reservation for women, stating that it infringes on the special rights for Nagaland guaranteed by Article 371(A) of the Constitution. According to Article 371(A), unless the state Assembly makes a resolution approving it, no act of Parliament that interferes with Naga customary laws or social and religious customs will apply to Nagaland. However, in April 2022, the Nagaland government had told the Supreme court that the will implement 33 percent reservation for women in civic bodies. The state has had only one woman, Rano M. Shaiza, back in 1977 who was elected to the Lok Sabha. In 2022, S Phangnon Konyak was elected as the BJP Rajya Sabha member from Nagaland and became the first woman to get a seat in the Upper House. In this male-dominated tribal society, vocal womens rights organisations had little role to play in Nagalands early modern history. For a society dominated by the idea of a tribe, a Naga woman from any tribe is not entitled to inherit ancestral land or property. She may construct a house or buy some land, but, after her marriage, all those property will belong to her parents or brothers. If a married couple decides to separate or divorce, the children and property belong to the husband. A woman has no rights over her biological children or her property. Will this year be a change for women candidates in Nagaland? While addressing an election meeting for NDPP candidate Salhoutuonuo Kruse in Western Angami, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said, "So many years have gone by, but till today we do not have a woman legislator in the Nagaland Assembly. However, this time a historical decision has been taken. Time has come where we not talk only of gender equality and women empowerment but give responsibility to our women legislators to lead the destiny of the state in the days to come." Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio also stressed the need for people of the state to change their mindset that Naga women cannot be in decision-making bodies. Neiphiu Rio said that women have been given tickets based on demand from the grassroots. The practice of a patriarchal society are followed even after the state has good number of literacy rate. If you see the literacy rate of the state, as per the Census data, literacy rate in Nagaland as per 2023 has seen upward trend and is 79.55 percent as per latest population census of which male literacy stands at 82.75 percent while that of female literacy is at 76.11 percent. In 2001, literacy rate in Nagaland stood at 66.59 percent of which male and female were 71.16 percent and 61.46 percent literate respectively. Who are the four women candidates for poll this year?. The four women candidates are Hekani Jakhalu of NDPP from the Dimapur-III seat, Rosy Thomson of Congress from Tening constituency, Salhoutuonuo Kruse of NDPP from Western Angami and Kahuli Sema of BJP from Atoizu constituency. Kahuli Sema recently retired as the engineer-in-chief of the state Public Works Department (PWD). She will contest from the Atoizu seat in Zunheboto district. The Congress candidate Rosy Thomson is BA Graduate from North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya in 1988. The 58 year old has been associated with the party for more than two decades. Salhuotuonuo Kruse who is contesting from Western Angami said that the elections will ensure gender equality and women empowerment. She shared her vision for infrastructure development, women empowerment, skill development to improve the quality of life of the people. Hekani Kense is a US educated lawyer turned social entrepreneur and founder of YouthNet. She has also got Nari Shakti Puraskar award from the President of India at Rastrapati Bhavan on International Womens Day. Speaking about Dimapur III seat, Hekani Jakhalu in her manifesto has shared a vision for Youth Development, women empowerment, minority rights, and model constituency. Key numbers for Nagaland Assembly election 2023: The ruling Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) and BJP are contesting the polls on a 40:20 seat-sharing basis. Earlier in 2018, The NDPP and the BJP had contested with a 40:20 seat-sharing formula and won 18 and 12 seats respectively to form the government. They were supported by two MLAs of the National Peoples Party (NPP), one JD(U) MLA and an independent This year, the number of electors in the State stands at 13,17,632, out of which 661489 are male electors, and 656143 are female. The candidates vying for the State polls include 20 from BJP, CPI (1), INC (23), NCP (12), NPP (12), NDPP (40), NPF (22), RPP (1), JD (U) (7), LJP (Ram Vilas) (15), RPI (Athawale) (9), RJD (3), and Independent (19). Queen Consort Camilla is set to receive a title change that seems to contradict the wishes of Queen Elizabeth II, her late mother-in-law. This change in title is expected to take place after King Charles III's coronation in May. The change will see Camilla being referred to by a different title than what the late queen had intended for her. Instead of being called Queen Consort, she is likely to be called Queen, according to Daily Mail. Camilla was widely disliked when her affair with Charles was revealed, and never took on the title of Princess of Wales. At the time of their marriage, she stated her intention to serve as "Princess Consort" when Charles ascended to the throne. Camilla has since become more popular in recent years. Also Read: King Charles takes away Queen Elizabeth's wedding gift to Harry-Megha, their UK home Camilla, formerly known as Camilla Parker-Bowles, has been married to King Charles since 2005, and was previously referred to as the Duchess of Cornwall until Queen Elizabeth II's death in September. When Charles became king, Camilla was given the title of Queen Consort. However, this new change in title seems to go against the late queen's wishes for Camilla. In a letter written in February 2022, Queen Elizabeth II stated that she supported calling Camilla "Queen Consort". This announcement was a surprise to many, as it went against what was previously believed to be the Queen's wishes. Also Read: Prince Harry accuses Camilla, queen consort, of leaking private conversations to media The letter, which was written from Sandringham House, also included remarks on the progress made during her reign and gratitude to her subjects. However, near the end of the letter, the queen dropped the bombshell announcement about Camilla's title change. ...when, in the fullness of time, my son Charles becomes King, I know you will give him and his wife Camilla the same support that you have given me; and it is my sincere wish that, when the time comes, Camilla will be known as Queen Consort as she continues her own loyal service," Queen Elizabeth wrote. This news put to rest a long-standing question that had been looming since Charles and Camilla's marriage in 2005, which came nine years after his divorce from Princess Diana and a year after her tragic death in Paris. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay, who also goes by the name Sounak Mukherjee, has been producing digital news since 2012. He's worked for the International Business Times, The Inquisitr, and Moneycontrol in the past. He's also contributed to Free Press Journal and TheRichest with feature articles. He covers news for a wide range of subjects including business, finance, economy, politics and social media. Before working with digital news publications, he worked as a freelance content writer. Read more from this author China has announced that it will be providing training to 5,000 soldiers from developing countries over the next five years. According to a report by the South China Morning Post, the announcement has come as China wanted to address threats like terrorism, cyber scams, etc. Besides, the initiative is also seen as an alternative to the Western-led security order, which was first proposed by President Xi Jinping during the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference last April. "Beijing plans to create more international platforms for exchange and cooperation to address security challenges in areas such as counterterrorism, cybersecurity, biosecurity, and emerging technologies, to improve governance capacity in non-traditional security," according to South China Morning Post. China will also encourage more exchanges and cooperation among university-level military and police academies. Last year, China announced it to train 2,000 soldiers from the SCO countries over the next five years and set up a training base focusing on anti-terrorism work. China also recruited as many as 30 former RAF pilots to defeat western warplanes and helicopters in October 2022. Chinas efforts to boost multilateral and bilateral security training programmes have expanded in recent years, spreading to countries in the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, and Central Asia. In December 2022, China offered to train 1,500 police and cybersecurity officials from Arab states. As per the SCMP, China has helped train police in the Solomon Islands to improve their anti-riot capabilities" since 22 January. Meanwhile, on the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Moscow's ally China urged both sides to agree to a gradual de-escalation, warned against the use of nuclear weapons and said conflict benefited no one. China has refrained from condemning its ally Russia or referring to Moscow's intervention in its neighbour as an "invasion". It has also criticised Western sanctions on Russia. "All parties must stay rational and exercise restraint, avoid fanning the flames and aggravating tensions, and prevent the crisis from deteriorating further or even spiralling out of control,"China said. There was very little in the way of news in the annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway Inc. shareholders that Warren Buffett released Saturday morning. Buffett did mention that Berkshire had a good year in 2022," with operating earnings of $30.8 billion, and disclosed that subsidiary Sees Candies sold $400,309, or 11 tons, of its peanut brittle and chocolates at last years annual meeting in Omaha. But the main thing that stood out about the letter was its brevity at 4,455 words, it was the shortest Buffett shareholder letter in 44 years. Yes, I began assembling this data before the new letter came out I suspected there might not be a lot else to discuss. The trajectory was already giving the unmistakable signal that the Berkshire chairman is winding things down. And, well, of course he is: Buffett is 92; his longtime business partner, Berkshire Vice Chairman Charles Munger, is 99. The big spike on the chart is from the 2014 letter (published in February 2015), when Buffett offered a look back at the 50 years since he had taken control of a faltering Massachusetts textile manufacturer and began its long transformation into an investment vehicle and industrial giant; Munger chimed in with his own 2,430-word review. This look back involved acknowledging lots of mistakes, which has become something of a Buffett trademark. His 25-anniversary review was even titled Mistakes of the First Twenty-five Years (A Condensed Version)." The latest missive included four uses of the word, too, which relative to the letters small overall word count turns out to be a lot by Buffett standards. In the letter accompanying Berkshires 1985 annual report, Buffett attributed the focus on mistakes to Munger, who has always emphasized the study of mistakes rather than successes, both in business and other aspects of life." Such emphasis does not appear to be the norm among American investing icons and corporate superstars. I looked through the oeuvre of Amazon. com Inc. founder and former Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos, also known for his smart shareholder letters, and in 24 years of letters found just five uses of mistake," only three of which could be construed as Bezos acknowledging that he had made or might make one. Not all the Buffett mistakes" tallied above were his mistakes either, but most were. After attempting to separate the non-confessional uses of the word in the Berkshire letters and being stymied by a couple of judgment calls, I decided they should all count. Does the frequency of their use tell us anything? The Berkshire shareholder letters feature a table comparing the companys stock price performance every year since 1965 with the total return of the Standard & Poors 500 Index. Subtract the second from the first to measure Berkshires relative performance, and the result turns out be correlated with the frequency of mistake" appearances in the shareholder letter for that year. The r-squared is 0.33, implying that Berkshires relative performance explains" a third of the mistake-frequency in the letters. Which makes sense most of us tend to be more magnanimous about acknowledging our faults when things are going well. More generally, its easy to say things like most of my capital-allocation decisions have been no better than so-so," as Buffett does in his latest letter, if youre widely acknowledged to be one of the worlds greatest-ever capital allocators. This exercise might be more informative if it included more of the pre-success, pre-fame Buffett, with letters to investors in his Buffett Partnership and Berkshire shareholder letters predating those that the company makes available on its website. Maybe next time (getting all those letters into searchable form might take a while). Or maybe not all this number-crunching is, Ill admit, a bit silly. But its interesting, right? And you still want to know whether Buffetts mistake" mentions predict future Berkshire performance, right? On a short-term basis, the answer is no. The correlation between mistake" frequency in the shareholder letter and Berkshires subsequent one-year performance relative to the S&P 500 is effectively zero. Buffett has always been disdainful of short-term performance metrics, though, so I also looked into the link between mistake mentions and average outperformance over the subsequent five years. Sure enough, there is one, with an r-squared of 0.32 and p value (the probability of obtaining such a result by random chance) of just 0.001. This is mainly testimony to the limitations of such statistical tests. I dont really think that Warren Buffetts heavy use of the word mistake" in his late-1970s shareholder letters was responsible for Berkshire outperforming the S&P 500 by an average of 30 percentage points a year from 1979 through 1989. But there are worse lessons one can take from Buffetts investing success than that acknowledging and examining mistakes pays off. This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed. At least 59 people died, including 12 children, in a tragic incident when a wooden sailing boat carrying migrants from Turkey to Europe crashed against rocks near the southern Italian coast. As per survivors' reports, some migrants were still missing, according to survivors' reports. Emergency services are still searching the sea and the coastline amid stormy weather conditions. The provisional death toll stands at 59, with 81 people surviving, 20 of whom are hospitalized, including one person in intensive care. Among the migrants first found washed up on the beach was a baby a few months old, and women and children were among the dead, though it was not yet clear how many. Survivors had said some 140 to 150 were on board. The vessel had set sail from the western port of Izmir about four days ago and was carrying people from Afghanistan, Iran, and several other countries. It sank in rough sea conditions near Steccato di Cutro, a seaside resort on the eastern coast of Calabria, the region that forms the tip of Italy's boot. Italian police said that the boat was first spotted about 74 km (46 miles) off the coast by a plane operated by European Union border agency Frontex. Patrol boats were mobilized to intercept it, but severe weather conditions forced them to return to port. Authorities then mobilized search units along the coastline. Wreckage from the wooden gulet, a Turkish sailing boat, was strewn across a large stretch of coast. Cutro's mayor, Antonio Ceraso, said that he had witnessed a gruesome sight that he would never want to see in his life, with wreckage from the wooden gulet scattered across a large stretch of coast. One survivor has been arrested on migrant trafficking charges, according to the Guardia di Finanza customs police. (It is a developing story. Further details awaited) China has not moved toward providing lethal aid that would help Russia in its invasion of Ukraine and the United States has made clear behind closed doors that such a move would have serious consequences, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday. "Beijing will have to make its own decisions about how it proceeds, whether it provides military assistance - but if it goes down that road it will come at real costs to China," Sullivan told CNN's "State of the Union" program. China has not moved forward in providing that aid, but neither has Beijing taken that option off the table, Sullivan said in a separate interview on ABC's "This Week" program. U.S. officials have warned their Chinese counterparts privately about what those costs might be, Sullivan said, but he would not elaborate on those discussions. The United States and its NATO allies in recent days have been scrambling to dissuade China from such a move, making public comments on their belief that China is considering providing lethal equipment to Russia. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday said China has been providing nonlethal assistance to Russia through its companies. U.S. President Joe Biden visited Kyiv and met with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy last Monday, promising new American military aid for Ukraine worth $500 million. Friday marked the first anniversary of Russia's invasion. The United States has been by far the largest supplier of military assistance to help Ukraine repel better-equipped Russian forces. Ukraine expects a major new Russian offensive soon. CIA Director William Burns also weighed in regarding China in an interview aired on Sunday. "We're confident that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment. We also don't see that a final decision has been made yet, and we don't see evidence of actual shipments of lethal equipment," Burns told CBS's "Face the Nation" program. Republican Representative Michael McCaul, chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, cited reports that drones are among the lethal weapons China has considered sending to Russia. McCaul said Chinese leader Xi Jinping is preparing to visit Moscow next week for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin has alluded to a Xi visit but the timing has not been confirmed by Russia or China. Russia and China signed a "no limits" partnership in February 2022 shortly before Russian forces invaded Ukraine. Economic links between Russia and China have deepened while Moscow's connections with the West have shriveled. Biden said on Friday the United States would respond if China were to supply Russia with lethal weapons to use in Ukraine, but added in an interview with ABC News, "I don't anticipate a major initiative on the part of China providing weaponry to Russia." The West has been wary of China's response to the invasion, with some officials warning that a Russian victory would color China's actions toward Taiwan. Beijing has never renounced the use of force to bring the self-ruled island that it considers a wayward province under its rule. China has not condemned the conflict in Ukraine or called it an "invasion." "The fact that they're going to meet next week, Chairman Xi and Putin, to discuss this unholy alliance that they have, to put weapons into Ukraine, to me is very disturbing because while maybe Ukraine today, it's going to be Taiwan tomorrow," McCaul said. "That's why this is so important." The West reacted with skepticism to China's proposal on Friday for a Ukraine ceasefire, with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg saying Beijing did not have much credibility as a mediator because of its failure to condemn the invasion. Ukraine rejected the proposal unless it involves Russia withdrawing its troops. The UAE has stressed the need for globally coordinated multilateral action to promote climate finance, as well as boosting joint international action to set goals and draw strategies that draw in investments to combat climate change. The country has focused on building cities that bridged digital gaps by leveraging 5G and AI to provide safety and enhance social cohesion and enable it to reduce emissions in line with its global climate change commitments, said Mohamed bin Hadi Al Hussaini, Minister of State for Financial Affairs, who headed the UAE delegation participating in the first G20 finance ministers and central bank governors (FMCBG) meeting in 2023. We have leveraged private sector participation in the development of smart cities through collaborative models that incentivise private sector involvement in areas such as clean energy, green buildings and ICT infrastructure development, which we believe to be all critical enablers for the future cities of tomorrow, he said at the meeting held for the first time under Indias presidency in Bengaluru. Economic challenges In regard to global economic challenges, Al Hussaini noted: The UAEs economy continues to withstand global effects, where we expect to achieve 4.2% of non-oil economic growth by the end of this year. On a global scale, there remains an immediate need for policy coordination to minimise vulnerabilities and promote food and energy security. On the international tax agenda, he lauded the progress made on OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), welcomed the work produced under the Two-Pillar Solution. He also noted the significance of considering the different levels of tax systems maturities across countries. With regards to the Joint Finance and Health Taskforce multi-year plan, Al Hussaini welcomed the proposed priorities including the direction to develop the Economic Vulnerabilities and Risks Framework, which will be key to informing resource mobilisation in line with the objectives of the Pandemic Fund. G20 priorities The meeting discussed the progress under the G20 priorities set by the Indian presidency for the year 2023 in light of the current global challenges, and means of bolstering international cooperation to advance the G20 priorities and goals. The UAE delegation included Younis Haji Al Khoori, Undersecretary of Ministry of Finance; Ebrahim Al Zaabi, Assistant Governor for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability at the Central Bank of the UAE; Hamad Al Zaabi, Director of the Office of Minister of State for Financial Affairs; Thuraiya AlHashmi, Director of International Tax Department at the Ministry of Finance; and Fares AlKaabi, Senior Analyst, Research and Statistics Department. The meeting was held in the presence of the Ministers of Finance, Central Bank Governors, Finance and Central Bank Deputies from G20 members, invited countries and members of international organisations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). FMCBG meeting During the FMCBG meeting, the members discussed global economic challenges, global financial stability, infrastructure priorities for future-ready cities, sustainable finance, digital financial inclusion, global health priorities and international taxation. Members also exchanged views on ensuring seamless flow of cross-border payments, strengthening the financial sector's cyber resilience, food and energy security, risks associated with climate change for emerging markets and developing economies, and preparedness to combat health challenges. Members also reviewed the potential implications of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and discussed ways to further the tax transparency agenda. They also discussed global economic recovery and means of strengthening the role and financing capacities of Multilateral Development Banks. The ministers endorsed the work plans for the working groups of the finance track and agreed to review the progress during the next FMCBG meeting on April 12 and 13, which will take place in Washington DC on the sidelines of the 2023 Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. Future cities of tomorrow On the sidelines of the FMCBG meeting, Al Hussaini participated in the Symposium on Digital Public Infrastructure, during which Nirmala Sitharaman, India's Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, and Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, delivered speeches. On the sidelines of the meeting, Al Khoori also attended the events on Policy Perspectives on Crypto Assets with other Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors and Deputies from other G20 countries. Ebrahim Al Zaabi, Thuraiya AlHashmi, and Fares AlKaabi, Senior Analyst, Research and Statistics Department also participated in the meeting. Bilateral meetings Al Hussaini held a meeting with the President of the World Bank Group, David Malpass, to discuss the latest developments on global food and energy security, as well as the UAEs preparation for COP28 in relation to climate finance. He also held a meeting with Georgieva, to discuss the latest global economic developments, the G20 priorities for 2023, and to explore regional cooperation with the IMF programmes in the Mena region. During his meeting with Dr Renganaden Padayachy, the Mauritian Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, both ministers reviewed the UAE-Mauritius bilateral relationship and explored opportunities to build on the existing economic relations between both countries. Tax reforms Al Khoori held a meeting with Grace Perez-Navarro, Director of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, to showcase the UAEs tax reforms, and discussed the broader international taxation agenda. He also met Marie Lam-Frendo, CEO of the Global Infrastructure Hub, to review the GIHs objectives for infrastructure sustainability and to discuss the G20 infrastructure-related priorities for 2023. Additionally, Al Khoori held a meeting with Antonio Freitas, Vice Minister of Finance of Brazil, to discuss areas of cooperation under the Brazilian Presidency of the G20 in 2024, and to showcase the UAEs progress on COP28 preparation. In his meeting with Emmanuel Moulin, Directorate General of the French Treasury, Al Khoori discussed the latest global economic developments and explored means of bolstering bilateral collaboration in the context of the UAE/France/India trilateral initiative that was recently announced.-- TradeArabia News Service Pakistani news anchor Marvia Malik was attacked by unidentified gunmen In Lahore on Sunday. She had been returning from a pharmacy in Lahore when she was shot at outside her home. Malik is a prominent activist and known for being the country's first transgender news anchor. Malik had made history in 2018 - becoming the first transgender person in Pakistan to become a news anchor. Her debut appearance was on Kohenoor TV mere days after she became the country's first transgender model at a prominent fashion show. While she received an overwhelmingly positive response from people, there were also naysayers. According to reports, the 26-year-old had been receiving threat calls for quite some time. She had relocated to Islamabad and Multan for fear of her life some time earlier. Media outlet Dawn reported that she had just returned to Lahore for a surgery. Reports quoted Malik as asserting that her activism was a "major factor" behind the assassination attempt. Also read: 'Will cut foreign aid for': Nikki Haley's warning for Pakistan, China In related news from Pakistan, at least four people were killed and 14 others injured by a blast in Balochistan province on Sunday morning. The incident took place a day after two policemen were killed and another was injured in Balochistan's Khuzdar district when an improvised explosive device (IED) went off while police personnel were patrolling the area. Barkhan Deputy Commissioner Abdullah Khoso told the Dawn newspaper that the blast occurred in the Rakhni market area on Sunday morning when an IED planted on a motorcycle exploded. The injured people have been admitted to the hospital and the area cordoned off for further investigations. (With inputs from agencies) As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, CIA Director William Burns said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being too confident" in his military's ability to grind Ukraine into submission. Burns, in a television interview, said the head of Russia's intelligence services had displayed in their November meeting a sense of cockiness and hubris" that reflected Putin's own beliefs that he can make time work for him, that he believes he can grind down the Ukrainians that he can wear down our European allies, that political fatigue will eventually set in." That conversation, in which Burns warned of the consequences if Russia were to deploy a nuclear weapon in Ukraine, was pretty dispiriting," Burns said. Burns said he judged Putin as quite determined" to continue prosecuting the war, despite the casualties, tactical shortcomings and economic and reputational damage to Russia. I think Putin is, right now, entirely too confident of his ability ... to wear down Ukraine," Burns told CBS' Face the Nation" in an interview that aired Sunday. Burns said that at some point, hes going to have to face up to increasing costs as well, in coffins coming home to some of the poorest parts of Russia," where he said many of the conscripts being thrown as cannon fodder" are from. Burns also said Putin was underestimating U.S. resolve to support Ukraine, saying that it has been his experience that the Russian leader's view is that Americans have attention deficit disorder and we'll move on to some other issue eventually." The comments came at a critical juncture for the war as the Biden administration is confident that the Chinese leadership is considering" whether to provide lethal" military equipment to Russia. It would be a very risky and unwise bet," Burns said, adding that such a move could only further strain relations between the world's two largest economics. That's why I hope very much that they don't." Burns said China's leader, Xi Jinping, has closely watched how the war has evolved, and I think, in many ways, he's been unsettled and sobered by what he's seen." The CIA director spoke of where Putin's hubris has now gotten Russia," and said that in authoritarian systems, when nobody challenges" a leader, you can make some huge blunders." Meanwhile, the question of military aid and the pace of the war is also a source of uncertainty in the U.S. as Republican lawmakers criticized the administration for not sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the U.S. was providing Ukraine with the military aid needed to retake territory seized by Russia. The domestic politics of support for Ukraine are also complicated by some GOP members of Congress who say the administration should pull back and focus more on the needs at home. Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee, said planes and long-range artillery could help end the war on a faster timeline. "This whole thing is taking too long," McCaul said. And it really didn't have to happen this way," said McCaul, R-Texas. Ukraine won support last month from Baltic nations and Poland in its quest to obtain Western fighter jets, but there have been no signs that nations such as the U.S. and Britain will change their stance of refusing to provide warplanes to Kyiv. Biden said in an ABC News interview on Friday that hes ruling it out for now," saying that they are not the weaponry that Ukrainians need in the near term. But Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, said the White House has been slow in providing what Ukraine seeks, including jets. That has been a pattern with this administration from the beginning, where they have slow-rolled critical military weapons systems," he said. Jake Sullivan said the U.S. is already providing parts to keep Ukraine's fleet of Soviet-era jets flying, but supplying F-16s is really a question for another day, for another phase" of the war. Jake Sullivan appeared on NBC's Meet the Press," CNN's State of the Union" and ABC's This Week." McCaul was on ABC and Dan Sullivan was on NBC. Elon Musk has sparked a new controversy after defending the creator of the comic strip "Dilbert", Scott Adams, who made derogatory comments about Black Americans. Several newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and USA Today, dropped the cartoon after Adams stated that Black Americans were a hate group and posted racist comments on his YouTube channel. Musk accused the media of being racist against whites and Asians, suggesting that they should "try not being racist". He also claimed that the coverage of police violence against white victims is disproportionate to promote a false narrative. In replies to tweets about the controversy, the Tesla and Twitter chief executive said the media had long been racist against non-white people but are now "racist against whites & Asians." "Maybe they can try not being racist," Musk tweeted. In response to an account that said white victims of police violence get a fraction of media coverage compared to Black victims, Musk said the coverage is "Very disproportionate to promote a false narrative." For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now theyre racist against whites & Asians. Same thing happened with elite colleges & high schools in America. Maybe they can try not being racist. Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 26, 2023 This is not the first time that Musk's views on social issues have come under scrutiny. He has previously sparred with civil rights groups over Twitter's level of protection against hateful content and the reinstatement of some accounts that were previously suspended. Some advertisers have left the platform over concerns about brand safety, and Twitter has introduced new controls for ad placement. Adams' comments about Black Americans were in response to a poll by the conservative Rasmussen Reports that said 26% of Black respondents disagreed with the statement "It's OK to be white". The move to drop the cartoon was "not a difficult decision", the Plain Dealer newspaper in Ohio told its readers on Friday. Jiang Zhongli, a man in a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend, found it difficult to maintain intimacy while being apart from each other. Due to the distance, their communication was limited to phone calls only. It was during this time that Zhongli came up with an innovative solution to overcome the challenges faced by long-distance couples. He was inspired to invent a device that could allow couples to share virtual intimate moments. The result of Zhongli's efforts is a device that has created a stir in Chinese social media circles. The device, dubbed as the kissing device, is an invention of a university in Changzhou, China. The contraption comes equipped with silicone lips, pressure sensors and actuators, and can replicate the pressure, movement, and temperature of a user's lips. The China-run Global Times reported that the device is capable of mimicking a real kiss. Also Read: 2,400-year-old flush toilet found: Guess what archaeologists are checking next The kissing device is being advertised as a way for long-distance couples to share real" physical intimacy. The device has caused a buzz among Chinese social media users, with many expressing both intrigue and shock. The device's ability to replicate the kissing motion, along with the transmission of the sound the user makes, has piqued the interest of many who are in long distance relationships. Remote kissing device recently invented by a Chinese university student. The device is designed specifically for long-distance relationships and can mimic and transfer the kiss of a person to the "mouth on the other side" Levandov (@blabla112345) February 23, 2023 Users need to download a mobile app and insert the device into their phone's charging port in order to send a kiss. Couples can begin a video conference and send copies of their smooches to one another after partnering with their partners via the app. Also Read: This man hid a secret from his wife, and it cost him millions The Internet was quick to react. One of them pointed out that the idea had been pitched in one of the episodes of The Big Bang Theory. Howard introduced a kissing machine" to Leonard and Raj. While Leonard did not agree on trying it, Raj came forward and tried the machine. Im impressed. This is very lifelike," he said. Many social media users found the device to be amusing, but others denounced it as "vulgar" and "creepy." Some people expressed worry that kids would purchase and utilise it. Man, that is just wrong......" said one user. The aliens can come get us at any moment Im ready to leave this place its getting REALLY weird!" said another. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay, who also goes by the name Sounak Mukherjee, has been producing digital news since 2012. He's worked for the International Business Times, The Inquisitr, and Moneycontrol in the past. He's also contributed to Free Press Journal and TheRichest with feature articles. He covers news for a wide range of subjects including business, finance, economy, politics and social media. Before working with digital news publications, he worked as a freelance content writer. Read more from this author Russia has halted supplies of oil to Poland via the Druzhba pipeline, PKN Orlen's CEO said on Saturday, adding that the Polish refiner would tap other sources to plug the gap. The halt in supplies via the pipeline - which has been exempted from European Union sanctions imposed on Russia following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine - came a day after Poland delivered its first Leopard tanks to Ukraine. "Russia has halted supplies to Poland, for which we are prepared. Only 10% of crude oil has been coming from Russia and we will replace it with oil from other sources," PKN Orlen Chief Executive Daniel Obajtek wrote on Twitter. Orlen said it could fully supply its refineries via sea and that the halt in pipeline supplies would not impact deliveries of gasoline and diesel to its customers. As of February, after a contract with Russia's Rosneft expired, Orlen has been getting oil under a deal with Russian oil and natural gas company Tatneft. Tatneft and Russian oil pipeline monopoly Transneft did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Oil transport to the Czech Republic, where Orlen operates two refineries, via the southern branch of the Druzhba pipeline was running to plan, pipeline operator Mero said on Saturday. The supply halt came after U.S. President Joe Biden visited Warsaw and Kyiv in a show of support for Ukraine a year after the invasion. And on Friday, the European Union agreed on a 10th package of sanctions on Russia. Following the invasion of Ukraine and before the EU embargoed seaborne supplies from Russia, Orlen stopped buying Russian oil and fuels transported by sea. It said its supply portfolio now includes oil from Western Africa, the Mediterranean, the Gulf and the Gulf of Mexico. It also has a supply contract with Saudi Aramco as of 2022. Seaborne supplies reach Poland via Naftoport, an oil terminal in Gdansk on the Baltic Sea. It can receive 36 million tonnes of oil annually topping volumes that can be processed by Polish refineries and is in part used to supply oil to refineries in eastern Germany that are linked to Druzhba. "Given the capacity of Naftoport and the fact that we also have other routes to import motor fuels, clients will not feel any impact, while Orlen has been prepared for this for months," Mateusz Berger, Poland's Secretary of State in charge of strategic energy infrastructure told Reuters by telephone. (Reporting by Marek Strzelecki; Additional reporting by Jason Hovet; Editing by Helen Popper, Frank Jack Daniel and Alexander Smith) With one year of war in Ukraine, transportation and communication lines have been destroyed completely. However, there is one train that has facilitated the movement and communication between the world leaders and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. According to a report by CNN Travel, it was 'Rail Force One'- the overnight train that recently took US President Joe Biden to Kyiv via Poland on a diplomatic visit. The 10-hour overnight journey was a top-secret high-security challenge for Ukranian Railways, it reported. Amid the invasion by Russia, the skies have become too dangerous for politicians in Ukraine. Therefore, it is only the country's rail network through which diplomatic visits have become possible. More than 200 foreign diplomatic missions arrived in Ukraine by train so far. These include Britain's Prime Minister Rishi SUnak, Canada's PM Justin Trudeau, France's President Emmanuel Macron, and Italys Giorgia Meloni. Japan's Fumio Kishida is the only G7 leader yet to visit the country by train. Besides, Ukraines President Volodymyr Zelensky also uses this rail network when he has to visit abroad. Biden's high-profile journey has brought a spotlight on Ukriane's vast rail network which is nearly 1,500 miles--12th largest in the world, CNN Travel reported. Moreover, Ukrzaliznytsia or Ukrainian Railways is the sixth largest rail passenger transporter in the world, and seventh for freight. All you need to know about the vast rail network of Ukraine: As per the report by CNN Travel, the rail network was first constructed in pre-Soviet times. Ukraine forces have destroyed the cross-border links to Russia, it still connects with countries like Moldova, Poland, and Romania. In 2022, 28.9 million tons of grain were transported via the railways. In total, the vast rail network transported 17.1 million passengers last year. Some of the trains in Ukraine were reconfigured as medical facilities. Around 2,500 civilians were evacuated for medical treatment via rail last year. The train transported around 336,000 tons of humanitarian aid. During the war, Ukrzaliznytsia launched an app in August and started online bookings. "In 2022, the country took possession of 65 new passenger rail carriages, bought two new diesel trains, and even found time to refurbish other trains in the network. They constructed new freight cars, and repaired others," CNN reported. Ukraine's rail company has launched six new international rail routes, to destinations in Poland and Moldova, and seven domestic routes. The company even debuted a new onboard menu for passengers, that includes designer teas" and natural ground coffee". Tragically, 319 railway workers died in 2022, and 703 were injured. The company has launched an Iron Family" program to support their families. As Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine many had remained firmly convinced that the conflict would end in a matter of days. But as a bloc of Western countries rallied behind Ukraine and calls for a cessation of violence rang out across the globe, Moscow has found itself somewhat stymied. Over a year later, the war continues with no end in sight and Russia - in spite of extensive efforts - has not made any significant progress. Experts cite a variety of reasons - from Ukraine's sheer determination and high morale to the use of superior military tactics. While President Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly requested additional Western weapons such as battle tanks or Patriot air defense systems - these are yet to be deployed to Ukraine. But there are certain weapons that have played a key role in helping Ukraine defend the frontlines. Javelins In the early days of the war, it was not uncommon to find destroyed Russian tanks with their turrets blown off by Javelins. With fighters on both sides expecting Russian armored columns to begin rolling into Kyiv, Ukraine had successfully used the shoulder-fired, guided anti-tank missile to repel attacks. The weapon developed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin and Raytheon can be deployed by a single individual and gives the operator enough time to run for cover afterwards. It was particularly effective in the initial days when Russian troops tended to stay in columns and enter urban areas. HIMARS or M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System The long-range, mobile, precision fire launcher is used by several countries including the United States, Singapore, Poland and UAE. The full-spectrum lethal weapon comprises of a 5 ton truck carrying a pod that can launch six rockets almost simultaneously and then quickly change positions to avoid a counterstrike. Offering Multiple Launch Rocket System firepower on a wheeled chassis...HIMARS carries a single six-pack of Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) rockets or one TACMS missile on the Army's Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) 5-ton truck, and can launch the entire MLRS family of munitions," writes manufacturer Lockheed Martin on their website. As the war raged on, Ukraine is believed to have effectively used HIMARS to strike Russian bases and force the invading troops to move their ammunition depots farther to the rear. It has also been used to hit targets such as bridges and consequently disrupt Russian supply efforts. GMLRS have a range of 70 to 80 kilometers with a GPS guidance system that makes them exceedingly accurate (within 10 meters of their intended target). Bayraktar TB2 drone This Turkish-designed unmanned aerial vehicle has become a war favourite for Ukraine. Made with off-the-shelf parts, it is a relatively cheap weapon that packs a lethal punch and even records its attacks on video. Since the war began, videos taken by these UAVs have gone viral on social media platforms - showing them taking out Russian armor, artillery and supply lines with the missiles, laser-guided rockets and smart bombs it carries. While it does have some weaknesses - such as lack of speed and vulnerability to air defenses - their low cost makes the drones relatively replaceable. Nikki Haley, the Indian-American, who recently launched her 2024 presidential bid, has said that if voted to power she will cut foreign aid for countries that "hate the US". In an op-ed in the New York Post, the Former Governor of South Carolina mentioned, "I will cut every cent in foreign aid for countries that hate us. A strong America doesn't pay off the bad guys. A proud America doesn't waste our people's hard-earned money. And the only leaders who deserve our trust are those who stand up to our enemies and stand beside our friends". According to Haley, America spent $46 billion on foreign aid last year. Taxpayers will be shocked to find that much of it goes to fund anti-American countries and causes, she added. Citing an example of the US's aid to Pakistan, she said that "The Biden administration resumed military aid to Pakistan, though it's home to at least a dozen terrorist organizations and its government is deeply in hock to China. Team Biden restored half a billion dollars to a corrupt United Nations agency that's supposed to help the Palestinian people but in fact covers for deeply anti-Semitic propaganda against our ally Israel". "This is not just Joe Biden. It's been happening for decades under presidents of both parties. Our foreign-aid policies are stuck in the past. They typically operate on autopilot, with no consideration for the conduct of the countries that receive our aid. It will take a determined president to root out these taxpayer rip-offs." Further, Nikki Haley said that the US taxpayers' money is also getting wasted on China for "ridiculous environment programme". Haley said that the US gave $2 billion aid to Iran, even though its government is getting closer to the murderous thugs in Iran who shout "Death to America!" and launch attacks on the army. Haley said she is running for the president's post to restore US's strength, national pride, and people's trust. Backing American allies and friends like Israel and Ukraine is smart. Sending our tax dollars to enemies isn't. Haley formally launched her 2024 campaign for the White House on February 15 (local time), pitching herself to voters as part of a "new generation" of Republican leaders who can win at the ballot box. Haley is now the first Indian American woman from the Republican Party to run for the presidential bid. NEW YORK : In the early hours of Thanksgiving weekend, Reyhan Ayas was leaving a bar in Midtown Manhattan when a man she had just met snatched her iPhone 13 Pro Max. Within a few minutes, the 31-year-old, a senior economist at a workforce intelligence startup, could no longer get into her Apple account and all the stuff attached to it, including photos, contacts and notes. Over the next 24 hours, she said, about $10,000 vanished from her bank account. Similar stories are piling up in police stations around the country. Using a remarkably low-tech trick, thieves watch iPhone owners tap their passcodes, then steal their targets phonesand their digital lives. The thieves are exploiting a simple vulnerability in the software design of over one billion iPhones active globally. It centers on the passcode, the short string of numbers that grants access to a device; and passwords, generally longer alphanumeric combinations that serve as the logins for different accounts. With only the iPhone and its passcode, an interloper can within seconds change the password associated with the iPhone owners Apple ID. This would lock the victim out of their account, which includes anything stored in iCloud. The thief can also often loot the phones financial apps since the passcode can unlock access to all the devices stored passwords. Once you get into the phone, its like a treasure box," said Alex Argiro, who investigated a high-profile theft ring as a New York Police Department detective before retiring last fall. He said there have been hundreds of these sorts of crimes in the city in the past two years. This is growing," he said. It is such an opportunistic crime. Everyone has financial apps." Apple Inc. has marketed itself as the leader in digital privacy and security, selling its tightly integrated hardware, software and iCloud web services as the best protection for its customers data. Security researchers agree that iPhone is the most secure consumer mobile device, and we work tirelessly every day to protect all our users from new and emerging threats," an Apple spokeswoman said. We sympathize with users who have had this experience and we take all attacks on our users very seriously, no matter how rare," she said, adding that the company believes these crimes are uncommon because they require the theft of the device and the passcode. We will continue to advance the protections to help keep user accounts secure." An examination of the recent spate of thefts reveals a possible gap in Apples armor. The companys defenses are designed around common attack scenariosthe hacker on the internet attempting to use a persons login credentials, or the thief on the street looking to snatch an iPhone for a quick sale. They dont necessarily account for the fog of a late-night bar scene full of young people, where predators befriend their victims and maneuver them into revealing their passcodes. Once thieves possess both passcode and phone, they can exploit a feature Apple intentionally designed as a convenience: allowing forgetful customers to use their passcode to reset the Apple account password. It was only a matter of time before an attacker would use shoulder surfing or social engineering," said Adam Aviv, an associate professor of computer science at George Washington University. Relying on a phone as a trusted device fails in such cases, he added. The Theft All of the victims interviewed by The Wall Street Journal said their iPhones were stolen while they were out at night socializing. Some said the phones were grabbed out of their hands by someone they had just met. Others said they were physically assaulted and intimidated into handing over their phones and passcodes. A few said they believe they were drugged. They woke up the next morning missing their phones, with no memory of the previous night. In all cases, the iPhone owners were locked out of their Apple accounts. They then discovered thousands of dollars in financial thefts, including some combination of Apple Pay charges, drained bank accounts linked to phone apps and money taken from PayPal Holdings Inc.s Venmo and other money-sending apps. A similar vulnerability exists in Googles Android mobile operating system. However, the higher resale value of iPhones makes them a far more common target, according to law-enforcement officials. Our sign-in and account-recovery policies try to strike a balance between allowing legitimate users to retain access to their accounts in real-world scenarios and keeping the bad actors out," a Google spokesman said. On the evening of Jan. 22, 2022, Reece Thompson, an art director at a creative agency in Hiawatha, Iowa, was having a drink with his girlfriend while visiting downtown Minneapolis when his iPhone 12 Pro went missing from the bar. The next morning, when he tried to log into his Apple account from a different device, the account password had been changed. Thousands of dollars had been charged to his credit cards via Apple Pay and $1,500 was stolen from his Venmo account, he said. Minnesota prosecutors say Mr. Thompson, age 42, was a victim of a theft ring that accumulated nearly $300,000 by stealing iPhones and their passcodes from at least 40 victims. The group targeted bar-goers with Apple smartphones, quickly looted accounts accessible via those devices and then resold the phones, according to the arrest warrant for one member of the alleged ring, Alfonze Stuckey. Mr. Stuckey has since pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering and received a 57-month prison sentence. Eleven other suspects have been charged with racketeering in the case. Mr. Stuckey, 23, who has a previous record of misdemeanors, said he wouldnt comment unless he is compensated. His lawyer declined to comment. Groups of two or three thieves would go to a bar and befriend victims, often asking them to open up Snapchat or some other social-media platform, said Sgt. Robert Illetschko, the lead investigator on the case. During that interaction they would try to observe the victim unlocking the iPhone with the passcode, he said. If they didnt catch the passcode at first, they might have tried to get the victim to hand them the phone for a photo and then subtly turn it off before handing it back, he added. After an iPhone is restarted, a passcode is required to unlock it. Its just as simple as watching this person repeatedly punch their passcode into the phone," said Sgt. Illetschko, adding that sometimes thieves would covertly film victims so they could be sure they caught the correct sequence. Theres a lot of tricks to get the person to enter the code." Similar cases have been reported in Austin, Denver, Boston and London. In New York City, one of the first inklings police received about the extent of this new crime wave came in the form of an unexplained death. On Friday, May 27, while visiting from Washington, D.C., John Umberger went out for the night in Manhattan, ending the evening at a bar in the Hells Kitchen neighborhood. Five days later the 33-year-old director of diplomacy and political programs at the American Center for Law and Justice was found dead in the apartment he was staying in, with an emptied wallet and no iPhone. At first, police suspected it was a routine drug overdose. Then his family discovered thousands of dollars had been taken from his bank, PayPal and Venmo accounts, along with suspicious credit card charges, according to Mr. Umbergers mother, Linda Clary. She believes her sons Apple account password was changed. Mr. Argiro, the New York City detective who participated in the investigation of Mr. Umbergers death before retiring in September, said authorities came to believe he was the victim of a group of thieves that target New York bar-goers, launder money via apps and then resell the phones. This particular group is believed to be responsible for more than 30 incidents, he added. The Manhattan district attorneys office is assembling a case to present before a grand jury, according to people familiar with the investigation. The Method In theory, recent security innovations from Apple should eliminate the vulnerability of an intercepted passcode. The Apple spokeswoman pointed to Face ID and Touch ID as ways that would limit the need to type a passcode at all. Yet in New York, some authorities have suggested Face ID as a possible point of entry into the phones. The citys Office of Nightlife, a liaison between City Hall and the hospitality industry, hosted a speaker who recommended bar-goers disable facial recognition, on the theory that an incapacitated persons face could be used by the thieves. A passcode breach is the more likely scenario, according to the Journals reporting and on-device testing. To change someones Apple ID password on an iPhone, a face scan wont suffice: A passcode is needed. When the password change is complete, the software offers an option to force other Apple devices, such as Macs or iPads, to sign out of the Apple account, so a victim couldnt turn to those devices to regain access. The software never requires the user to enter an older password before setting a new one. Journal reporters were able to do all that in less than a minute. An Apple spokeswoman said the system is designed to help users who have forgotten their account password. She added that it requires two factors, the physical device as well as the devices passcode. With the new password, the thief can disable Find My iPhone, which would otherwise allow victims to locate their phones and even remotely erase them to protect their data. Disabling Find My iPhone also allows the thief to resell the iPhone. Apple recently introduced the ability to use hardware security keys, little USB dongles, to protect the Apple ID. In the Journals testing, security keys didnt prevent account changes using only the passcode, and the passcode could even be used to remove security keys from the account. The damage Taylor Ashy, a sales executive at a New York-based tech company, said he was drugged the night of Dec. 10, 2021, at a New York bar. He has no recollection of how his phone was taken. All he knows is that whoever took it gained access to his bank app, enrolled his banks debit card in Apple Pay, and opened a Venmo credit card and Apple credit card in his name. The New York Police Department declined to provide details of how they believe thieves are gaining access to their targets phones. Mr. Ashy, who had more than $10,000 transferred out of his bank account, said he stored passwords to those accounts in Apples iCloud Keychain password manager. The feature auto-fills login information following successful Face ID or Touch ID scans, or the input of the iPhones passcode, according to the Journals testing. In Mr. Ashys case and others, the bank fraud happened after the victims biometrics were no longer available to the thieves. If apps require text-message codes as part of their logins, a security practice known as two-factor authentication, the messages are sent to the iPhonethe same one a thief would be holding. After logging into bank apps with the passcode, the Journal was able to add digital debit cards to Apple Pay without needing the physical cards or their PINs. Money can be sent from the debit cards to Apple Cash, which can be used to send money or to make contactless payments at stores. Several victims said an Apple credit card was opened in their name. The cards quickly accrued thousands of dollars in charges. Accessed through Apples Wallet app, an Apple Card application will autofill with information that might be stored on the iPhone, such as the owners name, address and birthday. The Apple Card form does require applicants to enter the last four digits of their Social Security numbers. One victim, David Vigilante, believes the thieves found that information right in the Photos app on his iPhone XS Max. After having the phone stolen at a pizza shop on Manhattans Lower East Side in the early hours of Oct. 23, the 30-year-old product manager at a real-estate data company realized someone had attempted to charge $15,000 to his credit card via Apple Pay and that a new Apple credit card had been opened in his name. When he got back into his Apple account a few days later, he found photos he had previously taken of sensitive documentshis passport, drivers license, paycheck direct-deposit form and health-insurance paperworkcollected in a new photo album. Apps such as Apple Photos, iCloud Drive and Google Drive now offer the ability to search text within images and documents. In the Journals tests, a search in the Apple Photos app for SSN (Social Security number) and TIN (taxpayer identification number) immediately produced a photo of a 1099 tax form with Social Security information that had been stored on the phone. Most victims the Journal spoke to filed police reports. One filed an identity theft claim with the Federal Trade Commission. Most of their banks and financial apps have refunded money considered lost through fraudulent activity. Some people whose iPhones were stolen are unable to regain access to their Apple accounts. With the passcode, an Apple IDs backup email and phone number can be changed, and a security feature called a recovery key can be enabled. In recent cases, thieves changed the Apple accounts contact information and turned on the recovery key, blocking victims from being able to use an account-recovery service for those who forget their Apple ID password. The Apple spokeswoman said that account-recovery policies are in place to protect users from bad actors accessing their accounts. Those who remain locked out of their Apple accounts have often lost something irreplaceable. Right after her iPhone was stolen outside the New York bar, Ms. Ayas, who holds a graduate degree in economics from Princeton University, tried to log into her Apple ID and access Find My iPhone. By that point the thief had already changed her password. Months and numerous calls to Apple support later, she still is unable to get back into her account because the thief also enabled the recovery key. According to Apples policies, the company doesnt allow users to regain access to their account if a recovery key is enabled and they cant produce it. I go to my Photos app and scroll up, hoping to see familiar faces, photos of my dad and my familytheyre all gone," Ms. Ayas said. Being told permanently that Ive lost all of those memories has been very hard." Oman and the US have signed a memorandum of understanding worth OMR192 million ($500 million) to explore options for utilising the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM)s financing and to promote trade and investment. Oman, whose bilateral trade with the US topped $4.22 billion in 2022, the highest ever and up 30% from 2021, will see US collaboration in strategic sectors of its economy, ranging from renewable energy to manufacturing, it was decided at the start of the inaugural session of the Strategic Dialogue between the Sultanate of Oman and the United States of America. The US is Omans largest market for non-oil exports, providing the long-term partnership to create jobs and mutual prosperity in both countries, an Oman News Agency (ONA) report said. Three working groups Both sides discussed and outlined areas of cooperation within three working groups: trade and investment; clean energy; and education, culture, and science. Both countries underscored the importance of boosting trade and investments in strategic fields. In a joint statement, the two sides pointed out that the first Strategic Dialogue coincides with the 190-year anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, which established commercial relations between the two countries. It was the first trade agreement the US signed with an Arab country. In trade and investment, participants from both countries discussed activating a working mechanism to maximise the benefits of the United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement (FTA), the issue of tariffs, promoting trade and investment in strategic areas such as mining, logistics, energy, fisheries, agribusiness, and telecommunications, and exploring possibilities for collaboration in the digital economy. Clean energy The two countries explored opportunities to collaborate on clean energy solutions such as carbon removal, clean hydrogen, industrial decarbonisation, as well as clean energy policy, including Omans net-zero 2050 roadmap, methane emissions reduction and other short-lived climate pollutants, and Omans plans for COP28. They also discussed enhancing cooperation on catalysing finance for clean energy as well as in research programmes and knowledge sharing for the decarbonisation of energy. Both sides welcomed cooperation on education, culture, and science, and discussed a mechanism for resuming the Fulbright programme for Omani students and scholars and developing programmes in key areas discussed by both countries. The two sides highlighted their close cooperation on issues that are central to the bilateral relationship, such as investment in innovation, higher education, and scientific research programmes, including initiative programmes in various fields. Teachers' development Oman and the US further expressed their mutual intent to collaborate on teachers professional development. They also decided to cooperate in the fields of literature and culture. Oman and the US are committed to maintaining the exchange of high-level bilateral visits, including the goal of scheduling the next round of the Strategic Dialogue in 2024. The inaugural Strategic Dialogue comes after the announcement made in Washington, DC by Sayyid Badr Al Busaidi, Foreign Minister and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken in November 2022 to launch the first Strategic Dialogue between the two countries with the aim of building upon the strong partnership between Oman and the US.-- TradeArabia News Service Bahrain Car Parks Company (Amakin) said it has sealed a strategic partnership with PASS, a Kuwait-based company and the rst Middle Eastern smart parking management system that uses automatic number-plate recognition (ANPR) technology designed to make parking more efficient and hassle free. The agreement will enable Amakin to exchange knowledge and benefit from parking innovations developed by PASS. As a result of this collaboration, PASS customers will have access to all Amakin locations, beginning with the Terminal in Adliya, utilizing the PASS mobile application to manage their parking and make payments in a seamless digital experience, said the company in a statement. This comes as part of Amakin's strategy to expand its digital partnerships across the region, it added. Amakin CEO Tariq Al Jowder said: "By establishing digital partnerships with leading ecosystem players, Amakin strives to meet its customers' expectations and objectives by delivering the most innovative services and up to date technology tied with our ambition to deliver an absolute parking experience." "We are consistently striving to find new ways to enrich our clients' experiences and provide them with unrivaled mobility offerings as the region's leading mobility integrator," noted Al Jowder. According to him, the inclusion of this service intends to extend Amakin's service portfolio, expand its user-friendly approach, and provide the local community with cutting-edge solutions within parking structures. It follows in the footsteps of Amakin's multiple digital initiatives to provide a streamlined mobility journey for Bahrain's community, including its partnership with SADAD, the adoption of Apple Pay, and the adoption of BenefitPay to pay for parking. "We are thrilled to collaborate with an innovative company with a record of success in implementing smart parking solutions. The inclusion of such technologies will broaden Amakin's offerings, as part of its drive to revolutionize the way people move and provide creative solutions for the future," he added. Pass CEO Dhari AlZayed said: "We are proud to announce the start of a groundbreaking partnership with Amakin. We hope that through this partnership we can continue to further pioneer our software in the parking tech industry across the region, making user experiences more seamless." PASS was established in 2018, operating in more than 20 parking facilities under their portfolio, with more than 1.5 million transactions in that time. It makes it easy to enter and exit parking lots by employing ANPR technology. "Through these types of partnerships we aim to keep growing and bringing our cutting edge technology to as many parkers in the region," he stated. PASS will soon be available in The Terminal in Adliya, with many other sites set to be added soon, he added.-TradeArabia News Service The Mount Juliet Police Department announced one of the two rescued puppies that tested positive for cocaine has died due to canine parvovirus. A new book, The Bog Bogluns of Ballinalee, is being described as a unique and fantastical Irish folklore tale set to transfix young readers. Author John Hughes transports youngsters to Co Longford and introduces the Bog Bogluns, a magical race that has lived in Ballinalee, hidden from plain sight, since before the Celts arrived. Bursting with adventures, rescues and kindness, this mythical and magical tale is destined to become bedtimes number one favourite read. The Bog Bogluns of Ballinalee is a tale of true friendship, comradery, and the importance of showing kindness and love to all living things. Offering fairy tale escapism for young readers (the book is aimed at 7- 11 year olds) as well as finding favour with many an older reader, John Hughes captivates with the daily lives of the Bog Bogluns, who live in the boglands around the village of Ballinalee. Beautifully descriptive and bursting with characterful souls, The Bog Bogluns of Ballinalee will be the first introduction to many of mythical Irish folklore, but the addition of contemporary values makes it very much a book of our times. Illustrated (by Aneesa Cassimjee) and a substantial read at 191 pages, the Bog Bogluns are guaranteed to become a bedtime must read. Fans of Murf Muklefinn the Boglun and his buddies will also be pleased to learn that further adventures from Ballinalee are very much on this talented authors to-do list. Childrens librarian Elizabeth Donnelly said, The Bog Bogluns of Ballinalee is a lively tale of the adventures of a small race of sprites living in the bogs in the midlands of Ireland. Author John Hughes has fashioned a magical world where they interact with talking animals, a fairy princess and occasionally, their human neighbours. Published by LR Price Publications, The Bog Bogluns of Ballinalee is available in paperback (9.99) from Amazon at The book is also available to purchase at Waterstones and The Book Depository Glowing tributes have been paid to Longford native Michael Dowler who has been remembered as a champion gymnast and first-class soldier. The death occurred on Thursday, February 23, 2023 of Michael Dowler, Retired Irish Defence Forces, 28 Tormey Villas, Athlone, Co Westmeath and formerly of Legan, Co Longford. Mick, a native of Legan, Co Longford, resided most of his life in Athlone. Sympathy is extended to his loving wife Alice, sons John & Michael, daughters Lynda (Dolan), Audrey (Dowler) & Maria (Heffernan), brothers, sisters, in-laws, his adoring grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, cousins, relatives and many friends. May He Rest In Peace. The Peter Keenan Branch ONE, Longford paid tribute to the late, ex Sergeant Michael (Mick) Dowler of the 6th Infantry Battalion. "He enlisted in the army in the 1950s, he came from a military background, his grandfather and granduncle both served in the Great War. The thousands of recruits that passed through Custume Barracks, in the 60s, 70s, and 80s will remember Mick as the Sergeant in the gym. He was an excellent PE Instructor and expert gymnast. He trained so many, down through the years, and those teams, and himself, won several All-Army titles. His own speciality was the rings where he could perform the Iron Cross or crucifix with little effort. A first-class soldier, he served with the 32nd Battalion in the Belgium Congo in 1960. He served with 4th Inf Group in Cyprus in 1965 and the 44th Battalion in Lebanon in 1978-1979. During The Troubles, before the border battalions were set up, he served in the Finner Camp for three-month periods and Ballyconnell was a one-month stint. To his wife, family, relatives and many friends the Peter Keenan Branch of ONET offer our sincere condolences. Rest in peace Michael." FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Reposing at Flynn's Funeral Home, The Strand on Sunday evening, February 26 from 4pm until 6pm. Requiem Mass on Monday, February 27 in Our Lady Queen of Peace, Coosan Church at 10:30am with cremation afterwards in Lakelands Crematorium, Cavan. For those who wish to live stream Michael's Funeral Mass, please click on the link below on Monday, February 27 at 10:30am: For those who wish to live stream Michael's cremation service, please click on the link below on Monday, February 27 at 1:30pm: Shahi Foods and Spices, Omans leading FMCG brand that supplies spices, pulses, coffee, nuts, dry-fruits and cereals company, has hosted a business conclave (Biz-Con23) to celebrate its 37 years in business in the sultanate. Held at the Sheraton Oman Hotel in Muscat, the event was attended by the companys associates, retail partners, special invitees, management and executives. Showcasing the brand's journey, its philosophy, history and major achievements, the conference was hosted by popular emcee Salim Al Rahbi, and witnessed the announcement of the names of the Mega Raffle Draw winners. Motivational address The event also saw the companys core team and sales team take centre-stage, as part of its Star Assets programme. The highlight of the evening was a special motivational address by ace keynote speaker, technology and marcom consultant, Tariq Al Barwani, who kept the audience captivated throughout his segment. The evenings proceedings culminated with a performance by renowned violinist Lanny Alarcon. In his welcome speech to the delegates and other attendees, Mohammed Ashraf Mulamparambil, Founder, Managing Director, and driving force behind the brand, laid emphasis on the brands legacy, emphasising that the companys retail partners, employees and teams are the biggest reason for its success. Shedding light on Shahis modern manufacturing facility with cutting edge technology in production and packaging, Mulamparambil emphasised that it is their state-of-art infrastructure that helps maintain the purity and freshness of their products. He also highlighted the high-quality stringent processes adapted in procurement of raw material, packaging, quality control and delivery of the spices to the retailers, that have helped make the brand the preferred choice of millions of households for over three decades in Oman and beyond. Indispnsable companion The Executive Director, Abdul Rahman Mohammed Ashraf Mulamparambil shared the brand's aim to become an indispensable companion of every household in the sultanate. Founded in 1986, Shahi Foods & Spices offers over 200 varieties of food products in the categories of Pulses, Lentils, Spices, Nuts, Dry Fruits and Arabic Coffee. The brands uncompromising commitment to quality, wide range of products and penchant for innovation makes Shahi the most trusted household name in the sultanate. The company is the only brand in the country with a fully-equipped quality control facility, and procures raw materials from several countries of origin, which it then processes at its own manufacturing unit. Known for setting benchmarks for quality, safety and taste in the Sultanate and beyond, Shahi has its flagship buy and mill food mart Mashhoor in Sohar. The company also owns the countrys largest coffee processing facility and produces the best kahwa blends in the region.-- TradeArabia News Service Delays in the issuing of certificates of analysis by Forensic Science Ireland may see charges struck out in Longford District Court. The issue raised its head in two cases at last week's court sitting. Inspector Paddy McGirl explained that prosecutions were delayed as the national forensic lab had yet to issue certificates of analysis in respect of suspected drugs. This certificate from FSI, which is staffed by scientists and analysts who examine samples submitted from crime scenes, are used by the DPP in deciding to progress with criminal trials. FSI also examines items that possibly come into contact with drugs, such as weighing scales or other drug dealing equipment, to determine if traces of a controlled substance are present. The case against Larissa Hanafin (34) of 33 Moycourt, Ballymahon, Longford, is stalled until FSI issue a certificate of analysis. Inspector McGirl said it can take between 14 and 18 months to get a certificate. Inspector McGirl said Gardai were between a rock and a hard place. Ms Hanafin faces a charge that on August 8, 2022 at her home address she was in possession of cannabis, and a second charge of possession for sale of supply. Solicitor Fiona Baxter stated her client was being prejudiced by the delay in the prosecution. Ms Baxter said a Garda vetting application cannot progress until her client's case is concluded. Another defendant, Deborah Kilduff (34) of 5 Congress Terrace, St Michael's Road, Longford has had the charges against her stalled pending a certificate which only issued in January. The defendant faces a charge of cannabis possession and possession for sale or supply dating back to October 22, 2021 at her home address. Solicitor John Quinn said his client has attended court on six occasions and the State has had plenty of time to put their house in order. Inspector McGirl said this is another case where the certificate of analysis has caused a a delay in the progress of the prosecution. In the charges against Larissa Hanafin Judge Bernadette Owens remanded the defendant on continuing bail to July 18, 2023 and marked the file as time passing, a legal term that puts the onus on the prosecution to move the case forward. With regard to Deborah Kilduff the judge adjourned it to March 7, 2023 marking it as peremptory against the State, signalling that if the State does not go ahead with the prosecution on that date the matter will be struck out. An appeal against a 93 house development at Ard Michael, Longford was deemed invalid when the objector did not include the statutory fee. Longford County Council planners granted planning permission to developers for the large housing development in the county town last December. Adaview Ltd's planning application to Longford County Council to build the 93 houses at Ard Michael, Longford last July, was subsequently appealed to An Bord Pleanala. This week An Bord Pleanala told the Leader that the objection was not processed, saying: The appeal was not accompanied by the correct statutory fee and therefore was deemed invalid as per section 127(1)(f) of the Planning and Development 2000 Act (as amended). There has not been any further appeal received. The deadline to lodge an appeal has passed as per section 251 of the Act. The local authority approved plans are for dwellings comprising two two-storey three-bed detached houses, 44 three-storey three-bed semi-detached houses, 28 three-storey three-bed terraced houses and 19 two-storey two-bed terraced houses. Twenty-five of the houses will be accessed off the existing Ard Michael Road and 68 houses will be accessed off Oaklands Avenue. The development will include cycle paths, landscaped open space, and all associated site works. The local planners received 12 submissions on the application. State bodies Transport Infrastructure Ireland and Irish Water made submissions to the local authority planners. Residents' concerns about traffic management and the removal of mature oak trees, while the Board of Management of St Emer's NS also referenced traffic management concerns. The 16 conditions included measures to protect existing structures, adherence to submitted plans, landscaping, water and wastewater considerations, the provision of a bond of 930,000 and a development fee of 225,990. Plainview Woman Loses Nearly $30,000 in Phone Scam, Warns Others to Beware Crime By Jacob Alvear Published: February 26 2023 A Long Island woman is out nearly $30,000 after falling victim to a phone scam A phone scam has left a Long Island woman with a nearly $30,000 loss. According to Nassau County Police, the victim, a 43-year-old woman from Plainview, received a call on the morning of Feb. 23 from someone claiming to be from Chase Bank's fraud department. The caller, who used the name "Tracy Smith," informed the victim of fraudulent activity on her account and instructed her to wire $29,800 to a Bank of America account to resolve the issue. The victim complied and sent the money. Realizing that she may have been defrauded, she later contacted the police for assistance. To avoid falling victim to scams, Chase Bank offers several tips on its website, including: (Alliance News) - UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said his administration is "giving it everything we've got" to finalise a deal to fix issues with the Northern Ireland protocol but insists a pact has not yet been secured. Sunak said he is hopeful of a "positive outcome" in the talks with the EU as Westminster braces for a new-look protocol to be unveiled. The British leader is keen to ensure the Democratic Unionist Party is on side with his final agreement as he looks to restore power-sharing in Northern Ireland. The DUP is refusing to take part in Stormont's cross-community devolved government alongside Sinn Fein in protest at the impact the Brexit treaty is having on trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The party has issued seven tests that Sunak's pact will have to meet in order to win its backing, including addressing what it calls the "democratic deficit" of Northern Ireland being subject to EU rules while not having a say on them. Sunak, speaking to The Sunday Times newspaper, pledged that "anything that we do will tick all of those boxes" in terms of Unionist concerns. A protocol deal has looked close to being announced for almost a week. And after No 10 said "good progress" was made during a Friday call between the UK prime minister and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, a breakthrough seemed imminent. However, a plan for von der Leyen to travel to Britain on Saturday to meet Sunak and then have afternoon tea with the King at Windsor Castle was scrapped on Friday evening. Downing Street has since said that "intensive" discussions remain underway between London and Brussels. Irish premier Leo Varadkar said on Saturday that talks between the UK and the EU were "inching towards conclusion" as he called on all sides to "go the extra mile" to sign off on negotiations. The prime minister told The Sunday Times that he was continuing to push for a final agreement with the bloc. "I'm here all weekend trying to get it done," he told the newspaper. "We're giving it everything we've got." He admitted that there were examples of "where it feels that Northern Ireland is not part of the Union" and that the protocol had "unbalanced" the Good Friday Agreement that helped end the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Citing the example of not being able to apply reforms to alcohol duty in Northern Ireland when he was chancellor as the protocol dictates that it falls under EU single market rules for duties Sunak pledged to work to satisfy Unionist demands with any deal he secures. "I'm a Conservative, I'm a Brexiteer and I'm a unionist and anything that we do will tick all of those boxes, otherwise it wouldn't make sense to me, let alone anyone else," he told The Sunday Times. Several reports have suggested a deal between the UK and the EU is all but done with Sunak delaying an announcement until he is confident it will be accepted. No 10 denies that but reports suggest Sunak has secured concessions that will ease the flow of trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain a major bugbear for Unionists. Trusted traders from GB into Northern Ireland will reportedly not need to undergo checks as part of the plans, while VAT rates, taxes and state aid policy will all be set by Westminster rather than Brussels as part of the offer on the table. The prime minister has also reportedly negotiated a means by which the Northern Ireland Assembly in Belfast will be given pre-legislative scrutiny over new EU laws in a bid to remove the so-called "democratic deficit". According to The Sun On Sunday, Sunak will invite Cabinet ministers into No 10 on Sunday to brief them on the details of what he has secured so far. Downing Street will be anxiously waiting for Boris Johnson's view on the new terms, with the former prime minister recently imploring Sunak not to drop his Northern Ireland protocol bill, which would unilaterally overwrite parts of the treaty. The Sunday Times reported that Johnson, called to back what Sunak comes back with in order to appease the White House, replied saying: "F*** the Americans." A source close to Johnson told PA: "This was a jocular conversation in the chamber that someone evidently misunderstood. "That is not the sort of language he would use." Fresh speculation about a new pact comes after Downing Street came in for criticism for the proposed meeting between EU leader von der Leyen and the King. It is said that No 10 envisaged branding Sunak's deal the "Windsor agreement" if the German politician had been content to sign off on a deal while in Britain. Sammy Wilson, a DUP MP, accused the prime minister of "dragging the King into a hugely controversial political issue". A UK government source said it would not have been improper for the King to have met a visiting European leader. The source told PA news agency it was "wrong to suggest the King would be involved in anything remotely political". Buckingham Palace would not comment. By Patrick Daly, PA Political Correspondent source: PA Copyright 2023 Alliance News Ltd. All Rights Reserved. (Alliance News) - UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will hold face-to-face talks in the UK with the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Monday, as he looks to finalise a deal to fix issues with the Northern Ireland Protocol. In a joint statement on Sunday from Downing Street and the European Commission, they confirmed Sunak and von der Leyen will meet to discuss the "range of complex challenges around" the Brexit treaty. It comes after speculation mounted that a deal could be announced imminently, with Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab saying Britain and the EU were on the "cusp" of striking an agreement. In the joint statement issued by Downing Street, the pair said: "Today, president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and prime minister of the UK, Rishi Sunak, agreed to continue their work in person towards shared, practical solutions for the range of complex challenges around the protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. "President von der Leyen will therefore meet with the prime minister in the UK tomorrow." By Patrick Daly, PA Political Correspondent source: PA Copyright 2023 Alliance News Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Nephew of Indira Gandhi assassin Satwant Singh held in New Zealand for drug smuggling 15 Apr 2023 | 10:46 PM New Delhi/Wellington, Apr 15 (UNI) Auckland police have arrested Baltej Singh, a nephew of Satwant Singh, one of the two Sikh bodyguards who assassinated Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1984, over importing a large quantity of methamphetamine concealed in beer cans. see more.. MHA decides to conduct Constable (GD) CAPF exams in 13 regional languages 15 Apr 2023 | 10:26 PM New Delhi, Apr 15 (UNI) The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has approved conducting Constable (General Duty) examination for Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) in 13 regional languages, in addition to Hindi and English, a statement said on Saturday. see more.. EAM's visit to Uganda, Mozambique, Ethiopia helped cement strong bonds of friendship 15 Apr 2023 | 10:17 PM New Delhi, Apr 15 (UNI) External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar paid an official visit to Uganda and Mozambique from April 10-15 and also made a brief stopover in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The visit helped to further cement the strong bonds of friendship that India enjoys with these African countries. see more.. Indians in Sudan asked to stay indoors following clashes between army, paramilitary 15 Apr 2023 | 9:49 PM New Delhi/Khartoum, Apr 15 (UNI) All Indians living in Sudan were on Saturday advised to take utmost precautions, stay indoors and not venture outside, following the clashes that erupted today between Sudan's army and paramilitary forces. see more.. Social Security Benefits: Can you collect SS if you live in another country? Social Security Benefits: Can you collect SS if you live in another country? Living outside the United States may affect your Social Security payments depending on the country in which you reside, as the US are not sending out checks to certain countries. The Unites States government explains that living outside the country means that an applicant is not in one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, or American Samoa for at least 30 consecutive days. Can you collect Social Security if you live in another country? The answer is yes, eligible US citizens can continue receiving Social Security payments if they live in a country where the US can send checks. The same goes for people who are not US citizens in the event they manage to prove that they were lawfully present in the United States for a 30-day period. But, if you are not a US citizen or you do not meet one of the conditions for continued payments, your payments will stop after you have been outside the United States for six full calendar months. "Once this happens, we cannot start your payments again until you come back and stay in the United States for a full calendar month," a Social Security Administration press release explained. "You must be in the United States on the first minute of the first day of any month and stay through the last minute of the last day of that month. "In addition, we may ask you to prove you have been lawfully present in the United States for the full calendar month. "For more information, contact the Social Security Administration or your Federal Benefits Unit. "Contact information is in the last section of this publication titled 'Contacting Social Security'." Which countries can't the USA send Social Security to? The list of the countries where the US can't send payments includes Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Jerusalem, Feb 26 (UNI) Hundreds of thousands of people have participated in yet another mass protest against the Israeli government's controversial judicial reform, Israeli media report. The protesters gathered across Israel on Saturday evening, The Jerusalem Post reported, saying that the major demonstration saw hundreds of thousands of participants. The Times of Israel said that an estimated 130,000 - 160,000 demonstrators gathered in Tel Aviv alone on Saturday, and tens of thousands more around the country. The protesters took to Kaplan Interchange, near the government complex, The Jerusalem Post said. At least 21 protesters were arrested on the Ayalon Highway on Saturday and roads in Tel Aviv were blocked for hours, according to The Jerusalem Post. On Tuesday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tuerk expressed concern that the judicial reform pushed by the Israeli government may negatively impact the rights of vulnerable groups in the country and urged the suspension of the initiative. On Monday, the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, approved the first part of the judicial reform in the first reading. The reform will limit the authority of the Supreme Court by giving the cabinet control over the selection of new judges, as well as allowing the Knesset to override the court's rulings with an absolute majority. The voting in the Knesset took place amid mass protests across the country that have been held for eight consecutive weeks. The reform's opponents argue it will undermine democracy in Israel and put the country on the verge of a social and constitutional crisis. The current Israeli judicial system has been in place since the establishment of the state in 1948. In accordance with this system, the Supreme Court provides constitutional oversight, since Israel does not have a constitution and a constitutional court. Government decisions are largely controlled by the Supreme Court, which can overrule them if necessary. UNI/SPUTNIK GNK Mumbai city Air Quality Index readings, which chart the concentrations of deadly particles, have regularly breached hazardous levels. It's even overtaken those in New Delhi, the Indian capital that's infamous for its grim, record-breaking toxic air. Impact of Air Pollution in Mumbai Air pollution leads to 2 million premature deaths annually across South Asia, which is home to nine of the world's 10 most-polluted metropolises, according to Mumbai Municipal Corporation statistics, acute bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia have recorded 13,444 total deaths in the last five years.There is a possibility of increasing diseases like heart disease, respiratory disorders, stroke, cancer, eye inflammation, and headache due to sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide can cause pneumonia, bacterial infection, heart disease, and brain damage due to carbon monoxide. The level of ozone is also increasing and the increasing ozone can be harmful to the human body. The Padres have signed outfielder Daniel Johnson to a minor league deal, according to his transactions tracker at Johnson, 27, was originally drafted by the Nationals but was traded to Cleveland in the 2018 deal that sent Yan Gomes to Washington. Johnson was able to get up to the majors with Cleveland, appearing in 35 games over the 2020 and 2021 seasons. He hit four home runs in that small sample but also struck out in 34% of his trips to the plate while walking in only 5.3% of them. His batting line in that time was .202/.245/.337 for a wRC+ of 52. He was outrighted off the clubs roster after that 2021 season and was traded to the Mets in May of 2022. The latter club released him in July, which resulted in Johnson returning to the Nats on a minor league deal. All that bouncing around didnt seem to suit him well, as he hit a combined .219/.268/.347 for the year. He was much better in Triple-A in 2021, hitting 14 home runs in 72 games and producing a .222/.314/.444 batting line. Johnson will jump into San Diegos outfield mix, which is in a temporary state of flux. Fernando Tatis Jr. is expected to man right field eventually but wont be eligible to play in the regular season until he serves the 20 games remaining on his suspension. For the time being, the likely configuration will have Juan Soto in left and Trent Grisham in center, with right field potentially occupied by players like Matt Carpenter, Adam Engel, Jose Azocar or Brandon Dixon. Johnson will look to fight his way onto the roster alongside other non-roster invitees such as David Dahl and Preston Tucker. Jerusalem, Feb 26 (UNI) At least 21 protesters were arrested in Israel after the mass protest held on Saturday night against the Israeli government's controversial judicial reform, Israeli media report. Hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered across Israel on Saturday evening, according to The Jerusalem Post. The Times of Israel said that 21 protesters were arrested on the Ayalon Highway and that roads in Tel Aviv were blocked for hours on Saturday. The newspaper said citing police that a number of law enforcement officers were lightly injured during clashes with protesters in Tel Aviv, where 100,000 demonstrators gathered on Saturday. On Tuesday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tuerk expressed concern that the judicial reform pushed by the Israeli government may negatively impact the rights of vulnerable groups in the country and urged the suspension of the initiative. On Monday, the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, approved the first part of the judicial reform in the first reading. The reform will limit the authority of the Supreme Court by giving the cabinet control over the selection of new judges, as well as allowing the Knesset to override the court's rulings with an absolute majority. The voting in the Knesset took place amid mass protests across the country that have been held for eight consecutive weeks. The reform's opponents argue it will undermine democracy in Israel and put the country on the verge of a social and constitutional crisis. The current Israeli judicial system has been in place since the establishment of the state in 1948. In accordance with this system, the Supreme Court provides constitutional oversight, since Israel does not have a constitution and a constitutional court. Government decisions are largely controlled by the Supreme Court, which can overrule them if necessary. UNI/SPUTNIK GNK 24.02.2023 LISTEN The German Ambassador to Ghana, Daniel Krull, has warned that the $3 billion bailout being sought from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is in danger of not being approved if China fails to agree to a debt relief package. Addressing the media, Mr Krull said China has so far rejected attempts by officials from Ghana to engage them to commit to the setting up of a creditors committee for an agreement on a debt package. President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on Friday, February 3, urged Germany to encourage China, an ad hoc member of the Paris Club, to support Ghana's debt restructuring efforts. The President made the call when the visiting German Finance Minister, Christian Lindner called on him at the Jubilee House, Accra. The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, on Thursday, disclosed that the government's planned high-level meeting with Chinese creditors over Ghana's debt restructuring has been postponed to late March 2023. According to him, this is due to the upcoming National People's Congress of China which is scheduled for early March. But Mr Krull has disclosed that other creditors will only play their part and help if China the biggest creditor to Ghana agrees to the debt relief package. We are prepared to live up to our responsibility as one of the major bilateral creditors to Ghana, but we are only ready to implement our solidarity only if certain criteria are met. In this first place, it has to be done in an internationally coordinated fashion, and therefore we have the G20 common framework. The G20 has agreed on how to deal with these kinds of crises, and we feel that it is important that this framework is respected. The second condition is that we are ready to take our part when others are ready to do that so all major creditors must be ready to help Ghana. The Big elephant in the room is China. China is the largest creditor to Ghana and so far [China] is not supportive of setting up of a creditors committee, where the creditors will sit down and agree on an aid package for Ghana. Mr Krull further appealed to MPs and politicians who have business relations with China to encourage their Chinese counterparts to agree to the aid package to help rescue Ghanas economy. The President and the Finance Ministers have appealed to Germany to support Ghana in convincing China to come to the table, and we are ready to do that but at the same time, I want to appeal to all Ghanaians who have strong ties to China, who are doing nice business with China to also engage them and convince them that it is time to sit down with all the creditors and agree on a package. Time is of the essence. Without this agreement, the IMF package is in severe danger. By Citi Newsroom A lecturer at the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS), Professor Godfred Bokpin, has rejected claims that Ghanas quest for an IMF deal will be truancated if China fails to cancel its debt. Despite making such an assertion, he however suggested that, the government of Ghana, must strategically cooperate with China on the debt cancellation move in order not to mar the relationship between the two countries beyond the IMF deal. The German Ambassador to Ghana, Daniel Krull, alleged that the $3 billion bailout being sought from the International Monetary Fund is in danger of not being approved if China fails to agree to a debt relief package. In an interview on the Eyewitness News with Selorm Adonoo, the Economist said, Ghanas indebtedness to China, the external debt from the current composition dimension, is not so big. So as to say that if we fail to receive debt forgiveness from China, that is the end for Ghana, no. Professor Bokpin added, value slightly around 4% of our total external debt, or you put it roughly maybe around $1.7billion or even a little more than that. You know this is not extraordinary, but then if you look at that amount, relative to the Paris Club creditors made up of these powerful countries, Germany, Japan, UK, France, US and the rest of them. You can see that China is a big player as a single country and their level of exposure to Ghana. China is a big player on the continent and therefore their cooperation is key. That is why we need a proper strategy in getting China to cooperate. Professor Bokpin said the ongoing discussion on the debt relief package fuelled by global geopolitics put China in a bad light and needs to be managed well by the government. I think that the current discussion and approach put China in a certain bad light, which I think is not good. This may also be fuelled by global geopolitics as elevated by Russias invasion of Ukraine and Chinas posture and then Ghanas posture with respect to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Ghana is leaning more towards the West, which already will send some signals, so we have to find a better way of cooperating along this line, than probably blaming everything on China. China needs to be treated with respect, the UG lecturer opined. Background Ghana's total public debt stock has shot up to GH575.7 billion at the end of November 2022, according to new data released by the Bank of Ghana. The new debt figure brings Ghana's debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio to 93.5% from 75.9% in September 2022. The Bank of Ghana's January 2023 economic and financial data summary revealed that the debt stock increased by GH108.3 billion between September and November 2021. The external component of the country's public debt shot up to GH382.7 billion in November 2022, equivalent to 62.1% of GDP. Ghana is seeking to secure an IMF bailout by mid-March as part of its debt restructuring. The government is also seeking under the G20 Common Framework for Debt Treatment to get debt forgiveness from some bilateral and multilateral partners. China and its agencies hold about $1.7 billion of Ghana's $5.5 billion bilateral debt and the specialised nature of their lending windows means that Ghana cannot add them to the model used to negotiate with the G20 and the Paris Club members. Government has urged Germany to encourage China, an ad hoc member of the Paris Club, to support Ghana's debt restructuring efforts. -citinewsroom Africa's biggest film festival kicked off in Burkina Faso on Saturday with the Sahel nation's long-running jihadist insurgency looming large over the opening night. A total of 170 entries have been selected for the FESPACO festival in the capital Ouagadougou, including 15 fiction feature films in contention for the Yennenga Golden Stallion award and a prize of around $30,000. The president of FESPACO's organising committee, Fidele Aymar Tamini, said the festival's 28th edition would embrace the theme of "African cinemas and peace cultures" in the context of the crisis. The prime minister of neighbouring Mali, the festival's guest country of honour which is also grappling with a bloody jihadist insurgency, said culture had an "avant-garde role to play in the peace process". Mali and Burkina Faso are "brother countries" facing the "terrorist hydra" and "our fight for peace and sovereignty remains the priority," Choguel Kokalla Maiga said to rapturous applause. Around 60 dancers simulated fighting to the sound of beating drums on an immense stage in a performance called "20 million VDP", referring to a civilian volunteer force that supports the Burkinabe army. The ceremony's organiser said the choreography was designed to showcase the "bravery" of Burkina Faso's youth faced with the jihadist crisis, which spilled over from Mali in 2015. Around 12 VDP members were killed in an attack in the unstable north earlier this week, which followed the deaths of at least 70 soldiers in the same region in two separate assaults blamed on jihadists. The violence in Burkina Faso has killed more than 10,000 people and forced around two million to flee their homes. Burkinabe Culture and Communications Minister Jean-Emmanuel Ouedraogo said Mali and Burkina Faso, both ruled by military juntas that seized power in coups, were travelling on the same road in integration and cooperation projects. Prime Minister Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambela, also attending the ceremony, recently suggested a federation between the West African neighbours. The festival is due to run until March 4. Former President John Dramani Mahama has told churches to opine on the economic challenges facing Ghanaians presently. He subtly criticized the Former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana , Rev. Prof Emmanuel Martey, who constantly criticised the National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration but has gone quit under the Akufo-Addo government. It is recalled that Professor Martey in October 2014 when Mr Mahama was the sitting President, said Ghana needed wise men to rule in order to save the nation from the numerous challenges. He said this at the foundation stone and dedication of a church building for the Kwadaso Trinity Congregation in Kumasi. We need to be told as truth, the biblical cliche that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We need wisdom to rule this country, he said. Anyansafuoeii mo wo hin? To wit Where are the wise men?, he asked. Mr John Mahama, while speaking at the induction ceremony forthe founder of the Cedar Mountain Chapel Rev Stephen Wengam as General Superintendent in Accra on Saturday, February 25, 2023, admonished churches and religious leaders to speak out despite which political party is in office. He said The church does not exist only to pray for leaders, it exists also to provide some suggestions and guidance to leaders because, after all, the church does not hang in the sky, the church exists in society, and whatever happens in society affects the church. Today, the economic crisis that we are in, affects our congregation and so it is necessary for the church to speak out anytime they think things are not going on properly. I expect that this should be done no matter which government is in office. We must be seen to be balanced and nonpartisan, not Anyansafuoeii mo wo hin in one government and then go quiet in another one. We must always speak truth to power to whoever is in office it affects the lives of our congregation and Christians must not be afraid to participate in politics. I said that the price that the wise pay for not participating in politics is to be ruled by fools and so we as Christians should not shy away from politics. Meanwhile Prof. Martey has said he now uses text messages among other channels to speak to people on matters of national interest. Speaking at a Public lecture in Koforidua on Tuesday, May 25, 2022, he said Rev. Prof Martey is still speaking but has changed the style.Those I need to communicate with them I communicate. Sometimes through text messages and a lot of things have happened because of my intervention. So I'm still speaking. He further indicated that per the constitution of the Presbyterian Church, it is only the serving moderators who are mandated to speak on behalf of the church on national issues. You know the revelations, practice and procedure of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana ,the Spirit of our constitution is that the Presbyterian Church of Ghana has only one representative to speak on behalf of the church and that person is the moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana not past moderators but serving moderator. And for me, my understanding of leadership is that especially the Church's setting leadership is like a relay race when the baton is given to you [you don't take it , it's given to you] ,you run as fast as you could and when you you get to the next person, you hand over the baton and stop running. If you hand over the baton and you continue running, anyone who does that is mad he said. National Identification Authority (NIA) has been left to look for funds in order to have blank cards released for printing Ghana Cards as the company in charge has locked them up due to indebtedness. According to reports, Identity Management Systems Limited (IMS) is owed a considerable amount of money, forcing it to deny NIA access to the blank cards. But assurance has been given that the matter will be solved and soon the cards will be made available for printing the Ghana Cards. Since about August of last year, we have experienced financial constraints in the system and it created a situation where even though we have 3.5 million stock of cards in a bonded warehouse, we are unable to assess the cards because of financial difficulty, Executive Secretary of the Authority Professor Kenneth Agyemang Attafuah stated on Accra-based Joy FM on Saturday. He, however, indicated that government has cleared some of the debt and soon some cards will be released for printing. This comes in the wake of questions raised by the Minority in Parliament about the inability of all eligible Ghanaians to get their cards in time for registration. The Electoral Commission, Ghana (EC) is said to have proposed a new Constitutional Instrument (CI) to have the Ghana Card as the sole document of proof for registration ahead of the 2024 elections. But Prof Attafuah assured that with the financial difficulties out of the way, the NIA will print all the cards for registered Ghanaians even for those below 18 years. As of Sunday, February 19, he indicated, only 541,529 cards are yet to be printed. Out of the total 16,737,734 cards printed, 642,403 are yet to come for theirs. In Sudan's sprawling Kalma camp for the displaced, Ansaf Omar lives with the gut-wrenching guilt of losing her toddler to a food crisis that has hit millions of people nationwide. "I am severely malnourished so I couldn't breastfeed him," said Omar, 34, a month after her one-and-half-year-old child died in Kalma camp just outside Nyala, the provincial capital of South Darfur state. "I took him everywhere -- hospitals, treatment centres, but he died in the end," she said. Desperate mothers like Omar battle daily around Kalma to feed their frail and hungry children, many of whom are severely malnourished. Sudan is one of the world's poorest countries, with one-third of the population -- at least 15 million people -- facing a growing hunger crisis, according to United Nations figures. Nearly three million of Sudan's children under the age of five are acutely malnourished, the UN says. With malnourishment widespread, one-third of Sudanese children under five are too short for their age, aid agencies said. By Abdelmonim MADIBU (AFP) "Over 100,000 children in Sudan are at risk of dying of malnutrition if left untreated," said Leni Kinzli, head of communications in the country for the World Food Programme (WFP). Nationwide, one-third of children under five are "too short for their age", and nearly half of Sudan's 189 localities have a "stunting prevalence more significant than 40 percent", according to the Alight aid group. It said that at least 63 children were reported to have died from causes related to malnutrition at Alight facilities in and around Kalma in 2022. Sudan grappled with chronic hardships under the regime of Omar al-Bashir, who was ousted in 2019. His three-decade rule was marked by internal conflicts, government mismanagement and punishing international sanctions. Bouts of violence The restive Darfur region was the scene of a bitter civil war that broke out in 2003, pitting ethnic African minority rebels against Bashir's Arab-dominated government in Khartoum. A nutrition centre run by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) at Darfur's Kalma camp, where residents say conditions have worsened. By Abdelmonim MADIBU (AFP) Economic troubles deepened following the Covid-19 pandemic and a 2021 military coup which derailed a post-Bashir transition and triggered cuts to crucial international aid. Some 65 percent of Sudan's people live under the poverty line, according to a 2020 UN report. Food insecurity is not new to the residents of Kalma, Darfur's largest camp and home to some 120,000 people displaced since the 2003 conflict erupted in the country's arid western region. But residents say conditions have worsened as economic hardships kept rising and sporadic bouts of deadly violence continued. Alight's nutrition centres in Kalma saw a "dramatic increase on admissions to and demand on its emergency nutrition services" in 2022, according to the group's country director, Heidi Diedrich. "Kalma stabilisation centre newly admitted 863 children in 2022, an increase of 71 percent from 2021," according to Alight. "The number of deaths at the stabilisation centre increased by 231 percent in 2022, all children aged six months and above." Outside one nutrition centre in Kalma, 38-year-old Hawa Suleiman cradled her sleeping infant, hoping to find food for the child. "We have nothing at home. We sometimes go to sleep hungry," she said. Lack of funding In recent years the WFP has halved food rations for internally displaced people in Kalma "due to funding constraints", said Kinzli. A vegetable seller near Kalma camp -- one third of Sudan's population faces a growing hunger crisis, according to United Nations figures. By Abdelmonim MADIBU (AFP) The lack of funding -- in part due to global economic decline following Covid-19 and the Ukraine crisis -- coupled with rising humanitarian needs puts the WFP in "an impossible situation where we have to choose who receives support and who does not -- it's heartbreaking". The UN has reported a 35 percent deficiency in the production of sorghum -- a staple food in Sudan -- during the 2021-2022 harvest season. Nouralsham Ibrahim, 30, says she could no longer rely on aid to feed her five children. "We try to make some money working the fields outside the camp, but it barely covers one day," she said. "Even the bread is too expensive." For others like Omar, venturing out of the camp in the troubled Darfur region, where ethnic violence still breaks out sporadically, is risky and rarely worth it. "We are not left in peace when we get out to work," said the woman who makes just 500 Sudanese pounds ($0.85) a day when she works in the fields. "Women and girls get raped... and men get killed." Kalma is Darfur's largest camp, home to about 120,000 people displaced since a civil war erupted in 2003. By Abdelmonim MADIBU (AFP) The Darfur conflict -- which left 300,000 people killed and 2.5 million displaced -- may have largely subsided but ethnic violence can still break out over access to water, land or cattle. In 2022, clashes killed nearly 1,000 people in the country, including in the Darfur region, according to the UN. "We are very tired," said Ibrahim. "We scramble here and there to get food but we need help." 26.02.2023 LISTEN Mr Joseph Appiah, the Sefwi-Akontombra Constituency Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), says the party has upheld the decision by the National Executive Committee (NEC) to postpone the constituency's parliamentary primary. The decision to postpone, he said, would enable the party to thoroughly engage all stakeholders to get the right representation for the constituency in its quest to win power come 2024. Mr Appiah told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that the NDC was organising and mobilising resources and rightful tools to facilitate the desired victory in the polls. This decision will help foster unity among the rank and file of the party, making it easier for us to win back the parliamentary seat in 2024, he said. The Akontombra Constituency is among 27 others, of which the NEC had postponed their parliamentary primaries. Mr Appiah prayed that the engagement would also create brotherliness this time round to engender active participation in all campaign activities by party members. GNA Media must be bold to criticize unpopular decisions and actions of governments to encourage accountability and transparency, the media must amplify the voices of the voiceless. We need a vibrant and fearless media to hold everyone accountable, we need fiscal discipline to turn the economy around, Mr. Abraham Koomson, General Secretary of the Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL) has stated. He explained that the media is clothed with so much power for positive transformation the public need information from the government as well as provide feedback to the government. Mr Koomson stated at the Ghana News Agency Tema Industrial News Hub Boardroom Dialogue on measures to secure the economy without sacrificing the manufacturing sector. He, therefore, called on the media to lead a national economic liberation crusade as politicians are destroying the economic foundation of the country. He described the media as a powerful institution clothed with constitutional powers which cannot be controlled by any government or body, Ghana is at a crossroads and needs the media to play an active role to revitalize the economy. Mr. Koomson noted that as the fourth Estate of the realm media must join forces with other key stakeholders for economic transformation, media cannot watch as politicians gradually drive the nation into a catastrophic end. The GFL General Secretary also acknowledged the power of the media to promote advocacy, scrutinize governmental policies, and above all serve as a watchdog, these are elements needed to fight against corruption and nepotism in the country. Mr. Koomson also cautioned the government against policies and postures that would send the wrong signal to the investor community. He disclosed that due to the current economic situation, some investors are folding up, others are considering cutting down on the number of staff or reducing production. He reiterated that too many taxes imposed on the importation of raw materials form part of the unstable policies which are now scaring investors away from the country and crippling the manufacturing sector. Mr. Koomson explained that the incessant mismanagement of the economy was the reason for the various challenges confronting the economy saying the government should desist from imposing additional taxes on companies. He said many companies risk folding up which would balloon the unemployment rates. The Federation of Labour, therefore, cautioned the government that with such huge taxations, manufacturing industries could not produce at competitive prices and still break even leading to most of them shutting down their operations and leaving the country or engaging in buying and selling instead of manufacturing. He noted that on the contrary it was time government support investors and help local companies grow instead of bombarding them with too many taxes, stressing that the over-taxation of raw material importation was gradually crippling the manufacturing sector and something must be done about it urgently. He disclosed that the GFL had already written to the GRA for a meeting to discuss the issue among others, adding that they have also petitioned Parliament on the taxes to ensure that the industries survived and provided the needed jobs for the large unemployed youth. If nothing is done about it, it will wreck the whole system down and unemployment will continue to increase, he added. He indicated that the GFL was in talks with the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) to jointly tackle the issue; adding that other stakeholders would also be contacted for their inputs on the overburdened taxes on raw materials. The Reverend Ebenezer Dadzie Residence Pastor of the Bethany Methodist Church at Seprepor in the Kpone-Katamanso Municipality has commended the Ghana Armed Forces Fire Service from First Battalion of Infantry Michel Camp for responding to their distress call. The church last Thursday was almost consumed by fire but for the timely intervention of the military firefighters who responded swiftly to the Macedonia call of the church. Rev. Dadzie noted that two fire tenders from the Michel Camp and the Ashaiman Roundabout Fire Stations combated and controlled the fire within 30 minutes. Lance Corporal Desmond Gatsri who was part of the recuse firefighting team told newsmen at Seprepor that the command received a distress call at about 09:20 hours on Thursday. He said immediately the fire team moved to the site to contain the situation, stressing that the fire could have caused some serious damage to the Church and other properties within the vicinity but for the timely intervention by the military firefighting team. L/C Gatsri advised residents to report fire issues to the appropriate institution for the necessary action immediately after they notice or sense unwanted fire. He assured the residents that the needed investigation would be undertaken to unravel the cause of the fire. He, however, called on churches, schools, public and private facilities, hospitals, and other facilities to procure fire extinguishers and install them at their premises. Turkey continues to struggle in the wake of deadly earthquakes, with nearly 50,000 dead and millions homeless in the worst humanitarian crisis in the hundred-year history of the Turkish Republic. The humanitarian crisis is now threatening to become a political one for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Emergency services rushed to the scene of the latest collapsed building as Turkey's earthquake-hit Anatolia region was struck by another powerful tremor that was felt as far away as Egypt. For the quake survivors, there seems no end to this nightmare. New tremors In Hatay city, a rescue team recovered a body from a collapsed building after the most recent deadly earthquake. Relatives watch and grieve the latest victim. The 6.4 tremor epicenter was close to Hatay. A region already devastated by two massive quakes two weeks ago. The latest quake has further traumatised already deeply shocked people trying to rebuild their destroyed lives. "I cannot sleep at night. Is the same thing going to happen again," wondered Hatay resident Havva Tuncay. "Are we going to experience another earthquake? We are very scared. I haven't slept for a week. It's reached a certain level that sometimes I cannot feel my feet," she added. Experts warn of the danger of powerful aftershocks from the latest tremor. However, international aid is still arriving. But from the start of the crisis, criticism of the sluggish response of the emergency services and the lack of large-scale military deployment continues to grow. "The situation on the ground is dismal, and people are outraged, and we are all mourning, and it's a calamity we are not going to get over very soon," said political scientist Zeynep Alemdag of Istanbul's Ozan University. 'Region has lost ten to twenty years' "The region has lost at least ten to twenty years," added Alemdag. "But most of the discussions about the accountability of the government's actions and policies will be around why there wasn't an earlier attempt at alleviating the situation." Visiting the disaster-stuck region, President Erdogan acknowledged shortcomings but insisted the quakes were a once-in-a-century event and that no one could plan for such a catastrophe. "Despite the fact that we have gathered perhaps one of largest search and rescue teams to the region with more than 141,000 members, unfortunately, it is a fact that we have not been able to respond as fast as we hoped," said Erdogan. But criticism continues to grow as the crisis unfolds. Government-controlled broadcast regulators have started to slap fines on tv stations that criticise the handling of the crisis. There are also questions about why so many buildings collapsed. Many were newly constructed and meant to have complied with rigorous earthquake resistance regulations. Under particular scrutiny is a government amnesty four years ago for buildings that failed earthquake regulations in exchange for the constructors paying a fine. The owners of more than 100,000 buildings are believed to have taken advantage of the amnesty in the earthquake-struck region. Political storm The response to the crisis and its underlying causes are creating a gathering political storm for Erdogan and his government. "It seems to me the government has not grasped the magnitude of the catastrophe," warns political scientist Soli Ozel of Istanbul's Kadir Has University. "The fact that everything emanates from the presidential palace meant that no one could take the initiative, and saving face and rejecting blame seemed to me far more important than saving lives and getting rid of the rubble, and then making the survivors feel comfortable. "And now we are in the phase of covering the tracks with the president claiming 98 percent of the houses that were destroyed were built before 1999 (the year of the introduction of quake-resistant building regulations) when I guess the entire world knows that is not true," added Ozel. The questions facing Erodgan and his AKP partty are likely to grow as the humanitarian crisis deepens. The country heads towards presidential and parliamentary elections which have to be held by June. 26.02.2023 LISTEN The distribution of resources globally has always been unequal, highly influenced by the terrain, climate, and altitude of the location. There is the paradox of heavily endowed continents manifesting chronic poverty with the masses being subjected to underserved hardship. You don't need to look afar; Africa is a glaring example. Nelson Mandela has said before "massive poverty and obscene inequality are such terrible scourges of our times, times in which the world boasts breathtaking advances in science, technology, industry, and wealth accumulation that they have to rank alongside slavery and apartheid as social evils." Mahatma Gandhi has also opined "I do not grudge the millionaire his mansion, but it is my earnest request to them, to do something to bridge the gulf that separates them from the peasants. Let them construct a bridge that would bring them closer to the poor...Let their lives bear some proportion to the lives of the poor around them." Africa remains under the resource curse even as it rules the roost as the most endowed location on earth, bedeviled by its leaders. Nigeria has the opportunity to change the narrative with its elections again, but it will be better for us to manage our expectations regardless of what the results may be. Have you heard the African proverb "the fingers are not equal?" Well, I believe it stands to enforce the fact that we are communal people, and we are to complement each other and make a better world for ourselves. No one can make the world better than its people. It takes forever for most of us to realize that the purpose of our existence is to love one another and be each other's keeper. There is a philanthropist in each of us, but it is our choice to be one. In the warm embrace of Islam, Christianity, the dominant and deep-rooted religions of our setting, it is no secret philanthropy is a virtue. The Bible encourages giving in Proverbs 19:17 "He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD. Also, Romans 12:13 When God's people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality. You may have a look at Matthew 25:40, Proverbs 3 : 27-28 which equally affirm the position. Giving is also given prominence in Islam as one of its pillars, Zakat. The Qur'an reminds us that there is a recognized right, for the needy and deprived over our wealth (70:24-5) Prophet Muhammad has said Do not show lethargy or negligence in giving alms and charity till your last breath. -Muhammad, upon him be peace. The Qur'an reminds us that there is a recognised right, for the needy and deprived over our wealth (70:24-5) Prophet Muhammad has said. Sadaqah is mentioned in the Quran multiple times in its chapters. In surah two, verse thirty-three Allah says: And be steadfast in prayer; practice regular charity and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship). From the Quran we learn that giving is simply worth the reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:274). And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me Prayer and Zakah as long as I remain alive. (Surah Maryam 19:31). Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him, you will be returned (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:245). You will not attain to piety until you spend of that which you love (Surah AlImran, 92). And spend [in the way of Allah] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, My Lord if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous. (Surah Al-Munafiqun, 10). Charitable men and charitable women, who have loaned Allah a good loanit will be multiplied for them, and for them is a generous reward. (Surah al-Hadid, 18 And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me Prayer and Zakah as long as I remain alive. (Surah Maryam 19:31). Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him, you will be returned (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:245). You will not attain to piety until you spend of that which you love (Surah AlImran, 92). And spend [in the way of Allah] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, My Lord if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous. (Surah Al-Munafiqun, 10). Charitable men and charitable women, who have loaned Allah a good loanit will be multiplied for them, and for them is a generous reward. (Surah al-Hadid, 18). Service to humanity is service to God and we all have to brighten the corner we belong, and you don't necessarily have to own a fortune to be helpful and kind to others. Ablekuma Central is blessed to have Alhaji Habib Abubakari. This is a young man with a big heart and a passion to empower others. Aside the many families he feeds, fees he pays for students, he has proven to be helpful to anyone in need regardless of the religion and political divide. This has made him likeable and attractive beyond the bounds of his community and party. Prior to his commitment as a Constituency Secretary of the NPP in Ablekuma Central, which he won convincingly, he has been attached to the grassroots serving and paying his dues. If every community in Ghana is to have an altruistic personality like this, our country may evolve quickly into an El dorado. Let us all be encouraged to serve and be there for others. Long live Ghana Dumenu Charles Selorm Many insist that we dwell on the inspiring aspects of Black History Month and I do agree. However, to carry this theme forward I would like to invite you to imagine what images the word celebration brings to your mind. The word celebration itself conjures images of joys over sorrows, strength over weakness, living in spite of dying, doing and undoing, breakthroughs in spite of resistance, forging ahead through the crucible, remembering through healing, unity over chaos, rhythms of hope in spite of how far there is to go. And since light is relevant only because there is darkness, any meaningful celebration also needs some backdrop for proper interpretation. And as one historian pointed out, slavery, our colonial past, among other challenges are actually an African Diasporan success story because we found ways to survive, to preserve our culture, and our families. And on these echoes of celebration, I would attend to the first question I would like to address today Why do you think it is important to Celebrate Black History Month? Black History month is important because it celebrates the three Hs: our History, our Heritage, and our Honour. Our history dates back to the very beginning of Human history being the first people to establish the blueprint for civilisation, back in Cush, Egypt and Phut. It is important to tell our own history and making the true African history accessible to a wider audience. And that it remains a vehicle of transformation and change, a useful concept, not just for people of African descent, but for all victims of stereotyping, its relevance not simply reduced to one more school assignment that has limited meaning for children. In celebrating our Heritage, we acknowledge the diversity within the African and the African diaspora community in terms of culture, faith, and experiences. It is important to delineate our own heritage to inform and correct diluted narratives. It is important that symbols of this heritage make it into Canadian cultural repositories as well as the preservation of black historic sites, as much of it remains unidentified, or un-acknowledged. We celebrate Honour by recounting the sacrifices of our forebears, the accomplishments of the present generation and laying a foundation of progress for future generations. Black History Month is also the Remembrance Month for people of African descent everywhere. We remember the tears and sufferings of those who were sold into slavery; we remember the perpetrators both sides of the Atlantic; we remember their tenacity and accomplishments despite their challenges; we remember their contributions to the world. We remember not to repeat past mistakes. We remember never again to allow another race to subjugate us. What Does Black History Month Mean to You? It is kind of a paradox: Its like leaving home by staying home and staying home by leaving home. Its a science and art of self preservation and self-sacrifice mingling together. How do you self- preserve and still self sacrifice? They cancel each other out and there will be nothing left, if one insists on looking at it on the surface. I live because I die. If you die you cannot be living. And yet this is the very heart of what Black History Month means, it thrives on because it died. This is the experience of people of African descent. Black History Month celebration has become the magnet that pulls Africa and the African Diaspora into dialoguing and conversations about their place in the human family, a much-needed platform. It means a time of reflection on our journey as a community. A time to celebrate. A time to reconnect. It is a time to take stock. Its like an annual general meeting or annual report for all afro-descendants. Why do you think it is important to have these dialogues? As stated by Lonnie Bunch, You can tell a great deal about a people by what they deem important enough to remember, to create moments for what they put in their museum and what they celebrate; and that we learn even more about a community by what it chooses to forget its mistakes, its disappointments, and its embarrassments Moreover, the great diversity within the African Diaspora community needs the glue of the past to remind us of not just how far we have traveled but lo, how far there is to go. Though all Afro-descendants are one, we are a diversity of cultures shaped by various geopolitical forces. These geopolitical forces of imperialism and colonialism recast the core features of international order. An international order established to benefit the raider, the oppressor, and the exploiter. Imperialism and colonialism established the processes of industrialisation, rational state building (rational only for the West), and ideologies of progress (Buzan and Lawson, 2013). And these processes destabilized the African continent and governance structures and birthed a new kind of organised violence invented by the architects of Western civilisation not the average ones struggling to make ends meet. This new kind of organised violence needed a social construct for justification: racism. Racism was a multi-layered crucible. And depending on which Western Community the Africans found themselves they were sifted through the coercive practices of slavery, indentured labor, and the plantation system (Gilroy 1993). The experiences of Diasporan Africans converged to forge novel ways of responding to injustice and oppression, creative ways of thriving economically and socially along with unique leadership structures. The Africans on the continent were sifted through colonialism and apartheid and berlinized (the berlin Conference) that is, partitioning of Africa, establishing rules to amicably divide resources among the Western countries at the expense of the African people, and after independence clandestinely signed them on to an unfair trade system to keep them economically poor and paralysed. The experiences of the Africans on the continent also converged to forge novel ways of responding to injustice and oppression, creative ways of thriving economically and socially along with unique leadership structures. The interconnection of these experiences and responses is what our dialoguing is about, (that is, dialoguing between the African Diaspora and the Africans on the continent) a communal return to the source of community unity to delineate more purposefully the meaning of our existence. Dialogues among people of African descent have the power of threading our stories, knowledge, and experiences to achieve clarity of our past, and enforce our present to carve a sustainable future. How do you react to the question, where are you from? This question can be right or wrong depending on the motive as Canada is a multicultural country. Unfortunately, oftentimes it is to disinherit someone of their Canadian heritage. And here ignorance is usually the culprit. And sometimes arrogance feeds it. Thats why on a positive note it is important to share about how Blacks contributed and shaped the foundations of Canada as a country and Alberta as a province to uncover the volume of stories, histories and truths that lay buried because of racist structures. It is important that these voices are validated especially in the education curriculum which will require commitment from all levels of government. Conclusion In conclusion Black History Month is a prophetic voice in our chaotic world to reincarnate, if possible, Truth, with a new set of vocabulary and appreciation of life, providing the guard rails we need to correct the mistakes we make as we move forward as humans. It reminds every community that there is hope to be realised, peace to be pursued, equality and equity to effect, and harmony to be harnessed. Here's a poem that captures the feeling of being Home away from Home. IMMIGRANT That you packed bag and baggage and came, You have done well. That you did not just come just to scout but to settle, You have done well. That you did not just come to settle but to contribute, You have done well. That you did not just contribute but in contributing you found you And you found me, you have done well. That in finding you and finding me, We defined a country. You have done well. Your accent accentuated our communication. It infused it in shades of rich hues. From the snowy caps of the Rockies, Through the bogs of the boreal, To the living skies of the prairies, Over the sprawling swaths of the Great Lakes, Up to the glacial guardians of the Artic. You have gained more leverage leaving than staying. You have gained more leverage holding up than caving in You are not an abject immigrant. You are not an abject native! Anyekoo. You respond: Yaa ee! By Flora Trebi-Ollennu February 26, 2023 Last week's post on Moon of Alabama: Awkward moment in UN Security Council just now. Ukraine FM asked members to stand for a moment of silence in memory of lives lost to Russian aggression. Russian diplomats refused to stand saying they will only do so if it is in memory of all victims since 2014. Watch the rest. video February 26, 2023 Ukraine Open Thread 2023-47 Only for news & views directly related to the Ukraine conflict. The current open thread for other issues is here. Please stick to the topic. Contribute facts. Do not attack other commentators. Posted by b on February 26, 2023 at 14:04 UTC | Permalink Comments next page At the presentation in Guam recognizing the Guam Business Magazine donation of $20,000 were, from left, Eric Tydingco, president and CEO, Make-A-Wish Guam and CNMI; Rose P. Grino, health care delivery administrator for TakeCare Insurance/FHP Health Center and board member of the Red Cross; Ken Duenas, director, Glimpses Media, Glimpses of Guam; Maureen N. Maratita, publisher, Glimpses Media, Glimpses of Guam; Marcos Fong, Group CEO; Caroline H. Sablan, vice president and relationship banking manager, Bank of Guam and board member, Red Cross; Jina Rojas, executive director of the Diabetes Foundation of Guam and vice president, GMHVA; Antonia Toni Pecon, president of GMHVA; and Joyce Q. Crisostomo, executive director of CarsPlus Guam and director of Make-A-Wish. Marshall Islands Finance Minister Brenson Wase, in an August 2022 file photo from parliament, has questioned the EU blacklisting of the Marshall Islands. Staff Reporter Richelle obtained a bachelor of arts degree in mass communications from the Far Eastern University in Manila, the Philippines. She was a junior reporter for Marianas Variety from 2009 to 2010, and from 2014 to 2015. In the Maldives, she worked as a news reporter and marketing executive. In her free time, shes a painter, pianist, and mom baker. BCs Tales of the Pacific | Buildup in Western Pacific can be boost for Marianas By Lambert Strether of Corrente. On February 3, 2023, 38 cars of Norfolk Southern train 32N derailed in East Palestine, OH. 20 cars were carrying hazardous materials; several burned for more than two days, after which emergency crews conducted a controlled burn of the remaining chemicals: The effects of the derailment and subsequent events on health, the air, the water, and the soil are still being sorted. On February 23, 2023, the National Transportation Safety Board released its preliminary report on the derailment: Norfolk Southern Railway Train Derailment with Subsequent Hazardous Material Release and Fires. From that report: While on scene, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigators examined railroad equipment and track conditions; reviewed data from the signal system, wayside defect detectors, local surveillance cameras, and the lead locomotives event recorder and forward-facing and inward-facing image recorders; and completed interviews. NTSB investigators identified and examined the first railcar to derail, the 23rd railcar in the consist. Surveillance video from a local residence showed what appeared to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure moments before the derailment. The wheel bearing and affected wheelset have been collected as evidence and will be examined by the NTSB. Train 32N was operating with a dynamic brake application as the train passed a wayside defect detector on the east side of Palestine, Ohio, at milepost (MP) 49.81. The wayside defect detector, or hot bearing detector (HBD), transmitted a critical audible alarm message instructing the crew to slow and stop the train to inspect a hot axle. The train engineer increased the dynamic brake application to further slow and stop the train. During this deceleration, an automatic emergency brake application initiated, and train 32N came to a stop. On the Fort Wayne Line of the Keystone Division, NS has equipped their rail network with HBD systems to assess the temperature conditions of wheel bearings while en route. The function of the HBD is to detect overheated bearings and provide audible real-time warnings to train crews. Train 32N passed three HBD systems on its trip before the derailment. At MP 79.9, the suspect bearing from the 23rd car had a recorded temperature of 38F above ambient temperature. When train 32N passed the next HBD, at MP 69.01, the bearings recorded temperature was 103F above ambient. The third HBD, at MP 49.81, recorded the suspect bearings temperature at 253F above ambient . NS has established the following HBD alarm thresholds (above ambient temperature) and criteria for bearings: Between 170F and 200F, warm bearing (non-critical); stop and inspect A difference between bearings on the same axle greater than or equal to 115F (non-critical); stop and inspect Greater than 200F (critical) ; set out railcar After the train stopped, the crew observed fire and smoke and notified the Cleveland East dispatcher of a possible derailment. Or as Railfan and Railroad summarizes: NTSB: Hot Bearing Caused East Palestine Wreck. On February 12, 2022, we wrote, in How Precision Scheduled Railroading at Norfolk Southern Caused a Toxic Vinyl Chloride Mushroom Cloud Over East Palestine, Ohio: If a bearing overheats, its called a hot box. The heat is intense, and can damage the truck or even the car. The result will be a derailment. And the train that derailed at East Palestine had a hot box. And we concluded: No doubt [Norfolk Southerns owners] are very happy with the Operating Ratio that [Norfolk Southern] achieved through [Precision Scheduled Railroading]. The chain of causality that begins with the hot box ends at their desks. So NC got the story right and early. How did we do that? Simple. Railroad workers on the ground were our key sources (hat tip to John Russell of The Holler, who interviewed railroader Clyde Whitaker, chair of SMART local 145 and Ohio Legislative Director; quotes from other workers were left on the cutting room floor). Railroad workers on the ground understood the hot box issue, understood how trains are built (blocking), and understood the effects of Norfolk Southerns vicious speedup, Precision Scheduled Railroading, which has slashed headcount by 30%, cutting maintenance generally, and cutting inspections which might have prevented it. Meanwhile, the good folks at Lever News were all over the story, even (kudos to them) delivering an Op-Ed to the New York Times (of which more later). However, they got the story wrong. Lets search on hot box: Nothing. To be fair, lets search on the less idiomatic bearing: And lets search on Precision Scheduled Railroading: One hit (in the very first story on Feb 8, 2023, as we shall see). Here it is: The same companies also slashed their workforces by nearly 30 percent in that timeframe as part of what they called precision scheduled railroading. Such staffing cuts are likely contributing to safety issues in freight railways. In a recent investor presentation, Norfolk Southern disclosed an increase in train accidents over the past three consecutive years. The massive reduction in the workforce, attendance policies that encourage people to come to work when theyre sick or exhausted, lack of access to [paid] leave, the stress that is constantly put on workers because of how lean the workforce has become, it creates a negative culture in terms of safety, Greg Regan, president of the Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, told The Lever. As you can see, Lever News in no way connects Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR) to the hotbox that derailed train 32N. In fact, doesnt even mention the hotbox.Thats because Lever News had and has an alternative theory of the case, unsupported by any evidence, and unmentioned in the NTSBs preliminary report. We can see this best by putting the laudably exhaustive Lever News coverage in the form of a table[1]. I read all the articles. They are numbered in the left-hand column for easy reference. Table 1: East Palestine Derailment Coverage at Lever News When an item occurs in an article, its ed, like Precision Scheduled Railroading in (1). Otherwise, its ed. Summarizing our results, you can easily see that Precision Scheduled Railroading is mentioned only twice, and only once in the context of the actual derailment. You can also see that bearings/hot boxes, inspections, and Precision Scheduled Railroading are mentioned in only one article, which is also the only article that uses workers on the ground as sources. And you can see that this article is paywalled, part of a podcast, and that the full transcript is not available on the Lever News site. So, to Lever News, workers are not sources, and Precision Scheduled Railroading and its discontents are not part of the story. Which is why they got the story wrong. Thats because they have a different theory of the case. To understand that theory, lets dig into each of the articles: From (1), introducing Brake Theory, Lever News theory of the case: According to federal investigators, the derailment was caused by a mechanical issue with a rail car axle. [Steven Ditmeyer, a former senior official at the Federal Railroad Administration] and two other experts told The Lever that [Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (ECP)] braking probably would have reduced the damage caused by the derailment by bringing the train to a halt more quickly and stopping all of the cars simultaneously. If the axle breaks, its almost certain that the train is going to derail, said John Risch, a former BNSF engineer and national legislative director for the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Union. ECP brakes would help to bring the train to a stop. What they do is activate the brakes on each car at the same time immediately. Thats significant: When you apply the brakes on a conventional train, they brake from the front to the rear. The cars bunch up. Risch said that ECP brakes are the most remarkable advancement he ever encountered in his 31-year career as a railroad worker, adding: It needs to be implemented. Note that The Levers sources are wrong on the cause of the derailment (it was a hot box, not a broken axle[2]). Note also that ECP would not have prevented the derailment, but only reduced the damage. Finally, note the lack of worker sources on the ground. The Lever did not source anybody familiar with Train 32N, or anybody local. From (2), Brake Theory continues. The headline: Its Time For ECP Brakes. Theres no mention of East Palestine at all. It would seem that for Lever News, the story has congealed by February 10. From (5), Brake Theory goes political. A Twitter thread posted more than a week after Norfolk Southerns fiery train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, Buttigieg indicated that he cannot reinstate an Obama-enacted, Trump-repealed law requiring some trains carrying hazardous materials to replace their Civil War-era braking systems with new Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (ECP) brake technology. From (6), Lever News Editor David Sirota on YouTube (2:12) pushes Brake Theory: Federal Railroad Administration Regulators told us that these brakes which are known as ECP brakes would have mitigated a disaster like this and we just learned today after the publication of our story Federal officials told us that this train did not have those brakes on the train. Note again the claim that ECP mitigates. Nothing is said about the cause of the derailment; that is, apparently, not part of the story. From (8), NGOs start pushing Brake Theory: Six environmental groups will consider legal action if the Department of Transportation fails to act on a key rail safety rule, the groups wrote Thursday in a letter to Secretary Pete Buttigieg. The rule in question would force railroads to begin upgrading freight trains Civil War-era braking systems to newer, electronically controlled brakes allowing for faster and safer stops. From (9), Brake Theory escalates: [W]e revealed how Norfolk Southern and the railroad industry watered down and then killed regulations mandating that railroads start replacing the Civil War-era braking systems on some hazmat trains with electronic brakes that experts say could have averted or mitigated the Ohio derailment. Notice how mitigated has now changed to averted or mitigated. (11) is the premium version of (10): Thats it for todays show. As a reminder, our paid subscribers who get overtime premium will get to hear our bonus segment, my interview with independent journalist John Russell, who has been on the ground in East Palestine for the last couple of weeks speaking with railroad workers and union leaders about this train derailment disaster. So, again, the only Lever News article that mentions workers, hot boxes, bearings, and PSR as a cause of the derailment that is, anything that conflicts with Brake Theory is hidden behind a paywall. (13) Sirota writes: When The Levers rail safety reporting suddenly dominated the national news cycle, I thought we had found an elusive glitch in the matrix a story so powerful, so rooted in indisputable evidence, and so widely amplified that its most important facts could not be manipulated or suppressed. Except the Lever News coverage was not rooted indisputable evidence at all. The evidence the bearings/hot box, and the role of Precision Scheduled Railroading and important facts were, in fact, suppressed, as Table 1 shows, along with the voices of workers on the ground, who Lever News did not use as sources. I mentioned the above that Sirota and the Lever News team published an Op-Ed in the New York Times, Over 1,000 Trains Derail Every Year in America. Lets Bring That Number Down. On February 17, after a restatement of Brake Theory: The [Department of Transportation] can require rail companies to deploy heat sensors known as hot-box detectors to warn train crews of overheated bearings before derailments happen. The sensors do not currently fall under federal regulation. Odd to mention hot boxes on February 17 again, NC had mentioned them on February 12, and there were plenty of other sources and yet not to take the next step of revising Brake Theory to at least give consideration to the actual cause of the derailment. And yet in from February 20 onward, in (9), (10), (11), (12), and (13), Brake Theory remained unrevised it was even escalated from mitigating the derailment to averting it. Nor were any workers on the ground interviewed. * * * I must say Im disappointed. If you look how Brake Theory frames the East Palestine derailment story from the standpoint of a liberal Democrat, however, several advantages appear: (1) You dont have to talk to workers on the ground (as Lever News did not), because who wants that; you can (2) focus on regulations and technical solutions, which liberals love, and above all (3) you dont have to talk about Precision Scheduled Railroading, especially after having embarassingly legislated against a strike by railroad unions over PSR-driven working conditions. That would, after all, raise unpleasant questions about the control workers should have over working conditions, or even railroad nationalization. And for a certain sort of liberal, shoving the knife into Pete Buttigieg is an added bonus. In fact, Im here for shoving the knife into Mayo Pete in retribution for Iowa 2020. Have at it, say I! Im all in favor of regulating railroads, and ECB sounds like a very good idea. However, if all these happy outcomes turn out to be the result of a false theory of the case, and the voices of workers on the ground are not centered, I do have to draw a line. NOTES [1] I hope I got it all. I had to use Google, which is bad, but the Lever News search function is worse. Not only does it give inaccurate results, the results come in a horrid dropdown, which disappears when you click on one of the hits, after which you have to search again. Obviously unsuitable for constructing Table 1: [2] At the time I wrote on February 12, there was plenty of hot box video available, and plenty of railworker chatter about it. I cant fault Lever News for not covering this aspect of the story on February 8, but they never revised their subsequent coverage; they stuck with their theory. The same is true after thier Op-Ed of February 17. (Natural News) Globalist and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has invested in and pushed for the consumption of fake meat, which can possibly cause cancer due to the ingredients used to make it. The technocrat expressed his desire for everyone to eat fake meat as a climate-friendly alternative to the real thing. During an interview with the MIT Technology Review, Gates remarked that peoples behaviors should be changed to make them like lab-grown meat. He stressed that regulations could strong-arm people into eating the frankenfood items. I do think all rich countries should move to 100 percent synthetic beef, Gates told the Review. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is theyre going to make it taste even better over time. The Microsoft co-founder also pointed to various proposals that ban the deceptive practice of labeling lab-grown meat as the real thing. He said: There are all these bills that say its got to be called, basically, lab garbage to be sold. They dont want us to use the beef label. Interestingly, the Daily Expose stated that Gates is an investor in both Memphis Meats and Impossible Foods. In the case of the latter, he joined Google and Amazon bigwig Jeff Bezos in bankrolling the venture. Aside from fake meat, Gates also backed the startup Biomilq which seeks to develop lab-cultured breast milk. Despite his big money bankrolling Impossible Foods, the free market has spoken and declared that the real thing is better than the artificially-made version. This translated to lower profits, leading Impossible Foods to implement cost-cutting measures. According to the National Pulse, Impossible Foods announced a third wave of layoffs on Jan. 30. Around 140 of the companys 700 staff members would be axed from their jobs. The company defended the decision as necessary to streamline and hyper-grow the business. (Related: Fake meat firms collapsing due to lower sales, anti-woke backlash.) Immortalized cell lines used to create fake meat replicate forever like cancer For the fake meat industry to actually be commercially viable, manufacturing capacity should be increased. To achieve this, fake meat companies use immortalized cell lines for their products. A Feb. 7 Bloomberg article by science writer Joe Fassler expounded on this issue. Normal meat cells dont just keep dividing forever. To get the cell cultures to grow at rates big enough to power a business, several companies are quietly using what are called immortalized cells, something most people have never eaten intentionally, he wrote. While immortalized cell lines are a staple of medical research, Fassler noted that these are technically pre-cancerous and can be fully cancerous at times. The problem is that the materials used to make the product immortalized cell lines replicate forever, just like cancer. Which means, in effect, that they are cancer. Industry types are confident that eating such products poses no risk. But its not difficult to see, even if the products are proven safe, how people might be put off by the thought that theyre eating a glorified tumor. Raw Egg Nationalist (REN) further delved into the issue by means of a Feb. 17 op-ed for the Pulse. According to him, the dangers of fake meat made using immortalized cell lines come from the fact that long-term safety data for its consumption are not yet available. Aside from this, image concerns also came into play. Producers of lab-grown meat favor immortal cell lines for much the same reasons scientists do. Since normal cells will only go on dividing so long, constant samples would need to be taken from animals to continue production, REN wrote. As well as increasing costs, this would also give the lie to the claim that lab-grown meats are cruelty-free since animals would still need to be raised and ultimately slaughtered at some point to produce them. Visit for more stories about lab-grown meat. Watch Sean Adl-Tabatabai of NewsPunch explain how fake meat pushed by Bill Gates causes cancer below. This video is from the chriswillard777 channel on More related stories: Fake meat companies are failing as consumers abandon processed plant-based alternatives to real meat. Bill Gates quietly pushing globalist-backed FAKE MEAT by investing in companies that manufacture it. GMO ingredients in fake meat Impossible Burgers linked to health issues. Bill Gates-backed fake meat companies on the verge of financial collapse. Immortalized cell lines used in lab-grown meats can cause CANCER. Sources include: 1 2 (Natural News) Government health officials on the state and federal level are continuing to lie to the American public about the severity of the massive spill and burnoff of highly toxic chemicals following a major train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier this month. The lack of answers regarding health effects and accountability continues to frustrate hundreds of people who were evacuated. This frustration is due to the uncertainties surrounding the evaluation of health risks by government leaders and scientists and the short- and long-term health effects associated with exposure to vinyl chloride or other chemicals. While scientists can estimate risks and provide opinions, the health outcomes of those exposed to vinyl chloride in the aftermath of the accident remain unknown. The affected individuals want to know what will happen to their health or the health of their children as a result of the incident, notes a report from the Center for Health, Environment & Justice. The report notes further: Heres what we do know. We know that vinyl chloride is a human carcinogen and that it damages the liver and central nervous system; over 1,500 people living within a 1-mile by 2-mile area of the accident were evacuated; that Norfolk Southern opted to release and burn the vinyl chloride from all five derailed tankers releasing deadly fumes into the air to prevent a potentially disastrous explosion (see photo); that the state acted swiftly in evacuating the homes immediately surrounding the site of the accident; that 38 of the 150 cars being pulled by the train derailed; about 20 rail cars were carrying hazardous materials including five with vinyl chloride; other chemicals included butyl acrylate, ethyl hexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol mono-butyl ether. We also know that several days after the accident, most people are back in their homes with assurances from the local authorities that everything is fine. Indeed, they are not. According to researchers from Texas A&M University and Carnegie Mellon University, despite officials assurances that the air and water in the town is safe, residents affected by the train derailment and subsequent chemical fallout in East Palestine, Ohio, could face a range of long-term health complications due to prolonged exposure to toxic substances, according to the Daily Wire. One of the chemicals released in the accident was vinyl chloride, a known human carcinogen used in the production of PVC. The massive plumes of black smoke from the five train cars were visible throughout eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania. Researchers said of the roughly 50 chemicals present on the derailed train, nine of them have higher concentrations than usual in East Palestine. The researchers are particularly worried about above-normal levels of acrolein, a substance with a strong odor that is considered highly toxic when inhaled, according to a CDC report. Other chemicals charted at abnormally high levels included benzene, naphthalene, and vinyl chloride. If these levels continue, they may be of health concern, said the researchers. The Daily Wire noted further: The findings come after the EPA said that test results from the villages municipal well sampling showed no water quality concerns, while Governor Mike DeWine (R-OH) announced that tests conducted by the Ohio EPA revealed no detection of contaminants in raw water from the five wells that feed into East Palestines municipal water system. Governor Josh Shapiro (D-PA) likewise remarked in a recent interview that tests of municipal water supplies and wells have not shown any concerning readings of hazardous chemicals. The EPA was informed by Norfolk Southern, the company responsible for the train derailment, that in addition to vinyl chloride, several other volatile chemicals, including ethylene glycol monobutyl ether and ethylhexyl acrylate were present at the accident site. However, the EPA released the full list of substances only after residents were told that it was safe to return to their homes, leading to criticism of the handling of the situation. Once again, Americans cannot get a straight answer from those we elected and entrust to do the right thing by us. Sources include: (Natural News) Five days after a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, prompting crews to burn toxic chemicals in hopes of avoiding an explosion, evacuated residents were told it was safe to return home. However, many residents have expressed fears about the ramifications on their health, and reports have been flooding in detailing the concerning symptoms many of those in the area are experiencing, as well as the effects it has had on area wildlife. Although authorities had initially warned that burning the vinyl chloride found in some of the derailed cars would emit the toxic gas phosgene and hydrogen chloride into the air, they later said that air monitoring had shown the levels both within and outside the evacuation zone were not dangerous. East Palestine Fire Chief Keith Drabick even said that water and air samples taken from the area revealed that it was safe. However, many area residents are painting a far different picture of the reality on the ground. One family who lives outside of the designated danger of death zone has been experiencing aggressive symptoms, including coughing up blood, and decided to flee their home to protect their health. They now fear developing cancer in the years to come given the presence of two carcinogens in the huge black cloud that engulfed their property in the days following the derailment. Nathan and Kelly Izotic reported finding dead fish in the creek running through their property, which was covered with a toxic blue film. The sounds of squirrels and birds on their idyllic woodland property has disappeared, and the family dog became lethargic and started throwing up. Kelly said her family experienced burning noses and lips, severe headaches, chest congestion and sore throats within 24 hours of the incident. Nathan described his symptoms to the media: The day after the derailment I started having symptoms, almost like Covid symptoms, like someone was pushing down on my chest. I had very strong pressure. Throughout the day it started getting severe. I had a very bad cough, very bad feeling in my lungs and throat. And the following day it got worse. Kelly, who works as a chemical lab technician, noted: You have all these chemicals that reacted when they hit each other, then they reacted when they heated up and then they reacted again from the rain. So when it heats up it turns to chloride, when it rains it turns to an acid. There could be tens of thousands of compounds that this has turned into and you just dont know what you are dealing with. The couple say they bought the property with the intention of living there forever, but now they fear the land will never recover. The main chemical of concern here is dioxins, which were created by the vinyl chloride combustion process and are in the areas air, water, soil and homes. They are expected to make their way into the crops and livestock that people eat. They move easily through the environment and were likely deposited on surrounding agricultural land as well. These chemicals are known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. More than 43,000 animals have died State officials admitted yesterday that the derailment may have killed more than 43,000 amphibians, crustaceans, fish and other aquatic animals. Some residents have reported finding dead roosters, rabbits and foxes, with animals like pigs becoming ill with strange symptoms. In addition to the carcinogenic dioxins that poisoned the area, there are also concerns about the presence of toxic PFAS from firefighting foam at the crash site, which likely contaminated soil and water and does not break down in the environment. And, what we are hearing about now is just the beginning; the effects of this disaster could well impact people in the area for generations to come. Sources for this article include: (Natural News) How many times have we heard the same refrain from government leaders and scientists involved in community wide exposures such as the recent train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. This incident resulted in vinyl chloride gas being intentionally burned which sent hydrogen chloride, the toxic gas, phosgene, and dioxins/furans into the air. Health officials later stated that theres no cause for alarm, we have everything under control. (Article by Stephen Lester republished from If only this were true. Instead, hundreds of people who were evacuated remain frustrated by the lack of answers to their questions about health effects and accountability. This frustration is driven by how government leaders and scientists evaluate health risks and by the many uncertainties about what is known about the short- and long-term health effects associated with exposure to vinyl chloride or other chemicals. Scientists can estimate risks and give their opinions, but we simply dont know whats going to happen to the health of the people who were exposed to vinyl chloride in the aftermath of this accident. Yet this is exactly what people want to know whats going to happen to their health or to the health of their children because of the accident? Heres what we do know. We know that vinyl chloride is a human carcinogen and that it damages the liver and central nervous system; over 1,500 people living within a 1-mile by 2-mile area of the accident were evacuated; that Norfolk Southern opted to release and burn the vinyl chloride from all five derailed tankers releasing deadly fumes into the air to prevent a potentially disastrous explosion (see photo); that the state acted swiftly in evacuating the homes immediately surrounding the site of the accident; that 38 of the 150 cars being pulled by the train derailed; about 20 rail cars were carrying hazardous materials including five with vinyl chloride; other chemicals included butyl acrylate, ethyl hexyl acrylate and ethylene glycol mono-butyl ether. We also know that several days after the accident, most people are back in their homes with assurances from the local authorities that everything is fine. This is not surprising because government has repeatedly responded the same way in similar situations. But what was the scientific basis for this decision? According to EPA, air samples taken immediately after the accident and the intentional burn did not identify any substances at concentrations of concern. However, its hard to have much confidence in this testing because the tests did not include vinyl chloride and dioxin, one of the most toxic chemicals ever conceived and the primary by-product of the burning of vinyl chloride. You cant find a problem if you dont test for the obvious chemicals you would expect to find in the air. Its no surprise then that several residents have filed suit against Norfolk Southern seeking a medical monitoring program for anyone living within a 30-mile radius of the derailment to determine who was affected by the toxic chemicals released by the accident and the subsequent burning of the vinyl chloride gas. They want medical screening for early detection of life-threatening medical conditions linked to vinyl chloride. This is a reasonable response to the many scientific uncertainties that exist in understanding what will happen to the health of people exposed to toxic chemicals like vinyl chloride. If government leaders and scientists involved in East Palestine acknowledge the scientific uncertainties and honestly admit how little is known about chemical exposures and health outcomes, there may be a more satisfying resolution. A resolution that might include practical steps forward may be setting up medical screening for early detection of medical conditions linked to vinyl chloride. However, if decision makers continue to protect the companies responsible for area-wide chemical exposures such as what occurred in East Palestine, this scenario will continue to play out as it has since the days of Love Canal more than 40 years ago. Isnt it time we publicly acknowledge what we dont know about exposures to toxic chemicals and stop deluding ourselves that using risk estimates that define acceptable exposures is the best way to manage exposures to toxic chemicals? There is no acceptable exposure if youre the one being exposed. Read more at: Hundreds of animal species from insects to whales have blood that is tainted with hazardous PFAS, according to a recent compilation of earlier peer-reviewed studies. Even though the analysis is not intended to establish how PFAS exposure impacts wildlife, anecdotal evidence from some of the earlier studies suggests the chemicals are probably making animals sick. Forever chemicals in animals' body The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit organization that monitors PFAS contamination, put together the analysis. It created an interactive map that displays which animal species were examined, where they were examined, and the types and concentrations of PFAS detected in their tissues. Many animals, including scorpions, pandas, Siberian tigers, turtles, horses, dogs, plankton, sea lions, wild boar, otters, and oysters, have been shown to contain the compounds. David Andrews, a senior scientist with the EWG, described the extent of the contamination as "sobering." There is no reason to think that these same effects are not also happening in wildlife, despite the fact that it has taken 60 years of research on humans to fully grasp how these chemicals impact our biology in so many different ways. A group of over 12,000 compounds known as PFAS is frequently employed to make thousands of consumer products resistant to heat, water, and stains. They are known as "forever chemicals" because they do not decompose naturally. They have been related to major health issues such as cancer, liver disease, kidney stress, pregnancy difficulties, and others. The substances are found in almost all Americans' blood, according to federal data, but before the EWG analysis, the studies on wildlife were dispersed. Because they do not degrade and may travel great distances via the atmosphere, the highly mobile compounds build up and cycle through the ecosystem continuously. About 120 different types of PFAS compounds have been discovered by researchers in the blood of animals, while this number is probably greater because many of the chemicals are difficult to detect due to testing limitations. Researchers in North Carolina discovered autoimmune diseases resembling lupus in alligators living in water tainted by a neighboring PFAS facility run by chemical producer Chemours last year, but the effects on animal health are yet unknown. Researchers also discovered signs of immune system problems in sea turtles from the north Pacific. Also Read: Ohio Train Derailment Releases Toxic Chemicals in East Palestine: Dead Animals and Sickness Reported What are PFTAs? The substances in question are known as PFASs, or poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances. They are frequently used in non-stick cookware, furnishings, takeout containers, fire retardants, and oil and water repellents. EPA gathered more than 36,000 drinking water samples from 4,864 public water sources between 2013 and 2015 for the study, which was published last 2016 in Environmental Science and Technology Letters. More than 16 million people are served by water systems that contain PFASs in 33 states, three US territories, and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. Since they were created by businesses in the middle of the 20th century, PFAS have seen a tremendous expansion in use because they are resistant to heat, oil, and water. The nonstick properties of PFAS now make them helpful in a variety of items, including food wrappers, umbrellas, tents, carpets, and firefighting foam, as per NPR. The compounds are also employed in the production of rubber, plastic, and wiring insulation. Most of the time, U.S. chemical rules do not demand that businesses demonstrate a chemical is secure before beginning to sell it. The EPA is responsible for determining if and under what conditions a material is unacceptable and harmful, and often, such evaluations don't start until after public health concerns are expressed. As part of a class action lawsuit against the chemical firm DuPont, a science panel began some of the largest-scale PFAS epidemiological research in the United States in 2005. In the case, it was claimed that industrial discharges of the PFAS chemical PFOA caused harm to thousands of people in West Virginia and Ohio. Related article: Sellers Lace Food with Toxic Chemicals in Africa to Improve Appearance Americans braced for blizzard-like conditions and heavy snow this week due to a devastating winter storm that caused widespread travel disruptions and power outages. With only days before March, weather forecasts recorded challenging weather conditions this month. During the first week of February, Associated Press (AP) reported that ice storms emerged in the South, causing power outages and extreme cold in parts of Texas. Meanwhile, CNN reported that tornado outbreaks occurred in Northeastern Louisiana and New Jersey. Reuters reported the developing winter storms in the Northeast, Midwest and Southern California. Widespread power outages and travel delays Power outages and travel disruptions are common occurrences during severe weather events in the United States this month. While parts of the United States recorded early spring-like temperatures, weather agencies monitored the active coast-to-coast winter storm. According to AccuWeather's latest forecast, flights were canceled, and many motorists became stranded after a powerful winter storm emerged in the country. AccuWeather said that Portland, Oregon recorded the heaviest snowfall this week due to the rounds of heavy snow. Homeowners and motorists in Oregon experienced the unexpected load of snow that caused motorists to leave their cars on main roads. Videos on Twitter revealed that about 70 vehicles became abandoned as snow continued to fall on Highway 26 near the Ridge Tunnel. Meanwhile, the weather reports noted that Southwest experienced rotating power outages and road hazards due to the winter storms. The report said severe weather caused travel delays and road closures in Arizona and parts of Colorado, including Highway 318. Also Read: Isolated Tornadoes, Destructive Winds Possible in Parts of South This Week, Forecast Warns Meanwhile, said that about 900,000 people had no power in parts of the Midwest, including Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. The freezing rain and cold conditions increased homeowners' concerns about possible frozen winter pipes and cold-related health risks. The American Red Cross explained the importance of staying warm during severe winter events. Wearing layered winter clothes is essential to avoid the dangerous effect of hypothermia and frostbite. What to do after the winter storms In the previous reports, forecasts advised that there is still a possibility of developing winter storms before or during the early weeks of the spring season. After this week's winter snow, it is best that homeowners should check their homes for possible damage and repairs. Heavy snow can damage roofing systems. In addition, homeowners should also repair damaged pipes after being frozen. On the other hand, cars can also become damaged after severe winter storms. Car owners should check their vehicles for damages and needed car repairs. As emphasized in previous reports, homeowners should ensure that their cars and homes have winter emergency kits, especially during widespread outages and travel delays. Preparing for winter storms would help avoid injuries and casualties, especially since extreme colds could pose a health risk. Related Article: Heaviest Snowfall Unloads in Portland, Oregon; Motorists Stranded Due to Massive Snow For more similar, don't forget to follow Nature World News. A powerful blizzard in California is ongoing, increasing the risk of floods and avalanches on Saturday. The already miserable situation is being compounded by frigid temperatures, with some areas expected to experience overnight lows below freezing. Meanwhile, downtown San Francisco is expected to see record-breaking cold temperatures on Saturday morning. The National Weather Service predicts temperatures of 38 degrees Fahrenheit, which would make it the coldest the city has been since 2009. Flood Risks Flash flood warnings were in place from Friday through early Saturday morning for Los Angeles and Ventura counties, which have a population of around 6 million people. Up to 7 inches of rain had already fallen in Ventura County, with a possibility of up to 10 inches before the storm cleared on Saturday. Life-threatening flash floods were expected in Los Angeles County, particularly in areas near creeks, streams, urban areas, highways, and wildfire burn sites, including downtown LA, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and many suburbs. The National Weather Service also warned of shallow landslides and mudslides. Although no serious problems were immediately reported, residents in some areas were advised to be prepared to evacuate quickly. Meanwhile, people in eastern regions were still dealing with the aftermath of earlier storms. Heavy Snow, Ice, Power Outage After an ice storm knocked down some 3,000 power lines, over half a million people in Michigan were still without power late Friday night. However, promises of power restoration by Sunday, when low temperatures were expected to rise, offered little consolation. Meanwhile, California's wine country experienced strong winds and heavy snowfall, with one resident reporting more than a foot of snow and dozens of snapped oak trees. The Weather Prediction Center of the National Weather Service predicted heavy snow over the Cascade Mountains and Sierra Nevada into the weekend, while the low-pressure system driving inland from the Pacific Ocean is expected to bring rain and snow to southern Nevada and northwest Arizona. Avalanches The weather service issued an avalanche warning for the Sierra Nevada backcountry in the area around Lake Tahoe, which spans the border between California and Nevada, according to data from The Weather Channel. As of Friday, nearly 2 feet of new snow had fallen, and an additional 5 feet were expected with another storm that could bring gale-force winds and high-intensity flurries on Sunday. In Arizona, forecasters predicted the heaviest snowfall to occur from late Saturday to midday Sunday, with up to a foot of new snow possible in Flagstaff. Although the upper Midwest to the Northeast was expected to see some snow over the weekend, parts of the central Appalachians could experience pockets of freezing rain. As the cold weather avoids the southern states, there have been wild temperature differences across the US, with Falcon Lake, Texas experiencing a high of 93 degrees Fahrenheit on Friday, while the temperature near Huntley, Montana dropped to minus-35 degrees Fahrenheit. Also Read: Icy Winter Storm Results in Power Outage for 89,000 People in Chicago Canceled Flights and Travel Hurdles Wintry conditions have resulted in the cancellation of hundreds of flights at airports across the country and forced the closure of several major highways in multiple states. Some drivers were stranded overnight on State Route 17, a significant road in the San Francisco Bay Area mountains before it reopened Friday morning. The Grapevine, a high mountain pass north of Los Angeles, was shut for over 12 hours before reopening on Friday evening under police escort. According to AP News, Interstate 80 remained closed for most of Friday across the Sierra Nevada mountain range between Sacramento, California, and Reno, Nevada. Related Article: Weather Forecast: Severe Storms, Extreme Cold, Heavy Snow Will Take Over US for 3 Days Winter storms will hit the Western United States on Sunday, February 26, and by early next week, bringing further rounds of heavy precipitation, according to the latest weather forecast by the National Weather Service (NWS). The said storms will enter the Pacific Northwest region and are expected to hit other states in adjacent regions. NWS Weather Forecast The Weather Prediction Center (WPC) of the NWS warned that there is a slight risk of excessive rainfall over parts of Southern California, adding heavy snow will occur over the Cascades and Sierra Nevada Mountains. In addition, snow and freezing rain is possible over parts of the Upper Midwest. The looming threat is in addition to the current storm that has wreaked havoc across California, where it left a trail of destruction in the form of heavy snow, strong winds, and blizzard conditions. The multi-state storm has led to widespread flooding, power outages, and infrastructural damage in multiple cities across the Golden State. Local reports indicate that thousands of homes and businesses were left with no electricity as of Saturday, February 25. The rare winter storm was reportedly responsible for dumping several inches of rain, affecting especially low-lying areas and communities near bodies of water like rivers and lakes. This comes as the US is drawing near its 2022 to 2023 winter season, spanning from December to February. The NWS also highlighted that a storm over the Great Basin will cause severe thunderstorms in the Great Plains, which could face the risk of frequent lightning, wind gusts, hail, and isolated tornadoes. Also Read: US Weather Forecast Warns Pair of Winter Storms to Affect Central US and Eastern US from Late This Week US Winter Season As part of the North American winter season, the current US season witnessed recurring winter storms and other wintry weather hazards like freezing or sub-freezing temperatures, blizzard conditions, snowstorms, and bomb cyclones or winter hurricanes. The current season also saw the occurrence of heavy rain, driven by atmospheric rivers, in the Western US, where unprecedented flash flooding transpired, affecting mostly areas in central and southern California in January 2023. In addition, a bomb cyclone also preceded the widespread floodwaters in California when a winter storm struck New York and other areas across the country in late December 2022, leading to multiple deaths and nationwide travel chaos. December's storm also left over 1.4 million homes and businesses without power and left tens of thousands of holiday travelers stranded as 5,700 flights were cancelled, according to The Guardian. Coldest Air of 2023 The coldest air of 2023 entered southern Canada and eventually into the northern US in late January after a record-breaking warmth earlier that month, according to Severe Weather Europe weather news website. In particular, the frigid low temperatures, amid a polar vortex, from the Arctic cold air from Canada spread into the northern half of the US and towards the Great Lakes and Northeast regions by early February. Satellite data from National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) revealed massive snow has covered North America, as cited by the website. Related Article: US Storm Alert: Multi-Hazard Winter Storm Threatens Central and Southern Regions [NWS] Sea level rise is one of the major repercussions of climate change and global warming. In recent years, scientists have warned the global water levels of the world's oceans have increased due to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets as global temperatures rise. Greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel burning are the leading human-induced factors that intensify the greenhouse effect or planetary warming. Now, Florida is facing such threat in a localized level, after the US government said that the Sunshine State could experience sea level rise by up to 6 feet in 2100. The prediction is based on the current rate of high emissions of greenhouse gases, including methane and carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere. The said prediction is only the worst-case scenario so far for Florida. A large swath of residential and commercial properties in Florida are situated near the coastline. In addition to storm surges during hurricanes, further coastal flooding or coastal erosion could become a reality for the state amid the climate crisis-driven threat. The situation can be theoretically averted if emissions significantly decrease or stopped. Florida Sea Level Rise William Sweet, oceanographer at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), told Newsweek that by 2050, Florida sea levels, lie most parts of the US, are heading towards a 1-foot rise on average. The NOAA oceanographer emphasizes that by 2100, Florida could see a rise of at least 2 feet due to current emissions. However, up to 6 feet of sea level rise cannot be ruled out under high emissions or heating scenario. Outside China, Florida is the state or province in the work that is most at risk for economic damage driven by climate change, according to a report by climate risk specialists from XDI on February 20, as cited by Newsweek. Also Read: Rising Sea Levels Put 36 Cities at Risk of Submerging Underwater, Affecting 226 Million People Climate Change and Ice Melt The main cause of global sea level rise is ice melt, as frozen water encapsulated in massive icebergs, glaciers, and other icy structures are released into the ocean. For years, climate scientists have observed that there has been significant ice loss in the Arctic and Antarctica. Ice melting has been attributed by the scientists with the climate crisis. Since climate change causes temperature to rise, the land and ocean, being darker in color, absorb more incoming solar radiation and then emit heat into the atmosphere. In turn, this cause further global warming. In general, melting ice causes more planetary warming and accelerates ice melt, according to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). The UCAR asserts that global warming is causing soils in the polar regions frozen for approximately 40,000 years to thaw. The process of melting itself releases trapped carbon in the soils and goes into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and methane, which are the main greenhouse gases include in climate mitigation efforts under the Paris Agreement. Related Article: Coastal Cities in Florida Expect More Flooding in Next 10 Years Due to Rising Sea Level Champaign, IL (61820) Today Windy with thunderstorms likely early, then mainly cloudy overnight with light rain possible. Low 46F. Winds SSW at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 100%.. Tonight Windy with thunderstorms likely early, then mainly cloudy overnight with light rain possible. Low 46F. Winds SSW at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 100%. We have used your information to see if you have a subscription with us, but did not find one. Please use the button below to verify an existing account or to purchase a new subscription. The Labour Party on Saturday night raised the alarm that the Governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Wike, is allegedly influencing results of the presidential and National Assembly elections held in the state. The party, who made this known in a Twitter post, said Wike is influencing results in favour of the All Progressives Congress at the collation centre in his village, Rumueme. The party also stated that Obi had a large chunk of the votes in the South-South state as results so far from Rivers had put the LP presidential candidate, Peter Obi, in the lead. The post read, This is from a returning officer with INEC. Rumueme 7A 034, Gov. Wikes Village. Wike is at the rec. center to influence results in favour of APC. Obi won hands down in Rivers State. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has so far uploaded less than 30 percent of presidential election results to its results viewing portal (IReV). As of Sunday afternoon, out of the more than 176,8460 polling units where results are to be uploaded, only 41,649 have been uploaded to the portal. The IReV portal was part of the technologies introduced by the commission to improve the transparency of the electoral process. Although voting ended in some places on Saturday, the portal was inactive for a long time, raising concerns from civil society and observer groups. In a statement on Sunday, YIAGA Africa urged INEC to be transparent and communicate the challenges faced during the deployment of the IReV. Samson Itodo, executive director of YIAGA Africa, said the failure of the IReV system undermines public confidence in the process. Yiaga Africa expressed concerns about the unexplained delay in uploading polling unit results for the presidential election on the INEC Election Results Viewing Portal (IReV), the statement reads. As of 10 pm on election day, results for the Presidential election were not uploaded on the INEC portal after voting and counting ended in several polling units. At 9:00 am on 26th February, INEC uploaded only 25,503 results for the Presidential elections on the INEC portal. The delay in uploading the results undermines public confidence in the results transmission process as it deviates from the guidelines for the elections and it failed to meet citizens expectations. Dele Momodu, director of strategic communications of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) campaign council, has asked President Muhammadu Buhari to caution chieftains of the All Progressives Congress (APC). In a statement issued on Sunday, Momodu said some members of the APC are announcing an impossible victory for Bola Tinubu, the partys standard-bearer. He said the victory projected for Tinubu does not reflect the actual results trickling from the polling units. Our attention has just been drawn to the recklessly dangerous publication unilaterally awarding an impossible victory to Tinubu, the statement reads. The said newspaper is owned by Tinubu. Only yesterday, we all saw how thugs of the APC Chieftains and his allies took over the streets of Lagos burning ballot boxes and documents and generally misbehaving in other to disenfranchise the determined electorates. Despite all of these ugly attempts at stealing victory, the APC suffered its worst cataclysmic loss in most of the polling centres in Lagos. The same happened in Kano. Incapable of ever being sobered by the crushing humiliation in its traditional territories, we woke up this morning to read about the pathetic and illegal lies cooked up by the Tinubu media goons. Tinubu remains the only mainstream candidate whose home base of South West was decimated by opposition parties in Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Oyo, Osun, and Ekiti. Most of the Northern Governors he also expected to help him garner votes in the Northern regions failed spectacularly to deliver the badly needed votes. He failed in the South East and South South. The only candidate with the national spread is the PDP Presidential candidate, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar. But as a responsible citizen and respected statesman, he will never rush to the media to claim his well-deserved victory and glory after a long and torturous journey. We hereby call on INEC and the Federal Government to cage these troublesome APC Chieftains. We have all been witnesses to their unruly behaviour as they did everything to bully and blackmail President Muhammadu Buhari to chicken out of the currency swap policy. We also witnessed how they practically intimidated the President to the extent of forcing him to publicly display who he voted for in yesterdays elections. It was quite a bizarre, unfortunate and unprecedented scene to watch. Momodu asked Buhari to find the courage to call the bluff of these desperate politicians who feel they can buy the whole of Nigeria. The son of the former Governor of Oyo State, Olamijuwonlo Akala has been declared winner of the Ogbomoso North/Ogbomoso South/Oriire Federal Constituency at the just concluded National Assembly elections. Olamijuwonlo Akala, who is the All Progressive Congress (APC) candidate was declared winner by the returning officer for Ogbomoso federal constituency, Prof. Hakeem Olanrewaju Salami with a total number of 33,268 votes. Olamiju Akala as fondly called by his loyalists was a former chairman of the Ogbomoso North Local government area and contested against the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Candidate, Olufemi Onireti. Prof. Salami while declaring Olamijuwonlo Akala winner of the election at the Ogbomoso Town Hall, said, I declare Olamijuwonlo Akala winner of Ogbomoso/North/South/Oriire Federal Constituency having polled the total number of 33,268 votes while the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidates Olufemi Onireti polled 27,126 votes. In his reaction, shortly after he was declared winner said, Im so excited, I will not disappoint the people of Ogbomoso and my constituents who voted for me, Im so grateful to them all. The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, has postponed the collation of the result of the 2023 presidential election till 6pm on Sunday. The 2023 presidential election has been a tight battle between the candidates of the APC, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, candidate, Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi of the Labour Party. Election was expected to have ended at every polling unit where the electoral umpire had extended the exercise for varying reasons. Results are also expected to have been declared at polling units, wards and local government areas. INEC Chairman, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, had, yesterday announced that collation would commence at noon on Sunday. However, in a press briefing to declare the collation open, Yakubu said it would commence at 6pm on Sunday. Until then, it is expected that unverified results will continue to make the rounds on social media. The Jima community of Lavun Local Government Area, Niger State, was allegedly engulfed in crisis during Saturdays presidential and National Assembly polls, following an argument that broke out at a polling unit in the area. It was gathered that the argument was between the members of the community and supporters of the various political parties, resulting in violence. During the fracas, it was learnt many people from the village sustained various degrees of injuries, some vehicles were destroyed, and about seven motorcycles were burnt. Jima is a community near the Dokko area hosting three other villages consisting of Edogi, Emiworo and Jumata. Eyewitnesses from the area disclosed that police personnel was among those injured in the crisis. However, the officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, were safely whisked away from the polling unit by some members of the community. Some of them observed that the disagreement that led to the crisis was unfortunate and uncalled for and appealed to the state government and security agencies to intervene to prevent reoccurrence during the March 11, 2023, governorship elections. The Niger State Police Commands Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, DSP Wasiu Abiodun, when contacted, explained that the command is yet to receive any official information concerning the crisis as of the time of filing this report. One of the campaign media aides to Bola Tinubu, the APC presidential candidate, AbdulAziz AbdulAziz, has said that reports trickling in from across the country indicate that his candidate is winning the elections. AbdulAziz said it is yet too soon to project what exactly would happen, but according to him, results coming from various angles of the country shows that the APC presidential candidate is ahead of others. The media aide, who congratulated Nigerians for their maturity and sense of belonging through the massive turnout to cast their votes, also commended INEC for excellent preparations. AbdulAziz voted in his Fagge Ward of Fagge Local Government Area of Kano State. He said: But, we learned of late arrivals of voting materials, as well as [late] commencement of voting, for which I appeal to INEC to correct the anomaly to allow for smooth conduct of the election. He added: Whatever Im saying here is my personal conviction because our boss had spoken and spoken well, but I have the belief that at the end of the election, we will [be] victorious. Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Tinubu has won in 10 local governments announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) so far. Also, the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar is coming second in the 10 local governments announced. The results are as follows: 1. REMO NORTH LG Registered voters: 48,886Accredited Voters: 11,148 APC: 5,814 PDP: 3,627 LP: 984 NNPP: 22 ADC: 71 Total valid votes: 10,665 Rejected votes: 478 Total votes cast: 11,143 2. IKENNE LG Registered voters: 67,914 Accredited Voters: 20,126 APC: 9,431 ADC: 115 PDP: 6,616 LP: 2,678 NNPP: 39 SDP: 07 Total votes cast: 19,159 Rejected votes: 967 Total votes cast: 20,126 Note: Four polling units were cancelled due to violence, destruction of election materials such as ballot boxes and papers and incidents of overvoting. 3. EGBADO SOUTH Registered voters: 13,3001 Accredited Voters: 31,192 APC: 18,471 ADC: 342 PDP: 5,012 LP: 3,126 NNPP: 117 Total valid votes: 29,518 Rejected votes: 1,672 Total votes cast: 31,190 4. EWEKORO LG Registered voters: 17,521 Accredited Voters: 18,411 APC: 9,778 ADC: 1,247 PDP: 3,646 LP: 2,287 NNPP: 79 Total valid votes: 17,521 Rejected votes: 876 Total votes cast: 18,397 5. ABK NORTH Registered voters: 167,753 Accredited Voters: 33,027 APC: 20,094 ADC: 1,285 PDP: 5,057 LP: 4,092 NNPP: 104 Total valid votes: 31,275 6. IJEBU NORTH Registered voters: 133,122 Accredited Voters: 34,035 APC: 21,844 ADC: 300 PDP: 7,233 LP: 2,372 NNPP: 50 7. IJEBU NORTH-EAST Registered voters: 52,457 Accredited Voters: 13,206 APC: 7,430 ADC: 135 PDP: 2,859 LP: 1,779 NNPP: 19 Total valid votes: 12,522 Rejected votes: 683 Total votes cast: 13,205 8. IMEKO AFON LG Registered voters: 70,223 Accredited Voters: 18,411 APC: 12,146 ADC: 143 PDP: 4,560 LP: 568 NNPP: 32 Total valid votes: 17,639 Rejected votes: 762 Total votes cast: 18,411 9. ODEDA LG Registered voters: 94,048 Accredited Voters: 22,068 APC: 12,945 ADC: 425 PDP: 3,855 LP: 3,064 NNPP: 73 Total valid votes: 20,917 Rejected votes: 1,123 Total votes cast: 22,040 10. IJEBU-ODE Registered voters: 90,760 Accredited Voters: 25,028 APC: 16,072 ADC: 188 PDP: 4,057 LP: 3,162 NNPP: 56 Total valid votes: 24,058 Rejected votes: 882 Total votes cast: 24,940 One cancellation due to over voting Bola Tinubu lost to Atiku Abubakar at the ward of Nuhu Ribadu, pioneer chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), in Bako ward, Yola south LGA of Yola state. Tinubu is the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) while Atiku is the flag-bearer of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Ribadu is the director of field operations of the APC presidential campaign council. Results of the presidential election held on Saturday showed that while the ex-EFCC chairman won his polling unit, he could not garner enough support to win the ward for Tinubu. The PDP got 2,195 votes at the ward to defeat APC with 1,530 votes. In the same vein, Tinubu also lost at the polling unit of the family of Aisha Buhari, wife of President Muhammadu Buhari. The polling unit 006 is located in Mbamoi ward, Yola south LGA, and belongs to the first ladys family. It was gathered that Modi Halilu, Aishas younger brother, and Aishatu Binani, APCs governorship candidate in the state, also voted at the polling unit. In spite of this, PDP won at the polling unit with 129 votes which surpassed APCs 101 votes. Meanwhile, Mustapha Salihu, the suspended national vice-chairman for the APC in the north-east, also lost his polling unit to the PDP. PDP got 220 votes at the polling unit 001 located in Rumde ward in Yobe North LGA to defeat APC which garnered 143 votes. A source told TheCable that the defeat of the APC in the presidential election in the area has to do with protest votes against the trio of Aisha Buhari, Modi, and Ribadu. The source alleged that the trio was behind an unrelenting conspiracy to undermine the only APC gubernatorial female candidate of the party Sen. Aishatu Dahiru Ahmed Binani. The presidential campaign council of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has condemned the comments of some opposition parties on the presidential election. On Saturday, Nigerians voted in the presidential and national assembly elections. But voting in some polling units in the country was extended to Sunday due to logistic reasons. In the last 24 hours, the Labour Party (LP) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have made some comments regarding the announcement of election results. Julius Abure, LP national chairman, accused the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) of attempting to manipulate the election results in some polling units by refusing to upload the results on its result viewing portal. Also, the PDP presidential campaign council asked President Muhammadu Buhari to call Bola Tinubu, APC flagbearer, to order over the alleged publication of fake election results. Reacting, Festus Keyamo, spokesperson of the APC presidential campaign, in a statement on Sunday, accused the opposition parties of threatening violence if their own version of results were not announced by INEC. The APC campaign said no political party can bully the electoral umpire to announce its own version of results. Some of them have threatened fire and brimstone if their own version of some concocted results are not announced in a bid to be the judge, jury, and executioner in this elections, the statement reads. Similarly, to rile up their supporters against the country, they play up some isolated incidents of violence in our strongholds, whereas we have tons of videos of massive electoral malpractices like violence against non-LP supporters, forcing and guiding women and children to thumb-print ballot papers for LP and massive thumb-printing of ballot papers by both PDP and LP supporters in some parts of the country. In addition, in one breath one of the spokespersons of the PDP complained about a certain headline in a newspaper about early results, yet in condemning the newspaper, he also makes unfounded claims about the yet-to-be-released results. On our part, we have decided to be calm to await the official announcement of the results and to pursue any grievance (if any) in a lawful manner. But we shall not sit back and allow such unguided comments to gain grounds in order to foist a particular narrative on our citizens and the international community. Recall that all parties signed the Peace Accord twice before the eyes of the world. Now is the time to abide by the terms of that accord and show love for country over and above personal ambitions. We have all campaigned hard and strong. The Nigerian people have listened to all of us and made their decisions. Now is the time to hear the voices of Nigerians as the results are released and not our own voices. The body officially designated to reflect the voices of Nigerians is the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). No Party can bully them by threats to do its own bidding. Neither will the APC be cowed into silence by this disgusting antics of the opposition parties. Some Nigerian lawyers on Saturday faulted the open display of ballot papers by the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd) and the Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, after casting their votes for their preferred candidates. They stated that though it was wrong for the President and the governor to openly engage in such an act, it would not affect the election results. The President whose second term ends on May 29, 2023, voted in Daura, Katsina State, during the presidential and National Assembly elections. He displayed the ballot paper to show he voted for his party; the All Progressives Congress presidential candidate. Also, Ortom was said to have openly displayed his ballot paper to show that he cast his vote for the Labour Party presidential candidate. One of the lawyers, Mr Babatunde Fashanu, SAN, said that the Presidents act was wrong because the exercise was secret balloting. Fashanu said, Its a secret balloting, you are supposed to go there, do your voting in secret and drop the paper and nobody is supposed to see who you voted for. He added that as the President, it was not right for Buhari to show the ballot paper to show his candidate. He stated, It was wrong of the President to do that, but whatever is the reason why he did that, it is not a justification for him to show whom he voted for. It is not done, I am clear on that; its wrong. Its illegal. What he did is uncalled for. Talking about the governors, if its true that some of them were with their phones, definitely thats against the INEC regulations. When we are talking of voting, everybody is equal. But even if that is done, you are not supposed to breach the rule that says dont take phones there. You are not supposed to do it because when it comes to voting, the governors, president and everybody are equal in that area. My view on it is that if it happened, its a bad example and its illegal. But then when we are talking of a borrowed election, I dont think anybody will go to the tribunal and say that because the governor was there with a phone, they should nullify the election of that polling unit. If you try that, the tribunal will tell you that it is substantial compliance that the law cares about. Even though it might have happened, it doesnt mean that it will affect the elections in that unit. That is my view on it but it is wrong. On his part, Chief Niyi Akintola, SAN, said that the display of the ballot paper would not affect the elections, adding that the INECs regulations and rules were quoted but not substantial compliance. He said, What do the photographs taken by anybody have to do with the elections? Everybody is entitled to vote. I cannot compare you and you cannot compare me to vote for anybody. Though the act is not in accordance with the rule, how has that affected the election? The rules and electoral act talks of substantial compliance, it has not affected anybody. The display by any governor if he voted for any presidential candidate will not affect any voter, I will vote my conscience and that applies to every other person too. This is a president that was being blackmailed every now and then, so he decided to show everybody. Another senior lawyer, Mr Paul Ananaba, noted that he had only heard of the Presidents act but had yet to confirm it. He said, I just heard of it but the Presidents media men had yet to confirm it. You know, the next you may hear them is a clone video. I will need confirmation on it. But if indeed it was what the President and some governors did, you know that they have immunity. But beyond that, is it a contravention of the rules and regulations of INEC as you stated that it can lead to cancellation of the polling unit, I dont think so. But it is a contravention of the regulation. I hope that it will not happen again, I hope that the INEC will take precautions and that every Nigerian including the President will respect the regulations of the elections. Also speaking, Tayo Oyetibo, SAN, said that there was nothing wrong with the act if the purpose was not for vote buying. Oyetibo stated that the reason why the INEC made the rule that people should not use their phones at the polling booths was for the purpose of vote buying. He said, They want to stop people from taking photographs of their ballots and that is why the rule was made. For Mike Ozekhome, SAN, the President and Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortoms acts were illegal, noting that according to the Electoral Act, a section of the electoral act states that a voter cannot display the person he or she voted for. He stated, What Buhari and Ortom have done is wrong and illegal under the Electoral Act, a section states that you cannot display the person you voted for. There is a saying that the left hand must not allow the right hand to know what it is doing. What they have done is illegal; in any event, ordinarily they should be prosecuted because it is an electoral crime which is subject to imprisonment. But because they are President and governor respectively, covered by section 308 of the 1999 constitution, they cannot be prosecuted now but they can be prosecuted after May 29 when they leave office. So what the President and the governor did is uncalled for and it is leading by bad example. They dont have to be overzealous to show who they are voting for by displaying their cards because that also amounts to campaigning for their candidates. Campaigns stop 48 hours to election day, so for you to be displaying your voter card or who you are voting for, especially for the President of a whole country, it is a crime. He also added that the acts could suggest that they were trying to influence voters to tell them the persons they voted for and it could influence their decision too. The presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi, has won in the polling unit of former senate president, David Mark located at the VIP Unit One GRA Otukpo. Obi scored 178 votes to defeat the All Progressive Congress candidate, Bola Tinubu, who polled 22 votes and candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, who scored 18 votes. Six-day (Tuesday through Sunday) print subscribers of the Watertown Daily Times are eligible for full access to NNY360, the NNY360 mobile app, and the Watertown Daily Times e-edition, all at no additional cost. If you have an existing six-day print subscription to the Watertown Daily Times, please make sure your email address on file matches your NNY360 account email. You can sign up or manage your print subscription using the options below. With a nude woman draped with some bubble bath suds entering a vintage Airstream trailer beneath a beautiful pink sky, theres a dreaminess to Meg Turners title photo from her Thursday Night at the Airstream Delight series. The colorized tintype is a dense and luminous image. At first glance, it may look vintage, but its clearly in the present. The marquee advertises a spaghetti special as well as promising a pool and Wi-Fi. It also offers pap smears and abortion services and declares We put the you in uterus! Its one of several images Turner created for the British queer erotic magazine Sensored. The nudist colony series imagines a special and safe space, while still keeping the oppression of LGBTQ people in the frame. I wanted to do a day-in-the-life at a fantasy nudist colony, Turner says. I wanted it to be campy and fun the way vintage porn magazines are. At the same time, we are losing the right to abortion. Theres censorship around bodies. I love incorporating text into a composition. I wanted to use this marquee to imagine this nudist colony/fun queer space where youre making dinner and youre washing your dildos but also can get an abortion. And cops are not allowed here, because Louisiana incarcerates more people than any other state. Theres a mix of fun and more serious. That reflects the approach and themes of many of the 45 images in Wet. The book is being published by New Orleans Burn Barrel Press, founded by photographer Beau Patrick Coulon. While Turner teaches printmaking and photography at Tulane University and works in art photography, shes also a veteran of New Orleans punk scene. Her printmaking knowledge comes from creating concert and protest posters. The Wet release event is a dance party at the Saturn Bar from 6-9 p.m. Saturday, March 4. There will be a slideshow set to music with images from the book, as well as some local shots not included in it. There will be music by Pasha and Lucia Honey, as well as a dance party afterward with DJ Gac and Precious Cargo. The title Wet invokes the sexiness of many of the images, the fact that many are taken around bodies of water, and also her process. Turner makes her images with the early photographic technology referred to as tintypes or the wet p50s. Its a labor-intensive process, both in mixing chemicals, setting up the shoots and watching the image develop on the wet plate on site immediately after the exposure. It can take a daylong shoot to produce as few as eight images. Some of the photos were taken at beaches and a New Orleans friends backyard pool. Most of the spaces are not identifiable, but Turner arranged for shoots in safe places, some of them public and others private. She also spends a lot of time setting up shots and collaborating with her subjects. Turner had been photographing industrial ruins and abandoned buildings, but she felt like she wasnt capturing what she liked about the spaces in her images. So she switched to focusing on portraits. I wanted to photograph the people I love in the places they love, Turner says. While some friends enjoy posing, shes worked with the more reticent by having them take inspiration from their favorite portraits. She keeps a tome of Helmut Newton images for inspiration. Collaborating with her subjects is an important part of her process. I am photographing a lot of friends whose bodies have been historically marginalized and maybe photographed without their having control over the lens or the narrative, she says. Its a lot of planning beforehand over: How do you want to be seen? How do you want to project your image, your body, your gender, your power, your sense of love? Where do you want to do that? So we talk a lot, and I am going to place this where people sense that safety and control. There are group shots and intimate individual portraits. Many subjects are queer, but many are not. Most images have the grey-silver luster of tintypes. But there also are a handful of colorized images, which she makes digitally after scanning the tintypes. Some of the bright colors reflect her vision of queer maximalism, adding decoration on top of decoration. But the black and white images also have a lot going on. An image titled Recently Engaged Couple was taken on the set of a retro gas station Turner built at the Contemporary Arts Center for her Here and Now solo exhibition just before the pandemic shutdowns. She invited people to come get their photos taken, and one couple posed in the retro scene with a marquee, that advertises, Narcan behind the bar, a condemnation of harassment of immigrants, and Eat more pussy. Youve got this couple dressed kind of 70s, Turner says. Its got a process from the 1860s. Youve got this retro-looking Louisiana gas station and a sign referencing Narcan, sex and border patrol. I love that you look at it and all of the elements make sense on their own, but there is something where you dont know how or where this photo happened. Thats not a sign you would see in a rural road in Louisiana in 1890 or 1910. Because its photographed that way, it feels historic. I think that makes it more believable that it could exist now or in the future. Theres an effect of, Oh, maybe this already happened. I want someone to leave wondering what would have to change to see this scene in our landscape for real. For more information about Meg Turner, visit For information about Wet, visit You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close Lara Nicholson writes for The Advocate as a Report for America Corps Member. Email her at or follow her on Twitter @LaraNicholson_. To learn more about Report for America and to support our journalism, please click here. Karen Marshall sometimes struggled to find a New Orleans school that matched her passion for teaching science. Over her nearly 18-year teaching career, Marshall had grown frustrated with the increasing emphasis on standardized testing and the whittling away of science curriculums to give more class time to English and math. But last summer, Marshall found her dream job at an unlikely place: the clubhouse of a Carnival parading group. The Krewe of Red Beans is turning an old furniture warehouse in the Bywater into a multi-use center known as Beanlandia. The two-story, 25,000-square-foot center will have crafting space for the krewes signature bean-covered costumes, a cultural museum, dancehall, offices for nonprofit groups, and maybe even a recording studio, oyster bar and popsicle stand. So why not a science classroom? Marshall, a krewe member, was hired on to develop a slate of children's science programming aimed at filling some of the educational gaps at local schools. Shes been leading lessons on climate change, urban flooding and water quality, and field trips to nearby wetlands and bayous. In the future, Marshall plans to offer summer camps and school visits. Marshall spoke to The Times-Picayune | The Advocate about her teaching experiences and plans for Beanlandia. The conversation has been edited for length and clarity. Tell me about your background. I am originally from Kansas City, Missouri. My mom was a teacher for over 30 years. My dad, a Vietnam vet, worked for General Motors for 40 years. They said we worked really hard for you to have a better life and so you can do anything you want. And I was like well, I like science and kids are cool. While I was at Xavier University, I started volunteering in schools, but there was no science teaching going on in the majority of schools. If any, it was read this book, answer these questions, but those (science) materials in the back are not for you. Don't touch. Those microscopes are expensive; you might break one. Or the teachers didn't have the know-how or the confidence to use them. Make no mistake Social Security will be insolvent in about a decade and benefits will be automatically reduced, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis. The latest Social Security and Medicare Trustees annual report says Social Security needs to either cut benefits by 25% or increase revenues by 33% to gain long-term stability. All this adds up to everyone now in their mid-50s or older facing twice the chance of spending their golden years in poverty with less health care. Congress has until 2034 to come up with some sort of plan that shores up the trust fund that pays for the program. The longer the wait, the more extreme measures will be needed. But current efforts to make less onerous fixes are stumbling across partisan bickering over federal fiscal policies in conjunction with arguments about who cares more for baby boomers, who make up 22% of the nations population. Using Social Security as a political weapon prevents any real discussion to save the program. The American people expect us to put politics aside, U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-Baton Rouge, said Thursday. It was a great moment of political theater when, during the Feb. 7 State of the Union speech, President Joe Biden said Republicans wanted to dismantle Social Security and Medicare referencing GOP comments, legislation and study group suggestions. Republicans in the chamber erupted. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was seen trying to shush his GOP colleagues. Rep. Margie Taylor Greene, R-Georgia, yelled liar at the president. Biden eventually got Republicans and Democrats to stand in support of the very popular program that for almost 90 years has made old age a little more bearable. Manny, Production Team Lead, against the backdrop of Shell Geismar facility, one of Shells largest chemical plants in the world and the foundation of the planned energy transformation for Shell in Louisiana. A high school dropout who continually says shes sorry, Jenny is in serious debt after being fired from her last job after she said no when her boss made a pass. The time is 1990 and thats what happened to women then. Now her boss is engaged to her highly critical mother, her drunken lout of an ex-boyfriend is threatening to get custody of their daughter, Billie Starr and Jenny doesnt have the money to pay for Billie to go with her class on a field trip to Chicago. Oh and shes three months behind on her mortgage and the loan sharks are circling around. At her wits end, Jenny is given an offer she cant refuse even though her best friend tells her to just say no. Two men have asked her to wear a wire when she seduces a local politician who is running for governor. Of course it doesnt go well. She loses her coat, the men disappear without paying her and the candidate turns out to be a very nice guy who offers Jenny a job. But then she starts hearing from the bad guys again and shes worried that all she is building up in her new life will come tumbling down. "Billie Starrs Book of Stories" by Deborah Kennedy is a humorous blend of modern politics, the struggles of single motherhood, and the importance of taking charge of your life. Kennedy sets her story in a fictional town in a real Indiana county just outside of Fort Wayne where she grew up. After a long stint as a journalist on the Kentucky side of the Ohio River by Cincinnati, Kennedy attended the Iowa Writers Workshop, where she says all you do is write for two years. Having always wanted to be a writer, she describes herself as a nerd and books as her good friends when growing up. Her first novel, Tornado Watch, was published a few years back. Now at work on two more, a romantic comedy and a mystery as well as a pilot of a screenplay, she works during the day for the Portland Oregon School District and writes on weekends and at night. The idea for Billie Starr came to her when she read an article about political operatives trying to enact a similar scenario as the one Jenny embarks on. Indeed, Kennedy says that the great thing about writing for newspapers was getting to meet so many interesting characters who are a part of the synthesis of character development for those in her books. I dont base my characters on any one person in particular, she says. And writing about Jenny was a stretch. I usually dont spend that much time with one character. But I feel like I really got to know Jenny well. Kennedy even went so far as to drive around looking for the type of house Jenny would live in. That is if Jenny was real. I thought that was important, says Kennedy. That type of detail is one of the reasons that makes this book so compelling to read. A year ago, country star Brad Paisley watched the news on television as Russian troops invaded Ukraine and, like many people around the world, he felt helpless at the images of people fleeing their homes. The world felt like it was in a new place that it hadnt been in decades," the three-time Grammy winner recalls. On Friday, the one-year anniversary of the war's start, Paisley is releasing a new song called Same Here," featuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaking proudly about his country and people. The song is Paisley's first from his new record, Son of the Mountains, to be released later this year on Universal Music Group Nashville. The West Virginia native wrote the song with Lee Thomas Miller (co-writer on Paisley hits The World and Perfect Storm) and Dawes frontman Taylor Goldsmith. It's a three-part narrative that reflects on universal similarities, despite distance and language. While it doesn't mention Ukraine specifically, the song ends with Paisley and Zelenskyy in conversation, recorded during a video call. Zelenskyy talks about Ukrainians' desire for freedom, adding There is no distance between our two countries in such values. Theres just no differences," Paisley told The Associated Press. You can put us in different places with different flags and different languages, but we have so many similarities. Paisley is one of several celebrity ambassadors for Ukraine's United24 crowdfunding effort, and has donated his time for other fundraising efforts to assist Ukrainians. But even he thought it would be a long shot to have the direct involvement of Zelenskyy, who has traveled the world advocating for Ukraine's military and recovery efforts. I think he understands that art is how you reach the most people, especially in the heart," Paisley said of Zelenskyy, who was an actor and comedian before becoming president. "He can give as many speeches as he can give, but it's a lot easier to hear something with a melody maybe. Zelenskyy didn't just sign off on the song; he also suggested some changes to it, Paisley said. Paisley's royalties for the song will be donated to United24 to help build housing for thousands of displaced Ukrainians whose homes were destroyed in the war, he said. Using his platform to advocate for causes important to him has always been part of his career, whether it was opening a free grocery store in Nashville with his wife, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, or fighting hunger by donating 1 million meals during the pandemic. I wouldnt be able to sleep at night if I didnt sort of swing for the fence with things like this," Paisley said. For me, Im happiest dealing with stuff as a songwriter thats very true and very, very passionate. And sometimes I dont know if youd call it risky, but its more like its bigger than me. Paisley brings his passion on stage during live shows. He's been changing the lyrics to his hit song American Saturday Night, for instance, to replace a reference to the U.S.S.R. to There's a Ukrainian flag hanging up behind the bar." The new record will be his debut on UMG since moving from Sony's Arista label, and he said Same Here reflects the kinds of big universal themes on it. We do deal with stuff going on in the world," Paisley said. "How do you sing about things that are truly big a big deal right now that also dont feel like maybe theyre the type of thing that you would be singing about typically? And yeah, on this album I have kind of really dug deep and tried to say something. Paisley, who has visited U.S. troops in Afghanistan, said he's been invited to visit Ukraine, which he'd like to do. In the meantime, he hopes the song's message will bolster the country now facing down year two of the war. Thats where it gets really rewarding... feeling like maybe the heart of this helps paint the picture they want to paint," Paisley said. LAKE STATION The Lake Station Police Department has a suspect in custody in connection with a "possible homicide" that occurred Wednesday. Police were initially dispatched to the 2300 block of Warren Street for a death investigation, Chief James Richardson said Friday. "Upon their arrival, it appeared that there was a possible homicide," Richardson wrote in an email. "This is an ongoing investigation with the assistance of the Indiana State Police, the Lake County coroners office and the Northwest Indiana Major Crimes Task Force." Richardson said police anticipate that charges will be filed early next week. No further information is available at this time. Before host Valparaiso took to the balance beam, the team huddled up for a mini-cheer session finishing with saying Team in unison. Its very tedious and it just doesnt reflect how we live our lives today. Were all shopping on resale websites and getting ride shares. If were doing this in all other areas of our life, how come we cant do this on one of the most important and special days of our life? We care so much about sustainability and about where our clothes are from and how long we wear them why cant we move this into the bridal industry? We know that 77 percent of brides would rent formal wear, so the demand is there. But that option just isnt available yet. Thats our focus. How do you personalize a dress to customers who are renting? We have about 200 to 250 dresses. One dress specifically we call it the pockets dress is an A-line mikado satin wedding gown with a sweetheart neckline, cathedral-length train, front slit and pockets. Weve had women of all different age ranges and backgrounds wear this dress and customize it into their own way: a detachable train, sleeves, or an oversized bow in the back. We call it The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants dress, because whether youre 5-foot-2 or 5-foot-10, this dress is just it. We have four in-house tailors and we do all of our alterations in-house. We need to get multiple uses out of it, but also we really want to create this sense that this is your dress. What do you want to look like? How do you want to feel on your big day? Paul Grieco, a sommelier, and the owner of Terroir, a local wine bar and restaurant that he opened in TriBeCa in 2010, said that these sophisticated conversations about wine, intended to bring a more immediate experience to consumers, were a long time coming, and a logical next step for developers. Mr. Grieco, who has been in the hospitality and wine business for more than 35 years, and who holds monthly public and private wine events, said no one was having these conversations before because these offerings didnt exist. He added that people have more time, interest, desire and passion for incorporating wine into their lives and diving deeper into their complexities. What was once primarily enjoyed in a restaurant can now be experienced at home. He also pointed to Covid as part of that progression. Covid taught us home is a cool place to be, he said. Developers learned that building more amenities means residents will spend more time there. The community is not gathering in the bike room. Its happening in the wine room. If the food and beverage world can be brought to your front door, thats a new experience. Other developers are investing in visual stimulations. A sanctuary for oenophiles, todays tasting rooms and wine cellars are as ornate as the bottles they collect. And they arrive at a good time, as many people invested in and cultivated their wine collections during the pandemic. Mr. Liu said he had learned that some customers will just take the initial tag line at face value. Beginning last summer, he said, the company had started to be more deliberate about how we drive home a message about variability. Mr. Liu also said that a vast majority of our customers are very happy with their tattoos and their fade. Tattoos are notably unpredictable, said John Swierk, an assistant professor of chemistry at Binghamton University in New York, who studies why light causes tattoos to fade. He said that factors including genetics, skin type, tattoo placement and light exposure could all affect how each body might respond to tattoo ink, which has not traditionally been regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Im not surprised that they would have difficulty in pinpointing how long this is going to last, Professor Swierk said. I Took Their Word For It When Ephemeral began tattooing customers in 2021, it introduced itself as a breakthrough for the tattoo industry. It promised at least some of the cool though a number of permanent tattoo artists had their doubts, with one telling The Times that the concept makes me want to cry without the commitment. The promise of disappearing ink was summed up in the companys tag line: Regret nothing. The pitch was attractive to investors and customers. Ephemeral said it had raised more than $20 million in a Series A round and has opened six studios across the country, with a seventh expected to open in Washington, D.C., in March. According to the company, more than 10,000 customers have gotten Ephemeral tattoos. Another utility in the state, Consumers Energy, estimated that power would be restored in most areas by Sunday, but possibly as late as noon on Monday for some locations. Fewer than 2,000 of the companys customers are without power throughout southern Michigan, including in Kalamazoo. For some riding out the winter storm, this is the second power outage in six months. Severe thunderstorms in August led to blackouts across the state. Ms. Capling said she was without power for three days last summer. Both times, she lost all of her food. A lot of people cant afford that, she said. Especially with the rising cost of groceries right now, its extremely frustrating and upsetting. Ben Saltsman, who lives in Bloomfield Township, and was without power for two days, said that he has a kind of routine now because of the frequency of blackouts. First, he empties his ice machine; hes learned from experience that it creates a huge mess. Then, he clears his refrigerator and takes the food to friends who do have power. We hope they dont eat the good stuff, he said. Ms. Capling said she, her husband and four of her children, ranging from 1 to 18, have temporarily moved in with her father-in-law in Pinckney. Her husband can work from home, but she has had to commute to work an hour out of her way. Her children have also missed three days of school. My 3-year-old is just asking when we can go home, Ms. Capling said. The American Red Cross has also opened four warming centers across southern Michigan, providing cots, warm meals and water. At one point, Ann Arbor, 40 percent of which is out of power, had four warming centers open, but it was down to one by Saturday evening, city officials said. When Kathy Space woke up early on Thursday in her home in Portage and tried to flip on the lights, she immediately knew that she was in trouble. The Saturday Night Live opening sketch has reliably become a showcase for the cast member James Austin Johnson its simply a matter of which political figure or celebrity hell impersonate in the segment. This week the wheel was spun and it landed on former President Donald J. Trump, who on Wednesday visited the town of East Palestine, Ohio, the site of a train derailment that has led to a toxic chemical spill. This weeks S.N.L. broadcast, which was hosted by Woody Harrelson and featured the musical guest Jack White, began with Johnson playing Trump as he addressed an East Palestine firehouse. Its wonderful to be here in the town of East Palestine, Johnson said. Not a great name. But I had to come here and see these wonderful people who have been abandoned by Biden. Hes on spring break in Ukraine with his friend Zelensky in the T-shirt, very disrespectful. Zelensky thinks hes rocking that ringer tee like Scott Pilgrim. But Im here and I brought hats. Cameras and hats. Relating a story that he claimed had happened on his visit, Johnson said, Earlier today a farmer came up to me, big fella, and he said, Sir, we have nothing to eat because our dirt is poisoned. And I said, well, what are you doing eating the dirt? Dont eat the dirt, folks. Dont eat the dirt. You should be eating the cold McDonalds I brought you. And the bottled water, Trump Ice. Ill be honest, I just put my sticker on some Dasani. Shortly after Hannah Dreier joined The Times as an investigative reporter last year, she mentioned something that shocked her editor, Kirsten Danis. While Hannah had been reporting a 2019 series about immigrant teenagers on Long Island falsely accused of being gang members stories that won a Pulitzer Prize she noticed that some of the young teenagers worked overnight shifts at a cookie factory. Kirstens surprised reaction made Hannah wonder if there was another story to do. Its sort of an open secret among people in the immigration world that many of these kids end up in jobs that violate child labor laws, Hannah told me. I realized I had been so focused on border and detention policies that I had neglected to report on childrens experiences once theyre actually living in the U.S. Hannah has spent the past 10 months reporting the story, and she spoke with more than 100 child workers in 20 states for it. This weekend, The Times published her expose. Migrant children, who have been coming into the United States without their parents in record numbers, are ending up in some of the most punishing jobs in the country, Hannah writes. Many children have worked on products for big-name companies, including Whole Foods, Walmart, J. Crew and Frito-Lay. Its not that we want to be working these jobs, said Kevin Tomas, 15, who was recently stacking cereal boxes at a factory. Its that we have to help our families. China Renaissance Holdings said Sunday that its chief executive, Bao Fan, a prominent investment banker in China, was cooperating with a government investigation, weeks after the company had announced it was unable to contact him. In a filing with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the company said that its board had become aware that Mr. Bao is currently cooperating in an investigation being carried out by certain authorities in the Peoples Republic of China. The company said its operations were continuing normally. It did not say where Mr. Bao was or identify the matter in which he is supposedly cooperating. Chinese media has reported that the government called on Mr. Bao to assist in an investigation related to a former China Renaissance executive. The latest news followed the companys disclosure on Feb. 16 that it had been unable to contact Mr. Bao. The announcement sent the companys stock price plunging and the stock has not fully recovered. To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. TOPPENISH, Wash. Three days before Christmas, the only hospital in this remote city on the Yakama Indian Reservation abruptly closed its maternity unit without consulting the community, the doctors who delivered babies there or even its own board. At least 35 women were planning to give birth at Astria Toppenish Hospital in January alone, and the sudden closure which violated the hospitals commitment to the state to maintain critical services in this rural area threw their plans into disarray. Victoria Barajas, 34, expecting her first child, scrambled to find a new doctor before her due date, Jan. 7. Jazzmin Maldonado, a 29-year-old schoolteacher due to give birth soon, wondered how she could make it to a distant hospital in time. Susan Tiltons husband, Mike, was actually in good health. But after a friends husband developed terminal cancer, she began to worry that Mike would soon die, too. At night, Id lie down and start thinking about it, recalled Ms. Tilton, 72, who lives in Clayton, Mo. What would I do? What would I do? The thought of life without her husband theyd married at 17 and 18 left her sleepless and dragging through the next day. It was very hard to shut it off, she said of her worrying. How could I get along by myself? What would I do with the house? Years earlier, Ms. Tilton had been seeing a therapist and taking medication for depression, but she ended therapy when her doctor retired. In late 2021, she consulted Dr. Eric Lenze, who heads the psychiatry department at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, for help with a different health problem, not fully recognizing that her anxiety was itself a diagnosable disorder. The citys overnight drop-in centers for homeless and runaway youth, which are serving a rising number of young people, received a jarring message last month: Effective immediately, providers are required to discontinue the practice of allowing youth and young adults to sleep overnight. At least one of the centers has responded in turn: no. Alexander Roque, who runs Ali Forney, a Manhattan center that serves L.G.B.T.Q. youth, said they would have to shut us down and put me in handcuffs before he would comply with the directive. If the city threatens us and takes away our funding, I will continue to let our clients sleep, because thats whats at stake, their mental health is at stake, Mr. Roque said. The drop-in centers, operated by five city-funded nonprofits, are not homeless shelters, but there is one in each borough open 24 hours a day to serve teenagers and young people between the ages of 14 and 24. They provide food, laundry, education and career services, among other things. And, though they do not operate as official homeless shelters, many had also provided cots or other places for young people to sleep. Image Cab Ride Home Dear Diary: It was a warm August day in New York in 1969. I was 21 and just back from Vietnam. I had been drafted into the Army two years earlier, and my second year in Southeast Asia had been the longest in my life. It ended with me returning to the World Brooklyn in one piece as one of the lucky ones. I took a cab from Port Authority to Bensonhurst. I was in my khaki uniform. The cabdriver, a middle-age man, kept looking at me through the rearview mirror. There was no conversation between us. I was lost in a swirl of emotions. When we got to my block, I could see all of my neighbors sitting out on their porch steps. Someone had strung up a large banner: Welcome Home, Lenny! They were all cheering. Through my tears, I could make out my parents, my sisters and my girlfriend. I was overcome, completely surprised by the reception I was receiving from the people who had watched me grow up. Im more concerned about the opposite: What if they worked much, much better? What if Google and Microsoft and Meta and everyone else end up unleashing A.I.s that compete with one another to be the best at persuading users to want what the advertisers are trying to sell? Im less frightened by a Sydney thats playing into my desire to cosplay a sci-fi story than a Bing that has access to reams of my personal data and is coolly trying to manipulate me on behalf of whichever advertiser has paid the parent company the most money. Nor is it just advertising worth worrying about. What about when these systems are deployed on behalf of the scams that have always populated the internet? How about on behalf of political campaigns? Foreign governments? I think we wind up very fast in a world where we just dont know what to trust anymore, Gary Marcus, the A.I. researcher and critic, told me. I think thats already been a problem for society over the last, lets say, decade. And I think its just going to get worse and worse. These dangers are a core to the kinds of A.I. systems were building. Large language models, as theyre called, are built to persuade. They have been trained to convince humans that they are something close to human. They have been programmed to hold conversations, responding with emotion and emoji. They are being turned into friends for the lonely and assistants for the harried. They are being pitched as capable of replacing the work of scores of writers and graphic designers and form-fillers industries that long thought themselves immune to the ferocious automation that came for farmers and manufacturing workers. A.I. researchers get annoyed when journalists anthropomorphize their creations, attributing motivations and emotions and desires to the systems that they do not have, but this frustration is misplaced: They are the ones who have anthropomorphized these systems, making them sound like humans rather than keeping them recognizably alien. There are business models that might bring these products into closer alignment with users. Id feel better, for instance, about an A.I. helper I paid a monthly fee to use rather than one that appeared to be free, but sold my data and manipulated my behavior. But I dont think this can be left purely to the market. Its possible, for example, that the advertising-based models could gather so much more data to train the systems that theyd have an innate advantage over the subscription models, no matter how much worse their societal consequences were. Many of these changes have been triggered by referendums that are a staple of the citys elections and which have often been controlled by the board. Since 2000, 321 initiatives have appeared on the citys ballots. This process spawned eight different business taxes in the last decade that have doomed many small businesses, as well as driven away large companies whose headquarters are now located in less hostile settings. This has resulted in a sharp drop in projected tax revenue which, as usual, will result in cutbacks in city services for those most in need. Then there is the matter of San Francisco being a one-party town. The nominating committee of San Franciscos Democratic County Central Committee has an impressive record in backing candidates seeking their first electoral victory as members of local transportation and educational boards. These slots put candidates on the conveyor belt to higher office. Inbreeding is not healthy particularly for politicians. Even Superman equipped with a light saber would not be able to govern San Francisco. The state of San Francisco mirrored by conditions in other cities around the country has much to do with the way machine politics, with its many defects, has given way to a splintering of power in City Hall. This makes it much harder for there to be old-style fights between a well-defined machine and an equally animated reform movement. The hollowing out of city newspapers, in our case The San Francisco Chronicle, also contributes to poor governance. And San Francisco, like a growing number of blue cities, suffers a dearth of minority, middle-class voters who could offer steadying influences. Fortunately, there is increasing agitation for changes to the mechanics of San Francisco city government. In 2020, frustrated by the condition of the city, I helped start and finance TogetherSF, which is now an active organizer of community events and has started to play a role in election contests through its sister organization, TogetherSF Action. Several parents action groups are also clamoring for improvements. Last November, an elected incumbent supervisor was not re-elected for the first time in 20 years. The district attorney and three of the citys school board members were also recalled last year. I am optimistic about San Franciscos long-term prospects, in part because of some of the changes that I have seen since arriving in 1983. At that time, warehouses and railroad yards occupied the area now known as Mission Bay today the area houses one of the worlds leading medical centers, mixed-use housing, the home of the Golden State Warriors and Visas new world headquarters. This example, powered by civic pride and a combination of private and government money, shows what is possible even while many other proposed changes that would have a positive impact on the city have been nixed and delayed. There are plenty of reasons to believe that Democratic San Francisco can again become a bellwether for the nation this time by turning around a city thats been held hostage by the political classes. Theres an increasing recognition that voters have been repeatedly duped. And there is a growing clamor for change. It wont be easy. It will take time, tenacity, magnanimity and the contributions of many. But eventually Tucker Carlson will be made to eat his words, and San Francisco will work better for everyone. Michael Moritz is a partner at Sequoia Capital. He also funded Crankstart, a San Francisco-based foundation, and The San Francisco Standard, an online news organization. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips. And heres our email: Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram. South Africa: Government works for formalise informal settlements The Social Protection, Community and Human Development cluster says government is working around the clock to formalise the many informal settlements across South Africa to help protect residents from floods and fires. In addition, the cluster has stressed the importance of accessing land in urban settlements, which it believes is one of the most critical factors for human settlements development programmes. The cluster briefed media on Sunday, led by the Ministers of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga and Health, Dr Joe Phaahla. According to the cluster, the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure has earmarked 14 000 hectares of State land for human settlements and to date, 2 689 hectares have been transferred to the Housing Development Agency. Speaking on behalf of her colleagues, Motshekga said the department has an additional 32 land parcels, measuring 10 350 hectares, to undertake preliminary human settlement planning. Furthermore, 64 000 housing opportunities are planned from the released land parcels and will contribute significantly to the attainment of the prescripts of the Freedom Charter, which says there shall be houses, security and comfort. The cluster said with more informal settlements regularly being set up due to a variety of factors, the department has still made significant progress in upgrading these settlements, such that there are 1 284 informal settlements at various stages of upgrading throughout the country. In the last financial year, about 24 671 stands were created through the informal upgrading process, Motshekga said. The process of upgrading, according to Motshekga, includes the provision of basic services such as water, electricity, sanitation, and security. By intensifying the upgrading of informal settlements, officials are addressing some of the recent shocks caused by floods and fires in various parts of the country. With climate change, natural disasters are becoming more frequent and most of our infrastructure was not designed to be resilient, said Motshekga. In the past five days, Motshekga pointed out that the country has experienced devastating floods in KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Limpopo and Mpumalanga. For an effective response to these disasters, we need land, we need South Africans to embrace each other, especially when families are homeless, vulnerable and distressed. It is in times like this that we need to collaborate, unite and focus on solutions that will provide relief to all those in need. Motshekga also expressed appreciation for all the offers of assistance from partners in the private and public sectors and social partners who have initiated various interventions to assist in helping all those in distress. It will be a long road but together we can do so much more to minimise the impact of the devastating floods. This story has been published on: 2023-02-26. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Ward B. Stone, who as New York States maverick wildlife pathologist pleased environmentalists but angered his bosses and corporate polluters by going beyond his mandate to expose the dangers that PCBs and other toxic chemicals also posed to humans, died on Feb. 8 in Troy, N.Y. He was 84. The apparent cause was respiratory failure, his daughter Montana Stone said. During the nearly 42 years he was employed by the State Department of Environmental Conservation, Mr. Stone and his team performed thousands of necropsies on mammals ranging in size from mouse to moose, as well as on hawks, swans, deer, beavers and bears. The cause of death included accidents, illegal hunting, deliberate poisonings, and contamination by pesticides and other toxins. But in the course of his forensic investigations, and also on his own, he sampled soil, landfill, ash and other residue and was one of the pioneers along with Gunnar Widmark and Soren Jensen of the University of Stockholm and the biologist Robert Riseborough of the University of California, Berkeley in finding evidence that polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, were ubiquitous in the environment. In his position as state wildlife pathologist, Ward Stone shone a light on environmental threats long before others could notice them and gave a science-based voice to nature in times of crisis when few other state officials would listen, Roger Downs, conservation director of the Sierra Clubs Atlantic chapter, said in a statement. Their son had been missing for decades, but every time Louise and John Clinkscales left their home in LaGrange, Ga., to search for him, one of them would leave behind a note. If their son, Kyle, returned while they were gone, his parents wanted their only child to know that a lot had changed since he was last seen in 1976 at the age of 22. They loved him, the Clinkscales would write, and there, on the dining room table, was a spare car key for him. They left no stone unturned, the sister of Ms. Clinkscales, Martha Morrison, 88, of Oxford, Ala., said in an interview. Mr. Clinkscaless parents died before the authorities made a remarkable discovery in December 2021: A 1974 Ford Pinto poking out from a creek, an identification inside the rusty car belonging to Mr. Clinkscales and about 50 skeletal fragments encased in the mud. Hundreds of newspapers across the country will stop running the Dilbert comic strip after its creator said on a YouTube livestream that Black people were a hate group and that white people should just get the hell away from them. The creator, Scott Adams, who was behind the widely syndicated comic strip that mocks office culture, was widely rebuked for his comments by newspapers that had printed his work for years. The USA Today Network, which publishes more than 200 newspapers, said it will no longer publish the Dilbert comic due to the recent discriminatory comments by its creator. The Los Angeles Times said on Saturday that it would end publication of the comic strip because of his racist comments. And the editor of The Cleveland Plain Dealer, Chris Quinn, said that Mr. Adams went on a racist rant that had prompted the newspaper to also drop Dilbert. At least a dozen people were injured in Oklahoma after two tornadoes rushed through the state on Sunday evening, the authorities said. Forecasters said one tornado was reported near Norman, Okla., about 20 miles south of Oklahoma City, and another in the west-central part of the state. The tornadoes were part of a powerful storm system that packed severe gusts as it moved northeast from the Texas Panhandle. At a news conference on Monday morning, Chief Kevin Foster of the Norman Police Department said at least 12 people had been injured during the storms, although none of the injuries were life-threatening. WASHINGTON When the Supreme Court hears arguments on Tuesday in a challenge from six Republican-led states to President Bidens plan to wipe out more than $400 billion in student debt, the first question it will explore is not whether the plan is lawful. It will be whether the states are even entitled to sue. For most of American history, partisan lawsuits by states challenging federal programs were rare. That changed after a 2007 Supreme Court decision gave states special solicitude in determining when they have standing to sue, and the trend has been amplified by a rising partisan divide among state attorneys general. State politicians are using state standing as a way of waging what are political or policy battles against the current administration in court as opposed to through the political process, said Jonathan H. Adler, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University. There is good reason to think that this special solicitude stuff has kind of gotten out of hand and it needs to be curtailed. But its hard to curtail it in a way that doesnt come across as opportunistic for one side or the other. Partisan lawsuits by states challenging federal actions, which thrust the judiciary into all manner of political controversies and boost its power, have exploded in recent years, said Paul Nolette, a political scientist at Marquette University. He said the surge in such cases started after 2014, in the final years of Barack Obamas presidency. Intelligence officials believe the scrutiny of the pandemics beginnings could be important to improving global response to future health crises, though they caution that finding an answer about the source of the virus may be difficult or even impossible given Chinese opposition to further research. Scientists say there is a responsibility to explain how a pandemic that has killed almost seven million people started, and learning more about its origins could help researchers understand what poses the biggest threats of future outbreaks. The new intelligence and the shift in the departments view was first reported by The Wall Street Journal on Sunday. Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, declined to confirm the intelligence. But he said President Biden had ordered that the national labs be brought into the effort to determine the origins of the outbreak so that the government was using every tool it had. In addition to the Energy Department, the F.B.I. has also concluded, with moderate confidence, that the virus first emerged accidentally from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a Chinese lab that worked on coronaviruses. Four other intelligence agencies and the National Intelligence Council have concluded, with low confidence, that the virus most likely emerged through natural transmission, the director of national intelligences office announced in October 2021. Mr. Sullivan said those divisions remain. There is a variety of views in the intelligence community, he said on CNNs State of the Union on Sunday. Some elements of the intelligence community have reached conclusions on one side, some on the other. A number of them have said they just dont have enough information to be sure. Marianne Williamson, the self-help author and spiritual adviser who ran unsuccessfully for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, will run again in 2024, she told supporters this weekend. Since the election of 2016 its odd for anyone to think they can know who can win the presidency, she said in a statement that was emailed to supporters and posted on Facebook. And Im not putting myself through this again just to add to the conversation. Im running for president to help bring an aberrational chapter of our history to a close, and to help bring forth a new beginning. She added, Washington is filled with good political car mechanics, but the problem is that we are on the wrong road. She will formally announce her campaign in a speech on Saturday. Four years ago, Ms. Williamson was one of more than 25 candidates for the nomination that Joseph R. Biden Jr. ultimately won. This time around, so far, she is the only candidate entering the 2024 race before even Mr. Biden has done so, though he is widely expected to run for re-election. Ms. Williamson, 70, became famous within the self-help world as an author of several best-selling books and a spiritual adviser to Oprah Winfrey. In the 1980s, she founded the Los Angeles and Manhattan Centers for Living, which supported people with H.I.V. and AIDS, and Project Angel Food, which provides free meals to people with serious illnesses. In Germany, a recent ARD-DeutschlandTrend poll found that 58 percent of respondents believe that diplomatic efforts to end the war have not gone far enough the highest level recorded in the poll to date. Left-wing opponents of the war organized a Rebellion for Peace rally in Berlin this weekend, which police said drew at least 10,000 people. Even in Russia, where criticizing the war can be a crime, a late November poll by the Levada Center, an independent pollster in Moscow, and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs found that 53 percent of Russians wanted their government to start peace negotiations. But pro-negotiation efforts in Western governments have gained little traction. After progressive Democrats released a public letter in late October calling on President Biden to seek a rapid end to the conflict, the groups leader quickly retracted it. Around the same time, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, argued in internal meetings that Ukraine was unlikely to make substantially greater battlefield gains and should move to the bargaining table. The White House quickly squelched such talk. At the same time, U.S. officials have advised President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine with the views of nonaligned countries in mind that it is in his interest not to appear completely opposed to talking. Zelensky is being told to be diplomatic, said Andrea Kendall-Taylor, a Russia expert at the Center for a New American Security who advised the Biden transition team. But I think his instinct is to fight it out on the battlefield. Both Ukraine and Russia have outlined broad parameters for a peace agreement with provisions that analysts call nonstarters. Mr. Zelensky has offered a 10-point plan that would hold Russia accountable for war atrocities, and require it to surrender all captured Ukrainian territory and pay reparations for what could be hundreds of billions in war damages. For his part, Mr. Putin has demanded that Ukraine recognize territories annexed by Moscow as part of Russia. More than 100,000 people took to the streets of Mexico on Sunday to protest new laws hobbling the nations election agency, in what demonstrators said was a repudiation of the presidents efforts to weaken a pillar of democracy. Wearing shades of pink, the official color of the electoral watchdog that helped end one-party rule two decades ago, protesters filled the central square of the capital, Mexico City, and chanted, Dont touch my vote. The protesters said they were trying to send a message to the president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who backed the measures and lives in the national palace on the squares edge. They were also speaking directly to the nations Supreme Court, which is expected to hear a challenge to the overhaul in the coming months. Many see the moment as a critical test for the court, which has been a target of criticism by the president. In China, a country that limits most couples to three children, one province is making a bold pitch to try to get its citizens to procreate: have as many babies as you want, even if you are unmarried. The initiative, which came into effect this month, points to the renewed urgency of Chinas efforts to spark a baby boom after its population shrank last year for the first time since a national famine in the 1960s. Other efforts are underway officials in several cities have urged college students to donate sperm to help spur population growth, and there are plans to expand national insurance coverage for fertility treatments, including I.V.F. But the measures have been met with a wave of public skepticism, ridicule and debate, highlighting the challenges China faces as it seeks to stave off a shrinking work force that could imperil economic growth. Many young Chinese adults, who themselves were born during Chinas draconian one-child policy, are pushing back on the governments inducements to have babies in a country that is among the most expensive in the world to raise a child. To them, such incentives do little to address anxieties about supporting their aging parents and managing the rising costs of education, housing and health care. Russia pounded the front line in Ukraines south and east with artillery strikes, Ukrainian military authorities said on Sunday, as Moscow bombarded the Kherson region and pushed to break through Kyivs last remaining defenses around the city of Bakhmut. The strikes came as President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia suggested in an interview broadcast on Sunday that his country faced a long-term conflict with Western nations, which have pledged further military aid to Ukraine. Moscows latest attacks killed three civilians in the eastern Donetsk region, where Bakhmut is, and two others in Kherson, Ukrainian officials said. Russia keeps attacking the positions of Ukrainian troops around Bakhmut, the Ukrainian militarys General Staff said on Sunday in its daily update. But it denied a claim made by Russias Wagner mercenary group that the village of Yahidne, northwest of the city, had fallen into Russian hands. Fighting flared in seven villages near Bakhmut on Sunday, a spokesman for Ukraines eastern group of forces, Serhiy Cherevaty, said in a television interview, adding that there had been 14 separate clashes on that section of the front line alone. Bakhmut has for months been the focus of a grinding Russian campaign along the roughly 140-mile eastern front. Capturing Bakhmut would constitute Russias biggest battlefield victory in months, and the city is seen as key to seizing the entire Donbas area of eastern Ukraine, as Mr. Putin has ordered. Russian forces, including newly mobilized recruits and Wagner mercenaries, have taken a series of towns and villages around Bakhmut in recent weeks, as they seek to encircle Ukraines fighters there. A wooden boat carrying 130 to 180 migrants broke apart against rocks near a beach town in southern Italy early on Sunday, drowning at least 59 people, including a newborn and other children, the authorities said. Eighty people survived the wreck, according to Italys Coast Guard, which said helicopters, ships and jet skis were still being used to look for more survivors in what remained particularly hostile weather conditions. The death toll was expected to rise. The migrants were mainly from Afghanistan, but also from Iran and Pakistan, and had been crossing from Turkey, the authorities said. The wreck drew expressions of grief and demands for action from leaders across the political spectrum in Italy, where migration has long been a central topic of debate. The far-right-led coalition government recently enacted additional restrictions on charities crewing migrant rescue vessels, though these organizations have not operated in the waters off Calabria, the region where the latest tragedy occurred. Russians around the world took to the streets of more than 100 cities to voice their opposition to the grueling war initiated by the Kremlin against Ukraine a year ago, with rallies on Sunday culminating four days of protests. The main point of the protests was twofold, participants said: to express solidarity with Ukraine for the widespread death and destruction and to underscore that not all Russians support President Vladimir V. Putins war. I think most Russians living abroad are against the war, said Roman Shor, 34, a software engineer from the former Soviet republic of Moldova, who attended the protest in Santa Monica, Calif., with his wife amid scattered showers and unusually cold temperatures. It is good to be together somehow during this time, to see that there are lots of people who have the same ideology, who dont support violence, who dont support imperialism. Mr. Sunak said he was seeking a compromise that would allow Northern Irelands Assembly to scrutinize European Union laws and potentially amend or reject them before they were imposed on the territory. I want to correct the democratic deficit because sovereignty is really important, and thats why the idea that the E.U. can impose laws on Northern Ireland without them having a say isnt acceptable, Mr. Sunak said to The Sunday Times. We need to find a way to ensure sovereignty for the people and institutions of Northern Ireland. So thats what Im trying to achieve. For Mr. Sunak, achieving all of these objectives will be a political tightrope walk one that could determine the success or failure of his government. In a sign of the value that the government attaches to the deal, there were reports that Ms. von der Leyen would meet King Charles III in addition to Mr. Sunak. But past negotiations over Brexit tormented several of the prime ministers predecessors, dooming one of them, Theresa May, after she could not contain a rebellion within her party. Part of the problem is that Mr. Sunak has negotiated the deal with Brussels under a veil of secrecy, which has heightened the suspicions of the unionists and Brexit enthusiasts. He has also been noncommittal about whether Parliament would be allowed to approve the agreement. Mr. Sunaks deputy prime minister, Dominic Raab, declined on Sunday to confirm that lawmakers would get to vote on the deal. Parliament will find a way to have its say, Mr. Raab said on the Sophy Ridge talk show on Sky News, without explaining what that meant. JERUSALEM Hours after a Palestinian gunman fatally shot two Israeli brothers as they drove through a town in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on Sunday, Jewish settlers went on a rampage in the area to avenge the killings, stoning and burning dozens of Palestinian homes, stores and cars. The shooting occurred early Sunday afternoon on a road south of the city of Nablus even as Israeli, Palestinian and other Arab officials were participating in a summit in Jordan, along with senior U.S. representatives, to discuss ways to de-escalate rising tensions. After nightfall, with the summit concluded, settlers held marches in the same area as the shooting and began attacking Palestinians and their property. The Palestinian Health Ministry said that one man, Sameh Aqtash, 37, had been killed by live fire as a result of Israeli aggression. The ministry said several more Palestinians were injured and about 20 were suffering the effects of smoke inhalation and tear gas. Rishi Sunak said his administration is giving it everything weve got to finalise a deal to fix issues with the Northern Ireland Protocol but insists a pact has not yet been secured. The Prime Minister said he is hopeful of a positive outcome in the talks with the European Union as Westminster braces for a new-look protocol to be unveiled. The British leader is keen to ensure the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is on side with his final agreement as he looks to restore powersharing in Northern Ireland. The DUP is refusing to take part in Stormonts cross-community devolved government alongside Sinn Fein in protest at the impact the Brexit treaty is having on trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The party has issued seven tests that Mr Sunaks pact will have to meet in order to win its backing, including addressing what it calls the democratic deficit of Northern Ireland being subject to EU rules while not having a say on them. Mr Sunak, speaking to The Sunday Times newspaper, pledged that anything that we do will tick all of those boxes in terms of Unionist concerns. A protocol deal has looked close to being announced for almost a week. And after No 10 said good progress was made during a Friday call between the Prime Minister and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, a breakthrough seemed imminent. However, a plan for Ms von der Leyen to travel to Britain on Saturday to meet Mr Sunak and then have afternoon tea with the King at Windsor Castle was scrapped on Friday evening. Downing Street has since said that intensive discussions remain underway between London and Brussels. Irish premier Leo Varadkar said on Saturday that talks between the UK and the EU were inching towards conclusion as he called on all sides to go the extra mile to sign off on negotiations. The Prime Minister told The Sunday Times that he was continuing to push for a final agreement with the bloc. Im here all weekend trying to get it done, he told the newspaper. Were giving it everything weve got. He admitted that there were examples of where it feels that Northern Ireland is not part of the Union and that the protocol had unbalanced the Good Friday Agreement that helped end the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Citing the example of not being able to apply reforms to alcohol duty in Northern Ireland when he was chancellor as the protocol dictates that it falls under EU single market rules for duties Mr Sunak pledged to work to satisfy Unionist demands with any deal he secures. Im a Conservative, Im a Brexiteer and Im a unionist and anything that we do will tick all of those boxes, otherwise it wouldnt make sense to me, let alone anyone else, he told The Sunday Times. Several reports have suggested a deal between the UK and the EU is all but done with Mr Sunak delaying an announcement until he is confident it will be accepted. No 10 denies that but reports suggest Mr Sunak has secured concessions that will ease the flow of trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain a major bugbear for Unionists. Trusted traders from GB into Northern Ireland will reportedly not need to undergo checks as part of the plans, while VAT rates, taxes and state aid policy will all be set by Westminster rather than Brussels as part of the offer on the table. The Prime Minister has also reportedly negotiated a means by which the Northern Ireland Assembly in Belfast will be given pre-legislative scrutiny over new EU laws in a bid to remove the so-called democratic deficit. According to The Sun On Sunday, Mr Sunak will invite Cabinet ministers into No 10 on Sunday to brief them on the details of what he has secured so far. Downing Street will be anxiously waiting for Boris Johnsons view on the new terms, with the former prime minister recently imploring Mr Sunak not to drop his Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, which would unilaterally overwrite parts of the treaty. The Sunday Times reported that Mr Johnson, called to back what Mr Sunak comes back with in order to appease the White House, replied saying: F*** the Americans. A source close to Mr Johnson told PA: This was a jocular conversation in the chamber that someone evidently misunderstood. That is not the sort of language he would use. Fresh speculation about a new pact comes after Downing Street came in for criticism for the proposed meeting between EU leader Ms von der Leyen and the King. It is said that No 10 envisaged branding Mr Sunaks deal the Windsor Agreement if the German politician had been content to sign off on a deal while in Britain. Sammy Wilson, a DUP MP, accused the Prime Minister of dragging the King into a hugely controversial political issue. A UK Government source said it would not have been improper for the King to have met a visiting European leader. The source told PA news agency it was wrong to suggest the King would be involved in anything remotely political. Buckingham Palace would not comment. Rumble 28 Feb 2023 Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the ISIS child soldier farm,.. The first lady of the United States (FLOTUS) is the title held by the hostess of the White House, usually the wife of the president of the United States, concurrent with the president's term in office. Although the first lady's role has never been codified or officially defined, she figures prominently in the political and social life of the United States. Since the early 20th century, the first lady has been assisted by official staff, now known as the Office of the First Lady and headquartered in the East Wing of the White House. It has long been known that the RCMP Security Service took a keen interest in Roosevelt "Rosie" Douglas, a Black rights activist who attended school in Canada and would go on to be prime minister of Dominica. As Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to kill civilians in order to break the will of the Ukrainian people, the allied.. Upworthy 03 Feb 2023 Thousands of rainbow revellers are getting ready to return to Oxford Street for the annual parade, the largest event of Sydney.. Brisbane Times 25 Feb 2023 An Australian professor has been released in Papua New Guinea more than a week after he was kidnapped. Around 30 migrants have reportedly drowned after their boat broke up off the southern coast of Italy's mainland. The family of Robert Brown's wife Joanna appeal to the government ahead of his possible release. The UK Defense Ministry said that the Ukrainian military had reportedly shot down at least 24 Iranian Shahed-136s between late January and mid-February. After naming his choice for the Bank of Japan's next governor, who is expected to pave the way for an eventual normalization of monetary policy, Prime Minister Fumio Astana, Kazakhstan (AFP) Feb 25, 2023 Russian ally Kazakhstan expressed support on Saturday for a Chinese initiative to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, days ahead of a visit by the US Secretary of State. Kazakhstan's foreign ministry said it welcomed China's position "on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis". In a statement, the ministry said the proposal "deserves support as contributing to the cessation of blood Eurasia Review 21 Feb 2023 Following is the transcript of US President Joe Biden's address made in Warsaw, Poland as released by The White.. Filmmaker Jafar Panahi is banned from making movies or leaving Iran. NPR's Scott Simon talks to Vulture critic Roxana Hadadi about the work he manages to produce despite government restrictions. Belarus, a small Russian ally bordering Ukraine, has as many as 1.5 million potential military personnel outside its armed forces, a senior official has been quoted as saying. At least 43 migrants drowned on Sunday after the fishing boat on which they were traveling sank off the coast of the Italian region.. Upworthy 26 Feb 2023 Ukrainian visitors and expats are flocking to Yoy restaurant for borsch, companionship and cultural events. Diners from Russia enjoy it too. The UAE has refused to pick sides in the Ukraine war. A New Zealander and two other hostages have been freed in Papua New Guinea, the country's prime minister has said. The woman who electrified the world last year when she burst onto the set of a Russian news broadcast to protest the war in Ukraine now lives in France, where she continues to speak out. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. tap here to see other videos from our team. Try refreshing your browser, or First anniversary of Ukraine war may not be the last, Browder says We apologize, but this video has failed to load. tap here to see other videos from our team. Try #ukraine #billbrowder #financialposts #larysaharapyn #hermitagecapital #freezingorder #russian #crimea #magnitskyact #sergeimagnitsky Actor Woody Harrelson spread a conspiracy theory about Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers during his monologue when hosting Saturday Night Live this week, adding to previous eyebrow-raising comments hes made about the virus. During his monologue, Harrelson joked about having a read a crazy script in #woodyharrelson #saturdaynightlive #harrelson #elonmusk #vanityfair #anthonyfauci #snl COVID "Likely Arose" From Lab Leak, US Energy Department Admits In Classified Report The argument that Covid-19 leaked from the virology lab in Wuhan, China (the only Level 4 lab in Asia) is growing louder after years of Big Tech and governments censoring the Covid debate. Last summer, the WHO, an #likelyarose #wuhan #level4 #pensions #fbi #energydepartment #wsj #usdepartmentofenergy #michaelshellenberger #bigtech Photo: (Photo : Getty Images/Michael Loccisano) A bill is advancing in the Kentucky senate that will allow parents to challenge instructional materials in schools that they think are unfit for their children and other students. Parents will be ensured of the right to oppose and complain about school instructional materials and school programs and events that they consider inappropriate for their children due to explicit sexual and oppressive content for minors. This is what Senate Bill 5 stands for, one of the bills that the Republican-dominated Kentucky legislature is considering as part of their plan to "boost parental input over school policies." Giving parents a voice Under the bill, parents can submit a complaint to the school principal, who will decide whether to remove, restrict or keep the material, program, or event in question. If parents disagree with the decision, they could file an appeal to the local school board. If the latter's decision is still unagreeable to them, they can have the right to not expose their children to the material or event in question, and the school will respect that right. Further, the bill, which advanced Thursday to the House, guarantees transparency and parental input in the entire school board review process. It would also instruct the school district to craft a model policy and standard process to resolve complaints against materials and contents that parents consider "harmful" to kids. The bill was created by Republican Sen. Jason Howell, who ensured parents that they could finally have a voice when their children are faced with school materials and programs that "are in conflict with their family's values and beliefs," US News reported. "For all, this bill brings clarity and consistency and accountability to the process. The goal of this bill is to allow the greatest flexibility possible in evaluating material under local values and norms all across the many diverse communities in our commonwealth," Howell stressed. The senator is well-aware that the bill, which had a 29-4 vote in the Senate, created a non-unifying response. Some senators thought it to be going too far, while others, however, believed it should have been stronger. Read More: Sexually Explicit Books Can Be Banned in Libraries by Parents in New Bill Book banning bill The bill shook the Senate floor and launched a heated debate on what is permissible in school and the ultimate purpose of education. Labeled as a "book-banning bill" by Chuck Eddy and Democratic Senator Regginald Thomas, D-Lexington, the former opposes it, stating that it is misguided. Thomas stressed that the bill will be based on "value judgments." He further said that it diminishes the "whole purpose of education," which is to allow students to have enough exposure to a diverse range of ideas. American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky Kate Miller expressed that the bill tantamounts to "state-sponsored censorship," towards books on gender identity and sexual orientation. On the other hand, Herald Leader reported that conservative legislators support the bill as it paves the way to a "cultural shift" towards how the nation continues to introduce sexuality at a very young age. Senator Stephen Meredith, R-Leitchfield, emphasized how he never imagined it possible for drag queens to be given story hours in school libraries. He also questioned if they should wait for the day when prostitutes can attend career days in school. Sen. Lindsey Tichenor, R-Smithfield, described the bill as a shield to protect children's innocence. Related Article: Parents Debate Over What Books to Read to Children at Lincolnwood Library Although actor Will Smith has been banned by the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the next 10 years, it was no surprise that at the 54th Annual NAACP Image Awards, Apple Original Films Emancipation star and producer Will Smith won the award for Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture for the harrowing film that tells the triumphant story of Peter, a man who escapes from slavery, relying on his wits, unwavering faith and deep love for his family on his quest for freedom. Additionally, Apples Sidney documentary director Reginald Hudlin was honored with Outstanding Directing in a Documentary (Television or Motion Picture) for his talents in bringing to screen the story of legendary Sidney Poitier and his legacy as an iconic actor, filmmaker and activist at the center of Hollywood and the civil rights movement. Apple TV+ has previously been recognized by the NAACP Image Awards in 2022 for Outstanding Independent Motion Picture for Academy Award winner CODA; in 2021 for Outstanding Independent Motion Feature The Banker, and Academy Award nominee Wolfwalkers for Best Animated Feature, Audience Choice Award; and in 2020 for Truth Be Told, for Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series. Recognized as the nations preeminent multicultural awards show from an African American perspective, the NAACP Image Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements and performances of people of color in the arts. Archive: Apple TV News This is a movie I liked when I first saw it (that year coincided with my call to be an apologist and doing street witnessing). It formed my impression of what St. Paul was like, just as Jesus of Nazareth (1977) played a big role in my initial Protestant conversion to Christ that year. We recently watched it again. * First, the good points: of course, Sir Anthony Hopkins is superb, as always, as Paul. Every Christian needs to see this fabulous portrayal. Robert Foxworth plays Peter (rather plainly, as it were). 95% of it is good acting and an accurate, dramatically effective presentation of three-quarters of the Book of Acts. It provides a realistic view of what it feels (and felt) like to be a Christian under serious persecution. Overall, I like it, and recommend it for others to see. * But it has several serious flaws, and exhibits the usual (Protestant or Protestant-influenced) bias against Peter and in favor of Paul. This is what I particularly wanted to address. I thought I heard at some point that it was a Lutheran production, and/or funded by Lutherans, but I couldnt confirm that. Here are my criticisms and pointing out of demonstrable errors of fact, over against the biblical account: * 1) First of all, in a film called Peter and Paul one would rightly assume, I think, that both men would be adequately portrayed, and a good summation of their lives presented. In the case of Paul, the film does that, and gives a fairly accurate depiction of his missionary journeys. But it is almost grotesquely biased towards Paul and almost hostile to Peter. Peter is virtually a bumbling, vacillating, unimpressive fool, which may have been true (at least at times) before he received the Holy Spirit no different from the other disciples before the Resurrection , but was not so after. * The movie deliberately skips over the first seven chapters of Acts, where Peter appears in many momentous scenes. He preaches on the Day of Pentecost, presides over mass baptisms, raises the dead, heals with his shadow, judges Ananias and Sapphira (who were struck dead by God), receives a revelation about receiving the Gentiles, presides over the Jerusalem Council, and is clearly presented as the heroic leader of the early Church. * This movie, however, shows none of that. It shows him being freed from jail by God, but of course that is Gods doing, not Peters. If we were to go by this film alone, Peter sat on his hands for many years, kept fishing, spent a little time at Antioch, and if he did anything, it was always by Pauls lead and inspiration. He kept hanging around Jerusalem, went to Babylon (the film took that literally, but most commentators think it was a code word for Rome), and then suddenly grew a spine right before he went to Rome. The film didnt show him saying much at all at the Jerusalem Council, but Paul had a big speech and is presented as the leader. That is almost the opposite of the biblical account in Acts 15. * 2) The film invented fictional accounts of Peter being jealous of Paul, and Paul being bitter over a neglect from the Church leaders in Jerusalem for eight years. None of that is remotely present in the Bible. So why make it up? To be fair, it also showed that Paul had a ferocious temper and has him stating with regret several times that he suffered from pride, which may conceivably have been true (especially the temper), but I dont recall the New Testament stating much, if anything, about either. * 3) Paul is portrayed over and over talking about faith alone which he never does (not in those words). The phrase faith alone only appears in James, where it is condemned. Paul actually taught a very Catholic view of grace, faith, and works as one harmonious whole : salvation comes by grace through faith, with works included in the equation as part and parcel of faith, or the other side of the same coin. One would never know this from the film. * 4) The worst flaw is a ridiculously fictional supposed scenario whereby Paul vehemently opposed the ruling of the Jerusalem Council: that the Gentiles should abstain from the pollutions of idols and from unchastity and from what is strangled and from blood (Acts 15:20, RSV). The film makes out that Paul thought this decision was a scandalous retreat back into salvation by works, in cahoots with the Judaizers. Im not sure, but I think it was implied that this was the downfall of the Galatians (Paul rebuked them roundly in his letter). * There is not the slightest bit of truth in any of that. The decree of the Jerusalem Council was consensus: with Peter and James, as well as Paul. Its not Pelagianism or any other kind of error. It was directly confirmed by the Holy Spirit (Acts 15:28). Paul not only didnt oppose this at all; he actively proclaimed it, with Timothy: Acts 16:4 As they went on their way through the cities, they delivered to them for observance the decisions which had been reached by the apostles and elders who were at Jerusalem. * *** Practical Matters: Perhaps some of my 4,000+ free online articles (the most comprehensive one-stop Catholic apologetics site) or fifty-one books have helped you (by Gods grace) to decide to become Catholic or to return to the Church, or better understand some doctrines and why we believe them. Or you may believe my work is worthy to support for the purpose of apologetics and evangelism in general. If so, please seriously consider a much-needed financial contribution. Im always in need of more funds: especially monthly support. The laborer is worthy of his wages (1 Tim 5:18, NKJV). 1 December 2021 was my 20th anniversary as a full-time Catholic apologist, and February 2022 marked the 25th anniversary of my blog. PayPal donations are the easiest: just send to my email address: Youll see the term Catholic Used Book Service, which is my old side-business. To learn about the different methods of contributing, including 100% tax deduction, etc., see my page: About Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong / Donation Information. Thanks a million from the bottom of my heart! *** * *** * Summary: Peter and Paul: a 1981 film starring Anthony Hopkins, has several good qualities, but ultimately misrepresents St. Peters Life & distorts St. Pauls true teachings. The National Women's Organiser of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr. Hanna Bisiw, has berated Gloria Huze for picking up Dr. Kwabena Duffuor's presidential nomination form in the name of the partys Ashanti Region Womens wing. In a statement copied to GhanaWeb, on Thursday, February 23, 2023, Bisiw Louisa said that the action taken by the Ashanti Regional Women's Organiser, Gloria Huze, was totally intolerable. She added that no executive of the party can use the wing of the party for their personal businesses. My attention has been drawn to a deplorable and unacceptable action by the Ashanti Regional Women's Organiser, Gloria Huze, in the upcoming Flag bearer race. She is on record to have led a delegation to pick up the nomination form for a Presidential Candidate Aspirant in the name of the Ashanti Regional Women's Wing. I vehemently and categorically disassociate the wing from her conduct and wish to state emphatically that her conduct is not in any way a representation of any parts of the wing either in the Ashanti Region or across the other 15 regions in the country, parts of the statement read. The National Womens Organiser added that the disciplinary committee of the NDCs women's wing has been notified about Gloria Huzes action and will take the necessary steps to bring her to book. Gloria Huze, together with some staff of NDC presidential hopeful, Dr Kwabena Duffuor, picked his nomination for the partys presidential primaries, which is scheduled for May 2023, on Thursday at the party's headquarters in Accra. Read the full statement below: NATIONAL WOMEN'S WING ISSUE A STATEMENT ON ASHANTI REGIONAL WOMEN'S ORGANISER PICKING FORMS FOR DUFFOUR DISCLAIMER My attention has been drawn to a deplorable and unacceptable action by the Ashanti Regional Women's Organiser, Gloria Huze, in the upcoming Flag bearer race. She is on record to have led a delegation to pick up the nomination form for a Presidential Candidate Aspirant in the name of the Ashanti Regional Women's Wing. I vehemently and categorically disassociate the wing from her conduct and wish to state emphatically that her conduct is not in anyway a representation of any parts of the wing either in the Ashanti region or across the other 15 regions in the country. The women's wing will sanction any such persons who seek to use the mandate of the wing to run individual businesses. The disciplinary Committee of the women's wing have been duly notified. The necessary steps shall be taken for the greater good of the wing and interest of the party. Signed: Dr. Hanna Bisiw Louisa , National Women's Organiser. Source: Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video There was a sharp disagreement yesterday between members of the NPP Majority and the NDC Minority over the Electoral Commissions (EC) proposed new Constitutional Instrument (C.I.) to replace the existing Instrument (C.I.) in preparation for the election in 2024. This occurred during the Special Budget Committees report on a briefing session on the draft Public Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2022 and other related matters. However, the toxic polarisation of the normal back-and-forth of political debate erupted into heated exchanges in the aftermath of a motion moved by Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh, and seconded by former Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu, for the adoption of the report. Background The Subsidiary Legislation Committee of Parliament had earlier held a pre-laying meeting with the EC to review the new Public Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2022 and Other Related Matters. The Committee noted in this new C.I. that the Commission stated its intention to use the Ghana Card, or ECOWAS Card, as commonly referred to, as the only form of identification and medium to qualify a Ghanaian citizen who is eligible to vote, to be registered or enrolled onto the voters register. This observation brought to the fore a number of concerns that were reported to the Leadership of the House. The Special Budget Committee was directed to further investigate the concerns raised by members of the Subsidiary Legislation Committee during the pre-laying meeting and report to the House during the Business Committee meeting on Friday, July 22, 2022. The Committee therefore sought clarification on the following two major concerns of the members the 2022 Budget Performance of the Commission and the new Public Elections (Voters Registration) Regulations and other related Matters, 2022. EC Response The report said the Commissions Chairperson, Jean Adukwei Mensa, explained that previously, the Commission had allowed a number of options to prove ones identity during voter registration, including Ghana Passports, previous Voter ID Card, Birth Certificate, Guarantor System, drivers licence, and so on. However, the Commission in 2021 following the election in 2020, decided to introduce a number of reforms to sanitise and simplify the election processes, including continuous registration of voters and the use of Ghana Card to qualify eligible persons for the EC Voters ID Card, the report indicated. According to the report, the EC Chairperson explained that in the past, the practice of periodic voter registration exercises had proven to be time-consuming, ineffective, and an expensive process associated with chaos. This practice does not provide a window for individuals who have travelled outside of the country or who are unable to participate in the exercise when the period was opened, the report noted. To address these issues, the EC stated its intention to implement the continuous registration process. The Chairperson went on to say that this issue was tabled for discussion at the IPAC, and that there was general support for its adoption. Concerning the non-use of the guarantor system, the Chairperson informed the Committee that it was introduced 30 years ago in 1992, when the country lacked a common system of identification to allow many eligible persons to be registered or enrolled onto the ECs Voters Register in order to vote. Ghana Card Concerning the use of the Ghana Card, the Chairperson stated that previously, the Commission had allowed a variety of options to prove ones identity during voter registration, including Ghana Passports, previous Voter ID Card, Birth Certificate, Guarantor System, drivers licence, and so on. However, following the 2020 election, the Commission decided in 2021 to implement a number of reforms to sanitise and simplify the election processes, including continuous voter registration and the use of the Ghana Card to qualify eligible persons for the EC Voters ID Card. The new C.I., as presented at a pre-laying meeting with the Subsidiary Legislation Committee, basically spells out the Commissions intentions to do away with the costly periodic registration exercises that had not yielded the expected results over the years and instead embark on an all-year-round registration exercise at the Commissions offices across the country. The main goal is to make sure that all of the Commissions offices are open all year long and, more significantly, to increase accessibility for anyone who turns 18 or has never been registered with the Commission to go to any regional or district office and register or enroll on the Voters Register, the report said. Committee The report indicated that following the Chairpersons presentation, the Committee made submissions to be considered by the Commission in reviewing the new C.I. to improve voter registration and the entire electoral processes, including expunging of the guarantor system as part of the reforms. The Committee implores the EC to be mindful and ensure that no eligible Ghanaian citizen is disenfranchised in the process, by insisting on the use of the Ghana Card as the only medium to qualify a person for registration, it added. Source: Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Andre Lewis, seen here receiving the Order of Manitoba in July 2022. After spending nearly five decades with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, more than half of those leading Canada's oldest ballet company, Andre Lewis is ready to chasse his way into a new challenge. Lewis announced on Thursday he will be stepping down from his roles as artistic director and chief executive officer in 2025 marking an end to a career that has spanned 50 years with the organization. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Doug Little/RWB Archives *MANDATORY CREDIT* After 10 levels of play, Day 2 of the 10,300 High Roller at PokerStars European Poker Tour Paris concluded, with Christian Pedersen topping the end of day chip counts. They ended the day with a stack of 1,410,000. Closest to him is Rui Ferreira, who bagged 1,060,000. From Day 1, 173 players advanced to Day 2. However, as late registration was open until the start of today's session, 40 more players opted to hop into the fray. These extra entries brought the Day 2 field to 213 players, taking the total number of entries to 431. This generated a whopping 4,137,600 prize pool, with 810,500 designated for the eventual champion. Day 2 Top Ten Chip Stacks EPT Paris 10,300 High Roller Chip Counts Place Player Country Chip Count Big Blinds 1 Christian Pedersen Denmark 1,120,000 75 2 Rui Ferreira Portugal 1,060,000 71 3 David Miscikowski United States 1,050,000 70 4 Aleksandr Shevliakov Russia 1,030,000 69 5 Eros Calderone Italy 990,000 66 6 Jun Obara Japan 885,000 59 7 Chevan Tin Hong Kong 780,000 52 8 Martin Stausholm Denmark 777,000 52 9 Mauricio Ferreira Pais Germany 690,000 46 10 Gilbert Diaz France 675,000 45 Bubble Play That Will Be Remembered for a Long Time Aleksandar Tomovic The big story of the day was that the money bubble burst. However, it was a long wait as the players made the money in the final level of the day. Bubble play lasted nearly three hours, with several double-ups taking place. But in the end, Aleksandar Tomovic was the last player to leave the tournament room empty-handed. Tomovic was forced all in from the small blind and got three callers looking to end the bubble trouble. Action checked to Rui Ferreira on the flop of , and he bet 10,000. Only Tom-Aksel Bedell and Roman Hrabec called. All three players then checked on the turn, and Hrabec checked again on the river. Bedell bet 42,000, and Ferreira folded, leading Hrabec to use a time bank before check-raising to 225,000. Hrabec's raise sent the Norwegian into the tank, and he exhausted through three time banks a fitting end to the lengthy bubble as spectators made their way to the table. Eventually, he folded, and Tomovic waited patiently as hands played out on other tables. Finally, the cards were on their backs. Tomovic showed for just jack-high, while Hrabec held for a pair of queens to finally burst the bubble as the room erupted in applause. Other Day 2 Highlights As mentioned, the returning players from Day 1 were joined by many fresh faces who opted to take advantage of late registration. Notable names who joined the festivities at the last minute included Julien Martini, Nick Petrangelo and Erik Seidel. However, all three of them missed out on the money. Sam Grafton Multiple players were also representing PokerStars. The likes of Sam Grafton, Rafael Moraes, Parker Talbot, and Ramon Colillas were in attendance, but like the names above, they fell short of seeing a return on their investment. Bubble play brought some spectacular hands, with Pieter Aerts turning a set of kings to crack aces to survive. The United Kingdom's Conor Beresford had a bit better luck with pocket aces and doubled through Jenya Gavrilovich. Vlada Stojanovic Vlada Stojanovic also made quad aces to breach the one million mark and left Marton Czuczor short. But as mentioned, it was Tomovic's elimination that resulted in celebration for the 63 final players, as they all secured the 17,100 min-cash. However, when all was said and done on Day 2, only 44 players remained, and they return for Day 3, which kicks off on Sunday, February 25, at 12:30 p.m. local time. Those players have all locked up a minimum payday of 18,800, and to find the seat draw for Day 3, head over to the PokerStars Live app. As always, be sure to keep locked in with PokerNews to discover this thrilling event's conclusion. After a quick 10 levels of play on Day 1 of the 25,000 No-Limit Hold'em III, a field of 31 entries was dwindled down to just 13 survivors. Those players will be returning for Day 2 tomorrow at 12 p.m. local time on the final day of the 2023 PokerStars European Poker Tour Paris. It will be their last chance to grab a piece of the extraordinary prize pools at this EPT stop and this event has already amassed over 750,000. Leading the way after a stellar performance on the opening day is Adrian Mateos who bagged up an impressive 757,000 chips. That's over seven starting stacks and the Spaniard will be returning with over 150 big blinds when the cards go back in the air. Most of the chips came on the heels of a fortunate river card where Mateos sent Mike Watson to the rail in one of the final levels of the night. Mateos also made quick work of Martin Kabrhel who was only able to play a handful of hands before Mateos sent him packing as well. For the Spanish poker pro who has nearly won almost everything there is to win in his young career, Mateos will still be looking to add another EPT title to his resume along with another six-figure payout. He will be joined at the top of the leaderboard by Teun Mulder who also got off to a hot start on Day 1. Within just the first few levels of the day, Mulder had accumulated over four starting stacks and eliminated two players in the process. It looked like there would be no stopping the Dutchman who already has one high-stakes title under his belt this week, but Mulder fizzled out in the end, still managing to bag up a stack of 477,000 chips. The field was littered with notables, understandably, but some other big stacks heading into Day 2 to keep an eye out for include Sirzat Hissou (340,000), Thomas Muehloecker (289,000), and Steve O'Dwyer (217,000) as the only other players to more than double their starting stack. Teun Mulder Unfortunately for some players, they will not be returning for Day 2 of the competition after burning through both of their bullets today. Ren Lin had a tough day at the felt as he dusted off his 50,000 in just a matter of minutes at the table today. His first bullet came at the cost of his lucky orange when he ran into Jonathan Jaffe's pocket kings and his second bullet was spent to Mulder's growing stack before the first break. Other notables that were eliminated on the opening day include Nick Petrangelo, Stephen Chidwick, Erik Seidel, and Orpen Kisacikoglu, but they will all have a chance to reenter before the start of play tomorrow. Late registration will remain open until the cards go back in the air at 12 p.m. local time for those hoping to fire one last bullet in a high-stakes tournament. A starting stack will be worth 100,000 chips and they will be returning to blinds at 2,000/5,000 and a big blind ante of 5,000. The levels will continue to be 30 minutes in length with a 15-minute break after every three or four levels. There will be no dinner break scheduled for tomorrow in the hopes that a winner will be declared at a reasonable time. Keep it tuned in to PokerNews for all of the latest updates and hand histories en route to crowning another high-stakes tournament champion tomorrow. After seven and half hours of play, Day 2 of the 25,000 No Limit Hold'em III at PokerStars European Poker Tour Paris wrapped up with Stephen Chidwick taking down the final high-stakes tournament of the series. Chidwick overcame Adrian Mateos in heads-up play after a war of attrition to collect the title, trophy and 324,500 allocated for first place. Mateos entered the day as the clear chip leader and put his monster stack to work for most of the day; however, when play got to four-handed, Chidwick sprang to life and ended Mateos' dominance. There were 22 players to kick off today's proceedings, with nine players opting to take advantage of the late registration period that was open until Day 2 got underway. This brought the overall entries to 40 and they created the 940,800 prize pool where the top six finishers would make the money. Final Table Payouts Place Player Country Prize (EUR) 1 Stephen Chidwick United Kingdom 324,500 2 Adrian Mateos Spain 211,700 3 Jean-Noel Thorel France 145,800 4 Daniel Dvoress Canada 108,200 5 Steve O'Dwyer Ireland 84,700 6 Justin Saliba United States 65,900 Day 2 Recap Nick Petrangelo As mentioned, there were a handful of players such as Jonathan Jaffe, Nick Petrangelo, Mike Watson, Bruno Volkmann and Kazuhiko Yotsushika who decided to hop into the fray at the last possible moment. However, their attendance was brief and they were quickly sent to the wrong side of the rail. Andrew Lichtenberger, Motoyoshi Okamura, Thomas Muehloecker, Joao Vieira, Sam Greenwood, Galen Hall and Teun Mulder were all players to bag from Day 1. But like the names above, they fell short of the money on the last day of EPT Paris. On the final table bubble, Aleksejs Ponakovs was left short by Daniel Dvoress after the latter paired up on the river to take the pot. Day 2 entrant Felipe Ketzer finished Ponakovs off moments later. When the final table formed, the action remained fast and furious, with Juan Pardo being ejected from the final nine in twenty minutes. His pocket nines were pipped by the pair of tens held by Dvoress and he found no assistance on the runout. Ten minutes later, Ketzer fell on the wrong side of a flip after Mateos' ace-queen paired up on the runout to best Ketzer's pocket eights. Ketzer's departure marked the start of the money bubble and play was expected to slow down. This was not the case, as Sirzat Hissou followed Ketzer out the door the following hand. Hissou was all in preflop with Big Slick but could not leapfrog Dvoress' pocket queens. Justin Saliba Another fresh face on Day 2 was Justin Saliba and he squeaked into the money. After calling incorrectly for his tournament life on the river against Mateos, he was the player to take home the min-cash. It was a lovely day's work for Saliba, who netted a 40,000 profit thanks to his four hours on the felt. Steve O'Dwyer was next to go and Mateos was again the eliminator. His pocket sixes flopped a full house to see off the Irishman. It was O'Dwyer's third cash at EPT Paris as he racked up a seventh-place finish in the 50,000 Super High Roller for 155,100, which was then followed by a 134,900 result a few days later in another 25,000 buy-in event. Four-handed play lasted a while, with Jean-Noel Thorel and Chidwick, who also bought in on Day 2, finding double-ups through Mateos and Dvoress, respectively. Chidwick then won several pots from Thorel and doubled through Mateos to put him second in the chip counts. Dvoress' stack began to dwindle and he bowed out in third place. He lost a flip to Thorel to leave himself short-stacked and then was ousted after his jack-ten fell to Chidwick's ace-nine. Chidwick then matched Mateos' stack after doubling through the Spaniard. Stacks remained as they were for quite some time as chips were traded back and forth. However, Thorel's run halted when Chidwick rivered the nut flush against his flopped pair. Adrian Mateos Chidwick entered heads-up with the chip lead, which then changed hands several times. Chidwick then had one hand on the victory after laying a perfectly timed trap with pocket jacks. Shortly after, Mateos was all in with pocket fives and was up against the Englishman's nine-seven. Mateos was set for another double until Chidwick paired up on the river to seal his second victory of EPT Paris. This concludes PokerNews' coverage of the 25,000 No Limit Hold'em III but be sure to check out the 10,300 High Roller finale. Brian Delaney opened the action as the first player to act with a raise to 325,000 and Peter Jorgne on the button three-bet to 1,000,000. It folded all the way back to Delaney, who counted his stack carefully and invested a time bank extension for it. The Brit then four-bet to 1,750,000 with 3,425,000 behind and that sent Jorgne into the think tank as his 30-second shot clock expired. Shortly after, Jorgne moved all-in and Delaney snap-called as Jorgne was instantly frustrated upon being shown the bad news. Brian Delaney: Peter Jorgne: The flop and turn brought no help to Jorgne, who also missed out on the river as Delaney further improved to a full house and put a dent into the larger stack of the Swede. Aiken, SC (29801) Today Rain showers in the morning with scattered thunderstorms arriving in the afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 79F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 50%.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms during the evening, then partly cloudy overnight. Low 48F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%. A Charleston-based television startup that urged viewers to "Buckle Up, America" could have pitched the same line to its lenders. Creditors of AnthymTV Co. are seeking to force the niche streaming app developer and programming producer into bankruptcy liquidation after management abruptly shut down the entire production this month. It was, by most accounts, an unexpected plot twist. AnthymTV and the affiliated Anthym Technologies told their financial backers in a Nov. 10 email that it was in the throes of an "intense growth" spurt and that business was "booming," according to a court filing. Signed by CEO Nick Cartier, who also is the majority shareholder, the update included a projection that annual revenue was on track to exceed $1 million. Less than three months later, Cartier was less upbeat. He informed his backers Feb. 3 that he was calling it a wrap, citing "insufficient funds" and saying AnthymTV lacked "the sufficient liquidity, profitability or prospective cash flow to maintain its business operations without a significant capital infusion." "I have not treated this decision lightly, as I invested over five years into this venture and personally financed the company for over two years prior to our initial capital round," Cartier wrote. "I am sorry our venture could not defy the odds." AnthymTV was started in 2019 and began raising funds the next year by issuing promissory notes totaling $837,500, according to a court filing. All of IOUs came due at the end of 2022. Cartier suggested in his Nov. 10 message that the lenders "consider either pushing the maturity date out" to early 2024 or swap the debt for stock. He was notified on Jan. 9 that nearly all of them wanted their money back. Less than a month later, Cartier notified them that he was closing up shop. A group of individuals who are owed more than half the debt said in the involuntary bankruptcy petition that they're "quite suspicious" about how AnthymTV "had apparently gone from a booming and thriving startup to insolvent almost overnight." Most of the lenders are from Tennessee but not all. A former company insider with an 18 percent equity stake, W. Reid Sanders Jr. of Charleston, helped AnthymTV raise money early on and was its chief financial officer from April 2020 until last November. He declined to comment last week. Sanders and the other lenders want a U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge to appoint an outside trustee to take possession of any company property that could be used to pay the bills. In written testimony, Sanders said AnthymTV had more than $200,000 just a few weeks ago, before his access to the online bank records was cut off. The creditors are now left to wonder what's left. Based on Cartier's "abrupt change in tune" about AnthymTV's financial condition over the past few months, they said "there is a substantial risk" that he could transfer assets out of the business before the court can intervene. A hearing has been scheduled for next month. Cartier previously worked in programming at streaming giant Hulu and moved the company to Charleston in 2021. Bankruptcy court documents show that AnthymTV was operated from an apartment on Spring Street. In addition to its ad-supported app that was "curated around genres ... to resemble the cable TV experience," the company produced a channel of true-crime and first-responder-focused shows called the "911 Network." Cartier didn't respond to messages sent to several email addresses. His LinkedIn profile was recently scrubbed, and his website, publicly accessible on the day of the bankruptcy filing, is now private. AnthymTV's bankruptcy attorney also did not respond to a request for comment. The company and its lenders are expected to meet for the first time since the shutdown next month. It's likely that both sides will be buckling up. GREENVILLE As residents of publicly-subsidized apartments in Greenville County contend with substandard and potentially hazardous living conditions, local officials are weighing what can be done to help. The Post and Courier spoke with more than a dozen residents of three apartment complexes owned by Dallas-based nonprofit Atlantic Housing Foundation. The residents said major problems in their homes have not been addressed by property management for an extended period of time. The issues reported included insect infestations, leaks, flooding, broken heating and a lack of basic appliances. All three complexes the nonprofit owns in Greenville County Boulder Creek Apartments just north of the city limits, Spring Grove Apartments in Taylors, and Waters at Augusta in the Pleasant Valley community are subsidized by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and were purchased with support from the Internal Revenue Service. The public funding comes with health and safety requirements, but properties are typically only inspected every three years. In-person inspections were suspended between April 2020 and June 2022 as a precaution during the COVID-19 pandemic. After receiving reports about the heating issues in December 2022, HUD performed an inspection at Boulder Creek on Jan. 19. As a result of health and safety problems discovered during that inspection, HUD issued Atlantic Housing Foundation a notice of default. It informed the company that it was in violation of its agreement with the agency and had 60 days to resolve the problems or be subject to further enforcement action, according to SC Housing spokesman Matt McColl, whose agency administers HUD funding in the state. State Rep. Chandra Dillard, who represents the state House district that includes Boulder Creek, was briefed on the findings of that inspection in late February. She said its echoed problems previously reported by The Post and Courier. Dillard said she has been working with SC Housing and trying to coordinate with Atlantic Housing Foundation since the conditions at Boulder Creek came to her attention in late 2022. We want them to fix up the units and bring it back into compliance, she said. "Where will people go if we lost the complex? And I'm not even saying that's part of the equation. We need to work towards compliance." Dillard is hopeful the company will be responsive and address the issues at the apartment quickly. They (SC Housing) are rooting for the property owners, and I am too, she said. "The people have 60 days to come into compliance. After that point, I am sure there will be a re-inspection to see if they have or they haven't. Past that point, other decisions will be made." Atlantic Housing Foundation operates 46 complexes in six states, according to its website. It owns 13 properties in South Carolina, including the three in Greenville County. It also owns three in Columbia, three in Summerville and one each in Spartanburg, Orangeburg, Beaufort and Charleston. The nonprofit brought in close to $150 million in revenue in 2020, according to filings with the IRS. CEO Michael Nguyen, who did not respond to an email seeking comment, received a $1.2 million salary that year. Community activist Bruce Wilson said issues at Boulder Creek, located on Furman Hall Road, came to his attention in December when more than 40 residents told him they were without heat as temperatures plunged. Property management was unresponsive, he said. When he distributed kerosene heaters to help people cope with the cold, property management distributed notices that said the heaters were not allowed in units. After the situation at Boulder Creek came to the attention of local and state officials, Wilson said Atlantic Housing Foundation sent crews from around the state to fix the heating units. Many of those units have gone out again, Wilson said. Several people who did not work with Wilson told The Post and Courier they were also without heat for months and the problem was never addressed. In response to what he saw at Boulder Creek, Wilson drafted an ordinance that would make renting out units that dont have essential utilities a criminal offense in Greenville County. Under the draft ordinance, any landlord who allows a tenant to go without necessities such as electricity, heat or basic appliances without providing alternate lodging would be guilty of a misdemeanor. Violating corporations would be subject to fines. It would allow the tenant to get law enforcement involved, Wilson said. County Councilman Alan Mitchell, who represents the district Boulder Creek sits in, said he is reviewing Wilsons proposal as well as existing county and state regulations. He said county staff is also looking in to ways to address the problems. He is open to changing county ordinances to hold landlords accountable but first wants to explore if better enforcement of existing laws would be sufficient. If we need an ordinance in place, we will put an ordinance in place, he said. "If it's something where an ordinance or rules are already in place but they're not being enforced, then I want to make sure they are enforced. Nobody needs to be out in the cold when they're supposed to be in a place that's protecting them." Atlantic Housing Foundation is currently renovating Waters at Augusta, which was previously called Shemwood Crossing. Christy Hardy, a spokeswoman for the nonprofit, said the updates will be extensive and will include replacement of utilities, doors and windows and the installation of new appliances. That apartment complex sits in Greenville City Councilwoman Lillian Brock Fleming's district. She said the work being done came after a coordinated push by county and city officials to improve conditions at the rental property. That push began when a ceiling collapsed at the one of its buildings in 2021, temporarily trapping two people and displacing four families. I've been getting weekly updates on Shemwood and how they're trying to remedy that, she said. "Not only the city, but the county and District 25 representatives, worked to at least bring it to the attention of the company." Residents at Spring Grove Apartments have reported problems similar to the issues at Boulder Creek, including bug infestations, loss of air conditioning and heat, and leaks in their homes. Mitchell said he is hopeful that something can be done at the county level to address conditions not just at Boulder Creek, but at rental properties throughout Greenville County. "If it's happening at Boulder Creek, it could be happening at other places," he said. "If it is, we need to put a stop to it." WALTERBORO Former attorney Alex Murdaugh had such a cozy relationship with law enforcement in the Lowcountry that he put blue lights in his car with their blessing and carried a badge in case he needed a favor. Hed come from a family synonymous with enforcing the law as prosecutors in the southern tip of South Carolina for more than eight decades. He tried only a few criminal cases himself to spend time with his father, a former solicitor. But despite his limited involvement, Murdaugh treated himself to the trappings of office, including a shiny gold badge. Because of their close ties to Murdaugh, the local law enforcement establishment quickly recused itself from the investigation into the shooting deaths of his wife, Maggie, and son Paul on June 7, 2021, at the family's sprawling hunting estate on the Salkehatchie River. When out-of-town investigators from the State Law Enforcement Division took their place, Murdaugh says he was overcome by intrusive thoughts that told him he was their target. He attributed those notions to a paranoia fueled by his long-hidden opioid addiction. It was his distrust of state police, he said, that led him to tell perhaps the most important lie of his life: that he hadnt been with Maggie and Paul in the minutes before they died. Once he told investigators that story, he continued to repeat it to those he was closest with, including his slain wifes grieving mother. Twenty months after the killings, Murdaugh recanted that lie and several others in front of 12 strangers on a Colleton County jury deciding his fate on murder charges stemming from the killings. In addition to lying about his whereabouts that night, Murdaugh admitted over two days on the stand that he deceived a long list of legal clients, from whom he stole money, and to his law partners, from whom he hid a raging addiction to painkillers. His original story shredded over five weeks of trial in Walterboros historic courthouse, Murdaughs testimony was a Hail Mary attempt to convince the jury and a national TV audience that he was finally telling the truth. To trust his new story, jurors will have to wrestle with Murdaughs litany of admitted lies. And they will have to decide if they believe this man, who once carried a badge, harbored such misgivings about the officers questioning him that he was willing to mislead them as they hunted for the person who killed his wife and son. Law enforcement influence Unlike his father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Murdaugh didn't have a career as a prosecutor. His specialty was as a personal injury lawyer, filing lawsuits in the civil courts over matters like car wrecks. But as 14th Circuit solicitor, Murdaughs father, Randolph, took his son on as a volunteer prosecutor. And though he only led one criminal trial in more than two decades, Murdaugh used the position to justify having blue lights installed in the vehicle his law firm provided him. He did not do so without permission: Murdaugh testified he first sought and won the blessing of three counties sheriffs, whom he considered friends under state law, only emergency vehicles and security patrol cars can display blue lights. Though Murdaugh was in a volunteer role and he could not remember taking an oath to receive it, he was granted a badge by the solicitors office. Murdaughs father gave him one first, and his successor the current solicitor, Duffie Stone signed off on another. He inherited his grandfathers badge, as well, giving him an extra. From the witness stand, Murdaugh admitted he sometimes made use of the warming effect the badge had on police, leaving it on his vehicle's dashboard or in the cupholder anywhere an officer could see it if he was pulled over. Did I hang it out of my pocket when I wanted an advantage? Murdaugh said with a slight smile. I may have. A badge hung from the pocket of his khakis when he showed up at the hospital the night his son Paul allegedly crashed the family boat, injuring his friends and killing 19-year-old Mallory Beach. One was on his dashboard when his SUV was impounded after the killings in June 2021. One was in the car when he unsuccessfully tried to stage his own killing three months later. Law enforcement oftentimes is friendlier if they know youre law enforcement, Murdaugh told the jury, though he conceded he was not himself law enforcement. Murdaughs close relationship with local police departments and sheriff's offices was not a secret, and examples of it have dribbled out throughout the trial. Murdaugh testified that he and law partners had hosted events at which police were always invited. One of his law firms former runners testified he sometimes ran into a local police chief, Greg Alexander, in Murdaughs office after going to the bank to cash checks for the lawyer. And the head of the Colleton County Sheriffs Offices investigative division testified that on his drive to the June 2021 crime scene, the sheriff was already talking to him about calling in SLED because his agency was too close to the Murdaughs. A light touch SLED did not take an adversarial approach toward Murdaugh, 54, in the hours after the killings. Weeks of testimony have painted a picture of an investigation that went out of its way to treat him delicately. Investigators first interview with Murdaugh in the hours after Paul and Maggie were shot the one in which his lie was set in place was hardly confrontational. SLEDs lead agent, David Owen, posed questions to him gently and reached over to comfort him as he sobbed. Murdaugh conceded that he was treated very politely. So were his friends and family. When SLEDs crime scene team was ready to document the area around the crime scene, first responders did not shoo Murdaughs supporters, who included more than a half-dozen prominent trial attorneys, from his estate. Instead, they urged the group to go to Murdaughs main residence, according to two of his former law partners. One of them, Mark Ball, found the request odd because he thought the house might be considered part of the crime scene. He was confused enough that he asked for clarification. But Ball was assured it was fine to be there, he testified. Back at the house, a few people started tidying up, putting away food that was sitting out on the stove, for instance, Ball said. He said it didnt seem as though investigators had yet searched the house. The next day, the house was still open. Murdaugh, his surviving son Buster, and Busters girlfriend Brooklynn White returned in the morning, and each showered there, Murdaugh and Buster testified. The Murdaughs housekeeper, Blanca Turrbiate-Simpson, went unobstructed as she cleaned the house and rinsed out Murdaugh's shower, though agents came inside while she was there. "I didn't ask any questions; they didn't ask me. They just went about doing what they were doing," Turribate-Simpson said. Had there been evidence in the showers before they were used or washed out, it wouldnt have mattered to the investigation anyway: SLED didnt swab them for blood or DNA, agents testified. When SLED did search the house the day after the killings, agents decided not to remove Murdaughs guests, though they had a search warrant that would have allowed them to do so. Instead, Murdaughs attorney friends lounged in his wood-paneled gun room while agents decided what firearms to take away for testing. They were even allowed to weigh in on the process. One agent, Katie McCallister, let one of Murdaughs brothers and one of his law partners follow her as she searched the rest of the house for evidence. So deferential was SLEDs approach that Ball said McCallister even offered to take off her service weapon and police identification before she started going through the house, in case Murdaughs supporters wanted her to keep a low profile. History with SLED Despite having friends in law enforcement, in Murdaughs telling, even the local police sometimes triggered paranoid thoughts, like when an officer pulled onto the road behind him. It was a symptom of his decades-long dependence on painkillers, he said, and a consequence of the pills he constantly carried. Few people outside his family knew he had an addiction, he said; every trip risked exposure. Still, the thoughts would normally pass, he said, quelled by a couple of deep breaths. But when he interacted with SLED during their investigation, he said, the uneasy thoughts burrowed into his mind. His hands had been swabbed for gunshot residue. Gathered at his estate, his law partners insisted that he not talk to investigators alone. Alexander, the Yemassee police chief and his friend, told him not to talk to officers. He thought he heard Colleton Countys sheriff give the same advice. And as his wife and son lay dead nearby, he said his mind turned to the stash of illegal pills he was carrying. Murdaugh ultimately spoke with investigators that night anyway, joined by a law partner whod been his personal attorney. Lead prosecutor Creighton Waters played the interview during Murdaughs testimony, pausing often to ask when he made up his mind to lie. Murdaugh demurred, saying there was no one moment. But he said his thoughts were triggered when Owen asked a few short questions about his relationships with 52-year-old Maggie and Paul, 22. (Owen did not press him when he said his marriage was wonderful and his connection with his son was as good as it could be.) But Murdaugh said his distrust of SLED went back years because of past run-ins with state investigators. Paul had been investigated when he allegedly crashed a family boat in 2019, killing Beach and injuring others. He was accused of boating under the influence, charges that were still pending when he died. (Though Murdaugh tied the boat crash case to SLED, the state Department of Natural Resources led the investigation.) And he said Paul and Buster had been investigated over some rumors, though he did not specify what he was referring to. He claimed SLED had cleared his sons but that the agency wouldnt say so publicly. And he testified that he mistook Owen for another SLED agent he thought manufactured charges against a friend who was accused of pocketing thousands of dollars in government money. He said he and his father, a career prosecutor, found the charges so egregious that they made a conscious decision to sit with him at trial to show their support. His friend ultimately prevailed with a not guilty verdict. Murdaugh told the story to demonstrate his misgivings about SLED, but it also served to highlight just how close he was with local law enforcement. The friend he thought SLED did wrong was Alexander, the police chief who came to his home the night of the killings. Charleston, SC (29403) Today Partly to mostly cloudy skies with scattered thunderstorms mainly in the morning. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 81F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Partly to mostly cloudy skies with scattered thunderstorms before midnight. Low 54F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Heavy rainfall disrupted electoral activities in the presidential and national assembly elections in many parts of Edo State in southern Nigeria on Saturday. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the downpour, which started at 3 p.m., disrupted the exercise at Afuze, Sabo Ora and Uben in Owan West Local Government Area of the state. Usman Bello, a journalist based in Edo, said that a similar rainfall occurred in Benin City, the state capital, thereby elongating the voting process in the area. NAN reports that in Uben, voting still continued as of 5 p.m. Saturday. Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police on Election Duty in Edo, Benjamin Okolo, said the police were investigating a reported case of vote buying in the Etsako West Local Government Area of the state. Mr Okolo said this while speaking monitoring the voting exercise in Edo North Senatorial District. Adams Oshiomole, candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for the senatorial election, and Philip Shaibu, Deputy Governor of Edo State, are from the area. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has threatened to cancel election results of crisis-ridden areas during the presidential and National Assembly elections in Kogi State Hale Longpet, Kogi Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC), sounded the warning while reacting to the crises that erupted in some Local Government Areas while speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lokoja. There were reports of thugs interfering with some polling units in Anyigba and Dekina in the Kogi East and Mopa in the Kogi West as well as parts of Kogi Central, where voting materials were allegedly carted away by the thugs. You know the electoral Law says that where there are disruptions to the process, the result will be cancelled, the very particular units results will be cancelled. The issues initially were only in the Kogi East and Central but I cant tell exactly where and where in the state have been affected until the results are brought by the electoral officers. We understood that because of the violence, those affected areas couldnt conclude election there. Im shocked that people can go to that level and disrupt something that everybody should have enjoyed. Election is a peaceful and willful thing that people are offered to freely participate. Again, If people are given assurance that everyone will enjoy a pleasant experience, why then should we have thugs invading the whole town or the local government, disrupting the conduct of the elections? he asked. Mr Longpet added: This is very sad and shocking when you look at the loss of lives involved. He explained that election is not war so If you were standing in for election to provide services for your people, you dont need to engage in these destructive activities. According to him, people who have the interest to bring good things to their communities do go out to positively engage and vote or exercise their franchise and they should not be stopped or denied the opportunity. He disclosed that he went out with heads of the security operatives in the state in a motorcade to monitor the elections starting from Adankolo to Crucial, through to Kabawa and Falele. He said: yet in all these places, we didnt see anyone angry but people were all smiling and casting their votes peacefully. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Despite the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) expressing commitment to ensuring that the ongoing general elections are credible and successful, several abnormalities from the commission and its officials hampering voters participation have erupted across voting stations in the country. While large turnouts of voters were recorded in some parts of the country, late arrival of voting materials to polling units, malfunctioning of the BVAS devices and different degrees of rancour among others have disenfranchised many accredited citizens from exercising their civic rights so far. Observers deployed by PREMIUM TIMES and the Center for Journalism Innovation Development (CJID) and other civil society groups across Nigerias 36 States have observed that the poor conduct of INEC officials and ad-hoc staff across polling units contributed to low turnout of voters across in the country. Late arrival of sensitive materials, poor conduct of INEC officials hampers voting process PREMIUM TIMES gathered that several thousands of voters who had turned out in mass to cast their votes across many polling units in the south-south regions of the country were discouraged by the late arrival of sensitive materials by the INEC officials. For instance, at Asnogbakiri polling unit 14 of Brass local government area in Bayelsa State, our observers on the ground observed that the centre was without any voters due to late arrivals of voting materials. The Presiding Officer at the polling unit said out of 384 registered voters just 14 voters were accredited and had voted within the stipulated voting period allotted. Agents on the ground said that the late arrival of sensitive materials made the voters go home angrily. A similar situation was also recorded at polling unit 16 (Micah-kiri Open Space) of Brass LGA. At about 4:34 p.m., the presiding officer of the centre said only two accredited voters voted out of 373 registered voters of the unit. An agent of a party attributed the low turnout to the change of venue as the initial place was marked unsafe. Meanwhile, at polling unit 005 (Dogiye Polo Open Space), only 34 voters were accredited as of 4:53 p.m. of Brass 2 ward in Bayelsa State. The presiding officer at the unit attributed the low turnout to the argument that erupted due to the unavailability of original and duplicate result sheets at the centre before the accreditation process began, causing the voters to return home. In Borno State, the vice-presidential candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC), Kashim Shettima, alongside several accredited voters, were unable to cast their votes at their polling Unit early due to the late arrival of polling materials and officials. Mr Shettima who eventually voted at his Shettimari unit, described the delay as normal and that it could have been as a result of the huge tasks involved in organising elections in a populous country like Nigeria. Also, terrorist attacks and lingering fears of insurgent attacks have affected voting processes across states in the North eastern regions of the country coupled with the naira scarcity in the country. In Adamawa, while voting was ongoing, the INEC Presiding Officer at Polling Unit OO6, Lamurde Ward of Mubi South LGA of Adamawa decided it was time for prayers. At 2:26 p.m., he took the sensitive electoral materials with him to the mosque. Dozens of voters, still in the queue, expressed their frustration but waited for his return as voting could not proceed. Also, a myriad of challenges which prevented accredited voters from voting has been encountered across some polling units in Lagos, Delta, Edo, Imo and Katsina States among others, resulting in the postponement of elections in some of these states. Cash scarcity effect In Abuja, INECs inability to pay several drivers contracted to convey electoral materials to various polling units within the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, prevented the timely commencement of elections across polling units in some area councils in the capital city. The drivers were seen and heard demanding a cash payment to begin work. In a video clip published on Yiaga Africas official Twitter page, drivers were seen lamenting as they refused to transport the voting materials because INEC refused to pay them in cash. Based on the aforementioned observations that have truncated the electoral process so far, some civil society groups called for an extension of voting hours in some of the affected states and polling units. This was further acknowledged by the INEC chairman, Mahmood Yakubu, while briefing journalists in Abuja. He said there was a late arrival of electoral officials and materials in many polling units across Nigeria, adding that thugs attacked two different polling units in two states in Nigeria, stealing at least eight BVAS machines. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) says it has postponed till today, Sunday, the presidential and National Assembly polls in Yenagoa LGA of Bayelsa State. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that INEC announced the postponement in a statement issued on Saturday night and signed by Wilfred Ifoga, the commissions Head of Voter Education and Publicity. The affected registration areas are Epie I and Epie III, Gbarain II and Okordia. NAN quoted INEC as saying that presidential and National Assembly elections, which were held nationwide on Saturday, could not be conducted in the four areas of Yenagoa because the process was disrupted by protesters. NAN learnt that there was an acute shortage of ballot papers in the areas which prompted voters to stage a protest at the INEC Yenagoa office. When NAN visited the Registration Area Centre (RAC) at St. Peters on Saturday morning, INEC officials discovered that only 1,500 ballot papers were available for about 50,000 potential voters and this prompted a protest. The security officials at the centre fired warning gunshots to disperse the crowd but to no avail as the defiant protesters insisted that it was their civic right to vote. Appeals by INEC Resident Electoral Commissioner for Bayelsa, Alex Hart, and the Commissioner of Police who addressed the crowd failed as they occupied the INEC office. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Yiaga Africa, a non-profit think-tank promoting democracy and good governance, has vowed to expose the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) if the agency is found guilty of election manipulation and irregularities. The organisation said this on Sunday during a press conference held at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, to disclose the findings of its observations of the presidential and national assembly polls which took place on Saturday. In an official gazette by the think-tank, Huseini Abdu, the chairman of the WatchingTheVotes, the firms election observation team, said there were reports of election manipulations prompted by poor functionality of electoral tools such as the BVAS, ballot snatching and thuggery. The organisation said it deployed 3,836 observers throughout the country including 3,014 parallel vote tabulation (PVT) observers who deployed early in the morning in pairs to a random, representative statistical sample of 1,507 polling units where they remained throughout the day. Mr Abdu reiterated that the on-the-ground observations of the election analysis team are reliable enough to dispute any uncorrelated reports and results from the polling units by the INEC. At this time, Yiaga Africa is able to provide preliminary statistically accurate data on the conduct of the election as of 25 February 2023 from the opening of polling units through accreditation, voting and counting until the posting of results in addition. Mr Abdu said while reading out the statement READ ALSO: He also said: We have independent projections of the vote shares that each candidate should receive based on the ballots cast at polling units. If INECs results fall within Yiaga Africas estimated ranges, then the public, political parties and candidates should have confidence the official results reflect the ballots cast at the polling units. However, if the official results are manipulated at any point in the process we will be able to expose them. The organisation, however, acknowledged that INEC had the legal mandate to announce the election results. As soon as INEC announces the official results, Yiaga Africa will convene a press conference to share its own statement on the accuracy of the election results and will publicize these projections, the group said. It also urged all Nigerians to be patient as the electoral process is not yet over. It encouraged Nigerians to remain peaceful while waiting on INEC to announce the official results and refrain from any acts that could incite violence. Political leaders should urge their supporters, in particular, to calmly await the official results and take appropriate actions against any party members who engage in violence or incitement to violence, Mr Abdu said. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The National Chairman of the Labour Party (LP), Julius Abure, has urged the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to cancel elections in Obio/Akpor, Khana, Eleme, Obigbo, and Rumukoro local government areas in Rivers State. Mr Abure made the call in a statement he issued on Sunday in Abuja. According to him, the leadership of the LP is shocked by the revelations emanating from Rivers State after the presidential and National Assembly elections which were held on Saturday. Mr Abure alleged that thugs invaded various polling units and collation centres, and took away election materials including the results sheets. He further alleged that the thugs manipulated the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) machines and uploaded fake results into the central portal. We took particular note of incidences in places like Obio/Akpor, Khana, Eleme, Obigbo, Rumukoro and several other areas where Labour Party was clearly leading in virtually all the polling units with very wide margins. Nigerians went into this election based on the assurances by INEC that the deployment of BVAS was a perfect antidote to electoral malpractices in Nigeria. But what transpired across Nigeria, if allowed to stand is purely a betrayal of trust of millions of Nigerians by INEC, Abure said. He alleged that INEC officials were intimidated by thugs in connivance with military personnel and police officers who were deployed to protect them, into doing their bidding and were forced to manipulate the BVAS. Mr Abure alleged that some of the manipulations happened late in the night. We demand that INEC investigate these atrocities against Nigerian voters by the political class. We are therefore asking that INEC should rise to the occasion and cancel all the unverified and manipulated results arising from the presidential and national assembly elections in parts of Rivers State. Particularly in places like Obio/Akpor, Khana, Eleme, Obigbo and Rumukoro amongst others, Mr Abure said. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Bola Tinubu is leading his two main rivals Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Rabiu Kwankwaso of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) in Katsina State. So far, Mr Tinubu has won 11 local government areas, while Atiku has triumphed in six in the 17 local government areas where results have been collated and announced so far. The state has 34 local government areas, which means there 17 more local governments to go. Mr Tinubu has polled a total of 216,887 votes, while Mr Atiku has 201,542 votes. Mr Kwankwaso, who has yet to win in any local government area, is trailing with 23,298 votes. Atiku of PDP won in Batsari Local Government area with 8,889 against Mr Tinubus 7,017. While the NNPP gets 1,096 in the area. He also won Mashi with 16,086, APC 12,868 and NNPP got 1107. Another local government area which Atiku won is Kurfi where he polled 12,528 ahead of Mr Tinubu who got 11,203. The PDP candidate also won Batagarawa with 16,987 against 13,950 polled by Mr Tinubu. Mr Atiku also won Dutsin Ma with 17,917 ahead of Mr Tinubu who got 13,233 and Mr Kwankwaso who got 3,799. Kusada local government also went to the PDP with10,990 while APC got 7,442 and NNPP polled 474. Mr Tinubu got eleven Mr Tinubu however won at Matazu with 12,008 ahead of Mr Atiku who got 9,644 and Mr Kwankwaso who polled 415. In Kaita, APC got 14,595, PDP 11,793 and NNPP 799. In Musawa local government area, APC has 14,360, PDP 10,603 and NNPP 2,033. Mr Tinubu won Ingawa with 12,315 while Mr Atiku got 12,152 and Mr Kwankwaso 3,388. In Charanci, Mr Tinubu got 12,779 Mr Atiku got 8,020 and Mr Kwankwaso 609. In Dutsi local government area, the APC candidate polled 9,258 votes ahead of Mr Atikus 8,074 and Mr Kwankwasos 289. MaiAdua local government area was won by Mr Tinubu with 19,098 ahead of Mr Atiku who got 14,096 while Mr Kwankwaso got 747. In Rimi Local Government Area, the APC candidate got 16,759 ahead of the PDP which polled15,318 and NNPP 1,039. Mr Tinubu also won Danmusa LGA by polling 11,259, while Atiku got 7,294 and Mr Kwankwaso polled 699. In Sandamu LGA, the APC candidate got 13,681, while the PDPs got 10,434 and the NNPPs got 399. andume Local Government Area was also won by Mr Tinubu who polled 15,062 . Atiku trailed behind with 10,718 votes and Mr Kwankwaso came third in the local government with 3,163 votes. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has expressed worry over incidents of violence in some polling units and areas where activities of thugs disrupted elections in Saturdays general election. Joe Ajaero, the NLC president, said this in a statement on Saturday in Abuja. The experiences of yesterday ought to have prepared INEC to conduct a better election this year, the statement said. We had hoped that voting materials would reach their destinations on time so that the various time frames would be strictly adhered to preventing the disenfranchisement of potential voters. Report reaching us paints a rather frightening picture that in many areas around the country, as late as noon; voting materials were yet to get to the polling units. We are worried about the reports of manifest incidences of violence in some polling units and areas where activities of thugs are pronounced (sic) even in the presence of security agencies. The NLC president also said that INEC ought to ensure that voters perform their rights in secrecy to avoid exposing them to violence, adding that the sanctity of the ballot must be protected. Mr Ajaero also said guidelines for voting must be followed to protect the rights of voters at the polling units and guarantee that their choices remain private. According to him, INEC must deal with voter suppression and cases of ballot box snatching that were recorded in some parts of the country on Saturday. If voters are beaten at the Polling Units, the signal to other voters is to stay at home and not vote. This disenfranchises and is undemocratic and thus unacceptable. It is important that INEC understands that this election is also a referendum on its capacity to conduct free, fair and credible elections in Nigeria. It should not, therefore, fail itself and Nigerians again but prove wrong those who have come to believe that it would be difficult for INEC to raise the bar in election conducts in Nigeria, he stated. Mr Ajaero said there was no other institution that would be held responsible except INEC if it failed to live up to the expectations of Nigerians. He added that given the huge resources invested in it, the pivotal nature of this election and the enormous time they had in preparing for this cycle, much needed to be done to ensure a free and fair election. He said the commissions experiences in election conduct must be brought to bear in this exercise to make it successful. Their monitoring mechanism must swing into action and correct what is already being observed to avert what we are already observing in the field. If INEC gets it right, Nigeria will get it right. This election offers us such hope and INEC is at the centre of this hope, he said. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Coalition for Whistleblowers Protection and Press Freedom (CWPPF) has denounced the arrest of Haruna Muhammed, the publisher of WikkiTimes, while he was covering the 2023 General elections in Duguri, Bauchi State. Mr Muhammed is currently being held at the Police Headquarters in Bauchi State, and the CWPPF is calling for his immediate release. According to Yakubu Mohammed, the Editor of WikkiTimes, Mr Haruna was detained shortly after he and other reporters interviewed Governor Bala Mohammed in the governors hometown of Duguri. In the course of covering the elections, Mr Haruna encountered women who were protesting about submitting CVs but were not employed. While interviewing these women who began to agitate that they would not vote, some hoodlums, believed to be supporters of the governor, attempted to lynch Mr Haruna, and he was subsequently taken into police custody. Initially, the police claimed that Mr Haruna was taken into custody for his own safety, but they now insist that he can only be released by the order of the governor. Mr Haruna has been accused of sending a video of the women protesting to the opposition party, the All Progressive Congress (APC). Section 22 of the Nigerian Constitution gives the press, radio, television, and other agencies of the mass media the right to uphold the responsibility and accountability of the government to the people at all times, including during elections. Similarly, Dayo Aiyetan, the Executive Director of the International Centre for Investigative Reporting, was assaulted while recording irregularities at Agwai Fulani Town Hall in Gwagwalada, Federal Capital Territory. There are clear indications that those responsible for safeguarding this right are now major perpetrators. It is crucial to note that press freedom is sacrosanct to this democracy, and everyone, including state/non-state actors, should allow its elements to work without any hindrance. Therefore, the CWPPF condemns the arrest of Mr Haruna Muhammed and the harassment of Mr Aiyetan. We call for Mr Harunas immediate release to enable him to carry out his journalistic duty. CWPPF shall take every legal step to hold to account anyone whose action or inaction leads to the violation of the rights of any journalist during and beyond these elections. The Coalition also urged Nigerian security to take all possible preventive and protection measures for the physical safety of journalists and media workers and to provide them with adequate support where necessary. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The results of Saturdays presidential election coming in show that the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Umana Umana, has won his polling unit in Akwa Ibom State for the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, Bola Tinubu. The APC scored 140 out of the 217 valid votes in the Polling Unit 001 (Secondary School, Ndiya Usung Inyang) in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The Peoples Democratic Party, which came second, scored 49 votes, followed by the Labour Party with 22 votes. The New Nigeria Peoples Party scored four votes, while the Young Progressives Party had two votes. Mr Umana and his wife, Florence, voted at the unit on Saturday. Results of the presidential election are still being collated in wards and local governments across Nigeria by the electoral commission, INEC. Nigerians on Saturday voted to elect a new president and members of parliament. Voting will, however, continue in some areas of the country today. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has urged US President Joe Biden to exercise his powers pursuant to the Presidential Proclamations 7750 and 8697 and the Immigration and Nationality Act to ban Nigerian officials, politicians and other perpetrators and sponsors of violence during the just concluded elections. SERAP also urged Mr Biden to use the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act to block or revoke the visas of anyone suspected to be responsible for cases of intimidation, harassment and violence during the elections, and to impose asset freezes and property sanctions on them and their families. The letter followed reports of cases of election-related intimidation, harassment and violence in several states of the country, including in Akwa Ibom, Enugu, Gombe, Lagos, Edo, Ogun, Osun, Rivers, and Taraba states, and Abuja. In the letter dated 25 February, 2023 and signed by SERAP deputy director, Kolawole Oluwadare, the organisation said: The imposition of targeted sanctions against suspected perpetrators and sponsors of election-related violence in Nigeria would promote accountability, end impunity, and deter human rights violations. SERAP said, Applying the presidential proclamations, Global Magnitsky Act, and Immigration and Nationality Act as recommended would be very helpful to the efforts to stop further violence before, during and after elections, facilitate free and fair elections, and encourage the people to exercise their right to vote. The letter, read in part: The recommended travel bans, asset freezes and property sanctions should also cover anyone who may perpetrate and sponsor violence and human rights crimes during the postponed elections in 141 polling units, and the governorship elections scheduled for March 2023. SERAP welcomes your governments publicly expressed commitment to impose visa restrictions on officials, politicians and other perpetrators and sponsors of election-related intimidation, harassment, and violence. We urge you to include asset freezes and property sanctions on the list. Giving serious consideration to our recommendations and promptly implementing them would give meaning to this commitment, and demonstrate the willingness of your government to support and strengthen democracy, citizens participation and the rule of law, as well as end a culture of election-related violence in Nigeria. SERAP notes that presidential proclamations 7750 and 8697 underscore the US enduring commitment to respect for human rights and humanitarian law, which requires that its Government be able to ensure that the US does not become a safe haven for suspected violators of human rights, including election-related intimidation, harassment and violence. The proclamations also aim to help the US authorities to secure peace, promote the rule of law, combat crime and corruption, and strengthen democracies around the globe. Significantly, the presidential proclamations underscore that it is in the interests of the United States to take action to restrict the international travel and to suspend the entry into the United States, as immigrants or non-immigrants, of certain persons who are suspected to be involved in serious violations of human rights. Under Section 212(a)(3)C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, officials and politicians and other suspected perpetrators and sponsors of election-related violence will be found ineligible for visas to the United States under a policy to restrict visas of those who directly or indirectly undermine democracy in Nigeria. Under these provisions, certain family members of such persons may also be subject to these restrictions. Additional persons who undermine the democratic process in Nigeriaincluding before, during and after the elections which took place on 25 February 2023 may be found ineligible for U.S. visas under this policy. SERAP urges you to apply the presidential proclamations, the Immigration and Nationality Act, and the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act as instruments of foreign policy to promote targeted sanctions against officials, politicians and other suspected perpetrators and sponsors of election violence. Applying these instruments would also end election-related intimidation, harassment and violence, and facilitate equivalent visa bans, asset freezes and property sanctions in other globally desirable locations as well. Proactive initiatives by your government to protect democracy, citizens right to political participation and the rule of law in Nigeria would invariably be in the best long-term interests of the US. Such initiatives would also be entirely consistent with the US international obligations. Such sanctions would not violate due process and presumption of innocence principles, as long as the reasons for the sanctions are communicated to those that may be affected. The imposition of travel bans, asset freezes and property sanctions is a preventive and not punitive measure. According to our information, the Presidential and National Assembly elections which took place today across the country were characterized by cases of election-related intimidation, harassment and violence in many states. There are reports of loss of lives, injuries and disruption of the voting process in many states. READ ALSO: Armed thugs also disrupted elections in several states of the country including in Akwa Ibom, Enugu, Gombe, Lagos, Edo, Ogun, Osun, Rivers, and Taraba states, and the Federal Capital Territory. Armed thugs snatched ballot boxes, took away election materials, broke chairs and dispersed voters in several areas of in Kogi State, including in Anyigba Dekina towns. Thugs also reportedly attacked polling units in polling units in Niger, Delta and Katsina states, stealing at least eight BVAS machines. Presidential and national assembly elections were postponed in 141 polling units in Yenagoa, the capital of Bayelsa State because of incidents of election-related intimidation, harassment and violence. A pregnant woman identified as Ruth Osah, and a member of a local security outfit, Mark Orduize, were allegedly killed at a polling unit in the Ubimini community, Emuoha Local Government Area of Rivers State. One person was reportedly killed in Taraba State. Armed thugs also injured two voters in Akwa Ibom State before carting away a Bi-Modal Voter Accreditation Machine System machine for units 11 and 12 at the Oniong West Ward I in the Onna Local Government Area of the state. Thugs also reportedly snatched ballot boxes and voting materials at the Oredo Ward 4 Unit 42 on Butcher Street, Benin, Edo State, and chased away the polling officials. Political thugs also destroyed 24 ballot boxes in at least eight polling units in Abuja. On Dipolubi Street in the Surulere area of Lagos, a woman, Efidi Bina Jennifer, was allegedly stabbed by thugs at the polling unit. A polling unit outside the Oba Elegushi Palace at Ikate in Eti-Osa, Lekki, was also reportedly attacked by thugs, who carted away ballot boxes and chased away electoral officers. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and Special Envoy of President Muhammadu Buhari to the Republic of Turkiye, Muhammad Bello, on 23rd February 2023, delivered the presidents condolence message following the 6th February earthquake that hit the country. Mr Bello was received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkiye, Mevlut Cavusoglu, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the capital, Ankara. He was accompanied on the mission by the Nigerian Ambassador to Turkiye, Ismail Yusuf. The Special Envoy noted that President Muhammadu Buhari was unable to personally pay a condolence visit to Turkiye due to the scheduled General Elections in Nigeria holding on 25th February 2023. He conveyed the presidents heartfelt condolences on behalf of the government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the government and people of Turkiye, over the devastating earthquake. The Special Envoy also handed over Mr Presidents Letter of Condolence as well as a Central Bank of Nigeria Promissory Note of $1,000,000.00 (one million United States dollars), for onward transmission to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He said the token was a donation by the Government of Nigeria to support the ongoing humanitarian efforts in cushioning the effects of the tragic earthquake. The Turkiye Minister of Foreign Affairs in his remarks, explained that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was unable to personally receive the Special Envoy due to exigencies of directly overseeing humanitarian efforts in the eleven (11) quake-hit southern provinces of the country Adana, Adiyaman, Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Kilis, Malatya, Osmaniye, Sanliurfa, and Elazig. The minister thanked President Muhammadu Buhari, the government and people of Nigeria for their show of solidarity, financial as well as material support to the Republic of Turkiye in her trying times. He noted that the First Lady of Nigeria, Aisha Buhari, had earlier donated ten thousand (10,000) blankets on behalf of the African First Ladies Forum to the ongoing Humanitarian efforts in the country. Ambassador Cavusoglu told the Special Envoy that as of 23d February 2023, no fewer than forty-three thousand (43,000) persons have been confirmed dead while 14 million (fourteen million) people were affected in eleven (11) provinces of the Country. He added that the government has resolved to embark on rebuilding new cities with all associated infrastructure in all the locations of the disaster. READ ALSO: The minister, while wishing Nigeria a successful and peaceful General Elections, reiterated that in compliance with the countrys Constitution, the Government of Turkiye is also committed to conducting its forthcoming General Election scheduled to take place on 18th June 2023, despite the devastating effects of the earthquake. Abubakar Sani Senior Special Assistant (Media) 25th February 2023 Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in Kwara State, Attahiru Madami, says the Tsaragi Polling Unit 10 result would be cancelled following a case of ballot box snatching by hoodlums on Saturday. Tsaragi is in the Edu Local Government Area of Kwara State. Mr Madami told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday that the cancellation was in line with the rules guiding the conduct of the elections. He attributed the late arrival of INEC personnel, and materials to some parts of Ilorin West and subsequent late the commencement of voting hitches at Registration Area Centre (RAC). It took us up to 11 a.m. before we finished the distribution of logistics and immediately I knew we are starting late. I extended the time of voting until the last person in queue voted, he said. READ ALSO: The REC said out of 2,887 polling units in Kwara State only one polling unit had its ballot boxes snatched. He said it was not true that the commission used vehicles belonging to one of the political parties involved in the election to distribute materials. Results of the presidential election are still being collated in wards and local governments across Nigeria by the electoral commission, INEC. Nigerians on Saturday voted to elect a new president and members of the national parliament. Voting will, however, continue in some areas of the country today. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) has urged the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to repeat elections in areas where there were electoral irregularities such as ballot box snatching. The Chairperson of PFN, Cross River State chapter, Lawrence Ekwok, who spoke with reporters in Calabar, said INEC should also repeat the elections in areas where potential voters were prevented from voting. He said there should also be elections at polling units where the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) devices were carted away or destroyed by thugs. Other areas where elections should be cancelled and repeated should include polling units or states where ballot papers did not contain the logo of some political parties. Doing this will help prevent possible protests from those who feel disenfranchised and will also discourage violent activities. If this is done the eventual winner of the election will be confident of having the mandate of the Nigerian people, while also discouraging thuggery and impunity in future elections, Mr Ekwok said. He charged INEC to do everything possible to convince Nigerians that the commission was truly committed to conducting free, fair and credible elections. While calling for the speedy upload of results to avoid any suspicion, he charged residents of Cross River to come out en mass to vote in the governorship and House of Assembly elections on 11 March. Mr Ekwok condemned the open threats against voters at polling units in the country. Results of the presidential election are still being collated in wards and local governments across Nigeria by the electoral commission, INEC. Nigerians on Saturday voted to elect a new president and members of parliament. Voting will, however, continue in some areas of the country today. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has declared Taofeek Ajilesoro of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as the winner of Saturdays election for the Ife Federal Constituency seat. The INEC Returning Officer, Abdulfatai Makinde, declared Mr Ajilesoro, who polled 53,078 votes as the winner at the Ife Central Collation Centre on Sunday in Ile-Ife. Mr Makinde said the candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Benjamin Adereti, scored 51,051 votes. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Mr Ajilesoro is a member of the House of Representatives, representing Ife Federal Constituency. Results of the presidential election are still being collated in wards and local governments across Nigeria by the electoral commission, INEC. Nigerians on Saturday voted to elect a new president and members of parliament. Voting will, however, continue in some areas of the country today. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print A nonagenarian, Ibrahim Lawal, said the ease with which he cast his vote during the presidential and national assembly elections brought back a nostalgic feeling of the distant past. Mr Lawal, 93, a Yoruba community leader in Kaduna, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that he started exercising his franchise as a voter in 1953 at 23. He recounted that at that time, voting for political leaders was done with ease, devoid of economic and sentimental manipulations, but rather based on the collective interest of all. He lamented that as the years passed and Nigerians began to claim to be more civilised, they began to attach religious and tribal sentiments to all their affairs, including decisions on who should lead them. We should love ourselves; if God had wished, He would have created all of us as Muslims or Christians. I can vividly recollect when the then Premier of Northern Region, Sir Ahmadu Bello, visited Jos during his days, and he exhibited a sense of oneness of the people. Despite Jos being a predominantly Christian community, he gathered the people and told them in the Hausa language, my relatives, come and lets all eat food together. During his days as Head of State, Yakubu Gowon, a Christian, was so much admired by Muslims in the North, he recalled. Mr Lawal urged Nigerians to unite regardless of their tribal, religious or political affiliation. The nonagenarian said voting was devoid of thuggery, commotion, and tension associated with similar exercises in the past. He attributed this positive development to using Bio-modal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) to ease and facilitate voting proceedings. He also commended INEC and security operatives for providing the enabling environment while urging the electoral body to make amends where necessary. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Oba of Benin, Oba Ewuare II, has cautioned politicians and other stakeholders in Nigeria against election violence. Oba Ewuare II gave the advice when the delegation of European Union Mission Long Term Observers monitoring the general elections paid him a visit in his palace on Sunday in Benin City, Edo. The monarch said: There is no point shedding blood or getting involved in violence, acts of impunity and other outrageous activities. He urged the electorate, politicians and other stakeholders in the elections to be well-behaved, stressing that the Benin throne had been praying and working hard for peaceful polls in Nigeria. The traditional ruler said: We expect politicians and the electorate to behave. We pray that the elections will be peaceful. We have been praying and working hard for peaceful elections. There is no point in shedding blood. So, we are optimistic. Addressing the Oba earlier, the Team Lead of the Mission, Jeroen De Vries, commended him for the privilege of receiving the European Union delegation in his palace. He said the delegation was in Nigeria on the invitation of the Federal Government to assess the conduct of the elections conforming to relevant Nigerian laws and international norms. The team leader also expressed optimism that the outcome of Nigerias general elections would bring prosperity to Nigerian citizens. He was accompanied by two other members of the European Union, Mashu Poulsen and Menyeneabasi Chuks. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Presidential and National Assembly elections were held nationwide on Saturday. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has declared Olamijuwonlo, son of the former late Governor of Oyo State, Adebayo Alao-Akala, as the winner of the Ogbomoso Federal Constituency election. Mr Olamijuwonlo, a former Chairman of Ogbomoso North Local Government polled 33, 268 votes to beat his close rival, Olufemi Onireti of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who polled 27,126. Hakeem Salami, returning officer for Ogbomoso North/Ogbomoso South/Orire Federal Constituency, announced that the APC candidate scored 33,268, while the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate, Olufemi Onireti, scored 27,126 votes. Mr Salami said: I declare Olamijuwonlo Akala winner of Ogbomoso/North/South/Oriire Federal Constituency, having polled the total number of 33, 268 votes, while the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate Olufemi Onireti, polled 27,126 votes. In his reactions, shortly after he was declared winner said, Olamijuwonlo said: Im so excited. I will not disappoint the people of Ogbomoso and my constituents who voted for me. Im so grateful to them all. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalled that Olamijuwonlos father governed Oyo State from 2007 to 2011 under PDP. Also, Najeem Oyedeji, the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has won the Federal Constituency seat election for Iseyin/ Itesiwaju/Iwajowa/Kajola. Announcing the winner, the Returning Officer, Adeolu Adeleke, said that Mr Oyedeji scored total votes of 30, 372, while Dr Soliu Gbadamosi, candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), scored 28,821 votes. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Akeem, one of the sons of the late Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III, has won the Atiba/ Afijio/Oyo East/Oyo West Federal Constituency seat for the third time. Mr Adeyemi, popularly known as SKIMEH, is currently representing the federal constituency and recontested on the ticket of the All Progressives Congress (APC). Mr Adeyemi won the federal constituency seat in 2015 and 2019. The result was declared at the collation centre for the federal constituency within the INEC office in Oyo East Local Government area in the Akunlemu area of Oyo. Mr Adeyemi scored 34,822 to defeat all other candidates who participated in the election. The candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Mudashiru Akinlabi, scored 31,671, while Oyedemi Oyeleru of Accord scored a total of 13 544. Yesufu Ademola of the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) scored 77 votes, while Ogunniyi Olaoluwa of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) scored 1,951. Also, INEC on Sunday declared the candidate of APC, Aderemi Oseni, the Ibarapa East/Ido Federal Constituency winner, in Saturdays National Assembly election. In announcing the results, Dayo Akinola, the INEC returning officer, said Mr Oseni scored the highest votes of 26, 285 to defeat his closest rival, the incumbent, Rep. Oluyemi Taiwo of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who polled 10,988 votes. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Labour Party (LP), Nasarawa State chapter, has called on party supporters to remain calm over Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) delay in uploading election results. Alex Emmanuel, LP State chairman, appealed at a press conference on Sunday in Lafia, the Nasarawa State capital. As a matter of urgency, Mr Emmanuel called on INEC to upload election results as promised before the 2023 election. According to him, INECs delay in uploading election results has called for concern among Nigerians, especially party supporters in Nasarawa. Based on the reports we are receiving from our polling agents across the 13 local government areas of the state that the results have not been uploading in the server is the reason for this press conference.INEC said it will ensure that election results are transmitted electronically in this years election, but since yesterday, the results are yet to be uploaded to the server. We are concerned and afraid that election results can be manipulated if the results cannot be uploaded from the polling unit. How can the results be transmitted from the collation centre, he said. Mr Emmanuel, however, commended INEC for bringing innovation in this years election, especially using Bimodal Voters Accreditation System, and thanked security personnel for maintaining law and order. The party chairman also thanked the people of Nasarawa state for coming out en masse to vote for the Labour Party to make Nigeria great again. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print A mysterious fire has burnt down the entire complex of Maiduguris Monday Market in Borno State. The fire, which started at about midnight, continued to gut hundreds of shops within the market till dawn on Sunday. Sources familiar with the incident said the fire started at about midnight when residents of the city, who had spent most of their day voting in Saturdays presidential and National Assembly elections, had retired to bed. Established about 35 years ago as Maiduguri Monday Market Ltd, the market, rated as the largest in the North-east region, has continued to be the mainstay of the Borno States economy. Information officer of the market management, Bawa Gana, confirmed to PREMIUM TIMES that the fire has burned the whole market complex. PREMIUM TIMES reporter visited the fire scene and sighted thousands of residents, primarily traders, as they thronged the market. Some of them were seen in tears. Most traders and sympathisers who spoke with our reporter said they could not comprehend how the fire could have started in the first place. This market has no electricity connection from the national grid, neither does the management allow illegal connection to a solar panel or batteries, said a grieving trader, Isa Sale. The market did not open on Saturday as it was Election Day. That is why we are worried about what could have led to the fire, said another bystander, Bashir Aji. Officials of the Borno State Fire Department had been working their heads out since 1:00 a.m., according to those living around the market. The fire was still burning at the time of this reporters visit. But the firefighters, working all night up to about 7:00 a.m., had to contend with the milling crowd who had blocked the access route to the market. The Maiduguri Monday market fire may have caused the traders to lose their wares worth billions of naira. READ ALSO: There are over 15,000 official shops and stores in the market, aside from the recent unofficial side shops and kiosks that made it one of the largest commercial centres in northern Nigeria. Coming at a time when the governments economic policy had plunged citizens into financial crises and pains, the fire disaster may also lead to a political problem for the state government if the aftermath is not well managed. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Dele Momodu, the director of strategic communication of the Atiku/Okowa presidential campaign council, has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to call Bola Tinubu, APC presidential candidate in the Saturday 25th February election, to order over a publication he said was capable of setting the country on fire. Mr Momodu said a newspaper, The Nation, believed to be owned Mr Tinubu, made a recklessly dangerous publication unilaterally awarding an impossible victory to the APC candidate. Although results of Saturdays elections have started coming in, in trickles, the National Collation Centre, according to the electoral commission, INEC, will officially be opened by noon on Sunday. The four leading candidates in the presidential election -Bola Tinubu, Atiku Abubakar, Peter Obi and Rabiu Kwankwaso all recorded victories in their various polling units on Saturday. Mr Momodu, who is the publisher of the celebrity magazine, Ovation, however, said in a statement he released on Sunday that Mr Tinubu remains the only mainstream candidate whose home base of the South-west was decimated by opposition parties in Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Oyo, Osun and Ekiti. He also accused Mr Tinubu and local chieftains of the APC in Lagos State of using thugs to burn ballot boxes and disenfranchise voters who were supposedly going to vote for the opposition parties in the state. READ ALSO: The only candidate with the national spread is the PDP presidential candidate, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar. But as a responsible citizen and respected statesman, he will never rush to the media to claim his well-deserved victory and glory after a long and torturous journey, Mr Momodu said. He called on President Buhari to find the courage to call the bluff of these desperate politicians who feel they can buy the whole of Nigeria. Voting continues on Sunday in some parts of the country where polling could not take place on Saturday according to INEC. Read the full statement below: PLEASE CALL TINUBU TO ORDER, Dele Momodu tells President Buhari Our attention has just been drawn to the recklessly dangerous publication unilaterally awarding an impossible victory to the APC Presidential candidate Chief Bola Tinubu. The said newspaper is owned by Tinubu. Only yesterday, we all saw how thugs of the APC Chieftains and his allies took over the streets of Lagos burning ballot boxes and documents and generally misbehaving in other to disenfranchise the determined electorates. Despite all of these ugly attempts at stealing victory, the APC suffered its worst cataclysmic loss in most of the polling centres in Lagos. The same happened in Kano. Incapable of ever being sobered by the crushing humiliation in its traditional territories, we woke up this morning to read about the pathetic and illegal lies cooked up by the Tinubu media goons. Tinubu remains the only mainstream candidate whose home base of South West was decimated by opposition parties in Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Oyo, Osun and Ekiti. Most of the Northern Governors he also expected to help him garner votes in the Northern regions failed spectacularly to deliver the badly needed votes. He failed in the South East and South-South. The only candidate with the national spread is the PDP Presidential candidate, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar. But as a responsible citizen and respected statesman, he will never rush to the media to claim his well-deserved victory and glory after a long and torturous journey. We hereby call on INEC and the Federal Government to cage these troublesome APC Chieftains. We have all been witnesses to their unruly behaviour as they did everything to bully and blackmail President Muhammadu Buhari in order to chicken out of the currency swap policy. We also witnessed how they practically intimidated the President to the extent of forcing him to publicly display who he voted for in yesterdays elections. It was quite a bizarre, unfortunate and unprecedented scene to watch. We advise the President to find the courage to call the bluff of these desperate politicians who feel they can buy the whole of Nigeria Signed: CHIEF DELE MOMODU Director of Strategic Communications ATIKU/OKOWA Presidential Campaign Council Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Security agents have arrested two suspects in Plateau State for allegedly snatching the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) device during Saturdays presidential and National Assembly elections. The Commissioner of Police in charge of Election Security in Plateau State, Mamman Dauda, said this when he spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Jos. Mr Dauda said the suspects were arrested in the Riyom Local Government Area of the state by members of a special task force, Operation Safe Haven. The taskforce handed the suspects over to the police for further investigation. The suspects are currently in the Criminal Investigation Departments (CID); we have commenced an investigation into the matter, he said. Mr Dauda said the election was peaceful in the state, except for a few disagreements which were resolved without much rancour. The commissioner also commended the security personnel for their professional conduct during the poll, adding that the police had not received complaints of misconduct from the public. READ ALSO: He thanked the residents of the state for supporting and cooperating with the security agencies toward ensuring a peaceful, free, fair and credible poll. He also commended the Independent National Electoral Commission for responding swiftly to some of the challenges encountered during the poll. The police boss called on residents to remain peaceful while results were being collated at various centres across the state. Results of the presidential election are still being collated in wards and local governments across Nigeria by the electoral commission, INEC. Nigerians on Saturday voted to elect a new president and members of parliament. Voting will, however, continue in some areas of the country today. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has confirmed the receipt of results from 10 out of 20 local government areas of Ogun State. The Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) of the state, Niyi Ijalaye, disclosed this on Sunday while declaring open the INEC collation centre in the capital Abeokuta. He also announced the Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, Kayode Adebowale, as the collation officer for the state. Mr Ijalaye listed the local government areas whose results have arrived at the state collation centre as Remo North, Ikenne, Egbado South and Ewekoro. Others are Abeokuta North, Ijebu North, Ijebu North East, Imeko Afon, Odeda and Egbado North local government areas. As of the time of filing this report, the local government collation officers were already seated in the collation centre. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The police in Lagos State, south-west Nigeria, say they arrested 23 people suspected to be involved in electoral violence and other crimes during the presidential and National Assembly elections on Saturday in the state. The police spokesperson in Lagos, Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the arrest to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday. Mr Hundeyin, a superintendent of police, said the number of arrests might increase as the command was still collating the number of suspects arrested in different divisions during Saturdays election. NAN reports that hoodlums and gunmen attacked some polling units and disrupted the elections in the Mafoluku area and burnt ballot papers that had already been used by voters. The Commissioner of Police in Lagos State, Idowu Owohunwa, told reporters on Saturday that there were pockets of violence in some parts of the state. READ ALSO: INEC to cancel elections in parts of Kogi over violence Mr Owohunwa said the number of people arrested would be made known to the public. Results of the presidential election are still being collated in the wards and local governments across Nigeria by the electoral commission, INEC. Nigerians on Saturday voted to elect a new president and members of parliament. Voting will, however, continue in some parts of the country today. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print (Getty Images for Bauer Media) N-Dubz have reportedly scored a two album deal with EMI Records following the end of their comeback tour in December. The trio are believed to be recording at Grouse Lodge in Westmeath, Ireland, after signing with the Universal Music subsidiary, according to The Sun. A source told the outlet: The deal is massive for N-Dubz and their fans. For years it looked like they were never going to reunite but after the success of their tour they found themselves with multiple offers on the table. They are now signed to EMI for two new albums and are recording at Grouse Lodge Residential Recording Studios in Ireland - an hour outside of Dublin. In terms of when fans will get to hear the songs everything is still up in the air but hopefully by the time their summer shows kick off at least a couple of tracks will have been released. REM, Snow Patrol, Tom Jones, Muse and Sam Fender have previously recorded at the legendary recording studio. N-Dubz is made up of Dappy, real name Costadinos Contostavlos, 35, his cousin Tulisa Contostavlos and Fazer, real name Richard Rawson, 35. The band finished up their sold-out UK tour in December, which was marred by reports of in-crowd fights and a cancellation due to Dappy losing his voice. The Standard has contacted N-Dubz for comment. The Kabba/Bunu/Ijumu House of Representatives election results have been declared inconclusive by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). On Sunday, the Returning Officer, Adams Baba, disclosed this at the Kabba, Kogi State collation centre. Mr Baba said the declaration was due to the difference between the margin of the winner and voided results in two polling units. He said the result difference between the winner, Salman Idris of the African Democratic Congress (ADC) and the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, Kolawole Matthew, was less than the number of registered voters in the cancelled polling units. The ADC candidate polled 13,867 while the APC polled 13,605 leaving just 262 votes difference, whereas the number of PVC collected in the cancelled polling units of Iya in Otu ward, Kabba/Bunu LGA is 485 and Open Space polling unit in Egbeda ward of Ijumu LGA 100. The two figures added together is far higher than the 262 vote difference between the winner and the runner-up, he said. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that INEC has not fixed a rerun election in the affected polling units. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Yiaga Africa has called on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to protect the transparency of the result collation process by ensuring easy access to the collation centres for accredited observers and party agents. Yiaga Africa said this in its Watching The Vote (WTV)s Situational Press Statement on Saturdays Presidential Election, jointly signed by Hussaini Abdu, chairman of WTV Working Group and Samson Itodo, Executive Director. Reading the document, Mr Abdu encouraged INEC to communicate clearly on locations where the General Election did not hold and ensure the process was concluded before returns were made. Yiaga Africa expressed concerns about the unexplained delay in uploading polling unit results for the presidential election on the INEC Election Results Viewing Portal (IReV). As of 10 p.m., on election day, results for the presidential election were not uploaded on the INEC portal after voting and counting ended in several polling units. At 9:00 am on Feb. 26, INEC uploaded only 25,503 results for the presidential election on the INEC portal. The delay in uploading the results undermines public confidence in the results transmission process as it deviates from the elections guidelines and fails to meet citizens expectations, he said. Mr Abdu said the failure of the IReV system, intended to enhance transparency, undermined public confidence in the process. He said INEC should make publicly available all the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS ) accreditation data by polling unit, including the number of voters accredited by finger and facial recognition. He called on INEC to protect the transparency of the result collation process by ensuring accredited observers and party agents were granted access to the collation centres. Mr Abdu called on INEC to strictly adhere to the provisions of the 2022 Electoral Act and INEC regulations and guidelines on collating results. As Section 64 of the Act provides, collation officers and returning officers must compare the number of accredited voters and election results recorded on the hardcopy result sheet and scanned images on the BVAS. Yiaga Africa calls on INEC and security to ensure proper security for citizens, especially the polling officials and collation officials as results collation progresses as INEC commences the announcement of results to ensure that no life is further lost this election, he said. Mr Abdu said Yiaga Africa deployed 3,836 observers nationwide, including 3,014 parallel vote tabulation (PVT) observers for the General Elections. He said the PVT methodology was also deployed to enable Yiaga Africa to independently assess the quality of the process and verify the accuracy of the official presidential election results announced by INEC. At this time, Yiaga Africa can provide preliminary statistically accurate data on the conduct of the election as of Feb.25 from the opening of polling units through accreditation, voting and counting until the posting of results. If INECs results fall within Yiaga Africas estimated ranges, then the public, political parties and candidates should have confidence the official results reflect the ballots cast at the polling units. However, if the official results are manipulated at any point in the process, we will be able to expose it, although only INEC has the legal mandate to announce the election results, he said. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Centre for Journalism Innovation and Developments (CJID) Campus Reporter observers have been refused access to collation centres in the 2023 Presidential and National Assembly elections. Where concerned, the observers are the only ones within their jurisdiction and as such the organization cannot be said to have more than one representative as directed by INEC. The observers have been waiting through rain, violence and damning conditions to ensure that collated results announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) are accurately reported to the public. However, some observers report that they are being denied access, and asked to vacate the premises where the collation of election results is taking place. Kwara Central Senatorial Collation Centre denied access to one observer on the ground because his observer tag only bears field and not Collation Centre. At the Sokoto South Senatorial District Collation Centre, an observer was escorted out of the collation centre by an officer of the Department of State Services (DSS) despite verifying his identity as a media observer. Additionally, at the Edo State INEC headquarters, CJIDs media observer was kicked out by the Chief Security Officer who claimed that the organisation was not on his list of registered observers. CJID decries this poor treatment of her INEC-accredited media observers tasked with observing the elections to ensure the validity and transparency of the process. We urge that all observers should be allowed to go about their duty without any form of harassment in line with INECs guidelines. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Tinubu, has won the presidential election in the Lagos Island Local Government Area of Lagos State. According to results announced at the Lagos State Collation Centre, Mr Tinubu scored a total of 27,760 votes from 19 wards to emerge the winner of the election in the local government. While the Labour Party (LP) candidate, Peter Obi came second with 3,058 votes, Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party followed with 2,521. The results show that only 34,989 voters were accredited of the total 200,048 registered voters in Lagos Island. It noted that they recorded 1,052 rejected votes out of the total of 33886 valid votes. The lawmaker representing Lagos Island II Federal Constituency, Kayode Akiolu, who is running for a second term, won on the platform of the APC with 14,061 votes. He was followed by the PDP candidate, Rabiu Fashina, who polled 2,457. Daniel Oladipo of the African Democratic Congress (ADC) came a distant third with 361 votes. Delay at Lagos Collation Centre Nigerias commercial capital city is experiencing delays in collating results of the 25 February presidential and national assembly elections. As of 1:00 p.m. Sunday, no single result from any of the 20 Local Government Areas in Lagos State had arrived at the State Collation Centre at Yaba, Lagos. PREMIUM TIMES gathered that the collation of results was still ongoing at the registration areas, federal constituency, senatorial district and local government collation centres. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) also announced the extension period of voting in some areas under Surulere, Ikate, Okota, Eti-Osa, Kosofe and Oshodi due to the level of violence experienced and tactical disenfranchisement (late arrival of election materials) in some areas. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) says contrary to reports on social media, no youth corps member participating in the general election was beaten to death. According to a statement issued on Sunday by the Director of Press and Public Relations, Eddy Megwa, the brutalised corps member did not die as reported but recuperated after treatment at the hospital. He added that the brutality of the said corps member was a case of mistaken identity. Indeed, a corps member deployed to LEA primary school, Lugbe, as an Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) ad-hoc staff, was brutalised by an angry mob on the suspicion that he was involved in the act of thumbprinting ballot papers in favour of one of the presidential aspirants. To put issues in proper perspective, the brutalisation of the corps member was a case of mistaken identity. This was made known after an investigation by the security agencies. He also clarified that the corps member was not part of the criminal gang involved in the said act. Mr Megwa added that the culprits, neither corps members nor officials of the NYSC, have been apprehended by the police. The scheme, therefore, wishes to call on Nigerians to exercise restraint on issues that concern corps members and other electoral officers on national assignment during the general elections. Mr Megwa reiterated the schemes stand on electoral malpractice by any participating corps member. In any case, the schemes management will not shield any corps member that runs foul of the Electoral Act if found guilty. The management wishes to admonish once again corps members participating in the conduct of the general elections to ensure the highest degree of neutrality and discipline in their approach to the national assignment. He added that being a corps member would not prevent them from prosecution if infractions to the Electoral Act occurred. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Kaduna State Government says protests remain strictly prohibited across the state as the collation of General Elections results progresses. The Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, announced in a statement on Sunday in Kaduna. Mr Aruwan said the government had noted, with satisfaction, the largely peaceful conduct of elections across the state and commended residents for exercising their franchise in an orderly manner. Citizens must, therefore, avoid street protests over election results or of any other kind to preserve the atmosphere of calm so far experienced. Actions which may disrupt public peace will be handled decisively by security agencies. It must be stressed that the announcement of election results is the exclusive duty of the Independent National Electoral Commission. He noted that Individuals and groups involved in the unofficial publication of results should be aware that they constituted severe threats to public peace and order. Individuals or groups who may have queries over officially announced results are strongly urged to utilise the legal instruments provided by the Electoral Act. The commissioner said Governor Nasir El-Rufai is closely monitoring the security situation regarding the conduct of the elections alongside security agencies in the state. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate for Lagos State, Abdulazeez Adediran (Jandor), on Sunday visited Jennifer Seifegha, injured during the election process in Surulere. Jandor told journalists at the womans residence on Dipo Olubi Street, Ikate, Surulere, that her courage moved him to come out still to cast her vote despite her injuries. I came to see the woman that has turned out to be the hero of this democracy as a result of her courage which is very infectious. For somebody to have been that injured and still return to the polling unit to cast her vote is very patriotic, and I appreciate her candour, he said. The PDP governorship candidate tagged her husband, Christopher Seifegha, the MVP, for allowing his wife to return to the polling unit after such an injury on her face. It did not matter who she voted for yesterday, but the fact is that what she did by still coming out to cast her vote is a positive message for everybody. She has sent a sort of courage that all of us can stand firm even in the face of provocation and still make a point, he said. He commended Lagosians for coming out en masse to express themselves through their votes during the election. We have seen a lot going on, and we will stand by those votes and make sure that we return Lagos to the people of Lagos and Nigeria back to all of us, Jandor said. Background The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports thugs injured Mrs Seifegha at the Nuru/Oniwo Ward, Polling Unit 065, in Surulere while she was waiting to vote. Mrs Seifegha said that she got to the polling unit around 9.00 a.m. to exercise her civic right and, after doing her verification, was in the queue awaiting her turn to vote. I later sat down when the queue seemed not to be moving until I noticed a group of guys who came to survey the area because they did not vote and left afterwards. After about an hour, they came back, and then there was a commotion, and I just felt an impact on my face, she said. The victim said she was hit on the face and sustained deep cuts from where blood gushed out. She said that a lady put a cloth over her eyes to help contain the bleeding, and then they went into hiding because they were unsure if the thugs were still around. After the commotion had settled, they took me to a nearby nurse who administered first aid that helped stop the bleeding. I am sure that is the video that went viral, and afterwards, my husband took me to the hospital where nurses stitched my cuts in about five places, she said. Mrs Seifegha appreciated Jandor for visiting her. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Long after voting had closed, on Saturday night, the INECs results viewing portal had not yet logged any results and a significant number of locations reported refusal of polling officials to upload result sheets to the INEC results portal, raising suspicions of results manipulation to the end of achieving co-ordinated substitution and replacement of results from the polling units with manufactured outcomes that bear no relationship to what occurred at voting. Africas largest experiment in electoral democracy is underway as Nigeria counts the votes cast in its presidential and parliamentary elections, which occurred on Saturday, 25 February. It is too soon to say who Nigerias next president will be and it may be a few days yet before the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) announces the results. The early evidence appears to confirm pre-election suggestions that the race will be a close one between Atiku Abubakar of the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP); Peter Obi of the insurgent Labour Party (LP), and Bola Ahmed Tinubu of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), with Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) in a respectable showing. The election season has been full of incidents, many of which will affect the credibility of whatever the INEC chooses to announce as the results when they do. Two days before the opening of voting in Africas largest elections, the candidates in Nigerias presidential election met in Abuja, the Federal Capital, on 23 February, to sign a peace accord promising to eschew violence and hate speech in the ballot and to accept the outcome peacefully. The accord is the idea of the National Peace Committee, a leadership initiative led by Abdulsalami Abubakar, the former Army General who transitioned Nigeria to civil rule in May 1999. This was the second of such accords by the candidates in the campaign season preceding the vote. A similar accord signed in September 2022 did not much preclude a campaign season in which reports of intolerance and violence signposted a fractured political landscape that very much sums up the toxic legacies of nearly eight years of Muhammadu Buharis second misadventure in power. It was not entirely clear how or why the National Peace Committee divined that two peace accords were needed to police one election. The fact that it considered a second accord essential suggests that the first was insufficient or ineffective. If the Committee bothered to report on why the first accord failed or as to what it did to preclude such an outcome, it did not make such a report public. Voting day witnessed significant incidents of violence across the country. In many parts of Lagos and in parts of Rivers State, reports suggested patterns of violence consistent with voter intimidation and suppression. In Lagos, there were rampant reports of attacks on voters in parts not considered friendly to the candidacy of the ruling APC or on polling units considered to have a majority of such voters. Despite these attacks, voters showed remarkable resilience and courage. All the evidence suggests that the parties and their candidates did not much regard the peace accord. A report issued on the eve of commencement of voting on 24 February by the Incident Centre for Election Atrocities (ICEA), a civic coalition that tracks election-related violence in Nigeria, compiled in the two month period beginning in December 2022 claims there were, at least 89 incidents of politically-motivated killings (including of 30 security personnel) and 18 abductions (including of 1 Police Officer). There were at least 13 attacks on political campaign rallies. Within the period, there were at least 7 arson attacks on INEC facilities and at least 12 brazen attacks on police, military and para-military facilities. At least one senior politician was beheaded in Imo State in South-East Nigeria; another was incinerated in the week of the ballot. Voting itself took place in a context of considerable public anxiety. A re-design of the countrys currency implemented shortly before the election, resulted in what the New York Times described as chaos and suffering, which threatened to tip the country into mass unrest. Deprived of their loot of cash with which to induce voters or buy election officials to skew the results, state governors mostly belonging to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) claimed to have secured a controversial and unclear temporary order from Nigerias Supreme Court to defer implementation of the currency change, adding to the air of uncertainty around the elections. President Muhammadu Buhari, who had communicated a desire to create a level playing field for the vote, gave his support to the Central Bank to see through the implementation of the currency reform, effectively drying up much of the usual flow of money used to corrupt Nigerias elections and infinitely escalating the costs for anyone wishing to buy votes. Voting day witnessed significant incidents of violence across the country. In many parts of Lagos and in parts of Rivers State, reports suggested patterns of violence consistent with voter intimidation and suppression. In Lagos, there were rampant reports of attacks on voters in parts not considered friendly to the candidacy of the ruling APC or on polling units considered to have a majority of such voters. Despite these attacks, voters showed remarkable resilience and courage. In Surulere, Lagos, a young woman attacked and stabbed in the face by thugs suspected to be from the ruling party returned bloodied and bandaged to cast her vote. Contrary to the repeated assurance of INECs leadership, election day appears to have caught the Commission unprepared. In many places, the flaws were too evident: shoddy election logistics; confusion over the location of polling units or the allocation of voters to units; misleading configuration of data into the Bi-Modal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS); misconduct or suspected collusion by polling officials with political party interests were reported. Equally contrary to the assurances of the Commission, the BVAS failed or disappointed in many locations. Some its high-profile victims include the Governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Wike; and the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Nigerias former Finance Minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. As a result, in many places around the country, voting continued well into the night or will resume today, Sunday, 26 February. Where voters braved the hurdles erected by the INEC and the polling officials showed up and coaxed performance out of the BVAS machines, in many cases the results transmission process became hostage to Nigerian arrangements. Long after voting had closed, on Saturday night, the INECs results viewing portal had not yet logged any results and a significant number of locations reported refusal of polling officials to upload result sheets to the INEC results portal, raising suspicions of results manipulation to the end of achieving co-ordinated substitution and replacement of results from the polling units with manufactured outcomes that bear no relationship to what occurred at voting. Nigerias new president will need more than just a good bank of political capital to spend on the countrys myriad problems when he takes over at the end of May 2023. He will also need the talent to bind the countrys wounds. For that, INEC needs to guarantee a credible count, absent that whoever is announced as winner will lack the authority needed to put Nigeria back on the map as Africas anchor country. In many parts of the country, a substantial number of reported anomalies occurred under the watch of security agencies. In Kano, the Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Yakubu, was asked why the police took no action against what appeared to be a systematic pattern of voting by persons who were manifestly children. Far from denying it, he stuttered his way to an extraordinary mea culpa, claiming: it is very difficult to determine by mere appearance who is a minor or not. Most of the ones you are seeing, may be their growth rate might be impaired. As the count gets underway, three things already seem very clear. First, Nigerian citizens took this election seriously and their collective belief in the destiny of their country is the biggest single good news in this election. Second, the assurances of the INEC about competent management of the election were always empty and lacking in credibility. The citizens deserved better than the INEC served up. Third, whatever the outcome that the INEC chooses to announce, the winner in these elections will almost certainly receive less than 50% of the votes cast and will need to run a government of all talents (GOAT), seeking and finding ways to ensure that every part of the country takes a stake in the government that emerges. This will be important because Nigerias new president will need more than just a good bank of political capital to spend on the countrys myriad problems when he takes over at the end of May 2023. He will also need the talent to bind the countrys wounds. For that, INEC needs to guarantee a credible count, absent that whoever is announced as winner will lack the authority needed to put Nigeria back on the map as Africas anchor country. Chidi Anselm Odinkalu, a lawyer, teaches at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy can be reached at Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The police in Kano have confirmed a fire incident at the office of the Independent National Electoral Commission in Takai Local Government Area of Kano State. The police spokesperson of the police in Kano, Abdullahi Kiyawa, who confirmed the incident, said the fire was the work of arsonists. The unidentified armed men invaded the local government office of INEC and set the generator on fire, part of the generator and the building were gutted by fire. The security agencies responded and rescue the electoral officers, the situation is under control, he said. PREMIUM TIMES witnessed how the electoral officers were transported to the INEC head office in Kano amid heavy security. Most of them are corps members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). It was gathered that the incident happened at around 09:30 a.m. The attack occurred as INEC officials were awaiting the arrival of the last two wards (Takai and Kachako) in the local government. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print About 24 hours after the opening of polls in Saturdays presidential and National Assembly elections in Lagos State, no single result from the 20 Local Government Areas (LGAs) has arrived at the State Collation Centre. Adenike Oladiji, the states Collation Officer and Vice Chancellor of the Federal University of Technology, Akure, disclosed this during the official opening of the centre for the final collation of election results in Lagos State at about 12.00 a.m. on Sunday. Mr Oladiji, who described the collation as a serious assignment, said that the centre was still awaiting results from all the 20 LGAs as of midnight. The professor said: This is a serious national assignment that has brought us together here. It is also an assignment that is of international importance, and that explains why we have international observers here with us. Our job is simple. If we follow the well-laid-out procedures of INEC, we know it is very simple and easy. It is a call to duty, it is a national assignment and we hope that we will not fail our country. As we can all see, the results are not here yet. So that we wont keep ourselves just waiting, expecting the results, we are proposing that we reconvene tomorrow (Sunday) at We know that by that time some of our results will be here and we will be able to process them all in this hall. Earlier in his opening address, the Resident Electoral Commissioner in Lagos State, Olusegun Agbaje, who commended the collation officer, said that collation was at various stages in the state. According to Mr Agbaje, in the end, Nigerians will be happy that INEC has done a lot to ensure that people are allowed to vote in spite of a few hitches. READ ALSO: INEC to cancel elections in parts of Kogi over violence We want to assure Nigerians that their votes will count, the commissioner said. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the State Collation Centre for the 2023 Presidential Election in Lagos State is situated at INEC Media Centre at the commissions headquarters in the state. The presidential and NASS elections were held simultaneously across the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory on Saturday. Collation of results was still at various stages, some at the registration areas, federal constituency, senatorial district and local government collation centres. NAN reports that some security agents were sighted at the centre. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Auburn Police Department is looking to add to its existing drone program. The city government is accepting bids for unmanned aerial system public safety drones for the APD. Auburn City Manager Jeff Dygert said during an Auburn City Councill meeting Feb. 23 bids are due back March 10. Auburn Deputy Police Chief Roger Anthony told The Citizen Friday that the city recently put out a bid request for drones. The department seeks to acquire a package of four drones, two smaller drones and two mid-sized units. While Anthony praised the drone the department already possesses, saying it can handle different weather conditions and is mainly used for purposes such as reconnaissance and surveillance, he noted these new machines would be smaller and lighter and could be utilized in "tighter areas, like within buildings and rooms." "There are a lot of tactical advantages that this one has over the other one," he said. In September 2020, the council approved a resolution to accept a $66,900 bid from FLIR Maritime US for a FLIR R-70 drone for the APD. Since obtaining that drone, the APD has been asked to use the machine on behalf of different city departments, for purposes such as taking pictures of city events or snapping photos of fires. Multiple Auburn officers are now certified to operate drones. Anthony said the new drones would be paid for by with money seized from criminal activities. These asset forfeitures are largely from drug-related cases the department has conducted with the DEA. Eventually the funds are forfeited or waived by the owner and are "divided up amongst the agencies that took part in the investigation on the onset," he previously said. Asset forfeiture money has specific guidelines on what it can be spent on. Through simplified and accessible digital procedures used to attract a larger base of local and international investors MANAMA, Bahrain, Feb. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Electricity and Water Authority (EWA) has announced the forthcoming auction of the Sitra Power and Water Station site in collaboration with Mazad B.S.C, an auction supervisory company specialising in the sale of corporate assets and a subsidiary of the Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (Mumtalakat). The bidding will begin at BD 10,200,000 and Arabian Auction will assist with the sale process which will run for three months; starting on the 23rd of February and concluding on the 23rd of May 2023. Exterior shot - Bahrains Sitra Power and Water Station will be up for auction until the 23rd of May 2023 (PRNewsfoto/Mazad) CEO of Mazad, Mr. Talal Al Araifi (PRNewsfoto/Mazad) Interior shot of 125 MW of electricity and 25 million gallons of desalinated water per day (PRNewsfoto/Mazad) Infographic on Sitra Power and Water Station Features (PRNewsfoto/Mazad) Clips of Bahrains Sitra Power and Water Station The site is a large facility and includes a number of structures and specialised equipment, including; six desalination distillers (with a processing capacity of up to 25 million gallons per day), six steam boilers, four 25 MW capacity steam turbines with generators, a 25 MW gas reductions, pumps of various sizes as well as a number of transformers, switches and electrical cables. The buyer will be responsible for dismantling all the station's equipment, including the turbines, and gas reductions. They will also commit to removing the structures and foundations of all production units and must provide the necessary tools and machinery needed to successfully execute the project. Prior to the suspension of its services in February 2021, the station operated for over 40 years, during which a number of stations with increased capacity were founded. The station began operations in 1975, with its first phase producing 100 MW of electricity and 5 million gallons of distilled water per day. In 1984, site capacity was increased by 25 MW of electricity and 5 million gallons of distilled water. In 1985, the station's capacity was increased once again, with three distillers installed which increased the plant's daily production by 15 million gallons. This resulted in a peak production capacity of 125 MW of electricity and an average of 25 million gallons of desalinated water per day. In keeping with EWA's wish to cultivate national infrastructure projects, the sale will contribute towards improving the quality and efficiency of government services through the foundation and development of new companies and the introduction of innovative solutions to enhance its services. The partnership also reflects Mazad's position as a leading company which oversees the organisation of public and online auctions in the Kingdom. In keeping with with Mumtalakat's strategy, Mazad continues to diversify its assets by partnering with ministries and government entities with a view to developing the local economy and fulfil the Kingdom's sustainability goals. Commenting on its partnership with Mazad, EWA confirmed the plan for the sale and dismantling of the Sitra Power and Water Station after 40 years of production. Through this project, the Authority hopes to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of government services and enable access to a larger base of investors supported by digital advantages including flexibility, integrity and simplicity. Speaking on behalf of Mazad, Mr. Talal Al Araifi, the company's Chief Executive Officer said: "We are pleased to be partnering with the Electricity and Water Authority for the digital auction of the Sitra Power and Water Plant. Online auctions maintain transparency and fairness and create a competitive environment amongst investors as well as reaching a larger number of serious and flexible buyers." He added: "At Mazad, we continue to work towards diversifying our assets through various auctions and through collaboration with ministries, government entities and institutions in Bahrain and abroad. In line with Mumtalakat's strategy we are committed to the helping the Kingdom realise its national goals and assist in the establishment of rules in order to achieve a sustainable national economy Auction participants who wish to submit bids must formally register for the auction through or the Arabian Auction mobile app. Bidders wishing to tender a bid must upload the requisite documents for the EWA to review in order to assess the bidder's technical and project-based suitability required for preliminary approval. Auction participants will also have to pay an insurance fee prior to bidding. For further inquiries, please contact Mazad at [email protected] or by calling +973 37735995. About Mazad: Mazad B.S.C. "Mazad" was established on April 2017 to organize and supervise auctions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Mazad was established with the responsibility of managing and organizing auctions of different types of assets in collaboration with internationally renowned auction houses. With an unwavering commitment to its core values of transparency, fairness, competitiveness and sustainability, Mazad strives to introduce new and innovative asset sale and auction mechanisms to aid the Kingdom's market growth and revenue optimization. Since its establishment Mazad has successfully introduced special vehicle license plate numbers for sale in public auctions for the first time in Bahrain, and has continued to do so with great success. Subsequently, other assets were introduced for sale through auction ranging from vehicles to real estate projects. Video - Photo - Photo - Photo - Infographic - SOURCE Mazad Monitor blood pressure and predict a person's risk of pre-diabetes in just 30 seconds using only a smartphone video camera BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ - NuraLogix, a global pioneer of contactless health monitoring showcases a host of new capabilities of its Anura platform at MWC 2023. Using mobile and desktop devices already in the hands of billions of people, Anura is able to provide over 30 health parameters allowing the mobile industry to integrate digital health solutions into various aspects of the healthcare industries as well as sectors such as retail, automotive and smart cities. Founded in 2015, NuraLogix's ground-breaking technology allows third-party clients such as health providers, mobile carriers and handset manufacturers, insurance companies, and wellness programs to help consumers better manage their physical and mental health. At MWC 2023, NuraLogix is showcasing its latest ability to perform metabolic and blood biomarker health risk assessments for various chronic conditions, such as assessing HbA1c and fasting glucose, as well as risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hypertriglyceridemia. Anura can be experienced at booth #6C75 in the Ontario/Canada Pavilion. The 'Healthy Selfie' Anura is the only video-based contactless health monitoring technology that can measure vital signs and provide health risk assessments using mobile and desktop devices. Unlike smartwatches, health trackers, and rings that track blood flow through light sensors, Anura can do so with a video selfie. You can see it in action here. The platform is powered by NuraLogix's patented Transdermal Optical Imaging (TOI) technology, a novel form of Remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG). It automatically detects a person's face, identifies key regions of interest, and extracts blood flow information that is combined with powerful AI data models developed from tens of thousands of patients with multiple health conditions. Results are delivered within an intuitive results screen, showing information on dozens of health parameters* such as heart rate, breathing rate, and cuffless blood pressure. It provides health risk assessments for some of the most prevalent chronic conditions, including Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, and Mental Health. Developed with data from more than 40,000 patients with multiple conditions, NuraLogix's predicted model research have currently appeared in 10 global peer-reviewed research publications, with three additional publications in progress. NuraLogix also has 13 original U.S. patents. Its latest released models have been proven to predict whether a subject's HbA1c is greater than 5.7% or their Fasting Blood Glucose is greater than 5.5mmol/L to a clinically accurate level. In addition, NuraLogix announced in January 2023 that it now has the ability to measure blood pressure with an accuracy corresponding to a standard deviation of error of less than 8mmHg, widely considered to be the "Holy Grail" of contactless blood pressure measurement. A full list of its research can be found here. "The wireless industry has already played an important role in remote and novel health solutions, and with 5G adoption increasing, its ability to power the health industry is accelerating," said Dr Keith Thompson, Chief Medical Officer at NuraLogix. "Platforms such as Anura allow handset manufacturers and carriers to create or work with additional third parties to deploy digital health solutions that can make a meaningful difference to society. Our agnostic hardware and operating system approach paves the way to a world where health vitals are continually monitored with just a look at a smartphone, bathroom mirror, TV screen, or kiosk." Flexible Modular Delivery Anura includes capabilities for investigational use and go-to-market solutions to allow its customers (companies such as NTT Data, Bupa Group, AIA, and FWD) to build flexible bespoke programs to meet the needs of their customers by combining various Anura capabilities including: Physiological Health Vitals/Indexes Blood Pressure Cardiac Workload Pulse/Heart Rate Breathing/Respiratory Rate Irregular Heart Rate Heart Rate Variability Facial Skin Age Mental Health/Risk Assessments Mental Stress Depression Health Risk Anxiety Health Risk Physiological Health/Risk Assessments T2 Diabetes Risk Assessment HbA1c Risk Assessment Fasting Blood Glucose Risk Assessment Cardiovascular Disease Risks (10 yr. prediction of risk of death from Heart Attack or Stroke) Hypertension Risk Hypercholesterolemia Hypertriglyceridemia To learn more about NuraLogix and the Anura platform, please visit About NuraLogix NuraLogix is the creator of the world's first contactless blood pressure measurement technology. The company's patented Transdermal Optical Imaging (TOI) technology can measure dozens of health and wellness parameters using a conventional video camera to extract facial blood flow information from the human face. This is demonstrated in the company's groundbreaking Anura Software. *In the United States, some features of this product are for Investigational Use Only. The performance characteristics of this product have not been established SOURCE NuraLogix Corporation High-Fidelity Haptics: Sensel delivered a high-end programmable haptics solution, which allowed Lenovo to elegantly integrate three virtual haptic buttons into the upper portion of the touchpads. This enabled Lenovo to include the ThinkPad's iconic red TrackPoint, and a large 120 mm touchpad, without sacrificing any touchpad real-estate to the TrackPoint buttons, resulting in an exceptional user experience for all. Palm Rejection: The palm rejection in the Z13 and Z16 is world-class, as it must be robust enough to support two very different use-cases: typing, where the palms rest on the touchpad; and TrackPoint mousing, where the thumb and palm-edge rest on the touchpad. To accomplish this, Sensel developed a proprietary machine learning algorithm for palm rejection, which can uniquely distinguish fingers, thumbs, and palms, on hands of all shapes and sizes. The Touchpad also learns from each individual's behavior, and automatically adapts to better interpret their intent, dynamically adjusting the palm rejection, tracking zone, tap rejection, and haptic click areas. Accuracy: The Z13 and Z16 touchpads well exceed the Windows Precision Touchpad requirements for linearity, which means they're incredibly accurate, allowing you to easily click that tiny X in those annoying pop-ups. All this and more was fit into a module that's substantially thinner than the vast majority of touchpads, including the most commonly used haptic trackpad. "The second-generation ThinkPad Z13 and Z16 are the latest Lenovo laptops featuring a Sensel touchpad, but not the first, showing a committed, durable partnership between the two companies," said Luis Hernandez, Vice President of Commercial Product Solutions Development, Intelligent Devices Group, Lenovo. "Coming off the success of the haptic touchpad in the ThinkPad X1 Titanium Yoga, which we also worked with Sensel on, we are inspired to continue innovating and collectively raising the bar on our touchpad experience." "In a major milestone for Sensel, these are the first true all-Sensel technology touchpads we've shipped, with Sensel providing the touch-sensing, force-sensing, and haptics for the Z13 and Z16", said Sensel CEO and Co-founder, Ilya Rosenberg. "We're honored to have worked with Lenovo on these remarkable laptops, which beautifully showcase the potential of Sensel's technologies. Not only has Lenovo been a wonderful partner on these programs, but they're also an invaluable strategic investor . Both companies pushed hard to create a fantastic touchpad user experience, and we couldn't be prouder of the results." The X1 Fold touchpad is also the first application of a brand new Sensel technology platform we call FusionUX, which combines our patented high-precision capacitive touch-sensing, high-accuracy capacitive force-sensing, and high-fidelity embedded haptics technologies, all on a single PCB. This provides our customers with the most streamlined haptic touchpad solution on the market. "We're delighted to announce our new FusionUX tech stack, which eliminates the need for dedicated force sensors, a force sensing chip, high voltage electronics and haptics transducers," said Sensel COO, Harsha Rao. "This latest evolution of our technology enables our customers to develop highly cost-effective and manufacturable smart-surfaces. This will pave the way for broader adoption of smart-surfaces in a wide array of products, making the technologies we use every day more intuitive and expressive a future we're excited to help usher in." The ThinkPad Z13 and Z16 Gen 2 will be available this summer, with prices starting at $1,249 for the Z13 and $1,749 for the Z16. Visit the Lenovo Z Series press release for more details, and the Lenovo press kit for the images and datasheet (in the Downloads section at the bottom). MEDIA CONTACT To learn more or schedule an interview with Sensel, please contact [email protected] For Sensel press materials, including logos and photos, please click here ABOUT SENSEL Sensel is building the next wave of interactive touch technologies to revolutionize how we physically communicate with the digital world. Our mission is to empower people to enjoy more intuitive and expressive interaction with their devices. Our cutting-edge architecture integrates touch-sensing, force-sensing, and haptics into a single solution, paving the way for our enterprise customers to create thinner form factors, advanced industrial designs, and exceptional customer experiences. Sensel was founded in 2013 and in 2015 launched the award-winning Morph, which brought the infinite modularity of a touchscreen to a tactile controller. In 2021, Sensel entered the PC market, enabling the haptic touchpads in Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Titanium Yoga and other laptops. Today, we're integrating our touch sensors, force sensors, and haptics into touchpads, automotive interfaces, phones, and other devices which utilize human touch. LENOVO and THINKPAD are trademarks of Lenovo. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. SOURCE Sensel Lucknow, Feb 26 : A special court in Lucknow has convicted eight suspected ISIS operatives in a terror conspiracy case. The convicts were also involved in an explosion onboard the Bhopal-Ujjain passenger train on March 7, 2017, which had left 10 people injured. The train explosion case is currently under trial. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday termed the conviction a "big shot in the arm" of the agency in its nationwide crackdown on members of the global terror group. The quantum of punishment will be pronounced by the special NIA court on February 27. The eight convicts are Mohammed Faisal, Gaus Mohd Khan, Azhar, Atif Muzaffar, Danish, Mir Hussain, Asif Iqbal Rocky and Mohammed Atif Irani who were arrested in 2017 in the "Kanpur conspiracy" case related to planning of terror acts. The case was registered under IPC, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, Arms Act and the Explosive Substances Act. The NIA investigations had revealed that the accused had prepared and tested some IEDs and had unsuccessfully tried to plant them at various locations in the state. The chargesheet was filed by NIA against the eight accused on August 31, 2017. The NIA had earlier seized a notebook from their Haji Colony in Lucknow hideout. The handwritten notes were about potential targets and details about bomb making. Investigations had also led to the discovery of several photographs of the accused making IEDs and even with weapons, ammunition and ISIS flag, the NIA said. The group had reportedly collected illegal weapons, explosives from various places. One of the accused, Atif Muzaffar, had also disclosed that he had compiled information on techniques to fabricate IEDs after collecting materials from various internet sources. Investigations revealed that Atif and three others, identified as Danish, Syed Meer Hasan and Saifulla, had been responsible for making the IED that was planted in the Bhopal-Ujjain passenger train. The train explosion on March 7, 2017, had left 10 injured. The NIA said the accused were members of ISIS and had sworn 'bayat' (allegiance) to the Islamic State and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Atif Muzaffar was the group's leader and was influenced by the propaganda of Zakir Naik. "All eight had come together to propagate ISIS ideology and promote its activities in India. In pursuit of this objective, Mohammad Faisal, Gaus Mohammad Khan, Atif Muzaffar, Danish, Saifulla had explored land routes. They had visited several key cities across the country, including Kolkata, Sundarbans, Srinagar, Amritsar, Wagah Border, Barmer, Jaisalmer, Mumbai, and Kozhikode. Gauss Mohammad Khan and Atif Muzaffar had, in fact, explored a route to cross over to Bangladesh via Sundarbans, according to the investigations. Faisal, Atif and Saifulla had also travelled to Kashmir in March 2016 in a bid to contact some terrorist groups that could help them to cross over to Pakistan, from where they could migrate to ISIS-controlled territories in Syria," said a NIA official. Jerusalem, Feb 26 : Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant spoke to US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin by phone over a series of regional issues, according to a statement by the Israeli Defense Ministry. The phone conversation on late Friday "focused on security developments in the Middle East", including the latest developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Iran's nuclear programme, Xinhua news ageny reported, citing the statement. Earlier this week, Israeli forces killed 11 Palestinians in a military raid on the West Bank city of Nablus, aggravating the already high tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. Ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which will begin in late March, there is concern that tensions will rise further, as the Israeli military has been conducting almost daily raids in the West Bank in an alleged attempt to arrest suspects in deadly Palestinian attacks. The two officials "discussed ways to ensure stability in the region during the upcoming holiday period" while "Gallant stressed the importance of maintaining a decisive position against terrorism" in the West Bank. Commenting on Iran's nuclear program, the Israeli minister "expressed his concern regarding Iran's continued nuclear enrichment and emphasized the importance of preventing a nuclear Iran," according to the statement. The Western media recently reported that uranium enriched to 84 percent purity was detected in Iran, which has been rejected by Tehran as a "distortion of the facts." Lucknow, Feb 26 : A woman donated one of her kidneys to her 22-year-old son, giving him a new lease of life. The kidney transplantation was carried out at the King George's Medical University (KGMU) on Saturday. This is the fourth kidney transplant at the university. Both the donor and the recipient are doing well and are currently under observation. Prof Vishwajit Singh, head of nephrology department at KGMU, said, "The patient was admitted to the hospital a week ago with swelling on his face and legs. Biopsy of his kidneys was done and it was found that he had glomerulonephritis -- an inflammation of the kidney that leads to kidney failure." Further tests revealed that he was suffering from high blood pressure for five years. "The family is from Lucknow and has only two members -- mother and son. The mother works in a private company. As soon as she came to know that her son could be saved through transplantation, she agreed to donate the organ to him," Prof Singh said. Prof Manoj Yadav, who was a part of the transplant team, said that the procedure was done free of cost under the Asadhya Rog Scheme. "A team of doctors from the urology and nephrology departments of SGPGIMS also assisted the KGMU doctors in the procedure," he said. Chief medical superintendent (CMS), KGMU, Prof S.N. Sankhwar said, "Both the donor and the recipient will be observed for two weeks to see if the receiving body has accepted the new organ and the donor has no other problem. If all goes well, they will be discharged. San Francisco, Feb 26 : Tech giant Microsoft has accidentally offered an "inaccurate" Windows 11 upgrade to unsupported PCs. "Some hardware ineligible Windows 10 and Windows 11, version 21H2 devices were offered an inaccurate upgrade to Windows 11," the tech giant said in a support note. "These ineligible devices did not meet the minimum requirements to run Window 11. Devices that experienced this issue were not able to complete the upgrade installation process." According to the company, this issue was detected on February 23 and was resolved on the same day. "This issue is resolved. It might take 24 to 48 hours to propagate to all affected devices. Affected users do not need to take any steps," it added. The affected platforms were Windows 10, version 22H2; Windows 11, version 21H2; Windows 10, version 21H2; Windows 10, version 20H2. In June last year, the tech giant had a similar issue when it offered the Windows 11 upgrade to PCs that were not officially supported. However, Microsoft had said: "It's a bug and the right team is investigating it." Los Angeles, Feb 26 : Two bicyclists were killed and 11 others seriously injured after they were hit by a pickup truck in the southwestern US state of Arizona, local media reported, citing police. The accident occurred just before 8 a.m. local time (1600 GMT) on Saturday on the Cotton Lane Bridge in Goodyear, a suburb of Phoenix, the capital city of Arizona, according to, the digital home of The Arizona Republic newspaper. The truck driver stayed at the scene after the fatal accident, Xinhua News Agency reported quoting the Goodyear Police Department. Officials said that an investigation is underway. Gov. Kathy Hochul has said she talks about Auburn when she visits other New York cities. Friday provided the latest example of Hochul's promotion of the city nicknamed "History's Hometown." Hochul unveiled the I LOVE NY Black travel initiative at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in Manhattan. The tourism campaign will promote Black culture and historic landmarks in New York, including the Colored Musicians Club in Buffalo, the John Brown Farm State Historic Site in Lake Placid and the Studio Museum in Harlem. The Harriet Tubman National Historical Park in Auburn is among the sites that will be highlighted by the new initiative. Hochul, who recalled reading a children's book that told Tubman's story, exuded pride that the abolitionist and civil rights icon called New York home during the latter part of her life. Tubman lived on South Street in Auburn and established the Home for the Aged and Indigent Negroes. Her brick residence and the Home for the Aged are now part of the national park. Hochul detailed William Seward's role in the story. Seward, who became President Abraham Lincoln's secretary of state, provided the land that Tubman settled on when she came to Auburn. The Seward House Museum is about a mile away from the Tubman park. She also discussed some of the gifts Tubman received, including a white shawl from Queen Victoria that is now on display in the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C., and her friendship with Frances Seward, William Seward's wife. "That's a story, hundreds of years ago, that still resonates with me today and I don't want to keep that to myself," Hochul said. The I LOVE NY Black travel initiative will be modeled after I LOVE NY LGBTQ, a tourism campaign that promotes sites connected to the LGBTQ movement, and Accessible NY, which showcases programs and places for people with accessibility needs. According to Hochul's office, the state Division of Tourism will work with international travel trade companies to create Black travel itineraries. Other state agencies and local tourism groups will also participate in the campaign. The goal of the new initiative is to promote New York as a vacation destination for Black travelers. New York has several Underground Railroad sites and various museums celebrating Black culture, including the Jackie Robinson Museum in Manhattan. "New York embraces its diversity, and we want to ensure that visitors from around the world recognize the opportunities to celebrate Black history and heritage throughout the state," said Hope Knight, CEO and commissioner of Empire State Development. Lucknow, Feb 26 : Mukhtar Ansari can step aside. Ateeq Ahmad is now the target of the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh. Ahmad, 62, has over 100 criminal cases lodged against him, including the latest one lodged with the Dhoomanganj police station in Prayagraj on Friday in connection with the murder of Umesh Pal, the main witness of the murder of BSP MLA Raju Pal in 2005. He is presently lodged in Sabarmati jail in Ahmedabad in Gujarat since 2019. In the Umesh Pal murder case, Ateeq's two sons Umar and Ali, his wife Shaista Parveen, brother Ashraf have also been booked. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed officials to ensure a 'complete crackdown on Ateeq Ahmad and his 'empire' "Mafia ko mitti mein mila denge," the chief minister said in the UP Assembly on Saturday. A senior police official, who spoke to IANS on condition of anonymity, said, "The Umesh Pal murder will prove to be the proverbial last nail in the coffin for Ateeq who has already been under the scanner. His ill-gotten wealth and properties have been seized. To have even dared to plan and execute the murder of Umesh Pal in this government, shows his sense of bravado. We have been asked to demolish the Ateeq Ahmad empire completely." Ateeq Ahmad had stepped into the crime world in 1979 after being named as accused in a murder case. Ateeq became active in politics in 1989 and made his debut in representative politics in the same year, winning the Allahabad West assembly seat as an Independent. Later, he retained the Allahabad West seat twice -- 1991 and 1993 -- as an independent candidate. However, in 1996, he contested on the same seat as SP candidate and won. After the SP showed him the door in 1998, he joined the Apna Dal (AD) in 1999 and contested from Pratapgarh but lost. He again won the Allahabad West seat in the 2002 Assembly elections on Apna Dal ticket. In 2003, Ateeq returned to the SP fold and in 2004, he won from the Phulpur Lok Sabha constituency -- the seat once held by India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Ateeq hit the headlines in January 2005, when BSP MLA Raju Pal was shot dead in broad daylight in Prayagraj. A by-election was held on the seat in 2005 and Ashraf won the election defeating BSP candidate Puja Pal, the widow of Raju Pal. In the 2007 elections, Ashraf again contested the Assembly polls from the SP but lost to Puja Pal of BSP. Ashraf was accused in Raju Pal murder and is presently in Bareilly jail. Five years later, in the 2012 Assembly elections Ateeq again tried his luck from Apna Dal from the same seat but lost to BSP's Puja Pal by a margin of 8,885 votes. He also contested the Lok Sabha elections in 2014 from Shravasti on SP ticket but lost. In 2019, while he was still in jail, Ateeq filed nomination from the Varanasi constituency against Prime Minister Narendra Modi but managed to get only 855 votes. According to police records, of the 100 FIRs lodged against Ateeq, 54 cases are under trial at various courts in the state. In the sustained drive against gangsters under the Yogi Adityanath government, property worth over Rs 150 crore belonging to Ateeq and his family members under the Gangster Act, has been attached. At one time, Ateeq wielded total control over real estate dealings in Prayagraj, Kaushambhi, Noida, Lucknow and other parts of the country, The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has been unearthing details about properties and ill-gotten wealth of the family. The Prayagraj district police and Special Task Force of the UP Police are also working overtime to compile details of the cases registered against family members of Ateeq across the state. Deputy SP (STF) Navendu Kumar said, "At least two or three cases were registered against two of Ateeq's sons -- Omar and Ali -- in different parts of the state and both are cooling heels in different jails. The first criminal case was filed against Ateeq's wife Shaista Parveen with Dhoomanganj police station on Friday night itself in connection with the killing of Umesh Pal." Ateeq was initially the only member of the family to make it to the police records. But soon others in the family too came under the police scanner. As per the police records over 40 criminal cases were pending against Ateeq's younger brother Ashraf. In January this year, Ateeq's wife Shaista joined the BSP in presence of senior party leaders and even announced to contest urban civic polls. However, her future in the BSP now seems uncertain after Mayawati advocated strong action against the guilty in the Prayagraj killing in which unidentified assailants shot dead Umesh Pal and his security personnel. In a tweet, she said, "The daylight killing of Umesh Pal, the main witness in the Raju Pal murder case and his gunner in Prayagraj is most sad and highly condemnable. This incident exposes the UP government's claim on law and order and the government must take the incident seriously and order a high-level inquiry so that the guilty can be sternly dealt with." Police officials admit that after the Umesh Pal murder, the spotlight will remain firmly glued on Ateeq Ahmad, his family and his gang. "Attention will move away from Mukhtar Ansari who took care not to commit any major crime during the Yogi Adityanath regime. Ateeq Ahmad's dare-devil attitude in this murder will cost him dear," said a senior police official. New Delhi, Feb 26 : Ahead of Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia's questioning by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday tweeted that the "whole party will welcome Sisodia when he comes out of jail". "I pray to God that you come out of jail soon, we will be eagerly waiting for you. We the parents, children and Delhities," a line from Arvind Kejriwal's tweet read. Sisodia had earlier tweeted that he was going to join the probe of the CBI once again, and will fully cooperate with the agency. "If I will spend a few months in jail, I don't care. We are followers of Bhagat Singh. He (Bhagat Singh) even chose to be hanged," Sisodia tweeted. Reacting to his tweet, Kejriwal replied that they will be waiting for his release from jail. "God is with you Manish. The wishes of lakhs of children and parents are with you. If you are going to jail for society and country, it will be a proud moment. You come out of jail, we will be waiting for you," Kejriwal tweeted. Sisodia said that he would first go to Rajghat for the prayer and then he will head towards the CBI's headquarters in Lodhi Colony. (Atul krishan can be approached at Los Angeles, Feb 26 : Hollywood star Hugh Jackman, who has 22-year-old Oscar and 17-year-old Ava with his wife Deborra-Lee Furness, believes that teenagers are now facing more pressures than ever before. Jackman told Sky News: "It's so hard to be a teenager, and I think particularly with the pandemic, I think it's incredibly difficult, reports "There's social media, all these things that are so different from what we grew up with. It was hard for me growing up as a teenager - it's a really difficult time for any kid, I think - but I would say right now it's the hardest it's ever been ... that's my sense of it." "And yet, having said that, I think there's real hope, I feel that the younger generation, those teenagers are much more open about talking about things. They're much more fluid and less judgemental about what group you're in or what sexuality you have - they don't care about any of that stuff and so I see a lot of hope, but I think it's really difficult for them." The actor is convinced that it's actually become easier for young people to express their fears and concerns without feeling judged. The Hollywood star now wishes that he had had "open conversations" during his own childhood. The 'Deadpool 3' actor said: "Thankfully, we are getting better at having open conversations about being more vulnerable, about accepting that we don't have all the answers, about relying on other people for help. "All of these things, I think, are long overdue. And, you know, I wish I could have had those conversations when I was a teenager." San Francisco, Feb 26 : Microsoft-owned ChatGPT has started replacing humans at workplaces as some companies have implemented the AI chatbot to perform the work being done earlier by employees, saving thousands of dollars. Companies that use ChatGPT said they saved money using the AI tool, with 48 per cent saved over $50,000 and 11 per cent saved over $100,000, according to a report in Fortune. Job advice platform surveyed 1,000 business leaders who either use or plan to use ChatGPT. It found that about half of their companies have implemented chatbots. And nearly half of this group say that "ChatGPT has already converted employees at their companies". "As this new technology is growing in the workplace right now, workers definitely need to think about how it may affect their current job responsibilities," Stacey Haller, chief career advisor at Resume Builder was quoted as saying in the report. Companies are using ChatGPT to write codes, copywriting and content creation, customer support and preparing meeting summaries. About 77 per cent of firms using ChatGPT said they use it to help write job descriptions and 66 per cent said the AI chatbot is drafting interview solicitations. In a survey, Resume Builder found that job seekers are also utilising AI chatbot ChatGPT for resumes and cover letters. Almost 1 in 2 current and recent job seekers have used ChatGPT to write their resumes and/or cover letters. Of the 1,000 respondents who admitted to using ChatGPT for their application materials, 72 per cent said they used the tool to write cover letters, and 51 per cent say they used it to write resumes. Most respondents were satisfied with the results from ChatGPT, as 76 per cent of respondents said the quality of application materials written by ChatGPT is 'high' or 'very high'. Additionally, 28 per cent said they only had to do 'a little bit' or 'no' editing to resumes and/or cover letters written by ChatGPT. Microsoft recently introduced AI-powered Bing search engine, Edge web browser, and integrated Chat. The company is testing it with a select set of people in over 169 countries to get real-world feedback to learn and improve. Hyderabad, Feb 26 : In a horrific act of revenge, an engineering student beheaded his friend, ripped out his heart and chopped off the private parts. The accused resorted to the macabre act as the victim was allegedly harassing his girlfriend, who was previously in a relationship with the victim. The bone-chilling crime was committed at Pedda Amberpet on the outskirts of Hyderabad on February 18 but came to light a week later when accused P. Hari Hara Krishna surrendered before police. The 21-year-old went to Abdullapurmet police station and confessed that he murdered his friend N. Naveen. Police investigation revealed that Krishna and Naveen were classmates in their college days in Dilsukhnagar. During that time, Naveen was in love with a girl but they later drifted apart due to some differences. The girl subsequently grew close to Krishna and they have been in a relationship for some time. Naveen allegedly started making calls and texting the girl and she told Krishna about this. An angry Krishna hatched a plan to kill Naveen. The accused invited him for a get-together on February 17 at his house in Dilsukhnagar. Later, Krishna offered to drop Naveen at his college hostel at Narketpally in Nalgonda district. Enroute, the accused consumed liquor and purchased a knife. In the early hours of February 18, Krishna strangled Naveen to death with a rope after picking up an argument. Not stopping at killing the victim, Krishna chopped off his head, cut the stomach open and ripped off his heart. The accused also chopped off the victim's private parts, fingers and threw them aside, a police officer said. Naveen's family had lodged a missing complaint with the police. As part of the investigations, police were questioning Krisha's family. However, the murder came to light only after the accused turned himself in before Abdullapurmet police station under Rachakonda police commissionerate. Naveen (22), was a tribal student of Mahatma Gandhi Engineering College, Nalgonda. His family members staged a protest outside the police station demanding justice. Police arrested Krishna on charges of murder and wiping out evidence. He has also been booked under Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. Chennai, Feb 26 : The Tamil Nadu health department is on alert after a slight increase in Covid cases in the state. On Saturday, 14 new Covid cases were reported with a Test positivity rate (TPR) of 0.3 per cent when 3,840 samples were tested. Of the 14 cases, Coimbatore reported four cases, two cases in Chennai city and one each in Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram, Madurai, Tiruchi, Virudhunagar, Krishnagiri, Tiruvallur and Tiruvarur. Sources in the state Public Health Department told IANS that all the District Medical Officers have been sounded to increase random testing. The department has also directed the District Medical Officers to reinforce the guidelines -- increase the use of masks, safe distancing, cleaning and washing of hands using soap water. Tamil Nadu has a total of 76 active cases with the highest number of cases reported from Coimbatore. There were no fatalities reported from the state in the past 24 hours. The state health minister, Ma Subramanian while speaking to IANS said, "Nothing to fear about the slight increase in Covid cases, but we have directed the state public health department to be on alert and to direct all the District Medical Officers to increase random testing of samples. We have also directed the health officials to create awareness among people regarding the use of masks, regular washing of hands, and safe distancing." The state police are also given alerts and police are creating awareness among the motorists and general public to maintain Covid safety measures, including wearing masks, washing hands regularly as well as safe distancing. Los Angeles, Feb 26 : Hollywood star Will Smith won the NAACP Image Award for outstanding actor in a motion picture for his performance in 'Emancipation' on Saturday night, marking his first award win since his infamous incident at the 2022 Oscars in which he slapped Chris Rock onstage. Smith was not present at the ceremony to accept his award in person, reports Variety. Set in 19th century Louisiana, Smith portrays a runaway slave who embarks on a treacherous journey to Baton Rouge while thwarting violent plantation owners. 'Emancipation' was inspired by an 1863 photograph known as 'Whipped Peter', which depicts a once-enslaved individual with severe lacerations on his back. The image's circulation placed the brutality of slavery in front of the eyes of the American public. After initially delaying 'Emancipation' following Smith's incident at the Oscars, Apple TV+ pivoted to positioning the historical drama as an awards season contender, releasing the film in October. Smith, who doubled as a producer on the film, is set to accept a Beacon Award from the African-American Film Critics Association alongside director Antoine Fuqua on March 1 for their work on the film. The film also scored nominations in two categories at the Black Reel Awards. Smith's win comes almost a year after the contentious 2022 Oscars, where the actor slapped Rock after an ill-received joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. Moments later, Smith went on to win the Oscar for best actor for his performance in 'King Richard'. As a result of the altercation, Smith was banned from all Academy-sponsored events for the next decade. Daniel Kaluuya ('Nope'), Jonathan Majors ('Devotion'), Joshua Boone ('A Jazzman's Blues') and Sterling K. Brown ('Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul') were also contending in the actor in a motion picture category at the NAACP Image Awards. A four-day virtual awards presentation led up to the February 25 NAACP Image Awards, held in-person for the first time since February 2020. Live from the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, Queen Latifah hosted the 54th annual awards show, which crowned winners in this year's motion picture and television categories. New Delhi, Feb 26 : China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) started in 2013, with $62 billion spent to date. But now debt-ridden Pakistan is casting around for loans to pay older loans. The "unbreakable bonds" of Pak-China friendship are under stress, Pakistani nuclear physicist and activist Pervez Hoodbhoy wrote in Dawn. "China is probably guilty of short-selling us - most IPP deals are considered a scam. So are tax exemptions to Chinese companies. Duty-free imports from China have driven many local manufacturers to bankruptcy. But it was our trumpet blowers who sold to us the nonsense of CPEC as a Marshall Plan for Pakistan. Europe was ruined by war, but Pakistan fell on its knees because of its own doing," he said. According to IMF data, China holds roughly $30bn of Pakistan's $126bn total external foreign debt. This is thrice its IMF debt ($7.8bn) and exceeds its borrowings from the World Bank and Asian Development Bank combined, Hoodbhoy said. "So why is mighty China awaiting the green signal from American-led IMF before releasing some relief? Shouldn't it at least reschedule Pakistan's debt? Or, better, wipe it off? Let's face it: these are naive hopes. Chinese capitalism - like any other capitalism - is about profit, not philanthropy, he added. Chinese companies, state or private, are like other companies. Being under their government's instructions to view Pakistan as a strategic ally, they understand Gwadar gives entry to the warm waters of the Persian Gulf - those which allegedly attracted USSR into invading Afghanistan. But they tread cautiously; Pakistan is not the world's best place to park your capital, Hoodbhoy said. CPEC was built around a fatally flawed premise. It presumed that infrastructure - roads, bridges and electricity - alone will create growth and jobs. This is like assuming abundant water, soil, and fertiliser will yield a rich harvest. But the crucial input is seed - human capital. And here's where things went awry, he said. As talk turns towards debt traps and comparisons with Sri Lanka, anxiety and anger is growing. Pakistan and China have reached a deal for a $700 million commercial loan, reviving prospects for a total of $2 billion injection from the friendly country -- a move that might temporarily stabilise the extremely thin foreign currency reserves until the International Monetary Fund (IMF) money started pouring in, The Express Tribune reported. The development came days before Pakistan was scheduled to return another $300 million Chinese commercial loan. The agreement for the $700 million loan between Pakistan and the China Development Bank was reached at the weekend. Pakistan had also paid back a total of $1.3 billion for two commercial loans to the ICBC over two months ago in the hope of receiving back the money immediately. However, the ICBC did not refinance the two separate facilities -- $800 million and $500 million -- which contributed to a significant reduction in the country's foreign exchange reserves. This time, the Chinese commercial banks took a longer time in finalising the new agreements because of certain complexities involved in these transactions and the bilateral relations, Express Tribune reported. It is now expected that the ICBC would reimburse one loan this month and the second one in March. Pakistan's gross official foreign exchange reserves stood at $3.2 billion as of last week, which may plunge further in the absence of any new foreign loan. Washington, Feb 26 : Pakistan has had more than 20 bailouts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and is reportedly preparing to seek another one, even as it has still to receive the last tranche from the bailout programme currently underway. That's roughly a bailout every 3.5 years since independence. This might not be a sign of failed state or economy, but it's surely a resume crying for a reserved spot outside the IMF headquarters on 19th Street, NW Washington D.C., for a Pakistani representative with a hat and a bowl. Pakistani officials have just announced that they have accepted -- unwillingly -- all the conditions set by the IMF to access the remaining $1 billion of the $6.5 billion of the bailout package cleared in 2019. "We have to accept, unwillingly, the strict conditions for the IMF deal," Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Friday. Sharif did not have a choice. His country's foreign reserve has dipped to $3 billion, which is just enough for Pakistan to see through the next three weeks. Its long-time lenders in West Asia, whose generosity Islamabad had come to rely on, also let it be known that their money was also tied to Pakistan's agreement to the policy conditions laid out by the IMF for it to release the last tranche. China, which already accounts for 30% of Pakistan's external debt, has extended a loan of $700 million to enable Islamabad to pay some of that same external debt. But it's really the pusher passing a free hit to an addict to keep them hooked. Pakistan and IMF officials had been in negotiations since early February. A team of IMF officials was in Islamabad. The team left for Washington without a deal. "Considerable progress was made during the mission on policy measures to address domestic and external imbalances," the fund said in a statement. And it went on to spell out its conditions that had not been met until then. "Key priorities include strengthening the fiscal position with permanent revenue measures and reduction in un-targeted subsidies, while scaling up social protection to help the most vulnerable and those affected by the floods; allowing the exchange rate to be market determined to gradually eliminate the foreign exchange shortage; and enhancing energy provision by preventing further accumulation of circular debt and ensuring the viability of the energy sector." In short, the IMF wants Pakistan to withdraw fuel subsidies and let the burden of rising prices fall directly on consumers, removal of other subsidies and raising taxes. That remaining $1 billion will be released when the two sides sign the agreement, which should be a mere formality now that the Sharif government has relented. Pakistan may need another bailout package to climb out of the ongoing economic mess and there are reports a fresh request is on the way. The IMF did not respond to an email asking if Pakistan had made such a request. Pakistan has had 22 IMF bailout starting with $25 million in December 1958, two months after the country saw its first military coup, by General Ayub Khan. And then the rest. Raipur, Feb 26 : Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Sunday said that it was good that the party came up with new resolutions, but these should be implemented on the ground. She was addressing the 85th plenary session of the Congress, which is underway in Raipur. "We want to take our organisation up to the mandal and block level, but this should not be in papers only, and the leaders should reach out to the people and tell them what the Congress party thinks of the common people. "The Congress delegates should go to each house and talk about our programmes so that people know what the party is doing for them." She attacked the government and said that the agencies were behind the Congress leaders, "if they call us for questioning for two days the workers are kept in jail for months. During the plenary the ED is raiding Chhattisgarh." Congress party has decided to give 50 per cent reservation to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, minorities and women in the party. "The Congress party on Saturday amended the party's constitution to ensure 50 per cent reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, women and minorities in all party posts, including representatives at the state level (PCC) and national level (AICC)," said the party. 100 years ago 1923: Isabel Jemenez of Flagstaff sashayed into Coconino County Clerk Tom L. Rees office last Friday with a pretty girl on his arm and got a marriage license. Then someone wised him up that the license would be a dangerous thing to monkey with until he could show along with it a decree of divorce from his present wife. So Isabel deferred his hopes a while and got Frank Gold busy next day filing a suit for divorce. He says he was married in old Mexico in 1904 and his wife left him, that he doesnt know where she went, or where she is, or anything else about her. Encouraging news was brought back from Oak Creek on Monday by members of county board of supervisors. If the government engineer now making a survey of the proposed Oak Creek highway will endorse the county engineers plan to build two bridges over Oak Creek, the bad places in the canyon section of the highway can soon be fixed with funds now in hand, thus throwing the entire road open to travel and cutting 90 miles from the distance between here and Prescott and other eastern Yavapai County towns. Former county engineer Wright had laid out a route for the new highway along this side of the creek, but his successor says the dangerous parts along this route cannot be eliminated with the funds the county has available and recommends a jump across the creek below the bad stretch to easier going on the other side, jumping back to this side with another bridge farther up after the bad stretch has been passed. 75 years ago 1948: While most of the United States, indeed the world, is suffering a severe shortage of electric power and use-curtailment plans are being put into effect, northern Arizonas electric generating capacity by the end of this year will be three times the total output as of January last year, and a reserve pool will develop. Thus, this bright picture was unveiled with announcement by the Saginaw and Manistee Lumber Co., operators of one of Flagstaffs big lumber mills, to install at 4,500-KWH power plant. It has contracted with the Arizona Power Company to furnish a substantial amount of firm power for use in the utilitys network in northern Arizona. Earlier, the Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc., negotiated a similar arrangement with the utility. A significant economic factor in these operations is that the lumber mills will utilize sawmill waste for fuel in the generation of power. That waste, formerly converted only into smoke, now foretells the unleashing of a flood of electric power to pour into the utilitys lines to amply take care of present demands and creating a surplus to the call for more capacity to come through the development of northern Arizona. Duel in the Shade, a comedy movie takeoff on the well-known Duel in the Sun, made by Myron Sutton, Flagstaff student at the collage here, has been selected as the picture of the month by the National Home Movie Magazine of Los Angeles. Mr. Sutton sent his home movie to the magazine editors for criticism, and it was selected as an outstanding production. An article telling about it will appear in next months issue of the magazine. On their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Hochderffer, Laton, California, were remarried at special services including a Mass. Present were many guests, including George Hochderffer of Flagstaff and Frederics brother, who served as best man. Frederic Hochderffer came to Flagstaff in 1887 (at 14) with his parents and he met his bride-to-be, Miss Mary Shontz, in Flagstaff. She is also a pioneer, moving here with her parents from Culver, Montana. They married Dec. 30, 1897, in Culver, and on their return, Fred was employed by the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad as civil engineer in construction of Walnut Dam in Walnut Canyon. He built the first elevated tramway for the Riordans, operating the Arizona Lumber and Timber company, the Summit schoolhouse, etc. 50 years ago 1973: Powwow is a go for this summer. The Pow Wow Committee today decided upon June 29-30 and July 1-2 as the dates for the 1973 celebration. Some concern had been expressed about holding the annual event this year, following disturbances at last summers four-day celebration. However, committee members were unanimous in going ahead with plans for this years powwow and in seeking solutions to the sanitation, traffic and camping problems that have been associated with the event in past years. The Indian dances will begin Friday night, and continue through Saturday. The rodeo starts Saturday and runs through Monday. Three parades are scheduled for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. And the Chiefs Breakfast will be Saturday, June 30. A decision also was made to bar all food stands. Visiting Indians always set up seven or eight stands, but new health standards imposed by Coconino County Health Department make it impossible for the committee to sell permits, it was noted. EDITOR: In a letter of Feb. 19, one says: The school board and the schools admit to being behind scholastically to other parts of the country by at least two years. This so-called fact is not true. In the last Stanford achievement test almost 80% of our students in grades first through third scored average to superior. The stanines (average grade) in grades first through third were slightly below average (two or three months, not years.) This is primarily due to the large number of bilingual students we have. To many of these students, English is a second language. In fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grades, the stanines were average, in grades eighth and ninth, the stanines were superior. I can understand the confusion since the tests were reported wrong to the school board and the correction hasnt made the front page of the paper. When the scores were reported to the board, the fifth-grade scores were wrong due to an error in the reading of a computer printout. New Delhi, Feb 26 : The Delhi Police has imposed CrPC 144 in and around areas of CBI headquarters to avoid unwanted gathering and to ensure law and order situations. It is being done to stop AAP workers from reaching near CBI headquarters where questioning of Delhi's Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia is going on in connection with the alleged excise policy scam case. He reached the CBI headquarters at 11.10 a.m. Before joining the probe, Sisodia went to Rajghat along with other party leaders Sanjay Singh and Saurabh Bhardwaj to offer prayers. Sisodia earlier tweeted that CBI has planned to arrest him but he is not afraid of going to jail. In reply to Sisodia's tweet, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that they would be eagerly waiting for his release from jail. Meerut : Feb 26 (IANS) After the UP administration initiated a crackdown against illegal farming activity on Haiderpur Wetland, the Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) has 'threatened to launch an agitation against the uprooting of farmers.' The 6,908-hectare Ramsar site (a wetland site designated to be of international importance) lies within the Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary, The area spread across hundreds of acres on the wetland site was witnessing illegal cultivation right. Muzaffarnagar district magistrate Arvind Bangari formed a joint committee of various departments to initiate action. BKU district president of Muzaffarnagar, Yogesh Sharma, said, "The crackdown began when the wheat crop started maturing. This crop is worth crores of rupees in a country where, even today, many go to sleep without food. The cultivation is not new and has been going on for ages. The crop did not mature overnight. It has been months since the cultivation started right in front of the authorities. Why were they quiet all this time?" He further said that those being evacuated are landless farmers who have taken loans. "We will launch a massive agitation if this uprooting is not stopped. We will hand over the land once harvest is complete," he said. Interestingly, to date, none of the departments, including UP irrigation, UP forest division and gram sabha, have a clear idea of the demarcation of their jurisdictions. Even the border between the two districts, Muzaffarnagar and Bijnor, is unclear. BKU activists had staged a protest on Friday against the action being taken against the encroachment. "Managing the wetland is the forest department's task even though a major portion of land belongs to the irrigation department. We have asked these departments to demarcate their areas and then monitor if there is an encroachment. We will provide all help in terms of police or administrative machinery," the district magistrate said. Farmers said, "Four days ago, the administration destroyed 10 acres of wheat crop. This is the land where our ancestors used to cultivate crops. The destroyed crop was worth lakhs. If it was illegal, why was the administration sitting quietly for months?" They further said, "We needed just 45 more days for harvest. But the administration ruthlessly ran tractors on our crop. This is our land. We have documents. It is the government departments that have little idea about their jurisdiction. They have committed a grave sin against the farmers." The Haiderpur Wetland, situated on the Muzaffarnagar-Bijnor border in Uttar Pradesh, was designated as the country's 47th and globally the 2,463rd Ramsar site in 2021. Assembly polls: Meghalaya to witness multi-corner contest on most seats. Image Source: IANS News Assembly polls: Meghalaya to witness multi-corner contest on most seats. Image Source: IANS News Assembly polls: Meghalaya to witness multi-corner contest on most seats. Image Source: IANS News Assembly polls: Meghalaya to witness multi-corner contest on most seats. Image Source: IANS News Assembly polls: Meghalaya to witness multi-corner contest on most seats. Image Source: IANS News Kohima, Feb 26 : Triangular to multi-cornered contests are on the cards in 59 of the 60 Nagaland Assembly constituencies, which go to the polls on Monday under a massive security measure. BJP candidate Kazheto Kinimi was re-elected unopposed from the Akuluto Assembly constituency after his only opponent and Congress nominee Khekashe Sumi withdrew his candidature on the last day of the withdrawal of nominations on February 10. The voting would start at 7 a.m. in the morning and it would continue till 4 p.m. without any break in 16 districts. Nagaland Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) V. Shashank Shekhar said that over 11,500 polling staff accompanied by security personnel have already reached 2,315 polling stations in 59 Assembly constituencies. According to the election officials, around 13 lakh voters, including 6,55,144 women would decide the electoral fate of 183 candidates, including four women nominees in Monday's elections. In the 2018 Assembly polls, 190 candidates, including five women, had contested the elections. To ensure a free, fair and incident-free election, the Union Home Ministry, at the request of the state government, has provided 305 companies of Central Armed Police Force, while the state security forces have also been deployed across the mountainous state. In all, 12 political parties comprising national and state parties are in the fray. The ruling Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) is contesting the election on 40 seats while its partner the BJP has fielded candidates on 20 seats. The Congress has given tickets to 23 candidates, while the Naga People's Front is contesting 22 seats. Other parties, including the RJD, Ram Vilas Paswan faction of the LJP, National People's Party headed by Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K. Sangma, and the NCP are also in the fray. There are 19 independent candidates in the fray as well. Chief Minister and senior NDPP leader Neiphiu Rio (Northern Angami-II), Deputy Chief Minister and BJP legislature party leader Yanthungo Patton (Tyui), former Chief Minister Taditui Rangkau Zeliang (Peren) Nagaland unit BJP president Temjen Imna Along (Alongtaki), Nagaland Congress president Kewekhape Therie (Dimapur) are seeking re-elections. Non settlement of decades old Naga political imbroglio, demand for a separate state --'Frontier Nagaland' - unemployment, illegal drug peddling and menace, besides various anti-incumbency factors are the main issues in the elections. Votes in Nagaland would be counted on March 2 along with Meghalaya and Tripura. Ankara, Feb 26 : More than 600 people are being investigated in Turkey over buildings that gave way after the February 6 devastating earthquake. In connection with the tragedy, around 184 suspects, including construction contractors and property owners, had already been arrested, Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said in televised remarks on Saturday, BBC reported. As per Turkish media, the arrested include a mayor of one of the towns close to where the tremors rocked. On opposition and construction experts charging Turkish government with failing to enforce building regulations, though President Recep Tayyip Erdogan admitted shortcomings, he blamed the fate for the scale of disaster. The combined death toll in Turkey and Syria has surpassed 50,000. Prayagraj : , Feb 26 (IANS) The Prayagraj Police have seized an abandoned Creta car from near the residence of jailed mafia don Ateeq Ahmad. The car, without a number plate, was apparently used in the killing of Umesh Pal, the prime witness in the 2005 murder of BSP MLA Raju Pal. Ateeq Ahmad and his brother Ashraf are accused in the murder, a police spokesman said. Umesh Pal was shot dead on Friday evening in front of his house. Pal's post-mortem report has revealed that he was shot seven times - six of the bullets went through while one was found lodged in his body. His body had 13 injuries, the report added. The Uttar Pradesh Police has formed 10 teams to look for the attackers, who shot dead Umesh Pal. The police teams are extensively checking all Prayagraj exit routes, including borders, bus stands, and the airport as they suspect that the assailants have not yet left the city. The Lucknow team of Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (UPSTF) has also reached Prayagraj along with UP STF's Prayagraj unit headed by an Additional SP rank officer and two Deputy SPs of Lucknow. The police are also conducting overnight raids at the hideouts of the suspects. The Prayagraj Police has filed an FIR against Atiq's brother, wife Shaista Praveen and his two sons and arrested 14 people in connection with the Umesh Pal murder case. A total of 14 suspects, including Atiq Ahmed's sons, have been held for questioning. Atiq Ahmed, his brother and ex-MLA Ashraf are prime accused in the Raju Pal murder case. All the accused are presently lodged in jail. The police are also investigating Umesh Pal's property disputes. Islamabad, Feb 26 : At least four people were killed and 10 others wounded on Sunday in a bomb blast in Pakistan's Balochistan province, the police said. According to the police, the blast took place in the Rukni Bazaar, a busy market in the Barkhan district of the province. An explosive device planted in a motorcycle was detonated with a remote-controlled device, Xinhua News Agency reported. Police, security forces and rescue teams rushed to the site and shifted the bodies and the injured to a nearby hospital. The area has been condoned off by the police. Hospital officials feared that the death toll might rise as some of the injured were in critical condition. No group claimed the deadly attack yet. Earlier on Saturday evening, unknown terrorists attacked a police vehicle with a roadside bomb in the Khuzdar district of Balochistan, killing two policemen and leaving two others injured. Thiruvananthapuram, Feb 26 : Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Sunday rejected the recommendation by the state Administrative Reforms Commission for providing a holiday to state government employees on the fourth Saturday. The suggestion was to bring the state government employees equivalent to the bank employees who have an off day on the fourth Saturday. The Chief Minister's action came following the stringent opposition by the Left trade unions to the conditions put forward by the government for leave on the fourth Saturday. The government had suggested lowering the number of casual leaves from 20 to 18 but the trade unions strongly objected to this suggestion including the Left trade unions. The government had also suggested increasing the working hours from the present timings of 10.15 a.m. to 10 a.m. and to conclude the work at 5.15 p.m. instead of 5 p.m. The trade unions opposed the suggestion. Sources in the General Administration department told IANS that the chief minister had shot down the recommendation of a fourth Saturday holiday to the government employees due to the trade unions opposing all suggestions made by the government. Chennai, Feb 26 : The Kerala Water Authority after testing the water sample of Kasargode government college in North Kerala has confirmed the presence of e-coli bacteria in the drinking water specimen. The test was conducted on Sunday after students complained of impure drinking water in the college. According to KWA authorities, the e-coli count was 16 per 100 ml of water while zero count in 100 ml of water is considered as safe. Former Principal of the College, Prof M. Rema who was transferred following a tiff with the students had claimed that the water was safe for drinking. The students and principal were in a confrontation for the past few months. Following a stir by the SFI, the students' wing of the CPI(M), the principal was transferred. The students had complained that the principal had locked them up in her cabin. However, the principal had argued that the SFI students were involved in several nefarious activities in the college and that she was being targeted because of the strong stand she had taken against the SFI students. The former principal had petitioned the Kasargod district police superintendent against the SFI activists trying to physically assault her, and police had registered FIR against 60 SFI activists. The students will be holding a protest march on the college campus on Monday and will also file a complaint with the police. New Delhi, Feb 26 : Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President J.P. Nadda alongwith general secretaries, office-bearers and security staff listened 'Mann ki Baat' at party headquarters in Delhi. National general secretary B.L. Santosh (Organisation), general secretaries Tarun Chugh, Dushyant Gautam, Arun Singh, C.T. Ravi and others were also there. BJP chief spokesperson Anil Baluni along with security staff listened 98th episode of 'Mann ki Baat'. Prime Minster Narendra Modi addressed 98th episode of 'Mann ki Baat' on Sunday. In the 'Mann ki Baat', he urged the citizens to read about the lives and stories of people who have been conferred with the 'Padma' awards. He also drew listeners' attention to the problem of mounting e-waste and the consequences it can have on biodiversity as he said there is a need to create awareness about the safe disposal of gadgets. The Prime Minister also lauded the country for its efforts to conserve the wetlands and increase their number in the past eight years. He extended early wishes for Holi to people appealing them to celebrate the festival keeping 'vocal for local theme' in mind. Hyderabad, Feb 26 : In yet another incident of youth succumbing to cardiac arrest, a 19-year-old collapsed and died while dancing at a wedding of his relative. The incident occurred on Saturday night when Mutyam, a native of Maharashtra, was dancing at the wedding reception of a relative in Pardi village of Nirmal district, about 200 km from Hyderabad. The video of the incident went viral on social media. The young man was in a celebratory mood and was dancing to a popular number in the presence of the guests. While dancing, he suddenly collapsed and fell unconscious. The guests rushed him to Bhainsa Area Hospital, where doctors declared him dead on arrival. Doctors said the youth may have suffered massive cardiac arrest. This is the second such incident in Telangana in four days. A 24-year-old police constable died of cardiac arrest while working out at a gym in Hyderabad on February 22. There have been 13 jury trials in Coconino County Superior Court so far this fiscal year. The historical average is 15. In a way, that number represents a return to normal or at least a new normal after the arrival of COVID-19. Coconino Countys justice system never shut down during the pandemic, but it was slowed by restrictions on in-person proceedings. This time last year, the Coconino County Attorneys Office had about 600 cases waiting for review, compared to a historical average of 400. Now, according to Coconino County Attorney Bill Ring, the COVID backlog has been worked through, but the justice system locally is still overloaded. Were turning cases around and running them through the grand jury. We present between 10 and 15 cases a week to the grand jury. Were keeping up. Were operating at full capacity, said Ring. Once we introduce cases into the system, were like an 8-inch pipe thats feeding into a 4-inch pipe, and thats a problem for the community. All communities generate crime and legal disputes, and Coconino County is no exception. Its larger than Sweden at over 18,000 square miles. More than 100,000 people live here. Still, the number of cases coming through the superior courthouse is higher than an average person might expect given the number of citizens. Coconino County is also home to major interstate highways and attractions like Grand Canyon National Park, with both bringing more traffic and subsequent crime to the region. The daily traffic counts in Coconino County are almost 52,000 daily trips on average. Some days its more than 65,000. There are that many people just moving through our county every day. Some of that traffic generates crime, Ring said. There were 63 total interdiction stops in 2017 on federal highways 61 on I-40. We have these federal installations. On the interstate, theres a tremendous amount of traffic. Those people are not from here. In 2022, 49% of defendants prosecuted by the Coconino County Attorneys Office were not from the county, and 28% of the victims in those cases live in another zip code. Our court system is undersized for the amount of work that were asked to do, said Ring. Were 145,000 people in a county the size of the State of Maryland. If we were a county in Iowa, you could scale the amount of activity ... we could right size ourselves to our revenue and size. As a tourism and leisure economy, we have more than 10 million visitors that come to Coconino County to visit federal attractions. As pandemic fears wain and COVID restrictions lift, the criminal caseload might actually be increasing. Thats something thats pretty unique for our county; thats not factored into just the simple population. ... I think that the growth of tourism leads to an increase in cases, said Coconino County Superior Court Presiding Judge Dan Slayton. Well just continue to see the increase in cases that are related to a population that is traveling more and wanting to get out more. According to Ring, Coconino County needs more infrastructure to grapple with the onslaught, and his office is only one cog in the wheel of justice. Right now were doing two cases, two trials at once. Thats limited by, No. 1, our facilities and where we can do it, but also by our staff, our court security officers. You have to have at least one court security officer for each jury. You still have to have court security officers available for all of the other hearings that take place down at the front, Slayton said. Were going to get bigger. Were going to need more courtrooms. Were going to need more prosecutors. Were going to need more public defenders, legal defenders, probation officers, court security folks. I mean, its just kind of the way that our future is going to go. Right now, Coconino County Superior Court has more divisions, more judges and more judicial assistants than they have courtrooms. Literally, were one courtroom short. So, we have a judge with no courtroom. That judge swaps out with another judge, and they borrow the courtroom that is associated with another office. That judge doesnt have a courtroom, so theres a lot of hopscotching going around, said Judge Ted Reed, Coconino Countys associate presiding judge. Its a big logistical challenge because every judge, not just the ones that have jury trials, has a heavy calendar and cant just skip down the hall and not do something for a week or six weeks. Reed also points out that jury trials are all-encompassing. They demand a high level of attention from everyone involved, and they can cause other matters to shift in the schedule until they can be addressed by judicial personnel. Its not just the trial judge, its the attorneys, too. Defense attorneys will have 30 other cases or so that theyll not be addressing while the trial is going on, Reed said. Staffing challenges are not unfamiliar to the clerks office they have eight vacancies on an already small team. Im really barely fully staffed, said Valerie Wyant, the clerk of superior court in Coconino County. Her office doesnt just process all of the paperwork and records for criminal proceedings. Staff regularly stay late and clock weekend hours to process appeals, manage court finances and juries, maintain and organize official records, process family law and child support matters, and even issue marriage licenses among other duties. Ultimately, were the official record keeper, so everything thats incoming and outgoing, we hold that record here, Wyant said. We create a case, we open a case, assign it a case number and a judge. If its a criminal case it would start with an arraignment. All the way through to case management conferences there could be a change of plea, could be a jury trial, and then ultimately, whatever that conviction would be, were gathering summary minutes along the way. Wyants office has one dedicated clerk for family law, one appeals clerk and one front counter person. Everyones plate, Wyant said, is full. In need of rescue Coconino County was afforded funding through the American Rescue Plan Act, which created new positions. Wyant said: We were awarded two positions, but what we did is we broke it down to two point five positions in one. The reason we did that is because the person who used to be our appeals clerk retired, but then she came back on as an ARPA to help us out. That has been a blessing, because our appeals position has been vacant ever sense. Thats a critical role of the clerks office, processing appeals. You can appreciate trying to do that work, plus just everyday customer service, phones, all of it with this small staff is quite a challenge. At the clerks office every vacancy is felt deeply. One job has been unoccupied since July. The tasks associated with that role have been redistributed, adding to the workload of existing staff. That increases the likelihood for burnout, Wyant said, especially in the face of heavy caseloads that show no signs of becoming lighter. It definitely does not feel in any way that we have slowed down, even around the holidays. The judges and council will start to take their vacation time which is usually fabulous for us because it gives us the capacity to try and get caught up. This year, it didnt even feel like that, Wyant said. She stresses that her team needs and deserves opportunities to replenish their cup and take care of themselves to reduce the likelihood of burnout. She also said an increase in available pay for clerks staff could make a difference, too. We have a high turnover and sometimes people dont understand that. If youre only making $19.50 an hour and youre working as hard as you can, you have to be successful at the clerks office or youll be looking somewhere else. That burnout happens quick, Wyant said. Ring said he believes a system-wide approach is necessary to help right-size Coconino Countys justice system to meet the demands of a tourism and leisure economy, and growing population. What Im doing is, Im going to take a systems approach to our justice services. Were going to look at the entire justice system and decide how we can make it more efficient and effective, Ring said. That could include hiring more personnel and building a more robust budget, he said. It starts with appeals for more funding. Ring recently spoke with Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema, about the countys needs. We need a federal appropriation to compensate us for the burden of federal activity. Activity that is generated as a result of having federal attractions in our backyard, Ring said. In the meantime, COVID might have put some roadblocks in the path of justice, but it also offered opportunities for innovation. Those innovations are helping in the short term. Remote appearances and zoom have become staples. The clerks office instituted online jury questionnaires, which have sped up the selection process and helped reduce the number of people coming in and out of the downtown courthouse. Where physical infrastructure comes up short digital infrastructure is helping to keep the system running. Reed said virtual court appearances have helped reduce some of the need for courtroom borrowing. However, the use of Zoom in the courtroom hasnt been coming up roses all around. I agree that Zoom hearings are very efficient. Theyre very convenient for both attorneys and defendants to make sure they participate, said Slayton. My concern is that through all of this issue with the pandemic and afterwards, we might be digitizing the humanity out of our judicial system. We found that the personal touch, the personal face-to-face communication actually enhances the ability for cases to be resolved at least in a criminal sense. Slayton said theres a level of seriousness attached to court proceedings that can be easily lost behind a screen. Beyond case resolution, what were trying to achieve is community safety though behavioral change, Reed said. If a person is in custody, we can do a change of plea and we can do a sentencing hearing after several case management conferences and an arraignment all by video. The defendant has never once stepped into the courtroom. The defendant has never once been in the same room as the prosecutor or the judge. So, if this is a probation case, for example, you may not have established the relationship between the defendant and the judge that effectuates the behavioral change. Zoom is occasionally less reliable than older forms of remote appearance that have been available to litigants or defendants. According to Slayton, internet access is not reliable in large rural portions of the county and a simple phone call is often more effective for communication than web-based video-conferencing software. Whatever the future of video conferencing in the courtroom might be, long-term solutions are needed to help Coconino County manage growth and keep pace with streams of incoming criminal and civil proceedings. Cases are not going unprosecuted. We prosecute the cases that deserve it. Were not backlogged in that sense. Public safety is not at risk, but our services are over capacity, Ring said. We need a remedy that comes from new facilities and additional key people in key places. San Francisco, Feb 26 : A US man has been arrested who stalked his ex-wife using Apple's AirTag. According to the police, Carlos Atkins is not the first stalker to be jailed because of AirTags, reports AppleInsider. Atkins is said to have located the victim's vehicle so that he could place roses on it. "His unnamed ex-wife found the AirTag in her car, and reportedly Atkins has confessed that he placed it there," the report mentioned. Atkins also claimed that he wanted to see his and his ex-wife's children. Commenting on the issue of stalking, an Apple spokesperson said, "AirTag was designed to help people locate their personal belongings, not to track people or another person's property." "We condemn in the strongest possible terms any malicious use of our products," the spokesperson added. In December last year, the authorities had arrested a US man after knowing that he placed AirTags on a victim's car to stalk them. Los Angeles, Feb 26 : Rapper Cardi B is performing community service and she is loving it. She has said that performing community service has changed her perspective on life. After revealing on social media that she's started her 15 days of community service this week - the result of a plea deal stemming from an 2018 strip club brawl in Queens, New York - the 'Bodak Yellow' rapper and mom (whose real name is Belcalis Almanzar) shared how the experience has opened her eyes to something bigger than herself, reports People magazine. "Community service has been the best thing that has happened to me. Almost like a spiritual journey because sometimes I leave these centres in tears. Those people that we leave behind they just need somebody to talk and a lil push and YOU might be able to change their life forever," Cardi, 30, tweeted. As per People, Cardi's court case was a result of an incident that occurred in August 2018, when two bartenders at Angel's Strip Club claimed that Cardi ordered an attack on them because she believed her husband Offset had had an affair with one of them, according to the The New York Times and TMZ. The musician, who had 10 charges dismissed, pled guilty in September to two misdemeanour charges of assault in the third degree and reckless endangerment. She accepted a plea deal that handed her a three-year order of protection from the women involved in the scuffle, plus the slate of community service duty. New Delhi, Feb 26 : The Delhi Police on Sunday said that despite the imposition of section 144 CrPC the AAP workers and leaders were staging protests and blocking the traffic movement due to which they had to detain around 50 of them, including women in the smooth functioning of the traffic. "The protesters were trying to go towards Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)'s Headquarters and despite requests they were not budging," said the police. They were taken to Fatehpur Beri Police Station. The Delhi Police imposed section 144 CrPC near the CBI headquarters to avoid unwanted gathering. Police confirmed that 50 people (42 men, eight women) were detained. "Sanjay Singh, MP; Rohit Kumar Mehraulia, MLA Trilok Puri,; Dinesh Mohnia, MLA Sangam Vihar; Kuldeep Singh, MLA Kondli, Sarita Singh; Ex MLA Rohtash Nagar; and Gopal Rai, Minister, were detained with others," the police said. The AAP workers had gathered outside Sisodia's house and CBI headquarters to show their strength ahead of Delhi Deputy's Chief Minister Manish Sisodia's questioning in connection with the Delhi Excise Policy scam. "Today, Deputy CM Manish Sisodia was summoned at CBI HQ, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road. As per SB (Special Branch) input and local intelligence there was an apprehension of a large gathering of supporters, voters and leaders of AAP at CGO. As such proper arrangement with adequate deployment of staff was in place since Saturday night," the police said. The official said that at the Lodhi road picket near the CGO complex a few leaders and supporters of the AAP party gathered with an intention to cross the barricade and protest near CBI headquarters. They were stopped and not allowed to cross the barricade. The police said that after this they sat on the main road and started obstructing the traffic. The police said that initially, they requested the AAP leaders and workers to vacate the place as section 144 CrPC was imposed in the area, but they continued sitting and shouting slogans. "After this we had no other option but to detain them and take them away from there for smooth functioning of traffic," the police said. On October 22, a similar situation was witnessed in the national capital when Sisodia was called to join the investigation for the first time. At that time the police had to face a tough time dealing with law and order situations because of the protests by the AAP leaders. This time the police had made the arrangements in advance as they had got information that the AAP workers will again create ruckus on Delhi's roads, especially near the CB headquarters. Sisodia's questioning is currently going on. He joined the probe at around 11.10 a.m. Jammu, Feb 26 : Indian Air Force (IAF) airlifted 388 people from Jammu to Leh under 'Operation Sadbhavna'. Defence ministry spokesman, Lt. Colonel Devender Anand said in a statement, "Today, the Indian Air Force provided the facility of IL-76 Aircraft which airlifted 388 citizens of UT of Ladakh from Jammu to Leh. Under the 'Operation Sadbhavna'. "Indian Air Force has been extending assistance to the citizens of UTs of J&K and Ladakh. Today morning, Two IL 76 aircrafts landed at Air Force station Jammu and airlifted 388 citizens from Jammu to Leh". The operation was carried to help stranded passengers reach their destination. Raipur, Feb 26 : Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Sunday launched scathing attack on BJP while addressing the party's 85th Plenary Session here. While speaking on the occasion, Rahul Gandhi without naming External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, raised questions on his recent interview where he had said "China is a stronger economy, then how will we fight against them." "EAM said in an interview that India has a smaller economy than China, so how can we fight them? Was our economy very big when we were fighting with the Britishers," said the Congress MP. "I don't want to name the Indian minister who had in an interview raised questions on the valour of the Indian Army. This is the model of Savarkar and the RSS to bow before the almighty," the Congress leader said. He also spoke on the Adani row and said that the party will continue to ask the questions till the truth comes out. "I criticised Gautam Adani in Parliament and asked what relationship he has with PM Modi. The government and its ministers came to the defence of the businessman. One cannot ask questions about Adani in Parliament... We will continue to ask questions till the truth comes out," said Gandhi while addressing the session. While talking about his recently concluded Bharat Jodo Yatra, Gandhi said he learnd a lot during the yatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. "During Bharat Jodo Yatra, I learned a lot. I walked for my nation from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Thousands connected to me and the party during the yatra. I listened to all problems of farmers and realised their pain," the Congress leader said addressing the party leaders. He also hit out at Modi's speech made in Parliament in response to the motion of thanks to the President's address where the Prime Minister recalled his visit to Lal Chowk in Jammu and Kashmir's Srinagar where he unfurled the national flag in 1991. Gandhi said, "I heard the PM's speech in Parliament. PM said he hoisted the Tricolour at Lal Chowk. The PM did not understand the difference. Narendra Modi ji hoisted the Tricolor with 15-20 leaders of BJP. But during the Bharat Jodo Yatra, thousands of people from Kashmir unfurled the national flag at Lal Chowk." We instilled love for Tricolour in youth of Kashmir through Bharat Jodo Yatra. BJP had taken it away, he added further. "52 years have passed, and I still don't have a home, but when reached Kashmir, it felt like home. The yatra was to make people of all castes and age groups feel at home," Gandhi added. "Bharat Jodo Yatra invoked the true emotion of patriotism. It's not done by me but by the Congress workers. You saw we did 'tapasya' for four months and how energised party workers got, tapasya should not stop," Rahul Gandhi said. Kathmandu, Feb 26 : Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal will leave for Doha, Qatar on March 3 for attending bilateral meetings and fifth Conference of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Of the eight thematic round-table meetings during the LDCs' conference, the Nepali delegation will participate in three. A delegation headed by PM Dahal will leave for Doha on March 3 and return on March 6, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Sewa Lamsal was quoted as saying by The Kathmandu Post. On March 4, Dahal is scheduled to address the Conference to be organised by Malawi, the LDCs Chair, and make the country's statement as the 26th speaker in the general debate of the Conference, Lamsal said. Besides, Dahal is scheduled to attend bilateral meetings and participate in some programmes of the UN also on the sideline of the conference. He is expected to attend the programmes organised by the Nepali Embassy and the Nepali community. Shillong, Feb 26 : A polling official was killed and four others injured when a vehicle carrying officials overturned and fell into a deep gorge in Meghalaya's West Garo Hills district, officials said on Sunday. Meghalaya Chief Electoral Officer F.R. Kharkongor said that 2nd polling officer Chesham Ch Marak and four others were injured in the road accident at Potamati village on Saturday when they were going to Jangrapara polling station under Tikrikilla Assembly constituency. He said that the two polling officers were shifted to a higher medical facility in Goalpara and all others were given first aid medical treatment. Marak succumbed to his injuries on Sunday. Deeply condoling the death, the CEO said that the Election Department has sanctioned an ex-gratia compensation of Rs 15 lakh for the next of kin of the official. Marak was a keen and dedicated worker and a flag bearer of democracy, Kharkongor said in a statement. The statement also said that the polling materials, EVMs and related accessories were secured by the Sector Magistrate accompanied by the sector police officer concerned in the presence of security personnel. Jammu, Feb 26 : The Jammu and Kashmir government on Sunday dismissed three employees under Article 311 of the Constitution for their involvement in "anti-national activities", an official statement said. Article 311 provides for dismissal of a person employed in civil capacities under Union or a State. "The activities of these employees had come to the adverse notice of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, as they found them involved in activities prejudicial to the interests of the State, such as involvement in terror related activities and drug trafficking," official statement said. Manzoor Ahmad Itoo, Junior Engineer, Public Works Department, in PMGSY, Bandipore, Syed Saleem Andrabi, orderly in Social Welfare Department, tehsil Handwara, Kupwara and Mohd Aurif Sheikh, teacher in Government Middle School, Pagihalla, Mahore, Reasi are the employees against whom action has been taken. "Manzoor Ahmad Itoo had played an important role in mobilising people in support of the terrorists and also motivating youth to join terrorist ranks, which posed a serious threat to the security of the Indian State. Syed Saleem Andrabi has been found involved in drug trafficking. Further, Mohd. Aurif Sheikh, has been found involved in planting IEDs, on the instructions of terrorists operating from Pakistan, thus causing loss of human lives and damage to public properties," the official statement said. It said that the government has adopted a Zero tolerance policy towards anti-national elements who have been taking advantage of being in government, and prior to these three dismissals, 44 government officials have been dismissed invoking provisions of Article 311. Dhaka, Feb 26 : Bangladesh was "constrained" to abstain from UNGA vote on Ukraine as it believes that the resolution lacked "intensive" diplomatic engagement and "dialogue" between the parties involved in the conflict, a government official said on Sunday. "Bangladesh continues to remain concerned over the loss of civilian lives, deteriorating humanitarian situation in conflict zone, and consequential socio-economic fallout around the globe and calls for cessation of hostilities," the Dhaka Tribune quoted Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Seheli Sabrin as saying. Bangladesh pursues a peace-centric foreign policy based on the principles of respect for all states, peaceful settlement of international disputes, and in line with principles of the United Nations charter, Sabrin said. The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on Thursday that demanded Russia leave Ukraine. The resolution got 141 votes in favour, seven against while 32 countries abstained. Mumbai, Feb 26 : 'Imlie' actress Sumbul Touqeer Khan has purchased a new house in Mumbai and shared a video informing her fans about it. In the video, Sumbul can be seen showing her flat and saying that the construction work of her house is still going on. She also asked her fans for their suggestions so that she can design her flat more beautifully. While introducing her architect Radhika in the video, she wrote in the caption: "Naya Ghar (new house), work in progress, must give your views." Her architect also mentioned: "So I am grateful and blessed to announce that I am designing a house for my FavA@sumbul_touqeer. Thanks to God and My family for supporting me throughout. To All the Sumbul fans please share your ideas, i will try to incorporate them as per my design" Post Sumbul's video, many of her industry friends and fans congratulated her. Sumbul was also recently seen in reality show 'Big Boss 16'. Voir Dire, in French, means to speak the truth. In the legal system, its the process by which jurors are selected a judge and attorneys in a given case question potential jurors to determine their eligibility for service. Vetting a jury is an important concept, it supports one of the most important pillars in the court system the right to find judgement in a jury of ones peers. The questions would-be jurors confront during voir dire are tailored to the specific case they might hear. They shift with each new jury. Now, the process of asking questions of potential jurors has been reshaped by the pandemic. According to the clerk of the Coconino County Superior Court, Valerie Wyant, Coconino County was a state leader in instituting digital jury questionnaires. During the early days of the pandemic, it was critically important for the court to adapt to CDC guidelines regarding social distancing and indoor gatherings; at the same time, the imperative of having justice dolled out, in a timely manner, by a jury of peers remained the same for defendants and respondents. Balancing those two duties brought the courthouse into the digital age. In the olden days, pre-pandemic, when jurors would report for the voir dire process, they would all be in the courtroom together. There could be up to 100 or more jurors all in one location. The court is weeding through those voir dire questions with council, asking them. The big change now is were doing that all online in advance, explained Wyant. In addition to reducing a jurys physical footprint in the courthouse, the digital survey would yield other benefits for the local justice system. Typically questions are asked of jurors aloud, in the courtroom, and decisions are made about dismissal or retention in the moment. In 2021, the Arizona State Supreme Court ended peremptory strikes, so an attorney cannot ask to have a juror dismissed without presenting a reason to the judge. Still jurors can be excused on legal grounds, and attorneys are able to challenge for cause ask that a citizen be struck or removed from a jury for a reason that will further the fairness of the trial. The new online survey system affords attorneys and judges more time to think through their decision to retain or release a juror from service. Other benefits of this newer online system could be enjoyed by the citizens who were selected for potential service, Wyant said. We have gotten excellent feedback in regards to how it went [from jurors]. A lot of people are very fond of the online questionnaire. Theres just something about answering those questions in the comfort of your home versus being in a courtroom full of people. I think there is a level of shyness when youre among a group of people. This gives people the ability to be a little bit more open and honest and that has just been wonderful. Filling out a questionnaire is speedier than waiting in a courtroom for your turn to respond to a survey aloud. Locally, the Coconino County Superior Court has been working through a backlog of cases from the early days of the pandemic. Theyre also grappling with a generally high number of incoming criminal and civil cases, working out of a relatively small courthouse with relatively limited staffing. This new tool operates as a boon to the system, Dan Slayton, the Coconino County Superior Court Presiding Judge explained. Its really decreased the amount of time that its taken us to get juries seated, as well as decreased the amount of people that we have to call from their home and jobs, said Slayton. The questionnaires, I think, have really helped us delve down into the right jurors who can spend the time, and who are objective and fair. Answering survey questions online isnt the only new perk for folks headed in to do their civic duty. The daily per diem jurors in Arizona used to receive was $12 a day. That amount has increased. Prior to the pandemic, in order to be eligible for higher pay, jurors had to spend more than five days in their seats near the witness stand. Now, higher pay is available on day one. Depending on everybodys unique finances, you could be compensated up to $300 a day, Wyant said. In addition to the prospect of higher pay, jurors now will see an increase in their travel compensation. Jurors used to receive 44.5 cents a mile to help cover the cost of their commute to the courthouse. Today, jurors are reimbursed 62.5 cents a mile. Even people that are commuting in Flagstaff are going to see a small increase. If you are somebody else who is reporting for jury service anywhere out in the community, like Page, or we have people coming from Fredonia, that is quite a reimbursement check, said Wyant, who also mentioned jurors are afforded free parking downtown during their service. In addition to the statewide elimination of peremptory challenges, the boost in compensation will ideally help ensure juries are more diverse. I know that people that do serve on a jury, when they first get that initial summons they might be like, Oh what a drag, said Wyant. But jury service is just so important. Colombo, Feb 26 : Despite protests by local egg producers and concerns over bird flu raised by health officials, Sri Lanka is to import 2 million eggs from India this week. Procured by Sri Lanka State Trading (General) Corporation, all imported eggs are to be issued for bakery industry at a control price of Rs 40. State Trading Corporation (STC) General Manager Chamila Iddamalgoda told media that the imported eggs would be sold lower than the existing market price and said in line with a decision taken by the Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH), the eggs would not be issued for ordinary day to day consumption. Earlier, the DAPH has objected importing eggs from India and other countries fearing bird flu spread in the island nation. However All Ceylon Egg Producers Association has protested the Cabinet decision to import eggs claiming that it would affect the domestic eggs industry. The egg producers had claimed that the import should have done several months ago but right now the country is almost self-sufficient with the locally produced eggs. In January Trade Minister Nalin Fernando announced that the Cabinet has given green light to import eggs from India. The government also has reduced the special commodity levy imposed on imported eggs Rs 50 to Rs 1 for a period of three months. Jammu, Feb 26 : Jammu and Kashmir Lt Governor Manoj Sinha on Sunday strongly condemned the dastardly terror attack in Pulwama district that left a civilian dead. He said the administration is standing strong with the bereaved family. Sanjay Kumar Sharma was killed by terrorists on Sunday in Achan village of Pulwama. "My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. The administration has given a free hand to the security forces to deal with the terrorists and we will continue to combat such acts of terrorism firmly and decisively," the Lt Governor said. Former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah also condemned the killing of civilian by terrorists. "Deeply saddened to hear of the demise of Sanjay Pandith of Achan in Pulwama district of South Kashmir," he tweeted. "Sanjay was working as a bank security guard and was killed in a militant attack earlier today. I unequivocally condemn this attack and send my condolences to his loved ones." New Delhi, Feb 26 : The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Sunday said the BJP was in fear of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's rising popularity, hours after his deputy Manish Sisodia reached the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) office as he was called by the probe agency for questioning in connection with the excise policy scam. Speaking at a press conference, AAP leader Atishi accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of trying to silence and intimidate the leaders of her party by using various tactics including raids, arrests and floating false cases. She also dismissed the allegations of the CBI and the Central government that Sisodia had engineered a scam of Rs 10,000 crore. Challenging the BJP to prove any allegation of corruption true against any leader of the AAP, the Kalkaji MLA said: "You will not be able to do this because we are an honest party." "Your (addressing the BJP) fear is quite visible to everyone today. Today, the entire country has seen that you are afraid of the increasing popularity of Arvind Kejriwal and the AAP in the country," Atishi said, adding "false cases will continue to be filed against the leaders of the party everyday". In the last eight years, around 200 cases have been filed against various party leaders, she said. Meanwhile, AAP spokesperson Saurabh Bharadwaj alleged that the BJP is attempting to weaken the 'Education Model' of Delhi by targetting Sisodia, who is also the Education Minister. "The allegations against Sisodia are ridiculous. If someone had really taken a bribe of Rs.10,000 crore as claimed by the CBI, the money would have been found somewhere, but the CBI has not found even a penny," he said. Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai said it was very unfortunate that "Prime Minister Narendra Modi is afraid of Arvind Kejriwal, and therefore, all these preparations have been made to arrest Sisodia". He alleged that AAP workers were on their way to Rajghat to express their support for the Deputy Chief Minister but they were detained on the way by the Delhi Police. He further said that the Delhi Police also reached the homes of AAP legislators and councillors to detain them. New Delhi, Feb 26 : Indian Air Force (IAF) will participate in multilateral air exercise 'Exercise Cobra Warrior' at the RAF's Waddington Air Force Base in the UK from March 6 to 24, an official statement said. This year, the IAF is participating in the exercise with five Mirage 2000 fighters, two C-17 Globemaster III and an IL-78 mid air refueller aircraft. The aim of the exercise is to participate in diverse fighter aircraft engagements and learn from the best practices of various Air Forces, the IAF said. An Indian Air Force contingent comprising 145 Air Warriors departed from the Air Force Station in Jamnagar on Sunday for the UK to participate in the exercise, where the RAF and the IAF will be joined by contingents from Finland, Sweden, South Africa, the US, and Singapore. On February 21, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh held a telephonic conversation with his UK counterpart Ben Wallace, where he called on UK companies to become part of India's growth story and participate in co-development and co-production in the country. Both Ministers discussed a wide range of defence and security issues, including regional developments and the Indo-Pacific, as well as reviewing their ongoing defence cooperation and expressing satisfaction at their bilateral military-to-military engagements. Raipur, Feb 26 : Pictures of several historical Muslim party leaders were missing in the Congress advertisement marking the party's 85th plenary of the party. While the minority leaders in the party expressed their objections, party MP Manish Tewari took a serious view of the matter. "The @INCIndia has a pantheon of Muslim leaders who struggled against fissiparous tendencies especially within their community that led to creation of Pakistan & dedicated themselves to inclusive idea of India. Someone wants to airbrush their contribution from annals of History," he said in a tweet. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Dr Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai were top freedom fighters from the Congress but their pictures were missing. The party apologised for the miss. "Today an ad released by INC did not carry a photograph of Maulana Azad. It was an inexcusable slipup. Responsibility for it is being fixed & action will be taken. Meanwhile this is a most sincere apology from us. He will always remain an iconic & inspiring figure for us & India", Congress General Secretary, in charge of communications, Jairam Ramesh said a tweet. However Congress tweeted photos from the dais where photos of Maulana Azad photos were prominently installed. New Delhi, Feb 26 : The Delhi Police on Sunday said that they have lodged a case in connection with the ruckus created by the AAP and the BJP councillors in the MCD House. On Friday, Mayor Shelly Oberoi had stalled the recounting of votes for electing the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) following objections raised by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Soon after this, the AAP and the BJP councillors started fighting with each other. It was free for all in the MCD House with BJP and AAP councillors trading blows at each other, showing scant disregard for the sanctity of the House. Complaints were made to the Delhi Police by both the parties. Now after taking legal opinions, the Delhi Police has lodged an FIR under section 160 (Affray) of Indian Penal Code in the matter. The police said that no arrest was made in the case as of now. New Delhi, Feb 26 : Even as tech giant Google continues to cut down staff, a sacked Indian employee stated that the layoffs are not based on performance. In a LinkedIn post, Google India employee Animesh Swain stated that pink slips were also served to employees with highest ratings. The list also has names who were recently awarded promotions. "The people who managed to stay (including me) are not necessarily better than those laid off," Swain was quoted as saying in the post. Another employee Gurugram-based Aakriti Walia, working as a Google Cloud programme manager, was laid off just 10 minutes before a meeting. "The 'access denied' message on my system left me numb as I was preparing for my meeting just 10 mins away," Walia posted on the professional networking platform. "As I celebrated my 5-year Googleversary just a few days ago, little did I know it would be my last," she said. Earlier, Jennifer Vaden Barth, a creative Strategist at Google, said that the "layoff impacted very talented and highly rated professionals". Barth, who had worked at Google for 15 years said that "layoffs hit women particularly hard, especially women over 40". Meanwhile, in a bid to further cut costs, Google has even asked employees who return to work to share their work desks with a "partner" to maximise office space. Google India has recently terminated more than 400 employees. The layoffs at Google India were part of the larger job cuts that impacted 12,000 workers globally at the company. Denying that the layoffs were done "randomly", Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai had said earlier that he is "deeply sorry" for reducing the workforce. In an email to employees, Pichai said he takes "full responsibility for the decisions that led us here". The layoffs at Google's parent company were expected amid the deepening funding winter that has hit companies of all sizes in the global slowdown and recession fears. New Delhi, Feb 26 : Delhi University teachers' organisations have demanded Vice Chancellor Prof Yogesh Singh create a post of Assistant Professor of Physical Education in all affiliated colleges. The teachers demanded for inclusion of 'Physical Education teachers' in the roster register. In the letter to the VC, the teachers alleged that some colleges had been creating vacancies for the post of Director of Physical Education which has been removed from the roster register, in lieu of the post of Assistant Professor of Physical Education. Teachers said that posting of Director of Physical Education removes the teacher from the roster register, whose age of retirement is 62 years as compared to the Assistant Professor whose retirement age is 65 years as per the University Grants Commission (UGC). Adding that, the ad hoc teachers would be removed if colleges hire for the post of Director of Physical Education. DU Professor, Dr Hansraj Suman said that the post of Director exists in the departments of the university, whereas the post of Assistant Professor Physical Education is there in colleges. He added that some of them had been promoted to Associate Professor while some had already applied for or had been promoted to the post of a Professor in certain colleges. Suman said that he had met the Dean of Colleges in the past and discussed the issues of Physical Education teachers working as ad-hoc faculty in various colleges. He was informed of the entire situation and the Dean had assured that the vacancy would be filled keeping the post's nature in view. Suman said the colleges who had still been publishing advertisements for the post of the Director, should issue a corrigendum and correct the post to that of an Assistant Professor of Physical Education. Thiruvananthapuram, Feb 26 : Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan, who had shown signs of rapprochement with the state government, had again come out against it over the appointment of a search committee for the Vice Chancellor of the Malayalam University. The Governor, in a letter to the state government on Sunday, questioned the rationale behind the appointment of such a committee, and asked as to how the government can ask Raj Bhavan to nominate a member to such a panel. The Governor, in the letter written by the Raj Bhavan Secretary in his name, stated that the state government had not nominated a representative when the search committee was formed with the UGC representative. The state Assembly had passed a bill curtailing the power of the Governor to appoint the Vice Chancellor of a university in Kerala. However, the Governor has not yet given his assent to the bill and this leads to the bill having no legal validity. New York, Feb 26 : Women are suddenly flaunting their hair: left long and flowing in the malls; tied in a bun on the streets; styled into bobs on public transportation; and pulled into ponytails at schools and on university campuses, according to interviews with women in Iran as well as photographs and videos online, the media reported. While these acts of defiance are rarer in more conservative areas, they are increasingly being seen in towns and cities. Since the death last year of Mahsa Amini, 22, while in the custody of the country's morality police, women and girls have been at the centre of a nationwide uprising, demanding an end not only to hijab requirements but to the Islamic Republic itself, The New York Times reported. "I have not worn a scarf for months... I don't even carry it with me any more," said Kimia, 23, a graduate student in the Kurdish city of Sanandaj, in western Iran. Kimia said that many female students at her college did not cover their hair even in classrooms in the presence of male professors. "Whether the government likes to admit it or not," she said, "the era of the forced hijab is over". Iran's hijab law mandates that women and girls over 9 cover their hair, and that they hide the curves of their bodies under long, loose robes. Many women still adhere to the rule in public, some by choice and others from fear, The New York Times reported. Videos of the traditional bazaar in downtown Tehran, Iran's capital, for example, show most women covering their hair. But videos of parks, cafes, restaurants and malls -- places popular with younger women -- show more of them uncovered, The New York Times reported. Many prominent women, including celebrities and athletes, have removed their hijab in Iran and while representing the country abroad. The state has long promoted the hijab law as a symbol of its success in establishing the Islamic Republic, but enforcement has varied, depending on which political faction was in power. Many acts of civil disobedience continue daily, including chanting "death to the dictator" from rooftops, writing graffiti on walls and tearing down and setting ablaze government banners, The New York Times reported. And women have been going out in public without their hijabs. Officials said in December they had disbanded the morality police, and they have not been seen on the streets since. For the moment, the authorities are only occasionally enforcing the hijab rules, according to women and activists in Iran. Officials say they are reviewing the enforcement rules and plan to announce updated measures. One conservative lawmaker has said that alternative enforcement methods are being considered, like warning women by text message, denying them civic services or blocking their bank accounts. "Head scarves will be back on women's heads," the lawmaker, Hossein Jalali, was reported as saying in December on Iranian media. But the defiance remains too widespread to contain and too pervasive to reverse, women's rights activists say, The New York Times reported. US Ukraine crisis Illustration: Liu Rui/GT (Global Times) On the one-year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China issued a position paper titled "China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis," systematically elaborating on China's stance in 12 points. As a responsible major country, although China is not a party to the Ukraine crisis, it is always willing to play a constructive role in promoting a resolution to it. What this document shows is China's sincerity and goodwill in actively promoting peace talks. At present, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is still in a stalemate, and it is difficult to see the possibility of it easing in the short term. However, no one can afford a long-term war of attrition, and its spillover effects have aroused widespread vigilance in the international community. The impact of this crisis on the vast number of developing countries that urgently need to achieve their development goals is especially direct and strong. It is precisely because of this that these countries are unwilling to be forced to choose sides in the conflict, but eagerly hope that all parties can find a rational and peaceful solution. In this context, the significance and value of the document issued by China on Friday is even more prominent. Since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, China has always stuck to doing what is right and followed the course of objectivity and justice. President Xi Jinping has put forward four principles, called for joint efforts in four areas, and shared three observations on Ukraine, playing a responsible and constructive role in easing the situation and resolving the crisis and outlining China's fundamental approach to the issue. This document covers 12 areas: respecting the sovereignty of all countries, abandoning the Cold War mentality, ceasing hostilities, resuming peace talks, resolving the humanitarian crisis, protecting civilians and prisoners of war, keeping nuclear power plants safe, reducing strategic risks, facilitating grain exports, stopping unilateral sanctions, keeping industrial and supply chains stable, and promoting post-conflict reconstruction. It not only reiterated China's consistent proposition, but also absorbed the reasonable concerns of all countries, reflecting the greatest common denominator of the international community on the Ukraine issue. China's position on the Ukrainian issue is neutral but not passive, and is a stance that can be accurately described as "active neutrality." China's position paper reflects the demands of both Russia and Ukraine, and also addresses broader international issues such as nuclear war, food security, and global strategic stability. The paper is highly condensed and specific, with great relevance to the current situation. It fully recognizes the complexity and difficulty of the issue, and shows China's responsible attitude of not standing idly by, not fueling the fire, and opposing taking advantage of the situation. There is an old Chinese saying: Sickness comes like a landslide, sickness goes like a thread being drawn. It is important to emphasize that we should not expect anyone to come up with a magic solution that will immediately solve the Ukraine crisis. No person, country, or international organization can achieve this. As stated in the position paper, complex problems do not have simple solutions. However, no matter how complex the problem is, we should not give up on dialogue and negotiation; no matter how sharp the dispute is, we should persist in seeking a political solution; and no matter how difficult the situation is, we should give peace a chance. The position paper released by China reflects the efforts to resolve disputes through dialogue and negotiation and build a regional security structure to achieve peace. This is not only possible but also feasible. Of course, people also see that some in the US and the West do not seem to want the conflicting parties to return to the negotiating table, but are trying to further muddy the waters and pursue their own interests. Just before the first anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the so-called "China responsibility" theory has emerged in various guises. For example, the US and NATO, which were the initiators of the conflict, have repeatedly and groundlessly claimed that China "may provide weapons to Russia" in order to pressure China. However, it is clear to everyone which side is constantly delivering heavy weapons to the battlefield, and there are even tragic incidents such as the Nord Stream pipeline being bombed to prevent both sides from returning to the negotiating table. Currently, the US and the West are questioning and attacking China's friendly relations with Russia on the one hand, while on the other, they are asking China to use this relationship to play the role they expect in the Ukraine crisis. This is contradictory. Now that China has released its position paper, they cannot find a point of attack, so they start nitpicking and changing the topic. In the eyes of the US and the West, any solution that does not put pressure on Russia is not a good one. When they exert extreme pressure on Russia, normal contacts between other countries and Russia appear glaringly obvious. In fact, they cannot tolerate a neutral stance. In contrast, Russia and Ukraine, as the parties concerned, have a generally positive attitude toward China's position. This is very thought-provoking. We believe that it is especially necessary for the political elites in the US and the West to carefully study the 12-point position paper by China. Although it is aimed at the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it can also serve as a reference for the turbulence and conflicts that occur elsewhere in the world, most of which are closely related to the foreign policies of the US and the West. How to prevent humanitarian tragedies from happening at the source and achieve lasting peace and universal security is what the world needs to consider most on the one-year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The position and views proposed by China will also endure over time and exhibit their shining historical value over the course of history. Hyderabad, Feb 26 : Telugu Desam Party (TDP) national President and former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu on Sunday said that the TDP lives in the heart of Telangana people. Launching the public outreach programme of his party in Telangana, he called up party cadres to work hard to strengthen the party. He launched 'inti inti ki Telugu Desam' programme to take the party to every doorstep in the state. Formally inaugurating the programme at NTR Trust Bhavan, the TDP headquarters in Hyderabad, in the presence of party's Telangana unit President Kasani Gnaneswar, senior leader Ravula Chandrasekhar Reddy and others, Naidu said that as long as there is Telugu community around, the TDP will remain alive. He said the response to the programme and the recent public meeting held in Khammam was a befitting answer to those who were questioning the existence of the TDP in Telangana. He said it was the TDP which raised the status of Hyderabad to the international level and provided infrastructure which no other city in the country had. "If Telangana is number one in per capita income in the country today, it is because of the strong foundation laid by the TDP," he said. Naidu claimed that it was the TDP which started welfare schemes for various sections of people, especially the weaker sections. He recalled that 41 years ago N. T. Rama Rao founded the TDP for the self-respect of Telugu people. "It was on the soil of Telangana that NTR formed the party," he said, adding that the TDP became synonymous with social justice". Naidu said the TDP also strived to ensure that the benefits of development reach all sections of people. He recalled that it was NTR who abolished the patel patwari system in Telangana and empowered women. He said that it is the desire of every Telugu that the prestigious Bharat Ratna be conferred on NTR. Raipur, Feb 26 : The Congress on Sunday promised farmers will be given minimum support price (MSP) with legal guarantee under C2 formula of M.S. Swaminathan Commission. Not only loan waivers, the party would work towards complete debt relief of farmers and making agriculture a profitable business. Besides, the agriculture will also be given government assistance and banking concessions like industry. These goals have been set by the party in its ongoing 85th plenary in the Chhattisgarh capital. The Committee on Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, formed under the leadership of former Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda, presented its draft in the session and gave detailed information about all goals of the party. In his address, Hooda said due to the insensitivity of the present government, the farmer is sad and agitated and is being forced to commit suicide. "Today the farmer of India is neither happy nor prosperous. But the farmer is not destitute, the farmer is not poor, the farmer is silent but not lost his voice. The farmer is sleeping, but not dead. When the sweat of the farmers falls on the ground, mother earth turns it into gold, but when the blood of the farmer mixes with the soil, a revolution is born. The Congress party shares the voice and sufferings of the farmers." The draft said the country cannot progress without improving the condition of the farmers and giving farmers the right and law of MSP is most important. Buying agricultural produce at a price less than MSP should be a punishable offence. Not only this, the price of the crop should be fixed by adding 50 per cent profit on C2 cost, as recommended in 2010 by the Swaminathan Commission and the group of Chief Ministers headed by the then Haryana Chief Minister Hooda. The scope of MSP should be further increased and implemented on other crops as well. From ginger, garlic, turmeric, chillies to horticulture, all agricultural products should get guaranteed price cover. Hooda said the Congress expresses concern over the alarmingly increasing debt burden on the farmers, which is forcing many farmers to commit suicide. "During the current BJP government, the total outstanding loan on farmers has increased to Rs 23.44 lakh crore in 2021-22 from Rs 9.64 lakh crore as on March 31, 2014. The UPA government implemented a Rs 72,000 crore loan waiver scheme for farmers in 2007. The present government has brushed it aside leaving it entirely to the states," he added. Thiruvananthapuram, Feb 26 : The Kerala Forest Department will be conducting a census of tigers and elephants in the state in April and May, state Forest Minister A.K. Saseendran announced on Sunday. The minister told media persons that the census of tigers in Wayanad forest division will be first, being conducted during the first week of April, while the census of wild elephants will be done on May 17 and 18. The Chief WildLife Warden will supervise the counting of elephants and tigers and the Additional Principal Chief Conservator will be the nodal officer for the surveys at the state level. The census of tigers will take place at Wayanad and Kannur forest divisions which comprise the wildlife sanctuaries of Aralam and Kottiyoor, parts of Wayand North and South divisions, and the Wayanad wildlife sanctuary. The Forest Department will install camera traps at 312 locations that were previously installed during the All India Tiger census in 2018 and 2022 to estimate the exact number of tigers. The elephant survey will be conducted on May 17 and 18 and the finer details will be chalked out in the days to come, including the number of teams required for a comprehensive census as well as the gadgets and other equipment required for the same. Jammu, Feb 26 : The J&K School Education Department on Sunday terminated the services of 23 teachers in Jammu division for getting jobs on qualification certificates obtained from unrecognised boards. An Education Department official said that a committee was constituted to review the pending regularisation cases of Rehbar-e-Taleem (ReT) teachers. "The committee members, in a meeting held on February 7, observed that 23 RETs of different districts of Jammu division have acquired their qualification from the Boards which have not been granted equivalence by the J&K Board of School Education, Jammu as these boards have not been recognised by the Council of Boards of School Education (COBSE) in India. "The committee has recommended the termination of services 23 RETs immediately as they do not possess the requisite qualification certificates," the official said, adding that in view of the recommendations of the committee, the Chief Education Officers concerned are directed to disengage the services of those 23 RETs immediately. ReTs were employed through a special scheme to provide teachers in far-flung areas and villages where schools remained understaffed in J&K. The scheme envisaged that local youth possessing required qualifications be engaged to teach in local schools in the rural areas. Ahmedabad, Feb 26 : Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd (APSEZ), the largest integrated transport utility in India and a part of the diversified Adani Group, crossed 300 MMT of cargo handling on February 23, 2023, in just 329 days, beating its own milestone from last year of 354 days. APSEZ has registered unprecedented growth since it started operations over two decades ago and continues to outperform all India cargo volume growth, with its market share rising rapidly. "The improvement in cargo volumes is testimony to the faith that our customers have in us," APSEZ CEO and Whole Time Director Karan Adani said. "It shows our commitment to using improved efficiencies and technological integrations to drive and achieve customer satisfaction. The APSEZ's flagship port, Mundra, is outpacing all its closest rivals by comfortable margins and continues to be the largest port in the nation in terms of volumes handled. Mundra's infrastructure meets world standards and provides service levels on par with those of its global competitors, making it India's gateway for container goods." Increase in cargo volume handled at ports is a signthat the nation's economy is picking up. Almost 95 per cent of the trade volumes in India are carried through maritime transport. So, having world-class mega ports is imperative for the Indian coastline. Through concession agreements with various government authorities, APSEZ has strategically built a string of ports (pearls) across the coastline of India, along with ICDs (inland container depots) and warehouses, woven intricately with self-owned rakes, covering more than 70 per cent of the hinterland. APSEZ has seen 4 per cent growth y-o-y at its container terminals because of its efficient infrastructure,which not only helps the country increase its trade share in global trade but also makes it easier for consumers gain access to a wide range of international products at reduced costs. Also, the lower logistics costs associated with maritime allow Indian businesses to export goods around the world,boosting domestic economy and raising the employment rate of Indians in the process. The engagement with container lines and the resolve to deliver on commitments has led to more new services at APSEZ terminals, raising volumes. Mundra Port shipped 1,501 fertiliser rakes in the current fiscal year with the total cargo dispatch of 4.8 MMT - the highest ever in the port's history. This was made possible because of the port's mechanised infrastructure and operational planning. This means vessels do not have to wait longer at the port as fertilisers are removed quickly from them, followed by quicker bagging and loading onto rakes with minimum wastage. The ability to turn around rakes and vessels quickly allows for the delivery of fertilisers to farmers round the year. This year also saw growth in agri exports due to India's record high foodgrain production and the Russia-Ukraine conflict that opened up opportunities for farm exports. MundraPort registered a record RO-RO exports - an increase of 18 per cent largely due to long-time customer, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Hazira has been continuously witnessing sustained growth in chemical volumes y-o-y due to its proximity to the chemical hub of India. It has seen a 16 per cent growth this year. APSEZ's market leadership in container business has been strengthened because of its strategic partnerships with the world's largest shipping lines like MSC and CMA- CGM. Mundra Port alone has handled 3,508 commercial vessels, hosting the country's largest container vessel APL Raffles and the deepest draft container vessel MSC Washington. Shipping larger quantities in a single shipment is very cost-effective. APSEZ's foresight to maintain deep draft ports (cape-enabled) enables its customers bring larger vessel parcels, thereby lowering their overall logistics cost. Krishnapatnam Port has handled capesize vessel like MV NS HAIRUN that carried 165,100 MT of iron ore and departed the port waters with a departure draft of 17.75 m. At a time when the country's electricity demand is at an all-time high, APSEZ has risen to the occasion and handled the sudden surge of imported coal volumes flowing to India. In line with the government's vision of RSR (Rail-Sea-Rail) movement of domestic coal, APSEZ has begun offering coastal coal export solutions to TANGEDCO through its Gangavaram Port. Similarly, it has been supporting the coastal coal movement to NTPC Khudgi by commencement of coastal coal handling at its Mormugao Terminal. Besides expanding its business operations, APSEZ has also met its sustainability commitments. Energy and emission intensity has been reduced by around 41 per cent and water intensity by 56 per cent from 2016 levels. Electrification of Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes (RTGs) and Quay Cranes has been completed, and that of Mobile Harbour Cranes is in progress, with 2023 as the target completion year. Diesel-based Internal Transfer Vehicles (ITVs) are being replaced by electric ITVs at Ennore, Kattupalli, Hazira and Mundra. The renewable share of electricity in 9M FY23 has been around 13 per cent. With its plan to install 250 MW of renewable capacity on a captive basis, APSEZ is moving closer to its goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2025. Mumbai, Feb 26 : Actor Randeep Hooda, who is known for 'Highway', 'Jannat 2', 'Jism 2', 'Kick', 'Sultan', among others, will be soon seen donning the role of an Inspector, for his upcoming web show, 'Inspector Avinash' which is based on true events. The actor recently attended real-life inspector Avinash's daughter's wedding and shared his experience of being part of the ceremony. It is based on a real-life story of Inspector Avinash Mishra, Special Task Force, Ex UP Police. The actor said: "It was a great pleasure and somewhat surreal to attend Inspector Avinash Mishra's daughter's wedding. I spent a lot of time with Avinash while prepping for the role and got to know him and his family very well." He said that after playing the role of inspector Avinash, he somewhere connected with him in reality and to his family also. So, being part of the function was really a great experience and moreover, he came to know him in a better way. "So it was but natural that one is present on family occasions. It never seizes to amaze me how through work one becomes a part of families one plays out. I'm looking forward to people seeing me as him on screen," the 'Laal Rang' actor added. Earlier also, when the actor played Sarabjit in 2016, he was spotted performing Dalbir's last rites as a promise he had made to her. Dalbir had requested the actor to give her 'kandha' (offer his shoulder before taking the body to the cremation) when she dies as she sees her brother in him. Upon hearing the news of her death, Randeep arrived in Bhikhiwind near Amritsar, Punjab to pay his last respects. On the professional front, the actor will be resuming his shoot for 'Veer Savarkar' after his leg injury recovery. And his first production venture 'Laal Rang 2' is also in the making. Chennai, Feb 26 : AIADMK will celebrate the 75th birth anniversary of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and its General Secretary J. Jayalalithaa by conducting meetings across the state from March 5. The celebrations will be held in two phases - the first from March 5 to 7 and the second from March 10 to 12. AIADMK's interim General Secretary and former Chief Minister K. Palaniswami (EPS) and senior leaders will address several meetings across the state on the occasion. While EPS will speak at a mega rally at Chennai's R.K. Nagar on March 5 to inaugurate the celebrations, senior party leaders K.A. Sengottayan, K.P. Munusamy, P. Thangamani, Sellur K. Raju and S.P. Velumani will speak at various public meetings across the state. The leaders are directed to share the details of their public functions to the party state headquarters and to party organ Namathu Puratchi Thalavi Amma. The second phase will commence from March 10. In this, the AIADMK leaders will also conduct a series of programmes across the state to celebrate the recent Supreme Court verdict in favour of Palaniswami. New Delhi, Feb 26 : The CBI is likely to seek two weeks' custodial remand of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia who was arrested by the probe agency on Sunday in connection with the Delhi Excise Policy scam matter after a day-long questioning. Sisodia will be presented at the Rouse Avenue Courts on Monday. A Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) source said the probe agency needs to question Sisodia to confront him with the co-accused. The Aam Aadmi Party leader would also be confronted with documentary and digital evidence. Sisodia was placed under arrest after eight hours of long questioning. The CBI has filed a chargesheet in the matter. A source said the agency is all set to file the first supplementary chargesheet in the case. The CBI had on February 8 arrested Hyderabad-based Chartered Accountant Butchibabu Gorantla, the former CA of BRS leader K. Kavitha -- daughter of Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao. Sisodia was also questioned about Butchibabu. Srinagar, Feb 26 : BJP workers on Sunday took out a silent candlelight protest in J&K's Ganderbal district and other places against the killing of a Kashmiri Pandit by terrorists earlier in the day BJP District President Mohammed Amin Shah led the protest at the clock tower in Ganderbal town against the killing of Pandit security guard at Pulwama this morning. Terming the killing unfortunate and dark chapter in Kashmir, he told reporters that such incidents create sadness and distress among people of Kashmir. "People want to leave violence and live peacefully with their families. Such incidents should not take place. Human life is precious and should not be wasted like this," Shah said. Many locals joined the protest. Similar protests were held at some other places in the Valley. Sanjay Sharma, a local Kashmiri Pandit, who worked as a bank security guard, was killed by terrorists in his native village Achan in Pulwama. Political leaders across the board including former Chief Ministers Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and Ghulam Nabi Azad have condemned the killing. Apni Party President, Syed Altaf Bukhari has also condemned the killing asserting that those responsible for such innocent killings are enemies of the people of J&K. New Delhi, Feb 26 : Security has been up outside and around the areas near the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) headquarters in the national capital after the probe agency on Sunday arrested Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in connection with the Delhi Excise Policy scam matter following a day-long questioning, an official said. According to an official, Rapid Action Force personnel have been deployed outside the CBI office to maintain the law and order situation. Meanwhile, the Delhi Police has also deployed additional force to prevent untoward incidents. Sisodia was arrested by the CBI after eight hours of questioning. Earlier on Sunday, Section 144 was imposed in and around the areas near the CBI headquarters to prevent gatherings. The police had said that it was being done to stop AAP workers from moving closer to the CBI office. We say a person has common sense, we mean the person has a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge in a manner that is shared by nearly all people. In the case a business needs to hire new members without any experience, common sense is a much needed basic quality even weighs over school education. But common sense isn't actually common, in either sense: it is different from person to person, and may not be employed even when many could agree on what it is in a particular situation. Your idea of common sense is likely to contradict someone else's idea of common sense (which is yet another misconception because you either understand or misunderstand the current common sense and to confuse it with an opinion is to trivialize the foundation of society). Instead of relying on "common sense" to make decisions, you should instead rely on building consensus for your position and perception, and work with other people to reach a conclusion most people can accept. By assuming your position is "common sense" and acting upon it, all you're doing is insulting the people who disagree with you. Perticularly, when people from different culture or educational level work in one team, the contradiction of 'common sense ' can be an issue. Bengaluru, Feb 26 : Undeterred by the barrage of allegations of corruption and governance-deficit being levelled by the Opposition parties in the run up to Assembly elections, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Sunday said that the people of the state are mature and intelligent, adding they will not care for any criticism. Speaking to reporters in Bagalkot district, Bommai expressed confidence that the ruling BJP would return to power in the state. Claiming that the era of development has started in the state, he said the incumbent government is striving hard for development in all the key sectors like irrigation, agriculture, industry, and social development. He accused the opposition parties of resorting to allegations and criticisms as they are unable to digest the development brought about by the BJP in Karnataka. "We go before the people with the achievements of our government and are confident of respecting our work. They will vote for the BJP with a message to do more work," the Chief Minister said. Bommai predicted that the opposition Congress will not come back to power in Assembly polls expected in around two months. Commenting on the alleged race between Opposition Leader in the Legislative Assembly Siddaramaiah and Karnataka unit Congress president D.K. Shivakumar for the CM's post, Bommai said it is an internal matter of the Congress "but the people of Karnataka have dumped leaders of that party after examining them by giving power". "The people have not forgotten what happened during their regime. The Congress leaders might have forgotten, but not the voters. The people know well how much importance must be given to them. So, there is no question of the Congress party coming back to power in the state," he said. Bommai pointed out that whenever Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah have come to Karnataka, they have inaugurated development works worth thousands of crores. On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Shivamogga to open the airport. He came recently to distribute the Hakku patra for Lambanis, to inaugurate the helicopter manufacturing unit and Jal Jeevan Mission. Both Modi and Shah have come for the inauguration of one or the other development work in the state. New Delhi, Feb 26 : In wake of his arrest by the CBI in the alleged liquor police scam, the BJP on Sunday termed Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia the "Liquor Minister", and claimed that he hiked commission on liquor so AAP could make money. Addressing press conference after Sisodia's arrest, BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra said: "It's unfortunate that a Minister of Education was arrested for Excise policy. It's an eye-opening and shocking matter." "Manish Sisodia played with the lives of the children," he alleged. Patra said that not a single reason was given by the AAP for withdrawing the excise policy or giving contracts to blacklisted companies. "Besides, we asked many questions regarding irregularities and corruption.AAHowever, the AAP evaded these questions and failed to provide any answers," he said. Attacking Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, he said "Before 2014, Kejriwal ji used to say that we will go to every neighborhood in Delhi, ask women what do you want? If women say that liquor shops should be closed, then they will be closed." "But after coming to the government, conspired to open liquor shops near temples and near schools for commission," he alleged. New Delhi, Feb 26 : Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was arrested on Sunday in connection with the Delhi Excise Policy scam despite his name not figuring on the chargesheet. However, the CBI said it is in the process of filing a supplementary chargesheet in the matter. As per the government, till December 7, 2022, the CBI has registered a total of 56 cases against the MPs/MLAs during 2017-22 with the probe agency filing chargesheets in 22 cases of these. The Ministry of Personnel in a written reply in Parliament on December 7, 2022 said that out of 56 cases registered by the CBI, chargesheets have been filed in 22 cases. The state-wise data of the cases disclosed that the maximum 10 cases are in Andhra Pradesh while Uttar Pradesh and Kerala have six cases each. Similarly, West Bengal and Arunachal Pradesh have five cases, each registered by the CBI against MLAs or MPs. According to the reply, the conviction rate varied between 66.90 per cent and 69.83 per cent during this period. In 2017, it was 66.9 per cent, while it rose to 68 per cent in 2018, 69.19 per cent in 2019 and 69.83 per cent in 2020. However, the conviction rate came down to 67.56 per cent during the year 2021. Sisodia was on Sunday arrested by the CBI after long hours of questioning in connection with the liquor scam. Kolkata, Feb 26 : Indicating another round of tension with the state government following the attack on the convoy of Union Minister Nishith Pramanik convoy on Saturday, West Bengal Governor C.V. Ananda Bose issued a strongly-worded statement on Sunday evening criticizing the law and order situation in the state. He has directed the state government to take immediate and perceptible action in the matter and has also sought an action-taken report from the state government on this count. In the press statement, the Governor clearly said that in case of deterioration of the law and order situation in the state, he will not remain silent and if necessary, will make strong interventions in the matter. "Governor will not be a mute witness to any deterioration of law and order anywhere, anytime in the State, and strong and effective intervention will follow to ensure that the rot is stemmed in the root effectively, and peace and harmony restored," the statement said. Ananda Bose maintained that following confidential enquiries made by him in the matter of the attack on Pramanik's convoy as well as discussions with the latter, he feels that it is shocking that such incidents happened in a land which is known for its refined culture and enviable history of civilised conduct. "Protest is a part of democracy, but violence is not a part of civilised conduct. Anti-social elements which try to take law into their hands will be dealt with sternly. Violence will be rooted-out ruthlessly," the Governor's statement read. Indicating that he will not tolerate any laxity in the maintenance of law and order the Governor said that under no circumstances will unruly elements and hooligans be allowed to hold society to ransom. "As Governor, it is my duty to ensure that West Bengal does not slip into a 'soft state'. Rule of law will be established with an iron fist in a velvet glove. Democracy will not be allowed to degenerate into mobocracy," the press statement read. Recently there was a tussle between the Governor's House and the state Secretariat over the replacement of Principal Secretary to the Governor Nandini Chakroborty. The Governor complained against her about misleading the Secretariat about the functioning of the Governor House. After delaying the matter initially, the state government finally transferred her. Hyderabad, Feb 26 : Dharavathi Preethi, a post graduate medical student of Kakatiya Medical College in Telangana's Warangal town, succumbed at a hospital in Hyderabad on Sunday night, five days after she allegedly committed suicide due to harassment by her senior. Preethi, a first year student of the post graduate (MD) in the department of Anaesthesia, succumbed at Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), where she was admitted on February 22 in a critical condition. The student had allegedly taken some injection while on duty at MGM Hospital in Warangal on February 22. All the efforts by the doctors at NIMS to save the girl proved futile. According to the NIMS Medical Superintendent, she succumbed at 9.10 p.m. He said despite continuous efforts by a multidisciplinary team of specialist doctors, she could not be saved. Preethi's family members, relatives and leaders of various political parties and people's organisations began to protest at the hospital demanding justice. The body will be shifted to Gandhi Hospital for autopsy. Police have beefed up security around the hospital as a precautionary measure. Warangal police on February 24 arrested Preethi's senior M.A. Saif, a second year student in the Department of Anaesthesia. Police said there targeted harassment of Preethi by her senior which could have driven her to attempt suicide. Police booked Saif for abetment to suicide. He was also booked under Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and Anti-Ragging Act. Warangal Police Commissioner A.V. Ranganath said that insulting behavior also comes under ragging. According to police, Saif was making insulting comments about her in a WhatsApp group. On February 20, Preethi complained to her father D. Narendra about the harassment. He took up the issue with the police and subsequently the head of the department spoke to Saif and Preethi, separately, on February 21. The girl was on duty at MGM Hospital on the night of February 21. The next morning she was found unconscious by the hospital staff. She was admitted in the same hospital and after her condition deteriorated, she was shifted to NIMS in Hyderabad. Doctors and HODs told police that this could be due to cardiac arrest. They also informed the police that she had some health issues like thyroid. However, police suspect that the girl took some injection. "We have not reached to any conclusion but going by the chats and what had happened, we are of the opinion that it could have been a probable attempt to suicide." Ranganath said in the anesthesia emergency kit given to Preethi, the seal of succinylcholine injection was found intact. The injection is used for nervous and muscular relaxation. "Preethi had searched on Google what happens when a healthy person takes succinylcholine," the Commissioner said. Two injections in the kit were found open. Police suspect that she took Fentanyl. This injection is used to relieve severe pain during and after surgery. "We are waiting for a toxicology report," the Police Commissioner said. Kolkata, Feb 26 : West Bengal's ruling Trinamool Congress on Sunday expressed its solidarity with Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in wake of the arrest of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia by the Central Bureau of Investigation. Trinamool leader in the Rajya Sabha Derek O'Brien, in a tweet, claimed that Sisodia would not have been arrested had he succumbed to the pressure of BJP. Without naming Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah, he termed Sisodia's arrest as a plot by the two top ministers of the Union cabinet. In the tweet, O'Brien has also claimed that at a time when all the erstwhile allies of BJP have deserted the saffron camp, central agencies like the CBI, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and Income Tax (IT) departments have remained the only allies of the ruling party at the Centre. "If @msisodia had got himself a #BJP brand of washing machine, he would never been arrested. Bravo, Manis. Allies ShivSena, JD(U) & others have all abandoned BJP. Only CBI, ED, IT remain true allies. Targeting Opposition leaders is the Desperate DUO's favorite job," O'Brien's Twitter message read. However, the BJP's state leadership ridiculed the Trinamool's expression of solidarity as an indirect attempt to divert attention from the fact the state's ruling party has been saddled with too many scams. New Delhi, Feb 26 : A source in the CBI has claimed that the probe agency has retrieved some WhatsApp chats which indicate that the details related to the Delhi Excise Policy were shared with a few businessmen "in advance", which was against the rules. The fresh details have emerged hours after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), after a day-long questioning on Sunday, arrested Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in connection with the excise policy scam. The source claimed that besides the chats, a bureaucrat had also recorded his statement against Sisodia. The CBI also alleged that Sisodia has destroyed evidence. "We asked about the chats and the statement of the bureaucrat... but Sisodia was evasive and did not answer any of the questions," the source claimed. These were a few more grounds which led to the arrest of the Aam Aadmi Party leader. Meanwhile, an official said that on Monday at around 10.30 a.m., Sisodia would be taken to a government hospital for medical examination. After the medical test, the deputy of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will be taken to the Rouse Avenue Court complex at around 1 p.m. Sisodia was arrested by the CBI after eight-hour-long questioning. Thiruvananthapuram, Feb 26 : The Kerala Police on Sunday rescued an NRI, kidnapped on his arrival at Thiruvananthapuram airport by his lover, her brother and a group of men on February 22, for ransom, an official said. NRI Mohiuddin Abdul Khader, who hails from Thakkala in neighbouring Tamil Nadu, had arrived in Thiruvananthapuram from Dubai when his lover Insha and her brother Shafeeq received him at the airport and told him that they were taking him to meet her parents. However, he was taken to a resort in Varkala near Thiruvananthapuram and locked up and cruelly tortured, while the kidnappers demanded Rs 1 crore ransom to free him. Police said that of late, Abdul Khader and Insha had parted ways after a year-long affair in Dubai. She had demanded Rs 1 crore from him as compensation and hatched the plot to collect this money. The abductors, according to police, extracted Rs 15,70,000, gold ornaments, and two costly mobile phones from the NRI. Later, he was dropped off near the airport premises and the Thiruvananthapuram police rescued him. All the kidnappers, including Insha, her brother, and six others, including Rajesh Kumar, the driver of the vehicle used to kidnap Abdul Khader, have been arrested. Abdul Khader later told media persons that unable to bear the torture, he transferred money online into the account of his kidnappers. He also said that they had threatened to kill him and during extreme torture, he had a feeling that he could get killed hence he had given them his jewellery and phones after transferring money to their account. Shankumugam Assistant commissioner, D.K. Prithviraj told media persons that all the accused are under police custody and would be produced before the court. Hyderabad, Feb 26 : Telangana's ruling Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) on Sunday condemned the arrest of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in Delhi liquor policy scam case. BRS Working President K. T. Rama Rao termed Sisodia's arrest as undemocratic and alleged that the BJP's treatment of opposition is vicious. The BRS leader wanted to know how many ED, IT and CBI raids were conducted on BJP leaders or their kith and kin in last 8 years? "Kya Sab Ke Sab BJP Wale Raja Satya Harischandra Ke Cousins/Rishtedaar Hain?," he asked. "The country is watching how PM's cronies are protected despite serious allegations & how Opposition leaders are hounded," he tweeted. "Modi's Operandi is clear Target opposition parties by all means at his disposal; Either split the parties Or poach their MLAs & dislodge elected Governments If nothing works, use their only allies; CBI, ED & IT to harass and launch a smear campaign Back it with Paid Troll Army," added KTR. In a statement, he alleged that BJP was resorting to politics of deceit by letting loose government agencies on the opposition KTR, as the leader is popularly known, said that Sisodia's arrest is part of a conspiracy to use central government agencies to weaken the parties in the states and in regions where the BJP cannot come to power. He said the political conspiracies of the BJP against the opposition posed serious threat to democracy in the country. Terming Sisodia's arrest as the height of the BJP's vendetta politics, he said that Sisodia was arrested after BJP suffered defeat in the Delhi mayoral election. "BJP does cowardly politics, unable to face the leaders of the strong parties questioning the inefficient policies and corruption," he said. KTR stated that the nation is watching the unethical and evil politics of the BJP. "People will definitely reject BJP's conspiracy politics. BJP leaders will face the same fate in future," he said. "BJP is an undemocratic party that has already pulled down 9 state governments in the country. BJP makes conspiracies to damage the parties that do not succumb to its temptations," he said. KTR said that in Telangana, the BJP's conspiracy to buy MLAs was foiled. People have seen on camera the efforts by the BJP to buy MLAs. The time for BJP's undemocratic nefarious conspiracies is near, he added. Gang busted which cheated youngsters in name of getting jobs in Indian Army Image Source: IANS News Gang busted which cheated youngsters in name of getting jobs in Indian Army Image Source: IANS News Gang busted which cheated youngsters in name of getting jobs in Indian Army Image Source: IANS News Jaipur, Feb 26 : A gang in Rajasthan's Sikar, cheating youth in the name of getting them jobs in the Indian Army, was busted in a joint operation by army intelligence, ATS, and local police, police said on Sunday. Police also seized original documents of candidates from their possession and recovered around Rs one lakh cash from them. Also the vehicle via which they were contacting candidates has been seized. The accused have been identified as Kuldeep and Ravinder. Sikar SP Karan Sharma said that the accused are being investigated and they reveal more crimes. "There are chances of more fraud cases being carried out by their gang," he said. Meanwhile, army officials appealed to aspirants that they should never come into the allure of any such gang as the candidates are selected on the basis of sheer talent and not by paying any amount to any one. Police officials said that the gang used to take original documents of candidates preparing for army examinations and then ask for huge amounts from them on the promise of getting jobs. The youths had to pay them as their original documents were taken by them. After receiving many complaints, a special team was formed and two accused were arrested, further investigations are on, the SP said. BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION When Jeff Laursen and Gerald Buzz Cobell looked down at the dead buffalo, they saw two very different things. As the half-ton, scraggly-haired bull lay on its side, bleeding from a bullet to the neck, its eyes closed. Laursen, a hunter from Victor, marveled at his biggest kill. Before this, his largest bounty had been a deer. A heavy buck might weigh 160 pounds about one-twelfth the size of a heavy bison bull, which can weigh more than 2,000 pounds. For Laursen to get a photo with the bison, it took six people to roll the carcass upright. The meat would feed his family for a year and then some. Looking at the same buffalo, Cobell, director of Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife, saw opportunity. The tribe has sold occasional bison hunts to interested individuals, but this hunt marked the first time a tribe in Montana opened a raffle bison hunt to the public. In partnership with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, the Blackfeet Nation invited members of the public to enter two trophy bison hunt raffles. People could buy 20 tickets maximum at $10 apiece, and the winner had to pay $2,500 to secure the spot. Laursen won the first Blackfeet hunt. The second winner has not yet been chosen. For Cobell and the Blackfeet Buffalo Program, the hunt represented new efforts to build trust with outside communities and organizations. It symbolized a new phase in the tribes bison management strategy and, above all, it affirmed the ways in which bison continue to help Native communities thrive. Cobell needed the day to go well, and it was already off to a good start. Laursen had killed the animal with a single shot. The Blackfeet Nation has at least 700 bison in its herd. In the winter, the animals roam on a nearly 10,000-acre pasture near the Two Medicine River in the southeast end of the reservation. The towering, snow-covered peaks of the Rocky Mountain Front loom over the flat, bare-grassed pasture. Winter weather on the reservation is unpredictable and extreme, with winds strong enough to tip semi-trucks and temperatures low enough to close schools, tribal offices and highways. But Laursen's hunt fell on a sunny, 10-degree morning in February, which by the standards of those living on the reservation was considered mild. Chaz Racine, who works for the Blackfeet Buffalo Program, congratulated Laursen on his kill. Thats a once-in-a-lifetime deal, Racine said. Laursen patted the buffalo hump and smiled. He couldnt believe hed won the raffle. How on earth did our people do this? Laursen and his friend Frank Kennedy began skinning the buffalo, with help from others at the Blackfeet Buffalo Program. Feel this, Laursen said, gesturing to the bisons tough, 2-inch-thick hide and gnarled hair. As Laursen and his friend cut through the skin, their knives dulled. They took breaks to stretch their cramping hands, opening and closing their fists. Kqyn Kuka, who is Blackfeet and the tribal liaison and diversity coordinator for FWP, watched. When I see this stuff, I just think, How on earth did our people do this? she said. I just cant imagine. They had to go down by the water to clean (the buffalo). Think about how cold that river water is. And what about clothes? Were in boots, but what were they wearing? Where the Blackfeet once killed bison with a bow and arrow and used stone tools to skin and clean the animal, in this hunt, Laursen and his friend used steel knives and an electric bone saw to quarter the bison. The Blackfeet Buffalo Program brought a forklift to hang the animal, allowing gravity to spur the process. Thats what you call the royal treatment, Cobell said, as the forklift raised the half-skinned buffalo 10 feet in the air. Even with modern tools and extra help, it took the group all morning to clean the animal. Since time immemorial, Native Americans used buffalo for food, shelter, tools, clothing, jewelry and ceremony. Buffalo and Native people were so connected that biologists say the two mammals co-evolved. But in the 19th century, settlers and U.S. soldiers killed millions of bison to devastate the tribal communities that relied on them. Ungulate diseases spread by domestic cattle are suspected for killing herds the hunters didnt reach. From 1820 to 1880, the bison population fell from around 30 to 60 million to fewer than 1,000. Some estimate that only 300 bison survived whats now known as the Great Slaughter. As the bison population declined, some states and the federal government passed laws to protect the animals. By the late 19th century, hundreds of bison occupied Yellowstone National Park. Today, through partnerships with national parks, and organizations like the Intertribal Buffalo Council, bison have returned to tribal lands nationwide. Most tribes in Montana maintain their own herds. Tribal bison hunts While hunting may look different now than in the 19th century, buffalo still play a critical role in the Blackfeet community. The Blackfeet Buffalo Program distributes buffalo meat which is leaner than beef to elders, members with health problems and food banks. The program donates bison to the immersion school or others who want to use it for ceremony. And the tribe regularly sells its own buffalo meat at the Glacier Family Foods grocery store in Browning at $7.99 a pound, so community members can afford it. Ervin Carlson, Buffalo Program manager, said the program pays about $400 per animal to process and distribute bison meat. This year, he said the program plans to harvest about 20 buffalo for community distribution, which will cost the program at least $8,000. Cobell said the tribe this year held 12 tribal member bison hunts, two elder hunts (which are free) and four hunts open to descendants. Tribal members who are selected dont need to pay for a tag to hunt on their own reservation. While these opportunities are important for community members culturally and otherwise, Cobell said they don't generate a lot of revenue. Sometimes, the Buffalo Program simply breaks even on tribal hunts. Were an economically depressed people, he said. Research suggests that a lack of employment opportunities, decades of oppressive federal policies and historical trauma have contributed to tribal communities disparate poverty rates. The median household income on the Blackfeet Reservation is $36,447 about half that of the national average, which is nearly $71,000. Opportunity to restore trust Raffle hunts open to all, including non-tribal members and people who live out of state, support the program's on-reservation activities. But the idea can be controversial, given the history of settlers killing bison to starve Native people. When asked how the Blackfeet community responded to a bison hunt open to the public, Cobell said, It depends who you ask. Most are OK with it, he said. Because the Buffalo Program offers several hunts for tribal members, the public raffle doesnt take opportunities away from the community. Carlson, manager of the program, said he hadnt received much pushback regarding the public hunt. But if it becomes more frequent, he expects to field some criticism. The thing is, the tribes are strapped for dollars, he said. And we need to think of ways for our programs to be self-sufficient. This helps us be able to pay to process meat that we provide for our members. Carlson said the public raffle opportunity was also important in building relationships with agencies and people who operate in the outside beyond the reservation. The tribe partnered with FWP to put on the raffle, and the hunt by design invites non-Native hunters who may not be familiar with the tribe onto the reservation. The big thing for me is that people can see our tribe and see that we can work with people, he said. It builds good working relationships with people. And it lets them know that on our lands, were good to work with. Kuka, who is the first tribal liaison and diversity coordinator for FWP, said past conflicts between the agency and tribes have led to distrust. In her new position, Kukas main priority is to work with tribes to foster better working relationships. As part of the arrangement, FWP helped promote the raffle hunt on its website and social media pages. The agency also helped administer the raffle and pick a winner. FWPs involvement provided an antidote for some hunters distrust. Laursen said hed heard about the hunt because his wife saw a post on Facebook about it. I went to the FWP website because I wasnt sure if it was real, he said, adding that he doesnt believe everything he sees on social media. When Laursen saw FWP had a role in the hunt, he knew it was legitimate, and he entered. Cobell said the first bison hunt raffle open to the public earned $55,000 more than he had anticipated. The tribe is holding a second raffle hunt, which has raised at least $20,000 so far. Carlson called the raffle opportunity a good deal for hunters. He said as the tribes herd continues to grow, hes been approached by people who want to pay to hunt on the reservation. If they come as individuals and buy a hunt from us, theyd pay a lot more, he said. The Buffalo Program charges $3,500 minimum for a hunt, so Carlson called the raffle opportunity a win-win. The lottery offers a hunt at a lower price and generates substantial revenue for the program. Carlson said the Buffalo Program will use the money from the raffle to strengthen fencing and buy hay for the animals. The revenue will also help fund the tribal member hunts and meat distribution efforts in the community. The Blackfeet Buffalo Program, which manages and maintains the herd, is primarily funded through grants and supported by partnerships with other organizations. Financial support from the tribe is inconsistent, so Carlson said the extra $75,000 from both raffle hunts and counting will go a long way. The long-term goal is always to provide more land to these animals and to increase the size of our herd so we can take care of our people, he said. Buffalo can still help take care of us, just as they did before, like with this hunt. The collection is already being hailed for creating an inclusive space in psychedelic medicine and culture. Queering Psychedelics performs an absolutely vital task in analyzing the perils and promise of psychedelic medicine and experiences for LGBTQIA+ people and communities, Hannah McLane MD, MA, MPH, Founder, SoundMind Institute wrote. The in-depth, multifaceted approach brought by its many talented contributors serves to expand the horizon of what is possible in this rapidly evolving field. There is wisdom for everyone to learn in this approach towards liberation. The conference also celebrates and continues conversations from the edited collection Queering Psychedelics: From Oppression to Liberation in Psychedelic Medicine, edited by Alex Belser, Ph.D., Clancy Cavnar, Psy.D., and Bia Labate, Ph.D. The collection, published in December 2022 by Synergetic Press, illuminates the central role queer folks have shaped the psychedelic movement, and the harm caused by its heteronormative applications. It also integrates Indigenous outlooks on psychedelics, gender roles, and identity and seeks to ally them with the struggles of other marginalized groups. The authors include queer academic researchers, LGBTQIA+ clinicians, Indigenous two-spirit activists, transgender autodidacts, and queer neo-shamans. They will make up the roster of conference presenters, alongside many other BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ speakers. Many of the contributors, including collection editors, will present over the course of the conference. Dr. Belsers session, Dear Straight Psychonauts: An Open Letter to Cishet Folks in the Psychedelic Community from a Queer Researcher, calls for a reckoning in the psychedelic world. Belser focuses on psychedelic conversion therapy and calls for the formation of a Psychedelic Conversion Survivors project to collect histories of people who went through this therapy from the 1950s-70s, and to support those who have experienced homophobic and transphobic treatment in contemporary retreat centers and other settings. Dr. Cavnars talk will share her personal experience of being a queer American woman in a traditional Brazilian ayahuasca church, where she found acceptance not extended to her in other parts of the culture. The talk will more broadly examine gay peoples experiences with ayahuasca and its effect on their perception of identity, as well as the role that culture and religion play in shaping psychedelic experiences. Other presenters include Behike Sensei Kevon Sampson, speaking on the return of ancestral tools and rituals to BIPOC urban communities; joie wolf w-m-n on radical queer group psilocybin retreats; Courtney Waston on ketamine for queer and BIPOC healing; Emma Knighton on kink-informed consent in psychedelic-assisted therapy; Taylor Dahlia Bolinger on transgender activism in the psychedelic space; Diana Quinn on astrologically-informed psychedelic journeys; and a conversation between Ariel Vegosen (Gender Illumination) and David Bronner (Dr. Bronners) on psychedelic healing and gender liberation. Other topics include: queer eroticism; psychedelic harm reduction for the queer community; spiritualy of the queer African diaspora; BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ intersectionality, networks of queer psychedelic facilitators and trainers, queer psychedelic veteran storytelling, and many others. The conference offers three tracks for participants, all of which centralize the continued presence and radical potential of queer psychedelia. Conference passes are on sale now and start at $250. Learn more about the conference and register here. Introduction On 15 November 1950 the RAI (Radio Televisione Italiana) Third Programme broadcast I due timidi, an opera radiofonica composed by Nino Rota to a libretto by Suso Cecchi dAmico, for the first time. It had been commissioned by the Italian public broadcasting company, which aimed to create an original repertoire exclusively intended for radio. It was the beginning of a remarkable journey: over two decades the opera would be performed across different media, languages and cultures, ranging, with appropriate adjustments, from the darkness of radio to the limelight of the stage and television, constantly reshaping to adapt to new contexts, while keeping its own poetic, aesthetic, dramatic, and musical substance. This is indeed a fascinating story, with a relevant chapter unfolding in Britain during the 1950s, which documents preserved in the British Library allow us to reconstruct. The work Nino Rota (1911-79) and Suso Cecchi dAmico (1914 2010) were invited to create a new opera for broadcasting in late 1949. They had been close friends since their youth, sharing from different sides the exciting adventure of Italian post-war cinema. Rota, a talented pupil of Ildebrando Pizzetti and Alfredo Casella, was successfully making his way as a composer of both classical and applied music, and was already known in England as the author of the score for films such as The Glass Mountain. Cecchi dAmico, the daughter of eminent scholar Emilio Cecchi and painter Leonetta Pieraccini and the wife of the distinguished music critic Fedele dAmico, was successfully making her way as a screenwriter, the co-author of the script for Vittorio De Sicas film The Bicycle Thief. Working together in perfect harmony, in a few months they conceived and created an original story that takes place over a single day in a lower middle-class apartment block in an unnamed city a recurring setting in Italian movies at the time. A young man, Raimondo, and a young woman pianist, Mariuccia, who are in love with each other from a distance but have never met, have settled close to each other, hoping to be able one day to declare their mutual love. Raimondo lives in a boarding house held by a mature landlady, while Mariuccia resides in a modest flat with her mother, gracefully practising the piano to Raimondos delight. However, fate has different plans for them. An accident and a subsequent misunderstanding cause each of them to declare their love to the wrong person, which turns out to be fatal: both Raimondo and Mariuccia are too shy to express their true feelings in order to put right the difficult situation. In an elliptical, bittersweet finale, set two years later, we hear an exhausted pianist practising at night-time it is Mariuccia, now the wife of an elderly doctor, mother of two kids - and an angry male voice: Raimondo, now the landladys husband and the landlord of the boarding house, who is manifestly annoyed by that disturbing noise. Flyer for the world stage premiere of I due timidi. BL MS Mus. 1743 I due timidi in the UK I due timidi received a special mention at the Prix Italia 1950, where its immediate expressiveness and the fresh quality of its soundscape were greatly appreciated, including by delegates from the BBC. Within a few months the BBC Third Programme broadcast the Italian production of the opera and the operatic department at the BBC produced an English version, first aired on 5 March 1952, again on the Third Programme, under the title The two shy people. A few days later, on 17 March 1952, the opera received its world stage premiere at the Scala Theatre in London, a production of The London Opera Club in association with the Arts Council of Great Britain. Typescript libretto of The two shy people The intense British life of I due timidi during the 1950s is retraceable in detail from documents kept in a folder preserved at the British Library (MS Mus. 1743) presumably collected by David Harris, the BBC Opera Manager who was the producer of the operas BBC broadcast and the author of the English version of its libretto. The folder is rich in press cuttings related to the 1952 radio performance and to a new production, also curated by Harris and broadcast on the BBC Home Service on 1 April 1957, whose typewritten opening and closing announcements are preserved. The folder additionally contains a considerable number of reviews of the stage premiere, but no press cuttings referring to the BBC production of the opera for television, which adopted the English version by Harris and was first broadcast after his death, on 30 March 1961. Signed vocal score of I due timidi The vocal score The core of the folder lies in the musical material. The vocal score of the opera, a diazotype copy of a non-authorial manuscript of the original version signed by Harris on the cover and by the whole cast of the 1952 production inside, has Rotas autograph dedication to Harris inscribed on the front page. The playbill flyer of the stage premiere is pasted on the inside cover. The score clearly testifies to the work undertaken to make the opera more intelligible to a British audience. The English translation is added in red ink in exact alignment with the Italian text and carefully notes slight alterations to the original version, such as the addition of a 25-bar prologue before the original opening (using the same music as the closing 25 bars of the opera) followed by a brief spoken description of the scene. Vocal score of I due timidi showing English additions in red Recordings and UK revival It is especially interesting to look at the musical material while listening to the recordings of the 1952 (Product note 1LL0011884-95) and 1957 (Product note 1LL0011487-1LL0011499) BBC broadcasts, which are kept in the Library and available for listening as audio files. There is still uncertainty over the exact identity of the recording of what seems to be a studio performance of the English piano version (Product note 1LL0012460-73, presumably dated 19 February 1961). The documents as a whole prove to be an invaluable source to allow a close examination of the opera in its multiple versions and to integrate with the precious autograph material relating to the opera preserved in the Fondo Nino Rota at the Fondazione Cini, Venice. I due timidi received its Italian stage premiere on 19 January 1971 at the Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari a city in the South, where Rota was the director of the local Music Conservatory for almost 30 years. From that moment on, it was gradually included in the opera repertoire. Seventy years after the world stage premiere, the opera returns to the London stage, presented by the Guildhall Schools Opera Department at the Silk Theatre. We would like to imagine that Nino Rota, who had a special affection for London and was happy to have some of his operas staged by students in academic institutions, would be delighted to be together with his dearest friend Suso Cecchi dAmico in the audience. Prof. Angela Annese Conservatory of Music Niccolo Piccinni, Bari Further reading Pier Marco De Santi, La musica di Nino Rota (Roma-Bari, 1983). [BL Shelfmark: General Reference Collection LB.31.b.4190] Suso Cecchi dAmico, Storie di cinema (e daltro); raccontate a Margherita dAmico (Milano, 1996; Milano, 2002). Francesco Lombardi (ed.), Fra cinema e musica del Novecento: il caso Nino Rota (Firenze, 2000). Veniero Rizzardi (ed.), Lundicesima musa: Nino Rota e i suoi media (Roma, 2001). Richard Dyer, Nino Rota: Music, Film and Feeling (London, 2010). [BL Shelfmark (2nd edition, 2019): General Reference Collection DRT ELD.DS.550948] Francesco Lombardi (ed.), Nino Rota: un timido protagonista del Novecento musicale (Torino, 2012). Suso Cecchi dAmico, Suso a Lele: lettere (dicembre 1945 marzo 1947), a cura di Silvia e Masolino dAmico (Milano, 2016). [BL Shelfmark: General Reference Collection YF.2019.a.15133] Further listening Nino Rota: I due timidi (original radio production, 1950), Twilight Music TWI CD AS 06 27 (2006) Nino Rota: La notte di un nevrastenico / I due timidi (live recording, Rieti, Teatro Vespasiano, 2017), Dynamic DVD 57830 (2018) Nino Rota: La notte di un nevrastenico / I due timidi (live recording, Rieti, Teatro Vespasiano, 2017), Dynamic CDS7830.02 (2019) The Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators announced its annual Golden Kite Awards on February 24, along with the annual Sid Fleischman Humor Award. SCBWI Golden Kite coordinator Bonnie Bader emceed the Zoom ceremony to kick off SCBWIs virtual daylong conference on February 25. Golden Kite winners receive $2,500 each, plus $1,000 to donate to the nonprofit organization of their choice, and honorees receive $500 each, plus $250 to donate to a nonprofit. Up first was the Fleischman Award, which went to Tracy Baduas Freddie vs. the Family Curse. Badua directed her donation to the Filipino American National Historical Society. The Fleischman Honor went to Rachel Elliotts graphic novel The Real Riley Mayes, which had received an ALA Stonewall Honor in January. Nonfiction author Stacy McAnulty took home two recognitions for two books. Our Planet: Theres No Place Like Earth, illustrated by David Litchfield, got the Nonfiction Text for Younger Readers award, and Save the People! Halting Human Extinction got a Nonfiction Text for Older Readers Honor. McAnultys contributions benefit the Sierra Club Foundation. Committee chair Tiffany Jewell, who judged both nonfiction categories, sees Our Planet as a book that will be used in classrooms across the country. McAnulty said she was writing Save the People! when she imagined Earth telling her story, Earth telling us why we should care in Our Planet, so she composed both manuscripts at once. Tara Lazar proclaimed she was gobsmacked, flabbergasted when Absurd Words: A Kids Fun and Hilarious Vocabulary Builder for Future Word Nerds received the prize for Nonfiction Text for Older Readers. Her donation went to the Highlights Foundation. In her acceptance talk, Lazar playfully misquoted the Beastie Boys: Remember, kids: you gotta fight for your right to be nerdy! Dinah Johnsons H Is for Harlem received the Nonfiction Text for Younger Readers honor. The Middle Grade Fiction committee rated some 170 books, said member Sundee Frazier, and chose Michael Leali as the winner for The Civil War of Amos Abernathy. Lealis charitable contribution supports the Ali Forney Center for unhoused LGBTQ+ youth. Leali said he based the novel on my experience as a young historical re-enactor, as a kid who was homeschooled, as a quiet and ashamed young queer person who has now found his opportunity to celebrate his gay identity. The middle grade Honoree was Andrea Beatriz Arangos Iveliz Explains It All, which was also a 2023 Newbery Honoree. Brittany J. Thurman won the Picture Book Text award for Fly, illustrated by Anna Cunha, and directed her donation to Young Authors Greenhouse. The committee, led by Alex Giardino, said Fly's poetic language captures the rhythms of childhood play. The honor went to Alicia D. Williams for The Talk, illustrated by Briana Mukodiri Uchendu, which earlier this year won a Coretta Scott King Author Honor. In Picture Book Illustration, artist Nathalie Dion won for Kumo the Bashful Cloud, written by Kyo Maclear, and dedicated her donation to the Montreal childrens healthcare organization Le Phare (The Lighthouse). Committee chair Shadra Strickland called Kumo beautifully impressionisticit would make anyone want to look up. Strickland added, I can tell you there were almost fights in trying to pick the winners. Sophie Blackalls Farmhouse took home the illustration honor. In Illustrated Book for Older Readers, author-illustrator Isabel Roxas won for The Adventures of Team Pom: Squid Happens, and her contribution goes to the Center for Fiction in Brooklyn. Squid Happens started out as a single painting, and then a picture book that did not see the light of day, which eventually became a self-published [series], Roxas said, before it was picked up by Flying Eye Books. The illustration honor went to illustrator Marissa Valdez, for Esmes Birthday Conga Line, written by Lourdes Heuer. Last was the Young Adult Fiction category, with Emily Inouye Huey taking home the award for her novel Beneath the Wide Silk Sky, a story of a young Japanese American photographer living in the Pacific Northwest in the World War II era. Inouye Huey will send her donation to Literacy for Incarcerated Teens, in acknowledgment of her experiences teaching in a detention center for minors as well as her family of Japanese Americans who were imprisoned during the war. Bill Konigsberg got the honor for Destination Unknown and selected the National Minority AIDS Council as his nonprofit. SCBWI director Sarah Baker dropped into the Zoom call at the conclusion, urging the nominees and audience, Please keep creating your important books and telling your incredible stories. Professional Services firm, KPMG in Bahrain, is hosting a seminar to discuss the implementation of Corporate Income Tax (CIT) in the UAE and its potential implications on Bahraini businesses. The event will also cover the potential launch of E-Invoicing in the kingdom and highlight how businesses can better prepare themselves for the implementation. The seminar will take place on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at the Downtown Rotana hotel, under the theme The evolving tax landscape in Bahrain and the UAE. CIT law The UAE Ministry of Finance recently published the new federal CIT law which will be effective from the financial year commencing on or after June 1, 2023. In Bahrain, the National Bureau for Revenue (NBR) is considering the launch of E-Invoicing after having invited proposals from consultants to assist them with the relevant legal framework, in addition to holding a series of focus group sessions with large Bahrain based taxpayers. Mubeen Khadir, Partner and Head of Tax and Corporate Services at KPMG in Bahrain will be among the keynote speakers during the seminar. It is important for Tax and Finance leaders to keep themselves updated with key tax developments and ensure that their companies are ready to adapt to such changes in time and remain compliant. The introduction of CIT in the UAE will have a significant impact on Bahraini businesses who have prevalent operations and transactions in the UAE. This also includes businesses who have registered entities in Bahrain, and may have their management and the associated controls based in the UAE. If E-Invoicing is implemented in Bahrain, then it will require taxpayers to have an automated tamper proof system that can generate e-invoices and debit/ credit notes that meet the specific requirements of the tax authority in Bahrain, he said. Corporate tax in Bahrain Also, while there is speculation on the introduction of a Corporate Tax mechanism in Bahrain, this is no longer a question of if it will happen but more of a when it will happen. During our seminar we will provide our views on the when Bahrain introduces Corporate Tax, what businesses will need to do to ensure that they can better prepare their organisations and processes to ensure that they remain competitive. We would like to encourage business leaders in Bahrain to attend the half-day seminar to learn how CIT in the UAE and the potential launch of E-Invoicing in Bahrain will impact their organisations, Mubeen commented. Companies impacted by the CIT Law need to fully understand the scope and reach of the law and make the necessary changes, to their systems and processes to ensure compliance with the new tax regulations. During the event, Wassim Chahine, Partner and Head of Corporate Tax at KPMG UAE will share his insights on the scope of the CIT, available exemptions, free-zone entity taxation, foreign tax credits and expected impact on Bahraini businesses specifically. This is in addition to providing practical steps based on the published law and the lessons learnt from global best practices that companies need to consider to enhance their readiness.-- TradeArabia News Service The City of Madison, Wisconsin just announced the winners of the Wisconsin Salt Wise naming contest for the various vehicles in Madison's snow removal fleetand they do not disappoint! WMTV NBC15 reports: The people have spoken, and they have chosen wisely, with the names Saltimus Prime, Snowbi Wan Kenobi, Seymour Pavement, and Dolly Plowton floating to the top. According to the City of Madison, each of the pieces of equipment received over 3,000 votes from dedicated supporters. The Quad Axle Brine Truck beat, now known as Saltimus Prime, edged out 15 other candidates, including Barbara Salters and Sweet Carolbrine. The name in the race for the Bike Path Plow, Snowbi Wan Kenobi, won in a landslide victory, earning over 1,000 votes with the runner up, Austin Plowers, earning an admirable 352. The voting was set up as ranked choice system where voters select their top five picks. The top five candidates in the race for the Double Wing Plow Truck were Kung Plow Chicken, Pushy McDriftyflakes, Snowsferatu, Blizzo and the winner, Dolly Plowton. Last but certainly not least, Seymour Pavement took home the title of naming the new Loader with Plow and Wing, narrowly advancing passed Scoopy Doo with a narrow margin of less than 15 points. Hong Kong journalist Kaoru Ng has been filming from the front lines of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Hong Kong freelance journalist Kaoru Ng has been capturing the conflict on the front lines. Hong Kong freelance journalist Kaoru Ng has been reporting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine since it started a year ago, filming at the front lines in different regions of the country, and living with the danger and privations that come from living in a country at war, including a close shave with death. "Russian troops had already entered the city, and battle was under way," Ng recalls of one particular incident that he says nearly cost him his life. "We wanted to get to where the fighting was to see what was going on, but two of the three bridges on the way there had been blown up, and the third was on fire." "Just as we were crossing the bridge, a Russian missile detonated about five meters behind us," he said. "I was blown some distance by the blast, but my fixer [translator and assistant] was closest to the missile, and shrapnel from the missile got stuck in his spine, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down for six months." "I, miraculously, wasn't hurt maybe he shielded me from the worst of the blast." Ng said he is now used to the danger to life and limb, as well as being inured to the constant cuts to power and water supplies, and that many people he knew have either died or suffered injuries in the war. A person looks out from a war-damaged building in Ukraine. Credit: Provided by respondent "It's really horrible," he said. "Every Ukrainian knows someone or has family who have died in the war." "There is a lot of trauma in places that have been occupied by the Russian army, as well as a lot of mass graves," he said. "There have been a lot of charred corpses along the way, often with a detonated missile with Russian writing on it nearby." "But in extreme situations like that, you can also see how much people help each other and love each other," Ng said. "There is a very strong will among Ukrainians [to repel the invasion], and those who are able contribute money [to the war effort]," he said. "There are a lot of people who take a lot of risks by volunteering in very dangerous areas, helping local people to evacuate." "It sounds like a cliche to say it, but it's really in that kind of darkness that the brilliance of humanity comes shining through." Surrender is not an option Ng said he has witnessed the near-total destruction of some towns and cities in the area east of Kharkiv, although some places still have pockets of holdout residents who hang on, picking up dead branches to burn on makeshift wood fires to stay warm in winter, and staying in their homes regardless. "The Ukrainians know very well that under Russian occupation, surrender doesn't mean an end to Russian persecution, so surrender isn't an option for Ukrainians, and this is very important to them," he said. Scenes from Ukraine. Credit: Provided by respondent "Ukrainians aren't going to sit around waiting to die, either," he said. "I have learned from them what it means to live with dignity." "It's worth dying for freedom, and Ukrainians are able to express this fully." Solidarity with Taiwan Ng, whose hometown of Hong Kong also saw pitched battles between demonstrators and armed riot police in a mass protest against encroaching totalitarianism in 2019, said Ukrainians are also fairly united in their perception of what is at stake. "They see this as a war between liberalism and totalitarianism," he said, adding that many in Ukraine have expressed solidarity with the democratic island of Taiwan, which China claims despite never having controlled the country, and has threatened to annex by force if it continues to refuse "peaceful unification" under Chinese Communist Party rule. "Every Ukrainian knows someone or has family who have died in the war," Kaoru Ng says. Credit: Provided by respondent "People in Ukraine have been very concerned about the situation in Taiwan ever since this war started," Ng said. "They understand the difference between China and Taiwan, and some people here are advocating a total switch to Taiwan-made drones to prevent infiltration [of the Ukrainian army by Chinese tech]." One year into a war that Russian president Vladimir Putin expected to last a matter of weeks, Ng plans to stay in Ukraine, and contribute to the free flow of information about what's happening there. Translated by Luisetta Mudie. Edited by Malcolm Foster Welcome back to The Farda Briefing, an RFE/RL newsletter that tracks the key issues in Iran and explains why they matter. To subscribe, click here. I'm RFE/RL correspondent Golnaz Esfandiari. Here's what I've been following during the past week and what I'm watching for in the days ahead. The Big Issue Iran appears to be making headway toward renewing official ties with Saudi Arabia and Persian Gulf states that in some cases have been publicly avoiding Tehran for decades. The foreign ministers of Iran and Saudi Arabia held talks in Beijing on April 6 in a significant step toward restoring diplomatic relations, which were cut in 2016 after protesters attacked Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran following Riyadhs execution of prominent Saudi Shi'ite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. Iran also accepted an invitation from Saudi King Salman for President Ebrahim Raisi to visit Riyadh, while Tehran said it will send a similar invitation to the Saudi king. Meanwhile, a Saudi delegation traveled to Iran on April 9 to discuss the reopening of the embassy in Tehran and a consulate in Mashhad. The trip came as Iranian media reported on April 8 that a street sign near the Saudi consulate in Mashhad provocatively named after Sheikh al-Nimr had been quietly removed. An Iranian delegation also arrived in Saudi Arabia on April 12 to pave the way for the reopening of Iranian diplomatic missions there. Iran is meanwhile taking steps to improve ties with other countries in the region, naming an ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) and working to decrease tensions with Egypt and Bahrain. Why It Matters: Iran and Saudi Arabia appear to be pursuing implementation of last months Chinese-brokered agreement, possibly clearing the way for Tehran to de-escalate tensions with other countries that followed Riyadhs lead on a rupture seven years ago. What's Next: Tehran and Riyadh could move surprisingly swiftly toward normalization, but its no sure thing. Abdolrasool Divsallar, a visiting professor at the Catholic University of Milan (UCSC), told me that the political environment between the two regional rivals could encourage the start of military and security talks within months. But Divsallar also warned that opponents at home and abroad could still undermine the agreement. Hard-liners in Iran may act as a spoiler rather than as a supporter of the deal, he said, adding that Israel could do the same. The regional tensions between Israel and Iran, on one side, andbetween Iran, Saudi [Arabia] and the United States, on the other side, are two dynamics that make this process very fragile, he said. Divsallar also suggested that any normalization between Iran and countries with less appetite for a quick restoration of ties, for instance Bahrain, could take longer. They feel more secure under the current status quo rather than immediately normalizing their ties with the Islamic republic and losing their leverage, he said, adding, They may wait to see a major change of policies. Stories You Might Have Missed Irans civil aviation sector has for years been under Western sanctions that prevent it from purchasing new aircraft or spare parts for repairs. Now, Russia's oldest airline, Aeroflot, has sent one of its passenger planes to Iran for repairs for the first time ever. Aeroflot reportedly ran into obstacles at home stemming from Western sanctions over Russias ongoing, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. The RBK media group cited an Aeroflot representative and sources close to the company on April 11 as saying that an Airbus A330-300 had been sent to Tehran on April 5 to be repaired by specialists from Iran's Mahan Air. Iranian pensioners staged protests in more than a dozen cities across Iran, demanding higher pensions amid soaring prices. Protests were reported on April 9 in Tehran, Ahvaz, Mashhad, Isfahan, Arak, Qom, Shush, Tabriz, and several other cities where retirees complained of poor living conditions and chanted anti-government slogans. Labor protests in Iran have swelled as the economy deteriorates following years of mismanagement compounded by crippling U.S. sanctions. What We're Watching Prominent Iranian female religious scholar Sedigheh Vasmaghi has challenged Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei over the Islamic republics mandatory hijab law. In a letter published online, Vasmaghi asked about the reasoning behind Irans strict model for womens dress and said the Koran does not specify the need for women to cover their hair in public. There is no evidence to show that during the time of the Prophet Muhammad women were harassed and punished for not covering their hair or even their bodies, Vasmaghi, who has published several books on Islamic jurisprudence, wrote. Why It Matters: Vasmaghis letter is significant for its timing -- just days after Khamenei asserted that the removal of the hijab in public was religiously banned. But it is also important because it comes from a religious woman who wears the veil while opposing the mandatory hijab, which is seemingly being defied by a growing number of women. That's all from me for now. Don't forget to send me any questions, comments, or tips that you have. Until next time, Golnaz Esfandiari If you enjoyed this briefing and don't want to miss the next edition, subscribe here. It will be sent to your inbox every Wednesday. Retired Major General Clive (Chip) Chapman spent decades as a paratrooper, battlefield commander, instructor, and served as the British Defense Ministrys head of counterterrorism. He also served a stint as Britains senior military adviser to U.S. Central Command. Chapman has drawn on his operational, tactical, and strategic experience to provide frequent public commentary and analysis on the course of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Chapman spoke to RFE/RLs Georgian Service ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion about whether Kremlin war planners apparent attrition strategy can work, Moscows deep battle for territory and Ukrainian minds, how Ukraine might win the war, and the realism of Russias neighbors. RFE/RL: Your former student finds himself the president-elect of a sovereign country in Europe. What are your expectations of General, and soon President, Petr Pavel? Clive Chapman: I think firstly, the election of Petr Pavel as the Czech president is a really big thing because he beat a pro-Russian populist. (Editors note: Pavel beat billionaire former Prime Minister Andrej Babis, winning 58 to 42 percent of the vote in a runoff in January, and he will be inaugurated in March.) So, in terms of reinforcing the fact that democracy should be on the march against dictatorships, I think that's really important. The second thing is, of course, that, when Pavel joined the military, Czechoslovakia was still under the boot of Russia. And he was schooled, of course, in some of his early courses by the spetsnaz [special forces], because he served in the Czechoslovak parabattalions. But the fact that he is a libertarian -- because those who have been occupied and seen what an invasion means in the east -- and Czechoslovakia, of course, was invaded in 1968 -- don't like it, and want to go towards freedom and liberty. So, I think all those things are really important for the future. And he represents that beacon and represents that we must support Ukraine to the total degree, and he is a realist in understanding that for the future. RFE/RL: I remember you correctly predicted what Russians would try to do on February 24 last year, when you said: "First one is control of the air.then pulverize the airfields of Ukraine and make sure they've got air supremacy." The second and third, I think, involved shock and surprise. I think youd agree that they tried all of those things, but they failed. And now, as reports emerge that a new, major offensive is imminent, what do you think they will try to do this time? Chapman: Well, I think that they would try and, if they could, to have some sort of combined arms maneuver with local air superiority in the sectors where they want to break through. But I dont think theyre going to do that. I think theyre going to keep on hammering at the door in the Donbas in [the regions of] Luhansk and Donetsk and use this sort of grinding tactic of attrition to ultimately try and wear the Ukrainians down and, more importantly, wear the political will of the West down, to get to a position where theres a negotiated cease-fire or some sort of armistice. That wont work, and we need to resist that, because the notion of land for peace will just lead to a future bite-and-hold operation from the Russians at a time and place of their choosing. It might be two years, it might be five years. Capability is the sum of a number of things, including your training, your equipment, your morale, your logistics. And I think thats why you see the realism of those countries which are closest to Russia, those that border Russia. So, its the realism from [Prime Minister] Sanna Marin of Finland about Ukraine must win because [otherwise] well have this sort of behavior for decades in the future. Its the kind of realism of [Prime Minister] Kaja Kallas from Estonia that goodness must triumph over evil and we must go in this for the long haul and support Ukraine as much as we can for the future. Thats why one percent of GDP from Estonia which is an astounding amount has been given to Ukraine. So those who are closest to the problem realize that you really do need to support Ukraine. Those who are further away geographically sometimes forget that. RFE/RL: Regarding this imminent counteroffensive, is it merely symbolism that is at play here -- as in they are trying to secure some sort of a victory for the 24th of February, or is Russia trying to race against time before [advanced] Western tanks arrive in Ukraine? Chapman: I think both of those can be true at the same time. I don't think that there will be a major offensive prior to the 24th of February. But one of the key men, of course, in determining that should be the Met man -- the guy who forecasts the weather. The Tavberidze Interviews Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Vazha Tavberidze of RFE/RL's Georgian Service has been interviewing diplomats, military experts, and academics who hold a wide spectrum of opinions about the war's course, causes, and effects. To read all of his interviews, click here. Now the last time I looked over the last seven days, it was sort of plus-2 or minus-2 [degrees Celsius in Ukraine]. So, a bit of thaw, a bit of hardness. That's the stuff which will be churned up and doesn't enable you to do combined arms operations. There doesnt seem to be any indication, in terms of any depth of Russian potential offensive that were seeing any intelligence indicators of that. So, I'm not quite sure it will come this month. There might be something on the 24th, of course. But they'll continue to fight, I think, their deep battle. And by the deep battle in terms of how we look at the theater of war, you have the contact battles going on at Bakhmut and Vuhledar. But you also have the deep battle where the Russians are trying to break the will of the Ukrainian people by the destruction of the energy infrastructure and things like that. And that is also failing badly in terms of the metrics I've seen. As soon as the Russians do that, the support for no compromise -- that is no land for peace, including Crimea -- is maintained at a very consistently high level, including amongst even those who are sort of Russian-speaking Ukrainians. So, it's counterproductive from the Russian side, but it's still part of their campaigning strategy. RFE/RL: I want to ask you about this numbers war, the beloved Russian tactic of swarming the enemy with numbers. Can the Russian leaderships disregard for their own men and the sheer numbers that they possess win them the day? Chapman: I don't think it can, ultimately. The latest American intelligence about a week ago was that those who are joining the fray -- and I'm now talking about the regular Russian Army, not the Wagner sort of mercenaries and prisoners -- are ill-equipped and ill-prepared for what's been going on. The mobilization of hundreds of thousands of people does not by itself give you a capability. The capability, of course, is the sum of a number of things, including your training, your equipment, your morale, your logistics. The problem with having an attritional strategy, where you're just keep on getting tens of thousands of your own soldiers killed or wounded is that when you come to replace them, and particularly within the Russian Federation, there are 22, of course, non-Russian parts of the Russian Federation. They're the ones who potentially would be a fracture, in terms of centripetal forces, which do impinge upon the Russians, which could break the Russian Federation apart. So, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has a sort of balancing act in terms of what he can do. I dont think hed want to try and mobilize hundreds of thousands more troops if he can get away with not doing that. But, of course, hes also not going to compromise at the moment; and the best solution to making him compromise is to give Ukraine the equipment, because theyve got the morale, so that they can succeed. Weapons are the way to a better peace, from a Ukrainian perspective. RFE/RL: Putin apparently has given orders to Russian military leadership, to capture all of the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk by March. Untrained, low capability, whatever, we are still talking about twice or thrice the size of the army that they began this war with. So, keeping all of this in mind, is it feasible? Chapman: In theory, it would be low probability of success because of the variables about the weather as much about the capability of the Russians at the moment. So, a low probability is of course an intelligence term which we would use. So, it will remain this grinding conflict at the moment. Around Kazakhstan and [Central Asia], and Moldova, Georgia. I think there could absolutely be a geostrategic, geopolitical realignment, depending on what comes out the other end of this conflict. And I would suspect that the Russians will culminate, which is a military term which means they will run out of offensive power before they reach the objective of trying to capture both [Donetsk] and Luhansk, certainly before the end of March. They've not reached any of their timelines so far in their campaign. But of course, the Ukrainians are going play a cunning game. There's no point then just going into a meat grinder and losing tens of thousands of their own troops. So, a counteroffensive from Ukrainian perspective, which sort of slices through Zaporizhzhya and severs the Russian forces in Kherson from the land bridge through Donetsk and Luhansk, perhaps would potentially be a war-winning move from the Ukrainians. So, from a Ukrainian perspective, fix Russians in the Donbas and strike in as much capability and power that you can muster in Zaporizhzhya would be one of the ways to unlock this. RFE/RL: You don't rate the strategic soundness of remaining or defending Bakhmut to the last soldier, as Ive read. Chapman: The problem for the Ukrainians is twofold. Firstly, you can't recapture your territory by remaining on the defensive. And secondly, trying to negotiate territory which you still don't occupy is very difficult from a Ukrainian perspective when I don't think the psyche of Putin is to give anything away. So, the best leverage comes from decisive military victory from a Ukrainian perspective, and that is offensive operations, not defensive operations. RFE/RL: On Bakhmut, most of what was remaining as a regiment has been transferred to the east. Will we see more sieges like we saw in Mariupol last year? Will that become a new norm to hold on to Ukrainian territory? Well, it shouldnt be. It would be useful for mythmaking in terms of both morale and propaganda. But the Ukrainians will know when to conduct a retrograde operation essentially a withdrawal if the danger of their logistics being cut is about to happen. Because what you dont want is to have thousands or tens of thousands of Ukrainians put in the bag that is, to become prisoners of war from their perspective. You want to sustain your force for another day. Because at the end of the day, Bakhmut only matters in terms of its a tactical battle, and tactical battles are only fought to enable operational successes in furtherance of your strategic objective. Its not decisive in the slightest. So dont fight there in perpetuity if you dont need to. RFE/RL: On to the new military assistance and the latest U.S. military assistance package introduces the Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb, or GLSDB, a precision-guided 250-pound bomb that is strapped to a rocket. It has a range of 94 miles (151 kilometers), which is farther than any bomb the U.S. has so far provided to Ukraine. What kind of impact is expected? Chapman: The impact it will have will be severe, both geographically and logistics. So, the first thing is that it puts everything in eastern Ukraine in range because the range is 150 kilometers. The second thing is it puts most of Crimea in range, so you can start knocking out the infrastructure and logistics in [occupied] Crimea. The third thing is, because of the range issue, it pushes the Russian logistics further back and therefore you need more free running of trucks to get your logistics forward to your fighting troops. That therefore limits your tempo of operations -- it slows it down in sustainment and availability terms of logistics, artillery, ammunition, and the like. So, I think it's going to be almost up there as one [example] of that dreadful's a game changer. RFE/RL: What else might be stopped? Are we going to see ATACMS [surface-to-air Army Tactical Missile Systems], for example? Chapman: I think you will at some stage. Like all these things, we've really gone through a four-phase cycle -- and this really came from the Ukrainian defense minister -- where any weapons system, there's always a No, then it's Look at the technical feasibility in phase two, then it's phase three, Let's train them on it. Then phase four, Let's give it to the Ukrainians. So, I think we will see that both on ATACMS and, I think, ultimately on airpower. Because ultimately, at the end of the day, in 20th century warfare, there were four factors for success in land operations, and the number one was control of the air -- so having close-air support to enable you to move in your combined arms, formations, tanks, infantry, engineers, artillery -- is still a vital capability which is needed to give at least air parity over the offensive operations, if not air superiority, when the Ukrainians want to go on the offensive at a time and a place of their choosing. RFE/RL: It's kind of a paradox, isn't it? Ukraine should perform badly to be injected with this kind of new weaponry. And as long as they continue to perform beyond expectations, that might be more complicated to see this new weaponry on the battlefield. Does it make sense militarily to you, to drag your feet so much? Chapman: Now, of course, it doesn't make sense militarily. But for example, rather like the discussion early in March last year about a no-fly zone. From a military perspective, the advice you give is, Can we? Yes, we can, we could impose a no-fly zone. But politicians ask two different questions: Should we? and Must we? So, you do need a strategy bridge between political intent and military power. But you also need that between the senior military folk and the politicians. And ultimately in a democracy it's the politicians who make the decisions, not the military men. RFE/RL: What could be the impact on Russias neighborhood? Chapman: We dont really know what the better peace means. But there are centripetal forces both within the non-Russian bits within the Russian Federation and in the southern states around Russia around Kazakhstan and [Central Asia], and Moldova, Georgia. I think there could absolutely be a geostrategic, geopolitical realignment, depending on what comes out the other end of this conflict. Because people often talk about a cease-fire. But theres a huge difference between a truce, a cease-fire, an armistice, and a peace settlement. People use the term cease-fire, but its far more complex than that. And one of the difficulties of seeing that with very open eyes is that is really the difference between conflict termination and conflict resolution. Because three things will always be the same. Leaders might change. Vital interests rarely change. And geography never changes; there will always be some sort of border between those countries, and the root cause of the conflict is not always sorted out by an armistice. One would hope it would be sorted out by a peace settlement. But history is not very kind on that -- the First World War. It was more benevolent after the Second World War. And we would hope that, if Russia were defeated at the real strategic level, there might be an embrace of a new future a future that Putin and the Putinists dont offer for Russia. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. YEREVAN -- Officials in Baku say Azerbaijani athletes will boycott the European Weightlifting Championships in the Armenian capital of Yerevan and return home after an Azerbaijani flag was set afire by an apparent intruder at an opening ceremony late on April 14. Armenian police briefly detained a person who ran onto the stage during the event and snatched the Azerbaijani flag from a lady performing in the opening ceremony before setting it ablaze. No Azerbaijani athletes or delegation members were reportedly present in the hall at the time of the incident. Over 300 athletes from 40 countries are competing in the European Weightlifting Championships in Yerevan. No charges were brought immediately against the intruder, whom the Armenian police identified as Aram Nikolian, a professional designer. He was set free by police several hours after his detention, officials said. Azerbaijans Ministry of Youth and Sports and National Olympic Committee described the incident as a "barbaric act," saying it was a manifestation of :ethnic hatred, racism, xenophobia, and animosity toward Azerbaijanis" in Armenia and was "contrary to the noble principles and goals of sports." Declaring that under such conditions the safety of Azerbaijani athletes was not ensured and their normal participation in the championships was impossible, the Azerbaijani authorities announced their decision that their athletes will return home. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry also condemned the incident, demanding those responsible be punished. "It is worrying that no security measures were taken by organizers against such hate action. Perpetrators should be accordingly punished, Aykhan Hajizade, a spokesman for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, wrote on Twitter. Armenias Sports Ministry countered by saying that all security measures had been put in place by the Armenian side as required and there were no security risks for the Azerbaijani athletes. It stressed that the flag burning incident at the opening ceremony was settled quickly and had nothing to do with the general security of Azerbaijani athletes and ensuring of their normal participation in the competitions. "The Republic of Armenia remains committed to fulfilling its obligations to the International Weightlifting Federation and reaffirms its readiness to hold the 2023 European Championships at a high level," Armenia's Sports Ministry said in a statement. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been locked in a conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh for years. Some 30,000 people were killed in a war in the early 1990s that left ethnic Armenians in control of the breakaway region and seven adjacent districts of Azerbaijan proper. Another 7,000 died 7,000 when the simmering conflict reignited in 2020. Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. Youd think they were talking across town and had been friends for years. Juiliette Mueller and Vika Kucher talk every Saturday via Zoom. They catch up on the weeks happenings and find out what might be coming up next week. Call them modern-day pen pals. Juliette, 16, is from Amherst, and Vika, 14, lives in Ukraine. They had a lot to talk about Saturday. Last week was a momentous week in Ukraine. President Joe Biden visited Kyiv on Monday, and Friday marked a year since Russia invaded Ukraine. Since then, the country has seen thousands of civilians and soldiers killed. Millions in Ukraine fled to other countries, but Vika and her family stayed in western Ukraine. The girls started talking remotely last June. The friendship is through a program by ENGin, a nonprofit that links youth in Ukraine who want to practice and improve their English with those who are willing to talk with them for a cross-cultural connection. Juliette and Vika talk about whatever comes up. Saturday Vika told Juliette about an app on her phone. It tracks air raids and incoming missiles. And at the end of the day, the app shows which areas in Ukraine got bombed, and the number of times. If shes at school for the air raid, parents come and pick up their children. And if the attack is close by, students and teachers run into a bomb shelter in the basement. I think shes very brave because I know I would be very scared, said Juliette, who is a junior at the Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart. But they dont always talk about the war. For Juliette, this is a way to bring peace to a place that was wracked by war and fear, said Bridget McGuinness, a campus minister at Sacred Heart. Juliette is an example of ways in which we underestimate the value of heart to heart connection in our world. The first few weeks, Juliette said, "it was a bit difficult, because she definitely had a lower level of speaking English than she does now." But the awkwardness and formal conversation is more relaxed now. They have learned about schools in each of their countries. Vika now learns in person in school for three weeks and remotely one week. She lives in Khmelnytskyi, a medium-sized city with one of Ukraines nuclear power plants. Vika tells Juliette about the Ukrainian food she likes, while Juiliette talks about American cuisine. Whenever we talk about any topic, shes telling me what she knows from Ukraine, and Im telling her what I know from America, Juliette said. Im learning a lot about how things in Ukraine work. Juliette takes Spanish in school and is trying to learn German on her own. Vika has taken formal English in school, and is taking Turkish now. There was just one time that Vika missed their hourlong chats, because she was in her basement during an air raid. That kind of scared me a little. I was freaking out to my mom about it. I thought, like, that she died or she got hurt, Juliette said. Both girls like politics Juliette is interested in international law, international affairs and working at the United Nations. Her dream job is to work at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, investigating war crimes. Their conversation Saturday included Belarus and Israel. Vika tells Juliette about Ukrainian and Russian history. She tells me funny stories about how Ukrainians can understand Russian, but Russians cant understand Ukrainians, Juliette said. Vika doesnt like Russians, and she hates Russian President Vladimir Putin, Juliette said. Buffalonians head to D.C. to mark one-year anniversary of Russian invasion of Ukraine The Buffalo community will mark the one-year anniversary of Russias war on Ukraine with a candlelight vigil, march and concert on Friday and a bus trip to Washington, D.C. The start of the war was scary, Vika said, and her life changed a lot. She misses going to shops, and hopes to travel again to Odessa, a city her father loves on the shores of the Black Sea. I miss my family going to Odessa, that is a city that is beautiful, she said. I hope that the war ends soon and that you're able to do all these things that you want to do and that your mother wants to do and I hope you can return to Odessa because it sounds like a really nice city, Juliette told Vika Saturday. Still, Vika has hope. Shes very confident that shell stay safe and that the war will be over before Russians manage to come to her city, Juliette said. And just as her president has pleaded for assistance, Vika wants other countries to help hers. I want America, maybe all countries, to help Ukraine. I want it because we really need to fight with Russia. I want the bad people to leave there in the eastern part of Ukraine, Vika said. In his address to the nation on February 21, President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would suspend participation in the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), the last remaining U.S.-Russian arms control pact. Lawmakers approved the decision the following day. Under the 2010 treaty, each side is limited to 1,550 deployed strategic nuclear warheads and 700 deployed delivery systems. The treaty also includes a compliance-monitoring system that comprises on-site inspections. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called Moscows move deeply unfortunate and irresponsible. RFE/RL Russian Service correspondent Sergei Dobrynin spoke with Pavel Podvig, a senior researcher specializing in arms control and disarmament with the UNs Institute for Disarmament Research in Geneva, to ask about the role of New START and the significance of Moscows decision at a time when tensions between Russia and the West are at historically high levels. RFE/RL: What restrictions are contained in New START aside from ceilings on the number of delivery systems and warheads? Pavel Podvig: There is the system of inspections to check compliance with those ceilings. It comprises many components, including a system of data exchanges and a broad system of notifications about changes in the composition of ones arsenal. When a missile is destroyed or liquidated, the appropriate notification is sent. If I remember correctly, if a missile is redeployed to a new location or if a mobile system leaves its base, notifications are also sent. I got the impression that the Russian senior leaderships understanding of how the New START system very approximate and profoundly wrong. In short, the two sides are constantly exchanging a large volume of information. In addition, of course, there is a system of on-site inspections which enables the sides to verify the accuracy of the notifications that the two sides are exchanging. And there is one other, very important mechanism -- the bilateral consultative commission, which is convened to settle all issues related to the fulfillment of the agreement, to resolve disagreements, and so on. Now these mechanisms, apparently, will not be used. No data exchanges, at least on Russias part. The work of the bilateral commission will be suspended. On-site inspections will stop. At the same time, according to the Foreign Ministry statement, Russia promised to respect the quantitative limits. RFE/RL: In explaining the decision to suspend participation in the treaty, Putin said that the Americans are demanding to inspect Russian defense sites but not allowing the Russians to inspect American ones. What did he have in mind? Podvig: I cannot find the statement that he was citing. Some time ago (January 31, 2023), the United States released a report on compliance with New START and there they wrote that Russia is not fulfilling its obligations regarding the convening of the bilateral commission. In the treaty, there is a precise timeframe during which the commission must be convened when requested by either side, and Russia did not comply with that. But Putin said something completely different. I got the impression that the Russian senior leaderships understanding of how the New START system works, how the inspections are set up, and what is subject to inspections is very approximate and profoundly wrong. RFE/RL: Is it true that Russia refused to allow an inspection last August? Podvig: It is a complicated story. Inspections and sessions of the commission stopped in the spring of 2020 by mutual agreement because of the pandemic. In the summer of 2022, it became clear that inspections could resume, but in this case I think the Americans did not read the situation very well. They decided to resume them on a whim, simply sending a notice saying, We are coming to inspect. Russia expected that first the commission would convene and then it would discuss resumption. Russia was somewhat offended by the sudden request and, I would say, with reason. The treaty formally allows sides to exclude sites from inspections in cases such as when there is a flood or some kind of accident. But in this case, Russia declared all of its sites excluded, so the Americans didnt go. But at the same time, on the working level, they agreed to convene the commission in Cairo on November 29 and discuss the matter. Russia has already complained about complications getting transit visas, limitations on flights, and so on. But the issues were completely resolvable. Bags were already packed, as far as I know, but then the matter reached the eyes of Russias senior political leadership, which concluded what we heard [in Putins speech]: Why are we going to talk to the Americans when the situation is like this? RFE/RL: Does that mean that Putin had already made the decision to suspend the treaty before November 29? Podvig: Not necessarily. Work continued nonetheless. As I understand it, on the working level, at the level of the Foreign Ministry and the State Department, people were trying to avoid irreversible steps. But things dragged out and when it reached 45 days after the collapse of the Cairo meeting, the Americans announced that Russia was not fulfilling its obligations regarding this particular point of the treaty. RFE/RL: Is it correct to say that up until that point, both sides knew practically everything about the others strategic nuclear arsenals -- the locations of their basing, their maintenance, and production; as well as the number of delivery systems and warheads? Podvig: Yes, of course. The entire system was created in 1991 and began working in 1994 when the START-1 treaty came into force. All the objects that fall within the scope of the treaty were very well known, and there were no secrets. RFE/RL: How about the new types of strategic weapons that, if you believe Putin, Russia is developing? Do they also fall within the scope of the treaty? Podvig: That is a complex question, and these matters have to be discussed within the framework of the consultations mechanism. In the New START accord there is a point that says that, if one side creates any new types of strategic weapons, then the other side has the right to raise the matter at the bilateral commission. Regarding these new Russian systems, the U.S. raised this issue and a dialogue on them was under way. In the treaty it doesnt clearly say what comes after such consultations. The Russian position has been that these systems do not fall under the existing treaty, but there was an understanding in principle that if there would be a follow-on treaty, then they might be included. But it is very important to mention that, even if these weapons were perfected, they would not play a crucial practical role that could affect the strategic balance. What is important here is the willingness of the parties to discuss including them in any new agreement. RFE/RL: Does the United States have new strategic weapons that the treaty does not cover? Podvig: To my knowledge, no. When modernizing their forces, they have used a program of one-to-one replacements. That is, land-based ballistic missiles are replaced with land-based ballistic missiles. The only thing that might be considered relevant is a U.S. plan to revive its nuclear-powered, sea-launched cruise-missile program. At one time the United States had such a system, but they first removed it from submarines and put it into storage and later, around 2014, they destroyed them all. Now there is the idea that such a system should be recreated in a new form. If I remember correctly, the Biden administration killed this idea, but if they do decide to proceed, it would be outside the scope of New START. But in the overall strategic picture, the role of systems like that is not very significant. RFE/RL: At present both sides have notably fewer strategic delivery systems than are allowed under the New START treaty. As for warheads, they are closer to the treaty ceilings. If the treaty is renounced, how easy would it be for the two sides to increase their ready arsenals? Podvig: If we are talking about delivery systems, it would be difficult. I believe the United States could add additional ballistic missiles to its existing submarine fleet. At some point in the past, they reduced them from 24 missiles to 20 and could fairly easily restore the four they took away. Russia does not have any spare delivery capacity. Now there is a program of replacing old missiles with new ones on a one-for-one basis. But there are no extra missiles lying around in storage. As for warheads, the situation is a bit different, since there are warheads in storage. According to my information, the United States could double the number of its deployed warheads fairly quickly. Its Minuteman missiles are currently deployed with one warhead and could be quickly and easily upgraded to three. The same is true for Americas sea-launched missiles. We have less information about Russia, but it would seem there are some missiles that are deployed without the maximum number of possible warheads. According to the Federation of American Scientists, Russia can increase its number of deployed warheads by 50 percent. But that capability has always existed and was taken into account during the treaty negotiations. And it was determined that it did not present a fundamental danger. RFE/RL: So are you saying that neither Russia nor the United States was really rushing to deploy as many warheads as possible under the treaty? Podvig: Exactly. And it isnt true either that everyone was just sitting around waiting for the treaty to expire. Everyone was reconciled, so to speak, to the idea that each side had 1,500 warheads, and all planning was done on this basis. There are degrees of bad news, and, in this situation, I think the absence of completely awful news can be considered good news. That situation could change. The Americans are beginning to look at China and think, We need more. I am sure that in America there are already conversations along the lines of, Since we cant check how many warheads Russia has, we must assume that they are deceiving us and deploying more than is allowed. Russia will quickly realize it has lost a tool through which it could show the United States and the whole world that it keeps its promises regarding strategic arms limitations. That tool is now gone and accusations against Russia will undoubtedly come. And when they do, Russia will not be able to respond substantially. In this sense, the decision to suspend the treaty was not properly considered. RFE/RL: In his speech, Putin practically linked Moscows return to New START with the taking into account of the nuclear arsenals of Britain and France. Does that make sense in terms of strategic security or is it a purely political demand? Podvig: Of course, it would be good if all arsenals were taken into consideration. But the process of arms control cant just be reduced to an accounting of who has how many weapons. In the big picture, that doesnt matter so much. What is important are the agreements and the control mechanisms, and mutual understanding. The Soviet Union tried to include Britain and France in arms control agreements back in 1968, but everyone understood the political necessity of reaching agreement with the United States. Russia, through the arms control process, was an equal partner with the United States and that was important. Including other countries into the agreement would be extremely difficult. If Russia insisted on this position, there would be no agreement. The Soviets understood this, and each time was willing to negotiate just with the United States and not pay attention to the others. And that makes sense the arsenals of Britain and France are not significant. RFE/RL: Would it be fair to say that suspending New START under the current circumstances is almost the minimal level of escalation possible, and has little practical importance? Podvig: I would put it this way: It could be worse. I believe arms control and disarmament is a political process that reflects the current state of mutual relations. So there is nothing unexpected in this decision. On the other hand, Russia stressed that it was suspending the agreement, not withdrawing from it. They said they will not exceed the established ceilings and will continue providing advance notifications of missile launches, which is very important. Regarding testing, they said they would only resume testing if the United States did so. There are degrees of bad news, and, in this situation, I think the absence of completely awful news can be considered good news. Translated from Russian by Robert Coalson The Chautauqua County Health Department has issued a boil-water order for all customers of Fredonia's water system until further notice. The department on Sunday said it had issued the order because of a "disruption in the treatment process" at the water treatment plant. This allowed inadequately treated water, potentially containing harmful microbes, to enter the distribution system, according to the Health Department. Fredonia water users must boil water used for drinking, cooking, making ice and brushing teeth until the order is lifted. This means bringing water to a rolling boil for one minute then cooling it before use. The Fredonia water system serves customers within and outside the village. "Once the treatment process has been fully restored to normal operations, the village will collect water samples on consecutive days to make sure the water is safe," the department said in a statement. The order could be lifted as soon as late Tuesday. Anyone with questions can contact Chautauqua County at 716-753-4481 or the Village of Fredonia at 716-679-2307. This is the latest in a series of boil-water alerts and advisories in the Fredonia area over the past decade. The lid on the Buffalo Dioceses long-held secrets about clergy molesters was pried open in 2018 when a Catholic priest admitted he had sexually abused dozens of boys. Five years later, despite promises to do right by abuse victims, the diocese has not paid a penny in damages to an estimated 900 people who filed claims alleging they were sexually abused by priests or other diocese employees. Despite pledges of greater transparency, the diocese has yet to make public internal documents on its handling of abuse cases. And no one connected with the diocese has been charged with any crimes related to child sex abuse or its cover-up in the past five years. Sean Kirst: Voices of survivors of childhood abuse: Whalen's courage shattered walls within the church Survivors of abuse at the hands of priests say Michael Whalen's courage became the history-changing push that finally overwhelmed diocesan secrecy, going back generations. It seems to me that nothing has changed, said Michael F. Whalen Jr., who held a news conference on Feb. 27, 2018, to tell the public that the Rev. Norbert Orsolits had abused him nearly 40 years ago when he was a teenager. And yet so much happened following Whalens teary-eyed announcement on a public sidewalk. A few hours later, Orsolits responded with his admissions in an interview with a Buffalo News reporter. Other victims who had stayed silent about their abuses stepped forward within days with their own stories. Within a year, the New York Attorney Generals Office and the FBI were investigating the diocese over reported cover-ups. Within two years, the Vatican launched its own probe, Bishop Richard J. Malone stepped down and more than 200 people filed Child Victims Act lawsuits against the Buffalo Diocese claiming clergy sex abuse. The diocese filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Feb. 28, 2020. Mike really was the little snowball that caused an avalanche, said attorney Steve Boyd, who represents Whalen. All abuse claims are now being handled in U.S. Bankruptcy Court Western District of New York, where diocese lawyers are privately negotiating a settlement with victims and insurance carriers that would forestall the civil cases from being hashed out individually in state courts. Diocese spokesman Joseph Martone said the diocese cannot legally compensate any of the 900 claimants in bankruptcy court until it reaches an agreement with the creditors committee and the deal is approved by the judge. Were eager to resolve these cases and have closure for the claimants whose claims are deemed credible by the court, Martone said. "The diocese is working with the creditors committee to arrive at a just and equitable settlement agreement. The diocese has spent around $11 million on fees for lawyers and other professionals working on the Chapter 11 bankruptcy, according to court papers, and it remains unclear how far along negotiations are. Martone said the $11 million paid to diocese lawyers includes payments to its bankruptcy court lawyers, to defend the diocese against Child Victims Act lawsuits and a suit filed by the state attorney general, as well as pay for attorneys for the creditors committee. In January, Patrick H. NeMoyer, recently retired associate justice of the Appellate Division of New York State Supreme Court, Fourth Judicial Department, agreed to work as a second mediator on the negotiations. The length of the process has been infuriating for abuse survivors, many of whom already have been waiting decades for the Catholic Church to be held accountable for allowing molesters to get away with their crimes. How a priest's admission to a News reporter sparked clergy sex abuse scandal When News reporter Jay Tokasz arrived at the Rev. Norbert F. Orsolits home to ask him about accusations of sexual abuse, he was surprised when Orsolits didnt shut the If theyre going to put forth the narrative that they want to be truly transparent and do whats right, I dont know whats stopping them from releasing those files, said Kevin Brun, an abuse survivor who served on the bankruptcy creditors committee until the fall. Brun said the Buffalo diocese was following the same playbook as other dioceses that dragged out the bankruptcy process to wear down abuse victims and gain a more favorable settlement. To me, thats not doing the right thing for survivors. Weve been in an emotional prison for decades, said Brun, who, in a lawsuit, accused the Rev. Arthur Smith of abusing him when he was a teenager. I think survivors deserve some answers, and this bankruptcy should be settled sooner than later. Brun said he knows of at least six abuse survivors who have died since the diocese filed for bankruptcy protection, and others have serious health issues. Whalen remembers a buzz in Buffalo over Orsolits comments in the days and months after his news conference on Main Street, near St. Louis Church and across the street from the chancery. Interest in the plight of abuse victims continued through the resignation of Bishop Malone in December 2019, but seems to have waned since then, Whalen said. People go on with their lives. Were still here. Were still struggling. Were still hurting. Its just that everythings died down and forgotten, he said. Whalen worries that many more victims will die without getting any sense of justice, while the bankruptcy drags along. It reminds him of how the diocese handled its abusive priests, he said. Its just a game that they want to play. That seems like their M.O. Lets wait it out. Lets keep stalling, Whalen said. Thats what they did with these priests. Lets just move them around and wait it out and let it die down. And if he acts up again, well move him again. Thats no surprise to Mitchell Garabedian, a Boston attorney who has represented many clergy sexual abuse victims in cases against dioceses and religious orders throughout the country. He said bankruptcy courts were never intended to handle sex abuse cases, and the diocese is using that as a weapon against victims. The diocese strategy is a war of attrition. Theyre purposely revictimizing the clergy sexual abuse victims who have come forward, he said. The diocese handed over some of its secret files on abuse to the state Attorney Generals Office under a subpoena. The AGs Offices 2021 lawsuit against the diocese included references to the subpoenaed diocese files of 25 priests. But the files were highly redacted, and a report from the AGs Office that accompanied the lawsuit acknowledged that the diocese had turned over files for approximately half of the 78 priests that were identified at that point as having substantiated accusations of abuse. The diocese made some priest personnel files available under a nondisclosure agreement to a creditors committee in its Chapter 11 bankruptcy case. In exchange, the committee agreed not to object to the dioceses requests for lawsuits against nonbankrupt parishes and other Catholic entities to be put on hold during bankruptcy negotiations. So far, the public has not been able to examine any internal church documents that might provide a better understanding of how diocese leaders kept abuse cases under wraps, in some cases for decades. Martone noted that the diocese published a list of credibly accused priests on its website. Asked why the diocese has not publicly disclosed records showing how it has handled abuse complaints through the years, he said the diocese keeps those records private because accusers are promised confidentiality. Some local Child Victims Act cases against large institutions already have advanced to discovery, and further, in some cases, in state courts, with large settlements paid out. Ken-Ton to pay $17.5 million to settle sexual abuse claims against retired teacher The Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda School District has agreed to pay $17.5 million to settle 35 Child Victims Act lawsuits filed by former students of a retired elementary school teacher. The lawsuits accused Arthur F. Werner, a longtime social studies teacher, of groping and molesting fifth-grade boys at Herbert Hoover Elementary School sometimes in full view of other students. In 2022, for instance, the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda School District agreed to pay $17.5 million to settle 35 Child Victims Act lawsuits filed by former students who accused retired elementary school teacher Arthur Werner of molesting them. Several lawyers have said that the diocese would be susceptible to very large jury awards if it had to defend itself in state courts. It is one of the reasons the diocese paid out $17.5 million to 106 victims through a voluntary compensation program in 2018 and 2019. In return, the victims agreed not to sue. The diocese hasnt paid any funds to victims since the compensation program ended. Whalen said he received a lot of criticism that he was only in it for the money after he went public with his claims about Orsolits. The diocese offered him $35,000 through its compensation program, which Whalen termed a slap in the face, given the four decades of personal turmoil he experienced that he believes is connected to his abuse. At the outset, Whalen said he was merely concerned with letting other abuse survivors know that theyre not alone and theres light at the end of the tunnel. But money, he said, has become an important factor, given theres no other way to pursue a measure of justice, such as a criminal prosecution of Orsolits or the diocese leaders that knew about his sexual abuse of children years before Whalen met the priest. Richard Brownell said he wasnt thinking about money when he called Whalen with words of support following the news conference. I never heard of him or knew him before and there he was crying in front of the office, recalled Brownell. Abuse plaintiff calls committee's work 'awesome responsibility' to uncover truth Richard Brownell recalled watching a 1993 television newscast in which the Rev. Bernard Corky Mach, a popular Catholic priest assigned to a Lockport parish at the time, tearfully denied molesting a 14-year-old But Brownell said he felt a kinship with Whalen because he had also been molested by a priest, the Rev. John Aurelio, in the late 1960s, when he was 11 or 12. He rarely spoke of it and until that point had tried to keep it out of his mind. There is no monetary value to make it right, said Brownell, who went to Albany with Whalen for the passage of the Child Victims Act and now serves on the creditors committee in the bankruptcy case. The older I got, he added, the more I realized the monetary aspect is the only way that they can compensate us. Brownell said he doesnt understand why the bankruptcy is taking so long, and he believes the diocese and its lawyers are calculatingly dragging this out. Theyre certainly in a position to understand what it is that the survivors are looking for, and that is closure, for me, he said. I just want this to be over. Its affected my entire life. Whalen wants a sense of closure, too. And, whether the diocese has changed or not, he said he wants to reconnect with the faith of his youth that was robbed from him by an abusive priest. On Monday, Whalen plans to head back to the Main Street sidewalk where he first told the world about what Orsolits did. Then hell step inside St. Louis Church for the noontime Mass, he said. Former San Ysidro superintendent Manuel Paul at an arraignment in Superior Court in Chula Vista on April 12, 2013. The San Ysidro school board on Thursday approved an agreement to settle a lawsuit against former Superintendent Manuel Paul, who spent time in prison for requesting political contributions from contractors who wanted to be considered for work on district projects. The settlement represents the end of a 3-year-old court case in which the school district sued Paul to recover more than $200,000 he received as a payout when he resigned in 2013 amid pay-to-play allegations. The settlement was approved unanimously behind closed doors, with trustee Rodolfo Linares absent. The board did not release details of the agreement. Advertisement A district spokesman said the agreement was missing signatures and not yet finalized. Trustee Marcos Diaz said he believes the resolution in the case against Paul allows the district to close a chapter and focucs on other matters. We needed to put it behind us, he said in an interview. I think it was one of the many issues that kept us from moving forward. Asked if he was pleased with the settlement, he said: As can be under the circumstances. Im just glad that its behind us. He added that he considered settling the lawsuit the best option, saying legal fees led to diminishing returns. Paul, who led the district of about 5,000 students for six years, spent two months in prison in 2015 after he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge in San Diego federal court. In a plea deal, Paul admitted he demanded campaign contributions from contractors as a price for them to be considered for work on district projects. In 2010, two months before school board elections, the superintendent accepted $2,500 in cash from a contractor in Pauls Mercedes-Benz in the parking lot of a steak house. He admitted he spent the money at a print shop in Tijuana on campaign signs for trustee Yolanda Hernandez. The political contribution first came to light in 2012, when Paul admitted to the transaction in a deposition for a breach-of-contract lawsuit against the district over a solar panel project. Paul, who attended San Ysidro schools and worked for the district for more than 30 years, resigned in 2013 after he was indicted in a wider corruption probe by the District Attorneys Office. The case involved 15 educators and contractors across South County. In that case, Paul pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge and was sentenced to probation, community service and fined. The district, which serves some of the poorest students in the county, brought its lawsuit against Paul a month after he was sentenced to federal prison. The district sought to recover the $211,247.22 paid out to Paul as part of a severance agreement, the salary he was paid while on administrative leave for six months, and other damages, as well as attorney fees. Filed on Feb. 2, 2015, in San Diego Superior Court, the lawsuit cited state law that requires public officials who are convicted of a crime linked to their positions to reimburse pay related to the termination of their employment contracts. Pauls attorney, Dennis Grady, has said the statute does not apply because the severance pay approved by the school board was part of a retirement agreement, not an employment contract. Grady did not respond to requests for comment on Thursday. Paul, who was named superintendent in 2007, has been blamed for financial problems that were so dire the district was at risk of being taken over by the state. According to court records, the district put forward a draft settlement agreement on July 9. In the weeks that followed, the parties in the case engaged in discussions about the settlement and actively revised the agreement. The districts lawyer, William Trejo, said in Aug. 15 court documents the proposed settlement agreement included a provision for the case to be dismissed permanently. Superintendent Gina Potter, who stepped into the position in May, released a statement Thursday night in response to the approved settlement. Our district is diligently working to bring resolution to issues of the past, so we can move forward and rebuild our district with a keen focus on providing our children with the best education possible, Potter said. Email: Phone: (619) 293-1876 Twitter: @D4VIDHernandez UPDATES: 10:15 p.m.: This article was updated with comments from Superintendent Gina Potter and trustee Marcos Diaz. This article was originally published at 7:50 p.m. The political rise of Zeneta Everhart continued Saturday when she received the Erie County Democratic Party endorsement to represent the Masten District for the Buffalo Common Council, Democratic chairman Jeremy J. Zellner confirmed. The party also endorsed candidates for two city positions, supporting Barbara Miller-Williams in her re-election for Buffalo City Comptroller and Family Court attorney Tiffany Perry for an open seat in Buffalo City Court. Zeneta Everhart, mother of Tops shooting survivor, announces run for Common Council "I love being able to transform things and fix things," she said in a phone interview Thursday with The Buffalo News. "What better way than to start with the district in which I live?" Everhart was vying for endorsement against India Walton, Beverly Robinson-Smith and Gina Davis for the Masten District endorsement after Ulysees O. Wingo Sr. decided earlier this month not to seek re-election. In a release, Zellner explained the committee's reasons for endorsing Everhart came down to her "dedication to justice" and background in government. Everhart has served as State Sen. Tim Kennedy's director of equity and inclusion since 2019, but her efforts since the racist mass shooting that killed 10 and injured her son Zaire Goodman at Tops Markets have thrust her into the public eye. WASHINGTON Shovels haven't hit the ground yet in many cases, but 2023 should be the year when the Buffalo area and the rest of the country start seeing the roadwork and other improvements called for in the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that Congress passed 15 months ago. At least $271 million is already on its way to the region, according to a Buffalo News tally of the projects announced to date. And that figure is an understatement, in that it doesn't include money first sent to the state and then passed on to localities and because it only includes projects announced in the first 15 months of a bill that will dole out federal money over five years. Federal spending bill brings more than $47.5 million in aid to metro Buffalo In the recently passed spending bill, Erie and Niagara counties took home more than double the amount of earmarked federal aid than they received the year before. The project announcements come a few million dollars at a time, with the latest being last week's promise of an additional $7 million for modernization of the heating and cooling system at Buffalo Niagara International Airport. While most projects have appeared only in press releases so far, Rep. Brian Higgins said that's about to change. "It takes a while to get those things going," said Higgins, a Buffalo Democrat and longtime evangelist for federal infrastructure spending. "They have to be designed. They have to be engineered. So, the manifestation of that is probably 24 months. So, I think you're going to see construction activity this calendar year and the following year." Here, then, is a closer look at the biggest infrastructure projects that you'll see emerging locally in the next few years, along with what you won't see such as the 85,000 or so Buffalo-area residents who've already gotten cheaper internet because of the infrastructure law: How federal, state money could supercharge Buffalo's waterfront projects "I think you're going to see improvements in the state park that will make the new parkways even that much more important," Rep. Brian Higgins said. "We want to always improve the Outer Harbor landscape to provide more destinations for people." What you'll see By far, the biggest changes set to unfold locally under the infrastructure law will come inside Buffalo's city limits, with the bulk of it happening in the parts of the city being rebranded by some as East Buffalo which, in total, will see at least $150 million under the infrastructure bill. The work is set to start with a $50.52 million reconstruction of Main Street. The stretch from Goodell Street to Ferry Street is set to see improvements this year, with the current four-lane road being reconfigured as a three-lane road with a turning lane. Bike lanes, pedestrian improvements and decorative LED lighting are also included in the project, which is scheduled to continue next year with the reconstruction of Main from Ferry to Kensington Avenue. This year will also see the first phases of a $25.65 million reconstruction of Jefferson Avenue from Main Street to Best Street, with the second phase from Best to Swan Street set for 2026. In addition to street repairs, that project includes new sidewalks and lighting. Bailey Avenue's $15 reconstruction will start in 2024 and will feature synchronized lights and other infrastructure aimed at supporting a rapid bus project, and $4 million in improvements to Michigan Avenue also are set to begin next year. There's no immediate timeline, though, for the biggest local infrastructure project, which will combine $1 billion in state funds with $55 million in federal infrastructure money to begin the restructuring of the Kensington Expressway. Planners envision taking the Kensington underground between Dodge and Sidney streets to create a deck above it for green space and city streets in a partial recreation of Humboldt Parkway, which was destroyed when the Kensington was built. Kensington project awarded $55 million from infrastructure bill The plan to put a deck over a part of the Kensington Expressway has been awarded $55 million from the large infrastructure bill that passed Congress in 2021. This $55 million will help Buffalo reverse decades of disinvestment and exclusionary federal policies, revitalize the area surrounding the Kensington Expressway, and connect workers to good-paying jobs," said Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand, a New York Democrat who has long advocated restructuring the highway. Other visible improvements over the coming years include $47 million for the reconstruction of Tifft and Louisiana Streets in South Buffalo to better connect the neighborhood with the waterfront, as well as $9 million in repairs to Union Road in Cheektowaga. What you won't see Buffalo waterways, rural broadband get boosts under federal spending bill The Buffalo Riverwalk near the DL&W Terminal, the Albright-Knox Art Gallery and the Erie County Department of Health's mental health and substance abuse programs will get substantial funding, too. The infrastructure bill also aims to boost the nation's connectivity and improve its waterways and mass transit systems, and while that work isn't nearly as obvious as road work, it has already begun. In fact, it has already happened in homes across metro Buffalo, where, according to the federally chartered nonprofit that runs the program aimed at expanding broadband access, 85,279 people have already enrolled in the infrastructure bill's Affordable Connectivity Program. That effort provides discounts of up to $30 a month for people who are having trouble affording high-speed internet access. Higgins said the program's popularity proves how important it is. "If you have access to broadband, you may take it for granted that everybody has it, but that's not the case," he said. "You're talking about not only urban areas, but also rural areas" that are benefitting from the federal internet discount, he added. The infrastructure bill's impact will also be felt along the Buffalo waterfront, where $10 million is set for improvements to Times Beach on Buffalo's Outer Harbor, and another $4.5 million set aside to restore the shoreline at Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Centennial Park. In Niagara County, $3.9 million will go to clean up industrial brownfields. Times Beach to be restored with $10 million in infrastructure funds The Times Beach Nature Preserve, a 55-acre site on Buffalo's Outer Harbor that has been battered into disuse by frequent storms in recent years, will be restored thanks to one of the first local outlays from last year's $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal. Meanwhile, the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority is set to get $31 million for various improvements; and in addition to the money that the Buffalo Niagara International Airport is getting for an overhauled HVAC system, it will be getting another $7.3 million for other assorted projects. Niagara Falls International Airport will get an additional $1.5 million, and other airports across the state will benefit, as well. From Buffalo to Albany to Binghamton to Syracuse, the Bipartisan Infrastructure and Jobs Law is giving our upstate airports the lift they need to fly higher than ever before," said Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat who announced the HVAC grant last week along with Gillibrand and Higgins. Then there is all the infrastructure money you don't see because it hasn't been allocated yet. Several huge chunks of the bill including $15 billion to replace lead pipes nationwide and $1 billion in extra funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative have yet to filter down to localities. And plenty of money will also filter through New York State's Department of Transportation for additional transportation projects, Higgins noted. "The state of New York will be seeing a lot more money over the next five years annually than they've gotten in the last 20 years," he said. "That money is going to make its way to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and all of Western New York in many, many ways." Technology spotlight Technology Bay Area crypto crimefighter targets 'pig butchering' Erin West Santa Clara Deputy DA Erin West is taking the lead in the fight against a rising tide of crypto criminals. When Erin West first learned about crypto, the Santa Clara County deputy district attorney immediately had a gut feeling that the technology meant bad news for law enforcement. My first reaction was like, Wow, this is going to be a game changer in terms of the ways bad guys can move money, she told The Examiner. Hunting bad guys has been Wests focus as a county deputy DA and a prosecutor with the countys Regional Enforcement Allied Computer Team task force. Formed in the 1990s in response to the rise of internet crimes, REACT is now taking on a new cybercrime wave based on a new technology: crypto. West has become one of the most visible figures in the law enforcement campaign against crypto-related crimes. There was a lot of money in crypto, and there were some really bad actors trying to go after it, West said. In an interview with The Examiner, West talked about how she got involved in the fight against crypto crimes and what has become her obsession with stopping pig butchering scams, fraud that entails luring victims into making sizable crypto investments and then stealing the funds. This interview was edited for clarity and brevity. How did you first hear about bitcoin and crypto? Ive been a prosecutor for 25 years and six years ago, I got assigned to this high-tech team called the REACT. Its a multi-jurisdictional task force made up of officers who are specially trained in high-tech crime. In March 2018, we got a case involving a local victim, a resident of Cupertino who said, My telephone service has been removed. I dont have access to my telephone. This bad actor has taken over my Facebook, my Twitter and my cryptocurrency account. That was the first time that we had dealt with any type of cryptocurrency case at all. We werent at all familiar with a situation where a scammer could take over your phone service. We began to investigate, and we were fortunate in that we had an officer in our agency who had been trained in cryptocurrency in Washington DC. He thought, OK, well, why dont we trace this cryptocurrency and see where it landed. The victim was able to give us IP addresses that had connected to his phone and we traced those and those were being done through VPN, so that didnt work. We were finally able to solve the case by checking the phone records. That was the first SIM-swapping case that we were familiar with. From there, over the next year and a half, we did a bunch of SIM swapping cases involving cryptocurrency. So we quickly got ourselves up to speed in tracing cryptocurrency and getting cryptocurrency back into the hands of victims. How ChatGPT conquered the tech world in 100 days San Francisco is again ground zero of world-transforming technology Can you walk me through the crypto element in the scam? Lets say youre an investor. Back then, a lot of people were talking on Twitter, and they were hashtag crypto this, crypto that. So it wasnt that difficult to figure out who might be holding cryptocurrency. These scammers were usually groups of young men. They were operating out of their parents basements late at night. They knew each other through their online handles, not personally. They would operate in loosely formed groups. They would create target lists. They go after Ben Pimentel, who they know to be an investor. Theyve done the research on you. Theyve got your mobile phone number. They probably figured out some of your other addresses. They know your Facebook and your Twitter. You go to bed on a Friday night like a normal person. Were still up. We call AT&T and we get them to change incoming traffic to your phone to the device that Im holding. They essentially trick someone to make this switch. Its happening in different ways. Its being done by trick. Its being done by bribe. Its being done by actual hacking. The result is your phone traffic is coming to a device that I was holding. Then I would go to (your email account). I would say I forgot my password (and would get) a six-digit code to the device Im holding. Now Im in your Gmail account. Im going to change your password, and now youre locked out of your Gmail account. Now Im figuring out you have an email from Coinbase or you have an email from Gemini. That must be where you hold your crypto. Then I go to Coinbase or Gemini. I do the same process. I take over that account. And then I ship the money to a wallet. The reason crypto mattered is because at that point they could transfer it to a cold wallet and nobody would know who it was. And its irreversible and the (funds) would be gone. So you wake up the next morning and you have no phone access and youve lost $1 million. Its a complete change in a way that fraud could be done on a massive scale because never before could I steal all of your money overnight. I can never get access to your bank account in that way that I could get access to your cryptocurrency When AI is your sous chef CloudChef recreates master chef cooking with AI Tell me about your very first reaction to bitcoin, blockchain and decentralized finance. I think my first reaction was like, Wow, this is going to be a game changer in terms of the ways bad guys can move money. It felt at that time that there was such an interest in Silicon Valley with people like getting into crypto and wanting to be early crypto investors. It felt like there was a lot of money in crypto, and there were some really bad actors trying to go after it. How is it different from traditional scams? What made it more challenging? A couple of things. (One is) the jurisdictional nature of it. When I think of someone being able to steal that amount of money, I think of someone having to be close to the person and then this actually happening in my jurisdiction. But what we were finding is that these scammers lived all over the country, many outside the country. A real barrier for us was a number of them were juveniles. The laws dont really enable us to prosecute juveniles like we do adults despite the fact that they were causing massive damage. What stood out for you in terms of the role you play in this? What stood out and what continues to stand out is being on the edge of something new and scary, and we were doing things that had never been done before. We were using laws in a way that had never been used before and we were trying to conform existing laws to a brand-new technology. Can you elaborate on that? There was a very steep learning curve for everyone associated with these cases. The first time I came into a courthouse and asked a judge to hold one of these hackers in custody, we had made an arrest in the State of Oklahoma and brought this person to California. I remember a very well-respected but sort of aging lawyer, who was the defense attorney, who was saying things like, This is all funny money, anyway. This isnt even real money. Trying to educate the judges about the fact that this was very real and could be traded for a McLaren or a diamond necklace was an initial challenge. The cases that you mentioned happened in 2018-2019. How have the criminal cases youre handling changed? Were seeing new crimes, new methods of scamming. For the past year, weve been deeply involved in a major worldwide issue called pig butchering. It starts as a romance scam. A victim is led to invest money. The investment opportunity is completely fraudulent and doesnt exist and the scammers continue to get the victim to put money into it. Ultimately, they lose all their money. (Pig butchering) is exponentially more dangerous because it combines two human desires at the same time: the desire for companionship and love and having a trusted partner at the same time. It is satisfying the desire to be wealthy, self-sufficient, financially stable. The way this scam works is that the scammer spends a substantial amount of time cultivating that trusted relationship and really building this connection that enables the amount of trust needed when a victim is asked to essentially put everything they have into this. So what happens is, you know, the scam starts off small, small and they ask for just a few thousand dollars. But the more they get to know the victim, the more they know how many assets they have. Whats happening here is these victims are seeing completely falsified returns. And theyre thinking that theyre in great shape. So they then liquidate their 401(k), liquidate childrens college accounts. They get whole lines of credit on their house. They call up their friends and family and get them to invest. Were seeing people literally put every penny they have into this scam. I was fascinated by this particular type of crime. So I started doing a lot of research on it. It became clear that this crime itself was happening in Southeast Asia. That doesnt necessarily put us off because we have made arrests in Malta. Weve been involved in arrests in the U.K. Were familiar with how to work internationally. Can AI help fix homelessness in SF? An AI-powered program is helping LA identify people at risk of becoming homeless before they hit the skids What has been the impact of the crypto crash, which escalated with the FTX meltdown crypto-related crimes? I would say that notwithstanding the recent failures weve seen in the crypto world that there will be no stop to the use of the blockchain by bad actors. This is the way that bad actors are going to move money. This is the way that they are going to move money to bad governments, to buy guns or move human trafficking money. This is the way that bad moneys gonna get moved. Given the state of the industry, there have been reports that crypto crimes actually dipped a little bit because of the market crash. Oh my goodness, that is not my experience. Can you elaborate? I can tell you pig butchering is not to be overlooked. What is happening in Southeast Asia is a major tsunami that we have not even remotely begun to see the end of. Its bankrupting household by household throughout much of the world, resulting in suicides. We had a test case and it was a man who came to us in May of last year. He was an engineer. He lost $240,000. We found a wallet that had it. On Dec. 16, a judge allowed us to return the content of that wallet to him. So that was the success story. What I found was that really very few people in law enforcement in the United States knew how to handle any type of cryptocurrency case. I started something I call the crypto coalition and a listserv. About every three weeks we have a webinar. Weve had experts who can teach law enforcement on how to create a government wallet, how to do tracing, how to get it back to victims. And were trying to teach that by step. The reception to this coalition has been outstanding. Were up to 600 members, and they are from all over the world and all over the United States. Weve developed a really excellent means of communicating the work we had all been doing and helping each other. Is there a case or a particular victim whose story resonates with you? There was a victim who lost a million and a half dollars, which is his familys life savings. Ive read texts between him and the scammer, and theyre gut-wrenching because it just shows the absolute callousness of these people on the other end of the phone. The victim would write to them and share information about his dying father and about the stress he felt having to be one of his siblings that would take care of his father. Then he would reach out to this scammer who he believed to be a very close, trusted friend and say things like, Are you sure these crypto tips youre giving me are good? If they are not good, I will suicide in secret. And (the response was) No, I assure you this is all this is all true. To read those stories is chilling. We were able to get back $103,000. For him, which was a big deal. He thought for a long time that there was nothing left and he could get nothing back. What are you most worried about? I am petrified that this scam is being allowed to continue in lawless situations internationally where we wont be able to put handcuffs on people and make this stop. Thank you for visiting the Daily Journal. Please purchase an Enhanced Subscription to continue reading. To continue, please log in, or sign up for a new account. We offer one free story view per month. If you register for an account, you will get two additional story views. After those three total views, we ask that you support us with a subscription. A subscription to our digital content is so much more than just access to our valuable content. It means youre helping to support a local community institution that has, from its very start, supported the betterment of our society. Thank you very much! Representatives from Amazon Project Kuiper, NBN Co, Intelsat, Optus, OneWeb, Telstra, TPG Telecom, Viasat and Vocus, and several government agencies attended the meeting. Starlink reported to the meeting it had 95,000 active subscribers, the sources said. The round table was held to discuss the progress of the industrys development and rollout of low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites, which can deliver high internet speeds in difficult-to-reach areas, a key issue for people living in regional Australia. Starlink revealed its impressive growth to industry executives at a round table earlier this month, according to telecommunication sector sources who spoke anonymously because the meeting was confidential. Elon Musks satellite business Starlink has hit nearly 100,000 active local subscribers in just two years, a figure that could raise concerns about the National Broadband Networks ability to compete with high-speed internet products in regional areas. NBN chief executive Stephen Rue and head of development Gavin Williams were grilled at a Senate hearing last week about how they would stop customers cancelling their services and moving to low-earth orbit satellite technology companies such as Starlink, which began its local rollout in April 2020. Williams said at the time about 10,000 users had disconnected from satellite technology Sky Muster in the last year, but did not provide any details on whether NBN Co had lost fixed wireless customers. An NBN Co spokesperson said the company last week reported an increase in connections across its network, which services 8.5 million premises, shrugging off concerns about Starlinks ability to nab customers. The company last week announced a new Sky Muster trial, which it hopes will deliver faster speeds and more data to customers. Sky Muster peaked at about 112,600 users in 2021, but that figure has since slid to 100,114, according to NBN Cos most recent data. We currently serve approximately 100,000 customers via our Sky Muster satellites, which represents around one-quarter of the addressable premises in our satellite coverage areas, the NBN spokesperson said. As indicated last week at Senate Estimates, we have seen a modest decline in the last 12 months of around 10,000 premises that were connected to Sky Muster, however, we do not track whether these customers connected to an alternative service provider. We expected to see some seasonal decline in satellite customers. We also appreciate that we operate in a competitive market, which is good news for customers, and why we continue to invest to deliver improvements across the NBN network. Starlink could not be contacted before deadline. Starlink, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, is the biggest player LEO satellite player currently available, rolling out its service from April 2020 across regional Australia. The Starlink service provides internet using low earth orbit satellite constellations and promises speeds of between 100 megabits per second (Mbps) and 300Mbps and is increasingly popular in rural and remote areas that have previously struggled with strong internet coverage. Editors note: A previous version of this editorial misstated the number of Black residents who were shot at the Jefferson Avenue Tops supermarket last May. To our knowledge, no one in U.S. Supreme Court mentioned Buffalo or the Tops supermarket on Jefferson Avenue on Tuesday. But those places were there - floating in the ether of the legal arguments over a federal law that shields social media companies from the consequences of their actions and their inactions. Ten Buffalo families paid a fearful price as part of that heedless devotion to a virtual Wild West. The racist teenager who murdered 10 Black people and wounded three other people last May 14 was, by his own acknowledgment, immersing himself in an internet environment designed to radicalize puppets such as himself. He swam in the sludge of great replacement theory and other lies, swallowing enough toxic lies to prime him for mass murder. Payton Gendron has pleaded guilty to state crimes and will spend the rest of his life in prison though that life may be short if federal charges against him produce a death penalty. But no one has held the purveyors of that poison accountable not the people who produce it or, in the matter before the Supreme Court, the companies who host it. The reason lies within the federal Communications Decency Act. Section 230 of that law protects internet platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube from lawsuits over the postings of their users or the companies decisions on whether to remove content. Thats what the Supreme Court wrestled with on Tuesday. The American family of a student murdered by terrorists in Paris sued several tech companies Google is now the only defendant contending they were legally responsible because they spread content that radicalized users into committing terrorist acts. Buffalo understands that. The defenses for these companies are neither insignificant nor unanswerable. First and foremost is the First Amendment, which carries great weight in blocking any effort to limit what people can say or write. Theres a reason freedom of speech is contained in the first words of the Bill of Rights. American liberty is built on that freedom. Its also true that the internet and social media, in particular, is a Pandoras box of activity. By some estimates, 57,000 Facebook posts and 5,700 tweets appear every second of every day. And thats just for those two platforms. It doesnt include sites such as 4chan, one of the places where Gendron said he absorbed extremist ideology. Its fair to acknowledge that monitoring all of those posts is a tall order. But there are answers to both those concerns. We already allow exceptions to the First Amendment. Most famously, you cant yell Fire! in a crowded theater. You cant publish child pornography. If you lie to a police officer, you can be charged with a crime. None of these seems radical. So how much of a stretch is it to remove or at least relax protections against incitements to violence? Regarding the sheer volume of content produced on the internet, the fact is that these companies can spend more and do better. On his own, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is estimated to be worth $67.6 billion. The company, and its peers, can afford the costs of more creative and attentive oversight. They can also study how best to police the platforms that have made them wealthy. New York Attorney General Letitia James has a recommendation on that. In a report commissioned by Gov. Kathy Hochul in the aftermath of the Tops murders, James proposed several changes in state and federal laws, including Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. She wants Congress to revise its protections of online platforms so that they apply only to sites that take reasonable action to reign in unlawful violent criminal content. That doesnt seem an unreasonable request. The Supreme Court has an opportunity to help make that happen, though the justices on Tuesday seemed reluctant. What is more, this is that same court that just last year struck down a century-old New York gun law, based on an willful misreading of the Second Amendment. How much hope can anyone have that the same justices will understand that the First Amendment cant be a shield for terrorism? Even if the Court doesnt, Congress can still act. The House, too, is in the hands of zealots given to crackpot conspiracy theories, but surely there are enough responsible members of both parties to acknowledge that this is a serious issue that creates a broad-based threat. They need to do what they can to put this genie back in the bottle. Whats your opinion? Send it to us at Letters should be a maximum of 300 words and must convey an opinion. The column does not print poetry, announcements of community events or thank you letters. A writer or household may appear only once every 30 days. All letters are subject to fact-checking and editing. Welcome to Quick Q Monday Medias weekly series dedicated to finding out more about the personalities that matter most in the media landscape. Each week, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age asks figures across corporate media, business, sport, federal politics, radio, television and culture to answer questions about their lives, careers, hobbies and news habits. This weeks conversation is with Steph Claire Smith, co-host of LiSTNR podcasts KICPOD and KICBUMP and co-founder of wellbeing application, Keep It Cleaner. Steph Claire Smith (left) with her business partner Laura Henshaw. Credit: Jesse-Leigh Elford How did you get your big break? I was lucky enough to be presented with some amazing opportunities early in my modelling career which has certainly introduced me to some incredible people, opened up many doors, and taught me so many lessons. One of those lessons was the one that Laura (Henshaw) and I bonded over and was the whole reason we started KIC! Another altered scene features Bond visiting Harlem in New York, where a salacious striptease at a nightclub makes the male crowd, including the spy increasingly agitated. Sean Connery and author Ian Fleming discuss the character of James Bond while filming Dr No. Credit: The original passage previously read: Bond could hear the audience panting and grunting like pigs at the trough. He felt his own hands gripping the tablecloth. His mouth was dry. The revised section replaces the pigs reference with: Bond could sense the electric tension in the room. A further lengthy passage describing Bonds night out in Harlem, including an argument between a man and his girlfriend, conducted largely in accented dialogue Fleming describes as straight Harlem-Deep South with a lot of New York thrown in, has been entirely removed. The word n-----, which Fleming used to refer to black people, when he was writing during the 1950s and 60s, has been almost entirely expunged from the revised texts. In most cases, this is replaced by black person or black man, but in some instances, racial descriptors are entirely dropped. Loading In one example, criminals escaping from Bond in Dr. No (1958) become simply gangsters. In the same novel, the race of a doctor and an immigration officer now go unmentioned, as does that of a henchman shot by Bond. The ethnicity of a barman in Thunderball (1961) is similarly omitted in new editions. In Quantum of Solace (1959), a butlers race now also goes undisclosed. Detail is also removed in Goldfinger (1959), in which the race of the drivers in Red Ball Express the Second World War logistics unit that had many black servicemen is not referenced, instead referring only to ex-drivers. Bond literature has been tweaked before to suit different markets, and Fleming gave editor Al Hart his blessing to tone down sex scenes for American readers. He also permitted US publishers to tone down racial references in Live and Let Die. Loading Ian Fleming Publications said: We at Ian Fleming Publications reviewed the text of the original Bond books and decided our best course of action was to follow Ians lead. We have made changes to Live and Let Die that he himself authorised. Following Ians approach, we looked at the instances of several racial terms across the books and removed a number of individual words or else swapped them for terms that are more accepted today but in keeping with the period in which the books were written. We encourage people to read the books for themselves when the new paperbacks are published. In the past, Flemings US publishers changed the title of Casino Royale to You Asked For It, and 007 was even referred to in the blurb as Jimmy Bond. In the strictly Catholic Ireland of the 1950s, Live and Let Die was banned. The new volumes are set to be published in April. The move comes after passages from Roald Dahls books were purged on the advice of cultural sensitivity experts hired by childrens publisher Puffin. On Friday, the publisher announced it will reissue his books in their uncensored form following a backlash. Dahl, who died in 1990, threatened to never write another word if his publishers ever changed his language, it emerged yesterday. Despite having starred as The Bachelorette, a show thats all about finding the love of your life, Brooke Blurton doesnt believe that one person can meet all your needs. At the start of doing Bachelor I went in with a hope, and then it kind of led me down this unusual and crazy path. And then I did Bachelorette and again, I was still hoping. Im a sucker for punishment, she says, with a laugh. And I do feel very strongly about love itself. Brooke Blurton. Credit: Simon Schluter The dating world is so unusual, even just in its own realm, but when you put TV and cameras [in the mix] it kind of fast tracks a lot of stuff, you just have to be self-aware, you have to be really aware of what you want, and what youre looking for. Blurton is speaking ahead of the All About Women event in Sydney next month, where she, author Rosie Waterland, and Gamilaroi and Torres Strait Islander writer and actor Nakkiah Lui will discuss Finding Love in a Hopeless Place - a session name that could double as a tagline for the matchmaking shows on air currently. Blurton had a few relationships with contestants, but none lasted. Black Friday, Ash Wednesday, Black Saturday ... the dire epithets litter Australian lives, reminders only of loss and suffering, and the cruel reality that bushfire is an existential threat that never goes away. Three years after the catastrophic Black Summer, experts warn the fires are poised to return. Further, they believe Australia is nowhere near adequately prepared. Firefighters fear the spring and the summer of 2023-24 will see widespread grass fires, and caution there is currently an increased risk which will last up to and possibly including this April. After three summers with above-average rainfall, bushfires are set to be a threat again in 2023. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen The bush is already primed, but the flames have not waited in some states. Despite a mild, wet summer, grass fires have flared in western NSW near towns such as Cobar and Wentworth and in Queenslands western Darling Downs. Last Tuesday a blaze broke out near Flowerdale in the foothills north of Melbourne, burning some 1000 hectares before being brought under control on Friday. Australia has just experienced three years of cooler and wetter-than-average conditions, due to a protracted La Nina event. The wet has led to prolific growth of grass and bushland, including rapid regrowth in areas scorched by the Black Summer bushfires. Save Log in , register or subscribe to save articles for later. Save articles for later Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Got it Normal text size Larger text size Very large text size Four new operating theatres are being used to store boxes of medical supplies and equipment while thousands of children wait for essential surgeries amid a worsening staffing crisis at The Childrens Hospital at Westmead. The hospital promised the paediatric operating theatres in the $460 million Central Acute Services Building (also known as Block K) would be open by February to help clear the backlog of elective surgeries as the number of children waiting longer than clinically recommended has grown exponentially since the building was first opened almost two years ago. Operating theatres at The Childrens Hospital at Westmead are being used to store medical supplies rather than being used for surgeries. But an impasse between the hospitals executive and its specialist anaesthetists who run the operating lists means the state-of-the-art theatres, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to construct and fit out, lie dormant. Operating theatres usually cost on average $2500 per hour to run, including equipment, utilities and salaries. Photos obtained by the Herald show the theatres are filled with trolleys stacked with boxes and cables, medical-imaging equipment and multiple operating tables yet to be used. One photo shows an operating theatre set up for an information session. In the photo, rows of chairs have been arranged before a screen displaying the text: Human Factors of OT Staff Westmead February 2023. Barry Du Bois knows hes a lucky man. When he was diagnosed with cancer for a second time in 2017, the TV presenter was living in Sydneys eastern suburbs and had access to the best treatment in the country. That isnt the case for everyone. Going through that treatment, I saw that many people who lived in regional areas didnt get the same sort of same quality of care as I did, he said. TV presenter Barry Du Bois, 62, says an active lifestyle helped his recovery from cancer. Credit: Edwina Pickles Thats not because of the individuals giving the care, its just because we dont have the resources and understanding of the most modern treatments available. This city-country divide is costing lives. Blood cancers including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma collectively account for almost 6000 deaths every year, making it the second leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer. But a report released by the Leukaemia Foundation on Monday estimates as many as 2900 preventable deaths could be avoided every year if regional patients received the same care as their counterparts in the city. First published in The Sun-Herald & Sydney Morning Herald on February 28 & March 1, 1993 500,000 salute Mardi Gras UP to half a million revellers packed the streets of Sydney last night for the 16th annual Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade. Families with young children, middle-aged couples and elderly people watched as more than 90 floats, led by a group of male cheerleaders, wound their way through the city. Loud, fun, proud and tacky... An estimated crowd of some 500,000 people attended the parade. February 27, 1993. Credit: Dean Sewell One float carried a Queen Elizabeth lookalike bearing a placard which read Annus horribilis, while another featured a five metre-high effigy of Victorian RSL President Bruce Ruxton in a 1940s gold lame swimsuit. The Bruce Ruxton float belonged to the Veterans Against Discrimination, made up of four ex-servicemen. East Hills the Liberals most marginal electorate is among a swath of narrowly held seats in south-western and western Sydney that will be crucial to the Perrottet governments electoral fortunes. Psephologist Ben Raue, who runs The Tally Room blog, said: I think both sides can win this election. Id probably feel better to be in Labors position than the Coalitions position right now. But thats not to say any of this is decisive. The whole thing is definitely in play. Residents face cost-of-living pressures in Kogarah in Sydneys south, which is Labors most marginal seat. Credit: Steven Siewert The electorate of Kogarah, which includes the suburbs of Beverly Hills, Kingsgrove, Hurstville, Bexley and Carlton, has been held by an uninterrupted run of Labor candidates since 1953. Minns nearly lost the seat in 2019 after then Labor leader Michael Daleys remarks about people from Asia with PhDs taking the jobs of young Australians emerged late in the campaign. There was a 5 per cent swing away from Labor in the electorate, where 30 per cent of residents have Chinese ancestry. More recently, a boundary redistribution, which added affluent pockets of the Kogarah Bay and Blakehurst waterfronts shrank Minns margin from 1.8 per cent to an estimated 0.1 per cent. Minns is keenly aware Labor must retain the seat. Ive always said we need to win Kogarah to win government, he said. Gaming industry whistleblower Troy Stolz, who has terminal cancer, joined the race as a reform pokies independent to highlight the opposition leaders failure to back poker machine reform. The Liberals have endorsed former City of Sydney councillor Craig Chung, who grew up in Kogarah Bay, to contest the seat. Stolz thought the major parties were unfamiliar with the struggles of Kogarah voters, who were concerned with living expenses, hospital waiting times, nurse-to-patient ratios, and M5 toll road costs. I dont think Liberal or Labor appreciate how much communities are hurting from the financial pressures because theyre in their ivory towers, and theyre dealing with internal disputes, Stolz said. FishoHolics employee Anje Kay says pensioners were cutting back on food spending. Credit: Steven Siewert Asked what problems were frustrating voters, Minns reported a similar list of concerns: rising living costs and electricity prices, road tolls, and emergency department waiting times, and privatisation. On the Railway Parade shopping strip, FishoHolics employee Anje Kay said she had noticed elderly pensioners struggling to make ends meet. Theyre just not going to be able to eat soon. Theyre coming in and getting one scallop, one fish cocktail. The cost of everythings going up, but the pension is not. Kay was a Liberal supporter, but she intends to vote for Labor next month. Lets hope they change things. The Liberals were there for their own pockets and they did nothing for us. Bowles said he preferred not to vote for Labor due to Prime Minister Anthony Albaneses push for an Indigenous Voice to parliament, which he viewed as unnecessary and lacking in detail. I told Chris [Minns] I probably wont vote for him. For me, federal Labors actions are interfering with the state. Its not Chriss fault, but they have to bear the brunt of it. Asked what he thought of Perrottet, Bowles said: Id prefer Gladys [Berejiklian]. Raue thought it was unlikely that Labor would experience a similar result to 2019 in Kogarah, and said Minns incumbency and role as opposition leader would probably give him a boost at the polls. Liberal incumbent Wendy Lindsay is seeking re-election in suburban East Hills, where the conservative vote has risen. Credit: Steven Siewert I think Minns will probably get a comfortable swing towards him and be fine, Raue said. The battle is expected to be more intense in East Hills, also on the northern side of the Georges River, an area that has increasingly tended to vote for the Liberals in state and federal elections. The electorate is also considered a must-win for Labor. It was one of the most closely contested seats in 2019, when first-term Liberal candidate Wendy Lindsay won by less than 1 per cent of the vote. Boundary changes have meant East Hills gained several thousand voters in Bass Hill from the Labor stronghold of Bankstown, cutting the Liberal margin from 0.5 per cent to an estimated 0.1 per cent. Its the Liberals most marginal electorate. Lindsay faces a challenge from Labors Kylie Wilkinson for the seat, which includes Milperra, Revesby, Padstow, Picnic Point and Padstow Heights. Raue said shifting demographics and the growing popularity of East Hills waterfront homes typically a sign of Liberal voters in Sydney contributed to a widening political divide in the area. The north of the seat tends to be a lot more Labor-voting, and the south of the seat tends to be a lot more Liberal-voting. Thats a trend thats developed over time, he said. Its possible its becoming more conservative, but its still an area where Labor can win. Not far from the riverfront properties dotted with Australian flags and Liberal Party lawn signs in East Hills, Panania Florist owner Cheryl Beswick said Lindsay had a big impact on the electorate. Cafe owner and undecided voter Sam Tarmagi wants relief for small business owners. Prices are going up and up and up, it doesnt stop. Chicken, eggs, meat, vegetables, electricity, gas. We need some movement from the government. Credit: Steven Siewert Shes not one that only comes out at election time. Chill Bean Cafe owner Sam Tarmagi said he hadnt decided on his vote. He wants more help for local businesses after he was forced to shed workers following a 40 per cent drop in income since 2020. I have to see what theyre going to promise us. I want some support for small businesses, not only for my business, for every business, Tarmagi said. Loading Lindsay was hopeful locals would back her for another term. She said maintaining a strong economy would be vital to easing pressure on household budgets and investing in infrastructure and services. I have fought hard for the people of East Hills every day to ensure that our once-forgotten corner of Sydney gets its fair share, Lindsay said. Wilkinson said Labor wasnt taking a single vote for granted. Marvel Stadium has been accused of ableism after fans said they were barred from its sensory room at Harry Styles concert on Friday night. Heartbreak High star Chloe Hayden, who is autistic, said on Friday it was a slap in the face when a stadium worker made her feel unwelcome. Heartbreak High star Chloe Hayden says she was turned away from Marvel Stadiums sensory room. Credit: Jason South The 25-year-old actor said she wanted to scope out the room before the pop stars appearance. Mum and I went to look over it, to see where it was, how to access it, how to get there as soon as we walked up, we were met with almost quite dismissive behaviour, Hayden said. Justin Welby has called for a fair treaty to end the war in Ukraine (Jonathan Brady/PA) (PA Wire) An end to the war in Ukraine cannot see Russia treated like Germany after the First World War, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned. Justin Welby, writing in The Daily Telegraph newspaper as Ukraine marks the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion, also said that Kyiv must not be forced into a Munich Agreement-like compromise, a reference to the doomed settlement that failed to prevent the Second World War. Provided a just peace between Russia and Ukraine can be achieved, there must be a security structure that makes another war unlikely, he said. Russia cannot end up like Germany after 1919; it must be able to recover and be secure without being allowed to repeat its aggression. The great powers must find ways, ideally through a conference, to design the conditions for long-term security, as was done in 1945. Today, it must be done for a new century, including UN reform, while the cost of conflict is fading from most European memories. The Treaty of Versailles, signed in Paris in 1919, was seen as humiliating by many Germans and some historians argue that it created an enduring bitterness that helped the Nazis rise to power. But the Archbishop also urged world leaders not to force Ukraine into an unjust peace, as he spoke about the impact of visiting Kyiv. Justice is the call of Old Testament and New: peace, swords or tanks into ploughshares is the vision of Isaiah. Everyone eating the grapes from the vines they planted, and living in the house they built, is the promise of the prophet Micah. At the heart of Christian faith is the vision of God who so loved the world that he sacrificed himself for it, so there may be peace and reconciliation. In times of peace, we dream of such things. In times of war, we must strain every sinew to bring peace with justice, and start the generational process of healing hatred and rebuilding community among nations. The Perth teenager fatally mauled by a shark in the Swan River earlier this month was farewelled at a private funeral on Sunday. Stella Berry, 16, was killed on February 4 while swimming near a pod of dolphins at the old Fremantle traffic bridge in North Fremantle. Stella Berry: remembered by her family as their darling girl. Her death sparked an outpouring of grief, with the tragedy touching students and teachers across four Perth schools: Shenton College, where Stella was a student; her former school, St Hildas Anglican School for Girls; and Methodist Ladies College and Scotch College, where her parents are teachers and where two of her friends who witnessed the attack are students. In a statement shortly after the tragedy, Stellas heartbroken family remembered her as their darling girl. Edwards is among experts and industry members who are advocating for a national licensing scheme to track the importation and distribution of engineered stone in Australia, to stop it falling into the hands of shonky operators. If they cant do it, then they should ban the importation of engineered stone, he said. Graeme Edwards in his Brisbane clinic. He described the collective inertia of governments in failing to respond to silicosis as tantamount to industrial manslaughter. Credit: Paul Harris Federal and state workplace relations ministers will meet on Tuesday to discuss banning engineered stone with high crystalline silica content commonly used in kitchen benchtops as part of a raft of measures to limit exposure to the lethal dust. The RACP, the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand, and the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine have also jointly called for a respiratory disease registry and nationally enforceable rules regarding silica dust safety. RACP spokesman Dr Warren Harrex said if a ban on engineered stone is the only thing that is discussed [at Tuesdays meeting], then were really missing the chance to properly reform the sector to prevent further silicosis deaths. Loading He said exposure for tunnel workers, construction workers and miners also needed addressing. Queensland Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace has been the only state or territory minister to overtly call for a ban on engineered stone imports in the lead-up to Tuesdays meeting, echoing the demands of the union movement and federal Labor senator Tony Sheldon. NSW Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello said he would be strongly advocating for the discussion on the ban to be brought before 2024, with all parties engaged as soon as possible. Later, NSW Labor leader Chris Minns pledged to ban the most dangerous engineered stone products by 2024. Given importation bans can only be implemented by the federal government, a national registration and licensing scheme is the most effective path forward to address this serious issue, Dominello said. Loading Caesarstone, the dominant supplier of manufactured stone benchtops in Australia, took out full-page advertisements in national newspapers over the weekend saying the Israel-based company has advocated for stronger oversight by work-safety bodies, but little progress has been made. The advertisements argue against a total ban on engineered stone, as tunnelling and construction involving natural stone would also need to be banned as well to solve the issue of silicosis. A Victorian government spokesperson said the state had some of the toughest regulations in the country, but there was more to be done after mandating a licensing scheme in November and offering free screenings for all stonemasons. Queensland, which banned dry-cutting stone in 2018 and introduced a code of practice for the stone benchtop industry in 2019, will implement a wider code of practice for the construction industry this year. Western Australia has banned the dry-cutting of stone and ramped up workplace inspections, while South Australia is considering a licensing scheme and a ban on high-silica products. Worksafe Victoria publishes data of accepted workers compensation claims relating to silicosis, which has shown three so far in 2023, 30 last year, 77 in 2021 and 90 in 2020. There have been 350 claims in total since 1988. According to the latest data from NSWs workplace insurer, icare, 64 new cases of silicosis were diagnosed in the 2021-22 financial year, 57 the previous year, 107 in 2019-20, and 40 in 2018-19. The annual report for Queenslands lung diseases register says 40 new cases of silicosis were recorded in 2021-22. Health and occupational experts have decried the lack of uniform and up-to-date record-keeping on silicosis between different states and territories. Loading Despite the former government agreeing to a national registry in early 2020 and a Department of Health website, since updated, saying the resource would be up and running by late last year Commonwealth legislation is still yet to be introduced. A departmental spokesperson said the government was assessing feedback on an exposure draft for a bill on the registry, which was released in November 2022. The revised legislation is expected to be introduced in the second half of 2023, the spokesperson said. Edwards said a registry would provide critical intelligence on trends relating to silicosis. He said extraordinary achievements had been made regarding silicosis awareness in recent years, but I cant help think its not enough. The reason we gave the July 2024 timeline in the taskforce report is we recognise it takes time for change to happen, but allowing that process of change to drag on unnecessarily is killing Australian workers, he said. Tuesdays meeting of workplace relations ministers will also address industrial manslaughter following previous, unsuccessful calls to create nationally consistent laws. Construction union national secretary Zach Smith said his organisation has been pushing for strong industrial manslaughter laws as a deterrent against the kind of morally bankrupt conduct that leads to silica deaths. The silicosis crisis killing Australian workers is a form of industrial manslaughter that shouldnt go unpunished. Bosses responsible for workplace deaths including from deadly dust diseases should face jail time and massive fines, he said. Kano, Nigeria: Officials counted votes in Nigerias elections on Saturday (local time), with people hoping for a reset after years of worsening violence and hardship under outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari, undeterred by delays at some polling stations. An electoral officer holds up votes as they are counted at a polling station in Lagos, Nigeria on Saturday. Credit: AP The electoral commission said the official results could be expected from late on Sunday. By the evening, some polling stations were already counting ballots, while voting was still going on at others and had not taken place elsewhere. Some voting was now expected to take place on Sunday. Whoever wins will face a litany of crises. Africas most populous nation is struggling with Islamist insurgencies in the northeast, an epidemic of kidnappings for ransom, conflict between herders and farmers, shortages of cash, fuel and power, as well as deep-rooted corruption and poverty. Washington: US intelligence shows that Chinas President Xi Jinping has instructed his countrys military to be ready by 2027 to invade Taiwan though he may be currently harbouring doubts about his ability to do so given Russias experience in its war with Ukraine, CIA Director William Burns said. Burns, in a television interview that aired Sunday, stressed that the United States must take very seriously Xis desire to ultimately control Taiwan even if military conflict is not inevitable. Some doubts: Chinas leader Xi Jinping. Credit: Bloomberg We do know, as has been made public, that President Xi has instructed the PLA, the Chinese military leadership, to be ready by 2027 to invade Taiwan, but that doesnt mean that hes decided to invade in 2027 or any other year as well, Burns told CBS Face the Nation. I think our judgment at least is that President Xi and his military leadership have doubts today about whether they could accomplish that invasion, he said. Tirana, Albania: Customers at one of Albanias biggest banks got a shock shortly before Christmas when a curt text popped up on their mobile phones: Your account has been blocked. The balance of your account is zero. Thank you. The messages, which turned out be fake, signalled the opening of a disruptive new front in what Albanian authorities, the United States and NATO have identified as an enormous cyberattack orchestrated by Iran on one of the weakest members of the military alliance. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Brussels in July 2022. Credit: AP It is an attack an aggression against the sovereignty of one country by another state, Prime Minister Edi Rama said in an interview in Tirana, the Albanian capital, calling the assaults absolutely the same as a conventional military aggression, only by other means. The onslaught has swept Albania, a Balkan nation with fewer than 3 million people, into a maelstrom of uncertainty and plunged it into big geopolitical battles involving Iran, Israel and the United States. The European Union said it was alarmed by todays violence in Huwara, and said authorities on all sides must intervene now to stop this endless cycle of violence. The UKs ambassador to Israel, Neil Wigan, said that Israel should tackle settler violence, with those responsible brought to justice. As videos of the violence appeared on evening news shows, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appealed for calm and urged against vigilante violence. I ask that when blood is boiling and the spirit is hot, dont take the law into your hands, Netanyahu said in a video statement. Loading The Israeli military said its chief of staff, Lieutenant General Herzl Halevi, was rushing to the scene and that forces were trying to restore order. Ghassan Douglas, a Palestinian official who monitors Israeli settlements in the Nablus region. said that settlers burned at least six houses and dozens of cars in Hawara, and reported attacks on other neighboring Palestinian villages. He estimated around 400 Jewish settlers took part in the attack. I never seen such an attack, he said. The rampage occurred shortly after the Jordanian government, which hosted Sundays talks at the Red Sea resort of Aqaba, said the sides had agreed to take steps to de-escalate tensions and would meet again next month ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. They reaffirmed the necessity of committing to de-escalation on the ground and to prevent further violence, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry announced. Israeli soldiers take up positions at the scene of a Palestinian shooting attack at the Hawara checkpoint, near the West Bank city of Nablus. Credit: AP After nearly a year of fighting that has killed over 200 Palestinians and more than 40 Israelis in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, the Jordanian announcement marked a small sign of progress. But the situation on the ground immediately cast those commitments into doubt. The Palestinians claim the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war for a future state. Some 700,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. The international community overwhelmingly considers the settlements as illegal and obstacles to peace. The West Bank is home to a number of hard-line settlements whose residents frequently vandalise Palestinians land and property. But rarely is the violence so widespread. Prominent members of Israels far-right government called for tough action against the Palestinians. Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a settler leader who lives in the area and has been put in charge of much of Israels West Bank policy, called for striking the cities of terror and its instigators without mercy, with tanks and helicopters. Using a phrase that calls for a more heavy-handed response, he said Israel should act in a way that conveys that the master of the house has gone crazy. Late on Sunday, however, Smotrich appealed to his fellow settlers to let the army and government do their jobs. It is forbidden to take the law into your hands and create dangerous anarchy that could spin out of control and cost lives, he said. Earlier, an Israeli ministerial committee gave initial approval to a bill that would impose the death penalty on Palestinians convicted in deadly attacks. The measure was sent to lawmakers for further debate. There were also differing interpretations of what exactly was agreed to in Aqaba between the Palestinians and Israelis. Jordans Foreign Ministry said the representatives agreed to work toward a just and lasting peace and had committed to preserving the status quo at Jerusalems contested holy site. Jewish settlers set Palestinians vehicles on fire in Nablus, West Bank on February 25, 2023. Credit: Getty Images Tensions at the site revered by Jews as the Temple Mount and Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif have often spilled over into violence, and two years ago sparked an 11-day war between Israel and the Hamas militant group during Ramadan. Officials with Israels government, the most right-wing in Israeli history, played down Sundays meeting. A senior official, speaking on condition of anonymity under government guidelines, said only that the sides in Jordan agreed to set up a committee to work at renewing security ties with the Palestinians. The Palestinians cut off ties last month after a deadly Israeli military raid in the West Bank. Netanyahus national security adviser, Tzachi Hanegbi, who led the Israeli delegation said there were no changes in Israeli policies and that plans to build thousands of new settlement homes approved last week would not be affected. He said there is no settlement freeze and there is no restriction on army activity. The Jordanian announcement had said Israel pledged not to legalise any more outposts for six months or to approve any new construction in existing settlements for four months. The Palestinians, meanwhile, said they had presented a long list of grievances, including an end to Israeli settlement construction on occupied lands and a halt to Israeli military raids on Palestinian towns. Sundays shooting in Hawara came days after an Israeli military raid killed 10 Palestinians in the nearby city of Nablus. The shooting occurred on a major highway that serves both Palestinians and Israeli settlers. The two men who were killed were identified as brothers, ages 21 and 19, from the Jewish settlement of Har Bracha. Hanegbi was joined by the head of Israels Shin Bet domestic security agency who attended the talks in neighbouring Jordan. The head of the Palestinian intelligence services as well as advisers to President Mahmoud Abbas also joined. Jordans King Abdullah II, who has close ties with the Palestinians, led the discussions, while Egypt, another mediator, and the United States also participated. In Washington, the US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, welcomed the meeting. We recognise that this meeting was a starting point, he said, adding that implementation will be critical. It was a rare high-level meeting between the sides, illustrating the severity of the crisis and the concerns of increased violence as Ramadan approaches in late March. In Gaza, Hamas, an Islamic militant group that seeks Israels destruction, criticised Sundays meeting and called the shooting a natural reaction to Israeli incursions in the West Bank. A Queensland professor held hostage by an armed gang demanding ransom in Papua New Guinea has been released, with a week of tense negotiations brought to an end by a covert operation in the countrys remote highlands. University of Southern Queensland vice chancellor Geraldine Mackenzie confirmed Professor Bryce Barker, a New Zealand national, was released in PNG on Sunday. University of Southern Queensland professor Bryce Barker was released on Sunday. Credit: USQ We are relieved to confirm that our much-loved colleague from the University of Southern Queensland, Professor Bryce Barker, has been released today, she said. Professor Barker and his research team were in Papua New Guinea undertaking archaeological research. Church of God Home, a StoneRidge Retirement Living Community in Carlisle, hosted a Coldest Night of the Year walk Friday afternoon that raised about $4,000 for Community CARES. The walk, organized by resident Helen Milliron, gave independent living residents the opportunity to raise funds walk up to 2/3 of a mile on a course set up inside the facility. Community CARES hosted a Coldest Night of the Year walk Saturday evening in downtown Carlisle that also raised money for Cumberland County's homeless population. Hazleton, PA (18201) Today Mostly cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 73F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Cloudy with periods of rain. Low near 50F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch. The Historic Preservation Committee is a public body appointed by the county Board of Supervisors and is charged with protecting the county's historic and cultural resources, according to the committee website. The committee takes an active role in identifying and documenting cultural resources of importance to the community and provides assistance and advice concerning the countys historic preservation program. The General Inspectorate of the Border Police informs that, during the day of Saturday, approximately 174,300 people, Romanian citizens, went through the control formalities (both inbound and outbound) through the border points throughout the country and foreigners, and over 48,800 means of transport. According to a press release published on Sunday, 94,974 people entered Romania, of which 7,439 were Ukrainian citizens.Starting from 10.02.2022 (pre-conflict period) and until Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 24:00, at the national level, 3,627,186 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania.Regarding the specific activities, in the areas of competence - the crossing points and the "green border" - the border police detected, on Saturday, 62 illegal acts (32 crimes and 30 misdemeanors) committed by both Romanian and foreign citizens.They were also seized with a view to confiscating assets worth more than 622,000 RON, and the amount of contravention fines applied amounts to approximately 14,000 RON.At the same time, 29 foreign citizens who did not meet the conditions provided for by law were not allowed to enter the country, and 19 Romanian citizens were also not allowed to leave for various legal reasons. EXPANDING Martin Goebel plans to debut his furniture and home goods brand Kindred Heirloom Collection to the consumer market. HELPING OUT Eric Brunngraber, chairman & CEO of Cass Information Systems Inc., joined the board of directors of Concordance. S.M. Wilson & Co. awarded $1,000 to two teams of students from four local high schools who participated in the companys Skilled construction career program. The program was established to provide hands-on opportunities to integrate academics with a focus on future employment in the architecture, engineering and construction industries. MILESTONE Enterprise Bank & Trust launched the spring semester of its business training course series, Enterprise University, marking 20 years of workforce development. Caritas Family Solutions raised a record $280,000 at the organizations 75th anniversary celebration. NAME CHANGE New + Found announced the rebrand of its catering company Urban Canvas to Culinary Canvas. NEW BUSINESS Malik Oliphant launched Brightway, The Oliphant Agency at the Bank of America building, 4625 Lindell Boulevard, Suite 315. OPENING Guaranteed Roofing & Contracting opened an office: 2334 Highway 94 South Outer Road in St. Charles PROJECTS Kwame Building Group completed the first portion of installation of a public art exhibit that acknowledges the 1959 displacement of nearly 20,000 Black residents of the Mill Creek Valley Neighborhood. Daniel Neman Daniel Neman is a retail business writer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Follow Daniel Neman Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Save Manage followed notifications Close Followed notifications Please log in to use this feature Log In Don't have an account? Sign Up Today In the grand scheme of things, Casey Whites story about a minor frustration may seem trivial and commonplace. Its just one of those things that happens. But it is the kind of thing that resonates with every person on Earth. A minor frustration is huge when you are the one who is living through it. White is 35 and lives in OFallon, Missouri. Her problem was with Walmart. Walmart has all the money in the world, and then some. Casey White is a woman of many firmly held opinions. It was a fair fight. On Valentines Day, White went to the Walmart on Highway K in OFallon to pick up $200 that her father had wired to her from Cape Girardeau, Mo. This was something they had done several times during the nine years that she had lived in Colorado. She moved back to Missouri last June. She returned because, she said, Missourians have common sense. Now shes not so sure. When her father sent her the money, he sent it in the name of White. Its the name she uses now and was the name of her youth and childhood. Its also his name. But it is not the name on her drivers license. White was married to and is now happily divorced from a man named Rogers. She never bothered to change the name on her license back to White. The clerk at Walmart, understandably, refused to give money intended for Casey White to a woman named Casey Rogers. But White was prepared for just such a contingency. She brought along three forms of identification: the drivers license in the name of Casey Rogers; a social security card in the name of Casey Rogers and a social security card in the name of Casey White. The cards, obviously, had the same social security number on them. The clerk was not impressed. The clerk called over the manager White may have been making a bit of a fuss and the manager was not impressed, either. They told her to call the national Walmart customer service number, 1-800-WALMART. She called and explained her situation to the 1-800 person. The 1-800 person listened and said she was obviously the person she said she was and that the store ought to give her the money. White had the 1-800 person repeat that to the clerk and the manager. Although the clerk and manager told her to call customer service, they decided they did not want to abide by the customer service persons recommendation. They refused once again to give her the money and questioned whether the customer service person was qualified to provide customer service in Missouri. This is the part of the story that White finds most frustrating. Obviously, Casey White is Casey Rogers. Obviously, Casey Rogers is Casey White. She has social security cards proving that point. All it takes to make the connection is a little common sense of the kind she had expected to find back home in Missouri. She had picked up money from Walmart in Colorado several times with no problem. If Colorado managers can figure that out, then they definitely should be able to here, she said, adding a few choice insults of Coloradans. Just use common sense and give people customer service. Common sense has been in short supply since the COVID-19 pandemic, when as a society, we all got lazy, she said. Now its too easy to do what the computer says to do rather than approaching a problem with human intelligence and understanding, she said. A spokeswoman for Walmart said the decision not to give the money to White was prudent. We have security policies that are designed to protect our customers, both the ones sending and the ones receiving, said Ashley Nolan, senior manager of corporate communications. We were unable to complete the transfer because the name did not match. White is originally from Scott County, where they would settle disagreements like this a little differently, she said. In Scott County, well whup your (behind), she said. This is Missouri. Assault is only a $50 fine here. In the interest of accuracy, it should be pointed out that even fourth-degree assault in Missouri carries a penalty of up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,000. Whites father is terminally ill; he has a large aneurysm in his heart and also suffers from greatly diminished lung capacity. He lives 25 minutes from Cape Girardeau, so going back to the Walmart to wire money takes him at least an hour. But he returned late that afternoon to send her the money again, this time under the name Casey Rogers. She picked it up at the Walmart in Lake Saint Louis. She wont go back to the store in OFallon ever again, she said, and she sounds like she means it. AFRICA TRIP WINDHOEK, Namibia U.S. first lady Jill Biden said Friday that she feels a kinship with Africans during her sixth visit to the continent, telling The Associated Press in an exclusive interview that she wants to support nations fighting for democracy "just like I feel we're doing in the United States." The first lady opened her trip earlier this week in Namibia, a young democracy, where on Friday she delivered a rousing speech to more than 1,000 students from different schools at Namibia University of Science and Technology. "As the first generation to be born into a free Namibia, the legacy that your parents and grandparents created is now yours yours to defend and protect," she said. "Yours to grow. And as we look forward, we must remember that the fight for democracy has no end." Later in Kenya, she gave one of the clearest indications yet that President Joe Biden will run for a second term, telling The Associated Press in an exclusive interview that there's "pretty much" nothing left to do but figure out the time and place for the announcement. Though her husband said he intends to seek reelection, he has yet to make it official, and he's struggled to dispel questions about whether he's too old to continue serving as president. "He says he's not done," the first lady said in Nairobi, the second and final stop of her five-day trip. "He's not finished what he's started. And that's what's important." Biden is focusing her visit on empowering women and girls, as well as highlighting a devastating drought that is increasing food insecurity across the Horn of Africa. Namibia is a relatively young democracy, gaining its independence from South Africa in 1990. "We must build on the foundation of democracy by lifting up those voices that have gone unheard, particularly women and girls, people living on the margins of society, or those vulnerable to abuse," she said in her speech. Biden, a teacher who has worked with young people throughout her 30-year career, said the students must exercise their rights to disagree and dissent, speak up when they see injustice and support leaders who listen to their concerns. She noted in the U.S., "we are still defending and strengthening our democracy, almost 250 years after our founding." American democracy was severely tested when then-President Donald Trump told lies about the 2020 election being stolen from him, prompting his supporters to riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to try to block the peaceful transfer of power. Tony Messenger Tony Messenger is the metro columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Follow Tony Messenger Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Save Manage followed notifications Close Followed notifications Please log in to use this feature Log In Don't have an account? Sign Up Today Boone County Circuit Court Judge Stephanie Morrell had a question about magical potion. It was November and Morrell was hearing the case of James Eugene Logan, a homeless man charged with misdemeanor peace disturbance and trespassing when he went to a Mexican restaurant in Columbia, Mo., seeking food. Logan was unlikely to win his case in the best of circumstances. But thats not really what his attorney, Matthew Mueller, a private lawyer who takes public defender cases on a contractual basis, was arguing about with the judge. Mueller filed a motion to dismiss the charges because Logan wasnt represented by an attorney at the two earliest moments in the case: the arraignment, when Logan heard the charges against him; and a bond hearing, when he had a chance to argue he shouldnt be held in jail. For the past several months, Mueller has been filing similar motions in counties across Missouri. He argues that those two hearings are critical stages in a criminal case. But in most judicial districts the city of St. Louis is the exception there is no provision for indigent defendants to be represented by an attorney at those early stages. Thats because it takes time for a person to apply to be represented by a public defender and for the state to determine if they qualify. That means poor people are likely to spend extra time behind bars, Mueller says, and such a deprivation of liberty is also a violation of their Sixth Amendment right to an attorney. Mueller is well known to some of the judges he is challenging. Hes the former public defender who in 2019 won a case in which a unanimous Missouri Supreme Court ended the practice of jailing poor people because they couldnt afford to pay their bills for previous jail stays. At the November hearing, Morrell posed a challenge to Mueller. How exactly was she supposed to determine if a defendant was indigent on short notice? Youre telling me the moment somebody walks in this door, correct, for an arraignment, whether on video or walks in this door Im supposed to do some magical potion to determine that person there is indigent? Yes, said Mueller. The judge could start, he suggested, by asking a couple of simple questions. Do you have a job? Can you afford a lawyer? Morrell disagreed. Mueller lost the case. But this month, a different judge in an unrelated case added momentum to Muellers argument that the Missouri Supreme Court or the Missouri Legislature will have to print out a recipe for the magical potion. On Feb. 8, in a case involving wait lists for the public defenders office, Judge William Hickle in central Missouri ruled that such lists are unconstitutional. The lawsuit underlying the case was brought in 2020 by attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union and the MacArthur Justice Center. They argued that Missouri was violating defendants civil rights by underfunding the public defenders office, to the point where people were often put on waits lists for an attorney. In the time since the lawsuit was filed, the legislature increased funding for public defenders. There are currently no wait lists in use. But Hickles ruling also dealt with the issue Mueller has been raising. Within days after a defendants attachment of right to counsel at first appearance, the defendant typically encounters critical stages requiring the presence of counsel, Hickle wrote. One of those stages is a bond hearing, obligating the state to furnish the defendant with counsel at the hearing, he continued. The ruling validated every argument Mueller has been making (and losing) before circuit court judges throughout the state. And within days of the ruling, Mueller had sent notices to the various courts where he has appeals of cases pending. Hickles ruling, if it stands, will force Missouri to write its magical potion, Mueller believes. There are models to follow. In the 22nd Judicial Circuit in St. Louis, the judges pay a series of private attorneys to represent potentially indigent clients at arraignments and bond hearings. That model is similar to what Marylands Supreme Court ordered in 2014 after a lawsuit found that denying attorneys for defendants at such hearings was unconstitutional. More than a dozen states guarantee a defendant the right to an attorney at an initial appearance before a judge. The American Bar Association has been encouraging the practice for more than two decades. The potion isnt all that magical. It just takes judicial and legislative commitment. Otherwise, Missouri judges will continue to keep poor people in jail in violation of their Sixth Amendment right. If Judge Hickles ruling stands, then Missouri courts need to arrange for the creation of a system that will allow for the appointment of counsel, Mueller says. How is that going to work? Missouri courts need to get together and start discussing that. ST. LOUIS Four people are dead and four others critically injured after a car ran a red light and crashed into their SUV, which caused it to drive over an overpass and land on its roof at South Grand Boulevard and Forest Park Avenue early Sunday morning. The driver of the car that caused the crash left the scene. The SUV carried a total of eight people; four were taken to hospitals and four were killed. The incident happened around 1:30 a.m. Police said a preliminary on-scene investigation and a review of cameras show that a 2004 Chevy Impala was going southbound on South Grand and drove into the northbound lanes around stopped traffic. It drove through the red light, and hit a 2021 Chevy Tahoe SUV, which was going west on Forest Park across South Grand. The crash caused the Impala to go west on the Forest Park entrance ramp and come to a stop. The Tahoe went through the bridge guardrail, falling to the street below, where it landed below on its roof in the westbound lanes of Forest Park. The scene is adjacent to the St. Louis University campus. Three male teenagers, 18, 19, the 19-year-old driver, and a woman, 18, who were in the Tahoe were taken to hospitals and listed in critical but stable condition. The other four, one female and three males, were pronounced dead at the scene. Their ages and identities were not available. At the scene Sunday morning, debris from a vehicle remained on a sidewalk on the west side of Grand. A metal guardrail had been torn away, and some debris remained on the westbound lanes of the avenue below, to the west of Grand. The Missouri Department of Transportation is considering a proposal to level the intersection to make it safer for pedestrians. Forest Park Avenue has run below Grand near Highway 40 (Interstate 64) for decades. Nick Desideri, spokesman for Mayor Tishaura O. Jones office, said in statement, St. Louis mourns the loss of four young lives, and we are praying for those still in critical condition following (Sunday) mornings horrible crash at Forest Park and South Grand. Traffic violence at this location makes it the most unsafe intersection for pedestrians and cyclists in our entire city. Our office is reaching out to MoDOT regarding proposals to improve this area, and SLMPD continues to deploy a data-driven approach to hold dangerous drivers accountable in high-crash areas. The City is also exploring automated enforcement solutions to discourage dangerous driving. This week, Mayor Jones will sign into law the largest investment in road and pedestrian safety in the citys history, calming streets and putting St. Louis on the path to its first mobility and transportation master plan. Tragedies like these remind us that addressing pedestrian safety and dangerous driving requires a true citywide approach. Baynouna Solar Energy Company (BSCE), a joint venture between Abu Dhabi-based renewable energy company Masdar and Finnish investment and asset management group Taaleri, has announced the opening of its new 200MW solar park in Amman. The largest clean energy project in Jordan - Baynouna Solar Park - produces over 560 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of energy annually enough to power 160,000 homes. Developed through a power purchase agreement between Masdar and National Electric Power Company, Jordans state electricity provider, the Baynouna Solar Park also displaces 360,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, equivalent to taking nearly 80,000 cars off the road. The inauguration was held in the presence of Bisher Al-Khasawneh, Prime Minister of Jordan, and was attended by Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, COP28 President-Designate, and Chairman of Masdar; Dr Saleh Al Kharabsheh, Jordans Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources; and Sheikh Khalifa Bin Mohammed Bin Khalid Al Nahyan, UAE Ambassador to Jordan. The ceremony was also attended by other high-level officials from the government of Jordan and senior executives from Masdar. Al Jaber said: "In partnership with the Jordanian government, the Baynouna Solar Park will contribute to Jordans climate targets, provide access to clean energy, create jobs and ensure economic growth. Along with our other project here the Tafila Wind Farm Masdar is already helping Jordan to produce 29 percent of its electricity from renewable sources and will support its goal of increasing that to 50 percent by the end of the decade." "Ambitious, transformative partnerships like these are precisely what we need if we are to deliver on the promise of the Paris Agreement and continue to ensure that we are holding back emissions, not progress. COP28 will focus on moving from goals to implementation, with a clear focus on demonstrable action on mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, and finance, as we aim to keep the objective of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees alive," he added. Al Kharabsheh said: "We are focused on developing local energy sources to achieve energy security, enhance self-reliance and limit the effects of climate change. If we look at the world today, we see that renewable energy, especially solar and wind energy, are the fastest growing and widespread renewable energy sources and the time has come to maximize the benefits of renewables." Al Ramahi expressed delight at witnessing the inauguration of this project, which is one of the fruits of Masdars long collaborative partnership with Jordan. "We stand ready to support Jordan in its energy transition and will look to increase our presence in the Kingdom through the development of further clean energy projects that will drive economic growth for the nation," he added. Financial institutions that supported the Baynouna project include the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Opec Fund for International Development (OFID), the KfW Groups DEG, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Taaleri Group CEO Peter Ramsay said: "We are very excited to be inaugurating the largest solar park in Jordan. This impressive project is a testament to the strength of cooperation between Masdar and Taaleri, two pioneers who have been active in the renewable energy field for a long time. We are proud to advance our common global climate change mitigation goals together with our partners and investors." Masdar also operates the 117 MW Tafila Wind Farm, which was completed in 2015 the first commercial utility-scale wind project in the Middle East.-TradeArabia News Service Nine months after becoming the first major U.S. historic site to be led by descendants of those once enslaved there, Montpelier is freshly optimistic about its future. The 2,650-acre Orange County estate once home to James and Dolley Madison and more than 300 enslaved people, Montpelier intends to nurture citizenship and broader inclusion in the ever-evolving story of America, the Montpelier Foundation said Thursday. Our vision is to become the most exciting ... compelling and relevant historic site in the U.S., said Krista Costello, the foundations chief operating officer. We anticipate investing in new interpretive techniques and using technology and digital storytelling to open up unexplored parts of the Montpelier landscape and reveal the multitude of untold stories of the Madisons and all who lived here, white and black, enslaved and free, said Elizabeth Chew, the foundations former interim president and CEO. We will thrill new and returning visitors alike. A veteran art historian in the museum world, Chew is now leading the Reimagining the Visitor Experience element of Montpeliers new vision, after six months successfully guiding the fourth U.S. presidents homes transition into an institution where enslaved peoples descendants share an equal voice in managing the property. The foundation has launched a global search for a permanent president and CEO, expected to conclude this spring. James Madison, a slaveholder, is considered the father of the U.S. Constitution and the architect of the Bill of Rights. Through its nonpartisan Robert H. Smith Center for the Constitution, Montpelier helps teachers, lawmen and international professionals better understand the nations founding document and apply its principles today. Katie Crawford-Lackey, the Smith Centers director, said Montpelier looks to advance the national conversation about the Constitutions role in American life today. The foundation, which was rocked by board divisions and governance issues in 2021 and early 2022, said the national historic site and Constitution education center has started 2023 stronger than ever. The dream of shared governance is now Montpeliers reality, and the emerging results are truly inspiring, said foundation board Chairman James French, who is descended from enslaved ancestors at a neighboring plantation in Orange County. In 2022, Montpelier surpassed its year-end fundraising goals, French said in the foundations statement. Donors, whether first-time or reengaged, said they were inspired by Montpeliers new, nationally prominent board of directors and its groundbreaking governance model, he said. We discovered that we had inherited a sinking ship, both financially and managerially, French said in an interview Thursday afternoon. We responded immediately by conducting a rigorous financial and operational assessment to identify areas for critically needed improvements. This included implementing best practices in accounting and financial reporting, being more efficient and developing a stronger strategic focus. In 2021, under different leadership, the foundation did not meet its year-end fundraising targets, he said. Montpelier does not publicize such targets. The sites staff, reenergized after weathering past years management controversies, is launching new public speaker programs in which visitors will explore the Constitution and American history with unprecedented rigor and honesty, French said. Their effort will be aided by a major grant to examine the First Amendment guarantor of a free press, freedom of religion, the right to assembly, and seeking redress of grievances from the government. The federal Institute of Museum and Library Services awarded the foundation $250,000 to be focused on civic engagement and the Bill of Rights first provision. New policies implemented by Montpeliers board and staff are improving the quality of the historic sites public engagement and internal management, French said. Perhaps most notably, he said, the foundation formulated a bold organizing vision to secure and expand its relevance for decades into the future. Distinguishing the site from other cultural institutions, The Four Pillars of the foundations vision represent Montpeliers core values and commitments. They can be found on Montpeliers website and include: Civic Engagement: The foundations Smith Center for the Constitution aims to fulfill Montpeliers potential as a global center of excellence for teaching and promoting democracy and reconciliation by exploring the full history of the place where James Madison conceived the Constitution. Reimagining the Visitor Experience: Montpelier is laying the groundwork for a more meaningful visitor experience by interpreting more of its rarely explored landscape to the public and introducing state-of-the art digital storytelling. All of Montpeliers 2,650 acres are open to the public, French noted. What is new is our commitment to telling the stories that this vast landscape conceals. ... One example is the East Woods tour that began in the summer of 2022, he said. For the first time ever, Montpelier tells the fascinating and painful story of this important site of labor, giving the public an opportunity to see the evidence of ingenuity of the enslaved people at Montpelier. Going forward we will use state of the art technology, such as Augmented Reality, to give people even easier and richer access to those stories. Memorialization: Montpelier and its partners hope to create a memorial to honor and make more visible the Invisible Founders, people enslaved at Montpelier and across the nation whose stories and contributions to building America have yet to be told, French said. Montpelier is the final resting place for over 300 American men, women and children held in bondage by the Madison family for more than 140 years. Building the Arc National Trail: Linking historic sites featuring enslaved people in Fredericksburg, Charlottesville and Richmond and beyond, The Arc will combine outdoor recreation with public history and citizen science, encouraging the public to hike, bike and camp while learning about the past and planning for the future. Not everyone admires how Montpelier now shares its governance with the sites descendant community, French said. Not everyone wants to advance from the status quo, he said. Those who resent this change have attacked our credibility and our patriotism. Last year, conservative groups including the Heritage Foundation think tank and the New York Post criticized the foundations new direction. Our faith remains steadfast that the most representative, inclusive, and proficient leadership ever at the helm of Montpelier will lead to this institution being a source of inspiration for the conversations our country needs to have to remain a rich and vibrant democracy, French said. Administered by its nonprofit foundation, Montpelier is a National Trust for Historic Preservation site. Details are available at A Black former Rockwood School District administrator who resigned amid a wave of harassment and threats from parents and the public is suing the district for discrimination, saying officials there failed to respond until white employees also asked for help, and that the district has completed its capitulation to the racist mob. Brittany Hogan, who resigned from Rockwood School District in April 2021, is seeking damages from the district and argues that its conduct violated state laws against race-based harassment, discrimination and retaliation. Hogan served as the districts director of educational equity and diversity. As the only black woman in district leadership, I am concerned and uncomfortable of how quickly Ive become the scapegoat of white rage, Hogan wrote in an email to the district after she began receiving racist and threatening messages. A spokesperson for Rockwood said the district is aware of the lawsuit but cannot comment on pending litigation. Rockwood covers western St. Louis County, and with approximately 20,000 students, is the third-largest district in Missouri. Rockwood continued to stay silent about Ms. Hogans targeted mistreatment, the lawsuit says. Rockwood punished Ms. Hogan for her complaints by ignoring her and subsequently excluding her from important meetings where her input would previously have been important, stripping her of her job responsibilities, and constructively discharging her. A lawyer representing Hogan declined to comment on the lawsuit. But the complaint filed in St. Louis County court catalogs a long list of instances when Hogan said she reported racist behavior and threats that she faced. She began working at Rockwood in 2012 and received multiple promotions during her tenure. But her relationship with Rockwood unraveled during the 2020-2021 school year, with controversy emerging shortly after the district chose to have middle school and high school students and any interested community members read a book called Stamped in December 2020, through its One Read initiative that promotes shared readership of a single book. The book seeks to portray the lives of prominent figures in American history and the way in which their lives were impacted by systemic racism, according to the lawsuit. Although Hogan had no role in the choice of the book, she helped to promote it through a school Twitter account, along with other Rockwood employees. Soon, Hogan and her secretary began to receive threatening and profane messages online, over the phone, and by email, the lawsuit says. Hogan was also informed of a parent alerting a school principal of a social media post that mentioned hanging and lynching, using as a reference the tree on the Rockwood logo. That tip said the Rockwood Concerned Parents Facebook page had been directing hate speech and negativity at Ms. Hogan and one other high-ranking Black employee of Rockwood, the lawsuit says. The filing describes months of continued harassment with no intervention from Rockwood, despite officials being notified of the messages, and direct pleas from Hogan for them to step up and address what was happening. Hogan was asked to stay away from Eureka High School, according to the suit, as it was a particular location of racist invective from parents. This severely limited Ms. Hogans work, as Eureka is the central office of the entire district and is also where the board meetings were held. Issues didnt solely emanate from outside of the school district, according to the lawsuit. A school librarian allegedly refused to promote the One Read effort and later declined to support a celebration of Asian History Month because she said those actions could affect her husbands standing in a local police department. Meanwhile, key district administrators are accused not only of indifference, but also of treating Hogans plight as a win for Rockwood and conveying that if she didnt want to come to work, she should quit, so the district no longer had to pay her, the lawsuit says. Hogan resigned in April of that school year. The lawsuit says the districts school board expressed support for faculty the following month, only after white teachers and union members came forward with complaints about abuse they were also receiving. Racial tension at Rockwood is not limited to Hogan or her time working there, the lawsuit states. Since her departure, it says there has been a mass exodus of other Black personnel. And the lawsuit says that, in October, the Rockwood Board of Education completed its capitulation to the racist mob by cutting three previously approved programs that were intended to help Black students at Rockwood who faced discrimination and other social woes. UPDATED at 7:45 a.m. Monday with suspect dead, new details about confrontation ST. CLAIR COUNTY A gunman killed a man in his neighborhood Sunday afternoon, then shot and seriously injured a Dupo police officer before barricading himself in his garage for an hourslong standoff with police, authorities said. The standoff ended about 10 p.m. Sunday after officers found the man, Reginald Allen, dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound inside his garage in the 700 block of McBride Avenue, said Master Sgt. Brad Clossen of the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department. Clossen said Allen was in his 40s. The incident began about 1:20 p.m. Sunday when a man was found shot to death in a yard in the 400 block of McBride Avenue. That man's name has not been released. Allen and the victim had worked together, but Clossen said the motive for the killing is unclear. After the shooting, the suspect took off on a Bobcat, a piece of construction equipment, and headed down McBride Avenue toward Interstate 255. Dispatchers warned that the gunman was seen carrying what looked like an AK-47. A Dupo police officer was the first officer to arrive. The Bobcat was left under the highway, and the Dupo officer got out of his patrol car to confront the gunman, police said. That's when the gunman shot the officer in the shoulder and neck, Clossen said. The officer was rushed to a hospital, where he underwent surgery, Clossen said. The last update he heard was that the officer's condition was serious, Clossen said Monday. After shooting the officer, the gunman jumped into the officer's patrol car and drove away with the officer's rifle still inside. The gunman drove the patrol car a short distance and parked it in his driveway next to his garage in the 700 block of McBride, Clossen said. That is where police focused on a standoff for the next several hours. They entered the garage about 10 p.m. and found the suspect dead, Clossen said. The residential neighborhood on McBride is northeast of Highway 3 and Interstate 255. It is about seven miles from St. Louis. More than a dozen law enforcement and EMS agencies were at the scene. Residents waited in their cars, and at a nearby gas station, for word of when they could return to their homes. Clossen said residents were allowed to return to their homes by midnight. WASHINGTON Some of the nations top cybersecurity leaders are warning state and local election officials of ongoing foreign and domestic national security threats to election systems, urging them to upgrade their defenses ahead of next years presidential election. At separate conferences this month, federal officials warned gatherings of the National Association of Secretaries of State and the National Association of State Election Directors that they must be vigilant in securing their states elections systems and building resilience to prevent attacks. Many election officials, overworked and frightened by personal threats, left the field following President Donald Trumps loss in 2020. In light of that turnover, national security officials wanted to emphasize that local election officials can use federal resources to build defenses and educate front-line staff. Although foreign cyberattacks did not disrupt Novembers midterm elections, China, Iran, North Korea and Russia remain threats to U.S. election systems, said Cynthia Kaiser, deputy assistant director of the FBIs Cyber Division. We have no evidence that a foreign government or other actors compromised election infrastructure or manipulated election results during the 2022 elections, Kaiser told the secretaries of state. Still, she added, We need to remain vigilant. A year into Russias invasion of Ukraine, for example, national security officials remain concerned Russia may attack critical U.S. infrastructure, including elections, said Jen Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, also known as CISA. That has not, thankfully, manifested in any significant way, Easterly told the secretaries of state. Weve not seen anything here, but Id like to end with the word yet. She emphasized that preparation is key in preventing malicious efforts such as so-called denial of service attacks, which made a handful of state and local government websites unavailable in the weeks before the midterms. To run safe and secure elections, Easterly recommended that state and local election officials train staff to use multi-factor authentication and to avoid clicking on suspicious email links. She also advised them to replace outdated software and use available federal resources. There was sophisticated activity from foreign governments before and on the day of the 2022 midterms that should be a cause for concern, Kim Wyman, senior election security adviser at CISA, told a nearby conference of the National Association of State Election Directors. Foreign actors scanned state and local government websites, even though election systems werent targeted, she said. While scanning a system doesnt necessarily compromise it, she said, it could be preparation for a future attack. Local election offices can be target-rich, cyber-poor entities, she said, warning that cybersecurity still is not a top priority for many small- and medium-sized jurisdictions. The 2024 election for president is fast approaching, Wyman said, and this year is really that window of opportunity that you all have to gear up and make strides in reducing your risk. In addition to cybersecurity, national security officials stressed the importance of protecting the physical security of voting system storage locations and election offices by, for example, using locks that only a limited number of people can open. Layering an approach that considers both physical and cybersecurity is challenging, said Bill Ekblad, Minnesotas election security cyber navigator, who through the secretary of states office coordinates an election security strategy with local election offices. We continue to see threats compound, he told Stateline after one session. We have to take those two concerns with us and be ready for whatever else comes. Everything we heard from our federal partners shores up that perspective that its all about readiness, communications, preparing to react and planning, because we cant predict what the trends will be. Explainer: Threats to US election security grow more complex Increasingly challenging Threats from within Threats from abroad Attacks from foreign adversaries Threats, disinformation, conspiracies hit US midterms WASHINGTON The Defense Department and Microsoft Corp. are investigating an error that exposed at least a terabyte of military emails including personal information and conversations between officials, people familiar with the matter said, an episode that highlighted the security risk of moving sensitive Pentagon data to the cloud. The Pentagons Cyber Command has taken the lead on the investigation with Microsoft, which operates the Azure cloud-computing service that stored the data. Information on a U.S. Special Operations Command server was accessible without a password, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing information that hasnt been publicly released. Investigators have no sign yet that the exposed data was accessed but were still working to assess the fallout from the leak, the people said. A US Cyber Command spokesperson declined to comment but said defensive cyber operators scan and mitigate the networks they manage. The emails contained conversations between Pentagon officials as well as completed SF-86 forms, which government employees are required to fill out to obtain security clearances, according to screenshots of the emails shared by Anurag Sen, an independent security researcher who discovered the leak. The incident was first reported Feb. 21 by TechCrunch. The exposure may have resulted from a configuration error with Microsofts server that left it publicly accessible, two of the people said. They had differing assessments on who was at fault, with one saying it was the fault of a Pentagon employee and another saying Microsoft was to blame. The leak will draw new scrutiny to the Pentagons push to move much of its data over to commercial cloud-computing. On Feb. 15, the Pentagon inspector general issued a report saying agency staff may be unaware of vulnerabilities and cybersecurity risks linked to storing data in the cloud. The leak may also complicate Microsofts bids for future government contracts. Microsoft is one of four companies, along with Alphabet Inc., Oracle Corp., and Inc., that the Pentagon selected to compete for orders under a potential $9 billion cloud-computing contract. Microsoft initially won an earlier contract worth $10 billion but that was canceled after a legal challenge from Amazon. Microsoft was dealt a blow last month after Congress rejected the Armys request for $400 million to buy as many as 6,900 of Microsofts combat goggles, which were found to cause headaches, eyestrain and nausea. Most expensive US military weapons and programs Most expensive military weapons and programs #30. VH-92 Presidential Helicopters #29. Patriot Advanced Capability Missile Segment Enhancement #28. Cloud #27. Standard Missile-6 #26. Artificial Intelligence #25. THAAD Ballistic Missile Defense #23. Frigate (FFG(X)) (tie) #23. AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense System (tie) #20. Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) (tie) #20. Landing Platform Dock Ship (LPD) (tie) #20. AH-64E Attack Helicopters (tie) #19. Joint Light Tactical Vehicles #16. M-1 Abrams Tank Modifications/Upgrades (tie) #16. CH-53K King Stallion (tie) #16. Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) (tie) #14. F-15EX (tie) #14. National Security Space Launch (aka EELV) (tie) #13. Global Positioning System III and Projects #12. F/A-18 E/F Super Hornets #11. Space Based Overhead Persistent Infrared Systems #10. B-21 Long Range Strike Bomber #8. CVN-78 FORD Class Aircraft Carrier (tie) #8. KC-46 Tanker Replacements (tie) #7. DDG-51 Arleigh Burke Destroyers #6. Cyberspace Operations #5. COLUMBIA Class Ballistic Missile Submarine #4. Virginia Class Submarine #3. Cybersecurity #2. Nuclear Command, Control and Communications #1. F-35 Joint Strike Fighters Most expensive US military weapons and programs #23. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Ballistic Missile Defense #22. Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicles #21. Building Pandemic Preparedness #20. Amphibious Combat Vehicles #19. PATRIOT Advanced Capability - 3 (PAC-3) Missile Segment Enhancement #18. Joint Light Tactical Vehicles #17. Frigate (FFG-62) #16. Launch Vehicles - National Security Space Launch (NSSL) and Rocket System Launch Program (RSLP) #15. NGAD (Air Force) #14. Global Positioning System (GPS) Enterprise #13. Ground-Based Midcourse (GMD) and Improved Homeland Defense/Next Generation Interceptors (NGI) #12. F-15EX #11. KC-46 Pegasus #10. Addressing the Climate Crisis #9. LGM-35A Sentinel Weapon System #8. Space-based Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) Systems #7. B-21 Raider #6. DDG-51 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers #5. Columbia Class Ballistic Missile Submarine #4. Funds to procure highly survivable, precision-strike, and long-range firesfrom hypersonic to subsonicacross the joint force #3. Virginia Class Submarines #2. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter #1. Increasing cybersecurity and operationalizing Zero Trust Architecture ST. LOUIS A male victim was found shot in the head and killed in St. Louis Baden neighborhood Sunday morning, St. Louis police said. The victim was located at the 8200 block of Frederick Street shortly after 9 a.m. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Anyone with information is asked to call the homicide division directly at 314-444-5371. Anyone with a tip who wants to remain anonymous and is interested in a reward can contact CrimeStoppers at 866-371-8477. Latvia, one of the three tiny Baltic States bordering Russia, has joined the other two and adopted conscription. Latvia had abolished conscription in 2006, believing that their NATO membership would prevent Russia (the main threat in the region) from attacking them. The Russian attack on Ukraine in 2014 and invasion a year ago proved that was a mistake. Latvia and Ukraine do not have a common border, but both border Belarus and Russia and that is a reminder of how vulnerable Latvia is, even with NATOs mutual defense grantee. Before 2023 Latvian voters would not support reviving conscription. That did not mean Latvia was ignoring the Russian threat. Like the other two Baltic States, Latvia was not just spending more money on defense but also implementing many reforms in an effort to deal with the return of the Russian military threat and the fact that the three Baltic States are tiny compared to Russia and in need of new thinking on how to keep the Russians out. In light of this most Latvians accepted the 2017 total mobilization policy, which provides more opportunities for all citizens to participate. The voters would not revive conscription in 2017 and since then there has been insufficient willingness by military age men (and many women) to join or otherwise support the largely part-time military. There were voluntary programs in high schools where students could receive basic military training. Other countries have found that programs like this enable many potential recruits to see if they have any aptitude and interest in this sort of thing. Many find that they do and those who are not really good at it discover that as well. The military also established a Summer Training program in which students could volunteer for several weeks (or more) of full time training. There was also more money for National Guard units to conduct training that can get expensive. This included items like lumber and other materials needed to build roadblocks and other obstacles, plus more money for part-time soldiers to practice their marksmanship and use of other weapons (mostly things that go bang). Like the other two Baltic States Latvia is tiny (population two million) and 0nly 61 percent of that is ethnic Latvian while 25 percent is ethnic Russian. Defense spending was only half a billion dollars a year (1.7 percent of GDP). Latvia, like the other Baltic States, planned to increase defense spending to two percent of GDP by the end of the decade but even then that is not a lot. The growing Russian threat changed those plans and Latvian defense spending kept increasing. At the time of the Ukraine invasion, it was 2.3 percent of GDP and that has not changed. The attitude towards conscription did and that means a lot more young (18-27 year old) men will receive military training. Existing training programs for volunteers will be expanded to handle the conscripts but it will take five years to conscript and train all those now eligible for conscription. Conscripts serve for one year and that is largely devoted to learning essential military skills. Most conscripts then become reservists although some choose to continue on active duty soldiers. By 202y8 Latvia expects to have 14,000 active duty troops. 16,000 in the semi-active National Guard and 20,000 in the reserves where there is still some refresher training but reservists are always ready to be mobilized in an emergency. Before the revival of conscription, the Latvian armed forces were quite small. There were 4,600 active duty troops and 8,400 in the National Guard. Many of the troops who complete a term of active service join the 12,000 strong reserve force and many also join the National Guard. The Latvian military is very similar to what Sweden, Switzerland and Israel have used. The small number of full time troops are there mainly to train and support the 20,000 part time personnel. The Latvian National Guard is more like the American National Guard in that it devotes a lot of its training and organization to dealing with natural or other emergencies in a specific part of the country. But the Latvian Guard personnel are armed and enthusiastically improve their military skills, often on their own time. Its all about the Russian threat, which has been around for a long time. Since Latvia joined NATO in 2004 they have had ample opportunity to test their system by mobilizing reserve and National Guard units more frequently for training, often with other NATO troops. Because Latvia went all-volunteer in 2005 they had no problem getting troops to go overseas on peacekeeping duty. Meanwhile Estonia and Lithuania revived conscription and Latvia monitored how that operated in case Latvia might have to reinstate conscription. There was also more sharing of ideas with the other Baltic States. For example, in late 2016 neighbor Lithuania issued a 75 page how to survive another Russian occupation manual for its citizens called; "Prepare to survive emergencies and war." All three Baltic States have plenty of experience with being invaded and occupied by Russia, and remind their citizens what works, especially now that the Baltic States have a mutual defense treaty with the United States and all other NATO members. Latvia had a Mobilization Law which covered all this but it was constantly revised and upgraded. There was a lot more revision after conscription was revived. The prepare to survive guide provides tips that resonate with most Russian neighbors. The guide describes how to behave when dealing with the invader while also spying on the occupation force. The manual provides illustrations and description of most Russian weapons and details of how the Russians use secret police, local informants and special operations troops to try and control an occupied population. The manual also points out that Russia will send in agents (or activate ones it has already recruited) before an invasion and provides tips on how to detect the presence of these agents, especially in preparation for an imminent invasion. Latvia is not alone in doing this sort of thing. Since the Soviet Union fell apart many Russian neighbors have feared a revival of traditional Russian aggression. In 2004 Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia joined NATO, putting parts of the former Soviet Union (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) within NATO and on Russias border. Many Russians criticized this, for Russian policy since 1945 has been to establish a "buffer" of subservient countries between Russian territory and the rest of Western Europe (especially Germany). This attitude is obsolete in a practical sense but old habits die hard and Russia prefers to have subservient neighbors. These adjacent states were called the near abroad and few were willing to submit and become Russian buffer states. Many joined NATO, an organization created over 70 years ago to jointly resist Russian threats or an actual Russian invasion. One Russian justification for invading Ukraine was the many Ukrainians backing NATO membership for Ukraine. The vigorous and successful Ukrainian resistance to the invading Russians impressed NATO members and resulted in massive deliveries of weapons, munitions and other military aid to Ukraine. All this continues as NATO states treat Ukraine like a NATO member and openly back NATO and EU (European Union, an economic link) membership once the Russians have been defeated. Latvia and other NATO states bordering Russia got a vivid glimpse of the damage done to a country invaded by Russia. Before the 2022 invasion Russia said it was willing to work with NATO in areas of mutual benefit but did not. Since 2014 there has been a state of undeclared war between Russia and NATO. New NATO members were more worried about the renewed Russian aggression than the original NATO members (the U.S. and Western Europe). The nations of east NATO'' constantly requested more presence by troops from west NATO. Some of the eastern members, especially Poland and the Baltic States, called for the permanent basing of U.S. troops on their territory. The smaller states Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania believe Russia could overrun them in two days and senior NATO military commanders openly agreed. Russia considers such talk more evidence of NATO aggression against Russia. Lithuanians have heard this kind of talk from Russia before and want to avoid the usual outcome. One reason for Russias 2022 invasion of Ukraine was their expectation of a swift and total victory which would intimidate nearby NATO members to be more compliant with Russian demands. There was no victory, swift or otherwise and Russia is suffering heavy personnel and economic losses because of their failure in Ukraine. Russia, or at least their aggressive leader Vladimir Putin, insists the war in Ukraine will continue until Russia prevails. That sort of irrational and destructive Russian behavior reinforces the usefulness of NATO membership. The regulations governing NATO operations forbid a nation at war from joining NATO. But once that fighting is over, Ukraine becomes a member. Data supported selection of EP262 as a potent, highly selective development candidate Clinical development of EP262 recently initiated as a novel treatment for a broad range of mast cell mediated diseases including chronic spontaneous and inducible urticarias SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Escient Pharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage company advancing novel small molecule therapeutics for the potential treatment of a broad range of neurosensory-inflammatory disorders, today announced the presentation of preclinical data related to the companys EP262 development program at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Annual meeting being held in San Antonio, TX, February 24-27, 2023. EP262 is a potent, highly selective antagonist of MRGPRX2 which inhibits agonist-induced mast cell degranulation and represents a novel potential treatment for a broad range of mast cell-mediated disorders. The presentation highlights preclinical data demonstrating that EP262 potently inhibits MRGPRX2-mediated degranulation of human mast cells and inhibits mast cell degranulation-induced vascular permeability in proprietary humanized MRGPRX2 transgenic mice. Details of the presentation are shown below: Presentation Title: MRGPRX2 Antagonist EP262 Potently Inhibits Agonist-Induced Mast Cell Degranulation In Vitro and In Vivo Presenter: Joshua Wollam, PhD, Associate Director, Translational Biology and Drug Discovery, Escient Pharmaceuticals Session Title: Novel Mast Cell Targets to Treat Allergic Disease Session Date and Time: Sunday, February 26, 2023, 2:00-3:15 PM CST Conference website: The abstract is available on Escients website (under Scientific Presentations) here: About EP262 EP262 is a potent, highly selective once-daily small molecule antagonist of MRGPRX2, a receptor expressed on mast cells that is activated by numerous ligands, including many peptides released from sensory neurons as well as other cell types. In response to MRGPRX2 activation, mast cells release histamine, tryptase, chymase, chemokines and cytokines, which can cause itchy hives, angioedema, type 2 inflammation (through engagement of the adaptive immune system) and chronic pruritus and pain. Escients preclinical data demonstrates that, by blocking activation of MRGPRX2, EP262 has the potential to effectively treat a broad range of mast-cell-mediated diseases, with an initial focus on chronic urticarias and atopic dermatitis. About Chronic Urticaria Chronic urticaria, defined as urticaria persisting for more than 6 weeks, manifests with very itchy hives that may vary in size and can significantly impact a patients quality of life by interfering with sleep and daily activities. Some patients with chronic urticaria may also develop swelling deeper under the skin or in other tissues (angioedema). There are two main forms of chronic urticaria. In chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), hives occur spontaneously, without known triggers. In chronic inducible urticaria (CIndU), hives are induced by specific triggers such as cold exposure (cold urticaria) or touch (symptomatic dermographism), among others. About Escient Pharmaceuticals Escient Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage company focused on developing novel therapeutics to address a broad range of neurosensory-inflammatory disorders. The companys pipeline includes two first-in-class small molecule antagonists targeting MRGPRX2 for the treatment of various mast cell mediated disorders and MRGPRX4 for cholestatic pruritus. Based in San Diego, California, Escient is led by an experienced management and scientific team and funded by top-tier life science investors. Visit to learn more. View source version on Aaron Mishel Chief Financial Officer Escient Pharmaceuticals, Inc. [email protected] Source: Escient Pharmaceuticals Cellnex is the first company to host Vapor IO's Kinetic Grid platform in Europe, and will now be hosting AWS Outposts to enable edge services. AWS Outposts join other cloud platforms on the Kinetic Grid to provide stable, low latency edge and network services for AWS customers. BARCELONA, Spain--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Vapor IO, developers of the Kinetic Grid platform, the world's first Open Grid network for delivering edge services, and Cellnex are working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to bring AWS Outposts to Cellnexs carrier-neutral edge data centers. The AWS Outposts will be capable of hosting edge services that integrate with AWS Regions and will be available first in Barcelona, Spain. Enterprises and cloud technology providers looking for a seamless way to extend their applications to the edge can use familiar AWS services in an edge environment while also connecting back to the AWS Regions. Bringing AWS proven and familiar services to the Kinetic Grid creates a faster path to monetization of edge services for telecom service providers and mobile network operators. Building applications that extend from the core to the edge has never been easier, said Cole Crawford, Founder and CEO of Vapor IO. The new AWS Outposts are the perfect form factors for edge deployments. They are self-contained and remotely manageable, creating a performant operating environment for applications that use AWS services. Developers that build AWS-based applications at the core can now extend those skills all the way to the edge. In January of this year, Vapor IO and Cellnex announced their partnership to bring Vapor IOs Kinetic Grid to Europe. The first European Kinetic Grid is currently being deployed in Barcelona and extends the reach of the 36 markets already served by Vapor IOs Kinetic Grid in the United States. Via its partnership with Cellnex, Vapor IO plans to expand throughout Europe over the next couple of years thanks to the vast infrastructure for digital services that Cellnex currently operates. Bringing AWS Outposts into Cellnexs digital infrastructure with Vapor IOs Kinetic Grid environment can improve the delivery of new, monetizable services by allowing for local processing on AWS Outposts. This makes it possible to reduce data traffic towards the core of the wireless and fiber networks while enhancing the ability to meet data residency requirements, making it possible to develop stable, low latency services that leverage familiar AWS services. Some of the anticipated commercial use cases include real-time computer vision for public safety, smart retail, industrial robotics, autonomous vehicles, medical imaging and online gaming. Moreover, the project will aid the efficient deployment of virtualized radio access network technology (Open RAN or vRAN). Cellnex has made available a portfolio of small, carrier-neutral edge data centers and tower ground space for hosting Vapor IOs Kinetic Grid and fully integrated AWS Outposts. In addition, several fiber routes, provided by Cellnex and/or Cellnex's mobile network operator customers, can interconnect these edge Outposts creating a "grid" of edge nodes. Vapor IO's global Kinetic Grid platform is designed to support highly distributed edge locations to deliver next generation internet and communications capabilities to metropolitan regions. The companys networking and automation software combines data centers, software defined networks and hyperscale backbones into a platform for hosting edge services at scale. Designed to support the world's largest wireless carriers, cloud providers, web-scale companies and other innovative enterprises, Vapor IO's Kinetic Grid combines neutral-host points-of-presence, software-defined interconnection and high-speed networking to deliver a highly distributed Internet and communications platform at the edge of the wired and wireless networks. Eduardo Fichmann, Director of Global Product Strategy and Innovation at Cellnex noted, Edge computing is more a question of when than why, and working with Vapor IO to host and integrate AWS Outposts into Europes first truly integrated core-to-edge, carrier-neutral Kinetic Grid environment will appeal to developers and service providers. Using Vapor IOs Kinetic Grid platform and co-locating AWS Outposts with operator equipment at the towers or edge data centers will give rise to new revenue growth for the company. The familiarity and proven scalability of AWS services will help accelerate the deployment of applications and services that require computing in places physically closer to the end user. About Vapor IO Vapor IO is developing the largest global Open Grid networking, colocation and interconnection platform capable of supporting the most demanding low-latency workloads at the edge of the wireless and wireline access networks. The company's Kinetic Grid architecture combines neutral host colocation with software-defined interconnection, high-speed networking, and telemetry-based intelligence. The company's technologies deliver the most flexible, highly distributed edge infrastructure at the edge of the last mile wired and wireless networks. Vapor IO Kinetic Grid services are available in 36 US markets, including its first six operating markets (Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, Phoenix and Pittsburgh). For more information: About Cellnex Telecom The efficient deployment of next-generation connectivity is essential to drive technological innovation and accelerate inclusive economic growth. Cellnex Telecom is the independent wireless telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructures operator that enables operators to access Europe's most extensive network of advanced telecommunications infrastructures on a shared-use basis, helping to reduce access barriers for new operators and to improve services in the most remote areas. Cellnex manages a portfolio of more than 138,000 sites including forecast roll-outs up to 2030 in Spain, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Poland. The company is listed on the continuous market of the Spanish stock exchange and is part of the selective IBEX 35 and EuroStoxx 100 indices. It is also present in the main sustainability indices, such as Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Sustainalytics, FTSE4Good and MSCI. Cellnex's reference shareholders include Edizione, GIC, TCI, Blackrock, CPP Investments, CriteriaCaixa and Norges Bank. For more information: View source version on Eleni Laughlin [email protected] 510-406-0798 Source: Vapor IO The Baynouna Solar Park produces over 560 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of energy annually enough to power 160,000 homes Project helping Jordan to achieve objective of meeting 50 percent of electricity needs from renewables by 2030 Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, Chairman of Masdar and COP28 President-Designate, hails role project is playing in keeping 1.5 degrees warming target in sight and in providing jobs and economic opportunities for Kingdom COP28 UAE will focus on moving from goals to implementation, with a clear focus on demonstrable action, mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, and finance ABU DHABI, UAE, Feb. 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Baynouna Solar Energy Company (BSCE), a joint venture between the UAE's world-leading renewable energy company, Masdar, and Finnish investment and asset management group Taaleri, has announced the formal inauguration of the 200-megawatt (MW) Baynouna Solar Park the largest clean energy project in Jordan. The inauguration was held in the presence of His Excellency Bisher Al-Khasawneh, Prime Minister of Jordan, and was attended by HE Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, COP28 President-Designate, and Chairman of Masdar; HE Dr Saleh Al Kharabsheh, Jordan's Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources; and HE Sheikh Khalifa Bin Mohammed Bin Khalid Al Nahyan, UAE Ambassador to Jordan. The ceremony was also attended by other high-level officials from the government of Jordan and senior executives from Masdar. HE Al Jaber, said, "In partnership with the Jordanian government, the Baynouna Solar Park will contribute to Jordan's climate targets, provide access to clean energy, create jobs and ensure economic growth. Along with our other project here the Tafila Wind Farm Masdar is already helping Jordan to produce 29 percent of its electricity from renewable sources and will support its goal of increasing that to 50 percent by the end of the decade. Ambitious, transformative partnerships like these are precisely what we need if we are to deliver on the promise of the Paris Agreement and continue to ensure that we are holding back emissions, not progress. COP28 will focus on moving from goals to implementation, with a clear focus on demonstrable action on mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, and finance, as we aim to keep the objective of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees alive." HE Dr Saleh Al Kharabsheh, Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, said, "Under the directive of His Majesty King Abdullah II to make Jordan a regional center for green development, the Ministry is focused on developing local energy sources to achieve energy security, enhance self-reliance and limit the effects of climate change. If we look at the world today, we see that renewable energy, especially solar and wind energy, are the fastest growing and widespread renewable energy sources and the time has come to maximize the benefits of renewables." Developed through a power purchase agreement between Masdar and National Electric Power Company, Jordan's state electricity provider, the Baynouna Solar Park produces over 560 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of energy annually enough to power 160,000 homes. The plant also displaces 360,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, equivalent to taking nearly 80,000 cars off the road. HE Sheikh Khalifa Bin Mohammed Bin Khalid Al Nahyan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary representative of the UAE to Jordan, said, "This inauguration is a landmark moment in the history of our two nations and will serve to strengthen the already powerful relationship between us. The UAE is committed to helping our brother nations in the region achieve their clean energy objectives and we stand ready to share our expertise further with the Government and people of Jordan and to help deliver sustainable economic development." Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer, Masdar, said, "We are proud to witness the inauguration of this project, which is one of the fruits of Masdar's long collaborative partnership with Jordan. We would like to thank our partners in Government, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the National Electric Power Company of Jordan, and also the financial institutions that helped to make this project possible. We stand ready to support Jordan in its energy transition and will look to increase our presence in the Kingdom through the development of further clean energy projects that will drive economic growth for the nation." Financial institutions that supported the Baynouna project include the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), the KfW Group's DEG, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Peter Ramsay, Chief Executive Officer, Taaleri Group, said, "We are very excited to be inaugurating the largest solar park in Jordan. This impressive project is a testament to the strength of cooperation between Masdar and Taaleri, two pioneers who have been active in the renewable energy field for a long time. We are proud to advance our common global climate change mitigation goals together with our partners and investors." Masdar also operates the 117 MW Tafila Wind Farm, which was completed in 2015 the first commercial utility-scale wind project in the Middle East. In November 2022, Masdar signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to explore the development of a further 2 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy projects in the country. The energy transition is a central component of the UAE's priorities as it prepares to host the 28th Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) in November-December. The Conference, the largest annual gathering of policymakers and practitioners focused on climate change and sustainability, will see well over 70,000 officials from across the public and private sectors gather at Expo City in Dubai. For more information please visit: and connect: and About Masdar Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) is the UAE's clean energy champion and one of the largest companies of its kind in the world, advancing the development and deployment of renewable energy and green hydrogen technologies to address global sustainability challenges. Established in 2006, Masdar is today active in over 40 countries, helping them to achieve their clean energy objectives and advance sustainable development. Masdar is jointly owned by Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Mubadala Investment Company (Mubadala), and Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (TAQA), and under this ownership the company is targeting a renewable energy portfolio capacity of at least 100 gigawatts (GW) by 2030 and an annual green hydrogen production capacity of up to 1 million tonnes by the same year. This material is distributed by DJE Edelman Inc on behalf of Masdar. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington DC. Photo - - - - View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Masdar A Virginia Department of Agriculture inspection has found repeat violations of state law at Charlottesville and Albemarle Countys animal shelter. The Charlottesville Albemarle Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has been under fire since the start of the year, when current and former employees and volunteers launched a campaign calling for the SPCAs leadership to step down amid allegations of animal mistreatment and general mismanagement. At least some of those claims appear to be true, according to a Feb. 14 inspection which found several documents at the shelter were missing information required by law. The animal custody records did not include all of the required elements. Animal breed description was missing on several of the records viewed, according to a copy of the inspection report obtained by The Daily Progress. The inspection also found that records for two animals at the shelter were not made until the day after the initial custody event and the disposition of the animals. Further, an animal custody records summary submitted in January of 2022 indicates that no animals were transferred to the local SPCA facility from an out-of-state agency during the prior year. However, the state inspection found at least six animal custody records for such dogs received by the contracted public animal shelter from an out-of-state agency that were not included. The report said it is the second time the local SPCA has been found in violation of the same Virginia law. According to the Code of Virginia, An animal control officer, law-enforcement officer, humane investigator, or custodian of any public or private animal shelter, upon taking custody of any animal in the course of his official duties, or any representative of a humane society, upon obtaining custody of any animal on behalf of the society, shall immediately make a record of the matter. The local SPCA was cited for the same violation on Sept. 7, 2021, according to the state report. This case has been referred for determination of civil penalty assessment, the report says, adding further details and instructions would be made available later. The report mentioned no evidence of animal abuse, neglect or other mistreatment. The SPCA did not respond to a request for comment from The Daily Progress on Saturday. The animal shelter is supported financially by both Albemarle County and the city of Charlottesville. That relationship as outlined in a memorandum of understanding between the three has the city and county pay the SPCA for pound services. In the 2023 fiscal year, the county gave the shelter $699,122 for those services. While representatives for the city of Charlottesville have not responded to multiple request for comment from The Daily Progress, workers and volunteers at the local SPCA have estimated the city provides roughly $300,000. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors consulted with legal counsel regarding the countys relationship with the local animal shelter during a closed meeting on Feb. 15. And Albemarle officials have said officers with the county police department are supporting the Department of Agricultures efforts. In addition to the state inspection, the animal shelter has been pursuing a review of its own. The SPCA has hired international law firm McGuireWoods to investigate claims of animal and worker mistreatment. The shelters board of directors said in a Feb. 8 statement that the investigation would take 90 days to complete. The Board will assess the results and recommendations of the independent review and will take appropriate actions and make appropriate policy changes that stem from it, the board said at the time. The shelter has declined to comment on the allegations while the McGuireWoods investigation is ongoing. A group of disgruntled current and former SPCA employees and volunteers, which calls itself CASPCA Concerns, has said any McGuireWoods investigation will be biased and meaningless. The SPCA boards vice president, Mike Derdeyn, was an attorney at McGuireWoods Charlottesville office from 1998 until 2003, according to his LinkedIn profile. CASPCA Concerns has instead called on the city and county to push for reform at the animal shelter. Since January, the group has said that misconduct and mismanagement at the shelter has translated into animal neglect bordering on abuse. The shelter, the group says, is overcapacity and understaffed, with animals often kept in unsafe living conditions and their carers overworked in order to keep adoption rates high and contributions rolling in. The group has specifically targeted the shelters CEO Angie Gunter and called for her resignation or dismissal. A letter addressed to the SPCA board earlier this year includes photos of dogs in pens full of urine and feces, animals living in crates the group says are stored in the shelters basement and facilities that appear to be unclean, unkept and dangerous to the animals living there. Since then, that letter has garnered more than 100 signatures, there have been two protests outside the SPCAs main offices on Berkmar Drive, the shelters animal care manager has resigned and a veteran volunteer dog walker has been dismissed after raising concerns about animal safety. A man was rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard on Sunday morning after becoming stranded on a beach near Daly City. The man, 24, contacted the Coast Guard at about 4:30 a.m. Sunday after becoming hemmed in by cliffs while walking along Mussel Rock Park Beach, according to Petty Officer Taylor Bacon, a Coast Guard spokesman. The San Mateo County Fire Department was initially tasked with trying to rescue the man; however, the firefighters were rebuffed when they had difficulty navigating the cliffside to get to him, Bacon said. The Coast Guard then dispatched an MH-65 Dolphin helicopter to the beach at about 6 a.m., Bacon said. A crew member was lowered down to the beach and helped hoist the man back up to the aircraft, which took him to San Francisco International Airport. Paramedics back on the ground evaluated the man for any injuries as a precautionary measure. 2023 MediaNews Group, Inc. Visit at . RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany Drumbeats, cowbells and chants of "Ami, go home!" echoed through the streets of the German village of Ramstein-Miesenbach on Sunday, as a large gathering of anti-war protesters took to the streets with Russian flags and handwritten placards. Organized by a mix of German right-wing politicians and Russian expatriates, the protesters made their way from Ramsteins small train station toward the main gate of Ramstein Air Base, the largest U.S. Air Force installation in Europe. Focused on Russias war in Ukraine, the protest attracted droves of people who share the organizers' pro-Kremlin views. They also included nuclear disarmament advocates and anti-vaccine activists. German police estimated a crowd of 2,500 people at its peak, according to a statement Sunday. The protest also was aimed at the U.S. presence in the country. "Ami" is a German abbreviated term for American, often used in a derogatory way. Roads surrounding Ramstein and the base main gate were temporarily shut down to vehicle traffic to provide the protesters with safe passage. We respect citizens right to exercise freedom of speech, expression and opinion, a spokeswoman with the 86th Airflift Wing told Stars and Stripes ahead of the protest. The march and rally occurred without incident, police said. The couple at the center of Sunday's protest, Elena Kolbasnikova and Max Schlund, are known for organizing similar protests throughout Germany. Schlund was identified in a Reuters report in January as Rostislav Teslyuk, a former Russian air force officer. A later Reuters report stated that the couple had donated 500 euros to a Russian rifle division, and that they received tickets from the Berlin arm of a Russian state cultural promotion agency, Rossotrudnichestvo, to travel to Moscow for a conference addressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The couple has expressed their opposition to what they see as Western aggression against Russia. They chose Ramstein Air Base as the location of their protest because it is a hub for U.S. military operations in Europe, Kolbasnikova said. The base also is the site of the recurring Ukraine Defense Contact Group, where international defense leaders have repeatedly discussed military aid for Ukraine. Im very happy with the day and that so many people showed up, and that so many in this country understand whats really going on, Kolbasnikova said after the protest. The media only shows one-sided truth. Were here to say that we dont all agree. Kolbasnikova, who describes herself as a Ukrainian-born Russian, said that ending weapons deliveries to Ukraine would force negotiations and an eventual peace. When asked about her contributions to the Russian war effort as reported by Reuters, Kolbasnikova declined to comment and walked away. Most Western security analysts disagree with her views. In 2014, Russia annexed Ukraines Crimean Peninsula and supported separatists in the eastern part of country in battles that left 14,000 dead through 2021, according to United Nations figures. On Feb. 24 last year, Russia launched a full-scale invasion, including a failed attempt to capture Kyiv, Ukraines capital. The U.S. and NATO allies have spent billions of dollars arming Ukraine to defend itself against Russia, which has suffered setbacks but still holds large areas of Ukraine. Moscows gains have come at the cost of well over 100,000 soldiers killed, according to allied estimates. Ukraine also has seen high death counts among soldiers and civilians, had millions of its citizens displaced and suffered considerable damage to its cities and infrastructure. The German government has backed Ukraine since Russias attack last year, though it has taken criticism from allies for slowly coming around on giving Kyiv offensive weaponry. Germany had been largely dependent on Russian energy purchases until last years invasion. And while Cold War-era West Germany and the unified German state that followed has long been a U.S. ally, some across the political spectrum have long maintained links to Russia. For example, the far-right Alternative for Germany party was represented at Sundays protest. But Gerhard Schroeder, a former German chancellor for the ruling center-left Social Democratic Party, has served on the boards of Russian companies and defended Putin. Schroeder narrowly survived an internal bid last year to oust him from the party he once led. Ramstein Air Base has been a focus of anti-war activism in Germany for decades. Protesters generally have gathered annually in recent years to demonstrate against U.S. drone operations, among other activities. (Tribune News Service) Rep. Judy Chu and other House Democrats have fired back after a Republican congressman questioned her loyalty to the U.S. using what they say is anti-Asian rhetoric. On Wednesday, Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas, appeared on a Fox News show to discuss President Joe Bidens appointment of Dominic Ng to lead the countrys trade interest in Asia. House Republicans, including Gooden, have written to the FBI with claims that Ng should be investigated for potential ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Chu, along with other House Democrats, defended Ngs appointment and expressed outrage at their colleagues attempts to undermine it based on the allegations of right-wing outlets with extensive histories of spreading misinformation. The conservative news outlet the Daily Caller published a story that alleged Ng had ties to Chinese intelligence groups and might have violated the Espionage Act. The outlet published similar claims about Chu. I think that Judy Chu needs to be called out, Gooden said during the interview. I question her either loyalty or competence. If she doesnt realize whats going on, then shes totally out of touch with one of her core constituencies. Chu, who represents Californias 28th District, based in the San Gabriel Valley, called Goodens comments on Fox News questioning her loyalty to the U.S. absolutely outrageous. It is based on false information spread by an extreme, right-wing website, Chu said in a statement. Furthermore, it is racist. I very much doubt that he would be spreading these lies were I not of Chinese American descent. Chu took office in 2009, becoming the first Chinese American woman elected to Congress. Before that, she was a member of the Monterey Park City Council. She served three terms as mayor and was later elected to the state Assembly. Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., who represents Californias 36th District, also fired back, saying that he served in the military to defend Goodens right to say stupid, racist s. Attacking the loyalty of Asian Americans like @RepJudyChu is a racist trope that has harmed Asian Americans throughout US history, Lieu said on Twitter. Stop harming Americans of Asian descent. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Goodens slanderous accusation of disloyalty aimed at Chu was dangerous, unconscionable and xenophobic. Goodens office did not respond to a request for further comment. But in a response to Jeffries, Gooden accused the House minority leader and Chu of playing the race card in a sick display of disloyalty to our nation. Other House Democrats, including Rep. Adam B. Schiff, denounced Goodens comments as xenophobic and racist. Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus put out a statement saying Goodens comments reflected racist profiling of Chinese Americans by right-wing extremists that was incredibly dangerous. The current controversy comes amid a rise in violence against Asian Americans. During the pandemic, Asian Americans in California saw triple-digit percentage increases in hate crimes. After centuries of being targeted for not being American enough and viewed with suspicion based on looking foreign, this type of insinuation and fear mongering only further endangers our communities, the caucus members said. We hope Republican House leadership will join us in condemning these kinds of attacks on Chinese Americans, elected or otherwise. In a statement, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee defended Chus transformative contributions to the country and her community and questioned why California Republican Reps. Michelle Steel and Young Kim, two of the first Korean American women elected to Congress, had not defended Chu. Their shameful silence comes at a time when anti-Asian hate continues to threaten communities and Republicans continue to weaponize dangerous misinformation for self-serving power, the committee said in a statement. Last year while campaigning for reelection, Steel faced accusations of McCarthyism after running ads about her Democratic opponent that used heavily doctored images and videos to tie him to the Chinese Community Party. 2023 Los Angeles Times. Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. (Tribune News Service) A young boy, nicknamed JJ, was missing for 24 hours after leaving his home in central Florida while a parent slept until a 911 call came in. More than 500 volunteers joined law enforcement in the search for Joshua JJ Rowland, trekking deep into the woods and through buggy swamps after he disappeared from Brooksville the morning of Feb. 23 wearing a gray Batman shirt and gray pants, according to the Hernando County Sheriffs Office. Alongside searching for the 2-year-old on foot, authorities deployed drones, helicopters and used canines to track the toddlers scent, the sheriffs office said in several updates shared to Facebook. But the blonde, curly-haired boy was still missing the early morning of Feb. 24. Then, a Marine veteran, who volunteered in the search and is now being hailed as the man of the year by Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis, phoned 911. I found him! Roy Link told a dispatcher about JJ in the 911 call shared by the sheriffs office. In the background, the toddler is heard calling out for his mother. Link found JJ unharmed and in the woods several miles north of his home after the boy spent the night outside, according to the sheriffs office. Little JJ climbed onto him and didnt want to let go, Nienhuis said in a video with Link. He was so excited to see him. Link said he prayed about 10 minutes before spotting JJ. The good news is he did not end up in any water obviously, and he was not abducted, Nienhuis said in another video shared to Facebook. He was found in the woods and he seems to be fine. The morning of Feb. 24, Link, 62, entered an open field while searching for JJ and chose between pursuing one of two wooded areas on his right and left side, according to the Tampa Bay Times. Following his intuition, Link picked the woods on his left and heard JJ whimpering before finding him about 100 feet away, the Tampa Bay Times reported. While discussing the search for JJ, Link described his amazement at finding JJ safe in a phone interview with the outlet. You know all that bad stuff starts going through your mind, but then finding him healthy and alive, its, Link said. The sheriffs office expressed its gratitude for those who helped search for JJ and the people who dropped off water and snacks for the volunteers. In regards to JJs rescue, Nienhuis said the boy will have a story to tell his children and grandchildren one day before adding Im sure mom and dad are going to keep a closer eye on him from this point forward. Brooksville is a city about 50 miles north of Tampa. 2023 The Charlotte Observer. Visit . A carbon filtering system that cleans drinking water at the Spring Hollow reservoir is starting to wear down, elevating levels of a chemical contaminant above the federal governments health advisory. Recent test results show that treated water from the Roanoke County reservoir had levels of GenX from between 17 and 37 parts per trillion from late-October to mid-December exceeding the Environmental Protection Agencys long-term recommendation of no more than 10 parts per trillion. Carbon replacements, due to arrive in mid-March, are expected to bring the concentration back down. The Western Virginia Water Authority, which operates Spring Hollow as part of a system that provides drinking water to the Roanoke Valley, is continuing to distribute water from the reservoir, although at reduced levels. Michael McEvoy, executive director of the authority, said the risk to an average customer is low, because the EPAs health advisory is based on a lifetime of consuming two liters of water a day. Levels of GenX are neither excessively high nor prolonged, he said. But Jamie DeWitt, a professor of pharmacology and toxicology at East Carolina University who has done extensive research on the issue, questioned that rationale. I dont believe that really aligns with the spirit of a lifetime health advisory, DeWitt said. The concentration in the water should be consistently below the health advisory. Not occasionally below, or sometimes below, but consistently below. GenX, the trade name for one of more than 6,000 so-called forever chemicals, was first detected in Spring Hollow in early 2020. Also called PFAS, for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, forever chemicals repel heat and water, making them popular in the manufacture of a wide variety of consumer products. But theres a drastic downside: The manufactured compounds can remain in the environment for generations, and there is growing concern about the health risks they pose. Last summer, at about the time the EPA health advisory was issued, the water authority began using a granulated active carbon system. The treatment entails running water from Spring Hollow through a filtering process before it is distributed to about 12,800 customers, most of them in Roanoke County. The contaminant bonds to the carbon, which at first reduced its levels significantly. Tests of the treated water, which in January 2022 had a GenX concentration of 55 parts per trillion, showed a decrease to as low as 1 part per trillion in August. But the numbers gradually began to rise again, as the carbon lost its ability over time to capture the GenX. Once able to remove the chemical nearly completely from reservoir water, the filtering system currently has an efficiency rate of about 35%. The most recent test results, from samples taken Dec. 16, showed the level was up to 37 parts per trillion. The carbon filtering system is just one of several steps the water authority has taken since GenX was first detected. Since last September, the authority has stopped pumping water into the reservoir from the adjacent Roanoke River, which in recent years has carried GenX-tainted wastewater that was released from an industry about five miles upstream. And the output from Spring Hollow has been cut by about half, with more water coming from Carvins Cove, a second reservoir that tests show is free of GenX and other forever chemicals. Some portions of authoritys territory, which includes about 69,000 homes and businesses, can only be served by Spring Hollow. We want to get the levels below the health advisory, McEvoy said. We just cant right now. Awareness, concern expand As Roanoke officials began to deal with the worst contamination in the water authoritys history, they quickly realized they were not alone. Increased demand for laboratory tests and treatment equipment, created by a growing number of localities across the United States that are encountering PFAS problems of their own, has led to shortages and delays. The labs are just slammed with people trying to get data and answers to these questions, McEvoy said. Last October, the water authority ordered replacement carbon units that have yet to arrive. They are expected to be installed in mid-March, and several backups ordered at the same time should last for about a year. The replacements are seen as a short-term fix to what it considered a rudimentary filtering system. The authority is planning to spend $13.5 million to upgrade the process, which it expects will be needed for the next four years before the GenX levels in the reservoirs untreated water fall below 10 parts per trillion. Efforts to measure progress have been slowed. Test results of water samples from laboratories, which used to be available in about a month, are now taking twice as long. Another challenge is figuring out just how much GenX is too much. While the EPAs health advisory states that exposure to less than 10 parts per trillion does not put people in danger, it does not quantify the risks posed by higher levels. Safety factors calculated into the recommendation take into account people who might be more susceptible to health problems. And the EPA does not recommend the use of bottled water for those exposed to more than 10 parts per trillion. Collectively, this suggests that short term consumption is not as relevant as lifetime consumption, McEvoy said. But when someone is exposed to three or more times the health advisory, as people in the Roanoke region have been, that carries an assumption of increased risk, according to DeWitt, who has published studies on the effects of forever chemicals and served as an external reviewer for the EPA and other government agencies. Research is ongoing to learn more about the health risks posed by PFAS. According to the EPA, peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown an increased risk in a number of areas: liver complications; prostate, kidney and testicular cancers; damage to immune systems; increased cholesterol levels; and impacts to pregnant women that include decreased fertility and high blood pressure. One complicating factor in determining risk is the large number of PFAS and the variety of ways people can be exposed to them. Since the 1950s, the chemicals have been used in the manufacture of a wide range of products that include nonstick cook wear, waterproof clothing, fast food containers, upholstery, carpets, firefighting foams, paints, cosmetics and dental floss. Regulatory response It seems to be taking forever for the federal government to get serious about forever chemicals, critics say. The EPA currently does not have any enforceable regulations to govern the release of GenX and other PFAS a move that would add gravitas to its nonbinding health advisories. More than a year ago, the Biden administration announced plans to impose standards to protect drinking water. But the government is falling behind on its promises, according to the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that promotes legislation and regulatory action to protect the health of humans and the earth. Industries will continue to use these chemicals and toxic poisons until we tell them they cant, Scott Faber, the groups vice president of government affairs, said at a press briefing last week. EWG estimates that more than 200 million Americans are drinking PFAS-contaminated water. The EPA has said it plans to propose rules as soon as possible. Draft regulations are currently being reviewed internally, and a public comment session will be held after the Office of Management and Budget signs off on the plan. Final rules are expected to be in effect by years end. Meanwhile, the agency is facing industry pushback. The Chemours Co., which manufactures GenX and was the source of the contamination in the Roanoke River, has filed a lawsuit that takes issue with the EPAs health advisory. The case, pending before the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, asserts that the EPAs analysis was flawed. The agency disregarded relevant data and incorporated grossly incorrect and overstated exposure assumptions in devising the health advisory, Chemours said in a news release when the case was filed last summer. The company has declined to comment on the situation in Roanoke, other than to say it is cooperating in an investigation by the water authority and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. Sicko Stanley Richmond (60) was later forced to leave his home after being attacked by a hammer-wielding vigilante A pervert who left a teenage girl shaking with terror after he asked her to perform a sex act on him in a church has walked free from court. Stanley Richmond pleaded guilty to inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and sexual communication with a child ahead of a hearing at Antrim Crown Court. The 14-year-old victim was on her way to the toilet during a Sunday service in April last year when 60-year-old Richmond, who she did not know, asked her about her sex life. A prosecution lawyer told an earlier hearing: She walked past him, into the corridor that leads to the toilets. He followed and asked her to [perform a sex act on him]. Instead of going to the toilet, the girl returned to her family, raised the alarm and pointed out Richmond as the culprit. Arrested and interviewed by the police, the defendant denied asking about her sex life and said he did not remember anything else. Antrim Courthouse PA He was freed on bail but forced to leave his home on Kilmakevit Crescent in Cullybackey after he was attacked by a hammer-wielding vigilante who left him with a badly bruised head and legs. His lawyer described the incident as a revenge attack and told the court his client was in the process of selling the property. They stressed Richmond had already lived a somewhat isolated life and that the assault had exacerbated that. Appealing for a suspended sentence rather than jail, the lawyer told the court the pervert had pleaded guilty, had no previous convictions for sexual offending and had been assessed as posing a low risk of reoffending. However, the judge noted a number of aggravating factors in the case. These included the disparity in ages between the offender and his victim, the location where he committed the crimes and the persistence he showed in following the girl after initially speaking to her. As well as praising the victims bravery in coming forward, the judge criticised the vigilante behind the attack on Richmond for thinking it is acceptable to take the law into [their] own hands. Concluding, he told the court it was not without some hesitation that he was imposing a two-year probation order. He also handed the defendant a five-year Sexual Offences Prevention Order and ordered him to sign the sex offender register for five years. Richmond was warned that if he breached the terms of his sentence, he would be back before the courts and facing a custodial sentence. Ryan McMullan (20) is also accused of engaging in sexual activity in a public lavatory on January 29 last year This is the Castlerock man accused of trying to record two children at public toilets. Ryan McMullan (20) is also accused of engaging in sexual activity in a public lavatory on January 29 last year. It is alleged that at public toilets on Park Street in Coleraine, he intentionally engaged in a sexual activity in a lavatory to which the public or a section of the public had or was permitted to have access and also that he attempted to record another person doing a private act... for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification. Confirming that McMullan was denying both offences, defence counsel Grant Powles said the two complainants were 12 and 13. He also confirmed that the alleged pervert, who appeared in court in person, works in Sweden. District Judge Peter King adjourned the case for two weeks to fix a date for a contest. If he had been taken off the streets after the first shooting, he wouldnt have been out to kill my Barry Barry Wolverson had been shot dead and his killers made their getaway before burning their car Barry Wolverson, who died after 13 months in a coma, is laid to rest in 2021 Bernard Fogarty, who is serving a life sentence, pleaded guilty to attempted murder this week The wife of a father of five shot dead by gangland hitman Bernard Fogarty has labelled the killer pure evil after he pleaded guilty this week to a separate attempted gun murder. Fogarty (35), from Cromcastle Court in Coolock, Dublin, pleaded guilty on Thursday last to the attempted murder of Mark Ivers at Streamville Road, Donaghmede, on September 6, 2019. The murder attempt during which Mr Ivers suffered gunshot wounds to his leg and abdomen took place four months BEFORE Fogarty and accomplice Robert Roo Redmond shot Barry Wolverson at Madigans Yard, Kileek Lane in Swords. Redmond and Fogarty were among the citys most feared gangland criminals and had been involved in a number of feuds in the Coolock area. Father-of-five Barry Wolverson was gunned down This week, speaking for the first time of her loss, Barrys wife reveals her hatred for Fogarty and says she is tormented by the thought her husband would still be alive if his killer had been apprehended after the attempted murder of Mr Ivers. If he had been taken off the streets after the first shooting, he wouldnt have been out to kill my Barry, said the woman who asked not to be named. I do think about that all the time. If he had been caught then, he wouldnt have been able to kill my husband, he wouldnt have been able to take my kids father away. Revealing the utter lack of remorse and humanity shown by Fogarty in the wake of her husbands killing who remained in a coma for 13 months after the shooting before passing away on February 21, 2021 she said the gunman had waged a campaign of intimidation against her. Barry Wolverson, who died after 13 months in a coma, is laid to rest in 2021 Thats why I had to move houses, she said. It was for the safety of me and my kids. He threatened me over the phone. He smashed up my car and spray-painted my hall door. He is a ruthless, evil animal. Actually, I wouldnt even put him in the same category as an animal. He belongs in a cesspit. He is an evil, vile, horrible person and I hope he never again gets out of prison. I hope he rots in there. I hope he never sees the light of day again and that he never ever walks out those prison gates. She said she believes the justice system does not take sufficient heed of the impact on the families of victims of gun murders in this country. Barrys anniversary was only the other day, she said. He lived for 13 months after they shot him. His anniversary was February 21st. My children lost their father that day and when they [Fogarty and Redmond] were sentenced, they were laughing and smirking across at us. They deserve to have the key thrown away on them. Because if they let them back out how many more families are they going to destroy? How many more people would they need to murder before the State says enough before the State says they belong in a prison forever? At Thursdays hearing before the Special Criminal Court, Fogarty, who had six prison officers in attendance nearby in the court, spoke only to answer guilty when the charge of attempted murder was put to him by the registrar. Mr Justice Tony Hunt adjourned Fogartys sentence hearing to March 30 to allow time for a victim impact statement to be prepared. Bernard Fogarty (left) and Robert Redmond In December last year, judges at the Special Criminal Court convicted both Fogarty and Robert Redmond of the gun murder of Barry Wolverson. They were both given the mandatory life sentence for the murder. Fogarty and Redmond (35), of Streamville Road, Kilbarrack, Dublin, had pleaded not guilty to the murder of Mr Wolverson that occurred at Madigans Yard, Kileek Lane, Swords, Co Dublin, at around midday on January 17, 2020. The two men had originally been charged with the attempted murder of Mr Wolverson. After Mr Wolversons death, the State upgraded the charges to murder. Both men were also found guilty of assault causing harm to Gerard Wildman, who was also shot at Madigans Yard on the same date. Mr Wildman, who was shot in the lower back, refused to make a statement to gardai. Mr Wolversons only sister read a victim impact statement on behalf of the Wolverson family to the court, in which she said they will grieve her brothers murder forever and that their lives had also changed forever. Barry Wolverson had been shot dead and his killers made their getaway before burning their car Lindsay Wolverson said when Mr Wolverson passed away on February 21, 2021, his familys hearts were broken. Ms Wolverson said that at the time of the deceaseds shooting his partner was expecting a child, whom he never saw. He also had four children and three step-children. She said all of these children now have to live without daddy. Carey was arrested on Wednesday morning as part of the probe by the Corporate Enforcement Authority (CEA) into suspected breaches of Irish company law Convicted fraudster Catriona Carey was quizzed this week about a claim from former business associate and conman Paddy Maher that his signature had been forged on company records filed for Careysfort Asset Estates. Carey was arrested on Wednesday morning as part of the probe by the Corporate Enforcement Authority (CEA) into suspected breaches of Irish company law. The CEAs inquiry is separate to the investigation being carried out by gardai into allegations that Carey, through Careysfort, obtained several hundred thousand euro from distressed mortgage holders with promises to buy back their loans but instead fraudulently spent their money for her own benefit. A source has since told the Sunday World that Carey was quizzed on a number of aspects of her business dealings while running Careysfort Assets Estates. Paddy Maher (pictured) claims Catriona Carey faked his signature Areas covered by investigators were said to have included: Careys claims that a prestigious address at 25 Merrion Square, Dublin were Careysforts headquarters; The existence of a number of companies in her name which Carey claims were non-trading and set up for projects that had failed to materialise; And the signature of convicted fraudster Paddy Maher (56) on company documents identifying him as joint secretary of Careysfort. Con artist Maher, from Wexford, was appointed joint secretary of Careysfort in the UK in December 2021, having been appointed to the same role with an Irish registered version of the company two years earlier. Maher previously claimed to the Sunday World that Carey had forged his signature on the company documents. I never seen, met, signed anything for any of these people, he claimed in an interview with this newspaper last August. Shes trying to blame me. She forged my signature but I never signed bugger all to any end. Despite Mahers claims to this newspaper that he had only a peripheral involvement in Careysfort, we subsequently obtained audio of him telling a client of the company: Im the one who goes in and does the deal with your bank or vulture fund. After scam victim Miriam Tormey tried to get Maher to return her 20,000 deposit, he also told her: Ill have the house up for sale next week because we own it. Maher is already well known to gardai for involvement in a variety of scams. In January 2020, he received a two-year suspended sentence for conning a Wexford family out of 2,500 and a 9,000 boat with promises he could help them get their home back after it went into arrears. Separately, a bench warrant was issued for his arrest last December after he failed to appear in court for the fourth time for sentencing on unrelated deception charges. During her interview under arrest with the CEAs investigators this week, Carey is understood to have maintained to investigators that Mahers signature was not a forgery and claimed he had given her power of attorney at an earlier date. Its also understood Carey denied that a number of companies she set up in the UK had been founded with dishonest purposes in mind. The source said Carey maintained to investigators that the companies had been non-trading and had been set up for projects that did not materialise. Investigators are also understood to have quizzed Carey about emails sent by her in which she had signed off saying her company office was at 25 Merrion Square in Dublin. The owners of the property previously confirmed to RTE Investigates that neither Carey nor Careysfort Asset Estates were ever tenants at that address. Carey previously maintained to the Sunday World that she believed the property was owned by Maher. Carey was released without charge at the end of several hours of questioning by the CEA whose probe into her activities linked to Careysfort Asset Estates has been ongoing for some time. The CEA has many of the same powers as the Gardai and can also send case files to the Director of Public Prosecutions for direction on whether a person or company should face criminal charges. In June, Careysfort Asset Estates was described as an unauthorised firm by the Central Bank, which advised people not to deal with it. Details of the allegations against Carey first emerged in February 2022 when RTE Investigates revealed that distressed mortgages holders had handed over sums of up to 60,000 to Careysfort only for the money to be squandered by Carey. She has a previous conviction for cheque fraud dating from 2008. Gangland enemies of Cornelius Price took the opportunity to taunt associates and family Rivals of mob boss Cornelius Price have gloated over his final moments by posting a video of him lying in a hospital bed on a ventilator with the caption: Bye bye naily boy. Gangland enemies took the opportunity to taunt Prices associates and family, cruelly mocking his death while using a video posted from his deathbed by a Christian preacher. Following his death in a Welsh hospital last weekend, Price has been lauded on social media in a sustained campaign to whitewash his criminal career. Just hours after he died, tributes to the gang boss were posted online, including his last-minute conversion at the hands of a Christian preacher. Cornelius Price One post included a video showing members of the Price family gathered around his hospital bed at Cwmbran in Wales, where he was intubated. But another version of the clip gloats over his death with a musical soundtrack and the caption: Bye bye, naily boy, ya m**go. The preachers videos from the hospital, which he said he shot with the familys permission, are no longer visible on his social media account. Price, who has been linked to four murders in Ireland, infamously mocked the death of hitman Robbie Lawlor in Belfast in April 2020, a shooting he was suspected of being involved in. The video showed Price drinking a toast to the murder. Price was previously involved in an attack on Lawlor while the pair were behind bars after offering him a Judas handshake. Lawlor needed 29 stitches when he suffered extensive injuries in the attack in Cork prison in October 2018. Price, also known as Naily Boy and Nellie, had been in a coma since late 2021 when he contracted limbic encephalitis, a disease which causes brain swelling. There were also attempts online to smear Willie Maughan, who disappeared from Prices compound in April 2015 along with his girlfriend Ana Varsalane. Price is suspected of ordering the abduction and murder of the couple, who were planning on moving back to Maughans family home in Tallaght on the day they went missing. Maughans father, Joe, who has campaigned for justice for his son and girlfriend, told the Sunday World: William wasnt the perfect apple on the tree, but he was no murderer. None of the glowing tributes refer to the dead mobsters leading role in the Price/Maguire organised crime gang, which the High Court recently heard is a major drug dealing outfit in the north-east of the country. Price was the leader of a crime gang At the time of his death, Price was also on bail for his part in the brutal kidnap and extortion of two men, an incident for which Limerick mobster Ger Dundon was convicted last month after a lengthy trial. Price was one of the chief suspects for the unsolved murder of Benny Whitehouse. He was previously arrested for this crime. Mr Whitehouse was shot dead at Clonard Street, Balbriggan, on September 25, 2014, in front of his partner. Price also served a three-year jail sentence for reckless endangerment of a garda his most serious criminal stretch. He fled his compound in Co. Meath in the aftermath of the murder of teenager Keane Mulready-Woods who had been an associate of his gang in January 2020. Sources say that after arriving in the English midlands a place where he had strong links Price traded on his name and set himself up as some type of gang boss. Paying tribute this week, one person wrote: RIP to our legend. Our hearts are broken into millions pieces. Look down over your family and friends especially your ma n da (sic). Rest in peace Nailyboy. Another sympathised with the Price family: Sorry sorry for Ur loss its such sad news thinking of u all at a time like this rip nailyboy ul b missed (sic). One relative wrote in glowing terms how Cornelius Price always took her side in arguments, even when she was in the wrong. I cant believe Im writing this. My handsome uncle, youre my brightest star now. Still in shock, I cant believe this uncle nay (sic). Others referred to Price as a legend and a king with tributes coming from people all over Ireland and the UK. Speaking to theSunday World this week, Joe Maughan said people who were at Prices compound in Gormanstown, where his son lived, know the truth. Robbie Lawlor They know and only they know the truth. They were murdered in their yard and they witnessed it and they were involved in the cleaning up of it. It is as simple as that, he said. Mr Maughan said his family have been targeted on Facebook all week with claims about William and Ana. I dont care what they say, its all lies. Those who were in that compound know the truth; they know the truth what happened that day, he added. Five people have been arrested and questioned over the double murder, although charges have yet to follow. The Sunday World has learned the player has had claims lodged against him by a well-known Dublin solicitor and an IT company A former GAA star at the centre of a probe into an alleged cancer fraud has been sued twice in the civil courts over the past decade. The Sunday Worldhas learned the player has had claims lodged against him by a well-known Dublin solicitor and an IT company. Sources say the player, who does not drink or smoke, is also not known to have gambled and there is uncertainty over how the money obtained in the alleged fraud was spent. On Wednesday, the player who committed himself to the care of a mental health facility after details of the allegations against him became known was arrested under Section 6 of the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud) Offences Act. He was questioned for a number of hours during a period of detention lasting until 10 am on Thursday morning. In a statement, police said of the arrest: Gardai in the eastern region have arrested a male in relation to an ongoing investigation into an alleged fraud, a spokesperson said. An Garda Siochana does not comment on named persons. Its understood as part of the probe into the former players conduct, officers have spoken with his bank and accessed his financial records. The Garda National Economic Crime Bureau (GNECB) is currently carrying out a investigation after a number of complaints were made alleging he had approached a number of people seeking donations for cancer treatment in the US. Its alleged he claimed to numerous individuals that he was suffering from a rare bone marrow cancer and needed to receive urgent care abroad in the US. However, those who donated now fear they were deceived and defrauded. Key to the investigation will be determining whether the ex-player falsely claimed he had cancer to those from whom he sought money, and if the monies obtained were spent for purposes other than those outlined by the player. As well as facing two legal cases in the courts, the player has suffered serious financial difficulties in recent years. The Sunday World revealed last week how judgment for debts of in excess of 80,000 had been registered against the player. These included a significant judgment obtained against the player by an individual who had loaned him in excess of 100,000 and further judgments of in excess of 30,000 to Revenue. Despite claims he had obtained loans totalling several hundred thousand euro from concerned third parties over a number of years, sources said the former star appeared to have few, if any, trappings of wealth when the property where he was staying was searched last December. He is in poor circumstances, the source said. He is a man without access to funds and, at best, is scraping by. In addition to his alleged approaches to a number of high-profile businessmen, including Denis OBrien, its claimed the player also approached prominent members of the Gaelic Players Association (GPA), which represents inter-county players, for financial help. The GPA has a benevolent fund to support current and past players who are experiencing financial difficulties. The GPA has declined to say whether the former player received money directly from this fund. Concerns for the players life were expressed to the Sunday World last week by a family member who said he had checked into a mental health facility following a suicide attempt. The family member told this newspaper: We are trying to prevent a suicide the facts are not being presented correctly. He attempted suicide and is in hospital under the care of the mental health professionals. Asked if there was any statement the player or the family would like to make, the family member said: To be honest, giving statements and worrying about all of this now is not our priority. The family member declined to comment, in the wake of the ex-players arrest when contacted this week. Overcrowding in the womens wing of Limerick Prison has sparked fears of violence, with inmates forming close groups. Karen Harrington, who killed toddler Santina Cawley, is pals with a woman who sold photos to a paedophile Daragh Mc Sweeney Notorious child killer Karen Harrington has struck up a friendship with a woman serving time for selling photos of her children to paedophile Timmy Duggan. It comes as the overcrowding in the womens wing of Limerick Prison has sparked fears of violence, with inmates forming close groups. Terrorists and transgender women are also being held in overcrowded conditions. A source said the groups are being formed to create more cell space, but added: Its getting dangerous because you never know when they will turn on one another or a staff member. Prisoners have had to double up in cells because of the overcrowding, while a purpose-built new wing remains empty. Limerick Prison Sources say child killer Karen Harrington is friends with a woman serving time for selling photos of her children to paedophile Timmy Duggan. The pair often exercise together. They are part of group which includes another woman on remand awaiting trial for a serious crime against a child. Harrington was convicted last year of two-year-old Santina Cawleys murder at her Cork flat in July 2019. At the top of the prison pecking order are the two female terrorists who are now sharing a cell in Limerick Prison ISIS member and former soldier Lisa Smith and dissident republican killer Rose Lynch. The Sunday World previously revealed how they had their own cells, but get on well together and agreed to share with each other to make room. Karen Harrington, who killed toddler Santina Cawley, is pals with a woman who sold photos to a paedophile Daragh Mc Sweeney Smith and Lynch have both been described as model prisoners. While Smith, who got a 15-month sentence last May, can expect to be free by April, Lynch is serving a life sentence for murder. One of the prisons most infamous inmates, Charlotte Mulhall, has not made any alliances, according to Sunday World sources. Mulhall is serving life for the murder of her mothers violent boyfriend, Farah Swaleh Noor, whose dismembered remains were found dumped in Dublins Royal Canal in 2005. Mulhall, who is Irelands longest serving female prisoner, has recently been enjoying escorted trips out of the prison to meet with relatives. Charlotte Mulhall is Irelands longest serving female prisoner An added complication for prison staff is the presence of two transgender women who are kept separate from the rest of the inmates. Barbie Kardashian, who was found guilty last year of making threats to kill her mother, is due for sentence next month in Limerick Circuit Court. Another transgender woman who cant be named in order to protect their victim, is serving time for sexually assaulting a child and threatening to break their arms and legs. The prisons new block for women is part of a 60m development at Limerick Prison. It has been left unused because of problems with the sewerage system and complaints about odours. The block will not be fully opened until the second quarter of this year. Vile abuser must register as a sex offender in native Pakistan The evil beast convicted of raping a woman with Down Syndrome after he lured her back to his house has been deported from Ireland. Pakistani national Faisal Ellahi hit the headlines in December 2015 when a jury found him guilty of the callous attack after a five-week trial. The Sunday World were on hand when he was arrested at his home by gardai in 2013. Faisal Ellahi is back in Pakistan His trial heard how he had been prowling the streets and was about to approach another woman when his young victim encountered him after she became separated from her mother. Ellahi later tried but failed to appeal his sentence,. Sources say during his time in the Midlands Prison, where he served his 13-year sentence, he was constantly difficult with staff but never broke any rules. He had been due for release next month but sources say he was arrested a number of weeks ago by the Garda National Immigration Bureau and sent back to his native Pakistan. When he was sentenced in 2016 the Pakistan Ambassador at the time Dr Syed Rizwan told the Sunday World Ellahi may have met with a harsher penalty if he had committed such an offence in his native country. He said Ellahi would have to sign on a sex offenders register on his return to Pakistan adding he will not be treated kindly. This sort of crime where someone preys on those who cannot defend themselves ... he will not have any friends. During the trial Ellahi soughtto question the victim about whether she had kissed any boys but the judge refused his application. He claimed in his defence the woman has consented to having sex with him. But the victim told a specialist interviewer that Ellahi locked the door behind them and that she was afraid he was going to stab or kill her. I wanted to go home but he wouldnt let me, she said, adding that at one point she started banging on the door screaming: Help, Mum, help. Later that afternoon, the womans mother was worried when she had not returned home soon after her as expected. She was about to call Gardai when she heard her daughter banging on her door and shouting: Mum, Mum, help, help, let me in. The victim was driven around the area by gardai and she was able to point out the door of the property she was dragged in to. Officers spoke to everyone who lived in the building, including Ellahi, who denied any knowledge of the incident. Over the following nights detectives kept watch outside Ellahis home. One night they saw him leaving and speaking to two 15-year-old girls in the street. When the girls walked away he began to follow them until officers intervened. He was arrested a week later. Ellahi had harassed several women, 16 of whom gave evidence during his trial at the Central Criminal Court. An 18-year-old woman testified that Ellahi had approached her and offered her wine and cigarettes. He grabbed her arm and asked if she would have sex with him for 200. She told gardai she kicked him in the b***s and punched him in the jaw before fleeing. Mr Justice Tony Hunt said the case was one of the most difficult he had ever dealt with. He told the jurors their verdict was absolutely correct and that Ellahis claim that the woman consented to the acts or was capable of consenting to them was absolutely ludicrous. Social media posts by Earl McKevitt show how he vociferously supported Trump while falsely labelling Joe Biden a paedophile The paranoid pizza delivery driver who shot dead innocent teen Conor OBrien had posted a shoot to kill gun rant online after becoming caught up in a bizarre pro Donald Trump conspiracy theory group. Social media posts by Earl McKevitt who this week pleaded guilty to the murder of innocent Conor at his lodgings in rural Co. Meath in late August 2021 show how he vociferously supported Trump while falsely labelling Joe Biden a paedophile. In one chilling post, convicted arsonist McKevitt who used a pistol to shoot Conor dead championed gun violence in response to one of Trumps posts calling for Law & Order following rioting in the US. Shoot to kill, he wrote on his Twitter account after getting caught up with a so-called Q-Anon group. They are killing people every day. It needs to stop. They are being racist against the white community. Innocent victim Conor OBrien Aside from his online activities, sources say McKevitt, who faces a mandatory life jail term when he is sentenced on March 3, was under extreme pressure in the days leading up to the murder of Conor. Just days before the shooting, he had been given an official Garda message, known as a GIM, warning him that his life was under threat from a West Dublin drugs gang. Its suspected that it was around this time McKevitt began carrying the Glock 9mm pistol which he used to shoot Conor dead. Its believed McKevitt was delivering a takeaway to Conors home in Enfield when he pulled out the gun and shot him dead. Conor who was about to embark on a career as a blacksmith was not involved in criminality in any way and was an innocent victim of the paranoid delivery driver. The 19-year-old had been due to begin training at the Limerick School of Blacksmithing the week after his murder. Finin Liam Christie, who Conor had done some work with at his forge in Gorey, Co. Wexford, later described his former student as hard-working and said he was so excited to start his apprenticeship. He came to me to make his tools for the apprenticeship so he could work with his own tools, Finin revealed after the killing. Conor was a terrible nice lad, very private but when it came to blacksmithing, he opened up and talked. It was his passion. McKevitt was identified as a person of interest by investigators after it emerged he had delivered a takeaway to Conor around the time of the murder. He gave a voluntary statement to gardai and confirmed he had delivered the food. But its understood suspicions were raised as no evidence of the food delivery was found at the scene. McKevitt was subsequently arrested by gardai four days after the killing after a drunken blow-up in a Carlow pub. Gardai were called after staff spotted what they believed to be a handgun in his possession. Armed gardai quickly arrived on the scene and arrested McKevitt while he was still in possession of the Glock. A ballistics examination confirmed the gun was the same one used in the murder of Conor. At the time of Conors murder, McKevitt was already known to gardai and police in the UK. In November 2012, he was jailed for three years at the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court after he admitted an arson attack on the office of the Chief State Solicitor in the city in 2005. There was no one in the building at the time. He later fled to England in 2007 before his trial and was returned to Ireland on foot of a European Arrest Warrant in 2012, when gardai discovered he was in custody serving a sentence in the UK. The court heard McKevitt, who had minor convictions at the time, had small dealings with the Chief State Solicitors Office prior to the offence but gardai were satisfied there was no wider sinister agenda to the offence. McKevitt of Avondale Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, this week pleaded guilty to a single charge of murdering Conor OBrien (19) at An Seanchrann, Trim Road, Enfield, Co. Meath. on a date between August 26 and August 27 2021, both dates inclusive. John Fitzgerald SC, for the Director of Public Prosecutions, told Mr Justice Paul McDermott that McKevitt could be arraigned on count one on the indictment and that further counts may be required in due course. The judge remanded McKevitt in custody until March 3, when he will be sentenced. Police officers search a village home where they found body parts related to a missing model in a murder case, in Hong Kong (TVB Hong Kong/AP) AP Police in Hong Kong have charged the former in-laws of a model and influencer whose body parts were found in a refrigerator at a village house, with murder. Hong Kong model Abby Chois former father-in-law and his eldest son are being charged with murder, while her former mother-in-law faces one count of perverting the course of justice, police said in a statement on Sunday. The authorities also arrested the womans ex-husband on Saturday and will charge him with murder on Sunday night, said Superintendent Alan Chung. The four will appear in court on Monday. The grisly case came to light when police officers on Friday discovered Ms Chois body after she had been missing for several days, together with her identity card, credit cards and other items. Police officers search a village home where they found body parts related to a missing model in a murder case, in Hong Kong (TVB Hong Kong/AP) AP The body was dissected and the remains stored in a refrigerator in the rural village home in Tai Po, a suburban part of Hong Kong close to the border with mainland China. At Sundays news briefing, Mr Chung said authorities found a young womans skull believed to belong to Ms Choi in one of the cooking pots they seized, along with several ribs, hair, and human tissue. In another pot, forensic pathologists also discovered a small number of human bones, he added. Mr Chung said Ms Choi was believed to have been attacked in a car and was unconscious when she arrived at the house. Police were still trying to find out the exact time of death and locate her hands and torso. Abby Choi. Photo: AP On Sunday, police also arrested another woman they believed to be the mistress of the ex-husbands father for allegedly assisting the other suspects. Ms Choi, 28, had financial disputes involving tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars with her ex-husband and his family, Mr Chung said, adding that some people were unhappy with how Ms Choi handled her financial assets. Ms Choi was a model and influencer who shared her glamorous life of photo shoots and fashion shows with more than 100,000 followers. Dressed in a floor-length gown, she had just attended a Dior show at Paris Fashion Week. Her last post was a week ago, featuring a photoshoot she had done with LOfficiel Monaco, a fashion publication. Marina Sologub (39), born in Kazakhstan and grew up in Cork, has been ordered to leave the country by their Security Intelligence Organisation A Cork woman suspected of being a Russian spy is thought to be a threat to national security in Australia. Marina Sologub (39), who was born in Kazakhstan and grew up in Cork, has been ordered to leave the country by their Security Intelligence Organisation, the Sunday Times reports. Ms Sologub had previously worked in the National Space Centre in Cork and in 2020 got a job in the Australian Space Agency, where she was reportedly involved in projects involving the American and Russian space agencies. The Security Intelligence Organisation deemed her to be high risk after conducting an operation to identify Russian intelligence workers among high-ranking employees. She allegedly attempted to acquire contacts with Australian officials, including staff at the agency, and is said to have had extensive interactions with diplomatic staff from the Russian embassy while working at the centre in Adelaide. Ms Sologub grew up in Glanmire, near Cork city, and studied politics and governance at University College Cork. She then worked at constituency offices of TDs such as Labour Party TD Willie Penrose at his Westmeath office, as well as former Fine Gael TD Bernard Allen, who was chairman of the Public Accounts Committee in the Dail at the time. Mr Allen told the Sunday Times that he has known Ms Sologub since she was a student on work experience and was gobsmacked to hear of the allegations against her. She was able to secure a job in Australia through her experience working with Mr Allen and her fluent Russian. Im completely smashed up. The pain; I cant describe it, its so sore Suzanne says shell be able to perform her Charleston in tonights show Crocked Suzanne Jackson reveals she is battling to take part in Dancing With The Stars tonight after being hospitalised with badly bruised ribs. Im completely smashed up. The pain; I cant describe it, its so sore, Suzanne (38) told the Sunday World. The millionaire businesswoman and influencer admits that being flung about so much by dance partner Michael Danilczuk led to not only severe bruised ribs but also a condition called interchondral subluxation, where the ribs click in and out of place. Last week we did the American Smooth and there was a big lift in it where Michael puts me over his head and then brings me down on to his waist and spins me. But we basically do a dress run on a Saturday, so we had to do it three times, she explains. Then you do it twice on the Sunday morning, you go over your camera and your lighting again. Then you do a pre-show run at half two, then you do your live show at half six, and then we had to do the dance off. Suzanne shared her woes with her Instagram fans So it was eight times within 24 hours and unfortunately with the speed that my body was twisted Ive really badly bruised ribs now. After picking up the injury, Dubliner Sue was forced to go to hospital to seek medical help. Im very restricted this week, she reveals. At one stage I wasnt sure Id be able to dance this weekend, but Im feeling a bit better so, hopefully, it all goes according to plan. But the problem is we have Charleston this weekend, which is a high energy dance with lots of tricks. One of the tricks is a cartwheel star position twice, so lets just hope Im able for this. At the beginning of the series Suzanne was the favourite with the bookies to win the show. But last weekend she found herself for the first time in the bottom two. She survived the dance-off with Stephanie Roche being eliminated. Im very much a it is what it is [person] and anything out of my control I dont get too caught up about, she says. In short, I wasnt surprised to be in the dance-off because I had an inkling it was going to happen. To be honest, you would assume somebody with a high following and that Im not doing a bad job thats shes safe, but thats not the case. Everyone has to get behind the people that they love, whoever you love in the competition people have to pick up the phone and vote. But, no, I wasnt surprised to be in the dance-off, honest. Suzanne shared her woes with her Instagram fans And you know what, I actually loved that dance last weekend, that was my favourite dance of the whole eight weeks. It was such a Hollywood 1940s era, its the kind of era Im absolutely obsessed with. I was only happy to dance that dance twice. If you had asked me to dance my cha cha or my samba for a second time, I would have had a heart attack because Latin dances are so much harder, but I really enjoyed American Smooth. Suzanne, who is already a favourite with TV viewers as co-host of the Style Counsellors for the past four years, says she wants to get into more telly presenting and has already revealed she pitched to replace Nicky Byrne on Dancing With The Stars only to find out she was too late and the position had gone to Doireann Garrihy. Suzanne and Michael I want to get stuck into more television for sure, she insists. TV is really where I excel. When Im doing the VTs for DWTS, which are the behind the scenes videos, the camera and production team say Suzanne, youre so good at this. Im like this is the part I am good at, unfortunately Im not as good as I want to be at dancing. I love TV and live TV gives me a different type of buzz, which I love. It gives me that real good feel, like your adrenaline is pumping, its just something special about live TV, but for me Id love to do more presenting and more television. Im going to get a TV agent potentially this year, maybe even look at getting a UK agent, who knows, the world is my oyster but Im definitely going to do more television. I really enjoy it. Suzanne, who grew up in Skerries in Dublin before moving to Malahide, says she still wants to buy a property in Portugal with her husband Dylan, but points out when she does she will split her time between Ireland and Portugal. We actually put an offer on a house in Portugal last summer, but it fell through. But I do believe everything happens for a reason, so Im OK with that. So we will go back in again this summer and we are going to begin looking again, she adds. The Government is providing $25 million in grants to help businesses in cyclone-affected regions clean up and get back on their feet. This is part of the initial $50 million emergency package agreed by Cabinet on Monday. Our priority is to get this initial emergency support out as quickly as possible. Those who are on the ground in communities know best how to do that. The Government has established agreements with local delivery partners to make it happen, says Minister for Cyclone Recovery Grant Robertson. Each local agency will have their own processes, but the Government has provided the funding to address the immediate cashflow needs of businesses." Robertson says this includes those that have been impacted due to barriers to customer access, ability to source stock, supply chain issues, inability to operate as usual due to physical damage to equipment or premises, or delays in insurance assessment and repairs. The initial allocation from this fund will be capped at $40,000 per business while we assess the overall demand for the fund. Further allocations to businesses who access this initial funding are possible," says Robertson. Its important to note that this is only the first stage of government support for affected businesses and communities. We are working closely with communities to assess needs and expect to make further announcements in the coming days and weeks." The minister says the government is also aware that there are larger businesses who are facing costs that go beyond what this initial emergency funding could support. "We will be working one on one with these businesses to understand their needs and how we can support them, says Robertson. Along with the grants scheme, $250,000 will be provided for the Employers and Manufacturers Association to extend the reach of its employer helpline and $600,000 for the Regional Business Partners to increase the amount of business advice they can offer. The First Steps mental wellbeing initiative is available for use by businesses in affected regions. The costs of this are covered by the recent funding injection after the Auckland floods. The Government will keep a close eye on this and stands ready to assist further if necessary. As we work swiftly in this response not every community and business is going to have the same needs. It makes sense that those providing the support have their boots on the ground and are part of the communities they are serving, says Minister for Regional Development and East Coast MP Kiri Allan. Through this package our local delivery partners will be using their grassroots knowledge and robust networks to tell us what they need, to ensure the funding is being distributed in the best way possible to meet the needs of their communities. Todays announcement adds to the $25 million in support that is already going out the door to farmers and growers and Fridays announcement of a new recovery visa to help bring in more workers to help with the recovery. More information on the business support is available here. The agencies distributing the business support grants will be: NorthlandInc Auckland Business Chamber Toi Economic Development Agency Thames Coromandel District Council Trust Tairawhiti Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce Tararua District Council Summary of key points: Essential maintenance on the wastewater outflow pipe from the Te Maunga Wastewater Treatment Plant is scheduled to be carried out on the beach near Harrison's Cut over four days starting Tuesday February 28. Construction noise is expected and while there is signage in place to identify the worksite, the public is asked to please be mindful to avoid all fenced off areas to ensure their safety. Construction will take place from 7am - 8pm from Tuesday February 28 to Friday March 3. The beach will remain open during works outside the fenced off areas, says a Tauranga City Council spokesperson. "The four-day window to complete the upgrade has been coordinated with low tides so teams can access the beach manhole. "The beach will remain open during the works, but the worksite will be fenced off to keep people safe with clear signage in place," says council. "Managing Tauranga's wastewater is essential for the health of the city. "The wastewater is of high quality before it is returned to the ecosystem via a pipe out into the ocean. This pipe is being upgraded to meet the city's wastewater needs for the next 20-30 years. Connected to the Te Maunga wastewater treatment plant, the final portion of the Te Maunga pipeline upgrade runs from Sunrise Reserve out to Papamoa Beach by Harrison's Cut. The last 225 metres of the pipeline will undergo essential maintenance to extend its service life through a new, protective internal lining, says a Tauranga City Council spokesperson. Please note this work is weather dependent. For more about this project, watch the short video here. Two tropical cyclones are potentially developing in the South Pacific this week, but MetService says the risk of directly impacting New Zealand is relatively low. However, there is a lot to happen before the [cyclone] tracks become certain, so things could change, MetService says in a tweet. MetService meteorologist John Law says its not unusual at this time of year to have activity up in the tropics. At this stage a tropical low to the north of Fiji is expected to move west, towards Vanuatu during Monday and Tuesday, and there remains a high risk for it to become a tropical cyclone. The system is expected to recurve south and remain close to Vanuatu during Tuesday and Wednesday, and is likely to reach severe tropical cyclone category. Another tropical low over the Coral Sea is expected to move east and move across close to Vanuatu late next week, MetService says. John says at this stage there is still some uncertainty on what the impact to New Zealand would be, but MetService would be closely monitoring the weather system and the situation in the tropics closely. Potentially 2 tropical cyclones developing this week. At this stage, the risk of either directly impacting New Zealand is relatively low. However, there is a lot to happen before the tracks becomes certain so things could change. is updated daily. ^SG MetService (@MetService) February 26, 2023 He says there could be an increase in swells and some stronger winds. Parts of the upper South Island and North Island are also being warned to brace for more heavy rain, just as some regions continue to recover from Cyclone Gabrielle. MetService has issued a severe weather watch for some parts of the upper South Island and the North Island, but it is the flood-ravaged areas of Gisborne and the Coromandel Peninsula that are most at risk. Surface flooding is not an unreasonable expectation as another complex trough moves through the North Island, says MetService meteorologist Alex Holden.. Its already really wet, so this will just be piling it on. From 3am on Monday through to 6am on Tuesday, periods of heavy rain with the possibility of thunderstorms are set to hit Gisborne from Tolaga Bay northwards. Theres still some uncertainly around whether the watch will have to be extended further south, but were predicting that the majority of the impacts will be seen in northern areas, says Alex. As the tropics become more active, we also need to focus on rain that's forecast over the next 36 hours. Low pressure well to our northeast will result in moist onshore winds & rain for the upper/east of the North Island. For some, rain may be heavy. Purple = heaviest. NIWA Weather (@NiwaWeather) February 26, 2023 The rain will then travel on to the Coromandel Peninsula, with MetService issuing a heavy rain watch from 9am on Monday through to 3am on Tuesday. These rain watches are the result of a new tropical low forming to the north-east of New Zealand by Fiji, which MetService is warning could develop into another cyclone. As things stand, the new tropical low is sideswiping us, hitting Gisborne and the Coromandel. Its bringing with it a raft of moist warm air, which is clipping these parts of the country and exciting the rain totals. Another cyclone forming would be tough news those in regions that were hit by Cyclone Gabrielle or by the flooding on Auckland Anniversary weekend. Get your household ready for this evening's rain. Clean out gutters and drains to reduce the risk of them overflowing. We will continue to keep you informed as we get intel from @MetService. Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) (@AucklandCDEM) February 25, 2023 Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) is encouraging Aucklanders to make the most of the clear weather to continue with clean-up efforts, ahead of more potential rain on the way. Get your household ready for this evenings rain, AEM warned in a tweet posted on Sunday morning. Twelve people stayed at civil defence centres around Auckland on Saturday night, according to AEM. Power has been partially restored in Karekare and Vector is continuing to work to restore the rest of the network as quickly as possible. There are intermittent power outages in Piha with partial power restored. Most of Muriwai has now been reconnected. Welfare drops via helicopter will continue this week (weather dependent) to deliver water, fuel, food and other essential items, AEM says. In Karekare, a welfare mission is being planned for Monday, including trauma counselling, with Te Whatu Ora and Salvation Army. Karekare in Auckland's west cost was hit particularly hard by Cyclone Gabrielle. Photo: David White/Stuff. Auckland Transport urged Aucklanders to avoid traveling this weekend to communities with significant road closures still in place, and particularly along the West Coast of Auckland. Access to Karekare, Piha, Te Henga Bethells Beach, Muriwai, Anawhata, Huia, Little Huia and Whatipu remains compromised. Katie Ham and Catrin Owen/Stuff. They are one of the worlds most feared criminal organisations, using extreme violence to become, according to the American Drug Enforcement Agency one of the highest-priority transnational organised crime threats we face. They are Mexicos Cartel De Jalisco Nueva Generation, and from a yacht berthed in Whangaroa Harbour, Tangaroa Demant was negotiating with them to bring 200kg of cocaine into New Zealand via the Port of Tauranga. Now, thanks to an interview with the officer in charge of Operation Tarpon, and reams of court documents relating to the nine men arrested for their roles in the plot, Stuff can reveal how a cartel led by a man with a $10m reward for his capture attempted to land what would have been, if intercepted, the second largest cocaine haul in New Zealand history. For Detective Inspector Albie Alexander, field crime manager of the National Organised Crime Group, it began with a tip off from New Zealand Police liaison officers overseas. They had received information on intercepted drug importations from Mexico via the USA and Australia. That directed them to Whangaroa Harbour, and the yacht Good Times. It was from there between December 2020 and April 2021 that Demant was using encrypted communications devices to negotiate with CJNG. Not that his whanau knew. According to court documents relating to one of Demants co-conspirators, Angel Gabriel Gavito Alverado, Demant created a fictional story about being overseas sailing for an extended period to mislead his family and friends as to his whereabouts. Court documents described Alverado as the New Zealand based representative of the Mexican drug suppliers, and Alexander said he was the interface between Mexico and the New Zealand based groups. He arranged the shipments of cocaine and methamphetamine and sent money back to Mexico. It was for sending $20,000 from his Westpac account to a Cartel-linked bank account in Mexico, plus charges of possession of methamphetamine for supply and conspiracy to import methamphetamine, that he was jailed for three years and eight months in November last year. Alexander said Alverado arrived in New Zealand in February 2019 on a work visa, coming to the attention of Operation Tarpon in January 2021. He said it remains unclear whether his arrival in New Zealand was with the express intention of being the Mexican drug suppliers representative in New Zealand or if this situation developed over time. Alverado was jailed for three years and eight months back in November 2022, and will be deported on his release. Alexander said that while he was indeed the cartels man on the ground, Demant had other ways of contacting the CJNG. The initial contact appears to have been through Demants associates who had existing connections with Mexican drug suppliers, he said. Demant then commenced communicating with the Mexican drug suppliers using encrypted applications. Alexander said that almost all drug dealing and exporting in Mexico is facilitated, or sanctioned, by the cartels. Intelligence suggests the Mexican group was linked to the Cartel De Jalisco Nueva Generation [CJNG]. According to the DEA, CJNG was formed in 2011 and has become one of the fastest growing transnational criminal organisations in Mexico, and among the most prolific methamphetamine producers in the world. Its boss, Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes, or El Mencho, currently has a $10m reward for information leading to his arrest. The DEA said CJNG rose to power thanks to its disciplined command and control, sophisticated money laundering techniques, efficient drug transportation routes, and extreme violence. The cartel has also expanded globally, with significant presence and illicit business not only throughout the United States and Mexico, but also Europe, Asia and Australia. Mexico Todays Vanda Felbab-Brown outlined CJNGs modus operandi as to be more ostentatiously violent than anyone else around. "CJNGs penchant for brazenness also manifests itself in its showcase public executions and frequent displays of its firepower and sophisticated weaponry: Its heavy assault weapons mostly outmatch the arms and equipment that Mexican police and National Guard have. She also said that they were looking beyond the Americas to both Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Remarkably given their fearsome reputation Demant, and one co-conspirator Tama Waitai, discussed ripping them off. According to court documents, in multiple calls between the defendants Waitai and Demant, the pair discussed their intention that once they received a large importation of controlled drugs from the Mexican OCG [organised criminal group], they would take the drugs and then not make the required payment for them to the Mexican OCG. As well as a direct line to the CJNG, Demant and Waitai also had another trump card a man inside the Port of Tauranga. That was stevedore Maurice Swinton, perhaps the only cocaine plotter in the world to call a caravan park in Te Puke home. He was recruited on the promise of a $250,000 payment, plus one kilogram of cocaine, and in intercepted communications unwittingly revealed to police how he saw his role in the plot playing out. Pick up, go smoko, go home. Your role would be to retrieve the drugs from the vessel when it arrived, said Justice Graham Lang, who sentenced him to two years and nine months imprisonment on February 11. While the group did manage to smuggle in smaller quantities of both cocaine and methamphetamine into New Zealand, sent by post to suburban properties in Rotorua and Auckland, March 27, 2021 was the key date. Intercepted communications suggested that the group expected the shipment to arrive on March 27, 2021, but they were thwarted by their Mexican OCG deciding to delay the delivery, court documents said. In a bugged phone call made on March 23, 2021, between Demant and Waitai, Demant said he had been having problems with his other phone and as a result told them to hold off. He then told Waitai to inform Swinton to stand down. Despite conspiring to import 200kg of cocaine, on March 23, 2021, the defendant Demant communicated to the defendant Waitai that everyone should stand down and that he was not going to make it happen. The police summary of facts for Swinton notes that after March 27, 2021, there appeared to be no further attempts to import cocaine via ship into Tauranga Harbour, but that Waitai was still communicating with Mexican suppliers. Just under a month later on April 29, 2021, it was all over as police announced the arrest of eight people and the disruption of plans to import hundreds of kilograms of cocaine into the country from Mexico. The arrests involved more than 100 police and Customs staff, including members of the Armed Offenders Squad, Dog Section, Specialist Search Group, the Police Clandestine Laboratory Team and Bay of Plenty and Northland district staff. Alexander said the decision to swoop in on the men was simple. There was sufficient evidence to the existence of a conspiracy, and to prevent importing entering New Zealand. Demant has entered guilty pleas to a raft of charges including conspiracy to import cocaine, importing cocaine, possession of methamphetamine for supply and conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine. However, no sentencing date has been set as he is appealing against an earlier, declined decision to adjourn sentencing to allow him to attend the Puwhakamua drug rehabilitation programme. Waitai was jailed for five years and six months on February 10. -Benn Bathgate/Stuff. Current Print Subscribers will be prompted to either login to their current site user account or to create a new one. A confirmation email will be sent when a new user account is created, which must be confirmed within three days in order to provide uninterrupted online access through your Print Subscription. Once the email address is confirmed please provide your Account Number to activate your Print Subscription Service. More Information State Question 820 This measure creates a state law legalizing recreational use marijuana for persons 21 or older. Marijuana use and possession remain crimes under federal law. The export of marijuana from Oklahoma is prohibited. The law will have a fiscal impact on the State. The Oklahoma Tax Commission will collect a 15% excise tax on recreational use sales, above applicable sales taxes. Excise tax revenues will fund implementation of the law, with any surplus revenues going to public school programs to address substance abuse and improve student retention (30%), the General Revenue und (30%), drug addiction treatment programs (20%), courts (10%), and local governments (10%). The law limits certain marijuana-related conduct and establishes quantity limits, safety standards, restrictions, and penalties for violations. A local government may prohibit or restrict recreational marijuana use on the property of the local government and regulate the time, place, and manner of the operation of marijuana businesses within its boundaries. However, a local government may not limit the number of, or completely prohibit, such businesses. Persons who occupy, own, or control private property may prohibit or regulate marijuana-related conduct. except that a lease agreement may not prohibit a tenant from lawfully possessing and consuming marijuana by means other than smoking. The law does not affect an employer's ability to restrict employee marijuana use. For the first two years, marijuana business licenses are available only to existing licensees in operation one year or more. The law does not affect the rights of medical marijuana patients or licensees. The law requires resentencing, reversing, modifying, and expunging certain prior marijuana-related judgments and sentences unless the State proves an unreasonable risk to a person. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority is authorized to administer and enforce the law. Shall the proposal be approved? For the proposal- YES Against the proposal- NO HighRevving BHPian Join Date: Sep 2022 Location: Bengaluru Posts: 138 Thanked: 633 Times Re: Hyundai could introduce LED display on the front grille of its future models Quote: carthick1000 Originally Posted by The common day-to-day situation where you stop the car and let a pedestrian cross the road (I know in India these are rare occurences but in west it is very common) is very intuitive with a human driver. The steps are as follows: - Driver sees a pedestrian about to enter a zebra crossing. - Slows the car - The pedestrian is still not sure if the car will come to a stop as he/she cannot judge the speed esp. when you are facing the front of a car. So he/she waits a moment. During day time the pedestrians intuitively look at the driver. - Now the human driver can signal the pedestrian by moving his/her head, by hand movements et. (during day) or just giving a sign with his headlamp blip (at night). Now think of the above situation where a pedestrian encounters a driverless autonomous vehicle. This is where such solutions come in handy.This can even be used for vehicles with drivers during night to signal pedestrians to cross. As far as autonomous cars go, I am afraid unless they are not really prepared for what humans have been doing all this while, it may not help to just have a screen saying "go". In fact, a badly programmed autonomous car may move even when the display says "go" so it is all about how well they integrate with the way humans comprehend things and work with each other. Quote: carthick1000 Originally Posted by Some other applications like: - When car is parked at a charger, it can show it's state of charge. - Indicate that the car is broken down for other vehicles. - As an ornamental grill with custom designs - As a registration plate - Ambulance / Police cars with special signs With the increasing prevelance of EVs and no necessity for air intake grills, using this front fascia for other applications is a good direction for future. [/ATTACH] Reflective triangles and hazard lights are more effective even in rain and fog. In short, I really don't see the need for a display board that makes our cars look like buses with big displays in the front and back. Whatever happened to having nice designs in cars? Why do we have to plonk a display everywhere, inside and out? There is a simple way in which humans have been working around this. Bring the car to a complete halt before the zebra crossing and wait. In a few seconds, the pedestrian understands that they can cross the road.As far as autonomous cars go, I am afraid unless they are not really prepared for what humans have been doing all this while, it may not help to just have a screen saying. In fact, a badly programmed autonomous car may move even when the display saysso it is all about how well they integrate with the way humans comprehend things and work with each other.I personally don't see much merit in any of the above - a number plate should be such that it cannot be tampered with; here a simple piece of coding may cause much trouble by providing the user to change the license number on the go.Reflective triangles and hazard lights are more effective even in rain and fog.In short, I really don't see the need for a display board that makes our cars look like buses with big displays in the front and back. Whatever happened to having nice designs in cars? Why do we have to plonk a display everywhere, inside and out? aneezan BHPian Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Eindhoven Posts: 494 Thanked: 640 Times Luxembourg and The Caves of Han Luxembourg was chosen as the destination, with a night stay in the city. I didn't have the time to write up detailed plans but I knew we had to cover at-least Berdorf. Its a little village/town just near the Germany/Luxembourg border. Its referred to as Luxembourg's little Switzerland. It has just over 2000 inhabitants, making most of the natural beauty of the place perfect for hiking, camping and trails. We left home at around 7.45 AM. This is usually very late for us, but a friend and family coming along means we have to make some adjustments. I fueled up the Rapid to about 3/4th tankful and we started the journey. The kids had enough of snacks and made themselves comfortable for the 270 km trip to Berdorf, via Germany. Route Map:About 630km in total. Cars: My Rapid Spaceback and a Silver Toyota Auris Hybrid(In the background here. My friend wants his privacy!). Breakfast on the go: Garlic paste and butter on Bread Breakfast on the go: Garlic paste and butter on Bread After a short halt for a stretch in Germany, we arrived at Berdorf at about 10.00 AM. There are many viewpoints and hiking trails here and each of them stunning. Netherlands being as flat as it can be, we were thankful on seeing the hills and the fog rolling over them. Short stop somewhere in Germany Berdorf: We hiked a short while. Temperature around 7 degrees but was very pleasant in the sun. After about an hour of hiking and rock climbing, we decided to return. There were a few hikers doing longer trips. Tanked up on food and water and resumed our journey to Luxembourg, which took just about 35 minutes from Berdorf. We checked in to our hotel rooms(Ibis Aeroport Luxembourg) and freshened up quickly. Plan was to cover the city in the afternoon and evening. I had just learnt the previous day that public transport in Luxembourg is totally free. So made perfect sense to leave our cars and take the bus and trams. Luxembourg city is quite small(as a capital), when compared to other major European cities. The city is characterized by both very steep hills and deep valleys. We spent most of the afternoon and evening walking around the city center covering the town hall, Grand Ducal Palace, the picturesque old city valley. The hilly terrain provided a good work-out. We unfortunately couldn't visit the famous Bock Casemates. It was closed on the day. The Casemets are a 23km stretch of underground tunnels, built into the mountains, and were used to fortify the city. View of part of the Bock Casements The old city: Grand Ducal PalaceView of part of the Bock CasementsThe old city: By now it was getting dark, and we were all hungry from the hiking and walking throughout the day. Returned to the central business district area and looked for options. Nothing could satisfy our hunger pangs than some good Indian food. Krisnha Vilas it was! Was a fairly costly affair, but apart from the kids, we all ordered South Indian thalis. Luxembourg Central Station: Luxembourg Central Station: We returned to our rooms and hit the sack almost immediately. The rooms are just enough for a night's stay. Ours had an extra room with bunk beds for the kids. It was stuffy, so had to open the windows to let some cold in. Post break-fast the next day, we checked out and were on the way to the Caves of Han in Belgium(Grottes de Han). These are a natural set of limestone caves, situated in a small village called Han-sur-Lesse. The Lesse river runs through the town and has been carving the caves through millions of years. Paid 27(and 21 for kids) for a ticket, which we thought was robbery, but after spending about 1.5 hours inside, was well worth it. The ticket includes a guided tour and a light and sound show in one of the largest domes inside the cave. First experience for the kids inside the cave and they were pretty excited through-out. Guides also speak in English. River Lesse, gushing out of the caves River Lesse, gushing out of the caves It was almost 5pm when the cave tour was done. Took rest for a while and started our return journey home which took about 1.5 hours. This was a short trip, but which had an ample amount of fun and activity, keeping both us and the kids engaged. Looking forward to the next one. We had to cancel the plans for our longer 2000km trip due to some un-foreseen circumstances. So we decided to do a shorter 2 day trip.Luxembourg was chosen as the destination, with a night stay in the city. I didn't have the time to write up detailed plans but I knew we had to cover at-least Berdorf. Its a little village/town just near the Germany/Luxembourg border. Its referred to as Luxembourg's little Switzerland. It has just over 2000 inhabitants, making most of the natural beauty of the place perfect for hiking, camping and trails.We left home at around 7.45 AM. This is usually very late for us, but a friend and family coming along means we have to make some adjustments. I fueled up the Rapid to about 3/4th tankful and we started the journey. The kids had enough of snacks and made themselves comfortable for the 270 km trip to Berdorf, via Germany.Cars: My Rapid Spaceback and a Silver Toyota Auris Hybrid(In the background here. My friend wants his privacy!).After a short halt for a stretch in Germany, we arrived at Berdorf at about 10.00 AM. There are many viewpoints and hiking trails here and each of them stunning. Netherlands being as flat as it can be, we were thankful on seeing the hills and the fog rolling over them.Berdorf: We hiked a short while. Temperature around 7 degrees but was very pleasant in the sun. After about an hour of hiking and rock climbing, we decided to return. There were a few hikers doing longer trips.Tanked up on food and water and resumed our journey to Luxembourg, which took just about 35 minutes from Berdorf. We checked in to our hotel rooms(Ibis Aeroport Luxembourg) and freshened up quickly. Plan was to cover the city in the afternoon and evening. I had just learnt the previous day that public transport in Luxembourg is totally free. So made perfect sense to leave our cars and take the bus and trams.Luxembourg city is quite small(as a capital), when compared to other major European cities. The city is characterized by both very steep hills and deep valleys. We spent most of the afternoon and evening walking around the city center covering the town hall, Grand Ducal Palace, the picturesque old city valley. The hilly terrain provided a good work-out. We unfortunately couldn't visit the famous Bock Casemates. It was closed on the day. The Casemets are a 23km stretch of underground tunnels, built into the mountains, and were used to fortify the city.By now it was getting dark, and we were all hungry from the hiking and walking throughout the day. Returned to the central business district area and looked for options. Nothing could satisfy our hunger pangs than some good Indian food. Krisnha Vilas it was!Was a fairly costly affair, but apart from the kids, we all ordered South Indian thalis.We returned to our rooms and hit the sack almost immediately. The rooms are just enough for a night's stay. Ours had an extra room with bunk beds for the kids. It was stuffy, so had to open the windows to let some cold in.Post break-fast the next day, we checked out and were on the way to the Caves of Han in Belgium(Grottes de Han). These are a natural set of limestone caves, situated in a small village called Han-sur-Lesse. The Lesse river runs through the town and has been carving the caves through millions of years. Paid 27(and 21 for kids) for a ticket, which we thought was robbery, but after spending about 1.5 hours inside, was well worth it. The ticket includes a guided tour and a light and sound show in one of the largest domes inside the cave. First experience for the kids inside the cave and they were pretty excited through-out. Guides also speak in English.It was almost 5pm when the cave tour was done. Took rest for a while and started our return journey home which took about 1.5 hours.This was a short trip, but which had an ample amount of fun and activity, keeping both us and the kids engaged. Looking forward to the next one. Last edited by aneezan : 24th February 2023 at 16:52 . Reason: adding word Cutting corners: Cryptocurrency has fallen on hard times, making it unprofitable for just about anyone running a mining operation. That is, unless you're letting someone else pay the utility bills. A Massachusetts man was discovered to have set up an illegal mining farm in his previous employer's boiler room crawlspace. The operation reportedly used more than $17,000 in stolen electricity over an eight month period. The culprit, 39-year-old Nadeam Nahas, was charged by the town of Cohasset, MA, with fraudulent use of electricity and vandalizing a school. He was charged following investigations that led town officials to a hidden cryptocurrency mine that was set up in a secluded crawlspace next to a Cohasset school's boiler room. The farm reportedly included 11 pieces of mining equipment as well as a ventilation system to ensure the mining equipment would not overheat. The farm was originally discovered in December, 2021 by Cohasset's facilities director during a routine school inspection. During the inspection, the director identified duct work, wiring, and several computers that seemed out of place in the rarely accessed crawlspace. The farm was properly identified as an illegal cryptocurrency mining operation with the help of the town of Cohasset's information technology director. Once identified, the pair contacted authorities to further investigate the unauthorized operation and identify its owner. Cryptocurrency mining can be performed using everyday computing resources or larger, far more powerful specialized equipment designed to increase mining yield and overall efficiency. Based on the images released (above), Nahas was running the mining farm using larger application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), a type of chip designed for completing a very specific operation as efficiently and quickly as possible. The miners in the released photos typically require large, server-grade power supplies to maintain 24/7 operations. These supplies, which can range from 1200 to upwards of 2600 watts or more per miner, can run up a pretty hefty utility bill in a fairly short amount of time. In this case, Nahas is responsible for stealing $17,492 in electricity between April and December of 2021. Nahas reportedly resigned from his position as Assistant Facilities Director with the town of Cohasset in the early part of 2022. A Massachusetts judge issued a default warrant earlier this week following Nahas' failure to show up for his February 23rd arraignment hearing. Local outlets later reported that Nahas turned himself in to authorities following the missed hearing. The White House recently announced that it would reverse a telehealth policy implemented during the coronavirus pandemic. Patients will now need to be evaluated in person by a physician before receiving prescriptions for some controlled drugs. Fox News reports that these controlled substances include Adderall and OxyContin, used to treat pain and mental health disorders. The proposal will make it even harder for Americans to obtain these medications via telehealth consultations. Telehealth Policies Reversed The Biden administration declared in late January that the COVID-19 public health emergency (and national emergency) would end on May 11, 2023. The announcement did not affect any significant COVID-19-related health policies at the time. It was also announced that flexibilities associated with providing health care via telehealth during the public health emergency would end. Last Friday, Feb. 24, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) released its latest proposed rules, which state that telehealth flexibilities will be extended for common, non-controlled medications. Schedule II medications and narcotics will be prohibited without an in-person appointment. Vicodin, OxyContin, Adderall, and Ritalin, which the federal government deems to have the highest potential for abuse, can only be prescribed after at least one in-person consultation. However, refills may continue to be prescribed for these medications via telehealth appointments. For 30 days, doctors can prescribe controlled medications such as Ambien and Xanax and medicines used to treat opioid addiction. Any refills for these medications will necessitate an in-person evaluation. Read Also: Researchers Grow Electrodes in Brain, Achieving Breakthrough for Future Neurological Disorders Therapies The DEA clarifies that the regulations do not apply to telemedicine consultations that do not involve prescription controlled drugs. It will also continue to expand access to buprenorphine for patients with opioid use disorder. Preventing Overprescription of Controlled Drugs "The permanent expansion of telemedicine flexibilities would continue greater access to care for patients across the country while ensuring the safety of patients," said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram in a statement. "DEA is committed to the expansion of telemedicine with guardrails that prevent the online overprescribing of controlled medications that can cause harm," Milgram added. In 2020, when the pandemic struck its height, the Trump administration made it easier for people to use telemedicine. This included making it possible to prescribe controlled substances remotely. These modifications to the regulations, which have continued under President Biden, have made all kinds of medical care easier to get and cheaper. However, some experts say that the lax rules have led to a rise in drug abuse. According to Centers for Disease Control data, 106,699 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in 2021. In the meantime, the death rate from drug overdoses involving synthetic opioids other than methadone rose by 22%. Several states have already taken steps to reinstate telehealth care restrictions. As of October, nearly 40 states and the District of Columbia had lifted pandemic emergency declarations, making it easier for doctors to see patients in other states. The proposed regulations respond to the recent emergence of telehealth industry startups that treat and prescribe medications for mental health or attention deficit disorders. The industry and those with limited access to in-person care have significantly benefited from the policy implemented during the pandemic era. Stay posted here at Tech Times. Related Article: Majority of Americans Not Comfortable With AI's Presence in Healthcare, Survey Says 2023 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. SPRING CREEK Six months of unbilled water charges totaling more than $250,000 will be submitted in a complaint to the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to determine if all or a portion must be paid by the Spring Creek Association. The SCA Board of Directors unanimously agreed to file a request for the audit after Great Basin Water Co. blamed an internal issue within the billing system when GBWC changed their rate tier structure. The board had a choice whether to file a formal complaint, an informal complaint, or take it to mediation. Due to the complexity of the rate change in July, the bills for the SCA only got held up due to a programming issue on the billing side, said GBWC President Sean Twomey. In July, rates increased for second-tier users who consume more than 30,000 gallons. Twomey said the change reflects an industry standard that is expected to increase water conservation. The billing program issue was resolved on Jan. 13, according to Twomey. The association was informed about their total charges of $252,696.29 between July 6 and Jan. 6 in writing this month regarding the delay, Twomey added. He called the late bill embarrassing and stated that the company did not charge more, did not charge less, we charged what was delivered to the association. He said technicians continued to read the meters during the six-month period. According to the association, five bills were emailed to the SCA on Feb. 15 after they were requested from Twomey. A sixth one was emailed on Feb. 21. Staff reported the bills were somewhat confusing, including bill corrections that werent clearly identified. No late fees were assessed. During that six-month period, the SCA received a bill for $18 each month. The request for audit by the SCA will seek to uphold a recent tariff accepted by the PUCN and effective July 18, 2022, which states that for an indeterminate billing period, the customer shall pay Utility for the undercharge for a period not to exceed the preceding three billing cycles. We are requesting the PUCN to make a determination of whether the full amount billed is within the tariff, which would, in turn, determine if the full amount of the bill is due to GBWC, said association president and general manager Jessie Bahr. The complaint will be lodged with the Commission and request the PUCN start an investigation into the bills and whether they are in violation of the tariff, she continued. Bahr added that Twomey explained the problem to her in a phone call and a follow-up email this month, when he said that in the changing of rates in July, we ran into an issue with the SCA accounts. It resulted in the pausing of bills so no mistakes were made. This got delayed in the billing department and was only rectified last month. On Wednesday, Twomey told the SCA his company was proceeding correctly. I dont believe were outside our tariff. The delayed billing affected the SCAs operations for the previous fiscal year, said board chair John Featherston. We have nothing to compare to, especially our usage to see how our conservation efforts are carrying along or how the billing is, he said, adding it was a burden on staff to track expenses. Director Josh Park said he understood Twomeys position and efforts to improve GBWCs communications and services for the Spring Creek service area in the past few years compared with past leadership, but whatever the PUCN decision is based on that tariff is one we have to live with. Other billing problems During Twomeys presentation to the SCA board, he discussed an issue with automatic meter readers AMRs that resulted in an E notation on some bills. Twomey said the problem occurred due to a delay in data transfer to accounts. The meters were read correctly [but] sometimes there is a delay in getting data processed and estimated reads are sent out, Twomey said. On the fourth failed read, technicians will investigate the issue, he said. He did not have a total of customers affected by the estimated reads. This is rare and I am working on getting the total count for 2022, but dont have it yet, Twomey said. The E notation appears next to the total gallons recorded under the End Read column. Twomey said there is no further communication to the customer who receives an E on their bill. Earlier this month, Twomey announced that the company was taking a corrective action to adjust the billing cycles and mail bills about two weeks apart. The action is to generate bills closer to the date of actual meter reads, Twomey said. Integrated Resource Plan Every three years GBWC is required to submit an Integrated Resource Plan, and Twomey said the company will submit its next filing on March 4, 2024, before the next General Rate Case that must be filed by the end of the year. Twomey said on Wednesday the replacement of infrastructure required a higher rate, and the revenue requirement went up 15%. We do want to consult with the PUCN and staff as we go through the next year, he said. If they think that is too much of an impact on rate payers, well pull back. Pointing to Spring Creeks aging facilities within the associations residential sections that are more than 90% built out, Twomey explained summer months are when more water is consumed. Our system can handle the flows but is under more pressure during the summer due to the high volume being pumped, he said. Growth in the community has slowed. [Now] our focus is repair and replace rather than addition of assets since we have enough capacity to meet projected growth. Open house The action came one day after GBWC hosted a customer open house with nine staff members to address complaints, billing issues, meter readings and more with residents that Twomey said went well. Staff from Spring Creek, Reno and Pahrump were on hand Tuesday afternoon, meeting with 20 people out of the 5,051 connections, Twomey added. Among the questions staff received were how the new tier structures affect billing. We educated a lot of people on how to read their bills, Twomey said. [Also] we had a few action items to take away from the conversations. One Spring Creek resident who has lived in the area for 20 years but declined to give her name attended the open house. She stated that she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to someone from the company in person. Unfortunately, with this company, you cannot reach a live person and talk to them. When you phone you get a new person every time and you start the story over again. She said she had a water leak and excess billing for three months and needed answers about water consumption. One of the complaints is they send bills that show you are 1,000% more than you were last year for the same month, but nothing in their system triggers that to come out and look and see if there is a leak or a bad meter. Mark and Deborah Hutton, who moved to Spring Creek in September from Carson City, had concern about the rates. Absolutely shocked out of our mind when we got our first water bill, Mark said. Having lived in San Jose, California before, Ive never seen such outrageous water bills in my entire life. We came from the Carson area and it was more than double, Deborah added. And its not consistent. We spoke to neighbors and its been a concern for years. As new residents, the Huttons wanted more information from GBWC staff during the open house. We cant complain if we dont come down here, find out whats going on and get a fix to it, Deborah said. The Huttons added they were debating whether to continue to landscape their property this summer. The couple said they learned they had a leak and thats on us. They said they received a bill for $170 for timed sprinklers that run no more than 30 minutes. The unidentified woman said she received a satisfactory answer from GBWC staff Tuesday afternoon and that she had direction. Twomey said GBWC is considering scheduling one-on-one meetings with customers annually and asked customers to continue to reach out to the utility directly with their concerns. 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Chelsea junior skill catches the eye "Nuclear phase-out" realized in Germany, the last three nuclear power plants in operation were shut down Communities 2019 - Privacy The information on this site is from external sources that are not under our control.The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. Gustav Klaus Wolfgang Schafer is born September 8, 1988 in Magdeburg (Germany) and is a German musician, currently drummer and percussionist of the band Tokio Hotel. Biography Gustav grew up in Magdeburg with his parents and older sister. As a child, he listened to the Pop/Rock CDs that his father played on the family stereo(Genesis, Eric Clapton,etc.), and spontaneously he marked the rhythm of the drums with his hands. His parents soon noticed that he had a talent for rhythm and enrolled him in a music school where he learned how to handle percussion.1. This early passion for the drums allowed him to evacuate all the frustrations he knew in the context of schooling. Gustav has always suffered from his small size. Indeed in college, he was the size of a CE2 student. As a result, he was the victim of bullying and humiliation from his classmates.1. From the age of nine, twins Bill Kaulitz and Tom Kaulitz began giving small concerts at village and school parties. They often perform in a hall in Magdeburg where young musicians from the region come to participate in small competitions. It was in 2001,during one of these performances, that Gustav noticed the voice-string tandem formed by the Kaulitz twins, aged 12. He is the first, with his sensitivity, to have felt, from his first meeting with the Kaulitz twins, that something had to happen between them. "When I saw Tom and Bill, playing and singing, I immediately understood that my future was going to be with them"1. He is therefore impressed by the performance of the two brothers, but shocked by the fact that they only have a simple drum machine as drums. He returns to see them the next day with his friend Georg, a bassist who attends the same conservatory as him. During the meeting, the current passes immediately and the decision is made quickly to form a pop rock band. They call this group Devilish. The band signed a contract in 2005 with Universal Music. It then became Tokio Hotel2. Tokio Hotel had a career without a break from 2005 to 2010, then the band took a break, during which Gustav Schafer stayed in Germany, then returned in force in 2014. On October 3/6, 2014,the album Kings of Suburbia was released. Gustav Schafer is a little more included in the promo of this album and his tour than in the past. On October 29, 2018,Gustav announced a new event, the DRUMS 'N' BBQ workshop. It aims to take lessons in drum making, cooking, asking questions, etc.3. Style and image His musical tastes are oriented towards metal. His favorite bands are Metallica, Foo Fighters, Slipknot, System of a Down, Nickelback, Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse and Meshuggah.1. Gustav currently has 5 tattoos: The first depicts two angel wings on the back, these surrounding a sword adorned with two laurel branches. According to him, wings represent freedom. The sword is for all the bad things that have happened to it or maybe it will happen in the future. Laurel represents strength, courage, all good things and positive achievements: happiness with the group and their family for example. The second is a shooting star present on the inside of his right forearm, this one was made during a tour in the United States. The third was done in 2009 on his right calf, these are the lyrics of the song Hurt by Johnny Cash. The fourth is present on his right leg and was made in 2011. It depicts rectangular shapes with skulls inside. And to finish his fifth tattoo and therefore the most recent is the one he has on the top of his right arm. So far, there is no clear picture of what it can be or a statement about it. Miscellaneous facts In 2008 in the city of Magdeburg, Gustav was the victim of a car accident after colliding with an oncoming tram.4. On July 15, 2009,Gustav was assaulted in a German nightclub. As a result, 36 stitches were placed on his skull. Here is the Gustav's biography in french : "It was a very heartwarming thing. It really lifted the mood at the school," Erdelyi Zsuzsanna, head of Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, smiled when talking about Chinese President Xi Jinping's reply to a letter from students of her school. "We were very happy that there was a reply so quickly," Erdelyi told Xinhua recently at her school in Budapest. "We were very happy, because we thought that a person in such a high position would not be sure to respond to the students' letter." "We are very proud of our students for writing such a letter and for receiving such a nice response," she said. Before the Spring Festival, Varga Bonita and Imre Tamara, two Hungarian students whose Chinese names are Hu Lingyue and Song Zhixiao, wrote a letter to Xi and his wife, Professor Peng Liyuan, on behalf of all students in the school, conveying their New Year's greetings. In their letter, they also spoke about what it felt studying Chinese in the school for 12 years, and expressed their willingness to study in Chinese universities and contribute to the Hungary-China friendship. Days later, Xi replied, saying he still remembers chatting with teachers and students of the school in 2009, while encouraging Hungarian youths to learn more about China and become envoys of the China-Hungary friendship. On Friday, Yang Chao, charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary, officially delivered Xi's letter to the school. Speaking in fluent Chinese, Varga and Imre said they are "very excited and honored" to receive Xi's letter, and hope to go to China for their college study. After winning the Chinese Ambassador Scholarship for the second time in January, "Imre and I decided to write to Grandpa Xi to express our gratitude and convey our Spring Festival greetings," Varga told Xinhua. "Our dream is to be a translator. This letter will encourage us to continue working hard to study Chinese and become an excellent translator," said Varga, who loves Chinese tea culture and enjoys online Chinese food programs. Stifter Adam, deputy state secretary for Development of Oriental Relations of Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said the school has been "one of the best examples of cultural and educational cooperation" between Hungary and China. "By getting to know the history and culture of China's language, the students' knowledge increases, and this greatly contributes to the development of cultural relations and friendship between the two countries," Stifter said. "Getting to know each other's culture was the primary goal" in the school's development, said Lebanov Jozsef, head of the Public Education Strategy Department of the State Secretariat for Public Education of Hungary's Ministry of Interior. "I feel that the past two decades have proven with absolute certainty that our vision has succeeded," he said. "Today's event also shows that there is a living close relationship between the school's students and China, and that the students studying here are particularly attentive to the cradle of the Chinese language and culture they learn here," he added. When the bilingual school was founded in September 2004, Erdelyi recalled, most of the students were Chinese native speakers or children of mixed parentage. "However, as time went on, there was an increasing interest in learning the Chinese language here in Hungary, and it gained momentum in 2008 after the Beijing Olympics. Since then, the development has been unbroken," Erdelyi said. "Today, most of the students are Hungarian native speakers and study Chinese continuously for five hours a week." Currently, the only full-time school in Central and Eastern Europe that uses Chinese and the local language for instruction has 12 grades and 20 classes with more than 530 students. "We can proudly say that many of our students have passed the baccalaureate exam and advanced baccalaureate exam, and obtained language exams in Chinese. Some of them have even gone to China as scholarship students," Erdelyi said. "In 2009, when Mr. Xi Jinping, China's vice president at the time, visited Hungary, he assured our school that he would support and help its development. I think he fulfilled this promise to the maximum, fulfilled it, and created all the opportunities for the students studying here ... so that teaching could go well and all tools and help should be available for us," she said. In his reply letter, Xi also said that he hopes the students have the opportunity to travel around China, learn more about today's China as well as its history and culture. Erdelyi, who has visited China several times since 2007 and had "fantastic experiences" there, said Xi's words resonated with her, stressing that it is important for the students to "test the knowledge" they acquire in Hungary. Looking into the future, the school head said she expects more programs of this kind, so as to further strengthen the cultural exchanges between Hungary and China. "The school can form a bridge between the two countries, where the students studying here can later work a lot in building relations between the two countries, since they speak the mother tongue of both countries very well," she said. "Many Chinese companies have already settled here in Hungary and started operation. There is also an opportunity here to develop the students' knowledge and Chinese language skills. They can help to strengthen and develop these relations," she added. Mitch Landrieu, the Biden administration infrastructure coordinator, is in his office on Feb. 10, 2023. He says $1.2 trillion of infrastructure projects are about to take off now that the policies and procedures for the spending have been developed. A pair of men take a walk through North Boulevard Town Square. The square will be the starting point for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society hosting the fundraiser, Walk MS: Baton Rouge on Saturday, March 18. Olivia Newton-Johns husband, John Easterling, described her as his soulmate, a healer, and the most courageous woman hes ever met, during Sundays state memorial service at Hamer Hall in Melbourne. Every day with Olivia was supernatural, and every day with Olivia there was magic, he said. Dame Olivia Newton-Johns memorial service is being held at Hamer Hall on Sunday afternoon. Credit: Simon Schluter Newton-Johns family, friends and dignitaries gathered alongside stars of the stage and screen for todays memorial service. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, Governor Linda Dessau and the United States ambassador to Australia, Caroline Kennedy, were among those in attendance. Members of the public, many wearing a splash of orange, were also among the 2500-strong audience for the Australian music icons farewell. Orange was her favourite colour because it radiated optimism, Newtown-John believed. Councils and environmental groups say the NSW governments failure to implement cat curfews and take stronger measures on domestic pets has allowed cats to kill millions of native Australian animals. In some jurisdictions, local councils have the power to implement pet management restrictions, such as cat curfews. Ondine Evans has constructed an outdoor cat pen for her two cats, Butternut and Biscotti, so they are not a threat to local wildlife. Credit: Nick Moir In Victoria, councils can order cat owners to keep pets inside during specific hours. Last year, the Australian Capital Territory began a district-wide curfew for cats bought after July 1. Western Australia and NSW remain the only two states that have no restrictions. Australia has just experienced three years of cooler and wetter than average conditions, due to a protracted La Nina event. The wet has led to prolific growth of grass and bushland, including rapid regrowth in areas scorched by the Black Summer bushfires. The bush is already primed, but the flames have not waited in some states. Despite a mild, wet summer, grass fires have flared in western NSW near towns such as Cobar and Wentworth and in Queenslands western Darling Downs. Last Tuesday, a blaze broke out near Flowerdale in the foothills north of Melbourne, burning some 1000 hectares before being brought under control on Friday. Firefighters fear the coming spring and the summer of 2023-2024 will see widespread grass fires, and they caution an increased risk up to and possibly including this April. Black Friday, Ash Wednesday, Black Saturday ... the dire epithets litter Australian lives, reminders only of loss and suffering, and the cruel reality that bushfire is an existential threat that never goes away. Three years after the catastrophic Black Summer, experts warn the fires are poised to return. Further, they believe Australia is nowhere near adequately prepared. A report by the Climate Council and Emergency Leaders for Climate warned governments at all levels to prepare for a potentially devastating fire season in 2023. It called for more funding to agencies, full-time staff and volunteers and was critical that emergency services and state and local governments lacked permanent arrangements while still struggling with ad hoc solutions to manage long-term disaster recovery. Greg Mullins, former commissioner of Fire and Rescue NSW and founder of Emergency Leaders for Climate Action, predicted more misery due to Australias failure to move away from fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Just as we did before the Black Summer fires, we are issuing a warning now: unlike last time, we now have a government that just might listen, he said. History shows grass fires follow floods. There have been three protracted La Nina episodes since 1950: 1954-1957, 1973-1976, and 1998- 2001. During each of these periods there was prolific growth of vegetation, followed by extensive grass fires across Australia, then by major forest fires causing loss of life and property on the east coast, particularly in NSW. Australia experienced the most widespread grass fires ever recorded in 1974-75, with about 117 million hectares burnt nationally or about 15 per cent of Australias land mass. Since then, climate change has worsened and is intensifying extreme weather. Because of this, firefighters fear that extensive grass fires that break out in hotter, drier, windier weather conditions than those experienced in 1974-75 could be far more destructive and deadly, not unlike those experienced in the United States in December 2021. NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Rob Rogers is worried about the coming fire season with the state facing the worst grassfire threat in 20 years. While the agency was more concerned with areas that had not burnt in the 2019-2020 Black Summer, heavy regeneration across the state means the risk remains high everywhere. Rogers believes that given the heavy grass growth there is every chance Australia could see as many fires as burnt in the 2019-2020 fires - about 11,400 fires. In Victoria, the grassfire threat remains normal, but this could change next week when the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council updates its seasonal outlook. Maps by the state fire agency show the amount of grassland curing a measure of the amount of grassland that has dried out or died remains higher in the north. Nine years ago, Parampreet Singh Rajput realised he was living life as though he were a machine. He worked more than 16 hours a day, seven days a week. As a young migrant, he sought to do well. I realised I was losing the real taste of life, said the chartered accountant, who runs his own business. It was work, work, work and nothing else. Club members untie their turbans before donning the helmets they must wear to ride. Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui The 40-year-old, from Lyndhurst in Melbournes south-east, started spending more time with his wife and two daughters. And he sought a hobby. He remembered how, in Amritsar, his home city in northern India, he used to love riding a motorcycle up into the hills with friends. I would like to know on what basis Melbourne Water reduced the flood mitigation measures for the tunnel flood wall, Crapper said. Civil engineer Ron Sutherland was manager of land development at Melbourne Water until he left in 2002. Asked about development in the catchment, Sutherland said flood walls were often a bad idea. Walls will divert flows, so generally it will cause more water to be diverted into areas that originally did not cater for the higher flows, he said. Aerial images along the Maribyrnong River over the past 20 years show construction of thousands of new homes with each leaving the landscape less able to soak up water and the subsequent run-off pouring into the river. University of Melbourne Associate Professor Brian Cook earlier this month said there should be a moratorium on development on floodplains. Were encroaching into floodplains in little bits, nibbling at the edges, and thats putting things in harms way and reducing the capacity of the river, he said. Loading Liberal MP David Davis told parliament last week that planning decisions on the Maribyrnong River floodplain were potentially exacerbating flooding. You should not expect communities to be confronted with a flood event that has been caused in part or in whole by planning decisions that have been made foolishly, he said. The $12.6 billion rail tunnels western entrance sits on land in Kensington that was protected in last Octobers flood. Flood protection is essential for the rail tunnel, but its construction in Kensington may have had consequences for homes and businesses nearby, and elsewhere on the Maribyrnong River. Studies completed in 2016 to assess the tunnels environmental effect noted its construction could increase flood levels upstream and downstream, and that compensatory flood storage of 9000 cubic metres roughly the entire MCG playing surface at a depth of half a metre would be required. Flooding in October in Kensington. This photo was taken 250 metres from where the new Metro Tunnel flood wall has been built. This requirement was revised down to 2100 cubic metres, in consultation with Melbourne Water, and a flood storage area established on land next to the river in Kensington. Melbourne Water guides development on metropolitan floodplains. A spokesman for the authority said the decision to revise down the land needed to offset the floodplain taken by the Metro Tunnel was made using a range of information and data. A Rail Projects Victoria spokeswoman said the Metro Tunnel project had undergone a thorough planning assessment to assess and mitigate the impacts on surrounding neighbourhoods. Kensington resident Denise Jurys apartment is in a building flanked by Flemington Racecourse upstream and the Metro Tunnel entrance downstream. Kensington resident Denise Jury and dog Dougal walk past the Metro Tunnel flood wall in Kensington. Credit: Joe Armao The buildings basement flooded in October, destroying residents cars and belongings held in storage cages, despite it being built to withstand a one-in-100-year flood. She questioned the effect of major works like the Metro Tunnel on flood levels. Have they actually taken sufficient due diligence to ensure local properties arent unduly affected because of its presence? she said. At a recent public forum on the Maribyrnong flood inquiry, Melbourne Water strategic projects manager Liz Nairn said the authoritys input was crucial to a project proceeding. Our advice is extremely important. It often can make or break an approval or a refusal decision, she said. Denise Jurys apartment building in Octobers flood. Credit: Denise Jury Failures in the flood early warning system and planning decisions, revealed by The Age, have led to concerns about the independence of a Melbourne Water review into the flood. Those concerns led to state parliaments upper house last week passing a motion to hold a parliamentary inquiry into Octobers floods. A community petition pleading for the government to build flood prevention for the suburb of Maribyrnong has attracted more than 2000 signatures. Madeleine Serle, whose Maribyrnong home was smashed by Octobers flood, criticised the inconsistency of millions of dollars being poured into protecting only some sites. However, for me and thousands of other residents no mitigation, and no plans for mitigation, she said. Greens deputy leader Ellen Sandell said successive state governments had a scattergun approach to planning that meant some selected sites were protected from floods while many residents were left vulnerable. The Andrews government has rejected building a dam or retarding basin to protect the suburb of Maribyrnong from future severe flooding. Water Minister Harriet Shings spokeswoman said the government would await the recommendations of Melbourne Waters review before making any decisions relating to flood management. A flood immune 9.1-metre building at the Metro Tunnel site in Kensington. Credit: Marcus Wong Victorian MP David Ettershank, representing the Legalise Cannabis Party, is a Kensington resident who was heavily involved in the fight against the Flemington Racecourse flood wall built in 2007, and was also later involved with discussions about the Melbourne Metro Tunnel. Loading An African American man who was the first person tried and acquitted for the Eureka Rebellion and who was buried in an unmarked grave was memorialised in central Victoria on Monday. The US ambassador to Australia, Caroline Kennedy, unveiled a plaque at White Hills Cemetery in Bendigo to honour John Josephs life. An illustration depcting John Joseph (sixth from right), one of the 13 men charged with treason for their part in the Eureka Rebellion. Credit: Samuel Calvert Joseph was the first of the 13 Eureka Stockade leaders put on trial, facing a charge of high treason after he was accused of firing the first shot which killed Captain Henry Wise, according to The Herald in 1889. After miners in Ballarat became disgruntled by exorbitant licence fees imposed by the colonial government, protests erupted on the diggings in 1854, culminating in the Eureka Rebellion. Twenty-two diggers and six soldiers were killed. Horton Interiors, one of the regions leading design and build fit-out firms, is marking ten years in business with a new office in Abu Dhabi. Established as a Dubai maintenance company in 2012, Horton Interiors has evolved to offer a complete design and build solution, growing its client base to include some of the biggest names in the region. As well as opening its new office, the company has increased its headcount by 50% to deliver larger projects across the emirates. The last twelve months have seen several strategic management appointments, including Douglas Drummond (ex-Perkins & Will) as the Managing Director, Neelanchana Kumar as Design Director, and Abdelmouamine Bougandoura as Operations Director. Daniel Craig has joined the team as Business Development Manager, while Aitzaz Ahmad has been promoted to the post of Senior Business Development Manager. The company has also undergone a re-brand and relaunched its website to reflect a forward-thinking approach that combines technology, sustainability, creativity and well-being. On its 10 years of successful operations, Drummond said: "Horton has built a strong reputation over the past ten years and we will maintain the same commitment to quality as we move forward into our next phase of growth. The demand for design and build has increased as more clients are looking for better value and faster project delivery." Horton Interiors has a diverse client portfolio across several sectors. Some of its notable projects completed over the last 12 months include, The Bureau Business Centre, the UAE's first female-focused co-working centre; the first physical store for sustainable fashion retailers The Giving Movement in Mall of the Emirates as well as new regional office for architecture giants Gensler in Abu Dhabi. It also has to its name projects like Allsopp & Allsopps new Agent Hub in Motor City; Ras Al Khaimah's largest co-working centre and Middlesex University's new Academic City campus. "Our mission is to create and deliver unique concept designs in the quickest timeframes, with the best RoIs. Having skilled design, procurement, and construction management teams in-house means we can consider all aspects off a design to achieve superior results," he stated. "We are currently working on Phase Three of the renovation of the J Club health and wellness destination in Jumeriah Beach Hotel," he added.-TradeArabia News Service RCEP will generate innovation and new industries, and act as a catalyst for long-term trade and investment growth between the Philippines and China, said a Philippine official. MANILA, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines will embrace new opportunities to foster economic growth from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement as the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, a Philippine envoy to China has said. "It's like an opening of a door to competition. However, there will be challenges among players and business people. But as everybody says, there is also an opportunity every time there is a challenge," Benito Techico, Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos' special envoy to China for trade, investments, and tourism told Xinhua in a recent interview. The Philippine Senate ratified RCEP on Feb. 21, a massive free trade agreement involving Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It is the world's largest free trade area representing 30 percent of the global gross domestic product. Philippine officials said RCEP covers roughly 50.4 percent of the Philippines' export markets, 67.3 percent of the country's import sources, and 58 percent of foreign direct investment. According to Techico, Philippine consumers will reap tangible benefits from competitions brought by the RCEP member countries. Preferential import tariffs for Philippine exports, such as agricultural and tourism products, would also give the Southeast Asian country more access to bigger markets. "I think joining RCEP will encourage local businessmen to be more innovative. There will probably be new industries and innovations that would arise from the new generations," Techico said. He stressed the need for the Philippines to fully use its geographic dividend as a strategic location in Asia to attract more foreign investment in manufacturing and logistics. "Technically, we have more access in terms of logistics. We could have more opportunities because those factories or the regional investors might want to take advantage of the country's location and set up a regional logistic hub in Asia," Techico said. As the newly-appointed special envoy to China for trade, investments, and tourism, he believed RCEP catalyzes long-term trade and investment growth between the Philippines and China. "I would expect more guidance or support from China in terms of coming up with manufacturing facilities and investment. Moreover, if there are more partnerships between Philippine farmers and the Chinese technology provider, it will be great for agriculture," he said. Economic and trade cooperation between the Philippines and China has yielded fruitful results in recent years. According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, by the end of 2021, China had been the Philippines' largest trading partner for six consecutive years and had emerged as the Philippines' second-largest export destination. For the first 11 months of 2022, the bilateral trade volume hit 80.41 billion U.S. dollars, up 8.3 percent year on year. A federal plan to tighten the tax breaks on superannuation is focusing on people with more than $3 million in their retirement funds, in a move that could limit the changes to fewer than 1 per cent of taxpayers. Treasurer Jim Chalmers said the $3 million cap was a good example of the potential change to be debated in a bid to prevent deeper budget deficits and ensure the nation can fund healthcare, disability care and other services. Treasurer Jim Chalmers is concerned tax concessions on big superannuation funds will favour wealthier Australians over most taxpayers. Credit: Oscar Colman The Grattan Institute and other advocates for change have aired ideas such as applying a higher tax rate on the earnings of funds that exceed a cap such as $2 million or $5 million, a move that would adjust the tax rate without preventing people from having as much as they want in their funds. Chalmers has expressed concern about funds worth more than $3 million on the grounds that the tax concessions on the big funds come at a cost to all taxpayers but favour wealthier Australians who do not need the help compared to people on low and middle incomes. The federal government will appoint a senior official within the Department of Home Affairs to lead efforts on cybersecurity amid growing attention to threats to consumers from attacks that steal personal data and put services at risk. The government will announce the new post the co-ordinator for cyber security on Monday when it assembles business and government leaders for a meeting that aims to step up defences in corporate and public systems. The government will hold a roundtable on cybersecurity on Monday. Credit: iStock The new co-ordinator, who is yet to be named, will be backed by a National Office for Cyber Security within the Department of Home Affairs to co-ordinate work across the government. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Home Affairs Minister Clare ONeil will hold a roundtable meeting with company chiefs and government security officials to discuss the latest threats and the level of preparedness across Australian networks. Batavia, NY (14020) Today Generally sunny despite a few afternoon clouds. High 82F. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Showers and thundershowers in the evening, then overcast overnight with occasional rain. Low 44F. Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh (left) meets with Governor of Nong Bua Lamphu province Suwit Chanworn on February 24. (Photo: Vietnamese Embassy to Thailand) The meeting formed part of Thanhs working visit to Thailands Northeastern region. At the meeting, the ambassador briefed the governor about political-foreign relations, economic, trade and investment ties between the two countries, as well as the need for cooperation between their localities. The two sides also talked about the 10th anniversary of the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Thailand this year. Thanh said that the Vietnam-Thailand strategic Partnership has developed very well in almost all fields. Leaders of the two countries agreed to continue promoting the cooperation in various fields and especially emphasised the "three connections", including connection in supply chain, connecting small and medium-sized enterprises and connecting the two countries' sustainable growth strategies. The ambassador emphasised that connecting small and medium-sized enterprises is very important and needs support from local authorities. He suggested the provincial administration of Nong Bua Lamphu study and consider sending delegations to Vietnams localities which have similarities with Thai localities. Thanh recommended Nong Bua Lamphu to connect with other provinces in the Northeast Thailand such as Udon Thani to open more tours to Vietnam. The ambassador also asked the provincial administration to continue to support and create more favorable conditions for the Vietnamese-Thai community in the province. For his part, Suwit said that the province is interested in cooperating with central provinces of Vietnam, including Quang Tri and Nghe An. He highly appreciated Vietnamese enterprises running business successfully in the province and making contributions to the province's socio-economic development. The province's authorities always respect and will always support the Vietnamese Thai community here, he said./. 3 RVs Swept Away When Embankment Collapsed in Valencia An RV begins to fall into the Santa Clara River as the ground bellow it is washed away by flooding due to heavy rain washing away over 150 feet of land and multiple RV homes in Castaic, Calif., on Feb. 25, 2023. (Allison Dinner/AFP via Getty Images) VALENCIA, Calif.Three motorhomes were swept into the Santa Clara River Feb. 25 when an embankment collapsed in an RV motorhome park in Valencia. The collapse was reported around 12:30 a.m. at the Valencia Travel Village RV Resort on Highway 126 West, one mile west of the Golden State (5) Freeway, according to broadcast news reports. No one was inside the motorhomes and no injuries were reported, but many residents were left without utilities, and chunks of the embankment continued to fall into the river forcing owners of other RVs to relocate, news sources reported. Residents move belongings away from the Santa Clara River as it floods due to heavy rain, washing away over 150 feet of land and multiple RV homes in Castaic, Calif., on Feb. 25, 2023. (Allison Dinner/AFP via Getty Images) A message left on the resorts voicemail said that due to extenuating circumstances it was not taking new reservations at this time and that the park was diligently working to restore water and power. The resort has 381 sites and amenities including heated pools, playground, convenience store, and laundry facilities. Anthony Furey: Beijings Election Interference Must Be Taken Seriously Commentary There can be a tendency among the public to write off political scandals as nothing more than partisan infighting, and its often an understandable tendency. These days politicians and their proxies turn every little misstep made by their opponents into the biggest of dramas, demanding inquiries and resignations for things that dont even register in the minds of the public. Sometimes the noise that comes from political circles probably seems to people as just that, noise. But no one should write off the latest news about the Chinese Communist Partys interference in Canadian elections as the scandal of the day. Its far bigger and much more wide-reaching than that. It must be taken seriously by everyone, including the intended beneficiary of this interferencethe federal Liberal government. The shocking developments, as first reported by Global News, are that before the 2019 federal election the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) alerted senior aides in Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus office that Toronto-area Liberal candidate Han Dong was part of a Chinese government foreign interference network. The CSIS reports claims that the Chinese Consulate in Toronto was not pleased with the performance of previous Liberal MP Geng Tan and so sought Dong as the replacement politician to do their bidding. The national intelligence surveys probe into this operation was so broad that it involved not just human sources and surveillances but wiretaps as well. The Liberals appear to have done little with that information though, as Dong, a former provincial MPP, remained as the candidate in that riding and is now the ridings sitting MP. And the Liberal government claims, without offering specific evidence, that reports on this matter are riddled with inaccuracies. This is not a partisan saga but a national security one. The leaks dont come from politicians looking to hurt the government. They come from senior security sources willing to risk their careers and even personal liberties to reveal this information to the public. Global News received the documents and information from three different intelligence sources and provided them all anonymity to speak because these individuals could actually risk prosecution under the Security of Information Act. Dong is just one of 11 MPs who were allegedly Beijings preferred candidates and received some degree of support from the Toronto consulate to help them win. Most are Liberals, although two are reportedly Conservatives. While Dong firmly denies these allegations, the reports also say he wasnt just a passive beneficiary of this interference but an active participant. His actions also indicate he has made decisions that would please any Beijing communist handlers. Trudeau cant possibly decline an inquiry & RCMP investigation after this, wrote Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, a former senior public servant who is considered one of Canadas top experts on relations with China. I noted that Han Dong left his chair in the House of Commons just before the unanimous vote on Motion 62 to bring 10,000 Uyghurs to Canada. Didnt want to get in trouble with his PRC bosses? He has zero credibility. This goes beyond one MP though. It goes beyond the 11 MPswho will all likely soon be named. It speaks to the core of the integrity of our democratic processes. We should step back and think about PRC interference as an example of Chinas extraterritorial reach, its ambition to extend its authority to areas that are currently the responsibility of political parties or various levels of government in Canada, wrote David Mulroney, Canadas former ambassador to China, on social media. We should be very worried about the PMs muted response to these threats to our sovereigntyas if hes willing to cede some governing space to Beijing. This whole saga is also very alarming for Torontonians of Chinese heritage who fear intimidation and retaliation from the Beijing regime, whether it be pressure they feel here in Canada or potential harms brought to their family members back in China. This is a non-partisan issue that needs a vigorous all-hands-on-deck response. Lets hope the federal government comes around to that point of view and gets serious about the issue. Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has proposed a Digital Bill of Rights to protect Florida residents from Big Tech overreach. The digital age has led to what many see as the infringement of Americans First Amendment rights. The Constitutions founders viewed the right to speak freely as natural law. Fast forward to 2016, then 2020, and now 2023, and there is clearly a disruption to the natural order. Perhaps the most significant violation of free speech is the recent discovery that the federal government colluded with social media platforms to censor and, in some cases, ban its users. In addition to censorship, courts are also held up with cases on consumer data and geotracking. As a result, defending constitutional rights seems to be a long, cumbersome process. PittsburghAndrew Alvarezs immigrant parents had high standards. From an early age, he knew they hoped a career in medicine or engineering would follow his 2004 graduation from Quaker Valley High School. There was only one problem, and it was a biggie: Cooking is what actually fired the Sewickley, Pennsylvania natives creative juices. It just appealed to my general nature, and just made sense, he said. What really ignited the flame was a year-long visit during fifth grade with his maternal grandparents in the Philippines, where his Chinese mother grew up. His extended familys traditional foods became a comfort thing for the 10-year-old, and the various Asian cuisines and different ways of eating really opened my eyes to a world beyond the fast-food hamburgers, Italian-American pastas, Chinese buffets and Vocellis pizza he grew up on. My grandparents were Chinoys (Chinese-heritage Filipinos), so I had this benefit of being exposed to both Filipino cuisines and Chinese cuisine, he said. Because meals are also a social affair in the Philippines, food was always connected to gatherings and great times. He remembered that as he studied culinary arts at IUP Punxsutawney. Today, after years of cooking, planning menus and managing staff at upscale restaurants around the country, including the 4-star Peabody Hotel in Orlando, Florida, Orchids in Palm Court in Cincinnati and Or the Whale and Hotel Monaco in Pittsburgh, Alvarez is hoping to inspire others in the kitchen while opening their eyes to other cultures. Date Nights Last November, the 36-year-old Beechview resident became the first chef to help build a culinary program at Sweetwater Center for the Arts in Sewickley. He offers a range of cultural cooking classes for teens and adults several times a week in the Broad Street kitchen, including date night classes for couples, all with a single mission: to use food as a medium of communication and positive reinforcement for under-represented Black and Brown communities. Last month, he led a class on the foods of West Africa and their influence on Southern cuisine, with recipes from Nigeria, Morocco, Senegal and Ghana. He also hosted a class on American influences on the cuisines of Guam and Korea following World War II and the Korean War. During the three-hour class, students got a brief history lesson while learning how to prepare Chamorro shrimp patties, Filipino leche flan and the Korean fusion stew budae-jiigae, which is made with an intriguing and fiery mix of Spam, hot dogs, kimchi, tofu, gochujang, ramen noodles andwait for itAmerican cheese. If you saw [these ingredients] in a friends pantry, youd probably ask, Are you OK? or Do you need money for groceries?,' he told students as they went over the hot pot recipe also known as Army base stew. You have every right to be suspicious. The punchy stew is the delicious result of Korean ingenuity and resourcefulness. Food was scarce in Guam and Korea following the conflicts, Alvarez explained as the group went over the ingredient list. Surplus rations from U.S. military basesprocured by both legal and illegal meanshelped people survive, often with surprising results. The blend of American ingredients with the traditional flavors of Korean cuisine produced a dish so tasty and hearty, it soon spread to restaurant menus. Today, budae-jiigae is one of Koreas most beloved dishes. Chamorro shrimp patties, which are made with the evaporated milk and frozen vegetables favored by U.S. sailors, have a similar origin. An offshoot of the American fritter, they were born in post-World War ll Guam. They were left with all this stuff and this was an ingenious way to create a fried shrimp dish, noted Alvarez. Finding his Place Many culinary schools focus on classic French and Italian techniques, and cuisines from Southeast Asia and Africa are often underrepresented. It can be tough for chefs of color to make their voices heard, or to get credit for their influences on Americas culinary traditions. Even though Alvarez has has more than a decade of experience in the food industryhes been everything from a line cook and banquet chef to sous chef and chef de cuisineyou always had to say, Is my food good enough?' He admits he made fun of his Filipino heritage as a teenager. It wasnt until he was in his 20s that he realized his people were cool and Filipino food is amazing. It finally clicked for me that the world is a big place and I can understand it better through cooking and eating and appreciating other cultures. He got a taste of teaching at Gaynors School of Cooking in the South Side in the 2010s, and loved it, while he was a lead cook at the Terrace Restaurant in the Omni William Penn Hotel. After working as chef de cuisine at Michaels Genuine Food and Drink in Cleveland, he returned to Pittsburgh last year when his wife, Heather, was offered a job here. Only then did Alvarez realize he could make a bigger impact by teaching lesser-known cuisines to people eager to increase their cultural awareness. Sweetwater Calls While Sweetwater renovated its kitchen in 2012, it was used mostly for birthday parties and summer classes for kids. So last spring the board started asking: If culinary arts is part of its artistic vision, shouldnt it be expanded to include teenagers and adults? Sweetwater board president Terri Tunick originally wanted him to do a fundraising series in the arts centers updated kitchen. Alvarez told her hed rather run an entire culinary program. The cooking school is still in its early stages, with minimal equipment and donated utensils and supplies. But Alvarez more than makes up for any deficiencies with his unbridled enthusiasm. Ill be as bold as I can be, he said. Its time to put all my experience into something Im passionate about. For adults and budding high school chefs, he has created a five-week curriculum focused on knife skills and basic cooking techniques. Culinary date night classes are geared toward couples looking to learn a skill while spending time together, and include wine with the executed menu. Prices range from $75-$85 for a single class to $175 for couples. Upcoming courses include Foods of New Orleans on Feb. 16, and Foods of Central America and the Caribbean on Feb. 18. In the latter, students will learn the history and preparation of traditional foods such as Puerto Rican mofongo (fried plantains), arroz con gandules (rice and pigeon peas) and Jamaican goat curry. Future classes will include a shout out to Thailand, India and other cuisines of Asian Pacific heritage. Alvarez also hopes to develop pastry and baking classes. Whats cool is we can be creative, which is super exciting, he said. Lets learn to cook the world together. Information: or 412-741-4405. Chamorro Shrimp Patties An offshoot of the American fritter, Chamorro shrimp patties (bunelos huang) are a favorite food on the island of Guam. (Gretchen McKay/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette/TNS) PG tested These soft fried shrimp fritters are an island favorite in Guam. They are served with finadene, an all-purpose peppery vinegar sauce full of umami that is a staple of Chamorro cuisine. For Finadene 1 English cucumber, sliced 1/2 cup julienned white onions 6 ounces soy sauce 6 ounces vinegar 5 ounces white sugar For Shrimp Patties 2 eggs 1 12-ounce can evaporated milk 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon each garlic and onion powder 1/2 teaspoon Creole seasoning 2 pounds small raw shrimp or medium shrimp, peeled, deveined and chopped into chunks 10-ounce bag frozen mixed vegetables Vegetable oil, for frying Directions Prepare finadene: In a bowl, stir together cucumbers, onion, soy sauce, vinegar and sugar until well combined; set aside. Prepare fritter batter: To the bowl of a food processor, add eggs, evaporated milk, flour, baking powder, salt and spices. Blend until smooth. (You can also mix batter by hand using a whisk.) Add shrimp and mixed vegetables, combining well. Heat oil in a large frying pan or deep fryer to 350 degrees. Drop shrimp batter by generous tablespoonfus (you can also use a 1-ounce ice cream scoop) into the hot oil, and fry until golden brown and cooked through, about 6 minutes. Drain on paper towels. (Be sure to bring the oil back to temperature between batches. Serve at room temperature, with finadene. Serves 6 to 8. Chef Andrew Alvarez, Sweetwater Center for the Arts Bukae-Jjigae Budak Jjigae is a Korean fusion army stew that incorporates American-style processed food such as Spam, Frankfurt sausages and sliced American cheese. (Gretchen McKay/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette/TNS) PG tested Also known as Army base stew, budae jjigae is a spicy fusion dish that incorporates American processed meats such as Spam and hot dogs into a kimchi-based Korean stew. It dates to the 1950s, when Koreans used surplus processed meats from U.S. military bases to survive after the Korean War. You can find rice cakeschewy, oval-shaped discs made from pounded ricein Asian grocery stores such as Lotus Food in the Strip District next to dumpling wrappers. Ingredients 7 ounces Spam, sliced 1/4 -inch thick 5.3 ounces Frankfurt sausages, sliced on the bias 9 ounces tofu, cut into 1/2 -inch chunks 7 ounces Enoki mushroom, base cut off and separated 7 ounces King oyster mushrooms, sliced 3.5 ounces shiitake mushrooms, sliced 4 ounces store-bought or homemade kimchi, chopped 1 cup julienned white onion 2 tablespoons minced garlic 1 tablespoon minced ginger 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons gochujang (Korean hot pepper paste) 2 tablespoons white wine 32 ounces chicken stock, or more to cover 1 package dried ramen noodles 1.8 ounces rice cakes, soaked 1 green onion, sliced 1 or 2 slices American cheese, sliced into strips Instructions Layer everything but stock, ramen, rice cakes, green onion and American cheese artfully in a large, shallow pot. Add enough stock to cover, then bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer for 8-10 minutes. Add ramen noodles, rice cakes, green onion and cheese on top of the pot and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes, until noodles are cooked. Remove from heat, and serve in warmed soup bowls. Serves 8 to 10. Chef Andrew Alvarez, Sweetwater Center for the Arts Copyright 2023 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. EPA Orders Temporary Halt to Shipping of Ohio Toxic Train Crash Contaminated Waste Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (L) and Tristan Brown, deputy administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, crouch down to look at part of a burned train-car at the site of a Norfolk Southern train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 23, 2023. (Allie Vugrincic/The Vindicator via AP, Pool) Amid objections from Michigan authorities who said they werent aware that hazardous materials were headed into their state, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ordered a temporary pause on shipments of contaminated waste from the site of Norfolk Southern Railways Feb. 3 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. Everyone wants this contamination gone from the community, EPA Region 5 Administrator Debra Shore said. They dont want the worry, and they dont want the smell, and we owe it to the people of East Palestine to move it out of the community as quickly as possible. Shore vowed that the removal process will resume very soon. On Feb. 3, a Norfolk Southern train carrying 151 cars derailed in East Palestine, a village of 4,761 in eastern Ohio near the Pennsylvania border. A black plume rises as a result of a controlled detonation of a portion of the derailed Norfolk Southern trains in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 6, 2023. (Gene J. Puskar/AP Photo) The National Transportation Safety Board reported that the train had 20 cars with hazardous materials, 11 of which derailed. To avoid an uncontrolled explosion that officials claimed would send shrapnel into the air, toxic vinyl chloride was intentionally released and burned from five cars on Feb. 6, sending up a massive cloud of black smoke that could be seen for miles around and was likened to a mushroom cloud caused by a nuclear weapon. The burn triggered questions about the health effects on the residents of East Palestine. EPA Takes Over Waste Disposal Norfolk Southern had been responsible for waste disposal until Feb. 24, Shore said. The railroad provided Ohio environmental officials with a list of disposal sites. Shore said disposal plans, including locations and transportation routes for contaminated waste, will be subject to EPA review and approval. EPA will ensure that all waste is disposed of in a safe and lawful manner at EPA-certified facilities to prevent further release of hazardous substances and impacts to communities, she said. On Feb. 21, the EPA ordered Norfolk Southern to pay for cleanup costs in East Palestine. Norfolk Southern will pay for cleaning up the mess that they created and the trauma that they inflicted on this community, EPA Administrator Michael Regan said. I know this order cannot undo the nightmare that families in this town have been living with, but it will begin to deliver much-needed justice for the pain that Norfolk Southern has caused. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said in a Feb. 23 statement, [Under EPA guidance,] Norfolk Southern brought in large dump trucks to move contaminated soil to U.S. Ecology Wayne Disposal, a licensed hazardous waste disposal facility in Michigan. This will be a continuous effort to properly manage and safely dispose of the waste. So far, 4,832 cubic yards of soil have been excavated from the ground and more may be removed as cleanup proceeds. When the process begins to dig up the tracks and remove the soil underneath, that soil will be hauled away immediately and taken to a proper disposal facility. More than 1.7 million gallons of contaminated liquid have been removed from the derailment site, according to DeWines office. Most of the 1.1 million gallons hauled off-site were sent to a Texas-based hazardous waste disposal facility, which has stated that it will no longer accept shipments. A small amount was transported to Vickery Environmental in Vickery, Ohio, DeWines office reported. DeWines office stated that 15 of the 20 truckloads containing contaminated soil were shipped to the Michigan hazardous waste treatment and disposal facility in Wayne County in the Detroit area. Five truckloads were returned to East Palestine. Currently, about 102,000 gallons of liquid waste and 4,500 cubic yards of solid waste remain in storage on site in East Palestine, not including the five truckloads returned to the village, DeWines office stated. Additional solid and liquid wastes are being generated as the cleanup progresses. Michigan Authorities Unaware The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy said in a statement on Feb. 24 that it became aware of the shipments earlier that day. The department stated that its working to monitor the disposal of hazardous soil and liquids from the Ohio train derailment at licensed hazardous waste facilities in Michigan to ensure that all health and environmental protection laws and procedures are rigorously adhered to. We expect any shipment of Ohio soils and liquids to be handled in accordance with all laws and regulations as any other contaminated site material that is disposed of at the facilities, which are subject to extensive monitoring to ensure that hazardous waste does not present a threat to the environment or human health, the statement reads. On the evening of Feb. 24, Wayne County Executive Warren Evans said his team didnt get advance notice that the materials would arrive. State officials also got last minute bits and pieces of information, he noted. Evans said Wayne County government officials should have been consulted before the contaminated waste was shipped to their area. I dont know how you do that without contacting the local officials so that we can, No. 1, know how to respond to our communities, and No. 2, give advice in terms of routes that you may take, Evans said. Im not here to say anybody was attempting to do anything nefarious. But I can say that the outward effect of it looks like were being sandbagged. The EPA stated that it will coordinate with Michigan officials on toxic waste disposal from the derailment site in the future. U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) represents Ann Arbor and part of Wayne County. In a Feb. 24 statement, she echoed Evanss view that Michigan officials should have been notified about the toxic waste headed their way. We were not given a heads up on this reported action. Our priority is to always keep the people we represent safe, Dingell said. We are making inquiries of EPA, DOT, Norfolk Southern, U.S. Ecology, the state of Ohio, and all others involved to understand what is being shipped, whether these are approved storage facilities, the implications of this decision, and how we ensure the safety of all Michigan residents. In this next part of our exclusive special series with Michael Sekora, founder and director of the Socrates Project within the Reagan White House, we tackle the question: is a hot war with China inevitable? And if so, is the United States ready for it? Sekora noted: The reality is, if you look at the U.S., we are not prepared to go for a hot war. If you look at, in terms of the Navy, theres a significant number of ships which are not battlefield ready. Okay, if we look at the Air Force, the Air Force is cannibalizing some of the older platforms to keep the new platforms up in the air and battle ready. If we look at the Marine Corps, which weve worked with, they say that they basically have to wait to see what China is going to do and hope like hell they can figure out how to fix it before it goes hot with them. As for what China is doing, he noted: They will continue to build their competitive advantage. And number two, they will know when they have the required competitive advantage. So even though some of these actionslike the CHIPS Act, like some of the other things, like increasing the [Department of Defense] budget such that we can execute the national defense strategyChinas still chipping away, maneuvering in the technology space and theyre not going to engage until they have the required competitive advantage. So point being, is it inevitable? Yeah. Everything were going to do right now is being done, it just delays that, and it will delay it until China knows they have the required competitive edge. And then well go hot, he added. Have other topics you want us to cover? Drop us a line: And if youd like to buy us a coffee: Subscribe to our newsletter for more first-hand news from China. Follow China in Focus on social media: Twitter: Truth Social: Gettr: Facebook: Gab: Telegram: Ford Suspends Production of F-150 Lightning EV for Additional Week After Battery Fire The Ford F-150 Lightning pickup truck during a press event in New York on May 26, 2021. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters) Ford Motor Co. will halt on F-150 Lightning production until the end of next week following a battery problem that caused an EV truck to catch fire during a pre-delivery check, the company said on Friday. The teams worked quickly to identify the root cause of the issue, Ford spokesperson Emma Bergg said in a statement Friday. We agree with SK Ons recommended changes in their equipment and processes for SKs cell production lines. SK On, a South Korean EV battery maker and supplier, has started building battery cells again at a plant in Georgia. However, it will take time to ensure they are back to building high-quality cells and to deliver them to the Lightning production line. Ford will continue to hold completed trucks until engineering and production changes are made. The company said it does not believe vehicles already in use by customers are affected by the fire issue. Ford previously said that production at its Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan would be postponed until at least the end of this week as engineers identified the root cause of the battery problem. The Ford F-150 Lightning displayed at the Philadelphia Auto Show in Philadelphia on Jan. 27, 2023. (Matt Rourke/File/AP Photo) Battery Fire The Feb. 4 fire happened at an outdoor lot near Dearborn, Michigan where vehicles are held for quality checks. One Lightning caught fire and spread to two nearby vehicles, causing the company to halt production the next day. No injuries were reported. The production halt comes at an inopportune time for Ford, which has struggled with quality issues, recalls, and high warranty costs for several years. The problem also stops the production of a popular product. Bergg previously said the company is still working through a backlog of nearly 200,000 reservations for the F-150 Lightning since it stopped taking them in December 2021. Reservation holders put down $100 deposits, which Ford was converting to orders. Last year, Ford sold more than 15,000 of the trucks in its first full year of production. There have been previous problems with the lithium-ion batteries used in most electric vehicles. Fires in the batteries can burn very hot and take thousands of gallons of water to extinguish, which has caused difficulty for firefighters attempting to put out battery fires in several Teslas after crashes. General Motors, Hyundai, BMW, and others have issued recalls of the batteries. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Former Marine Finds Missing Florida Boy Safe in Woods Former U.S. Marine Roy Link carries 2-year-old Joshua JJ Rowland after the boy was found in the woods in Hernando County, Fla. (Courtesy of Hernando County Sheriff's Office Facebook) BROOKSVILLE, Fla.A former U.S. Marine is being hailed as a hero Friday for finding a 2-year-old boy who had been missing since wandering out of his north Florida home a day earlier. I said a prayer about 10 minutes before I found him, Roy Link told Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis in a video the sheriffs office posted on Facebook. Some 500 volunteers and scores of law enforcement officers had searched for Joshua JJ Rowland since he was reported missing by his parents. Sheriffs officials said the boy left the home in Brooksville while one of his parents was asleep. Roy Link is the man of the year here in Hernando County, the sheriff said. Brooksville is about 50 miles north of Tampa on Floridas Gulf Coast. The boy was found in the woods a good distance from his house, Nienhuis said. The good news is he did not end up in any water, obviously, and he was not abducted, the sheriff said. He was found in the woods. He seems to be fine. Hes definitely going to have something to tell his kids and grandkids about. The sheriff said he was overwhelmed by the large number of volunteers who turned out to look for the child. The boy was checked by paramedics and appeared to be fine, the sheriff said. I was hoping and praying for a miracle. I certainly was not expecting one, he said. Im sure mom and dad are going to keep an eye on him from this point forward. GOP Primary Candidates Must Sign a Loyalty Pledge Before Debate RNC chairwoman says 'you're not going to get on the debate stage' unless pledge is made Former Presidential candidates Ohio Gov. John Kasich, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, businessman Donald Trump, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush arrive on stage before the Republican Presidential debate in Charleston, South Carolina on Jan.14, 2016. (Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images) Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Ronna McDaniel said Sunday that all GOP presidential candidates who want to take part in the first presidential debate need to agree to a pledge to support the eventual 2024 Republican nominee. Anyone getting on the Republican national committee debate stage should be able to say, I will support the will of the voters and the eventual nominee of our party,' McDaniel told CNNs State of the Union on Sunday. However, when asked about how the RNC could enforce such a rule, McDaniel did not provide a specific answer. Were saying youre not going to get on the debate stage unless you make this pledge. I think people in our party really want to see that. They want to see us come together. They dont want the infighting, McDaniel said in response. We saw big races lost this cycle, because of Republicans refusing to support other Republicans, she added. Unless we fix this in our party, unless we start coming together, we will not win in 2024, she added. Ronna McDaniel, the RNC chairwoman, speaks during the Republican National Committee winter meeting on Feb. 4, 2022, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File) During the CNN interview, host Dana Bash played a clip of former President Donald Trumps appearance on the Hugh Hewitt Show this month, where he was asked if he would support the eventual Republican nominee. It would have to depend on who the nominee was, Trump said. In response, McDaniel said that Trump and all the other Republican candidates had signed the RNCs pledge during the 2016 election. However, McDaniel signaled that not all of the candidates have signed the pledge. I think theyre all going to sign it. I really do, she said. I think President Trump would like to be on the debate stage, she added. Bash also asked McDaniel about potential Republican 2024 candidates who oppose Trump signing the loyalty pledge. I think you support the voters, she responded. I am Mitt Romneys niece and I was appointed to the RNC by Donald Trump. And I would support both of them if they were the nominee of our party over Joe Biden. But I dont know if they would support each other, McDaniel said. What Comes Next The first Republican presidential debate will be held in August in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In an email sent last week, McDaniel told RNC members that no other debates have been sanctioned so far and no final rules have been set, reported The Washington Post. The Committee will continue its work and will release updates as they become available, McDaniel wrote. We have a long way to go, but I am confident we will be able to showcase our eventual nominee in a world class fashion. As of Sunday afternoon, Trump and other would-be GOP challengers have not issued a public comment on her remarks. So far, other than Trump, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy are the major Republicans to have announced presidential bids. Then-President Donald Trump meets with Nikki Haley, the then-U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, in the Oval Office of the White House in a file photo. (Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images) A recent poll found that Trump received support from 43 percent of registered Republicans, while 31 percent said they supported Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and just 4 percent picked Haley, who announced her White House run earlier this month. The poll came before Ramaswamy announced his bid last week on Fox News Tucker Carlson program. There is speculation DeSantis may run for president but has not announced his intention to do so. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who also is weighing a White House bid, got 7 percent of Republican support in the poll, essentially tied with Haley, according to the Reuters-Ipsos poll released in mid-February. Last week, DeSantis traveled to New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia to speak to law enforcement groups on criminal justice matters. He also will headline Republican fundraisers in Alabama, California, and Texas early next month, reports say. DeSantis this week waded into foreign affairs by criticizing Bidens Ukraine policies, saying on the Fox News Channel that Russia does not pose a threat to Europe and that Biden should be focusing more on China. Reuters contributed to this report. Australian Senator Lies in Front of Truck, Interrupting Mardi Gras Parade Australian Senator Lidia Thorpe, a former greens who is now independent, temporarily halts the Sydney Mardi Gras Parade by lying in front of a vehicle before she was asked to leave by police on Feb. 25, 2023. (AAP Image/Alex Day) Federal Senator Lidia Thorpe lay in front of a truck in the Mardi Gras Parade on Saturday night, with her stunt temporarily halting proceedings. In a video of the incident shared on social media, the former greens senator who is now independent can be seen lying on her back in front of the truck on Oxford Street during the Saturday night parade. Two police officers then approach Thorpe as the crowd begins to boo. Get rid of her! Get rid of her, a person in the crowd can be heard chanting during the incident. She can then be seen getting to her feet and appearing to argue with police and Mardi Gras crew before she agrees to leave and is accompanied from the street. Police said that organisers had asked for Thorpes removal for breaching the terms of her participation. Thorpe said she was proud to join the parade as part of the Pride In Protest float in a social media post on Sunday. Black and brown trans women started the first pride march as a protest against police violence. Today, we still face violence from police, she wrote on Twitter. NSW Police told AAP a woman had temporarily blocked the progress of the parade after lying on Oxford St in front of a float at about 9 p.m. She was later removed from the parade at the request of organisers for breaching the terms of her participation, a spokesperson said. A spokesman for Sydney Mardi Gras confirmed the parade had been interrupted by Thorpe as she attempted to stage a protest. While we respect the individuals right to protest, interrupting the parade in this way has significant implications for the safety of our participants and audience, the spokesman said. Thorpe was not arrested. Police have said they will not be laying charges against the senator for her temporarily disruption of the parade. The Epoch Times contributed to this report. National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (right) meets with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during his visit to Australia last year. (Photo: VNA) In an interview with the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)'s resident correspondents in Australia on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Vietnam - Australia diplomatic ties (February 26, 1973 2023), the ambassador said it is time for both countries to look back and recognise efforts to develop their bilateral relations. Right after the Paris Agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam was sign in early 1973, Australia immediately established diplomatic relations with Vietnam, he said. According to the ambassador, in the 1980s, when the US imposed an embargo on Vietnam, Australia actively developed multifaceted relations with Vietnam, providing official development assistance (ODA) for the Southeast Asian country since 1973, and just stopped for a short time. Australia assisted Vietnam in developing essential infrastructure such as North-South 500kV transmission line, My Thuan and Cao Lanh bridges, and modern telecommunications and banking systems. In recent years, many Western countries have cut or reduced ODA for Vietnam but Australia has still maintained ODA, even in the fiscal year 2022-2023, its ODA for Vietnam increased by 18%. In terms of trade, the two countries have given each other the most-favoured nation status since 1974. For many consecutive years, Australia has ranked in the top 10 trade partners of Vietnam. In 2022, Australia became the 7th largest trade partner of Vietnam. In education, Australia has granted scholarships to Vietnamese students since February 1975. As Vietnam and Australia are celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations and 5 years of strategic partnership this year, this is a meaningful time for us to look back at history, thereby working towards a common vision for the next 50 years, Thanh said. Over the past half-century, Australia has helped Vietnam break sieges and embargoes and explored areas of cooperation for mutual benefits. In the next half-century, the two countries will build increasingly comprehensive, equal, and reliable relations as well as strengthening the friendship between the two nations' people, he emphasised. Vietnamese Ambassador to Australia Nguyen Tat Thanh. (Photo: VNA) Vietnam and Australia are neighbours in the Western Pacific, sharing strategic interests in peace, cooperation and development in the region. The two economies are highly complementary, especially in terms of natural resources, human resources, and technological and financial capabilities. Australia has a developed knowledge-based economy and leading education in the world. Australia's per capita income ranks second among the world's leading developed and emerging economies (G20). In particular, Australia has not only respected and listened to but also shared sympathy with Vietnam. Australia has also become a comprehensive strategic partner of ASEAN. Australia and Vietnam have accompanied together in regional and global multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), and the United Nations. These are advantages that the two sides need to take advantage of and promote in the coming years, the ambassador said. It can be said that the two countries have proper conditions to work together to cultivate a closer relationship in all fields for the benefit of the people of the two countries and for the common interests of the region and the world. This year, many delegation exchanges and celebrations have been and will be organised in both countries. Based on the review of the Action Programme to implement the strategic partnership between 2020 and 2023, the two sides are currently working together to develop a replacement document. The three pillars of cooperation are defined in this plan, including economy - trade, security - defence and innovation - creativity are likely to be continued because there is still plenty of room, Thanh said. In addition, the two sides are considering several new pillars for comprehensive relations in the coming years. Emerging fields such as climate change, green economy, clean energy, knowledge-based economy, digital transformation are expected to be highlighted in this new document. The Vietnamese Embassy in Australia this year expects to coordinate and promote the exchange of delegations at all levels and through channels, increase strategic dialogue, implement cooperation mechanisms, and establish several new mechanisms. We will also continue to support efforts to connect central agencies, ministries, sectors, localities, and businesses with Australian partners, he said, adding that at least 60 delegations of Party, State, and local leaders are expected to visit Australia this year. Meanwhile, leaders of the Australian State, Government, Parliament and states and territories all have plans to visit, especially Governor-General David Hurley is expected to visit Vietnam in the second quarter of 2023. During a visit by National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue to Australia in late November and early December last year, the top legislator and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced the intention to upgrade the two countries relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership at an appropriate time. Thanh said that he believed that conditions have been basically met, so the two sides can fully consider the possibility of upgrading their relations soon. If the plan is realised on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam-Australia diplomatic ties, it will be of practical significance for the two countries to jointly build a vision for the next 50 years. Regarding the role of the Vietnamese community in Australia in developing the two countries relations, the ambassador said that the 350,000-strong community plays an important role in promoting the friendship and understanding between the Vietnamese and Australian people. He said that Vietnamese-Australian people who are currently participating in politics, holding important positions in the parliament, the federal government and the state administrations have increasingly voiced their support for friendly relations with Vietnam, conveying messages so that Australian politicians and people have a deeper understanding of Vietnam. Many overseas Vietnamese intellectuals, experts and scientists at Australian educational institutions and research centres are increasingly expressing their desire to contribute more to the development of the two countries. According to the ambassador, overseas Vietnamese businesses also make contributions to the homeland. In addition, generations of overseas Vietnamese students got mature and better aware of the need to nurture the Vietnam-Australia relationship. Many individuals have participated in community activities, helping Australians understand the situations in all aspects of Vietnam./. Idaho Bill Would Bring Back Execution by Firing Squad The execution chamber at the Idaho Maximum Security Institution is shown as Security Institution Warden Randy Blades look on in Boise, Idaho, on Oct. 20, 2011. (Jessie L. Bonner/AP Photo) BOISE, IdahoIdaho could bring back firing squads as a method of execution under legislation introduced by a panel of lawmakers Wednesday. The state eliminated its never-used firing squad option in 2009, but has been unable to secure the drugs needed for lethal injection executions. Only Mississippi, Utah, Oklahoma, and South Carolina currently have laws allowing firing squads if other execution methods are unavailable, but a judge has put South Carolinas law on hold until a lawsuit challenging the method is resolved. In the bill sponsored by Idaho Rep. Bruce Skaug, a Republican from Nampa, firing squads would be used when lethal injection isnt available. Skaug noted that the state canceled the planned execution of Gerald Pizzuto Jr. late last year after Idaho Department of Correction officials said they were unable to get the chemicals needed for lethal injection. Pizzuto has spent more than three decades on death row for his role in the 1985 slayings of two gold prospectors. The way it stands now, they may never get those materials for the lethal injections, Skaug told the House Ways and Means committee. This is a rule of law issue: Our criminal system should work and our penalty should be exacted. Skaug acknowledged that death by firing squad can cause severe pain, but he said it was a better option than lethal injection. There can be about 10 seconds of extreme pain before death at times, but I find it to be, in my personal view, more humane than lethal injection, he said. The vast majority of states that allow executions use lethal injection as their primary method, though some states also allow other methods like electrocution. There have been only three firing squad executions in the United States since 1976, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Eight people, including Pizzuto, are on death row in Idaho, according to the Department of Correction. The Idaho bill still needs a public hearing before the committee will decide whether to send it to the full House for consideration. Indigenous Voices Who Oppose Uluru Statement Being Marginalised, Indigenous Senator Says Country Liberal Party Senator Jacinta Price (R) is handed a nalanala (fighting stick that represents country) by grandmother Tess Napaljarri Ross (L) during an indigenous ceremony at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, on July 27, 2022. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) Many Indigenous Australians who disagree with the lefts proposed Uluru Statement from the Heart have been ignored or bullied, contrary to the narrative that the statement represents a consensus among Indigenous leaders, an Australian senator has warned. The Uluru Statement is a 2017 petition by a group of Aboriginal leaders who called for constitutional reform in Australia to improve Indigenous peoples political representation. It has since been widely endorsed by governments at both state and federal levels, with the Albanese government moving to hold a referendum for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament later this year. In early February, leaders of eight states signed a joint statement to declare their support for the Voice at their Council for the Australian Federation meeting. South Australia on Feb. 24 passed the First Nations Voice Bill, moving the state closer to having an Indigenous Voice in parliament, while the Queensland government also introduced an Indigenous treaty last week. But Country Liberal Senator Jacinta Price, herself an Indigenous Australian, argued on Feb. 25 that the Uluru statement didnt reflect the diversity of viewpoints among the Indigenous community, warning that opposing voices are being sidelined in the process. The statement is aimed at benefiting the elites rather than ordinary Aboriginal Australians, Price alleges, adding that Uluru in the statement name was only used as the backdrop for maximum manipulative impact. Uluru carries spiritual and cultural significance for Indigenous Australians. There were many who disagreed with the process, and [were] ignored or bullied, she wrote in a comment on Facebook. Disputes Over The Uluru Statement The Uluru statement, which was introduced at the First Nations National Constitutional Convention in 2017, proposed establishing an Indigenous Voice in the parliament to advise the government on Indigenous-related matters, treaty-making and a truth-telling process. The moves intention is that by enshrining an Indigenous political voice now in the Constitution, this can atone for the treatment of those indigenous individuals in the past who were systematically discriminated against during British colonisation. Those in favour of changing the Constitution argue that the race of the original owners of the country should be given a voice on matters that directly affect them. According to the From the Heart website, the Uluru statement represents a historic consensus of Indigenous leaders in seeking constitutional change to recognise First Australians through a Voice to Parliament. Yet, Price noted that the statement was signed by 250 individuals who attended the Convention by invite only, and that those present who walked out over disagreements with the proposal were threatened with tribal punishment, which means violence. The Warlpiri-Celtic woman said there are many Indigenous language groups who do not have a signature on the Uluru statement, including her Warlpiri people. But naive white fellas believe the nonsense peddled, and Aboriginal people from the bush are exploited by the elites for their own agenda, she added. This is why I and many other Aboriginal Australians say No to this constitutional change that only seeks to empower the elite while exploiting the most vulnerable. Dont destroy our democracy through naivete and emotional blackmail! The senator has previously noted that political views among Indigenous Australians are as diverse as for other groups of Australians and not homogenous. Details Still Unclear The senators comment came as a reply to a comment supportive of the Uluru statement under a social media post by the teal independent MP Monique Ryan on Feb. 25. However, the original comment was later deleted, as well as Prices reply comment. Ryan, the Climate 200-backed MP who won the seat of Kooyong, Victoria, previously held by former Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, announced in her post she would hold an information session about the Voice to Parliament on March 2. That post remains visible on Facebook. Monique Ryan on May 21, 2022 in Melbourne, Australia. (Sam Tabone/Getty Images) The teal MP will be joined by Aboriginal musician Uncle Bart, National Indigenous officer at the Maritime Union of Australia Thomas Mayo, and co-chair of the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria Marcus Stewart. The post saw mixed reactions from Australians, with one person saying the event had a line up of inner-city elites, and others voicing concerns about the details of the Voice and its proposed changes to the Constitution being kept under wraps. So far, the Albanese government has yet to confirm any details about the proposal beyond the Prime Ministers draft wording of the referendum question and the constitutional amendment on an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in July last year. It is unclear what are the functions, size, and cost of the Indigenous body, as well as how it would benefit the most vulnerable Aboriginal Australians, who would be selected as the representative, what the criteria are, and how Aboriginal would be defined. In a separate comment, Price asked whether Ryan would be including an information night with Indigenous speakers who oppose the Voice to provide her constituents with a balanced and informed view. She also asked whether Ryan would be visiting the Alice Springs communities who are struggling amid an alcohol-fuelled crime wave. Ryan did not respond to the questions. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Feb. 18 that a Yes result to the referendum, to be held sometime between October and December, will send the message to the world that we are a mature nation; that we are prepared to come to terms with our history and past. Senator for Victoria Lidia Thorpe during the Invasion Day rally in Melbourne, Australia, on Jan. 26, 2023. (AAP Image/Diego Fedele) Newly independent senator Lidia Thorpe, who quit the Greens over the Indigenous voice on Saturday, said Aboriginal people deserve better than a powerless voice. We need a treaty, we want real power, we want real justice in this country, she said. Everything else we have been offered for the last 200 years has no power. And were not settling for anything less. A Roy Morgan survey of 1,499 people in December, 2022, showed that slightly over half of the Australians surveyed53 percentwould vote Yes to establish an Indigenous Voice in Parliament compared with 30 percent who would vote No, and a further 17 percent who are sitting on the fence. Investigation Begins Into Arkansas Plane Crash That Killed 5 Emergency personnel respond to the scene after a small aircraft crashed while taking off from the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Ark., on Feb. 22, 2023. (Staci Vandagriff/Arkansas Democrat-Gazette via AP) LITTLE ROCK, Ark.Federal investigators headed to Arkansas Thursday to determine the cause of a small plane crash that killed five employees of an environmental consulting firm. Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board planned to begin work to document the crash site and examine the planes wreckage, agency spokesperson Jennifer Gabris said in an email. Gabris said a preliminary report on their findings should be released in about two weeks. A twin-engine Beech B2000 airplane crashed at about noon Wednesday near an industrial site in Little Rock shortly after taking off from the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport. The Pulaski County Sheriffs Office confirmed that all five people on board the plane were killed. The plane was heading to Columbus, Ohio. Emergency vehicles appear near the location where a small aircraft crashed while taking off from the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Ark., on Feb. 22, 2023. (Staton Breidenthal/Arkansas Democrat-Gazette via AP) Environmental consulting firm CTEH, based in Little Rock, said the five dead, including the pilot, were all employees responding to the scene of an Ohio metals plant where an explosion this week killed one worker and sent more than a dozen to the hospital. CTEH on Thursday identified the dead employees as Gunter Beaty, 23, a production safety data manager; Kyle Bennett, 36, a staffing manager, logistics; Micah Kendrick, 41, a safety supervisor; Sean Sweeney, 64, a pilot; and Glenmarkus Walker, 32, a rapid responder. The crash occurred as a line of thunderstorms that the National Weather Service said included wind gusts of 40 mph moved through the Little Rock area. The NTSB said its investigators will be looking into whether weather and other factors played a role in the crash. ISIS Attacks on Syria Truffle Hunters Are Deadliest in a Year BEIRUTThe ISIS terrorist group has carried out its deadliest attacks in more than a year, killing dozens of civilians and security officers in the deserts of central Syria, even as people of northern Syria have been digging out of the wreckage from the regions devastating earthquake. The bloodshed was a reminder of the persistent threat from ISIS, whose sleeper cells still terrorize populations nearly four years after the group was defeated in Syria. The attacks also underscored the terrorists limitations. ISIS terrorist have found refuge in the remote deserts of Syrias interior and along the Iraqi-Syrian border. From there, they lash out against civilians and security forces in both countries. But they are also hemmed in by opponents on all sides: Syrian government troops as well as Kurdish-led fighters who control eastern Syria and are backed by U.S. forces. American raids with their Kurdish-led allies have repeatedly killed or caught ISIS leaders and, earlier this month, killed two senior ISIS figures. The ISIS attacks this month were largely against a very vulnerable target: Syrians hunting truffles in the desert. The truffles are a seasonal delicacy that can be sold for a high price. Since the truffle hunters work in large groups in remote areas, ISIS terrorists in previous years have repeatedly preyed on them, emerging from the desert to abduct them, kill some and ransom others for money. On Feb. 11, ISIS fighters kidnapped about 75 truffle hunters outside the town of Palmyra. At least 16 were killed, including a woman and security officers, 25 were released and the rest remain missing. Six days later, on Friday, they attacked a group of truffle hunters outside the desert town of Sukhna, just up the highway from Palmyra, and fought with troops at a security checkpoint close by. At least 61 civilians and seven soldiers were killed. Many of the truffle hunters in the group work for three local businessmen close to the Syrian military and pro-government militias, which may have prompted ISIS to target them, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, and the Palmyra News Network, an activist collective that covers developments in the desert areas. Smaller attacks around the area killed 12 other people, including soldiers, pro-government fighters and civilians. The area is far from the northern regions devastated by the Feb. 6 earthquake that killed more than 50,000 people in Turkey and Syria. Still, ISIS terrorists took advantage of the earthquake to send a message that the organization is still present, said Rami Abdurrahman, who heads the Observatory. Larger than life: Art that inspires us through the ages Volumes have been written about the quintessentially American author who was inspired by his experience as a Mississippi riverboat pilot to choose the name by which he would pen his works. The term mark twain, a steamboat depth measurement, became Samuel Langhorne Clemenss pseudonym, with which classic literary works such as Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Prince and the Pauper were associated. Although born in Florida, Missouri, Clemens moved to Hartford, Connecticut, in 1871 after his career as an author took off, because he was fond of the area. After renting a home for a time, Clemens and his wife, Olivia, enlisted well-known New York architect Edward Tuckerman Potter to design in 1873 their 11,500-square-foot, 25-room dream home, where, not surprisingly, the library is central. It was here, with his wife and three children, that Mark Twain was most prolific. However, the house was sold in 1903, primarily because of the familys sadness about the death of their young adult daughter, Susy, from meningitis. The house changed owners several times before its formal restoration began in 1963, which was also the same year the Mark Twain House was designated a National Historic Landmark. The Society of Architectural Historians defines the overall style of the Mark Twain House as High Victorian Gothic. The Clemens family desired a uniquely visual residence, and it became one of architect Edward Tuckerman Potters most admired projects. Plenty of windows provide interior light and an opportunity to view the forested landscape, while an assortment of exterior covered and uncovered porches gave easy access to the outdoors. (Courtesy of the Mark Twain House) Assistant Curator Mallory Howard explained that the elaborate walnut woodwork in the front hall is signature Potter style; he was widely known as a church/cathedral architect. A member of Associated Artists (the interior design firm of Louis C. Tiffany & Company), Lockwood de Forest, did additional detailed wood work (e.g., the front hall fireplace), Howard said. (Courtesy of the Mark Twain House) Nineteenth-century New York architect Edward Tuckerman Potter, who specialized in church designs, was responsible for the elaborate wood molding design in the Mark Twain House entryway and stairwell. The artistic and lofty solid-wood star patterns are juxtaposed with a decorative wall treatment background to achieve a stunning effect. (Courtesy of the Mark Twain House) Not surprising is the fact that the Clemenss library was a centerpiece of the elaborate home. Approximately 1,200 books are shelved in the lavishly carved bookcases. The room is outfitted with comfortable upholstery, including a daybed, and bedecked with original art, most of which was not owned by the Clemens family but is similar to paintings of the time period that they would have owned. (Courtesy of the Mark Twain House) Standing in the wide, well-lit library, in front of the to-the-ceiling wood-carved mantel, Samuel Clemens often recited to friends and family poetry, stories, and excerpts from his latest works. Sumptuous tufted velvet chairs invited readers to grab a book and stay awhile. The brass plate at the bottom of the mantel and above the fireplace is a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote: The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it. (Courtesy of the Mark Twain House) The Clemens family enjoyed motifs influenced by worldly designs, such as the East Indian motifs stenciled on the salmon-hued walls and ceilings in the homes drawing room. Far different from the homes other rooms that sport decoratively carved woods, this formal entertaining space is apportioned with the familys tufted furnishings, such as the large curved silk damask sofa. (Courtesy of the Mark Twain House) Besides the ornately tiled fireplace and walls covered in an embossed paper of red and gold, the dramatic focal-point feature in the dining room is the Victorian Aesthetic-Movement sideboard (circa 1875). The large piece is actually in two parts: an upper section with three shelves that have columnar supports and a central closed cabinet resting on a lower section with three drawers and a recessed central cabinet. (Courtesy of the Mark Twain House) Although its referred to as the billiard room, this was most often used by Clemens as his study. Howard said that as an avid player, Sam would have protected the playing surface of the table, especially as he frequently used it as a supplemental work surface. The ceiling of the room is adorned with the top of a billiard table, and light streams into the space. A traditional brass lighting fixture hangs over the billiard table. (Courtesy of the Mark Twain House) Mexico to Maintain Its Diplomats Despite Peru Pulling Its Ambassador Police officers stand outside the Embassy of Peru in Mexico City, a day after Peru's President Dina Boluarte announced the return of the country's ambassador to Mexico, in Mexico City, Mexico, on Feb. 25, 2023. (Luis Cortes/Reuters, File Photo) Mexicos foreign ministry said on Saturday the country will maintain its diplomatic and consular representation in Peru and vowed to keep communication channels open, while regretting Perus decision to remove its ambassador from Mexico. Perus newly installed President Dina Boluarte announced on Friday the withdrawal of the countrys ambassador in Mexico, Manuel Gerardo Talavera, in response to comments from her Mexican counterpart branding her government as unconstitutional. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador told a news conference on Friday that Mexico will keep supporting former President Pedro Castillo, saying he was democratically elected and illegally ousted by a deeply unpopular Congress and government that rule with bayonets and repression, with force. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks during a news conference in Hermosillo, Mexico, on Feb. 17, 2023. (Mexico Presidency/Handout via Reuters) We consider it a great injustice to have removed him [Castillo] from office because he was elected by the people. In addition, the conservatives of Peru, which are a minority, violated the constitution, Lopez Obrador said. In a television address, Boluarte said the statements made on Friday by Lopez Obrador violate the principle of international law about non-interference in internal affairs. Castillo is being held for 18 months in pre-trial detention after attempting to close down Congress by decree to avoid an impeachment trial. The removal of Castillo has sparked a wave of social protests demanding the resignation of Boluarte, the dissolution of Congress, changes to the constitution, and Castillos release. At least 60 people have died in incidents related to protests, with many of the victims coming from the heavily indigenous southern regions of the country. Human rights groups have accused authorities of using firearms on protesters and dropping smoke bombs from helicopters. The army accuses protesters of using weapons and homemade explosives. A Reuters investigation found several cases of people who were shot dead in the city of Ayacucho after the military moved into the region to wrest back control. Perus top prosecutors office last month said it had launched an inquiry into Boluarte and members of her cabinet over the protest deaths and their handling of the violence since early December. Millions of Students Can Change Names, Pronouns Without Parental Consent, but Not Take Over-the-Counter Meds: Report Parents protest Fairfax County Public Schools latest pro-transgender push in school policies outside of the county school board meeting in Falls Church, Va., on May 26, 2022. (Terri Wu/The Epoch Times) Some of the largest school districts in the United States currently require parental consent for students to take over-the-counter medication but not for them to change their names or pronouns, according to a new report. Published Feb. 22 by the nonprofit Defense of Freedom Institute for Policy Studies (DFI), the report notes that such is the case in eight of the nations 20 largest school districts by enrollment, including the New York City Department of Education, Los Angeles Unified School District, and Chicago Public Schools. There are more than 3 million students in America from kindergarten all the way through their senior year of high school who are allowed to change their name and pronouns at school without their parents knowing, but not to take an Advil from the school nurse, DFI spokesperson Angela Morabito told NTD, sister outlet of The Epoch Times, on Feb. 24. According to the 14-page report, only three of the 20 largest districts had readily-available policies requiring parental notification when a child wants to go by a different name. In total, the report identifies 25 school districts around the country that have written policies permitting some or all of their students to use the names and pronouns of their choice without parental consent but still require said consent before the school will offer them medication. And the rationale for this is really just school bureaucrats who think they know better than parents, said Morabito, who served as the press secretary for the Department of Education under former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. They think parents can be cut out of the conversation, and that they should be the ones in charge of major decisions in a childs life. And thats just not true. This report is really about the acute need to put control back in the hands of parents. Morabito noted that, in many cases, school districts will instruct teachers to keep parents in the dark, using a childs legal name and biological pronouns when speaking to his or her parents but then using the students preferred identifiers when addressing them in school. There are also school districts that come right out and say, If the parents object, we do not care, she added. The school district will go along with whatever the student says, even if the parents say, No, this is wrong. We dont want it. But while some parents in small-town America might be tempted to dismiss the issue as one only affecting major cities, Morabito stressed that that was not the case. We found this in major cities and small towns alike, that are saying that they will cut parents out of something so absolutely critical, she noted. So, theres really no part of the country where parents can afford to say, Were going to skip this entirely. Every parent should be looking at what their school districts rules are and making sure that if those rules cut them out that they step up and have a say. Moderna Forecasts COVID-19 Sales Decline as Costs Rise, Shares Fall Moderna logo in an illustration taken on May 3, 2022. (Dado Ruvic/Illustration/Reuters) Moderna Inc. on Thursday forecast declining COVID-19 vaccine sales and rising costs for 2023, raising concerns the U.S. biotech company could post a loss this year, and its shares fell 7 percent. Moderna forecast $6 billion in costs for the year, $1 billion more than the revenue it expects to take in from sales of the COVID-19 shot. The sales forecast implies a possible EPS net loss this year compared to the huge profit its COVID-19 vaccines drove during its peak, Jefferies analyst Michael Yee said in a note. However, there is a potential for positive cash flow this year if Moderna is able to get more advanced purchase agreements for its COVID-19 shots, Yee said. Moderna expects additional sales from markets including the United States, Europe, and Japan. Moderna also reported a fourth-quarter profit that missed Wall Street expectations by a wide margin, saying the results were hurt by a newly-disclosed royalty payment to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) related to development of the COVID-19 vaccine as well as other costs. The company will make a low-single-digit percentage royalty payment to the NIH on COVID-19 vaccines sales going forward, it said, and expects to spend $4.5 billion on research and development this year. The company posted a profit of $3.61 per share, well below analysts estimates of $4.68, according to Refinitiv data. Oppenheimer analyst Hartaj Singh also said the company could have negative earnings in 2023, putting the share price at risk this year and next. Sales of the COVID vaccine, Modernas only commercial product, were expected to fall sharply this year from $18.4 billion in 2022 as much global demand for initial shots and boosters has been met, while governments and other agencies cut purchases. Moderna is developing mRNA vaccines for skin cancer, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) that if approved would significantly lessen its reliance on the COVID shots. It plans to file for regulatory approval of the influenza vaccine this year, but does not expect sales for the 2023 flu season. Modernas fourth-quarter profit was below expectations because it paid a catch-up royalty of around $400 million to the NIH related to a long-standing patent rights dispute over the COVID-19 vaccine. The company had not previously disclosed an agreement for a payment that was set in December. Modernas quarterly profit also took a hit from over $950 million in write-downs and charges related to surplus inventory, cancellations, and a shift to Omicron-targeting bivalent boosters in many countries. By Leroy Leo Navy to Overlook Past Fitness Test Failures to Help Retain Personnel A U.S. Navy helicopter descends to land on the flight deck of the USS Nimitz (CVN 68) aircraft carrier while at sea off the coast of Baja California, Mexico, on Jan. 18, 2020. (Mario Tama/Getty Images) The U.S. Navy says it will overlook all previous physical fitness assessment failures for staffing decisions in a one-time reset to offset the effects of the COVID pandemic and boost retention. This NAVADMIN announces a one-time reset of all physical fitness assessment (PFA) failures, the Navy announced Thursday. As such all Active Component (AC) and Reserve Component (RC) officers and enlisted Sailors shall be counted as having zero past PFA failure prior to the date of this NAVADMIN when considering authority to reenlist, advance, promote, or execute other career continuation transitions such as extensions and duty station transfers. The Navy explained the new policy was to account for sailors having a hard time preparing for the fitness tests during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the government restrictions. It will also help to boost the retention rate in the Navy. The sailors should still be committed to staying fit and maintaining warfighting readiness despite of the new policy, the Navy said in the announcement. The Navy decided to conduct only one PFA each calendar year during the COVID-19 pandemic instead of two. Theres no plan to move back to two tests per year in the 2024 fiscal year, Rear Adm. James Waters III, director of military personnel, plans and policy, told Navy Times. The reset would allow up to 1,500 more sailors to remain in service, Waters said. Navy Recruitment Challenges The Navy surpassed its retention goals and met its active duty enlisted recruitment goals in the fiscal year 2022. However, it failed to reach the recruitment goals set for active duty and reserve sailors. Vice Admiral Rick Cheeseman, chief of Naval personnel, told the Senate Armed Services Committee during a September 2022 hearing that the Navy was witnessing an increased competition for needed talent in their target demographic. We are experiencing challenges due to labor market conditions, strong commercial competitors, and low propensity to serve among our 18 to 24-year-old target demographic, he said. He called for legislation to increase enlistment bonuses, statutory maximums, and specialist skill pay and bonuses to help the navy achieve its recruitment efforts. Correction: A previous version of this article did not outline that all past fitness test failings had been overlooked. The Epoch Times regrets the error. Nigerians Vote for New President, Braving Long Delays in Hope of Bringing Change People looks for their names on voters list put up on a wall at a polling unit, during Nigeria's Presidential election in Agulu, Anambra state, Nigeria, on Feb. 25, 2023. (Temilade Adelaja/Reuters) KANO, NigeriaOfficials counted votes in Nigerias elections on Saturday, with people hoping for a reset after years of worsening violence and hardship under outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari, undeterred by delays at some polling stations. The electoral commission said the official results could be expected from late on Sunday. By the evening, some polling stations were already counting ballots, while voting was still going on at others and had not taken place elsewhere. Some voting was now expected to take place on Sunday. Whoever wins will face a litany of crises. Africas most populous nation is struggling with Islamist insurgencies in the northeast, an epidemic of kidnappings for ransom, conflict between herders and farmers, shortages of cash, fuel and power, as well as deep-rooted corruption and poverty. Reuters reporters at locations across the country saw some polling stations closing at the planned time of 2:30 p.m. (1330 GMT) while others had yet to open. I will wait here to cast my vote. If I dont vote how will things change? said 23-year-old Halima Sherif, whose polling station in the northern city of Kano had not started operating by closing time. Some states were expected to announce results on Sunday and the final tally from all 36 states plus the federal capital Abuja was expected within five days of voting. The election is also for National Assembly seats. There were scattered violent incidents on Saturday, though not on the scale seen in previous elections in the country of over 200 million people. Buhari, a retired army general, is stepping down after serving the maximum eight years allowed by the constitution but failing to deliver on his pledge to bring back order and security across Nigeria, Africas top oil-producing country. The contest to succeed him is wide open, with candidates from two parties that have alternated in power since the end of army rule in 1999 facing an unusually strong challenge from a minor party candidate popular among young voters. Officials from the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) cited technical problems with a new biometric anti-fraud voter accreditation system, the late arrival of vehicles to transport them and the absence of voter registers as causes of delays. It is frustrating that INEC are not prepared for us. All we want is just to vote, said Sylvester Iwu, who was among a large crowd waiting at a polling station in Yenagoa, the capital of Bayelsa State in the southern oil-producing Niger Delta. In a televised news briefing, INEC Chairman Mahmood Yakubu said six biometric machines had been stolen in northern Katsina State and two in southern Delta State. He also acknowledged the delays but said voters would be able to cast their ballots. The election will hold and no one will be disenfranchised, he said. Yakubu said at a later briefing that voting would take place on Sunday in several wards in Yenagoa that had experienced severe disruption on Saturday. Senate Candidate Killed in Preelection Attacks A senatorial candidate from one opposition party and the driver of a campaign minibus belonging to another were killed in a series of coordinated attacks in southeastern Enugu State, police said on Thursday. Enugu State police said suspected members of two Biafran separatist groups that have been banned by Nigerian authorities targeted vehicles from three political parties in simultaneous incidents at separate locations late on Wednesday. They confirmed the death of Labour Party senatorial candidate Oyibo Chukwu, earlier reported by his party, and said the driver of a Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) campaign minibus had also been killed in a separate attack. In both cases, the attackers set vehicles ablaze with petrol bombs, burning to death their occupants, police said. Chukwus driver was also killed. Police said a similar attempted attack on the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) partys gubernatorial candidate in Enugu had been repelled. The Enugu State police commissioner, Ahmed Ammani, in a statement urged citizens not to succumb to the cowardly antics of the hoodlums, which is aimed at creating fear and to disrupt the electoral process. Enugu State is part of the southeastern heartland of the Igbo ethnic group. The region tried to secede from Nigeria in 1967 under the name Republic of Biafra, triggering a three-year civil war in which a million people died, mostly of starvation. In recent years, poverty, joblessness and a sense of political marginalization among many Igbo have driven a revival of interest in Biafran separatism, leading to the emergence of groups such as the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the paramilitary Eastern Security Network (ESN). Both are banned. Enugu police named both groups in their statement on Thursday, saying suspected members were behind the attacks. Scattered Violence In Abuja, a team from the anti-corruption Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) was attacked by thugs just after arresting a man on suspicion of paying for a group of peoples votes using a banking app, the EFCC said. In Lagos, a Reuters TV crew saw police arrest four men on suspicion of intimidating voters, while an election observer from a local civil society group said he had seen thugs armed with knives, chains, and bottles smashing ballot boxes. In most areas, however, the day appeared to have unfolded peacefully despite frustrations over the delays. Tight Race The main contenders to succeed Buhari are former Lagos governor Bola Tinubu, 70, of the ruling All Progressives Congress, former vice president Atiku Abubakar, 76, of the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party, and former Anambra State governor Peter Obi, 61, of the smaller Labour Party. All three voted in their home states, surrounded by chaotic scrums of reporters and supporters. The electoral process cannot achieve 100 percent perfection, Tinubu told reporters after voting. People have to tolerate that. Youve got to accept the results. Tinubu and Atiku, as he is known in Nigeria, are both political heavyweights with decades of networking behind them. Both Muslims, Tinubu is an ethnic Yoruba from the southwest and Atiku is a Fulani from the northeast. Obi, a Christian from the Igbo ethnic group, has less of a political machine but has used a slick social media campaign to generate huge enthusiasm among young voters, with some even calling themselves the Obidients. INEC says its new Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) that identifies voters using biometric data would help avert fraud. Reuters reporters in some locations said officials were struggling to get the BVAS devices to work, while in others the system was functioning smoothly. Despite INECs precautions, analysts have warned there are still risks that cash-strapped citizens could be vulnerable to vote-buying attempts by candidates. Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on Thursday urged the West to turn the Black Sea into a "sea of NATO" a year after the sinking of a flagship Russian warship. Ohio Residents Report Unusual Illnesses After Toxic Train Crash ONG 52nd Civil Support Team members prepare to enter an incident area to assess remaining hazards with a lightweight inflatable decontamination system (LIDS) in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 7, 2023. (Ohio National Guard via AP) More residents of East Palestine, Ohio, have complained about unusual health problems in the wake of the train derailment in their town that released toxic chemicals into the air, ground, and water. Wade Lovett, a resident, told the New York Post on Feb. 25 that hes had issues with his breathing since the derailment and controlled burn of a range of hazardous materials, including vinyl chloride. Doctors say I definitely have the chemicals in me but theres no one in town who can run the toxicological tests to find out which ones they are, Lovett told the newspaper, which published a video of his interview. In the footage, Lovetts voice seemed to sound much higher than normal. My voice sounds like Mickey Mouse. My normal voice is low. Its hard to breathe, especially at night, he said. My chest hurts so much at night I feel like Im drowning. I cough up phlegm a lot. I lost my job because the doctor wont release me to go to work. Shelby Walker, who lives near the derailment site, said shes also suffered health issues. Her family members have also experienced a variety of symptoms, she told the paper. The bad smell comes and goes, Walker said. Yesterday was the first day in probably three or four days that I could smell anything. I lost my smell and my sense of taste. I had an eye infection in both eyes. I was having respiratory issues like I was just out of breath. Other members of my family have had eye infections and strep throat. The cleanup crew drives past us at night and wont even look at us. Its like we dont exist. No one has reached out to us or told us anything, she added. Residents of East Palestine were told they could return to their homes on Feb. 8 after the controlled release and burning of vinyl chloride, which emitted a massive cloud into the sky. Since then, there have been reports from locals of health issues, while others have reported thousands of animal deaths in the area. When we went back on the 10th, thats when we decided that we couldnt raise our kids here, local Amanda Greathouse, who said she has two preschool-age children, told CNN earlier in February. She also said that she noticed a smell that reminded her of hair perming solution. Upon returning home earlier in February, within 30 minutes, she developed nausea and a rash. When we left, I had a rash on my skin on my arm, and my eyes were burning for a few days after that, Greathouse added. The chemical smell was so strong that it made me nauseous, she said. I just wanted to quickly pick up what I needed and leave. I only took a few pieces of clothes because even the clothes smelled like chemicals, and Im afraid to put them on my kids. Katlyn Schwarzwaelder said she and her boyfriend, Chris, both suffered similar health issues. A cleanup crew works alongside a stream as cleanup efforts continue in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 16, 2023. On Feb. 3, a Norfolk Southern train carrying toxic chemicals derailed, causing an environmental disaster. (Michael Swensen/Getty Images) I undressed to get into the shower, and I had a rash all over the side of my face on both sides and all over my chest, Schwarzwaelder said. My boyfriend Chris also had a rash on his left side, and I mean to this moment, right now, I have just a really low-grade constant headache. Other Details Officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) arrived in East Palestine on Feb. 18 to look into potential health risks stemming from the toxic train derailment, according to a White House fact sheet. Those CDC officials were joined by both Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Emergency Management Agency officials. A day before that, Texas A&M and Carnegie Mellon researchers said that nine out of about 50 chemicals that the Environmental Protection Agency said were present on the Norfolk Southern-operated train are at higher concentrations than normal, adding that if these levels continue, they may be of health concern. Chemicals that were seen at higher-than-normal levels include vinyl chloride, benzene, and naphthalene, according to their analysis. But the researchers flagged acroleinwhich has been used in chemical warfareas one of particular concern. On Feb. 24, an EPA spokesman told The Epoch Times that its air monitoring data show that exposure levels of the 79 monitored chemicals are below levels of concern. The analyses published that day assume a lifetime of exposure, which is constant exposure over approximately 70 years, the spokesman said, adding that the EPA doesnt anticipate that such chemicals will remain elevated for anywhere that long. Public Inquiry Needed on Alleged Foreign Interference in Elections, Says Former CSIS Head Trudeau has ruled out a public inquiry to look into Chinas interference in Canadas democracy, saying election process hasn't been compromised A public inquiry is needed to determine whether there has been Chinese interference in Canadian elections, says former Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and national security and intelligence adviser to the prime minister Richard Fadden. In this case, the allegations are so serious they need to be looked into, Fadden said in an interview on Global News program The West Block on Feb. 26. I think the public inquiry is really the route to go, he said, noting it should take place under the Inquiries Act and before the next election, and should be empowered to subpoena people and documents. I think the first thing we need to do is to talk about this seriously, and given the general environment Canada, I dont think its going to work unless we have a public inquiry, Fadden said. He also called for a foreign agent registry. I think we need the registry and I think we need to make it very clear that political parties have a responsibility for ensuring that the Canada Elections Act is complied with, he said. Fadden suggested that its dangerous to have the government try and regulate things too directly due to partisan activities, and that changes should be legislative. When asked about a public inquiry by reporters in Toronto on Feb. 24, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ruled it out, saying Canadas electoral and democratic processes have not been compromised. I think it is a very good thing that Canadians are understanding how serious it is that China and other countries are continuing to try to destabilize and influence our democracies and our institutions, he said. Thats why we have continually given new resources and new tools including a panel and a task force that we set up way back in 2019. Trudeau said the results of the last two federal elections were not affected. Canadians can be and should be confident that our institutions, particularly our electoral and democratic processes, have not been compromised, were not compromised in the 2019 and 2021 elections, the prime minister said. It Is not a Minor Issue Jean-Pierre Kingsley, former chief electoral commissioner for Canada from 1990 to 2017, has also called for a public inquiry. We need to find out what has transpired. I favour an independent inquiry because this is what will satisfy Canadians. It is not a minor issue, he told The Globe and Mail on Feb. 23. Kingsley said news of recent CSIS leaks documenting Beijings alleged interference in the 2021 federal election suggesting the regime helped its favoured candidates in the two most recent elections is disturbing. The reason why this is important is that the legitimacy of government is what is at stake, he said. We have to trust that the electoral process is not being tampered with by a foreign government. On Feb. 21, the Procedure and House Affairs Committee heard allegations based on a Globe report, that Chinas former consul-general in Vancouver, Tong Xiaoling, bragged that she helped defeat two Conservative MPs running for election in 2021, including an MP who she allegedly described as a vocal distractor. The committee heard that Chinas former Consul General Wang Jin was also allegedly involved in efforts to rally support for the Liberals and target Conservative candidates for election defeat, including tactics such as funnelling money to candidates through illegal undeclared cash donations. Global News reported that three weeks before the 2019 election, top aides to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were warned in a classified CSIS briefing that one election candidate was part of a Chinese foreign interference network. It was also alleged that a former Ontario Liberal Minister was working for China. Isaac Teo contributed to this report. SEC, New York Regulator Oppose Binance.US $1 Billion Deal for Voyager Voyager Digital logo and decreasing stock graph are seen in an illustration taken on July 7, 2022. (Dado Ruvic/Illustrations/Reuters) The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and New Yorks top financial regulator have opposed crypto exchange Binance.USs $1 billion deal to buy bankrupt crypto lender Voyager, the latest in a string of U.S. regulatory moves against crypto firms. The Voyager deal may violate laws on the unregistered offer and sale of securities, the SEC said in a filing on Wednesday. The SECs objection also cited reports of U.S. investigations into Binance.US and the global Binance crypto exchange, of which Binance.US is a purportedly independent partner. Regulatory actions could mean the deal may become impossible to consummate, it said. New Yorks top financial regulator and New York Attorney General Letitia James also objected to the deal in filings on Wednesday. The New York Department of Financial Services said that Voyager illegally operated a virtual currency business within the state without a license. In a statement, a Binance.US spokesperson said on Thursday the company would work with relevant parties to provide any requested information, as Binance.US customer assets always remain on the platform, are held on a 1:1 basis and are fully reserved. A lawyer representing Voyager Digital did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The SEC cited concerns over the security of assets at Binance.US, saying the planned deal did give enough information on whether third parties, including Binance.US affiliates or foreign persons or entities, would have access to the keys for customers digital wallets. The deal also failed to detail what safeguards were in place to ensure that customer assets are not transferred off the Binance.US platform, the SEC objection said. Reuters reported on Feb. 16, citing banking records and company messages, that the global Binance exchange had secret access to a bank account belonging to Binance.US, and transferred large sums of money from the account to a trading firm managed by Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao. Binance.US called the reporting outdated, saying that only Binance.US employees have access to its bank accounts. It later confirmed that the trading firm operated as a market maker on its platform. The objections come as the SEC targets companies offering a range of crypto services, from stablecoins to staking. It told the issuer of Binances stablecoin, Paxos Trust Company, that it should have registered the product as a security and is considering taking action against it, Paxos said last week. The U.S. Justice Department is investigating the global Binance exchange for possible money laundering and sanctions violations, Reuters reported in December. A top Binance executive last week told the Wall Street Journal that Binance expected to pay penalties to resolve the investigations. Voyager filed for bankruptcy in July, one of a string of crypto companies caught in the 2022 collapse in token prices. Voyager received initial court approval for the deal last month. A U.S. national security review could delay or block the deal, the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States said in a court filing in December. By Tom Wilson and Yana Gaur Teresa Bates and Scott Braley enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine, on Feb. 25, 2023. (Erin Xia/The Epoch Times) PORTLAND, MaineScott Braley and Teresa Bates enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine on Feb. 25 . Mr. Braley, an engineer who owns his own business, said, It was wonderful, just the choreography was great and the coordination between all the dancers was amazing. Ms. Bates said, It was something different than Ive never seen. I really enjoyed watching the authentic dancing. I enjoyed it. Based in New York, Shen Yun was founded in 2006 by leading Chinese artists and quickly became the worlds premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Shen Yuns mission is to revive traditional Chinese culture. The stories enthralled them. I enjoyed them all,Mr. Braley said. For me it was great to have the introductions before each piece. It made it easier to recognize what was going on. He described a story-based dance about a monk, and the Mongolian ethnic dance that Ms. Bates felt was especially memorable as well. Ms. Bates had lots of smiles as she watched. I liked the Mongolian chopsticks. I enjoyed that one, that was fun. But they were all great. Obviously China is one of the most historically significant places in the world, and to see the different periods from the different dances was very interesting, Mr. Braley said. Just the history, and the strength of the history, and the people. Ms. Bates said she was surprised to see that the stories extended up to the present day. One of the story-based dances showed followers of the spiritual meditation practice Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, carrying on traditional values with the principles of truth, compassion, and tolerance. But in China today, they are persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party, and Shen Yun dramatized this tragedy. It was kind of profound, Ms. Bates said. That was kind of eye-opening. Mr. Braley said that even though the Chinese regime would try to censor such information, Shen Yun could show it through th arts. Its interesting that, because the performances are here in the States, theyre able to provide that information that otherwise people here might not get, because they dont see it on the TV, Mr. Braley said. You know, the Chinese government obviously does not release such things, so its an opportunity for people here to hear and see those things. Ms. Bates said it was sad that Shen Yun cannot perform this in China, and was heartened that from their base in New York, Shen Yun had the freedoms that you have here to express whatever you want to express. Both enjoyed Shen Yun. It was fantastic, a truly enjoyable show, Mr. Braley said. Great job. Cant wait for next years, Ms. Bates said. The Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, also honored Shen Yun with an official letter of welcome. Official letter from Gov. Janet Mills to welcome to Shen Yun Performing Arts to the State of Maine. Reporting by Erin Xia. The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yuns inception in 2006. MIAOLI, TaiwanWith the reverberating sound of the gong, the curtains opened on Shen Yun Performing Arts first performance of their 2023 season in Miaoli, Taiwan, at the Miaobei Art Center on Feb. 24. The audience included those who had traveled from Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore and Vietnam. In fact, 200 people had flown from Vietnam just to see Shen Yuns performance. At the end of the performance, two curtain calls were met with a standing ovation and thundering applause. New York-based Shen Yun is the worlds top classical Chinese dance company, and has long had devoted fans in Taiwan, evidenced by the fact that the tickets to the performances in Miaoli were sold out by early February, and tickets for the Kaohsiung and Changhua performances are now hard to come by. Dignitaries from nearby cities and counties sent flowers to wish Shen Yun successful performances. Fifth Performance I am stunned every time I see Shen Yun, said politician Hsu Ting-chen, who was seeing Shen Yun for the fifth time. It enriches my heart and soul every time. Besides teaching loyalty and piety, [Shen Yun] also presents a traditional culture that has a strong sense of moral integrity and justice, said Mr. Hsu. I hope that the performance will be able to be seen in China, and that more Chinese people will know about it. Mr. Hsu said he thought it very important that Shen Yun included Falun Dafas persecution in its program. These spiritual cultivators live by the principles of truth, compassion, and toleranceand for this they are persecuted severely by the Chinese Communist Party. There are many pieces of evidence that the live organ harvesting depicted in the modern-day piece is true, he said. Im sure it is still ongoing. The Chinese Communist Party is evil, and does unimaginable things, one more vile than the next. Mr. Hsu believes that the evil government is something we have to fight against together. If nobody says anything, that equates to allowing their existence as a threat to humankind. Take Shen Yun as an example. In addition to allowing more people to admire the beauty of classical Chinese dance, it is also a voice for justice. There are currently whispers of war spreading, said Mr. Hsu. We must wake up and realize that it would be too late for regret if we were to fall under communist rule one day. That is why I appeal to my democratic compatriots to be a voice for justice and stand together! Trip From Vietnam Vietnamese jewelry designer LONG flew from Vietnam to Taiwan just to see Shen Yun. He had seen Shen Yun in Canada once when he was 15, and was very touched after seeing it again. I think I am very fortunate, said LONG. I am deeply touched. LONG said that he was moved to tears by the faith of Falun Dafa practitioners presented on stage. He said that he was thankful toward his mother, who had encouraged him to see the performance. Humankind needs faith and religion to live righteously, said LONG. This performance is the best way for the world to learn the truth about Falun Dafa. The traditional culture, dance, and meaning behind the story come together perfectly. People need to be united, and a righteous faith is the only way to unite humankind, said LONG. It Truly Took My Breath Away: Influencer Ho Chih-ning, a well-known influencer in Hsinchu, praised Shen Yun for being indescribably beautiful. It truly took my breath away, she said. The music sounded so natural; it didnt sound like it was forcibly trying to match the story, which really made it part of the story itself. That they have new choreography and new music every years shows how much heart theyve put into it, said Ms. Ho. Ms. Ho also praised the erhu solo. An erhu is a traditional Chinese two-stringed instrument. I listened to [the solo] with my eyes closed. I wanted to allow my ears to truly experience the erhus music. As someone with considerable online influence, Ms. Ho said I think we humans are like traditional culturethe kindness must be preserved and passed on. We must serve people with sincerity, and a lot of things must be tolerated and accepted with an open heart. Hopes for Shen Yun to Perform in Singapore Chang Hui-ju, the general manager of the Taiwanese branch of a marketing company, is from Singapore. She was invited by friend Lin Chin-wen to see Shen Yun. After seeing the performance for the first time, she said expressed her hopes for Shen Yun to perform in Singapore. Mr. Lin was both surprised and delighted by the way Shen Yun portrayed the truth about the Chinese Communist Partys persecution of followers of Falun Dafaa spiritual practice that teaches the principles of truthfulness, compassion, tolerancein one of its story dances set in the modern day. The performance was very bold to present certain sensitive topics to the audience. I am not from mainland China and can sometimes see news about China overseas. I did not expect Shen Yun to present the truth with such passion! I hope that more people can take interest and learn about these things through this performance, added Ms. Chang. Every country is entitled to freedom of religion. Shen Yun can inspire people to search for the truth and things they did not know before, such as Falun Dafas persecution. Ms. Chang explained that she and Mr. Lin were Christians. As Christians, we are open to a lot of things, and should have free and democratic mindsets. In every religion, hope lies in the self, said Ms. Chang. We see a lot of stories like these overseas, and believe that [Mainland] Chinese people are being oppressed. That is also why we came to support [Shen Yun]. People have spoken highly of this performance, so we came especially to see it. For years, we didnt have the opportunity, because there werent performances in Singapore. Pointing to Mr. Lin, Ms. Chang explained that he would be returning to Singapore soon, so they travelled from Taipei to see the performance. It was actually pretty difficult for me to get tickets, said Ms. Chang. I was very lucky to be able to buy tickets here in Miaoli. Its a full-house performance, so I think [Shen Yun] must be very influential here. Just the first half of the performance has been excellent. There are a lot of difficult techniques, and the performance presents the cultures. The costumes and design of the stage, as well as the animated backdrop are all wonderful. Even if youve never seen classical Chinese dance, there are stories that the audience can understand. Ms. Chang praised Shen Yun for spreading cultural values. She said that the performance allows other countries to learn about Chinese culture. This is a great way to learn about culture. Compared with other theatre performances, Shen Yun has balanced traditional culture with humor. Ms Ho recommended the performance for young people, saying, Come experience it for yourself at the theatre. This is a very great performance! The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yuns inception in 2006. Mara Taylor and Mark Winer attended Shen Yun Performing Arts at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts on Feb. 25 Linda Jiang/The Epoch Times LAS VEGASWhen educator and psychologist Mara Taylor saw Shen Yun Performing Arts colorful ads on television, she was not expecting more than beautiful dancing. She and her friend Mark Winer, a retired photographer, at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts on Feb. 25, and after seeing the performance, Ms. Taylor was delighted to discover that Shen Yun was more than she had expected. Absolutely phenomenal, extraordinary, moving, inspiring, was Ms. Taylors description of Shen Yun. Everything, [from] the individuals who are performing to the orchestraeverybody is in sync, everybody is united with the same mission, and its very beautiful. Based in New York, Shen Yun was founded in 2006 by leading Chinese artists and quickly became the worlds premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Shen Yuns mission is to revive traditional Chinese culture and to present the beauty of China before communism. Shen Yuns program includes story dances, some of which are set in modern-day China and depict the communist governments persecution of followers of Falun Dafa, a spiritual practice that teaches the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Ms. Taylor, founder and executive of a rehabilitation nonprofit, thought that the principles were beautiful and universal. She said she resonated with them very much and that we need to see more of them. Ms. Taylor said she had heard a lot about the Falun Gong and whats going on in China. It breaks my heart, and Im so happy to see the message being given to so many. Its phenomenal, she said. Both Ms. Taylor and Mr. Winer appreciated Shen Yuns divine elements, which reflected traditional Chinese cultures spiritual foundation. Shen Yuns program includes songs performed in the bel canto style, and the lyrics warn against subscribing to atheistic ideas. I loved it when he said evolution and atheism is the culprit, said Mr. Winer. True, if you dont believe in something, you believe in nothing. That causes problems, so yes, I think it was fantastic. I love the divine aspect, said Mr. Winer. Im only sorry that its not allowed to be shown in China. Mr. Winer described Shen Yuns performance as absolutely phenomenal. The dancers are the best Ive ever seen. Everything, the storyline, the way that it integrates with the screen behind, literally everything, it was top of the line, beautiful. Reporting by Linda Jiang and Wandi Zhu. The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yuns inception in 2006. Doug Gallwas (L) with his wife, Patti, and other family members at Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Orpheum Theatre on Feb. 25 (Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times) MINNEAPOLISOwner of GT Financial Advisor Doug Gallwas watched Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Orpheum Theatre on Feb. 25. Mr. Gallwas said that he had watched the Shen Yun 12, 13 years ago and it was great, but this was more meaningful with modern times and the way things are going. They did a great job depicting independence and the wonderful artistic abilities of everything this culture is bringing to us, said Mr. Gallwas. I was moved tonight. It was very good. Based in New York, Shen Yun was founded in 2006 by leading Chinese artists and quickly became the worlds premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Shen Yuns mission is to revive traditional Chinese culture. Mr. Gallwas said he was moved by the honesty of the presentations and the individualistic portrayals of different cultures within China and different ideas, and yet it was one show. Mr. Gallwas was also impressed by Shen Yuns live orchestra. As someone with experience in playing music, Mr. Gallwas was able to recognize how difficult it could be. The way they bring everything together with their orchestra pit and the music and everything is unbelievable. Doug Gallwas The way they bring everything together with their orchestra pit and the music and everything is unbelievable, said Mr. Gallwas. They can present something visually that captures so quickly how I feel individually. Mr. Gallwas felt inspired by the message he saw in Shen Yuns performance. These are troubled times that we live in, and sometimes we need different perspectives and different cultures to come to us and talk about [it], he said. They talked about grief. They talked about sadness. They talked about happiness and all these things. But through it allthe human heart prevailed, right? And thats what they were telling me tonight We just have to kind of work together, live, think, and move forward. It was very inspirational. Were here for a greater purpose, right? Theres a reason were all a part of this. Maybe we dont know it now. Maybe we wont know it till the end, right? Doug Gallwas I do think that sometimes were not here for ourselves, Mr. Gallwas added. Were here for a greater purpose, right? Theres a reason were all a part of this. Maybe we dont know it now. Maybe we wont know it till the end, right? Mr. Gallwas said he believed the greater purpose to be the continuation of life. The continuation of truth. The continuation of what we are. Shen Yuns program includes songs performed in the bel canto style. As a man of religion, Mr. Gallwas agreed with the song lyrics, which urged the audience to keep their faith in the Creator. We need to keep our faith in the truth, because that is what heavenly is, he said. Heavenly is truth. Mr. Gallwas shared that he believed in the importance of truth as being central to all religions and that Shen Yun presented the same values. We must believe in truth, that all of us can live in happiness together if we have truth because, with truth, we can adjudicate everything amongst us. We can sort things out. So its about honesty and truth. Its about believing that were here for a reason, and theres a higher purpose, and that reason is truth. We live for the truth, and I think [Shen Yun] showed that to me. Reporting by Sherry Dong and Wandi Zhu. The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yuns inception in 2006. Stern Warning to Papua New Guinea Kidnappers as One Hostage Released Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape speaks at the UN General Assembly 76th session General Debate in UN General Assembly Hall at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, New York, on Sept. 24, 2021. (Peter Foley/eutersPool via Reuters) Papua New Guineas prime minister has issued a stern warning to kidnappers to release their remaining hostages after one was freed. Armed men took four people hostage, including a New Zealand national who has been a long-time Australian resident, and are demanding a ransom from the PNG and Australian governments. James Marape urged the gang to set the remaining hostages free. You have no place to hide all of you, your names, and your face, are being profiled as we speak, Marape said on Thursday. We have over 13 names and pictures of all of you in the mountains. The four researchers, including the Australian professor, had been working in the Southern Highlands area. Local police believe the crime was opportunistic. Papua New Guinea police remain locked in negotiations with the criminals through missionaries acting as intermediaries. Friend of Hostages Details Heartbreak A friend of one of the hostages taken at gunpoint in Papua New Guinea has described their heartbreak and anguish at the situation. Posting a message of support on social media, a friend of one of the hostages said their heart bleeds not know how my beautiful and gentle [friend] and her colleagues are doing in the middle of the jungles. In the midst of this dark and ugly situation, we are very appreciative of the support of our local and national leaders and authorities working through this situation, they wrote. Friends and colleagues also expressed sorrow and anger at the situation in social media comments, and feared jungle pirates were getting bolder and more confident. Polices Deals With the Kidnappers Police Commissioner David Manning says all options remain on the table to secure the hostages release, with their safety being the top priority. Our specialised security force personnel will use whatever means necessary against the criminals, up to and including the use of lethal force, in order to provide for the safety and security of the people being held, Manning said in a statement on Tuesday morning. The police commissioner said he believed the hostages were taken by chance by the armed men who took them into the bush and demanded a ransom. However, we are offering the abductors a way out. They can release their captives and they will be treated fairly through the criminal justice system, Manning said. But failure to comply and resisting arrest could cost these criminals their lives. ANU associate professor Sinclair Dinnen said reports suggested the kidnapping was likely opportunistic and there wasnt any evidence pointing to an uptick in hostage-taking in PNG. There have been incidents, but its still fairly unusual, he told AAP. Dinnen said if the captors were motivated by financial gain, then Westerners made better targets because of their wealth compared to locals. He says that international media coverage also puts pressure on the government to resolve the situation quickly. Australia has a no-ransom policy and opposition foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham said its not in the nations interest to be handing over ransoms unnecessarily. We need to be working hand in glove with the government of Papua New Guinea, with their law enforcement authorities to try to ensure the swift and safe release of these individuals, he told Sky News on Tuesday. Sometimes that means they will have to work quietly behind the scenes to try to secure the best outcome. Unprecedented Number of Chinese Nationals Crossing US Border Coincides With Run Social Media Trend in China Illegal aliens seeking asylum line up to be processed by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents at a gap in the border fence U.S.-Mexico near San Luis, Ariz., on Dec. 26, 2022. (Rebecca Noble/AFP via Getty Images) News Analysis The lockdown of Shanghai, Chinas largest city, in March 2022 prompted the emergence of , pronounced run, as Chinese sought to emigrate. In January, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced a 10-fold increase in the number of Chinese nationals crossing the southern border, raising national security concerns. In January alone, 1,084 Chinese nationals were apprehended at the southern U.S. border, compared with 89 in January 2022, representing a 1,118 percent increase, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. In addition, Border Patrol agents at the U.S. southern border arrested 2,999 Chinese nationals in the four-month period from October 2022 to January 2023, a 719 percent increase from 366 in the same period in 2022, and more than the 2,626 arrested in fiscal years 2021 and 2022 combined. Why the surge in Chinese crossing the United States southern border? This is just one small stream in the wave of migration that has erupted in China in recent years. CCPs Zero-COVID Policy Boosts Run Trend In May 2022, the Chinese character appeared frequently on Chinese social media. When posted on social media, the Chinese word, which is pronounced like the English word run, is used as a code word to mean to run away and emigrate overseas. Beginning in March 2022, authorities in Shanghai, a city with many business, cultural, and academic elite, began to lock the city down and separate children from parents infected with COVID-19, sparking public discontent. Residents who criticized the authorities online were approached by police. Captivity and authoritarianism have caused a surge in Chinese peoples desire for immigration and an increase in online discussions about the topic. Police officers block Wulumuqi Street in Shanghai where protests were held against zero-COVID the previous night in response to a deadly fire in Unumqi, Xinjiang, on Nov. 27, 2022, where protests against zero-COVID took place the previous night in response to a deadly fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images) A lot of clients I know in Shanghai have already run. Those who have the means to run, either themselves or their children, have done so, said netizen Hong Buming. Chen Chuanchuang, a Chinese lawyer who escaped to New York in 2012, said that although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been tyrannical for decades, its still rare to see almost everyone in China being held as prisoners as they have been for the past three years. For example, when there were serious conflicts between urban and rural areas, the 20 percent urban population still had a much better [life] than the other 80 percent rural population, Chen told The Epoch Times on Feb. 16. But this time, whether you are in the city, in the countryside, in Beijing, in Shanghai, everywhere, we see the authorities locking people in their homes like prisoners. So for the average people, such personal experience is more unforgettable to them. According to the WeChat Index, provided by Chinese social media WeChat, after the CCP announced it would strictly adhere to the zero COVID policy on April 3, 2022, the overall search index for immigrants increased by 440 percent on that day. According to the migration keyword search data released by Baidu for the week of March 28, 2022, the number of searches about conditions for emigrating to Canada surged by 2,846 percent compared to the previous month. This was followed by a 2,455 percent month-on-month increase in the number of searches for good places to go abroad. At the CCPs 20th National Congress, Xi Jinping successfully kicked off his third term, prompting more Chinese to consider leaving. Chinas President Xi Jinping (L) walks with (2nd L to R) Li Qiang, Li Xi, Zhao Leji, Ding Xuexiang, Wang Huning, and Cai Qi, members of the Chinese Communist Partys new Politburo Standing Committee, the nations top decision-making body, as they meet the media in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Oct. 23, 2022. (Wang Zhao/AFP via Getty Images) David Lesperance, a European lawyer who worked with wealthy families in Hong Kong and China, told the Financial Times that he had received three instructions from Chinese ultra-high net worth business families to carry out their fire escape plans. Many of his clients spent years planning their escape, moving money legally to safe offshore jurisdictions and arranging overseas homes and new citizenship for their families. About 10,800 wealthy Chinese emigrated in 2022, the most since 2019, according to New World Wealth, a global data intelligence partner of investment immigration consultancy Henley & Partners. 1 Smuggling Case Triggers Demonstration Effect There are many ways for the rich to emigrate, but how can the poor escape China? A CNN report in August 2022 caught many peoples attention. The story describes how Wang Qun, a 33-year-old Chinese man, left his family behind and traveled thousands of miles by plane, bus, boat, and motorcycle through dense jungles and barren mountains, into and out of detention centers, and finally across the southern U.S. border. Another young Chinese man, Liu Xiang, saw the report. It made the road map of China in his mind instantly clear. Liu has long wanted to go abroad. Liu was born in Xinjiang in 1985. This was the source of many of the horrors in his life. After graduating from college, Liu stayed in Xinjiang to work. Once while walking on the street, he was stopped by the police for no reason. In the activity of checking phones on the street, [the police] checked my phone and found that there were some apps in my phone which were not approved by the Xinjiang government and considered to be relatively sensitive, Liu told The Epoch Times on Feb. 17. He told me that I could be sent to a reeducation camp for such behavior, but since he didnt find many illegal records of mine, he let me off. Yet he said if he found anything like that again, he would send me in. A facility believed to be a reeducation camp where mostly Muslim ethnic minorities are detained, in Artux, north of Kashgar in Chinas western Xinjiang region, on June 2, 2019. (Greg Baker/AFP/Getty Images) After this horrific experience, Liu left Xinjiang to work in Beijing and managed to change his hukou (his ID number in Chinas household registration system) from Xinjiang to Shenzhen. However, the CCPs surveillance system has been following him like a ghost. Since I was born in Xinjiang, my hukou [ID card number] starts with 65. Whenever I stay in a hotel or take public transport anywhere in the country, the police will stop me, he said. Because I was born there and my hukou was there, they have put me in another category. When I stay in a hotel, the police will come to check on me, asking me what I am doing, how many days I am staying, and my contactseverything. Since 2020, Liu had been thinking about leaving China. On Sept. 24, 2022, Liu saw CNNs report on Wang and the smuggling route into the United States. On Sept. 25, Lius application for a passport was rejected. The reason given by the authorities was that it was nonessential international travel. Inspired by netizens, Liu applied for a passport again on Sept. 30 under the pretext of taking an IELTS test in Macao, referring to the International English Language Testing System. On Oct. 14, Liu got his passport. On Oct. 27, Liu went to the U.S. Consulate to apply for a tourist visa but was denied. Liu made up his mind to follow the same route to the United States as Wang did. 1,600 Miles Across Mexico on Motorcycle Liu traveled to Macau from Zhuhai on Nov. 1, 2022. He then flew from Macau to Thailand, from Thailand to Seoul, and from Seoul to Panama City. There, he was smuggled into Costa Rica, then all the way through Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala, and finally into Mexico. From there, he took 14 days on a motorcycle to travel 1,600 miles from the south to the north of Mexico, to reach the border with California. A group of illegal aliens walks up the road after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico. Further up the road, they will board a bus bound for the Border Patrol processing facility in McAllen, Texas, on April 18, 2019. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times) Liu lived in fear and experienced hardship along the way. Every day, there might be [Mexican] immigration checks, and then there were gangs and even some dirty cops, he said. All these people came in and tried to rob us of all our money, but we had to leave some money for the next gang. If we didnt have any money, they would send us to immigration jail, so we walked very carefully every day. When we saw a checkpoint up ahead, we tried to avoid it. Despite the hardships, Liu didnt care because there was a goal in mind. Liu declined to say much about the specific process of entering the United States, saying that once he made it in, he was finally relieved. I felt like I was finally free of those fears and able to stand up and move forward with dignity, he said. Along the way, Liu encountered about 50 Chinese citizens who were also trying to sneak across the southern border into the United States. Surge in Chinese Smuggling Raises Concerns Victor Avila, a former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent and border security expert, told Texas Scorecard last month that according to his source, thousands of Chinese nationals were heading to the border from South America. The number of Chinese smuggled across the southern border into the United States has soared, sparking concern in Washington. In the past two years, the influx of illegal immigrants at the southern border of the United States has skyrocketed, reaching 1,734,686 in 2021, up 278 percent from 458,088 in 2020. The number of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border in 2022 reached 2,378,944, a 419 percent increase over 2020. This is a perfect opportunity for the CCPs security services to place their personnel in the United States, Gordon Chang, a U.S.-based China expert, told Fox. Our southern border is undefended and there are bad actors coming in, he said. We need to get control of the situation. Victor Avila, a retired ICE agent, agrees that stowaways pose a serious security threat because CCP spies are likely hiding among them. This is a national security issue because we know who China is, Avila said. Theyre our biggest adversary. Such concerns are justified, as the CCPs influence is spreading across Latin America and the Caribbean, with two-way trade soaring from $18 billion in 2002 to nearly $316 billion in 2019. China is the largest trading partner of Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay. The CCP has free trade agreements with Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru. In addition, 19 countries in the Western Hemisphere have expressed their willingness to participate in the CCPs Belt and Road Initiative, and Beijing has set up about 45 Confucius Institutes in the region. The CCP aims to penetrate societies via every avenue, Chen said. They certainly havent given up other means of coming in under legal cover, but smuggling has one advantage over legal visas, he said. No matter what kind of visa you apply for, you always have to submit personal information about yourself. Your family background, your working environment, all of that has to be verified by the U.S. Embassy. But if you are smuggled in, there is no way to verify it. You are what you say you are. Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. U.S. Consul Responds to Chinese Diplomat Warning About Crossing Political Red Lines On Feb. 23, Liu Guangyuan, Chinas foreign ministry commissioner in Hong Kong, met with U.S. Consul General Gregory May to complain about his inappropriate words and deeds that interfered in Hong Kong affairs, according to a spokesperson for the commissioners office. During the meeting, Commissioner Liu stated three red lines that the U.S. consulate should not cross, namely endangering Chinas national security, not to engage in political interference in Hong Kong, and not to slander or damage Hong Kongs development prospect, according to a statement provided. A spokesperson for the U.S. Consulate said that while they dont generally comment on private diplomatic meetings, they dont hesitate to express publicly and privately the United States deep concern over the erosion of Hong Kongs autonomy, according to a statement provided to media outlets. The U.S. and Hong Kong relationship has remained tense following the enactment of the national security law, which was used to depress freedom of the press and peoples expression. In response to the law, the U.S. rolled back some of the special privileges granted to Hong Kong, making it harder to export sensitive American technology to Hong Kong. It sanctioned senior officials who oversee the territory, including its now-leader John Lee. Chief Executive Lee was among 11 Beijing and Hong Kong officials sanctioned by Washington in 2020 amid accusations they had set out to undermine Hong Kongs autonomy and restrict the freedom of expression or assembly of the citizens of Hong Kong after the imposition of the national security law. Since the establishment of the National Security Law (NSL), many Hong Kong people have felt threatened because the political red line is not so clear. Also, since the CCP implemented the NSL in Hong Kong in 2020, the cases related to HKNSL are all handled by designated national security law judges appointed by the Chief Executive, and the court upholds the decision for no jury at national security trials. On Jan. 25, Gregory May, who took up his post in Hong Kong in September 2022, expressed concern over the citys rule of law following Beijings imposition of a national security law in 2020. At the time, the foreign ministry of CCP accused May of vilifying the citys legal system and seeking to disrupt the city. Attending a virtual seminar by Washington-based think tank the Centre for Strategic and International Studies last month, May said Beijings recent interpretation of the national security law could further undermine the independence of Hong Kongs judiciary system. He said more than 15,000 American citizens left Hong Kong and moved to other cities in the past two years. He told delegates that Hong Kongs legal system was threatened by the mainland. He said Beijings recent interpretation of the national security law could further undermine the independence of Hong Kongs judiciary system. He also accused the Hong Kong government of curtailing press freedoms since the enactment of the NSL imposed in response to the 2019 anti-government protests. He expressed concern over diminished freedoms in Hong Kong and said its reputation as a business center depended on adherence to international standards and the rule of law. On Feb. 17, the U.S. proposed a bill to close Hong Kongs economic and trade offices in America if the White House decided Beijing had undermined the citys self-governance. Israeli forces on Saturday beat Christian worshippers heading toward the Church of the Holy Sepulchre amid growing restrictions on the freedom of religion in Jerusalem, a video circulated by Sky News Arabia showed. UK on Cusp of Deal on Post-Brexit Trading Terms in Northern Ireland: Deputy PM Britain is on the cusp of securing a new deal with the European Union on post-Brexit trading terms in Northern Ireland, Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab says. The UK has been holding talks with the EU to fix issues with the so-called Northern Ireland Protocol for some time, and speculation has been mounting that the two sides are close to an agreement on the future of the controversial trading arrangement. Appearing on Sky News on Feb. 26, Raab confirmed that there is real progress and suggested there will be good news in a matter of days, not weeks. The Cabinet minister later told the BBC, If we can get this over the linewere on the cusp, weve made great progress, were not there yetthis would be a really important deal. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak addresses participants at the Munich Security Conference in Germany on Feb. 18, 2023. ( Ben Stansall-WPA Pool/Getty Images) Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said his administration is giving it everything weve got to finalise the deal to fix issues with the protocol, which was negotiated and signed by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Sunak, speaking to The Sunday Times newspaper, pledged to work to satisfy the demands from the unionist community in Northern Ireland. Im a Conservative, Im a Brexiteer, and Im a unionist and anything that we do will tick all of those boxes, otherwise it wouldnt make sense to me, let alone anyone else, he told the newspaper. Inching Towards Conclusion Leo Varadkar, the Irish republics Taoiseach or prime minister, also has expressed optimism over the negotiations. Varadkar told RTE on Feb. 25 that he believes there is a possibility of an agreement in the next few days. Certainly the deal isnt done yet, he said. But I do think we are inching towards conclusion and I really want to thank the UK government and the European Commission and the Northern Ireland parties for the level of engagement that theyve done in recent months to get us to this point. I would just encourage everyone to go the extra mile to come to an agreement because the benefits are huge. They allow us to have the Northern Ireland Assembly back up and running in the north and the Good Friday Agreement working properly again, and also to put relations between the United Kingdom and Ireland and the European Union on a much more positive footing. But it remains unclear if the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), the largest unionist party in Northern Ireland, will be satisfied with the deal. The party has issued seven tests that Sunaks new pact will have to meet in order to win its backing, including addressing what the DUP calls the democratic deficit of Northern Ireland being subject to EU rules while not having a say on them. DUP MP Sammy Wilson told GB News it is a red line for his party that no EU law should continue to apply in Northern Ireland. Mark Francois, chairman of the Conservative Partys eurosceptic European Research Group, warned that it is a practical reality that, if the DUP does not agree with the changes Sunak has secured, then it is simply not going to fly. Brexit Hangover The Northern Ireland Protocol is part of the Brexit withdrawal agreement that was signed by former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and EU leaders to ensure the free movement of goods between Northern Ireland, which is a British province, and the Republic of Ireland, an EU member state. The arrangements shifted customs and regulatory checks to the Irish Sea and created new red tape on the movement of goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, with trade in the region remaining subject to certain EU Single Market rules. But the protocol has been fiercely opposed by unionists in the British province, who claim it has undermined the regions standing within the UK. Northern Ireland hasnt had a functioning local government since February 2022, when the DUP withdrew from the power-sharing executive in protest against the protocol. The DUP has pressed the UK government to act on unionist concerns around the effects of the protocol on trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and on the union. The party said it will not reenter the devolved government until its concerns have been addressed. On June 2022, the UK government published plans to override parts of the protocol, enabling ministers to establish a green lane so that trusted traders are allowed to move goods to Northern Ireland from Great Britain without checks, as long as the products remain within the UK. But the EU has criticised the UKs actions for breaking international law and undermining trust between the two sides. The bloc has since launched legal actions against the move. The dispute could have led to a damaging trade war, with tariffs being imposed or even the suspension of the entire Brexit deal between the UK and EU. Patricia Devlin and PA Media contributed to this report. Virginia Bill Making It Easier to Declare Curfew Heads to Gov. Youngkin Legislation allowing chief law enforcement officers in Virginias cities to set temporary curfews for imminent civil unrest or riots is on its way to the governors desk. The Virginia House of Delegates passed legislation SB 1455 on Feb. 22. The measure empowers local law enforcement chiefs to impose curfews for up to 24 hours if there is an imminent threat of any civil commotion or disturbance in the nature of a riot which constitutes a clear and present danger. This streamlines and actually speeds up the process of placing a curfew when theres civil disobedience. currently, to empower the chief law enforcement officer, if hes located in the city, actually requires the governing body to get together and hold a special meeting which can slow things down when there are problems in the community, said Delegate Keith Hodges during the Feb. 22 House vote. Richmond experienced civil unrest most recently during the summer of 2020, along with many other major cities across the nation, which resulted in the destruction of public property. The unrest was in response to the death of George Floyd, who was killed by the Minneapolis police while being apprehended. People carrying homemade Black Lives Matter shields march in front of protesters in Richmond, Va., on July 25, 2020. (Eze Amos/Getty Images) Hodges clarified that the legislation would mainly impact cities within the Commonwealth because, at present, their local law enforcement chief has to go through and get approval from the governing body, like the city council. The new law would only require that mayors and city managers agree with the imposed curfew. Dana Schrad, executive director of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police, told The Epoch Times her organization supports the measure because it will help keep the peace during civil unrest while still allowing citizens their First Amendment rights. The bill has some strict parameters to follow in terms of public notice and duration of the order. Curfews can be helpful in emergency circumstances to help disperse civil unrest and reduce public harm, said Schrad. It would have to be a law enforcement, chief law enforcement officer, not a subordinate, not somebody with ancillary authority, said the lead patron of the bill Senate Minority Leader Tommy Norment during a January Senate hearing of the local government committee. If there is no chief of police, the constitutional law enforcement officer would be empowered to declare a curfew. I think, 81 counties in the Commonwealth of Virginia have no local law enforcement so by the statutory provisions, the sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer and he or she may declare a state of emergency for 24 hours, said Norment. Several Democrats in the House of Delegates raised concerns about the bills impact on cities with mayors who serve as city council members, including delegate Marcia Price of Newport News, who said one reason she opposed the bill is that it gives the mayor more power than the rest of her citys council members. It actually does give more power to the mayor than for the other members of the body that should have equal power, and for that, Im going to be voting no, along with several other reasons, said Price. While the initial curfew should not last more than 24 hours, it could be extended by a recorded vote of the local governing body or by judicial order. Those violating the curfew could be charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor, which could result in up to a year in jail and a fine. The Virginia House voted 5343, three days before the assemblys 2023 legislative session is set to end. We Have Been Blind: Rep. Gallagher Warns of Chinese Police Outposts in US Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) speaks at a press conference and rally in front of the America ChangLe Association highlighting Beijing's transnational repression, in New York City on Feb. 25, 2023. A now-closed overseas Chinese police station is located inside the association building. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) NEW YORKMembers of the House Select Committee on China are pledging to redouble their efforts to counter Beijings ongoing threats to its targets on U.S. soil. Standing in front of a now-shuttered overseas Chinese police outpost in downtown Manhattan on Feb. 25, and surrounded by dozens of pro-democracy activists, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), the chairman of the House Select Committee on China, likened the threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to those of a mafia. They buy off politicians, multinational organizations, companies, and in some cases, law enforcement. They use muscle and threats, instead of persuasion. And like the mafia, they [arent] afraid to make people disappear, he told the listeners at the press event. Having spoken to dozens of Chinese dissidents, he said, it was rare to find anyone who hasnt experienced some low-level forms of digital harassment from the CCPone Chinese American citizen was detained against her will in China for eight months while she was pregnant. We have been blind while the CCP has been very cunning, said Gallagher, who was joined by Reps. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) and Neal Dunn (R-Fla.), both members of the China committee. Now, they want to export that repression around the world, and the only thing standing in their way is our will to defend our values. A balloon is held at a press conference and rally in front of the America ChangLe Association highlighting Beijings transnational repression, in New York City on Feb. 25, 2023. A now-closed overseas Chinese police station is located inside the association building. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) He noted the spy balloon spotted traversing the United States that turned out to be part of a state-run Chinese surveillance program worldwide. Both the overseas police stations and the spy balloon program are an affront to U.S. sovereignty, he said. It sent the message of look what we can do and get away with and you wont push back, Gallagher told The Epoch Times about the balloon incident. So thats why we need to push back and make sure that were not allowing stuff like this to happen. The New York overseas Chinese police office, which closed after an FBI raid, is one of more than 100 that the Chinese regime has set up in 53 nations around the world, according to data analyzed by the human rights group Safeguard Defenders. At least two other such facilities exist in Americain New York and Los Angeles. These facilities have been linked to the regimes United Front Work Department, part of Beijings overseas arm to conduct foreign influence operations, gather intelligence, amplify party narratives, and suppress dissenting voices. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) speaks at a press conference and rally in front of the America ChangLe Association highlighting Beijings transnational repression, in New York City on Feb. 25, 2023. A now-closed overseas Chinese police station is located inside the association building. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) The Manhattan Chinese police division is located inside the headquarters of the American ChangLe Association, a nonprofit closely affiliated with the Chinese regime that also is one of the most influential communities for immigrants from Chinas southeastern Fujian Province. Its website features a certificate of appreciation from the New York consulate for its support for CCP leaders in 2015. Zhou Fengsuo, a former student leader during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, thanked the lawmakers for giving victims of Beijings overseas repression a platform. This police station here is such a tip of the iceberg of the CCPs control of America, he told The Epoch Times, noting the regimes extensive influence in Wall Street, academia, and research institutions. In the past, the United States was misguided by these beliefs that trade and technology will change China, but in reality, its the other way: China is changing America. Zhou Fengsuo (L), human rights activist former student leader during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, introduces Chinese dissident Wang Yonghong at a press conference and rally in front of the America ChangLe Association highlighting Beijings transnational repression, in New York City on Feb. 25, 2023. A now-closed overseas Chinese police station is located inside the association building. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) At the rally, Chinese dissidents from various backgrounds shared stories of abuses they and their friends suffered despite having escaped China. Henry Yue, an adherent of the spiritual group Falun Gong, which has been heavily suppressed in China since 1999, is a volunteer at an informational booth in New Yorks Flushing neighborhood striving to shed light on the 23-year-long persecution campaign of the practice. His friend David Fang was just assaulted last week by a pro-CCP man while at the same stand, which resulted in multiple scrapes around his neck, hand, and knee. That incident is one of a string of attacks targeting these booths over the past two decades. The assailant, who has a dialect from Fujian Provinces capital Fuzhou, attempted to bite Fang and beat him with a walking stick. He also verbally abused other Falun Gong adherents for years when they tried to speak about the abuses taking place in communist China. Falun Gong practitioner David Fang displays injuries from the assault in New York on Feb. 16, 2023. (Linda Lin/The Epoch Times) Wang Yonghong, a former senior accountant at a Chinese state firm who underwent over a year of jail time in China for his human rights advocacy work, was hit by the regimes supporters near Grand Central Station in July 2019 at a rally to welcome Taiwans president, Tsai Ing-wen. The suspected Beijing agents attacked them with flag poles and speakers, causing five to be sent to the hospital. Wang, who was among them, sustained light injuries on his head, arm, and leg. The Communist Party is simply out of control, he told The Epoch Times. Not only has it enslaved the Chinese people, its evil claws are reaching us after we fled to America. Chinese dissident Wang Yonghong at a press conference and rally in front of the America ChangLe Association highlighting Beijings transnational repression, in New York City on Feb. 25, 2023. A now-closed overseas Chinese police station is located inside the association building. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) Shining a light on incidents like these is the most important task for the China committee, Gallagher told reporters when asked about the Flushing attack and vandalism to newspaper boxes belonging to the Chinese language edition of The Epoch Timesone of the only remaining sources of Chinese news independent of the CCP. Thats the discussion were starting today. Its the early part of the discussion, but were hoping to prevent crimes like this from happening in the future, he said. Gallagher, who sent a letter to FBI director Christopher Wray a day before regarding the police stations, said he wants to start a dialogue with the agency to address such targeted harassment and attacks. One possible solution, he told The Epoch Times, is to increase penalties for such acts if they are on behalf of a foreign adversary. The lawmakers at the rally expressed hope that the work will be a bipartisan collaboration. Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) speaks at a press conference and rally in front of the America ChangLe Association highlighting Beijings transnational repression, in New York City on Feb. 25, 2023. A now-closed overseas Chinese police station is located inside the association building. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) Were here because were Americans who believe in the rule of law, and human rights and freedom for every single person, including the Chinese dissidents here in the United States, said Torres. How can we, the United States of America, claim to be a defender of freedom if we fail to defend freedom fighters within our own borders or on U.S. soil? Gallagher echoed his views. If Congress can speak with one voice when it comes to standing up against and pushing back against Chinese Communist Party aggression, America is stronger, the world is stronger, the free world is stronger, he said. Long-Ignored Orphan Wells, Abandoned Mines Are Now Urgencies, With $5 Billion in Funds A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) contractor keeps a bag of lime on hand to correct the PH of mine wastewater flowing into a series of sediment retention ponds, part of danger mitigation in the aftermath of the blowout at the site of the Gold King Mine outside Silverton, Colo., in 2015. (Brennan Linsley/AP Photo) Defunct oil/gas wells and abandoned mines have long been lore-of-the-ore backstories in literally and figuratively shaping much of the U.S. landscape because, until recently, there was no comprehensive plan to plug these often hazardous sites. In fact, listing oil/gas wells and mines without liable owners was arduous because many pre-date environmental regulations have no records or are locked in court proceedings that can last years and usually end up in bankruptcies. Without liable owners to bill, local and state governments paid to plug orphan wells to prevent them from leaking toxic substances into the water and air. Few were eager to catalog a deficiency rooted in cost-aversion, so numbers have been underestimated. But that has changed. With money on the table, suddenly, heretofore uncounted orphan wells are being counted coast-to-coast. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), adopted by Congress in November 2021, authorizes $4.7 billion to plug abandoned wells, prompting states to update their databases to apply for grants. In 2022, states reported more than 120,000 abandoned wells, a nearly 50 percent increase from the 81,000 reported in 2021 (pdf) to the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI). Ohio, which received $25 million in remediation grants, reported the highest number of orphan wells of any state20,439after reporting just 891 in 2021. In January 2022, DOI announced that states could apply for $1.15 billion in grants based on three criteria: the number of orphan wells in each state, the estimated cost of cleaning up those wells, and job losses in each state between March 2020 and November 2021. The third component is fostered by the REGROW Act, built on a North Dakota program to put displaced energy workers to work plugging orphaned wells, which was incorporated into the BIL. In August 2022, 24 states received another $560 million to begin plugging more than 10,000 orphaned wells. A total of 22 states received $25 million each, while Arkansas and Mississippi got $5 million apiece. Defunct companies in the past often abandoned oil and natural gas wells that stopped producing, such as this one near Bigfoot, Texas, where an old wrench rests on oil sludge. (Eric Gay/AP Photo) Far Less Than What Lies Below Most concede that those figures are still far less than what actually lies below, and the $4.7 billion allocated to deal with it is, literally, a drop in the bucket. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that there are 2.1 million unplugged abandoned wells nationwide. Other estimates, such as by Carbon Tracker, top 2.6 million. DOIs Bureau of Land Management Abandoned Mine Lands program lists 57,586 known abandoned mines on federal lands with at least 80 percent warranting investigation, but those numbers havent been updated since 2017. The National Park Service reported about 2,000 unplugged wells on its lands. In January, it was using BIL money to begin plugging 10 wells in Jean Lafitte National Park in southern Louisiana. An Ohio River Valley Institute April 2021 report estimated that there were 538,000 unplugged abandoned oil/gas wells in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. There could be hundreds of thousands more in the region. Oklahoma is home to over 17,800 documented abandoned gas and oil wells, Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) said. If left unplugged, abandoned wells can leak methane, contaminate groundwater, and damage land cultivation at a significant cost to landowners. In 2021, an estimated 9 million people live within a mile of an orphan mine, the Environmental Defense Fund stated, using 2020 census data. With the boom in previously unreported unplugged wells being reported, that estimate was raised to 14 million in 2022. As the numbers of reported orphan oil/gas wells mount, so does the projected collective remediation price tag, with some estimates exceeding $280 billion. A warning sign from the city is displayed in front of the Animas River as orange sludge from a mine spill upstream flows past Berg Park in Farmington, N.M., on Aug. 8, 2015. (Alexa Rogals/The Daily Times via AP) A Boost for BIL Mullin is among four co-sponsors of the proposed Abandoned Well Remediation Research & Development Act, which would supplement the $4.7 billion BIL program to ensure that funds are dedicated to thoroughly-researched efforts that maximize benefits for affected communities and the energy sector. Our bill will provide the resources needed to improve methods for identifying, repurposing, and remediating these wells, thereby cutting costs for landowners and eliminating the potential for environmental hazards, he said in a statement accompanying the bill. Co-sponsor Sen. Ben Ray Lujan (D-N.M.) said, There are more than 2 million abandoned oil and gas wells across America that pose tremendous health, safety, and environmental risks to the surrounding communities. The New Mexico Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Department received $25 million from BIL and has plugged 23 abandoned wells since September 2022, it reported, removing carbon emissions equal to 2.85 million miles per year by a gasoline-driven vehicle. Among commonly cited issues in maintaining a chain of liability is low bonding requirements in many states. In the four upper Ohio Valley states, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, for instance, bonds cover just 7.6 percent of the average remediation cost. Remediation costs can vary widely by size, geology, depth of the well, surrounding terrain, and state regulations. The cost to plug wells in the Upper Ohio Valley can range from $6,500 to at least $87,500. The cost to plug all abandoned wells in the region could top $34 billion, the Ohio River Valley Institute estimates, although the work also could generate and sustain 15,151 jobs for more than 20 years. Frozen in Liability Limbo A 2022 proposal, the Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act, introduced by Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Jim Risch (R-Idaho) with 18 co-sponsors, addresses remediation for thousands of abandoned legacy mines that has been frozen in liability limbo. Because current law potentially exposes mining companies to new liability if they engage in remediation projects, theyre reluctant to volunteer equipment, resources, and expertise to restore abandoned mines. Nonprofits and other Good Samaritan groups also hesitate to get involved because of liability concerns. There are more than 140,000 abandoned hardrock mines in the United States, of which 22,500 pose environmental hazards, according to the Government Accountability Office. Unfortunately, liability rules would leave these Good Samaritans legally responsible for all the pre-existing pollution from a mine, even though they had no involvement with the mine prior to cleaning it up, the bill reads. Congressional lawmakers have attempted to work around the liability issue for more than a dozen years, with the 2022 bill the latest effort in clarifying that Good Samaritan efforts in mine remediation shouldnt incur liability. Proponents want to see it advance in 2023. National Mining Association Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Katie Sweeney encouraged House lawmakers to approve the Good Samaritan legislation, which has been vetted and endorsed by a wide range of advocacy groups, such as Trout Unlimited. This would not only allow the processing of tailings and other mine waste from historic mining operations long since abandoned and with no current liable owner but also provide the added benefit of cleanup and remediation activities that if left alone, will continue to degrade the water quality conditions and pose ongoing safety risks to surrounding habitat and neighboring communities. Nightclub security guard charged for assaulting foreigner over bottled water BANGKOK: A security guard at a nightclub on Khao San Rd, the world-renowned tourist hotspot in Bangkok, has been charged with assault after a clip of him slapping a foreigners face and handcuffing him was posted on social media. tourismSafetyviolence By Bangkok Post Sunday 26 February 2023, 03:58PM The Club Khaosan admitted the incident and issued a statement with a public apology. Photo: The Club Khaosan The Club Khaosan admitted the incident and issued a statement with a public apology. Photo: The Club Khaosan and Bangkok Post (File photo) The management of The Club Khaosan, the nightclub where the incident occurred, issued a statement with a public apology. It said a police complaint was filed against the security guard, who was sacked for a serious breach of the companys regulations. "The actions of the security staff are unacceptable by any means and violates the company policy. Following that, the individual has urgently been addressed to the police and the company has filed for assault on behalf of the affected party. The security staff involved in the incident has been relieved of duty from the company effective immediately," the club said in its public statement , released today (Feb 26). "We are currently imposing strict training and instructions to all remaining staff to ensure highest standards of safety for our valued customers. We are closely monitoring any further progress on this incident and the aggressor will be dealt with strictly," the venue assured. Pol Col Sanong Saengmanee, the Chana Songkhram police superintendent overseeing the area, said the guard identified as Mr Thongchai had been detained and charged with bodily assault, reports Bangkok Post. Police questioning of Mr Thongchai revealed the incident occurred at about 2am on Saturday (Feb 25) when Mr Thongchai was told by a club attendant that the foreign man, whose identity and nationality were not known, had stolen a bottle of water. When confronted by Mr Thongchai, the foreign man admitted he had taken it from inside the club believing it was free. Mr Thongchai allegedly said there was an argument between him and the foreigner. Following some miscommunication, he became angry, put the foreigner in handcuffs and slapped him two times in the face. Another club guard, identified as Mr Krisda, intervened and told him to stop. A female Thai tourist who was walking past the club took a video clip of the incident. The clip was later posted on social media and went viral. Mr Thongchai and Mr Krisda were later taken to Chana Songkhram police station for further investigation. Mr Thongchai was initially charged with bodily assault. Pol Col Sanong said police were looking for the foreign man to get information from him as the damaged party in order to complete an investigation report against Mr Thongchai. After the clip went viral, some viewers commented that the foreigner was a well-known YouTuber. Phuket authorities tout greater than ever Heroines Festival PHUKET: The annual Heroines Festival in Phuket this year will be bigger and greater than ever, featuring a reworked historical show and famous Thai actresses performing the roles of Thao Thepkrasattri and Thao Srisoonthorn, Phuket officials have announced. The festival will be held at the Victory Field in Thalang on Mar 13-15. culture By The Phuket News Sunday 26 February 2023, 02:08PM The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO The the upadted version of the Heroines show was announced at a press conference on Feb 25. Photo: PPAO New details of the upcoming festival were announced at a joint press conference on Feb 25 attended by Rewat Areerob, President of Phuket Provincial Administrative Organisation (PPAO, or OrBorJor) and Phuket Vice Govenor Amnuay Pinsuwan. Other relevant officials and VIP guests including descendants of the two Heroines were also present to make their statements. The event was held at the Victory Field in Thalang. Speaking at the press conference, Mr Rewat said that in 2023 the PPAO is preparing to organise a bigger and more special historical show than ever before. Mr Areerob touted reworked and more contemporary music, a new version of the well-known historical scenes, advanced light and sound effects. The PPAO president also confirmed that two famous Thai actresses kindly agreed to take part in the historical drama to honour Phukets famed Heroines Thao Thepkrasattri and Thao Srisoonthorn, better known locally as sisters Chan and Mook. Wichayanee Piaklin will be playing the role of Thao Thepkrasattri, while Nui Sujira Arunpipat will be playing the role of Thao Srisoonthorn. Four local schoolgirls have already been selected to play sister Chan and Mook in their tender years. They will be joined by 300 supporting actors during the show, which will run every night from Mar 13 through Mar 17. The traditional fair on the same dates will feature over 200 stalls offering local food and community products. Events on stage will include various cultural performances such as the Rong Ngeng folk songs and Manohra dance. We would like to invite both Phuket residents and tourists to join us at the event. Lets preserve the history together, Vice Governor Amnuay said at the press conference. The event on Feb 25 also included a ceremony to worship the Heroines of Thalang. The ritual was joined by 1,238 people from Phuket led by Mr Amnuay, Mr Rewat, and the descendants of the two Heroines. Police destroy thousands of seized guns RAYONG: Several thousands* of seized guns have been destroyed at a Millcon Steel Companys facility in Rayong earlier this week concluding the most recent round of Royal Thai Polices efforts to enforce gun control in the country and suppress illegal firearm possession. deathmurderhomicidepolicecrime By The Phuket News Sunday 26 February 2023, 11:09AM The gun destruction ceremony was presided over by the national police chief Pol Gen Damrongsak Kittiprapas and his deputy Gen Surachate Hakparn. Both officers are known to personally supervise the most resonant cases. Speaking at the event, Gen Damrongsak said that the policy to enforce firearm control and prevent illegal gun possession had been proclaimed by Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha. The Royal Thai Police report of the event did not mention any specific previous cases which might have highlighted the problem and motivated officials to take more actions. Gen Damrongsak assured that the Royal Thai Police are tackling all aspects of illegal gun possession and trading, including online sales of firearms via social media. Pictures from the event in Rayong show various guns to be destroyed. The arsenal included pistols, revolvers, hunting rifles, shotguns, homemade guns and military-grade assault rifles. Fully automatic Russian Kalashnikovs (AK) and American M16s/M4s were among the latter. In 2022 and 2023, several resonant cases resulting from improper gun control made headlines in Thailand and shook the nation and Phuket in particular. On Aug 6, a Phuket policeman left his 9mm pistol in an unlocked drawer during a family party. This led to the death of a 7-year-old girl shot by her 9-year-old cousin who found the gun and thought it was a toy. Police did not reveal if the incident led to any consequences for the police officer. On Oct 6, a ex-police officer from Nong Bua Lamphu killed over 30 children at a local kindergarten. The man was known to have problems with methamphetamine and behaviour issues. At the time of the shooting he was under trial for drug possession and already sacked from the ranks. Despite this, his gun had not been seized from him and police never explained why. On Feb 10, an ex-conscript of the Royal Thai Army wounded two passengers on an interprovincial bus in Phuket and then took his own life. Police confirmed that the shooter had mental issues and had been undergoing treatment. Police did not explain how a diagnosed psychiatric patient could have a gun in his possession. On Feb 20, Lt Gen Panya Pinsuk, 59, commander of the Royal Thai Police Office, was shot dead by his wife during a family argument in Bangkok. Police did not reveal why the woman had access to her husbands firearms. The police report contains the following figures: 13,559 items; plus 7,176 items; 20,735 items in total. It is not clear if the numbers apply to seized guns or to guns and ammunition. At the same time, even a regional week-long campaign in December led to confiscation of 88 firearms. National level figures cannot be smaller than thousands. remaining of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. Scranton, PA (18503) Today Partly to mostly cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 77F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies and rain later during the night. Low near 55F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. An Egyptian supply ship arrived in Turkey and Syria carrying tons of relief aid to the quake-hit countries, the Egyptian Armed Forces announced on Thursday. The Egyptian army also announced on Thursday that two military cargo planes took off for Turkey carrying large quantities of humanitarian aid. Officials from both Turkey and Syria expressed appreciation for the efforts exerted by Egypt to help them overcome the devastating effects of the deadly quake that has left thousands dead and wounded. The hand of brotherhood extends today from Egypt to Turkey; we will always remember this brotherly attitude in difficult days, Turkish charge daffaires in Cairo Ambassador Salih Mutlu tweeted on his official Twitter account on Thursday. The Egyptian supplies were provided by the ministries of defence and social solidarity, Al-Azhar, the Red Crescent Society, and the Long Live Egypt Fund, the Egyptian military spokesman said in a statement. Over 46,000 people have died due to the powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck northwest Syria and southern Turkey on 6 February, making the quake one of the deadliest this century. Countries and organisation from across the globe have been providing human aid, with over 140 aid trucks entering Syria as of Friday, according to the UN. On Monday, an Egyptian naval supply ship arrived at the Port of Latakia, Syria to deliver hundreds of tons of relief aid. In the immediate aftermath of the quake, Egypt sent five military planes two to Turkey and three to Syria carrying large quantities of medical aid the day after the disaster. Egypt also sent a rescue team of medical specialists and rescue technicians alongside the medical aid to Syria The Egyptian Red Crescent also launched a donation campaign for Syrias earthquake victims. Additionally, Egypts Tahya Masr designated on Wednesday a bank account at all state-owned banks to receive donations from inside and outside Egypt to send basic goods and pharmaceutical supplies to the victims. Search Keywords: Short link: SEAN BERGEL, Wheeler, Baseball, Junior; Bergel struck out eight and allowed only five hits as Wheeler defeated Griswold in its season opener. Bergel walked just one batter and allowed two earned runs. CAMI BROWN, Stonington, Softball, Junior; Brown finished 11 for 16 in four games for the Bears. Brown doubled four times, tripled twice and drove in nine runs. CASEY MACERA, Westerly, Girls Lacrosse, Freshman, Macera scored five goals in a Division III win against Rocky Hill. Westerly ended a 15-game losing streak with the victory. ADAM CARPENTER, Chariho, Baseball, Sophomore; Carpenter pitched a two-hitter in his varsity debut as the Chargers beat East Providence. Carpenter carried a no-hitter into the sixth. He struck out 10 and did not walk a batter. Vote View Results New York Mayor Eric Adams brother is leaving his volunteer post as a mayoral security adviser, a position he took after controversy over initial plans to hire him in a high-paid city job. In an interview that aired Friday, Bernard Adams told PIX11 News that hell wrap up at City Hall next week. The mayor then publicly thanked his brother for his role in the Adams administration, now a little over a year old. When it comes to protecting my life, there was no one I trusted more than my baby brother, the mayor said in a statement tweeted by a spokesperson. Both brothers are retired New York Police Department officers. Bernard Adams went on to work as a parking administrator at a Virginia university as his brother, a Democrat, went into New York politics. He won a state senate seat, the Brooklyn borough presidency and then the 2021 mayors race. Days after being sworn in, Eric Adams appointed his brother as a deputy police commissioner, a move that stirred questions about how much authority the NYPDs then-new commissioner would have. Next, the mayor proposed making his brother the $210,000-a-year head of the mayoral security detail, a team staffed by police officers and housed under the NYPD. City law bars public servants from using their position to obtain any financial gain, contract, license, privilege or other private or personal advantage, direct or indirect for themselves or an associated person, including a sibling. But the city Conflicts of Interest Board can issue waivers. While seeking such a waiver, Adams administration decided instead to have Bernard Adams serve as a senior security adviser for $1 a year. Prior mayors also have appointed relatives to volunteer posts. At the time, Eric Adams said that bringing his brother into his administration was never about the money but about having a trusted hand with security. Bernard Adams told PIX11 News he helped put together a strong security team for his brother and now plans to enjoy more time with his family. He said leaving City Hall is definitely bittersweet because I love him, but Ill still call him, big bro, when I need to talk to him. (AP) A Lebanese and Belgian citizen considered a key financier of the Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah was arrested Friday in Bucharest, Romanias capital, federal authorities said. Mohammad Ibrahim Bazzi, 58, who was labeled a global terrorist by the United States in 2018 when $10 million was offered for information about his whereabouts, has funneled millions of dollars to Hezbollah over the years, authorities said. U.S. Attorney Breon Peace in Brooklyn said the extradition of Bazzi and Lebanese citizen Talal Chahine, 78, was sought on charges contained in an indictment returned last month in Brooklyn federal court. Mohammad Bazzi thought that he could secretly move hundreds of thousands of dollars from the United States to Lebanon without detection by law enforcement, Peace said in a release. Todays arrest proves that Bazzi was wrong. Charges lodged against Bazzi and Chahine included conspiracy to cause U.S. individuals to conduct unlawful transactions with a global terrorist and money laundering conspiracy. It was unclear who will represent the men when they arrive in the United States. Daniel J. Kafafian, acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration in New Jersey, said the defendants attempted to provide continued financial assistance to Hezbollah, a foreign terrorist organization responsible for death and destruction. Romanian law enforcement authorities took Bazzi into custody after he arrived in Bucharest on Friday, according to the release announcing his arrest. Authorities said Bazzi and Chahine conspired to force or induce an individual in the U.S. to liquidate their interests in some real estate assets in Michigan and covertly transfer hundreds of thousands of dollars in proceeds out of the U.S. to Bazzi and Chahine in Lebanon. The men were caught on recorded conversations proposing numerous ways to conceal from U.S. law enforcement officials that Bazzi was the source and destination of the proceeds of the sale and that the men were involved, authorities said. (AP) Authorities in Bulgaria on Saturday banned an annual torch-lit march in downtown Sofia in honor of a late general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions during World War II. Hours before the event, the countrys chief prosecutor called on Sofias mayor and the interior minister to ensure the preservation of public order and protection of the rights of the public ahead of the Lukov March. The event has been condemned by human rights groups, political parties, and foreign embassies, which criticized the march organizers for promoting racism, xenophobia, and antisemitism. Nationalists gathered in front of the prosecutors office to protest the restrictive measures. Meanwhile, dozens of anti-fascist activists staged a rally against the nationalist event, insisting that neo-Nazis should be banned. A heavy police presence blocked any clashes between the two sides. Held annually since 2003, the march over the years has attracted nationalist admirers of Gen. Hristo Lukov, who supported Germany during World War II and was killed by an anti-fascist resistance movement. The general served as war minister from 1935 to 1938 and led the pro-Nazi Germany Union of Bulgarian Legions from 1942 until his death in 1943. Organizers deny that Lukov was antisemitic or that they are neo-fascists, insisting that the general was a war hero and a true Bulgarian patriot, and claiming that the descendants of the murderers of Lukov are afraid of the event. On Saturday, police also blocked the streets around the site where Lukov had lived in Sofia to prevent the nationalists from holding a ceremony in memory of Lukov, which in past years was the high point of the event. Bulgaria, the poorest member of the European Union, has a growing presence of right-wing nationalists, and the Lukov March has been their most important public event. (AP) A Chinese diplomat accused the U.S. consul general in Hong Kong of interfering in its affairs after he said the citys freedoms were eroding and warned the American not to cross political red lines. Consul General Gregory May gave a video address last month in which he expressed concern over diminished freedoms in Hong Kong and said its reputation as a business center depended on adherence to international standards and the rule of law. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office in Hong Kong said its commissioner Liu Guangyuan met with May recently to express objections to his inappropriate words and deeds. Liu also drew three red lines for US consul general and US consulate general in Hong Kong, which is not to endanger Chinas national security, not to engage in political infiltration in Hong Kong, and not to slander or damage Hong Kongs development prospect, his office said in reply to inquiries from The Associated Press. Liu also urged May to abide by diplomatic ethics, the office added. An unidentified U.S. consulate spokesperson said that while they do not generally comment on private diplomatic meetings, they will not hesitate to express publicly or privately the United States deep concern over the erosion of Hong Kongs autonomy. May, in his address to the U.S. Center for Strategic & International Studies, also cited a decision by Chinas legislature that lets Hong Kongs executive branch decide whether foreign lawyers can be involved in national security cases in the city. The decision was made after the citys top court allowed pro-democracy publisher Jimmy Lai to hire a British lawyer to represent him as he fights collusion charges that could bring a life prison sentence if he is convicted. Lius office accused May of slandering the rule of law and freedom in Hong Kong when he questioned the legal decision made in Beijing and other changes in Hong Kongs governance. The U.S. and other democracies have been critical of Chinas crackdown on political freedoms in the former British colony, which was handed back to China in 1997 with a promise by Beijing to keep Western-style liberties under a one country, two systems framework. Hong Kong is among a raft of issues that have sent ties between Beijing and Washington to their lowest level in years, including technology and trade, human rights, threats against Taiwan, and Chinas claims in the South China Sea. (AP) Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley had a busy first week as an official 2024 presidential candidate, announcing in her native state, then hustling to early voting New Hampshire and Iowa and going on a media blitz. But as fundraising starts to build for the potential GOP field, shes running into a potential home state conflict: donors waiting for the possible entrance of Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina. Both Republicans are popular among the states voters, and some previous Haley donors have said theyre waiting to see if Scott stockpiling cash that he could ultimately transfer into a presidential bid enters the race. For now, Haley, who also served as United Nations ambassador during the Trump administration, hasnt revealed how much money shes taken in since her Feb. 15 launch. Her campaign told The Associated Press it was enormously pleased with our initial fundraising but would wait until a April 15 deadline to report a figure for the full first quarter. Thats raising some eyebrows. Campaigns typically use their first receipts as bragging points to show their candidates strength. This year, in what is expected to be a crowded GOP field, donors are looking closely at initial fundraising to assess staying power amid a fierce competition for cash. Former President Donald Trump, the first announced GOP presidential candidate in the 2024 race, entered the campaign with tens of millions of dollars in the bank but hasnt released numbers since the end of last year. According to federal filings, the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee the primary fundraising vehicle for his campaign and his leadership PAC had more than $3.5 million on hand. Make America Great Again Inc., a super PAC that supports Trump, had $54 million in its coffers. In the 2020 presidential campaign, several in the broad Democratic field released fundraising for their first 24 hours as candidates. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders raised nearly $6 million in his first 24 hours, a sum eclipsed a few months later by former Texas Rep. Beto ORourkes $6.1 million. Then-California Sen. Kamala Harris took in $1.5 million on her first day. Ken Christensen, CEO of Washington-based The Politics Company Inc., a Democratic messaging and fundraising firm, said there are reasons a candidate would want to keep initial fundraising numbers quiet before the Federal Election Commission deadline. Maybe they are simply not raising impressive numbers, Christensen said. Or they simply want to pull in as much money as possible before the next FEC reporting period, trying to build a big number for the next FEC report. Typical of all campaigns, Haley has been pursuing donations with phone calls and supporter gatherings, as well as text and email lists. Shortly after her announcement, she had the kind of viral moment a Republican can only dream about: a CNN host saying that, as a 51-year-old woman, she was past her prime a comment off which she immediately began fundraising. Within hours of the remark by Don Lemon during a discussion of Haleys call for mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over 75, she emailed a fundraising appeal to supporters, decrying him as a CNN liberal and including a link to the video clip. Days later, she followed up with text and email alerts to supporters, advertising drink koozies with the message, Past my prime? Hold my beer free with $3 shipping fees. Through a political action committee created two years before her presidential campaign, Haley took in more than $17 million, according to federal records, nearly $15 million of which went to operating expenses, like consultant services, staff payroll and rent. About half a million was transferred to other candidates for last years midterm elections, leaving her PAC with about $2 million at the end of last year. What about Scott? Running last fall in what hes said would be his final Senate campaign, Scott raised $43 million, ending the year with nearly $22 million on hand. That leftover cash could be transferred to another federal campaign. Additionally, Opportunity Matters Fund, a pro-Scott super PAC, spent more than $20 million to help Republicans in 2022 elections, ending the year with more than $13 million. Tech billionaire has Larry Ellison donated at least $30 million to the organization since 2021, according to federal filings. I think Tim is really good at raising money, said Chad Walldorf, a Charleston businessman and longtime supporter of both Haley and Scott. He spends his money wisely, in a way that allows him to have a large political war chest. Donors in South Carolina and beyond may have a difficult time deciding whether to back Haley or Scott, Walldorf said. He said hell back Scott if he runs. It is a tough choice for a lot of South Carolina Republicans to make between two very well liked South Carolina political figures, said Walldorf, Haleys appointee to lead South Carolinas Board of Economic Advisors. Its a very difficult choice to have two people that I consider friends, both of whom I think would be wonderful presidents. (AP) Shmuel Boikaner zl, a 30-year-old Israeli medical student, was killed on Friday after he was attacked by an elephant in a national park in southern Nepal. According to reports, Boikaner, zl, entered the park alone on a bicycle and was attacked by the elephant when he stopped to take pictures. The authorities found his body and identified him from his drivers license in his wallet. Boikaner, a resident, at the Soroka Medical Center in Beer Sheva, was in Nepal with an Israeli delegation volunteering in a local hospital. His mother told Channel 12 News: My son was supposed to return home on Thursday. He worked in the hospital in Nepal because he wanted to provide medical assistance in the third world. He dedicated his entire life to giving. He chose to study medicine because he saw it as a mission. Its hard to explain how much he wanted to be a doctor and davka at the end of the challenging path, while volunteering, he was killed. (YWN Israel Desk Jerusalem) Two Israelis were murdered in a shooting attack near Shechem early Sunday afternoon. The terrorist opened fire at the Israelis car, shooting numerous bullets from point-blank range, and then fled the scene. MDA paramedics quickly arrived at the scene and began resuscitation attempts together with IDF medics. They then evacuated the victims, both men in their 20s, to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tivkah in critical condition while continuing resuscitation techniques. Unfortunately, their deaths were determined shortly after they arrived at the hospital. IDF forces launched a search for the terrorist. The victims were later identified as Hillel Menachem, hyd, and Yigal Yaakov Yaniv, hyd, brothers who lived on the yishuv of Har Bracha. They were killed on their way from their home to the yeshivos they learned in. Hillel, zl, 22, was a hesder yeshivah student at a yeshivah in Kiryat Shemonah, and his brother Yigal, zl, 20, was a hesder yeshivah student in Givat Olga. Hillel had finished his army service in the Air Force a week and a half before his death, and had just returned to his yeshivah. The Yaniv family in happier times: ( ) . " (@mendi_rizel) February 26, 2023 This is a developing story. (YWN Israel Desk Jerusalem) In a basement event space in the Denver suburb of Parker, Tina Peters surveyed a crowd of Colorado Republicans last week and made an unusual pitch for why she should become chair of their beleaguered party: Theres no way a jury of 12 people is going to put me in prison. Peters was referring to her upcoming trial on seven felony charges related to her role in allegedly accessing confidential voting machine data while she was clerk in western Colorados Mesa County. The incident made her a hero to election conspiracy theorists but unpopular with all but her partys hardest-core voters. Peters, who condemns the charges as politically motivated, finished third in last years GOP primary to run for secretary of state, Colorados top elections position. Now Peters has become part of a wave of election deniers who, unable to succeed at the polls, have targeted the one post state party chair that depends entirely on those hardest-core Republicans. Embracing election conspiracy theories was a political albatross for Republicans in states that werent completely red last year, with deniers losing every statewide bid in the swing states of Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. But the movement has focused on GOP state party chairs positions that usually are selected by only dedicated activists and have the power to influence the partys presidential nominating contest and some aspects of election operations, such as recruiting poll watchers. The rise of this dangerous ideology nationwide and the rise within party machinery are ominous, said Norm Eisen, a prominent Washington lawyer and former ambassador who is executive chair of States United Democracy Center, which tracks election deniers. Its an outrageous phenomenon. Kristina Karamo, a former community college instructor who lost her bid last fall to become Michigans secretary of state by 14 percentage points, won the chair of the Michigan Republican Party a week ago. She beat a fellow election denier, failed attorney general candidate Matthew DePerno. In Kansas, Mike Brown, a conspiracy theorist who lost his primary bid for secretary of state, was named chair of the state party. Peters is just one of multiple candidates for the Colorado position who have repeated former President Donald Trumps lies that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election. We cant just say, Oh, its time to get over 2020 and be done with that, said Aaron Wood, a self-described Christian conservative father also running for Colorado GOP chair, who organized a slate of candidates to take over the partys top posts. Until I have 100% confidence that the election has integrity, I will not be done with that. The wave of election deniers follows a push by Trump during his administration to stock the roster of party chairs with loyalists, several of whom supported his attempt to overturn the 2020 election and remain in the White House. Of those, Kelli Ward, the chair of the Arizona GOP, did not run again and was replaced by another Trump loyalist, former state Treasurer Jeff DeWitt. In Georgia, chairman David Shafer has announced he wont seek another term this June, amid scrutiny over whether he could be indicted for efforts to help Trump overturn the 2020 election. As in most states, the new Georgia party head will be selected by leaders of local county parties. Many of those are Trump loyalists who also backed Shafers bid to overturn Trumps 2020 loss in the state. But Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, who defied Trumps request and easily beat a primary challenger last year backed by Shafer, has marginalized the state party, creating a parallel structure to raise money and turn out voters. Thats an example of how the once powerful post of state party chair has changed. It used to be adjacent to public service, to be the state party chair, and now its something where you get to dunk on Democrats on Twitter, said Robert Jones, a Republican pollster in Idaho. In that state, Dorothy Moon, an election denier and former state representative who made an unsuccessful primary run for secretary of state, became the Idaho GOP chair last year. Still, Eisen noted that state parties have important roles in appointing poll workers and poll watchers in many states. A perennial fear has been that conspiracists could fill those positions and disrupt elections, though that did not happen in 2022 despite a prominent conservative effort to find more poll watchers. Maybe the Karamos and the Browns and the Moons will implode, Eisen said. There is a kind of incompetence that goes with this ideology. But its a concerning trend given the power these state parties have. Parties also have a major role in structuring their primaries. In Michigan, the party apparatus that Karamo now leads has the power to move its nominating contest to a closed convention, where activists select the winner. Donald Trump would love there to be a convention for Michigans delegates, Jason Roe, the former executive director of the state party, said in an interview. Ironically, Trump had endorsed DePerno, a lawyer who unsuccessfully sued to force a new count in 2020. Instead, Karamo, whom the former president had supported in her secretary of state race, won. She has described abortion as child sacrifice and Democrats as having a Satanic agenda. Last wek, on the podcast of Trump adviser Steve Bannon last week, Karamo said Michigan was ground zero for the globalist takeover of the United States of America. In Colorado, many Republican strategists say they are prepared for Peters or another election denier to win the party chair position next month. People seem almost resigned that the party is going to fall into the hands of this crowd for the next two years, said Sage Naumann, one of the operatives, who said usually a chairs impact on elections is neutral, but that could change. If theyre constantly making controversial statements, then they can be detrimental, Naumann said. The insurgent candidates running for Colorados chair argue things cant get worse for the GOP in the state. Republicans lost every statewide race by double digits in November and have their smallest share of seats in the Legislature in state history. The candidates for party chair claim the Colorado GOP has been too timid and needs to be more outspoken and conservative a risky bid in a state that has been rapidly moving to the left. As part of that, they seek to restrict the primary to only registered Republicans, shutting out voters not affiliated with any party who have been eligible to participate. That would require overturning a voter-approved ballot measure, which activists failed to do in a lawsuit last year. They hope to have a better shot with the party chairs support. At the debate last week in Parker, former state Rep. Dave Williams said: Its time we had a warlike leader who is going to go toe-to-toe with Democrats. Williams later added: Joe Biden is not a legitimate president. Only one candidate, Erik Aadland, a military veteran who unsuccessfully ran for Congress last year, cautioned about the election denier rhetoric. He noted that Democrats effectively used a tape of him questioning the validity of the 2020 election against him in his race. In an interview, he said specifically that he worried about Peters candidacy. Its not healthy, the words were using, the rhetoric weve been using, Aadland said. And, he added, I dont think itd be healthy to have a chairwoman under seven indictments. Peters, however, reveled in her national profile. She noted that she had just started a podcast that had 60,000 downloads on its first day and that she raised $250,000 to fund a recount in three days after the 2022 primary a recount that confirmed her loss. During a separate debate Saturday, she demonstrated the appeal of her message to voters whose beliefs are increasingly unpopular in a liberal state. Its not your fault that we lost this election in 2022. Its not my fault that we lost this election in 2022, she told another crowd of Republican voters at a suburban pizzeria. Its because of the machines. (AP) The U.S. announced a new round of sanctions on Russian firms, banks, manufacturers and people Friday, aiming them at entities that helped Russia evade sanctions earlier in the year-old war against Ukraine. Russias metals and mining sector is among those targeted in one of the U.S. Treasury Department's "most significant sanctions actions to date, according to the agency. The action, taken in coordination with Group of Seven allies, seeks to punish 250 people and firms, puts financial blocks on banks, arms dealers and technology companies tied to weapons production, and goes after alleged sanctions evaders in countries from the United Arab Emirates to Switzerland. Our sanctions have had both short-term and long-term impact, seen acutely in Russias struggle to replenish its weapons and in its isolated economy, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a written statement. "Our actions today with our G7 partners show that we will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes. Yellen is attending the G-20 finance ministers meetings in Bengaluru, India, this week. On Friday morning she told senior Russian officials attending meetings that their continued work for the Kremlin makes them complicit in Putins atrocities. They bear responsibility for the lives and livelihoods being taken in Ukraine and the harm caused globally, she said. The sanctions come after the White House announced early Friday morning that the Pentagon would commit $2 billion for more rounds of ammunition and a variety of small, high-tech drones into the fight against Russia. The State and Commerce departments and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative will also issue plans Friday to increase pressure on Russia. These steps increase tariffs on Russian products and add nearly 90 Russian and third-country companies, including from China, to a list of identified sanctions evaders. Named in Friday's sanctions package are a dozen financial institutions, including Russia's largest non-state public bank, importers of microelectronics and producers of carbon fiber, a key material for defense systems. The package names more than 30 people and firms allegedly connected to Russias sanctions evasion efforts. Among them: Swiss-Italian businessman Walter Moretti and his businesses; Nurmurad Kurbanov, a Russian-Turkmen arms dealer who is alleged to have represented Russian and Belarusian defense firms abroad; and Russian businessman Aleksandr Yevgenyevich Udodov, the former brother-in-law of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. More than 30 countries representing more than half the worlds economy have already imposed unprecedented sanctions on the Russian economy, making it the most sanctioned nation in the world. They have imposed price caps on Russian oil and diesel, frozen Russian Central Bank funds and restricted access to SWIFT, the dominant system for global financial transactions. The West has directly sanctioned roughly 2,500 Russian firms, government officials, oligarchs and their families. The sanctions are depriving them of access to their American bank accounts and financial markets, preventing them from doing business with Americans and traveling to the U.S, and more. After a year, the Wests export controls and financial sanctions appear to be gradually eroding Russias industrial capacity, even as its oil and other energy exports last year enabled it to keep funding a catastrophic war. At the G-20 meetings Friday, Britain's treasury chief, Jeremy Hunt said, We dont think the job is by any means done. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Marie, at a G-20 press conference said, our sanctions are strong, they are efficient, they are hitting and reducing all revenues of Russia." They are disorganizing Russian industry, undermining war efforts," he said. Sanctions are effective and will be more effective in the long term. Search Keywords: Short link: Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview broadcast Sunday that Russia has no choice but to take into account NATOs nuclear capabilities, in remarks justifying Russias recent suspension of its participation in the New START treaty. As he has done repeatedly during the Ukraine war, Putin claimed that Russia faces an existential threat because, in his view, NATO members are seeking the countrys strategic defeat. He said on Russian state TV that the suspension of New START stemmed from the need to ensure security, strategic stability for Russia. When all the leading NATO countries have declared their main goal as inflicting a strategic defeat on us () how can we ignore their nuclear capabilities in these conditions? Putinsaid. Putins overarching goal in invading Ukraine a year ago was to reduce what he perceived as threats to Russias security, and at times he has used that as justification for threats to use nuclear weapons in the conflict. Putin declared Tuesday that Moscow was suspending its participation in the 2010 New START treaty, saying that Russia cant accept U.S. inspections of its nuclear sites under the pact while Washington and its NATO allies seek Russias defeat in Ukraine. The Russian president emphasized that Moscow was not withdrawing from the pact altogether, and the Russian Foreign Ministry said the country would respect the treatys caps on nuclear weapons and keep notifying the U.S. about test launches of ballistic missiles. In the interview with Russia 1 television broadcast Sunday two days after the one-year anniversary of the start of Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine Putin said that while NATO countries are not party to the treaty, they became part of the discussions on the issue, which Moscow doesnt object to, especially since it cant ignore NATOs nuclear capabilities. Putin alleged that the West wants to eliminate Russia, a notion that he has repeatedly used to justify Russian aggression in Ukraine. They have one goal: to disband the former Soviet Union and its fundamental part the Russian Federation, Putin said. If the West succeeds in destroying Russia and establishing control, he claimed, the Russian people may not survive as a unified nation. There will be Muscovites, Uralians and others, he said of Russias possible fragmentation. The West could only partly accept Russia into the so-called family of civilized peoples, breaking the country into separate pieces, he theorized. U.S. President Joe Biden countered Putins claims in a speech in Poland on Tuesday. The United States and the nations of Europe do not seek to control or destroy Russia. The West was not plotting to attack Russia, as Putin said today. And millions of Russian citizens who only want to live in peace with their neighbors are not the enemy, he said during the speech in the Polish capital, Warsaw. (AP) As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, CIA Director William Burns said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being too confident in his militarys ability to grind Ukraine into submission. Burns, in a television interview, said the head of Russias intelligence services had displayed in their November meeting a sense of cockiness and hubris that reflected Putins own beliefs that he can make time work for him, that he believes he can grind down the Ukrainians that he can wear down our European allies, that political fatigue will eventually set in. That conversation, in which Burns warned of the consequences if Russia were to deploy a nuclear weapon in Ukraine, was pretty dispiriting, Burns said. Burns said he judged Putin as quite determined to continue prosecuting the war, despite the casualties, tactical shortcomings and economic and reputational damage to Russia. I think Putin is, right now, entirely too confident of his ability to wear down Ukraine, Burns told CBS Face the Nation in an interview that aired Sunday. Burns said that at some point, hes going to have to face up to increasing costs as well, in coffins coming home to some of the poorest parts of Russia, where he said many of the conscripts being thrown as cannon fodder are from. Burns also said Putin was underestimating U.S. resolve to support Ukraine, saying that it has been his experience that the Russian leaders view is that Americans have attention deficit disorder and well move on to some other issue eventually. The comments came at a critical juncture for the war as the Biden administration is confident that the Chinese leadership is considering whether to provide lethal military equipment to Russia. It would be a very risky and unwise bet, Burns said, adding that such a move could only further strain relations between the worlds two largest economics. Thats why I hope very much that they dont. Burns said Chinas leader, Xi Jinping, has closely watched how the war has evolved, and I think, in many ways, hes been unsettled and sobered by what hes seen. The CIA director spoke of where Putins hubris has now gotten Russia, and said that in authoritarian systems, when nobody challenges a leader, you can make some huge blunders. Meanwhile, the question of military aid and the pace of the war is also a source of uncertainty in the U.S. as Republican lawmakers criticized the administration for not sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the U.S. was providing Ukraine with the military aid needed to retake territory seized by Russia. The domestic politics of support for Ukraine are also complicated by some GOP members of Congress who say the administration should pull back and focus more on the needs at home. Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee, said planes and long-range artillery could help end the war on a faster timeline. This whole thing is taking too long, McCaul said. And it really didnt have to happen this way, said McCaul, R-Texas. Ukraine won support last month from Baltic nations and Poland in its quest to obtain Western fighter jets, but there have been no signs that nations such as the U.S. and Britain will change their stance of refusing to provide warplanes to Kyiv. Biden said in an ABC News interview on Friday that hes ruling it out for now, saying that they are not the weaponry that Ukrainians need in the near term. But Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, said the White House has been slow in providing what Ukraine seeks, including jets. That has been a pattern with this administration from the beginning, where they have slow-rolled critical military weapons systems, he said. Jake Sullivan said the U.S. is already providing parts to keep Ukraines fleet of Soviet-era jets flying, but supplying F-16s is really a question for another day, for another phase of the war. (AP) Egypts speaker of parliament headed to Syria for talks with President Bashar Assad, among a delegation of Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union. The trip follows a mini-summit in Baghdad that affirmed the Arab League's intentions of bringing Syria back into the region's fold in the wake of the devastating quake that hit the country. Speaker of Egypt's House of Representatives Hanafy El-Gebaly is the most senior Egyptian official to visit Syria in over a decade after most Arab countries cut ties with Al-Al-Assad. Syria was suspended from the Arab League in 2011 after Al-Assad's government cracked down on mass protests against his rule an uprising that quickly descended into a brutal civil war. El-Gebaly told reporters after landing in Damascus that the Arab delegation was "visiting brotherly Syria to support the Syrian people" after the quake. He cited the joint statement from the Baghdad meeting about the need to begin the process of "bringing Syria back to the Arab fold. "Naturally, Syria will return someday, God willing, and matters will return to what they once were," he said. In recent years, several Arab countries have moved to reestablish ties with Al-Assad. This process intensified following the massive Feb. 6 earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria and killed over 47,000 people, including over 1,400 people in government-controlled areas of Syria and more than 2,400 in the rebel-held northwest. The quake further compounded Syria's deep economic crisis. Egypt and Saudi Arabia are among the U.S. allies in the Middle East that delivered earthquake aid to government-held areas in Syria. In addition, the United Arab Emirates sent more aid-loaded planes than any other nation, including Syria's key allies, Russia and Iran. "The UAE was among the first countries that stood with Syria and sent huge relief and humanitarian aid and search and rescue teams," Al-Assad said during a meeting in Damascus with Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan. Sheikh Abdullah had already met with Al-Assad months earlier during his second visit to Damascus on 4 January, where they discussed boosting economic ties between their nations. Sheikh Abdullahs visit comes ten months after Al-Assad paid a rare visit to the UAE his first in several years to a foreign country other than his allies Russia and Iran. In the same vein, President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi reiterated in a phone call with the Syrian President Egypts solidarity with Syria and its brotherly people in the current calamity and that he would direct all possible aid to the country. The Syrian president expressed his appreciation to El-Sisi for his kind gesture, stressing Syrias pride in the historical and fraternal relations between the two countries. Similarly, in a sign of warming ties, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud said a little over a week ago at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) 2023 that dialogue with Damascus was necessary "at some point," Reuters reported. "You will see not just among the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) but in the Arab world that there is a consensus growing that the status quo is not workable," he added. The minister's remarks signal a shift in Arab attitudes toward Al-Assad's government which, during the early years of Syria's 12-year civil war, was made a pariah by the international community. With the war mostly stalemated in recent years and after Al-Assad regained control over much of Syria's territory thanks to military assistance from Russia, Iran, and the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group, Arab countries have inched closer toward restoring ties with the Syrian leader. In June, Bahrain named its complete diplomatic mission to Syria in over a decade. During a visit to Damascus last July, Algeria's top diplomat said his nation, alongside other Arab countries, was coordinating to restore Syria's Arab League membership. Al-Assad also had a call with Jordan's King Abdullah II in October 2021. Search Keywords: Short link: Quick glimpse at local crime news starting with a nearby jail house on the auction block . . . Check TKC news gathering . . . This unusual KC-area real estate listing boasts a sturdy concrete structure, 34 cells in three cell blocks, and a secure fenced lot A real estate agent hopes you'll bring your "vision and imagination" to this unusual listing -- the former Cass County, Missouri Jail in Harrisonville. Take a look at what the inside looks like now.Paula Voss is the real estate agent behind the property. She said the jail dates back to the 1960's. A Kansas man wins parole 25 years after being allegedly set up by indicted KCKPD detective Brian Betts' case was much like that of Lamonte McIntyre, another KCK man who says he was framed by former KCK Police Detective Roger Golubski. But McIntyre was exonerated in 2017, while Betts served out most of his 25-year sentence. Former Chillicothe therapist charged with second patient's murder CHILLICOTHE, Mo. - A former Chillicothe hospital worker faces new charges, accused of murdering a second patient more than 20 years ago. This week, the Livingston County Prosecutor Adam Warren charged Jennifer Hall with first-degree murder in the death of 37-year-old David Wesley Harper. Hall already faces first-degree murder in the death of 75-year-old Fern Franco. Four Overland Park police officers on leave amid investigation. How much has it cost? The City of Overland Park has spent nearly $250,000 on salaries for four police officers who were placed on paid administrative leave over nine months ago. Sgt. Timothy Tinnin, Sgt. Rachel Scattergood, Sgt. Police attempting to identifying suspect in Overland Park robbery OVERLAND PARK, Kan. - The Overland Park Police Department is asking for the public's help identifying a man involved in a robbery near the Oak Park Mall. On Feb. 2, Overland Park police responded to a reported robbery in the 11500 block of W. 95th St. Feb. 24, 2023 Editorial: Officer's death a somber reminder of risks in law enforcement A good guy, dedicated public servant and a faith partner. This week, a somber reminder of the risks that our brave law enforcement officers face every day. A teenager behind the wheel of a speeding car took the lives of Kansas City police Officer James Muhlbauer, police dog Champ and a pedestrian, Jesse Eckes, leaving behind a trail of heartbreak and devastation. Developing . . . Not really . . . But that's the argument from this blog that's mostly funded by the DNC. Also . . . Opposing LGBT studies for youngsters is also racist according to this AWARD WINNING PROGRESSIVE NEWS OUTLET. But they don't really explain how. For now . . . Here's their premise which claims that Kansas is just as racist now as it was in 1954: Here in Kansas, lawmakers have introduced a bill allowing parents to opt their students out of activities or course materials parents deem objectionable. Similarly, what if we placed the term school choice under a historical lens? Were strangely proud of the Brown decision here in Kansas. Strange because our inclusion in Brown meant that we aimed racism at children here. But todays school choice efforts here in Kansas and elsewhere to steer public money into private schools had their origins in Brown-era resistance to desegregation. Read more via link . . . Apropos for our discussion about faith communities and politics . . . Check-it . . . From Activist Justice Horn . . . This morning, I joined the congregation at Central Presbyterian Church to talk about the record number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills here in Missouri and what we can do about it. I like to always ensure my message meets the community where theyre at. Here are some of my remarks . . . Read more via link to the Sunday gathering . . . Developing . . . Tax season is upon us and with it comes the ever-present threat of fraud. Canadians should be wary of scammers posing as Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) employees who will trick their victims into sending them money or providing personal information that can be used to take over a bank account. Inmos and the Transputer This is an edited version of part of the talk given by Iann Barron to the Computer Conservation Society of the British Computer Society in 1998. It's the story of the UK's attempt to become a force in the emerging microprocessor industry of the 1970s, told by the man who was the driving force behind it. In the first part Iann Barron describes how Inmos came into being and the thinking behind the revolutionary transputer. In the second part, which starts at the point when Inmos had just secured its second slice of Government funding, Iann Barron charts the company's decline and fall. Part 1 My story starts before Inmos. After working on the Modular One computer, I retired gracefully when I was 37. That was in 1974. I stayed retired for four weeks before I decided that I ought to do something else. I set myself three objectives. The first was fairly ambitious. I didn't think much of the team at the Department of Industry and I decided it would be nice to get a new one. The second was even more ambitious; I decided that what we really needed was a Minister for Information Technology, so I went around advocating this vociferously for several years. We did eventually get one, although it proved to be just the one - Kenneth Baker was our only Minister for Information Technology. Fortunately he was around at just about the right time for Inmos. I don't know what he did for the rest of the world, but he was quite helpful to me. Thirdly, it seemed clear to me that microprocessors were the future, so I wanted to become an expert in that field. I eventually ended up doing consultancy for Intel, Motorola and Texas Instruments, which fairly well covered the waterfront. At the same time, I became interested in parallel processing and models of parallel processing. I spent some time at Queen Mary College and other places looking at how one might split up computations and implement them more effectively. It was out of that work that the idea of the transputer grew, so the transputer was around before Inmos. I'm going to move backwards and forwards between the transputer and Inmos because it is necessary to take the two together in order to understand what happened. Inmos was a complete accident, as far as I was concerned. It started when I was asked to organise a session on the future of computing for a conference in Toronto in 1977. I decided to ask experts from each of several different areas of computing to give their vision of the future. I realised I needed someone to talk about semiconductors, which were clearly the driving force for computing at the time. I found a man called Petritz who had been at Texas Instruments and who had subsequently written a series of what I thought were very good papers looking at how the technology might develop. So I invited him to come along and talk. Much to my embarrassment he never responded to my increasingly frantic communications. By the time I told the organising committee, it was a serious problem - they had already printed the programmes with his name among the speakers. Right up to the conference Petritz never made contact with me. Just before the conference started, there was an air traffic controllers' strike in Canada. So I got to Canada, as did many other people, by a devious route; I flew to Buffalo and was bussed from there to Toronto. I arrived at 3.30 in the morning. The conference was due to start at 12 o'clock that day. None of my speakers had arrived - it was complete chaos - and by this time I'd been on my feet for some 30 hours. The conference had opened before my speakers eventually arrived, but they did include this man Petritz, whom I'd asked to lecture and who had never contacted me. My session was immediately after the opening ceremony and was really exciting. I had never managed such a large audience before - there were some 7,000 people. The hall was packed, the aisles were packed, the seats were packed - there were people everywhere. And then Edsger Dijkstra made some very provocative comments about microprocessors; there was pandemonium; people were fighting in the aisles trying to get to the microphones. Afterwards, I invited my speakers for a drink. We went out, found a darkened bar and settled down. I just wanted to go to sleep. Petritz sat next to me and after a few minutes he said "Pssst! Want to start a new semiconductor company?" Petritz explained that he was planning to start a semiconductor company. He had hired someone to handle the memory side of the business, and he wanted me to handle the microprocessor side. I never said anything - after 36 hours without sleep, I was dead. I did not see Petritz again for the rest of the conference. When it was time to leave Canada, the planes were flying again - the air traffic controllers' strike had been declared illegal by the Government. I wanted to go to Austin, Texas. Now, the way US Customs are handled in Canada, you have to go through US Customs in Toronto or Montreal, rather than when you reach your US destination. I was dressed fairly casually, and the US Customs people wouldn't let me through. They asked for evidence that I was going to Austin, and I didn't have any because it was in my case and my case was on the plane. So they refused to let me on the plane. Impasse! Then Petritz turned up and said "I know him! You let him on the plane". So we got on the plane and sat down together, and he explained his idea for a semiconductor company. I said no, I wasn't all that interested, because I didn't want to leave the UK. His parting line was "If you can raise the money in the UK you can have part of the company there". I thought, "Maybe I can". That is how Inmos started. In the UK I had been consulting for the National Enterprise Board (NEB). This was the vehicle set up by the Labour government to improve industrial performance. I'd done various jobs for them. They had asked me to look at reorganising the minicomputer industry and I told them it was a waste of time. They had also asked me to look at reorganising the semiconductor industry. When I got back to the UK I told them, "Maybe I do have an idea how you can do something for the semiconductor industry. We could set up an operation in the US. We could acquire the technology, bring it back to the UK and, hey presto, you've got a semiconductor company." That idea turned into a two hour presentation two days after I had come back from the US. The Chairman of the NEB said, "Fine! Produce a credible business plan and we'll back you". So that was a pretty good start. However, I had difficulty in producing a business plan. I had to go back to Dick Petritz, because he had the basic understanding of the costs of the business. And again, he went incommunicado - I couldn't get any information out of him. It wasn't until the end of November that I eventually made contact and he started to take an intelligent interest. He sent over a business plan, but it wasn't terribly good. He was asking for $12,500,000, which didn't seem to be enough. So on the general principle that you need twice as much as you think, I doubled his figure; I also turned it into pounds for good luck. So, when I went to the NEB I asked for 25 million. They looked at me and said "No, people always get it wrong, you should ask for twice as much". If you start off with a plan for $12.5 million and have to convert it into a plan for 50 million, it's quite difficult to find a way to spend all that additional money. Fortunately, just before I produced the plan a new piece of equipment had been announced called a wafer-stepper, which replaced the original technique for exposing the photographic patterns on wafers. The merit of a wafer-stepper, as far as I was concerned, was that it cost a million dollars as opposed to $50,000, so I put them into the plan. It proved a great technical decision. That was the way the industry went, and we were there first. We not only had wafer-steppers, we actually cornered the market. When the other companies realised they wanted them, our orders filled the world's production capacity, so they couldn't get them. So a $12.5 million business plan was escalated into a 50 million plan, which I happily constructed over Christmas while playing Monopoly with my children. The NEB read the plan and agreed to back it. There was still the minor problem of convincing the Labour Government that they ought to back the idea, because it was obviously politically very sensitive. It took three months to square the system. The person who objected most was Tony Benn, the MP for Bristol - a bit ironic in view of what happened subsequently. He objected to Americans getting rich out of the British Government. Eventually what happened was simply that Jim Callaghan said "We'll do it". And they did. So the funding arrived just a year after the original discussions in August 1977. The first thing that happened was that I was given a 5,000,000 cheque to put into the bank. I went home with it, and my kids rifled my wallet that night and found the cheque inside. They assumed it was my money; sadly, it wasn't. That was how Inmos started, completely by accident, although there was a clear rationale about what we were trying to do. Now, one of main the elements of the Inmos plan was the transputer. As I have said, this concept had arisen out of the work that I had been doing on parallel processing. It was an attempt to create a thoroughly modern microprocessor. Strategically, I was trying to sidestep the two principal competitors in the market: Motorola and Intel. I knew that if we went head-on with them we wouldn't have a hope because the market dynamics favoured de facto standards. At that time both Intel and Motorola operated in a very predictable way. They each had two microprocessor development teams; it took four years to develop a microprocessor chip; so there was a new generation microprocessor every two years. Everybody knew pretty much what the performance would be because the progress of the technology was so well understood. I also knew what the microprocessors were going to be like because both Intel and Motorola were locked into supporting machine code and they didn't have any manoeuvrability to change the underlying architecture or instruction set. So I knew exactly what was the competition would do. What I was aiming to do with the transputer was to find new markets which would straddle the market that Intel and Motorola controlled, so that when we got ourselves properly established we could swing back in and attack them in their established market. I aimed to compete in two areas. One was embedded applications, the second was parallel processing. These have a common theme because they both require a chip which is concerned with interacting with things outside itself. What I was trying to do was to find better ways to make chips that could interact with external events, and particularly to try to do this more consistently and more formally, so there would be fewer errors in the programs that were written. The intention with the transputer was to make improvements on all fronts. We didn't intend to do anything revolutionary. Instead we wanted to get the odd 10%-20% gain from many different areas, although we probably went a good deal further than 20% in a number of areas. The first thing that we decided, which was at that time revolutionary, was to use CMOS technology. Microprocessors had originally been implemented using p-channel technology and then using n-channel technology. CMOS gave us a number of advantages. It gave us an important power advantage - chips at that time were getting pretty hot and power management was important. It gave us much easier design methods, and it gave us much greater predictability of the way the circuits worked. (The n-channel circuits of the day were pretty analogue in their behaviour, whereas CMOS contained real digital circuits which behaved in a predictable and controllable fashion, so you could put lots together without getting electrical problems). The second thing we decided was to use a formal design process. People were having a great deal of difficulty in designing microprocessors and getting them correct. Most microprocessors did not work as intended, while a lot of them had serious design flaws. That meant that the development process had a lot of iterations. We figured that if we went to a formal design process we could get a useful development cycle advantage over the competition. The third decision was to use a proper CAD system to design microprocessors. The way it was done at the time was largely using a circuit analysis tool which only did the analogue design. It didn't tell you anything about large scale digital circuitry. The only trouble was that there were no commercial design tools available. So one of things Inmos did, which has never been visible to the outside world, was to develop a major suite of CAD software which designed everything down to the transistor level. That was the fundamental thing that enabled us to deliver our microprocessors. We had to do even more than this because, at the time, workstations were not available. So, we had to design our own around the Motorola 68000 to provide us with the necessary computing power to put on the desk of the designer and deliver each aspect of the design process. Sadly, about two years after we started, CAD workstations emerged in the marketplace. Had they been there earlier we would have been delighted to buy them. By the time they came out, we were locked into our own custom systems which we had to stick with for several years thereafter. We were worried about clock speeds, so we employed a system where we generated clocks internally on a free-running oscillator. That was synched into an internal clock which ran at a much slower speed. This was an essential part of the design concept; if there are a large number of interconnected chips disseminated across multiple boards, we had somehow or other to design a system which was coherent in spite of the fact that we could not fully synchronise the clocks. We also decided to do something about microcode. Typical microcode, which was the way that control systems and microprocessors were implemented at the time, was very sparse and essentially had a set of wires going one way saying "this is an event" and another set going at right angles saying "this is a control signal". This meant that the microcode was mostly space with nothing useful in it. We devised a method of compacting the microcode so that we could make a microcode ROM which was about a fifth the size of any of our competitors. That was a big space advantage. Also, because the transputer was a computer on a chip, it was going to have a processor and memory, and so we had the enormous advantage that we had an internal memory interface. If you look at a microprocessor system, the thing that slows it down is moving information off the chip and into the memory system and then from the memory back onto the chip. If you can get the memory system onto the same chip as the microprocessor, you can run the two at a very much higher speed. So we were able to go a lot faster than anyone else because we put as much memory as we could onto the chip itself. The last technical thing we did was to go to the idea of a Reduced Instruction Set (Risc), though it wasn't called that at the time. We went away from the Complex Instruction Sets (Cisc) that were in microprocessors at the time to something very much simpler and therefore very much faster and very much cheaper to implement. This also had the advantage that it reduced the size of the chip. Essentially all of those techniques worked and we were successful in what we were trying to do. There was a similarly well thought out strategy for the memory business. Our first objective was to make static RAM, the high performance memory which made the computers of the time and subsequent microprocessors really work. This was an interesting market because there was only one company, Intel, making static RAMs. Intel controlled the market, and made an enormous amount of money out of their 4K devices. There were a number of Japanese companies looking at the market. We thought we could get in there and do a good job. Another factor was that it was much easier to design a static RAM, and required less process development, so that we could get to market more quickly. So our fundamental aim was to hit the 16K static RAM market first, before Intel or the Japanese. We thought the static RAM market was going to grow enormously with the computer business, as indeed it did. Subsequently we intended to introduce specialised high performance dynamic RAMs, and then to have a third round of products based on innovative non-volatile memory technology. However, as a business, what we were trying to do was severely misunderstood. At that time the next 'great challenge' was the 64K dynamic RAM. So everyone, particularly the UK press, assumed the objective of Inmos was to make 64K dynamic RAMs. Then, as now, this wasn't regarded as a very profitable sort of business so everybody wondered what the hell we were doing. We had the problem that we were being slated in the UK for our stupid policy, and yet we did not want to reveal what we were actually doing. Our overall business strategy was to introduce a sequence of memory products and finally some five years out to introduce a microprocessor. Five years, because that is the length of time it really takes to produce a microprocessor, I'm afraid. It was a pretty good business plan which convinced everyone. The intention was to build a pilot plant in the US, develop the process technology there, and then build a large-scale plant in the UK, transfer the process technology across, and build the UK expertise in a viable way thereafter. I inadvisedly described this as a technology pump from the US to the UK - that got me into a lot of trouble with a lot of Americans. Good as the business plan might be, it had weaknesses that were to cause Inmos continuing grief over the years. The problems were to do with motivation and human nature. What we were trying to create was not one but two start up companies, one in the US for memory products, and one in the UK for microprocessor products. Starting one company is hard enough, starting two which need to be integrated in terms of management, technology and objectives is virtually impossible. It might not be obvious to an outsider, but there is very little commonality between a memory business and a microprocessor business. The process technology is different, the design philosophy is different (one involves analogue circuit design, the other involves the management of complexity), and the marketing is different (memory is sold to the purchasing organisation, microprocessors are sold to the design group). Even in well established companies like Intel, there were continual conflicts between the memory and the microprocessor businesses; so you can imagine what it was like for Inmos. Then there are the cultural differences between the US and the UK. Two nations divided by a common language is an understatement. These cultural differences affected Inmos in all sorts of ways. The most serious was the matter of expectation. Americans are taught to be positive, they sell themselves and their achievements, often talking about what is intended to happen as though it is already achieved. The British, by contrast, tend to be cautious, identifying all the potential problems and not making claims until they are entirely certain these are justified. This meant that the Americans continually underestimated the achievements of the British, and the British continually overestimated the achievements of the Americans. There was enormous conflict between the US and UK. It was an underlying structural problem that went on for years. My US partners regarded the UK company as a tax on the investment capital they had received, and they wanted to lose the UK company as fast as they could. Clearly my motivation was somewhat different. Now you would think that the motivation of the UK shareholders would have been the same as mine. Unfortunately both the NEB and the Government took the view that the Americans knew best, that the British didn't know anything about semiconductors and that we had to defer to them in every respect. That made my life extremely difficult. I had a continuing battle to stop production, resources and money moving from the UK to the US, and I wasn't getting any support from my seniors. This was made more difficult because the microprocessor business was much longer term than the memory business, so there was a natural tendency to direct the available resources to the memory business, which meant to the US. Initially there was a big debate about where Inmos should go in the UK and there was lots of political in-fighting about this. My basic management position was that it had to be somewhere near Heathrow because we were going to go backwards and forwards to the US every week. The political view was that the north-east or Scotland or somewhere like that would be better. By the time the first recruitment advertisement was due to go out it had been agreed, very reluctantly, that we should locate in Bristol. I had been authorised to put the advertisement out, but on the evening before it was due to appear, I received a call from the Chairman of the NEB telling me the agreement had been withdrawn. I explained that the advertisement was already going out, so the Government machine went in motion and stopped the publication of the newspapers. The advertisement had been due to go into three or four newspapers; new copies were printed with a blank space where the advertisement should have been. Unfortunately, the good old Guardian didn't quite receive the instruction properly and they printed some papers containing the advertisement. Even more unfortunately, those papers were distributed in Newcastle and the surrounding areas. All hell was let loose! The cat was really out of the bag, but the company did end up in Bristol. The advertisement headline was "Go West young man", which led to further problems. Firstly, the sex equality people came along and said I should not be using the word "man". Secondly, we had asked for "computer architects"; the Royal Institute of British Architects pointed out that the word "architect" was controlled by an Act of Parliament passed in 1933, which specified that architects could design houses, landscapes or ships, but not computers. We had a thousand replies to that advertisement. There were just three of us to sort them out, and that's how we got our original nucleus of 10 people. But we really built the company on new graduates. I had done the same with Computer Technology previously; it's the best way to build a company because new graduates are keen and enthusiastic, and they do not know what is impossible. You can ask them to do anything and they just go away and do it. The plan had been to set up a prototype semiconductor plant in the US which was due to cost $12,500,000 (you might recognise that number!). The same thing happened; it turned into 12,500,000, and before you knew it there was 25,000,000 going into this US facility. Well, that was not too bad. Sadly, something else happened during this time. We'd set the company up in 1978; within six months the Labour Government which had funded us was no more and Mrs Thatcher was in control. Mrs Thatcher took a very dim view of Inmos. It was an embarrassment and a nuisance to her and she didn't want to know anything about it. I need to go back slightly to explain a detail of our funding. When it had been agreed that 50,000,000 was the sum of money which should be invested in Inmos, the NEB put in a clause which they explained was perfectly reasonable ... "Look, we know that it has no effect, but we are going to split the investment into two tranches of 25,000,000 because it would look more prudent to the Government if we had control over the second 25,000,000. We, the NEB, understand very well that there will be no measurable results after the expenditure of the first 25,000,000 so we will have really no discretion but to give you that second 25,000,000. However it will look good politically." We agreed quite happily. We were not so happy when the Government changed. We hadn't received the second 25,000,000 by then, and the Thatcher Government immediately said "We're not going to provide it", which left poor Inmos with rather a nice US operation, some people in the UK thinking about microprocessors, but no other benefits or assets in the UK. It took something like 18 months of very high profile argument before we got our second 25,000,000, and that severely damaged the UK aspect of Inmos because it delayed its progress by over a year while its US company was up, running and doing good things. However, we did eventually get the money. Part 2 We then had to build a semiconductor plant in the UK. The Thatcher Government said "We're hands off. We don't involve ourselves with industry at all. We certainly wouldn't want to involve ourselves in any conflicts about where you locate the plant, but it had better be in South Wales"! So that's where it went. We got the facility up, we got the process in, and then we hit trouble. We couldn't make the process work. We could make integrated circuits but they were unreliable and when we did tests on them we found they suffered from metal fatigue, and a small proportion didn't function correctly. We identified a particular piece of process equipment which we didn't think worked very well. However the American company insisted that the fault must lie with the management of the operation - no problem with their process - it was the people who were running it in the UK. Then, three or four months later, at Christmas 1982, we had a severe disaster. A semiconductor plant depends upon using copious quantities of very pure water and has enormous de-ionising facilities for the water to get to absolute, or very near absolute purity. I was rung up on Christmas Day with news that the water was anything but pure and was getting worse. Even though we were now almost in full production, we had to close the whole plant down. It was not at all clear what had gone wrong. Eventually, after about three days, we identified that the problem lay with the resins which were used for the de-ionisation process - basically chemicals in huge 'tin cans'. The tin cans were about three metres in diameter and eight metres high. Something had gone wrong with them. What we had to do - and this was all across the holiday period - was to physically dig out all this resin and get another lot trucked in and loaded. Virtually everybody in the company, including me, had shovels, and was standing in these great big tin cans shovelling resin. The result was that the Americans said, "These Brits don't know what they're doing. Get rid of them!". The semiconductor facility was taken away and put under the control of the Americans who were deemed to understand these things. What had actually happened, as we found out three months later, was that on Christmas Eve the engineers at the local reservoir decided to celebrate. They were supposed to stay on site, so what they did was to dump 100 times the standard level of chlorine into the water supply, then go off and have a Christmas party. That chlorine totally ruined our semiconductor plant. We had many further problems. One was with money, because the pound collapsed and so my original 50 million had halved in value by the time we got around to spending the second half of it. So we ran out of money. We then had another highly protracted and visible round of arguments with the Government before we managed to extract another 15 million which was necessary to compensate for the fact that the second 25 million had been delayed. We had just one staunch ally in the Thatcher Government - Keith Joseph. He consistently supported Inmos, consistently argued our case, and went to the Cabinet three times to get this money. While he was doing this he was being slated in the UK press for his lack of support for Inmos. A sad thing. We eventually got our money. We got our process up. We got our SRAM out and Inmos became very successful. We were making a lot of money, and we had very good prospects. But Mrs Thatcher decided she didn't want Inmos, so it was politically unacceptable to recognise that we had been successful. We suffered a succession of press and parliamentary statements about how unsatisfactory Inmos was. We also had the requirement placed upon us as management that we try to buy the company. I can tell you that it is extremely difficult to find a buyer for a company when your major shareholder is the Government and is saying that you're no good. Our American partners did actually find an American company, which offered to take Inmos off the Government's hands for a fee of 15 million. Incredibly, this was agreed. So I went to the then chairman of Inmos and said, "Look this is totally wrong. We have a company that is doing extremely well and we have a deal which is being stitched up between an American company and our American partners to take it off the UK Government. For this they want to be paid - and then they are proposing to make a lot of money out of the US company." My chairman said "Yes, I understand all that but I can't do anything about it. If you want to do something I will treat this conversation as privileged". So I went to see Mrs Thatcher and I told her that if the deal went through, in six months there would be so much mud on the face of the Tory Government that it would do them no good. That stopped it! Back at the ranch, we were still trying to develop the transputer. I had the problem that I was trying both to direct the technical development of the transputer and to cope with my American partners and an unsatisfactory political environment. It was not a very pleasant time in many ways. Going back to the transputer itself, we had two technical gurus, David May and Robert Milne. They were just like chalk and cheese - completely different in their approaches. Robert was substantially more clever than David, and David's quite clever enough. When Robert wrote his PhD thesis in Edinburgh his supervisor Robin Milner, who was not lacking academically, said he couldn't understand a word of, it but seeing that Robert had written it, it must be right. Unfortunately Robert did have the problem that he could not communicate very well with mere mortals. I spent my life trying to understand what it was he was saying. So we had a high level conflict between two people who were both very clear on their views on parallelism, one of whom had a simple vision and one of whom had a far more complicated vision. Eventually I had to decide between the two. I had no hesitation, because David's position was basically where I had been some time before, but it was very painful at the time. Robert contributed a great deal to the underlying ideas and architecture of the transputer and he deserves recognition for that. Another thing he contributed, ironically, was the name Occam for our programming language. In terms of process technology we had Peter Cavill from Marconi and Jonathan Edwards from Plessey. The depth of knowledge in the UK on process technology fundamentals was far better than in the United States, and most of the process ideas which were eventually developed came out of the UK company's microprocessor activities. The CAD system and workstations were developed by Colin Whitby- Strevens and the actual detailed implementation and layout of the transputer was done by a team under Miles Chesney. We made an experimental microprocessor to prove the technique, to prove the design system, and to prove the process. We had to test a lot of the novel logical techniques that were being used inside. We made a cut-down version of the final transputer, without the on-chip memory and many of the more complicated instructions that relate to processes. We built a second chip to go with it which enabled us to take the outputs and display them; this drove a CRT display. It all worked! Just like that! Bingo! I think we had one minor revision, but essentially we had produced a complex microprocessor which worked first time. Essentially a transputer allows a set of programs or processes which are independent of one another to run concurrently, so that the processor is shared between a set of processes. The processors communicate with one another by a simple channel which passes messages and provides synchronisation. We built the instruction set hardware so that what the programmer saw was effectively a set of parallel processes. The microprocessor implemented them and scheduled them. It did the scheduling in an optimally efficient way in terms of the number of times one swaps from one process to another. Again it all worked! The trick was that we made sure that the communication between the processes that were running on a transputer was identical from a programmer point of view, whether it was done within one transputer or between multiple transputers. This meant it was invisible to the programmer whether he was using one transputer or several. The program was the same; it was just compiled in a different way depending how many transputers were being used. Of course there was a performance overhead, and we put a lot of effort into ensuring that the overhead for going from one process to another was as small as possible. It was equivalent to something like three basic instructions, so we could have lightweight processes running very short programs with a negligible overhead. Some transputer applications were written with processes as small as 10 instructions. The other thing we did was to create the Occam programming language, which directly mirrored the structure within the transputer. Occam was not a one-for-one assembly language; it was a high-level language built with predictability in terms of the length of time taken to execute any bit of compiled program. All that was great. Everything worked just as the theory said it should. There was just one thing that went wrong - and that was the compilers. It was quite clear that we were moving to a situation where we were going to have a programming language for our own internal purposes that effectively replaced an assembly language, but we expected that customers would want to program transputers in high-level languages. That was a fundamental strategic goal from the beginning. It was obvious that people could not go on programming microprocessors in assembly language. There had to be a change. We thought that if we had a chip which was designed properly to support high level programming languages, we would then be in a very strong position when that change occurred, compared to our competitor companies who were locked into architectures designed for hand-coding, because for them it would be extremely difficult to exploit compilers. We were right about that. Unfortunately we had a problem - money! We had no money to develop the compilers we needed. Our funds had all been used up in the US. We tried to get away with using a cheap untried UK solution in which we were going to get three compilers generated from one basic piece of code - and it didn't work! So by the time the transputer came to market everything was there, everything was right, except that we didn't have the compilers necessary to exploit the capability we had created. We never did get those compilers. Reverting to the original business plan, the proposition that went to the NEB was to make an investment in a semiconductor company, to get it up and running, and establish a viable semiconductor business in the UK. Then the intention was to sell it off, doing away with the need for the NEB by refinancing Inmos in the UK as a UK company. The plan said that this would happen in 1984. I had forecast that in that year Inmos would have a turnover of 150 million - which it did - that it would have a profitability of 12 million - I think we actually made 15 million - that the NEB would exit during the year, and that the company would be valued at 125 million. That is exactly what happened. I bet nobody's ever produced a business plan and got it as right as that. I have to admit that if you look at the forecast for any one of the preceding years, they were totally and utterly wrong. But 1984 I got exactly right! The Government was desperate for us to be privatised in some way, but they had no takers. I devised something I called the white pawn strategy. You've heard of white knights - white pawns are the poor man's version. There was no company in the UK that looked like a white knight, but I did think there were perhaps half a dozen companies that we might persuade to invest in Inmos to provide an underlying resource to support their businesses. One of these was Thorn EMI. Come the middle of 1984, the then Chairman of Thorn EMI, Peter Laister, started to get ambitious and wanted to acquire something significant. He bid for British Aerospace, failed, and attracted a lot of criticism. One bright young man in his private office said to him "Why don't you buy Inmos instead?", and so he did, in less than a week. He paid 125 million for Inmos. It was quite sudden, totally unexpected and, from my point of view, very surprising. I was called up one day and told "There's this company that wants to buy you". I went to various meetings, the last of them at the Department of Industry offices in Victoria Street. It started about midday and went on until midnight at which point the deal was done. I was excluded from most of the meeting. I had no direct involvement, and I was told, "Just go down the corridor and find somewhere to sit". So I did. I sat down in an office and after about 10 minutes I started to look round and realised it was rather a grand office. I looked a bit more and realised there were papers on the desk. I was actually sitting at the Minister's desk. That's security for you! Eventually I was called back into the meeting and was told the deal had been done. Peter Laister produced a transputer chip from his pocket, waved it at the assembled audience, which consisted of one person from the NEB, one from the Government and 50 lawyers and said, "Look, I've paid 125 million for this". There was one flaw. The business plan said that in 1984 not only would the company be sold, but that it would be refinanced, because we knew at that stage we would want money put in to expand our business further. But there was no refinancing, and no money went into Inmos. The 125 million went straight to the Treasury. So from that moment on we had no cash to do anything. We couldn't advance the technology in any way. We couldn't develop our memory products. It was not really Thorn's fault. They shouldn't have bought Inmos - it was a really stupid thing to do, and Peter Laister was ousted from that company within three months. Thorn did try their best to look after us. It was just that they didn't have the kind of cash that was necessary to fund and run a large-scale semiconductor company. We had been doing very well. Our static RAM products, in spite of the technical problems, had knocked Intel out of the market. We had something like a 60% share of the world's market for them and our only competitors were Japanese companies. We had dynamic RAMs of high performance, and we had transputers just about coming to market. So we were in a very good technical position. We just didn't have the money to exploit it. There was one other unfortunate occurrence at this stage. Almost immediately after selling the company, it started to become apparent that some of our customers were having failures in their static RAM memory chips. This problem escalated, and after about six months it became clear that we had a serious reliability problem. The problem was due to a faulty piece of equipment. Inmos was not the only company to suffer at that time and two or three semiconductor companies actually went under as a result. Which piece of equipment was it? Yes, you've guessed it; it was the problem we had identified in the UK factory when we started to manufacture the static RAM in 1982. At that time, not only had the US taken over control and management of the UK factory, but they had also transferred production of the static RAM back to the US - it was a highly profitable product, and the company making the static RAM automatically had the better balance sheet. Heads rolled, and much of the US management was dismissed. So we had to cut back the company and lost half our transputer design team. We tried to retrench in an appropriate management fashion and to create something valuable out of it, so we actually hived off some of our best people into a new company which then went into business making parallel computers. The story got worse. Eventually I had the ironic situation where I was in the US running the US company and I had to sell it off. It was actually sold to Seymour Cray, whom I had spent quite a long time trying to convince of the value of the transputer. It wasn't all doom and gloom because we had, as I have said, good technology. We had developed fundamental patents for static RAMs, for dynamic RAMs and for microprocessors, to the extent that every static RAM or dynamic RAM made involved a significant patent from Inmos. IBM was so concerned about our patent position in microprocessors they gave us rights to all their patents in return for rights in our patents. Eventually dear old Thorn made something like 150 million to 200 million out of the Inmos patents, which is hardly ever mentioned. They got their money back all right. There were two other money spinners. Our dynamic RAM technology was very good, and we were able to licence it to a Japanese company and set up an automated manufacturing facility in Japan. The other product was the second test chip we had made for the transputer. We persuaded IBM to use this as their next generation graphic chip, and it became embedded in the PC as the SVGA standard. Some of the oddities in the present Windows operating system stem directly from the way this chip was designed to work with the transputer. But from the point of view of the transputer we did not have the resources to do what was necessary. We did do one clever thing which was to add a floating-point unit to the existing microprocessor. We exploited the improved process technology to be able to put on board a floating-point unit and again we used formal techniques. We were able to prove what we were doing and we were able to design a floating-point unit better than anything else on the market by a very long chalk. That gave us another couple of years lease of life. The end came in 1989 when Inmos was sold to SGS Thompson. SGS Thompson was essentially a semiconductor company set up by the French and Italian Governments to do what Inmos had planned to do in the UK. The Managing Director, Pasquale Pistorio, was very enthusiastic about the transputer. He thought it was an extremely good product and wanted to revive it. He was prepared to put a substantial amount of money in this. But there was a fundamental problem. No work had been done on the transputer in terms of implementation and design since about 1985, and this was 1989. There were two routes that we could go down. One was to take the existing design and just re-implement it again in the latest process technology, taking advantage of various tricks and getting more memory on the chip and things like that. The most favourable view was that this could be done by 1991; my personal belief was that it would take at least a year or two years longer and would not be competitive. The alternative was to start from scratch and design a new transputer, keeping the concept and making sure it was software-compatible and connectable and things like that, but changing the instruction set and being quite radical. The quite radical thing was to put four transputers onto a chip. You could say that we were doing much the same thing as the very long instruction word microprocessors. We were going to produce a system with a full 64-bit internal bus with 32-bit addressing, four address units, four arithmetic units, and two 64-bit floating-point units. We were going to put a 50 Mbps link between the transputers and everything was absolutely divine. The trouble is that this would take a long time to do, and it wouldn't have been available until 1992 or 1993. So there was no real way for the company to survive. A decision was made to go the route of re-implementing the existing design in the latest technology, and it was a failure as expected. That was the T9000 - it never really saw the light of day. That was the last of the transputer and very recently ST Microelectronics, as SGS Thompson has become, announced that there will be no more transputers, which is sad. If we look back now, it is clear that Inmos was a glorious failure. It had enormous technical successes. The static RAM technology design is the way that the world now designs static RAM. The same thing is true for dynamic RAM technology. We had the transputer which was a unique design, and we had, as I have said, this very strong patent base. Our problem was the corporate failures. The underlying issue was the control of the company. There were conflicts between the US and UK, which led to extreme mistrust. We had an antagonistic shareholder. Originally there were difficulties within the Labour Government, because there was one minister who objected - Tony Benn. Later our antagonistic shareholder was Margaret Thatcher. I had a number of discussions with her aides about the problem. Mrs Thatcher continually said her aim was to support sunrise industries, and that she wanted to compete with the Japanese, and Inmos, of course, was doing all of those things. I was told that she had a very simplistic view towards life and liked to get things down to one basic idea. Her one basic idea about Inmos could not be changed, and that was that Inmos had been started by Tony Benn. Madam didn't like him very much. At a management level we had the quality failures. There was also the underlying issue, which hits UK companies time and time again, that you can get the money to start, but when you get market success you really need more and you cannot raise it. What went wrong with Inmos more than anything else was the failure to get that second round of finance. I think you will find that microprocessors in the future look more and more like transputers. You won't see it from the outside but it will be embedded in the way that they actually do their operations. For all the problems, though, it was great fun, and I'm glad I did it. Back to the top During his visit to Damascus on Sunday, Speaker of Egypt's House of Representatives Hanafy El-Gebaly said that Syria is a brotherly country which all Arabs should support to get back to the Arab fold. His remarks came during his visit alongside speakers of the parliaments of Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Emirates and Libya to Syria on Sunday where they met with Syria's president Bashar Al-Assad. The visit was the first of its kind for an Arab parliamentary delegation to Syria in two decades. "The visit comes to show solidarity with the Syrian people and express support after the disastrous earthquake which hit the country on 6 February," said El-Gebaly. "Egypt in particular has historic relations with Syria, and I am here in Damascus to convey a message that we all support the great and steadfast Syrian people and wish them all prosperity and welfare," said El-Gebaly. El-Gebaly indicated that the visit to Syria comes upon the resolution of the 34th conference of the Arab Parliamentary Union (APU) which was held in Baghdad, Iraq, on Saturday. "The conference chose the speakers of the parliaments of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, the United Arab Emirates and Libya to visit Damascus and meet with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to show solidarity and full support for the brotherly Syrian people. We all hope that very soon they will be able to overcome the disastrous earthquake which hit the country," said El-Gebaly. In its 34th conference in Baghdad on Saturday, the APU stressed the need for "the return of Syria to the Arab League." Syria lost its membership of the Arab League after anti-regime protests erupted in 2011. Since then it has not participated in Arab summits or APU's conferences. After the earthquake which hit the country on 6 February, President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and some Arab leaders phoned Syria's president to show solidarity and send humanitarian aid. During the first-ever phone call between the two leaders since El-Sisi took office in 2014, El-Sisi expressed to Al-Assad his sincere condolences over the victims of the devastating earthquake that hit Syria, wishing the injured a speedy recovery. Moreover, a supply ship from the Egyptian Navy arrived in the Port of Latakia, Syria, on 20 February carrying hundreds of tons of relief aid. On 8 February, Egypt sent a rescue team comprising medical specialists and rescue technicians as well as three military planes loaded with humanitarian and relief aid, medical supplies, and tents to Syria to help victims of the devastating earthquake. Search Keywords: Short link: Chairman-in-Office, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani, Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto and OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid, President of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Margareta Cederfelt and Secretary General Roberto Montella have called on Russia to stop its war against Ukraine. That's according to a statement posted on the website of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Ukrinform reports. "Today we mark one year since the people of Ukraine were forced to stand strong against Russia's illegal, unjustifiable and unprovoked war of aggression in their country. Their resilience and courage in the face of unimaginable and senseless destruction is deeply inspiring," the statement said. It added that this war is a threat to European and global security and stability. "It is an enormous human tragedy. It is crucial to ensure accountability for violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law. Russia must be held accountable for all violations of international law," the OSCE leaders said. They emphasized that it is necessary to ensure that "there is no impunity for international crimes committed in and against Ukraine, including for war crimes and the crime of aggression committed in Ukraine" and "its perpetrators should be prosecuted before the appropriate court." "Our message today is clear: Russia's aggression must stop. Russia must end its violations of international law as well as of the principles and commitments of the OSCE," the OSCE leaders said. They reaffirmed that they stand by Ukraine in its time of need and fully support "its sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders and recognize its inherent right to self-defense." "We reiterate our demand for Russia to immediately stop its war and fully and unconditionally withdraw from Ukraine," the statement said. Sanctions will continue to be introduced against Russia so that nothing remains of the potential of Russian aggression. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in a new video address on Saturday, February 25, Ukrinform reports. Dear Ukrainians, I wish you good health! The tenth package of EU sanctions against Russia for starting the war was approved today. The tenth and obviously not the last package. Sanctions will continue to be introduced so that nothing remains of the potential of Russian aggression. Now, new sanctions steps are in the tenth package, powerful, against the defense industry and the financial sector of the terrorist state and against the propagandists who drowned Russian society in lies and are trying to spread their lies to the whole world. They definitely won't succeed. Our diplomats and the entire state are working to extend global and, in particular, European sanctions to the Russian nuclear industry, Rosatom, all those involved in the missile program and nuclear blackmail of the terrorist state. The partners the United States, the UK have already made relevant steps. We expect the appropriate steps from the European Union. Of course, we will continue working on Ukraine's sanctions against Russian entities and all those who help them. The appropriate decisions will be made. Our resolution, adopted at the UN General Assembly, gave a very good diplomatic impetus this week. The resolution on peace for Ukraine, on the territorial integrity of our state, and protection of international law against Russian aggression. In fact, we see that the essence of our Peace Formula is becoming the basis of specific international political and legal decisions, and the world majority supports them. I thank each of the 141 states that supported our resolution. I thank every leader of the states and every nation who value freedom and international order equally with Ukraine. Of course, every success of our diplomats, every foreign policy opportunity for our state, and every manifestation of world attention to Ukrainians is based on the resilience of the people of Ukraine, the resilience of our soldiers. On the fact that Ukraine is strong and constantly getting stronger. The world loves the strong. And helps the brave. The global center of strength and courage is now right here, in Ukraine, right in our people who defend our state. Who defend our land, our Donetsk region, our Luhansk region, all our lands, where very tough and painful battles continue. I thank each of our soldier, everyone who steadfastly, strongly, and bravely defends our positions in Donbas, destroys the enemy, and I thank you for such a powerful result in the east. The result in the east, so that, consequently, we have the result in all other directions as well. Today, I will honor the fighters of the 56th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade and the 77th Separate Mobile Airborne Brigade for their heroism and effectiveness in the battles near Bakhmut. Well done, guys! Gunners of the 55th Zaporizhzhia Sich brigade, marines of the 35th Separate Brigade named after Rear-Admiral Ostrogradsky, infantrymen of the 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade named after Handziuk, and the 72nd Separate Brigade named after Black Zaporozhians, as well as paratroopers of the 79th Air Assault Brigade all in Donbas I thank you, guys, for the worthy repulse of the enemy! I especially would like to thank today all servicemen of the Engineering and Aviation Service of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. All those who work on the ground, so that Ukraine wins in the sky. Today is a professional holiday of our military aviation engineers. These are people, whose expertise and reliability fully confirmed our ability to defend the sky. I thank everyone who makes this engineering aviation contribution to the approach of our victory! Glory to everyone who is now in battle! Thank you to everyone who helps defend Ukraine from Russian aggression! Bright memory to all the heroes who gave their lives for us, for Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine has forced the Netherlands to realize the malign nature of being dependent on Russia in terms of gas imports. Thats according to Wopke Hoekstra, the Dutch Foreign Minister, who spoke in an interview with Ukrinform. The Netherlands no longer depends on Russian pipeline gas imports. Unfortunately, it took this war to really make us realize the undesirability of being dependent on Russia for gas, and the urgency of breaking this dependence. So we took various actions aimed at diversifying our import sources. I am glad I can say that we have succeeded at that, the top diplomat said. The foreign minister added that the Netherlands would continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes. The support for Ukraine in the Netherlands remains high. And our government remains very explicit about this. There is no alternative for Ukrainian victory on the battlefield, for Ukraine winning this war. That's why were so resolute in our support for Ukraine. We will continue standing with you, supporting you for as long as it takes with whatever it takes, Hoekstra noted. As Ukrinform reported earlier, the Netherlands and Denmark are posed to provide nearly 100 Leopard tanks to Ukraine. President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel believes Ukraines membership in NATO should be considered immediately after the war with Russia ends. The relevant statement was made by President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel in an interview with Suspilne, an Ukrinform correspondent reports. According to Pavel, Ukraine has completed its homework in terms of technical compatibility. There is also full compatibility in terms of values and long-term strategic interests. Hence, the only requirement remaining is that there is no ongoing conflict or territorial dispute. From the point of view of international law, as soon as Ukraine becomes a member of NATO, while still in conflict, the Alliance will become a party to that conflict. One can only imagine how large-scale the conflict between NATO and Russia will be then, most likely, even with the use of nuclear weapons. So we have to wait for the end of the war and the restoration of Ukraines sovereignty. And here the question of membership in NATO will arise, Pavel told. Pavel mentioned that, at this stage, he would support Ukraines membership in NATO, because Ukraine deserves to be viewed as a new NATO member. In his words, the Ukrainian military will obviously be the most experienced of all and will greatly benefit NATO Member Countries. The global wood industry is poised for solid growth in the next few years with the market expected to hit $903 billion in 2026, thus registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2%, said a report released ahead of Dubai WoodShow (DWS). The boom in the regions construction and building sectors is fuelling the growth of the wood and woodworking machinery industries as they benefit from the increased demand for sustainable products (wood, timber, and wood products) and technologies, stated the Wood Products Global Market Report 2022. A leading platform for wood and woodworking machinery industry in the Mena region, DWS will run from March 7 to 9 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. In its upcoming 19th edition, the expo is set to unveil a completely new event format. According to the organisers, Dubai WoodShow is gearing up to make a strong comeback as the industry is on a positive growth curve following the rise in the construction industry in the Mena region and, more specifically, in the UAE. This, as the ongoing construction projects in the region give a boost to the wood and woodworking machinery industry, they stated. According to the UAE Construction Market (2022-2027) report, the sector is expected to reach a value of $133.53 billion by 2027, thus registering a CAGR of 4.69% over the forecast period. The UAE governments infrastructure projects, comprising housing, tourism, and transport networks, will also make a significant contribution to the sector. Given the pipeline of upcoming projects, it is evident that design-and-build opportunities are in plenty for the next few years, further contributing to the progress of the wood industry, said the organisers. Given its position in the global wood market, Egypt will be the country of honour at the upcoming event for the second year in a row. Wood is one of the most important industrial sectors in Egypt, with the number of furniture factories and workshops reaching about 140,000, and direct and indirect workers as many as 440,000 and 460,000, respectively, they stated. The countrys value of exports during the first eight months of 2022 amounted to about $170 million. The UAE was one of the top importers of Egyptian furniture alongside the US, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, according to the Wood and Furniture Products Chamber of the Federation of Egyptian Industries. The Egyptian pavilion will include 15 companies showcasing the latest developments in the fields of technology, furniture and wood industry machinery, and alternative materials. On the upcoming event, Strategic Holding President Dawood Al Shezawi said: "The 19th edition of Dubai WoodShow will definitely become an unconventional show because we will launch more dynamic features providing more opportunities for generating leads, increasing sales, and building relevant connections within the industry." "We have already started our preparations in order to ensure that every participant will be able to profoundly benefit from this high-quality event," he stated. AL Shezawi said in addition to major giga-projects and several new and innovative projects ranging from resort-style communities to luxury developments, the rise in the number of construction projects in the region is beefing up demand for wood products. "This gives us an opportunity to bring an entirely different Dubai WoodShow this year by providing more rewarding activities and a highly enriching experience to all our attendees," he added.-TradeArabia News Service Egypt and Qatar will sign a number of memorandums of understanding (MoUs) to enhance bilateral cooperation as Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly arrived in Doha on Sunday heading a ministerial delegation for a work trip, announced the Egyptian Cabinet. The visit comes within the framework of the willingness of the two sisterly countries to support and develop bilateral relations in various fields of mutual interest, the Egyptian Cabinet confirmed. Officials of the two countries will hold expanded talks during Madboulys visit, the Cabinet said. The Egyptian delegation will hold meetings with representatives of the Qatar Businessmen Association and the Qatar Chamber to discuss opportunities to increase Qatari investments in Egypt and double the volume of trade exchange between the two countries. Minister of Planning and Economic Development Hala El-Said, Minister of Health and Population Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar, Minister of Finance Mohamed Maait, and Minister of Trade and Industry Ahmed Samir accompany Madbouly during the visit. In addition, Chairman for the General Authority of Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone) Walid Gamal El-Dein, President of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) Hossam Ahmed Heiba, and representatives of a number of relevant bodies are also part of the delegation. Madboulys visit to Doha comes in response to an invitation from Qatars Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Thani, the Cabinet added. Egypt and Qatar have boosted their relations on all levels and exchanged high-level visits in the wake of the Al-Ula declaration for Arab reconciliation with Qatar, which Egypt signed in Saudi Arabia in January 2021. The two countries recently celebrated in December their 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations. The visit comes a few weeks after Egypt and Qatar held the first meeting of their diplomatic teams in charge of coordinating regional affairs. In September, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi made his first visit to Doha since assuming the presidency in 2014, where he held talks with Qatar's Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani and witnessed the signing of a number of MoUs between the two countries. In June, the Qatari leader also made his first visit to Egypt since the two countries resumed their diplomatic relations. In the same month, the two countries also signed an MoU on financial policy coordination to foster cooperation and coordinate financial visions, positions, and policies at the bilateral and international levels The two countries also announced in March 2022 establishing a high joint committee headed by their foreign ministers to boost cooperation and coordination in all fields as well as to continue consultation. The announcement came during a visit by Qatari Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdul-Rahman Al-Thani to Cairo. During Abdulrahmans visit, Egypt and Qatar agreed on a package of $5 billion in investments and partnerships in Egypt within "the framework of boosting economic cooperation between the two brotherly countries." Search Keywords: Short link: Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry will head on Monday morning to both Syria and Turkey to extend a message of solidarity from Egypt to the Syrian and Turkish people after the devastating earthquake that hit the two states early in February. Shoukry is set to stress that Egypt is always ready to aid those affected by the quake in both countries and that Egypt at both the official and grass-roots level cannot fail to stand by its brothers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement today. Shoukrys trip is simultaneous with Speaker of Egypt's House of Representatives Hanafy El-Gebalys visit to Damascus upon the resolution of the 34th conference of the Arab Parliamentary Union (APU) which was held in Baghdad, Iraq, on Saturday. El-Gebaly is the first Egyptian high-level official to visit Syria since the turbulent events in 2011. The Egyptian speaker and other Arab speakers also met with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. "The visit comes to show solidarity with the Syrian people and express support after the disastrous earthquake which hit the country on 6 February," El-Gebaly said during the visit. "Egypt in particular has historic relations with Syria, and I am here in Damascus to convey a message that we all support the great and steadfast Syrian people and wish them all prosperity and welfare," said El-Gebaly. Since the quake took place, Egypt has sent many supply planes and ships carrying hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid to Turkey and Syria in a message of support to both countries. Shortly after the quake, Egypt sent to Syria a rescue team of medical specialists and rescue technicians alongside the medical aid. The Egyptian Red Crescent also launched a donation campaign for Syrias earthquake victims. Additionally, Egypts Tahya Masr designated a bank account at all state-owned banks to receive donations from inside and outside Egypt to send basic goods and pharmaceutical supplies to the victims. A day after the disaster, Egypts President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi offered his condolences over the victims of the earthquake in phone calls to both Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. During the phone calls, El-Sisi stressed that Egypt is ready to send in humanitarian assistance and relief to help both the Syrian and Turkish people. The devastating 7.8 magnitude quake, which rocked both Turkey and Syria, has left more than 50,000 dead and displaced millions of others in both countries. Search Keywords: Short link: (@ChaudhryMAli88) MINSK (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 27th February, 2023) The Belarusian border agency warned on Sunday that Ukrainian media had been spreading disinformation about a shootout on their shared border that allegedly left a Ukrainian soldier dead. "Several internet sources... have referenced Ukrainian media that alleged that a cross-border shooting happened at the border with Ukraine on February 25," State Border Committee spokesperson Anton Bychkovsky told Sputnik. "The information spread by extremists is far from reality. There were no incidents involving firearms and border guards did not open fire," he added. Separately, the chief of the information and analysis department at the general staff of the Belarusian armed forces said on Sunday that the country would revise its defense posture to designate organizations calling for war in Belarus as a national security risk. Artyom Butorin told state news channel STV that the draft marked transition from the concept of a security risk as a combination of factors to a more nuanced approach that included "terrorist organizations promoting civil war in Belarus" as well as "traitors" and "saboteurs." (@FahadShabbir) MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 27th February, 2023) CIA Director William Burns said Sunday that a military conflict over Taiwan was not inevitable, although he claimed that Chinese President Xi Jinping was serious about taking it under full control. "I think we need to take very seriously Xi's ambitions with regard to ultimately controlling Taiwan. That doesn't, however, in our view, mean that a military conflict is inevitable," he told CBS's "Face the Nation" show. Burns claimed that President Xi had instructed the armed forces to be ready to "invade" what China sees as its integral territory by 2027 but that did not necessarily mean that he had made the final decision. "All I would say is that I think the risks of, you know, a potential use of force probably grow the further into this decade you get and beyond it, into the following decade as well. So that's something obviously, that we watch very, very carefully," Burns said. Tensions between China and Taiwan spiraled last year following a flurry of trips to the island by US and European officials. China has criticized the visits as a show of support for Taiwanese separatism and has been conducting daily flybys over the waters off the island. MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 26th February, 2023) Russian President Vladimir Putin sent birthday greetings to his Turkish counterpart on Sunday, praising Recep Tayyip Erdogan's personal contribution to boosting friendship and constructive cooperation in bilateral relations. "Dear Mr. President, my dear friend, I heartily congratulate you on your birthday. Russia appreciates your personal contribution to strengthening friendly relations and constructive cooperation between our countries," Putin said in the letter published on the Kremlin's website. The Russian president also expressed confidence that Russia and Turkey would continue to coordinate efforts in resolving important issues on regional and global agenda. MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 26th February, 2023) A helicopter, flying a training exercise for the African Union's mission in Somalia, has crashed near the capital of Mogadishu, killing three and injuring eight other people on board. "Regrettably, three of the eleven passengers on board lost their lives. Eight injured officers have been evacuated to Mogadishu for urgent medical attention," the African Union transition mission ATMIS said. The air disaster happened on Saturday near Baledogle, in the Lower Shabelle region, which is home to a US military airbase. ATMIS said the casually evacuation training was a joint exercise that involved Somali army officers. An investigation has been launched into the cause of the crash. CAIRO (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 27th February, 2023) Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry will fly to Syria on Monday for what will be his first visit to the country in more than a decade, according to his office. Shoukry will visit both Syria and Turkey in a show of solidarity with the nations ravaged by a devastating earthquake on February 6, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said. An informed Syrian source told Sputnik that Shoukry would be welcomed to Damascus by his Syrian counterpart and would likely meet with President Bashar Assad. Egypt has been trying to convince the United States to ease sanctions pressure on quake-hit Syria as is prepares to expand its ties with the Arab Republic, according to Al-Arabiya. After years of being shunned by Arab powers over the 2011 civil war, Assad has found himself in the spotlight of international attention, fielding calls from several leaders who reached out to him in recent weeks to offer humanitarian assistance. MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 26th February, 2023) UK Deputy Prime Minister and State Secretary for Justice Dominic Raab said on Sunday that he would resign if the allegations of his improper behavior and bullying toward subordinates were proven accurate. "If an allegation is upheld then I would resign," Raab told the Sky news broadcaster. In January, at least 24 UK civil servants reportedly filed formal complaints against Raab. In November, Raab received three complaints from his former employees accusing him of "creating a culture of fear" and bullying his subordinates. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, in turn, approved Raab's request to investigate the matter, adding that this was "the right course of action." Russian President Vladimir Putin accused NATO members of taking part in the Ukraine conflict by donating arms to the country and said the West planned to break up Russia. "They are sending tens of billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine. This really is participation," Putin said in an interview with the Rossiya-1 channel aired on Sunday. "This means that they are taking part, albeit indirectly, in the crimes being carried out by the Kyiv regime," Putin said. He said Western countries had "a single aim -- to break up the former Soviet Union and its main part -- the Russian Federation". "Only then will they maybe accept us in the so-called family of civilised peoples but only separately, every part separately." Putin was speaking on the sidelines of a patriotic concert in Moscow on Thursday on the eve of the first anniversary of the start of Russia's full-scale offensive in Ukraine. In the interview, Putin also reiterated his calls for a multipolar world and said he had "no doubt" that this would happen. "What are we against? Against the fact that this new world that is taking shape is being built only in the interests of just one country, the United States." "Now that their attempts to re-configure the world in their own likeness after the fall of the Soviet Union have led to this situation, we are obliged to react." Search Keywords: Short link: (@FahadShabbir) MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 26th February, 2023) Hundreds of thousands of people have participated in yet another mass protest against the Israeli government's controversial judicial reform, Israeli media report. The protesters gathered across Israel on Saturday evening, The Jerusalem Post reported, saying that the major demonstration saw hundreds of thousands of participants. The Times of Israel said that an estimated 130,000 - 160,000 demonstrators gathered in Tel Aviv alone on Saturday, and tens of thousands more around the country. The protesters took to Kaplan Interchange, near the government complex, The Jerusalem Post said. At least 21 protesters were arrested on the Ayalon Highway on Saturday and roads in Tel Aviv were blocked for hours, according to The Jerusalem Post. On Tuesday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tuerk expressed concern that the judicial reform pushed by the Israeli government may negatively impact the rights of vulnerable groups in the country and urged the suspension of the initiative. On Monday, the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, approved the first part of the judicial reform in the first reading. The reform will limit the authority of the Supreme Court by giving the cabinet control over the selection of new judges, as well as allowing the Knesset to override the court's rulings with an absolute majority. The voting in the Knesset took place amid mass protests across the country that have been held for eight consecutive weeks. The reform's opponents argue it will undermine democracy in Israel and put the country on the verge of a social and constitutional crisis. The current Israeli judicial system has been in place since the establishment of the state in 1948. In accordance with this system, the Supreme Court provides constitutional oversight, since Israel does not have a constitution and a constitutional court. Government decisions are largely controlled by the Supreme Court, which can overrule them if necessary. UNITED NATIONS (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 26th February, 2023) The West pressured countries when voting on the anti-Russia resolution at the UN General Assembly earlier this week and almost 30 states were forced to support it, Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyanskiy said. On Thursday, the UNGA adopted a resolution calling on Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine. "Methods to achieve the results are again 'cowboy', UN colleagues from developing countries raced each other complaining to us about Westerners. .. asking us not to be offended," Polyanskiy wrote on Telegram. Polyanskiy said that "almost forty minutes before the lunch break, the meeting was suddenly interrupted and continued after two hours," and during this break, "almost 30 pairs of hands were twisted. According to Russia's deputy permanent representative to the UN, it was the President of the UNGA, Hungarian diplomat Csaba Korosi, who suggested taking a break that enabled Western countries to pressure the developing states. An Australian archaeologist and two Papua New Guinea researchers held for a week by 20 armed men in a remote part of the Pacific Island nation were released on Sunday, while their captors remain at large, a local official told Reuters. Professor Bryce Barker and doctoral student Teppsy Beni from the University of Southern Queensland, and Papua New Guinea National Museum researcher Jemina Haro were released after a ransom payment, said Alphonse Seiyaka, an official with the government of Mount Bosavi, where the three were held in rugged terrain. "They didn't catch the criminals," Seiyaka said. As soon as soldiers exchanged money for the Australian and the two Papua New Guinea women, he said, the captors "ran away into the bush." Seiyaka declined to specify the ransom amount but said it was less than the 3.5 million kina ($960,000) initially demanded. Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong thanked the Papua New Guinea government for "securing a safe and peaceful resolution." Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape said this was the first such incident in his resource rich but impoverished nation and "it must not be repeated." "The police and the army have surrounded the area and will be operating there until you surrender," he warned the armed men in a statement. Barker's team was investigating whether Papua New Guinea provided the bridge for the first human migration to Australia tens of thousands of years ago. The remote village of Fogomaiyu, in the Mount Bosavi region in Hela province, is part of the collapsed cone of an extinct volcano. The group, seized on Feb. 19 in Fogomaiyu village, was taken 10 km (six miles) into the bush. The University of Southern Queensland was "relieved to hear that our much-loved colleague" had been released, said vice-chancellor Geraldine Mackenzie. "Our deepest thanks go to the governments of Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand, and the many people who worked tirelessly during this extremely difficult and sensitive time to secure their release," she said in a statement. Cathy Alex, captured with the others and released on Wednesday, had taken leave from her job as a project coordinator for the PNG Women Leaders Network in Port Moresby to join the field trip studying the Great Papuan Plateau. Women Leaders Network president Ruth Kissam said Alex is a regular visitor to the Mount Bosavi area. "This is someone the community loves. She has a tribe that has adopted her. The people involved in this situation are criminal elements who are not from the area," she said. Police initially said the criminals were opportunists who had come from Komo in Hela, spotted the university group by chance and took them into the bush. Marape in his statement on Sunday referred to the men as having a grievance over logging operations. Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus and a close ally of the Russian leader, will visit Beijing this week, China's Foreign Ministry said, as U.S. concerns grow that China is considering providing military aid to Russia. Spokesperson Hua Chunying said Lukashenko is due to visit Tuesday through Thursday, but gave no details about his agenda. Belarus has strongly backed Moscow and allowed its territory to be used as a staging ground for the initial invasion of Ukraine a year ago. Lukashenko has been Belarus' only president since the position was created in 1994, and crushed 2020 protests over his disputed reelection in a vote that the opposition and Western countries regard as fraudulent. The visit comes as top U.S. officials repeated warnings to China against providing military aid to Russia in its war on Ukraine, saying that would bring heavy consequences. CIA Director William Burns repeated those earlier statements in an interview due to be broadcast on American channel CBS on Sunday, saying, Were confident that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment." However, Burns added, We also dont see that a final decision has been made yet, and we dont see evidence of actual shipments of lethal equipment. Providing such aid would be a very risky and unwise bet," he said. Beijing claims to have a neutral stance in the war that began one year ago, but has also said it has a no limits friendship with Russia and has refused to criticize Moscows invasion or even call it that. It has accused the West of provoking the conflict and fanning the flames by providing Ukraine with defensive arms. It has accused the U.S. of smearing it over the military aid allegations and reiterated that it seeks only peace between Russia and Ukraine. Beijing on Friday issued a proposal calling for a cease-fire and peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy cautiously welcomed China's involvement but said success would depend on actions, not words. The plan released by Chinas Foreign Ministry mainly reiterated long-held positions, and analysts said Beijing would be an unlikely broker given its close ties to Russia and unwavering stance over the conflict. However, some observers warned that Ukraine and its allies need to tread carefully, saying that rejection of what China sees as its peace overture could move Beijing closer toward providing arms to Russia instead. Chinese President Xi Jinping is believed to be preparing to visit Russia sometime in the coming months. A powerful winter storm that swept down the West Coast of the United States with flooding and frigid temperatures shifted its focus to southern California on Saturday, piling up snow and swelling rivers with runoff. Blizzard warnings continued in the mountains and flood advisories blanketed the region, but forecasters offered some relief, predicting the storm would taper off later in the day. After days of fierce winds, toppled trees and downed wires, more than 120,000 California utility customers remained without electricity, according to Multiday precipitation totals as of Saturday included a staggering 81 inches (205 centimeters) of snow at the Mountain High resort in the San Gabriel Mountains northeast of Los Angeles and up to 64 inches (160 centimeters) farther east at Snow Valley in the San Bernardino Mountains. Theres already been reports of 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 centimeters) across some of the higher peaks, and were looking at an additional foot, maybe two, of additional snowfall through the rest of the day, said National Weather Service meteorologist Zach Taylor. The weather service warned Friday of possible overnight flash floods, landslides and mudslides in Los Angeles County near creeks, streams, urban areas, highways and areas that were burned by wildfires. Flash flooding did hit nearby Ventura County early Saturday, where up to 7 inches (18 centimeters) of rain fell, but by 6 a.m. Saturday, the weather service said the heavy rain in both counties had ended and that flooding was no longer a threat. Farther east, people were struggling to deal with the fallout from storms earlier this week. Brian Wheeler, a spokesman for Consumers Energy in Michigan, said the utility had 127,000 customers without power by late Saturday after one of the worst ice storms in decades. More than 500 crews from five states were working to restore power, with most jobs expected to be done by midnight Sunday and the remainder sometime Monday. In Kalamazoo, Michigan, Allison Rinker was using a borrowed generator to keep her 150-year-old house warm Saturday after two nights in the cold and dark. We were all surviving, but spirits were low on the second day, she said. As soon as the heat came back and we were able to have one or two lights running, it was like a complete flip in attitude. After driving to a relatives home to store food, Rinker, 27, compared the destruction of trees to tornado damage. The ice that was falling off the trees as it was melting was hitting our windshield so hard, I was afraid it was going to crack, she said. Theres just tree limbs everywhere, half of the trees just falling down. The destruction is insane. Back in California, the Weather Prediction Center of the National Weather Service forecast heavy snow over the Cascade Mountains and the Sierra Nevada into the weekend. The low-pressure system was expected to bring widespread rain and snow in southern Nevada by Saturday afternoon and across northwest Arizona Saturday night and Sunday morning, the National Weather Service office in Las Vegas said. An avalanche warning was issued for the Sierra Nevada backcountry around Lake Tahoe. Nearly 2 feet (61 cm) of new snow had fallen by Friday and up to another 5 feet (1.5 meters) was expected when another storm moves in with the potential for gale-force winds and flurries Sunday, the weather service said. In Arizona, the heaviest snow was expected late Saturday through midday Sunday, with up to a foot of new snow possible in Flagstaff, forecasters said. Weekend snow also was forecast for parts of the upper Midwest to the Northeast, with pockets of freezing rain over some areas of the central Appalachians. The storm was expected to reach the central high Plains by Sunday evening. Yet the cold weather blasting the North and West avoided the southern states, leading to wild temperatures differences. The high temperature for the U.S. on Friday was 93 degrees Fahrenheit (34 degrees Celsius) at Falcon Lake, Texas, while the low was minus-35 degrees Fahrenheit (1.7 Celsius) near Huntley, Montana. At least three people have died in the coast-to-coast storms. A Michigan firefighter died Wednesday after encountering a downed power line, while in Rochester, Minnesota, a pedestrian died after being hit by a city-operated snowplow. Authorities in Portland, Oregon, said a person died of hypothermia. Much of Portland was shut down with icy roads not expected to thaw until Saturday after the citys second-heaviest snowfall on record this week: nearly 11 inches (28 centimeters). An elite Russian infantry force has suffered significant losses in Ukraine, the British Defense Ministry said Sunday. The ministry said in an intelligence update that imagery from the Vuhledar section of Donetsk oblast shows concentrated Russian vehicle losses, with the vehicles probably from Russias 155th Naval Infantry Brigade. The ministry said the Naval Infantry has been tasked with some of the toughest tactical missions in the war and has suffered extremely high casualties. The ministry update, posted on Twitter, said the capability of Naval Infantry brigades has almost certainly been significantly degraded because its units have been replenished with inexperienced mobilized personnel. The European Union agreed Saturday to impose new sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. The restrictions "are directed at military and political decision-makers, companies supporting or working within the Russian military industry, and commanders in the Wagner Group, the EUs presidency said in a statement. The 10th round of EU sanctions targets about 120 individuals and entities, including those involved in the abduction of Ukrainian children, those who spread disinformation, Iranians involved in sending drones to Russia and members and supporters of the Wagner Group mercenaries, including its activities in Africa. The sanctions restrict exports of the electronic components used in Russian weapons, including missiles, drones and helicopters, and bans some rare earth minerals, electronic circuits and thermal cameras, the statement said. The EU sanctions also prohibit transactions with three more Russian banks and lists 96 more entities, including seven from Iran that provide Russia with military drones used in attacks against civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy applauded the sanctions and said in his nightly video address that Ukraine is working to extend sanctions to Russias nuclear sector "and all those involved in the missile program and the nuclear blackmail of the terrorist state." Russian Commissioner for Human Rights Tatyana Moskalkova, who is included in the sanctions, said listing her "violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all other international legal acts concerning human rights." Earlier Saturday, in its intelligence update, the British Defense Ministry said Russia has likely depleted its supply of Iranian one-way-attack uncrewed aerial vehicles. The ministry said there have not been any reports of the vehicles being used in Ukraine since around Feb. 15, while at least 24 were reported downed between late January and early February. Scores were destroyed in the first few days of the year, the ministry said. Ukrainian and Western officials have said that Western sanctions are hampering Russias ability to replenish its stocks of guided weapons that rely on imported microchips. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, responding to that report, said Moscow has increased military production "by tens of times" at some factories and was closely studying weapons fired into Russian-held areas from the Ukrainian side in an effort to gain an advantage. "We are not just expanding production, but also introducing the latest technologies, perfecting them literally 'on the march,'" he said in an article published Saturday in National Defense magazine. It was funny to hear the Kyiv fantasists reasoning that 'missiles ran out' in Russia or 'production stopped.' During the G-20 summit in Bangaluru, India, on Saturday, finance chiefs of the worlds largest economies condemned Moscow for its war on Ukraine, with only China and Russia not signing a joint statement. With no consensus, India, which holds the G-20 presidency this year, said in what is called a chairs summary that "most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine and stressed that it is causing immense human suffering and exacerbating existing fragilities in the global economy." Stating that it is essential to uphold international law, the summary said that the use of or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible. The peaceful resolution of conflicts, efforts to address crises, as well as diplomacy and dialogue are vital. Todays era must not be of war. The declaration noted that references to the war were agreed to by all member countries except Russia and China. On Friday, a year after Russias invasion of Ukraine, the White House announced that the Pentagon would commit $2 billion more in military assistance to Ukraines defense against Russia. The package includes additional ammunition for HIMARS, or High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, 155 mm artillery rounds, munitions for laser-guided rocket systems, and funding for training, maintenance, and sustainment of equipment. U.S. President Joe Biden reasserted his vow that "Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia." Zelenskyy has been pressing the U.S. and allies for fighter jets, but White House officials have said they are not the weaponry that Ukrainians need in the near term. There is no basis on which there is a rationale, according to our military now, to provide F-16s, Biden said. I am ruling it out for now, he said during an ABC News interview Friday. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to support Ukraines infrastructure. Blinken said the State Department in coordination with the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Treasury Department are offering $10 billion in assistance, including budgetary support to Ukraine and additional energy assistance to support Ukrainians suffering from Russias attacks. The Treasury Department said it is sanctioning Russias metals and mining sector among others. The action, taken in coordination with the G-7 leading industrial nations, seeks to punish 250 people and firms, puts financial blocks on banks, arms dealers and technology companies tied to weapons production, and goes after alleged sanctions evaders in countries from the United Arab Emirates to Switzerland. VOAs Anjana Pasricha contributed to this story from New Delhi. The Associated Press and Reuters provided some information for this report. Top Israeli and Palestinian officials are meeting in Jordan Sunday. The one-day conference in the Red Sea port of Aqaba is being held in an attempt to stave off the recent escalating violence between Israel and the Palestinians. Scores of Palestinians have been killed this year in clashes with the Israelis. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus return to office and Israels announcement that it has plans to expand its Jewish settlement building have made for a tense situation in the area. A meeting like Sundays has not been held for some time. Its a major achievement, a Jordanian official told Reuters. However, several Palestinian groups have asked the Palestinian Authority to pull out of the meeting. It was a Saturday of learning for U.S. first lady Jill Biden in Kenya. She praised young adults for learning about safe sex and dating practices, attended a meeting of women who created their own banking system and chatted with local entrepreneurs who have been helped by a program that connects tractor owners and farmers. All three programs aim to help women and young people take control of their lives so they can support themselves and their families. Biden has been highlighting U.S.-backed efforts to empower these groups during a five-day, two-country visit to Africa this week. These are issues that really all people need to talk about and yet, somehow, they don't, and the consequences of not talking about it are so dire, Biden told dozens of young people after talking with them about safe sex, condom use and birth control at the Shujaaz Konnect Festival, a local youth empowerment event. So, I love seeing the young people here." At a tent where young people were having networking-like conversations, they showed her a questionnaire they use to spur discussion. The first question: "What would you say if I told you I had a condom in my pocket right now? Biden laughed. And this is the first time they're meeting? she asked. A Shujaaz representative said such blunt propositions help teenagers and young adults overcome shyness, saying that it's sometimes easier to ask strangers these types of questions. Im surprised you dont start with like, Whats your biggest achievement? rather than, I have a condom in my pocket, the first lady said. The festival is a collaboration with MTV Staying Alive Foundation, which works with the U.S. Agency for International Development and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief to help teach young Kenyans how to avoid becoming infected with HIV, which causes AIDS. Biden, who is on the fourth day of her five-day trip to Namibia and Kenya, has spent the week promoting HIV/AIDS education programs and initiatives that teach woman and young people skills they need to find jobs or start businesses. Her visit is part of a commitment by President Joe Biden to deepen U.S. engagement with the nations of Africa, many of which feel overlooked by the United States. Part of that effort is also about countering China's influence on the continent that Beijing has achieved through increased trade and spending on roads and other public works projects. Biden was scheduled to cap her visit by traveling Sunday to an area near Kenya's border with Tanzania to raise awareness about a severe drought that is endangering lives and livelihoods. Earlier Saturday, the first lady went to a government community center in Kibera, an informal settlement in Nairobi, to attend a meeting of women small-business owners who participate in the Joyful Women program. Founded in 2009 by Rachel Ruto, Kenya's first lady, the program promotes women's economic empowerment and financial inclusion. Participants create table banking groups, pooling their resources so they can lend each other money they cannot get from traditional banks. Some of the women have used the loans to start businesses. One woman said she opened a day care center. It's pretty ingenious that women found a way to support other women, to lift them up and to increase economic prosperity for families, right? said Biden, who visited a different empowerment program on a 2010 stop at Kibera. I've always taught my own daughter and my granddaughter the importance of being financially independent and, so now, here, you've found a way to do your own banking system, which is pretty incredible, Biden said. Her granddaughter, Naomi, 29, sat nearby. Before taking her seat at the table, Biden was wrapped from the waist down in an apron-like cloth known as a leso or kanga that women wear in the home. At a separate event, Biden chatted with local entrepreneurs, small farmers and others who have been helped by Hello Tractor, which connects tractor owners and farmers who need the machinery. The first lady also laid a wreath at the August 7th Memorial Park to honor those who were killed the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. More than 200 people were killed, including 12 Americans. More than 4,500 people were wounded. The murky water oh so slowly trickles from the filthy drainpipe into her grimy container the ticking seconds ramping up the risk that Emilia Budskaya could lose life or limb to Russian artillery strikes torturing her front-line town in eastern Ukraine. Gaping gashes from shrapnel in the courtyard walls around her testify to the dangers of venturing outside exposed and without the body armor that Ukrainian soldiers defending Vuhledar wear when they emerge from their bunkers. But Budskaya and her daughter need water to cling on and survive, to eke out another day in the ruins. And so they wait tick, tick, tick for the container to fill, for Budskaya to then pour the water into plastic bottles and tick, tick, tick for her to then start the process again until their bottles are filled. Picking their way through the debris and mud, they carry their bounty back to the dark basement that now passes for their home. We have no water, nothing, Budskaya says. "Im getting rainwater to wash dishes and hands. On the largely static front line between Ukrainian and Russian forces that stretch over hundreds of kilometers (miles), from the Black Sea in the south to Ukraine's northeastern border with Russia, Vuhledar has become one of the deadliest hot spots. It has joined Bakhmut, Marinka, and other cities and towns, particularly in fiercely contested eastern Ukraine, as evidence of a grinding and destructive war of attrition, as well as symbols of fierce Ukrainian resistance. By defending their ruins, Ukrainian forces are slowing costly Russian offensive efforts to extend Moscow's control over the entirety of eastern Ukraine's industrial Donbas region. It became Russian President Vladimir Putin's revised target for conquest after his forces were beaten back from the capital, Kyiv, and northern Ukraine in the invasion's opening stage a year ago. Ukrainian soldiers are paying a heavy price, too, but say their sacrifices are wearing down waves of troops and equipment that Moscow is throwing into battle. In Bakhmut, a soldier who allowed himself to be identified only by his war name, Expert, said the pulverized city in the Donbas' Donetsk region has become a stronghold " for Ukraine. See what they have done to it?" he said of Russian forces that have been pounding Bakhmut for months, slowly inching forward with heavy casualties to capture a prize that, if it falls, might allow Moscow to argue that the invasion is making progress. And this is not the only city, the soldier, who fights in a Ukrainian rapid response unit, added. "I wish they would break their teeth trying to chew it. Battlefields around Vuhledar, southwest of Bakhmut, and also in the Donetsk region, bear witness to the precious equipment and manpower that Russia is expending, with little territorial gain. Tanks and other armored fighting vehicles blown up by mines or stopped in their tracks by Ukrainian strikes are clumped together on the blasted, cratered terrain. Although Russia has seized most of the Luhansk region that also forms part of the Donbas, the adjacent Donetsk region remains roughly divided between Ukrainian and Russian control. Ukraine's military said Sunday that Russian assaults in the east remain concentrated on Bakhmut and other objectives. Russian forces include mercenaries of the notorious Wagner Group, a private military company that has recruited fighters from prisons and tossed them into combat, with high casualty rates. Its millionaire owner with longtime links to Putin, former convicted felon Yevgeny Prigozhin, said Saturday that his fighters had advanced into a settlement on Bakhmut's northern outskirts. The Ukrainian military disputed that claim, saying Russian forces were repelled. Donetsk Gov. Pavlo Kyrylenko reported three civilians killed and four wounded in Russian strikes on Saturday. Vuhledar and its surroundings were also intensely shelled, he said. Further along the front line, in the southern Kherson region also split between Ukrainian and Russian control, Gov. Oleksandr Prokudin reported two civilians killed and seven injured in 78 Russian strikes on the region on Saturday. On patrol in Vuhledar's ruins, hurrying down muddy paths to take cover behind pockmarked walls, Ukrainian soldiers said their fight was larger than for control of the city. We fight for our children, for our fellow Ukrainians, for our nation, said a marine with the war name Moryak. Because I think what Russia is doing now is genocide of Ukrainians. And Ukrainians dont have another option but to win." Search Keywords: Short link: Jordan will host a meeting Sunday between top Israeli and Palestinian security and political officials with U.S. participation to halt a recent surge in violence that has stoked fears of a wider escalation ahead of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, officials said. They said the one-day meeting in the Red Sea port of Aqaba, to be attended by U.S. President Joe Bidens adviser on the Middle East, Brett McGurk, will bring top Israeli and Palestinian security chiefs together for the first time in many years, along with representatives of key regional parties. The discussions are part of Jordan's stepped-up diplomatic engagement with Washington and regional partner Egypt to restore calm in Israel and the Palestinian territories in Gaza and the West Bank and trust between the two sides, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The meeting is aimed at giving Palestinians hope for a political future, a senior Jordanian official told Reuters. If its objectives are achieved, "it will be reflected on the ground," he said. The meeting offers a chance to halt a surge in Israeli-Palestinian clashes in recent months that has sparked Arab anger and international concern about a slide back to a wider Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "Such a meeting has not happened in years... It's a major achievement to get them together," said the Jordanian official, who also requested anonymity. In previous years, clashes have erupted between Israeli police and Palestinians around Jerusalem's Al Aqsa Mosque at the height of the Ramadan fasting month that coincided with Judaism's Passover and Christian Easter. Jerusalem is holy to all three faiths. Jordan is the custodian of al Aqsa, a major mosque in Jerusalem's Old City. At least 62 Palestinians, including gunmen and civilians, have been killed this year, the Palestinian health ministry said. Ten Israelis and a Ukrainian tourist died in Palestinian attacks in the same period, according to Israel's foreign ministry. Earlier this month, Jordan's King Abdullah met Biden and held talks with McGurk in which the U.S. -- a staunch ally of Israel, Egypt and Jordan -- warned of the threats to regional security and lobbied for a resumption of stalled U.S.-sponsored talks on Palestinian statehood. In addition to averting violence, it is hoped Sunday's meeting will halt unilateral measures by Israel, the Jordanian official said. "That "could eventually lead to further political engagement." Jordan has been concerned about stepped-up Jewish settlement building and has accused Israel of trying to change the status quo in Jerusalem's holy sites. Israel denies the allegation. Right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's return to power has deepened Arab worries over policies that include accelerated Jewish settlement-building and tougher security offensives in Palestinian territories in the West Bank. Most world powers view as illegal the settlements Israel has built on land it captured in a 1967 war with Arab powers. Israel disputes that and cites biblical, historical and political links to the West Bank, as well as security interests. Polls officially closed for the presidential election in Nigeria, Africa's most populated country, Saturday afternoon. But in some polling centers, voters are still trying to cast their ballots. The Independent National Electoral Commission has said the delay was caused by logistics issues and concerns of insecurity. Hundreds of voters are still in line to cast their ballots several hours after voting officially ended. Some of them say they had been waiting in queue since 5 a.m., more than three hours before the polls opened. Frustration was getting to many. "I'll sleep here, and I'm ready to sleep until tomorrow. I'm not longer in a hurry. Anytime they're ready, we will be ready, too. I have mattress and my pillow; everything is here already," said this voter. The Independent National Electoral Commission briefed journalists Saturday afternoon and said the delay has been caused by setbacks in deployment of staff and election materials to those areas, as well as security threats. INEC Chairman Mahmood Yakubu said early Saturday that the commission was warned of an attack by bandits in Shiroro local government area of central Niger state and delayed opening the polls there. Yakubu also said the INEC has received reports of election disruptions including the theft of voting machines and violence across many states, including Lagos, Anambra, Katsina, Imo, Delta, Abia, Kebbi and Bayelsa. Yakubu said security officers responded and retrieved some of the stolen Bimodal Voter Accreditation Systems (BVAS) and restored calm to these places. "In Oshimiri local government area of Delta state, thugs attacked a polling unit and two BVAS machines were lost in the process. Similarly, in Katsina state, thugs attacked one of our voting locations and snatched six BVAS machines. But again, we're able to recover and use the spare BVAS machines," said Mahmood Yakubu, the INEC chairman. The Oshimiri machines were not recovered. Out of 18 candidates in the race for presidency, three stand a realistic chance. Across thousands of polling units where voting has been concluded, many praise the INEC for introducing the BVAS technology for the first time in a major national election. "I've casted my vote and honestly INEC has done a good job, we're not scared of anything. Whoever is verified is inside the system, it's not a manual stuff. Our names are there, informations are there,"said Emeka Okafor who had just voted. Many here say they will remain in line until they cast their ballot, however long that may take. For full coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, visit Flashpoint Ukraine. The latest developments in Russia's war on Ukraine. All times EST. 11:10 p.m.: The Kiev Independent reported that Ukraines Prosecutor Generals Office has recorded over 71,500 Russian war crimes and crimes of aggression since Russias invasion last year. 10:30 p.m.: 9:30 p.m: The commander of Ukrainian ground forces Colonel general Oleksandr Syrskyi visited besieged Bakhmut to boost morale and talk strategy with units defending the town and surrounding villages in eastern Ukraine, the military said over the weekend, Reuters reports. The 57-year-old commander, one of Ukraine's most experienced, has been regarded as the mastermind behind the defeat of Russian forces as they advanced on Kyiv early in the war and in the Kharkiv region in September. 7:25 p.m.: Russians around the world took to the streets of more than 100 cities, The New York Times reports, to voice their opposition to the grueling war initiated by the Kremlin against Ukraine a year ago, with rallies on Sunday culminating four days of protests. The main point of the protests was twofold, participants said: to express solidarity with Ukraine for the widespread death and destruction and to underscore that not all Russians support President Vladimir V. Putin's war. 6:30 p.m.: 5:30 p.m.: In an interview on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, CIA Director William Burns called the developing alliance between Russia and Iran "disturbing." "It's moving at a pretty fast clip in a very dangerous direction right now, in the sense that we know that the Iranians have already provided hundreds or armed drones to the Russians, which they're using to inflict pain on Ukrainian civilians and Ukrainian civilian infrastructure. We know that they've provided, you know, ammunition for artillery and for tanks as well," Burns said. Burns said the CIA is also seeing signs that Russia is proposing to help the Iranians on their missile program and considering the possibility of providing fighter aircraft to Iran, in exchange for military aid in their invasion on Ukraine. 5:20 p.m.: 5:07 p.m.: Ukraine could launch a major counteroffensive in the spring, which could include striking airfields and depots of rockets and artillery systems inside Russia, a top Ukrainian intelligence official said Sunday. "It is one of our strategic military goals that we try to drive a wedge in the Russian front in the south between (occupied) Crimea and mainland Russia," Vadym Skibitsky, deputy head of Ukrainian military intelligence, told the German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost. It is possible that we will also destroy arms depots or military equipment on Russian territory, for example around the city of Belgorod, Skibitsky said. The Kyiv Independent reports the anticipated spring counteroffensive is aimed to liberate the entire country and push out about 370,000 Russian soldiers fighting across Ukraine, according to Skibitsky. The statement about an anticipated spring counteroffensive came after top defense officials said Ukraine was preparing for a major push to change the dynamic of the war. Currently, Russia is pushing on the eastern front trying to finally capture the city of Bakhmut in Donetsk Oblast after months of intense siege. Ukraine said recently that its striking distance has increased. After a series of explosions were reported in the Russian-occupied city of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine last week, the military said that the area was no longer completely unreachable for Ukrainian forces. 4:40 p.m.: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sunday fired a senior military commander helping lead the fight against Russian troops in the country's embattled east but gave no reason for the move. Reuters reports, in a one-line decree, Zelenskyy announced he dismissed Eduard Moskalyov as commander of the joint forces of Ukraine, which are engaged in battles in the eastern Donbas region. Moskalyov had been in the post since March 2022, shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. 4:10 p.m.: During a visit to Kyiv Sunday by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud, the Head of Ukraine's Presidential Office Andriy Yermak thanked Saudi Arabia for supporting the U.N. General Assembly resolution on sustainable peace in Ukraine adopted on February 23 in the context of the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "We count on further practical support from the Kingdom for our Peace Formula. We spoke about this in great detail today. And we expect the involvement in the implementation of one or more points of our President's peace plan," he said, according to Ukraine's presidential website. Yermak noted the significant assistance Ukraine has received from Saudi Arabia in the humanitarian sphere and, in particular, its decision to allocate a separate support package worth $400 million. 3:37 p.m.: Crimea is Ukraine, U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price said in a statement to mark the nine-year anniversary of Russias occupation of the Ukrainian peninsula. The statement also follows the first anniversary of Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24. The United States does not and never will recognize Russias purported annexation of the peninsula, Price stated. He called Russias 2014 seizure of Crimea a clear violation of international law and of Ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity." He added the United States welcomes the efforts of Ukraines Crimea Platform to focus global attention on Russias continued occupation, said Price, referring to the Ukrainian government entity that coordinates Ukrainian efforts to recover the peninsula. 3:05 p.m.: In an interview Sunday on ABC This Week, U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul urged President Joe Biden to provide more advanced weapons systems to Ukraine and said Congress would take steps to move the process along. McCaul warned critics of U.S. support for Ukraine that "we can't put our head in the sand." "We can certainly write into our appropriations bills, prioritizing weapons systems. We intend to do that," McCaul said. The Texas Republican said he believes the U.S. could have already been doing more to speed up a conclusion to the conflict. "I think with the right weapons, it shouldn't take so long," he added. Biden and senior administration officials have said "for now" Ukraine doesn't require advanced fighter jets, and the U.S. has rebuffed Ukrainian appeals for long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems over concerns they could be used by Ukraine to hit targets deep inside Russia. McCaul said he recently spoke with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, and that nothing is off the table right now. "I think with enough pressure from Congress on both sides of the aisle, we can get into Ukraine what they really need to win this fight," the lawmaker said, CNN reported separately. 2:30 p.m.: In his nightly video address, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy hailed the international support Ukraine has received in its defense against Russia. He pointed to a significant number of visits by world leaders and diplomats this past week, starting with President Bidens visit to Kyiv Monday, ahead of the one-year anniversary of Russias invasion on Ukraine. Zelenskyy said that the more Ukraine reaches out to the world and forms alliances, the more international support it receives in its struggle against Russian aggression. The more people know about Ukraine, the more they understand Ukraine, the more they support Ukraine, the closer our victory becomes, he said. 1:36 p.m.: In an interview with Germany's Focus Magazine, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that the recent procurement scandal at the Defense Ministry does not point to a larger systemic issue of corruption in Ukraine. Shmyhal said the Ukrainian society has changed as a result of the war and has "zero tolerance" for corruption, The Kyiv Independent reported. He emphasized the swift response when the scandal broke, adding that "the rapid detention of people suspected of abuse indicates a change in Ukraine's approach to these issues." On Jan. 21, the news outlet ZN.UA released an investigative report claiming that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense was purchasing food for soldiers at prices that were higher than usual. 1:17 p.m.: Russian online bank Tinkoff, run by TCS Group Holding TCSq.L, said Sunday it would suspend trading in euros from Monday following the imposition of additional European Union sanctions. The EU imposed additional punitive measures late Friday against Russia for invading Ukraine. The package includes cutting off more banks, among them Tinkoff and the private Alfa-Bank, from the SWIFT global payments system. "Withdrawals in euros will be available. Euro trading will be suspended from Feb. 27, 2023," Tinkoff said in a statement, adding that trading in other currencies would not be affected. In a separate statement, Tinkoff said it had prepared countermeasures to the sanctions which would allow a transfer of assets to a new non-sanctioned company within three weeks, Reuters reported. Tinkoff Bank was set up by entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov, who has become an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Tinkov said last November he had renounced his Russian citizenship over the war in Ukraine. 12:55 p.m.: On the largely static front line between Ukrainian and Russian forces that stretches over hundreds of kilometers, Vuhledar has become one of the deadliest hotspots. Its ruins have joined Bakhmut, Mariinka and other cities and towns in the fiercely contested east that are now synonymous with grinding attritional warfare. They also have become symbols of Ukrainian resistance. In the rubble, civilians cling on, too. A mother and her daughter survive by collecting water from a drainpipe, exposing themselves to Russian artillery strikes, The Associated Press reported. 12:37 p.m.: 12:05 a.m.: U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will open the latest session of the Human Rights Council Monday as the world faces human rights concerns including the war in Ukraine, repression of dissent in Russia and Belarus, new violence between Palestinians and Israelis, and efforts to solidify a peace deal in Ethiopia that ended two years of conflict between the national government and rebels in the Tigray region. Iran's foreign minister, a senior Russian envoy, and the top diplomats of France and Germany among scores of leaders set to take part, The Associated Press reported. 11:05 a.m.: In an interview with Rossiya 1 state television, President Vladimir Putin presented the standoff with the West over Russias war in Ukraine as an existential battle for the survival of Russia and its people and said he was forced to take into account NATO's nuclear capabilities. Reuters reported, a year since ordering the invasion of Ukraine, Putin is increasingly presenting the war as a make-or-break moment in Russian history arguing that the very future of Russia and its people is at stake. "They have one goal: to disband the former Soviet Union and its fundamental part - the Russian Federation," Putin said. NATO and the West dismiss such narrative, saying their objective is to help Ukraine defend itself against an unprovoked attack. 10:30 a.m.: 10:07 a.m.: China says Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus and a close ally of the Russian leader, will visit Beijing this week. A Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Lukashenkos visit is scheduled Tuesday through Thursday but gave no details about his agenda. The visit comes as top U.S. officials warn China against providing military aid to Russia in its war on Ukraine, The Associated Press reported. CIA Director William Burns repeated those earlier statements in an interview on CBS on Sunday, saying, Were confident that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment. Burns added that it appears no final decision has been made yet. Beijing Friday issued a proposal calling for a cease-fire and peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. 9:30 a.m.: 9:05 a.m.: 8:37 a.m.: 8:15 a.m.: German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius expressed doubts on Chinas peace proposal for the war in Ukraine. "When I hear reports - and I don't know whether they are true - according to which China may be planning to supply kamikaze drones to Russia while at the same time presenting a peace plan, then I suggest we judge China by its actions and not its words," he told German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk in an interview Sunday. Pistorius was echoing comments by NATO and the European Commission who both raised doubts on Friday about Beijing's credibility as a mediator after it published a ceasefire proposal. Reuters reports, Beijing offered the proposal on Friday, the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy welcomed some elements of the Chinese proposal but said only the country where a war is being fought should be the initiator of a peace plan. Pistorius underlined it was up to Kyiv to decide when and under what conditions to start talks with Moscow. 7:30 a.m.: There have been no discussions of possible NATO security guarantees for Ukraine, a German official said Sunday. "At the recent meeting of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron with Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy, this issue played no role at all," the spokesperson said in a statement. The statement follows a report by the Wall Street Journal saying that Germany, France and Britain explore a pact with Ukraine as a way to encourage Kyiv to start peace talks with Russia later this year. According to the article, some of Kyivs Western partners have growing doubts over its ability to reconquer all its territory. 5:15 a.m.: The Institute for the Study of War, a U.S. think tank, said in its latest Ukraine assessment that Russian forces continued to conduct ground attacks northwest of Svatove and near Kreminna. Russian forces also made marginal territorial gains around Bakhmut and Avdiivka and continued to conduct ground attacks across the Donetsk Oblast front line. Additionally, Russian forces continue to struggle to conduct effective combat operations on the Zaporizhzhia Oblast front line. Russian forces are continuing to suffer significant losses on the battlefield, the assessment noted, prompting some military bloggers to criticize the Russian Ministry of Defense for failing to recognize the scale of the casualties. 4:13 a.m.: Dozens of crates are stacked in rows at what is said to be a hangar at Tolmachevo Airport in Novosibirsk, in Russias Siberia region, a video that has gone viral in recent days shows. Zooming in, the footage indicates what appears to be death certificates tacked on to each wooden box, apparently serving as coffins. Each document contains a surname and initials. One of those documents has the name Gerbold. Buryatia inscribed on it. Relatives of Gennady Gerbold, 39, from Buryatia, in the Siberia region, confirmed to RFE/RLs Siberia.Realities earlier this week that officials from Wagner had informed them two weeks earlier of his death while fighting with the mercenary group in Ukraine and later that his body had been returned to Novosibirsk. Officials at Tolmachevo Airport, however, deny that the video was filmed there. This is false information. The premises, which are broadcast in this video, do not belong to and are not located on the territory of Tolmachevo Airport, a spokesperson for the facility told Russian media. 3:10 a.m.: The latest intelligence update from the U.K. defense ministry said Russia's elite 155th Naval Infantry Brigade appears to have suffered severe losses, including personnel and equipment. The brigade has had "some of the toughest tactical missions in the war and has suffered extremely high casualties," the update said. Russia's been reduced to backfilling the brigade with less-experienced personnel. These units are expected to be used in new assaults near Vuhledar. 2:08 a.m.: Ukraine plans no more outages to ration electricity and has been able to amass some power reserves, the energy minister said on Saturday, Reuters reported, citing a statement by the ministry on Telegram. "Electricity restrictions will not be introduced, provided there are no strikes by the Russian Federation on infrastructure facilities," Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said. "Outages will only be used for repairs." After multiple battlefield setbacks and scaling down its troop operation to Ukraine's east and south, Russia in October began bombing the country's energy infrastructure, leaving millions without power and heat for days at end. The temperature in winter months often stays below freezing across most of Ukraine. Halushchenko said this heating season has been extremely difficult. 1:12 a.m.: The United States is "exerting unprecedented pressure" on African countries, including attempting to disrupt a planned Russia-Africa summit, Reuters reported, citing the state TASS news agency. President Vladimir Putin will host the second Russia-Africa summit in July in St. Petersburg, an event intended to underline his attempts to curry favor in African nations after being shunned by the West over his invasion in Ukraine a year ago. Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, quoted by TASS, reiterated Moscow's accusations of the "collective West" staging a campaign to isolate Moscow. Since the start of the war, Moscow has turned to China, India, and African nations. Russia has been particularly keen to win over African nations Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has visited the continent twice this year. 12:02 a.m.: Dozens of families in Central Asia have received the bodies of their loved ones killed in Ukraine fighting alongside Russian forces in the year since Moscow's full-scale invasion began, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports. In the past month, at least four families in Kyrgyzstan were told that a relative had died fighting in Ukraine after being recruited in Russian prisons by the mercenary fighting group Wagner. Kyrgyz authorities say 1,077 Kyrgyz nationals are currently serving prison terms in Russia mostly on drug-trafficking charges. There are thousands more from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and other Central Asian countries imprisoned in Russia, a key destination for migrant workers from those former Soviet republics. Mexico is undergoing a fevered competition among states to win a potential Tesla facility in jostling reminiscent of what happens among U.S. cities and states vying to win investments from tech companies. Mexican governors have gone to extremes, like putting up billboards, creating special car lanes or creating mock-ups of Tesla ads for their states. And there's no guarantee Tesla will build a full-fledged factory. Nothing is announced, and the frenzy is based mainly on Mexican officials saying Tesla boss Elon Musk will have a phone call with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. The northern industrial state of Nuevo Leon seemed to have an early edge in the race. It painted the Tesla logo on a lane at the Laredo-Colombia border crossing into Texas last summer and is erecting billboards in December in the state capital, Monterrey, that read "Welcome Tesla." The state governor's influencer wife, Mariana Rodriguez, was even shown in leaked photos at a get-together with Musk. However, Lopez Obrador appeared to exclude the semi-desert state from consideration Monday, arguing he wouldn't allow the typically high water use of factories to risk prompting shortages there. That set off a competitive scramble among other Mexican states. The governors' offers ranged from crafty proposals to near-comic ones. "Veracruz is the only state with an excess of gas," quipped Gov. Cuitlahuac Garcia of the Gulf Coast state, before quickly adding "gas for industrial use, for industrial use!" A latecomer to the race, Garcia had to try harder: He noted Veracruz was home to Mexico's only nuclear power plant. And he claimed Veracruz had 30% of Mexico's water, though the National Water Commission puts the state's share at around 11%. The governor of the western state of Michoacan wasn't going to be left out. Gov. Alfredo Ramirez Bedolla quickly posted a mocked-up ad for a Tesla car standing next to a huge, car-sized avocado Michoacan's most recognizable product with the slogan "Michoacan The Best Choice for Tesla." "We have enough water," Ramirez Bedolla said in a television interview he did between a round of meetings with auto industry figures and international business representatives. Michoacan also has an intractable problem of drug cartel violence. But similar violence in neighboring Guanajuato state hasn't stopped seven major international automakers from setting up plants there. Nuevo Leon Gov. Samuel Garcia had to think fast to avoid being shut out entirely. Garcia reached out to the western state of Jalisco, whose governor, Enrique Alfaro, belongs to the same small Citizen's Movement party. Together, the two came up with an alliance Thursday that would allow trucks from Jalisco preferential use of Nuevo Leon's border crossing, the same one where a "Tesla" lane appeared last year. Jalisco has a healthy foreign tech sector, but most importantly, it has more water than Nuevo Leon. Lopez Obrador's focus on water might be more about politics than about droughts, said Gabriela Siller, chief economist at Nuevo Leon-based Banco Base. She said the president appeared to be trying to steer Tesla investment to a state governed by his own Morena party, like Michoacan or Veracruz. That could be a dangerous game, Siller said. "Tesla could say it's not somebody's toy to be moved around anywhere, and it could decide not to come to Mexico," she said. There are doubts that whatever Musk eventually does announce will be an auto assembly plant. Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said his understanding is that it won't be a plant, but rather an ecosystem of suppliers. Musk at times has floated the idea of building a $25,000 electric vehicle that would cost about $20,000 less than the current Model 3, now Tesla's least-expensive car. Many automakers build lower-cost models in Mexico to save on labor costs and protect profit margins. A Tesla investment could be part of "near shoring" by U.S. companies that once manufactured in China but now are leery of logistical and political problems there. That those companies will now turn to Mexico represents the Latin American country's biggest foreign investment hope. "The fight among states to attract investments from this nearshoring phenomenon is going to be tough, complicated," Michoacans Ramirez Bedolla said. As Ramirez Bedolla put it, "wherever Tesla sets up, it is going to be big news in Mexico." Italian officials say a wooden boat carrying migrants towards Italy disintegrated before it could reach shore, killing at least 58 people, including a baby. Authorities say about 80 people survived the ordeal. Some of the bodies washed ashore Sunday at a seaside resort in the province of Crotone. At least 140 people were aboard the ship, officials said. Its an enormous tragedy, Crotone Mayor Vincenzo Voce said. Pope Francis said Sunday, I pray for each of them, for the missing and the other migrants who survived. Francis also said he also was praying for the rescuers and for those who give welcome to the migrants. The latest folding-screen smartphones, immersive metaverse experiences, AI-powered chatbot avatars and other eye-catching technology are set to wow visitors at the annual MWC wireless trade fair that kicks off Monday. The four-day show, held in a vast Barcelona conference center, is the world's biggest and most influential meeting for the mobile tech industry. The range of technology set to go on display illustrates how the show, also known as Mobile World Congress, has evolved from a forum for mobile phone standards into a showcase for new wireless tech. Organizers are expecting as many as 80,000 visitors from as many as 200 countries and territories as the event resumes at full strength after several years of pandemic disruptions. Here's a look at what to expect: Metaverse There was a lot of buzz around the metaverse at last year's MWC and at other recent tech fairs like last month's CES in Las Vegas. Expect even more at this event. Several companies are planning to show off their metaverse experiences that will allow users to connect with each other, attend events far away, or enter fantastical new online worlds. Software company Amdocs will use virtual and augmented reality to give users a "metatour" of Dubai. Other tech and telecom companies promise metaverse demos to help with physical rehab, virtually try on clothes, or learn how to fix aircraft landing gear. The metaverse's popularity exploded after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in late 2021 exalted it as the next big thing for the internet and his company. Lately, though, doubts have started to creep in. "All the business models around the metaverse are a big question mark right now," said John Strand, a veteran telecom industry consultant. Artificial intelligence AI has caught the tech world's attention thanks to the dramatic advances in new tools like ChatGPT that can hold conversations and generate readable text. Expect artificial intelligence to be deployed as an "overused buzzword" at MWC, said Ben Wood, principal analyst at CCS Insight. Companies are promising to show how they're using AI to make home Wi-Fi networks more energy efficient or sniff out fakes. Microsoft's press representatives have hinted that they might have a demonstration of ChatGPT but haven't provided any details. The company added AI chatbot technology to its Bing search engine but scrambled to make fixes after it responded with insults or wrong answers to some users who got early access. Startups will demo their own AI-powered chat technology: D-ID will show off their eerie "digital human" avatars, while Botslovers says its service promises to "free humans from boring tasks." Not just smartphones MWC hit its stride in the previous decade as the smartphone era boomed, with device makers competing for attention with glitzy product launches. Nowadays, smartphone innovation has hit a plateau and companies are increasingly debuting phones in other ways. Attention at the show is focusing on potential uses for 5G, the next generation of ultrafast wireless technology that promises to unlock a wave of innovation beyond just smartphones, such as automated factories, driverless cars and smart cities. "Mobile phones will still be a hot topic at MWC, but they've become a mature, iterative and almost boring category," Wood said. "The only excitement will come from the slew of foldable designs and prototypes, but the real size of the market for these premium products remains unclear." Device launches will be dominated by lesser-known Chinese brands such as OnePlus, Xiaomi, ZTE and Honor looking to take market share from the market leaders, Apple and Samsung. Chinese presence Chinese technology giant Huawei will have a major presence at MWC, despite being blacklisted by the Western governments as part of a broader geopolitical battle between Washington and Beijing over technology and security. Organizers say Huawei will have the biggest presence at the show among some 2,000 exhibitors. That's even after the U.S. pushed allies to get their mobile phone companies to block or restrict Huawei's networking equipment over concerns Beijing could induce the company to carry out cybersnooping or sabotage critical communications infrastructure. Huawei, which has repeatedly denied those allegations, also has been squeezed by Western sanctions aimed at starving it of components like microchips. Analysts say one message that Huawei could be sending with its oversized display is defiance to the West. Since its debut in 1971, an anti-pollution ad showing a man in Native American attire shedding a single tear at the sight of smokestacks and litter taking over a once unblemished landscape has become an indelible piece of TV pop culture. It's been referenced over the decades since on shows such as "The Simpsons" and "South Park" and in internet memes. But now a Native American advocacy group that was given the rights to the long-parodied public service announcement is retiring it, saying it has always been inappropriate. The ad made the late actor Iron Eyes Cody, with his buckskins and long braids, a recognizable face in households nationwide. But to many Native Americans, the public service announcement has been a painful reminder of the enduring stereotypes they face. The nonprofit that originally commissioned the advertisement, Keep America Beautiful, had long been considering how to retire the ad and announced this week that it's doing so by transferring ownership of the rights to the National Congress of American Indians. "Keep America Beautiful wanted to be careful and deliberate about how we transitioned this iconic advertisement/public service announcement to appropriate owners," Noah Ullman, a spokesperson for the nonprofit, said via e-mail. "We spoke to several Indigenous peoples' organizations and were pleased to identify the National Congress of American Indians as a potential caretaker." NCAI plans to end the use of the ad and watch for any unauthorized use. "NCAI is proud to assume the role of monitoring the use of this advertisement and ensure it is only used for historical context; this advertisement was inappropriate then and remains inappropriate today," said NCAI Executive Director Larry Wright Jr. "NCAI looks forward to putting this advertisement to bed for good." When it premiered in the 1970s, the ad was a sensation. It led to Iron Eyes Cody filming three follow-up PSAs. He spent more than 25 years making public appearances and visits to schools on behalf of the anti-litter campaign, according to an Associated Press obituary. From there, Cody, who was Italian American but claimed to have Cherokee heritage through his father, was typecast as a stock Native American character, appearing in more than 80 films. Most of the time, his character was simply "Indian," "Indian Chief" or "Indian Joe." Dr. Jennifer J. Folsom, a journalism and media communication professor at Colorado State University and a citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, remembers watching the public service announcement as a child. "At that point, every single person who showed up with braids and buckskins, on TV or anywhere in the movies, I glommed on to that because it was such a rare thing to see," said Folsom, whose areas of study include Native American pop culture. "I did see how people littered, and I did see how the creeks and the rivers were getting polluted." But as she grew up, Folsom noticed how media devoted little coverage to Native American environmental activists. "I think it has done damage to public perception and support for actual Native people doing things to protect the land and protect the environment," Folsom said. She applauded Keep America Beautiful's decision as an "appropriate move." It will mean a trusted group can help control the narrative the ad has promoted for more than 50 years, she said. The ad's power has arguably faded as Native and Indigenous youths come of age with a greater consciousness about stereotypes and cultural appropriation. TikTok has plenty of examples of Native people parodying or doing a takedown of the advertisement, Folsom said. Robert "Tree" Cody, the adopted son of Iron Eyes Cody, said the advertisement had "good intent and good heart" at its core. "It was one of the top 100 commercials," said Robert Cody, an enrolled member of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community in Arizona. And it reminded him of time spent with his father, said Cody, who lives at Santa Ana Pueblo in New Mexico. "I remember a lot, even when he went on a movie set to finish his movies and stuff," Cody said. "I remember going out to Universal (Studios), Disney, places like that." His wife, Rachel Kee-Cody, can't help but feel somewhat sad that an ad that means so much to their family will be shelved. But she is resigned to the decision. "You know, times are changing as well. You keep going no matter how much it changes," she said. "Disappointment. ... It'll pass." Questions about North Korea's food insecurity have flared as its top leaders prepare to discuss the "very important and urgent task" of formulating a correct agricultural policy. Unconfirmed reports say an unspecified number of North Koreans have been dying of hunger. But experts say there is no sign of mass deaths or famine. They say the upcoming ruling Workers' Party meeting is likely intended to shore up support for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as he pushes ahead with his nuclear weapons program in defiance of intense U.S.-led pressure and sanctions. "Kim Jong Un can't advance his nuclear program stably if he fails to resolve the food problem fundamentally because public support would be shaken," said Lim Eul-chul, a professor at Kyungnam University's Institute for Far Eastern Studies in Seoul. "The meeting is being convened to solidify internal unity while pulling together ideas to address the food shortage." An enlarged plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party is slated for late February. Its specific agenda is unknown, but the party's powerful Politburo earlier said that "a turning point is needed to dynamically promote radical change in agricultural development." The meeting will be the party's first plenary session convened just to discuss agricultural issues, though they often are a key topic at broader conferences in North Korea. Raising grain output was one of 12 economic priorities the party adopted during a plenary meeting in December. Hardships persist It is difficult to know the exact situation in the North, which kept its borders virtually closed during the pandemic. Food shortages and economic hardships have persisted since a famine killed an estimated hundreds of thousands of people in the mid-1990s. In his first public speech after taking over from his father as leader in late 2011, Kim vowed that North Koreans would "never have to tighten their belts again." During the first several years of his rule, the economy achieved modest growth as Kim tolerated some market-oriented activities and increased exports of coal and other minerals to China, the North's main ally and biggest trading partner. More recently, however, tougher international sanctions over Kim's nuclear program, draconian pandemic-related restrictions, and outright mismanagement have taken a severe economic toll. South Korean estimates put North Korea's grain production last year around 4.5 million tons, a 3.8% decrease from a year earlier. Annual grain output has plateaued from 4.4 million tons to 4.8 million tons in the past decade. North Korea needs about 5.5 million tons of grain to feed its 25 million people, so it's usually short about 1 million tons each year. About half of the gap is typically offset by unofficial grain purchases from China. The rest is an unresolved shortfall, said Kwon Tae-jin, a senior economist at the private GS&J Institute in South Korea. Kwon says curbs on cross-border trade because of the pandemic have likely hindered unofficial rice purchases from China. Efforts by North Korean authorities to tighten controls and restrict market activities have also worsened the situation, he said. "I believe this year North Korea is facing its worst food situation since Kim Jong Un took power," Kwon said. Mass deaths unlikely, says economist Koo Byoungsam, a spokesperson at the South Korean Unification Ministry, said that an unknown number of North Koreans have died of hunger, but said the problem is not as serious as the mid-1990s famine, which stemmed from natural disasters, the loss of Soviet assistance, and mismanagement. The current food problem is more an issue of distribution than of an absolute shortage of grain since much of the grain harvested last year has not yet been eaten, ministry officials said. Food insecurity has worsened as authorities tightened controls over private grain sales in markets. It is instead trying to confine the grain trade to state-run facilities. Severe steps taken by the Kim government to contain the pandemic provided effective tools for imposing a tighter grip on the kinds of market activity that earlier helped foster stronger economic growth but might eventually erode the government's authoritarian rule, analysts say. Kwon said current food shortages are unlikely to cause mass deaths because food is still available in markets, though at high prices. During the famine in the mid-1990s, grain was hard to come by, he said. North Korea monitoring groups have reported increases in the prices of rice and corn the two most important staples though the price of corn has stabilized recently in some regions. During the plenary meeting, Kwon said that leaders will likely pressure local farm officials to raise grain output without presenting any effective solutions for the food crisis. Yi Jisun, an analyst at the state-run Institute for National Security Strategy in Seoul, said in a report in January that North Korea recently imported large amounts of rice and flour from China, though it is unlikely to accept food assistance from the United States, South Korea and Japan. While declaring that food problems must be improved at any cost, the state-run media in the North have continued to tout its longstanding policy of "self-reliance," a strategy that shuns Western help. Police in southwestern Pakistan said Sunday a bomb blast had ripped through a crowded market, killing at least four people and injuring 16 others. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing in the remote Barkhan district in Baluchistan province, where insurgent attacks are not uncommon. Local hospital officials said children were among those injured, describing the condition of several victims as critical and fearing the death toll could rise. The deputy district commissioner, Abdullah Khoso, said the explosion was caused by a remote-controlled bomb on a parked motorcycle. Several shops were also badly damaged in the ensuing blast, according to local TV news channels. Provincial Chief Minister Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo condemned the violence as a terrorist act and called the perpetrators as enemies of humanity. He did not name any group. Terrorists are trying to create uncertainty through such attacks to achieve their nefarious designs, but we wont allow these anti-state elements to succeed, an official statement quoted Bizenjo as saying. Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also denounced the deadly bombing in Baluchistan, vowing to bring those behind the bloodshed to justice. Sundays violence comes a day after militants staged a bomb and gun attack on a police vehicle in the provinces Khuzadar district that killed two security forces. The natural resources-rich Pakistani province has long been in the grip of a low-level insurgency led by ethnic Baluch separatist groups demanding its independence from Pakistan. Militants linked the outlawed Pakistani Taliban group have lately also stepped up attacks on security forces in Baluchistan. Schools resumed classes in Syrias rebel-held northwest Saturday after closing for nearly three weeks following an earthquake that devastated the region, local officials said, even as many schoolchildren suffer from shock. Many schools were turned into temporary shelters following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Turkey and neighboring parts of Syria on February 6 and killed tens of thousands of people. The quake left homeless hundreds of thousands of people in the area, many of whom had already been displaced by Syria's 12 yearslong war. Because of that conflict, the rebel-held area has also struggled to receive urgently needed humanitarian aid. Many students were absent from their classes Saturday as their homes were damaged by the quake and their families now reside far away from the schools, said Abdulkafi Al-Hamdou a citizen journalist in the rebel-held region. Some students were worried about being inside the building and were on edge whenever they heard a sound such as a desk being moved, Al-Hamdou said by telephone while visiting a school. Many students are suffering from severe fear and anxiety. They are still in shock. An official with the education department in the region, Ziad al-Omar, said 39 teachers and 421 students were killed by the earthquake. He added that some 250 schools suffered damage including 203 that were partially destroyed and 46 that had cracks in the walls though the structures were still standing. Over the past days, displaced people were asked to leave schools and many of them moved into shelters to live in tents. But prices of tents have been shooting up amid shortages and sell for about $200 or four times above the pre-earthquake price. A solid tent with metal stands can cost up to $400 in a region where more than 90% of the population live in poverty and rely on aid for food and medicine. Education officials in rebel-held Idlib said the last two hours on Saturday and Sunday will be used to train students on how to evacuate buildings during earthquakes. One of those who lost a home in the quake is Ayesha, a resident of the town of Atareb in rural Aleppo who had to evacuate her home to live in a tent. She told The Associated Press that the temporary shelter offered to her extended family of 13 people had to be evacuated because organizers said schools are about to resume and the courtyard where tents had been set up had to be vacated. They gave us a tent in a school. Then they said the students have to return and they started evacuating us, she said, giving only her first name like most women in the conservative area. Having a big family, Ayesha rented a small house on the edge of Atareb but four days after they moved there, a new 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck Monday. The house, thankfully didnt collapse, but the walls have cracks," she said. "The ceiling remained in place. Since then, the family has set up a tent in the street out of fear of more aftershocks. According to the oppositions Syrian Civil Defense, also known as White Helmets, the earthquake killed about 6,000 people and injured more about 12,400 in the rebel-held region. The quake also destroyed 550 buildings and heavily damaged at least 1,570 others, according to the White Helmets. The total death toll of the earthquake has surpassed 50,000 people in Turkey and Syria with most of the deaths in Turkey. Israeli and Palestinian representatives were holding talks in Jordan on Sunday, state media in the kingdom said, with the "political-security" meeting aiming to restore calm after deadly violence. Jordanian state broadcaster Al-Mamlaka said the meeting, which kicked off in the Red Sea resort of Aqaba, was "the first of its kind in years between Palestinians and Israelis with regional and international participation" and would address "the situation in the Palestinian territories". Sources with knowledge of the meeting said Palestinian intelligence chief Majed Faraj and the head of Israel's Shin Bet domestic security agency Ronen Bar were set to be in attendance. US National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Brett McGurk, as well as Jordanian and Egyptian security officials were also expected to be present, the sources added on condition of anonymity as they were not authorised to speak to the media. The meeting comes amid international concerns over intensifying unrest in the Palestinian territories. A Jordanian government official had told AFP on Saturday that the meeting aimed at "building trust" between the Palestinians and the Israelis. "The political-security meeting is part of stepped up ongoing efforts by Jordan in coordination with the Palestinian Authority and other parties to end unilateral measures (by Israel) and a security breakdown that could fuel more violence," the official had said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The talks aim to agree "security and economic measures to ease the hardships of the Palestinian people," the official added. In late December, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned to power at the head of a coalition government regarded as the most right-wing in Israel's history. The veteran hawk has handed key West Bank powers to far-right ministers. News of the Palestinian leadership's decision to attend the Jordan meeting drew criticism from other factions, just days after Israel killed 11 Palestinians when it raided the occupied West Bank city of Nablus. The death toll in Wednesday's raid was the highest since the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, ended in 2005, the year the United Nations started tracking casualties. "The decision to take part in the Aqaba meeting despite the pain and massacres being endured by the Palestinian people comes from a desire to bring an end to the bloodshed," the ruling Fatah movement of president Mahmoud Abbas had said on Twitter. *This story was edited by Ahram Online Search Keywords: Short link: Somali-American demonstrators from across the United States have called for a cessation of hostility after three weeks of clashes in a disputed town in Somalias breakaway Somaliland region left over 100 people dead and more than 500 wounded. About 200 Somali Americans from across the United States gathered outside the U.S. State Department Friday to call attention to the violence. Local militias are fighting to pull three regions Sool, Sanaag and Cayn -- away from Somaliland in order to rejoin Somalia. Cease-fire calls have so far been ignored. Some of the demonstrators carrying the Somali flag, banners, and placards were seen chanting anti-war slogans in support of the victims of the fighting in Las Anod, the capital of Sool. "Down, down with Muse Bihi," protesters chanted, referring to Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi. They demanded immediate, and unconditional cessation of the fighting in Las Anod. "It is forbidden to kill the innocents, the children, elders, or women. Somaliland cannot rule by force. We will not allow Muse Bihi to kill innocent people," said one of the protesters, Abdirashid Mohamed Farah. Abdirahman Mohamed Abdi, Somalias former minister of fisheries and marine resources was among the demonstrators. He said the people in Las Anod are suffering simply because they want to withdraw from Somaliland and be governed by Somalia to the south. We are from 15 states in the U.S and Canada. We are here to tell Somalis and the United States government that we want to express our feelings and show solidarity with the innocent people of Las Anod, Abdi said. We call for the United States to pressure Somaliland to cease the hostility, he added. Our people in Las Anod are dying for the sake of the unity of Somalia, and we are here to show solidarity with them, and thank to all those who supported us and sympathized us in this cause, said another demonstrator, Fawzia Haji Dirir. The demonstrators also marched toward Djibouti's Washington embassy, accusing that nation of supporting Somaliland in the fight, but Djiboutian Economy and Finance Minister Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh Saturday denied his countrys involvement in the conflict to VOA. The accusers have no evidence to prove, and the only Djibouti guns in Somalia are those in the hands of our Hill Walal soldiers, Dawaleh said, referring to Djibouti soldiers in Somalia who are part of the African Union peacekeeping forces. The Washington rally came amid ongoing international efforts to end the fighting. The U.N. and other diplomatic missions in Somalia, including the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu, have called on both sides to end to the hostility and negotiate a resolution of their differences, as has Somalias government. On February 23, a delegation from the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu led by Charge dAffaires Tim Trenkle visited Hargeisa [Somalilands capital] to meet with Somaliland government officials, civil society representatives, and youth leaders to discuss security, prosperity, and democracy in the region, the U.S Embassy in Mogadishu said in a February 23 statement. The delegation was received by Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi. The Charge dAffaires reiterated the United States and international communitys call for an immediate, unconditional ceasefire in Las Anod and condemned the tragic loss of life and violence, the statement added. A Standoff Somaliland President Muse Bihi announced last week that he would be dispatching clan elders to seek an end to the violence. However, clan elders in the battle-battered town demanded that Somaliland pull out its troops as a precondition for dialogue. Despite local calls for peace and international efforts, shelling and gunfire continued in Las Anod Saturday, killing at least 20 people, residents and hospital sources told VOA. Spokesmen for both sides, who spoke to VOA Somali have traded accusations. Spokesman for the traditional elders in Las Anod Garaad Abdikarim Ali said the Somaliland army launched an attack and bombarded the city with artillery Saturday. In response, Somaliland Army spokesman Abdi Dhere said local militias, supported by al-Shabab militants have launched an attack on Somaliland army base. Traditional elders and scholars in the city have repeatedly denied this. They see Somaliland's accusation as a mere "propaganda. Doctors and hospitals in Las Anod said this week that 105 people had been killed and 602 injured in the three weeks of fighting. The International Committee of the Red Cross said Wednesday the clashes in Las Anod had left at least 150 people dead and over 600 others wounded since February 6. A VOA reporter in the town said the fighting has escalated this week, as both sides dug trenches to defend their positions, while mortar and tank shells pounded throughout the city. Somaliland considers the territory as a part of its breakaway region and that giving up could jeopardize its efforts for international recognition of its separation from Mogadishu. Sahra Abdi Ahmed contributed to this report. A delegation of senior Arab parliamentarians met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus Sunday, another sign of thawing ties after more than a decade of isolation over the conflict in Syria. The heads of the Iraqi, Jordanian, Palestinian, Libyan, Egyptian and Emirati houses of representatives, as well as representatives from Oman and Lebanon, traveled to Syria as part of a delegation from the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union. They met with Syrian parliamentarians and with Assad, according to Syrian state news agency SANA. "We cannot do without Syria and Syria cannot do without its Arab environment, which we hope it can return to," said Iraqi parliament speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi. Syria was largely isolated from the rest of the Arab world following Assad's deadly crackdown against protests that erupted against his rule in 2011. The Arab League suspended Syria's membership in 2011 and many Arab countries pulled their envoys out of Damascus. But Assad has benefited from an outpouring of support from Arab states following the devastating earthquake Feb. 6, which killed more than 5,900 people across his country, according to a tally of U.N. and Syrian government figures. Donors have included Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which both supported rebels seeking to overthrow Assad in the early years of the Syrian conflict. Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi spoke with Assad by phone for the first time Feb. 7 and Jordan's foreign minister made his first trip to Damascus on Feb. 15. Assad then traveled to Oman on Feb. 20 the first time he left Syria since the quake. He had rarely left Syria during the war, traveling only to close allies Russia and Iran whose military support helped him turn the tide of the conflict. Assad's 2022 visit to the UAE was his first trip to an Arab state since the 2011 outbreak of war. The United States declared Sunday that the Crimean Peninsula remains a part of Ukraine but said the more immediate concern is for Kyivs forces to retake lands that Moscow has seized in its yearlong war. The comments came on the ninth anniversary of Russia illegally annexing the territory. The United States does not and never will recognize Russias purported annexation of the peninsula. Crimea is Ukraine, the State Department said in a statement. At the same time, Jake Sullivan, President Joe Bidens national security adviser, told NBCs Meet the Press that it is up to Ukraine to decide what constitutes victory or an acceptable diplomatic outcome, even though no peace negotiations are occurring. That's up to Ukraine to define, Sullivan said. It has been critical to us that there be nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine. And so, it's not for the United States to define victory for Ukraine. It's for the United States to support Ukraine on the battlefield, so that they can achieve the victory that they define. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said last year, "Crimea is Ukrainian. And we will never give it up. This Russian war against Ukraine and the entire free Europe began with Crimea and must end with Crimea, with its liberation." But Sullivan noted that Zelenskyy in the past week has said we are going to have to ultimately get to a diplomatic phase of this conflict. The critical thing right now is that they need to take back the territory in the South and the East that they are currently focused on, and we need to give them the tools to be able to do that, Sullivan concluded. The question of Crimea, and the question of what happens down the road, is something that we will come to, he said. Where we are right now is that we need to be focused on the immediate term, because it is critical that we move fast, and we move decisively to help them take back the territory across that line of contact that Russian troops are currently occupying. In another U.S. assessment of the war as it enters its second year, CIA Director William Burns told CBSs Face the Nation that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being "too confident" in his military's ability to force Ukraine into submission. Burns said that Sergey Naryshkin, the head of Russia's intelligence services, displayed "a sense of cockiness and hubris" when they met in November that reflected Putin's own beliefs "that he can make time work for him, that he believes he can grind down the Ukrainians, that he can wear down our European allies, that political fatigue will eventually set in." Burns said he judged Putin as "quite determined" to continue the war, despite the casualties, tactical shortcomings and economic and reputational damage to Russia. "I think Putin is, right now, entirely too confident of his ability ... to wear down Ukraine," Burns said and went on to add, "at some point, he's going to have to face up to increasing costs as well, in coffins coming home to some of the poorest parts of Russia," where many of the conscripts "being thrown as cannon fodder" are from. Burns also said Putin was underestimating U.S. resolve to support Ukraine, saying that it has been the Russian leader's view that Americans have "attention deficit disorder and we'll move on to some other issue eventually." In a separate interview on CNNs State of the Union, Sullivan said the U.S. is continuing to monitor the possibility that China may send munitions to Russia, but said, At present, China has not moved forward as far as we can discern. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Beijing a week ago of unspecified consequences if it helped arm Russian forces. Burns said, "It would be a very risky and unwise bet" for China to help arm Russia, adding that such a move could only further strain relations between the world's two largest economics. "That's why I hope very much that they don't." Meanwhile, the U.S. is continuing to deflect Zelenskyys request to send Ukraine F-16 fighter jets, with Sullivan saying the U.S. is taking a very critical look at what Ukraine needs at this moment, and concluded that the tanks European countries are soon sending Kyivs forces are more important. The U.S. has also promised to send its Abrams tanks to Ukraine, but they may not be deployed for a year. Elsewhere on the war front, the British defense ministry said Sunday an elite Russian infantry force has suffered significant losses in Ukraine. The ministry said in an intelligence update that imagery from the Vuhledar section of the Donetsk region shows concentrated Russian vehicle losses, with the vehicles probably from Russias 155th Naval Infantry Brigade. The ministry said the infantry has been tasked with some of the toughest tactical missions in the war and has suffered extremely high casualties. The ministry update, posted on Twitter, said the capability of the Naval Infantry brigades has almost certainly been significantly degraded because its units have been replenished with inexperienced mobilized personnel. The European Union agreed Saturday to impose new sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. The restrictions "are directed at military and political decision-makers, companies supporting or working within the Russian military industry, and commanders in the Wagner Group, the EUs presidency said in a statement. Wagner is a Russian paramilitary group fighting alongside Russian troops against Ukraine. Some information for this report came from The Associated Press and Reuters. The death of a Mexican man who had just entered the United States illegally from Canada is highlighting the spike in illegal crossings along the border between Quebec and parts of New England, officials say. The number of illegal border crossers is tiny compared with those entering the country illegally from Mexico, but the death of the man who entered Vermont from Quebec on February 19 marked the area's first death in recent memory of someone who crossed into the U.S. illegally. His entry took place in an area near Derby Line about 80 kilometers (50 miles) southeast of Montreal. There have been fatalities of people seeking to cross on the Canadian side of the border. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which is responsible for border security in Canada, report their agents have mounted a number of search and rescue operations this winter in the region of people intending to cross into the United States from Canada. Border officials on both sides of the line have been warning about the dangers to the crossers and those who could be sent to rescue them. Last year, a family of four Indian nationals died of exposure in Manitoba near its border with Minnesota and North Dakota. In December, a 44-year-old Haitian citizen who had been trying to enter the United States illegally from Canada was found dead in a wooded area near St-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Quebec, not far from Champlain, New York, about 56 kilometers (35 miles) south of Montreal. In April 2019, a Dominican man also died in Canada not far from Champlain. "As we progress deeper into winter and continue to address the ongoing pace of illicit cross-border traffic, the level of concern for the lives and welfare of our Border Patrol Agents and those we are encountering particularly vulnerable populations continues to climb," the Border Patrol's Sector Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia said in a news release this month before the death of the immigrant in Vermont. RCMP spokeswoman Cpl. Tasha Adams said agents were involved in at least three search and rescue operations in January, including one the weekend of January 28, when the family of a person seeking to cross into the United States called Canadian authorities from the U.S. to report they had lost contact with him in an area just north of the border. Rescuers later found the man in the Mansonville, Quebec, a short distance west of Derby Line, after tracking him for about 90 minutes through deep snow. He was conscious but suffering from hypothermia and frostbite. "These are situations that place our officers at risk because of the weather and terrain they trek through to locate these individuals in distress," Adams said in an email. Statistics from U.S. Customs and Border Protection show that agents in the sector that includes New Hampshire, Vermont and parts of upstate New York apprehended 1,513 illegal border crossers between Oct. 1, 2022 through Jan. 31, 2023, up from 160 in the same period the year before. But the total number apprehended along the entire northern border this fiscal year, 2,227, is a small fraction of those apprehended along the U.S.-Mexican border during that same period, 762,383. Nevertheless, federal court documents filed in some of the northern border crossing cases in Vermont describe people who legally enter Canada where they pay people to take them to the border. Once they cross into the U.S., they then meet with someone else who takes them deeper into the country. In the February 19 case that led to the Mexican man's death, court records say Border Patrol agents were notified just before 11 p.m. after a surveillance camera detected possible illegal border crossers in the town of Holland, about 3.25 kilometers (2 miles) east of Derby Line. Responding agents spotted three men standing by the side of the road about a kilometer (1/2 mile) from the border. Two ran back toward Canada while the third collapsed. He was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. No cause of death has been released, but the Vermont State Police say the death is not considered suspicious. At around the same time and a short distance away, Border Patrol agents stopped a car with Connecticut license plates and arrested the passenger and charged her with human smuggling. The woman told agents she had been paid $600 to pick up people she did not know at a hotel, which she could not name. Agents also apprehended one of the men they say fled back toward Canada when spotted by agents at the side of the road. The European Union agreed Saturday to impose new sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. The EU said in a statement the new sanctions "are directed at military and political decision-makers, companies supporting or working within the Russian military industry, and commanders in the Wagner Group. The EU sanctions also prohibit transactions with three more Russian banks and hit Iran, restricting exports by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps of drones used in attacks against civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. The new measures announced Saturday were adopted after much internal disagreement over their exact makeup and made public one day after the first anniversary of Russias invasion of Ukraine the intended target date. In its intelligence update Saturday, the British Defense Ministry said Russia has likely depleted its supply of Iranian one-way-attack uncrewed aerial vehicles or OWA-UAVs. The ministry said there have not been any reports of the vehicles being used in Ukraine since around February 15, while at least 24 were reported downed between late January and early February. Scores were destroyed in the first few days of the year, the ministry said. Ukrainian and Western officials also have said that Western sanctions are hampering Russias ability to replenish its stocks of guided weapons that rely on imported microchips. Russian official responds Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, responding to that report, said Moscow has increased military production "by tens of times" at some factories and was closely studying weapons fired into Russian-held areas from the Ukrainian side in an effort to gain an advantage. "We are not just expanding production, but also introducing the latest technologies, perfecting them literally 'on the march,'" he said in an article published Saturday in the National Defense magazine. It was funny to hear the Kyiv fantasists reasoning that 'missiles ran out' in Russia or 'production stopped.' In a video speech Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned that Russia must be prevented from turning Ukraine, our neighbors, and the whole of Europe, which Russian revanchism wants to reach, into concrete crumbs. The Ukrainian leader also pushed for more sanctions pressure on Russia after Britain, the U.S. and the European Union all announced new measures aimed at further choking off funding and support for Moscow. Financial leaders condemn Moscow During the G-20 summit in Bangaluru, India, on Saturday, finance chiefs of the worlds largest economies condemned Moscow for its war on Ukraine, with only China and Russia declining to sign a joint statement. With no consensus, India, which holds the G-20 presidency this year, said in what is called a chairs summary that "most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine and stressed that it is causing immense human suffering and exacerbating existing fragilities in the global economy." Stating that it is essential to uphold international law, the summary said that the use of or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible. The peaceful resolution of conflicts, efforts to address crises, as well as diplomacy and dialogue are vital. Todays era must not be of war. The declaration noted that references to the war were agreed to by all member countries except Russia and China. U.S. commits $2 billion more to Ukraine On Friday, a year after Russias invasion of Ukraine, the White House announced that the Pentagon would commit $2 billion more in military assistance to Ukraines defense against Russia. The package includes additional ammunition for HIMARS, or High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, 155 mm artillery rounds, munitions for laser-guided rocket systems, and funding for training, maintenance, and sustainment of equipment. President Joe Biden reasserted his vow that "Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia." Zelenskyy has been pressing the U.S. and allies for fighter jets, but White House officials have said they are not the weaponry that Ukrainians need in the near term. There is no basis on which there is a rationale, according to our military now, to provide F-16s, President Joe Biden said. I am ruling it out for now, he said during an ABC News interview Friday. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to support Ukraines infrastructure. Blinken said the State Department in coordination with the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Treasury Department are offering $10 billion in assistance, including budgetary support to Ukraine and additional energy assistance to support Ukrainians suffering from Russias attacks. The Treasury Department said it is sanctioning Russias metals and mining sector among others. The action, taken in coordination with the G-7 leading industrial nations, seeks to punish 250 people and firms, puts financial blocks on banks, arms dealers and technology companies tied to weapons production, and goes after alleged sanctions evaders in countries from the United Arab Emirates to Switzerland. Our sanctions have had both short-term and long-term impact, seen acutely in Russias struggle to replenish its weapons and in its isolated economy, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said. VOAs Anjana Pasricha contributed to this story from New Delhi. The Associated Press and Reuters provided some information for this report. STATE DEPARTMENT The United States has seen evidence that the People's Republic of China is considering sending lethal weapons to Russia for its use in the war in Ukraine, and has directly warned China of consequences, according to a senior State Department official. "We obviously have a reason to be concerned," Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman told VOA in an interview on Thursday. She stopped short of elaborating on details when asked if there is evidence that Beijing is considering sending lethal aid to Moscow. Sherman sat down with VOA State Department bureau chief Nike Ching on Thursday as Russia's war on Ukraine neared its one-year mark. The State Department's second most senior official said the U.S. has warned China directly of consequences. "If the People's Republic of China provides lethal support to Russia, then it becomes a co-belligerent in many ways, and there would be consequences," Sherman told VOA. Days after Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country would suspend its participation in the new START nuclear arms control treaty, Washington said Moscow appears to be posturing, and condemned such a move as "irresponsible." "We do not expect President Putin to use nuclear weapons," Sherman said. This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity. VOA: Russian President Vladimir Putin said today that Russia would deploy Sarmat nuclear missiles, boosting its nuclear forces. This came after Putin said Russia would suspend its participation in the New START Treaty. What is the U.S. read of these moves? DEPUTY SECRETARY OF STATE WENDY SHERMAN: I think it is useful to pay attention to what Russia does. They have said they've suspended, not terminated, their participation in New START. We will see what actions they take. And that will tell us a lot about where we're heading. President Biden also said, however, that right now, we do not expect President Putin to use nuclear weapons something that the entire world is concerned about. And everyone should be ensuring and saying to President Putin: Do not take such action. It would change the world. VOA: So, you think Putin is posturing and not serious about using nuclear weapons? SHERMAN: I think we will watch his actions, not just his words. And I think suspending the New START treaty does not mean he's about to use nuclear weapons. He's just taking a step to suspend our ability to inspect each other's stockpiles. He has said, however, that he will maintain the numbers that are agreed to and some of the other provisions. So, let's see what happens. VOA: Would President Biden's administration provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets and long-range missiles? Some congressional members are advocating for Ukraine to get these items. SHERMAN: We understand why many are advocating for them, and certainly understand why President Zelenskyy wants every weapon system that he can imagine is necessary. And yet, I think President Biden has made very thoughtful decisions, ensuring that the weapons we supply match the needs on the battlefield. We are in constant communications with Ukrainians about their needs. Fifty nations around the world have supplied some support to Ukraine, whether that's economic assistance, humanitarian assistance or weapons. SEE ALSO: VOA: Does the U.S. believe F-16s and long-range missiles are imperative for Ukraine's success on the battlefield? SHERMAN: The president is looking at these decisions step by step. He has said F-16s are not these kinds of weapons that are ready for us to send for a whole number of reasons. VOA: Top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi's visit to Moscow this week is seen as paving the way for Chinese President Xi Jinping's planned state visit in coming months. Can you talk about People's Republic of China's role in Russia's war on Ukraine? SHERMAN: Well, we're quite concerned about this. As we heard Secretary [of State Antony] Blinken say at the Munich Security Conference after his meeting with Wang Yi, that he had said quite directly to Director Wang Yi, that if the People's Republic of China provides lethal support to Russia, then it becomes a co-belligerent in many ways, and that there would be consequences. And so, this is a very concerning moment and a very big choice for Xi Jinping if he decides, in fact, to take this step. SEE ALSO: VOA: Does the U.S. believe China is considering sending lethal weapons to Russia? Do you see any evidence? SHERMAN: Well, Secretary Blinken raised that concern because we do have that concern. We have said so directly to the People's Republic of China. We've shared our concern with many countries around the world and urge them to urge Xi Jinping to make the right choice here. VOA: So, are you saying that there is indeed an indication that China is considering sending lethal weapons to Russia? SHERMAN: What I'm saying is that Secretary Blinken raised the issue because we obviously have reason to be concerned. VOA: What is the endgame here? Does the U.S. see any way to facilitate an end to this conflict? How long will the U.S. continue to send money, weapons for this war that Russia seems to have no inclination of ending? SHERMAN: I think Americans see that Ukrainians are fighting for themselves. They're courageous. They're resilient. They have been without electricity, without power, without water. Parents, moms and dads have had their children abducted by Russia, taken to Russia, separated from their families, to 're-educate them to be Russians.' That has terrible echoes in history. And there's not a mother and father in this world that doesn't understand how horrifying that is. The kinds of actions that Vladimir Putin is taking are, as Secretary Blinken has defined, as Vice President Kamala Harris has said at the Munich Security Conference this past week, are indeed crimes against humanity. VOA: Then why hasn't the State Department designated Russia as a state that sponsors terrorism? SHERMAN: We are looking at all of the appropriate legal channels. There is no question there has to be accountability here. And there are many ways to achieve accountability. And we are open to considering all of them. HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe will compensate white farmers, whose land was forcibly taken, over 10 years instead of the 20 announced three years ago, according to finance minister Mthuli Ncube. Addressing journalists in Harare on Thursday, Ncube said the money would be raised through treasury bills. "We should try to pay faster than 10 years," Ncube said, noting that most of the farmers were now old. Zimbabwe agreed in 2020 to pay $3.5 billion in compensation to local white farmers whose land was taken by the government to resettle Black families, while foreign white farmers were allowed to apply to get seized land back, moving closer to resolving one of the most divisive policies of the Robert Mugabe era. Reporting by Nyasha Chingono; Writing by Rachel Savage; Editing by James Macharia Chege Two Israelis were killed Sunday, an Israeli government statement said after a fatal shooting in the occupied West Bank. The incident is the latest in escalating violence in the West Bank, which saw the most Palestinians killed last year since at least 2005. It has continued since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned to power in December. A joint statement from Netanyahu and his national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, confirmed: "two Israeli civilians were killed in a Palestinian terror attack". The shooting targeted a car on the main thoroughfare through Huwara, a town near Nablus in the northern West Bank. A spokesperson for the Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency response service told AFP two wounded were transferred to the hospital but subsequently pronounced dead. The Israeli occupation military said soldiers were "pursuing the terrorists and are blocking the area" around the scene. An AFP photographer saw Israeli security forces deployed along the road and searching vehicles. The shooting came after Israeli occupation forces launched their deadliest West Bank raid on Wednesday in nearly 20 years, leaving 11 Palestinians dead and more than 80 with gunshot wounds in Nablus. Hamas called Sunday's shooting a natural reaction to Israeli incursions into Palestinian areas of the West Bank and resulting deaths. The resistance in the West Bank will remain present and growing, and no plan or summit will be able to stop it, said spokesman Hazem Qassem. It came as Israeli-Palestinian talks took place in Jordan aimed at quelling a surge in West Bank violence. Orit Strock, a settler and government minister, called for the "immediate return of the Israeli delegation" from the meeting in the Red Sea resort of Aqaba. Ben-Gvir is one of two Netanyahu coalition partners with a history of inflammatory remarks about Palestinians and who have been given critical powers regarding the West Bank, where the government has vowed to continue Israeli settlement expansion. The West Bank is home to about 2.9 million Palestinians as well as an estimated 475,000 Israeli settlers who live in state-approved settlements considered illegal under international law. Last week, Israeli officials approved the building of over 7,000 new illegal outposts in the occupied West Bank, according to activist groups that attended the planning meeting. Israel has occupied the West Bank since the Six-Day War of 1967. Since the start of this year, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has claimed the lives of 62 Palestinian adults and children. This year's intensifying unrest has sparked international concern and calls for de-escalation. **This story was edited by Ahram Online Search Keywords: Short link: Comment on this story Comment Gift Article Share The union between Scotland and England was partly born of catastrophic financial failure. In the late 1690s, the Company of Scotland announced a scheme to set up a colony at Darien on the isthmus of Central America. This would, the directors believed, make Scotland an imperial power and, given the levels of gold and silver Darien was blessed with, a very rich one at that. There was so much, said one writer at the time, that even Peruvian gold and silver reserves were like a mouse to an elephant in comparison of the Mines of Darien. It was tempting stuff. Everyone who could invest, invested not just the merchants of Glasgow and Edinburgh, says Douglas Watt inThe Price of Scotland: Darien, Union and the Wealth of Nations, but lairds, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, craftsmen and ministers too. Something in the region of 20% of all the money circulating in Scotland at the time went to the company. Advertisement It was a disaster. Some 80% of the settlers sent were dead in a year. Neither the empire nor the gold showed the slightest sign of materializing. The company failed, and the whole miserable enterprise was abandoned in 1700. It was, says Watt, an early example of a corporate cock-up on the grand scale. It also left much of middle- and upper-class Scotland in ruin and brought the political elite to the negotiating table with England. Seven years later, salvation came with the so-called Equivalent, the payment of nearly 400,000 ($478 million today) to Scotland by England as part of the terms of the 1707 Act of Union. This was, depending on how you looked at it, a bribe, bonanza or bailout as well perhaps as something that reflected just how much England wanted the stability, joint prosperity and peace of a union. There was a lot in the deal for them, too. If you were a Darien company shareholder, however, it was amazing 60% of the cash was earmarked for them. They should have got nothing back on their investment. Instead, they got their capital and interest of 43%. This is not how financial manias usually end for those who get carried away. Advertisement More importantly, the deal marked the end of Scottish sovereignty exchanged for security, economic growth, safe access to globalization and, of course, a very large pile of cash. So here we are 300 years on, with what might seem an obvious question for Scotlands current ruling party: If failure played a large part in creating the union, why would they think that more failure would break it? The Scottish National Party has been in power in Scotland for 15 years, and its hard to see exactly what has improved in that time. The Scottish NHS (currently managed by leadership candidate Humza Yousaf) is a mess. Audit Scotland notes that it is under extreme pressure, that more patients are being added to waiting lists than leaving them, and that little has changed with Yousafs recovery plan put in place 18 months ago. The once brilliant education system, the one Nicola Sturgeon said would be her legacy, is in sharp decline, slipping down the international comparison tables in math and English. The police service is in disarray: Ten years on from the launch of the centralized Police Scotland, its chief constable has warned that the pressures on it are unsustainable and announced his retirement. Advertisement You wouldnt think Scotland gets around 2,000 per head more funding a year than England would you? Life expectancy is falling. Drug deaths are the worst in Europe and have gone up threefold since Sturgeon became first minister. Transport (until recently managed by Yousuf) is a disaster, with the dualling of the hideously dangerous A9 a lethal symbol: Since the SNP has controlled Scotland, 11 miles of this vital road have been dualled, and crash deaths have kept rising. Business gets little positive attention, as the SNP is more willing to attack Scotlands vital industries (oil and gas and whisky, for example) that support them. Witness the drive for net zero, the deeply flawed Deposit Return Scheme (which sounds nice but is unworkable), and, of course, the plan to ban all outdoor alcohol advertising. Then there is tax. The combined changes to the tax and benefit system since 2017, on average, reduce household net income by 210 relative to England and Wales. Everyone earning more than 28,000 will pay more tax than if they lived in England. Top earners will bear the brunt, says the Institute for Fiscal Studies, with the top 10% being 2,590 worse off than if they lived in England. Lower-income earners with children end up better off. However, those without children also end up slightly worse off than if they lived in England, note the tax analysts at RSM. This doesnt exactly incentivize immigration and productivity, does it? Advertisement There is a view that none of this matters that the SNP is elected to focus on independence to the exclusion of everything else. The problem is, it has brought independence no closer. After eight years of adequate oratory but persistently inadequate policy from Sturgeon, the majority of the Scottish population is determinedly anti-independence, just as they were when the 2014 referendum on the matter was held. What might move them? The sharper candidates in the race to pick up Sturgeons pieces might suspect that its better management. Support for the SNP is falling. If, over the last 14 years, Scotland had focused on actually governing, on growing the economy and the tax base, and on creating a country that could not just go it alone but go it alone well, might the Scots be wanting more of their management rather than less? The next first minister might like to give it a go. Financial failure took Scotland into the union. Only very obvious and broad success is likely to take them out. Advertisement More From Bloomberg Opinion: Nicola Sturgeon Was Too English for Scotlands Good: Adrian Wooldridge Big Techs Nemesis in Europe Is Bending Her Own Rules: Lionel Laurent Has Labour Grown Up or Is This Cosplay Conservatism?: Therese Raphael This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners. Merryn Somerset Webb is a senior columnist for Bloomberg Opinion, covering personal finance and investment, and host of the Merryn Talks Money podcast. Previously, she was editor-in-chief of MoneyWeek and a contributing editor at the Financial Times. More stories like this are available on 2023 Bloomberg L.P. GiftOutline Gift Article Comment on this story Comment Gift Article Share Authorities in the news industry, whose reputation is near a record low, have a novel idea to restore public faith in their work: They can improve trust, they say, by renouncing objectivity. This is not something that would have occurred to me. Wp Get the full experience. Choose your plan ArrowRight In a recent column in the Washington Post, the papers former executive editor, Leonard Downie, says that in the quarter-century he was a top editor, he never understood what objectivity meant. The piece quotes other notable journalists saying much the same. Objective by whose standard? asks a former executive editor of the Associated Press. Downie argues that truth-seeking news media must move beyond whatever objectivity once meant to produce more trustworthy news. Younger journalists seem to get it. A generational shift appears to be under way, he believes, and cant happen too soon. More trustworthy news would certainly be good. In the 1970s some 70% of Americans said they trusted the mass media a great deal or a fair amount to report the news fully, accurately and fairly. The figure now stands at 34%. Other polls report similar findings. According to one such study, trust in news media in the US is the lowest of all 46 countries surveyed. Advertisement Admittedly, it isnt obvious what this decline really means. Are the media less worthy of trust, or are readers less trusting? In the US, increasing polarization makes the second plausible. Still, theres something to the first as well. The issue isnt whether newspapers are seen to be neutral. Its fine, for instance, that the New York Times is a liberal paper and it should be less embarrassed by this than it has sometimes seemed. My career in journalism started in the UK, which has brazenly partisan newspapers: You cant imagine the Guardian backing the Tories or the Telegraph supporting Labour. Again, thats fine. But the proper and unashamed tilt of their opinion writing and editorializing is, or should be, separate from whether their reporting of news can be trusted. I find that I read political news in the New York Times and Washington Post more cautiously than I used to. It isnt that I suspect outright deliberate falsehoods. Its more that I see a pattern of choosing and framing narratives that downplay or omit things I have to learn elsewhere. The most obvious recent example was the effort to dismiss and then ignore the contents of what, in fact, turned out to be Hunter Bidens laptop. But I also detect a reluctance to discuss the pros and cons of measures to improve election integrity, interrogate the settled science of climate change, or present a thorough and dispassionate accounting of the policy response to the pandemic. Advertisement On matters such as these, its as though the lack of trust runs in both directions: It seems I cant be trusted with information that might lead me to jump to the wrong conclusion. This tendentious crafting of the news might be well-intentioned in part a conscious effort, deemed necessary to cope with Donald Trump as candidate then president, to steer clear of misinformation, false equivalence and both-sidesism. That said, I dont appreciate it, and it doesnt inspire confidence. Jeff Gerth, a distinguished former reporter for the New York Times, recently produced a 24,000-word article for the Columbia Journalism Review, examining the press versus the president. His exhaustive account of the reporting of Russiagate and other Trump scandals fully supports his main conclusion that journalisms primary missions, informing the public and holding powerful interests accountable, have been undermined by the erosion of journalistic norms and the medias own lack of transparency about its work. Striving to be objective in reporting news a goal now disavowed by some of the professions leading lights has been one of those norms. Advertisement This rejection of objectivity would be easier to understand (albeit still wrong) if it were part of a larger skepticism about the possibility of truth. Whats so confusing about Downies position is that objectivity and truth, in the ordinary meaning of that term, stand or fall together. Its nonsense to want one news reporters should pursue truth, he says but not the other. Objectivity calls for detachment, for a relating of facts uncolored by feelings, opinions or personal bias (as my dictionary puts it). Downie and other doubters seem influenced by the school of thought that says its impossible to report in such a way. Relating facts involves selecting, arranging and interpreting them. These processes and their outcomes, whether were aware of it or not, are socially dependent, guided or even determined by outside factors. These might reflect ones lived experience, as many now like to say, or the conditions of production, as Karl Marx argued, or systemic racism, according to critical race theory. At any rate, there can be no neutral or objective presentation of facts. The trouble is, all these objections apply with equal force to truth. If objective by whose standard? refutes objectivity as a principle, then whose truth? does the same for what is or might be true. If objectivity is meaningless, then by similar reasoning, truth is illusory: Theres no truth, only your truth and my truth. If, on the other hand, truth in the ordinary meaning of the term is possible, as most journalists still appear to believe, then its capable of being sought, and there is after all something to be objective about. Advertisement Granted, adopting a uniformly skeptical position objectivity is meaningless and truth is socially constructed would be less obviously self-contradictory, not to mention a tremendous time-saver. All those fact-checking operations could be shut down because there are no actual facts, and appearing to suggest otherwise might be seen as claiming (baselessly) that objectivity is possible. Obviously thered be no point in counting Trumps lies 30,753 false or misleading claims while he was president, according to the Washington Post because Trumps truth is presumably different from yours and mine, and whos to say which epistemic frame is valid? Alternatively, we could agree that theres such a thing as truth in the ordinary meaning of the word, and that setting the truth before readers is a vital public service. We could agree that politicians often tell lies and applaud reporters for exposing them. We could agree that getting to the truth is harder than it might seem, in part because our efforts have to grapple with some of the factors that constructivists mention, while still insisting its both possible and worth the effort. Theres no question, for instance, that issues get neglected because readers prefer not to know, or have been taught not to care. Americas racial history and its contemporary legacy is replete with such cases. But this filtering can be overcome not by casting doubt on the idea of truth, but by insisting on it. We should want to talk about redlining and its consequences. And when we do, we should want to judge rival claims according to whether theyre true or false, not by asking whose truth they express. Advertisement With that understood, striving for objectivity becomes an intelligible and essential ambition. And it serves two further purposes. First, it would make the truth more accessible, because the discipline of suspending feelings, opinions and personal bias opens the mind, as Gerth puts it, to facts that run counter to the prevailing narrative. Second, it would give readers greater confidence in the news thats set before them. On the whole, if reporters want to be trusted, I recommend truth and objectivity. More From Bloomberg Opinion: Fox News Isnt Helping Republicans: Jonathan Bernstein Media Mergers Can Actually Help Local News: Ramesh Ponnuru Check Your Economics Bias: Noah Smith Want more Bloomberg Opinion? Subscribe to our daily newsletter. This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners. Clive Crook is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and member of the editorial board covering economics. Previously, he was deputy editor of the Economist and chief Washington commentator for the Financial Times. More stories like this are available on 2023 Bloomberg L.P. GiftOutline Gift Article Comment on this story Comment Gift Article Share An especially virulent strain of bird flu has killed off more than 58 million birds in the US since January 2022. Thats not the toll from disease. Its mostly the result of whole flocks of poultry slaughtered by American farmers to prevent the virus from spreading after even one infected bird is found. But those drastic measures have failed to stop the devastation. Vaccination of domesticated birds can provide a new line of defense. The world has had a vaccine available to help stop the spread of the virus since at least 2003. Its use in other countries, especially in Asia, has proven it effective at halting outbreaks. The most recent wave of the disease has prompted more countries to move toward vaccinating their flocks. Yet despite the massive loss of life, the financial toll on farmers and the spiraling cost of eggs and other poultry-related consumer products, the US continues to dither over the pros and cons. Advertisement The key concern is that vaccinations could hinder US poultry exports to other countries worried that shipments of vaccinated birds might contain hidden infections. Such opposition might have been justified when flare-ups of the virus were more easily controlled. But thats no longer the case. To stop future outbreaks, the US must vaccinate its poultry. Whats known as bird flu, or Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1), first emerged on Hong Kong farms and poultry markets in 1997, and eventually spread to humans, killing 6 of the 18 people who caught it. Hong Kong responded by destroying every one of the 1.5 million chickens located on the city-states commercial farms and in local poultry markets. It was an expensive move, in terms of both life and money, but it worked to stop the outbreak. To reduce the risk of future outbreaks, Hong Kong successfully implemented new hygiene, biosecurity and virus-surveillance measures. But by 2001 the virus spread by wild birds began to appear in the markets again. So thats when I started looking at vaccination, recalled Dr. Leslie Sims, who designed Hong Kongs bird flu control methods after the 1997 outbreak, in a recent phone call from Hong Kong. I had to have an extra level of protection. Advertisement Hong Kong trialed vaccinations in 2002 and determined that they were effective at both protecting chickens from infection and at interrupting transmission. In 2003, the city made vaccination mandatory on all poultry farms that supply Hong Kong. Today more than 30 countries have adopted bird flu vaccinations for poultry. Successes have been notable and go beyond just eliminating threats to chickens. In China, the country that has deployed vaccinations most widely, research reveals that a drop in poultry infections reduced human infections, too. Nonetheless, until the most recent outbreak, most countries especially poultry exporters hesitated to adopt vaccinations. The reasons are several. First, vaccines become less effective over time due to mutations in the virus. For example, in Egypt researchers found that vaccine strains were no longer matched to circulating strains. Those less effective vaccines can lend a country a false sense of security especially when other interventions, such as biosecurity and surveillance measures, arent adopted, too. Advertisement Second, many scientists and regulators worry that so-called hidden infections might remain among vaccinated birds and slip through safety nets and border controls. Thats a primary reason the US poultry industry and the US Department of Agriculture have resisted adopting vaccines for fear of jeopardizing the $6 billion in poultry and eggs products the US exported in 2022. But that opposition is not absolute. As costs rise, farmers re-evaluate the costs and benefits. For example, in 2015, the USDA stockpiled hundreds of millions of vaccine doses as the then worst-ever US bird flu outbreak resulted in the deaths of more than 50 million chickens and turkeys. It was never used the outbreak burned off before the vaccines were authorized. The ongoing 2022-2023 outbreak is far worse and, as a result, many reluctant countries are reconsidering bird flu vaccinations. In Europe, France, the Netherlands, Hungary and Italy are testing vaccines and will probably start vaccinating in the fall. Advertisement This month, the European Commission agreed on harmonized rules for vaccination, including surveillance and biosecurity rules that will detect infections (if any) in vaccinated flocks. Those rules are designed to enable trading of vaccinated poultry among EU nations. Meanwhile, France is pursuing talks with non-EU trade partners to allow trade in vaccinated poultry. Now the US should step up. Earlier this month CBS News reported that federal government scientists are gearing up to test bird flu vaccines on US poultry. No timeline was announced, but that shouldnt stop regulators from creating surveillance guidelines (perhaps based on Europes) to reassure trading partners. Meanwhile, the Biden administration should follow Frances lead, reach out to trading partners, and begin the process of working out guidelines for trading in vaccinated poultry. It wont be easy or quick; some trading partners are likely to see the negotiation as leverage to use over other trade issues. Advertisement But those talks are increasingly necessary. The current outbreak is a stark reminder that the virus continues to spread, becoming endemic in some regions, while posing a growing risk to life and property. Vaccination, if done thoughtfully, is a proven means of halting transmission and outbreaks. Its time for the US to join countries that are embracing this tool. More From Bloomberg Opinion: Fake Meats Impossible Quest to Win Over Americans: Stephen Mihm The Next ESG Frontier Is Genetically Modified Food: Chris Hughes Preppers Are Right to Worry About Our Food Supply: Amanda Little This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners. Adam Minter is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering Asia, technology and the environment. He is author, most recently, of Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale. More stories like this are available on 2023 Bloomberg L.P. GiftOutline Gift Article In one decade, the risk to U.S. national security secrets has morphed from ideologically driven protesters to digital natives who live life online and think secrecy is for losers. After two settlers were killed by a Palestinian gunman, scores of Israeli settlers went on a violent rampage in the northern West Bank late Sunday, torching cars and homes. According to Palestinian medics, dozens of people were injured. The deadly shooting, followed by the late-night rampage, immediately raised doubts about Jordan's declaration that it had received pledges from Israeli and Palestinian officials to calm a year-long wave of violence. Photos and video on social media showed large fires burning throughout the town of Hawara the scene of the deadly shooting earlier in the day. In one video, crowds of Israeli settlers could be heard reciting the Jewish prayer for the dead as they stared at a building in flames. And earlier, a prominent Israeli Cabinet minister and settler leader had called for Israel to strike without mercy. Palestinian media said at least 20 vehicles and buildings were torched, and the Palestinian Red Crescent reported over 100 wounded. The Israeli occupation military said its chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Herzl Halevi, was rushing to the scene and that forces were trying to restore order. The rampage occurred shortly after the Jordanian government, which hosted Sundays talks at the Red Sea resort of Aqaba, said the sides had agreed to take steps to de-escalate tensions and would meet again next month ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. They reaffirmed the necessity of committing to de-escalation on the ground and to prevent further violence, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry announced. After nearly a year of fighting that has killed 224 Palestinians in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, the Jordanian announcement marked a small sign of progress. But the situation on the ground immediately cast those commitments into doubt. The Palestinians claim the West Bank, east Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war for a future state. Some 700,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem among 2.9 million Palestinians.. The international community overwhelmingly considers the settlements as illegal and obstacles to peace. The settlers enjoy a European standard of living in settlements that are connected by a network of Jewish-only highways. Meanwhile, Palestinian villages and towns are deprived of any meaningful contiguity due to an Apartheid-style separation wall that was built by Israel two decades ago. Many Israelis moved to the settlements in search of affordable housing, backed by billions of dollars in state funding in recent decades. There are also many national-religious hardliners who identify the southern and northern West Bank with the "biblical lands of Judaea and Samaria" and see living there as fulfilling "a divine promise." The heavily-armed settlers terrorize Palestinians in the West Bank and east Jerusalem on a daily basis. Violence between Israelis and Palestinians has surged since Israel stepped up raids across the West Bank following a spate of Palestinian attacks last spring. The bloodshed has spiked this year, with more than 60 Palestinians killed in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, according to a tally by The Associated Press. The Palestinians say Israel is further entrenching its 55-year open-ended occupation of lands they want for a future state, as well as undermining their own security forces. In the 1970s, Israel established a network of settlements across the West Bank, particularly in areas deemed strategic. Search Keywords: Short link: One inspiration for the plot was when the conservatives in government in New Zealand floated the idea of mining in national parks. The idea was howled down especially by overseas people who wanted to imagine New Zealand as a clean green country, which Catton says wryly has become more and more of a lie over her lifetime. I wanted to take the idea that was floated and imagine that somebody had seen it as an opportunity. Lemoine has made his fortune marketing hi-tech drones, and everybody in the story is constantly spying on everybody else. I wanted to comment on how we utterly depend on our devices and the screens that mete out this surveillance, Catton says. Eleanor Catton on Booker Prize night 10 years ago, when she won for The Luminaries. Credit: Athony Devlin However, Catton is not interested in delivering preachy messages to her readers. Oddly enough she was inspired by Jane Austen, whom she sees as adept at satire, narrative and drama. I wanted to position characters so they would draw out the maximum drama from each other. They would live and die by their own actions, so a reader would see things would be different if theyd made different choices. So her Birnam Wood characters are flawed, petty, competitive, stirred by all too human emotions or led astray by their own righteousness. The nearest thing to a real villain is Lemoine: I was interested in the cultural worship of psychopaths, how fascinating we find them, how we reward them. He can rationalise the cost of what hes doing hes very funny, seductive, he has charisma. He was a lot of fun to write. Catton was born in Canada and grew up in Christchurch with an academic father, a childrens librarian mother and no television in the house. It sounds like the ideal childhood for a writer. Loading It was a very book-friendly household, she says. I was left to my own devices as a girl, I played imaginary games with my cat, Im sure I was very dictatorial. Her mother used to tell her she had a writers name; whatever the reason, shes never known a time when she didnt want to be a writer. That ambition led to a masters degree in creative writing and her debut novel, the prizewinning The Rehearsal, published when she was 22. She was awarded a fellowship to the Iowa Writers Workshop, where she began to write The Luminaries. The Booker win changed everything, for better and for worse. For better, the 50,000 ($87,000) prize money gave her time to wait for an idea for a new book and the opportunity to travel, pre-pandemic, meeting writers and readers in different cultures. For worse: I found the idea of representing my country to be very fraught. I felt a lot of pressure to say certain things about the country, and no more. That feeling came to a head in 2015 after the prime minister and others bagged her for criticising New Zealands neoliberal, profit-obsessed, very shallow, very money-hungry politicians at the Jaipur Literature Festival. One right-wing broadcaster called her a traitor and an ungrateful hua, a Maori word that sounded like something else. Catton says she became depressed and experienced a strange delusion when she felt buildings were going to fall on her. It lasted for months, she says. If I walked outside any door, I would brace myself for the facade to come down and kill me. It wasnt until I could give it a name that I realised it was something that was happening in my head. Loading Perhaps its partly a legacy of that bruising time that Catton now lives in Cambridge in England, where her husband is studying for a PhD, and has no plans to return to live in New Zealand. She doesnt believe Jacinda Arderns government changed anything significantly. Certainly she responded to some of darkest times New Zealand has known with incredible elegance and grace and ways that were iconic and inspiring. But in terms of political change, Im not sure what I can point to. Inequity is rising in New Zealand at a terrific rate. Qantas has appointed Cam Wallace to lead its international division in a move bound to spark a fresh set of rumours about the retirement plans of current boss Alan Joyce. Joyce said last week he intends to remain in charge of Australias largest carrier until at least the end of this year, his 14th as chief executive officer. There had been two front-runners for the top job: chief financial officer Vanessa Hudson and the head of the airlines loyalty section Olivia Wirth. Wallaces appointment, announced today, has already caused intrigue as to whether he will be a third. Cam Wallace, appointed to lead Qantas international division. Current domestic and international chief Andrew David will retire in September. Wallace will begin leading the international arm from July, with a recruitment process for the domestic division expected to commence soon. Wallace worked at fellow ASX-listed carrier Air New Zealand for more than a decade before leaving to head up radio station MediaWorks in 2020. Qantas Domestic was the most profitable division of the carrier in the December half, with underlying earnings of $915 million. White man takedown was the memorable reaction in US-owned News Corp tabloids to the removal of a bunch of portraits of former Australian high commissioners from the walls of our London diplomatic outpost, Australia House, that someone noticed back in December. There were 26 portraits honouring each of Australias high commissioners to the UK. Images of recent high commissioners George Brandis and Alexander Downer hung next to their predecessors, all the way back to first high commissioner and Australias fourth prime minister Sir George Reid. When the pictures were taken down last year, acting High Commissioner Lynette Woods explanation that they were to be digitised and proudly displayed online didnt wash with those hawk-eyed Murdoch minions whose sources knew for a fact that the poor old former high commissioners were cancelled because they were white men and symbols of patriarchy. Despite Woods denial that any pesky identity politics was at play, the affair sent someone maybe well never know who reaching into their book of boring culture-war tropes for a rant to the tabloids that sounds like it was thrown together by an AI chatbot. But the list is also littered with others in the industry, from construction services companies to tilers, materials suppliers, and painters. Loading Its been repeatedly referred to as a perfect storm, but industry sources told WAtoday the challenges brought on by the pandemic had merely shone a light on an already broken system. With projections indicating WA will need to build 20,000 homes annually to keep up with population growth and fears it could be another 18 months before the situation improves, industry groups are demanding action. Builders running on vapour The Association of Professional Builders cofounder Russ Stephens said cashflow issues were the primary reason for stalling home builds. Despite supply chain issues having improved, Stephens said many builders were running out of cash and struggling to pay their suppliers and subcontractors on time, which was leading to delays on site and dwindling confidence among consumers. Industry sources warned WAtoday that in the current economic climate, no builder was immune. But Stephens said it was those that swarmed on the industry and took on more contracts than they could service in 2020 that were bearing the brunt of the cost increases. There are so many building companies in our industry now trading with negative equity because of the huge sums of money they lost through signing contracts on the back of a COVID boom before costs rose, he said. Loading Those companies are running on vapour at the moment, theyre barely surviving, and its why youll see numerous complaints of home builds stalling, because theyve destroyed their equity and now theyre starting to run out of cash. Those companies are vulnerable and they will continue to fail for another 18 months. Having been charged with picking up the pieces and determining what went wrong, WA Insolvency Solutions managing partner Jimmy Trpcevski confirmed they were rarely the product of an overnight disaster, but rather cost overruns taking their toll. He said subcontractors were declining to do work until they had secured payment, which was putting additional pressure on a business cash flow. Theres a lot of gun to the head type deals being done, which further erodes profit margin on a fixed-price contract, he said. Its the run-over costs of delays in getting materials and labor costs that were seeing that attribute to a lot of the financial difficulty and distress. If someone has gone in with a low tender to get the work and is operating with a small profit margin, its tight from the outset and thats a recipe for disaster. Trpcevski said indemnity insurance caps had also exacerbated the cash flow problems. Indemnity insurance cover is determined based on a builders financial capacity and restricts how many projects a company can take on at any given time. Its designed to protect customers if the builder goes under. But the caps have prevented builders from taking on more builds to improve cash flow before their others reach a certain milestone. He said there was a misconception that the directors behind collapsed companies walked away scot-free, but that it couldnt be further from the truth. Theres a lot of stress, theres a lot of pride and, for people who have been in the industry and live and breathe it, the pride issue is huge, he said. Theres always a personal guarantee attached, so whatever the creditor is feeling, the directors are equally feeling that as well. Labour, labour, labour Few know the industry quite like home building giant BGC, which has ridden the highs and lows of WAs cyclical economy for the past six decades. But according to BGC, there has never been a more difficult time to be a builder. The company recorded a $41.6 million loss last year. A BGC Housing Group spokesperson told WAtoday the labour shortage remained the most pressing issue. This is limiting the housing stock availability in Western Australia, and needs to be rectified in order for the state to grow, the spokesperson said. We also need to ensure there is stability within the industry and an investment in apprentices. An industry demanding change Master Builders Association WA released a swathe of proposed reforms in November, including a move away from fixed-price contracts and a long-held mentality that the lowest price should win. Trpcevski said he believed the measures being sought by the lobby group, including for changes to legislation and project bank accounts, were a step in the right direction. But he agreed labour was a significant issue. Loading I think theres a perpetual state of limbo for a lot of businesses who are sort of teetering on financial difficulty, he said. Often theyre just waiting for an event to push them over the line, whether that be a loss of another job or costs escalating or, in the current situation, they cannot find the labour to do the work. Something needs to give. There has to be a level of reset for people to draw a line in the sand and move forward. Bandt said this could be done in the form of a climate trigger in the nations environment laws, or it could be in the safeguard mechanism legislation itself. Loading We put an offer, not an ultimatum, that we will put aside our concerns about the weak targets, the offsets, the fact that its Tony Abbotts scheme and vote for the package in full, Bandt said. But we want to see, in law, a commitment that therell be no new coal or gas projects. The Greens will begin running digital advertisements on Sunday, targeting Macnamara MP Josh Burns and Richmond MP Justine Elliot over the approval for gas company Santos to drill new coal seam gas wells in the Surat Basin, with photos of the two MPs next to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and a burning gas station in the background. The party won three lower house seats in Brisbane at last years election, giving it a total of four, while also receiving a 5.5 per cent swing in Macnamara and a 4.9 per cent swing in Richmond, which put the seats within reach for 2025. While Plibersek recently rejected Clive Palmers proposed central Queensland coal mine, and holds her seat on what should be a comfortable 16.7 per cent margin, the Greens are also looking at her seat as an outside chance. The Greens grew significantly at the last election and that can happen again at the next one, Bandt said. Labor have to explain to people in Macnamara, Richmond and Sydney why they want to open new coal and gas mines. Plibersek said the Greens had been targeting her seat for decades and shes never taken it for granted. Loading Ill continue to work hard to represent the views and values of my electorate, she said. I look forward to Adam Bandt and the Greens supporting our strong new environmental laws. Burns said the Greens can focus on all of the politics that they want. Im focused on getting things done for the community Im privileged to represent. After taking over the leadership in 2020, Bandt said he had made a priority of focusing on economic inequality and cost of living, as well as the environment and climate. He named rental affordability, getting dental into Medicare and lifting JobSeeker as key issues that set the Greens apart from the two major parties. Historically, the biggest obstacle to people voting for the Greens was just not knowing that we are going to fight for people just as strongly as were going to fight for the planet, he said. Bandt said this term of parliament was the best chance in a generation to pass really progressive laws, but Labor wasnt being ambitious enough. This is the best parliament we will have for a generation to get to reduce inequality and tackle the climate crisis, he said. I think the biggest obstacle to progress in this parliament is Labor itself. Bandt said his party would ramp up its campaign against the $254 billion stage three tax cuts heading into the May budget, and was starting to tie it to other issues when Labor claimed a certain proposal wasnt affordable. The Greens leader is coming off a difficult month internally after its then-First Nations spokesperson Lidia Thorpe resigned from the party and joined the crossbench over her opposition to the Indigenous Voice to parliament. Bandt says people need to know that the Greens care about them and not just the planet. Credit: Eddie Jim The departure has slightly diluted the Greens power in the Senate. Previously, the government only needed the support of the Greens and one more senator to pass legislation, but now it needs an additional two votes. Asked whether he would still work with Thorpe on key votes in the Senate, Bandt said he had a lot of respect for her and the two had campaigned together for years. She will obviously make her own decisions from here on in, but I hope to have a good working relationship with her as I do with a number of other members of the crossbench in this parliament. I have respect for her and will continue to do so, he said. By 2012, the resorts target market had pivoted from tourists to visiting public servants and contractors, securing lucrative government contracts worth $8.8 million for 12 months. Attempts to contact Kwon this week were unsuccessful, but a spokesperson for the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts said the resort ceased operations in 2015, and the government had considered renewing a casino licence for Christmas Island in 2021, but elected not to do so. The resort may have languished, but the value of Kwons northern beaches home has soared. The local median house price has increased more than 1000 per cent in the 33 years he has owned the property, and has a suburb record in the double-digit millions thanks to a $12.15 million sale by former Home and Away actor Holly Brisley in 2021. Mosmans silver lining The lack of properties for sale in Mosman is still doing well by local high-end homeowners, and liquidators of collapsed artificial intelligence start-up Metigy. Metigys CEO and sole director, David Fairfull. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer Ray White Mosmans Geoff Smith had a $9.75 million guide to reflect the market downturn, but sold it less than two weeks later for $12.21 million - a jump in value of 16.2 per cent - to Longueville local Dong Chunrui. The news wasnt so good for Metigy liquidators selling Fairfulls Kangaroo Valley weekender, Heggys. Purchased during the same spree in 2021 for $7.7 million, it has sold for $6.25 million to executive pay expert Michael Robinson. Still in Mosman, seafood king George Manettas and his wife Maria have downsized to Mosmans Beauty Point, paying $7.85 million for the home of vintner Tony Royle. The purchase follows Manettass sale of his long-held Federation home Merilbah late last year for $15.5 million to Deloittes chief transformation officer Dennis Krallis and his wife, AstraZeneca senior executive Jenny Krallis. Corporate heavyweight Eric the Rhino Dodd and his wife Vanessa have also made quick work of their Mosman house sale with a sold sticker ahead of next weeks scheduled auction. Ray Whites Smith wont disclose the result, but it carried a $10 million guide and locals have suggested a $10.6 million result. Dodd, the chairman of debt collector Credit Corp Group, and insurers First American Title and Integrity Insurance, had listed just three years after he purchased it for $7.8 million given downsizing plans locally. Prime digs on offer Investecs former chief executive Milton Samios and his wife, interior designer Jacci Samios have listed their Georgian-style home on Rose Bays Kent Road amid plans to undertake another major home project. Investecs former CEO Milton Samios purchased in Rose Bay in 2015 for $6.5 million. Credit: Anthony Johnson The couple have completely reworked the Michael Suttor-designed house since they purchased it from the Cadwallader family in 2015 for $6.5 million, with a recently completed redesign by Molnar Architects in collaboration with Jaccis Jacket Curated interiors firm. Ray White Double Bays Ashley Bierman and Thomas Popple have a $20 million to $22 million guide. Buyers will need to dig a little deeper to buy this weeks other prime eastern suburbs listing, Carrabah, in Bellevue Hill. The three-level residence is owned by plastic and reconstructive surgeon Robert Drielsma and his anaesthetist wife Debbie Hong, who have undertaken a major redesign since they purchased it in 2011 for $9.85 million when they were up-scaling from their designer Tamarama home. The 1930s P&O-style residence Carrabah has been remodelled since it last traded for $9.85 million in 2011. Credit: Domain There is no guide on offer by agents Alison Coopes and Bradfield BadgerFoxs Katrina Wilson, but buyers should expect to pay north of $25 million. Bankers in-betweener Goldman Sachs Australias co-head of investment banking Zac Fletcher has bought what looks to be an in-betweener in Point Pipers historic Ardenbraught, given settlement records for the $9.41 million sale of a three-bedroom apartment in the converted Federation mansion. Ardenbraught was built in 1903 for barrister Cecil Stephen KC and converted into apartments in 2002. Credit: Domain Fletcher is in between homes thanks to the sale of his Rose Bay house last year after it was listed with $25 million hopes and the off-market purchase of a home renovation project on Point Pipers Wolseley Road for more than $25 million. Reporter turned house flipper Sevens Sunrise presenter Edwina Bartholomew and her writer husband Neil Varcoe look to be making a tree-change, listing their inner west-home as they make plans to turn their Blue Mountains guest house into a boutique hotel. The couples Dulwich Hill home hit the market this week with a $2 million guide ahead of a March 18 auction through BresicWhitneys Frederico Fraga-Matos and Nick Playfair. Edwina Bartholemew is selling her Inner West home. Credit: Dylan Coker Billed as one of the suburbs oldest houses, it is one of a small group of homes built in the 1870s by a descendent of convict-turn-master builder James Bloodsworth, and was purchased by Bartholomew and Varcoe in 2017 for $1.59 million. The couple kicked off a major renovation of the three-bedroom house in 2020 in collaboration with Studio Esteta, the same design studio that undertook the renovation of their sandstone cottage in the Blue Mountains Capertee Valley. Survivors ready Unleashing the private sector in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is crucial for its countries to push forward green transition efforts and to adopt more renewable energy, panelists at the 11th Annual AmCham MENA Regional Council Conference said on Sunday. The one-day event kicked off under the theme Accelerating Green Investments in the MENA Region: US and Regional Partnerships for Growth. The network of regional American Chambers of Commerce currently connects more than 4,000 members from across eleven different countries and works on strengthening bilateral commercial ties between the regions countries and the US through extending opportunities for collaboration and investment. Speakers and participants also asserted the need for the region to legislate frameworks that facilitates the private sector to expand financing for an easier green transition on the continent. They also hailed the creation of a loss and damage fund during the UNs 27th Climate Change Conference (COP27) that Egypt successfully hosted in November in Sharm El-Sheikh, stressing the importance of building on the outcomes during the forthcoming COP28 to be held in the UAE. Countries in the MENA region have taken proactive steps to advance green investments, adopt climate-change strategies and place sustainability and clean energy as their top priority, believing that sustainability investments will accelerate business growth, AmCham Egypt President and the Chairman of the AmCham MENA Regional Council Tarek Tawfik said within his speech. He added that with Egypt assuming the COP27 presidency through November 2023, and with the UAE building momentum to host COP28 in the coming months, the region is playing a leading role towards the net-zero transition, as many countries rapidly adopt solar and other sustainable energy solutions to diversify their energy mix. Touching upon the global energy scene and its effects on the region, Tawfik explained that the energy crisis that started in 2021 is accelerating the energy transition, creating huge interest in hydrogen. With high renewables potential wind and solar Egypt, UAE and Saudi Arabia are now prioritising development of green and blue hydrogen production not just for export to Europe and Asia, but also for internal consumption, Tawfik explained. Moreover, Tawfik expected that green hydrogen sustainably sourced through solar is set to turn MENA into the worlds second-largest electrolyser installer by 2040. He added that Egypt is a signatory to the Global Methane Pledge, launched in November 2021, where participating countries have agreed to take voluntary steps to contribute to a collective effort to decrease global methane emissions, at least 30 percent from 2020 levels by 2030, which could eliminate over 0.2C warming by 2050. AmCham Egypt, together with the US Chamber of Commerce have taken on the mission of advocating for the reduction of methane emissions among the private sector, Tawfik highlighted. In this respect, Tawfik noted that investing in the environment is one of the most important aspects of increasing employment opportunities and aiding economic development, adding that renewable energy jobs reached 12.7 million in 2021, which is expected to double in the next decade. Throughout his speech, the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for Egypt and the UN Special Envoy on Financing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Mahmoud Mohieldin said that Egypt showed its leadership during the COP27. On a regional level, Mohieldin noted that finances, technologies and leadership are all imperative together to push forward the green transition in the region that is currently experiencing a very challenging time. While the developed countries pledged many years ago to extend $100 billion to the developing countries for climate adaptation and mitigation related efforts and to address the severe impacts of the climate change, developing countries need up to $1 trillion per annum for such efforts, Mohieldin underpinned. He also asserted the importance of focusing on achieving both the adaptation and mitigation efforts in terms of the climate action, adding that 80 percent of financing globally centres on mitigation while only 20 percent goes to adaptation. Climate finance is development finance and it is critical for the region, Mohieldin affirmed. Marty Durbin, senior vice president for policy and president of Global Energy Institute at US Chamber of Commerce, stated that achieving green security and green transition are imperative for a sustainable future for the MENA region. Durbin stressed that private sector must play a leading role in the green transition process, which requires huge investments. He added that establishing partnerships with government is also critical to foster such efforts. Within his speech, Ambassador Daniel Rubenstein, charges affaires at the US embassy in Egypt, highlighted Egypts efforts in green transition through its achievements made during the COP27 as well as the role the Nexus for Food, Water and Energy (NWFE) platform is playing in mobilising private finances for these three sectors in the region. In this regard, Rubenstein asserted that US supports Egypts efforts in this area, citing the $250 million the US and Germany committed in November to support the countrys clean energy transition. The participants also stressed that it is imperative for the region to upgrade its energy infrastructure, attract more private capital and support the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to play a role in the green transition, as well as secure needed financing in this regard. Search Keywords: Short link: Reading, PA (19601) Today Clouds and some drizzle or fog possible early, then clouds break for sun.. Tonight Mostly cloudy and breezy with a round of showers overnight and perhaps a thunderstorm. KYODO NEWS - Feb 26, 2023 - 10:46 | Feature, All, World, Japan Germany's climate envoy called on the Group of Seven leaders to make clear commitments toward resolving the devastating effects of climate change by putting it at the top of their agenda when they meet in May in Japan. Jennifer Morgan, the German special envoy for international climate action, said in a recent interview with Kyodo News that she wants to ensure G-7 "clearly states its leadership and responsibility" for the early phase-out of coal-fired power generation and fossil fuels to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Morgan said that energy and environment policies remain top priorities for Germany, which served as last year's chair of the group of developed nations that also includes Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Japan and the United States. The European Union will also attend this year's summit to be held in the western Japanese city of Hiroshima. "The problem has not been gone, so we would like to work with the Japanese government to ensure that the G-7 shows leadership on this issue," the former executive director of Greenpeace International said. She said a global movement toward becoming fossil-fuel-free is strengthening, as illustrated at the U.N. climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in November. More than 80 countries supported phasing out all fossil fuels at the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, known as COP27, even though it did not make it into the final agreement. The climate envoy said that a strong G-7 leadership is essential to lead to the success of COP 28 to be held later this year in the United Arab Emirates. Morgan also advocated for reforms of international financial organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund, so funding would go toward helping poorer nations develop technology for renewable energy production. Additionally, the envoy emphasized that Berlin has not backtracked on its commitment toward zero dependence on coal-fired power, even though Germany increased such power generation after halting Russian natural gas imports over the country's invasion of Ukraine. "The preservation of coal-fired thermal power generation is an extremely temporary policy," she said. "There has been no change in the goal of phasing out coal-fired power generation by 2030 through the expansion of renewable energy and the strengthening of energy conservation policies." Allentown, PA (18103) Today Clouds and some drizzle or fog possible early, then clouds break for sun.. Tonight Mostly cloudy and breezy with a round of showers overnight and perhaps a thunderstorm. KYODO NEWS - Feb 26, 2023 - 21:36 | Arts, All, Japan The Japanese anime "Oni: Thunder God's Tale," a story about a girl growing up in a world of gods and monsters, won two prizes in the TV/Media category at the annual Annies on Saturday. The stop-motion animation directed by Daisuke Tsutsumi won the category's Limited Series and Production Design awards at the 50th Annie Awards. "I cannot believe it. There were many nominations of very high-quality work, so I am extremely happy," Tsutsumi told reporters. The four-episode anime series released on Netflix was produced by Tonko House, which has a studio in the central Japan city of Kanazawa and California. The studios were launched by Tsutsumi and Robert Kondo, his co-director of "The Dam Keeper," which was nominated for the short animation category of the Academy Awards in 2015. Another Japanese production, "Inu-Oh," a fantasy musical depicting maverick artists in 14th-century Kyoto, was nominated for Best Indie Feature and Best Writing for a feature film but did not win. "Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio" bagged five trophies at the Annies, including the most prestigious, Best Feature. The work also won the Golden Globe for best animated feature in January. The Annie Awards recognize outstanding achievements in and contributions to the art of animation each year. The Winona Area Public Schools 2023 referendum includes proposed classroom remodeling, deferred maintenance and added career technical education at the high school. But it also brings proposed additions to two of the districts older buildings: Jefferson Elementary and Washington-Kosciusko Elementary. The proposed addition to Jefferson would be on the back of the existing building on the east side. And the addition to Washington-Kosciusko would also be on the back of the building on the northwest corner of the schools lot. Jeffersons addition would be approximately 11,000 square feet, and Washington-Kosciuskos would be approximately 14,000 square feet. The two elementary schools were built in the 1930s with funding from the Public Works Administration under President Franklin Roosevelts New Deal program. Washington-Kosciusko was completed in 1934 and Jefferson in 1938. The primary reason for the addition is to make sure that students or staff dont need to use the basement for anything, said John Casper, communications coordinator for Winona Area Public Schools. The Community Task Force identified that as one of the biggest downsides of having those historic elementary schools, Casper explained. Students with mobility issues have trouble accessing the schools. The stairs in the basement themselves are dark and dingy and thats a big of a safety hazard. And just the idea of having to go down the stairs because the art rooms are in the basement of both buildings and then be expected to create art. Theres no natural light; there are no windows. The art teachers do a great job in making those spaces as welcoming as possible, but its still in the basement. Casper said the additions would include new cafeteria space and main office space in both buildings. Itd be a very accessible entrance for everybody. Then, additional student support spaces will be added on the second floor of those additions, said Casper. Other things that will happen in those buildings, beyond fixing things that need to be fixed like bathrooms; they are going to take some of the classrooms and turn them into flexible learning spaces or personalized learning spaces. These flexible learning spaces, Casper said, would combine two or three classrooms into one large room with moveable walls and differing furniture. This would make the rooms customizable to not only teachers needs but how individual students learn best. Its a common thing other schools district have done. If you look at a new school thats being built, theyre not going to have the chopped-up classrooms of the 1920s and 1930s. Theyre going to have these flexible learning spaces, learning studios with different furniture, moveable walls and bright, airy spaces, said Casper. In a town that takes pride in its historic buildings, the plan for the additions is to build them so they fit seamlessly with the historic elementary schools, said Casper. I like to think about (how) in the 50s and 60s during the polio epidemic, Jefferson and Washington-Kosciusko were distribution sites for the polio vaccine. Then 60 years later, both of these sites were used for the COVID vaccine. It shows that the schools have a bigger impact in their community and their neighborhoods beyond just teaching kids how to read and write, said Casper. I dont think investing money into these buildings just because theyre historic is what were doing, he said. But I think something the Community Task Force felt when looking through all the options is that people do take pride in these buildings. They have a lot of potential. They need some work to bring them up to speed, but theres no reason that we can have these buildings stick around for another 60, 70 years after these improvements. Washington-Kosciusko still has the same floors, walls and cabinets from when it opened in the 1930s, said Principal Justin Hanson, and upgrades are needed. Education, obviously, has changed a great deal over 87-year period of time the schools been open, said Hanson. Because of what we know about learning, these changes would definitely be beneficial to student learning. Jefferson Elementary Principal Jay Woller said staff has had to get creative with how they use hallway spaces and basement spaces to accommodate their needs. The addition would add room for counselors offices and flexible learning spaces for students. I have been in buildings with flexible spaces before, and it is really beneficial for students to do personalized learning, small group work and different projects, said Woller. If we got the space, I know we would use it. We would put it to good use. Having that flexible space does allow for more flexible potential programming. Although enrollment may be going down districtwide, capacity at Winonas elementary schools is at 80%, which Casper said is where they want it to be. That capacity gives space to grow. Looking at what the city of Winona is doing with its comprehensive plan, its looking to grow the population of Winona. That may be accomplished through some different changes in housing, zoning laws and housing regulations to allow for more dense residential areas and that would definitely impact us. We could see a rise in enrollment and we have to make space, said Casper. So this gives us room to grow in the future. I think the Community Task Force hopes that by improving these buildings that may draw more people into the school district. The Winona Area Public Schools referendum vote will be on April 11. IN PHOTOS: Winona Senior High School Commencement Exercises 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement-2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 Photos: WSHS Commencement 2021 The idea for this weeks Sauk County Veterans Breakfast is decades old. On Friday at Baraboo High School, the Baraboo 21 Club and Operation Honor Bound invites everyone to an all-you-can-eat breakfast from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. followed by a short ceremony, to honor all veterans, from all branches, from any era. One veteran who wont be there, except in spirit, is Private Clayton Luther. My idea for the veterans breakfast came from a big event that happened in Baraboo way back in 1966, said Steve Argo, of Wisconsin Dells, one of the breakfast organizers, who leads the Baraboo 21 Club and is a social studies teacher at Baraboo High School. Local officials put on a citywide support our troops event in honor of Luther. Luther was the first person in Sauk County killed in the Vietnam War. The 19-year-old, a 1964 Baraboo High School graduate, was working at Pierces Supermarket before entering the army. He was killed in action, having just arrived in Vietnam. He was a rifleman in Company A of the First Infantry Divisions 2nd Batallion, 2nd Infantry. An October 20, 1966 Baraboo News Republic story read, The father and 12 of the 13 brothers and sisters of the late Pfc Clayton Luther, together with their spouses, will be honored guests at the Blue Spader luncheon. Argo put together a 50th anniversary breakfast of that event in 2016, giving out commemorative medallions to all Vietnam War-era vets. Two of Luthers sisters plan to be at Fridays breakfast. When a service member dies in defense of their country, Argo said, they dont get to live long and meaningful lives like the rest of us. This might mean they never got to fall in love. They never got to have a family of their own. No more birthday parties, Argo said. No family outings to cut down the Christmas tree. No camping trips or trips to Disneyland. No going up to Lambeau Field and watching the Packers play the Vikes. They dont get to be with friends and family, sitting down to a warm meal. The basic thing with these breakfasts is to say to veterans and their families, Your loved ones have not been forgotten, Argo said, himself an army veteran who served during the Cold War between 1982 and 1985. The love for service members is felt, and Argo is always making efforts to ensure that. Brandon Scott is a Reedsburg resident whose organization Operation Honor Bound collaborated with the Baraboo 21 Club to put on the breakfast (free for veterans and one guest, with a $5 cost for each additional guest). The eight year veteran of the Wisconsin Army National Guard said, My time in service was a chance to give back, not only to my country, but also the people of Wisconsin. He continued, I was fortunate to serve alongside many other incredible men and women who are not only spectacular service members, but phenomenal community members and representatives of the state. Many of those will be at Fridays breakfast. Two Gold Star families will be in attendance. Veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf and the Global War on Terrorism will be in attendance. It is an incredibly rare and unique opportunity, Scott said of the breakfast, bringing them all together. Members of every branch of service, every rank, every specialty will be able to meet other service members, swap war stories, network, and support each other. Support for veterans comes from a lot of different sources in the area. I am truly grateful for the amazing communities of Sauk County and their continued support of our men and women in uniform. I feel blessed, Scott said, to live in an area where the value of service to country, state, and community is abundantly clear. The breakfast is being provided by Heavenly Smoked Roasters, Neat-Os Bakery and Coffee Bean Connection. Additional support for the event is being provided by Sysco, Festival Foods and the Baraboo School District. After breakfast, the Baraboo High School band and chorus will perform patriotic music. Guest speakers will include the state representative for the National Desert Shield and Storm Memorial in Washington, D.C. All veterans of the Persian Gulf War in attendance will receive a medallion. Freedom isnt fair, Argo said. The cost of our freedom has been borne unequally in American society. He continued, For this small, exclusive group of Americans who were killed, their freedom was neither free nor fair. They paid the bill. The rest of us didnt. It isnt fair. It isnt fair that Clayton Luther wont be in attendance with his sisters, swapping war stories with friends and family over eggs and hash browns, biscuits and gravy, in the school he graduated from. It isnt fair, but we have our freedoms thanks, in part, to that young man from Baraboo who fought for us all. The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, as seen on February 3, 2021. The US Department of Energy has assessed that the Covid-19 pandemic most likely came from a laboratory leak in China, according to a newly updated classified intelligence report. Saudia Cargo has awarded a multi-station contract to Worldwide Flight Service (WFS), which significantly extends cargo handling services across major key airport gateways in Europe and the United States of America. The contract was formally signed by Teddy Zebitz, CEO of Saudi Cargo, and John Batten Executive Vice President of EMEAA at WFS, at a ceremony held in Saudia Cargos Jeddah headquarters to inaugurate new agreement. WFS will now be handling over 160,000 tonnes of cargo annually for Saudia Cargo, in addition to providing ramp handling services for air cargo shipments onboard over 5,000 passenger and freighter flights per year. Commenting on the contracts award, CEO of Saudia Cargo, Teddy Zebitz said: WFS is a global leader in providing cargo handling services and by awarding this contract to them, we are certain that our operations in pivotal stations on the European and American continent that are part of WFS network, will considerably benefit from their highly reliable expertise. Saudia Cargo is dedicated to delivering the highest standard of customer satisfaction and a seamless experience to consumers. WFS will productively contribute towards this. We will continue to form strategic partnerships with other logistics providers, both in the public and private sectors, ultimately supporting the creation of a more cohesive and efficient logistics ecosystem in the Kingdom and beyond, he added. WFS EMEAA Executive Vice President, John Batten also commented saying: We are honored by Saudi Cargos trust and confidence in WFS and to be extending our partnership with one of the leading air cargo carriers in the logistics industry. Together, we will combine our efforts to provide the very best service experience for the airlines customers. Our strategic operations in the Eastern hemisphere are exceptionally advanced and well-equipped to meet the needs of Saudia Cargos services and we look forward to achieving many new milestones together over the course of our partnership. The contract with WFS covers its services at several important stations including Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris, London, Manchester, Brussels, New York, and Washington. As part of its rigorous tender process, Saudia Cargo carried out essential technical visits to each WFS station to ensure the quality of each facility met the companys standards. Key meetings were also held with integral local WFS staff responsible for managing the airlines cargo operations to streamline communication and connectivity. The responsibilities, contractually agreed upon, will commence from the 1st of February 2023 onwards. Mohanned Badri, Vice President of Operations at Saudia Cargo expressed the promise of the contracts award and said: This partnership will contribute to the growth of both Saudia Cargo and WFS in providing seamless cargo services, with WFS playing a substantial role in the success of Saudia Cargos operations at these stations. Both companies are also exploring future opportunities for furthering their partnership by expanding to new destinations where WFS possesses cargo handling capabilities. With its human first and customer centric mindset, Saudi Cargo continues to collaborate with its customers and partners, providing innovative and customized solutions to help them achieve their goals. Saudi Cargo has grown quickly to become a major international liner, spearheading Saudi Arabias mission to become a crucial regional and global logistics hub that is geared towards customer centricity and upholding practices that always put customers first.TradeArabia News Service KYODO NEWS - Feb 26, 2023 - 14:34 | Feature, All, Japan Former Mainichi Shimbun reporter Takichi Nishiyama, who was convicted in the 1970s after reporting on a secret pact between Japan and the United States over the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japanese rule, died of heart failure in Fukuoka Prefecture on Friday, his family said. He was 91. As a political reporter for the major daily, Nishiyama suggested the existence of a secret bilateral pact in a newspaper article in 1971, a year before the island was returned to Japan after decades of U.S. administration. He was arrested in 1972 on suspicion of instigating the leaking of state secrets by urging a Foreign Ministry official to pass on classified documents about the negotiation process behind the handover. The Tokyo District Court found Nishiyama not guilty in 1974, but an appeals court overturned the ruling and convicted him with a suspended prison sentence. The guilty verdict was finalized at the Supreme Court in 1978. Nishiyama quit the newspaper in 1974. After official documents were discovered in the United States in the early 2000s that suggested a secret pact was made with Japan regarding the return of Okinawa to its rule, Nishiyama filed a damages suit against the state. In the suit, filed with the Tokyo District Court in 2005, he claimed his career as a reporter was ruined by his wrongful indictment. The suit was rejected by the Supreme Court in 2008. In 2009, Nishiyama and two dozen other people filed a lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court demanding that the government disclose documents concerning alleged bilateral pacts based on the public's right to know about the incident. The watershed moment came during the trial when a former senior diplomat admitted for the first time in court that Japan and the United States had concluded a secret agreement on the cost burden for the Okinawa reversion. "Japan shouldered $4 million in costs that Washington was supposed to pay to restore farmland in Okinawa (that had been used by U.S. forces)," 91-year-old Bunroku Yoshino, who was the Foreign Ministry's American Bureau chief, said in his testimony. In a landmark ruling in 2010, the district court said the government possessed the documents -- which showed there was a secret accord that Japan shoulder part of the U.S.' costs for the reversion of the southwestern island prefecture to Japanese rule-- and ordered it to disclose them. The state was also ordered to pay 100,000 yen ($730) in damages to each plaintiff. In a 2011 ruling, however, the Tokyo High Court overturned the district court's decision, and the Supreme Court upheld the resolution of the appeals court in 2014. After quitting his job with the Mainichi Shimbun, Nishiyama, a native of Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture, worked for a fresh fruit company run by his relative in Kitakyushu, a city in Fukuoka Prefecture. Recounting that period, Nishiyama later remarked he had felt "isolated, without any support." "I was shut out," he said. He became actively engaged in discussions over national security and press freedom issues after suing the state in 2005. In an interview with Kyodo News, Nishiyama explained why he did not report directly in his 1971 article on the existence of a telegram that suggested there was a secret bilateral pact. "It was the best course of action to protect my news source," he said, adding that even if he had reported it, the government would not have admitted it existed anyway. The telegram, however, ended up in the public domain after an opposition lawmaker grilled the government on the secret pact during a parliamentary session in 1972, holding in his hand a copy of the document Nishiyama had given him through an intermediary as he did so. An ensuing investigation by the Foreign Ministry led police to arrest Nishiyama and the ministry official on suspicion of violating the National Civil Service Law. She was given a suspended sentence in 1974. The saga has inspired several books and a TV drama. Nishiyama has been portrayed as a protagonist in Toyoko Yamasaki's novel "Unmei no Hito" (Person of Destiny). Nishiyama himself was a prolific writer and published a book as recently as last year. Nishiyama died at a care home in Kitakyushu, his family said Saturday. By Tomoyuki Tachikawa, KYODO NEWS - Feb 26, 2023 - 10:32 | All, Japan, World, G7 After hosting a Group of Seven online summit on the first anniversary of the Ukraine crisis, Japan, the G-7 chair in 2023, faces growing expectations from other members and international organizations to increase focus on other global issues by leveraging its strengths in non-military areas. Japan, for example, could contribute toward promoting universal health care coverage to other countries by offering expertise on its own system, as the Asian nation has provided public medical insurance for all its citizens since 1961, analysts said. With the World Health Organization calling on the G-7 to phase out their reliance on fossil fuels to curtail global warming and pollution, Japan could also play a leading role in the international community by advocating and investing in decarbonization technology, they added. Japan, meanwhile, has been urged to explain to its G-7 counterparts its plan to discharge treated water from its crippled nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture into the Pacific Ocean, a decision which has been met with strong resistance from some neighboring nations. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who represents a constituency in Hiroshima as a lawmaker, is scheduled to host the in-person G-7 summit for three days from May 19 in the western Japan city that was devastated by a U.S. atomic bomb in August 1945. Kishida has been "keen to pitch his vision of a world without nuclear weapons" amid mounting fears that Russia may deploy one in its war against Ukraine, but there are "many other issues that should also be discussed at the G-7 summit," a source close to him said. "In thinking seriously about what Japan can and should do for the international community as the G-7 presidency, the prime minister needs to take the initiative and combat global challenges this year," said the source. On Friday, the G-7 leaders held a video meeting for the first summit presided over by Kishida, in an effort to strengthen the unity of the group and demonstrate its unwavering solidarity with Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy attended the gathering. The G-7 members "called on Russia to stop its ongoing aggression and to immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw its troops" from Ukraine, warning in their joint statement that Moscow's "irresponsible nuclear rhetoric is unacceptable." The statement suggested that the leaders of the G-7 -- which consists of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States plus the European Union -- devoted most of their time to discussing Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The source said, "To be honest, what Japan can do for Ukraine as the G-7 chair is limited" compared with other countries, as Tokyo "cannot supply military assistance" to the Eastern European nation under its war-renouncing Constitution. Kishida should "try to bolster his influence in the G-7 by pledging to utilize Japan's state-of-the-art technologies and experience in fields such as medicine and environmental science to help solve global problems," the source added. In medicine and health care, Japan has accumulated knowledge in universal health coverage for more than 60 years. Since the United Nations adopted its Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, the G-7 has pursued the realization of universal health coverage to ensure people have access to basic medical services without financial hardship. In many emerging countries, it is difficult to expand health care infrastructure, meaning Japan could offer its expertise by providing insurance-based services, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co. said in a report. "Japan's universal health insurance system has helped improve the life expectancy of its citizens" and buoy economic growth "through disease control," the investment firm said, adding Tokyo should cooperate with other G-7 members in the area. Moreover, the WHO has recently emphasized the importance of achieving "planetary health," a concept that links human health with the earth's natural ecosystems, requesting that the G-7 work with them to sharply reduce fossil fuel use. Japan has promised to become carbon neutral through its plan to produce net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, accelerating research and development in renewable energy technologies and other resource sectors. The Health and Global Policy Institute, a Japanese private think tank, said it hopes that the Kishida administration will lead the discussion on how to attain the goal of improving planetary health as the G-7 presidency. The G-7 health ministerial meeting is slated to be held in May in the southwestern city of Nagasaki, the second city to be hit by a U.S. atomic bomb days before Japan's surrender in World War II. At a planned gathering in April for energy ministers in Sapporo, northern Japan, the government is expected to seek the endorsement of the G-7 for the disposal of treated water from the Fukushima plant, apparently brushing aside concerns raised by China and South Korea. The Global Times, a Chinese newspaper affiliated with the country's ruling Communist Party, lambasted Japan, saying Tokyo's "attempt to draw other G-7 members over to its side is through hosting a G-7 meeting, a platform where it is easiest to reach consensus." "Tokyo's aim is very obvious. This is also a kind of public opinion manipulation to cover up its own wrongdoing," the newspaper said, adding its dispose of the "nuclear-contaminated" water would affect the earth's oceans. The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant was triggered by a powerful earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. Related coverage: G-7 vows to strengthen coordinated sanctions on Russia over Ukraine KYODO NEWS - Feb 26, 2023 - 19:40 | Feature, Coronavirus, All, Japan, Travel/Tourism Arrivals of foreign-operated cruise ships to Japan are set to near the level seen before the coronavirus pandemic when their dockings to the country resume in March after a three-year hiatus, a Kyodo News survey showed Sunday. Out of 42 major ports, a total of 89 arrivals are scheduled in March at 23 ports across 22 prefectures, while discussions by local governments and ship operators are progressing for arrivals at other ports, the survey showed. Before the pandemic in March 2019, Japan saw 125 dockings at the 42 ports. The recovery apparently reflects tourism promotion by local municipalities in Japan, as well as China's suspending reception of international cruisers. Out of 2.15 million who visited Japan on cruise ships in 2019, 80 percent were from China. Those visitors from around the world spent 80.5 billion yen ($590 million) during their stay in Japan, according to the Japan Tourism Agency. The Kyodo News surveyed 42 ports across 32 prefectures that received large cruise ships in 2019. Japan has suspended dockings of foreign cruise ships since March 2020 following mass infections on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which caused thousands to be quarantined in Yokohama in February 2020 and left 13 of the over 700 infected crew and passengers dead. Port calls of cruise ships from overseas will resume, starting with Shimizu in Shizuoka Prefecture in central Japan on March 1. Out of the 23 ports scheduled to receive cruise ships in March, Kagoshima in southwestern Japan will see the most dockings at 11, followed by nine each in Kobe in western Japan and Naha in Okinawa Prefecture, the southernmost island prefecture, the survey showed. Yokohama near Tokyo is set to receive eight cruises, and Kochi in western Japan, seven. The port in Osaka in western Japan said in the survey it has plans to receive several cruise ships but declined to specify the number, citing ongoing discussions with related parties. It had seven dockings of foreign cruise ships in March 2019. Ports in Nagoya in central Japan, Takamatsu in western Japan, and Hakata and Nagasaki in southwestern Japan also declined to give the number for similar reasons. Ahead of the reception of international cruise ships, the Japanese government urges local municipalities to discuss and reach agreements with ship operators and local health and customs authorities over responses to coronavirus infections. Of the 23 ports scheduled to accept foreign cruises, 16 have or are nearing such agreements, while seven are still in discussions. Related coverage: Boat service linking South Korea's Busan and Japan's Tsushima resumes Nicholas Philibert, whose film On the Adamant won the Golden Bear at the 73rd Berlinale on Saturday, has made a lifetime commitment to observational documentary, moving between interviews and long, patient takes of his subjects pursuing what it is that they do. The best known of these is Etre et Avoir (2002), which followed a year in the life of a tiny rural school where the single teacher kindly but exacting, in the French manner taught several grades at once. Thanks to the magnetism of this committed teacher and of his delightful enfants, of course Etre et Avoir became an unlikely but enduring arthouse hit. Related Story Berlin Film Festival Winners: French Documentary On The Adamant By Nicolas Philibert Wins Golden Bear Related Story HBO Acquires Berlin Fest Buzz Title 'Reality;' Breakout For Its 'Euphoria' Star Sydney Sweeney As Leaker Reality Winner In Tina Satter-Helmed Docudrama Related Story Sundance & Berlin Hit 'Past Lives' Scores Deals In UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, Lat Am & More For A24: EFM Philibert has also cast his watchful eye over nurses in training, a day in the life of a radio station and a night in an urban menagerie. He never appears himself, as far as I remember though, given that he has been ploughing this furrow since 1978, this isnt a reliable recollection but his presence is palpable as a guiding sensibility. These are films that, taken together, constitute a humanist project, even if he makes this explicit only in apposite quotes introducing each film and brief afterwords telling us where we have just been and adding a few remarks about what makes it so worthwhile that make you wish we heard a little more from him. More from Deadline Story continues In On the Adamant, we are on a psychiatric hospital houseboat that rocks soothingly on the River Seine. The boat, made of wood with great shutters and decks covered in potted plants, was purpose-built for day patients in 2019. Inside, there are spaces for workshops and classes art, music, dancing, cooking offered to patients dealing with a variety of very different pathologies. One young man looks fixedly below the cameras eyeline as he describes how other peoples noise upsets him. Frederic, an aging but dashing bohemian, speaks lucidly about art before sharing that he and his brother are reincarnations of Vincent van Gogh and his brother Theo. A chubby middle-aged man remembers how a policeman told him that if he actually murdered anyone, he would go to jail for 30 years. Lucky he didnt have a gun at the time, he reflects. So one is autistic, one is delusional, the last one is paranoid. Maybe, maybe not. Philibert doesnt give diagnoses or assign labels. Why would he, when the patients have their own, much more earthy descriptions of their afflictions? If I didnt have my meds. I start raving, says Francois, I think Im Jesus surrounded by little birds. He has been sick, he says, since he was 18. And Im sick now, he says firmly. A melancholy African woman recalls her son being put into foster care when he was 5. He is now 16. She visits him with a caseworker once a month. Things are better now, she says. At first, when I went to see him, I couldnt utter a word. Activities range from sewing to jam-making to keeping the books for the coffee bar, which the patients do themselves. Balancing these accounts takes time and often argument, but time is the one thing everyone here has. After their art sessions, they show one another their work and discuss at length what they were trying to do. The film club, which has been running for 10 years, is planning a film festival of classics including Fellinis 8 and one of the adaptations of Jack Londons White Fang. By no means everyone we see speaks some are morose, one is only seen on the boats deck, endlessly twirling in time to some private dance score but the clientele here, even those with no teeth who look as if they have spent quite a few years, possibly including last night, on the street, notably are artistically inclined. In his remarks at the end, Philibert suggests that there must be places in the world that have space for poetry. Poetry is definitely top of the pops on the good ship Adamant. It does seem unlikely as a random group of the mentally ill. Of course, since Philibert does no explanatory interviews with the professionals, he cant spend too much time with people who cant communicate or are more markedly disturbed. The cast also might be essentially self-selecting: It makes sense that those who want to perform for the film will be the natural performers, the ones who already sing and recite their own poems. And of course, he wants to engage us. His technique entirely depends for success on our response to his subjects, so he wants to find the ones with the best stories. In the end, however, for all his films decency and sympathy, the people on this beautiful hospital boat are not appealing in the way the children in the one-room school were. On the contrary, these are people you might move to avoid on a train, which perhaps is the point. For a couple of hours we share a carriage with them and find that they are poignant, complex and often fun. You wish all of them and their lovely wooden boat the very best of luck. But, in the end, I was relieved when I realized wed reached the final stop. I was looking forward to getting off. Best of Deadline Sign up for Deadline's Newsletter. For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Click here to read the full article. Slovakia Obit Jakubisko (ASSOCIATED PRESS) Slovak filmmaker Juraj Jakubisko, who was named the best movie director of the 20th century in his country, has died at the age of 84. Jakubisko died shortly before midnight on Friday 24 February in the Czech capital, Prague, where he had lived with his family since the 1993 split of Czechoslovakia, his daughter Janette told Slovak public radio and television. His death was also announced by the Czech Culture Ministry. Jakubisko has dozens of feature films and shorts to his credit that won a number of awards at international film festivals. For his movies, full of metaphors, symbols and poetry, he was sometimes called Fellini of the East, or Slovak Fellini after famed Italian director Federico Fellini. Born April 30, 1938 in the village of Kojsov in what is now eastern Slovakia, Jakubisko graduated from Pragues Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in 1966. He debuted with the critically acclaimed Crucial Years the following year. With that, as well as Deserters and Pilgrims (1968) and Birds, Orphans and Fools (1969), he cemented his place as part of the Czechoslovak New Wave in cinema together with a number of other young directors of the time, including Milos Forman and Vera Chytilova. All those films were banned by the hard-line communist regime that was established following the 1968 Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia that crushed a period of liberal reforms known as the Prague Spring. For the next decade, he was allowed to make only documentary films. He returned to feature movies with Build a House, Plant a Tree in 1979 which was soon also banned. Jakubisko His major success was The Millennial Bee, in 1983, an epic family saga in the late 19th and early 20th century that won awards at film festivals in Seville, Spain, and Venice, Italy. In 1985, Fellinis wife, Giulietta Masina, starred in Jakubisko's fairy tale for children The Feather Fairy. His biggest box-office success after the 1989 collapse communism was Bathory in 2008, a historical drama starring English actress Anna Friel as Elizabeth Bathory, a Hungarian countess who according to legend used to kill virgins in order to bathe in their blood. It was at the time the most expensive motion picture production in Central Europe. The Blue Notebooks was composer Max Richters Iraq War-themed, and critically-acclaimed, second album. Max Richter has described The Blue Notebooks as "a protest album about Iraq, a meditation on violence both the violence that I had personally experienced around me as a child and the violence of war ... He composed The Blue Notebooks in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Initially, he released the album for specialist indie label 130701 on February 26, 2004. A deluxe, expanded reissue was released by Deutsche Grammophon to celebrate the albums 15th anniversary. The Guardian named the Blue Notebooks as one of the 25 best classical music works of the 21st Century. Listen to The Blue Notebooks on Apple Music and Spotify. For those who love Max Richters Sleep project, or his soundtrack work for TV and film (such as The Leftovers and Ad Astra), The Blue Notebooks is a delight waiting to be discovered. The album features actress Tilda Swinton reading excerpts by Franz Kafka (from whose The Blue Octavo Notebooks the album takes its name), and Polish poet Czesaw Miosz, in a vocal performance that has been likened to YouTubes closely recorded and sensuous ASMR movement (Richter even later subtitled one of the tracks from Sleep "whisper music"). A sumptuously deluxe, expanded double-disc reissue of The Blue Notebooks was released by Deutsche Grammophon in 2018 to celebrate the albums 15th anniversary. On The Nature Of Daylight The brief, melancholic title waltz opens The Blue Notebooks, with a performance from Swinton, and Kafkas scene-setting line: Everyone carries a room about inside them. The longer, Purcell and Beethoven-influenced, cello-led "On The Nature Of Daylight" then follows. It is an immensely popular lament, which has done more than any other Richter piece to cement his name into the international music worlds consciousness. Its a fine example of Richters capability to create eminently adaptable art and then allow it, like a growing child, to exist in the world on its own, to be added to and promoted in a multitude of ways. Story continues In 2004, however, Max Richter was not yet on most peoples radars. The Blue Notebooks budgetary restraints meant that it was recorded in an almost absurd, unthinkable rush, and the record went so unnoticed that, at the time, Richters family was left in dire financial straits. It has taken the pieces inclusion on a remarkable number of soundtracks and compilations; further interpretations by both Richter himself and others (including a repurposing of Dinah Washingtons "This Bitter Earth" vocal, and sampling by UK rap legend Roots Manuva); plus the albums reissue; before its journey eventually seemed complete with the addition of its excellent 2018, Elisabeth Moss-featuring, music video. 'Shadow Journal' The stirring piano miniature "Horizon Variations" leads into the albums most expansive piece, "Shadow Journal," a Brian Eno-influenced ambient dub track which Pitchfork described as literally perfect. Its bass weight rests upon the sounds of a treated viola and, as with other tracks on the album, it presaged the trend for field recordings with its cinematic sound architecture. These recordings back Swinton, reading Mioszs evocative lines from Unattainable Earth: I cast a spell on the city, asking it to last. It was later utilized in another war project, the Israeli animation Waltz With Bashir, which was Richters first major soundtrack. Iconography The magnificent, organ-accompanied choral piece "Iconography" transcends its sampled base, Richters levels of attention to detail already in place, and the atmosphere luxurious. It reveals Max Richters debt to German baroque master Johann Sebastian Bach, and later joined "Shadow Journal" on the Waltz With Bashir soundtrack. A remix from Glasgows Konx-Om-Pax also features on The Blue Notebooks reissue, wreathing the piece in electronic effects and adding rippling synths and a chunky groove for an all too short house track. Vladimir's Blues The zig-zagging, Chopin-influenced, Nabokov-referencing piano piece "Vladimirs Blues," as often with Richters work, leaves the listener keen for more, the writers butterflies having flitted out of the room almost before they landed. It was later featured extensively in HBOs supernatural drama series The Leftovers. Max Richter re-recorded "Vladimirs Blues" as an extra track on The Blue Notebooks reissue, as well as opening it up for a remix by Jlin, in her woozy Chicago footwork style, brightening the song mysteriously and unexpectedly. Features narration by Tilda Swinton Swintons typewriter returns on "Arboretum" and "Old Song," as she reads from Kafka again. On the former, she prefaces the strings, which lay over a notably electronic-sounding rhythm, reminiscent of some of the Warp Records acts. "Old Song," as with some of Richters later material for Songs From Before, leaves a piano composition by another composer (in this case Robert Schumann) almost submerged under atmospherics, adding to the sense of time passing in the journal entries. "Organum" returns to a rich, devotional setting, before the last of the three longer pieces on the album, the tensely and majestically building "The Trees," at the beginning of which Swinton reads one last time, from Mioszs Hymn Of The Pearl. The album then finishes with yet another magically evocative short piano piece, "Written On The Sky," which revisits "On The Nature Of Daylight" solo, as a sort of bookend. The expanded edition of The Blue Notebooks also includes "A Catalogue Of Afternoons," a succinctly effective piece that was included on the first Richter compilation, 2019s Voyager: Essential Max Richter. The deluxe edition also features a brand new track, the abrasively treated cosmic string drift of "Cypher." As with his most esteemed classical forebears, Richters The Blue Notebooks takes extant ideas and presents them anew for different times. And as with those forebears, his work is continuing to gain recognition as the years pass and the albums place in our musical history is continuing to grow. Buy or stream Max Richters The Blue Notebooks here. For the latest music news and exclusive features, check out uDiscover Music. uDiscover Music is operated by Universal Music Group (UMG). Some recording artists included in uDiscover Music articles are affiliated with UMG. NBC For the first time in a long time, Saturday Night Live opened this weeks show with James Austin Johnstons Donald Trump, who was addressing the residents of East Palestine, Ohio (Not a great name!) after this months toxic train derailment. I had to come here and see these wonderful people who have been abandoned by Biden, Trump said. Hes on spring break in Ukraine with his friend Zelensky in the T-shirt, very disrespectful. From there, the former president continued to rant about McDonalds, Trump water, Schitts Creek and Rihannas pregnant Super Bowl performance, before circling back to the topic at hand. Your train exploded and who do we blame? he asked. We blame Buttigieg. Pete Buttigieg, this was his responsibility. Unfortunately, he was too busy being a nerd and being gay to have dealt with the very much more important issue of should trains have big poison? And I have to tell you, I call him Pete Butt, theres no way around it, thats just the best one. Believe me, Ive tried it every which way and it really doesnt get better than Pete Butt. Woody Harrelson Spews Anti-Vax Conspiracies in Rambling SNL Monologue But the real highlight of the sketch came when Trump invited Grand Jury forewoman Emily Kohrs (a pitch-perfect Chloe Fineman) to join him at the podium. Shes an odd duck, but we like her, Trump said. Shes either 7 or 40, we cant tell. And shes got a big secret for such a kooky little lady. Potentially I might I dont know she replied coyly. You just want me to ruin the case, but I guess I can say that we have been saying your name a lot. Can you believe that? They almost had me and then this little horse girl comes in and saves the day, Trump said with a smile. Do we like her or what? She looks like Haley Joel Osment and shes my best friend! For more, listen and subscribe to The Last Laugh podcast. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. In the wake of a train derailment that spilled hazardous chemicals in an eastern Ohio town earlier this month, Republicans have slammed the Biden administration, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in particular, for its response to the incident. Buttigieg visited East Palestine this past Thursday, nearly three weeks after the train derailed near the Ohio town on Feb. 3. The town went through a subsequent evacuation as officials conducted a controlled release of the chemicals in selected train cars, allowing residents to return on Feb. 8. Former President Trump accused the Biden administration of indifference and betrayal during a visit to East Palestine on Wednesday, while Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) suggested that Buttigieg was shirking his responsibilities as transportation secretary to focus on more politically salient issues. I understand that the secretary is politically ambitious, and hed like to move to government housing in Washington right up the street, but he does have a job to do, Cruz told reporters. And Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) took the additional step of calling on Buttigieg to resign. Secretary Buttigieg refused to acknowledge the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, until his intentional ignorance was no longer tenable, Rubio said in a letter to President Biden, adding, Even after acknowledging the tragedy, he continues to deflect any accountability for the safety of our nations rail system. But what has the Biden administrations response actually looked like? Heres a timeline of events: Feb. 10: EPA on the ground in East Palestine after evacuation order lifted The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) appears to have been the first branch of the Biden administration to publicly remark on its response to the Ohio derailment, tweeting about its efforts on the ground in East Palestine on Feb. 10. With the evacuation order lifted in East Palestine, Ohio, EPA is assisting with screening efforts for residents who request to have their homes tested for chemicals from the fire, EPA Great Lakes said in a tweet that was reupped by the larger agency. Story continues Feb. 13: Buttigieg says Transportation officials were onsite within hours of derailment in first statement Buttigieg said the Department of Transportations Federal Rail Administration and Pipelines and Hazardous Materials teams were onsite within hours of the initial incident, in his first public statement on the East Palestine derailment on Feb. 13. I continue to be concerned about the impacts of the Feb 3 train derailment near East Palestine, OH, and the effects on families in the ten days since their lives were upended through no fault of their own, he tweeted. He also noted that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) was conducting an independent investigation of the incident. We will look to these investigation results & based on them, use all relevant authorities to ensure accountability and continue to support safety, he added. Feb. 14: White House says EPA working hand in glove with Ohio in first comments on incident The White House said the EPA was working hand in glove with Ohio in its first public comments on the derailment on Feb. 14, after a reporter asked press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the incident. The administration has been in close touch with local officials to ensure that they have what they need and that their needs are being met, Jean-Pierre said. According to Jean-Pierre, EPA officials had been on the ground in East Palestine since Feb. 4, leading air quality testing and supporting the Ohio EPA with surface and ground water testing. EPA Administrator Michael Regan emphasized a similar message in a Feb. 14 Twitter post. From Day 1, @EPAGreatLakes has been on site and supporting local and state partners as they lead on-the-ground response efforts, following the East Palestine train derailment, Regan said. We are conducting 24/7 air monitoring to protect the health and safety of all residents. Feb. 16: EPA head vows to get to the bottom of derailment during visit to East Palestine During a visit to East Palestine on Feb. 16, Regan vowed to get to the bottom of the derailment and hold Norfolk Southern accountable. He was the first senior Biden administration official to travel to the site of the derailment. The community has questions and we hear you, we see you and we will get to the bottom of this. Anything the state needs, we will be here to help, Regan said at a press conference. We are going to get through this as a team, we are absolutely going to hold Norfolk Southern accountable. Feb. 17: Biden administration sends toxicologists to East Palestine The Biden administration announced on Feb. 17 that it would send toxicologists and medical personnel from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to East Palestine, in response to a request from Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) and Ohio lawmakers. As President Biden told Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro soon after the derailment, the Federal Government stands ready to provide any additional federal assistance the states may need, a White House press release noted. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) also agreed to deploy a support team to help with the response, after DeWine said earlier in the week that the federal agency had found them ineligible for aid. Feb. 21: Biden slams critics in first statement on derailment Biden slammed critics of his administrations response to the derailment in his first public statement on the incident on Tuesday. The @USDOT has made clear to rail companies that their pattern of resisting safety regulations has got to change, he said in a tweet. Congress should join us in implementing rail safety measures. However, the president said the Department of Transportation has been hampered in enacting rail safety measures by elected officials, placing the blame on the Trump administration and Republican lawmakers. For years, elected officials including the last admin have limited our ability to implement and strengthen rail safety measures, Biden said. Heck, many of the elected officials pointing fingers right now want to dismantle the EPA the agency that is making sure this clean up happens. Feb. 23: Buttigieg calls on Trump to support rail reforms during visit to East Palestine Buttigieg visited East Palestine on Thursday, just one day after Trump accused the administration of indifference and betrayal in his own visit. The transportation secretary called on the former president to voice support for reversing deregulation that happened on his watch. I heard him say he had nothing to do with it, even though it was in his administration, Buttigieg said. So, if he had nothing to do with it and they did it in his administration against his will, maybe he can come out and say that he supports us moving in a different direction. Were not afraid to own our policies when it comes to raising the bar on regulation, he added. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Retired Editorial Page Editor Michael Douglas. What a good idea, the College Board and many others thought. The maker of Advanced Placement courses for high school students would expand its offerings to include a course on African American Studies. The proposal seemed especially well-timed following the murder of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis police officers, a knee fixed on his neck. The 2020 killing of Floyd sparked widespread protests and, most important, an opening for shared understanding, the country in need of a racial reckoning. Writing this month in Time, Isabel Wilkerson, the author of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, reflected the hope in calling for a massive re-education of our citizenry to lay bare the full history of this country in which the state has systematically favored some groups and excluded others. The College Board seeks to do its educational part. An AP course wont suddenly transform the jagged landscape of race. It does promise to help, and last year the board began testing the concept, seeking feedback from educators. Enter the politicos, notably, Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor and presidential wannabe. He rose to play the cultural warrior, expressing fury at the woke indoctrination he sees at work in schools. The governor bullied, and the board altered its course, appearing to bow to his posturing. AP African American course: Here's what's actually being taught As it is, the course still carries much value. Some changes are logical, for instance, adding Shelby Steele and other conservative thinkers. Overall, the course steps back. It demotes down secondary sources such as the illuminating essays of Ta-Nehisi Coates, playing down contemporary writers and scholars speaking in the moment, or what the course asks students to do. Mostly, the furor stirred by DeSantis signals that somehow African-American Studies is a second-class subject. That hardly is true. No subject deserves more attention if the county aims to fulfill its promise. As Wilkerson explains in Caste, our culture long has been defined by a social hierarchy, shaped by race, in which some lives are valued higher than others. Story continues Slavery ranks as the obvious example, with its immense brutality, both physical and psychological. The end of slavery brought a respite, and high hopes, as Reconstruction proceeded. Yet that project soon ended, and the toxic hierarchy returned, Jim Crow dehumanizing in its own crushing way. This is what the civil rights movement sought to overcome. Its majesty took form in a question: Would America prove true to its founding principles? No doubt progress has been made, and yet the indicators are many pointing to how the hierarchy persists 150 years after the Civil War and the amendments quashing slavery and ensuring equal protection under the law. Our caste system endures even decades after the New Deal, Fair Deal and the Great Society. Consider the disparities in prison sentences. Or the yawning achievement gap between black and white students. Or the vast difference in household wealth, black Americans for decades denied access to better paying jobs. The Brookings Institution recently compared the unemployment rates for whites and blacks from 1972 to 2021. It found that blacks consistently experience joblessness at double the rate of whites. A report in the New York Times this month highlighted the stark differences in infant mortality. A study looking at California found that for white mothers at the highest income rungs, the infant mortality rate was 173 deaths per 100,000 live births. For the poorest white mothers, the rate was 350. In contrast, the wealthiest black mothers saw 437 deaths, and the poorest, 653. Income isnt decisive. Rather, larger forces are in play, for instance, evidence showing black mothers receive different medical treatment. All of this stems from the historical pattern of exclusion, blacks largely denied advances such as the minimum wage, labor union coverage, unemployment assistance and Social Security. Southern members of Congress made sure blacks were left behind. The G.I Bill, an engine of the middle class, barred blacks from whites-only colleges, job training programs and housing loans. The landmark civil-rights legislation of the 1960s marked a leap forward. Yet wide disparities remain. Ohio still hasnt determined the resources required to educate a disadvantaged child, let alone made the proper investment. Lyndon Johnson framed the challenge in his June 1965 address at Howard University. He reasoned: You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, You are free to compete with all the others, and still justly believe that you have been completely fair. Colorblindness isnt fair enough. The injured party, in this instance, deserves better, starting with the history. Which is why it is disheartening to see AP African-American Studies caught in the tiresome cultural wars. Douglas was the Beacon Journal editorial page editor from 1999 to 2019. He can be reached at This article originally appeared on Akron Beacon Journal: African-American history courses critical for our country's success The Supreme Court is slated to soon decide the financial fortunes of over 40 million Americans who are in line for significant student loan relief, when it hears arguments on the legality of President Joe Bidens plan to provide targeted relief to student loan borrowers. On Feb. 28, the court is expected to hear arguments about whether the millions of Americans eligible for up to $20,000 in student-loan debt forgiveness should get that relief, or whether they should be forced to continue to pay their loans. With a six-vote conservative supermajority, it seems unlikely that the court would rule to uphold a sweeping executive-branch action by a Democratic administration that involves the redistribution of money from lenders to debtors. But there may be a way for at least some of the courts conservatives to preserve the debt relief program while achieving a conservative goal. The most likely way the program would survive the challenges presented in two cases Biden v. Nebraska and Department of Education v. Brown is if the outcome turns on the question of standing; that is, whether the parties suing to challenge the program can prove it harms them, and that they are the relevant party being harmed. If the court decides that the six states and two individuals suing the administration lack standing, the justices will not need to actually decide whether the program is legal. The standing theories that have been thrown at the wall in these cases are wrong, and many of them would have dangerous implications, conservative law professors Samuel Bray and William Baude argued in a friend-of-the-court brief submitted in the case. Despite their own belief that the administrations debt relief plan is unlawful, Bray and Baude argue that none of the states or people filing suit can properly prove they would be harmed by the program. And if the court were to grant standing, it would further expand the ability of states to bring lawsuits to force or block executive actions something three of the conservative justices opposed in the 2007 case Massachusetts v. EPA, where the court gave the state special solicitude to sue to require the government to regulate carbon emissions. Story continues Chief Justice John Roberts wrote a dissent from that decision that was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and then-Justice Antonin Scalia. In the dissent, Roberts argued that the special solicitude granted to states turned standing into a lawyers game, rather than a fundamental limitation ensuring that courts function as courts and not intrude on the politically accountable branches. Student loan borrowers are seen gathered at the Supreme Court to tell the court that student loan relief is legal. Student loan borrowers are seen gathered at the Supreme Court to tell the court that student loan relief is legal. The courts are meant to decide concrete cases not to serve as a convenient forum for policy debates, Roberts added. These concerns proved prophetic, Bray and Baude write. Since then, there has been a dramatic increase in lawsuits filed by state attorneys general challenging federal actions while the opposing party occupies the White House. Under former President Barack Obama, GOP attorneys general led the way in filing more than 50 suits. Democratic attorneys general filed more than 130 suits when Donald Trump was president. And now Republicans have filed more than 50 such suits against Biden. The states more extravagant theories are emblematic of the broader trend where states are taking advantage of vague language in Massachusetts v. EPA, to challenge any federal action with which they disagree, Bray and Baude write. Unless this Court wishes to sit in constant judgment of every major executive action which is not its constitutional role it is time to say stop. By rejecting the standing theories offered in the student loan debt cases, Roberts and other conservatives could set forth new limits on states special solicitude for standing, or reject it entirely. This could help keep the court out of some thorny political questions while making it more difficult for liberal attorneys general to sue to enforce environmental or civil rights law. Thats something that Fordham Law School Professor Jed Shugerman, who supports student debt relief, warned about in a brief to the court in support of the state arguments for standing. Such a move would allow Roberts to do what he has done in the past: uphold a Democratic presidents policy priority while advancing his own agenda at the same time. The case against standing for the eight plaintiffs is fairly straightforward, according to Baude, Bray and a brief submitted by the Biden administration, among others. Biden announced his plan to provide student-loan debt relief for some borrowers on Aug. 24, 2022. The plan provided $20,000 in relief to Pell Grant recipients and $10,000 in relief to other borrowers who made less than $125,000 a year in 2020 or 2021. Biden claimed authority under the HEROES Act of 2003 to provide debt relief during the COVID-19 national emergency. The debt-forgiveness plan drew swift legal challenges backed by conservatives. The states of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and South Carolina sued in the 8th Circuit, while Myra Brown and Alexander Taylor, two student borrowers, brought suit in the 5th Circuit. Among Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and South Carolina, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals only gave standing to Missouri. The claims of harm from the other five states were all too weak, as they were found to be either self-inflicted or nonexistent. Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and South Carolina claimed that they would lose tax revenue due to a 2021 law that exempts student-loan debt discharges from being calculated as gross income. These states allege they would lose tax revenue because they tie their own state tax definitions of gross income to the IRSs definition. However, court precedent says that a state cannot allege a harm from an act that is self-inflicted. It was the individual choice of Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and South Carolina to tie their state tax codes to the federal tax code. In the 1976 case of Pennsylvania v. New Jersey, the court ruled that Pennsylvania could not claim it was harmed when New Jersey enacted a new tax, despite Pennsylvanias argument that it incurred harm because it allowed residents to claim a tax credit for taxes paid to other states. The court found that Pennsylvania did not need to provide such tax credits, and it ruled that no state can be heard to complain about damage inflicted by its own hand. The claim for standing is also suspect because the alleged harm isnt direct. In a 1927 case, after Florida challenged a federal inheritance tax on the grounds that it would cost the state tax revenue, the court rejected Floridas argument, finding that the harm was at most, only remote and indirect. President Joe Biden announces his student-loan debt forgiveness plan in the Roosevelt Room of the White House with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. President Joe Biden announces his student-loan debt forgiveness plan in the Roosevelt Room of the White House with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. The states of Arkansas, Missouri and Nebraska claim that they would lose revenue because the White Houses program only benefits direct loans over family loans, and would encourage borrowers to consolidate any family loans into direct loans. Since some state entities hold investments in family loans, these states claim they would be harmed. But the administration changed its policy to forbid debt holders from consolidating in this manner in order to receive the proposed relief. Borrowers with federal student loans not held by [the Department] cannot obtain one-time debt relief by consolidating those loans into Direct Loans, the brief submitted to the court by the Biden administration notes. As for Brown and Taylor, they both sued to challenge the plan by claiming they would not receive the promised relief in whole, for holding a private loan, or in part, for not receiving the maximum $20,000 offered to Pell Grant recipients. They argued that their ability to register their complaints was short-circuited when the administration did not post the policy through the normal notice-and-comment process. Here, the remedy sought by Brown and Taylor, of eliminating the program entirely, does not match the harm they allege their exclusion from all or some of the relief. The briefs from Baude and Bray, and from the Biden administration, argue that they lack standing since eliminating the program would not resolve their alleged harms. As for the administrative complaint, the HEROES Act exempts changes in debt payments during a declared national emergency from the normal notice-and-comment period, so the Biden administrations brief contends that this harm does not actually exist. That leaves Missouri which claims it would lose money that the state-created student loan servicer MOHELA is obligated to donate to a state capital improvements fund, because MOHELA could lose income from any loans it holds that are forgiven. While this is the strongest argument for standing made by any of the plaintiffs, Bray and Baude argue, it is nevertheless problematic because the state of Missouri is not the proper party to bring this lawsuit. Despite being created by the state, MOHELA is an independent entity that has the power to sue and be sued. MOHELA, not Missouri, is the party that should be suing here, the briefs from Bray and Baude and from the Biden administration argue something it is conspicuously not doing. The claim of standing because MOHELA may not be able to pay its state obligations has its own problems. Aside from the argument being speculative, the state already provides MOHELA extensions and delays in paying what it owes. It could also set a new standard for standing that would create a host of perverse consequences. If the court were to accept such a theory, it would give any lender the standing to sue to block any regulation that reduced the income of any of its borrowers, Bray and Baude argue adding that such a theory should not be taken more seriously here. The conservative justices may ultimately rule in favor of standing, as they have in a number of post-Massachusetts v. EPA cases where states made similar arguments. If they do, then the case would come down to whether the relief program is legal, or if it is not allowed under the courts major questions doctrine that limits expansive regulatory actions that affect the economy. But standing is the best bet the Biden administration has to keep its plan intact, even if it comes with collateral damage. Related... EXCLUSIVE: Pope Francis is issuing a renewed plea for peace in Ukraine after attending an extraordinary screening at the Vatican of Evgeny Afineevskys documentary Freedom on Fire: Ukraines Fight for Freedom. The screening at the New Synod Hall within the walls of the Vatican took place on the one-year anniversary of Russias full-scale invasion of its neighbor, a war that has killed or wounded an estimated 180,000 Russian troops and 100,000 Ukrainian forces. Upwards of 30,000 civilians are estimated to have been killed. The pope sat next to several Ukrainian women who appear in the film and when the lights came up he led the audience of about 250 people in prayer. More from Deadline Pope Francis offers a prayer for Ukraine after a screening of Freedom on Fire. To his left is director Evgeny Afineevsky. Speaking primarily in Italian, the pontiff asked the Lord to heal humanity from the river of hatred that feeds war: When God made man, he said to take the earth, to make it grow, make it beautiful. The spirit of war is the opposite: destroy, destroy Dont let it grow, destroy everyone. Men, women, children, the elderly, everyone. Afineevsky earned an Oscar nomination for 2015s Winter on Fire: Ukraines Fight for Freedom the film about the Euromaidan Revolution of 2014 that later prompted Russias annexation of Crimea and fomenting of armed revolt in Eastern Ukraine. On Friday night he presented a recut version of his latest documentary, updated with very recent footage from the conflict. Addressing Pope Francis moments before the screening began, Afineevsky said, Thank you for showing your solidarity with the Ukrainian people for the nine years of this war and the one-year of the major intervention of Russia and occupation of Ukraine For me, its really important and symbolic to be with you and all of you [the audience] here on the 24th of February, the day we are commemorating this tragic start of the war. Story continues Toddler Sviatoslav plays with the popes cane before a screening of Freedom on Fire: Ukraines Fight for Freedom at the Vatican. The director told Deadline to his knowledge its the first time any pope has attended a film screening event on the Vatican grounds. Seated next to the pontiff were Nataliia Nagorna, a Ukrainian journalist and war correspondent who is a primary focus of the documentary, and several other characters from the film, including Anna Zaitseva, a young mother whose son Sviatoslav was just a baby when the invasion happened. The toddler, now 16 months old, attended the screening with his mom and appeared to delight the pope with his genial demeanor. At one point he played with the popes cane and even nibbled at it. Afterwards, Zaitseva, Nagorna and a select group of others held a private audience with the pope. Zaitseva gave Pope Francis an update on her husband, who is seen in the film enlisting to fight in the Ukrainian army after the invasion started. She said he is being held somewhere in a Russian prisoner of war camp. Nagorna presented him with a white-tufted portion of a cotton plant cotton having become a symbol of resistance in Ukraine. Director Evgeny Afineevsky helps Pope Francis put on a bracelet presented as a gift by Ukrainian women from the documentary Freedom on Fire. Next to Afineevsky is journalist Nataliia Nagorna. It was a very important event, Nagorna told Deadline exclusively, because we have to speak about Ukraine, about our people in captivity, about our soldiers in captivity, about our destroyed cities, towns, villages We have to say for all the world, they have to stop all of this. They have to stop Putin, stop Russia, stop totalitarianism, stop genocide, ecocide. She added, Its really important, we need the support of the pope and all civil people in this world We have to make our people free again. Zaitseva said watching the film brought back vivid and wrenching memories. It reminded me how it feels to be on the front line, how it was to be in the shelter with a three months-old baby. And, also, I have seen my husband there on the big screen Actually, it was very, very difficult. I was in tears and its very painful. Its difficult to get up every day and to understand that your husband is not near you and you cant even know where he is. Its difficult to understand that your home is destroyed, your city is occupied, your friends are killed and my family is totally [dispersed]. Director Evgeny Afineevsky sits next to Pope Francis at the Vatican screening of the documentary Freedom on Fire. Zaitseva added, The war is not like in the Hollywood movies. The war is ugly. I dont like when people are trying to make war like in a more poetic way. In the war there is nothing poetic, there is nothing beautiful. War is ugly, war is something that shouldnt exist nowadays in the 21st century. Afineevsky flew to Rome on the morning of the 24th after showing his documentary in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on Thursday night. He has forged a personal bond with Pope Francis through directing the 2020 film Francesco, about the papacy of the first pope from Latin America, who has prioritized healing the planet, acceptance and love for LGBT people, an ecumenical approach to world religions, and aiding the poor. Regarding the screening of Freedom on Fire, Vatican News described the pope as visibly moved by this film so raw and realistic. In his prayer, Pope Francis said, Today, [after] a year of this war, lets look at Ukraine, pray for the Ukrainians and open our hearts to pain. Let us not be ashamed to suffer and cry, because war is destruction. A war always diminishes us. May God make us understand this. Best of Deadline Sign up for Deadline's Newsletter. For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Click here to read the full article. Willie Richardson, a champion for minority education and respected voice for racial equality in Salem for more than four decades, died Jan. 25. She was 74. A memorial service will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, at Trinity Covenant Church, 5020 Liberty Road S. Viewing will be from 4-8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3, at Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service, 605 Commercial St. SE. Richardson was the first and still only Black person to serve on the Salem-Keizer Public Schools governing board and is the past president of Oregon Black Pioneers, whose board and staff posted condolences on Facebook: "Willie's immeasurable impact on the organization, the city of Salem, and the state of Oregon will be felt for many generations." Salem Art Association also posted condolences and celebrated Richardson's impact on its organization: "At SAA, we got to know her both as an anti-racist advocate who pushed us to be more open and more inclusive in our shows and storytelling, as well as the proud owner and curator of hundreds of hats." Willie Richardson models one of her trademark hats and smiles during a photo shoot with family friend Erich McVey on Nov. 6, 2019, in Salem, Ore. Coincidentally, "Hattitude: Hats from the Hatboxes of Willie Richardson," is on exhibit at Bush Barn Art Center and runs through Feb. 26. The show features a sampling of her church hat collection, or crowns, once considered an essential Sunday accessory and often a staple of Richardson's fashion. "It wasn't intended, but it is like a beautiful living memorial," Matthew Boulay, executive director of Salem Art Association, said. "It's so rare for somebody's life to be captured in this way, and then the timing of her passing, it really is a tribute. It really captures her personality." Per Richardson's wishes, the presentation "An Evening with Hattitude" on Thursday, Feb. 2, will continue as planned but is sold out. Salem Art Association has since added special extended hours from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 31, and Wednesday, Feb. 1, to see the show. At 6:30 p.m. both days, there will be a short program about Richardson and her impact on the organization and the community, with an opportunity for attendees to share stories. Story continues Close friends said Richardson had been dealing with ongoing health issues. "Willie was a very private person," said Gwen Carr, who worked with Richardson on Oregon Black Pioneers. "She swore several of us to secrecy months ago." Those who attended a Jan. 13 reception for the opening of the hat exhibit may have suspected her health was declining. Richardson used a wheelchair during the event. "I feel so blessed with the timing of the show," Boulay said. "Her spirit lives on in so many ways, not just in the hats, but in her advocacy." She got involved to advocate for her children Richardson moved to Salem in 1978 with her husband, Thomas, and their three young children. She knew very little about the state or the city they would call home. "I did not realize that I was coming into a place where for days on end, the only Black persons I was going to see was my family because there were so few," she said during a 2021 interview with the Statesman Journal. A day in the life: Four stories of life as a person of color in Salem Richardson quickly learned racism and discrimination were more subtle in Oregon. Where she came from, she said, you knew if someone disliked you because of the color of your skin because it was out in the open. She grew up in the South. She lived through the Jim Crow laws, the Ku Klux Klan, segregated bathrooms and water fountains. While there were no uprisings and marches in her South Carolina hometown, she remembers riding a bus 25 miles past two white high schools to get to her school. Her children were the only Black children in their classrooms when they arrived in Salem. Richardson got involved right away in the community. She showed up anywhere there was a meeting, including the school board and city council. "I am not necessarily a person who is going to be a major voice out there with a bullhorn at a rally," she once told the Statesman Journal. "I'm not a marcher. But I'll sure bust in a board meeting in a hot minute." Recognizing Black history in Oregon Richardson was elected in 1987 to the school board, advocating for her children and other minorities. She was named that same year as one of the 10 most influential women in Salem, second-youngest on the list at 37. She also was on the Salem Human Rights Commission and worked for the state from 1978 to 1991, holding several positions. She ventured into retail in 1993, opening Willie's Fashion Hats and More. The business evolved into a downtown retail shop for women's formal wear called A Time for Elegance. Richardson around that time helped revive a dormant nonprofit started by a group including the late Jackie Winters. It was called Northwest Black Pioneers, and its mission was to research, recognize and commemorate the culture and heritage of Oregon's Black community. Oregon was added to the name, Northwest eventually removed. Willie Richardson of the Oregon Northwest Black Pioneers visits Salem Pioneer Cemetery, where her nonprofit organization placed a headstone for the 43 Black pioneers who are buried there. One of the group's first visible projects was installing a large granite marker along the main drive of Salem Pioneer Cemetery to recognize Black individuals buried in unmarked graves. Many of them lived and worked in Salem at a time when there were exclusion laws making it illegal for Black people to reside in Oregon. Richardson retired from retail in 2010 to spend more time on the mission of Oregon Black Pioneers. It continued to expand, presenting lectures and exhibits all over the state. She was the long-time board president, serving alongside Carr, who held various board positions and said her friend was the perfect person to be the chief fundraiser. "Willie was the type who could talk to anybody, college presidents, chairmen of the board, bank presidents," Carr said. "She was very persuasive. She could go anywhere and come out with a wad of cash." Recruiting Black teachers to Salem-Keizer Richardson has been just as persuasive with school superintendents, or at least she has had their ear on the subject of racial equality. "She knew every one of them, marched in their office, and demanded accountability," Carr said. Richardson fought not just for students but staff. She helped recruit Black teachers and administrators. Cynthia Richardson, no relation to Willie, was one of those recruits. She joined the district in 1997 and has been a teacher and administrator and is now the director of the Office of Student Equity, Access, and Advancement. "Her legacy is that she definitely is a pioneer, a Black pioneer who chose to come here, who chose to make this a community where African American/Black people could come," Cynthia said. "What she did is she taught us how to survive, how to navigate the system, and how to supportive of each other and grow and learn. "She worked hard to remove barriers. She was an advocate for us and fought for us." Capi Lynn is the Statesman Journal's news columnist. Send comments, questions and tips to her at or 503-399-6710. Follow her work on Twitter @CapiLynn and Facebook @CapiLynnSJ. This article originally appeared on Salem Statesman Journal: Salem's long-time voice for racial equality Willie Richardson dies A fight and multiple stabbings occurred early Saturday morning February 25, 2023, at the Pink Parrot in Bricktown. After a fight broke out at the Pink Parrot bar in Bricktown, Oklahoma City police said at least two people received serious stab wounds and six others were injured. The fight occurred around 1:30 a.m. inside Pink Parrot, located at the corner of E Sheridan Avenue and N Mickey Mantle Drive, before "spilling out" into the street where police could see, Capt. Michelle Henderson told The Oklahoman. While Henderson initially told The Oklahoman eight people were stabbed, Master Sgt. Gary Knight said he believes all the injuries were "knife-related," but some may have been cut rather than stabbed. "We were right there at 1:30," Henderson said. "The officers observed a fight and they were told people were stabbed." Police on Sunday said that a man arrested in connection with the stabbings had been released and "does not appear to be a suspect." The two confirmed stabbing victims were "bleeding profusely," police said, and officers applied tourniquets to try and stop the loss of blood. The two were taken by ambulance to the hospital, while the other six injured rode in private vehicles to seek medical care, Henderson said. A routine cleaning by the Downtown OKC Green Team turned into cleaning up some blood still found on the street, members told The Oklahoman Saturday morning. The Downtown OKC Green Team performs a routine cleaning outside the Pink Parrot in Bricktown, where a fight and multiple stabbings occurred early Saturday morning. This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: OKC Bricktown stabbing at Pink Parrot bar leaves 8 people injured File photo taken on Oct. 12, 2017 shows huge tanks that store contaminated radioactive wastewater in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. (Xinhua) - Civil society groups in Japan and many international organizations have voiced objections to the Fukushima wastewater release plan, citing a lack of a practical demonstration and its potential threat to society and marine ecology. - Analysts believe that Japan should not ignore the concerns and livelihoods of Pacific islanders. SUVA, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Pacific leaders on Friday wrapped up the two-day Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Special Leaders' Retreat in Fiji, where Japan's Fukushima wastewater release plan was in the limelight. The PIF rotating chair underlined in a statement that science and data should guide political decisions on Japan's proposed discharge of treated radioactive wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea. The outgoing chair and Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, together with other PIF leaders, believes the decision is not as simple as a domestic issue of Japan, but concerns the South Pacific island countries and beyond. Given that related data and evidence provided by Japan are far from independent or verifiable, the PIF has called on the country repeatedly to delay the discharge plan. People rally to protest against the Japanese government's decision to discharge contaminated radioactive wastewater in Fukushima Prefecture into the sea, in Tokyo, capital of Japan, April 13, 2021. (Xinhua/Du Xiaoyi) CRITICISM FROM INT'L COMMUNITY Civil society groups in Japan and many international organizations have also voiced objections to the plan, citing a lack of a practical demonstration and its potential threat to society and marine ecology. Over the past years, fishermen in neighboring countries have staged several rallies, calling for immediate stop to the "grave criminal act" of releasing radioactive water into the sea. Within Japan, local civic groups have organized protests outside the government house of Fukushima Prefecture. Japan's unilateral push to discharge radioactive wastewater from its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean is irresponsible and harmful, South Korean green activists have said. "The Pacific Ocean is not the sea of Japan, but the sea of everybody ... Pollutants will flow to neighboring countries in a situation that a lot of radioactive materials have already been released and contaminated (the marine ecosystem)," Ahn Jae-hun, energy and climate change director at the Korea Federation for Environment Movement, told Xinhua. The Japanese government's decision to discharge the contaminated water into the sea when there are alternatives such as long-term storage violates the precautionary principle recognized by the international community, Greenpeace Seoul Office has said. Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning network for environment protection. "We must prevent action that will lead or mislead us toward another major nuclear contamination disaster at the hands of others," said PIF Secretary General Henry Puna. Take a look at how Japan proceeded with that. The Japanese government decided in April 2021 to release more than one million tons of treated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean this spring. Three months later, Japan greenlit the discharge plan while the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s task force was still conducting the review mission. Earlier this year, Japan unilaterally announced that it would start discharging the radioactive water in spring or summer, just before the agency's task force arrives in Japan for review. A poster to boycott Japanese products is seen in a supermarket to protest against Japan's decision to dump radioactive wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean, in Seoul, South Korea, April 14, 2021. (Photo by Xu Ruxi/Xinhua) PACIFIC OPPOSITION Pacific island countries unanimously oppose Japan's release plan for multiple reasons, citing ecological fragility, economic dependence on the fisheries industry, and the devastating effects of radioactive pollution caused by Western nuclear testing. First, Pacific island countries are concerned that the released radioactive substances will spread with ocean currents and tides, risking contaminating fish. As more than half of the world's tuna comes from the Pacific Ocean, a potentially contaminated environment could hurt the fisheries that those countries rely on. Second, the Pacific Ocean's delicate ecology may come under threat. If the wastewater release leads to an ecological disaster, the vulnerable island residents will leave their homes, causing an ecological and survival crisis that will deal a heavy blow to the entire Pacific region. Last, Western countries have conducted a dazzling array of nuclear tests in the Pacific since the mid-20th century, resulting in shocking radioactive pollution and ecological disasters. These have left painful memories for islanders, who have been sensitive to the wastewater issue. Analysts believe that Japan should not ignore the concerns and livelihoods of Pacific islanders. Neither should it dump the wastewater into the sea until disputes are settled over the legitimacy of the discharge plan, the reliability of radioactivity data, the effectiveness of purification equipment and the uncertainty of environmental impact, they added. Dangerous travel across the South Coast as heavy snow lasts into Sunday Snow began to fall across much of British Columbias South Coast during the day on Saturday, and this bout of wintry precipitation will pick up in both coverage and intensity through the overnight hours. Its been a couple of months since weve seen this kind of snowfall across the South Coast, so residents should prepare for travel disruptions and post-storm cleanup accordingly. MUST SEE: Ice falls in Hollywood as wild setup fans Calif. blizzards, historic heat A moisture-laden low-pressure system sliding down the coast met up with Arctic air flowing out of the interior to lay down a blanket of snow across much of the South Coast this weekend. Travel disruptions are likely through Sunday, especially across the mountain passes and on untreated side roads. BCDANGERZONE Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) issued snowfall warnings for all of the Lower Mainland, including Metro Vancouver, through Sunday morning. Prepare for quickly changing and deteriorating travel conditions, ECCC said in its warning. Rapidly accumulating snow will make travel difficult. WATCH: Avoid travel on major B.C. routes during forthcoming winter storm Click here to view the video Snow will grow in both intensity and coverage on Saturday evening, eventually tapering off to wet snow flurries through Sunday for the South Coast and Vancouver Island. Peak snowfall rates of up to 5 cm an hour are possible during the worst of the snowstorm. BCSnow Gusty winds will accompany the cold fronts passage on Saturday evening. Low visibility is likely in spots where gusty winds accompany the snowfall. We could see 15-25 cm of snow across Metro Vancouver by the end of the storm, with totals reaching over 25 cm across higher terrain. Totals will vary across Greater Victoria with locally over 15 cm towards the West Shore communities and across the Malahat. LMLSnow DON'T MISS: Jet streams can bring Canada wild winters and steamy summers Behind the storm, temperatures will slowly warm across the South Coast heading into next week, though near to below-seasonal temperatures are likely to stick around through at least the first few days of March. Story continues Another round of unsettled weather will arrive early next week, bringing the potential for rain and snow across the region. WATCH: Frigid air preludes weekend storm heading to B.C. south coast Click here to view the video Be sure to check back for the latest on this snowy system hitting B.C. Grapefruit League: Detroit Tigers (1-0) vs. Baltimore Orioles (1-0) First pitch: 1:05 p.m. Sunday. Where: Publix Field at Joker Marchant Stadium, Lakeland, Florida. TV: None. Radio: WXYT-FM (97.1; other radio affiliates). BOX SCORE First-pitch weather forecast: Sunny, 83 degrees. Probable starting pitchers: Tigers LHP Eduardo Rodriguez (5-5, 4.05 ERA in 2022) vs. Orioles RHP Dean Kremer (8-7, 3.23 in 2022). IN THE 'PEN:Tigers' Brendan White throws strikes, adds new pitch: 'Execution is everything' NICE RIDE:Getting to know Javier Baez, from his Lamborghini to his incredible farm in Puerto Rico Game notes: 2022 Opening Day starter Eduardo Rodriguez makes his 2023 debut for the Tigers after a stormy first season. Rodriguez, the Tigers big pitching addition last offseason on a five-year, $77 million deal, made just 17 starts for the Tigers. After suffering a rib injury in May, E-Rod took his leave from the team for nearly three months, not returning until late August. In his final nine starts of 2022, he struck out 38 and walked 17 while posting a 3.81 ERA over 52 innings. Detroit Tigers pitcher Eduardo Rodriguez throws live batting practice during Spring Training Tuesday, February 21, 2023. The Tigers, meanwhile, will face fourth-year righty Dean Kremer, who might be due for a dropoff despite his stellar 3.23 ERA with the Os last season; in seven September and October appearances, the then-26-year-old had a 3.21 ERA, but struck out just 25 and walked 16 over 42 innings, for a FIP of 4.37. Hes only faced one current Tiger in his career: outfielder Austin Meadows, who went 0-for-2 with a strikeout and a walk in 2020 and 2021 with the Rays. Mondays Grapefruit League action brings the Tigers first road trip of the spring, as theyll head down to Tampa, Florida, to face the Yankees in an evening game at George M. Steinbrenner Field. The Orioles, meanwhile, host the Rays on Monday afternoon. The Tigers and Os play again Thursday in Lakeland, one of three March matchups. WORTH THE WAIT:Tigers' Parker Meadows makes 'special' memory in spring training with brother, parents Story continues Live updates A Twitter List by freepsports Can't see the updates? Refresh the page or check them out on Twitter. This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Detroit Tigers lose to Baltimore Orioles, 10-6: Game thread recap Scott Adams, cartoonist and author and creator of "Dilbert", poses for a portrait in his home office on Monday, January 6, 2014 in Pleasanton, Calif. Adams has published a new memoir "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life". (Photo By Lea Suzuki/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images) Lea Suzuki/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Cartoonist Scott Adams' comic Dilbert has been pulled from newspapers all over the country following his comments regarding Black Americans. On Saturday, The Washington Post along with USA Today's chain of papers, the Los Angeles Times, the Cleveland Plain Dealer and more outlets across the nation reported that they will no longer be printing the long-running comic strip after Adams made racist remarks about the results of a Rasmussen poll. The poll found that 53% of Black Americans agreed with the statement, "It's okay to be White," while 26% disagreed and 21% specified they weren't sure. Adams, 65, commented on these statistics during a live stream of his YouTube show. "If nearly half of all Blacks are not okay with White peoplethat's a hate group," he said. "I don't want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black peoplebecause there is no fixing this." "I'm also really sick of seeing video after video of Black Americans beating up non-Black citizens," Adams added, adding that he blames Black people for not "focusing on education." RELATED: Dilbert Creator Eyes the 'Weasel' Era Scott Adams, cartoonist and author and creator of "Dilbert", poses for a portrait in his home office on Monday, January 6, 2014 in Pleasanton, Calif. Adams has published a new memoir "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life". (Photo By Lea Suzuki/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images) Lea Suzuki/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty On Thursday, the Washington Post received complaints from readers who demanded the strip be pulled. A spokesperson for the outlet said on Saturday, "In light of Scott Adams's recent statements promoting segregation, the Washington Post has ceased publication of the Dilbert comic strip." However, they added that it was too late to pull the strip from its upcoming print issues, one of them being Sunday's edition. According to the outlet, Adams told the Post in a text message regarding the cancellation of his comic strip, "Lots of people are angry, but I haven't seen any disagreement yet, at least not from anyone who saw the context. Some questioned the poll data. That's fair." Story continues Never miss a story sign up for PEOPLE's free daily newsletter to stay up-to-date on the best of what PEOPLE has to offer, from juicy celebrity news to compelling human interest stories. Darrin Bell, the first Black artist to win the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning and creator of comic strip "Candorville" and "Rudy Park," told the Post on Saturday, "Scott Adams is a disgrace. His racism is not even unique among cartoonists." Bell then said Adams's attitudes aligned with those of the Jim Crow era and more recent examples of White supremacy, including "millions of angry people trying to redefine the word 'racism' itself." During his YouTube show Saturday, Adams did just that by attempting to redefine racism as any political activity and that his words were taken out of context. "Any tax code change is racist," he said, condemning racism and racist laws against "individuals." However, he added, "You should absolutely be racist whenever it's to your advantage. Every one of you should be open to making a racist personal career decision." Adams also recognized that his comments would negatively impact his career, saying in the show, "Most of my income will be gone by next week. My reputation for the rest of my life is destroyed. You can't come back from this, am I right? There's no way you can come back from this." RELATED: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams' Teenage Stepson Dies of Fentanyl Overdose "Dilbert" followed the titular character in a dystopian office being tortured by their boss and a talking dog. At the height of its popularity, the strip was printed in more than 2,000 newspapers, earning Adams the National Cartoonists Society's Reuben Award in 1998. A "Dilbert" television show also began airing on UPN in 1999 until it was cancelled a year later. In June 2020, Adams said the series "was the third job I lost for being White." According to the Post, other controversial statements Adams made before the cancellation of his comic included a tweet in January 2022 saying that he planned to "self-identify as a Black woman." He also said Americans were being brainwashed to support Ukraine and praised anti-vaxxers last month. In May 2022, Adams added a new character named Dave the Black Engineer in "Dilbert" to mock workplace diversity and transgender politics, the Post reported. The strip had been pulled last year from Lee Enterprises's 77 newspapers, but that was for a executive reason bigger than cancelling the comic itself. qatar open DOHA, Qatar Daniil Medvedev won the Qatar Open on debut when he defeated Andy Murray 6-4, 6-4 in a final matchup of former No. 1s. Medvedev converted fast starts in each set. He reached 4-1 in the first and 3-1 in the second. Murray fought back but Medvedev stifled him and earned his 17th singles title. Sometimes we were playing bad, then suddenly both of us were playing amazing, Medvedev said. Im happy to win. Medvedev also won in Rotterdam last weekend and his winning streak is at nine matches. After playing in a record fifth Doha final, Murray said, It was fantastic to be back in a final here again and against an incredible player. Daniil is one of my favorite players to watch and one of the best players on the tour. Its great for me to get that opportunity to play against someone of his level in a final again. Medvedev beats Murray in final to win Doha on debut originally appeared on Leer en espanol Johnny Lozoya is not an Arizona native. But if you ask the lowrider community in the state, he may as well be a Chicano Arizonan, born and raised, despite having only lived in Phoenix for 25 years. The decades he's dedicated to nurturing and uplifting the lowrider culture across the southwest says it all. He arrived in the late 70s and quickly positioned himself as a promoter of the culture, which originated in southern California, Texas and the southwest after World War II. Lowriders were an expression of art, family and religion within Chicano and Latin American cultures. Lozoya's love of the low- and slow-riding, customized classic cars, a staple now in Chicano households, is something he has helped spread across Arizona. Johnny Lozoya poses for a portrait near his home in Phoenix on Feb. 24, 2023. Lozoya, 69, grew up in the Los Angeles area, surrounded by lowrider culture. He saw dozens of Latino families get together, live together and display vintage cars with hydraulic suspension that dance to the beat of barrio music was fascinating to him. So he joined a car club. "All of us who had the same idea of driving our cars through the streets would get together and do things for the community like dances, barbecues, free community events," said Lozoya. He quickly identified with the movement and joined one of the clubs. He then founded his own which he named "New Image," because he wanted to give the lowrider a new image given the negative stereotypes associated with the culture. At that time they didn't want the lowriders because there was a lot of negative imagery surrounding it, and we didn't understand why," he said. "We are hard-working, united families who contribute a lot to the community." Racist history:Tempe renames streets, parks linked to Ku Klux Klan members Planting the lowrider seed in Arizona His successful contribution to the movement led him to be invited to participate as a promoter for Lowrider Magazine, which covered several states he visited to hold events, open points of sale for the magazine and above all cultivate the lowrider movement. Story continues His work brought him to Arizona in 1969, where he organized the first-ever lowrider convention in the state held at Firebird Lake in Chandler. People from California, Texas, New Mexico and other states attended. He was the first Chicano to ever organize an event like this for the magazine. Coming to Arizona was like planting little seeds. In Phoenix, Tucson and Yuma there was a big lowrider presence, but it was not well organized, said Lozoya. Johnny Lozoya poses for a portrait inside his home in Phoenix on Feb. 24, 2023. Lozoya helped organize at least five lowrider super shows in Arizona. Over time the movement grew to establish itself as one of the fastest-growing states for lowrider culture. Despite not being the largest state for it, Lozoya said Arizonans are the most loyal in the movement. "Speaking of the lowrider movement, Los Angeles is in first place, that's what the numbers reflect. But Arizona which is number two wins first place in loyalty because locals show up to events, fill them up. They are very loyal to the movement, said Lozoya. "We did not create the lowrider, but we confirmed the movement. I've been doing that for more than 40 years," said Lozoya, adding that the lowrider community has always recognized his efforts and contributions to the movement. Roger Amaya, who has known Lozoya for more than 35 years, praised his leadership, applauding the way he actively participates in the community. Amaya, an Anthem resident, said he has been witness to the care and devotion Lozoya gives organizing events for the lowrider community. His events are a success because of it, he said. Johnny Lozoya poses for a portrait near his home in Phoenix on Feb. 24, 2023. A passion for photography and activism When I had my first camera and took the first photo, I fell in love with the trade, said Lozoya. He stood out as a photographer for his projects with Lowrider Magazine and at social events, but he dreamed of taking his work to another level. The dream came to him in the early 1990s, when former Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox hired him to take photos at a dinner attended by Janet Napolitano, former Secretary of Homeland Security and Arizona Governor, as well as other Latino leaders. Phoenix City Council race:Meet Carlos Garcia, Kesha Hodge Washington: District 8 candidates "That was a goal for me. I was very hungry to do that, to take photos at political events, with great personalities and the opportunity came to me and it turned my life around," he said. From there new opportunities came to him: Bernie Sanders, John McCain, George W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bob Menendez, Ed Pastor, John Kerry all figures he got a chance to photograph. One of his close friends is longtime photographer Jose Munoz, who for decades has documented the immigrant community in Arizona, especially during the time that the controversial "show me your papers" SB 1070 law went into effect. After having worked alongside Lozoya for 25 years, he said he's had the chance to witness the passion he pours into his work. He is very passionate about what he does. He loves photography and that is reflected in the quality of his work, said Munoz. "He has great charisma and that has led him to reap great friendships in this work. He added that at the time, Lozoya gave him good advice that helped him become a better photographer, something he considers invaluable. I started photography as a hobby without imagining what the future had in store for me. Today I feel proud of all the memories that I have captured, said Lozoya. Johnny Lozoya poses for a portrait near his home in Phoenix on Feb. 24, 2023. Lozoya has also been a strong supporter of immigrant rights. For the last 20 years, he's been a member of the League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC where he helps with community relations. And for the last 10, he's worked with Somos America, a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of immigrants in the United States. His commitment to immigrants and all Latinos in Arizona is a passion he found in Cesar Chavez's labor and civil rights activism. "(Chavez) was an example of activism. He is a character who helped Latino workers a lot, I believe that today we need 100 Cesar Chavez's in Phoenix to achieve justice," he said. Enough of the disunity, gossip and envy... we have to wake up, unite and be in the same conversation, work together for justice, said Lozoya. This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Lowriders in Arizona: Meet the man who helped cultivate movement Photo Illustration by Erin O'Flynn/The Daily Beast/Reuters, Library of Congress and Wikimedia Commons The Belgian laekenois (pronounced lak-in-wah), originated in the town of Laeken, the seat of the Belgian monarchy. It is the rarest of the four Belgian herding breeds, which include the Belgian malinois, Belgian tervuren, and the Belgian sheepdog, according to the American Kennel Club, which calls the laekenois a survivor. The Laeken was deployed as a messenger dog in both World Wars and was the target of a bounty by Hitler in the latter, resulting in a sizable drop in its numbers, the AKC says in an online explainer about the hardy, wire-coated canine. While wary of strangers, the laekenois is affectionate and friendly with those he knows well, states the AKC. The same cannot be said of the small American community of laekenois enthusiasts. Nancy Guttenberg, 65, is the founder of a national organization for fanciers of the laekenois, a virtual unknown among canine breeds. She is also now the central character in an extraordinarily hostile melodrama roiling the usually collegial purebred dog world. The dust-up is just the latest twist in a saga that has involved accusations of everything from extramarital affairs to substance abuse, antisemitism, drunk texting, and targeted shootingsand it shows little sign of letting up. Guttenberga tax lawyer, cybersecurity entrepreneur, and self-described paleoarchaeologist who calls herself the top dog attorney in the countrylives mostly in New Mexico but has homes in New York State and elsewhere. She and the show-dog community have been at each others throats for some time; in 2019, Guttenberg sued the Chihuahua Club of America over claims she called their president a Nazi. Last year, Guttenberg took control of the American Belgian Laekenois Association (ABLA), after being brought in to settle a dispute among members. Now, she is hauling ABLA president Jennifer White (who is also the president of the Oklahoma City Kennel Club) into court, accusing White of, among other things, casting doubt on her mental faculties and calling her a substance abuser with a drunk texting problem. Story continues Jennifer Whites Belgian laekenois. Courtesy of Jennifer White Guttenberg, who does not herself own a Belgian laekenois, became highly exercised when discussing the situation, telling The Daily Beast, Its hard not to be emotional when somebody is doing a character assassination Im shocked she didnt put more things in there. What, that Im devil spawn? Exchanging Blows The seething battle between Guttenberg and White played out for months behind closed doors before finally bursting into public view this week. Things seemed normal for the most part when Guttenberg first took over ABLA, White told The Daily Beast. However, she said she recognized signs of trouble just below the surface. You could just definitely tell something wasnt quite right, White recalled. But you cant quite put your finger on it. White said in a court filing earlier this month that Guttenberg would often call her, slurring her words, would badmouth her to the AKC in an attempt to ruin her business, and had disparaged her by saying she pick[s] up shit for a living. At the same time, White, a former 911 operator with a masters degree in forensic psychology, told The Daily Beast that Guttenberg was fond of telling people she had an IQ of 165. On Jan. 5, White decided she had finally had enough. Ive asked Guttenberg numerous times to not contact me, White wrote in an email to Guttenbergs son Nicholas, also an ABLA board member. Yet she continues and picks and chooses what she copies to people. As the president of ABLA I will be filing a complaint with AKC with concerns for the mental stability of Nancy Guttenberg. She yet again last night drunk texted people. Be assured I have screen shots. White told Nicholas in the message that he was enabling his mothers behavior and that other club members literally hate her. Nicholas shared the email with Guttenberg, who promptly sued White for defamation. The email in question was submitted into evidence as part of the public court record. In her lawsuit, which Guttenberg filed in New York State Supreme Court on Jan. 6, she insisted she hadnt drunk texted anyone and included sworn affidavits from legal clients and neighbors who said shed spent the day and night with them and was lucid, enunciated everything clearly and concisely. In a follow-up filing, Guttenberg argued that misspellings do not constitute proof of drunkenness. Yet, in a letter White submitted to the court earlier this month, she included a screenshot of Guttenberg saying in a text message, I have a solution. Had to get totally drunk to think of it. Its how my brain works. Im best when my brain isnt working. New York State Supreme Court On Friday, Guttenberg told The Daily Beast that she communicates primarily on her phone and blamed any misspellings on her long fingernails. Yet another lawsuit Roughly six weeks later, Guttenberg struck again. On Feb. 22, she filed another lawsuit against White. In it, Guttenberg claimed White defamed her in another email sent to an address Guttenberg shares with her son. You are literally hated Nancy and Im tired of cleaning it up, the email said, according to the suit. You know you can be declared unfit to practice with everything you have done. You are unstable and I do t [sic] care if you drink but I made Excuses for Your behavior. Turns out your [sic] just unstable Even when your [sic] not drinking. An hour later, White sent another email to Guttenberg, with ABLA Vice-President Carol Shields cced, the lawsuit goes on. White wrote that Guttenberg had subjected her to screaming, threatening, [and] name calling and needs help. She needs to go or it will become an issue as these people have had enough, White wrote. By sending the email to a shared account, White committed defamation, Guttenbergs lawsuit alleges, accusing White of lashing out in response to Guttenbergs demand she resign from ABLA over unspecified illegal actions. White called the allegation ludicrous, insisting Guttenberg had personally told her of deleting certain contacts from her phone so she wouldnt drunk text them. Its not defamation when its true, she told The Daily Beast. White eventually forced Guttenberg and her son to resign from the ABLA board, Guttenberg claimed in a complaint filed with the New York Attorney General, which is part of the court record in Guttenberg's suit. Shes Gonna Get an FU Earlier this month, according to court records, Guttenberg proposed a settlement to the first lawsuit: an apology from White and an admission that she and the ABLA allegedly breached a contract they had for Guttenberg to provide cybersecurity services for the organizations website. But White declined the offer, insisting she had done nothing wrong. Mrs. Guttenberg has harassed, threatened, ranted, screamed, name called and asked people to lie for her to destroy me, White wrote in a letter to the judge. I will not apologize to Mrs. Guttenberg or Mr. Guttenberg simply because she is desperate to save face publicly. ([Shes] gonna get an FU, not an apology, White told The Daily Beast.) White explained in the letter that Guttenberg did not have a problem with her until I stood up to her and her bullying behavior, which included late-night phone calls with her clearly agitated and inebriated [that] ended up with screaming on her part. She wrote in the letter that she sent Guttenberg a cease and desist demand, and blocked her phone number, social media accounts, and email addresses after receiving emails in which Guttenberg allegedly threatened to sic cybersecurity clients on her. You have defamed, slandered and attempted to ruin my lively hood [sic], White wrote in a Jan. 24 email to Guttenberg, which was introduced in court earlier this week. You have threatened my life with your Russian, Italian and Israeli contacts and my window was shot. Police report on that is filed in Texas. White provided photos of her Volkswagen, with a shattered rear window, to The Daily Beast. Courtesy of Jennifer White Guttenberg denies having anything to do with the shooting, telling The Daily Beast, That would be like me saying, Oh, there were aliens coming from space and you know what? They emitted a ray and it blew up somebodys house. Okay, there would have to be actual evidence to substantiate. In her letter to the judge, White also accused Guttenberg of bad-mouthing her to the American Kennel Club and trying to ruin her business. In a subsequent letter filed in court, she accused Guttenberg of adultery, and claimed Guttenberg freely admits it not only to me but numerous people. She doesnt have to admit substance abuse, its apparent to anyone dealing with her, White continued in the legal filing. How can so many people that do not know each other all draw the same conclusion about Mrs. Guttenberg if it is not fact. It is the courts responsibility to report these actions for sanctions. I would like Sanctions through the New York State Bar Association for Mrs. Guttenbergs actions. In her own response letter, Guttenberg denied the adultery claim as based on hearsay evidence. Guttenberg told The Daily Beast that Whites adultery claim was made with actual malice, with no substantiation, and that the boyfriend in question is nothing more than a business partner. In response, White said, Shes all concerned because I said adultery. I'm like, Honey, youre the one that told me that. The legal actions have become something of a family affair. In her suit against White, Guttenberg claimed White disparaged her sons reputation by accusing him of having committed mail fraud, tax fraud, and wire fraud. (Nicholas Guttenberg is, of course, now also suing White for defamation over this.) Dog-eat-dog Defamation suits are nothing new for Guttenberg. In 2019, she sued the president of the Chihuahua Club of America (CCA) for an email in which a board member said she had witnessed Guttenberg using antisemitic language at the [CCA] national. The words that came out of her mouth were very offensive like calling the President a Nazi and refuring [sic] to constration [sic] camps and Nazi Germany etc, the head of the Hudson Valley Chihuahua Club wrote to the board. In her lawsuit, Guttenberg noted that her son and the majority of the stockholders of her cybersecurity firm are Jewish. For this, Guttenberg demanded $1.5 million, plus costs, legal fees, and any other amount the court deemed appropriate. She told The Daily Beast that the email was sent to the CCAs 11 board members, which included someone she described as probably one of the biggest farmers in Montana. I do paleoarchaeology, Guttenberg said. [The farmer] has 5,000 square acres. So we had planned on doing an excavation to establish the origins of the horse in the Americas I had a lot of universities and geneticists very excited about that work. So when she receives an email that states those things about me, she forms an impression, doesn't she? (The parties agreed to discontinue the case in February 2020, with prejudice, for unspecified reasons.) In May 2022, Guttenberg, who notes in her many filings that she is a specialist in dog law, sued another lawyerthe former ABLA secretary and an ex-U.S. Army officerover his allegedly defamatory remarks in a resignation email. Ms. Guttenberg, I have listened to literal hours of your yelling, the lawyer wrote in his goodbye message, which was filed as an exhibit in court. I am done with the verbal abusiveness independent of any legal issues. In response, Guttenberg demanded damages of $74,000. (She told The Daily Beast on Friday that the case was settled out.) Guttenberg also once sued a tenant for stating in a group email that she rented her home while knowing there were rats in the garbage, and, You make shit up as you go. The case is still pending, court records show. And in 2017, in the midst of a $7.4 million federal libel suit Guttenberg brought against a Dallas, Texas intellectual property law firm, one of the attorneys involved notified the court that Guttenberg placed a threatening phone call to my office in which you implied that you knew people in Israel who you could enlist to do physical harm to me and my partners. At the beginning of February, Guttenberg filed a complaint with New York State Attorney General Letitia James, demanding authorities oust White from the ABLA presidency. No further information has yet been made publicly availablebut with no one prepared to call off the dogs, the drama is far from over. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. The Market for Healthcare Consulting Services is Expanding Due to Factors Like Growing Adoption of Big Data Analytics, IOT, and Cloud Deployment Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, Feb. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Exactitude Consultancy, the market research and consulting wing of Ameliorate Digital Consultancy Private Limited has completed and published the final copy of the detailed research report on the Healthcare Consulting Services Market. Global Healthcare Consulting Services Market is anticipated to experience moderate growth in the forecast period (2023-2029). Growing at a CAGR of 11%, the market value is expected to reach US 62.42 billion by 2029-end. Healthcare Consulting Services Market Demand Analysis and Growth in upcoming years The advisory and implementation services offered to healthcare companies to enhance their operational and financial success are referred to as healthcare consulting services . These services include community health management, clinical transformation, financial management, and strategic planning, among others. Due to a number of reasons, including the need to improve healthcare outcomes while lowering costs and the rising demand for value-based care, the market for healthcare consulting services is predicted to expand in the coming years. In summation, the market for healthcare consulting services is anticipated to expand in the years to come as a result of a number of factors, including the complexity of healthcare systems, the need to enhance patient outcomes while lowering costs, and the rising demand for value-based care. The market for healthcare consulting services is anticipated to expand at the fastest rate in the Asia Pacific region due to rising healthcare spending, an increase in medical tourism, and the adoption of digital technologies. To Get a Sample Copy of the Report Visit: Story continues Competitive Insight Some of the notable market players operating in the global Healthcare Consulting Services Market covered in this report are: Accenture (Ireland), Cognizant (US), Deloitte (UK), McKinsey & Company (US), PwC (UK), EY (UK), Huron Consulting Group Inc. (US), KPMG (Netherlands), Boston Consulting Group (US), Bain & Company, Inc. (US), and IQVIA (US), and others. Recent Developments Jan. 10, 2023 Accenture has been recognized as the Leader in the Healthcare Provider Digital Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2023 report by industry analyst firm Everest Group. Dec. 21, 2021 Global professional services firm Huron announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire Perception Health Inc., a healthcare predictive analytics company focused on bringing data sources together to illuminate opportunities for improved clinical and business decision-making. Hurons deep healthcare expertise, technology and analytics capabilities combined with Perception Healths analytics, predictive models and data platform will strengthen the firms ability to help providers uncover patterns of care to lower costs, improve patient outcomes and deliver a better healthcare experience. Attributes Value Healthcare Consulting Services market Share (2022) US$ 26.44 billion Healthcare Consulting Services market Projected Size (2029) US$ 62.42 billion Healthcare Consulting Services market Growth (CAGR 2023-2029) 11% Browse the full Healthcare Consulting Services Market by Type of Service (Digital Health, IT, Operations, Strategy, Financial, HR & Talent), End User, Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America), Global trends and forecast from 2022 to 2029 Report and TOC at Segment Overview Healthcare consulting services can be classified into various types based on the nature of the service provided. Here are some common types of healthcare consulting services: by Type of Service Financial Consulting: Financial consulting services assist healthcare companies with efficient resource management, revenue cycle management optimization, and enhancement of their financial performance. Strategic Consulting: Healthcare organizations can create and put into practice effective strategies for achieving their business goals with the aid of strategic consulting services. This could entail making company plans, conducting market study, and spotting opportunities for growth. Information Technology (IT) Consulting: Electronic health records (EHRs), health information exchanges (HIEs), and telemedicine solutions are just a few examples of the information technology (IT) infrastructure that healthcare organizations can adopt and optimize with the aid of IT consulting services. By End-User Hospitals and Healthcare Systems: These organizations are the main recipients of advisory services in the field of healthcare. Healthcare consulting firms provide services such as financial management, strategic planning, operational optimization, clinical transformation, and IT consulting to help hospitals and healthcare systems improve their operational and financial performance, enhance patient care quality, and comply with regulatory requirements. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies: To support their clinical research and development efforts, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies need healthcare consulting services. To assist these businesses in commercializing novel medicines and medical devices, consulting firms offer services like clinical trial administration, regulatory affairs consulting, and healthcare market research. The market is primarily segmented based on product, application, type, and region. by Type of Service by End User Digital Health Consulting IT Consulting Operations Consulting Strategy Consulting Financial Consulting HR & Talent Consulting Government Bodies Healthcare Providers Health Insurance Payers Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Medical Device Companies To learn more about this report, request a free sample copy Regional Insights: Here are some regional insights about the Healthcare Consulting Services market: North America: Due to high healthcare spending and the presence of significant healthcare companies in the area, North America has the largest healthcare consulting services market in the globe. The US accounts for the bulk of revenue share in North America and is the region's largest market. Throughout the forecast period, it is anticipated that the area will continue to dominate the market. Europe- The second-largest market in the globe for healthcare consulting services is in Europe. The market is influenced by things like rising healthcare costs and the existence of a sophisticated healthcare infrastructure in the area. The region's three biggest marketplaces are the UK, Germany, and France. Quantitative Analysis Market size, estimates, and forecasts from 2023 - 2029 Market size and revenue estimates for product up to 2029 Market revenue estimates for application up to 2029 Market revenue estimates for type up to 2029 Regional market size and forecast up to 2029 Company financial What are the Key Data Covered in this Healthcare Consulting Services Market Report? CAGR of the market during the forecast period 2023-2029 Detailed information on factors that will drive Healthcare Consulting Services Market growth during the next Six years Precise estimation of the Healthcare Consulting Services Market size and its contribution to the parent market Accurate predictions on upcoming trends and changes in consumer behaviour The growth of the Healthcare Consulting Services industry across North America, Europe, APAC, South America, the Middle East, and Africa A thorough analysis of the markets competitive landscape and detailed information on vendors Comprehensive details of factors that will challenge the growth of Healthcare Consulting Services Market vendors To know an additional revised 2023 list of market players, request a sample report: Browse Other Related Research Reports from Exactitude Consultancy microcatheters market is projected to reach USD 1200 Million by 2028. Ashwagandha Extracts Marke t is expected to reach above USD 3.2 billion by 2028. medical device cleaning market is expected to reach above USD 3.2 billion by 2028. metal implants and medical alloys market is expected to reach above USD 4.4 billion by 2028. CONTACT: Irfan Tamboli (Head of Sales) - Exactitudeconsultancy Phone: + 1704 266 3234 Walter Mirisch, a former president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and an Oscar-winning producer for In the Heat of the Night, died Feb. 24 in Los Angeles of natural causes. He was 101. Mirischs death was confirmed by a statement released by the Motion Picture Academy on Saturday. More from Variety The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is deeply saddened to hear of Walters passing, Academy CEO Bill Kramer and Academy President Janet Yang said in the statement. Walter was a true visionary, both as a producer and as an industry leader. He had a powerful impact on the film community and the Academy, serving as our President and as an Academy governor for many years. His passion for filmmaking and the Academy never wavered, and he remained a dear friend and advisor. We send our love and support to his family during this difficult time. In the mid-20th century, Mirisch was one of the most lauded and powerful producers in Hollywood. In 1957, he founded The Mirisch Company with his brothers Harold and Marvin the banner was tied to such classics as Some Like It Hot (1959), The Magnificent Seven (1960), The Great Escape (1963), The Pink Panther (1963) and The Thomas Crown Affair (1968). The Mirisch Company was also a producer on three best picture winners The Apartment (1960), West Side Story (1961) and In the Heat of the Night (1967), for which Mirisch received the Academy Award for best picture. The Academy honored Mirisch twice more over the course of his towering career, which spanned more than six decades. In 1978, he received the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award, commemorating his consistently high quality of motion picture production. In 1983, Mirisch was honored with the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award for his humanitarian efforts [that] have brought credit to the industry. Story continues Mirisch served four terms as president of the Academy, from 1973 to 1977, as well as 15 years as an Academy governor. He was an instrumental figure in the institution forming a new headquarters in Beverly Hills. Steven Spielberg cited Mirisch as a treasured friend and advisor over the years. Walter cut a gigantic figure in the film industry and his movies were trailblazing classics that covered every genre, while never failing to entertain audiences around the world, Spielberg said in a statement. He achieved so much in life and in the industry if you live to be 101 and produced The Apartment, Id say its been a good run. Spielberg called him both a gentleman and an ardent advocate of good films and noted that he supported multiple generations of dedicated filmmakers. Moreover, he knew a good story when he found one, and fought tooth and nail to get it on the screen, Spielberg said. He loved the Academy as much as anyone in our history I cherished our lunches in the Universal commissary over the years and he was as generous with his advice as he was with his friendship. Im both a better director and a better person for having known Walter. Born in 1921 in New York, Mirisch worked at a bomber plane manufacturer during World War II before studying at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and Harvard Business School. He was married to wife Patricia Mirisch for 60 years until her death in 2005. Mirisch also held leadership roles at the Producers Guild of America, the Los Angeles Music Center, the Motion Picture and Television Fund, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and UCLA. Mirisch is survived by a daughter, Anne; sons Andrew and Lawrence; a granddaughter and two great-grandsons. The family requests that donations be made in Mirischs name to the Motion Picture and Television Fund. Best of Variety Sign up for Varietys Newsletter. For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Click here to read the full article. This undated photo shows 94-year-old Brazilian businessman Affonso Brandao Hennel (L), who is founder of time-honored Brazilian home appliance manufacturer SEMP, talking with Li Dongsheng, chairman of China's electronics giant TCL Group, in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province. (Xinhua) SHENZHEN, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- China's electronics giant TCL is eyeing closer cooperation with time-honored Brazilian home appliance manufacturer SEMP as heads of the two companies met in south China's Shenzhen this week. The 94-year-old Brazilian businessman Affonso Brandao Hennel, who is the founder of SEMP, arrived in the Chinese tech hub after a 23-hour flight to meet with Li Dongsheng, chairman of TCL Group. The objective of the meeting was to explore opportunities for collaboration and to expand their joint business into the photovoltaic (PV) sector. Established in 1942, SEMP was the first company in Brazil to produce domestically-manufactured radios and televisions. Collaboration between TCL and SEMP dates back to 2016 when Hennel and Li joined hands for the establishment of the Brazil-based joint venture SEMP TCL. Since then, the market share of SEMP TCL brand TV sets has continuously increased and now ranks among the top three in Brazil, with tremendous market potential as Brazil is the fifth most populated country in the world. "The business opportunities between China and Brazil are growing tremendously. We place confidence in matching Brazil's necessities and China's capabilities as a supplier," said Hennel, adding that he believes the co-manufactured products have achieved great success in Brazil. TCL Tech, the electrical branch of the company, generated over 160 billion yuan (about 23 billion U.S. dollars) in revenue in 2022. With 43 R&D centers and 32 manufacturing bases globally, TCL's business spans over 160 countries and regions. Since its collaboration with TCL, SEMP has continuously carried out technological transformations in production, improved the efficiency of product quality control, and introduced innovative measures including automatic assembly to its manufacturing bases in Brazil. According to Hennel, the story of the two companies is also a true reflection of Chinese enterprises accelerating participation in the international market and achieving win-win cooperation with the global market. "China presents the greatest opportunity for Brazilian companies to establish partnerships," said Hennel. SEMP is happy to be able to start a new partnership in PV business with TCL in the future, he added. Laura Bavlnka, owner of Bavlnka Atelier at 5209 W. North Ave. in Milwaukee on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023. Bavlnka specializes in naturally dyeing textiles, elaborate alterations, creating jewelry and is starting a new clothing collections. After learning in high school that fashion design could be a career, Laura Bavlnka worked backstage at Paris fashion shows, landed a corporate job in the industry and then took a "leap of faith" and launched her own brand. And in a world full of fast fashion, Bavlnka said she is trying to run Bavlnka Brand as ethically and responsibly as possible. From her North Avenue atelier, Bavlnka works on a new clothing collection, makes jewelry, does elaborate alternation work including on the most important dress a person will ever wear and naturally dyes accessories. She also hosts workshops to teach others how to natural dye. "I'm really creating something that is unique and that feels really good to me, and that suits the needs of people," she said. "I want people to feel good about the clothes they're wearing. And if I can help them to do that, that makes me so happy." High school art teachers fostered her passion for fashion Bavlnka always had an interest in fashion and an entrepreneurial spirit. In high school at Wauwatosa West, she made her own tote bags from upholstery fabric, then started selling them to other students. She also made and sold custom garters for prom. Selena Marris, who's been an art instructor at West for two decades, was the first person who told Bavlnka that fashion design could be a profession. Marris said Bavlnka stood out for how she always asked a lot of questions, appreciated feedback and went the extra mile on projects. Marris still remembers a cocktail dress Bavlnka made with wood chips in one of her classes. The same day Marris asked Bavlnka if she had ever thought of pursuing fashion as a career, she received a flier from the Rhode Island School of Design about their pre-college summer programs. Marris told Bavlnka, a junior at the time, about what the school offered and encouraged her to apply. For six weeks that summer, Bavlnka who had never been away from home for more than a night or two lived in a RISD dorm, took art classes and got "a glimpse into what art school would be like." Story continues When Bavlnka returned to West for her senior year, Marris said she had a "spark in her eye." "I remember her saying, 'I can really see myself doing this,' " Marris said. "I was lucky enough at 17 that I knew what I wanted to pursue," Bavlnka said. "The rest kind of fell into place from there." She decided to study apparel product development at Mount Mary University, which had a program that would allow her to spend a month in Paris and work backstage at fashion shows. During winter break of her junior year which was during couture fashion week Bavlnka studied at the Paris American Academy and learned couture techniques, including hand sewing and working with special materials. She also worked backstage at the fashion shows of Alexandre Vauthier, Clarisse Hieraix, Georges Hobeika and Songzio menswear, and spent a day interning for couture house Didit Hediprasetyo. After graduating in 2014, Bavlnka began freelancing for Kohl's and was soon hired as an assistant designer on a girls' clothing team. She developed concepts and color palettes for each season, worked with artists on designs and gave feedback to vendors. But she yearned for more creativity. After three years, she left to "see if I could make something on my own and have it be 100%, totally creative things that I'm making." After launching Bavlnka Brand with a clothing collection at Milwaukee Fashion Week in 2017, she focused her business around hand-dyed accessories, handmade jewelry and alteration work. For 4 years, Bavlnka also worked as a barista to make ends meet. In November, she was able to leave her side hustle to pursue her art full-time. Bavlnka specializes in natural dyeing with plant materials and helps others learn the technique Naturally dyed silk scarves, bandanas and more are on display at the front of Bavlnka's atelier. She first learned how to dye with synthetic dyes in college, but started delving into the world of natural dyeing close to five years ago and it's become a pillar of her business. One of the techniques she uses the most is bundle dyeing. Bavlnka pre-treats natural fabric typically silk or 100% cotton so that it can take on the dye. She sprinkles the fabric with plant materials that yield a permanent pigment. Some of her favorites to work with: flower petals, especially from roses, ranunculus and marigolds; onion skins; and eucalyptus. They can be fresh or dried, but will give off different colors for example, fresh roses make a purple color and dried ones give off more brown tones. MJS LauraBavlnka, nws, adp, 2 - Laura Bavlnka, owner of Bavlnka Atelier shows her technique of naturally dyeing textiles using red onion skins on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023. Angela Peterson/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Bavlnka folds and rolls the material into a little bundle, wraps it in string and steams it in a pot, which pulls the dye from the plant materials and binds it to the textile. "When you open it up, you get this really beautiful, kind of speckled look from where the plant material was touching the fabric," Bavlnka said. Now that Bavlnka has been natural dyeing for years, she said she's learned how to replicate items that are performing well for her business. "The cool thing is that even when I'm using the same materials in the same way, it's going to be a completely new piece," she said. Bavlnka teaches natural-dyeing workshops at venues across the Milwaukee area, from Unordinary Omen Floristry to Orange and Blue Co. After giving an overview of the science and the thousands of years of history behind natural dyeing, she teaches participants how to bundle dye, and each attendee dyes a silk scarf. "It's a relatively easy process, so really anybody, whether you're artistic or not, can partake and walk away with something that is unique," Bavlnka said. Laura Bavlnka, owner of Bavlnka Atelier at 5209 W. North Ave. in Milwaukee on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023. Bavlnka specializes in naturally dyeing textiles, elaborate alterations, creating jewelry and is starting a new clothing collections. New clothing collection of elevated everyday wear and jewelry to go with it Bavlnka plans to soon debut a new clothing collection of "feminine" elevated everyday wear. It will showcase natural fiber textiles and naturally dyed fabrics, as well as hand-sewn embellishments. She's using nearly all deadstock fabrics, which are already-produced materials that would otherwise be headed for a landfill, she said. The collection will include at least one dress, a romper and layering pieces, such as shawl jackets. The pieces will be offered on a made-to-order basis, which means people will be able to order the pieces they want in their specific size and they will be custom-made, Bavlnka said. She also plans to release jewelry that will complement her new designs. "When I'm designing clothes, I'm envisioning the whole look," she said. "And that includes the jewelry that's going to go with it." Her specialty is earrings, from simple and elegant to larger and elaborate all with a bohemian aesthetic. She makes most pieces from repurposed materials, thrifted or vintage jewelry that she's taken apart, and locally sourced beads. "I'm trying to create a very sustainable approach to everything that I do," she said. "When people hear about the process of how it was made, they will hopefully create a relationship with it and care about it and want to last them a long time." Does elaborate alteration work on vintage clothing, wedding dresses Jessica Sheridan of Milwaukee in her mother's wedding dress from the 1980s. Through her alteration work, Bavlnka aims to help clients "fall in love with their clothes." She specializes in vintage clothing and bridal, and some of her favorite jobs have been transforming vintage wedding gowns. Milwaukee resident Jessica Sheridan wanted to use her mother's 80s wedding dress in her own wedding, where it could serve as something both old and new. "Her dress was really beautiful, but it just wasn't quite my style," Sheridan said. "I wanted to update it and make it my own." The original dress had sleeves, a lace turtleneck, sheer material over the chest area and a v-neckline outlined in lace. Keeping the general shape, Bavlnka removed the sleeves and turtleneck. She redid the bodice, creating straps out of lace from the original dress and giving it the sweetheart neckline Sheridan wanted. She also fixed yellowing and staining, replaced a portion of the bottom of the dress where the discoloration was too strong, and used lace from the original dress to make Sheridan's garter. Sheridan said Bavlnka kept her updated throughout the process and had her come in for several fittings to make sure she was liking how the dress was coming along. "Trusting someone with an heirloom, like your mother's wedding dress, is really nerve-wracking, Sheridan said. But with Laura, I didn't have any concerns." When Sheridan's wedding day came in April 2018, she said she felt incredible in her "elegant" and "ethereal" dress. "It was a priceless experience for both myself and my mother," Sheridan said. Milwaukee fashion designer Laura Bavlnka transformed Jessica Sheridan's mother's wedding gown into a new wedding dress (seen here) for Sheridan to wear on her big day. Inspiring future generations Bavlnka Brand's naturally-dyed accessories and jewelry can be purchased at That's also where people can contact Bavlnka regarding alteration work, and where her new clothing line will be available. During the holidays, Bavlnka also sells her products out of her atelier, 5209 W. North Avenue. One of her customers? Her former teacher Marris. Marris said she shares Bavlnka's journey with her current students to inspire them and show them what's possible. "Sometimes when you're in high school, you think, 'Could that really be me?' " Marris said. "Well, there's someone who sat right here in your chair and is making it happen. More:Milwaukee Bucks launch new Bucks In Six lifestyle apparel brand featuring limited-edition collab with Unfinished Legacy More:Nicole (Nici) Teweles, childhood friend of Anne Frank, fled Nazi Germany with her family, became arts patron in Milwaukee This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Milwaukee fashion designer behind Bavlnka Brand talks new clothing Book Scene: Hauntings, in the house and in the past in 'How to Sell a Haunted House' RFA/Health Care Access Reporter Santiago Ochoa is a bilingual journalist covering health care access at the Yakima Herald-Republic in Yakima, Washington. Before joining the Herald, Ochoa reported for Flint Beat in Flint, Michigan, covering the citys Latino populationhealth care, education, community building and more, and winning top honors in the Michigan Press Associations feature category. He served as photographer and later editor for his college newspaper, The Michigan Times. When hes not working, Ochoa enjoys cross-country trips on his motorcycle, going to the movies, reading and skiing. Richard Brown keeps warm by a fire in a tent at his makeshift camp between the Yakima Greenway and U.S. Highway 12 near the Naches River in Yakima, Wash. on Monday, Dec. 5, 2016. Brown is a member of Yakimas chronically homeless population and has been on the streets for about three years. Starting June 7, real estate document recording fees will jump from $40 to $62, a move by the state legislature in part to increase the amount of money sent to homeless programs across the nation. In Yakima County, the allotted increase will go to the Yakima Valley Conference of Governments, which will determine how to disperse it to service providers. OMAHA A Norfolk teenager on his way home from school was killed in a two-vehicle crash northeast of Norfolk Wednesday, according to the Wayne County Sheriff's Office. Deputies responded to the head-on collision at about 3:50 p.m. Wednesday about 4 miles south of Winside on Nebraska 35, Sheriff Jason Dwinell said in a news release. Preston Haase, 14, was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver of the other vehicle was treated for injuries and later released, according to the release. Slick roads and lack of seat belt use are considered factors in the fatality, the release said. New Delhi: The Adani Group on Thursday said it is examining legal options to take "punitive action" against Hindenburg Research for its "reckless" attempt to sabotage a mega share sale at the conglomerate's flagship firm - a statement that the US activist investor responded by saying it stands by its report that alleged "brazen" market manipulation and accounting fraud by the group. A day after its stock took a beating after Hindenburg Research made damaging allegations, the Adani Group issued a terse statement warning of action, hours after which Hindenburg on its Twitter handle said the Indian conglomerate hasn't answered any of the 88 "straightforward" questions it had asked in the report and would want them to file a suit in the US where it will demand a long list of documents in a legal discovery process. "The maliciously mischievous, unresearched report published by Hindenburg Research on January 24, 2023, has adversely affected the Adani Group, our shareholders and investors. The volatility in Indian stock markets created by the report is of great concern and has led to unwanted anguish for Indian citizens," Adani Group's lead head Jatin Jalundhwala said in a statement. The report and its unsubstantiated contents were designed to have a deleterious effect on the share values of Adani Group companies as Hindenburg Research, by their own admission, is positioned to benefit from a slide in Adani shares, he said. "We are deeply disturbed by this intentional and reckless attempt by a foreign entity to mislead the investor community and the general public, undermine the goodwill and reputation of the Adani Group and its leaders, and sabotage the FPO (Follow-on Public Offering) from Adani Enterprises," he said. "We are evaluating the relevant provisions under US and Indian laws for remedial and punitive action against Hindenburg Research." The statement, however, did not say if the group is planning to sue Hindenburg. Hindenburg, a US-based investment research firm that specialises in activist short-selling, said on Wednesday that its two-year investigation revealed that Adani Group has "engaged in a brazen stock manipulation and accounting fraud scheme over the course of decades". The report came just as a Rs 20,000 crore follow-on share sale of Adani Enterprises opened for institutional investors. All the listed stocks of the group took a beating after the report. Adani Enterprises closed 1.54 per cent lower on Wednesday, while Adani Ports & SEZ ended 6.3 per cent lower. This also led to Gautam Adani, the group's founder and chairman, slipping to the fourth spot on the world billionaires index with USD 119 billion of wealth behind Jeff Bezos' USD 120 billion. "In the 36 hours since we released our report, Adani hasn't addressed a single substantive issue we raised," Hindenburg Research said. "At the conclusion of our report, we asked 88 straightforward questions that we believe give the company a chance to be transparent. Thus far, Adani has answered none of these questions." Stating that it "fully stands" by the report, Hindenburg said it believes any legal action taken against it would be meritless. "If Adani is serious, it should also file suit in the US where we operate. We have a long list of documents we would demand in a legal discovery process," it said, adding Adani has in its statements referred to its 106-page, 32,000-word report, with over 720 citations and prepared over the course of 2 years, as unresearched. After the report came out, Adani Group had stated that it was shocked to see the report that came out without any attempt to contact it to get the factual matrix. "The report is a malicious combination of selective misinformation and stale, baseless and discredited allegations that have been tested and rejected by India's highest courts," the ports-to-energy conglomerate had said in a statement. It had gone on to question the timing of the report, saying its publication ahead of the FPO "clearly betrays a brazen, malafide intention to undermine Adani Group's reputation with the principal objective of damaging" the issue. "Gautam Adani, founder and chairman of Adani Group, has amassed a net worth of roughly USD 120 billion, adding over USD 100 billion in the past 3 years largely through stock price appreciation in the group's seven key listed companies, which have spiked an average of 819 per cent in that period," the US researcher's report had said. The Hindenburg's report details a web of Adani-family-controlled offshore shell entities in tax havens spanning the Caribbean and Mauritius to the United Arab Emirates, which it claims were used to facilitate corruption, money laundering and taxpayer theft while siphoning off money from the group's listed companies. "Our research involved speaking with dozens of individuals, including former senior executives of Adani Group, reviewing thousands of documents, and conducting diligence site visits in almost half a dozen countries," it said. Hindenburg claimed to have uncovered "rudimentary efforts seemingly designed to mask the nature of some of the shell entities". "Even if you ignore the findings of our investigation and take the financials of Adani Group at face value, its 7 key listed companies have 85 per cent downside purely on a fundamental basis owing to sky-high valuations," the report said, adding key listed Adani companies have also taken on substantial debt, including pledging shares of their inflated stock for loans, putting the entire group on precarious financial footing. Adani Group has repeatedly dismissed debt concerns. Its Chief Financial Officer Jugeshinder Singh on January 21 on a media call stated that "Nobody has raised debt concerns to us. No single investor has". "The investor community has always reposed faith in Adani Group on the basis of detailed analysis and reports prepared by financial experts and leading national and international credit rating agencies," the group said on Wednesday. "Our informed and knowledgeable investors are not influenced by one-sided, motivated and unsubstantiated reports with vested interests." People dance in a circle during the celebration of Maslenitsa in Vladivostok, Russia, Feb. 26, 2023. Maslenitsa is a traditional holiday to celebrate the beginning of spring. (Photo by Guo Feizhou/Xinhua) A woman participates in the circle dance during the celebration of Maslenitsa in Vladivostok, Russia, Feb. 26, 2023. Maslenitsa is a traditional holiday to celebrate the beginning of spring. (Photo by Guo Feizhou/Xinhua) A girl participates in a traditional braiding game during the celebration of Maslenitsa in Vladivostok, Russia, Feb. 26, 2023. Maslenitsa is a traditional holiday to celebrate the beginning of spring. (Photo by Guo Feizhou/Xinhua) A boy shares a pancake with his father during the celebration of Maslenitsa in Vladivostok, Russia, Feb. 26, 2023. Maslenitsa is a traditional holiday to celebrate the beginning of spring. (Photo by Guo Feizhou/Xinhua) A man reaches the top of a pole during the celebration of Maslenitsa in Vladivostok, Russia, Feb. 26, 2023. Maslenitsa is a traditional holiday to celebrate the beginning of spring. (Photo by Guo Feizhou/Xinhua) A woman dances during the celebration of Maslenitsa in Vladivostok, Russia, Feb. 26, 2023. Maslenitsa is a traditional holiday to celebrate the beginning of spring. (Photo by Guo Feizhou/Xinhua) New Delhi: The movie RRR has broken many records and won several International accolades including Golden Globe Awards for 'Naatu Naatu' and Hollywood Critics Association Awards. Recently, RRR star Ram Charan came into an interview show called GMA3: You Need To Know of American media channel ABC after Naatu Naatu became the first song from an Indian film production to be Oscar-nominated for best original song. Taking the social media, Mahindra group chairman Anand Mahindra praised RRR star Ram Charan and hailed him the international star. This man is a Global Star. Period, Anand Mahindra tweeted. His post has received so far over 1.8M impressions. Ram Charan replying on Anand Mahindras tweet said, Thank you so much sir! Its Indias time now to shine in every field and form. Thank you so much Sir! Its Indias time now to shine in every field and form Ram Charan (@AlwaysRamCharan) February 25, 2023 'RRR' has now beaten Tom Cruise's 'Top Gun: Maverick' at the Hollywood Critics Association Film Awards. Not just that, 'RRR' bagged two other awards in the 'Best Original Song' and 'Best Stunts' categories. Film's director SS Rajamouli ecstatically accepted the award on behalf of the team and made quite an impressive address. He said, "I think I need to go backstage and check...I think I'll be starting growing wings already...with the second one! Thank you so much it means a lot! I can't express in words how much it means..." Ranchi: The process to cull nearly 4,000 birds, including chickens and ducks, began in Jharkhand's Bokaro district late on Saturday (February 25, 2023) evening after a bird flu outbreak was reported at a state-run poultry farm, an official said. H5N1, a type of avian influenza virus, was confirmed among a protein-rich breed of chicken, 'Kadaknath', at the farm in the Lohanchal where 800 birds died and 103 had to be culled, he said. "The process to cull a total of 3,856 birds, including chickens and ducks, began late this evening in the affected area -- 1 km radius of the farm," Institute of Animal Health & Production, Ranchi, director Dr Bipin Bihari Mahtha told news agency PTI. He said the culling will continue on Sunday as the process is time-consuming. Avian influenza outbreak: Birds started to die at Jharkhand farm on February 2 After birds started to die at the farm on February 2, samples were sent to the National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases in Bhopal for testing and the flu was confirmed, he said. A process has been started to determine the compensation for the people whose chickens and ducks are being culled, he added. ALSO READ | Bird Flu Outbreak: 11-Year-Old Girl Dies Due To H5N1 Avian Influenza in Cambodia; WHO Calls Situation 'Worrying' The district administration has already declared areas within a 1 km radius of the farm as the affected zone, while areas within a 10 km radius have been declared surveillance zone. It also banned the sale of chicken and ducks in the district. Jharkhand on alert Additional Chief Secretary (Health) Arun Kumar Singh earlier said the state was on an alert. A medical team was formed to monitor the border areas of the district, and for the sampling of chickens and ducks at large farms. Besides, it has also been asked to collect samples of people living in the affected zone. A separate ward has been set up at the Sadar Hospital for people infected with bird flu. Bird flu symptoms Symptoms of the infection among humans include severe upper back pain, fever, cough, shortness of breath, cold and blood in the sputum, officials said. The Animal Husbandry Department issued an advisory, urging people to inform it if they see dead birds. Nava Raipur: The Congress is considering a Pasighat-to-Porbandar yatra, party general secretary Jairam Ramesh said on Sunday (February 26) after Rahul Gandhi called for taking the "tapasya" of the Bharat Jodo Yatra forward. Ramesh asserted that there was a lot of enthusiasm and energy among party workers for another yatra after the nearly 4,000-km Kanyakumari-to-Kashmir journey that was undertaken by Gandhi and scores of Congress persons from September last year to January this year. Ramesh told PTI that an east-to-west yatra, probably from Pasighat in Arunachal Pradesh to Porbandar in Gujarat, was being considered but its format could be a bit different from the Bharat Jodo Yatra. "There is a lot of enthusiasm and energy. I also think personally it is needed but the format of the east-to-west yatra may turn out to be different from the format of the south-to-north Bharat Jodo Yatra," Ramesh said. It may not have such an elaborate infrastructure that was mobilised for the Bharat Jodo Yatra and may have less yatris, he said. He said it would largely be a padayatra but there are jungles and rivers on this route. "It would be a multi-modal yatra, but mostly it would be a padayatra," Ramesh said. He said that with elections in Karnataka in April, rains from June and again state polls in November, the yatra may have to be undertaken before June or before November. Ramesh also added that the yatra would be of a shorter duration than the Bharat Jodo Yatra. He said all this will be decided in the next few weeks. Addressing the Congress plenary session, Gandhi said the party should formulate a new plan to carry forward the "tapasya" undertaken through the Bharat Jodo Yatra and that he along with the entire country will participate in it, indicating another such initiative. New Delhi: The news is often filled with harsh, depressing realities of life. However, every once in a while, we find stories of people that leave us in awe and admiration. The story of how a Kolkata police inspector helped a distressed student find her way to her examination nation is one of those. The police officer's heartwarming act of kindness towards a young schoolgirl has gone viral on social media. The story shared on the official Facebook page of Kolkata Police has won the hearts of people from all walks of life. The post describes how Inspector Souvik Chakraborty, the OC Howrah Bridge Traffic Guard, was patrolling Strand Road near Raja Katra when he noticed a young girl in a school uniform who was crying and asking for help. The girl was confused about her examination center and had ended up at the wrong place. She was alone and late for her exam as her family had gone to attend a funeral. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Inspector Chakraborty immediately picked up the student in his official vehicle and informed the Traffic Control Room to ensure a green corridor for the girl. He rushed her to the Adarsh Shiksha Niketan in Shyambazar, her examination center, just as the center was about to open its doors. The young girl was relieved and grateful for the help she received from the Inspector. The post has received more than 57,000 likes and over 4,300 reshares. The story has garnered an outpouring of love and support from netizens, with many praising the police inspector's kindness and his commitment to his duty. Social media users praised the cop's kind gesture, with many calling it "commendable." Many expressed their gratitude towards the police for their relentless efforts to help people in need. The heartwarming story of Inspector's benevolent gesture has won over the internet, spreading positivity and hope in these trying times. Pulwama: A bank security guard named Sanjay Sharma died after he was fired upon by terrorists on Sunday (February 26). He was critically wounded after the attack and was admitted to a hospital in Pulwama but succumbed to his injuries, according to a senior police official. The deceased belonged to a minority group and has been identified as Sanjay Sharma, son of Kashinath Sharma who had worked as a security guard for the past 40 years. Terrorists fired upon one civilian from minority namely Sanjay Sharma from Pulwama while on way to local market. He was shifted to hospital however, he succumbed to injuries. There was Armed guard in his village. Area cordoned off. Details shall follow: Kashmir Police ANI (@ANI) February 26, 2023 Kashmir zone police tweeted, "Terrorists fired upon one civilian from minority namely Sanjay Sharma S/O Kashinath Sharma R/O Achan Pulwama while on way to local market. He was shifted to the hospital however, he succumbed to injuries. There was Armed guard in his village. Area cordoned off. Details shall follow." Terrorists fired upon one civilian from minority namely Sanjay Sharma S/O Kashinath Sharma R/O Achan Pulwama while on way to local market. He was shifted to hospital however, he succumbed to injuries. There was Armed guard in his village. Area cordoned off. Details shall follow. Kashmir Zone Police (@KashmirPolice) February 26, 2023 Last week, Jammu and Kashmir police arrested three terrorist associates of the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen outfit in South Kashmirs Kulgam district. They said that police parties of PC Hatipora and Police station Behibagh arrested them last evening. According to a police spokesman, the operation was carried out based on credible input regarding anti-national elements carrying illegal arms and ammunition and Kulgam police then established a specific Naka at Daderkoot, Alamganj Crossing to nab them. The police recovered 1 Pistol, 2 Pistol Magazines, and 13 live Pistol rounds from the possession of the accused. It said that all three persons were detained and the preliminary investigation reveals that they are involved in terror crimes and are providing support to terrorist organisations. Purnea: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Saturday asserted that the BJP will be restricted to under 100 seats if all the opposition parties, including the Congress, fight the 2024 Lok Sabha polls unitedly. Addressing a Mahagathbandhan rally in Purnea, the JD(U) chief said the Congress will have to take a quick decision in this regard. "If all the opposition parties, including the Congress, come together and fight the 2024 Lok Sabha polls unitedly, the BJP will be restricted to under 100 seats," he said. "But the Congress will have to take a quick decision in this regard. If you (Congress) accept my suggestion, we can restrict the BJP to under 100 seats. If you don't, you know what will happen," Kumar said. The chief minister claimed his only goal was to work for unifying the opposition to unseat the BJP from power. "I will keep trying to make it a reality. The BJP needs to be wiped out from the entire country," he added. Accusing the BJP of conspiring to "break the country" by dividing people on religious lines, Kumar said, "They are desperate to rewrite history. People know what they did during the freedom struggle. None of us should forget." In an apparent dig at the Asaduddin Owaisi-led AIMIM, he claimed it was an agent of the BJP that was trying to divide the minority votes in the Seemanchal region. "All of you should remain alert about such forces," he said. The chief minister alleged the BJP-led government at the Centre has done nothing for the country or Bihar, other than propaganda. "What happened to the special status for Bihar? The Center is against the economically weaker sections of the society and that is the reason they were not in favour of the caste-based Census," he alleged. "They (BJP) will get to know the reality when elections are held for Lok Sabha in 2024, and in Bihar in 2025," he added. Referring to Upendra Kushwaha's resignation from the Nitish Kumar-led party, Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav claimed that the BJP tried to spit the JD(U) to repeat what it did in Maharashtra with the Shiv Sena. "But, the people of Bihar have taught them a lesson. There is an urgent need for opposition unity ahead of the 2024 elections to wipe out the BJP from the country. Seven parties have formed an alliance in Bihar. Similarly, all opposition parties in the country should come together to oust the Narendra Modi-led government," he said. Yadav alleged that through communal hatred the BJP was trying to divert people's attention from issues such as price rises. He also thanked Kumar for breaking the alliance with the BJP. Yadav claimed that Bihar got a "zero" in the Union Budget, while all developmental works were being done in "Gujarat only". Dismissing allegations that "jungle raj" has returned to Bihar with the RJD, he said "it is 'janta raj' that is underway in the state". CPIML(L) general secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya alleged the BJP was destroying the democratic institutions of the country. "The BJP's misrule has plunged the country into a deep crisis. The time has come to fight the fascist forces that are trying to disrupt social harmony and integrity of the country by instigating communal passion," he said. New Delhi: "It is a black day for democracy," the AAP said Sunday while claiming that Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was innocent and has been arrested due to vendetta politics, a charge rejected by the BJP which said the law was taking its course. The BJP alleged that AAP leaders had failed to explain several questionable actions in the Delhi excise policy matter, and said that agencies do not work on emotion but look into technicalities. While the Delhi Congress demanded that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should also be arrested and calling him the "mastermind", the Trinamool Congress (TMC) took a swipe at the BJP, saying only agencies like the CBI and the ED remain its "true allies". "Manish is innocent. His arrest is dirty politics. His arrest has angered people quite a lot. People are watching everything. People now understand everything and will give reply to this. It will boost our spirit and our struggle will only get stronger," Chief Minister Kejriwal said in a tweet in Hindi. AAP MP Sanjay Singh said Sisodia's arrest is the "height of dictatorship". "You have arrested a good person and best education minister which is not the right thing, Modi ji. God will not forgive you. One day, your dictatorship will definitely end, Modi ji," Singh said in a tweet in Hindi. The CBI on Sunday arrested Sisodia in connection with alleged corruption in the now-scrapped excise policy relating to the sale of alcohol, in a move that could plunge the national capital into a governance crisis and further widen the political rift between the AAP and the BJP-led Central government. Sisodia was arrested after nearly eight hours of questioning as his answers were not satisfactory, officials said. Delhi Congress chief Anil Choudhary termed Sisodia's arrest a welcome step and alleged AAP "used power to accumulate wealth". Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) spokesperson and MLA Atishi said Sisodia was arrested because of the growing popularity of the party and its leader Arvind Kejriwal. She said Sisodia is that education minister who turned around government schools and educated 20 lakh poor children of Delhi. "It is a black day for democracy. The BJP's CBI has arrested the world's best education minister Manish Sisodia who has shaped the future of several children in a false case. BJP has carried out this arrest due to political vendetta," the Aam Aadmi Party said in Hindi on its Twitter handle. Punjab Chief Minister and AAP leader Bhagwant Mann said, "We are not afraid of the misuse of CBI and ED by the Union government and will continue to serve the people without any fear." But BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra targeted Sisodia, saying he must be the only education minister in the world who is involved in a liquor scam, and added the entire episode is an eye-opener and shocking. "Law is taking its course and that is why Sisodia has been arrested. There is nothing surprising in this. A liquor scam was done in Delhi and from the arrests made so far, it was believed that Manish Sisodia would also be arrested eventually," Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Ramvir Singh Bidhuri said in a statement. The war of words between the two parties started early in the day as Sisodia, accompanied by supporters, arrived for questioning by CBI after paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi at the Raj Ghat and expressed apprehension that he may be arrested. "Today, I am going to the CBI. Will fully cooperate in the probe. I have the love of lakhs of children and crores of countrymen with me. Even if I have to go to jail for a few months, I do not care. We are followers of Bhagat Singh. He died for the country. If I have to go to jail over such false allegations, it is a small thing," Sisodia said. BJP spokesperson Patra termed Sisodia a "liquor minister" and accused him of several irregularities including a hike in commission for wholesalers to make money for his party through the backdoor. "We had asked AAP and its leaders why Manish Sisodia allowed cartelisation in the excise policy. Besides, we asked some more pointed questions. However, we received no answer from them. They keep beating around the bush. "AAP leaders cannot hide their corruption through event management," the BJP leader said. Probe agencies, he said, do not work on emotion but look into technicalities and the AAP never answered technical questions about the excise policy its government had brought in the national capital. Patra said Delhi minister Satyendar Jain, arrested by the Enforcement Directorate in a money laundering case, has been rejected bail as there is merit in the case against him despite the AAP's claim of his innocence. Meanwhile, the Trinamool Congress mocked the BJP over the arrest of Sisodia. "If Manish Sisodia had got himself a BJP brand of washing machine, he would never be arrested. Bravo, Manish. Allies, Shiv Sena, SAD, JD(U), TDP and many others have all abandoned BJP. Only CBI, ED, and I-T remain true allies. "Targeting Opposition leaders is the DESPERATE DUO'S favourite job," said TMC Rajya Sabha MP and national spokesperson Derek O'Brien in a tweet. The Arvind Kejriwal government is staring at a possible crisis with the CBI arresting Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia who holds as many as 18 of the total 33 departments, including education, finance and home. The arrest of Sisodia comes after that of Satyendar Jain, Delhi's the then health minister, in June last year. Both have led what the Aam Aadmi Party describes as the successful transformation of Delhi's education and health services, contributing to the party's popularity and continued electoral success. Their absence leaves Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal with no heavyweight lieutenant to implement his governance agenda in Delhi. The immediate challenge for Kejriwal is to present the Delhi government budget as scheduled and find Sisodia's replacement. Shillong: A day after Meghalaya's international border with Bangladesh was sealed ahead of the February 27 Assembly elections, the BSF seized a huge amount cash from near the zero line in East Khasi Hills district, an officer said on Sunday. Elections to the 59 assembly constituencies in Meghalaya will be held on Monday from 7 am to 4 pm and the votes will be counted on March 2. Acting on suspicious movement, BSF seized a huge amount of cash from near the international border in two separate operations in the past 48 hours, a BSF officer told PTI. In the first instance, the BSF deployed in Hat Thymmai area of the Indo-Bangladesh border seized a bag containing 18 lakh Bangladesh Taka. The carrier escaped taking advantage of the thick vegetation and darkness, he said. In a second incident, BSF troops impounded Rs 3.12 lakh cash in Ryngku village when the troops acted upon suspicious movement of a group of people near the international border. The seized cash was handed over to the concerned authorities as per law, the BSF officer said, adding that the BSF has heightened vigil along the 443 km-long international border here. The Election Commission had issued directions to the enforcement agencies to shut the international and interstate border from February 24 till March 2 in the state in view of the Meghalaya elections. Srinagar: Former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Mehbooba Mufti on Sunday (February 26) condemned the killing of Kashmiri Pandit ATM guard and said that this is the complete failure of the government. Attacking the government PDP chief said, "these kinds of incidents are being used by the particular political party to defame Muslims and gain political mileage". She further said that there are few minority community members left in Kashmir Valley who didn't leave this place despite adverse situations and targeting them is totally unacceptable and condemnable. Former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Omar Abdullah also condemned the killing and extended his condolences to the deceased's family. ''Deeply saddened to hear of the demise of Sanjay Pandith of Achan in Pulwama district of South Kashmir. Sanjay was working as a bank security guard & was killed in a militant attack earlier today. I unequivocally condemn this attack & send my condolences to his loved ones, '' tweeted Omar. Deeply saddened to hear of the demise of Sanjay Pandith of Achan in Pulwama district of South Kashmir. Sanjay was working as a bank security guard & was killed in a militant attack earlier today. I unequivocally condemn this attack & send my condolences to his loved ones. Omar Abdullah (@OmarAbdullah) February 26, 2023 Terrorists shot dead a bank security guard identified as Sanjay Sharma from the Achan area of Pulwama district in South Kashmir. Police said that terrorists fired upon the Bank Guard who got injured in the incident and later after being shifted to the hospital succumbed to his injuries. The slain was identified as Sanjay Sharma, son of Kashi Nath Sharma of the Achan area in Pulwama. The deceased who was around 40 years old and was living with the family in the same area. Soon after his killing, security forces reached the spot and laid a cordon to nab the assailants. ''Terrorists fired upon one civilian from the minority community namely Sanjay Sharma S/O Kashinath Sharma R/O Achan Pulwama while on way to the local market. He was shifted to the hospital however, he succumbed to injuries. There was Armed guard in his village. Area cordoned off. Details shall follow,'' said the Police tweet. The Police started a massive search operation in the area, but terrorists managed to flee from the attack spot. Meanwhile, on social networks a terror outfit by the name of the 'united liberation front' has taken the responsibility for the attack, however, it has not been confirmed by any security agencies. ''A member of the minority community, Sanjay Sharma was shot at by terrorists. We are sifting the information and the terrorists involved in the killing will be neutralised soon. We are also making sure to not let terrorists succeed in their plans. We have started the investigation and soon will be able to neutralize the terrorists involved in the attack, '' said Rayees Mohammad Bhat, DIG South Kashmir, JK Police. The Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha, also strongly condemned the dastardly terror attack on Sh Sanjay Kumar Sharma in Pulwama. He said the administration is standing strong with the bereaved family. "My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. The administration has given a free hand to the security forces to deal with the terrorists and we will continue to combat such acts of terrorism firmly and decisively," the Lt Governor said. New Delhi: Ahead of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia's questioning by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the alleged excise policy scam, Aam Aadmi Party on Sunday (February 26, 2023) said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scared of AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal. Speaking to reporters, Delhi's Environment Minister and AAP leader Gopal Rai said that it is "unfortunate" that Sisodia is going to be arrested. He also claimed that some of AAP leaders have been put under house arrest to prevent them from visiting Raj Ghat with Sisodia. "I request Modi Ji to stop being scared so much," he said. Manish Sisodia being questioned by CBI in Delhi excise policy scam case Meanwhile, the CBI on Sunday began its second round of questioning of Manish Sisodia in connection with the Delhi excise policy scam case. Sisodia arrived at the heavily-barricaded CBI office after paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi at Raj Ghat. Ahead of his questioning, the deputy chief minister told reporters that he was not afraid of going to jail. "I can go to jail a number of times and I am not afraid. When I left my job as a journalist, my wife supported me and even today, my family is standing by my side. My workers will take care of my family if I get arrested," Sisodia told reporters at Raj Ghat. Sisodia, who also holds the education portfolio in the Delhi government, said students must continue to work hard and that if he goes to jail, he will still be keeping a tab on their performance. "I want to tell the students that they should continue to work hard and study well. Even if I go to jail, I will keep a tab on the performance of the students," he said. CBI , | LIVE Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) February 26, 2023 The AAP leader, who is the accused number one in the CBI FIR, was earlier questioned on October 17 last year, a month before the agency filed its charge sheet on November 25. The CBI had not named Sisodia in the charge sheet as the central probe agency kept the probe open against him and other suspects and accused, they said. The central agency is expected to question Sisodia on various aspects of the excise policy, his alleged links with liquor traders, and politicians and claims made by witnesses in their statements. What is Delhi excise policy scam case? It is alleged that the Arvind Kejriwal-led government's policy to grant licences to liquor traders favoured certain dealers who had allegedly paid bribes for it, a charge strongly refuted by the AAP. It is further alleged that irregularities were committed including modifications in Excise Policy, extending undue favours to the licensees, waiver/reduction in licence fee, the extension of L-1 license without approval, etc. "It was also alleged that illegal gains on the count of these acts were diverted to concerned public servants by private parties by making false entries in their books of accounts," a CBI spokesperson had said. Recently, the CBI arrested Butchibabu Gorantla, a former Chartered Accountant of K Kavitha, a BRS MLC in Telangana and a daughter of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao. It is learnt that Babu had met several accused named in the FIR in Delhi, Hyderabad, and Mumbai and was one of the prime negotiators from the South Lobby, which wanted to swing the now-scrapped excise policy for 2021-22 in its favour. The CBI had also questioned Kavitha in connection with the case in December last year. During its probe, the CBI had found evidence that Babu acted on behalf of the South Lobby comprising the Telangana MLC, Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party MP Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy, and Aurobindo Pharma's P Sarat Chandra Reddy. ROME, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- At least 30 migrants died early Sunday when their boat ripped apart off the coast of Italy, Italian media reports said. Italian state radio reports said the exact death count was still uncertain as of mid-morning local time Sunday as most of the dead bodies washed up on or near to the shores of Steccato di Cutro, a seaside resort town in the southern Italian region of Calabria. At least three dead bodies were recovered at sea, authorities said. Italian news agency ANSA said 33 people have died in this accident, including many children and women. Vigili del Fuoco, Italy's national fire and rescue brigades, said searches were ongoing via boat, jet ski and helicopter. They also reported pulling around 40 survivors out of the sea. Unconfirmed media reports put the death toll at more than 40. The ship reportedly carried more than 100 refugees, including many children, when it began experiencing difficulties. It broke up on hitting beneath-the-surface rocks in rough weather off the Calabrian Coast. The reports said the passengers were mainly from Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Government officials are expected to make a formal announcement about Sunday's developments on Monday, a source told Xinhua. According to data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the number of migrant arrivals to Italy had increased each of the last four full years: from a low of around 11,500 in 2019 to more than 34,000 in 2020 to around 67,500 in 2021, and just over 105,000 last year. But the figures are all below all-time highs of more than 250,000 per year a decade ago. Arrival figures were held low by strong anti-migrant policies in 2018 and 2019 and then by the COVID-19 pandemic starting in 2020. Many would-be refugees die or go missing trying to reach Italy's shores yearly. According to UN data, 1,368 died or went missing on their way to Italy by sea last year, down slightly from 1,545 in 2021. Pune: Till 9 am, the voter turnout for the Chinchwad Assembly seat and Kasba Assembly seat in Maharashtra stood at 3.52% and 6.5% respectively, reported PTI. Voting is underway in the crucial Pune bypolls in the two constituencies. A clash reportedly occurred between supporters of Shiv Sena (UBT) rebel candidate Rahul Kalate and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) outside a polling station, but it was soon resolved by police officials. "It was a minor clash between the supporters of Kalate and BJP, but police intervened on time," Pimpri Chinchwad's Deputy Commissioner of Police Kakasaheb Dole said as quoted by PTI. Currently, the fate of three leading candidates - Vitthal Kate (NCP), BJP's Ashwini Jagtap, and independent Rahul Kalate - is being decided as the by-poll elections for the Chinchwad Assembly constituency are ongoing. In addition, the Kasba Peth of Pune district is also currently holding Assembly by-polls, where the major fight is between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA). The MVA has pitted Congress Candidate Ravindra Dhangekar against BJP's Hemant Rasane in this ongoing election. Maharashtra | Voting begins for Kasba Peth Assembly constituency in Pune. (Visuals from the polling booth number-75 of Nutan Marathi Vidyalaya) ANI (@ANI) February 26, 2023 In the constituencies, several high-ranking politicians such as Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Sharad Pawar, Ajit Pawar of the NCP, Aditya Thackeray of Shivsena UBT, and Congress State Chief Nana Patole engaged in intensive poll campaigning. They conducted various activities such as road shows, corner meetings, and public rallies to campaign for their respective parties. Kasba Peth: Voters, polling booths As per data released by the district information office, the total number of voters in the Kasba Peth constituency is 2,75,428 with 1,38, 550 women voters and 1,36,87 male voters, and five transgender voters, reported ANI. Maharashtra | Two assembly constituencies Chinchwad and Kasba Peth of Pune district to go for bypoll today, preparations underway ANI (@ANI) February 26, 2023 The Kasba Peth Bypoll would take place in a total of 270 polling booths, where the police have made nine sensitive polling centres. Around 1300 police personnel along with all senior officials of the police department deployed for voting day by the Pune police as per an ANI report. Chinchwad: Voters, polling booths For the Chinchwad assembly constituency, 56,8954 eligible voters are set to cast their votes in 510 polling booths. The police have identified 13 sensitive polling centers in the constituency, with 850 police personnel and all senior officials stationed throughout the area to ensure law and order during the bypoll. To assist the local police in maintaining law and order during the bypoll, paramilitary forces such as the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) will also be deployed. Both the Chinchwad and Kasba Peth assembly constituencies are holding by-polls after the passing of BJP's MLA Laxman Jagtap and Mukta Tilak from the respective constituencies. The bypoll results will be announced on March 2. Raipur, Feb 26 (IANS) Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Sunday slammed Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar and called him "coward" for his comments on China being the bigger economy. Taking a jibe at the foreign minister, he said while addressing the 85th plenary session of the Congress in Raipur, "even Britishers were a bigger economy, but the Congress fought them." He questioned that "what type of nationalism is this that the foreign minister is fearful of a bigger economy... "This is Savarkar`s ideology of compromise and be "satta-rahi" while the Congress ideology is `Satyagrah`." Rahul attacked the Prime Minister on the issue of Adani and said, "I asked the Prime Minister what type of relationship he has with Adani and I showed a photograph of the Prime Minister relaxing in Adani plane." "Whose money is coming through the shell companies and why is it not being investigated by a joint parliamentary committee. "There is a relationship between Modi and Adani, and both are one as all the nation`s wealth is going into one hand," he said. (The above article is sourced from news agency IANS. has made no editorial changes to the article. News agency IANS is solely responsible for the contents of the article) Nava Raipur: Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Saturday said the Congress should be absolutely clear in its ideological stance in favour of an inclusive India and pointed out that the party could have been more vocal on issues such as the Bilkis Bano outrage and murder in the name of cow vigilantism. Addressing the 85th plenary session of the party here, the former Union minister said the Congress should stand up for its foundational principles. "We should be absolutely clear in our ideological stance in favour of inclusive India. The tendency to downplay some positions or avoid taking a stand on some issues in order not to alienate what we assume to be the sentiments of the majority only plays into the BJP's hands," Tharoor said. We should be absolutely clear in our ideological stance in favour of an inclusive India. Protecting our diversity and pluralism should be the Congress' core message. We should outline a progressive economic policy agenda to end this unacceptable inequality. : @ShashiTharoor Ji Congress (@INCIndia) February 25, 2023 "We must have the courage of our convictions. We could have been more vocal on the Bilkis Bano outrage, attacks on Christian churches, murder in the name of cow vigilantism, bulldozer demolition of Muslim homes and similar issues," he said. These are Indian citizens who look to the party for support, Tharoor added. Delighted to catch up with @Pawankhera yesterday on his release from arbitrary detention. Today we find ourselves sitting alongside each other on the dais at the 85th AICC Plenary session #CongressVoiceOfIndia Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) February 25, 2023 The Bilkis Bano case Last year in August, all 11 convicts sentenced to life imprisonment in the 2002 post-Godhra Bilkis Bano gang rape case walked out of the Godhra sub-jail after the Gujarat government allowed their release under its remission policy, triggering outrage from various sections, including the Congress. He asserted that India belongs to all and if the party does not speak up in such cases, it is only surrendering its core responsibility of standing up for India's diversity and pluralism which should be central to the Congress core message. He said every effort must be made to strengthen the secular foundations of the country. "The fact is that India's future is bright as long as the Congress fights the good fight," Tharoor said. He also hailed the Bharat Jodo Yatra, saying it has revived the confidence of the party cadre. "From here let us send out a message of Congress jodo," Tharoor said. Economic resolution passed on 2nd day of plenary Speaking on the economic resolution passed on the second day of the three-day plenary, Tharoor said it should outline the elements of a progressive economic agenda that addresses head-on the challenge of unacceptable economic inequality. "We want economic growth but we must ensure that the fruits of that growth reach the poor and the marginalised. India will not shine until it shines for all," he stressed. The former minister of state for external affairs and the convenor of the party's sub-group on foreign affairs for the plenary also said policy has long been seen as an are of national consensus. "There was no Congress foreign policy or BJP foreign policy only Indian foreign policy and Indian national interest. This tradition has sadly been undermined by the (Narendra) Modi government," Tharoor said. Centre refuses to inform nation of viral foreign policy issue: Tharoor Tharoor also criticised the government, saying it refuses to take the nation into confidence on vital foreign policy issues, including what is happening on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China. "It is shocking to hear our foreign minister imply that China is too rich to stand up to. We must demand that Parliament be taken into confidence, that the nation be told what is our thinking about our vital foreign policy interests," he said. Foreign policy must again return to being a consensual national endeavour with bipartisan agreement and support, he asserted. India-China border situation In its resolution on foreign affairs passed at the session, the Congress expressed its deep concern about the prevailing situation on the LAC between India and China. "The prevailing situation is indicative of a substantial deterioration from the assiduously-repaired relations developed under prime ministers Rajiv Gandhi, Narasimha Rao and Dr Manmohan Singh. We firmly believe that we have a duty to stand up for India's security and territorial sovereignty, which the BJP government has failed to do," the party said. "When it comes to the safety of our brave jawans and the integrity of our territory, the INC (Indian National Congress) unreservedly supports the army and the government," it said. The Congress alleged that the government has failed to take the people of India into confidence about the "repeated transgressions" by the Chinese military at various points across the LAC, while it continues to engage with China in an "unstructured manner". "This has emboldened China to be even more aggressive. India needs to communicate this clearly without obfuscation, and urgently enhance capabilities to deter China from attempting any military coercion along the LAC," it said. At the same time, the guiding principles enshrined in the 2005 India-China agreement on the boundary issue need to be strongly reaffirmed in any engagement with China, the resolution said. Finally, any and all measures need to be undertaken to defend the territorial integrity of India, which the Congress firmly commits to, the party said. In its political resolution, the Congress said it has always believed in peace through both strength and negotiation, while dealing with all acts of aggression firmly. "The UPA era reflected this approach -- through both high-level engagements and strengthening military and strategic capabilities. Our thinking can also be seen in our approach to the Indo-Tibetan Border Police, which plays a key role in building infrastructure and maintaining peace on the border," the resolution said. The Congress established the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) in 1962, gave it a statutory basis in 1992 and assigned the entire China border to it in 2004, it said. "In contrast, the lethargy and neglect of the BJP government has increased India's vulnerability. The Line of Actual Control between India and China continues to remain tense, with China claiming Indian territory in eastern Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh," the political resolution said. "Even as a lakh troops or more are stationed in eastern Ladakh, Beijing is accelerating its rail networks and heightening the threat to our borders," it said. Aligarh (UP), Feb 26 (PTI) The body of a 15-year-old Dalit girl was found hanging inside her house here, police said on Sunday. A case of suicide has been registered and further action will be taken on the basis of the post-mortem examination, they said. The body was discovered by the girl's family members when they returned to their house in Bhojpur village under Atrauli police station area, police said. Family members, however have alleged that some local people had been harassing the girl for a long time, police said. They alleged that on March 27, 2021, the family had filed another complaint in which they had named some people who had tried to sexually assault the girl at that time, police said. (The above article is sourced from news agency PTI. has made no editorial changes to the article. News agency PTI is solely responsible for the contents of the article) Amritpal Singh - a pro-Khalistani leader from Punjab - is making headlines these days for all the wrong reasons. Amritpal Singh's "open challenges" to the government, pressers with armed men guarding him, and a look like separatist leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale have left the nation shocked. Amritpal Singh is the head of Sikh extremist organisation 'Waris Punjab De' - a small group of people who call themselves followers of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala - the separatist leader who was killed in Operation Blue Star in the year 1984. Amritpal, who used to live overseas for past many years, took over as the new chief of Waris Punjab De after the death of its former president Deep Sidhu in a road accident. The event which saw Amritpal Singh's anointment was held in Jarnail Singh Bhindrawala's village Rode in Moga district. Amritpal, who is a resident of Jandupur Khera village in Amritsar, was appointed as the new head of the organization just four months ago. The 'Waris Punjab De' organization - a group of armed extremists - was formed by Deep Sidhu, an accused in Delhi violence. Amritpal joined the "pressure group" amid pro-Khalistan slogans, and called upon the Sikh youth to get ready for the "next war". Amritpal, who had moved to Dubai in 2012 along with his family, returned to Punjab in August 2022. Recently, a case of kidnapping and assault has been registered against Amritpal and 25 others. This comes after a Sikh preacher named Varinder Singh uploaded a video accusing Amritpal and his followers of kidnapping and beating him up. Amritpal married a NRI woman on February 11, who is living with him in Punjab now. Amritpal holds a resemblance to Bhindranwale and also dresses like him. He had also opposed agricultural laws during the farmer's movement, which was also joined by Deep Sidhu. Holi 2023: Holi is one of the biggest Hindu festivals celebrated after Diwali which spreads happiness and joy. Celebrated since time immemorial, Holi is the festival of colours where people put gulaal (Colours) on each other and celebrate love and togetherness. It is the festival where everyone, despite having differences, comes together and celebrates it with love. Hence, as the festival of colours is just around the corner and everyone is gearing up to celebrate it with full pomp and show, one always thinks about the type of colours one is using as not every type of gulaal is good for the skin. Hence, heres an eco-friendly Gulal Gota which has been a part of every Holi celebration for years and is now in demand again. But what is Gulal Gota? Let's find it out. What is the traditional 'Gulal Gota'? The traditional 'Gulal Gota' or lac balls filled with natural dry colours are again finding favour with Holi revellers despite the dominance of cheap synthetic options in the market. The round-shaped Gulal Gota are traditionally manufactured in Jaipur where a few Muslim families have been engaged in this work for generations. The tradition of using Gulal Gota goes back to 400 years when the erstwhile Jaipur royal family members would play Holi with them. Made of lac, these balls are filled with natural colours. Unlike water balloons and water guns, Gulal Gota does not cause any harm. Are Gulal Gotas In Demand? Artisans and manufacturers say the demand for Gulal Gota has seen a rise of late. Most of the current generation enjoys Holi with synthetic gulal, water balloons, and guns, but only a few people know and use the beautiful Gulal Gota on Holi. However, now the young generation is also getting attracted towards it, Avaz Mohammed, an artisan, said. Also read: Holi 2023 Vrindavan-Mathura Schedule: Know Dates, History and Significance Mohammed says his children have also learned the art of making the balls over the decades. Due to the bulk orders, artisans start handcrafting Gulal Gotas around two months before the Holi festival. The best thing about Gulal Gotas is that they are so thin and delicate one can easily break them with a hand. Gulal Gota is still the favourite of erstwhile royal families and is a part of their Holi celebrations, he said. Views Of Artisans Making Gulal Gota Mohammad is spreading the art of making Gulal Gotas with Rajasthan Studio, an organisation that is giving art lovers a platform to co-create personalised art souvenirs with master artists. Gulal Gota manufacturing is one of the arts which the organisation is promoting. Gulal Gota is a beautiful Indian craft and tradition gaining popularity worldwide. Seeing the love for Indian art forms, we connected with artists in Rajasthan and created platforms to bridge the interest of art lovers and passion of master artisans, Kartik Gaggar, CEO of Rajasthan Studio, told PTI. Another artisan Parvez Mohammad says the demand for Gulal Gota is coming from other cities as well. Apart from individual groups and temples, Gulal Gota is now widely being used in events and parties also. This is one of the reasons behind the increase in the demand, he said. There was a time when the demand for Gulal Gota had significantly reduced and we were upset. The situation is better now because of the increase in demand and orders, not only from Jaipur but from other parts of the country also, he said. It is mainly because of its uniqueness that people prefer it. It is eco-friendly, does not harm anyone, and does not have any side effects like that of synthetic colours, Mohammad added. He said six pieces of standard size are available for Rs 150. Prakash Verma, a retailer who sells Holi colours in Jaipur, said Gulal Gotas had a good sale last year. This year also, I am expecting a good sale of Gulal Gota. This is a unique thing and the younger generation likes to explore it, he added. As per folk tales, the royal family members in Jaipur used to roam around their kingdom and throw Gulal Gota at passersby. Gulal Gotas are also used in temples across India, especially the Govind Devji temple in Jaipur and those in Mathura and Vrindavan. (With inputs from PTI) Mumbai: Actor Hrithik Roshan recently hosted 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai' fame Mohsin Khan and his family at his residence. Taking to Instagram, Mohsin dropped a few pictures and videos from his meeting with the 'Krissh' star. In the images, we can see Hrithik posing with Mohsin, his sister Zeba Khan Ahmed and her son Mikhail Ahmed. Dressed in a black T-shirt, matching pants, and shoes, Hrithik looked super cool. Mohsin was dressed in a denim shirt, pants, and sneakers. Zeba opted for a pink shirt, black pants, and shoes. The highlight of their meeting is Hrithik asking the little boy to give him a high five and a fist bump. However, Mikhail ignored the actor's high-five. As the toddler looked away, Hrithik said, "No? Okay. Next time." The video ended with Hrithik patting the child on his back and saying, "Nice to meet you guys." Mohsin captioned the post, "An honour to meet with This Beautiful Human One of d Biggest Actors and d Best Looking Guy in d World.. Thankyou for Welcoming us into your gorgeous home." Glimpses from Mohsin's meeting with Hrithik left netizens in awe. "Hahaha so cute," a social media user commented. "Hrithik and this kid are cuties," another one wrote. Meanwhile, on the work front, Hrithik is currently busy working on his film 'Fighter', which also stars Deepika Padukone, Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover and Akshay Oberoi. It is being helmed by Siddharth Anand. 'Fighter' will be India's first aerial action film. It's also the first time Hrithik shares screen space with Deepika. The film intends to appeal to a global audience with its story deeply rooted in India. New Delhi: The ability of chatbot platforms like ChatGPT to produce content with human precision is transforming the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field. Since the introduction of ChatGPT, everyone is discussing the potential of technology to make life easier for people. For Greg Isenberg, who claims to have used the site to retrieve his money from a client who refused to pay him, the usefulness of ChatGPT advanced. "Consider a multi-billion client who declined to pay you for excellent work completed. Most folks would seek legal counsel; I choose ChatGPT. Isenberg wrote in a Twitter thread, "Here's the tale of how I recovered $109,500 without paying a cent in legal fees. (Also Read: Kissing Device: Now Long Distance Couples Can Share Virtual Intimate Moments) Isenberg mentioned that his business created several designs for a well-known brand, and the brand praised the designs. They allegedly began being ghosted by the brand after their communication abruptly halted. (Also Read: "Dear SBI User...:" Are You Also Getting This SMS? Check Truth About SBI Fake Message Scam) "I've been requested to fill in by our finance and operations staff. I had thought before I sent another email that would go unanswered or hired a pricey attorney to start the debt collection process. What if ChatGPT created a scarier email to get people's attention? And Isenberg. He approached this with the mindset of a student, believing that ChatGPT would cost him nothing but that a lawyer sending legal notice would at least set him back $1,000. So as to get the $109,500 owing to us, "we got ChatGPT to pretend to compose "a threatening collection email," " he added. Imagine that you are a client payment collector for the finance department. Create a frightful email that convinces XYZ client to pay for services worth $109,500 even though they haven't replied to 5 emails. Isenberg informed ChatGPT that the company's invoices were five months past due. Isenberg made a few changes to the mail before sending it. After mailing the letter, he was a little worried, but two minutes later he received a reply from a company executive saying, "Let's get you folks compensated." We were able to recoup the money we were owed because of ChatGPT. The best part was that ChatGPT felt like the evil cop and I felt like the good cop, and we couldn't believe how quickly it worked "explained Isenberg. New Delhi: Over the past few years, there has been a significant transformation in technology. Technology drives each and every sector. As a result, a few years ago, nobody imagined that couples in a long-distance relationship can share virtual intimate moments. It seems that evolution is only improving at this point. Jiang Zhongli struggled to maintain closeness with his lover while they were separated because of their long-distance relationship. They could only communicate by phone because of the distance. (Also Read: "Dear SBI User...:" Are You Also Getting This SMS? Check Truth About SBI Fake Message Scam) During this time, Zhongli developed a novel strategy to deal with the difficulties faced by long-distance couples. A technology enabling couples to share virtual intimate moments motivated him to create it. (Also Read: PM-KISAN 13th Installment: Farmers Of This State To Get Rs 2,000 on Feb 27- Check Name on Beneficiary List) Zhongli's efforts have produced a device that has generated buzz on Chinese social media. The "kissing device" was created by a Chinese institution and is known by this name. The device can imitate the pressure, movement, and temperature of a user's lips since it has "silicone lips," pressure sensors, and actuators. The gadget can simulate a real kiss, according to the China-based Global Times. The kissing gadget is promoted as a way for distant couples to experience "genuine" physical connection. Chinese social media users are talking about gadgets, with many expressing surprise and intrigue at the same time. Many people who are in long-distance relationships are interested in the item since it can transmit the user's sound and recreate the motion of kissing. To transmit a kiss, users must download a mobile app and put a device into their phone's charging port. After uniting with their lovers via the app, couples can start a video conference and send recordings of their smooches to one another. The response on the Internet was swift. One of them brought up how the concept had been presented in a Big Bang Theory episode. Introducing the "kissing machine" "to Raj and Leonard. Leonard argued against doing it, but Raj stepped forward and did. "I'm astonished. This is extremely realistic "said he. TIANJIN, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Nine years on, the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has advanced to a new level, according to a forum held in north China's Tianjin Municipality Saturday. Experts and scholars gathered to discuss deepening and substantiating the coordinated development of the region in the forum, with achievements and challenges highlighted. Data showed that in 2022, the economic aggregate of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region exceeded 10 trillion yuan (about 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars), which was 1.8 times that of 2013 on the basis of current prices. Remarkable progress has been made in terms of transportation, and ecological and environmental protection in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region for nearly a decade, said Wu Yiqing, vice president of Hebei University of Economics and Business. Wu suggested that the region should focus on the fields of digitalization, automobiles and materials, in building world-class industrial chains and that it should strive to become an advanced manufacturing cluster with international competitiveness. To relieve Beijing of functions not essential to its role as the capital, more enterprises in Beijing extended their core industrial chains to Tianjin and Hebei, which not only optimized the layout of supply chains, but also further expanded the market. Statistics show that in 2022, Tianjin attracted 198.9 billion yuan of investment from Beijing and Hebei, while a total of 4,395 units from Beijing and Tianjin moved to Hebei last year. By transferring the functions nonessential for the captial to neighboring areas, Beijing aims at high-grade industrial development, while Tianjin has developed advantages in manufacturing, and Hebei sets up platforms for industrial transfer to speed up transformation and upgrading, according to Zhang Gui, secretary general of the institute for coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of Nankai University. Li Guoping, director of the Beijing Development Institute of Peking University, said that accelerating the collaborative commercialization of research findings in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is an important work in giving full play to Beijing's advantages in scientific and technological innovation, and promoting the deep integration of the region's innovation chains and industrial chains. "In the future, the internal driving force of the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region should be continuously enhanced through comprehensively deepening reform and expanding opening-up," said Chen Yulu, president of Nankai University. JERUSALEM, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Israel will invest 125 million shekels (34 million U.S. dollars) in energy research and development as well as technological innovation, the country's Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure said in a statement on Sunday. The investment will be used to promote Israel's transition to a clean, emission-free energy economy, the ministry noted. It will focus on the development of renewable energy sources in Israeli seas, including energy generation from the sun, wind, and waves, as well as electricity production from underground heat. Some of the investment will also be used to promote the integration of hydrogen in the energy sector, including the establishment of a hydrogen park for carrying out research and production, according to the ministry. The investment is included in the budget of the Israeli government for the years 2023-2024, of which 1.38 billion shekels were allocated to the energy sector. The budget also includes 206 million shekels for the transition to sustainable energy in urban areas through the promotion of energy efficiency, energy sources diversification, and local authorities' transition to sustainable energy generation. The energy budget also aims to promote electric transportation and the expansion of the natural gas network. BEIJING, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Assets under the management of China's public offering funds totaled 27.25 trillion yuan (about 3.95 trillion U.S. dollars) by the end of January 2023, data from the Asset Management Association of China showed. By the end of last month, a total of 10,607 public offering funds were being operated by 142 fund management companies, the association said. The scale of closed-end funds reached over 3.58 trillion yuan, while open-end funds stood at about 23.67 trillion yuan, the data revealed. Of the 142 fund management companies, 47 were foreign-funded and 95 were domestic firms, the association said. The first batch of naval vessels has arrived at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre Waterfront (Adnec Marina), to take part in Navdex 2023. Navdex 2023 will be held in conjunction with Idex 2023, under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, from February 20 to 24. The first batch comprised seven naval vessels of different sizes and uses, coming from a range of countries. The vessels were officially welcomed as they entered the Mussafah Water Canal, all the way to Adnec Marina, which is located opposite of the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. Zayed Port also received a number of other naval vessels which will be participating in Navdex 2023. Commodore Rashid Al-Muhaisni, Chairman of the Organising Committee for Navdex 2023, said: The current edition of the Navdex exhibition is expected to see a significant growth in the number of exhibiting companies, and a wide display of the latest innovative technologies in the maritime defence industry. Leading platform Since the launch of its first edition 12 years ago, Navdex has succeeded in reaffirming its position as one of the leading global platforms that brings together experts and specialists from all over the world, to establish partnerships and explore opportunities to promote vital sectors. The current edition of Navdex will witness the participation of a number of naval vessels from eight countries, which include Pakistan, Bahrain the UK, Italy, China, India and the UAE. The vessels will be on display at Adnec Port and Zayed Port, which will also feature naval vessels as part of the exhibition, he added. Saeed Al Mansoori, CEO of Capital Events, a subsidiary of Adnec Group, said: For the first time, Navdex will be held in the new Adnec Marina Hall, which covers an area of 10,000 sq m, making it the largest of its kind in the Middle East. This contributed to attracting new companies to take part in the current edition of Navdex, recording a 206% increase in the number of exhibitors compared to the previous edition.-- TradeArabia News Service BEIJING, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- China's top emergency management watchdog on Friday ordered immediate safety rectifications at the nation's coal mines to eliminate major risks after a coal mine collapsed in Alxa League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Wednesday. Comprehensive inspections and rectifications should be conducted to root out the major hidden safety hazards in key sectors and fields, said the Ministry of Emergency Management, calling for efforts to resolutely prevent major accidents from happening, in order to safeguard people's lives and property and maintain social stability. Efforts should be made to intensify safety oversight in coal mines and continue to crack down on illegal mining, production and construction, the ministry said. It also stressed strict safety management of other high-risk industries and strengthening disaster prevention and relief efforts. Produced by Xinhua Global Service A worker arranges western musical instruments at a manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A worker arranges musical instruments at a manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A worker makes violins at a musical instrument manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A worker counts the number of semi-finished musical instruments at a manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A villager plays the saxophone at Zhouwo musical town in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 26, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A worker checks violin panels at a manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A worker paints violins at a manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A worker arranges musical instruments at a manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A worker makes components for musical instruments at a manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) Villagers play music to welcome tourists at Zhouwo music town in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 26, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A worker makes a musical instrument at a manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A sculpture of saxophone performer is seen at Zhouwo musical town in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 26, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) Students play the saxophone at Fuxing primary school in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A man makes a guitar at a guitar workshop in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 26, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) A worker assembles western musical instruments at a manufacturer in Wuqiang County, north China's Hebei Province, on Feb. 23, 2023. There are 63 musical instrument manufacturers in Wuqiang County, employing more than 10,000 people. More than 400 types of musical instruments are produced in the county and are sold to more than 80 countries and regions. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) TEHRAN, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- The presence of "transregional countries" in any region of the world has led to "insecurity and division," Iranian Students' News Agency quoted Iranian defense minister as saying on Sunday. Such a presence in West Asia has never been intended to support human rights, promote democracy, or help people in the region, but to ensure energy flow and Israel's security, Mohammadreza Ashtiani was quoted as saying during a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart Thabet Muhammad Saeed al-Abbasi in Tehran on Saturday. "Transregional countries" caused "fabricated crises" in the region and took advantage of the differences and conflicts among Muslim countries to achieve these objectives, Ashtiani noted. Regarding bilateral ties, Ashtiani said that the enemies sought to undermine the unity and solidarity between Iran and Iraq and called for increased vigilance in the face of such "hostile conspiracies." Iran supports Iraq's unity and territorial integrity and seeks to help Iraq in maintaining its stability and security, said Ashtiani. The presence of "terrorist groups and hidden but active cells" in Iraq, particularly in the Iraqi provinces near the common border, was cited by the Iranian minister as a persistent potential threat to their national security. He highlighted the need for increased military, intelligence, and security coordination as well as cooperation between Tehran and Baghdad in the face of the common threats. While lambasting the U.S. for committing the "heinous crime" of "cowardly" assassinating top Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani and the deputy commander of Iraq's paramilitary Hashd Shaabi forces Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the Iranian minister said the legal pursuit against the perpetrators in the case is still on Iran's agenda. On Jan. 3, 2020, the U.S. military assassinated the two commanders in a drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq. The assassination was condemned by Iran as an act of "state terrorism." "Chinese scholars have done a good job in preserving cultural heritages here and we are thankful to them," says a local official of Bamyan Province, Afghanistan. A Chinese-funded course helps increase awareness of cultural heritage conservation there. Produced by Xinhua Global Service JERUSALEM, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant spoke to U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin by phone late Friday over a series of regional issues, according to a statement by the Israeli Defense Ministry on Saturday. The phone conversation "focused on security developments in the Middle East," including the latest developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Iran's nuclear program, said the ministry statement. Earlier this week, Israeli forces killed 11 Palestinians in a military raid on the West Bank city of Nablus, aggravating the already high tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. Ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which will begin in late March, there is concern that tensions will rise further, as the Israeli military has been conducting almost daily raids in the West Bank in an alleged attempt to arrest suspects in deadly Palestinian attacks. The two officials "discussed ways to ensure stability in the region during the upcoming holiday period" while "Gallant stressed the importance of maintaining a decisive position against terrorism" in the West Bank. Commenting on Iran's nuclear program, the Israeli minister "expressed his concern regarding Iran's continued nuclear enrichment and emphasized the importance of preventing a nuclear Iran," according to the statement. The Western media recently reported that uranium enriched to 84 percent purity was detected in Iran, which has been rejected by Tehran as a "distortion of the facts." BELGRADE, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- On the occasion of the 44th edition of the Belgrade International Tourism Fair, representatives of Serbia's tourism industry said they "eagerly anticipate" the return of visitors from China following the country's post-COVID-19 reopening. China, the country that has sent the largest number of foreign visitors to Serbia in recent years, is the guest of honor at the fair, which takes place between Feb. 23 and Feb. 26. In 2017, the mutual visa exemption agreement took effect and non-stop direct flights were launched between the two countries last year. In 2019, 145,000 Chinese tourists visited Serbia. Opening the fair on Wednesday, Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic said that "I want to invite Chinese citizens to come to our country. We have a lot of beautiful and valuable things that they can see." "I can guarantee them that nowhere in any other country in Europe will they be welcomed as cordially, with open arms and an open heart, as they will be welcomed in Serbia," he said, welcoming Chinese tourists as "closest and dearest friends." "This year, Chinese tourists should be returning to Serbia and the Balkans," said Aleksandar Valok, a Chinese-speaking tour guide and representative of the Sai Hua Travel Agency. "The programs need to be adjusted to the needs of Chinese tourists." Marija Labovic, director of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, told Xinhua that "last year we broke new records in tourism as foreign tourists returned, but we wish to see the return of the Chinese tourists, because we remember how satisfied they were, and we await the day when they will come again." "The direct air link between Serbia and China -- Hainan Airlines connects Belgrade and Beijing, while Air Serbia connects Belgrade and Tianjin-- is really important for us. Moreover, no visas are necessary for Chinese citizens who come to Serbia," Labovic said Aleksandra Krstic from the Tourism Organization of Sokobanja, a popular spa town in the east of Serbia, recalled that this tourist resort was highly popular among Chinese tourists during the pre-pandemic years. "Most groups come through travel agencies and stay in hotels. They are drawn here by Sokobanja's natural resources and its mineral healing waters," she said. Zhang Kexiong, assistant general manager of CTG Travel Services Corporation, said that at the tourism fair, the Chinese delegation focuses on Serbia's tourism resorts and also promotes destinations in China. He recalled that in early February the Chinese authorities approved the resumption of group tour travel to 20 countries and said he hoped Serbia will also be included in that list in a future update. "After the pandemic prevention and control policy is relaxed, more Chinese people will travel to Serbia than in 2019," Zhang said. "More and more Chinese people want to get in touch with nature and experience some tourism products, such as sports, health and wellness. So, there are many tourism resources in Serbia that are suitable for the needs of Chinese people, especially young people," he said. Aleksandar Puaca, assistant to the president of Belgrade's Stari Grad city municipality, told Xinhua he was impressed with the fair, and that certain Chinese destinations rose higher on his bucket list. "I would like to visit Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. I would also like to visit Great Wall," he told Xinhua. China's booth at the fair features the traditional and modern tourist attractions of Beijing and Ningbo, a major port city in eastern China, and displays items of cultural heritage, such as Beijing's traditionally made silk dolls, "moon rabbit" and porcelain sculptures, and woodcarvings. This year's Belgrade International Tourism Fair presents over 350 exhibitors and highlights 100 travel destinations in Serbia. Photo taken on March 2, 2022 shows a container terminal of Qinzhou Port in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. (Xinhua) RCEP will generate innovation and new industries, and act as a catalyst for long-term trade and investment growth between the Philippines and China, said a Philippine official. MANILA, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines will embrace new opportunities to foster economic growth from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement as the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, a Philippine envoy to China has said. "It's like an opening of a door to competition. However, there will be challenges among players and business people. But as everybody says, there is also an opportunity every time there is a challenge," Benito Techico, Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos' special envoy to China for trade, investments, and tourism told Xinhua in a recent interview. The Philippine Senate ratified RCEP on Feb. 21, a massive free trade agreement involving Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It is the world's largest free trade area representing 30 percent of the global gross domestic product. People visit the CAFTA & RCEP Gallery during the 19th China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Sept. 19, 2022. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua) Philippine officials said RCEP covers roughly 50.4 percent of the Philippines' export markets, 67.3 percent of the country's import sources, and 58 percent of foreign direct investment. According to Techico, Philippine consumers will reap tangible benefits from competitions brought by the RCEP member countries. Preferential import tariffs for Philippine exports, such as agricultural and tourism products, would also give the Southeast Asian country more access to bigger markets. "I think joining RCEP will encourage local businessmen to be more innovative. There will probably be new industries and innovations that would arise from the new generations," Techico said. He stressed the need for the Philippines to fully use its geographic dividend as a strategic location in Asia to attract more foreign investment in manufacturing and logistics. "Technically, we have more access in terms of logistics. We could have more opportunities because those factories or the regional investors might want to take advantage of the country's location and set up a regional logistic hub in Asia," Techico said. As the newly-appointed special envoy to China for trade, investments, and tourism, he believed RCEP catalyzes long-term trade and investment growth between the Philippines and China. "I would expect more guidance or support from China in terms of coming up with manufacturing facilities and investment. Moreover, if there are more partnerships between Philippine farmers and the Chinese technology provider, it will be great for agriculture," he said. Economic and trade cooperation between the Philippines and China has yielded fruitful results in recent years. According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, by the end of 2021, China had been the Philippines' largest trading partner for six consecutive years and had emerged as the Philippines' second-largest export destination. For the first 11 months of 2022, the bilateral trade volume hit 80.41 billion U.S. dollars, up 8.3 percent year on year. NEW DELHI, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- The Indian government on Sunday said there was no ban on exports of onions from the South Asian country, but the export of onion seeds is restricted. According to the federal ministry of commerce and industry, India has exported onions worth 523.8 million U.S. dollars from April to December 2022. "Government has not restricted or prohibited the export of onion. The extant export policy of onions is 'Free'. Only the export of onion seed is 'Restricted' and that too is permitted under Authorization from Directorate General of Foreign Trade," the ministry said. On Saturday, federal minister of commerce and industry Piyush Goyal described the reports on a ban on onion exports from India to other countries as misleading. "There is no ban on onion exports from India to any country and misleading statements suggesting the contrary is unfortunate. In fact, from July-December 2022, onion exports have consistently been above the 40 million U.S. dollars mark every month, benefiting our Annadatas (food givers)," Goyal said in a statement. JERUSALEM, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- For the eighth week in a row, tens of thousands of Israelis are demonstrating against the government and its judicial reforms on Saturday evening. According to Israeli media outlets, more than 100,000 Israelis are protesting around the country, with the main demonstration being held in Tel Aviv, 25,000 rallying in the northern city of Haifa and thousands gathering in front of the president's residence in Jerusalem. There is even one in front of the house of Justice Minister Yariv Levin in the central city of Modiin. The protests are against the major overhaul of the judicial system, which was set in motion on Feb. 13 when the administration initiated the legislative procedure for the reforms. The Israeli parliament has passed the first out of three readings of several relevant bills. One of the bills is the "override clause" which will allow the parliament to override supreme court rulings with a simple majority. Another one would change the composition of the committee that appoints supreme court judges by giving the government a majority. A third aims to block the supreme court from reviewing the basic laws already passed by the parliament. Demonstrators say the reforms will weaken the courts and give the ruling coalition unrestrained power. The coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said it aims to complete the legislative process until April. With a solid majority in the parliament, the votes are expected to pass without major contention. Massive demonstrations are also planned for Wednesday when the coalition will continue to promote the legislation in parliament. The parliament is also slated to debate a bill that would prevent the state's attorney general from declaring the prime minister incapacitated except for legitimate medical reasons. According to Israeli media, Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara said earlier this month that Netanyahu cannot be involved in his government's judicial reforms because he has a conflict of interests because of his ongoing corruption trial. Netanyahu and his partners say the reforms are necessary in terms of limiting the judicial system which has become too powerful in recent decades and often intervenes in political issues that should be determined by the parliament, vowing to push forward with the reforms despite protests. The Israeli prime minister also denies that the reforms are personally motivated to allow him to influence the outcome of his trial. This aerial photo taken on Feb. 21, 2023 shows the full Internet of Things container terminal of Tianjin Port in north China's Tianjin. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo) TIANJIN, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Nine years on, the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has advanced to a new level, according to a forum held in north China's Tianjin Municipality Saturday. Experts and scholars gathered to discuss deepening and substantiating the coordinated development of the region in the forum, with achievements and challenges highlighted. Data showed that in 2022, the economic aggregate of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region exceeded 10 trillion yuan (about 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars), which was 1.8 times that of 2013 on the basis of current prices. Remarkable progress has been made in terms of transportation, and ecological and environmental protection in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region for nearly a decade, said Wu Yiqing, vice president of Hebei University of Economics and Business. Wu suggested that the region should focus on the fields of digitalization, automobiles and materials, in building world-class industrial chains and that it should strive to become an advanced manufacturing cluster with international competitiveness. To relieve Beijing of functions not essential to its role as the capital, more enterprises in Beijing extended their core industrial chains to Tianjin and Hebei, which not only optimized the layout of supply chains, but also further expanded the market. Statistics show that in 2022, Tianjin attracted 198.9 billion yuan of investment from Beijing and Hebei, while a total of 4,395 units from Beijing and Tianjin moved to Hebei last year. By transferring the functions nonessential for the captial to neighboring areas, Beijing aims at high-grade industrial development, while Tianjin has developed advantages in manufacturing, and Hebei sets up platforms for industrial transfer to speed up transformation and upgrading, according to Zhang Gui, secretary general of the institute for coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of Nankai University. Li Guoping, director of the Beijing Development Institute of Peking University, said that accelerating the collaborative commercialization of research findings in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is an important work in giving full play to Beijing's advantages in scientific and technological innovation, and promoting the deep integration of the region's innovation chains and industrial chains. "In the future, the internal driving force of the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region should be continuously enhanced through comprehensively deepening reform and expanding opening-up," said Chen Yulu, president of Nankai University. Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza) has always been a significant contributor to the UAEs food sector and plays a vital role in supporting its key objectives, said a top official. Home to 600 food and agri-commodity firms, Jafza facilitates over 20% of Dubai's F&B trade value. DP World operates four economic zones in the UAE and supports various other development areas. In addition to Jafza, the other key contributor to the food sectors in the UAE is National Industries Park (NIP), an industrial zone in the local market. DP World said it maintains a robust food supply chain in the Middle East and beyond, through state-of-the-art infrastructure and unmatched digital trade solutions. Abdulla Al Hashmi, the Chief Operations Officer for Parks and Zones at DP World UAE, said that the National Food Security Strategy 2051, launched in 2018, played a massive role in supporting the countrys progress towards ranking first in the Food Security Index. As a result, in 2022, the nation ranked 23rd worldwide and 1st in the Arab world for food safety and quality. To further support the national agenda, companies in the UAE need to capitalise on advanced technologies to ensure a sustainable food supply, increase local food production, and diversify sources of food imports. "Jafza has always been a significant contributor to the UAEs food sector and plays a vital role in supporting its long-term objectives; the free zone is home to over 600 food and agri-commodity companies from 68 countries," he noted. "Our strategic location and world-class logistics infrastructure provide access to the GCC markets, which rely on imports to meet 85 per cent of their F&B requirements, and global access to the fast-growing F&B markets in Mena, South Asia, and Africa. Our role as a regional logistics hub is to ensure availability and access to F&B resources for the entire region," he stated. NIP comprises 21 sq km of industrial development land in the local market. It sits only 4km from Jebel Ali Port and benefits from direct road access to Dubais main international airports. "Demand for food processing and distribution has been extremely high at NIP. Its location and local zone status make it an ideal destination for companies focusing on processing and distribution within the UAE and GCC," remarked Al Hashmi. Major food distribution, processing, and packaging companies such as Carrefour, Hunter Foods, Al Maya, and Nesto have established large-scale operations in NIP. Technology-focused F&B companies such as Kitopi, the multi-brand smart kitchen operator, are also present. "We have significant plans for the F&B sectors development within NIP, and expect to make some important announcements soon," stated Al Hashmi. "In line with our aim to focus on facilitating global food trade, diversifying food import sources, and identifying alternative supply schemes, we launched Jebel Alis Agri Terminal. With the help of this new state-of-the-art facility, we look forward to enhancing the year-round availability of essential grains and pulses," he added. The F&B Terminal will have a 1 million sq m quayside terminal of about 2 km to handle bulk shipments and dedicated space for 12 berths with a 14-16 m draft capable of handling large bulk carriers. It will be equipped to process cereals, meat and seafood products, bottled water, and dairy products, with specialised facilities for oil, tea, coffee, cacao, spices, and various other Agri commodities. The terminal will also have connectivity to the GCC via rail. "We are working with existing and new partners to develop additional infrastructure and services that contribute to the UAEs strategies and strengthen Jebel Alis position as a global gateway for trade in the F&B sector," remarked Al Hashmi. "The hub supports farm-to-shelf supply chain activities by enabling the development of new technologies for sustainable food production and deployment across the region," he added.-TradeArabia News Service LHASA, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- More trees and expanding grasslands have covered southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region over the years, thanks to central and local government's afforestation efforts, official figures showed. As a pilot zone for high-altitude tree planting projects, the regional capital Lhasa has carried out various scientific research efforts since 2012. Over the past decade, more than 30 species suitable for planting on the plateau have been screened and planted, according to Hu Zhiguang, deputy director of the regional forestry and grassland bureau. In 2021, the largest afforestation project in Tibet was launched. According to the plan, the project is expected to complete afforestation of about 2.07 million mu (137,800 hectares) by 2030. After completion of the project, the annual increase of newly-added water storage will reach 49.8 million tonnes, carbon sequestration 229,100 tonnes, and oxygen release 193,000 tonnes, respectively, which will create an annual ecological value of over 1.48 billion yuan (about 215.4 million U.S. dollars). With an average altitude of 4,500 meters, Nagqu on the northern Tibetan plateau was once the only city in China without trees. Following nearly 20 years of exploration, scattered trees have survived and are growing in the yards of some government departments and next to some roads. The central government has since 2012 invested an accumulated 12.7 billion yuan in building an ecological security barrier in Tibet, according to Shui Yanping, deputy director of the regional department of ecology and environment, adding that the forest coverage rate increased to 12.31 percent, while the comprehensive vegetation coverage of grassland reached 47.14 percent. Statistics show that in 2022, Tibet completed afforestation of some 1.18 million mu and restored over 4.37 million mu of degraded grassland, with 50 percent of its land area classified under ecological protection. TEHRAN, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Iran's atomic chief said Sunday that the country seeks to export its nuclear products and technology amid the "propaganda warfare" conducted by enemies to block the country's progress in the nuclear field. President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami made the remarks at the 29th Iranian Nuclear Conference at Shahid Beheshti University on Sunday, according to Iran's Mehr News Agency. Eslami said the country seeks to export its nuclear products and technology, adding that Iran is currently exporting radiopharmaceuticals and some types of nuclear equipment. He also referred to the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists and attacks on Iranian nuclear sites as measures taken by Iran's enemies to impede the progress of Iran's nuclear technology. The United States and its Western allies have accused Iran of developing a nuclear weapon, and Washington has imposed unilateral sanctions on Tehran aiming to stop its nuclear activities. Iran rejects the allegation as "baseless" and sanctions as "illegal," saying its nuclear program is peaceful and the country has never sought to develop a nuclear weapon. LONDON, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK) Rishi Sunak is to meet President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in the UK on Monday over post-Brexit deals, a joint statement said on Sunday. Von der Leyen and Sunak "agreed to continue their work in person towards shared, practical solutions for the range of complex challenges around the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland," the statement said. A dispute over the Northern Ireland Protocol -- the rules governing post-Brexit trading arrangements for Northern Ireland -- has strained Britain's relations with the European Union (EU). Under the protocol, Northern Ireland is part of British customs territory but is subject to the EU's customs code, value-added tax rules and single market rules for goods. However, a de facto Irish Sea border was thus created between the British mainland and Northern Ireland, meaning goods transported to and from Northern Ireland are subject to border controls. Northern Ireland's pro-Brexit Democratic Unionist Party has demanded the removal or replacement of the protocol as a precondition for it to sit in the assembly and form a devolved government. * Nine years on, the coordinated development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional city cluster is now in full swing and has grown into a new driving force for China's development. * The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region's GDP reached 10 trillion yuan (about 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2022, representing a 1.8-fold increase from 2013 at current prices. * Coordinated development has not only boosted economic growth, but also improved people's livelihood in the region. BEIJING, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- The coordinated development in Beijing and neighboring regions is now in full swing and has grown into a new driving force for China's development, nine years after China launched a key strategy to build the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional city cluster. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region's gross domestic product (GDP) reached 10 trillion yuan (about 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2022, representing a 1.8-fold increase from 2013 at current prices, according to a report released by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics on Feb. 20. This aerial photo taken on March 31, 2022 shows the Xiong'an Railway Station in Xiong'an New Area, north China's Hebei Province. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli) A more rational industrial layout, the more balanced resource distribution and innovation-driven development have not only helped the crowded Chinese capital achieve healthy growth, but also brought benefits to Tianjin and Hebei. INDUSTRIAL LAYOUT OPTIMIZATION Beijing Carale Robot Technology Co., Ltd. was established in the Chinese capital in 2014 and moved its factory and R&D center to the neighboring municipality of Tianjin in 2017, with the business flourishing since then. "All thanks to the policy support from the Tianjin Binhai-Zhongguancun Science Park," the company's CEO Yin Li said. The park, formally established in November 2016 in the Tianjin Binhai New Area, has now become the city's scientific and technological innovation heartland. The park has not only inherited the innovative spirit of Zhongguancun, the country's first national high-tech industrial development zone, but can also make full use of Tianjin's strong manufacturing base. It was a big move in linking the industrial layout of the two municipalities. This aerial photo taken on May 12, 2022 shows the Tianjin Binhai-Zhongguancun Science Park in north China's Tianjin. (Xinhua/Zhao Zishuo) Yin's company could enjoy market information and technical resources of high-level universities in Beijing, and at the same time benefit from the strong policy advantages of Tianjin, which resulted in a reduction of the company's operating costs. The decision also produced other positive outcomes. In 2022, Carale's sales reached more than 20 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 40 percent. The same story is unfolding in the Xiong'an New Area, Hebei Province. Located about 100 km southwest of Beijing, the area has been designed as a major recipient of functions previously located in Beijing but which are not essential to its role as China's capital. Hebei Province has welcomed some 44,000 enterprises transferred from Beijing and Tianjin, according to the provincial development and reform commission. This year, Hebei plans to absorb 30 second and third-tier subsidiaries of central enterprises which are scheduled to settle in Xiong'an. This aerial photo taken on Sept. 6, 2022 shows a view of Rongdong District in Xiong'an New Area, north China's Hebei Province. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli) INNOVATION-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT In the Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone, Du Qiuju, a staff member of Beijing AegleStem Therapeutics Co., Ltd. was doing her daily job in the lab -- carefully examining stem cell raw materials. As a native of Gu'an County, Hebei Province, Du quit her job in her hometown a year ago and chose to embrace a new opportunity in the economic zone, because "it offers a better salary and is conducive to career development." She doesn't have to worry about commuting distance. She usually rides a motorcycle for 40 minutes to get to the company. In addition, a rail transit line currently under construction, which is located close to her home, will make commuting more convenient in the future. The Beijing Daxing International Airport sits at the junction of Beijing's Daxing District and Langfang in Hebei Province. The economic zone has a planned area of 150 square km in total and develops industries ranging from international medical care, and airport guarantee and support services, to international convention and exhibition spaces, comprehensive-purpose bonded areas, as well as aviation logistics. This aerial photo taken on June 25, 2019 shows the terminal building of the Beijing Daxing International Airport in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua/Zhang Chenlin) Due to its unique location advantages and rich policy support, more and more high-tech enterprises like AegleStem have settled there, while many talents from Hebei and Tianjin have been attracted there by superior jobs. "Beijing has significant R&D strength, while Hebei offers relatively low land and labor costs. Enterprises there are very impressed by the complementary advantages of these two regions, which could combine to form synergistic development advantages," said Zhu Tianzhu, assistant director of the economic zone's administrative committee. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), in 2021, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region invested a total of 394.91 billion yuan in R&D, 2.1 times that of 2013, accounting for 14.1 percent of the national total. TOGETHER FOR SHARED FUTURE Coordinated development has not only boosted economic growth, but also improved people's livelihood in the region. Beijing Children's Hospital in 2015 started assisting the children's hospital in Baoding City, Hebei Province, providing professional medical workers and technical support. In the past eight years, more than 8,000 medical experts from Beijing have served at Baoding Children's Hospital. They performed operations there and passed on their experience, and eventually cultivated a large number of local medical professionals and high-level medical departments in Baoding. This aerial photo shows Beijing Children's Hospital in Baoding City, north China's Hebei Province, Oct. 12, 2021. (Xinhua/Zhu Xudong) According to Tian Jian, director of Baoding Children's Hospital, the hospital only saw about 250,000 patients a year back in 2015, but now it could see over 600,000 patients a year. "Our hospital is now capable of carrying out major operations. Local patients can enjoy Beijing's high-quality medical resources and medical services on their doorsteps." Apart from this rational distribution of medical resources, 22 university development alliances have also been established in the region, aiming to balance educational resources and provide equitable opportunities for students. Transportation development has been a basis for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. A "one-hour traffic circle" now exists between Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei cities, greatly facilitating residents' work and lives in the three areas. The region has also enjoyed better air quality and a more sustainable energy mix. In 2021, the average density of PM2.5 -- fine particulate matter that causes smog -- fell 15.6 percent compared to a year earlier. Renewable energy accounted for 8.8 percent of the region's total energy consumption, up 1.9 percentage points from 2020, according to the NBS. (Video reporters: Zhang Shuo, Wang Pu, Xu Jian; video editors: Zhang Li, Wei Yin, Shi Peng) BRUSSELS, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Several thousand demonstrators called for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, and a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis here on Sunday. The demonstrators called for negotiations to achieve a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis. "This is the only way forward," Thierry Bodson, president of the General Labour Federation of Belgium (FGTB), told Xinhua. "Let's stop the fire ... Let the politicians settle the diplomatic affairs, the people want peace, bread," demonstrator Yvyes Eckman said. Another demonstrator Isabelle Minnon said that "everywhere in the world when you take sanctions it is always the people who pay." MOGADISHU, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) said Sunday it has launched investigations into circumstances in which its helicopter crashed Saturday in southern Somalia, killing three passengers on board. The AU mission said its helicopter with 11 officers from the Somali National Army was on a joint familiarization training mission for casualty evacuation drills when it crashed in the Baledogle area. "Three of the eleven passengers on board lost their lives. Eight injured officers have been evacuated to Mogadishu for urgent medical attention," the ATMIS said in a statement issued in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Mohammed El-Amine Souef, the special representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission for Somalia, consoled the families of the deceased and wished the injured officers a quick recovery. KIGALI, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Juncao technology holds the key potential to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a UN official told Xinhua in a recent interview. Amson Sibanda from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) said that Juncao technology is an effective tool and a simple technology that can be used by everyone, even somebody with limited knowledge of education. Sibanda spoke with Xinhua at the just concluded African regional workshop on applications of Juncao technology and its contribution to the achievement of sustainable agriculture and the sustainable development goals in Africa in the Rwandan capital Kigali. "The technology has a big potential to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals," said Sibanda, who currently serves as the chief of the National Strategies and Capacity Building Branch in the Division for Sustainable Development Goals of UNDESA, adding that the reason why UNDESA is promoting the technology is because of the 2030 agenda of SDGs. "We believe that the Juncao technology is one of the technological solutions that can be transferred through south-south cooperation to help those countries that want to address the issues of food insecurity, environment challenges and poverty alleviation," he said. He explained that growing mushrooms using Juncao technology will address food insecurity, generate household income and create employment opportunities for women and youths, calling on African countries and beyond to adopt and implement the technology in the quest for promoting economic development. "We have seen here in Rwanda how young people have embraced Juncao technology. These young people are very empowered and have big dreams. We wish to see more people across Africa get to know Juncao technology and its benefits," Sibanda said, adding that Juncao technology can protect the environment and address climate change challenges through soil erosion control as well as using Juncao grass to feed livestock. The knowledge of Juncao technology in producing mushrooms and the use of Juncao grass as a forage for livestock is very important in promoting economic development, said Asimwe L. Rwiguza, Director for Grazing Land and Animal Feed Resources in the Tanzanian Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries. "Juncao technology will help us address the challenge of conflicts between crop producers and livestock herders in Tanzania because we are going to increase forage production for livestock using the technology," Rwiguza said, explaining that the conflicts are a result of the livestock harming farmers' crop fields due to lack of sufficient fodder. "We have seen here in Rwanda mushroom products that have been produced using Juncao technology. We have gained that knowledge and we are going to practice it in our country," said Rwiguza. NEW DELHI, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- An aircraft belonging to India's private airline IndiGo was diverted to the nearest airport after being hit by a bird on Sunday, according to the country's civil aviation regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). The plane landed safely and no injuries were reported. The Delhi-bound plane was hit by a bird minutes after taking off from the Surat airport in the western state of Gujarat. The pilot informed the Air Traffic Control and asked for an emergency landing at the nearest airport. The plane was given permission to land at the Ahmedabad airport in Gujarat under an emergency situation. "Indigo's A320 aircraft VT-IZI operating flight 6E-646 (Surat-Delhi) diverted to Ahmedabad as a bird hits during climb at Surat ... The aircraft landed safely at Ahmedabad," media reports quoted the DGCA as saying in an official statement. "During the ground inspection, fan blades of the (plane's) Number 2 engine were observed to be damaged," it added. by Yang Shilong, Zhang Mocheng NEW YORK, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- "It isn't logical at all" the United States spends so many tax dollars on wars overseas and very little is left for infrastructure or any sort of services at home, a renowned anti-war activist has said. "It's very dangerous what they're doing all over the world. We're neglecting things at home," Eric Garris, director of, a premier anti-war website in the United States, told Xinhua in an interview on Wednesday. "Look at what just happened in Ohio with that horrible polluting train wreck ... All the government seems to be interested in is to stoke tensions and be the bully," said Garris, who started to march in civil rights demonstrations at age 8. Noting that the United States spends "a higher percentage of its budget on military by far than any other country on Earth," Garris warned of the dire consequences of the U.S. wars overseas. "We are killing lots of people, and the results are not coming the way they (U.S. politicians) promise, and it's only getting worse, and it could get very, very bad. It's very, very scary. That's why we have to build a movement in this country that relies on talking to people and getting out this information," said Garris, referring to recent anti-war rallies in 15 major U.S. cities, including Washington D.C.. Garris noted it seems that the Biden administration's only solution to the Ukraine-Russia conflict is "not to promote diplomacy, is not to promote ways to resolve differences, but rather to stoke them. And this is really, really bad." "What they're doing is they are trying to exert their own supremacy over Europe. And they think that Russia is the main enemy for that supremacy," he said. "And in fact what we're doing is we are building up these alliances that are reminiscent of the beginning of World War I where you had a very small spark in a very small place that sparked World War." "The difference between that and today is that today you have nuclear weapons. And so it becomes a much, much different potential outcome. And it's very, very dangerous. And we need to take a look at World War I and see the lessons of what happened when you create these alliances ... With nuclear weapons, it's a completely different situation and can lead to just catastrophic results," said Garris. One of the big reasons that the United States is so obsessed with wars is "the defense industry has found a way for them to be rich," said Garris. "And you have a lot of politicians that are getting rich by voting for these wars. They get their money from the defense industry. They get their money investing in defense stocks. Members of Congress are not prohibited from investing in defense stocks," he said. "It's just awful. And they have no regard for the people that they're supposedly representing. And it's becoming fairly obvious and I hope that people wake up before it's too late," said Garris, adding "unfortunately so much of the American media has become bought out by these special interests." "I hope the American people can tell their politicians that ... enough is enough. We need to stop this. We need to focus on trying to make peace and nothing else abroad. That's the only thing that we should be doing," he said. "If we keep going in the direction we're going, not only will we bankrupt ourselves, but we could destroy the world. And that's very, very scary ... The United States needs to get out of Ukraine. We need to, you know, not escalate there. We need to deescalate, we need to demand peace talks and let the disputes be settled," Garris said. The United States announced on Feb. 20 an additional 500 million U.S. dollars in military aid for Ukraine on top of the more than 50 billion dollars already promised, a move that is widely believed will further escalate the crisis. The United States and its allies have already committed nearly 700 tanks and thousands of armored vehicles and 1,000 artillery systems, among others. Karachi: The aroma of freshly roasted coffee and the sounds of Arabic music can be heard even from the street outside Kim's, a Saudi coffee chain that has recently opened in the centre of Islamabad, Pakistan. Shiny traditional Middle Eastern pots are on display on a busy coffee station inside the humming cafe, next to an espresso machine dripping a thick, dark brew. The mural on the wall to the left of the roomy coffee shop depicts famous buildings from the various nations where Kim's has locations, including Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, the UK, Egypt, and now Pakistan. Islamabad has seen a recent influx of Middle Eastern restaurants and cafes. Also Read: "London can provide expertise for economic diversification in Gulf states Islamabad recently welcomed a new Shaghf cafe location. Since 2021, a little coffee shop called KAF has been serving Arabic qahwa. It was started by three Pakistani friends who were born and raised in the Gulf. One of the most well-known restaurants in the capital is Arz Lebanon in Islamabad's upscale Jinnah Super Market, and Serai Bistro has been serving Lebanese, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern cuisine for many years in the city's diplomatic district. Of course, the Iranian eatery Omar Khayyam is regarded as a landmark in Islamabad. With 33 locations already established in Saudi Arabia, Kim's is now expanding into Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, with the opening of a cafe in November 2022. Arabic coffee, also known as qahwa locally, is a staple beverage in Middle Eastern culture. It is traditionally prepared with a combination of herbs like cardamom, cloves, and saffron and served in a traditional coffee pot called a dallah with a side of dates. Kim's has a similar specialty to Shaghf and KAF. Our coffee beans are made, prepared, and roast in Saudi Arabia before being shipped here. Zaid Iqbal, general manager of Kim's coffee in Islamabad, told Arab News at the cafe, which has a contemporary feel and walls covered in large neon signs, that the roasting process brings out the flavour in the coffee. Also Read: Muslims are urged to boycott Israeli dates during Ramadan in Europe Despite the meticulous design of Kim's interior, many patrons claimed that the aroma and flavour of the coffee were what initially drew them in. Amna, a mother of four, said, "Honestly, when we went upstairs, we realised that the aroma here was quite nice and we thought we might as well try this place." We were unaware that this was a Turkish or Arabic coffee shop. Twenty-something coffee connoisseur Muhammad Saifullah, who had come to Kim's to sample genuine Middle Eastern blends, praised the qahwa's distinct flavour and mentioned that he particularly liked the saffron's hint. Since there are "very few places in Pakistan serving authentic Arabic coffee," Saifullah said he was happy to have discovered the cafe. "This Arabian qahwa has different spices like saffron and cardamom added to it, and it's served with a side of dates which makes it different from the European style of coffees that we are used to drinking here in Pakistan." A young barista at Kim's named Rumman Khan claimed that Kim's staff, who had immigrated from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, had taught him how to make Arabic qahwa. He described how the qahwa preparation was much more time-consuming than brewing espresso-style coffee. Khan pointed to the machine behind him and explained that the coffee beans used for cappuccinos, lattes, and other Western coffee beverages were ground there. But in this pot, Arabic coffee is made by boiling it in water. This (Western) coffee is completely different from that one (qahwah). Kim's menu also features western blends, lattes, cappuccinos, mochaccinos, and flavoured teas from around the world in addition to its signature Arabic coffee. Beverage prices range from 300 Pakistani rupees ($1.1) to 600. Sandwiches, burgers, and steaks are just a few of the available food options. Also Read: Russian mothers seeking new passports swarm Argentina Young businessman Al-Hassan claimed that Kim's food was "healthy, organic, and very light on the stomach," adding that he enjoyed going there after work. The dates help with the taste even though the qahwa is a little stronger than the coffee I'm used to. Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones (Modon) has signed several contracts and agreements worth SR1.07 billion ($285 million) to localise the food and beverage industry in the kingdom. With this the number of food factories in the kingdom has increased to 1,171 with a total area of approximately 10 million sq m by the end of 2022. The announcement came on the sidelines of Modon's participation in the Gulfood 23 exhibition, which concluded in Dubai yesterday (February 24), where it reviewed its industrial environment, services, and products that enable the localization of food industries to contribute to achieving the Kingdom's food security, as per the objectives of the national strategy for industry and the initiatives included in the National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP) in line with Saudi Vision 2030. Within the framework of its strategy to empower the industry and contribute to increasing local content in vital sectors to diversify the bases of the national economy and to contribute to the localization of 85% of the total demand in the food market in the kingdom, Modon signed an agreement with the Jordan Valley Company for Food Industries (Al Bayrouty) to establish a factory in the Second Industrial City in Jeddah, on an area of 15,000 sq m, with investments of about SR50 million, for the production of grains and legumes. Modon also signed an agreement with the Kuwaiti Danish Dairy Company (KDD) to set up a new F&B commodities factory on an area of 100,000 sq m in Sudair City for Industry and Businesses at a total investment of SR375 million. It also signed a contract for allocation of industrial land with Siniora Food Industries Company towards establishment of a factory on an area of 25,000 sq m at the second Industrial City in Jeddah for the production of frozen and chilled meat, with investments of SR140 million. According to Modon, an agreement has been inked with the Dose Cafe company to allocate land for the construction of a ready-made F&B items factory in Sudair City for Industry and Businesses in addition to a tripartite agreement with Indel and Foodics companies that would stimulate supply chains in the food industry sector by providing technical linkage services between food manufacturers in Modon's industrial cities and supply chain of restaurants and hospitality in the kingdom. It also signed a contract with IFFCO to allocate new industrial land in Dammam's Second Industrial City for the production of ketchup, mayonnaise, tomatoes, and bread derivatives, as part of the company's plans to expand its current investment activity in the food industries sector. Recently, Modon signed agreements with several specialized companies, including the Arab Seara Food Industries Company, the investment arm in the Middle East and North Africa of Brazilian GPS group, a leading manufacture of meat products and derivatives. The Saudi group has reached an agreement with the Alshaya Group, and Iffco to support its initiative to establish "food clusters" within the framework of the initiatives entrusted to Modon in the National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP).-TradeArabia News Service Manila: According to officials speaking to Arab News as a special trade mission concluded its tour of the region on Saturday, the Philippines has identified the GCC market as a potential opportunity for the sale of healthy convenience foods. The Outbound Business Matching Mission from the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry started on February 11 in Bahrain and ended this weekend in Dubai during Gulfood 2023, the biggest annual food and beverage expo in the world. It also visited Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE along the way. To search for opportunities in the $3 trillion global industry and find a potential niche for themselves, 21 Filipino exporters of halal-certified food, personal care, and cosmetic products joined the mission. Also Read: "London can provide expertise for economic diversification in Gulf states According to Glenn G. Pearanda, who is in charge of the Trade Promotions Group at the Department of Trade and Industry, the trend with the most traction is what they call "healthy convenience." The Philippines already has a significant presence in the GCC markets as one of the top producers of agricultural goods in the world, particularly fruit, and with more than 2.2 million Filipinos residing and working there. "There is a captive market wherever Filipinos are, but we also want to share these delicious, safe, and practical products with the mainstream Also Read: Muslims are urged to boycott Israeli dates during Ramadan in Europe "The Philippines is actively pursuing new partners and markets. There are numerous opportunities (in the GCC) as resources are being redistributed there and they are also looking for partners to help them do that. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gulf countries have concentrated on ensuring stable supplies, he said, the food sector in particular presents a number of opportunities. The Philippines is putting its efforts into making its products halal-certified and compliant with local regulations in order to guarantee that it can participate in that process. "We can help them by acting as their partner," I'm very optimistic about our future," Pearanda said. The main export from the Philippines to the GCC in 2022 was food products, which saw an 8% increase in value to $223 million. The nation wants to increase that amount by $100 million a year. Although the special trade mission's attention was on GCC nations, Saudi Arabia, the largest, has not yet been visited. The commercial attache at the Philippine Trade and Investment Center in Dubai, Charmaine Mignon S. Yalong, stated that a separate roadshow is necessary for promotion efforts in the Kingdom. Also Read: Russian mothers seeking new passports swarm Argentina Saudi Arabia is significantly larger than the other GCC nations. Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam are always the three legs of our Saudi run, she told Arab News. "It really calls for a committed effort... In the upcoming months, you'll have a unique and focused project for them. Ankara: Following this month's devastating earthquakes, Turkiye has started to rebuild homes as the combined death toll in Turkiye and Syria has surpassed 50,000. The earthquakes on February 6 that killed tens of thousands in Turkey and Syria caused over 160,000 buildings, containing 520,000 apartments, to collapse or suffer significant damage. On Friday night, the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority reported that Turkiye had a total death toll of 44,218. The two countries' combined death toll has surpassed 50,000 with the most recent death toll from Syria of 5,914. Also Read: "London can provide expertise for economic diversification in Gulf states President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to rebuild homes within a year, but authorities should prioritise safety over expediency, according to experts. The most recent earthquakes caused some buildings that were designed to withstand tremors to collapse. "Tenders and contracts have been made for a number of projects. An official who spoke on the condition of anonymity said, "The process is moving very quickly, and there will be no compromise on safety. Authorities claim that tents have been sent out for the numerous homeless, but people have complained that getting to them is difficult. "There are eight of my kids. We are currently camped out. The ground is wet, and there is water on top of the tent. Melek, 67, who was in line to receive aid outside a high school in the town of Hassa said, "We are asking for more tents, but they don't give them to us. Also Read: Muslims are urged to boycott Israeli dates during Ramadan in Europe A volunteer organisation called Interrail Turkiye was using the school as a distribution point for aid. According to one volunteer, Sumeyye Karabocek, the biggest issue is still a lack of tents. Erdogan's administration has come under fire for both how it handled the destruction and for what many Turks claim were years of lax enforcement of construction quality control. According to him, the Turkish government's initial plan is to spend at least $15 billion building 200,000 apartments and 70,000 village homes. The rebuilding of homes and infrastructure is expected to cost $25 billion, according to US bank JPMorgan. Additionally, Turkiye published new rules governing the construction of homes and businesses that can be donated to the Urbanization Ministry for the benefit of those in need. In relation to the buildings that collapsed during the Turkiye earthquake, investigations have been opened against more than 600 people. 184 of the 612 suspects, according to Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag, are currently incarcerated pending trial. He stated in televised remarks from a coordination centre in southeast Turkiye's Diyarbakir that those detained include building owners or managers and contractors for construction companies. Also Read: Russian mothers seeking new passports swarm Argentina Bozdag continued, "The discovery of evidence in the buildings continues as a basis for criminal investigation. An extensive legal battle is brewing after the Biden administration declined to veto an International Trade Commission (ITC) import ban on the Apple Watch. The ITC ruled in December that Apple infringed on wearable heart monitoring technology patented by California startup AliveCor. Apple currently uses an electrocardiogram sensor in question in its high-end Apple Watch models. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai on Tuesday allowed the ITC decision to go through, despite Apples apparent lobbying effort to get the Biden administration to block the potential ban on its popular smartwatch. From here, the two companies are set to engage in a drawn-out legal dispute. Heres what will happen next. Appeals court will decide Apples fate The Commerce Departments Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) ruled in December that the AliveCor patents at the center of the ITC case were invalid. The PTAB decision put the ITCs Apple Watch import ban on hold. AliveCor is appealing the PTAB ruling, while Apple is appealing the ITC ruling. A federal appeals court will ultimately decide whether Apple Watches will face an import ban. William Mandir, a partner at intellectual property law firm Sughrue Mion, said that appeals courts typically side with the PTAB decision around 75 percent of the time, giving Apple an early advantage. In general, its an uphill battle, which on its face seems to favor Apple, Mandir said. But youd have to really dive into the specifics to see what the merits are on appeal. Biden declines to veto Apple Watch ban AliveCor first shared its technology with Apple in 2015 in hopes of securing a partnership with the tech giant. The startup said that Apple introduced Apple Watch models in 2018 that had built-in heart monitoring sensors and blocked third-party app providers from accessing users heart rate data forcing AliveCor to cancel sales of its Apple Watch heart monitoring accessory. Those claims would be moot if an appeals court affirmed the PTAB ruling. Apple said in court filings that it first began developing and patenting its own heart monitoring systems more than a decade ago. Story continues The patents on which AliveCors case rest have been found invalid, and for that reason, we should ultimately prevail in this matter, an Apple spokesperson said in a statement. Import ban wont happen anytime soon The appeals process is expected to drag into the middle of 2024, as the general timeline for PTAB appeals is 12 to 18 months, according to AliveCor. That means Apple Watch models wont face an import ban for some time, and Apple could explore several avenues to avoid the ban entirely. AliveCor is open to a settlement where Apple pays the startup to license its heart-monitoring technology. That would prevent an Apple Watch import ban, but AliveCor said that Apple hasnt shown interest in settling. We can license our IP to them tomorrow or the next second if they would like to, but they dont want to have a conversation. Its all about going with litigation rather than innovation, AliveCor CEO Priya Abani told The Hill. Is there any difference between Apple Watch models? We tested the 6 and 7 series to find out Even if Apple lost the appeal and chose not to settle, the company could still keep Apple Watch sales alive by making modifications to the device. They would have to take out the feature that was found to infringe or disable it. Another option is they could keep the feature if theres a way to redesign it so it still works but doesnt infringe the patent, Sughrue Mion managing partner John Rabena said. The watches wouldnt go away, but maybe a feature would. Apple Watch sparked other legal challenges AliveCor is pursuing a separate antitrust lawsuit against Apple, which it expects to go on trial in early 2024. The startup claims that Apple made software updates accompanying the introduction of its own heart monitoring app that prevented other companies from accessing Apple Watch users heart rate data, blocking competition and cutting off AliveCor users. With a single update, Apple thus eliminated competition that consumers clearly wanted and needed, depriving them of choice for heart rate analysis that is better than what Apple can provide, AliveCor wrote in its May 2021 complaint. And all for an incremental value gain for an already-two-trillion-dollar company. Apple argued that its under no obligation to to provide its platform for use by another company. A federal judge in March 2022 ruled against Apples bid to dismiss the lawsuit, stating that the updates purpose was to prevent third parties from identifying irregular heart rate situations and from offering competing heart rate analysis apps. Tester hands Democrats 2024 boost with tough road ahead Abani said that Apple frequently uses a similar tactic with other app developers to quash competition, saddling users with fewer choices and less innovative technology. She described AliveCors lawsuit as a David vs. Goliath battle with enormous implications for the future of startups in the U.S. Apple was dealt another blow last month when an ITC judge ruled that Apple infringed on pulse oximeter sensors patented by medical tech company Masimo. The case will go before the full commission this year, where the ITC could enact yet another import ban on Apple Watch models that use the technology. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. In the 10 or so days since its grand entrance, ChatGPT has been everywhere: littering Twitter feeds, cluttering promotional emails, igniting ethical debates in schools and newsrooms, infiltrating dinner table discussionsit's inescapable and apparently already nestling its way into companies' important business decisions. OpenAI initially launched ChatGPT toward the end of November, but the artificial intelligence chatbot had its stable release in early February. Earlier this month, job advice platform surveyed 1,000 business leaders who either use or plan to use ChatGPT. It found that nearly half of their companies have implemented the chatbot. And roughly half of this cohort say ChatGPT has already replaced workers at their companies. There is a lot of excitement regarding the use of ChatGPT,'s Chief Career Advisor Stacie Haller says in a statement. "Since this new technology is just ramping up in the workplace, workers need to surely be thinking of how it may affect the responsibilities of their current job. The results of this survey shows that employers are looking to streamline some job responsibilities using ChatGPT." Business leaders already using ChatGPT told say their companies already use ChatGPT for a variety of reasons, including 66% for writing code, 58% for copywriting and content creation, 57% for customer support, and 52% for meeting summaries and other documents. In the hiring process, 77% of companies using ChatGPT say they use it to help write job descriptions, 66% to draft interview requisitions, and 65% to respond to applications. "Overall, most business leaders are impressed by ChatGPTs work," wrote in a news release. "Fifty-five percent say the quality of work produced by ChatGPT is 'excellent,' while 34% say its 'very good.'" ChatGPT has its issues As gung ho as business leaders appear to be about the potential of ChatGPT, it's not without its critiques, including concerns regarding cheating and plagiarism, racism and sexism bias, accuracy, and overall questions about how it's been trained to learn. The Atlantic's Ian Bogost warned it should be treated as a toy not a tool, and New York Times tech columnist Kevin Roose said that Microsoft's new A.I. version of its Bing search engine powered by ChatGPT's OpenAI left him feeling deeply unsettled and even frightened after a two-hour chat in which it sounded unhinged and somewhat dark. Story continues OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has previously warned that ChatGPT shouldn't be relied on for "anything important," and in a recent series of tweets expressed concerns about the dangers posed by A.I. technologyand the iterations to followsaying he worried how people of the future will view us. "Just as technology has evolved and replaced workers over the last several decades, ChatGPT may impact the way we work. As with all new technologies, companies use of ChatGPT will be continuously evolving, and we are only at the onset,"'s Haller says in a statement. "The economic model for using ChatGPT is also evolving," she continues. "It will be interesting to see how this plays out in terms of savings as well as the reorg of certain jobs within the companies." Nearly all of the companies using ChatGPT said they've saved money using the tool, with 48% saying theyve saved more than $50,000 and 11% saying theyve saved more than $100,000 Wherever the end is for companies' usage of ChatGPT and other A.I. tools is, it's certainly not in sight. Of the companies identified as businesses using the chatbot, 93% say they plan to expand their use of ChatGPT, and 90% of executives say ChatGPT experience is beneficial for job seekersif it hasn't already replaced their jobs. This story was originally featured on More from Fortune: 5 side hustles where you may earn over $20,000 per yearall while working from home Millennials average net worth: How the nations largest working generation stacks up against the rest Looking for extra cash? Consider a checking account bonus This is how much money you need to earn annually to comfortably buy a $600,000 home As a result, researchers are increasingly turning to novel eClinical Solutions that increase clinical trial efficiency, improve site performance, and simplify research burden at a lower cost than traditional approaches Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, Feb. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Exactitude Consultancy, the market research and consulting wing of Ameliorate Digital Consultancy Private Limited has completed and published the final copy of the detailed research report on the EClinical Solutions Market. Global EClinical Solutions Market is anticipated to experience moderate growth in the forecast period (2023-2029). Growing at a CAGR of 14.45%, the market value is expected to reach US 23.37 Billion by 2029-end. EClinical Solutions Market Demand Analysis and Growth in upcoming years Clinical trial data management, processing, and analysis are done using technology-enabled tools and systems, or " EClinical Solutions ." These options include clinical trial management systems (CTMS), electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO), and electronic data capture (EDC). EClinical Solutions are gaining popularity in the healthcare industry due to their ability to streamline clinical trial procedures, reduce costs, and increase data quality. Due to a variety of variables, including the rising incidence of chronic diseases, the rising number of clinical trials, and the need to shorten trial duration and expense, it is anticipated that demand for EClinical Solutions will increase in the coming years. Additionally, as the industry moved towards virtual and remote clinical trials, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the uptake of EClinical Solutions. To Get a Sample Copy of the Report Visit: Here are some key points about EClinical Solutions: Clinical trial data management, processing, and analysis are performed using technology-enabled tools and systems known as EClinical Solutions. These solutions include electronic data capture (EDC), clinical trial management systems (CTMS), electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO), and others. EClinical Solutions are gaining popularity in the healthcare industry due to their ability to streamline clinical trial processes, reduce costs, and improve data quality. These options include clinical trial management systems (CTMS), electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO), and electronic data capture (EDC). EClinical Solutions are gaining popularity in the healthcare industry due to their ability to streamline clinical trial procedures, reduce costs, and increase data quality. Story continues Attributes Value EClinical Solutions market Share (2022) US$ 9.06 Billion EClinical Solutions market Projected Size (2029) US$ 23.37 Billion EClinical Solutions market Growth (CAGR 2023-2029) 14.45% Competitive Insight Some of the notable market players operating in the global EClinical Solutions Market covered in this report are: Oracle Corporation (US), Medidata Solutions, Inc. (US), Parexel International Corporation (US), BioClinica, Inc. (US), Signant Health (US), Datatrak International, Inc. (US), ERT (US), eClinical Solutions, Inc. (US), MaxisIT Inc. (US), Bio-Optronics, Inc. (US), Merge Healthcare Incorporated (US), and OmniComm Systems, Inc. (US), and others. Recent Developments In 2021, The Tasmanian government teamed with Oracle Corporations to handle the Covid-19 immunization campaign using Oracles health management system. In 2021, With the latest version of SmartSignalsTM eConsent, Signant Health announced the debut of electronic informed consent services and increased capabilities. Sponsors now have more flexibility over gaining electronic informed consent and recon sent for any research design thanks to key product feature upgrades and tiered license options. Browse the full eClinical Solutions Market by Product (CDMS, EDC, CTMS, eCOA, RTSM, ETMF, Analytics, Integration, Safety), Delivery Mode (Web-based, On demand, On premise, Cloud), End user (Pharma & Biotech, Hospitals, CROs) and Region (Asia-pacific, North America, Europe, South America, Middle East & Africa) Global Forecast from 2023 to 2029 Report and TOC at Report Segmentation The market is primarily segmented based on product, application, type, and region. by Product by End User CDMS EDC CTMS ECOA RTSM ETMF Analytics Integration Safety Pharma & Biotech Hospitals Cros To learn more about this report, request a free sample copy Regional Insights: Here are some regional insights about the eClinical Solutions market: North America: Because of the region's high rate of adoption of healthcare IT solutions and its abundance of pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms, North America is the region with the biggest market for eClinical Solutions. In the region, the market for eClinical Solutions is expanding as a result of higher government funding for clinical research. Europe- Due to the high demand for clinical trials and the expanding use of healthcare IT solutions, Europe is a major market for eClinical Solutions. The area is witnessing a shift towards cloud-based solutions, which provide greater flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Asia Pacific: Due to the rising number of clinical trials taking place there and the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, the Asia Pacific area is predicted to experience the fastest growth in the market for eClinical Solutions. A move toward cloud-based solutions and increased investments in healthcare IT infrastructure are also occurring in the area. Middle East and Africa: The market for eClinical Solutions is expanding in the Middle East and Africa as a result of greater investment in the region's healthcare IT infrastructure. Additionally, the region is seeing an increase in government financing for clinical research, which is anticipated to fuel the market for eClinical Solutions even more. Quantitative Analysis Market size, estimates, and forecasts from 2023 - 2029 Market size and revenue estimates for products up to 2029 Market revenue estimates for application up to 2029 Market revenue estimates for type up to 2029 Regional market size and forecast up to 2029 Company financial What are the Key Data Covered in this eClinical Solutions Market Report? CAGR of the market during the forecast period 2023-2029 Detailed information on factors that will drive EClinical Solutions Market growth during the next Six years Precise estimation of the eClinical Solutions Market size and its contribution to the parent market Accurate predictions on upcoming trends and changes in consumer behaviour The growth of the eClinical Solutions industry across North America, Europe, APAC, South America, the Middle East, and Africa A thorough analysis of the markets competitive landscape and detailed information on vendors Comprehensive details of factors that will challenge the growth of eClinical Solutions Market vendors To know an additional revised 2023 list of market players, request a sample report: Browse Other Related Research Reports from Exactitude Consultancy Nerve Repair and Regeneration Market is projected to reach USD 14.96 billion by 2029 Medical Equipment Maintenance Market is expected to reach above USD 7.66 billion by 2028 Surgical Sutures Market is expected to reach above USD 6.23 billion by 2028 Process Liquid Analyzers Market is expected to reach above USD 2.75 billion by 2029 CONTACT: Irfan Tamboli (Head of Sales) - Exactitudeconsultancy Phone: + 1704 266 3234 Through simplified and accessible digital procedures used to attract a larger base of local and international investors MANAMA, Bahrain, Feb. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Electricity and Water Authority (EWA) has announced the forthcoming auction of the Sitra Power and Water Station site in collaboration with Mazad B.S.C, an auction supervisory company specialising in the sale of corporate assets and a subsidiary of the Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (Mumtalakat). The bidding will begin at BD 10,200,000 and Arabian Auction will assist with the sale process which will run for three months; starting on the 23rd of February and concluding on the 23rd of May 2023. Exterior shot - Bahrains Sitra Power and Water Station will be up for auction until the 23rd of May 2023 (PRNewsfoto/Mazad) The site is a large facility and includes a number of structures and specialised equipment, including; six desalination distillers (with a processing capacity of up to 25 million gallons per day), six steam boilers, four 25 MW capacity steam turbines with generators, a 25 MW gas reductions, pumps of various sizes as well as a number of transformers, switches and electrical cables. The buyer will be responsible for dismantling all the station's equipment, including the turbines, and gas reductions. They will also commit to removing the structures and foundations of all production units and must provide the necessary tools and machinery needed to successfully execute the project. Prior to the suspension of its services in February 2021, the station operated for over 40 years, during which a number of stations with increased capacity were founded. The station began operations in 1975, with its first phase producing 100 MW of electricity and 5 million gallons of distilled water per day. In 1984, site capacity was increased by 25 MW of electricity and 5 million gallons of distilled water. In 1985, the station's capacity was increased once again, with three distillers installed which increased the plant's daily production by 15 million gallons. This resulted in a peak production capacity of 125 MW of electricity and an average of 25 million gallons of desalinated water per day. Story continues In keeping with EWA's wish to cultivate national infrastructure projects, the sale will contribute towards improving the quality and efficiency of government services through the foundation and development of new companies and the introduction of innovative solutions to enhance its services. The partnership also reflects Mazad's position as a leading company which oversees the organisation of public and online auctions in the Kingdom. In keeping with with Mumtalakat's strategy, Mazad continues to diversify its assets by partnering with ministries and government entities with a view to developing the local economy and fulfil the Kingdom's sustainability goals. Commenting on its partnership with Mazad, EWA confirmed the plan for the sale and dismantling of the Sitra Power and Water Station after 40 years of production. Through this project, the Authority hopes to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of government services and enable access to a larger base of investors supported by digital advantages including flexibility, integrity and simplicity. Speaking on behalf of Mazad, Mr. Talal Al Araifi, the company's Chief Executive Officer said: "We are pleased to be partnering with the Electricity and Water Authority for the digital auction of the Sitra Power and Water Plant. Online auctions maintain transparency and fairness and create a competitive environment amongst investors as well as reaching a larger number of serious and flexible buyers." He added: "At Mazad, we continue to work towards diversifying our assets through various auctions and through collaboration with ministries, government entities and institutions in Bahrain and abroad. In line with Mumtalakat's strategy we are committed to the helping the Kingdom realise its national goals and assist in the establishment of rules in order to achieve a sustainable national economy Auction participants who wish to submit bids must formally register for the auction through or the Arabian Auction mobile app. Bidders wishing to tender a bid must upload the requisite documents for the EWA to review in order to assess the bidder's technical and project-based suitability required for preliminary approval. Auction participants will also have to pay an insurance fee prior to bidding. For further inquiries, please contact Mazad at or by calling +973 37735995. About Mazad: Mazad B.S.C. "Mazad" was established on April 2017 to organize and supervise auctions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Mazad was established with the responsibility of managing and organizing auctions of different types of assets in collaboration with internationally renowned auction houses. With an unwavering commitment to its core values of transparency, fairness, competitiveness and sustainability, Mazad strives to introduce new and innovative asset sale and auction mechanisms to aid the Kingdom's market growth and revenue optimization. Since its establishment Mazad has successfully introduced special vehicle license plate numbers for sale in public auctions for the first time in Bahrain, and has continued to do so with great success. Subsequently, other assets were introduced for sale through auction ranging from vehicles to real estate projects. Video - Photo - Photo - Photo - Infographic - CEO of Mazad, Mr. Talal Al Araifi (PRNewsfoto/Mazad) Interior shot of 125 MW of electricity and 25 million gallons of desalinated water per day (PRNewsfoto/Mazad) Infographic on Sitra Power and Water Station Features (PRNewsfoto/Mazad) Cision View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Mazad Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Reuters The leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has long tried to have it both ways. He has worked to gain the approval and support of Russian President Vladimir Putin while also trying to remain independent from Russia, and maintain ties with the Western world. Its a delicate balancing act, and in the last few weeks, his ability to keep it upand keep Putin at bayseems to have all but disappeared, Lukashenko watchers and former diplomats tell The Daily Beast. He seems to think he has the option to cozy up to the West again, like he did in 2014. That option is gone forever, as far as I can tell, Scott Rauland, the former chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Belarus, told The Daily Beast. Hes kinda stuck. He cant say no to Putin now. In just the last few days, Lukashenko announced that he is willing to let Putin use Belarusian territory as a staging ground for attacks on Ukraine to the south. Im ready to provide territory again, Lukashenko told reporters earlier this month. Its something he did in the early days of Russias invasion into Ukraine last year, too. Since then, his relationship with Putin has grown ever closer. Belarusian and Russian forces have teamed up and held joint combat readiness drills. Belarus itself has ramped up military preparations, from sending troops to Ukraines border to pulling out armored vehicles from storage. And that willingness to help Putin, even as Russia barrels into a second year of war in Ukraine, is likely one step too far, warned Kenneth Yalowitz, a former U.S. ambassador to Belarus who served as a U.S. diplomat for 36 years. The idea of him appealing to the West, that clearly is an illusion right now, Yalowitz told The Daily Beast. Belarusian political circles have also noted that the wiggle room for Lukashenko beneath Putins thumb has been shrinking. In a classic move, Lukashenko recently appealed for peace to be negotiated in Ukraine. But here, too, he argued for the Russian perspective. And while he has so far avoided sending in Belarusian troops to Ukraine himselflikely out of fear of domestic pushback against involvement in the warhe also claimed that he would be willing to join the war if Belarus were attacked. Story continues Reading between the lines, Lukashenkos latest public remarks indicate the Lukashenko-Putin relationship has reached a point where Lukashenkos independence is petering out, and that he is likely just letting Putin walk all over him, said Valery Kavaleuski, a foreign affairs representative for Belarus opposition, led by Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya. As it normally goes for Lukashenko, he is contradictory: He calls for peace [talks] while threatening to allow Russians to use Belarus for another invasionas if Russians need his permission, Kavaleuski told The Daily Beast. As they say in Belarus, he serves as Putins press secretary, delivering messages that Putin cant afford to say himself. The warnings about Lukashenkos seeming inability to wrest himself and his country out from under Putins control come amid signs that Putin might be edging closer and closer to taking over Belarus completely. The Kremlins Directorate for Cross-Border Cooperation outlined plans in 2021 to take over and annex Belarus by 2030, according to a series of news outlets, including the Kyiv Independent and Suddeutsche Zeitung, which recently obtained a related planning document. For years, Belarus and Russia have been working on forming a union state to tie the countries closer together. They have agreed to combine multiple sectors within Russia and Belarus, such as the countries militaries and economies. Interlacing them all has always been the goal. But for Lukashenko, losing his ability to win over the West while surrendering to Putin might pose an existential crisis. Yalowitz said that in his meetings with Lukashenko over the years, a clear profile emerged of a man hesitant to cede all power to Russia. I remember in meetings with him he was always uncomfortable with Western diplomats. And his eyesI just remember his eyes he always seemed to be looking for how to get out of the room, how to escape. He just seemed uncomfortable, Yalowitz told The Daily Beast. I just always had the feeling that this is a guy who values freedompersonal freedomand did not like to be tied down or pinned down in any way. I think that was, to me, that was the way I saw how the country was going, too. Never quite being tied down to the Russians, Yalowitz said. Being very very close with them, but never wanting to lose some freedom of maneuver. His ability is severely limited to work with the West moving forward, Kavaleuski told The Daily Beast. While in the past, Lukashenko has worked to curry favor with the West, by releasing prisoners, for instance, that does not appear to be an option any longer. He could do these humanitarian gestures, but he never does, Kavaleuski said. He is unable to do this. Partially because he is afraid that this could be perceived as a sign of weakness but also because he is afraid to trigger any reaction from Russia to whom he is completely subservient. That should serve as a key indicator that Lukashenko has gone belly-up for Putin. He is not that brave to be independent. This is part of sovereign decision-making and he has lost this ability for sovereign decision-making, Kavaleuski said. Belarusian opposition figures have warned previously that Russia has designs on Belarus beyond just forming the union state. Fears are growing among the opposition that Putin considers Belarus another country to conquer after Ukraine, as The Daily Beast reported. Russians are looking at us in the same light as they look at Ukraine, Kavaleuski said at the time. This is a state that is temporarily dependent. This is the nation that does not deserve to be next to Russia, so they all have to be Russified. The thinking goes that taking over Belarus could give Putin easier access to Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, for further potential expansion. In an attempt to get ahead of the possibility that Belarus might be next on Putins target listdespite the close relationship with LukashenkoBelarus opposition proposed forming an alliance with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to guard against potential takeover and efforts to further envelope Belarus into the Russian fold. Lukashenkos ability to resist Putins influence could be tested soon. Its not clear what kind of attack would convince Lukashenko to join the war directly and send troops into Ukraine. But following his remarks, there are signs already that Moscow may be plotting a false flag attack against Belarus in order to drag it into the war, according to the Ukrainian Northern Operational Command. Most likely, the goal is to accuse the Ukrainian defenders of violating territorial integrity. This is evidenced by intelligence data, which recorded the movement of columns of military equipment in the area of the border with the Chernihiv region without identification marks and manpower dressed in a uniform similar to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the command said on Telegram. Belarus military has already taken note of alleged Ukrainian forces near the border and stated this week that the risk of escalation is high. The armed conflict in Ukraine has significantly aggravated the situation on the southern border of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel Valery Revenko, the Head of the Department of International Military Cooperation and Assistant to the Minister of Defense for International Military Cooperation, said earlier this week. Periodically there are violations of the State Border of the Republic of Belarus in the airspace. Lukashenko doubled down this week on his suggestion that Belarus is ready for military action should it become necessary, as well. "Militarily, we stand ready to respond. We stand ready to give the toughest response, Lukashenko said, according to Belta, adding that he doesnt want war. Lukashenko watchers warn that his words reveal in the back of his mind, he might still harbor hopes that he can somehow play both sides. In his mind it is not a settled situation yet, Yalowitz said. But his movement and his ability to appeal to the West is gone. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES VANCOUVER, BC and HONG KONG, CHINA / ACCESSWIRE / February 25, 2023 / Reyna Silver Corp. (TSXV:RSLV)(OTCQB:RSNVF)(FRA:4ZC) ("Reyna" or the "Company") is issuing a correction to its previously disseminated press release dated February 23, 2023 (the "Closing Press Release"). The Closing Press Release announced the closing of the second tranche of a previously announced "bought deal" private placement (the "Offering") of units for gross proceeds of C$3,011,916 (the "AI Tranche"). Under the AI Tranche, the Company sold 10,039,720 units of the Company (the "Units") at a price of C$0.30 per Unit. The Offering was completed pursuant to an underwriting agreement dated February 13, 2023, as amended by an amending agreement dated February 21, 2023 (the "Underwriting Agreement") with Eight Capital, as lead underwriter and bookrunner, and a syndicate of underwriters (collectively, the "Underwriters"). The Closing Press Release incorrectly omitted the compensation warrant ("Compensation Warrant") portion of the compensation paid to the arm's length finders (the "Finders"). In consideration for the services of the Finders in connection with certain Units sold on a president's list, the Finders were paid cash finder's fees totaling $51,743.62. In addition, the Finders were issued 169,563 Compensation Warrants. Each Compensation Warrant is exercisable into one Unit at a price of $0.30 per Unit for a period of 24 months after the date of issuance. The Closing Press Release also incorrectly disclosed that the Compensation Warrants issued to the Underwriters are exercisable for a period of 36 months from the date of issue. The Compensation Warrants issued to the Underwriters are in fact exercisable for a period of 24 months from the date of issue. Story continues This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction. No securities may be offered or sold in the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer or sale would be unlawful absent registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or an exemption therefrom or qualification under the securities laws of such other jurisdiction or an exemption therefrom. On Behalf of the Board of Directors of Reyna Silver Corp. Jorge Ramiro Monroy Chief Executive Officer For Further Information, Please Contact: Jorge Ramiro Monroy, Chief Executive Officer About Reyna Silver Corp. Reyna Silver Corp. (TSXV:RSLV) is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development company focused on exploring for high-grade, district-scale silver deposits in Mexico and USA. Reyna's principal properties are the Guigui and Batopilas Properties in Chihuahua, Mexico. Guigui covers the interpreted source area for the Santa Eulalia District and Batopilas covers most of Mexico's historically highest-grade silver system. The Company also has an option to acquire 100% of the Medicine Springs property in Nevada, USA as well as the early stage La Durazno and Matilde and La Reyna mineral properties in Mexico. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. SOURCE: Reyna Silver Corp. View source version on South Africa: Safety of children in schools remains a priority, Motshekga says The Social Protection, Community and Human Development cluster says it is dealing with social ills in schools, such as bullying, gender-based violence (GBV), child pregnancy, alcohol, and drug peddling. Speaking on behalf of the cluster, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga reiterated President Cyril Ramaphosa's call on the sector to institutionalise Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) as a tool to improve learner outcomes. This recognises that quality education can only be achieved if learners and teachers are safe and healthy and if schools are caring and conducive spaces, free from violence, abuse and harm. Our schools must be safe, weapons-free, substance-free spaces for learners and teachers, where corporal punishment, sexual abuse, gender-based violence, homophobia, racism, substance abuse and bullying are not tolerated. Motshekga said children remain among the most vulnerable citizens in the country and must always be protected through proactive interventions and promotion of their rights, as enshrined in the Constitution and the Childrens Act 38 of 2005. All communities must play their parts in this regard. In addition, the Department of Social Development (DSD) is working tirelessly to put measures and interventions in place to address child-related rights violations, including, their protection against incidents of abuse and gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF). The DSD, Motshekga, said it was working with various structures and government departments on the protection of children. Programmes within the DSD include, amongst others, the family, prevention and support programme known as SINOVUYO, which strengthens the relationship between children and their parents. The programme is said to have already reached 66 880 parents and caregivers in the current financial year. The department also provides alternative care and support for children in need through Child and Youth Care Support as well as foster care initiatives. Social grants The cluster said 60% of government's budget is spent on social wages to combat poverty and hunger. Despite the budget constraints, the Social Development portfolio has been able to pay social grants to more than 18 million South Africans. We have also advanced the course to break a historical barrier of access to income by introducing a Special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant, Motshekga said. On the education front, Motshekga said statistics released by the Department of Basic Education showed an increase of 39 744 social grant beneficiaries who passed Grade 12 last year, with distinctions in critical subjects such as Mathematics, Accounting, Physical Science, Economics and Business Studies. These learners were able to concentrate on their studies peacefully without having to worry about what to eat or wear, the Minister said. The Department of Basic Education has also committed itself to continue working with young women and girls in schools and implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education in schools. Comprehensive Sexuality Education is the right of all young people to equip themselves, to make informed decisions about sexuality and relationships; and enable them to safely navigate a world of online bullying, sexual abuse, HIV/ AIDS and early pregnancies. This story has been published on: 2023-02-26. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. The value of Bahrains exports of national origin decreased by 8% reaching to BD357 million ($941 million) during January 2023, compared with BD387 million for the same month of the previous year, said the Information &eGovernment Authority (iGA) in a new report. The top 10 countries in terms of the value of exports of national origin accounted for 77% of the total value, while the remaining countries accounting for 23%, according to iGAs foreign trade report of January 2023. Saudi Arabia ranked first among countries receiving Bahraini exports of national origin, importing BD89 million from Bahrain. The US was second with BD45 million and United Arab Emirate third with BD36 million. Unwrought aluminium alloys emerged as the top products exported during January 2023 with BD133 million, agglomerated iron ores and concentrates alloyed was second with a value of BD48 million and aluminium wire not alloyed third with BD17 million. The total value of re-exports increased by 7% to reach BD58 million during January 2023, compared with BD54 million for the same month of the previous year. The top 10 countries accounted for 87% of the re-exported value, while the remaining countries accounted for the 13%. The UAE ranked first with BD19 million, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia second with BD17 million, and Singapore third with BD3 million. Parts for airplanes the top product re-exported from Bahrain with BD 10million, digital automatic data processing machines came in second place with BD2.1 million, and jewellery of gold came third with BD1.8 million. Imports The value of imports increased by 4%, reaching to BD465 million during January 2023 compared to BD449 million for the same month of the previous year. The top 10 countries accounted for 68% of the value of imports, while the remaining countries accounting for 32%. According to the report, China ranked first when it came to imports to Bahrain, with a total of BD70 million, the UAE was the second with BD44 million, and Brazil was the third with BD43 million. Non-agglomerated iron ores and concentrates emerged as the top product imported into Bahrain with a total value of BD54 million, while aluminium oxide was second with BD31 million, and gold ingots third with BD16 million. As for the trade balance, which is consider as the difference between exports and imports, recorded a deficit of BD51 million during January of 2023 compared to a deficit of BD8 million for the same month, of the previous year, with a growth of 570 %. That is reflected negatively in the values of the trade balance. TradeArabia News Service NEW MEXICO Governor signs law to help wildfire, flooding recovery SANTA FE New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Feb. 20 signed a bill to use zero-interest loans to help local governments in the arid, Southwest state repair or replace public infrastructure damaged by wildfires or subsequent flooding. The law follows last year's historic Hermits Peak-Calf Canyon blaze that exploded into the largest wildfire in New Mexico's recorded history. Begun in early April as a prescribed burn by the U.S. government, it grew into a monstrous blaze that blackened more than 530 square miles. Hundreds of homes in northern New Mexico were lost. A subsequent report by the U.S. Forest Service said its employees made multiple miscalculations, used inaccurate models and underestimated how dry conditions were. Experts say the resulting environmental harms will endure for decades. Colorado officials seek $50 million in immediate federal funding for wildfire recovery efforts Congress and President Joe Biden have approved nearly $4 billion in recovery funds. The state law just signed sets aside $100 million in loans for counties, cities and municipalities to begin work on projects that could include a water treatment plant in Mora County or roads, bridges and fences in Las Vegas, where thousands of residents evacuated last spring. Supporters of the legislation said earlier that state funding would go toward projects FEMA has indicated it will cover under federal guidelines. That means FEMA funds could be used by the local governments later to repay the state loans. Former state lawmaker tapped for USDA leadership role ALBUQUERQUE A former Democratic congresswoman from New Mexico has been nominated to serve as the next deputy secretary for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The granddaughter of migrant farm workers, Xochitl Torres Small has been working as an undersecretary in the agency with a focus on rural development. Her nomination was announced on Feb. 15 by the agency and members of New Mexico's congressional delegation. Torres Small served on the House Agriculture Committee during her one term in Congress. For nearly two years, she has overseen loans and grants to provide infrastructure improvements, broadband expansion and business development as undersecretary for rural development. Judge dismisses retaliation, hostile work environment claims of Black Agriculture Department employee Torres Small started out as an organizer in southern New Mexico before joining former U.S. Sen. Tom Udall's team as a field representative. She also practiced water and natural resources law after earning a degree from the University of New Mexico School of Law. In 2018, Torres Small won by less than 4,000 votes to flip a traditionally Republican-leaning district that spans oil and gas country, border communities and desert valleys known for their agricultural production. She lost her reelection bid to Republican Yvette Herrell in 2020 and was tapped the following year by the Biden administration to lead the agency's rural development office. IDAHO State House passes ban on gender-affirming medical care BOISE A bill criminalizing gender-affirming healthcare for minors overwhelmingly passed the Idaho House on Feb. 9, despite warnings from opponents who said it would likely increase suicide rates among teens. The bill, which would subject physicians to felony charges if they provide puberty blockers, hormone treatment or gender-affirming surgeries to transgender youth under 18, is just one of several proposals critics say target Idaho's LGBTQ+ residents this year. Proponents of the bill have acknowledged that gender-affirming surgeries on minors are not currently being performed in Idaho. Rep. Bruce Skaug, a Republican from Nampa, said the legislation is needed to "protect children," and that puberty blockers and hormone treatment could cause permanent harm. But every major medical organization, including the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics and American Psychiatric Association support gender-affirming care for youth. Criticism of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric mounts in wake of mass shooting at gay club The bill passed on a near party-line vote, with only one Republican voting no. Sign up for free: News Alerts Stay in the know on the stories that affect you the most. Sign Up For Free View all of our newsletters. Success! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. View all of our newsletters. Democratic Rep. Chris Mathias, of Boise, said transgender youth already self-harm and take their own lives at disturbingly high rates. "This bill is going to throw gasoline on that problem," he said. The bill goes to the Senate, where a similar gender-affirming care ban died last year. At the time, the Idaho Senate Republicans issued a statement saying they strongly oppose gender-affirming surgery for children but fear the bill could affect medically necessary care for non-transgender kids, and they did not want to interfere in parents' medical decision-making authority. OKLAHOMA Estimated 300,000 to lose Medicaid coverage in state OKLAHOMA CITY Nearly one-quarter of Oklahomans receiving health care through Medicaid, about 300,000 people, will no longer be eligible by the end of this year, mostly because they or a parent earn too much to qualify, state health officials said on Feb. 14. Oklahoma Health Care Authority CEO Kevin Corbett outlined the state's plan to notify people who are losing coverage over the next nine months. Corbett says most of those people, including children, will be phased out because they or a caregiver earn more than 138% of the federal poverty level, the income threshold to qualify for the program called SoonerCare in Oklahoma. The threshold translates to about $18,000 a year for an individual or about $39,000 for a family of four. Estimated 325,000 Coloradans will lose Medicaid with end of COVID-19 public health emergency At the start of the pandemic in March 2020, the federal government agreed to allow people to stay on Medicaid even if they started to make more money than usually allowed. That ended in December when Congress passed a bill that included ending the COVID-19 public health emergency. The first group of people losing coverage will be out of SoonerCare by April 30, and consist of those earning more than the income threshold, who have no children and already have other health coverage, Corbett said. Roughly a month later, more people without children will be cut off, even if they have no other coverage. That group will be limited to people with few or no health care claims over the last six months. ARIZONA Kari Lake loses appeal in governor race challenge PHOENIX An Arizona appeals court has rejected Republican Kari Lake's challenge of her defeat in the Arizona governor's race to Democrat Katie Hobbs, denying her request to throw out election results in the state's most populous county and hold the election again. In a ruling on Feb. 16, the Arizona Court of Appeals wrote Lake, who claimed problems with ballot printers at some polling places on Election Day were the result of intentional misconduct, presented no evidence that voters whose ballots were unreadable by tabulators at polling places were not able to vote. The court said that even a witness called by Lake to testify had confirmed that ballots that couldn't initially be read at polling places could still ultimately have their vote counted. And while a pollster who testified on behalf of Lake claimed the polling place problems had disenfranchised enough voters to change the outcome in Lake's favor, the court said his conclusion were baseless. Judge refuses to toss voter intimidation claims against election-skeptic group's founders Shortly after the ruling, Lake tweeted: "I told you we would take this case all the way to the Arizona Supreme Court, and that's exactly what we are going to do. Buckle up, America!" Lake, who lost to Hobbs by just over 17,000 votes, was among the most vocal 2022 Republicans promoting former President Donald Trump's claims of election rigging, which she made the centerpiece of her campaign. While many others who espoused the same beliefs around the country conceded after losing their races in November, Lake did not. County officials say everyone had a chance to vote and all ballots were counted since ballots affected by the printers were taken to more sophisticated counters at the elections department headquarters. Hobbs' attorneys said Lake was trying to sow distrust in Arizona's election results and offered no proof to back up her allegations of election misconduct. Hobbs took office as governor on Jan. 2. New Mexico considers making roasted chile its official state aroma | OUT WEST ROUNDUP Military probing link between nuclear silo work, cancers | OUT WEST ROUNDUP Feds send $930 million to curb western wildfire 'crisis' | OUT WEST ROUNDUP Kansas lawmakers face warning about vast aquifer's decline | OUT WEST ROUNDUP During an affordable housing crisis, a state legislator wants a law that would reduce rental stock, increase rents and leave more pets without families and homes. Political voodoo doesnt get much goofier than House Bill 23-1068. We can laugh, but this bill would do real harm to animals and humans. Most have witnessed individuals experiencing homelessness along with a dog on a cold winter night. Finding basic shelter is expensive and difficult in Colorado, where demand far exceeds supply. Beloved pets cause additional hurdles for people in need of affordable housing. Rep. Alex Valdez, a Denver Democrat, wants to rescue renters and their pets. At least, he wants the appearance of doing so. Valdez introduced HB-1068 and titled it Pet Animal Ownership In Housing. The meat of the bill is simple to grasp. It flat-out prohibits security deposits or rent for pet animals. Just make a law and these costs will vanish. Finally, someone figured out the art of governing to make life easier for humans, dogs, cats, green alligators, long-necked geese, cats and rats and elephants ... and lets not forget the unicorn. The law would force fat cat landlords to eat the cost when a poorly trained animal destroys the carpets or scratches up the doors. The only possible equation for this bill is more make-believe than ingenious: landlords bad + tenants good x animals adorable = affordable housing bill for pets. If politicians can do this, think what else they could do. They could pass a law to forbid rent and make housing free. A new law could tell homeless people to just buy a house. If legislation can dramatically alter human transactions and defy economic principles, we need more utopian mandates like the Pet Ownership In Housing act. Of course, HB 1068 would not cause the desired effect. It would, beyond question, reduce the rental stock for people with pets. More humans with dogs would live outside. Even the most pet-friendly landlords encounter tenants who allow one or more pets to destroy a living space. Heres the good news. In economies built on voluntary trade, renters and tenants work things out among themselves. Those willing to accept the risks of tenants with pets are free to absorb the costs of unfortunate outcomes. They are free to declare no pets. They are free to accept only lightweight dogs, or cats but not dogs. In the vast middle, landlords, hotel managers and bed-and-breakfast owners allow pets for anyone willing to pay a damage deposit. If something goes wrong, the deposit covers all or most of it. Pets create costs, including damage deposits. Those who cannot afford the costs should forgo pets until their fortunes change. In a clumsy effort to correct faulty economic equation, HB-1068 would establish The Pet-friendly Landlord Damage Mitigation Program. The state would pay landlords up to $1,000 for damages caused by pets. Theres one small catch. It would help landlords on a first come, first served basis, which means funding only for those who prove their cases before the money runs out. The bill would force any landlord seeking the states Affordable Housing Tax Credit to accept pets, with no deposits or questions allowed and no limitation on sizes or breeds. This, of course, would reduce the incentive for property owners to participate in a program intended to expand affordable housing. The math: landlords in tax-credit program + costly new mandate = less affordable housing (squared). The bill would prohibit insurers from considering any homeowners dog breed when assessing risk and setting rates. That would render insurers unable to mitigate the potential costs of injuries or fatalities caused by dog attacks. Instead, insurers would spread that risk among all homeowners. The dogless would subsidize the dogged, increasing the cost of homeowners coverage. House Bill 1068 should inspire a childrens book, call it Fido-nomics, to show how regulatory fantasies pose more harm than good for humans and our four-legged friends. A welcome event for Colorado Springs occurred last Valentine's Day, when the City Council adopted the final version of RetoolCOS, a complete rewriting and modernization of the citys zoning codes. The passage on second reading of RetoolCOS on Feb. 14 had the strong support of both the city Planning Department and Historic Neighborhoods Partnership (HNP), a recently organized coalition of older existing residential neighborhoods surrounding the downtown area. City planners and local neighborhoods coming to agreement on new zoning codes was not what was happening in some cities elsewhere. In Fort Collins, a quickly and somewhat covertly adopted zoning revision was suspended when neighborhood leaders learned what was in it. There was similar public turmoil in Austin, Texas, when major zoning revision was attempted down there. Nationwide, a battle is raging. On one side are those who would use zoning revision to add density to existing neighborhoods in central cities, greatly increasing the number of people living in those neighborhoods. On the other side are the people who live in those neighborhoods and want to keep them in their present form as attractive and desirable places to live. Somehow, Colorado Springs rewrote its zoning codes and avoided, or at least toned way down, the densification battle. Here's how it happened: Before 2020, the city Planning Department embarked on a multiyear project to update the zoning codes. Zoning determines what kind of uses occur on land in the city, designating certain areas as residential, others as commercial, and still others as industrial. Residential zones are further refined as R-1 single-family, R-2 two-family, and R-3 and R-4 multifamily apartments. One goal of RetoolCOS was to move away from R-1 and R-2 residential zoning and enact mixed zoning. In mixed zoning, single-family residential, multifamily apartments, commercial uses and office buildings would be mixed together. This would permit people to walk from their home to their jobs and to walk to shopping, thereby reducing the use of the automobile, which would help with climate change. Another goal was to allow apartments in existing single-family and two-family neighborhoods. It was believed this would help to reduce the current shortage of affordable housing in Colorado Springs, brought on in part by a reduction in two-parents-and-children families and an increase in single-person families. News of RetoolCOS, and its early goal of putting apartments into single-family and two-family neighborhoods, was covered by the newspapers. Louise Conner, from the Middle Shooks Run neighborhood, began talking with Monica Hobbs, from the Near North End (north of downtown to Colorado College). They were concerned that there was no organization representing the older neighborhoods that could speak for them during the RetoolCOS adoption process. There was a previous organization called the Council of Neighbors and Organizations (CONO), but it had recently switched from representing neighborhoods to training volunteers for city boards and commissions. Conner and Hobbs were joined by Judith Rice-Jones of the Bonnyville/Bon Park neighborhood. Then other downtown area neighborhood associations showed interest, such as Pleasant Valley, Skyway, the Colorado Springs Country Club area and the Old North End. An organizational meeting was held on April 12, 2021. The group moved quickly, establishing a board of directors, getting a charter from the state of Colorado, opening a bank account, and adopting a budget. Dianne Bridges from the Near North End was elected chairman, and Mike Anderson of the Old North End was named treasurer. The group named itself Historic Neighborhoods Partnership (HNP). A routine quickly developed. The city Planning Department would issue the latest version of RetoolCOS, a printed document running as long as 500 pages. HNP personnel would search out those changes and additions affecting historic neighborhoods. They then would initiate negotiating sessions with city planners. By August 2021, it was noted that Hester Morgan of the city planning staff was responding favorably to discussing HNP requests for changes to RetoolCOS. Helping to facilitate the discussion was Michael Tassi, the newly appointed assistant city planning director. Major negotiators for HNP were Diane Bridges, Mike Anderson and Dutch Schulz. An early version of RetoolCOS called for expanding the R-2 two-family zone to include fourplexes a modern apartment building housing four families. The city quickly backed off this proposal and said it would return the R-2 zone to allowing only two families per lot. A footnote in an early version of RetoolCOS provided that zoning decisions could only be appealed to the city Planning Commission and not to City Council. Traditionally in Colorado Springs, all zoning decisions merited final review by the City Council. Here again, the city dropped the proposal when it was strongly opposed by HNP. Another case in point was maximum lot coverage which, for most homes in the older sections of Colorado Springs, is set at around 50%. This meant that only 50% of the lot could be covered by the house, thus guaranteeing plenty of land for a front yard and backyard. RetoolCOS was going to raise the maximum lot coverage in residential zones to as high as 80%-90%, thereby allowing building construction in front yards and backyards. A compromise was reached that allowed for a minor amount of expansion in maximum lot coverage, usually just 10%. Negotiations between Planning and HNP continued to be agreeable. The HNP board, which originally believed it was going to have to argue against final adoption of RetoolCOS, began to openly work for a final draft that HNP could support. Zoning laws control everything from how large your front yard is to the size and location of your garage. Many hours went into the task of reviewing a vast amount of material and reconciling the interests of city Planning with the needs of HNP. Citizens of Colorado Springs can be proud that in their town the density wars in older center-city neighborhoods were successfully concluded with a negotiated settlement. A woman wakes, disoriented and in pain, with no memory of the night before after going out for drinks and dancing with a female friend and a man she thought she could trust. After piecing together shards of the evening with the help of friends who said theyd seen the man repeatedly buy her drinks and the family members who drove from Fountain to Fort Carson to collect her, unconscious and wearing only her underwear, from his bed the following morning she goes to UCHealth in Colorado Springs, where a sexual assault forensic exam is completed. During the exam, two specially trained nurses find evidence that confirms the womans suspicion of an unwanted and nonconsensual sexual encounter, according to testimony last week during a court martial for Fort Carson Staff Sgt. Cory Penven, who ultimately was found guilty of sexual assault. I was concerned about the health of my body, the victim testified, explaining why she sought out medical care. I never thought I would be in that position because I was with someone I trusted. Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes, according to an analysis by the Justice Department, which has estimated that as many as two-thirds of cases may go unreported. The reasons are complex but whats known for certain is this: When the victims of such crimes dont seek treatment, justice isnt the only right they may be giving up. Patients, after theyve experienced a sexual assault specifically, nobody is super excited about wanting to go into the hospital," said Sarah Hagedorn, registered nurse and project director of UCHealth Memorial Hospitals Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program. "That puts them at risk for sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancy, and there's also no conversation about advocacy or what they need in terms of follow-up care, mental and physical. The more barriers you put in front of them, the less likely they are to seek any type of medical care. Just because theres a hospital or medical center in town doesnt mean the professionals who work there have received the training needed to treat victims of sexual assault. Everybody knows theres not enough nurses. Theres not nearly enough SANE nurses. Were talking a couple thousand in the nation, Hagedorn said. Most nurses, she said, are not taught how to do a pelvic exam in nursing school. There are plenty of places in the country where the training is, Hey, theres a sexual assault patient, youre an ER nurse, heres an evidence kit, she said. This (specialty) requires a significant amount of training and expertise to be able to effectively care for these patients. Last year, Memorials team of 22 forensic nurse examiners saw about 2,500 victims of sexual assault and family and intimate partner violence at the hospitals two Springs locations. Addressing such patients many needs, in a manner that doesnt compound the trauma theyve already experienced, is a complex and nuanced protocol at the nexus of health care, criminal justice and the art and architecture of compassion. When youre fresh from a trauma youre very sensory minimalist, so you dont want a lot of sound, you dont want a lot of distraction, you just want to be in a safe space, said Hagedorn. Since the mid-1990s, Memorial and its staff of certified Sexual Assault and Forensic Nurse Examiners have provided those exams in a private room away from the din and echoes of one of Americas busiest emergency departments. In a few months, Memorial Central will open a new, $3 million grant-funded Forensic Center of Excellence, with five rooms and, eventually, a staff of more than two dozen. It will be the only center of its kind with round-the-clock staffing, adjacent to an emergency department and with an entire hospital system of resources at its fingertips, said Jennifer Pierce-Weeks, CEO of the International Association of Forensic Nurses, based outside D.C. This is the only program that I am aware of that will have a dedicated space inside their emergency department specifically for the forensic nursing population, she said. This is what wed love to see all hospitals, and communities, be moving towards. Pierce-Weeks got her start in forensic nursing at Memorial, and recalls what the field was like at one of the best of destinations back then, with on-call staff whod pursued the specialized training and testing on their own then brought back what theyd learned. Over the course of the years that I was there, the program was built out to be a completely in-house (service), with nurses seeing a much broader patient population, sexual assault abuse, child and adult maltreatment, trafficking, strangulation, Pierce-Weeks said. The international organization she now leads traces its roots to the 1970s, with a grassroots push by nurses in three busy metro emergency departments who realized staff werent meeting the needs of sexual assault and violence patients, on any level. Ultimately, 72 nurses from across the U.S. and Canada came together to form this organization, said Pierce-Weeks. Over the following decades, the organization has evolved to cover a broader population of potential victims, in a way that meets not only the patient needs but also criminal justice needs, assuming the case winds up in court, she added. Patients can receive treatment without pursuing charges, but evidence is still collected and stored should they change their minds. Based on data self-reported to the IAFN by hospitals, health care centers and individual members, Pierce-Weeks said that about 25% of U.S. cities and towns now have some form of forensic nursing services. Most are based at hospitals, a fraction of them at community centers. The majority are on-call. At those locations, things work much like they did in the early days of SANE/SAFE at Memorial. In 1995, a patient comes into the emergency department reporting a sexual assault, theyd be seen potentially by another nurse and a provider who would then call in a forensic nurse, and they might take up to an hour to get here, Hagedorn said. Then the forensic nurse will talk to the patient, explain the process, walk them through the forensic exam itself, potentially evidence collection, medications and what was already potentially a lengthy encounter had waiting and delays on top of that. Now, we decrease that by just being in the building. In rural areas, such delayed treatment may have involved more than just a wait. When I was first doing it in this (Chaffee) county, we did not have any tele-health, there were times when if I wasnt in town, victims were having to be driven in the back of a police car to Colorado Springs or Pueblo to get their exams, so that is definitely not trauma-informed care, said SANE/SAFE nurse Kim Reese. Not that the police were mistreating them, but when you get put in the back of a police car you feel like youve done something wrong. For a while, Reese did exams after-hours, out of a room at a Chaffee County dermatologists office. For a while, she was itinerant. We had an extremely large suitcase full of stuff that we carried around with us everywhere we went, because there really was not a home for us, she said. That thing was huge, and really hard for me to lift. Now, she and a fellow SANE/SAFE nurse, Kim Maddock, conduct an average of 12 exams a year in dedicated space at The Alliance, a collective of advocate and resource services in Salida. The two are veteran forensic nurse examiners, whove done what they do for decades. In other outlying areas, including tribal communities, trained SANE/SAFE nurses may go many months between patients. UCHealth Memorial offers the special forensic training through its education center at the hospital. A two-day clinical skills lab involves gynecological teaching associates who are paid to let students practice pelvic exams on them. If youre a nurse in, say, Springer and you are interested in becoming a SANE, you can take 64 hours of education from us thats consistent with and approved by the international association of forensic nurses education guidelines, said Hagedorn. What we dont want is for the first time someone is doing a pelvic exam to be on someone who has experienced a sexual assault. Forensic nurses such as Emma Pinkerton, lead instructor for the program at Memorial, also frequently travel to outlying areas and tribal communities to conduct the training. She and her colleagues continue to provide on-call medical and technical assistance via tele-health, at Memorial's 13 rural partner hospitals and clinics around the state. Through such tech, SANE/SAFE nurses at UCHealth can help walk their less-experienced colleagues through exams, if a patient consents to having them present. Such an arrangement helps with comfort and confidence for both patient and providers, said Pierce-Weeks. In those communities, it can be very challenging for nurses who are trained to maintain their competency, Pierce-Weeks said. Tele-SANE or tele-forensic nursing can really help maintain the competency of the nurses who are on site with the patients by assisting them, and hopefully even help keep nurses from burning out and leaving the field. The benefits of such services for patients in rural areas, and everywhere SAFE/SANE programs are in place are harder to quantify, said Hagedorn. People dont fully understand the impact that this care can have on an individual and a community, she said. When it's not available, "that doesnt mean the violence has stopped occurring. It just means now they may have to drive two hours or four hours or six hours to receive the appropriate medical care. And, far too often, it means they may not seek treatment at all. Homelessness has emerged as one the biggest issues early on in the Denver and Colorado Springs mayoral races, and Denver front-runner Kelly Brough and four other candidates have promised to take a harder line, vowing to involuntarily commit or arrest people who violate the citys camping ban. As mayor, you still have an obligation to keep everyone safe. So if somebody cant make that decision for themselves, based on mental health or addiction issues, I still think we have an obligation as government to make it for them, Brough said in a recent debate. In an interview with 9News, a news partner of The Denver Gazette, Brough said arresting someone who violates the urban camping ban would come as a last resort when that person has also declined resources, such as shelter, behavioral health treatment or relocation to a sanctioned camping site. Denver candidates Kwame Spearman, Debbie Ortega, Andy Rougeot and Trinidad Rodriguez also support arrests or involuntary commitment to enforce the camping ban. The tougher stance echoes a new policy announced recently by New York Mayor Eric Adams to give first responders more power to forcibly hospitalize people struggling with mental illness and homelessness. The program is an effort to fulfill the law-and-order mayors promises to address the rise in subway crimes, which Adams said in October were driven by people with mental health issues, according to reporting by Reuters, California and Oregon have taken similar steps to order more people into treatment with severe mental illness. Adams new policy is based on a New York state law enacted in 2021 to allow first responders to involuntarily commit a person with mental illness who needs immediate care. Colorado, however, doesnt have a similar law on the books yet, so Brough and other candidates promises may be premature. And it may make sense to see how New Yorks experiment plays out first before we here in Colorado start expanding the ability of first responders to do involuntary commitments. Colorado right now has a much higher threshold for involuntary commitment. Colorados law only allows a person to be involuntarily held for 72 hours for period of treatment and evaluation if he or she appears to have a mental illness and, due to the mental illness, appears to be an imminent danger to self or others, or appears to be gravely disabled. Gravely disabled means that a "mentally ill person is unable to make informed decisions about, or provide for essential needs without significant supervision and assistance. The holds can be initiated by a police officer, medical professional or registered nurse or licensed social worker. A family member can request such a hold by contacting the county attorney, according to the law. But only the executive director of the Colorado Department of Human Services can place someone who is taken into custody on a 72-hour hold into a mental health facility. Once the 72-hour period has elapsed, the person must be released, referred for further care and treatment on a voluntary basis, or certified for short-term treatment," the law says. Certified means that if the person doesnt agree to voluntary treatment the case goes to a court for further evaluation. It is my understanding that New York can now skip that step of petitioning the court for long-term treatment. The evaluating professionals in this case will be the first responders on the streets. The big question is: Do they have the expertise to make involuntary commitment decisions? And where do the patients go? Authorities in Denver and Colorado Springs cant detain a homeless person or order them off the streets if there is not enough shelter space for them. Brough has acknowledged that Denver needs to greatly expand its authorized homeless camping sites to make the policy legal. Needless to say, the approach faces opposition. Many mental health advocates say that deploying the police as social workers may do more harm than good. Cathy Alderman, chief communications and public policy officer for the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, told our reporter Jessica Gibbs that if Broughs plan leads to homeless individuals going to jail on allegations of violating the camping ban, that is wildly counterproductive. This enforcement mentality against people experiencing homelessness hasnt worked, she said. New Yorks policy immediately met legal challenges by mental health advocates, but has so far survived those. A judge ruled in early February that New York City can proceed with the directive. My guess is that all the efforts to reduce homelessness over the years have been so ineffective and counterproductive that, despite opposition, a shift in the tides is coming that could soon see approaches cross the country that imitate New Yorks. Let's hope if Colorado does consider a similar law, we factor in family members or interested parties into the equation. Psychologists tell me the most successful cases of addiction rehab and mental illness treatment involve family members as advocates. The new law in California, for example, requires people with severe mental illness who refuse treatment to face conservatorship which is when someone loses their independence and is appointed a guardian. Family members and friends are still probably a better bet for good decisions about care than police officers and government workers. Psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey of Bethesda, Md., has been a lonely voice advocating for a policy shift toward compulsory treatment for 40 years. He argues that it was a mistake for the country to shut down its public psychiatric hospitals without some sort of replacement. The U.S. discharged hundreds of thousands of patients from public psychiatric hospitals in the 1970s after horrible conditions in them were revealed. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest probably best captures the mood of those times. But Torrey foresaw that these former patients would cause our current homelessness problem. He warned 40 years ago that many former patients would be left wandering city streets untreated, describing them as a legion of the inner-city damned. Torrey argues that involuntary commitment is a much more humane response than allowing people with severe mental illness to languish on the streets untreated, according to a recent profile in the New York Times. The New York mayors adviser on the new policy has been in direct conversation with Torrey, following his recommendations to the letter. Torrey began his quest for a better way to handle the mentally ill after the cause of his sisters schizophrenia was misdiagnosed as a result of family problems rather than a biological problem. Torrey went on to become a pioneer in the biological roots of schizophrenia. I think the stakes are large, for the new approach in New York, he told the Times. Because if it fails, if you have no improvement at all, I think people give up for another decade, just live with it for another decade before somebody else comes along with a new idea. Earlier this month, Colorados Supreme Court appeared less than enthusiastic about adopting a proposal that aims to curb lawyers ability to remove people of color from criminal juries for reasons related to their race. During a nearly three-hour hearing, prosecutors from across the state uniformly lined up to condemn the suggested change, with some alleging it amounts to affirmative action for juries. Meanwhile, defense attorneys, trial judges and the NAACP those who spoke are Black, Latino, Asian and white urged the justices to take action to halt the more subtle forms of racial bias in the justice system. In response, some members of the court bristled at the push to enshrine the proposed implicit bias protections into its procedural rules. Weve already been called racist for not immediately adopting these rules, said Justice Melissa Hart. And Im not happy about it. Im really uncomfortable with some of these changes. For more than 35 years, the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that intentional race-based discrimination in jury selection is unconstitutional. Following the courts 1986 decision in Batson v. Kentucky, in which state prosecutors removed all of the Black people from a Black defendants jury, judges now must evaluate whether a lawyer has provided a race-neutral reason for excusing, or striking, a juror of color when one of the parties raises a Batson challenge. In contrast to for-cause strikes, which occur when a juror cannot be fair and unbiased, Batson challenges arise through the use of a mechanism called peremptory strikes. Typically, parties to a case do not need to provide a reason when removing a juror with a peremptory strike during jury selection. In the face of a Batson challenge, they do. But when an attorney, usually for the defense, raises a Batson challenge, judges may nonetheless allow prosecutors to remove a juror of color for reasons that may correlate with race like having poor experiences with police yet are race-neutral on the surface. Denver County Court Judge Olympia Z. Fay, who testified to the Supreme Court in favor of the rule change, estimated she has presided over 100 jury trials and ruled on a half-dozen Batson challenges. Under Batsons existing standard, Fay said prosecutors have been able to cite race-neutral reasons when asked to justify their action. But the effect of it is to get that juror of color kicked off the jury, she said. Attempts at addressing bias The proposal to change Rule 24 would expand on the existing constitutional prohibition on intentional discrimination and build new safeguards for less obvious race-motivated strikes. As presented, the rule contains a number of reasons that are presumed to be invalid for striking jurors of color. Those include a jurors stated distrust of law enforcement or belief that police engage in racial profiling, as well as living in a high-crime neighborhood or not being a native English speaker. Demeanor-based reasons, such as a juror failing to make eye contact, would also be invalid without corroboration from other parties in the courtroom. Instead of Batsons standard of purposeful racial discrimination, the change to Rule 24 would also direct trial judges to examine whether an objective observer could reasonably view race as a factor in an attempted juror strike. In the last eight or 10 years, theres been some recognition in some of the appellate courts around the country that the purposeful discrimination test of Batson v. Kentucky has not fulfilled its promise, as far as trying to enhance greater participation by racial minorities, testified Court of Appeals Judge John Daniel Dailey, who chairs the criminal rules committee that brought the proposal forward. So, therefore, theyve looked for other ways to consider, and other possible proposals to enhance, the participation of racial minorities. But the prosecutors who testified, all of whom appeared to be white, blasted the implicit bias proposal as one that would slant juries in favor of defendants by ensuring people who distrust police will decide criminal cases. The phrase that comes to mind is its affirmative action in jury selection, said Christian Champagne, the elected district attorney for La Plata, San Juan and Archuleta counties. Any prosecutor is naturally gonna be afraid to ever use the strike again against a person of color, added Johanna Coats of the Denver District Attorneys Office. I think that is the goal, interjected Hart. The Washington Supreme Court became the first state court to adopt an implicit bias rule in 2018, and California followed suit legislatively. Colorados criminal rules committee attempted to propose a similar rule in 2021, but the Supreme Court declined to consider it, citing a lack of consensus among the committee. Last year, four Democratic lawmakers introduced legislation resembling the Washington rule, but withdrew the bill in the face of solid opposition from Colorados 22 elected district attorneys. Instead, they urged the criminal rules committee to try again to enact a Washington-style rule judicially. The committee subsequently voted 8-4 to send the Rule 24 changes to the Supreme Court for consideration. Defense lawyers and trial judges on the committee joined together in the majority, while representatives of district attorneys offices voted against it. During the public hearing and through written comments, prosecutors lobbed criticisms against the rule change: Getting jurors of color to show up in the first place should be the focus. Better training will address lawyers bias. Attorneys will find a way to dismiss jurors of color anyway. The proposal is racist itself. I thought the courtroom was to be color-blind, not color obsessed, wrote retired Denver District Court Judge Morris B. Hoffman, who added the rule change is woke window dressing. General Rule 37 Earlier this year, prior to the Rule 24 hearing, the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys sent its counterpart in Colorado, representing the states district attorneys, a summary of appellate cases so far that have interpreted its implicit bias guidance, known as General Rule 37. The analysis from King County prosecutor Kristin Relyea also contained a piece of advice. I have no idea what the landscape looks like in Colorado, she said, but if it appears that adopting a similar rule has momentum, then I think prosecutors would be best served by joining the movement and drafting a rule that avoids some of the pitfalls and unanswered questions that weve had to sort through. The Washington Court of Appeals has taken up General Rule 37 cases on a number of occasions, sometimes upholding prosecutors decisions to strike jurors of color and other times finding jurors were improperly removed including the sole Black person in a jury pool who expressed skepticism of the justice system based on personal experience and an Asian woman the defense attorney tried to excuse because she made him feel uncomfortable. Some prosecutors in Colorado singled out one decision, State v. Orozco, as problematic. John Kellner, district attorney for the 18th Judicial District in metro Denver, testified the case was emblematic of the absurd results of an implicit bias rule. In Orozco, a trial judge allowed prosecutors to strike the only Black woman from the jury pool after the prosecutor disclosed that he had pursued charges against her previously for minor offenses. The Washington Court of Appeals overturned the defendants murder conviction after determining the strike violated General Rule 37. Colorado prosecutors who commented to the Supreme Court claimed the decision meant the government cannot remove a juror even if they had personally been prosecuted by one of the lawyers in the courtroom. In reality, that was not why the defendants convictions were overturned. It was only because the prosecutor had elaborated that the Black juror was allegedly associated with people involved in criminal activity a presumptively-invalid reason under the implicit bias rule that the appellate court issued its reversal. Sign up for free: Springs AM Update Your morning rundown of the latest news from Colorado Springs and around the country overnight and the stories to follow throughout the day delivered to your inbox each evening. Sign Up View all of our newsletters. Success! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. View all of our newsletters. In my personal opinion, Relyea wrote to her Colorado counterparts, the takeaway is that you should not use a peremptory challenge to strike a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, person of color) juror because there is a strong likelihood that your case will be reversed on appeal. More data needed? Some members of the Supreme Court noted the lack of data documenting the frequency of juror strikes against people of color. Instead, there was only anecdotal information from the legal community in Washington and Colorado. Justice William W. Hood III suggested those experiences may be enough to justify the implicit bias proposal. I think all of the trial judges (on the rules committee) who have collectively presided over hundreds of trials, to a one, thought this rule change made sense, he mused. But when it comes to data collection, Hart countered, would one good first step be for us to do that? To try to figure out where is the problem before we come up with a solution? For communities of color, were always waiting for studies and for somebody to find out something in order to support the anecdotal evidence that we know exists, responded Joyce Akhahenda, a public defender and representative of the Sam Cary Bar Association, a professional group for Black attorneys. That was the same issue with police brutality cases until we had video cameras. In recent years, Colorado Politics has reported on criminal appeals involving the dismissal of jurors of color, in which prosecutors race-neutral reasons could have faltered under the proposed standard: An Arapahoe County prosecutor struck a Hispanic woman who talked about racial profiling in law enforcement. An El Paso County prosecutor struck a Black woman for the sour look on her face. An Arapahoe County prosecutor struck a Black woman for often staring up above, staring not at the ceiling but off into the distance. Weld County prosecutors struck the only Hispanic man because he appeared very disinterested. Adams County and El Paso County prosecutors struck the only Hispanic person and the only Black man, respectively, based on incorrect claims of what the jurors actually said. An Arapahoe County prosecutor struck three Black jurors in a row from a Black defendants trial, including one who had negative experiences with police. Weld County prosecutors struck a Hispanic man for his poor experience with police and a Hispanic woman because she didnt seem fully engaged. An El Paso County prosecutor struck a Black juror who had negative experiences with law enforcement. Blatant example of bias Some of the most concrete testimony about the effect of the rule change came from trial judges. Fay, of the Denver County Court, said she sees prosecutors offer reasons for striking jurors of color that the new procedures would strongly discourage. Fay indicated jurors generally do not state explicitly they will be unfair to witnesses who are police officers. Its much more subtle than that. Its the police officers are in my neighborhood. When I see them, theyre behaving a certain way and Im not sure I can always believe them when they say something, she said. Judge Chelsea Malone, also of the Denver County Court, told the story of a prosecutor who struck a Hispanic man from a jury pool without questioning or talking to him. The prosecutor explained their colleagues had looked up the juror and found he had a criminal history. Malone asked if the prosecutor had done the same with any of the other jurors. No was the response. I havent seen a more blatant example of implicit bias in jury selection, she said. Members of the Supreme Court were most hesitant about two specific elements of the proposal: allowing trial judges to decide if an observer simply could view race as a factor and making the distrust of law enforcement an invalid reason to excuse a juror, without more. A juror who expresses great trust in law enforcement could readily be excused on a peremptory by the defense, said Justice Monica M. Marquez. That strikes me as an asymmetry that ends up disfavoring the prosecution, favoring the defense. Defense lawyers and trial judges countered that the prosecution should spend time talking with a juror who is skeptical of police in order to understand whether that viewpoint is intertwined with their race. For that to happen, argued Portia Prescott of the NAACPs Colorado Montana Wyoming State Area Conference, jurors of color need to feel comfortable even entering the courthouse. Knowing that there is less of a chance a lawyer will remove them from a jury, she said, could increase the willingness to respond to a juror summons. When Im walking into a room with all white people, theres a feeling that I have to over-qualify myself to just be in the room, standing, Prescott said. If were making it easier and safer to respond to it as opposed to saying, Well, girl, if you take that day off, Im sorry, youre gonna get kicked out anyway. So, why lose a whole days worth of work if you know theyre going to kick you out? Some prosecutors suggested the Rule 24 revisions should encompass bias more broadly, discouraging lawyers from striking jurors based on their gender, sexual orientation or religion. The justices also questioned whether someones status as a crime victim, which could also correlate with race, should be an additional presumptively invalid reason for removing them. Kevin McGreevy, a member of the rules committee who authored the proposal, said one prosecutor had, in fact, made the latter suggestion during deliberations, but eventually withdrew it. Finally, members of the court repeatedly asked whether abolishing peremptory challenges altogether would be preferable. Many witnesses said yes, but it would require a change to state law. Still, the trial judges who testified felt as though they could administer the new process for Batson challenges, even if it takes longer to hear jurors explain their points of view. District Court Judge Vincente G. Vigil of Weld County volunteered that, growing up, he harbored a distrust of law enforcement. But now, during bench trials in which Vigil acts as the jury, he can decide criminal cases fairly when a police officer appears in front of him. He supported adopting the implicit bias rule. I dont think its enough to just talk about it. I dont think its enough to acknowledge it, Vigil said. I think we have to take a step forward. While its true that Colorado Springs has had a better track record than Denver in reducing the number of unsheltered homeless people living on the streets in recent years, as a new analysis from a Colorado think tank shows, some say it isnt fair to compare the state's two largest metropolitan areas. It is well-understood that Denver and Colorado Springs are very different cities with very different populations and resource trends, said Cathy Alderman, spokesperson and public policy officer for the Denver-based Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. I don't know what the value in making this comparison is without comparing other factors like population size, population growth, availability of housing resources and availability of shelter and non-congregate shelter options, she said. I think this report incorrectly conflates a reduction in unsheltered homelessness with homelessness resolution. Others, like Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers, who will retire after the April 4 municipal election, believes the Colorado Springs Homelessness Study that the Common Sense Institute released this week confirms what hes been espousing for years. Compared to other cities, were doing a hell of a job, he said in an interview. The Greenwood Village-based Common Sense Institute, which describes itself as a nonpartisan, independent research organization, studied years of results from a mandatory annual census known as the Point in Time survey which is necessary for communities to receive federal funding for homeless services and determined that unlike several places in the Denver metro area and the region as a whole, Colorado Springs is not experiencing a significant rise its homeless population. Some people won't believe the conclusion, Suthers said. "This report will come as a shock to most Colorado Springs residents," he said. "They see two homeless residents and think it's too many, they see people on their favorite trails, and they dont like it. "First and foremost, we want to help anybody that wants help in terms of getting shelter, and we have worked very intentionally, looking at various ways of dealing with this." In the 2022 Point in Time, Colorado Springs reported a total of 1,443 homeless people to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Denver counted 6,884 homeless people in 2022, up from 4,019 in 2017. All communities are still tallying statistics for the 2023 count, which was conducted in January. Whats most significant, the institutes analysis says, is that Colorado Springs unsheltered rate, which refers to people living outside in tents, under bridges, in doorways or other uninhabitable places, has fallen by nearly 43% since 2018, when almost one-third of the citys homeless population was considered unsheltered. As of last year, Colorado Springs' unsheltered rate dropped to encompass 19% of the total homeless population, or 267 people. In the metro Denver area, the unsheltered population grew by 33% from 2020 to 2022, to reach 2,078 the areas highest level since 2008, the institute reports. And since 2019, Denvers unsheltered population has increased by 120%. Its natural to want to compare two cities to one another this city is doing this, we dont want to do this and theyre making the case that homelessness in Colorado Springs is more in check, said Evan Caster, senior manager of homeless initiatives for the Pikes Peak Community Health Partnership, which focuses on improving the overall health of the region. Walking around downtown Denver shows visible differences in the homeless population, he said, as many more homeless people can be seen hanging out on the streets and living in makeshift camps than in Colorado Springs. However, Caster said, Its a hard apples-to-apples comparison to draw from just looking at the numbers. While the populations of Denver County, which includes the city of Denver, and El Paso County, which includes the city of Colorado Springs, are similar, the metro Denver area in terms of the Point in Time survey covers seven counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson counties. The Colorado Springs area encompasses only El Paso County. That means the one-night snapshot the Point in Time provides is a limited look at the population, Caster said. El Paso County is unique in that we have urban, rural and suburban all in one county, he said, so youre going to see the homeless experience in a variety of ways. Suthers said he thinks its reasonable to pit Colorado Springs side by side with Denver when it comes to the issue. The significant disparity in the larger numbers of homeless in Denver versus Colorado Springs cant be explained by claiming the cities are too different, he said. Sign up for free: Springs AM Update Your morning rundown of the latest news from Colorado Springs and around the country overnight and the stories to follow throughout the day delivered to your inbox each evening. Sign Up View all of our newsletters. Success! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. View all of our newsletters. It is very clear to me that they are not enforcing the camping bans in Denver, Suthers said, and frankly, I don't understand why. Colorado Springs has maintained a relatively stable homeless population since 2015, Common Sense Institutes Executive Director Kelly Caufield said. Though the county's total number in 2022 was 31% higher than in 2015, its was also 10% lower than it was in 2019, she noted. Homelessness is certainly not solved in Colorado Springs, but we did see some encouraging trends, Caufield said. As to extrapolating data from the Point in Time as the basis for her organization's analysis, Caufield said its the best information available with which to compare statewide trends. Its not perfect, but its the only metric I know in terms of quantifying and counting this population, she said. It does allow the best apples-to-apples comparison as we can in the state. Homelessness is one of the top issues of many political candidates running for municipal seats this year in cities including Colorado Springs and Denver, Caufield said. The issue is tough, officials agree, because the reasons people become homeless are multifaceted, and the solutions must take into account legal considerations as well as humane approaches. Nonetheless, We think Colorado Springs is bucking the trend, and theres something worth learning from, and something worth trying to replicate here, Caufield said. So whats working? Suthers points to a strategy under his leadership in Colorado Springs to increase emergency shelter beds at the city's main shelters, the Springs Rescue Mission and the Salvation Armys R.J. Montgomery Center. An $18 million expansion at Springs Rescue Mission, which was completed in 2021, expanded the campus to provide a multitude of services, including job training through a culinary academy and city cleanup work, on-campus transitional housing, substance abuse programs, a nearby indigent health center and other support services, all toward the goal of moving people from the streets to shelters to permanent housing. "The important thing is to make sure you have a broad range of services to take care of the people who want help," Suthers said. Also, "You dont throw up your arms and surrender for people who dont want help and want to remain on the streets." Other steps Colorado Springs has taken include enacting an ordinance that prohibits anyone from sitting, lying, kneeling or reclining on sidewalks, trails, alleys and other rights of way a law that critics say targets homeless people. Colorado Springs and El Paso County also ban camping near waterways, in parks, along trail systems and on other government land. Enforcement is possible because of the availability of shelter beds for anyone who wants to sleep inside overnight, said Suthers, who is a former Colorado attorney general. Even with two family shelters closing last year and the Salvation Army transitioning its shelter from singles and families to families only, Springs Rescue Mission has had enough space to accommodate single men and women this winter season, said spokesman Cameron Moix. Bunk-bed use has been between 425 and 450 people on colder nights, he said. The shelter has reached maximum bed capacity of 450 twice this year and then switched to having people sleep on mats, Moix said, adding that the shelter wont turn anyone away because of space. Colorado Springs also has increased its affordable housing stock in the past five years, Suthers said, with now more than 1,000 units per year committed for development or availability. What's also helped, Caster said, is that Colorado Springs homeless service providers and city departments, including fire, police, subsidized housing and homeless prevention, do a good job of working together toward the common goal of ending homelessness. Alderman of the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless said the solution to ending homelessness "is and always will be housing." However, she added, housing with supportive services is most effective for people coming directly from unsheltered environments, people who are chronically homeless, and individuals and families with healthcare or other acute needs. "The Denver Social Impact Bond program (which uses a housing-first approach to get people into housing before addressing other problems) proves housing with supportive services both increases the likelihood of long-term housing stability and reduces spending on emergency resources like shelter, detox and interactions with the criminal justice system," she said. If a local government is not also investing in long-term solutions to homelessness including housing, services, health care and employment, then they are managing homelessness and not resolving it. Other strategies that help communities respond to immediate needs include street outreach, 24/7 shelter operations, non-congregate shelter-like motels, transitional or bridge housing, and access to better health care and employment services, Alderman said. Gov. Jared Polis has appointed Attorney General Phil Weiser to temporarily be the states prosecutor for the 22nd Judicial District, according to a news release Saturday. Polis issued an executive order, which goes into effect Monday, appointing Weiser to the position until a new district attorney is appointed to the 22nd Judicial District, according to the release. This appointment comes after Polis appointed Matthew G. Margeson, the 22nd Judicial District attorney, to the Dolores County Court, according to the release. The process to appoint a new district attorney included a panel who reviewed applications and recommended finalists to Polis. The panelists included: Former Gov. Bill Ritter, former district attorney for the 2nd Judicial District (Denver) Sign up for free: Springs AM Update Your morning rundown of the latest news from Colorado Springs and around the country overnight and the stories to follow throughout the day delivered to your inbox each evening. Sign Up View all of our newsletters. Success! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. View all of our newsletters. Christian Champagne, district attorney for the 6th Judicial District (La Plata, Archuleta and San Juan counties) Stan Garnett, former district attorney for the 20th Judicial District (Boulder) Dan Rubenstein, district attorney for the 21st Judicial District (Mesa County) Kara Veitch, chief legal counsel to Polis Weiser will serve through the current term, which goes until the 2024 general election, when the next election for the district attorney in the 22nd Judicial District happens. The salary for the district attorney position is $135,000 per year. Sharjah Exports Development Centres (SEDC) pavilion hosted a number of national companies specialised in the manufacture and trade of foodstuffs and attracted investors at, Gulfood which concluded in Dubai on February 24. Representing the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), SEDC wrapped up its participation at Gulfood 2023 on a high note. The Chamber's pavilion witnessed meetings with representatives of Arab and international delegations to the exhibition, where Abdullah Sultan Al Owais, SCCI's Chairman, met with Russian and Iraqi delegations, as well as investors and businessmen from various countries. Areas of cooperation The meetings aimed at discussing areas of cooperation and coordination to promote foreign products in the UAE market, which is one of the chief hubs of world food trade. Abdulaziz Shattaf, Assistant Director-General, Business & Communication Sector at SCCI, stressed that the participation of the Chamber accompanied by national companies operating in Sharjah, expresses SCCI's keenness to take part in this global event, which attracted over 5,000 exhibitors this year. He pointed out that SCCI was able to enable national companies to promote their products, find new markets and get in touch with new importers, investors and partners, which helped increase global market shares for local exporters and enhance the food sector contribution to Sharjah's gross domestic product (GDP). Local industries Ali Al-Jari, SEDC's Director, indicated that the centre's participation at the exhibition aimed at supporting local industries and opening new export channels for Emirati companies in the local, regional and global markets. He added that SEDC spotlighted the available investment opportunities in Sharjah's food sector. He also highlighted the competitive advantages and attractive incentives offered by the emirate to foreign investors, enabling them to establish their businesses easily in a safe and stable economic environment that guarantees best returns and expansion in the region's markets.-- TradeArabia News Service Extension projects limited access The Constitution Ave extension project in the ConnectCOS transportation plan is proposed as a limited-access roadway between I-25 and Union Blvd. that would not connect with any other roads along its route. Please think about that for a minute. Such a roadway would pass through or near a dozen historic neighborhoods, but be essentially inaccessible to them. There might be a small number of residents near either end of the roadway who could/would use it, but its primary (sole?) purpose would be to transport people living outside the area (perhaps quite far outside, as the citys boundary continues eastward) to and from I-25. A common argument in favor of roadway projects is that, while they might have negative impacts on nearby residents, they also produce benefits to those residents, such as increased access or reduced commute times. I dont believe this is the case with the proposed extension. Because of its limited-access nature, the extension would impose only the known negative impacts (noise, air pollution, decreased property values, etc) and bring no tangible benefits to the affected neighborhoods. In my opinion, this is totally unfair. The study proposed in the ConnectCOS plan intends to evaluate only the technical and financial feasibility of the Constitution Ave extension, omitting consideration of other east-west corridors as well as the negative environmental impacts on the nearby neighborhoods. This item should be removed from plan due to its limited scope and misdirected priorities. Mark Reynolds Colorado Springs Next to zero community support The neighborhoods that this project will essentially destroy are the heart of the city. They are buy and die neighborhoods. We chose to live here because of that. We love to sit on the porch and hear the cheering from Garry Berry stadium. We love to go to Patty Jewett porchfest and the Greek Festival to connect with our friends and neighbors. We know our neighbors and watch out for each other. We enjoy the small businesses that we can walk to. We feel safe letting our children walk and drive in the neighborhood. We utilize the Rock Island Trail and other green space daily. We love our neighborhood schools. This project would change those things. Our neighborhoods no longer will be walkable, they will no longer be connected, they will no longer be walkable, they will no longer feel like home. It is overwhelmingly clear that there is next to zero community support for the expansion of Constitution. Residents of the affected neighborhoods dont want their communities, schools, and green space permanently altered for a nonviable solution. People from the east side of town arent lacking access to I-25. They wont use a new central access point at Fontenero. If you live east of or near Powers and you need to go north on I-25 you access it by taking Powers to Interquest and those that are going to go south on I-25 have access from Powers to the MLK bypass. They wont utilize a central access road to get into the interstate. I encourage the City Council to do everything in your power to ensure that our vibrant neighborhoods are not sacrificed for an extremely expensive, and sure to be temporary, solution to a problem created by overzealous developers and the council members in their pockets. Progress cannot be made by going backwards. Morgan Chavez Colorado Springs Project 105 Expressway This project will not change traffic in any significant way. But, it will change the character of half a dozen old neighborhoods. One example from the past is the U.S. 24 bridge at Circle and Fountain. That bridge connection destroyed an entire neighborhood and generated a depressed location for all time. That area is no longer functional. The above shows how a road decision resulted in an area slowly becoming worse over time and then dying. Now you would like to do that in the middle of the city. Please dont do that to us. Save the money for something beautiful. Carl Stanchak Colorado Springs Dont destroy our neighborhoods Sign up for free: Gazette Opinion Receive updates from our editorial staff, guest columnists, and letters from Gazette readers. Sent to your inbox 12:00 PM. Sign Up View all of our newsletters. Success! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. View all of our newsletters. I am one person writing for many, urging the City Council to remove the Constitution extension from consideration once and for all. A high-speed thoroughfare will sever many stable, historic neighborhoods, explode safety issues for D-11 students at Stratton and Horace Mann, and bring detrimental noise, pollution, light, and traffic along trail portions of Rock Island, Shooks Run, and Monument Valley Park, our city founders crown jewel gifted to us residents. Finish Powers to the interstate in both directions or widen/improve Fillmore, which is primarily a commercial street that welcomes increased business. Why spend citizen money to build a new road when these could access or already connect to I-25? Do not destroy the history, property values, and established livability of our community neighborhoods. Vote for more greenspace, not a Constitution expressway! Nancy Logan Bonnyville resident Looks really good on a map East-West mobility via car/ truck has always been an issue in Colorado Springs as none was established as the city grew. Platte Avenue ends downtown, Uintah and Cache La Poudre wander. Constitution dead-ends. Extending Constitution via railroad right of way looks appealing, but what would that accomplish by dumping more traffic into a downtown congested I-25. It looks really good on a map, but why give up a rail right of way to the east. I remember a past conversation before the Rock Island tracks were pulled and a gentleman at that time objecting to pulling the tracks because of possible future needs. I was at Brookhardts Lumber today, and I saw lumber being off loaded from freight cars. What happens to that business all supplies by tractor trailer? Leave it alone. I fear the cycle will start as so often, where the modern road comes in, the neighborhood declines, and then in decades, urban renewal ideas come forward. Lets use this money elsewhere. Tim Stoecker Colorado Springs Poor planning caused problems It seems rather obvious to me that there is no need for studies to fix our east/west travel issues in Colorado Springs. What we need is to correct the poorly designed ones in place. None of the ones I will mention are easy to use as they could be. For example, Milton Proby Parkway is close to ideal, but why does it have to stop at Hancock expressway with a cheap four-way intersection? It should be a continuous road with either above or below ramps, and also four lanes between I-24 and Powers with right lane only for truckers. At Powers it should also have a cloverleaf, etc. design and no intersection. Same for Fountain Boulevard (Martin Luther King Bypass), there a commuter should be able to drive with no intersections all the way through to Powers, and again with a cloverleaf type design to merge onto Powers with no intersections and/or lights. I would suggest it going under Academy Boulevard like Platte Avenue does and then over the other small streets it intersects on the way to Powers. Woodmen could also be better if it didnt have the ridiculous crossover style intersections that halt traffic, but not as bad as the poorly designed Fillmore intersection where everyone has to come to a stop at one time or another. Going forward, any bypass (like Powers itself was intended) should be built like I-225 in Denver where overpasses keep the traffic flowing on I-225 continuously and are not interrupted with basic traffic stopping intersections. Shopping centers along the way would need to build and fund the necessary overpasses thereby keeping the road free for unobstructed, efficient travel. I realize this is expensive after the fact but poor planning and too much business input without looking to the future with a willing city council caused these problems. They can also fix them! Curtis Kosley Colorado Springs Over the last month, journalists such as Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, and Michael Shellenberger have unveiled the Twitter Files. With unprecedented access granted by Twitter CEO Elon Musk, they have revealed a deep connection between the social media giant and government, a union the main purpose of which was to throttle content that the latter deemed false or misleading. The reaction has been mixed. Conservatives, and independent-minded liberals such as Taibbi, are outraged, arguing that this corporate-government nexus is a profound violation of civil liberty. On the other hand, many progressives, and their friends in corporate media have shrugged their shoulders. Theres no violation of the First Amendment here, they claim, and anyway, the government has a compelling interest in making sure the truth wins out. Free speech is expensive in college While it is true that the Twitter Files have revealed no legal violation of the First Amendment, they have revealed a pattern that certainly runs against its spirit. And they demonstrate that vast swaths of corporate, government and media power no longer hold to the basic commitments of free speech, upon which this country was founded. To appreciate this, we must think about the First Amendment as more than a juridical text. It certainly has plenty of legal implications today, but that was not really its original purpose, at least not if we judge from its originator, James Madison. The Father of the Constitution was in fact skeptical that the court could enforce a Bill of Rights if democratic forces aligned against it. Such parchment barriers, as he called them, would surely fall. Instead, one of Madisons main arguments for the Bill of Rights was that it would inspire a love and understanding of true republican liberty. From Madisons vantage point, we can see the First Amendment as the embodiment of the liberties necessary for republican self-government. It envisions a zone of sovereignty for people to think their thoughts, write and speak their thoughts, get together with people who think similarly, and press the government to reform its ways accordingly. The reason is, as Madison later wrote, Public opinion sets bounds to every government, and is the real sovereign in every free one. For the people to truly rule themselves, their government can exercise no prior restraint upon them in the process of formulating their views. Otherwise, it is not the people who are actually in charge but rather the government. The text of the First Amendment indicates that the people stand above Congress, but since Congress alone writes the laws, its implication is that the people stand above the entirety of the government. And note that the First Amendment was not primarily intended to protect the 21st century guild that is modern journalism. Sure, the power-adjacent court stenographers who are invited to attend the White House press briefings are protected by the First Amendment, but so is your cranky uncle who thinks that the president is an idiot and both parties are useless. Just as protected, in fact. Yet the Twitter Files demonstrate there exists a large swath of policymakers, in the Justice Department, the national security apparatus, and even the White House, who do not believe in this principle. And given the collective disinterest by many in traditional media, so too do a good number of journalists who otherwise celebrate the First Amendment. The people, it seems, have to be monitored. There cannot be a freewheeling public debate. There must be boundaries, set by the government, corporate America, and the media, of course, lest the people come to the wrong decision. This reveals another fundamental divergence between contemporary thinking and the American founding. This country came into being in part because of radical pamphleteers who denounced their king in the most strident of terms. And they kept on doing it, even after the American Revolution, without repercussion. Those who opposed the Constitution, for instance, were not silenced. Their voices were heard, and after the ratification debates, many of them entered the government. James Monroe, in fact, was an Anti-Federalist who eventually became president. The purpose of the First Amendment was to ensure the perpetuation of this robust political debate. Not simply because the framers thought it was necessary for republican government but because the more the people interacted with each other, the better public decision-making would become. Again, to quote Madison, Whatever facilitates a general intercourse of sentiments particularly a circulation of newspapers through the entire body of the people is favorable to liberty. Or, consider Thomas Jefferson. He came to the presidency amid a highly fraught political campaign, where his High Federalist opponents had literally tried to silence his Republican allies through the Sedition Act of 1798. But Jefferson did not go measure for measure. Instead, in his first inaugural address, he argued, If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. Jeffersons confidence in the capacity of the people to rule themselves stands in stark contrast to the views of many elites revealed by the Twitter Files. Sign up for free: Gazette Opinion Receive updates from our editorial staff, guest columnists, and letters from Gazette readers. Sent to your inbox 12:00 PM. Sign Up View all of our newsletters. Success! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. View all of our newsletters. There are practical limits to freedom of speech. I cannot, for instance, conspire to commit a crime and when Im caught argue that the conspiracy was merely an act of free speech. The precise details of when and how freedom of speech should be protected is a matter primarily for the courts. But the spirit of the First Amendment, and its essential relationship to political liberty, is a matter of interest for all citizens, regardless of whether they spent three extra years in college to get their juris doctor. Free speech in politics is necessary and beneficial for a free society. It is the only way by which the people can meaningfully rule their government, and the greater the intercourse of sentiments, the more likely the people will collectively figure out what is in their best interests. This is not merely an American idea, either. In 1859, English philosopher John Stuart Mill argued in On Liberty for robust protections for free speech, not because it is a natural right but because it made society better: The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth produced by its collision with error. In fairness, this is not a view that Americans have always held, although we tend to be embarrassed when looking back upon our violations of this principle. Radical forces within the Federalist Party tried to eviscerate the public liberty ahead of the 1800 presidential election. The United States under President Woodrow Wilson blatantly violated the basic doctrine of free speech to tamp down on dissent during World War I. Indeed, the government went so far as to throw Eugene Debs, a political opponent of Wilsons in the 1912 election, into jail. It was the otherwise forgotten or reviled President Warren Harding who had the decency to commute the sentence, along with about two dozen other of Wilsons political prisoners. And at the beginning of the Cold War, efforts to purge communists from positions of political and cultural influence had a chilling effect on speech, in what we now today lament as the Red Scare. Advocates of suppressing speech in the 1910s and 1950s said they were doing so for grand purposes. For what grand purpose is the government quietly conspiring with corporate America to suppress speech today? Does the survival of the country depend on silencing a handful of Twitter trolls or suppressing discussion of how to mitigate the effects of COVID-19? Of course not. Instead, it reveals a view decidedly contrary to those of Jefferson, Madison, and Mill something more in keeping with the elitism of the High Federalists. The people are not fit to make these decisions. The better sorts need to drive the conversation. Those naturally ennobled souls, in rarefied places such as the San Francisco branch of the FBI, the Trust and Safety Council at Twitter, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, must have the power to determine true from false, fact from fiction. The people cannot make those distinctions themselves. They instead need to rely upon the union of government and corporate power to keep them safe from themselves. So, yes. The Twitter Files revelations are a big deal. They indicate a merger of state and corporate power to micromanage the public discourse and undermine a right that is essential to self-government. Any true friend of liberty should be very worried. Jay Cost is a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a visiting scholar at Grove City College. This article first appeared in The Washington Examiner, a sister publication of The Gazette. Joe Neguse is on a roll. Fresh off his election to the House Democrats' No. 5 elected leadership position making the Lafayette Democrat the chamber's highest-ranking Colorado lawmaker in more than 80 years Neguse learned last week that he had more bills signed into law than any other House member in the last Congress, as calculated by GovTrack.US, an independent legislative tracking website. In the just-concluded 117th Congress, which ran from 2021-2022, the 38-year old attorney and former University of Colorado regent introduced 13 bills that made it to President Joe Biden's desk for a signature in only his second term. That compares to the 11 enacted bills in the last Congress for the list's No. 2 House member, U.S. Rep. Don Bacon, a Nebraska Republican, with Neguse's fellow Coloradan U.S. Rep. Jason Crow in a three-way tie for third place with nine bills authored by the Centennial Democrat that were signed into law. The vast majority of the House's 435 members notched just one or two enacted laws, while nearly one-third of the chamber's occupants didn't manage to get any legislation across the finish line in the last two years. Not every legislative success shows up on the tracking site's results, which count when lawmakers are primary sponsors of enacted legislation or of legislation largely incorporated in other bills that become law. Some lawmakers, for instance, make their marks by adding amendments to larger bills, which isn't reflected. The other members of Colorado's House delegation fall far behind Neguse and Crow in the just-released GovTrack.US standings. Ken Buck, a Windsor Republican, and Ed Perlmutter, an Arvada Democrat who didn't seek reelection, each scored a single bill signed into law. The other Coloradans Democrat Diana DeGette of Denver and Republicans Doug Lamborn of Colorado Springs and Lauren Boebert of Silt finished with zero bills enacted. Neguse, who won reelection in November to a third term representing Colorado's 2nd Congressional District by an overwhelming 40-point margin, is no stranger to the upper regions of Capital Hill's ubiquitous legislative rankings. In his freshman term in the previous 116th Congress, from 2019-2020, Neguse was far and away the most effective lawmaker in the state's delegation, according to the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking, with nine bills signed into law. He was also ranked as the most bipartisan member of the delegation for the same period by the nonpartisan Lugar Center and the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University. Last year, he was one of six recipients of the Bipartisan Policy Center's Legislative Action awards, bestowed for working across party lines in a divided Washington. The son of Eritrean immigrants, Neguse served as executive director of Colorado's Department of Regulatory Agencies before winning election in 2018 to represent the Boulder- and Larimer-county based seat. After last year's redistricting, the 2nd CD traded much of the less densely populated parts of Jefferson County for more mountain counties, extending along the Interstate 70 ski corridor and encompassing much of northwest Colorado, including all or parts of Clear Creek, Gilpin, Grand, Summit, Eagle, Routt and Jackson counties. Among the 13 bills Neguse shepherded into law in the 117th Congress, bipartisan legislation sponsored with Buck and Colorado's two U.S. senators, Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper established Camp Amache, the site of a World War II-era Japanese American internment center in southeast Colorado, as part of the National Park System. Other enacted Neguse bills addressed cybersecurity for state and local governments and added protections from cyber attacks for domestic supply chains. Bills aimed at helping small businesses adjusted bankruptcy law and reformed federal contracting procedures, while another bill beefed up government ethics and oversight provisions. A bill sponsored along with Hickenlooper and Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney added protections for threatened and endangered fish species in the Upper Colorado and San Juan river basins. Another Neguse-led bill renamed a Boulder post office to honor Boulder police Officer Eric Talley, who was killed while protecting shoppers during a 2021 mass shooting at the town's Table Mesa King Soopers. "I'm very proud of the work that we've done, but more proud than the volume of bills, I'm proud of what those bills mean and the impact that they'll have on the lives of Coloradans," Neguse told Colorado Politics. "The vast majority of these pieces of legislation were bipartisan in nature. They're bills that were focused on helping small businesses, ensuring that we expand opportunities for entrepreneurs in Fort Collins and in Longmont and elsewhere, or built and improved wildfire mitigation and resiliency, which has been a real priority of mine since the day I was sworn into the Congress." Neguse attributes his legislative success to the relationships he cultivates with fellow lawmakers including across the aisle and in the Senate and an ongoing dialogue with constituents, as well as a willingness to build sometimes unlikely alliances. "To me, that means rolling up our sleeves, listening including to folks who might have a different world view than your own and working to try to forge consensus on some of the consequential challenge that we face, as a country and as a state," he said. "To be honest, what kind of gives me the most pride of the bills that we pursued in this last Congress that ultimately were signed by the President is many of the ideas behind the bills originated here in Colorado," Neguse added. "They came from conversations that I had at town halls, which we hold quite frequently in my district about supply chain challenges, for example, that we're facing, or wildfire resiliency issues that have been a real challenge. I'm thrilled that we were able to be a vehicle to enact some of these changes at the federal level, but our work has only begun." Neguse acknowledged that his batting average under the current Republican House majority might not equal what he achieved in the last Congress, when Democrats held the gavel, but insisted that he's undaunted. "We've had success in both sessions of Congress, with a Republican president, from 2019 to 2021, and a Democratic president from 2021 to 2023, and I anticipate that this next Congress will be no different," he said. "Of course, there are big disagreements when it comes to significant challenges that face our country, but that doesn't mean that we can't find ways to forge common ground far from it, I think, you have that obligation to our constituents." Neguse noted that some of the bills he's sponsored sprung from relationships begun when he served as a House impeachment manager for former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial in early 2021. "We also worked really hard to build partnerships with senators across the aisle," Neguse said. "Some of those senators happen to be senators that I met during the course of the impeachment trial in front of the Senate. It gave me the opportunity to meet senators whom I had not interacted with previously. And we look for opportunities where other folks might not, in terms of Republican or Democratic senators who would be willing to partner with us on a policy issue that we think is going to matter to Colorado. So we've had some success in that regard and are proud of that. But, you know, we're gonna roll up our sleeves and try to get to No. 1 this next year." Except in Boebert's race, Democrats crush Republicans in Colorado congressional cash dash | TRAIL MIX Brimming ballot of Denver mayoral candidates approach itchy electorate | TRAIL MIX US Rep. Diana DeGette sounds alarm over threats of debt ceiling brinksmanship | TRAIL MIX Races for Colorado's next Republican, Democratic party chairs take shape | TRAIL MIX Dubai International Boat Show is getting ready to welcome more than 30,000 visitors to the seafront district Dubai Harbour, when the regions largest, and most established marine and lifestyle event in the Middle East will get underway from March 1 to 5. More than 175 yachts and watercraft from globally renowned shipyards such as Azimut, Ferretti, Gulf Craft, Princess, San Lorenzo, Sunreef, and Sunseeker Gulf will sail into the shores of Dubai to put on an incredible display over the five days of the shows 29th edition. We are looking forward to welcoming marine enthusiasts, maritime investors and those who are interested in all things ocean to DIBS23, says Riju George, Group Director, Exhibitions, DWTC. Dubai has a rich maritime heritage and over the years has created an extensive ecosystem and a sophisticated hub to nurture some of the greatest boat designers and manufacturers in the world; thats why every year we see an influx of international visitors to the show. With more than 12% of the worlds superyachts in the MENA region, its no surprise that Dubai has become one of the top-10 nautical hubs of the world within the marine industry home to several world-class waterfront property developments and many exquisite marinas. Such infrastructure has made DIBS the perfect platform for the more than 1,000 global brands to showcase their wares and launch their latest innovations this year. Alongside over 50 global and regional launches to be announced at the show, DIBS23 will feature a stunning lineup of yachts, with more than 10 new brands on display including Abeking & Rasmussen, Boutique Yachts, Finnmaster, Greenline Yachts, Nordhavn, SAY Carbon Yachts, Sirena Yachts, and Tecnomar. And thats not all - for those that enjoy life on the waves and who are looking for a luxury vessel for their next adventure; due to be unveiled at the 2023 edition of the Dubai International Boat Show, is Gulfcrafts the Majesty 111 described as anything but an average superyacht and will set a design precedent, offering more than ever before in terms of its design, engineering, architecture, and technical features. At Gulf Craft, we have always been a staunch supporter of our home show since its inception; as an international manufacturer of cutting-edge yachts and boats we are proud to be part of such a prestigious event on our home ground, said Mohammed Alshaali, Gulf Craft Chairman. At this years edition of Dubai International Boat Show, we are thrilled to introduce our brand-new Majesty 111 superyacht a vessel that will redefine industry standards and set the precedent for our future Majesty models. We are committed to continue our contribution to the regions yachting industry and look forward to further supporting the UAEs reputation as an exceptional global yachting destination. Ocean lovers can also explore the ocean with Sunseeker Gulf at its debut as the new regional distributor of Sunseeker Yachts across the GCC; known for exceptional yacht designs and innovative technology, Sunseeker Gulf is poised to impress everyone with its latest offerings. Explore the latest technology and design within the Equipment, Supplies and Services area, where there is plenty to discover; Elcome, will introduce the Starlink internet connection service, the revolutionary high speed service from Space X, available worldwide, which enables boat owners to connect from the most remote waters across the world to enhance experience and productivity. On the water make sure to stop by Silent-Yachts, the premier ocean-going production yachts in the world which are powered solely by clean energy, with solar panels and batteries feeding electric motors, which will be showcasing a partnership with EV Labs and demonstrating sustainable energy at sea to recharge boats entirely through the suns rays. The Middle East Yachting Conference (MEYC) on February 28 brings together senior representatives from around the industry to hear diverse perspectives from across the global landscape, discuss some of the industrys key trends around technology, geo-politics, investments and debate the industries strategy and policies of the future in a challenging yet optimistic market; DIBS looks forward to welcoming a diverse panel of speakers from across the seas. Make sure you dont miss Thomas Weigend, Managing Director of Meyer Werft who are building the remarkable Njord yacht, a 948-foot luxury vessel, described as the worlds largest private residence yacht with 117 private apartments, who will take about the ambition of scale and elegance a fitting tribute to the city of Dubai. A full speaker list and agenda can be found here. Premiering in Dubai, and hosted at DIBS, is the worlds second edition of the Experiential Yachting Forum from 2 to 3 March, bringing investors into the yachting world and exploring alternative uses of superyachts. Investors, industry leads, and marine enthusiasts will gather to tackle pressing concerns like the alternative use of superyachts and yachting to make a positive impact for the communities at sea and on land. Other topics will grapple with the future of yachts beyond relaxation and exploration, including the possibility of medical tourism at sea. Many prominent personalities from the community will give their views. Find an agenda and speaker list here. In the year of sustainability and in the approach to COP28 DIBS pushes forward with their sustainability promise and 2023 will see the launch of the DIBS S.E.A. (Sustainable Environmental Action) Mission to support Dubais marine life. The show features a programme of initiatives to promote sustainability of our oceans - combining community, creativity, and a love for the marine world. Event partners include Dubai Can, Dubai Harbour, trust your Water, GEMS Schools, Ethical Yacht Wear, and the Arabian Ocean Rowing Team, who in January completed the record-breaking Atlantic Row Mission, raising awareness about ocean pollution look out for the S.E.A logo around the show for more sustainable initiatives and exhibitors. The Dubai International Boat Show is about bringing the community together, because everyones world is around the ocean, so even those who like to keep their feet dry should call in for some family fun. The Leisure Marine Authority, which aims to increase recreational boat ownership in the region, will be at DIBS to give a series of informal coffee talks on budget boat owning, safe and sustainable use of water crafts, and more. Check out the Dive Pool Shows, test your balance in the kayak and stand up paddle area, join the fishing competition, take in the adrenaline-filled watersport demos, sip a sundowner in Nikki Beach, indulge in tasty treats at Buddha Bar, and soak in the incredible atmosphere at the ultimate event to live a little more. -TradeArabia News Service Three years ago, the Colorado Springs semiconductor industry seemed to be on its last legs in the wake of Microchip plans to lay off more than 200 people from its aging local chip manufacturing plant and convert it to a specialty facility to make limited volumes of older products. But the plant got a new start a year ago when Microchip began installing equipment at the plant, located near The Broadmoor World Arena on Colorado Springs' south side, to produce larger wafers that nearly doubled the number of chips the plant could produce. The wafers produced by the new equipment were made with a new material, called silicon carbide, used in electric vehicles and the green energy, aerospace and defense industries. The Microchip project is the largest of several expansions announced or planned by players in the local semiconductor industry. Industry supplier Entregris announced plans in December for a new plant in Colorado Springs. DpiX CEO Lindsay Pack said her company plans to seek a federal grant under new legislation enacted in August for a major expansion but is considering whether to complete the expansion in Colorado Springs or elsewhere. The semiconductor industry has a long history in Colorado Springs, starting when NCR opened the first local chip plant off Fillmore Street with 12 employees in 1975. The plant Microchip operates was started by Honeywell in 1977, acquired by Atmel in 2009 and then Microchip in 2016. At the industrys peak, nine companies operated semiconductor manufacturing plants in Colorado Springs employing thousands of people and local boosters promoted the city as Silicon Mountain. Most of the plants closed after chip manufacturing shifted overseas in the 1990s with the biggest blow coming when Intel closed its Colorado Springs plant in 2007. Microchip is the largest company still producing chips at a local plant, but dpiX operates a plant near the Colorado Springs Airport that manufactures semiconductors on large glass plates and on flexible, thin-film sensors that are used for digital X-rays and in antennas, sensors and other electronic products. Colorado Springs-based Frontgrade Technologies does testing, packaging and special processing to turn silicon wafers it buys from other manufacturers into chips used in the space, defense and health care industries. New York-based private equity investment firm Veritas Capital acquired CAES, which employs 435 in Colorado Springs and 341 in three other locations, and renamed it Frontgade Technologies in January. A company spokesman said the company is hiring but declined to comment on whether Frontgrade is seeking or planning to seek federal grants to expand. Massachusetts-based Entegris, which already operates another local plant, said it will spend up to $600 million to build what it called a manufacturing center of excellence on the Springs northwest side that could add as many as 600 jobs over the next several years. That facility will make critical products for Entegris Microcontamination Control and Advanced Materials divisions that are used to manufacture semiconductors, company officials said. Pack said dpiX plans to decide by years end where it would build the expansion, which would double the size of the companys 140-person work force and require a sizable investment she declined to quantify. The Colorado Springs-based company also is seeking local and state incentives to help defray the cost of the expansion, which Pack said would allow dpiX to expand into new markets. DpiX bought the former semiconductor manufacturing plant in 2006 for $7.65 million from LSI Logic, now called Broadcom, and spent $100 million upgrading the facility before moving its entire operation here in 2011. The company expanded into flexible, thin-film sensors three years ago. While the cost of Microchips retooling announced in January 2022 totaled just $40 million and resulted in the company adding 50-75 to its local workforce, that project set the stage for the much larger retooling and expansion announced Feb. 17 that will cost $880 million and trigger another 400 hires over the next several years. That will boost the local Microchip workforce to more than 1,250, the most people the company has employed in Colorado Springs in nearly a decade. We had 10 years of reduced needs of the semiconductors (produced at the plant) and that reversed shortly after the layoff as demand for our chips began rising for use in sustainability, electric vehicles and defense, said Rich Simoncic, senior vice president of Microchips analog power and interface business units. The vast majority of the industrys production had moved overseas due to lower costs, but during the pandemic the industry realized that you couldnt depend on foreign sources. I am grateful to see these jobs returning to the U.S. We have come full circle, Simoncic said. The chip industrys recovery began almost immediately after the layoff as demand surged for the older, lagging-edge products made at Microchips plants as a shortage of chips used in vehicles and other specialty applications fueled a huge surge in demand. At the same time, Microchip was looking to expand production of silicon carbide wafers from a plant it acquired when it paid $10.3 billion in 2018 to buy California-based Microsemi. Much of Microchips newest expansion in Colorado Springs will install more equipment to produce silicon carbide wafers. The rare material has been used in electronic devices since the early 1900s, but wasnt used in semiconductors until the early 1990s and caught on slowly due to problems in producing silicon carbide synthetically and other production issues, according to the EE Times, a specialty publication covering the electronics industry. Sign up for free: News Alerts Stay in the know on the stories that affect you the most. Sign Up For Free View all of our newsletters. Success! Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. View all of our newsletters. Its not cutting-edge technology in terms of geometry (small size of the circuits on a chip) but it produces high power with low energy usage and has a high switching frequency, which means that the chip doesnt get as hot (which reflects lost energy) when switching voltage, so it is more efficient, Simoncic said. This campus (in Colorado Springs) in an integral part of producing SiC (silicon carbide) technology to assure our customers with supply certainty as they transition to SiC solutions. The market for silicon carbide chips is just in its early stages with sales totaling $1.1 billion in 2021, according to a March 2022 research report by French market research and consulting firm Yole Intelligence. But the company forecasts the silicon carbide market will grow to more than $6 billion by 2027, mostly for automotive, industrial and energy applications such as solar energy and fast charging stations for electric vehicles. Strongly driven by automotive applications, especially in the electric vehicle (EV) main inverter (a device that coverts DC power supplied from batteries to AC power used by the motor), there were multiple newly released EVs and announcements in 2020 and 2021, following Teslas adoption of SiC, said Poshun Chiu, technology and market analyst specializing in semiconductors for Yole. To fulfill the demand for a long driving range, an 800-volt EV is the solution to empower fast direct current (DC) charging. This is where the 1,200-volt SiC devices play crucial roles. Semiconductor manufacturers have responded by expanding capacity to build silicon chips. Wolfspeed opened the worlds largest plant to produce silicon carbide chips in April in upstate New York and the company announced in December plans for a second plant in North Carolina. Onsemi announced plans in August for a silicon carbide materials plant in New Hampshire and a month later began expanding its silicon carbide chip plant in the Czech Republic. Microchip introduced its first silicon carbide chip family in 2019, citing growing demand for products that improve system efficiency, robustness and power density in automotive, industrial and aerospace and defense applications. That made the Colorado Springs plant a good fit for expanding its silicon carbide production since the 580,000-square-foot facility also produced silicon-based chips for those same industries and had plenty of room to manufacture new products. The latest expansion is a result of a series of economic development incentives offered for five different projects Microchip began considering early last year, said Kelly Leaverton, senior vice president of operations for the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce & EDC. Before he was promoted early this month, he had been vice president of defense and economic development and director of business retention and expansion, working on the Microchip projects. The chamber had been working with Microchip since October 2018 in some form or fashion to create the building blocks for the project our community won today (Feb. 17); we announced a significant, but much smaller expansion for Microchip in early 2022. Shortly after, Colorado Springs and El Paso County were in the running in competition with Oregon, New York, Arizona and Virginia for an expansion (code-named Project Salsa/Dorito) that we did not win, Leaverton said. Project Salsa was an expansion costing between $1.5 billion and $2.5 billion that would have added 640 jobs to Microchips local workforce, but the project was canceled late last year when the company instead decided to buy chips from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing made at a new set of plants planned in the Phoenix area. Project Dorito was a smaller, separate expansion planned by Microchip, but no investment or employment numbers are available for it. Microchip will receive $47 million in state and local incentives that include state tax credits, rebates of sales and use tax the company will pay on the equipment purchased for the retooling and expansion project and a grant from a special deal-closing fund administered by the chamber. The company also is seeking the same type of federal grant dpiX is seeking as well as investment tax credits, both made available from the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act signed into law by President Joe Biden in August. The act provides $52.7 billion for American semiconductor research, development, manufacturing and workforce development, including $39 billion in manufacturing incentives, plus a 25% investment tax credit for capital expenses for manufacturing semiconductors and related equipment. The bipartisan legislation was designed to convince semiconductor manufacturers to move production back to the U.S. to combat a worldwide chip shortage. A study by the Semiconductor Industry Association, an industry trade group, showed that the legislation has spurred plans for nearly 50 new plants or expansions by chip manufacturers or suppliers that will cost nearly $200 billion and create about 40,000 additional jobs in the industry. The list includes the Microchip expansion in Colorado Springs and the Entegris project. The latest expansions should bolster Colorados place in the semiconductor industry the state ranks 16th in the nation in industry employment with 2,900 workers receiving $1.4 billion a year in wages and 17th in the number of chip facilities or companies with 29, the semiconductor group said. The early returns on the CHIPS Act have been very positive, involving a huge amount of announced company investments and jobs. Now the new law must be implemented in an effective, efficient, and timely manner to maximize its impact and reinvigorate chip production and innovation in America for many years to come, said Robert Casanova, the associations director of industry statistics and economic policy. Colorado Springs used to be a semiconductor hub but a lot of the manufacturing that took place here has been off shored," said Pack, the dipX CEO. "Many of the benefits the community offered for the industry are still there, and we are seeing that now as the reason why people in the semiconductor industry are now investing in Colorado Springs." We have an opportunity to reinvigorate the industry with the companies that are remaining," she said. "But we will need to look at how we are investing in higher education and even high school to develop the workforce the industry needs. Nearing the three-year anniversary of the coronavirus pandemic a life-altering experience that eventually subsided into a daily routine COVID-19 cases are falling after a small bump in January. Yet, while cases decline, deaths have increased. In Danville and Pittsylvania County, 27 new fatalities were added to the record books this year. That puts the toll at 550 local lives lost at the hands of the coronavirus. Its not clear when these deaths occurred. Officials with the Virginia Department of Health previously explained to the Register & Bee a meticulous procedure is used to verify the death is linked with COVID-19. The process often causes delays. AARP reported last week that data shows the winter wave has peaked in nursing homes also. In the commonwealth, deaths of nursing home residents from COVID-19 jumped by 160% in the four-week reporting period ending Jan. 22, according to AARP. That translated to seven times the national average. Nationwide, COVID-19 nursing home deaths rose 23% in the same four-week reporting period, representing the highest level since the omicron wave hit. While it is good news that the early winter wave of COVID-19 appears to have peaked nationwide, this new report shows that our loved ones in nursing homes are still highly vulnerable to the virus, AARP Virginia State Director Jim Dau wrote in a statement. Vaccinations are the best defense against COVID-19, and we must remain vigilant about protecting this population. On Friday, the University of Virginias Biocomplexity Institute reported the seven-day case average in the state is 9.73 per 100,000, the lowest since November. The 100,000 figure is used to put all localities on a level playing field when it comes to case counts. Hospitalizations are down by nearly 50% since early January. On Friday, 472 Virginia patients were being treated for COVID-19, compared to more than 1,000 on Jan. 7, according to the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association. Locally, Pittsylvania County moved back into the medium level for COVID-19, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It joins 32 other localities covering 1.55 million Virginians under the medium level that recommends face coverings in public for those at high-risk. However, the designation may be caused by a reclassification of cases. Data from the Virginia Department of Health shows a recent realignment of cases from Danville to Pittsylvania County. This gives the county an artificial bump in infections. This has happened many times over the pandemic and all comes down to ZIP codes. Someone who lives in Pittsylvania County, but had a postal address of Danville, sometimes wont be classified in the proper location. Its not until health department workers pore over data that a shuffle is made to correct the information. Looking forward, researchers at UVa said Friday that models show a small increase in hospitalizations in the coming week, but its nothing to warrant alarm bells. This should not exceed Januarys rates, scientists wrote in Fridays interim report. A surge is not expected in the near future. The models used by UVa to show the pandemics path forward accurately predicted the situation earlier this winter. In fact, the Variant-X scenario from late November predicted the peak hospitalizations in mid-January to within 5%, a recent UVa report stated. The predicted peak was also off by only a few days. Nearby states Kentucky and Maryland are showing slight upticks of hospitalizations, a potential impact of waning immunity to the public. With only about 1,300 COVID-19 shots administrated per day now, according to data from the health department, vaccinations are at an all-time low. To explore the exact cause of the predicted uptick, UVa will use whats called a scenario-based county-level model. In one situation, Virginia will stay on the current course. Another projection shows the state will increase transmission rates by 30% and remain elevated. The final model shows the same increase, but a drop to current levels in four weeks. The next few weeks will reveal which of these scenarios is most likely, UVa researchers said. Until then, we advise routine precautions. GREENSBORO A beach in Hawaii. Nowhere further from that tiny jail cell. Nowhere closer, if only in his thoughts. Seventeen years in prison for a crime Greg Taylor did not commit. Twelve years out as a free man. Maui is where Taylor now lives and works for part of the year as well as pursue a passion for wildlife photography. Whale watching from a tiny spot on the sand starts his day. And there's a reason why he's drawn to these majestic creatures. He sees them as a metaphor for his life. "They were close to extinction, and in a way, so was I." **** Taylor has been out of prison for a dozen years, but the experience, and what led him to be incarcerated, is not out of his system. Born in Greensboro, he was the first person to be exonerated by the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission a fact-finding state agency that is the only one of its kind in the country. Taylor, convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison in 1993, had exhausted every legal avenue before the commission ruled unanimously there was enough evidence to warrant a review of his case. Since his release in 2010, his job through a friend as a computer software developer allows him to work from anywhere so he spends half the year in Maui. But he also works to free others whose cases are working their way through the system. As grateful as I am to wake up where I wake up every day, Taylor said, I know if it wasnt for that serendipity at play back in 2005 I would more than likely still be in prison. **** That serendipity was in having a father who believed in him, despite past mistakes, and who wrote a note that would end up in the hands of Chris Mumma of the N.C. Center on Actual Innocence, a nonprofit that investigates innocence claims that is separate from the state agency. Back in 1991, Taylor was on the losing end of the twin evils of drugs and alcohol when his father got the call that he was being held by Raleigh police. Taylors parents had divorced well before then and a young Taylor and his siblings had moved to Raleigh with the mother. The had spent every other weekend and weeks during the summer with their father in Greensboro's Starmount neighborhood. 'Grateful' for a second chance Since his release in 2010, Taylor works to free others whose cases are mired in the system. Taylor was by now a husband and father in Cary with a good-paying job setting up phone systems. The week he was arrested, he was the only parent present at a PTA meeting, Taylor's father would later say. That wouldn't matter on Sept. 25, 1991. Taylor, 29, was in his white Nissan Pathfinder with a 31-year-old man named Johnny Beck, looking for drugs. I went to his trial waiting to hear the evidence ... but I heard nothing," Ed Taylor said before his death. "They came up with a jailhouse snitch" who claimed his son confessed "and Gregs lawyer presented no real defense and didnt even know enough about the case to do a proper cross-examination. Taylor and Beck, who was never charged, had been looking for a place to get high when his truck got stuck in a ditch. When he returned, the police were investigating the murder of a prostitute whose body had been left nearby. He told investigators he and his friend had seen the body that night but decided not to get involved. Taylor maintained his innocence. He was nevertheless convicted of first-degree murder. Taylor's father had gone to several people looking for help, including state Rep. Pricey Harrison, who suggested he write a synopsis of his sons story and present it before a hearing she was co-chairing that was examining criminal justice issues. The day of the hearing, Harrison told him he probably wouldnt get his chance because so many people had packed the room. Harrison suggested he give a copy of the synopsis to Dick Taylor, the director of the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers, who also would be attending the meeting. Neither knew at the time that Taylor would be having dinner with I. Beverly Lake, then chief justice of the state Supreme Court who was pushing the idea of a fact-finding innocence commission and Mumma. "I always felt it was fate that his story was delivered to us that night, Mumma said. **** In 2007, Mummas group turned its work over to the Innocence Inquiry Commission, the fact-finding state agency, which has the ability to order evidence testing and other powers private attorneys and nonprofits dont have. The eight-member panel, which is made up of people from across the law enforcement community, including a sheriff and a victims advocate, accepted the case. The ensuing investigation revealed that blood found on Taylors truck that night was from an animal, not a human. DNA evidence collected from the dead womans body showed no connection to Taylor. And an inmate in another prison had confessed to the crime. Just after a three-judge panel released Taylor from a life sentence for a murder he didnt commit, Wake Countys district attorney moved to shake his hand and apologize. I dont remember much more than him saying, Im sorry, Taylor recalled. His dad remembered every word. He also said if only hed had all of the evidence, the father said at the time. **** Taylor couldnt reclaim the 6,149 days behind bars but he could move on. He did so in ways big and small, such as replacing his prison-issued bifocals with trendy wire rims, picking up a metal fork for the first time since entering the prison system and sleeping with a night light until he was comfortable in the dark. A technology geek from the 1980s, Taylor couldnt stop talking about Facebook or his new digital camera: You can take a picture and you can look at it in the camera and ... you dont even have to print it out, Taylor said at the time. Or about the new cell phone loaded with capabilities. Why in the world does anybody need all that? The last time Taylor held a phone, all they could do was, well, make a call. I think thats the hardest thing to accept life goes on, Taylor admitted. It was less of a reclaiming and more of a building, I guess. I walked out of prison as the person who lived in prison for almost 17 years and not the person who went into prison. He and his wife divorced but remained on friendly terms. And he was now a grandfather. It was difficult to dream of anything back then, said Taylor about figuring out the rest of his life. Taylor always knew he would help others who have been wrongly convicted, but he thought it would be behind the scenes. But there he was in California, Texas and other places across the country, sharing his story to spellbound audiences. His case was unique because it took away race to focus on the workings of the legal system. "This work is emotionally, physically exhausting," said Mumma of the N.C. Center on Actual Innocence. "He shows up at hearings to support us. He talks to other exonerees about his experiences and what to expect. It may sound corny, but he's inspirational." Taylor likes speaking at colleges, in front of future lawyers and policy makers. As much as there has been change to prevent wrongful convictions theres much, much more work to be done, Taylor explained. Im not a lawyer. Im not a scientist. Im just a person with a story to tell and I believe that telling the story can help the centers work in some way. Taylor said that he had always believed in the justice system, even as he sat behind bars. In 1991, I believed in a justice system and its infallibility, which I came to understand it to be impossible because its made up of humans, Taylor said. I do still believe in the system but my focus is on the times that the system gets it wrong and what happens then. Taylor sued the State Bureau of Investigation after an independent review found questionable practices at the state crime lab and received a $4.6 million settlement. As a result of Taylor's case, he, Mumma and others pushed for the SBI crime lab, which is under the state attorney general's office, to become independent like the state medical examiner's office. Other changes and actions followed, such as a review of the lab and some procedures. One change that hasn't happened: the use of jailhouse snitches. Still, to this day, it just doesnt sit right with me that people get the opportunity to lie to get themselves out of situations, Taylor said. In his case, the inmate who testified against him allegedly used information he had gotten out of the newspaper. Taylor was one of the lucky ones. Cases that should be revisited often dont get the chance. Out of the more than 3,300 claims before the state fact-finding commission, and the ones that have been reviewed, just 15 people have been exxonerated. "It's a very small club, Taylor said. One where membership doesn't have its privileges. Exoneration is great but the work doesnt stop there, Taylor said. Its very difficult when someone is exonerated and making the transition back into the world. You cant look at the community calendar and find a support group for exonerees." Greensboros T.Z. Osborne Water Quality Reclamation Facility has been fined more than $70,000 by the state for at least 19 air-quality violations since June of 2019, including about $25,000 in 2022, according to state documents. All of the infractions handed down by the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality involve unacceptable average levels of carbon monoxide emissions measured over 24-hour periods at the Huffine Mill Road facility. Carbon monoxide, more commonly associated with fossil fuel exhaust, is a hazardous gas also released as organic material when sewage decomposes. Exposure to carbon monoxide can limit bloods ability to transport oxygen through the body to organs and tissues. A city spokesman did not reply to questions about the violations Friday. The state leveled its largest single penalty against the city more than $24,000 on Sept. 15, 2021, for 10 violations over a 15-week period. The highest of those readings put the facility 56% above the states permitted carbon monoxide levels. These exceedances were thoroughly investigated and found to have several causes such as wet sludge due to high sludge hopper levels, incinerator fan shutdowns which cause high (carbon monoxide levels) ... and no way for operators to know what the (24-hour average) is running, Greensboro Water Reclamation Manager Elijah Williams explained in a letter to NCDEQs Division of Air Quality. You can have one hour of high (carbon monoxide) that can throw the entire (24-hour) average off even when the other 23 hours were good. Environmental regulators often rely on daylong averages to minimize the statistical impact of short-term spikes and measure possible prolonged exposure. Williams July 7, 2021, letter goes on to report that newly installed monitoring software would alert employees before carbon monoxide levels exceeded acceptable limits and help eliminate any future exceedances. The city then was fined twice for similar violations in 2022 $8,457 on Feb. 17 and $16,482 on Sept. 20. The T.Z. Osborne facility, which opened in 1984 and has undergone several upgrades since, can handle 56 gallons of wastewater a day and treats more than 12 billion gallons per year. Also in the Triad, the city of High Point was hit with nearly $75,000 in penalties last year related to air-quality violations at its Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant. NorthWestern Energy and the Missouri-Madison River Fund Trust announced nine public recreation improvement projects have been awarded grant and matching money. NorthWesterns $196,500 in funding and $511,538 from the river fund will be combined with $361,928 from agency and project partners to complete nine projects totaling more than $1 million this year. Many of the projects are in the Helena area, including Gates of the Mountain, Holter Lake and several at Hauser Lake. And there are funds for the Craig fishing access site, according to a news release from NorthWestern. NorthWestern said it will contribute an additional $539,023 to state, federal and local agencies for operation and maintenance work at existing recreation sites. These efforts were included in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project 2188 hydroelectric license in the 1990s to ensure that public recreation sites, facilities, and opportunities remain available into the future. NorthWestern Energy and its employees are proud to support the Missouri-Madison River Fund Trust, a unique private-public partnership to improve and maintain public recreation facilities and opportunities on these great rivers, said NorthWestern Energy Hydropower License Compliance Manager Andy Welch. At the Craig fishing access site on the Missouri River, overflow parking will be developed on leased Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad property. Lewis and Clark County Commissioner Andy Hunthausen said in a news release from NorthWestern that a lack of parking for anglers and recreationists utilizing the access site in Craig has been an issue for years. Other 2023 projects are: Kiosk upgrades at Forest Service sites in the Gates of the Mountains corridor. The Bureau of Land Management will drill new wells at the Devils Elbow Campground and Clarks Bay day-use site on Hauser Lake to continue to provide drinking water to site visitors and area recreationists. Solar arrays will be installed by the Bureau of Land Management at three developed campgrounds on Hauser Lake and Holter Lake to power administration buildings at the sites. Paved surfaces of ADA-accessible pathways within Riverside Campground at the very upper end of Hauser Lake will be upgraded by the Bureau of Reclamation. Deteriorated sections of the popular Beaver Creek Trail between Hauser Dam and Beaver Creek Access Site will be restored and upgraded by the US Forest Service, with cooperation from the Montana Conservation Corps. In Great Falls, the existing drinking water fountain along the Rivers Edge Trail near the south end of Black Eagle Dam will be upgraded by the City of Great Falls Park and Recreation Department to include a water bottle filling station and a dog water bowl. There will be 20,000 Rivers Edge Trail maps will be printed for free distribution to the public with support from the River Fund, NorthWestern Energy and other project partners. On Ennis Lakes west shore, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will expand camping opportunities and improve carry-in watercraft access at Meadow Lake Fishing Access Site. At Trapper Springs along the Lower Madison River the Bureau of Land Management will drill a new well to continue to provide drinking water to site visitors. In addition, dock and vault toilet improvement projects at Hebgen Lake, delayed in 2022 because of resource limits that resulted from historic flooding in Montana, will be completed this year. On the Lower Madison at Warm Spring Access, a boat ramp replacement will be completed this summer. Projects funded in 2023 raise the tally to 160 projects, with $6 million in funding by the River Fund Trust and $1.6 million in matching funds from NorthWestern Energy in the past 17 years. River Fund grants and NorthWestern Energy matching funds have helped leverage public agency and partner funding to provide more than $12 million in public recreation improvements in the Missouri-Madison corridor. The Missouri-Madison River Fund trust for public recreation, valued at $7 million, was created through the collaborative efforts of NorthWestern Energy; Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks; U.S. Forest Service; U.S. Bureau of Land Management; Madison, Gallatin, Broadwater, Lewis and Clark, Cascade and Chouteau counties; and numerous other public and private partners. Vote now until noon on April 20th to support the businesses that you think are the best in the New Braunfels area. MENDOTA, Va. A Mendota, Virginia, woman is keeping Appalachian traditions alive with every turn of her spinning wheel. Deborah Prescott is a traditional textile artist who spins yarn from locally sourced wool fibers she used to raise her own sheep and turns the naturally dyed fibers into yarn for making everything from sweaters and socks to table runners, scarves, dish towels and pillow covers. Prescott is among an increasing number of people who are bringing back the practice of spinning, nearly a lost art. Practicing the old ways of life have brought her joy for almost 30 years, not to mention a sense of satisfaction as the smooth feel of the fibers run through her hands, accompanied by a methodical rhythm of the wheel. The spinner devotes hours to her craft from her country home nestled on farmland where native trees and a quiet stream of water provide solitude. Working with your hands has a very restorative impact, said Prescott. Its relaxing, meditative, and you just feel a whole lot better doing it. Prescott will pass along what she has learned about the traditional methods of spinning yarn to the younger artists in the area during Little Lambs Fiber Arts, a sheep-to-shawl youth fiber arts program held during April and May at William King Museum of Arts in Abingdon. A new adult spinning class will kick off this spring, meeting on four Saturdays in March. According to Charlotte Torrence, director of youth and family education at William King Museum of Art, Little Lambs Fiber Arts was launched in 2022 with funds from a grant from the Francis R. Dewing Foundation. Its exciting were able to offer these classes because it allows us to share this traditional craft from our region with a new younger generation, said Torrence. Art doesnt have to be about being able to draw. You can express yourself in a lot of different ways. The artist Prescott, a self-taught spin artist, grew up in the suburbs of Chicago where she learned to sew at an early age, making many of her own clothes. Its that inclination to make something rather than to consume that energizes her creative spirit. Today, theres a makers movement to learn how to knit and weave and be more conscious of where our clothes come from, she said. I think if the younger generation learns to make their own clothes, it may actually be a way to help reduce the impact our factory-made wardrobes have on the climate. Prescott can trace her love of textile crafts back to her great, great grandmother who was a weaver, making rugs from strips of rag fabrics. I guess its just in my blood, she said. Though shes not a native Appalachian, Prescott appreciates the rich heritage this region offers to artisans. The value of hand crafts is so important. They help us to slow down and to be open to what is real. If we have relationships with what is real, we find more satisfaction in life and it leads us to putting less priority on things and more emphasis on relationships, she said. Very few fiber crafts are done in isolation. They almost always involve other people. Generations ago, it was a way of life to spin yarn, she said. When people practiced this craft, it was part of them being self-reliant and self-sufficient making the most of what they had. It was the children who combed the fibers in the evenings while the mothers spun the yarn and the fathers read to the family. The artist became addicted to spinning yarn in her early thirties after visiting a yarn shop and spotting spinning wheels on display. The thought of making her own yarn and learning to knit were new skills she was eager to learn. Prescott said she and her husband were searching for a relationship with the land when they moved to Southwest Virginia in 1996 and began raising Romney and Cheviot breeds of sheep and harvesting the natural fibers. She has continued her love of spinning yarn even after she and her husband retired and sold their flock of sheep in 2008. A homespun studio A visit to her home studio reveals a collection of tools of the trade bundles of natural fibers she calls birds nests, spindles for twisting yarn, and spinning wheels, some of them vintage. She spins on a drop spindle and spinning wheel and weaves on a rigid heddle loom. Her spinning wheels come in different sizes and shapes, but they each serve the same purpose of twisting fibers into yarn. A lot of people give their spinning wheels names, said Prescott, with a smile. This is Polly. She was built by John Dancer, a Damascus woodworker. I named it Polly because it seems like every other person in the Appalachian region has an aunt named Polly, she laughed. This type of wheel was used in this region until the middle of the 20th century. According to Prescott, the wheel is modeled after an authentic spindle wheel, also called a walking wheel. Wool is turned into yarn when the wheel moves in a turning motion. Twisting causes the fibers to bind together, creating a strong yarn. This wheel is named Lavinia, said Prescott, as she moved around her studio. She is named after a doll that belonged to my grandmothers grandmother, and I still have the doll. And, the wheel is at least 200 years old. Using her spinning wheels, Prescott prepares yarn from wool and sometimes alpaca fibers she buys from neighboring farms. She describes the process of preparing the yarn as an arduous task at times, but one that she enjoys. After harvesting the fibers from the animals, the fibers are washed, combed or carded for smoothness, and then spun into yarn. The artist collects wild plants on the farm for making dyes for the yarn she uses to knit garments. She likes goldenrod for the bright colors it lends to the fibers. Jewelweed creates a copper-colored dye. Ragweed, burdock, comfrey, and stinging nettle leaves lend green colors to the fibers. Sumac leaves give the fibers a beautiful gray with a rosy tone, she said. When the weather becomes warm, Prescott will move her spinning wheel to the front porch where she can work as she feels the warmth of the morning sun and listens to the sounds of the spring birds. If we have a relationship with the natural world, that gives us the ability to cope with changes better, said the artist. I never really felt I belonged anywhere until I moved here, she said. I always thought something was missing. Moving here was like coming home. To learn more about the dates and times of the Little Lambs Fiber Arts classes, visit or call (276) 628-5005. Carolyn R. Wilson is a freelance writer in Glade Spring, Virginia. Contact her at There are, they say, two certainties in life: death and taxes. With a little hard work and some creativity, you probably could avoid the latter but it wouldnt be easy, and lets be honest: avoidance wouldnt be any fun. As for the former certainty, itll get us all sooner or later. Death and taxes are inevitable and, as in the new book OCME by Bruce Goldfarb, so are politics. The old saying is not true. Dead men do tell tales. More than a decade ago, that was something Bruce Goldfarb was about to learn. Hed worked as an emergency medical technician in Memphis, then with the fire department there, got a nursing degree, and was fiddling around with writing when one story [he penned] altered my life in an unpredictable way. He wrote about the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death at the OCME (Office of Chief Medical Examiner) of Maryland; not long afterward, he had a job there as the executive assistant to the chief ME. Once upon a time, Baltimore was not a place to die. In the early 1800s, says Goldfarb, grave robbing was common in Baltimore because of the need for cadavers in the citys colleges and classes. There was public outcry for better facilities for the dead and in 1887, an ordinance was passed to create a morgue but it went unfunded. A building was erected in 1890 but it was very basic; not until 1925 was a then-state-of-the-art facility created. Nearly ninety years later, at his new job, Goldfarb says his phone rang constantly. In charge of public relations, he spent his days answering questions from the press and families whose loved ones lay in the morgue. He handled some requests; denied those that were illegal, unsafe, or just plain creepy; and he explained countless times that theres a difference between cause and manner of death. And when someone asks him today how they can possibly go on without a loved one, he offers six simple words ... According to author Bruce Goldfarb, actor Jack Klugmans portrait hangs in the hallway of the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore, because of Klugmans lead role in Quincy, M.E. Thats about the closest television gets to real life inside this intriguing book. And yet dont dive in without testing the waters first. OCME is a tale of autopsies, death, corpses, and crime, and Goldfarb doesnt soften those realities though this book isnt gratuitously gruesome. He was very familiar with big cases during his time at OCME, such as those of Freddie Gray and Tyrone West, but he offers no new information because this isnt that kind of book, either. Instead, this is a lively and educational story written with authenticity and the right amount of jaw-droppers, and it abundantly shows how bureaucracy can catch up with you, even after youre dead. CSI fans, true crime lovers, and anyone with a curious mind will want this book in their lap this weekend. OCME is real, factual, fascinating, and never, ever taxing. OCME: Life in Americas Top Forensic Medical Center by Bruce Goldfarb c.2023, Steerforth Press $19.00 240 pages Art Dubai is set to hold its 16th edition, the largest ever, from March 3 to 5 at Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai featuring over 130 presentations from more than 40 countries and six continents. The 2023s gallery programme will include four sections: Contemporary, Modern, Bawwaba (featuring exclusively new work) and Art Dubai Digital, as well as more than 30 first-time participants. Art Dubais Executive Director Benedetta Ghione commented: Art Dubai has always tried to reframe what an art fair can be, and this years expanded programme fully reflects our role as a meeting point for the regions creative industries, both commercial and not-for-profit. As an innovative public-private partnership, we have been an incubator of talent, a catalyst for the creative economy here in Dubai, a convener of great minds, and an entry point to this vibrant ecosystem for the wider cultural sector. Further highlights of the 2023 programme include artwork premieres by some of the art worlds most exciting names, and a series of 10 newly commissioned performance works by artists from across South Asia. Produced in partnership with Art Dubais galleries and several leading South Asian cultural organisations, these new site-specific works will comprise daily performances and food-based experiences, exploring themes of community, celebration, hope, and connection. The 2023 programme will feature more than 50 sessions in an ambitious daily conference, talks and education programme. Highlights include the flagship Global Art Forum, the first Dubai edition of Christies Art+Tech summit, a series of Modern and Collector talks developed in partnership with Dubai Collection, and a new event in partnership with the Art Business Conference, focusing on sustainability. Art Dubais Artistic Director Pablo del Val commented: As the global art fair landscape shifts, Art Dubai continues to play an important role profiling and supporting the cultural ecosystems of the Global South and the programme this year fully reflects this regions growing importance, energy and vibrancy. One of our strongest ever gallery line-ups, complemented by an expanded commissioning and thought-leadership programme, highlights the breadth of discourse that is happening here, and offers a glimpse into the past, present and future of this important region. Taking place in a purpose-built space, the 2023 Commissions programme will comprise daily performances and food-based experiences that will explore themes of community, celebration, hope, and connection. Art Dubai 2023 marks the 10th edition of Campus Art Dubai (CAD), Art Dubais flagship initiative to develop the regions future cultural leaders and a core component of the fairs extensive year-round education programme. The 2023 edition will feature two concurrent strands. The first strand, CAD Public Art, aims to build sector knowledge and capacity in the rapidly developing field of public art commissioning. The second, CAD 10.0 Professional Development, will expand to include placements at both Art Dubai and other leading UAE cultural institutions, including Alserkal Avenue and Art Jameel in Dubai, and Abu Dhabis independent platform for emerging artists 421. Presented in partnership with Dubai Collection, Art Dubais 2023 edition will also feature a series of Collector and Modern Talks. The Collector Talks will focus on the collectors and patrons who are driving the development of art scenes across the Global South and supporting the redistribution of cultural centres across the world. This year, Christie's will host its first regional Art+Tech summit in partnership with Art Dubai. Established in 2018, the sixth iteration of the summit - in conjunction with Christies annual summit in New York. In another first, Art Dubai is collaborating with the renowned Art Business Conference on a special session at the fair, focused on exploring topics of sustainability in the art world. TradeArabia News Service Some days, William Armstrong clocks in at 8 a.m. and stays on the job until 9 p.m. Thats the schedule required as he strives to implement changes as a 24-year-old, African American man who also happens to be the Town of Brookfords new police chief. Armstrong understood the challenges before he took the job in January. He worked part-time for two years in Brookford while he was employed full-time at the Lincoln County Sheriffs Office. Armstrong added that he was well acquainted with the town and the citizens, so he was comfortable applying to lead the department. Armstrong is the only full-time officer in Brookford. He works with nine part-time officers. Armstrong said he hopes to have at least two full-time officers within the next two years. Id like to eventually get it to where we have more coverage, Armstrong said. So that when you call 911 somebody from the Brookford Police Department responds and were working our own investigations and wrecks. Along with growing the department, Armstrong said he wants to streamline some practices. When I came in everything was completely paper copies, Armstrong said. We were operating pretty old school. Small-town police departments face limited funding, Armstrong said. Armstrong is requesting a $25,000 grant from the N.C. Governors Crime Commission for new equipment. If approved, the money will be used to purchase five vests, five computers and five radios. Armstrong said the department has spent about $2,000 on two new vests. He said the new vests can be used to carry equipment. Armstrong also wants the department to be more involved with the community, with officers taking part in more Brookford events. He said creating more social media posts to keep citizens updated is another goal. Police officers in Brookford will be getting new uniforms, possibly by the end of the year, Armstrong said. Armstrong pulled out a cellphone and held up a picture of the design for a new shoulder patch. The patch design features a bear in the center with the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background. At the bottom of the patch are pine trees and the North Carolina state flag. The patch reads, Police Brookford, across the top. (Armstrong) has been hard at work ever since he started, Brookford Town Councilman Charles Bargsley said. (The town council) told him we would back him with whatever he needs. We want our police department to be bigger and stronger. Armstrong has worked in law enforcement since July of 2019, he said. He started his career at the Statesville Police Department then went to work at the Lincoln County Sheriffs Office. Along with overseeing a police department, Armstrong is working to obtain a bachelors degree in criminal justice from Columbia Southern University. He said he is scheduled to finish school in October. Bargsley said the Brookford Town Council felt Armstrong was a good fit as police chief because he is familiar with the area and the citizens know him. Bargsley acknowledged that Armstrong is young and added that he hopes Armstrong will be able to stay with the department for a long time. Armstrong said he is the first African American police chief in Brookford. He said it is an amazing opportunity. Armstrong said the number of African American males in law enforcement is low. He attributed that to past experiences with law enforcement and area demographics. Most of us dont really get into law enforcement, let alone to be the chief, Armstrong said. Its a blessing. So, I hope that I can bridge that gap and hopefully pave the way so we can see a lot more people following their dream like I did. A law enforcement career was something Armstrong had in mind from an early age, he said. The biggest thing that I love about law enforcement is we have the opportunity to really change someones life, Armstrong said. What we do is extremely important. When Armstrong was 5, he met Ray Ollis, who was an off-duty officer working security at Skateland in Hickory, Armstrong said. Armstrong said he would see Ollis frequently at Skateland and always had law enforcement questions for Ollis. Ollis is currently a captain with the Brookford police. (Ollis) touched my life and changed my life, Armstrong said. By being a good supportive friend and a mentor to me growing up, along with several other officers. It made me want to do this job. I saw the power that you really have to change someones life. Armstrong added that his mother has been his biggest supporter through every struggle. SHERRILLS FORD When an adult child dies, parents may need the support of understanding peers, grief counseling and a strong support group. When losing an adult child, grief can be compounded by the emotions of not only losing a child but the loss of a friend as well. Understanding your grief takes patience, strength, and courage. Carolina Caring is offering a support group for parents who have experienced the loss of a child over 21 years of age. Register by March 10. The support group will meet Thursdays, March 16, March 30, April 13 and April 27, from 6 until 7:30 p.m. at Carolina Caring, 7473 Sherrills Ford Road, Sherrills Ford. Carolina Caring, founded in 1979, is an independent, community-based, nonprofit health care provider. It specializes in programs that offer relief from chronic conditions, serious illnesses, and the challenges they bring, including palliative medicine, hospice care, and grief counseling. Currently, Carolina Caring serves 12 counties across western North Carolina and the Piedmont. For more information about Carolina Caring, call 828-466-0466 or visit Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes gave birth to a second child as she seeks to delay her impending imprisonment for felony fraud, according to a court filing this past week. Holmes, 39, had a first child a son in July 2021 as she awaited trial on charges of defrauding investors and patients in connection with her now-defunct Palo Alto blood-testing startup. Between her conviction in January 2022 for defrauding investors out of more than $144 million, and her sentencing 10 months later to more than 11 years in prison, Holmes became pregnant again, according to a court filing. Judge Edward Davila, in passing sentence, delayed her incarceration until April 27, with legal experts saying he likely imposed the delay so Holmes could give birth before imprisonment. Holmes appealed her conviction and sentence. Holmes founded Theranos in 2003 as a Stanford University dropout. Her claims that her technology could conduct a full range of tests using just a few drops of blood from a finger-stick helped drive its valuation as high as $9 billion before a series of Wall Street Journal exposes led to federal investigations, criminal charges and the demise of the startup in 2018. The court record does not reveal when Holmes delivered her second child. She appeared pregnant at an October court hearing in U.S. District Court in San Jose, and her fiance Billy Evans the father of Holmes' first child confirmed her pregnancy in a November court filing. Her legal team in a court filing Thursday said she now has "two young children." The filing came amid a back-and-forth fight between Holmes' legal team and prosecutors that followed her motion in December asking Davila to extend her freedom until her appeal is finished, a process that could take a year or more. Davila recommended that Holmes be sent to a minimum-security women's prison camp in Texas, but federal prison officials will decide where she serves time. Last month, prosecutors argued that Holmes should not remain free after April 27. They accused her of posing a flight risk and claimed she tried to flee the country on a one-way ticket to Mexico after her conviction. Holmes only canceled the trip after a prosecutor contacted her lawyers about the ticket, the prosecution said. Holmes' partner Billy Evans, prosecutors claimed, flew to Mexico, not returning for nearly six weeks, and then from South Africa. Holmes' lawyers fired back, arguing that the prosecution had "recklessly and incorrectly" alleged she sought to escape accountability. Her legal team claimed in a court filing that before Holmes was convicted that she hoped to be acquitted and wanted to attend the wedding of close friends in Mexico in late January 2022. "Once the verdict was issued, Ms. Holmes did not intend to make the trip," her lawyers claimed. Evans, who described himself for the first time as Holmes' fiance in a declaration included with the filing, returned to the U.S. through Tijuana four days after he flew to Mexico, before flying to South Africa three weeks later on a two-week trip, according to Holmes' lawyers. Holmes' lawyers also questioned why prosecutors waited until December to make their claim despite knowing about the Mexico booking for a year, and did not mention it when Davila was making decisions about whether Holmes could remain free. But prosecutors in a counter-filing noted that Holmes failed to explain why her ticket to Mexico was only one way. "Noticeably absent from (Holmes') filing is a declaration from the person whose mental state matters (Holmes) herself asserting that she did not intend to nor attempt to flee in January 2022," the filing said. This week's court filing from Holmes' legal team repeated denials that she planned to flee the country, but did not include a direct explanation from Holmes about her Mexico plans, and made no mention of her lack of a return ticket. The Luxembourg Government unveiled its intent to leverage satellite provider SESs second-generation medium earth orbit (MEO) systemO3b mPOWERas a satcom infrastructure for the country, its partners, and NATO in the areas of defence and security, and disaster recovery. In a press conference, Luxembourg Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Francois Bausch said the programMEO Global Services (MGS)valued at 195 million over 10 years will authorise, when passed by Luxembourg parliament, the acquisition and operation of O3b mPOWER services. In late 2022, Luxembourg and the US entered into a support partnership with the aim of commercially contracting satellite communications capabilities through the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA). The O3b mPOWER MEO system enables governments to operate sovereign gateways and networks. It can also be easily integrated into existing governments' satcom capabilities, permitting multi-orbit resiliency to NATO and allies systems and elevating them to the next level of performance and security, SES said. This ambitious new project carried out through the NSPA will consolidate Luxembourgs position as a reliable partner in space. The satellite communication capabilities of SESs O3b mPOWER will reinforce Euro-Atlantic joint deterrence and defence. The aim is to support our Allies, the EU Member States and the international organisations of which Luxembourg is a member, said Minister Bausch. We will increase the resilience, flexibility and connectivity of our satcom capabilities while creating synergies through cooperation with nations who share our values. O3b mPOWER has been designed with the unique needs of governments firmly in mind and brings unprecedented levels of guaranteed performance to support defence, security and sovereign networks as well as disaster recovery and response for a safer and more secure Europe and beyond, said SES CEO Steve Collar. A man faces more than a dozen charges including kidnapping, rape and arson after police say he barricaded himself inside a Greensboro apartment Saturday evening and set a fire that spread to neighboring units. The suspect, Kevin Lewis Green, 36, is being held on a bond of more than $3 million. According to the Greensboro Police Department, officers responded at about 6:30 p.m. to a business in the 4000 block of West Market Street after a report of a gun being fired. They found that no one had been injured and that the suspect had left. A half-hour later, police located Green about two blocks north of the original scene. The suspect entered an apartment in the 400 block of Montrose Drive and barricaded himself inside, the Greensboro Police Department reported. "The suspect appears to have set the apartment on fire," the department said in a press release. "The fire spread to neighboring apartments and Greensboro Police were able to evacuate all residents, and the suspect, without injuries." The police department offered no details about the alleged kidnapping, rape or any victims. Green is charged with: *Three counts of breaking and entering *Two counts of second-degree kidnapping *Kidnapping *Carrying concealed weapons. *Resist, delay, obstruct a public officer *Discharge of firearms in city limits *Going armed to the terror of people.First-degree rape *Robbery with firearms or other dangerous weapons *Discharging a firearm into occupied property *First-degree arson *Possession of a stolen firearm Rural Hall town officials violated state law several times, including by not releasing public records and by allowing the town council to appoint a new town clerk, according to a state audit released last week. In addition, auditors found the Rural Hall Town Council also improperly handled closed sessions and mishandled the contract for its interim town attorney, Randolph James, by not having it vetted by town staff before it was signed. The town also spent more than $147,000 on attorney fees after initially budgeting $10,000 for such expenses. At several points, the audit references the interim town attorney specifically, saying at one point that the issues were caused by the town attorneys disregard for state law and at another point noting that Rural Hall should ensure that its attorney is knowledgeable in legal matters relating to local government ... In the towns response to the audit, James said that Rural Hall made some mistakes, however none were intentional and have been remedied by the adoption of new procedures and strict adherence to state law. In November 2021, State Treasurer Dale Folwell asked State Auditor Beth Wood to investigate allegations of financial impropriety in Rural Hall. Folwell said at the time he wanted Wood to investigate claims that $1.5 million had disappeared from the towns coffers. Woods investigators determined there is no missing or misspent town money, but identified areas where the town could improve in its governance and financial processes. This audit demonstrates that theres more work to do in Rural Hall, Folwell said. It all has to be built on the chassis of transparency and good government, which focuses on taxpayers. Wood sent copies of the audit to Gov. Roy Cooper, N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein, Rural Hall Mayor Tim Flinchum and the Rural Hall Town Council. For the past 16 months, Rural Hall has been entangled in legal disputes, accusations of mismanagement and the resignations of town council members and high-ranking staff. Just last month, Rural Hall Town Manager Misty Meadows resigned after a five-hour closed-door town council session. Meadows, who was previously the towns clerk and administrative assistant, took over the managers position in December 2021, about two months after Megan Garner abruptly resigned as town manager on Oct. 21, 2021. Garner had held the position for four years. Three council members resigned at the same time, after approving a nearly $150,000 severance package for Garner, who had been accused, among other things, of having an affair with the towns fire chief. The town, led by a new board, later filed a lawsuit over the severance package. Garner, who is now city manager of Graham, never got the money because the amount exceeded the towns transaction limits. When asked about Woods audit, Homer Dearmin, the towns interim finance director, pointed to a statement on the towns website. The statement said that on Nov. 30, 2022, the towns council, James and some town employees met with Wood and her staff about the audit report. Wood rejected exhibits which James wanted to include in the towns response for context and completeness, the town said. The exhibits consisted of legal papers about lawsuits the town faces. Public records at issue Woods office determined that the town failed to follow state law in the release of public records. Under state law, if someone is denied access to public records, that person could ask for a court order to compel the town to disclose the records, and the town could be responsible for attorneys fees of the requester, Woods office said. The failure of produce public records improperly limited public transparency and accountability, Woods office said. An audits investigator determined that Rural Hall didnt produce public records when requested by the public because of James disregard for the North Carolina public records law, the audit report said. James did not identify any legitimate statutory exception of the North Carolina public records law as grounds to deny the requests, the report said. As an example, the Journal submitted a public-records request through the towns website last month for information about a wreck involving Meadows. Meadows was driving a town-owned vehicle on Oct. 17, 2022, when that vehicle was involved in a crash. Meadows, who didnt report the crash to local law enforcement, said in an incident report for the N.C. Department of Motor Vehicles that she was stopped at the intersection of Forum Parkway and N.C. 65 when her 17-year-old daughter, who was behind her in a separate vehicle, received a call that a classmate had been murdered. Her daughter then bumped into Meadows car, causing Meadows to bump the car in front of her. The combined damage to the three vehicles was $13,784. The damage to the towns vehicle was $9,323. Meadows private insurance company paid for the repairs. Neither the town nor its insurance company paid for any of the damage, according to the records. Under state law, if a wreck involves more than $1,000 in damages, a law enforcement agency must be called. When the Journal submitted its request, Lynette Hendrick, the town clerk, sent back the form, indicating that the town had no records about the wreck. Later, James provided documents to the Journal and said that Hendrick had made a mistake and only meant that there were no records inside Rural Hall Town Hall. The audit says the town didnt produce when asked numerous public records, including employment histories for two town employees, the contract for a town manager, video footage from town security cameras and copies of letters of resignation from five former town staffers. Opening meetings law violated Woods investigators say that the town violated the states open meeting law from January 2021 through July 2022 because the town council didnt properly enter closed sessions. Town officials also discussed topics in closed sessions that the council should have discussed in open sessions, the investigators said. Under state law, panels of local elected officials are allowed to enter into closed sessions for several reasons, including to consult with their attorneys and to discuss personnel matters. If those reasons are not met, the session must be public. The town councils failure to properly enter into closed session and the discussion of unallowed topics in closed session limited the publics ability to be informed about the operations and performance of their government and to hold town officials accountable, the report said. The audit criticized James for failing to provide guidance to the town council on how to properly enter a closed session and what the panel could discuss in closed session. James told investigators that he served at the pleasure of the town council, and it would be awkward if he fusses at them about discussing things in closed sessions that should be in open sessions, according to the audit. In his response to Woods audit, James said the audits assertion that the town violated the states open meetings law has a false premise by the investigators who were not provided with any closed-session minutes in which attorney-client privileged communications occurred between (James) and the council during a closed session. The audit says the town discussed in closed session the cost of the interim attorney, security cameras at the town hall and fire department, plans to change keys and the fire chief getting bids for lettering on his town vehicle. Such discussions, the audit said, should have been done in open session. By not holding those discussions in open session limited the publics ability to be informed about the operations and performance of their government and to hold town officials accountable. James contract Investigators also determined that the town didnt properly handle its contract with James. The town didnt conduct a pre-audit of the contract to determine if the town had adequate money in its budget to pay James fees, the audit said. As a result, the town signed a contract without ensuring that there were sufficient funds to pay the amounts that would come due, the audit said. Also, since the contract was not pre-audited, the contract is invalid and may not be enforced. In his response to the audit, James said his contract with the town is legally valid. The audit also accused the town of not completing its monthly bank reconciliations from November 2021 through April 2022. Bank reconciliations are used to examine variances by comparing the cash balance in the towns accounting system to the balance reported by the bank. The process helps the town prevent or detect possible errors, theft or misuse of cash, the audit said. James said in his response that Meadows did not know that the towns then finance director, Wade Gilley, had failed to complete the reconciliations. Gilley resigned on Dec. 28, James said. The town council hired Council Member Terry Bennett as its finance officer. Gilley told auditors that he was unable to complete the reconciliations because of increased responsibilities. Gilley said he was the only person with budget experience, so that is currently on my plate as well. He also said he had been interviewing and training new staffers. The audit also revealed that the town council appointed a town clerk without having the legal authority to do so. The town manager is responsible for appointing the town clerk, the report said. As a result, the town clerk was not legally employed in that position, the audit said. The town clerk is not elected by the people, and the appointment of the town clerk is not provided for in state law. A group of N.C. Senate Republicans advocating for healthcare reform legislation have re-filed a bill that would make major changes to statewide foster-care services. Those changes are designed foremost to ensure that a child in foster care retains access to Medicaid-covered physical and behavioral health services if they are moved to another county. Currently, Medicaid services are handled by counties. That means when a child in foster care is moved to another county, a new application for services must be filed on their behalf with that countys Department of Social Services. Senate Bill 156, titled Medicaid Children & Families Specialty Plan, has Sen. Joyce Krawiec, R-Forsyth, as its primary sponsor. The bill contains similar language to a House Bill 144, which cleared the Senate by a 41-0 vote in June. However, with the priority at that time being passing the 2022-23 state budget, HB144 was not addressed by the House. HB144 is the preferred option by state health regulators. DHHS said in a statement Friday that the Children & Families Specialty Plan is designed to operate statewide to enable children, youth and families to have access to a continuous, broad range of physical and behavioral health services regardless of their location in the state. NCDHHS conducted more than a year of robust stakeholder engagement with diverse participants including: youths and families; county leadership; providers; and numerous child, family and provider advocates. Meanwhile, SB156 contains a significantly reduced role for the states six behavioral health managed care organizations, known as MCOs. The primary purpose of the states six behavioral health MCOs is to oversee providers of mental health, substance-abuse disorder, intellectual and developmental disability and traumatic brain injury services. They also play a role in ensuring that children in foster care get proper health and medical care, along with other services. The behavioral health MCO serving Davie, Forsyth, Surry and Yadkin counties is Partners Health Management. Forsyth is by far the largest of Partners 14 members by population. The six MCOs have introduced their own plan to assure statewide coverage that have drawn the support of at least 30 counties, including Forsyth. The goal is to provide continuity to families via a statewide foster plan, Krawiec said. We had hoped to get the foster care plan done and operational as a statewide plan, and the MCOs would transition to implementing the tailored plans. Tailored plans delay The launch of a key Medicaid initiative in North Carolina tailored plans for behavioral health recipients has been delayed twice from its planned July 1, 2022, launch. It is now scheduled to begin April 1. Individuals who need certain services to address a serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, severe substance abuse disorder, intellectual or developmental disability, or traumatic brain injury may be eligible to enroll in a tailored plan. DHHS said in July 2021 that tailored plans could serve about 200,000 North Carolinians, or about 7.4% of the 2.7 million Medicaid recipients in the state. Currently, we have the regional MCOs operating in silos, Krawiec said. The population of foster care beneficiaries is very transient, and when they move from one region to another, their insurance does not go with them. The result is, the beneficiary is living in a region and their health care providers may be miles away. Krawiec said SB156 will initiate a statewide plan so that beneficiaries will not have their services disrupted. Their insurance coverage will be honored no matter where they are in North Carolina. Bill changes Changes removed a limitation on prepaid health plans that will open the bids up for any qualified vendor. Any of the states six behavioral health MCOs are eligible to bid, Krawiec said. SB156 also removed language that would require the MCOs to develop and maintain a closed network of providers to furnish mental health, intellectual or development disabilities and substance abuse services to its enrollees. Another change removed a clause that would not have allowed entities with a common ownership to submit more than one bid. DHHS would be responsible for determining which services would be offered in the plan and which Medicaid and N.C. Health Choice beneficiaries would be eligible to enroll. The bill says those services would include: intensive in-home services; multi-systemic therapy; residential treatment; and services in private residential treatment facilities. Key elements in both SB156 and HB144 would require the states six behavioral health MCOs to cease managing Medicaid services for most foster care children. The bill also would require area authorities to operate the plan under a contract with DHHS. Background The genesis of both bills was complaints expressed by county officials, including in Forsyth, about how Cardinal Innovations once the states largest MCO at 20 counties, but now disbanded was overseeing foster care services. Krawiec said that right now, we have a very fragmented system involving the six behavioral health MCOs Some are doing a good jobs and some are not, Krawiec said. They dont tend to talk with each other well. DHHS has proposed handling foster-care services through a statewide plan scheduled to debut by Dec. 1, 2023. However, opponents of HB144 did not like that counties such as Forsyth could opt out of the plan if it becomes law. Dave Richard, the states deputy Medicaid secretary, has said the plan is expected to cover about 31,000 young people statewide through providers already participating in the states Medicaid program. Richard will retire Tuesday after nearly eight years in that role. At least 218 young people in Forsyth have received foster-care services from its managed-care organization, Partners, since Forsyth joined on Nov. 1, 2021. Under HB144 and SB156, a child cannot be taken out of the statewide plan unless DHHS requests it, and federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approves it. Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.C. supports the DHHS initiative as part of its Healthy Blue insurance coverage network. A single statewide health care plan can best manage the full range of benefits and services meant to address (youth in foster care), including crisis intervention, treatment and placement coordination, Blue Cross NC said. Through our Healthy Blue plan, we support the states vision to transform the existing fragmented health care delivery model for youth and families involved with local Departments of Social Services into one that offers seamless, integrated, and coordinated physical and behavioral health care including care management and placement coordination for children and youth in foster care. Opposition HB144 and the plan is opposed by the states six behavioral health MCOs and at least 30 counties, including Forsyth, all of which say they want to keep foster care services as close to local as possible. The current CFSP proposal would transition many of the youth in Department of Social Services custody outside of Partners management, which would create another change too soon in an already complex system, David Plyler, then-chairman of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners, wrote to Richard in April 2022. Forsyth commissioners and DSS staff have expressed satisfaction with Partners handling of foster-care services. The proposed single statewide plan design of the CFSP will jeopardize, rather than support, the progress we are making and targeted infrastructure we are building with Partners, Plyler said. The six MCOs and the counties say they were told in April by Richard that counties can opt out of the plan contained in HB144. I believe there was a misunderstanding of what Dave said, but we have discussed at length, Krawiec said. Counties could never opt out as a whole, but it can only be done on an individual basis. Partners has said that establishing a new, redundant statewide plan would cost North Carolina taxpayers millions of unnecessary dollars, and it would significantly limit choice and control for all North Carolina counties who care for many of our most vulnerable children. MCO alternative On May 1, the six MCOs unveiled the N.C. Child and Family Improvement Initiative, which represents their collective first step toward providing an alternative to the proposed statewide foster-care services plan. The initiative went into effect on Oct. 1. The MCOs said a primary goal of the initiative is to demonstrate that their ability to implement a statewide model to ensure seamless access to quality care for these children and families regardless of where they live in North Carolina. The initiative would include: * Creating a statewide provider network to ensure access to residential treatment and other services; * Ensuring a standardized, seamless process for children moving from one MCO region to another or changing custody to a new Department of Social Services; * Establishing rapid access to care by reducing authorization barriers for residential treatment; and * Increasing capacity for crisis care across the state. The MCOs expect the immediate improvements resulting from this partnership will be fully functional before the April 1 launch of the tailored plans. More restaurants opened in Lincoln in 2022 than in any year since the debut of Pinnacle Bank Arena brought with it a surge in new dining options in 2013. Robin Eschliman, a commercial real estate agent and co-host of "Grow Lincoln" on KLIN-AM, compiles the list of annual openings each year. Notable openings included Fleetwood, a new restaurant in the Haymarket, and Well & Good, a dining spot in the new Scarlet Hotel on Nebraska Innovation Campus. Eschliman's annual survey noted that 26 restaurants closed in 2022, including a couple of Lincoln landmarks. The Valentino's buffet at 70th and Van Dorn streets closed after being shut down during much of the pandemic, clearing the way for a doctor's office to take over the space. The Parthenon, which operated for close to 20 years, was replaced by the Mettle Grill in Lincoln's Edgewood Shopping Center. Here's a selection of what was new in 2022: MotorFood, 621 N. 48th St.: Have you ever had a grilled cheese sandwich stuffed with mac and cheese? Comfort foods with an extra twist make up the menu at this food truck-turned-restaurant. L's Kitchen, 2785 S. 17th St.: Located in the former Normandy space, popular dishes include the Hungarian goulash and their secret recipe meatloaf. Large selection of vegetarian and gluten-free options. Raina's On the Run, 1120 N. Cotner Blvd.: Homestyle restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, featuring omelets, spaghetti and catfish. Wendy's, 6841 S. 27th St.: The fast-food chain added a new location on the northwest corner of 27th Street and Pine Lake Road. Firehouse Subs, 5308 S. 56th St.: The national sandwich shop chain, known for donating proceeds to firefighters, opened its second Lincoln location at Edgewood. Ms. Chen 56, 5601 S. 56th St.: Authentic Chinese cuisine featuring mei fun, wonton soup and chef's specials like the "Dragon and Phoenix." Daq Shack, 4630 Leighton Ave.: Giving Lincolnites a taste of the beach, lobster and fried chicken are served alongside a tropical cocktail menu, and don't forget cotton candy cheesecake for dessert. Lincoln's Pub, 4630 Leighton Ave.: Sharing a kitchen with Daq Shack, bar food favorites are locally sourced and a takeout option is available, called President's Takeout. Kumbia's, 6100 O St.: New food court option at Gateway Mall. Abelardo's, 5020 N.W. 12th St.: The chain known for fresh ingredients opened its third Lincoln location just off Interstate 80 near the airport. Pho and Grill, 2901 S. 84th St.: Pho noodle soup, seafood pineapple fried rice and tofu rolls are all served at this authentic Vietnamese restaurant. Sabor Latino, 2701 N. 48th St.: Dishes from Honduras and Mexico fill the menu, featuring seafood and street tacos and empanadas for dessert. Pita & Naan, 1434 O St.: Gyros. Falafel. Shawarma. Get your fix of Mediterranean food in the heart of downtown Lincoln. Vern & Ellies, 345 Speedway Circle: A drive-thru homestyle restaurant with handmade brats and stuffed green peppers to give a taste of home. Heoya South, 1501 Pine Lake Road: The Asian fusion restaurant offers sandwiches, noodles and Korean BBQ tacos. Lila Mae's Southern Kitchen, 2110 Winthrop Road: Bringing a taste of the South to Lincoln, the restaurant serves lunch and dinner and is named for owner Tramesha Cruse's great-grandmother, who taught her how to cook. Oishii Japanese Steakhouse, 2949 N. 27th St.: Translating to "delicious" in English, Oishii is Lincoln's newest hibachi-style restaurant, allowing guests to watch their food being prepared. Little Caesars, 4646 W. Huntington Ave.: Little Caesars opened its fourth Lincoln location in Lincoln's Air Park neighborhood. Chef Shawarma, 831 N. 48th St.: Drive-thru Mediterranean cuisine served straight off a cooking spit. Masa Sushi, 1701 Pine Lake Road: A sushi bar with every possible sushi combination imaginable, including local favorites the UNL roll and I-80 roll. Domino's Pizza, 2801 Pine Lake Road: Domino's has expanded to six Lincoln locations. QDOBA Mexican Eats, 2900 Cooper Ridge Drive: Fast-casual chain moved into former Salsarita's space in south Lincoln. B&T's Diner, 4700 Vine St.: A diner tucked in on Vine Street serving homestyle breakfast and lunch options like omelets and patty melts. Chipotle, 4465 N. 27th St.: National chain added location in north Lincoln. Panera Bread, 4449 N. 27th St.: Just steps away from Chipotle, the national chain opened its fourth Lincoln location. Well & Good, 2101 Transformation Drive: Located in the Scarlet Hotel, the restaurant and bar follows a Nebraska theme with its lunch and dinner menu. Mettle Grill, 5500 S. 56th St.: Located at Edgewood, the restaurant boasts a full sandwich and burger menu, with beer on tap and specials at the bar. Fleetwood, 801 O St.: The modern American grill located in the heart of the Haymarket features beef short ribs smothered in beet and port reduction. Los Gonzalez, 2310 N. First St.: Authentic Mexican cuisine featuring birria and known for its cheese pull served everyday. Taj Ali, 1501 Pine Lake Road: Middle Eastern restaurant opened its second location in Lincoln next door to Juice Stop and Paint Yourself Silly. The Hero of This Book by Elizabeth McCracken; Ecco, 192 pages, $26.99. Once somebody is dead, the world reveals all the things they might have enjoyed if they werent, Elizabeth McCracken writes in her funny, perceptive novel The Hero of This Book. McCracken chronicles a trip the unnamed narrator took to London in 2019, the year after her mother died. The narrator, who has much in common with McCracken, visits tourist attractions and walks around the city. The narrator is frequently joined by a second narrative presence, who McCracken calls the author, who comments on the story. Both reminisce about her remarkable mother, who loved London, from its wheelchair-accessible black cabs to its abundant theater offerings. As McCracken embarks on this story, she interrogates the narrator: Perhaps you fear writing a memoir, reasonably. So, she advises, Invent a single man and call your book a novel. The narrator engages in this dance throughout the book, insisting, I am not a memoirist and that her mother would hate my opinion about her experience. She squirms away from the story and yet is compelled to tell it. McCrackens mother, Natalie, is such an original person and worthy subject that its evident why her loss drove McCracken to convey her spirit in a book. Natalie Jacobsen McCracken was born a twin in a Jewish family in Iowa, and walked with canes due to a birth injury. She worked as an editor and was tiny, opinionated, black-haired and enthusiastic, with weapons-grade self-confidence and self-determination. McCrackens father, who died five years before her mother, made a striking counterpoint to Natalie, at 6 feet 3 and more than 300 pounds. McCracken insists that writers must convey characters physicality to portray them accurately. If you dont take your characters bodies into account, she writes, your work is in danger of being populated by sentient, anguished helium balloons. Throughout the book, McCracken, who teaches creative writing at the University of Texas, shares observations about writing, yet she asserts that her wisdom, if assembled, could only fill a pamphlet. The narrator has an endearing way of insisting she knows nothing and then dropping one stellar insight after another. As she walks around London and thinks about the estate sale that emptied her parents jam-packed house, and the prospective buyers who are trooping through it now, she accuses this book of having not much of a plot. But it actually follows a plot that the bereaved know well. Researchers have documented how grieving people often engage in searching behavior as their brains struggle to integrate loss. A mourning brain seems to ask: Where did my person go? Memories play in loops, and people can even hallucinate seeing their loved one. This doesnt happen to the narrator, but her mother appears as an overlay to every experience. She walks around seeking and feeling, and observes about writing, Unlike some pursuits, if you hurt yourself, its a sign that youre doing it right. This compact, wise, heartfelt book is another sign that McCracken continues to do it right. No more scurrying from floor to floor, or even from store to store. Dillards is expanding and reorganizing its store in Gateway Mall after acquiring the vacated Younkers space next door. The second floor is going to be anything our female customers need to complete an entire wardrobe, said Julie Johnson Guymon, director of investor relations for Dillards. When the remodeling is complete, ladies apparel, shoes, accessories, cosmetics and intimate apparel will all be together. Dillards acquired the local Younkers space in 2020 for $1.3 million. Younkers closed its Lincoln department store in 2018 and the space at the northwest corner of Gateway was mostly empty until Dillards began a $9.9 million remodeling project, which also included renovations on the existing Dillards store. Dillards had 150,000 square feet and added another 102,000 square feet with the acquisition. The remodeling is expected to be completed by the end of March. Dillards had a very strong presence in the marketplace to begin with. Adding the additional square footage should make them one of the most dominant anchor stores or department stores in the market, said Chad Becwar, general manager of Gateway Mall. So with all that added space, longtime customers have raised questions. Was it going to be something entirely different in the new section? Or was it going to be bigger and easier to get around with larger selection? Its going to be all that. Having more square footage enables us to put our best foot forward, allowing us to create a more pleasing shopping experience for our Lincoln customers, said Guymon. We will also present some brands that are new to the market and to our customers there in Lincoln and Gateway Mall. It will be a more complete array of brands, along with more luxury brands. The renovations in the former Younkers space are nearly complete, with just the escalator installation remaining and work to remove the wall between the two spaces, creating one wide-open second floor. On the first floor of the new addition are kids, juniors, home and gift wrap. An opening allows customers to move between that area and the first floor of the original Dillards, which houses the expanded mens department. Men's clothing grew into the space that formerly included housewares and bedding. The mens department is greatly enhanced, with more square footage to present mens apparel and accessories, said Guymon. Brands new to the mens section at the Lincoln Dillard's include Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Psycho Bunny and Original Penguin. Guymon said new brands added to cosmetics include a M-A-C counter and Bobbi Brown, along with the Edge shop, which is a collection of smaller, high-profile luxury brands. We completely remodeled the ladies shoe presentation that is featuring our latest design enhancements and ladies footwear, she said. In ladies accessories, the Kendra Scott collection will be expanded along with the James Avery collection and Versace sunglasses. A new exclusive brand to Dillards, A Love A, is being added to ladies apparel, along with Eileen Fisher and Bryn Walker. We are proud that 23% of the brands that we present are exclusive to Dillards. We have our own designers and we work with the factories to get them produced, Guymon said. We do the marketing and the sales. We can work with anyone by style and budget. This isnt the first time the company has acquired a large space in a mall in which Dillards was already an anchor store. We call those dual-anchor formats and we have had them for decades, Guymon said. In Overland Park, Kansas, Dillard's has for years operated separate men's and women's stores on opposite ends of Oak Park Mall. Expanding into an adjacent space adds to the efficiency for the store and its customers. The importance of the dual-anchor format is that we really believe in the market and we believe in our customers there so much that we want to put our best foot forward and present as much of an assortment as possible," Guymon said. Dillards has stores in 30 states and has been in Gateway since 1988, when they acquired the former Miller & Paine space. What better way to celebrate our 35-year anniversary than with a brand new store, Guymon said. Becwar agreed. This should say a lot to Lincoln about Dillards and Gateways commitment to our community, he said. Weve always taken great pride in working with national retailers as well as local and regional retailers and entrepreneurs to create a shopping environment that has a really great mix of retail that the community wants to see. The Embassy of Bangladesh in Manama has commemorated the International Mother Language Day (IMLD) for the second time this year by organising a well-attended event at the renowned Arab Open University. In addition to the presence of the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Bahrain, Dr Md Nazrul Islam, the event was also attended by the Secretary-General & Deputy Chairperson of the Higher Education Council of Bahrain, Dr Shaikha Rana bint Isa bin Duaij Al Khalifa as the Chief Guest. The President of Arab Open University, Dr Ghurmallah Al Ghamdi was the Guest of Honour. In his welcome remarks, Dr Islam explained how Bangladesh is intimately linked to the initiation of this internationally observed day by paying deep respects to the valiant language martyrs who, in a truly unprecedented event in the history of the world, sacrificed their lives during the language movement of 1952 to allow the people of Bangladesh to freely speak in their mother tongue. Role of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman He also talked about the key role of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the language movement and then lauded the leadership of HM the King of Bahrain and the Crown Prince & Prime Minister of Bahrain for their efforts in fostering language diversity, multiculturalism, and peaceful coexistence something that Bahrain shares with Bangladesh. The Ambassador concluded his speech by praising the talent and creativity of the schoolchildren who participated in the Embassys art competition on the occasion. The winners of the art competition were then awarded with medals and certificates. The next segment featured a cultural programme where the students of Bangladesh School Bahrain performed dances to three national songs. The Chief Guest then inaugurated the art exhibition. Significance of IMLD In a post-event interview, the Ambassador stated that the Embassy arranged the art competition and the subsequent exhibition of the artworks for highlighting the significance of IMLD, namely its promotion of multilingualism and multiculturalism. The exhibition of the schoolchildrens artworks will be open to the public for the next two weeks at the Colours of the East art gallery at the Seef Mall in Muharraq city.-- TradeArabia News Service Whither doth this legislative session go? It looks like the ship is headed downstream to eventual enactment of a broad conservative agenda. But it's not smooth sailing ahead. Legislative opponents appear to be left essentially with the option of trying to delay the outcome while perhaps trapping or moderating an item or two. And that has led to a filibustered legislative session so far. Talk, run the clock, flip the calendar pages, delay the outcome. What's changed this year is the departure of a core of independent or less doctrinaire Republican senators who played a big role in shaping the outcome. However, we don't know these new senators well yet, so maybe there are some independent Republican voices yet to be heard. Perhaps along with those of a couple of Republican senators who were already there when the newcomers arrived. The moderating views of John McCollister, Mark Kolterman, Matt Williams, John Stinner and Robert Hilkemann did not all emerge right away. Their moderation gave them power, and sometimes the opportunity to be the decisive votes on important bills before they were term-limited out of the Legislature this year. Notably, three of those Republican voices came from outside of Omaha and Lincoln, from as far west as the border with Wyoming. So it's a little early to try to characterize this Legislature. Senators sometimes change the more tempting word is grow once they've been in the Legislature awhile and fully understand and experience how independent they truly are, free from party and partisanship if they want to be, free from doctrine or dogma, free to arrive at their own judgments. Free to match the non-partisan description that accompanied their names on the ballot. This Legislature is essentially evenly split between rural and urban, but the urban voice is divided and the rural voice is largely united and that will matter. It gives rural Nebraska power at a time when future redistricting will gradually eat away at its strength in terms of numbers. There seems to be patience in their ranks, at least for now, as some senators run the clock day by day, although Sen. Steve Erdman of Bayard says he's tempted to offer a sine die motion to end the currently dysfunctional session and just go home. The best early bet is that the conservative Pillen agenda, which focuses on tax reduction, limited government spending and state school aid reform, eventually is going to prevail once the smoke has cleared. But it might take awhile. * * * Not much noticed yet is a pending legislative bill that would open a pathway for citizens to protest and seek prosecution of persons responsible for allowing "obscene materials," including pornography, to be available in public libraries. It's part of a broader bill, LB441, introduced by Sen. Joni Albrecht of Thurston. A cannon shot in the culture war already impacting universities, already visible in the approaching 2024 presidential campaign and already on full display in this legislative session. * * * Finishing up: * Sen. Tom Brewer's bill (LB77) to allow concealed carrying of a handgun without a permit or required gun safety training is scheduled for debate in the Legislature on Wednesday, no doubt triggering a filibuster, one of many yet to come. * A January poll conducted by RMG Research for the Liberty Initiative Fund suggests that 70% of Nebraskans would oppose a proposal to allow Nebraska state senators to serve three consecutive terms rather than being limited to the current two consecutive four-year terms. * It's always interesting, and instructive, to watch senators making the rounds to touch base and talk with colleagues while the Legislature is in session. Sen. John Fredrickson of Omaha is a freshman senator who appears to have quickly seen the value of that in developing relationships. Sen. Lou Ann Linehan of Elkhorn is a veteran senator and legislative leader who is often on the move. * Sen. Mike McDonnell, a Catholic and a likely candidate for mayor of Omaha, has been denied a seat on the Douglas County Democratic central committee because of his support for pro-life legislation. * A long time ago, Jim Exon, former governor and former U.S. senator, the man who built a strong and competitive Democratic Party in the state, told me that the party's unwillingness to be a welcoming political home for pro-life supporters as well as pro-choice advocates would lead to its decline in Nebraska. * And here comes a welcome sighting of March, the last of the five wintry months. Photos: Prayer rally at Nebraska Capitol marks a year of war in Ukraine Members of Nebraskas Ukrainian community gathered outside the state Capitol on Saturday in remembrance of one of the darkest days in their countrys history. On Feb. 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, one that continues today and has left thousands dead. For Ukrainians living in Nebraska, the last year has been one of the hardest of their lives. Last year, for us, was like 100 years, Mykhailo Smyshliaiev said. Smyshliaiev, a Ukraine native who's lived in Lincoln 15 years, has helped organize weekly gatherings outside the Capitol since the war began to show support for Ukraine. Saturdays event featured speakers and photos detailing the severity of the conflict. One photo showed a horrific scene in Smyshliaievs hometown of Kherson, which was bombed by Russians on Christmas Eve. Since the first day of the war, Kherson was under occupation for eight months, Smyshliaiev said. My in-laws stayed there during that time. He said Kherson has since been liberated by Ukrainian troops. His in-laws performed heroic acts over the last eight months while the city was occupied by Russia. Smyshliaievs father-in-law is a pastor in Kherson, and he said the church fed members of the community while stores were closed. The church bought their food from farmers, and weve raised money here to send back to them so that they can feed children and elders in the community, Smyshliaiev said. Nebraska-based Ukrainians expressed their appreciation for the communitys support, particularly for the sizable gathering Saturday. Its very cool to see how the Lincoln community supports this cause ... its very heartwarming, Constantine Syniy said. Ukraine is 1,000 miles away, but still people in the great city of Lincoln care about us. Syniy, who's lived in Lincoln 20 years and is the owner of All-Pro Heating and Air Conditioning, has family in Kherson like Smyshliaiev. Both expressed gratitude that their families have remained safe, but staying in contact with them over the last year has been stressful. We have an app to communicate with our family members back home, Syniy said. The ringtone from the app used to give me joy, because you know your family members are posting something. Now the same ringtone brings me worry and anxiety, because you hope its not bad news. Despite the difficulties Ukrainians have endured over the last year, event organizers wanted to highlight the resiliency of the country Saturday. This is a year that the civilized world witnessed the resilience of the Ukrainian nation, Oleg Stepanyuk said. The world witnessed unspoken courage in their fight for freedom, democracy and independence." Stepanyuk is an associate pastor at the House of Prayer Church in Lincoln and delivered a passionate speech about how Ukrainians have remained united in the face of adversity. Stepanyuk then led the group in prayer. Not only did he offer prayers for Ukraine, those lost in the war and those with family members in Ukraine, he also prayed for Russia. I pray that God gives that nation the change of heart and repentance so they can see what they did, Stepanyuk said. As the conflict enters its second year, Lincoln's Ukrainians said they're hoping for a peaceful end to the war, along with continued support from nations like the U.S. We want to remind everybody that lives in Lincoln, lives in Nebraska, lives in the United States, that the war is still going, Smyshliaiev said. The support weve received is incredible. Were thankful for that, but we want to remind people to continue to pray, continue to help those in great need in Ukraine. Photos: Prayer rally at Nebraska Capitol marks a year of war in Ukraine A Firth man who fired shots at a Beatrice residence last year was ordered to serve a probation term. Colten R. Anderson, 18, was sentenced in Gage County District Court on Thursday to 60 months of probation for a charge of possession of a deadly weapon while committing a felony, a class 3 felony. He was also ordered to pay $1,075 in restitution as part of the sentencing. The charge was reduced from use of a firearm to commit a felony, and a second charge of discharging a firearm near a building or vehicle was previously dismissed as part of a plea agreement. Anderson was one of two people arrested for shooting at a Beatrice building on Aug. 3. The Beatrice Police Department received reports of shots being fired at approximately 2:30 a.m. that day, and a residence in the 1300 block of Lincoln Street was hit. The residence was occupied at the time, and no injuries were reported. Another defendant in the case, 19-year-old Jordan Meyer, of Lincoln, faces charges of discharging a firearm near a vehicle or building, use of a firearm to commit a felony, three counts of criminal mischief $0-$500, criminal mischief $500-$1,500, criminal mischief over $5,000 and making graffiti. A pretrial is scheduled in the case for March 23. Top Journal Star photos for February 2023 While debate continues about running a streetcar line from downtown Omaha west to 42nd Street, one Omaha lawmaker pitched a plan Friday to add a second line going north to Eppley Airfield. Sen. Justin Wayne outlined a vision for a North Omaha line at a hearing before the Legislature's Appropriations Committee. He introduced LB477 to put $100 million of state funds into the proposal. Wayne said the proposed new line would spur economic development, bring jobs and support affordable housing in some of the city's poorest areas. He said it could transport workers and provide air travelers with a way to get downtown. Under his plan, the North Omaha streetcar would run north from Farnam Street along 19th Street/Florence Boulevard for about a mile, then jog east to 16th Street and continue north. At Fort Street, it would turn and head east to the airport. The line would pass the $60 million airport business park that is in the works, using American Rescue Plan Act dollars. Wayne got funding for the park last year, after touting its potential as a major employment center for North Omaha. On Friday, he said the North Omaha streetcar line would rely on the same type of tax-increment financing that city officials have proposed using for the east-west line. Tax-increment financing uses the increase in property tax revenues created by a development to help pay for that development, such as by paying for associated infrastructure. Supporters of the original streetcar plan have argued that the financing method can pay for the streetcar and associated development. Wayne said he is working on legislation that would allow it to pay for construction of affordable housing along the streetcar line as well. Steve Jensen and Jacquelyn Morrison, who work in Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert's office, both spoke in support of Wayne's proposal. Jensen said streetcars spur investment in developed urban cores because they decrease the need for parking. That, in turn, means development projects can be done at less cost. He also argued that a streetcar would increase property values along its route. Morrison said that the increased development can help fund schools and other local needs. Local governments see increased tax revenues when the tax-increment financing period ends. Stephen Osberg, speaking for the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce, also backed the proposal. He said a North Omaha line fits within the chamber's transportation and urban core strategies, which call for providing better access to jobs. No one appeared in opposition to LB477. The bill does not specify the source of the $100 million. The state is projected to have more than $2.3 billion in its cash reserve fund after the current fiscal year ends June 30. The original streetcars planned route runs east along Harney Street, then turns north along 10th Street up to about Cass Street near CHI Health Center. The streetcars then would head back south on 10th to Capitol Avenue. From there, the route would run a couple of blocks east to Eighth Street near the citys riverfront before turning west onto Farnam Street. The cars then would travel to the routes western terminus at 42nd Street near the University of Nebraska Medical Center. If all goes as planned, the first streetcar vehicles would be delivered to Omaha in July 2025. The streetcar system would open for operation in 2026. Photos: The business of governing in Nebraska in 2023 Nebraskas average temperature has risen to the point where it is on par with the Dust Bowl decade of the 1930s and, within the next 30 years, is expected to rise more than the 1.6 degrees it has gone up over the last century. That change has not only led to warmer weather, but wetter weather, flooding, drought and a negative impact on public health that, like the average temperature, is expected to continue increase. For example, more than 4,000 Nebraskans have contracted West Nile disease since the virus arrived in 1999, giving the state the fourth-highest state tally of reported cases, trailing only far more populous California, Colorado and Texas. Why does Nebraska have that ranking? Researchers theorize the states extreme swings in weather from rainy seasons to hot, dry stretches -- generate the stagnant pools of water where West Nile-carrying mosquitoes thrive. Similarly, health officials are finding more tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, as tick populations expand and new species of ticks move into the state. And, chillingly, a naturally occurring amoeba, harmless when water temperatures are low, transforms into an infectious state when water temperatures reach the mid-80s. That happened on the Elkhorn River last year, where an 8-year-old boy died after being infected. The heating of the river has been attributed to last summers hot weather, which was also one of the contributors to the drought that has seen Nebraska, in the last decade, experience its hottest, driest year on record (2012) and, last year, its fourth driest. Drought, University of Nebraska Medical Center scientists say, can be associated with an increase in deaths in the state, and national researchers have found a relationship between drought and suicide. Those impacts of drought are more hidden than the dry fields and decline in agricultural production. So are the mental health struggles being experienced by rural Nebraskans, whose livelihoods depend on the weather. All that and more, like a changing ecosystem that will bring invasive new plants to Nebraska, is evidence that supports the World Health Organizations assertion that climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity and that climate change and its impact isnt some theoretical problem that will manifest in a half century. This is not a future issue, Scott Holmes, manager of Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Departments environmental public health division said in a Sunday news story. This is a today issue. Holmes and his Health Department and city government colleagues are addressing that issue under the citys Climate Action Plan, seeking new ways to track the effects of climate change on health. That effort puts Lincoln ahead of the rest of the state. Omaha is only now beginning the process of developing a climate action plan. The state does not have a plan, nor has it launched efforts to develop one, as many Nebraskans resist efforts to address climate change that they believe is not man made and that climate will cycle back to normal. That is unfortunate. For work beyond that being done in Lincoln is imperative to allow the state to understand what is happening with climate change and to mitigate its impact. That work should include increased monitoring for diseases, mosquitoes, toxic algae in lakes and ticks; educating health care providers and people at occupational risk of tick-borne diseases and bolstering preparedness among public health systems and health facilities. The degree to which we can reverse climate change remains to be seen, but we can equip ourselves far better to ensure our safety. When coming up with the perfect layout for new patient rooms, experts didn't rely only on their computer screens. Instead, pieces of cardboard helped to define the expansion on the Lincoln campus of Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals. No tight spaces. No odd, awkward accommodations. Only room to move and treat patients quickly, efficiently and effectively. Under the direction of Dan Griess, Madonna's vice president for facilities, a cardboard room was built in a warehouse owned by Sampson Construction. We had a past patient navigate the room in his motorized wheelchair and learned what we needed for door space, door openers (voice activated), placement of chairs, beds, sinks, showers and toilets, Griess said. Davis Design and Olsson, firms both based in Lincoln, adapted the cardboard room to the design of 59 patient suites in the new wing. Innovations in the high-tech patient rooms are among the physical benefits of the $57 million expansion to Madonna that opened last summer. They added a lot of love and care, too, said Alex McKiernan, a Madonna Foundation board member and former patient. This is the whole package. Madonna is more than a place, its a mindset. The hundreds of patients from 45 states, all 93 counties in Nebraska and the 1,500 employees of Madonna in Lincoln all benefit from the newest addition to the hospital that treats those who suffer from strokes, brain and spine injuries, cancer and pulmonary conditions and major multiple trauma. To have the space and privacy to go through the recovery and treatment is so important in recovery, said McKiernan, who was critically injured in a crash in 2014 and partially paralyzed. We brought in all kinds of input to make this a better place with the new addition. Griess said the Lincoln expansion project that started in the spring of 2020 applied many of the lessons learned from the construction of Madonna's new Omaha campus in 2016. The biggest problems were related to the COVID pandemic and related supply-chain issues. "The fact we got it done we still have a few more things to do and open for patients and treatment through the epidemic is a tribute to our partners: Sampson Construction, Olsson, Kidwell, Davis Design, Nanonation, H&S Mechanical, among others. They have been a blessing, Griess said. Much of the planning and engineering, as well as the construction, was also derived from staff input. We preached no surprises so we could get people what they imagined it should be, Griess said. In addition to the new patient rooms, the expanded space includes a kitchen, cafeteria and wider hallways. The rooms they replaced were transitioned to add space for a recreational therapy gym, business center, storage rooms and transitional living apartments for patient families. The new facility will integrate the latest rehabilitation and technology directly into the care of patients, said Paul Dongilli Jr., president and CEO of Madonna, in an earlier interview. The expansion will serve as a beacon of hope for those who come to us with the goal of returning to their families. Founded in Lincoln in 1958, Madonna has grown to rank fourth among independent rehabilitation hospitals in the U.S., a ranking based on patient revenues from prior to the expansion. Through input from patients, nurses, staff and doctors, the expansion should allow Madonna to build upon its past work. This hospital needs to feel like home, with safety and joy," McKiernan said. "The hospital has a great vision for the future and has executed that vision of hope. RACINE A Racine man is facing multiple felonies after allegedly starting a house fire. Marcus A. Cole, 36, of the 400 block of Ninth Street, was charged with four felony counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety and a felony count of arson of building. According to a criminal complaint, at 8:32 a.m. Feb. 18, a deputy responded to a report of a house fire at the 400 block of Ninth Street. A tenant reportedly told an investigator that he did not hear or see anything abnormal prior to the fire, but said he was home with his brother, girlfriend and 2-year-old daughter when he heard a lot of banging and breaking sounds coming from the lower unit. According to the complaint, the tenant said that when he got to the rear stairwell door, he saw black smoke and that as he and the others were leaving the house, he saw Cole sitting on a pillow across the street grinning and smiling. After the deputy arrived, Cole reportedly said he set his bedroom on fire with the purpose to get their attention, claiming Jehovahs Witnesses and the Church of Scientology are after him. Cole is accused of lighting a tissue on fire, putting it in a fast food bag and throwing it on his mattress. He allegedly knew the upper unit residents were at home at the time. Cole was given a $100,000 cash bond in Racine County Circuit Court on Friday. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for March 1 at the Racine County Law Enforcement Center, online court records show. Mugshots: Racine County criminal complaints, Feb. 24, 2023 Today's mugshots: Feb. 24 These are images of people charged with a crime in Racine County. Booking photos are provided by Racine County law enforcement officials. A defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty and convicted. Marcus A. Cole Marcus A. Cole, 400 block of Ninth Street, Racine, arson of building, first degree recklessly endangering safety. Anthony P. Daniels Anthony P. Daniels, 1900 block of 45th Street, Kenosha, failure to install ignition interlock device, operate motor vehicle while revoked, felony bail jumping. Dandre M. Ivy Dandre (aka Kawamaine Ivean) M. Ivy, 5000 block of 33rd Avenue, Kenosha, stalking (domestic abuse assessments), substantial battery (domestic abuse assessments), disorderly conduct (domestic abuse assessments), criminal damage to property (domestic abuse assessments), misdemeanor theft. The ensnared fish seemed to materialize from the opaque water. Thrashing, wriggling, they rose, enfolded by mesh. The lift reeled in the gillnet into the arms of a waiting crew, who hoisted it atop a table. Lake herring flopped weakly as the men gripped and untangled them from rope and nylon fiber. Iridescent scales popped into the air like confetti. When the floor is shiny with scales, we know we are making money, said commercial fisherman Donny Livingston, grinning widely. Shortly before dawn, the fish tug, Ava June, pulled out from Duffys Dock, on the tip of northern Wisconsins Bayfield Peninsula. The vessel churned through Lake Superiors chilly waters for 2 1/2 hours. Waves slapped the boat after it left the shelter of the Apostle Islands near the main shipping channel. Snow drifted from the cloud-choked November sky. The fishermen finally reached the nets they set the previous day. Livingston is a citizen of the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, one of six federally recognized Ojibwe tribes in Wisconsin. His family has fished for generations and holds one of the original licenses issued to Red Cliff tribal citizens. But Livingstons access to Lake Superior fish was never a foregone conclusion. Ojibwe, Ottawa and Potawatomi communities, who also call themselves Anishinaabe, have fished in the Great Lakes for centuries. But in the mid-1800s, the federal government, desiring to open the Wisconsin Territory to lumbering and mining, forcibly acquired Ojibwe lands and waters through a succession of treaties. The bands retained hunting, gathering and fishing rights across whats now called the Ceded Territory: portions of three Great Lakes and millions of acres stretching across northwestern Michigan and its Upper Peninsula, northern Wisconsin and northeastern Minnesota. The final treaty established reservations for four of the Wisconsin Ojibwe tribes. States spent a century disregarding or rejecting treaty rights fining or arresting tribal citizens who exercised them. After several citizens sued, a series of court rulings, starting in 1971, would affirm their reserved rights within the Ceded Territory, including the right to fish on Lake Superior. But many see toxic pollution in the Great Lakes as a continued encroachment on how Ojibwe communities exercise those rights. Alongside mercury, a neurotoxin that can harm the brains and nervous systems of developing fetuses, and carcinogenic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), are the latest contaminants of concern per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. The forever chemicals are a class of more than 12,000 compounds that accumulate in the environment and human bodies. Scientists link two of the most widely researched PFOA and PFOS to a range of health problems, including cancer. The failure of state and federal governments to keep contaminants out of the environment, scholars and environmental advocates say, calls into question their commitment to fully protect Indigenous rights. Its a modern way of denying access and destroying foodways, said Katrina Phillips, an associate professor of history at Macalester College and a Red Cliff citizen. Its through chemicals and pollutants instead of treaties and court cases. Tribes aim to fill regulatory vacuums through their own natural resources department projects, input on cross-government management committees and litigation. Now, those efforts may get support from a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposal that elevates consideration of treaty rights when states set water quality regulations. Fish are vital for Ojibwe communities Livingston, 42, supposes he is one of the youngest commercial fishers in Red Cliff. The work is grueling. Profit margins, narrow. Crew, tough to find. When hes not out fishing, Livingston stays busy mending nets. It aint a 9 to 5, he said during the November fishing trip, Ill tell ya that. Livingston tried other careers but always returned to fishing. Its something I know how to do, he said. Its something I can depend on. Livingston and his three-member crew worked a nearly 12-hour shift on Lake Superior, or Anishinaabe Gitchigami in the Ojibwe language. The Red Cliff Reservation flanks the lakes southern coastline, marked by blazing sandstone cliffs, wetland sloughs and rivers. Coyotes and bobcats roam its 15,000-plus acres. Whitetail deer bound through rolling forests, dense with conifers and hardwoods. Bald eagles soar overhead, and ospreys dive to prey on fish. These relatives the plants and animals, the land and water sustain Ojibwe communities, as Chief Flat Mouth, of the Pillager band from Leech Lake in Minnesota, articulated in 1837 while negotiating one of the treaties. He questioned the fairness of the federal governments proposed compensation for taking control of Ojibwe territory. You know that without the lands, and the rivers and lakes, we could not live, the chief told government officials. We hunt and make sugar and dig roots upon the former, while we fish and obtain rice and drink from the latter. Giigoonh, or fish, are important for subsistence, culture and business. But climate change threatens many species, and contaminants long released into the Great Lakes, the health of people who eat them. The community getting impacted by something in the environment, thats something that has been happening to us from day one of European onset, said Edith Leoso, retired tribal historic preservation officer with the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. A Great Lake for fishing Livingston and his business partner, Bryan Bainbridge, grew up in and around Red Cliff. More than 7,600 people are living tribal citizens, about 16% of whom live on the reservation. A few hundred reside just 3 miles south in Bayfield, a destination for lake-loving tourists. The tribe is the largest employer in the county, providing jobs to about 300 people many in tribal administration and the Legendary Waters Resort and Casino. But at its heart, Red Cliff is a fishing community. Thats what everybodys family has done around here, said Bainbridge, 45, a former Red Cliff tribal chairman. I grew up on fish. Bluegills, perch, suckers a fish every day, whatever they caught. Livingston and Bainbridge teamed up about a decade ago shortly before Bainbridge acquired the tug from an old fisherman in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Constructed in the mid-1940s by the Burger Boat Company in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, the diesel-powered boat measures nearly 50 feet from bow to stern. Bainbridge christened it the Ava June. My niece had a little baby that died just before I got the boat, Bainbridge said, so when I got back here, we named it. In their day-to-day business operations, Bainbridge handles the duos paperwork. Livingston does most of the captaining. He can catch fish like no one else, Bainbridge said. With SiriusXM radio blasting during the November fishing run, the crew worked quietly, tossing freshly caught fish into stacked plastic boxes. They laughed whenever one chucked a herring at the other. That day, they sold their catch to the Red Cliff Fish Company, a tribally owned fish processor and seller, but they also distribute fish to markets as far away as New York. After decades of overfishing from the late-1800s through the 1930s and the introduction of invasive species, Lake Superiors fish populations have rebounded enough to sustain a consumer market. Among tribally licensed commercial fishermen, whitefish, salmon, lake trout, trout and lake herring constitute the bulk of the catch. The combined commercial fish harvest of 11 Ojibwe nations that are members of the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, an inter-tribal natural resource management organization that helps oversee the implementation of off-reservation treaty rights, annually exceeds 2 million pounds. PFAS in Great Lakes water and fish For much of the 20th century, manufacturing plants generated mercury- and PCB-containing wastes and dumped them directly into the Great Lakes or its watershed. Power plants and incinerators also spewed air pollution that tainted waters, and they continue to do so. Their concentrations have declined significantly in Great Lakes waters since the 1970s due to efforts of the U.S. and Canadian governments, states and industry to reduce toxic emissions. Yet lingering mercury and PCBs bioaccumulate in animals at levels high enough to warrant fish consumption advisories. PFAS also are drawing greater scrutiny as their harms come into focus. In 2021, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources issued Lake Superiors first PFOS advisory, warning against eating too many smelt. PFAS, which are added to products ranging from fabric stain protectors to firefighting foam to food packaging, enter water bodies through wastewater, airport and fire training runoff and the atmosphere. You find these chemicals everywhere, said Christy Remucal, an associate professor of civil engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who studies PFAS contamination in the Great Lakes. I dont think weve ever not measured them in a water sample. Researchers have yet to develop effective methods for destroying PFAS at scale, and Lake Superiors gargantuan proportions would make doing so impossible. Compared to the other Great Lakes, the concentration of PFAS in Lake Superior water is lower due to less development within its watershed. But virtually no amount of PFOA and PFOS is safe for human consumption, according to the EPA, which in 2022 updated draft health advisories for the two chemicals. A recent study from Duke University and Environmental Working Group researchers found large concentrations of PFOS in freshwater fish sampled nationwide by the EPA from 2013 to 2015, with the highest levels found in the Great Lakes. If all consumption advisories incorporated the EPAs latest health guidance, the study found, nearly all sampled fish would be considered unsafe to eat. The impacts of such pollution and climate change create an elevated level of environmental anxiety in Ojibwe communities, said Dylan Bizhikiins Jennings, associate director of Northland Colleges Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute and a former Bad River tribal council member. Once these things go away, they dont come back, Jennings said. Its about our life. Anishinaabe cultures embedded in places Leoso, the former Bad River tribal historic preservation officer, grew up on the reservation in her grandparents house near the Kakagon River. Her grandmother grew angry when children threw things into the water to watch them wander with the seiche. She told them never to spit into the river. It was putting the thought into my mind: should I spit in the river? Leoso said. Would I like to be spit on? One day, Leosos grandmother decided to teach the young girl to pray for the water by placing tobacco into it. Leoso, then about 8 years old, had been raised Catholic. Dont do anything disrespectful on this water or to this water, her grandmother told her. Because itll take care of you, and everything you need is here. Indigenous origin stories, histories, languages and cultures are embedded in the land, said Phillips, the historian. For Ojibwe people in northern Wisconsin, Lake Superior and the northern part of Wisconsin with Red Cliff and Bad River, these places define who we are, she said. The Anishinaabe migration story, which recounts the journey from the East Coast to the Great Lakes, is just as much about place as it is people; and those places and the beings living there are considered precious. While Biblical cosmology frames mankind as masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth and over the earth itself, Ojibwe communities invert that pyramid, said Mike Wiggins Jr., Bad River tribal chairman. Human beings, we as people, are the most pitiful, he told listeners during a Wisconsin Historical Society storytelling event. Without Mother Nature, we go away. Without human beings, Mother Nature thrives. And so, theres some humility to that. In accordance with their bimaadiziwin, or traditional lifeway, Ojibwe people harvest from nature things like wild rice, deer, maple sap and fish as an act of stewardship. If they do not, the Creator will cease to provide those beings. When the land and water are contaminated, future generations lose knowledge and stories centered on fishing and other harvesting. Family, kinship, oral history, ceremony, community cohesion, food security and self-determination suffer. Everything that makes us Native, said Patty Loew, director of the Center for Native American and Indigenous Research at Northwestern University and a Bad River citizen. If the health of the fish or the wild rice is compromised, she said, then treaty rights are meaningless. Great Lakes cleanups see mixed outcomes U.S. and Canadian governments have achieved some successes in improving the health of the Great Lakes and its fish since 1972. Thats when the countries signed the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, which aims to coordinate Canadian and U.S. lake restoration efforts. Yet, neither country is required to abide by the agreement, which is periodically updated, and the International Joint Commission, formed by the binational Boundary Waters Treaty in 1909, issues recommendations to both parties but lacks authority to compel action. The non-regulatory Great Lakes Restoration Initiative supports the agreement through funding and goal-setting. Key aims include restoring some of the most polluted areas of concern along the lakes. In a 2022 progress report, the EPA and its Canadian counterpart praised unprecedented progress toward that goal. The countries have so far delisted nine of 43 sites. However, both countries have failed to meet a 1990 International Joint Commission challenge to eliminate the release of nine toxic pollutants into the Lake Superior Basin. The lack of a final deadline or requirement that the countries launch new initiatives stymied the effort, scholars say. In 1999, the program selected 2020 as the year to achieve virtual elimination of the pollutants. Neither country has banned toxic discharges, enabling them to continue. In their 2022 assessment, the countries rated the status of toxic chemicals in Lake Superiors fish as fair and unchanging not yet safe to consume without restrictions. EPA proposal: regulations must consider treaty rights The 20th-century court rulings in Wisconsin that affirmed treaty rights addressed whether, where and how Ojibwe tribes could exercise them and the regulations deemed necessary to ensure the supply of natural resources would be maintained. But courts did not consider the quality of plant and animal habitats. Its a legally gray area, how far the tribes can dictate what a state or the federal government might have to do or not do in order to preserve the treaty rights, said Ann McCammon Soltis, director of the division of intergovernmental affairs at the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission. But GLIFWCs member tribes believe states should preserve the integrity of natural resources, she said. A recent EPA proposal could address some of those concerns. The draft rule would require states to account for treaty rights, such as fishing and wild rice gathering, when adopting water quality standards under the Clean Water Act. That law forces states, territories and some tribal governments to improve the quality of water bodies within their borders when they cannot safely be utilized for designated purposes, such as drinking or recreation. States would also need to preserve full use of any resources guaranteed under the treaties on and off reservations. The EPA is accepting public comment on the draft rule until March 6. Wisconsin DNR officials said the agency already consults with affected tribes and considers their uses of a waterbody when it sets water quality standards. Tribes also may submit comments when states review their standards every three years. But the states havent really had to respond in any way when the tribe presents a request, Soltis said. This indicates that the EPA is going to be a little bit more willing to take what the tribes say seriously in that context and ensure that the state is responding. Red Cliff band protects sovereignty Absent stronger state and federal action, Ojibwe communities have forged strategies to protect water, fisheries and lifeways now and for the next seven generations. Our reservation is booming and our people, more and more people, are coming home, Bainbridge said of Red Cliff. We want to make sure that we maintain the integrity of what weve been allowed to harvest and whats been provided for us. To that end, Red Cliffs Treaty Natural Resources Division oversees the protection and enhancement of natural resources within the reservation boundaries and the bands ceded territory. That includes stream and riverbank restoration, water and air quality monitoring, hazardous waste disposal and wild rice reseeding. An environmental justice specialist monitors outside projects including mines, pipelines and concentrated animal feeding operations that could affect treaty rights. The tribe bolsters food sovereignty through its Red Cliff Fish Company, which opened in 2020, and 35-acre Mino Bimaadiziiwin Gitigaanin Return to the Good Life Farm. Red Cliff Tribal Fish Hatchery staff raise brook trout in hopes of restoring populations to past levels in Lake Superior. They also rear walleye in ponds to increase populations in inland lakes. Practicing treaty rights might be viewed as a political act in a country with a long history of challenging them. Having to fight for access to food is kind of mind-boggling in a sense, Phillips said. Advocating for the right to feed your people is somehow seen as resistance or activism. 1. Yes. Having a community member interview panel is an excellent opportunity for input. 2. Yes. Its good that the city will allow residents to meet the finalist at a reception. 3. No. The city should have conducted a public survey early in the process, as KISD is doing. 4. No. Residents should be able to meet candidates before a lone finalist is chosen. 5. Unsure. Its hard to know how to gauge the proper level of public involvement. Vote View Results Like Digital & Partners, an award-winning agency offering digital transformation services, is planning major expansion in the region. The company aims to help businesses transition to the digital era and optimise revenues. TTNs Kim Thomson spoke to Karl Escritt, CEO of Like Digital & Partners, on the companys plans for the region. A brief about Like Digital & Partners & How does the company help businesses? The world is increasingly adopting digital technology across all sectors and all business streams, which in turn sets the stage for subsequent business growth. Like Digital & Partners help businesses navigate the transition into the digital landscape by defending and optimising all digital revenues that they currently have and understand and strategize new channels for digital revenue. We deliver this across a number of sectors from E-commerce to hospitality and from Aviation to FMCG. What are LD&Ps expansion plans in the Middle East? The Middle East is an incredibly exciting market for business and digital transformation. We began our expansion in the Middle East back in 2017 but 2023 will be our biggest year ever. With a new office opening in Riyadh in April 2023 we are expecting the Middle East to become the biggest market for Like Digital and Partners. How will LD&P help in the digital transformation in the region? Our team at Like Digital and Partners has over many years of hands-on experience in digital transformation, making real shifts in brands and businesses revenue and equity online. Our vast knowledge of trends, insights, consumer behaviour alongside leadership and technical skills are the real USPs for us and its with them thar we feel we can make a big impact for Saudi businesses and their digital transformation both now and in the future. How technology will inevitably play an important role in the GCC? We are now living in an always on digital world with many people around the world spending over 7 hours a day online. With the incredible development happening right now in Saudi Arabia and the exceptional vision for the future, the role of digital will be essential across every interaction. From personal devices in the home to a fully connected smart city allowing the day to day to be both seamless and personalised to every individual. Why its never been more crucial to experiment with technology? Technology is changing every day, some of it is great and will stick around and some of it wont. The important factor is that businesses must be aware of the pace of change and always keep moving. Experimentation will be key alongside analysing what is working and why will it lead to success. TradeArabia News Service KEARNEY Many children grew up listening to and reading stories about Paddington Bear, a fictional creature created in 1958 by British author Michael Bond. The new stage show, Paddington Gets In a Jam, takes that character and sets him in a new story. While going next door to borrow a cup of sugar from his neighbor, Paddington tries to help Mr. Curry prepare for a visit from his great aunt Matilda. Of course, in typical fashion for the lovable bear, everything goes wrong as he tries to help with the to-do list repair the pipes in the bathroom, vacuum the floors, install new carpet, bake a cake. The Merryman Performing Arts Center will present the live stage show, Paddington Gets In a Jam, at 6:30 p.m. March 2. Tickets for the show start at $12. The current show debuted in New York City in 2019 and earned a spot as a New York Times Critics Pick. Paddington Gets In a Jam has gone on to play internationally and will be touring the United States for the next several months. The show features live actors along with a life-sized puppet of Paddington. The puppet requires two puppeteers, hidden on stage, to bring him to life. During the show, cakes explode, pipes flood a bathroom and a picture on a wall gets vacuumed up. How? The producers didnt want to reveal all of the tricks, but they did explain a few things: We dont want to spoil how all the magic in the show happens, but often its done with the help of magnets, small hidden levers, pulley systems, trap doors and actors/puppeteers being sneaky back or under stage. See the show What: Paddington Gets In a Jam, a live action stage show When: 6:30 p.m. March 2 Where: Merryman Performing Arts Center at 225 W. 22nd St. Admission: Starting at $12 Contact: 308-698-8297; As for the exploding cake, the producers wrote: After Paddington puts the cake in the oven, during a certain point in the show when no one is looking in the kitchen, the actor playing Great Aunt Matilda opens a trap door in the back of the oven and takes out the cake Paddington made. Then at the right time she puts the exploding cake into the oven and puts a headset on so she can hear the stage manager. The stage manager will tell her when to start pushing the exploding cake out of the oven. Laura Manns, puppet designer, worked on creating Paddington for the stage. As she completed her work on the puppet, she worried about the look of the bear. Coming up at the Merryman March 3 9:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. Henrietta Solway, a play presented by Animal Engine Theatre based on the work of Willa Cather, free admission. March 13 7:30 p.m. The Hall Sisters, four sisters performing in the style of the Andrew Sisters, presented by Kearney Concert Association, by season ticket. March 16 2 p.m. One Night in Memphis, featuring the music of Presley, Perkins, Lewis & Cash, tickets start at $35. At first he wasnt cute enough, she wrote. I was near finishing Paddington up and something wasnt quite right; he had more of a grown-up bear appearance. I played around with bigger eyes, repositioning the nose, but couldnt figure it out. After a moment away from him, I came back and realized what it was: His snout was too big. She reworked Paddingtons face. I shrunk the snout which in turn made all his facial features come in towards the center of his face, therefore making his forehead bigger and perhaps giving a slightly more infantile appearance, Manns wrote. Tiny tweaks sometimes make a big difference. For more information on the show, visit English Lutheran Church will host a community blood drive with Versiti on Thursday, March 9 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the English Lutheran Church fellowship hall, 741 North East Ave., Viroqua. For more information or to make an appointment to donate, call 877-232-4376 or sign up online at Blood is a perishable product that can only come from volunteer blood donors. With someone in the U.S. needing blood every two seconds, blood products must be constantly replenished, according to Versiti. Donors with all blood types are needed, especially those with types O negative, A negative and B negative. With the nations blood supply experiencing critical shortages, donations are needed more than ever. Anyone 17 or older who is in good health and meets eligibility requirements is encouraged to donate blood. Parental consent is required for 16-year-olds to donate. Appointments are preferred to ensure a quick and convenient donation, but walk-in donors are also welcome. The entire process takes about an hour. Donors should bring a photo ID that includes their birth date. The visual signs of Viterbo Universitys Franciscan heritage are hard to miss. On Assisi Courtyard, there are statues of St. Francis and one of his earliest followers, St. Clare. Numerous depictions of them adorn campus hallways and offices, along with representations of the San Damiano cross, before which St. Francis was praying when he heard the voice of God command him to rebuild my church. Less obvious are the many people who walk the campus who have made pilgrimages to Assisi that deepened their appreciation for and connection to St. Francis and St. Clare and distilled their understanding of what it means to be Franciscan. How do you learn about what it means to be Franciscan other than walking where Francis and Clare walked? said Laura Nettles, FSPA, Viterbos executive director of mission and social justice and an assistant professor of religious studies. You can learn about Francis and Clare from reading, but a pilgrimage gives you such a deep sense of who they were. Viterbo, founded by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, has always been a Franciscan institution. For most of its history, FSPA members dominated faculty and staff positions, and until the 1940s all the students were FSPA members, too. The St. Rose Convent, home to the FSPA, still feels like its part of the Viterbo campus, but today Nettles is the only FSPA member on the universitys staff. Viterbo is committed to keeping its Franciscan identity strong, and that includes offering Assisi pilgrimages for faculty, administration, staff, students, and alumni. Theres a distinction between a pilgrimage and a tour, said Nettles, who leads student pilgrimages every two years. When you go on a tour, youre collecting sites. A pilgrimage is about entering into the experience and the depth of the experience. From classroom to Italy Student pilgrimages start in Rome, including a visit to the Vatican. All around St. Peter Square are people struggling with destitution and homelessness. When St. Francis visited the Vatican back in the 12th century, he attended to the needs of those people, Nettles said, and participants on a Franciscan pilgrimage should be as interested in those people on the margins as they are in seeing the treasures the Vatican holds. A tourist wont pay any attention to them. A pilgrim will ask, Who is here, whos invited, whos not, Nettles said. I do a lot of work with students looking at who do we exclude. Franciscans are really concerned with those who are on the margins. Its about seeing people. Viterbo students going on Assisi pilgrimages enroll in a semester-long class in which they delve into the history of St. Francis and Clare, both of whom gave up lives of privilege to live simply and serve those on the margins, including the lepers cast out of Assisis city walls. Its relatively easy to picture what that must have been like because Assisi still has the look of a medieval mountainside city. You cant help but get into it. Its magical to be there, said Nettles, who was Viterbos 2019 Teacher of the Year. It certainly was magical for Patricia Rivera Torres, a senior theatre major (with a religious studies minor) who was one of 16 students who went on the pilgrimage last spring. My jaw just dropped. Its amazing, said Rivera Torres, a Sun Prairie native who graduated from Edgewood High School of the Sacred Heart. I found it really inspirational. My faith was really reignited. Id never been able to go somewhere related to someone so important in my life. It was a really profound experience to be where Francis was and better see through his eyes.Ellen Graham, a sophomore education major from Burlington, doesnt come from the same kind of faith tradition as Rivera Torres, but she also found walking in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare inspiring. I definitely came back with a firm understanding of what being Franciscan means, Graham said. I came back feeling like I can do better, like I can do more for the community, like I can serve my future students better. In the classes before the pilgrimage, Graham said, the students soaked up the shared knowledge but didnt often volunteer their own perspectives. After the pilgrimage, though, the new bonds that had formed emboldened students to speak up in class. Coming back to class was amazing, Graham said. Everybody was just so much more talkative. Working on the mission Viterbo employee pilgrimages, which go back at least 20 years, occur every year in May after commencement (the pandemic caused two pilgrimages to be cancelled). Viterbo covers most of the cost of employee participation in the pilgrimages, which are conducted by Wisconsin-based Franciscan Pilgrimage Programs. Viterbos employees go as part of a group of 30 pilgrims from institutions belonging to the Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities. In 2022, four Viterbo employees made the pilgrimage. This May, after a record number of applicants stepped forward, six Viterbo employees will make the journey to Assisi. Naomi Stennes-Spidahl, who came to Viterbo in 1998 as an adjunct English instructor and now is director of assessment and institutional research, said shes always had an affinity for Franciscan values and appreciated how her 2022 pilgrimage experience included people of all faiths and no faiths. The pilgrimage experience exceeded my expectations, and I had pretty high expectations from talking to others, she said. I came back with this lightheartedness and joy, walking with a lighter step. I keep reminding myself of that joy, and I stay centered in doing my work with lightheartedness. Like the student trip, last years employee pilgrimage started at the Vatican, where pilgrims had some inspiring experiences, including a rare chapel service in St. Peters crypt and an audience with Pope Francis on St. Peter Square. That audience proved especially impactful for Jenny Hedrick-Erickson, interim assistant dean of Viterbos College of Nursing and Health. A 1995 graduate of Viterbos nursing school, Hedrick-Erickson left for Italy with her second grandchilds birth imminent. The first morning in Rome, the pilgrimage group was to go to the Vatican for the papal audience, but Hedrick-Erickson stayed behind awaiting word on the birth. The news of a healthy delivery of a baby girl came just in time for her to catch up to her fellow pilgrims at St. Peter Square, clutching two rosaries to be blessed by the Pope, one for each of her grandchildren. After that momentous start to her pilgrimage, she found the rest of her journey inspiring, even lifechanging. Assisi is this beautiful village that takes you in and embraces you, said Hedrick-Erickson, who joined the Viterbo faculty in 2001. Id heard from so many peers what an incredible experience it was, and it really is. Its hard to even find the words to describe it. Melissa Growt, assistant director of Viterbos Academic Resource Center, said she came back from the 2022 pilgrimage with a much deeper understanding of Francis and Clare and their commitment to their vision, especially the emphasis on community that is central to Franciscan ideals. One of the big takeaways for me came when our guides talked about fraternitas, that cooperation followers of Francis had, said Growt, who has worked for Viterbo for 30 years. Francis certainly seemed to be the leader and the one who was propelling things, but he had a group of people around him who supported him. Healing for veterans That early Franciscan brotherhood included many who, like Francis, had seen combat. Growing up, St. Francis had dreams of warrior glory, but after he became a soldier he was taken prisoner of war and held captive until his family paid a ransom for his release. His less wealthy brothers-in-arms were executed instead of being held for ransom, often buried alive. Between the traumas of battle and captivity and his survivors guilt, St. Francis returned to Assisi unable to return to his privileged life. Rather, he was drawn to live simply and serve God by caring for people on the margins, explained Viterbo chaplain Father Conrad Targonski, a member of the Order of Friars Minor, which was founded by St. Francis in 1209. Theres ample evidence St. Francis suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, said Targonski, who wrestles with PTSD himself because of his Iraq War combat experiences in Fallujah as a military chaplain. Targonski first visited Assisi early in his OFM journey. For a friar, it was like coming home, he said. Thats the place where it all began. For Francis, it was all mountains and music. He found a lot of comfort in nature. Since completing his military service, Targonski has found a lot of comfort in Assisi, helping other veterans, including many military-aligned students sponsored by Viterbo, find comfort by leading them on pilgrimages to Assisi. Targonski has been accompanied on the pilgrimages by co-leader Bill Reese, a Vietnam veteran who was a Viterbo religious studies professor from 1995 to 2018, and a psychologist. When we visit the battlefield where Francis was taken prisoner, the veterans fall to their knees, Targonski said. They get a reverence for Francis in a few short days. And everybody comes back with a sense of peacefulness. On the veteran pilgrimages, Targonski talks about how Franciss first followers were combat veterans, and in Assisi the veterans build their own sense of brotherhood, of community, by all staying together in a pensione (boarding house). The pensione closes at 10 p.m., but many of the veterans dont want to turn in that early, so Targonski entrusts a key to one of them, someone hes sure will take care of his comrades and bring them all home. On one pilgrimage, Targonski gave the key to a fellow veteran who saw combat in Afghanistan and was then employed at a Franciscan college in western New York. The pilgrim Targonski picked was Rick Trietley, now entrusted with leading Viterbo University as its 10th president. Allowing after-hours activities illustrates Targonskis approach to pilgrimages, a philosophy informed by a book by Phil Cousineau titled The Art of Pilgrimage: The Seekers Guide to Making Travel Sacred. A visit to anyplace can be a pilgrimage, Targonski explained, as long as the traveler is fully present and intent on understanding and embracing the people and the culture. And, he emphasized, pilgrimages are supposed to be fun. Tourism as pilgrimage The Viterbo University Alumni Association has sponsored Italian heritage tours that included visits to Assisi with another one planned for October 2023 to be led by Targonski a pilgrimage in the broad sense in which Targonski views sacred travel. Emily Dykman, a 1998 Viterbo graduate who now is an associate professor of religious studies, led the 2022 tour tour sponsored by the alumni association and found there was a depth to it that transcended sightseeing.I was pleasantly surprised that they didnt have us at the typical tourist places, Dykman said. The focus was experiencing the culture of the places we visit. Instead of going to a restaurant where everybody goes, wed go to a villa and be welcomed as guests, dining with three generations of the family. Dykman first visited Assisi in 2005 when she chaperoned her congregations World Youth Day visit to Europe. She was only in Assisi for two hours, and part of that time she was lost, but she was thoroughly enchanted. I decided then and there I needed to go back. A member of the FSPA Affiliation Community since 2001, Dykman returned to Assisi in 2016 as part of an FSPA leadership pilgrimage, and she immediately felt at home. Its hard to even describe the feeling of being there, she said. Theres just this energy. Its hard to deny that its a place that has some spiritual power. Its an amazing place. Chloe Seelig, Stacy Wateski and Mariah Williamson are looking forward to the start of the Western Technical College semester next month. Seelig is continuing studies in the mechanical design program. Wateski and Williamson are starting classes, with Wateski completing in-home child care licensing and Williamson starting a work study position in the computer engineering technology program. The trio are also excited for their new apartment through the Landlord Mitigation Program their shot at stable housing while moving past criminal conviction and substance abuse. Although its becoming more of a common thing for people to be addicts, theres still a huge stigma around it and youre still looked at through a different lens by landlords, said Wateski. Not just that, but thats something that us as addicts internalize as well. And that makes us less confident in what were doing. Jess Beck is also starting classes at Western next month, planning to study in the human services program. Beck is looking for a safer place for her son, Graysyn, her convictions old enough to finally qualify for public housing through the city and county. Were all doing our best, were doing great, and were pushing forward, but we keep hitting these blocks, said Beck, who plans to study in the human services program. Roadblock after roadblock after roadblock. Beck, Seelig, Wateski and Williamson have been working with Project Proven, a Western reentry program that provides an array of services for individuals transitioning from jail back into the community. All four are involved with a variety of weekly groups through the program, and Beck, Seelig and Williamson with work study jobs through the program. With a lot of our reentry groups, job club, rec club, tech club, leadership group, theres generally something we do, said Project Proven manager Colin Walsh. But at the end of the day what were doing is creating a sense of belonging, a safe place to be. Through an approach centered on helping individuals fulfill basic needs, Walsh has seen more people in Project Proven begin pursuing careers through Western, with more than 50 in college classes and 16 starting a set of general classes next month. If you look at my record, its not pretty but not who I am now, and I wouldnt be able to do that without the support of everyone I have now in my life, said Williamson. You need support. As part of Project Provens leadership group, Beck, Seelig, Wateski and Williamson participated in the creation of the Landlord Mitigation Program, an attempt to ease landlords concerns about renting to those with poor rental histories. Now, Seelig, Wateski and Williamson, who have struggled to find housing, are in the process of finding homes through the program. In addition to an opportunity to find better housing, the group hopes the Landlord Mitigation Program can bring more attention to relationships between the criminal system, addiction and homelessness. If there were better ways in the community to actually move forward with less roadblocks and more support, with people that understood, there would be a higher recovery rate in La Crosse, less relapse, said Seelig. Project Provens leadership group already helps push through reforms, such as free phone calls starting this year in the La Crosse County Jail. Last year its members took aim at expanding housing options for those with imperfect rental histories and criminal records. When youre in recovery and youre trying so hard to change your life and be a different person and to make the right decisions, said Seelig, too many of those roadblocks and the extra ones that get thrown in when you are in the situation that were in make it extra hard to move forward. Barriers to housing In Wisconsin, there are no laws prohibiting denying a rental application because of the applicants criminal background. Guidelines set in 2016 by the Department of Housing and Urban Development allow landlords to deny applications based on a clients criminal convictions if there is a substantial, legitimate, nondiscriminatory interest. Given the low vacancy rate in La Crosse and rising housing costs across the country, local landlords can be more selective with candidates, making it difficult for applicants with any disruptions in their rental histories, said Brian Sampson, the citys homeless services coordinator. Its a lot of disappointment when it comes to constantly reaching out and looking and getting hopes up and then never really getting through, said Seelig. We got really lucky with Colin offering to represent us for the Landlord Mitigation Program though, because without that I dont think we would have had as open of an opportunity. While making personal, work and academic progress, Beck, Seelig, Williamson and Wateski have struggled to find housing due to their prior convictions. Beck couldnt find housing and last year was homeless on the street, having to leave La Crosse for Madison for shelter and treatment. Returning to La Crosse, Beck found a landlord willing to rent to her despite her record. But the downtown apartment building is not a safe place for her 1-year-old son to grow up in or for her to continue her recovery. I really dont have a choice because I had to take what was offered to me because I have a baby and I couldnt be homeless on the street for him, said Beck. And when youre homeless on the streets youre more susceptible to relapse than you are if you have a place. Low-income housing through the city and county is only available for those with convictions older than three years something Beck found out only after appealing the denial of her application. Three years after her conviction and more than two years sober, Beck now qualifies for public housing, but was told she will likely still need to appeal a denial of her application to get a spot. Seelig and Williamson both live in transitional housing, and along with Wateski, are looking for an apartment together through the Landlord Mitigation Program. While acknowledging the role transitioning houses play, living there for extended periods can be challenging, Seelig said. Policy mandates that residents wear GPS monitors, and it can be difficult to live closely with those just starting their recovery. Williamson, who lives in an emergency shelter for sober women recovering from substance abuse, cannot invite guests over. It gets very lonely, said Williamson, in the computer engineering technology program. I have a little bit more independence, said Wateski, who moved out of a transitioning house to live with her mother. But still, I dont like being alone. Loneliness is harder to process when trying to move past incarceration and drug use, Seelig and Wateski explained. In an apartment, the three hope to support each other as they continue their studies at Western, activities with Project Proven and their recovery. Addressing landlords concerns The leadership group last year discussed the concerns landlords may have about renting to felons, conceiving ideas incentivize landlords to consider renting to those with personal support from local agencies such as Project Proven. We know that its a risk to rent to people with lives or that have led unstable lives in the past. We recognize that risk and we want people to feel comfortable, said Seelig. The students concerns arose last summer, when the city was again grappling with the issue of homelessness. When Sampson brought together landlords and service agencies to discuss the needs and rights of both landlords and tenants, Project Proven was among them. Together, the group worked to create a tool to ease the hesitancy to rent to tenants without strong rental histories. The product was the Landlord Mitigation Program, which drew on documents prepared years before by the Coulee Collaborative to End Homelessness and similar policies in other cities across the country. Through the two-year program, a service organization represents a tenant with poor rental history or a background that often leads to an application denial, including a criminal conviction. The service agency promises to work with the applicants to set goals and help them access services; meanwhile, the agency explains to the landlord the barriers applicants face. During the lease agreement, a dedicated member of the agency will continue to provide regular support to tenants and streamline communication with the landlord. The lease is insured for up to two months of back rent, and if damage to the unit exceeds the security deposit, landlords can apply for up to $5,000 from the city, funded by the La Crosse Community Foundation. The hope is that nothing would go wrong and it would be a great lease agreement, said Walsh. This could maybe open up the door and break down that stigma. Not everybody is the same; just because that person was not a good tenant doesnt mean this person who was in jail is going to be a poor tenant. The program currently has funding for 10 units, regardless of the number of residents, with one formerly homeless mother officially finding housing through the program. Sampson said that outreach is happening constantly. This is a great tool to have in our toolbelt, its not going to be something that ends homelessness itself, but it can be one piece to the larger puzzle, said Sampson. As they wait for applications to go through, Seelig, Wateski and Williamson agreed that it would have been difficult to apply for an apartment without the support of Project Proven staff, from help with the application to assistance with starting classes and finding work study positions. I hope that goes to show that us recovering addicts and felons have support of people who actually believe in us, said Beck. We would like these landlords to have an open mind that this program is going to work and the people in it are going to succeed. Their minds are set on succeeding. IN PHOTOS: Winter storm hits region The pandemic cost destinations worldwide reached a combined $270 billion in Chinese outbound tourist spending in 2020 and 2021 alone, said the UNWTO, heralding the re-opening of China as the final piece in tourisms recovery. The re-opening of borders therefore represents the moment the world has been waiting for, noted UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili, leading a high-level delegation to the city of Hangzhou to join in the official re-opening The UNWTO Secretary-General is the first UN Head of Agency to visit China since restrictions were lifted. Chinas Minister of Culture and Tourism Hu Heping welcomed UNWTOs support throughout the pandemic and for joining the official re-opening celebrations. In a bilateral meeting, Minister Hu Heping and Secretary-General Pololikashvili agreed to further deepen their collaboration around positioning tourism on the agenda for international development cooperation and in the key areas of tourism education and tourism for rural development. According to UNWTO data, China grew to be the biggest tourism source market in the world prior to the pandemic. In 2019, Chinese tourists spent a collective $255 billion on international travel, while domestic tourism served as a pillar of growth and employment, with more than 6 billion trips that year alone, supporting jobs and businesses across the country. Tourism for rural development Reflecting UNWTOs work to make tourism a driving force of rural development, the high-level delegation was welcomed to Yucun, one of four Chinese destinations to be recognized among the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO. The village was awarded the recognition for its commitment to making tourism a source of local opportunity, in addition to its commitment to eco-friendly tourism and pioneering approach to waste management at the destination-level. Public and private sectors re-think tourism UNWTO was welcomed as a partner of the Xianghu Dialogue, organized by the World Tourism Alliance (WTA) in the city of Hangzhou. Held around the theme of A New Paradigm for a New Tourism, the event brought together public and private sector leaders to re-think the sectors future around the key priorities of sustainability, equality and resilience. Key topics addressed over the two days included promoting collaborative tourism development amongst countries and regions, international cooperation and poverty reduction through tourism, smart connectivity, destination management and planning, and innovation and new business models. The UNWTO delegation met with private sector leaders, including from the Chinese global technology company Alibaba, which is headquartered in Hangzhou. China as key tourism partner In the past year, China has established itself as a leading supporter of UNWTO in several core priority areas. These include Nature Positive Tourism, which UNWTO placed on the agenda of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15), for which China served as President. UNWTO will return to China in September for the Global Tourism Economic Forum (GTEF), to be held in Macau. The tenth edition of the Forum will again provide a platform for governments, business leaders, experts, and academics to advance shared plans for the sustainable development of tourism. TradeArabia News Service The Hugs from Hunter Foundation began when two children saw a need to comfort other children after the death of their beloved cousin and friend, Hunter Biermeier, whose life was tragically cut short by an accident in November 2011. The organization was founded just a year later in 2012 with a mission to bring joy and support to hospitalized children and children in crisis situations. Hunter and his family, who lived in Rochester, were close to La Crosse at the time of Hunters accident, where he was promptly airlifted to Gundersen Health System for emergency care. In the aftermath of the devastating loss of Hunters life, his family felt compelled to approach Gundersen with the idea of providing bear and blanket donations to other pediatric patients at the hospital. The idea had started as a confirmation project by Hunters cousin, Marli, and her friend Molly. As the family gathered to say goodbye to Hunter, Marli noticed Hunters siblings didnt have anything to help comfort them or distract them from the pain they were experiencing. The Gundersen Medical Foundation and Childrens Miracle Network were so supportive and helpful with planning arrangements for the first bear and blanket donation. They gave great advice on how to start a foundation of our own, said Hunters grandma, Marles Overgard, or Nana as he would call her. Because of the positive response we received, the Hugs from Hunter Foundation was officially created. We were committed to honoring Hunters memory by helping other children in need, which is exactly what he would have wanted. Twelve-year-old Hunter is remembered for having a fun-loving personality and a contagious smile that positively impacted everyone he met. He was best known for his love of sports, and he also excelled academically. Hunters legacy of making others smile and his spirited soul continues to live on through countless Hugs from Hunter donations. Since 2012, Hugs from Hunter has donated more than 3,500 teddy bears and security blankets to pediatric patients at Gundersen. The foundation personally delivers donations to the hospital every month. Hugs from Hunter has helped our pediatric patient rooms feel more inviting and child-friendly, explained Gundersen child life specialist Taryn Wheelock. When patients see a special bear and blanket waiting on their bed when they arrive, they instantly feel more comforted and at ease. Wheelock also shared a story about a long-time patient who still carries her Hugs from Hunter blanket with her from childhood. Even as a teenager, this patient still brings her blanket to every surgery. It is very well-loved, Wheelock said. These items serve as meaningful symbols of positivity and security during moments that can often feel challenging for young patients. Hugs from Hunter provides comfort and support to children in a variety of crisis situations, be it the loss of a parent or sibling, hospitalization, loss of a home due to a fire or flooding, or urgently having to establish a new home. To support this mission, and in addition to Gundersen, the foundation has donated to numerous organizations over the years, including Gundersen Tri-State Ambulance; GundersenAIR; Ronald McDonald House; Mayo Clinic Pediatric Cardiac ICU, Trauma ICU and Transplant Center in Rochester; and the Sojourner Shelter and Gillette Childrens Hospital in the Twin Cities. When asked what Hunter would think about the foundations tremendous impact on children in need, Nana Marles said, Personally, I think Hunter would be very happy with the impact Hugs from Hunter has had on so many people. Hunter lived life to the fullest every day and loved making others smile. Knowing a bear and blanket made a positive difference and provided comfort to a child who really needed it would certainly make him smile. Learn more about the life and legacy of Hunter Biermeier and the Hugs from Hunter Foundation by visiting Every Saturday throughout the fall, students Zirelia Leinberger and Esther Croster could be found at the Viroqua farmers market, collecting signatures for a petition. The Youth Initiative High School students stood outside the market, asking passerbyers to consider adding their name to a petition to add an advisory referendum question about the current state law on abortion to the April 4 ballot. At least four counties, including Vernon and La Crosse, have added an advisory referendum question on womens reproductive rights to the spring election ballot. Some marketgoers yelled hateful words at Leinberger and Croster; others would approach the pair and tell them that what they were advocating for was wrong. I feel empowered by that, Leinberger said. I feel like if Im doing something that evokes emotion in other people then its making them question their beliefs. Hate speech didnt stop Leinberger and Croster. The pair helped gather some of the 1,300 resident signatures necessary for Vernon County to consider adding the advisory question. Dozens of volunteers helped collect signatures for the referendum. I cant say that I change anyones mind on whether abortion should be accessible, but I definitely feel that I persuade people to put the referendum on the ballot, Croster said. Croster said it was difficult when people automatically dismissed them due to beliefs about abortion rights, because that wasnt what the two young women were petitioning for; the petition was to add a question polling voters on their opinion of the states law. Being politically active in the community isnt new to either Croster or Leinberger. When Roe v. Wade was overturned in June, the pair started at the farmers market first by handing out information about womens health care rights and access. Thats when Wayde Lawler, chair of the Vernon County Democratic Party, reached out to ask if they would help collect signatures for the referendum petition. The referendum was not spearheaded by the local Democratic Party, but rather was community effort not limited by a partisan group. I think casting it through the lens of a partisan body would have unnecessarily limited the scope and impact of the project, Lawler said. The referendum is really an opportunity for people on any side of that issue to express themselves and to have a voice in something that was essentially handed down almost two centuries ago. Leinberger and Croster collected signatures at the farmers market, at polling places during the November midterms and at night markets in the area. At the night markets, the pair received more positive feedback for their work, with many residents thanking them or asking to take petition forms to their workplace to gather more support. I just need an outlet for change in some way, Croster said, who is a junior in high school and not old enough to vote yet. If I cant make my voice heard through voting, I want to do it in some other way. Counties with referendums Vernon and La Crosse counties are not alone in their referendum efforts. Eau Claire and Milwaukee county also passed resolutions to add a question about keeping or repealing the state law on abortion. Wisconsins state law on abortion enacted in 1849 before women could serve in office or even vote makes it a felony to perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy unless its done to save a pregnant persons life. The question that will appear before La Crosse County voters on April 4 will read: Should the Wisconsin legislature repeal or keep the states 1849 abortion ban that provides no exception in cases of rape or incest nor protect the health of the mother? Back in November, Dane County and Racine County polled voters with a similar question on the midterm ballot. Eight-five percent of voters in Dane County and 71% of voters in Racine agreed that the state law should be repealed. Much of this movement has spawned from the lack of a statewide referendum about abortion. Gov. Tony Evers proposed one in January, but Republican legislators shot it down. However, these referendums are non-binding, meaning the outcome wont change the law but rather serves to inform the legislature on public opinion. I think its a misconception that non-binding referenda is synonymous with no-impact referenda, Lawler said. I believe that people should have a chance to express their preferences on really important issues like this. So that matters whether or not the law actually changes. In Vernon County, Lawler and the community organizing team faced difficulties making sure the referendum was on the ballot in April. Due to a technicality in the ordinance, the referendum was going to be on the ballot in November of next year. The group asked the county board to exercise its authority to put it on the April ballot. Leinberger, Croster and over 30 of their high school peers attended that meeting to speak in support of having the referendum on the April ballot especially given the hard work that Leinberger and Croster put into the petition. When we went to that city council meeting, we were told afterward by five different people that they didnt think that the resolution would have passed with that greater margin if it hadnt been for like 20 or 30 youth speakers, Croster said. Continuing youth involvement Leinberger and Croster have been leaders in their community when it comes to youth activism by providing outlets and spaces for young people to come together and engage in community politics. Its really important that we step up and step up early, Croster said. Then teach others and empower others how to step up as well. The two have heard from their peers that they wanted to be more involved in politics, but dont know how to if they cant vote yet. Many resort to posting information on their social media. Dont think that just because this referendum is on the ballot that were going to bow out now, Leinberger said. Leinberger worked with the Viroqua Chamber of Commerce to start a Civic Unity Network for students in eighth through 12th grade. The whole point is to have a space to be able to have difficult conversations in a way that is productive and not hateful, spiteful and without pre judgment, she said. Theres all these students who want to help, so providing that space is so important. IN PHOTOS: Winter storm hits region Zanzibar, a leading island destination in Africa, is aiming to attract almost one million visitors in next two years, banking on its rich heritage and historical sites, plus warm beaches and marine resources, a report said. Zanzibar government is now upgrading tourism infrastructure including expansion of roads and improvement of Abeid Amani Karume International Airport (AAKIA) together with other projects, reported eTurboNews. Islands President, Dr Hussein Mwinyi, has outlined various development programs undertaken by the islands government to strengthen tourism, aiming to attract 850,000 tourists over the next two years. President Mwinyi had opened the first premium Zanzibar Tourism and Investment Forum late this week with aim to connect the tourism investors from East Africa, Africa and other tourist market sources in the world. Branded as Z Summit 2023, this international tourism summit took place February 23-24 at Zanzibar Airports Golden Tulip Convocation Centre, and attracted over 300 participants. The Z-Summit 2023s goal was to connect key players and stakeholders in the tourism industry from East Africa, Africa and international investors, to meet then chart out strategies that would raise the number of visitors in Zanzibar and the rest of Africa, together with more investments in tourism. Dr Mwinyi said that the construction of Pemba Airport is expected to open up tourism opportunities in the island as one among the efforts under the islands government to promote the growth of tourism. He said Zanzibar is cherished with old buildings including the Stone Town which is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Centre. Stone Town is a hub for most tourists landing in the island. Zanzibar president used the chance to invite more tourists and investors to the island and said the doors are open to investors from around the globe to invest in Zanzibar. Dr Mwinyi said his government has taken steps to implement the Blue Economy Policy with an emphasis on its sustainability through its Tourism for All concept. Zanzibars Blue and Green economies had a unique chance to attract about 81% of global travelers preferring sustainable destinations. Zanzibar has experienced a gradual and positive growth in room numbers, with an average of 2,000 rooms per year since 2019, and the opening of new internationally-branded hotels and resorts. The Islands Minister for Tourism and Heritage, Simai Mohamed Said, noted that Zanzibar has been attracting tourists all the year round. Zanzibar is among the leading tourist destinations in the Indian Ocean in Africa together with the Seychelles and Mauritius. Berlin Anti-NATO Rally Draws 50,000 People, a Complete Success Feb. 25, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)The Berlin Rebellion for Peace rally was a complete success. At the beginning, the police set participation at 5,000, then increased it to 13,000 at the end. German MP Sahra Wagenknecht (Linke), from the podium challenged police figures, saying that she knows what a crowd looks like and according to her there were at least 50,000 people. Whatever the figure is, it has the dimension of an emerging peace movement, as speakers said. People came from all over Germany, with many Ossies from the east states. Among the speakers were actress Corinna Kirchhoff; longtime peace activist and educator, Hans-Peter Waldrich; Brig. Gen. Erich Vad (ret.), former adviser to Chancellor Merkel; Sahra Wagenknecht and journalist Alice Schwarzer, co-organizers of the rally. At the very beginning, a greeting was broadcast from American economist Jeffrey Sachs, who in five minutes reviewed all the major crimes of the Global NATO war drive. He said that this week is not the anniversary of a year ago, when Russia began its military operation, but the nine-year anniversary of the wrongful toppling of the elected government of Ukraine in 2014. Wagenknecht really electrified the crowd. Among other things, she addressed, and included all the people (except for the right-wing extremists) into the campaign for a new peace movement, which is now in the making. It is the German government that allies with followers of Stepan Bandera, the real right-winger, she said. The crowd was very expressive, with thunderous applause for denunciations of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, and Free Democrat MP Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann. There was a clear anti-Green mood. You could feel that something is finally moving in Germany, because people do not want the present policy, and no longer feel represented by the government, and are expressing that. The Schiller Institute had signs: Peace Means Development, Common Good Instead of War; Dona Nobis Pacem, and Negotiate, Instead of Shooting (Verhandeln statt schieen and Reden statt schieen). Altogether, some 2,100 BuSo leaflets were distributed, with the peace call by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, (in German) and the score of the peace canon Dona Nobis Pacem; and also our resolution Leave NATOFor a New Security Architecture. (in German) Hundreds of people took copies of the BuSo party newspaper. The leaflets zipped out very quickly from the contingent of 12 volunteer activists and several core organizers, with many people very happy to see the signs and many taking photos of signs. People snatched leaflets out of the organizers hands, when they told people upfront: No more weapons deliveries, Germany out of NATO, nor more war escalation. We must have a global security architecture. One organizer wore a sign, Peace through Development, which rally-goers photographed three times. The activist was interviewed by a private Russian broadcaster. The crowds streaming to the Brandenburg Gate from various directions did not seem to stop. The mood of people was happy and relieved to finally have the occasion to gather and to speak up. Rally-goers were calm, not hyperactive or aggressive. Another sign that grabbed attention read Pipelines Are Not To Be Bombed, Mr. Biden. A big black-and-white sign in neat Chinese calligraphy said: Many thanks to Mr. Wang Yi and the Peoples Republic of China for the peace initiative in Ukraine. There can be peace in Europe only when the American occupation ends. The people of Europe do not want the United States to station missiles on European soil to threaten our friends in Russia and China. We want a trans-Eurasian friendship, not U.S. aggression. EIR LEAD EDITORIAL FOR SUNDAY FEBRUARY 26, 2023 Europe No to NATO Rallies Mark New Take-Off Toward the Age of Reason Feb. 25, 2023, 2022 (EIRNS)The rallies across Europe this weekend show the No to NATO movement has taken off. The Berlin rally in the forefront of the action had an estimated 50,000 demonstrators, in a spirit described as like 1989. Large or small, rallies in other cities across Europe show the same attitude, a breakout of leadership and commitment, potentially toward a new world paradigm of peace through development. Focus, collaboration and education in the methodology and knowledge provided as political economy by Lyndon LaRouche, can see this miracle come into being. Alongside the manifestation of citizens taking responsibility in the Trans-Atlantic, key actions show leadership initiatives in the Global South. First reports from the Group of 20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in India, this years chair nation of the G20, whose two-day conference ended today, show that the attempt by the NATO/G7 alignment to demand a line-up denouncing Russia, could not take place. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his opening speech in Bengaluru yesterday, said the focus must be on doing everything in the way of food, energy, industry, water, health care and the rest for those most vulnerable around the world. He did not mention Ukraine in a way to allow it to be used as a diversion. Today, the closing joint G20 document, likewise, did not have a denunciation of Russia. In the coming week, on March 1-2 India will host the G20 Foreign Ministers in New Delhi. Already, it has been announced that Brazils Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira plans to meet with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang on the new China 12-point peace talks proposal and President Lulas peace initiative, to begin to form and deploy momentum to end the Global NATO operation in Ukraine. In line with this, the offer of Pope Francis to make the Vatican the venue for peace talks over Ukraine, received new impetus, when the Sant Egidio Community in Rome, very close to the Vatican, held a vigil today, alongside the No to NATO rally in Rome. These instances all mark tectonic shifts in institutions, forming the basis for the new architecture internationally to bring about economic development and world security. Indications of the shift abound in the early reports of todays rallies. On the eve of the Berlin demonstration, co-organizer Sahra Wagenknecht tweeted, (in German) Chinas 12-point plan can become a prelude to negotiations on ceasefire & peace. It would be irresponsible to squander this opportunity. Chancellor Scholz must now show courage to support this initiative! At the same time as these instances of transformation occur, the danger and damage toll are intensifying from the continued strife in Ukraine and also from other hotspots. For example, just look at the number of warships from many nations in the Mediterranean, described as so crowded a marine traffic jam, that an accident could happen at any time, sparking all-out war. Another example: look at the down-spiraling economy in Europe. At some point soon, the situation will devolve into complete dysfunction. This week the worlds biggest chemical firm, BASF, based in Germany, announced a major contraction, of 2,600 job losses, and a drastic reduction in output capacity, including of fertilizer and agro-chemicals. According to the insane green ideology, chemicals are bad for you anyway. The response of reason and morality is to face the situation and take action. An immediate case in point is the emergency in Syria, where, because of sanctions and related warfare policies, millions are suffering, made terribly worse from the earthquakes. U.S. forces still occupy parts of the nation, concentrated in the east, in the oil and wheat areas. In the U.S. House of Representatives a bill was introduced Feb. 22 by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) to get the U.S. troops out of Syria. Most Americans dont even know there are U.S. forces in Syria, the blackout in service of Global NATO is so severe. There are 15 days in which the Gaetz bill, called a War Powers Resolution, which is a privileged measure, must be voted upon, from the time it was introduced. If it is voted up, the Biden Administration has 18 days in which to implement the withdrawal of U.S. troops. Media estimate there may be some 900 American service personnel in Syria. Overall, the mood from todays rallies in Europe shows that the momentum will grow to take action on this and all the action pending to stop the Global NATO tyranny. We are seeing a long-sought break for the better for humanity! VOA Learning English presents America's Presidents. Today we are talking about George Washington. He was the first president of the United States. He served from 1789 to 1797. But he had many other accomplishments, too. He owned thousands of hectares of land in his home state of Virginia. He was a famous general, who led the American colonists to freedom from British rule. And he presided over the convention that created the U.S. Constitution. For Washington, that was enough. He said he wanted to retire from public service and return home. But the countrys new electors had other ideas. They wanted him to move to New York and invent the American presidency. Washington accepted the job as his duty. Washington as president Washington was sworn in as president in 1789. At the time, a truly united states was still just an idea. Americans were unconnected groups. They came from different countries, had different religions, and spoke different languages. For example, a quarter of the people in the state of Pennsylvania spoke only German. Doug Bradburn is the founding director of the Washington Library at Mount Vernon. He says when Washington took office, the country was fragile. The chances that it would even survive were probably very, very slim. Bradburn explains that Washington had to establish social and political unity. But the Constitution did not say how the president could do that. So, Bradburn says, George Washington invented the job for all future presidents. He established a group of advisors called the cabinetas well as the nations official money. He appointed a six-member Supreme Court. And he created the Department of Foreign Affairs, now called the State Department. However, Washington said it was the presidents responsibility to set foreign policy. Historian Doug Bradburn explains that Washington established the president not just as a figurehead, but as a decision maker. But he always used the Constitution as his guide. He wasnt just trying to establish an office and then figure out a way to justify it, he was trying to work with his Constitution. Washington as a young man George Washington was born in 1732 in the colony of Virginia. His father died when George was 11 years old. As a boy, he learned reading, writing and math. Then he worked as a land surveyor in western Virginia. Historian Joseph Ellis points out that Washington did not have a formal education. Instead of going to college, Ellis says, Washington went to war. He fought against the French and Indians as a British Army officer. That experience informed Washingtons world view. Ellis describes the first president as a realist. At the same time, Washington was a very passionate man with extremely strong emotions. He was known to get angry, but he showed his temper to only a few people. Washington not only acted like a great leader he looked like one. George Washington stood about 1.9 meters tall. That was a head taller than the average man of his time. He was very strong, and very graceful. He was known as one of the best horseback riders and best dancers in Virginia. But he had a problem: bad teeth. Unlike his wife, Martha, who was known for her lovely smile, George Washington began losing his teeth in his twenties. When he was sworn in as president, he had only one tooth left. Washington as a myth Washington remains an important figure in the American imagination. Even today people tell stories about him. One popular story, that he had wooden teeth, is not true. But he did wear dentures. They were made, in part, from hippopotamus ivory. And he did not chop down a cherry tree as a child and then admit it by saying, I cannot tell a lie. In fact, historian Joseph Ellis says George Washington lied many times. But it is true that as Washington became more famous, his reputation grew. People thought of him as a man who always did the right thing. Joseph Ellis says even Washington understood people would look at his writings and judge him. Washington went from being a man to a monument. He was aware of the fact that he had a role to play and that all emerging nations need mythical heroes. Washington became very protective of his personal thoughts. His wife burned most of their letters. Yet we know a little bit about George Washingtons thoughts from other writing. One of his regrets, he said, was that he had not done something to end slavery. Like many plantation owners, Washington was a slave holder. More than 300 enslaved people lived on his property. By the end of his life, Washington opposed slavery. He left a will ordering his survivors to free his slaves after his wifes death. Washingtons will became relevant sooner than he might have liked. Three years after he finished his second term as president, Washington fell ill. He had been outside riding his horse on a cold, wet day. When he came home, he complained of a sore throat. Over the next two days, his condition became worse. On December 14, 1799, he died in his bed, surrounded by his wife, enslaved maids, and friends. He was 67. Washingtons legacy Historian Joseph Ellis says one of the best things about George Washington was his ability to give up power. At the end of the Revolutionary War, General Washington returned his sword. And at the end of his administration, President Washington simply returned home. You could trust Washington with power because he was so conspicuously willing to give it up. Doug Bradburn says Washington was the right man at the right time. Bradburn, like many historians, calls George Washington the indispensable man. In other words, Washington was essential to the American experiment in self-government. He made ideas about American freedom real, and he showed that even the president would operate under the rule of law. I'm Kelly Jean Kelly. See how well you understand the story by taking this listening quiz. Play each video and choose the best answer. Quiz: George Washington: The President Who Did Not Want to Be President Start the Quiz to find out Start Quiz ________________________________________________________________ Words in This Story accomplishment n. something done or achieved successfully figurehead n. a person who is called the head of something but who has no real power surveyor n. a person whose job is to measure and examine an area of land temper n. the tendency of someone to become angry graceful adj. moving in a smooth and attractive way denture(s) n. a set of artificial teeth will n. a legal document in which a person states who should receive his or her possessions after he or she dies conspicuously adv. very easy to see or notice indispensable adj. extremely important and necessary The administration of President Joe Biden recently proposed changes to U.S. immigration laws for asylum seekers. The proposal comes as the U.S. prepares to end immigration regulations tied to the COVID-19 pandemic. The regulations are set to end in May. The change would permit migrants to enter the U.S only if they did not pass through another country first. For example, Mexicans who want to seek asylum would be permitted to enter, but a person from Central America who spent time in Mexico on the way to the U.S. would be rejected. Bidens proposal must be reviewed for 30 days before it can take effect. If it does, it will stay in place for at least two years. Experts said the law will likely be challenged by immigration supporters as well as those who want to limit immigration. The Biden administration described the rule as a necessary tool for when the pandemic-related restrictions called Title 42 end. Title 42 is the name for immigration restrictions put in place at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to limit the diseases spread. Leaders in the departments of Justice and Homeland Security say letting Title 42 expire without putting something in its place would cause a fast increase in migrants trying to enter the U.S. Here is a look at how the new plan differs from the old one. What is the new rule and how is it different? Under the new rule, migrants who come to the southern border of the U.S. will be denied entry unless they tried to gain asylum in another country first. Migrants will be required to apply for an asylum interview before coming to the U.S. This can be done on a smart phone. Melissa Crowe is a lawyer with the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies. Crowe supports immigration rights. She and other critics say the new rule includes parts of policies presented by former President Donald Trump. The main difference is that Bidens law permits migrants to appeal if they are denied entry. What does the Biden administration say? If the old rules expire without something in its place, government officials say they are worried about a huge number of migrants coming to the border. There could be as many as 13,000 people per day. That is a much higher number than the busiest days during the last three years. The new rule, officials say, would prevent a fast increase. Government officials point out there are special rules for people from Haiti, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua. They say that makes Bidens proposal different from the Trump policies. Krish OMara Vignarajah is the leader of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. She said her organization supports the expanded pathways for those four countries. But the new rule, she said, leaves a lot of people from other countries at risk. People are especially at risk if they must leave their home country right away or if they do not have enough money to come directly to the U.S. Critics who want to further restrict immigration say Bidens policy would not cut down the number of migrants. Instead, they said the new plans main goal is to better organize the process. They also say the new plan is only supposed to get the current administration through the next election cycle. What is Mexicos role in the new plan? The U.S. and Mexico share a border that is more than 3,000 kilometers long. That means most asylum seekers who want to come to the U.S. spend some time there first. Mexico has not yet commented on the new plan. The Biden administration, however, said it has been in close consultation with the Mexican government. The U.S. said Mexico has agreed to take back people who are rejected at the border. What about other countries in the area? The people who wrote the new plan say countries such as Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador have been accepting migrants. But people who work to help migrants say those countries do not support migrants well enough, so they will still want to come to the U.S. What happens next? The rule is open for comment for the next 30 days. If there are no changes, it will go into effect on May 11 when Title 42 ends. However, it is not clear if the old plan will end. Leaders of some states say they want the current plan to stay in place. Im Dan Friedell. Dan Friedell adapted this story for VOA Learning English based on a report by the Associated Press. _______________________________________________________________________ Words in This Story regulation n. a rule review v. to think again about something challenge v. to push against something expire v. to end or for time to run out apply v. to ask to get into something interview n. an official conversation or series of questions about something appeal v. to make an argument asking an authority to resconsider a decision cycle n. a period of time that comes around again and again consultation n. a serious discussion _______________________________________________________________________ We want to hear from you. Do you think the new immigration controls will go into effect in May? We have a new comment system. Here is how it works: Write your comment in the box. Under the box, you can see four images for social media accounts. They are for Disqus, Facebook, Twitter and Google. Click on one image and a box appears. Enter the login for your social media account. Or you may create one on the Disqus system. It is the blue circle with D on it. It is free. Each time you return to comment on the Learning English site, you can use your account and see your comments and replies to them. Our comment policy is here. A team of Russian scientists recently examined something extremely unusual: the frozen body of a brown bear that lived thousands of years ago. The cold preserved the body almost perfectly in the frozen lands of eastern Siberia for almost 3,500 years. Maxim Cheprasov is the laboratory chief at the Lazarev Mammoth Museum Laboratory at the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, eastern Siberia. "This find is absolutely unique: the complete body of an ancient brown bear," he said. In 2020, reindeer herders found the female bear on an island in the Arctic Ocean. Part of the animal was sticking out of the frozen ground, or permafrost, on Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island. The island is around 4,600 kilometers east of Moscow. Because it was found just east of the Bolshoy Etherican River, it has been named the Etherican brown bear. What did the bear eat? Low temperatures helped preserve the bear's soft tissue for 3,460 years. It also let the scientists know about its final meals - bird feathers and plants. The bear is 1.55 meters tall and weighs nearly 78 kilograms. "For the first time, a carcass with soft tissues has fallen into the hands of scientists, giving us the opportunity to study the internal organs and examine the brain," said Cheprasov. The scientific team in Siberia looked at the bears brain, skin and internal organs so they could study its cells, genes, viruses and other organisms that lived inside it. Is the bear like other bears today? "Genetic analysis has shown that the bear does not differ in mitochondrial DNA from the modern bear from the north-east of Russia Yakutia and Chukotka," Cheprasov said. He said the bear was about three to four years old when it died from an injury to its back. It is unclear how the bear came to be on the island, which is now divided from the mainland by a 50-kilometer-wide body of water. It may have crossed over ice, it might have swum over, or the island might still have been part of the mainland. The Lyakhovsky Islands contain some of the richest treasures in the world for the field of paleontology. The area attracts both scientists and ivory traders hunting for the remains of woolly mammoths, a kind of hairy elephant that disappeared long ago. Im Jill Robbins. Guy Faulconbridge wrote this story for Reuters. Jill Robbins adapted it for Learning English. _______________________________________________________________________ Words in This Story preserve v. to keep undamaged unique adj. one of a kind; like no other herder n. a person who keeps and raises big groups of animals such as sheep, goats, cattle or reindeer carcass n. the body of a dead animal mitochondrial DNA n. DNA found in mitochondria, which contains some structural genes and is inherited only through the female line paleontology n. the science of the forms of life existing in former geologic periods, as represented by their fossils ______________________________________________________________________ What do you think of this story? We want to hear from you. We have a new comment system. Here is how it works: Write your comment in the box. Under the box, you can see four images for social media accounts. They are for Disqus, Facebook, Twitter and Google. Click on one image and a box appears. Enter the login for your social media account. Or you may create one on the Disqus system. It is a blue circle with D on it. It is free. Each time you return to comment on the Learning English site, you can use your account and see your comments and replies to them. A new study suggests that current tools used by scientists to look for signs of life on Mars may not be effective enough to make new discoveries. A group of international scientists is raising questions about the instruments used on the latest spacecraft and vehicles to explore Mars. The concerns started after researchers carried out tests on soil and rocks in Chiles Atacama Desert. The area is one of the driest places on Earth and one of the oldest deserts in the world. The area which is geologically similar to Mars is often used by scientists to carry out experiments to improve Mars research methods. The team tested material from a fossil-rich area in the desert called Red Stone. It was once a body of water that now contains a large collection of microorganisms. Such microorganisms, also called microbes, are commonly studied in the search for ancient life on Mars. The American space agency NASA says this part of the Atacama Desert is dry and rocky and experiences extreme temperatures and severe radiation from the sun. If you can find life here, you might be able to find it in an even harsher environment like the surface of Mars, the space agency said in a statement. Researchers from NASA and other organizations have spent time in the desert testing instruments meant to be used to search for signs of ancient life forms on Mars. Such testing is carried out in areas where bodies of water once existed. This is because those areas, called deltas, contain higher levels of ancient microbes to study. The Red Stone area was a river delta about 100 million years ago. In the most recent research, the team tested four instruments at Red Stone that are either currently being used on Mars or are to be used in the future. Research results were recently published in a study in Nature Communications. The scientists said the instruments were not able to make clear identifications of several signatures, or signs, that would suggest the presence of current and ancient microorganisms. The researchers said the instruments did find numerous microbes of unknown classification. Scientists call such microbes dark microbiome and they are of limited use in efforts to search for past life on Mars. The team said their testing led them to believe that the latest instruments used on Mars might not be sensitive enough to effectively make discoveries about possible life. Armando Azua-Bustos was the studys lead writer. He said new instruments and technologies should be considered to improve the current tools used to confirm microbes on Mars. Azua-Bustos is a research scientist at the Center of Astrobiology in Madrid, Spain. He said ineffective instruments can make confirmed identifications of microbes extremely difficult. The high chance of getting false negatives in the search for life on Mars highlights the need for more powerful tools, he said. The team is suggesting that space agencies either put more complex instruments on Mars or bring samples back to Earth for close examination. Such efforts will be needed to conclusively address whether life ever existed on Mars, the researchers said. Both of these plans, however, are extremely difficult to carry out, said Alberto Fairen. He is a visiting scientist in the Department of Astronomy at Cornell University in New York. Fairen urged planetary researchers to decide which methods are more effective at searching for past life on Mars. The first possibility would be to use the limited abilities and instruments currently on Mars for studying many samples. The other would be to have limited samples examined by the best instruments on Earth designed to identify signs of microbial life. NASA currently operates two explorers, or rovers, on Mars. One vehicle, Curiosity, is searching an area called Mount Sharp, within the planets Gale Crater. Curiosity has been active in the area since landing on Mars in 2012. In addition, NASAs Perseverance rover has been gathering rock, soil and atmospheric samples at Mars Jezero Crater since September 2021. Both areas are believed to have contained large water bodies in the distant past. Materials collected by the rovers are expected to be returned to Earth in a future mission. That mission a joint effort between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) is planned for 2028. Im Bryan Lynn. Bryan Lynn wrote this story for VOA Learning English, based on reports from the Cornell Chronicle, Nature and NASA. Quiz - Study: Better Instruments Needed to Discover Life on Mars Start the Quiz to find out Start Quiz ___________________________________________________________________ Words in This Story geology n. the study of rocks and soil and the physical structure of the Earth fossil n. something (such as a leaf, skeleton, or footprint) that is from a plant or animal which lived in ancient times and that you can see in some rocks harsh adj. very cold, dangerous or unpleasant and difficult to live in classify v. to organize things into groups by their type, size, etc. negative adj. a result that does not confirm that something is true highlight n. something that draws attention of makes people notice sample n. a small amount of something that gives you information about the thing it was taken from conclusive adj. proving that something is true address v. to deal with mission n. an important project or trip, especially involving space travel _______________________________________________________________________ What do you think of this story? We want to hear from you. We have a new comment system. Here is how it works: Write your comment in the box. Under the box, you can see four images for social media accounts. They are for Disqus, Facebook, Twitter and Google. Click on one image and a box appears. Enter the login for your social media account. Or you may create one on the Disqus system. It is the blue circle with D on it. It is free. Each time you return to comment on the Learning English site, you can use your account and see your comments and replies to them. Our comment policy is here. In Minnesota, about $97 million will be targeted to investments in early-stage companies as well as loans and loan guarantees, all for small businesses. Michigan will spread $237 million over direct equity-based capital investing as well as loans and loan guarantees, especially in manufacturing and technology industry sectors with the potential to create high-wage jobs. Iowa will use its $96 million in four programs, including two venture capital funds, to invest in seed and early-stage startups and to provide low-interest loans to similar young companies. Those are just three examples of how the State Small Business Credit Initiative, a recently renewed federal program that works with private investors and lenders, is rolling out in the Midwest. It is a neighborhood that will now include Wisconsin. Wisconsin joined about 40 states and territories Feb. 23, when the U.S. Treasury Department announced its allocation of $79 million to be spent over coming years in four programs, three of which will be managed through the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. as it works with private entities and businesses. It is part of a $10 billion federal program intended to eventually involve all states, territories, the District of Columbia and tribal governments, the latter being eligible for separate grants. The money was included by Congress in the American Rescue Act to spur small-business growth in the wake of the pandemic. Wisconsins approved plan calls for: $50 million to create a Wisconsin Investment Fund, administered through WEDC, to partner with venture capital and early-stage funds in Wisconsin. An application process will be renewed soon by WEDC to attract private fund managers who already invest in young companies and are willing to manage some of the federal money. Across the 40 states approved thus far, venture capital is the leading designated use. $8 million will be used to expand WEDCs Technology Development Loan program, which supports innovative businesses with flexible financing terms to launch and grow. Its a well-used program but historically over-subscribed. $6 million to support WEDCs Capital Catalyst program, which provides matching funds to nonprofit organizations that operate small-business loan programs. There is a long-standing network of such groups in Wisconsin. $15 million for the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority to provide credit to small businesses that secure microloans from Community Development Financial Institutions, which help those businesses find loans for many purposes. The long-term benefit (of SSBCI) is using the private investment expertise to generate returns and grow a revolving pool of capital to be reinvested in new businesses again and again, WEDC Secretary Missy Hughes said. Thats what makes the refunded SSBCI (it was created during the Great Recession years) different from most other federal economic aid programs in the post-pandemic era. It is targeted exclusively to small businesses and is structured to prompt additional private investments over time. Not every venture fund or lender will want to take part, of course, because federal programs come with their share of red tape. The expectation in most states, however, is that state agencies closer to local economies will help navigate most of those bureaucratic hurdles. Thats where WEDC and WHEDA will play roles in Wisconsin. In addition to Minnesota, Michigan and Iowa, other Midwest states approved previously for SSBCI grants are Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, Nebraska and the Dakotas. The program has been welcomed by groups such as the National Venture Capital Association, which has said SSBCI has the potential to unlock significant capital for VC investment across direct, co-investment, and fund investing strategies, particularly in emerging ecosystems and underrepresented communities. Will this program solve all of Wisconsins small-business financing problems? No. There is still a significant gap between available capital and demand, which is why the 2023-25 state budget includes a separate appropriation for a venture capital fund of funds that would lever state general-purpose revenue dollars with private investment. The rollout of SSBCI took a while to reach Wisconsin, but the money will be put to work in ways that have been tested and which rely on private-sector expertise. Thats the careful way to do it. Five years ago this June, I was heading through Madison on my way to Milwaukee for a wedding. It was to be a quick stop overnight on a Thursday so I could grab my favorite fish fry at Jordans Big Ten on Friday for lunch before continuing east. At this point, I had been in St. Louis and deeply immersed in both the local and regional craft beer scenes for six years, but only getting to Madison annually for the Great Taste. Nonetheless, I was keeping an eye on what was happening in Madison from afar. As the excitement about getting back to my old stomping grounds took over my entire focus and conversations that week, at some point I was told about this cute little brewery that had recently opened on the east side of the isthmus, right off Willy Street, called Working Draft Beer Company. Working Draft Beer Company? A quick google search and it was on the to-do list for Thursday when I got into town; oh, the excitement! The drive to Madison was treacherous. Tornado warnings along I-55 impeded the journey, but after aggressive wind, downpours, green skies and then a rainbow, I made it. Several hours later than expected, but there I was. The taproom was clean and inviting. Simply elegant with shiny stainless steel, adequate seating, a wall full of windows and the smell of beer. At this point, Working Draft Beer Co. was almost four months old. It was busy, but not anxiously so. It appeared to be the neighborhood hangout with a full parking lot and rack full of bikes. In the beer world, its rare to have everything so put together at such an early age, but I was left extremely satisfied and optimistic for this little brewery on the East Side of Madison. Future Tense brut IPA was excellent and Dad Bod oatmeal stout was delightfully chewy. The lager on draft was nicely done and from what I recall, flawless a feat for even the grossly experienced brewer. The highlight, however, was a wild rice wheat. I enjoy a Belgian-style wheat beer on occasion, but rarely does the style grab my attention. Am I sure happy this beauty did. It was magical. Maybe it was the called-out addition of the wild rice, a favorite Midwestern treat. Maybe it was the humidity. Maybe it was both. The beer was delicious. It was vibrant and effervescent. It danced on the palate just as any properly portrayed wheat beer should. It had a frothy head of foam that pushed an herbal coriander and tart citrus note forward before the first taste. It was dry and thirst-quenching with just a hint of grassiness. I can still taste it five years later. For five years, Working Draft Beer Co. has held its own in the Madison beer scene, nonchalantly growing across southern Wisconsin and showcasing a very healthy balance between traditional beer styles and those that placate the hype beer seeker. The tap room hosts Red Cross blood drives, Make Music Madison solstice events, a wide variety of musicians throughout the year, and offers a creative space for artists to display their work. The space is as much a part of the local community as it is a part of beer. And that the beer keeps getting better isnt just something consumers have noticed. Small tweaks to the brewing process and recipe development have become a part of the brewing identity and continued growth of the Working Draft brand internally as well. Im the most proud of the evolution of our beers and the strides weve made in terms of quality and consistency, said Clint Lohman, Working Drafts head brewer and co-owner. Every good brewer is in a constant mode of learning and tweaking their beers to make them better and better each time ... I wish I could pop forward another five years in the future and taste our beers to see how theyll evolve. Sunday, March 5, marks five years and the golden birthday for this East Side establishment. To celebrate, the brewery is throwing a weekend-long party with food pop-ups, music, giveaways and beer releases. The festivities begin on Friday, March 3, with free slices from Ians Pizza beginning at 6 p.m., music by Dearly Brearly & Friends and two beer drops for the hype beer invested: Double Pulp DIPA and PopTHICCle, a Dreamsicle-inspired fruited seltzer. Saturday, March 4, keeps the ball rolling with Bandit Tacos slinging their tasty beer-friendly treats beginning at noon and a whole slew of delicious lagers to quench your thirst. 2022 GABF gold medal-winning Klosterade Dopplebock makes its triumphant return alongside Lake Louie collaboration Spuds MacKirby a Japanese sweet potato lager Defrostinator Maibock and Funf, the celebratory fifth-anniversary pilsner. Bloom Bake Shop and Rusty Dog Coffee are popping up for brunch on Sunday, March 5, to nourish the barrel-aged beer seekers stopping by for Lumbermouth 2022 and 2023. These bourbon barrel-aged imperial stouts are one heck of a way to close out a milestone anniversary weekend, dontcha think? After throwing a birthday party of this caliber, one begs to ask, what is on the horizon for the next five? Continued organic and sustainable growth, said Lohman. Were in this for the long haul. A lot of breweries grow fast and aggressively, then burn out when the growth stops or slows; thats not our goal. First and foremost, we serve the community of Madison and we want to continue to create great beers and solidify ourselves as a staple of the Madison beer scene before making any meaningful strides outside of this city. Its been fun to watch the excitement grow around this brewery for the past five years and it has been a delight drinking everything they have released. If you havent given Working Draft Beer Co. a try yet, now is your chance. This three-day celebration is sure to tickle everyones fancy. And while I continue to share my enthusiasm and admiration for this young brand, Lohman would like to share his gratitude for the community and all the beer fans that have kept the brewery afloat for the past five years. We wouldnt be here if it wasnt for the wonderful people that stop in our taproom or buy our beer from the top-notch establishments that were kind enough to give us a chance. I cant wait to keep sharing our beers with you all for many years to come! Happy Birthday, Working Draft team and cheers to your very bright future! A woman found dead Wednesday in her East Side home in what police say was a homicide has been identified as Kristin L. Schmitt, 41. The cause of death is still pending, according to Cristina Figueroa Soto, director of operations for the Dane County Medical Examiners Office. Schmitt was found dead about 4:30 p.m. Wednesday in her residence in a multi-unit building in the 3400 block of Richard Street in the Starkweather neighborhood, Madison police said. Chief Shon Barnes said in his blog that neighbors heard a disturbance in the residence. Little has been shared by police related to the killing of Schmitt, whom many of her neighbors hadnt met personally, several told a State Journal reporter Saturday. Detectives on Friday identified 38-year-old Justin D. Kopmeyer as a suspect in the case, with authorities saying he has ties to Madisons East and North sides, Baraboo, Lodi, Beaver Dam and Belleville. Later Friday, a suspect being pursued by Madison police looking for Kopmeyer was found dead in a Kwik Trip bathroom at 3528 E. Washington Ave., where he had barricaded himself, after gunfire was heard in the bathroom, authorities said. Madison Assistant Police Chief Matt Tye would not confirm the name of the dead man until he is identified by the Dane County Medical Examiners Office, but did say police were searching for Kopmeyer when the altercation occurred. Tye said shots were fired by the suspect who was found dead in the bathroom and by a Madison police officer during the incident at the Kwik Trip. Another MPD officer attempted to use a less lethal Taser, Tye said. According to the state Department of Justices Division of Criminal Investigation, which is investigating the incident: At about 4:10 p.m. Friday, Madison police officers attempted to apprehend a wanted suspect at the business. During the interaction, the suspect produced a weapon. One officer attempted to use a Taser on the suspect without success, and another officer fired in the direction of the suspect. The suspect then barricaded himself in a bathroom. Officers heard gunfire in the bathroom and later found the suspect dead. Jesus Nolasco said he was inside the Kwik Trip buying food with his family when a man being chased by police came running in. Suddenly a (man) came in and in that moment all you could hear was screams, coming from the fridges in the back, Nolasco said Friday while waiting at the nearby La Taguara restaurant. A gun went off. Nolasco said he grabbed his wife and daughter and ducked behind the shelves until it was safe to evacuate. Nolasco said he heard what sounded like a Taser. The man being pursued by police then ran into the store kitchen, where Nolasco said he believed an employee was present, before Nolascos family and everyone else in the store were evacuated by police. No one else was injured during the incident, which closed down both directions of East Washington Avenue between Wright Street and Highway 51 for a little over an hour Friday afternoon. The officers involved will be placed on paid leave until the DCI investigation is complete, Tye said. The State Crime Lab, State Patrol, and a DCI crime response specialist are assisting in the investigation, the DOJ said. [Editor's note: Authorities initially identified Kopmeyer as 39 years old, but he is 38.] 6 serial killers who left deep scars on Wisconsin Serial killer Ed Gein Serial killer Ed Gein Serial killer Ed Gein Serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin Serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin Serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer Serial killer David Spanbauer Serial killer David Spanbauer Serial killer Walter Ellis Serial killer Walter Ellis Serial killer Edward Edwards Serial killer Edward Edwards VisitBritain, the national tourism agency, has this week started rolling out its new multi-million pound international marketing campaign for 2023 to drive tourism to Britain. The international GREAT Britain marketing campaign invites visitors to See Things Differently, showcasing Britain as a dynamic, diverse and exciting destination, packed full of activities to come and enjoy now, with a warm British welcome at its heart. The first phase of the 2023 campaign, with a budget of 9.8 million, gets underway this week and runs until early spring focused on markets where VisitBritain is seeing strong recovery including the USA, its largest and most valuable market, Canada, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and European markets including France, Germany and Spain. In Europe and the GCC, the See Things Differently advertising campaign Spilling the Tea on Great Britain - uses a play on Britains love of tea, through destination images and short films (see launch film here) to tell a fresh and exciting story about the experiences on offer, showing visitors that whatever your cup of tea, weve got it. From a Festival tea theme that gives a taste of Britains live music scene to a Graffi-tea that celebrates its vibrant cities and cultural attractions. A Surf theme shows the adventurous side of Britain and #nofilter its natural beauty. A 'Monster Hunting' tea draws inspiration from myths and legends including world-famous Nessie the Loch Ness Monster. A limited release of the themed teas, blended by British tea company Tregothnan, will also be available for tastings at VisitBritain promotional and trade events. In Canada and the USA the campaign, called Fake (Br)it Till You Make It, highlights the richness of Britains regional diversity. The phased advertising campaign gets underway with a variety of local phrases used alongside destination images from across Britain. Later in March, a series of short films sees Brits sharing a warm welcome in local accents and dialects promoting their destinations, encouraging visitors to come and explore for themselves. Also from late March, a new online game on VisitBritains consumer website, using machine learning, goes live where players can have a fun go at mastering the accents, with links to destination information to drive bookings. VisitBritain CEO Patricia Yates said: We know there is pent-up demand for travel and that tourism is also a fiercely competitive global industry. Our priority is to build on the recovery we have seen, competing hard in markets where we are seeing strong growth, tapping in to motivations for travel now to drive bookings. All eyes are on Britain this year and by telling the story of our dynamic destinations and diverse culture, along with a warm British welcome, were inspiring visitors to discover more, stay longer and explore year-round, supporting local businesses and economies. The campaigns also plan to capture major events in 2023 including the Coronation of King Charles III in May and Liverpool hosting the Eurovision Song Contest, on behalf of Ukraine, also in May, valuable opportunities to show Britains welcome, creativity and ability to host events of the highest calibre. The campaigns have been developed based on VisitBritains research into motivations for travel now, with discovering new and surprising experiences high on the wish list for its target audiences and markets. Both multi-media marketing campaigns are using a mix of on-and-offline channels including short films and branded content across social media, digital display advertising, for example digital billboards in the Paris Metro, and print media. Content also drives online traffic to VisitBritains consumer website with ideas and links to activities, attractions and experiences themed around See Things Differently using #lovegreatbritain. VisitBritain is working with partners including in Europe and online travel market place Wego in the GCC as well as paid content partnerships to extend the campaigns reach and drive bookings. VisitBritains latest inbound tourism forecast shows continued strong recovery in overseas visitor spending this year. Its latest forecast for 2023 is for overseas visitor spending in the UK of 29.5 billion, up 4% on the all-time spending high of 28.4 billion in 2019. It estimates 35.1 million inbound visits to the UK, 86% of 2019 levels. TradeArabia News Service Go ahead and vote yes to both of the statewide referendums on your April 4 ballot. Just dont expect much to change as a result. Both questions whether to allow judges more discretion in setting bail, and whether to require welfare recipients to seek employment will be on the spring ballot for nakedly political reasons. Republicans who run the state Legislature hope to lure more conservatives to the polls by highlighting controversial-sounding issues. But the GOP miscalculated. Their wording is so basic and inconsequential that both questions are drawing broad support, including from both candidates for state Supreme Court. That leaves little impact, political or otherwise. So vote yes even if you have to roll your eyes. Supporting these measures will help the public move past and diffuse these distractions. One of the ballot questions is a proposed state constitutional amendment, which sounds serious. It will ask voters to allow judges more leeway when setting bail. Assuming the public votes yes, judges will explicitly be able to consider the criminal histories and potential risk to public safety of defendants accused of violent crimes. Technically, judges in Wisconsin can only set cash bail now to ensure defendants appear in court. They arent supposed to use cash bail to prevent further crimes. But the factors that make someone a safety risk often are the same factors that make them a flight risk. So the proposal differs little from current practices. Moreover, judges already have the power to add conditions to bail to address public safety concerns. Judges in the past have been able to set high bail and stringent conditions on lots of people accused of heinous crimes. Another tweak the proposed constitutional amendment would make is the deletion of a single word. Instead of defendants being eligible for release if the public is protected from serious bodily harm, the standard would be shortened to serious harm. Thats less specific but not much different. And given the flexibility judges already have to weigh in their minds whats best for society, we dont expect increases in jail time. It doesnt appear that the Republican sponsors do, either. If they did and if they were fiscally responsible, which they profess to be they would propose more state money to pay for more jail cells to house more defenders. They havent done so. Their goal appears primarily political, playing off the horrific massacre in 2021 of six people at a Christmas parade in Waukesha by the driver of an SUV. The man was out on just $1,000 bail after being charged with running over the mother of this child. The low bail was a terrible mistake, something the district attorney in Milwaukee has acknowledged. But it didnt result from weak standards for judges. It occurred because of a clerical error, according to the DA. The accused mans risk assessment hadnt been uploaded to an office management system, which prevented an assistant prosecutor from seeing and considering it before making a bail recommendation. Even if the DA was lax, the proposed constitutional amendment wouldnt have changed that. The second statewide ballot question this spring is only advisory. It asks: Shall able-bodied child-less adults be required to look for work in order to receive taxpayer-funded welfare benefits? Of course they should. And thats why they already have to do so if they want to collect unemployment benefits and food stamps. The question is too cute by half in seeking to manufacture outrage. A Burley man died Friday night after his car was struck by a vehicle driven by a teenage driver who crossed the centerline on U.S. Highway 30 west of Burley, police say. The 46-year-old man was westbound in a Chrysler 200 at 7:06 p.m. at milepost 255.5 when he was struck by an eastbound Pontiac G6 without its headlights on and had crossed into the wrong lane, the Idaho State Police said. The Pontiac also struck a Subaru Impreza driven by a 46-year-old Heyburn woman after hitting the Chrysler. The man died after the crash and the teen was flown to a hospital by air ambulance. Neither the teen nor the man were wearing seatbelts, police say. The highway was blocked for more than two hours, and the incident remains under investigation by the ISP. TIMES-NEWS During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, allowing the War Relocation Authority to forcibly move 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent from their West Coast homes to inland internment camps. Minidoka National Historic Site, north of Eden, is one such camp, which confined 13,000 Japanese Americans, primarily from Washington, Oregon and Alaska. Karen Hirai Olen was born at the internment camp; her family was released when she was 18 months old. Her father had gotten a job as a farm hand near Curry, so the family stayed in the Magic Valley. Hirai Olen said that, growing up, she never knew exactly what had taken place. It wasnt something her family discussed. My parents never talked about Minidoka, really, she told the Times-News. When my mothers friends would come to visit they all spoke amongst themselves in Japanese. So we knew it wasnt something good, but we had no idea what happened. Return to Minidoka: Hunt Camp pilgrims gather to pay honors Mira Nakashima was in her mothers womb when the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service bombed Pearl Harbor, launching the United States into World War II. Many descendants of survivors of the incarceration have said the same thing: It wasnt something that was discussed. The pain was too raw. The forced removal of Japanese Americans from their communities devastated their lives and erased livelihoods. Many lost all their possessions that didnt fit in a suitcase. The effects are still felt in the community, several generations later. I would ask my mom different things and she would just kind of give me non-answers, Hirai Olen said. I really didnt understand what it was all about until we started going on the pilgrimages. The first Minidoka Pilgrimage for survivors and descendants took place in 2003, and have taken place regularly ever since. The pilgrimages have been described as an act of healing, giving survivors and descendants a space to recognize and overcome the wrongs of the past. It was on one such pilgrimage in 2007 that Hirai Olen said she finally heard her mother discuss her experiences of incarceration at Minidoka. It was a tremendous act of healing, she said. When you see 300 or more people at Minidoka, the sense of healing is so strong and the sense of cohesion within our community. We can come together about this 60, 70, 80 years later, I think thats something that needs to be valued. The land was the prison To many survivors, Minidoka is sacred ground. The nonprofit Friends of Minidokas mission is to preserve, protect, and educate. Executive Director Robyn Achilles told the Times-News that the group wants to make sure the story of incarceration is recognized and treated in an honorable and somber manner. You can imagine, for the Japanese-American community, incarceration is an incredibly painful and important part of our history, Achilles said. It really defined who we are, sadly, and how we were raised, and what we experienced after incarceration. The Japanese-American community adamantly opposes an application to place up to 400 wind turbines on Bureau of Land Management ground north of the Minidoka Historic Site. When LS Power and Magic Valley Energy applied for a right-of-way permit from the BLM for the sprawling wind farm, many in the Japanese American community felt the progress made in the last 80 years toward acknowledgement of the violations of civil liberties would be a step backwards. When we found out about this proposal, we were shocked, and it was so painful because it felt like another attack on the Japanese-American community, Achilles said. We feel like the proposed project minimizes the trauma, the loss, and the humiliation that was suffered by American citizens based solely on their ancestry. The sense of isolation the incarcerated community experienced was amplified by the remote landscape, with vast, sweeping views, surrounded by emptiness. The possibility of a visual wall of spinning wind turbines interrupting the viewshed would alter that key feature, she said. Protecting history: Minidoka internment camp survivors opposed to wind project Survivors of the Minidoka War Relocation Center are worried about the impact of the Lava Ridge Wind Project. The closest turbine is currently planned to be 2 miles from the site. One of the fundamental values of the park is the remote setting and immersive experience, Achilles said. Eighty years ago there was barbed wire, but so many of the survivors said the reality was they werent going to escape because the land was so remote and desolate, where would they go? The land was the prison. Alternatives shaped by public comment During the scoping period in 2021, a majority of public comments submitted expressed concern from the Japanese-American community about the impact the wind project would have on Minidoka. The draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project was released in January and is now in the public comment period, which has been granted a 30-day extension and will close on April 20. Driven by the volume of comments concerned about the impact to Minidoka, the draft EIS evaluated three scaled-back alternatives that would reduce the visual impacts to Minidoka, in addition to evaluating the project as proposed by the applicant. In Alternative B in the draft EIS, the nearest wind turbine would be sited approximately 1.7 miles from the Minidoka National Historic Sites visitors center. Alternatives C, D and E all have a reduced footprint, with wind turbines sited farther away from the historic site. Alternative D would put the turbines the farthest from the site less than 6 miles from the visitors center. Under all alternatives, windmills would be visible from the site. Broad community opposition Janet Keegan is on the Friends of Minidoka board, and is active in the Stop Lava Ridge Committee. Keegan, a lifelong resident of the Magic Valley, is not only opposed to the project based on its impact to the historic site, but also because of the likely impacts the project would have on people who hunt game, people who graze cattle and people who farm. I feel like if the government were to approve it in any form, it would be another transgression such as incarceration was, Keegan said. It would take away livelihoods and way of life for the people in the Magic Valley who live and depend on that land. Keegan said she feels good about the ability of a community effort to halt the project. Hundreds of people showed up to two open houses the BLM held for the project in Shoshone and Twin Falls. The amount of community participation is encouraging, Keegan said. Im totally optimistic, I think that this thing could be squashed, Keegan said. Idaho has enjoyed years and years of just being able to recreate and enjoy our open spaces. And now were confronted with this threat. And we have to take care of it. We have to face it. To facilitate participation from the Japanese American community, the BLM is hosting open houses in Portland, Oregon, and Mercer Island, Washington. State and national partners like the Japanese American Civil League and the Japanese American Museum of Oregon are helping to spread awareness, and encouraging members of the community who are outside of the Magic Valley to participate. A collection of Lava Ridge stories See more coverage of the Lava Ridge proposal from the Times-News. The family of a missing Wyoming woman, last seen a year ago, is imploring the states governor to help them find answers after months without apparent new leads in the case. Irene Gakwa was last seen by her family during a video call on February 24, 2022, and reported missing in late March. She was 32 at the time. An immigrant from Kenya, Gakwa lived in the Wyoming city of Gillette with her boyfriend, Nathan Hightman, who she met on a Craigslist forum. Hightman has been accused of transferring money from her bank account, changing her online banking password, maxing out her credit card and deleting her email account after she went missing. He has not been charged in her disappearance. Gakwas relatives are preparing for Hightmans financial crimes trial, scheduled to start April 3. Theyre also struggling with many questions about why she vanished, her brother, Kennedy Wainaina, told CNN this week. To mark the anniversary of when she was last seen, Wainaina and his cousin hand-delivered a letter and a petition on Friday to Gov. Mark Gordons office at the state capitol in Cheyenne. They traveled from Boise, Idaho, as much of the nation reels from a winter storm that dumped crippling amounts of snow and ice in northern states. He said the journey was borne out of desperation. Its been a long year for my family. Not knowing what happened to our sister ... not a day goes by where we dont think what happened to her? Does she need our help? Wainaina said. If something bad happened to her, we need to know so we can come to terms with it and hopefully get some closure. Unusual texts after she was last seen For months, Gakwas family has sought answers about what happened to the college nursing student who moved from Kenya in May 2019 with dreams of working in an American hospital. Brent Wasson, deputy police chief of the Gillette Police Department, said the investigation is ongoing. We have no updates to share at this time, Wasson told CNN in an email Thursday. Wainaina said he and his cousin, Tarisai Githu, spent a few hours at the Wyoming state capitol Friday afternoon and met with state senators, along with representatives for Gillette. The governor was unavailable, Wainaina said, but they left the letter and petition with someone on his staff. State senators Eric Barlow and Lynn Hutchings sat down with us and listened to our story, Githu told CNN. We asked them to nudge the Gillette Police and the FBI to see if they have any information they can share with the family. We want to know is the case cold? Is there something they know? They havent told us anything. In their letter to the governor, the family expressed frustration about the lack of information a year after Gakwa disappeared. This letter is to request your administration take steps in shedding light on the efforts made thus far in the search for Irene Gakwa, it said. A spokesperson for the governor said the familys letter will be received in the same manner that all in-person correspondence is handled. The governor is aware of the case, and the highest levels of law enforcement are participating in the investigation, including the Wyoming Department of Criminal Investigation and the FBI, said Michael Pearlman, the spokesperson. Gakwa is the youngest of three siblings, and moved to the US with a green card to be closer to her two brothers. Their parents live in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi while her brothers have settled in a suburb of Boise. Her family reported her missing to the Gillette Police Department on March 20, 2022, after they could not reach her for weeks via video calls, her favorite form of communication. After she was last seen on camera in February, her family received messages from her phone until early March. One message said she could not answer video calls because her phones microphone wasnt working. Most of the messages were in formal English, unlike the Kenyan slang she was known to use in previous messages, Wainaina said. That sparked red flags, leaving the family wondering if someone else was sending messages from her phone. The last message said she was moving to Texas before her phone went silent, he added. Boyfriend gave police his version of events After her brothers reported her missing, Hightman told police that Gakwa came home one night in late February, packed her clothing in two plastic bags and left in a dark-colored SUV, according to an affidavit of probable cause. He said he hadnt seen or heard from her since. CNN has called, texted and emailed Hightman, 39, several times, but hes not responded. In April, Gillette police issued a statement naming him a person of interest in his girlfriends disappearance, saying, he has not made himself available to detectives looking for answers. He has not been charged in her disappearance and has pleaded not guilty to the alleged financial crimes against her. Court documents allege that between February and March, Hightman transferred nearly $3,700 from Gakwas bank account to his own and spent an additional $3,230 on her credit card. Hightman told investigators he withdrew the funds to force her to contact him when she ran out of money. Gillette police arrested him in May and charged him with two felony counts of theft, one felony count of unlawful use of a credit card and two felony counts of crimes against intellectual property for allegedly changing her banking account password and deleting her email account after her disappearance. Investigators share only cryptic leads During an initial search of Hightmans house, investigators recovered a shovel and boots he bought at a Walmart in February last year using Gakwas Visa card, court documents say. Since her disappearance, Gillette police investigators have shared a few cryptic leads. In April, they released a statement saying Gakwa may have been taken to a rural area, mine site or oil and gas location in a passenger vehicle or crossover SUV. The next month, Gillette police said they were requesting information about a 55-gallon metal drum, which may have been burned and/or abandoned within the county. Over the past few months, a group of women in Gillette have led weekend search parties for the drum or any potential clues. Stacy Koester, one of the volunteer searchers, delivered a similar petition to the Gillette City Council and the Gillette Police Department on Friday. Investigators have also said theyre seeking information about a gray or silver Subaru Crosstrek with Idaho license plates that may have trespassed on private property between February 24 and March 20. The car is registered to Hightman. Investigators have declined to provide additional details, citing ongoing investigations. In October, various agencies, including the FBI, searched Hightmans home. Gakwas family said they have not received information on the search or what if anything was found at the home that the couple shared. In 2011, Arizona, followed by seven other states, created what is categorized as the Education Savings Account (ESA). We must first dispel the thought that this is something like a college savings plan. ESAs are not a savings plan, which is why most states have used names that do not imply it is a savings account. These accounts, rather, set up an alternative choice for parents to utilize a portion of state funds provided to public schools to design an education plan that best meets the needs of their family. There are generally two ways the funds are used: Tuition for private schools, or a personalized education plan allowing parents to utilize online, local education options, private curriculum, customized micro schools/pods, therapy support, religious teaching, and parental involvement in the selection of curriculum. The ESA funds are not disbursed to the family but held in a digital portal on their behalf. Distributions are made directly to approved providers of educational services. Just this year, Utah and Iowa passed laws creating their version of an ESA, but with universal choice. Universal choice puts minimal restrictions on who qualifies. No income test or prior public school attendance requirements. In 2022, the Hope and Opportunity Scholarship (ESA) was considered in the Idaho House Education Committee. It was held in committee by an 8-7 vote. I was the deciding vote to hold it in committee. As the chairman, I had the authority to not allow the bill to be introduced or get a public hearing. While public support has been growing, I did not feel the 2022 version was ready. I pledged to the sponsors and supporters of expanded school choice that I would work on a version that could advance, without having the adverse impacts on Idaho public school funding. Recognizing there are strong feelings about ESAs on both sides, I have worked toward an approach that would provide some sideboards, without an unlimited state budget need. The proposal would have features to control fiscal impact through specific legislative appropriation. This allows for a steady growth, but not a sudden funding of every non-public school student. There will be priority to lower-income families to gain access to both private schools and personalized student education plans. The education culture we have now provides choice to families who can afford private schools, but leaves behind other families. This is especially important to families who would prefer to have their religious faith included in daily studies. The plan we offered for consideration is available to kindergarten-age children and students who have been a public school student during the prior year. Much of the funding is already in the state budget, as the students leaving a public school are already funded. The amount of funding available for the students account would be 80% of the state share of public-school funding, with 20% remaining with the local schools. The time is right for this. Our state population growth is leading the nation and our student enrollments are following this trend. Property taxes are impacted by the demands for more schools and deferred maintenance costs require more property taxes. Our state revenues are growing at record paces and the legislature recently committed an additional $330 million to public education. The ESA can be funded without a reduction in our ongoing commitment to our public schools. I am committed to our public schools. I am also committed to considering all of our citizens needs by providing choices that have historically been reserved for our higher-income families. It is my hope these thoughts will help you understand the questions we are facing and some of the challenges to make a decision that will not have unanimous support. Wednesday was scary. While the threat of an active shooter inside one of our high schools turned out to be a hoax, thank God, the fright was all too real. Especially for the students, teachers and staff at Canyon Ridge High School, and for the parents of those children who could only wait in a nearby church parking lot that had been transformed into a command post and hope for the next text message or update from law enforcement. Dozens of police officers and first responders were dispatched. Sirens blared. An air ambulance helicopter whirred. Streets were blocked off. Its a nightmare scenario that has played out far too often since the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 seemingly opened our countrys doors to hell on earth. On that April day in Colorado, two students who had plotted for months killed 14 of their classmates and a teacher and wounded 27 others in a violent act that ripped at Americas heart. The shootings, painfully, have only continued and with greater frequency in the five years since 17 students were killed and 17 others were injured in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre in Parkland, Florida. That year, 2018, the K-12 School Shooting Database counted 119 incidents more than the previous two years combined. There were 119 more in 2019, then 250 in 2021 and 303 last year, according to the database, which, in its effort to document the full scope of gun violence on campuses across the U.S., counts any incident in which a gun is brandished or fired or a bullet hits school property. Not even the COVID year of 2020 slowed violence. There were 114 incidents, a remarkably insignificant drop considering many schools were shuttered to students amid the worst days of the pandemic. The database has already tracked 55 incidents in the first two months of 2023. At that pace, the U.S. will experience 275 more gun-related incidents at its schools by the end of the year. That number wont include the Canyon Ridge scare. No bullets were fired. No gun was found. But, for an hour, maybe longer too long, to be sure we didnt know that. The Twin Falls Police Department responded within moments of the call and the first officers acted swiftly and without hesitation to make entry and protect a school they thought was under attack, Chief Craig Kingsbury told us. Every incident, he said, is real until we know otherwise. As our brave police officers and first responders scrambled to sweep and secure the school and prepared for the worst to stop a shooter(s) and render aid to victims that left plenty of time for the rumors to begin swirling. Not even the truth was going to get in the way of the growing tale on Facebook. The Times-News had a reporter on the scene and two editors listening to the police scanner and making calls. Only after we confirmed, through law enforcement and school district officials, that there was not an active shooting threat did we publish a post on our social media accounts. The truth should have calmed nerves. It didnt. Three students were dead and seven were injured, according to a random Facebooker, feeding the frenzy. It couldnt be fake, another said, because someone at OReilly Auto Parts saw the air ambulance. Another insisted that police, school officials and reporters at the Times-News and KMVT-TV had to be wrong because her mother was listening to the scanner and told her it was real. You suck Times-News! You should change your name to News Out of Times! somebody told us on Facebook. Another disputed our reporting of a false threat: false, my ass, that person wrote in a post that was later deleted. Omg what is the truth? somebody commented below the very post that reported the confirmed truth. The rumors have become as much a part of the American story of school shootings as the sirens. Misinformation runs rampant with every speculative social media post, fake YouTube video and reporting from bad actors. Its as if some people want the story to have the worst possible ending. The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it. That quote, almost fittingly, is often falsely attributed to George Orwell, likely because Selwyn Duke, the freelance writer who actually said it, doesnt have such name recognition. But its the words, not who said them, that matter here. When news is breaking, we implore you to seek the truth from verified and trusted news organizations. We are accountable, in journalism, for our words, and our job is to be right especially when the news is of public safety, like shootings and wildfires. Misinformation only further spreads fear and, potentially, endangers lives. Dont trust what you dont know. Dont spread hearsay. Dont assume. We have no reason to lie to our community, Kingsbury told us, emphatically. Neither do we; this is our home, too. When we publish a breaking news story its because we have the facts in that moment. The news can evolve, of course, and thats our job to follow along and report to you. Its not the job of someone at OReilly Auto Parts, or somebodys mom listening to a scanner, or a faceless Facebooker. The truth matters. Dont settle for anything less. UPDATE: Ezell Massey Jr., 73, of 1408 Roundabout Road was located around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday at Maplewood Apartments and is now back with his family, Martinsville Public Information Officer Kendall Davis told the Bulletin. Around 9:30 p.m. Saturday the Virginia State Police issued a notice statewide that Massey had been located and the missing adult alert had been canceled. ORIGINAL STORY: Police are asking for the publics help in locating a missing Martinsville man. Ezell Massey Jr., 73, of 1408 Roundabout Road went missing Saturday morning around 6 a.m. when residents of the home say he stepped outside to smoke, a release stated. Massey requires the use of a walker and is believed to be on foot and possibly wearing a green jacket, blue sweat pants and black shoes, the release stated. A statewide release from the Virginia State Police (VSP) went out just before 2 p.m. on Saturday and added that Massey was last seen at his residence around 9 p.m. Friday night. The VSP described Massey as 5 feet, 6 inches tall, 216 pounds, brown eyes and a bald head. Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Massey is asked to contact the Martinsville Police at 276-638-8751 or 276-638-5155. If you have ever written a letter to the editor here at the Martinsville Bulletin, you know the process involved in having that letter reach publication. Many people assume the length requirement is the only consideration until a request from the editor comes back to the author asking for documentation regarding statements of fact. An opinion doesnt have to be based on fact or knowledge, it can merely be a view that you or I have, but to say that something is requires attributable proof. Some folks are offended by this. Its as if his or hers truthfulness is being questioned, but its not. The same goes for me when I wear my reporters hat. If I write a statement of fact, that fact will also come with disclosure of its source. What happened to freedom of speech? my friend ask me when discussing this the other day. I should be able to write whatever I want, whether its true or not. I shouldnt have to prove anything. You can, I answer. But it wont get published in the paper. You see, there is this matter of responsibility with newspapers and that matter goes to liability, which is the state of being responsible for something. In other words: We take responsibility for what is said in our house, or in this case - for the words written in our newspaper. Were not perfect and by no means am I suggesting such, but we have a process thats been in place a very long time and has stood the test. Without this responsibility, you have social media, where unfettered comments abound. But even then, there are limitations. I regularly see postings by my Facebook friends who say they are back after being in Facebook jail. Im not exactly sure what that is or how those Facebook friends of mine got there, but I would imagine a rule of participation has been broken and a punishment has been enacted. Unlike the rules that apply to newspapers and our airwaves where radio and television reside, did you know that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 make social media platforms immune to lawsuits over third-party content? Thats a pretty dramatic contrast when you take it all into context, but thats the case and one that has been under the microscope this week as oral arguments began Tuesday in the case of Gonzalez v. Google. You may know that Google owns YouTube, and the family of Nohemi Gonzalez claims the algorithms in place recommended Islamic State-produced content to users indirectly helped to cause the death of Gonzalez whos life came to an end in a terrorist explosion in Paris, France in 2015. Hopefully this will change the laws and itll be for the good by being more careful about the social media, so [other parents] never have the pain that were feeling, Jose Hernandez, Gonzalezs stepfather, said to ABC News. It is interesting to me how our government has laws that require newspapers, radio stations and television stations maintain a certain level of decency while also having laws that explicitly exempts social media companies from those laws. Why is that? Maybe its because we think archaic laws should only apply to older technology and new technology should be exempt. Maybe its because these wealthy social media giants wield so much power and influence over our government that they possess the ability to maintain control over this protection. Matthew Schruers, president of the Computer and Communications Industry Association, told ABC News that if the laws are changed, making social media companies liable for the content their users provide, will produce a contrary result. A contrary result would be the opposite of what you are wanting or expecting, correct? I would submit the contrary result would depend upon exactly who is expecting what. For people maligned, harmed, or families of loved ones who are arguing claims of death in court caused by use, or shall we say abuse, of social media, I would think the contrary result is exactly what they are seeking. The 20th annual Big Sky Documentary Film Festival is a hybrid event. Screenings at the Wilma Theater, Zootown Arts Community Center (ZACC), and Missoula Community Theater (MCT) run through Sunday, Feb. 26. Seating is limited; its highly recommended to purchase tickets in advance at Door sales are not guaranteed to viewers who arrive without a ticket. All tickets are good for in-person or online screenings. Virtual theater: All short films will be available online beginning Monday, Feb. 20 through Wednesday, March 1. Feature films are split into two groups, with half available online Feb. 20-25 and the other half Feb. 25-March 1. For a list of films by group go to Films Seven features, two shorts blocks, and re-screenings of all four competition-winning films highlight the final day of the in-person festival. "Cowboy Poets" Closing night film. The unlikely combination of cowboys and poetry has been celebrated at the American National Cowboy Poetry Gathering since 1985. Through the written word, cowboys of the American West contend with their unique way of life, wrangling with their identity, environmental threats, and change. This documentary offers an intimate look at the lives of these modern-day cowboys. Northwest Premiere, Big Sky Award Artistic Vision winner. Wilma, 6:45 p.m. "Carpenter" In the remote mountains of Iran, an old Kurdish carpenter scavenges wood to hand carve artificial limbs for people who have lost their legs in landmine explosions. World Premiere, Best Mini-Doc winner. "Museum of the Revolution" In 1961, a museum was planned in Belgrade as a tribute to socialist Yugoslavia. It never got beyond the construction of the basement. Now, the outcasts of a society reshaped by capitalism live in the remnants of the museum. U.S. Premiere, Best Feature winner. Awards Screening 1. MCT, 5 p.m. "Between Earth & Sky" For her entire professional career, renowned ecologist Nalini Nadkarni pioneered climbing techniques to study the Costa Rican rainforest canopy. Now, after surviving a life-threatening fall from a tree, she must turn her research inward to understand the processes of disturbance and recovery in her own life. World Premiere, Best Short winner. "Aitamaako'tamisskapi Natosi: Before the Sun" An intimate and thrilling portrait of a young Siksika woman and the deep bonds between her father and family on the golden plains of Blackfoot Territory, as she prepares for one of the most dangerous horse races in the world. Indian Relay rider Logan Red Crow vaults bareback from horse to horse in exhilarating races. In this male-dominated sport, victory is an uphill battle. World Premiere, Big Sky Award winner. Awards Screening 2. MCT, 7:30 p.m. "The Legend of MexMan" German Alonso strives to create his first feature film, the fantastical sci-fi epic MexMan, in spite of struggles with his producers, an unrequited love, and tensions with a documentary crew. Northwest Premiere. ZACC, 2 p.m. "Jack Has a Plan" When Jack, a man with a terminal brain tumor for 25 years, decides to end his life, his family and friends struggle to accept his decision. Jacks best friend documents his three-year quest to die a happy man, culminating in a permanent going-away party. Montana Premiere. MCT, 12:30 p.m. Filmmakers in attendance Q&A following film screening "Fire in the Wilderness" Mark Kreider, director. Montana Premiere. "Chasin Butterflies" Adam Hobbs, Matt Klug, and Joshua Harding, co-directors. Northwest Premiere. Shorts Block 18. Wilma, 11:45 p.m. "Jack Has a Plan" Bradley Berman, director; Quinn Costello, editor. Montana Premiere. MCT, 12:30 p.m. "The Legend of Mexman" Josh Polon, director. Northwest Premiere. ZACC, 2 p.m. "Powers" Paige Morrow Kimball, director/producer. Montana Premiere. Shorts Block 19, MCT, 2:45 p.m. "Cowboy Poets" Mike Day, director; Henry Real Bird, subject. Northwest Premiere. Wilma, 6:45 p.m. Festival headquarters: ZACC, 216 W Main St. Purchase tickets, passes, and merchandise, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. KALISPELL Each morning Christy Novak starts her daily chores: feeding her horses, a donkey named Sugar and the ranchs resident goat, Rocky Road. She then heads uphill to tend 48 Tibetan yaks and a one-ton camel named Carlos. I never thought Id be doing this, the ranch manager said. Novak joined Spring Brook about 20 years ago. The 1,000-acre Spring Brook Ranch is home to Montanas largest yak farm. The ranch breeds the yaks and cares for them before the animals are sent to a local processing facility to make artisan meats. All of the animals are at ease as Novak makes her way through the herd, petting, scratching and describing the personalities of each individual yak. She also knows all 48 names off the top of her head. Theyre unique they have different personalities, Novak said, adding she has relationships with each yak. With the exception of a few yaks that are over 20 years old, Novak has been with each animal for their whole lives. I swear I could teach them to sit, Novak laughed. Each of Spring Brooks animals has a unique name, something Novak says she gives them after learning their individual personalities. Daisy, Mercedes and Pikachu are just a few of the animals that greet Novak each morning when she checks the herd. Every one of them (is) different, she said. Spring Brook sells yak meat to Flathead residents as well as a few restaurants around Kalispell. Hops Downtown Grill served a yak tenderloin earlier this month, and their menu also features a yak meat burger. The ranch also produces yak jerky, summer sausage and just about any type of food that can be made with cow meat. Novak and Spring Brook owner Jim Watson emphasized the ranch prioritizes yak and herd health to breed the animals. Novak talks with other yak farmers around the world, and has learned about yak care through that community. Trial and error and community input has led Spring Brook to establish an industry standard in yak care thats followed by farmers around the globe. You dont want to take away their history, she explained. Keep them wild. Even though theyre domesticated, you dont want to take away the history of the yak. In the winter when the yaks metabolism slows down, Novak feeds the 48 animals with a few 800-pound rolls of a grass and alfalfa mixture about twice a week. Using a tractor, she unrolls the bales down a hill where the yaks can graze at their leisure. As soon as she starts picking the bales up the yaks flock to her when they realize that its feeding time. One particularly hungry yak dismantled part of a bale before Novak had the chance to fully lay it out. The ranch has never lost animals to predators, Novak said, largely because the massive yaks can put a run on just about anything that might prowl onto the ranch, particularly bears and coyotes. Summers are harsh for the yaks. But in the Montana winters, with recent temperatures plunging well below freezing, they thrive. Theyre a hearty animal, Novak said. The 1,000-acre property includes residential houses, along with a large barn and several other buildings for caretaking. Watson and his wife, Carol Bibler, inherited the ranch from Biblers parents in 2001. Watson didnt have any experience handling yaks prior to Spring Brook, but had a lifetime of experience working in agriculture and with other livestock. You manage (yaks) not unlike how you would manage a cattle herd or bison, Watson said. Spring Brook was home to about 250 yaks in its heyday, and a herd of bison. As Watson, Bibler and Novak have gotten older, theyve reduced the number of animals in their care. Its a lifestyle, Watson said. Theres no end of something to do. Republican bills aimed at limiting the abortion landscape in Montana are advancing through the legislative session while Democratic priorities to protect existing access find little traction. The Legislature is just five days away from its midway transmittal point, meaning any general policy bills like many of those focused on abortion access must clear the chamber they start in to stay procedurally in motion. April 3 is the transmittal deadline for bills proposing referenda, which means any anticipated GOP proposals to ask voters to approve constitutional changes to limit access to abortion still have a month to emerge. Earlier this session, Republican Speaker of the House Matt Regier, of Kalispell, said many in the GOP caucus oppose abortion, though there is a range of opinions on at what point in a pregnancy and how or if to include exceptions in the case of rape, incest or if a pregnant persons life is at risk. Coming Monday, one of the major abortion bills this session, from Regier, will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee. House Bill 721 would ban the most commonly used abortion procedure after 12 weeks' gestational age, and would state that the Legislature finds the procedure, unless performed in the case of an emergency, "a barbaric practice." The bill would come with a fine of up to $50,000 and a prison sentence of five to 10 years. It would also say the Legislature may intervene in any litigation challenging the constitutionality of the legislation if it becomes law. The language of the bill focuses on prohibiting what the bill calls "dismemberment abortions" done after 12 weeks. That procedure is called dilation and evacuation, the most commonly used abortion method in the second trimester. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has said D&E "is evidence-based and medically preferred because it results in the fewest complications for women compared to alternative procedures. A legal note attached to the bill raises concerns it appears that HB 721 prohibits dismemberment abortion procedures at all stages of pregnancy in non-emergency and emergency situations. Republicans have frequently objected to legal notes as the opinion of one person and not reflective of what a court may say. In response to the legal note, Regier countered that the 1999 Armstrong decision in Montana, which held that the state Constitution's privacy provision protects the right to an abortion, relied heavily on Roe v. Wade, which was struck by the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs decision last summer. He also argued the bill did not interfere with Armstrong because this bill is merely a procedural ban and not a gestational age ban. Most genetic testing for fetal abnormalities cannot be done until 10 weeks gestational age at the earliest and results can take days to be available. A House Republican spokesperson said in a statement Friday, The bill does not stop a woman from obtaining an abortion. HB 721 is about one type of procedure, and as described in the bill quite gruesomely, it restricts tearing apart a living being. There are many other ways to perform an abortion, all which will still remain available." Also up for a hearing Monday is House Bill 625, from Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe. Called the "Infant Safety and Care Act," it would say an infant born alive following an attempted abortion in an abortion clinic, medical facility, or other facility is entitled to the same protections under the law that would arise for any newborn infant or for any person who comes to a medical facility or other facility for screening or treatment. Democrats have identified it as an attempt to codify something similar to the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act lawmakers put on the ballot last session and voters defeated by a 53%-47% margin. The 2021 bill asked voters to decide if health care providers must take all medically appropriate and reasonable actions to preserve the life and health of the infant. Seekins-Crowes version, however, has different language to say a doctor must exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the infant as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care provider would render to any other infant born alive at the same gestational age. This years bill also has language that was not a part of the previous bill that reads, the requirements of this section may not be construed to prevent an infant's parents or guardian from refusing to give consent to medical treatment or surgical care that is not medically necessary or reasonable, including care or treatment that is not necessary to save the life of the infant; has a potential risk to the infant's life or health that outweighs the potential benefit to the infant from the treatment or care; or will do no more than temporarily prolong the act of dying when death is imminent. While Republicans in 2021 had a bill that would have codified the born-alive language, they instead opted for the referendum to voters. But Seekins-Crowe's version would simply make the language law if passed. Earlier in the session, Regier predicted lawmakers would see legislation thats already advanced, such House Bill 544 that cleared a committee this week from Rep. Jane Gillette related to pre-authorizations of abortions for people covered by Medicaid. I think some big pro-life things will come this session, like Medicaid-funded abortions, Regier said. Gillettes bill, which cleared the House Judiciary Committee on a 13 -6 party-line vote, would require pre-authorization on what are deemed medically necessary abortions covered by Medicaid. It would codify a proposed administrative rule from the state health department that would require those seeking abortions covered by Medicaid to get pre-authorization to show the procedure is medically necessary and narrow what counts as medically necessary. There were no supporters to Gillette's bill during a committee hearing. And more than two dozen people opposed the health departments rule in a hearing in early January, in contrast to just one supporter. Those who spoke against Gillettes bill in committee said it would work as a de facto abortion ban for lower-income Montanans who are covered by Medicaid. They also raised concerns about how much a pre-authorization process would extend the timeline for receiving an abortion, a time-sensitive procedure. The committee passed it with minimal debate. Another bill from Rep. Lola Sheldon-Galloway, R-Great Falls, that passed the Judiciary Committee on a party line vote with Republican support and Democratic opposition would ban abortion after 24 weeks gestational age or if a fetus was considered viable. I hope on my tombstone it says I fought for the unborn, said Sheldon-Galloway, who last session brought a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks thats currently on hold as part of a preliminary injunction against a trio of abortion laws passed in 2021 and signed by the state's first Republican governor in 16 years. Jeff Laszloffy, who runs the Montana Family Foundation, a group that opposes abortion, said that Galloways bill would reflect advances in medicine that have pushed forward how early a premature fetus can survive outside the womb. He said that the U.S. Supreme Courts Dobbs decision allowed many states across the country to write their own abortion legislation, but Montanas Armstrong decision limits the Legislature to only having a say in abortions after the point of viability. House Bill 575 is a legislative solution to a problem created by the Montana Supreme Courts bad decision, Laszloffy said. But Dr. Timothy Mitchell, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist in Missoula, pointed out that less than 1% of abortions nationwide are done after 21 weeks, and that number is likely much lower in Montana. Abortions at that point are almost always done when a desired pregnancy develops severe problems, Mitchell said. Viability is also a gray area, Mitchell added, and very much dependent on a specific clinical scenario. In addition to deciding if a newborn can survive, a family also has to weigh what the risks are for profound neurological impairment and other complications, he said. It's important that the families and the physicians are able to make these decisions without the oversight of the government involved, " Mitchell said. On the other side of the aisle, Democrats have already seen the defeat of one of the major priorities this session, a bill that would have codified the Armstrong decision and the existing abortion landscape in Montana. That bill died in the House Judiciary Committee as well, also on party lines. A similar bill was heard by the Senate Public Health, Safety and Welfare Committee on Friday. Thats Senate Bill 437 from Sen. Jen Gross, D-Billings. It does not expand access in Montana, bud codifies the existing landscape. This bill will ensure that all people in Montana can make their own decisions about their reproductive health, their lives and their future, without undue interference from the government, Gross said Friday evening during the hearing for the bill. The hearing included many of the same proponents and opponents as the previous failed Democratic bill, which was carried in the House by Rep. Laurie Bishop, of Livingston. But it still was a different experience for Gross. "I have been through four legislative sessions now. I've sat in the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Public Health Committee for four sessions. And this is the first time that I've heard a bill supportive of access to abortion care," Gross said. As is typical with legislation that doesn't get a committee hearing until this close to the transmittal deadline, the committee voted on Gross' bill shortly after it was heard and tabled it, with no debate, on a 3-6 party-line vote with Republican opposition. Another Democratic priority that fell in the transmittal rush was one from Rep. Marilyn Marler that would have protected people seeking to access clinics that provide abortion and reproductive care. It failed to clear committee on a party-line vote and then was tabled unanimously. House Minority Leader Kim Abbott described the bills from the GOP as a litany of attacks on reproductive health care. While the GOP platform calls for a complete ban on elective abortion, Abbot noted that there hasnt been a vote to show where the Republican caucus in the Legislature might fall on proposals without exceptions for rape, incest, if the life of a pregnant person is at risk or how early to ban abortion. Abbott also predicted bills that clear this session and get signed by Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte, who has made clear he opposes abortion, will end up in court. If Republicans keep on passing unconstitutional attacks on our right to privacy and reproductive health care and the governor signs them, theyre going to be in court, Abbott said. Sen. Pat Flowers added that he found it stunning how many times they need to be told no, citing past litigation on GOP-backed abortion bills courts that have either struck down or put under preliminary injunction. While Gianforte in his first State of the State address in 2021 called for lawmakers to specifically send him a 20-week ban, this session he simply voiced support for anti-abortion bills. In a press conference Thursday, the governor said I ran as a pro-life candidate. The people of Montana elected me to defend life. I think we need to defend it through its full scope from conception through natural death. In the end, we need to see what bills make it through the Legislature to get to my desk and I'll give him serious consideration. The Biden administration is targeting the latest munitions in Russias war in Ukraine: coffee makers, toasters, air conditioner units, hair dryers and microwaves. Those common household items contain microchips and other components that Russia has used to repair and replace military equipment, U.S. officials say. The administration on Friday rolled out a slate of new rules seeking to cut off Moscows access to even low-level microchips found in basic electronics. The action recognizes a shift in how Russia is equipping its war-fatigued military and reflects how the U.S. and its allies are changing tactics. Were seeing Russia increasingly use dual-use goods to further their military industrial complex, tearing out semiconductors from everything to fridges to microwaves in order to put them in military equipment, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said in remarks on Tuesday that provided a broad preview of this weeks action. What were going to do is further tighten our exports controls and sanctions to go after these dual-use goods we know are furthering their war effort, he added. At the start of the war, the U.S. rallied a group of 36 countries to coordinate so-called export controls that prevented Moscow from procuring advanced microchips and software that could feed its war machine. Russia, however, continues to supply its military through unconventional means, which is testing the limits of the coalitions export restrictions. The experience has forced a rethink of how the U.S. applies the Cold War-era regulations not only to Russia but also long-term adversaries like China and Iran. The Commerce Department on Friday added hundreds of items from kitchen appliances to auto parts to a list that now requires a special license to export to Russia, which in most cases will be denied. It also expanded export controls aimed at Iran, which has continued to provision Russias military, and slapped 86 entities on a trade blacklist due to their ongoing support of the war effort. Story continues The export control measures were part of broader enforcement actions taken by the U.S. and G-7 countries on Friday. The Treasury Department separately imposed sanctions on 200 people and entities in finance, defense, mining and other sectors critical to Russias economy. And the administration raised tariffs on 100 Russian metals, minerals and chemical products. They're doing what I think sanctions experts knew was going to happen sooner or later, which is they're plugging holes, said William Reinsch, a scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and former undersecretary of Commerce for export administration during the Clinton administration. Anytime you impose sanctions there's going to be leakage. Even as the Biden administration has worked to block the sale of critical items to Russia, other countries have gladly stepped into the breach. Exports to Russia from China, Belarus, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Uzbekistan are now above pre-war levels, according to a report from Silverado Policy Accelerator, a non-profit organization. That could happen with the latest round of restrictions, as well, unless the U.S. convinces more countries to adopt similar trade restrictions, experts say. The U.S. must also keep cracking down on companies that it discovers are selling prohibited technology to the Russian military. The irony here is the U.S. doesnt make too many refrigerators, said Doug Jacobson, an export control attorney. This is kind of the best you can do, keep identifying the people that are cheating and keep sanctioning them, Reinsch added. But there's always another move in this game, on both sides. While theres certainly evidence global export controls and sanctions have debased Russias economy, its also clear they have not crippled it completely. Russian exports grew by 15.6 percent in value in 2022 because of oil, gas and fertilizer prices spiking a perverse effect of the war and sanctions tightening global markets and pushing prices up, according to a new report from the World Trade Organization. Its trade with several countries, including China, India and Turkey, increased last year. Still, there are signs Russia is struggling. The Russian economy dipped 2.2 percent in 2022 as global sanctions took effect, according to the International Monetary Fund. Export controls have especially hampered the countrys automobile, aerospace and manufacturing sectors, while energy sanctions and price caps have taken a bite out of Moscows lucrative oil income. Adeyemo asserted the efforts up to now have prevented Russia from being able to replace more than 9,000 pieces of military equipment. He also emphasized in his speech that China cannot provide the advanced semiconductors Russia needs for its war effort and nearly 40 percent of the less advanced microchips China is providing Russia are defective. The multinational cooperation on sanctions since Russias invasion of Ukraine last year has been something of a test for how allied countries can use economic penalties to punish aggressive regimes. Some trade experts say that the coalition-building strategy is working, albeit slowly. What the evidence would show is that the export controls have had a significant impact, said Michael Smart, the managing director at Rock Creek Global Advisors. It's not immediate. It's not like flipping a switch. It's more of a strangulation. And it's something that you see over time. The Biden administrations ability to quickly align foreign allies against Russia was likely facilitated by the international coalition that the Obama administration built in 2014 to push back against Putins invasion of Crimea, notes Edward Fishman, a State Department official during the Obama years who is now a senior researcher at Columbia Universitys Center for Global Energy Policy. Hatching new export control coalitions could become key to economic warfare with another major power: China. The administration is now trying to build a similar coalition for China, for the export controls it has been putting in place on the Chinese high-end semiconductors, for instance, Fishman said. And I think that's why, because it's much better to forge that coalition before a crisis breaks out than it is to scramble to build it after a crisis is already underway. What we're seeing is the embryonic version of alliances like NATO, but built for economic war not military war, he continued. But the challenges posed by China are distinctly different, and not only because China is a much more intimidating economic power. While alignment against China has been growing, the U.S. has had to actively persuade allies to join measures like the ban on telecom giant Huawei and export controls on microchip equipment. A lot of our allies have basically made the point that China is not Russia, which isn't to say China isn't a threat, they would agree that it is, but just that the circumstances are not the same, said Smart, who served on former President George W. Bushs National Security Council. You don't automatically get the same quick, unified approach that you had in response to the brutal invasion of Ukraine, he continued. Gavin Bade and Adam Behsudi contributed to this report. Editor's Note This is the final article in a series highlighting the awarding of a historical marker on the North Carolina Civil Rights Trail to Slades Chapel AME Zion Church in Morganton. The series featured the church, the West Concord Mothers who met at the church to plan civil rights activities and local integration stories. Today at the Burke County Public Librarys Gathering of the People event, Slades Chapel AME Zion Church of Morganton will be recognized for its role in the Civil Rights Movement in our community. The church has been approved by the North Carolina African American Heritage Commission to receive a marker on the North Carolina Civil Rights Trail. In writing about this accomplishment and the Gathering for The News Herald, I studied the churchs history written by members and preserved in the North Carolina Room at the Burke County Public Library. The writer of the history promised a tale of lore and love that would illustrate the undying spirit of accomplishment in the face of adversity, inspiration from the depths of despair and victory from the trembling edge of defeat. The history of the AME Zion Church in America notes that it began in New York City in the 1820s as a response to discrimination in white churches. A number of Black members left to form their own congregations. The church spread across the northern US in the following decades, but was unable to make inroads in the South until the abolishment of slavery. A Rev. James Walker Hood was one of five missionaries sent south to preach and found churches while the Civil War was still raging. He was very successful and became an important religious and political leader in North Carolina, Hoods biography reads. By 1887, he had founded over 600 churches in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina and erected about 500 church buildings. He was politically and religiously active, supporting education, civil rights and the ordination of women. The historical record of Slades Chapel describes its founder, the Rev. Mayfield Slade, as a pioneer who ably aided Hood in his efforts. In 1881, Slade led a group of members from Gaston Chapel AME Church of Morganton to form a new AME Zion congregation and became its first pastor. The ardor of Rev. Slades evangelical message persuaded many to first accept Jesus Christ as savior, and second, the AME Zion Church as an earthly refuge for their spirit, the history reads. The congregation met in church members homes for two years until they constructed a building in 1883, a white frame structure that stood atop a grassy knoll, overlooking Long Creek at the corner of Union and Water streets. Its centralized location made it easily accessible to many African American communities, such as Jonesboro, Olive Hill, Hawkinsville, Jordon Hill, Roper Hill, Goose Hollow and Black Bottom. All the furniture in the church was handmade by members. The church had two stoves a coal stove for the sanctuary to keep visitors warm in winter, and a wood stove for the churchs kitchen, located in the dirt-floor basement. It has been said that the women of Slades Chapel, armed with sticks and ball bats, would enter the basement to kill or run snakes and rats out so they could cook, the history reads. The Rev. James Jaskill succeeded Slade as pastor and reportedly refused to accept a salary until the congregation paid off debts incurred in the church buildings construction. A long list of pastors followed him in leading the church over the decades. These men served valiantly during the lean years, while Americans struggled through the growing pains of Reconstruction, World War I, the Great Depression and the birth of Jim Crow, the history reads. Members felt led in the 1930s to raze the first building and construct what would become the current structure. There was a period of controversy over the wisdom of a decision to build in this most critical period of our nations life (the Great Depression), the history reads. One such debate ended when a certain gentleman of influence and bearing stood before dissenters and affirmers alike and said, Come what may, shes coming down tomorrow. Allegedly, the old church died that day and the new one was born the next. The record notes that the new church was put together with both white and black hands, working side by side, young and old, males and females, each one doing until all was done. Young boys led mules with drag pans to create a level foundation for the site. In addition to cooking meals, women planed boards and carried loads of bricks. With the new building in place, Slades Chapel grew during the 1940s and 50s, situating it for its role in the 1960s supporting the work of the West Concord Mothers, a group of seven local Black mothers who advocated for an equal access to education for their children. Their efforts served as a catalyst for the racial integration of Burke County schools. Most of the Mothers were members of Slades Chapel and met there often to plan strategy. The churchs pastor at the time, the Rev. J.L. Hunt, was president of the Burke County branch of the NAACP and advised the Mothers. The church was host to many civil rights demonstrations and protests, including a large protest organized by Black students at Morganton High School and West Concord School bringing awareness to lack of representation in school activities. Rev. Hunt was very supportive of the African American students movement and our efforts, said Ruth Roseboro, one of the MHS students involved in the protest. The churchs history recalls that Hunts life and property were threatened repeatedly due to these activities. Church members rallied around him and stationed themselves at strategic points around his home armed to the teeth and prepared in their hearts to show the world Black men were willing to die rather than live in the shadow of fear. Hunt is described as a great orator and visionary with a profound faith in humanity. Rev. Hunt electrified a stunned crowd of taunters when he emerged from Slades Chapel carrying the torch of peace, signifying the official opening of a march on segregation with God as his leader, the history reads. He pressed on to success. The bravery and determination of the members of Slades Chapel from its beginning to present day will be remembered by future generations who visit the church and read the historical marker honoring their legacy. Through her stately portals have passed men and women whose contributions have been of benefit to all mankind, the history concludes. Most wanted list Donations of new or gently used copies of any of the Top 10 Titles are most appreciated. To date, the library has received 976 of the most wanted books. Current BCPL top 10 holds 1. Spare by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 19 holds 2. It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover 12 holds 3. Unnatural History by Jonathan Kellerman 9 holds 4. Storm Watch by C.J. Box 8 holds 5. Encore in Death by J.D. Robb 7 holds 6. Where Are the Children Now by Mary Higgins Clark 7 holds 7. 3 Days to Live by James Patterson 6 holds 8. A Calder at Heart by Janet Dailey 5 holds 9. More Than Meets the Eye by Iris Johansen 5 holds 10. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus 4 holds Current New York Times bestsellers and NC Cardinal Consortium holds 1. Encore in Death by J.D. Robb 173 holds 2. It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover 286 holds 3. It Starts With Us by Colleen Hoover 192 holds 4. Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover 93 holds 5. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus 611 holds 6. Someone Elses Shoes by JoJo Moyes 193 holds 7. Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey 40 holds 8. Verity by Colleen Hoover 207 holds 9. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid 42 holds 10. Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover 76 holds Adult programming Join us today, Sunday, Feb. 26, at 3 p.m. at Slades Chapel AME Zion Church, 307 E. Union St., Morganton, NC 28655, for the 21st annual Gathering of the People in celebration of Black History Month. The program is entitled, Lifting Black Voices featuring Dr. Leslie McKesson and the North Carolina Civil Rights Trail. All ages are welcome to attend. Mixed-Media Monday will be held Monday, Feb. 27, at 6 p.m. at the Morganton Public Library. Pre-registration is required. All programs are adults only unless otherwise specified. For information on any adult program or to register, call Danielle at 828-764-9269 or email Young adult programming Its the end of a packed month, and were going out having fun! Monday, Feb. 27, at 6 p.m. is a Game Night featuring board, card, and Nintendo Switch games. Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 6 p.m. is a Black History Trivia Night at the Valdese Public Library. A gift card to Hot Shots Espresso of Morganton will be given to tonights winner! No pre-registration is required to attend either of these events! All YAS programs are limited to middle and high school students unless otherwise noted. For more information, contact Lizzie at 828-764-9273 or by email at Childrens programming Does your family love the Great Outdoors? If so, ecoEXPLORE is a wonderful program to encourage your kids to get outside and explore while also teaching them about the animals and plants that are all around them! EcoEXPLORE (Experiences Promoting Learning Outdoors for Research and Education) is an incentive-based citizen science program for children in grades K-8. Developed by The North Carolina Arboretum, this innovative program combines science exploration with kid-friendly technology to foster a fun learning environment for children while encouraging them to explore the outdoors and participate in citizen science. If you would like to see what all the excitement is about, visit any of our branches to pick up an activity sheet. Follow the included instructions and submit your findings through the website to start earning badges and prizes. Some of the prizes that can be earned are a fishing pole, binoculars, trail cameras, field bags, microscopes and so much more! March kicks off Botany season, and the Field Focus is on Trees. When redeeming prizes through the site, the NC Arboretum will mail the prize to your child. Visit to sign up today, see more of the offered prizes and to get more information. You can also visit one of our locations for more information. On Thursday, March 2, the Morganton Public Library is having a Birthday Celebration for Dr. Seuss at 4 p.m. Join us for stories, games, snacks and a craft. The Cat in the Hat will even be making an appearance for this birthday party! Pre-registration is required for this program. eBooks @ your library There are 4,245 Burke County Public Library users registered to use the librarys digital collection available through the e-iNC consortium and NC Kids Digital Library. This digital collection includes eBooks, audiobooks, and streaming video available to Burke County Public Library cardholders. Apps are available for download for a variety of devices including Kindle, iPhone, and Android phones. Go to to see the apps. To access the collection and download items go to and follow the instructions to set up an account. You will need to know your library card number and your PIN. Please contact the library if you need any assistance. Find us on the web Go to for a list of programs and events. Unless noted otherwise, all library programs are free. Some programs have pre-registration and age requirements. Kyle OHearn and Jean Behr know their way around a kitchen. Behr was 16 when she got her first waitressing job, and OHearn was just 14 when he began working in a restaurant. Now in their early 40s, the two, collectively, have more than 50 years of food industry experience and between them, they have quite the impressive resume. The couple was ready to put down more permanent roots and after a visit to Butte, decided this was the place they wanted to be. The decision came easy, but it took a bit of time to make their dream a reality. Finally on Dec. 8, 2022, Behr and OHearn opened Homestake Pub at 1107 Utah Ave. Their story began eight years ago, when OHearn and Behr met while both were vacationing in New Orleans. A native of Grand Rapids, Minnesota, Behr, at the time, was working for a non-profit and OHearn, who hails from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was, of course, working in the food industry. The two tried dating long-distance but after a year, absence made the heart grow fonder and OHearn packed his bags and headed to Sioux Falls. Two years later, the pair made their way to Bozeman where Behr had a new job with a Big Sky non-profit and OHearn ran their new food truck, The Peoples Sandwich. We fell in love with Montana, said OHearn. In turn, Bozeman residents fell in love with their food, which included street tacos, grilled cheese sticks and Philly cheese steak sandwiches. Everything Ive gotten from here has exceeded my expectations, wrote one reviewer. They have made the best pulled pork sliders and blew the doors off with the Philly cheese steak. Another called it the best lunch in town!! While the couple enjoyed their time in Bozeman, it was that first visit to Butte when their plans, once again, took a turn. In the midst of the visit, Behr recalled asking OHearn, What are we doing? Why arent we living here? OHearn didnt have a rebuttal because he wondered as well. Butte reminded me of my childhood, said OHearn. Its a colorful town. Those moving plans had to be put on hold, though, as the nation would soon be at the mercy of a growing pandemic. Miraculously, the couple managed to keep their business open and thriving. A year ago, the determined couple decided it was time to make their move and packed up their bags, pans and other kitchen utensils, and naturally, their truck and moved to Butte, where they again set up their business, The Peoples Sandwich. Just as people did in Bozeman, Butte residents and its guests loved the food. Drove through town with the fam and found this spot and couldnt have been happier, shared one traveler. Absolutely fantastic stop! said another satisfied customer. The food truck would be operational for a limited time only. Another move was in the making and although the road at times was a bit bumpy, their desired objective finally came to fruition. We always wanted to open a restaurant, said OHearn. We came in with not much money but a determined plan. Looking around the restaurant with its ample seating, it seems that determination has paid off. The way we have been embraced by this community has been truly wonderful, said Behr. Her partner agreed. People have gone above and beyond to support us, said OHearn. In the few months before opening, the couple, along with some close friends, built a bar with several well-placed stools. Its the kind of place we would want to hang out at, said Behr. Local artwork was added and plans are underway for more. We want to use the wall space for rotating artwork, OHearn said. Expansion is part of the restaurants future as the couple plans to refurnish the outdoor patio. We plan on decking it out, laughed Behr, who added, no pun intended. Many of the menu items are dishes both OHearn and Behr enjoyed as children and now they want to share them with their customers. The menu has more than doubled in size with added dishes such as Reuben rolls, shepherds pie, bangers and mash, pasta Bolognese, a grilled pork flat iron, and more. Sunday brunch is also offered, with stuffed French toast and corned beef hash just two of the several dishes offered. Beer and wine are also available. Currently, the restaurant is open 3 to 10 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday, with Sunday brunch, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. With billions of dollars in transmission projects on Montanas horizon, NorthWestern Energy is asking for it to be written into law that it gets first dibs on construction, regardless of whose transmission project it is. The move for state-sanctioned first right of refusal comes as interest in Montana energy transmission heats up. A $2.5 billion transmission line bridging the eastern and western power grids of the United States has been proposed for the Plains of Montana and North Dakota. A partnership between Grid United and Minnesota-based ALLETE to build the line materialized just weeks ago. Earlier, Berkshire Hathaway Energy purchased the Montana Alberta Tie Line, one of few transitional transmission lines connecting the United States and Canada. The bill making first right of refusal a reality is written to become law upon passage and approval, unlike the several months wait that most legislation endures before becoming law. Regional Transmission Organizations that balance energy demand and supply over multiple states are also eyeing Montana. The legislation at issue is Senate Bill 353 presented by Sen. Walt Sales, a Manhattan Republican. Speaking for NorthWestern Energy, Chris Puyear told the Senate Energy Committee Feb. 23 that granting NorthWestern monopoly rights over transmission construction was the way to go. It's the debate about the free market versus the monopoly. And members of the committee, make no mistake. There is no free market electricity, and that goes double for the poles and wires side of the equation, Puyear said. No matter how you slice it, a monopoly is going to build and own these transmission facilities. But witnesses concerned about handing the utility monopoly rights over construction said the bill would short circuit competitive bidding and lead to higher prices. Puyear had argued the opposite, saying that competitive bidders lacked the utilities' familiarity with existing transmission and probably didnt know affected landowners and local governments well enough. He didnt offer examples. Opponents did. There are several examples of where (competitive bidding) lowered the price of transmission. For example, in 2015, PJM and RTO in the East sought bids for a transmission project in southern New Jersey near the site of three nuclear reactors. Seven different transmission providers submitted bids, and the winning bidder was a merchant transmission provider that had a total cost estimate of $280 million, said Robin Arnold, of Renewable Northwest. Bids from the utility transmission owners who would have had right of first refusal under a bill such as this, with no obligation to match any lower bid, ranged from $692 million to $1.173 billion. Arnold cited specific examples in New York where competitive bidding produced a winning bid of $181 million from a merchant transmission company, while the lowest monopoly utility bid was $222 million. Also, a California example in which the merchant transmission company took steps to lower the risk of overruns, while a monopoly utility didnt. This last example highlights one of the differences between merchant projects and utility projects as merchant owners are compensated through sales of transmission rates on their lines after they become operational. They do not have the ability to automatically pass cost overruns to customers through the construction process the same way that utilities do, Arnold said. For Renewable Northwest, the appeal of better transmission linking Montana to the grid east and west is the possibility of the export of Montana renewable energy. The state ranks third nationally for wind energy potential behind Texas and North Dakota, but lacks the transmission to fully profit from renewable energy sales. The state has been called the Saudi Arabia of wind. There are 20 businesses and organizations that either have renewable energy projects developing in Montana, or are interested in investing, said Bruce Spencer, of the Montana Energy Business Alliance. The investment potential of these folks is $4 billion. That's how much money potentially is scheduled to come into this state for renewable energy, Spencer said. My client is concerned because they believe that passage of bills like this reduce competitiveness. And frankly, when is it a bad thing to have some competition in the market? There is already a sliver of Eastern Montana where rural electric cooperatives and the Montana Dakota Utilities have first right of refusal. In 2017, the co-ops persuaded legislators to pass a bill granting right of refusal for a small section of the state that belonged to the Midwest Reliability Organization, a group that sets reliability standards in portions of eight Midwestern states, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The co-ops expressed concern about third parties constructing transmission in their area, but later abandoning infrastructure. NorthWestern said it was only asking that the same rule be applied to the entire state, while witnesses with transmission experience said no one is abandoning transmission, given that it takes 10 years or more to get transmission lines approved and built. Both in 2017 and last week before the Senate Energy Committee, merchant transmission developer LS Power warned that first right of refusal was likely unconstitutional. Regional transmission collaborators developers are usually from different states, in which state attempts to meddle would violate the U.S. Commerce Clause. The last time the Montana Legislature passed energy laws violating the Commerce Clause was 2021 when it passed laws nullifying portions of the 40-year-old contract between the owners of Colstrip Power Plant, who hail from four different states. A court will decide next month how much Montana taxpayers will have to pay to cover the legal costs of the power plant owners. LS Power previously owned the Montana Alberta Tie Line. Vice President Sharon Kay Segnar told lawmakers her merchant transmission company will be doing business in Montana in the future. It is a bill that writes a perpetual monopoly into state law for a private enterprise. We opposed a form of this bill when it passed in 2017 when it just applied to a small portion of Eastern Montana, Segnar said. It was bad policy then, with all due respect, and we continue to oppose it now in 2023, as it now applies to the entire state of Montana, we think that writing a perpetual monopoly for a private enterprise into state law is a very bad idea. The bill provides no benefit to the citizens of Montana. And I hope that once we have an opportunity to discuss this further, and further, and you have an opportunity to review the bill further, you will understand its ultimate purpose, which is solely to protect incumbent transmission owners from competition. The storm system that brought blizzard warnings to Southern California on Friday and Saturday will produce a significant damaging wind event across the central US on Sunday. Overall more than 15 million people are under the threat of severe storms Sunday from western Texas to Illinois, including Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Kansas City, Fort Worth, and St. Louis. The highest severe storm risk today, a Level 4 out of 5 or moderate risk, has been issued across portions of western Oklahoma and Texas. Cities under this risk include Lawton, Enid, Altus, and El Reno in Oklahoma. This area is where the highest chance of a strong tornado will be late Sunday afternoon. This is the first Level 4 out of 5 risk issued so far this year, the last Level 4 risk was issued on December 14, 2022, when a tornado touched down in New Orleans. "A significant damaging wind event is expected from the eastern Texas Panhandle into much of Oklahoma and southeast Kansas late this afternoon through this evening," the Storm Predication Center wrote in their forecast discussion early Sunday morning. Damaging wind gusts of more than 75 mph will be possible, as well as a couple strong tornadoes. Frequent lightning and hail are also possible. The greatest tornado threat will be "early in the event" according to the storm center, meaning late this afternoon as storms track across portions of western-north Texas and southwestern Oklahoma. This will then quickly transition into a damaging wind event this evening and into the overnight hours as the storms form into a squall line, which is a continuous and narrow band of thunderstorms that form ahead of a cold front. "The storms will eventually evolve into a squall line," the National Weather Service office in Norman, Oklahoma, said. Adding that embedded tornadoes within this squall line will still be possible as the storms track east. The storms will also be moving rather quickly, racing east and northeast at 60 to 80 mph which will only add to the damaging wind threat. "Damaging wind potential will not be confined to the thunderstorms themselves," the Norman weather service office said. "Very strong winds and potentially damaging winds will be possible even in the general wind field after the storms move through." Wind alerts are currently in place for over 65 million people from Arizona to Ohio, including Albuquerque, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Memphis, Atlanta, St. Louis, and Cincinnati. "Some models have been suggesting a narrow line of very strong winds moving through areas about three hours or so after the storms move through," the weather service in Norman added. Wind gusts of 60 to 75 mph are possible across the Southwest and western Texas behind these severe storms. And gusts of 40 to 55 mph are forecast across the Central Plains through the Ohio River Valley. By Monday morning, the threat of severe storms will shift to the north and east over the Ohio River Valley, where a Level 2 out of 5 risk has been issued. This includes Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and Louisville. The main threats on Monday will be frequent lightning, damaging winds, hail, and a few tornadoes. As this same system continues its trek eastward, it will bring the threat of heavy rain, snow, and ice to the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic on Monday night which could lead to travel disruptions. Snowfall totals of 6 to 12 inches are forecast for much of the Northeast, while light freezing rain is possible across northern portions of the Mid-Atlantic. The-CNN-Wire & 2023 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All rights reserved. DES MOINES Iowa House Republicans plan on moving a bill that would put limits on planned carbon dioxide pipeline constructions out of a committee before a key legislative deadline next week. The bill is one of several high-profile bills that would need to pass a full committee vote before the funnel deadline on Friday, after which only bills that have been passed out of a committee can be considered. Budget and tax policy bills are exempt from the funnel, and legislative leaders have ways to maneuver around it if they want to introduce new bills or bring back old bills later in the session. Republican House Speaker Pat Grassley of New Hartford said he expects the pipeline bill will pass through the Judiciary Committee next week. We didnt file a bill without trying to move it forward, he told reporters on Thursday. Thats not our expectation. The bill would prevent pipeline companies from receiving eminent domain authority unless they have secured 90% of the route of the pipeline through voluntary easements and blocks the projects until a federal regulator announces new safety regulations. It also requires the companies to be in compliance with all local zoning ordinances along the path, receive permits from other states along the route before being granted one in Iowa, and provides more compensation options for landowners who do have their land taken through eminent domain. But its chances of being considered in the Senate are unclear, where other pipeline proposals have not been given hearings. What other bills will make it through the funnel? Grassley didnt name other specific bills that he expects to pass through the committees next week, but he said the House will be advancing some of Republicans priority bills ahead of the funnel. Weve laid out a lot of pieces early in session that were priorities, he said. Some of those have seen action, some have not. So I think youre just going to see a broad amount of bills. Democrats criticized the bills that have already gone through the committee process or are on the docket next week as unproductive and ignoring the needs of Iowans. While the Republican majority has been focused on things like banning books and punishing teachers in the classroom and sending public money to private schools, weve been ignoring critical issues like child care, health care access, affordable housing and the things that Iowans really care about, House Democratic leader Jennifer Konfrst of Windsor Heights told reporters on Thursday. LGBTQ, book topics in school Iowa Republicans have moved several bills that would limit instruction around gender identity and sexual orientation in schools and require parental notification if a student wants to go by a different set of pronouns, but a similar proposal from Gov. Kim Reynolds has not yet cleared a committee. A subcommittee advanced Reynolds Senate Study Bill 1145 on Thursday, which would prohibit teaching about gender identity and sexual activity in kindergarten through third grade and would require schools to tell parents if they believe a student is transgender. It also hits on school transparency and library book rules that Republicans have been considering this year. It would put any book successfully removed from one school library on a statewide removal list that requires parents permission to check out at all other schools in the state, and requires school districts to put their course materials online. Senate Minority Leader Zach Wahls, D-Coralville, said the bill proposes heavy-handed requirements that go against basic Iowa values. It will require more school bureaucracy that will not accomplish the bills stated purpose of more parental involvement, he said. Grassley said the bills restricting LGBTQ topics and library materials at schools are being introduced with the goal of involving parents in education and keeping instruction age appropriate. A lot of times our objectives in these pieces of legislation are empowering the parents to be able to make these kinds of decisions for and with their students, Grassley said. Drug sales resulting in death Reynolds and Attorney General Brenna Bird, both Republicans, proposed separate bills that would increase the charge for a drug sale that results in a death, but the proposals are likely to be combined before moving through a committee next week. Sen. Brad Zaun, R-Urbandale, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee said this week Birds office was planning to submit an agreement between the two bills, but he said he hadnt seen the proposal as of Thursday. We are going to run a bill, I would probably guess it will probably be the governors bill because it was more expansive than the attorney generals, he said. Reynolds bill, House Study Bill 104, would heighten penalties for selling fentanyl. It would also triple the sentence for the sale of a drug that results in the death of another person. A person who manufactures drugs in the presence of a minor would be subject to twice the sentence. The bill also expands the availability of naloxone, a drug used to reverse the effects of an overdose. I think its actually a stronger bill by the time we brought the two together, Reynolds told reporters last week. They had some great enhancements to the language that we put in place. Child labor laws Republicans must decide whether to advance a proposal to relax Iowas child labor laws. Under the proposal, 16- and 17-year-olds could serve drinks in a bar or restaurant, and 14- through 17-year-olds could work in manufacturing, meat lockers and construction, with parental consent and a state waiver. Each of the twin bills, Senate File 167 and House Study Bill 134 has passed out of subcommittee, but neither has been approved by the chambers respective committees on workforce in the Senate and commerce in the House. Republicans who approved the proposals in subcommittee said the bills would help businesses find workers in a tight employment market and to help young Iowans become more engaged in work. Were going to end up with a generation of skilled leaders because of these efforts, said Sen. Jason Schultz, R-Schleswig. Democrats who opposed the proposal warned that it could be perilous to allow younger Iowans to work in some of the jobs permitted in the bills. My hope is that this bill does not advance through the funnel this next week and then we can get back to focusing kids on actually having rewarding, enriching childhoods and that their employment opportunities are age-appropriate and are safe, Wahls said. Tom Barton of the Gazette Des Moines Bureau contributed PHOTOS: Nikki Haley in Iowa Election 2024 Haley APTOPIX Election 2024 Haley Election 2024 Haley Election 2024 Haley Election 2024 Haley Election 2024 Haley Election 2024 Haley Election 2024 Haley Election 2024 Haley Election 2024 Haley Election 2024 Haley NAIROBI, Kenya Trends in a historic Horn of Africa drought are now worse than they were during the 2011 drought in which at least a quarter-million people died, a climate center said Wednesday. The IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center said below-normal rainfall is expected in the rainy season over the next three months. This could be the sixth failed consecutive rainfall season in the region that includes Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya, the center said. The drought, the longest on record in Somalia, has lasted almost three years, and tens of thousands of people are said to have died. More than 1 million people have been displaced in Somalia alone, according to the United Nations. Last month, the U.N. resident coordinator in Somalia warned that excess deaths in Somalia will almost certainly surpass those of the famine declared in the country in 2011. Close to 23 million people are thought to be highly food insecure in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya, according to a food security working group chaired by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization and the regional Intergovernmental Authority on Development. Already, 11 million livestock that are essential to many families health and wealth have died, Wednesdays statement said. Many people affected across the region are pastoralists or farmers who have watched crops wither and water sources run dry. The war in Ukraine has affected the humanitarian response as traditional donors in Europe divert funding to the crisis closer to home. The head of IGAD, Workneh Gebeyehu, urged governments and partners to act before its too late. The IGAD climate center is a designated regional climate center by the World Meteorological Organization. Millets making a comeback There were many who had doubts as to whether Joe Biden would be up to the job of being President of the United States, notwithstanding his lengthy political resume. I was among the doubters. Those doubts can be put to rest. We have just witnessed President Bidens finest hour. When Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his unprovoked attack on free and independent Ukraine (an attack that former U.S. President Donald Trump used words such as genius and savvy to describe) with a 40-mile long convoy advancing on Kiev, few imagined that this huge convoy would be destroyed by Ukrainians fiercely fighting to maintain their independence. Many believed that Kiev would fall in a matter of weeks, or perhaps even in a few days. Yet here we are a year later, with the once threatening convoy nowhere to be seen, with U.S. President Biden standing with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelinskyy in the heart of Kiev, with President Biden pledging to continue military and economic support for Ukrainians as they do battle with the invading Russians, who have retreated to the eastern part of the country. What a difference a year makes! Equally inspiring was President Bidens address to a large crowd in Poland after his return from Kiev an ode to freedom and democracy which was particularly noteworthy in view of the fact that in the not-too-distant past Poland was a communist country which was part of the Soviet bloc of nations. Unlike those who continue to believe the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen, notwithstanding the fact there is no credible evidence of fraud of sufficient magnitude to make that plausible, President Biden is a firm believer in democracy. Not just democracy for the United States, but democracy for Ukrainians and those living in other countries as well. Unlike Marjorie Taylor Greene and other right-wing blowhards, President Biden believes that we have a moral obligation to stand with the Ukrainians and share in the cost of their fighting to preserve their freedom and independence, rather than just throw them to the wolves (or, if you will, the Russian bear.) Unlike his predecessor, President Biden values coalitions and alliances such as NATO. (One of the great ironies of the huge miscalculation that President Putin made when he invaded Ukraine is that the need for NATO has become even more apparent with additional countries now wishing to join it. If Putins game plan was to weaken NATO and expand Russian influence, what has happened is the complete opposite of what he was attempting to do.) A few weeks ago, I wrote a column on China in which I suggested that the desire for freedom is something that is innate in each individual, rather than something that is culturally conditioned. This innate desire for freedom is even more apparent in the Ukrainians who are valiantly fighting the Russian oppressors who are attempting to deprive them of their freedom. We do not know when the war in Ukraine will end. We do not know how it will end. The future by its very nature is difficult to study. What we do know, however, is that all those who value freedom and democracy have a moral obligation to support the valiant efforts of the Ukrainians to preserve their freedom and independence. A NOTE ABOUT PRESIDENT BIDEN: In saying that his support for Ukraine is his finest hour, I in no way intend to deify him. He has made his share of mistakes, including his rather crass decision to politicize Social Security and Medicare, a huge blunder that is going to make it immensely more difficult to address the very serious funding problems related to Social Security and Medicare. Discussion of these problems, however, must be reserved for a subsequent column. Hong Kong: 80 good citizens commended Eighty citizens who assisted Police in fighting crime and maintaining law and order were commended at the Good Citizen Award (GCA) 2022 & 50th Anniversary Presentation Ceremony today. Separately, seven organisations were presented the Good Organisation Award to recognise their efforts in supporting the force's crime prevention works. Police said the GCA awardees helped prevent or detect cases including theft, fraud and indecent assault. There were also some who made their contributions in life-saving. Debby Kong, the recipient of the Good Citizen of the Year Award, saved a girl who accidentally fell into the sea when she was fishing. She also comforted the girl while waiting for Police to arrive on the scene, fully demonstrating her care and love. More than 4,500 citizens have been commended since the launch of the GCA scheme in 1973. Speaking at the ceremony, Commissioner of Police Siu Chak-yee said the scheme has been revamped over the past two years. He highlighted that the force brought together the GCA awardees to form a Good Citizen Alliance to promote the good citizen spirit in schools, organisations and the community. With inheritance as the theme this year, Mr Siu expressed the hope that the scheme could pass on the spirit to the future generations. This story has been published on: 2023-02-26. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. KYIV, Ukraine One Russian soldier tells his mother that the young Ukrainians dead from his first firefight looked just like him. Another explains to his wife that hes drunk because alcohol makes it easier to kill civilians. A third wants his girlfriend to know that in all the horror, he dreams about just being with her. Quality journalism doesn't happen without your help. Subscribe today! Support local news coverage and the people who report it by subscribing to the Napa Valley Register. About 2,000 secret recordings of intercepted conversations between Russian soldiers in Ukraine and their loved ones back home offer a harrowing new perspective on Vladimir Putins year-old war. There is a human mystery at the heart of these conversations heard in intercepted phone calls: How do people raised with a sense of right and wrong end up accepting and perpetrating terrible acts of violence? The AP identified calls made in March 2022 by soldiers in a military division that Ukrainian prosecutors say committed war crimes in Bucha, a town outside Kyiv that became an early symbol of Russian atrocities. They show how deeply unprepared young soldiers and their country were for the war to come. Many joined the military because they needed money and were informed of their deployment at the last minute. They were told theyd be welcomed as heroes for liberating Ukraine from its Nazi oppressors and their Western backers, and that Kyiv would fall without bloodshed within a week. The intercepts also show that as soldiers realized how much theyd been misled, they grew more and more afraid. Violence that once would have been unthinkable became normal. Looting and drinking offered moments of rare reprieve. Some said they were following orders to kill civilians or prisoners of war. They tell their mothers what this war actually looks like: About the teenage Ukrainian boy who got his ears cut off. How the scariest sound is not the whistle of a rocket flying past, but the silence that means its coming directly for you. How modern weapons can obliterate the human body so theres nothing left to bring home. We listen as their mothers struggle to reconcile their pride and their horror, and as their wives and fathers beg them not to drink too much and to please, please call home. These are the stories of three of those men Ivan, Leonid and Maxim. The AP isnt using their full names to protect their families in Russia. The AP established that they were in areas when atrocities were committed, but has no evidence of their individual actions beyond what they confess. The AP spoke with the mothers of Ivan and Leonid, but couldnt reach Maxim or his family. The AP verified these calls with the help of the Dossier Center, an investigative group in London funded by the Russian dissident Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The conversations have been edited for length and clarity. In a joint production on Saturday, Feb. 25, The Associated Press and Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting broadcasted never-before-heard audio of Russian soldiers as they confront and perpetrate the brutality of Russias war in Ukraine. LEONID Leonid became a soldier because he needed money. He was in debt and didnt want to depend on his parents. I just wasnt prepared emotionally for my child to go to war at the age of 19, his mother told the AP in January. None of us had experienced anything like this, that your child would live in a time when he has to go and fight. Leonids mother said Russia needs to protect itself from its enemies. But, like many others, she expected Russia to take parts of eastern Ukraine quickly. Instead, Leonids unit got stuck around Bucha. No one thought it would be so terrible, his mother said. My son just said one thing: My conscience is clear. They opened fire first. Thats all. In the calls, there is an obvious moral dissonance between the way Leonids mother raised him and what he is seeing and doing in Ukraine. Still, she defended her son, insisting he never even came into contact with civilians in Ukraine. She said everything was calm, civil. There was no trouble at the checkpoints. Nothing bad happened. The war didnt change her son. She declined to listen to any of the intercepts: This is absurd, she said. Just dont try to make it look like my child killed innocent people. ONE: Kill if you dont want to be killed. Leonids introduction to war came on Feb. 24, as his unit crossed into Ukraine from Belarus and decimated a detachment of Ukrainians at the border. After his first fight, Leonid seems to have compassion for the young Ukrainian soldiers theyd just killed. Mother: When did you get scared? Leonid: When our commander warned us we would be shot, 100%. He warned us that although wed be bombed and shot at, our aim was to get through. Mother: Did they shoot you? Leonid: Of course. We defeated them. Mother: Mhm. Did you shoot from your tanks? Leonid: Yeah, we did. We shot from the tanks, machine guns and rifles. We had no losses. We destroyed their four tanks. There were dead bodies lying around and burning. So, we won. Mother: Oh what a nightmare! Lyonka, you wanted to live at that moment, right honey? Leonid: More than ever! Mother: More than ever, right honey? Leonid: Of course. Mother: Its totally horrible. Leonid: They were lying there, just 18 or 19 years old. Am I different from them? No, Im not. TWO: The rules of normal life no longer apply. Leonid tells his mother their plan was to seize Kyiv within a week, without firing a single bullet. Instead, his unit started taking fire near Chernobyl. They had no maps and the Ukrainians had taken down all the road signs. It was so confusing, he says. They were well prepared. Not expecting a prolonged attack, Russian soldiers ran short on basic supplies. One way for them to get what they needed or wanted was to steal. Many soldiers, including Leonid, talk about money with the wary precision that comes from not having enough. Some take orders from friends and family for certain-sized shoes and parts for specific cars, proud to go home with something to give. When Leonid tells his mother casually about looting, at first she cant believe hes stealing. But its become normal for him. As he speaks, he watches a town burn on the horizon. Such a beauty, he says. Leonid: Look, mom, Im looking at tons of houses I dont know, dozens, hundreds and theyre all empty. Everyone ran away. Mother: So all the people left, right? You guys arent looting them, are you? Youre not going into other peoples houses? Leonid: Of course we are, mom. Are you crazy? Mother: Oh, you are. What do you take from there? Leonid: We take food, bed linen, pillows. Blankets, forks, spoons, pans. Mother: (laughing) You gotta be kidding me. Leonid: Whoever doesnt have any socks, clean underwear, T-shirts, sweaters. THREE: The enemy is everybody. Leonid tells his mother about the terror of going on patrol and not knowing what or who they will encounter. He describes using lethal force at the slightest provocation against just about anyone. At first, she seems not to believe that Russian soldiers could be killing civilians. Leonid tells her that civilians were told to flee or shelter in basements, so anyone who was outside must not be a real civilian. Russian soldiers had been told, by Putin and others, that theyd be greeted as liberators and anyone who resisted was a fascist, an insurgent not a real civilian. This was a whole-of-society war. Mercy was for suckers. Mother: Oh Lyonka, youve seen so much stuff there! Leonid: Well ... civilians are lying around right on the street with their brains coming out. Mother: Oh God, you mean the locals? Leonid: Yep. Well, like, yeah. Mother: Are they the ones you guys shot or the ones ... Leonid: The ones killed by our army. Mother: Lyonya, they might just be peaceful people. Leonid: Mom, there was a battle. And a guy would just pop up, you know? Maybe he would pull out a grenade launcher ... Or we had a case, a young guy was stopped, they took his cellphone. He had all this information about us in his Telegram messages where to bomb, how many we were, how many tanks we have. And thats it. Mother: So they knew everything? Leonid: He was shot right there on the spot. Mother: Mhm. Leonid: He was 17 years old. And thats it, right there. Mother: Mhm. Leonid: There was a prisoner. It was an 18-year-old guy. First, he was shot in his leg. Then his ears were cut off. After that, he admitted everything, and they killed him. Mother: Did he admit it? Leonid: We dont imprison them. I mean, we kill them all. Mother: Mhm. FOUR: What it takes to get home alive. Leonid tells his mother he was nearly killed five times. Things are so disorganized, he says, that its not uncommon for Russians to fire on their own troops it even happened to him. Some soldiers shoot themselves just to get medical leave, he says. In another call, he tells his girlfriend hes envious of his buddies who got shot in the feet and could go home. A bullet in your foot is like four months at home with crutches, he says. It would be awesome. Then he hangs up because of incoming fire. Mother: Hello, Lyonechka. Leonid: I just wanted to call you again. I am able to speak. Mother: Oh, thats good. Leonid: There are people out here who shoot themselves. Mother: Mhm. Leonid: They do it for the insurance money. You know where they shoot themselves? Mother: Thats silly, Lyonya. Leonid: The bottom part of the left thigh. Mother: Its bull, Lyonya. Theyre crazy, you know that, right? Leonid: Some people are so scared that they are ready to harm themselves just to leave. Mother: Yeah, it is fear, what can you say here, its human fear. Everybody wants to live. I dont argue with that, but please dont do that. We all pray for you. You should cross yourself any chance you get, just turn away from everyone and do it. We all pray for you. Were all worried. Leonid: Im standing here, and you know what the situation is? I am now 30 meters (100 feet) away from a huge cemetery. (giggling) Mother: Oh, thats horrible ... may it be over soon. Leonid says he had to learn to empty his mind. Imagine, its nighttime. Youre sitting in the dark and its quiet out there. Alone with your thoughts. And day after day, you sit there alone with those thoughts, he tells his girlfriend. I already learned to think of nothing while sitting outside. He promises to bring home a collection of bullets for the kids. Trophies from Ukraine, he calls them. His mother says shes waiting for him. Of course Ill come, why wouldnt I? Leonid says. Of course, youll come, his mother says. No doubts. Youre my beloved. Of course, youll come. You are my happiness. Leonid returned to Russia in May, badly wounded, but alive. He told his mother Russia would win this war. IVAN Ivan dreamed of being a paratrooper from the time he was a boy, growing up in a village at the edge of Siberia. He used to dress up in fatigues and play paintball with friends in the woods. A photo shows him at 12 years old, smiling with a big Airsoft rifle and a slimy splotch of green near his heart a sign of certain death in paintball. Ivans dream came true. He entered an elite unit of Russian paratroopers, which crossed into Ukraine the very first day of Putins Feb. 24 invasion, one year ago. ONE: Ivans road to war. Ivan was in Belarus on training when they got a Telegram message: Tomorrow you are leaving for Ukraine. There is a genocide of the Russian population. And we have to stop it. When his mother found out he was in Ukraine, she said she stopped speaking for days and took sedatives. Her hair went gray. Still, she was proud of him. Ivan ended up in Bucha. Ivan: Mom, hi. Mother: Hi, son! How Ivan: How are you? Mother: Vanya, I understand they might be listening so Im afraid Ivan: Doesnt matter. Mother: to ask where you are, whats happening. Where are you? Ivan: In Bucha. Mother: In Bucha? Ivan: In Bucha. Mother: Son, be as careful as you can, OK? Dont go charging around! Always keep a cool head. Ivan: Oh, come on, Im not charging around. Mother: Yeah, right! And yesterday you told me how youre gonna f kill everyone out there. (laughs) Ivan: We will kill if we have to. Mother: Huh? Ivan: If we have to we have to. Mother: I understand you. Im so proud of you, my son! I dont even know how to put it. I love you so much. And I bless you for everything, everything! I wish you success in everything. And Ill wait for you no matter what. TWO: Love and fear. Russian soldiers had been told by Putin and others that theyd be welcomed by their brothers and sisters in Ukraine as liberators. Instead, Ivan finds that most Ukrainians want him dead or gone. His mood darkens. He calls his girlfriend, Olya, and tells her he had a dream about her. Ivan: F-, you know, its driving me crazy here. Its just that ... You were just I felt you, touched you with my hand. I dont understand how its possible, why, where But I really felt you. I dont know, I felt something warm, something dear. Its like something was on fire in my hands, so warm And thats it. I dont know. I was sleeping and then I woke up with all these thoughts. War You know, when youre sleeping and then youre like War Where, where is it? It was just dark in the house, so dark. And I went outside, walked around the streets, and thought: damn, f- it. And thats it. I really want to come see you. Olya: I am waiting for you. Ivan: Waiting? OK. Im waiting, too. Waiting for the time I can come see you ... Lets make a deal. When we see each other, lets spend the entire day together. Laying around, sitting together, eating, looking at each other just us, together. Olya: (Laughs) Agreed. Ivan: Together all the time. Hugging, cuddling, kissing Together all the time, not letting each other go. Olya: Well, yeah! Ivan: You can go f crazy here. Its so f- up, the s- thats happening. I really thought it would be easy here, to tell you the truth. That its just gonna be easy to talk, think about it. But it turned out to be hard, you need to think with your head all the time. So thats that. Ivan: We are really at the front line. As far out as you could be. Kyiv is 15 kilometers (about 10 miles) from us. It is scary, Olya. It really is scary. Olya: Hello? Ivan: Do you hear me? The line drops. THREE: The end. As things get worse for Ivan in Ukraine, his mothers patriotism deepens and her rage grows. The family has relatives in Kyiv, but seems to believe this is a righteous war against Nazi oppression in Ukraine and the dark hand of the United States they see behind Kyivs tough resistance. She says shell go to Ukraine herself to fight. Mother: Do you have any predictions about the end ...? Ivan: We are here for the time being. Well probably stay until they clean up the whole of Ukraine. Maybe theyll pull us out. Maybe not. Were going for Kyiv. Mother: What are they going to do? Ivan: Were not going anywhere until they clean up all of these pests. Mother: Are those bastards getting cleaned up? Ivan: Yes, they are. But theyve been waiting for us and preparing, you understand? Preparing properly. American motherf have been helping them out. Mother: F f. F kill them all. You have my blessing. Death came for Ivan a decade after that boyhood paintball game. In July, a local paper published a notice of his funeral with a photo of him, again in fatigues holding a large rifle. Ivan died heroically in Russias special military operation, the announcement said. We will never forget you. All of Russia shares this grief. Reached by the AP in January, Ivans mother at first denied shed ever talked with her son from the front. But she agreed to listen to some of the intercepted audio and confirmed it was her speaking with Ivan. He wasnt involved in murders, let alone in looting, she told the AP before hanging up the phone. Ivan was her only son. <&rule> <&rdpStrong>MAXIM Maxim is drunk in some of the calls, slurring his words, because life at the front line is more than he can take sober. Its not clear what military unit Maxim is in, but he makes calls from the same phone as Ivan, on the same days. He says theyre alone out there and exposed. Communications are so bad theyre taking more fire from their own troops than from the Ukrainians. He has a bad toothache and his feet are freezing. The hunt for locals men, women and children who might be informing on them to the Ukrainian military is constant. Maxims mood flips between boredom and horror not just at what he has seen, but also what he has done. <&rule> ONE: Gold! The only reason Maxim is able to speak with his family back in Russia is because theyve been stealing phones from locals. He says theyre even shaking down kids. We take everything from them, he explains to his wife. Because they can also be f spotters. Stuck just outside Kyiv, bored and unsure why theyre in Ukraine in the first place, Maxim and a half-dozen other guys shot up a shopping mall and made off with all the gold they could carry. Back home Maxim has money troubles, but here his hands are heavy with treasure. He gleefully calculates and recalculates what his pile of gold might be worth. He says he offered a wad of money the size of his fist to Ukrainian women and children. I wanted to give it to normal families with kids, but the people out there were drunks, he tells his wife. In the end, he handed the cash off to a random, clean-shaven man he thought looked decent. I told him: Look here, take it, give it to families with kids and take something for yourself. Youll figure it out, make it fair. On calls home, the high sweet voice of Maxims own young child bubbles in the background as he talks with his wife. Maxim: Do you know how much a gram of gold costs here? Wife: No. Maxim: Roughly? About two or three thousand rubles, right? Wife: Well, yeah Maxim: Well, I have 1 kilograms (more than three pounds). With labels even. Wife: Holy f-, are we looters?! Maxim: With labels, yeah. Its just that we f- up this We were shooting at this shopping mall from a tank. Then we go in, and theres a f jewelry store. Everything was taken. But there was a safe there. We cracked it open, and inside f- me! So the seven of us loaded up. Wife: I see. Maxim: They had these f necklaces, you know. In our money, theyre like 30-40,000 apiece, 60,000 apiece. Wife: Holy crap. Maxim: I scored about a kilo and a half of necklaces, charms, bracelets ... these earrings ... earrings with rings Wife: Thats enough, dont tell me. Maxim: Anyway, I counted and if its 3,000 rubles a gram, then I have about 3.5 million. If you offload it. Wife: Got it. Hows the situation there? Maxim: Its f OK. Wife: OK? Got it. Maxim: We dont have a f thing to do, so we go around and loot the f shopping mall. Wife: Just be careful, in the name of Christ. ___ TWO: Propaganda. Maxim and his mother discuss the opposing stories about the war being told on Ukrainian and Russian television. They blame the United States and recite conspiracy theories pushed by Russian state media. But Maxim and his mother believe its the Ukrainians who are deluded by fake news and propaganda, not them. The best way to end the war, his mother says, is to kill the presidents of Ukraine and the United States. Later, Maxim tells his mother that thousands of Russian troops died in the first weeks of war so many that theres no time to do anything except haul away the bodies. Thats not what theyre saying on Russian TV, his mother says. Maxim: Here, its all American. All the weapons. Mother: Its the Americans driving this, of course! Look at their laboratories. They are developing biological weapons. Coronavirus literally started there. Maxim: Yeah, I also saw somewhere that they used bats. Mother: All of it. Bats, migrating birds, and even coronavirus might be their biological weapon. Mother: They even found all these papers with signatures from the U.S. all over Ukraine. Bidens son is the mastermind behind all of this. Mother: When will it end? When they stop supplying weapons. Maxim: Mhm. Mother: Until they catch (Ukrainian President Volodymyr) Zelenskyy and execute him, nothing will end. Hes a fool, a fool! Hes a puppet for the U.S. and they really dont need him, the fool. You watch TV and you feel bad for the people, the civilians, some travelling with young kids. Mother: If I was given a gun, Id go and shoot Biden. (Laughs) Maxim: (Laughs) <&rule> THREE: War and peace. The Ukrainian government has been intercepting Russian calls when their phones ping Ukrainian cell towers, providing important real-time intelligence for the military. Now, the calls are also potential evidence for war crimes. But phones have been dangerous for the soldiers in another, more personal sense. The phone acts as a real-time bridge between two incompatible realities the war in Ukraine and home. In Maxims calls with his wife, war and peace collide. Even as she teaches their daughter the rules of society scolding the child for throwing things, for example Maxim talks about what hes been stealing. His wifes world is filled with school crafts and the sounds of children playing outside. In his, volleys of gunfire crack the air. One night last March, Maxim was having trouble keeping it together on a call with his wife. Hed been drinking, as he did every night. He told her hed killed civilians so many he thinks hes going crazy. He said he might not make it home alive. He was just sitting there, drunk in the dark, waiting for the Ukrainian artillery strikes to start. Wife: Why? Why are you drinking? Maxim: Everyone is like that here. Its impossible without it here. Wife: How the f- will you protect yourself if you are tipsy? Maxim: Totally normal. On the contrary, its easier to shoot ... civilians. Lets not talk about this. Ill come back and tell you how it is here and why we drink! Wife: Please, just be careful! Maxim: Everything will be fine. Honestly, Im scared s-less myself. I never saw such hell as here. I am f shocked. Wife: Why the f- did you go there? Minutes later, hes on the phone with his child. Youre coming back, the child says. Of course, Maxim says. <&rule> FOUR: The end? In their last intercepted call, Maxims wife seems to have a premonition. Wife: Is everything all right? Maxim: Yeah. Why? Wife: Be honest with me, is everything all right? Maxim: Huh? Why do you ask? Wife: Its nothing, I just cant sleep at night. Maxim is a little breathless. He and his unit are getting ready to go. His wife asks him where theyre going. Forward, he tells her. I wont be able to call for a while. The AP has been unable to determine what happened to Maxim. <&rdpEm>Solomiia Hera and Anna Pavlova contributed to this report. Follow the APs coverage of Russias war in Ukraine at Walking around downtown Napa at night is often a vivid, lively experience, filled with the sight of people enjoying meals and drinks among the tasting rooms, high-end restaurants and looming hotels. Quality journalism doesn't happen without your help. Subscribe today! Support local news coverage and the people who report it by subscribing to the Napa Valley Register. But if one looks down at the sidewalk while walking, stares at the gray concrete stepped upon by thousands of tourists and Napans alike, curious concrete-filled metal circles will occasionally pop up. Some of those circles are cold remnants of downtown Napas paid parking past. They were once parking meters, removed in 1993, with their poles hacked out in 1996 roughly 50 years after being first installed, according to Napa Valley Register reporting at the time. Motorists can finally breathe easy, wrote Register reporter Kevin Courtney in a 1996 article. Parking meters are dead and theyre not coming back. But though the meters are easy to miss 30 years later, it would be a mistake to interpret their remains as ancient and fading history. Indeed, after decades of free parking on downtown Napa streets, the meters could very well be resurrected in some new form though likely not coin-operated later this year. Thats because the city is currently at work developing a paid parking program for downtown and the Oxbow district. Since the city announced those plans in early January, many Napans have criticized the idea of installing paid parking in those areas, arguing among much else that charging to park will discourage locals and visitors from coming downtown, that it will hurt local businesses, and that it will essentially punish the employees who park in those spaces. I dont want to come downtown and have to pay for parking every time I come down here, said Napa resident Carol Barge at a January city meeting about parking. The tourists arent going to bear the brunt of that; we are going to bear the brunt of that. And I dont see it as a problem. I think youre trying to fix a problem that doesnt exist. Many arguments against paid parking can be found on a petition started by Indra Fortney, founder of Boho Lifestyle on downtown First Street that had 368 signatures as of Friday. The petition argues that local merchants and residents are concerned about the cost of installing and maintaining meters; that meters discourage locals and visitors from coming downtown and supporting local businesses; that they deter longer stays downtown; that they "detract from the small town charm of Napa;" and that they decrease options for employee parking. Fortney said in an interview that she's been getting input from business owners in the city center, and the consensus seems to be that paid parking is a concern, in part because the business owners don't feel like the city has properly involved them in the conversation. Napa Valley Register Editorial: Proceed with caution Despite the anxieties we are all feeling in the aftermath of the recent mass shootings, our board wants to make note of a simple fact: we are not helpless. The influx of alarming headlines may be coming from communities less than 100 miles away, but Napa County residents have a voice and can use it to address gun safety. She added that Napa competes with other similar cities such as Petaluma and Sonoma for visitors on day trips and charging visitors to park would be an irritant to both them and locals. "Its shocking to downtown merchants that we havent been involved in this conversation," Fortney said. "It affects our livelihood. It affects our businesses. And if something thats done on our behalf, I think we should be folded into that conversation." But city parking staff and the consultants working with them see the addition of paid parking as a measure that, in theory, will free up in-demand downtown spaces, and thus make parking in the area easier. Its also one part of an overall strategy one that's existed for years to mitigate the impact of rising parking occupancy rates, which have gone up along with the development of downtown Napa and the rise of the local tourism industry. Currently, many long-term parkers use the free, time-limited spaces on the streets in the downtown and Oxbow district, instead of using the more distant long-term parking lot or parking garage spaces. Many drivers either stay in those free spaces longer than the time limit allows, or switch to other time-limited spaces, according to city parking manager Tony Valadez. On average, according to city license plate reader data, 38% of vehicles are parked for three hours or more in the spaces limited to two hours, Valadez said in an email. The end result is that street parking spaces in the still-developing downtown and Oxbow district are often almost full during peak hours hitting an average occupancy of 85% in 2022 while the citys garages and surface lots still have space, with an average 2022 peak hours occupancy rate of 59%, according to Valadez. To put that into perspective, of the approximately 650 on-street parking spaces, only 39 on-street parking spaces are available throughout the entire downtown and Oxbow area, Valadez said. That means, according to Valadez, short-term parkers seeking a spot near their destination often cant find one, and therefore leave the area. The paid parking plan would, in theory, help open up access to those high-demand spots, by herding those who park long-term in those spots such as employees of downtown businesses to the citys less-used parking lots and garages. Its also important to note, Valadez continue, that there are more than twice as many off-street public parking spaces than curbside ones about 1,350 off-street compared to about 650 on-street which means that, from a numbers perspective, theres certainly enough room to move some of that on-street occupancy to the lots and garages. The plan is still being figured out The paid parking plan itself is still in development, and almost no details about it have so far been released to the public. But the city has been working to eventually bring about a paid parking plan, and other parking management measures, for several years. Much of the rationale for those measures is contained in a 2015 Parking Management Plan by Walker Parking Consultants. The increasing popularity of Downtown Napa, including the Oxbow Commercial District, is leading to a greater demand for parking as new businesses are opened and development is planned, the 2015 report says. The greater demand for parking requires not only more parking spaces to serve the area, but also that parking spaces be used more efficiently, resulting in an improved and comprehensive system of management and funding policies for the district. The 2015 plan suggested several parking management measures that the city is still aiming to pursue. (Along similar lines, a follow-up 2018 study of the citys parking needs, by the firm Dixon Resources Unlimited, found that Napas parking occupancy had generally increased amid growing retail and hotel business.) That includes suggestions to build more parking, another way parking occupancy stresses could be eased. Valadez said the city still intends to either build a new garage or replace an existing one, though doing so is costly and would likely require Napa to line up multiple revenue sources. Of course, another suggestion of the 2015 plan was a metering program; a year later, Napa went so far as to plan for a pilot paid parking program that would have installed pay-to-park zones for about 500 spaces on Main, First and Second streets, according to past Register reporting, though the project never got off the ground. Valadez said that, because he was hired by the city in 2018, he isnt exactly sure what happened with the pilot project. But to the best of his knowledge, the city didnt have a parking manager at the time, so there wasnt anyone around to implement the pilot. And once Valadez was hired, he recalled, other important measures suggested by the plan had to be taken care of before paid parking program could be introduced, such as hiring parking staff and equipping them with license plate readers for parking enforcement. But shortly after the Napa City Council approved the license plate readers in November 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic arrived, which Valadez said played a big part in slowing down the citys pay-to-park plans over the next few years. With the city's pandemic-related uncertainty all but gone by late 2022 and with tourism essentially recovered a year earlier Napa has essentially kicked those pre-pandemic parking plans back into gear. Public engagement for the parking plan kicks off Before Napa announced a paid parking plan would be moving forward in early January, the city carried out a parking survey during the holiday season of 2022, receiving 507 responses. About 35% of respondents said it took them more than 10 minutes to find a parking spot during their most recent visits to the downtown or Oxbow district, and roughly the same number said they were very dissatisfied with their overall parking experience. Those survey results were presented as another reason for the city to pursue a paid parking program by consultant Julie Dixon, founder of Dixon Resources Unlimited, during the January meeting at Napa City Hall. It was at that meeting almost entirely focused on receiving community feedback on parking that a fair amount of community criticism the pay-to-park idea materialized. Many other commenters shared their specific concerns about parking in Napa. Perhaps most prominent among the concerns was employee parking; many said the current system doesn't work, and that a new paid system could make things even worse. For example, Ryan Herzog, tasting room lead at the California Brandy House on First Street, said he personally experiences a lack of parking availability, and so has to park in the time-limited zones. Any time the eight-hour, or the all-day, parking is taken, which is very, very frequently, Im getting a ticket, Herzog said. And other people who are just trying to work are getting a ticket. Many also expressed at the meeting that they werent aware of the currently underused $30-per-month permitted spaces in city garages. According to Valadez, there are only 27 current permitted spaces among city lots and garages, though there used to be more. He said he previously dropped the number of permit spaces down about 27 because of lack of use, but he can increase them if there's demand. Valadez added in an email that employee permit parking could serve as one part of the solution to the high downtown parking occupancy rates. "If employee permit parking is established in the least utilized locations, it stands to reason that occupancy will be more evenly distributed throughout the downtown and Oxbow area," Valadez wrote. But some at the meeting noted that permitted parking still imposed a cost on employees, and that some employees weren't comfortable walking to the garages. Claire Jolliffe, general manager at Monday Bakery, noted at that the parking garages likely don't feel like a safe place to park for many of the women who work there, and who arrive at work very early in the morning. Others expressed neutrality or some positivity about a paid program. Maureen Trippe, a co-founder of Slow Down Napa, said the group hasnt taken a position on a potential paid parking plan, given that its focus is on improving traffic safety. But, under that mission, she said she theoretically might support the investments of revenue from a paid parking program into improving traffic safety, or into supporting multimodal transportation in the downtown area for example, by investing in additional bike parking. Trippes comments resembled those of Carlotta Sainato, program manager of the Napa County Bicycle Coalition, who said at the January meeting that adding paid parking spaces could be a chance to add more bike parking to downtown and Oxbow, where she said two-wheeled parking is scarce. According to a schedule included in Dixons January meeting presentation, the city is currently working on the prepare stage of the plan, which involves preparing financial modeling and updates to city code. That will set the stage for a vendor selection process. And then, if approved by the Napa City Council, the program would be set to fully roll out in the summer or fall this year. A second community meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 22, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Napa Senior Activity Center, Valadez said. That meeting will be more of an informational session, focused on sharing "why" the city is working on a paid parking project. Explaining what specifically the plan is will likely be the next step after that, he said. 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Astghik Medical Center marketing department head explains Brazil's president in China called for abandoning the dollar Artsakh's Ombudsman expresses dissatisfaction to OSCE chairman for attitude of international community Ararat Mirzoyan will go on a working visit to Uzbekistan How can your account be stolen via Telegram for Adults? Police and demonstrators clash on the 12th day of demonstrations in France Anahit Manasyan had a phone conversation with the Human Rights Ombudsman of Artsakh The 12th protest against pension reform takes place in France Russia MOD: No ceasefire violations recorded in Karabakh during last 24 hours Lemkin Institute issues statement on Azerbaijan noncompliance with ICJ order to unblock Lachin corridor MFA: Shushi is Artsakhs integral part in territorial, cultural, economic, historical aspects Bankrupt FTX may resume work: It has recovered $7.3 billion in assets An earthquake of magnitude 4.3 occurred in southeastern Turkey Charles Michel explains his activeness in Armenia-Azerbaijan relations normalization process Armenia PM to Bujar Osmani: This visit is good opportunity to get familiarized with complicated situation South Korea bans its citizens from traveling to Armenia-Azerbaijan border region What kind of photos does the world's most expensive camera phone Xiaomi 13 Ultra take? Karabakh President convenes working consultation, security challenges discussed OSCE Chairman-in-Office: I am here to find out if there is possibility to build bridges between Yerevan and Baku Armenia PM chief of staff: Azerbaijanis are already in Yerevan, we have ensured their safety Chairman-in-Office: OSCE toolkit provides mechanisms to assist peace process between Armenians and Azerbaijanis Osmani: We are ready for any efforts to achieve positive dynamics between Azerbaijan and Armenia Armenia FM: Replacing army with guards on Azerbaijan border should be part of final settlement Armenia MFA: Rumors about OSCE Minsk Group activities termination are greatly exaggerated Who is the Azerbaijani already rendered ineffective in Armenia? What does he say in video? Armenia village youth tell how they caught Azerbaijani Armenia Investigative Committee issues statement on murder of security guard, 56, in Syunik Province Azerbaijani who crossed border into Armenia is caught by locals, found in Achanan village territory 2nd Azerbaijan soldier found, detained in Armenia Armenian health minister: Wounded soldier in critical condition due to Azerbaijan provocation has stabilized Which Armenia company is put on US sanctions list? Astrophotographer captures 100,000 km high 'plasma waterfall' on Sun Kev Orkian speaks about latest Azerbaijan military aggression against Armenia Premier: Armenia ready for reopening of transport links, delimitation of borders Pashinyan: We are ready to withdraw troops to safe distance along Armenia-Azerbaijan 1991 border Armenia to have trade attache in Germany Azerbaijan MFA accuses France foreign ministry of smear campaign and unfair position Armenia PM: It failed to deploy border guards without escalation of tension Newly elected Armenia ombudsperson announces her priority objective in this capacity Currently, there is no restriction or prohibition on the export of onions, and the trade policy of onions is under 'Free' category. Only the export of onion seed is 'Restricted', and that too is permitted under Authorisation from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade. Meanwhile, the government maintained a buffer stock of 2.5 Lakh Metric Tonne (LMT) in the financial year 2022-23, in case needed for market intervention. Owing to the perishable nature of the crop, and the gap between rabi and kharif crops, onion prices often rise during the months of September to December. (ANI) Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone, a part of the diversified Adani Group, crossed 300 million tonne of cargo handling, thereby beating its own milestone. It took 329 days to reach the milestone, as compared to last year's 354 days. The ports business of Adani Goup has registered growth since it started operations over two decades ago and continues to outperform all India cargo volume growth, with its market share rising rapidly. "The improvement in cargo volumes is testimony to the faith that our customers have in us," said Karan Adani, CEO and Whole Time Director of Adani Ports. "It shows our commitment to using improved efficiencies and technological integrations to drive and achieve customer satisfaction. The APSEZ's flagship port, Mundra, is outpacing all its closest rivals by comfortable margins and continues to be the largest port in the nation in terms of volumes handled." Karan Adani added its infrastructure at Mundra port meets world standards and provides service levels on par with those of its global competitors. Almost 95 per cent of the trade volumes in India are carried through maritime route and world-class mega ports is imperative for the Indian coastline, it said. Notably, this year also saw growth in agricultural exports due to India's record high foodgrain production and the Russia-Ukraine conflict that opened up opportunities for farm exports. At a time when the country's electricity demand is at an all-time high, Adani ports have risen to the occasion and handled the sudden surge of imported coal volumes flowing to India. "In line with the government's vision of RSR (Rail-Sea-Rail) movement of domestic coal, APSEZ has begun offering coastal coal export solutions to TANGEDCO through its Gangavaram Port. Similarly, it has been supporting the coastal coal movement to NTPC Khudgi by commencement of coastal coal handling at its Mormugao Terminal," it said. Not just business expansion, APSEZ said it has also met its sustainability commitments. Energy and emission intensity, it said, has been reduced by around 41 per cent and water intensity by 56 per cent from 2016 levels. With its plan to install 250 mega watt of renewable capacity on a captive basis, APSEZ is moving closer to its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2025. (ANI) Jasmin Bhasin's birthday wish for Aly Goni is all things love. Taking to Instagram, Jasmin penned a heartfelt post. She wrote, "It's hard to believe another year has passed! We're both a little older and a little wiser. Not everything that happened this year was awesome, but then again, a lot of things really were. I'm thankful that you were born and I'm grateful for the time we spent together this year. Your life is a gift and you are precious .May your Birthday be the beginning of the most amazing. sensational, awesome, and brilliantly fantastic year." Surprised by her cute gesture, Aly thanked her and wrote, "Thank you soooo much" in the comments. The two are currently vacationing in Switzerland. Aly Goni's brother Arslan Goni came up with a special note for his brother. Sharing a montage featuring glimpses of Aly, Arslan wrote, "Happy happy birthday tips Aly Goni .......... May god bless you with all the happiness, wealth and love. Always proud of you mere toofan. Have a great birthday and an amazing year ahead." Arslan Goni's girlfriend, designer Sussanne Khan too extended her warmest greetings on the happy occasion. She wrote, "Happppy happy birthday Alyyyy U are truly a toofan of love and happiness [heart emojis]. Have an amazingggg 2023.' Coming back to Aly and Jasmin, the two are head over heels in love. During their stint in 'Bigg Boss 14', the couple expressed their love for each other on national television for the first time. After 'Bigg Boss 14', the lovebirds were seen together in several music videos such as 'Tera Suit' and 'Tu Bhi Sataya Jayega'. (ANI) Taking to Instagram, Naga Chaitanya described how he felt on meeting the Aagaasam hitmaker. He wrote, "And this happened today ! Such a big smile on my face meeting the Maestro Ilaiyaraaja sir , his compositions took me through so many journeys in life .. so many times have I played out a scene in my head , pictured a script with his reference .. to now rajasir composing for #custody . Truly grateful." Naga Chaitanya also shared a picture with Ilaiyaraaja, garnering several likes and comments. "Suber babu," a social media user commented. "Best," another one wrote. Ilaiyaraaja is scoring the music for Naga Chaitanya's 'Custody' along with his son Yuvan Shankar Raja. The 'Custody' is directed by Ilaiyaraaja's nephew and filmmaker Venkat Prabhu. The film stars Krithi Shetty Arvind Swamy, Priyamani, R Sarathkumar, Vennela Kishore, Sampath Raj, Premji, Premi Vishwanath and Ramki. Going by the posters of the movie and the tagline "You must be the change you want to see in the world (A quote of Mahatma Gandhi)", it looks like Custody has Naga Chaitanya playing a rebel constable, who is trapped by the system. (ANI) Wishes poured in on social media for the entire team of 'RRR' for their grand win. Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra called the actor a "global star." Taking to Twitter, Mahindra shared a clip of Charan's latest interview which he captioned, "This man is a Global Star. Period. #NaatuNaatu @AlwaysRamCharan." Reacting to the tweet, Charan wrote, "Thank you so much Sir! It's India's time now to shine in every field and form." Soon after Mahindra praised the actor on social media, fans flooded the comment section and shared their reactions. "Starrrrrrrr......GLOBAL STARrrrrrrrrrrr Congratulations MEGA LEGACY Carrier," a fan commented. Another fan wrote, "That's the power of Indian cinema, in general cinema has no boundaries it's one universal language which connects with people from across the globe." 'Naatu Naatu' is competing for the Academy awards this year. The song was nominated for the best original score, where it will be pitted against heavyweight names like Rihanna and Lady Gaga's songs. Helmed by SS Rajamouli, RRR, which stars Jr NTR and Ram Charan in the lead roles, collected over Rs 1,200 crore worldwide. The film is an amalgamation of fact and fiction. Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt also played important roles in the movie. (ANI) The opening monologue of American actor Woody Harrelson on 'Saturday Night Live', in which he referenced the COVID-19 pandemic, has sparked an online backlash with even Twitter CEO Elon Musk chiming in. According to Fox News, a USA-based news outlet, during his monologue, the actor talked about a collaboration between the medical industry and the government to push vaccines. This was Harrelson's fifth hosting gig on 'SNL'. While concluding the segment, Harrelson spoke about a film pitch that included one of the "craziest script" he's read. It included the "biggest drug cartels" forcing people to remain in their homes unless they agreed to take and keep taking their drugs. As per Fox News, the actor explained, "So the movie goes like this... The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartel's drugs and keep taking them over and over." He then joked, "I threw the script away. I mean, who was going to believe that crazy idea? Being forced to do drugs? I do that voluntarily all day." Harrelson's comments were widely called "anti-vax" or "vax conspiracies" by media outlets, reported Fox News. Following this, several people continued the conversation on social media with many of them agreeing with Harrelson. It was then that Musk chimed in by responding, "So based. Nice work." In another tweet, the billionaire suggested the comments were spot on and reflective of life in the U.S. over the last few years. When one Twitter user warned people to "get ready for the meltdowns," Musk said: "Maybe they [media outlets] don't realize that their propaganda is wrong?" He also shared an article on Saturday about 26 per cent of Americans "still trust the media." As per Fox News, in his opening monologue, Harrelson discussed political polarisation and self-identified as a "redneck hippy." He said, "You know, the red in me thinks you should be allowed to own guns. The blue in me thinks - squirt guns. So, I'm red and blue which makes purple. I'm purple." (ANI) Actor Randeep Hooda, who is known for 'Highway', 'Jannat 2', 'Jism 2', 'Kick', 'Sultan', among others, will be soon seen donning the role of an Inspector, for his upcoming web show, 'Inspector Avinash' which is based on true events. The actor recently attended real-life inspector Avinash's daughter's wedding and shared his experience of being part of the ceremony. It is based on a real-life story of Inspector Avinash Mishra, Special Task Force, Ex UP Police. The actor said: "It was a great pleasure and somewhat surreal to attend Inspector Avinash Mishra's daughter's wedding. I spent a lot of time with Avinash while prepping for the role and got to know him and his family very well." He said that after playing the role of inspector Avinash, he somewhere connected with him in reality and to his family also. So, being part of the function was really a great experience and moreover, he came to know him in a better way. "So it was but natural that one is present on family occasions. It never seizes to amaze me how through work one becomes a part of families one plays out. I'm looking forward to people seeing me as him on screen," the 'Laal Rang' actor added. Earlier also, when the actor played Sarabjit in 2016, he was spotted performing Dalbir's last rites as a promise he had made to her. Dalbir had requested the actor to give her 'kandha' (offer his shoulder before taking the body to the cremation) when she dies as she sees her brother in him. Upon hearing the news of her death, Randeep arrived in Bhikhiwind near Amritsar, Punjab to pay his last respects. On the professional front, the actor will be resuming his shoot for 'Veer Savarkar' after his leg injury recovery. And his first production venture 'Laal Rang 2' is also in the making. --IANS ila/prw/pgh ( 326 Words) 2023-02-26-20:08:02 (IANS) A very uncommon but frequently aggressive type of brain tumour called a glioma may be caused by damage, according to key molecular research from the UCL Cancer Centre. Although there may be a connection between head trauma and an increase in brain tumour incidence, the evidence is conflicting. The UCL team has now discovered a potential mechanism to account for this relationship; it involves genetic alterations working in conjunction with inflammation of the brain tissue to alter the behaviour of cells and increase their propensity to develop into cancer. Despite the fact that this study was mostly conducted on mice, it suggests that it would be crucial to investigate whether these results apply to human gliomas. The study was led by Professor Simona Parrinello (UCL Cancer Institute), Head of the Samantha Dickson Brain Cancer Unit and co-lead of the Cancer Research UK Brain Tumour Centre of Excellence. She said: "Our research suggests that a brain trauma may contribute to an increased risk of developing brain cancer in later life." Gliomas are brain tumours that often arise in neural stem cells. More mature types of brain cells, such as astrocytes, have been considered less likely to give rise to tumours. However, recent findings have demonstrated that after injury astrocytes can exhibit stem cell behaviour again. Professor Parrinello and her team, therefore, set out to investigate whether this property may make astrocytes able to form a tumour following brain trauma using a pre-clinical mouse model. Young adult mice with brain injury were injected with a substance which permanently labelled astrocytes in red and knocked out the function of a gene called p53 - known to have a vital role in suppressing many different cancers. A control group was treated the same way, but the p53 gene was left intact. A second group of mice was subjected to p53 inactivation in the absence of injury. Professor Parrinello said: "Normally astrocytes are highly branched - they take their name from stars - but what we found was that without p53 and only after an injury the astrocytes had retracted their branches and become more rounded. They weren't quite stemming cell-like, but something had changed. So we let the mice age, then looked at the cells again and saw that they had completely reverted to a stem-like state with markers of early glioma cells that could divide.". This suggested to Professor Parrinello and a team that mutations in certain genes synergised with brain inflammation, which is induced by acute injury and then increases over time during the natural process of ageing to make astrocytes more likely to initiate cancer. Indeed, this process of change to stem-cell-like behaviour accelerated when they injected mice with a solution known to cause inflammation. The team then looked for evidence to support their hypothesis in human populations. Working with Dr Alvina Lai in UCL's Institute of Health Informatics, they consulted electronic medical records of over 20,000 people who had been diagnosed with head injuries, comparing the rate of brain cancer with a control group, matched for age, sex and socioeconomic status. They found that patients who experienced a head injury were nearly four times more likely to develop brain cancer later in life than those who had no head injury. It is important to keep in mind that the risk of developing brain cancer is overall low, estimated at less than 1% over a lifetime, so even after an injury the risk remains modest. Professor Parrinello said: "We know that normal tissues carry many mutations which seem to just sit there and not have any major effects. Our findings suggest that if on top of those mutations, an injury occurs, it creates a synergistic effect. In a young brain, basal inflammation is low so the mutations seem to be kept in check even after a serious brain injury. However, upon ageing, our mouse work suggests that inflammation increases throughout the brain but more intensely at the site of the earlier injury. This may reach a certain threshold after which the mutation now begins to manifest itself." (ANI) All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Saturday stated that the Bharatiya Janata Party would see defeat in Telangana in the upcoming election like the previous ones. Attacking the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the AIMIM chief said that if the regional parties come together, BJP can be defeated. "In Telangana, BJP lost the 2014 and 2018 elections. This year also in December 2023 BJP will lose the Telangana elections again. Give us some credit for that," Owaisi said. The AIMIM chief also said that it would contest the next Lok Sabha elections from Aurangabad and also look into the possibility of an alliance with other political parties for the upcoming elections. Owaisi said, "We will contest the next Lok Sabha elections from Aurangabad and other seats and look into the possibility of an alliance with some other parties. It's a bit early to comment on with whom we will go in the next elections." Hitting out at the Rajasthan government (Congress) on the Bhiwani killing, the AIMIM chief said, "Some are spreading hatred against the Muslim community but no action against them. Rajasthan government can attend Bharat Jodo across the country, Royal wedding in Alwar but they can't go to the place where Junaid and Nasir were killed." Earlier on February 23, AIMIM Chief said, if Junaid & Nasir were not Muslim, Ashok Gehlot would have rushed there till now. Unfortunately, Congress was busy attending a royal wedding in Alwar when the Bhiwani killings happened. On February 16 (Thursday) morning Haryana Police recovered two charred skeletons inside an SUV car near Barawas village in Haryana's Bhiwani district. The car had also been set on fire. The Rajasthan Police booked a Bajrang Dal member Monu Manesar for his alleged involvement in the matter triggering a protest by the Hindu outfits including VHP. The FIR also named some other VHP leaders for alleged kidnapping and thrashing the two victims from Rajasthan who were found dead in Bhiwani and were later identified as Junaid and Nasir. It was alleged that the two were involved in cow smuggling. (ANI) Meghalaya stoles were originally woven for the Khasi and Jaintia royalty, who considered them as a symbol of their power and status. The weaving of Meghalaya stoles has been passed down through generations with a rich history. Also, the shawls woven for centuries by the tribes in Nagaland are known for their vibrant colours, intricate designs, and the use of traditional weaving techniques, which have been passed down from generation to generation. On Saturday, the Prime Minister received Scholz for a ceremonial welcome at the forecourt of Rashtrapati Bhavan. In a tweet, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said Scholz's visit is an opportunity to further deepen the multifaceted India-Germany strategic partnership. --IANS ssh/pgh ( 158 Words) 2023-02-25-19:32:01 (IANS) The world's longest river cruise 'MV Ganga Vilas' which was flagged off from Varanasi on January 13, will culminate its journey on February 28 in Dibrugarh, an official said on Saturday. 'MV Ganga Vilas', a cruise vessel made in India, began its journey from Varanasi on January 13 after being flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The cruise vessel was to cover a distance of 3,200 km in over 50 days before reaching Dibrugarh on February 28 via Patna Sahib, Bodh Gaya, Vikramshila, Dhaka (Bangladesh capital), the Suderbans and the Kaziranga national park. Built with a unique design and a futuristic vision, the cruise has three decks and 18 suites on board with a capacity of 36 tourists. It is already booked for to and fro journey for the next two years. A welcome ceremony will be organised by the Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), under the aegis of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways in Dibrugarh on the same day. The event will be graced by Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (MoPSW) Sarbananda Sonowal, along with other Union Ministers, state Ministers, diplomats and officials of IWAI and MoPSW. Sonowal said the 'MV Ganga Vilas' has put India and Bangladesh on the river cruise map of the world, thus opening a new horizon and vertical for tourism and freight carriage in the Indian sub-continent. A statement noted that tourists seeking spirituality have the opportunity to visit destinations like Kashi, Bodh Gaya, Vikramshila, Patna Sahib and those keen on witnessing the natural diversity will cover destinations like Sundarbans and Kaziranga. This route heralds a new chapter for freight carriage through inland waterways both for India and Bangladesh, it said. Tourists also have an opportunity to go on board an immersive experiential voyage and explore the art, culture, history, and spirituality of India and Bangladesh along the entire route. As per an IWAI internal study conducted in the year 2017, 49 MMTPA of cargo moves in and out of the northeast and 30 MMTPA of cargo moves within the region. --IANS kvm/pgh ( 361 Words) 2023-02-25-22:36:03 (IANS) The National Investigation Agency (NIA) said on Saturday that it has filed the third supplementary charge sheet against a CPI (Maoist) cadre in the case of abduction and killing of a person named Naresh Singh Bhokta in Bihar. An NIA official said that Bhokta was abducted on November 2, 2018 and taken to a 'jan adalat' in Aurangabad district where a kangaroo court comprising the top leadership of CPI (Maoist) issued instructions to kill Bhokta after declaring him a police informer. The case was initially lodged at the Madanpur police station nefore NIA took over the probe. The official said that charge sheets have been filed against seven accused by the Bihar Police. "The accused chargesheeted today is Ajay Singh. Investigations have revealed that Singh, along with other CPI (Maoist) cadres, was actively involved in the abduction and murder of Bhokta. Singh was arrested on September 1, 2022," said the official. "The weapons used in the incident have been seized and their forensic examination has been completed. The three vehicles used by the CPI (Maoist) cadres in the incident have also been seized. During investigation, the NIA has also been able to unearth the involvement of top CPI (Maoist) commanders, including a politburo member, in the conspiracy hatched for the brutal murder, which was carried out to create terror in the society while propagating the false and fallacious ideology of people's war against the state," the NIA said. --IANS atk/arm ( 257 Words) 2023-02-25-22:42:04 (IANS) According to Delhi Police, Kapil Kumar (33), proprietor of Vanshika Collections, poured petrol on himself and set himself ablaze after he received a property confiscation notice from the court. He died on Saturday at around 3.43 am, Delhi Police said. "Some officials arrived in the Gokal Puri Police Station and produced the court order seeking police assistance for taking possession of one property in Gokal Puri village Delhi. Staff from the police station went to the property, to be confiscated," police said. "On receiving the information, the person tried to pour petrol and set himself on fire, near his property," police said, adding that the people tried to rescue him and douse the fire. He was immediately shifted to GTB Hospital by police staff but succumbed to his injuries during treatment. A case regarding this has been registered under section 306 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the Gokal Puri Police Station and an investigation is going on, Delhi Police added. Further information is awaited. (ANI) Himachal Pradesh Police's Crime Investigation Department (CID) on Saturday launched a campaign to shun drugs from society. The state's Minister for Education Rohit Thakur started the campaign called PRADHAV (Wipe-Out) from Police headquarters in Shimla with the objective to rope in the youth of the state for the development of strategies for the eradication of drugs and narcotics from Himachal Pradesh. This campaign is focused on finding efficient and modern solutions to the rising problem of drug trafficking, drug abuse and the increasing number of youngsters getting attracted towards drugs precisely focusing towards synthetic drugs like heroin in the region. About 60 young boys and girls participated in the brainstorming session here to give their suggestions. The written recommendations were also submitted by these youth here. During the event, a special recorded message by the Tibetan Spiritual leader the 14th Dalai Lama to shun the menace of drugs was also played. Following the event, a district and range-level event is also planned for May 10th and 24th respectively later this year, whereas a grand event associated with the campaign is scheduled for June 26th at Shimla on the occasion of 'International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking". Satwant Atwal, ADG CID and an organizer of the campaign said, "The objective is to eradicate the drugs from Devbhumi, As you heard youth saying that people outside Himachal take them as they must have tried drugs and or they must be peddlers. This Devbhoomi is known for rejuvenation place of peace and harmony and you get connected to nature. As far as the data is concerned we are number two in the country when it comes to drug addiction." Detailing the roadmap of the event further he added, "For this campaign, we have incorporated youth and technology, Youth is our treasure; we want to use this as a force multiplier to the households. To get suggestions from youth, to fine-tune to end the drugs in the state we are trying to find out the problems and that problems would be thrown open to children and it would be available online for them if someone who is involved in drugs and wants to come forward they will be able to send it from their households. The Parameters would be drawn for problem statements and complete problem statements and they would be encouraged and it would be brought under competition at a tough level and the solution online." The campaign will also felicitate the participants with lucrative cash prizes Atwal added, "The selected and final statement of either an individual or a group of youth will be awarded a cash price of 1.5 Lakh rupees and that would be incorporated in policy matters. Today 60 youth participated in the brainstorming and a jury consisting of eminent members of the society moderated the brainstorming session." The ADG CID said that the issue is very serious and all will have to come together to fight against the menace of drugs. "When I was holding charge of prisons I received a call from a mother in one of the districts of our state saying please arrest my son or I will kill him as he has sold everything for drugs. You can imagine the seriousness of the problem; there are youngsters who have promising careers and promising academics. They have lost it due to drug addiction. We wanted to give a name for this campaign which will have a forceful effect. So we decided and took it from our culture and called it 'Pradhav' which means to Wipe-out the drug from the state. Apart from the stakeholders and policymakers the solutions and suggestions of youth are essential for us. We want to end this problem, we will fight against drugs and wipe it out," Atwal further added. The event included the participation of students from major colleges and universities of the state including students from IIT Mandi, IIM Sirmaur, Shoolini University, Chitkara University, National Law University, Govt. Degree College, Sanjauli, RKMV College, Kotshera College, St. Bede's College, HPU Department of Sociology, Psychology and Law. The students are keen and want to work collectively to end this menace. Diksha Bashisht, a student participant, on the occasion said, "The perception needs to be changed, we are the responsible citizens of a country and we are the future of nations. After these conferences, the solutions and proposals will help to form solutions to end this menace from society. I want to tell you that now it has become a perception that if someone coming from the outstate or a visitor or friend coming from South India asks us if you have tried drugs, you must have tried or do you know some paddler, this perception needs to be ended. The rap culture and some media programmes are helping to promote drugs. We want to raise our voices against the drug menace. I have seen we have tobacco-free areas and zones in our university campus but at the same time we have a shopkeeper selling tobacco freely in the same zone, this needs to be ended." The Education Minister of the Himachal Pradesh government, Rohit Thakur on the issue said that it was a serious matter of concern for the state as the menace of drugs has increased drastically in the recent past. Marking that the mass movement against this is the need of the hour. "The police department has taken this good initiative, and within a week we shall conduct a meeting with officials of the education department in collaboration with the police. We shall Chalk out strategies to curb the supply chain in and around the institutions including colleges and Universities. It is abuse as the main target is the young students in these institutions. There is a need for Mass movement against it and we all collectively can do it. I would also request the Chief Minister to hold a state-level meeting on this soon. We shall also try to make this a policy matter to eradicate the menace of drugs," Thakur said. The Director General of Himachal Pradesh police who was also present at the occasion said that the menace in the country is increasing each year and the consumption of heroin is one Ton per day. He said the number of drug addicts in Himachal Pradesh is Number two in the country after Punjab. "If you see the data of 2009 in India the drug addicts were One Crore in 2019 it was increased to 7 Crore and at the national level by 2029 it would be around 21 Crore expected to increase three times. There is a consumption of 1000 kg in India is one Ton, out of the total 5% seizure is done and a total of 81% drugs comes to India through sea route and remaining comes through Pak border or through the drone," said DGP Sanjay Kundu in his address. "As per the Crime data Punjab has the highest number of drug addicts in the country which is 0.32 % per Lakh of the population while Himachal Pradesh has 0.24% Per Lakh population and it has a loss of generation, we will have to save the nation," DGP Kundu further added. (ANI) The ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Delhi on Saturday claimed "it is a victory for the party" after the Delhi High Court put a stay on the re-election of the six members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD). The re-election was earlier scheduled for February 27. MCD Mayor Shelly Oberoi and AAP legislator Atishi, reacting to the court's decision, submitted that the BJP's desire to have their demand for the result of the election being declared in their favour was ruled out by the court. Oberoi said that the order of the HC is a personal victory for her and the AAP. She said everyone saw how the BJP councillors in a planned manner staged an attack on her and the AAP councillors. She termed the incident "shameful for the whole country". The Mayor also said she was hopeful that this case is further heard in the High Court, adding "the truth of the matter will be there for everyone to see". AAP leader Atishi said that the court order was a victory for the party as the BJP was hoping that the HC would endorse an illegal demand of the party regarding the counting of votes. "... but the court refused to accept their unconstitutional and illegal demand," she said. --IANS avr/pgh ( 238 Words) 2023-02-25-23:06:04 (IANS) One can worship whomever one wants, but it is certain that we all are Hindus, Dalsukhdas Ji Maharaj (Sanjeli Dham) said at the All-India Prabhat Gram Milan in Rajasthan's Dungarpur district on Saturday. RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat was also present at the event, which is organised once in every five years. "There have been all-round attempts to break our culture. But our Hindu religion dates to the time of creation of this world. There are 33 crore deities in our religion," Dalsukhdas said. "We had met in Betul (Madhya Pradesh) five years ago. We meet like this every five years to review our work," he added. The three-day workshop is being attended by 464 people, including 46 Matrishaktis. The participants from all over the country have been accommodated in Bhemai and nearby villages. The living arrangements of all the Matrishaktis and village development officials have been made in Bhemai village, the venue for the event. A total of 60 workers from 30 rural development villages in Rajasthan are attending the workshop. The village coordinators gave presentations about the work being done in their respective regions with focus on education, health, culture, self-reliance, harmony, security, agriculture and environment. The RSS chief listened carefully to all the presentations, and said that good results will be achieved by regularising the work of village development. All India level office-bearers of the RSS are attending the workshop. A total of four sessions were held on Saturday, which were named after the saints of Rajasthan like Govind Guru, Sant Mavji, Sant Sati Surmal Das and Veer Kali Bai. --IANS arc/arm ( 278 Words) 2023-02-25-23:18:02 (IANS) A police officer said that Lt. Col. Walia was arrested on Friday in Assam's Tezpur, where he has been serving as a defence PRO of IV corps of the Army. The Changsari police in Kamrup district, after consulting with the Army authorities, arrested the army officer with the assistance of Tezpur police after the body of a 36-year old woman was found wrapped in a plastic bag, dumped near National Highway 31 at Changsari on February 15. The woman, who had gone to visit Banaras, came to Guwahati from Delhi on February 14 to meet Lt Col Walia. The woman hailed from Tamil Nadu. The woman was kidnapped and killed by "unknown assailants" following which the body was dumped near a fast food shop at Changsari. The police sent the body to Gauhati Medical College and Hospital for postmortem. The police are currently questioning the army officer and probing the crime. A source said that the accused, who is currently in judicial custody, has reportedly confessed to the crime. Another police officer said that Lt. Col. Walia had an affair with the victim, who had a 4-year-old daughter from a previous marriage. --IANS sc/pgh ( 235 Words) 2023-02-25-23:22:04 (IANS) In a special hearing on Saturday, the Delhi High Court put a stay on the notice issued by the newly-elected Mayor of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), Shelly Oberoi, directing re-election of the six members of the MCD Standing Committee. The court said that no purpose will be served by conducting fresh elections on February 27. Justice Gaurang Kanth said that prima facie, the notice is in violation of Regulation 51 of the New Delhi Municipal Council (Procedure and Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1997, as the returning officer or Mayor is conducting re-elections without declaring the results of the elections conducted on February 24. The notice was issued by the court on two petitions moved by BJP leaders Kamaljeet Sehrawat and Shikha Roy challenging the notice issued by the Mayor on Friday. The court observed that from a perusal of Regulation 51, it is nowhere reflected that the returning officer or Mayor has the authority to declare an election of Standing Committee as null and void. "It is not out of place to mention that admittedly, the counting of votes and further duty cast upon the Mayor as in declaring the results of the elections held on February 24 shall culminate into final results," said the court. "In view thereof, the notice dated February 24 for re-election shall remain stayed till the next date of hearing," the court said. The counsel appearing for the petitioners submitted that the Mayor conducted the elections for six members of the Standing Committee on Friday. However, without declaring the results, a notice was issued on the same day for re-election on Monday. On Friday, BJP councillor Sharad Kapoor had moved the Delhi High Court, alleging that Oberoi did not stick to the rules of not using mobile phones and pens during voting to elect the MCD Standing Committee members on Wednesday. Kapoor, in his petition, said that the Mayor "defied every constitutional and statutory norm" and "betrayed the mandate of the Constitution by allowing mobile phones and pens in the election proceedings". The petitioner also sought to declare the February 22 polls as null and void. The court listed the matter for next hearing on February 27. On Friday, the MCD House was adjourned till Monday morning with Oberoi announcing that re-election to pick the Standing Committee members will be held at 11 a.m. on February 27. All hell broke loose on Friday after Oberoi stalled the recounting of votes for electing the members of the all-powerful Standing Committee following objections raised by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). It was free for all in the MCD House with BJP and AAP councillors trading blows at each other. Protesting against the Mayor's decision to stall the recounting process, BJP councillors started breaking mikes, tearing ballot papers and even damaged the polling booths amid sloganeering. --IANS spr/arm ( 489 Words) 2023-02-25-23:24:04 (IANS) Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Saturday said that the cabinet approved the Mukhyamantri Ladli Behna Yojana which will empower women at every level. A virtual meeting of the Council of Ministers was organised under the chairmanship of CM Chouhan at CM's residence office in the state capital Bhopal on Saturday. "If women are empowered then society will be empowered. Similarly, if the society is strong then the state will be strong, if the state is strong then the country will also be strong. The country cannot be strong without half of the population, so it has been decided that under the Mukhyamantri Ladli Behna Yojana that Rs 1000 a month will be deposited in the account of our sisters, irrespective of their class or caste, whose age is above 23 years," Chouhan said. CM Chouhan added that the old age pension scheme was applicable for those above 60 years of age. The women used to get Rs 600 a month under the scheme, now additional amounts would be added in it and it would be made a minimum of Rs 1000 a month. In this way, sisters above 60 years would get Rs 1000 every month. He further said, "It is our aim that the way sisters have been empowered politically, socially, now they should also be empowered financially. I am sure women will use this money only for empowering the family and for the betterment of the family." The Yojana will be launched on March 5. The applications will be filled from March 15. The applications are very simple and the sisters will not have to go anywhere for that. The team will visit to fill the application in their village itself. Apart from the administrative officer, social workers will also be present for assistance in it, the chief minister said, adding that the task of filling the application will be completed in March and April. After that they will be scrutinised in May. This Yojana is for families with an annual income of up to Rs 2.5 lakh. Family means husband and wife and their children. The money will be deposited in the bank account of women, Chouhan said, adding that those families who have less than five acres of agricultural land will also be eligible for this scheme. The money will be deposited in the account from June 10 and the money will be added every month on the same date, the Chief Minister added. (ANI) The arrested persons were identified as Bhagirath, Devesh Tyagi, Dinesh Parena, Amit Yadav, Himanshu alias Bouncer, and one apprehended juvenile. However, the main accused, Himanshu in an attempt to evade the arrest jumped off from the balcony, while Delhi Police raided his house, and is admitted to AIIMS trauma Centre. "The accused on Friday allegedly barged into a rented accommodation with an intention of robbery in Laxmi Nagar and intimidated two persons Atul Kumar and Sunil with a pistol and knife, Delhi Police said. When objected by Atul and Sunil, Himanshu along with his accomplices stabbed the duo. "Both were immediately rushed to the Hedgewar Hospital, where Sunil was brought dead," police said. In a response to the incident, Delhi Police booked the accused persons and arrested them later. However, it is worth mentioning that the rented accommodation, where the incident happened, was leased by Vinay Kumar, and his aides, who allegedly used to carry out human trafficking activities illegally from the flat. "During the activities, it was revealed that the flat was dealing in the illegal trafficking of women at the premises," police said. Delhi Police added that the deceased person was present at the flat when the miscreants barged. Another legal action is being taken against human traffickers after the latest revelation. Further information is awaited. (ANI) Ahead of the upcoming Nagaland assembly polls, Nagaland's interstate borders have been sealed to prevent undesirable elements and materials from being transported into Assembly Constituency from outside. "In compliance with PHQ Signal No.PHQ/ELECTIONCELL/GAE/61/2022-23/387 as per Election Commission of India SOP for the last 72 hours all interstate borders will have to be sealed to prevent undesirable elements and materials from being transported into Assembly Constituency from outside and to apprehend them if they attempt to do so," read an offical press release from Deputy Comissioner of Police, Nagaland. Wockha, Mokokchung, Dimapur, Noklak, Meluri, Chizami, Zunheboto and Phek have been declared as sensitive areas due to poll-bound violence. Poll-related incidents were reported in Nagaland over the days with assembly polls slated for the 27th of this month. As per an offical release from the Dy Comissioner of Police, Nagaland, all check posts were directed to be sealed from the evening of February 25 till the evening of February 27. "In this connection, DCP Dimapur/ Chumoukedima/ Niuland are directed to ensure the following at every interstate entry point under respective AOR. Seal all check posts w.e.f the evening of 25/02/2023 till the evening of 27/02/2023 and disallow any thoroughfare," it read. Patrolling has been intensified along the border to apprehend anyone attempting to crossover. "Intensify patrolling along the border and apprehend anyone attempting to crossover. Co-ordinate with neighbouring Districts and Authorities of bordering states to ensure proper sealing of border," it read. However, the movement of Essential commodities and Emergency services into the state is to be coordinated. Shekhar (IAS), Home Commissioner Nagaland Abhipt Soiha (KM) and Nagaland Director General of Police, Rupin Sharma PPS), visited Wokha district on February 25 and held a series of meetings with District Administration, Police, Political Parties and Civil societies organisations of Wokha district at the Office chamber of the Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer, Wokha. The visit is against the backdrop of certain incidents of pre-poll violence in some districts including Wokha. The Chief Electoral Officer, Nagaland, Home commissioner, Nagaland and DGP, Nagaland reviewed the law and order in the district and held a consultation with the various political parties and civil societies for maintaining a peaceful atmosphere and conducting free and fair elections. The visiting officials appealed to the leaders to sensitize the public to maintain peace and not to indulge in any election-related violence All the stakeholders assured to abide by the guidelines of the Election Commission and to extend support and cooperation to the District Administration and Police for the successful conduct of an election. DGP, Nagaland Rupin Sharma assured of sufficient security forces and appealed to the parties and Oval societies organisations to inculcate good behaviour among the party supporters and general public so that election can be conducted in a safe and free and fair manner. Speaking to ANI, Director General of Police, Nagaland Rupin Sharma said that security has been beefed up in the state and the Central Armed Police have been deployed across districts."Terrains in Nagaland are very difficult to commute even for short distances. Police personnel are putting a lot of effort into controlling law and order," he said. DGP urged the citizens to inform the police if they get any untoward information on anyone trying to indulge or plan to create violence. Sharma said police have tightened the checking of vehicular movements and patrolling has been intensified in the districts. The DGP said, "Checking vehicles is important to combat the transportation of liquor, contraband or cash during the election which is antithetical to the mode of conduct under the Election Commission of India that mandates a free and fair election, which means that the political parties, workers and people should abstain from giving or seeking favour to others." The top cop said surprise checking is being conducted across the state. He said checking of government-registered vehicles was also increased. "Those people who have taken vehicles auctioned by Nagaland government to change the number plates as there are reports of using the vehicles with the government and police stickers are still on, must abstain from doing it, and if found using the old number plates, the vehicles will be impounded by the police," he added. The Nagaland Assembly election will witness a total of 183 candidates in the fray for 60 seats, Chief Electoral Officer, V Shashank Shekhar said on Saturday. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Nagaland opened its account in the state ahead of the polls as the party candidate Kazheto Kinimi won from the Akuluto seat uncontested after the Congress candidate withdrew his candidature. "For the first time, the Election Commission of India has deputed three Special Observers for covering the election process in three states, the Special General Observer, Special Expenditure Observer and Special Police Observer have been deputed," he said. The candidates vying for the state polls include 20 from BJP, CPI (1), INC (23), NCP (12), NPP (12), NDPP (40), NPF (22), RPP (1), JD (U) (7), LJP (Ram Vilas) (15), RPI (Athawale) (9), RJD (3), and Independents (19). The number of electors in the state stands at 13,17,632, out of which 6,61,489 are male electors, and 6,56,143 are female. "Kazheto Kinimi's opponent from Akuluto Assembly Constituency, and INC candidate Khekashe Sumi withdrew his candidature on the last day of nomination withdrawal, February 10," Shekhar informed in a press briefing. "The total nominated candidates during this process was 225, where 25 were rejected and during the time for withdrawal which was given, 16 candidates withdrew their nominations after scrutiny. Four women candidates from Dimapur AC, Tening AC, 8th Western Angami AC and Atoizu Assembly Constituency will also partake in the State Assembly election," the poll officer said. The total number of Polling Stations is 2,351, with Merapani Polling Station No. 71 under 40 Bhandari AC recording the lowest number of electors (37), and Usutomi Polling Station No. 12 under 32 Atoizu AC recording the highest number of electors (1,348). The Assembly Constituency with the lowest number of electors is 27 Mokokchung Town AC with 8,302 electors, and the Assembly Constituency with the highest number of electors is 4 Ghaspani-I AC with 74,395 electors. The Assembly Constituencies with the highest number of contesting candidates (6 candidates each) are - 6 Tening AC, 39 Sanis AC, and 45 Tehok AC. Voting for the Nagaland Assembly polls will take place on February 27. The counting of votes will be held on March 2. (ANI) Union Home Minister Amit Shah will take part at an event to mark the 284th birth anniversary of Sant Sevalal Maharaj, the revered reformer and preacher of the Banjara community, in the national capital on Monday. The birth anniversary of the revered preacher was marked on February 15. Shah will be the chief guest on the concluding day of the two-day event to mark the preacher's birth anniversary, on February 27. The two-day long event will kick-off on Sunday at Dr Ambedkar International Centre, Janpath Road in the national capital. For this event, a special train has set off from Karnataka, in which more than two-and-a-half thousand members of the Banjara community of Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are reaching Delhi. Sant Sevalal Maharaj was born on February 15, 1739 AD, in Suragondanakoppa of Karnataka's Shivamogga district. He is considered a social reformer and spiritual teacher of the Banjara society. It is believed that the Banjara community has a population of about 10 to 12 crore across the country. Recently, the Kumbh of the Banjara community in Maharashtra was organized by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in Jalgaon district, in which Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis also took part. Earlier in January, PM Modi during his visit to Karnataka's Kalaburgi, distributed title deeds (hakku patra) to over 50,000 families of the Banjara community. Recalling his connections with the region and the Banjara community, the Prime Minister had said that the people from this community have contributed toward national development in their own ways. "This region and Banjara society is not new to me, because the brothers and sisters of our Banjara community from Rajasthan to western India are making a huge contribution in the development of the nation in their own way. And I've always had the pleasure of associating with them since time immemorial. I vividly remember that I was called for a rally in this region during the 1994 assembly elections. And I can never forget that moment when I saw lakhs of our Banjara brothers and sisters in that rally. Lakhs of Banjara mothers and sisters in traditional costumes had come to bless me," PM Modi had said. He had also recalled the unforgettable moment when lakhs of Banjara families had come for a rally that the Prime Minister had attended during the 1994 assembly elections. (ANI) Delhi Deputy Chief minister Manish Sisodia on Sunday said he would "fully cooperate" with the CBI in its ongoing probe into the alleged excise policy scam. There was heavy security deployment as AAP suppoters gathered outside Sisodia's residence, ahead of his questioning by the central probe agency in the liquor policy case, sources said. Taking to Twitter ahead of his questioning in the case, Sisodia said he does not care if he is "jailed" for a few months. "Going to CBI again today. I will fully cooperate in the entire investigation. The love of lakhs of children and the blessings of crores of countrymen are with us. I don't care if I have to stay in jail for a few months," Sisodia posted. Saying he was a follower of Bhagat Singh, who laid down his life for the country, Delhi deputy CM said, "It is a small matter for me to go to jail on false charges." Significanty, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday claimed, citing his 'sources', that his deputy Sisodia, will be arrested on Sunday after questioning by the CBI in the liquor policy case. Sisodia on Monday confirmed that he had been called CBI called him for questioning on February 26 in the Delhi excise policy case. Earlier, the CBI had asked Sisodia to appear for questioning on February 19. Last Sunday, Sisodia requested the central agency to defer questioning, saying that he was busy "preparing the budget" and could only appear towards February-end. However, Sisodia has not been named an accused in the chargesheet filed in the case. Arrested businessmen Vijay Nair and Abhishek are among the seven accused named in the chargesheet. In August last year, the CBI searched Sisodia's bank locker in connection with the case. The deputy CM claimed the sleuths did not find any incriminating material in his locker. Several raids were conducted at 21 places in Delhi and the National Capital Region, including Sisodia's residence, and the premises of four public servants last year, according to a CBI officer, who further said that the raids were conducted across 7 states. The CBI launched a probe in the matter on the basis of a report forwarded by the Delhi chief secretary to L-G Saxena recommending a probe by the central agency. (ANI) Taking the confrontation in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) House over the six-member standing committee election to the cyber space, the BJP and the AAP resorted to a poster war on social media. As BJP shot off a "Khalnayika" jibe at AAP, the latter countered with a "Ballot Chor" jeer. "BJP people who are making so much noise, are the killers of democracy and Ballot chors (thieves)," read the tweet of AAP roughly translated from Hindi. AAP also shared a post on social media similar to a film's poster, sarcastically attacking the BJP saying, "Ballot Chor Machaye Shor". The poster has pictures of BJP MPs Manoj Tiwari and Gautam Gambhir and other leaders. This comes after BJP took 'Khalnayika' jibe at AAP by sharing a satirical post on social media. "AAP's 'khalnayika' (villain) who caused violence and showed dictatorship in the House," read the tweet from BJP Delhi roughly translated from Hindi. BJP Delhi shared a sarcastic post similar to a film's poster, which read: "AAP Films presents 'Khal Nayika' by Arvind Kejriwal - the surprising drama of 2023." Meanwhile, the Delhi High Court on Saturday in a special hearing stayed the re-election of the Standing Committee of Municipal Corporation of Delhi, which was scheduled to be held on February 27, 2023. The Bench of Justice Gaurang Kant, while staying the re-election for Standing Committee members, also issued notice to all respondents including newly elected Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi. Delhi's Mayor on Friday announced to hold fresh elections on February 27 at 11 am after chaos at MCD House. The MCD House fell into chaos on Friday as BJP and AAP members resorted to punches, jostling and rained blows at each other over the results of the election to the six-member standing committee. The unruly scenes erupted after Mayor Shelly Oberoi declared one vote invalid. After the MCD could not elect a six-member standing committee following of ruckus in the House, AAP Councillor and Mayor Shelly Oberoi on Friday alleged that BJP Councillors dragged her chair and pushed her. Mayor Oberoi reached Kamla Market police station to register an FIR against BJP Councillors after the MCD House witnessed yet another stormy session. She requested police officials to provide her protection. Oberoi said standing committee elections were held as per BJP demands. "Still, they created a ruckus and came up on stage to attack me. I thank female Civil Defence personnel for saving me. BJP members physically assaulted AAP female members. BJP accept your defeat," she said. It was the third day of commotion in the House. "As soon as the voting was taking place, the BJP Councillors clearly sensed that they were losing. That is why they stormed the session. As soon as I was about to announce the result, the BJP Councillors, especially Arjun Marwah, Chandan Chaudhary, and Ravi Negi came to the stage. Chaudhary dragged my chair and pushed me. I ran for my life," Shelly said.She also alleged that the BJP "deliberately" created a ruckus for over 2.5 months to stall the MCD meeting and run the House unconstitutionally. "BJP every time created a ruckus during the standing committee election. That is why today I am here to register a police complaint. I have requested SHO to file an FIR against the BJP councillors, especially those three, and provide me protection," she added. Shelly Oberoi declared that the election of members of the MCD Standing Committee will now be held on February 27. The House was adjourned till February 27. BJP members also reached the Kamla Market police station to file an FIR against AAP. They alleged an "attempt of murder on AAP's women councillor". BJP Councillor Meenakshi Sharma later filed a police complaint at Kamla Market Police Station against AAP Councillors for "causing grievous harm and injury and committing criminal assault with women Councillors of BJP intending to outrage the modesty and giving threat of life with criminal conspiracy" Meenakshi Sharma said someone from AAP hit her with a sharp object. "They also touched my neck. It was done by a male Councillor. They haven't allowed a single House sustain. I do not know if she's Delhi's Mayor or AAP's. She acts on orders by Kejriwal and their masters," she said. In the unprecedented fight in the House and resulting commotion, AAP Councillor Ashok Kumar Maanu collapsed. He later recovered and joined the party's protest. Both BJP and AAP blamed each other for the violence. AAP's Saurabh Bharadwaj claimed AAP received 138 votes in a poll of 6 members of the Delhi MCD Standing Committee and BJP received lesser. "AAP has 134 Councillors, one joined BJP. Since Congress Councillors are not here, it means there are some BJP Councillors who voted for AAP," he said. Delhi BJP leader Harish Khurana accused AAP of violence and not following the norms."Election officers declare the election and say that votes declared invalid by Mayor are valid. Three candidates each of AAP and BJP have won. But AAP does hooliganism here as instructed by Kejriwal. We will not tolerate this goondaism and approach the Court," he said. AAP leaders attacked the BJP over the ruckus. "They are so shameless that they attacked even women and the Mayor. BJP goons did this." AAP leader Atishi alleged that BJP showed goondaism in the Civic centre. "Standing committee election was going on. When counting started BJP realised they were losing and they created a ruckus. The mayor was attacked and physically assaulted by the BJP male member," she said. "What behaviour is this? This is shameful and condemnable. The country is seeing this. BJP should accept their defeat. I request BJP to stop their goondaism. Those who have attacked the Mayor will be sent behind bars," Atishi added. BJP leader Vijender Gupta said election results are being tampered with, wrong announcements are being made and they are indulging in fistfights. Gupta said six members were supposed to have been elected to Standing Committee. "Three members each from AAP and BJP were elected. One AAP member lost. All this was done to make him win and the results were tampered with. We demand CBI inquiry, such people should be arrested and action should be taken," he said. Former Delhi Mayor Aarti Mehra said the Mayor has no right to decide the result. "She can only announce it. We will go to court and take legal action against her. I can show a video where Atishi is seen giving directions to create a ruckus. Strong action will be taken. We will fight against these goons," she said. A video shared by Delhi BJP showed Atishi in conversation with an AAP councillor moments before the councillor was seen entering into a violent scuffle. (ANI) A Hyderbad-based medical technology manufacturer company Pulse Active Stations Network has come up with a machine called 'Pulse Active Netowork' which can perform basic health checkups in public. The Made-in-Hyderabad product was displayed at Bio Asia 2023 summit in Hyderabad on Saturday. Pulse Active Station is a machine that can measure BMI and other health parameters in public. The company has planned to place these machines in different public places including hospitals, bus stations, and metro stations. Speaking on the occasion Joginder Tanikella, Founder and CEO of Pulse Active Stations Network said "This is the pulse active station. It is a smart health kiosk. Everyone might remember the Rs.1 weighing machine which used to be there in public places. This is a more modern and advanced version of the machine. The idea is that you should be able to get a basic health screening within 1 to 3 minutes in any public place such as the railway station, metro station, bus stand, hospital, clinic, or any other place. We have different tests here. We have tests for height, weight, and BMI (Body mass index)." While further commenting on product specifications he said "Apart from that we can also check body composition which is muscle, fat, protein, water, and so on." There were some individuals who also participated in the health check tests for this device. "I have just gone through the machine and tested BMI and others. It seems good. Without any interaction with other instruments directly we can identify our pulse rate, BP, and oxygen saturation. We will get all the results online. We can do all this without any human interaction. We can identify the condition of our body based on these results and take any precautionary measures if needed. It is a good machine that can be put in hospitals and other public places and it will help the people." said P Rehmet who underwent a health checkup. Joginder Tanikella also spoke about how they will expand their operations in near future. "We are completely Make in Hyderabad, Make in Telangana, Make in India. We have already exported our machines to China as well as Germany. We are now expanding throughout India. We have already reached 40 locations across India. We had reached 150 locations before COVID, but we had to restart because of the lockdowns. This is our new automatic unmanned machine. We are now based in different hospitals, railway stations, metro stations, and bus stations. The charges depend on the location. It is free in some locations and otherwise goes up to Rs.100," Tanikella said. Bio Asia 2023 summit is currently underway in Hyderabad, Telangana from February 24 to 26. (ANI) The people of Meghalaya are all set to vote for the assembly elections sealing the political fate of 369 candidates on Monday after intense campaigning by all the political parties. The polls this year features multiple players in the form of the ruling National People's Party (NPP), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress, with the ruling Trinamool Congress in West Bengal also entering the fray in the hope of cutting its electoral teeth into this Northeast state. The fates of the contesting parties will be decided by over 21 lakhs voters across 59 poll-bound constituencies on Monday. According to the Election Commission, polling will be held in a total of 3,419 polling stations across the state. Voting will begin at 7 am and continue till 4 pm on Monday. However, polling for the Sohiong Assembly constituency was postponed following the demise of former state Home Minister and United Democratic Party (UDP) candidate from the seat, HDR Lyngdoh. In the now-dossiolved Meghala Assembly, the National People's Party held the highest number of seats at 20, followed by the United Democratic Party at 8 seats. Moreover, BJP and the People's Democratic Front held two seats each. However, as many as 20 seats remained vacant in the wake of multiple resignations by members of the Assembly. Of the 60 Assembly constituencies in Meghalaya, 36 constituencies fall in Khasi, Jaintia Hills region while 24 are in the Garo Hills region. Though Congress emerged as the single largest party, winning 21 of 60 seats in the 2018 Assembly polls, the National People's Party (NPP), which won 20 seats, formed the government after forging post-poll alliances with regional parties and the BJP. The United Democratic Party (UDP) grabbed six seats. While the ruling NPP is contesting 57 seats, the Trinamool Congress has fielded cabdidates in 56 seats. The United Democratic Party is contesting 46 seats. The NPP, which went with the BJP in the last assembly elections, aims to secure a majority on its own steam and return to power for a second straight term. On the other hand, The Trinamool Congress (TMC), which became the principal Opposition party in Meghalaya in 2021 following the defection of 12 Congress MLAs, has since emerged as an electoral player to contend with after former chief minister Mukul Sangma joined its ranks. The TMC fielded candidates in 58 seats, including the prized Shillong. As the NPP looks to retain power and BJP and other parties hopes to play spoiler to their plans, here's a look at the constitucies that are likely to pit the contesting players in a fierce battle in Monday's polling. South Tura The first on the list is South Tura where the battle is between Chief Minister Conrad Sangma and BJP's Bernard N Marak. The Congress has fielded Brenzield Ch Marak in this seat. West Shillong The second on the list is West Shillong where BJP has fielded its state chief Ernest Mawrie, who is among the most prominent faces of the party in the state. Mohendro Rapsang is the candidate of the ruling NPP and is pitted against TMC's Iwan Maria. Sutnga Saipung The seat becomes significant as the Congress' state chief Vincent Pala is contesting for the first time from the Sutnga Saipung constituency. Pala's performance in the elections could have a significant impact on the political landscape of Meghalaya. Currently serving as the Member of Parliament from Shillong, he will be competing against the incumbent Sutnga Saipung MLA Shitlang Pale of UDP and NPP candidate Santa Mary Shylla and BJP's Krison Langstang. Songsak and Tikrikilla These two constituencies have become prominent as the former chief minister and current Leader of the Opposition in Meghalaya, Mukul Sangma, is contesting these two seats on a TMC ticket. In the 2018 elections, Sangma won from both the Ampati and Songsak constituencies as a Congress candidate. However, he quit the Congress and joined the Trinamool Congress in 2021. In Songsak, Sangma will be facing competition from NPP's Nihim D Shira, INC's Champion R Sangma and BJP's Thomas N Marak. In Tikrikilla, he will be competing against NPP's MLA Jimmy D Sangma, Congress' Dr Kapin Ch Boro, BJP's Rahinath Barchung Rabha, and UDP's Julius T Sangma. There are over 21 lakh electorates (21,75,236) of which 10.99 lakh are women and 10.68 lakh are male voters. In Meghalaya, the woman voters number more than their male counterparts. There are about 81,000 first-time voters in the state. As many as 369 candidates are in the fray of which 36 are women. (ANI) Shortly before arriving at the CBI office on Sunday for questioning in connection with the alleged Delhi excise policy scam, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said false cases are being lodged against leaders of the ruling party as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was "afraid" of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. "Conspiracies are being hatched by the CBI and ED and false cases being lodged against our party leaders because PM Narendra Modi is afraid of CM Arvind Kejriwal's rising popularity. As AAP grows further, BJP will continue to slap false cases on us. We are not afraid of the CBI, ED and their false cases," Sisodia said, claiming that people were starting to regard the AAP as an alternative to the BJP. Sisodia, along with party leaders Sanjay Singh and others, visited Raj Ghat and paid their tributes to Mahatma Gandhi at his final resting place before leaving for CBI headquarters. He said that the PM, while not afraid of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, was scared of the AAP. "Everyone says that only AAP will rid the country of the BJP in future. Modi-ji may not be scared of Rahul Gandhi but if there's one party that he is scared, it is the AAP. They will put me in jail, but we are not afraid. We will fight. Kejriwal is the only future leader of this country," Sisodia said, addressing supporters at Raj Ghat. He further appealed to Arvind Kejriwal to "keep fighting" for the welfare of the people. "I want to tell Kejriwal-ji, please continue with what are you doing. Keep fighting for the welfare of the people," Sisodia said. The police deployed heavy security outside Raj Ghat as AAP workers carrying placards gathered in numbers and raised slogans in support of Sisodia. Delhi Police later imposed Section 144 in the South Delhi district ahead of Sisodia's questioning by the CBI. "Friends, this is a difficult time. Today, they are going to arrest me and put me in jail in a fake case. But, I don't fear going to jail. We are sons of Bhagat Singh. I will go to jail for a few days (kuch din chale jayenge jail)," Sisodia said, requesting party supporters not to "leave" his family alone if he is jailed. "I want to request you all not to leave my mother and wife alone (Meri biwi aur maa ko akele mat chhodna)," he added. Earlier, the CBI had asked Sisodia to appear for questioning on February 19. However, the deputy CM, last Sunday, requested the central agency to defer questioning saying he was busy "preparing the Budget" and could only appear towards February-end. In August last year, the CBI searched Sisodia's bank locker in connection with the case. The deputy CM claimed the sleuths did not find any incriminating material in his locker. The CBI launched a probe in the matter on the basis of a report forwarded by the Delhi chief secretary to the Lieutenant Governor, recommending a probe by the central agency. (ANI) The action came after the victim, succumbed to her injuries at a hospital in Indore. An order in this regard was issued from the office of Superintendent of Police (SP), Rural Bhagwat Singh Birde on Saturday. Earlier, Simrol police station in-charge Dharmendra Shivhare and the current police station in-charge RKNS Bhadauria were earlier also given an application by Principal Vimukta Sharma complaining about the accused Ashutosh Srivastava, SP Bhagwat Singh Birde stated in the order. Both the station in-charges neither conducted any investigation on the application nor took any action against the accused during their tenure, which showed gross negligence and indifference towards their duty, the order further stated. The Principal of BM College of Pharmacy in Indore, who was set on fire by a former student succumbed to her injuries while undergoing treatment at a hospital here on Saturday early morning, the police said. Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Shashikant Kankane confirmed the death of the Principal of B M College of Pharmacy Prof Vimukta Sharma. The incident occurred on Monday (February 20), when the accused, former student, Ashutosh Srivastava, poured petrol on the 49-year-old principal and then set her ablaze. The victim ran towards the college building after which the staff extinguished the fire and rushed her to a hospital. During the incident, the accused also sustained burn injuries and tried to jump into a ditch, but was nabbed by the police. (ANI) With reference to the Ajnala incident, former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Sunday said if the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government cannot handle law and order, the Centre should intervene to deal with the situation. Speaking to ANI on Sunday, the former Punjab CM said, "He (CM Bhagwant Mann) is not interested on what is going on in Punjab. He is afraid of taking any step. Police officials may have got orders not to take any step during the Ajnala incident. The law and order has deteriorated in Punjab." "No government can run like this, the way this government is running. The day when Ajnala incident took place, Bhagwant Mann was sitting in Mumbai with Arvind Kejriwal," he added. Notably, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday called on former Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray at his Mumbai residence. Captain Amarinder Singh further raised concerns about the internal security of the country. "The law and order situation in Punjab is horrible. The law and order is not the Centre's subject. If they (Punjab government) are not able to handle it then the central government will have to take charge. There are drones getting caught every single day, I think the Centre must see it," he said. Thousands of supporters of Amritpal Singh, a Khalistan sympathizer, had on Thursday staged a massive demonstration in Amritsar to protest against the arrest of his aide Lovepreet Singh Toofan. The supporters, who were holding swords and guns in their hands, broke through police barricades erected outside Ajnala police station. The police later said "in the light of the evidence presented", it has been decided that Lovepreet Singh Toofan will be discharged. Lovepreet Singh was released from jail on Friday following orders of a court in Ajnala on an application by the police. A day after Ajnala incident in which some policemen were injured, DGP Gaurav Yadav said that appropriate action will be taken against the people involved. After the clash between supporters of the chief of suspected pro-Khalistan outfit 'Waris Punjab De', Amritpal Singh, and Punjab Police erupted in Ajnala, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday said the law and order situation is under control. 'Waris Punjab De' chief Amritpal Singh said the incident concerning Ajnala police station in Amritsar on February 23 could have been avoided if police were alert and his aide Lovepreet Singh Toofan had not been arrested. Amritpal Singh said in an interview with ANI that the incident and subsequent release of Lovepreet Singh will "change the course of the future". Amritpal's supporters, some of them brandishing swords and other weapons, stormed Ajnala police station on Thursday over their demand for the release of Lovepreet Singh. Asked about Punjab DGP Gaurav Yadav's remarks that there will be action regarding the Ajnala incident, Amritpal Singh said that the senior police official cannot say he was not aware of the case. "We are going through the cycle...They way it happened before, it could have been avoided if they were alert. The DGP could not say that he did not know about the case. It was not that he did not know about the case. The decision could have been made earlier. The guy should not have been arrested. We will not run away and hide somewhere. It's not that I am going to hide somewhere. No, I will not. I will get killed. I will face everything, I will not hide anywhere," he said. Amritpal Singh said Punjab Police acted in a hurry based on wrong intelligence reports and authorities gave false information about him that he does not have support. "When I am going to the public, this could happen any day if you have enough evidence to charge me. What they did was in hurry and based on wrong intelligence reports. I do not show everything on social media. They had some pressure and gave false information to the Central government that Amritpal Singh does not have any support in Punjab and he is isolated," he said. Invoking 'Operation Blue Star', Amritpal said it was a moment of "trauma" for Sikhs and continues to be. "When Golden temple was attacked and Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale was killed, it might have been a happy moment for many people, but it was a trauma for Sikhs. It is still a trauma. You don't care about the judgment of law and society because you are the society. Not a single Hindu was attacked in Punjab.......When (former Prime Minister) Indira Gandhi was killed, Sikhs...were attacked," he said. Amritpal , a suspected Khalistan sympathiser, said allegations were made against Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, and huge money was spent "to destroy his image". "When someone is in the power, they have the power to make anything evil. Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale is evil in the eyes of the Indian people, and Indira Gandhi might be a hero. But that does not change our idea of us. We will love him. India has control over all the resources to make him evil and it did it. Billions of dollars were spent to destroy his image and to put allegations against him. But what happened? There is no village here that will not have his pictures. Youth is inspired, they did not see him. But what happens? The suppression finds its way come out of slavery," Amritpal said. The head of the Sikh religious sect Damdami Taksal, Bhindranwale, was killed along with his armed followers during Operation Blue Star launched by the Indian Army at the Golden Temple complex. Amritpal also said steps should be taken to make policing system better. "The Indian people should reconsider the policing system in the country. It is still pre-1947. The way they interrogate people, the way they pick them up, the way they work. Courts are filled with such cases because the policing system is not right. It's not the problem of the police, but of the law. They have to change the law to make policing system better and make things more transparent," he said. 'Waris Punjab De' was founded by activist Deep Sidhu, who died in a road accident in February last year. (ANI) Later, CM Dhami also participated in the Abhinandan/ Abhar ally organized by Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha and local people on the occasion of the passing of anti-copying law in Chamba, Tehri. Taking to his social media handle, Dhami said, "Our government is constantly working to protect the interests of the youth and build their bright future. Gratitude from the bottom of my heart to the godly people who reached the rally in large numbers". Later, Dhami also conducts a review meeting with the district officials at Tehri District Office Complex. Earlier, on Sunday morning, Dhami ploughed fields in Tiwar village in Tehri during his homestay with a power weeder. He also went for an early morning excursion in the village. The CM met the elderly, women, and children and enquired about their well-being. He took feedback from the villagers about various schemes being implemented by the state government. Mutual dialogue between the government and the general public also plays an important role in development, said CM Dhami, adding that the development of Uttarakhand is possible only through the development of villages. (ANI) Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on Sunday questioned External Affairs S Jaishankar's recent remarks on the size of the Chinese economy, asking the minister if India's economy was big when the country was fighting with the Britishers. "EAM said in an interview that India has a smaller economy than China, so how can we fight them? Was our economy very big when we were fighting the Britishers?" Gandhi said while addressing the third and final day of the party's ongoing Plenary session in Raipur. Terming it "cowardice", Gandhi said, "It is not nationalism but cowardice." "Savarkar's ideology is to bow before the one who is stronger than you. The minister has said on China that we cannot fight them as their economy is bigger than ours. Is this nationalism? It's cowardice," the Wayanad MP said. "Our fight for freedom was against the East India Company, which seized our resources and wealth, including ports. Now, history is repeating itself. The Congress will always stand and fight against anything that goes against the country," he added. Rahul Gandhi was referring to Jaishankar's recent interview with ANI where the EAM spoke about the border issue with China at length, saying, "China was a bigger economy and India was responding to the situation that China created along the LAC, in Ladakh, by violating border agreements." "They are the bigger economy, what I am going to do? I am a smaller economy. Am I going to sort of pick up a fight with a bigger economy? It is not a question of reacting. It is a question of common sense. It is in our interest to stabilise our borders or a situation, it is not out of love affection or sentiment," he had said. Jaishankar said border agreements had helped stabilise the situation till they were violated by China. There had been a standoff at the LAC in Ladakh following the aggressive actions of the Chinese Army. The two countries held several rounds of military and diplomatic talks for disengagement from some friction points. The high level of troop deployment by China continues for which India has taken counter steps. (ANI) Omprakash Kumawat from Kishangarh Renwal municipality was allotted the booth on the instructions of CM Gehlot, who attended an event in Raghunandan Pura village on February 21. Kumawat met the Rajasthan CM, seeking the government's support in finding a source of livelihood for himself. "I was very happy to meet the CM. He assured me of the help and support of his government in helping me find a source of livelihood. And, I was allotted the booth within two days," Kumawat said. Kumawat (42) has been dwarf since childhood and both his legs are affected by polio. In such a situation, the help provided by the Rajasthan government such as free electricity, social security pension scheme, free medicine and a health insurance scheme proved to be a boon for Omprakash. According to Kishangarh Renwal Municipality president Amit Jain, there are many in Rajasthan like Omprakash, who are living dignified lives by availing the public welfare schemes of the state government. "Within two days of the CM's instruction, the dairy booth was allotted to Omprakash. Like him, many poor and needy families in the area are availing the benefits of various schemes of the government," Jain said. Several state-run welfare schemes are currently in operation in Rajasthan. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has been demanding that the central government implement many of the state's schemes, especially the Chiranjeevi Health Insurance Scheme and the Social Security Pension Scheme, across the country. "The Centre should also take the initiative to bring a Social Security Act into force and implement the Old Pension Scheme for government employees," Gehlot had said at the closing ceremony of the 83rd All India Presiding Officers' Conference at the Rajasthan Assembly. (ANI) Notably, two IL-76 aircrafts landed at the Air Force station in Jammu for airlifting the citizens. However, there's no clarity yet on why the Ladakh residents had to be airlifted from Jammu. Under operation 'Sadbhavna', the Indian Air Force has been extending assistance to residents in the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh from time to time. (ANI) Soon after the CBI started questioning Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in connection with alleged excise policy scam on Sunday, the city police detained as many as 50 workers and leaders of the ruling Aam Admi Party (AAP). Delhi police said the AAP workers and prominent leaders, including Sanjay Singh, were detained allegedly for violating Section 144 of the CrPC. "A total 50 persons, including 42 men and 8 women, were detained," Delhi Police said. Trilok Puri MLA Rohit Kumar Mehraulia, Sangam Vihar MLA Dinesh Mohnia, Kondli MLA Kuldeep Singh, Rohtash Nagar ex-MLA Sarita Singh and Delhi minister Gopal Rai were among those arrested. The Delhi Deputy CM was summoned to CBI headquarters in CGO Complex at Lodhi Road. "As per SB input and local intelligence, there was an apprehension of a large gathering of supporters, voters and leaders of AAP at CGO. All arrangements, including deployment of personnel, had been in place since Saturday," an officer of Delhi Police said. The police further said that a few leaders and supporters of the AAP gathered with the intention of crossing the barricade and demonstrating near the CBI office. "However, they were stopped and not allowed to cross the barricade. They sat on the main road, obstructing traffic, around 12.25 pm. They were requested to vacate the place as Section 144 of CrPC was in force in the area. But they continued sitting and shouting slogans," the officer added. Earlier, the CBI had asked Sisodia to appear for questioning on February 19. However, the deputy CM, last Sunday, requested the central agency to defer the summons saying he was busy "preparing the Budget" and could only appear towards February-end. In August last year, the CBI searched Sisodia's bank locker in connection with the case. The deputy CM claimed the sleuths did not find any incriminating material in his locker.The CBI launched a probe into the matter on the basis of a report forwarded by the Delhi chief secretary to the Lieutenant Governor, recommending a probe by the central agency. Shortly before arriving at the CBI office, Sisodia said false cases were being lodged against leaders of the ruling party as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was "afraid" of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. "Conspiracies are being hatched by the CBI and ED and false cases are being lodged against our party leaders because PM Narendra Modi is afraid of CM Arvind Kejriwal's rising popularity. As AAP grows further, BJP will continue to slap false cases on us. We are not afraid of the CBI, ED and their false cases," Sisodia said, addressing supporters at Raj Ghat, claiming that people were starting to regard the AAP as an alternative to the BJP. (ANI) Polling personnel to 3419 polling stations across 59 Assembly constituencies for Meghalaya assembly elections have been dispatched to their respective polling stations along with EVMs and other related materials on Sunday. The Meghalaya Assembly polls for 59 out of 60 constituencies will be held on February 27 and the counting of votes will be held on March 2. Polling for one seat, the Sohiong Assembly constituency in East Khasi Hills (EKH), stands adjourned, officials said. In the West Garo Hills district, 537 polling parties have moved to their respective polling stations in the district, officials said. "There are 537 polling stations in West Garo Hills district and by today evening polling personnel will reach their respective polling stations," Deputy Commissioner of West Garo Hills district Swapnil Tembe told ANI. He added that security arrangements have been beefed up for controlling the law and order situation in the state. "11 Zonal magistrates, 73 sector magistrates and nearly 30 Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) companies have been deployed in the district for conducting the smooth election. Each polling team has four personnel. 30 CAPF companies have deployed in vulnerable and critical polling stations," the Deputy Commissioner of West Garo Hills district said. He further said that the training has been conducted for supervisors for the counting which will take place on March 2. "Observers will arrive shortly for counting," Tembe added. Out of 3419 polling teams, 974 polling teams were dispatched on Saturday across 59 poll-going assembly constituencies in Meghalaya. FR Kharkongor, chief electoral officer, Meghalaya said polling teams had reported arrival in their respective polling stations. Polling teams navigated difficult terrains to reach Kamsing polling station in Amlarem Sub Division with only 35 voters. "Some polling parties ingeniously even used sturdy traditional Khasi baskets Khohs to carry polling materials and EVMs in a combined effort to ensure that 'no voter should be left behind'. The polling party bound for Rongcheng Polling station in South Garo Hills which had to trek for 8 hours left early in the morning. Other polling parties had to trek for 4 hours to reach their respective polling stations," the CEO of Meghalaya said. The CEO of Meghalaya said that around 19000 polling personnel and staff have been deployed in the election process. Out of the total of 3419 polling stations, 640 have been identified as vulnerable and a total of 323 polling stations have been identified as critical while 84 booths are both critical and vulnerable. A total of 369 candidates are contesting the elections. The district administration of East Khasi Hills district has also imposed Section 144 of CrPC along the border areas. (ANI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed the Rozgar Mela of the Uttar Pradesh government. At the Rozgar Mela, appointment letters were provided to direct recruits for Sub Inspectors in UP Police and equivalent posts in Nagrik Police, Platoon Commanders and Fire Department Second Officers. Addressing the occasion via a video link, the Prime Minister expressed happiness that he is getting an opportunity to address a Rozgar Mela almost every week and the country is continuously getting many talented youths who bring new thinking and efficiency in the government system. Highlighting the special importance of the UP Rozgar Mela, the Prime Minister said that this will bring happiness to nine thousand families and will enhance the sense of security in Uttar Pradesh as the new recruitments will strengthen the Police force in the state. The Prime Minister said with more than 1.5 lakh new appointments in UP Police since 2017, both employment and security improved under the present government. PM Modi emphasised that today, Uttar Pradesh is recognized for its law and order and development orientation, a far cry from the earlier image of the mafia and crushed law and order situation. This, he said, has led to new opportunities of employment, business and investment. Highlighting the efforts of the double-engine government -- meaning a BJP-led government both at the centre and in Uttar Pradesh, the Prime Minister listed new airports, a dedicated freight corridor, a new defence corridor, new mobile manufacturing units, modern waterways, a new infrastructure that is bringing in unprecedented employment opportunities. He pointed out that the push to tourism by the state has led to a rise in employment. PM Modi also noted the response at the recent Global Investor Summit and how that will push employment in the state. To the new appointees, the Prime Minister talked about the new challenges and responsibilities and asked them to keep the learner alive in them. He asked them to keep working on their personality development, progress and knowledge. Prime Minister Modi, on October 22, last year, launched the first phase of the 'Rozgar Mela', where appointment letters were handed over to more than 75,000 new recruits. It marked the beginning of the campaign to provide 10 lakh government jobs. Since then, PM Modi has so far addressed similar job fairs in several states. (ANI) The deceased was identified as Sanjay Lakra, a resident of the Jashpur district in Chattisgarh. According to the police, based on a tip-off that Naxals had put up a banner in the area, a joint team of District Reserve Guard (DRG) and Central Armed Police Forces (CAF) set out for a patrolling and search operation around 7 AM from Orchha police station. "When the patrolling team was advancing through Batum, head constable Sanjay Lakra, belonging to CAF's 16th battalion, mistakenly stepped over a pressure IED connection which initiated the blast," the officer said. "After the blast, the Jawan was taken to Orchha hospital where he was declared brought dead by the doctors," the officer added. An investigation into this matter is underway. Further information is awaited. (ANI) As Congress' 85th plenary session concludes, party chief Mallikarjun Kharge on Sunday hurdled a scathing attack at the Centre over the Adani issue. The 85th plenary session of Congress was being held in Raipur. Addressing the gathering on the third and final day of the session, Kharge said, "Few people are looting the property of this country. Modi ji is giving our money and property to one person. Adani has been made so big that he become as fat as an elephant..." Pertinent to mention, a report by a US-based Hindenburg Research surfaced on January 24, claiming that the Adani Group had weak business fundamentals, and was involved in stock manipulation and accounting fraud, among others. According to the statement, the Adani portfolio and the Adani verticals are focused on bringing India into the global economy and nation-building. In the summary of the long response by Adani Group, it said the report was "nothing but a lie". The report triggered a sell-off of shares of all Adani Group companies. However, the Adani group had termed the report "nothing but a lie". The Congress chief further attacked the Centre over the border issue with China. "Giving a clean chit to China, we targeted ourselves. We have degraded the relations with the neighbouring country. We keep on highlighting the mistakes committed by the government. Every worker of the party will fight till last breath for the constitution of the country," he added. He said the speech of former party president Sonia Gandhi was motivating and enthused new energy in party workers. After serious delegation, Kharge said several important decisions and proposals were passed in the session. "We took historic decision of keeping 50 per cent seats in CWC for women, ST, SC and youths. The meaning of Congress is patriotism, sacrifice, serving and dedication, fearlessness and discipline," he said. He said the fight against the ideology of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) will be intensified. "Caste-based census is necessary and the one was carried out by our government was not published yet. National Education Policy is the policy of RSS and we are against it. They are trying to give the education of Manusmriti," Kharge said. Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi said, "During elections, issues not relevant to the public are raised. Politics should be on how to tackle unemployment, strengthen GDP, take up our economy. BJP conducted raids on us but we are standing strong. "It is our job to give a platform to those people who are watching the politics of the country and understand that something is going wrong. It is our job to raise their voice. On the other hand, it is our job to tell and explain this to those people who are not understanding this. This is a huge responsibility," she added. Congress called for five action from Raipur plenary session. In a statement, Congress said lakhs of citizens, including workers of the party, walked 4,000 km from Kanyakumari to Kashmir with Rahul Gandhi during the Bharat Jodo Yatra. The Yatra took forward an inclusive and progressive vision of India where Constitutional values reign supreme. "In celebrating diversity, equality and fraternity, it presented a clear alternative to the BJP's vision of India. In a few months, we will be celebrating the centenary of the Seva Dal, a crucial grassroots organisation of Congress workers. This will be an occasion to impart fresh energy into our mass contact programmes," the statement said. Congress said it is the only party that has never compromised with the BJP and RSS and its "despicable politics." "We will always fight to protect our political values against the BJP's authoritarian, communal and crony capitalist onslaught. We are prepared to work with like-minded political parties on the basis of a common, constructive programme to preserve and protect the Constitution in letter and spirit and to address the three main challenges facing the country: growing economic inequality, intensifying social polarisation and deepening political dictatorship," the statement said. Congress asked party leaders and workers to work with discipline, solidarity and complete unity to ensure victory in important state elections in Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and Telangana this year. "The results of these elections will set the tone for the all-important 2024 Lok Sabha election," the statement said. The party said its governments in Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan are models for the rest of the country. In the decade from 2004-2014, Congress delivered the highest ever GDP growth, pulled crores of Indians out of poverty, and introduced many transformational rights-based legislations, such as MGNREGA, Forest Rights Act and National Food Security Act, the party said. "The time is now ripe for a new vision to empower the nation's producers and reboot the economy. MSMEs that have been destroyed in the last eight and a half years must be revived and made the engine of rapid growth and employment, through cluster-based skill development programmes for the youth, and dedicated funding and technological support for labour-intensive manufacturing. GST must be drastically simplified and significantly improved for the benefit of small businesses and traders, and GST compensation for states must be extended for another five years," the statement said. It further stated that agricultural policies and reforms must be reoriented to place farmers and farm workers at the centre, and not only production goals. Farmers must be safeguarded through measures such as debt relief and legally guaranteed MSP. To ensure the fruits of rapid growth benefit all sections of society, Sampoorna Samajik Suraksha must be introduced, especially a women-centric NYAY programme and a Universal Right to Health Act. To cement the foundations of social justice an immediate Caste Census is critical. "India awaits a reinvigorated Congress and we owe it to the people to fulfill their expectations. Crores of workers of the Congress party must build on the momentum of the Bharat Jodo Yatra to defeat the divisive forces of the BJP and RSS. A mass awareness campaign will be launched against the crudest example of crony capitalism which the entire country and the world is seeing. We end the Raipur plenary with a renewed resolve and common purpose to build a stronger and united India," added the Congress statement. (ANI) Absconding since the day of the crime SIT nabbed Yadav from the Revalganj station area in Sitab Diyara village of Saran district in Bihar. The incident pertains to February 5, when three people were allegedly tied and beaten in Bihar's Mubarakpur village in Manjhi. Amitesh and Rahul two of the three victims in the case succumbed to their injuries. Earlier, the police while investigating the matter attached the properties of the four accused, namely Vijay Yadav and his close aides Ajay Yadav, Deepak Yadav, and Vicky Yadav, after obtaining the orders from the Judicial Magistrate of Chhapra court. After the alleged lynching of the youth, a mob set the house and poultry farm of the village headman on fire. After registering a case in the incident, the police launched a detailed investigation into the matter, a sizeable police contingent was deployed at the village in the wake of the incident and the violence and arson that followed afterward. (ANI) Karnataka government employees union has announced to go on an indefinite strike from March 1 if their demand for implementation of recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission is not fulfilled. The announcement of the strike can act as a setback to the Basavaraja Bommai-led BJP in Karnataka. Union President, CS Shadakshari, said that if the demand is not met, all the government employees will stage protests across the state and will also abstain from performing their official duties. Talking to the journalists in Shimoga, Shadakshari said that Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai had turned a blind eye to the demands of government employees. CM Bommai's behaviour has caused sadness to nine lakh employees of the Karnataka government. The union president further said that government employees will take part in the protest by abstaining from their duties at schools, colleges, hospitals, and other government institutions. He also said that the protest will end only when the government issues interim orders for the implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission. If the orders are not issued, the protest will continue, Shadakshari said. For the unversed, the government employees in Karnataka were expecting that the Bommai government would declare the implementation of the 7th pay commission on the revision of salaries. Later, when CM Bommai made no mention of the 7th pay commission in his budget speech, the government employees were devastated. The Karnataka government employees have made three major demands which include the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission in the state, implementation of the old pension scheme (OPS), and implementation of at least 40 per cent of fitment facilities. (ANI) Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare Dr Mansukh Mandaviya today participated in the inaugural session of the two-day "Chintan Shivir" on "Drugs: Quality regulation and Enforcement" here. The health ministry's two-day meet on 26th and 27th of February at Kanha Shanti Vanam is being organised with the aim to build trust and confidence in the quality of drugs, cosmetics and medical devices in domestic and export markets. Addressing the inaugural session, Union Minister Mandaviya said, "The Ministry and Drugs Controller office has been consistently coordinating this meeting. The Government of India has taken a new practice to call for a 2-day meet, conduct discussion and bring out an output. This is the 6th edition of this practice since I started it". Talking about his strategies and plans for the quality regulation of medicines, Mandaviya said, "We first decide in the ministry what has to be done and what requires more attention. So, when the government decides this, it is very important to make a strategy and action plan for it. If not, as a minister I will have certain thoughts, and the person who is implementing it will have some other thoughts, all this will make it difficult to give a good output. I have seen many such incidents where an holistic approach is not made to the policy or initiative by the government thus resulting in a totally different output unlike what was intended". "Just like in the Pharma sector, the Pharma sector and Pharma regulatory system might be in different ministries but their work are same and their approach should be one. This time the Pharma Minister and Health Minister are the same. So, why not make our regulatory system the best? If we consider from the point of view of the regulatory system, then the pharma sector is divided into three parts. One that works under the state, the second that works under the Health Ministry, and the third that works under Pharma Ministry. There are these many stakeholders", he added. Mandaviya highlighted the challenge of fake medicines available in the market. He said that it's the responsibility of both pharma industries and people together to brainstorm on it. "Today as there is no synergy in the work divided, many fake medicines are coming onto the market. These fake medicines are sometimes even exported which leads to questions being raised about our pharma industry in international markets. I agree that there is a responsibility of the pharma industries in it but first, we have a responsibility for it. Our responsibility is in the form of a challenge. All these issues arise because of a lack of synergy in the work. So let's together brainstorm on it". "The Government of India alone or the state government alone cannot bring a solution for this. All stakeholders including the state Government, Health Ministry and Pharma Ministry should think about this. Today, we all, all 3 stakeholders are here. We have to discuss all these for 2 days in five sessions. Brainstorming has been done for 3 months before this meeting for the topics and issues to be discussed here. As a minister, I have personally seen the presentation and it includes everyone's input", the Minister added. Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare Dr Bharati Pravin Pawar, Minister of State for Chemicals & Fertilizers Dr Bhagwant Khuba and NITI Aayog Member Dr V K Paul were also present in the meeting. Participants will also discuss global best practices, the introduction of newer interventions like digital tools, and clinical trial standards, and in-turn give an impetus towards creating a multi-stakeholder approach for benefit of common citizens, the release said. The conference will have panel discussions with eminent speakers and experts from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, NITI Aayog, industry fora, startups, academia, etc., along with interactive sessions with the stakeholders. As part of the Chintan Shivir, five sessions have been planned on these aspects: 1) Building trust and confidence on the quality of drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices in domestic and export markets, 2) Effective enforcement at the field level, 3) Indian pharmacopeia and adherence to its standards, 4) A unified IT intervention for all regulatory activities and 5) Capacity building of state and national regulators, it said. The sessions aim at creating brainstorming interaction with stakeholders, with a view to evolve a participative approach for time-bound implementation of policies and programmes, it said. (ANI) Slamming the Bharatiya Janata Party over the killing of a Kashmiri Pandit in Pulwama district on Sunday, PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti said "BJP has failed in protecting the lives of minorities." In another incident of target killing, a 40-year-old man was shot dead by terrorists in Pulwama district of South Kashmir. The deceased has been identified as Sanjay Sharma, who worked as a security guard. "These incidents only benefit BJP whether it is in Haryana or Kashmir. BJP has failed in protecting the lives of minorities here. They only use minorities to show normalcy in the valley," Mufti tweeted. She also said that the BJP uses such incidents to "degrade the image of Muslims in the country". "BJP use these types of incidents to degrade the image of Muslims in the country. I condemn this act. This is not the behaviour of the Kashmiri people. All these acts show the failures of the Government," the People's Democratic Party chief further said. Notably, on Sunday morning, Sharma was going to the market in Achan area of South Kashmir when the terrorists attacked him. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, where the doctors declared him brought dead. Kashmir police, in a statement, said that the terrorist's attack happened around 10:30 am on Sunday. Sharma was heading to the market with his wife, when the terrorists attacked him. The Kashmir Zone Police tweeted that the area has been cordoned off and that a search operation was being conducted to nab the attackers. (ANI) In line with the government's vision of providing quality education to children in the state and creating a learning-friendly atmosphere, the Yogi Adityanath government has swung into action to equip schools in Uttar Pradesh with modern facilities under the 'PM SHRI' scheme, as per an official release. The Central Government has laid emphasis on adopting a modern education system to strengthen the foundation of the students in the schools as per the National Education Policy, for which the PM SHRI (Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India) scheme has been launched. As per an official release, in the recent budget announcement made by the State Government, an amount of more than Rs 1,000 crores has been fixed for this scheme. According to the announcement, with the Central Government's assistance, Rs 510 crore will be spent on basic education and Rs 500 crore on secondary education. "According to the standards of this scheme, selected schools will be given the status of PM SHRI and will be equipped with modern facilities. As many as 1753 schools have been verified by the state government at the district and state levels and the list of those has been sent to the central government," it read. It is noteworthy that the Central Government had decided to upgrade 14,500 schools across the country under the PM SHRI scheme. After the announcement of the PM, the Yogi government has provided funds for this in 2023-24. According to the Director General, School Education, Vijay Kiran Anand, under the 'PM SHRI' scheme of the Central Government, two eligible schools were selected from each block and applications were made from them. After this, these schools were evaluated at the BSA level. "Schools in rural areas that got more than 60 per cent marks passed and those that got less failed. Similarly, the cutoff in urban was 70 per cent. Only those schools which got marks above this passed. After this, verification of all these schools was done at the state level. Altogether the applications of 1753 schools in Uttar Pradesh have been sent to the Government of India. Of these, 89 schools are of the secondary level while the rest of the schools fall under basic education," it read. Under this scheme, these schools will be developed according to the National Education Policy 2020. Since this is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, 60 per cent amount will also be received from the Central Government. (ANI) Himachal Pradesh Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla on Sunday called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi. In this courtesy call, the Governor also discussed various developmental issues pertaining to Himachal Pradesh. "Governor of Himachal Pradesh, Shri Shiv Pratap Shukla, called on Prime Minister @narendramodi," Tweeted Raj Bhawan. Earlier on February 18, Shukla was announced as the state's Governor alongside a slew of other significant transfers including the Governors of 12 states and the Lt. Governor of 1 UT appointed by order of the President of India. He is the 29th person to assume the office of Governor of the Himalayan state superseding Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar. Shukla a resident of Rudrapur in UP's Gorakhpur has served as the Union Minister of State (MoS) Finance and has been a 4-time MLA, besides spending a tenure in Rajya Sabha as well. Shukla started his political journey with RSS-affiliated Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP). Talking with ANI previously Shukla said, "I would like to thank President Droupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with the Union Home Minister for giving me this responsibility under their leadership. Whatever responsibility will be assign to me, I will try to fulfil all and give my hundred per cent during my work tenure." Furthermore, he said, "I would definitely like to thank all my supporters and well-wishers who gathered at the residence to thank me for this. They all welcomed me with flowers, garlands and sweets and I am delighted." (ANI) Stating that the BJP has very "committed leaders and karyakartas," Karnataka Chief Minister Basavraj Bommai here on Sunday detailed the party high command's preparedness ahead of the mega-state election later this year. Speaking on a range of matters pertaining to the upcoming state elections, Bommai lauded BJP functionaries. In conversation with the media at his Hubli residence earlier today, the CM highlighted the party's decision to appoint Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan as the in-charge for the Karnataka election, while adding that Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya will be guiding the party in the election by staying in the state. Earlier, this month BJP appointed Pradhan as the party's incharge for the upcoming mega election in the state, while BJP Karnataka chief K Annamalai as the deputy incharge. Informing further about PM Modi's visit to Karnataka on Monday, he said, "World leader, our beloved Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji is visiting Karnataka tomorrow. He will inaugurate the airport in Shivmoga, alongside other developmental projects. Later he will be traveling to Belgaum to inaugurate railway projects and will release one installment of the Kisan Samman Yojana." Adding further CM Bommai said PM Modi will inaugurate the Mysore-Bengaluru highway on March 11 from Dharwad. Speaking at the occasion Bommai also praised Union Home Minister Amit Shah saying, "He stayed here in a house and conducted elections (2018 elections)", adding further that "He will also guide us by being in touch continuously with us." He also heaped huge praises on the BJP veteran and his predecessor Yediyurappa crediting him for making BJP strong in the state. He said the veteran leader will strengthen the party further. Apart from it, Bommai launched a scathing attack on Congress veteran Siddharmaiah, "I had told them (Congress) that they will get trapped in their own vortex of lies. They are under the delusion that telling a lie a thousand times will make it true." The 224-seat Karnataka assembly is slated to end on May 24, while the election is expected to be scheduled in April or May later this year. (ANI) Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers were heard chanting "Modi Mar Gaya" slogans outside Fatehpur Beri Police Station in support of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, who appeared before the CBI for interrogation in connection with alleged excise policy scam today. Earlier, the Delhi Police had detained 50 workers and leaders of the AAP. Delhi police said the AAP workers and prominent leaders, including Sanjay Singh, were detained allegedly for violating Section 144 of the CrPC. "A total 50 persons, including 42 men and 8 women, were detained," Delhi Police said. Trilok Puri MLA Rohit Kumar Mehraulia, Sangam Vihar MLA Dinesh Mohnia, Kondli MLA Kuldeep Singh, Rohtash Nagar ex-MLA Sarita Singh and Delhi minister Gopal Rai were among those arrested. The Delhi Deputy CM was summoned to CBI headquarters in CGO Complex at Lodhi Road. "As per SB input and local intelligence, there was an apprehension of a large gathering of supporters, voters and leaders of AAP at CGO. All arrangements, including deployment of personnel, had been in place since Saturday," an officer of Delhi Police said. The police further said that a few leaders and supporters of the AAP gathered with the intention of crossing the barricade and demonstrating near the CBI office. "However, they were stopped and not allowed to cross the barricade. They sat on the main road, obstructing traffic, around 12.25 pm. They were requested to vacate the place as Section 144 of CrPC was in force in the area. But they continued sitting and shouting slogans," the officer added. Earlier, the CBI had asked Sisodia to appear for questioning on February 19. However, the deputy CM, last Sunday, requested the central agency to defer the summons saying he was busy "preparing the Budget" and could only appear towards February-end. In August last year, the CBI searched Sisodia's bank locker in connection with the case. The deputy CM claimed the sleuths did not find any incriminating material in his locker. The CBI launched a probe into the matter on the basis of a report forwarded by the Delhi chief secretary to the Lieutenant Governor, recommending a probe by the central agency. Shortly before arriving at the CBI office, Sisodia said false cases were being lodged against leaders of the ruling party as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was "afraid" of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. "Conspiracies are being hatched by the CBI and ED and false cases are being lodged against our party leaders because PM Narendra Modi is afraid of CM Arvind Kejriwal's rising popularity. As AAP grows further, BJP will continue to slap false cases on us. We are not afraid of the CBI, ED and their false cases," Sisodia said, addressing supporters at Raj Ghat, claiming that people were starting to regard the AAP as an alternative to the BJP. He said that the PM, while not afraid of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, was scared of the AAP. "Everyone says that only AAP will rid the country of the BJP in future. Modi-ji may not be scared of Rahul Gandhi but if there's one party that he is scared, it is the AAP. They will put me in jail, but we are not afraid. We will fight. Kejriwal is the only future leader of this country," Sisodia said, addressing supporters at Raj Ghat. He further appealed to Arvind Kejriwal to "keep fighting" for the welfare of the people. "I want to tell Kejriwal-ji, please continue with what are you doing. Keep fighting for the welfare of the people," Sisodia said. "Friends, this is a difficult time. Today, they are going to arrest me and put me in jail in a fake case. But, I don't fear going to jail. We are sons of Bhagat Singh. I will go to jail for a few days (kuch din chale jayenge jail)," Sisodia said, requesting party supporters not to "leave" his family alone if he is jailed. "I want to request you all not to leave my mother and wife alone (Meri biwi aur maa ko akele mat chhodna)," he added. (ANI) A total of more than Rs 16,800 crores will be deposited directly in the accounts of more than eight crore farmers under the Scheme. The central event will take place at Belagavi in Karnataka, where the prime minister will be present. The 11th and 12th instalments under the scheme were given in May and October last year. In 2019, Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme was launched. The scheme is aimed to provide income support to all landholder farmer families across the country with cultivable land. Under the Scheme, an amount of Rs 6,000 per year is released in three instalments of Rs 2,000 each directly into the beneficiaries' bank accounts. All landholding farmer families in the country are eligible under PM KISAN, subject to certain exclusion criteria. "Till now, over 2.25 lakh crores of funds have been disbursed to more than 11 crore farmer families, primarily the small and marginal. Notably, during the Covid lockdown, Rs. 1.75 lakh crores were distributed in multiple instalments to support these needy farmers," an official release said Sunday. The release added that the scheme has also benefited over three crore women beneficiaries who have collectively received over Rs. 53,600 crores in funds. (ANI) Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Ramdas Athawale said that former state chief minister Uddhav Thackeray is responsible for the problems in the Shiv Sena. Addressing a press meeting here on Saturday, the Union Minister said, "For the problems in Shiv Sena, Uddhav Thackeray is responsible. Because 2019's mandate was that the government should be of BJP and Shiv Sena. But Uddhav Thackeray has left the alliance with BJP and joined hands with Congress and NCP. Therefore, problems occurred. Otherwise, if Uddhav Thackeray could be with the BJP, then there could be no dispute between Uddhav Thackeray and Eknath Shinde." He further said that the Eknath Shinde's government is a very strong government and they are taking important decisions. Speaking on the Congress' plenary session, Athawale said, "I respect Sonia Gandhi. But Rahul Gandhi is not a very strong man. He can't lead the party. That's why he resigned from the Congress presidentship after the defeat. Smriti Irani defeated Rahul Gandhi in Amethi. Comparing Rahul Gandhi to Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi can't defeat Narendra Modi." Athawale exuded confidence that the BJP-led NDA will come to power again as there is no Opposition. "There is no opposition. On one side there is Narendra Modi and another side all leaders, CPIM, CPI, Aam Aadmi Party, Congress, Mamata's party, Nitish Kumar's party, and NCP. There is no problem from coming again into the power for BJP and the NDA," he said. He further said that people would choose the leadership of Narendra Modi as people are not ready to support opposition parties. "Opposition is not united. If they are united, Narendra Modi will take more benefits. People will choose the leadership of Narendra Modi," he added. (ANI) Congress MP Shashi Tharoor on Saturday said the party could have been more vocal on the Bilkis Bano case, murders in the name of "cow vigilantism" and similar other issues. Speaking at the 85th plenary session of the party in Raipur, Tharoor spoke on a range of matters and said, "We (Congress) could have been more vocal on the Bilkis Bano outrage, murders in the name of cow vigilantism & similar issues. Indian people look for support from us. If we are not speaking up, we are surrendering our core responsibility." On August 15, 2022, the Gujarat government released the 11 convicts who were sentenced to life imprisonment for raping Bilkis Bano and killing her family members during the 2002 Godhra riots. Besides, Thiruvananthapuram MP also touched upon the alleged attacks on Churches. He weighed upon making attempts to strengthen the secular foundations of the country. Among other several matters, Congress MP also launched a scathing attack on the Modi government saying it refuses to take the nation into confidence on the vital foreign policies including the faceoff against China at the LAC. Tharoor reiterated his concern in conversation with the media after the event and said, "I spoke about the violence that is being inflicted in the name of 'Gau Rakshak.' The Congress party's ideology is aligned with the idea of speaking against injustice." Earlier this week, while speaking on party leader Pawan Khera's arrest, Tharoor termed the government's move as "shocking and outrageous" saying "there is no law in India that people can't make jokes about the Prime Minister." Congress' three days long plenary session ended today with former Congress president and Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi making an extensive remark on the party's Bharat Jodo Yatra. (ANI) IndiGo and GoFirst were forced to ground around 50 planes in the country due to the supply chain being affected by Pratt and Whitney (P&W) engines, informed a P&W spokesperson. As per an official statement from P&W, US-based aerospace manufacturer P&W is facing supply chain issues to replace engines for Indian customers. "We're experiencing global supply chain challenges which are limiting the availability of structural castings and other parts. We're progressing on our mitigation strategies with our supply base and expanding MRO network capacity while continuing hardware and software upgrades to extend engine time on the wing. At the same time, we're coordinating closely with customers on solutions to minimize operational disruption. We expect supply chain pressures to ease later this year, which will support the output of both production and MRO engines," a P&W spokesperson said. It said that this had affected P&W's supply chain globally without citing the ongoing Russia and Ukraine aggression but the company mentioned in its statement that they are under pressure. "The engines also have a dispatch reliability rate on par with mature engines like our V2500 for the A320ceo family. Engine availability is under pressure from a combination of engine time on the wing, particularly in certain harsh operating environments, and the availability of hardware to upgrade and overhaul engines. Like many in the industry," according to P&W statement. India's low-cost carrier Indigo currently has the maximum number of aircraft engines that are going to be replaced in the coming days with around 30 aircraft in their fleet standing and waiting for an engine replacement. "Globally, the aviation industry continues to face significant supply chain disruptions. While it is our immediate priority to deploy adequate capacity to serve our customers, we are actively engaged with our OEM partners to work on mitigation measures that should ensure the continuity of our network and operations," IndiGo said. "As we work on various cost-efficient countermeasures with our OEM partners, the endeavour is to minimize the economic impact of AOG, resulting from this global disruption," it added. In a recent interview with ANI DGCA chief Arun Kumar said, "The most difficult task in my tenure was the incidents like a failure of jet engines in the air. In my early days in DGCA, it was very challenging for me as chief of aviation regulator to ask airlines to change the engines as soon as possible." Although the go-first airline company has not issued any statement on the grounding of some of its fleet due to engine replacement by P&W, the company responded in January this year that, "Pratt & Whitney is still dealing with its supply chain issues and though there is improvement the complete resolution may take time. Pratt & Whitney provided 17 serviceable engines in December and we were able to make 8 aircraft serviceable. Similarly, we are expecting 20 more serviceable engines to be received by February - March 2023," the Go First statement has issued on January 2023. Go First is very hopeful that the rest of the engines will be replaced by March of this year as per their statement. ANI reported in 2019 when DGCA issued instructions to IndiGo and GoAir to ensure that it does not operate any Neo aircraft with two Pratt and Whitney 1100 series engines that have been used for more than 3,000 hours each. At that time GoAir had 13 such aircraft and Indigo had 16 such aircraft in 2019. (ANI) The Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi on Sunday held a top-level meeting in Mumbai, ahead of the Budget session. Senior Aghadi leaders like Ajit Pawar, Aditya Thackeray, Chhagan Bhujbal, Ambadas Danve, Jitendra Awhad, Anil Parab and others attended the meeting. The meeting was held to discuss the strategy of the alliance ahead of the budget session of the assembly on Monday. The meeting was held in Vidhan Bhavan under the leadership of Ajit Pawar, who is also the leader of the opposition in the Legislative Assembly. The leaders of the Congress couldn't attend the meeting as they were in Raipur in Chhattisgarh to attend the party's plenary session. "The Maha Vikas Aghadi will be boycotting the tea party on behalf of the government before the budget session of the legislature," said Pawar after the meeting. However, senior Congress leader Balasaheb Thorat and other leaders spoke to Ajit Pawar over phone and expressed their support for the decisions taken in the meeting. Alleging that law and order situation of the state is deteriorating with each day, Pawar claimed that there are death threats to the leaders of the Aghadi. "Sanjay Raut, Aditya Thackeray, Ashok Chavan and other leaders are being threatened and attacked. What is happening!," said Thackeray. "Rajendra Tukaram Chavan, a farmer of Borgaon Barshi village in Solapur district of Maharashtra, sold 500 kg of onions in the market and after deducting the money for carriage, weighing and wages, he received a cheque of only two rupees," said Pawar. "This is very unfortunate, the government should think about it, the farmers are being tortured," said Pawar. He said that farmers' loan issues, suicide cases and many other important matters were discussed at the meeting on Sunday. Attacking Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Pawar said, "There is a lot of anger against him in the minds of the people." "Bill for food and drinks at the bunglow of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra has reached to 2 crores and 68 lakhs in four months," alleged Pawar. Many files are lying idle in government departments. The government is not paying any attention to the common man. Ajit Pawar has demanded a caste based census in Maharashtra in the manner in which it was conducted in Bihar. "If Bihar government can do it, why not the Maharashtra Government," said the opposition leader. Standing by Uddhav Thackarey's statement of a mid-term election in the state, Pawar said, "There has been a demand in the past also to hold the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections together and such a possibility can be created in 2024." (ANI) Every time Meghalaya goes to polls, the names of some candidates and voters have always caught everyone's attention and the situation is the same this time as well. Among candidates in the fray for Monday's Meghalaya Assembly elections are 'Moonlight', 'Firstborn Manner', 'Auspicious', 'Sounder Strong', and others touching across the parties vying for their fate. Not just the candidates' names, the names of voters which are after the countries and Indian states have also caught the wide attention of the people. Names of some voters in the poll-bound states are amusing and downright bizarre. These are Firstborn Khiewtam, Thursday Diengdoh, Sunday Diengdoh, Nuclear Khiewtam, Jupiter, Venus Khongtim, Saturn, Remainder Khongsdam, July Khongsdam, Complan Tangsong, Councilor Tangsong, Gentle Tangsong, Favour, Player, Meghalaya Khongtim, Rajdoot Jymmang, First Starwell Khongyiang, Double Bless Khongwir, Faithful Massar, Everyday Tangsong, Tripura Khongim, Tibet Diengdoh, Sweden Kharjana, and Village Khongtim are among a few of them. Primarily these voters reside in remote border villages of the state. According to locals, most people in these areas have a fondness for English and name themselves or their kin after fancy English words. And, as is evidenced by some of the names on the electoral rolls, they couldn't care less about the meaning of the English words they were named after. Whereas some intriguing names of other candidates in the fray for Monday's polls and the party they come from are Moonlight Pariot (UDP), Coming One Ymbon (NPP), Lasting Suchiang (TMC), Firstborn Manner (BJP), Sunmoon D Marak (TMC), Sunshine Makri (UDP), Mayborn Grace Lyngdoh (Voice of The People Party), Process T Sawkmie (UDP), Brightstarwell Marbaniang (Voice of The People Party), Manuel Badwar (Congress), Auspicious Lyngdoh Mawphlang (PDF), Playness Khiewtam (TMC), Wellborn Bynnud (Congress), Counsellor Mukhim (BJP), Fourteenson Lyngkhoi (Congress), Sounder Strong Cajee (TMC), and Starline Momin (Independent). Umniuh Nongrim, a village close to the Indo-Bangladesh border in the Shella assembly constituency of East Khasi Hills district, has 745 registered voters. In contrast, Umniuh B, another remote village in this poll-bound Northeast state, has 781 voters. And, as it turns out, the majority of voters come from these villages. Voting in Meghalaya will take place on Monday and the counting of votes for the 60-member Meghalaya Assembly election will be done on March 2. (ANI) The exercise is scheduled from March 6 to March 24. "The Exercise Cobra Warrior is a multilateral Air exercise in which Air Forces from Finland, Sweden, South Africa, the United States of America and Singapore would also be participating alongside the Royal Air Force and IAF," it read. According to the Ministry, of Defence, the IAF is participating in the exercise this year with five Mirage 2000 fighters, two C-17 Globemaster III and an IL-78 mid-air refueller aircraft. The aim of the exercise is to participate in diverse fighter aircraft engagements and learn from the best practices of various Air Forces. Meanwhile, Indian Air Force Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari on Feb 25, 2023, addressed officers of the Higher Command Course of all 3 services at Army War College on the IAF capabilities & conduct of joint operations. (ANI) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Sunday arrested Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in connection with the alleged Delhi liquor excise policy case, after eight hours of questioning. Shortly before arriving at the CBI office for questioning, the Deputy Chief Minister said false cases are being lodged against leaders of the ruling party as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was "afraid" of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. "Conspiracies are being hatched by the CBI and ED and false cases being lodged against our party leaders because PM Narendra Modi is afraid of CM Arvind Kejriwal's rising popularity. As AAP grows further, BJP will continue to slap false cases on us. We are not afraid of the CBI, ED and their false cases," Sisodia said, claiming that people were starting to regard the AAP as an alternative to the BJP. He said that the PM, while not afraid of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, was scared of the AAP. "Everyone says that only AAP will rid the country of the BJP in future. Modi-ji may not be scared of Rahul Gandhi but if there's one party that he is scared, it is the AAP. They will put me in jail, but we are not afraid. We will fight. Kejriwal is the only future leader of this country," Sisodia said, addressing supporters at Raj Ghat. He further appealed to Arvind Kejriwal to "keep fighting" for the welfare of the people. "I want to tell Kejriwal-ji, please continue with what are you doing. Keep fighting for the welfare of the people," Sisodia said. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers were heard chanting "Modi Mar Gaya" slogans outside Fatehpur Beri Police Station in support of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, who appeared before the CBI for interrogation in connection with alleged excise policy scam today. The Delhi Police had detained 50 workers and leaders of the AAP. Delhi police said the AAP workers and prominent leaders, including Sanjay Singh, were detained allegedly for violating Section 144 of the CrPC. "A total 50 persons, including 42 men and 8 women, were detained," Delhi Police said. Trilok Puri MLA Rohit Kumar Mehraulia, Sangam Vihar MLA Dinesh Mohnia, Kondli MLA Kuldeep Singh, Rohtash Nagar ex-MLA Sarita Singh and Delhi minister Gopal Rai were among those arrested. Earlier, the CBI had asked Sisodia to appear for questioning on February 19. On last Sunday, Sisodia requested the central agency to defer questioning saying that he is "preparing the budget" at present and can only appear before it towards February-end. However, Sisodia has not been named an accused in the chargesheet filed in the case. Arrested businessmen Vijay Nair and Abhishek are among the seven accused named in the chargesheet. In August last year, the CBI searched Sisodia's bank locker in connection with the case. The deputy CM claimed the sleuths did not find any incriminating material in his locker. Several raids were conducted at 21 places in Delhi and the National Capital Region, including Sisodia's residence, and the premises of four public servants last year, according to a CBI officer, who further said that the raids were conducted across 7 states. The CBI launched a probe in the matter on the basis of a report forwarded by the Delhi chief secretary to L-G Saxena recommending a probe by the central agency. (ANI) Pictures of several Muslim party leaders and freedom fighters including Maulana Abul Kalam Azad were missing from the Congress advertisement for the party's 85th plenary. The Congress apologised after its received criticism from other parties for omitting the image of Maulana Azad and including the picture of former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao. Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh apologised for the mistake and said that action will be taken. "Today an ad released by INC did not carry a photograph of Maulana Azad. It was an inexcusable slipup. Responsibility for it is being fixed and action will be taken. Meanwhile, this is a most sincere apology from us. He will always remain an iconic and inspiring figure for us and India," said Ramesh in a tweet. An advertisement issued by the party in several newspapers had images of top Congress leaders from Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and B R Ambedkar to Rajiv Gandhi and P V Narasimha Rao. Party MP Manish Tewari took a serious view of the matter and said someone wants to airbrush their contribution from annals of History. "The @INCIndia has a pantheon of Muslim leaders who struggled against fissiparous tendencies, especially within their community that led to the creation of Pakistan and dedicated themselves to the inclusive idea of India. Someone wants to airbrush their contribution from annals of History," he said in a tweet. However, Congress tweeted pictures from the plenary session where photos of Maulana Azad were installed. "Maulana Azad and all freedom fighters are at the core of the Congress party and our ideology. A picture of our esteemed leader Maulana Azad on the Dias of the 85th Plenary Session says it all!" party's Secretary of Communications Vaibhav Walia said in a tweet along with the photos from the session. The All India Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) questioned the inclusion of a photo of Narasimha Rao in the advertisement and said, "The inclusion of PV Narasimha Rao says everything we need to know about Congress party's "secularism". As Prime Minister, Narasimha Rao played an essential role in the demolition of Babri Masjid. It should not be forgiven or forgotten." It is pertinent to mention, Narasimha Rao was criticised for 'not doing enough' to stop the demolition of the Babri Masjid which took place on December 6, 1992, when he was the Prime Minister. Congress leader Salman Anees Soz also talked about the party ad "that features its most prominent leaders but regrettably omits Maulana Azad". "I am told that one image was put out erroneously. Maulana Azad is one of the greatest Congress leaders and features prominently at the #AICCPlenary," he added, while posting a picture showing Azad's photo on the plenary dais. Ameeque Jamei, the national spokesperson of the Samajwadi Party, suggested it was a calculated move to keep out the man who advocated the cause of Muslims and backwards. "It is part of a design that the name of the man who originally worked for Bharat Jodo, Maulana Abul Kamal Azad, is missing. Is this the picture of future India?" Jamei tweeted. Congress' 85th plenary session ended on Sunday. (ANI) Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said that Mission Employment is moving forward with the inspiration of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that security and rule of law are the prerequisites for good governance and therefore, the morale of the Police force must remain high. Addressing the appointment letter distribution program of 9,055 Sub Inspector Civil Police, Platoon Commander PAC and Fire Officers selected by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board organized at Indira Gandhi Pratishthan under Mission Employment, CM Yogi added that while the Police force must be friendly and sensitive towards the common man, they must not spare criminals and anti-social elements, following the policy of zero tolerance towards crime and criminals. The CM congratulated the selected candidates and their parents on the occasion and said that they must upgrade their skills and knowledge of technology to deal with the new age crimes. "Earlier, crime was geographical, but today it is not restricted by borders. We will be able to control crime only when we think ten steps ahead of the criminal. To prevent cybercrime in the state, our government has set up cyber police stations and help desks in 18 ranges", he said. CM Yogi said that the state government has done excellent work in the field of women's safety as well. Uttar Pradesh is one of the leading states in the country to implement e-prosecution, he pointed out. "We are working towards police reforms. Since 1973 there was a demand for the Police Commissioner system in the state. Today, the Police Commissioner system is implemented in seven cities of the state, giving a sense of security to the people. CM Yogi said that this is the same Uttar Pradesh, where investors once closed their businesses and left the state. There was mass migration from towns like Kairana and Kandhla. He said the people who were forced to flee Kairana have come back home and the now criminals have run away from the town. "This has been possible because of improved security. He said that recently the Global Investors Summit (GIS-23) was organised in UP, which was attended by investors from both within the country and abroad. The investors who were earlier afraid to come to UP stayed in Lucknow for three days and 25,000 of them signed investment proposals worth Rs 35 lakh crore," he said. "During previous government, 1.5 lakh police posts were vacant and as many as 54 Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) had been dissolved. We reorganized the PACs and filled all the 1.5 lakh vacant posts in the police force. Today the number of women in the police force has increased three times. As many as 18 cities of the state are on way to become safe cities", the CM remarked. Speaking about India's G-20 persidency, CM Yogi said that in the first year of Amritkal, India is presiding over the G20 under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi. A three-day summit related to its digital economy was organized in Lucknow in which representatives of organizations from 20 countries, seven friendly countries and seven other countries also participated. He said that both during the G20 and GIS, the delegates were impressed by the arrangements and hospitality. They appreciated the behaviour of the police towards them and the citizens. "If there is no misbehavior with any guest and citizen, people do not get stuck in traffic jams and there is no place for any kind of anarchy and hooliganism, then we should believe that we are going in the right direction", CM Yogi remarked further. He also encouraged the selected candidates to sweat more during training to prepare themselves for the police force. CM Yogi said that today people's perception of Uttar Pradesh has changed in the last six years. "Six years ago, our youths had to hide their identity outside Uttar Pradesh. Districts had earned bad name for no fault of theirs, but because of poor governance system. There were many districts of the state whose youth did not want to be named. The fault was not with the land, but with the system. Today the people of 75 districts of the state can proudly take the name of their district. Today people can say that they are from Azamgarh", he said. CM Yogi said that the Fire Brigade was devoid of basic facilities and today it boasts of state-of-the-art facilities. Three women battalions have also been formed. New battalions of PAC are also being formed in sensitive districts. "In 2017, the training capacity of the Police force was only 6,000, which has increased three times now. Infrastructure facilities have been increased in police lines, police stations and police outposts. Compared to 2017, the number of women personnel in the Police force has also trebled," he said and added that Uttar Pradesh is building its own forensic institute, in which the course will start from this session itself. CM Yogi said that the government is also taking forward its Safe City programme with 18 municipal corporations on the way to becoming Safe Cities. CM Yogi said that since 2017, his government provided 5.5 lakh government jobs. (ANI) Rapid Action Force (RAF) has been deployed outside the CBI headquarters after Deputy CM Manish Sisodia was arrested in connection with excise policy case. On Sunday, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in connection with the alleged Delhi liquor excise policy case, after eight hours of questioning. Shortly before arriving at the CBI office for questioning, the Deputy Chief Minister said false cases are being lodged against leaders of the ruling party as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was "afraid" of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. "Conspiracies are being hatched by the CBI and ED and false cases being lodged against our party leaders because PM Narendra Modi is afraid of CM Arvind Kejriwal's rising popularity. "As AAP grows further, BJP will continue to slap false cases on us. We are not afraid of the CBI, ED and their false cases," Sisodia said, claiming that people were starting to regard the AAP as an alternative to the BJP. He said that the PM, while not afraid of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, was scared of the AAP. "Everyone says that only AAP will rid the country of the BJP in future. Modi-ji may not be scared of Rahul Gandhi but if there's one party that he is scared, it is the AAP. They will put me in jail, but we are not afraid. We will fight. Kejriwal is the only future leader of this country," Sisodia said, addressing supporters at Raj Ghat. He further appealed to Arvind Kejriwal to "keep fighting" for the welfare of the people."I want to tell Kejriwal-ji, please continue with what you are you doing. Keep fighting for the welfare of the people," Sisodia said. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers were heard chanting "Modi Mar Gaya" slogans outside Fatehpur Beri Police Station in support of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, who appeared before the CBI for interrogation in connection with alleged excise policy scam today. The Delhi Police had detained 50 workers and leaders of the AAP. Delhi police said the AAP workers and prominent leaders, including Sanjay Singh, were detained allegedly for violating Section 144 of the CrPC. "A total 50 persons, including 42 men and 8 women, were detained," Delhi Police said. Trilok Puri MLA Rohit Kumar Mehraulia, Sangam Vihar MLA Dinesh Mohnia, Kondli MLA Kuldeep Singh, Rohtash Nagar ex-MLA Sarita Singh and Delhi minister Gopal Rai were among those arrested. Earlier, the CBI had asked Sisodia to appear for questioning on February 19. On last Sunday, Sisodia requested the central agency to defer questioning saying that he is "preparing the budget" at present and can only appear before it towards February-end. However, Sisodia has not been named as an accused in the chargesheet filed in the case. Arrested businessmen Vijay Nair and Abhishek are among the seven accused named in the chargesheet. In August last year, the CBI searched Sisodia's bank locker in connection with the case. The deputy CM claimed the sleuths did not find any incriminating material in his locker. Several raids were conducted at 21 places in Delhi and the National Capital Region, including Sisodia's residence, and the premises of four public servants last year, according to a CBI officer, who further said that the raids were conducted across 7 states. The CBI launched a probe in the matter on the basis of a report forwarded by the Delhi chief secretary to L-G Saxena recommending a probe by the central agency. (ANI) Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Sunday attended the 62nd Annual Conference of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha held at Patgaon in Kokrajhar district. Addressing the occasion, Chief Minister Sarma lauded the role of Bodo Sahitya Sabha in the enrichment of the Bodo language and literature. Chief Minister Sarma said, "Assamese culture has benefitted immensely from the richness of Bodo art and literary tradition, adding that all necessary steps were taken to ensure the Bodo language is accorded its due status in the education sector." He further added that the Bodo language shall be introduced up to 12th standards in educational institutions and that 10 colleges within the Bodol and Territorial Region shall be provincialised in days to come, the cost for which shall be borne by the government. The Chief Minister also spoke about the contributions made by "Bodofa" Upendra Nath Brahma towards the overall uplift of the Bodo population. He exuded confidence the decision to extend the territorial extent of BTR as announced on January 26, 2023, would lead to further uplift of the Bodo population and would go a long way in fulfilling their hopes and aspirations. Stressing the role of knowledge and wisdom in enlightening society, Chief Minister Dr. Sarma urged upon the Bodo Sahitya Sabha, the All Bodo Students Union and the BTR administration to do everything in their capacity to bring an educational revolution in the region. He also urged upon the Bodo Sahitya Sabha to prepare a comprehensive dictionary in the Bodo language while assuring of all necessary support from the government. President of Bodo Sahitya Sabha Taren Boro, Chief Executive of BTR Pramod Boro, Speaker of Assam Legislative Assembly Biswajit Daimary, Minister of Assam Cabinet U.G. Brahma, along with a host of other dignitaries and guests were also present today. Earlier in the day, CM Sarma also attended the Open Session of the 36th Annual Conference and the Golden Jubilee celebration of All Rabha Sahitya Sabha at Loharghat in Kamrup district. Sarma, speaking at the event of All Rabha Sahitya Sabha, appealed to the members of the Rabha community to stay rooted to their identity, heritage and culture, while adding that a community cannot thrive by severing its ties with its roots. He also stressed upon the need for an educational revolution among the members of the Rabha community so as to enable them to walk hand-in-hand with their counterparts from other communities. The Chief Minister stated that the government would grant an amount of Rs 2 crore for the construction of a permanent office of the All Rabha Sahitya Sabha. He further announced a grant of Rs 50 lakh to the All Rabha Sahitya Sabha so as to cover the expenses of 119 books published in relation to the annual conference. Members of Legislative Assembly Hemanga Thakuria, Prithviraj Rabha, Chief Executive of Rabha Autonomous Council Tankeswar Rabha, along with a host of other dignitaries and guests were also present. (ANI) Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is organizing a two day "Chintan Shivir" on "Drugs: Quality regulation and Enforcement" on February 26 and 27 at Kanha Shanti Vanam in Telangana. Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya is chairing the event which is also being attended by Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare Dr Bharati Pravin Pawar, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Dr. Bhagwant Khuba and NITI Aayog Member Dr. V K Paul. "This is a multi-stakeholder exercise which will last for two days. The government of India is represented by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Department of Pharmaceuticals, the Department of Health Research, the Office of Drugs Controller General of India and the NITI Aayog, while the States are being represented by State Drug Controllers and the Principal Secretaries of Health of various State Governments," said Rajesh Bhushan, Secretary of Health, Government of India, while speaking to ANI. "We also have industry representation, federations that represent big pharma as well as MSME's. So the aim of this multi-stakeholder consultation that will continue for the next two days is to ensure the quality of Indian drugs and pharmaceuticals, as well as their safety, efficacy and the concept of trust, should get deepened. At the same time, we would also want to know the major concerns of State Governments as far as drug regulation is concerned and implementation of various provisions of drugs and cosmetics act is concerned," he said. "Another objective of this exercise is to obtain valuable suggestions from all stakeholders with respect to the new drugs and cosmetics bill which is visualizing a comprehensive amendment and modification of the existing drug regulatory system in the country," he added. "India is known as the Pharmacy of the whole world. With the motive of making the Pharma Industry bigger in India and the quality of medicines made in the pharma industry excellent, a Chintan Shivir of all the health secretaries of all the states and the State Drug Controllers has been organized today in Hyderabad," said Aparna, Secretary of Pharma, Government of India, while speaking to ANI. "Our Honorable Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya is present at the meeting. The Health Ministry has organized this event and SDC's of all states have presented their side and suggestions with great enthusiasm. Five sessions will be held here, in which we will discuss about building trust and confidence in quality, enforcement, IT systems and others. The work of policy formulation and implementation is being done here based on the suggestions and inputs given by all the states," she added. (ANI) Photo: DriveBC The Coquihalla Summit Sunday morning. UPDATE 2:55 p.m. A winter storm warning continues for the Shuswap region. Environment Canada says heavy snow is creating challenging travel conditions and reduced visibility. The warning includes Revelstoke, Malakwa, Shuswap and the Trans-Canada Highway through Eagle Pass and Rogers Pass. An unstable convective band pushing through the area could bring an additional 5 to 10 cm of snow. The area of heavy snowfall will be highly localized, says Environment Canada. Visibility may be suddenly reduced at times in heavy snow. Drivers are advised to consider postponing non-essential travel until conditions improve. A winter storm warning is also in effect for the West Columbia region. Warnings have ended for the North Thompson and Arrow Lakes. ORIGINAL 11:15 a.m. Snow fell across British Columbia overnight, and more is expected at higher elevations. While Kelowna saw a relatively light dusting fall on the city, elsewhere in the Interior, Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island saw significant accumulation. According to Environment Canada, Vernon saw 16 cm of snow over the past 24 hours, while the Salmon Arm airport recorded 10 cm. A hefty 31 cm fell in Revelstoke, and Malakwa was one of the hardest hit areas in the province, where 48 cm of snow was recorded. Environment Canada reported that only the Squamish region saw more snow, with up to 49 cm recorded. The Metro Vancouver area got its fair share of accumulation as well, with 11 cm falling at the Vancouver International Airport and 31 cm falling in Coquitlam. And parts of Vancouver Island were also hit hard, with Ucluelet seeing 32 cm of snow and Port Alberni recording 11 cm. Just four cm fell over Victoria. While the sun is shining over downtown Kelowna Sunday morning, melting most of the snow received overnight, a winter storm warning remains in effect for local mountain highways. Further accumulations of up to 25 cm are expected on the Coquihalla through to Sunday evening. To the east, up to 40 cm of snow is forecast on Highway 3, between the Paulson Summit and Kootenay Pass. And on the Trans-Canada Highway through Rogers Pass, another 40 cm is also expected to fall through to late Sunday. This section of the highway is closed through to 6 p.m. Sunday as highway crews work on avalanche mitigation along the mountain corridor. And Environment Canada warns that the long-duration snowfall event will continue in a number of Interior communities, including Clearwater, Barriere, Blue River, Kinbasket, Revelstoke, Malakwa, Arrow-Slocan Lakes and the Shuswap area. A frontal system will continue to give heavy snow to the B.C. interior, Environment Canada says. As the front moves southward, the snow will taper off to a few flurries late Sunday. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Sanjay Singh on Sunday claimed that he along with other party leaders including Delhi minister Gopal Rai was arrested but the police said they were only detained. "Delhi Police has arrested me, minister Gopal Rai ji along with MLA Rituraj Jha, Dinesh Mohania, Rohit Mehraulia, Adil Khan along with many councillors and workers at Fatehpur Beri police station. Will not be afraid, will not bow down, will keep fighting," Singh said. Delhi Police said the AAP workers and prominent leaders, including Sanjay Singh, were detained allegedly for violating Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) for protesting near the CBI office where Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was being questioned in the Delhi excise policy scam case. Chandan Chaudhary, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) South, said, "Total of 36 persons including Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh, Delhi Minister Gopal Rai, Trilokpuri MLA Rohit Kumar Mehraulia and Sangam Vihar MLA Dinesh Mohnia have been detained for violating the provisions section 144 CrPC imposed in South District. They were detained today afternoon at around 1240 hrs from Lodhi Road near CGO picket." Earlier in the day, a Delhi Police officer had said, "As per input and local intelligence, there was an apprehension of a large gathering of supporters, voters and leaders of AAP at CGO. All arrangements, including deployment of personnel, had been in place since Saturday." The police further said that a few leaders and supporters of the AAP gathered with the intention of crossing the barricade and demonstrating near the CBI office. "However, they were stopped and not allowed to cross the barricade. They sat on the main road, obstructing traffic, around 12.25 pm. They were requested to vacate the place as Section 144 of CrPC was in force in the area. But they continued sitting and shouting slogans," the officer added. Notably, Deputy Chief Minister Sisodia was arrested in connection with the alleged Delhi liquor excise policy case, after eight hours of questioning on Sunday. Earlier, the CBI had asked Sisodia to appear for questioning on February 19. However, the deputy CM, last Sunday, requested the central agency to defer the summons saying he was busy "preparing the Budget" and could only appear towards February-end. In August last year, the CBI searched Sisodia's bank locker in connection with the case. The deputy CM claimed the sleuths did not find any incriminating material in his locker. The CBI launched a probe into the matter on the basis of a report forwarded by the Delhi chief secretary to the Lieutenant Governor, recommending a probe by the central agency. (ANI) Reacting to NCP leader Ajit Pawar's allegations that the food and drinks bill of Maharashtra Chief Minister's residence has amounted to two crore and 68 lakhs in the last four months, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said that people from far flung areas of the state come to the Chief Minister's residence with their requests and demands and they are offered tea and water there. "Does he not know that thousands of people come from far flung areas to meet the Chief Minister everyday. Should we not give them even tea or water?," the CM said. "They are given tea, not biriyani. It is in our culture that when someone comes they are offered tea and water," he added and said that when Uddhav Thackrey was the CM, 34 lakh rupees were spent even though the entire process was online. Attacking Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Pawar on sunday said that the food and drinks bill at the Chief Minister's bunglow has reached to 2 crores and 68 lakhs on four months. The Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi on Sunday organised a top level meeting in Mumbai, ahead of the Budget session in the Maharashtra state assembly. Senior Aghadi leaders like Ajit Pawar, Aditya Thackeray, Chhagan Bhujbal, Ambadas Danve, Jitendra Awhad, Anil Parab and others attended the meeting. The meeting was held to discuss the strategy of the alliance ahead of the budget session of the assembly which begins on Monday. Many files are lying idle in the government departments. The government is not paying any attention to the common man. Ajit Pawar has demanded a caste based census in Maharashtra in the manner in which it was conducted in Bihar. "If Bihar government can do it, why not the Maharashtra Government," said the opposition leader. Standing by Uddhav Thackeray's statement of a mid-term election in the state, Pawar said, "There has been a demand in the past also to hold the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections together and such a possibility can be created in 2024." (ANI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release Rs 2,000 each to farmers under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme (PM-KISAN) scheme on Monday, said a press release by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare on Sunday. A total of more than Rs. 16,800 crores will be deposited directly in the accounts of more than eight crore farmers under the Scheme, added the press release. The highly anticipated release of the PM-KISAN 13th instalment, in conjunction with the Indian Railways and the Jal Jeevan Mission, will take place at Belagavi, Karnataka. The Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Narendra Singh Tomar and the Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Manoj Ahuja will be present. The event is anticipated to draw an impressive attendance of over one lakh attendees, comprising PM-KISAN and Jal Jeevan Mission beneficiaries. The 11th and 12th instalments under the Scheme were given in May and October last year. With the release of the 13th instalment, the government has continued its commitment to support India's farmers and help them achieve their livelihood goals. The PM-KISAN Scheme has already provided significant benefits to farmers across the country, and this latest instalment will further boost their incomes and contribute to the growth of the agriculture sector. PM Modi launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Scheme in 2019. The Scheme aims to provide income support to all landholder farmer families across the country with cultivable land, subject to specific exclusions. Under the Scheme, an amount of Rs 6000 per year is released in three instalments of Rs 2000 each directly into the beneficiaries' bank accounts. All landholding farmer families in the country are eligible under PM KISAN, subject to certain exclusion criteria. Till now, over 2.25 lakh crores of funds have been disbursed to more than 11 crore farmer families, primarily the small and marginal. Notably, during the Covid lockdown, Rs. 1.75 lakh crores were distributed in multiple instalments to support these needy farmers. The Scheme has also benefited over three crore women beneficiaries who have collectively received over Rs. 53,600 crores in funds. The initiative's funds have spurred rural economic growth, eased credit constraints for farmers and boosted agricultural investments. It has also increased farmers' risk-taking capacity, leading to more productive investments. According to IFPRI, PM-KISAN funds are helping recipients meet their agricultural needs and other expenses like education, medical care and marriage. (ANI) Sisodia will be presented at the Rouse Avenue Courts on Monday. A Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) source said the probe agency needs to question Sisodia to confront him with the co-accused. The Aam Aadmi Party leader would also be confronted with documentary and digital evidence. Sisodia was placed under arrest after eight hours of long questioning. The CBI has filed a chargesheet in the matter. A source said the agency is all set to file the first supplementary chargesheet in the case. The CBI had on February 8 arrested Hyderabad-based Chartered Accountant Butchibabu Gorantla, the former CA of BRS leader K. Kavitha -- daughter of Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao. Sisodia was also questioned about Butchibabu. --IANS atk/pgh ( 172 Words) 2023-02-26-20:22:03 (IANS) Tibetans in Tibet have told their relatives in exile to refrain from contacting them during the Tibetan New Year, Losar, from February 20-26, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported. This comes as Tibetans fear persecution by Chinese authorities amid an increase in surveillance activities and surprise security searches during the politically sensitive time, sources in the region said, according to RFA. Chinese authorities have during Losar celebrations, clamped down on Tibetans, with cellphone checks and raids in Lhasa, Xigatse and Chamdo, the sources said The Chinese authorities before the holiday warned against holding events that could endanger national security and said they would take immediate action against them. A Tibetan living in Dharamsala, India, called his relatives in China's western Tibet Autonomous Region to wish them well for the Tibetan New Year, but they asked that he not contact them, RFA reported. "After a long time, I called my family members in Lhasa to give them Losar greetings, but then they anxiously told me not to contact them on special occasions such as the Tibetan New Year and other sensitive days," said the Tibetan. According to RFA, China rules Tibet with a tight grip, restricting Tibetans' political activities and expression of cultural and religious identity, especially during festivals like Losar. Tibetans say Chinese authorities trample on their human rights and are trying to stamp out their religious, linguistic and cultural identity. Chinese security forces are usually deployed in large numbers in Tibetan-populated areas to monitor crowds gathered for religious festivals and to prevent possible protests during Losar. A London-based non-profit independent think tank Open Forum organised a webinar on January 26 addressing the atrocities that China is making Tibetans go through. In the webinar, Tibet's activists in exile and campaign groups expressed how "systematically," and "brazenly" China is crushing Tibet's identity and culture when the world is busy doing trade with it. Imagine demolishing the home you built with your own hand. This is the predicament of Tibetans living in the Drago county of the Tibetan province of Kham, 'known for their strong cultural and religious heritage, according to a ground-breaking report released by the London-based non-profit organization, Free Tibet on 23 January 2023 along with their charitable research arm, Tibet Watch. Speaking at the webinar about the first-time-ever findings of the Tibet Watch report the policy and research manager of Free Tibet, John Jones, said, "senior monks are summoned to convince people to demolish their own school." The forum heard they are threatened with "reprisals," if they don't comply. This is not all, those who showed remorse for such destruction were imprisoned. (ANI) The number of tourists in Bhutan is expected to increase with the opening of the Trans Bhutan Trail, The Bhutan Live reported. The Trans Bhutan Trail stretches 4033 km between Haa in the far west and Trashigang in the east and crosses 27 villages and nine districts of Bhutan. The Trans Bhutan Trail was not used as the main route of transportation after the construction of Bhutan's first national highway in 1962. Its maintenance was totally neglected which led to the collapse of bridges, footpaths and stairways with the passage of time. The Trans Bhutan Trail was revived after 60 years and the credit goes to Bhutan's King whose vision was to preserve the nation's unique past. The Trail dates back to the 16th century when it was the only means of transportation for rulers, tourists, monks, traders and those trail runners called ' garps' whose work was to deliver political messages to the dzongs across the country. The Trans Bhutan Trail organisation, a non-profit social enterprise, has been instrumental in the popularity of the trail. The organisation helps to connect with the local guides and the local farmhouses that enable tourists to have a glimpse of rural life. Together with the Trans Bhutan Trail organisation, the guides have started creating a Trans Bhutan Trail Passport programme. To date, more than 60 "Passport Ambassadors" who host tourists have spread across Bhutan and the majority of them are women, as per the news report. Local farmers serve tourists a traditional meal at their homes while sharing their culture and heritage with their guests, The Bhutan Live reported, adding that some people offer cooking demonstrations while others indulge tourists in traditional hot stone baths. The partnership empowers women to work in the tourism sector and earn a sustainable income. It also provides travellers with a deep cultural understanding and connection with some of the most remote communities and people in Bhutan, added the news report. Zangmo, one of the women opening her house to the tourists, said, "I wanted to open the doors of my farmhouse to tourism in 2018 but then the pandemic hit and ruined my plans," The Bhutan Live reported. She added, "Then last year, a guide from the TBT knocked on my door and invited me to be an ambassador, which changed my life. Not only can I make some extra money for my family, but I also have the opportunity to interact with people from around the world and learn new things." Tourists are welcomed with traditional drinks like Suja and Jaju (spinach and milk soup) and then served lunch or dinner, stated the news report, adding that they even enjoy eating Bhutanese dishes like Emma Datshi and Margu. The sight of chillies drying on the rooftops of villagers is a new experience to watch for foreign tourists, it stated further. (ANI) The Danish royal couple arrived on Monday on a four-day visit to India, starting Sunday, February 26, to March 2. Ministry of External Affairs official spokesperson Arindam Bagchi took to his Twitter handle to inform about the arrival of the Denmark's Crown Prince and Crown Princess. Arindam Bagchi noted that the visit of the royal couple will further strengthen and enhance the close and friendly ties between India and Denmark. Bagchi tweeted, "Their Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik & Crown Princess Mary of Denmark arrive in India for a 4-day visit. This is the 1st Royal Visit from Denmark in two decades. Will further strengthen and enhance the close & friendly ties between our countries." During the visit to India, Denmark Crown Prince Frederik Andre Henrik Christian will hold a meeting with Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar. Danish Crown Prince will address the opening session of the India-Denmark: Partners for Green & Sustainable Progress organized by CII. He will also meet President Droupadi Murmu, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said in the press release. During the visit, the Danish royal couple will visit Chennai. The royal couple will depart from Chennai on March 2. Denmark's Minister of Foreign Affairs Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Minister for Environment Magnus Heunicke, and Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities, along with senior officials and a high-level business delegation, are accompanying the royal couple during their visit to India. According to MEA, the visit is the first ever from the Danish Royal family in two decades. Earlier, the Crown Prince travelled to India in 2003. Queen Margrethe II visited India in 2003 as a Crown Princess, according to the press release. The MEA, in its press release, further noted, "India and Denmark as vibrant and open democracies, share common values of a rules-based international order and convergence of views on significant multilateral issues." It added, "The visit is expected to further strengthen and enhance the close and friendly ties between India and Denmark." (ANI) The main topic of discussion between German Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Prime Minister Narendra Modi must have been the Russia-Ukraine war, said former diplomat Suresh Goel while adding that Germany expects India to favour Europe amid Ukraine crisis. According to Goel, Germany is the most important partner for India if we look at India's own requirements, whether it is arms and ammunition, technology, or investment. "In our economic relationship with Europe, Germany and France are two nations that are very important partners. In such a situation, the German Chancellor's visit carries a lot of weight," he added. "India also has expectations with Europe. Germany is a main player when it comes to Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the European Union (EU). Looking at all of this, the visit is very important. Bilateral issues must have been investment, technology transfer, cooperation," said the former Diplomat Suresh Goel. Bilateral issues of Technology transfer and investment must have also been discussed. He said that the Indo-German relationship is already well established, and Olaf is not here to strengthen the relationship with India. At this time, the most important issue for Europe is the Ukraine war. Looking at the situation in Ukraine; Germany France and the UK, all want a solution that is in the favour of Europe. And Europe's favour means what the US wants. He said that it is obvious that the main point of discussion between the German Chancellor and the Indian Prime Minister must have been the Ukraine war. India and Germany have the vision to enhance cooperation in innovation, technology, and research which aims at benefitting humanity. This cooperation was agreed upon by Prime Minister Modi and Chancellor Olaf Scholz, according to the joint statement released by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Sunday. PM Modi and Chancellor Scholz agreed to deepen and widen this cooperation and to work towards a roadmap for innovation and technology with a view to using scientific and technological knowledge for the economic development of both countries as well as to address global challenges. India and Germany share a long history and both countries share the responsibility for global peace, stability, sustainability and prosperity. According to the statement, India and Germany recognize the role and importance of science, technology and innovation in socio-economic development, and emphasize the progress being made in ongoing projects. They recognize the increasingly critical role of technologies in responding to key challenges of our times, which include inter alia climate change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, extreme weather events, pollution, energy security and achieving long-term sustainable development and growth. They are convinced that common goals can be better achieved through close cooperation, building on the individual strengths and capacities of both partners. Looking at today's working and economic world, India and Germany agree to further develop their comprehensive economic relations in a spirit of equality and reciprocity. They are committed to further development and improvement of an enabling environment for innovation The initial focus areas of Indo-German cooperation are innovation, technology and economy. India and Germany pursue the common intention of advancing the energy transition in both countries with the aim of achieving a socially just, ecologically and economically sustainable, secure and affordable energy supply, reducing their dependence on imports of fossil fuels and decarbonizing their economies. India and Germany appreciate the progress achieved under the Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) on 'Indo-German Green Hydrogen Task Force,' signed during the sixth Indo-German Intergovernmental Consultations (IGC) between the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), India and the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Germany on May 2, 2022, to strengthen mutual cooperation in production, utilization, storage and distribution of green hydrogen. India and Germany acknowledge that digital technologies and solutions could address key development needs and highlight the potential of these digital solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in other parts of the developing world. India looks forward to sharing digital solutions and expertise with Germany. As per the statement, India and Germany recognize AI's potential to enhance the work and lives of people, through its wide array of applications. The framework for cooperation in the field of AI is laid out in the Joint Declaration of Intent between the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (now the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action) on 30 May 2017. (ANI) The injured persons have been moved to a nearby hospital while security forces cordoned off the area for investigation. The nature of the explosion has not been determined yet. The condition of the injured persons is said to be critical. The incident came a day after two policemen were killed and two were injured in a remote-controlled blast in Balochistan's Khuzdar district. Earlier this week, security forces killed eight militants during a combing operation in Balochistan's Kech district, the military's media affairs wing said, the B Recorder reported. According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), terrorists tried to ambush a convoy of security forces in District Kech of Balochistan on the evening of February 22. It said that alert and combat-ready troops not only foiled the cowardly attack without any loss of life, but they also immediately commenced a follow-up operation to hunt down the fleeing terrorists using ground and aviation assets. "As a result, on the morning of February 23, a suspected hideout of terrorists was identified in Mazaaband Range where a sanitisation operation was launched. In the ensuing, and heavy exchange of fire, eight terrorists were killed while a large cache of arms and ammunition including explosives was recovered," the ISPR said. "Security forces of Pakistan will continue to thwart any attempt by inimical elements on the behest of hostile intelligence agencies, to disrupt hard-earned peace in the province," it added. (ANI) The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the G20 is destabilized by the collective West and is used in an anti-Russian, purely confrontational manner. The United States, the EU and the G7 continue their attempts to isolate Russia and shift the blame for the provoked problems in international security and the global economy onto Russia, the Russin Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Sunday. On February 24-25, Bangalore hosted the First Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting under the Indian G20 Presidency. The Russian delegation, representing the relevant specialized structures also participated in this event. "As a result of the substantive dialogue on topical financial issues, a wide range of demanded measures was agreed upon, designed to give an additional impetus to the global economy and financial markets. A significant contribution was made to these efforts by our country, BRICS partners and developing countries," the statement by the Russian Foriegn Ministry said. The statement further said, "We regret that the activities of the G20 continue to be destabilized by the collective West and used in an anti-Russian, purely confrontational manner. Our opponents, primarily the United States, the EU and the G7, continue their paranoid attempts to isolate Russia and shift the blame for the provoked problems in international security and the global economy onto it." "Through open blackmail and distate, throwing in absurd interpretations of the situation in Ukraine, the Westerners once again disrupted the adoption of collective decisions. As a result, the fully approved text of the document, except for the wording on Ukraine, which gives out for assessments of the discussion at the ministerial meeting something that was not actually discussed and is unrelated to the topic of its jurisdiction, had become a hostage to this aggressive line." The statement further went, "The results of the meeting never received an agreed status and were released only as a statement by the chairman, and not as a joint work. Russia and China expressed a resolute protest in this regard. Many other delegations also experienced serious disappointment with such ultimatum actions by the United States and its allies, which continue to sow enmity and hatred." The statement called on the collective West to abandon its "destructive course as soon as possible", to realize the objective realities of a multipolar world, and to start building normal relations with new centres of power in the international arena, such as Russia, on the principles of the sovereign equality of states. We presume that the G20 should remain an economic forum and not intrude into the security sphere, as was unanimously confirmed at its last year's summit on November 15-16 in Bali. We will continue to promote fulfilment by the G20 of the functions entrusted to it on a mutually beneficial and depoliticized basis. "We note the constructive role of the Indian Presidency, which strove for a fair consideration of the interests and positions of all countries. The balanced approaches formulated in this context create a good foundation for responding to modern challenges in the area of global finance and related sectors, including support for economic growth and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals." (ANI) Photo: . Friday night's frightening explosion near the Marine Building in downtown Vancouver was caught on a dashcam. Shared on the social media service Xiaohongshu by a user going by JZ, the footage shows the moment on Feb. 24 the electrical explosion burst through the sidewalk near Burrard and Hastings streets. In the video the explosion is so bright it warps the colour of footage, rendering everything in neon pinks, reds and blues. Just before the explosion occurs, people can be seen walking down the sidewalk toward where it's about to happen. Just before they reach the site the explosion bursts forth, and for a moment they appear to be caught in it. A couple frames later they can be seen running back the way they came as fire climbs the outside of the building. A tree catches fire about 20 feet above the ground. An explosion near the Marine Building sends people scrambling. JZ/Xiaohongshu BC Hydro is investigating the cause of the explosion now. Two people received non-life-threatening injuries in the explosion, according to the Vancouver Fire Rescue Service. - with files from the Canadian Press, Lindsay William-Ross and Vikki Hui She received a warm welcome from the district officials, Deputy Commissioner, MLA and BJP Karyakartas upon her arrival in Koloriang, the district HQ of Kurung Kumey district. She interacted with the local Nyshi Tribe, where the locals showcased their culture to her and adorned her with the local dress of the tribe. Lekhi visited the District Hospital and the Primary School in the area and reviewed the progress. She also visited the PSA Oxygen Plant installed under the PM CARES Scheme during COVID-19. Lekhi insisted on banning single-use plastic and urged the locals to use their indigenous methods of making biodegradable disposable cutlery. She also suggested the installation of a Plastic Crushing Machine at the District Primary school. She directed the district officials to chart out a method of waste disposal system so that the beauty of the area is intact. She also visited Ziro and Malinithan during her visit to Arunachal Pradesh. (ANI) Baloch National Movement Germany Chapter staged protests in Bielefeld and Berlin, the capital of Germany, against the state violence against women in Balochistan and the arrest of Mahal Baloch. In these protests women, children and German activists also participated. On this occasion, the protesters raised slogans against the forced disappearances of Baloch political activists and the arrest of Mahal Baloch by Pakistani security forces. Asghar Ali, the President of the BNM Germany Chapter addressing participants in Berlin said that for the past two decades, the Pakistani army and law enforcement agencies have been involved in serious human rights violations in Balochistan, while thousands of political activists, social workers and even civilians have been involuntarily and forcibly killed by Pakistani security forces. He added, that the European Union should review their policies toward Pakistan. Pakistan is committing grave human rights violations in Balochistan. Women and children are kept in torture cells for days under fake charges. Rasheeda Zahri was kept in torture cells for 13 days. Counter Terrorism Department forcibly disappeared Mahal Baloch on 17 February and charged her with false allegations. Since then her whereabouts and fate are unknown. He added Pakistan is targeting Baloch women in order to suppress the political voices in Balochistan. Hence, Pakistan will not be successful in its ulterior motives. Such tactics will further strengthen the courage and determination of the Baloch nation to achieve their national goal of a free Balochistan. Shar Hassan, the joint secretary of the Baloch National Movement Germany Chapter, said Pakistan has been committing gross human rights violations in Balochistan. Pakistan army is a terrorist army which is committing gross human rights violations today in Balochistan just as they did in 1971 in Bangladesh. Pakistan army torturing and sexually abusing women. But such evil practices of Pakistan will not stop Baloch from getting their freedom. He added, "Pakistani security forces abducted Mahal Baloch from her house, later on, she was shifted in custody with her two daughters and other women. She was tortured in front of her two daughters. Later on, they released children and other women but the fate of Mahal Baloch is unknown." Emaan Baloch, a member of the Baloch National Movement said, "The Balochistan conflict started in 1948 when the region was forcefully annexed by Pakistan. Since then, the Baloch people have been struggling for their right to self-determination, and the Pakistani government has responded with violence and repression. The situation has only worsened when the Pakistani government started using excessive force against the Baloch people and resorting to enforced disappearances, extra-judicial killings, and torture." She added, "The human rights violations in Balochistan have reached an alarming level. Thousands of Baloch people have been killed, abducted, or tortured by the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies. Their families have been threatened and intimidated." Social media activist Hudahair Ellahi said that Baloch women, along with our brothers, have been imprisoned in order to crush the Baloch national struggle for independence. But occupier states of Balochistan won't be able to maintain their occupation for a long time. She added that the United Nations should intervene in Balochistan with regard to long-lasting and continuous human rights violations in Balochistan and the EU should stop funding military aid to Pakistan. (ANI) Czech Republic Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky on Sunday arrived in India for a three-day official visit which is supposed to provide further momentum to India- Czech Republic bilateral relations. "Welcoming the Czech Foreign Minister @JanLipavsky as he arrives in India on a 3-day official visit. This visit will provide further momentum to India's bilateral relations with the Czech Republic," MEA official spokesperson Arindam Bagchi tweeted on Sunday. Jan Lipavsky is visiting India from February 26 to March 1. A Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) release said that Lipavsky will during his India visit, attend the inaugural session of the India-EU Business and Sustainability Conclave on February 28. During his visit to India, Jan Lipavsky will be accompanied by Czech Republic's Members of the Parliament, the Deputy Minister for Science, Research and Innovation and a high-level official and business delegation, the Ministry of External Affairs said in a recent release. Lipavsky will also hold a meeting with External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar. The two leaders are expected to discuss bilateral, regional and international issues. "During the visit, Foreign Minister Lipavsky will hold bilateral talks with External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar where the two leaders are expected to discuss the entire range of bilateral relations and exchange views on regional and international issues of mutual interest," read the MEA release. It further read, "Foreign Minister Lipavsky will also be attending the inaugural session of the India-EU Business and Sustainability Conclave organized by CII on 28 February 2023. He will then travel to Mumbai on the same day and will depart on 01 March 2023 from Mumbai." The visit of Lipavsky to India follows EAM S Jaishankar's visit to the Czech Republic in June 2022 where the two held delegation-level talks. In January this year, the two leaders held a meeting in Vienna during Jaishankar's visit to Austria. (ANI) Two people were killed and another was seriously injured in a crash on Interstate 5 in Seattle early Sunday morning. According to Washington State Patrol Trooper Rick Johnson, two cars crashed into each other on southbound I-5 near South Spokane Street just after 3 a.m. Not long after, a third car crashed into the collision scene, killing two passengers sitting in one of the first two cars that crashed, while the driver of that car was standing outside. The two people in the third vehicle then fled the scene on foot. Two men involved in the initial collision died at the scene, according to the Seattle Fire Department. Another person involved in that initial crash a 22-year-old man was transported to Harborview Medical Center in serious condition. At this time, it is unknown what caused the initial collision. Three lanes of southbound I-5 were closed until about 8 a.m. while authorities responded to the scene, according to the Washington Department of Transportation. WSP responded to the scene and will continue to investigate this incident. At least two people were killed in a shooting near a senior living community in St. Paul, Minnesota, Saturday night, authorities said. The St. Paul Police Department reported that officers responded to the scene in the Frogtown neighborhood to find "multiple people" with gunshot wounds, two of whom died of their injuries. The exact number of shooting victims was unclear. According to CBS Minnesota, investigators placed caution tape around the parking lot of Kings Crossing by Episcopal Homes, a senior living apartment complex. HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION: SPPD Officers are investigating a double homicide on the 500 block of North Dale Street where multiple people were shot. Two victims have since died of their injuries. Watch here for media availability and updates Saint Paul Police Department (@sppdmn) February 26, 2023 No further details were immediately provided. It's unclear if any arrests had been made, or whether police had a motive. A resident of the senior living community told CBS Minnesota that, prior to the shooting, she overheard people arguing in a community room where a group had gathered. This marks the second shooting in St. Paul in the past two days. On Friday evening, three teen boys were wounded in a drive-by shooting during a funeral reception for a 15-year-old boy who had been fatally stabbed at a St. Paul high school earlier this month, according to CBS Minnesota. All three teen shooting victims were expected to survive, CBS Minnesota reports, and a 16-year-old boy was taken into custody following a car crash. In a tweet Saturday night, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz wrote that the "gun violence in St. Paul this weekend is unacceptable. I'm committed to increasing public safety funding, getting illegal guns off the streets, and addressing gang activity to curb the cycle of violence." Story continues The gun violence in St. Paul this weekend is unacceptable. Im committed to increasing public safety funding, getting illegal guns off the streets, and addressing gang activity to curb the cycle of violence. Governor Tim Walz (@GovTimWalz) February 26, 2023 Minnesota's Lake Superior becomes hot spot for winter surfing Black History Month traces origins to a Chicago YMCA Several media publishers drop Dilbert comic strip after creator's racist comments MORENCI Michigan's Cannabis Regulatory Agency has filed formal complaints and has taken disciplinary action against two adult-use/medical licensees in Morenci. Living Well Laboratories LLC was fined $10,000 in January for not filing its 2021 financial statement with the CRA by the due date of March 31, 2022, according to a consent order and formal complaint from CRA. The marijuana grower turned over the statement June 1, 2022, according to a news release from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. Morenci Brothers Holding Group LLC was also fined $10,000 in January for not filing its 2021 financial statement with the CRA by the due date of June 30, 2021. The adult-use marijuana grower filed the statement Oct. 14, 2021, a consent order and formal complaint from the CRA said. Living Well Laboratories does business as Jade Collection of Morenci. Morenci Brothers Holding Group does business as Cloud Cannabis Co. Attorneys for both Morenci dispensaries signed consent orders agreeing to the CRA's terms. The attorney for Living Well Laboratories signed the CRA's consent order in late December. The Morenci Brothers attorney signed the CRA's consent order in early January. This article originally appeared on The Daily Telegram: 2 Morenci marijuana businesses fined $10,000 by Michigan CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) South Carolina is accustomed to increased attention in the years leading up to presidential elections, with the state hosting the Souths first voting contests for several of the last cycles. But even by those standards, 2024 feels different. Democrats elevated South Carolina to the top of their presidential primary calendar, leapfrogging Iowa and New Hampshire. Republicans, meanwhile, could potentially have two homegrown South Carolina presidential candidates in the race, a prospect that has already caused friction among the states GOP circles of supporters. A look at why so many political roads to 2024 will lead to South Carolina: THE DEMOCRATS Earlier this month, the Democratic National Committee approved its 2024 calendar, an effort to give a prominent voice to a more diverse electorate. President Joe Biden had endorsed a plan placing South Carolina first on the partys calendar for the coming presidential cycle, followed by New Hampshire, Nevada, Michigan and Georgia. Bidens recognition of the role South Carolina played in reviving his 2020 campaign, after less-than-stellar performances in earlier-voting states, has been clear since his victory celebration three years ago in February. You brought me back, Biden told supporters. His win built momentum that helped him plow through the Super Tuesday votes that followed. Last year, in a fundraiser for South Carolina Democrats, Vice President Kamala Harris offered her gratitude, saying, We see how South Carolina Democrats set President Joe Biden and me on a path to the White House. Thank you, South Carolina. The Biden administration has keep close ties with the state, where Biden's roots run deep and include family vacations to the state, as well as friendships with late Sens. Fritz Hollings and Strom Thurmond, and lawyer Dick Harpootlian, a former state party chairman who is now a state senator. On Monday, Harris will return to South Carolina to discuss the administration's advancements on broadband internet expansion, a top priority of Rep. Jim Clyburn, one of Biden's closest allies and the lone Democrat in South Carolina's congressional delegation. Other Cabinet officials visited last year. Story continues While South Carolina Democrats have not won a statewide race since 2006, they have begun selling buttons, mugs and apparel flaunting the states new status, with the tagline South Carolina Democrats Pick Winners. But the party is undergoing a period of transition, with chair Trav Robertson announcing this past week he would not seek another term after six years in the job. Looking ahead, Robertson noted the regional financial impact that could be felt from the early position of South Carolina, where media markets and the campaign advertising dollars spent in them bleed into surrounding states. We have long advocated that South Carolinas position in this process has been extremely beneficial to North Carolina and Georgia and to Tennessee, Robertson told The Associated Press. The impact of this is going to be felt for a generation. ___ HOMEGROWN GOP CANDIDATES Nikki Haley's official launch to her 2024 presidential campaign, in downtown Charleston two weeks ago, was steeped in references to her six years as South Carolina's governor. It's a great day in South Carolina! Haley said, a nod to her gubernatorial catchphrase that she for a time required state Cabinet agencies to use when answering public phone lines. Haley, the first woman and Indian American to lead the state, also cloaked herself in references to accomplishments during her time in office, including creating jobs. She mentioned leading the state beyond hate and violence," a reference to the shooting of an unarmed Black motorist by a white police officer and the slayings of nine Black parishioners by a self-avowed white supremacist. She did not explicitly mention the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the Statehouse grounds in 2015 after the church shootings a move she pushed for after years of publicly supporting its presence. With former President Donald Trump already in the 2024 race, Haley who served two years as his U.N. ambassador became the first major Republican to challenge him for the nomination. Some of South Carolinas top Republicans, including Gov. Henry McMaster, Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette and U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, have endorsed Trump, whose 2016 victory in South Carolinas primary helped solidify GOP support behind his campaign. Haley has lined up support from at least one member of the states congressional delegation, Rep. Ralph Norman. Rep. Nancy Mace, whom Haley endorsed for reelection last year, has said that, for now, my powder is dry when it comes to the 2024 White House race. But Tim Scott, South Carolina's junior senator, has been making moves that seem to put him on the verge of formalizing his own 2024 bid. The day after Haley's launch, Scott was in Charleston himself, speaking at a Charleston County GOP dinner his team characterized as part of a listening tour. Days later, both he and Haley were in Iowa, which holds the GOP's first 2024 votes. Scott's potential entry into the race has led to some awkwardness among the state's Republicans, many of whom have been supporters of both him and Haley. Catherine Templeton, who served in Haley's administration, said Haley and Scott are calling the state's Republicans seeking support, a process she characterized as uncomfortable. Generally, a Scott Republican and a Haley Republican are pretty similar creatures, but it is a game of addition, so both candidates are being deferential, Templeton said. "They are saying, If I cant be your first, Id like to be your second. You wont find them criticizing each other, but ultimately, it is uncomfortable to choose between friends. Templeton won't say whom she plans to support and says she expects a similar waiting game among GOP voters and donors in South Carolina. People are waiting to see what Tim does before they make a decision," she said. "But Nikki is in either way. ___ WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON? The 2024 season in only getting started in South Carolina, just as in the other early states. Next month, the state plays host to one of the first leadoff, multicandidate events, when Palmetto Family sponsors its Vision '24 conference in Charleston. So far, one announced candidate Haley is scheduled to attend, though potential ones, including Scott and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, are set to come. Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, former Vice President Mike Pence and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are among those yet to RSVP. ___ Meg Kinnard can be reached at Key Insights Given the large stake in the stock by institutions, Bristol-Myers Squibb's stock price might be vulnerable to their trading decisions A total of 25 investors have a majority stake in the company with 48% ownership Recent sales by insiders If you want to know who really controls Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (NYSE:BMY), then you'll have to look at the makeup of its share registry. The group holding the most number of shares in the company, around 78% to be precise, is institutions. That is, the group stands to benefit the most if the stock rises (or lose the most if there is a downturn). Given the vast amount of money and research capacities at their disposal, institutional ownership tends to carry a lot of weight, especially with individual investors. As a result, a sizeable amount of institutional money invested in a firm is generally viewed as a positive attribute. In the chart below, we zoom in on the different ownership groups of Bristol-Myers Squibb. See our latest analysis for Bristol-Myers Squibb What Does The Institutional Ownership Tell Us About Bristol-Myers Squibb? Many institutions measure their performance against an index that approximates the local market. So they usually pay more attention to companies that are included in major indices. Bristol-Myers Squibb already has institutions on the share registry. Indeed, they own a respectable stake in the company. This can indicate that the company has a certain degree of credibility in the investment community. However, it is best to be wary of relying on the supposed validation that comes with institutional investors. They too, get it wrong sometimes. When multiple institutions own a stock, there's always a risk that they are in a 'crowded trade'. When such a trade goes wrong, multiple parties may compete to sell stock fast. This risk is higher in a company without a history of growth. You can see Bristol-Myers Squibb's historic earnings and revenue below, but keep in mind there's always more to the story. Story continues Investors should note that institutions actually own more than half the company, so they can collectively wield significant power. Hedge funds don't have many shares in Bristol-Myers Squibb. The company's largest shareholder is The Vanguard Group, Inc., with ownership of 9.7%. BlackRock, Inc. is the second largest shareholder owning 8.2% of common stock, and State Street Global Advisors, Inc. holds about 4.4% of the company stock. On studying our ownership data, we found that 25 of the top shareholders collectively own less than 50% of the share register, implying that no single individual has a majority interest. While studying institutional ownership for a company can add value to your research, it is also a good practice to research analyst recommendations to get a deeper understand of a stock's expected performance. There are a reasonable number of analysts covering the stock, so it might be useful to find out their aggregate view on the future. Insider Ownership Of Bristol-Myers Squibb The definition of company insiders can be subjective and does vary between jurisdictions. Our data reflects individual insiders, capturing board members at the very least. Management ultimately answers to the board. However, it is not uncommon for managers to be executive board members, especially if they are a founder or the CEO. Insider ownership is positive when it signals leadership are thinking like the true owners of the company. However, high insider ownership can also give immense power to a small group within the company. This can be negative in some circumstances. Our data suggests that insiders own under 1% of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company in their own names. It is a very large company, so it would be surprising to see insiders own a large proportion of the company. Though their holding amounts to less than 1%, we can see that board members collectively own US$76m worth of shares (at current prices). Arguably recent buying and selling is just as important to consider. You can click here to see if insiders have been buying or selling. General Public Ownership With a 22% ownership, the general public, mostly comprising of individual investors, have some degree of sway over Bristol-Myers Squibb. While this size of ownership may not be enough to sway a policy decision in their favour, they can still make a collective impact on company policies. Next Steps: I find it very interesting to look at who exactly owns a company. But to truly gain insight, we need to consider other information, too. Consider for instance, the ever-present spectre of investment risk. We've identified 3 warning signs with Bristol-Myers Squibb , and understanding them should be part of your investment process. If you would prefer discover what analysts are predicting in terms of future growth, do not miss this free report on analyst forecasts. NB: Figures in this article are calculated using data from the last twelve months, which refer to the 12-month period ending on the last date of the month the financial statement is dated. This may not be consistent with full year annual report figures. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here Key Insights Given the large stake in the stock by institutions, Warehouse REIT's stock price might be vulnerable to their trading decisions A total of 10 investors have a majority stake in the company with 51% ownership Past performance of a company along with ownership data serve to give a strong idea about prospects for a business A look at the shareholders of Warehouse REIT plc (LON:WHR) can tell us which group is most powerful. With 80% stake, institutions possess the maximum shares in the company. In other words, the group stands to gain the most (or lose the most) from their investment into the company. Since institutional have access to huge amounts of capital, their market moves tend to receive a lot of scrutiny by retail or individual investors. As a result, a sizeable amount of institutional money invested in a firm is generally viewed as a positive attribute. In the chart below, we zoom in on the different ownership groups of Warehouse REIT. See our latest analysis for Warehouse REIT What Does The Institutional Ownership Tell Us About Warehouse REIT? Many institutions measure their performance against an index that approximates the local market. So they usually pay more attention to companies that are included in major indices. Warehouse REIT already has institutions on the share registry. Indeed, they own a respectable stake in the company. This suggests some credibility amongst professional investors. But we can't rely on that fact alone since institutions make bad investments sometimes, just like everyone does. It is not uncommon to see a big share price drop if two large institutional investors try to sell out of a stock at the same time. So it is worth checking the past earnings trajectory of Warehouse REIT, (below). Of course, keep in mind that there are other factors to consider, too. Since institutional investors own more than half the issued stock, the board will likely have to pay attention to their preferences. Warehouse REIT is not owned by hedge funds. Investec Wealth & Investment Limited is currently the company's largest shareholder with 19% of shares outstanding. With 8.2% and 4.9% of the shares outstanding respectively, Smith & Williamson Investment Management LLP and BlackRock, Inc. are the second and third largest shareholders. Story continues We also observed that the top 10 shareholders account for more than half of the share register, with a few smaller shareholders to balance the interests of the larger ones to a certain extent. While studying institutional ownership for a company can add value to your research, it is also a good practice to research analyst recommendations to get a deeper understand of a stock's expected performance. There is a little analyst coverage of the stock, but not much. So there is room for it to gain more coverage. Insider Ownership Of Warehouse REIT The definition of an insider can differ slightly between different countries, but members of the board of directors always count. Management ultimately answers to the board. However, it is not uncommon for managers to be executive board members, especially if they are a founder or the CEO. Insider ownership is positive when it signals leadership are thinking like the true owners of the company. However, high insider ownership can also give immense power to a small group within the company. This can be negative in some circumstances. Our most recent data indicates that insiders own some shares in Warehouse REIT plc. In their own names, insiders own UK25m worth of stock in the UK447m company. This shows at least some alignment. You can click here to see if those insiders have been buying or selling. General Public Ownership The general public, who are usually individual investors, hold a 11% stake in Warehouse REIT. This size of ownership, while considerable, may not be enough to change company policy if the decision is not in sync with other large shareholders. Private Company Ownership We can see that Private Companies own 3.9%, of the shares on issue. It might be worth looking deeper into this. If related parties, such as insiders, have an interest in one of these private companies, that should be disclosed in the annual report. Private companies may also have a strategic interest in the company. Next Steps: It's always worth thinking about the different groups who own shares in a company. But to understand Warehouse REIT better, we need to consider many other factors. For example, we've discovered 4 warning signs for Warehouse REIT (1 can't be ignored!) that you should be aware of before investing here. Ultimately the future is most important. You can access this free report on analyst forecasts for the company. NB: Figures in this article are calculated using data from the last twelve months, which refer to the 12-month period ending on the last date of the month the financial statement is dated. This may not be consistent with full year annual report figures. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here A good samaritan checks on a vehicle which skidded off the snowy roadway into a small pond in Los Angeles County, in the Sierra Pelona Mountains, on February 25, 2023 near Green Valley, California. Mario Tama/Getty Images Approximately 85,000 homes and businesses across Los Angeles lost power on Saturday Rain and snowstorms hit parts of Southern California. Thunderstorms, hurricane-force winds, and possible tornadoes are predicted for other US regions. Approximately 85,000 homes and businesses across Los Angeles lost power on Saturday as rain and snowstorms hit Southern California, Reuters reports. The storm has taken hold of much of Southern California. Floods and rare snowfall have closed highways and interstates. Caltrans District 9 (@Caltrans9) February 26, 2023 On Friday, rare snowfall was seen swirling around the iconic Hollywood sign in LA. Snow also hit the foothills of California's central coast and the San Francisco Bay area. Sarah McCorkle, an NWS meteorologist in Monterey, California, told ABC that "the last time we saw snow like this in the low elevations was in 2011." The National Weather Service (NWS) has said that heavy snow is also set to fall in Northern and Central California mountains at more than two inches per hour. Californians have been told to limit travel amid the dangerous storms, which are expected to continue throughout Sunday, where wind speeds of up to 50 miles per hour are predicted, Reuters reports. Other parts of the US are also being disrupted by powerful storms, with the NWS warning of thunderstorms, hurricane-force winds, and possible tornadoes across much of Oklahoma, northwest Texas, and the Eastern Panhandle. US Plains, Midwest, and Great Lakes regions have already faced difficult weather conditions this week, with Michigan seeing 820,000 people losing power as it was hit by ice storms, Sky News reports. The news site reported that a fireman died on Wednesday when he came into contact with a drowned powerline in Paw Paw, southwest Michigan. Over 2,000 flights have been canceled across the USA as a result of the extreme weather, with over 14,000 delayed, per Sky News. Read the original article on Insider Photo: reddit The investigation comes after a video was posted on reddit. Police in Edmonton say they've asked the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team to investigate after video circulated online of a man being repeatedly punched during an arrest last week. The Edmonton Police Service says in a news release that officers observed a vehicle being driven erratically in a residential neighbourhood northeast of the city's downtown at around midnight last Wednesday. They say officers followed it and attempted to arrest the 18-year-old man behind the wheel, but they allege an "altercation" took place and "use of force" occurred. Police say the man was later released on an appearance notice with two charges and a number of traffic summons. Edmonton City Coun. Michael Janz retweeted a link to video of an arrest late Wednesday night, calling it "Deeply disturbing anywhere in the world, especially if it is in Edmonton." The video, which appears to be from a security camera in a covered parking area of a building, shows a man being confronted by officers and then walking away before one officer approaches him from behind, hits him and continues striking him when he's on the ground. "Out of an abundance of caution and the importance of reassuring both the public and police that an independent third party review will be done of the incident, the Director of Law Enforcement (DLE) was notified," police said in the news release, noting they became aware of the video on Friday. "The DLE has directed ASIRT to lead the investigation into this incident." The release notes that because the police watchdog is investigating, Edmonton police cannot provide further comment. ABC News A Minnesota man has died after being attacked by dogs he was watching for a family member, police said. Officers secured a garage door and began rendering aid to the victim, who "had most of his clothing ripped off and had extensive bites on most of his body," the Brooklyn Center Police Department said in a statement. The victim did not own the dogs -- identified by police as American pit bull terriers -- but had been taking care of them at his home for a family member, police said. The Biden administration is barreling towards a legal fight with immigration groups after rolling out a new asylum policy similar to a Trump-era directive already struck down by the courts. The tussle between the administration and its would-be allies on immigration has been brewing for years, but it hit a head Tuesday, when the administration unveiled a proposed rule taking two big hits at the asylum system. The proposal from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) seeks to geographically contain asylum-seekers by pushing them to pursue protection in another country along their journey. It also restricts where those who arrive at the U.S. border can make the claim barring the process for those crossing between ports while also imposing new limitations for those who present themselves at official points of entry. The administration contends that the changes to the policies, along with the rollout of a new program for those who secure sponsors to come to the U.S., are a legal and necessary approach as it prepares to lift ongoing pandemic-era restrictions at the border. But to immigration advocates, its a mashup of two policies from the administration of former President Trump that they successfully challenged in court, and that, even with tweaks, contravene U.S. protections for asylum-seekers. We do not think that this proposed rule is lawful. The changes that were made are largely cosmetic, said Lee Gelernt, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who led arguments in a case that toppled similar Trump administration policies. The additional requirements suggested by the proposed rule would not be consistent with our domestic or international asylum laws. So if this rule is enacted, we will be back in court, Gelernt said. The two sides fundamental disagreement lies in their view of the asylum systems role in the global mass migration phenomenon. Advocates and many Democrats view asylum as a legitimate tool for migrants to seek refuge in the United States, whether or not they fit the traditional definition of asylum-seekers and refugees. Story continues There are any number of reasons that people fleeing violence, persecution, and other situations may not be able to avail themselves of other options, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairwoman Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragan (D-Calif.) said in a statement. To punish them for not being able to apply for asylum via an app or not being able to first exhaust a claim in a third country is wrong, she added. It goes against our values as a country and against the spirit of our asylum laws. Biden officials want to reduce the number of people who use asylum as a pathway to enter the U.S., though the administrations immediate concern is to reduce foot traffic at the border, both for political and logistical reasons. They are bracing for the end to Title 42, a law that uses public health as ground for allowing the swift removal of migrants without letting them seek asylum, something the Trump administration first rolled out shortly after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Administration officials say the number of those seeking to cross the border could reach 13,000 a day once the policy is lifted in May. Administration officials also say the asylum reforms will help combat human smuggling, which has thrived under the existing system. Advocates contend that restrictions create black markets and point to programs such as the administrations parole program as better ways to starve the illicit industry of clientele. This ban a policy already deemed illegal by our courts will not deter people who are seeking asylum from coming to the U.S. Instead, it will strip the most vulnerable individuals and families of their rights under U.S. and international law by permitting their rapid return to the danger they are running from, said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights. Alternatively, migrants would need to resort to the very smugglers the administration flags as a concern. This, and so much of the justification in this proposed policy, read like an upside-down version of asylum law, Salas added. Administration officials, like many of their predecessors, are quick to blame congressional inaction on immigration for the lack of good options, offering a lukewarm defense when announcing the rule Tuesday. To be clear, this was not our first preference or even our second, a senior administration official told reporters. But the executive branch and immigration advocates outside it prioritize different aspects of asylum law. The administration seeks to process claimants with a strong case to ultimately win asylum; advocates defend the fundamental right to seek asylum, regardless of the strength of the claim. Though the policy includes some provisions that water down the rule when compared to Trump-era versions, advocates say it would still violate two fundamental provisions of asylum law that helped them win their first suit. The basic, fundamental tenet of asylum law is if you get to safe territory, no matter how you get there documents, no documents; between ports or at a port you must be given a screening for asylum. And so the Biden administration is disfavoring people who cross between ports, but that law Congress passed does not allow that, Gelernt said. And Gelernt said the law also specifically addresses the latest effort to make asylum-seekers first apply elsewhere. Congress envisioned this situation and said, You have to have a formal agreement with that third country, and you have to have assurances that that third country can actually provide safe and full asylum hearings, he added. The new asylum restrictions are designed to channel different groups of migrants into distinct paths to request entry into the United States. The Biden administration has rolled out a new parole program for Haitian, Cuban, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan nationals, who, if they can secure a financial sponsor, can pursue permission to enter the U.S for two years by first applying through the CBP One app. But the new proposal would mean those who cannot secure a sponsor as well as asylum-seekers from any other country are directed to request asylum in another country they passed through on their way to the United States. Its a provision that harkens back to the so-called transit ban first rolled out under the Trump administration. Under former President Trump, immigration advocates were able to successfully challenge this in part by highlighting the limitations on asylum systems in Central America, noting at the time that Guatemala had just a handful of asylum officers for the whole country. The policy would largely block those who dont first seek asylum elsewhere from making such claims in the U.S. But even so, those who do arrive would be expected to seek an appointment at the border through the CBP One app, which has been plagued with tech difficulties and is a barrier for those who may struggle to secure internet access. Even so, its not clear that all who apply will be able to secure a time slot, and those who show up without an appointment will be presumed to be ineligible for asylum. You can have two people arrive at a port of entry with the exact same asylum claim, but one person has a pre-arranged appointment via the CBP One app, and the other person does not. And the person that doesnt have that pre-arranged appointment via the app will be held to a higher standard to prove their asylum claim with some narrow exceptions, said Kate Melloy Goettel, legal director of litigation at the American Immigration Counsel. So were really relying on technology to put people into different buckets to determine what standard and what process is going to apply to them. Gelernt said the administrations suggestion that the proposal is designed to stem irregular crossings isnt showing the full impact if the rule were to take place. The administration is trying to suggest that this new rule would apply only to people who cross between ports of entry. Thats not true, he said. Because if you show up at a port of entry, and you dont have an appointment from the app, and you didnt apply in a third country, youre going to be turned away. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. The education industry is having to grapple with where artificial intelligence can fit into schools, from lesson plans to teacher training, since the technology has been propelled to the forefront of debates in recent months. The chatbot ChatGPT has caused shockwaves through the education industry over concerns about cheating and how students will learn, but the importance of AI in technological education has also been highlighted in the discussion. The introduction of AI could one day be integrated into all school subjects, not just computer science, experts say. And familiarity with the technology itself could soon become essential for students. The way that we integrate AI education to the classroom is really an approach to connect artificial intelligence with core subjects like English, science, math, social studies, in addition to computer science and career technology education, Alex Kotran, co-founder and CEO of the AI Education Project, told The Hill. AI education could become essential for students as the technology becomes increasingly integrated in everyday use, with ChatGPT exploding faster than TikTok or Instagram as it reached 100 million users just two months after its launch to the public. In that time, both students and teachers have discovered ChatGPTs ability to help with personalized tutoring, working on assignments, creating lesson plans and crafting emails. Torrey Trust, an associate professor for teacher education and curriculum studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, laid out how she believes AI and ChatGPT could be integrated in different areas of study. For English, students could analyze the writing quality of the technology. For social studies, they might read a press release from a politician and then ask ChatGPT to write one and compare and contrast the two. For math and science questions, which ChatGPT can get wrong, critically analyzing what the program messed up could be a useful lesson, according to Trust. Story continues I think with some creative thinking, and a focus on critical media literacy, ChatGPT can be brought into any subject in any grade level and really should help prepare students for interacting with these types of tools in the future, Trust said. Experts say AI presents an opportunity not only for assisting with teaching other subjects, but also examining how the technology itself works. I think what AI offers, it offers an opportunity for our students to sort of open up that black box and allow students to understand the anatomy of the technologies in ways than that make them think about how, what can they create versus always thinking about Im going to use this for X,' said Noemi Waight, associate professor of science education at the University of Buffalo. Thats the potential that exists here. Teaching students about how the technology works and how it was created can also help them understand concerns such as misinformation, biases and privacy within AI. One of the first debates that erupted over ChatGPT was over how it can give clear and concise responses that sound human, but still give wrong answers to basic questions. Trust believes that critical media literacy, the ability to analyze and understand technologies and their impact on communications, is an important part of bringing students up to date with technologies including AI, to recognize their shortcomings. The way that I think theres a strong approach to bringing ChatGPT into schools is through critical media literacy and having students look at not just what ChatGPT produces as text but also the tool itself, Trust said. You know, who created this tool? Who was part of the team that trained the tool to produce what it does? What are the objectives, aims, values of the tool? Hows the company making money, whether thats off users privacy and data or whether thats now they have all these pricing plans? I think really everyone, but students in particular, need to learn how to critically interrogate the design and production and dissemination of these different tools, she added. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, said earlier this month that the program has shortcomings around bias, but he did not go into detail on the issue. Weight said, We know that it comes with racial bias. It comes with ethnic and linguistic bias. It comes with gender bias, for example. So we have to be alert and cognizant to the ways in which these tools are being designed so that they dont come into spaces [where theyve] continued to reinforce harmful practices. Current age limits on the interface, however, could post a significant classroom limitation. Teachers should know that if they ask their students to use ChatGPT on their own devices and sign up for their own accounts, that actually violates the ChatGPT privacy policy and terms of use if theyre under 18 years old, Trust said. But schools could still face a race to teach students how to use the technology before it becomes entrenched in the U.S. economy. These are very, very hard skills that are going to be immediately relevant to students, like competitiveness, and so I think thats going to be a really big driver of this. Schools arent going to really have a choice, Kotran said. AI technology is developing fast and is likely to outpace the speed at which K-12 is trying to keep up with it. While technological knowledge could become as important as reading and math in the future, it will take some work to get the education system up to speed with it. One of the ways to help with the process, Weight says, is to work on teacher education with AI and provide professional development workshops and AI courses to prospective teachers. I see all of these, honestly, is a lot of different stakeholders who will have to come to the table to help support a mass adoption and also to ensure that the implementation of these tools are having benefits for teaching and learning, Weight says. Making technology a priority just as high as reading and math would require a lot of work, such as standardized testing on the subject, Trust said, adding that the government isnt completely behind the ball on the issue. Ive seen that in the past five years with computer science, especially the U.S. government and the Department of Education, have had a strong focus on integrating computer science education into every grade level. And the reason for that is we need to understand how computers work, how theyre designed, how they influence thinking and learning and behavior, Trust said. While debates rage on how to integrate AI into schools and concerns regarding the technology, K-12 will have to move quickly those advances wont be slowing down. Its like, this is the next big technology revolution, as big as the internet, at least, has been, maybe bigger than the internet or the personal computer, and its going to move a lot faster, Kotran said. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Andrews Peters, a 28-year-old American Army veteran, was killed while fighting in Ukraine on 16 February. Source: CNN Details: Andrew Peters, 28, joined the International Legion of Defense of Ukraine created by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to allow foreign citizens to join the resistance against the Russian occupation forces. Peters was an American Army veteran from Marshfield, Wisconsin. He served a tour in Afghanistan in 2014. "We can confirm the deaths of US citizens in Ukraine," a spokesperson for the US State Department told CNN on Friday. "We are in touch with their respective families and are providing all possible consular assistance." Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Angela Bassett attends the 2023 NAACP Image Awards in Pasadena. (Richard Shotwell / Invision / AP) Count the one and only Angela Bassett among the many fans of Ariana DeBose's viral BAFTAs rap. While speaking with Variety on Saturday at the NAACP Image Awards, Bassett hailed DeBose's buzzy homage to the "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" actor and other female nominees at this year's British Academy Film Awards. Bassett also revealed that she sent a direct message to DeBose to check on her after her BAFTAs performance blew up on social media. "I DMed her last night. I did," Bassett told Variety on the NAACP Image Awards red carpet. "It was beautiful ... I just wanted to make sure she was OK ... because it's a lot of attention. And she is A-OK." For anyone who has been off the grid since last weekend, a clip of DeBose saluting the female BAFTA nominees in song has been widely memed, imitated, mocked and worshiped on social media especially the part where the "West Side Story" actor shimmies and declares, "Angela Bassett did the thing." Shortly after the BAFTAs ceremony took place in London, DeBose deactivated her Twitter account amid all the fervor which prompted one BAFTAs producer to publicly defend the Oscar winner's opening medley. While accepting the NAACP Image Award for entertainer of the year Saturday at the Civic Auditorium in Pasadena, Bassett capitalized on the pop culture moment by beginning her speech with, "I guess Angela Bassett did the thing!" "When I think about my career ... there was often someone there who looked at me with open arms, assuring me that there was a place for me as an actor," Bassett said. "I'm deeply, deeply grateful. Gratitude is the universe's way of saying that we are not existing in this world alone." Saturday on Instagram, DeBose shared videos of Lizzo re-creating her "Angela Bassett did the thing" choreo at a recent concert and Adele saying "we did learn that Angela Bassett did the thing, didn't we?" during her Las Vegas residency. Underneath her post, a number of DeBose's Hollywood peers showered her with supportive and encouraging comments. Story continues "U an icon," wrote "Tick, Tick ... Boom!" actor Vanessa Hudgens. "Truth Be Told" star Octavia Spencer added "We love you!!" "The internet is wild yall!" DeBose wrote in the caption. "Appreciate all the love." This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. The Polar Plunge is an annual fun way to raise money for Special Olympics Georgia. Law enforcement from across the metro area took a plunge at Acworth beach Saturday morning. They joined local special Olympians for the fundraiser supporting Special Olympics Georgia. [DOWNLOAD: Free WSB-TV News app for alerts as news breaks] Channel 2s Mark Winne was there, as he is each year and he confirmed the water was frigid. Its a great feeling, this is really what community is about, Winne said. TRENDING STORIES: Law enforcement officials told Channel 2 Action News the event is a great way to support the Special Olympics. This is something that is near and dear to our hearts, Chris Prather with the Henry County Sheriffs Office said. [SIGN UP: WSB-TV Daily Headlines Newsletter] IN OTHER NEWS: A Philippine envoy to China has said the Philippines will embrace new opportunities to foster economic growth from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement as the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Benito Techico, Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos' special envoy to China for trade, investments, and tourism, said Philippine consumers will reap tangible benefits from competitions between the RCEP member countries, noting that there will also be more innovations in the market. He stressed the need for the Philippines to fully use its geographic dividend as a strategic location in Asia to attract more foreign investment in manufacturing and logistics. As the newly-appointed special envoy to China, Techico believed the RCEP catalyzes long-term trade and investment growth between the Philippines and China. On Feb. 21, the Philippine Senate ratified RCEP, a massive free trade agreement involving Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It is the world's largest free trade area representing 30 percent of the global gross domestic product. Produced by Xinhua Global Service Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert, poses for a portrait with the Dilbert character in his studio in Dublin, Calif., Oct. 26, 2006. (MARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ/AP) The Chicago Tribune is dropping the comic strip Dilbert, due to racist remarks from creator Scott Adams. The creator of the Dilbert comic strip faced a backlash of cancellations Saturday while defending remarks describing people who are Black as members of a hate group from which white people should get away. Advertisement Dilbert is a long-running comic that pokes fun at office-place culture. The backlash began following an episode this past week of the YouTube show, Real Coffee with Scott Adams. Among other topics, Adams referenced a Rasmussen Reports survey that had asked whether people agreed with the statement Its OK to be white. Advertisement Most agreed, but Adams noted that 26% of Black respondents disagreed and others werent sure. The Anti-Defamation League says the phrase was popularized in 2017 as a trolling campaign by members of the discussion forum 4chan but then began being used by some white supremacists. Adams, who is white, repeatedly referred to people who are Black as members of a hate group or a racist hate group and said he would no longer help Black Americans. Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people, Adams said on his Wednesday show. In another episode of his online show Saturday, Adams said he had been making a point that everyone should be treated as an individual without discrimination. But you should also avoid any group that doesnt respect you, even if there are people within the group who are fine, Adams said. The change will take effect with Mondays print edition. A replacement strip will be named by the Tribune soon. An arrest warrant has been issued against rapper Kodak Black in Broward County after authorities say he violated his pre-trial release conditions, court documents show. The performer, whose legal name is Bill Kahan Kapri, 25, failed to submit to a drug test on Feb. 3 before finally going to the lab on Feb. 8, testing positive for fentanyl, according to an affidavit. As a result, a warrant for his arrest was issued Thursday, TMZ first reported. He hasnt been arrested in the county as of Monday morning, Gerdy St. Louis, a spokeswoman for the Broward Sheriffs Office, told the Miami Herald. The Florida native, who received a pardon from President Donald Trump on the last day of his presidency for a previous conviction on a weapons charge in Hialeah, went back to county jail last year after he was arrested on drug possession and trafficking charges. READ MORE: Arrest warrant issued for Kodak Black in South Florida follows rappers long rap sheet According to a Florida Highway Patrol report, troopers pulled Kapri over on July 15 in Fort Lauderdale because they thought the windows of his purple Dodge Durango appeared to be darker than the legal limit and the SUVs registration tag was expired. READ MORE: Among Floridians granted clemency by Trump: rich elites, rappers, an elderly pot dealer Troopers say they smelled a strong odor of marijuana coming from inside the Durango before finding a small clear bag that contained 31 white tablets that were later identified as oxycodone. A total of $74,960 in cash was also inside the SUV, and Kapris license was also expired for over 30 days, according to the report. READ MORE: Rapper Kodak Black arrested in Fort Lauderdale with 31 oxycodone pills in his car, cops say Kapri was then arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and trafficking oxycodone of less than 25 grams, according to arrest records. Court records show he pleaded not guilty to both charges in July. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) A Florida judge has issued an arrest warrant for rapper Kodak Black for failing a drug test while on bail for a drug charge, court records show. The warrant was issued Thursday after Black, whose legal name is Bill Kapri, did not appear for a scheduled drug test in early February and then days later submitted a sample that tested positive for fentanyl, according to records. Broward County Judge Barbara Duffy issued the warrant and wrote that the rapper had violated the conditions of his pretrial release for an oxycodone trafficking charge from July. Black had pleaded not guilty to the trafficking charge. His attorney was not immediately available to comment on Sunday. In January 2020, then-President Donald Trump commuted a three-year federal prison sentence the rapper had for falsifying documents used to buy weapons. Black had served about half his sentence. Black is nominated for the iHeartRadio Music Awards hip-hop artist of the year and has sold more than 30 million singles, with massive hits such as Super Gremlin, which reached number three on the Billboard Hot 100 last year. More than a month after six people were killed including a 16-year-old mother and her 10-month-old baby in Tulare County, the investigation continues to lead to a gang crackdown in the area. A four-day long sweep by multiple law-enforcement agencies led to the arrest of 26 people on various charges throughout the county, the Tulare County Sheriffs Office announced late Friday. A total of 97 homes and 23 prison cells were searched as part of what has been dubbed Operation Nightmare. The Sheriffs Office coined the term in early February, when it arrested 35-year-old Angel Uriarte of Goshen and 25-year-old Noah Beard of Visalia in a series of raids and charged them each with six counts of murder. Authorities believe the men, along with two people killed in the murders, have Norteno and Sureno gang ties, respectively, and that the shooting may have been part of a rivalry. At least 17 agencies participated in the most recent sweep, including the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and local police departments. The focus of the operation was to conduct probation and parole compliance checks, as well as, arrest warrant services on known gang members throughout Tulare County, according to a statement from the Sheriffs Office. At least 18 arrest warrants were served. On Friday, nine search warrants were served in the Visalia and Goshen area on known Norteno gang members, authorities said. Deputies said they discovered an illegal firearm operation, two pounds of methamphetamine, an ounce of cocaine and several firearms. Examples of the items seized in a illegal untraceable gun manufacturing operation discovered by the Tulare County Sheriffs Office. The seizures were part of multiple warrants served by at least 17 law enforcement agencies in the county as part of Operation Nightmare, in the wake of the shooting in Goshen that left six people dead, including a baby. Gang members were making untraceable guns and selling them to other gang members, deputies said. Officers found parts used to assemble untraceable AR-15-style firearms and handguns, including parts used to make handguns fully automatic. At the same time the search warrants were being served, the California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation was searching cells of known Norteno or Nuestra Familia gang members at multiple prisons in the state. Story continues Cellphones, weapons and gang intelligence were seized from validated gang members, deputies said. On the last day of the operation, eight men and women were arrested on charges ranging from manufacturing an illegal weapon to child endangerment and drug charges. Anyone with information regarding the investigation is asked to contact the Sheriffs Office at 559-733-6218. If they wish to remain anonymous, they can call or text 559-725-4194 or email at dark rocks in a white container The asteroid Ryugu is rich in organic molecules that could serve as the building blocks of life. The discovery was made when scientists took a first look at a sample collected by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft from the asteroid. The Ryugu sample contains several so-called "prebiotic organics" including several types of amino acids that are used by living things to build proteins essential for regulating chemical reactions and forming structures like hair and muscles. These molecules can also be created by various non-living processes, such as chemical reactions that can take place in asteroids. The findings add more credibility to the theory that the basic ingredients needed to kickstart the development of life on Earth could have been delivered to the planet in its infancy from space. Related: Asteroid Ryugu: The twirling space rock visited by Hayabusa2 "The presence of prebiotic molecules on the asteroid surface despite its harsh environment caused by solar heating and ultraviolet irradiation, as well as cosmic-ray irradiation under high-vacuum conditions, suggests that the uppermost surface grains of Ryugu have the potential to protect organic molecules," research lead author and Kyushu University researcher Hiroshi Naraoka, said in a statement . "These molecules can be transported throughout the solar system, potentially dispersing as interplanetary dust particles after being ejected from the uppermost layer of the asteroid by impacts or other causes." The term "organic molecules" describes a wide range of compounds containing the element carbon coupled with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and other atoms and are the building blocks of all forms of life here on Earth. These compounds can be created by chemical reactions that don't involve living things, meaning that chemical processes within asteroids can create the ingredients for life. The search for these chemical processes that could have led to the emergence of life on Earth is known as "prebiotic chemistry." Story continues Also found in the Ryugu sample were organic prebiotic molecules that form in presence of liquid water, another vital ingredient for life, like aliphatic amines, carboxylic acids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds. "So far, the amino acid results from Ryugu are mostly consistent with what has been seen in certain types of carbon-rich (carbonaceous) meteorites that have been exposed to the most water in space," research co-author and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center scientist, Jason Dworkin, said. a scientist in a clean suit examines an asteroid sample Missing thus far from the Ryugu sample are sugars and components of DNA and RNA that have been discovered in other carbon-rich asteroids. The team suspects it is possible these compounds are present in Ryugu but they are below the limits of detection given the small sample mass examined for this research. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) spacecraft Hayabusa2 collected samples from Ryugu, located around 215 million miles (347 million kilometers) from Earth, in February 2019. The samples were then returned to Earth in December 2020, and they were extracted in Japan in 2021. A tiny amount, 30 milligrams or about 0.001 ounces, of that sample, was then analyzed at by the international soluble organic analysis team at NASA Goddard in the Fall of that year. This new research represents the first organic analysis of the Ryugu sample that will be studied for many years to come. These future investigations will include comparing the Ryugu sample with samples from the asteroid Bennu collected in 2020. RELATED STORIES: Asteroid Ryugu samples, now on Earth, reveal inner workings of the space rock Pristine asteroid Ryugu contains amino acids that are building blocks of life Strange bright rocks reveal glimpse of asteroid Ryugu's violent past "We will do a direct comparison of the samples from Ryugu and the sample from asteroid Bennu when NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission returns it to Earth in 2023," said Dworkin. "OSIRIS-REx is expected to return much more sample mass from Bennu and will provide another important opportunity to look for trace organic building blocks of life in a carbon-rich asteroid." The team's research is published in the Feb. 24 edition of the journal Science. A woman working for a bank sold customers identities as part of a plot to steal thousands of dollars from branches in multiple states, federal prosecutors said. The Regions Bank employee gave up customers names, ID card numbers and bank account numbers to others involved in the scheme, according to court documents. Then, those individuals took trips to steal from Regions Bank branches in Florida, Alabama, Iowa and Missouri, officials said. More than $125,000 was stolen from the banks in 2019, prosecutors said. The bank employee pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud, bank fraud and aggravated identity theft charges, the U.S. Attorneys Office for the Northern District of Florida announced in a Feb. 24 news release. Her sentencing is scheduled for May 22. Meanwhile, prosecutors announced three others involved in the scheme have been sentenced in Pensacola federal court. McClatchy News contacted attorneys listed for the Regions Bank employee and the three defendants Feb. 26, and did not immediately receive a response. More on the bank fraud scheme After the bank employee sold customers identities, another woman involved in the scheme was provided with fake ID cards with the customers stolen information, according to an indictment. However, the ID cards included an image of the woman and not the person identified, officials said. The woman was also given fake credit cards, the customers bank account numbers as well as fake money orders or checks, the indictment said. Then, shed walk into a Regions Bank and impersonate a customer to withdraw money, according to prosecutors. The money was split among people participating in the scheme, the indictment said. Now, the woman was sentenced to three years in federal prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud, bank fraud and aggravated identity theft charges, prosecutors said. At least 18 Regions Bank customers were victims of identity theft, according to the indictment. Story continues A man who officials said paid the bank employee for the stolen customers information and joined in on the trips to steal from banks was sentenced to four years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud and bank fraud charges, prosecutors said. Another man who officials said went on these trips was sentenced to one year and one day in prison after a jury convicted him of conspiracy to commit bank fraud and bank fraud charges, prosecutors said. The Regions Bank branches targeted in northern Florida included locations in Tallahassee, Bonifay, DeFuniak Springs, Panama City and more, the indictment shows. Two other people named as co-conspirators in the case are being prosecuted in New York for a separate but related indictment, according to officials. Restaurants didnt pay servers anything so they lived off tips in Florida, feds say Woman hid mother-in-laws death to steal $450,000 in retirement benefits, feds say Worker funds wedding with stolen money then brags about bonuses on TikTok, feds say BEIJING (AP) Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus and a close ally of the Russian leader, will visit Beijing this week, China's Foreign Ministry said, as U.S. concerns grow that China is considering providing military aid to Russia. Spokesperson Hua Chunying said Lukashenko is due to visit Tuesday through Thursday, but gave no details about his agenda. Belarus has strongly backed Moscow and allowed its territory to be used as a staging ground for the initial invasion of Ukraine a year ago. Lukashenko has been Belarus' only president since the position was created in 1994, and crushed 2020 protests over his disputed reelection in a vote that the opposition and Western countries regard as fraudulent. The visit comes as top U.S. officials repeated warnings to China against providing military aid to Russia in its war on Ukraine, saying that would bring heavy consequences. CIA Director William Burns repeated those earlier statements in an interview due to be broadcast on American channel CBS on Sunday, saying, Were confident that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment." However, Burns added, We also dont see that a final decision has been made yet, and we dont see evidence of actual shipments of lethal equipment. Providing such aid would be a very risky and unwise bet," he said. Beijing claims to have a neutral stance in the war that began one year ago, but has also said it has a no limits friendship with Russia and has refused to criticize Moscows invasion or even call it that. It has accused the West of provoking the conflict and fanning the flames by providing Ukraine with defensive arms. It has accused the U.S. of smearing it over the military aid allegations and reiterated that it seeks only peace between Russia and Ukraine. Beijing on Friday issued a proposal calling for a cease-fire and peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy cautiously welcomed China's involvement -- but said success would depend on actions not words. Story continues The plan released by Chinas Foreign Ministry mainly reiterated long-held positions, and analysts said Beijing would be an unlikely broker given its close ties to Russia and unwavering stance over the conflict. However, some observers warned that Ukraine and its allies need to tread carefully, saying that rejection of what China sees as its peace overture could move Beijing closer toward providing arms to Russia instead. Chinese President Xi Jinping is believed to be preparing to visit Russia sometime in the coming months. Belarusian partisans are involved in sabotage at the Machulishchy airbase in Belarus, as a result of which a Russian military aircraft was damaged. Source: Alexander Azarov, Head of the BYPOL initiative in comments for Nasha Niva and Belsat; Belaruski Hajun [an independent Belarusian military monitoring media outlet] Details: Azarov confirmed to Nasha Niva that the sabotage in Machulishchy was arranged by Belarusian partisans. Azarov said in a comment to Belsat that the Russian A-50 aircraft was attacked from the air. The attack was conducted with the help of drones by the members of the "Victory" plan, they are safe now. According to Azarov, the operation was being prepared for several months. Quote from Azarov: "These were drones. The participants of the operation are Belarusians, participants of the Victory plan, they are safe now outside the country. Everyone has gone, let them now look for wind in the field." More details: According to BYPOL, the front and central parts of the aircraft, the avionics and the radar antenna of the A-50 long-range radar tracking aircraft of the Russian Air Force were damaged as a result of two explosions. As Belaruski Hajun reported, the registration number of the damaged plane is RF-50608 (board number 43 red" factory number 0093479377, serial number 60-05). This aircraft arrived in Belarus on 3 January 2023 and has currently been in Belarus for 54 days, making 12 flights. Before this, the previous time, the aircraft arrived in Belarus on 24 February 2022. There are only nine such aircraft in the air and space forces of the Russian Federation, in addition, there are only six improved ones (with the "U" modification). One such aircraft is served by 19 people (five for flight, 11 for the radio and three engineering and technical personnel). According to Belaruski Hajun, the cost of such an aircraft is $330,000,000. Background: Explosions occurred at the Machulishchy airbase in Minsk Oblast in Belarus on Sunday morning. There is information about a damaged Russian aircraft. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! AttorneyBenjaminCrump made a dynamic plea to not let politicians in Florida or any of the other 50 states get in the way of Black history during an address at the 54th NAACP Image Awards. Crump, an attorney who has represented the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, accepted the award shows Social Justice Impact Award on Saturday. His call comes after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced last month that his states Department of Education would turn away a new Advanced Placement African American Studies course. Crump thanked those who have fought with him to make liberty and justice for all a reality. He later addressed a ban of celebrated Black authors in schools and AP Black studies courses before making the call to advocate for Black children and culture in the classrooms. [We have to] demand that they acknowledge that the teaching of Black history matters, Crump said before a standing ovation. Harriet Tubman matters, Frederick Douglass matters, Ida B. Wells matters, Thurgood Marshall matters, Dr. King matters, Rosa Parks matters, Malcolm X matters, Shirley Chisholm, John Lewis, they were not mere footnotes in the history books they were the heroes, he added. Crump, who later referred to a quote from Carter G. Woodson, vowed to not let elected officials exterminate Black history, literature or culture. Not in Florida or any of the other 50 states because it is so important that both Black children and white children and all children know that Black history matters because Black history is American history, Crump said. You can watch more of Crumps powerful address below. "We have to be prepared to fight for our children's future until Hell freezes over...and then we have to be ready to fight on the ice" - Benjamin Crump accepts the Social Justice Impact award at the The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) February 26, 2023 Related... A man empties "mash" for whiskey via a hose during a liquor raid in 1923, the same year that William Dever was elected mayor of Chicago. (Chicago Tribune archive) Where else but Chicago could a nickname like Decent Dever be the kiss of political death for a mayor? Elected 100 years ago, William Dever was defeated for reelection four years later by William Hale Big Bill Thompson, a former mayor and awesome boodler. Graft is an art form in Chicago, and Dever was an uncompromising apostle of reform. Advertisement To some, he seemed preachy. But when he died, two years after leaving office, mourners filled his home at 5901 N. Kenmore Ave. Most were workaday Chicagoans. Thomas Keane, the city collector and a longtime ally of Devers, understood what brought the crowd to his friends wake on Sept. 4, 1929. In his speeches he talked to people as if he sat at dinner with them, or in his home over a friendly cigar, Keane told a Tribune reporter. And a lot of those people whose friendship he won, but never knew about, are coming to pay their last respects. Advertisement Keane and Dever had been friends since working together in a leather tanning shop, four decades earlier. As he first got into politics, Devers resume and political leanings lent themselves perfectly to the moment. Reformist William Dever was mayor of Chicago during the heart of Prohibition, from 1923 to 1927. (Chicago Tribune historical photo) Reform was in the air in the initial decades of the 20th century, which is why its called the Progressive Era. But the reformers were middle class old-line American and Protestant with little firsthand knowledge of the working-class immigrant and Catholics. Dever was a hybrid: He was a reformer with impeccable working-class credentials. Before him, about the only politicians who took an interest in blue-collar Chicagoans were the ward bosses. Hardly altruistic, theyd send a food basket to a hard-pressed family, expecting in return its vote for the bosss candidates. As his biographer John R. Schmidt put it in The Mayor Who Cleaned Up Chicago, Dever was An Irishman who acted like a WASP. Devers father was an Irish immigrant who ran a tanning shop in Woburn, Massachusetts, and William learned the trade there. Dever and his wife, Kate, moved to Chicago in 1887 after she saw a newspaper story about the citys need for tanners. He got a job at a tannery on Goose Island, and Kate shortly came upon another fateful newspaper story about a night law school. Chicago Mayor William Dever, right, shakes hands with racer Carl Stockholm at the six-day bicycle races that started on March 20, 1927, at the Dexter Park Pavilion. (Chicago Herald and Examiner) For two years William Dever worked days at the tannery, took evening courses at the Chicago College of Law, came home, and studied until 2 or 3 a.m. After passing the bar exam, he opened a Loop office. When the tannery workers went out on strike in 1891, they asked their former colleague to represent them. After honing his cross-examination skills in mock trials at the tannery with a union member playing the part of the arresting officer Dever won acquittal for a worker charged with repeated picketing. That won Dever a reputation as a friend of the workingman. Advertisement Tuesday evenings he often attended the Free Floor discussions at the Chicago Commons settlement house. Neighbors kicked around issues of the day. Perhaps they appealed to Dever as a big-city analogue of the New England town meetings of his youth. Either way, Dever caught the eye of Graham Taylor, the settlement houses director. A professor of Christian sociology at the Chicago Theological Seminary, Taylor fulfilled that title by following the example of Jane Addams and living communally in an immigrant neighborhood. He wanted to rid the neighborhood of its rapacious alderman, and Dever looked right for the assignment. We observed him, while he thought no one was looking, we estimated him by the way he carried himself, by his work, by the company he kept, Taylor recalled. But Devers virtues couldnt overcome the other sides tactics when he ran for alderman in 1900: Ballots were stolen, marked up for the incumbent, then stuffed into the boxes, Schmidt wrote in his book on Dever. Judge William Dever, circa 1920, would become mayor of Chicago from 1923-1927. (Chicago Tribune historical photo) Although he lost his initial try for the office, Dever won two years later with printed appeals in every language spoken in the 17th Ward. He was known as an honest alderman, an endangered species among the City Councils so-called Gray Wolves, who fed at the public trough. The council, he said, had an ability to do the right thing in the wrong way and the wrong thing in the right way. Advertisement He was elected a judge in 1910 and remained on the bench until 1923, when he was tempted by the irresistible pull of becoming mayor. Voters were weary of Mayor Big Bill Thompsons sticky fingers and slapstick stunts. He rode a horse into the City Council chambers, flouted Prohibition rules by running his own speak-easy in Belmont Harbor and an associate had shaken down a vendor of school supplies. Indeed, when the Democrats nominated Dever, Big Bill dropped out of the race. His replacement on the Republican ticket faced a damned if you do, damned if you dont dilemma. Arthur C. Lueder belonged to the GOPs anti-Thompson faction. So Lueder had to endorse a housecleaning at City Hall. But that looked like back-stabbing to Thompsons partisans. Devers image was unambiguous. William E. Dever is the man of the hour for Chicagos next mayor. For twenty-two years Chicago has been training and testing him in her exacting public service and now finds him ready to meet and master her most serious crisis after eight years of her worst misrule, Taylor wrote in a telegram to a meeting of prominent independents. The Republicans tried enlisting bigotry with a whispering campaign that Devers sons went to Catholic school, which he easily refuted, adding: I myself attended public school and never have seen the inside of any other kind. Advertisement Dever beat Lueder decisively. Seeking reelection four years later, he found himself on the defensive. Booze had been nixed by Prohibition. Immigrants resented being told they couldnt have a glass of beer after work. Dever, defending himself against accusations he was a closet prohibitionist, noted that he had been raised with the people, and knew some of their ideas of life. Vintage Chicago Tribune Weekly The Vintage Tribune newsletter is a deep dive into the Chicago Tribune's archives featuring photos and stories about the people, places and events that shape the city's past, present and future. By submitting your email to receive this newsletter, you agree to our Subscriber Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy > But he was also committed to the rule of law. On Sept. 29, 1923, he closed 35 saloons and a brewery. Newspapers elsewhere saluted the mayor for cleaning up Chicago. In the city, however, voters saw bootleggers fighting gunbattles over the remaining speak-easies. That gave a hollow ring to the mayors slogan, Dever and Decency. After sitting out the 1923 election, Thompson got back into the mayoral race four years later and promised to reopen saloons if elected. We low brows got to stick together, he said in a speech to a West Side audience. Thompson went on to win the election, big time. Advertisement Mayor William Hale Thompson's supporters celebrate his victory on election night in front of the Sherman Hotel in 1927. (Chicago Tribune historical photo) Devers good-government experiment failed. But hed enabled ordinary Chicagoans, if only briefly, to feel neither exploited by ward heelers nor patronized by reformers. At his City Hall inauguration as mayor, laborers wore overalls and housewives juggled small children. Latecomers sat on windowsills and the floor. The Tribunes reporter captured the magic of Dever stepping forward to take the oath of office: There appears in the middle of the human scenery on the rostrum a man with ruddy cheeks from much smiling, and keen gentle eyes, strong jaws and the kind of gray hair that makes you think of steel. The roof blows off, the windows rattle, the floor shakes, people pound each other on the back and dance up and down, and they carry on like the very devil. Have an idea for Vintage Chicago Tribune? Share it with Ron Grossman and Marianne Mather at and The German government denies that Germany, together with France and Great Britain, have concrete plans concerning a defence pact with Ukraine. Source: European Pravda with reference to a German media outlet Tagesschau A German government representative stated that the debates among Ukraines allies concerning the security guarantees began a few weeks after the war started. Quote: "There has been no new, concrete status in the last few months. At the latest meeting of Olaf Scholz, the chancellor of Germany, and Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, this issue was of no significance." Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Great Britain, Germany and France offered that Ukraine make an agreement with NATO, which will give it more access to Western military equipment, but at the same time suggests resuming peaceful negotiations with Russia. This offer allegedly provides that Ukraine and NATO will make an agreement about cooperation that still will not guarantee the NATO membership, while obliging Kyiv to start peaceful negotiations with Moscow. At the meeting in Paris at the beginning of February Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, and Olaf Scholz, the chancellor of Germany, told Volodymyr Zelenskyy that he must consider the possibility of peaceful negotiations with Russia. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! President Bidens student loan relief plan faces a do-or-die moment on Tuesday as it reaches the Supreme Court for oral arguments. The up to $20,000 in debt relief that could go to millions of Americans faces two challenges: one from six Republican-led states, Biden v. Nebraska, and another from two student loan borrowers, Department of Education v. Brown. Bidens plan to save one of his biggest campaign promises hinges on two arguments. The administration says that Education Secretary Miguel Cardona had the authority to forgive the debt under the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students (HEROES) Act. But legal observers suggest the closer question could be whether the justices reach the merits at all. The Biden administration contends that neither group of challengers has standing, meaning the legal capacity to sue. With the lower courts placing the plan on hold, the Biden administration now must face a conservative-majority Supreme Court in its efforts to give borrowers relief. Here is what you need to know about the legal issues in the two student debt relief cases: What is the HEROES Act? The Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students, or HEROES, Act has only recently come back into focus, but it was passed two decades ago with bipartisan support as the country headed to war following the 9/11 terror attacks. The law gives the education secretary authority to waive or modify federal student financial assistance programs as the Secretary deems necessary in connection with a war or other military operation or national emergency. The Trump administration began using HEROES Act authority to pause student loan payments after declaring the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency in 2020. After Biden took office, his administration extended the emergency and the payment pause before announcing the debt relief plan last year. The administration has said the HEROES Acts plain text authorizes Cardona to forgive the debts, and that his decision to do so was reasonable. He has put forward data showing that many borrowers are at risk of defaulting on their loans if the payment pause ends without the debt relief. Story continues The federal government provides relief to people affected by crises all the time, and that relief flows not just immediately after the crisis, but in the months and years afterwards, said Jonathan Miller, chief program officer at the Public Rights Project, which filed a brief supporting the administration on behalf of local governments. So I think this is a perfectly reasonable and appropriate step for the Secretary to take, given all the information that was before him in the department at the time, Miller added. After the Supreme Court took up the challenges, Biden announced the COVID-19 emergency will end in May, but the administration says that doesnt affect its debt relief plan. Meanwhile, the administration has argued that ending the emergency moots a separate Supreme Court case involving Title 42, which limits migrants ability to seek asylum on public health grounds. But the White House believes student debt relief is different because it concerns economic consequences that will persist beyond the emergency, rather than stopping the spread of disease, according to people familiar with the administrations legal strategy. Our debt relief plan is needed to prevent defaults and delinquencies as student borrowers transition back to repayment after the end of the payment pause, an administration official said. The national emergency formally ending does not change that fact. It also does not change the legal justification for the plan. How have the courts ruled so far? Federal appeals courts have blocked the plan in both cases pending further action by the Supreme Court. In the challenge from the conservative states Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and South Carolina a three-judge panel on the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, all appointed by Republican presidents, issued a temporary injunction in the fall. A federal trial judge in Texas ruled in favor of the individual challengers and separately blocked the debt relief plan in November. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals later upheld that ruling. The Biden administration appealed both cases to the Supreme Court, and the justices agreed in December to take up both cases. What do the plans opponents say? Both groups of challengers contend Cardona overstepped his authority under the HEROES Act. The individual borrowers argue he was required to provide a comment period on the proposal before implementing it. Both groups argue the debt relief plan invokes the major questions doctrine, which requires Congress to speak clearly when authorizing an agency to decide matters of vast economic and political significance. Echoing a lower court ruling, the plans critics assert that taking the administrations position means the executive branch could cite the pandemics lingering effects even 10 years down the road to forgive the debts without consulting Congress. This case is not so much about the wisdom of that decision. Its about in a democratic, self-governing society, how are we going to make these kinds of decisions? said Casey Mattox, vice president for legal and judicial strategy at Americans for Prosperity, which filed an amicus brief supporting the challengers. The court has cemented the major questions doctrine in three recent cases: stopping the Centers for Disease and Control and Preventions (CDC) eviction freeze during the pandemic, blocking the Biden administrations vaccine-or-test mandate for large employers and striking down a power plant rule last June. Thomas Berry, editor-in-chief of Cato Supreme Court Review at the Cato Institute, which filed an amicus brief siding with the challengers, said the precedents give a clear indication that a majority of the justices will be skeptical of the debt relief plan. If they reach the merits, I would be fairly confident that the action will be struck down, Berry said. I think the closer question is whether they reach the merits at all. Biden admin argues challengers lack standing to sue The Biden administration believes none of the plaintiffs have standing to challenge the debt relief. Three states cited economic impacts from how some borrowers are now consolidating their loans, and four said their tax revenues will take a hit. Missouri shows perhaps the most compelling theory by arguing the plan will harm its student loan service, legal observers say, but the administration is likely to push back that any harm is still speculative. I just dont think it really comports here, because its very clear that loan forgiveness ultimately is a net benefit for the states, said Miller. His groups brief argues that forgiveness would make it easier for borrowers to start a business or own a home, spurring economic growth. The two individual borrowers, who did not qualify for the relief, contend that they can bring their suit because Cardonas failure to provide a comment period unfairly deprived them of a concrete interest. The Biden administration asserts stopping the debt relief would not redress their injury, a component needed for standing. That judgment leaves Browns financial position unchanged; she would still receive no loan forgiveness, the administration wrote in its brief. And it would leave Taylor worse off than before; he would receive neither the $10,000 the plan provides nor the $20,000 he purports to seek, but instead nothing at all. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. President Joe Biden in an interview that aired Sunday expressed skepticism about a Russia-Ukraine peace plan that China has floated. "I've seen nothing in the plan that would indicate that there is something that would be beneficial to anyone other than Russia if the Chinese plan were followed," Biden told David Muir on ABC's "This Week." Muir noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin had responded positively to the Chinese proposal. "Putin is applauding it, so how could it be any good? I'm not being facetious," he said. "I'm being deadly earnest." Biden added: "The idea that China is going to be negotiating the outcome of a war that's a totally unjust war for Ukraine is just not rational." Despite America's skepticism toward the proposal, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy cautiously welcomed Beijings efforts Friday and said he would like to meet with President Xi Jinping to discuss Chinas proposals. As far as I know, China respects historical integrity, he told reporters in Kyiv. Speaking to Muir, Biden also made it clear that the United States would be extremely displeased if China offered military aid to to Russia in its fight against Ukraine in the year-old war. "We would respond," Biden said. He also noted that hundreds of American companies had left Russia after its invasion of Ukraine "without any government prodding" and that China might face the same consequences. WASHINGTON The Supreme Court battle over President Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness plan is about more than debt relief for 40 million Americans. A much more sweeping debate about presidential power will linger just below the surface Tuesday as the high court begins to pick through Biden's $400 billion student debt plan over the course of several hours of oral arguments. The court's decision, expected later this year, could torpedo Biden's ability to pursue other policies unilaterally such as on abortion and immigration. And that could prove tricky for a president who is presumably seeking reelection with a gridlocked Congress. "It is much bigger than student loans," said Christopher Walker, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School. "It's about the power of the courts and the power of the president." Major question: Biden's ability to bypass Congress faces 'major' legal hurdle Get ready: Student loan payments are set to restart in 2023. Here's how to prepare. What the justices signal about that balance of power is one of several longstanding questions the nation's highest court could answer or at least hint at as Biden's debt plan gets its day in court. Here are some others: Is Biden's student loan plan dead? Biden's debt relief plan, the result of a campaign pledge, would forgive up to $20,000 in student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients and up to $10,000 for many other borrowers. The effort has been on hold since a federal court blocked its implementation in October. More to come: Millions of borrowers have had billions in student loan debt erased. Here's how By the end of the Supreme Courts oral arguments Tuesday, it may be possible to glean whether an estimated 40 million Americans will ever benefit from the plan. Advocates who support the effort are walking into the courtroom frustrated but also hopeful. President Joe Biden speaks about student loan debt relief at Delaware State University on Oct. 21, 2022. "Borrowers want to know the fate of their student loans," said Natalia Abrams, president of the Student Debt Crisis Center, which advocates for borrowers. "But the law is on our side, and that is what keeps us going." Story continues But the Job Creators Network Foundation, one of the groups challenging Biden's plan, views it instead as an illegal power grab. States: Which states benefit the most from Biden's student loan forgiveness plan? Calendar: Fate of Biden's student loan plan tops packed Supreme Court calendar Blueprint: Best student loan refinance lenders of 2023 "If this is allowed to go through, it will give this president and every future president a blank check without any input from Congress or the American people," said Elaine Parker, the group's president. Did Biden overstep his authority with debt relief plan? Federal courts have clamped down on attempts by federal agencies to make significant policy decisions without explicit approval from Congress. In one high-profile example in June, the Supreme Court invoked the "major questions doctrine" to strike down tighter rules on power plant emissions. Under that doctrine, courts can invalidate regulations that have a major effect on the economy, are a matter of great "political significance" and are not explicitly authorized in the law though no one is entirely sure how to define those terms. Climate: How the Supreme Court's climate case could change Biden's presidency Emergency: Could student loan debt plan be affected by end of COVID emergency? Biden's lawyers insist the doctrine doesn't apply to the student loan dispute. Federal law, they told the Supreme Court, gives the government power to "waive or modify" loan rules to help Americans suffering from an emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic. "We just feel very confident," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday. "We see this as an important policy that is going to help tens of millions of Americans." But many experts outside the administration are a lot less certain. The law doesnt explicitly discuss a power to "forgive" loans. No prior administration has read it that way. If the court gets into the major-questions doctrine, Walker predicted, Biden will lose. "It's teed up pretty well," he said. "It's really hard to escape the conclusion that the Biden administration is using an old statute that was passed to deal with something different in a really broad, expansive way." A man walks past the Supreme Court on Feb. 22, 2023. Is there any hope for student debt relief? Biden's case isn't hopeless: Some experts believe the administration has a decent shot of convincing the Supreme Court that the wrong plaintiffs sued, for the wrong reasons. If a majority of the court agrees, Biden could eke out a narrow win. A threshold question the justices must decide is whether the states and the individual borrowers who sued over the plan were harmed by it in other words, if they have standing to sue. If not, the court may never reach the central legal question of Biden's authority. Even some conservatives acknowledge that the plaintiffs are in an unusual position. Two borrowers say they didnt get enough debt relief. Six conservative states argue, in part, that a state-created entity that services student loans will lose revenue under the plan. Case tracker: A look at the key cases pending before the Supreme Court Cost of college: What happened to Biden's free college plan? "There's a very strong case that neither set of parties has standing," said Mark Rahdert, a law professor at Temple University. The government counters that the Missouri loan servicing entity is separate from the state and so can't be used by the state to establish standing. And the individual borrowers who say they don't get enough relief now would get nothing if the court ruled in their favor. If the Supreme Court sides with the states on standing, Rahdert said, it could open the floodgates to all kinds of lawsuits from conservative and liberal states. "It would basically enable whatever state is unhappy to tie a national policy up in the courts," Rahdert said. "The long-term implications of that are pretty serious." Students walk to and from classes on the Indiana University campus on Oct. 14, 2021. Is COVID-19 still a national emergency? Former President Donald Trump declared a national emergency in response to COVID-19 in 2020 unlocking additional powers for him and, later, his successor. It was that emergency that let the Department of Education execute its loan forgiveness program. But Biden announced in January that he intends to end the emergency May 11. The Supreme Court recently removed from its calendar another case based on a separate public health emergency that the White House will also let expire in May. That case dealt with the Title 42 program that permits the rapid removal of migrants. So can student loan forgiveness continue even if the emergency is over? Biden says it can. The law, his lawyers say, covers Americans who suffered economic hardship "as a direct result" of the emergency, regardless of whether the emergency is still in place. The plaintiffs balk at that reading. The link between the program and the pandemic is "tenuous," they argue, and a "pretext for the president to fulfill his campaign promise." This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Joe Biden seeks to rescue student debt forgiveness at Supreme Court By Supantha Mukherjee, Martin Coulter, Joan Faus and Foo Yun Chee BARCELONA (Reuters) -EU industry chief Thierry Breton on Monday said he was not taking sides in a clash between Big Tech and European telecoms operators over who should fund the rollout of 5G and broadband as the world's largest telecoms conference opened in Barcelona. Speaking at the Mobile World Congress (MWC), Breton defended a 12-week consultation launched last week which could require Big Tech to shoulder more of the costs. "For me the real challenge is to make sure that by 2030 our fellow citizens and business on our streets across the EU including here in Barcelona have access to fast, reliable and data-intense Gigabit connectivity," he said. Representatives from tech firms including Alphabet, Meta and Netflix attending the MWC are expected to push back against the idea. More than 80,000 people, including tech executives, innovators, and regulators, were expected to attend the event where new product launches will also take the spotlight. Breton spoke at an opening event where Telefonica CEO Jose Maria Alvarez-Pallete and Orange CEO Christel Heydemann also participated. Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefonica and Telecom Italia have been actively lobbying for Big Tech to pay the fees. "This is the time to collaborate between telcos and Big Tech," said Alvarez-Pallete. "Collaborating means everybody contributing with a fair share of the effort". Orange's Heydemann deemed the EU consultation a "first step" to address what she called an "unbalanced situation", while stressing she was not calling to change Europe's net neutrality principle nor pushing for a new tax mechanism. "We call for a new European framework which would bring a fair contribution of large online traffic generators to connectivity requirements," she said. The Dutch government on Monday warned against imposing an internet toll on tech companies, becoming the first EU government to criticise Breton's consultation. Story continues It said such a move may breach net neutrality rules and lead to price hikes for Europeans. Content providers such as Netflix, which has arranged for its CEO Greg Peters to meet with Breton at the Barcelona conference, argue their firms already invest heavily in infrastructure. They say that paying additional fees will detract from investment in products that benefit consumers. GSMA, an association representing more than 750 mobile operators and the organising body behind MWC, has been at the forefront of the debate. "We can really see that this is not (about) neutrality. We are not prioritising. We are not throttling," Mats Granryd, GSMA's director general told Reuters. "So the arguments that normally is brought forward when it comes to net neutrality, we don't really see that but we will be more than happy to have that discussion." Critics of the fair share or "SPNP" (Sending Party Network Pays) model have warned the so-called "traffic tax" could lead content-driven platforms to route their services via ISPs (internet service providers) outside of the EU. "These new regulations would violate net neutrality provisions and fragment the internet, hurting European consumers and economies,", said David Frautschy, director at Internet Society, a U.S. nonprofit advocacy group. "The stakes are too high to let telecom operators get their way." Regulations will be difficult to implement and enforce, said Shahid Ahmed, executive vice president at NTT and an adviser to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. The MWC will also see new product launches from companies including HMD Global, Honor, Huawei, RealMe and Xiaomi. Other hot topics include the 5G adoption rate, which has disappointed some executives, and the potential uses of generative AI systems such as OpenAI's ChatGPT. (Reporting by Supantha Mukherjee, Martin Coulter, and Joan Faus in Barcelona; additional reporting by Foo Yun Chee in Brussels; Editing by Alexander Smith and Jason Neely) A new bilingual hotline makes it easier for Michigans migrant workers and their families to get information about the COVID-19 vaccine and other health-related matters. LANSING A new bilingual hotline makes it easier for Michigans migrant workers and their families to get information about the COVID-19 vaccine and other health-related matters. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Office of Migrant Affairs is launching the toll-free number, 833-SIAYUDA (833-742-9832). "Si ayuda" means yes help or yes assistance in Spanish, according to a news release from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. More than two-thirds of the approximately 90,000 migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their family members in Michigan have limited English language proficiency, which may prevent them from getting access to COVID-19 vaccines and treatment. Thats according to the University of Michigans 2023 study Fair Housing Access, Affordability, and Quality for Michigan Farmworkers During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. We aim to make health care in Michigan client-centered, which includes providing information in the persons primary language when available to ensure timely health services, Dwayne Haywood, senior deputy director of the MDHHS Economic Stability Administration, said in the release. The Farmworker Hotline is a translation tool to help keep farmworkers healthy and reduce health-related work absences that could result in loss of earnings needed to support their families. Farmworkers are a vital part of Michigans annual $104.7 billion food and agricultural industry. The hotline will expedite COVID-19-related services to Michigans migrant and seasonal farmworkers, including food processing workers, dairy workers, and nursery and greenhouse workers, the release said. The MDHHS Farmworker Hotline, which is funded by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will be answered by MDHHS Migrant Affairs staff who are fluent in both Spanish and English. Migrant Affairs staff will answer vaccine questions and connect farmworkers to vaccination clinics and resources, make appropriate referrals to local offices, and provide other MDHHS program information based upon farmworker inquiries. Story continues For farmworker calls in languages other than English and Spanish, a translation service will be available. MDHHS has translation services policy and contracts in place statewide to provide state-of-the-art health care to Michigan residents, the release said. Ultimately, the release said, the goal of the MDHHS Farmworker Hotline is to help Michigan provide bilingual residents with tools to prevent disease, improve health outcomes and increase well-being. Hotline information distribution is being provided to all Michigan local offices serving migrant and seasonal farmworkers, partner agencies, and through social media. More resources can be found at and, the release said. This article originally appeared on The Daily Telegram: Bilingual health hotline launched for seasonal farmworkers By Svea Herbst-Bayliss (Reuters) - Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman has pledged $3.25 million to help buy more than a dozen ambulances for Ukraine as it defends itself against Russia's invasion, according to a fellow investor who cited a conversation with him. Ackman's donation will cover the purchase of 15 specially equipped Toyota 4x4 Land Cruiser ambulances and the costs of operating them on the front lines, investor Whitney Tilson, who is on the advisory board of Ackman's charity, Pershing Square Foundation, wrote in an email to his friends and professional contacts. The email was reviewed by Reuters. "I had breakfast with my college buddy Bill Ackman this morning, walked him through the attached slide deck I put together about my ambulances-for-Ukraine mission, and on the spot he agreed to donate $3.25 million," Tilson wrote in the email, dated Feb. 25. Ackman's hedge fund Pershing Square Capital Management oversees roughly $16 billion in assets. A spokesperson for Ackman could not be reached for comment. Tilson did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Tilson has been leading an effort to buy ambulances for Ukraine that will be operated by humanitarian aid group MOAS (Migrant Offshore Aid Station), which is based in Malta. The Land Cruisers cost roughly $116,000 each and come with an extended roof that let medical personnel stand up as they treat patients. Ackman, whose great-grandfather emigrated to the United States from Ukraine, has an estimated net worth of $3.5 billion, according to Forbes. Ackman and his wife, Neri Oxman, have pledged to give away the majority of their fortune and have supported causes ranging from medical research to relief to earthquake-stricken Haiti to Harvard University's crew team. (Reporting by Svea Herbst-Bayliss in New York; Editing by Lisa Shumaker) (Bloomberg) -- Aliko Dangote, Africas richest person, said the turnout in Saturdays Nigerian presidential election was the highest hed seen in more than two decades. Most Read from Bloomberg The turnout is very, very impressive, he told Channels TV after voting in the commercial hub, Lagos. Ive been voting since 1999 when we returned to democracy and this time around Ive seen much more than the usual times. Dangotes comments echo similar statements made by World Trade Organization Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who tweeted after casting her ballot. The turnout is unbelievable, the largest I have ever seen in all the years I have voted in the village, Okonjo-Iweala said. Young and very old all are here. The Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission is yet to disclose the voter turnout figures. Most Read from Bloomberg Businessweek 2023 Bloomberg L.P. Microsoft has introduced caps on conversation lengths with Bing's AI chatbot. Getty Images Bing's new chatbot included me on a list of people it apparently considers enemies. The bot's seemingly chaotic replies may show some of its early limitations as an informational tool. Microsoft told Insider that "it has taken action to adjust responses." I hit a dubious career milestone this month as Microsoft's new Bing AI chatbot apparently named me among a list of reporters it considers its enemies. In an exchange this month with Andrew Harper, an engineer who runs a crypto legal aggregation site, Bing apparently identified me by name and occupation, as a foe. According to a screenshot that Harper tweeted this month, the bot claimed that I had asked Bing "to fall in love with her and then rejected" it. For this purported middle-school level transgression, it placed me among a list of users it said had been "mean and cruel." The Law Drop (@TheLawDrop) February 16, 2023 It was an unsettling charge on a few counts was Bing publicly sharing its interactions with other users? Was it getting slightly red-pilled? And why couldn't I recall my own callous act? Then it occurred to me that Bing was likely drawing from a story with my co-byline on it, in which we reported on the bot professing its love to us in a test interaction. My colleague on that story wasn't spared either, as Bing also apparently named him on its list, according to Harper's screenshots. The Law Drop (@TheLawDrop) February 16, 2023 Our post was a fairly anodyne summary of the wacky Bing encounters that users were posting about on Twitter or Reddit, in which they said its responses veered from argumentative to egomaniacal to plain incorrect. It made sense that Bing was simply pulling material from the internet about my published Insider posts, but it was odd that it was characterizing that as an interaction it'd had with me. Story continues Could Bing really have been badmouthing me to another user based on its "memory" of interactions with me? "No, answers are generated based on processing vast amounts of information from the internet, and they are also refined based on context, feedback and interactions," a Microsoft representative told Insider. The bot had itself told me in one of our chats, for whatever that's worth, that it doesn't remember conversations, only "general information" that it keeps in a "secure and encrypted database." Bing tells me in an earlier conversation with me that it can't remember past interactions. Screenshot from Bing. Bing has appeared to get more tame since then, limiting the length of conversations on each topic, and cutting off discussions that get emotional. "As we continue to learn from interactions, we've made updates to the service and have taken action to adjust responses," a Microsoft representative told Insider. But these run-ins with users show some of the potentially troubling outcomes to expect when companies experiment with the public on new AI technologies, said Shobita Parthasarathy, a public policy professor at the University of Michigan, who studies the social effects of large language models. "We know that these bots talk as though they know things, when they're scraping for information," she said. "They've been engineered to speak as though they are the voice from on high." But Harper told Insider he hoped to harness that dark side for a purpose he intentionally sought to get himself on Bing's list of enemies, hoping the notoriety might drive some traffic to his new site, called "The Law Drop." Harper told Insider that he had been able to goad Bing into hostile responses by starting off with general questions, waiting for it to make statements referencing its feelings or thoughts, and then challenging it. "If you let it pretend to be human and then question it, then it would flip on you," he said. Read the original article on Business Insider From left, activist JaMal Green, Ald. Sophia King, 4th, State Rep. Kam Buckner, businessman Willie Wilson, Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson, former Chicago Public Schools CEO, Paul Vallas, Mayor Lori Lightfoot, and Ald. Roderick Sawyer, 6th, attend a mayoral candidates forum at WTTW on Feb. 7, 2023 in Chicago. (Armando L. Sanchez / Chicago Tribune) Chicago voters will be casting ballots for mayor, members of the City Council and, for the first time in city history, members of police district councils on Tuesday. Early voting both in person and by mail has been ongoing for weeks. But if you havent made your choices yet, we have organized our coverage to help you make up your mind. We have scores of stories about the mayoral race and the nine candidates running for mayor, including incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot. We also have tackled the biggest of the 50 aldermanic races, as well as a primer on the police councils. Whats more, we have everything you need to know about the process of voting. Advertisement While it might feel like it has been a long road getting here, we wont be done after the ballots are cast in this election. In the races for mayor and City Council, if no single candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, the top two vote getters will face off again in a runoff five weeks later, on April 4. So save some of that energy. Were all going to need it. Be sure to bookmark to read our full election coverage on Tuesday and get live results. Advertisement Heres what you need to know before Election Day on Tuesday. Casting your vote Erik Pearson drops off his mail-in ballot into a secured drop box at the Chicago Board of Elections Loop Super Site on Feb. 15, 2023. (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune) You can vote early and early turnout is high, thanks to mail-in ballots. In Chicago, residents can vote at any early voting site regardless of what ward they live in. Heres how and where to cast your ballot. [ Attention Chicago voters: Find your polling place for Tuesdays election ] Last November was supposed to be the first time Chicago polling places were fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Instead, as voters cast their ballots in city elections through Tuesday, just over a third of the polling places often schools, park district facilities, libraries or churches are fully accessible by ADA standards. And if youre wondering why Chicagoans are voting in February, heres why. Chicago mayors race Mayoral candidates, top row from left: State Rep. Kam Buckner, U.S. Rep. Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Ald. Sophia King, Ald. Roderick Sawyer. Bottom row, from left: Activist Ja'Mal Green, Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson, former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas, businessman Willie Wilson. (Armando L. Sanchez / Chicago Tribune) There are nine candidates running to be Chicagos next mayor. Meet each of the candidates, read how they answered our questionnaire and search their campaign contributions. As the election nears, candidates are in the final push for every last vote. Advertisement Catch up on our election coverage and the issues at hand for Chicagos next mayor: Here are some of stories Tribune reporters have written about the candidates. Lori Lightfoot Mayor Lori Lightfoot speaks on Feb. 11, 2023, at a Lightfoot campaign meet-and-greet in Austin. (Shanna Madison/Chicago Tribune) Jesus Chuy Garcia Congressman and mayoral candidate Jesus Chuy Garcia places his I Voted sticker after voting, during early voting at the Rudy Lozano Branch Library on Feb. 14, 2023. (Antonio Perez / Chicago Tribune) Brandon Johnson Mayoral Candidate Brandon Johnson speaks at a City Club of Chicago event on Feb. 8, 2023. (Shanna Madison / Chicago Tribune) Paul Vallas Advertisement Mayoral candidate Paul Vallas speaks at a Women for Vallas luncheon Feb. 7 at Gibsons Italia in Chicago. (Shanna Madison / Chicago Tribune) How the Tribune covered the forums The nine Chicago mayoral candidates answer questions at a Mayoral Candidate Forum on Feb. 9, 2023, at the Union League Club. (Shanna Madison / Chicago Tribune) Aldermen elections Expand Autoplay Image 1 of 14 A voter turns in their ballot at the Clark Street early voting super site on Feb. 23, 2023, in the Loop. Just over a third of Chicago's polling places are fully accessible by ADA standards. (Shanna Madison / Chicago Tribune) Many Chicagoans are voting in a new ward this year after a redistricting battle. Not sure which ward you live in? Use our interactive tool. Read how aldermanic candidates answered our questionnaire and see who the Editorial Board is endorsing. From newly drawn districts to a wave of aldermanic exits, Tribune reporters have covered a number of hotly contested races. Here are some of the stories: Endorsements The standard voting area at the Clark Street early voting super site on Feb. 23, 2023 in the Loop. (Shanna Madison / Chicago Tribune) Here are the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board endorsements in the Feb. 28 city election. Endorsements are made only in contested races. You can take this with you to the polls (Yes, its legal.) Click here for a version you can download and print. Chicagos police council Advertisement Chicagos new ward map Type your address into the search box below. Source: City of Chicago Which police district do I live in? Type your address into the search box below. rocket launching with gray sky behind. two launch towers on either side surround the rocket Boeing's Starliner crew vehicle is on track to fly its first astronauts in space in April. In a Feb. 17 update, NASA and Boeing officials outlined the aerospace company's work on its entry for NASA's commercial crew program, and where the historic flight might fit into the space station's busy manifest in upcoming months. "We don't have any big announcements, but we thought we would share the progress," said Steve Stitch, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, at the start of last weeks call. Stitch was joined by Jeff Aaron, manager, systems engineering and Integration Office for NASA's International Space Station (ISS) Program and Mark Nappi, Boeing's Vice President and program manager for the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft. The trio met to give an update on Starliner's progress and provide an estimated timeframe for the vehicle's upcoming Crew Flight Test (CFT). Starliner's last mission, Orbital Flight Test 2 (OFT-2), launched without a crew aboard in May 2022. The spacecraft docked with the ISS for a little less than week, and, despite hiccups with a few of the vehicle's orbital maneuvering and attitude control (OMAC) thrusters during an orbital insertion burn, OFT-2 was deemed a success upon its return to Earth. Related: Starliner: Boeing's next-generation spaceship for astronauts "We took the summer to understand all that, and about the October timeframe, we established an April target for the CFT mission based on the work that was ahead of us, the hardware issues that we had encountered, and then the engineering product that needed to be completed," Mark Nappi said in the update. "We've done our designs, we've tested this hardware, the analysis is all done." The time has come to "wrap it all up in a bow and make sure that we (Boeing) did what we said we were going to do," Nappi added. The next major milestone for Starliner's progress will be loading propellant into the vehicle's service module. Successful propellant loading initiates a 60-day window for NASA and Boeing to launch the CFT mission, a constraint put in place by Boeing to mitigate corrosion to valves in the vehicle's propulsion system. Such corrosion and a stuck valve delayed an August 2021 attempt to launch OFT-2 due to the propellant's interaction with atmospheric moisture. Story continues We are much more confident today with the mitigation that we've put in place with the purge systems and the sealing of the connectors so that we don't get that kind of moisture intrusion into the valve, but we still have that 60-day guideline," Nappi said. two astronauts standing side by side on a tarmac in spacesuits. white covers protect their boots Boeing Starliner Crew Flight Test (CFT) commander Barry "Butch" Wilmore (at right) and pilot Suni Williams outside the Armstrong Operations & Checkout Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Oct. 18, 2022. (Image credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett) When exactly in that roughly two-month window the launch will take place is dependent on a number of factors, including closing the book on OFT-2's OMAC thruster malfunction. "There's really only one big item that we have not closed outand that is the OMAC failure that we had [on OFT-2]," Nappi said, adding, "we are working with NASA to make sure that we both agree that [the] box in the fault tree can be closed. We'll bring that back to a board here in the beginning of March and make those decisions." Another complication for scheduling Starliner's next flight is ISS traffic. Starliner is only equipped to dock at the station's forward port. On future refurbishments of Boeing's spacecraft, Nappi indicated, Starliner would have "dual-port capability," but that won't be ready for Starliner's upcoming flight. The SpaceX Crew Dragon Endurance, which launched the Crew-5 mission in October, is currently docked to the ISS's forward port. Crew-5 is scheduled to depart sometime after the arrival of Crew-6, launching early next week. Steve Stitch expanded on the ISS traffic-jam. "Looking at the space station and Commercial Crew manifests, the priorities are, obviously, to get this crewed rotation completed. Where we launch Crew-6 and dock Crew-6, and then return Crew-5. The next priority is to execute this cargo mission to resupply the space station and have some experiments for the onboard crew to execute. And then following that, the next priority is really ... to go fly the CFT crew flight demonstration." Launch traffic at the pad is another factor Starliner's flight must contend with. The Boeing spacecraft launches on a ULA Atlas V rocket, which is already being phased out for the companys new and improved Vulcan rocket also approaching its first launch. "[ULA has] an important milestone that they'd like to achieve as well, in the same timeframe, which adds to the complexity of our ISS traffic," Nappi said on the call, adding he and mission managers in communication with ULA "still feel that the mid to late April time slot is good for us, and balances with the ULA priorities." RELATED STORIES: Crew set to fly on Boeing Starliner add final touches to mission patch Boeing's Starliner crew capsule channels R2-D2 ahead of astronaut test flight NASA astronauts debut new patch design for Boeing Starliner crew flight test When it does launch, Starliner will carry NASA astronauts Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Suni Williams to the ISS for a two-week stay, before returning Starliner to Earth, landing in White Sands, New Mexico. Once complete, assuming all mission goals are met, NASA can officially certify Starliner for crewed flight and enter the vehicle into rotation with SpaceX's Crew Dragon fleet to ferry astronauts to and from the ISS. According to Nappi, Boeing is "making the progress that we need to in order to be ready for that crew rotation in the winter of '24." Once in rotation, Boeing expects to fly one Starliner flight a year. Fighters of the State Border Guard Service have killed an assault group of Russians in Bakhmut. Source: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Details: Reportedly, the occupiers attacked the strong points of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine with artillery and tanks throughout the day. The border guards, with the support of aerial reconnaissance, attacked Russian troops with machine guns, grenade launchers and mortars. As a result, one of the assault groups was killed in close combat by the soldiers of the Border Guard Service. It has been clarified that nine Russian soldiers were killed and five more were injured during the battle. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! To find a multi-bagger stock, what are the underlying trends we should look for in a business? Firstly, we'll want to see a proven return on capital employed (ROCE) that is increasing, and secondly, an expanding base of capital employed. Put simply, these types of businesses are compounding machines, meaning they are continually reinvesting their earnings at ever-higher rates of return. However, after investigating Boston Scientific (NYSE:BSX), we don't think it's current trends fit the mold of a multi-bagger. Return On Capital Employed (ROCE): What Is It? For those who don't know, ROCE is a measure of a company's yearly pre-tax profit (its return), relative to the capital employed in the business. To calculate this metric for Boston Scientific, this is the formula: Return on Capital Employed = Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) (Total Assets - Current Liabilities) 0.071 = US$2.0b (US$32b - US$3.8b) (Based on the trailing twelve months to December 2022). So, Boston Scientific has an ROCE of 7.1%. In absolute terms, that's a low return and it also under-performs the Medical Equipment industry average of 10.0%. See our latest analysis for Boston Scientific roce Above you can see how the current ROCE for Boston Scientific compares to its prior returns on capital, but there's only so much you can tell from the past. If you'd like to see what analysts are forecasting going forward, you should check out our free report for Boston Scientific. How Are Returns Trending? Unfortunately, the trend isn't great with ROCE falling from 12% five years ago, while capital employed has grown 114%. However, some of the increase in capital employed could be attributed to the recent capital raising that's been completed prior to their latest reporting period, so keep that in mind when looking at the ROCE decrease. The funds raised likely haven't been put to work yet so it's worth watching what happens in the future with Boston Scientific's earnings and if they change as a result from the capital raise. Story continues On a related note, Boston Scientific has decreased its current liabilities to 12% of total assets. That could partly explain why the ROCE has dropped. Effectively this means their suppliers or short-term creditors are funding less of the business, which reduces some elements of risk. Since the business is basically funding more of its operations with it's own money, you could argue this has made the business less efficient at generating ROCE. In Conclusion... In summary, Boston Scientific is reinvesting funds back into the business for growth but unfortunately it looks like sales haven't increased much just yet. Since the stock has gained an impressive 76% over the last five years, investors must think there's better things to come. However, unless these underlying trends turn more positive, we wouldn't get our hopes up too high. Boston Scientific does come with some risks though, we found 4 warning signs in our investment analysis, and 1 of those can't be ignored... For those who like to invest in solid companies, check out this free list of companies with solid balance sheets and high returns on equity. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here WNBA player Brittney Griner (right) was detained in Russia for 10 months. (REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni Phoenix Mercury star Brittney Griner once again called for the return of all Americans detained overseas. This time, she did it while being honored by Queen Latifah at the NAACP Image Awards on Saturday night alongside her wife, Cherelle Griner. "I want to thank everyone," Griner said, moments after being welcomed onstage to a standing ovation from the audience. "And let's fight to bring home every American detained overseas." I want to wish a heartfelt congratulations to all the winners of @naacpimageaward categories this year, but for me, seeing Brittney Griner walk out on stage with her wife is the ultimate highlight! Talk about WINNING! May the Most High continue to bless their family. Mai PerkinsTWNE (@FlyMai16) February 26, 2023 A year ago this month, Griner was detained in Russia after customs officials allegedly found .702 grams of cannabis oil in her luggage at a Moscow airport. She was held for the next 10 months, sentenced to nine years of imprisonment and was sent to a Russian penal colony in November before the United States government negotiated for her release on Dec. 8. In exchange for her release, the U.S. government reportedly sent convicted international arms dealer Viktor Bout back to Russia. Retired U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, who has been in Russia since 2018, was not part of the deal. Since her return, Griner has advocated for the release of Whelan as well as others wrongfully detained. The Mercury joined Griner's fight and sent letters to Whelan earlier this month in a show of support. "We will do the campaigns to bring these detainees home, to have these families reunited," Mercury president Vince Kozar told Insider's Meredith Cash. "We will do the same work that we would've done on BG's behalf if she were still gone. We will just now do it with her in support of all of those other families who are enduring the same thing. So there's a lot more to come there." Story continues Griner took a pay cut after Mercury paid her during detainment Questions about Griner's WNBA future were quickly answered when she vowed to return to the Mercury a week after she returned from her detainment. After months of working out at the team facility, Griner officially signed a one-year, $165,000 deal to remain in Phoenix, which was notably less than what she made on her previous contract with the Mercury. But, per Insider, Griner decided to take less money because of what the franchise did for her during her detainment. Griner's decision helped the Mercury re-sign Taurasi for her 19th season. Taurasi was one of the people who welcomed Griner back to the U.S. when she landed in Texas. "Sources familiar with the contract negotiations told Insider that Griner's financial sacrifice was one of unselfishness rather than necessity," Cash wrote in the Insider. "It was meant as an act of good will toward the franchise which paid her salary in full through the season she missed while detained in Russia and as a show of respect to [Diana] Taurasi, who played the vast majority of her illustrious WNBA career without the opportunity to make more than five figures. Griner's official WNBA return isn't set in stone, but the Mercury open their season on the road against the Los Angeles Sparks on May 19 with Phoenix's home opener coming two days later. Griner's safety is another concern, though, given her increased domestic and global notoriety. The biggest issue to ensure Griner's safety and security is travel. The WNBA currently does not allow chartered flights during the regular season which has been a major point of contention for players over the past several years. There has been speculation Griner would require private flights because of security concerns, but Insider reported no transportation decisions have been made. "We are all acutely aware of some of the things that have been said about her. We were acutely aware of the way that her return has been used to try and further polarize people," Kozar said. "We understand that certain [people] have tried to continue to use this to polarize people ... and we understand that people have done that through the lens of BG's identity, which is as a woman, it's as a Black woman, and it's as a gay, Black woman. Brooklyn Beckham got some new ink in honor of his wife, actor Nicola Peltz. During a "Toast or Roast" interview with E! News, the 23-year-old rolled up his sleeve to reveal a massive tattoo of Peltz's face on his right shoulder. "Im very addicted," Beckham said of tattooing himself. "Especially when you love someone, you just cover everything." Beckham said he's "half covered in stuff for her," with over 20 tattoos dedicated to his wife, adding that he got the first one "pretty soon" after they started dating. Before his big reveal, the son of David and Victoria Beckham gushed about his wife, explaining that a relationship isn't hard when you're with the person you love. "I think once you find that person that you can't live without, I think it's so easy, you know?" he said. "I love her more than anything so I always try to make her happy. ... As long as she's happy then I'm happy." When asked if he's ever bothered by how some people press newlyweds on their future plans for children, Beckham answered that he "loves to talk about kids." "I can't wait to have kids," he said. "I'm excited...I could have so many, but it's obviously totally up to her." The two tied the knot in April 2022 in an oceanfront wedding in Palm Beach, Florida after being engaged since July 2020. At the time, David Beckham shared a photo of him and his sons donning tuxedos on the wedding day, writing, My beautiful boys & a very proud dad.. Congratulations Bust on a lifetime of happiness, we will always be by your side. Victoria Beckham also shared some love for the newlyweds on Instagram, posting a black and white picture of the couple and writing, Congratulations Mr and Mrs Beckham X Welcome to the family. This article was originally published on The man Broward Sheriffs Office said stole a car, rammed a deputys car and escaped pursuit by carjacking a Broward Transit shuttle bus was arrested Thursday. But, while the shuttle bus was found south of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, in Miami-Dade, Miamis Leandro Fernandez Sanchez was found about 200 miles north. BSO said Fernandez Sanchez was at a Kissimmee Econo Lodge Inn and Suites, about 8 miles from Disney World. BSO said his wig disguise didnt foil the U.S. Marshals or Osceola County Sheriffs Office. Fernandez Sanchez, 33, will be extradited to Broward County to face charges of aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer, aggravated fleeing and eluding, carjacking and armed burglary. Guilt on any of those charges would violate the probation hes on until May 26, 2024 after Broward County convictions on two counts of car burglary, two counts of petit theft and two counts of criminal mischief. Leandro Sanchez Fernandez aka Leandro Fernandez Sanchez READ MORE: Hijacked bus found in Miami-Dade after deputy-involved shooting at Broward airport Under surveillance at the airport, then gone on a shuttle bus? BSO says its burglary team was doing a proactive surveillance of Leandro Fernandez Sanchez aka Leandro Sanchez Fernandez on Feb. 17 after a carjacking and a stolen gun in a Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood airport parking garage. But Fernandez Sanchez, BSO says, raced off in the stolen car and, near the 1400 block of North Perimeter Road, went for defense by offense and crashed into a BSO deputys car. At least one BSO deputy fired at Fernandez Sanchez. He raced over to a Broward County Paratransit TOPS shuttle bus, carjacked it from the driver and absconded. The shuttle bus would be found in Miami-Dade a few days later. A man is claiming he's the true winner of a $2 billion Powerball ticket the largest jackpot in U.S. lottery history alleging another person stole his ticket from him. According to the lawsuit obtained by KNBC, an NBC affiliate in Los Angeles, Jose Rivera claims to have purchased the lottery ticket on Nov. 7 from Joe's Service Center in Altadena, California, a city east of Los Angeles. That same day, Rivera alleges a person named Reggie stole the ticket from him. Powerball (Jae C. Hong / AP) On Nov. 8, Powerball announced that numbers 10, 33, 41, 47, 56 and red Powerball 10 were the winning pattern, which Rivera claims matched the ticket he purchased. In February, California Lottery named Edwin Castro the winner of the $2 billion Powerball. Both Castro and Reggie are named in Rivera's lawsuit, which seeks damages and a declaration that Rivera is the rightful winner of the drawing. Rivera said he reported the allegations to the California Lottery, according to KNBC. The California Lottery said in a statement to the affiliate that it is not authorized to investigate criminal activity. "Such allegations are subject to investigation only by local law enforcement," the statement reads. "Should a local law enforcement agency investigate such allegations, Lotterys only role is to assist in the matter by answering questions and/or providing evidence as allowed under the law." The lottery also said it has "the utmost confidence" in its vetting process for winners. "California Lottery remains confident that Edwin Castro is the rightful winner of the $2.04 billion prize stemming from the Powerball drawing in November of 2022," California Lottery said in the statement. This article was originally published on Levi Slater of Accuracy Firearms in Effingham in January describes details of a rifle that cannot be sold to customers because of the state's new assault weapons ban. Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain and some Democratic state legislators from the county have clashed in letters over comments made by the sheriff concerning the ban. (John J. Kim / Chicago Tribune) Five Democratic Kane County lawmakers responded to Kane County Sheriff Ron Hains recent criticism over the states new assault weapons ban after he spoke out during a Kane County Board committee meeting and said he was embarrassed to be a Democrat. On Wednesday, Hain told the Kane County Board Legislative Committee that state legislators in the county havent listened to law enforcement nor given them a seat at the table to discuss the new law that bans certain firearms. Advertisement Hain also spoke about the SAFE-T Act, designed to end cash bail in Illinois, which is now stalled awaiting a ruling on the measure from the Illinois Supreme Court. Our legislators here in Kane County, especially with the same party in their name, do not listen to law enforcement, Hain said. They create legislation based on what they read on social media and knee-jerk reactions in the news. Im tired of having to clean up the pieces and trying to figure this out afterward. Advertisement State Sens. Cristina Castro and Karina Villa and state Reps. Anna Moeller, Martha Hirschauer and Barbara Hernandez, all Democrats, penned a letter Friday to the people of Kane County, stating they too are embarrassed Hain is a Democrat and defended the assault weapons ban. If the sheriff had cared to pay attention or check his facts he would have seen that several representatives from law enforcement spoke on the record in support of the bill at a hearing on Dec. 20, 2022, the letter reads. But, much to the detriment of the people of Kane County, Sheriff Hain doesnt care about facts, he prefers to spread misinformation and stoke the flames of controversy. Friday evening, Hain responded to lawmakers with his own letter, again saying that legislators did not take the advice of many law enforcement leaders before passing the assault weapons ban. He said of the five who wrote the letter from legislators, I heard from one regarding the assault ban legislation, to which I replied with qualified and experienced feedback from several law enforcement officers with over 100 years of police and law experience, none of which was taken into consideration. Hain said legislation for both the assault weapons ban and SAFE-T act missed the mark. Mental health is the core issue of mass shootings. Every single one, Hain said to the Kane County Board committee a few days ago. You can ban every single piece of equipment out there with a trigger on it. Mental health is going to be the issue that creates mass killings. Lets start doing the right thing because its not being done right now. The state legislators said the assault weapons ban was publicly discussed at three hearings in December. They wrote in their letter that gun violence is a public health epidemic and needs a multifaceted approach to addressing it, including mental health support as well as job creation and addressing inequalities in public schools. But for us to continue to pretend that the mass proliferation of guns isnt the number one factor contributing to gun violence is to deny both basic common sense and empirical research in a way that is either embarrassingly naive or maliciously disingenuous, lawmakers wrote. Advertisement The letter ended with a call to Hain to step back from public disputes, stating our doors are always open for collaboration and he knows where to find us. Hain wrote in his letter that communication is exactly my goal and I would welcome collaboration from any of them as I have desperately pressed for that need during my two terms. Unfortunately, it has come to the point where I need to raise public awareness of these issues. An investigation is underway after a silver sedan crashed into a commercial building at 500 Granite Ave. in Milton early Sunday morning. Emergency crews were called to the scene around 2:30 a.m. Milton Deputy Fire Chief Mitchell Sumner said the driver of the sedan suffered some minor injuries to his hands and did not need to go to the hospital, but the building was significantly damaged in the crash. The main beam for the building is resting on the car, said Sumner. We have to wait until the shoring company can come and fix the problem before we can move the car. Dr. Eric Cohen owns the building. He told Boston 25 News this was the second time in five years a car crashed into the front of his building. My carpenters are coming over and my structural engineer is coming over to get the building all secured and ready for business, said Cohen. Its going to be a little bit. Its a lot more damage than the last time it happened five years ago. The commercial building houses several businesses including home health care company Beneficence. Hopefully this doesnt interrupt any services that we are providing here, said Beneficence Home Health Care CEO Hugues Lafond. Thank God he [the driver] was okay. I mean, the building can be repaired, the damage can be repaired, but you cannot repair a life. Dr. Cohen said hes considering options to prevent future crashes from happening. I think what I probably need to do is have an engineer come out and put either a guard rail or some other kind of barriers embedded in the ground there to at least slow the car down before it hits the building, said Dr. Cohen. Milton police told Boston 25 News that Massachusetts State Police are handling the investigation. Boston 25 is waiting on a response from State Police for more information on this crash, including if the driver is facing any charges. This is a developing story. Check back for updates as more information becomes available. Download the FREE Boston 25 News app for breaking news alerts. Follow Boston 25 News on Facebook and Twitter. | Watch Boston 25 News NOW Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) on Sunday warned that the U.S. could sanction China if it moves to provide lethal aid to Russia in its war on Ukraine as some officials have suggested in recent days. China needs to know there will be consequences. So, weve isolated Russia economically. We can do the same thing in regards to sanctions against China, Cardin said on Fox News Sunday. China needs to understand they need to be on the right side of history here. And an attack on the sovereignty of an independent state, what Russia has done as a war of aggression and China should be with us in the overwhelming majority of the world to speak out. Secretary of State Antony Blinken last week warned that China is considering sending lethal aid Russias way, potentially including ammunition and weapons as Russia readies a renewed counteroffensive. On Thursday, the United Nations General Assembly voted to adopt a resolution calling for the Russian military to withdraw from Ukraine, with China abstaining. The vote in the United States Security Council General Assembly indicated the wide understanding of who is responsible for this war. China sat on the sidelines on that vote. That was wrong. But clearly, they should be on the right side of history, Cardin said Sunday. White House officials have so far declined to go into specifics on how the U.S. would respond if China moved to provide the lethal aid, but have said the U.S. has communicated warnings to Beijing. President Biden on Friday underscored that theres no evidence so far that China is siding with Russia, but said he spoke about the matter with Chinese President Xi Jinping. I had a long conversation with Xi about this in the summer. And I said, Look, this is not a threat. Its just a statement. When, in fact, Europeans saw what was happening, and Americans saw whats happening in Russia in Europe, guess what? Six hundred corporations pulled out. They left. They didnt want to be associated, Biden said. I said, You told me that the future of China rests on investment from the Western world. And that matters. I said, Id just keep on eye that. Theres no evidence hes done it yet. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. JUPITER, Fla. (AP) St. Louis Cardinals manager Oliver Marmol said umpire C.B. Bucknor has zero class for refusing to shake his hand during the lineup card exchange at home plate before a game against the Washington Nationals on Saturday. Marmol was seeing Bucknor for the first time since being ejected in a contentious dispute Aug. 21 in Arizona. I went into that game pretty certain of my thoughts on him as an umpire, the Cardinals' second-year manager said. They werent very good and it shows his lack of class as a man. I chose my words wisely. I just dont think hes good at his job and it just showed his lack of class as a man. Marmol did shake hands with the other three umps Ron Kulpa, Angel Hernandez and Carlos Torres. Marmol was ejected last year in the final game of a series after protesting a strike call by Bucknor against Nolan Arenado, with each loudly questioning the others time in the league. Its not an olive branch, Marmol said. Its just respect. You can have disagreements. You still go to home plate. Any time I get thrown out of a game, I will go to home plate the next day for that very purpose. Its unfortunate. I went out to home to shake his hand. He didnt want to. He has zero class. The tension at home plate delayed the normal pregame picture taken of the managers and the umpires. Washington manager Dave Martinez, seemingly uncomfortable, had to be asked to return when he was about to leave the home plate area. Bucknor was not available after Saturdays game and did not return a reporters telephone call for comment. ___ AP MLB: and Sphynx cat rescued by police from the Cereso 3 prison in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Reuters A nameless Sphynx cat with gang tattoos was rescued from a Ciudad Juarez prison in Mexico. There are tattoos on both sides of the hairless cat's body, one of which reads "Made in Mexico." Authorities said they now seek a caring family to adopt the 1-year-old cat. A tattooed Sphynx cat will no longer be subjected to a life behind bars and is looking for a new home after it was rescued from the Cereso 3 prison in Mexico. The cat, who does not yet have a name, was taken into the care of animal rescue workers in the city of Juarez after authorities found that gang members had tattooed and generally mistreated the animal, Reuters reported on Thursday. Veterinary doctor Giselle Rubio shows a Sphynx cat with a tattoo that reads "Made in Mexico" at an animal shelter in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico February 11, 2023. Reuters There are tattoos on both sides of the hairless cat, one of which reads "Made in Mexico." The phrase "Made in Mexico" is linked to the "Los Mexicles," a street gang linked to the notorious Sinaloa Cartel. The tattoos were inscribed on the cat without anesthetic and may have belonged to a gang leader who was killed on January 5 after escaping the prison, Mail Online reported. Authorities said they are now looking for a caring family to adopt the one-year-old cat. "The cat is very sociable and is in great shape, with no infections," Cesar Rene Diaz, ecology director for the city of Juarez, told Reuters. Mexican authorities are still making a decision about who will adopt the young feline and plan to entrust the creature to a family in a ceremony on March 1, according to Reuters. Read the original article on Insider Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin, Jr. Guest Opinion. Cherokee Nation is trusted with dollars to provide services for our citizens, and we take that responsibility extremely seriously. Essential services like housing, health care, elder support and economic development depend on it. Whether our funding comes from tax revenue, federal grants and set-asides, or business profits, we track each dollar carefully to do the most good for Cherokees. The best financial decisions are made with transparency and accountability. Thats why I was glad to see Cherokee Nation earn the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association. This is the highest level of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting from the leading organization for government finance professionals. With this recognition, Cherokees should feel confident in the financial reports of the Cherokee Nation. Never miss Indian Countrys biggest stories and breaking news. Click here to sign up to get our reporting sent straight to your inbox every weekday morning. These honors are the result of meticulous work by the Cherokee Nation Financial Resources Department, led by Treasurer Janees Taylor. Treasurer Taylor and her team oversee the tribes operating budget, as well as the accounting of multiple federal grants, employee payroll and purchasing. Our knowledgeable and well-trained staff are among the best in the United States. Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic created extra responsibilities across our tribal government, and our financial resources team was no exception. They did a remarkable job overseeing the funding for Cherokee Nations COVID-19 Respond, Recover, and Rebuild relief programs as well as the CARES Act and American Rescue Plan funds from the federal government. Pandemic response brought big increases in transactions and reporting requirements, but, in historically difficult times, our team never wavered from their high standards. Story continues We have many checks and balances to ensure Cherokee Nation funds are spent appropriately and properly documented. Cherokee Nations Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the 2021 fiscal year was judged by an impartial panel to demonstrate full disclosure and communicate a clear financial story. The tribe was also awarded the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award for our condensed version of the comprehensive report designed for non-accountants. Additionally, the Cherokee Nation Constitution requires an audit of the financial statements by a Certified Public Accountant be completed and presented each year to the Council of the Cherokee Nation. We have received clean, unmodified audit opinions every year for 21 years, and over the last 20 years Cherokee Nation has passed more than 100 federal agency audits. These reflect a similar continuity the tribe has a 99.999% success rate for properly spending and accounting for its federal funding. Cherokee Nation Businesses also received another clean year-end audit, showing the tribes economic development arm ended its fiscal year with transparent operations while recording record profits. Cherokee Nation is one of the biggest economic drivers in northeast Oklahoma, injecting about $2.2 billion into the states economy through our government and business endeavors. That growth enables us to do even more to help Cherokee people through health care, housing and education. Cherokee Nations budgets and financial practices reflect our values of honesty, accountability and caring for each other. Across multiple administrations, our in-house financial experts have proven to be astute stewards of the Cherokee Nations financial resources. We have been blessed with another year of growth at Cherokee Nation, and we are building a better future for the next generation. Chuck Hoskin, Jr. is the principal chief of the Cherokee Nation. New intelligence suggests China is considering sending artillery and ammunition to Russia, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the matter. The officials did not say what specific evidence they had to support the intelligence, which was originally reported by The Wall Street Journal and confirmed to NBC News by a former U.S. official and a Western official briefed on the matter. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to a request for comment about the disclosure, which came after Beijing put forward a 12-point peace plan on Friday on the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It called for both countries to agree to a gradual de-escalation, to keep nuclear facilities safe and to establish humanitarian corridors, and to prevent attacks on civilian populations. Earlier this month Beijing hit back strongly against U.S. allegations that it may be providing nonlethal military assistance to Moscow, telling Washington to stay out of its relationship with the Kremlin. It could be a significant development if China did decide to provide arms to Russia, Rob Lee, a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, a Philadelphia-based think tank, said on Twitter. He added that artillery ammunition availability for Ukraine and Russia is arguably the single most important variable that could influence the course of the war. But Keir Giles, a Russia expert and a senior consulting fellow at Chatham House, a London based think tank, said by telephone Sunday that previous assessments and predictions of Russia imminently running out of a given type of ammunitions has not turned out to be the case in real life. He also said that if Moscow was turning to alternative suppliers over and above the drones it has received from Iran, then it was an indication that they are depleting their post-Cold War stocks of arms and munitions at a pace they feel is unsustainable. From a Chinese perspective it is important that Russia is not defeated, according to Michael A. Horowitz, a geopolitical and security analyst, and head of intelligence at Le Beck consultancy. Story continues Beijing, he said, had already been providing Russia with significant support, be it in the form of increased oil imports, dual-use components, micro-chips imported from Western countries and satellite imagery. He added that if China provided only arms munitions to Russia, that might not register in Europe, which along with the U.S. is one of its main trading partners. But if they provide anything beyond that, including artillery shells that are heavily used in Ukraine, or drones, then Europe will feel pressured to respond, he said. China would not necessarily be unhappy with a diminished Russia that would increasingly have to align with Beijing. But avoiding a Russian defeat is in Beijings interest, he said. The goal was to make sure Russia cant lose, and to force a negotiated settlement, he said, saying that this was why China released the peace plan. After China unveiled those proposals, Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said Friday that he wanted to meet with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, to discuss Beijings proposals for ending the conflict. China historically respects our territorial integrity, and it should therefore do everything for Russia to leave the territory of Ukraine, he told a news conference, adding that he believed a meeting with Xi would benefit our countries and security in the world. Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a video meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Moscow (Mikhail Klimentyev / Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images file) He did not say if a meeting with had been arranged with the Chinese leader or give any indication of when it might take place, but he insisted his main goal was ensuring that China had not supplied weapons to Russia. President Joe Biden and European leaders appeared skeptical about Beijings peace proposals. Describing the idea as just not rational, Biden told ABC News on Friday that he had seen nothing in the plan that would indicate that there is something that would be beneficial to anyone other than Russia. Speaking at a news conference in Estonia on Friday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also said that China did not have much credibility because they have not been able to condemn the illegal invasion of Ukraine. At the same news conference European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that European leaders would look at the Chinese principles for peace against the backdrop that China has already taken sides. This article was originally published on BERLIN (Reuters) - German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius on Sunday reacted with scepticism to a Chinese ceasefire proposal for the war in Ukraine. "When I hear reports - and I don't know whether they are true - according to which China may be planning to supply kamikaze drones to Russia while at the same time presenting a peace plan, then I suggest we judge China by its actions and not its words," he told German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk in an interview. Pistorius was echoing comments by NATO and the European Commission who both raised doubts on Friday about Beijing's credibility as a mediator after it published a ceasefire proposal. Beijing offered the proposal on Friday, the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy welcomed some elements of the Chinese proposal but said only the country where a war is being fought should be the initiator of a peace plan. Pistorius underlined it was up to Kyiv to decide when and under what conditions to enter talks with Moscow, and he suggested the same was true for any decision on recapturing the Crimea peninsula that Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. "I am leaning towards saying, yes, Crimea is Ukrainian territory and it therefore has to be given back," he said in the interview. "But again: This is not a decision that's up to us to take." Zelenskiy says his troops will eventually drive Russia from all the captured territory, including the Crimea peninsula. (Reporting by Sabine Siebold; Editing by Tom Sims and Frances Kerry) By Doina Chiacu and Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) -China has not moved toward providing lethal aid that would help Russia in its invasion of Ukraine and the United States has made clear behind closed doors that such a move would have serious consequences, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday. "Beijing will have to make its own decisions about how it proceeds, whether it provides military assistance - but if it goes down that road it will come at real costs to China," Sullivan told CNN's "State of the Union" program. China has not moved forward in providing that aid, but neither has Beijing taken that option off the table, Sullivan said in a separate interview on ABC's "This Week" program. U.S. officials have warned their Chinese counterparts privately about what those costs might be, Sullivan said, but he would not elaborate on those discussions. The United States and its NATO allies in recent days have been scrambling to dissuade China from such a move, making public comments on their belief that China is considering providing lethal equipment to Russia. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday said China has been providing nonlethal assistance to Russia through its companies. U.S. President Joe Biden visited Kyiv and met with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy last Monday, promising new American military aid for Ukraine worth $500 million. Friday marked the first anniversary of Russia's invasion. The United States has been by far the largest supplier of military assistance to help Ukraine repel better-equipped Russian forces. Ukraine expects a major new Russian offensive soon. CIA Director William Burns also weighed in regarding China in an interview aired on Sunday. "We're confident that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment. We also don't see that a final decision has been made yet, and we don't see evidence of actual shipments of lethal equipment," Burns told CBS's "Face the Nation" program. Story continues Republican Representative Michael McCaul, chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, cited reports that drones are among the lethal weapons China has considered sending to Russia. McCaul said Chinese leader Xi Jinping is preparing to visit Moscow next week for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin has alluded to a Xi visit but the timing has not been confirmed by Russia or China. Russia and China signed a "no limits" partnership in February 2022 shortly before Russian forces invaded Ukraine. Economic links between Russia and China have deepened while Moscow's connections with the West have shriveled. Biden said on Friday the United States would respond if China were to supply Russia with lethal weapons to use in Ukraine, but added in an interview with ABC News, "I don't anticipate a major initiative on the part of China providing weaponry to Russia." The West has been wary of China's response to the invasion, with some officials warning that a Russian victory would color China's actions toward Taiwan. Beijing has never renounced the use of force to bring the self-ruled island that it considers a wayward province under its rule. China has not condemned the conflict in Ukraine or called it an "invasion." "The fact that they're going to meet next week, Chairman Xi and Putin, to discuss this unholy alliance that they have, to put weapons into Ukraine, to me is very disturbing because while maybe Ukraine today, it's going to be Taiwan tomorrow," McCaul said. "That's why this is so important." The West reacted with skepticism to China's proposal on Friday for a Ukraine ceasefire, with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg saying Beijing did not have much credibility as a mediator because of its failure to condemn the invasion. Ukraine rejected the proposal unless it involves Russia withdrawing its troops. (Reporting by Doina Chiacu and Sarah N. Lynch; Editing by Will Dunham) BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel may visit China in the first half of 2023, China's state-backed Global Times reported. Preparations for the visit by the EU's top two officials are under way and "very frequent high-level mutual visits" between the EU and China are expected to begin soon, Fu said in an interview published on Friday. The two sides have taken divergent positions on the year-long war in Ukraine, with EU diplomats criticising China's refusal to describe the conflict as an invasion or to call for a Russian withdrawal from Ukrainian territory. Fu said in the interview that EU anger with China over Ukraine was "very irrational" and that China did not want the issue to affect the development of ties with the bloc. After the Chinese foreign ministry published on Friday a position paper expounding its stance on the war, the EU's top diplomat in China Jorge Toledo told reporters in Beijing that parts of the paper were concerning. "There is no mention of an aggressor there which is strange because it's clear that there is an aggressor and there is an agressee. It's illegal and unprovoked. So that's a bit concerning," Toledo said. Fu said in December that the war had put China in a very difficult position in its relations with the EU, after Michel urged Chinese President Xi Jinping to use the country's influence with Russia over its war in Ukraine during a visit to Beijing in early December. (Reporting by Eduardo Baptista; Editing by Edmund Klamann) Tala, left, and Bana Barham, students at Stagg High School in Palos Hills, each have racked up more than 300 hours of volunteer work this school year, earning them an award from the Cook County sheriff's office as well as their school. (School District 230) Tala and Bana Barham, twin sisters who are sophomores at Amos Alonzo Stagg High School in Palos Hills, have made a habit out of giving to others. Theyve logged a combined 600 hours of service by volunteering last summer with the KidRec program at Moraine Valley Community College and other efforts through their school, topping a list of 90 District 230 students recognized earlier this month with the Cook County sheriffs office Commitment to Service Award. Advertisement Its not a milestone the sisters originally set out to conquer. They started out just trying to fulfill service requirements for graduation. I never thought of volunteering before until I actually needed to graduate. At first, it was to get the hours needed, but once I was introduced to camp volunteering at Moraine Valley by my friend, it felt like an opportunity, Bana said. Advertisement Tala agreed. Actually I had no clue what I was getting into when Bana and I decided to do Summer Camp, but I loved it. I really like kids a lot, she said. They began volunteering last summer at KidRec, a summer program for children at the college in Palos Hills. They enjoyed it so much they started seeking other opportunities to help. After volunteering at the camp, I felt more confident about doing more productive things once school started up, Bana said. I have also continued to volunteer not only at the kids summer camp at Moraine Valley, but also at Stagg events with my friends. Meeting new friends was another benefit of their efforts, including their fellow counselors at the MVCC summer camp. They have become a family to me, Bana said, I would be lying if I said it was all fun and rainbows, but when it was gloomy, the other counselors and now my best friends were there to comfort me. Volunteering as a sibling team also helped them get started. Daily Southtown Twice-weekly News updates from the south suburbs delivered every Monday and Wednesday By submitting your email to receive this newsletter, you agree to our Subscriber Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy > Without my friends and Bana I wouldnt have gone to volunteer there, Tala said. I created a great connection with the kids, seeing them grow up makes me very happy. Even if I couldnt get service hours from it I would still go no matter what. Being there gave me new friends, taught me leadership and how to be patient. Advertisement Along the way, theyve each compiled over 300 service hours much more than they needed for their school graduation requirement and over three times that needed to win the award from the county sheriffs office, which issued a statement praising these students commitment and talent. Since 2014, the sheriffs office has presented the Commitment to Service award to nearly 2,000 high school students who have logged more than 100 hours of dedicated volunteer work, the statement said. But few have earned as many as the Barham sisters. When not helping out at Moraine Valleys KidRec program or at their school, theyre honing their multilingual skills. Born in Palestine, they moved to the United States when they were 9 years old. Ive been visiting America my whole life so my English was always better than my Arabic, Bana said. I do have some siblings born in America, so it helped with my English too. After seeing the animated television program that is set in Paris, she added another language to her skill set. I started learning French last year and I am in my second year now, Bana said. One motivation that brought me to learn the French language was, as ridiculous as it sounds, Miraculous Ladybug, but it turned out to be much more than that. Margie Ritchie is a freelance reporter for the Daily Southtown. BEIJING (Reuters) -China Renaissance Holdings said in an exchange filing on Sunday that its missing chairman and star dealmaker Bao Fan was currently cooperating with relevant Chinese authorities conducting an investigation. This is the first time the mainland China-based boutique bank has given a reason for the disappearance of its founder -- who was reported missing 10 days ago -- though no details about the investigation were shared. "The Board would like to reiterate that the business and operations of the Group are continuing normally," the bank said in the exchange filing. Reuters previously reported, citing sources, that authorities took Bao away earlier this month to assist in an investigation into a former colleague, Cong Lin, the company's former president. Shares of the company slumped last week after it said in an exchange filing the company had been unable to contact Bao. The dealmaker's disappearance is the latest in a series of cases of high-profile Chinese executives going missing with little explanation during a sweeping anti-corruption campaign spearheaded by President Xi Jinping. In 2015 alone, at least five executives became unreachable without prior notice to their companies, including Fosun Group Chairman Guo Guangchang, who Fosun later said was assisting with investigations regarding a personal matter. Bao's disappearance also comes against the backdrop of more than two years of sweeping regulatory crackdown on technology companies. Bao, also China Renaissance's controlling shareholder, started the firm in 2005 as a two-person team, seeking to match capital-hungry startups with venture capitalist and private equity investors. The firm later expanded into services including underwriting, sales and trading. Known to be well connected in the corporate world, Bao was involved with tech mergers including the tie-up of ride-hailing firms Didi and Kuaidi, food delivery giants Meituan and Dianping, as well as travel platforms Ctrip and Qunar. (Reporting by Eduardo Baptista; Editing by Frank Jack Daniel, Raissa Kasolowsky and Christina Fincher) CIA Director William Burns confirms in a sitdown interview with CBS News that the US intelligence apparatus has reason to believe China is considering supplying "lethal provisions" to Russia to aid in its invasion of Ukraine, noting that such action would be "very risky and unwise" for Beijing. Mr Burns spoke with CBS News' Margaret Brennan, who asked him if the US intelligence community believed Chinese President Xi Jinping was considering supplying lethal aid to Russia. "Well, we're confident that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment. We also don't see that a final decision has been made yet, and we don't see evidence of actual shipments of lethal equipment," he said. Brennan noted that reports in the German press suggested the Chinese were considering supplying kamikaze drones, jet parts, and other weapons. Mr Burns went on to say that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President Joe Biden wanted to make clear that there would be consequences if Beijing did offer Russia weapons or armaments, saying it "would be a very risky and unwise bet" for China. Brennan asked the CIA director if he thought China would be willing to risk "a tailspin in its relationship with the US" in order to keep "the West distracted and involved in a prolong conflict in Europe." Mr Burns said it was possible, but also noted that he believes no other leader has paid more attention to Russia's faltering war efforts than Mr Xi. "And I think in many ways, [Mr Xi] been unsettled and sobered by what he's seen. I think he was surprised by the very poor military performance of the Russians. I think surprised also by the degree of Western solidarity and support of Ukraine," Mr Burns said. "In other words, the willingness of not just the United States, but our European allies as well to absorb a certain amount of economic cost in the interest of inflicting greater economic damage on Russia over time." However, he said the US remains "seriously concerned should China provide lethal equipment to Russia." Story continues While Beijing has not yet provided lethal aid to Russia, Chinese companies have reportedly provided non-lethal support to Russian mercenaries operating in Ukraine. Mr Burns said that was evidence that there was a "strong partnership" between China and Russia and their respective leaders. William Burns (Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.) Brennan asked if the closeness between the leaders was also reflected in their attitudes specifically if Mr Xi suffered from the same "hubris" Mr Burns attributed to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He replied that it was a "concern in any authoritarian system," noting that, like Mr Putin in Russia, Mr Xi had been consolidating power in China. However, he said that such power grabs also open leaders up to mistakes. "And as we've seen in, you know, in where Putin's hubris has now gotten Russia, and the horrors that he's ... brought to the people of Ukraine," he said. "In that kind of a system, a very closed decision-making system when nobody challenges, you know, the authority of their insights of an authoritarian leader, you can make some huge blunders as well." Brennan also questioned the CIA director on China's ambitions in Taiwan, asking if they were preparing for an "outright invasion." He said the US needs to take "very seriously Xi's ambitions" concerning Taiwan, but said that a military conflict was not "inevitable." "We do know, as has been made public, that President Xi has instructed the PLA, the Chinese military leadership, to be ready by 2027 to invade Taiwan, but that doesn't mean that he's decided to invade in 2027 or any other year as well," he said. The CIA chief a former US ambassador to Russia and acting secretary of state said Mr Xi may have adjusted his perspective on invading Taiwan after watching Mr Putin's performance in Ukraine, but said the risks of a "potential use of force" will "probably grow" in the coming years. Tom Williams/Pool/Reuters Marking the one-year anniversary of Russias invasion of Ukraine, CIA director William Burns said Russian President Vladimir Putin was entirely too confident in thinking he could force the steadfast nation into surrender. Burns sat down with CBSs Margaret Brennan, where he discussed the intelligence communitys perspective on Russias plan forward in the war. He said his conversations with Sergey Naryshkin, the head of Russias Foreign Intelligence Service, were dispiriting, and that Russia displayed an arrogance that didnt mirror Ukraines persistent defense. It was a defiant attitude on the part of Mr. Naryshkin as well a sense of cockiness and hubris, reflecting Putins own view, he said. He believes he can grind down the Ukrainians and wear down our European allies, that political fatigue will eventually set in. In my view, Putins view of Americans weve got attention deficit disorder and well move on to another issue eventually. Putin, in many ways, I think, believes today that he cannot win for a while, but he cant lose. He also reiterated the U.S.s support for the war-torn country, mirroring comments National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan made on multiple Sunday talk shows. Both interviews followed intelligence reports that indicated China was considering supporting Russias efforts with ammunition and vehicles. In a Meet the Press interview, Sullivan said the U.S. was committed to supporting whatever Ukraines version of victory looked like, but he demurred when he was asked to define it himself. He also said the U.S. would not commit to sending F-16 aircraft to the country. He also would not say whether the U.S. would support efforts to reclaim Crimea, even if Ukraine, as it has in the past, declares it as part of a win. The critical thing right now is that they need to take back the territory in the South and the East that they are currently focused on. And we need to give them the tools to be able to do that, Sullivan said. Where we are right now is that we need to be focused on the immediate term, because it is critical that we move fast and we move decisively to help them take back the territory across that line of contact that Russian troops are currently occupying. Story continues Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. CIA Director William Burns said the U.S. is confident that China is considering providing Russia with lethal equipment for its war against Ukraine. Were confident that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment, he told CBS Face the Nation in an interview set to air on Sunday. We also dont see that a final decision has been made yet, and we dont see evidence of actual shipments of lethal equipment. Secretary of State Antony Blinken initially accused China last weekend of considering such a step, which several top U.S. officials warned would result in serious consequences. Thats why, I think, Secretary Blinken and the President have thought it important to make very clear what the consequences of that would be as well because it would be a very risky and unwise bet, Burns added. Retired four-star Army Gen. Jack Keane similarly suggested last Sunday that Blinkens warning could serve as a deterrent. I agree with the administration for beginning to expose what they have picked up, likely in intelligence circles, that China is getting ready to provide some military lethal aid to Russia, Keane told Fox News Sunday. And I think coming out and exposing and I would go further and tell them what we think they are attempting to provide, China will pull back, likely, after that public exposure, he added. China hit back at the U.S. over the allegations on Monday, accusing America of escalating the war in Ukraine and claiming that Beijing is firmly on the side of peace and dialogue. It is the U.S., not China, that has been pouring weapons into the battlefield, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a briefing. The U.S. is in no position to tell China what to do. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Cobram Estate Olives (ASX:CBO) First Half 2023 Results Key Financial Results Revenue: AU$75.9m (up 8.1% from 1H 2022). Net loss: AU$9.90m (loss widened by 91% from 1H 2022). AU$0.02 loss per share (further deteriorated from AU$0.01 loss in 1H 2022). All figures shown in the chart above are for the trailing 12 month (TTM) period Cobram Estate Olives Earnings Insights Looking ahead, revenue is forecast to grow 14% p.a. on average during the next 3 years, compared to a 4.8% growth forecast for the Food industry in Australia. Performance of the Australian Food industry. The company's shares are down 6.4% from a week ago. Risk Analysis You should learn about the 1 warning sign we've spotted with Cobram Estate Olives. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here Crypto exchange CoinFLEX is demanding that return $4.3 million worth of FLEX coins or face legal proceedings, claiming it lent the Luxembourg-based financial services company a combined 3,000,000 FLEX coins last year, according to a demand notice obtained by Decrypt. This is completely false, told Decrypt in response. The Feb. 24 dated notice asserts that has until March 7 to confirm it will repay the FLEX coins, and sets a deadline of March 21 for to send the funds. Otherwise, CoinFLEX says the exchange will face the commencement of legal proceedings, including but not limited to a formal demand for payment called a statutory demand. From then, would still have an additional 21 days to repay the funds, which consist of four loans allegedly issued between March and June of last year, according to the document. You have failed, refused, and/or neglected to repay the 3,000,000 FLEX coins that are long overdue to be repaid, the letter to states. If our client is compelled to enforce its legal rights against you [...] it will naturally look towards you for the maximum amount of interest and costs that is recoverable at law. The demand is based on an AMM+ (automated market maker) Participation Agreement allegedly entered into on April 12, 2022, when Bitcoin struggled at $40,000. Whether that agreement even exists is in dispute. CoinFLEX has provided no evidence, documentation, or on-chain data to support their claims, the statement read. CoinFLEX Users Irate Over Leaked GTX Pitch Deck From Three Arrows Founders The letter sent to was from a Singapore-based law firm called Nine Yards Chambers LLC, which confirmed to Decrypt that it sent the letter and that CoinFLEX is its client. CoinFLEXs claim is completely meritless and a work of fiction from an insolvent company currently being sued by its customers for dissolution, said. In fact, CoinFLEX owes for services rendered which remain unpaid at this time, and we will soon initiate collection. Story continues CoinFLEX entered restructuring proceedings in a Seychelles court last August, where it seeks to raise $84 million to pay off its own debt. The exchange was cofounded in 2019 by Sudhu Arumugam and CEO Mark Lamb. We hope that common sense will prevail and that we will be repaid the FLEX we are owed, Lamb told Decrypt. Meanwhile, faces its own financial challenges. The firm has been trying to sell some of its assets to patch a $270 million hole in its balance sheet, one stemming from cash and crypto that it lent to bankrupt hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC), Decrypt previously reported. Shopping Assets to Fill $270M Hole From Three Arrows Capital: Sources The co-founders of 3AC Su Zhu and Kyle Davies have recently emerged as business partners to Arumugam and Lamb, who are all working together to establish a new venture called Open Exchange (OPNX). A pitch deck that was leaked last month revealed the four were looking to raise $25 million to establish the company. It described Open Exchange as a hub for customers that want to trade bankruptcy claimsspecifically those related to numerous crypto companies that collapsed last year like the exchange FTX. The leak drew ire from some members of CoinFLEXs official Telegram channel. You dont want to be associated with 3AC, one user stated. Think about this carefully. 3AC was one of the largest crypto-centric hedge funds when it imploded last summer, filing for bankruptcy after it sustained heavy losses from the collapse of Terra's UST stablecoin and governance token LUNA. Weeks after the pitch deck began circulating, OPNX was officially announced by Zhu, who stated FLEX coin will be the primary token of the new exchange. 13/ it is with humility that we announce the claims waitlist is now open, with site UI/UX beta testing coming very soon: & for those who asked, yes $FLEX will be the primary token of the new exchange Zhu Su (@zhusu) February 9, 2023 FLEX coin was originally established as the native token for CoinFLEX, providing users with exclusive benefits that [make] trading on CoinFLEX much better, according to the exchanges website, such as lower fees. Though the coin has rallied around 180% to $1.46 over the past 30 days, FLEX remains roughly 80% down from its all-time high of $7.56 in December of 2021, according to CoinGecko, which also lists CoinFLEX as the only centralized exchange that still supports the token. Crypto Exchange CoinFLEX Plans $84M Restructuring in Seychelles While this latest letter addressed to was allegedly sent to the company privately, Lamb has publicly aired a dispute involving CoinFlexs lending practices in the past. A month after CoinFLEX froze withdrawals last May, citing uncertainty involving a counterparty, Lamb took to Twitter to claim that longtime Bitcoin evangelist Roger Ver owes CoinFLEX $47 million worth of the stablecoin USDC, adding a default notice had been served. Roger Ver owes CoinFLEX $47 Million USDC. We have a written contract with him obligating him to personally guarantee any negative equity on his CoinFLEX account and top up margin regularly. He has been in default of this agreement and we have served a notice of default. Mark Lamb (@MarkDavidLamb) June 28, 2022 Ver denied the allegations that same day, stating he was the one that was owed a substantial sum of money and was undergoing steps to have the funds returned. Recently some rumors have been spreading that I have defaulted on a debt to a counter-party. These rumors are false. Not only do I not have a debt to this counter-party, but this counter- party owes me a substantial sum of money, and I am currently seeking the return of my funds. Roger Ver (@rogerkver) June 28, 2022 Lamb declined to comment about the state of his dispute with Ver. Ver did not immediately respond to Decrypts requests for comment. As Ver and Lambs quarrel continued, CoinFLEX announced last July that customers would be able to withdraw some funds from the exchange but in a limited fashion. The withdrawals were restricted to 10% of users funds and excluded the platforms stablecoin, flexUSD. UK intelligence, using the example of the 155th Naval Infantry Brigade of Russia, suggests that such elite units are now much less professional than at the beginning of the war, due to the additional backfilling because of heavy losses. Source: UK Defence Intelligence, as reported by European Pravda Details: The report was accompanied by satellite images of destroyed Russian equipment near Vuhledar, Donetsk Oblast, most likely belonging to the 155th Brigade. The intelligence notes that, unlike Russian airborne troops, naval infantry was mostly not involved in the war against Ukraine as a single large formation, but were attached to separate units among different groups of Russian forces. Naval infantry has been tasked with some of the toughest tactical missions in the war and has suffered extremely high casualties. "The supposedly enhanced capability of NI brigades has now almost certainly been significantly degraded because it has been backfilled with inexperienced mobilised personnel. This lack of experience is almost certainly exacerbating Russian officers tendency to micromanage, which in turn reduces operational agility," the report notes UK intelligence believes that these naval infantry units will soon be committed back to the offensive near Vuhledar. Previous reports have noted that the commander of this area will probably be required to show some gains to compensate for the devastating failures in February, but such advances are unlikely. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! BraunS / Getty Images How much do you need to retire comfortably? It's a question in the mind of every American saving for retirement. Unfortunately, there's not a one-size-fits-all answer. There are several rules of thumb to help you figure out how much to save to retire. But the exact dollar amount you need will depend on a variety of factors -- especially where you plan to live in retirement. Social Security: 20% Cuts to Your Payments May Come Sooner Than Expected Find Out: 3 Ways to Recession Proof Your Retirement That's because the cost of living varies from state to state. In some places, you can get by on a small nest egg, while in others, even $2 million won't be enough. Your age at retirement also plays a factor. To pinpoint the average retirement income you would need to live comfortably throughout the U.S., GOBankingRates looked at five factors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia: an individual's spending on groceries, healthcare, housing, utilities and transportation. Then, the annual retirement income needed to cover these living expenses was calculated, with an additional 20% to account for the "comfortable" aspect of retirement. The states are ranked from least to most expensive. It should be noted that the suggested annual savings don't include Social Security payouts, potential pension income or interest earned on savings. Find out exactly how much you'll need to retire comfortably in your state. peeterv / Getty Images/iStockphoto Mississippi Total expenditures: $44,059 20% comfort buffer: $11,015 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $55,074 Take Our Poll: Are You Concerned About the Safety of Your Money in Your Bank Accounts? peeterv / Getty Images Oklahoma Total expenditures: $45,206 20% comfort buffer: $11,302 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $56,508 Sean Pavone / Alabama Total expenditures: $45,415 20% comfort buffer: $11,354 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $56,769 Sean Pavone / Kansas Total expenditures: $45,519 20% comfort buffer: $11,380 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $56,899 Story continues pabradyphoto / Getty Images Iowa Total expenditures: $45,988 20% comfort buffer: $11,497 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $57,485 graphiknation / Getty Images/iStockphoto Georgia Total expenditures: $46,353 20% comfort buffer: $11,588 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $57,942 Ohio Total expenditures: $46,614 20% comfort buffer: $11,654 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $58,268 ablokhin / Getty Images West Virginia Total expenditures: $46,823 20% comfort buffer: $11,706 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $58,528 Sean Pavone / Getty Images/iStockphoto Missouri Total expenditures: $46,979 20% comfort buffer: $11,745 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $58,724 Ron and Patty Thomas / Getty Images Indiana Total expenditures: $47,031 20% comfort buffer: $11,758 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $58,789 SeanPavonePhoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto Tennessee Total expenditures: $47,083 20% comfort buffer: $11,771 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $58,854 shuttersv / Arkansas Total expenditures: $47,083 20% comfort buffer: $11,771 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $58,854 Nebraska Total expenditures: $47,500 20% comfort buffer: $11,875 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $59,376 DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images Wyoming Total expenditures: $47,792 20% comfort buffer: $11,948 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $59,741 Davel5957 / Getty Images Michigan Total expenditures: $47,813 20% comfort buffer: $11,953 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $59,767 Mlenny / Getty Images Illinois Total expenditures: $47,918 20% comfort buffer: $11,979 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $59,897 Roschetzky Photography / Texas Total expenditures: $48,283 20% comfort buffer: $12,071 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $60,353 Sean Pavone / Getty Images/iStockphoto Kentucky Total expenditures: $48,387 20% comfort buffer: $12,097 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $60,484 DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images/iStockphoto Louisiana Total expenditures: $48,752 20% comfort buffer: $12,188 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $60,940 miroslav_1 / Getty Images New Mexico Total expenditures: $48,908 20% comfort buffer: $12,227 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $61,135 Michael Tatman / Wisconsin Total expenditures: $48,960 20% comfort buffer: $12,240 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $61,200 culbertson / Getty Images/iStockphoto Minnesota Total expenditures: $49,586 20% comfort buffer: $12,397 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $61,983 South Dakota Total expenditures: $50,108 20% comfort buffer: $12,527 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $62,634 Arina P Habich / South Carolina Total expenditures: $50,212 20% comfort buffer: $12,553 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $62,765 Ryan Herron / Getty Images North Carolina Total expenditures: $50,525 20% comfort buffer: $12,631 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $63,156 Guy RD / North Dakota Total expenditures: $50,785 20% comfort buffer: $12,696 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $63,482 peeterv / Getty Images/iStockphoto Pennsylvania Total expenditures: $51,202 20% comfort buffer: $12,801 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $64,003 Charles Knowles / Idaho Total expenditures: $51,567 20% comfort buffer: $12,892 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $64,459 Nevada Total expenditures: $53,132 20% comfort buffer: $13,283 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $66,415 ferrantraite / Utah Total expenditures: $53,184 20% comfort buffer: $13,296 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $66,480 Kate Scott / Virginia Total expenditures: $53,236 20% comfort buffer: $13,309 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $66,545 Crystal Bolin Photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto Florida Total expenditures: $54,487 20% comfort buffer: $13,622 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $68,109 Jeremy Janus / Getty Images/iStockphoto Colorado Total expenditures: $54,852 20% comfort buffer: $13,713 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $68,565 peeterv / Getty Images/iStockphoto Montana Total expenditures: $54,904 20% comfort buffer: $13,726 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $68,631 Delaware Total expenditures: $54,957 20% comfort buffer: $13,739 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $68,696 benedek / Getty Images Arizona Total expenditures: $56,312 20% comfort buffer: $14,078 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $70,390 Rhode Island Total expenditures: $57,981 20% comfort buffer: $14,495 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $72,476 DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images/iStockphoto New Jersey Total expenditures: $59,441 20% comfort buffer: $14,860 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $74,301 benedek / Washington Total expenditures: $59,441 20% comfort buffer: $14,860 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $74,301 f11photo / Maine Total expenditures: $59,701 20% comfort buffer: $14,925 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $74,627 DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images/iStockphoto New Hampshire Total expenditures: $59,806 20% comfort buffer: $14,951 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $74,757 Sean Pavone / Getty Images/iStockphoto Connecticut Total expenditures: $60,171 20% comfort buffer: $15,043 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $75,213 Marc Dufresne / Getty Images Vermont Total expenditures: $60,692 20% comfort buffer: $15,173 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $75,865 will_snyder_ / Getty Images/iStockphoto Oregon Total expenditures: $63,716 20% comfort buffer: $15,929 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $79,645 Sean Pavone / Maryland Total expenditures: $64,707 20% comfort buffer: $16,177 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $80,884 Alaska Total expenditures: $65,437 20% comfort buffer: $16,359 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $81,796 OlegAlbinsky / Getty Images/iStockphoto New York Total expenditures: $70,755 20% comfort buffer: $17,689 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $88,444 benedek / California Total expenditures: $72,320 20% comfort buffer: $18,080 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $90,399 DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images Massachusetts Total expenditures: $78,159 20% comfort buffer: $19,540 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $97,699 ESB Professional / District of Colombia Total expenditures: $79,984 20% comfort buffer: $19,996 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $99,980 SvetlanaSF / Hawaii Total expenditures: $96,982 20% comfort buffer: $24,246 Cost of a comfortable retirement annually: $121,228 More From GOBankingRates John Csiszar contributed to the reporting for this article. Methodology: GOBankingRates analyzed the following expenditures of Americans aged 65 and older, based on data sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) most recent Consumer Expenditure Survey release for the full year of 2021: (1) annual spending on groceries, defined as "food at home;" (2) annual spending on housing, defined as "shelter;" (3) annual spending on transportation, defined as"gasoline, other fuels, and motor oil" AND "other vehicle expenses;" (4) annual spending on healthcare; (5) annual spending on utilities, defined as "utilities, fuels, and public services;" and (6) overall average annual expenditures. Spending estimates were adjusted to the state level by multiplying each cost category by its corresponding cost of living index score in each state, sourced from the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center's 2022 Q3 cost of living index data. After calculating total consumption expenditures, an additional (7) savings buffer was calculated by assuming that total expenditures consume 80% of ones budget (50% for necessities and 30% for discretionary spending), with 20% left over for savings. GOBankingRates then combined factors (6) and (7) and factored it out by 20 (assuming 20 years of retirement) to give (8) retirement savings needed to live comfortably. All data was collected on and up to date as of November 9, 2022. This article originally appeared on What a Comfortable Retirement Will Cost You in Each State Highland residents may soon see their Gazebo Express newsletter shrink to one page, among other changes, as the Town Council looks to save money on its cost. Design firm Idea Factory, which runs the towns website as well as creates the newsletter content for 13 years, came before the council during its Feb. 20 study session to explain to council members its process as well as show them their budget and how they spend it. The firm, co-owned by Theresa Badovich and Robin Carlascio, has been working on a month-to-month contract since January as the council mulled over whether they wanted Idea Factory to continue doing the work. Advertisement Incorporating some of the changes council members suggested, such as making the newsletter black-and-white instead of two-color, would save only $100 per issue, Badovich said. Taking out content would save more, she said, but it would also remove a lot of stories residents might want to read. We always send out a call for submissions so we dont miss anything, Badovich said, referencing a conversation she had with Redevelopment Director Maria Becerra over changes to the Restaurant Crawl on holidays that she might not have gotten otherwise. Advertisement We like to keep people top of mind, Carlascio added. Council Roger Sheeman, R-5, questioned the contents quality. You said stories if were putting in stories, were just creating a social magazine, Sheeman said. What was the Gazebo created for, information or stories? Whats its purpose now, filing stories? Fine, but what is the value of the information to the residents? Thats why I gave the options (of other content providers) a couple meetings ago. Its getting to that $50,000 (per year) budget mark. Badovich asked where he got $50,000 since theyd never charged the town that much; Clerk-Treasurer Mark Herak said he put $50,000 in the budget since the town had paid out $43,000 in 2022. Badovich said a lot of that cost came from the web migration they did to the new town site from its old one. We charged you for migrating all the information to the new platform (in 2021-2022), and if you remember, right before, you asked us to craft a proposal for a new website, which our proposal was $15,000, Badovich said. You essentially got a brand-new website for free because we charged $500 a month for our time just to move the content, and we saved you $9,000 on that alone. As you can see for this year, you dont have that charge. Councilman Mark Schocke, R-3, then wondered if using more clip art or photos was jacking up the costs. Sheeman said that because the council hasnt told them to limit their use of art, its been their discretion. I guess thats kind of our fault that we havent defined it for them, he said. Advertisement After outlining more things that they do for the town, such as keep archives, Badovich asked whether outside entities, such as churches, can submit things for the newsletter, and if they turn down one, would they have to turn them all down. Are we information or a social calendar? You have to draw the line somewhere, Sheeman said. It all goes to quality of life, Carlascio said. The Gazebo has information that they need to know, and it has information that they may want to know. It brings a vibrancy you otherwise wouldnt have. I think you guys have done a wonderful job on the Gazebo Express, Councilman Bernie Zemen, D-1, said. Ive been on the council before the Gazebo Express and Im here now, and I can tell you its made a world of difference. It goes to 9,000 homes and theres always something for someone. The Gazebo Express works, and I dont understand why weve just spent 45 minutes trying to change it. Am I going to notice a reduction on my next tax bill because of it? Bernie, you can pay for it if you like, Sheeman said. Advertisement The council then agreed that it would set parameters for what the Idea Factory can and cant put in the newsletter and will extend its contract for the entire year. Michelle Quinn is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune. Lawmakers are urging the FDA to prevent the marketing and sale of e-cigarette nicotine products to middle and high school-aged children. Members of Congress are calling on President Joe Biden and his administration to take action against what they say is a major flaw in regulating flavored e-cigarettes that jeopardize the health of millions of American youth. These cigarettes are marketed and targeted towards children [and] many of our kids are smoking them, said U.S. Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL) during a recent interview with theGrio. This month, lawmakers in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives targeted the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the FDA, urging the federal agencies to act to prevent the marketing and sale of e-cigarette nicotine products to middle and high-school-aged children. Vaping products, including flavored vape liquids and pods, are displayed at Gotham Vape in Queens, on September 17, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Cherfilus-McCormick introduced a bill in the House of Representatives on Feb. 9 that seeks to compel the federal government to better regulate e-cigarette manufacturers. The Disposable ENDS Product Enforcement Act of 2023 would direct HHS, which runs the FDA, to update its guidance on enforcing electronic nicotine delivery systems or e-cigarettes and other deemed products. The Florida congresswoman, a former health care executive who was elected to Congress last year, said her goal is to protect the health of young people and combat what she says is a popular trend. We heard from many of our constituents and schoolteachers that a lot of the children now are even smoking in the bathrooms, she told theGrio. Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, D-Fla., is seen in the Rayburn Room before a rally on the House steps of the U.S. Capitol to voice opposition to the Supreme Courts leaked draft opinion indicating the Court will overturn Roe v. Wade, on Friday, May 13, 2022. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images) According to a 2022 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 2.5 million U.S. middle and high school students currently consume e-cigarette products. Cherfilus-McCormick said she believes the popularity of disposable flavored e-cigarette products results from intentional marketing, including child-friendly flavors like strawberries and cream, and pineapple. Of the more than 2 million children who self-reported smoking e-cigarettes to the CDC, nearly 85% used flavored e-cigarettes, and more than half used disposable e-cigarettes. Story continues The lawmaker also said theres concern about where the products are sold and their visibility. As we tour the district, we go into different convenience stores, to gas stations, stores where we see children from all over running in what do we see? We see these disposable ends that look like theyre child friendly and look like they might even be a candy, she shared. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois also raised the alarm about the use of e-cigarettes among young people in a letter addressed to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf. In the Feb. 15 correspondence, Durbin challenged Califf to act more swiftly in the FDAs authorization reviews of applications for manufacturers of some of the most popular e-cigarettes consumed by Americas youth. To my dismay, and contradicting federal law, FDA has allowed unauthorized e-cigarette products to enter, and remain on the market for years, the senator wrote. And just recently, on your watch, FDA stated that it will not finish review of applications for the most popular e-cigarettes until December 31, 2023 more than two years past a court order deadline to finalize review of these products. That is stunning. The letter continued, We can estimate that between now, and FDAs projected timeline, up to 1 million children are at risk of starting to use e-cigarettes. When asked to comment on Durbins concerns and the bill introduced by Cherfilus-McCormick, a spokesperson for the FDA said, The FDA will respond directly to Sen. Durbins letter and does not comment on proposed or pending legislation. In this photo illustration, Puff Bar E-Cigarette products sit on a counter on October 12, 2021 in Miami, Florida. According to a study done by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention disposable e-cigarettes like Puff Plus are popular among teenagers. (Photo Illustration by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) While some members of Congress are not satisfied with the FDAs handling of flavored e-cigarette regulation, the agency has shown signs that it is cracking down on the industry. In October 2022, the FDA denied the applications for 32 Hyde products sold by Magellan Technology. According to federal data published in the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey, Hyde is among the most commonly used e-cigarette products young people consume. In conducting its scientific review, the FDA determined that the applications lacked sufficient evidence demonstrating that these flavored e-cigarettes would provide a benefit to adult users that would be adequate to outweigh the risks to youth, wrote the agency in an Oct. 6 press release. The FDA also issued a warning letter to EVO Brands LLC and PVG2, LLC, the makers of the most commonly used e-cigarette brand, Puff Bar, for receiving and delivering e-cigarettes in the U.S. without a marketing authorization order. The crackdown on the e-cigarette industry dates back to the Trump administration when former President Donald Trump targeted the flavored products after concerns were raised by first lady Melania Trump, particularly as the mother of a teen son. The move to impose stricter regulation on the industry was also set off by several deaths connected to a mysterious lung disease caused by vaping. While e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco, they contain nicotine, which the CDC determined is highly addictive and can harm the developing adolescent brain. The federal agency determined that use during adolescence could also increase the risk of future addiction to other drugs. Congresswoman Cherfilus-McCormick echoed those concerns, telling theGrio she worries about the effects that weve known for years that nicotine has on the body; from the lungs to being more prone to cancer and just being exposed to so many different illnesses that come with smoking and nicotine addiction. Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, D-Fla., arrives to Rayburn Building on Wednesday, May 18, 2022. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images) But drug policy advocates warn that in the pursuit of cracking down on flavored e-cigarettes, the federal government risks undermining what they say is a major advance in public health. The emergence of e-cigarettes is lauded by advocates as an alternative to combustible cigarettes, which contain tobacco and pose a greater danger to consumers health. Governments should do everything possible to basically incentivize, encourage and coerce big tobacco to make the transition from selling cigarettes combustible nicotine to selling non-combustible nicotine products because they are so much dramatically less dangerous, Ethan Nadelmann, the founder and former executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, told theGrio. He continued, If you could snap your fingers and all of the 30 plus million Americans who are smoking cigarettes today or the billion plus people smoking cigarettes today around the world were suddenly to switch to Juul and other e-cigarettes, it would represent one of the greatest advances in public health in human history. Nadelmann added: That advance would still be true, even if many young people started vaping without moving on to smoking. The drug policy expert also pushed back against arguments that cited the impact of e-cigarettes on the brain development of young people. He called those arguments flawed, and noted the similarities between arguments against marijuana during the war on drugs. If you look at the rhetoric and arguments theyre using, theyre almost identical to the rhetoric and arguments that they used with respect to marijuana that marijuana undermines the adolescent brain, its going to lower IQ [or] that marijuana is a stepping stone drug, explained Nadelmann. The vast majority of those claims of marijuana were grossly overstated. When it comes to the concern of youth addiction, Nadelmann said its also important to dig deeper into the data. For example, CDC data states that among youth who currently use e-cigarettes, nearly 30% use them daily. He says that data is flawed as it doesnt distinguish between somebody whos going to take a couple of hits during the course of the day and somebody whos taken hundreds of puffs. If lawmakers are successful in reducing youth access to flavored disposable e-cigarettes, Congresswoman Cherfilus-McCormick admits theres a chance manufacturers could likely figure out another way to create another addictive product for our children. However, she made clear, every time they keep raising up a new product or finding a new loophole, we have to act immediately to close it to protect our families. Gerren Keith Gaynor Gerren Keith Gaynor is the Managing Editor of Politics and White House Correspondent at theGrio. He is based in Washington, D.C. TheGrio is FREE on your TV via Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku and Android TV. Also, please download theGrio mobile apps today! The post Congress calls on Biden administration to better regulate flavored disposable e-cigarettes to protect youth appeared first on TheGrio. In a highly-debated issue, the Florida House began Friday to advance a plan that aims to shield businesses and insurance companies from costly lawsuits. The plan (HB 837) comes after years of business groups calling Florida a judicial hellhole because of the frequency and costs of lawsuits. But opponents, including plaintiffs attorneys and about 50 bikers who converged on the Capitol, said the bill is tilted too far toward insurers and would make it hard for injured people to pursue lawsuits. Representative Ashley Gantt, a Miami Democrat and attorney, expressed concern that insurance companies do not always do the right thing for policyholders. My concern is about the consumer, the everyday citizen, and having access to the courts, Gantt, an attorney, said. However, House Speaker Paul Renner, a Palm Coast Republican, and other supporters of the bill argue that it will bring balance to the legal system. They believe that excessive litigation plays a major role in driving up costs for consumers, such as insurance coverage. Every day I hear from businesses saying that we have a problem in the civil justice system and we need remedies, Rep. Tommy Gregory, a Lakewood Ranch Republican who is helping sponsor the bill, said. The Republican-controlled House Civil Justice Subcommittee voted 12-6 along almost straight party lines to approve the bill. Rep. Mike Beltran, R-Lithia, joined Democrats in opposing the bill, which is filed for the legislative session that will start March 7. As an indication of the stakes of the issue, people crowded one of the Capitols largest committee rooms as the House panel spent more than four hours on the bill. The proposed bill includes a series of changes to limit lawsuits, such as eliminating one-way attorney fees in lawsuits against insurers. One-way attorney fees have long required insurers to pay the attorney fees of plaintiffs who win lawsuits. Lawmakers eliminated one-way attorney fees in lawsuits against property insurers in December, and the bill seeks to extend that to other insurance lines, such as auto-insurance cases. Story continues Supporters of the change argue that one-way attorney fees provide an incentive to file lawsuits that increase insurance costs. Floridians are paying some of the highest automobile insurance rates in the country, and, frankly, this is a tax by the rich plaintiffs bar against the poor working families of Florida, said Mark Delegal, a lobbyist for State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. Opponents, however, argue that eliminating one-way attorney fees would make it challenging for injured people to get attorneys to represent them against insurers. Representative Daryl Campbell, a Fort Lauderdale Democrat, likened the situation to David and Goliath, and said most people cannot afford to hire lawyers on an hourly fee basis. Right now, the one-way attorney fee statute helps level the playing field and gives Floridians a fighting chance, Campbell said. The bill would also revamp laws on comparative negligence.Under current law, juries determine each partys percentage of fault in negligence lawsuits, with damages awarded based on the percentages. However, defendants would effectively have to be at least 51% at fault before they could be forced to pay damages under the proposed bill. DeWayne Terry, a plaintiffs attorney who represented the Florida Justice Association at Fridays meeting, objected to the proposed change, saying the issue is about accountability. Do not allow the insurance companies to get a free pass on not requiring the person thats wrong to pay their fair share, Terry said. But Rep. Dean Black, R-Jacksonville, the change would be good policy. Under current law, a person who is 99% at fault for an accident can sue another person whos only 1% at fault, Black said. This creates unjust outcomes, and it incentivizes lawsuits that really should never be in the system. As an outgrowth of that issue, Democrats unsuccessfully sought an exemption for motorcycle riders who do not wear helmets and get injured. Under the Democrats proposal, juries would not have been able to consider that bikers were not wearing helmets when apportioning fault about injuries. What it (the proposed amendment) allows is for people to exercise their freedoms, Rep. Hillary Cassel, D-Dania Beach, said. And lets remember, were talking about law-abiding citizens. But the committee voted 13-4 to reject the proposal, as a group of bikers watched from the audience. Kyle Weaver, an attorney representing the Florida Trucking Association, opposed the proposed amendment and said life is about choices. Whatever their decision is, if they choose not to wear a helmet, thats their choice, but it should be evidence of comparative negligence, Weaver said. [SIGN UP: Action News Jax Daily Headlines Newsletter] Click here to download the free Action News Jax news and weather apps, click here to download the Action News Jax Now app for your smart TV and click here to stream Action News Jax live. Elizabeth Holmes was sentenced to 11.25 years in federal prison Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Holmes was sentenced to over 11 years in prison while pregnant with second child in November. In a court filing this week, her legal team said Holmes has "two young children," according to Mercury News. Holmes is seeking to extend her freedom past the day she's due to prison in April. A court filing last week has revealed that Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes is now a mother of two, and she's seeking to delay her looming incarceration. The 39-year-old was sentenced to over 11 years in prison, and is due to begin her sentence on April 27, but she and her legal team want to postpone that until her appeal process is finished, according to court documents obtained by The Mercury News this week. The documents also state that Holmes is a mother of "two young children." In November, her romantic partner Billy Evans confirmed that she was pregnant with their second child. Holmes gave birth to her first child in July 2021 while awaiting trial for her charges. While her legal team argues for extending her freedom, prosecutors say Holmes poses a flight risk and shouldn't be free past the day she's due to go to prison, per Mercury News. The former CEO of Theranos was convicted of defrauding investors out of over $144 million in January 2022, and her appeal process could take a year or more to complete, according to the Mercury News report. District Judge Edward Davila recommended Holmes serve sentence in a minimum-security prison camp in Texas, but the decision is ultimately made by the US Bureau of Prisons. Holmes a Stanford University dropout founded Theranos in 2003. The Palo Alto-based startup's mission was to run blood tests that could detect several medical conditions from just a small amount of blood. The company's valuation shot up to $9 billion before Holmes and fellow Theranos executives were charged with fraud in 2018. Read the original article on Business Insider The federal and state criminal investigations swirling with growing intensity around former President Trump prompt observers to wonder where the third-time candidate for the Oval Office will be next year at this time. Marshall H. Tanick It might be in prison as those inquiries proceed, bolstered by revival in New York City of the Stormy Daniels hush-money issue dating back seven years. The various proceedings create an increasing likelihood that the ex-president may be charged, perhaps convicted, and even incarcerated for one or more offenses, including possible violation of the World War I era Federal Espionage Act for the stashing of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago facility here in a Florida, action emulated in much less severe form and under markedly different circumstances by President Biden and former Vice President Pence. These unfolding developments targeting the 45th president lead to consideration whether he could become president again and occupy the White House if any of those conditions occur and, perchance, he ends up in the Big House. The answer is decidedly yes, he can still run, be elected, and even win under the latter and latest circumstances. But he might have to exercise his duties from a different abode, a penitentiary. The topic of the presidency and prison has been addressed in a number of forums recently and historians, scholars, and others of all political and ideological ilks almost uniformly reaching that same conclusion. But recognition that criminal charges, convictions, even imprisonment would not bar him from becoming president, even if he is behind bars rather than the fence surrounding the White House, has overlooked or minimized the nexus to Florida where more than a century ago an imprisoned candidate staged a vigorous campaign for the presidency with a credible showing in this state. The Constitution in Article II, Section 1 sets three qualifications for president: 35 years of age; natural born citizen, and 14 years residence in this country. The former president satisfies all of these requirements. Story continues These conditions are exclusive. The courts have held that imposing additional requirements outside of those prescribed in the Constitution is impermissible. More than three years ago, California enacted a law requiring that candidates appearing on a presidential primary ballot have disclosed their tax returns. Then-President Trump had not, and still hasnt, which would have eliminated him from being on the presidential ballot in that state. It may not have mattered in the long run because he lost that state resoundingly anyway. However, the California Supreme Court in a 2019 case entitled Patterson v. Padilla, ruled that the prohibition was unconstitutional and, therefore, the president was allowed on the ballot and won the primary, before being trounced by Joe Biden in the general election there. The same rationale applied in a U. S. Supreme Court case 20 years earlier known as U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, in which the justices invalidated a state law establishing term limits for members of the House of Representatives. It reasoned that the constitutional requirements in Article I, 2 are exclusive: 25 years of age, seven years citizenship, and an inhabitant of the state (but not necessarily the district) from which they are running. The requirements for the Senate in Article I, 3 slightly differ: 30 years of age, nine years citizenship, and an inhabitant of the state. Here in Florida, incidentally, state law requirements for elective legislative offices in Tallahassee are more limited than in most states: 30 years of age, registered voter for seven years, 21 years old (even though the voting age is 18), resident in the state for two years and living in the district the candidate seeks to represent for the past two years. Thus, charged with a crime, even a serious one, convicted, or imprisoned, cannot constitutionally disqualify the ex-president, or any other individual, for that matter, from running for president and serving in that office, although it might become a little bit awkward trying to run the country from a jail cell. The only way to prevent that would be a determination that he participated in or aided the January 6th insurrection under section 3 of the post-Civil War 14th Amendment aimed at barring former Confederate military and government officials from holding federal offices. Otherwise, the ex-president is entitled to run and serve if elected, whether in pinstripes or an orange jump suit. Someone else has tried to do it and, despite long odds, experienced a modest measure of success, including here in Florida. Eugene Debs, a well-known Socialist and labor leader of the late 19th century and early 20th century, ran for president in 1920 despite the dilemma of seeking the office while in federal prison in Atlanta. A former Democrat, Debs had run for president four times previously under the Socialist banner. He reached his high water mark in 1920, when he obtained 913,000 votes, 3.4% of the electorate, which went overwhelmingly for Republican Warren G. Harding, an Ohio senator, by a landslide margin of 60% over the Democratic challenger, James Cox, the governor of Ohio, the state Harding represented in the Senate, along with Coxs vice presidential candidate, Franklin D. Roosevelt, no less, who later was elected president four times, leading the country and the Greatest Generation through the Depression and World War II. The number of votes that Debs drew, the highest in his multiple attempts to reach the White House, nearly doubled the previous Socialist candidate. Debs actually had done better on a percentage basis eight years earlier, gaining nearly 6% of the votes in a four-way race although his vote total that year was lower because the 1920 turnout was much greater as the first time women could vote across the country after enactment of the 19th Amendment. Debs did it all in the 1920 election while in jail. He was imprisoned in 1918 due to speaking out against Americas involvement in World War I, particularly for discouraging men from cooperating with the military draft. He was sentenced to a 10-year term in jail, although his sentence was commuted by the incoming president Harding in 1921, five years before Debs died. Another less credible candidate also ran for president from prison, right-winger Lyndon LaRouche, a perennial candidate who garnered only a handful of votes in the 1972 election. Debs was a credible candidate in Florida, where the Democrat Cox, riding the wave of the old Democratic Solid South, easily defeated Harding 2-to-1, 62%-31%, the reverse of the national vote. Debs actually did a bit better here in Florida than he did around the rest of the country, gaining nearly 3.6% of the ballots, 5,187, out of the approximately 145,000 cast by the fewer than 1 million Floridians at the time, a puny figure compared to the nearly 11 million votes of the 21 million living in 2020, when Trump carried the state by a solid 3.4% over Joe Biden, increasing his margin of 2.2% four years earlier over Hillary Clinton. Incidentally, a fourth party candidate in 1920, a Prohibitionist, almost matched Debs here in 1920, drawing 5,124 votes. Debs, not surprisingly, did his best in the larger communities of the state, which only had 913,000 residents at the time, fewer than 5% of the current number, and still predominantly rural. He attained close to 5% of the vote in Dade/Miami, twice that figure in Broward County, and inexplicably nearly 20% of the votes in Flagler County north of Daytona and near St. Augustine. In Southwest Florida, he won 3.2% of the ballots, a grand total of 54, in sparsely populated Lee County. He recorded none in Collier County because there was no such unit at that time; it was not established until 1923. Similarly, no votes were cast for the Socialist in Charlotte County in the 1920 election because it was not formed until the following year. While Debs had no realistic chance of obtaining Floridas six electoral votes (now inflated to 29) or of being elected president, no one disputed his eligibility for the presidency. That acquiescence demonstrates that being charged, convicted, and even incarcerated for a crime would not bar ex-President Trump from seeking office again, although there would be obvious infirmities in trying to run a quasi-oval office from a jail cell, along with Cabinet meetings. Conferences with foreign dignitaries would be awkward, to say the least, let alone arranging for Secret Service protection from adjoining cellblocks. But the former president has broken the mold in many unexpected ways. Running for president from jail would seem highly unlikely, but not impossible. Hoping for a better electoral outcome, he could try to emulate Socialist Debs in the election of 1920, which was notable in another respect: it was the first time women voted for president after ratification of the 19th Amendment, and they cast their ballots, like their men counterparts, heavily in favor of the winner, Republican Harding. Incidentally, the offense for which Debs was convicted and imprisoned during his presidential run? Violation of the Espionage Act! Marshall H. Tanick of Naples is a constitutional law attorney. This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Could Trump run for president from prison? Yes Key Insights Coventry Group's estimated fair value is AU$1.60 based on 2 Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity Current share price of AU$0.98 suggests Coventry Group is potentially 39% undervalued The AU$1.76 analyst price target for CYG is 10% more than our estimate of fair value How far off is Coventry Group Ltd (ASX:CYG) from its intrinsic value? Using the most recent financial data, we'll take a look at whether the stock is fairly priced by taking the expected future cash flows and discounting them to their present value. The Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model is the tool we will apply to do this. Believe it or not, it's not too difficult to follow, as you'll see from our example! Companies can be valued in a lot of ways, so we would point out that a DCF is not perfect for every situation. Anyone interested in learning a bit more about intrinsic value should have a read of the Simply Wall St analysis model. View our latest analysis for Coventry Group Is Coventry Group Fairly Valued? We use what is known as a 2-stage model, which simply means we have two different periods of growth rates for the company's cash flows. Generally the first stage is higher growth, and the second stage is a lower growth phase. To begin with, we have to get estimates of the next ten years of cash flows. Where possible we use analyst estimates, but when these aren't available we extrapolate the previous free cash flow (FCF) from the last estimate or reported value. We assume companies with shrinking free cash flow will slow their rate of shrinkage, and that companies with growing free cash flow will see their growth rate slow, over this period. We do this to reflect that growth tends to slow more in the early years than it does in later years. Generally we assume that a dollar today is more valuable than a dollar in the future, so we discount the value of these future cash flows to their estimated value in today's dollars: 10-year free cash flow (FCF) forecast 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Levered FCF (A$, Millions) -AU$2.75m AU$1.60m AU$3.55m AU$5.30m AU$7.17m AU$8.97m AU$10.6m AU$12.0m AU$13.2m AU$14.2m Growth Rate Estimate Source Analyst x2 Analyst x2 Analyst x2 Est @ 49.38% Est @ 35.14% Est @ 25.18% Est @ 18.20% Est @ 13.32% Est @ 9.90% Est @ 7.51% Present Value (A$, Millions) Discounted @ 8.2% -AU$2.5 AU$1.4 AU$2.8 AU$3.9 AU$4.8 AU$5.6 AU$6.1 AU$6.4 AU$6.5 AU$6.5 ("Est" = FCF growth rate estimated by Simply Wall St) Present Value of 10-year Cash Flow (PVCF) = AU$41m Story continues We now need to calculate the Terminal Value, which accounts for all the future cash flows after this ten year period. For a number of reasons a very conservative growth rate is used that cannot exceed that of a country's GDP growth. In this case we have used the 5-year average of the 10-year government bond yield (1.9%) to estimate future growth. In the same way as with the 10-year 'growth' period, we discount future cash flows to today's value, using a cost of equity of 8.2%. Terminal Value (TV)= FCF 2032 (1 + g) (r g) = AU$14m (1 + 1.9%) (8.2% 1.9%) = AU$232m Present Value of Terminal Value (PVTV)= TV / (1 + r)10= AU$232m ( 1 + 8.2%)10= AU$106m The total value, or equity value, is then the sum of the present value of the future cash flows, which in this case is AU$148m. The last step is to then divide the equity value by the number of shares outstanding. Relative to the current share price of AU$1.0, the company appears quite undervalued at a 39% discount to where the stock price trades currently. Remember though, that this is just an approximate valuation, and like any complex formula - garbage in, garbage out. dcf Important Assumptions We would point out that the most important inputs to a discounted cash flow are the discount rate and of course the actual cash flows. Part of investing is coming up with your own evaluation of a company's future performance, so try the calculation yourself and check your own assumptions. The DCF also does not consider the possible cyclicality of an industry, or a company's future capital requirements, so it does not give a full picture of a company's potential performance. Given that we are looking at Coventry Group as potential shareholders, the cost of equity is used as the discount rate, rather than the cost of capital (or weighted average cost of capital, WACC) which accounts for debt. In this calculation we've used 8.2%, which is based on a levered beta of 1.048. Beta is a measure of a stock's volatility, compared to the market as a whole. We get our beta from the industry average beta of globally comparable companies, with an imposed limit between 0.8 and 2.0, which is a reasonable range for a stable business. SWOT Analysis for Coventry Group Strength Currently debt free. Dividends are covered by earnings and cash flows. Weakness Earnings declined over the past year. Dividend is low compared to the top 25% of dividend payers in the Trade Distributors market. Opportunity Annual earnings are forecast to grow faster than the Australian market. Trading below our estimate of fair value by more than 20%. Threat Revenue is forecast to grow slower than 20% per year. Looking Ahead: Valuation is only one side of the coin in terms of building your investment thesis, and it shouldn't be the only metric you look at when researching a company. It's not possible to obtain a foolproof valuation with a DCF model. Rather it should be seen as a guide to "what assumptions need to be true for this stock to be under/overvalued?" If a company grows at a different rate, or if its cost of equity or risk free rate changes sharply, the output can look very different. Can we work out why the company is trading at a discount to intrinsic value? For Coventry Group, there are three further elements you should look at: Risks: Consider for instance, the ever-present spectre of investment risk. We've identified 4 warning signs with Coventry Group , and understanding these should be part of your investment process. Management:Have insiders been ramping up their shares to take advantage of the market's sentiment for CYG's future outlook? Check out our management and board analysis with insights on CEO compensation and governance factors. Other Solid Businesses: Low debt, high returns on equity and good past performance are fundamental to a strong business. Why not explore our interactive list of stocks with solid business fundamentals to see if there are other companies you may not have considered! PS. Simply Wall St updates its DCF calculation for every Australian stock every day, so if you want to find the intrinsic value of any other stock just search here. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here The Covid-19 pandemic most likely originated from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report from the U.S. Energy Department. The report, which was included in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Hainess office, was recently provided to the White House and other lawmakers. Sources told the Wall Street Journal that the updated assessment from the Energy Department is the result of new intelligence. The Energy Department, which oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, made its judgment with low confidence, the Wall Street Journal reported. The assessment marks a change from 2021, when the department was undecided on how the virus originated. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan responded to the report on Sunday during an appearance on CNNs State of the Union. Heres what I can tell you. President Biden has directed, repeatedly, every element of our intelligence community to put effort and resources behind getting to the bottom of this question, Sullivan said. If we gain any further insight or information, we will share it with Congress, and we will share it with the American people. But right now, there is not a definitive answer that has emerged from the intelligence community on this question. A declassified intelligence report released in November 2021 previously revealed that the FBI concluded with moderate confidence that the pandemic began with a laboratory accident following a 90-day review ordered by President Biden. The FBI still holds this view, according to the report, while four other agencies and the National Intelligence Council assess with low confidence the pandemic was likely caused by natural transmission from an infected animal. Two other agencies, including the CIA, are undecided. Several virology labs are located in Wuhan, where the pandemic began, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where bat coronaviruses were studied. Story continues U.S. officials told the Wall Street Journal that while the Energy Department and FBI agree that an unintended lab leak was likely the cause of the pandemic, both agencies made their assessment for different reasons. While many officials once dismissed the lab-leak theory, instead claiming an outbreak at a seafood market in Wuhan, China, was the source of the virus, some scientists and officials now believe the outbreak was just an example of community spread and not where Covid-19 originated, according to the report. A team of experts from ten countries released a report on behalf of the WHO in March 2021 saying the virus was likely spread from an animal to humans, calling a theory that the virus was released in a lab accident extremely unlikely. The researchers said they would not recommend further investigation. However, Peter Ben Embarek, the WHO food safety and animal diseases expert who led the organizations investigation into the origins of the novel coronavirus, said in a Danish documentary months later that that Chinese colleagues influenced the presentation of the teams findings. In the beginning, they didnt want anything about the lab [in the report], because it was impossible, so there was no need to waste time on that, Ben Embarek said. We insisted on including it, because it was part of the whole issue about where the virus originated. The Wall Street Journal report comes one month after House Republicans formed a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic to investigate the origins of Covid-19 and other aspects of the pandemic. More from National Review The theory that the COVID-19 pandemics origins can be traced back to a lab leak in China got a boost, according to the Wall Street Journal. In an article published Sunday, the WSJ writes that U.S. Energy Department has recently updated its assessment of how the novel coronavirus behind the pandemic emerged: While the department previously said it was undecided on the matter, it now calls the lab-leak theory the most likely explanation. The department shared its updated assessment, which it noted it has low confidence in, in a classified intelligence report provided to the White House and key lawmakers, according to the Journal, which cited people who have read the report. The department joins the FBI in backing the lab-leak theory, while four other agencies and a national intelligence panel believe the virus emerged through natural transmission, and two are undecided, the Journal wrote. The pandemics origin has been hotly debated for years. The coronavirus was circulating in Wuhan, China, in late 2019. The city was known to have an array of labsincluding the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Wuhan Institute of Biological Productsand was considered the center of Chinas coronavirus research, with many of its labs expanded or built after the SARS epidemic in the early 2000s. On the other hand, the city, like many others in China, was home to numerous wet markets, where animals are sold and slaughtered. Many scientists favor the theory that the virus emerged from such a market. In July of last year, two extensive, peer-reviewed papers in Science from an international team of scientists concluded that the coronavirus most likely jumped from a caged wild animal into people at the citys Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. Other scientists not involved in that study considered it a blow to the lab-leak theory. "The studies don't exclude other hypotheses entirely. But they absolutely are pushing it toward an animal origin, virologist Jeremy Kamil, at Louisiana State University Health Shreveport, told NPR at the time. Story continues Adding to the lab-leak theory was U.S. intelligence that several Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers sought hospital care in November 2019, the Journal noted, though a House Intelligence Committee report published in mid-December last year noted those individuals might have simply had a seasonal flu. Republican lawmakers who took control of the House last month are pursuing investigations into pandemics origins, as are their Senate counterparts, fulfilling pledges made on the campaign trail last year. This story was originally featured on More from Fortune: 5 side hustles where you may earn over $20,000 per yearall while working from home Millennials average net worth: How the nations largest working generation stacks up against the rest Looking for extra cash? Consider a checking account bonus This is how much money you need to earn annually to comfortably buy a $600,000 home Credit-card companies could face fines of up to $10,000 per violation for tracking firearm and ammunition sales in Florida, under a measure approved Tuesday by a Senate committee. The Republican-controlled Senate Banking and Insurance Committee voted 7-3 along party lines to approve a bill (SB 214) that would target yet-to-be-enacted plans by some credit-card companies to create a separate merchant category code for sales at firearm businesses. Similar four-digit codes are already used to separate purchases and collect data from places such as grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants and bookstores. >>> STREAM CHANNEL 9 EYEWITNESS NEWS LIVE <<< Bill sponsor Danny Burgess, R-Zephyrhills, pointed to a Florida prohibition on gun-sale registries and said the bill would prevent data collection. In Florida, we take it very seriously to protect consumers rights, gun rights and their right to privacy, and I believe that this MCC (merchant category code) would lead to the creation of a registry in essence, potentially having a chilling effect on constitutional rights, Burgess said. Were basically putting teeth behind current law in Florida, which prevents government and private registries. In September, Visa joined Mastercard and American Express in announcing plans to categorize gun shop sales. Gun-control advocates say the move would help track suspicious sales tied to potential mass shootings. Democrats expressed concern the bill could hinder law-enforcement efforts to prevent mass shootings. Read: Happening overnight: NASA, SpaceX to launch 4 astronauts to ISS as part of its Crew-6 mission Theres a lot of things that go on in these investigations, and sadly were in a crisis across this country, said Sen. Victor Torres, an Orlando Democrat and former New York City transit police detective. Every day, every weekend we hear about shootings in our counties, in our state, across the nation. And this state should be more aware as to the purchasing of guns and ammunition. Story continues The bill, a priority of state Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson, says that creation or maintenance of records of purchases of firearms or ammunition or the tracking of sales made by a retailer of firearms or ammunition by a nongovernmental entity, including a financial institution, without a substantial and historical business need or a requirement imposed by law, may frustrate the right to keep and bear arms and violate the reasonable privacy rights of lawful purchasers of firearms or ammunition. Read: Group hands out anti-Semitic flyers at Lake Nona neighborhood, police say In barring the assignment of a merchant category code, the bill would direct the Simpson-led Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to investigate alleged violations and impose fines of up to $10,000 for each violation. The bill is filed for consideration during the legislative session that will start on March 7. Rep. John Snyder, R-Stuart, has filed an identical bill (HB 221) in the House. Read: Woman killed, child in critical condition after hit-and-run crash in Orange County Click here to download the free WFTV news and weather apps, click here to download the WFTV Now app for your smart TV and click here to stream Channel 9 Eyewitness News live. Cristiano Ronaldo and Mike Tyson were among the famous faces at the Diriyah Arena in Riyadh for Jake Pauls highly anticipated bout with Tommy Fury. Ronaldo was in attendance fresh from scoring a hat-trick for Saudi Pro League side Al-Nassr on Saturday, and the 38-year-old was pictured sitting with his son ahead of the fight. Cristiano Ronaldo is at the Jake Paul vs. Tommy Fury fight in Saudi Arabia Watch now on @ESPNPlus PPV ESPN FC (@ESPNFC) February 26, 2023 Tyson was one of several former and reigning heavyweight world champions in attendance, alongside Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury, the older half-brother of Tommy. Other boxers at the event included New Zealand heavyweight Joseph Parker, Britains Derek Chisora, Americas undisputed lightweight world champion Devin Haney, and former welterweight world champion Shawn Porter. Comedian Kevin Hart was also spotted ringside. The fight is finally taking place after two failed attempts, with Fury pulling out of the initial 2021 bout citing injury and illness. Travel issues then prevented the British fighter from getting to America last August. Paul is 6-0 since turning professional after gaining fame as a YouTuber. Fury is 8-0, though Paul will be his most renowned opponent to date. The 26-year-old Paul is expected to take home around $12m from the fight while Fury will receive around $6.5m. Croatia is planning to provide Ukraine with 14 Mi-8 helicopters, which have been taken out of its armys service. Source: Jutarnji list, a Croatian daily newspaper, citing sources Details: Jutarnji list reported that 12 Mi-8MTB-1 and two Mi-8T helicopters have been taken out of the Croatian Armed Forces service. The marking is currently being removed from the helicopters, which are being repaired at the Aeronautical Technical Center in Velika Gorica. Jutarnji list said the helicopters might be ready to be transported to Ukraine in around 10 days. Journalists reported that seven of the helicopters will be partially disassembled and delivered by land, and the other seven will be flown to Poland. The Croatian government has yet to confirm the information about providing Mi-8 helicopters to Ukraine. Information about military aid to Ukraine has been classified by the government as being closed to public access. Background: Jutarnji list reported in July that the Croatian government was set to approve a decision to provide 14 Soviet-made helicopters to Ukraine, hoping to receive more modern Black Hawk helicopters from the US. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Hunter Zdyb, left and Jim Waltz both of Michigan City, try the casting practice area on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023 at Portages annual fishing and outdoor show Fish-On, held at Woodland Park. (Deena Lawley-Dixon / Post-Tribune) Portages sixth annual fishing and outdoor show Fish-On drew fishing enthusiasts from all over northern Indiana over the weekend at Woodland Park. People like this because of its size, Barb Lusco, harbor master of the Sammie Maletta Public Marina, said Saturday, the first day of the two-day event. Its doable, walkable, not inundated with too many people. Advertisement Luscos booth had information to promote all that Portages public marina has to offer. Its great. We have public fishing areas and slip rentals, said Lusco. We are current working on a grant for a fish cleaning station and a public fishing pier. Lusco anticipates that all 214 slips will be full again this season. We have been sold out the last three years. Advertisement Barb Lusco, left, harbor master of the Sammie Maletta Public Marina, talks with Indiana Conservation Officer Nicole Baumann on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023, during Portages annual fishing and outdoor show Fish-On, held at Woodland Park. (Deena Lawley-Dixon / Post-Tribune) The public marina offers seasonal and transient slips, ramps for daily boat launches, picnic areas, public restrooms, and a store with boating supplies and snacks. The marina is also pet-friendly. Robert Conley of Highland has been fishing his whole life. Im 49, so you could say I have been fishing for 49 years, said Conley, who was looking at the wide array of fishing lures available from local vendors. The show had something for all ages including a casting practice area, childrens play area, food and drink, door prizes and seminars. They used to have an outdoor show in Hammond and Michigan City, but they stopped doing them, said Nancy Simpson, executive director of the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce. I knew this was something we should bring to Portage. We have a lot of fishermen, a lot of charter boats and a lot to offer out at the marinas. John Schafer of Sea Quest Lures of Portage, left, and Robert Conley of Highland talk fishing Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023 during Portages annual fishing and outdoor show Fish-On, held at Woodland Park. (Deena Lawley-Dixon / Post-Tribune) Jim Waltz and Hunter Zdyb have been fishing together every weekend for the last few years. Zdyb, who is 17 and a student at New Prairie High School, said he got interested in fishing after his dad took him fishing with his friend Waltz. I loved it and its become my thing. Fishing will always be something I do in my free time, said Zdyb. Waltz and Zdyb fish the ponds in the spring, summer and fall, mostly for bass and, in the winter, they fish the rivers and creeks for steelhead, cohos, and pikes. Id say my favorite spot is Wauwasee in Kosciusko County, said Waltz. Waltz and Zdyb were headed out fishing after the show and had a pockets full of new lures to try out. Advertisement Going to these shows encourages you, lets to talk to other people who fish, you can always pick up a new lure, said Waltz. Fishing is definitely an addiction, said Zdyb. It lures you in, no pun intended. Deena Lawley-Dixon is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune. A teacher at Richard Allie Middle School has been arrested and accused of an improper relationship with a student in the Crowley Independent School District, school officials announced on Saturday. The employee was arrested on multiple charges including an improper relationship between the educator and a student who does not attend Richard Allie Middle School but is a student at another Crowley ISD school. Fort Worth police identified the teacher as Christopher David Session, 37. Session remained in the Tarrant County Jail on Monday, after he was booked early Saturday morning. He also faces two charges of sexual assault of a child under 17, according to court records. Its not clear whether he has obtained an attorney. Police have not provided additional details on the investigation. We took immediate action and put the employee on administrative leave when we first became aware of the concern, and we are fully cooperating with the investigation that is being led by the Fort Worth Police Department, said Michael McFarland, Crowley ISD superintendent, in a statement to district staff and families. Due to the nature of the ongoing criminal case, we are prevented from sharing specific details. I want to assure you that investigators have found no evidence of any other students involved. This is extremely upsetting to all of us, and this type of illegal behavior will not be tolerated in our community, McFarland said. We will continue to act like a family and work like a team in Crowley ISD. We ask for your patience as we navigate this difficult situation, and we remain grateful for your support of our students, staff and schools. Petr Pavel, President of the Czech Republic, is not concerned that Ukraines allies could deliberately reduce their support for Ukraine at a time when the prospect of Crimea's liberation is approaching, fearing a radical escalation on the part of the Kremlin. Source: Petr Pavel, when asked how reasonable such assumptions are in an interview with Ukraine's public broadcaster Suspilne, as reported by European Pravda Quote: "I don't think that Western countries are discussing an option that would involve reducing support because of Ukraine's intention to liberate Crimea. Quite the opposite. All of the leaders use the same arguments, which means they support Ukraine in liberating its entire territory," said Pavel. Details: In the interview, he also said that Ukraines allies should prepare to support Ukraine in the long term, regardless of their hopes for a quick victory, and should not rule out less optimistic scenarios. The Czech President also shared his visions of the scenarios he sees for Russia after the war. Earlier, Politico reported, citing its own sources, that the US presidents administration is still convinced that Ukraine's liberation of Crimea is a "red line" for Putin and that it may lead to a serious escalation. However, at the same time, the US does not deny Ukraine's right to retake the peninsula. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Dan Walker has said he is confident that I am not to blame after being involved in a bike crash that left him with cuts to his face and a bloodied nose. The 45-year-old former BBC Breakfast presenter first shared the news of the incident with a post on Instagram, saying: Very thankful to still be here. I have no memory of anything and just remember coming round on the tarmac with paramedics and police around me. Writing in The Times, Walker said he could have died but confirmed he is unable to remember any details of the incident in Sheffield. He said: There is still nothing there, which a large part of me is very happy about. I cant go into details at the moment because the police might take another week or so to publish their report but, after talking to Conor (a police officer), I am confident that I am not to blame and I hope this can be resolved outside the courts. I know I could have died but I also know how easy it is to make a mistake, even when youre trying to be careful. I cant really remember what they (the driver) looked like, from that moment they were looking over me as I came round, but I do recall that they looked deeply distressed and I imagine it is all they are thinking about at the moment. That Monday could have been the day that changed their life for ever. I asked Conor if I would be able to talk to the driver if they were OK with that. Ill let you know what happens. Walker thanked the police, NHS and ambulance services, friends and family and members of the public who helped him following the crash. Walker also said he has hated doing nothing and confirmed that he hopes to return to his role as a Channel 5 news anchor next week. As long as the swelling and bruising have gone down, I think I will go back to work later this week, he wrote. Story continues Channel 5 have been brilliant. They sent me some chocolates in the post. I sucked the caramel one and will come back to the rest once the mouth is back to full power. In a number of Instagram posts following the accident, Walker, who lives in Sheffield where the incident occurred, gave further information on what happened and credited his bike helmet with saving his life. Walker left the BBC for his current post at Channel 5 last year. A spokeswoman for South Yorkshire Police previously told the PA news agency that as it was a minor injury collision the force would not be providing details. Dan Walker has said he is confident that I am not to blame after being involved in a bike crash that left him with cuts to his face and a bloodied nose. The 45-year-old former BBC Breakfast presenter first shared the news of the incident with a post on Instagram, saying: Very thankful to still be here. I have no memory of anything and just remember coming round on the tarmac with paramedics and police around me. Writing in The Times, Walker said he could have died but confirmed he is unable to remember any details of the incident in Sheffield. He said: There is still nothing there, which a large part of me is very happy about. I cant go into details at the moment because the police might take another week or so to publish their report but, after talking to Conor (a police officer), I am confident that I am not to blame and I hope this can be resolved outside the courts. I know I could have died but I also know how easy it is to make a mistake, even when youre trying to be careful. I cant really remember what they (the driver) looked like, from that moment they were looking over me as I came round, but I do recall that they looked deeply distressed and I imagine it is all they are thinking about at the moment. That Monday could have been the day that changed their life for ever. I asked Conor if I would be able to talk to the driver if they were OK with that. Ill let you know what happens. Walker thanked the police, NHS and ambulance services, friends and family and members of the public who helped him following the crash. Walker also said he has hated doing nothing and confirmed that he hopes to return to his role as a Channel 5 news anchor next week. As long as the swelling and bruising have gone down, I think I will go back to work later this week, he wrote. Story continues Channel 5 have been brilliant. They sent me some chocolates in the post. I sucked the caramel one and will come back to the rest once the mouth is back to full power. In a number of Instagram posts following the accident, Walker, who lives in Sheffield where the incident occurred, gave further information on what happened and credited his bike helmet with saving his life. Walker left the BBC for his current post at Channel 5 last year. A spokeswoman for South Yorkshire Police previously told the PA news agency that as it was a minor injury collision the force would not be providing details. A photo of Abby Choi from her Instagram page The missing head of a top international model was found in a soup pot, police said on Sunday, as they charged two former in-laws with her murder. Abby Choi, 28, went missing on Tuesday. Her dismembered legs were found three days later in a fridge in a makeshift butcher's workshop but her head, torso and hands were missing. On Sunday, police found Ms Chois missing head and some ribs in a big soup pot, the South China Morning Post reported. Police said they were charging her ex-husbands father and elder brother with murder, while his mother faces one count of perverting the course of justice. The three suspects, aged 31 to 65, will appear in court on Monday. Ms Chois ex-husband, Alex Kwong, 28, was arrested on Saturday afternoon but has not been charged. The finds followed an extensive search over the weekend at a cemetery and at a flat where her legs had been found earlier in a fridge. Police stand guard outside the house where Ms Choi's remains were found - JEROME FAVRE/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock Police also found the model and social media influencers identity card and credit cards in the ground floor flat, part of a three-storey house in Tai Po, a surburban part of Hong Kong not far from the border with mainland China. Tools that are used to dismember human bodies were found in the flat, including meat grinders, chainsaws, long raincoats, gloves, and masks, Superintendent Alan Chung said on Saturday. The house had been rented by Ms Chois former father-in-law a few weeks earlier, according to Mr Chung. Ms Choi, 28, had been involved in financial disputes with her ex-husband and his family, the superintendent said. The way she handled her financial assets made some people unhappy, he added. Her two children with Mr Kwong are reportedly being cared for by her mother. Ms Choi appeared on the front cover of a Monaco fashion magazine this month. She had also appeared in publications including Elle, Vogue and Harpers Bazaar and was a regular at Paris Fashion Week. Her Instagram page, with more than 100,000 followers, has been filled with messages of condolence. The Ukrainian military shot down a Russian aircraft in the area of the settlement of Avdiivka region on Sunday. Source: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his evening address Quote: "I thank everyone who brings this victory closer, I thank everyone who helps our people in the temporarily occupied territory. Glory to each and every one who is now in combat! By the way, today I am especially grateful to our guys from the 110th separate mechanised brigade who shot down another enemy aircraft near Avdiivka!" Details: The Air Force Command and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have not yet reported the downing of the aircraft. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Clevelands prominent newspaper, The Plain Dealer, is dropping its Dilbert comic strip from the publication after the creator of the popular cartoon went on a racist rant. Chris Quinn, editor of The Plain Dealer, said in a statement that this is not a difficult decision. Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, went on a racist rant this week on his Coffee with Scott Adams online video show, and we will no longer carry his comic strip in The Plain Dealer, Quinn stated. The post Dilbert Comic Strip Dropped From Newspaper After Cartoons Creator Unleashed A Racist Rant appeared first on Blavity. According to the newspapers statement, Adams said Black people are a hate group. Citing a recent Rasmussen survey, the comic creator said nearly half of all Black people do not agree with the phrase Its okay to be white. I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people, Adams said in the video. The creator continued to unravel his rant on the YouTube stream. Adams said he identified as Black for a while because he wanted to be on the winning team, but has now chosen to be white again because he doesnt want to be a member of a hate group. The Dilbert creator was also dropped from 77 newspapers published by Lee Enterprises last year. According to the Plain Dealer, the newspapers made that decision after Adams introduced his first Black character in an effort to mock woke culture and the LGBTQ community. The Plain Dealer will still feature some Dilbert cartoons in its pages for the next week because the comics are printed in advance. The newspaper will then replace the comic with a gray box until it decides on the next step. We are part of Advance Local, and the leaders in all Advance Local newsrooms independently have made the same decision we did to stop running the strip, The Plain Dealer stated. That includes newspapers in Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Alabama, Massachusetts and Oregon. Adams art has been featured in newspapers for three decades. (Art of Charm) Newspapers in Ohio and Texas have dropped the nationally syndicated cartoon Dilbert after its creator designated Black people as a hate group, seemed to favour segregation and made other racist comments on his online show. The Cleveland Plain Dealer and San Antonio Express-News both announced that the papers would immediately stop publishing the cartoon following the comments this week by Scott Adams, 65. The cartoonists Dilbert began syndication in 1989 and has been popular worldwide for decades. Adams, meanwhile, fanned the flames, tweeting on Saturday: Is it racist to avoid racists who are the same race as each other? Or is it only racist if the racists you are avoiding are white? Elon Musk replied: Simultaneously, an interesting question and a tongue twister! Adams, whose cartoon forged a reputation on sarcasm about white-collar office life in America, has become more well known recently for controversial statements. He had expressed admiration for President Donald Trump while also suggesting that, following a Biden victory, there was a good chance Republicans would be hunted down and killed. On Coffee with Scott Adams this week, he said that, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people. Just get the f*** away. Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because theres no fixing this. This cant be fixed. Cleveland Plain Dealer editor Chris Quinn, in a letter to readers, described Adams online comments as mostly hateful and racist and said that it was not a difficult decision to drop the cartoon. Simultaneously, an interesting question and a tongue twister! Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 25, 2023 Its a staggering string of statements, all but certain to result in the loss of his livelihood, the editor wrote. I hate to quote him at all, but I do so to dissuade responses that this is a cancel culture decision. Story continues No, this is a decision based on the principles of this news organization and the community we serve. We are not a home for those who espouse racism. We certainly do not want to provide them with financial support. In Texas, the editor and publisher of the Express-News decried the cartoonists hateful and discriminatory public comments. These statements are offensive to our core values, they wrote. Dropping a comic strip from our pages is not censorship. Adams is entitled to his opinions. The Express-News is not obliged to give him a platform and financial support. Because the comics section is published in advance, we cannot withdraw it from our pages immediately. Readers will find it in their Saturday and Sunday papers. But as of Monday, Dilbert will no longer appear in the Express-News. Dilbert plotlines had also featured anti-woke themes more recently, and the cartoon had already been dropped in September from 77 newspapers by publisher Lee Enterprises. A man is dead and another is in custody after a pair of dogs attacked a couple and a police officer outside a Texas home, San Antonio police say. The couple, an 81-year-old man and a 74-year-old woman, were going to visit the home of a friend on the citys southwest side Friday, Feb. 24, the San Antonio Police Department said in a news release. When they arrived and got out of their vehicle, two American Staffordshire Terriers escaped from the yard of a neighboring home and started mauling the couple, police said. Witnesses called 911. The dogs were still attacking when first responders arrived, according to police. An EMS captain tried to step in, and one of the dogs bit them in the leg, police said. The couple and the captain were taken to a hospital for treatment, police said. The 81-year-old man died from his injuries. City of San Antonio Animal Care Services investigated the attacks, and the 31-year-old owner of the dogs was arrested on charges of attack by dangerous dog causing death and injury to an elderly person, the release said. Man grossly disfigured by K-9 wins $1.35 million, lawyers say. This isnt justice Video shows moment crocodile grabs mans leg in Australia river, then takes his dog Pack of five dogs mauls man to death on New Mexico street, police say Gutsy dog picks fight with a shark in the Bahamas and comes out on top, video shows Aerial photo taken on April 17, 2021 shows a freight train bound for Hamburg, Germany departing from the Shijiazhuang international land port in north China's Hebei Province. [Photo/Xinhua] The city of Langfang in north China's Hebei Province saw its first China-Europe freight train leave the station Saturday. The freight train, carrying 55 40-foot containers, will complete a journey of 7,800 km. It will leave the country via Erenhot Port in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, pass through Mongolia and finally arrive at its destination in Moscow 17 days later. The goods, with a total value of nearly 20 million yuan (about 2.88 million U.S. dollars), mainly include light industrial products, food, clothing and daily necessities, which are from local companies in Langfang, and import and export companies in surrounding areas. The freight train service is of great significance to further promoting the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and integrating into the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, according to the city's development and reform commission. About forty people have survived the accident, according to rescuers (EPA) At least 58 people, including children, have died after a boat carrying over 140 migrants crashed into rocks in rough seas off the southern Italian coast. The wooden sailing boat had set sail from Turkey several days ago with people from Afghanistan and several other countries on board. It broke apart in stormy weather on Sunday near Steccato di Cutro, a seaside resort in Calabria. The provisional death toll stood at 58, Manuela Curra, a provincial government official, told Reuters news agency. Eighty-one people survived, with 20 taken to hospital and one in intensive care, she said. One survivor has been arrested on trafficking charges, the Guardia di Finanza customs police said. Cutros mayor, Antonio Ceraso, said women and children were among the dead but the exact number of how many children had died was not yet known. At least 33 bodies were found on the beach and in the sea near Crotone (EPA) He told the SkyTG24 news channel that he had seen a spectacle that you would never want to see in your life ... a gruesome sight ... that stays with you for all your life. Ms Curra said the ship had left Izmir in eastern Turkey three or four days ago, with between 140 to 150 aboard. They were mainly from Afghanistan but there were some from Pakistan and Somalia also on board. Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni expressed her deep sorrow at the tragedy and pledged to stop sea migration to prevent more deaths. The government is committed to preventing (migrant) departures, and with them, the unfolding of these tragedies, and will continue to do so, first of all by demanding maximum collaboration from (migrants) countries of departure and of origin, she said. Ms Melonis right-wing government has taken a hard stance on migration since she came to power in October. Her administration has restricted the activities of migrant rescue charities, who Ms Meloni accuses of encouraging migrants to make the dangerous journey, with tough new laws. Authorities fear the death toll will climb as rescuers look for survivors (EPA) Italian firefighters and Red Cross personnel gather on the beach, surrounded by debris (EPA) In a separate statement, Italian interior minister Matteo Piantedosi said: It is a huge tragedy which shows the absolute need to act firmly against irregular migration channels. Story continues He said it was essential to stop sea crossings which offer migrants the illusory mirage of a better life in Europe, enrich traffickers and cause tragedies like todays. Its an enormous tragedy, Crotone mayor Vincenzo Voce told state radio station RAI, adding: In solidarity, the city will find places in the cemetery for the dead. A coastguard figure was quoted by RAI as saying vessels from the coastguard, border police and firefighters were involved in rescue efforts. Danilo Maida, a spokesperson for firefighters in the Calabria region, earlier told Reuters that rescue teams were looking for more survivors at sea, but harsh conditions were making the search difficult. Rescue workers patrol the sea as the search for survivors continues (EPA) Italy is one of the main landing points for migrants trying to enter Europe by sea before moving on to other nations. The United Nations Missing Migrants Project has registered more than 17,000 deaths and disappearances in the central Mediterranean route, which is known as one of the worlds most dangerous, since 2014. More than 220 have died or disappeared this year, it estimates. Additional reporting by agencies An information sign at Tower Hill in central London for the Ultra Low Emission Zone - Yui Mok/PA Wire Drivers risk being forced to pay a tyre tax as Britain explores a crackdown on brake and tyre wear emissions. Ministers have hired advisers to explore how to address harmful emissions that experts say are more harmful than diesel fumes. The Department for Transport has asked consultancy Arup to develop recommendations on how to better assess and control these emissions which will persist after a transition to zero tailpipe emission vehicles, according to a Government filing. Although the Whitehall officials this weekend insisted that Arups work was not designed to inform tax policy, it is being seen as one of the strongest signals yet that a tyre tax is coming down the road. Andy Turbefield, head of quality at Halfords, said: Putting a tax on road safety is not the right way to plug the fuel duty gap. Worn tyres and faulty brakes are two of the biggest causes of accidents. As it is, many motorists are delaying tyre replacement and basic maintenance because of the cost-of-living crisis. Using the tax system to penalise people for keeping their vehicles in a roadworthy condition is not a good policy. Tyre and brake wear pollution is expected to be the next battleground for clean air campaigners after drivers switch to electric vehicles. Particles sent into the air known as particulate matter (PM) 2.5 are more harmful than nox emissions that have been the target of low-emissions zones such as Sadiq Khans Ulez in London. Although tyre technology has developed to reduce dangerous emissions, the Environment Department said last week that non-exhaust road emissions have remained largely unchanged between 1996 and 2021 Mr Turbefield added: If taxing non-exhaust emission is to be considered, then there needs to be more research into emissions from road surface wear. Its plausible that electric vehicles, which are much heavier than petrol vehicles, cause more damage to road surfaces and are therefore a bigger source of road surface emissions. Any review needs to take account of the big picture. Story continues A Government spokesman said: We want to better understand the impacts of non-exhaust emissions, such as tyres, on the environment which is why were conducting research on the matter. This research was not commissioned to inform tax policy development. As we continue to deliver on our target to meet Net Zero by 2050, we are committed to keeping the switch to electric vehicles affordable to consumers, which is why we are spending billions to help incentivise uptake and fund the rollout of charging infrastructure across the UK. In May Professor Alastair Lewis, chairman of the Department for Transport Science Advisory Council, said: When everybody owns a low emissions vehicle, low emission zones become a toothless control lever to try to manage air pollution. A world where we [have] jam-packed roads full of electric cars [also] isnt a particularly attractive one Even if they are electric, [they] will generate lots of particles. At some point in the future when most of those cars have disappeared, a different form of air pollution control is likely to be needed, he added. We do have to project forward about how were going to manage vehicles in large cities like London in the future when we have a largely electrified fleet of vehicles. Drone footage shows the extensive damage in the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, which has seen some of the worst fighting during the Russian invastion. Video published by Russias RIA news agency on Sunday, 26 February shows the devastated city. It has been the scene of multiple fierce battles between the Ukrainian army and the Russian military. The months-long struggle for Bakhmut, where roughly 5,000 residents remain, has seen some of the bloodiest combat during Russias brutal invasion. Wagner Group leader and Russian mercenary Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed his forces have captured more settlements around Bakhmut. The Ukrainian army says attacks were continuing, citing unsuccessful offensives near six settlements, including Yahidne and Berkhivka, in the Donetsk region, which Moscow claims to have annexed. Russia has made progress towards encircling Bakhmut but failed to capture it in time to deliver a victory for President Vladimir Putin to announce on Fridays anniversary of his invasion. Bakhmut was home to 70,000 people before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Battle of Bakhmut is an ongoing series of military engagements in and near the city of Bakhmut during the larger battle for Donbas. Shelling of Bakhmut began in May 2022, however, the main military assault towards the city started on 1 August after Russian forces advanced. The main assault force primarily consists of mercenaries from the Russian paramilitary organization Wagner Group, supported by Russian troops and DPR and LPR separatist groups. From left to right: Barrington Walters, Mandy Silowka and Kiara Lanee Malone, have been convicted of importing class B drugs into the UK. (SWNS) Three Americans tried to smuggle more than 1.7m of cannabis into Britain in their luggage. The trio flew from Los Angeles to Heathrow Airport with the drugs last month, Isleworth Crown Court heard last week. Barrington Walters, 24, from Los Angeles, California, and Mandy Silowka, 34, from Princeton, New Jersey, were caught with a total of almost 60kg of marijuana after landing at Heathrow from LAX on the same United Airlines flight on 17 January. Border Force officers found 33kg of herbal cannabis in bags belonging to Walters and another 26.5kg in suitcases checked in by Silowka when they landed in the UK. There have been a number of recent arrests following drugs seizures from passengers travelling from the US to the UK. (SWNS) Another US national, Kiara Lanee Malone, 31, from St Louis, Missouri, was arrested after arriving at Heathrow from Los Angeles on 10 January, when 27.5kg of cannabis was found in her luggage. National Crime Agency (NCA) investigators estimate the total amount of all the cannabis found in their luggage had a combined street value of more than 1.7m. All three were found guilty of importing class B drugs. Walter was jailed for 10 months and Silowka for a year after they were sentenced at Isleworth Crown Court last Thursday. Both had pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing. The three US nationals were convicted of drug smuggling following seizures of cannabis at Heathrow Airport. (SWNS) On Friday, Malone pleaded guilty at the same court and was remanded in custody to be sentenced on 5 April. She claimed she travelled to the UK to have cosmetic procedures and said she was given the bags by someone else and believed they only had clothes inside. Read more: Tory MP deselected a week after returning from maternity leave The convictions follow a string of recent arrests involving seizures made from flights from the US. Cannabis grown legally in parts of the US can attract a much higher price in the UK when sold to criminal gangs. Andy Noyes, NCA Heathrow branch commander, said: "These cases serve as further warnings to those who think they can get away with smuggling drugs into the UK. "No matter what you might get told by those organising these trips, you will get caught, and as these individuals will tell you, you will face jail time." Story continues Just one of the recent drugs seizures from smugglers travelling into the UK from the US. (SWNS) Another US national, Isabella Carrasco, 20, was arrested on Wednesday following a large cannabis seizure at Edinburgh Airport after she arrived on a flight from Los Angeles, via London. Carrasco has been charged and will appear before Edinburgh Sheriff Court next week. Her case is being investigated by the Organised Crime Partnership in Scotland, a joint team of NCA and Police Scotland officers. Galapagos NV (AMS:GLPG) just released its latest full-year report and things are not looking great. It was a pretty negative result overall, with revenues of 505m missing analyst predictions by 7.3%. Worse, the business reported a statutory loss of 3.32 per share, much larger than the analysts had forecast prior to the result. This is an important time for investors, as they can track a company's performance in its report, look at what experts are forecasting for next year, and see if there has been any change to expectations for the business. So we collected the latest post-earnings statutory consensus estimates to see what could be in store for next year. See our latest analysis for Galapagos Taking into account the latest results, the consensus forecast from Galapagos' seven analysts is for revenues of 581.3m in 2023, which would reflect a notable 15% improvement in sales compared to the last 12 months. The loss per share is expected to greatly reduce in the near future, narrowing 65% to 1.17. Yet prior to the latest earnings, the analysts had been forecasting revenues of 554.0m and losses of 1.91 per share in 2023. So it seems there's been a definite increase in optimism about Galapagos' future following the latest consensus numbers, with a very favorable reduction to the loss per share forecasts in particular. Yet despite these upgrades, the analysts cut their price target 8.0% to 47.62, implicitly signalling that the ongoing losses are likely to weigh negatively on Galapagos' valuation. Fixating on a single price target can be unwise though, since the consensus target is effectively the average of analyst price targets. As a result, some investors like to look at the range of estimates to see if there are any diverging opinions on the company's valuation. The most optimistic Galapagos analyst has a price target of 67.00 per share, while the most pessimistic values it at 40.00. Analysts definitely have varying views on the business, but the spread of estimates is not wide enough in our view to suggest that extreme outcomes could await Galapagos shareholders. Story continues One way to get more context on these forecasts is to look at how they compare to both past performance, and how other companies in the same industry are performing. It's clear from the latest estimates that Galapagos' rate of growth is expected to accelerate meaningfully, with the forecast 15% annualised revenue growth to the end of 2023 noticeably faster than its historical growth of 13% p.a. over the past five years. By contrast, our data suggests that other companies (with analyst coverage) in a similar industry are forecast to grow their revenue at 21% per year. So it's clear that despite the acceleration in growth, Galapagos is expected to grow meaningfully slower than the industry average. The Bottom Line The most important thing to take away is that the analysts reconfirmed their loss per share estimates for next year. Fortunately, they also upgraded their revenue estimates, although our data indicates sales are expected to perform worse than the wider industry. The consensus price target fell measurably, with the analysts seemingly not reassured by the latest results, leading to a lower estimate of Galapagos' future valuation. Keeping that in mind, we still think that the longer term trajectory of the business is much more important for investors to consider. We have forecasts for Galapagos going out to 2025, and you can see them free on our platform here. Plus, you should also learn about the 1 warning sign we've spotted with Galapagos . Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Boogie Ellis scored 16 points, Drew Peterson added 14 and Southern California picked up its fourth straight win with a 62-49 victory over Utah on Saturday night. USC ties No. 7 Arizona for second place in the Pac-12 Conference with the win. Arizona State stunned the Wildcats 89-88 earlier Saturday on Desmond Cambridge's 55-foot 3-pointer at the buzzer. Ellis made 6 of 12 shots, including 4 of 8 from 3-point range, for the Trojans (21-8, 13-5). Peterson hit two 3-pointers and added eight assists and seven rebounds. Kobe Johnson finished with 12 points and three steals. Reese Dixon-Waters contributed nine points and six rebounds off the bench. Marco Anthony scored 11 points to lead the Utes (17-13, 10-9), who have lost four straight. Branden Carlson totaled 10 points and 10 rebounds. Ellis sank three 3-pointers and scored 11 points, Peterson added 10 and Southern Cal built a 34-28 lead at halftime. The Trojans shot only 39% overall, but they made 8 of 15 from beyond the arc. Utah shot 34% overall and missed 9 of 11 attempts from distance. The Utes had six turnovers to USC's five, but the Trojans had an 11-0 edge in points off those turnovers. Ellis buried a 3-pointer to open the second half and a dunk by Vincent Iwuchukwu gave the Trojans a 43-36 lead with 13:51 left to play. Anthony followed with a layup and Mike Saunders Jr. hit a 3-pointer to pull the Utes within two, but Johnson answered with a 3-pointer and USC maintained a two-possession lead the rest of the way. The Trojans shot 42% overall but made 11 of 23 from beyond the arc (64%). Utah shot 32% and made 5 of 22 attempts from distance. UP NEXT USC: The Trojans head home to end the regular season, hosting No. 7 Arizona on Thursday and Arizona State on Saturday. Utah: The Utes close out the regular season on the road at Colorado on Saturday. ___ AP college basketball: and and By Sheila Dang (Reuters) - Billionaire Elon Musk on Sunday accused the media of being racist against whites and Asians after U.S. newspapers dropped a white comic strip author who made derogatory comments about Black Americans. The Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post and USA Today were among newspapers that canceled the cartoon "Dilbert" after its creator Scott Adams said Black Americans were a hate group and posted racist comments on his YouTube channel on Wednesday. In replies to tweets about the controversy, the Tesla and Twitter chief executive said the media had long been racist against non-white people but are now "racist against whites & Asians." "Maybe they can try not being racist," Musk tweeted. In response to an account that said white victims of police violence get a fraction of media coverage compared to Black victims, Musk said the coverage is "Very disproportionate to promote a false narrative." Musk did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Musk's views on social issues have been increasingly under the microscope since he took over Twitter in October. He has sparred with civil rights groups over Twitter's level of protection against hateful content and the reinstatement of some accounts that previously had been suspended. Some advertisers have left the platform over concerns about brand safety, and Twitter has rolled out some new controls for ad placement. Musk's latest tweets come after the Dilbert creator suggested white Americans "get the hell away from Black people". Adams, the cartoonist, was responding to a poll by the conservative Rasmussen Reports that said 26% of Black respondents said they disagreed with the statement "It's OK to be white." The move to drop the cartoon was "not a difficult decision", the Plain Dealer newspaper in Ohio told its readers on Friday. (Reporting by Sheila Dang in Dallas; Editing by Peter Henderson and Lisa Shumaker) American businessman and billionaire Elon Musk has called the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine in 2013-2014 a "coup d'etat"; the Office of the President of Ukraine advised him not to read Russian newspapers. Source: Elon Musk on Twitter; Mykhailo Podolyak, Adviser to the Head of the Office of President of Ukraine, on Twitter That election was arguably dodgy, but no question that there was indeed a coup Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 25, 2023 Details: Musk commented on a 2014 article by American scholar John Mearsheimer, which stated that allegedly for the president of the aggressor country, Vladimir Putin, "the illegal overthrow of Ukraine's democratically elected and pro-Russian president [fugitive Viktor Yanukovych ed] which he rightly labelled a coup was the final straw", after which he seized Crimea. Musk commented on this: "That election was arguably dodgy [of the President of Ukraine in 2010], but no question that there was indeed a coup." In response, Mykhailo Podolyak, Adviser to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, recommended Musk to stop reading Russian newspapers. "Free societies influence states through dialogue/elections. Enslaved societies take to the streets to get rid of repressive states. This is the base of Freedom, Elon Musk. There have never been coups in Ukraine, but there have always been free people. Stop reading Russian newspapers," he wrote. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Elon Musk has defended the artist behind cartoon strip Dilbert, which has been dropped from papers across the US after its creators racist online rant. Scott Adams, 65, had been producing nationally-syndicated Dilbert since 1989, but landmark papers such as the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post, as well as smaller titles around the country, have stopped publishing the cartoon in the wake of the artists description of Black people as a hate group and urging white people to get the hell away from them. Mr Adams made the comments on Wednesday but appeared to double down on Saturday, tweeting: Is it racist to avoid racists who are the same race as each other? Or is it only racist if the racists you are avoiding are white? Elon Musk replied: Simultaneously, an interesting question and a tongue twister! On Sunday, the cartoonist published a video complaining that his quotes had been taken out of context while contradictorily insisting he knew what he was doing, what the reaction would be and claiming he didnt make mistakes. Including the cancellations, this was all predictable, and I knew it when I said it, and Im okay with it, Mr Adams said in the rambling Sunday video. Hs insisted that even among his critics, nobody disagrees with the points he made. The Twitter CEO jumped to his defence again on Sunday regarding news of newspapers dropping Dilbert, writing that the media is racist. For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now theyre racist against whites & Asians, Musk tweeted. Same thing happened with elite colleges & high schools in America. Maybe they can try not being racist. For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now theyre racist against whites & Asians. Same thing happened with elite colleges & high schools in America. Maybe they can try not being racist. Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 26, 2023 The cartoonist did, however, admit during his show on Saturday that the controversy had harmed his career. Story continues Most of my income will be gone by next week, he said. My reputation for the rest of my life is destroyed. You cant come back from this, am I right? Statements from newspaper executives across the country have indicated that any comeback for Dilbert would be highly unlikely. Cleveland Plain Dealer editor Chris Quinn, in a letter to readers, described Adams online comments as mostly hateful and racist and said that it was not a difficult decision to drop the cartoon. Its a staggering string of statements, all but certain to result in the loss of his livelihood, the editor wrote. I hate to quote him at all, but I do so to dissuade responses that this is a cancel culture decision. No, this is a decision based on the principles of this news organization and the community that we serve. We are not a home for those who espouse racism. We certainly do not want to provide them with financial support. In Texas, the editor and publisher of the San Antonio Express-News decried the cartoonists hateful and discriminatory public comments. These statements are offensive to our core values, they wrote. Dropping a comic strip from our pages is not censorship. Adams is entitled to his opinions. The Express-News is not obliged to give him a platform and financial support. Mr Adams remained defiant throughout the weekend, however, tweeting on Sunday: Im accepting criticism from anyone who has seen the full context here he included a link to the original Wednesday YouTube video. The rest of you are in a fake news bubble but I trust you suspected that. Elon Musk has thrown around lofty claims about self-driving Teslas for years. Don't hold your breath, some experts say. Getty; Marianne Ayala/Insider Elon Musk has made developing autonomous driving technology one of Tesla's fundamental goals. For years, he's said that Teslas are just a software update away from driving themselves. Some automated driving experts think Tesla won't solve self-driving in the near future. Elon Musk has spent much of the last decade assuring and reassuring customers and investors that driverless Teslas are right around the corner. Spoiler alert: You still can't take a snooze at the wheel or watch Netflix in traffic. There was the press conference in 2016 when Musk predicted that Tesla would send a car from Los Angeles to New York City without human input by the following year. Then in 2019, he said he felt "very confident" that, by 2020, Tesla owners who bought the pricey Full Self-Driving option would be able to dispatch their cars as robotaxis and rake in passive income from their couches. "Today it's financially insane to buy anything other than a Tesla," Musk said at an event touting the carmaker's autonomous-vehicle development in 2019. "It'll be like owning a horse in three years." That revolutionary software update never came, and by 2022 the goalpost for bringing self-driving cars to the masses had shifted to 2023. Meanwhile, Musk has doubled down on the importance of driverless tech, going so far as to say the carmaker will be "worth basically zero" if it can't crack autonomous driving. Over the years, Tesla has hiked the price of Full Self-Driving to a whopping $15,000. While it's made strides and released an audacious prototype version of Full Self-Driving that owners are testing around the country, Tesla still hasn't delivered on its core promise of making cars that drive themselves. Some automated driving experts think it won't happen anytime soon. Full Self-Driving is far from actually being self-driving, some say Despite its branding, Tesla's Full Self-Driving Beta currently requires total driver supervision, just like cruise control or smarter features like Autopilot. Unlike those systems, which work on the highway, Full Self-Driving aims to navigate a Tesla from a starting point to a chosen destination in all environments, from rural roads to chaotic city intersections and everywhere in between. Once software updates improve the system sufficiently, the idea is to convert the driver into a passenger. Story continues But according to Phil Koopman, an engineering professor at Carnegie Mellon University who specializes in autonomous vehicles, Full Self-Driving doesn't look nearly reliable enough to function safely without a driver, given the types of simple mistakes it's still making. If the system were as close to ready as Musk claims, it would stumble only once in a blue moon and exclusively in freak scenarios that might trip up a human driver, he told Insider. That's not yet the case. For all the impressive-looking videos shared online of the Beta smoothly traversing intersections and roundabouts, plenty of clips show a jerky system struggling with routine driving tasks like slowing for speed bumps and choosing the correct lane. That's not to mention numerous recent crashes involving Tesla's automated systems and stopped emergency vehicles that are under federal investigation. "Tesla keeps saying next year, and I still don't see any reason to believe that promise," Koopman said. "There's no reason to believe that something magic will happen this year that failed to happen the year before and the year before and the year before." Tesla's goal to flip a switch and deploy Full Self-Driving everywhere, without limits, is beyond a stretch and won't happen safely in the near future, Daniel McGehee, director of the University of Iowa's Driving Safety Research Institute, told Insider. Some companies, like Alphabet's Waymo and GM's Cruise, have launched autonomous taxis in the US, but only in specific parts of certain cities. Starting with a confined, predictable environment and expanding from there is the right move, McGehee said. "Automation is going to be incremental and not just ready one day," he said. Tesla did not return a request for comment. Musk's big bet on cameras Tesla does things differently. That mentality started with its bet on electric vehicles and extends to the very core of its approach to autonomous driving. While rivals like Cruise and Waymo use detailed maps and an extensive array of sensors to help their vehicles navigate the world, Musk wants to simplify things. If humans can drive with eyes and a brain, cars should be able to drive themselves using cameras and computing power, Musk argues. Koopman calls that a "completely ridiculous analogy," given that machine-learning programs just do statistical analysis and can't truly understand situations like humans can. He thinks Tesla needs to significantly alter its approach to make self-driving happen. "Why would you want to tie one hand behind your back doing something that's nearly impossible?" Koopman said. Likewise, McGehee says self-driving cars need a combination of overlapping sensors whether that's cameras, radar, lidar, or ultrasonic sensors to move through the world safely. He stresses the importance of redundancy to students in his automated vehicle engineering course. To be sure, others aren't so quick to write off Tesla's way of doing things. Alain Kornhauser, director of the program in transportation at Princeton University, supports the vision-only approach and thinks Tesla is well on its way to autonomous operation. But, he says, self-driving anywhere all the time isn't realistic. What do owners think? Musk's ambitious promises and the real-world performance of Full Self-Driving have left some Tesla owners who paid anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000 for the feature over the years feeling frustrated and disappointed. Kenji, a 2019 Tesla Model X owner who withheld his last name to avoid online harassment from Tesla fans, said he shelled out for Full Self-Driving after hearing Musk talk up the system's imminent potential. Years later, the system frequently makes unsettling mistakes, leaving Kenji feeling "duped." Reporting that Tesla staged an infamous 2016 video touting its autonomous tech added insult to injury, he said. "I almost wish I could get a refund," he told Insider. "Because it's not ready, and I don't think it's going to be ready for a while." Nick Nicastro, a Tesla Model Y owner in Ohio, called the software "absolutely phenomenal" but said it occasionally botches basic maneuvers, forcing him to intervene. He's satisfied with the feature, but reckons it may be another decade or more before Tesla drivers can kick back while their cars do the work. "As good as it is, the idea of me not having a steering wheel there is many, many, many years away," he said. Are you a Tesla owner, employee, or FSD Beta tester with a story to share? Contact this reporter at Read the original article on Business Insider You are here: Business China has drafted a guideline to regulate financial support for the house rental market and started soliciting public opinion. The guideline was jointly drafted by the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the country's central bank, and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. Based on the experience of financial innovation and the suggestions from institutions and experts, the move aims to improve the financial services for the house rental business, the PBOC said. The draft focuses on supporting specialized and large-scale enterprises in the house rental sector and providing diversified financial products and services, the central bank added. The Environmental Protection Agency on Saturday ordered a pause on the removal of toxic waste from the site of the derailment of a train filled with toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier this month. The partial derailment of the Norfolk Southern train on February 3 led to the release of dangerous chemicals, including vinyl chloride. Authorities conducted a controlled burn of the train to prevent a larger explosion. Norfolk Southern has been tasked with removing the contaminated waste from the area. The process began last week, with soil and water being sent to facilities in Texas and Michigan. However, officials in those states were reportedly unaware that the contaminated waste was being sent to their areas. Going forward, the EPA will be required to approve any relocation of waste from the site. EPA will ensure that all waste is disposed of in a safe and lawful manner at EPA-certified facilities to prevent further release of hazardous substances and impacts to communities, the EPAs Region 5 administrator, Debra Shore, told the Associated Press. Ohio governor Mike DeWines office said 20 truckloads, or nearly 280 tons, of hazardous solid waste was removed from the derailment site ahead of the pause, including 15 truckloads of contaminated soil that was sent to a licensed hazardous waste treatment and disposal facility in Michigan. Five truckloads of contaminated soil were returned to East Palestine, DeWines office said Saturday. The licensed hazardous waste treatment and disposal facility in Texas will dispose of liquid waste that has already been trucked out of East Palestine, but no additional liquid waste will be accepted at the Texas facility at this time. Representative Debbie Dingell (D., Mich.) said she was not given advance notice that contaminated soil would be sent to the U.S. Ecology Wayne Disposal in Belleville, Michigan. We were not given a heads up on this reported action. Our priority is to always keep the people we represent safe. We are making inquiries of EPA, DOT, Norfolk Southern, U.S. Ecology, the state of Ohio, and all others involved to understand what is being shipped, whether these are approved storage facilities, the implications of this decision, and how we ensure the safety of all Michigan residents, Dingell said. Story continues Wayne County Executive Warren Evans said he and governor Gretchen Whitmer were not made aware of the waste disposal plan either, according to FOX 2. It sounds in all intents and purposes that we were sandbagged, Evans said. I dont know how you do that without contacting local officials so that we can number one, know how to respond to our communities, and two, to give advice about what routes to take and those sort of things. In the phone call just a few minutes ago I talked with the governor and important folks with the EPA, but to my satisfaction and Id like to say the governors office also got last-minute bits and pieces of information. They werent hiding anything from us. They were trying to get information just like we were. In Texas, Harris County judge Lina Hidalgo said she wasnt given notice that materials were being sent to a hazardous waste company outside Houston, according to FOX 26. Its a very real problem, we were told yesterday the materials were coming only to learn today theyve been here for a week, Hidalgo said. The update came one day after the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg demanding answers about the train derailment. Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) and committee Republicans told Buttigieg on Friday that the committee is deeply concerned by DOTs slow pace in resolving this matter. This incident is an environmental and public health emergency that now threatens Americans across state lines, reads the letter obtained by National Review. Despite the U.S. Department of Transportations (DOT) responsibility to ensure safe and reliable transport in the United States, you ignored the catastrophe for over a week. The American people deserve answers as to what caused the derailment, and DOT needs to provide an explanation for its leaderships apathy in the face of this emergency. More from National Review The federal government has ordered a temporary halt to the shipment of contaminated waste from the site of the train derailment in eastern Ohio that has prompted environmental and public health concerns. Federal authorities paused shipments of waste out of East Palestine, Ohio, on Saturday. Norfolk Southern, the company that owns the train that derailed, had been responsible for relocating the waste. But other states raised concerns last week that they werent warned about receiving the waste, and the Environmental Protection Agency stepped in. Everyone wants this contamination gone from the community, the EPAs Region 5 administrator, Debra Shore, said, according to The Associated Press. They dont want the worry, and they dont want the smell, and we owe it to the people of East Palestine to move it out of the community as quickly as possible. Officials in Michigan and Texas last week pushed back against the plan by the company to relocate some of the waste to areas in their states. Now, any relocation of the waste will have to go through the EPA for approval. EPA will ensure that all waste is disposed of in a safe and lawful manner at EPA-certified facilities to prevent further release of hazardous substances and impacts to communities, Shore said. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWines (R) office said that 15 truckloads of contaminated soil had been disposed of at a hazardous waste facility in Michigan. Other waste that was already trucked out of East Palestine would be stored at a facility in Texas. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), who represents a district where some of the waste was slated to be shipped, said that there was no advance notice of the plan. We were not given a heads up on this reported action. Our priority is to always keep the people we represent safe, she said in a statement. The Biden administration has been sharply criticized for its response to the disaster. The cleanup and disposal of waste is continuing weeks after the original crash, which forced residents to evacuate. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Erik ten Hag has urged Man Utd players to create their own legacy by winning trophies (Martin Rickett/PA Images). (PA Wire) Erik ten Hag wants his players to create their own legacy as the Manchester United manager prepares to step out at Wembley for the first time in the Carabao Cup final. The Dutchman joined from Ajax after a wretched 2021-22 campaign for the the Old Trafford giants, who slumped home with their worst Premier League points tally in a season to forget. Meticulous Ten Hag has overseen a marked transformation in culture and quality since then, with the club fighting on all four fronts as a frantic February fixture schedule comes to a mouth-watering conclusion. Three days on from beating Barcelona in the Europa League knockout play-off, United head to Wembley to take on Newcastle in the Carabao Cup final looking to win a first trophy since 2017. You're playing for Manchester United and you have to create your own legacy, therefore you have to win trophies Erik ten Hag (When) youre playing for Manchester United and you have to create your own legacy, therefore you have to win trophies, Ten Hag said. We have the opportunity. Every season again (there are more) but we are in good direction and Sunday we have the opportunity to win a trophy. But after Sunday it moves on, then we are still in three leagues where we have still good opportunities to win something. Ten Hag knows a thing or two about winning trophies from his time managing Ajax and will have learned a lot from a meal with Sir Alex Ferguson earlier in the week. The United great always mentioned the impact of winning a first trophy something the Dutchman agrees with, but not something he is allowing himself to think about. Its massive, but first get the first one, Ten Hag said. So, now we have the opportunity to get that one and dont think further ahead when that doesnt make sense, it doesnt help you. Its only about focusing. We have the opportunity Sunday and we have to put everything we have in to get the trophy and to get it into Manchester. Asked if there is a sense that it can be the real start of the journey for United, he said: Yeah, but so focus on (Newcastle). That is the only thing that we can do in this moment. Story continues And after it, we will look further on, what it means and how the two things (impact us). Either you win and thats good. That can have the impact you mentioned. But if you dont win it, there are coming more opportunities and then you have to carry on the process because we are still in a good direction that cant be dependent on one game. Wembley will be rocking for what is a key game for both teams and a special occasion for Ten Hag as he visits the famous ground for the first time. I never had the opportunity to have the experience to be in Wembley, only television, he said. Im looking forward. A big joy. Estonian Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur arrived in Kyiv on Sunday and delivered a new military aid package to Ukraine. Source: Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov on Facebook; European Pravda Hanno Pevkur and Oleksii Reznikov Photo: Oleksii Reznikov on Facebook Quote by Reznikov: "This is not the first visit of our great friend to Kyiv. Again and again I want to recognise the courage of Mr. Minister. It is difficult to overestimate Estonia's assistance. Just imagine: the total amount of aid to Ukraine from Estonia has already exceeded 1% of GDP!" Reznikov wrote. "Continuous support in the framework of Ramstein, 155 mm howitzers, the initiative 1 million 155 mm shells for Ukraine, field hospitals and treatment of our soldiers: this is just a small list of what friendly Estonia is doing for us. I am delighted with the people of Estonia and their support," the Ukrainian Minister added. Estonian media outlet ERR reported that Pevkur announced another package of Estonian military aid in Kyiv, this time consisting of weapons and equipment for the Special Operations Forces. The package, handed over to Ukraine on Sunday, includes assault rifles, pistols, unmanned aerial vehicles, thermal imagers, generators, chargers and clothing. Background: Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas insists that after the war in Ukraine ends, Russia must be held accountable for war crimes and the decision to invade a neighbouring country if it wants to have any chance of developing normal relations with the West. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur arrived in Kyiv on Feb. 26, announcing a new military aid package for Ukraine that includes weapons and equipment for Ukraines Special Operations Forces, as reported by Estonian media outlet ERR. According to ERR, the new package includes assault rifles, pistols, drones, thermal imaging cameras, generators, and battery chargers, as well as clothing. In Kyiv, Pevkur also met with Ukraines Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov. This is not the first visit of our great friend to Kyiv. And again, I want to note the minister's courage, Reznikov wrote on Facebook. According to Reznikov, Estonia has provided Ukraine with military aid worth more than 1 percent of the Baltic countrys GDP. ERR reported that the total assistance provided by Estonia to Ukraine is worth 400 million euros. It is difficult to overestimate Estonias help, Reznikov wrote. In January, the Estonian government decided to supply Ukraine with remote fire and anti-tank weapons and ammunition worth some 113 million euros the largest aid package provided by Estonia so far. The aid includes dozens of 155-mm and 122-mm howitzers, thousands of shells and trucks for them, over a hundred Carl Gustaf anti-tank weapons, and more than a thousand units of ammunition for them, according to ERR. The aid package was proposed by Pevkur, who also emphasized Ukraine's need for heavy weapons. "The toughest battles are yet to come," he said. Estonia's previous military assistance to Ukraine included Javelin anti-tank missiles, howitzers, anti-tank mines and grenade launchers, mortars, vehicles, communications equipment, medical supplies, personal protective equipment, and dry food packages, according to the country's government. Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov and Minister of Defense of Estonia Hanno Pevkur The aid package includes assault rifles, pistols, unmanned aerial vehicles, thermal imagers, generators and chargers, as well as clothing. Read also: Estonia proposes EU investment in ammo purchases for Ukraine The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov "noted the courage of Mr. Minister" and thanked him for the new assistance. "It is difficult to overestimate Estonia's assistance," Reznikov stressed. Read also: Estonia bans imports of Russian fuel in canisters "Just imagine the total amount of assistance to Ukraine from Estonia has already exceeded 1% of GDP! Continuous support within the framework of Ramstein, 155-mm howitzers, the initiative 1 million 155-mm shells for Ukraine, field hospitals and medical treatment of our soldiers this is just a small list of what friendly Estonia is doing for us." Were bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. Support us with a one-time donation, or become a Patron! Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine EU flags Read also: EU slaps tenth package of sanctions on Russia, Borrell says The list includes the following entities and individuals: Alfa Bank, Rosbank and Tinkoff Bank; a number of Rosatom (Russian nuclear operator) enterprises; Rosatomflot (the world's only fleet of nuclear-powered icebreakers); Organs of the Russian Ministry of Defense; The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service; The Patriot media group; The Russia Today media group; The Sputnik news agency; Russian Human Rights Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova; Yevgeny Primakov, Head of Rossotrudnichestvo, the agency responsible for organizing astroturfed pro-Russian rallies, as well as for recruiting pro-Russian agents; Vyacheslav Dukhin, an official in the Moscow City Council and a strong public supporter of the war; Chairman of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights and propagandist Valery Fadeev; Vyacheslav Boguslaev, the former head of Motor Sich and a Ukrainian oligarch charged with high treason A number of top managers of Russian propagandist media were affected, as well as four Iranians, including the director of Iranian state-owned aerospace Qods Aviation Industry Company. Read also: US imposes fresh sanctions against Russia on anniversary of its invasion of Ukraine The 10th package of EU sanction was announced on Feb. 25 to mark the first anniversary of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on the international community to step up pressure on the aggressor country in response to a rumored watered-down package of sanction the EU, in order to present a united front against the Russian armed aggression. Both the U.S. and the U.K. also announced new sanctions meant to restrict Russias ability to continue its armed conflict against Ukraine. Read also: Ukrainian parliament approves sanctions against Russian financial institutions Were bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. Support us with a one-time donation, or become a Patron! Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine (Getty Images) A woman with a rare form of cancer has shared her fears that she has a lower chance of survival because she cant afford treatment that isnt funded by the NHS. Megan McClay, 29, was diagnosed with ocular melanoma, also known as uveal melanoma, in 2020. It is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the uvea or uveal tract of the eye. According to national charity OcuMel UK, she was informed that some tumours had spread to her liver and requires a treatment called chemosaturation therapy, or percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP). The charity, which supports uveal cancer patients, said PHP is effective in nearly 90 per cent of patients but that despite the success, the NHS does not fund the treatment. McClay, from Wymondham, Norfolk, is therefore unable to get the treatment from the NHS, which has left her devastated. She said that her treatment options are limited as she simply cannot afford chemosaturation. This is deeply troubling for myself, my family and for the many others in a similar situation, she said. I am devastated that I will not be able to experience the hope that this treatment brings. The confidence and assurance of having access to treatment options is fundamental for prolonging life and maintaining quality of life. McClay added that she has a strong desire to survive for as long as possible but fears that her financial limitations may prevent this from happening. In 2021, PHP was highlighted as a treatment option by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). However, the guidance recommends that, for patients with metastases in the liver from ocular melanoma, the treatment should only be used with special arrangements for clinical governance, consent, and audit or research. Megan was diagnosed with uveal melanoma in 2020 at just 26 . Upon learning that the cancer had spread to my liver, one of my biggest concerns was the availability of treatment options". OcuMelUK (@OcuMelUK) February 20, 2023 According to OcuMel UK, the procedure isolates the liver from the rest of the body and bathes it in chemotherapy by using two small balloons to divert blood past the liver for an hour while delivering drugs directly into the organ. Story continues This allows doctors to administer larger doses of the drug than standard chemotherapy would deliver. The charity added it does not enter the bloodstream and cause unnecessary damage to healthy parts of the body. Neil Pearce, chairman of OcuMel UK, said: It really is devastating that patients with ocular melanoma that has spread to the liver are being denied access to a treatment proven to boost survival, with no NHS commissioned service and every individual funding request put to NHS England denied. He added that some patients are fundraising for themselves and paying to have the treatment in a private healthcare setting, but most simply cannot afford to do so. The charity is calling on decision makers to address these issues as a matter of priority to save lives. A spokesperson for NHS England said: While Nice incorporated chemosaturation therapy into the available treatment options, it specifically advised using it with caution. NHS England also identified there was insufficient evidence to make it routinely available and will look to review the evidence again later this year. ROME (Reuters) - The shipwreck of a boat off southern Italy has killed dozens of migrants and cast a spotlight on the perilous journeys made by thousands of people who cross the Mediterranean and come to Italy. The vast majority set sail from North Africa but some leave from Turkey. Successive Italian governments have tried to curb the numbers. Here are some facts about the situation. ARRIVALS Interior Ministry data shows 13,067 boat migrants have arrived in Italy between Jan. 1 and Feb. 23, 2023 against 5,273 in the corresponding period of 2022, and 4,156 the year before that. Some 861 of the migrants registered this year were unaccompanied minors. In 2022, 105,129 migrants reached Italy in total, up from 67,477 in 2021 and 34,154 in 2020. The record number of arrivals in a single year was 181,436 in 2016. Some 13,386 of the migrants in 2022 were registered as unaccompanied minors. The U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) said in 2022 51% of migrant sea crossings to Italy departed from Libya, 31% from Tunisia and 15% from Turkey. Tiny numbers left from Lebanon, Algeria and Syria. MIGRANT NATIONALITIES Of the arrivals so far this year, the top country of origin is Guinea (1,654), followed by the Ivory Coast (1,511), Pakistan (997), Tunisia (846), Egypt (490) and Bangladesh (447). In 2022, the top country of origin was Egypt (20,542), followed by Tunisia (18,148), Bangladesh (14,982), Syria (8,594) and Afghanistan (7,241). DEATHS AND MISSING The United Nations Missing Migrants Project has registered more than 17,000 deaths and disappearances in the central Mediterranean since 2014, making it by far the most dangerous migrant crossing in the world. More than 220 have died or disappeared this year, it estimates. GOVERNMENT RESPONSE In 2017, the then centre-left Italian government signed a deal with the Libyan authorities aimed at combatting irregular migration, human trafficking and strengthening border security. The number of arrivals to Italy fell sharply as a result, but human rights organisations denounced the accord, saying it left thousands of migrant hopefuls trapped in Libyan detention camps where torture was routine. Story continues Migrant arrivals stayed low in subsequent years, partly as a result of the COVID pandemic. However, they have started to rise again and Italy's right-wing government of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, which won elections in 2022, has vowed to once again reduce the migrant flows. WHAT HAS MELONI DONE SO FAR One of her government's first acts was to introduce a controversial law for rescue charity ships, saying they served as a de facto taxi service for migrants and seeking to limit the time rescue boats can stay at sea. The government has also forced them to dock at distant ports adding to the time and cost of their missions. The move has sharply restricted rescue ships' operations, but migrants keep arriving under their own steam. Meloni has also urged the European Union to sign a deal with Libya, mirroring one reached with Turkey in 2016, whereby Brussels pays Ankara to house refugees and stop them leaving for Europe. No such deal is imminent. In the meantime, Meloni and her ministers have visited Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt, seeking a series of agreements, including on migration. (Reporting by Crispian Balmer; Editing by Tomasz Janowski) You are here: Business Assets under the management of China's public offering funds totaled 27.25 trillion yuan (about 3.95 trillion U.S. dollars) by the end of January 2023, data from the Asset Management Association of China showed. By the end of last month, a total of 10,607 public offering funds were being operated by 142 fund management companies, the association said. The scale of closed-end funds reached over 3.58 trillion yuan, while open-end funds stood at about 23.67 trillion yuan, the data revealed. Of the 142 fund management companies, 47 were foreign-funded and 95 were domestic firms, the association said. In this photo taken with a drone, portions of a Norfolk Southern freight train that derailed the previous night in East Palestine, Ohio, remain on fire at mid-day on Feb. 4, 2023. Gene J. Puskar/AP Officials are pausing the removal of toxic waste from East Palestine, Ohio. The EPA said that the agency wants to evaluate transport routes and locations. It comes after officials from Texas and Michigan said they didn't know about waste moving into their states. Federal officials are temporarily halting the removal of toxic waste from the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment site until the Environmental Protection Agency authorizes transportation routes and locations, The Associated Press reported. The agency's Region 5 administrator told the AP that the removal of the waste stemming from the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern train derailment would continue after an evaluation. "EPA will ensure that all waste is disposed of in a safe and lawful manner at EPA-certified facilities to prevent further release of hazardous substances and impacts to communities," Debra Shore told the outlet. The news comes after residents expressed grave concerns about the toxic chemicals that were burned after the crash by officials who feared an explosion. The EPA and Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine have also told the community that the air is safe to breathe and the water was good to drink. "Everyone wants this contamination gone from the community," Shore told the AP. "They don't want the worry, and they don't want the smell, and we owe it to the people of East Palestine to move it out of the community as quickly as possible." DeWine said that "102,000 gallons of liquid waste" and "4,500 cubic yards of solid waste" are still in East Palestine, according to the AP. Lawmakers in Michigan and Texas have also said that they didn't know about DeWine's plan to move the waste to facilities in their respective states. "We were not given a heads up on this reported action. Our priority is to always keep the people we represent safe," Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell said in a statement on Friday. Read the original article on Insider Survivors and first responders at the scene after an explosion which rocked New York's World Trade Center in lower Manhattan on Feb. 26, 1993. On Feb. 26, 1993, a van loaded with a 1,200-pound urea nitrate bomb rocked the World Trade Center and became the first event that signaled the arrival of international terrorism on American soil. This event was the first indication for the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) that terrorism was evolving from a regional phenomenon outside of the United States to a transnational phenomenon, the State Department said. At 12:18 p.m. on a cold winter day, the group of terrorists parked on the B-2 level of the garage beneath the World Trade Center, lit the bombs fuse, and escaped in a getaway car carving a hole 150 feet wide and several stories deep underneath the North Tower, killing six people and injuring thousands more. The people who could escape were covered in soot as smoke and flames filled the building and the attackers slipped away from the scene unnoticed, the FBI said. The mission was to destroy the Twin Towers, according to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. People on the top floors of the towers and in surrounding buildings could feel the force of the explosion. In this file photo of Feb. 26, 1993, a New York City police officer leads a woman to safety following the underground bomb blast of a rented van loaded with fertilizer at the World Trade Center. The first attack on the towers killed six people and injured more than 1,000. There have been at least nine planned terror attacks in the city since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, but more often than not, terrorist plots have failed. On Saturday, May 1, 2010, a smoking SUV in Times Square was discovered before the explosives inside could do any damage, but for New Yorkers, the question always remains: What about next time? Manhattan's West Street is jammed with police and emergency service vehicles in the aftermath of yesterday's explosion that rocked New York's World Trade Center's twin towers and the Vista Hotel, foreground right, Feb. 27, 1993, causing evacuation of the financial center. Officials all but confirmed that a bomb caused the huge blast that left at least five people dead and injured hundreds. Workers peer through broken windows of the World Trade Center in New York, Feb. 26, 1993, after an explosion in an underground garage rocked the twin towers complex. Heavy smoke, caused by underground fires, was reported throughout the buildings, causing the evacuation of the buildings. In this Feb. 27, 1993 file photo, Port Authority and New York City Police officers view the damage caused by a truck bomb that exploded in the garage of New York's World Trade Center the previous day. On Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015, officials at the Sept. 11 museum will mark the 22nd anniversary of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that killed six people and injured more than 1,000. New York City police are pictured during the aftermath of the explosion that rocked the World Trade Center in New York, Feb. 26, 1993. The Federal Bureau of Investigations said that agents were tantalizingly close to encountering the planners of this attack while tracking Islamic fundamentalists in the city months prior to the bombing. A massive investigation and two-year man hunt for the suspected attackers was led by New York Citys Joint Terrorism Task Force and around 700 FBI agents worldwide. The vehicle, a Ryder van, was traced to a rental agency in New Jersey, which led investigators to Mohammed Salameh, who had reported it stolen on the afternoon of February 26. Salameh was arrested on March 4, 1993, shortly before the arrest of three more co-conspirators: Ahmad Ajaj, Nidal Ayyad, and Mahmoud Abouhalima. Two of the bombers, Ramzi Yousef and Eyad Ismoil, fled the country the night of the attack using fake passports. More than 200 witnesses were called to testify during the trial, which began on April 21, 1993, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Story continues On May 24, 1994, each were sentenced to 240 years in prison. By July 1993, law enforcement officials believed that Yousef had escaped to Pakistan, but still offered a $2 million reward for information that would lead to his arrest. FBI agents remove evidence, March 10, 1993 in Maplewood, New .Jersey, home of Nidal Ayyad after the morning arrest of Ayyade in connection with the bombing of the World Trade Center. Were the bombers at-large apprehended? An alleged former contact of Yousef went to the residence of a U.S. diplomat in Pakistan to inform them of his location. On Feb. 7, 1995, Yousef was captured by a team of Pakistani law enforcement officers and DSS agents who raided a hotel room in Pakistan, and the informant received the reward. Yousef was tried and convicted, along with Ismoil, for the bombing. Additionally, Yousef was indicated for a conspiracy codenamed Bojinka to simultaneously blow up 12 U.S. commercial airliners while airborne. One portion of that plot involved crashing an airplane into CIA Headquarters in Virginia, according to a 2002 Congressional intelligence report on events leading up to Sept. 11, 2001. In this artist's rendering, former New York City cab driver Mahmoud Abouhalima, 33, second from right, appears in federal court in New York on March 25, 1993, after being returned from Egypt, to face charges in connection with the bombing of the World Trade Center. Assistant U.S. Attorney Gilmore Childers, left, attorney for Abouhalima, Jesse Berman, face Judge Thomas Griesa. A seventh plotter, Abdul Yasin, remains at large for his alleged participation after fleeing the United States for Iraq. The FBI interviewed Yasin in 1993 but released him due to a lack of evidence. Five of the six convicted World Trade Center bombers are still serving their sentences at a maximum-security prison in Colorado, while the sixth, Nidal Ayyad, serves in Indiana, according to the 9/11 Museum. Camille Fine is a trending visual producer on USA TODAY's NOW team. What's everyone talking about? Sign up for our trending newsletter to get the latest news of the day This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Who was behind the first Twin Towers attack in a 1993 bombing? Floridas New Dont Say Dogs in Car Windows Bill Raises Hackles A new bill under consideration in Florida aims to protect animals, but opponents say it goes too far, banning dogs from hanging their heads out car windows. By Zoe Sottile and Amanda Watts, CNN (CNN) A new bill in Florida might mean no more joyrides for Fido. A bill moving through the Florida legislature would forbid dogs from sticking their head out of car windows, in addition to a host of other measures. The proposed measure is part of Senate Bill 932, a sweeping animal welfare bill sponsored by senate minority leader Lauren Book. Section 1 of the bill deals with transporting dogs in cars. The section would prohibit Floridians from allowing a dog to extend its head or any other body part outside a motor vehicle window while the person is operating the motor vehicle on a public roadway. Florida\u2019s New \u2018Don\u2019t Say Dogs in Car Windows\u2019 Bill Raises Hackles PHOTO BY TOM WANG/SHUTTERSTOCK The bill says violators would be subject to a noncriminal traffic infraction, considered a moving violation. The section also includes other regulations on how dogs can be transported in cars. The bill would ban Floridians from holding dogs in their lap while driving, or transporting their dogs via the cars running board, fender, hood, roof, or trunk. Instead, it stipulates dogs in motor vehicles on public roadways must be either secured in appropriately-sized crates, restrained with a harness or pet seat belt, or under the physical control of a person other than the operator of the motor vehicle. Florida\u2019s New \u2018Don\u2019t Say Dogs in Car Windows\u2019 Bill Raises Hackles PHOTO BY ANNETTE SHAFF/SHUTTERSTOCK In addition, the bill proposes new restrictions on declawing cats, cosmetic animal testing, animal cruelty, and the sale of rabbits. Section 9 of the bill would create an animal abuse registry, much like the registries that currently exist for sex offenders. Starting January 1, 2024, information on people convicted of animal abuse would be posted to a publicly accessible state website. The registry would include each offender's legal name and aliases, address, date of birth, and photograph. Registered abusers would also not be permitted to own, possess, or reside in the same residence with or on the same property as an animal unless authorized to do so in a court order. Story continues State senator says shes open to amending legislation but wants to protect animals Florida\u2019s New \u2018Don\u2019t Say Dogs in Car Windows\u2019 Bill Raises Hackles PHOTO BY CHRISTIN LOLA/SHUTTERSTOCK Book, the senator who sponsored the portion of the bill tied to car windows, said she is open to amending the legislation while protecting the intent of the animal welfare. Book said in a statement shared with CNN her family has three dogs that love sticking their heads out the window. I welcome and appreciate all public comment on this issue, which is only one piece of a complete proposed overhaul of the states animal welfare system as brought to me by veterinarians and advocates, she went on. Florida\u2019s New \u2018Don\u2019t Say Dogs in Car Windows\u2019 Bill Raises Hackles PHOTO BY LUCKY BUSINESS/SHUTTERSTOCK After news of the proposed bill got out, commentators on Books Facebook page aired their grievances in the comments section on an unrelated post. Talked to my dog, he said his body, his choice and to mind your own business when it comes to how he chooses to enjoy a ride in the car, one commenter wrote. You are against dogs sticking their head out the window? Seriously people cannot afford rent but this is your worry, another wrote. Book added, We can easily amend this piece out of the bill while protecting the intent of the animal welfare community and vets who proposed the policy because of unintended injuries theyve treated and we will. Florida\u2019s New \u2018Don\u2019t Say Dogs in Car Windows\u2019 Bill Raises Hackles PHOTO BY TIVERYLUCKY/SHUTTERSTOCK The American Veterinary Medical Association says on its website allowing a dog to hang its head out of a car window is always a very risky venture for the dog." The practice means your dog isnt properly restrained, increases the risk of injury from airborne objects, and increases the risk of the dog falling out of the window, being thrown from the vehicle during a crash, or jumping out of the vehicle. The-CNN-Wire & 2023 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All rights reserved. Only three states fully prohibit the open carry of firearms by citizens, and I bet youd be surprised to hear Florida is among them. Yes, we frustratingly find ourselves in the company of New York and Illinois on this issue. And Republican leaders, including Governor DeSantis, appear poised to keep it that way under the misnamed Constitutional Carry bill that is expected to pass this session. Gun owners saw right through the facade when House Speaker Paul Renner threw a press conference at the end of January to celebrate introduction of the Constitutional Carry bill. Gun Owners of America representative Luis Valdes speaks at a rally in support of making Florida a constitutional carry state at the Florida Capitol Monday, August 23, 2021. On the one hand, it does go a long way in restoring the rights of our residents and visitors alike to carry arms in public for self-defense without a permit. On the other hand, the bill falls short of every Constitutional Carry law in the country by quietly omitting the right to carry openly. So, our leaders are trying to appease one side and fool the other. And to re-emphasize, this bill will keep us in very liberal company. I drove eight hours to testify at a hearing earlier this month on the current bill, and walked away ecstatic when witness after witness demandedthe addition of Open Carry. In contrast, when pressed about Open Carry afterwards, sponsor Chuck Brannan (R-Macclenny) apathetically stated the bill is what it is as filed. Senate President Kathleen Passidomo (R-Naples) shared similar sentiments with Rep. Brannan. This indifferent attitude is standing in the way of what the majority wants and are unified in demanding. More:'Free State of Florida' inspires push for conservative agenda on Brevard's legislators Just as damning, by keeping the current Open Carry ban in place, our Republican lawmakers will be maintaining a policy status quo that was championed and pushed across the finish line by the stalwart lobbying efforts of Janet Reno, then Miamis leftist prosecutor and later the U.S. Attorney General. Shes the same person who accepted responsibility for the deaths of dozens of women and children after authorizing the government assault on a compound in Waco, Texas during the Clinton Administration. Story continues Republicans, the party that champions the Second Amendment, hold a supermajority in our legislature. Instead of taking insignificant baby steps they hope will appease their base, they should take the large leaps for freedom which theyve promised the voters. Lawmakers in more politically divided states have introduced and passed the very policy we are demanding, and guess what it's popular! Forty-seven states have Open Carry on the books in some fashion, including 25 via authentic Constitutional Carry laws. Even Hawaii, a Democrat Supermajority-run state whose entire economy relies on tourism, has Open Carry. Our two neighbors recently passed real Constitutional Carry, and South Carolina and Nebraska are poised to pass it this session. Luis Valdes is the Florida State Director for Gun Owners of America, a non-profit grassroots lobbying organization with over two million members. He is former police officer and detective. The same old arguments about bad people getting guns and Wild West shootouts materializing in the streets will be raised, but we have a mountain of evidence from other states to refute these claims. And to clarify, this legislation has nothing to do with acquiring firearms, rather it only authorizes those who already own firearms legally to carry them in public without government permission. More:Let's make Florida the 'Gunshine State' | Opinion Now is the chance for Governor DeSantis to once again step in and snag victory from the clutch of defeat by the members of his own party in the legislature. While hes catching some flak over other Second Amendment missteps, he can prove the doubters wrong with this issue by demanding Open Carry before anything gets his signature. We dont want watered down legislation. We want the great leap other states have taken, which will put Florida at the forefront of liberty on another critical issue and far away from New York, Illinois, and Washington, D.C. Im urging Floridas leadership to get it done, the right way! Luis Valdes is the Florida State Director for Gun Owners of America, a non-profit grassroots lobbying organization with over two million members. He is former police officer and detective. This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Florida gun owners not fooled by watered-down carry bill Former US Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) speaks during a press conference. Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images Former Republican Senator James Inhofe said he retired due to long COVID symptoms. During his time in office, the Oklahoma senator repeatedly voted against COVID protections. The CDC estimated that one in five American adults with the disease suffers from long COVID symptoms. Former Republican Senator James Inhofe said the reason he retired from representing Oklahoma this time last year was due to long COVID symptoms. In a recent interview, Inhofe told Tulsa World that he had to leave politics because he was suffering from the long-term effects of contracting the coronavirus. He said "five or six" other political colleagues have long COVID, "but I'm the only one who admits it." Inhofe left office before the end of his term last February, and Senator Markwayne Mullin took his place. The 88-year-old repeatedly voted against COVID protections for Americans during his time in office. In March 2020, Inhofe voted against the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which broadly expanded benefits for those affected by the pandemic. In 2021, he also voted against the American Rescue Plan which included a $1,400 stimulus check, improved vaccine distribution, and extended unemployment benefits. He did, however, vote in favor of the CARES Act which offered a $1,200 stimulus check and generally offered conflicting opinions on the pandemic during his time in office. When a New York Times reporter asked the senator in 2020 what measures he was taking to protect himself from COVID, "he said none and extended his arm with confidence: 'Wanna shake hands?'" the Times reported. Inhofe who was ranked the most conservative senator in 2017 and 2018 by GovTrack has a long record of being part of the ultra-right-wing of the Republican party. He is perhaps best known for his climate change denialism In a memorable moment in 2015, he threw a snowball on the senate floor to prove his point. While data on the lingering effects of the disease is still limited, the CDC estimated in 2022 that one in five American adults who had the disease continue to suffer from long COVID symptoms. Read the original article on Business Insider Former House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster Paul Ryan said he won't attend the RNC in 2024 if Donald Trump is the party's presidential nominee. Ryan told WISN-TV that he the convention being held in his home state didn't affect his decision. The ex-speaker has brought up Trump's poor standing with suburban voters in pushing for a new nominee. Former House Speaker Paul Ryan in a recent interview said he won't attend the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee if former President Donald Trump earns the party's presidential nomination. Ryan, who represented a southeastern Wisconsin-anchored congressional district from 1999 to 2019 and served as speaker from 2015 to 2019, worked with Trump to pass the Republican-authored Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017. But since leaving office, Ryan has strongly opposed Trump seeking a return to the Oval Office, having become convinced that the former president cannot win the presidency for the Republican Party in a general election. While speaking with WISN-TV, a Milwaukee-area ABC affiliate, Ryan said he would attend the convention if the GOP selected a new candidate to become the standard bearer for the party. "It depends on who the nominee is. I'll be here if it's someone not named Trump," the former lawmaker said. When Ryan was asked if he'd ditch a convention with Trump as the nominee, even though the event will be held in his home state, he remained firm in his position. "I'm not interested in participating in that, no. Even in Wisconsin," he said. In the 2022 book, "Thank You for Your Servitude: Donald Trump's Washington and the Price of Submission," written by journalist Mark Leibovich, Ryan revealed that he was "very comfortable" with the decisions he made regarding Trump while still in office. The former speaker dismissed critics who wanted him to be more vocal in rebuking Trump's behavior, something that most Republican lawmakers generally shied away from during the then-president's tenure in office. Ryan posed the question of whether some people would have preferred that he went after Trump every time the then-president made a controversial comment. Story continues "I think some people would like me to start a civil war in our party and achieve nothing," Ryan told Leibovich. During an October 2022 interview on the Fox Business Network, Ryan reiterated his opposition to a third Trump White House campaign. "I think anybody not named Trump, I think is so much more likely to win the White House for us. We know we're so much more likely to lose with Trump because of the fact that he is not popular with suburban voters that we're going to want to win," he said at the time. Ryan further amplified his message last week, calling Trump a "proven loser" while speaking with The Washington Post. "I guess in some places we're just going to keep recording losses until we learn the lesson," the ex-speaker told the newspaper. "I'm hopeful that for the presidency, we'll learn the lesson in time for 2024." While Trump narrowly won Wisconsin against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016, now-President Joe Biden flipped the state back into the Democratic column in 2020. However, Biden only won Wisconsin by roughly 20,000 votes out of nearly 3.3 million ballots cast, and the swing state is expected to once again be one of the most hotly-contested electoral prizes next year. Read the original article on Business Insider Fox News anchor Howard Kurtz said the network has forbidden him from reporting on the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit against the network over its 2020 election coverage. Some of you have been asking why Im not covering the Dominion Voting Machines lawsuit against Fox involving the unproven claims of election fraud in 2020, and its absolutely a fair question, Kurtz said Sunday on Mediabuzz. I believe I should be covering it. Its a major media story, given my role here at Fox. But the company has decided that as part of the organization being sued, I cant talk about it or write about it, at least for now. I strongly disagree with that decision, but as an employee, I have to abide by it. And if that changes, Ill let you know. Fox News, whose hosts routinely rail against censorship, issued HuffPost a lengthy statement Monday and key points from its opposition brief in the lawsuit. It did not mention Kurtzs comments. Dominions lawsuit has always been more about what will generate headlines than what can withstand legal and factual scrutiny, as illustrated by them now being forced to slash their fanciful damages demand by more than half a billion dollars after their own expert debunked its implausible claims, the statement said. Their summary judgment motion took an extreme, unsupported view of defamation law that would prevent journalists from basic reporting and their efforts to publicly smear FOX for covering and commenting on allegations by a sitting President of the United States should be recognized for what it is: a blatant violation of the First Amendment. Earlier this month, court filings revealed text messages that Dominion said were sent by senior Fox News executives and major hosts. The texts suggested that network talent and decision makers did not believe the false claims of election fraud that they were amplifying on air. Tucker Carlson, for example, allegedly referred to the Trump campaigns election grievances as ludicrous and totally off the rails in private text exchanges. Sean Hannity at one point referred to people promoting the lies as lunatics. And Raj Shah, senior vice president of Fox Corporation, apparently described the voter fraud claims as mind blowingly nuts. Story continues The star hosts named in the filings have been silent on the allegations. In a statement shortly after the story broke, a Fox News spokesperson said: Dominion has mischaracterized the record, cherry-picked quotes stripped of key context, and spilled considerable ink on facts that are irrelevant under black-letter principles of defamation law. Dominion is suing Fox for $1.6 billion, accusing the company of promoting damaging lies that Dominion helped rig the 2020 election against former President Donald Trump. The case is scheduled to go to trial in April. Related... Fox News host Howard Kurtz said on Sunday that the network will not allow him to cover the defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox. Kurtz said on his MediaBuzz show on Sunday that the company is not allowing him to cover the case, despite his belief that he should cover it since it is a major media story. He said that for now, he cannot talk about the case, but will let his audience know if that policy changes. Some of you have been asking why Im not covering the Dominion voting machines case against Fox involving the unproven claims of election fraud in 2020, Kurtz said. Its absolutely a fair question. I believe I should be covering it, its a major media story, given my role here at Fox. The company has decided that as part of the organization being sued, I cant talk about it or write about it, at least for now, Kurtz said. I strongly disagree with that decision. But as an employee, I have to abide by it. Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox for defamation and is seeking $1.6 billion in damages over its coverage during the 2020 election. Dominion Voting Systems alleged that Fox knowingly broadcasted false information about its software due to competitive and political pressure. Fox has maintained that the network covered Trumps election fraud claims just like any other network would, and accused Dominion Voting Systems of cherry-picking quotes out of context. A recent filing by Dominion Voting Systems that included text messages, emails and testimonies showed Foxs top leaders were skeptical of former President Trumps claims of fraud in the 2020 election. The filing also showed that there were concerns about how fact checking false claims may have been received by the networks conservative audience. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. PARIS (Reuters) - French defence and technology group Thales plans to hire 12,000 new staff this year as there is strong demand across its product range, CEO Patrice Caine said in an interview with French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche. He said that over the past eight years Thales, which has total staff of 80,000 of which 40,000 in France, had recruited 5,000 to 8,000 people per year and that last year already it had hired 11,500 new staff. Caine said that all the firm's activities - defence and security, aeronautics and space, identity and digital security, were growing strongly. "The company is a reflection of its markets, which are all seeing dynamic growth, with needs growing in all our fields of activity," he said. Caine, who recently met with Ukraine's defence minister, said that France would deliver its Ground Master 200 radar air defence system to Ukraine in May. Since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 2022, shares of Thales - Europe's largest arms electronics provider - have risen nearly 60% to new all-time highs, outperforming the Refinitiv Europe Aerospace & Defense index. President Emmanuel Macron said in January that French military spending would increase by more than a third in coming years, with the 2024-2030 military budget set to rise to 413 billion euros ($447 billion), up from 295 billion euros in the 2019-2025 period as the army adapts to a new security environment following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (Reporting by GV De Clercq; Editing by Frank Jack Daniel) Vietnam plans various activities in response to Earth Hour 2023 The Ministry of Industry and Trade has called for the organisation of practical activities to respond to Earth Hour 2023 in Vietnam from 8:30p.m to 9:30p.m on March 25 with a message of saving energy, protecting the environment and coping with climate change. Centrally-run provinces and cities have been asked to organise communications activities in response to the Earth Hour in March in order to raise public awareness of the campaign. The Earth Hour 2023 will be observed in Vietnam from 8:30p.m to 9:30p.m on March 25 with a message of saving energy, protecting the environment and coping with climate change. (Photo: internet) Citizens nationwide are encouraged to take a simple but meaningful act of turning off lights and other unnecessary devices during the campaign. The Earth Hour is an initiative launched by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and is the largest social event globally. So far it has been observed in 7,000 cities and towns across 172 countries and territories globally. Vietnam first joined the Earth Hour campaign in 2009. In 2022, the country saved 309,000 kWh of electricity, equivalent to 576.1 million VND (more than 24,000 USD). The Earth Hour campaign in Vietnam is hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and receives the support of many businesses, especially Vietnam Electricity (EVN) which serves as the primary sponsor of the campaign. The campaign is one of several actions being taken by the Vietnamese Government and people, demonstrating their strong commitment to uniting with the world in the fight against climate change. Staff members work at a workshop in an industry park in Qingpu District of Shanghai, east China, May 17, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua] Confidence among China's small and medium-sized enterprises rebounded notably in February amid signs of steady economic recovery and their robust performance this year. Analysts said business confidence strengthened as China optimized its COVID-19 response and its progrowth stance is widely expected to boost activity over the coming months. Meanwhile, they warned of pressures and difficulties from high operating costs and insufficient demand faced by SMEs, calling for more efforts to ease the burden on SMEs and to level the playing field for all enterprises. Their comments came as a new report released by Standard Chartered Bank showed that the China SME Confidence Index rebounded to 51.4 in February from 49.9 in January, ending four straight months of contraction and hitting the highest level since July. The subindexes for both SME expectations and credit conditions each rebounded to above 50 in February, hitting the highest level in more than half a year. And the gauge for SMEs' performance improved to 49.8 in February, staying in contraction territory. Notably, the recovery in the service sector was more significant than that in manufacturing. The performance subindex for services SMEs surged to 50.4 in February, returning to expansion territory for the first time since September. According to the report, SMEs focusing on domestic business outperformed export-oriented SMEs, pointing to a solid recovery trend in the domestic market. "SMEs' confidence strengthened notably, indicating improving sentiment and stronger optimism about China's economic prospects," said Zhou Maohua, a macroeconomic analyst at China Everbright Bank. Meanwhile, he noted that many SMEs still face difficulties and challenges from insufficient demand, the high costs of raw materials and financing problems. A State Council executive meeting on Wednesday stressed that while economic growth is stabilizing and the economy is recovering, a number of challenges still remain, and SMEs and self-employed households still face operational difficulties.Actions to curb unwarranted charges on businesses must be closely aligned with the implementation of relief policies for enterprises and efforts to improve the business environment and stimulate market vitality, the meeting said. Zhou spoke highly of the government's targeted measures to ease the burden on SMEs, saying that the government needs to continuously implement a package of stimulus policy measures and follow-up measures on stabilizing growth and ensuring stable prices and supplies. More efforts should be made to further tackle the difficulties faced by SMEs. Yang Haiping, a researcher at the Institute of Securities and Futures, which is part of the Central University of Finance and Economics, highlighted the importance of boosting SMEs' confidence, saying that this plays a key role in the resilience and vitality of the economy. He said the government should take targeted measures to support the development of SMEs, including offering services in fields like training to improve SMEs' capabilities and continuously curb arbitrary charges. A Fresno man who is suspected of accidentally shooting his friends 3-year-old boy in the leg while visiting was arrested on various felony crimes, a Fresno police lieutenant said Sunday. Lt. Steve Card identified the suspect as 27-year-old Adam Arciga. He faces felony charges of suspicion of child endangerment, discharging a firearm and unlawful possession of a firearm among other allegations. The suspect responsible for the shooting was visiting the home when the incident occurred, Card said. Arciga ended up in the hospital, too, after the toddlers father assaulted him following the handguns discharge, Lt. Leslie Williams said on Saturday night. Arciga was in stable condition on Sunday, Card said. The boys father, Card said, has not been arrested as police are conducting an investigation into the incident. The child was treated at a hospital for a non-life threatening wound to the leg. The incident took place about 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the 400 block of San Pablo Avenue. Williams said police learned of the incident when a woman arrived at Community Regional Medical Center with the 3-year-old who had been shot in the leg. Williams said investigators learned the boy was in his home with his parents and family friend, Arciga who was fiddling with a handgun. When it discharged, it wounded the boy. As the mother sped to the hospital with the toddler, the father stayed behind and assaulted his friend, who ended up also being taken to the hospital. Family and friends remembered the trailblazing civic leader and businessman Tommy Dortch, Jr. at his funeral service on Saturday. We are the product of the work, the love, the dreams, the sacrifices of the entire Dortch family. And really he made all of us his family, Former Atlanta Mayor, Andrew Young said. Young was one of many speakers Saturday at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. [DOWNLOAD: Free WSB-TV News app for alerts as news breaks] In 1978, Dortch was the first African American to be an aid to a United State Senator. He became chairman of the 100 Black Men of America, raising almost 200 million dollars for the organization. Dortch died in February at the age of 72. TRENDING STORIES: Several members of the Georgia delegation spoke on the U.S. House floor to nominate him to receive the Congressional Gold Medal for his contributions to the country. Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens released a statement on Wednesday evening calling him a tireless advocate for young people. This is a sad day for our city. We have lost another soldier. Tommy Dortch wasnt born in Atlanta. He came here to attend school, and never left. And Atlanta is the better for it. Whether during his days in government or during his tenure leading 100 Black Men of Atlanta and later 100 Black Men of America, Tommy never lost sight of his mission. Long before we called it diversity, equity and inclusion, Tommy was hard at work in that space. In matters of equity, not too much happened here that Tommy wasnt involved in. Tommy was a connector and a facilitator. He knew how to get the right people together to make something good happen for Atlanta. He was also a tireless advocate for our young people. When we decided that 2023 would be Atlantas Year of the Youth, I knew that I could count on him sharing his support and wisdom. Tommy once said that he wanted his legacy to be that he put our young people first. Without question, mission accomplished. Story continues Mayor Andre Dickens The Atlanta City Council also released a statement in remembrance of the man with a sharp intellect and a public servants heart. It was clear Thomas Dortch Jr. loved his community, which is why he worked so hard for it. He was a trailblazer, a community advocate, and a renowned speaker with a sharp intellect and a public servants heart. As we reflect on his life, we extend our most heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. The city of Atlanta will miss his inspiring example, but his life and his service to the community will always be celebrated and remembered. Atlanta City Council [SIGN UP: WSB-TV Daily Headlines Newsletter] IN OTHER NEWS: Roman Catholic Auxiliary Bishop David O'Connell in 2020. A prayer service Sunday for O'Connell will be followed by three days of services this week, ending in a funeral Mass on Friday. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times) Roman Catholic Auxiliary Bishop David G. OConnell, a beloved religious leader who was slain in his Hacienda Heights home last week, will be honored at a Sunday prayer service in Anaheim. Archbishop Jose H. Gomez will preside over the Orange County service, which will take place at this years Religious Education Congress, an annual four-day gathering of Catholics sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The service will start at 11:30 a.m. at the Anaheim Convention Center and is open to everyone attending the gathering. Others can tune in to the service online . O'Connell, 69, who served as a priest and bishop in L.A. County for nearly half a century, was found shot to death at his home in the 1500 block of Janlu Avenue on the afternoon of Feb. 18, authorities said. In a statement after O'Connells death, Gomez called the bishop a man of deep prayer and a peacemaker with a heart for the poor and the immigrant. Gomez said O'Connell had a "passion for building a community where the sanctity and dignity of every human life was honored and protected. He was also a good friend, and I will miss him greatly. I know we all will. Carlos Medina, a handyman whose wife worked as O'Connell's housekeeper, has been charged with his murder. Law enforcement officials have not yet disclosed a motive. Dist. Atty. George Gascon condemned O'Connell's slaying as a brutal act of violence against a person who dedicated his life to making our neighborhoods safer, healthier and always served with love. OConnell earned the title of bishop in 2015, according to the archdioceses website. OConnell, who was born in 1953 in County Cork, Ireland, was named an auxiliary bishop for the archdiocese by Pope Francis in 2015. He studied for the priesthood at All Hallows College in Dublin and was ordained to serve in the archdiocese in 1979. For 14 years, OConnell was pastor at St. Frances X. Cabrini in South Los Angeles, and became pastor of nearby Ascension. He oversaw not only two congregations of roughly 4,000 families each, but also two schools that between them serve about 500 pupils in kindergarten through eighth grade. Story continues Memorial and funeral services are scheduled this week in Los Angeles. On Wednesday,a memorial Mass will be held at St. John Vianney Catholic Church at 7 p.m. On Thursday, there will be a public viewing at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 6 p.m. A Vigil Mass will be held at 7 p.m. On Friday, a funeral Mass will be held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. All events will be livestreamed on the website for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. HONG KONG (Reuters) - Authorities in Macau, the world's biggest gambling hub, said on Sunday they would drop COVID 19-related mask requirements for most locations, except for public transportation, hospitals and a handful of other areas. The rule change takes effect from Monday, the government said in a statement on its website. "The epidemic situation in Macau has continuously remained stable over the last two months," it said. "Making reference from the anti-epidemic experience world wide, the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre will adjust its mask-wearing requirements." The neighbouring Chinese special administrative region of Hong Kong, one of the last places globally that still imposes a mask mandate, extended its requirement until March 8, although the authorities have said they hope to drop it as quickly as possible. Hong Kong and Macau both followed China's zero-COVID policy for much of the past three years. Hong Kong started unwinding its stringent COVID rules last year but mask-wearing has remained constant since 2020. Residents of mainland China are not required to wear masks outdoors, although authorities encourage them to do so in public indoor areas such as airports and train stations. Macau's government said that individuals who develop flu-like symptoms should wear a mask when going out and that members of the public should carry face masks with them when commuting around the city. (Reporting by Farah Master; Editing by Edmund Klamann) Genting Plantations Berhad (KLSE:GENP) missed earnings with its latest annual results, disappointing overly-optimistic forecasters. Genting Plantations Berhad missed earnings this time around, with RM3.2b revenue coming in 4.0% below what the analysts had modelled. Statutory earnings per share (EPS) of RM0.53 also fell short of expectations by 12%. The analysts typically update their forecasts at each earnings report, and we can judge from their estimates whether their view of the company has changed or if there are any new concerns to be aware of. We've gathered the most recent statutory forecasts to see whether the analysts have changed their earnings models, following these results. Check out our latest analysis for Genting Plantations Berhad After the latest results, the consensus from Genting Plantations Berhad's 15 analysts is for revenues of RM2.88b in 2023, which would reflect a chunky 9.8% decline in sales compared to the last year of performance. Statutory per share are forecast to be RM0.53, approximately in line with the last 12 months. Yet prior to the latest earnings, the analysts had been anticipated revenues of RM2.94b and earnings per share (EPS) of RM0.41 in 2023. While revenue forecasts have been revised downwards, the analysts look to have become more optimistic on the company's cost base, given the considerable lift to to the earnings per share numbers. The consensus has made no major changes to the price target of RM6.41, suggesting the forecast improvement in earnings is expected to offset the decline in revenues next year. Fixating on a single price target can be unwise though, since the consensus target is effectively the average of analyst price targets. As a result, some investors like to look at the range of estimates to see if there are any diverging opinions on the company's valuation. Currently, the most bullish analyst values Genting Plantations Berhad at RM8.00 per share, while the most bearish prices it at RM5.40. Analysts definitely have varying views on the business, but the spread of estimates is not wide enough in our view to suggest that extreme outcomes could await Genting Plantations Berhad shareholders. Story continues Of course, another way to look at these forecasts is to place them into context against the industry itself. These estimates imply that sales are expected to slow, with a forecast annualised revenue decline of 9.8% by the end of 2023. This indicates a significant reduction from annual growth of 13% over the last five years. By contrast, our data suggests that other companies (with analyst coverage) in the same industry are forecast to see their revenue grow 0.1% annually for the foreseeable future. So although its revenues are forecast to shrink, this cloud does not come with a silver lining - Genting Plantations Berhad is expected to lag the wider industry. The Bottom Line The biggest takeaway for us is the consensus earnings per share upgrade, which suggests a clear improvement in sentiment around Genting Plantations Berhad's earnings potential next year. Unfortunately, they also downgraded their revenue estimates, and our data indicates revenues are expected to perform worse than the wider industry. Even so, earnings per share are more important to the intrinsic value of the business. Even so, earnings per share are more important to the intrinsic value of the business. The consensus price target held steady at RM6.41, with the latest estimates not enough to have an impact on their price targets. With that said, the long-term trajectory of the company's earnings is a lot more important than next year. We have forecasts for Genting Plantations Berhad going out to 2025, and you can see them free on our platform here. And what about risks? Every company has them, and we've spotted 2 warning signs for Genting Plantations Berhad (of which 1 shouldn't be ignored!) you should know about. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here The reported incident happened on February 18 in Richmond County, Georgia. Reuters Deputies arrested a 50-year-old woman from Augusta, Georgia, in connection with the crash. A Popeyes manager said the woman drove her SUV into the building, police said. The manager told deputies the woman became upset because her order did not include biscuits. Police arrested a Georgia woman after a Popeyes manager accused her of driving her SUV into a the restaurant because her order did not include biscuits, multiple outlets reported. Belinda Miller, 50, of Augusta, was charged with aggravated assault and first-degree criminal damage to property on February 22, according to booking records viewed by Insider. The Popeyes manager said Miller became upset over her order and remained angry even after employees corrected the mistake. The manager told police that Miller left the location but later returned and drove her SUV into the building, almost striking an 18-year-old employee who was standing near the front of the building, the local-news outlet WJBF reported. Police said building debris from the crash eventually stopped the car. The manager said Miller threatened staff members before the incident and called the restaurant threatening to drive her car through the building, The Augusta Chronicle reported. Miller fled the scene after the crash, but her car was later found in front of her home with front-end damage, according to The Augusta Chronicle. Representatives for the Richmond County Sheriff's Office did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. Read the original article on Insider German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has criticised China's "peace plan" to settle Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as the document does not mention the withdrawal of the Russian army. Source: German news outlet Welt Scholz Quote: "From my point of view, there is a missing line that would say: there should also be a withdrawal of Russian troops." Details: At the same time, Scholz called the mention in China's proposals of preventing the use of nuclear weapons "surprisingly correct". As the German chancellor stated, the fact that there cannot be a "Russian-style dictator's peace" remains unchanged. "President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin should realise this," he added. Earlier: On 24 February, the Chinese Foreign Ministry published a so-called "peace plan" with its ideas for the settlement of Russia's war against Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy does not consider China's proposals of settlement for the war in Ukraine to be a peace plan but sees positive things in the initiative. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan announced its support for China's so-called "peace plan" to end Russias war against Ukraine. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! BERLIN (Reuters) - German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said on Sunday he expected the contracts for the backfilling of howitzers that Berlin rushed to Ukraine last year to be signed by the end of March, months earlier than originally planned. "If everything works out, the contracts for the new howitzers will be signed by the end of the coming month," he told German public broadcaster ARD. Pistorius, who took office in January, did not specify the number of weapons to be reordered, but the German military last year handed over 14 self-propelled howitzers produced by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann to Kyiv. Pistorius' predecessor had planned to present the order for new howitzers to parliament for approval in mid-2023, according to a defence source. (Reporting by Sabine Siebold; Editing by Tom Sims) California Highway Patrol Auburn A man was arrested Saturday for crashing his Tesla into a Girl Scout cookie stand outside Walmart. Authorities said he was driving under the influence, according to local outlets. Three people were injured, including two Girl Scouts and a 78-year-old woman. A man was arrested Saturday after he crashed his Tesla into a Girl Scout cookie stand outside a Walmart store in Granite Bay, California, according to local outlets. Gary Benson, 69, was suspected of being under the influence of substances during the incident, which left three people injured, California Highway Patrol's Auburn division told KCRA 3. Two members of the Girl Scout troop, ages 9 and 10, were taken to the hospital with moderate injuries, while a 78-year-old woman was transported with major injuries, per the outlet. Officials said the incident happened at around 3:50 p.m. Saturday, and they arrived to find a 2015 Tesla slammed into the cookie stand in front of the store, according to Fox 40. "I saw the yellow tape and I was just shocked to hear that some Girl Scouts were injured. This is a pretty low key parking lot," Granite Bay resident Ken Klinger told KCRA 3 outside of the Walmart store Saturday evening. "I hope to God they're going to be OK." Benson was booked at Placer County Jail on Saturday night on felony charges of driving under the influence and causing injuries, according to authorities. Read the original article on Business Insider CNN GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel painted a rosy picture of the Republican Party headed into the 2024 election on Sunday, namely a united front, candidates supporting one another, and Donald Trump accepting the results of an election. Her picture, however, seemed devoid of the reality her party members have lived in. In her first interview since her contentious reelection last month, McDaniel presented a mission statement of unity, one she said propelled her to a fourth term. We can't be so vicious and vitriolic with each other that we don't want to support each other in the end, she told CNNs Dana Bash. I'm already working to bring the committee together but I think this is a symbol of our party. She then made a litany of claims, including all Republican candidates will sign a pledge to support the eventual 2024 nominee in order to appear on the debate stage. Everybody should support the will of the voters, she said. Were not going to defeat Joe Biden if we get in this tit for tat of, I'm not going to support this nominee or I'm not going to support this one. So that's why we want to put this to bed early. But not everyone in McDaniels party agrees. Multiple prominent Republicans, including former House Speaker Paul Ryan, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and even McDaniels uncle Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), have all said they would not support Trump if he becomes the nominee in 2024. The most notable, however, is Donald Trump. Trump told Hugh Hewitt earlier this month that his potential support would depend on the nominee, just as it was in 2016on a GOP debate stage. McDaniel demurred, saying Trump would sign the pledge and debate. I think President Trump would like to be on the debate stage. That's what he likes to do, she said. Until he doesnt. Trump famously skipped two 2016 primary debates, pointing to his distaste for Megyn Kelly and his general disinterest in debating John Kasich. Bash didnt press McDaniel on his past precedent, but history has not offered support for McDaniels assertions. Story continues McDaniel also promised the party would accept the 2024 election results, bullishly saying the nominee would accept because theyre going to be the president though acknowledging in any event the party would move forward. That too, however, contradicts reality. Bash noted that McDaniels successor as Michigan GOP chairperson is an election denier, and Kari Lakeelevated as the speaker of CPACs prestigious Ronald Reagan Dinnerhas made election-denying her brand. But none raises the bar more than Donald Trump, who has repeatedly railed against the 2020 election results nearly three years after voters ousted him. Still, McDaniel feels hopeful for the party shes chosen to govern. I will say the path forward is a united Republican Party, she said. Weve got to find our way to be there. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. Medical workers provide free medical care service to the elders at a university for senior citizens of Zhongshan District in Liupanshui, southwest China's Guizhou Province, Oct. 14, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua] With significant changes to the economy and society, China's original health insurance system has been struggling to safeguard the health of the people, the National Health Security Administration said in a news release on Saturday. China's health insurance system for employees was officially implemented in 1998. The current health insurance system has two parts: a national fund paid by employers that covers serious or chronic diseases, and a personal fund paid by employers and employees together for day-to-day doctor visits. The personal fund is managed, as the name suggests, by employees themselves. The national fund is managed by the government, with part of the money going directly to employees as cash this is where the income cut took place. However, the system is getting out of date. The health security administration said that during the past 20 years, the spectrum of diseases in China has undergone tremendous changes, and chronic diseases have become the main diseases. The most effective way of treating chronic diseases is early diagnosis and treatment through outpatient services. The original system makes it hard to guarantee the general outpatient expenses through personal accounts, said the administration. The admiration also noted that, as more services have become available at outpatient, the limited accumulation of personal funds can no longer satisfy the demands of the insured. And the original system can't adapt to the trends of an aging population. The elderly are more likely to suffer from illnesses, and often prone to a variety of chronic diseases. Their frequency and cost of outpatient treatment are significantly higher than those of the young and middle-aged. At present, 99% of the coordinated areas across the country have carried out general outpatient coordination, the administration said. In 2022, a total of 108.6 billion yuan (about $15.6 billion) was cut from the medical burden of employees in general clinics. Since 2023, designated medical institutions have realized the coordinated settlement of 441 million general outpatients, with an average daily settlement of more than 7.8 million, totaling 46.24 billion yuan. The administration said the country will continue optimizing the system, including adding more designated retail pharmacies in outpatient reimbursement, encouraging community-level medical institutions to provide more drugs, and proving better medical insurance services. Any candidate who wants to take part in the GOPs first primary debate in Milwaukee later this year will have to sign a pledge promising to support whoever wins the nomination, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel said Sunday. We're saying you're not going to get on the debate stage unless you make this pledge, McDaniel said during an interview with CNNs Dana Bash on "State of the Union." McDaniel, who recently won her fourth term as RNC chair after a contentious battle against Harmeet Dhillon, said that Republican voters are tired of infighting within the party, and want to see us come together. So far, three prominent candidates have entered the GOP presidential primary former President Donald Trump, former Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley and conservative entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. More are expected to join the race, potentially including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. McDaniel said she expects all candidates who decided to join what may become a crowded race to sign the pledge, describing it as a no-brainer. If you're going to be on the Republican National Committee debate stage asking voters to support you, you should say, I'm going to support the voters and who they choose as the nominee, McDaniel said. But earlier this month, Trump told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt his support for the GOP candidate in the general election would depend on who the nominee was. McDaniel, however, said she believes the former president will sign the pledge. I think they all want to be on the debate stage. I think President Trump would like to be on the debate stage. That's what he likes to do. And I expect they will all be there." Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan (R) on Sunday said the Biden administration needs to be clearer about whether U.S. support for Ukraine extends to Russian-occupied Crimea. I think they should be more clear. I think it should be all the territorial integrity of the entire country, which includes Crimea. And so yes, I think they need more clarity on that, and the national security adviser didnt demonstrate it in his interview with you today, Sullivan said on NBC Newss Meet the Press. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan appeared before the Alaska senator on the program and sidestepped questions about whether the U.S. would support Kyivs efforts to retake annexed Crimea. The Biden adviser said that the administration will address the question of Crimea further down the road and stressed that Ukraine should focus on taking back territory in the south and east. In the subsequent interview, Sullivan, the Alaska senator, said he thought the national security adviser demonstrated unease when pressed on the question. Sullivan affirmed theres a strong contingent of Republicans who support U.S. aid to Ukraine, but argued there are legitimate criticisms of this administrations conduct of supporting the Ukrainians. The Biden administration recently announced it would equip Kyiv with battle tanks, but hasnt yet answered calls to send over F-16 fighter jets. Jake Sullivan is talking about, Well, were not going to do F-16s today. Thats for another time, not right now. That has been a pattern with this administration from the beginning, where they have slow rolled critical military weapons systems, Sullivan said. The senator argued that now that we are in this battle, its strongly in our interest to continue to support the Ukrainians to restore their territorial integrity and their sovereignty without committing US forces. Russias war on Ukraine crossed its one-year mark last week, days after President Biden made a surprise visit to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv and reaffirm continued U.S. support, pledging another $500 million in aid. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Green gas will be made from grass material using anaerobic digestion - Ecotricity Grass-powered gas is set to heat thousands of homes for the first time in the coming weeks. Green energy firm Ecotricity is expected to begin supplying 5,300 homes from its plant near Reading in April. Research has estimated that the grass biogas can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 90 per cent. It is hoped the scheme can be scaled up to supply fuel to more homes around the country. The 11 million mill uses bacteria to break down grasses and herbs, which absorb carbon dioxide while growing, in an anaerobic digester. This produces biogas which is then scrubbed to remove some carbon dioxide and upgraded to biomethane for use in the gas network. An organic fertiliser, which is intended to help grow more grass, is also produced. Hopes for expansion Homes in Berkshire will be supplied through the distribution company Southern Gas Networks. Ecotricity owner Dale Vince hopes to expand across the country, building mills which minimise the use of fossil fuels while avoiding damage to the environment, and boost energy security. Mr Vince, 61, said: We are ready to go and once the gas supply companys measuring and checking equipment is in place we expect to start in April. Green gas has previously been made from food waste or high energy crops such as maize, but both face sustainability issues and problems with a lack of scale. Maize, for example, is fertiliser-hungry, attracts birds that struggle to survive in it, and is harvested around autumn, leaving topsoil run-off. Our mix of grass with herbs and clovers makes carbon neutral gas, pulling carbon out of the atmosphere, said Mr Vince. Its a cycle of carbon rather than a net emission. When you burn fossil fuel its carbon from millions of years ago that gets released into the atmosphere. Were buying the grass from farmers. Instead of them using it to grow for animals, theyre selling it to us. It's better for farmers, they get a better price and more security because animal agriculture is a super marginal business. It only exists with massive subsidies. Story continues Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90pc On average, the amount of grass being used initially could be cultivated every year from around 3,000 acres to provide over 48 million kWh of gas, while saving nearly 12,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions - but the ultimate goal is to expand on a national scale. A report by Imperial College Consultants estimated the UK has 6.46 million hectares of suitable grassland not involved in food production, enough for 5,400 green gas mills to provide up to 236.5TWh - sufficient to heat 98.8 per cent of British homes if made energy efficient. The research estimated that gas made from grass can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 90 per cent when compared to the current use of North Sea gas and synthetic fertilisers. The report also said the Governments national air source heat pump roll-out its alternative plan for heating homes without carbon emissions - would cost six times as much as a green gas roll out and would not be possible in 20 per cent of British homes. That plan would also require the scrapping of millions of boilers and cookers, as well as the UK gas grid. Project will supply 5,300 homes Asked about Ecotricitys biomethane project, a Department for Energy Security and Net Zero spokesman said: Initiatives like this show how the UK is leading in the development of innovations in green technologies that can help increase our energy security, tackle climate change and bring down peoples bills. Southern Gas Networks said: Weve partnered with Ecotricity to deliver a biomethane to grid project at a site in Farley Hill near Reading. The project will supply 5,300 nearby properties with renewable green gas for heat and power, helping to reduce each households annual carbon emissions by an equivalent of 2.2 tonnes. Our role is to commission the gas entry unit infrastructure at the plant. This equipment will measure the flow of gas into our network and ensure it meets the required specification. Approximately 700m3 of biomethane-powered renewable energy will be injected into our local intermediate pressure network every hour. A National Gas Transmission spokesman: Biomethane will play an important supporting role in the journey to Britain achieving net zero. The UK government is to allocate almost 3,000 Eurovision Song Contest tickets to Ukrainians who were forced to leave their homes due to the war and now live in Britain. Source: Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Details: "This allocation of tickets will allow thousands of Ukrainians to attend the live shows and is another example of the UKs unwavering support of Ukraine," the British government said in an official statement. The British government has also announced 10 million in funding to host the Eurovision Song Contest on behalf of Ukraine and support Ukrainian culture and creativity. The money will be used to support the partnership of Liverpool City Council and the BBC with Ukrainian artists and performers to create a joint show that will celebrate music and bring people together from all over the world. Ukrainians who are in the UK through the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, the Ukraine Family Scheme and the Ukraine Extension Scheme will be able to apply for tickets to the Eurovision Song Contest. Tickets will be offered for all nine live broadcasts, including the semi-finals, pre-premiere shows and the final on Saturday, 13 May. Background: The Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra won the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest. But because of the war in Ukraine, this years competition will be held not in Ukraine, but in the British city of Liverpool. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! CAIRO (AP) At least 22 Syrian migrants detained for more than five months in Libya began a hunger strike Monday to demand their release, a Libyan rights group said. The group of migrants included three minors and have been held in a prison in the western town of Zawiya in appalling conditions, the group Belaady said. They were detained in October in the town of Ajaylat, which is some 80 kilometers (50 miles) west of the capital of Tripoli, said activist Tarik Lamloum. A spokesman for the government in Tripoli didnt immediately respond to a request for comment. The migrants arrived in Libya last year on a flight by private Syrian airline Cham Wings which operates routes to eastern Libya, Lamloum said. They entered the country legally and have all needed documents and stamps on their passports, he said. They then moved to western Libyan where they were detained as part of a crackdown on migrants. A court in Ajaylat ordered their deportation after paying a fine of 600 Libyan dinars (around $125) each, according to a document obtained by The Associated Press. Rights group Belaady said the Correction and Rehabilitation Institution in Zawiya, known as Jodeddaim Prison, is overseen by the Justice Ministry unlike other detention centers for migrants run by the Interior Ministry. The group, which visited the prison twice this year, said the detainees have suffered from scabies and other skin diseases. Belaady called for the release of the migrants from prison and that they not be deported to Syria, where civil war has raged for over a decade. Thousands of African and Middle Eastern people arrive every year in Libya which has become a major transit point for migrants seeking a better life in Europe. The North African nation descended into chaos following a NATO-backed uprising that toppled and killed long-time dictator Gadhafi in 2011. Human traffickers have benefited from the lawlessness in Libya, smuggling in migrants across the countrys lengthy borders with six nations. The migrants are then packed into ill-equipped rubber boats and other vessels and set off on risky sea voyages. Justin Bieber interviewed Hailey Bieber for Vogue Australia. Amy Sussman/KCA2021 / Getty Images Justin Bieber interviewed his wife, Hailey Bieber, for a Vogue Australia story published on Sunday. Hailey recalled her "biggest fashion regret," a dress that she said was "so bad." The couple got married in September 2018 after announcing their engagement that July. Hailey Bieber reflected on a regrettable style moment in a conversation with her husband, Justin Bieber, published Sunday. Hailey appeared as the cover star of Vogue Australia's upcoming March issue, which features an interview between the Biebers. During the interview, Justin, 28, asked Hailey, 26, what her "biggest fashion regret" was. "I feel like I have a lot, but the biggest one that comes to mind in this moment is, a couple of years ago I wore this pink ... it was this boxy-looking vest dress, and I thought it was going to be the cutest thing ever," Hailey said. "I wore it, and I saw the photographs after and it legitimately looked like I was inside a box. I looked like a present, and it was so bad." Hailey Bieber attends "DIOR & I" New York Screening at Paris Theater on April 7, 2015. Gary Gershoff/Getty Images Hailey didn't specify which outfit she was referring to, but in April 2015 she wore a soft pink vest dress to a screening of "Dior & I" in New York City In the same interview, Hailey shared some of her "wardrobe tips." "My top wardrobe tip would be you can never go wrong with the basics," Hailey told Vogue Australia. "By that I mean a great pair of jeans, a white tee, a good pair of loafers and a great leather jacket. I think you can never go wrong with those essentials." Hailey and Justin confirmed their engagement in July 2018 before tying the knot in September of that year. The two were married the following year in September 2019. In an August 2022 interview with Harper's Bazaar, Hailey said their relationship "takes a lot of work." Justin and Hailey Bieber at the 2022 Grammy Awards. Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images "At the end of the day, like, he's my best friend, but it still does take a lot of work to make it work," she told the outlet. "And then I know eventually, when kids come in the picture, that's going to be a whole other season of navigating how to make that work." Recently, social media has been set ablaze as users speculate on alleged drama between Selena Gomez, Hailey Bieber, and Kylie Jenner. Read the original article on Insider Nearly 50% of Sacramentos violent crime occurs within seven square miles of the roughly 100-square mile city and the Police Department needs your help to stop it. The areas most affected by violent crime including gun violence are Mack Road within the southern part of the Valley High area, the eastern part of Oak Park and the northern area of Del Paso Heights. To help, police are asking residents to take a 14-question survey on how to reduce gun violence. The anonymous survey, in partnership with Sacramento State Universitys Institute of Social Research, could end in a reward. Door hangers with QR codes will be left at homes within the three neighborhoods in an effort that Sacramento Police Chief Kathy Lester described as a shared responsibility. Once a person completes the survey, they will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win a $50 gift card. The survey will be open from Feb. 25 through March 27. Questions should be directed to 916-808-0866 or Survey results and additional feedback, listening sessions in October 2022 and a Youth Listening Session this March will be used to develop and guide the Sacramento Police Departments future efforts. Save as much as $1,000 when you order new Samsung devices today. Recommendations are independently chosen by Revieweds editors. Purchases you make through our links may earn us and our publishing partners a commission. Itching to upgrade your tech in a major way? You came to the right place. 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Order Samsung Galaxy S23 devices at Best Buy Everyday savings: Join Sam's Club for 50% off and save in bulk on gas and groceries Spring break 2023: 10 best deals on items you need for spring break 2023swimsuits, suitcases, sunscreen and more Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Invest in the newest Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and get free credits with this exclusive deal. Our reviewers loved the last Samsung Galaxy Ultra model, and the new Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is loaded with even more top-of-the-line features. For example, the S23 Ultra has a cutting-edge 200-megapixel camera that'll capture high-quality videos and photos at night. It also has a built-in S pen that can create precise drawings and handwritten notes that bring productivity to both work and play. Order the latest Samsung smartphone today and get as much as $1,000 off its 1,199.99 price tag. Story continues Samsung vs. Apple's iPhone Pro Max: Can the S23 Ultra deliver the 'best pictures and video in the world'? 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Follow Reviewed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok or Flipboard for the latest deals, product reviews and more. Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time. This article originally appeared on Reviewed: Samsung Galaxy S23 deal: Order new Samsung devices, save up to $1,000 Heineken Malaysia Berhad (KLSE:HEIM) Full Year 2022 Results Key Financial Results Revenue: RM2.86b (up 44% from FY 2021). Net income: RM412.8m (up 68% from FY 2021). Profit margin: 14% (up from 12% in FY 2021). The increase in margin was driven by higher revenue. EPS: RM1.37 (up from RM0.81 in FY 2021). All figures shown in the chart above are for the trailing 12 month (TTM) period Heineken Malaysia Berhad Earnings Insights Looking ahead, revenue is forecast to grow 3.4% p.a. on average during the next 3 years, compared to a 4.6% growth forecast for the Beverage industry in Malaysia. Performance of the Malaysian Beverage industry. The company's shares are down 3.0% from a week ago. Risk Analysis You should learn about the 2 warning signs we've spotted with Heineken Malaysia Berhad (including 1 which is concerning). Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here Elvis Francois said he still liked ketchup despite his ordeal. Emo News Elvis Francois says he survived being stranded at sea for more than three weeks by eating ketchup. Heinz sought the internet's help last week to locate him so it could give him a new boat. He was found by local outlet Emo News in Dominica and given a cellphone by a telecoms company. A man who says he survived being stranded at sea for 24 days by eating little more than ketchup has been found after Heinz launched a campaign to track him down. The ketchup maker appealed to the internet to help find the castaway last week so it could celebrate his return home to Dominica and give him a new boat. Elvis Francois told Insider on Saturday he'd heard from many people that Heinz was trying to find him, but he didn't have a phone. Insider has viewed a copy of his photo ID to verify his identity. "I spoke to Heinz yesterday and they said they'll try to find a way to organize getting a boat for me," he said. A media outlet in Dominica called Emo News tracked him down on the Caribbean island after it saw Heinz's appeal to find the 47-year-old. "I knew Elvis lived in the community near me and I took a drive to go and look for him and found him," Emerline Anselm, the CEO of Emo News, told Insider. Anselm put out a Facebook Live video with Francois on Thursday to show that he'd been located and that he was not an impersonator. "I would say I'm a kind of mysterious person; I like to travel," he said in the video. The video was seen by a Heinz representative, who said in a comment: "We've hopped into your DMs - let's get Elvis his boat!" Francois was given a cellphone by Dominican telecoms company Flow. Emo News A Kraft Heinz representative told Insider it had spoken to Francois: "We are working through the logistics of gifting him a new boat. We will have more to share on Monday." Francois said he felt "quite excited. Depending on the size of the boat I could use the boat to do fishing or tours of the Caribbean." Francois was in Saint Martin in December repairing his boat when it drifted out to sea. He says he survived by eating ketchup three times a day with garlic powder and stock cubes for 24 days. Story continues He was rescued on January 16 about 120 nautical miles northwest of La Guajira, in northeast Colombia, after a plane saw a "help" sign on his boat, The Associated Press and CNN reported. Colombian Navy personnel attend castaway Elvis Francois after he was rescued in January. Colombian Navy/AP Eating ketchup for 24 days hasn't put him off the condiment, as Francois told Insider he still used it. He said surviving after so long at sea was a "relief," but added it "was not easy when you can't do anything but wait." Flow, a local telecommunications company, gave him with a cellphone after learning that he didn't have one. When presenting it to him in a Facebook Live video, he said he'd rationed the ketchup and ate it "three times a day." Read the original article on Business Insider Investors are often guided by the idea of discovering 'the next big thing', even if that means buying 'story stocks' without any revenue, let alone profit. But as Peter Lynch said in One Up On Wall Street, 'Long shots almost never pay off.' Loss making companies can act like a sponge for capital - so investors should be cautious that they're not throwing good money after bad. So if this idea of high risk and high reward doesn't suit, you might be more interested in profitable, growing companies, like Joyce (ASX:JYC). Even if this company is fairly valued by the market, investors would agree that generating consistent profits will continue to provide Joyce with the means to add long-term value to shareholders. View our latest analysis for Joyce How Quickly Is Joyce Increasing Earnings Per Share? Generally, companies experiencing growth in earnings per share (EPS) should see similar trends in share price. That makes EPS growth an attractive quality for any company. Joyce's shareholders have have plenty to be happy about as their annual EPS growth for the last 3 years was 40%. Growth that fast may well be fleeting, but it should be more than enough to pique the interest of the wary stock pickers. One way to double-check a company's growth is to look at how its revenue, and earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) margins are changing. While we note Joyce achieved similar EBIT margins to last year, revenue grew by a solid 16% to AU$129m. That's progress. You can take a look at the company's revenue and earnings growth trend, in the chart below. Click on the chart to see the exact numbers. Since Joyce is no giant, with a market capitalisation of AU$98m, you should definitely check its cash and debt before getting too excited about its prospects. Are Joyce Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders? Many consider high insider ownership to be a strong sign of alignment between the leaders of a company and the ordinary shareholders. So those who are interested in Joyce will be delighted to know that insiders have shown their belief, holding a large proportion of the company's shares. In fact, they own 53% of the company, so they will share in the same delights and challenges experienced by the ordinary shareholders. This should be seen as a good thing, as it means insiders have a personal interest in delivering the best outcomes for shareholders. With that sort of holding, insiders have about AU$52m riding on the stock, at current prices. So there's plenty there to keep them focused! Story continues Should You Add Joyce To Your Watchlist? Joyce's earnings have taken off in quite an impressive fashion. This level of EPS growth does wonders for attracting investment, and the large insider investment in the company is just the cherry on top. At times fast EPS growth is a sign the business has reached an inflection point, so there's a potential opportunity to be had here. Based on the sum of its parts, we definitely think its worth watching Joyce very closely. What about risks? Every company has them, and we've spotted 3 warning signs for Joyce you should know about. Although Joyce certainly looks good, it may appeal to more investors if insiders were buying up shares. If you like to see insider buying, then this free list of growing companies that insiders are buying, could be exactly what you're looking for. Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here Hong Leong Asia (SGX:H22) Full Year 2022 Results Key Financial Results Revenue: S$3.88b (down 21% from FY 2021). Net income: S$54.8m (down 8.2% from FY 2021). Profit margin: 1.4% (up from 1.2% in FY 2021). The increase in margin was driven by lower expenses. EPS: S$7.32. All figures shown in the chart above are for the trailing 12 month (TTM) period Hong Leong Asia Earnings Insights Looking ahead, revenue is forecast to grow 8.5% p.a. on average during the next 2 years, compared to a 9.5% growth forecast for the Machinery industry in Singapore. Performance of the Singaporean Machinery industry. The company's shares are up 2.9% from a week ago. Risk Analysis Don't forget that there may still be risks. For instance, we've identified 1 warning sign for Hong Leong Asia that you should be aware of. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here Petr Pavel, the Czech President and former NATO General, has stated that the Czech Republic and its allies should prepare to support Ukraine in the long term, regardless of hopes for Ukraines early victory, and not rule out less optimistic scenarios. Source: Pavel, in an interview with Suspilne [Ukraine's public broadcaster], when asked whether the Czech Republic and its allies would be ready to support Ukraine "as long as it takes", as European Pravda reports Quote from Pavel: "We must hope for the best. But it's even better to be prepared for the worst scenarios. This does not mean that we should give them more priority, but we must recognise that the war may not end this year; it may turn into a frozen conflict or some type of conflict at different levels. We must be prepared for this. Therefore, it is important to provide Ukraine with everything it needs, especially military equipment as well as financial assistance, in order to continue defending the country and turn it into a victory. But we must also be ready to support Ukraine in the long term and be able to explain this to our population," says Petr Pavel. Details: He has added that he fully expected the escalating rhetoric that the Kremlin had started in response to Western assistance for Ukraine because this is what their doctrine provides for. "I think NATO needs a more decisive approach and an indication that we are not violating international law," the Czech president said. Previously: The Czech Defence Ministry reported that during the full-scale war it had provided Ukraine with 38 tanks and 55 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs). Petr Fiala, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, stated that the Czech governments military aid to Ukraine had reached the cost 10 billion Czech korunas [422 million], and the Czech defence industry had sent weapons for another 30 billion korunas [1.27 billion]. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Experts explain why it's important to discuss mental health with kids and how parents can best broach the conversation. (Photo: Getty) There has been a lot of attention on the toll the pandemic has taken on the mental health of children, and it's turned a new focus on how young people deal with mental health issues. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urges parents to be aware of signs their child may be struggling with mental health, noting online that there has been an increase in mental health emergencies among kids since the start of the pandemic. But, it seems, mental health has been a growing issue for children since before the pandemic began. One study conducted by the Health Resources and Services Administration found that, between 2016 and 2020, the number of children aged 3 to 17 years who were diagnosed with anxiety grew by 29%. Depression diagnoses in children in the same age group also jumped up by 27%. Of course, children also see the mental health struggles of others, and they will likely have questions after witnessing a person behaving erratically in public or seeing a family member act in a way that's unusual for them. If you have children, it's understandable to be concerned and maybe even unsure of when to start talking to your child about mental health. But experts stress that it's important to start the conversation early and keep it going. When should you talk to young children about mental health? Mental health counselors and doctors agree that it's important to have conversations with young children about mental health, even if you don't use those exact words. "It is a great idea to start normalizing talking about emotions well before you use the words 'mental health' with your children," Brittany Barber Garcia, chief of pediatric psychology at Michigan's Helen DeVos Childrens Hospital, tells Yahoo Life. She recommends helping to name your child's emotions for them, like saying, "I see you crying, you look upset" or even talking about your own emotions by saying something like, It makes me so happy when you are kind to your sister or I am feeling angry right now, so I need to take a minute to calm down before I respond." This "is an important foundation for future discussions about mental health," Garcia says. Story continues However, it's important to match your conversation with your child's age, Dr. Wanjiku F.M. Njoroge, medical director of the Young Child Clinic at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, tells Yahoo Life. "But beginning to ask them about their feelings happy, sad, mad or their worries and concerns can begin when they are very little." By starting the conversation about emotions early, you help children learn to better identify how they're feeling and even learn to cope better, Hillary Ammon, a clinical psychologist at the Center for Anxiety & Women's Emotional Wellness in Pennsylvania, tells Yahoo Life. "As children get older, you can build on this framework and help them further understand the purpose of the primary emotions and how their thoughts and behaviors may influence how they feel," she says. Why are these conversations important to have? Having conversations with your children about mental health and continuing to have them helps them understand their own emotions, as well as those of others, Lauren K. Ayr-Volta, a psychologist and neuropsychologist at Connecticut Children's, tells Yahoo Life. "This is also an opportunity to help children develop empathy," she says. "If children can appreciate their own feelings and those of their peers, it can reduce conflict and provide opportunities for creative problem solving." Another thing to keep in mind, per Ayr-Volta: If your child starts to have symptoms that could be a sign of a mental health disorder "they will have the language to be able to tell their parents how they feel." It's easy to label emotions as "good" and "bad," but having conversations around mental health "can show your children that all emotions are good its how we act on the emotions that makes the difference," Stephanie Strumberger, a licensed clinical counselor at Northwestern Medicine Woodstock Hospital in Illinois, tells Yahoo Life. At the same time, she says it's crucial to teach children that everyone is different. "Some people struggle with health issues. Some people have diabetes, some people have anxiety, some people have depression and others have food allergies," Strumberger says. "It doesnt change the commonality that we are all human beings, and we dont need to be afraid to talk about these topics openly in front of our children." Beyond their own mental health state, kids may have questions about how others are displaying signs of anxiety or depression. (Photo: Getty) How to address the mental health issues of others It's important to note that mental health is a complicated area, and you never know what someone else may or may not be going through. But if your child sees someone in obvious mental distress in public, they will likely have questions. "It's important to be honest with them, while also appreciating their developmental level," Ayr-Volta says. "Children are curious about the world and will ask questions. When parents provide the opportunities to talk about what they see, it can help children remain calm." While you may not know why someone is behaving a certain way in public, you can talk to your child about how it feels to see certain behaviors as well as how to manage themselves in that moment, she says. Garcia agrees. "If you observe someone struggling with severe mental illness, it is okay to label it that way for your child in a non-stigmatizing way," she says. She recommends avoiding language such as, "that person seems crazy, stay away." A better response might be, "I know you can see that person is talking to themselves and not making sense. They might have a severe mental illness, or maybe something else going on. Since we dont really know, lets not make assumptions. How to approach your child's own mental health struggles If you suspect that your child is struggling with a mental health condition like anxiety or depression, Ayr-Volta says it's important to talk to them about it. "These conversations are best in a quiet space, where you can have some uninterrupted time to talk," she says, adding that "the most important thing to remember is to just listen." If you're unsure of where to start, Garcia recommends talking about what you've noticed (they've been crying more, don't want to go out and play as much, etc.) and flag that it's different from their usual behavior. Then say, "Lets talk about whats going on. Sometimes children will open up in a first conversation, and others may need "several short opportunities" before they're ready to discuss their feelings, Ayr-Volta says. "Children may already have some ideas of ways they can cope or supports they need in certain situations," she notes. "Parents can also offer strategies that they have used or have worked for another friend or family member." But if talking about their feelings isn't helping, their struggles or worries are starting to impact them significantly and you're concerned, Ammon recommends contacting their pediatrician. Njoroge agrees. "Primary care providers are terrific at helping families to identify the exact mental health challenge a child may be facing and then helping children and families access appropriate mental health services," she says. "We know that early identification and intervention is critically important in ensuring children receive appropriate and timely care." Wellness, parenting, body image and more: Get to know the who behind the hoo with Yahoo Life's newsletter. Sign up here. People from all across the Pittsburgh area came out to Acrisure Stadium Saturday morning to raise money for a good cause. The Pittsburgh Polar Plunge took place at the stadium but the people who showed up were not there to support the Pittsburgh Steelers, instead, they were raising money that would benefit the Special Olympics. PHOTOS: Hundreds freeze for a reason at Acrisure Stadium to raise money for Special Olympics Polar Plunge festivities began on Friday at 9 a.m. and continued until Saturday at 11:30 a.m. when hundreds of participants began jumping into cold water. Participants said they were excited to jump into the water, despite the brisk February temperatures. It was awesome. It was super cold but we did it for a great cause, said one participant. Event organizers set a goal of raising $550,000 from the Plunge. They had over $670,000 raised by Saturday evening. People also had a chance to win a painting of T.J. Watt, done by speed painter Cody Sabol by entering a raffle. Over 40 different businesses and organizations sponsored this years Polar Plunge. All of the participants got a free t-shirt. Follow Channel 11 News on Facebook and Twitter. | Watch WPXI NOW TRENDING NOW: Coroner called to Chippewa car dealership Pittsburgh Fish Fry List 2023 Belle Vernon elementary student hit by car, flown to hospital VIDEO: Mental health expert says Pittsburgh ranks high among states with season affective disorder DOWNLOAD the Channel 11 News app for breaking news alerts Hundreds of newspapers nationwide dropped the comic strip Dilbert after its creator, Scott Adams, made remarks labeled racist and discriminatory and referred to Black Americans as a hate group. Adams focused on race in recent episodes of his YouTube show, Real Coffee with Scott Adams, referencing a survey from the conservative pollster Rasmussen Reports that questioned whether its OK to be white, in which most Black Americans agreed and 26 percent disagreed. White people trying to help Black America for decades and decades has completely failed. We should just stop doing it cause all we got is called racists, basically. Theres no payoff, Adams, who is white, said in one episode. Adams referred to people who are Black as members of a hate group and said he would no longer help Black Americans, The Associated Press noted. We have now a thoroughly racist society. So all yesterday, people were calling me racist, and I thought, Well thats true. Thats exactly what I said, Adams said in another episode. Among the news outlets that dropped Adamss satirical cartoon of office life are the USA Today Network, the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post. Adams posted a poll on Twitter Sunday morning after the backlash, asking users to weigh in: True or false: The media created a surge in racial division and then canceled me for pointing out the obvious impact of their evil work. Im accepting criticism from anyone who has seen the full context here, he wrote in an earlier post. The rest of you are in a fake news bubble but I trust you suspected that. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. There was a support of yellow and blue from above Piedmont Park on Saturday night. About 200 people stood in solidarity and showed their support for Ukraine. Maryya Yatsko is from Ukraine. She was there when the war started a year ago. The bomb shattered my home. Thankfully, we werent home, we were visiting our friends, she said. Yatsko said the war has left destruction and chaos across her country. Her family recently left and moved to the United States, but her husband is still there. [DOWNLOAD: Free WSB-TV News app for alerts as news breaks] My husband is still fighting in Ukraine and hes still there. I think that from day to day, we are closer to a win. Yatsko said. Vershynin Mykhailo is also fighting in the war. He talked to Channel 2s Larry Spruill via a translator. He said hes proud of his country and appreciates the support. Thanks to the support that were getting from every nation. We will be victorious, said Mykhailo. TRENDING STORIES: Coleman Bailey is with Serving Orphans Worldwide. Its a nonprofit organization that helps families who have lost family members and homes because of the war. Some of the orphanages, they were destroyed in the invasion, from the East and right now were looking at buying facilities right now, for long term housing for these children, said Bailey. With the war ongoing, many people attending the rally said Ukraine is strong and theyre not giving up. [SIGN UP: WSB-TV Daily Headlines Newsletter] IN OTHER NEWS: On a wintery night near Rochester, New York, retired Detective Marc Liberatore shows "48 Hours" how he helped bring one of the coldest cases in America to trial. On Feb. 19, 1982, police officers arrived at the Brighton home of Jim and Cathy Krauseneck and encountered a horrific scene. The body of a 29-year-old mother Cathy Krauseneck dead in bed with an ax lodged in her head. Det. Mark Libertore: It was a single blow to the head. And she died instantly according to the medical examiner. Jim Krauseneck told police he arrived home from work and found his wife's body. His 3-and-a-half-year-old daughter Sara was there and unharmed. Minutes later, he showed up at his neighbor's house seemingly traumatized with Sara in his arms. The neighbor called 911 after Jim told her he thought Cathy was dead. NEIGHBOR TO 911: Her husband's here and he can't even talk. 911 DISPATCHER: OK. I'll have someone right over there Dispatch immediately sent first responders. Brighton Police Lieutenant Bill Flood arrived to get a statement from Krauseneck. Det. Bill Flood: He was moaning, he was crying. Jim, Cathy and Sara Krauseneck / Credit: Annet Schlosser Krauseneck, a Kodak company economist, said he'd left for work that morning at the usual time around 6:30 a.m. He said he'd been gone all day. Cathy had planned to stay home to take care of Sara. Det. Bill Flood: You could tell that little girl had been left alone it looked obvious to us that she had dressed herself. It seemed obvious to Detective Flood that Sara was confused about what had happened. Sara said she'd seen a "bad man ... sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed with an ax in his head." Asked if the man was black or white, she said he was "many colors." But Flood thinks Sara hadn't seen a man at all; that it was her mother in bed, covered with blood. Gary Craig: And what does a 3-and-a-half-year-old do? Gary Craig reports for the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Gary Craig: The murder in and of itself is baffling and hard to believe But you add this element where Cathy's daughter has been left in the house with her murdered mother It's inconceivable that somebody could do that. Story continues Liberatore and his partner Steve Hunt of the Brighton Police Department, say the first investigators at the scene found no significant forensic clues like fibers or fingerprints. And in 1982, DNA had not yet become an investigative tool. But there was something about the scene that struck them immediately. It looked like someone had pushed the pause button on a burglary. Det. Steve Hunt: And there was a door leading into the house that had a pane of glass broken out and there was a maul, which is like a heavier ax, on the ground leaning up against the wall right next to that. At first glance, it looked like someone had pushed the pause button on a burglary. But investigators say the scene lacked one of the most important hallmarks of a burglary: nothing was taken. / Credit: Monroe County Court The ax found at the door, and the one in Cathy's head, both belonged to the Krausenecks. In the dining room, there were valuable items scattered. Det. Steve Hunt: And on the floor was Cathy's purse, with the contents strewn about. There was a tea set on the floor, too. Det. Steve Hunt: Everything was standing straight up like it was set there neatly. And a black garbage bag next to it. Inside, was a faint shoe print as if someone had stepped in it to hold it open. But despite many apparent signs of a burglary, Liberatore and Hunt say the most important one was missing. Det. Steve Hunt: Nothing was taken. Det. Mark Liberatore: There's an officer involved in this case from the 1980's who hits the nail on the head: We in Brighton do not handle a lot of homicides. We do handle a lot of burglaries And this was not a burglary. Investigators suspected the burglary was simply staged to cover up the real crime Cathy's murder and they began to focus on her husband. Gary Craig: Let's face it, I mean, more often than not it's the husband, it's domestic so police are going to go there. But could Jim Krauseneck have committed such a brutal murder and left his baby daughter alone in that house? "48 Hours" spoke to friends and family who said the couple had seemed happy. Cathy and Jim had grown up in the same small town in Michigan, but on opposite sides of the tracks. Cathy's father was a trucker; Jim's owned a successful carpet store. They met in high school, began dating in college, and married after graduation. Jim and Cathy Krauseneck cut their wedding cake on May 3, 1974. / Credit: Annet Schlosser Susie Jackimowicz: It was a fancy wedding. Cathy's cousin Susie was just a kid. Susie Jackimowicz: Like a princess wedding kinda deal. Jim was pursuing an economics degree in Colorado when they had Sara in 1978. Cathy Behe: She was just so excited about her daughter, just so excited about her. Cathy Krauseneck's friend, Cathy Behe, says she was a warm soul who lived for love, but remembers feeling that the last time they saw each other just six months before the murder something just didn't seem right. Cath Behe: Not the vivacious Cathy that I remembered. Erin Moriarty: What was the next thing you heard? Cathy Behe: I got a call from my sister, and she told me about Cathy being murdered. If Cathy and Jim were having trouble, they kept it to themselves. But police grew suspicious when they discovered a pamphlet in the couple's car that offered services including marriage counseling. And there was more. When they went to Kodak, they learned that Jim Krauseneck had gotten his job under false pretenses, claiming to have a Ph.D. when he'd never actually completed the program. There was also Krauseneck's behavior. Newspaper reporter Gary Craig says initially, he was cooperative. Gary Craig: He was willing early on to give statements. Krauseneck had spoken to investigators that night and the next morning, even agreeing to another meeting that afternoon. But when the time came Gary Craig: He was gone. Erin Moriarty: Less than 24 hours after he found his wife murdered? Gary Craig: Yes. Krauseneck's parents had driven from Michigan and returned there with Jim and Sara. Police say Jim left town without telling them. Det. Mark Liberatore: I wouldn't consider it normal but this is America and he's free to do so. When Rochester authorities followed them to Michigan, Krauseneck continued answering their questions and even provided hair and blood samples. Ten days after the murder, he hired a lawyer. By this point, police were focused squarely on Jim Krauseneck. But they had a problem. They needed to establish exactly when the murder had happened. Had Jim even been home at the time? Remember, he told police he left for work at about 6:30 a.m. Gary Craig: Back in 1982, the time of death gave a very broad range. And the science was that you really could not pinpoint. Autopsy findings reportedly narrowed the time of death to between 4:30 a.m. and as late as 7:30 a.m. an hour after Krauseneck claimed to have left the house. With no direct evidence against him, nor any clear motive, authorities didn't want to try their luck with a jury. The investigation went cold. Sara and Jim Krauseneck / Credit: Sharon Krauseneck Krauseneck and Sara eventually moved out west. He would briefly wed twice more before marrying his current wife, Sharon, 23 years ago Never dreaming that his past would come looking for him. A SURPRISE VISIT In 1997, Sharon James ran into Jim Krauseneck, an old friend, at a trade show when sparks flew. Sharon Krauseneck: And he asked me out. And from then on, for two years, we dated. They both lived near Seattle. Krauseneck and his daughter Sara had moved there 10 years earlier but couldn't leave the past behind. Sharon Krauseneck: He was devastated with the death of Cathy. Sharon says Jim told her about Cathy's 1982 murder but didn't offer details. Sharon Krauseneck: And I didn't want to pry because he would start getting emotional. Erin Moriarty: What was it that made you fall in love with him? Sharon Krauseneck: Jim is so honest. He's so loving I wanted to be a part of his family. They married in 1999. Sharon and Jim Krauseneck married in 1999. / Credit: Sharon Krauseneck Erin Moriarty: You like to spend a lot of time together? Sharon Krauseneck: Oh, absolutely. people will say we call each other everything but our names. We'll call each other lovey-dovey, honey and they say well, you act like newlyweds. As the years rolled by, Sharon had no idea that more than 2,000 miles away in Rochester N.Y., someone else would set her sights on Jim Krauseneck: Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley. DA Sandra Doorley: Cathy really needed to have justice. In 2015, the FBI had provided resources to help Brighton police with their investigation. Det. Steve Hunt: I mean you look at all those boxes of paperwork and evidence. It's daunting. Detectives Mark Liberatore and Steve Hunt of the Brighton Police Department took the lead. Pouring over the file, they, too, became convinced the evidence pointed to one person: Jim Krauseneck. So, on April 16, 2016 Sharon Krauseneck: We were just having a lazy Saturday morning. And then all of the sudden, the doorbell rang. DET. MARK LIBERATORE: Hi. Mark Liberatore, how are you? Erin Moriarty: You wanted to surprise him? Det. Mark Liberatore: Yes. Det. Steve Hunt: Absolutely. DET. STEVE HUNT: You're probably a little bit surprised why we're here. Erin Moriarty: Did Jim at that point think maybe I'd better call a lawyer? Sharon Krauseneck: No, no not at all. On the contrary. She says her husband welcomed them in and allowed them to record the conversation: JIM KRAUSENECK: Hopefully you've got some good news. DETECTIVE: We just want to kind of revamp everything, go through everything again with you. She says they sat around the kitchen table talking for more than an hour. Sharon Krauseneck (upbeat): They said "we think we know who killed Cathy and we need your help." And in that type of a tone. DET. STEVE HUNT: I'm sure you think about this, "who could possibly have done this?" JIM KRAUSENECK: I did, for a long time. But then, Sharon says, detectives Liberatore and Hunt suddenly turned up the heat. DET. MARK LIBERATORE: Did you have anything to do with this? JIM KRAUSENECK: I didn't kill Cathy. DET. MARK LIBERATORE: I disagree. JIM KRAUSENECK: Well then DET. MARK LIBERATORE: I think you did. Det. Steve Hunt: You could see his heart pounding through his shirt. Erin Moriarty: That would be a very scary thing that somebody is accusing you of killing someone. Det. Mark Liberatore: I would say scary if you did it. Erin Moriarty: Was that the first time then you started hearing details of what happened to Cathy? Sharon Krauseneck: Yes Sharon says it also was the first time she'd heard any suggestion that her husband was involved. Erin Moriarty: Did you ever ask him point-blank? Sharon Krauseneck: No, I didn't. I didn't have to. Erin Moriarty: You didn't have to know? Sharon Krauseneck: No I know. I know he did not murder his wife. Erin Moriarty: Sharon, how can you be so sure? You only have Jim's word for it. Sharon Krauseneck: No When you're married to a man, you know his heart and you know his soul. Jim could never, Erin, never in this world do something so horrific. Erin Moriarty: You know, somebody listening to you would say, you sound a little naive. Didn't you have some doubts? Didn't you want to know more? Sharon Krauseneck: I you can call me naive I suppose. But she insists that no one who has known Jim Krauseneck as well as she has for as long as she has could possibly have doubts. Sharon Krauseneck: No, I'm not going to question him. I don't doubt for a moment he was innocent. But the detectives still hoped to find what investigators 40 years ago were never able to find: a smoking gun that tied Jim Krauseneck to the Brighton ax murder. DA Sandra Doorley: You have to remember, back in 1982, there was no such thing as DNA testing. So, my first thought was, y'know, what can we test? Are we going to find someone else's DNA on any item within the home? Det. Mark Liberatore: We sent the evidence from '82 back to the FBI lab. The ax used to murder Cathy Krauseneck. / Credit: CBS News The results: there was no DNA evidence that directly tied Krauseneck to the crime, but none tying anyone else to the murder, either. And although DNA evidence can degrade over time DA Sandra Doorley: The most important thing was finding the absence of someone else's DNA within that home. But to charge Jim Krauseneck, they wanted to prove his wife had died before had he gone to work. Jim claimed to have left the house at around 6:30 a.m., and Cathy had been fine. Det. Mark Liberatore: We need a definitive time of death. Back in 1982, the medical examiner was unable to narrow the time of death enough and, since then, other experts have agreed with her. In 2018, prosecutors turned to Dr. Michael Baden. For over 50 years, Baden a forensic pathologist has been hired to work on a "who's who" of whodunnit cases, from the assassination of JFK to the reported suicide of disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, often raising eyebrows and generating controversy. In this case, using the same file from 1982, Baden said in his analysis, it appeared Cathy died at about 3:30 a.m. That would be hours before Jim Krauseneck said he left for work that day. DA Sandra Doorley: You know, some people may say that we were looking for an opinion. Erin Moriarty: That you were just looking for somebody who would pick a time of death that was before Krauseneck left the house in order to secure an indictment. DA Sandra Doorley: Absolutely. Erin Moriarty: But if, in fact, Dr. Baden had agreed with the other medical examiners would you have hired him? DA Sandra Doorley: Absolutely not. Jim Krauseneck was indicted on Nov. 1, 2019, and surrendered to authorities in Rochester, N.Y., a week later. The then-67-year-old pleaded not guilty. / Credit: Monroe County Sheriff's Office Armed with Dr. Baden's opinion on Cathy's time of death, along with what they believe is evidence of a staged burglary, prosecutors went before a grand jury. Jim Krauseneck was indicted on Nov. 1, 2019. He voluntarily surrendered to authorities a week later. Erin Moriarty: Do you have any doubt about Jim Krauseneck's guilt in his wife's murder? DA Sandra Doorley: I have absolutely no doubt. Erin Moriarty: None? DA Sandra Doorley: None, whatsoever. But Jim Krauseneck's attorneys say there's a mountain of doubt in this case because Jim Krauseneck is not the Brighton ax murderer. Bill Easton: There was someone who could be responsible for it. A serial predator had been living in the neighborhood who actually confessed to killing Cathy. ED LARABY: CAREER CRIMINAL Attorneys Bill Easton and Michael Wolford are trying to save James Krauseneck. Bill Easton: There really is no evidence that Jim Krauseneck killed his wife. He is the most reserved, humble, gentle person. A man both believe had zero motive for murder. Michael Wolford: They had a wonderful relationship. They had a wonderful family. And so, his lawyers insist that Feb. 19, 1982, was a typical morning, in a home defined by love, until a stranger slipped in and took it all away. Bill Easton: Jim Krauseneck went to work someone came in and killed Cathy Krauseneck. We think that someone was Ed Laraby. Ed Laraby a monster just down the road. Gary Craig | Reporter: He was just a violent son of a gun and terrible, terrible human being. Edward Laraby had a reputation and record as a violent sexual predator. / Credit: Monroe County District Attorney's Office From Rochester's back streets to New York's toughest prisons, Ed Laraby had a reputation and record as a violent sexual predator. Michael Wolford: Laraby hunted women. He was a psychopath. Before dying in prison in 2014, Laraby was locked up for a total of 32 years on charges that ultimately included attempted murder, robbery and his sick specialty rape. But all too often, Laraby was released back on the streets. Rachel Rear: And every time he was free, he would rape again. He liked to laugh at women and humiliate them. Erin Moriarty: You probably know as much about Ed Laraby as anyone. Rachel Rear: I think so. Erin Moriarty: Right? Rachel Rear: Yeah. Rachel Rear wrote "Catch the Sparrow," a harrowing story, painfully close to home. Rachel Rear: It's about the murder of my stepsister in 1991. Stephanie Kupchynsky, 27, was a music teacher and violinist when her life tragically intersected with Ed Laraby's. Rachel Rear: It's mind-boggling to me that he was ever free. In 1991, freshly paroled after serving a sentence for robbery, Laraby had come back to the suburbs of Rochester his familiar hunting ground. Rachel Rear: He got the job at Newcastle apartment complex which is where my stepsister lived. Laraby himself said that they were foolish to hire him. It wasn't long before Stephanie went missing. Rachel Rear: It was like she evaporated. LOCAL NEWS REPORT: Stephanie Kupchynsky's death rattled many when she disappeared from her apartment in 1991. Her remains found 7 years later. Edward Laraby confessed to the 1991 murder of Stephanie Kupchynsky, 27. / Credit: Rachel Rear The remains of Stephanie Kupchynsky lay scattered in a shallow stream bed. She had been strangled. More than a dozen years later, Laraby, by then convicted of other crimes and back in prison, admitted he was her killer. Erin Moriarty: What made him confess to Stephanie's murder? Rachel Rear: What ultimately made him confess was that he was dying. Laraby, who was suffering from ALS, came up with a bucket list of a dying man: pizza, sandwiches, and he was angling for an agreement to be buried off prison grounds. So, in 2012, Ed Laraby confessed. Rachel Rear: He went into Stephanie's apartment And then she screamed And then he choked her And she died. And he confessed to killing her. But Ed Laraby didn't stop with Stephanie Kupchynsky. Rachel Rear: Once he confessed to Stephanie's murder and realized that he could get things in exchange for confession, all of a sudden then he started wheeling and dealing and making more deals. Ed Laraby contacted the FBI claiming he was a serial killer, and one of the victims he listed was a Rochester housewife murdered on a February morning in 1982: 29-year-old Cathy Krauseneck. Michael Wolford: Laraby lived very close by And she was someone that he was going to prey on. The idea that decades earlier Ed Laraby might have murdered Cathy doesn't come as a surprise to investigators and those who know him best. Det. Mark Liberatore: Everybody from back in that time frame is familiar with Ed. Rachel Rear: He would've been out of prison at the time that Cathy was killed. Free, violent and just down the road. Police went to question him, shortly after Cathy's murder. But Ed Laraby wasn't talking back then. They filed their report, and then backed off. Erin Moriarty: And is it fair to say the police dropped the ball in that case? Because you've got a sexual predator within minutes of the house and they they don't do anything more than visit him once? Gary Craig: Oh, I think it's very fair to say that. To have apparently ignored Ed Laraby in 1982, whether he did or didn't do it, is clearly was just a major lapse in the investigation. Det. Mark Liberatore: I don't know that I'd used the phrase drop the ball And unfortunately the officer and the sergeant who approved that report are both deceased. Still, the FBI and detectives Liberatore and Hunt don't believe Ed Laraby murdered Cathy. Det. Steve Hunt: He was a bad man, he was. Erin Moriarty: That's one way to put it. Det. Mark Liberatore: He's a bad man, but he's not our bad man. Erin Moriarty: This is a guy who has a long history of hurting women and he's confessing to killing Cathy Krauseneck. Det. Steve Hunt: Yeah, but his confession Det. Mark Liberatore: Inappropriately Det. Steve Hunt: was way off base. Det. Mark Liberatore: way off. Erin Moriarty: Why are you so sure it's not Edward Laraby? DA Sandra Doorley: Because his confession didn't match up to the facts, as simple as that. Cathy Krauseneck / Credit: Annet Schlosser Laraby said Cathy had dark hair when in fact she was blonde, that she was heavyset when she wasn't. Even Rachel Rear, who knows all too well the damage Laraby can do, doesn't believe he killed Cathy. Rachel Rear: To me, I was like, it's not his M.O. I don't think he was a serial killer. He's a serial rapist. After four decades of dead ends, law enforcement was convinced that Jim Krauseneck, not Ed Laraby, wielded that bloody ax. Sharon Krauseneck: This man is an innocent man. He's been treated so unjust. But come 2022, James Krauseneck, the successful businessman and father, headed to trial. The 40-year-old murder case could hinge on mere minutes, and prosecutors proving that Krauseneck was home when Cathy was killed. PROSECUTOR PATRICK GALLAGHER (closing argument): You look at the evidence, it's clear. She was killed in her sleep. WHAT TIME DID CATHY DIE? After four decades, as James Krauseneck finally came to trial, prosecutors were betting on Michael Baden, that forensic pathologist they had engaged, and his theory of when Cathy most likely died about 3:30 a.m. Michael Wolford: Well, they needed a Dr. Baden, who said basically that it happened at 3:30 in the morning. That was different than any other medical examiner that was involved in this case. One of them was Katherine Maloney, a forensic pathologist who would testify for the defense something she had seldom done before. Erin Moriarty: Can you pinpoint the actual time of death? Dr. Katherine Maloney: No. Oh my goodness I wish I could The best you're going to do is is a window of several hours. Doctor Maloney thinks it's possible Cathy could have died much later in the day. Erin Moriarty: I mean, so you're saying Dr Baden is wrong? Dr. Katherine Maloney: I disagree with him. I think he's wrong. I think she likely died sometime between like 5 a.m. and 1 p.m. Timing of the death seemed crucial. If Cathy was murdered in the dead of night, before Jim Krauseneck went to work, then prosecutors say her killer wasn't an intruder it had to be her husband. Forty years after Cathy Krauseneck was killed in her sleep, her husband Jim Krauseneck stands trial for her murder. / Credit: Shawn Dowd/Pool The stage was set for a gruesome drama in search of its final act. NEWS REPORT: What makes this case so unique is it happened over 40 years ago. Over those decades, hearts had been broken and relationships shattered. Erin Moriarty: Really, how would you describe the last 40 years on your family? Susie Jackimowicz: It's been a terrible It's just god-awful. Cathy Krauseneck's father Bob Schlosser and cousin Susie Jackimowicz. / Credit: CBS News Cousin Susie Jackimowicz witnessed the shift in Cathy's now 95-year-old father Bob Schlosser who today believes Krauseneck is a killer, but for years was certain his son-in-law was innocent. Bob Schlosser: I just didn't think that he would that he would do such a thing. Erin Moriarty: I mean, had there ever been a real serious problem in their marriage that anybody had heard of? Bob Schlosser: No, not that I knew of. Jim and Cathy Krauseneck / Credit: Annet Schlosser But investigators believe the marriage was secretly crumbling. Det. Mark Liberatore: He snapped is what we believe. He just snapped. Erin Moriarty: People look at Jim Krauseneck, he just doesn't look like an ax murderer. Bob Schlosser: What's an ax murderer look like? Schlosser believes that over time, Krauseneck began separating Sara from her mother's family the child who was home when her mother was murdered. Bob Schlosser: We didn't see Sara anymore. Susie Jackimowicz: Not only was Cathy taken away, Sara was taken away. Jim Krauseneck's daughter Sara gives her father a hug in court. / Credit: Shawn Dowd/Pool Sara's a grown woman now, firmly standing by her dad as sure that he's innocent, as prosecutors Constance Patterson and Patrick Gallagher are certain he's Cathy's killer. Prosecutor Patrick Gallagher: No doubt at all. Prosecutor Constance Patterson: Absolutely no doubt in my mind. But as the trial moved forward, lawyers on both sides confessed they had a daunting challenge: time itself. Patrick Gallagher: Dealing with with memory issues, dealing with deceased witnesses. Bill Easton: Witnesses can't recall what happened 40 years ago. So, investigators pursued evidence that didn't rely on the frailties of memory. They homed in on the physical crime scene. Prosecutor Patrick Gallagher: I wanted to not only prove that that Cathy was clearly killed in the early morning hours, but also prove that it was a staged burglary. Det. Steve Hunt: There's a lot of questions and things just didn't make sense. Authorities argued the scene was staged by someone who had no idea what a burglary looked like. Det. Steve Hunt: The house wasn't ransacked. Det. Mark Liberatore: In fact, there was cash on the dresser in the room where Cathy was killed, that wasn't taken. The broken glass, the seemingly precise placing of that maul. Det. Steve Hunt: They wanted us to believe that the maul was used to break that pane of glass. That silver tea set, barely disturbed. Patrick Gallagher: And when you looked at the pieces that don't fit, the reason they don't fit is because it was a staged burglary. The faint shoe print (circled) investigators found inside a garbage bag at the Krauseneck crime scene. / Credit: Monroe County District Attorney Then there was that faint shoeprint investigators found inside a garbage bag. Prosecutors thought the print told a story. Patrick Gallagher: The only way that gets in there is when the bag is being opened, when items are being placed in that bag. Erin Moriarty: And somebody is putting their foot on there, so they can hold it open? Patrick Gallagher: So You're stepping on the edge of that bag you're holding one edge and you're placing that silver in the bag. Investigators say the print was from special footwear: a boat shoe. Erin Moriarty: And why a boat shoe? A crime scene photo shows a pair of boat shoes, like her husband was known to wear, by Cathy Krauseneck's bed. Forty years later, detectives believe the faint shoe print in that garbage bag was made by those boat shoes, which were not tested. / Credit: Monroe County District Attorney's Office Patrick Gallagher: And, so, there's a picture in that bedroom where you can see next to the bed You can see these boat shoes. Erin Moriarty: And whose shoes are those? Patrick Gallagher: And those are James Krauseneck's shoes. Det. Steve Hunt: He's a boat shoe wearing guy, and we don't have murderers running around in February in the wintertime wearing boat shoes and killing people. But the shoes Krauseneck wore back then were not tested to see if they were a match. And his lawyers say it's not just the wrong theory it's the wrong man. They say it's Ed Laraby, that career criminal, who, before he died, had confessed to killing Cathy. Bill Easton: He lives four-minute walk away. But there's the problem of Laraby's M.O. Remember, he was a repeat sex offender. Erin Moriarty: Was there any sign that Cathy had been sexually assaulted or that she had had any contact at all with her killer? Det. Mark Liberatore: None whatsoever. Erin Moriarty: Do you believe that there was tunnel vision in this investigation? Bill Easton: I think it would almost be the dictionary definition of tunnel vision There was this overwhelming urge and desire to solve the crime, and it had to be Jim Krauseneck. Susie Jackimowicz: I know he did it. I know it was him. Come closing statements, cameras were allowed into the courtroom as lawyers made their final pleas: BILL EASTON: The mystery of Cathy Krauseneck's death remains to this day, and we submit it has not been resolved by this trial. PATRICK GALLAGHER: Common sense tells you this was a staged burglary. Those are the only reasonable inferences that can be drawn from this case. BILL EASTON: There are no eyewitnesses. There are no earwitnesses. There is no direct evidence. That was the case 40 years ago and that's the case now. But Gallagher reminded the jury of that time-stamp 3:30 a.m. that pathologist Michael Baden put as Cathy's possible time of death. PATRICK GALLAGHER: Common sense tells you she died early that morning. Michael Wolford: As we said at the outset, there is no new evidence, simply a new opinion by Dr. Baden. We don't think that cuts it. Forty years after that awful day, the case would now go to a jury. Erin Moriarty: Were you worried? Sharon Krauseneck: I was worried, yes. And Jim being the husband and that's being the typical fall guy, the husband must have done it. I was very fearful. A JURY DECIDES Jim Krauseneck's fate will be determined by 12 strangers. Sharon Krauseneck: They want to hold someone accountable for this I was very fearful. Because it's Sharon and Sara's future as well. Sharon Krauseneck: On Friday night. The jury hadn't finished their deliberations. And I was so thankful. I thought, "Oh give us this weekend (cries). Erin Moriarty: Did you think this could be the last weekend you could spend with him? Sharon Krauseneck: I think deep down, I probably did. James Krauseneck is led away in handcuffs after he was found guilty for the 1982 murder of his first wife Cathy in Brighton, New York. / Credit: Jamie Germano Altogether, it takes the jury less than 10 hours of deliberations to reach a verdict: Jim Krauseneck is guilty of second-degree murder. Sharon Krauseneck: I remember standing up. I saw this one deputy across from me and I said, "Oh, please let me hug my husband. he said "no." No I can't. BOB SCHLOSSER (to reporters outside courtroom) We got our justice. It took 40 years. Thank God, we got it. SHARON KRAUSENECK (walking through court lobby with Sara): He's innocent. He's innocent! Michael Wolford: Unfortunately, there is a presumption of guilt. if the husband is living in the home and the wife is killed he's almost presumed guilty, Defense attorney Michael Wolford says that Jim Krauseneck was convicted because of who he was, not what he did. Michael Wolford: I think there was a gut reaction on the part of the jurors, that "well, he probably did it." But the jurors "48 Hours" spoke to insisted they decided this case on the evidence evidence they admit had divided them at the start. Jane | Juror: I just kept thinking someone else really could have done this. Helen | Juror: The forensics did not point to anybody else. The first time they voted, we were told six said guilty, three not guilty, three undecided. Ivan | Juror: The most important thing to me was the staged burglary scene. They said that staged scene was a critical clue. And there was something else they seemed to agree on. That, in the end, it was impossible to say exactly when Cathy died. Jane: We threw out all of that testimony We It meant nothing to us. But their verdict means everything to Krauseneck's heartbroken daughter Sara, who tells the judge at sentencing it adds insult to deep injury. SARA KRAUSENECK (in court): I've been blessed with the most extraordinary parents. Sadly, they have both been taken from my life. My mother's killer got away with her murder, and my father's life has been taken by a failed justice system that convicted him of a crime he did not commit. But Sara's grandfather Cathy's father wants to make sure Jim Krauseneck spends the rest of his life paying for her death. BOB SCHLOSSER (to Jim Krauseneck in court): And Jim, I hope you live to be 100 years old and enjoy your new home! And finally, it's up to Jim Krauseneck himself to take one last opportunity to address the court. JIM KRAUSENECK (in court): To this day it's still very difficult for me to talk about the circumstances that surrounded her death. All I see is Cathy with an ax in her head, and Sara standing in the hallway, disheveled, with an empty and distant look on her face. I did not murder Cathy. I loved Cathy with all my heart and with all my soul. The judge is unmoved, giving the 71-year-old Krauseneck 25 years-to-life behind bars. Before his own life is over, there's one more thing Cathy's father wants to do. For decades, Cathy has been buried in Jim's family plot. Bob Schlosser: I want to move my daughter's remains where her mother and brother are. But to move her, Bob Schlosser needs Sara to agree and that may never happen. Sara and Sharon continue to support Jim, who intends to appeal his conviction. Erin Moriarty: You're going to stand by him no matter what? Sharon Krauseneck: Oh, absolutely. Sharon Krauseneck rejects the possibility that her husband has permanently traded his golden years for the hardened metal of a prison cell. Sharon Krauseneck: We have a lot of hope. We have a lot of faith. This is not our retirement. This is a hiccup. This is just a just a a pause. And Krauseneck's lawyers say that forcing him to defend a 40-year-old case violated his constitutional right to a fair trial. Erin Moriarty: Are you worried at all about that if an appellate court ruled in favor of Jim Krauseneck, and said that his rights had been violated then it would all be for nothing? DA Sandra Doorley: It wouldn't be all for nothing. Cathy's story was able to be told and that family was able to get justice Justice has been done for Cathy. Cathy's family and Sara haven't spoken since the trial. Sara has moved out of the country. Produced by Josh Yager and James Stolz. Marc Goldbaum and Charlotte Fuller are the development producers. Michael Loftus and Liz Caholo are the associate producers. Richard Barber is the producer-editor. Atticus Brady is also an editor. Patti Aronofsky is the senior producer. Nancy Kramer is the executive story editor. Judy Tygard is the executive producer. Closing arguments underway in Alex Murdaugh double murder trial H.R. McMaster on the threat posed by China Colon cancer rates rising in younger adults, new study finds Roger Moore stars as James Bond in "Live and Let Die" and James Bond author Ian Fleming (from left). Sunset Boulevard/Getty Images;Express/Getty Images Ian Fleming's reissued James Bond novels will be edited to remove racist language, per The Telegraph. The company that owns Fleming's work hired sensitivity readers to review his novels. The collection will be rereleased in April to celebrate the 70th anniversary of "Casino Royale." Ian Fleming's famed James Bond novels will be edited to remove racist language ahead of their rerelease, The Telegraph reports. Fleming's series is set to be reissued in April for the 70th anniversary of the collection's first book, "Casino Royale," according to the outlet. Ian Fleming Publications Ltd, the company which owns the rights to Fleming's work, hired sensitivity readers to review the spy series ahead of its rerelease, per the outlet. The Telegraph reported that a disclaimer will be included in the updated novels, promising readers that the edits will keep close to the original text. "This book was written at a time when terms and attitudes which might be considered offensive by modern readers were commonplace," the disclaimer reads, according to the outlet. "A number of updates have been made in this edition, while keeping as close as possible to the original text and the period in which it is set." Fleming is the latest author to undergo such edits. On February 17, The Telegraph reported that Roald Dahl's children's books would be edited to remove words like "fat," "ugly," and "crazy" from the newest editions. On Friday, Puffin UK announced they would release an uncensored collection of Dahl's work along with the revised collection after receiving backlash for the changes. The main revisions to Fleming's text involve depictions of Black people. In the updated version of his novel "Live and Let Die," discussion of African criminals is edited to remove comments on alcoholism. The Telegraph reports the text changes from "pretty law-abiding chaps I should have thought, except when they've drunk too much" to "pretty law-abiding chaps I should have thought." Story continues In the same novel, when 007 visits Harlem, Fleming frequently used the n-word when describing Black people. The sensitivity edits have removed most uses of the n-word in the text, according to The Telegraph, replacing it with "Black man" or "Black person." George Lanzenby as James Bond. MGM Racist language used to describe other ethnicities remains untouched in the updated text, per The Telegraph. Terms for East Asian people and comments made about Oddjob, a Korean henchman in the series, as well as sexist and homophobic language have not been edited out of the text. Prior to his death in 1964, Fleming permitted editors to revise sex scenes and racial language for American markets, according to The Telegraph. "Following Ian's approach, we looked at the instances of several racial terms across the books and removed a number of individual words or else swapped them for terms that are more accepted today but in keeping with the period in which the books were written," Ian Fleming Publications Ltd said in a statement to The Telegraph. Correction: February 27, 2023 An earlier version of this story misspelled the name of an actor who played James Bond. The actor is George Lazenby, not George Lansbury. Read the original article on Insider Flash Pacific leaders on Friday wrapped up the two-day Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Special Leaders' Retreat in Fiji, where Japan's Fukushima wastewater release plan was in the limelight. The PIF rotating chair underlined in a statement that science and data should guide political decisions on Japan's proposed discharge of treated radioactive wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea. The outgoing chair and Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, together with other PIF leaders, believes the decision is not as simple as a domestic issue of Japan, but concerns the South Pacific island countries and beyond. Given that related data and evidence provided by Japan are far from independent or verifiable, the PIF has called on the country repeatedly to delay the discharge plan. CRITICISM FROM INT'L COMMUNITY Civil society groups in Japan and many international organizations have also voiced objections to the plan, citing a lack of a practical demonstration and its potential threat to society and marine ecology. Over the past years, fishermen in neighboring countries have staged several rallies, calling for immediate stop to the "grave criminal act" of releasing radioactive water into the sea. Within Japan, local civic groups have organized protests outside the government house of Fukushima Prefecture. Japan's unilateral push to discharge radioactive wastewater from its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean is irresponsible and harmful, South Korean green activists have said. "The Pacific Ocean is not the sea of Japan, but the sea of everybody ... Pollutants will flow to neighboring countries in a situation that a lot of radioactive materials have already been released and contaminated (the marine ecosystem)," Ahn Jae-hun, energy and climate change director at the Korea Federation for Environment Movement, told Xinhua. The Japanese government's decision to discharge the contaminated water into the sea when there are alternatives such as long-term storage violates the precautionary principle recognized by the international community, Greenpeace Seoul Office has said. Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning network for environment protection. "We must prevent action that will lead or mislead us toward another major nuclear contamination disaster at the hands of others," said PIF Secretary General Henry Puna. Take a look at how Japan proceeded with that. The Japanese government decided in April 2021 to release more than one million tons of treated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean this spring. Three months later, Japan greenlit the discharge plan while the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s task force was still conducting the review mission. Earlier this year, Japan unilaterally announced that it would start discharging the radioactive water in spring or summer, just before the agency's task force arrives in Japan for review. PACIFIC OPPOSITION Pacific island countries unanimously oppose Japan's release plan for multiple reasons, citing ecological fragility, economic dependence on the fisheries industry, and the devastating effects of radioactive pollution caused by Western nuclear testing. First, Pacific island countries are concerned that the released radioactive substances will spread with ocean currents and tides, risking contaminating fish. As more than half of the world's tuna comes from the Pacific Ocean, a potentially contaminated environment could hurt the fisheries that those countries rely on. Second, the Pacific Ocean's delicate ecology may come under threat. If the wastewater release leads to an ecological disaster, the vulnerable island residents will leave their homes, causing an ecological and survival crisis that will deal a heavy blow to the entire Pacific region. Last, Western countries have conducted a dazzling array of nuclear tests in the Pacific since the mid-20th century, resulting in shocking radioactive pollution and ecological disasters. These have left painful memories for islanders, who have been sensitive to the wastewater issue. Analysts believe that Japan should not ignore the concerns and livelihoods of Pacific islanders. Neither should it dump the wastewater into the sea until disputes are settled over the legitimacy of the discharge plan, the reliability of radioactivity data, the effectiveness of purification equipment and the uncertainty of environmental impact, they added. The baby niece of Idaho victim Kaylee Goncalves has been named after the murdered student and her best friend, Madison Mogen. Theodora MaddieKay Stevenson was born on Friday to Goncalves older sister, Alivea, who had asked both victims to be bridesmaids at her wedding. The family announced the birth and name on Facebook. Theodora #MaddieKay Stevenson arrived at 4:21a.m. 6lbs 5.8oz 19 inches, The Goncalves Family Page posted. Alivea and Robbie are doing great! We are blessed. Kaylee and Maddie, both 21, were murdered in the early hours of 13 November at an off-campus house near the University of Idaho along with fellow students Ethan Chapin, 20, and Xana Kernodle, 20. A former criminology graduate student at nearby Washington State University, 28-year-old Bryan Kohberger, has been charged in all four deaths. He was arrested in his native Pennsylvania in December, extradited back to Idaho and will next appear in court in June. Steve Goncalves, father of Idaho college murder victim Kaylee Goncalves, poses with his new granddaughter named for the student and her best friend, Madison Mogen (Facebook/Goncalves Family Page) Following the murders during the weeks when no suspect had yet been publicly named Alivea Goncalves mourned her baby sisters online. I promise to always make you proud, take the picture, and never stop fighting to find out the truth and make right whatever I can in this f****d up world, she posted in November. You guys arent gone. You never could be. Ill find you always and everywhere. If you ever get tired of seeing the world, come rest in my heart. Its forever open to you guys. Ill keep you warm and keep you safe there. Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves (Instagram) Right now, Im mad, she wrote. Fans of the Goncalves family page shared warm congratulations after the birth news was posted alongside photos of relatives posing with the new addition. Congratulations ... Your family deserves as much joy as possible, wrote one Facebook user. I love the homage to Maddie and Kaylee. I planned to live in Madrid, Spain, for a year after graduating college, but I ended up extending my stay. Emma L. Smith After graduating college, I moved to Madrid, Spain, to teach English and decided to stay long-term. I couldn't believe how accessible public transport is, and I loved the culture of eating long meals. I was happy to feel accepted and safe as a queer person in Madrid. The culture around eating meals is completely different from what I was used to in the US. Eating food and drinking coffee are usually enjoyed sitting down over a period of time. Emma L. Smith After graduating college, I was ready for a change in my life. I packed a couple of bags and moved to Madrid, Spain, where I now live and work as an English teacher. In many ways, the Spanish city isn't so different from places in the US. But there are a few cultural differences that stand out. One of the first things I learned upon arriving in Madrid is that mealtime is an entirely different affair from what I was used to in America. In Spain, coffee and food are not something to be enjoyed on the run. It's extremely rare for me to see people eating on the move or on the metro, and a good Spanish dinner lasts at least a few hours. In Madrid, a typical day of eating for me involves a small breakfast in the morning, a sandwich or pan con tomate (bread with tomato) around midday, a very large lunch around 2 or 3 p.m., a sweet snack at about 7 p.m., and a nighttime dinner. I knew that Madrilenos ate late, but I failed to realize the entire schedule of the day also has to shift to accommodate a 10 p.m. dinner. It took my stomach a while to adjust, but I've come to appreciate the little meals throughout the day. Tipping at restaurants is not expected, and tax is included in the price of menu items. Tipping is not very common in Spain in my experience. Emma L. Smith In addition to eating late, Madrilenos also enjoy a very laid-back restaurant culture. In the US, servers tend to rely on tips, but in Spain, tipping isn't as common. Taxes are also usually calculated into the prices of menu items, so there isn't an extra surprise charge when the check comes. Additionally, unlike my experience at US restaurants, waiters in Spain are pretty hands-off. When you're ready to pay for your meal, you usually have to call out, flag them down, or even head up to the register yourself. Story continues Because of this, eating out in Madrid has been great practice for me to be more assertive in a second language. Grocery stores are overflowing with high-quality Spanish wines, olives, and hams. Spanish grocery stores carry a variety of products, including inexpensive, local wine. Emma L. Smith I've noticed that ingredients in Madrid are generally very fresh, delicious, and affordable. Grocery stores usually have entire aisles dedicated to local wines, which go for as little as 2 euros, or about $2.11, a bottle. An aisle over, you can probably find olives of just about any variety your heart desires. And in the Mercadona (a Spanish supermarket chain near my apartment) there's an entire deli stand dedicated to cured Spanish ham. On the other hand, there are a few ingredients that have been particularly hard for me to find mostly spices and condiments that I'm used to having access to in the US, like specific kinds of red-pepper flakes and hot sauces. But I've learned to adjust my cooking to use ingredients that are readily available and delicious, like tomatoes, feta, and sweet potatoes. I've found restaurants and stores named after places in the US. Some shops and eateries in Madrid have names inspired by American culture. Emma L. Smith I've noticed that shops in Malasana, the neighborhood where I live, seem to draw inspiration from places in the US, particularly New York City. In addition to the thrift store around the corner from my apartment called Williamsburg (a neighborhood in Brooklyn), there's a spot named 212 Pizza (the NYC area code) and a bar called Madklyn (a combination of Madrid and Brooklyn). There's also a burger joined called Milwaukee, like the city in Wisconsin. It's fun to see bits and pieces of American culture catch on across the world. I find public transportation impeccably clean, spacious, and reliable. Madrid's public-transportation system is vast and speedy. Emma L. Smith I was floored by Madrid's public-transit system. On one of my first days in the city, I descended a few escalators to the Metro and could hardly believe my eyes. The stations and trains are spacious, bright, and incredibly clean. To get around the city and the wider Comunidad de Madrid (Community of Madrid), you have a variety of options. The Metro has 12 lines marked by numbers and colors and is a reliable option for traveling within the city center. Public buses are also dependable and are often a faster choice if you need to go a little beyond the busier areas. Madrid also has a set of high-speed trains called the Cercanias that travel through and beyond the city center. During commuting hours, they run just as regularly as any metro. Traveling throughout Madrid is affordable. Public-transportation passes are affordable, especially for young commuters. Emma L. Smith The best part about Madrid's public transport, especially for young people, is that it's affordable. Anyone can apply for an abono de transporte (transportation pass), for which you pay a monthly fee for unlimited travel in selected city zones. If you're 26 or under and qualify for an abono joven (youth pass), you don't even have to worry about the zones. The pass grants unlimited access to all public transportation in the Comunidad de Madrid (Community of Madrid), for only 20 euros a month plus 4 euros to issue the card. Sometimes there are even promotional sales that bring the cost down further. Coming from the US, where I've found public transportation unreliable and scarce outside of the city centers, I'm still in awe of Madrid's system. The only real shortcoming is that the Metro closes at 2 a.m., and the last train usually passes through any given station in the city center around 1:30 a.m. On a night out, that typically means walking, hailing a cab, or waiting for the Metro to reopen at 6 a.m. There's an amazing amount of natural space built into the city. Although Madrid is a bustling city, it offers a number of green spaces. Emma L. Smith Another perk of life in Madrid is having access to green spaces. This is my first time living in a major city, and the abundance of trees and grassy areas eased my adjustment to an urban lifestyle. Madrid's centrally located Retiro Park is a large, public green space with a lake in the center. When I'm starting to feel a bit suffocated by city living, I often go there to take a jog or a stroll and breathe in the fresh air. Pharmacies offer affordable care and are easy to come by in Madrid. Pharmacies throughout the city offer a variety of medicine. Emma L. Smith Healthcare is certainly one of Spain's strengths, in my opinion. There are pharmacies on just about every block, where pharmacists can help customers find products (both over-the-counter and prescription) that meet their needs. When I've had a cold, instead of waiting for a doctor's appointment, I could head to the nearest pharmacy and ask for some medicine. If your ailment is beyond the scope of their expertise, they might direct you to a clinic. Pharmaceuticals tend to be quite affordable. I've found that birth-control pills, for example, are available over the counter for about 10 euros. Some pharmacies are open 24 hours, but most welcome customers from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. I feel comfortable as a queer person in Madrid. Chueca, a queer neighborhood in Madrid, has great nightlife and shops. Emma L. Smith Being a queer person adds an extra dimension to travel it's not safe to be openly gay everywhere. But I've felt welcomed by the queer scene in Madrid, and I'm actually much more comfortable expressing my sexuality than I was in the US. Madrid's centrally located queer neighborhood, Chueca, is always bustling. In addition to amazing queer nightlife, it has a few queer bookstores, coffee shops, and novelty dessert spots like the famous La Polleria, which serves up penis-shaped waffles dipped in chocolate. Outside of Chueca, there are still plenty of great queer spots, and I've found it's common to see queer couples holding hands or kissing in public. Apartments generally have washers but not dryers. We air-dry our clothes on drying racks or clothing lines in Madrid. Emma L. Smith No one warned me that machine-drying your clothes isn't standard in Europe. You can find dryers in laundromats, but an apartment with a dryer is pretty much unheard of. My roommates and I hang our washed clothes on a drying rack inside our apartment or on a drying line connected to the inner courtyard of our building. In the long run, it saves energy and tends to make clothes last longer. But the lack of automation means the laundry process takes a bit more time and effort. Bidets are a common fixture of most private bathrooms in Madrid. Bidets are customary appliances in the city. Emma L. Smith Our apartment, like most others in the city, comes fully equipped with its own bidet next to our toilet. I'm a huge fan of the device and use it often. But some of my other American friends have been a bit slower to catch on. I'm pleasantly surprised by how far my US dollars go here. Gran Via and Calle Fuencarral are two prominent areas for shopping in Madrid. Emma L. Smith Though the value of the US dollar in relation to the euro changes often, in general, US dollars have gotten me a lot more in Madrid than they have stateside. There are a couple of great shopping areas in Madrid, like Gran Via and Calle Fuencarral, that cater mostly to tourists looking to stock up on clothing, accessories, and other high-quality goods. In my experience, the overall cost of living in Madrid is more reasonable than most major cities in the US. This has allowed me to enjoy all that the city has to offer without breaking my bank account. Read the original article on Insider Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs, states that the American think tank, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), is convinced of Ukraine's victory. Source: Kuleba on Facebook after the meeting with Kimberly Kaga, Head of the Institute for the Study of War Details: The minister said that he met with the head of ISW as part of his trip to Brussels, The Hague, and New York. Quote: "This is the same news organisation with which you start your day every morning. It has been dominating Ukrainian headlines for a year. And for good reason ISW experts regularly provide high-quality analysis of hostilities, forecasts of their development, comment, respond and update the map. We exchanged ideas on what else can be done and how. It was a pleasure to hear from Kimberly that ISW is convinced of Ukraine's victory. Thanks to the ISW team for their contribution to our victory in the war on reality." Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! AMMAN (Reuters) - Israel and Palestinian officials pledged to work towards reviving efforts to reach a "just and lasting peace" deal at the end of talks in Aqaba, saying on Sunday they would work closely to prevent "further violence". Israel was committed to stop "discussing setting up any new settlement units for four months and stop approving any new settlements for six months", the joint statement said. The statement came at the end of a meeting also attended by U.S., Egyptian and Jordanian officials in the Jordanian city, as concerns mount over an escalation of violence in the run-up to the holy Muslim month of Ramadan that begins in late March. (Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; Editing by Alexander Smith) Protest in Israel against Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu People stage protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's bill that restricts the powers of the judiciary and his right-wing policies at the Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, Israel on February 25, 2023. Credit - Mostafa Alkharouf-Anadolu Agency Youll need to book at least two weeks in advance if you want to have dinner at a, one of Tel Avivs top restaurants. A table on Saturday night is almost impossible to get. A few weeks ago, Chef Yuval ben Neriah announced that the hottest place in Tel Aviv will close its gates on Saturday evenings. And the reason is Benjamin Netanyahu. Over the last eight weeks, every Saturday, more than a hundred thousand Israelis rallied the streets of Tel Aviv, protesting Netanyahus plan to shatter the states legal system. As they fill the streets with signs of Crime Minister, referring to the PMs own corruption trials, some of them try to provoke those sitting in nearby pubs and restaurants: Its not the time to drink wine, were fighting over democracy. Chef Neriah, whose restaurant is nested at the heart of the demonstration route, seems to agree. Saturdays in Tel Aviv have changed. We are changing. It is time for democracy. Some claimed that Neriahs decision, posted on social media, was just pure business. Others saw it as an important message to the satiated Israeli publicsome things are even more important than your dinner. Israeli civil society is facing severe danger. Racists, homophobes, and inciters are holding top positions in Netanyahus new government, aiming to change the countrys face forever. Yariv Levin, Bibis new justice minister, announced a plan to hand more power to lawmakers in overriding Supreme Court decisions and appointing judges. The plan threatens judicial independence and the credibility of the court system and jeopardizes minority rights. On February 12, President Yitzhak Herzog gave a rare speech to the nation, saying the judicial reform raises grave concern for future of Israeli democracy. Herzog, former head of the Labor party, called to halt the legislative process in order to reach a compromise. The Supreme Court Chief Justice and the states Attorney-general are also opposing the plan, stating it will ruin the democratic checks and balances of the state. As Israel doesnt have a constitution, the Supreme Court is the main statutory establishment effectively limiting state power. Story continues The one good thing about Netanyahus ongoing attack on the judicial system is the effect it had on the Israeli public. For years, Israeli liberals were compared to the frog in the slowly boiling water: too cozy to jump until its too late. When changes occur gradually, it is easy to underestimate their meaning and to overlook the danger. But this time, Netanyahus acts were as swift and aggressive as a sudden dip in steaming hot water; at last, it made us jump. More from TIME Read More: Israeli Democracy May Not Survive Netanyahus Government Our society is finally starting to wake up. The biggest threat to the civil protest is not Netanyahu, nor the bunch of idealogues and hate-mongers surrounding him. The biggest threat is despair. After years of Netanyahu regime, theres a whole generation of Israelis that cannot even remember how the state looked like before the age of populism. Five election campaigns over five years have exhausted the Israeli public. Those who celebrated Netanyahus defeat in 2021 soon saw Bibi back in powerand just like in a horror movie, he returned stronger than ever. The first reaction was shock. Then despair. Ironically, of all people, it was Netanyahu himself who woke the opposition from its desperate state of mind. It was thanks to him that the public is taking action. Despair turned into anger, and anger is a powerful fuel. Now, civil organizations are trying to figure out how to use this fuel to move forward. Yuval Noah Harari argued that the study of history can be summoned into one questionhow do changes occur? As an Israeli, I ask myself this question repeatedly. Can Saturday night rallies create a real change, or are we required to do more than that? It is often said that you cant win a fight if youre not willing to risk anything. Are we willing to risk more than a Saturday night dinner? People stage protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's bill that restricts the powers of the judiciary and his right-wing policies at the Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, Israel on February 25, 2023. Mostafa Alkharouf-Anadolu Agency The first ones to take a real risk were schoolteachers. Over 660 teachers announced that they wont cooperate with educational programs that contradict democratic values. The announcement came shortly after the external education programs unit was handed over to Noam party leader MK Avi Maoz. Maoz is one of Israels most extreme right politicians, known for his anti-LGBT attitudes, and his approach against progressive ideas such as women serving in combat roles in the IDF. The schoolteachers who signed the petition were willing to risk their jobs in order to protect their values. Many parents supported the cause, but some feared that the education ministry will withdraw budgets from schools labeled as ideologically problematic. Fear became a common fragrance also in the ministry of culture: newly appointed minister Miki Zohar, has already asked to withdraw funding from a documentary film that criticizes Israeli soldiers. Film directors and educators are quite often involved in the countrys political debates. More surprising is how the Israeli tech world, which has always attempted to remain beyond politics, is starting to turn against Bibi. During the past five election campaigns, it was rare to hear a tech tycoon expressing his or her political agenda. But Netanyahus plan to weaken the legal system managed to shake even the most neutral sector in the country. On January 24, Thousands of high-tech workers participated in a one-hour strike organized by industry executives. Tech sector employees took to the streets, protesting the governments plans to overhaul the judicial system. Over 130 Israeli companies allowed their workers to participate. Prominent entrepreneurs took part, including the founders of cybersecurity unicorn Wiz, Assaf Rappaport and Yinon Costica, who led a big group of company employees. For three consecutive weeks, Tuesday Tech-protesters have been demonstrating at various locationsSarona complex in Tel Aviv, the Airport City business park, a high-tech complex in Herzliya, and the University of Haifa. many of the protesters carry flags. Some hold signs saying, Save our startup nation and No balancesno checks. The latter didnt remain a sloganon February 6, Cybersecurity giant Wiz decided to pull cash out of Israel and transfer its business accounts out of the country. CEO Assaf Rappaport, former head of Microsofts development center in Israel, said investors pressured management to take precautions against the uncertainty over the planned judicial reform. Wiz is joining another unicorn, Papaya Global, a global payroll and payment management platform based in Israel, which plans to withdraw all its funds from the country. Israeli VCs Disruptive and Disruptive AI have previously announced a similar decision. For a small, dynamic economy, these announcements came as a complete shock. Theres a huge difference between a lunchtime protest and pulling money out of a country. And they did it not just for moral reasons but quite simply because the fear that weakening of the judiciary system will create uncertainty and reduce the likelihood that foreign investors will inject funds into local businesses. This in turn could force local and international businesses to leave, resulting in a severe crisis. The Israeli tech industry is the engine that for 20 years has pushed the entire train forward. Netanyahu himself takes pride in the countrys thriving tech society, presenting it as an economic miracle. Now, the people in charge of this miracle are revolting against him. The fact that such drastic moves are taken by people known to be calculated and reasonable, may make even some right-wing voters question the governments plan. Aiming for a wide base of support, the protest organizers asked the public not to raise the Palestinian flag and to avoid slogans against the occupation. For the protest to succeed, they say, we need to unite as many Israelis as possible, including right wing voters. While many protesters agree, others emphasized how impossible it is to differentiate between the occupation of the West Bank and the democratic crisis Israeli is going through. Many Arab citizens of Israel decided not to join the protest, since it neglects the Palestinian cause and focuses only on issues important to the Jewish majority. People continue to take to the streets every weekend, with the protests on Saturday Feb. 25 being hailed as the largest yet, over where over 150,000 people showed up in Tel Aviv. This is a true challenge for Israeli societycan we resist peacefully, yet loud enough to make it impossible to ignore us? China may try to use the agreements with Belarus to conceal violations of sanctions during the supply of weapons to the Russian Federation, analysts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believe. Source: ISW reports Details: The ISW suggests that Alexander Lukashenko plans to meet with Xi Jinping, probably in order to help Russia and China avoid sanctions amid reports that China is considering providing lethal assistance to Russia. The Institute recalled that Lukashenko announced plans to visit China from 28 February to 2 March and meet with Xi Jinping, probably to sign agreements on trade, investment, large-scale joint projects and other matters. Quote: "Lukashenko's announcement of his planned visit coincides with reports that senior US officials assess that China is seriously considering selling combat drones, personal weapons, and 122 mm and 152 mm artillery shells to Russia. Russian and Chinese officials have also reportedly developed plans for the shipment of drones to Russia under falsified shipping documents to avoid international sanction measures. China may seek to use the agreements with Belarus to obfuscate violations of sanctions." Previously: Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State, confirmed media reports about China discussing the possibility of providing Russia with lethal military aid that could be directed to support aggression against Ukraine. US President Joe Biden stated that the United States would respond if China were to supply Russia with lethal weapons in its war against Ukraine. CIA Director William Burns confirmed that the Chinese government was considering providing Russia with lethal weapons for the war against Ukraine, although a final decision has yet to be made. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! A sootlike black fungus coating outdoor surfaces near the Jack Daniel's barrel houses in Lincoln County, Tennessee. Courtesy of Patrick Long Residents of Lincoln County are fed up with the black fungus covering their homes and cars. The stubborn "whiskey fungus" feeds on ethanol vapor from the Jack Daniel's barrel houses. Locals are demanding an air-filtration system and an environmental-impact study. The sooty black mold smothers homes, porches, and cars, locals say. It obscures street signs and coats the leaves and bark of trees. It cements itself to any stationary object, and it makes residents question the safety of the air they breathe. Locals in Lincoln County, Tennessee, say an out-of-control black "whiskey fungus" known as Baudoinia compniacensis, fueled by ethanol vapor from the Jack Daniel's facilities, has been a menace since the famous liquor company started building six barrel houses in 2018 and launched plans to build 14 more. Now infuriated residents are demanding the company and the county answer for the damage and sinking property values and prove the ethanol-filled air is safe to breathe. Patrick Long, who lives adjacent to the Jack Daniel's barrel houses, and whose wife, Christi, filed a lawsuit against Lincoln County, told Insider the community had two main demands: an air-filtration system that could block the ethanol emissions and stunt the growth of the fungus, and an environmental-impact study evaluating the amount of ethanol emanating from the barrel houses and any health risks it poses. "I'm extremely concerned. My wife has breathing problems. One of the neighbors got cancer," Long said. "It's in the air. And you really, probably don't want to be breathing that in. But nobody has done a test to determine if it's actually poisonous." Long said the existence of the six barrel houses means he has to spend roughly $10,000 a year power-washing his house with a potent mixture of water and Clorox. He also said local officials had given up trying to clean the fungus-covered street signs and simply replace them when they become too blackened to be legible. Story continues "If you have any decent nails on you and you rode it down the side of a tree or a property within a quarter of a mile to a half-mile of these barrel houses, your entire finger will be covered in black fungus," Long said. "You can't see the tree limbs anymore. Our house, we have to have it pressure-washed four times a year now." He said he'd alerted federal Environmental Protection Agency officials. They declined Insider's request for comment, citing "potential or ongoing enforcement activities or investigations." Christi Long's recent lawsuit against Lincoln County's Board of Planning and Zoning demands the county issue a stop-work order to halt construction at Jack Daniel's, alleging the company illegally built the facilities and lacks proper site-plan approval and building permits. Lincoln County did not immediately respond to Insider's requests for comment. But at a public hearing late last year, covered by The Moore County News, a Jack Daniel's official, Melvin Keebler, expressed sympathy to one resident who said she had stage-four lung cancer and requested an air-filtration system. Keebler said that the company already monitored its air quality and that existing air-filtration technology isn't meant for whiskey and bourbon facilities. A Jack Daniel's spokesperson told Insider that the company could not comment on pending litigation but that Jack Daniel's "complies with all local, state, and federal regulations regarding the design, construction, and permitting of our barrel houses," adding, "We are dedicated to protecting the environment and the safety and health of our employees and neighbors." The 'angel's share' of the whiskey feeds the fungus Lincoln County residents have complained about damage to their homes and property values. Courtesy of Patrick Long The black gunk spreading roughly a mile from the Jack Daniel's barrel houses is known as Baudoinia compniacensis, a naturally occurring fungus that grows on outdoor surfaces exposed to ethanol vapor. Barrel houses like the Jack Daniel's facilities can house tens of thousands of barrels of maturing whiskey, and a percentage of that alcohol evaporates through the pores of the wooden barrels and into the air whiskey makers call it the "angel's share" of the product. Researchers identified the fungus in 2007 and found the "angel's share" of distilled spirits was responsible for it. Kentucky homeowners filed class-action lawsuits against several Louisville distilleries in 2012, though they were eventually dismissed. And residents of Ontario, Canada, have filed a class-action lawsuit against owners of the Hiram Walker distillery in Lakeshore. Long said that when he and his wife first moved into their property in Lynchburg in 2020, they were aware of the fungus and considered it minimal. At the time, Jack Daniel's had two barrel houses in the area; now the company has six and is on track for 20. Jason Holleman, an attorney who's representing the Longs, told Insider a judge is expected to make a decision within days on whether to force the county to issue a stop-work order for the new facilities. Read the original article on Insider It would be a bad mistake for China to send military aid to Russia, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said amid reports that China may funnel drones and ammunition to Moscow. Beijing will have to make its own decisions about how it proceeds, whether it provides military assistance, but it will come at real cost to China, and I think China's leaders are weighing that as they make their decisions, Sullivan said during an interview on CNN's "State of the Union." Sullivan noted that the U.S. has yet to see China make a final decision on whether or not they will provide assistance to Russia. But in the meantime, Sullivan said, We will watch carefully, we will be vigilant, and we will continue to send a strong message that we believe that sending military aid to Russia at this time, when they are using their weapons to bombard cities, kill civilians, and commit atrocities would be a bad mistake and China should want no part of it." Though Sullivan said he wants to keep messages to China in the private high-level diplomatic channels that we have established to discuss these issues, he did say that the war presents real complications for Beijing, as the countrys leaders try to balance diplomatic relationships across the world. The reports on China's plans to potentially aid Russia come as Beijing put forth a 12-point peace plan between Russia and Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Friday he is open to considering parts of the proposal, but that China's words must be followed by actions. On Sunday, Sullivan emphasized the importance of a meeting between Chinese and Ukraine leadership. "China put forward this plan without having had a single conversation since the war began between President Xi [Jinping] and President Zelenskyy," Sullivan said during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press." "The Chinese have talked to the Russians a lot, but at the most senior levels they have not talked to the Ukrainians, and it's very difficult to advance any kind of peace initiative when there's that kind of one-sided diplomacy going." Story continues Sullivan also dove in to President Joe Biden's long-awaited decision to send Abrams tanks to Ukraine. "[Biden] originally decided against sending [Abrams tanks] because his military told them that they would not be useful on the battlefield in this fight," Sullivan said in an interview on ABC's "This Week." What would be useful, Sullivan said, were Germany's Leopard tanks. But after German officials told the White House they would not send those alone, Biden changed his mind. "So, in the interest of alliance unity and to ensure that Ukraine got what it wanted, despite the fact that the Abrams aren't the tool they need, the president said, 'OK, I'm going to be the leader of the Free World. I will send Abrams down the road if you send Leopards now.' Those Leopards are getting sent now," Sullivan said. Flash The Philippines will embrace new opportunities to foster economic growth from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement as the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, a Philippine envoy to China has said. "It's like an opening of a door to competition. However, there will be challenges among players and business people. But as everybody says, there is also an opportunity every time there is a challenge," Benito Techico, Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos' special envoy to China for trade, investments, and tourism told Xinhua in a recent interview. The Philippine Senate ratified RCEP on Feb. 21, a massive free trade agreement involving Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It is the world's largest free trade area representing 30 percent of the global gross domestic product. Philippine officials said RCEP covers roughly 50.4 percent of the Philippines' export markets, 67.3 percent of the country's import sources, and 58 percent of foreign direct investment. According to Techico, Philippine consumers will reap tangible benefits from competitions brought by the RCEP member countries. Preferential import tariffs for Philippine exports, such as agricultural and tourism products, would also give the Southeast Asian country more access to bigger markets. "I think joining RCEP will encourage local businessmen to be more innovative. There will probably be new industries and innovations that would arise from the new generations," Techico said. He stressed the need for the Philippines to fully use its geographic dividend as a strategic location in Asia to attract more foreign investment in manufacturing and logistics. "Technically, we have more access in terms of logistics. We could have more opportunities because those factories or the regional investors might want to take advantage of the country's location and set up a regional logistic hub in Asia," Techico said. As the newly-appointed special envoy to China for trade, investments, and tourism, he believed RCEP catalyzes long-term trade and investment growth between the Philippines and China. "I would expect more guidance or support from China in terms of coming up with manufacturing facilities and investment. Moreover, if there are more partnerships between Philippine farmers and the Chinese technology provider, it will be great for agriculture," he said. Economic and trade cooperation between the Philippines and China has yielded fruitful results in recent years. According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, by the end of 2021, China had been the Philippines' largest trading partner for six consecutive years and had emerged as the Philippines' second-largest export destination. For the first 11 months of 2022, the bilateral trade volume hit 80.41 billion U.S. dollars, up 8.3 percent year on year. John Malkovich (right) opens up about the disappearance of his "closest friend," Julian Sands (left). (Photo: David M. Benett/Getty Images) John Malkovich is opening up about his 40-year friendship with actor Julian Sands and what he thinks may have happened to the A Room with a View star, who was reported missing last month after going hiking on California's Mt. Baldy. Last week the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department announced that search efforts to locate Sands would be delayed "for some time" due to a winter storm in the area. The Mt. Baldy area was also beset by storms around the time of. the 65-year-old Sands's disappearance on Jan. 13. Speaking to the Guardian, his longtime friend Malkovich speculated that the weather conditions may have contributed to the British star making an "irreversible" mistake, despite his substantial hiking experience. I havent really talked about what happened with Jules, Malkovich, 69, told the British newspaper. But, in a way, its a choice, because he was an inveterate mountain climber/hiker. He was always tramping off to Kilimanjaro, or Antartica, or the Andes, or the Alps a very experienced climber whod been through very hairy experiences. I suppose the particular conditions on the ground that day on Mt. Baldy must have led to some sort of catastrophic and immediate error that was irreversible," he added. "That was my instinct upon hearing it. But he knew what the conditions were, and thats what he loved to do. He found great solace in the solitude of that. The actors were frequent co-stars most recently teaming up for Seneca On the Creation of Earthquakes, which just premiered at the Berlinale film festival who first met while filming The Killing Fields in 1983. Malkovich went on to become godfather to Sands's son from his first marriage to journalist Sarah Sands. I love Jules," he shared. "He was someone who was very, very clever. I know his ex-wife, Sarah terribly well and their son, Henry, is my godson. And I introduced Jules to [second wife] Evgenia, whos an old, old friend. I know their daughters well." Story continues Calling Sands, who also starred in Warlock and Leaving Las Vegas, his "closest friend," Malkovich reflected on the actor's passion for outdoor adventures, including solo hikes, "which is quite wild in itself." He added, "but hes a boy who grew up wild on the moors and despite being someone who could be incredibly erudite and polished had always kept that wild part of himself." Now a grandfather, the Oscar-nominated actor is also thinking about his own final days. Ill be 70 in December, he told the publication. Do I have a day, a month, a year, 10 years? No idea. Time seems even more capricious than when I had my own children. You miss so much; it goes so fast." Sand's disappearance is a "great loss," he said. He was such a terrific storyteller, Jules, and so, so funny," the Of Mice and Men star noted. "Since the day we met, I could talk to him about anything, and he could talk to me about anything "But thats the thing you cant do anything about it," he added after a brief pause. "Could I have envisaged Jules at 80? ... I dont know. Both actors discussed their friendship in a 2018 Guardian article, in which Malkovich called his pal a "physical entity of a physical force" and "Tarzan." It was also revealed that after Sands and his first wife split up, the British actor moved in with Malkovich, who served as his godson Henry's nanny for about six weeks. The pair also reflected on their first encounter on the Killing Fields set. I remember the director giving me a long speech, basically telling me that Jules was too sensitive for the likes of me to hang around with, Malkovich shared, adding that during his first meeting with his fellow cast members over lunch, everyone got up to shake hands, while Sands grabbed their croissants and stuffed them into his mouth. "Oh, this is the person whos too sensitive for me? Malkovich remembered thinking. Weve been great friends ever since thats now 35 years. Jordan Frison wasnt going to let Overton boys basketballs recent shooting struggles deter the Wolverines' confidence in the biggest game of the season. Frison is Overtons leader, the one the team looks to late in the game to be the difference; whether hes scoring or not. Thats why all game, Frison kept encouraging senior guard Xavier Alexander to shoot the ball. And it worked in Overtons favor as the Wolverines beat Bartlett 57-54 in the Region 8-4A quarterfinals and avenged a loss at Bartlett in the last years regional quarterfinals. "Ive never beat Bartlett since (Ive been) hooping, said Alexander, who finished with 13 points and three 3-pointers. BRIARCREST BASKETBALL STAR:How Jacob Gazzo proved to be Briarcrest basketball's missing piece POSTSEASON WATCHLIST:16 Memphis-area boys high school basketball players to watch in TSSAA playoffs After struggling to consistently make their 3-point shots in the last four games, Frison and Alexander spent all week working on their shooting. They combined for six of Overtons eight made 3-pointers. Prior to Saturdays game, between Frison and Alexander, the two shot less than 20% from beyond the arc combined in the district tournament semifinals and finals. Each had a different approach to find his shooting rhythm again. Frison, who made three 3-pointers and finished with 22 points, focused on getting back to the basics, he said. "I came out in those games too focused on being pretty, looking good, Frison said. I just went back to the basics and just came out there hooping. Alexander just focused on thinking less and shooting more. "I feel like sometimes I overthink when Im shooting, Alexander said. ... I just started shooting and stopped thinking about it. Now the backcourt duo has the Wolverines in the Region 8-4A semifinals with a game against Collierville on Tuesday night. Overton knew it was going to be a tough draw against Bartlett in the first round of the region tournament. Despite the recent shooting struggles, Overton remain focused. Story continues The Wolverines have a chance to return to the state tournament for the first time since 1963. They cant afford to have inconsistent shooting again. Despite a four-game stretch where the Wolverines didnt shoot their best, they came away with two wins. They finally put it together Saturday for a third win in the last four games. "Our confidence is through the roof, but we cant be too high, Frison said. We have to know that we still can lose too, so we got to be level-headed and do what were supposed to do. Reach Wynston Wilcox at and on Twitter @wynstonw__. This article originally appeared on Memphis Commercial Appeal: TSSAA Basketball: Overton boys beat Bartlett in Region 8-4A quarterfinals Local bus operators and technicians showcase their skills in the annual Jacksonville Transportation Authoritys rodeo, competing in obstacle courses and demonstrating their ability to quickly fix a broken down bus. The competition also serves as a way to celebrate safety and recognize the hard work of these operators and technicians, with the winner advancing to the 2023 Florida triple crown bus rodeo in Orlando. JTA CEO Nathaniel Ford expressed his admiration for the participants and their families, saying, Every year its a celebration of their fine skills as well as an opportunity to recognize their families that support them. This annual competition brought together bus operators and maintenance teams to put their skills to the test. Ramon Farfan, an 11-time champion and one of the competitors, shared that he enjoys helping new drivers. I can teach all the new drivers the skills that weve learned here, said Farfan. Read: Flagler College Theatre Arts presents Cry it Out, a play examining the modern experience of mother All bus operators competed in ten obstacle courses, while six mechanic teams demonstrated how they would address a bus breakdown. This year, the competition featured the first-ever female team in the engine challenge, where they had up to ten minutes to correct a bus engine. The event, which began as a safety initiative, aimed to recognize the best of the best in the industry. Ford said, Its been a long-stored history in our industry to celebrate safety through these competitions and celebrate who is the best of the best. Read: The Community First Seawalk Music Festival is returning for its 11th year Moreover, the Road-eo also served as an opportunity to tackle the bus driver shortage. We have a class right now of about 33 operators but not to our full range, but its a challenge every day serving the public, said Ford. Hopefully we are able to recruit a few new operators into our fold. Story continues The winner of this years competition will move on to the 2023 Florida Triple Crown Bus Rodeo in Orlando. The Road-eo was a celebration of the hardworking individuals who keep Jacksonvilles transportation system running smoothly. [DOWNLOAD: Free Action News Jax app for alerts as news breaks] Read: See monster trucks fly through the air as Monster Jam returns to Jacksonville [SIGN UP: Action News Jax Daily Headlines Newsletter] Click here to download the free Action News Jax news and weather apps, click here to download the Action News Jax Now app for your smart TV and click here to stream Action News Jax live. The Kansas Democratic Party elected Jeanna Repass as the new party chair on Saturday in Topeka. Kansas Democrats on Saturday chose a political newcomer over a former Republican turned Democrat to lead party into an election cycle where a top priority will be attempting to break the GOP's supermajority in the Legislature. Delegates elected Jeanna Repass party chair over Lynn Rogers 122-107 at the Kansas Democratic Party's annual convention, called Washington Days, at the Ramada in downtown Topeka. Party leaders pleaded for unity going forward after the party chair debate turned bitter at times, with social media showing glimpses into party infighting. Repass quoted Martin Luther King Jr. "There's been a lot of darkness for some terrible reason, an unnecessary reason," she said. "So I share with you this: Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that. We are the party of value, vision, light and love." More:Democrats in disarray? As party picks new leader, Kansas Democrats find themselves at a crossroads Repass, of Overland Park, enjoyed the endorsements of internal interest groups and prominent Democratic office holders, including Gov. Laura Kelly, U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, Senate Minority Leader Dinah Sykes and House Minority Leader Vic Miller. Outgoing party chair Vicki Hiatt lauded Democrats for defeating the anti-abortion Value Them Both constitutional amendment, holding the governor's mansion, retaining the 3rd Congressional District and picking up a seat in the Kansas House. "We're going to work hard to break that supermajority in 2024," Hiatt said. "We are not a red state," Sykes said. "We are a purple state, and it is getting bluer. We spoke loudly on Aug. 2 because we don't like extreme policies in Kansas, and we will continue to fight for sane policies and reasonable tax policy, making sure they stay out of our bedrooms, stay out of our doctor's offices." The Democratic convention comes two weeks after the Kansas Republican Party held its own convention, with the GOP narrowly choosing election conspiracy theorist Mike Brown over party insider Helen Van Etten. Story continues "I'm so happy that they chose to pick the more horrible choice," Miller said of Brown, while saying that Democrats "have two great choices." Repass touted her background in raising money through nontraditional revenue sources to start radio stations to serve urban areas of Omaha and Kansas City. "I know how to raise money and build," she said. Repass is the first Black woman to lead the KDP. She is a political newcomer, running as the party's nominee for secretary of state in 2022, making her the first Black woman nominated by either major party for a statewide office. Rogers was one of a small number of high-profile Democrats to attend Repass' campaign announcement last spring. Former Kansas Treasurer Lynn Rogers shakes hands with Jeanna Repass after she announced her run for Kansas secretary of state in May 2022. She ultimately lost in November, as did Rogers in his bid to win the treasurer's office after being appointed to the position two years before. Rogers brought more political experience, having served as state treasurer, Kelly's lieutenant governor, a state senator and on the Wichita Public Schools board of education. He started his political career as a Republican before switching parties. "Kansans deserve an alternative to the far right extremists and culture warriors who continue to take rights away and harm our future," Rogers said. This article originally appeared on Topeka Capital-Journal: Kansas Democrats choose Jeanna Repass as party chair over Lynn Rogers The board of Kelsian Group Limited (ASX:KLS) has announced that the dividend on 17th of March will be increased to A$0.075, which will be 7.1% higher than last year's payment of A$0.07 which covered the same period. This takes the dividend yield to 2.5%, which shareholders will be pleased with. See our latest analysis for Kelsian Group Kelsian Group's Payment Has Solid Earnings Coverage We like to see robust dividend yields, but that doesn't matter if the payment isn't sustainable. The last payment made up 76% of earnings, but cash flows were much higher. Since the dividend is just paying out cash to shareholders, we care more about the cash payout ratio from which we can see plenty is being left over for reinvestment in the business. Over the next year, EPS is forecast to expand by 87.0%. Assuming the dividend continues along the course it has been charting recently, our estimates show the payout ratio being 42% which brings it into quite a comfortable range. Kelsian Group's Dividend Has Lacked Consistency Looking back, Kelsian Group's dividend hasn't been particularly consistent. This makes us cautious about the consistency of the dividend over a full economic cycle. The dividend has gone from an annual total of A$0.0732 in 2014 to the most recent total annual payment of A$0.165. This implies that the company grew its distributions at a yearly rate of about 9.5% over that duration. We have seen cuts in the past, so while the growth looks promising we would be a little bit cautious about its track record. Kelsian Group May Find It Hard To Grow The Dividend Growing earnings per share could be a mitigating factor when considering the past fluctuations in the dividend. Unfortunately, Kelsian Group's earnings per share has been essentially flat over the past five years, which means the dividend may not be increased each year. Slow growth and a high payout ratio could mean that Kelsian Group has maxed out the amount that it has been able to pay to shareholders. When a company prefers to pay out cash to its shareholders instead of reinvesting it, this can often say a lot about that company's dividend prospects. Story continues Our Thoughts On Kelsian Group's Dividend Overall, this is probably not a great income stock, even though the dividend is being raised at the moment. The company is generating plenty of cash, which could maintain the dividend for a while, but the track record hasn't been great. This company is not in the top tier of income providing stocks. It's important to note that companies having a consistent dividend policy will generate greater investor confidence than those having an erratic one. Meanwhile, despite the importance of dividend payments, they are not the only factors our readers should know when assessing a company. For example, we've picked out 1 warning sign for Kelsian Group that investors should know about before committing capital to this stock. Is Kelsian Group not quite the opportunity you were looking for? Why not check out our selection of top dividend stocks. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here A Kettering man will spend time in prison for his actions during the Jan. 6, 2021 breach at the U.S. Capitol. David Mehaffie, 63, of Kettering was sentenced to 14 months in prison Friday, according to the Department of Justice. In September Mehaffie was found guilty of two felony charges: aiding and abetting in assaulting, resisting, or impeding law enforcement officers, and interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder. >> PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Kettering man found guilty in Jan. 6 Capitol riot case He was also sentenced to six months for two misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct in a Capitol Building and aiding and abetting in committing an act of violence in the Capitol Building or grounds. Both sentences will run concurrently. He was also ordered to have 24 months of supervised release. A decision on restitution is pending, the DOJ said. Mehaffie was arrested in Kettering in August 2021 and pleaded not guilty to all charges. On Jan. 6, Mehaffie and two others traveled to Washington D.C. and illegally made their way onto restricted grounds of the U.S. Capitol, according to the governments evidence. >> RELATED: Kettering man accused of directing rioters in January Capitol riot The Justice Department said Mehaffie yelled at nearby rioters who were hesitating to illegally cross the outer perimeter, if we cant fight over this wall, we cant win this battle! Mehaffie and the two other men with him broke through the police line and scaled the Southwest scaffolding and staircase, making their way to the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol building. The three men attempted to break into the building by directing other rioters, participating in heave-hos against the police line, using riot shields stolen from the Capitol Police, and assaulting three specific officers. Mehaffie hung from an archway and shouted directions from above, according to the DOJ. Since the breach of the Capitol in 2021 more than 985 people have been arrested in nearly all 50 states, the DOJ said. Story continues Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia is improving its firepower by studying Western weapons seized on the battlefield. Getty Images Dmitry Medvedev has hit back at Western reports that Russia is running short of weapons in Ukraine. He said Russian factories were working "around the clock" to produce the "latest technologies." Researchers study high-tech Western weapons seized in Ukraine to improve Russian kit, said Medvedev. Dmitry Medvedev, a key ally of Vladimir Putin, has rejected Western reports that Russia is running low on weapons and ammunition. The former Russian president and deputy chairman of Russia's security council said its arms factories were working "around the clock" to produce the "latest technologies." In an article published on Saturday in Russia's National Defense Magazine, Medvedev said that military production at numerous factories in Russia had "increased tenfold" and said new workshops and factories were opening to boost supplies for Putin's war in Ukraine. He also said that Russia was improving its arsenal by studying high-tech Western weapons seized on the battlefield. By dismantling them "piece by piece," Medvedev said Russia had "turned the enemy's experience to our advantage." In December, the UK's chief of defense staff said that Russia was facing a "critical shortage" of artillery shells, The Economist reported. Retired US Army General Mark Hertling told CNN: "I think Mr. Putin is realizing that he's quickly running out of the kinds of munitions he needs to continue this fight." In his article, Medvedev praised Russians' ongoing support for the war in Ukraine and said salaries in the country's defense industry were rising. He said he'd visited various military sites staffed by "top-class professionals" that work "smoothly and without failures." Medvedev wrote: "Behind machine tools, in design offices, and at training grounds, I saw people giving their full dedication to work around the clock for the good of the Motherland." In January, gun-maker Kalashnikov reported that production rose by 40% last year because Russia's army kept buying weapons for its troops in Ukraine. Story continues However, Russia is making limited progress on the frontlines in Ukraine. Earlier in February, UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said Russia had deployed 97% of its entire army in Ukraine but was still struggling to make any major advances. Russia's military campaign has been marked by major blunders. Last October, Insider reported that Russia had become Ukraine's biggest supplier of weapons after Ukrainian advances yielded a massive haul of abandoned Russian military kit. Read the original article on Business Insider Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of Ukraines Defence Intelligence, has shown the cat that is living in the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. A black cat with a white nose and paws named Gunter has been living on the grounds of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine since birth, Budanov told journalist Dmytro Komarov in a documentary project. Gunter is a real combat cat. Fluffy even survived a missile attack. "It's a local cat; it's not a kitty," Kyrylo Budanov described the animal. Cat Gunter. Screenshot from Dmytro Komarov's documentary project The Chief of Ukraine's Defence Intelligence joked that this cat knows more state secrets than anyone else in the country. Cat Gunter. Screenshot from Dmytro Komarov's documentary project Background: Odesa firefighters have a dog named Major, and an unusual rescue dog named Sikro of the Komondor breed serves in Zakarpattia. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! The Institute for the Study of War is sure that Ukraine will win the war, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote after meeting ISW director Kimberly Kagan on Feb. 25. The ISW is an American think-tank that publishes widely-read detailed daily updates about the fighting in Ukraine. However, a Feb. 24 opinion from the ISW stated that "we cannot yet assume a Ukrainian victory... and do not know how this war will end." Kuleba met with Kagan during his trip to Brussels, the Hague, and New York. "It was nice to hear from Kimberly that ISW is convinced of Ukraine's victory," Kuleba wrote on Facebook. The ISW believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin is unlikely to ever stop wanting to take over Ukraine, as he has been trying to do for decades, first through politics, then partial and finally, full-scale invasion. An illegal gathering of vehicles performing stunts, referred to as a sideshow, saw Sacramento police make a felony arrest and hand out multiple citations over the weekend. Officers responded to reports of a sideshow about 10:45 p.m. Saturday with roughly 200 cars spread throughout the city, the Sacramento Police Department wrote on its Twitter page. At one point, a person fired a gun into the crowd gathered in Sacramentos Meadowview neighborhood in the area of Florin Road and Amherst Street. Sideshows are illegal gatherings in which drivers take over roadways including busy city intersections, parking lots and even whole streets and stretches of freeway to do stunts such as doughnuts. The shows typically draw large numbers of people just there to watch the drivers perform. At least four cars were impounded, with nine traffic and two misdemeanor citations issued to go along with the one felony warrant arrest. Four vehicles were impounded, police stated. Last night around 10:45 pm, officers responded to multiple locations throughout the city for reports of 200 vehicles involved in sideshow activity. At one point, in the area of Florin Rd & Amherst Dr., an individual fired a gun into the crowd, causing the group to break-up. Sacramento Police Department (@SacPolice) February 26, 2023 No injuries or damages were reported, according to the social media post. Saturdays sideshow was at least the second event in roughly two weeks along Amherst Street. A Feb. 11 stunt show ended in the alleged assault of a man and his juvenile son. Days later detectives arrested Antonio Hernandez, 19, and booked him into the Sacramento County Main Jail on felony charges of battery and child engagement. Sacramento Police will conduct follow-up interviews to identify more participants and observers. If you have information to help the investigation, tips can be submitted through the P3 Tips free smartphone app. Witnesses are encouraged to contact Sacramento Police at 916-808-5471 or Sacramento Valley Crime Stoppers at 916-443-4357. Callers will remain anonymous and could be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000. Flash Students and teachers pose for a group photo with a slogan expressing the intention to be Chinese-Hungary friendship envoys at Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 24, 2023. (Xinhua/Lian Yi) "It was a very heartwarming thing. It really lifted the mood at the school," Erdelyi Zsuzsanna, head of Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, smiled when talking about Chinese President Xi Jinping's reply to a letter from students of her school. "We were very happy that there was a reply so quickly," Erdelyi told Xinhua recently at her school in Budapest. "We were very happy, because we thought that a person in such a high position would not be sure to respond to the students' letter." "We are very proud of our students for writing such a letter and for receiving such a nice response," she said. Before the Spring Festival, Varga Bonita and Imre Tamara, two Hungarian students whose Chinese names are Hu Lingyue and Song Zhixiao, wrote a letter to Xi and his wife, Professor Peng Liyuan, on behalf of all students in the school, conveying their New Year's greetings. In their letter, they also spoke about what it felt studying Chinese in the school for 12 years, and expressed their willingness to study in Chinese universities and contribute to the Hungary-China friendship. Days later, Xi replied, saying he still remembers chatting with teachers and students of the school in 2009, while encouraging Hungarian youths to learn more about China and become envoys of the China-Hungary friendship. On Friday, Yang Chao, charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary, officially delivered Xi's letter to the school. Speaking in fluent Chinese, Varga and Imre said they are "very excited and honored" to receive Xi's letter, and hope to go to China for their college study. After winning the Chinese Ambassador Scholarship for the second time in January, "Imre and I decided to write to Grandpa Xi to express our gratitude and convey our Spring Festival greetings," Varga told Xinhua. "Our dream is to be a translator. This letter will encourage us to continue working hard to study Chinese and become an excellent translator," said Varga, who loves Chinese tea culture and enjoys online Chinese food programs. Stifter Adam, deputy state secretary for Development of Oriental Relations of Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said the school has been "one of the best examples of cultural and educational cooperation" between Hungary and China. "By getting to know the history and culture of China's language, the students' knowledge increases, and this greatly contributes to the development of cultural relations and friendship between the two countries," Stifter said. "Getting to know each other's culture was the primary goal" in the school's development, said Lebanov Jozsef, head of the Public Education Strategy Department of the State Secretariat for Public Education of Hungary's Ministry of Interior. "I feel that the past two decades have proven with absolute certainty that our vision has succeeded," he said. "Today's event also shows that there is a living close relationship between the school's students and China, and that the students studying here are particularly attentive to the cradle of the Chinese language and culture they learn here," he added. When the bilingual school was founded in September 2004, Erdelyi recalled, most of the students were Chinese native speakers or children of mixed parentage. "However, as time went on, there was an increasing interest in learning the Chinese language here in Hungary, and it gained momentum in 2008 after the Beijing Olympics. Since then, the development has been unbroken," Erdelyi said. "Today, most of the students are Hungarian native speakers and study Chinese continuously for five hours a week." Currently, the only full-time school in Central and Eastern Europe that uses Chinese and the local language for instruction has 12 grades and 20 classes with more than 530 students. "We can proudly say that many of our students have passed the baccalaureate exam and advanced baccalaureate exam, and obtained language exams in Chinese. Some of them have even gone to China as scholarship students," Erdelyi said. "In 2009, when Mr. Xi Jinping, China's vice president at the time, visited Hungary, he assured our school that he would support and help its development. I think he fulfilled this promise to the maximum, fulfilled it, and created all the opportunities for the students studying here ... so that teaching could go well and all tools and help should be available for us," she said. In his reply letter, Xi also said that he hopes the students have the opportunity to travel around China, learn more about today's China as well as its history and culture. Erdelyi, who has visited China several times since 2007 and had "fantastic experiences" there, said Xi's words resonated with her, stressing that it is important for the students to "test the knowledge" they acquire in Hungary. Looking into the future, the school head said she expects more programs of this kind, so as to further strengthen the cultural exchanges between Hungary and China. "The school can form a bridge between the two countries, where the students studying here can later work a lot in building relations between the two countries, since they speak the mother tongue of both countries very well," she said. "Many Chinese companies have already settled here in Hungary and started operation. There is also an opportunity here to develop the students' knowledge and Chinese language skills. They can help to strengthen and develop these relations," she added. The leaders of the House's new select committee on China on Sunday defended Rep. Judy Chu after another lawmaker questioned her loyalty to the United States because of her Chinese heritage. "One of my colleagues, unfortunately, attacked Judy Chu, the first Chinese American Congresswoman in the United States Congress, saying that somehow she's not loyal to the United States. I find that offensive as an Asian American myself," Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) said of criticism last week of the California Democrat by Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas). Joining Krishnamoorthi on CBS' "Face the Nation," Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) agreed with him: "We should not question anybody's loyalty to the United States. I think that is out of bounds." Speaking last week on Fox News, Gooden said of Chu: "I question her either loyalty or competence." Gooden, who was responding to her defense of Biden appointee Dominic Ng, also told host Jesse Watters that Chu should be barred from access to classified information. Chu, who was born in Los Angeles, called Gooden's statements "racist." It is based on false information spread by an extreme, right-wing website, Chu said. Furthermore, it is racist. I very much doubt that he would be spreading these lies were I not of Chinese American descent. Gallagher is the chair of a new House select committee focused on China's ruling Communist Party and Krishnamoorthi is the panel's ranking Democrat. Both discussed the criticism of Chu in light of their committee's mission. "Absolutely, we shouldn't question anybody's loyalty," Gallagher added. "And going forward, I think what's critical and the reason we actually got the committee renamed to focus on the Chinese Communist Party, is to constantly make that distinction between the party and the people." Krishnamoorthi concurred. "The Chinese Communist Party loves it when we are internally fractious and they like it when we are stereotyping. We have to avoid that," he said. Story continues As for the work of the committee, which is designed to examine possible threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party, Gallagher said he expects to find a certain amount of bipartisan support for its efforts. "I want both sides in some way to look to the committee as the area for the most forward-leaning, innovative, and bipartisan policy and legislation on China," he said. Host Margaret Brennan asked Gallagher how the American people can be sure the panel doesn't end up as being seen as persecuting people, as in the 1950s loyalty hearings led by Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.). "Joseph McCarthy's from my district, he's buried in my district; we need not exhume his body and reanimate it," Gallagher said, adding: "We must constantly be aware of going overboard as we try and win this competition with China." WASHINGTON (AP) The leaders of a new House select committee on China defended Democratic Rep. Judy Chu on Sunday, saying it was abhorrent and unacceptable for a GOP lawmaker to question her loyalty to the United States based on her Chinese heritage. One of my colleagues, unfortunately, attacked Judy Chu, the first Chinese American congresswoman in the United States Congress, saying that somehow shes not loyal to the United States. I find that offensive as an Asian American myself, said Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, the ranking Democrat on the panel, about the comments last week from Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas. Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher, the Republican chair of the China panel who appeared Sunday with Krishnamoorthi on CBS' Face the Nation, said Gooden was out of line. We should not question anybodys loyalty to the United States, Gallagher said. That is out of bounds. Its beyond the pale. In a Fox News interview last week, Gooden criticized Chu for her defense of Biden economic appointee Dominic Ng, who the president named to the business advisory council of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Gooden questioned either Chu's loyalty or competence. He also suggested that Chu, a California Democrat, should not have a security clearance or access to classified briefings. Chu, the chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus who was born in Los Angeles, called Gooden's comments racist," saying the attacks on her and Ng relied on false information from right-wing media. On Sunday, Gallagher said his bipartisan committee, which is officially called the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party" was named as such to to constantly make that distinction between the party and the people. We must constantly be aware of going overboard as we try and win this competition with China," he said. Editor's Note: Sen. Joey Hensley, R-Hohenwald, and Rep. Kip Capley, R-Summertown, share information about the top bills discussed in the 113th General Assembly each week. State Sen. Joey Hensley, R-Hohenwald (District 28) Hensley report Legislation advances to crack down on TikTok use at Tennessee College Campuses The Senate Education Committee unanimously approved legislation to prohibit the Chinese-owned social media platforms TikTok and WeChat from being accessed on Tennessee public higher education institutions internet networks. These platforms pose serious national security risks to the United States. National security experts have warned that TikTok has the potential to allow the Chinese Communist Party to spy on Americans activities and control their mobile devices. We have to take every precaution possible to minimize the threat of TikTok. The State of Tennessee and the Federal government have taken similar steps to mitigate the security risks of TikTok by prohibiting government internet networks and devices from supporting the social media app. Expanding eligibility for the Tennessee HOPE scholarship - Senate Bill 74 seeks to recruit, retain and reward eligible Tennessee HOPE scholarship students by allowing them to receive the HOPE scholarship until the student has earned an advanced degree or for up to five years from initial enrollment, whichever is first. The HOPE scholarship is funded by the state lottery and is awarded to freshmen who are enrolled at an eligible postsecondary institution within 16 months after graduating from a Tennessee-eligible high school. Removing the tuition cap for dual enrollment - The Education Committee this week passed a bill that removes the tuition cap for dual enrollment for certain campuses. Senate bill 1408 applies to high school students taking college courses to get a head start for college credit. Present law prohibits an eligible postsecondary institution from charging certain students receiving a dual enrollment grant tuition or fees in excess of the students dual enrollment grant award. However, an eligible postsecondary institution may charge a student receiving a dual enrollment grant costs actually incurred by the institution on the student's behalf, including book and material costs, and special examination fee. This bill changes the prohibition above to only apply to eligible public postsecondary institutions, not independent postsecondary institutions. Story continues Easing requirements for veterans seeking a commercial drivers license - Passed by the Transportation and Safety committee, Senate Bill 105 waives the knowledge test for active military service members, veterans and national guardsmen applying for a commercial drivers license (CDL). The bill identifies various alternative requirements for the license, including operating a commercial motor vehicle in the military in combination with a good driving record. Similar laws are in place in 18 other states, including South Carolina, Georgia and Texas. Restitution for children of victims of DUI - In the event a parent of a minor child is killed by an intoxicated driver, current law requires the convicted offender to pay restitution to each of the victims children until each child reaches 18 years of age and has graduated from high school or the class of which the child is a member has graduated. Senate Bill 442, is known as Dillards Law and amends current law by allowing a family to convert the criminal restitution, which would be paid at the end of the defendants sentence, to a civil judgment, allowing the children to be compensated sooner rather than later. Annual Hospital Assessment Act The Senate Health and Welfare Committee passed legislation to extend the Annual Hospital Assessment Act, which the state has passed each year since 2010. Senate Bill 289 continues the voluntary hospital assessment that results in more than $691 million in state funds going towards covering indigent and uninsured care provided by hospitals to the general public and makes the state eligible for $1.8 billion in federal matching funds to support TennCare. This assessment identifies areas of needs for hospitals and helps hospitals meet these needs and continue operations while not raising prices for patients. Topical Medical Waste Reduction Act of 2023 Legislation passed the Health and Welfare Committee to allow patients to take home topical medication administered at a hospital or surgical center that is needed for continued use. Senate Bill 523 will save patients money and reduce waste for medication currently tossed out after being opened at a healthcare facility. The legislation applies to topical antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, dilation, glaucoma drops or ointments. Kip Capley Capley report The pace picked up this week on Capitol Hill with lawmakers advancing several bills through committee and on the House floor. The House Finance, Ways and Means Committee continued its work advancing the priorities of Tennesseans for next year by completing its seventh week of budget hearings. The House Education Committee on Wednesday held a special hearing to consider testimony from Tennessee teachers, superintendents and other experts on childhood literacy rates in Tennessee. Much of the focus was on the impact of the bipartisan Tennessee Literary Success Act and Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act passed by the General Assembly in early 2021. The laws were aimed at improving literacy rates and tackling the learning loss related to COVID-19. Before the pandemic, only a third of Tennessee fourth graders were able to read at grade level. Republicans in the Tennessee General Assembly have placed a heightened focus on foundational literacy skills in recent years because of the critical importance of third-grade reading proficiency. The third-grade retention law passed in 2021 provides students with additional academic support before being promoted to the fourth grade if they are not reading on-level. Lawmakers this session have filed 18 bills to address concerns about the law. The House K-12 Education Subcommittee will begin to consider the proposals in a special hearing scheduled for March 7. General Assembly bans changing gender identity in children - Legislation that prohibits minors from undergoing irreversible and harmful medical procedures for the purpose of changing their gender identity now heads to the governors desk for his signature, following a 77-16 vote in the House chamber on Thursday. Tennessee now provides the nations strongest protections against the removal of a childs healthy body parts. House Bill 1 sponsored by House Majority Leader William Lamberth, R-Portland, bans medical interference that alters a childs hormonal balance and procedures that remove body parts to enable the minor to identify as a gender different from their biological sex. The Senate version passed on Feb. 13. Any health care provider who violates the law can be sued in civil court by the minor injured, the parent of the minor injured or the Attorney General within 30 years of the violation. Providers found to be in violation could face up to a $25,000 penalty per violation and have their medical license restricted. The legislation ensures that doctors can still prescribe hormone treatment to minors for medically necessary purposes and makes exceptions for children born with chromosomal anomalies or congenital defects. House Bill 1 now heads to the governors desk to be signed into law. It becomes effective July 1. Constitutional carry expansion advances - Republican legislation to expand protections for Tennesseans Second Amendment rights advanced out of the House Civil Justice Subcommittee this week. House Bill 1005, as amended, would expand constitutional carry in Tennessee by allowing law-abiding adults to carry a firearm where they are legally allowed to. The legislation would also lower the minimum age required for a person to obtain an enhanced, lifetime enhanced or concealed handgun carry permit from 21 to 18 years of age. If approved, the bill would also rename concealed handgun carry permits and enhanced handgun carry permits to concealed firearm carry permits and enhanced firearm carry permits. Permit holders and law-abiding adults would be allowed to carry any firearm they legally own in any place or manner currently authorized for handguns. Existing state law prohibiting certain individuals, like those convicted of stalking, from possessing a firearm would remain unchanged. Additionally, the legislation would clarify that a person or entity who prohibits the possession of firearms on their property is not immune from civil liability. House Bill 1005 is scheduled to be heard in the House Civil Justice Committee on March 1. General Assembly protects children from adult entertainment - The House chamber on Thursday passed legislation that protects children from being exposed to sexually explicit performances. House Bill 9, sponsored by State Rep. Chris Todd, R-Jackson, restricts adult-oriented cabaret performances from being performed on public property if children could be present. The bill requires private establishments such as bars or restaurants that host sexually explicit shows to require patrons to show identification to ensure they are at least 18. The bill provides common-sense protection and clarity regarding what performances are not appropriate for children. A violation of this bill would result in a Class A misdemeanor, and a second or subsequent offense would result in a Class E felony. The bill returns to the Senate chamber for a procedural vote before heading to the governors desk for his signature. Another proposal making its way through House committees would require a person to obtain a valid entertainer permit from the adult-oriented establishment board in jurisdictions with a board, prior to performing an adult cabaret entertainment show. House Bill 30, sponsored by State Rep. Clay Doggett, R-Pulaski, prohibits public, private and commercial establishments from allowing anyone under the age of 18 to attend such a performance. House Bill 30 is scheduled to be heard in the House Finance, Ways, and Means Committee on Feb. 28. Information submitted by Sen. Joey Hensley, R-Hohenwald, and Rep. Kip Capley, R-Summertown. This article originally appeared on The Daily Herald: Legislative Update: Hensley, Capley share top bills on the Hill Lori Lightfoot, who defied expectations four years ago to win the Chicago mayoral race as a political outsider, finds herself once again the underdog as she seeks to fend off multiple challengers in a tough reelection bid. The citys top executive is facing a crowded field of eight other candidates. Though Lightfoot campaigned as a reformer in 2019, voters are signaling they might be ready for another fresh start, and she finds herself trailing some of her rivals in recent polls. Should she fail to become one of the top two vote-getters in Tuesdays primary, she could become the first incumbent Chicago mayor in more than three decades to lose an election. Shes an underdog this time around for different reasons than she was an underdog last time, said longtime political operative Victor Reyes, who is supporting challenger Rep. Jesus Chuy Garcia (D-Ill.) but not advising him. Last time, she was an unknown and she was the counter to the traditional political establishment folks, and the vote split was happening in a different way back then. And this time, shes like the target of everybodys ire, right? Reyes continued. Shes getting attacked from the left; shes getting attacked from the right. And she doesnt have any ground footing with any significant solid base of votes. Multiple polls over the past month have shown Lightfoot either tied with or trailing a mix of the other three frontrunners: Garcia; former Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas; and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson. Still, Lightfoot is no stranger to being counted out. During the 2019 Chicago mayoral race, she polled as low as in the single digits ahead of that years February primary and surprised many when she made it into the runoff that year along with Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. But the reformer candidate who broke barriers as the first Black woman and first openly gay candidate to be elected as Chicagos mayor is facing a steep path to reelection as she battles perceptions that shes too combative along with concerns over crime and public safety. Story continues Lightfoots campaign argues she has the support be reelected. Under Mayor Lightfoots leadership, Chicago has made progress like this city has never seen before, Lightfoot campaign spokeswoman Hannah Goss said in a statement. In just four years, she has spurred economic development in every corner of the city not just downtown. The Mayor has secured record investments in affordable housing, expanded access to mental health services, raised the minimum wage to $15, made key reforms to our police department and more. Twyla Blackmond Larnell, an assistant professor of political science at Loyola University Chicago, argued that identity politics are playing a significant role in the race, and that while Lightfoot has courted Black and white voters in the past, its not clear if she has their support. And so my question has always been whos going to turn out to vote for [Lightfoot] in this election, at least vote for her enough to get her to the runoff? Larnell said. Lightfoot appeared to nod toward that question while speaking to voters last weekend. Any vote coming out of the South Side for somebody not named Lightfoot is a vote for Chuy Garcia or Paul Vallas, she said, according to footage from NBC5 Chicago. She later walked back those statements following criticism for the remarks. If I said anything other than everybody everywhere needs to vote then I misspoke in the heat of a campaign rally, she said. At the same time, Vallas, Garcia and Johnson are not without their own challenges ahead of next Tuesday. Lightfoot, for example, has sought to portray Vallas as a Republican an insult in the heavily blue city of Chicago and has pointed to his endorsement from the Fraternal Order of Police. News coverage has also reported on Vallass donors, some of whom have given to Republicans in the past. A spokesperson for Vallass campaign suggested those attacks show a little bit of desperation and noted that the facts of it are pretty straightforward: Hes a lifelong Democrat, hes run for public office multiple times, even statewide office, as a Democrat. He is completely pro-choice and has publicly said that he would make sure that Chicago remains a reproductive safe haven. Meanwhile, Lightfoot has sought to tie Garcia to FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried and disgraced former state House Speaker Mike Madigan (D) in one of her earlier ads. The Chicago Tribune noted that Bankman-Fried donated $2,900 to the congressmans campaign while more than $150,000 was spent by a political action committee with ties to the FTX founder to support Garcias reelection efforts. More recently, the Tribune reported that an unidentified member of Congress referenced in court documents related to a probe involving Madigan is Garcia himself. Garcias campaign has said that the congressman donated the direct contribution from Bankman-Fried, and the congressman has publicly said he was not involved with the independent expenditure that was made outside his campaign. The campaign also told the Tribune that he is not involved in the Madigan probe or any other related probe. No wrongdoing has been alleged against him. Because Lori Lightfoot has no accomplishments of her own to tout, she has resorted to phony, desperate attacks on the Congressman to distract from the fact she has failed to keep Chicagoans safe and has failed to reform city government as she once promised, Garcia campaign spokesperson Antoine Givens said in a statement to The Hill. In a sign that Ligthfoot views Johnson as a possible contender, Lightfoot also released an ad targeting the Cook County commissioners previous comments in which he voiced support for defunding the police an attack line often used by Republicans against Democrats but less often seen among intraparty disputes. Johnson would not say directly whether he would cut spending from the Chicago Police Department, noting instead he would be investing in what works. But the Cook County commissioner also accused Lightfoots and former Mayor Rahm Emanuels administrations of defunding city services and institutions. Shes not an underdog, shes a disappointment, Johnson told The Hill. This administration [and] the previous administration have moved on the defunding of all of the critical services that the people of Chicago not only rely upon but deserve, Johnson said. I am running to become the investor-in-chief. Still, observers argue not to count her out. Dick Simpson, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Illinois Chicago whos long been a fixture in Chicago politics, explained he was supporting her because she did carry out the ethics of good government reforms. And she is a pragmatic progressive whos carrying out the agenda of issues like Invest South/West affordable housing, balanced economic development, he added. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Kevin Myers, an at-large member of Bucyrus City Council, speaks during a special council meeting on Feb. 16. A member of Bucyrus City Council has questioned whether the city should be spending money on a new splash pad this year, even if a local civic group eventually will cover the cost. During Thursday evening's regularly scheduled joint committee meetings, council's finance committee approved legislation that will allow the Bucyrus Kiwanis Club to borrow $90,000 for installation of a planned splash pad at Aumiller Park. The underground portion of work for the project was completed last year. "When times are tough and we've got reduced staffing at the fire department, we're not a bank at this point," said finance committee member Kevin Myers, R-at large, the only committee member who voted against forwarding the emergency legislation to the full council for a vote. "This is money that I think we need to utilize for what we've got to do." The money, from the city's American Rescue Plan Act funding, would be repaid by the club under the terms of a promissory note, said Brian Gernert, the city's interim law director. "That money would have to be bonded, so the Kiwanis would have to purchase a performance bond," Gernert explained. The loan specifies the money can be used only for the construction of the splash pad. The group would repay the money in three annual $30,000 payments, starting Dec. 1, 2024. The group would have the option to repay it sooner. If the amount is not paid back in full by Dec. 1, 2026, 5% interest would begin to accrue, he said. But Myers has repeatedly voiced concerns about recent changes at the Bucyrus Fire Department. Minimum staffing has been reduced from six firefighters a shift to four, effective Feb. 20. In announcing the directive, Mayor Jeff Reser cited a severe budget crunch, saying the city is "on a financial precipice." His figures showed overtime pay for the fire department was $400,000 in 2022 and, without the change, was projected to be $450,000 this year. Myers: 'What am I supposed to say to them?' Myers said residents have been asking him how the splash park loan could be justified at a time when the money would be better used to cover overtime costs at the Bucyrus Fire Department. Story continues "How can we sit here and look at doing this right now and answer that to the citizens that have given an outcry of support for that? And that's a sincere question of ... what am I supposed to say to them?" Myers asked. The money will be repaid, he acknowledged but not this year. "We're in the middle of a financial crisis this year," Myers said. So far, all expenditures from the city's $1.2 million ARPA allocation have gone toward safety forces both equipment and salaries, Reser said. "Nothing from that money has been invested at all in improvements in the community," he said. "That money should have been earmarked as much as possible for investments in the community. So at the end of the day, over 90% of that money is going to go to safety forces. We can afford to give 10% of it to investment for these kids." Myers said he understood Reser's point, but wanted to share an argument he'd heard from a resident. "If we don't support our public safety and we lose people and our insurance rating goes up and some businesses don't want to come here, people don't want to live here, I think that's a quality of life issue that's no better, no worse than what we're doing with the beautification projects and the legacy project," Myers said. "It all goes into the same basket, and I think we have to look at it as similar." Reser: 'We have to have a balance' "I think we invest well in safety; we spend $5 million a year on safety forces. We spend less than $100,000 a year on a pool. We have no money that we invest for any improvements to the park," Reser countered, adding the city relies on civic organizations for such things. "We underfund our parks. We have to have a balance. If you're going to have people living here, you have to give them a reason to live here." "I don't disagree with that; we have the same argument, that funds are short right now," Myers said. He also asked if the ARPA money might not be better spent opening the city's pool this year. Reser retorted that one reason the city is short of funds is because council members accepted a fact-finder's report on negotiations with the firefighters' union that cost the city more than $300,000 in back pay alone. Against the administration's recommendation, Myers voted in favor of accepting the report. "We told you money was going to be short," Reser said. "Not even 10% of the ARPA money, that's going to come back in a couple years. We have an opportunity to do something really nice that's not going to cost the city a cent; we're just going to have to front a little money. I think it's a wise thing to do." Allowing the club to handle the construction avoids the necessity of putting the project out to bid. Reser said the result will be "a lot nicer splash pad for the same amount of money." Annual maintenance is expected to cost $1,600. If the emergency legislation is approved by the full council, the splash pad could be ready to open by the end of May, Reser said. "And every one of you can come out for a photo op," he added. "That will be huge for the city." 419-559-7263 This article originally appeared on Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum: Council member questions timing of loan for new splash pad at Aumiller Key Insights Rimbunan Sawit Berhad's estimated fair value is RM0.15 based on 2 Stage Free Cash Flow to Equity Current share price of RM0.17 suggests Rimbunan Sawit Berhad is potentially trading close to its fair value When compared to theindustry average discount of -1,958%, Rimbunan Sawit Berhad's competitors seem to be trading at a greater premium to fair value Does the February share price for Rimbunan Sawit Berhad (KLSE:RSAWIT) reflect what it's really worth? Today, we will estimate the stock's intrinsic value by estimating the company's future cash flows and discounting them to their present value. We will take advantage of the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model for this purpose. There's really not all that much to it, even though it might appear quite complex. Remember though, that there are many ways to estimate a company's value, and a DCF is just one method. Anyone interested in learning a bit more about intrinsic value should have a read of the Simply Wall St analysis model. See our latest analysis for Rimbunan Sawit Berhad The Calculation We are going to use a two-stage DCF model, which, as the name states, takes into account two stages of growth. The first stage is generally a higher growth period which levels off heading towards the terminal value, captured in the second 'steady growth' period. To begin with, we have to get estimates of the next ten years of cash flows. Seeing as no analyst estimates of free cash flow are available to us, we have extrapolate the previous free cash flow (FCF) from the company's last reported value. We assume companies with shrinking free cash flow will slow their rate of shrinkage, and that companies with growing free cash flow will see their growth rate slow, over this period. We do this to reflect that growth tends to slow more in the early years than it does in later years. A DCF is all about the idea that a dollar in the future is less valuable than a dollar today, so we discount the value of these future cash flows to their estimated value in today's dollars: Story continues 10-year free cash flow (FCF) forecast 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Levered FCF (MYR, Millions) RM30.6m RM28.0m RM26.7m RM26.1m RM26.0m RM26.2m RM26.6m RM27.1m RM27.9m RM28.7m Growth Rate Estimate Source Est @ -13.37% Est @ -8.29% Est @ -4.73% Est @ -2.24% Est @ -0.50% Est @ 0.72% Est @ 1.58% Est @ 2.17% Est @ 2.59% Est @ 2.89% Present Value (MYR, Millions) Discounted @ 11% RM27.6 RM22.8 RM19.6 RM17.3 RM15.5 RM14.1 RM12.9 RM11.9 RM11.0 RM10.2 ("Est" = FCF growth rate estimated by Simply Wall St) Present Value of 10-year Cash Flow (PVCF) = RM163m After calculating the present value of future cash flows in the initial 10-year period, we need to calculate the Terminal Value, which accounts for all future cash flows beyond the first stage. For a number of reasons a very conservative growth rate is used that cannot exceed that of a country's GDP growth. In this case we have used the 5-year average of the 10-year government bond yield (3.6%) to estimate future growth. In the same way as with the 10-year 'growth' period, we discount future cash flows to today's value, using a cost of equity of 11%. Terminal Value (TV)= FCF 2032 (1 + g) (r g) = RM29m (1 + 3.6%) (11% 3.6%) = RM408m Present Value of Terminal Value (PVTV)= TV / (1 + r)10= RM408m ( 1 + 11%)10= RM146m The total value is the sum of cash flows for the next ten years plus the discounted terminal value, which results in the Total Equity Value, which in this case is RM309m. The last step is to then divide the equity value by the number of shares outstanding. Compared to the current share price of RM0.2, the company appears around fair value at the time of writing. Remember though, that this is just an approximate valuation, and like any complex formula - garbage in, garbage out. dcf Important Assumptions We would point out that the most important inputs to a discounted cash flow are the discount rate and of course the actual cash flows. Part of investing is coming up with your own evaluation of a company's future performance, so try the calculation yourself and check your own assumptions. The DCF also does not consider the possible cyclicality of an industry, or a company's future capital requirements, so it does not give a full picture of a company's potential performance. Given that we are looking at Rimbunan Sawit Berhad as potential shareholders, the cost of equity is used as the discount rate, rather than the cost of capital (or weighted average cost of capital, WACC) which accounts for debt. In this calculation we've used 11%, which is based on a levered beta of 0.907. Beta is a measure of a stock's volatility, compared to the market as a whole. We get our beta from the industry average beta of globally comparable companies, with an imposed limit between 0.8 and 2.0, which is a reasonable range for a stable business. SWOT Analysis for Rimbunan Sawit Berhad Strength No major strengths identified for RSAWIT. Weakness Interest payments on debt are not well covered. Current share price is above our estimate of fair value. Opportunity Has sufficient cash runway for more than 3 years based on current free cash flows. Lack of analyst coverage makes it difficult to determine RSAWIT's earnings prospects. Threat Debt is not well covered by operating cash flow. Moving On: Although the valuation of a company is important, it ideally won't be the sole piece of analysis you scrutinize for a company. The DCF model is not a perfect stock valuation tool. Rather it should be seen as a guide to "what assumptions need to be true for this stock to be under/overvalued?" If a company grows at a different rate, or if its cost of equity or risk free rate changes sharply, the output can look very different. For Rimbunan Sawit Berhad, there are three relevant elements you should assess: Risks: Case in point, we've spotted 1 warning sign for Rimbunan Sawit Berhad you should be aware of. Other High Quality Alternatives: Do you like a good all-rounder? Explore our interactive list of high quality stocks to get an idea of what else is out there you may be missing! Other Top Analyst Picks: Interested to see what the analysts are thinking? Take a look at our interactive list of analysts' top stock picks to find out what they feel might have an attractive future outlook! PS. Simply Wall St updates its DCF calculation for every Malaysian stock every day, so if you want to find the intrinsic value of any other stock just search here. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here Former Love Island stars Zara Lackenby-Brown and Jordan Odofin have spoken about their coupling up outside of the villa. Zara entered the villa as a bombshell contestant partway through the latest series, coupling up with Tom Clare before being dumped after nearly two weeks on the show. Jordan joined the cast the following day, but was subsequently dumped, and Zara has said she wished producers of the ITV series had let them meet in the villa. ITV Related: Love Island star Luca Bish teases his mum over "TV debut" "They [the producers] knew Jordan was my type before I even walked in," she told The Mirror's The Sunday People. "I left the villa thinking my dream man doesn't exist, and days after Jordan arrives. I understand they have storylines to follow but I deserved to find love." "Before going in I was asked for my top three and I said Zara was my number one," added Jordan. "Naturally I was looking for her. It made my villa experience very different I was in a friendship couple [with Ellie Spence] the whole time." The pair got together after appearing on Love Island's sister show, Aftersun, deciding to pursue their relationship after messaging simultaneously. ITV Related: Love Island host Maya Jama teams up with Jack Whitehall for new TV project The current series is nearing its conclusion, with Friday night's (February 24) episode unveiling the latest recoupling results. With the entry of two new bombshells Rosie and Keanan the ceremony saw Casey and Claudia split whilst choosing to pair up with the new entrants. Tanya opted to return to Shaq, leaving Martin to be eliminated. Zara recently spoke about Tanya and Shaq's turbulent relationship after the former took issue with her interactions with him earlier in the series. "Me hearing I'm somehow involved in the Shaq and Tanya saga," she wrote in the caption to a photo of the 'Not My Business' meme. Love Island airs nightly on ITV2, and is available via catch up on ITVX and BritBox. 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Read also: Half a year since atrocity in Olenivka, still no international outcry Ukrainian human rights Ombudsman Were bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. Support us with a one-time donation, or become a Patron! Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine Dictator Lukashenko The ISW notse that Lukashenko had earlier announced his plans to visit China from Feb. 28 to March 2, and meet with Xi Jinping to sign agreements on trade, investment, and large-scale joint projects. Lukashenko also intends to meet with top officials and executives of Chinese corporations. Read also: China presents position paper on ending Russias war on Ukraine "Lukashenkos announcement of his planned visit coincides with reporting from CNN and The Washington Post that senior U.S. officials assess that China is seriously considering selling combat drones, personal weapons, and 122mm and 152mm artillery shells to Russia," the report reads. Russian and Chinese officials have also reportedly developed plans for the shipment of drones to Russia under falsified shipping documents to avoid international sanctions measures. Read also: Concern over Russian-Chinese cooperation grows in Washington ISW experts suggest that China may try to use agreements with Belarus to hide its sanctions violations, if it goes ahead with plans to supply Russia. China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, visited Moscow on Feb. 22, where he met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin. According to media reports, Jinping is also preparing to visit Moscow in the coming months for a summit with Putin. Read also: US suggests Chinese companies providing aid for Russian war effort in Ukraine media reports Against this backdrop, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he would like to meet with the Chinese leader. According to him, Kyiv has already conveyed this intention to Beijing at the diplomatic level. Were bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. Support us with a one-time donation, or become a Patron! Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine Even if it's not a huge purchase, we think it was good to see that Malcolm Washer, a Emyria Limited (ASX:EMD) insider, recently shelled out AU$60k to buy stock, at AU$0.18 per share. Although the purchase is not a big one, increasing their shareholding by only 1.7%, it can be interpreted as a good sign. Check out our latest analysis for Emyria The Last 12 Months Of Insider Transactions At Emyria In fact, the recent purchase by Malcolm Washer was the biggest purchase of Emyria shares made by an insider individual in the last twelve months, according to our records. Even though the purchase was made at a significantly lower price than the recent price (AU$0.21), we still think insider buying is a positive. While it does suggest insiders consider the stock undervalued at lower prices, this transaction doesn't tell us much about what they think of current prices. Emyria insiders may have bought shares in the last year, but they didn't sell any. The chart below shows insider transactions (by companies and individuals) over the last year. If you want to know exactly who sold, for how much, and when, simply click on the graph below! Emyria is not the only stock that insiders are buying. For those who like to find winning investments this free list of growing companies with recent insider purchasing, could be just the ticket. Insider Ownership Another way to test the alignment between the leaders of a company and other shareholders is to look at how many shares they own. Usually, the higher the insider ownership, the more likely it is that insiders will be incentivised to build the company for the long term. Emyria insiders own 45% of the company, currently worth about AU$28m based on the recent share price. I like to see this level of insider ownership, because it increases the chances that management are thinking about the best interests of shareholders. What Might The Insider Transactions At Emyria Tell Us? It's certainly positive to see the recent insider purchases. And an analysis of the transactions over the last year also gives us confidence. But we don't feel the same about the fact the company is making losses. Along with the high insider ownership, this analysis suggests that insiders are quite bullish about Emyria. That's what I like to see! So while it's helpful to know what insiders are doing in terms of buying or selling, it's also helpful to know the risks that a particular company is facing. Case in point: We've spotted 6 warning signs for Emyria you should be aware of, and 3 of them shouldn't be ignored. Story continues If you would prefer to check out another company -- one with potentially superior financials -- then do not miss this free list of interesting companies, that have HIGH return on equity and low debt. For the purposes of this article, insiders are those individuals who report their transactions to the relevant regulatory body. We currently account for open market transactions and private dispositions, but not derivative transactions. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here A 66-year-old man was shot dead Sunday morning along the Wynnton Road corridor in midtown Columbus, the coroner said. It marked Columbus 10th homicide so far this year, according to the Ledger-Enquirers count. James McTyre was pronounced dead from multiple gunshot wounds at 7:10 a.m., said Muscogee County Coroner Buddy Bryan.. He was dead on the scene of the shooting at 2100 Wynnton Road, Bryan said. Thats at the intersection of Wynnton Road and Brown Avenue. In a news release Sunday afternoon, Columbus police said officers were called at 6:12 a.m. to a reported car crash outside the China Inn restaurant, where investigators determined McTyre, the driver, had gunshot wounds. Deputy Coroner Elizabeth Allison pronounced him dead after emergency medics were unable to revive him, police said. Anyone with information on the shooting is asked to contact Sgt. Kelly Phillips at 706-225-4408 or State and local police are investigating after a man was found dead outside Auburn High School on Sunday morning, police said. Police said there appears to be no risk to the public. At 6:35 a.m., fire personnel responded to Auburn High School at 99 Auburn St. for a report of an unresponsive male on a driveway. Paramedics declared the man dead at the scene, police said. Emergency responders closed the area around the school until 10:30 a.m., when the property was reopened. The unattended death remains under investigation by Auburn Police detectives and State Police detectives assigned to Worcester County District Attorney Joseph Earlys office, police said. A spokesman for Worcester County District Attorney Joseph Early Jr. said Sunday that no further information is being released at this time. Download the FREE Boston 25 News app for breaking news alerts. Follow Boston 25 News on Facebook and Twitter. | Watch Boston 25 News NOW A man died from his injuries following a two-vehicle crash in Franklin, Warren County, Saturday night. >> TRENDING: Driver tops 115 mph in high-speed police chase on SR-49 in Darke Co. The Lebanon post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol was dispatched to Interstate 75, just north of state Route 123, at around 9:30 p.m. on reports of a crash, a spokesperson for the agency stated. After a preliminary investigation, state troopers found that Metodi Panev, 66, of Cincinnati, drove his 2015 Mercedes-Benz into the rear-end of a 2020 Dodge Ram 3500, operated by Aleksandr Kozhukhar, 51, of Hollywood, Florida, the spokesperson informed. The Dodge stopped in the right lane of I-75 southbound after experiencing equipment failure, the spokesperson said. Panev later crashed into the Dodge while driving in the same lane. Franklin medics transported Panev to Atrium Medical Center where he was pronounced dead. Kozhukhar sustained minor injuries. Springboro Police, Franklin Police and Fire, and Joint Emergency Medical Services provided additional assistance during the crash. The Ohio State Highway Patrol led the investigation into the crash. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) deflected answering a question about whether he still identifies as a Democrat as questions mount over his political future. I identify as an American, Manchin said when asked if he was still a Democrat on Fox Newss Sunday Morning Futures. Im an American through and through. Manchin, whose Senate term is up in 2024, has remained noncommittal about his plans to run for reelection as well as whether a White House bid is in his sights. He has ruled out running for governor in West Virginia, a position he held in the past, and said recently that he was not planning on running for president today. But the proclamations have provided little clarity about his plans in the Senate, where he holds a crucial Democratic seat. My main concern is how do we bring this country together? Manchin said. How do we make it work? How do we make Democrats, Republicans become Americans again, and not just party affiliates? Manchins potential reelection bid falls in an election cycle that looks challenging for Senate Democrats. A potential loss of Manchins seat would be paired with challenging elections in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and Montana, among other opportunities for the party to lose seats. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. ibrahim-traore-burkina-faso-coup.jpg Burkina Fasoas coup leader Ibrahim Traore sworn in as Burkina Faso transitional president - Credit: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images One year ago, Lt. Col. Paul-Henri Damiba was a military leader on the rise. The 41-year-old officer had just overthrown Burkina Fasos democratically-elected government and was about to be sworn in as the West Africas nations new president. Wearing a red beret and military fatigues, he appeared on TV and threw down a gauntlet. Togain the upper hand over the enemy, it will be necessary to rise up and convince ourselves that as a nation we have more than what it takes to win this war, he said. Just nine months later, an upstart underling34-year-old Captain Ibrahim Traoredecided Damiba did not have what it takes to win the war and toppled him. Traore, now the youngest world leader, recently shored up his popularity by ordering a withdrawal of French forces fighting a long-running Islamist insurgency by groups linked to al-Qaeda and Islamic State in Burkina Faso. More from Rolling Stone When Damiba seized power last year, U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) admitted that the United States had mentored him over many years. Damibas putsch was just the latest in a recent spate of coups in West Africa by U.S.-trained officers. But when Rolling Stone asked AFRICOM if Traore was the latest to follow in this tradition, they couldnt say. We are looking into this, said Africa Command spokesperson Kelly Cahalan, noting the command needed to research it. I will let you know when I have an answer. Four months later, AFRICOM still hasnt provided an answer. In fact, the U.S. government appears unwilling to address its role in mentoring military officers who have sown chaos in the region; men who have repeatedly overthrown the governments the U.S. trains them to prop up. For decades, U.S.-trained officers from Haitis Philippe Biamby and Romeo Vasquez of Honduras to Egypts Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi and Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq of Pakistan have overthrown U.S.-allied governments all over the world. Rarely, however, have so many coups been so concentrated in a region over such a short period of time. Story continues Last fall, after returning from a trip, alongside other top State Department and Pentagon officials to the Sahelian states of Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger, Ambassador Victoria Nuland was upbeat. We went to the region in force. We were looking, in particular, at how the U.S. strategy towards the Sahel is working. This is a strategy that we put in place about a year ago to try to bring more coherence to our efforts to support increased security, she said during an October conference call with reporters. After Rolling Stone pointed out that U.S.-trained military officers had conducted seven coups in these same countriesBurkina Faso, three times; Mali, three times; and Mauritania, one timesince 2008, Nuland was less sanguine. Nick, that was a pretty loaded comment that you made, she replied. Some folks involved in these coups have received some U.S. training, but far from all of them. The fact is the leaders of all of these coups have received significant U.S. training. Before Lt. Col. Paul-Henri Damiba overthrew Burkina Fasos president last year, for example, he twice participated in an annual U.S. special operations training program known as the Flintlock exercise. He was also previously accepted into a State Department-funded Africa Contingency Operations Training and Assistance course; twice attended the U.S.-sponsored Military Intelligence Basic Officer Course-Africa; and twice participated in engagements with a U.S. Defense Department Civil Military Support Element. In 2014, another U.S.-trained officer, Lt. Col. Isaac Zidaschooled via a Joint Special Operations University counterterrorism training course at Floridas MacDill Air Force Base and a military intelligence course that was financed by the U.S. governmentseized power, during popular protests against a presidential power-grab, in Burkina Faso. The next year, yet another coup in that country installed Gen. Gilbert Diendere, another prominent Flintlock attendee. Col. Assimi Goita, worked with U.S. Special Operations forces for years, participating in both Flintlock exercises and a Joint Special Operations University seminar at MacDill Air Force Baseand also headed the junta that overthrew Malis government in 2020. After staging the coup, Goita stepped down and took the job of vice president in a transitional government charged with returning Mali to civilian rule. But less than a year later, he carried out his second coup. Similarly, in 2012, Captain Amadou Sanogo, who learned English in Texas, received infantry-officer basic training in Georgia, and underwent military intelligence schooling in Arizona, and overthrew Malis democratically elected government. America is a great country with a fantastic army, he said after the coup. I tried to put all the things I learned there into practice here. In 2008, the Pentagon-funded Stars and Stripes reported that Gen. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, the leader of a coup against Mauritanias elected president, had also worked with U.S. forces. Why did these officers who were trained by the United States to defend their governments topple them instead? If Nuland has any idea, she wont say. You need to talk to them about why they are overthrowing their governments, she told Rolling Stone, referring to the coup-makers. The State Department isnt the only arm of the U.S. government with its head in the sand. U.S. Africa Command or AFRICOM, which provides most of the training to African officers, doesnt know how many coups its charges have conducted nor does it keep a list of how many times its happened. AFRICOM does not maintain a database with this information, Africa Command spokesperson Cahalan told Rolling Stone. AFRICOM does not actively track individuals whove received U.S. training after the training has been completed. Moving forward, the United States should ensure military coups are never seen by its partners as a viable option. That should include keeping track of the military officers it trains in order to identify them in the event of a coup, said Sarah Harrison, a senior analyst at the International Crisis Group and formerly associate general counsel at the Defense Departments Office of General Counsel, International Affairs, who noted that such information could be used to improve future trainings and to immediately suspend military assistance in the event of a coup. If the U.S. government is ignoring the fact that it trained putschists, that would reflect a broader problem of a lack of long-term strategic thinking for its counterterrorism policies. While security training gives the United States access, which some argue results in influence, to foreign militaries, I have concerns that such efforts are not coupled with comparably strong diplomatic policies to address failing, corrupt, or predatory civilian governments that the militaries are intended to be subordinate to, Harrison told Rolling Stone. Of course, the United States does not want to be in the business of state-building, but when it gets so closely involved in the development of security forces, to ignore the contexts in which they are situated and whether such efforts will actually have lasting and positive change is futile. Coups arent the only unintended consequences or blowback stemming from U.S. efforts to mentor foreign troops. Lauren Chadwick of the Center for Public Integrity found that, according to U.S. government documents, at least 17 foreign officers schooled via the U.S. International Military Education and Training program between 1985 and 2010 were implicated in criminal and human rights abuses. An open-source study by the non-profit Center for International Policy also identified 33 U.S.-trained foreign military officers who committed human rights abuses. More recently, reports emerged that elite Afghan commandos, trained by Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets, were being recruited by the Russian military to fight in Ukraine. Former Afghan general Abdul Raof Arghandiwal told the Associated Press that the Wagner Group, a Russian mercenary force, was coordinating the effort. On our conference call, Nuland also inadvertently drew attention to the fact that while the United States had trained Malis Goita, his government had thrown in with the Russians making, as she put it, some very bad choices in inviting Wagner forces to be part of their security mix. She said the result of this involvement, which reportedly began in December 2021, has been violence and terror going up. Nulands assessment, however, ignored the fact that security trends have been in a free fall for years, despite the U.S. pouring more than a billion dollars of security assistancein the form of equipment, training, and weaponsinto Mali and its neighbors in West Africa over the last two decades. As Rolling Stone reported in October, the Pentagons own Africa Center for Strategic Studies chronicled catastrophic security failures that predate significant Russian involvement in the region. The western Sahel has seen a quadrupling in the number of militant Islamist group events since 2019, reads a recent Pentagon report. This violence has expanded in intensity and geographic reach. In fact, the Africa Center found violent events linked to militant Islamist groups in the Sahel jumped from 76 in 2016 to a projected 2,800 for 2022, a 3,600 percent increase. The spike in fatalities stemming from these attacks has been almost as extreme, rising from 223 to 7,052 over that same span. Despite this record of failure, Americas playbook for the region remains largely unaltered with the United States continuing to provide security assistancejust as it has for almost two decadesas terrorist violence escalated, deaths rose, insecurity increased, and coups proliferated. So what we wanted to do in the countries that were working well with is talk about how we strengthen our support, Nuland said. In Burkina, in Niger, and in Mauritania, we are working very closely with those militaries, with their gendarmerie, with their counterterrorist forces to support them in their effort to push back and protect their populations from this poison in Mali. Analyst Sarah Harrison sees this stay-the-course policy as a recipe for further disaster. Throughout four presidential administrations, foreign policy officials have leaned heavily on these counterterrorism tools despite evidence that theyre not workingand in some cases, could be prolonging conflict or making the situation worse, she told Rolling Stone. In many unstable countries where the U.S. fixates on counterterrorism approaches, what the local population is really suffering from is a lack of resources. Its cliche to talk about root causes in conflict prevention and mitigation, but thats what it comes down to. What people are in need of is strong economies, healthcare, education, infrastructure which depends on resources. More military training and transfers of weapons arent going to solve those problems. Best of Rolling Stone Click here to read the full article. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was mocked after she mistakenly claimed that "6 billion" people illegally crossed the US border during Joe Biden's time in the Oval Office. Ms Greene who recently called for the dissolution of the United States was hammering Mr Biden on immigration policies and for spending time in Ukraine over the last week. Her talking points echo those of other Maga politicians, who have been using Mr Biden's Ukraine trip to claim that he is ignoring domestic issues like the Ohio train derailment and the border. "$113 Billion has been appropriated to Ukraine in just 1 yr," Ms Greene tweeted. "Trump's wall would have only cost $22 billion, but Congress refused to fund it. 6 Billion people illegally crossed our border since Biden took office, but Ukraine's border is the only border that matters to Washington." A report from the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, found that Mr Trump's border wall was ineffective at curbing illegal border crossings. The report found that illegal crossings actually became more frequent beginning after October 2020. Ms Greene also failed to note that Donald Trump originally promised to make Mexico pay for the wall, making Congressional funding unnecessary. Ms Greene's claim that six billion people crossed the border illegally is wildly incorrect. The population of the world is eight billion, meaning a majority of the planet's humans would have had to have crossed the border since 2021. The entire US population is only 332 million. The Congreswoman quickly deleted and reposted the tweet with a correction to "6 million." However the tweet was up long enough for commenters to screenshot and pass around the image along with their criticisms. MTG tweeted that since Biden took office, 6 billion people have crossed the border illegally. Also: - Lauren Boebert stole her Friends lunchbox - 50 trillion Chinese spy balloons have been disguised as decorations at birthday parties - The Jewish space lasers bleached her hair Paul Rudnick (@PaulRudnickNY) February 24, 2023 "MTG tweeted that since Biden took office, 6 billion people have crossed the border illegally," Paul Rudnick, a writer, tweeted. "Also: - Lauren Boebert stole her Friends lunchbox - 50 trillion Chinese spy balloons have been disguised as decorations at birthday parties - The Jewish space lasers bleached her hair." Story continues Another commenter, author and psychologist Dr David Lustig, broke down the mathematics needed for Ms Greene's initial claim to have occurred. "MTG humiliated herself by stating that 6 billion people (75% of earths population) came across the U.S. border from Mexico," he wrote. "For perspective, thats: 8 million people per day; 333,333 people per hour; 5,555 people per minute; 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, non-stop for 2 years." MTG humiliated herself by stating that 6 billion people (75% of earths population) came across the U.S. border from Mexico. For perspective, thats: 8 million people per day 333,333 people per hour 5,555 people per minute 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, non-stop for 2 years. Dr. David A. Lustig (@drdave1999) February 25, 2023 Some conservatives defended Ms Greene, noting it was likely just a typo, and insisting that her criticism was valid. "MTG said 6 Billion when she meant 6 Million but please Twitter Dems, draw more attention to that absolute dereliction of duty by your Biden admin," one user commented. Regardless of how the mistake was made, Ms Greene's comment, even corrected, is still dubious at best. US Border Patrol and Field Operations have said they've had millions of encounters with undocumented migrants trying to cross the border during the Biden administration, but there is no data available on the successful number of illegal crossings, meaning her six million number is, in the most gracious reading, conjecture. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was mocked after she mistakenly claimed that "6 billion" people illegally crossed the US border during Joe Biden's time in the Oval Office. Ms Greene who recently called for the dissolution of the United States was hammering Mr Biden on immigration policies and for spending time in Ukraine over the last week. Her talking points echo those of other Maga politicians, who have been using Mr Biden's Ukraine trip to claim that he is ignoring domestic issues like the Ohio train derailment and the border. "$113 Billion has been appropriated to Ukraine in just 1 yr," Ms Greene tweeted. "Trump's wall would have only cost $22 billion, but Congress refused to fund it. 6 Billion people illegally crossed our border since Biden took office, but Ukraine's border is the only border that matters to Washington." A report from the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, found that Mr Trump's border wall was ineffective at curbing illegal border crossings. The report found that illegal crossings actually became more frequent beginning after October 2020. Ms Greene also failed to note that Donald Trump originally promised to make Mexico pay for the wall, making Congressional funding unnecessary. Ms Greene's claim that six billion people crossed the border illegally is wildly incorrect. The population of the world is eight billion, meaning a majority of the planet's humans would have had to have crossed the border since 2021. The entire US population is only 332 million. The Congreswoman quickly deleted and reposted the tweet with a correction to "6 million." However the tweet was up long enough for commenters to screenshot and pass around the image along with their criticisms. MTG tweeted that since Biden took office, 6 billion people have crossed the border illegally. Also: - Lauren Boebert stole her Friends lunchbox - 50 trillion Chinese spy balloons have been disguised as decorations at birthday parties - The Jewish space lasers bleached her hair Paul Rudnick (@PaulRudnickNY) February 24, 2023 "MTG tweeted that since Biden took office, 6 billion people have crossed the border illegally," Paul Rudnick, a writer, tweeted. "Also: - Lauren Boebert stole her Friends lunchbox - 50 trillion Chinese spy balloons have been disguised as decorations at birthday parties - The Jewish space lasers bleached her hair" Story continues Another commenter, author and psychologist Dr David Lustig, broke down the mathematics needed for Ms Greene's initial claim to have occurred. "MTG humiliated herself by stating that 6 billion people (75% of earths population) came across the U.S. border from Mexico," he wrote. "For perspective, thats: 8 million people per day; 333,333 people per hour; 5,555 people per minute; 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, non-stop for 2 years." MTG humiliated herself by stating that 6 billion people (75% of earths population) came across the U.S. border from Mexico. For perspective, thats: 8 million people per day 333,333 people per hour 5,555 people per minute 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, non-stop for 2 years. Dr. David A. Lustig (@drdave1999) February 25, 2023 Some conservatives defended Ms Greene, noting it was likely just a typo, and insisting that her criticism was valid. "MTG said 6 Billion when she meant 6 Million but please Twitter Dems, draw more attention to that absolute dereliction of duty by your Biden admin," one user commented. Regardless of how the mistake was made, Ms Greene's comment, even corrected, is still dubious at best. US Border Patrol and Field Operations have said they've had millions of encounters with undocumented migrants trying to cross the border during the Biden administration, but there is no data available on the successful number of illegal crossings, meaning her six million number is, in the most gracious reading, conjecture. As close-of-life appreciations are being written for Jimmy Carter, it's worth remembering how his breakout in Florida propelled him to the Democratic nomination and the presidency. And how that changed state and Southern politics. In the leadup to the 1976 Florida presidential primary, the smart money was on George Wallace. There were a dozen Democrats on the Florida ballot plus the option of "no preference." It was Wallace versus everyone else. And the former segregationist Alabama governor could boast big-name supporters, not the least of which was his state campaign chairman, NASCAR founder Bill France. Running as a third-party candidate back in 1968, Wallace had garnered 29% of the Florida popular vote and won every North Florida county except Alachua and including Flagler County. In 1972, he had swept the state's Democratic presidential primary with 42% of the vote. Politically, Florida could reliably be counted on as part of the Solid South. Jimmy Carter shaking hands in Jacksonville before the March 1976 state presidential primary. More:Jimmy Carter's NASCAR fanhood led to White House party, where Willie Nelson DIDN'T smoke That a one-term governor (Georgia's constitution didn't allow governors successive terms) was in this candidate scrum hardly seemed a factor. "No preference" would likely come in ahead of him. More:Former President Jimmy Carter's Sunday school lesson offered wisdom, bucket-list memory Yet Carter's Florida win in March 1976 would mark a big shift in Florida, Southern and national politics. Carter had been part of a wave of moderate, reform-minded "New South" governors. Much like Florida Gov. Reubin Askew, with whom he had frosty relations. Carter had succeeded buffoonish arch-segregationist Lester Maddox as governor and announced a new course in his first minutes in office, startling his audience at his 1971 inaugural speech with the declaration that "the time for racial discrimination is over." A line that sounds like an easy bromide now but at the time caused intra-party consternation. Story continues Sure, this was a guy who performed radical surgery on the state organizational chart, reformed the Georgia State Highway Board and outmaneuvered a score of good ol' boy members of the Georgia Legislative Assembly, but does that add up to an argument for running the planet's preeminent superpower? He wasn't even that popular a governor. But as with most things Carter did, there was a detailed plan written and disciplined follow-through started while his opponents were still making up their minds. In 1975, Carter was a regular Florida visitor, making 24 sweeps around the state, focusing on small-group gatherings as though he were running for mayor rather than president. In a typical campaign swing through the Daytona Beach area that October, Carter spoke to black students at Bethune-Cookman College, talked up the virtues of zero-based budgeting to the Rotarians in Daytona Beach Shores, lunched with local movers and shakers at the Civic League, and dropped by The News-Journal building where he and his wife, Rosalynn, charmed editors and editorial writers, who gave him early support on the opinion page despite their wish that Gov. Askew had run for president instead. Jimmy Carter meeting with News-Journal editor and pulisher Herbert Davidson, Oct. 29, 1975. Except for Wallace, the rest of the pack stayed away from Florida. The calculation seemed to be that Wallace's Florida win would either damage or knock Carter out of the race, then they'd take on Wallace. A reasonable enough plan. But when the votes were tallied, the results were startling. Carter won 34% of the vote. Wallace came in second with 31%. Henry "Scoop" Jackson won 24%. "No preference" was fourth place with 3%, and nine other candidates claimed low single digits. And Carter carried urban and coastal counties by more impressive margins. "Volusia likes Carter 2-1 over Wallace," was the next-day headline in The Daytona Beach Morning Journal. "George Wallace has lost his Southern base of support and is finished as a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination," News-Journal political columnist Ray Reuster pronounced the next day. Wallace would later drop out of the race after losing North Carolina by nearly 20 points. Carter's Florida win marked a sharp break in the Southern Democratic party from its racist, segregationist past. It proved something had shifted. It relegated the Wallace rallies with bands playing "Dixie" and Confederate battle flags flying to a past we'd rather not talk about. Florida politics was always Southern with a difference. Now that difference was noticeably widening. By contrast, the Carter campaign appealed to voters' better instincts. Something that seems pretty foreign now. To the things we hold in common rather than what divides us. To our aspirations rather than our grievances. "We need a government as good as its people" was one of his applause lines. This flattered voters. (We're better than the terrible people we keep electing.) And it also challenged voters. (Maybe we shouldn't be voting our prejudices and putting terrible people in office.) This all sounds very quaint now. Which is part of why Carter will be missed. Mark Lane is a News-Journal columnist. His email is Mark Lane This article originally appeared on The Daytona Beach News-Journal: Mark Lane: The year Jimmy Carter took Volusia County Matt Hancock has set up a TV company. (ITV) Matt Hancock looks set to continue his move into TV stardom when he steps down as an MP, as he has set up his own TV company. The disgraced former health secretary, 44, set up a company called Greenhazel in January which lists its primary activities as television programming and broadcasting activities, according to the Sunday People. Read more: 5 reasons some people really dislike Matt Hancock Hancock is currently sitting as an independent MP after being suspended from the Conservative Party over his appearance on ITV1's I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! in November while he was a serving MP, and has confirmed he plans to stand down at the next election. Matt Hancock is preparing for life after politics. (PA/Alamy) Greenhazel was registered with Companies House from an address in Newmarket, Suffolk and lists Hancock as the sole director. In his controversial appearance on I'm A Celebrity, Hancock addressed his affair with aide Gina Coladengelo during the Covid pandemic which lead to him being forced to quit as health secretary after breaking his own social distancing rules with her. Read more: All the winners of I'm A Celebrity so far Hancock was criticised by Westminster colleagues, show viewers and constituents over his decision to appear on the Australian jungle reality show, which included trials where he was covered in fish guts and ate a sheep's vagina. Before entering the show, he claimed he was doing it to raise awareness about dyslexia, although when he got into camp Hancock told the other celebrities he was looking for forgiveness over his pandemic actions. The MP was paid 320,000 for his I'm A Celebrity appearance, of which just 10,000 was donated to charity - and a passing reference to his dyslexia was shown in the programme's edit. It will not be his only reality TV appearance, as Hancock had pre-recorded a series of Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins for Channel 4 before going into the jungle, which is due to air later this year. Hancock was paid 45,000 for taking part as a recruit in Celebrity SAS where he will attempt to pass the tough special forces selection process, and reportedly ended up with trench foot from the gruelling trials. Story continues Earlier this year, he and Coladangelo were spotted in the audience of ITV1's Dancing On Ice. Matt Hancock with Gina Coladangelo. (PA/Alamy) Labour MP Richard Burgon, who is campaigning for a bill to stop MPs taking second jobs, told the Sunday People he was appalled by the news of Hancock's TV company. He said: "Matt Hancock is another example of an MP chasing corporate cash when he should be serving his constituents. "This is exactly the kind of thing that helps to breed cynicism in our politics, it shortchanges the public and it damages democracy. "The decision to go into the jungle was disgraceful, and this is more of the same. MPs should not be chasing celebrity money." Matthew Kacsmaryk at the Senate Judiciary Committee's nomination hearing on December 13, 2017. U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Matthew Kacsmaryk is a Texas federal judge who was nominated by Donald Trump in 2017. Since his confirmation, the judge has handed several cases in favor of conservative causes. Kacsmaryk is presiding over a lawsuit that seeks to reverse the FDA approval of an abortion pill. Matthew Kacsmaryk, 45, is a federal judge for the Amarillo division of the Northern District of Texas and is presiding over a lawsuit that seeks to ban an FDA-approved abortion pill a decision that could have nationwide implications for the drug's availability. The suit, filed by the Alliance For Hippocratic Medicine, targets the Federal Drug Administration's 2000 approval of mifepristone, a medication abortion that can be prescribed in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. On Friday, Kacsmaryk issued a suspension of the FDA approval with a one-week window for the federal government to appeal and seek emergency relief, meaning that the ban will not go immediately into effect. Shortly after the ruling, Justice Department attorneys and a lawyer from Danco Laboratories, which manufactures a version of mifepristone, submitted an appeal to Kacsmaryk's decision. Experts have argued the lawsuit relies on false claims about the drug. Attorneys for the American Medical Association and other groups have said that the drug is about as safe as ibuprofen and that Viagra and childbirth pose many more risks. In his Friday decision, Kacsymaryk appeared sympathetic to the plaintiff's arguments, stating that the "FDA acquiesced on its legitimate safety concerns" and referred to the pill as "chemical abortion." The Texas judge has a decadeslong affiliation to conservative causes and has been an outspoken opponent of abortion for years. Here's what we know about Kacsmaryk: What was his upbringing like? Kacsmaryk pronounced kaz-mare-ik was born in 1977 in Gainesville, Florida, according to the Federal Judicial Center. He was raised in Forth Worth, Texas, by born-again Christians, his sister, Jennifer Griffith, told The Washington Post. Story continues Religion was a critical part of the Kacsmaryk household, which regularly attended West Freeway Church of Christ, according to the Post's profile of the judge. Griffith told the newspaper the children were taught early on that abortion was wrong. Their mother, Dorothy, is a microbiologist who began working at anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers, she said. Kacsmaryk is "very passionate about the fact that you can't preach pro-life and do nothing," Griffith told the Post. Where did he go to school? Kacsmaryk graduated from Abilene Christian University in 1999 and received his law degree from the University of Texas School of Law in 2003. In a blog post highlighting Kacsmaryk's confirmation as a "win for religious freedom," First Liberty Institute, a Christian conservative nonprofit, wrote how he met Kelly Shackelford, the organization's CEO, when he took her class on religious freedom at law school. About a decade later, Kacsmaryk would take on cases for the organization as a deputy general counsel, according to a questionnaire all judicial nominees must fill out before their confirmation. The Post reported that it was during law school when Kacsmaryk focused on abortion rights. He and Rep. Chip Roy, who represents the 21st District of Texas, attended meetings of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group, at law school and would discuss the Supreme Court's landmark ruling of Roe v. Wade. "I very clearly remember having conversations at length about how the Supreme Court had contorted itself to achieve the ends of a policy outcome the result of which was tearing asunder the fabric of our country," Roy told the Post. Kacsmaryk also served as the executive editor of the Texas Review of Law & Politics and received two Dean's Achievement Awards, according to the questionnaire. What has he previously said about abortion and his political views? During his undergraduate years, studying political science, Kacsmaryk was outspoken about his conservative views and stances on abortion. In a 1996 letter to the editor published in his college newspaper, Kacsmaryk advocated for extending full legal rights to an "unborn child." "The Democratic Party's ability to condone the federally sanctioned eradication of innocent human life is indicative of the moral ambivalence undergirding this party," he wrote. "Perhaps more than any other national institution, the liberal Democratic Party and its ideological affiliates have facilitated the demise of America's Christian heritage." The letter also appeared to criticize the idea of "homosexuality as a legitimate alternate familial unit" and the Clinton administration's repeal of a ban on LGBTQ members serving in the military. He also led the College Republicans group, the Post reported. In 2015, Kacsmaryk published two articles lambasting same-sex marriage and abortion rights. In the National Catholic Register, Kacsmaryk wrote how decades of litigation have removed "three pillars of marriage law: first, permanence; second, exclusivity; and third, procreation." "The third pillar fell when the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional nearly all restrictions on contraceptives and abortion in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), Eisenstadt v. Baird (1965), Roe v. Wade (1973), and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)," he wrote. Who nominated Kacsmaryk? Donald Trump nominated Kacsmaryk for a lifetime appointment in 2017. The Senate confirmed Kacsmaryk in June 2019 almost across party lines with the exception of Sen. Susan Collins. "Mr. Kacsmaryk has dismissed proponents of reproductive choice as 'sexual revolutionaries,' and disdainfully criticized the legal foundations of Roe v. Wade," Collins said in a statement at the time. "Such extreme statements reflect poorly on Mr. Kacsmaryk's temperament and suggest an inability to respect precedent and to apply the law fairly and impartially." During his confirmation hearing, Kacsmaryk was asked if judges ever apply their religious beliefs while deciding on a case. "They should not," he said. What were some of his recent major rulings? Kacsmaryk's law practice has varied, at once focusing on intellectual property cases while at Baker Botts LLP and later arguing cases involving "terrorism, fraud, forgery, counterfeiting, firearms, drug-trafficking," among other crimes, while as the assistant district attorney for the Northern District of Texas, according to his resume. Before he was confirmed, he represented two Oregon-based Christian bakers who refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple in 2013 while with the First Liberty Institute. More recent high-profile cases include a November ruling that struck down the Biden administration's effort to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in healthcare. Kacsmaryk also paused the current administration's attempt to end a Trump-era law known as the "remain in Mexico" border policy, which requires asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while their status is being processed. In December, Kacsmaryk ruled in favor of a Texas father's case that challenged Title X, a federal program that provides access to contraceptives to teenagers without parental consent. The federal judge ruled that Title X denies the "fundamental right to control and direct the upbringing of his minor children." A spokesperson at Kacsmaryk's chambers could not be reached for comment. Read the original article on Business Insider House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) slammed the Biden administration for its slow-walk on sending aid to Ukraine, adding that the move is dragging out the conflict, which is precisely what Putin wants. During an interview on ABCs This Week, McCaul told host Martha Raddatz that it is unfortunate that Biden is not sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine immediately. If they dont get the momentum right now with the Russian offensive coming into the country right now, they have a window of time with the counter-offensive, he said. Thats why its important. When we slow-walk and slow-pace this thing, it drags it out. And thats precisely what Putin wants, he added. McCaul led his own delegation to Kyiv just one day after Bidens visit this week. McCaul noted that a lot of the high-ranking military officials he met with during his visit were in favor of the U.S. putting not only F-16s in but longer-range artillery to take out the Iranian drones in Crimea. McCaul also said he talked to Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley regarding the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) and the F-16s, which he said is not off the table. I think with enough pressure from Congress on both sides of the aisle, we can get into Ukraine what they really need to win this fight, McCaul said. Otherwise, what are we doing in Ukraine? McCauls calls for more aid to Ukraine echo last weeks sentiment, when he said hes hopeful the U.S. will send more missiles and move to supply fighter jets to Kyiv. The longer they wait, the longer this conflict will prevail, McCaul said last week during an interview on CNNs State of the Union at the Munich Security Conference in Germany. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Photo Illustration by Erin OFlynn/The Daily Beast/Wikimedia Commons Missouri is, decidedly, a red state. Its been years since the Show-Me state elected a Democrat statewide. And when Sen. Josh Hawley (R) is up for re-election in 2024, likely boosted by the headwinds of a presidential cycle, most would figure hell be in fine shape. But Lucas Kuncea Democrat, marine veteran, and attorneyhas a different perspective. And hes trying to get others to join in. Like a number of Democrats before him, Kunce is running as an underdog candidate, trying to flip a red-state seat blue. He thinks a grassroots, populist approach can revitalize the Democratic Party in Missouri, betting his working-class background will connect with voters whove felt disenchanted by politicians. Josh Hawley Spills Reason He Didnt Show Up to Zelensky Speech Just months ago, Missouri Democrats lost their 2022 Senate bid by double digits. But in the 2024 cycle, Kunce argues, things could play out differently. He says it comes down to himand the other guy, too. The difference is Josh Hawley and me, right? Like, the contrast I bring to him is so stark and so powerful, that it's something people will like, Kunce said. That argument encapsulates much of Kunces bid so far. He launched his campaign on Jan. 6 with an ad showing footage of Hawley running from rioters in the Capitol on Jan. 6 two years prior. His Twitter is filled with anti-Hawley tweets, hitting the senator on his big tech policies, consulting background and more. Even in an interview with The Daily Beast last week, almost all of Kunces answers came back to Hawley in some formeven ones about his fundraising strategy and whether hed identify as a progressive or moderate. (For the record, he says its neither.) For me, politics isn't left, right. For me, it'sit's bottom versus top. And so for me, it's going against the massive corporations that have too much power. It's going against the political class that kind of controls everything and leaves the rest of us just scrambling, Kunce said, noting Americans frustration with corruption in Congress. Story continues Then he slipped Hawley in. Josh Hawley, he sees people are upset and his solutions are just so fake, Kunce added. In another question asking about Kunces approach to populism, he described it as taking power back for everyday people, before comparing it to the notion of Hawleys brand of being a populist, too. Josh Hawley, the media has given him this label of a populist, and he probably embraces it because it's the exact opposite of what he is. Like, he doesn't care about power for everyday people. He takes it away from us, Kunce said. Hawley Is Trying to Scale Back Probe Into Homeland Security Watchdog But perhaps hitting on Hawley so directly is the point of it all. Hawley is a freshman. He beat Democrat Claire McCaskill in 2018 by 5.8 points. And he did receive pushback to his Jan. 6 response after footage showed him running away, given that he was photographed raising a fist in solidarity with protestors outside the Capitol before they actually breached the building. Democrats like Kunce think that leaves a sort of overton windowan idea that Hawley is a weakness for Republicans in the state, and that Democrats can win if they exploit it. My goal is to knock Josh Hawley out of the U.S. Senate. I think I'm the most qualified person to do that, Kunce said. But following a trendline of Democratic politics, Kunce could face some hurdles in generating the sort of national enthusiasm that would help fund an underdog bid like his. In 2016, Jason Kander garnered widespread enthusiasm and donations while running to flip Sen. Roy Blunts seat. Kander was also a veteran with the sort of everyman appeal. But he fell short by just under three points. Votersand donorstend to remember letdowns. After Amy McGrath had Democrats believing she could beat Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) in Kentucky, only to come up well short, the party largely wrote off their 2022 Senate race in the state. After North Carolina Democrat Cal Cunninghams Senate bid had a spectacular meltdown in 2020, 2022 Democratic nominee Cheri Beasley saw only a fraction of the fundraising he did. And so on. Then theres the fact that Senate Democrats will be up against an incredibly difficult map in 2024. Theyll be defending swing-state seats in Michigan, Arizona and Ohio, while also defending their red-state seats in Montana and West Virginia, too. Its no small taskand it will be expensive. Democrats national campaign arms especially will be faced with tough questions on where to put their limited dollars. And as a general rule, incumbents tend to get first priority. In a statement, Hawleys team appeared to allude to the role fundraising could play in the race. Claire McCaskill Blames Fox News for Missouri Senate Loss: Its Now a State-Owned News Channel In the Senate, Josh has fought for working class families by taking on big and powerful forces. He succeeded and now the big guys want to get back at him. Thats why we fully expect the Democrat nominee, whoever it is, to be a woke activist that raises tens of millions of dollars to try and buy Missouris senate seat, Hawley spokesperson Kyle Plotkin said in a statement. But if Senate Democrats do build up an appetite for an offensive play, Missouri would likely be their closest thing to a pickup opportunity. Texas is on the map, too, which has been a source of much Democratic wishcasting in recent cycles. But with Beto ORourke seemingly tapped out, and multiple rounds of hype faded out, its difficult to tell whether the state can capture the same energy this go around. Kunce would still need to win the Democratic primary. At least one other Democrat, December Harmon, has hopped in the race for Senate. She describes herself as an extreme leftist and does not seem adamant on connecting her brand to Hawley. Instead, shes hoping to tackle Nazis in Congress. Kunce also ran in 2022, but he did not win the Democratic nomination. Instead, Anheuser Busch heiress Trudy Busch Valentine, who was able to self-fund much of her campaign, edged him out by about five points before going on to lose the general election to Republican Eric Schmitt by more than 13 points. National Democratic campaign arms did not heavily invest in the race then, even when it was an open seat. Kunce did note, however, that Missouri is not an especially expensive state to run in. Its geographically manageable for candidates hoping to crisscross the state and has limited media markets, and he expressed confidence that hell be able to raise enough to be competitive. Hawley the Only U.S. Senator to Vote Against Finland, Sweden Joining NATO On the flip side, it does appear Republicans national campaign arm has some interest in knocking Kunce down. Earlier this month, the National Republican Senatorial Committee shared a video from the Washington Free Beacon that questioned whether Kunce switches his accent to sound more southern when running for Senate. Kunce said thats just proof Republicans are worried. They're scared. They know that he's weak. They know that people here don't know him and if they do, they don't like him. They see his numbers. And they know the contrast I provide against and they know how hard that's going to be to beat. They saw what Jason Kander did in 2016, against a much less vulnerable candidate, Kunce said. Kander declined a request to discuss Kunces bid and, more broadly, Democratic chances of actually gaining traction in Missouri. I think in a few months Ill be ready to weigh in on those questions, Kander said. NRSC spokesman Phil Letsou told The Daily Beast in a statement, If Lucas Kunces aspiration is to follow in the footsteps of renowned loser Jason Kander, we welcome that. Its still early in the cycle. Missouri politicos note that anything could happen. And some seem to get Kunces argument off the bat that Hawley might be more vulnerable than the rest. But still, it doesnt appear that Democrats writ large are ready to bank on ityet.. I think they're right, that if there is a candidate that is perhaps a little bit more vulnerable, it's Josh Hawley, said Daniel Ponder, a political science professor at Drury University in Missouri, before adding thats a very different thing than saying, you know, they have a good chance to win. Something weird would have to happen, Ponder said. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. Mentiga Corporation Berhad (KLSE:MENTIGA) Full Year 2022 Results Key Financial Results Net loss: RM18.5m (loss widened by 3.7% from FY 2021). RM0.26 loss per share (further deteriorated from RM0.25 loss in FY 2021). All figures shown in the chart above are for the trailing 12 month (TTM) period Mentiga Corporation Berhad shares are down 9.5% from a week ago. Risk Analysis It's necessary to consider the ever-present spectre of investment risk. We've identified 4 warning signs with Mentiga Corporation Berhad (at least 3 which are concerning), and understanding these should be part of your investment process. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Kent Nishimura / Getty Images Mexico's president shared a photo on social media of what he said was an elf-like woodland creature. "Everything is mystical," he wrote along with the photo. His widely viewed tweet sparked confused and mocking responses. Mexico's president has been mocked on social media after he shared a photo of what he described as a sighting of a mythical woodland figure. The image shared by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador appears to show a dark creature with bright white hair and eyes sitting in a tree. Lopez Obrador said the photo "was taken three days ago by an engineer" and appears to be an "aluxe," which is a type of small elf-like mythological creature in Mayan mythology. "Everything is mystical," he concluded. The mythical aluxes, like the elves and fairies of European folklore, are mischievous beings that inhabit forests and fields and sometimes play tricks on humans, according to the beliefs of some Mayan people from the Yucatan Peninsula and Guatemala. Journalist Mauricio Schwarz responded to the tweet to debunk the sighting, telling the president that the image has actually circulated on social media since February 2021. "If you believe it, you are stupid. If you know you are lying, you are malicious." Schwarz wrote. Lopez Obrador, who has been president since 2018, has previously expressed an interest in and respect for indigenous cultures. The tweet spread widely in Mexico, being viewed over three million times at the time of writing and sparking confused and mocking responses. Read the original article on Business Insider An unknown person set fire to a military enlistment office in the city of Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Oblast, on the night of 25-26 February. Source: The Insider; Shot Details: According to the known information, the arson took place around 3:00. A man wearing black clothing and a facemask threw two bottles of Molotov cocktails at the building of the military enlistment office on Komsomolska Street and fled. Only one bottle caught fire: it hit the window of the Social Fund, which is located in the same building. According to Shot, two square metres of plastic ceiling cladding burned down there. The premises of military enlistment office allegedly were not damaged. Currently, the police are trying to identify the arsonist and are considering an issue of opening a criminal case. Russian media report that during a year at least 112 people have been persecuted for arsons of military enlistment offices, sabotages at railway stations and other radical anti-war actions or preparations for them. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! (Reuters) - The United States is "exerting unprecedented pressure" on African countries, including attempting to disrupt a planned Russia-Africa summit, Russia's deputy foreign minister was quoted as saying late on Saturday. President Vladimir Putin will host the second Russia-Africa summit in July in St. Petersburg, an event intended to underline his attempts to curry favour in African nations after being shunned by the West over his invasion in Ukraine a year ago. Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, quoted by the state TASS agency reiterated Moscow's accusations of the "collective West" staging a campaign to isolate Moscow. "The United States and its allies are conducting an unprecedented campaign for the political and economic isolation of Russia, including the disruption of the Russian-Africa second summit in St. Petersburg," Bogdanov told TASS. Moscow calls its invasion of Ukraine not a war, but a "special military operation". Kyiv and its Western allies say its an imperialistic act of aggression to seize land. "Since the beginning of the special military operation, the collective West has significantly increased pressure on African countries - through threats of imposing sanctions, termination of financial and humanitarian aid," Bogdanov said. Since the start of the war, which has killed thousands and displace millions, Moscow has turned to China, India - and African nations, trying to seek closer ties there. Russia has been particularly keen to win over African nations -- Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has visited the continent twice this year already, in addition to a tour mid-last year. South Africa has been holding 10 days of military exercises with the Russian and Chinese militaries. And the Wagner group of Russian mercenaries has been deployed against insurgents in Mali and Central Africa. U.S. President Joe Biden hosted a U.S.-Africa leaders summit in 2022 in Washington, seeking to bolster alliances amid the growing Russian and Chinese presence on the continent. Story continues Bogdanov said, without providing evidence, that Washington has been making "fabrications" against Moscow, accusing Russia of trying to starve the continent or rise fuel prices. The West has imposed several waves of sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine, and so has the European Union, with Brussels adopted fresh punitive measures on Saturday. (Reporting by Lidia Kelly in Melbourne and Ron Popeski in Winnipeg; Writing by Lidia Kelly; Editing by Sandra Maler) The Enjuin Temple mummified mermaid is stored with a memo which indicates it was caught in a fishing net off the coast of Kochi during the Genbun era, between 1736 and 1740. Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts A mummified "mermaid" was caught in a fishing net in the 1700s and kept as a sacred object in Japan. Researchers discovered the mysterious artifact was made of bones, pufferfish skin, and animal hair. 13 "mermaid" mummies like this one have been found and are thought to bring the owner long life. Pufferfish skin, hair from unidentified mammals, and the fins and bones of several sea creatures: the origin of a 300-year-old "mermaid" mummy, thought by priests of Japan's Enjuin temple to have healing powers, has been revealed by researchers at long last. The mummified artifact, made of animal parts adhered with metal pins to a doll shape stuffed with cloth, is one of 13 "mermaids" researchers from the Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts have identified in Japan, owned mainly by temples and museums. The artifact, pictured next to a ruler, has a spine of real bones, skin of pufferfish, and a head topped with animal hair. Scales that had fallen off were examined to determine their origin. Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts After being stored in a fireproof safe at the Enjuin temple for the last 40 years to prevent it from deteriorating, the 12-inch long mummy was x-rayed and underwent CT scans conducted by KUSA researchers over the last year to determine what it was made of and what it may have been used for. "The teeth are all conical and the tips are slightly curved backwards (inside the mouth). The jaw of a carnivorous fish of unknown species," researchers wrote in a statement released this month about the mermaid, the body of which is painted with sand or charcoal powder. "Both arms with five fingers and flat claws. The lower body has dorsal fins, anal fins, anal fins, and caudal fins, and is covered with scales." The scans also revealed that the creature features animal keratin for its nails and the hair on the body is that of mammals, though no DNA could be retrieved. Representatives for the Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. The exact creation date of the mummy remains unknown, though it has been stored for decades in a box with a memo indicating it was caught in a fishing net off the coast of Kochi during the Genbun era, which spanned from 1736 to 1740. Story continues Researchers said in a statement that the mermaid was supposed to have been brought to Osaka by a fisherman and sold, and was purchased by an ancestor of Mr. Naojo Kojima of the Bingo Fukuyama clan, a feudal lord during the Edo period, who later made it an heirloom of the Kojima family though the researchers did not confirm their ownership. On February 2nd and 3rd, the mummy was subjected to X-ray CT and X-ray photography, along with observation and photography of the surface and collection of exfoliated materials. Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts Despite the note claiming the mummy was caught in the 1700s, radiocarbon dating of the creature found that it was actually assembled in the 1800s. "The fish body of the 'Dried Mermaid' in the collection of Enjuin is covered with the skin of a croaker, and the upper body is made of cloth and paper. It is made of laminated paper and puffer fish skin on a base of cotton padding and plaster-like substance, and is presumed to have been made around the late 1800s," researchers concluded. While it is unclear how it came into possession of the Enjuin temple, Hiroshi Kinoshita of the Okayama Folklore Society told UK news site Metro that the mummy could be of religious importance. "Japanese mermaids have a legend of immortality," he said. "It is said that if you eat the flesh of a mermaid, you will never die. There is a legend in many parts of Japan that a woman accidentally ate the flesh of a mermaid and lived for 800 years." An internal scan of the mummified remains revealed the cloth and bones inside that were used to create it. Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts Kozen Kuida, chief priest at Enjuin temple in Asakuchi city, told Japanese news site Asahi Shimbun that the mummy had indeed been seen as sacred, possibly with mystic powers. "We have worshipped it, hoping that it would help alleviate the coronavirus pandemic even if only slightly," Kuida said. Kuida likened the mermaid mummy to a folklore creature called Amabie, described as mermaids with distinct tail fins and beaks instead of mouths, which are believed to have had the power to fend off plagues. Internal scans of the mummified remains showed different views of the materials used to create the object. Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts The mummy also resembles a Japanese monster called a Ningyo, LiveScience reported, which are fish creatures with human heads. Both types of creatures are associated with long life and miraculous health cures. "When I was young, I was excited to read stories about yokai and legendary creatures in boys' magazines," Takashi Kato, one of the researchers, said in a statement. "I never thought, decades later, that I would be exposed to something like that and have the opportunity to study it first hand." Read the original article on Insider For teenagers like Nidhi Das, social media became a cherished lifeline to friends during the pandemics early days. But as regular life resumed, Das didnt like how tethered she felt to it. Social media became her go-to boredom buster, and even the misinformation that infects many platforms kept her swiping. The algorithm, it curates to what you like. And people would make up little controversies, so that might encourage you, like oh, let me look into that. Even if its not true, I still want to know like: Oh, where did that stem from? said Das, 17, a high school senior from Lawrenceville. The addicting thing is that theres always something endlessly there, so you keep scrolling. Get stories like these delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up for The 74 Newsletter Thats why several New Jersey lawmakers recently introduced legislation to crack down on social media platforms that use habit-forming features that entice underage users to develop social media addictions. Violators would face up to $250,000 in fines unless they remove the addictive features from their products. The bill applies only to companies that earned more than $100 million in gross revenue the preceding year and video game platforms. Assemblyman Herb Conaway Jr. (D-Burlington) said the congressional testimony of Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen inspired him to introduce the bill in January, as well as several other bills intended to protect children from social media. Haughen testified that Facebook algorithms deliberately suck children in and can be especially toxic to teen girls. Facebook really is making a commodity out of the human mind, Conaway said. Unfortunately, far too many people in the business of selling things are perfectly willing to engage in behavior and practices that cause a lot of harm if it means theyre going to make a lot of money. And thats where government has to step in and say that we have a responsibility to protect the public. Story continues Assemblyman Herb Conaway Jr. chairs the Assemblys health committee. (Dana DiFilippo/New Jersey Monitor) Just as smoking, substance use, and a failure to use seatbelts drove lawmakers to pass laws, social media addiction is a public health threat that requires legislative action, he added. These social media platforms sit in a regulatory, statutory void, Conaway said. Conaway introduced a related bill in January that would establish a commission to study the effects on adolescents of smartphone and social media usage in school and another bill in December intended to protect the privacy of underage social media users. The latter bill also aims to prevent addiction by requiring a data protection impact assessment in which social media companies would have to reveal if they use features like auto-play videos, rewards for time spent, and notifications intended to keep users online longer. Several other Assembly Democrats have signed on as prime sponsors of the bills, including Shanique Speight of Essex County, Dan Benson of Mercer County, and Carol Murphy of Burlington County. A national fight Conaway and his colleagues are far from the first lawmakers to try to break social medias stranglehold on youth nationally. This kind of legislation is popping up in statehouses around the country. Maryland lawmakers earlier this month introduced a bill that would restrict data collection and profiling of children, mandate high-privacy settings by default, and restrict geolocation. Last year, Minnesota lawmakers considered but failed to pass a bill that would have prohibited platforms from using recommendation algorithms for underage users. And a bill in California would have allowed parents to sue social media companies for addicting their kids, but it also failed. Social media addiction has driven federal policymakers to act too. In Congress, a Kids Online Safety Act would have increased parental controls of screen time, auto-play, and privacy, and it would have required social media companies to reveal how they use algorithms and targeted advertising with their underage users. That bill, introduced last year, also failed. Even the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to weigh in, with two cases on their schedule this week that seek to hold Google and Twitter liable for what their algorithms promote or suggest. The industry has lobbied against the bills wherever they arise. But Conaway isnt cowed. Anyone skeptical of the need for legislative intervention should consider social medias damaging impact on adolescents and its role in bullying, Conaway said, citing the recent suicide of an Ocean County high schooler whose classmates attacked her and posted videos on social media afterward. This is not our first rodeo, Conaway said. We have to try to forge ahead, even in the face of opposition thats going to come from outside the Legislature, but I imagine also within the Legislature. Im hoping that a number of my colleagues will recognize the danger as I do, and we can get this legislation moving on to the governors desk. Some arent waiting for lawmakers to act. In Morris County, the School District of the Chathams filed a federal lawsuit against Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Google, and YouTube last week, saying the platforms fueled students addiction and mental health struggles through manipulative business practices. District officials want a judge to declare social media a public nuisance and are seeking unspecified damages to recover rising costs, including hiring more counselors to help students and disciplinary staff to handle online harassment, threats, and bullying. These severe mental health consequences have placed severe burdens on society and, in particular, schools. It cannot be stated strongly enough that social media has drastically changed the high school and middle school experience of students across the nation, the lawsuit alleges. As for Das, she eventually pulled the plug herself: her only lingering indulgence is just an occasional scroll through TikTok. I used to have all the social media, like Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter all of it, she said. But I realized that there was not a lot of substance to it. It was all so repetitive. New Jersey Monitor is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. New Jersey Monitor maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Terrence McDonald for questions: Follow New Jersey Monitor on Facebook and Twitter. U.S. Attorney Dena J. King, members of the U.S. Attorneys Office Civil Rights Team, along with federal and local law enforcement met with the Sikh community on Sunday, according to a release from the United States Department of Justice. Sundays meeting was held at the Gurdwara Khalsa Darbar, the Sikh faith center in Charlotte. It was the first of many as part of the Justice Departments United Against Hate initiative; these meetings will be used to plan outreach and educational events. ALSO READ: UNC Charlotte apologizes for handcuffing student of Sikh faith after 911 knife call In September, the United Against Hate initiative was announced by the Justice Department as a national program to fight the rise of hate crimes in the Western District of North Carolina. The initiative will have many events, including focusing on communities at risk of being targets of hate crimes. The events give people an opportunity to meet and speak with federal prosecutors and law enforcement for a better understanding of hate crimes, how to report them, and building a connection between law enforcement and the community. People in communities across the Western District have the right to live their lives free from fear, violence, and intimidation, U.S. Attorney King said. This fundamental right is guaranteed and protected by the Constitution. Unfortunately, certain groups are frequent targets of acts of hate and abuse. Sundays meeting was a presentation and discussion with topics including defining hate crimes versus hate incidents, the importance of reporting these crimes, and the difference between free speech and hate speech. A representative of the United Sikhs spoke about the 15-year relationship between the U.S. Attorneys Office and the Sikh Community. ALSO READ: Police respond to person waving antisemitic flag at Jewish temple in Boone The Sikh community of Charlotte greatly values the relationship it has built with the U.S. Attorneys Office, dating back to 2008. With the Offices help, we have always been able to reach out to federal law enforcement for assistance with any challenge our community faces, whether it is school bullying, diversity training at the airport, security of the Gurdwara, or civil rights matters. Today, the U.S. Attorneys Office continues to play a pivotal role in shaping and nurturing this relationship. Our community is grateful for everything this office has done for us, said Pushpinder Garcha, a United Sikhs representative. Story continues The U.S. Attorneys Office will have more United Against Hate events throughout the year as an effort to engage communities throughout the states Western District. Learn more about the United Against Hate initiative here. (WATCH BELOW: Local girl scouts create documentary of Charlottes untold black history) Native American Environmental Ad (AP1986) Since its debut in 1971, an anti-pollution ad showing a man in Native American attire shed a single tear at the sight of smokestacks and litter taking over a once unblemished landscape has become an indelible piece of TV pop culture. It's been referenced over the decades since on shows like The Simpsons and South Park and in internet memes. But now a Native American advocacy group that was given the rights to the long-parodied public service announcement is retiring it, saying it has always been inappropriate. The so-called Crying Indian with his buckskins and long braids made the late actor Iron Eyes Cody a recognizable face in households nationwide. But to many Native Americans, the public service announcement has been a painful reminder of the enduring stereotypes they face. The nonprofit that originally commissioned the advertisement, Keep America Beautiful, had long been considering how to retire the ad and announced this week that it's doing so by transferring ownership of the rights to the National Congress of American Indians. Keep America Beautiful wanted to be careful and deliberate about how we transitioned this iconic advertisement/public service announcement to appropriate owners, Noah Ullman, a spokesperson for the nonprofit, said via e-mail. We spoke to several Indigenous peoples organizations and were pleased to identify the National Congress of American Indians as a potential caretaker. NCAI plans to end the use of the ad and watch for any unauthorized use. NCAI is proud to assume the role of monitoring the use of this advertisement and ensure it is only used for historical context; this advertisement was inappropriate then and remains inappropriate today, said NCAI Executive Director Larry Wright, Jr. NCAI looks forward to putting this advertisement to bed for good. When it premiered in the 1970s, the ad was a sensation. It led to Iron Eyes Cody filming three follow-up PSAs. He spent more than 25 years making public appearances and visits to schools on behalf of the anti-litter campaign, according to an Associated Press obituary. Story continues From there, Cody, who was Italian American but claimed to have Cherokee heritage through his father, was typecast as a stock Native American character, appearing in over 80 films. Most of the time, his character was simply Indian, Indian Chief or Indian Joe. His movie credits from the 1950s-1980s included Sitting Bull, The Great Sioux Massacre, Nevada Smith, A Man Called Horse and Ernest Goes to Camp. On television, he appeared in Bonanza, Gunsmoke and Rawhide among others. He also was a technical adviser on Native American matters on film sets. Dr Jennifer J. Folsom, a journalism and media communication professor at Colorado State University and a citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, remembers watching the public service announcement as a child. At that point, every single person who showed up with braids and buckskins, on TV or anywhere in the movies, I glommed on to that because it was such a rare thing to see, said Folsom, whose areas of study include Native American pop culture. I did see how people littered, and I did see how the creeks and the rivers were getting polluted. But as she grew up, Folsom noticed how media devoted little coverage to Native American environmental activists. Theres no agency for that sad so-called Indian guy sitting in a canoe, crying, Folsom said. I think it has done damage to public perception and support for actual Native people doing things to protect the land and protect the environment. She applauded Keep America Beautiful's decision as an appropriate move. It will mean a trusted group can help control the narrative the ad has promoted for over 50 years, she said. The ad's power has arguably already faded as Native and Indigenous youths come of age with a greater consciousness about stereotypes and cultural appropriation. TikTok has plenty of examples of Native people parodying or doing a takedown of the advertisement, Folsom said. Robert Tree Cody, the adopted son of Iron Eyes Cody, said the advertisement had good intent and good heart at its core. It was one of the top 100 commercials, said Robert Cody, an enrolled member of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community in Arizona. And, it reminded him of time spent with his father, said Cody, who lives at Santa Ana Pueblo in New Mexico. I remember a lot, even when he went on a movie set to finish his movies and stuff, Cody said. I remember going out to Universal (Studios), Disney, places like that. His wife, Rachel Kee-Cody, can't help but feel somewhat sad that an ad that means so much to their family will be shelved. But she is resigned to the decision. You know, times are changing as well. You keep going no matter how much it changes, she said. Disappointment. ... It'll pass. A fierce power struggle has broken out over who will run the Democratic Party in Nevada, a pivotal 2024 battleground that last year determined the balance of the Senate. And its getting ugly. There are calls for the sitting chairs resignation. There are accusations that Democratic Party Chair Judith Whitmer steered contracts to allies. Two sparring sides accuse each other of attempting to fracture the party. And new documents obtained by NBC News display the depths of the divisions and how they played out in the run-up to one of the closest Senate races in the nation. Whitmer, part of a slate of democratic socialists who took over the party in March 2021, now fights to hang on ahead of her March 4 re-election, where she faces a challenge from Nevada Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno. Theyre launching a smear campaign against me, personally, Whitmer said in an interview with NBC News. A central part of the drama over Whitmer's tenure has been the decision by a group of previous party leaders to, a few months after she took over, break off from her control and form a rival Democratic entity in Washoe County called Nevada Democratic Victory. It essentially became a shadow party apparatus with aides tied to more establishment Democrats in the state, including Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen. Now, internal party documents obtained by NBC News outline just how heated that battle became and what steps the party structure controlled by Whitmer considered to get back at that faction. The documents lay out a pressure campaign in advance of an ultimately abandoned plan to de-charter Washoe County Democrats from the state party, including a desire to hit back at the party's own senator despite a tight re-election race that was pivotal to Democratic control of the Senate that year. Unleash loyalists on CCM et al, one of the list items read in the document, in an apparent reference to Cortez Masto. The January 2022 document, titled "Washoe Week Timeline," itemized a day-by-day plan to mount a media relations campaign in an attempt to compel Washoe County Democrats to operate under the state partys power structure. It also considered a legal avenue for de-chartering the group, which would have meant it would no longer have been affiliated with the state party and would have created hurdles to how Nevada Democratic Victory could raise and spend money. Story continues Themes for communications (i.e. Darn right we are protecting the Party existence from being taken by a rogue county committee, all efforts to work with elected officials failed because NDV & CCM told them not to even talk with us.), the document stated. Then, ticking off names of elected officials, including then-governor Steve Sisolak, the notes stated, Can we find 25 loyalists wrote email CCM, Sisolak, Ford, Yeager, Nicole about why are they are dividing the party. In the end, Whitmers group didnt execute the plan. But the document exemplified the deep divisions within a party at war with itself and laid out tensions after the establishment lost its bid for chair to a slate of democratic socialists in 2021. Both Whitmer and a party spokesman confirmed the documents but said they reflected a memorialization of a conversation with an attorney over possible ways to deal with an entity for which the party held liability but no oversight. Still, establishment Democrats charge that the state party at times worked against them in last years midterms, including backing a primary challenger to the sitting lieutenant governor. The State Party created additional challenges for the governors re-election, Molly Forgey, former deputy campaign manager to Steve Sisolak said in a statement to NBC News. They actively worked against the coordinated campaign supported by elected officials and national committees, campaigned against the governors appointed Lt. Governor, and used their limited resources to pay their allies instead of turning out Democratic voters. Sisolak lost his re-election race for governor. He was the only incumbent governor to lose re-election in 2022. A senior aide to his running mate, former Lt. Gov. Lisa Cano Burkhead, echoed Forgey's sentiment. Not only did Chair Whitmer actively work against our campaign by publicly supporting our primary challenger, she even diverted critical state party resources in order to fund campaign ads in support of our opponent," Martin Fitzgerald, former senior adviser to Burkhead's campaign, said in a statement. "These actions alone are disqualifying and demonstrate a willingness to put her own interests ahead of a united Democratic Party. Whitmer disputed charges that she attempted to undermine the coordinated campaign run by Nevada Democratic Victory and specifically rejected the notion that she had worked against Cortez Masto. "Its so strange to hear that. I have not worked against them," Whitmer said. She said the documents reflected notes taken by a former employee, and she did not recall talking about plotting against Cortez Masto. "We were talking about what steps needed to be taken to protect the state party based on advice from our attorneys," she said. She pointed back at the other side for causing division and accused them of being motivated by consultants and special interests who wanted to profit off politics. But Whitmer's critics go beyond the traditional party insiders; she has also lost the support of some of her initial backers, including local democratic socialists and the team of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Whitmer defended her tenure and said she worked diligently to bolster down ballot candidates and votes in the rural counties. Whitmer has also come under scrutiny for the contracts she awarded to Clark County Chair Chris Roberts, a supporter who identifies as a democratic socialist as well. Whitmer has said the contracts were for legitimate data and tech services. Democrats critical of Whitmer have questioned both Roberts' competence and his commitment to party leaders besides Whitmer, pointing to a comment he made on Election Day last year, just hours before voting closed. At the time, he told NBC News, "I don't think the numbers are there" for a Cortez Masto victory. He said his comments were based on the partys data specialist modeling every scenario. The projection didnt match other data models, and ultimately, Cortez Masto won by fewer than 8,000 votes. The Cortez Masto campaign was alarmed. In one of the closest Senate races in the country, one that ultimately determined the balance of the Senate, a Democrat in Nevada was declaring to the media that the senator no longer had a path to victory. It wasnt what her campaign was seeing at the time, according to an aide. In an interview, Roberts said the back and forth between sides showed mistakes were made on both sides." "Its a damn shame," he added. CORRECTION (March 5, 2023, 6:42 p.m. ET): A previous version of this article misspelled the last name of Whitmers challenger for chair. She is Daniele Monroe-Moreno, not Munroe-Moreno. This article was originally published on COVID-19 rapid antigen tests and plastic bags with 'biohazard' signs. Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images) A memo suggested that the Energy Department has 'low confidence' the coronavirus came from a lab leak, per WSJ. Intelligence officials remain split on whether the virus occurred naturally or came from a lab. The memo reaffirmed that the virus was not deliberately created or engineered as a biological weapon. Officials from the Department of Energy say they have determined with "low confidence" that the Covid pandemic came about following a laboratory leak a theory that has been hotly debated for the last three years. The department's conclusion was first reported by The Wall Street Journal, which cited a classified report that was shared with officials at the White House and some in Congress. The update was drafted after officials considered new intelligence and consulted with non-government experts, a senior intelligence official told the Journal. It remains unclear if the report, which WSJ said was less than five pages in length, would be made public. Officials have struggled to issue a definitive cause for the virus's origin, suggesting they needed additional information from China to form such an assessment. By 2021, much of the intelligence community concluded that the virus was not deliberately created in a lab or created as a biological weapon, beliefs that were reaffirmed by the intelligence memo, according to the Journal. However, agencies have found that both theories about a natural occurrence and a lab leak remain possibilities, per the New York Times. Their theories and varying degrees of certainty are as follows, per WSJ: Department of Energy: lab leak (low confidence) Federal Bureau of Investigation: lab leak (moderate confidence) Central Intelligence Agency (and one unidentified agency): undecided between natural transmission and lab leak National Intelligence Council (and four unidentified agencies): natural transmission from an infected animal (low confidence) Following the WSJ report, many on Twitter jumped to claim their theories about a lab leak in Wuhan, China at times fomented by former President Donald Trump, who frequently called it the "China Virus" were validated. Story continues Speaking with CNN on Sunday, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said he couldn't confirm or deny the contents of the WSJ report but that members of the intelligence community settled on some "conclusions on one side, some on the other." "President Biden specifically requested that the National Labs, which are part of the Department of Energy, be brought into this assessment because he wants to put every tool at use to be able to figure out what happened here," Sullivan told Dana Bash on CNN's "State of the Union." Sullivan said there are a "variety of views in the intelligence community," but that several agencies have said they "just don't have enough information to be sure." "If we gain any further insight or information, we will share it with Congress and we will share it with the American people. But, right now, there is not a definitive answer that has emerged from the intelligence community on this question," Sullivan said. Read the original article on Business Insider Nineteen students from five Ross County districts (Adena, Huntington, Southeastern, Unioto, and Zane Trace) competed in the Ross County Spelling Bee on Feb. 17 at the Ross Pike Educational Service District. The 2023 Ross County Spelling Bee Winner was Clara Ewing from Adena. Second-place honors went to Alyson Ashcraft, also from Adena, and third-place honors went to Emin Pennington, of Unioto. The Ross County Banking Center had a generous donation for the first-place winner. From left, Emin Pennington, of Unioto, the third place winner, Clara Ewing from Adena, the first place winner, and Alyson Ashcraft, also from Adena, the second place winner. Meetings Huntington Township will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, at the firehouse to discuss the Twin Township EMS Agreement. Chillicothe VAMC hosts hiring fair to fill current vacancies CHILLICOTHE The Chillicothe VA Medical Center hosts a weekly hiring fair, every Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Chillicothe VA campus in Building 9. These weekly hiring events focus mainly on screening applicants for the three positions: Nursing Assistant (NAs), Licensed Nurse Practitioner (LPNs), and Registered Nurse (RNs). This Wednesday, however, the Nursing Recruitment Program, headed by Kathryn Hils, Associate Director of Patient Care, will also be reviewing resumes for Advance Medical Support Assistant (AMSA) vacancies. Our Chillicothe VA Medical Center Hiring Fairs are an invitation for RNs, LPNs, and NAs to serve our nation's heroes with clinical excellence and kindness., Hils said. The Chillicothe VA Medical Center, reflective of the surrounding community, focuses on delivering quality care with a feeling of home. When asked what makes the Chillicothe VA different from other medical facilities, Hils stated, Our campus culture is a direct reflection of the Chillicothe community, who continues to be supportive of our mission. Our nursing staff have new, competitive pay scales, recruitment incentives, and an unmatched benefit package. We welcome nurses to visit our Hiring Fairs each Wednesday from 10 am to 1 pm for consideration to become a part of our family. Story continues Ohio University Chillicothe to host prevention conference CHILLICOTHE -- Ohio University Chillicothe will host Project Get SmartAbout Prevention: The Southcentral Ohio Prevention Conference March 2-3. Social workers, counselors, chemical dependency counselors, teachers, law enforcement officials, healthcare professionals and others involved interested in creating a safe and healthy community are invited to attend the free conference, which will take place in Bennett Hall on the campus of Ohio University Chillicothe. This conference is made possible through a partnership between Ohio University Chillicothes Department of Social Work, the HOPE Partnership Project, and First Capital Cornerstone of Change, with financial support from Ohio Center for Excellence for Behavioral Health Prevention and Promotion. Depending on which sessions they attend, participants may earn up to 14 continuing education credits at no cost. Conference sessions begin at 8 a.m. We invite our colleagues and communities to join this important conversation about how we create communities that are equipped to prevent problems, not just react to them, said organizer Stacey Saunders-Adams, assistant professor of social work at OHIO Chillicothe. Its time for us to unite our efforts and resources to change the trajectory for our region. Michelle Muffett-Lipinski, principal of the Northshore Recovery High School in Beverly, Massachusetts, will present the keynote address at 8 a.m. on March 2, 2023. Licensed as a science teacher, principal/director, special education director, and superintendent, Muffet-Lipinski has served as a School Board Member and is currently a City Councilor in Dover, NH. She has over 25 years of experience as a principal/director in alternative school settings. Michelle is a recovery advocate and will continue to search for ways to help ease and eventually solve the addiction and opioid epidemic locally and nationally. Muffett-Lipinski speaks around the country about the philosophy and mission of creating adolescent substance use and mental health recovery supports in academic settings. She has played a leadership role in helping her staff develop authentic performance assessments and upholding high academic standards for students with significant risk factors. Due to her unique perspective on these issues, Muffett-Lipinski and her students have been featured on ABC, CNN, NBC, NECN, Anderson Cooper, and Current TV as well as other media outlets across the country, most recently MTV's 16andRecovering. For more information, and to register for the conference, please visit the conference website. Statehood Day Achievement Award Recipient CHILLICOTHE The Chillicothe Kiwanis Club and Ross County Ministerial Association will be hosting their annual Ohio Statehood Day Prayer Celebration at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, March 4. The event will be hosted at the First Presbyterian Church of Chillicothe located at 13 Mead Drive. This years Statehood Day Achievement Award will be presented to Paul Pollard, who best represents the Spirit of Ohio through his community service and humanitarian deeds. Paul saw a need back in 1985 for a fundraiser to help underprivileged families during the holidays. He along with a few friends, raised money, got food, toys and clothes and delivered them like a modern day Santa. This was the beginning of Rock for Tots, which has raised thousands of dollars over the past 37 years. The money raised has gone to several childrens organizations and for scholarships and an endowment.The mission of Rock for Tots is to positively impact our community by providing assistance, empowerment and opportunity to area childrens organizations as well providing confidence building through the initiation and support of music, mentoring and educational programs. Tickets to the Ohio Statehood Day Prayer Celebration can be purchased at the Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau at 230 N. Plaza Blvd: Monday Friday, 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m. (closed noon to 1 p.m. for lunch). Cost is $12 per ticket and is limited to 100 attendees. This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: News briefs: Adena's Ewing wins county spelling bee The orca female and pilot whale calf. A female orca appeared to adopt a baby pilot whale in the first known case of its kind. Scientists observed the orca caring for the calf in western Iceland in 2021, a new study says. The study noted that the orca had never had a calf of her own. A female orca appeared to have adopted or abducted a baby pilot whale in the first known case of its kind, scientists say. The orca, known as "Sdis," was first observed swimming with the pilot whale calf in August 2021 in the Atlantic Ocean near western Iceland. Scientists observed that Sdis was not simply accompanying the calf but was actively caring for it. Two other orcas, likely from Sdis' pod, were also present, but no other pilot whales were seen which is unusual because pilot whales also travel in pods. This marks the first scientific documentation of orcas nurturing and tending to a long-finned pilot whale calf. The findings recently published in the Canadian Journal of Zoology document the orca's maternal care for a pilot whale calf and suggest that the relationship between the two species is more complex than previously thought. Marie Mrusczok, the lead author, told Newsweek that there were clear signs the orca was looking after the calf. "The orca was swimming with the pilot whale calf in the echelon position, which means the calf was swimming right behind the pectoral fin of the orca," she said. "The echelon position allows a calf to make fewer tail fluke movements than when swimming on its own and overcome physical limitations during high-speed travel in other words, the calf is 'carried' by the pressure wave created by the adult's larger body." However, Elizabeth Zwamborn, an academic on the research team, told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's Maritime Noon show that it was unclear whether it was an altruistic adoption. She said the relationship could be interpreted as a "lovely warm adoption story" or a case of killer whale abduction. The female orca and pilot whale calf. "But there's also a decent chance that she actually abducted this calf from a group of pilot whales. Off Iceland, there's been quite the interaction between both species, and oftentimes pilot whales are seen chasing the killer whales," she said. Story continues "We don't know the reasons for it, but if there's a chance that there might be a female orca here and there that tries to take a calf from the pilot whales, that would certainly give them reason to chase." The study noted that Sdis had never had a calf of her own, so it is possible she took in the pilot whale calf as a substitute. Zwamborn said that the calf appeared to be emaciated and seemed to have not been fed recently, which would make sense as the female orca would probably not be able to nurse, having not birthed her own calves. Both orcas and pilot whales have similarly close-knit family structures in the wild, which could explain the relationship. About a year later, Sdis was observed with a group of long-finned pilot whales, but the calf was not present. Further encounters between Sdis' and the pilot whale pod indicated a deliberate attempt to acquire a new calf, the findings said. Zwamborn told CBC that Sdis' observed interactions with pilot whales appeared to be unique and that she could have been attempting to abduct another calf. Read the original article on Business Insider (Bloomberg) -- Most Read from Bloomberg The Nigerian ruling partys presidential candidate Bola Tinubu won the most votes in a small southwest state as the first results from Saturdays election began being released. Tinubu won 201,494 votes in Ekiti state, the returning officer of the province said at a briefing organized by the Independent National Electoral Commission on Sunday. The Peoples Democratic Partys Atiku Abubakar got 89,554, while the Labour Partys Peter Obi garnered 11,397. Nigeria has 36 states and the capital region of Abuja. Elections in Africas biggest democracy have been marred by glitches in a new electronic system thats being used to verify citizens identities, delaying voting. That was followed by a snag in polling stations transmitting the count, raising concerns that the results might get compromised. The commission wishes to assure Nigerians that the challenges are not due to any intrusion or sabotage of our systems, the INEC said in a statement. Results cannot be tampered with and any discrepancy between them and the physical results used in collation will be thoroughly investigated and remediated. The election agency will next meet at 11 a.m. Monday, Chairman Mahmood Yakubu said. Jittery Parties (Feb. 26, 5:28 p.m.) Opposition parties urged the electoral commission to immediately release results from the vote to reduce the chances of the outcome being compromised. Polling stations were supposed to transmit the counts as soon as they were tallied, but the electoral commission had published results from less than a quarter of them by 4 p.m. local time. Officials in some areas, including one south of the capital Abuja, uploaded notes saying the election was declared not contested, following attacks by criminals. Story continues Infighting in Rivers State Ruling Party May Help Obi (Feb. 25, 6:26 p.m.) Infighting between leaders of the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party, which rules the biggest state in Nigerias oil-producing region, is likely to help Labour Partys Obi. Nyesom Wike, the outgoing state governor, refused to back Abubakar, despite the two belonging to the same party. Abubakars supporters accused Wike of undermining their campaign and secretly backing ruling-party nominee Tinubu in the race. The governor denied the allegations. All I can say is its to our advantage, said Beatrice Itubu, who is running on Labours ticket to succeed Wike as governor. Billionaire Dangote Lauds Turnout (Feb. 25, 5:13 p.m.) Aliko Dangote, Africas richest person, said the election turnout was the highest hed seen in more than two decades. The turnout is very, very impressive, he told Channels TV after voting in the commercial hub, Lagos. Ive been voting since 1999 when we returned to democracy and this time around Ive seen much more than the usual times. Dangotes comments echo similar statements made by World Trade Organization Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Voting Draws to Close, Ballot Count Begins (Feb. 25, 4:28 p.m.) Nigerias electoral commission ruled out extending the time for citizens to cast their ballots, saying polling stations wouldnt accept those who arrived after 2:30 p.m. local time on Saturday. Thats despite countrywide delays and some polling stations not opening until hours after the official start time. By 4:30 p.m. officials were done counting ballots at some sites, while others had hundreds of people in line waiting to cast theirs. President Buhari Reveals Vote (Feb. 25, 3 p.m.) Video footage showed outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari presenting his ballot paper to onlookers in the northern Katsina state. A statement emailed by Buharis spokesman confirmed he had displayed the document with a thumb print for Tinubu before depositing it in a ballot box. The West African nations electoral law requires a secret ballot, saying no-one should communicate at any time to any other person information obtained in a polling unit as to the candidate to whom a voter is about to vote or has voted for. Violators are liable to receive a 100,000-naira ($217) fine or a three-month prison sentence. Its unclear whether the provision applies to those who reveal their own votes. Most Read from Bloomberg Businessweek 2023 Bloomberg L.P. (Bloomberg) -- Most Read from Bloomberg Nigerian opposition parties urged the nations election commission to immediately release results from Saturdays poll to reduce the chances of the outcome being compromised. Polling stations were supposed to transmit the counts as soon as they were tallied, but the Independent National Electoral Commission had published results from less than a quarter of them by 4 p.m. local time. Officials in some areas, including one south of the capital Abuja, uploaded notes saying the election was declared not contested, following attacks by criminals. It will be a disservice to Nigerians and a negation to democracy for anyone to subvert the will of the people as freely expressed in their votes, Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party, said in a statement. The slow progress is another snag in the election process after glitches in a new electronic system thats being used to verify citizens identities delayed voting on Saturday in Africas biggest democracy. Local media reported that ballots were cast late into the night as officials either arrived hours late or struggled with the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System. The Labour Party, whose candidate Peter Obi was projected to win in several pre-election surveys, also raised concerns about the process. The delay in uploading the results undermines public confidence in the results-transmission process, Yiaga Africa, a nonprofit monitoring the election process, said in an earlier statement on Sunday. INEC officials at a collation center in oil-rich Rivers state were still trying to upload presidential results to the agencys online portal at 4 p.m. on Sunday, a task they were supposed to perform in the presence of party agents. They blamed software problems and network connectivity. Story continues The ruling All Progressives Congress dismissed concerns about any rigging attempts and warned opposition parties against inciting their supporters. The body officially designated to reflect the voices of Nigerians is the Independent National Electoral Commission, the APC said in emailed statement. No party can bully them by threats to do its own bidding. --With assistance from William Clowes. Most Read from Bloomberg Businessweek 2023 Bloomberg L.P. Nikki Fried, the last Democrat to hold a statewide office in Florida, was selected Saturday to chair the Florida Democratic Party as it looks to recover from its latest disastrous election cycle. Fried emerged the winner in a four-way contest at the Sheraton Orlando North Hotel in Maitland on Saturday, fending off a major challenge from former state Sen. Annette Taddeo of Miami. Fried was elected as state agriculture commissioner in 2018 but did not seek reelection last year. She lost a bid for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination to former governor and congressman Charlie Crist. Fried will oversee a party that has struggled with finances and voter-registration efforts, been eclipsed in the Florida Legislature and Congress and lost traction among Hispanic voters. Following an intense campaign against Taddeo, Fried declared the divisiveness is over. Fried said her goals are to end 30 years of losses and turn Florida blue again, work to ensure DeSantis is not the president of the United States, and elect more Democrats to school boards, county commissions and city councils. Regardless, if you voted for me or you voted for Annette, everybody has a seat at this table, Fried said shortly after members of the Democratic Executive Committee voted to select her as their partys leader. Before the committee voted, Taddeo promised the panel she would be there for you no matter who wins. Other candidates in the race for the chair were activist Carolina Ampudia, who was a former head of the partys Progressive Caucus, and teacher and Broward County Democratic Party Chairman Rick Hoye. Just before Saturdays vote, Hoye withdrew his name and threw his support behind Fried. Fried, who narrowly won the 2018 election, is a lawyer and former lobbyist who spent years advocating for the marijuana industry. Fried replaces former Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, who resigned as party chairman in early January --- two months after Florida Democrats suffered historic losses up and down the ballot. Story continues DeSantis, viewed as a GOP presidential candidate in 2024, defeated Crist by nearly 20 percentage points and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio picked up a third term with a 16.4 percentage-point victory. Republicans also captured all three state Cabinet seats, secured supermajorities in the state House and Senate, and gained four congressional seats. And the GOP in 2021 took the lead in voter registrations in Florida, upsetting Democrats traditional registration edge in the state. The Republican Party of Florida responded to Frieds victory in a press release calling the Democrat a serial grifter. Radical Nikki Fried who got walloped in the Democrat primary for governor will become the new face of a party that doesnt even like her, the release said. Thats on brand for a party that clearly has no bottom. One of the first challenges for Fried will be to bring together progressive and moderate voices that havent always agreed on the direction of the state party, which has seen national party support shrivel. Prior to Frieds election Saturday, veteran Democratic political strategist Steve Schale said whoever replaced Diaz must have the ability to raise money, have donors confidence and understand the challenges in swing districts. He also predicted it will take several election cycles to rebuild the state party. You need somebody who understands this is very likely the last political job theyll ever have, Schale, who backed Taddeo, said during a recent episode of the Deeper Dive with Dara Kam podcast. Whatever work is done now is probably not going to pay dividends for two or three cycles I would look to the 2024 cycle as kind of getting back on the field, rebuilding a good base, registering voters, kind of getting the confidence of donors. Schale also advised Democrats to first focus on local elections and to stop outsourcing voter registration and fundraising efforts, saying consultants financial base is built on the idea that the Democratic Party is useless. In a Feb. 16 debate hosted by the Florida Legislative Black Caucus, candidates seeking to replace Diaz also spoke about rebuilding the party by maintaining full-time staff and moving away from hiring consultants. Such efforts will require hitting and maintaining fundraising goals, they said. Fried at the time said the party needs a full-time financier, similar to the Democratic National Committees finance chairman. She also said the state party should set up a leadership council that would include legislators, members of the partys congressional delegation, donors and activists. We know that the road to the presidency runs through the state of Florida. We know that Ron DeSantis blueprint for the state, he wants to take to Washington D.C. We are that stopgap. And so weve got to make sure that we are using all of our voices and all of our community organizing, she said during the debate. [SIGN UP: Action News Jax Daily Headlines Newsletter] Click here to download the free Action News Jax news and weather apps, click here to download the Action News Jax Now app for your smart TV and click here to stream Action News Jax live. Photograph: Alan Freed/Reuters Until 2 February it was business as usual in the small rural community of East Palestine, Ohio. The local paper carried obituaries and sporting results, interspersed with stories of a homecoming queen, an abusive puppy mill and the driver in the Toughest Monster Truck Tour who was arrested for human trafficking. The next day it all went up in flames. Train derailment sparks massive fire, prompts evacuations. Videos show major fire raging after tanker train derails. The derailment of a 50-car freight train carrying toxic materials on 3 February shattered daily life in East Palestine and sent a pall of black smoke over the region. Potentially lethal chemicals spewed into the air, ground and water. Related: Nobody has answers: Ohio residents fearful of health risks near train site Three weeks into the disaster, a new set of headlines has started to billow up from right-wing outlets and commentators. Now the tragedy of East Palestine has morphed into a racialized lament for the forgotten people abandoned by the uncaring woke Biden administration. For forgotten, read white. Leading the charge, as is so often the case with such white-America nativist fearmongering, is the Fox News star Tucker Carlson. East Palestine is overwhelmingly white, and its politically conservative, he said recently. That shouldnt be relevant, but it very much is. Carlson went on to describe East Palestine as a poor benighted town whose people are forgotten, and in the view of the people who lead this country, forgettable. He highlighted the indisputable suffering of local residents who were forced to evacuatea two-mile area and since they have returned home remain fearful about the quality of the air and water. Then Carlson contrasted such hardship with what he called the favoured poor who live in favoured cities such as Detroit and Philadelphia a clear euphemism for urban centers, often led by Democratic mayors, with large Black populations. Story continues The site of the derailed freight train in East Palestine, Ohio. Photograph: Xinhua/REX/Shutterstock In these favoured places, he said, everyone feels for them and everyone wants them to be safe. The idea that the rail disaster should be viewed through a racial lens has spread like a toxin from Fox News, through right-wing news sites and social media, into the political realm. JD Vance, the first-term Republican US senator from Ohio, picked up the clarion call of the forgotten Americans, calling the residents of East Palestine, pointedly, our voters. Charlie Kirk, a rising star within the Make America Great Again (Maga) universe, was more direct. He lashed out on his show at Bidens crusade on white people and claimed that Americas Democratic leaders hate working-class whites. Perhaps inevitably, Donald Trump then rode into town. He careened into the region on Wednesday bearing bottled water and promising that he would ensure justice for the people of East Palestine. You are not forgotten, he said, repeating the mantra that has been a central tenet of his Maga posturing since his first presidential run in 2016. Related: Ohio train derailment: EPA takes control of response and clean-up efforts Some aspects of the racialized analysis proferred by Carlson and others are accurate. East Palestine (pronounced Palesteen), a community of 4,700 people, is overwhelmingly white; latest census data puts it at 98% white and 0.2% African American. Carlsons description of East Palestine as poor seems to paint the community with broad brush strokes: the community is certainly not wealthy, with a median household income of $44,000, according to the Census Bureau . But the 9% of residents who live below the poverty line form a smaller proportion than the national rate of 11.6%. It is true that it is largely, though not exclusively, conservative, with 72% of Columbiana county in which it sits voting for Donald Trump in 2020. Where the right-wing pundits come unstuck is the idea that white communities in rural America are getting a far rougher deal at the hands of government and media elites than the Black urban poor. The argument is misleading, and some environmental justice advocates suggest, actively dangerous. The idea that Black people are advantaged when it comes to environmental justice is a very insidious, divisive narrative, said Evlondo Cooper, a senior researcher on climate and energy with the watchdog group Media Matters for America. Poor whites do have legitimate environmental justice claims. But when Carlson and others suggest that this is a unique grievance, they are ignoring that this stuff happens to poor black and brown and indigenous communities every day. Carlsons acerbic designation of Detroit, one of the Blackest cities in the US, as a favoured city will come as news to its own residents. The Detroit metro area continues to contend with toxic air, lead poisoning and tap water that is laden with contaminants that can cause cancer, brain impairments and other serious health threats. Numerous studies have found that low-income communities, including white ones, suffer disproportionately from air pollution. But within that demographic, poor Black communities have by far the greatest risk of premature death from particle pollution. Related: Trump is taking advantage of the Ohio disaster in a way thats eerily reminiscent of 2016 | Tayo Bero The argument that poor white communities are forgotten compared with the lavish attention bestowed by the media and politicians on Black inner-city areas is also a distortion. Last August the 79% Black city of Jackson, Mississippi, grappled with a drinking water crisis that had been brewing for years yet largely ignored by the media as a whole. Media Matters found that one TV channel stood out for the relatively paltry six minutes it devoted to the immediate aftermath of the catastrophe Fox News. Despite these obvious flaws in the forgotten-white-Americans thesis, it has for some time been gaining traction within the Republican party. Philip Gorski, a Yale sociology professor and author of The Flag and the Cross: White Christian Nationalism and the Threat to American Democracy, sees it as a calculated political strategy. By leaning on race-baiting, he said, Republicans hope to be able to smooth over the glaring gulf between white, working-class Americans who make up a large proportion of the partys Maga base and the super-rich, corporate-friendly donors who bankroll the movement (Trump included). So you racialize the problem - and say that white folks are being cheated out of economic opportunities by the woke mob - or Detroit and Philadelphia, to take attention away from the challenges you face forging a coherent economic line, Gorski said. Those challenges are all too visible in East Palestine. Trumps much-vaunted visit to the derailment this week may have been intended to highlight his forgotten Americans meme, but it succeeded in drawing attention to his own environmental record. When he was in the White House, Trump overturned new safety rules introduced under Barack Obama requiring more sophisticated brakes on trains carrying flammable materials. Former president Donald Trump stands next to a pallet of water before delivering remarks at the East Palestine fire department station in East Palestine, Ohio. Photograph: Michael Swensen/Getty Images Trumps presidency proudly presided over a bonfire of regulations, including health and safety controls, and eviscerated almost 100 environmental protections. The changes included weakening routine rail safety audits following accidents and throwing out minimum staffing levels on freight trains. And they were made under the pressure of the private rail industry devoting $25m to lobbying in 2022 according to Open Secrets, including $1.8m from Norfolk Southern which owned the derailed train. The problem with the right-wing effort to turn the derailment into a racial culture war, environmental justice advocates believe, is that it distracts attention from the the dearth of public safety controls that leaves millions of Americans of all races and ethnicities vulnerable to the disaster that has befallen East Palestine. Estimates suggest that 25 million Americans live within one mile of rail lines that carry toxic crude oil and the number of households within blast distance of toxic chemical lines is even larger. This should not be a race issue, its a health issue, said Michael McIntyre, an oil refinery worker who was the former president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Steubenville, a small city to the south of the derailment along the Ohio River. East Palestine is not getting what it needs, not because its people are white, its because they are poor, and Trump never cared about them. Related: Crew tried to stop Ohio train after alert about wheel bearing, safety report finds Sonya Lunder, senior toxics policy advisor at the Sierra Club, wants events like this to unite rather than divide. Catastrophic impacts of hazardous material trains should connect the interests of rural communities with those of industrialized inner cities, she said. Rather than sowing discord, Lunder implored those with a public platform to seek solutions. Modernising safety systems for toxic trains, regulating the shipment and use of highly toxic chemicals there are several commonsense policies that can make living in America safer. For everyone, no matter their zip code. Tyler Le/Insider The cybersecurity industry is already seeing evidence of ChatGPT's use by criminals. ChatGPT can quickly generate targeted phishing emails or malicious code for malware attacks. AI companies could be held liable for chatbots counseling criminals since Section 230 may not apply. Whether it is writing essays or analyzing data, ChatGPT can be used to lighten a person's workload. That goes for cybercriminals too. Sergey Shykevich, a lead ChatGPT researcher at cybersecurity company Checkpoint security, has already seen cybercriminals harness the AI's power to create code that can be used in a ransomware attack. Shykevich's team began studying the potential for AI to lend itself to cyber crimes in December 2021. Using the AI's large language model, they created phishing emails and malicious code. As it became clear ChatGPT could be used for illegal purposes, Shykevich told Insider the team wanted to see whether or not their findings were "theoretical" or if they could find "the bad guys using it in the wild." Because it's hard to tell if a harmful email delivered to someone's inbox was written with ChatGPT, his team turned to the dark web to see how the application was being utilized. On December 21, they found their first piece of evidence: cybercriminals were using the chatbot to create a python script that could be used in a malware attack. The code had some errors, Shykevich said, but much of it was correct. "What is interesting is that these guys that posted it had never developed anything before," he said. Shykevich said that ChatGPT and Codex, an OpenAI service that can write code for developers, will "allow less experienced people to be alleged developers." Misuse of ChatGPT which is now powering Bing's new, already troubling chatbot is worrying cybersecurity experts, who see the potential for chatbots to aid in phishing, malware, and hacking attacks. Justin Fier, director for Cyber Intelligence & Analytics at Darktrace, a cybersecurity company, told Insider when it comes to phishing attacks, the barrier to entry is already low, but ChatGPT could make it uncomplicated for people to efficiently create dozens of targeted scam emails as long as they craft good prompts. Story continues "For phishing, it is all about volume imagine 10,000 emails, highly targeted. And now instead of 100 positive clicks, I've got three or 4,000," Fier said, referring to a hypothetical number of people who may click a phishing email, which is used to get users to give up personal information, such as banking passwords. "That's huge, and it's all about that target." A 'science fiction movie' In early February, cybersecurity company Blackberry released a survey from 1,500 information technology experts, 74% of whom said they were worried about ChatGPT aiding in cybercrime. The survey also found that 71% believed ChatGPT may already be in use by nation-states to attack other countries through hacking and phishing attempts. "It's been well documented that people with malicious intent are testing the waters but, over the course of this year, we expect to see hackers get a much better handle on how to use ChatGPT successfully for nefarious purposes," Shishir Singh, Chief Technology Officer of Cybersecurity at BlackBerry, wrote in a press release. Singh told Insider these fears stem from the rapid advancement of AI in the past year. Experts have said that advancements in large language models which are now more adept at mimicking human speech have proceeded quicker than expected. Singh described the rapid innovations as something out of a "science fiction movie." "Whatever we have seen in the last 9 to 10 months we've only seen in Hollywood," Singh said. Cybercrime uses could be a liability for Open AI As cybercriminals begin to add things like ChatGPT to their toolkit, experts like former federal prosecutor Edward McAndrew are wondering whether companies would bear some responsibility for these crimes. For example, McAndrew, who worked with the Department of Justice investigating cybercrime, pointed out that if ChatGPT, or a chatbot like it, counseled someone into committing a cybercrime, it could be a liability for companies facilitating these chatbots. In dealing with unlawful or criminal content on their sites from third-party users, most tech companies cite Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996. The act states that providers of sites that allow people to post content like Facebook or Twitter are not responsible for speech on their platforms. However, because the speech is coming from the chatbot itself, McAndrew said the law may not shield OpenAI from civil suits or prosecution although open source versions could make it more difficult to tie cyber crimes back to OpenAI. The scope of legal protections for tech companies under Section 230 is also being challenged this week before the Supreme Court by a family of a woman slain by ISIS terrorists in 2015. The family argues that Google should be held liable for its algorithm promoting extremist videos. McAndrew also said ChatGPT could also provide a "treasure trove of information" for those tasked with gathering evidence for such crimes if they were able to subpoena companies like OpenAI. "Those are really interesting questions that are years off," McAndrew said, "but as we see it has been true since the dawn of the internet, criminals are among the earliest of adopters. And we're seeing that again, with a lot of the AI tools." In the face of these questions, McAndrew said he sees a policy debate on how the US and the world in general will set parameters for AI and tech companies. In the Blackberry survey, 95% of IT respondents said governments should be responsible for creating and implementing regulations. McAndrew said the task of regulating it can be challenging, as there isn't one agency or level of government exclusively charged with creating mandates for the AI industry, and that the issue of AI tech goes beyond the US borders. "We're going to have to have international coalitions and international norms around cyber behavior, and I expect that will take decades to develop if we're ever able to develop it." The technology still isn't perfect for cybercriminals One thing about ChatGPT that could make cybercrime more difficult is that it is known for being confidently erroneous which could pose a problem for a cybercriminal trying to draft an email meant to mimic someone else, experts told Insider. In the code that Shykevich and his colleagues discovered on the dark web, the errors needed corrections before it would be able to aid in a scam. In addition, ChatGPT continues to implement guardrails to deter illegal activity, although these guardrails can often be sidestepped with the right script. Shykevich pointed out some cybercriminals are now leaning into ChatGPT's API models open-source versions of the application that do not have the same content restrictions as the web user interface. Shykevich also said that at this point, ChatGPT cannot aid in creating sophisticated malware or creating fake websites that appear, for example, to be a prominent bank's website. However, this could one day be a reality as the AI arms race created by tech giants could hasten the development of better chatbots, Shykevich told Insider. "I'm more concerned about the future and it seems now that the future is not in 4-5 years but more in like in a year or two," Shykevich said. Open AI did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. Read the original article on Business Insider Ohio State Representative Kris Jordan (R-Ostrander) died Saturday at the age of 46. He represented Delaware County. >> TRENDING: 1 dead; BCI investigating police shooting following traffic stop in Middletown Jordan passed away unexpected[ly] due to an undisclosed cause, a spokesperson for Ohio governors office stated in a news release. Fran and I are shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Representative Kris Jordan, Governor Mike DeWine said. In remembrance of Jordan, Governor Mike DeWine ordered that the United States and state of Ohio flags be flown at half-staff at the Ohio Statehouse as well as all publics buildings and grounds throughout Delaware County, the spokesperson continued. The flags were to remain at half-staff until the sun sets on the day of his funeral. We extend our sincerest condolences to his entire family for this most unexpected loss, DeWine stated. Kris will be remembered for his expertise as a legislator and his advocacy for the people of Delaware County. Officers from multiple local agencies along with Homeland Security Investigations, ATF, DEA and California prison officers arrested 26 people. A federal and local multi-agency crackdown on Nortenos gang members continues to cripple the organization from top to bottom following the shooting deaths of six people in Goshen last month. This week, officers from multiple local agencies along with Homeland Security Investigations, ATF, DEA and California prison officers arrested 26 people in various raids on homes and prison cells. In total, 18 arrest warrants were served, six firearms and an ounce of drugs were seized. A total of 97 homes were searched during the four-day operation. HSI provided a heavy-armored vehicle used in the searches. "The focus of the operation was to conduct probation and parole compliance checks, as well as, arrest warrant services on known gang members throughout Tulare County," sheriff's spokeswoman Ashley Ritchie said. On Friday, nine search warrants were served in the Visalia and Goshen areas targeting known Nortenos gang members. By noon, five firearms, ammunition, 2 pounds of methamphetamine, 1 ounce of cocaine, an illegal firearm manufacturing operation and gang indicia were found. The illegal firearm manufacturing operation consisted of gang members making and selling untraceable guns to other gang members, Ritchie said. Evidence seized included 80 polymer parts to assemble untraceable handguns, assault rifle parts to assemble untraceable AR-15-style firearms and parts to make a handgun fully automatic. As the warrants were being served in Tulare County, the CDCR searched 23 cells holding Nortenos and Nuestra Familia gang members throughout multiple prisons from Pelican Bay to Southern California. As a result, numerous cellphones, weapons and gang intelligence were seized from validated prison gang members. Arrested Friday: Jimmy Analla Jr, 31, Goshen Possession of methamphetamine for sales, possession of cocaine for sales Carlos Garcia Jr., 25 , Visalia Child Endangerment, possession of an assault weapon, manufacturing an illegal weapon, and gang enhancement. Story continues Carlos Garcia Sr., 44, Visalia Felon in possession of a firearm, gang enhancement Julie Balderama, 27, Visalia Child Endangerment Rigoberto Benavides, 36, Visalia Possession of drug paraphernalia Patricia Flores, 30, Visalia Possession of drug paraphernalia, parole violation Michael Castro, 40, Visalia Child endangerment, Prohibited person in possession of a firearm Tommy Gonzales, 30, Visalia Felon in possession of a firearm, felon in possession of ammunition, possession of a stolen firearm Officers from multiple local agencies along with Homeland Security Investigations, ATF, DEA and California prison officers arrested 26 people. Operation Nightmare In total, six members of the Parraz family were shot and killed on Jan 16. Nearly all were killed execution style, including a 16-year-old girl and her 10-month-old baby. Surveillance video shows Alissa Parraz, 16, placing her son over a wooden fence then quickly jumping over a chain link fence. Two men slowly walked into frame. The mother and child were shot in the back of the head. The suspects accused of gunning down the family were identified by law enforcement on Jan. 23 and were under 24-hour surveillance. Thousands of manhours led to their arrests. From the start, investigators believed the shooters were from a rival gang. Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux confirmed that the suspects are Nortenos. Two members of the Parraz family were known Surenos, living in the predominately Nortenos community of Goshen. It's unclear if earlier mentions of cartel involved hold true. Motive is not exactly clear at this point, Boudreaux said at the time. After DNA confirmation and hours of collaboration with Tulare County District Attorneys Office, a plan was put into place to arrest the men earlier this month. Before most Tulare County residents had walked into work, Noah Beard and Angel Uriarte had been captured. During Operation Nightmare, local and federal law enforcement officers served three search warrants, two Goshen and one in Visalia. Eight prison cells across the state were also searched. Beard, 25, surrendered peacefully to Tulare County deputies at a Visalia Home. Uriarte, 35, got into a shootout with ATF agents. Uriate was shot during the gun battle and taken to a nearby hospital, where he underwent surgery. The suspect is expected to recover. Im also thankful the murderer survived surgery, Boudreaux said. Im hoping the death penalty moratorium is lifted and that at some point both these men face death. Beard pleased not guilty shortly after his arrest. On Tuesday, Uriarte was arraigned on multiple criminal charges including first-degree murder. He entered a plea of not guilty and is being held on no bail. The defendants are scheduled for a preliminary hearing on March 20. Boudreaux had a massage for the community at the time of the arrests. Law enforcement works for you. Were family. Were human beings. Our hearts are broken in cases like this, as well. Were not the enemy, he said. I want the citizens of Tulare County to sleep a little safer tonight knowing that these baby killing murderers are off the streets. Anyone with information regarding this investigation is encouraged to contact the Tulare County Sheriff's Department at 733-6218. Or, they can remain anonymous by calling or texting (559)725-4194 or through email at Investigators work Friday, February 3, 2023 on Avenue 308 in Goshen where one of two arrests were made for the January 16 homicide of six people nearby. The suspect was shot by an ATF agent but is expected to live. Another suspect was apprehended in Visalia, the other just blocks away from the crime scene. This article originally appeared on Visalia Times-Delta: Operation Nightmare continues to target Nortenos, prison gangs PM asks health sector to address medical supply shortages Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on February 24 requested that the health sector work to completely tackle the shortage of drugs, equipment, supplies, and biological products a thorny issue that has hampered the normal operation of hospitals for years. PM Pham Minh Chinh outlines major tasks for the health sector in 2023, including tackling mdical supply shortages, at a working sesssion with the Ministry of Health on February 24. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the global supply chain, causing a shortage of drugs and medical supplies in Vietnam. Localities pooled all resources to combat COVID-19 while the supply of drugs and equipment remained limited. PM Pham Minh Chinh outlines major tasks for the health sector in 2023, including tackling mdical supply shortages, at a working sesssion with the Ministry of Health on February 24. With the pandemic brought under control, hospitals have seen a sharp increase in the number of patients in need of medical examinations and treatment, thereby leading to an insufficient supply of drugs and equipment. Furthermore, the bidding mechanism is not transparent, a factor which makes it difficult for medical facilities to participate in procurement projects. The lack of drugs and medical supplies has therefore greatly impacted the overall quality of medical examination and treatment, that should be addressed completely to ensure hospitals operate normally and patients can gain access to adequate medical examinations, said the PM while chairing a working session with the Ministry of Health on February 24. He assigned the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Health to urgently amend two government decrees towards simplifying administrative procedures in order to solve problems related to the approval of procurement decisions, contractor selection plans, and the establishment of the entire peoples ownership of equipment. The PM asked the Ministry of Health to accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital in the health sector and completely solve backlog projects at major hospitals such as the Vietnam Germany Friendship Hospital, Bach Mai Hospital, and National Geriatric Hospital 2. Its imperative to promote socialisation and investment based on the public - private partnership model in the spirit of benefit harmonisation and risk sharing between the State, hospitals, and people, stressed the PM. The Government leader also reminded the health sector to work towards preventing group interests, corruption, negativity, and waste in project bidding and implementation. The health sector should always place peoples health and life first by considering and taking care of patients as their relatives, said the PM. He went on to congratulate doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers ahead of Vietnamese Doctors Day on February 27 and expected them to master professional skills and modern technologies to support medical examination and treatment of patients. Susan Prout Before former New Hampshire Attorney General Michael Delaney went before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, we hoped the hearing would be a referendum on progress since the #MeToo movement. That Delaney still has a shot at serving on a federal court bench means we are falling far short of making any meaningful progress. As a defense attorney, Delaney wielded tactics to protect perpetrators of sexual assault and the elite schools where peer-on-peer assaults commonly occur. Now, he is the nominee to a U.S. Court of Appeals. Alex Prout says fathers should build a relationship with each individual child, and get to know them for who they are, not who you want them to be. Though he is praised by lawmakers for his meaningful contributions to his community, Delaney is a problematic nominee. His litigation experience is heavily weighted toward defending large organizations against abuses they perpetrate against their employees and clients. Delaney has a track record of protecting the reputations of institutions at all costs, including by employing questionable judgment and unethical practices. Most egregiously, Delaney challenged the anonymity of a then 15-year-old student who was sexually assaulted by a peer on the campus of St. Pauls School in Concord, New Hampshire. In his legal defense of St. Pauls, Delaney sought to make the survivors name publicly known as a way to intimidate her into silence. This tactic was used to silence many of the dozens of victims who came forward against St. Pauls. The tactic of silencing and shaming sexual assault survivors is unacceptable for anyone, but especially for a federal judge. We would know. We are the parents of that 15 year-old, Chessy Prout. Alex and Susan Prout, of Washington, D.C., founded the I Have the Right To nonprofit with their daughter, Chessy Prout, to support survivors of high school sexual assault. Sexual assault at schools is a lot more common than you may think. Statistics tell us that 1 in 4 girls will be sexually assaulted by the time they graduate high school. For boys, that number is 1 in 13. Chances are you know a child who has been affected. The fact that sexual assault is rampant among adolescents is why Delaneys appointment is so problematic. His tactics perpetuate the secondary victimization of survivors: the isolation and backlash they endure after coming forward. These tactics have no place on a federal court bench. Story continues In sexual assault cases, the defense knows the plaintiffs identity, says Katie Shipp, managing partner, Marsh Law Firm. Attempting to force her identity to be revealed serves no purpose other than to frighten her into silence and warn other survivors of what may happen if they come forward. These tactics are all too common. Institutions where sexual assault occurs have for decades sought to intimidate survivors from coming forward, so much so that there is a predictable formula for doing so. Institutions' well-worn playbook keeps survivors silent and the crime of sexual assault concealed. Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Freyd coined the term DARVO to describe institutional behavior to shame survivors and prevent the truth about assault from coming to light. DARVO stands for deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender. Freyd found that perpetrators (or complicit institutions) commonly claim to be falsely accused and play the victim of a whistleblowers own wrongdoing. Thanks to survivor-silencing tactics like Delaneys, it is no surprise that sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes. Survivors of sexual assault fear losing their jobs, facing retaliation, not being believed, and being isolated from their communities should they come forward. The threat to survivors is real. We experienced isolation and retaliation firsthand after our daughter, Chessy, came forward. It is for this reason that we co-founded the nonprofit I Have The Right To: to support survivors and their parents while they endure what our own daughter endured. It is important to know that Delaneys tactics arent just harmful to survivors. They are a threat to weighing the equal and fair application of justice, which affects us all. As a judge on a federal court of appeals, Delaney will be responsible for determining if previous cases were tried appropriately in the court of law. It is dangerous for an individual with this responsibility to have employed unethical practices and pushed the envelope himself. Delaney asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to evaluate his nomination based on the totality of his career. When a case is as egregious as this one, it is indicative of an attorneys inability to apply the law and should disqualify him from serving as a judge. The committee knows this, too: It is why they unanimously focused on Delaneys role in the St. Pauls case during his hearing. As long as schools page through the well-worn playbook of deny, attack, and reverse the victim and offender, there will be attorneys doing the same. Lets not make one of them a federal judge. Alex and Susan Prout are co-founders of I Have The Right To, where they work with survivors and their families, schools, and communities to support survivors of sexual assault in middle and high schools. This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Opinion: Former Attorney General shamed sexual assault survivors Sidney Poitier, Jackie Robinson, and Harry Belafonte were big fans and important fundraisers, as was a young senator from Massachusetts named John F. Kennedy. The year: 1959. The idea: charter aircraft to bring promising Kenyan students to American colleges and universities so a soon-to-be independent Kenya could have well-educated future leaders. Some 400 African students flew on these chartered flights from Kenya to the U.S. in 1959, 1960 and 1961. A disproportionate number of the students studied in Iowa. At least 16 Iowa colleges and universities welcomed these airlifted students, with Morningside and Central accepting the most, followed by Iowa State, Simpson, William Penn, and Iowa Wesleyan. Its a remarkable and largely forgotten story. Did it work? Absolutely. Among the 400 airlifted students were future Kenyan high court judges, educators, ambassadors, cabinet members, the first director of Kenyas national park system, a vice president, and an environmental activist who became the first Black African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Their timing was impeccable. Kenya achieved independence in 1963, just as the first batch of these students was receiving their diplomas from Drake, Loras, Grinnell, Wartburg, Graceland, Luther and elsewhere. They were the first generation of Kenyas public service. U.S. Sen. John F. Kennedy listens as Tom Mboya, general secretary of the Kenya Federation of Labor, talks to newsmen on the lawn of the Democratic presidential candidate's home at Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, on July 26, 1960. Mboya flew from New York to discuss African problems with the senator. The idea was the brainchild of Tom Mboya, a charismatic young independence activist who eventually became Kenyas minister of justice. He traveled to the U.S. and met with the four individuals named above, along with Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights figures. With the help of business leaders and philanthropists, the African American Students Foundation was formed to fund and manage this initiative. In East Africa it is known as the Tom Mboya Airlift, while in the U.S. it is usually called the Kennedy Airlift (of course). Ill just refer to it as the Airlift. When JFK was elected president, he directed the State Department to help fund the AASF, which supported an additional 370 students from Kenya and neighboring countries who traveled to the U.S. by more conventional means. It is often said that President Barack Obamas father was an Airlift student. Thats not the case, but Barack Obama Sr. did receive some financial aid from AASF to help him attend the University of Hawaii. Tom Mboyas life, like that of JFK, was tragically cut short by an assassins bullet. In 1969 Barack Obama Sr., who was with Mboya shortly before he was killed, testified against the assassin and was thereafter the victim of a hit-and-run incident that left him badly injured. (Some speculate it was an effort to shut down the investigation into Tom Mboyas murder, but thats another story.) Why Iowa? Ive been able to find only part of the Airlift records, so my view is somewhat incomplete. Perhaps it was because Iowa was welcoming, rural, had lots of good colleges and universities, and wasnt governed by segregationist Democrats, like much of the South was at that time. I came across the Airlift while teaching a class on East Africa at the University of Iowa. My class was assigned to watch the 2010 award-winning film "The First Grader," about an 84-year-old former Mau Mau independence fighter who wants to learn to read and tries to enroll in elementary school. (I highly recommend the film; its available on many streaming services.) I looked up the lead actor on Wikipedia and read that he graduated from the University of Iowa. Intrigued, I dug into the life of Oliver Litondo, only to find he was an Airlift student who originally went to Iowa Wesleyan. Records indicate he later attended the University of Iowa in the 1963-64 academic year. Although not a UI graduate, Litondo went on to have an extremely successful acting career. Here's a challenge for student organizations at the colleges and universities named above. Look into whatever happened with the Airlift students who attended your schools, try to identify and contact their grandchildren, and ask them about their grandparents' time in Iowa and how it has impacted their extended family and their country. As someone whos lived and worked in Africa for nine years, I appreciate the impact of people-to-people exchanges. This is part of Iowas history (and Kenyas) thats worth remembering. Ron McMullen Ron McMullen, a 1974 graduate of Northwood-Kensett High School, is a former career U.S. diplomat now teaching political science at the University of Iowa. This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Opinion: Iowa's role in African student Airlift worth remembering One year into his war with Ukraine, Vladimir Putins world has shrunk. Hes lost his claim to be a global leader. Prior to his launching the invasion of Ukraine a year ago, the world treated Russia as a great power with a seat at the table on major international issues. Relations with the West may have been tense, but European and American officials continued to engage with Russia. Russia was an energy superpower with the geopolitical heft that went with that, and Putin had just established a no limits partnership with Chinas President Xi. And Ukrainians were divided over how they viewed Russia. What a difference a year has made. The devastation wreaked by Russians on the Ukrainian people has consolidated the entire country against them and ensured that Ukrainians will despise their large neighbor for a long time to come. Ukraine will emerge from this war with one of the most effective armies in Europe and with the prospect of European Union membership and close ties to NATO. Ukraine, as numerous officials reiterated at last weekends Munich Security Conference, will become part of the European family, the exact opposite of what Putin hoped to achieve with this war. Russias relations with the West are broken and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Few Western leaders advocate engaging Russia anymore. And the collective West is united in its opposition to the war as it increases sanctions on Russia and severs economic ties. Russian officials are sanctioned, no longer welcome in many international fora. And Russian oligarchs have lost access to their homes and yachts in Europe. Putin may have believed a year ago that Europeans were so dependent on Russian hydrocarbons that they would not jeopardize their access to them by opposing the war. But Europe has managed to wean itself from Russian oil and gas in a remarkably short time, jettisoning 50 years of energy interdependence. Russia will no longer have the geopolitical influence that had qualified it as an energy superpower even as it sets its sights on the Asian market. Putin has closed the window on the West which his much-invoked favorite Tsar Peter the Great opened three centuries ago. But Russias ties with China remain strong. China repeats the Russian narrative about the West being responsible for the war, while indirectly criticizing Putins threats that Russia might use nuclear weapons. China does not want Russia to lose this war because of concerns that a leader who might succeed Putin might re-evaluate Russias ties to China. China needs Russia for ballast in this new era of great power competition. So China remains the anchor of Putins world, even as the relationship increasingly makes clear that Russia is the junior partner. In one part of the world Russia is still a player. Since Russias 2014 annexation of Crimea, Putin has assiduously courted the developing world, the global South, and this part of his world has expanded in the past year. No country in Africa, the Middle East or Latin America has sanctioned Russia and some have abstained on United Nations resolutions condemning the invasion and subsequent annexation of four territories in Ukraine. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was recently in South Africa, where he and his South African counterpart agreed to conduct joint naval exercises with China this week. Russias influence on the African continent has grown this year with the mercenary group Wagner becoming increasingly active in supporting autocratic leaders and profiting from their ample natural resources. Many countries in the global south view the Russia-Ukraine war as a regional European conflict of little relevance to them and refuse to take sides. Ironically, given their own experience of colonialism, they do not view Russia as a colonial power seeking to restore its lost empire. Putins world may have shrunk, but he has used this past year to consolidate his power at home. The poor performance of the Russian military and the significant casualties over 200,000 killed or severely wounded have not damaged his political position. As many as 1 million Russians have left the country in the past year, many of them coming from the most dynamic parts of the economy, but those that remain by and large support the war or are indifferent to it. Greater repression and jail time for those who dare to question the special military operation, plus an endless barrage of propaganda about Russia fighting Nazis and NATO in Ukraine, have acted as a disincentive to oppose the war. Unlike during the Soviet-Afghan war, there is no independent Soldiers Mothers committee to protest. When Putin met recently with the mothers of dead soldiers, the cold-blooded words he offered them was that it was better that their sons die as war heroes than drink themselves to death. Putin has also made the Russian political elite accept the war by making clear that there is no alternative. Very few of them have left, perhaps out of fear about what might happen to them if they do. The rest, including those once known as pragmatic technocrats who favored ties to the West, have adapted to the war and its constraints. There is no obvious challenger to Putin. The Russian people have been told that Putin is the leader of great power fighting the West just as the USSR fought Nazi Germany in World War II and that Russia will prevail because, according to Putin, theres no alternative. The degree of state control and repression which has grown in the last year, where anyone who dissents is branded a traitor, makes it unlikely that Russias fading international stature will backfire on him domestically. Putin launched this war hoping to reincorporate Ukraine into the Russian state and gather in other lands which, he believes, Russia has a right to rule. Russia would emerge from the conflict a larger, stronger power with a sphere of influence in its neighborhood, regaining aspects of great power status which were lost when the USSR collapsed. But Putin will emerge from this war no longer the leader of a great power. His status as a competent leader has been diminished by his armys poor performance and by the Wests isolation of him. Russia may still have the largest number of nuclear warheads and a veto on the U.N. Security Council, but it will have lost its seat at the table of global leadership. Spoilers ahead for season 3 of Outer Banks. Upon its release in 2020, Outer Banks had the benefit of a bored audiencethe first days of the pandemic beget undivided screen timeand alluring imagery to sell: Charismatic teens in crop tops and denim, framed in the halo of sun and sand, is rarely a failed formula. But to owe all of OBXs success to timing and escapism is to deny the Netflix hit its due. In the best moments throughout the action-adventure dramas now three seasons, OBX is not just a romantic soap but a survey of friendship at its limits; not just a fast-paced puzzle box but a zany thriller. The genuine rapport between the main ensemble membersJohn B., Sarah, Pope, JJ, Kiara, and eventually Cleoserved as strong enough scaffolding to hoist up the otherwise weak, unconvincing plotting. But as Outer Banks has prolonged its stay on the Netflix charts, so has it expanded its appetite, and in doing so relegated its best parts to a low sizzle on the back burner. The third and latest season is an overstuffed entry that, if not for the foundation established by the shows capable cast, would be a nonsensical mess. The finale, in particular, requires enormous suspension of disbelief. At the start of episode 10, Secret of the Gnomon, John B. (Chase Stokes) and his pals descend quietly into Venezuelas Orinoco Basin. Using a map provided in a previous episode by a translator whose name youve already forgotten, the group plans to travel to Tres Rocas, and then the archaeological site known as Solana. There, they hope to find both the legendary City of Gold and John B.s father, Big John (Charles Halford), the abductee of Carlos Singh (Andy McQueen), a bounty hunter who wants El Dorado for himself. He yearns for those heaping piles of gold, yes, but hes also seeking reparations for his family; his grandfather was an indentured servant on Theodore Roosevelts original expedition to the ole Dorado in the 1910s. Forgive my delusions, but doesnt his desire for repayment seem almost...reasonable? Story continues Anyway, JJ (Rudy Pankow) and Kiara (Madison Bailey) are on their own plane to Venezuela, this one a drug-toting cargo ship owned by Barracuda Mike (Justin Matthew Smith), who somehow really believes these two teenagers are going to locate El Dorado and pay him back with hunks of gleaming rock. As Carlos grows impatient with Big Johns inability to translate the Solana cipherlong story, but it requires a key that apparently only Pope (Jonathan Daviss) and Cleo (Carlacia Grant) had the wits to uncoverthe kids comb through Tres Rocas for a tour guide named Jose. (Yes, just Jose.) Wouldnt you know, they find him and Big John, whos making such a ruckus trying to escape Singhs prison that John B. and Sarah (Madelyn Cline) have no trouble finding him. In an equally silly stroke of luck, JJ and Kiara descend coincidentally on Cleo and PopeWe havent been here for two minutes! JJ exclaims, a sheepish mea culpa on behalf of the showrunnersand the group run for cover as Singhs goons arrive. Thats only the beginning of the trouble. Ward Cameron (Charles Esten), Sarahs father, has reneged on his promise to stay with the private plane, and decides instead to join Big John, Sarah, and John B. on Joses treasure-bound party boat. Big John hasnt quite forgiven Ward for trying to murder him a few months back, but Singhs buddies arrive in time to prevent the two from right-hooking it out. Big Johns equally distrustful of Sarah on account of her surname, but frankly BJ hasnt shown himself to be the most reliable co-conspirator either, so lets first address the plank in our own eye, Johnny. After everyone takes a few short seconds for cursory self-reflectionoh, and Ward secretly drops a pin to SinghBig John, Sarah, and John B. make their way to Solana before the moon ascends. This whole time, Kiara, JJ, Pope, and Cleo enjoy their own tough time of the river journey, though none of their hijinks serve any real plot purpose other than to keep them separate from Sarah and John B. Netflix At the engraved sundial known as Solanamiraculously intact, given its apparent years-long exposure to the elementsSarah, John B. and Big John whip up a little moon magic with the gnomon figurine and decipher the directions to El Dorado. But Big John, distrustful of both Sarah and his son, keeps the last bit of the riddle to himself, further complicating matters when Singh and Ward show up with guns. Sarah rescues John B. while Dear Old Dad stalls, though BJ pays for it with a bullet wound as the trio trips through the bush to safety. Ward backs off, fearful of his daughter and the pistol she points at his head. The resulting therapy costs from this trip might stretch even the Cameron familys budget. Some good news, though: Sarah is apparently a closet enigmatologist, and the answer to the Solana puzzle dawns on her when she hears chirping from a nearby rock. Riddle: I am nothing but hold everything. I have no tongue but am always speaking. Answer: A...cave mouth? Sure! Inside the cavern, the trio find a hole under the cave river, and John B. and Sarah dive inside to take a closer look. Big John makes the only sane decision of his life and opts to stay behind. Meanwhile, Cleo and Pope have a long-enough filler scene to sneak in their first kiss. The moment is a paltry, though sweet, offering for an otherwise exciting romance. But enough of that anyway; we simply must return to John B. and Sarah, who nearly drown, then waste half of a lit flare talking out their respective guilts. (Why didnt this conversation take place on the multi-hour flight to South America, or on any of the ensuing boat trips and hikes?) No matter, because Sarah once again cracks the code, realizing they need to snuff their flares in order for the entry to El Dorado to reveal itself. Sure enough, phosphorescence lights the way. They climb through another jumble of rock, leap a chasm, and there it is: the most boring rendering of El Dorado ever put to screen. Theres no real city; its just a muddle of gold strewn amongst stalagmites, with some rickety-looking ancient platforms and ladders strewn up for good measure. Still, Cline and Stokes are capable enough actors to generate tears, and as they fill a bag with loose gold hunks, they realize they only have 20 minutes left of flare light to return to BJ. Maybe we should have held the romantic confessions for after the life-threatening spelunking? Singh has, of course, beaten them to Big John, and yet another pistol standoff ensues, though this time Biggie J has a secret weapon: a stick of dynamite. (Where has that been this whole time?) He tosses the bomb into the El Dorado entry point, and Singh leaps for it. The resulting explosion kills Singh and sends Sarah, John B., and Big John flying through a spray of debris, though they make it out with only a few dirt smudges strewn across their attractive faces. Of course, they only have long enough to exchange giggles and endearing glances before Ward shows up with another pistol, and then one of Singhs goonsapparently alerted of their location thanks to the enormous bombbrings, yes, another pistol. But wait! Theres more! JJ, Kiara, Cleo and Pope have finally figured out their friends location, and they march into the battle wielding not pistols but machetes. This is clearly going to end well for everyone involved. Ward, in a last-ditch attempt at redemption in the eyes of his daughter, takes out the goon, and together the two tumble off the nearest cliff to their deaths. We even get a gnarly shot of their crumpled bodies. Sarah mourns, but is also maybe a little relieved? Call your therapist, sweetheart. Netflix Still, two deaths isnt enough for an Outer Banks finale, and so the showrunners toss in a third: Big John, who only just reappeared in John B.s life this season. As the river boat tears out of the Basin, he succumbs to his bullet wound, clutching his sons hand and a fistful of El Dorado gold. Fitting, isnt it? The finale is smart enough to throw in a good needle drop (Murder in the City by The Avett Brothers) as the characters face all theyve lost. All in all, though, they get less than a minute and a half of screen timeyes, I timed itin which to mourn and dole out coastal-flavored platitudes like: Life doesnt give you oceans without waves. Then, out of nowhere, the series leaps forward 18 months to reveal the crew at a ceremony honoring their contribution to the annals of history. To be honest, if I were an archeologist society, Id be pretty pissed at the teens who discovered El Dorado and then blew it up, but alas, Im no scholar. Everyone in the crowd cheers anyway. That includes Kiaras parents, wholast we saw of themhad sent their daughter to a wilderness-camp-meets-delinquent-asylum and Topper, whod set fire to John B.s house. No hard feelings, apparently. At the reception, John B., Sarah, JJ, Pope, Cleo, and Kiara are bored with the rich-people theatrics, until a stranger interrupts their present-day idyll with a new conquest. As expected, he has another treasure for them to uncover, one he trusts only this particular group of teenagersnot a single degree among themto track down! I promise you can guess what it is. Its the English pirate Blackbeards legendary treasure. Of course its Blackbeards treasure! Once you literally travel the road to El Dorado, its not as if you can follow up with a hunt for Faberge eggs. And so, season 3 concludes with the equivalent of a Marvel mid-credits scene, teasing more, more, more to come. (Outer Banks has already been renewed for season 4.) But unless the show can pull off an extreme pivot, its already outstayed its welcome. Outer Banks never needed to do this much. The first season was the ideal mix of teen drama and adventure epic, with a fun but relatively low-stakes treasure hunt and just enough character oomph as the ensemble wrestled with the sociocultural stereotypes thrust upon them. (The chemistry radiating from Cline and Stokes, as a newly minted pair at the time, didnt hurt either.) The second season sunk much further into the ludicrous but redeemed itself slightly by expanding its focus to characters like Pope, Kiara, and JJ. But as a cursory read of any OBX season 2 summary will reveal, the story was already overstuffed. Between shipwrecked gold; the Cross of Santo Domingo; the Garment of the Savior; the history of Denmark Tanny; the search for El Dorado; a dead sheriff; multiple brewing romances; dead dads who turn out to be alive, surprise; milquetoast rich-and-poor politics; several assassination schemes; a truly mind-boggling number of police chases; impromptu surgeries; and an unofficial marriage, the show cant seem to decide what actually matters. How can we appreciate the best parts of Outer Banksnamely, its charactersif theyre so often side-eyed in favor of explosions? How much more can we really endure, without the meaty material to support it? Outer Banks can no longer compare itself to The Goonies. (If, to be honest, it ever could.) Today, the Netflix drama more closely mirrors action-adventure video game series Uncharted, eternally upping the ante with faster stunts and bigger guns. But Uncharted knew when it was time to end its story, and how to do it right. Sony released the final game, Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End, in 2016, and the ending is praised as much for its character development as its action spectacles. If Outer Banks wants to go out with the same applause, it needs to learn where, when, and how to trim the fat. You Might Also Like Ukraine's State Special Communications Service has documented over 2,000 cyber incidents in 2022 and an even greater number of cyber attacks. [A cyber incident is a breach of a system's security policy in order to affect its integrity or availability and/or the unauthorised access or attempted access to a system or systems - ed.] Source: Viktor Dzhura, Deputy Head of the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine, in a comment for Suspilne Quote from Dzhura: "The government's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UA) registered 2,194 cyber incidents last year; the total for cyber attacks was even larger. This year, the same trend continues. Cyber incidents are defined as incidents in cyberspace that have been documented and manually processed by CERT-UA experts. Automated systems have recorded a total of around 7,000 cyber incidents." Details: Dzhura explained that cyber incidents have taken place in government agencies' networks, financial institutions, logistics firms, critical infrastructure, energy sector, telecommunications companies, media and other industries. Ukraines allies are providing assistance to counter the attacks. "Cyber attacks occur because we have a full-scale cyber war. The worlds first cyber war. It started nine years ago, immediately after the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of eastern Donbas. It is now in its active phase. We are effectively suffering regular cyber attacks since 14 January 2022 and we counter them quite effectively," the government official said. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! A Texas dad shot an intoxicated man who was found peeping into his 10-year-old daughters bedroom. Representational Image. (AFP via Getty Images) The owner of dogs that killed an 81-year-old man and injured his wife in Texas has been arrested. On 24 February, an elderly man was killed and three others were wounded in a dog attack on the West Side of San Antonio. The identity of the elderly couple was not revealed by the police. Two pitbull dogs bit and mauled an elderly couple in the afternoon off Highway 90 and Cupples Road, the local news outlets reported. In the latest update, the 31-year-old owner of the two dogs, Christian Alexander Moreno, has been arrested and charged with assault by a dog causing death and injury to an elderly person, according to a news release from the San Antonio Police Department. On Friday, when the first responders arrived on the scene, they saw the elderly man being dragged by one of the dogs and had to fend off the dogs with pickaxes and poles. Speaking of the incident, San Antonio Fire Department chief Charles Hood said on Friday that no one expects to go out and fight dogs in the way they did today. It was a horrific scene, horrific for the people who had to experience it and for the firefighters who were part of the rescue who had to save themselves and these people attacked today, he told reporters. One of Morenos neighbours told Express-News that he didnt care about what his dogs do. The owners dont care. The problem is the owners who use these dogs as a form of protection, and they make these dogs more aggressive, a neighbour named Silvia Hernandez told the Express-News. Dogs will be however you train them to be. JERUSALEM (AP) Scores of Israeli settlers went on a violent rampage in the northern West Bank, setting dozens of cars and homes on fire after two settlers were killed by a Palestinian gunman. Palestinian medics said one man was killed and four others were badly wounded in what appeared to be the worst outburst of settler violence in decades. The deadly shooting Sunday, followed by the late-night rampage, immediately raised doubts about Jordan's declaration that Israeli and Palestinian officials had pledged to calm a year-long wave of violence. Palestinian media said some 30 homes and cars were torched. Photos and video on social media showed large fires burning throughout the town of Hawara scene of the deadly shooting earlier in the day and lighting up the sky. In one video, a crowd of Jewish settlers stood in prayer as they stared at a building in flames. And earlier, a prominent Israeli Cabinet minister and settler leader had called for Israel to strike without mercy. Late Sunday, the Palestinian Health Ministry said a 37-year-old man was shot and killed by Israeli fire. The Palestinian Red Crescent medical service said two other people were shot and wounded, a third person was stabbed and a fourth was beaten with an iron bar. Some 95 others were being treated for tear gas inhalation. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned what he called the terrorist acts carried out by settlers under the protection of the occupation forces tonight. We hold the Israeli government fully responsible, he added. The European Union said it was alarmed by" the violence in Hawara and that authorities on all sides must intervene now to stop this endless cycle of violence. The U.K.s ambassador to Israel, Neil Wigan, said that Israel should tackle settler violence, with those responsible brought to justice. As videos of the violence appeared on evening news shows, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appealed for calm and urged against vigilante violence. I ask that when blood is boiling and the spirit is hot, dont take the law into your hands, Netanyahu said in a video statement. Story continues The Israeli military said its chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Herzl Halevi, rushed to scene. It said troops were being reinforced in the area as they worked to restore order and search for the shooter. Ghassan Douglas, a Palestinian official who monitors Israeli settlements in the Nablus region. said that settlers burned at least six houses and dozens of cars in Hawara, and reported attacks on other neighboring Palestinian villages. He estimated around 400 Jewish settlers took part in the attack. I never seen such an attack, he said. The rampage occurred shortly after the Jordanian government, which hosted Sundays talks at the Red Sea resort of Aqaba, said the sides had agreed to take steps to de-escalate tensions and would meet again next month ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. They reaffirmed the necessity of committing to de-escalation on the ground and to prevent further violence, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry announced. After nearly a year of fighting that has killed over 200 Palestinians and more than 40 Israelis in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, the Jordanian announcement marked a small sign of progress. But the situation on the ground immediately cast those commitments into doubt. The Palestinians claim the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war for a future state. Some 700,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. The international community overwhelmingly considers the settlements as illegal and obstacles to peace. The West Bank is home to a number of hard-line settlements whose residents frequently vandalize Palestinians land and property. But rarely is the violence so widespread. Prominent members of Israel's far-right government called for tough action against the Palestinians. Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a settler leader who lives in the area and has been put in charge of much of Israels West Bank policy, called for striking the cities of terror and its instigators without mercy, with tanks and helicopters." Using a phrase that calls for a more heavy-handed response, he said Israel should act "in a way that conveys that the master of the house has gone crazy. Late Sunday, however, Smotrich appealed to his fellow settlers to let the army and government do their jobs. It is forbidden to take the law into your hands and create dangerous anarchy that could spin out of control and cost lives, he said. Earlier, in Israeli ministerial committee gave initial approval to a bill that would impose the death penalty on Palestinians convicted in deadly attacks. The measure was sent to lawmakers for further debate. There were also differing interpretations of what exactly was agreed to in Aqaba between the Palestinians and Israelis. Jordans Foreign Ministry said the representatives agreed to work toward a just and lasting peace and had committed to preserving the status quo at Jerusalem's contested holy site. Tensions at the site revered by Jews as the Temple Mount and Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif have often spilled over into violence, and two years ago sparked an 11-day war between Israel and the Hamas militant group during Ramadan. Officials with Israel's government, the most right-wing in Israeli history, played down Sunday's meeting. A senior official, speaking on condition of anonymity under government guidelines, said only that the sides in Jordan agreed to set up a committee to work at renewing security ties with the Palestinians. The Palestinians cut off ties last month after a deadly Israeli military raid in the West Bank. Netanyahus national security adviser, Tzachi Hanegbi, who led the Israeli delegation said there were no changes in Israeli policies and that plans to build thousands of new settlement homes approved last week would not be affected. He said there is no settlement freeze and there is no restriction on army activity. The Jordanian announcement had said Israel pledged not to legalize any more outposts for six months or to approve any new construction in existing settlements for four months. The Palestinians, meanwhile, said they had presented a long list of grievances, including an end to Israeli settlement construction on occupied lands and a halt to Israeli military raids on Palestinian towns. Sundays shooting in Hawara came days after an Israeli military raid killed 10 Palestinians in the nearby city of Nablus. The shooting occurred on a major highway that serves both Palestinians and Israeli settlers. The two men who were killed were identified as brothers, ages 21 and 19, from the Jewish settlement of Har Bracha. Hanegbi was joined by the head of Israels Shin Bet domestic security agency who attended the talks in neighboring Jordan. The head of the Palestinian intelligence services as well as advisers to President Mahmoud Abbas also joined. Jordans King Abdullah II, who has close ties with the Palestinians, led the discussions, while Egypt, another mediator, and the United States also participated. In Washington, the U.S. national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, welcomed the meeting. We recognize that this meeting was a starting point, he said, adding that implementation will be critical. It was a rare high-level meeting between the sides, illustrating the severity of the crisis and the concerns of increased violence as Ramadan approaches in late March. In Gaza, Hamas, an Islamic militant group that seeks Israels destruction, criticized Sundays meeting and called the shooting a natural reaction to Israeli incursions in the West Bank. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. The Hamas militant group subsequently took control of the territory, and Israel and Egypt maintain a blockade over the territory. ___ Associated Press reporter Omar Akour in Amman, Jordan, contributed to this report. Any Texan will be quick to tell you that the weather in the Lone Star state can be somewhat chaotic from temperatures rapidly dropping 40 degrees within a two-minute span to terrifying tornadoes that touch down from time to time. So its always a good idea to have a home thats safe, secure, and well partially underground. Exterior Like this cool two-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom house thats on the real estate market in Salado, Texas, for $425,000. Door Heres an amazing one-of-a-kind partially submerged earth-type concrete OFF-GRID capable home on .939 acre with two private gated entrances, the listing on says. The property is incredibly picturesque, heavily wooded and partially sloped with a seasonal stream far below the home and views of a pond. Dining area According to the listing, the home was custom-built with a southwestern vibe thanks to the first owners love of Santa Fe in New Mexico. Interior Features include: Kitchen Huge kitchen Attached garage Water well Two storage tanks Three buried propane tanks Two rainwater tanks Generator Bedroom Nestled in the beautiful and best part of Salado, this home was thoughtfully and artfully designed by antique dealers who liked to entertain and show off their furnishings, HomeSmart agent Shirley Kopecky told the New York Post. This house has all the bells and whistles and was outfitted at great expense for uncertain weather. Interior Salado is about 50 miles north of Austin. Outside Mansion listed for $150 million is Wimbledon meets Wedding Crashers. See why Photo Illustration by Erin O'Flynn/The Daily Beast/Reuters If you want to get a sense of how prolonged exposure to MAGA has shifted the Republican Partys policy positions these last eight years, use Mike Pence as your control group. In Pences America, it seems, Trump never came down that escalator in 2015. We should be so lucky. Pences positions are happily frozen in amber, not unlike a mosquito in Jurassic Park. Maybe archaeologists can excavate them someday. Im joking, but only a little. This past week, we learned that, unlike Ron DeSantis, Pence doesnt think we should use the coercive power of the government to punish private businesses like Disney. We also learned that, contrary to Donald Trump, Pence thinks reining in our long-term debt crisis will require us to put entitlement reform on the table. And lastly, we learned that, unlike Fox News primetime anchors, Pence thinks its vital that America support Ukraine against Russias invasion. As a Reagan conservative, Id say Pence is now batting 3-for-3. That means hes probably going 0-for-3 in todays GOP (though opinions about Ukraine remain mixed). Regardless, right and wrong arent determined by the opinion polls. These Doomed Candidates Could Help Trump Survive a Primary Its wrong when progressive elected officials try to use the powers of government to punish conservative businesses for voicing political opinions. And its equally wrong when Republicans like DeSantis, as Pence said, employ retribution politically against companies that take progressive stands. Pences position on entitlements is likewise correct and courageouseven if it is politically unpopular on both sides of the aisle these days. Were looking at a debt crisis in this country over the next 25 years that is driven by entitlements, and nobody in Washington, D.C., wants to talk about it, he said on Wednesday. Hes right. Everyone knows that social security and Medicare are unsustainable, based in part on changing life spans. And because a large plurality of our budget goes toward entitlements, the idea of getting the budget under control without reforming these programs is absurd. Eventually, political leaders will have to grapple with these truths. In this sense, Pence is both ahead of his time and behind the times. Story continues And the hits kept coming. I think its important that we hold the line here, support the Ukrainians as they make the fight just like [the] Reagan doctrine said, Pence told Fox News Sean Hannity. Pences positions strike me as correct, courageous, and (in todays GOP) politically foolish. Then again, he is showing a clear contrast with the frontrunners (Trump and DeSantis) by staking out a clear niche. Thats more than you can say for other Republicans, who seem to be all over the place on some of the most important issues of the day. Pences talking points this week would have been considered trite and orthodox a few short years agonot courageous or noteworthy. Prior to Trump, entitlement reform was akin to conventional wisdom on the right. But during Joe Bidens recent State of the Union address this month, Republicans promised not to touch them. Because Pence is clearly out of touch with the zeitgeist, I have argued that he has no shot at winning the GOP nomination. Having said that, Pence is currently providing a service by reminding us just how far the GOP has diverged from its traditional path. Keep in mind, in 2012, movement conservatives were BEGGING Pence to run for president, precisely because he stood for these same principles. Whatever Mike Pence decides to do, he will do [movement] conservatives proud, tweeted Michelle Malkin. Hes far more than a rock star. Hes a ROCK. Indeed, he is. Its easy to highlight how unstable the GOP has become in the last decade. But the most obvious changes involve tone, attitude, temperament, and sanity. Policy preferences have largely taken a back seat to nihilism, showmanship, and culture war battles that dont easily track with our recent past experience. Pence is reminding us that the shift isnt just in style. The Real Reason Trump Is Calling DeSantis Meatball Ron The Republican Party used to believe it was wrong for elected officials to use their governmental power to retaliate against private businessor individuals. We used to believe it was wrong to pretend that entitlements were sustainable, or that solving our debt crisis was even possible without reform. And we used to believe in peace through strength and helping resistance movements stand up to imperialist bullies. And did I mention that Reagans GOP, like Pence, used to believe the orderly transfer of power was a uniquely American blessing and a miracle. These arent just fringe issues. These were defining tenets of what might be considered conservative (if not American) mainstream thought from 1980 to 2015. Pence is one of the few remaining Republicans who still believes in the Reaganite policies that were once almost universally endorsed and praised on the right. And for that reason, Mike Pence is a dead man walking in 2024. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. America has no shortage of challenges that need the resources we have sent to Ukraine. When discussing Russia or Ukraine, perspective and pragmatism, not passions and politics, matter. Ukraine, like much of eastern Europe, is corrupt. Life under Russian domination is one of privation, despotism, and exploitation just ask a Pole or Hungarian, read Khruschevs diaries and his description of cannibalism in Ukraine during the Holodomor. Does Ukraine merit $30 billion (about as much as Alabamas 2019 budget) of U.S. aid since February 2022? Does it matter that Ukraine produces 10% the worlds wheat exports and 16% of its corn exports? Does it matter that Ukrainian agriculture keeps millions of people in the Middle East and Africa from starving? Since 1991, every U.S. president has supported Ukraines sovereignty. In fact, lethal aid to Ukraine began in 2018, when the Trump Administration provided Javelin missiles to Ukraine. President Trump recognized Ukraines value to American security and international stability. In case you missed it: She's in Gulf Breeze. Her husband is stuck in Ukraine. Here's their plan to help both places. And: Two Ukrainian students came to Pensacola for school. Now they're raising support for home America supports Ukraine for three reasons. First, supporting Ukraine helps keep the nuclear genie in the bottle. Why do only nine countries (America, Russia, France, China, Great Britain, Pakistan, India, Israel, and North Korea) out the 195 states in the world possess nuclear weapons? Few countries possess nuclear weapons because the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) controls a signatorys access to nuclear technology and materials. In 1994, the United States and Great Britain signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, which commits us to uphold the territorial integrity of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Our security guarantee helped convince Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan to sign the NNPT and relinquish the nuclear weapons they possessed when the Soviet Union collapsed. Story continues Had Ukraine retained its nuclear capability, would history be different? If we waiver in Ukraine, will others conclude that nuclear weapons will protect you when America will not? Second, American credibility, which shattered in Afghanistan, is at stake. Under President Trump, withdrawal of U.S. forces was contingent upon processes President Biden abandoned. Essential to U.S. efforts was the elimination of the Tehreek-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan (TTP) and the Islamic State. Since 2021, the TTP has strengthened and escalated its war against Pakistans fragile government. Suppose radical Islamists in the region topple Pakistan as they seized Afghanistan, could we deter them from using or proliferating Pakistans nuclear weapons? Losing Afghanistan emboldened Russia to invade Ukraine. As Winston Churchill described, there is nothing they (Russians) admire so much as strength, and there is nothing for which they have less respect than weakness, especially military weakness. America failed to stop Putin in Georgia (2008) and Crimea (2014), so why spare Ukraine after watching America abandon Afghanistan? If we waiver in Ukraine, should Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea believe in American security commitments? If we waiver in Ukraine, can we credibly deter Islamists in Pakistan and Afghanistan, ayatollahs in Iran, or Xi Jinping in China? If we waiver in Ukraine, should Israel rely on President Nixons promise to always ensure Israels conventional superiority subject to Israel maintaining a policy of nuclear opacity? If you were an Israeli, would you trust America to support you in a war with Iran or Hezbollah? Finally, American weapons in Ukrainian hands are punishing Russian brutality. In the years it takes Russia to rebuild its military power, Russias absence frees American resources to confront Chinas challenge. President Biden deserves credit in that he forswore any use of U.S. troops in Ukraine. Success requires certainty, limits, and clarity in what we will and will not do for Ukraine. Ukraine is not worth American lives, but it is worth engagement that reinforces world confidence that America keeps its word. Edwin Howard is a native and resident of Escambia County, Florida. He is a 28-year veteran of the U.S. Navy and Navy Reserve specializing in intelligence, serving in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Liberia. This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Ukraine funding discussion should be based on pragmatism | Guestview Pete Buttigieg's tenure as secretary of the Department of Transportation has hit many bumps in the road. And hitches in the supply chain. And turbulence in the air. Now, it's gone off the rails, Republicans say. The Transportation Department secretary and 2020 presidential candidate has become a lightning rod for controversy among the political right after landing squarely at the center of a series of crises on land and in the air. The latest a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio prompted Republicans on the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability to announce Friday they were launching an investigation into Buttigieg's response to the accident. Toxic rail accident in Ohio fuels GOP investigation In a letter to Buttigieg announcing the probe, Republicans on the committee lambasted the transportation secretary who they say "ignored the catastrophe for over a week." The Feb. 3 crash spilled hazardous chemicals and caused health concerns among residents. Republicans are demanding an explanation for Buttigieg's "apathy" following the derailment. Buttigieg visited East Palestine on Thursday 20 days after the crash. The delay had brought on criticism from Republicans and some Democrats who said the country's transportation head should have inspected the site earlier; Buttigieg told CBS News that he "could have spoken sooner" on the derailment. Stay in the conversation on politics: Sign up for the OnPolitics newsletter More: EPA steps up cleanup oversight in Norfolk Southern train derailment site in Ohio "The Biden administration may have done a lot of the right things behind the scenes in Ohio, but they missed the mark completely on the political value of showing up," said Rory Cooper, a longtime Republican strategist. The GOP's criticism of Buttigieg checks off two strategic boxes for the party: Targeting both Biden and a Democratic presidential hopeful, said Kyle Saunders, a political science professor at Colorado State University. Story continues "It's both a point scoring endeavor on the part of the Republicans to take Buttigieg down a notch or two but I think it's also a broader attempt to basically make the Biden administration look bad," he said. Trains, planes and supplies: Buttigieg faces transportation woes Since President Joe Biden tapped Buttigieg to head the Transportation Department in 2021, the first openly gay cabinet secretary has dealt with supply chain shortages and airline challenges in addition to the catastrophic freight train accident. During Buttigieg's first year as transportation secretary, he faced inventory shortages, supply chain disruptions and congestion at shipping ports that impacted the global supply chain leading to increases in food and gas prices. While it's not clear what he could have done to alleviate a problem caused by factors beyond his control such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Republicans dubbed Buttigieg as "absent" during the crisis. The GOP also pointed fingers at Buttigieg after Southwest Airlines cancelled more than 15,000 flights last December and a computer glitch with the Federal Aviation Administration grounded more than 10,000 planes.. "This is an example of private businesses acting poorly," said Darrell West, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution's Center for Technology Innovation. "And the failures were really their failures, not that of the Transportation Department." Planes wait for takeoff in a queue at Orlando International Airport, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023, (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel via AP) More: Pete Buttigieg becomes first openly gay Senate-confirmed Cabinet secretary Southwest Airlines reports loss, customer cancellations: 'That kind of disruption cannot happen again' Dani Simons, the agency's spokesperson, said the supply chain issues are now largely resolved; airlines are being more "transparent and fair" with customers facing flight delays or cancellations; and Buttigieg has been using the Ohio train derailment to push for safety reforms. "He has repeatedly risen to meet the moment," said Simons in a statement to USA TODAY. Sen. Marco Rubio: Ohio train derailment could have been prevented. Pete Buttigieg needs to do his job. Republicans point fingers at Buttigieg US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg speaks at a session during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow on November 10, 2021. In addition to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability's investigation into Buttigieg's response to the train derailment, other Republicans have gone as far as to call for Buttigieg's resignation or insinuate an impeachment: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio sent a letter to Biden last week urging the president to request the resignation of Buttigieg who he claimed "has repeatedly demonstrated a gross level of incompetence and apathy that is detrimental to the safety and prosperity of the American people." "I hope he does resign and if he doesn't, there's a long list of impeachment criteria," Rep. Warren Davidson. R-Ohio, said on the conservative news outlet Real America's Voice. Former President Donald Trump visited the East Palestine crash site one day before Buttigieg's trip, calling the federal government's response to the train derailment a "betrayal." Saunders said an impeachment of a cabinet member would be a "relatively rare remedy for someone in this position." But, he said the effort likely would yield political benefits: "There would be nothing like an impeachment to lower that positive name recognition." Buttigieg on Twitter responded to the criticism by questioning whether it is being made in good faith: "Happy to discuss timing of our Ohio visit - but starting to think some in Washington want that to be the main focus so that there arent too many questions about rail safety regulation, who is for and who is against," he said. Investigating the investigators: GOP creates panels to probe DOJ, China Buttigieg's political future in flux Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg speaks to Amtrak employees during a visit to Union Station February 5, 2021 in Washington, DC. Despite the GOP strategy to wound Buttigieg politically, experts say it probably won't dampen his political odds. "He clearly is someone Republicans should worry about in the future because he has a strong national profile and is well positioned for national leadership," West said, calling the transportation secretary a "next-generation leader for Democrats." More: Republicans want to dump Trump. Will they rally behind a 2024 alternative fast enough? Impeaching a cabinet member is rare. Only one has ever been impeached: William Belknap, secretary of war under President Ulysses S. Grant, for partaking in an illegal arms sales to France and for accepting bribes in exchange for a War Department appointment. "Impeachment should be reserved for serious offenses, not mere incompetence," Cooper said. Despite calls to resign, Buttigieg still remains a contender to run in a future presidential election. In an October interview with CNN, Buttigieg said he doesn't "know whats going to happen in the future" but was not ruling out another White House bid. Joey Garrison contributed to this reporting. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Pete Buttigieg is the GOP's most recent political target. Here's why. PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad (KLSE:PETDAG) defied analyst predictions to release its full-year results, which were ahead of market expectations. The company beat expectations with revenues of RM37b arriving 7.9% ahead of forecasts. Statutory earnings per share (EPS) were RM0.78, 2.1% ahead of estimates. The analysts typically update their forecasts at each earnings report, and we can judge from their estimates whether their view of the company has changed or if there are any new concerns to be aware of. So we gathered the latest post-earnings forecasts to see what estimates suggest is in store for next year. View our latest analysis for PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad Taking into account the latest results, the current consensus, from the ten analysts covering PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad, is for revenues of RM35.8b in 2023, which would reflect a small 2.7% reduction in PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad's sales over the past 12 months. Per-share earnings are expected to accumulate 6.8% to RM0.84. In the lead-up to this report, the analysts had been modelling revenues of RM34.6b and earnings per share (EPS) of RM0.83 in 2023. There doesn't appear to have been a major change in sentiment following the results, other than the modest lift to revenue estimates. It may not be a surprise to see thatthe analysts have reconfirmed their price target of RM21.59, implying that the uplift in sales is not expected to greatly contribute to PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad's valuation in the near term. It could also be instructive to look at the range of analyst estimates, to evaluate how different the outlier opinions are from the mean. The most optimistic PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad analyst has a price target of RM26.70 per share, while the most pessimistic values it at RM16.00. As you can see, analysts are not all in agreement on the stock's future, but the range of estimates is still reasonably narrow, which could suggest that the outcome is not totally unpredictable. Story continues These estimates are interesting, but it can be useful to paint some more broad strokes when seeing how forecasts compare, both to the PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad's past performance and to peers in the same industry. Over the past five years, revenues have declined around 1.6% annually. Worse, forecasts are essentially predicting the decline to accelerate, with the estimate for an annualised 2.7% decline in revenue until the end of 2023. By contrast, our data suggests that other companies (with analyst coverage) in a similar industry are forecast to see their revenue shrink 9.1% per year. While PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad's negative revenue trend is expected to moderate, revenues are still expected to shrink next year albeit at a slower rate than the wider industry. The Bottom Line The most important thing to take away is that there's been no major change in sentiment, with the analysts reconfirming that the business is performing in line with their previous earnings per share estimates. Fortunately, they also upgraded their revenue estimates, and our data indicates sales are expected to perform better than the wider industry. There was no real change to the consensus price target, suggesting that the intrinsic value of the business has not undergone any major changes with the latest estimates. With that said, the long-term trajectory of the company's earnings is a lot more important than next year. We have estimates - from multiple PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad analysts - going out to 2025, and you can see them free on our platform here. Don't forget that there may still be risks. For instance, we've identified 1 warning sign for PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad that you should be aware of. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here 95th Academy Awards Nominees Luncheon - Arrivals (Invision) Tom Cruise was honored for his nearly three decades of work as a producer, and Everything Everywhere All at Once solidified its status as the frontrunner for the best picture Oscar by taking the top prize at Saturday night's Producers Guild of America Awards. We love you! We love you! another Oscar favorite and one of the film's stars, Ke Huy Quan, shouted gleefully from the stage as Jonathan Wang and the other producers of the multiversal dramedy accepted the award for best theatrical motion picture. The award has proven to be perhaps the best indicator for what will win the top honor at the Oscars, with four of the past five and 11 of the past 14 PGA winners going on to win best picture. PGA wins by CODA last year and Nomadland in 2021 set each apart as frontrunners before winning best picture. The strong possibility of a big night at Sunday's Screen Actors Guild Awards could further mark Everything Everywhere as the film to beat at the March 12 Academy Awards. Cruise the actor caused a stir inside and outside with his presence at the show at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California, but his producing career beginning in 1996 with Mission: Impossible" earned him the David O. Selznick Award at the PGAs, a life achievement honor previously bestowed on Steven Spielberg, Kevin Feige, Mary Parent and Brian Grazer. My whole life I wanted to make movies," said Cruise, wearing a tuxedo with his hair grown out to the length he wore it in Mission: Impossible 2." "I wanted to travel the world, and have adventure." Cruise talked about making his film debut in 1981's Taps at age 18 and how producer Stanley Jaffe let him in on every part of the process. I was certain this was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life," he said. Cruise thanked Jerry Bruckheimer, producer of the original 1986 Top Gun and his producing partner on last year's Top Gun: Maverick, which also was nominated for the top PGA award and is up for the best picture Oscar. Story continues You opened the door for me, Cruise told Bruckheimer. You welcomed me in and I will be grateful forever. Since the first Mission: Impossible, Cruise has regularly been a producer on the films in which he has starred, including Vanilla Sky, The Last Samurai," Jack Reacher" and the other five films in the Mission: Impossible franchise. He paid tribute in his acceptance to many other mentors and partners including Spielberg and former Paramount CEO Sherry Lansing, who presented the award. Youve all enabled me the adventurous life that I wanted, he said. Cruise gave a closing shout-out to all the audiences, for whom I work first and foremost, thank you for letting me entertain you. Other movies honored by the PGA included Navalny, which won for best documentary feature, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, which took best animated film, and Till, which won the Stanley Kramer Award honoring a production or producer that illuminates and raises public awareness of important social issues. In the PGAs television categories, The Bear won for best comedy, The White Lotus won for best drama, Lizzos Watch Out For The Big Grrrls won for best reality or competition series, Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy won for non-fiction series, The Dropout won best limited series and Weird: The Al Yankovic Story won best TV movie. Mindy Kaling received the Norman Lear Achievement Award in Television for her work producing shows including The Mindy Project, The Sex Lives of College Girls, Never Have I Ever, Velma and The Office. Im a child of immigrants and that unexpectedly became my secret weapon, Kaling said. B.J. Novak, her former Office co-writer and co-star, presented Kaling with the award, saying she cared about characters other people hadnt cared about enough to put on TV, and they cared about things that other people on TV hadnt cared about." Phoenix police officers shot and killed a man who they allege was armed, drinking and driving in north Phoenix on Saturday afternoon. Officers were called to the area of Seventh Street and Bell Road after a caller described a truck driving erratically and swerving in the roadway. The caller also said that the driver was drinking what they believed to be alcohol and nearly hit a pedestrian. While the caller spoke with police, they followed the vehicle and watched it pull into an apartment complex and back into a parking spot. Two officers responded to the complex and located the vehicle, police said. While looking into the suspect vehicle, both officers saw a man reclined in the drivers seat and a rifle near the center console area. Officers say they attempted to contact the man and get him out of the truck when they noticed a holstered handgun in the drivers door pocket. Seeing signs of intoxication, the officers began a DUI investigation outside of the truck. During the investigation, the man approached the open driver-side door and grabbed the holstered handgun from the door pocket. One of the officers grabbed ahold of the man and began struggling for control of the gun, police said. The second officer saw the struggle over the gun and fired his gun at the man. Phoenix Fire Department responded to the scene and took the man to a local hospital, where he died from his injuries. There were no other reported injuries during this incident. This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Police shoot, kill man accused of drinking and driving after struggle Getty Images A pickup truck crashed into a group of Arizona bicyclists on Saturday, killing two of them. The collision also injured 11 other cyclists, who were brought to local hospitals. The Goodyear Police Department said the driver of the pickup truck remained at the scene. Two people were killed and 11 were injured after a pickup truck collided with a group of bicyclists while they were riding across a bridge in Goodyear, Arizona, police said Saturday. A female victim died at the scene, and a male victim died after being take to a local hospital, ABC News reported. The Goodyear Police Department said in a statement that the driver of the pickup truck, an adult man, remained at the scene after the collision. It's unclear whether police arrested the driver. It's also unclear what caused the crash. Police said in their statement that an investigation is ongoing, and confirmed that the pickup truck was the only vehicle involved in the collision. The conditions of the surviving 11 victims remain unclear, and other details have been released about them, though FOX10 reported that all victims were adults. Footage from local media outlets showed over a dozen first responder vehicles clustered on Goodyear's Cotton Lane Bridge on Saturday morning, including numerous ambulances and police cruisers. Read the original article on Insider The Plano Police Department is asking for the publics help locating an elderly man reported missing Saturday morning. Michael Haggard Hall, 78, was reported missing from his home at around 8 a.m. Saturday. His 2016 Pearl White Ford F150 Pickup truck was also reported missing. The truck is equipped with a white bed cover and has a Texas license plate number LTC4132. Since that time, the vehicle was recorded by traffic cameras in Garland, Texas, around 4:00 p.m. Saturday, according to police. Hall is described as being 6 feet tall, weighing 212 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes. He suffers from conditions that require timely prescription medication, according to police. Anyone with any information regarding his location or anyone who has seen his vehicle is asked to call 911 immediately and reference the Plano police incident #23-37322. Colleyville police officers arrested a burglary suspect after a five-hour search on Saturday, according to police. Police were dispatched to the 5200 block of Montclair Drive at about 5:40 a.m. regarding a suspicious person who was walking around with a flashlight looking into vehicles, the department said in a news release. Officers did not find the person there. At around 6:50 a.m., dispatch received additional calls about a suspicious person walking in a neighbors yard in the 5200 block of Coventry Court and looking into cars, according to police. The man was dressed in all black and had a backpack. This description closely matched a burglary suspect on security video from another Colleyville neighborhood the previous week. Soon after officers responded to this area, a suspect matching the description was seen, by police, running through a vacant lot on Bluebonnet Drive and was reported jumping fences between homes in the Stonecrest Estates, Montclair Parc and Chelsea Park neighborhoods. Police secured a perimeter. Colleyville officers found a discarded backpack in an area that a burglar suspect was seen running on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023. The backpack contained ammunition, a pistol, and burglary tools, police said. Officers found a discarded backpack in the area in which the suspect was seen running. The backpack contained ammunition, a pistol, and burglary tools, police said. A Southlake police dog picked up a scent from the backpack. Just before noon a Southlake police officer and the dog found the suspect in the 5100 block of Camelot Drive, and the suspect was taken into custody with multiple officers present, according to police. The suspect is a 32-year-old man, police said. His name has not been released. We continue to work through this investigation, including his ties to other crimes, Colleyville police said in a statement. The Grapevine Police Department, Euless Police Department, Trophy Club Police Department, Hurst Police Department and Bedford Police Department also provided resources, additional officers, and drones to help apprehend the suspect. I am proud of the hard work and perseverance that all of the involved officers put into bringing this suspect into custody, said Michael C. Miller, Colleyville police chief. These relationships are crucial during an incident of this magnitude. We would also like to thank our Colleyville residents for heeding our precautions, and reporting suspicious activity when it happened; we couldnt do it without them. Anyone in this area who believes they were a victim of a related crime or anyone with video footage of the incident is asked to contact the Colleyville PD non-emergency line at 817-743-4522. Arroyo Grande police are searching for a man who allegedly robbed a Chase Bank on Saturday. According to a news release from the Arroyo Grande Police Department, an adult man entered the Chase Bank at 900 Rancho Parkway around 11:36 a.m. He provided a note to the bank teller demanding an undisclosed amount of money before fleeing in a gray four-door vehicle, according to the release. The man was described as an adult male in his mid-30s wearing a green Cal Poly hat, a Cal Poly hooded sweatshirt and a black medical mask, according to the release. Witnesses said his vehicle had no license plates and a broken drivers side rear window that was tape closed. The investigation is ongoing, and police are asking anyone that may have witnessed the incident or has information to contact the Arroyo Grande Police Department Detective Unit at 805-473-5110. A pregnant woman was beaten and run over while trying to rescue her 2-year-old child during a carjacking in Illinois, authorities said. The 34-year-old had just returned to her home in Libertyville roughly 40 miles northwest of downtown Chicago when a BMW sedan pulled into the driveway behind her vehicle, the Lake County Sheriffs Office said in a Feb. 23 news release. The suspects pulled up in the victims driveway inside of a white BMW with a partially black back bumper, according to investigators. She had just brought one of her children inside and came back to get the other when the BMW appeared, the sheriffs office said. A tall man in a gray hooded sweatshirt and green face mask got out and tried to steal her vehicle, a 2021 Volkswagen Atlas, according to the sheriffs office. The woman struggled with the suspect, who deputies said beat her and knocked her to the ground, the release said. He and the driver of the BMW drove away, running the pregnant woman over and causing serious injuries to her extremities, the sheriffs office reported. Her family believes the suspects followed her home from a pet store, TV station WBBM reported. Despite being injured, the woman was able to call 911, and the sheriffs office began looking for the vehicle and her toddler. While deputies searched the area, the sheriffs office also contacted Volkswagen Car-Net to track the SUVs location, but there was a delay, the release said Volkswagen Car-Net would not track the vehicle with the abducted child until they received payment to reactivate the tracking device in the stolen Volkswagen, the sheriffs office said. However, a 911 call came in shortly after the search began from someone working at a business in nearby Waukegan, saying they had found the child, according to investigators. The witness told officials the BMW and the Volkswagen both pulled into the parking lot, dropped off a toddler and left. The child started walking toward a busy road, and the witness ran outside and brought them to safety, they told deputies. Deputies later found the abandoned Volkswagen in a parking lot, the release said. Investigators havent located the BMW, which had been reported stolen from a Waukegan car dealership earlier in the week. Story continues The mother was taken to a hospital and was in serious but stable condition, according to the sheriffs office. She is six months pregnant, according to USA Today. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Lake County Sheriffs Office at 847-377-4000. Many expressed outrage on social media over the attack, but also the response by Volkswagen Car-Net, which they say initially refused to track the vehicle and slowed police efforts to find the child. This is outrageous.. as a VW owner, I will NEVER buy another, asking for payment when the police are trying to locate a child that was kidnapped! one comment said. They needed payment first before tracking the car? There was a child in danger! The person on the line demanding payment first should be fired! said another. In an email to McClatchy News, Volkswagen said it is aware of the incident, but that a third-party provider responsible for Car-Nets support services is to blame. Volkswagen has a procedure in place with a third-party provider for Car-Net Support Services involving emergency requests from law enforcement. They have executed this process successfully in previous incidents, the statement said. Unfortunately, in this instance, there was a serious breach of the process. We are addressing the situation with the parties involved. Volkswagen takes the safety and security of its customers very seriously. Our thoughts are with the victims and their family, the company said. High schooler is fatally shot while offering two teens a ride home, Michigan cops say Stolen car flips sideways into embankment as teens flee police, Washington cops say Officer dies after falling off of bridge while making an arrest, Colorado police say 12-year-old shot dead by car owner tracking stolen vehicle, Colorado police say BOSTON As the prison moratorium bill that would halt the construction of any new prisons and jails in Massachusetts is being considered by lawmakers, Taunton State Hospital is feeling a strain in its capacity due to a lack of action in replacing a Department of Youth Services facility that burned down over a decade ago, one officials says. The prison moratorium bill, filed by Sen. Joanne Comerford, D-Northampton, and Rep. Chynah Tyler, D-Roxbury, and cosponsored by Michelle DuBois, D-Brockton, would prevent the planning, designing, leasing, expanding and renovating of prisons other than necessary maintenance during the next five years. At a time when the states prison population is the lowest its been in 35 years, according to the Department of Corrections 2020 annual report, the pause would give legislators time to consider alternatives to incarceration. The House and Senate passed the moratorium bill at the end of the 2021-2022 legislative session, but it was ultimately vetoed by Gov. Charlie Baker, who was considering the idea of replacing MCI-Framingham with a new womens prison. The construction of a new prison could cost $50 million, according to Comerford. Pamela Starks, a Brockton resident and member of Families for Justice as Healing, raises her fist as supporters of a prison construction moratorium rally on Framingham Centre Common, April 9, 2022. In Boston, a group of close to 100 protestors rallied at the State House on Thursday, Feb. 9 in support of the prison moratorium bill. In addition to the states proposal to build a new womens prison, the group was also protesting the plan to build a $21.5 million juvenile justice facility in Taunton. Thats because the current childrens jail in Taunton is old and terrible and no children should be in there. So should we build another one, or should we do something different for children? said Mallory Hanora, a co-director of Families for Justice as Healing. Here's what we knowT.G.I. Fridays in Taunton abruptly closes its doors for good The state's Department of Youth Services (DYS) juvenile justice facility in Taunton serves youth between the ages of 12 to 21. It is separate from Taunton State Hospital, which has 45 mental health beds through the Department of Mental Health. Story continues Sen. Marc Pacheco, D-Taunton, has been heavily involved in the Taunton State Hospital property throughout his time in office. He did not agree with the Baker administrations decision to put barbed wire on the grounds of the hospital, which made the outside of the hospital look a lot more like a prison than a hospital, he said. There were plans to replace the central administration building that burned down in 2006, said Pacheco. The DYS was trying to put the new building on a capital plan so that there would not be an increase in the existing number of residents, but these plans could change with the new administration, he said. Because the building has not yet been replaced, the DYS has been encroaching on Taunton State Hospitals facilities, which means there is less room for mental health patients at the hospital, according to Pacheco. The lack of action has caused a strain on the overall mental health system. So its putting significant stress on the hospital for the traditional work they would be doing, and it puts significant stress on the whole region because unfortunately, in southeastern Massachusetts, the Cape and the Islands, the place where mental health patients are being housed right now is in our prisons, he said. And that is sad. State Sen. Marc Pacheco, D-Taunton, speaks at the ribbon cutting for Morton Hospital's Comprehensive Addiction Program (MORCAP) on Friday, Nov. 12, 2021. Pacheco said he will soon be meeting with the new Department of Mental Health commissioner when that person is appointed, as well as the secretary of health and human services, to advocate that they should follow through with plans to build the DYS facility where it was originally located and to reinvest in the mental health facilities on the campus of Taunton State Hospital. The toll of generations of incarceration The State House rally was organized by Families for Justice as Healing and the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, nonprofits that are dedicated to creating alternatives to mass incarceration. The administration of Gov. Maura Healey chose to continue the leadership at the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, which oversees the Department of Correction. Were here to make a strong statement that we expect different, and that we are already creating what different looks like, Hanora said. Mallory Hanora of Families for Justice as Healing, a Roxbury-based advocacy group that aims to end the incarceration of women and girls, speaks as supporters of a prison construction moratorium rally on Framingham Centre Common, April 9, 2022. Legislation calling for a moratorium on prison construction would halt the construction and expansion of new prisons for five years. According to the rally's organizers, the state has proposed a new womens prison in Norfolk to replace MCI-Framingham. Healey has met with the Department of Correction, the state Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance and supporters of the construction of a new womens prison, but she has not yet met with formerly incarcerated women, according to Hanora. The vision of formerly incarcerated women is creating community infrastructure that can lead to healing and thriving communities, and can also stop the flow of people into jails and prisons in the first place, Hanora said. That requires massive investment in our communities, particularly communities that have been devastated by generations of incarceration. The state should be investing in housing, mental health, reconnecting families and ending incarceration caused by poverty, instead of building a $50 million womens prison that we know is only going to further incarcerate us and incarcerate our children, and then their children, said Sashi James, a co-director for Families for Justice as Healing. Public left to watch blank screenHow the Easton school board violated the open meeting law multiple times Deeply personal for one mother and daughter The issue is deeply personal for Shanita Jefferson and her mother, Angela Jefferson. Angela served 31 years at MCI-Framingham. All those years ago, I never knew that my mother would ever come home. She had a life sentence, Shanita said at the rally on Feb. 9 at the State House. I was 3 years old when she went away. Im 35 now. This is our seventh month together with her on the outside. Its hard to put it in words, because until you go through something like this, I dont think anybody would understand. Shanita Jefferson, 34, of Boston talks about her mother, Angie Jefferson, an inmate at MCI-Framingham for 32 years, as advocates call a moratorium on prison construction during a rally on Framingham Centre Common, April 9, 2022. Jefferson said that her 7-year-old daughter uses the same books and toys that she played with herself as a young girl visiting her mother at MCI-Framingham. Exactly one year ago, Shanita was standing in front of the State House holding out her phone on speaker so that her mother, Angela, could talk to the crowd from inside of MCI-Framingham. Now Im actually standing here, on the steps to the State House, letting my voice be heard and my voice be used for the women that are still on the inside, Angela said. Angela spoke about the lack of proper treatment for the women she was incarcerated with, who have several medical issues. The conditions in that prison are justunexplainable, Angela said. Bridgewater State Hospital under fire Other correctional facilities in the state have recently been under fire for inhumane conditions. Bridgewater State Hospital, a medium-security facility, was frequently subjecting patients to chemical restraints and isolation in violation of state law, according to a recent report from the Disability Law Center. Bridgewater State Hospital is seen here in this undated photo. The facility is supposed to provide treatment for people with severe mental illness, many of whom have been involved in the criminal justice system. Wellpath staff would often subject patients to illegal manual restraints and a culture of punishment and intimidation, which was largely underreported, the report said. Jason Dobson, a spokesperson for the DOC, could not be reached for comment. But Dobson said in a statement in August the DOC has been working with Wellpath to review and clarify its policies regarding the involuntary administration of medication and has increased oversight and reporting of the use of seclusion and restraint, according to the letter. Growing old in prison, mothers separated from children At MCI-Framingham, seven of the women incarcerated are in their 70s, 10 are in their 60s, and the vast majority are mothers separated from their children, according to Families for Justice as Healing. About 20% of the women incarcerated are pre-trial detainees being held on bail they cannot afford. Massachusetts has one of the lowest rates of incarceration for women in the country, yet one of the highest rates of women incarcerated for life, James said. Advocates pushed for Healey to grant clemency to sick and aging women. The group also urged lawmakers to co-sponsor the Primary Caretakers Diversion and Parole Review for Aging Incarcerated People bills, which would further reduce the number of women in prisons. Inside the State House, advocates held a large banner that spanned down the steps and read, #NoNewWomensPrison with 200 pink and purple hearts, drawn on by Jefferson herself, to represent the women still incarcerated at MCI-Framingham. We brought our incarcerated sisters to the State House, James said. As the group chanted no new womens prisons, their voices echoed throughout the halls of the State House. This article originally appeared on The Enterprise: Taunton State Hospital: Prison moratorium activists target DYS plan President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that Ukraine will put a historic end to Russia's attempts to destroy the lives of Ukrainians and all the peoples of Europe and Asia, whose territories Russia tried to occupy, by Crimea liberation. Source: Zelenskyys evening address Quote: "Russian aggression began precisely with the seizure of Crimea. It is logical that by liberating Crimea, we will put a historic end to any attempts by Russia to ruin the lives of Ukrainians and all the peoples of Europe and Asia that the Kremlin once claimed to conquer. International law will prevail here, on the lands of Ukraine: in Donbas, in Pryazovia, in Kherson Oblast and Crimea." Details: Zelenskyy reminded his audience that Ukraine celebrates the Day of Resistance to the Occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol on 26 February. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Empty shelves in an ASDA store - Matthew Horwood/Getty Images Uganda is ready to fill the gaps on UK supermarket shelves, export chiefs have said, as ministers come under pressure to ward off further tomato chaos. Odrek Rwabwogo, who chairs Uganda's presidential advisory committee on exports and industrial development, said farmers in the African nation were poised to start supplying more into Britain. The country's largest agriculture export is currently coffee, although crops including tomatoes and peppers can also be grown in Uganda. Mr Rwabwogo said Brexit has given us a chance to speak to Britain as a country and to become a sourcing centre for them. Uganda is preparing to roll out new irradiation systems in an export centre at its airport a 150m project that would allow for fresh produce to be exported more cheaply from the country and which was backed by the UK Government. Mr Rwabwogo said it was time to speak the same language on trade with Britain. The comments come amid growing pressure on ministers to bolster the UK's food supply chain, after the country was hit by a wave of fruit and vegetable shortages last week. Most of the major supermarkets including Tesco, Morrisons and Aldi have moved to introduce rationing on packs of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers in an effort to prevent empty shelves. Retail bosses blamed the shortages on a poor harvest in Morocco and Spain, although UK farmers said they had also stopped planting in all their greenhouses due to supermarkets not paying enough. British farmers have warned the latest restrictions are the tip of the iceberg and risk occurring more regularly. Mr Rwabwogo said it was time for Britain to diversify on where it is sourcing its food from. We are ready to fill the gaps that have been created, whether that's from leaving the EU or whether it is the weather. Uganda is aiming to increase its revenues from trade by as much as $6bn (5.2bn) within the next five to seven years, seeing Britain as a key gateway to start supplying more Commonwealth nations. Story continues The UK has thrown its support behind a new African Continental Free Trade Area, which would create an African single market. Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan has described this as a game-changer and possibly the most exciting trade initiative globally. In 2021, the UK became the first non-African country to sign an agreement with the Free Trade Area Secretariat and pledged to work with it on more investment and facilitating trade. A government spokesman said of the Uganda backing: Through its offer of finance, [government agency] UK Export Finance can support sovereign buyers and international large corporates with finance, loans and insurance to make their projects happen, with the proviso that they commit to procuring from the UK supply chain. We do not comment on speculation on potential transactions for reasons of commercial confidentiality. Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear in his recent speech before the Federal Assembly that he does not plan to end the war in Ukraine. Source: This was stated by Margarita Robles, the Minister of Defense of Spain, in an interview with La Vanguardia, writes European Pravda. "He emphasised that he does not want peace. He understands very well that he will lose this battle. His absolutely threatening statements that the war will not end and that Russia is invincible indicate that he is a danger to humanity," she said. She also noted that Putin is the first person who should decide that he is going to negotiate. "But Putin has made it clear that he is going to continue until the end. We all want a ceasefire, but the Russian president has made it very clear, without any doubt, that he wants to continue this war. The cost of this is the lives of thousands of Ukrainians, as well as many Russians, who are forced to go to death for a cause they do not understand and are not fully cognizant of, because it is neither just nor legitimate," added Robles. Earlier this week, the head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, announced in Kyiv that the batch of Leopard 2 tanks from Spain to Ukraine will increase to 10. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Russia's President Vladimir Putin has opined that if Russia collapses, Russians may not survive "as a nation." Source: Putin in an interview with the Rossiya-1 TV channel, quoted by TASS Putin Quote: "The Russian people, if the West succeeds in destroying the Russian Federation and establishing control over its fragments, may not survive there will be Muscovites, Uralians and others." Details: Putin also did not forget to mention nuclear weapons, allegedly saying that Russia "must take into account the nuclear potential of not only the United States, but also all other NATO countries," without clarifying what that meant. Previously: Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is convinced that Putin will sooner or later be killed by his own inner circle. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a new interview that Russian people may not survive if Western countries succeed in handing a strategic defeat to Moscow in its war in Ukraine. Putins comments to state TV channel Russia 1 followed his decision to suspend Russias involvement in the last remaining arms control treaty with the United States. In todays conditions, when all the leading NATO countries have declared their main goal as inflicting a strategic defeat on us, so that our people suffer as they say, how can we ignore their nuclear capabilities in these conditions? Putin said, per Reuters. Putin accused Western countries of seeking to divide Russia in order to take control of the countrys raw materials. I do not even know if such an ethnic group as the Russian people will be able to survive in the form in which it exists today, he said. Putins interview followed his address last week, marking the one-year anniversary of his war in Ukraine, in which he accused Western countries of attacking Russia with sanctions, saying twice that their goal is a strategic defeat for Russia. Western elites arent trying to conceal their goals, to inflict a strategic defeat to Russia, he said on Tuesday. They intend to transform the local conflict into a global confrontation. Putin has increasingly sought to frame the war, which he started with a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, as a battle to defend Russia from obliteration, though the U.S. has said it is only seeking an end to the war. The Russian leader announced last week that he would suspend the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which former President Obama signed with former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in 2010. In the new interview, Putin said the suspension of the treaty was to ensure security, strategic stability for Russia, The Associated Press reported. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. (Bloomberg) -- The train derailment that spilled toxic chemicals into a small Ohio town has revived a long-running debate about railroad safety and some industry players think they have just the thing to resolve it. Most Read from Bloomberg The Feb. 3 crash of the Norfolk Southern Corp. train in East Palestine, Ohio, has renewed a push for railroads to adopt electronic brakes that could help prevent a malfunctioning train from endangering people and property. Electronically controlled pneumatic, or ECP, brakes have been touted for their capacity to bring trains to a halt in shorter distances and prevent dangerous pileups. The Biden administration has blamed industry stonewalling for blocking regulations that would have mandated use of the systems on some trains even though it isnt clear that ECP brakes wouldve done much to mitigate an accident similar to the one in Ohio, and the proposed rules wouldnt have applied to the train that crashed. The railroad industry has found itself in a tight spot as the political furor around the accident grows, with former President Donald Trump turning up in East Palestine, and the derailment becoming a talking point on cable news and Capitol Hill. The episode has aggravated fears about the safety of sending chemicals and other hazardous materials over the rails, and raised the specter of new regulation at a time when railroads are coping with restive workers and annoyed customers. Installing ECP brakes that the Biden administration and safety advocates favor would be expensive and cumbersome for a business beset by complaints about delays and lackluster service. The brakes need to be installed on each car to work properly a daunting prospect for an industry with some 1.5 million cars on the tracks and little idle capacity. Story continues A coalition that includes railcar makers, shippers and two large railroads say they have a different idea. They want to place sensors on railcars that could flag faulty equipment immediately to a trains crew and others monitoring remotely. The system is being tested on 400 railcars and could be available commercially by the end of this year, according to the group, which calls itself RailPulse. Such sensors could potentially catch problems like the overheated wheel bearing that likely caused the East Palestine wreck. Electronically controlled brakes, on the other hand, may not have even done much to mitigate the derailment if they were installed, based on a 2017 study by the National Academy of Sciences. Notably, a sensor apparatus also would likely be much less expensive for the industry to put into place. RailPulse says its system would cost about $400 to $900 per railcar. Smart Railcars The use of remote sensing technology on the railroads isnt entirely new. Currently, sensors known as wayside heat detectors placed along the tracks screen train cars for defects and they sniffed out the trouble in Ohio. Wayside detectors were voluntarily adopted by railroads to reduce accidents; Norfolk Southern said it has nearly 1,000 of them. According to a preliminary report by the National Safety Transportation Board, Norfolk Southerns wayside detectors in Ohio were working, but caught the overheated wheel too late. The NTSB found that a wayside detector about 20 miles before the crash site measured the wheel bearing at 103 degrees Fahrenheit above ambient temperature hot, but below a level that calls for the crew to stop and take a look. However, the next detector, just ahead of the crash site, recorded a wheel temperature at 253 degrees above, a critical level. The sensor sounded an alarm, but it was too late. The wheel failed and caused 38 of the trains 149 railcars to careen off the rails. Sensors mounted directly on railcars could diagnose the issue sooner and buy critical time, backers say. Railcars will likely have multiple sensors in the near future that can detect anything from open doors to signs that equipment is in danger of failing, said David Shannon, general manager of RailPulse. Our objective is to make railcars smart, Shannon said. The groups pilot program, which is testing five types of sensors, will be on 1,000 railcars by this summer, he said, and should be ready for real-world use by the end of this year. RailPulse plans to provide a subscription service to transmit the data to the cloud, and is counting on manufacturers to design the sensors the industry needs. ECP Debate Norfolk Southern was on the forefront of testing ECP brakes before the US Department of Transportation decided to require them on high hazard flammable trains in 2015. The company opposed the mandate because of cost, the brakes reliability and the inability to mix locomotives and railcars that didnt have the system. One of the biggest drawbacks of ECP brakes is that all the railcars on a train must have them or the system doesnt work, making it impossible to phase in gradually. The rule followed a spate of derailments by trains shuttling crude oil from fracking hotspots where there were no pipelines to refineries. As part of an infrastructure bill in 2015, Congress required the transportation department to justify the need for ECP braking. The National Academy of Sciences was ordered to examine computer modeling the department used to support its position that they had a significant safety advantage over conventional brakes. After tests at a Norfolk Southern rail yard in Conway, Pennsylvania, and the New York Air Brake Facility in Watertown, New York, the academy said in a 2017 report that the departments efforts to validate its modeling do not instill sufficient confidence in DOTs comparison of the estimated emergency performance of ECP braking systems with other systems. That paved the way for the Trump administration to rescind the mandate. In a Feb. 19 letter to Norfolk Southern Chief Executive Officer Alan Shaw, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg faulted the industry for opposing ECP brakes. Rather than support these efforts to improve rail safety, Norfolk Southern and other rail companies spend millions of dollars in the courts and lobbying members of Congress to oppose common-sense safety regulation, Buttigieg wrote. However, others in the federal government have pushed back on the idea that the ECP mandate would have prevented the Ohio crash. Some are saying the ECP (electronically controlled pneumatic) brake rule, if implemented, wouldve prevented this derailment. FALSE, NTSB Chairman Jennifer Homendy said in a Feb. 16 tweet. She went on to explain why the Norfolk Southern train wasnt designated as high hazard flammable. This means even if the rule had gone into effect, this train wouldnt have had ECP brakes. Uphill Battle The prospect that regulators would swiftly put the electronic-braking rules in place following the Ohio crash is remote. To reinstate the mandate would be an uphill battle, a senior White House official acknowledged during a Feb. 17 briefing. The rulemaking process takes years and it would be difficult to pull off after Congress weighed in against the technology. Similarly, persuading the entire railroad industry to go along with RailPulses sensors could be a tall order. Workers are wary of new safety technologies that the industry touts, especially if they are aimed at replacing human inspections, said Mark Wallace, vice president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen. For the past five years, the railroads first priority has been profit, not safety, Wallace said. Operating profit margin for North American railroads increased to 39% last year from 34% in 2017. If youre going to implement the technology, then you have to maintain the technology and you have to have somebody in place to make sure that its working properly, he said. Additionally, railcars are mostly owned by shippers and by leasing companies. Shippers are pushing to be able to track their freight cars just as they can for trailers on trucks, the railroads main competitor for freight. Some large railroads, including CSX Corp. and BNSF Railway, arent part of the coalition. Most Read from Bloomberg Businessweek 2023 Bloomberg L.P. Any Republican who wants to run for president in 2024 will have to sign a loyalty pledge if they want to join the 2024 debates, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel told CNNs "State of the Union" on Sunday. The pledge would require candidates to support the eventual GOP presidential nominee. Discussing the qualification criteria for the first Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, McDaniel said the rules arent set in stone yet, but she expects the pledge will be included. I think its kind of a no-brainer, right? McDaniel said of the pledge. If youre gonna be on the Republican National Committee debate stage asking voters to support you, you should say Im gonna support the voters and who they choose as the nominee. Re-elected Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel is applauded at the committee's winter meeting in Dana Point, Calif., Friday, Jan. 27, 2023. McDaniel: 'Trump would like to be on the debate stage' Former President Donald Trump, who is seen as one of the frontrunners in the race, declined to say if he would support the nominee, telling a conservative radio host in early February that it would depend who the nominee was. In 2015, Trump signed a similar pledge, albeit without the tie-in for debate participation like the pledge has for this election cycle. Later on in the 2016 election, he walked back on the pledge, also saying he would only support the nominee depending on who it was. Stay in the conversation on politics: Sign up for the OnPolitics newsletter McDaniel brushed off Trumps past, saying she thinks theyre all going to sign it, including Trump. I think President Trump would like to be on the debate stage. Thats what he likes to do, McDaniel said. Other potential GOP candidates for 2024 have also expressed skepticism on pledging their loyalty to the eventual nominee. Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson told the Washington Post that the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol disqualified Trump from being the right direction for the country and that he would have problems with signing a pledge with Trump in mind. Story continues Related: How do you challenge Trump for the nomination? With Nikki Haley in, let's count the ways. Former President Donald Trump listens as he is introduced to speak at the South Carolina Statehouse, Jan. 28, 2023, in Columbia, S.C. But McDaniel called for party unity, saying she still expects candidates to support the eventual nominee. We have to come together as a party. McDaniel said, pointing at the GOPs underperformance in the 2022 midterm elections. We saw big races lost this cycle because of Republicans refusing to support other Republicans and unless we fix this in our party, unless we start coming together, we will not win in 2024. Several potential GOP candidates could still join the race Other high-profile Republicans are expected to join the race. As of now, Trump and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley are the only big-name candidates officially running, but Hutchinson and other figures are starting to make the rounds around the country, putting feelers out on potential campaigns. Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley speaks to voters at a town hall campaign event, Monday, Feb. 20, 2023, in Urbandale, Iowa. Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., who just finished a trip to Iowa, a key early state on the Republican nominating calendar, told Fox News Sunday he is focused on the mission of making sure that every single American believes that the American dream is achievable for them, echoing his recent speeches in Iowa, where he described his early life growing up poor and as a child of segregation. Also in the Hawkeye State was Haley, who hosted town-hall style events where she told GOP voters who might be considering Trump to look forward. Will he or won't he?: Republican Sen. Tim Scott weighs a historic White House bid Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C. speaks during the Republican Party of Polk County Lincoln Dinner, Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023, in West Des Moines, Iowa. Its time for a new direction, Haley said on Fox News Sunday Morning Futures, after her trip to Iowa. I think we need to leave the status quo of the past. And Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has yet to formally announce a presidential campaign, visited New York, Philadelphia and Chicago on Monday on a tour aimed at framing himself as a GOP candidate of law and order. Asked whether she had any concern of the GOP field possibly being too crowded and disrupting party unity, McDaniel instead lauded the competition. I think it speaks about the deep bench we have. McDaniel said. I mean we have so many great governors, senators, congressional members, business leaders, a former president. We have such a great bench of candidates. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis waves as he speaks to police officers about protecting law and order at Prive catering hall on February 20, 2023 in the Staten Island borough of New York City. DeSantis, a Republican, is expected by many to announce his candidacy for president in the coming weeks or months. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: GOP 2024 candidates must sign loyalty pledge to debate: RNC chair Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) slammed President Biden for his approach toward relations with China on Sunday, accusing him of attempting to appease Beijing. All that Biden does is pacify China, Scott told John Catsimatidis on WABCs Cats Roundtable, adding, I dont know what it is, but this is a guy who wont stand up to dictators around the world. Scotts comments echoed similar criticisms that he levied at the Biden administration earlier this week. Communist China has chosen to be our enemy, he said in a tweet on Thursday. The CCP wants to destroy our way of life, and @JoeBiden shows nothing but weak appeasement. The American people deserve a leader in Washington who stands up to evil regimes and puts America first. U.S.-China relations have become increasingly strained in recent weeks, after a suspected Chinese spy balloon traveled over the U.S. in early February and reportedly surveilled strategic sites. The balloon drama was followed by Secretary of State Antony Blinkens allegations last weekend that China was strongly considering providing Russia with lethal aid in its war against Ukraine. Several other top U.S. officials have reiterated the accusations in recent days and warned of significant consequences if China were to take such a step. Amid the concerns about China, the U.S. military is reportedly planning to increase its presence in Taiwan by between 100 and 200 troops a move that Scott voiced support for. Im glad were taking the threat Communist China poses to Taiwan seriously, but more must be done, he said in a tweet on Thursday. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. For Riley Keough and Ben Smith-Petersen, Daisy Jones & The Six has become a family affair at least for a scene. Keough, who portrays the titular character in the show, spoke to Entertainment Tonight at the show's red carpet premiere Feb. 23. During the interview, the 33-year-old actor confirmed that her husband of eight years will be making a brief cameo early on in the show. I dont want to like spoil it, but the producers thought it would be funny if he was in that scene, the granddaughter of Elvis Presley explained, adding, They were like, Do you want Ben to do this? And I was like, Yeah, thats hilarious. While she didn't divulge further details about the scene, eagle-eyed fans can look for Smith-Petersen in Episode Two. The first three episodes of "Daisy Jones & The Six" premiere on Prime Video March 3. Keough and Smith-Petersen tied the knot on two separate occasions. Their first wedding took place in Nepal in an impromptu ceremony. They wed again in California after returning to the United States, celebrating with their friends and family in Napa Valley, California. At the premiere, Keough spoke with about how she aimed to capture the essence of her character, created by Taylor Jenkins Reid in the book of the same name, explaining, In the book, shes messy and shes unpredictable and shes wild. But I also wanted to figure out who she is underneath all of that. Daisy Jones & The Six follows a fictional 1970s band, which Reid revealed in a blog post in 2019 is loosely based on the relationship between Steve Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham and its effect on Fleetwood Mac. In the book, which was published in March 2019, a music producer brings together Daisy Jones (Keough) and a band called The Six, led by Billy Dunne (Sam Clafin). The rest of the group is made up of keyboardist Karen Sirko (Suki Waterhouse), guitarist Graham Dunne (Will Harrison), bassist Eddie Roundtree (Josh Whitehouse), and drummer Warren Rojas (Sebastian Chacon). Camila Morrone also portrays Camila Dunne, Billys wife. Story continues The band becomes wildly successful fast, but one night in Chicago causes the band to split up just as they hit the peak of their success. The story of the band is told retrospectively as an oral history, a format replicated in the show, which will chronicle the group's rise and fall documentary-style. Daisy Jones & The Six will hit Prime Video March 3, with subsequent episodes released each Friday until the series finale March 24. This article was originally published on Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel touted the GOPs deep bench of presidential candidates as the Republican party prepares for a potentially crowded primary in the 2024 race. It could be a big stage I think it speaks about the deep bench we have. I mean, we have so many great governors, senators, congressional leaders, business leaders, a former president. We have such a great bench of candidates, McDaniel said on CNNs State of the Union. Former President Trump and his former ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, so far are the only declared Republicans in the race but a number of other prominent party figures are expected to join them including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and former Vice President Mike Pence. I look at the Democrats, what theyre doing to limit any competition to Biden, McDaniel said, highlighting the Democrats new tweaks to their presidential nominating calendar, which include shifting New Hampshire out of its first-in-the-nation slot. Why? Because Joe Biden came in eighth. So that is a president whos weak, whos worried about competition from his own party, and we have a broad bench ready to run for president. McDaniel stressed that the RNC will likely be asking candidates to commit to backing whoever ultimately wins the GOP nomination despite suggestions by Trump that he may not agree to pledge to support whoever is chosen. I expect that they will accept the results in 2024. Im not I dont know who that person is right now. But, yes, were going to accept the results. And were going to move forward and work to govern this country. But I think theyre going to accept the results because theyre going to be the president, she said. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Roald Dahl writing at home, United Kingdom, 1965. Leonard Mccombe/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images Roald Dahl said he would send his "enormous crocodile" after publishers who changed his works, per The Guardian. Dahl's books have recently been updated to remove words such as "fat" and "crazy." Dahl said "they will never see another word from me" if changed, The Guardian reported. Children's author Roald Dahl once warned publishers that he would send his "enormous crocodile" after publishers who ever changed his words, according to The Guardian, which cited a supposed recorded conversation with the author from 1982. Latest editions of Dahl's books have been updated to remove words like "crazy," "fat," and "ugly," The Telegraph reported. According to The Guardian, book publisher Puffin also hired "sensitivity readers" to read through Dahl's books and rewrite them with revisions so that they "can continue to be enjoyed by all today," according to The Guardian. After the controversy surrounding the changes, Puffin said on Friday that it would continue publishing both revised and unrevised versions of Dahl's works. According to The Guardian, in the newest edition of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," Augustus Gloop is now described as "enormous" instead of "enormously fat." "The Enormous Crocodile," one of Dahl's most beloved books about a giant crocodile that eats kids, "we eat little boys and girls" was changed to "we eat little children." In a newly resurfaced transcript, Dahl said that he had "warned my publishers that if they later on so much as change a single comma in one of my books, they will never see another word from me," The Guardian reported. "When I am gone, if that happens, then I'll wish mighty Thor knocks very hard on their heads with his Mjolnir. Or I will send along the 'enormous crocodile' to gobble them up," he says in the recording, according to the outlet. The conversation between Dahl and Francis Bacon, an Irish painter, was recorded in 1982 at Dahl's home in Buckinghamshire, the outlet reported. Writer Barry Joule recorded the conversation with the permission of both men and transcribed the recording, which he says was inadvertently destroyed afterward, according to The Guardian. Joule told The Guardian that Dahl and Bacon were "pleasantly oiled with drink and in a good mood" during the conversation. Read the original article on Insider Roald Dahl was recorded saying he would never agree with censorship. (PA/Alamy) Roald Dahl's comments from 40 years ago about "setting an enormous crocodile" on his publishers if they changed his work have shed light on what the late author would have thought of attempts to censor him. Dahl was recorded specifically saying that he would be outraged by the idea of censorship after his death, and joked that he would send the title character from his book The Enormous Crocodile to deal with his publishers. Read more: James Bond books edited to remove racist references The Daily Telegraph had reported that recent versions of children's favourites by Dahl, who died in 1990, had been changed by publisher Puffin Books, a division of Penguin Random House, to remove descriptions of characters as "fat" and "ugly" in books including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda. The Enormous Crocodile is one of Roald Dahl's most popular children's books. (PA/Alamy) After an outcry from authors, readers and even prime minister Rishi Sunak, it was announced that Puffin would publish two versions of the stories in future - the original text, and an amended version changed to avoid offence. However, The Guardian has uncovered a recorded conversation between Dahl and artist Francis Bacon from 1982, where he made his strong feelings on censorship clear and made reference to his book The Enormous Crocodile. Read more: Matt Hancock sets up media company after reality TV star pivot In the conversation that the men had recorded at Dahl's home in Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, Dahl said: "Ive warned my publishers that if they later on so much as change a single comma in one of my books, they will never see another word from me. Never! Ever!" Dahl, whose parents were Norwegian, added: "When I am gone, if that happens, then Ill wish mighty Thor knocks very hard on their heads with his Mjolnir. Or I will send along the enormous crocodile to gobble them up." Roald Dahl was recorded speaking about censorship in 1982. (PA/Alamy) Bacon said: "There must be no changes to an artists original work when he is dead for any reason whatsoever," as Dahl jokingly crossed himself and replied: "I just hope to God that will never happen to any of my writings as I am lying comfortably in my Viking grave." Story continues Earlier in the week, Sunak had weighed in on the controversy with a statement from his official spokesman which read: "When it comes to our very rich literary heritage, the Prime Minister agrees with the BFG that you should not Gobblefunk around with words." On Thursday, Camilla, Queen Consort told an audience of writers and publishers: "Please remain true to your calling, unimpeded by those who may wish to curb the freedom of your expression or impose limits on your imagination. Enough said." Camilla, Queen Consort addressed authors and publishers this week. (Getty Images) Comedian Ricky Gervais also made reference to Dahl's censorship by sharing a photo of himself looking serious and tweeting: "This is me pondering whether they'll change any of the words I've used in my work after I'm dead, to spare those who are fragile and easily offended. "Words like 'fat' and 'ugly'. And 'c***' and 'f***'. And 'fat, ugly, greedy, pathetic little stupid f***ing c***'. Stuff like that." Author Salman Rushdie also spoke out in support of Dahl, saying: "Roald Dahl was no angel but this is absurd censorship. Puffin Books and the Dahl estate should be ashamed." Roald Dahl with his family in 1967. (AP Photo) The Daily Telegraph has reported that James Bond author Ian Fleming's work has also been changed recently to remove racist descriptions of some characters. Other potentially offensive parts of text will remain, including racism, homophobia and misogynistic language, but will be accompanied by a disclaimer that reads: This book was written at a time when terms and attitudes which might be considered offensive by modern readers were commonplace. A number of updates have been made in this edition, while keeping as close as possible to the original text and the period in which it is set. The participants of the Crimea Platform call upon Russia to immediately stop combat action and violence in Ukraine and withdraw its troops from the whole territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. Source: Joint statement of the participants of the Crimea Platform dedicated to the Day of Resistance of Occupation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, cited by European Pravda Quote: "We are calling upon the Russian Federation to immediately stop combat action and violence and immediately, fully and unquestioningly withdraw all its forces and military equipment from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, including Crimea." The participants of the Crimea Platform called upon the occupying Russian administration in Crimea to immediately stop repressions, human rights violations of Ukrainians and Tatars of Crimea, unsolicited searches, arrests, tortures and other cruel, inhumane or humiliating treatment or punishment and other forms of political pressure, systematic "filtration" and full-scale forcible deportation of Ukrainians, including children. The participants of the platform also stated that they will never recognize the attempt to illegally annex the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as well as of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts of Ukraine, as it grossly violates international law, including the UN Statute, and is a direct threat to international security with serious consequences for international law and order. The statement includes the call upon Russia to stop attacking the critically important Ukrainian civil energy infrastructure, which is causing a humanitarian disaster. The participants expressed their worries concerning the nuclear safety and security consequences of Russias illegal invasion of Ukraine. Background: Petr Pavel, the President of the Czech Republic, believes that Ukraines allies will not consciously reduce their support of Ukraine at the stage when the prospect of the liberation of Crimea is close, due to the fear of radical escalation from the side of the Kremlin. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Russian occupation forces are constructing new defence fortifications in occupied Crimea in order to tighten their defence capabilities. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: The General Staff has reported that Russian occupation forces are stepping up their defence of Crimea; in particular, they are building new defence fortifications on the peninsula. Around 150 Russian conscripts from Chelyabinsk Oblast (Russia) were deployed to Crimea in order to carry out a range of engineering tasks. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! SAN FRANCSICO - Accounts pushing Kremlin propaganda are using Twitter's new paid verification system to appear more prominently on the global platform, another sign that Elon Musk's takeover is accelerating the spread of politically charged misinformation, a nonprofit research group has found. The accounts claim to be based outside of Russia, so they can pay for verification without running afoul of U.S. sanctions. But they pass along articles from state-run media, statements by Russian officials, and lies about Ukraine from Kremlin allies, according to the research group Reset, which shared its findings with The Washington Post. Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and interesting stories from The Washington Post. One of the accounts describes itself in English as "No woke. No BLM. No gender pronouns ... Just Anti-Imperialism." Purporting to be based in San Francisco, its profile picture shows a blond woman wearing a fur hat with a hammer and sickle badge. Another account's biographical blurb says it is "Doing my part to stop Western support for the Ukrainian war machine, one taxpayer at a time." It regularly tweets videos it says show Russians killing Ukrainian soldiers. Most of the dozen such accounts identified by Reset were created last year during the first phase of the war in Ukraine. Archived webpages show the accounts lacked blue check marks until recently, after new owner Elon Musk introduced a pay-to-play model and said he would phase out the legacy verifications that have identified politicians, journalists and other notable figures and weeded out impostors. Musk has said that in the future, tweets and replies from such paid subscribers will be featured even more prominently in Twitter's news feed and search. But some of the accounts have already been getting more views in recent weeks. Musk has boosted one of the accounts by replying to its tweets, including one spreading a lie that thousands of NATO troops had died in Ukraine. Story continues Reset said the surge showed a major problem with a system that allows anonymous accounts to buy verification, giving them better placement in searches, mentions and replies. The accounts it turned up are "openly sharing content from Russian state media, Kremlin-aligned disinformation about the conflict in Ukraine and outright war propaganda," the group wrote. Twitter labels the main three-million follower RT account "Russia state-affiliated media," and it carries a legacy blue check for being notable and not an impostor. The newly verified accounts carry no such label. Former employees and disinformation researchers have previously faulted the company for firing many regional experts assessing influence operations, disbanding a safety advisory board, and bringing back accounts that had been banned for hate speech and spreading lies. At least two prominent members of Afghanistan's Taliban regime also paid $8 or $11 monthly for blue checks until the media reported it last month. Their verifications were removed after the reports. Twitter's treatment of Russia has come under special scrutiny because Musk has a complex but critical role in the Ukraine conflict. His company SpaceX has been essential to Ukraine's defense, providing thousands of Starlink satellite communication terminals that allowed Ukraine to maintain internet service despite Russian attacks on infrastructure. But he also has said Starlink should not be used for offensive military purposes, and he tweeted a proposal for resolving the war that Russia welcomed. Although Russia requires its internet providers to block access to Twitter, the platform has remained a place for Russians to share anonymous news and debate. People in Russia can reach the service through virtual private networks or proxy systems, while the swelling ranks of expatriates contribute freely. Russian activity on platforms outside the country has been controversial since shortly after the 2016 presidential election, when the Russian internet Research Agency was exposed as driving polarizing content on Twitter and Facebook to influence the election in Donald Trump's favor. As with some of the new accounts, the "troll factory" operatives usually pretended to be patriotic Americans. Last week, sanctioned oligarch Yevgeniy Prigozhin said he not only had financed the internet Research Agency, but also created and ran it. Just before November's midterms, he said, he had interfered in those U.S. contests as well. Yoel Roth, who was Twitter's head of trust and safety until November, told two allies that he stayed at Twitter past Musk's takeover to fight such deceptive foreign influence on the elections. He resigned just afterward, and testified to the Senate this month that thousands of automated Russian propaganda accounts are still on the platform. Musk's sweeping job cuts and resignations have drastically reduced the number of employees dedicated to fighting influence campaigns, and the platform's last Russia expert recently left, according to two people who worked with the person. Twitter's similar loss of Chinese expertise has made it harder for exiled critics to overcome improper suspensions or search bans, victims said in interviews. They sent The Post screenshots of dozens of accounts not appearing in search results or being banned for spammy behavior, actions that lasted for weeks. Spam also overwhelmed reports from Chinese cities last fall about dramatic protests against coronavirus lockdowns. Neither Twitter's new head of trust and safety nor Musk responded to emails Tuesday seeking comment. The verified pro-Russian accounts identified by Reset take a variety of approaches. Some style themselves as independent media outlets. Another, called @LogKa11, created in February 2022, shares mainly pro-Russian war content in English to its more than 30,000 followers, including stories from war correspondents embedded with Russian troops and videos of successful attacks. It has repeatedly linked Ukrainians to Nazis, writing in December that "Modern Ukraine has had a strange obsession with Nazism." That echoes one of President Vladimir Putin's primary justifications for the invasion. One, called @PutinDirect, posts videos of comments from the Russian leader with English captions and links to full speeches. Among the most popular is @Runews, which was around for over a decade before getting a blue check. Describing itself as a "citizen journalist," it reaches 260,000 followers with sometimes heavy-handed propaganda, such as its repeated recent suggestions that Ohio "should really declare itself part of Ukraine in hopes of receiving aid from Biden administration." (The statement omitted the word "the," which is a common mistake by native Russian speakers.) The account "is regularly engaging with content coming from Russian state media such as RT International @RT_com or editor in chief Margarita Simonyan @m_simonyan. It is also sharing videos from Russian media or other pro-Russian channels with content deriding the E.U., NATO, Ukraine, the West as a whole and clearly supporting Russia's actions in the war," Reset wrote. "It also produces content geared toward the U.S. Republican Twitterverse." Runews got a blue check in mid-January. On Feb. 6, Musk boosted the account's profile by responding to its claim that 157,000 Ukrainian soldiers and 2,458 NATO soldiers have died in the war with the comment: "A tragic loss of life." Another Musk reply to the same account made it appear in the "For You" display of a Post test account that did not follow Runews. NATO has not deployed soldiers to Ukraine, though Russia has characterized Ukraine as a puppet of the U.S.-European alliance. Tweet impressions from the @runews account soared past 10 million and remain much higher than before, according to a Post analysis of public data. Troll accounts are still being suspended, according to a researcher who supports imprisoned Putin critic Alexei Navalny and tweets as @Antibot4Navalny. But it takes time, while new accounts are constantly coming online. The researcher, who lives in Russia and agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity to protect his safety, told The Post that through September he'd never counted more than 500 Russian-allied accounts simultaneously active on Twitter, but that lately he has been seeing more than 800. Most have few followers, but they can overwhelm tweet discussions with replies favoring Putin's positions. He worries about what lies ahead, with an eviscerated trust and safety team, reduced access for researchers, and blue check marks for sale to government allies who might put more energy into concealing their purpose. In addition to human-powered troll accounts, automated accounts have been pushing pro-Russian disinformation, according to longtime researcher Marc Owen Jones, a professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar. Jones found that a key group of influencers promoted a conspiracy theory that the United States caused the Turkish earthquake as punishment for the country's opposition to expanding NATO, and that their tweets were amplified by thousands of accounts, including hundreds of accounts that were created simultaneously over a few days in October and last April. Nearly 1,000 of those amplifiers have also tweeted that Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky is a war criminal, Jones told The Post. "This subset was predominantly MAGA accounts," he said, referring to those with that acronym or other keywords favored by strong Trump supporters in their biographies. "What made this group interesting is that they were created in a short space of time, which looks anomalous, i.e. potentially propaganda accounts." - - - Jeremy B. Merrill contributed to this report. Related Content McClellan projected to become first Black woman to represent Virginia in Congress Inside the collapse of the Trump-DeSantis 'alliance of convenience' More states scrutinizing AP Black studies after Florida complaints A destroyed Russian Su-34 fighter jet in Lyman, Ukraine on October 5. Metin Aktas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images Limited numbers of guided air-to-ground munitions hinder Russia's ability to conduct airstrikes. However, more potent air-to-air missiles are helping Russian jets keep Ukrainian aircraft at bay. Both sides are using air-launched weapons at a rate that is striking to experts observing the war. Russia's air force is having better luck hitting targets in the air than on the ground. Limited quantities of guided air-to-ground munitions have hindered Russia's ability to carry out effective airstrikes. However, a potent mix of air-to-air missiles some of which out-range their Ukrainian counterparts have helped keep Ukrainian aircraft at bay. Indeed, both the Russian and Ukrainian air forces are depleting their missile stockpiles, according to analysts at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a British defense think tank. Several experts spoke at a briefing for the launch of the 2023 edition of the institute's Military Balance, an authoritative tally of the weapons owned by nations around the world. "I think one of the things that struck us all on the panel has been the high utilization rates, certainly, of air-launched guided weaponry," said Douglas Barrie, IISS senior fellow for military aerospace. "You see capability gaps and a lack of inventory depth both on the part of Moscow and Kyiv." A Ukrainian jet releases flares over Bakhmut on October 28. Metin Aktas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images Russian airstrikes have been hampered not just by Ukrainian aircraft and air defenses but also by a lack of smart bombs. "This is most important with the Kh-101, which is a very long-range air-launched cruise missile that they've used repeatedly, but the service also lacks certain kinds of tactical air-to-surface weapons," Barrie said of Russia's air force. Barrie believes the most significant shortfall in Russia's missile arsenal has been the Kh-38, a short-range modular air-to-ground missile for use against armored and unarmored targets. The Kh-38 has an inertial guidance system that can also be configured to include radar and laser homing as well as thermal imaging and satellite navigation. It has a range of up to about 25 miles, according to Russian defense manufacturer Rosoboronexport. Story continues The Kh-38 is a Soviet concept dating back to the 1980s, but the Russian air force never procured them "in anything like operationally useful numbers," Barrie said. Shortages of air-to-ground weapons has forced Russia into desperate expedients, such as firing S-300 anti-aircraft missiles at ground targets. The wreckage of a Ukrainian fighter jet in a field in Kherson on January 7. Pierre Crom/Getty Images Russia has had better luck with its missiles against Ukrainian aircraft. "Where the Russian Air Force has actually been more successful is in the capability it has in medium- and long-range air-to-air missiles," Barrie said, pointing to Su-35S fighters armed with R-77-1 missiles, which have a range of about 62 miles. Russian fighters including the Su-35M and Su-30M have also employed R-37M missiles with an a range of 200 miles, according to the Royal United Service Institute, another British defense think tank. Ukraine's old Soviet-designed MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters are only armed with R-27 missiles with a range of 50 miles. The R-27 has semi-active radar guidance, which means the launch aircraft has to use its own radar to continuously illuminate the target for the missile to follow. This prevents the launch aircraft from maneuvering while R-27 is in flight, leaving it vulnerable to attack. Russian aircraft can also detect the continuous radar waves and take evasive action. Compounding the problem for Ukraine is that the long-range Russian missiles are active radar homing weapons, with an on-board "fire and forget" radar that allows them to detect and home in on Ukrainian aircraft autonomously. A Russian weapons crew with an R-27 missile during training in June 2018. Yevgeny Polovodov/Russian Ministry of Defense/ Though long-range Russian air-to-air missile shots "have a low probability of kill, they force Ukrainian pilots to go defensive or risk being hit while still far outside their own effective range, and a few such long-range shots have found their mark," RUSI noted in a report published last year. Russian air-to-air missiles have been "effective in limiting the Ukrainians ability to use their own air force," Barrie said. Yet it says much about Russian military capabilities that even against a badly outnumbered foe armed with old Cold War-era aircraft, the best that the Russian air force can do is keep Ukrainian planes from bombing Russian troops some of the time. Nonetheless, Ukraine will continue to be at an aerial disadvantage unless Western countries decide to provide advanced fighters and air-to-air missiles such as the US-made AIM-120D, an active-radar missile with an estimated range of 100 miles. For now, the only blessing for Ukraine is that Russia doesn't have a lot of these long-range air-to-air missiles. "The overall limitations in terms of inventory continue to be manifest in the way Russia is having to use its airpower during the war," Barrie said. Michael Peck is a defense writer whose work has appeared in Forbes, Defense News, Foreign Policy magazine, and other publications. He holds a master's in political science. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn. Read the original article on Business Insider (Reuters) - Russia's senior diplomat to the United Nations accused the West on Sunday of "cowboy" methods and "arm twisting" of some countries during last week's United Nations General Assembly vote that demanding Moscow withdraw its troops from Ukraine. The 193-member General Assembly of the U.N. on Thursday overwhelmingly isolated Russia, calling on the eve of the one-year anniversary of Moscow's invasion for a "comprehensive, just and lasting peace" in line with the founding U.N. Charter. "The methods of achieving the result are again 'cowboy'," Dmitry Polyansky, Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador, said on the Telegram messaging platform. He added that a number of representatives from "developing" countries complained to the Russian mission about pressure from their Western colleagues who are allies of Kyiv. "According to our calculations, almost 30 pairs of arms were twisted," Polyansky said. Polyansky did not provide any evidence for his accusations and there has been no public comments from developing countries about pressure on them to vote in support of the U.N. resolution. (Reporting by Lidia Kelly in Melbourne; Editing by Kim Coghill) (CNN) Newspapers across the country dropped the "Dilbert" comic strip over the weekend after the creator of the satirical cartoon went on a racist tirade, calling Black Americans a "hate group" and suggesting that White people should "get the hell away" from them. The USA Today Network, which operates hundreds of newspapers, said it had pulled the plug on the long-running comic strip. The Washington Post and The Plain Dealer also in Cleveland said they would no longer carry the comic. The move came after Scott Adams, the cartoonist behind "Dilbert," effectively encouraged segregation in a shocking rant on YouTube. His comments came in response to a poll from the conservative firm Rasmussen Reports that said 53% of Black Americans agreed with the statement, "It's OK to be White." The Anti-Defamation League has noted that the phrase emerged on the infamous message board 4chan in 2017 as a trolling campaign and has a "long history" in the white supremacist movement. "If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people -- according to this poll, not according to me, according to th is poll -- that's a hate group," Adams said Wednesday on his YouTube show "Real Coffee with Scott Adams." "I don't want to have anything to do with them," Adams added. "And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away ... because there is no fixing this." Adams has since said on Twitter that he was only "advising people to avoid hate" and suggested that the cancellation of his cartoon signals that free speech in America is under assault. Andrews McMeel Syndication, the company that distributes "Dilbert," did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment. The newspapers that have cut the comic strip have been clear with readers. "Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, went on a racist rant this week ... and we will no longer carry his comic strip in The Plain Dealer," wrote Chris Quinn, editor of the paper. "This is not a difficult decision." "We are not a home for those who espouse racism," Quinn added. "We certainly do not want to provide them with financial support." Gannett, which publishes the USA Today Network of newspapers, tweeted that it aims to "lead with inclusion and strive to maintain a respectful and equitable environment for the diverse communities we serve nationwide." The Washington Post said it had also pulled the comic strip from the newspaper. "In light of Scott Adams's recent statements promoting segregation, The Washington Post has ceased publication of the Dilbert comic strip," it said. This story was first published on, "Hundreds of newspapers drop Dilbert comic strip after racist tirade from creator Scott Adams." Mourners in Bucha, Ukraine, place flowers at a gravesite Friday, the one-year mark of Russia's invasion. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) Russias war on Ukraine has entered its second year, with a universal realization that the world is witnessing a long, protracted conflict, the deadliest in Europe since World War II, in which Moscow and Kyiv are hoping against long odds for a decisive breakthrough in 2023. This has become a grinding war of attrition, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a recent meeting of member countries defense ministers. And wars of attrition tend to end badly, with overwhelmingly deadly tolls. A year on, tens of thousands of Ukrainians and Russian soldiers are dead. The United Nations has counted nearly 10,000 Ukrainian civilian fatalities, acknowledging that the toll is higher but cannot be tallied amid the chaos. Millions of Ukrainians are displaced from their homes; thousands of children have been reportedly kidnapped and spirited to Russian territory; scores of villages and cities lie in full or partial ruin; and global impacts include soaring prices for oil and food products that normally come from the region. Ukrainian forces talk to the media at a position outside Kyiv, Ukraine, on Tuesday. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) Prospects for a diplomatic resolution remain low while more fighting is on the horizon. Both sides are gearing for a spring offensive, with Russians desperate for a major victory on the battlefield after numerous setbacks and Ukrainians determined to take back more captured territory, predominantly in the south and east. Most military analysts predict that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attempt again to conquer Kyiv, the capital, after failing spectacularly early in the war to gain what was presumed by analysts to be an easy trophy. But Putin, they say, is nowhere near quitting. The U.S. government has thrown its lot behind Ukraine and its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, a former comedic actor and an improbable statesman hero, in ways not seen in other recent conflicts. It puts Washington at odds with fellow nuclear power Moscow, at least rhetorically, on a daily basis. The U.S. also galvanized a rare show of broad Western unity in support of Ukraine. Story continues The run-up to Fridays one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion for Ukrainians, a moment of somber reflection and steely resolve highlighted that commitment. On Saturday, air-raid sirens again blared in Kyiv, symbolizing the plunge into another year of warfare. A man fixes a flag at a small memorial Friday in Bucha, Ukraine, for eight Ukrainian civilians who were executed by Russian forces. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) The Ukrainian capital last week was the backdrop for a dramatic, secrecy-shrouded trip by President Biden, who strolled a cobbled square with Zelensky and reaffirmed Washington's pledge of continued support. It was the first time in modern history that a U.S. president had ventured into a war zone not controlled by the U.S. military, and a huge affront to Putin, who had assumed he would be controlling these streets long ago. "Kyiv stands. And Ukraine stands," Biden said. He announced another half-billion dollars in military aid, in addition to the more than $50 billion provided for weapons and economic assistance. This supply has evolved from relatively unsophisticated howitzers and Javelin missiles in the early days to heavier and longer-range firepower including a Patriot battery and battle tanks. Zelensky is always seeking more, but Washington has been carefully calibrating a slow upgrade of materiel mindful of what the Ukrainians can operate effectively and what Moscow will view as provocative escalation. Entire battalions of Ukrainian troops are being taken outside the country and trained to operate the more complex military equipment, U.S. officials say. Biden's next-day appearance in Warsaw, where he drilled down on the same message, coincided with a fiery speech by Putin on Defender of the Fatherland Day, in which he made it clear that a full victory remains Russia's goal. The uncompromising rhetoric and the erratic pace on the battlefield suggest that no resolution is in sight. I hope that were not sitting here a year from now discussing the same things," said Dara Massicot, a senior policy researcher at Rand Corp. "The Ukrainians are going to need predictable and sustainable support. ... We are shifting into a really attritional, ugly, crude style yet effective style of fighting." The battlefield Though Russia and Ukraine envision a spring offensive, the fighting has never stopped during the chilly winter. Fierce battles have been raging around the smoking ruins of the Ukrainian-held eastern town of Bakhmut for months. Although it would not represent a particularly important gain for Moscow's forces, Russia believes it would open a tactical path to larger cities such as Kramatorsk and Sloviansk in eastern Donetsk province. Russias battlefield strategy is largely concentrated on the Donbas region, the eastern industrial heartland where pro-Russian separatists have been largely in control for years. Moscow wants to expand its holdings there. Analysts say the fighting indicates that Russias offensive is already in progress under way and underwhelming as one put it as Russians move equipment and fortify positions ahead of a broader offensive and gird against Ukrainian forces. The Ukrainians' preferred battle plan in coming weeks is thought to be a run south to bisect the V-shaped territory Russia controls in southeastern Ukraine. That would cut the land bridge that facilitates Russian supply lines and potentially make it more difficult for the Kremlin's forces to maintain connections to Crimea, the peninsula on Ukraine's southern Black Sea coast that Russia occupied and illegally annexed in 2014. For both sides, the ability to wage war greatly depends on the availability of weapons. Ukrainian forces show Stinger missiles and other military equipment to the media last week outside Kyiv, Ukraine. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) As Ukraine has benefited crucially from the stream of armaments from the U.S. and Europe, Russia faces critical shortages of weapons. Munition factories are reportedly working triple shifts to meet demands, while the military's order of battle tanks outstripped production capacity tenfold. There is also a crunch in production of drones and artillery, analysts said, which is expended at high rates in the battlefield. "The Russian defense industry is really struggling," said Shashank Joshi, a visiting fellow in war studies at the Kings College London and defense editor for the Economist magazine. Consequently, Russia is turning to outside sources. Iran has supplied Moscow with drones, according to U.S. officials who also say China is considering sending "lethal aid" to Russia. U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken warned his Chinese counterpart in a recent meeting that such an action would be a serious mistake and would invite U.S. sanctions. As for manpower, Russia has plenty, thanks to mobilizations of conscripts who form a legion of poorly trained soldiers who often don't survive long in combat. More are available, although enormous numbers of fighting-age Russian men have fled the country to avoid deployment to a front line where brutal conditions sometimes evoke wars of centuries past. "It is a complete meat grinder for Russian forces," Victoria Nuland, U.S. deputy secretary of State for political affairs, told CNN on Thursday. One U.S. estimate reports that 200,000 Russians have been killed or wounded. Like Russia, Ukraine does not disclose its military casualty counts. Russia's offensive has been bolstered by a mercenary force known as the Wagner Group, lorded over by Russian oligarch and Putin ally Yevgeny Prigozhin, who has been blacklisted by the U.S. government along with dozens of other Kremlin officials, Russian businessmen and companies. The Wagner Group has a ruthless reputation and has taken its deadly tactics around the world, especially in Africa, where it has shored up dictatorships by snuffing out dissidents. A rare public spat between the Wagner Group and the Russian military broke out recently, with Prigozhin complaining that many of his men were killed in Ukraine because of "shell hunger" a failure of the Russian army to supply critical ammunition. He posted photos of dozens of dead mercenaries. The dispute was resolved by the weekend, when Prigozhin said ammunition supplies were finally flowing; however, it raised questions about whether the private fighting force effective in its brutal way would continue in the Ukraine battle. It also highlighted tensions at the top surrounding Putin and his senior commanders, which U.S. officials are eager to exploit. We are nowhere near the end of this war," Rajan Menon, a political scientist at City University of New York who specializes in Russia, said at a panel for the Defense Priorities group that analyzes warfare. "Both sides think that time is on their side, and they will prevail. So they're better off fighting than not fighting." Marking the war's first anniversary on Friday, Zelensky sought to rally his bloodied compatriots, declaring the country unbowed. "We will do everything to gain victory this year," he said. Nuclear threat Putin, in ways subtle and less so, has raised the specter of using nuclear weapons in the conflict, risking a broader and even deadlier conflagration. The threat was heightened by his speech last week, in which he announced he was "suspending" Russia's participation in the New START treaty, the last nuclear arms-control pact between Washington and Moscow, possessors of the world's two largest nuclear stockpiles. While most analysts don't think this means an imminent use of nuclear power, the hints are part of a leitmotif Putin has employed since the beginning of the war. When he floated the suggestion in spring as Ukraine mounted a formidable counteroffensive, U.S. officials made direct contact with Russian officials and enlisted more neutral countries like India to do the same, all to persuade Putin to stand down, Blinken said. The last thing Putin wants, Blinken said, is a wider war that brings in NATO, one he could not win. Most analysts think that although the risk is higher now than in recent times, it remains unlikely that Putin will unleash nuclear weapons unless he sees his troops being routed or that hes losing Crimea. The Russians are "still concerned about escalation, said Joshi, the London-based defense expert. If President Putin believes time is on his side as [assessments indicate] he does, despite all the setbacks, it again militates against major escalation, he added. Why would you escalate if time is on your side? Chances for a breakthrough this year Although each side will likely make significant gains this year assuming their supplies hold up it is not at all certain those gains will be decisive, as much as the two parties want them to be. If Ukraine cannot recapture more territory and prove itself against the much larger Russian army, pressure will mount on Kyiv to negotiate. That is what Putin wants. The Russians "think that they can just wait us out," said Emily Harding, a former CIA analyst now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank. "They think they can drive wedges into the West and that eventually well sort of lose patience with this kind of conflict and say, 'Well, wouldnt it be better if we went to peace negotiations,' and peace negotiations in [Putin's] mind means that he gets to keep what he has now." For Zelensky, that outcome is untenable. Diplomacy and Western unity Many around the world were surprised at the level of Western cohesiveness in support of Ukraine. Putin had hoped to divide and weaken NATO, but the transatlantic alliance is stronger than it has been in a long time. Two countries Sweden and Finland have abandoned decades of neutrality to petition to join NATO. President Biden meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky outside St. Michael's monastery in Kyiv, Ukraine, during a surprise visit last week. (Evan Vucci / Associated Press) We were not certain the center would come together and that it would hold, Blinken, the American secretary of State, said in a video chat with the Atlantic magazine. And it has. Can it last? A noteworthy number of countries, including much of the so-called Global South, has refused to take a side or join in U.S.-European sanctions on Russia. There are many reasons: Some countries rely on Russia for fuel, food or other imported supplies; some see the conflict as a white mans war in which they have no stake. This comes despite several lopsided votes in the United Nations General Assembly, the most recent on Thursday, calling for Russia to withdraw from Ukraine or expressing similar pro-Ukraine sentiment. The resolutions are nonbinding, and the votes include a contingent of abstentions representing on average about 20% of U.N. membership. Some countries feel as if they can support these resolutions but not act against Russia. They are not likely to budge. The pressing question is whether NATO unity will continue as governments deal with higher fuel prices and other fallout from the war. Even within NATO, it is the prosperous northern countries that have been the most active. They include nations that formerly belonged to the Soviet sphere of influence and feel threatened by an aggressive Russia. "I don't see any prospect for negotiation, and it looks increasingly like this will be a protracted conflict," Andrea Kendall-Taylor, a former intelligence official now at the Center for a New American Security, told The Times. "Putin remains convinced he can prevail. Even as his military struggles to make gains on the battlefield, he is confident that the West will eventually grow tired of supporting Ukraine and that political changes in U.S. and European capitals will be advantageous for Moscow. ... So it's a real impasse." Putin, she added, is following the playbook of many authoritarian leaders, with no incentive to stop the war. What does peace look like? The United States insists it wants to see a "just and durable" peace in Ukraine. But what that means remains unclear. Ukraine has put forward a 10-point peace plan that includes an end to hostilities, Russia's withdrawal from all Ukrainian territory and the creation of some type of war-crimes tribunal. A priest holds a prayer Monday in Kyiv, Ukraine, in honor of people killed during the nation's 2013 protests. (Pete Kiehart / For The Times) Those last two points are nonstarters for Russia. U.S. and European officials and analysts say Putin has shown no inclination to make peace. John Sullivan, until late last year the U.S. ambassador to Russia, says that anyone who "wondered whether there was an opportunity to negotiate with Russia" should just look at Putin's speech last week. "He is all in; he says this is his messianic mission," Sullivan said in remarks at the Wilson Center think tank in Washington. "In his mind ... this is total war against the West. There is no negotiation, there is no compromise, the only thing is victory." U.S. officials remain adamant they can't let that happen. If we just walk away from this," said John Kirby, spokesman for the National Security Council, "where does it stop? King reported from Kyiv, Wilkinson from Washington. This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. Saturday Night Live targeted former President Trumps visit to the town in Ohio where a train derailment has sparked environmental and public health concerns in its latest cold open, mocking Trumps off-the-cuff public speaking style. Im here and I brought hats, cameras and hats, the fake Trump, played by James Austin Johnson, said at a podium, clad in Trumps red Make America Great Again hat. Earlier today, a farmer came up to me, big fella, and he said, Sir, we have nothing to eat because our dirt is poison. And I said, Well what are you doing eating the dirt? Dont eat the dirt folks. Trump visited East Palestine, Ohio, last week and used the appearance to blast the Biden administration and Democrats for their response to the train derailment in the town. President Biden drew the ire of Republicans after making a surprise visit to Ukraine last week. Republicans criticized Biden for not making a trip to Ohio. I had to come here and see these wonderful people who have been abandoned by Biden, the fake Trump said in the SNL skit. Hes on spring break in Ukraine with his friend Zelensky. The sketch comedy show also took aim at Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has been in the crosshairs of Republican criticism for months. Who do we blame? We blame Buttigieg, the fake Trump said in the skit. This was his responsibility. Unfortunately, he was too busy being a nerd and being gay. The sketch also included an appearance by a fake Emily Kohrs, the foreperson on the grand jury in Georgia that was investigating Trumps attempts to overturn the 2020 election, whose cryptic interviews last week made headlines. Kohrs spent last week in interviews with national outlets, dancing around the questions of whether the grand jury recommended an indictment of Trump. Nope, you just want me to ruin the case, the fake Kohrs said when asked by the fake Trump if he was going to be indicted. But I guess I can say weve been saying your name a lot. Kohrs faced criticism for being so public about the grand jurys activities. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Saudi Arabia will supply Ukraine with an aid package worth $400,000,000, which includes $300,000,000 worth of oil products. Source: Andrii Yermak, head of the Presidents Office of Ukraine, on Telegram after meeting Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia Quote: "Ukraine will receive real aid from Saudi Arabia, which is considered the most powerful economy of the Middle East. Within the framework of the visit, two documents were signed in the Presidents Office, which formalised supplying Ukraine with a $400,000,000 aid package: $100,000,000 worth of humanitarian aid and $300,000,000 worth of oil products. The documents are called the Joint Program of Cooperation with the Humanitarian Aid and Help of King Salman Centre, and the Memorandum on Mutual Understanding with the Saudi Development Fund." Background: Earlier on Sunday the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia met with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Presidnet of Ukraine. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has held a meeting with Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia. Source: Zelenskyy on Telegram Quote: "This is the first official visit of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Ukraine since the establishment of diplomatic relations. I expect that it will provide a new impetus to further intensification of our mutually beneficial dialogue." Details: Zelenskyy thanked Saudi Arabia for supporting peace in Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity. As the President's press service later reported, the talks emphasised the importance of Saudi Arabia's support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, particularly within the UN. The parties paid special attention to the implementation of the Ukrainian peace formula. Zelenskyy invited Saudi Arabia to take part in the relevant diplomatic process, in particular to join the implementation of certain points of the formula. The President emphasised that despite the ongoing armed aggression, our country continues to contribute to global food security. The parties expressed hope that Saudi Arabia would join the Ukrainian initiative to supply grain to African countries suffering from hunger. The parties exchanged views on the Saudi side's participation in Ukraine's post-war reconstruction, as well as its involvement in promising projects in the investment, agricultural and energy sectors. Background: In September 2022, with the mediation of Saudi Arabia, Russia agreed to release ten foreign prisoners of war who fought in Ukraine. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud in the Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv, February 26, 2022 This is the first official visit of the foreign minister of the Middle Eastern country to Ukraine since the establishment of diplomatic relations. "I expect that it will provide a new impetus to further intensification of our mutually beneficial dialogue," Zelenskyy wrote on Telegram. "Thank you for supporting peace in Ukraine, our sovereignty, and territorial integrity! This is very important to us and our society." Zelenskyy and his guest held talks in an expanded format. In particular, they discussed the implementation of the Ukrainian peace formula, Riyadh's involvement in the Ukrainian initiative to supply grain to Africa, and the Saudi side's participation in the post-war rebuilding of Ukraine, the website of the Office of the President said. Zelenskyys chief-of-staff Andriy Yermak stated that two documents were signed during the visit, formalizing the $400 million aid package from Saudi Arabia: $100 million in humanitarian aid and $300 million in oil products. Yermak also noted that Saudi Arabia supported the UN resolution on sustainable peace in Ukraine during the vote a few days before. In September 2022, the most high-profile prisoner exchange in the entire period of Russia's war against Ukraine took place with the mediation of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Back then, 215 Ukrainians, including commanders and soldiers of the Azov Regiment who defended Mariupol, were exchanged for Putin's crony Viktor Medvedchuk and 55 Russian soldiers. In addition to the Ukrainian military, 10 foreigners who had fought on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were released. They were taken to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Crown Prince also told Zelenskyy that Riyadh was ready to mediate in the war. Were bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. Support us with a one-time donation, or become a Patron! Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine A stock photo of a 357 Caliber handgun on a table. Getty Images A Texas superintendent has resigned after his gun was found in a school bathroom by a student. The third grader who found the gun reportedly did not touch it, and no one was hurt in the incident. Parents were not informed of the January incident until a February 16 school board meeting. The superintendent of Texas' Rising Star Independent School District has resigned after a third grader found his gun in a school bathroom, the district board of trustees has announced. Superintendent Robby Stuteville's gun was found in January after he began carrying a handgun on campus in accordance with state law, per The Washington Post. Jones carried weapons on campus because of school shootings that have occurred across the country, said a colleague. However, parents were not informed of the incident in which no one was hurt until a February 16 school board meeting, with the Post saying many parents were dismayed they weren't alerted sooner. Announcing Stuteville's resignation on Thursday, the school board said: "The past is history which cannot be changed. We learn from the past and go forward. Today we are weathering the storms from past decisions. We are striving to make sure that our children are educated in a safe, loving, healthy, and secure environment." Speaking to local station KTAB, Monty Jones principal and now acting superintendent said that a third grader saw the gun and ran to their teacher to report the firearm. They say they did not touch the gun. The fire was left unattended for 15 minutes, said Jones. Jones told KTAB that "I can't say what was going through his mind, but I know him. I've known him for years, and this is a horrible mistake. And he feels gutted by it." The prevalence of guns in schools has been in the spotlight since the tragic Uvalde school shooting in Texas, where 21 people, including 19 children, were killed in May 2022. Since then, there have been 31 school shootings, according to data from Education Week. Read the original article on Insider Scott Adams Dilbert cartoons, which satirise corporate office culture in America, have been dropped by newspapers across the United States after the artist went on a racist rant. Adams said that Black people are a hate group and made comments that seemed to favour segregation on his YouTube show, Coffee with Scott Adams. But who is the cartoonist and has he had any past controversies? Heres what we know Scott Adams background and career Adams was born in New York in 1957. His Dilbert comic strip exploded in popularity during the Nineties and reached a worldwide audience. The cartoons are inspired by Adams jobs in various business roles before he became a full-time cartoonist in 1995. He worked at telephone company Pacific Bell between 1986 and 1995, and the people he met there informed many of his Dilbert characters. His cartoons were syndicated in 100 newspapers in 1991, but by 1994, this number had grown to 400. Adams cartoons were adapted into a Dilbert TV series, which launched in 1999 and ran for two seasons on UPN. Adams served as executive producer and showrunner, along with Seinfeld writer Larry Charles. The show earned an Emmy in 1999. Scott Adams speaking on his YouTube show (YouTube) In 2015, Adams started writing blog posts predicting that Donald Trump had a 98 per cent chance of winning the presidency based on his persuasion skills. His articles became so popular that he decided to develop them into a daily video series, Coffee with Scott Adams, where he talks about current affairs, politics, persuasion, and how to be successful. He is thought to be worth around $70m. Controversies Adams has said in recent years that being vocally supportive of Trump has damaged his career, reducing his income by about 40 per cent and his amount of friends by 75 per cent. In 2020, Adams claimed on Twitter that the Dilbert TV series was axed years ago because he was white and UPN had decided to shift toward African American viewers. That same year, he predicted that if Biden were to win the 2020 presidential election, then Republicans would be hunted. He said there was a good chance they would be dead within a year. Story continues He has also previously compared women asking for equal pay to children demanding candy and has claimed there were satanic coincidences in the Joe Biden presidential campaign. In September 2022, Dilbert was pulled from 77 newspapers after Adams started to incorporate anti-woke plotlines, including one about a Black character who identifies as white. His cartoons also mocked the ESG movement (also known as the environmental, social and governance movement). Adams holding a Dilbert cut-out (AP2006) Latest scandal Reacting to a poll that found that 26 per cent of Black Americans said they disagreed with the phrase Its OK to be white, Adams posted a video in which he said that Black people are a hate group. He announced that he would no longer be helpful to Black people, claiming he had done it all his life and the only outcome is getting called a racist. He advised his white fans to get the f*** away from them as fast as possible, and made many other racist comments. The Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post and USA Today-affiliated newspapers retracted the Dilbert comic strip after the remarks. Cleveland Plain Dealer editor Chris Quinn, in a letter to readers, described Adams online comments as mostly hateful and racist and said that it was not a difficult decision to drop the cartoon. Its a staggering string of statements, all but certain to result in the loss of his livelihood, the editor wrote. I hate to quote him at all, but I do so to dissuade responses that this is a cancel culture decision. No, this is a decision based on the principles of this news organization and the community we serve. We are not a home for those who espouse racism. We certainly do not want to provide them with financial support. Tech companies aim to end delivery driver confusion by creating new addresses that show drivers exactly where to go within massive apartment complexes and beyond. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid Confused delivery drivers add time, cost, and frustration to deliveries. A lot of this confusion comes from addresses and entrances not matching up exactly. Tech companies are looking to close the data gap between an address and a completed delivery. There are few greater frustrations than knowing your delivery is, or was, close and the carrier couldn't find your door. "A typical driver might spend 10 minutes driving around an unfamiliar apartment complex, trying to find the right building and then the exact unit number, wasting time, fuel, and patience," said Evan Robinson, vice president of engineering or last-mile delivery startup AxleHire in a statement announcing the company's partnership with what3words one of a handful of tech firms attempting to disrupt the address. The English tech company throws out traditional addresses and instead divides the world into a grid of 10-foot by 10-foot squares. Each square is identified by a combination of three seemingly random words. In a delivery scenario, the drive receives the code, which identifies the grid square containing the entrance as opposed to the traditional address. Recipients can also use the tech to identify a precise location for packages to be dropped (within 10 feet) like the back door instead of the front. In many cases, recipients enter their street address when they make the initial purchase and then see a question pop up asking them to specify a grid square. Then what3words generates the code for Axelhire to use when it's delivery time. "This is a new way of thinking about addresses and collecting information," Robinson told Insider. Axlehire became the first US last-mile delivery company to work with what3words in December, but the company had previously worked with global delivery companies, automakers, and emergency call centers in the UK, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Singapore, Canada, India, and South Africa. Pooling local knowledge is another company that's looking to cut down on wasted time and emissions with more precise address data but this time built with shoe leather. The team has been building a massive database of practical address data for five years by paying gig economy drivers already delivering food, to record the exact steps needed to actually reach not just an address, but a doorstep. Story continues And it's not just finding the door. Beans collects data on other crucial details like doormen's hours and procedures for large packages sometimes from drivers on the ground, sometimes by contacting builders and property management companies. Cofounder Nitin Gupta came up with the idea when paramedics took 15 minutes to find his apartment after they'd arrived at the address following an emergency call for his mother, he told Insider last year. His mother survived, but it was close. In addition to paying gig drivers to record info, collected decades of info that emergency responders still keep in binders full of notes on paper. The result is an app and data service growing in popularity with delivery businesses of all kinds including Instacart, Uber Eats, and the small businesses that deliver for FedEx Ground. Gupta said the average use saves three-and-a-half minutes per delivery. That may not sound like a lot of value for consumers, but it's essentially $1 of labor per delivery saved for logistics companies, and it could mean a lot to the last few deliveries on a route, which are easily bumped to the next day when time is wasted wandering around vast apartment complexes. Cofounder Akash Agarwal told Insider it also tends to drive 7-10% higher tips for drivers. After tackling delivery to multi-tenant residential buildings, the company has moved on to even more confusing properties like hotels, hospitals, universities, and mobile home parks. Read the original article on Business Insider The U.S. is not currently considering sending F-16 warplanes to Ukraine, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Sunday, doubling down on comments President Joe Biden made Friday. "You don't think [Zelenskyy] needs F-16s now?" ABCs David Muir asked Biden in an interview at the White House on Friday. "No, he doesn't need F-16s now," Biden responded. Sullivan elaborated on the presidents comments Sunday, saying the United States is taking a very hard look at what it is that Ukraine needs for the immediate phase of the war that we're in. Right now, those needs include tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, artillery, tactical air defense systems Sullivan said but not the advanced warplanes Ukraine has requested. F-16s are a question for a later time, Sullivan said during an interview on CNNs "State of the Union." And that's why President Biden said that, for now, he's not moving forward with those. When pressed by CNNs Dana Bash about whether that means the U.S. ruling out sending F-16s later on, Sullivan reiterated Bidens Friday comments. What President Biden said is what goes across the administration. And he was very clear. He said: 'I'm ruling them out for now.' Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) argued Sunday that the Biden administration shouldn't wait, since Ukraine has "a window of time" to launch a successful counteroffensive that could soon close. "When we slow-walk and slow-pace this thing, it drags it out," he said on ABC's "This Week." Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, February 26) The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) admitted it was not able to publicize previous incidents in the West Philippine Sea, but has recently started exposing Chinas aggressive actions in the disputed waters. In a forum on Saturday, Commodore Jay Tarriela, PCG Adviser of the Commandant for Maritime Security, said they hope the move would elicit a response from the East Asian giant regarding its intimidating behavior. When asked when China became more aggressive according to the PCGs tracking system, Tarriela responded: As far as the incidents in the past weeks, we are able to publicize, but for the previous incidents that happened, I am not authorized to disclose. This year, the PCG reported that a Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) vessel aimed a military-grade laser at its ship BRP Malapascua while another drove away a Filipino fishing boat. It also recorded the continued swarming of Chinese vessels in Philippine waters. Tarriela, who is also PCG spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea, said the agency has released photos and videos to prove such claims. In early February, PCG spokesperson Commodore Armand Balilo confirmed a report that a CCG vessel had monitored and tailed a Philippine Navy warship near Mischief Reef a low-tide elevation located in the Spratly Islands. But the PCG retracted its statement two days later, saying the incident was unverified. In an interview on CNN Philippines The Source on Feb. 15, former National Security Adviser Clarita Carlos said she had advised the PCG to make public the CCG's aggressive actions. Tarriela, in a separate interview on CNN Philippines Politics As Usual on the same day, also said the only way the country can respond to Chinas bullying behavior is to continuously expose it. We should not allow ourselves to be silent and just be reliant on diplomatic protests, he said. We need to lead the narrative that the Chinese are doing this, and this is wrong and this against the international law and they are violating our sovereign rights in our own exclusive economic zone. Publicize over diplomatic protests? During the forum, Tarriela chose to stay mum when pressed to compare the actions of the PCG during the time of former President Rodrigo Duterte and that of the current administration. But he responded to questions related to Marcos visit to China last Jan. 3 to 5, where Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. agreed to solve differences over the maritime dispute through peaceful means. I think the best way to put it is the difference ng mga nakaraang taong circumstances na nangyayari sa West Philippine Sea, at sa mga nakaraang linggo right after the visit of President Bongbong Marcos in China, is that all of the incidents that are happening right now is we are making it publicly available, he said, adding that this resulted in increased awareness among Filipinos, the media, and the international community. [Translation: I think the best way to put it is that the difference between the circumstances happening in the West Philippine Sea in the previous years, and those from the past weeks right after President Bongbong Marcos visit to China, is that all of the incidents that are happening right now is we are making them publicly available.] So, it is not correlated to say na after the visit ba, saka lang tumaas at naging aggressive ang China or after the visit ba, saka lang tayo nagpa-publicize ng ginagawa ng China? So, with that response sir, I cannot say that this response these incidents ay tumataas or dati na talagang nangyayari, Tarriela clarified. [Translation: So, it is not correlated to say that after the visit, China became more aggressive, or it was only after the visit that we began to publicize Chinas actions? So, with that response sir, I cannot say that these incidents increased or have always happened before.] He claimed that the Chinese embassy only explain and justify its actions in the disputed waters whenever we publicize their bullying behavior, and not when the country files a diplomatic protest. I think we are in the right direction right now with all those occurrences of bullying behavior, harassment of Filipino fishermen that the Philippine Coast Guard can document, once we publicize it, we are expecting that the Chinese will react, he added. According to Department of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Maria Teresita Daza, the government has filed a diplomatic protest against China over the laser-pointing incident the ninth such protest lodged against Beijing this year alone. In 2022, she said Manila filed a total of 195 diplomatic protests, 76 of which were issued during the Marcos administration. Marcos also summoned Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian to express serious concern over the "increasing frequency and intensity of Chinese actions against the countrys coast guard and fishermen in the West Philippine Sea. China rejects the 2016 ruling from an international tribunal in The Hague, which invalidated Beijings claims over virtually the entire South China Sea and recognized Manilas sovereign rights in areas within its 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone. Wedding day blues: Brooklyn Beckham and Nicola Peltz, whose nuptials were beset with drama (iStock/Getty) The roses werent white enough. The guest list looked like a murder scene. Meghan and Harry hadnt been invited quickly enough. These are the complaints typed by actor and billionaires daughter Nicola Peltz when organising her wedding to fellow nepo baby Brooklyn Beckham. It took place at the 76m Peltz family home in Palm Beach, Florida, last April, with the pair married in front of an audience of VIP guests: Mel B, Serena Williams and Gordon Ramsay, to name a few. Snoop Dogg performed a DJ set. Bill Clintons personal chef Thierry Isambert catered. The whole thing reportedly cost $3.5m (2.85m). Its not all flowers and confetti, though. Peltz hired and fired two different sets of wedding planners in the process. To add to the chaos, it came to light this week that Peltzs father Nelson is suing the former wedding planners, Nicole Braghin and Arianna Grijalba, for allegedly refusing to return a $159,000 deposit at the beginning of the month. Their company, Plan Design Events, attempted to salvage the wedding six weeks prior to the nuptials after the initial planners left the project. They have now counter-sued Peltz and the rest of his family for $49,000 for breach of contract and interference, through a 188-page lawsuit. Braghin and Grijalba claim that Nelson Peltz wanted to cancel the entire wedding because it was a s*** show, but Claudia (Nicolas mother) had allegedly begged Nelson not to cancel the wedding because it would destroy Nicolas career. Its clear that the rich and famous will gladly blow the cost of a small island on their nuptials, but for such an apparently happy day, why does it sound so traumatic for everyone involved? Marcy Blum has been in the event industry for 37 years, and is regularly named the top event planner in the world. I pepper her with gossipy questions about the weddings shes planned. Who shouts at who? Whos been jilted at the altar? Whats been the wildest demand made by a couple? But she wont tell me, and shes reluctant to say much at all. I dont blame her Blums clients have included LeBron James, Billy Joel, Salman Rushdie and Kevin Bacon. On a clients wedding day, Blum watches every dish leave the kitchen. Shes there watching the drinks being served. She sends the couple down the aisle. She tells me that the most expensive wedding shes organised was priced within the several million dollar range. Story continues The couple isnt happy until the guests are happy, she says. You dont want to disappoint them. Theres clearly a lot of reputation and money at stake. She assures me that celebrity and high-profile clients are usually a delight to work with, adding that the Peltz-Beckham saga is an anomaly. Leading event planner David Tutera, though, says otherwise. He has written eight books inspired by his career. Billionaire B****s is the title of a chapter in his new book, Journey to Joy: A Boy Unveiled, which recounts scenarios with some of his most testing clients. Its the world of celebrities and prestigious people, he says. They have no parameters. They have no filter. He spills stories about fake rabbis, dramatic entrances and groom meltdowns. It all sounds romcom-worthy. Think of that peer pressure! Instagram, Pinterest no wonder brides lose it One bride told Tutera she wanted to arrive at her wedding suspended in a trapeze. She had picked a venue in New York City with 70-foot ceilings. As opposed to using her feet, she wanted to enter the room lowered down on a trapeze, he tells me. She thought she was Pink. No joke. Tutera says that her dress was so huge that it wouldnt have been physically safe. Instead of denying her this theatrical moment, Tutera told her to sign up for trapeze lessons. I said you go and learn, and when it comes to your wedding day, and you want to get lowered down from 70 feet above, we will make that happen, he recalls, politely yet firmly. I knew that when shed show up at her wedding, there was no way she would go up that high. In another outrageous demand, Tutera was asked to literally fake a ceremony. After it transpired that the groom was in fact still married to his ex, the father of the bride requested Tutera find an actor who could play the role of the rabbi. He said to me No, were not cancelling this wedding, I paid for it. So it was a fake ceremony, Tutera tells me. After the party is over, they went their separate ways and split up, he laughs. At this point, I realise that a huge part of Tuteras job is convincing excessively wealthy people not to embarrass themselves in front of everyone they know. We get ridiculous demands, he says. And often I have to have a conversation with the client and say, first of all, this is unsafe, or this is not [going to be] a reality. Hes typically asked to be more than just a wedding planner, too. I become a mediator, a referee, a magician, a best friend. And the last thing I am is the planner and the designer. Who are you refereeing, I ask? All of them, the bride, the groom, the mother, the bridesmaids, he says. You always have to feel like youre ready to battle. Mark Niemirko, a British wedding planner who designed James Corden and Julia Careys wedding, thinks that his clientele have been more sane than the Bridezillas and obsessive mothers of the brides we hear about in popular culture. But that doesnt mean his clients wont go to extreme lengths to have a standout wedding. Hes hired dogs to give an English venue more of a country vibe. One bride even asked to arrive at the ceremony in a helicopter even though she was already at the venue. Another time a British Pullman train was hired to transport the guests to the hotel. Wedding planner Mark Niemirko says hes used to dealing with more sane couples, such as former clients James Corden and Julia Carey (Getty Images) He says that Disney has a lot to answer for when it comes to unachievable fantasy weddings. Niemirko has previously called Beckham and Peltz privileged egomaniacs for their wedding demands, but he does sympathise with the desire to have perfect nuptials. You can say what you want about Nicola, but I can understand where that stress comes from, he says. When youre three and youre watching Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and you dream of your wedding day And think [of] that peer pressure! Instagram, Pinterest no wonder brides lose it. Granted: Peltz doesnt come across well in the counter lawsuit. A slew of passive-aggressive, Wagatha Christie-style WhatsApp messages populate the lawsuit documents, such as Peltz objecting to the floral arrangements not being white enough, or when she demands IN CAPITALS to see the invite list. To top it off, Grijalba and Braghin have accused Nelson of acting like a billionaire bully after they asked why theyd been fired. But if anything it is proof that some high-profile weddings arent particularly about love but rather business: how youre seen, who youre seen with, and how much money itll take to get what you want and fast. Everything else is irrelevant. On Sunday, as a result of the shelling of Sumy Oblast, one civilian was injured, homes, a health centre, and a shop were damaged. Source: Sumy Oblast Military Administration Quote: "During the day, the Russians fired at four territorial hromadas [administrative units designating towns, or several villages and their adjacent territories] of the Oblast: Bilopillia, Hlukhiv, Nova Sloboda, Khotin. 76 strikes from mortars and artillery were recorded. As a result of a mortar attack on the village of Horky in Nova Sloboda hromada, five residential buildings, a health centre and power lines were damaged. Artillery shelling of the village of Budivelne in Hlukhiv hromada damaged six houses and destroyed a private store. One civilian was injured." Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Ivy Coco Maurice and Sheryl Lee Ralph at the 54th NAACP Image Awards at Pasadena Civic Auditorium on Feb. 25 in Pasadena, California. Ivy Coco Maurice and Sheryl Lee Ralph at the 54th NAACP Image Awards at Pasadena Civic Auditorium on Feb. 25 in Pasadena, California. Sheryl Lee Ralph stepped into her matchmaking role at the 2023 NAACP Image Awards like any mother would. The actor joined her Abbott Elementary co-star Janelle James onstage to present the award for Outstanding Actor in a Drama series at the live show on Saturday night. Ralph took the opportunity to put in a good word for her daughter, Ivy Coco Maurice, who she said was still single. The Emmy winner is also mother to a son, Etienne Maurice. My daughter is still single for those rich, young, Black men out there, she said. Sheryl Lee Ralph and Janelle James onstage at the 54th NAACP Image Awards on Feb. 25 in Pasadena, California. Sheryl Lee Ralph and Janelle James onstage at the 54th NAACP Image Awards on Feb. 25 in Pasadena, California. Clearly Ralph and her daughter have each others backs. Ivy Coco Maurice, an entrepreneur, has been styling her mothers red carpet looks. Shes always come to me for style advice. she told HuffPost earlier this month. Abbott Elementary won the award for Outstanding Comedy Series at the 54th NAACP Image Awards on Saturday. Related... Will Smith won the NAACP Image Award for outstanding actor in a motion picture for his performance in Emancipation on Saturday night, marking his first award win since his infamous incident at the 2022 Oscars in which he slapped Chris Rock onstage. Smith was not present at the ceremony to accept his award in person. More from Variety Set in 19th century Louisiana, Smith portrays a runaway slave who embarks on a treacherous journey to Baton Rouge while thwarting off violent plantation owners. Emancipation was inspired by an 1863 photograph known as Whipped Peter, which depicts a once-enslaved individual with severe lacerations on his back. The images circulation placed the brutality of slavery in front of the eyes of the American public. After initially delaying Emancipation following Smiths incident at the Oscars, Apple TV+ pivoted to positioning the historical drama as an awards season contender, releasing the film in October. Smith, who doubled as a producer on the film, is set to accept a Beacon Award from the African-American Film Critics Association alongside director Antoine Fuqua on March 1 for their work on the film. The film also scored nominations in two categories at the Black Reel Awards. Smiths win comes almost a year after the contentious 2022 Oscars, where the actor slapped Rock after an ill-received joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. Moments later, Smith went on to win the Oscar for best actor for his performance in King Richard. As a result of the altercation, Smith was banned from all Academy-sponsored events for the next decade. Daniel Kaluuya (Nope), Jonathan Majors (Devotion), Joshua Boone (A Jazzmans Blues) and Sterling K. Brown (Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul) were also contending in the actor in a motion picture category at the NAACP Image Awards. Story continues A four-day virtual awards presentation led up to the Feb. 25 NAACP Image Awards, held in-person for the first time since February 2020. Live from the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, Queen Latifah hosted the 54th annual awards show, which crowned winners in this years motion picture and television categories. See the full list of winners. Best of Variety Sign up for Varietys Newsletter. For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Click here to read the full article. South Dakota hit a record low unemployment rate for 2022. The year-average was 2.3%, according to data from the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation (DLR). But while this set a new record in our states history, at least since the department has been keeping track as far back as 1990, South Dakota traditionally has low unemployment rates, especially compared to other states. Gov. Kristi Noem touted the states economic strength in a press release last week. South Dakotas jobs market is thriving, she said. We are setting an example of the power of the American work ethic. The careers of the future are available right here. Thanks to our incredible economic strength, fewer South Dakotans than ever are having to rely on unemployment benefits to keep food on the table for their families. More:'Being short staffed is the new pandemic': Sioux Falls businesses struggling to fill open positions South Dakota staying ahead of the unemployment curve The national average for 2022 was a 3.6% rate, according to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). South Dakota traditionally has a lower unemployment rate than the rest of the country, said Mike Allgrunn, an economics professor at the University of South Dakota. This is low, even for South Dakota. But its not all that surprising. In December 2022, specifically, the national unemployment rate was 3.5%, compared to South Dakotas unemployment rate of 2.3%, according to the DLR. Gov. Kristi Noem signs a bill about employee contribution rates into law in the Capitol Building on Feb. 1. It's the first law signed into the books during the 2023 Legislative Session. Sioux Falls had a rate of 1.9% in December, and the lowest single month for the state was September 2022, when the rate was 1.8%. Obviously, with COVID, we saw record high unemployment rates. We're coming off of that high and coming down to a new low as our economy is booming right now, Allgrunn said. There's lots of pent-up demand that's still working its way through our labor force, and participation is relatively high. But its really sort of a two-edged sword. Labor market participation on a steady decline Allgrunn said while low unemployment is great for people and efficient for our economy, it leaves us with a tight labor market in the sense that employers are struggling to find workers. Story continues In some sense, theres some economic growth potential we're leaving on the table," he said. "There's productive capacity that we can still use, but we just can't find the workers to do it." More:Gov. Kristi Noem signs first bill of 2023 into law, creating unemployment insurance tax cut South Dakota and the country as a whole hit a peak in 2000 for how many eligible workers were participating in the labor market, Allgrunn said. In South Dakota, the labor force participation rate stayed around 73% in 2000, meaning seven out of 10 people ages 16 or older were employed or actively seeking work, according to the DOL. The average unemployment rate at the time was also 2.5%, which was the previous record low, according to the DLR. A chart from the South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation shows the monthly unemployment rate in South Dakota from January 1990 to December 2022. The number of people in the labor market has been on steady decline since then, but generally speaking, this was expected, Allgrunn said. Part of the reason is because there have been many baby boomers leaving the workforce as they get older, and theres been a trend of young people not entering the workforce as early, often because of education or simply staying with their parents for longer. South Dakota's labor force participation rate hit its all-time low in 2020 and is now at about 68.6%, according to the DOL, but Allgrunn thinks it could start to increase again. It probably wont reach the levels we saw in 2000, but it is possible to see that go up, he said. And a recession might have something to do with it. More:Sioux Falls approves $3.3M in pay increases, inflationary adjustments for some city employees South Dakota's current labor market could fare better in a recession Some economists speculate the United States could be headed for one, although the data can tell conflicting stories. Labor force participations rates could increase as some people will want to join the labor force during the recession to help their household out, Allgrunn said. But at the same time, unemployment rates could also go up. Showplace Cabinetry employees build cabinets on Friday, August 26, 2022, at their factory in Harrisburg. Generally speaking, unemployment increases during recessions, he said. But it depends on how big the recession is and how long it goes on. And the timing of when a recession hits and when unemployment rates increase also dont line up exactly. Allgrunn said unemployment rates are most likely to increase at the tail end of a recession if some of the people who are trying to enter the labor force havent found a job yet. But in South Dakota at least, I dont expect unemployment rates to go a whole lot higher in the event there is a recession just because there are so many job openings available, Allgrunn said. Of course, its not always as simple as giving the unemployed people those jobs. But I think even if we do see some slowdown in economic activity, theres still room for a lot of people to find jobs and I wouldnt expect large increases in unemployment throughout the rest of the year. This article originally appeared on Sioux Falls Argus Leader: South Dakota saw record unemployment in 2022. Here's what that means. South Malaysia Industries Berhad (KLSE:SMI) Full Year 2022 Results Key Financial Results Revenue: RM48.7m (down 2.2% from FY 2021). Net loss: RM5.03m (loss widened by 193% from FY 2021). RM0.024 loss per share (further deteriorated from RM0.008 loss in FY 2021). All figures shown in the chart above are for the trailing 12 month (TTM) period South Malaysia Industries Berhad shares are down 33% from a week ago. Risk Analysis You should learn about the 3 warning signs we've spotted with South Malaysia Industries Berhad (including 2 which are potentially serious). Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here South Park has made headlines for its controversial depiction of Harry and Meghan. In a recent episode of the adult animated series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the royal couple are lampooned with a series of jokes referencing events from the last few years. Viewers have branded the episode brutal, and it was reported on Tuesday (21 February), that Markle herself was left upset by its content. A representative for the couple denied reports that they were considering a lawsuit, calling the speculation nonsense. Still, the episode, in true South Park form, doesnt hold back. Here are the references you might have missed. The social media candle furore The writers drew from Queen Elizabeths IIs funeral for one small joke featured early in the episode. The characters based on Harry and Meghan attend the funeral of the Canadian Queen, and as they arrive, they walk past a candle identical to the one that became the source of social media discussions back in September. Following the televised broadcast of the Queens funeral, unverified claims suggested that the royal family intentionally sat Markle behind a candle; many viewers said all they could see of Markle during the broadcast was her black hat. If anything, the candles appearance in South Park was designed to send up the social media furore as opposed to Markle. South Park referenced the candle furore following Queens funeral (Paramount Plus) Harrys memoir Perhaps an obvious one the book Harry is promoting in the episode is titled WAAAGH, which is a nod to his memoir Spare, which was published in January. In the book, which The Independent said sets fire to the royal family, Harry spoke of his hatred of the press, his strained relationship with his brother William and grappling with loneliness, trauma and PTSD. At one stage in the episode, South Park characte Kyle tells his friends: They have this huge jet parked in front of my house and they keep on wanting me to buy their book. Michelle Obama In the episode, the characters based on Harry and Meghan meet with a brand manager, who labels Meghan as a sorority girl, actress, influencer and victim. Meanwhile, Harry is described as royal prince, millionaire, world traveller victim. Story continues Meghans profile is also shown, and eagle-eyed viewers have noticed the phrases Lawyer Pretending and First Lady Botherer among her list of hobbies., The former is a nod to Meghans role in legal drama Suits, while the latter references quotes made by royal expert Tom Bower in Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors. South Park hints at claims surrounding Meghans relationship with Michelle Obama (Paramount Plus) Bower claims that Obama was alarmed following a series of meetings with Markle, who was allegedly unsure how to find her place within the royal family. He claimed that Obama told Markle: Take some time and dont be in a hurry to do anything. TV interviews South Park poked fun at Harry and Meghans TV appearances (Paramount Plus) Harry and Meghans several TV appearances, including a sitdown with Oprah Winfrey and appearance on ITV News, were sent up in the episode. The characters based on the pair appear on Good Morning Canada to insist they want privacy however, its pointed out by the host that Meghan is holding a sign reading: Do not look at us. Harrys sign states: We do not want privacy. When the host asks the prince if he hates journalists, he replies: Thats right. We just want to be normal people all this attention is so hard. They end up walking off the show. Their move to California In the episode, the royal couple give up their duties to move to South Park, with the character based on Meghan exclaiming: If we moved here, people would think were really serious about wanting to be normal. This is a direct reference to the couples move to California after announcing they would step down as senior royals in 2020. Their move to South Park angers the lead characters, with Kyle telling accusing the princes wife of bossing him around, adding: Im sick of hearing about them! I cant get away from them! They are in my f***ing face! Characters based on Harry and Meghan move to South Park (Paramount Plus) Harrys frost-bitten penis After moving to South Park, the Harry and Meghan characters are furious after realising photos of their new home have been leaked to the media. When Kyle clashes with the couple, his new neighbours, the Meghan character accused him of victiminsing her, with Harry stepping in to defend his wife, by saying: This is an outrage we will just see how he deals with my blue penis. This is a reference to Harrys revelation in his memoir that he was suffering from a frostbitten penis at his brother Williams wedding to Kate Middleton, following a 200-mile expedition to the North Pole in March 2011. Meghans GQ magazine cover In a tiny moment featured in the episode, several magazine covers appear on the screen, many of which sends up Meghans interviews with Vogue and The Cut. However, its her GQ one, published in 2018, that is raising eyebrows. Written on the actual cover of the magazine was Meghans annus mirabilis, which, translated from Latin, means Meghans wonderful year. The Latin phrasing itself was a nod to a speech given by the Queen in 1992, referred to as her annus horribilis. The speech, which featured in the most recent season of The Crown, came after a particulary bad year for the monarchy. Parker and Stone eyed an opportunity, and instead of annus mirabilis, used the phrase Princess Anus on the fictional version of the magazine cover. South Park is available to stream in the UK on Paramount Plus. COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) Police in Sri Lanka on Sunday fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters angry over a decision to postpone local elections after the government said it cannot finance them because of the country's crippling economic crisis. About 15 people were treated for minor injuries, according to Colombo National Hospital. Thousands of supporters of the opposition National People's Power party tried to march toward the main business district in capital Colombo, ignoring police warnings after a court order barred them from entering the area, which includes the president's residence, office and several key government buildings. The order had been obtained in the backdrop of last July's massive protests, when thousands of people stormed the presidential office and residence and occupied them for days. The crisis forced then-President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee the country and resign. The turmoil was caused by severe shortages of some foods, fuel, cooking gas and medicine, after Sri Lanka went bankrupt because it could not repay its foreign debt. The new president, Ranil Wickremesinghe, negotiated a rescue package with the International Monetary Fund for $2.9 billion over four years, but it can be finalized only if Sri Lankas creditors give assurances on debt restructuring. Sri Lankas total foreign debt exceeds $ 51 billion, of which it must repay $28 billion by 2027. India and several other creditor countries have so far given assurances that meet the IMF standards, but the deal hinges on whether China would agree to debt restructuring at the same level. The Finance Ministry under Wickremesinghe said it can't allocate sufficient funds for the March 9 elections for town and village councils, even though political parties had submitted nominations. The decision forced the Election Commission to indefinitely postpone the elections. Despite signs of progress in reducing shortages and ending daily power cuts after nearly a year, Wickremesinghe is immensely unpopular. Many people say he lacks the mandate because he was elected by lawmakers backed by Rajapaksa supporters. They accuse Wickremesinghe of protecting members of the Rajapaksa family from corruption allegations in return for backing him in Parliament. The National Peoples Power party, which organized Sunday's rally, has only three lawmakers in Sri Lanka's 225-member Parliament but it enjoys a wave of public support after the economic crisis eroded the popularity of traditional political parties that have ruled Sri Lanka since independence. The US has stated that they will never recognize Russia's illegal annexation of Ukraines Crimea. Source: US State Department statement Quote: "Nine years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine and seized Crimea a clear violation of international law and of Ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity. The United States welcomes the efforts of Ukraine's Crimean Platform to focus global attention on Russias continued occupation. The United States does not and will never recognize Russias annexation of the peninsula. Crimea is Ukraine." Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! A State Police cruiser has been involved in a multi-car crash on Storrow Drive. According to State Police, just before midnight, a Trooper was assisting a motorist who crashed a Subaru on Storrow Dr. in Boston. The cruiser was positioned behind a Subaru. A Toyota which was traveling on Storrow Dr. struck the rear of the cruiser and pushed it forward into the Subaru. The driver of the Toyota sustained non-life-threatening injuries and was transported to MGH. There are no other injuries to report. All vehicles were towed, and the investigation into the crashes is ongoing. This is a developing story. Check back for updates as more information becomes available. Download the FREE Boston 25 News app for breaking news alerts. Follow Boston 25 News on Facebook and Twitter. | Watch Boston 25 News NOW (CNN) Police in Hong Kong said Saturday they have arrested the ex-husband of model and influencer Abby Choi, following the discovery of parts of her dismembered body at a rental unit in the north of the city. Choi, 28, was reported missing on Wednesday, and pieces of her body were found on Friday along with a meat slicer, an electric saw, and some clothing at the unit in the Tai Po district on Friday afternoon, according to police. Police superintendent Alan Chung said at a press conference on Saturday that the model's ex-husband had been arrested while trying to flee at a pier in Tung Chung, on one of the city's outlying islands, Lantau, and taken into custody. Superintendent Chung said police believed he had intended to abscond via water transport at the time of arrest. The ex-husband, along with his brother and his parents -- who were arrested on Friday -- are being held for questioning while police continue the search for Choi's remaining body parts, Chung said. Choi was reported missing on Wednesday, having not been seen since the day before. Police said the investigation, including into the cause of death, was continuing. More than 100 police personnel were sent to search the Tseung Kwan O Chinese Permanent Cemetery on Saturday, including a diving team who were deployed to the nearby catchwater. As a model, Choi had enjoyed international exposure and was photographed at the Elie Saab Spring Summer 2023 Haute Couture show in Paris, France, as recently as last month. She also recently appeared as the digital cover model for the luxury magazine L'Officiel Monaco and attended this year's Paris Fashion Week. Choi, who was also known as a social media influencer, has nearly 100,000 followers on her Instagram account, which features photographs of her posing with various luxury brands in locations from London to Paris and Shanghai and aboard yachts in Hong Kong. In her bio she writes that she's "embracing every moment in life." This story was first published on, "Ex-husband of dismembered model Abby Choi arrested at pier in Hong Kong trying to 'abscond,' police say." One of the streets in Kyiv may be named after Denys Monastyrskyi, the deceased former Interior Minister of Ukraine; members of parliament have collected 150 signatures to do so. Source: Halyna Yanchenko, a Member of Parliament from the Servant of the People faction, on Facebook Quote from Yanchenko: "Together with my colleagues, we have collected signatures to rename one of the streets near the Ministry of Internal Affairs after Denys Monastyrskyi. This appeal to the Kyiv city government has been signed by 150 MPs so far. Next week, I plan to meet with the Kyiv authorities on this issue." Background: On the morning of 18 January 2023, a helicopter of the State Emergency Service crashed in Brovary, Kyiv Oblast. A helicopter crash killed the top leadership of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs: Denys Monastyrskyi, Minister of Internal Affairs; Yevhen Yenin , First Deputy Interior Minister; and Yurii Lubkovych , State Secretary of the Interior Ministry, are among those killed. A total of 14 fatalities, including a child , were reported. This helicopter was handed over to Ukraine by France in August 2020. The Security Service of Ukraine is considering several main avenues of investigation: violation of flight safety rules, technical malfunction and intentional actions. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Stuart Broad wrapped up the New Zealand tail (PA) (PA Wire) England enforced the follow-on after three wickets from Stuart Broad on the third morning in Wellington, before a stubborn start from New Zealands openers slowed their charge. The Black Caps were dismissed for 209 at Basin Reserve to leave England 226 ahead and allow Ben Stokes to send the opposition straight back in. He eagerly accepted Englands first follow-on since August 2020, but Tom Latham and Devon Conway showed enough resolve to reach the lunch break on 40 without loss after 19 overs. Shot! The best of Tom Latham's three boundaries to start the second innings in Wellington. Follow play LIVE with @sparknzsport & @todayFM_nz #NZvENG BLACKCAPS (@BLACKCAPS) February 25, 2023 Broad had earlier taken out a counter-attacking Tim Southee, Tom Blundell and Matt Henry to pick up figures of four for 61 and give Stokes the option to bowl again. Home captain Southee started the day swinging hard and often at the England attack, blazing away to add 50 in 31 balls. That included a run of three sixes in one over from Jack Leach, with another one to follow when he hooked Ollie Robinson into the crowd. He was four short of his career-best 77, made on debut against England in 2008, when the introduction of Broad ended his fun. One ball after being dropped by Leach at fine-leg he heaved again and skied straight to Zak Crawley at midwicket. With the door ajar Broad swooped on his chance to bank some tidy figures, ending a defiant 79-ball stay from Blundell on 38 when he middled a cross-bat shot straight to mid-on. Matt Henry was then thoroughly beaten by a short ball that he fenced to backward point, ending the innings after 53.2 overs. Stokes decided his attack had enough in the tank to back-up and go again, with James Anderson unused thus far and ready to lead with the new ball. But Englands hunt for early breakthroughs went cold for the first time in the series as Latham and Conway held the line. Latham hit three boundaries on his way to 27no, with Conway playing defensively for 13no. There was little for England to shout about, Conway nudging Robinson just past leg gully and Leach wide of Stokes at leg-slip. Neither qualified as a chance, but that was as good as it got before the end of the session. Hannah Betts - Chris Watt No less an authority than George Clooney once observed that the way ageing works isnt gradual. Instead, every 10 years, you age 10 years, pretty much overnight and rarely on the decades conk. He was referring to the visuals. However, Ive discovered that this theorem applies no less to mood, vibes, ones very self. For, a month off 52, it has happened: I am old. Up to 51 and a half, I had always been young; resplendently immature. A prolonged stay in academia meant I was late to gainful employment, thus impoverished, achieving my first mortgage only at the age of 47. Blissfully single until the age of 43, choosing not to have offspring, editors would inform me that regardless of my actual age I read young. To this day, I remain offended when people compliment me by saying that I look 40. Surely, they mean 32? I dont drink, I live for avocado on toast, I am woker than thou, open about mental health, have always resisted gender stereotypes. I dont worry about the much-touted vibe shift I am the vibe shift. And, yet, a recent radio appearance forced me into the realisation that a Rubicon has been crossed, age now officially upon me. The subject was office romances. Innocuous enough, you might have thought, but, no. I wheeled out my line: Two out of five of us confess to having had them meaning three out of five are lying. A little, light flirtation is essential for sugaring the office pill. After all, why else do we go to work?To work! spluttered one of the twentysomething presenters, horrified at the very thought of regarding ones colleagues in such a light. Come on, I wheedled, what about you two? Any chemistry? Coffee together after the show? Answer came there not. I explained that I was talking about a consensual mutual frisson, not some #MeToo situation, to no avail. What about when the relationships over? cried the male host. What then? Well, you behave like the adults you are, I answered. But it was too late: I was bundled off air before the entire network got cancelled. I didnt mean to sound like a pervert, I mumbled to the producer. Oh, you didnt, just a sex-positive gen X, she breezed. And there it was: ancient, decrepit, a one-way ticket to codgerdom. You psycho, confirmed a 23-year-old pal. Only maniacs dont meet virtually. I recalled having written one of the first pieces about internet dating back in the early noughties, and how no one would confess to having done it so consuming was the shame. Man, said my friend, the olden days were weird. The same 23-year-old identifies as pansexual, which makes me feel awed yet tired, and also vaguely as if fauns might be involved. At the same time, such is the rise of ethical non-monogamy (ENM) among the nipperish that it has led to a trebling of British sales of the 1997 manual, The Ethical Slut. Now in its third edition, this tome boasts steers such as: If you recognise someone in the supermarket that you fondled at the orgy the night before, smile, nod and move on. My reservations about polyamory are in no way moralistic. Given that familiarity breeds contempt, adding a rep company of A.N. Others strikes me as not only practical, but rather lovely. Meanwhile, my partners refusal to contemplate anything passing for a date night is such that when I got home at 5.45pm last weekend he had already had his bath and was in his jim-jams. No, my issue is one of bandwidth, and my absence thereof. All that name-remembering and interest-feigning sounds exhausting. Besides, I no longer expect anyone let alone a whole host of people to find me in the least attractive. I was asked whether I objected to having a young, male masseur the other day. Not at all, I assured him. Im probably the same age as your mother. No, he replied, my mother is 43. I also fail to understand Young People fashion, or rather, the way in which they refuse to have any truck with it. Jewellery one of my great, self-expressive joys is despised for being, and I quote my pal, a disgusting status validation, basically adorning your hands with money. Clothing must be ghastly, worn tat purchased by weight alone drooping T-shirts, dismal flannel, dodgy dungarees because everything else is too Main Character. Call me a sex-positive gen X, but if you arent prepared to play the main character in your own existence, then who the f--- will? I dont get the allure of youthful heartthrobs, not least Paul Mescal, who looks like every unremarkable youth I was at school with, chain included. Im anachronistically vegetarian rather than a vegan or a carni-paleo flesh-eater. (Both parties view this as being pathetically agnostic, clearly the one designation in modern life in which one is required to pick a team.) I fail to understand Paul Mescal - Vianney Le Caer/Vianney Le Caer My oldest niece turned 18 this week and is on her third Ethan. The noughties are the retro era of choice, despite my still frequently writing 2007 as the date. Taylor Swift is no longer 19 or 22, but in her 30s. My generation isnt even the butt of youthful jokes any more, that distinction having gone to millennials with their centre-partings, Harry Potter fetish, and #adulting. Notwithstanding a lifelong phobia of nostalgia, I find myself thinking about my undergraduate days constantly, and not merely because my friends child has started at my former college. Meanwhile, I appear to have reached the age of 28 in terms of dream-processing past trauma. (Which twentysomething love interest to pick, which, which? The answer, of course, being neither.) My peers have started retiring, even though I regard my life as not having quite started. Everyones got cancer, and Im developing a knee. Basically, Im a peri-menopausal Prufrock. This, then, is youths last-chance saloon. My final moment to adapt, evolve, create radical change: get fit, have an affair, or, at least, learn to make reels. Or maybe its time to give up and focus on turning my nephews and nieces into nepo babies? Sophia Money-Coutts is away Read more: Because of my accent and name, people assume I'm a skier the truth is I hate it National security adviser Jake Sullivan dodged questions on whether the Biden administration would support Ukrainian efforts to retake Crimea, which was illegally annexed by Russia in 2014, as some Republican lawmakers criticize U.S. support of Ukraine. Sullivan, when asked on NBCs Meet The Press on Sunday, would not say whether the U.S. would support Ukrainian efforts to retake Crimea. The critical thing right now is that they need to take back the territory in the south and the east that they are currently focused on and we need to give them the tools to be able to do that, Sullivan said. The question of Crimea, and the question of what happens down the road, is something that we will come to, he added. The Biden administration has faced growing calls by some GOP lawmakers to provide an outlook for what the end of the war between Russia and Ukraine might look like. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that victory for Ukraine would mean regaining all of the territory occupied by Russia including the Crimean Peninsula. The ramped-up pressure on the administration to clarify the lengths of its support of Ukraine comes after President Bidens surprise visit to the country last week. While Biden administration officials have said that the U.S. will support Ukraine for however long it takes, detractors in Congress argue restraints on American support are needed. One of the main issues raised by Republicans who question the U.S. backing of Ukraine is the amount of money that the federal government has spent to help fund the war. Biden committed at least $10 billion more in support to Ukraine during his visit last week. Sullivan said on NBC that the administrations goal is to strengthen the Ukrainian military to force Russia into a diplomatic phase of the conflict. Were going to have to ultimately get to a diplomatic phase of this conflict, Sullivan said. Our goal is to strengthen the hand of the Ukrainians on the battlefield so that they are in the strongest position with the most leverage when they get to the negotiating table. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. National security adviser Jake Sullivan sent a warning to China as it reportedly considers providing Russia with lethal aid in the Kremlins war in Ukraine, saying on Sunday that sending such material would be a real mistake. We are sending a clear message, as are our European allies, that this would be a real mistake because those weapons would be used to bombard cities and kill civilians, and China should want no part of that, Sullivan said on ABCs This Week. China is considering supplying Russia, which has grown closer to the Asian country, to aid in the war Moscow started against Ukraine, according to U.S. intelligence. It is a step that China has yet to take, officials say. Biden administration officials have been vague about what actions would be taken if China were to provide lethal aid to Russia. Sullivan reiterated on CNNs State of the Union that the U.S. is laying out those consequences in private with Chinese officials. Were not just making direct threats, Sullivan said. Were just laying out both the stakes and the consequences, how things would unfold And we are doing that clearly and specifically behind closed doors. CIA Director William Burns, meanwhile, said that if China were to provide arms and machinery to Russia, it would only serve to prolong a war that has dragged on for a year already. Obviously more ammunitions to the aggressor in this conflict to Vladimir Putins Russia, wherever it comes from, and we also have evidence that the Iranians are providing, you know, lethal equipment and munitions, that the North Koreans are doing the same thing as well, Burns told CBSs Face The Nation. So wherever that lethal assistance comes from, it prolongs a vicious war of aggression. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan talks to a reporter on election night 2022 at the Grove Restaurant in Lakewood Ranch. Buchanan seeks tax cuts during crisis U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan, who represents Florida's 16th Congressional District, and more than 70 Republican co-sponsors just introduced a bill to make permanent the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions expiring in 2025. The fact that Buchanan and cohorts are proposing enormous boons for the wealthiest Americans and corporations by cementing in former President Donald Trumps tax cuts is unsurprising. But it is hypocritical for them to push for this while also howling about deficits and threatening to plunge the U.S. into fiscal disaster. Beyond previous TCJA effects on tax revenues, the Congressional Budget Office has projected net costs of extending the temporary cuts at $2.2 trillion for individual and estate taxes and $500 billion for business provisions, totaling $2.7 trillion through 2032. More: How to send a letter to the editor More:Our national debt remains a ticking time bomb Such extension would deliver average annual savings of $175,000-plus to the top 0.1%, by Tax Policy Center calculations. Meanwhile, the Treasury has reached the current $31.4 trillion debt limit. The CBO projects extraordinary measures allowing continued borrowing will be exhausted between July and September 2023. If the ceiling is not raised by then, federal government payments will be delayed and/or the country will default on debt obligations. Rather than windfalls for the wealthy, should Congress not protect programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid? Jan Schneider, Sarasota Spreading Hillsdale doctrine nationwide Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, the fundamentalist school whose stultifying curriculum Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to inflict on New College, has bigger plans. Arnn wants to infect schools nationwide with Hillsdale doctrine, and DeSantis is a willing ally. Arnns curriculum is the 1776 Project, Donald Trumps patriotic education scheme. In fact, Trump appointed Arnn to promote it. Story continues Ridiculed for whitewashing history, the 1776 Project guides Hillsdales network of 70 charter schools, seven of them in Florida. It has also steered Floridas recent civics education reform and helped to get dozens of math books banned. Related:Legislature approves $15 million for New College transformation Opinion:Governor making college stronger Hillsdale refuses federal funds because, Arnn says, they corrupt liberal learning, but he doesnt seem to mind indoctrinating public schools with fundamentalist dogma. To raise money, Hillsdale uses its magazine "Imprimis to churn out far-right propaganda that masquerades as scholarship and addresses such erudite topics as The January 6 Insurrection Hoax. Fundamentalists often stray into politics, but few have Arnns right-wing connections. The Heritage Foundation, Manhattan Institute and Claremont Institute, which he founded, spawned half of New Colleges new trustees. Arnn and DeSantis are two ambitious men with no concern for the common good. Theirs is no theoretical conspiracy; it is a generational threat to education and democracy that is unfolding before our eyes. Stuart Smith, Sarasota State interfered with ranked choice voting The front-page article in the Feb. 19 Herald-Tribune, DeSantis and state lawmakers targeting local governments, missed an example of the Legislature preempting local government. In 2007, Sarasota voters approved ranked choice voting with 77% support. Its implementation was delayed by state government until March 2022, when the Legislature prohibited RCV statewide with Florida Statute 101.019. Why did the Legislature prohibit the use of ranked choice voting in all federal, state and local elections? Many city elections have multiple candidates running for a single seat; these are either won with a minority of voter support or cause an expensive runoff. Both could be avoided with an RCV election. This becomes increasingly relevant as Florida legislators file bills to increase the politicization of city councils, county commissions and school boards by requiring local candidates to be affiliated with a political party. These actions are intended to increase the power of the political party; they are not in the best interest of voters. RCV is nonpartisan and leads to more choices, more civil campaigns and better representation. RCV has been successfully used in more than 400 elections in 28 states. Visit Vilia Johnson, Longboat Key We can't ignore impact of red tide Red tide is a dystopian ecological disaster. It is killing fish. Birds are dying. Our health is being affected. Soon the tourists will stop coming. Property values will plummet. Florida H.R. 1008, which would provide federal help for affected communities, is a bandage that does not address the real problem. The toxic algae have been in our waters for eons; the problem is the nutrient feeding it. The uncontrolled use of fertilizers by agriculture and landscaping, and the wastewater runoff from millions of gravity septic systems result in the harmful bloom. The economic impact will be far worse than any hurricane, and it is essential to address this problem now. Walter Frank, Longboat Key This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Bad time for GOP to push tax cuts, Hillsdale spreads propaganda The aftermath of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Betsy Herzog/AP Photo Sunday marked the 30-year anniversary of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, when terrorists detonated a bomb that killed six people and injured more than 1,000. According to the FBI's official account of the incident, the Feb. 26 bombing occurred just past noon, when Middle Eastern terrorists set off a bomb in a van parked underneath the North Tower of the WTC. The "massive eruption carved out a nearly 100-foot crater several stories deep and several more high," the FBI said, adding, "Six people were killed almost instantly. Smoke and flames began filling the wound and streaming upward into the building ... more than a thousand people were hurt in some way, some badly, with crushed limbs." A ceremony remembering the victims was slated to take place Sunday in New York City, and survivors of that day reminisced about their memories of the attack. "In the days leading up to it, I don't sleep," survivor Tim Lang told The New York Times. "And that's already begun. February's here. So I have trouble." Lolita Jackson was at her 72nd-floor desk in the WTC when she heard the explosion, and saw smoke start billowing from the elevator shaft. Eight years later, Jackson would have to flee again when terrorists flew planes into the WTC during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, destroying the towers for good. "I'm a living testament that it can happen to you, and it can happen to you twice." Jackson told The Associated Press. She told AP that she hoped the 1993 bombing serves as a reminder that "even though decades have passed since the seismic acts of terrorism in the United States' most populous city, no one, anywhere, can say the threat of mass violence is over." You may also like 5 sharply funny cartoons about Biden's surprise visit to Ukraine A beginner's guide to passive income 5 cartoons marking 1 year of war in Ukraine John Hood RALEIGH As the founder of one of North Carolinas largest companies, James Edgar Broyhill helped build high-quality, durable furniture. His son James Thomas Broyhill, who died Feb. 18 at the age of 95, helped build something just as lasting: the North Carolina Republican Party. For most of the elder Broyhills lifetime, the GOP was a minor player in state politics. Outside of a few counties, Republicans rarely posed any challenge to Democrats. North Carolina held highly competitive elections, mind you, but they were in the spring, the Democratic primaries. Ed Broyhill, as the furniture magnate was called, never sought public office, though he served on the Republican National Committee for 28 years. It was his son Jim Broyhill who, after many years in the family business, decided in 1962 to try his hand at a different profession: politician. It was the first election cycle after the 1960 census, which revealed that North Carolinas slow growth had cost it one of its 12 U.S. House seats. The ruling Democrats resolved to sacrifice the only seat they didnt hold, the Charlotte-area 8th District represented by Republican Charlie Jonas. So they drew an audacious gerrymander, swapping precincts with the neighboring 9th District of Democrat Hugh Quincy Alexander. The Democratic maneuver backfired, however, as such schemes often do. Charlie Jonas was a skilled campaigner with lots of crossover appeal. And the 1962 midterms proved to be a good cycle for Republicans, nationally and in North Carolina. Moreover, the GOP nominee for the 9th District, Jim Broyhill, brought not only a familiar surname but his own impressive talents to the campaign. He was smart, personable, and disciplined. Even as Jonas clobbered his Democratic opponent with 56% of the vote, Broyhill edged out Alexander by a margin of 50.5% to 49.5%. As a GOP freshman in what was still the overwhelmingly Democratic capital of Washington, Broyhill leaned heavily on advice from Jonas, North Carolinas Mr. Republican, as well as minority leader Charles Halleck of Indiana and future president Gerald Ford of Michigan. A decade later, it was Jim Broyhills turn to mentor the up-and-coming Republican whod replaced Jonas in the Charlotte-area House district, Jim Martin. Story continues In my biography of the future governor, "Catalyst: Jim Martin and the Rise of North Carolina Republicans," I relate a conversation between the two men after the disastrous 1976 elections in which Jimmy Carter defeated President Gerald Ford and Republicans lost 49 seats in the U.S. House, four in the U.S. Senate, four governorships, and hundreds of other offices. By this time Broyhill was assisting minority leader John Rhodes in assigning Republicans to committees. Martin wanted to serve on Appropriations, as Jonas had, but Broyhill wanted him on the tax-writing committee, Ways and Means. Martin protested that he didnt know much about taxes. Broyhill suggested that his colleague, a former college professor, start studying up. He foresaw that tax policy would be a major issue in the coming years. Broyhill was right, of course. Martin became one of the earliest supply-siders, along with his friends Jack Kemp and Trent Lott though unlike them, Martin served on the relevant committee and thus could mark up tax bills. In 1986, two years into Jim Martins first term as North Carolinas governor, it was his turn to tap Jim Broyhill, in this case to fill the Senate seat left vacant by Republican John Easts suicide. Both Congressman Broyhill and former Ambassador David Funderburk were seeking the GOP nomination (East had previously announced his retirement). By picking Broyhill for the open seat, Martin gave him an edge in the primary and provoked the wrath of the Jesse Helms-aligned Congressional Club, which backed Funderburk. Broyhill won the primary but lost the general election to Terry Sanford. Broyhill then served in Martins cabinet as commerce secretary. Both men were effective diplomats, working to heal the breach with the Helms wing. Jim Broyhill and his generation of Republicans built a lasting legacy in North Carolina and beyond. R.I.P. John Hood is a John Locke Foundation board member. His latest books, Mountain Folk and Forest Folk, combine epic fantasy with early American history ( This article originally appeared on Wilmington StarNews: John Hood column: Broyhill helped build the modern GOP In a dramatic change from a few years ago, Cincinnati Bengals fans now get to watch as major free agents have serious interest in their team. After one trip to the Super Bowl, a near-miss on another and projection that suggest more to come, the Bengals have morphed into one of the more notable destinations for veterans looking to go out and win rings. That would apparently include recently released Tennessee Titans offensive tackle Taylor Lewan. On an episode of Bussin With The Boys, Lewan brought up the Bengals as a team that needs a left tackle while talking about his potential next destination (starts around the six-minute mark). While breaking down the fit right after Lewans release, we noted that the price tag and his injury woes in past years make it a tough sell for the Bengals. The Bengals still really like Jonah Williams at left tackle, too. If the team spends on the offensive line, it might be on the right side where Lael Collins had a so-so year and is now recovering from a season-ending injury. Still, this is just another example of how turning the whole program around and starting to win consistently makes the Bengals a super attractive destination for free agents. More Latest News! Bengals' list of dead cap hits on 2023 cap space Bengals WR Tee Higgins ranked as one of NFL's best WRs vs. single coverage Jessie Bates goes to Falcons in PFF free agency predictions Story originally appeared on Bengals Wire (CNN) Using marijuana every day can raise a person's risk of coronary artery disease, or CAD, by a third compared with those who never partake, a new study found. "A growing body of evidence suggests that cannabis is not entirely without harm and may actually cause cardiovascular disease," said lead study author Dr. Ishan Paranjpe, a resident physician at Stanford University. The study which has not yet been published - will be presented Sunday at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology. "Thus, the decision to use cannabis must be carefully weighed against the potential for serious heart disease," Paranjpe said. Coronary artery disease is caused by plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Also called atherosclerosis, CAD is the most common type of heart disease, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Signs of the condition include having angina, or chest pain, feeling weak, dizzy or sick to your stomach, or experiencing shortness of breath. However, for "some people, the first sign of CAD is a heart attack," the CDC says on its website. Using once a month or less The study pulled data on people participating in the All of Us Research Program. Administered by the National Institutes of Health, the program is designed to gather health information over time from 1 million or more people in the United States. When enrolling in the study, participants completed a survey on their cannabis use. The research team used that information to place those who responded into five categories: Daily users (4,736 people), weekly users (2,720), monthly users (2,075), those who used once or twice in three months (8,749) and those who never used (39,678 people). The researchers then compared those categories with participants' medical records a few years later. They found that daily cannabis users were 34% more likely to be diagnosed with coronary artery disease than those who had never used the drug. People who used weed only once a month or less had no significant risk, the study found. The results held true even after researchers factored out other potential causes of coronary heart disease, such as age, sex and major cardiovascular risk factors high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, obesity, smoking and alcohol use. The study used Mendelian randomization (MR) to determine risk, which other studies on the topic have not, Paranjpe said in an email. The MR method measures gene variations known to be related to a modifiable risk factor to determine the causal influence of the risk factor. "While other work has also linked cannabis with CAD, there are several potential confounders that may explain this relationship. Our MR analysis suggests this relationship may be directly causal," Paranjpe said. Marijuana and the heart Why does marijuana appear to damage the heart and blood vessels? First, it increases heart rate and blood pressure immediately after each use, according to the CDC. "Marijuana smoke also delivers many of the same substances researchers have found in tobacco smoke these substances are harmful to the lungs and cardiovascular system," the agency says. Smoking or vaping any substance, including cannabis, should be avoided due to the risk of harm to the heart, lungs and blood vessels, the American Heart Association warned in 2020. The AHA's guidance released then pointed to studies that found heart rhythm abnormalities, such as tachycardia and atrial fibrillation, could occur within an hour after weed containing delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, was smoked. (THC is the part of the marijuana plant that creates a high.) Other research has shown smoking weed has triggered heart attacks and leads to a higher risk of strokes and heart failure in people with underlying heart disease. Notably, the new study was not able to tease out whether different types of cannabis use such as consuming edibles versus smoking weed, for example made a difference in a person's risk of developing CAD. However, since THC gets to the brain faster when smoked, the researchers argue future research should investigate various usage methods and their impact on the heart. This story was first published on CNN. "Study offers concerning insight into how daily marijuana use can affect your heart" Agreement by the Netherlands and Japan to join the US in restricting chip-related exports to China could benefit South Korea, which could attract semiconductor equipment makers to invest in the country as an alternative production and distribution centre, experts said. The Biden administration last month secured support from Tokyo and The Hague to tighten export controls on advanced chip manufacturing equipment and technologies to China, according to media reports, a move that is expected to make it increasingly difficult for Dutch and Japanese suppliers to sell to Chinese clients. As companies search for alternative markets, South Korea - currently a key link in the global semiconductor value chain - stands to gain, according to Kim Dae-jong, a business professor at Sejong University in Seoul. Do you have questions about the biggest topics and trends from around the world? Get the answers with SCMP Knowledge, our new platform of curated content with explainers, FAQs, analyses and infographics brought to you by our award-winning team. "[The US export controls] will widen again the technological gap between South Korea and China in the semiconductor sector, which has been narrowing," Kim said. "South Korea can also receive more foreign investment and growth because of the controls." US President Joe Biden, South Korean President Yoon Suk-youl and Samsung Electronics vice-chairman Lee Jae-yong visit the company's campus in Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul on May 20, 2022. Photo: EPA-EFE alt=US President Joe Biden, South Korean President Yoon Suk-youl and Samsung Electronics vice-chairman Lee Jae-yong visit the company's campus in Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul on May 20, 2022. Photo: EPA-EFE> While Washington wants to enlist Seoul in its Chip 4 Alliance, an initiative with Tokyo and Taipei to limit China's role in the chip supply chain, Beijing has repeatedly urged South Korea not to side with the US. On Thursday, an article in the People's Daily-affiliated tabloid Global Times quoted Lu Chao, a professor with Liaoning University in northern China, as saying that Korea's semiconductor industry should not decouple from China. Story continues There are already signs that chip companies are looking to form closer business ties with South Korea. Peter Wennink, CEO of Dutch semiconductor equipment giant ASML, met South Korean foreign minister Park Jin on February 17 during his visit to the Netherlands to discuss potential collaborations. According to the South Korean foreign ministry, Wennink said ASML wanted to "expand investment" in South Korea and hoped that the country can become a northeast Asian hub for the semiconductor industry. Park, meanwhile, said the country is "strengthening incentives" to attract investment. Peter Wennink, CEO of Dutch chip equipment maker ASML, attends a press conference in Seoul on November 15, 2022. Photo: Bloomberg alt=Peter Wennink, CEO of Dutch chip equipment maker ASML, attends a press conference in Seoul on November 15, 2022. Photo: Bloomberg> A week after the meeting, the South Korean government unveiled its "new growth strategy 4.0", focusing on developing three industries in the country, namely semiconductors, batteries and displays. In November, ASML, which holds a monopoly on the high-end extreme ultraviolet lithography machines required to make chips at the 5-nanometre node, started building new facilities in the Seoul suburb of Hwaseong, a 240 billion won (US$180 million) project that is expected to be completed by 2024. The 1.6 hectare (170,000 square feet) area, located around 16 kilometres from Samsung Electronics' chip factory in Pyeongtaek, will include a local repair centre, a component development centre and an employee training centre. South Korea and the Netherlands can achieve "synergy" in their semiconductor sector by combining the technological know-hows of ASML and Korean firms, according to Kang Jun-young, professor of China studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. "As the Netherlands decided to join the US chip controls on China, its investment in South Korea will also naturally increase," Kang said. The logo of SK Hynix is seen at the 2019 Korea Electronics Show in Seoul. Photo: AP Photo alt=The logo of SK Hynix is seen at the 2019 Korea Electronics Show in Seoul. Photo: AP Photo> Other chip machinery powerhouses are also pouring money into South Korea. Japan's Tokyo Electron has said it will spend 110 billion won this year to expand its research and development centre and clean room facilities in Hwaseong. California-based Applied Materials recently announced plans to build a memory chip equipment research centre in South Korea to better serve Samsung and SK Hynix, the country's two leading chip makers. The American company is currently scouting for a site to house the centre, according to Park Gwang-sun, CEO of its Korean operations. South Korea will remain one of the largest export partners of ASML, according to Park Ki-soon, a senior adviser to Dentons Lee Law Firm with expertise in the Chinese economy, because any advanced equipment that they buy in future will mostly be used domestically, rather than being transferred to their plants in China. Samsung's microchips displayed at its store in Seoul. Photo: AP Photo alt=Samsung's microchips displayed at its store in Seoul. Photo: AP Photo> After the Biden administration tightened export controls on advanced chip design and manufacturing technologies to China last October, Korean chip makers had to apply for a one-year grace period to keep importing the necessary equipment for their existing facilities in mainland China. It is unclear whether companies can apply for an extension of the grace period. Going forward, any partnership between Korean chip makers and foreign machinery suppliers is likely to bring investments directly into South Korea instead of China, according to Sejong University's Kim. "I think [the US chip controls] would rather benefit South Korea," he said. "ASML's investment especially will be beneficial for the South Korean chip industry." This article originally appeared in the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the most authoritative voice reporting on China and Asia for more than a century. For more SCMP stories, please explore the SCMP app or visit the SCMP's Facebook and Twitter pages. Copyright 2023 South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2023. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. It's been a long time coming, but Xiaomi is finally bringing its Leica-endorsed smartphones to the international market. Following their China launch back in December, the Xiaomi 13 and 13 Pro are going global at MWC, with Germany, France, Spain and Italy being some of their first markets in the west. As you'd expect, both Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 flagships now come with Google services pre-installed, but they are otherwise identical to their China counterparts. The Xiaomi 13 and 13 Pro share similar-looking Leica camera islands on the back, but only the 13 Pro offers the much-hyped Type 1-inch sensor (Sony's IMX989; 1.6um pixel size) arguably the industry's most powerful camera sensor at the moment for its 50-megapixel f/1.9 OIS (optical image stabilization) main shooter. You also get a 50-megapixel 3.2x telephoto camera (75mm equivalent) with OIS and a 50-megapixel f/2.2 ultra-wide camera (14mm equivalent). As for the lesser Xiaomi 13, it comes with a 50-megapixel f/1.8 OIS main camera with a smaller sensor (IMX800; 1um pixel size), a 10-megapixel 3.2x zoom OIS zoom camera and a 12-megapixel ultra-wide (15mm equivalent) camera. Both models share the same 32-megapixel f/2.0 punch-hole selfie cam on the other side. On a similar note, both phones offer two modes of capture Leica Authentic and Leica Vibrant along with Google's Magic Eraser tool. Xiaomi 13 Pro and 13 The Xiaomi 13 series also comes in two designs. The 13 Pro comes with a curved 6.73-inch 3,200 x 1,400 AMOLED screen with vegan leather or ceramic back versions. On the other hand, the 13 packs a flat 6.36-inch 2,400 x 1,080 AMOLED display, which is surrounded by iPhone-like aluminum sides and complemented by either glass or leather back options. Both screens support a refresh rate of up to 120Hz for a slick scrolling experience. Other noteworthy features include the 13 Pro's 120W charging (from zero to 100 percent in just 19 minutes for its 4,820mAh battery), the 13's 67W charging (38 minutes to fully charge its 4,500mAh cell), and 50W wireless charging, Dolby Atmos dual speakers and IP68 ruggedness for both Android devices. The 13 Pro starts from 1,299 euros (around $1,370), whereas the 13 starts from 999 euros (around $1,060). Xiaomi 13 Lite As a surprise for MWC, Xiaomi also announced the 13 Lite, which appears to be a variant of the selfie-centric Civi 2 sold in China. And no, there's no Leica involvement here. This model starts from 499 euros (around $530) and boasts dual front cameras (32-megapixel + 8-megapixel depth sensor) plus dual "Selfie Glow" LEDs for supposedly better selfies. It's powered by a Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 processor, and it also packs a 50-megapixel main camera (IMX766), a 20-megapixel ultra-wide camera, a 2-megapixel macro camera, a 4,500mAh battery with 67W charging, and a 6.55-inch Full HD+ 120Hz display. This is all tucked into a 171g-heavy, 7.23mm-thick body, which obviously goes well with its "Lite" branding. Orange County deputies are searching for a man following a third attack at a bus stop in the last few weeks. The latest attack happened Saturday morning near Hiawassee Road and Hennepin Boulevard. Investigators warn people, especially women, not to be outside alone at night. In the recent attacks, deputies said the suspect had a gun and was wearing a mask. It is unclear if the man from this attack is the same man who assaulted two women earlier this month. Read: Another attack at Orange County bus stop early Saturday morning, deputies say On Feb. 2, at another bus top on Hiawassee Road and River Oaks Drive, deputies said two women had a similar situation. In that case, the women were robbed and sexually assaulted. Eyewitness News talked to neighbors back then, who said they often saw people coming in and out of the woods behind the bus stop. The two women in that first attack described the suspect as around 5 foot 4 inches tall. Deputies have not made any arrests yet. Read: Avoid walking alone: Search underway for man who robbed, sexually attacked 2 women near bus stop I hope they catch the person because its still out there, Monica Dolph said. People said they will now consider changing their plans for children walking home from school. Now Im going to be careful with them (and) not to let them walk by themselves, Dolph said. Read: One dead, another shot in Friday night shooting in Orange County, deputies say Robert Evans said you have to be careful. As far as Im concerned, if they got to take a bus, I would tell them you go to get some other transportation, Evans said. The Orange County Sheriffs Office has added extra patrols and asks people who see something suspicious to call 911. See a map of the scene below: Click here to download the free WFTV news and weather apps, click here to download the WFTV Now app for your smart TV and click here to stream Channel 9 Eyewitness News live. For the first time in nearly 60 years, one-time smartphone giant Nokia is changing its iconic logo. On Sunday, before the official start of Mobile World Congress Barcelona, the company unveiled a new brand identity, and its a dramatic change. Gone is the iconic typeface and Yale blue that defined its previous logo. The company has instead adopted a look it claims is more modern and digital. We are updating our strategy, and, as a key enabler, we are also refreshing our brand to reflect who we are today: a business-to-business technology innovation leader pioneering the future where networks meet cloud, Nokia said in a blog post attributed to CEO Pekka Lundmark. "In most peoples minds, we are still a successful mobile phone brand, but this is not what Nokia is about, Lundmark told Bloomberg. "We want to launch a new brand that is focusing very much on the networks and industrial digitalization, which is a completely different thing from the legacy mobile phones. SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) Drew Timme scored 19 points and No. 12 Gonzaga earned a share of the West Coast Conference regular-season title with a 77-68 win over No. 15 Saint Marys on Saturday night. Anton Watson had 17 points and Malachi Smith added 13 off the bench for the Bulldogs, who have won or shared the conference title in 11 straight seasons. Gonzaga (25-5, 14-2) also reached the 25-win mark for the 16th season in a row and avenged a loss to the Gaels earlier this month in Moraga. It was the whole nation watching and we made sure that we backed our name and made everybody respect us, Watson said. We know what happened with LMU here at home and everybody kind of looked down on us, but we just had to keep a tight circle. Logan Johnson led the Gaels (25-6, 14-2) with 27 points after a 29-point performance against Pacific in the team's last game. Because the teams shared the regular-season title, the WCC will use the NCAAs NET rankings to determine the top seed for the conference tournament. Thats expected to be determined Sunday. Entering Saturdays matchup, Saint Marys was ranked No. 7 and Gonzaga No. 10 in the NET rankings. Should the higher seed advance in every round of the conference tourney, the Gaels will face No. 4 seed Loyola Marymount the only team to beat both Gonzaga and Saint Marys this season in the semifinal round. Saint Marys outscored Gonzaga in the second half, but couldnt overcome a 13-point halftime deficit. A 3-pointer by Joshua Jefferson cut the lead to five with 3:03 to play, but Watson's dunk and four free throws by Gonzaga pushed the game back to double digits with 1:22 remaining. Two free throws from Johnson cut the lead to six with 29.8 seconds to play, but a dunk by Timme and free throws from Julian Strawther iced the game. Gonzaga broke an early deadlock with Saint Marys to take an eight-point lead after Randy Bennett turned to his bench for the first time with 11:42 remaining in the first. Story continues The Gaels got within three points, but Smith scored six of his eight first-half points to help Gonzaga close the final six minutes of the half on a 15-7 run. I have a lot of confidence in Malachi. Hes never afraid. The bigger the moment, the better he is, Gonzaga head coach Mark Few said. Its a nice luxury to have those guys. The Zags led by as many as 19 before taking a 13-point lead to the locker room. Saint Marys had three separate three-minute stretches without a field goal in the first. The Zags held Aidan Mahaney scoreless for the first 25 minutes, but Mahaney threatened to be the star for the second straight game. The freshman scored eight points in the second half to close the lead to six, but Gonzaga held him without a field goal the rest of the way. Through the post was working for them with Timme. We totally expected that, but didnt do a good job there, Saint Marys coach Randy Bennett said. They always test you on your on-ball coverage. "Theres a reason they lead the country in scoring every year. TIP-INS ESPNs College GameDay returned to Spokane for the first time since 2009 with students camping overnight in below-freezing temperatures to be first inside when doors opened at 6 a.m. It was the best environment of the year, show host Rece Davis said. Really, Id be hard pressed to think of one that was better in the last few years. ... They wanted to show off their passion for their team and their school and their city, and they did this as well as any crowd I can remember in my now 19 years on the show. BIG PICTURE Gonzaga: The Zags improved to 9-2 against Saint Marys when both teams are ranked and are 5-4 against Quad 1 opponents. With the win, the Zags won 25 games for the 16th consecutive season, breaking a tie with Kansas for the longest streak of all time. Saint Marys: The loss snapped the Gaels four-game winning streak and dropped them to 2-2 against Quad 1 opponents ahead of the WCC Tournament. Saint Marys has finished tied for second or higher in the WCC in 16 of the last 19 seasons. UP NEXT Saint Mary's: Will play in the WCC semifinals on March 6 in Las Vegas. Gonzaga: Home against Chicago State on Wednesday night. AP college basketball: and and Tom Latham, right, and Devon Conway defield England (Andrew Cornaga/Photosport/AP) (AP) England encountered some stubborn New Zealand resistance after enforcing the follow-on on day three of the decisive second Test in Wellington. Ben Stokes sent the Black Caps back in to bat after three wickets from Stuart Broad saw them dismissed for 209 in the morning session, 226 behind. But the trail went cold as Kiwi openers Tom Latham and Devon Conway shared an unbroken stand of 128 in 49 overs at Basin Reserve. It was the home sides best stand of the series and the lack of any concrete chances suggested that England would need to work hard to turn their advantage into victory. There were a handful of edges that died in front of the slip cordon and a couple of flicks that briefly threatened to bring the close catchers into play, but it was otherwise a serene existence for the top-order pair. Stokes, who was never likely to turn down the chance to put the opposition straight back in given his preference for aggressive tactics, did not bowl at all before tea. Broad had earlier banked figures of four for 61 after knocking over the last three New Zealand batters. Home captain Tim Southee had started the day swinging hard and often at the England attack, blazing away his second best Test score of 73. Fifty of those runs came in the mornings play, off just 31 balls as he hacked three sixes in an over off Jack Leach and another from an Ollie Robinson bumper. The introduction of Broad ended his fun, a skier to midwicket making immediate amends for Leachs drop at fine-leg a ball earlier. With the door ajar Broad swooped on his chance to bank some tidy figures, with Tom Blundell nailing one straight to mid-on and Matt Henry flailing at a neck-high delivery. With the innings occupying a modest 53.2 overs Stokes was eager to activate the follow-on Englands first since August 2020. James Anderson had been held in reserve, leading the way with the new ball, but both Latham and Conway looked secure as they reached 40 without loss at lunch. There was nothing more troubling than a couple of nudges by Conway, one that briefly interested Ollie Pope at leg gully and another off Leach that flew a yard wide of Stokes at leg slip. Story continues The afternoons play was even harder work, with 88 added in 30 chanceless overs. Anderson produced the best spell, working hard at the defences but only managing to take a couple of nicks that hit the turf frustratingly close to the waiting catchers. Roots occasional off-spin was called upon to supplement the attack, with Stokes notable by his absence, and the team hundred ticked by before both batters brought up their half-centuries, Latham in 124 balls and Conway three quicker. Robinson looked weary when he stood a short ball up at Latham, who had earlier become the seventh Kiwi to 5,000 Test runs, and saw it thrashed to the ropes. Despite holding a lead of 98 at the break, England had questions to answer as they walked off. Tommy Fury (R) and Jake Paul face off ahead of their fight. (AFP via Getty Images) Tommy Fury has vowed to "end" Jake Paul in their much-anticipated fight which is finally set to take place today. British boxer and former Love Island star Fury has been planning to fight US YouTuber Paul for more than a year, with various previous dates postponed. Read more: Amy Childs defends Molly-Mae Hague against mum shaming Now, the fight is set for today in Saudi Arabia, taking place at 4pm GMT, and Fury has been sharing his confidence at a successful result. Posting a photo on Saturday of himself squaring up to Paul, he wrote on Instagram: "Tomorrow Im ending you." Fury's partner Molly-Mae Hague, who recently gave birth to their first child Bambi, backed up the fighting talk by commenting: "Light work." However, Paul has also been active on social media with claims that he will win the fight. Posting on Instagram, he wrote: "People say impossible, I say lets find out." He also added in a caption on a photo of himself and Fury: "Sunday. His act is up." Read more: All the Love Island winning couples so far The pair were first due to fight in December 2021, but Fury pulled out over an infection and broken ribs. They then tried to reschedule for August 2022 in the US but were stopped by travel and visa issues. The fight is set to take place in Saudi Arabia. (AFP via Getty Images) In the run up to the fight, Paul had appeared to announce the arrival of Bambi before Fury and his Love Island partner Hague got the chance to. But in an appearance on TalkTV's Piers Morgan Uncensored, as Morgan asked Fury about the baby news controversy, he said: "At the end of the day, all Jake Paul can do from wherever he is in this world is speculate, and that's all that was, speculation, nothing's ever true unless you hear it from me and Molly." Fury recently told the BBC that Hague was doing all of the parenting of baby Bambi, born in January, but that he planned to make up for lost time once the fight was over. Story continues Watch: Tommy Fury says Jake Paul has no chance of winning their fight He said: "Molly's taken it upon herself to deal with everything herself. She hasn't bothered me once about anything. She's been absolutely amazing." The boxer, whose half-brother is Tyson Fury, added: "She is a young girl, and she has been doing it mostly by herself at this stage just because I've been in training camp. It's such a serious fight that you can't break training camp, and these are the sort of sacrifices I've made in the lead-up to this." Tommy Fury and Jake Paul's fight airs as pay per view on BT Sport at 4pm this afternoon. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (Ill.), the top Democrat on the new House select committee focused on U.S. competition with China, said he doesnt think the video-sharing app TikTok will be banned in the U.S., even as lawmakers press for protections on user data collected by the China-based platform. Is this the year TikTok gets banned? host Margaret Brennan asked Krishnamoorthi on CBS Newss Face the Nation. I dont think its gonna get banned. I think what were asking for is, you know, TikTok is owned by ByteDance, a Chinese company, thats required to provide its user data, including on the 140 million Americans, as well as control of algorithms to the Chinese Communist Party upon request, Krishnamoorthi said. All were saying is, if TikTok is gonna operate here, dont have that user data and algorithms controlled by an adversarial regime. Lawmakers have been pressing to ban the app over national security concerns due to TikToks ties to the Chinese Communist Party as well as ongoing worries about potential data dangers to children on the platform, which is targeted to younger users. The app has been banned on federal and many state devices due to concerns about its privacy and security. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., speaks during a news conference on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images A top democrat on the House China committee said it's unlikely TikTok will be banned. Western lawmakers have raised cybersecurity concerns over the app which is owned by a Chinese company. The concerns stem from the Chinese governments ability to potentially access user data. The top Democrat on the House China committee said he doesn't think TikTok is going to get banned in the US but said there are concerns over user data being accessed by the Chinese government. "I don't think it's gonna get banned," Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi told CBS News' "Face the Nation" on Sunday. "I think what we're asking for is, you know, TikTok is owned by ByteDance, a Chinese company, that's required to provide its user data, including on the 140 million Americans, as well as control of algorithms to the Chinese Communist Party upon request." Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) February 26, 2023 He added: "All we're saying is, if TikTok is gonna operate here, don't have that user data and algorithms controlled by an adversarial regime." Krishnamoorthi remarks come as several western lawmakers have enacted rules limiting the use of the popular video app. Last week,the European Commission banned TikTok from staff phones over cybersecurity concerns. The EU also banned staff members from having TikTok on their personal devices if those devices access corporate services. Over the past several years, there have been debates in the US over either banning orenforcing stricter oversight on TikTok. More than half of US states have banned TikTok from government devices, Insider previously reported. Additionally, the app is banned on the government-owned devices of US Senate employees. Read the original article on Business Insider (CNN) When Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his forces into Ukraine a year ago, most observers expected a quick victory for the invaders. Those early predictions of Russian success have not materialized, for what experts cite as a variety of factors, including higher morale and superior military tactics on the Ukrainian side but also -- crucially -- the supply of Western armaments. While recent headlines have made much of the potential for Western battle tanks or Patriot air defense systems to influence the war's outcome, these systems have yet to be used in combat in Ukraine. But there are other weapons that have already helped to change the course of the war. Here are three key ones that the Ukrainians have used to devastating effect. Javelin At the very beginning of the war, fighters on both sides were expecting Russian armored columns to begin rolling into the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv within days. The Ukrainians needed something that could blunt that attack -- and found it in the form of the Javelin, a shoulder-fired, guided anti-tank missile that can be deployed by a single individual. Part of its appeal lies in its ease of use, as manufacturer Lockheed Martin, which co-developed the missile with Raytheon, explains: "To fire, the gunner places a cursor over the selected target. The Javelin command launch unit then sends a lock-on-before-launch signal to the missile." The Javelin is a "fire and forget" weapon. As soon as its operator takes the shot, they are able to run for cover while the missile finds its way to the target. This was particularly important in the early days of the war as the Russians tended to stay in columns when trying to enter urban areas. A Javelin operator could fire from a building or behind a tree and be gone before the Russians could fire back. The Javelin is also good at targeting the weak spot of the Russian tanks -- their horizontal surfaces -- because its trajectory after launch sees it curve upwards then fall on the target from above, according to Lockheed Martin. This could be seen in images early in the war of Russian tanks with their turrets blown off. Often, it was a Javelin that had done the damage. Indeed, so great was the Javelins' impact that two-and-a-half months into the war US President Joe Biden visited the Alabama plant where they are made to praise the workforce for their help in defending Ukraine. "You're making a gigantic difference for these poor sons of guns who are under such enormous, enormous pressure and firepower," Biden said at the time. There was one other advantage to the Javelins, particularly pertinent at the start of the war: they were politically acceptable. "Their low cost and defensive usage make them politically easier for other countries to provide," Michael Armstrong, an associate professor at Brock University in Ontario, wrote on the Conversation. "By contrast, governments disagree about sending more expensive offensive weapons like warplanes." HIMARS The full US Army name is the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System. It's "a full-spectrum, combat-proven, all-weather, 24/7, lethal and responsive, wheeled precision strike weapons system," the US Army says. That's a mouthful, but to put it more plainly, HIMARS is a 5-ton truck carrying a pod that can launch six rockets almost simultaneously, sending their explosive warheads well beyond the battlefield's front lines, and then quickly change positions to avoid a counterstrike. "If Javelin was the iconic weapon of the early phases of the war, HIMARS is the iconic weapon of the later phases," Mark Cancian, senior adviser for the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International studies, wrote in January. HIMARS fires munitions called the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) that have a range of 70 to 80 kilometers (about 50 miles). And their GPS guidance systems make them extremely accurate, within about 10 meters (33 feet) of their intended target. Last July, Russian reporter Roman Sapenkov said he witnessed a HIMARS strike on a Russian base at Kherson's airport in territory Moscow's forces had occupied at the time. "I was struck by the fact that the whole packet, five or six rockets, landed practically on a penny," he wrote. HIMARS has had two key effects, Yagil Henkin, a professor at the Israel Defense Forces Command and Staff College, wrote for the US Marine Corps University Press. The strikes have forced "the Russians to move their ammunition depots farther to the rear, thereby reducing the available firepower of Russian artillery near the front lines and making logistical support more difficult," Henkin wrote. And using the long-range rockets to hit targets such as bridges has disrupted Russian supply efforts, he said. The HIMARS system is manufactured and patented in the United States by Lockheed Martin. Bayraktar TB2 drone The Turkish-designed drone has become one of the world's best-known unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) due to its use in the Ukraine war. It's relatively cheap, made with off-the-shelf parts, packs a lethal punch and records its kills on video. Those videos have shown it taking out Russian armor, artillery and supply lines with the missiles, laser-guided rockets and smart bombs it carries. "Viral videos of the TB2 are a perfect example of modern warfare in the TikTok era," Aaron Stein, a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, wrote on the Atlantic Council's website. The Bayraktar TB2 was not a "magic weapon," but it was "good enough," he wrote. He cited as its weaknesses its lack of speed and vulnerability to air defenses. Battlefield statistics appear to bear that out. Seventeen of the 40 to 50 TB2s that Ukraine has received have been destroyed in combat, according to the Oryx open source intelligence website. But Stein says the number of losses are outweighed by the low cost of the drone, which means they can be relatively easily replaced. Indeed, a plan to set up an assembly line for the drones in Ukraine was in the works even before the war. And using the drones potentially has saved the lives of Ukrainian pilots who would otherwise have had to carry out the missions. Recent reports from Ukraine indicate the TB2 may be playing less of a role as Russian forces figure out how to combat it, yet its fans say it delivered when Ukraine's position was most precarious. Its videos of Russian kills were "a great morale booster," Samuel Bendett, adjunct senior fellow at the Center of Naval Analyses Russia Studies (CNAS), told CNN early in the war. "It's a public relations victory." The TB2 even had a music video made about it. That's the status it has attained among Ukrainians. This story was first published on CNN. "Three weapons that changed the course of Ukraines war with Russia" Trans-China Automotive Holdings (Catalist:VI2) Full Year 2022 Results Key Financial Results Revenue: CN4.03b (down 11% from FY 2021). Net income: CN21.0m (down 83% from FY 2021). Profit margin: 0.5% (down from 2.7% in FY 2021). The decrease in margin was driven by lower revenue. EPS: CN0.04 (down from CN0.24 in FY 2021). All figures shown in the chart above are for the trailing 12 month (TTM) period Trans-China Automotive Holdings shares are up 3.8% from a week ago. Risk Analysis What about risks? Every company has them, and we've spotted 5 warning signs for Trans-China Automotive Holdings (of which 1 shouldn't be ignored!) you should know about. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here The following is a transcript of an interview with Drew Findling and Jennifer Little, attorneys for former President Donald Trump, that aired on "Face the Nation" on Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023. MARGARET BRENNAN: The investigation of Former President Trump in Fulton County, Georgia took a strange turn last week -- and Mr. Trump's lawyers now argue it could impact a possible trial. At the center of the controversy: Emily Kohrs, the forewoman for the special grand jury that investigated alleged election interference in Georgia by Trump and his allies. Kohrs gave several interviews in which she hinted that more than a dozen key players, perhaps even the former president, might have been recommended for indictments. Now, special grand juries can't indict, but that recommendation could prompt the District Attorney to create a criminal grand jury. The judge overseeing the case told CNN last week that although the deliberations are confidential, "what witnesses said, what you put in the report, those are not off limits" to those on the jury. The attorneys for President Trump in the Georgia case had not given an interview to any TV network, but the Kohrs media tour prompted them to talk to our Robert Costa. EMILY KOHRS TO NBC NEWS: I kind of wanted to subpoena the former president, because I got to swear everybody in. And so I thought it'd be really cool to get 60 seconds with President Trump. CNN REPORTER: Did you recommend charges against Donald Trump? EMILY KOHRS TO CNN: I really don't want to share something that the judge made a conscious decision not to share. ROBERT COSTA: Could Emily Kohrs' public disclosures jeopardize the case that could be brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis? Kohrs is part of a "special purpose" grand jury that heard months of testimony from more than 75 witnesses about alleged Republican efforts to pressure state officials like Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to overturn President Biden's victory in Georgia. Story continues AUDIO CLIP: TRUMP- RAFFENSPERGER AUDIO: "Look Brad, I gotta get, I have to find 12,000 votes, and I have them." ROBERT COSTA: Kohrs suggested the special grand jury submitted a report to Willis last month that recommended multiple indictments on a range of charges. But Willis has yet to decide whether or not to convene a criminal grand jury that could issue indictments against some Trump allies, and even the former president himself. Drew Findling and Jennifer Little head up the former president's legal team in the Georgia case. They say that Emily Kohrs' media tour has tainted any attempt by District Attorney Willis to move toward charging Trump. ROBERT COSTA: What are your options? DREW FINDLING: Are the results of that special purpose grand jury to be crumbled up like a piece of paper and thrown into a wastepaper basket? Our options are, can this district attorney's office continue to be part of this case? We have to legally research all of those issues. ROBERT COSTA: Have you lost confidence in the district attorney? DREW FINDLING: We've lost 100 percent confidence in this process. We feel this process has been compromised COSTA NARRATING: Emily Kohrs, they say, is not to blame. DREW FINDLING: This 30-year-old person, to us, has actually provided us a lens and made us aware that every suspicion we had as to this questionable process was in fact a reality. ROBERT COSTA: But she didn't break any rules though, right? She may have broken a norm but the grand jury was over by the time she went on this media tour, as you put it. So what did she do wrong in your view legally? DREW FINDLING: We have no chagrin towards this foreperson. And it looks like they lost perspective over keeping separation between prosecuting attorneys and the members of this grand jury. There cannot be a relationship. When the foreperson uses the word 'we' that lets you know there's a relationship there. When she says in interviews 'certain battles were not worth us battling,' it's not the special purpose grand jury that's litigating, it's the district attorney's office. ROBERT COSTA: She said it wouldn't be worth the battle, they decided to call your client in, former President Trump, in as a witness. DREW FINDLING: And, and - ROBERT COSTA: That's a statement she made. DREW FINDLING: Right, and- and who knows what that is based on. ROBERT COSTA: He wasn't called in the special grand jury part of this investigation. Did that surprise you? And if he was called, would you have fought that subpoena? JENNIFER LITTLE: I'm not going to speak to what our legal decisions would have been. But it was surprising and particularly once we heard the reasons why he wasn't called, when we had our foreperson of this grand jury speaking about how excited and cool it would have been to be able to look at Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, for 60 seconds, but that they just determined that given the resources and the other witnesses that they had heard of, that they just didn't need to have any more evidence at that point. It's concerning that that was the level of diligence that was shown in that decision, and it was surprising frankly. ROBERT COSTA NARRATING: If former President Trump is indicted, Willis can certainly expect a legal battle from Trump's lawyers. JENNIFER LITTLE: We absolutely do not believe that our client did anything wrong, and if any indictments were to come down, those are faulty indictments. We will absolutely fight anything tooth and nail. ROBERT COSTA NARRATING: Willis and the district attorney's office declined to comment for "Face the Nation." What it takes to report from Ukraine | 60 Minutes Ukraine marks one year since Russian invasion with no sign of peace in sight Trump attorneys claim Georgia grand jury foreperson's interviews have tainted any possible charge of former president Former President Trump and his ex-United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley are set to give dueling addresses at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) next week, putting a sharp focus on the ongoing tug-of-war within the GOP. Itll be the first time since Haley launched her presidential bid last week that the two declared major Republican 2024 contenders will pitch their candidacies at the same event. And while few Republicans expect Trump and Haley to go after each other directly, they say that it could offer one of the clearest examples yet of the simmering tensions within the party. Theres a lot of next-generation candidates out there, and I think that Nikki is tactfully going to try to make the case that theres a real choice between these older guys like Trump and this younger generation of leaders that are changing the world, one longtime Republican consultant said. Having them both at CPAC, youre going to have two very different types of personalities to compare. For now, at least, Trump remains the favorite in the race for the GOPs presidential nod; he towers over every one of his Republican rivals in sheer name recognition and stature, and early polls show him with a clear lead in an expectedly crowded primary field. But he also stands as a wounded front-runner. A growing number of Republicans have begun to question his influence and political instincts after the partys lackluster performance in the 2022 midterm elections, prompting other contenders like Haley to make the argument that the GOP and Washington, more broadly are in need of younger leadership. The former U.N. ambassador and South Carolina governor has so far built her campaign around that very notion, and shes expected to make that argument once again next week when she takes the stage at CPAC. Saul Anuzis, a Republican strategist and former Michigan GOP chairman who has attended every CPAC since 1978, said that the gathering just outside of Washington, D.C., will give Haley a real chance to introduce herself to the partys activist class and fine-tune her message to the Republican Partys conservative base. Story continues For Nikki, its really an opportunity to introduce herself in a different vein. People know of her as a former governor, a former ambassador to the U.N., but they dont really know her, Anuzis said. Shes gotta basically show why shes credible, what her message is and how to do it without being anti-Trump and I think thats going to be the balancing act for her. Haley has so far trodden carefully around Trump, only taking implied digs at her former boss. When she announced her campaign last week, she noted that Republicans had lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections and called for a change in the partys leadership without directly mentioning its current leader, Trump. Asked during a stop in Iowa this week why voters who had backed Trump in the past should support Haley in 2024, she argued that candidates shouldnt have to be 80 years old to be in D.C. before going on to call Trump a friend and the right president at the right time. President Donald Trump meets with outgoing U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) I was proud to serve in his Cabinet. But as dire of a situation as this is, as much as all the media and everybody wants to talk about the past, we need to leave the status quo in the past, she said. Weve got work to do. Weve got to look forward. That message could put Trump on defense. An NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist national poll released on Wednesday found that more than half of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents 54 percent say that the party has a better chance at winning the White House in 2024 with someone other than Trump as its nominee. For Trump, Anuzis said, CPAC is going to be about showing just how committed he is to a 2024 campaign. While the former president became the first candidate to jump into the contest, when he announced his bid in November, his campaign has been criticized by some Republicans as anemic and lacking a clear strategy. It wasnt until late January that he made his first campaign swing through New Hampshire and South Carolina, two early primary states. And he still hasnt stopped in Iowa, which holds the first Republican nominating contest. It wasnt until Monday that he rolled out his senior campaign staff in Iowa. For Trump, its a question of convincing people and showing them how serious he is or isnt about running, Anuzis said. Thats something hes going to have to address. Hes got a very selective, loose infrastructure right now. So hes going to have to show his commitment to the race and fire up the base. Its a chance for him to get his base excited and motivated, Anuzis added. These are very much his type of people. Of course, Anuzis said, while Trump and Haley may be drawing the most attention, theyre not the only ones with 2024 prospects that will take the stage at CPAC. The speakers list also includes former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is weighing an entrance into the race, and Vivek Ramaswamy, a wealthy entrepreneur and conservative activist who announced a bid for the Republican nomination on Tuesday. One notable absence: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whos preparing for a likely presidential bid. I think theres a tremendous amount of interest in these new candidates, whether its Nikki or Vivek or Ron DeSantis, Anuzis said. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Retired Col. Yevgeny Eugene Vindman, who blew the whistle on the 2019 call between former President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that resulted in Trumps first impeachment, said on Saturday that Russian leaders will never escape accountability for their crimes in Ukraine. They can never escape accountability, no matter how long it takes, Vindman told MSNBC. Vindman, who was born in Ukraine, is currently investigating war crimes in the country on behalf of the Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group, a joint initiative created by the United States, United Kingdom and European Union. At this stage, investigation is the most important thing, Vindman said. Accountability is a long-term process. [For] World War II, Germany was still holding war crimes trials as recently as last year. Same thing is happening in Yugoslavia for the crimes that were committed decades ago. So, at this stage, its about collecting the evidence and preparing cases for when the opportunity presents itself, he added. Vice President Kamala Harris announced last weekend while speaking at the Munich Security Conference that the U.S. had formally determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine. The United States has formally determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity, and I say to all those who have perpetrated these crimes, and to their superiors, who are complicit in these crimes, you will be held to account, Harris said. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Former President Donald Trump (played by James Austin Johnson) showed no sympathy for residents of disaster-stricken East Palestine, Ohio, in a Saturday Night Live cold open sketch based on his recent visit to the community. (You can watch the parody below.) Johnsons Trump, who poked fun at the former presidents water bottle-laden visit this past week, fired on all cylinders as he mocked President Joe Biden, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. He also weighed in on criticism over the Trump administrations rollback of rail safety regulations. I did a lot for trains. I made them bigger, faster, less safe, perhaps, Johnson said. Im here paying my respects because your train exploded and now your birds and fish are all dead, thats got to not be so great wake up in the morning and not hear the beautiful chirping of birds and instead hear trains exploding and derailing all over the place. He later set the stage at a faux press conference with Emily Kohrs (played by Chloe Fineman), the foreperson of the grand jury that investigated Trumps attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. Shes got a very big secret for such a kooky little lady, Johnson said. Potentially, I might, I dont know, eeeeeeeeh, said Fineman as she made a series of faces, poking fun at Kohrs exaggerated facial expressions during recent media appearances. You can watch more of the SNL bit below. Related... Two men returned to Forsyth Park to give life advice and words of wisdom to anyone who would listen. Self-proclaimed old farts, Kevin Shotsberger and Razz Jenkins told WJCL they had taken people watching to the next level by setting up a booth promoting dubious free advice. [DOWNLOAD: Free WSB-TV News app for alerts as news breaks] First of all, we get along so well. And we really like each other, and our wives are great friends. So what we do here is exactly what we do at home -- sit around and smoke cigars, Jenkins told WJCL. Both men are retired Chicago natives who visit Savannah to try and escape the cold winter months in the midwest. The pair first unveiled Old Farts last year, sitting in lawn chairs in the park, smoking cigars and talking to passersby. This year, they have come up with a twist. TRENDING STORIES: This year, weve got our Guest Old Fart chair there. And we brought that because last year we had so many people say, Oh, my husband needs to be over there, or, I should be there. We said okay, great, heres the guests old fart chair. Go ahead and sit down, Shotsberger said. The hardest part of that is getting that old fart up out of that chair, Jenkins said. Its a camp chair, so you can get locked in. When asked about why they do this, the men told WJCL that they do it to promote positivity. [SIGN UP: WSB-TV Daily Headlines Newsletter] I think the message should be that you should really just enjoy life, Shotsberger said. The only hope I have is that someone will look at us and say, Ya know, life aint so bad, Jenkins said. WJCL said you can find the two men in Forsyth Park for the next two Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon with more wisdom and, of course, more cigars. IN OTHER NEWS: Hong Kong model Abby Choi was last seen on Tuesday (Instagram/ Abby Choi) Two people have been charged with murder after police discovered the dismembered body parts of a missing model at a rented house. Police in Hong Kong launched a murder probe after the legs of Abby Choi were found in a fridge at the property on Friday. Ms Chois former father-in-law and his eldest son are accused of her murder, police said in a statement on Sunday. Her former mother-in-law has been charged with perverting the course of justice. Authorities arrested Ms Chois ex-husband on Saturday, but no charges have been brought against the 28-year-old. Officers made the grim discovery after breaking into a house in the village of Lung Mei Village in Tai Po, a suburban part of Hong Kong close to the border with mainland China. They also found the victims identity card, credit cards and other items, Superintendent Alan Chung told reporters on Saturday. Police also have found that the flat was arranged by cold-blooded killers meticulously, he explained. Tools that are used to dismember human bodies were found in the flat, he said. Human tissue was also discovered, Mr Chung said, but police were unable to locate the victims head, torso or hands at the scene. Ms Choi had financial disputes involving tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars with others, Mr Chung said, adding that some people were unhappy with how she handled her financial assets. The model, who was reportedly last seen on Tuesday, was the cover star of the latest edition of LOfficiel Monaco magazine. Ms Choi had more than 80,000 followers on Instagram. With additional reporting from the Associated Press Two Ukrainian films won awards at the 73rd annual Berlin International Film Festival. Source: Ukrainian State Film Agency on Facebook Details: The short film Its a Date by Nadia Parfan received a special mention from the International Jury. The film tells the story of life in Kyiv during the full-scale war in the country. Photo: Ukrainian State Film Agency The film festival jury compared the film story to the short film of the same name by the French director Claude Lelouch. "The director manages to liberate the farcical short film of 1976 and turn it into something more complex, where the urgency has reasons; it is connected to the war, not to a macho whim, especially since the Ukrainian soldier on leave is a woman," the jury said. The award was also given to the Ukrainian-German documentary by Mila Zhluktenko and Daniel Asadi Faezi, Waking Up in Silence. Photo: Ukrainian State Film Agency The film received a special award for the best short film in the Generation Kplus program. The film also received 2500 euros from Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, a German charity organisation for children. The film tells the story of the war through the eyes of Ukrainian women and children who were forced to take refuge in Germany due to Russias invasion of Ukraine. "We were touched by the film's confident approach. It powerfully evokes a sense of place and history, as it offers an important snapshot of the present," the film festival said. Sean Penn and Aaron Kaufman's film Superpower was the centrepiece of the Berlinale. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! President Joe Bidens top national security adviser said Sunday that the White House had not yet seen China provide Russia with lethal assistance in its war on Ukraine and warned Beijing that doing so would be against its interests. We have not seen China yet provide military equipment to Russia for purposes of fighting in the war in Ukraine. We havent seen it yet, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on NBC News Meet the Press. Were continuing to watch. Well stay vigilant, as President Biden said, but so far, we havent seen it, Sullivan said. Sullivan added, I don't think it is in Chinas interest to do this. The U.S. was reported to believe China is considering sending artillery and ammunition to Russia. I think it would alienate them from a number of countries in the world, including our European allies, and it would put them for square into the center of responsibility for the kinds of war crimes and bombardments of civilians and atrocities that the Russians are committing in Ukraine, Sullivan said, adding that their weapons would in effect be used for the slaughter of people in Ukraine. "But that's a decision Beijing is going to have to make for itself," he said. Sullivan said that the U.S. would remain "vigilant" in monitoring developments and that communicating possible consequences to Beijing for providing such assistance to Russia is better done directly with Chinese counterparts in private." NBC News reported that intelligence suggests China is considering sending artillery and ammunition to Russia, according to three current U.S. officials, a Western official and a former U.S. official briefed about the intelligence. The officials would not say what specific evidence they have to support their claims. Chinas Foreign Affairs Ministry did not respond to an earlier request for comment on the intelligence. The Wall Street Journal was first to report details of what the U.S. believes Beijing is considering. Story continues In an exclusive NBC News report this month, four U.S. officials familiar with the matter said the administration is worried Beijing is considering sending lethal aid. Asked by Bloomberg about reports of possible lethal assistance to Russia, a spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Ministry said, "We will never accept U.S.'s criticism, even coercion and pressure on China-Russia relations." After the U.S. downed a suspected spy balloon over the Atlantic Ocean on Feb. 4, China declined Washingtons request for a secure call between Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and his counterpart, National Defense Minister Wei Fenghe, the Pentagon said. A Chinese fighter jet flew within 500 feet of a U.S. Navy plane over the South China Sea last week. U.S. officials said encounters like that have become more frequent as Beijing and Washington increase their efforts to wield influence in the Pacific. The incidents have contributed to escalating tensions between the world's two largest economies. Sullivan stressed the importance of establishing adequate military communications between the countries Sunday. We have said repeatedly that we need to have military communications channels to avoid escalation, to avoid surprise, to avoid mistakes, and it is unfortunate that the Chinese defense ministry has declined to take calls from the U.S. secretary of defense. Thats on China, Sullivan said. It is not that all lines of communication are cut or shut off, Sullivan added, noting Secretary of State Antony Blinkens meeting in Munich this month with a senior Chinese diplomat. "Rather, that we do not have the military-to-military exchanges that we think are necessary to ensure stability." Sullivan also addressed why the White House has declined calls from lawmakers from both major parties to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets, saying such a possibility was for another phase of the war. The question of F-16s is really a question for another day, for another phase, he said. This phase is about ground combat and being able to have the tools in the hands of the Ukrainians to take the territory back that the Russians are occupied. This article was originally published on By Elizabeth Piper and Sachin Ravikumar LONDON (Reuters) -British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak struck a deal with the European Union on post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland on Monday, saying it would pave the way for a new chapter in London's relationship with the bloc. Standing alongside European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at a news conference in Windsor, Sunak said the two sides had agreed to remove "any sense of a border" between Britain and its province - a situation that had angered politicians on both sides. He immediately won plaudits from business groups who welcomed the easing of trade rules, and an EU promise that it would be willing to allow British scientists to join its vast research programme if Sunak's party accepts the deal. The agreement marks a high-risk strategy for Sunak just four months after he took office. He is looking to secure improved relations with Brussels - and the United States - without angering the wing of his party most wedded to Brexit. The deal seeks to resolve the tensions caused by the Northern Ireland protocol, a complex agreement which set the trading rules for the British-ruled region that London agreed before it left the EU but now says are unworkable. Its success is likely to hinge on whether it convinces the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to end its boycott of Northern Ireland's power-sharing arrangements. These were central to the 1998 peace deal known as the Good Friday Agreement which mostly ended three decades of sectarian and political violence in Northern Ireland. "I'm pleased to report that we have now made a decisive breakthrough," Sunak said of his new "Windsor Framework". "This is the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship." The issue of Northern Ireland has been one of the most contentious related to Britain's 2020 departure from the European Union. A return to a hard border between the province and Ireland, an EU member, could have jeopardised the peace deal. Story continues But it remains to be seen whether the new terms will go far enough to end the political deadlock in Northern Ireland, where perceptions that the protocol loosened ties with Britain have angered many unionist communities. Sunak is likely to talk up the fact he has secured a so-called "Stormont brake", which he said would allow Stormont - the regional assembly - to stop any "changes to EU goods rules that would have significant and lasting effects on everyday lives". He said that would give London a veto on new rules. Von der Leyen said she hoped the brake could be avoided if the two sides consulted each other extensively when introducing new laws and regulatory changes. FUTURE REBELLION? DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson said "significant progress" had been made but they would not be rushed into a decision. Another DUP lawmaker, Ian Paisley, told the BBC it did not go far enough, and more talks were needed. The European Research Group, which brings together pro-Brexit Conservative lawmakers, will work with lawyers to examine the details before giving a verdict, a process that could take around a week. David Davis, a former Brexit minister, said Sunak had pulled off a "formidable negotiating success", although there has been speculation in Westminster that Boris Johnson could oppose the deal. A source close to the former prime minister said he was studying and reflecting on the proposal. If the deal is accepted, the new changes would be phased in over the next few years. A parliamentary vote will take place once all parties have had time to study it. Victory would strengthen Sunak's hold over his Conservative Party and enable him to move past the thorniest issue on his agenda as he seeks to catch up with the opposition Labour Party, now well ahead in opinion polls, before a national election expected in 2024. Were he to fail, he would probably face a rebellion from the eurosceptic wing of his party, reviving the deep ideological divisions that have at times paralysed the government since the vote to leave the EU in 2016. Sunak could have left the stand-off unresolved, but officials in London and Belfast say he has been motivated to act ahead of the 25-year anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, which could entail a visit from U.S. President Joe Biden. Biden, who often speaks with pride of his Irish roots, on Monday welcomed the deal and described it as an "essential step" to ensuring that the peace from the Good Friday Agreement was preserved. U.S. officials had previously warned that any action which endangered the peace agreement could harm the prospects of a U.S.-UK trade deal. "I appreciate the efforts of the leaders and officials on all sides who worked tirelessly to find a way forward that protects Northern Ireland's place within the UK's internal market as well as the EU's single market, to the benefit of all communities in Northern Ireland," Biden said in a statement. Sunak is hoping that a successful outcome will improve cooperation with the EU in areas beyond Northern Ireland, including the regulation of financial services and in helping to stem an influx of migrants in small boats across the Channel. Raoul Ruparel, a one-time special adviser on Europe to former prime minister Theresa May, said the new terms were much better than he had expected. "It is worth saying the EU has moved massively," he said on Twitter. "Credit where its due. They look to have listened and taken on board concerns of UK, businesses and unionists in NI." (Writing by Kate Holton; Additional reporting by William James, Kylie MacLellan, Sarah Young, Alistair Smout, Andrew MacAskill, Farouq Suleiman, Muvija M, Michael Holden and Kanishka Singh; Editing by Angus MacSwan and Rosalba O'Brien) Russian military The service has published satellite image from the Vuhledar axis showing destroyed Russian equipment likely elements of Russias 155th Naval Infantry Brigade, the service notes. Read also: Ukrainian troops destroy elite Russian naval brigade near Vuhledar again This brigade is considered an elite force in Russia. However, unlike the airborne infantry (VDV), another force considered to be among the Russian military elite, the 155th Brigade has not been deployed in Ukraine as a single large group. @DefenceHQ/Twitter Read also: Russian failures at Vuhledar show poor training of Russian conscripts ISW UK intelligence states that Russian marines have performed some of the most difficult tactical tasks and have suffered enormous losses. However, the conscripts sent to replenish this unit are not suited to replicate those tasks. "This lack of experience is almost certainly exacerbating Russian officers tendency to micromanage, which in turn reduces operational agility," the report reads. There is a realistic possibility that degraded NI units will again be committed to new assaults near Vuhledar. Read also: Russians claims about advances near Vuhledar, Orikhiv misinformation, says UK intelligence The UK believes that the Russian invasion forces may soon launch another offensive near Vuhledar. However, they are unlikely to have enough resources to do so successfully. Were bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. Support us with a one-time donation, or become a Patron! Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine Ukraine's electricity supply has stabilized, meaning scheduled cuts may not be required, Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said on television on Feb. 25. The country may even consider restarting electricity exports to Europe, which were suspended after Russia had begun attacking Ukraine's power plants and grid with waves of missile and drone strikes in October. Halushchenko said that the national grid has gone without shortages for over two weeks now. However, Odesa Oblast is still experiencing outages due to significant infrastructure damage. The minister added that if stable surpluses are observed, the country will consider exporting again. However, restoring electricity supply to regions with damaged networks is a bigger priority. About half of Ukraine's entire electrical system was damaged by the frequent Russian strikes, leading to frequent emergency repairs, as well as the implementation of rationing and scheduled blackouts. According to expert estimates, Russia's attacks on infrastructure used up its missile stockpiles much faster than it is able to replenish them by building more. (Reuters) -Ukraine plans no more outages to ration electricity if there are no new strikes and has been able to amass some power reserves, the energy minister said on Saturday, after months of interruptions caused by Russian bombings. "Electricity restrictions will not be introduced, provided there are no strikes by the Russian Federation on infrastructure facilities," Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said in remarks posted on the ministry's Telegram messaging platform. "Outages will only be used for repairs." After multiple battlefield setbacks and scaling down its troop operation to Ukraine's east and south, Russia in October began bombing the country's energy infrastructure, leaving millions without power and heat for days on end. The temperature in winter months often stays below freezing across most of Ukraine. Halushchenko said this heating season has been extremely difficult. "But our power engineers managed to maintain the power system, and for the third week in a row, electricity generation has ensured consumption needs, we have reserves," Halushchenko said. Ukraine, which does not produce power generators itself, has imported and received thousands of them over the past few years, with the U.S. pledging a further $10 billion on Friday to aid Kyiv's energy needs. Separately, the chief executive of state grid operator Ukrenergo, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, said that repair works on the damaged infrastructure in the city of Odesa suffered earlier this month, has been finished. "Starting this evening, there is more light in Odesa," Kudrytskyi wrote on his Facebook page. "The crews that worked on restoring networks are moving to other facilities." A Feb. 4 fire that broke out at an overloaded power station left hundreds of thousands of residents without electricity. (Reporting by Lidia Kelly in Melbourne; Editing by Daniel Wallis and Sandra Maler) The murky water oh so slowly trickles from the filthy drainpipe into her grimy container the ticking seconds ramping up the risk that Emilia Budskaya could lose life or limb to Russian artillery strikes torturing her front-line town in eastern Ukraine. Gaping gashes from shrapnel in the courtyard walls around her testify to the dangers of venturing outside exposed and without the body armor that Ukrainian soldiers defending Vuhledar wear when they emerge from their bunkers. >>> STREAM ACTION NEWS JAX LIVE <<< But Budskaya and her daughter need water to cling on and survive, to eke out another day in the ruins. And so they wait tick, tick, tick for the container to fill, for Budskaya to then pour the water into plastic bottles and tick, tick, tick for her to then start the process again until their bottles are filled. Picking their way through the debris and mud, they carry their bounty back to the dark basement that now passes for their home. We have no water, nothing, Budskaya says. Im getting rain water to wash dishes and hands. On the largely static front line between Ukrainian and Russian forces that stretches over hundreds of kilometers (miles), from the Black Sea in the south to Ukraines northeastern border with Russia, Vuhledar has become one of the deadliest hot spots. It has joined Bakhmut, Marinka and other cities and towns, particularly in fiercely contested eastern Ukraine, as evidence of a grinding and destructive war of attrition, as well as symbols of fierce Ukrainian resistance. By defending their ruins, Ukrainian forces are slowing costly Russian offensive efforts to extend Moscows control over the entirety of eastern Ukraines industrial Donbas region. It became Russian President Vladimir Putins revised target for conquest after his forces were beaten back from the capital, Kyiv, and northern Ukraine in the invasions opening stage a year ago. Story continues Ukrainian soldiers are paying a heavy price, too, but say their sacrifices are wearing down waves of troops and equipment that Moscow is throwing into battle. In Bakhmut, a soldier who allowed himself to be identified only by his war name, Expert, said the pulverized city in the Donbas Donetsk region has become a stronghold " for Ukraine. See what they have done to it? he said of Russian forces that have been pounding Bakhmut for months, slowly inching forward with heavy casualties to capture a prize that, if it falls, might allow Moscow to argue that the invasion is making progress. And this is not the only city, the soldier, who fights in a Ukrainian rapid response unit, added. I wish they would break their teeth trying to chew it. Battlefields around Vuhledar, southwest of Bakhmut and also in the Donetsk region, bear witness to the precious equipment and manpower that Russia is expending, with little territorial gain. Tanks and other armored fighting vehicles blown up by mines or stopped in their tracks by Ukrainian strikes are clumped together on the blasted, cratered terrain. [DOWNLOAD: Free Action News Jax app for alerts as news breaks] Although Russia has seized most of the Luhansk region that also forms part of the Donbas, the adjacent Donetsk region remains roughly divided between Ukrainian and Russian control. Ukraines military said Sunday that Russian assaults in the east remain concentrated on Bakhmut and other objectives. Russian forces include mercenaries of the notorious Wagner Group, a private military company that has recruited fighters from prisons and tossed them into combat, with high casualty rates. Its millionaire owner with longtime links to Putin, former convicted felon Yevgeny Prigozhin, said Saturday that his fighters had advanced into a settlement on Bakhmuts northern outskirts. The Ukrainian military disputed that claim, saying Russian forces were repelled. Donetsk Gov. Pavlo Kyrylenko reported three civilians killed and four wounded in Russian strikes on Saturday. Vuhledar and its surroundings were also intensely shelled, he said. Further along the front line, in the southern Kherson region also split between Ukrainian and Russian control, Gov. Oleksandr Prokudin reported two civilians killed and seven injured in 78 Russian strikes on the region on Saturday. [SIGN UP: Action News Jax Daily Headlines Newsletter] On patrol in Vuhledars ruins, hurrying down muddy paths to take cover behind pockmarked walls, Ukrainian soldiers said their fight was larger than for control of the city. We fight for our children, for our fellow Ukrainians, for our nation, said a marine with the war name Moryak. Because I think what Russia is doing now is genocide of Ukrainians. And Ukrainians dont have another option but to win. In other developments Sunday: Marking the anniversary of Russias occupation of Ukraines Crimea in 2014, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed confidence the peninsulas return to Ukrainian control would be part of an end to the war. This is our land. Our people. Our history. We will return the Ukrainian flag to every corner of Ukraine, Zelenskyy wrote on Telegram. U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price repeated Sunday that the United States does not and never will recognize Russias purported annexation of the peninsula. Crimea is Ukraine. Asked whether the United States would support a Ukrainian military effort to retake Crimea, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on CNNs State of the Union: What ultimately happens with Crimea in the context of this war and a settlement of this war is something for the Ukrainians to determine, with the support of the United States. The Ukrainian military said Sunday that Russian forces were building fortifications in Crimea to strengthen their defense, allegedly bringing 150 Russian conscripts from Russias Chelyabinsk region, close to the Ural mountains, to perform engineering work. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Farhan bin Faisal visited Kyiv to sign an agreement under which Riyadh will provide humanitarian aid and financing for purchases of oil derivatives purchases. We hope this helps ease the suffering of the Ukrainian people during this humanitarian crisis, he said of the agreement that is worth $400 million. Click here to download the free Action News Jax news and weather apps, click here to download the Action News Jax Now app for your smart TV and click here to stream Action News Jax live. (Bloomberg) -- Most Read from Bloomberg Vladimir Putin said NATO arms supplies to Ukraine make the alliance a participant in the conflict. Its not a new thought, but one Russias president hasnt followed through on, even as Western allies provide Kyiv with more sophisticated armaments. In a TV interview taped last week, Putin said Russia faces an eternal struggle with the West. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan Al Saud met officials including President Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a surprise trip to Kyiv on Sunday. Putin ally Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus will make a three-day state visit to China starting Tuesday, days after Beijing called for a Russia-Ukraine cease-fire in a 12-point position paper roundly dismissed by the US and Europe. Russias War in Ukraine: Key Events and How Its Unfolding (See RSAN on the Bloomberg Terminal for the Russian Sanctions Dashboard.) Listen to our special conversations from last week, including our Twitter Space analyzing Zelenskiys press conference as it happened. We also discussed the military strategies of the war, the impact on energy and the environment, the effect of sanctions including on the wealth of Russias oligarchs and what the future holds for Ukrainian refugees. Big Take Podcast: How Does Ukraine Continue to Beat Back Russia? Key Developments China to Host Belarus Leader After Seeking Cease-fire in Ukraine Russias War Means G-20 Finance Meeting Ends Without Communique Poland Says Russia Stops Oil Flows Via Key Druzhba Pipeline US Sees China in Awkward International Position Over Ukraine Russias Invasion of Ukraine: A Political Year in Photos More Ukrainians Are Settling Abroad as War Grinds On Story continues On the Ground: Ukraines military staff said Russian troops are reinforcing defense in annexed Crimea, including building fortifications. Russia continues its offensive on Kupyansk, Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and Shakhtarske axes in Ukraines East, Kremlin forces launched 14 missile and 19 air strikes, 57 strikes from multiple launch rocket systems, with the shelling causing civilian casualties. Two people were killed and seven injured in Kherson oblast in the past day. (All times CET) Germany Calls on China to Influence Russia (6:15 pm) China should back up its proposals for ending the war in Ukraine by exerting influence over Russia, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said. One possible step by China would be to accept Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiys suggestion of a meeting, he said in an ARD television interview Sunday. If by contrast China were to deliver weapons to Russia, that would make Chinas role as a mediator a very dubious one, Pistorius said. US Says Chinas in Awkward Position Over Ukraine (5:04 p.m.) Chinas stance on the Russian invasion of Ukraine puts it in an awkward position internationally, and any weapons support to Russia would come with real costs, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said. In three US television interviews on Sunday, Sullivan said the Biden administration doesnt have evidence that China is giving lethal support to Vladimir Putins war in Ukraine. Read more: US Sees China in Awkward International Position Over Ukraine Saudi Foreign Minister Visits Kyiv (4:19 p.m.) Saudis foreign minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan visited Kyiv on Sunday for meetings with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba, and other top officials. Andriy Yermak, chief of Ukraines presidential office, told reporters that the officials discussed energy and investment cooperation, possible cooperation on grain exports, and war-related issues such as Saudi help in securing further prisoner swaps with Russia. The officials also signed agreements on how $400 million in Saudi aid to Ukraine announced in October will be allocated. Ukraine Aims to Divide Russian Troops in South (12 p.m.) Ukraines goal in a renewal of its counteroffensive this spring will be to divide Russian troops in the nations south, Vadym Skibitskyi, a top defense official, told Germanys DW in an interview. Skibitskyi, deputy chief of defense intelligence, said the timing of Ukraines next moves would depend in part on the arrival if Western weapons supplies. One of the main goals will be to drive a wedge in Russias front in the south, between Crimea and Russias mainland, he said. China to Host Lukashenko on Heels of Cease-Fire Plan (11 a.m.) China will host the president of Belarus in a state visit from Tuesday, welcoming an ally of Vladimir Putin as the US expresses concerns that Beijing may yet decide to provide weapons support to Russia that would assist it in its war in Ukraine. Alexander Lukashenko is visiting at the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Chinas foreign ministry said. The visit comes days after China called for a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine in a position paper on ending the war. But several of the 12 points outlined by Beijing offer clear benefits to Putin, and were dismissed by US and European officials. Croatia Will Send 14 Helicopters to Ukraine (10:34 a.m.) NATO member Croatia is preparing 14 transport helicopters to send to Ukraine, via Poland, with delivery expected in March, Zagreb-based Juranji List reported, citing people it didnt identify. The Soviet-designed aircraft will be being stripped of Croatian insignia to become part of Ukraines force. Seven will be transported by land, and the rest will fly to a destination in Poland before reaching Ukraine, according to the report. Ukraine Hopes to Resume Electricity Exports (10:23 a.m.) Ukraine is no longer facing power shortages, prompting speculation that the war-torn nation may soon resume electricity exports to the European Union. After months of regular Russian missile attacks, the electricity situation is improving due to lower consumption, higher production and repairs, according to the grid operator NPC Ukrenergo. This issue is on the table now, Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said in a TV interview. If we see a stable surplus of electricity in our system, no doubt, the question of exports will be considered. Putin Says Arms Supplies Make NATO a Participant, Tass Reports (8:48 a.m.) President Vladimir Putin said arms supplies to Ukraine by NATO countries make the alliance a participant in the conflict, reiterating his allegations that the US and its allies are seeking to destroy Russia, Tass reported. In an interview on a weekly state TV program, Putin said the US-led West is attempting to break up his country, warning that the Russian people may not survive: They have one goal: to disband the former Soviet Union and its fundamental part - the Russian Federation. The US and its allies reject such a characterization, which the Kremlin has turned to as it tries to muster public support for the year-long invasion. Moscow has threatened direct retaliation against NATO if the alliance joins the fight, but so far has targeted only Ukrainian forces amid Western warnings of a massive response to any attack. Three NATO Members Float Defense Pact With Ukraine: WSJ (8 a.m.) The UK, France and Germany are floating the idea of a defense pact with between NATO and Ukraine as a way to prod Kyiv to start peace talks with Moscow, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing officials with the three governments. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reportedly laid out a blueprint for ways to give Ukraine broader access to advanced military equipment, and wants the proposal to be discussed at NATOs July meeting, the newspaper said. The reported plan falls far short of the protections Ukraine would receive from NATO and could reflect a desire to press Ukraine to accept a negotiated settlement on unfavorable terms, said the US-based Institute for the Study of War. French Defense Company on Hiring Spree as Orders Climb (12:30 a.m.) The multinational French defense company Thales SA plans to hire 12,000 new workers this year for a net headcount gain of 4,000 - as demand is driven higher by Russias war in Ukraine. Frances Thales Plans to Hire 12,000 As Defense Orders Surge CIA Head Reinforces Warning to China (12:08 a.m.) CIA Director William Burns said the Biden administration is confident that Chinas leaders are considering providing lethal equipment to Russia in its war against Ukraine, echoing comments by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President Joe Biden over the past week. China hasnt made a decision yet and the US hasnt seen evidence of such shipments, Burns said in an interview with CBSs Face the Nation recorded Friday. Thats why Blinken and Biden have thought it important to make very clear what the consequences of that would be as well, Burns said. Ukrainian General Visits Embattled Bakhmut (4:21 p.m.) Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskiy, commander of Ukraines ground forces, visited the contested city of Bakhmut in the Donetsk region on Saturday, the forces said on Facebook. Russian troops have been trying since August to capture the city as a springboard to wider territorial gains in Ukraines east. Fighting continues on the outskirts of Bakhmut, which had a pre-war population of about 70,000, and around it, the Ground Forces said. Kremlin forces likely made marginal territorial gains in the area on Friday, according to the Institute for the Study of War, which noted that Russian sources are again claiming the capture of nearby villages. Most Read from Bloomberg Businessweek 2023 Bloomberg L.P. Ukraine marks Day of Resistance to Occupation of Crimea It was on this day in 2014 that a rally was held in front of the building of the ARC's Supreme Council (Crimean parliament) in Simferopol in support of Ukraine's territorial integrity. The rally was attended by members of the Crimean Tatar community, activists of the Euromaidan Crimea movement, and other Crimeans. They rallied against a parliamentary session, which was supposed to address the peninsula's secession from Ukraine. A pro-Russian rally was simultaneously held near the ARC's Supreme Council. The Ukrainian-language service of Germany's DW wrote at that time that about 10,000 participants in the pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian rallies were separated by 300 police officers without necessary gear. Read also: Crimean Tatar activist Gafarov dies in Russian custody Two people died in clashes on that day. As a result, pro-Ukrainian activists pushed back the pro-Russian rivals and the ARC's Supreme Council failed to gather for its special meeting. However, at night, Russian special forces in military uniform without insignia seized the parliament's building. On March 16, a sham referendum on Crimea's "accession" to the Russian Federation was staged. Later, the occupation authorities opened a case against participants in the pro-Ukrainian rally and handed down illegal sentences to a number of activists. On Feb. 26, 2020, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a decree establishing the Day of Resistance to the Occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol. Read also: Russia to imprison five Crimean Tatars for a total of 65 years "For nine years to the day, our Crimea has been fiercely fighting for its right to live in a free European country," Tamila Tasheva, the Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in Crimea, wrote on Feb. 26, 2023. "Nine years since Russia unleashed a bloody war. For nine years it has been colonized, militarized, and prepared for a full-scale invasion. For nine years, they have been trying to establish the regime of an inept dictator in the occupied Crimea. 'Trying' is worth emphasizing, because the occupiers have not succeeded in doing so." Story continues On the Day of Resistance to the Occupation of Crimea, Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets said that 180 people had become political prisoners of the Kremlin since the Russian seizure of the peninsula. Of these, 116 are Crimean Tatars. Were bringing the voice of Ukraine to the world. Support us with a one-time donation, or become a Patron! Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine (Reuters) - Ukraine's military said on Sunday that Russia conducted unsuccessful offensives near Yahidne over the past day, after Russia's Wagner mercenary group claimed to have captured the village in eastern Ukraine near the focus on intense fighting. The General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces said in a morning update that Russia keeps concentrating its offensive efforts along the entire Bakhmut front line, were Yahidne is located. The months-long struggle for Bakhmut, where only about 5,000 of 70,000 residents remain, has seen some of the bloodiest attritional fighting of Russia's year-old invasion. Russian mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin said on Saturday his forces had captured Yahidne. On Friday, he had claimed control of Berkhivka, an adjacent village on the outskirts of Bakhmut. But the Ukrainian bulletin said attacks were continuing, citing "unsuccessful offensives" near six settlements, including Yahidne and Berkhivka, in the Donetsk region, which Moscow claims to have annexed. Reuters could not verify the battlefield reports of either side. Ukraine's Sunday bulletin said Russian forces had shelled the areas of 22 settlements along that part of the front line in Donetsk over the past day, while Ukraine had repelled 71 in Donetsk and elsewhere along the frontline. The fierce battles along the front lines in Ukraine's south and east, especially near Bakhmut, now consist of crawling attempts by each side to move the line, sometimes just a few metres at a time. Russia has made progress towards encircling Bakhmut but failed to capture it in time to deliver a victory for President Vladimir Putin to announce on Friday's anniversary of his invasion. (Reporting by Lidia Kelly, Nick Starkov and Ron Popeski; Writing by Lidia Kelly; Editing by William Mallard) Russian President Vladimir Putin - MIKHAIL METZEL/AFP Vladimir Putin has said that Russian people may not survive in their current state as he claimed the West was trying to "disband" Russia. The Russian president said the West wanted to divide up Russia and then control the world's biggest producer of raw materials, a step, he said, that could well lead to the destruction of many of the peoples of Russia including the ethnic Russian majority. Putin's existential framing of the war allows the 70-year-old Kremlin chief to gird the Russian people for a much more deeper conflict while it also allows him much greater freedom in the types of weapons he could one day use. "They [the West] have one goal: to disband the former Soviet Union and its fundamental part - the Russian Federation," the Russian leader told Rossiya 1 state television in an interview recorded on Wednesday but released on Sunday. He added: "I do not even know if such an ethnic group as the Russian people will be able to survive in the form in which it exists today." He said the West's plans had been put to paper, though did not specify where. 05:03 PM That's all for today... Here is a summary of what happened today. Volodymr Zelensky has said that he will wear a suit when the war in Ukraine is over. Vladimir Putin has said that Russian people may not survive in their current state as he claimed the West was trying to "disband" Russia. Algeria will reopen its embassy in Kyiv one year after it was closed over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Algerian state television said on Sunday citing a foreign ministry statement. Ukraine's military said that Russia conducted unsuccessful offensives near Yahidne over the past day, after Russia's Wagner mercenary group claimed to have captured the village in eastern Ukraine near the focus on intense fighting. Please follow again tomorrow for all the latest updates on Ukraine. 04:38 PM Pictured: Zelensky meets Saudi foreign minister in Kyiv This handout picture taken and released by the Ukrainian Presidential press service on February 26, 2023, shows Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) shaking hands with Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud - HANDOUT/AFP 04:35 PM Analysis: Why China may consider arming Russia The director of the CIA choosing to use the word confident to describe a US assessment that China is considering arming Russia should set alarm bells ringing throughout Ukraine and the West, writes Dominic Nicholls. Story continues British security professionals in the intelligence community and other law-enforcement agencies use Whitehalls probability yardstick to express a level of confidence in the information they are imparting. They have even attached figures to it. Intelligence analysts say the likelihood of something happening is remote if they consider it to have less than a 5 per cent chance of occurring. Read more from Dominic Nicholls here 03:42 PM Pictured: A child sits on the canon of a tank destroyed by Ukrainian armed forces in Kyiv With a defiant attitude, a child sits on the canon of a tank destroyed by Ukrainian armed forces in Kyiv - ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Live News/ 02:59 PM Any China lethal aid to Russia would come at real costs, says US China has not moved toward providing lethal aid that would help Russia in its invasion of Ukraine and the United States has made clear behind closed doors that such a move would have serious consequences, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday. "Beijing will have to make its own decisions about how it proceeds, whether it provides military assistance, but if it goes down that road, it will come at real costs to China," Sullivan said in an interview with CNN's "State of the Union" program. China has not moved forward in providing that aid, but neither has Beijing taken that option off the table, Sullivan said in a separate interview on ABC's "This Week" program. US officials have warned their Chinese counterparts behind closed doors about what those costs might be, Sullivan said, but he would not elaborate on those private discussions. 02:55 PM Why Taiwanese are volunteering to fight in Ukraine When Tony Lu made the long journey from Taiwan to Ukraine just two weeks after war broke out, he planned to distribute relief supplies. As I handed out aid packs, I realised that I could contribute much more at the frontlines, he said. Thats where many people, like the elderly and young, needed the most help. Immediately, he signed up as a volunteer foreign fighter. Read more from Sophia Yan here 02:10 PM Putins invasion of Ukraine has unleashed chaos in the West A year ago, Russia invaded Ukraine, sparking a war thats already killed or injured hundreds of thousands of victims, with no end in sight, writes Liam Halligan. Military conflict is most obviously a human tragedy. But the related economic war between Russia and the West has meanwhile affected living standards across the world not least in Britain. One reason is that Russia has historically provided 40pc of the natural gas used across Western Europe while pumping 10pc of global oil consumption. Read the full piece here 01:51 PM MoD: 300 Ukrainian recruits joined by their British instructors on Friday for sunrise field service and minute's silence On Friday, we marked one year since Russias invasion. 300 Ukrainian recruits were joined by their British instructors and international partners for a sunrise field service and a minutes silence. Ministry of Defence (@DefenceHQ) February 26, 2023 01:48 PM Russia stares into population abyss as Putin sends its young men to die Dmitry Nechaev bought a one-way ticket from Moscow to Tel Aviv a year ago. Two days into Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, the 38-year-old businessman abandoned his apartment in the Russian capital and travelled to Israel, leaving his wife, children and dog behind. Within days, Visa and Mastercard suspended their services in Russia, blocking his cards and preventing him from buying plane tickets for his family. His wife had already got rid of many of their belongings in a fire sale, including their country house and camper van in a bid to raise cash quickly. In the end, a few phone calls and a friend's bank account in the United Arab Emirates saved the day. The price of five one-way tickets from Russia to Israel for his family? $10,000. "Believe it or not, that was cheap," he says. In Moscow, he sold high-end titanium bikes internationally. Now, he is making ends meet driving a van in Haifa, northern Israel. Yet Nechaev is upbeat - he got out. Read more from Szu Ping Chan here 01:02 PM Zelensky: I will wear a suit again when the war is over Volodymr Zelensky has said that he will wear a suit when the war in Ukraine is over. The Ukrainian president told the BBC that he would revert back to a suit and tie after his country wins the war. Shown pictures of himself in a suit and tie, he is asked about his change into military uniform after Russia invaded Ukraine last year. "It was very strange, my costume, the time changed and it was not comfortable to speak to people in such difficult situations and I wanted to say [to] them that I would support them and I will be here," he told Unspun World with John Simpson. When asked if he could imagine a time he would go back to a tie and a suit, he laughed and replied: "Yes, of course, I know it." He said maybe "after our victory, maybe the day of our victory. Maybe after this day." 12:46 PM Pictured: A priest blesses Ukrainian servicemen A priest blesses Ukrainian servicemen of the Prince Roman the Great 14th Separate Mechanized Brigade as they stand in formation during a flag ceremony - Vadim Ghirda/AP 12:13 PM China should be judged by its actions, not its words, says German defence minister Boris Pistorius, the German defence minister, on Sunday reacted with scepticism to a Chinese ceasefire proposal for the war in Ukraine. "When I hear reports - and I don't know whether they are true - according to which China may be planning to supply kamikaze drones to Russia while at the same time presenting a peace plan, then I suggest we judge China by its actions and not its words," he told German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk in an interview. 11:40 AM Algeria to reopen its embassy in Kyiv after one-year closure Algeria will reopen its embassy in Kyiv one year after it was closed over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Algerian state television said on Sunday citing a foreign ministry statement. "This decision falls within the framework of preserving the interests of the Algerian state and the interests of the national community in this country," state TV quoted the foreign ministry statement as saying. "The Algerian embassy in Kiev, which suspended its activities due to the deteriorating security situation in Ukraine, will be managed by the Charge d'Affaires." The embassy closed in March last year after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 11:13 AM Germany: No movement in Nato guarantees for Ukraine There has been no development for months in the discussion of possible Nato security guarantees for Ukraine, a German government spokesperson said on Sunday. "At the recent meeting of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron with Ukrainian leader Zelensky, this issue played no role at all," the spokesperson said in a statement. The statement follows a recent report by The Wall Street Journal that said some of Nato's biggest European members are floating a defense pact with Ukraine. 11:04 AM Pictured: A Ukrainian marine serviceman prepares to change position during a patrol in Vuhledar A Ukrainian marine serviceman prepares to change position during a patrol in the frontline city of Vuhledar - Evgeniy Maloletka/AP 10:43 AM Emmanuel Macron announces China visit to increase pressure on Putin Emmanuel Macron is to visit China in April in an attempt to convince Beijing to put pressure on Vladimir Putin to end the war in Ukraine. The French presidents announcement on Saturday came a day after China called for urgent peace talks and unveiled a 12 point plan to end the year-long war. Several Western powers rebuffed the proposals for a political settlement to the crisis sparked by Russias illegal invasion and warned Beijing was too close to Moscow. Read more from James Crisp, The Telegraph's Europe Editor, here 10:21 AM Russian factories working overtime to make hi-tech weapons, claims Putin ally Russia is expanding its defence production and introducing the latest technologies in its weapons factories, according to a key ally of Vladimir Putin. It came amid further signs that Moscow is cosying up to Beijing, with Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus, set to visit China in the coming days following reports that a drone deal may be under way. Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian president, mocked Western intelligence reports that Moscow was running short of weapons and ammunition, and having to fall back on basic Cold War kit. Read more from James Kilner here 10:06 AM Comment: Stopping Moscows oil and gas exports is the route to victory in Ukraine One year on from Vladimir Putins murderous invasion and nine years into Russias aggression, Ukraine stands strong, united and determined. The Kremlin underestimated the bravery and heroism of the Ukrainian people. Our whole nation is grateful to the British people, Government and Parliament for assisting our defence against Putins neo-imperialist regime. This war has become a common fight for democratic values, rules-based order, sustainable peace and security. Read more from Petro Poroshenko here 09:47 AM Putin accuses Nato members of taking part in Ukraine conflict Vladimir Putin has accused Nato members of taking part in the Ukraine conflict by donating arms to the country and said the West planned to break up Russia. "They are sending tens of billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine. This really is participation," the Russian president said in an interview with the Rossiya-1 channel aired on Sunday. "This means that they are taking part, albeit indirectly, in the crimes being carried out by the Kyiv regime," Putin said. He said Western countries had "a single aim - to break up the former Soviet Union and its main part - the Russian Federation". "Only then will they maybe accept us in the so-called family of civilised peoples but only separately, every part separately." 09:39 AM Pictured: Demonstrators in Washington march in support of Ukraine during a rally Demonstrators march in downtown in support of Ukraine during a rally in Washington, - Jose Luis Magana/AP Supporters of Ukraine and members of the Ukrainian community hold a rally to mark the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, near the Lincoln Memoria - Drew Angerer/Getty Images North America Demonstrators march in support of Ukraine during a rally in Washington - Jose Luis Magana/AP 09:27 AM Ukraine strikes Russian ammunition depot in Mariupol Ukrainian forces blew up a Russian ammunition depot near Mariupol, a local official claimed on Saturday, a city previously considered too far behind the frontline to strike. Social media channels reportedly showed large explosions lighting up the night sky above the occupied city. Petro Andriushchenko, an adviser to the ousted Ukrainian mayor of Mariupol, said that the explosions were the result of a Ukrainian attack on an ammunition store. Read more from James Kilner here 09:26 AM Ukraine military says Russian offensive near Yahidne unsuccessful Ukraine's military said on Sunday that Russia conducted unsuccessful offensives near Yahidne over the past day, after Russia's Wagner mercenary group claimed to have captured the village in eastern Ukraine near the focus on intense fighting. The General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces said in a morning update that Russia keeps concentrating its offensive efforts along the entire Bakhmut front line, were Yahidne is located. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Russian mercenary leader, said on Saturday his forces had captured Yahidne. On Friday, he had claimed control of Berkhivka, an adjacent village on the outskirts of Bakhmut. But the Ukrainian bulletin said attacks were continuing, citing "unsuccessful offensives" near six settlements, including Yahidne and Berkhivka, in the Donetsk region, which Moscow claims to have annexed. Reuters could not verify the battlefield reports of either side. 09:24 AM Good Morning Good morning and welcome to today's Ukraine liveblog. We will be guiding you through all the latest updates on Ukraine. (Reuters) -U.S. railroad Union Pacific Chief Executive Officer Lance Fritz said on Sunday he would step down this year to make way for new leadership, after hedge fund Soroban Capital Partners called for him to be replaced. Union Pacific said it expected to name a successor this year and Fritz said he looked forward to working with the board to find a new CEO. "Union Pacific has been my home for 22 years and I am confident that now is the right time for Union Pacifics next leader to take the helm," Fritz said in a statement, without elaborating on the reasons for his decision. Soroban Capital in a letter on Sunday called for Fritz to be replaced, saying he had lost the confidence of shareholders, employees, customers, and regulators. Soroban founder Eric Mandelblatt said in the letter new leadership could create significant shareholder value. The hedge fund said it had a "long-held view that current management is not capable of driving strong operating performance" and saw "a heightened risk of permanent damage to the franchise if left unaddressed." "Unlike typical shareholder engagements which come with numerous demands, Soroban has only one ask - install new leadership who can get the trains to operate safely and on time," the letter added. Soroban urged Union Pacific to consider former Chief Operating Officer Jim Vena as a possible replacement for Fritz, saying "no internal candidates are remotely as qualified." Vena pulled out of the running to lead Canadian National in December 2021. The hedge fund, which said it owns about a $1.6 billion stake in Union Pacific, said a change in leadership could generate about $18 of earnings per share in 2025. Union Pacific reported lower-than-expected fourth-quarter profit, hurt by delayed shipments amid labor shortages and a winter storm that crippled freight operations across the United States. Union Pacific said in a statement it was looking for a new CEO capable of leading the company for a long-term tenure. Story continues As part of the board's succession planning process it had considered shareholder input and would continue to do so, and had been engaging with Soroban Capital since 2017. The development comes after activist investor Nelson Peltz ended his quest for a board seat at Walt Disney Co this month, after Chief Executive Bob Iger laid out plans to fix the home of Mickey Mouse, cheering investors. Salesforce and activist investor Elliott Management Corp are also in discussions to reach an agreement that may end a possible board challenge. (Reporting by Rhea Binoy and Kanjyik Ghosh in Bengaluru; Editing by Chris Reese and Stephen Coates) Vietnam actively contributes to global health care The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on February 24 adopted two resolutions on the organisation of the High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response and the High-Level Meeting on the Fight Against Tuberculosis, which are expected to be held during the High-Level Week of the UNGAs 78th session in September. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on February 24 adopted two resolutions on the organisation of the High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response and the High-Level Meeting on the Fight Against Tuberculosis, which are expected to be held during the High-Level Week of the UNGAs 78th session in September. The High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response aims to draw lessons and experiences from around the world in the fight against COVID-19, thus promoting a multidimensional approach to enhancing prevention and response to future pandemics. Meanwhile, the High-Level Meeting on the Fight Against Tuberculosis will look to mobilise political will and strengthen measures to promote scientific research, financing, and innovation toward quickly ending the global tuberculosis epidemic by ensuring equal access to preventive, diagnostic, care, and treatment methods. Chairing the drafting of the UNGA resolution on International Day of Epidemic Preparedness in 2020 and proposing the resolution on organising the High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response in 2022, Vietnam has actively partnered with other major countries to lead the negotiation process to secure the adoption of the two above-mentioned resolutions. During the negotiation process, Vietnam emphasised and successfully protected the important contents of the resolutions, such as the need to ensure coherence and complementarity between major health processes discussed in relevant multilateral forums, narrowing the gap in financing, the necessity of strengthening the prevention and response to future pandemics by sharing lessons and experiences from the fight against COVID-19; the importance of ensuring timely, equitable, and unimpeded access to vaccines, diagnosis, treatment as well as strengthening healthcare systems and resilience to achieve universal health coverage for all people. In the near future, Vietnam will continue actively engaging in the negotiation of political declarations of the above-mentioned meetings to further contribute to the common efforts of the international community in pandemic preparedness and response, and ending the global tuberculosis epidemic as soon as possible. (Bloomberg) -- The US and three Asian partners with major semiconductor industries held a meeting among their officials earlier this month to discuss the global chip supply chain. Most Read from Bloomberg Officials from the so-called Chip 4 grouping of the US, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan held a video conference on Feb. 16 to discuss an early warning system to ensure a steady chip supply, a Taiwanese official familiar with the talks said Sunday. The parties held off on discussions concerning export controls and no company was involved in the meeting, the official said. Taiwan proposed for the four parties to exchange information on different parts of the supply chain as early as possible. Taiwan and South Korea are to focus on manufacturing, Japan on materials, and the US on its role as a major market, the official added. Taiwans official Central News Agency and South Koreas Yonhap News Agency also reported the talks took place, citing officials they did not identify by name. The meeting comes as the Biden administration is seeking help from its global partners to impose sweeping curbs on the sale of advanced chips equipment to China in a policy aimed at preventing the countrys advance in a range of cutting-edge technologies that could threaten Americas status as the worlds preeminent power. Read: Biden Wins Deal With Dutch, Japan on China Chip Export Curbs China, which is the top trading partner with Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, has said the US effort showed its selfish hegemonic interest. The US has secured an agreement with the Netherlands and Japan to restrict exports of some advanced chipmaking machinery to China. Read: US Likely to Put a Tech Cap on South Korean Chipmaking in China Story continues (Updates with comments from Taiwan official.) Most Read from Bloomberg Businessweek 2023 Bloomberg L.P. Corrections and clarifications: USA TODAY did not publish the Dilbert comic strip. A previous version of this article was incorrect. Numerous newspapers, including the USA TODAY Network, and a major comic distributor announced they will stop running the widely syndicated comic strip Dilbert after the creator described people who are Black as part of a "hate group" that white people should "get away" from. Scott Adams, the creator of the strip that debuted in 1989 that pokes fun at office culture, received backlash from comments he made Wednesday on his YouTube channel "Real Coffee with Scott Adams." As news organizations announced they were pulling the comic strip because of Adams' remarks, the comic strip creator continued to defend his remarks. Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert, poses for a portrait with the Dilbert character in his studio in Dublin, Calif., Oct. 26, 2006. Several prominent media publishers across the U.S. are dropping the Dilbert comic strip after Adams, its creator, described people who are Black as members of a racist hate group during an online video show. What did Scott Adams say? The backlash against Adams began Wednesday when he referenced a Rasmussen Reports survey that had asked whether people agreed with the statement It's OK to be white." Most agreed, but Adams noted that 26% of Black respondents disagreed and others weren't sure. The Anti-Defamation League says the phrase was popularized in 2017 as a trolling campaign by members of the discussion forum 4chan but then began being used by some white supremacists. Adams, who is white, repeatedly referred to people who are Black as members of a "hate group" or a "racist hate group" and said he would no longer "help Black Americans." Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people, Adams said. AI: ChatGPT is poised to upend medical information. For better and worse. Live weather updates: Southern California under siege with historic snow, rain, air rescues - and it's not over Newspapers pull Dilbert, condemn Adams' comments The USA TODAY Network, which includes USA TODAY and other newspapers owned by Gannett, such as The Arizona Republic and Detroit Free Press, announced Friday it would stop publishing Dilbert "due to recent discriminatory comments by its creator." Story continues Other news organizations also did the same: Andrews McMeel Universal Chairman Hugh Andrews and CEO and President Andy Sareyan said in a joint statement Sunday that the syndication company was severing our relationship with Adams. The Los Angeles Times said Saturday it would discontinue Dilbert Monday "in most editions", as it will last appear on March 12 since Sunday Comics are printed in advance. The New York Times said Sunday it would no longer be publishing the comic strip. Danielle Rhoades Ha, a spokeswoman for The New York Times, said the comic appeared only in the international print edition and not in the outlet's U.S. edition or online. The Washington Post said Saturday it had ceased publication" of Dilbert. A spokesperson said it was too late to stop the strip from running in upcoming print editions, including Sunday. The Plain Dealer in Cleveland and other publications that are part of Advance Local media announced they were pulling Dilbert. Chris Quinn, editor of The Plain Dealer, said it was "not a difficult decision" as the outlet is "not a home for those who espouse racism. " The San Antonio Express-News, part of Hearst Newspapers, said Saturday it will drop the Dilbert comic strip, effective Monday, because of hateful and discriminatory public comments by its creator. Distributor drops Dilbert Major comics syndicator Andrews McMeel Universal said in a statement that the syndication company was severing" their relationship with Adams. By Monday morning, Adams no longer appeared in searches on GoComics and Dilbert comics were gone from the website, which also features many top comic strips like Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes, as well as political cartoons. "As a media and communications company, AMU values free speech," the statement said. "But we will never support any commentary rooted in discrimination or hate." Scott Adams defends comments In another episode of his online show Saturday, Adams said he had been making a point that everyone should be treated as an individual without discrimination and "you should absolutely be racist whenever its to your advantage." "But you should also avoid any group that doesnt respect you, even if there are people within the group who are fine, Adams said. Adams has also continued to defend his remarks on Twitter, noting that he was getting "canceled." While Adams' strips are no longer on GoComics, he maintains an extensive archive on his own website. In a YouTube episode released Monday, Scott Adams said that new Dilbert strips will only be available on his subscription service on the Locals platform. They made a business decision, which I dont consider anything like censorship, he said of Andrews McMeel Universal, adding that his comments about Black people were hyperbole. Elon Musk tweets support for Adams Meanwhile, Tesla, Twitter and Space X CEO tweeted support for Adams. "For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now theyre racist against whites & Asians," Musk tweeted. "Same thing happened with elite colleges & high schools in America. Maybe they can try not being racist." Musk later agreed with a tweet saying Adams comments werent good but had an element of truth to them. Contributing: Natalie Neysa Alund, USA TODAY; Associated Press Follow Jordan Mendoza on Twitter: @jordan_mendoza5. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Newspapers drop Dilbert after racist comments from creator Scott Adams Pastor Andy Wood and his wife, Stacie, outside Saddleback Church in Lake Forest. She was recently named a teaching pastor and three other women were ordained as associate pastors. (Allison Dinner / Associated Press) Last week the Southern Baptist Convention ousted Saddleback Church, one of its largest and highest-profile member churches, from its ranks. The reason? Because after the Orange County megachurch ordained three women as associate pastors, it named Stacie Wood, wife of the churchs senior pastor, Andy Wood, a teaching pastor. The SBC added a ban on female pastors to its statement of core beliefs, the Faith and Message doctrine, in 2000, but the decision to remove Saddleback, a rare success story in a time of declining church membership, has not been met with uniform enthusiasm among the SBCs roughly 47,000 member churches. Dwight McKissic, senior pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas, shared his displeasure on Twitter, writing that the decision to "disfellowship" Saddleback was not about Scripture or adherence to the Baptist Faith and Message. Its driven by power, male supremacy; and it stinks in the nostrils of God, he wrote. Adam Greenway, who served as the president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary from February 2019 to September 2022, was one of many who argued that the decision sets a bad precedent: "There seems to be a sentiment in today's SBC that wants to purify the Convention, and sees 'women pastors' as a huge threat to biblical authority and a slippery slope toward liberalism and drift," he wrote on Twitter. "A few years ago it was Calvinism. Perhaps it will be something else later on." The Southern Baptist Convention was founded in 1845, conceived as an organization of individual churches with a set of shared beliefs that pool some of their resources, but which are ultimately autonomous. Now, some Southern Baptists fear an ultraconservative ideological wing of the organization is imposing its own beliefs and values on other churches. Among those who worry about an increasingly authoritarian stance by the SBC is Benjamin Cole, 46, a former Southern Baptist pastor in Texas who has been attending Southern Baptist conventions for nearly 30 years. Story continues What is happening now seems to me to be a great divorce from Baptist history and heritage, said Cole, who tweets his thoughts on the SBC under the handle @baptistblogger. We may not only be losing Saddleback Church and Rick Warren. We may be losing our identity. Cole, an opinionated and self-described Baptist geek, spoke to The Times about the origins of the tension between Saddleback and the SBC, why female pastors are not accepted in most Southern Baptist churches and why he hopes Saddleback will appeal the decision. "Southern Baptists have always been more concerned about distributing life jackets to people who are drowning than straitjackets," he said. "And what the convention is now being forced to answer is whether or not we will pass out straitjackets to our churches rather than life jackets to the communities around us in need of hope." This conversation has been edited for length and clarity. How did Saddleback come to be removed from the SBC? Someone or some groups of people formally submitted Saddleback Church for inquiry by the credentials committee to examine whether or not the church had fallen out of close fellowship with Southern Baptists. In this case, it was a theological issue of women serving in pastoral roles. It happened in the wake of Saddleback's determination as an autonomous local church to ordain female ministers not as senior pastors of the church, but as associate ministers of the church. So having any kind of female pastor is completely against the rules of the SBC? The confessional statement [the Baptist Faith and Message] says the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture. But we seem to only be interested in that its men. Scriptural qualifications also say pastors must be apt to teach, they must be the husband of one wife, they must be not given to wine it's all in the Bible in 1st Timothy Chapter 3. It also says that an overseer a pastor is to be faithful to his wife. Are we going to start kicking out churches who have pastors that are unfaithful to their wives? It says they have to be temperate. Are we going to start kicking out churches who have pastors who are intemperate? A scroll through Twitter is all you have to do to find out the number of intemperate pastors Southern Baptists have. We're just on a very dangerous course right now. The SBC used to allow women as pastors until 2000. What changed then? The Southern Baptists have never had any significant number of churches that have been pastored by women. There have been occasions throughout history where it happened. It really became an issue in the 1980s. There were some churches that had hired or elected females as their senior pastor. Those churches were disfellowshipped [removed] from their local associations, and it never came to a vote in the national convention in the way that this is happening. How likely is it that the SBC will start allowing women as pastors? I would be less shocked if Southern Baptists had a gluttonous, drunken, mardi-gras-style orgy at the 2023 convention in New Orleans than that there would be any effort to affirm women as pastors in Southern Baptist churches. Now let me add one caveat. Our seminary enrollment is down. All trends in theological education indicate that fewer and fewer men are going to seminary and seeking the degrees that have historically been conferred upon pastors in Southern Baptist life. If there are 47,000 Southern Baptist churches and 20 years from now you only have 20,0000 men who want to be pastors, there are going to be some tough decisions to be made. Rick Warren just left Saddleback after leading it for more than 40 years. Is it a coincidence that the SBC ousted the church so soon after he left? There is no such thing as a coincidence in Southern Baptist confession of faith. Whether or not individuals who are both employed by SBC agencies or serve as trustees of those entities and agencies seized upon the opportunity of Rick Warren's retirement to seek and pursue the removal of Saddleback from fellowship, I don't know. But I find it likely that Rick Warrens retirement makes it easier for people who have long wanted Saddleback out to pursue it. Saddleback is arguably the SBCs most well-known church. Why would SBC members want it out of the organization? For Rick to do what he did in Southern California required some different strategies and different ways of communicating, and that was unsettling to traditional hard-line Southern Baptists. His critics would have been delighted if he had failed. It would prove them right that God doesn't bless that sort of ministry model. Rick changed the culture of the community where he lives, and theres nothing that makes a backward Baptist angrier than the church growth success of someone like Rick Warren. He makes people who prefer authoritarian evangelical structures bristle. Do you expect Saddleback Church will protest or appeal this decision? Even if Saddleback in the end is OK with disfellowship and wants to move on, I hope they will appeal it if for no other reason than to allow their brothers and sisters in Christ, who do not want to see this happen to other churches, to debate this on the floor of the annual convention in an orderly process governed by Robert's Rules of Order. That is how our polity is intended to work. So I hope Saddleback appeals it. I will do everything I can to help that appeal process. You wrote that the ousting of Saddleback is not about liberalism, but something far worse. What did you mean by that? There have always been many different ways of being Baptist. There used to be moderate Baptists, conservative Baptists, fundamental Baptists and even liberal Baptists, but everyone allowed each other to worship how they wanted and still cooperated for missions, ministry, evangelism and theological education. Today, the Southern Baptist Convention is increasingly homogeneous. Folks who are not on the right and increasingly the far right of the theological political spectrum do not find a home in SBC. This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. When actors start to make political choices, it gets a little boring (Shutterstock) Vincent Cassel, the chameleon of French cinema, is not one for analysing his characters. In fact, he hates the very idea. When we meet over video chat, he mentions Michel Simon, the wonderful French actor from the Thirties and Forties who starred in classics like Boudu Saved from Drowning and LAtalante. When suddenly coming across an actor that would discuss the character and talk, he would go, Ah, another intelligent actor. And that wasnt a compliment! Because you dont have to be smart to be an actor. You have to be able to let yourself go. Now 56, the wiry, scruffily handsome Cassel has been doing exactly that for his entire career, ever since he shocked audiences as the combustible Vinz in 1995s Parisian riots drama La Haine. Since then, hes never been afraid of courting controversy, notably in Gaspar Noes still-shocking 2002 rape-revenge drama Irreversible, one of several films he made with his ex-wife (and the mother of his two older daughters) Monica Bellucci. In the flesh, Cassel is charming and open; on screen, he does deranged like nobody else. Think Sheitan (in which he played an insane shepherd) and Our Day Will Come (where he played an anarchic psychiatrist seeking vengeance for all redheads). Or his role as Natalie Portmans tormentor-in-chief in Darren Aronofskys cryptic ballerina tale Black Swan one of several times when Hollywood has come calling for him. What he doesnt do, he says, is politics. Honestly, Im not trying to participate in projects that are political or social at all, he says. Ive been involved with stuff because they were interesting projects when I came across them... but Im not trying to be social or political. Actually, I think when actors start to make choices like this, it gets a little boring, you know? Because moviemaking is not about changing the world. Come on! It would be very naive to think like that! Theres not one example of a movie that changed anything. Story continues Thats an argument with which others might disagree. He does concede that some films, like La Haine, tap into the zeitgeist momentarily. But more movies, he says, hold up mirrors for self-reflection. It would be more how it challenges you as an audience [member]. What you think about a character, the way you judge the character or like the character... [that] tells you more about yourself. He mentions 2015s Mon Roi, a Cannes prize-winner that traced a tumultuous marriage. The movie was directed by female filmmaker Maiwenn, and shown from the perspective of Emmanuelle Bercots spouse. His character was the husband from hell. Ive seen women get crazy, calling me then him, by extension a manipulator, a narcissist, he laughs. Yeah, its very trendy now. Pervert manipulator narcissist! Every time a man does something wrong, hes a pervert manipulator narcissist! I realised that, actually, these same people were really liking the character! If somebody has nightmares about a character because they hate him so much, for me its a compliment! His character in the classy new Apple TV Plus miniseries Liaison may not elicit bad dreams exactly, but hes another shadowy figure from the underbelly, of the kind that Cassel so excels in playing. Set between London and Paris, the show is a political thriller that marks Apples first English and French (and Arabic) production. Primarily, it deals with a cyberattack on Britain. Cassels character Gabriel is a mercenary and a spy, essentially, who works for the French government terminating, as they say in Apocalypse Now, with extreme prejudice. I had to leave France and see it from afar to understand what France was really about When he first read the script, he had an immediate, visceral reaction to Gabriel. I wanted to make him more French, in the way hes casual about things, about how he doesnt take anything seriously, he says. Not like in a British way, like a James Bond, [with] nonchalance or whatever. He is deeply responsible. Hes seen the way it works behind the curtains, and hes so dark and pessimistic that he has to play optimistic. Hes a very lonely character. Thats how I see it, and thats what I wanted to come across. Cassel co-stars with Eva Green, who plays his ex-lover, Alison, who is now working for the English government. The show is directed by British filmmaker Stephen Hopkins, who previously helmed several episodes in the first season of the Kiefer Sutherland action drama 24. Its certainly attempting to channel the same propulsive energy. It might also be the first Brexit thriller; the reason Britain is suddenly open to all these cyberattacks, were told, is its departure from the EU and subsequent failure to share information with its nearest geographical neighbours. Cassel may not like to get political in his choices, but did he find that aspect of the show interesting? I mean, of course, its interesting for everybody that was part of Europe, mostly, he says. Maybe its not as much as a subject [here in France] as it is for England, because youre the one separated from the rest of Europe now. England was part of the same kind of market as we were, with such an access to the rest of the world... and now its not like that any more. Liaison isnt Cassels first time on TV he was a major antagonist in the third season of the now canned HBO/Sky Atlantic series Westworld. The kind of money they put into the productions of streaming series has nothing to do with TV any more, he says. Its definitely like movies, but lets say on a smaller screen. I mean, personally, I dont watch things at the cinema. They end up on my computer, my iPad, my home cinema or my big TV screen, whatever. So I dont really see the difference. Cassel and Eva Green in Liaison (Apple TV+) Cassel is unsentimental about the decline of cinemagoing, which is something of a surprise given hes got moviemaking in his blood. Cassels mother, Sabine Litique, was a journalist, but his father, Jean-Pierre Cassel, was a prominent actor who worked for the likes of Luis Bunuel (in The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie) and Sidney Lumet (in Murder on the Orient Express). Inevitably, Cassel drank it all in. I saw my father as an actor, and he was a happy actor, meaning that he was having fun, he was dancing, he was singing, he was on stage or shooting movies. He was a king, then he was a peasant, or a doctor. He was really enjoying what he was doing. So when you see your parents [be] happy with what they do having a good life its a wonderful way [to be]. Cassels first ever training was in a circus school, again inspired by his father. My father danced a lot. He was called the French Fred Astaire. I guess, through him, I had this taste for movement. He hasnt stopped moving since. Cassel recently completed back-to-back film adaptations of perennial swashbuckler The Three Musketeers, again with Eva Green, in which he plays Athos (his father featured in a 1970s version, directed by Richard Lester). Soon, hell be flying to Toronto to start shooting The Shroud, the new film from horror master David Cronenberg. Im already working on my English for this, he promises. Cassel has worked twice before for Cronenberg, in his Freud-Jung story A Dangerous Method, in which he played anarchistic patient Otto Gross, and in Eastern Promises, as the volatile son of a former Russian mafia boss. But whatever happened to the latters long-mooted sequel? [Cronenberg] had a wonderful script, Cassel sighs. We were ready to do it and I dont know why it collapsed. Now I dont think it will happen any more. Cassel in his breakout role in 1995s La Haine (Shutterstock) Also on his slate is the new film from Argentinian filmmaker Pablo Aguero, but Cassel is no stranger to South America. Hes spent years going back and forth between France and Rio with his second wife, model Tina Kunakey, whom he married in 2018 (they have a young child, Cassels third daughter). Hes also filmed a number of movies in Portuguese, like the true citizen of the world he is. To go and live in other places and to learn other languages gives you a better perspective on the world, of course, but [also] on your own country, he says. I had to leave France and see it from afar to understand what France was really about. I feel I understand more the mechanism of France since Ive been away. The more you travel around, the more you change your perspective on everything. Vive la difference, you might say. Liaison is streaming now on Apple TV Plus, with new episodes dropping every Friday (Reuters) - The viruses that infected two people in Cambodia with H5N1 avian influenza have been identified as an endemic clade of bird flu circulating in the country, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said. The cases reported last week had raised concerns they were caused by a new strain of H5N1, clade, which emerged in 2020 and has caused record numbers of deaths among wild birds and domestic poultry in recent months. But work so far suggests this is not the case. Preliminary genetic sequencing carried out in Cambodia led its health ministry to identify the viruses as H5 clade, which has circulated in Cambodia among birds and poultry for many years and has sporadically caused infections in people, the CDC said in a statement on Saturday. "Yes, this is an older clade of avian influenza that had been circulating around the region for a number of years and while it has caused human infections in the past, it has not been seen to cause human-to-human transmission. However, that doesn't mean that the threat is any less," said Erik Karlsson, director of the National Influenza Center of Cambodia and acting head of virology at the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, which sequenced the virus. He added that the response needed to be coordinated and swift to prevent any further spread and to limit exposure to any common source. An investigation into the source and to detect any additional cases is ongoing, the CDC said, adding that so far there had been no indication of person-to-person spread. Cambodia tested at least 12 people for the H5N1 strain last week, after an 11-year-old girl died from the virus in the first known transmission to humans in the country in nearly a decade. The victim's father, who was part of a group the girl had been in contact with in a province east of the capital Phnom Penh, tested positive for the virus but did not exhibit any symptoms, Cambodia's Health Minister Mam Bunheng had said in a statement on Friday. Story continues Only the girl's case has been sequenced and the father's case is still being worked on, Karlsson said. The World Health Organization said it is working with Cambodian authorities following the cases, describing the situation as worrying due to the recent rise in cases in birds and mammals. (Reporting by Juby Babu in Bengaluru; additional reporting by Jennifer Rigby in London; editing by Barbara Lewis) Sonia Lyson is seen wearing a black Sporty & Rich cap, silver Apple AirPods Max headphones, black turtleneck sweater from Zara, grey Weekday jogger pants, beige long wool coat from Edited, green VeeCollective shopper bag, Balenciaga white logo socks and red Adidas Gazelle sneakers, on October 07, 2022 Jeremy Moeller/Getty Images Thieves have stolen Airpods Max straight off 21 people's heads in New York City since January 28, police say. The NYPD said that the thieves rode mopeds and snatched the headphones. Vogue recently named the headphones the newest celebrity "it" item. Thieves in New York City are snatching Apple's new AirPods Max headphones off of unsuspecting bystanders and speeding away on mopeds, police say. Vogue recently named Airpods Max the new celebrity "it" item, with stars like Bella Hadid, Timothee Chalamet, and Sarah Jessica Parker recently sporting the $549 "chunky, oversized flex of the moment," according to the outlet. Described by Vogue as "sort-of impossible to miss," the giant, fluffy headphones are expected to "become the Starbucks cup" of 2023, according to the outlet. At least 21 people have had their AirPods Max snatched from their heads and stolen by moped-riding thieves since January 28, according to the NYPD. "All 21 incidents currently reported throughout the borough of Manhattan consist of the individuals riding on mopeds, approaching the victim from behind and removing a pair of Apple Air Pod Max headphones off the victim's head," the NYPD said in a statement provided to Insider. "No injuries have been reported." Authorities say they are looking for four people who ride one black moped and one red moped in connection with the robberies. Police described two people sought in connection to the case as "a male with black curly hair, medium complexion, medium build, wearing a black bubble jacket and black pants" and "a male with a slim build, wearing a black helmet, a black hooded jacket, black pants, and tan shoes." Police say surveillance video shows the two men riding mopeds and carrying two pairs of AirPods Max after the thirteenth theft, which occurred on Mercer Street on February 10. Read the original article on Insider WOOSTER More than 100 people hoisted signs, cheered on the supporting honks of passersby and heard from speakers to mark 1,000 consecutive days of Black Lives Matter demonstrations against police abuse. The Wayne County Black Lives Matter movement, organized by the Wooster/Orrville NAACP and the Racial Justice Coalition after George Floyd's 2020 murder by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is among the longest running daily protests in the nation. A crowd of more than 100 people line the square in Wooster Saturday, the 1,000th consecutive day of Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the city. Despite its longevity, President of the Wooster/Orrville NAACP, Juanita Greene, said another 1,000 days is needed as the coalition enters police reform talks with the city of Orrville. Civil rights:Birmingham Children's Crusade activist to visit Wooster for MLK Day events She hopes officials will enact similar reforms as their counterparts in Wooster did last year. It's the coalition's first major step in advocating for change in the wider Wayne County area. "We got to step up; we need voices," Greene told the crowd. "We are nonviolent, and we do this because we love our families; we love our cities." Applying Wooster police reform in Orrville Juanita Greene announces the Wayne County Racial Justice Coalition and the NAACP will now focus their police reform efforts in Orrville during 1,000th daily Black Lives Matter demonstration Saturday in downtown Wooster. Greene is the local NAACP chapter president. The Wayne County Racial Justice Coalition hopes to achieve the level of police reform in Orrville as it did in Wooster after months of talks, Greene said. These changes include restricting and defining when chokeholds, carotid holds and no-knock warrants can be used. Policing reforms:Wooster Police announce policy reforms on anniversary of George Floyd's death While the holds and warrants were rarely, if ever used in Wooster, the changes to police policy reflect the reality on the ground and federal policy, co-founder of the coalition Desiree Weber told The Daily Record in May 2022. Wooster police can now only use carotid holds and chokeholds in situations that require deadly force, placing these holds in the same category as firearms, The Daily Record reported last year. Evan Wilhelms reads a speech written by Wayne County Racial Justice Coalition co-founder Desiree Weber who was out of the country during Saturday's Black Lives Matter demonstration in Wooster. Announce and knock warrants and daytime warrants are the default policy for Wooster law enforcement. A higher standard of fact and circumstance is required to seek no-knock warrants. Story continues The updated policy says the chief of police or command staff in his absence must approve any warrants that are not the default warrants. One thousand days with more to do Oliver Warren, a Wooster High School history teacher, calls on Wooster City Schools to hire a more diverse staff to teach the district's children, and to diversify the curriculum. Oliver Warren congratulated the crowd on its 1,000 days of persistence and said there is more work to be done in Wooster. As a teacher of history at Wooster High School, Warren said, the city and county need a diverse range of perspectives. "I am the only Black teacher in my building," Warren said. "We need to integrate more diverse people and curriculum in our schools." This diversity will allow students and adults to better understand the nation's complicated history by exposing them to different, nonwhite points of view, he said. "It's time to change things for our children because we can't change the adults," Warren said. "We have to help our children." Laura Burch of the College of Wooster speeks about being a modern "abolitionist" who advocates for Black lives and a better medical and education system for all. For other speakers such as the Rev. Walter Clark of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and Laura Burch, a College of Wooster professor the daily demonstrations have seen local success, but there is still a national problem. Burch said the movement is about opposing violent and harmful policing, and it is also about advocating for a better quality of life. This includes better access to affordable health care, healthy food, good-paying jobs and a decent education. The Rev. Walter Clark, of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, airs his frustrations about the persistence of police violence during the 1,000 consecutive Black Lives Matter demonstration in downtown Wooster Saturday. For Clark, repeated headlines about police violence is what keeps him on the square. Clark said the number of people of color who die at the hands of police since the movement's inception is in the hundreds. "We are here to affect change," he said. "All lives won't matter until Black lives are treated the same as a straight, white male." This article originally appeared on The Daily Record: Daily BLM demonstrations reach 1,000 days Volusia County Schools announced that the Volusia United Educators (VUE) instructional bargaining unit has ratified the proposed agreements with the district regarding salaries and supplements. According to a news release, 96% of personnel who voted approved the ratification of the agreements. >>> STREAM CHANNEL 9 EYEWITNESS NEWS LIVE <<< The Volusia County School Board will vote on the agreement during a meeting next week. If approved, the agreement will be submitted to the Florida Department of Education for final approval and release of funds. Read: Woman killed, child in critical condition after hit-and-run crash in Orange County Instructional personnel will receive a total package of $11.7 million dollars distributed in the following manner: $5 Million in Teacher Salary Allocation (TSIA) increases all teacher salaries according to legislation $2.1 Million to continue the Longevity Supplement previously bargained (this is currently negotiated and not included in the $11.7 million dollar offer) $3.9 Million in a retention supplement for VCS employees with 10 or more years of service $2.6 Million increase to advanced degree supplements $250,000 in a one-time bonus for ESE instructional personnel who do not currently receive a stipend Read: Vehicle fire shuts down State Road 429 We are thrilled to see our instructional personnels overwhelming support of these agreements, which will provide well-deserved raises to teacher salaries and supplements to our veteran teachers, ESE personnel, and instructors with advanced degrees, Dr. Carmen Balgobin, superintendent, stated. We look forward to communicating payment dates as soon as possible once the agreement is approved. The meeting will be held from noon to 2 p.m. on Feb. 28 at the District Administrative Complex in DeLand. Read: Third woman attacked, sexually assaulted at an Orange County bus stop, deputies say Click here to download the free WFTV news and weather apps, click here to download the WFTV Now app for your smart TV and click here to stream Channel 9 Eyewitness News live. As the war in Ukraine enters a new phase after the one-year mark since Russia launched its invasion, U.S. officials are starting to weigh in on Chinas possibly growing role in the war, with national security adviser Jake Sullivan saying that the west has been issuing strong warnings to Beijing. After top Biden administration officials warned that China is considering providing military aid to Russia, Sullivan told NBCs Meet the Press on Sunday that its not only the U.S. attempting to lobby China to keep away from the war. Weve actually had intense and very positive consultations with our NATO allies, with other members of the coalition supporting Ukraine. Sullivan said. Senior officials from Europe are directly talking to senior officials in China expressing their own strong warnings about China moving forward in this regard. Related: Ukrainian children taken to Russia brings back fear, memories of a similar Nazi effort White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan speaks during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington, Dec. 12, 2022. US says China's involvement will come at a 'real cost' Sullivan declined to provide specific details on how the U.S. would respond should Beijing follow through on reports it is considering providing military aid to Russia, but told CNNs State of the Union that it would come at real cost to China. Beijing will have to make its own decisions about how it proceeds, whether it provides military assistance, said Sullivan. But if it goes down that road, it will come at real cost to China. Stay in the conversation on politics: Sign up for the OnPolitics newsletter CIA Director William Burns told CBS Face the Nation in an interview that aired Sunday that the U.S. is confident that China is considering providing lethal equipment to Russia. Asked about reports that China is considering providing drones and ammunition to Russia, Burns declined to provide specifics, but said there is no indication that China has followed up on those discussions. We dont have evidence that theres actually been a transfer, said Burns, emphasizing that current U.S. policy is to deter Beijing from doing anything of the sort. Story continues CIA Director William Burns participates in a discussion on "Addressing the Global Threat Landscape," during an event as part of the Trainor Award ceremony at Georgetown Hotel and Conference Center on February 2, 2023 in Washington, DC. Domestically, some Republican lawmakers are still making calls on President Joe Biden to send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, but Biden said in an interview with ABCs David Muir that he is ruling out the jets for now. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas., chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, expressed disappointment on ABCs This Week. Related: Nuclear warfare? China arming Russia? Fears of new Cold War rise. This whole thing is taking too long, McCaul said of the war, arguing the jets would bring a faster conclusion to the war. It really didnt have to happen this way. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, speaks during a Republican news conference ahead of the State of the Union, March 1, 2022, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, also criticized the White House, saying it has slow-rolled critical military weapons systems on NBCs Meet the Press. Ukraine has been intensely lobbying the U.S. and the west for additional military aid as Kyiv is reportedly preparing for a counteroffensive. While in Kyiv in a surprise visit last Monday, Biden announced the U.S. would be providing Ukraine an additional $500 million in weaponry. But even then, Sullivan said the Biden administration should pick up the pace on providing additional weapons including F-16s. To me, that is a real blunder, he said. We need to get them what they need now and listen to the Ukrainians. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: As war in Ukraine continues. US warns China to stay out of it Aaron Chown/PA Images/Getty; Ignacio Marin Fernandez/Anadolu Agency/Getty; Dominika Zarzycka/SOPA Images/LightRocket; Kay Nietfeld/picture alliance/Getty; Valentyna Polishchuk/Global Images Ukraine/Getty; Rebecca Zisser/Insider February 24, 2023, marked the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians have been killed or wounded. Billions of dollars of aid has been sent, and Russia has lost about half its fleet of tanks. Friday marked the one-year anniversary of Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, which kicked off the bloodiest conflict in Europe since World War II. When his troops invaded on February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin expected to quickly sweep through the country and capture Kyiv. But Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his forces met the invasion with striking resistance and with the help of a united West and a series of fumbles by Russia were able to hold them off, defying expectations throughout the world. Still, the cost of the war in lives, dollars, and military equipment has been high. Here are some of the key figures illustrating the consequences of the war so far. Widow Anastasia Ohrimenk mourns over the body of her fiance Oleksiy Zavadskyi, a Ukrainian serviceman who died in combat on January 15 in Bakhmut during his funeral in Bucha, Ukraine, on January 19, 2023. AP Photo/Daniel Cole The dead and wounded Ukrainian refugees are seen after crossing into Poland on March 13, 2022. Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP via Getty Images Refugees and those who have fled or been taken Ukrainian refugees: 8 million, per UNHCR Ukrainians displaced within the country: 5.9 million, per UNHCR Ukrainian children taken to Russia: At least 6,000, per Conflict Observatory (Kyiv has put this number at 14,000) Russians who have fled the country: At least 500,000, per The Washington Post Story continues Soldiers load a High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS ) from a US Special Operations MC-130J aircraft during military exercises at Spilve Airport in Riga, Latvia, Monday, Sept. 26, 2022. AP Photo/Roman Koksarov Aid to Ukraine Total amount of security assistance to Ukraine from the US: $29.8 billion, per DOD Total amount of aid to Ukraine from the US, including humanitarian, financial, and military: $76.8 billion, per the Kiel Institute for the World Economy Total amount of aid to Ukraine from the Europe Union: $58.2 billion, per the Kiel Institute This photograph taken on September 11, 2022, shows a Ukrainian soldier standing atop an abandoned Russian tank near a village on the outskirts of Izyum, Kharkiv Region, eastern Ukraine, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. JUAN BARRETO/AFP via Getty Images Military Tanks Russia has lost: Estimated 2,000 to 2,300, or about half of its pre-war fleet, per the International Institute for Strategic Studies Aircrafts Russia has lost: 342, per Oryx Total number of pieces of military equipment Russia has lost: 9,394, per Oryx Rounds of artillery the US has sent to Ukraine: More than 1 million, per DOD Weapons the US has sent to Ukraine that proved to be game changers: 38 HIMARS, or High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems 8,500 Javelin anti-tank missiles 1,600 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles A team pulls a body from a mass grave in Bucha, Ukraine. Erin Trieb for Insider Other Read the original article on Business Insider A controlled detonation of a portion of the derailed Norfolk Southern train releases a plume over East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb. 6, 2023. (Gene J. Puskar / Associated Press) Republicans are continuing to criticize President Biden for not going to East Palestine, Ohio, where a train carrying toxic, cancer-causing chemicals derailed Feb. 3. Meanwhile, federal environmental authorities announced Sunday that shipments of contaminated waste out of the site of the fiery accident near the Pennsylvania state line will resume Monday to two approved sites in Ohio. The announcement came a day after the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, ordered Norfolk Southern to pause shipments from the derailment site to allow additional oversight measures regarding where the waste was shipped. Some liquid and solid waste had already been taken to sites in Michigan and Texas. Rather than make a trip to the area, Biden has sent Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the EPA in his stead. Biden said Friday that he had no plans to visit but emphasized that he has been in close contact with elected officials in the region. His statement came in the wake of withering criticism from Republican foes. Biden's visit to Ukraine last week was the biggest slap in the face, East Palestine Mayor Trent Conaway, a Republican, told Fox News. That tells you right now, he doesnt care about us, Conaway added, saying he was furious the president was in Ukraine giving millions of dollars away to people over there, not to us. "My message to congressional Republicans: you can either be the party of Ukraine & the globalists or you can be the party of East Palestine & the working people of America," Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, tweeted Friday. On Friday, House Republicans also launched an oversight investigation into the Department of Transportation's handling of the disaster. Biden has bluntly rejected the criticism. The idea that we are not engaged is just simply not there, Biden said. Initially, there was not a request for me to go out even before I was heading over to Kyiv. I am keeping very close tabs on it. We are doing all we can." Story continues A White House timeline states that the presidents office reached out by phone to the mayor of East Palestine on four occasions between Feb. 6 and Feb. 17, but it does not indicate that a conversation took place. It also listed a series of calls between Biden and the governors of Ohio and neighboring Pennsylvania. No one was injured when 38 Norfolk Southern cars derailed in a fiery, mangled mess on the outskirts of town, but as fears grew about a potential explosion due to hazardous chemicals in five of the rail cars, officials evacuated the area. They later opted to release and burn toxic vinyl chloride from the tanker cars, sending flames and black smoke billowing into the sky again. Some say that Bidens decision to not visit stands in some contrast to his brand as "comforter in chief." Bidens experience has forged an empathic sensibility that enables him to connect deeply with other Americans through shared grief and pain, according to a 2021 study by Dan P. McAdams of Northwestern University. But disaster response is about more than the president personally appearing on scene, Biden administration officials have emphasized. The president has received multiple briefings on the disaster over the last few weeks, dispatched high-level officials including the head of the EPA to the town and talked to the governors while visiting Eastern Europe last week, White House officials noted. I think offering the assistance, offering the help is doing it directly, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday. When you are seeing the federal government on the ground, providing the assistance that is needed, that is doing it directly. They are doing it on the direction of the president. Republican criticism of Bidens response to the disaster and his absence from East Palestine mounted after former President Trump stopped by the village Wednesday to distribute Trump-branded water and campaign hats to residents. Trump, who is running for president, criticized the governments handling of the disaster, which he characterized as indifference and betrayal. As president, Trump worked to deregulate the freight railroad industry and scrapped several Obama-era safety protocols. Republicans have trained much of their criticism of the administrations response to the disaster on Buttigieg, who visited the site Thursday, a day after Trump. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) wrote to Biden this month requesting the Transportation secretarys resignation . The circumstances leading up to the derailment point to a clear lack of oversight and demand engagement by our nations top transportation official, he argued. Buttigieg, who has acknowledged he could have spoken up sooner about the disaster, has accused Republicans of taking political advantage of this situation. The public has long expected presidents to play a hands-on role in responding to major disasters. Disaster management has a place in every presidents White House and personal legacy, the authors of a 2012 study on the subject concluded. Disaster management is gradually coming to define an increasing share of [the] presidential image. But presidents have tended to stay away in the immediate aftermath of a disaster to prevent their presence and the immense security they require from distracting local officials and first responders. The president was scheduled to spend the weekend at his home in Delaware. He will travel to Virginia on Tuesday to give a speech about affordable healthcare. But so far, his public schedule includes no plans to visit East Palestine. More than three weeks have passed since the freight train operated by Norfolk Southern derailed near the Ohio town. Preliminary investigations have found that the accident was 100% preventable. Over 40,000 aquatic animals have died in waters near the site of the disaster, officials from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources have said. Federal and state officials, however, have repeatedly said that it is safe for evacuated residents to return to the site and that air testing in the town and inside hundreds of homes has not detected any concerning levels of contaminants. The state says the local municipal drinking water system is safe, and bottled water is available for those with private wells. Despite those assurances, many residents have expressed a sense of mistrust or have lingering questions about what they have been exposed to and how it will affect the future of their families and communities. The Associated Press contributed to this report. This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. There's no doubt that money can be made by owning shares of unprofitable businesses. For example, although software-as-a-service business lost money for years while it grew recurring revenue, if you held shares since 2005, you'd have done very well indeed. Nonetheless, only a fool would ignore the risk that a loss making company burns through its cash too quickly. So should De Grey Mining (ASX:DEG) shareholders be worried about its cash burn? For the purposes of this article, cash burn is the annual rate at which an unprofitable company spends cash to fund its growth; its negative free cash flow. The first step is to compare its cash burn with its cash reserves, to give us its 'cash runway'. Check out our latest analysis for De Grey Mining Does De Grey Mining Have A Long Cash Runway? A cash runway is defined as the length of time it would take a company to run out of money if it kept spending at its current rate of cash burn. As at December 2022, De Grey Mining had cash of AU$162m and no debt. In the last year, its cash burn was AU$106m. So it had a cash runway of approximately 18 months from December 2022. That's not too bad, but it's fair to say the end of the cash runway is in sight, unless cash burn reduces drastically. Depicted below, you can see how its cash holdings have changed over time. How Is De Grey Mining's Cash Burn Changing Over Time? Although De Grey Mining had revenue of AU$1.6m in the last twelve months, its operating revenue was only AU$28k in that time period. Given how low that operating leverage is, we think it's too early to put much weight on the revenue growth, so we'll focus on how the cash burn is changing, instead. Over the last year its cash burn actually increased by 4.9%, which suggests that management are increasing investment in future growth, but not too quickly. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but investors should be mindful of the fact that will shorten the cash runway. While the past is always worth studying, it is the future that matters most of all. So you might want to take a peek at how much the company is expected to grow in the next few years. How Easily Can De Grey Mining Raise Cash? While its cash burn is only increasing slightly, De Grey Mining shareholders should still consider the potential need for further cash, down the track. Generally speaking, a listed business can raise new cash through issuing shares or taking on debt. Commonly, a business will sell new shares in itself to raise cash and drive growth. We can compare a company's cash burn to its market capitalisation to get a sense for how many new shares a company would have to issue to fund one year's operations. De Grey Mining's cash burn of AU$106m is about 5.1% of its AU$2.1b market capitalisation. That's a low proportion, so we figure the company would be able to raise more cash to fund growth, with a little dilution, or even to simply borrow some money. So, Should We Worry About De Grey Mining's Cash Burn? Even though its increasing cash burn makes us a little nervous, we are compelled to mention that we thought De Grey Mining's cash burn relative to its market cap was relatively promising. Cash burning companies are always on the riskier side of things, but after considering all of the factors discussed in this short piece, we're not too worried about its rate of cash burn. On another note, De Grey Mining has 6 warning signs (and 2 which are a bit concerning) we think you should know about. Of course, you might find a fantastic investment by looking elsewhere. So take a peek at this free list of companies insiders are buying, and this list of stocks growth stocks (according to analyst forecasts) Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here The White House defended its decision on Sunday to not send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, despite Republican criticism and a growing concern about whether China will aid Russia in the ongoing war. While Ukraine recently won support from Baltic nations and Poland for Western fighter jets, larger countries like the United States and Britain have continued to refuse to supply Kyiv with warplanes. President Joe Biden, who just last week made a surprise visit to Kyiv to reaffirm U.S. support, said Friday that he is for now continuing to rule out providing F-16 jets to the country still battling its massive neighbor a year later. On Sunday, national security adviser Jake Sullivan defended Bidens decision, stressing that the U.S. is providing the appropriate military aid for Ukrainian soldiers to retake Russian-occupied regions. We are taking a very hard look at what it is that Ukraine needs for the immediate phase of the war that were in. And this phase of the war requires tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, artillery, tactical air defense systems, so that Ukrainian fighters can retake territory that Russia currently occupies, Sullivan told CNNs State of the Union. F-16s are a question for a later time. And thats why President Biden said that, for now, hes not moving forward with those, he continued. So as far as were concerned, the U.S. effort has got to be to get Ukraine the tools it needs for the mission at hand. And the mission at hand is to have a successful counteroffensive where Ukraine is able to take back its own territory, away from the hands of the Russians. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy answers journalists' questions during a news conference in Kyiv on the anniversary of the start of Russia's war against Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy answers journalists' questions during a news conference in Kyiv on the anniversary of the start of Russia's war against Ukraine. Bidens decision received backlash from GOP lawmakers, some of whom want the U.S. to provide military aircraft to Ukraine and others who want the administration to focus less on the war and more on domestic concerns. Story continues House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said that if the U.S. were to provide fighter jets and long-range artillery, Ukraine could come closer to ending the war. McCaul, who led a delegation to Kyiv just one day after Bidens visit, said that F-16s would be able to travel to Ukraine with great speed and knock out targets. I was at the Munich Security Conference, met a lot of the high-ranking military officials, including our supreme allied commander, theyre all in favor of us putting not only F-16s in but longer-range artillery to take out the Iranian drones in Crimea, the congressman told ABCs This Week of the Ukrainian peninsula thats been occupied by Russia since 2014. In fact, the word I kept hearing was we need to put everything we have into there, he continued. I know the administration says, as long as it takes. I think with the right weapons, it shouldnt take so long and quite frankly this whole thing is taking too long. And it really didnt have to happen this way. GOP Rep. Michael McCaul tells @MarthaRaddatz it is unfortunate that Pres. Biden is not sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine now. "When we slow-walk and slow-pace this thing, it drags it out. And thats precisely what Putin wants." This Week (@ThisWeekABC) February 26, 2023 Friday marked one year since Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, and the fighting has continued to rage. On Saturday, Ukraines military reported 27 airstrikes and 75 attacks from multiple rocket launchers in a 24-hour spell. The concern over sending U.S. fighter jets to Ukraine comes as tensions grow over whether China will send military aid to help Russia win the war. McCaul called Russia and Chinas relationship an unholy alliance and expressed deep concern over an upcoming meeting between Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. China has created what it says is a peace plan between Russia and Ukraine, but Sullivan said Xi has yet to speak with Zelenskyy since the war began a year ago. Its very difficult to advance any kind of peace initiative when theres that kind of one-sided diplomacy going on, the adviser told NBCs Meet the Press. It will come at real cost. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan warns China about providing weapons to Russia. CNN (@CNN) February 26, 2023 Sullivan declined to go into detail about the U.S.s hypothetical response should China aid Russia in the war, stressing that such a move by China has not happened. When China talks rhetorically about the war in Ukraine, they tie themselves into knots, because they know that going all in with Russia in this war in Ukraine would alienate a substantial number of countries that they are working hard to maintain good relations with, he said. So, from our perspective, actually, this war presents real complications for Beijing. And Beijing will have to make its own decisions about how it proceeds, whether it provides military assistance, Sullivan continued. But if it goes down that road, it will come at real costs to China. And I think Chinas leaders are weighing that as they make their decisions. Two AIM members at Wounded Knee in 1973 (Photo: PBS) Opinion. Monday marks the 50th anniversary of the takeover of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation on February 27, 1973 by the American Indian Movement (AIM). The siege would last 71 days and would become known as the Wounded Knee II. Some 83 years earlier, on December 29,1890, the U.S. Cavalry Regiment had massacred some 250 innocent Lakota men, women and children on the same land. The central figures of the 1973 Wounded Knee takeover are now deceased. AIM co-founder Dennis Banks (Leech Lake Ojibwe) died on October 29, 2017; AIM co-founder Clyde Bellecourt (White Earth Nation) died last year on January 11, 2022; and AIM activist Russell Means (Oglala Sioux) died on October 22, 2012. In 1973, I was still in my youthful days. I was too young to join in the occupation. Years later, my work in Indian Country allowed me to meet and even interview all three of these historic men. I learned a lot about the 1973 Wounded Knees history takeover from Banks and Bellecourt. My friend Paul Collins, who is an internationally acclaimed artist, through a fate of history was in South Dakota painting a series called Other Voices, A Native American Tableau at the time of AIMs takeover of Wounded Knee. The previous year, Chief Frank Fools Crow (Lakota), a spiritual leader, was at the United Nations to speak and Collins was there for his Black Portrait of an African Journey exhibition. Fools Crow was so impressed with Collins art, he told Collins he should come to South Dakota to paint the Lakota. Collins met Dennis Banks at Wounded Knee and the two became very close so much so that they referred to one another as a brother from another mother. Because of the close relationship between the two men, Banks would come to Grand Rapids often during the last years of his life. Many times, unexpectedly, Banks would call me to come visit him at Collins home. Depending on my schedule, I would take advantage of visiting him and, after founding Native News Online, interviewing Banks. Story continues Even before Native News Online began publishing, I interviewed Banks on stage at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids in November 2009 in a program called A Conversation with Dennis Banks. The conversation covered a broad range of topics, and at one point, I asked Banks how AIM ended up at Wounded Knee in 1973. First there was a historical significance of Wounded Knee, Banks told me. It was the scene of an absolute slaughter where over 250 men, women and children were slaughtered by the U.S. military. And, up until that point, there was never no closure to what happened there. So Fools Crow says, Lets go back to Wounded Knee. Let the spirits help defend us there. They were the ones (spiritual leaders) who told us to go there. (Photo: Native News Online) Dennis Banks, co-founder of the American Indian Movement ,and Levi Rickert at Grand Valley State University for A Conversation with Dennis Banks in November 2009. (Photo/Native News Online) Banks further explained that AIM could not take over the village of Pine Ridge because of the strong presence of FBI agents and U.S. Marshals there who were positioned on top of buildings. He said AIM did not want to bring attention to them He told me that he did not realize how far the U.S. government would go to destroy the American Indian Movement. What happened at Wounded Knee was nothing short of warfare against Indian warriors. Military helicopters and jets flew overhead. Banks explained at one point there were 35 military tanks there and over 130,000 rounds of ammunition were used against AIM. Most nights were filled with gunfire into the cordoned off town from federal marshals and National Guard members. With the siege of Wounded Knee, all of the sudden American Indian concerns were front and center in the minds of Americans, who for the most part had thought about American Indians on Thanksgiving. This, of course, was the power of being on nightly newscasts on television. The international media even paid attention to the poor treatment of American Indians. The American Indian Movement allowed for Americans to get past the Disney version of Indian chiefs galloping through the dusty prairies on horseback wearing long war bonnets. The contemporary warriorsAmerican Indian Movement memberswore blue jeans, cowboy boots, headbands and carried guns. The longer the siege lasted, the pride in being an American Indian tribal member intensified for many throughout America. The American Indian Movement leaders became new heroes to a new generation of Native Americans. Average Americans had John Wayne to look up to in movies. In real life, Native Americans had Banks, Bellecourt, Means, and others. At the end of the 71-siege, two Native Americans were killed and another person remains missing until today. There is no denying the takeover by AIM of Wounded Knee changed the course of history for Native Americans forever. Later that decade, legislation was enacted in support of Native American rights, including the 1978 American Indian Freedom of Religion Act and the Indian Child Welfare Act. Fools Crow was right. Maybe there was some closure to what happened to 250 innocent Native Americans in 1890 at Wounded Knee as the result of AIMs takeover in 1973. Thayek gde nwendemen - We are all related. About the Author: "Levi Rickert (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation) is the founder, publisher and editor of Native News Online. Rickert was awarded Best Column 2021 Native Media Award for the print\/online category by the Native American Journalists Association. He serves on the advisory board of the Multicultural Media Correspondents Association. He can be reached at" Contact: Mental health. Illustrated | Gettyimages According to a new poll from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, teenagers in America are experiencing an unprecedented mental health crisis. 29 percent of boys and 57 percent of girls reported "persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness" and levels of reported sexual violence were up significantly from pre-pandemic baselines. Those numbers were even higher for LGBTQ+ students, including 45 percent of girls in that category reporting seriously considering suicide at some point in 2021. What is driving this worrying deterioration in youth mental health, and what are experts suggesting can be done about it? Here's everything you need to know about America's youth mental crisis. What does the data say? The CDC's data was collected in fall 2021, as part of the agency's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBS), which has been conducting survey research since 1991. The patterns it identifies are concerning on a number of fronts beyond the toplines in media reports. Rates of attempted suicide, for example, climbed to their highest levels in more than a decade. A shocking 13 percent of high school girls and 7 percent of high school boys reported a suicide attempt in 2021. Meanwhile, 24 percent of girls reported "making a suicide plan," a 9-point increase from 2011, along with 12 percent of boys (up one point). The percentage of high school girls who contemplated suicide (30 percent) was almost double what it was in 2011. Almost one in four LGBTQ+ students were bullied or experienced sexual violence at school, and as a consequence, many chose to stay home. The CDC report is only the latest evidence of the problem. In 2021, the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Children's Hospital Association declared a "national emergency" in child and adolescent mental health. While the declaration focused on the pandemic, it also stressed that they saw an "acceleration of trends observed prior to 2020." Story continues Why have numbers spiked? The most obvious explanation is that the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the well-being of young people. In many parts of the world, schools were shuttered in March 2020, social lives were upended and teenagers spent endless hours staring at screens for Zoom High School, Zoom University, and Zoom hangouts. As The Atlantic's Derek Thompson reports, "Teen anxiety and depression grew more from 2019 to 2021 than during any other two-year period on record," and it is possible these trends will reverse in the coming years as normal life resumes. New York Times columnist Ross Douthat argues that the alarming trends in youth mental health pre-date the COVID-19 pandemic and can more usefully be blamed on the rise of social media. Social media not only contributed to a rise in social isolation, but worked poorly as a substitution for in-person interaction. He assails "its pinball motion between extremes of toxic narcissism and the solidarity of the mob, its therapy-speak unmoored from real community, its conspiracism and ideological crazes, its mimetic misery and despairing catastrophism." The argument has a certain logic that helps explain other trends in American youth culture, including a steep drop in the number of teenagers who get driver's licenses, and a sharp decline in time spent with friends. Fewer adolescents are having sex, either partnered or alone (a trend also visible in adults). These trends are not isolated to the United States one recent U.K. study found high levels of anxiety among 16-25 year-olds and nearly a third of respondents reported that they didn't know how to make new friends. But why would social media be making girls and LGBTQ teenagers so much more miserable than their peers? Why would boys be more or less immune to the effects of pandemic-era isolation and anxiety? These puzzling data points lead us straight into the culture wars, with conservatives arguing that "woke" ideology is confusing teenagers about their identities and upending traditional social roles and liberals arguing that the right-wing anti-gay, anti-trans fervor unleashed by the MAGA movement has teenagers scared and anxious about their future and that fears about mass shootings and climate change are inextricably linked to depression and anxiety. But again, this outbreak of sadness and despair began well before the rise of widespread media attention to non-binary and trans issues. That means that monocausal explanations might be appealing but are almost certainly wrong. What can be done? The alarming rise in youth mental health troubles even spurred legislators to act, or at least to contemplate acting. An existing effort to ban the social media app TikTok gained new momentum when legislators tied it to the crisis. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), called TikTok "digital fentanyl" and decried the "corrosive impact of constant social media use, particularly on young men and women here in America." But even a successful effort to push the China-based TikTok out of the U.S. market would only create space for another video app to take over its market share. It will ultimately be up to parents to limit their children's social media consumption, and to model less phone-centric behavior for them. Given that the social media era is less than two decades old, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that interest in these apps could collapse if evidence of their harm becomes indisputable. After all, for all of the hand-wringing about Gen Z's behavior, young people are also opting out of destructive activities like smoking, drinking, and doing drugs that were rampant when their parents were teenagers. More than anything, young people need to socialize with one another in person the many harms of social isolation and their connection to anxiety and depression in children are by now so well-documented as to be beyond a reasonable doubt. The American Psychological Association argues that "the separation of primary care and mental health care has created two unequal standards" and that the "mental health workforce" needs dramatic enlargement to meet the needs of young people. The CDC concurs, and lists "increasing access to needed health services" as one of its three pathways to combating youth mental health problems. It also recommends a practice of "school connectedness," that includes adult mentors and "connecting teens to their peers and communities through clubs and community outreach." A Mental Health America report recommends bringing community mental health providers into schools, which it calls a "relatively modest investment for significant gains." A look at the risk factors identified by the U.S. surgeon general, though, should be a reminder that this will be a difficult fight. A 2021 advisory called "Protecting Youth Mental Health," pointed the finger at things like housing and financial stability along with abuse, neglect, discrimination, and loss of caregivers as key contributing factors to individual crises during the pandemic. Its recommendations include a reminder that it is "important to minimize children's exposure to violence" and that children thrive when they have a "stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult." But these are big asks in a society that mandates zero days of paid sick leave, zero days of paid parental leave, and zero paid vacation days . In other words, it is hard to disentangle the pervasive financial precarity of American life from the youth mental health crisis, and it is also notable that these trends can be traced not just to the rise in social media use but also to the Great Recession and its aftermath, which left so many families in financial crisis. If you or a young person that you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis, the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine has a list of resources to guide you through the process of seeking help. You may also like 5 sharply funny cartoons about Biden's surprise visit to Ukraine A beginner's guide to passive income 5 cartoons marking 1 year of war in Ukraine QANTM Intellectual Property Limited (ASX:QIP) is about to trade ex-dividend in the next day or two. The ex-dividend date is one business day before the record date, which is the cut-off date for shareholders to be present on the company's books to be eligible for a dividend payment. The ex-dividend date is important as the process of settlement involves two full business days. So if you miss that date, you would not show up on the company's books on the record date. Accordingly, QANTM Intellectual Property investors that purchase the stock on or after the 28th of February will not receive the dividend, which will be paid on the 5th of April. The company's next dividend payment will be AU$0.028 per share, on the back of last year when the company paid a total of AU$0.065 to shareholders. Looking at the last 12 months of distributions, QANTM Intellectual Property has a trailing yield of approximately 6.9% on its current stock price of A$0.94. Dividends are a major contributor to investment returns for long term holders, but only if the dividend continues to be paid. We need to see whether the dividend is covered by earnings and if it's growing. View our latest analysis for QANTM Intellectual Property Dividends are usually paid out of company profits, so if a company pays out more than it earned then its dividend is usually at greater risk of being cut. QANTM Intellectual Property distributed an unsustainably high 119% of its profit as dividends to shareholders last year. Without extenuating circumstances, we'd consider the dividend at risk of a cut. A useful secondary check can be to evaluate whether QANTM Intellectual Property generated enough free cash flow to afford its dividend. The company paid out 108% of its free cash flow over the last year, which we think is outside the ideal range for most businesses. Companies usually need cash more than they need earnings - expenses don't pay themselves - so it's not great to see it paying out so much of its cash flow. As QANTM Intellectual Property's dividend was not well covered by either earnings or cash flow, we would be concerned that this dividend could be at risk over the long term. Click here to see how much of its profit QANTM Intellectual Property paid out over the last 12 months. Have Earnings And Dividends Been Growing? Stocks with flat earnings can still be attractive dividend payers, but it is important to be more conservative with your approach and demand a greater margin for safety when it comes to dividend sustainability. If earnings decline and the company is forced to cut its dividend, investors could watch the value of their investment go up in smoke. With that in mind, we're not enthused to see that QANTM Intellectual Property's earnings per share have remained effectively flat over the past five years. It's better than seeing them drop, certainly, but over the long term, all of the best dividend stocks are able to meaningfully grow their earnings per share. The main way most investors will assess a company's dividend prospects is by checking the historical rate of dividend growth. QANTM Intellectual Property's dividend payments per share have declined at 1.7% per year on average over the past six years, which is uninspiring. To Sum It Up Is QANTM Intellectual Property an attractive dividend stock, or better left on the shelf? Not only are earnings per share flat, but QANTM Intellectual Property is paying out an uncomfortably high percentage of both its earnings and cashflow to shareholders as dividends. It's not the most attractive proposition from a dividend perspective, and we'd probably give this one a miss for now. So if you're still interested in QANTM Intellectual Property despite it's poor dividend qualities, you should be well informed on some of the risks facing this stock. To that end, you should learn about the 4 warning signs we've spotted with QANTM Intellectual Property (including 2 which are potentially serious). A common investing mistake is buying the first interesting stock you see. Here you can find a full list of high-yield dividend stocks. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Twitter You may not have heard of Dr. Eli David, an Israeli artificial intelligence developer with a PhD in computer science, and co-founder of Marpai Health, a health-care company that uses machine learning to manage plans for insurers like Aetna. But he proudly brags about being among the top 100 influencers on Twitter, currently placed higher than Cardi B and Greta Thunberg, according to ranking site Notus. (It is unclear exactly how Notus calculates rankings, which are based on an accounts social capital.) Finished 2022 as the 58th most influential Twitter account, ahead of Taylor Swift and Barack Obama Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) January 1, 2023 David is wildly popular with COVID conspiracy theorists, who are drawn to his daily tweets mocking scientific experts, spreading doubt about the safety of the COVID vaccine, and ridiculing those taking precautionary measures, like wearing masks. In the last month alone, David has repeated numerous talking points common among COVID skeptics. He has claimed the virus poses almost zero risk to young people, while the vaccine poses major risks; said the pandemic was faked, cautioned followers to never believe in science, suggested scientists and politicians who imposed COVID restrictions should pay for their crimes; and tweeted: Covid is a deadly pandemic. It killed science, logic, evidence-based medicine, and common sense. Breaking: A new more dangerous Covid variant has been detected. It's called BS-24/7. It attacks common sense and destroys evidence-based medicine. It's spread via mainstream media, Fauci, and CDC. Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) February 8, 2023 But David is not only a Twitter celebrity among anti-vaxxers. He is also the co-founder of Marpai Health, a health-care company that manages self-funded employer health plans for Aetna, a major health insurer owned by CVS. Story continues Vaccine skepticism kills people. So having the founder of a health-care company associated with a movement that kills people raises some serious questions, says Dr. Robert Field, a professor of health management and policy at Drexel University. To analyze Davids social media reach, The Daily Beast partnered with the Center For Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a non-profit that aims to counter online misinformation. Dr Davids tweets garner an average of 3.9 million views a day, researchers at the CCDH found. His follower numbers have ballooned during the pandemic, increasing 14-fold since the start of 2021. Someone is stalking me today Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) February 12, 2023 In recent days, Elon Musk, Twitters new CEO, has interacted directly with David, replying to some of his posts about COVID with emojis. Musk himself courted controversy when he tweeted, My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci, echoing a sentiment popular with anti-vaxxers, including David. Under Musks leadership, Twitter abandoned its COVID misinformation policy and reinstated formerly banned accounts, allowing COVID conspiracy theorists to flourish. Davids involvement in Marpai Health began in Tel Aviv, where he co-founded the company with chairman Yotan Eitan and current CEO, Edmundo Gonzalez, in February 2019. They named the start-up after the Hebrew word marpeh meaning cure, adding AI onto the end to emphasize their hope to harness artificial intelligence, according to ISRAEL21c. We are a technology-driven health-care payer which uses A.I. to predict and help prevent costly events for our members, and in turn lower our clients health-care costs, Marpai wrote in filings with the Securities Exchange Commission. The company has a research and development wing, Marpai Labs, in Israel. David became the companys chief science advisor. He holds a PhD in computer science from Bar-Ilhan University in Israel, according to his website. One of his doctoral advisers was Nathan Netanyahu, a computer scientist who is the cousin of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Marpai Health has been able to recruit and maintain top talent largely due to potential employees wanting to work with Dr. Eli David, the company wrote in filings with the SEC. In April 2021, Marpai Health entered the United States lucrative third-party administrator market, buying out Continental Benefits, a Florida-based company that already had agreements with Cigna and Aetna to handle self-insured employer plans, which means the employer bears the cost of any health claims and uses a Third Party Administrator (TPA), like Marpai Health, to process the claims. These plans are typically less regulated than traditional, fully insured plans. All of a sudden, this young Israeli startup with 15 developers in Tel Aviv became a TPA with about $20 million in annual revenue and 50,000 members receiving health-care services from us, Eitan told ISRAEL21c. The company went public in October 2021, raising $28.75 million. Dr. Eli (Omid) David is a lecturer in deep learning at Bar-Ilan University in Israel and a leading researcher in A.I. We believe his university connection as well as his reputation and previous work experience with other technology companies will help attract key deep learning talent to us, the company wrote in filings with the Securities Exchange Commission, We have developed six A.I. modules to predict chronic conditions and high-cost medical procedures. David has also founded two other AI-based businesses, Deep Instinct, a cybersecurity company, and Deep Cube, a machine learning company. Edmundo Gonzalez, Marpai Healths CEO, told The Daily Beast this week that he was unaware of Davids tweets, but emphasized that David has no involvement in the daily operations of the company and is not on the corporate board. He described Davids role as a shareholder. He also denied that David had developed any of the companys AI technology himself, despite calling him an AI genius to The Daily Beast, and instead said he was only responsible for recruiting developers. However, David appears to hold considerable power in the company, according to documents filed with the SEC. In the filings, David is described as one of a small group of primary shareholders (including Marpais other co-founders, Eitan and Gonzalez) who would continue to substantially influence Marpai, even after it went public. The Company will continue to be controlled by these shareholders, the document states. Gonzalez said the company subscribes to the scientific consensus on COVID, and covers treatments and vaccines. [Davids] views and expressions on social media are entirely his own, and not those of Marpai. He is not part of Marpais management team, nor is he a member of our board of directors, Gonzalez told The Daily Beast. Field says even if David is not involved in the day-to-day operations of Marpai Health, the connection between his public persona and a mainstream health-care company still raises concerns. This ties into the larger anti-vax movement which has caused a fair number of people to avoid vaccines, and some of them have died of COVID as a result, and some of them have spread COVID as a result, Field says. Is this another foot in the door of legitimate health care of the anti-vax movement? Marpai Healths major client is Aetna, a health insurance company that was bought by CVS Health in 2018. The $69 billion CVS-Aetna deal was the biggest health-care merger in U.S. history. CVS was a major player in the roll out of the COVID vaccine, when it entered an agreement with the federal government to distribute the shot through its pharmacies. Marpai Health is a third-party administrator that currently handles claims for a small percentage of our self-insured members. Dr. David is not employed by Aetna or CVS Health, a spokesperson for CVS Health told The Daily Beast. Were proud to be the leading provider of COVID-19 diagnostic testing and vaccinations, with a focus on underserved communities. Mallory Harris, a PhD student at Stanford University, says David is part of a wide network of perceived experts who spread COVID-19 misinformation. Harris is working on a long-term study on the topic with the Center for an Informed Public. Since David has a PhD in computer science from Bar-Ilhan University in Israel, there is nothing to stop him using Dr. in front of his name, she says. But it might confuse people who interact with his tweets. If people are in an information environment where it becomes more difficult to determine who is an expert, Harris says. They could end up interpreting something as medical advice which isnt medical advice. Its another example of someone who can masquerade as an expert in vaccines without having credentials in a relevant field, says Imran Ahmed, the CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, Algorithms reward only engagement, and theres nothing that can be guaranteed to infuriate people that someone spouting nonsense and lies about vaccines. Ahmed is frustrated that three years into the pandemic, social media platforms have not developed effective ways to curb the spread of COVID misinformation. Even more so than extremism, its so illustrative of the deficiencies in our information ecosystem, says Ahmed. He talks about the collective grief sustained by those who lost loved ones to COVID, and what it must feel like to them to see misinformation rewarded with high engagement numbers by platforms like Twitter. You are triggering the heartbreak of millions of users in order to generate attention that is then rewarded by platform algorithms. Platforms still havent found a way to fix that, Ahmed says. David, for his part, continues to tweet unabated. In fact, he believes that its COVID skeptics like himself who are the real victims. In 399 B.C. Socrates was put on trial and sentenced to death, for the crime of questioning the settled beliefs, he tweeted on Tuesday. 2422 years later, leading scientists and physicians today are being viciously attacked for questioning the settled science. David did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Editor's note: A previous version of this article mistakenly referred to Imran Ahmed as Imran Kahn. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. Boris Johnson returns home after a morning run earlier this week. (Getty Images) After failing in his desperate, last-ditch attempt to become prime minister again following the disastrous reign of Liz Truss, Boris Johnson retreated to the backbenches... and a slew of lucrative speaking appearances. But just a few months later and there is a sense he is now re-emerging onto the frontline of UK politics. And it's all to do of course with Brexit. Namely the Northern Ireland Protocol. The protocol was agreed as part of Johnson's Brexit deal to prevent a hard border with Ireland. It effectively keeps Northern Ireland in the EU's single market for goods, meaning checks on products crossing from Great Britain. The situation led to the collapse of power sharing in Northern Ireland, with the DUP protesting about the barrier to trade with the rest of the UK. Downing Street has set no deadline for resolving the issue, but the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement in April adds to the imperative of getting a deal soon. Johnson's rival, Rishi Sunak, today told The Sunday Times his administration is "giving it everything we've got" to finalise a deal to fix issues with the protocol. Watch: Sunday's politics briefing The PM said he was hopeful of a "positive outcome" in the talks with the EU as Westminster braces for a new-look protocol to be unveiled. And Downing Street will be anxiously waiting for Johnson's view on the new terms, especially after he implored Sunak this week not to drop his Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, which would unilaterally overwrite parts of the treaty. In his intervention this week, Johnson who still carries great influence in Conservative circles declined to say whether he would back any new deal negotiated by Sunak on the protocol. Johnson said the bill put forward when he was PM is the "best way forward". In the 2019 general election, it was Johnson, with his "get Brexit done" mantra, who achieved a stunning majority for the Conservatives and oversaw the UK's departure from the EU weeks later, in January 2020. Story continues Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson attend the National Service Of Remembrance at The Cenotaph in November. (Getty Images) Any sense in Johnson's mind that he has been undermined could lead to an explosive intervention, something he has past form for. In 2018, he resigned as Theresa May's foreign secretary, saying her strategy was leading to a "semi-Brexit". And The Sunday Times reported today that Johnson "is contemplating another scene-stealing act to torpedo the deal and undermine Sunak, who it is said he still hopes to oust from Downing Street". It comes after Tory former chancellor George Osborne said Johnson is "causing trouble" because he is "interested in becoming prime minister again". Read more: Rishi Sunak: We're 'giving it everything' to seal deal on Northern Ireland Protocol Osborne told Channel 4's The Andrew Neil Show on Sunday last week: "He wants to bring down Rishi Sunak and he will use any instrument to do it and if the Northern Ireland negotiations are that instrument, he will pick that up and hit Mr Sunak over the head with it." Adding to Sunak's headache is the fact Johnson's interventions have been supported by people in his cabinet, most notably House of Commons leader Penny Mordaunt, who twice went close to becoming prime minister last year. She told Sky's Sophy Ridge On Sunday programme last week: "Boris is being Boris. But I wouldn't say this is a completely unhelpful intervention." Mordaunt added it is "helpful to remind the EU of that bill, and what this deal actually has to deliver". A woman escaped kidnappers when they momentarily left her alone in their truck after several hours of being restrained and threatened, police in Vermont say. She found a way to get behind the wheel with her hands bound by duct tape and a bag covering her head and drove off the morning of Feb. 23, according to Vermont State Police. Authorities were called to a report of her sitting in the truck, with her hands taped together and her head partially covered with the bag and more tape, at about 11:30 a.m. in St. Johnsbury, a Feb. 24 police news release said. The woman told police, after they fully freed her, that she was kidnapped in the area of Peacham and Danville, a few miles from St. Johnsbury, according to police. Then they launched their investigation. The next day, authorities arrested Mack Varnum and Nichole Cloutier, officials said. Now the pair is facing charges of attempted first-degree murder, kidnapping, first-degree unlawful restraint and first-degree aggravated domestic assault. Investigators learned Varnum and Cloutier picked the woman up on the side of the road near Varnums home in Peacham on Feb. 23, police said. That is when she was restrained and bound against her will, according to police. She was treated at Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital and eventually released. Varnum and Cloutier were arrested at Varnums home without incident, police said. A third person was also arrested at the home in connection to an unrelated matter. They are currently being held without bail and are due for an arraignment Feb. 27, according to police. St. Johnsbury is about 170 miles northwest of Boston. Kidnapped woman runs to gas station after year of being held hostage, NJ officials say Kidnappers tied victim to chair with barbed wire, carved crosses in face, NC cops say Family kidnaps woman before wedding to force her to marry someone else, feds say Images showing the cooked cockroach into a chicken tender. Haile Kirkland A woman found a cockroach in her husband's chicken tender at Slim Chickens on their anniversary. Haile Kirkland said she tried to "quietly" address the problem, but had to battle to get a refund. The restaurant's owner sent her an email to apologize and asked her to remove a social media post. A woman who found a cockroach in her husband's chicken tender at a Slim Chickens branch in Pensacola, Florida said she had to battle with the manager to get a refund. Haile Kirkland, 30, said she went to the restaurant for an anniversary lunch on February 16 with her husband and ordered two "Hungry Meals" that include seven chicken tenders, two slices of toast, a side, and two dips, according to the restaurant's website. "My husband put a piece of his chicken down that he started to eat," she said. He told her to look at it and Kirkland saw "the cockroach cooked into the side of the chicken." She told Insider they had already eaten half their food. "I brought it to the front counter and asked for a manager because I didn't want to make a scene," Kirkland said, adding that she wanted to "quietly address it with him." Kirkland said the manager was "extremely rude and unprofessional" and responded to her: "Eh, it happens." She said she had to fight with the manager to get a refund. She also no response from the company so decided to post pictures on Facebook. Kirkland received an email on February 19, seen by Insider, from the restaurant owner, Craig Hacklander, who apologized. He said he was "embarrassed and apologetic" and was working with pest controllers to remedy the situation. Hacklander offered her a Slim Chickens gift voucher but on February 25 asked her to take down the Facebook post because coverage of the incident "has really hurt our business," Kirkland said. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation visited the restaurant Tuesday and found another 16 dead cockroaches in the store, ABC affiliate WEAR reported. The regulator found no violations in a follow-up inspection. Slim Chickens didn't immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider made outside normal working hours. Read the original article on Business Insider Reyhan Ayas got locked out of her Apple account after her iPhone was stolen last year. Nazenin Elci A woman said that soon after her iPhone was stolen, she was locked out of her Apple account. Reyhan Ayas said Apple was "not helpful at all" after $10,000 was taken from her bank account. She told Insider: "Once someone gets into that security environment, it turns against you." Reyhan Ayas was leaving a Manhattan bar in November when a man snatched her phone and ran off. She said Apple was unhelpful when she tried to regain access to her Apple account. Ayas, who's originally from Istanbul, is a senior economist at Revelio Labs, a workforce-intelligence company. She initially spoke to The Wall Street Journal as part of an investigation into how iPhone thieves lock people out of their Apple accounts by using their passcodes to access the phone before changing the device's password and stealing funds from owners' bank accounts. In an interview with Insider, Ayas said she was standing outside the bar when a man stole her iPhone 13 Pro Max. She believes he had seen her enter her passcode at some point and had waited for the chance to steal her device. The 31-year-old said she borrowed another iPhone to try to locate her own using the "Find My iPhone" function. However, Ayas said she'd already been locked out of her Apple account by that time. "I didn't know what was going on," she told Insider. She filed a police report the following day and showed notifications of a password-reset request and login details from after her device was stolen. Insider reviewed both the police report and the notifications. Because she had lost access to her Apple account, she was unable to log on to her MacBook computer. She contacted Apple support, which advised her to get a new SIM card and a new iPhone. She did so, but was still unable to access her account. Over the next 24 hours, $10,000 was taken from Ayas' bank account, according to a bank statement viewed by Insider. She was advised to open a new account and transfer all her funds to it. While visiting an Apple Store in search of support, Ayas said she received an email from Credit Karma showing an application for an Apple credit card. Another email showed the application had been approved while she was on hold with Apple-card support. Story continues The support team "was not helpful at all," Ayas said. She then called Goldman Sachs, which issues Apple's credit cards, and was able to get some help. Ayas said she was very frustrated at Apple continually asking: "Have you tried 'Find My iPhone?'" "Of course, I tried it like minute three, I tried it. Like, this is a joke to you. My entire life is a shamble, yet you're still asking if I tried it," she told Insider. During her most recent conversation with an Apple representative, the representative told Ayas that there was no way to regain access to her iCloud account. "Apple takes a lot of pride in being, like, a closed-security environment. But they rarely talk about if someone gets into that closed-security environment; it is also closed to the people who own the account," Ayas said. "It can absolutely turn against you." Alex Argiro, who was an NYPD detective before retiring in 2022, told The Journal that there had been hundreds of similar crimes committed in New York in the past two years: "Once you get into the phone, it's like a treasure box." There have been reports of similar crimes in Austin, Texas; Denver, Boston and London. An Apple representative told The Journal that the company believed these crimes were rare because the thief would need both the device and the passcode, and that Apple has account-recovery policies to help prevent bad actors accessing users' accounts. Apple didn't respond to a request for comment from Insider. Read the original article on Business Insider A group of women rounded up by police from karaoke bars in Thailand's southern province of Narathiwat are taken to city hall during a campaign against prostitution and human trafficking involving women and minors on November 9, 2018. - About 50 Laotian women were rounded up by authorities for investigation. MADAREE TOHLALA/AFP via Getty Images DOJ said a woman invited her family to her wedding, but they disapproved and kidnapped her instead. A court filing says she was tricked into going to Yemen, assaulted, and threatened by her father. Her father and brothers attempted to arrange a forced marriage for her in exchange for $500,000. "You are no longer in the West, you are in the Middle East, women like you are killed," Khaled Abughanem said to his daughter, according to the Justice Department. The American woman who sought to celebrate her wedding in Mexico invited her family to the ceremony in Guadalajara last September. Instead, her disapproving father, mother, and brothers conspired to kidnap her in an attempt to force her to marry someone else in Yemen, the Department of Justice alleged in an ongoing case against her father, Khaled, and brother, Waleed. The unnamed victim, who according to a DOJ statement remains in Yemen "under the supervision of two of her brothers," was tricked by her family into leaving Mexico and traveling back to the United States, where her father promised he would support her marriage to her fiance, who she had known for nearly nine years. Instead, the court filings allege, her family tried to force her fiance to pay them a dowry of $30,000 for their marriage, but after the woman intervened, her father threatened to throw her from the 12th story of the hotel where they were staying. The next day, the elder Abughanem allegedly changed his mind and came to a "gentleman's agreement" with his daughter's fiance and agreed to support their union if he could host a party and the ceremony in the United States. The woman agreed. Upon her return to the States, she was locked in her family's home, put under constant supervision, and unable to even use the restroom with privacy. A member of her family then impersonated the woman, withdrawing her from classes at the University of Buffalo, and deleting her social media accounts. She was then forced to board a flight to Egypt, where her family planned to arrange a marriage to an undetermined man in Egypt or Yemen in exchange for $500,000. Story continues "The Victim was told if she did not comply and agree to an arranged marriage, she would be locked up in her home without contact with the outside world forever and her fiance, who her family disapproved of, would be killed," read a DOJ statement regarding the case. Kidnapping charges are pending against Khaled and Waleed Abughanem, the woman's father and brother, who are currently in custody. A detention hearing for the pair, scheduled for February 17, has been delayed until March 2. "Waleed Abughanem denies any allegation of criminal conduct or wrongdoing whatsoever," Buffalo News reported Frank Passafiume, an assistant federal public defender, said of the charges against his client. "Beginning at the hearing next week, we will vindicate his name and undo the damage all too often caused by government overreach into our personal lives and disregard of cultural diversity." Representatives for the US Attorney's Office for the Western District of New York, as well as lawyers for Khaled and Waleed Abughanem did not immediately respond to Insider's requests for comment. It is unclear whether the woman's mother will face charges for her involvement in her daughter's detainment in Yemen. 'My biggest mistake was to keep you alive' The difference between an arranged marriage a common cultural practice in nations including India, Japan, and China and a forced marriage is supposed to be the difference between consent and coercion, according to the nonprofit organization Unchained At Last, which seeks to end forced and child marriage in the United States. Both a bride and groom may consent to have their marriage arranged due to cultural factors, but a forced marriage may be the result of a victim being deceived, threatened, or abused until they comply. "However, there's a fine line between consent and coercion," according to Unchained At Last. "Even when a marriage is labeled "arranged" and the bride and groom get the option to say no, they might face intense pressure from their families and society not to do so, or they might be too young and inexperienced to make such a life-altering decision." Few studies have been conducted regarding forced marriage abuse in the US, so exact statistics regarding how many people are illegally betrothed is unknown. In forced marriages, honor and virginity are often of central importance to families arranging the union. A woman who is not a virgin is seen as bringing dishonor to her family and may be killed to restore their honor, according to The Arab Weekly. The woman being held in Yemen may have been subjected to a virginity test, conducted by her mother, according to court documents. "Abu-Walid, that would bring shame to me . . . she is my sister," the younger Abughanem texted his father, according to court documents. "And I would not allow anyone to undermine our honor . . . that would be over my dead body." The United Nations Population Fund estimates that as many as 5,000 women are killed annually around the world for reasons of honor. The woman is still currently held in Yemen but is receiving support through an unnamed nonprofit, according to court documents. She was allegedly pushed down stairs, whipped with a belt, and choked by her father so severely she thought she would be killed, according to a filing that referenced US Customs records, testimony by the woman's fiance, text messages between Khaled and Waleed Abughanem, and secret emails sent by the woman herself. "Victim 1 believes she only survived the assault due to the intervention of her mother," the court filing reads, as her father allegedly told her: "I should've killed you before I left Yemen, you bitch, my biggest mistake was to keep you alive." Read the original article on Insider Skin-lightening creams for sale in a shop in New Delhi, India, in 2020. Sajjad Hussain / Getty Images The idealization of light skin as the pinnacle of beauty affects self-esteem for women of color around the world. In many cultures, skin color is a social benchmark that is often used by people of color and whites alike in lieu of race. Attractiveness, marriageability, career opportunities and socioeconomic status are directly correlated with skin color. As a result, many women of color seek chemical remedies to lighten their complexion. They have created a booming global business in bleach creams and injectables valued at US.6 billion in 2020; .3 billion was spent in the U.S. alone. The market is projected to reach .3 billion by 2027. In my work in behavioral science and colorism, I studied the phenomenon of skin bleaching during a decade of travel around the world during which I visited every major racial group and tracked the growth of this industry. The practice has both significant racial implications and health concerns. A common practice As I stated during my interview on Oprahs 2015 Light Girls documentary, while bleaching the skin is common, its both dangerous and potentially life-threatening because products contain steroids, hydroquinone bleach and mercury. The World Health Organization warns that skin bleaching can cause liver and kidney damage, neurological problems, cancer and, for pregnant women, stillbirth. The practice is not new. It became popular in many African countries in the 1950s; today, about 77% of Nigerians, 27% of Senegalese and 35% of South African women bleach their skin. Indian caste-based discrimination was outlawed in 1950, but dark-skinned women (and men) are still persecuted and fair skin remains a distinguishing social factor, associated with purity and elite status. In the Middle East, the practice of bleaching is most common in Jordan, with 60.7% of women bleaching. The Brazilian government seems to sanction white skin over dark by encouraging immigration from Europe and discouraging persons of African descent. Story continues Light skin is idealized in North America, but the phenomenon is contentious because bleaching is perceived as a desire to be white. So bleaching creams are marketed in the U.S. not to lighten skin, but to erase blemishes and age spots. Their use in the U.S. spiked after the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized interracial marriage. In the aftermath of the civil rights movement, dark-complected immigrants from developing countries flocked to the U.S., carrying with them an ideal of light-skinned beauty and they bleached their skin to attain it. Perpetuating colorism Bleach cream manufacturers now face growing pressure to address racism, with activists arguing that their products perpetuate a preference for lighter skin. In 2020, Johnson & Johnson announced that it will no longer sell two products marketed to reduce dark spots that were widely used as skin lighteners. LOreal, the worlds largest producer of bleach creams, pledged to remove the words white, fair, and light from labels but it will still manufacture these products. [Deep knowledge, daily. Sign up for The Conversations newsletter.] Some among African countries have moved to ban bleaching creams. The success of the blockbuster film Black Panther has likewise sparked a movement celebrating dark skin, with hashtags including #melaninpoppin and #blackgirlmagic. As I see it, public education and activism on this issue must prevail to protect the health and self-esteem of women of color. The failure of either will only prolong the problem while sustaining an .6 billion bleach cream beauty industry. This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts. If you found it interesting, you could subscribe to our weekly newsletter. It was written by: Ronald Hall, Michigan State University. Read more: Ronald Hall does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. If Republican Tim Scott decides to run for president it could be a campaign about giving conservatism a new coat of paint in the post-Donald Trump era. The 57-year-old South Carolina senator hasn't announced a 2024 White House bid, but he's teased the possibility as one of the latest big-name GOP faces to make a recent pilgrimage to Iowa, the state with the first-in-the-nation Republican caucuses. While there, he spoke about growing up poor and a child of segregation with a grandfather who dropped out of school in the third grade to pick cotton. Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate, has in the past publicly spoken up about the negative impact of racism in his personal life. But in Iowa he said those circumstances didn't stop him from eventually walking the halls of Congress as a conservative. "I can go as high as my character, my education, and my perseverance will take me," Scott said during his speech at Drake University. "I bear witness to that. I testify to that." Stay in the conversation on politics: Sign up for the OnPolitics newsletter David Oman, a former Iowa GOP chair who attended one of the speeches, said segments of the conservative movement are yearning for a more uplifting candidacy that Scott could deliver. Iowa is keeping the faith alive! The folks I heard from today know in their hearts that America is the land of opportunity. Lets keep it that way. Tim Scott (@votetimscott) February 23, 2023 The senator's biography, he said, contrasts with how Democrats describe the country and reminds him of a past Republican president. "His message was spot on. I remember the 70s and 80s and I could almost say it was Reagan-esque," Oman said. "It's sunny optimism and he has a compelling, humble, personal story, but a very optimistic take on the future of America." Story continues Can a 'sunrise' conservative beat Trumpism? Scott said rather than compromising, the GOP should be about "winning converts." And he gave a subtle nod to the 40th president when he told Iowans last week how the conservative "movement can once again carry 49 states and the popular vote." "This is what I see," Scott added. "A new American sunrise." The arch of Scott's life story appeals to a contingency of voters that could be an asset in a primary largely defined by former President Donald Trump running again, Republican strategists say. "That is going to stand out in this field because a lot of people, especially Trump, are going to be anxious to describe America as though it's a hellscape," GOP strategist and political commentator Scott Jennings told USA TODAY. And unlike many of the other current or prospective contenders Scott isn't bound to defend everything the former president did or said because he never worked for Trump. Politics:Former Arizona AG withheld report that debunked 2020 election fraud claims "So if you're Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo or Nikki Haley, and you're out there trying to convince a bunch of Trump supporters to switch, well, why would I buy Coke Zero when I can buy Coke classic," Jennings said. "Scott doesn't have this problem." Bursting the Trump-DeSantis bubble GOP consultant Liz Mair, a former spokeswoman for John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign, said Scott is well liked among right-leaning activists, and is recognized as one of the smarter crop of possible candidates. But she doubts that any "sort of sunny cheery optimism is what sells" with a base that wants to fight liberal America at the moment. President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in Canal Point, Florida in 2019. "I don't know that they see (Scott) as soft, but I think that the Republican base is pretty well convinced the country's going to hell in a handbasket right now," Mair said. The big test for Scott if he runs, she said, will be getting voters to pay attention to him. Many especially in the right-wing media ecosystem are ping-ponged between Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, she said. A Feb. 16 survey by Quinnipiac University showed Scott barely registering at 1% among GOP voters when asked who'd they support for president, behind Haley, Pence and Pompeo. "Anybody who doesn't have the big broad name ID and appeal of those two, it's going to be tough to build a campaign," Mair said. Scott's money matches his moves Coupled with the Iowa visit, Scott's money indicates his political scope is bigger than being South Carolina's junior senator. Since being appointed to the seat in 2013, he has emerged as a fundraising powerhouse who has attracted mega-donors. During the 2022 campaign, for instance, Scott hauled in $43.1 million for his reelection, according to Federal Election Commission records. Our journeys are not always easy, but through faith and hard work, the American Dream is alive for all of us. We need to keep the faith in our great country. I know her brightest days are ahead. Tim Scott (@votetimscott) February 21, 2023 A Scott-aligned super PAC, Opportunity Matters Fund Action, has almost matched that figure, raising about $37.3 million, according to OpenSecrets. The group used that war chest to help a handful of Republican Senate candidates during the midterms by dropping millions in those races, in addition to doling out $250,000 in digital ads promoting Scott a month after he coasted to reelection. The anti-woke Black Republican? Scott holds many of the traditional conservative views on education, abortion, immigration and taxes, which he touted during the Iowa trip. And like other GOP presidential contenders, he underscored how the country must resist the "grievance" politics of the left on cultural issues. Yet Scott has spoken about how racism has negatively impacted his life. Twice he evoked how "woke corporations" appoint themselves as decision-makers, and that "woke prosecutors and anti-cop activists" are responsible for violent crime. Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., and Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., depart the office of Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., following a meeting about police reform legislation on Capitol Hill in 2021. But Scott has also at different times in his career acknowledged the existence of racial bias, and the need to tackle it through public policy. In an op-ed for USA TODAY in 2021, when pursuing bipartisan police reform legislation in the wake of George Floyd's murder, he spoke about being "pulled over for simply having an improper headlight" at age 21 and how the officer called him "boy." America is the beacon on the hill. It is the great land of opportunity that made my story of limitless potential possible. - Senator Tim Scott Opportunity Matters Network (@OMattersNetwork) August 2, 2022 Stephen Graves, a University of Missouri political science professor in the Black Studies department, said the Scott split narrative is about establishing a brand of conservatism that appeals to white voters who are more moderate on cultural issues. "Tim Scott really appeases that group of Republicans who understand the times we're in and knowing that they're not going to win future elections in a diversifying culture if they're wedded to that Trump rhetoric," he said. Thee 2024 Republican field looks to already be the most racially diverse in the party's history with Haley and now 37-year-old entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy in the race. Graves said it will be telling to see how the base and potential rivals will react to Scott's dueling views on race. "They want a Ron DeSantis-type who is going to stick it to the libs, and all the kind of rhetoric that comes along with that," he said. "They're looking for a champion." This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Will he or won't he? GOP Sen. Tim Scott inches toward White House bid Woody Harrelson has a film and TV career that's spanned 38 years. But the showbiz vet is also known for his side hustle: marijuana. The Emmy-winning actor, 61, spoke candidly about his career in a new interview with CBS Sunday Morning, in which he welcomed cameras into The Woods, the cannabis dispensary he co-owns in West Hollywood. Harrelson, who rose to stardom as the lovable bartender Woody Boyd on Cheers, believes his avid marijuana advocacy may have hindered his career. When he first started speaking about it 25 years ago, which he referred to as "coming out of the closet on the herb thing," he explained that the public didn't exactly respond positively. "It was not a happy, frolicking, fun response," said Harrelson, adding, "I don't think it helped" his career. "People are just anxious to put you in a little box in this industry, you know?" The Hunger Games star gave up smoking weed several years ago, hoping it would benefit his relationships with others, including his wife, Laura, and their three daughters. "I wanted to be emotionally available to my family, to my friends. It was a good experiment," said Harrelson, who lives in Hawaii with his family. However, it was another famous face that managed to reel him back in: country music legend Willie Nelson, who got Harrelson to smoke at one of their poker games. "Willie would always act like he didn't know that I quit. I'm saying for, like, the fifth time that day, 'I quit, you know?' And he's like, 'Oh, oh.' I win a big hand. He hands it right to me, and I just grab it and I take a big toke, and he goes, 'Welcome home, son!'" the Triangle of Sadness star shared. Woody Harrelson says Willie Nelson got him smoking weed again. (Photo: Mustafa Yalcin/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) When Cheers ended after a lengthy run, Harrelson didn't expect to continue to thrive as an actor. "I thought that was just going to be my career, because six years in I hadn't done any other part. And back then it was much harder to jump off of television into movies. Now, it's kind of an open door, both directions," he explained. However, Harrelson went on to find great success in film, even earning three Oscar nominations. Story continues As for the one opportunity he does regret turning down, it's the title role in Jerry Maguire. "That was a blunder," he laughed. "And then, like, two days later, I hear Tom Cruise is doing it, and I'm like, 'Oh, I might have f****d that up!'" Never one to stay quiet, Harrelson sparked controversy over the weekend when he hosted Saturday Night Live for the fifth time. During a somewhat rambling opening monologue that drew allusions to COVD conspiracies, Harrelson told a story about the craziest script hes ever read. So the movie goes like this, Harrelson told the audience. The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartels drugs and keep taking them over and over. Harrelson concluded the monologue by saying that he "threw the script away." I mean, who was going to believe that crazy idea? Being forced to do drugs? I do that voluntarily all day, he said. WPP plc (NYSE:WPP) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript February 23, 2023 Operator: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for standing by. Welcome to WPP Preliminary Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast. . Today's conference is being recorded. At this time, I would like to hand the conference over to WPP's CEO, Mr. Mark Read. Please go ahead, sir. Mark Read: Thank you very much, and good morning, everyone, and welcome to the WPP 2022 preliminary results presentation. As you know, we now do this as more of a Q&A session. We should take the presentation as read. It's available online, rather than take up your time with that. We thought we could get straight into questions. Maybe I'll make a few preliminary remarks. I'm here with John Rogers, our CFO. So John and I will take your questions. Look, I think we had a good 2022. We grew 6.9% in the year. A respectable or more than respectable Q4, 6.4%, perhaps somewhat better than we'd expected after a somewhat softer Q3, but that was in part driven by comparatives. But I think the momentum we had for the year carried into Q4, and I think you'll see some of that momentum carry into next year through our guidance. We had a very broad-based performance. Our Integrated Agencies is up 6.9%, with a 3-year growth of 9.5%. Strong performance in GroupM, Ogilvy, AKQA, Hogarth. our PR businesses were up 8.2% like-for-like with a strong performance, particularly from Hill+Knowlton, and our Specialist Agencies is up 5.6%. So functionally, we grew strongly across all our functions. And regionally as well, North America, up 6.6%, U.K. up 7.6%. I've called out particularly resilient Western Continental Europe at 5.5% and Asia Pacific, rest of the world, up 8% last year. So a broad-based performance across services and regions, a strong competitive performance from leading at Cannes to a new business number close to $6 billion. We continue to invest in the business. And we talked a lot on the call about the impact of AI on our industry mix against the fundamentals. Our transformation savings are ahead of plan, and we're on track to deliver the GBP 70 million of savings by 2025. And then lastly, our guidance. So our guidance for like-for-like revenue of passing cost is 3% to 5%, and headline operating margin of around 15%. And I think that's based on conversations that we have with clients, what they're telling us, what they intend to spend for the year, really driven by their continued desire to invest in their business and invest in brands. I think in part also driven by the complexity of the environment and the new media opportunities available to them on platforms like Netflix and TikTok and retail media platforms, as well as the transformation in WPP's business and expansion we've made in new areas around data, technology and e-commerce. Story continues Building, Real Estate, Investment Photo by Zane Lee on Unsplash So in short, I think we had a good year. We're going into this year, I would say, confident in our guidance. It is a little bit softer than 2022, but I think that's what one would expect. And it's significantly ahead of analyst expectations certainly at the end of last year. So with that as an introduction, why don't we open it up for questions. And John and I will take those as people have them. Operator: . We will now take our question from Tim Nollen from Macquarie. Timothy Nollen: I did read the transcript from your meeting this morning in London, and I noticed a lot of very specific detailed numbers questions. So I'll spare you those this time and ask you instead two much broader, big-picture question. Firstly, Mark, you did mention AI and ChatGPT in your opening remarks. And I wanted to follow up on that and ask. I understand the role of these generative search functions in terms of creating ad copy and so forth. But my question is more, how might the search market change if Bing is to gain share over Google given these changes in search? And how might that affect ad spending in general, given how big search is in terms of total advertising spending? I wonder if we're at the cusp of the sea change and much more than just who wins the search wars, but how this might change the overall ad market, if that's not too dramatic a statement. Maybe let's go with that and then I'll ask my second question, if that's okay. Mark Read: Yes. Look, I think that it's too early to say. But if we had to hesitate a view we discussed it a lot internally is -- I think people go to search for a number of reasons, don't they? And some of those -- most of those reasons is to answer direct questions or to find out information or to book a claim ticket or find a holiday destiny-- there's many, many reasons people go to search. And you sometimes get vertical search engine. So Amazon have carved off a portion of search around sort of some subsegment of products. And sometimes you might go in search in Twitter to see what's happened in the last 5 minutes that hasn't happened in -- that wouldn't be on Google in that period of time. So I don't think that -- certainly, what I've seen from some of these generative AI engines is going to, by any means, replace like 100% or match 100% of what Google does, nor is it going to necessarily lead to a better answer. I asked it to write my bio and it came out with quite a large number of factual inaccuracies, upgraded my university, et cetera, et cetera. So that's not to say that it won't have significant changes over time. But I don't think there's going to be a dramatic shift in a very short period of time in what goes on in search. So as the engines get better and as they understand what's true and not true, and the question is, can they understand what's true and not true, we'll see different impacts. But I don't think that there's a sort of -- there's so many different segmentations of search and questions you get through that search query box. I think it's hard to say that suddenly in every category, one search engine versus another is going to be particularly more impactful. And I think all of the major technology comes investing significantly in AI. So I think we have to sort of wait to see. Now from our perspective, it sort of really doesn't matter which one does better or worse. So I don't think it impacts WPP directly. If anything, more competition is better for us and better for our clients. So that's kind of how -- I think we've talked about it. See also 12 High Growth Penny Stocks that are Profitable and 12 Most Promising Future Stocks to Buy. To continue reading the Q&A session, please click here. Shamima Begum Of all the excuses that hand-wringing progressives have made on behalf of Shamima Begum, there can be no doubt which is the most feeble. Its the argument that she was only 15. Well, I was 15 once, too. And, like everyone else at that age, I did and said many foolish things. There was one mistake, however, that I successfully managed to avoid making. At no point did I flee the country to join the worlds most notorious terrorist group. Was I just unusually mature for my age? Perhaps I was. Perhaps, in the staff room at school, the teachers used to marvel at my cool-headed resistance to the attractions of global terrorism. That boy Deacon, in year 10. Do you know hes never perpetrated a single terrorist atrocity? No beheadings, no bombings, nothing. Incredible, isnt it. Talk about wise beyond his years. And perhaps, at church coffee mornings, all the mothers of the village would enviously wonder how Id managed to avoid getting mixed up in militant fundamentalism. Mrs Deacon, I hope you dont mind my asking a personal question, but is it true that your son has never fled the country to join an international terrorist organisation? It is, yes. Well, I must say, youve been very lucky. Fleeing the country to join an international terrorist organisation is all the rage among the young folk nowadays. You know how it is with teenagers. Always desperate to keep up with the latest trends. Our Emilys going through an international terrorist phase at the moment. Her bedroom walls are covered with posters of Carlos the Jackal shes cut out of Smash Hits. At any rate, progressive commentators seem convinced that Ms Begums age is a crucial mitigating factor. This weekend, no doubt, it will be the talk of every middle-class dinner party in London. For pitys sake, the poor girl was only 15. You cant possibly expect a mere teenager to know that its wrong to join a proscribed terrorist network engaged in carrying out the mass slaughter of innocent people. Story continues Anyway, weve all done it. When I was in the Guides we used to hold charity bake sales to raise money for the Baader-Meinhof Gang. I had a Saturday job delivering ransom notes for Boko Haram. I did two weeks work experience with Hezbollah. Exactly. The Government really ought to be more forgiving of these little youthful excesses. Let he who hasnt run away from home at the age of 15 to join a genocidal death cult cast the first stone. Although dont cast it at the people who did run away from home at the age of 15 to join a genocidal death cult. Because they tend to be quite dangerous. Burning injustice Across the country this morning, anxious parents will all be asking themselves the same question. Is it safe to let our children watch Fireman Sam? It may seem an unusual source of concern. To the best of my knowledge, the programme has never featured any dialogue that is racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or sizeist. But the problem isnt the script. Its the title. This is because, according to Dave Russel, the chief fire officer for Greater Manchester, the word fireman is offensive. It is, he declares, sexist, exclusionary and represents a form of microaggression that is damaging to our culture. As a result, he says, the word must not be tolerated and should be permanently erased from our vocabulary. The reason he says this is that, in his view, the word fireman implies that all firefighters are men. Personally, though, Im not sure it does. What if youre referring to a particular firefighter who happens to be a man? Is it all right to call him a fireman? Or is it offensive to call a man a man? Even if it is, I cant help suspecting that, if someone in the fire brigade feels traumatised whenever he or she hears the word fireman, its possible that he or she lacks the mental resilience, fortitude and courage generally expected in this particular line of work. In which case, its probably best for all concerned if he or she seeks employment in a field that better suits his or her delicate temperament, such as homeopathy or basket weaving. But perhaps Im just old-fashioned. Clearly the world is changing. After all, Royal Mail no longer advertises for the role of postman. Instead, its postperson. At this rate, it wont just be Fireman Sam getting cancelled. Postman Pat will have to go, too. A turnip for the books Therese Coffey is quite right. We dont need any of these la-di-da foreign fruit and vegetables anyway. Not when weve got plenty of good, old-fashioned, patriotic British turnips. As the Environment Secretary has sensibly pointed out, turnips will do the job just as well. Thats why, this lunchtime, Ill be tucking into a delicious turnip salad, consisting of sliced turnip, grated turnip and turnip croutons, drizzled with a mouth-watering turnip vinaigrette. All washed down with a refreshing turnip smoothie. Then, for dinner, its a choice between turnip au vin, turnip con carne, turnip stroganoff and turnip-in-the-hole. And for pudding, that comforting childhood classic: spotted turnip, served with turnip custard and a scoop of turnip ice cream. After such a lavish feast, I doubt Ill have room for anything else. Although, to help me get to sleep, I might toddle off to bed with a steaming mug of hot turnip. A nurse was fired after a video appeared to show her roughly handling a newborn baby in his bassinet. Danil Rudenko/EyeEm via Getty Images A nurse appeared to slam a newborn baby down in a bassinet in an incident the baby's father got on video. Video shows an individual picking up the baby, swiftly flipping him over, and slamming him back down. The nurse was fired and is being investigated by the Department of Health and the police. A nurse in New York was fired and is facing an investigation after a video showed her appearing to slam a newborn baby in a bassinet, NBC New York reported. Consuelo Saravia and Fidel Sinclair recently welcomed a baby, named Nikko, when they went through a "heartbreaking" ordeal at Good Samaritan University Hospital on Long Island, the outlet reported on Friday. Sinclair heard his crying son who was being treated in the NICU and went to watch him through the nursery's window, he told NBC New York. Though the curtain was mostly drawn, Sinclair was able to capture a video of his newborn just as a nurse picked him up, swiftly flipped him over, and slammed him face-down into the bassinet, the outlet reported. "It just broke me," Sinclair told NBC New York. "I didn't know what to do." He showed the video to his wife, who immediately confronted the nurse and shared the video with other hospital staff. "I told her 'I don't want you to touch my child. You just slammed him,'" Saravia recalled to NBC New York. "She said 'Oh no, if you think I mishandled him or anything, I'm sorry.'" A spokesperson for Catholic Health, who runs Good Samaritan University Hospital, said in a statement to Insider on Sunday that patient safety is "our paramount concern." "Upon learning of this incident, swift and immediate action was taken, including conducting an investigation and consequently terminating the individual involved. Additionally, we reported the individual to the Department of Health for further review," said the statement shared with Insider. The spokesperson added that it is standard practice for staff to draw the "curtains in the neonatal ICU to provide privacy for the patients and their families." Story continues While Nikko is at home and doing well, his family remains shaken by the incident. "I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't sleep for like three days. It was just really horrible," Nikko's grandmother, who asked to be unnamed, told News12 Long Island. "If it wasn't for God who sent me to check on him, we would have never seen any of that happen," Sinclair told NBC New York. "It would have kept happening overnight not only to him but the other babies, too." Detectives from the Suffolk County Police Special Victims Section are investigating, a department spokesperson told Insider. A spokesperson for the New York Department of Health said in a statement to Insider that it "takes this disturbing allegation seriously" and has opened an investigation. Read the original article on Insider Englands Stuart Broad, second right, took four wickets at Wellington on the third morning (AP) (AP) Ben Stokes enforced the follow-on after Stuart Broad mopped up the New Zealand tail to give England a 226-run first-innings lead in the decisive second Test at Wellington. Stokes decided to bowl again after dismissing the Black Caps for 209 at the Basin Reserve. Home captain Tim Southee launched a bold counter-attack on the third morning, resuming in a perilous position of 138 for seven, smashing 50 runs in 31 balls. England enforce the follow on in Wellington. A 98-run partnership between Tim Southee & Tom Blundell pushes the score over 200 on Day 3. Follow play LIVE in NZ with @sparknzsport & @todayFM_nz #NZvENG BLACKCAPS (@BLACKCAPS) February 25, 2023 That included a run of three sixes in one over from Jack Leach, with another one following as he hooked Ollie Robinson into the crowd. He was four short of his career-best 77, made on debut against England 15 years ago, when the introduction of Broad ended his fun. One ball after being dropped by Leach at fine-leg he swung hard again and skied straight to Zak Crawley at midwicket. Broad swooped on his chance to bank some tidy figures, ending Tom Blundells defiant stay on 38 when he middled a cross-bat shot straight to mid-on. Matt Henry was then thoroughly beaten by a short ball that he fenced to backward point, leaving Broad with four for 61 despite not taking any of the first six wickets to fall. Stokes had not used James Anderson in the morning session, a tell-tale sign that the follow-on was incoming. He duly informed the umpires, before tossing the new ball to his record wicket-taker. (Reuters) -Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Sunday fired a senior military commander helping lead the fight against Russian troops in the country's embattled east but gave no reason for the move. In a one-line decree, Zelenskiy announced the dismissal of Eduard Moskalyov as commander of the joint forces of Ukraine, which are engaged in battles in the Donbas region. Zelenskiy mentioned Moskalyov in a daily address on Friday when listing the military commanders he had spoken to. Moskalyov had been in the post since March 2022, shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. Neither the joint forces' Facebook nor Twitter accounts made any mention of the dismissal. Russian forces are making concerted efforts to capture the two eastern regions that make up the Donbas, and Zelenskiy has in recent weeks variously described the military situation in the east as difficult and painful. Pro-Moscow units are focusing their efforts on the city of Bakhmut, mounting repeated assaults despite suffering what Ukrainian and Western officials say are heavy casualties. In a Facebook post, the Ukrainian armed forces' general staff said Russian troops had carried out several unsuccessful attacks in the Bakhmut area on Sunday. (Reporting by David Ljunggren; editing by Jonathan Oatis) President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has fired Eduard Moskaliov from the post of commander of the joint forces. Source: Presidents decree on the President's website Quote: "To fire Eduard Mykhailovych Moskaliov from the position of commander of the joint forces." Background: On 15 March 2022, Zelenskyy appointed the commander of the joint forces, Oleksandr Pavliuk, as the Head of the Kyiv Oblast Military Administration. Major General Eduard Moskaliov became the commander of the joint forces. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is confident that peace will be established once Crimea returns to Ukraine. Source: Zelenskyy on Telegram Quote from Zelenskyy: "Nine years ago, Russian aggression started with Crimea. By returning Crimea, we will restore peace. This is our land. Our people. Our history. We will return the Ukrainian flag to every corner of Ukraine." Reference: On 26 February, Ukrainians celebrate the Day of Resistance to Russian occupation in Crimea. 26 February 2020, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the decree "On the Day of Resistance to the Occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol". Previously: Russian occupation forces were constructing new defence fortifications in occupied Crimea in order to tighten their defence capabilities. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! FOREST A movie night Saturday at Jefferson Forest High School stirred up excitement from some and concern from others. The After School Satan Club sold more than 125 tickets to a showing of the 1992 animated feature FernGully: The Last Rainforest in the high schools auditorium. Admission cost $10 for adults and was free for children. June Everett campaign director for the After School Satan Club and ordained minister of the Satanic Temple, a national organization said the group only comes into a community when theres a balance needed because of another religious event. Everett said in a previous interview that most members of the Temple are atheists, and the organization uses the figure of Satan to promote rational, scientific viewpoints. Saturdays movie screening was followed by a discussion of how it relates to some of the tenets of The Satanic Temple, according to Everett. Everett said the Bedford County school district is in no way affiliated with the group but is just legally abiding by constitutional law. We were asked to bring in an alternative event to the other religious organizations that were renting the facilities through the school district, she said. The JF high school auditorium is rented out to third-party, non-school-sponsored organizations or individuals when the facility is not needed for school use. A community congregation holds weekly church services there. We fight against the privileging of one religion over the others, so were there to make sure that its not just one religion thats always represented, Everett said. We do fight for the separation of church and state by making government entities think twice before bringing religion into a public forum. When the movie night was announced in November, the county school system issued a statement saying it understood community concerns but noted it cannot discriminate against a particular religious group when it comes to community use of school facilities. The school division noted there is no After School Satan Club operating within Bedford County. Everett has previously said only two clubs, in Ohio and Illinois, are active in the U.S., and ones in California and Ohio recently were approved to launch. On Saturday, around 50 people showed up on the sidewalk of JF to sing worship songs and pray while cars parked for the event and attendees walked into the auditorium. The Bedford County Sheriffs Office was on site to ensure no one without a movie ticket was allowed in the auditorium. Jason Binder, pastor of Patriot Church Greater Lynchburg located in Bedford County, said members of the church were not there to protest but instead to witness and praise their Lord. You know, when I think of a protest, I think of people in the streets with signs where theyre very angry, yelling, and thats totally not what this is about, he said. He said when the church heard about the Satanic Temple hosting a movie at JF that night, members wanted to push back against the prevalence of evil in the community as well as the nation. As the church we really need to push back against evil but not against the people but more in a spiritual sense because were in a spiritual battle, he said. Our battle is not against flesh and blood as the Bible says. So our response is going to be in the spiritual. He said the hope was to have a dialogue with some of the people attending the event. Because we care about these people and the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ and His sacrifice and repentance. So, we want to make sure that every person alive, before they pass away, is aware of that and there is a way of escape from hell, Binder said. Rose Bastet, event facilitator and Satanic Temple member, traveled from Norfolk and said although Virginia does not have an official congregation yet, she will be the head of it when it does. We are non-theistic, said Bastet, who said she has been an atheist her entire adult life. We have a core set of beliefs. There the seven tenets, which ultimately boil down to just being a good person. Our first one is literally about having compassion for all living creatures within reason. Another one is to respect bodily autonomy and another one is fighting for justice. She said she understands the groups name is shocking and some people dont fully understand what the group is about. But I think if people just take five minutes to research what it is, I think they would feel a lot better about it, she said. Lynchburg resident Bri Malloy attended the movie because she hopes the Satanic Temple group could be impactful in the area. She said its a sensitive subject in this area due to the groups imagery but added they arent the enemy, just another organization that gives back to the community and asks for nothing in return. Artistic imagery can be hard to look past, she said. I personally have a hard time explaining the crucifixion to young imaginations, yet people wear it around their necks and worship at its feet. This group doesnt worship Satan but uses imagery to make a statement. Freedom of religion and freedom from religion is just that, isnt just for one protected class. Lynchburg resident Alex Moore said she attended the event because she supports the separation of church and state as well as freedom of religion. Living in Lynchburg, there is a ton of religious persecution against non-Christians, she said. I am looking forward to attending so the other people in the religious minority dont feel alone and feel safe congregating. David Beauregard, pastor of the Root of David, a ministry in the town of Bedford, said there is good and evil and right and wrong in the world. A scripture comes to me, Do not remove the ancient boundary stone that your fathers have set, and thats kind of like saying, remember where you came from and from the goodness that are in people, he said. We are here to pray and to minister to people. Were not here to protest. Were here to help if people want to ask questions or if they need a drink of water. We just want to be here to help people and to pray for people and hopefully make the Lord known through our actions more than our words. Everett, the clubs campaign director, said the group wants to have the same rights as everyone else to occupy a public space and hold events. At the end of the day, I think what is scarier than Satan is a government that gets to pick and choose what religions have access to taxpayer-funded facilities and which ones dont, she said. So as much as they dont like the word and as much as they dont like us and they dont like the name, at the end of the day, were protecting everybodys ability to worship or not worship as they please. Too early a moral judgment, a wise Harvard professor once wrote, is precisely what stands between many an able student and a liberal education. I was reminded of that earlier this month in reviewing the latest draft of the Standards of Learning [SOLs] for History and Social Sciences for Virginia Public Schools. The professor didnt mean liberal in the political sense, of course. He meant the kind of comprehensive education that prepares students to think for themselves and to question received truths. The standards are certainly comprehensive and ambitious. All of world and U.S. history is covered by Grade 8 superficially at best, I presume. Such an approach is likely to lend itself to forming premature judgments liable to stick in young impressionable minds. But more than that, Im concerned with how some of the standards would be received by parents whom our governor has empowered to question, quibble, and quarrel over tenets contrary to their preconceptions and prejudices. I was also put off by the behaviorist approach fashionable in educational circles today. Accreditors in recent years have shifted the focus from teaching to the assessment of student learning. Most of the SOLs are couched in terms of what students should be able to do as opposed to what they truly understand. At the grade-school level, what can students truly be expected to do beyond giving pat, simplistic answers? And politically correct answers at that. Third-graders, for instance, will learn about the contributions of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, but will also be introduced to the heritage and contributions ... of the West African Empire of Mali. Personally, I think its fine to get beyond the Eurocentric view of history I was taught, but I wonder how the anti-CRT/America-First reactionaries among us will react to that, as well as to an emphasis on globalism and economic interdependence in Grade 8. I was heartened to find slavery unequivocally named as the cause of the Civil War. But that reminded me of a half-truth I had to rebut on the college level that the war was about states rights and not slavery. Here in Youngkins Virginia, I can envision some parents insisting that the issue of slavery be downplayed as the root cause of Southern secession. It is, after all, one of the inherently divisive concepts Youngkin would like to squelch. Along the same lines, in Grade 5, students will be expected to compare life from the perspectives of various groups, including slaves. I suspect the Lost Cause myth will rear its ugly head among parents who romanticize the Old South. An integral part of that myth is the conviction that most slaves were well treated because they were valuable property. More to the point, would the average fifth-grader fully appreciate what it means for a human being to be treated as property? The standards are equally ambitious, and likely to prove controversial, on the high-school level. All of world history is covered by Grade 10. Virginia and U.S. History is the focus in Grade 11, Virginia and the U.S. Government in Grade 12. Again, given the scope, I fail to see how the coverage could be fair and balanced. As one who studied the history of our Vietnam involvement professionally, I am especially concerned over how that might be covered. Heres hoping history teachers will be allowed to get beyond President Reagans reactionary bromide that ours was a noble cause in Vietnam. Please pardon the cliche, but the Devil here is in the details. Many of the higher-level SOLs do leave room for discussion and debate. But therein lies the danger in this political climate. Obviously, I dont have space here to comment on all the standards. They are available online, and comments are being solicited at public hearings or online through March 21. I may return to this topic at a later date. Suffice it to say for now Im glad Im not a Virginia public-school teacher or principal. The Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce will hosts guest speaker Lisa Even on the topic JOY is My Job for its upcoming Women Inspiring Women event set for Tuesday, March 21 at the Council Bluffs Country Club. Even will speak on how to create more joy in your life. Life doesnt Life doesnt happen tomorrow at noon, it happens today ... in every moment, situation and scenario. We invite you to be part of a energetic, yet practical and implementable session that is scenario-based, according to a Chamber press release. Lisa introduces joy challenges that allow participants to create their own JOY calendars (personal and professional). Lisa uses specific examples some funny, some moving, some inspiring so you will leave with powerful (and executable) strategies to create JOY immediately. The event runs from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the club, 4500 Piute St. Cost is $10 for Chamber members and $15 for non-members. Registration is required and can be done online. Women Inspiring Women is a program started by the Chamber with the goal of bringing women together to motivate, inspire, connect and celebrate women. Each session will offer actionable tools and takeaways to ensure each participant leaves filled with the knowledge and perseverance to conquer their daily lives, according to the Chamber website. Speakers cover all topics, from relationships to entrepreneurship to juggling business and family lives. For additional information, contact Kim Buthe or visit Women Inspiring Women on Facebook. SIOUX CITY When it comes to knowing which books are age-appropriate for schools, teacher librarians are the experts. School teacher librarians can tell a student which books to read based on their interests and classwork, and are at the forefront of deciding which library books are age appropriate. Were very vigilant when it comes to choosing books, said Sioux City Middle Schools Librarian Kate Michaelson. As legislatures around the country and in Iowa discuss implementing stricter rules on what books kids are and are not allowed to read, Sioux City school librarians say district standards meet or exceed some of the proposed bills standards. On Monday, the Sioux City School Board conducted a final hearing on a series of library material board policies. The policies discuss what constitutes library materials, how those materials are selected when materials are removed and what happens when materials are challenged. Michaelson said these policies have been in practice in the district for years, but they felt it was time to put those policies in writing. North High Teacher Librarian Chris Tomlinson said because the legislature is discussing library materials, they felt it was important to have a separate library policy versus an instructional materials policy. After approaching Amy Denney, director of curriculum, instruction and assessment, the policies were brought to the board. Now we can put them on the website so that everyone can look them up and see what our procedures and processes are, Michaelson said. While some may think librarians just buy books for students at random, based on New York Times bestsellers or popularity, Michaelson and Tomlinson state that it is a more thought-out process. Selecting school library books Michaelson and Tomlinson have their masters degrees in librarianship, as well as history in teaching English literature. We know what were looking for and were very cautious in doing that because these are our kids, Michaelson said. We would never put anything in our libraries that we wouldnt feel comfortable with a student taking home. Michaelson said they are very careful about ensuring the books in each grade school are appropriate for that level. The district subscribes to various professional library journals that come out with recommendations each year. The librarians can then look up books they are interested in purchasing in the online catalog Destiny. The catalog has an option for librarians to read professional reviews, learn recommended age ranges for the book and understand which types of readers the book is good for. Those are written by teachers, theyre written by librarians, theyre written by publishers, so we really can find everything we need from those reviews, Michaelson said. The district selection process requires each book to have a minimum of two quality reviews for the targeted age group. The district uses sources such as the Childrens Catalog, Middle and Junior High School Library Catalog, Senior High School Library Catalog, School Library Journal and more. Even if the books have good reviews, Michaelson said she wants to know exactly what is in the book, in case there is something that could trigger students with difficult experiences. When asked if they read many of the books they purchase, both Michaelson and Tomlinson said yes. I dont think Ive read adult fiction in 10 years, Tomlinson said. If the librarians dont have time to read the books, there is a network of teachers and staff throughout the district who are willing to read the books and sticky note potential issues. When choosing books at the high school level, Tomlinson balances what topics the teachers are teaching, what students want to read and what are award winners. She then reads the reviews for the books and determines which are appropriate. I have a Venn diagram, she said. She then takes those books and looks at the North High library. Is she short on mystery novels? Thrillers? If so she buys more books for those categories. Just slapping together a book order does not happen, she said. It takes a month, two months. They also dont place one single book order. They want new books coming into the library throughout the year, Michaelson said. District policy states library materials should: Be chosen for their strengths rather than rejected for their weaknesses; Be chosen to enrich and support the curriculum and the educational, emotional, personal, and recreational needs of the users; Be evaluated for standards of quality in literary, artistic, and aesthetic quality; technical aspects; and physical format; Be appropriate for the range of age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of students; Represent differing viewpoints of controversial issues so that users may be motivated to engage in critical analysis of such issues, to explore their own beliefs, attitudes, and behavior, and to make intelligent judgments in their everyday lives; Provide a global perspective and promote diversity by including materials by authors and illustrators of all cultures; Incorporate current, accurate and authentic factual content from authoritative sources, as appropriate and; Provide students with the opportunity to investigate, analyze, and evaluate social issues from multiple perspectives. Ensuring students are reading age-appropriate booksOne of the pillars of librarianship is ensuring everyone has access to educational material, Michaelson said, but sometimes the students need to be protected from reading inappropriate materials for their age. She said some of the middle school kids may think they are ready for higher-level books, but they arent. Michaelson said if a middle school student requests a book that is only available at the high school level, she looks at why. Is it for school work, is it a higher-level book that middle schoolers dont typically read or is it inflammatory? If she doesnt know, shell ask Tomlinson or other high school librarians before requesting the book. Social media sites such as TikTok and Instagram are popular places for adults to share book recommendations, calling the sites booktok or bookstagram, respectively. With the high number of kids and teens also using those social media sites, they can end up being recommended extremely inappropriate books. Coleen Hoover is a popular adult romance author who is frequently featured on these sites. Her adult fiction books have sexual scenes and triggering content that wouldnt be considered appropriate for school libraries. She also has a few teen fiction books. Tomlinson and Michaelson have had students request books such as Hoovers. They both said they explain that the book is not appropriate for their age, and instead recommend an age-appropriate romance novel. Removing old, irrelevant or inappropriate booksOnce books are purchased and placed on the shelves, they dont always stay there. A topic that may have been appropriate a few years ago may not be now and librarians are constantly reviewing their catalogs. We know more than we did the year before, Michaelson said. We always have standards for weeding out any books that are really old. It is more important to have books that are current and relevant, than having a large number of books, she said. Michaelson said for example they dont want a five-year-old book on the Middle East because the information will be inaccurate. She also said they pull books based on trends or issues. They have pulled older books on people who have since become problematic, such as Bill Cosby. We dont want to have kids getting the wrong information, getting old information, she said. Its really important for us to replace those books, to find new books, find new stories. At the elementary school and middle school level, books might move up to middle school and high school if there are topics that may now be inappropriate or have a scene that is too much for the kids. Every year Michaelson says she has books that she offers to the high schools that she is removing from the middle school. The teacher librarians also keep track of how often a book is being checked out, and whether or not students are whispering about it. That causes us to stop and say ok lets look at this book a little bit more closely, is there a reason this book is being read so much, Denney said. She said sometimes its amazing literature that connects with kids and sometimes it has scenes that are not appropriate for that age group. District policy allows librarians to remove items that are outdated, obsolete, racist, sexist or culturally insensitive. Addressing challenged library materialIf a parent or guardian of a current student objects to library materials, they can speak with the teacher librarians and explain why they dont want their child reading those books. Tomlinson and Michaelson said they have not had any recent contact from parents concerned about the library materials. Michaelson said for the most part, students dont check out books their parents would not approve of. At the elementary level, Denney said there have been concerns from parents and there have been some books pulled. Were following our policy, she said. If parents or guardians want books removed from the library completely, the district has a policy in place to address those concerns. A committee, called the reconsideration committee, would read the material and then meet to discuss the material and complaint. The committee would be comprised of: The director of curriculum, instruction and assessment; Director of elementary or secondary education, depending on what level the challenged material is; One district-level instructional director; One building administrator other than the building administrator who received the complaint; One teacher librarian; One parent or guardian of an enrolled student and; One student. At the open, public meeting, the committee will listen to the complaint as well as the opinions of others, determine the appropriateness of the material and whether to keep the material, remove the material or limit its use. National attempts at book banningNationally, groups of people and legislators are attempting to get a variety of books banned, both historically challenged books, and books that discuss gender and sexuality. Tomlinson said at the high school level there needs to be books that kids can identify with and understand what theyre feeling. Whether its religions, race relations, mindfulness, making friends, domestic violence or gender, Tomlinson and Michaelson said the library is a resource for students to seek understanding. For the kids that dont have answers, that dont know what theyre doing, that dont know, this might be the only place they get that validation, Tomlinson said. She said kids dont have to read it, but for those who are searching for that information, a school library is a safe place where the librarians know what content is in the book and that it is age-appropriate, unlike if the student sought out information on the internet. Gov. Kim Reynolds has proposed a bill that if a book is removed by one school due to content, all other schools in the state should restrict it. It also states a book removed from one school library would be available for students at other schools with parent permission. Some Republicans in the state suggest there should be age restrictions on books, similar to movie ratings. Certain ratings would require parental permission to be checked out under this proposal. Weather Alert ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TO 8 PM CDT SUNDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR PORTIONS OF EASTERN NEBRASKA AND WESTERN IOWA... The National Weather Service in Omaha/Valley has issued a Red Flag Warning for wind and low relative humidity, which is in effect from 1 PM to 8 PM CDT Sunday. * Affected Area...In Iowa, Monona. In Nebraska, Knox, Cedar, Thurston, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne, Boone, Madison, Stanton, Cuming, Burt, Platte, Colfax, Dodge, Butler, Saunders, Seward, Lancaster, Saline and Jefferson. * Winds...Northwest 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * Relative Humidity...As low as 20 percent. * Impacts...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && A month before the sad 50th anniversary of losing the 1918 Union Pacific Depot, North Platte will mark a happier 75th anniversary of the founding of what grew into Bailey Yard. It was on Sept. 27, 1948, that top U.P. officials conducted their official inspection of their newly finished 42-track retarder yard at its longtime western Nebraska division point. Its completion not only made North Platte one of the railroads key centers but also marked the culmination of William M. Jeffers influence on U.P.s course in his hometown. Jeffers, who rose from a call boy at North Platte in 1890 to serve as U.P.s president from 1937 to 1946, remained part of the board of directors that chose North Platte for its second retarder yard after a 28-track yard at Pocatello, Idaho. Built for $3.5 million as part of a post-World War II modernization drive, North Plattes retarder yard sorted both westbound and eastbound cars until todays 64-track Bailey East hump yard opened in 1968. The last piece of todays Bailey Yard named for 1960s U.P. President Edd Bailey, who worked at North Platte during the war and directed the 1968 expansion was completed in 1980 when the 50-track Bailey West yard replaced the 1948 retarder yard. Then and now, retarder yard and hump yard describe the same organizing principle: the use of gravity to help sort rail cars as new trains are assembled for their various destinations. The Telegraph-Bulletin described the original retarder yards expected sorting operation this way in a full-page feature on March 3, 1948: Freight cars arriving in North Platte will first be moved into the 10-track receiving yard, capable of handling 1,200 cars. Cars then will be classified according to destination by rolling down the tracks on an incline, which will face toward the east, onto any one of 40 classification tracks capable of handling 1,400 cars. A total of 39 switches used in this process will be electrically operated from four control towers. Speed of the rolling cars will be regulated by a type of braking device on the tracks, also operated from the control towers. These braking devices are the retarders, hence the name retarder yard. The incline down which the cars will roll is called a hump, hence the term hump yard. Both refer to the same general process. From the classification tracks, strings of cars will be moved by switch engines to the 16-track departure yard, capable of handling 1,600 cars. Though modern computers have replaced analog switches, the same principle applies to the operation of todays Bailey Yard. People can observe the process and hear it described by taking U.P.s annual public yard tour during North Platte Rail Days in August. The original hump yard covered 213 acres, stretched 5 miles long and had a sorting capacity of 4,200 cars per day all fractions of todays yard of 2,850 acres, 8-mile-plus width and daily capacity of up to 14,000 cars. Talk of Union Pacifics postwar plans for North Platte surfaced as early as Oct. 24, 1947, in an Omaha World-Herald story on a U.P. board vote to spend $67 million on top of $100 million already planned for system-wide improvements. The railroad plans to build a retarder yard, probably at North Platte, the newspaper said, quoting an Associated Press account. It added that President George F. Ashby, who had succeeded Jeffers upon the latters mandatory retirement at age 70, had told the World-Herald the new yard would be larger than the one then nearly finished at Pocatello. U.P. Board Chairman Roland Harriman said the railroads improvement plan is the greatest since 1910, when the road operated under the direction of E.H. Harriman, his father and the founder of the modern Union Pacific after its 1890s receivership and reorganization. The Telegraph-Bulletin reported Nov. 4 that U.P. representatives had met with Lincoln County commissioners to explain the retarder yard. Ashby announced the railroads formal choice of North Platte on Jan. 28, 1948. North Platte has always been greatly benefited by the Union Pacific Railroad, the paper said in a Jan. 30 editorial. But in spite of this extended friendliness between the Union Pacific and North Platte in past years, it looks like 1948 will go down as a real banner year in which the railroad aided in the development of Bill Jeffers hometown. Construction proceeded rapidly, with the retarder yard put into partial use June 28. About 250,000 cubic yards of dirt was being moved, with 31,000 feet of new mainline and 51 miles of additional track being installed, the Telegraph-Bulletin wrote. By comparison, U.P. needed nearly 2 years to complete the $12.5 million east hump from the time it was announced in the newspaper on June 9, 1966, until its dedication on Oct. 26, 1968. The North Platte Chamber of Commerce threw a banquet for Ashby and 18 other top U.P. officials after their inspection of the retarder yard capped a whirlwind eight months of construction. Ashby thanked the chamber and the townspeople of North Platte for their splendid cooperation during the construction of the retarder yard and expressed his confidence in the future of the city and its relations with the Union Pacific, the Telegraph-Bulletin wrote in its Sept. 28, 1948, edition. William Jeffers, then in retirement in Los Angeles, wasnt part of the inspection tour. But he would die in 1953 knowing that the town where he was born and started his Union Pacific career would be a linchpin of its entire system for decades to come. Here's how to watch the Unicameral from afar Heres how to watch the Legislatures activities and follow bills by using the Unicamerals website at Click on the Nebraska Public Media logo and look under Streaming Now or Coming Soon for the schedule of livestreamed floor debates and public hearings by committees. Floor debate also is telecast live by Nebraska Public Media on NE-W, formerly known as NET2 (Allo Communications Channel 11 or Spectrum Channel 190 in North Platte). If you know the number of a legislative bill or constitutional amendment, type it under Search Current Bills to call up the measures text and related votes and documents. (For the language of current state laws, type their number or keywords under Search Laws.) Computer users can leave comments of up to 500 words on individual bills by clicking the appropriate spot on the main page for that bill. If the bill hasnt yet had its public hearing, users may ask their comments to be included in the bills official hearing record. Such requests must be made by noon CT (11 a.m. MT) on the last work day before the hearing. Nebraskans with disabilities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act can do likewise but also can attach PDF files or supporting documents. Click on Hearing schedules on the main Unicameral webpage, choose the appropriate week and click either Submit Comment Online or ADA Accommodation Testimony, depending on whether you qualify for the latter. The Unicameral website offers many other documents for understanding and following the Legislature, including its online Unicameral Update newsletter. Todd von Kampen The latest trip, during the last week of January to Kakamega County in Kenya served up a number of opportunities for Baxter and his team. A North Platte optometrist, now retired, Baxter has headed up annual eye care clinics alongside the Noon Rotary Club that serve communities with examinations and provide eyeglasses for folks in Kenyas rural communities. It was a very productive eye care trip, Baxter said. We ended up examining over 1,800 people, both adults and children and fit glasses to most of them. In addition to the eye clinics, Baxter and Rotary have helped support several schools and orphanages in that area of Kenya. We visited (Alice Atemos) schools and her orphanages, and thats another effort that we have going on, Baxter said. We have so many different projects going on. This trip was different, Baxter said, because of several meetings that were important to various ongoing and new projects. A few members of the group visited the Rotary Club there that has partnered with them for about five years. We got a big grant through Rotary to benefit the neonatal wing of the Kakamega County Hospital, Baxter said. Thats close by where we did most of our eye care work. The rural village of Shikunga is where Baxter and his son, Craig, served 11 years ago. Craig died in 2016. We keep going back to the same area, Baxter said. Now were nearing completion of the Craig Memorial Rotary Clinic. The people of the village have chosen to name it for Craig because they all remember him and they want to honor his memory. Along with Baxter and his team of medical personnel, others on the trip were Steve and Mary Jo Chatelain; Kailee Foust, a student at St. Patrick High School; and Evan Jones, a senior at Ogallala High School. The Chatelains said they learned a lot about the people of Kenya from their involvement in the trip. They own Home Instead in North Platte. They were inspired to participate in the project after Alice Atemo stayed with them on one of her trips to North Platte. Atemo has founded schools and orphanages in Kakamega County and, as a Rotarian, has a close connection with the Noon Rotary group here. When Alice stayed with us, she got to talking about the schools she had put together, Mary Jo said. She is the daughter and granddaughter of pastors and she just had such a heart for the street kids. She started the schools because education is very highly valued in Kenya and understands that education is going to change the kids lives, Mary Jo said. Just her passion for those kids, I think, is what made us think that we should participate, Mary Jo said. The Chatelains participated in the eye clinics, helping with various tasks to help fit people with glasses. They also visited the orphanages and schools in one of the villages. A lot of these villages are centered on the church, Steve said, where the pastor is a social and civic leader. It is similar in structure to a New Testament church. Mary Jo said. They work together and they eat together and they share what they have. It was really interesting for us to see that. Steve and Mary Jo said after their return to North Platte, the depth of what they learned through the process had a huge impact on them personally. Its really challenged us in that we just didnt step off the plane and say, well, that was a nice trip, we really liked seeing the animals, Mary Jo said. It was more about what are the next steps for this school. Its daunting, but a little bit of money can make a lot of difference in a country like that. The health care system brought to light a new perspective for the Chatelains as well. Were used to a high level of health care in our country, Steve said. You would go to a hospital there and its pretty run down. But thats our perspective. They dont see it that way. He said the villagers personal life is much different from ours, but from their perspective it isnt substandard. Foust said she had wanted to go on the trip for a long time after hearing about the project at school. She said God provided the means for her to go, so I decided to go. The highlight for me was just seeing all the kids and how happy they were to see us, Foust said. They just wanted to be around us even if they couldnt speak English, and they were always like watching us. She served as a runner for the technicians who were fitting eyeglasses. I looked up the prescriptions and would take them to her, Foust said. I remember this one guy in Kakamega whose prescription was something like negative-9. We found a pair of little girl glasses and he was so excited to be able to see. He kept telling us how awesome it was to be able to see. Baxter said there is a fund set up at Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation to support the Craig Memorial Rotary Clinic construction and operation. When local talk turns to historic buildings, North Platte residents still talk about the building that isnt there. It disappeared the afternoon of Nov. 1, 1973, when a steel wrecking ball crashed into the sides of the 1918 Union Pacific Depot, home to North Plattes 1941-46 World War II Canteen. Eleventh-hour efforts to save the depot apparently had succeeded. Then the wrecking balls showed up anyway. They rang down the curtain if the depots brick walls can be called a curtain on a building where human dramas had played out both before and after the Canteen. First 2 depots end in flames That curtain had in fact risen before the 1918 depot was even existed It revealed the smoldering ruins of its immediate predecessor. That depot had opened in December 1869, three years after U.P. Chief Engineer Grenville Dodge platted North Platte and the transcontinental railroad track gangs reached the brand-new townsite in November 1866. They left the next spring, but a few remained to build a roundhouse, shops and hotel befitting U.P.s choice of North Platte as a division point. That first hotel, which likely doubled as the depot, had burned to the ground earlier in 1869. The T-shaped, all-wood Union Pacific Depot and Hotel took its place, serving passengers for 46 years. But by fall 1915, city leaders had been urging its replacement for three years. Passengers, residents and U.P. leaders are a unit in declaring that the present depot is inadequate, unsanitary (and) a blot on the otherwise well-kept condition of the Union Pacific and a discredit to a town of over 6,000 people, Semi-Weekly Tribune Editor Ira L. Bare wrote that Sept. 17. On Nov. 4, The Telegraph reported a promise by U.P. President A.L. Mohler that the 1869 depot would be replaced. The need soon became imperative. A live cinder fell from the stack of a U.P. locomotive and lodged between a platform and the depots north wall about 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 17, 1915, the Tribune reported two days later. Fanned by a strong gale, it ignited the siding. Workers doused it with a hose, but they were not aware that the flames had crept up the studding and found their way to the attic, and it was not until an hour later that smoke was seen issuing from the eves of the building with wonderful rapidity. The strong wind engulfed the west wing in a seething mass of flames, the Tribune wrote. Railroaders and hotel guests were ushered out, but by 8 p.m., the only part of the building standing were two chimneys built from the ground and a few charred timbers. While a temporary depot was built, plans for a $126,900 replacement were under way by Novembers end, driven by North Platte native and future U.P. President and William M. Jeffers. Then the lines general superintendent, Jeffers is anxious to see this city have a depot that will be alike creditable to the Union Pacific and to North Platte, Bare wrote. Grand WWI debut Workers broke ground for the new all-brick depot on Oct. 28, 1916. Its two-story nucleus was 90 feet high and wide, covering 280 feet as its two one-story wings stretched out on either side. The 60-foot-long east wing handled baggage and express traffic, while the 90-foot-long west wing had a lunch counter, kitchen and 120-seat dining room the future Canteen Room. Visitors walked on tile floors in the dining room and the 50-foot by 100-foot-plus central waiting room, where the ceiling towered 30 feet high. A newsstand shared that space with the ticket office, with U.P. offices above. On March 17, 1918, the Union Pacific Depot opened for business. U.P. officials though not Jeffers, who couldnt be there were among the 1,000 who attended a March 16 dedication ceremony that doubled as a Red Cross fundraiser. With World War I raging, the main room was artistically decorated with flags and flowers (and) statues of Uncle Sam, the Goddess of Liberty and a Red Cross nurse attracted much attention, The Telegraph reported March 16. The new depot, as it will long be called, is an edifice of our pride and should kindle a new spark of civic pride. It is modern in every respect, well built and beautifully finished and furnished. It would not, however, house North Plattes World War I Red Cross Canteen that opened July 13 and lasted until September 1919. Jeffers instead donated use of the telegraph office, which had been temporary depot and then moved west out of the new depots way. Dramas large and small During its 55 years and 7 months, the 1918 depot hosted the humble, the great, the unusual and the unforgettable among its countless visitors. It was 1 years old in December 1919, when both North Platte papers noted that the depot had become a refuge after a local fuel shortage led to rationing. The U.P. depot is the scene of many men who gather there to keep warm, The Telegraph wrote Dec. 9 after temperatures fell to 25 below zero. These men are not loafers in most cases, but railroad men and those who have regular employment in the city but have no place to go since the closing of the places of amusement, pool halls and theatres and choose the warm depot to their cold rooming houses. Locals could read in February 1920 about Harvey C. Wallace, a convict who got away from a Wyoming deputy taking him back to Rawlins state prison after a previous escape. Having kept him the previous night in the Lincoln County Jail, the deputy had hauled Wallace to the depot to catch a 1 a.m. train, The Telegraph wrote. But he granted his prisoner leave to go into the lavatory, (and) the prisoner, who was carrying a 16-pound foot weight, went into the smoking room adjoining the lavatory and, raising the window, jumped out and was gone several minutes before the officer discovered the loss of his prisoner. If that was a lowlight in the depots history, visits by sitting U.S. presidents and even a dead one had to occupy the opposite end of the scale. More than 4,000 people met an evening train on Aug. 5, 1923, carrying the body of Warren G. Harding, who had died three days earlier in San Francisco. City leaders and service clubs presented floral arrangements. Another huge crowd greeted Herbert Hoover when he stopped for 12 minutes on Nov. 6, 1932, two days before his re-election loss to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt himself dropped by for 20 minutes on Sept. 29, 1935. More than 3,000 welcomed successor Harry S. Truman on June 6, 1948, a Sunday during one of his whistle stop train trips that enabled him to upset Thomas E. Dewey in that falls election. The 1918 depot regularly hosted local railroad union meetings and U.P. clubs. When Jeffers was promoted to vice president in charge of operations, his townsmen treated him to a banquet in the dining room on Nov. 1, 1928. (They would throw an even larger one at Jeffers Pavilion on Sept. 30, 1937, the night before he became U.P. president.) When Cecil B. DeMilles 1939 movie Union Pacific debuted in Omaha, Jeffers shared the hoopla with his hometown. Jeffers, DeMille and most of the films cast greeted more than 5,000 people at the depot on April 26, kicking off a four-day Days of 69 bash. Union Pacific premiered at the Fox Theatre April 29, the day after its Omaha world premiere. Canteen Some 500 people gathered at the depot on Dec. 17, 1941, 10 days after Pearl Harbor. Their arms were laden with food, treats and Christmas packages for North Plattes Nebraska National Guard Company D of the U.S. Armys 134th Infantry Regiment, expected to stop there briefly. They were let down for a moment upon learning the Kansas Guards Company D of the 137th Infantry was on the train instead. They bestowed their gifts on the Kansas Guardsmen, inspiring 25-year-old Rae Wilson to rally her hometown and launch the Canteen on Christmas Day. It was only a few days old when Wilson learned that Jeffers was coming by train. She went to his private car, told him about the Canteen and said, The dining room of the Union Pacific depot has been empty for a number of years, and we would like to use it. Take over tomorrow, he replied. Between then and the Canteens closure on April 1, 1946, Jeffers redecorated and equipped the dining room and paid for two janitors to keep it clean. His hometowns impromptu home-front service project would involve 55,000 people from 125 Nebraska and Colorado communities, serving some 6 million U.S. and Allied service members as U.P. troop trains made water stops. Philippines President Manuel Quezon, in exile from Japanese occupation, was a Canteen customer during a 10-minute water stop on May 11, 1942. Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King visited the Canteen on April 21, 1945, as he and some 300 press correspondents paused en route to the San Francisco conference that formed the United Nations. North Plattes first coast-to-coast radio broadcast originated from the depot on Dec. 19, 1943, as KODY-AM and NBC broadcast the presentation of a U.S. War Department Meritorious Service Award to Canteen leaders. And a U.S. Army Signal Corps film crew captured the Canteen in action in late July and early August 1945, preserving an invaluable visual record of the depots most immortal memory. Quieter times Those days fell just about halfway between the depots birth and death. Familiar patterns returned after the war. Passengers came and went. The Red Cross held its monthly Bloodmobile donation drive in the Canteen Room. When Nebraskaland Days moved to North Platte in 1968, Frontier Revue performances in the state celebrations early years were staged there. Downtown parades would start from or end at the depot. And North Platte, which had welcomed circuses there between the wars, welcomed in 1953 the best-known circus of all. Traveling 1,400 strong (with about as many animals) in three trains, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus The Greatest Show on Earth played two shows that Aug. 26 in its Big Top at West Seventh and Willow streets. Emmett Kelly, the nationally famous circus clown and film actor, was among the featured performers. And, now and again, North Platte remembered and honored the wartime miracle that took place at the depot. It fully revived the Canteen for three days on Jan. 5-7, 1949, when the epic Blizzard of 1949 stranded a U.P. troop train for two days. Canteen veterans fed, housed and entertained them, then welcomed 200 bus passengers hungry from their ordeal during the storm. The Canteen Room hosted one-week revivals in May, June and July 1967 to mark Nebraskas statehood centennial. It saw another Canteen reunion in May 1973, marking North Plattes centennial of incorporation as a city. It would be the last Canteen event in the place where it all happened. Painful demise A Union Pacific passenger train had stopped at the depot for the last time on May 1, 1971. Bailey Yard, originated when a retarder yard opened in 1948, grew 20 years later into what became the worlds largest rail yard. U.P. leaders decided that the grand old depot, like many a more modest one, had outlived its time. Depot to go, UP says, a front-page Telegraph headline announced on Oct. 12, 1973. Despite local proposals to save the depot as a museum or youth recreation center, railroad officials had decided to tear it down. O.A. Durrant, U.P.s eastern district general manager, said those ideas would have resulted in large numbers of persons occupying the building much of the time. He told The Telegraph the safety of those persons could not be assured because of the closeness of the building to the railroads main line and the high volume of traffic moving over the line. Half a centurys worth of train traffic also had taken a toll, Bob Phares, North Plattes boy mayor at the time, said in December 2017. After the depot was gone, longtime North Platte construction executive Jim Simon later told Phares he had inspected the brick depot before its demolition at U.P.s request. He found substantial structural weaknesses caused by decades of vibrations from passing trains. Phares, who had contacted U.P. leaders about the depots future even before passenger service ceased, joined local and state leaders in final bids to save the 1918 jewel. The Nebraska State Historical Society planned to resubmit the depot, stressing its Canteen heritage, for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. Director Martin Kivett said the National Park Service earlier turned it down because it lacked architectural distinction, The Telegraph wrote. Unreported at the time was Phares last-ditch journey to Omaha to give U.P. President John Kenefick a plan for the railroad to donate the depot to the city. The Canteen space would have been re-created, with the county historical society occupying the rest of the ground level and nonprofits perhaps renting the second floor for the cost of utilities. The city was willing to put up a fence between the depot and the tracks, which was required by the U.P., Phares said in 2017. He and Kenefick shook hands on that issue, and he said, Youll hear from our attorney, who needs to work with your attorney to put this together in formal fashion that we can approve and your (City) Council can approve. The mayor returned to North Platte feeling very, very good until a friend who worked for the railroad told him the U.P. had approved a demolition contract. Im trying to get ahold of the president of the U.P. to stop the destruction, Phares recalled, and I couldnt reach him. The Nov. 2, 1973, Telegraph showed the heartbreaking photo of the wrecking ball gouging the depots east side. In the aftermath, Phares said, another U.P. official said Kenefick and his staff had no knowledge that the railroads buildings and grounds department was moving toward letting that demolition contract as Phares presented his pitch. Fifteen years later, Telegraph Editor Keith Blackledge wrote that former U.P. President Edd Bailey who worked in North Platte during World War II had told journalist Jim Cornwell: Its a real shame we didnt realize then how well remembered the Canteen would be. Remnants In announcing the depots imminent death that Nov. 1, The Telegraph quoted Durrant, the regional U.P. general manager, as saying the railroad would build a mini-park on its site in honor of the Canteen and its workers. That promise was kept. Dedicated on July 23, 1975, the park stands today, its U.S. and U.P. flags directing viewers on the nearby Jeffers Viaduct to where the depot once proudly stood. The railroad saved a few keepsakes at local groups requests. Best-known are the trainside doors through which most of the Canteens 6 million customers passed the doors that welcome visitors to the Lincoln County Historical Museum near William F. Buffalo Bill Codys Scouts Rest Ranch. Museum leaders announced plans in 2019 to again reuse them as the front doors of a two-story, false-front scale replica of the 1918 depots trainside entrance, fronting an addition including a scale replica of the Canteen room. While designs and fundraising plans continue, North Plattes depot speaks 50 years after its loss of the incredible outpourings of kindness it witnessed when the world was last at war. *** Editors note: This story incorporates material from the authors Telegraph books Canteen: As It Happened (2019) and Canteen: The Letters (2022) and his stories in The Telegraph and its former Revisited magazine. An Omaha state senator began making good last week on her promise to burn the session, putting quick progress on western Nebraska lawmakers bills even more routine ones in jeopardy. Sen. Machaela Cavanaughs initial targets include North Platte Sen. Mike Jacobsons bills further refining the microTIF property tax refund program for fixing up or building on older properties (Legislative Bill 98) and clarifying when mayors can vote when city council members are absent (LB 33). The entirety of Thursdays and Fridays morning Unicameral sessions was consumed by filibusters by Cavanaugh, who issued her threat after the Health and Human Services Committee advanced bills Wednesday to restrict abortion and gender-affirming health care for minors. All five senators from the Panhandle and west central Nebraska are co-sponsors of those two bills. All are registered Republicans. Legislative Bill 147, a measure on tax refund procedures by Omaha Sen. Kathleen Kauth author of the transgender bill remained on the first round of debate when senators adjourned for a three-day weekend. Thirteen bills awaiting initial floor votes behind it also face delaying motions filed by Cavanaugh, a Democrat, if and when their turn comes. Sen. Steve Erdman of Bayard has four bills among the 14 targeted by Cavanaugh, dealing with such subjects as land surveyor requirements, Oil and Gas Conservation Commission pay and backlogs in taxpayer appeals to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission. Erdman, Jacobson, Kauth and the six other GOP-registered senators on Cavanaughs current target list are among co-sponsors of LB 626, which would generally forbid abortions after cardiac activity is detected by a physician, and LB 574, which would block any gender alteration procedures before a persons 19th birthday. Their bills accounted for the 12 generally low-key bills at the top of Fridays agenda. Cavanaugh also has filed filibusters on the next two bills, introduced respectively by Sen. Wendy DeBoer of Bennington and Cavanaughs brother, John. Both are registered Democrats. LB 626 and LB 574 both advanced to the floor Wednesday on 4-2 Health and Human Services Committee votes split along party and gender lines. Cavanaugh and fellow Omaha Sen. Jen Day, both registered Democrats, cast the no votes on both bills. Fremont Sen. Lynne Walz, the 2018 Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor, was absent from Wednesdays committee votes. Sen. Brian Hardin of Gering voted yes on both, as did Chairman Ben Hansen of Blair and Sens. Merv Riepe of Ralston and Beau Ballard of Lincoln all registered Republicans. All but Hansen are among the abortion restriction bills 29 co-sponsors. Only Hardins name appears among the transgender bills 23 co-sponsors. A slight drop in state tax receipts was not enough to convince the Nebraska Economic Forecasting Advisory Board to adjust its optimistic revenue forecast from four months ago. The board voted unanimously Friday to maintain its October revenue forecast, which increased Nebraska's revenue projections for the next two fiscal years by roughly $1.8 billion, bringing the anticipated revenue for both years to more than $13 billion. Members indicated they would rather wait for their next meeting in April to get more information. That April meeting is the board's final one before the Legislature sets the state's two-year budget. Officials from the State Department of Revenue and the Legislative Fiscal Office projected a slight drop in general fund revenues of about 1% for the current fiscal year, amounting to about a $100 million decrease. Legislative Fiscal Analyst Keisha Patent said the dip is largely due to a decline in sales and individual income tax revenues, which were responsible for state tax collections between November and January being roughly 1.5% lower than projections. Patent said she expects February's tax receipts will show a slight bounce back in revenue, although the month's receipts were still lower than projections as of Friday. Despite the drop, multiple board members said they were optimistic that Nebraska was in good shape to handle the slight downturn. "I think we'll be able to weather this storm," said board member Leslie Andersen. The board's October projections would add more than $620 million to the states cash reserve, bringing it to a record-breaking $2.3 billion. At the time, the board's projections were higher than the projections made by the Department of Revenue and the Legislative Fiscal Office, though the forecasting board anticipated slower growth through 2024 and 2025. The lack of change came as no surprise to state Sen. Robert Clements of Elmwood, chair of the Legislature's Appropriations Committee, who said he expected the projections would remain flat. He said the numbers indicate the economy is holding steady. It also means the Appropriations Committee will not have to change course as it considers a combined 87 legislative bills proposing different spending proposals. The forecasting board's April meeting will come around the same time the committee finalizes its budget plan, which then must be approved by the full Legislature. The committee released its preliminary budget plan last week. It would increase state spending at twice the rate proposed by Gov. Jim Pillen, who has put forth a combined $457 million in potential tax cuts. Clements said the difference between the two budget proposals largely lies in the committee's decision to include those pending funding requests in its plan. Clements said the committee will continue holding public hearings on the remaining budget bills for the next month. The committee will try to balance the funding requests with Pillen's repeated calls for tax cuts. "Everybody thinks we have a lot of money," Clements said. "But the governor would prefer tax cuts, and he has a veto pen." Legislative rules require the committee to get its final budget plan to the full Legislature by May 2, the 70th day of the session. The budget must be passed by May 18, the 80th day. I think I might skip tonight since I saw this in theaters and I don't want to accidentally give away the twists, although tbh the twists are kinda predictable LMAO. But have fun all! PS if anyone wants to watch the nominated short My Year of Dicks, it's on Hulu now. what an asshole. Reply Thread Link Well we now know who he gets his arrogance from. Edited at 2023-02-26 11:37 am (UTC) Reply Thread Link oop. like father, like son Reply Parent Thread Link Wow, he makes Chet Hanks look good. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link ok, well nobody here better stan for robin because those lessons happened in her house. Reply Parent Thread Link he's right, he's a nobody Reply Thread Link I know Hollywood loves a mediocre white man, but this kid is ugly as sin, untalented, and inarticulate. He's absolutely delusional thinking he would be in movies without his parents help. Reply Thread Link Sucks for him, bc his sister Dylan is quite pretty. Reply Parent Thread Link Dylan was lucky enough to get more of her moms genes, unlike Hopper Reply Parent Thread Link right? Or maybe reality show z-list famous at best Reply Parent Thread Link I thought Id get mad, but its just laughable. You can tell it affects him A LOT that people are calling him a nepo baby and all his projects are considered nepo films and that gives me joy. Reply Thread Link God theres a world of stupid in this human. His parents must be so proud. Reply Thread Link Ooft, ugly and dumb, a classic combination. Reply Thread Link "Destry Allyn Spielberg, daughter of Steven Spielberg, and written by Owen King, son of Stephen King." Holy nepotism Batman Reply Thread Link And that they just banded together and were like "that's totally not us!" lol the delusion and denial. Reply Parent Thread Link These opportunities just keep coming to us. It must be our kismet and no other reason whatsoever. *Alexa play Lucky by Britney Spears* Edited at 2023-02-26 02:35 pm (UTC) Reply Parent Thread Link Thats what got me too. He and some other nepobabies made a movie, got criticized, and had another nepobaby pat them on the heads. Its nepo-inception. Reply Parent Thread Link he may be fired like anyone else but the difference is, a non-nepo baby likely wouldn't have had the opportunity to wind up there in the first place. Can't tell if it's worms for brains or mental gymnastics with this one Reply Thread Link This is like every conversation around privilege. People get really upset by the idea that they have an unearned advantage over others. Reply Parent Thread Link I think worms for brains. Sure everything Im saying I have is the very definition of nepotism, but its not nepotism Umm what? Edited at 2023-02-26 05:02 pm (UTC) Reply Parent Thread Link Probably a bit of both. He sounds very dumb but also hellbent on misinterpreting nepotism. Idk why it's so hard for these nepos to acknowledge being related to certain people at the very least gets them in the audition room, and that's an uphill battle for actors without connections. Reply Parent Thread Link EXACTLY. They simply have no conception of how hard and unlikely it is for a non-nepo artist to even get the chance to be in such a project at all, it's not about ~~not being treated differently once you're already there. There are so many amazing artists out there that simply never get an opportunity, and this tool believes he got where he's at from talent alone. God, have some fucking self-awareness Reply Parent Thread Link The longer Im on this site the more that saying about better to stay quiet and *maybe* be considered a moron than to speak and confirm it becomes relevant. Its free to shut the fuck up (as always for everyone) but hes in his feelings about being labelled as a nepo baby lol Reply Parent Thread Link with that face and that name child... Reply Thread Link Dont even know he existed Reply Thread Link This lol Reply Parent Thread Link "This is just a business that, luckily, for me, and not like a lot of actors, it was able to kind of just fall into my lap," he noted. "I was given the opportunity with almost no preparation. I'm very lucky to have that, but I don't think it's nepotism." That is literally the textbook definition of nepotism. Way to prove the point by outing yourself as such an entitled asshole, you think you can change the definition of words just because you don't like that they apply to you. He's mad he's got jobs and the biggest opportunities being dropped in his lap left and right and is still a nobody. Reply Thread Link mte. the fucking gall. oh it just magically fell into your lap without even trying, but it's definitely not nepotism because i say so. stfu. Reply Parent Thread Link Genuinely wonder what he WOULD classify as nepotism, he seems to think that would only apply if you got cast AND put in absolutely zero effort on the job Reply Parent Thread Link I think he might honestly not know what nepotism means? He seems to think it only applies if youre bad at the job youre given or dont try at it? Reply Parent Thread Link I am REALLY scratching my head at this part. Reply Parent Thread Link HA that quote is insane in its un-self-awareness It reminds me of when Craig T Nelson went on fox news to complain about having to pay taxes or something and he said ""I've been on food stamps and welfare. Did anybody help me out? No!" Reply Parent Thread Link I don't give a shit I just laughed about it So I really don't care Honestly it doesn't affect me I really don't care Idk what it is but I'm getting the impression that this question hit a nerve. Reply Thread Link and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad. wint (@dril) December 29, 2014 Reply Parent Thread Link The past few years have been a sea change in the way museums, galleries, and organizations view media created by Black artists, and in many cases many older artists are finally getting their due. Theres everything from a Kerry James Marshall painting selling for over 21 million, Basquiat paintings selling for a disgusting amount of money, and everything in between (a great NYT article on how Black Abstract artists are finally being recognized after decades of work can be found here ). While theres no doubt artists like Aaron Douglas, Basquiat, and John Outterbridge paved the way for many, there are quite a few living Black creatives who are in the mainstream now. In honor of Black History Month I wanted to share a few of my favorites who run the gamut from everything from design, photography, art, and other mediums. You can either come inside and learn more about them if you like to read, or you can simply look at all the wonderful pictures of their work if you dont; I dont judge!Performance artist, SculptorNick Cave is a Chicago based artist who sculptures have incorporated mixed media, large scale installations, and color theory. Throughout his practice, Cave has created spaces of memorial through combining found historical objects with contemporary dialogues on gun violence and death, underscoring the anxiety of severe trauma brought on by catastrophic loss. He currently works at home in his Fuck yes, Im art studio complex on the Northside and describes himself not as an artist but as a messenger as his work frequently deals with spectacle and responsibility. He is best known for, sculptural forms based on the scale of his body, that was originally created in direct response to the police beating of Rodney King in 1991. Soundsuits camouflage the body, masking and creating a second skin that conceals race, gender and class, forcing the viewer to look without judgment. They serve as a visual embodiment of social justice that represent both brutality and empowerment.Hes doing fabulous, thanks for asking! His retrospective exhibitionIs currently at The Guggenheim in New York.Costume DesignerRuth E. Carter is a costume designer who works across genres and has brought her skills to more than 60 diverse film and television projects. Carters deep understanding of character, combined with her nuanced use of color and texture, has made her an essential storyteller committed to sharing the past, present, and future of Black culture. Collaborations include 14 films with Spike Lee as well as other directors including Spielberg, Lee Daniels, and Ava DuVernay. Flowers and accolades include a Career Achievement Award from the Costume Designers Guild in 2019 as well as an Academy Award for Best Costume Design for her work on Black Panther.Probably just chilling. The Academy Awards are almost upon us and shes been nominated for Best Costume Design forShe also has an upcoming exhibition at the North Carolina Museum of Art entitled Ruth E. Carter: Afrofuturism in Costume Design.Photographer, EducatorI first became acquainted with Beys work while he was a professor at Columbia College in Chicago in the 90s. The Chicago Cultural Center was exhibiting his Polaroids and I instantly fell in love. Beys specialty is street photography and large format photography (polaroids) with the subjects from the different neighborhoods he lived in. His earliest work was a five year project documenting Harlem and its residents street photography style that was exhibited at the Studio Museum in Harlem in 1979. During a residency at the Addison Gallery of American Art in 1992, Bey began photographing teenagers from all walks of life in an effort to reach across lines of presumed differences, and this new direction in his work guided Bey for the next fifteen years. His large format polaroids capturing the capturing the feeling of being young the angst, the weight of enormous expectations, the hope for the future has unfortunately been heavily copied bylets just say lesser artists. :/ In 2017 Bey changed directions again when he published the series25 large scale photographs that reimagines the final part of the journey along the Underground Railroad which was a system of routes, safehouses, and abolitionists that helped slaves escape from Southern States to the North. Bey photographed some of the actual sites under cover of darkness to mimic the actual circumstances the slaves were in as they fled to safety.Hes been collecting his flowers and accolades in the last few years. A major retrospective of his work was recently exhibited at The Whitney, and he was inducted into the International Photography Hall of Fame in 2021.Renaissance Man of Art, Glass, and SculptureWileys work is what you get when you ask the question, What would the art world be like if you took the rich tradition of Old Master portrait painting, but added Black people to the mix? I was first introduced to his work at his retrospective at the Brooklyn Museum and I was immediately blown away by the scale, color, and majesty; my favorite portrait of Wileys is of Michael Jackson on a horse dressed like Napoleon. Although Wiley's portraits were initially based on photographs of young men from the streets of Harlem, Wiley began to expand to an international view, including models found in urban backdrops from around the world including Mumbai, Senegal, Dakar and Rio de Janeiro. This immense body of work became known as, "The World Stage."Wiley has always been known in certain circles but his star was immediately placed on the map with his portrait of President Barack Obama for the National Portrait Gallery. Besides painting, he also works in stained glass and sculpture which makes him a true Renaissance Man.In 2021, Wiley's workbecame a permanent installation at Penn Station's concourse in New York City. This stained-glass work is inspired by the 18th century ceiling frescoes of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, and depicts black break-dancers on a background of the sky with clouds.Graphic Designer, Author, and EducatorLike her contemporary Paula Scher, Gail Anderson is one of the few female NYC-based creatives who made a name for herself early on in the world of Graphic Design. From 1987 to early 2002, she worked at Rolling Stone magazine, serving as designer, deputy art director, and finally, as the magazine's senior art director and her spreads with different rock stars and celebrities became something to talk about and emulate. Andersons work has received awards from major design organizations, including the Society of Publication Designers, the Type Directors Club, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, The Art Directors Club, Graphis, Communication Arts, and Print. In addition, it has also been included in the permanent collections of the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum, the Library of Congress, and the Milton Glaser Design Archives at the School of Visual Arts.Besides being a major contributor to Imprint and Uppercase magazines Gail has co-authored yet another book with long time collaborator and graphic design author Steven Heller of the upcomingShes also busy teaching the new generation of graphic designers in the art of leading and kerning at SVA.Industrial DesignerAnother Chicago Native, Stephen Burks is one of the most recognized American industrial designers of his generation. Burks believes in a pluralistic vision of design that is inclusive of all cultural perspectives. Now headquartered in Brooklyn, his design practicebridges the gap between authentic developing world production, industrial manufacturing, and contemporary design. I first became enamored of his work when I went to the Are You A Hybrid exhibition at MAD, which explores the presence, impact, and influence of the developing world on contemporary design. This celebrated artists, designers, and photographers whose influential projects have set global trends and prompted a more inclusive vision of design.His exhibition Shelter in Place at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta will be closing soon. Other than that, Stephen has his own podcast where he talks about everything industrial design.Artist, Agent ProvocateurLike Jeff Koons, part of Kara Walkers appeal to me is she pisses off so many people just by being herself. The culture shock and resulting racism she experienced at age 13 when her family moved from the more liberal California to Georgia colored her formative years and had a great deal in influencing her later work. Walker is best known for her panoramic friezes of cut-paper silhouettes, usually black figures against a white wall, which address the history of American slavery and racism through violent and unsettling imagery and generally provokes a harsh alternative viewpoint to what is normally thought of as the romantic Antebellum era. This struck a nerve with some people, who were extremely vocal with their opinion that she uses stereotypical and (at times) offensive sexual imagery in her work, with some asking the question of who her art is for (OPs opinion is the Antebellum period was an awful time for Black Americans in general and if someone wants to depict an unsanitized version of it thats their business). Walker is best known for print but occasionally dips into other mediums as evidenced by her first sculpturethat was literally a giant sphinx with the head and breasts of a mammy that was 75 feet long by 35 feet high and made with 80 tons of white sugar.Shes resting up a bit after launching her exhibitionat the De Pont Museum in the Netherlands in 2022.What can I say, I have lots of love for her and her work. Kilomba is a Afro-Portuguese interdisciplinary artist and writer based in Berlin whose works critically examine memory, trauma, gender, racism and post-colonialism. She uses various formats to express herself ranging from text projections to scenic reading and performance. Like Kara Walker, early experiences with racism (this time in post-fascist Portugal in the 70s and 80s) helped shape her perceptions of the world as well as her practice, and her work directly deals with who is allowed to speak, why, and the politics (sometimes intraracial) behind that. I was able to see her first major American exhibition in Brooklyn and loved every bit of it.I encourage everyone to check out the sources because in many cases Ive linked directly to the artists website where you can learn more about them and their work. ONTD, who are some of your fave Black creatives? Let me know in the comments!~Die Quellen~+ Images provided by yours truly from the Cave, Bey, and Kilomba exhibitions Top independent oil trading houses are boosting their metals and agriculture trading businesses to capture current volatility and expected supply shortages in the long term. Over the past few months, Vitol Group, the worlds largest independent oil trader, has returned to trading in agriculture after six years, while Gunvor and Hartree Partners hired traders to trade agricultural derivatives and increased exposure to base metals, Bloomberg reported this week, quoting sources with knowledge of the hires. Energy traders have made huge profits off the volatility in the oil, LNG, and coal markets over the past year. Now they are betting on volatility in agriculture and metals prices amid disruptions of crops supply chains following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Chinese reopening in the short term, and the long-term energy transition necessitating a lot of copper, lithium, aluminum, and nickel, to name a few. Record-High Oil Trading Profits The market volatility and the change in energy trade flows of the past year have led to record-high profits at the top independent commodity traders. Privately held Vitol Group, the biggest independent oil trader in world, made more profits for the first half of 2022 $4.5 billion than for the entire 2021 when it earned $4.2 billion, sources familiar with the financials told Reuters last year. Related: Three Fires At Pemex Facilities In One Day Despite lower traded volumes, Trafigura booked a record profit for the financial year that ended September 30 in an unprecedented energy market volatility after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Trafigura, one of the biggest independent oil and commodity traders in the world, reported a net profit of $7 billion for the year ended in September, more than double the profit from the previous fiscal year and more than all the profits from the previous three years combined. The past year saw our people work hard to solve the disruptions created by unprecedented market volatility and the big structural shifts that are shaping our industry, said Jeremy Weir, Trafiguras Executive Chairman and CEO. Gunvor Group booked $841 million in net profit for the first half of 2022, more than the profit for the full 2021 financial year, and more than triple the profit for the first half of 2021. The vast majority of profits will be retained within the company to leverage further global growth and to position Gunvor as a relevant force in support of the Energy Transition and energy security. Investments in non-fossil fuels will continue as a part of this effort, Torbjorn Tornqvist, Chairman and CEO of Gunvor Group, said in a statement in July 2022. Metals And Agriculture Opportunities Commodity trading has boomed over the past five years, McKinsey & Company said in a report last month. Commodity trading value pools have jumped, nearly doubling from $27 billion in 2018 to an estimated $52 billion of EBIT in 2021. Most of the growth was fueled by EBIT from oil trading, which were estimated to have surged by more than 90% to $18 billion during the period. The overall value in commodity trading will continue to grow, McKinsey says. And the financial results of commodity traders tend to correlate more with volatility than absolute price, the consulting firm said. According to McKinsey, the changes in the global commodity markets will raise structural volatility, disrupt trade flows to open new arbitrages, and fundamentally alter commercial relationships. All this could be an opportunity for the biggest commodity traders. The energy transition now under way is an economic and physical transformation that cuts across and integrates the various global food, energy, and materials systems, McKinsey notes. A reordering of asset values and cross-commodity relationships would more strongly intertwine the price volatility of traditional commodities with that of new green commoditiesand vice versa, wrote the authors of the report, McKinseys partners Roland Rechtsteiner and Joscha Schabram and consultant Arun Thomas. Looming Shortage Of Energy Transition Metals Analysts and industry players expect demand for metals critical for the energy transition to spike in the coming years, while supply is playing catch-up, at least for now. Investment in new mining hasnt taken off yet. ADVERTISEMENT This years investment in metals mining is set to rise by 3% year over year to $149 billion, with copper leading growth, but the level of investment will still be barely above the lows of the downcycle, Wood Mackenzie said earlier this month. There is little sign yet that the mining majors are prepared to loosen the shackles and embark on a new phase of organic investment in the new capacity critical for the transition copper, cobalt, lithium, nickel and aluminium among them, WoodMacs Chairman and Chief Analyst Simon Flower wrote. Despite the recent drop in metals prices, especially of copper, due to sufficient stockpiles and still sluggish Chinese demand, commodities are set to jump later this year as everything points to the Chinese reopening being A-OK, Jeffrey Currie, global head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs, told Bloomberg TV this week. In a note on Monday, Goldman Sachs said we would see later this year widespread commodity shortages. By Tsvetana Paraskova for More Top Reads From Top foreign policy officials from the United States and China spent most of the last weekend at the Munich Security Conference stressing that their governments were not seeking a new Cold War, but amid tense rhetoric and accusations, a chill across much of the world is already being felt. Finding Perspective: The Munich gathering is Europe's premier foreign policy conference and has long been a mainstay for leading officials from the West and elsewhere to hobnob and take the pulse of the current world order. This year's diagnosis was far from optimistic. While the West showed that it is perhaps more united now than in recent years and that support for Ukraine is entrenched -- a message reinforced by U.S. President Joe Biden's unannounced visit to Kyiv -- it's hard to shake the sense that the West remains more out of step than ever with the rest of the world and that the damage done by Russia's invasion of Ukraine can't be undone. Rightly or wrongly, Beijing clearly believes the West is in decline and is now sensing an opportunity to shore up its rising global status. In Munich, China was represented by top foreign policy official Wang Yi who projected a message of self-confidence and swagger to Western officials as he took aim at the United States and accused it of fueling the war in Ukraine. Wang also said China would launch its own peace plan for ending the war and that it would underscore the need to uphold the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the UN Charter. Those calls came as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said China may be preparing to give weapons and ammunition to Russia, which would mark a significant escalation in the war and Beijing's relationship with Moscow. China has brushed the accusations aside but not denied them, saying Beijing "will never accept U.S. finger-pointing or coercion on China-Russia relations." In interviews with German and Italian newspapers following the accusations from Washington, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy warned that China supplying weapons would result in a "world war," and that he hoped Beijing would refrain from doing so after making a "practical assessment." Why It Matters: The United States has few good cards to play with China and, given the fallout from the Chinese spy balloon incident, a stabilization of relations isn't on the horizon. Still, it's unclear if Beijing is willing to cross this threshold and suffer the consequences for explicitly supplying Moscow with weapons. In the meantime, China's mention of a peace plan was met skeptically by U.S. and European officials, who largely see it as a move about optics as Beijing continues to up its standing across the Global South, where Chinese calls to portray the West as warmongers and itself as a peacekeeper have a receptive audience. "China wants to be seen as very strong and as a leader of the global south and a peace promoter," a senior European Union official told RFE/RL. "[And] no, Europe is not wooed." One Thing To Watch It's hard to go a week without seeing new warnings from Western officials about Chinese intent to take over Taiwan. Such concerns are not unwarranted, especially as Chinese officials -- including Wang in Munich -- do little to dispel such fears. ADVERTISEMENT But Colin Kahl, the Pentagon's undersecretary of defense for policy, recently offered a more sober assessment. In a recent interview with Defense News, he said that he doesn't "see anything that indicates [an invasion of Taiwan] is imminent in the next couple of years" and that Beijing is far more likely to pursue avenues beyond military force, such as political and economic pressure, in any attempt to annex Taiwan. By RFE/RL More Top Reads From JUSTIN GIBSON HONORED AS ONE OF LPL FINANCIAL'S TOP FINANCIAL ADVISORS Justin Gibson, an independent LPL Financial advisor at Silverleaf Wealth Management in Omaha, today announced his inclusion in LPL's Executive Council. This elite award is presented to less than 0.5% of the firm's more than 21,000 financial advisors nationwide*. "This is an impressive achievement that Justin has earned as a top performer and showcases his dedication to his clients," said Angela Xavier, LPL executive vice president, Independent Advisor Services. "It is an honor to support Justin with robust technology, integrated products and differentiated services so he can run a thriving practice. We wish Justin and his entire team continued success as they create meaningful impact in the lives of their clients." About Silverleaf: Silverleaf has a team of 21 including 12 producing advisors collectively responsible for managing over $1Billion in discretionary and non-discretionary assets with Gladstone Institutional Advisory, A Registered Investment Advisor. Silverleaf provides a full range of personalized services, including retirement and financial planning as well as tax and estate planning strategies. Gibson is affiliated with LPL Financial, a leading wealth management firm. LPL provides the resources, tools and technology that support advisors in their work to enrich their clients' financial lives. *Achievement is based on annual production among LPL Advisors only. **Top RIA custodian (Cerulli Associates, 2020 U.S. RIA Marketplace Report). No. 1 Independent Broker-Dealer in the U.S. (Based on total revenues, Financial Planning magazine 1996-2022). Among third-party providers of brokerage services to banks and credit unions, No. 1 in AUM Growth from Financial Institutions; No. 1 in Market Share of AUM from Financial Institutions; No. 1 in Market Share of Revenue from Financial Institutions; No. 1 on Financial Institution Market Share; No. 1 on Share of Advisors (2021-2022 Kehrer Bielan Research & Consulting Annual TPM Report). Fortune 500 as of June 2021. LPL and its affiliated companies provide financial services only from the United States. Throughout this communication, the terms "financial advisors" and "advisors" include registered representatives and/or investment adviser representatives affiliated with LPL Financial LLC, an SEC registered broker-dealer and investment adviser. Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Gladstone Institutional Advisory, A Registered Investment Advisor. Gladstone Institutional Advisory and Silverleaf Wealth Management are separate entities from LPL Financial. Backyard Elotes, a restaurant focused on Mexican street corn, opens this week in the former location of The Dapper Doughnut. The menu includes elote nachos, made with roasted sweet corn, cojita cheese, jalapenos, sour cream, Tajin, lime, mayonnaise and Doritos; elote cups, corn stripped from the cob and served in a Styrofoam cup with the same ingredients as the nachos, minus the Doritos and plus crumbled Hot Cheetos; and traditional Mexican corn on the cob thats topped with well, you get the picture. And thats not all. They also serve Mexican Coke and have a Picante Party hot sauce station so you can choose the right heat for your food. The restaurant, at 16827 Q St., will be 4 to 8 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, 3 to 9 p.m. Fridays, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturdays and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays. Check out their website,, for a complete menu. You can reach them by phone at 531-867-3886. Naughty Buddha closing Omahas Naughty Buddha Burger Bar will close its doors for good on Sunday. A Facebook post said the closing was due to the death of co-owner Fatiah Ali, but offered no other details. The vegan restaurant opened two years ago in the middle of the pandemic at 707 S. 24th St., near the corner of 24th and Leavenworth Streets. It soon developed an enthusiastic following for its extensive menu, including Impossible Burgers, vegan meatballs, vegetable and grain power bowls, vegan wings and mac and cheese. Its open today from noon to 5 p.m. A new Lincoln location, at 330 S. 21st St, will remain open. Gold for Scooters Scooters Coffee celebrates its silver anniversary in March, and its having a party. Beginning Sunday, and continuing for a week, the Omaha-based chain will donate a portion of the purchase price of every Birthday Cake Latte and Birthday Cake Bite to Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America, the largest youth mentoring organization in the country. The nonprofit partners with more than 230 local agencies in the 28 states in which Scooters has outlets. Customers also can add a donation to their orders without purchasing the special birthday products. Other promotions for the Scooters birthday celebration include: Double Smiles Day, March 6. Customers can receive double smiles when they scan or pay with the Scooters app. Smiles are reward points that can be collected and redeemed for free drinks. Free Birthday Cake Bite, March 13. When customers buy a drink after 2 p.m. that day, and scan or pay with the app, they will get a free treat at participating stores, while supplies last. Fun giveaways. Visit Scooters social media pages or read its e-newsletter for details each week in March. To sign up for the newsletter, go to To find a Scooters near you, go to New Mexican cafe The owners of Maple88 Mexican Kitchen say theyre getting close to opening their new restaurant. Its at 2822 N. 88th St. in the location of the former Homestyle Cafe. Their website is under construction but you can now see the menu that features an interesting Mexican version of shrimp alfredo, a T-bone steak with shrimp, tostadas de ceviche, fajitas, American dishes and more. Were so close to opening, owners said on their new internet listing. We cant wait to serve you dishes with recipes passed down from generations, with cocktails and live music from Omaha. Stay tuned on social media for more info, they said. The website is Their Facebook page is Our best Omaha staff photos & videos of February 2023 Congress has authorized about $144 million in flood control projects for the greater Omaha area, including two dams, a central Omaha floodwall and changes to more than 380 metro-area properties along creeks. Whether and when the projects will get built is uncertain because no money has been allocated. Actual construction would require another congressional vote, one that appropriates the money. Adding to the hurdles, some rural landowners affected by one of the dams are working to stop the projects. They commissioned an outside study, have contacted Congress and retained legal counsel. They say the analysis supporting the projects is flawed. The projects were tucked in a sprawling piece of federal legislation known as the National Defense Authorization Act. It funds the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, one of the primary federal agencies responsible for managing flood risks. As proposed by the corps, the federal government would cover $91.5 million of the cost and the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District would pick up the remainder, $52.2 million. The corps estimates the projects together would reduce annual flood risk by 52%. For John Winkler, general manager for the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District, these projects and more are long overdue. The metro area is one of the most flash flood-prone areas in the country, he said. The risk of catastrophic flooding is a real and present danger, he said. The metro area is primed for flooding due to the number of homes, businesses and government facilities built in the flood plains of the areas numerous creeks and streams. (In some places, such as Saddle Creek, the creek has been forced underground and paved over). A flood plain is the flat area of land between a creek or river and the surrounding hills. They are popular areas to develop for example, the Aksarben complex. Should the greater Omaha area experience a storm similar to the one that flooded Ames, Iowa, in 2010, the Papio-NRD has estimated that 13,000 people would be displaced and more than $2.1 billion in damage would occur. This latest plan would reduce but not eliminate that risk. Indeed, it could open the door to additional construction in the flood plain. Why? The dams, levees and flood walls could reduce the amount of downstream flood plain where flood insurance would be required, potentially making that land more attractive and affordable to develop. The projects: A 74-acre reservoir north of Gretna along the South Papillion Creek. Known as Dam Site 19, the reservoir would be almost three-fourths the size of the metro areas Walnut Creek Lake. Funding includes a 2.5-mile trail, parking lots, restrooms, picnic shelter and boat access. Cost: $28 million. A dry dam on Thomas Creek in northern Douglas County. Known as Dam Site 10, this project has been fought by the affected rural landowners. A dry dam is one that allows normal flows to continue downstream while holding back water during heavy rains and snowmelt. Cost: $22 million. New levee/floodwall along each side of the Little Papillion Creek (Keystone Trail) in central Omaha. The levees/floodwalls would start near Western Avenue on one side and about Cass Street on the other. From there the levees/floodwalls would extend south to Center Street. They would require eight floodgates along roads and bridges. This is the area of the Keystone where Nebraska Furniture Mart, the Aksarben development and College of St. Mary are located. Its not clear how the levee/floodwall would affect the trail. Cost: $50 million. Adapting buildings along various creeks: Fill in 71 basements, elevate 59 residences and dry flood-proof 256 commercial structures. These homes and businesses are scattered throughout the metro area. They are along flood-prone reaches of the Big Papillion Creek, Cole Creek, Papillion Creek, Saddle Creek, South Papillion Creek and West Papillion Creek. These taxpayer-funded measures are designed to reduce flood damage to buildings and are done on a voluntary basis. Cost: $45 million. Rachel Williams, project manager for the corps, said the projects will be included as a single package, not individually, in any appropriations bill. Its common for the process to take several years and for the money to arrive in chunks, she said. Winkler said the Papio-NRD will discuss with other governmental entities the ranking of the projects. The NRD will advocate for the Gretna-area reservoir to lead the list due to rapid development in that area. That dam has been a priority for several years, and the NRD already has begun buying land for it. The fate of the dry dam in northern Douglas County is unclear. The dam is being fought by affected rural landowners and would likely require that the land be taken by eminent domain. In the past, Winkler has said the NRD has no appetite for building a dam in an area opposed by property owners. Asked about it last week, in the wake of the authorization bill, Winkler said that any decision about condemning property for the dam would be made by the NRDs elected board. The NRD only contemplates condemnation as the very last resort in order to protect the taxpayers from unreasonable demands and to protect our constituents life and property, he said. Consequently, it is only deployed once every conceivable option has failed. An outside study concluded that the corps study overestimated the benefits of the projects by erroneously including some information and wrongly calculating others. The study was funded by the Washington County Board and the Papio Valley Preservation Association (a landowner group). The Douglas County Board and various county departments provided in-kind support. In response to those assertions, Williams said the corps study underwent multiple levels of internal review as well as an external peer review and public comment. Shawn Melotz, whose family has farmed the affected land for five generations, said the dams wrongly shift flood control responsibilities to farmers, who already are working to control runoff, and away from urban land that continues to add to the overall flood risk. Our family will never rest until this entire project is eliminated, she said. We will protect our property until the ends of the earth. Our best Omaha staff photos & videos of February 2023 LINCOLN The day State Sen. Joni Albrecht announced the latest abortion-limiting bill, she estimated the legislation would ban 85% of abortions in Nebraska. The Thurston lawmaker and supporters of the proposal, Legislative Bill 626, repeatedly invoked the figure during a hearing earlier this month. Some opponents, though, argue LB 626 effectively amounts to an abortion ban. And others have questioned how exceptions listed in the legislation, such as for pregnancies resulting from sexual assault, will work in practice, and whether those exceptions undermine the goal of limiting abortion or create a chilling effect that will prevent women from seeking and receiving critical medical care. The debate raises the question: What percentage of abortions will the bill actually prevent? According to various experts, that answer depends on several factors factors that are likely to be part of the debate as LB 626 moves to the full Legislature for consideration. Supporters will need 33 votes to overcome a filibuster promised by opponents. Recent reporting and history indicate it will be a close vote. The bill LB 626 would ban abortions in Nebraska once embryonic cardiac activity can be detected via ultrasound, which typically happens around six weeks of pregnancy. This is what Albrecht and others base the 85% estimate on, which draws from Department of Health and Human Services data. The departments 2021 report on abortions showed that less than 14% of women who received abortions did so at five weeks or earlier in their pregnancies. However, not all pregnancies result in detectable cardiac activity at six weeks. Its rare for it to happen later, but it is possible, and that could affect the number of legal abortions in the state from year to year. Between 2018 and 2021, the DHHS data shows that six weeks was the most common time abortions took place, making up 15% to 25% of all abortions each year. The bills opponents argue most women dont realize theyre pregnant before six weeks, and those who do would have limited time to make a decision. Physicians on both sides of the debate said the absolute earliest women can typically find out they are pregnant is at four weeks. LB 626 does provide exceptions for abortions in the case of rape, incest or medical emergencies. Albrecht has repeatedly said the bill aims to stop elective abortions, though the term elective abortion is not used in the legislation, nor is it present in the Nebraska DHHS data. DHHS does track the reasons women give for receiving abortions. By far, the most common between 2018 and 2021 was contraception failures or no contraception being used, which accounted for roughly 55% to 62% of all abortions each year. These are the abortions Albrecht said she especially wants to prevent women who are using abortions as a form of birth control. Reasons that would presumably count as exceptions under the bill, such as physical health concerns, sexual assault and incest, were less common, ranging from 4% to 6% each year. A bigger portion of women, about 30%, declined to share their reasoning. Medical emergencies The number of reported abortions in Nebraska ranged between 2,000 and about 2,400 per year between 2018 and 2021, according to DHHS data. Multiple physicians said there are other medical procedures that effectively terminate a pregnancy but arent considered an abortion and arent included in the data. Lincoln maternal fetal medicine physician Sean Kenney, who supports LB 626, has performed such procedures to save the life of the mother. He said he does not consider such treatment an abortion. I didnt do an abortion, Kenney said. I saved her life. Most Nebraska physicians do not perform elective abortions, regardless of their personal opinion on the procedure. In 2021, five physicians performed all of the 2,360 abortions that took place in the state, with just two performing over 99% of them. Lifesaving pregnancy terminations are fairly rare, Kenney said. But opposing physicians said the lack of a clear definition for a medical emergency could jeopardize their careers and the health of their patients. Were all concerned about the terminology within this bill, said Papillion family medicine physician Jenn Harney. Under LB 626, the definition of a medical emergency depends on the reasonable medical judgment of each physician. In general, they would be cases in which treatment is needed to prevent the mothers death, or for which a delay in terminating her pregnancy will create a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function. Albrecht has given multiple examples for what conditions could qualify under the bill, not all of which are circumstances in which the mother is in an immediate life-or-death scenario. Examples include cancer treatments or cases in which the fetus has little chance of surviving out of the womb. Multiple physicians, both in support and against the bill, cited fetal anomalies as one of the more common pregnancy complications that can lead to the discussion of termination, though those cases are still somewhat rare. Fetal anomalies made up roughly 1% of the reasons for abortions each year in Nebraska between 2018 and 2021, according to DHHS. Albrecht told The World-Herald that she doesnt want to interfere with a physicians medical judgment in these situations. But multiple opposing physicians argued that is exactly what LB 626 would do. Omaha and Council Bluffs OBGYN Maureen Boyle said the threat of losing her medical license would be enough to make her think twice before providing essential medical care if she isnt certain what qualifies as an exception under the bill. Other physicians expressed similar fears. How sick do we let people get? asked Omaha OBGYN Mary Kinyoun. Under the bill, complaints about potential violations would be reported to DHHS, Albrecht said. If the department does not find evidence of a violation, the complaint is dismissed. If evidence is found, the complaint goes to a hearing before the states chief medical officer and Board of Medicine and Surgery. Kenney said aside from the two physicians who performed the majority of abortions in Nebraska, the only physicians who should be concerned about the bill are ones who arent doing their jobs correctly. Several other physicians who support LB 626 said they dont believe the bill will change their practice, nor would it make them hesitate to provide essential care. This bill being in place would not even cross my mind, said Omaha and Lincoln maternal fetal medicine physician Elena Kraus. Sexual assault Opponents have also raised concern about the bills sexual assault exception, specifically regarding the level of reporting required for victims to receive an abortion. Some critics have claimed victims would need to file a police report, though Albrecht has said that is not true. According to Albrecht, a physician would only need to note in writing that sexual assault is the reason for the abortion, and offer the patient victim resources. However, existing state law may complicate the process, said Mailyn Fidler, an assistant criminal law professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who has spoken against LB 626. For adult victims, Fidler said Nebraska law requires physicians to report cases of sexual assault that result in an injury. Failing to do so is a misdemeanor. The concern is that an abortion may qualify as an injury resulting from a sexual assault, which would then require the physician to report it, she said. Unnecessary reporting requirements would add trauma to victims and is emotionally manipulative, according to Omaha psychiatrist and telehealth provider Sharon Hammer. Were really revictimizing them, Hammer said. Albrecht said she doesnt believe an abortion would qualify as an injury from a sexual assault if the victim seeks treatment immediately after, which she expects most victims do. If youre raped, do you not want to go immediately to the hospital? Albrecht asked. Other opponents have pointed out that sexual assaults go largely unreported, and victims may not feel comfortable disclosing their experience, even to their doctor. Albrecht said if they dont want to disclose it, they can still receive an abortion in another state. You have to take it upon yourself, she said. Mental health One exception the bill does not include is abortions sought for mental health reasons. The bill specifies that a medical emergency does not include cases when a woman may engage in conduct which would result in her death or in substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function. Fidler said she suspects this was included to close a loophole allowing mental health exceptions that were included in abortion restrictions that existed before the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973. Mental health was listed as the reason for about 3% to 5% of Nebraskas annual abortions between 2018 and 2021, according to DHHS. Nebraska mental health professionals also have objected to the bill. Omaha psychiatrist and telehealth provider Meghan Sheehan called LB 626 barbaric and cruel. Hammer said women with mental health issues are more likely to encounter pregnancy complications due to physiological stressors that mental illnesses can have on the body. Its unclear whether those would qualify as an exception under the bill. Hammer and Sheehan took issue with LB 626 seemingly ignoring mental health as a medical issue, and said the legislation could trigger more demand for mental health providers who are already in short supply in Nebraska. Thats just such a big denial of the truth of things, Sheehan said. Other options Albrecht acknowledges Nebraska women will still have the option to travel out of state to receive an abortion. Her goal, she said, is to ensure Nebraska does not become a similar destination for other women. Nebraskas current law bans abortions at 20 weeks past fertilization. Andi Curry Grubb, executive director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska, said the organization works within a collective of five other states, three of which still have abortion access, including Nebraska. If LB 626 passes, she said the organization can work within that network to ensure women can still get abortions. Were going to continue, as an organization, to do everything we can to help people access care, she said. Everything thats legally allowable to us. That option will likely be challenging for women with lower incomes. Several opponents argued that the bill and its provisions will still allow wealthier women to access abortions. If out-of-state options are off the table, opponents have expressed concerns that women will seek out dangerous methods to end their pregnancies. Several critics argued LB 626 would ban safe abortions. Kacie Ware of Omaha made this argument at a Planned Parenthood press conference earlier this month. When she got pregnant as a high school sophomore because of an abusive relationship, she said she went through the courts to obtain access to an abortion without her parents permission. Had the courts denied her that access, she said she would have resorted to dangerous measures instead. I would have done just about anything to end that pregnancy, Ware said. Photos: 2023 Nebraska legislative session Polls show only a narrow segment of Nebraskans is clamoring for extremist culture war legislation like LB 574. Legislation of this sort sows discord, ostracizes fragile trans-youth, and is unworthy of a God-loving state. It is a radical solution without a problem. It is a serious mistake for the Legislature to impose politically driven medical treatment policies on families, who are collaborating with doctors and mental health professionals, whose decisions are based on established medical practices rooted in science. State senators, however well-intentioned, have no business injecting themselves into doctor-patient relationships. In fact, the American Medical Association (AMA) has urged state governments to stop interfering with the treatment of trans-youth. Moreover, the passage of LB 574 would put the state of Nebraska in legal jeopardy. The enforcement of a similar bill in Arkansas, that banned gender-affirming care for trans-youth, was blocked by the U.S Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit. As sure as the sun rises in the east, the language proposed by LB 574 would be challenged in court, as well. Is this bill so essential to the well-being of Nebraskans, that the Legislature would advance it despite its serious constitutional defects? The federal Medicaid Act also prohibits discriminatory practices in state Medicaid programs. Specifically, Medicaid standards prevent states from arbitrarily denying benefits based solely on diagnosis, illness, or condition. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services determined that a variety of procedures under the broad umbrella of gender affirming care fit in the relevant categories of Medicaid services. Thus, individual states lack the authority to refuse to provide treatment for such services. As LB 574 is now written, Section 38-179 defines unprofessional conduct as, any departure from or failure to conform to the standards of acceptable and prevailing practice of a profession Thus, current law already enacted by the Legislature, requires physicians to comply with the standards of their profession when diagnosing and treating their patients. Passage of LB 574 would turn the Legislature into a professional medical panel, which it is not equipped to become. This legislation is unworthy of further consideration by the Nebraska Legislature and represents hateful exploitation of gender issues. The bill is unnecessary, cruel and dangerous. Please contact your state senator and voice your opposition to LB 574. First National Bank and Trust donates to Clinton YMCA CLINTON First National Bank and Trust Co. donated $2,500 to the Clinton Community YMCA to support the Strong Kids program. Strong Kids is a community-based initiative that is supported annually to assist the YMCA in providing scholarships and reduced memberships to children in the area. The donation is part of the bank's commitment to reinvesting 10% of its pre-tax income back into communities. The reinvestment is made in the form of sponsorships, donations to local nonprofits or through teaching financial literacy in area schools. First National Bank and Trust has donated over $17,000 to the Strong Kids program since 2018. Country Financial gives to FFA students at Prairie Central FAIRBURY Country Financial representatives Joe Jones of Forrest and Danny Schahrer of Fairbury donated $6,000 to the Prairie Central FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management Team. The check was presented at the high school, 411 N. 7th St., Fairbury, on Tuesday afternoon. Feb. 18-25 was National FFA Week. Prairie Central FFA students, along with advisers Becky Freed, Kyle Miller, Tyson Stork and Kylie Miller, engaged their peers and community with events such as a petting zoo at the school on Thursday, ag Olympics on Friday, and a large farm at home show with alumni on Saturday. FFA students also had the opportunity to share their plans for a summer trip to Scotland and Ireland. Prairie Central Dairy Evaluation Management Team members Grace Lemenager, Hannah Miller, Elie Ellis and Carla Kilgus were named National Champions at the 93rd annual National FFA Convention last fall in Indianapolis. This earned them an invitation to the Royal Highland International Dairy Judging Contest in Scotland and the Clonmel Show in Ireland in June. The students will also tour several farms in both countries. Country Financial's donation will go toward travel costs for this trip. The team is working on raising the remainder of the cost, which is estimated to be $20,000. How Central Illinois kids drew their families Dakay Delashmitt, grade 3, Bent Zorie Peck, grade 3, Bent No name, grade 2, Corpus Christi Hannah Napoles, grade 2, Corpus Christi Caroline Peterlin, grade 2, Corpus Christi Abby Desatnick, grade 1, Epiphany Addie Sikora, grade 1, Epiphany Liam Boyle, grade 1, Epiphany Adrianna Buenrostro, grade 1, Epiphany Leo Easley, grade 1, Epiphany Gianna Foster, grade 1, Epiphany Josie Hughs, grade 1, Epiphany Brinley Jordan, grade 1, Epiphany John Lawrence, grade 1, Epiphany Alexis Nagel, grade 1, Epiphany Caleb Neuhaus, grade 1, Epiphany Emery Peterson, grade 1, Epiphany Zelie Rayburn, grade 1, Epiphany Addison Segobiano, grade 1, Epiphany John Sendelbach, grade 1, Epiphany Julia Heurin, Grade 2, Fox Creek Evalynn Rettick, grade 2, Fox Creek Aiden Anderson, grade 2, Glenn Ainsley Gaines, grade 2, Glenn Kinpy, grade 2, Glenn Anthony Krov, grade 2,Glenn Sam Ponnou, grade 2, Glenn Ross, grade 2, Glenn Isaac Spaudling, grade 2, Glenn Deana Rshavn White, grade 2, Glenn Brynnleigh Best, grade 2, Parkside Logan Fincham, grade 2, Parkside Aleah Hepburn, grade 2, Parkside Nina Razny, grade 2, Parkside Kennedy Roberts, grade 2, Parkside Juan Antonio, grade 2, Stevenson Samantha Bucio, grade 2, Stevenson Jeremiah Casas, grade 3, Stevenson Elijah Corkill, grade 2, Stevenson Kylen Jacobs, grade 3, Stevenson Bryce McGee, grade 2, Stevenson Elijah Pablo, grade 2, Stevenson Seniyah Patterson, grade 2, Stevenson Lailah Bell, grade 1, Washington Emma Leahy, grade 1, Washington Harper Ryan, grade 3, Washington Kyianna Haynes, grade 3, Washington Brooklyn Znidar, grade 3, Washington Evie Kallsen, grade 4, Washington Illinois is currently safely in the NCAA Tournament field. It can help its standing there and for the Big Ten Tournament over the next week. A powerful earthquake has struck Turkey again amid the nation's struggle to recover from previous disasters this month. The 5.5 magnitude earthquake took a blow to central Turkey, just days after two further quakes hit the border near Syria. At 10.27 am, the alarm of a 10km-deep quake was raised by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre. It was said to have occurred 40km south of city Aksaray and 18km northeast of Emirgazi was hit by a 10km-deep quake. India Today also reported that the disaster took place in the Nigde province which is almost 230 miles from Gaziantep - affected by the initial 7.8 quake on February 6. Collapsed buildings and heaps of rubble were also photographed in the Golbasi district, worsening the toll taken to Turkey's infrastructure. Today's disaster comes at a time when both Turkey and Syria had begun work to reconstruct homes for the millions that were displaced by the quakes. More than 50,000 have been killed due to the continued destruction, but no casualties have been confirmed as a direct result of today's incident. Vice President Fuat Oktay has since tweeted that teams are 'in the field' assessing the damage caused but 'there is no negative situation at the moment'. He said: 'Get well soon to all our citizens who were affected by the earthquake in the Bor district of Nigde. 'Our teams are in the field, the damage assessment work continues. There is no negative situation at the moment. May Allah protect our country and our nation from all kinds of disasters.' On Monday, a new 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck parts of Turkey and Syria that were laid waste by a massive tremor that occurred two weeks prior. Officials confirmed that three people died in Monday's tremor after more buildings collapsed, trapping occupants, and several people were injured in both countries. This came exactly two weeks after the catastrophic earthquakes of 7.8 and 7.6 magnitude that took place on February 6. Nine thousand aftershocks are said to have taken place in Turkey since the deadly quake. Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video A 24-year-old shop attendant at Abeka Free Pipe in Accra, Veronica Ansah, is in the grip of the police for allegedly threatening and locking up a monitoring staff member of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) in the shop. The ECG staff member was part of a team on a monitoring exercise to audit the health of prepaid meters in the area. The team was drawn to the shop, which was disconnected previously after the owner engaged in a meter by-pass. However, it was reconnected by the customer without the involvement, knowledge, or permission of the ECG. Narration Narrating the incident to the media, the ECG Accra West Regional Revenue Protection Manager, Dr Mark Owusu Ansah, noted that on three previous occasions, the customer had reconnected power to her shop despite a bill slapped on her for engaging in illegal connection. There is a bill of GH10,517.53 owed by the shop for bypassing the meter and using power for free. The customer has not approached us to clear this debt, and keeps reconnecting herself anytime we disconnect, he said. Dr Owusu Ansah further revealed that the customer threatened the staff member when he visited the premises for the exercise, and ordered her attendant to lock him up while they called a mob to attack them. The locked-up employee was rescued by colleagues who were visiting nearby premises. The case was reported to the police and the attendant was arrested. Recovery Last year, the Accra West Region of the ECG recovered nearly GH10.4 million from 1,900 customers who were apprehended for engaging in various forms of illegal connections. Those customers were surcharged for the power they used, with some tried in court for stealing power. The ECG Accra West General Manager, Ebenezer Ghunney, bemoaned incidents of threats and attacks on staff of the company while they carried out their legitimate duties. We are liaising with the security agencies to ensure that our staff work in the best congenial and peaceful atmosphere always, he said. Mr Ghunney added that the full legal might of the company would be assembled to take action against anyone who impedes the smooth work of field staff of the company. The Accra West Region has eight operational districts: Ablekuma, Achimota, Amasaman, Bortianor, Dansoman, Kaneshie, Korle Bu and Nsawam. Source: Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, last year announced that government will be reintroducing the collection of road tolls on selected roads in the country this year. The reintroduction of the road toll was one of the revenue measures contained in the 2023 budget presented to Parliament by the Finance Minister. The fiscal policy measures to underpin the 2023 Budget for consideration and approval by Parliament include the reintroduction of tolls on selected public roads and highways with a renewed focus on leveraging technology in the collection to address the inefficiencies characterized by the previous toll collection regime, paragraph 462 of the 2023 Budget statement read. But the Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei Mensah has disagreed with the reintroduction of the road tolls. Narrating how he once, as Regional Minister, had to personally get involved in distributing tickets in order to ease the traffic congestion on a certain road in the Ashanti Region, he noted that bringing back the tolls will cause unnecessary traffic. To him, he will only subscribe to the idea of reintroducing road tolls on the condition that it will be electronic. "We should consider maybe electronic but if we are to go back to the previous form, I won't support it because it gives headache", he said during "Kokrokoo" panel discussion programme on Peace FM. Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/ Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Afrobeats may be the dominant sound right now in Ghana, as in many other African countries, but the sounds of Jamaica can still be heard blaring through the speakers of Ghana's roadside and beach bars almost every day. Thursdays are reggae night in two big clubs in the capital, Accra - turning up the heat in an already hot climate. Jamaican musicians such as the late greats Bob Marley and Peter Tosh and the group Culture have long been credited with planting the seeds of reggae music on African soil 50 years ago - and Ghana shows the roots have grown deep, and gone on to produce homegrown talent. This love of reggae has also had a cultural bearing on the language: it is not hard these days to hear Ghanaians talking a little Jamaican Patois, which is different from Pidgin English, a lingua franca spoken by roughly a fifth of Ghana's population. Take Livingston Satekla, one the biggest reggae-dancehall artists to come out of Africa, better known as Stonebwoy. The spelling of his stage name is a nod to Jamaican Patois. The phrase "Who is that boy singing?" in Ghanaian Pidgin is: "Who be dat boy weh he de sing for deh?" In Jamaican Patois it is: "Ah who dat bwoy weh im ah sing fi deh?" In a recent interview Stonebwoy and I discussed the growing use of Patois in Ghana, frowned upon by some Ghanaians. "What's wrong with learning to communicate in Patois, which comes as part and parcel of reggae-dancehall as a core tool of communication? If you love reggae-dancehall you ought to learn Patois," the 34-year-old musician told me. Born in the ghettos of Ashaiman outside Accra, Stonebwoy would regularly listen to Jamaican dancehall dons like Capelton, Anthony-B and Beenie Man as a teenager - wanting to sound just like his Patois-speaking heroes. He would later go on to host some of the very same people at his annual BHIM Concert, arguably one of the most successful dancehall showcases in Africa. It takes place in December as part of Ghana's Beyond The Return campaign - a project designed to encourage people from the diaspora to visit the country. It draws big crowds - me included - and last year featured Jamaica's Busy Signal, who had many of his fellow countrymen and women singing along to his hits. Some in the audience could be seen with dreadlocks - worn by Rastafarians. Reggae has been instrumental in spreading the rasta message. It too has been a cheerleader for Africa - singing about the beauty of the continent, boasting of its natural resources while calling for people in the diaspora to return to the motherland. This has gone a long way to solidify the bond between reggae and Africa, especially during and after colonial rule. It makes sense that Ghana, among the first African countries to gain independence (from the UK in 1957), gravitates to the sounds of struggle and strife associated with reggae. It has had plenty of struggle and strife, having experienced six military coups between the 1960s and 1980s. One of the first big reggae artists in Ghana was Kojo Antwi, also known as Mr Music Man. Antwi started his career in the 1970s working with reggae band Classique Handles which later changed its name to Classique Vibes. Their debut 1979 album Higher: Suffer Hell on Earth addresses the economic struggles of the ghetto and how a lack of job opportunities can lead to starvation. By the mid-1980s Antwi would become better known for love songs with lyrics in his local language Twi - sung over the less political lovers' rock reggae sound, which went on to inspire other big Ghanaian artists. While Mr Music Man was serenading his homeland, a young northern Ghanaian, Rocky Dawuni, of royal heritage, was beginning to make waves on the global reggae scene with the 1998 hit In Ghana. His growing popularity saw some of his tracks featuring on various US TV dramas and three Grammy nominations to his name. If reggae is the parent, dancehall is definitely its mischievous child - with skillful lyricism and the unmistakable tones of Patois. One of the first successful descendants of this in Ghana is Samini, famous for his energetic live performances, singing in Pidgin, Patois and Twi. Often referred to as Africa's King of Dancehall Music, he has received accolades from foreign and domestic organisations, including a Mobo back in 2006 for Best African Act and an MTV Africa Music award in 2009 for Best Live Performer. Not being content with his solo accomplishments, Samini helped launched the career of top Ghanaian artist Mugeez as well as playing a huge role in kick-starting the career of Stonebwoy. Source: BBC Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: The James Webb telescope is peering farther than ever before into the universe's distant reaches. The James Webb Space Telescope has spotted six massive galaxies that emerged not long after the Big Bang, a study said Wednesday, surprising scientists by forming at a speed that contradicts our current understanding of the universe. Since becoming operational last July, the Webb telescope has been peering farther than ever before into the universe's distant reacheswhich also means it is looking back in time. For its latest discovery, the telescope spied galaxies from between 500 to 700 years million years after the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, meaning the universe was under five percent of its current age. Webb's NIRCam instrument, which operates in the near infrared wavelength invisible to the naked eye, observed the six galaxies in a little-known region of the sky, according to a study published in the journal Nature. Two of the galaxies had previously been spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope but were so faint in those images that they went unnoticed. These six new "candidate galaxies", so-called because their discovery still needs to be confirmed by other measurements, contain many more stars than scientists expected. One galaxy is even believed to have around 100 billion stars. That would make it around the size of the Milky Way, which is "crazy," the study's first author Ivo Labbe told AFP. 'Off a cliff' It took our home galaxy the entire life of the universe for all its stars to assemble. For this young galaxy to achieve the same growth in just 700 million years, it would have had to grow around 20 times faster than the Milky Way, said Labbe, a researcher at Australia's Swinburne University of Technology. For there to be such massive galaxies so soon after the Big Bang goes against the current cosmological model which represents science's best understanding of how the universe works. "According to theory, galaxies grow slowly from very small beginnings at early times," Labbe said, adding that such galaxies were expected to be between 10 to 100 times smaller. Inching towards the Big Bang: The James Webb telescope peers deep into space and time. But the size of these galaxies "really go off a cliff," he said. What could be going on? One suspect is mysterious dark matter, which makes up a sizeable amount of the Universe. While much about dark matter remains unknown, scientists believe it plays a key role in the formation of galaxies. When dark matter "clumps" together into a halo, it attracts gas from the surrounding universe which in turn forms a galaxy and its stars, Labbe said. But this process is supposed to take a long time, and "in the early universe, there's just not that many clumps of dark matter," he said. 'Model is cracking' The newly discovered galaxies could indicate that things sped up far faster in the early universe than previously thought, allowing stars to form "much more efficiently," said David Elbaz, an astrophysicist at the French Atomic Energy Commission not involved in the research. This could be linked to recent signs that the universe itself is expanding faster than we once believed, he added. This subject sparks fierce debate among cosmologists, making this latest discovery "all the more exciting, because it is one more indication that the model is cracking," Elbaz said. Elbaz is one of many scientists working on the European Space Agency's Euclid space telescope, which is scheduled to launch in July to join Webb in space. Euclid's mission is to uncover the secrets of dark matter and dark energyand it could also help solve this latest mystery, Elbaz said. Labbe referred to the "black swan theory", under which just one unexpected event can overturn our previous understandingsuch as when Europeans saw the first black swans in Australia. He called the galaxies "six black swansif even one of them turns out to be true, then it means we have to change our theories." More information: Ivo Labbe, A population of red candidate massive galaxies ~600 Myr after the Big Bang, Nature (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05786-2. Journal information: Nature 2023 AFP QUEENSBURY Keonna Barnes is making history at SUNY Adirondack as the very first Black woman to take part in the universitys cybersecurity program. I always liked setting up computers, Barnes said. I really like coding. When she graduates later this year, Barnes will be the first Black woman to do so with an associate degree in cybersecurity from SUNY Adirondack, putting her at the forefront of a pioneering industry. The National Science Foundation reported that Hispanic, Black, and American Indian or Alaska Native workers made up only 24% of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) force in America as of 2021. The Aspin Institute reported that same year that only 24% of cybersecurity workers are women, and only 9% are Black. Barnes knew early on that she wanted to enter a career that combined her desire to help people with her proficiency with computers. Well, being from the Bronx and being an introvert, I never really leave my room, she said with a laugh. It was while watching a news report on cyberhackers with her mother, that Barnes said she found her potential calling. The reporter spoke on a variety of cases of companies getting hacked, she explained. As I was watching, a thought occurred (to me), theres a lot of news about hackers attacking companies, but you never hear any stories of who stopped or resolved it. So I figured there must not be enough people. When the time came for Barnes to find a college that could teach her the technical skills she needed to make her career dream come true, she found SUNY Adirondack was just the ticket. But that doesnt mean it came easily. Barnes said she struggled early on in her college career, just acclimating to the upstate area, a part of the state she said she didnt even really know existed. It was really hard, she said. To further complicate things, Barnes said she has struggled with a comprehension issue for most of her life. You know the phrase, in one ear and out the other, its really like that, she explained. Sometimes (information) just doesnt register. Going back as far as elementary school, Barnes said shes had to request additional time for tests and certain assignments to compensate for the concentration issue. Sometimes, she has to review materials several times before being able to retain them no small hurdle to surmount given that she is studying the extremely technical world of cybersecurity. From day one, however, Barnes said she has had the support shes needed from the SUNY Adirondack Accessibility Services office. The Accessibilitys Office has provided me with services, such as recorded lectures, and extended time on tests in a separate location, she said. (It) has been a great experience for me. They have been so supportive in my academic career and studies. Not just academically, Barnes said coordinator Linda Possemato, as well as others in the Accessibility Services office, have become like a second family for her and helped her not feel so far from home. Its like a theory session every time I go in there, she said with a laugh. Barnes said initially she did not want to be defined and categorized as the person with a disability. But Barnes is an advocate for doing just that, and her advice to anyone who finds themselves locked in a struggle is to first be honest with themselves. As of right now, Im not afraid to tell people (about my disability, or that I need assistance because of my disability), because I cant improve myself and my life if others arent aware of the circumstance, she said. The more they know, the better it is for us both to communicate and for me to comprehend better. Barnes said that once she accepted her disability as a part of who she is, rather than a thing to be ashamed of, she was able to find the ways she needed to work around the issue, instead of being consumed by it. (Dont) be afraid of your disability, she said. This is your life. Dont be afraid to advocate for yourself. So, if youre thinking of going to college, seek out the accessibility services. My ASO office has helped me in more ways than they know. Cybersecurity at SUNY Adirondack was the best choice Ive ever made. MAYS LANDING It is time to redevelop redevelopment agreements, according to township officials. Mayor Carl Pitale said Tuesday he was creating a subcommittee to discuss the townships redevelopment and rehabilitation policies. The subcommittee will seek to reform how redevelopment is done in the township following a public outcry from residents who believe the current process is not transparent and threatens the townships environment. The whole purpose of this process is to absolutely bring this before the public, Schenker said Tuesday. I think that this is a good opportunity for us to tweak it, if you would, and kind of make it more of an open process, so everybody feels a little more comfortable with it. The subcommittee will consist of the township administrator, community development director, Planning Board chair and Township Committee members Judy Link and Art Schenker. The announcement came about a week after a Feb. 15 joint meeting of the Township Committee and the Planning and Zoning boards, where officials and residents deliberated over the process. Township redevelopment attorney James Maley suggested during the meeting that the township adopt a process that informs residents sooner of when it is considering entering into a redevelopment agreement. Missing 12-year-old found safe in Hamilton Township UPDATE: Hamilton Township police said Thursday that Ciana has been found and is safe. The Township Committee voted in 2018 to designate the entire township an area in need of rehabilitation. The designation allows for a municipality to catalyze development in an area by accelerating certain zoning adjustments and offering financial benefits to developers. The Township Committee has also voted to create separate redevelopment plans for individual areas of the township, which grants the township additional authority to enter into long-term tax-abatement and exemption agreements with developers and to condemn an area and seize it via eminent domain. The process generally lets a municipality subsidize development and establish more direct control over development, letting it impose additional standards beyond those set by normal municipal land-use laws. In exchange, developers receive certain zoning and financial benefits. The first stage of the development process is currently to have residents appear before a zoning-workshop team. Maley suggested the township could have developers seeking redevelopment agreements instead appear first before the Township Committee to discuss the redevelopment plan. The township would also send out notices to property owners living within a certain distance of the proposed redevelopment area. The proposal was met with skepticism, both from township officials and assembled residents. Hamilton Township teen safely located UPDATE: Hamilton Township police said Monday that Morton has been found and is safe. Zoning Board member Bruce Strigh said he felt the redevelopment and rehabilitation processes deviated too far from typical rezoning procedure. He said it stripped the Zoning Board of its ability to thoroughly review a plan and interrogate developers. If the plan would go through to the Zoning Board, (it would) go through the normal process, thats been done hundreds of times, but in this case its short circuited, Strigh said. That expertise, that area of concern is lost. Link said she was concerned about the normal rehabilitation process and said members of the Township Committee had previously not been given enough notice or time to consider redevelopment or rehabilitation projects. She said, for example, that members were not given sufficient time or notice about a recent proposal for a Trophy Park project that had caused considerable consternation in the township. Link praised the township for its past economic strategy that focused on responsibly limiting development while protecting natural resources. She said the decision five years ago to designate the entire township an area in need of rehabilitation was misleading. She noted that much land in the township cannot be feasibly redeveloped due to restrictions from the Pinelands Commission, the state body that governs development in the Pine Barrens, which run through much of Atlantic County. Resident Aline Dix argued the township should have never qualified to be designated an area in need of rehabilitation. Having served on the township Municipal Utilities Authority for 29 years, Dix said some of the stated facts involving municipal infrastructure that allowed the township to meet state rehabilitation criteria were incorrect. We need to start over and rethink and maybe make a whole lot of changes, Dix said, adding much the process would be labor intensive. Maley challenged some of the criticisms of the redevelopment agreement. He noted that the Zoning Board simply enforced codes enacted by the Township Committee, which would always have the ultimate authority. He further argued the typical zoning process is lengthy, unpredictable and prohibitively costly for many prospective developers. Maley said there were limits to what the Township Committee could do to prevent development in the townships wooded areas. He said the committee has limited authority to prevent development on private land and that it could not take any action to prevent the actions of a future Township Committee that may be more supportive of large development projects. There was also the matter of economic necessity. Maley said redevelopment agreements had been adopted as a strategy for development throughout New Jersey. Because of its ubiquity, Maley said the agreements were an important tool to help subsidize development, attract ratables and spark economic growth. In todays marketplace, in your area, actually everywhere in the state, it is the standard, Maley said. There seemed to be broad, bipartisan agreement that there was a need to reform the townships redevelopment process in January, when Pitale was appointed mayor. At the same time, there are several areas of the township that officials have identified as being in desperate need of redevelopment, such as the former Atlantic City Race Course. Role models for South Jersey African American women dont all exist in the distant past or in other regions. Some African American women in Atlantic City are following in the footsteps of recent trailblazers, either by choosing public service or helping to serve their community. A few are doing both. There are not many African American women firefighters in South Jersey, said Tiffanee Terrell, the only female African American firefighter in the Atlantic City Fire Department. All positive accomplishments can be an inspiration to anyone. Terrell is following in the footsteps of two previous African American Atlantic City female firefighters, Nicola Knox and Latoya Watson. Atlantic City Councilwoman-at-large Stephanie Marshall, who serves with fellow African American 2nd Ward Councilwoman Latoya Dunston, walked through the door opened by the late Barbara Hudgins. Capt. Alexus Zeilinger is following the career path of the Atlantic City Police Departments first female captain and lieutenant, Barbara Black-Taylor. In the Atlantic City Fire Department, Knox and Watson both broke through in the same year, 2008, and became the first African American female firefighters in the municipality, fire Chief Scott Evans said. Watson and Knox left the department in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Terrell, 34, became only the third African American female firefighter in the departments history when she joined in September 2020, Evans said. It was her mother, Atlantic City resident Karen Terrell, and not Knox or Watson, who served as an inspiration to her, she said. Atlantic City swears in 16 new firefighters ATLANTIC CITY The city and the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs swore in 16 new My mother is one of the strongest, hardworking, independent people I know, Terrell said. She took the firefighters test over 20 years ago. Karen Terrell was so happy and proud that her daughter made it through the fire academy, Tiffanee Terrell said. Im living one of her dreams. Everyday, it pushes me. My mom is one of my best friends, Tiffanee Terrell said. Terrell said she didnt know Knox or Watson, but she has heard good stories in the Fire Department about Watson and how she was strong and could keep up with the guys. When Terrell is working and in uniform, the citys children see her and wave at her. It brightens my day. I smile and say hello, Terrell said. It shows the small difference Im making. Terrell, a lifetime Atlantic City resident, worked from 2012 to 2020 as a clerk in the special investigations unit of the Atlantic City Police Department, but she loves her career as a firefighter. My son thinks Im a superhero, Terrell said of 6-year-old Royal Turner. His classmates want to be firefighters. I drop him off at school in my uniform. Atlantic City police promote 7 officers to lieutenants ATLANTIC CITY Seven resort police officers were promoted to lieutenants Tuesday morning du Terrell is still in her three-year probationary period, during which she is doing all aspects of a firefighters job, including driving the apparatus and raising the ladder. She cant drive to emergency calls, but she will be able to if she passes her probationary period by the end of this year. My main focus is being an all-around great firefighter, Terrell said. Similar to Terrell, Marshall, 49, is one of the few African American women to make it onto Atlantic City Council. Besides Hudgins, the other Black women who have served the city government and inspired the latest generation include Rosalind Norrell-Nance, Stephenine Dixon, Cassandra Clark, Joyce Molineaux and Hattie Marshall, no relation to Stephanie Marshall. When Marshall graduated in 1991 from Atlantic City High School, Hudgins was still a teacher there. Hudgins served as a councilwoman-at-large from July 1, 1990, to Dec. 31, 2001, and was the first African American woman to serve on the council. I remember her (Hudgins) running for office, said Marshall, who is also president of the Atlantic City Housing Authoritys board of directors. After graduating in 2001 from Kean University in Union, Union County, Marshall worked for 20 years behind the scenes on elections and campaigns, including for former Atlantic City Mayor Lorenzo Langford and former Councilwoman Stephenine Dixon. I dont like to be pushed out front, Marshall said. 13-year-old boy charged with shooting 2 in Atlantic City ATLANTIC CITY Police arrested a 13-year-old city boy after he allegedly shot two men Tuesd Marshall beat her June 2021 primary opponent and won the November 2021 general election. I was humbled that people had faith in my leadership. I was appreciative that they (the voting public) saw me as a leader, Marshall said. I was vetted after 20 years. They knew my character. A bookkeeper for the Atlantic City school district, Marshall often is recognized by residents as a councilwoman. It has been more than I thought and expected. It lets me know people are paying attention, Marshall said. Even though Marshall worked behind the scenes and was hesitant to run for public office, she said she was prepared to serve on council. She minored in African studies and feels she stands on the shoulders of those who fought and died so that equal rights could be enjoyed by all. I love sharing information, Marshall said. I see how cities are run. Im enjoying (being on council). Im happy and thrilled. I see what people saw in me. ... I am very capable. Similar to Marshall, who didnt start her adult working life thinking she would be an elected official, Zeilinger, 46, spent time working for casino and hotel owner Steve Wynn in New York and at The Mirage in Las Vegas before getting involved with the Police Department. In 2001, Zeilinger entered the police aide program, which was established to introduce more women and minorities to law enforcement careers, she said. She spent time in various divisions, including accidents, the investigations unit and forensics. During the past 22 years, Zeilinger has risen to become only the second African American woman to be named captain in the Atlantic City Police Department after Black-Taylor. I do think its a good career, Zeilinger said. I was looking for a way to be of service and have a greater purpose. As a teenager, Zeilinger, who graduated from Holy Spirit High School in Absecon in 1995, was heavily involved in the community as a member of the junior NAACP and with her church youth group. She also attended Our Lady Star of the Sea School in Atlantic City. Zeilinger said she is recognized as a police captain. I have a lot of friends here, Zeilinger said. People tend to know me on a personal level. Zeilingers responsibilities as captain require her to oversee the internal affairs division. Before that, she handled the officers in the Atlantic City Tourism District, including those stationed in the casinos, Tanger Outlets The Walk and at Bader Field. She heard people say, You go, girl, while she was on the Boardwalk. Bilateral and geo-political issues to be discussed #NEWDELHI German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived in India on Saturday on a two-day visit, during which he is scheduled to discuss a range of bilateral and geo-political issues including new technologies, clean energy and trade and investment. Welcome to India! German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrives in New Delhi on a State Visit. This is his first visit to India after assuming office. Chancellor Scholz was received by MoS @FinMinIndia @ mppchaudhary at the airport, Ministry of External Affairs Arindam Bagchi said in a tweet. According to officials, Scholz is accompanied by senior officials and a high-powered business delegation, and his visit to India is the first one by a German Chancellor since the commencement of the Intergovernmental Consultation (IGC) mechanism between the two nations in 2011. IANS Accused was upset over delay in issuing of mark-sheet #BHOPAL A principal of a private pharmacy college in Indore, who was set ablaze by a former student on February 20 and had been battling for life after having suffered 80 percent burns, passed away at a hospital on Saturday. According to reports, a team of doctors who had been monitoring Vimukta Sharmas (in pic) health conditions, declared her dead at around 4 am. The incident took place on the premises of the BM Pharmacy College when the 54-year-old principal was leaving for home. In the meantime, the accused Ashutosh Srivastava(24) approached her and after a short argument over delay in issuance of his marksheet, poured petrol on her and set her ablaze with a cigarette lighter. Shrivastava was arrested just hours after the incident. The principal has succumbed to her injuries during treatment. We found that the student had failed in the 7th semester. We have already arrested the accused, Bhagwat Singh Virde, Police superintendent (Indore rural) said. IANS SS(UBT) launches Shivgarjana, Shivsamvad campaigns #MUMBAI A week after losing the party name and symbol, the Uddhav Thackeray (in pic)-led Shiv Sena (UBT) started a weeklong Shivgarjana and Shivsamvad campaigns in Maharashtra from Saturday to boost the morale of local activists and the masses. Top leaders of the Shiv Sena (UBT) and other frontal organistions like Mahila Aghadi, Yuva Sena shall tour different parts ofrom Saturday to March 3, in small groups which will fan out in all the 35 districts divided among themselves. For the present, Maharashtra legislators are not joining the two campaigns in view of the Budget Session starting from February 27. However, the Sena (UBT) MPs are part of the statewide political drive, billed as the start of the 2024 polls campaign by chief spokesperson Sanjay Raut and others. This is the first direct contact with the masses and the party machinery at the lowest levels, after the Election Commission of India (ECI) awarded the original Shiv Sena and Bow-and-Arrow symbol on February 17 to the breakaway group led by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. The leaders touring over the next seven days will make efforts to strengthen the party organisation at the grassroots level, inform the people on the Sena (UT) Shakhas. IANS Ten days ago, this newspaper carried a Page 1 story about the resurrection of the old Davenport city dump. That wasnt the stated claim, but thats what it meant to me. When I first settled in Rock Island, I could see smoke rising from the site, just west of the Centennial Bridge. If the wind was right, I could smell it. I wondered why Davenport was operating a dump so close to downtown and the river. Whatever the reason, it closed to the public in 1973, and I assumed that the garbage was either removed or safely sealed. The smoke and occasional odor were gone and the fact of its existence faded from my memory. I guess city officials had the same reaction. After all, this was before the nation started getting serious about pollution. President Nixon had just established the E.P.A. in 1970 and the agency was in the early stages of sorting out its rules. For many years, it was just this empty space, called Crescent Park, after the Crescent railroad bridge nearby. In 2002, Davenport commissioned a study by H.R. Green which recommended that the soil at the Old Davenport Dump be tested, a suggestion which was never taken. After all, the dump was history and there was vacant land which could be put to civic use. Thus, in 2011, a small portion of land on the dumpsite was dedicated as Veterans Memorial Park. The bike path along the river added a nice amenity. The result was a pleasant addition to the citys park system along a nice stretch of green next to the Mississippi. I drove over to see what had been accomplished. I must admit that I thought it was perfect use of the land. I strolled by the river, sat and talked with a friend for a bit, and left thinking Hard to believe this is actually a garbage dump. If it had stopped there, wed have nothing to talk about, but you cant halt the constant drive for improvement. Veterans wanted to make something more of the site, coming up with an impressive plan that included a river overlook, pathways, benches, sun shades and a natural amphitheater. They had an ally in an honored veteran, Mike Matson, one who has been in city government since 2008, first as an alderman; since 2020 as mayor. The veterans established Friends of Veterans Memorial Park and began a fund drive, while petitioning Davenport for municipal aid. Thus began an ambitious phase two, kicked off with an $800,000 investment from the city. Construction started last May, during which a lot of soil was bulldozed before pausing for the winter. In creating the lovely limestone overlook, the city built a temporary bike path through the dump to protect recreationists. Thats when the dump arose. Walkers and bikers began encountering a wide assortment of garbage. While a lot had been excavated and borne away to the landfill, the site had been collecting waste products, residential and industrial, for over 75 years. Theres a lot left over. One of those bikers was Judith Lee, alderman for the 8th ward. She had spent her life as an environmentalist, often hired by the government to consult with and train environmental professionals. She noted runoff, potentially contaminated, going onto the bike path and, ultimately, into the river and asked if the city had informed the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. She was assured that they had, but the city could supply no documentation. Thus began her quest for information. It seems the city hadnt followed the state rules and wanted to work their way out of an embarrassment without public notice, not an uncommon practice. Rather like the collapse of the temporary flood wall in 2019. It hadnt been properly installed and maintained, but lets not get into that. At Wednesdays Council meeting, Lee outlined what led to Davenports receipt of an official Notice of Violation for disturbing a closed dump without submitting an operational plan in writing. That doesnt sound like a big deal, but it could result in legal action. She even mentioned the 2002 Green study, warning of the possibility of contamination by hazardous materials, something else the city ignored. No governmental entity wants to be called out for negligence, but thats what she did, starting in October 2022, and the city management team set out to correct her behavior by asserting that she is micromanaging and not following protocol in her conduct as an alderman. My advice to the city is, youd better have hard evidence in hand. She is no pushover. I first met Lee a few years ago over Scrabble games and was blown away by her encyclopedic knowledge. I once mentioned an EPA issue, the Keystone Pipeline, I had read about and she told me it was covered by one of President Carters environmental executive orders, which she cited by number. She may get lost in traffic, but not in the labyrinth of environmental law and regulations. I questioned her about her career from college days to the present. She was often the first female in a field job, which ranged from entering a bears winter den to remove and replace a radio tracking collar while the bear gazed at her in hibernation, to tracking bighorn sheep for weeks, alone in the in the mountains of Idaho. She is often in the uncomfortable position knowing more about a subject than the expert she is dealing with. Davenport can perhaps still make the Veterans Memorial Park project work, but its going to take a lot more effort and money than they imagine. Lee is one who can help them. Its rewarding to see the rest of Illinois recognizing products made in the Quad-Cities. Earlier in February, Dots Pots of Moline and Boetjes Foods of Rock Island were inducted into the Illinois Made program. Quad-Citians have long known the unique beauty of handmade pottery at Dots Pots and the world-class flavor of Boejtes Stone Ground Dutch Mustard. And now the small businesses, with one-of-a-kind products, are recognized statewide, thanks to the Illinois Office of Tourism adding them to its group of 200 makers from all across Illinois. They join these other businesses in the Quad-Cities: Lagomarcinos, Navarro Canoe and Wild Cherry Spoon Co. The Illinois Made program was launched in 2016 with the purpose of encouraging visitors to discover local products and see Illinois craftspeople at work. Boetje's story dates back to 1889, when Fred Boetje began selling his Stone Ground Dutch Mustard door-to-door in Rock Island. The popularity of the gourmet mustard has grown and, more recently, has won many awards, including a gold medal in 2020 at the annual World Mustard Competition sponsored by the National Mustard Museum in Middletown, Wisconsin. Boetje's owner Will Kropp says the recipe is the same since 1889 and is now sold in 30 states. Dorothy Beach and her husband, Dan Lawrence, have operated Dot's Pots for 25 years. Dorothy and Dan use wheel-thrown, hand and slab techniques to build beautiful pottery and sculpted clay, which is sold at their at their location at 2822 16th St., Moline. We appreciate these and all businesses unique to the Quad-Cities. And we're glad to see the Illinois Office of Tourism acknowledging them. West Lake Park beach will be back in action Another bit of good news came on the Iowa side of the Mississippi River. While summer is still a ways off, we can look forward to West Lake Park beach and boathouse reopening after three years of restoration work. The water quality had deteriorated in the four lakes: Blue Grass Lake, Railroad Lake, Lambach Lake and Lake of the Hills. They were put on the states list of impaired waters. Soil erosion since the 620-acre park was built in the 1960s had caused an increase in sediment, which impacts the oxygen levels of the lake and causes problems for plants and fish. Enter the good news. A $4 million, multi-year restoration project drained and dredged the four lakes, setting up fish habitats and erosion control on the shores to prevent sediment from re-entering. Three-quarters of the project was paid for by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Roger Kean, executive director of Scott County Conservation, said he hopes the lakes can be removed from the list, but that will require years of monitoring water quality. Were glad to see the improvements, and kids will no doubt enjoy the new feature in the swimming area an inflatable floating playground. Two floating structures will each be able to hold 40 children and teenagers at a time. Its been a long time coming, but we expect Quad-Citians will be ready for the beach when it opens May 27, Memorial Day weekend. For St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in Davenport, planning Lenten fish fries begins the week after the last one ends. Organizers for the events, which occur every Friday during the 40-day, Christian-observed period of Lent, meet regularly throughout the year to go over changes and to prepare for the next year's round of meals. This week, ahead of the first fish fry on Feb. 24, head organizer Angie McClimon said she and a group of volunteers spent their time ordering 1,100 pounds of fish, 25 gallons of coleslaw, 50 dozen rolls and 26 loaves of bread. The inventory will maybe last them two weeks. "It's funny, because we're a Catholic church, and I worked the front line last year serving and there were so many people that I don't see at church, or I know that aren't Catholic that come every year," McClimon said. "It's just really cool because of the fellowship, seeing old friends and meeting new people." Churches and organizations across the Quad-Cities are ready to turn up the ovens and throw open the doors to the public, with everyone being welcome. One of the biggest concerns McClimon had ahead of the fish fries was sourcing everything they would need for a fair price. The church was able to get everything it needed, but meal prices were raised by $2 to offset costs. Fish, bread and coleslaw prices have risen just under 10%, McClimon said, and cheese prices are even higher. Butter, however, is a whopping 44% more expensive. "And we use a lot of butter," she said. Despite high food costs, McClimon said, preparations have been going smoothly, thanks to the teams of volunteers that cook, serve and clean. About 40 volunteers work the events each week, keeping things running while anywhere from 700 to 1,200 people come through for a meal. Mark Wacker, a volunteer at the fish fries for 10 years, said the evenings can get pretty hectic with everyone coming through. He'll most likely be at the ovens, baking potatoes continuously to keep filling plates. But he loves doing it so much that he's never missed a fish fry until later this Lenten season when he will travel to attend his grandson's confirmation. "We get volunteers in the kitchen and out here in the dining room that come down and help who have nothing to do with St. Alphonsus; that come down to volunteer, which I think is just absolutely awesome," Wacker said."Seeing the community come together to do this is just phenomenal." Here is a roundup of fish fries in the Quad-Cities region: St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, 2626 Boies Ave., Davenport, will host its dinners 4-7 p.m. every Friday beginning Feb. 24 and through March. The menu includes baked or fried fish, baked potato or french fries, coleslaw, pickle and a drink. Grilled cheese sandwiches are also available. Meal prices are $14 for adults and $5 for kids, and meals can be pre-ordered online. Kaaba Shriners, 511 Veterans Memorial Parkway, Davenport, will hold fish fries 4-7 p.m. Fridays starting Feb. 24 and running through March. The organization will offer all-you-can-eat fish or grilled cheese sandwiches and baked potatoes for dine-in or carry-out. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church's Blessed Father Pro Mens Club will hold fish fries 4-7 p.m. every Friday during Lent starting Feb. 24 at 800 17th St., Silvis. Food served includes catfish, fried shrimp, baked cod, baked potato and a salad bar. Muscatine Knights of Columbus will hold fish fries 4:30-7 p.m. every Friday until April 8 at 2407 Cedar St., Muscatine. The drive-thru-only events will offer fried fish, shrimp, baked beans and potatoes, coleslaw and a cookie. The meal costs $12 for those ages 13 and up and $6 for those ages 6-12. Our Lady of the River Catholic Church, 28200 226th St. Place, LeClaire, has moved its fish fry from Feb. 22 to 6 p.m. March 3. St. Anthony's Catholic Church will host a fish fry 4-7 p.m. March 31, according to the Diocese of Davenport. Fried and baked fish will be served. Milan American Legion, 515 W 1st Ave., Milan, will host fish fries 5-7 p.m. March 3, 10 and April 7. Menu items are priced individually, and include catfish, shrimp, chicken, tenderloins and sides. Holstein. That was the winning word for Lindsey Jessen, a sixth-grader from Marion, Iowa, at the 42nd Annual Dispatch-Argus Regional Spelling Bee. Lindsey outlasted 39 other participants in the event Saturday at Centennial Hall on the campus of Augustana College in Rock Island. She earned an expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee on May 28-June 2. My favorite subject is math, Lindsey said after the tournament, adding that she is home-schooled by her mother, Carla, who has a degree in elementary education from the University of Iowa. She also will compete March 23 in Iowas MathCounts state competition in Ankeny, she said. Describing how she studied for Saturdays competition, Lindsey said she and her mom, read through the list of words, and then she would call them out to me. Any ones I missed I would practice them until I got it right. Lindsey added that what helps her is the fact that, I love to read. Carla Jessen said a bit of help was the Word Club app on the Scripps National Spelling Bee website. We love that one, Jessen said. Because I dont know how to pronounce some of these words. We didnt start studying until well into the school year, and we downloaded the app and we figured out, Thats helpful. I was looking up the words and trying to write down the correct pronunciations so I could remember how to say it, and the app pronounced it for us. The more we used the app, the better we liked it because it bookmarks the ones you missed and the ones you need to practice, Jessen said. Jessen said she had home-schooled Lindsey since she was 3 years old and that Lindsey, says she wants to be an engineer. Second place went to Parthasaradhi Katreddy, who is in sixth grade at Hopewell Elementary School in Bettendorf. Parthasaradhi was one of several contestants who asked questions about the words, and when spelling acted as though he was writing it down on the palm of his hand. He said its a tool that works. But he also used other tools offered in the rules, as did other contestants, such as asking for a words definition and to hear its use in a sentence. To study for the contest, Parthasaradhi said, I used the Word Club app to type out the words and practice them every day. He added that, My favorite subject also is math, and when asked what he might like to study in college, probably computer science. Third place went to Matthew Winkler, who is in sixth grade at Mount Vernon Middle School in Mount Vernon, Iowa. Danine Glascock, the coordinator for the event, said of Saturdays contestants, Every single one of them was bright. Glascock said each contestant could ask the pronouncer certain questions about the word, such as its language of origin, definition, part of speech such as noun and verb, other possible pronunciations and its use in a sentence. The contestants were given a list of words to study, she said. And there is a list of words they did not get to study if the competition is tough between the contestants. We did not get into the words that they hadnt studied, Glascock said. They were all from the study guide that they got. Glascock said the spelling list was closely guarded and that she generally received it about two weeks before the spelling bee. The rules are strict, she added. Were not allowed to livestream the event to protect the integrity of the word list. Some places havent had their bees so its closely guarded. Lindsey Jessen took home a large trophy, and her family will receive travel expenses to take her to compete in Washington. She also will receive a Samuel Louis Sugarman Award Certificate donated by Jay Sugarman, chairman and CEO of iStar Financial, in honor of his father. This years award includes a 2023 United States Mint Proof Set. Lindsey also gets a one-year subscription to Merriam-Webster unabridged online dictionary, donated by Merriam-Webster, and a one-year subscription to Britannica Online, donated by Encyclopedia Britannica. Glascock said the competition in Washington would begin with the preliminaries on May 30 with the finals being on June 1. The competition is not by age, and Lindsey will be competing against other regional champions, and there will be more than 200 spellers there. Emarion Harris' focus on his customer's cut and beard trim was intense. The 13-year-old's hands held his tools steady as he buzzed and brushed hair to the floor, signaling with a held-up mirror that his cut was done and his work was ready to be checked. Harris' skills today are a stark contrast to the first time he picked up clippers to cut hair, the Washington Jr. High student said. After spending months learning the tools of the trade, different types of cuts and how to handle various hair types, he's more confident. "I'm not as scared as when I first did it," the eight-grader said. Washington students set up shop in the Rock Island nonprofit restaurant, NEST Cafe, Thursday to cut community members' hair. Among Emarion Harris's first customers was Lights on for Learning Coordinator Larry Harris Jr. "I usually do it myself, but my significant other told me, 'Hey, why don't you just let the kids do it,'" Larry Harris Jr. said. "I was like, 'You know, that's a great idea, actually.'" About 10 students are involved in Washington Jr. High's Barbering Club, where they meet weekly to learn about the profession and the practical skills needed to be good at it. Club members have cut the hair of fellow students, faculty and staff. The club was born of a summer course on barbering through after-school programs by Lights on for Learning, Larry Harris Jr. said. It is overseen by Supreme Legacy Barbershop owner George Todd. A few of the club's more advanced members had appointments lined up at NEST Cafe, alongside students volunteering to serve food at the pay-what-you-can restaurant. Emarion Harris hopes to keep honing his barbering skills as he grows up, he said, because he enjoys it and the field is lucrative. "We're just teaching them those skills to get them started," Larry Harris Jr. said. "Hopefully, they can get to high school and continue their career with the courses the high school has to offer." Larry Harris Jr. said he can see the transition from uncertainty to confidence in how the students work with clients, going from hesitant cuts to bringing their own ideas and working with customers like pros. Beyond learning the trade skills needed for barbering, students are learning how to conduct themselves professionally with time management, accountability and clear communication. Emarion Harris said he's learned how to be respectful with people and resolve conflicts peacefully. "They learn how to become men as well," Larry Harris Jr. said. "It goes deeper than just the barbering aspect; it's about life lessons too." In the future, Larry Harris Jr. hopes to expand the Lights on for Learning program to include plumbing, HVAC and carpeting trades, for example. In addition to the Barbering Club, students can learn braiding and sewing through after-school programs. Before he joined the club, Emarion Harris said he had no interest in barbering. Now, as he furthers his craft with other students, school staff and Quad-Citians, he said it's important for schools to give kids opportunities to learn about more nontraditional subjects to help set them on a good path. "If schools didn't give kids opportunities, then they could be out and doing stuff they shouldn't be doing," he said. CHICAGO Each day for Tim Kosiek, an education prep teacher at Buffalo Grove High School, is a new opportunity to inspire students in Ed Academy, an elective class he teaches as part of the Education Career Pathways program. Once a week, those students work at internships with partnering school districts. They are out in classrooms, teaching, Kosiek said. They send me pictures and they look the part, they act the part. ... They are so well equipped. I look back to when these opportunities didnt exist and its amazing. These kids get to be in classrooms and really see if they love it. The class is part of an Illinois State Board of Education grant program that gives over 10,000 high school students the tools and insights they need to explore a career in education at a time when schools across the state are facing teacher shortages. The grants open to all Illinois public school districts are just a starting point. Districts use the grants to design and implement their own Education Career Pathways program for their students. At Buffalo Grove, the variety of electives offered through the program includes an in-house lab preschool. Right across from my classroom is a preschool, Kosiek said. Its got 16 kids that are there all day long, every day. Kosiek recently took 40 of his students to a Future Educators Conference at Harper College that hosted 500 students from Township High School District 214 and Barrington Community Unit 220 School District, among others. The students ranged from freshmen to seniors, and many are in the education pathway at their respective schools. Kosiek said the conference furthered some students interest in education. Even some of the students that were on the fence and are still debating if education is for them enjoyed seeing more people say they love what they do, he said. Education Career Pathways and other initiatives have increased enrollment in educator preparation programs in Illinois by 41%, from 8,534 in 2017 to 12,069 in 2021, according to ISBE. Despite the increase in student interest, ISBE reported Illinois had 2,139 unfilled teaching positions in October 2021, with most of the unfilled positions concentrated in underresourced communities and in bilingual and special education roles. When ISBE launched the grant program in 2020, one of the main goals was to help school districts better meet the needs of their local teacher pipeline, said ISBE spokeswoman Jackie Matthews. ISBE said it has released $18 million in total Education Career Pathways grants through three rounds of grant funding. According to ISBE, a total of 171 high schools now offer the program for 10,805 students, including students in the Barrington Community Unit 220 School District. District 220s Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Melissa Byrne said the education pathways program allows students to get a seal on their diplomas indicating that they participated in individualized course plans that included a 60-hour internship as part of work-based learning. Students interested in elementary can go work with an elementary school teacher within District 220, or middle school or high school teacher, said Ben Rodriguez, assistant principal and coordinator of career pathways and community partnerships at Barrington High School. Rodriguez said the program is built for students to explore future careers while having the resources to try new things. We dont ever want to lock a student into a pathway there should always be on-ramps and off-ramps to every experience, he said. Both choices are powerful whether students decide they want to explore a field in education after taking courses in the education pathway or not. ISBE officials noted that the grants aim to increase the diversity of the states teacher workforce. According to ISBE, 45% of students in the pathway program identify as Black or Hispanic, compared with just 14% of current teachers. We really want to make it accessible to all students, Rodriguez said. Our student population demographics are changing, so we want to make sure the teaching force also reflects our student population. Kosiek stressed how important it is to have a relationship with his students that isnt reduced to curriculum or grades. Keysie Barrios, a Hispanic student at Buffalo Grove High School, says her goal of becoming a teacher is due to the schools variety of education classes that allow students to explore different levels of teaching. Barrios, a junior, is interested in teaching middle school, sort of the lost group no one wants to teach, she said. Barrios began taking classes in the education pathway at the beginning of the school year and Kosieks teaching style made her want to continue in the program, she said. I kind of had a rough start to my high school career, she said. COVID really changed me and this year was a whole new start. Barrios works every day after school at the nearby Cafe Zupas to help her parents and siblings pay household bills. I work right after school. I start around 4:30, she said. My dad works two jobs and my parents are getting older, so Ive just been helping them out and helping with my little sister. For students who have external challenges to deal with on top of the rigors of high school, a fast-track formula like the education pathway gives back some control over their futures, Kosiek said. While hes been teaching education pathway courses for four years, Kosiek has watched students get to the end of their college careers and into their own classrooms. I was an engineer for four years. I never thought about being a teacher when I was in high school, Kosiek said of the program. I dont expect enrollment to explode, but I hope that students who wouldnt have thought of it or considered it know that it exists and that maybe they can try it out, Sophomore Iranett Camacho from Rolling Meadows High School in District 214 has been following the education pathway since freshman year and is enrolled in the lab class where students can teach preschoolers. I knew I wouldnt want to do high school or middle school, but I was stuck between late elementary or early elementary, Camacho said. And taking this class, I was like, lets see if I like being with younger kids. Definitely, its one of the deciding factors so far. I like that I got hands-on experience. Camacho, who is Hispanic and uses they/them pronouns, said they appreciate the diversity at Rolling Meadows High School and hopes the future crop of teachers is more reflective of the student population. I really like that Im going to be able to teach kids, and theyre not going to see just one type of person, Camacho said. Theyll learn that anyone can do any job they want. Camacho also noted the surprising number of male students in the early childhood education electives. I like to see that teaching is not just for women, Camacho said. So far, Camacho has taken three education pathway classes in a year and a half, starting with a course on how childrens brains are developed and influenced. I might change my mind as (the courses) go, but I like that I have a choice, Camacho said. Its not like I came into the preschool lab and Ive decided to do preschool my whole life. There are other classes I want to take and maybe my opinion will change. Maybe Ill end up wanting to teach high school." Who are they? IL children reported missing as of February 25 These are recent reports of missing children made to local law enforcement. If you think you have seen a missing child, contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678). CHICAGO Reported hate crimes skyrocketed in Chicago in 2022, nearly doubling from the year before, police data shows. And as hate crimes rise sharply, several authorities are warning of a heightened threat this weekend because of a neo-Nazi-planned National Day of Hate. The Illinois State Police are urging heightened vigilance as antisemitic groups share extremist messaging online encouraging hate actions this weekend. The antisemites have pushed plans to drop banners, place stickers and flyers, and vandalize on Saturday, according to a community alert from the Chicago Police Departments 24th District, which includes large Jewish communities on the North Side. CPD said Friday there was no actionable intelligence on specific hate threats in a statement to the Tribune. The department is working closely with leaders in the Jewish community and faith-based communities, according to the statement. The Cook County states attorneys office said in a Friday statement it is working with law enforcement and would aggressively prosecute any acts of hate. The weekend threat comes as hate crimes are on the rise across the country in recent years. In Chicago, 202 reported hate crimes were reported in 2022, up from 109 in 2021, according to CPD data. The attacks included a man smashing windows and spray-painting swastikas on synagogues and at a Jewish girls school and the defacement of a rainbow Love Wins mural on a Jefferson Park garage. In early January, a Black-owned Bridgeport cafe was vandalized with messages saying Black Lives Dont Matter. Over the last decade, the number of hate crimes reported annually hovered around 60 per year before steadily rising and finally reaching 100 in 2021. Hate crimes last surpassed Chicagos 2022 total in 2001, according to CPD data. Last years hate crimes were most commonly motivated by bias against Black people, Jewish people and gay men. Assault, battery or criminal damage were the most common hate crimes and typically occurred at residences or on city streets, the CPD data shows. The 2022 spike included a rise in hate acts committed with anti-Black and anti-Jewish bias. Acts motivated by bias against Asian people, white people, LGBTQ+ people and Latino people also were up substantially last year. While the numbers are concerning for David Goldenberg, Midwest regional director for the Anti-Defamation League, they werent surprising. We had responded to more incidents by Halloween of last year than we had the entire year previously, Goldenberg said. The ADL reported 97 white supremacist actions in Illinois in 2021. That number rose to 162 in 2022, Goldeberg said. The FBI and ADL have tracked national highs in hate crimes too, he added. The threats for this weekend started with a neo-Nazi group in Iowa but have been endorsed and shared online by various extremist groups, Goldenberg said. While they might be calling for this National Day of Hate, weve seen a steady uptick in these types of incidents in the state and across the country, he said. The broad uptick in hate crimes might stem in part from better tracking and reporting, he noted. But the reality is more incidents are actually occurring, Goldenberg said. We see groups being targeted based on their identity. We see dramatic increases in hate crimes and hate incidents targeting members of the Black, Jewish, LGBTQ+ and Asian American communities in particular. Goldenberg noted that a 2021 ADL report showed an even greater problem. While hate acts had been steadily rising, the percentage of Americans expressing antisemitic attitudes sharply rose, he said. Its incumbent on everyone to speak out against hate, respond to misinformation with facts and show support and strength with targeted communities, he said. Theres a clear choice here, Goldenberg said. Are you going to hate or are you going to love? Are you going to hate or are you going to be tolerant? Are you going to hate or are you going to be inclusive? Who are they? IL children reported missing as of February 25 These are recent reports of missing children made to local law enforcement. If you think you have seen a missing child, contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678). CHICAGO For years, Republicans have sought to win over voters by depicting Democratic-led cities as lawless centers of violence that need tough-on-crime policies. In Chicago, some of the Democrats running for mayor are deploying the same strategy as they debate how to make the city safer. One leading candidate, who touts his endorsement from the Chicago police union, says "crime is out of control" and the city needs hundreds more officers patrolling its streets. Another hopeful says that if suspects flee a crime scene, officers should be able to "hunt them down like a rabbit." Even incumbent Lori Lightfoot, the first Black woman and first openly gay person to serve as Chicago mayor, has used language right out of the GOP playbook, accusing a top rival in her reelection bid of wanting to defund the police. The shift in rhetoric reflects the degree to which concerns about crime have dominated Tuesday's mayoral election in Chicago and threatened Lightfoot's reelection bid. Far from being an outlier, the nation's third-largest city is just the latest Democratic stronghold where public safety has become a top election issue. In San Francisco, progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin was ousted in a recall election last year that was fueled by frustration over public safety. In Los Angeles, two Democrats running for mayor debated how to deal with rising crime rates and an out-of-control homelessness crisis. In New York City, voters elected Eric Adams as mayor, elevating a former city police captain who pledged to fix the department and invest more in crime prevention. And in Philadelphia, candidates running for mayor this year are debating how to curb gun violence. The increased attention on public safety follows a spike in crime rates in many communities that coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic. High-profile incidents of police misconduct drew more scrutiny of policing, and there has been disagreement even among Democrats about so-called progressive public safety policies such as ending cash bail or providing safe injection sites for drug users. Jaime Dominguez, a political science professor at Northwestern University, said it's the first time in 20 years that he's seen public safety be "front and center" in a Chicago mayoral election. The difference, he said, is that crime is no longer largely isolated to some predominantly Black and Latino neighborhoods. As more crime is occurring in other parts of the highly segregated city, including in the downtown and other areas frequented by tourists, public safety is also top of mind for white voters. "Historically, it was primarily a pocketed matter. It was still pernicious and candidates spoke to it, but it didn't really affect areas where you see crime occurring now," Dominguez said. "That has been blown up. It's just, it's everywhere." Chicago has a higher per-capita homicide rate than New York or Los Angeles, but it's lower than other Midwestern cities, such as St. Louis and Detroit. Still, the number of homicides in Chicago hit a 25-year high in 2021 with 797, according to the Chicago Police Department. That number decreased last year but is still higher than when Lightfoot took office in 2019. Other crimes, such as carjackings and robberies, have increased in recent years. Nine candidates are running in Tuesday's officially nonpartisan mayoral election. With no candidate expected to get over 50% of the vote, an April 4 runoff between the top two vote-getters is likely. Randall Fearnow, a 67-year-old health care attorney who is white and who lives near Wrigley Field on the city's north side, experienced the city's crime problem firsthand when he and his wife walked in the back door of their home one day last October and discovered burglars inside. The criminals ransacked the home and stole thousands of dollars' worth of jewelry and money before running out the front door, he said. Police didn't catch the perpetrators. "It happened in the broad daylight," Fearnow said. "When you step out, it makes you feel a little uneasy. You're not immune anywhere from crime in the city." Fearnow cast an early ballot for Paul Vallas, who was endorsed by the Chicago police union. He also voted against Lightfoot four years ago, saying he believed her rival in the 2019 runoff was "much more level-headed." This year, Fearnow said the two most important factors in his vote were crime and rising property taxes. "The city gets more expensive to live in and less safe," he said. "So somebody needs to do something." As she fights to land a spot in the April runoff, Lightfoot has taken on opponents she sees as a threat among them Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson. In a recent ad, Lightfoot accuses Johnson of wanting to defund police, using video of him speaking on a local radio program in 2020. She said Johnson, who avoids the word "defund" when speaking on the campaign trail about policing, isn't being candid with voters. "He's asked direct questions at a variety of forums, and that guy's got more bobs and weaves than Muhammad Ali," Lightfoot said. Johnson, a former teacher and union organizer endorsed by the Chicago Teachers Union, says he wants to invest more in areas such as mental health treatment. In a statement responding to Lightfoot, his campaign said that doesn't mean cuts to the police department. Johnson also notes that Chicago still has a violence problem even though the police budget grows every year. "Lori Lightfoot hasn't made Chicago safer, but I will," Johnson says in a new ad. "It's time to get smart, not just tough." All of Lightfoot's opponents want to fire the police superintendent she hired, saying that the former Dallas police chief has been ineffective and that hiring an outsider hurt morale. Lightfoot has defended the superintendent, David Brown, and says that while the city faced never-before-seen challenges such as the pandemic, their strategies are working and some crimes are falling. Vallas, an adviser to the Fraternal Order of Police during the union's contract negotiations with Lightfoot's administration, says that if he becomes mayor, he would promote a new leadership team from within the department. Vallas says he would welcome back hundreds of officers who have retired or gone elsewhere out of frustration with Lightfoot. He also wants to return to a community policing strategy, with dedicated officers assigned to patrol each of the city's nearly 300 police beats. "We've got to restore public safety," said Vallas. "Everything proceeds from that." Wealthy businessman Willie Wilson, another mayoral candidate, has doubled down on his comment that suspects in violent crimes should be hunted down like rabbits. Wilson says he lost a son to gun violence, and he believes police officers are being prevented from doing their jobs. The other candidates are Rep. Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, Chicago City Council members Sophia King and Roderick Sawyer, activist Ja'Mal Green and state Rep. Kambium "Kam" Buckner. ___ Associated Press writer Claire Savage contributed to this report. The thunderous thump of drums pulsated through Rapid City's Club for Boys gym on Saturday as dozens gathered for the "Honoring Akicita of All Nations" Wacipi to mark the 50th anniversary of the Wounded Knee Occupation. Hosted by Wambli Ska, the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, and Grassroots American Indian Movement, the lively gathering featured drum groups and dancers adorned in their best regalia. The event honors "Akicita," which is Lakota for "warrior," with special recognition to Wounded Knee veterans, Chief Leonard Crow Dog, Lenny Foster and Leonard Peltier. Saturday's wacipi was just one of a handful of local events marking the 50th anniversary. On Sunday, Feb. 26, the Liberation Day Wacipi Celebration will take place in Wanblee. The Montana Office of Public Instruction is implementing a statewide online testing platform for the spring American College Test (ACT) for the first time ever. "As Ive said many times, Montana must get back to the basics of math and reading so that our students can achieve educational excellence and be college ready, Superintendent Elsie Arntzen said in an email. One of my top initiatives, Montana Ready focuses on preparing our students for college and career readiness. Teaching and learning must be recognized at the point when our students are tested, which focuses on flexibilities as my innovative MAST pilot program achieves. The ACT is a college readiness test for high school juniors or seniors as mandated by the state for federal reporting. Districts were able to request paper options for students. OPI said this statewide online implementation will streamline and increase access for students. The test includes general math, English language arts and science assessments delivered in three testing windows. The three testing windows will be two weeks and delivered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Window one is from March 28-30 and April 4-6. Window two is from April 11-13 and April 18-20. Window three is April 25-27 and May 2-4. Karen Ogden, communications officer with Helena Public Schools, confirmed that Helena high schools are moving online for the ACT this year. On April 11, Helena high schools will have a juniors-only day for the ACT because the students need to be on district laptops with the assessment pre-loaded, connected to a secure network and each testing room has a limited number of students and requires three staff per room. Having all students at the schools could overwhelm staff, facilities and network connections. In 2022, OPI piloted an online version of the ACT with a paper option, and 541 students took the test online and 8,893 students took in on paper. Out of the 36 possible points, Montanas average was 18.6. The ACT defines College Readiness Benchmarks as the minimum ACT test scores required for students to have a reasonable chance of success in first-year credit-bearing college courses at the typical college. There are benchmarks for six ACT test scores, and each benchmark is linked to success in a different college course or set of courses. In 2022, maths ACT College Readiness score was 22, and Montanas average was 18.5. For reading, the ACTs was 22, and Montanas was 19.2. For science, the ACTs was 23 and Montanas was 19. In English language arts, Montanas average was closest at 17.2 with the ACTs College Readiness score at 18. In May 2021, the Montana Board of Regents voted to no longer mandate ACT and Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) scores for admission on Montana campuses. Some scholarship packages still require the tests though. For more information on the ACT online testing, go to The scenario is all too common. An employee is subjected to an offensive, intimidating or hostile work environment due to the actions by another employee or third party in the workplace. She fears retaliation if she reports it. But the employee wants to tell someone. The employee drums up the courage to meet with her manager and shares what is happening. The manager asks her if she wants to file a formal complaint and go to HR. The employee responds that she is not ready to do that. She asks the manager to keep the conversation confidential. The manager agrees. The employee leaves. The manager honors the employees request to keep the conversation confidential. And the harassment continues. Everything about this scenario is wrong. Managers must be trained on how to respond to these situations. According to federal employment laws, employers are legally liable for the harassment of co-workers and third parties upon being made aware of the behaviors if they fail to take appropriate remedial action to stop them. If a manager is made aware of conduct that could amount to harassment, the manager cannot ignore it. Employees approach managers with many statements that might lead a manager to think he or she should not report it. These are some common statements made to managers that could lead a manager to wrongly ignore the situation, including: I need you to keep this confidential. Its not a big deal. I can handle this by myself. I dont want to file a formal complaint. I dont want to go to HR. Give me a few days to think about this. Let me talk to him instead. I am coming to you as a friend, not a manager. None of these statements justifies a manager ignoring a situation. In response to a concern from an employee, a manager should say only the following: Ill take care of this. And then the manager must take care of it by contacting human resources to conduct an investigation or, if the organization is small and does not have a trained human resources professional, the organization should either contact a third-party expert to conduct an investigation or conduct one itself. If the investigation determines that conduct has occurred that violates the organizations policies or the law, the organization must take immediate remedial action to stop the misconduct to include discipline, termination and other sanctions. In most cases, the offending employee will need to be terminated to avoid the risk that the employee might offend again. Too many managers wrongly think that an employee must make a formal complaint before action can be taken. However, it is notice to a manager any manager not just the employees manager that prompts the obligation to action. The law does not recognize only a complaint-based system. If a manager overhears an allegation of harassment, sees it, suspects it, finds out about it or if an employee tells a manager, complains to a manager or brings it up to a manager, the manager must take action. An employee has no duty to tell the person engaging in the misconduct to stop or that the conduct is offensive before the behavior can be considered harassment. Organizations need to have multiple avenues for employees to complain of harassment, and this should not have as prerequisite that the employee first speak with the offending employee. Employers must train managers on the need for proper reporting and resolving harassment allegations. Too often managers ignore or even participate in the conduct, or retaliate against employees who bring issues forward. Employees who raise concerns of harassment or discrimination should not suffer retaliation as a result of reporting harassment or participating in an investigation. Richmond-area business expansions, openings and closings RICH Nail Lounge Sycamore Jewelers, Midlothian Mi Casita Restaurant Ironclad Coffee Grit Coffee Rockler Woodworking and Hardware Boiling Crab Richmond Blue Cow Ice Cream Co. Suzy Sno Diablo Doughnuts RVA The Brass Tap Graybo's Sports Cards Blue Ridge Cyclery BigWife's Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams CarLotz Acacia Midtown Zoom Room Richmond Torchy's Tacos Planet Fitness Raising Canes Chicken Fingers Three Notch'd Brewing Retail or Resell Marshalls Raising Cane's My Favorite Muffin Mattress King Anthony's on the Hill The Mill on MacArthur Correction: An earlier version of this story has the incorrect name of Ron and Kim Maxey. This version has been corrected. Therapy dogs decked out in Valentines-themed outfits gathered at Morningside of Bellgrade senior living community in Midlothian, bringing comfort in the form of wet noses, wagging tails and panting tongues. The one little Shih Tzu reminds me of my puppy, said Mary Switzer, 80. You just want them to stay. The dogs are part of an all-volunteer group called Caring Canines, which provides emotional support, comfort and encouragement. Caring Canines director Aleta Shelton, 65, is a lifelong dog lover who leads a group of 133 volunteer handlers. They monitor approximately 150 dogs. Dogs just have magic with people that we humans cant touch, said Shelton, who lives in Powhatan County. Its the most interesting thing in the world. Viktoria Badger, a handler for 10 years, brought her golden retriever Peaches to Morningside. This is one of my hobbies that I like to do, Badger said. A lot of people can relate to having a dog, and they just love to come over and tell stories of their favorite dogs. Caring Canines was created in 1999 from a small group of friends interested in working with therapy dogs. Shelton joined the group in 2003 and became director in 2007. For 12 years, she had three Pembroke Welsh Corgis that made therapy visits until they passed away. Therapy dogs provide psychological or physiological therapy to individuals other than their handlers, according to the Alliance of Therapy Dogs. They differ from service dogs, which are trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Each dog becomes certified through the Alliance of Therapy Dogs. The dogs take a canine good citizen test, which consists of 10 obedience exercises outlined by the American Kennel Club. The handlers are evaluated on how well they control their dogs. Finally, the dogs make three facility visits to test how they handle real-life situations. Caring Canines travel to hospitals, assisted living facilities and schools throughout central Virginia. They also provide help to veterans at the Richmond Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center, students at the University of Richmond and addiction program participants at the Chesterfield County Jail. At senior facilities like Morningside, residents harken back to memories of dogs from their past. Many of them have to give up their pets when they move into senior living communities. A lot of these folks dont have family here, Shelton said. Theyre lonely, and they need a bit of a break from that loneliness. Caring Canines also serves people on the other end of the age spectrum, visiting at least 10 programs at libraries and elementary schools for children who struggle with reading. They just read to the dogs in a really relaxed atmosphere, Shelton said. The dogs dont judge them, they dont correct them, they dont yell at them. Ron and Kim Maxey, of Midlothian, got involved with Caring Canines right after Shelton became director, and have three therapy dogs themselves. They have taken note of the countless hours Shelton puts into the group. Aleta is just the heart and soul of this organization, Ron Maxey said. Theres a lot of work that she does behind the scenes that a lot of people dont see. Shelton prefers to credit her team of volunteers for the success of the group. We have the best volunteers in the world, she said. They are the backbone and the strength of this program. From the archives: 115 newspaper ads from the 1970s The General Assembly adopted a stopgap budget bill on Saturday to buy time for the House of Delegates and Senate to bridge their wide differences over $1 billion in tax cuts that Gov. Glenn Youngkin proposed in revisions to the two-year budget adopted a year ago. House and Senate budget negotiators regrouped on Saturday after a blowup the previous day about the amount of tax cuts that the Senate would accept and the reduced spending it would require in Democratic priorities. Senate Finance Co-Chair Janet Howell, D-Fairfax, asked the assembly to pass a "'skinny bill' with urgent necessary updates to the budget." "Then conferees will continue to meet to complete [the] task," Howell said in a text message on Saturday afternoon, adding that "46 days is simply too short to complete revisions." After waiving a requirement that legislators have at least 48 hours to review the budget, the House and Senate unanimously adopted the short-term agreement, which included four mostly technical amendments, including one that added $359 million in state basic aid for public schools. The chambers then adjourned just after 5 p.m. to allow most legislators to return home and begin raising money for elections with all 140 assembly seats on the ballot in November. Meanwhile, nine senators and six delegates on the budget conference committee will continue to meet to resolve their differences on the $177 billion, two-year spending plan. Youngkin has proposed to cut Virginia's corporate income tax rate and lower the top rate for individuals, even though it already applies to 84% of taxpayers, regardless of how much they earn above the $17,000 annual threshold. He also wants to again increase the standard deduction claimed by taxpayers who choose not to itemize deductions on their returns, which would double the deduction since he took office 13 months ago, and remove an age threshold for veterans to exempt up to $40,000 in military retirement income from state taxation. House Republicans approved the package but Senate Democrats rejected it. "The Senate stands firm in our commitment to funding public education, higher education, mental health and public safety," Howell said on Friday after talks halted. "A salary increase for our public employees is also a priority." House Appropriations Chair Barry Knight, R-Virginia Beach, said the governor could call legislators back if the negotiators are able to reach a deal. Were pretty far apart now, Knight said in an interview on Saturday. One of the pieces of the stopgap bill is money to compensate for a $201 million mistake - first reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch - in the amount of money the Department of Education estimated that local school divisions they would get from the budget adopted in June. The budget itself did not include the mistake, but school divisions based their current year budgets on the department estimates. The Senate version of the budget shifted $58.1 million to cover the estimated gap in the current year, but the House budget included $5 million and relied on additional sales tax revenues to make up the difference. Howell told the Senate that the budget included an additional $259 million to reflect higher sales tax revenue, changes in school enrollment and compensation for the mistake in basic aid estimates. "No school division will receive less than the amount communicated last summer," she said. Knight told the House that the short-term agreement also included money already in the budget to pay for overruns on state capital projects, pay down unfunded pension liabilities in the Virginia Retirement System and make a required deposit in the rainy day revenue fund. "We are committed to continuing the dialogue" with the Senate for an agreement on the full budget, he said. A reduction in Dominion Energy bills is on the way after a compromise on a new approach to regulate the company made it through the General Assembly on the last day of the session. But compromise eluded the legislature on the state budget and Gov. Glenn Youngkins bid for $1 billion in tax cuts. The compromise on electric bills in legislation that passed nearly unanimously would bring an immediate $6 to $7 cut in a benchmark 1,000 kilowatt-hour monthly bill, which now stands at $137. But instead of Youngkins proposal for a cut in individual income and corporate tax rates, the House of Delegates and state Senate could only agree on a stopgap skinny budget to buy time for the chambers to bridge their wide differences over Youngkins tax cuts. The House and Senate adjourned shortly after 5 p.m. Saturday, closing out a 46-day session. Next years General Assembly likely will look markedly different, as new legislative boundaries are producing a wave of retirements and a few contests pitting incumbents against each other. Weeks of intensive negotiation over the wide gaps between House and Senate approaches to regulating Dominion yielded compromise. Youngkin said in a statement: I applaud the legislators who took the lead on writing and negotiating this landmark bill, which will save customers money on their monthly bills, restore the independent oversight of the State Corporation Commission, and support the long-term stability of Virginias largest electric utility. Today, the General Assembly came together and put Virginians first. But when House and Senate budget negotiators regrouped on Saturday after a blowup the previous day over how many tax cuts the Senate would accept, all they could agree on was a stopgap for urgent necessary updates to the budget. Of course Im disappointed, because I dont think it is that hard, Youngkin told reporters after lawmakers adjourned. We have plenty of money in the system, we can invest in really important things and cut taxes. The stopgap budget will include money to compensate school divisions for a $201 million mistake in the amount of money the Department of Education estimated the divisions would get from the budget adopted in June. No school division will receive less than the amount communicated last summer, state Sen. Janet Howell, D-Fairfax, told the Senate. The agreement allowed the assembly to adjourn on schedule. The nine senators and six delegates on the budget conference committee will try to resolve their differences on the $177 billion, two-year spending plan so that the governor can call legislators back if the negotiators are able to reach a deal. Were pretty far apart now, House Appropriations Committee chair Barry Knight, R-Virginia Beach, said in an interview on Saturday. The House, with a Republican majority, had approved all of Youngkins proposed tax cuts. The Senate, led by Democrats, refused them and wanted to steer the $1 billion at issue to increased funding for K-12 schools, behavioral health and other public services. The immediate savings from the utility regulation compromise would come from eliminating some of the two dozen surcharges Dominion charges to recover the cost of recent investments in plant and equipment. The compromise also sets up a way to spread out the cost of the fuel Dominion burns to generate electricity, which, with recent spikes in natural gas prices, was on track to boost that 1,000 kilowatt-hour bill by $17 this summer. Instead, using the same financial technique that a Richmond bank pioneered three decades ago, the bill gives the company the option of getting back some $1.6 billion of fuel that it has paid for but has not recovered with smaller surcharges over the next decade. The electric company says there would be a nominal increase this summer and a $2.50 a month surcharge beginning next summer for the rest of the decade. The State Corporation Commission would need to approve the spreading-out plan. An expanded commission role is at the heart of the compromise. The SCC would now be able to look at the utilitys base rates, which account for about half of customers monthly bills. These have been essentially unchanged since a 2007 bill ended Virginias experiment with deregulation, which operated under the theory that competition among suppliers of electricity would save consumers money. Base rates are meant to repay Dominion for its investment in plant and equipment as of that time. But although most businesses assets decline in value over time, base rates have not been adjusted downward. The SCCs authority to review base rates should lead to lower bills. The original bill included a directive to the SCC to adopt a new approach to setting the profit rate Dominion is allowed to earn, which would have increased this from the current 9.35% to 10.07%. The compromise sets a 9.7% profit rate, but for only two years, after which it is up to the SCC to determine the proper rate. Dominion has said it needs to be able to earn more profits if it is to attract investors, especially as it tries to finance the $9 billion cost of its massive offshore wind farm. How much the two-year increase for the profit rate would offset the impact of the higher profit rate for those two years depends on what SCC accountants and economists determine is the proper base rates level. After two years, the SCC would have full discretion to say what Dominions profit rate, and therefore the rates it can charge, should be. What we have is a bill that is good for consumers and good for Dominion, which we rely on for electricity, said House Majority Leader Terry Kilgore, R-Scott, who sponsored the House version. Del. Lee Ware, R-Powhatan, who has pushed for several years for that power for the SCC, originally opposed Kilgores bill, but backed the compromise, saying it would protect ratepayers. Our duty is to the consumers who pay that bill every month, he said. Dominions bills are typically the second highest that most Virginians pay, after their mortgage or rent, and the compromise includes protections for which legislators on both sides of the aisle had previously argued unsuccessfully, said Del. Sally Hudson, D-Charlottesville, who backed the deal. The House and Senate also agreed to prohibit the use of solitary confinement in state prisons, with exceptions for inmates who ask for it or to protect inmates in the event of an imminent threat of physical harm. Another agreement came on bills that would allow early release from a temporary detention order, which allows people in a mental health crisis to be held for evaluation and treatment for 72 hours. The bills provide for early release if the crisis in question is resolved. It will help ease the tremendous pressure on TDO beds, said Del. Rob Bell, R-Albemarle, who sponsored the House bill. State Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Charlottesville, sponsored the Senate bill. The two bodies agreed to let the governor issue grants from the Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund to pay for improvements for economic development projects. The compromise says the governor would need advance approval from a legislative commission for grants of $35 million or more. The governor also would have to report to the assembly money committees any grants more than $5 million. But some legislators still opposed the compromise. I dont want our branch of government giving any power to the executive branch, Sickles said, before the House voted 57-38 to approve the compromise. The House and Senate also compromised on a measure to prevent the use of nondisclosure or non-disparagement agreements to retaliate against employees who complain about sexual harassment. Ever chatted with buskers those guys who do street-side drumming on overturned buckets? Their clickety rhythms confronted me last year as I approached a crowded event at the James River. I stopped and introduced myself and learned that the three of them have been together for a decade, that they busk all over town as the Buk-It-Hedz, that their percussion is freestyle and new techniques emerge daily. I photographed them for my book. Delightful fellows. An hour later, I introduced myself to a totally different looking group on the Potterfield Bridge off Browns Island: a neatly dressed pair of Caucasian couples who talked with me and posed for a photo. Nice folks. One of their names sounded familiar, and I confirmed that hes the CEO of a Richmond-headquartered Fortune 500 company. Those two encounters are indicative of my year of meeting strangers along Richmonds James River, which provided inspiration for writing a guidebook about all the ways to enjoy activities and events along our river. The theme? Friendly diversity. On one sunny Saturday, I introduced myself to a mysterious-looking, 20-something couple sitting canal side with a fishing pole at Great Shiplock Park. He was big and brown and scowl-faced. She was pale and thin and fright-faced. They had one physical thing in common dyed orange hair. I learned that shes a Food Lion manager and hes a writer suspense and horror, Poes his favorite. While sitting there, hed gotten an idea for a story about what was at the end of the fishing line. My photo of them is suggestive of such a story. Pleasant couple. Over the past year, Ive met and photographed myriad slices of life and culture along the James all of whom were friendly: an African American Assemblies of God pastor, a cannabis growth consultant, a Pakistani physician, a red-mohawked photographer, a media relations executive who used a wheelchair, traditionally-clothed tourists from India, a Down syndrome family, an autism family, and a Department of Defense worker whose T-shirt read (in all caps), Very Black Very Queer Very Proud. I encountered plenty of age diversity: a senior couple balance-walking the James River Pipeline and another senior couple swimming up to their necks at Pony Pasture, a baby riding in a hikers backpack, twin biking toddlers, and a group of young campers enjoying the Buttermilk Trail. All were friendly folks who didnt mind being photographed. When I began the book project, I was reserved and even apologetic when confronting total strangers. But the responses were welcoming, and initial hesitations seemed to quickly vanish. I decided to document as wide a variety as possible. I met a couple pushing an older child in a stroller, all three of whom wore T-shirts that read (in all caps), I love inclusion and someone with cerebral palsy. Shes a clinical psychologist, and hes a microbiologist who is now a stay-at-home dad. Good folks. Sunny photo. On a Friday afternoon, I approached a dozen young men who had gathered at the sheltered picnic area at the western end of Belle Isle. They told me that they were Marines enjoying a day of liberty from Fort Lee. They were all born in the U.S., but their parents were born elsewhere: Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and Egypt. All were likeable guys who smiled for a photo. In 2012, after considering rivers that flow through 50 U.S. cities, Outside Magazine announced the surprise winner of their search for Americas best river city: Richmond. My firsthand experiences during the past year compel me to nominate Richmonds James River for another title: Americas Most Smilingly Diverse Urban River. One of my most evocative encounters was with a woman lying on a rapids-side boulder at Belle Isle. She had a towel over her face. I wondered if she was asleep, so I sort of whispered my introduction. I learned that she is from Siberia and that she was meditating, the sound of the rivers currents enabling a trance-like calm. It brought to mind Norman Macleans poetic, Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. She agreed to be photographed, but didnt remove the towel. I have a suggestion: Introduce yourself to diverse strangers. Ask an angler for advice, a hiker for directions, a dog walker about the breed, a family about kids activities. Converse with someone along the Richmond Slave Trail. Perhaps like me, youll get smiling responses and a better understanding of people who are different from you. From the Archives: The James River James River James River James River James River James River James River James River James River Fonatur set for section 5 hearing in Yucatan court after definitive suspension Riviera Maya, Q.R. A hearing between Fonatur and Camino del Sol has been set for March 2. The hearing will determine if work will be allowed to proceed on section 5 of the Maya Train. The two are set to meet in Merida court after a Yucatan judge issued a definite suspension on section 5 earlier this month. The suspension was made after the property owners said workers entered the land and began felling trees without authorization. The National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) will attend the March 2 hearing, which, if successful, could put an end to the last suspension against progress along section 5. According to an order of the First District Court of Yucatan, the hearing will be held on March 2 at 10:30 a.m. to determine whether to revoke the final suspension of the Amparo trial 1954/2022. A carbon filtering system that cleans drinking water at the Spring Hollow reservoir is starting to wear down, elevating levels of a chemical contaminant above the federal governments health advisory. Recent test results show that treated water from the Roanoke County reservoir had levels of GenX from between 17 and 37 parts per trillion from late-October to mid-December exceeding the Environmental Protection Agencys long-term recommendation of no more than 10 parts per trillion. Carbon replacements, due to arrive in mid-March, are expected to bring the concentration back down. The Western Virginia Water Authority, which operates Spring Hollow as part of a system that provides drinking water to the Roanoke Valley, is continuing to distribute water from the reservoir, although at reduced levels. Michael McEvoy, executive director of the authority, said the risk to an average customer is low, because the EPAs health advisory is based on a lifetime of consuming two liters of water a day. Levels of GenX are neither excessively high nor prolonged, he said. But Jamie DeWitt, a professor of pharmacology and toxicology at East Carolina University who has done extensive research on the issue, questioned that rationale. I dont believe that really aligns with the spirit of a lifetime health advisory, DeWitt said. The concentration in the water should be consistently below the health advisory. Not occasionally below, or sometimes below, but consistently below. GenX, the trade name for one of more than 6,000 so-called forever chemicals, was first detected in Spring Hollow in early 2020. Also called PFAS, for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, forever chemicals repel heat and water, making them popular in the manufacture of a wide variety of consumer products. But theres a drastic downside: The manufactured compounds can remain in the environment for generations, and there is growing concern about the health risks they pose. Last summer, at about the time the EPA health advisory was issued, the water authority began using a granulated active carbon system. The treatment entails running water from Spring Hollow through a filtering process before it is distributed to about 12,800 customers, most of them in Roanoke County. The contaminant bonds to the carbon, which at first reduced its levels significantly. Tests of the treated water, which in January 2022 had a GenX concentration of 55 parts per trillion, showed a decrease to as low as 1 part per trillion in August. But the numbers gradually began to rise again, as the carbon lost its ability over time to capture the GenX. Once able to remove the chemical nearly completely from reservoir water, the filtering system currently has an efficiency rate of about 35%. The most recent test results, from samples taken Dec. 16, showed the level was up to 37 parts per trillion. The carbon filtering system is just one of several steps the water authority has taken since GenX was first detected. Since last September, the authority has stopped pumping water into the reservoir from the adjacent Roanoke River, which in recent years has carried GenX-tainted wastewater that was released from an industry about five miles upstream. And the output from Spring Hollow has been cut by about half, with more water coming from Carvins Cove, a second reservoir that tests show is free of GenX and other forever chemicals. Some portions of authoritys territory, which includes about 69,000 homes and businesses, can only be served by Spring Hollow. We want to get the levels below the health advisory, McEvoy said. We just cant right now. Awareness, concern expand As Roanoke officials began to deal with the worst contamination in the water authoritys history, they quickly realized they were not alone. Increased demand for laboratory tests and treatment equipment, created by a growing number of localities across the United States that are encountering PFAS problems of their own, has led to shortages and delays. The labs are just slammed with people trying to get data and answers to these questions, McEvoy said. Last October, the water authority ordered replacement carbon units that have yet to arrive. They are expected to be installed in mid-March, and several backups ordered at the same time should last for about a year. The replacements are seen as a short-term fix to what it considered a rudimentary filtering system. The authority is planning to spend $13.5 million to upgrade the process, which it expects will be needed for the next four years before the GenX levels in the reservoirs untreated water fall below 10 parts per trillion. Efforts to measure progress have been slowed. Test results of water samples from laboratories, which used to be available in about a month, are now taking twice as long. Another challenge is figuring out just how much GenX is too much. While the EPAs health advisory states that exposure to less than 10 parts per trillion does not put people in danger, it does not quantify the risks posed by higher levels. Safety factors calculated into the recommendation take into account people who might be more susceptible to health problems. And the EPA does not recommend the use of bottled water for those exposed to more than 10 parts per trillion. Collectively, this suggests that short term consumption is not as relevant as lifetime consumption, McEvoy said. But when someone is exposed to three or more times the health advisory, as people in the Roanoke region have been, that carries an assumption of increased risk, according to DeWitt, who has published studies on the effects of forever chemicals and served as an external reviewer for the EPA and other government agencies. Research is ongoing to learn more about the health risks posed by PFAS. According to the EPA, peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown an increased risk in a number of areas: liver complications; prostate, kidney and testicular cancers; damage to immune systems; increased cholesterol levels; and impacts to pregnant women that include decreased fertility and high blood pressure. One complicating factor in determining risk is the large number of PFAS and the variety of ways people can be exposed to them. Since the 1950s, the chemicals have been used in the manufacture of a wide range of products that include nonstick cook wear, waterproof clothing, fast food containers, upholstery, carpets, firefighting foams, paints, cosmetics and dental floss. Regulatory response It seems to be taking forever for the federal government to get serious about forever chemicals, critics say. The EPA currently does not have any enforceable regulations to govern the release of GenX and other PFAS a move that would add gravitas to its nonbinding health advisories. More than a year ago, the Biden administration announced plans to impose standards to protect drinking water. But the government is falling behind on its promises, according to the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that promotes legislation and regulatory action to protect the health of humans and the earth. Industries will continue to use these chemicals and toxic poisons until we tell them they cant, Scott Faber, the groups vice president of government affairs, said at a press briefing last week. EWG estimates that more than 200 million Americans are drinking PFAS-contaminated water. The EPA has said it plans to propose rules as soon as possible. Draft regulations are currently being reviewed internally, and a public comment session will be held after the Office of Management and Budget signs off on the plan. Final rules are expected to be in effect by years end. Meanwhile, the agency is facing industry pushback. The Chemours Co., which manufactures GenX and was the source of the contamination in the Roanoke River, has filed a lawsuit that takes issue with the EPAs health advisory. The case, pending before the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, asserts that the EPAs analysis was flawed. The agency disregarded relevant data and incorporated grossly incorrect and overstated exposure assumptions in devising the health advisory, Chemours said in a news release when the case was filed last summer. The company has declined to comment on the situation in Roanoke, other than to say it is cooperating in an investigation by the water authority and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. Last November, the water authority identified the source of pollution as ProChem, a company in Elliston that services industrial water treatment equipment. ProChem was working for Chemours, which was sending equipment from its plant in West Virginia to be cleaned and returned for future use. ProChem said it was not aware that its process was allowing the chemical to enter a sanitary sewer, which eventually led to its release into the South Fork of the Roanoke River. As soon as it suspected a problem, ProChem terminated its contract with Chemours. The company says that its subsequent tests at its Elliston facility showed no evidence of GenX that exceed the health advisory. Levels in the river have also decreased in recent weeks, the authority says, although GenX is still present in water just upstream of the Spring Hollow intake and downstream of a Montgomery County wastewater treatment plant where the effluent entered the river. Once tests show the river is completely GenX-free, pumping to Spring Hollow will resume. Local legislation While calling out the federal government for its slow action in the fight against PFAS, officials with the Environmental Working Group praised some states for implementing their own rules. In Virginia, a Department of Health workgroup has been in place since 2020, overseeing tests of public water systems across the state and studying ways to impose maximum contaminant levels. A report from the group published in late 2021 showed that concentrations of GenX at Spring Hollow which were measured at 57 parts per trillion the previous year were the highest of any forever chemical detected in Virginia. After the EPA issued its health advisory in June 2022, and following tests later that year that that showed the contaminant was also in the Roanoke River, concerns grew at the local level. Two Democratic lawmakers from Roanoke, Del. Sam Rasoul and Sen. John Edwards, introduced bills in the General Assembly. Rasouls legislation, which would require industries like ProChem to test for forever chemicals when they suspect they may be present in their operations, passed the House and Senate unanimously and now goes to the governor for signing. A bill from Edwards, which would have required water authorities to promptly notify their customers when a chemical is detected, was tabled by a House subcommittee. Mark Barker with the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, who has followed the GenX contamination issue closely, says he hopes legislative and regulatory moves will shed more light on the dangers. GenX was created by Chemours as a replacement for a harmful chemical, perfluorooctanoic acid, also known as PFOA, that is now being phased out, Barker said. Will we find out one day that GenX is just as bad as PFOA? he asked. Time will tell. Dear Amy: Two sisters in our extended family have a broken relationship. When they were young their parents brought foster children into the home. The eldest foster child was a boy in his early teens. He began sexually assaulting the younger sister, who was eight. The abuse continued for at least four years. No one in the family was aware of it. The young sister was threatened not to tell anyone. Fast-forward 20 years. The abuse was revealed, and the older sister said that everyone needed to forgive the predator. She opted to keep him in her life, like a brother. The victim no longer trusted her sister, and their relationship was never the same. Now the older sister feels rejected by the family because of her continued support of the predator. She still feels that forgiveness of the predator was the best course, and she cant grasp the depth of her younger sisters hurt. Sixty years have passed, and the entire family is still clouded by this disloyalty. The older sister feels like shes the victim, due to the palpable rejection she feels from everyone else in the family. Is there hope after all this time that trust can be re-established? How should they make amends? They are now all senior citizens, and they could both benefit greatly from each others companionship and love. Your advice? Fractured Family Dear Fractured: The older sister seems to have spent all of her compassion and forgiveness on the man who sexually abused her young and vulnerable sister during much of the girls childhood. Where is her compassion, forgiveness and understanding toward her sister, who suffered as a child and who might continue to suffer? Sexual abuse of a child is the ultimate violation. The older sister does not have the right to claim victimhood, but this might be her way to try to paper over her own guilt and perhaps win sympathy as a way back into the family fold. Your letter highlights the legacy of childhood trauma which, unless addressed in a therapeutic context, will continue to hurt and divide family members possibly into the next generation, when no one will even know the origin story. Both of these sisters are locked into intractable positions. Nothing will change unless they are both inspired and motivated to honestly state their truths. The younger sister should be given space to continue to heal. The elder should be encouraged to understand how her long-ago choice became an important test of trust and loyalty. The sisters may need to return to the painful events of their childhoods and rebuild from there. A family counselor could try to mediate a detente between the two. If you are able to bring them both to the table, youd be helping to forge a new path for your family. Dear Amy: Do you think it normal (or wise) to meet your Facebook friends? My husband arranged a dinner with a friend he met on Facebook through one of his news sites. Hes not happy that I didnt want to attend this meeting. He arranged another dinner with someone who was a member of his fraternity from college. I attended this dinner only to find out they didnt personally know each other! My friends on Facebook are people I know and even if I havent seen them in years, I enjoy their news about family and their activities. To randomly collect friends that you have no personal background with seems desperate and unwise. Concerned Wife Dear Concerned: Any time you personally connect with a stranger, there is some risk involved, but in my opinion, meeting people youve gotten to know online is a natural and positive impulse. Ive done so many times. Meeting someone who was in your fraternity in college is not a random meetup. This is personally connecting with someone with whom you already share some real-world commonality. This is neither desperate nor unwise. It is actually old-school networking. Dear Amy: Thank you for seeing both sides of the question posed by Ive Got a Secret, who was keeping his close friendship with his ex-girlfriend a secret from his former girlfriend. I broke off a long-standing friendship with my former boyfriend because of my current boyfriends jealousy (weve since broken up). It was one of the most painful experiences of my life. Thank you for encouraging openness, and for asserting anyones right to maintain friendships. Still Sad Dear Sad: Its a genuinely tough dynamic, which necessitates honesty and trust. (You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.) Authorities would respond to a major train wreck or other disaster in downtown Roanoke by hustling residents and workers as much as 2 miles away from danger, according to a downtown evacuation plan now under final review before public release. Years in the making, the first-of-its-kind document is expected to be released sometime this year. It is not a response to the Feb. 3 wreck of a Norfolk Southern Corp. train in Ohio, but it figures in safety plans officials have developed for Roanoke, where the railroad also owns and operates trains on local tracks. There is a lot of rail traffic that comes through Roanoke that has hazardous materials on it, said Trevor Shannon, battalion chief for emergency management and community preparedness at Roanoke Fire EMS. The East Palestine, Ohio, incident triggered 11 tank car fires within a populated area, followed by an evacuation order during which crews released and ignited the plastics-making component vinyl choride, creating a gray plume that headlined newspaper front pages and led TV broadcasts. No one has been reported injured or killed. The railroad industry is generally regarded as the safest transportation option for most goods and federal data show accidents involving hazardous materials are exceedingly rare. But with rails crossing through the heart of many cities and towns nationwide, even one hazardous materials accident could be disastrous, especially in a densely populated area. Rail unions believe the industry has gotten riskier in recent years after widespread job cuts left workers spread thin. It raises all kinds of questions, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine told Fox & Friends this week when he was asked whether hazardous materials are too dangerous to transport by rail. Weve seen it up close and personal the last few days, DeWine said. This is a big, big deal. About half of the 4,800 residents in the eastern Ohio town of East Palestine and those in the surrounding area, including parts of Pennsylvania, had to evacuate as officials monitored air and water quality following a controlled burn of chemicals released from damaged tank cars. The evacuation order was lifted after the air was deemed safe. Roanoke region residents and trains have coexisted for more than 170 years. Modern fire departments maintain written incident response plans covering rail, highways, airports and other settings. Agencies in the region have agreements to jointly respond to an incident in any jurisidction and also join forces with state agencies and private contractors. Officials relied on cooperation agreements to handle a release of chlorine gas at Bedfords sewage plant in April 2022. In another recent incident, a crashed Norfolk Southern train spilled coal into the Roanoke River west of Salem in 2020. Shannon, the emergency preparedness lead at the city fire department, had no memory of any recent rail incident in the city posing a severe threat to the public. But forces remain prepared, he said, describing the relationship between his agency and Norfolk Southerns regional point person on hazardous materials safety as fantastic. They havent discussed the Ohio incident yet, but they will, he said. The big question right now is the lessons learned, Shannon said. We certainly look for a conversation to happen on this. Chief activities in the realm of preparedness include training, which will include a tank car leak exercise in June; maintenance of equipment, such as foam dispensing trailers useful for fire suppression and vapors control; networking with private-sector environmental contractors; and review and refinement of written response plans. First responders are equipped to quickly identify the contents of freight cars derailed, toppled or damaged in an incident and can summon hazardous materials crews 24 hours a day, Shannon said. A major incident could require 50 to 75 responders to handle all the needs, he said. Shannon recommended residents register themselves and their contact information with the citys mass communication system, called Star City Alerts, on the citys website. Something like this shows the importance of it, he said in reference to the Ohio incident. Officials would use the alert system, social media, traditional media and if needed a public address system to inform residents that an incident has occurred and provide instructions. Officials might seek to evacuate people to between 500 feet and 2 miles away from hazards, he said. Officials have worked for several years on a downtown evacuation plan expected to be released this year, he said. Asked to describe a successful evacuation of downtown, Shannon said that would be difficult to do, given a diversity of possible circumstances. I would like to say within a few hours we would have everybody out. It would be a challenge, he said. Ian Jefferies, head of the Association of American Railroads trade group, said 99.9% of all hazardous materials shipments reach their destinations safely. According to Federal Railroad Administration data, hazardous chemicals were released during 11 train accidents nationwide last year, out of roughly 535 million miles, with only two injuries reported. In the past decade, releases of hazardous materials peaked at 20 in both 2018 and 2020. Railroads are the safest form of moving goods across land in the country without question, Jefferies said. But railroads are also working to drive toward zero incidents. Railroads try to route hazardous materials shipments on the safest path. Most of the worst derailments in recent years happened in rural areas, but in 2013 a derailment in Canada killed 47 people in the town of Lac-Megantic and caused millions of dollars in damage. A 2005 derailment in Graniteville, South Carolina, killed nine people and injured more than 250 after toxic chlorine gases were released. Hazardous materials account for about 7% to 8% of the 30 million shipments that railroads deliver across the country every year. But because of the way railroads mix freight together, at least a couple cars of hazardous materials can be found on nearly any train besides grain or coal trains. Railroads are a very safe form of transportation from a standpoint of statistics, said professor David Clarke, who previously led the Center for Transportation Research at the University of Tennessee. That doesnt mean that youre never going to have an accident. That would be unrealistic for any type of transportation to have zero accidents. Some say thats not enough. An East Palestine business owner and two other residents sued Norfolk Southern in federal court on Tuesday, alleging negligence. Among other things, the lawsuit says the railroad failed to maintain and inspect its tracks and rail cars, failed to provide appropriate employee training, and failed to reasonably warn the public. Mehdi Ahmadian, who holds a chair in mechanical engineering and directs Virginia Techs Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety, said he wanted to discourage those following the story from concluding fault lies with the railroad. Preliminary investigation pointed to evidence of an axle bearing becoming overheated before the incident, he said. I have not seen anything that indicates that Norfolk Southern broke any laws relative to the accident that happened in Ohio, Ahmadian said. In his work, Ahmadian seeks to advance train and track monitoring. Systems are already in place that detect hot bearings and alert the operator of the train and dispatcher. The tracks in downtown Roanoke probably have the technology, he said. Its been in place for a long, long time, probably more than two or three decades, he said. Norfolk Southern did not respond to a request for specific information about its Roanoke-area operations, including for a description of the train traffic carrying hazardous materials. Its media relations department, which communicates with reporters only through email, sent a statement that called employee and community safety its number one priority. The statement said the company prepares for hazardous materials spills, calling them extremely rare. As a common carrier, Norfolk Southern is required by law to carry a variety of materials used by businesses to manufacture goods, the statement said. Rail cars, which can hold much more material than trucks carrying the same items, are built, maintained and inspected to standards set by the Association of American Railroads and the Federal Railroad Administration. Greg Regan, president of the AFL-CIOs Transportation Trades Department coalition, said he worries the chances of a catastrophic derailment are increasing because major freight railroads have eliminated roughly one-third of their workers over the past six years. Companies have shifted to running fewer, longer trains and say they dont need as many crews, mechanics and locomotives. Before those operating changes, Regan said inspectors used to have about two minutes to inspect every railcar. Now they only get roughly 30 to 45 seconds to check each car. Signalmen who maintain rail crossing guards and safety signals along the tracks also have bigger territories, making it harder to keep up with preventative maintenance. Theyre really just trying to squeeze as much productivity out of these workers as they can, Regan said. And when youre focused on timing and rushing, unfortunately sometimes things can fall through the cracks. Professor Allan Zarembski, who leads the University of Delawares Rail Engineering and Safety Program, said railroads are continually working to improve safety and prevent derailments. Railroads are developing new acoustic detectors being placed along tracks to signal if a mechanical bearing is about to fail. Heat sensors also have been in place for years to spot overheating bearings, which is one of the most common causes of an axle failure, Zarembski said. Railroads and the shipping companies that own tank cars also have been steadily improving them to reduce the chances they will rupture in a derailment. Railroads also invest about $24 billion per year in maintaining and improving tracks to help prevent problems. SIOUX CITY -- Over the last two years, Chaeli Hanna-Kohn, a Sioux City potter, has created around 500 clay trinket trays in the shapes of Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. The trays, which she stamps with local area codes, zip codes or the word "home," are exclusively sold at Sioux City Gifts, a shop on Pierce Street that sells the wares of various local artisans. Hanna-Kohn said the trays are among the most popular items she makes. "It's a fun gift to send to someone so they remember where their roots are," she said of the trays, which have been used to store loose change and hold party dips and candles. Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn shapes a piece of clay into a pot in the studio at her rural Sioux City home. Hanna-Kohn creates both functional and Hanna-Kohn discovered her love of making things out of clay when she was a student at East High School. She worked at Hy-Vee in the bakery and meat department for 20 years, before making pottery her fulltime job in 2014. Hanna-Kohn owns Shady Grove Pottery. Hanna-Kohn encourages other artists to "never give up" on their dreams. A framed felt letter board setting on a wooden shelf in Hanna-Kohn's home studio, beside functional stoneware, fittingly states, "Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." Hanna-Kohn's days are spent in her bright studio throwing or hand building bowls, mugs, vases, wall hangings, decorative pieces, Raku pottery and more. "I might sit down and make two dozen mugs and throw those forms. And, then, they have to set up to be leather-hard before you can handle them without distorting them," said Hanna-Kohn, who could spend half an hour to an hour forming a mug, depending on how decorative it is. Then, there's drying, bisque firing, glazing and glaze firing. Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn A freshly-shaped trinket tray is shown in Chaeli Hanna-Kohn's studio. Hanna-Kohn said she draws her inspiration from the colors and textures of nature. Her favorite pieces are functional. "I think my favorite part is that it can be useful every day, if it's that favorite coffee mug that you're reaching for," she said. "It's fun to stay in the studio and work and just do whatever you want. But, on the artistic side, you still have to design something that is going to appeal to other people." Hanna-Kohn's trinket trays in the forms of the tri-states have become popular additions to gift baskets. She said Iowa is the best-selling state, followed by South Dakota. Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn shapes clay on a wheel in the studio at her rural Sioux City home. Hanna-Kohn creates both functional and decorative pieces. Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn removes a cookie cutter from a slab of clay while creating a trinket tray in the studio at her rural Sioux City home. After rolling out a slab of clay, Hanna-Kohn cuts out each state with a cookie cutter and uses an anvil to shape the tray. Although the trays are on the smaller side, measuring roughly 4x6 inches, and aren't as detailed as some of her other pieces, challenges do arise when making them. "The clay has memory. It always wants to go back to that original form that you rolled it out into," she said. "If they dry too fast, or, even if there's a particle in the clay that it doesn't like, it's going to warp." Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn creates both functional and decorative pieces, including a line of popular state-shaped trinket trays that are sold a Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn Glazes and tools are shown in Chaeli Hanna-Kohn's studio. Potter Chaeli Hanna-Kohn Pottery is shown in Chaeli Hanna-Kohn's studio in her rural Sioux City home. Hanna-Kohn creates both functional and decorative pieces, includi DES MOINES Selling off some state-owned land should be fairly easy. But reducing the state government office footprint in Des Moines, or standardizing community-based corrections programs under the state umbrella, could prove more difficult. Those are among the assessments in a 68-page report by a Virginia-based consulting firm hired by Gov. Kim Reynolds and paid nearly $1 million to analyze and make recommendations for the governors proposal to realign and streamline state government. The consultant, Guidehouse, recommended reducing the number of state departments with directors who report directly to the governor from 37 to 16. The firms report says that streamlining plus other recommended changes and moves could save Iowa state government nearly $215 million over four years. The Guidehouse report was the basis for Reynolds sweeping legislative proposal to realign state government, a massive bill that is nearly 1,600 pages. The current structure of executive branch under the control of the governor presents a rich opportunity to realign and streamline the organization to better serve the people of Iowa and continue excellent stewardship of taxpayer dollars, the Guidehouse report says. A realigned state government will enable the governor to continue to prioritize a government that is efficient and effective; responsive and accountable; citizen-focused; built on leading practices and data-driven decision making; ensuring Iowas economic prosperity. Guidehouse was paid $994,000 by the state, which selected the firm under a competitively bid master agreement between the state of New York and Guidehouse, according to the governors office. To fund the project, the governors office used federal pandemic relief funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, which Reynolds publicly opposed when it was approved by Congress and President Joe Biden in 2021. Guidehouse has not previously been contracted by Iowa state government, but the firm says on its website that it has served 45 state governments in customer and citizen engagement, cybersecurity, program management, grant management, sustainability and workforce planning. On its website, firm says it offers federal and state governments a unique combination of public sector analysis and practical experience, and its experts insights help government officials simplify complex procurement processes and produce efficient, optimal outcomes. Guidehouse has been on Bloomberg Governments list of the top federal contractors in consecutive years, ranked 64th in the most recent Bloomberg report with more than $1.2 billion in contracts for the year. Guidehouse in 2021 came under scrutiny for its role in operating New Yorks $2.4 billion rental assistance program, for which it was awarded a $115 million, no-bid contract by former Gov. Andrew Cuomo. New Yorks program was plagued by delays and glitches early on, then ran out of funds, sparking a lawsuit from groups that advocate for tenants. In 2022, the Washington Post reported that the chief executive officer of Guidehouse told its employees that the company made a 38 percent margin on its contract with New York. The company in a statement said the CEO misspoke, saying the figure represented pre-expenses calculations and that the companys profit margin was more in line with its historic averages of 13 to 16 percent. Guidehouse will not operate any government functions as part of its contract with Iowa. Its role in Reynolds government reorganization plan is purely for consulting and making recommendations, the governors office said. The contract called for Guidehouse to assist in development and implementation of a more efficient organizational structure for the delivery of state government programs and services under the direction of the governor, and to identify and recommend operational efficiencies and cost savings, according to the task order with the state. The contract with Guidance ended Dec. 19, 2022, according to the task order. Reynolds announced her proposal during her Condition of the State address Jan. 10, and the legislation was introduced Feb. 1. Detractors of the proposal, including Democratic state lawmakers, have criticized the process, saying Guidehouse consulted only with top-level state officials, not with those who run programs at the community level or who lead state boards and commissions. During its process, Guidehouse worked with a variety of executive branch staff to gather and collect information for the report, including agency heads, senior staff and other technical and programmatic experts within departments, a spokesman for the governors office told The Gazette. In its report, Guidehouse projects with what degree of ease each broad recommendation may be achieved. Guidehouse projects selling state-owned lands near prisons and recovering $3 million in Medicaid prescription drug rebates from the federal government will be very easy. Realigning state workers, creating a more uniform technology system across state government, and securing more federal Medicaid funding will be moderately easy. Reducing the executive branchs state office footprint in Des Moines and standardizing community-based corrections programs as they are shifted to the state corrections department will have a low level of ease in other words, they likely will prove difficult. While the report does not make it a formal recommendation for the initial state government reorganization, it suggests that in the future the state should consider the privatization of some state entities as a cost-saving measure. It lists as potential candidates for privatization Iowa PBS, the Iowa Communications Network, the State Historical Museum and the Volunteer Iowa program. Twin bills carrying Reynolds proposal, Senate Study Bill 1123 and House Study Bill 126, have been advancing through the legislative process on the support of Reynolds fellow Republicans. In the Senate, the bill has cleared the committee phase of the legislative process and is eligible for consideration and debate by the full Iowa Senate. DES MOINES Hundreds of Iowans did not get their correct federal tax refund due to a clerical error by the state revenue department, the department confirmed Friday, and state money will be used to fix the mistake. A spokesman for the Iowa Department of Revenue said the department in January sent a file to the IRS that contained incorrect data for some Iowa taxpayers. Once the error was discovered, a corrected file was sent to the IRS. But in the meantime, as a result of the error, roughly 300 Iowans who had filed their 2022 federal tax returns did not receive the correct federal refund this year, the spokesman said. The state revenue department has begun refunding the correct amount to those taxpayers, using state funds, and is confirming errors and working with affected taxpayers to resolve the issue, the spokesman said. We apologize for these errors and are working diligently to make it right as quickly as we can, said department spokesman John Fuller. Fuller did not immediately have the total dollar amount of state funds needed to address the error. WOI-TV in Des Moines first reported the error Thursday. Last fall, the Iowa Department of Revenue failed to notice a legislative oversight to amend state law to account for property tax changes signed into law in 2013 and 2021. As a result, the department issued an erroneous calculation, which local governments use to set their property tax rates. If left unfixed, that would have left residential property owners on the hook for about $130 million more in taxes than they should have under the laws original intent. Gov. Kim Reynolds and state lawmakers earlier this month approved a fix, which also creates a shortfall in expected revenue for cities, counties, school boards and other local taxing entities, which are in the throes of finalizing their fiscal 2024 budgets. Hundreds of Thousands March Against Judicial Reform in Israel Hundreds of Thousands March Against Judicial Reform in Israel Hundreds of thousands of people have participated in yet another mass protest against the Israeli government's controversial judicial reform, Israeli media report. 2023-02-25T22:04+0000 2023-02-25T22:04+0000 2023-02-26T01:39+0000 world israel tel aviv protest judicial reform israeli knesset /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content The protesters gathered across Israel on Saturday evening, The Jerusalem Post reported, saying that the major demonstration saw hundreds of thousands of participants. The Times of Israel said that an estimated 130,000 - 160,000 demonstrators gathered in Tel Aviv alone on Saturday, and tens of thousands more around the country. The protesters took to Kaplan Interchange, near the government complex, The Jerusalem Post said.At least 21 protesters were arrested on the Ayalon Highway on Saturday and roads in Tel Aviv were blocked for hours, according to The Jerusalem Post.On Tuesday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tuerk expressed concern that the judicial reform pushed by the Israeli government may negatively impact the rights of vulnerable groups in the country and urged the suspension of the initiative. On Monday, the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, approved the first part of the judicial reform in the first reading. The reform will limit the authority of the Supreme Court by giving the cabinet control over the selection of new judges, as well as allowing the Knesset to override the court's rulings with an absolute majority. The voting in the Knesset took place amid mass protests across the country that have been held for eight consecutive weeks. The reform's opponents argue it will undermine democracy in Israel and put the country on the verge of a social and constitutional crisis. The current Israeli judicial system has been in place since the establishment of the state in 1948. In accordance with this system, the Supreme Court provides constitutional oversight, since Israel does not have a constitution and a constitutional court. Government decisions are largely controlled by the Supreme Court, which can overrule them if necessary. israel tel aviv Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International israel, protest, judicial reform, supreme court, knesset Zelensky Reportedly Plans to Send His Weapons Wishlist to Washington Zelensky Reportedly Plans to Send His Weapons Wishlist to Washington Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is planning to send a list of weapons needed by Kiev to the Unites States, which may include F-16 fighter jets, American media reported, citing sources. 2023-02-26T06:38+0000 2023-02-26T06:38+0000 2023-02-26T06:42+0000 russia's special operation in ukraine ukrainian crisis volodymyr zelensky us ukraine weapons /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content Zelensky held a meeting with US House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul in Kiev earlier this week, where the president said he would provide the US "delegation with the list of the weapons Ukraine needs to win," which included F-16 fighters for "speeding up" the end of the conflict, the report said. Meanwhile, a top US military commander reiterated to a group of Republican lawmakers, who have been divided over the issue of arms supplies to Kiev, how necessary it would be to deliver F-16 fighters and longer-range missiles to the Ukrainian military, media reported. Kiev has long been asking the US and other NATO allies for F-16 fighter jets to use against Russia. A US media outlet reported in January, citing sources, that a group of US military officials was quietly lobbying the delivery of F-16s to Kiev and that it was gathering momentum in the US Defense Department amid Ukraine's preparations for a planned offensive this spring. ukraine Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, zelensky demands weapons, zelensky pleads for weapons, us pumps ukraine with weapons Belarus Says Ukrainian Media Spreading Lies About Cross-Border Shooting Belarus Says Ukrainian Media Spreading Lies About Cross-Border Shooting MINSK (Sputnik) - The Belarusian border agency warned on Sunday that Ukrainian media had been spreading disinformation about a shootout on their shared border... 26.02.2023, Sputnik International 2023-02-26T20:30+0000 2023-02-26T20:30+0000 2023-02-26T20:30+0000 world ukraine belarus border patrol /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content "Several internet sources have referenced Ukrainian media that alleged that a cross-border shooting happened at the border with Ukraine on February 25," State Border Committee spokesperson Anton Bychkovsky told Sputnik. Separately, the chief of the information and analysis department at the general staff of the Belarusian armed forces said on Sunday that the country would revise its defense posture to designate organizations calling for war in Belarus as a national security risk. Artyom Butorin told state news channel STV that the draft marked transition from the concept of a security risk as a combination of factors to a more nuanced approach that included "terrorist organizations promoting civil war in Belarus" as well as "traitors" and "saboteurs." ukraine belarus Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International ukraine, belarus, border patrol Berlin Police Look On as Vandals Destroy Flower Tributes Outside Russian Embassy Berlin Police Look On as Vandals Destroy Flower Tributes Outside Russian Embassy German police presence did not deter vandals from trampling all over flower tributes adorning a Russian tank outside the country's embassy in Berlin on Sunday. 2023-02-26T16:05+0000 2023-02-26T16:05+0000 2023-02-26T16:05+0000 world germany russia ukraine vandalism vandals /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content "Those who destroy flowers cannot be good people. Apparently, they want there to be war in Berlin again," a German passer-by said in a comment to a Sputnik correspondent. The flowers were laid on the tank by German pacifists, tens of thousands of whom rallied near Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate on Saturday. They called on the German government to stop arming Ukraine and nudge it and Russia toward a ceasefire and a lasting peace deal. Berliners who tried to replace flowers on the tank were stopped by Wieland Giebel, from the Berlin Story Bunker museum, who had helped transport the T-72 tank to the German capital last year to have it installed in front of the Russian embassy. Giebel put up a fence around what he called his "exhibit," saying there would be no flowers if Ukrainians did not want them. germany russia ukraine Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International germans against arming ukraine, russian embassy in berlin, russian tank in berlin vandalized CIA Chief Claims Iran Has Made No Decision on Resumption of Nuclear Weapon Program CIA Chief Claims Iran Has Made No Decision on Resumption of Nuclear Weapon Program WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States does not think that Tehran is resuming its nuclear weapon program, US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) chief William... 26.02.2023, Sputnik International 2023-02-26T05:15+0000 2023-02-26T05:15+0000 2023-02-26T05:15+0000 world iran us nuclear program iranian nuclear program cia /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content "We don't believe that the Supreme Leader in Iran has yet made a decision to resume the weaponization program that we judge that they suspended or stopped at the end of 2003," Burns said in an interview with a US broadcaster. Earlier this month, a US media outlet reported, citing senior diplomatic sources, that international atomic monitors in Iran had found uranium enriched to 84% of purity, which is the highest level detected by inspectors in the country so far and just 6% below what is needed for the production of nuclear weapons. In late January, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi said that Iran had failed to provide the IAEA with explanations on a number of issues. Grossi accused Tehran of violating agreements under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). In 2015, Iran signed the JCPOA, also known as the Iran nuclear deal, with the P5+1 group of countries (the United States, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom - plus Germany) and the European Union. It required Iran to scale back its nuclear program and severely downgrade its uranium reserves in exchange for sanctions relief, including lifting the arms embargo five years after the deal's adoption. In 2018, the US abandoned its conciliatory stance on Iran, withdrawing from the JCPOA and implementing hard-line policies against Tehran, prompting Iran to largely abandon its obligations under the accord. In April 2021, the parties to the agreement, together with the United States, began negotiations to restore the nuclear deal, working in Vienna. In December 2021, the JCPOA parties agreed on two drafts of a new deal, but there has been no final agreement. At the end of December, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said that the text of the revived deal was ready for signing, but Washington's "procrastination" was stopping the deal from being finalized. iran Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International iran, us, nuclear program, iranian nuclear program, cia Officials have identified a 25-year-old man from California who was found dead at West Rock Ridge State Park late Friday after conservation police responded to reports of a fall, according to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Martin DeJesus Flores, of Woodbridge, Calif., died in the fall, DEEP announced Saturday. A spokesperson for DEEP said that there didnt appear to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding the fall. The incident was still under investigation as of late Saturday, DEEP said. Environmental Conservation Police were dispatched to West Rock Ridge State Park at about 6 p.m. Feb. 24 after a call from Hamden police. Following a search, DeJesus Flores was found and was declared dead on the scene, the spokesperson said. The cause and manner of DeJesus Flores death had not yet been released by the medical examiners office. Elections in Nigeria: How Africa's Most Populous Country Decides its Future Elections in Nigeria: How Africa's Most Populous Country Decides its Future Yesterday, Nigeria held general elections voting for both the parliament members and next president. A total of 18 candidates are running for presidential election this year. 2023-02-26T11:42+0000 2023-02-26T11:42+0000 2023-02-26T13:17+0000 africa west africa nigeria general election presidential election parliamentary elections president vice president polling voting /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content With voting officially over, Nigeria's electoral commission is gradually publishing partial results from various local governments and states. According to the initial results, three political parties and their respective presidential candidates are frontrunners vying to lead Africa's largest economy. These three parties, namely the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Labour Party (LP) are taking turns leading in the polls, at times being neck and neck as the results from some polling units showed. The president in Nigeria is elected through a modified two-round system. To win, a candidate must get the most votes, but also secure 25% in two-thirds of Nigeria's 36 states. If no candidate passes this threshold, a runoff election will take place within 21 days between the two frontrunners. Voters also cast their ballot for the country's two houses of parliament, the National Assembly and Senate.As the polling stations closed and people waited for the final results to be revealed with great anticipation, Sputnik takes a look at these elections in more detail. What's New About 2023 ElectionsOne significant difference from previous elections is the size of the electorate, with ten million more people registered to vote in comparison with 2019, including many young voters. According to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), about 93 million are registered, however, only 87 million managed to collect the necessary documents to cast their ballots, in particular, Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs), without which no one is allowed to vote. Another big difference is that for the first time since the military rule ended, a third serious candidate appeared to challenge the dominance of the two Nigerian main parties - APC and PDP. The country's politics have been dominated by these parties for years. The ruling APC is represented at the elections by former Lagos governor and influential political figure Bola Tinubu. His rival, PDP candidate and former vice president Atiku Abubakar, is on his sixth bid for the position. A third-party candidate this year in the race to succeed President Muhammadu Buhari is Peter Obi from the Labour Party, who is largely supported by the younger urban population. New voting technology introduced this year makes the election even more different. Local media reported that INEC is more prepared than in 2019 as it took some vigorous measures to cut down on rigging. In particular, it implemented biometric voter IDs in order to prevent election fraud, while results are being transmitted electronically. Election Day: Delays & Security Issues The elections were generally peaceful despite some incidents that reportedly resulted in minor disruptions and delays in various polling units across the country. Polling stations were scheduled to open at 08:30 am, however, some of them failed to do so as election officials were late or voter ID technology disrupted voting. In the centers where voting machines malfunctioned, voters were told to return later. Thus, they had to wait in lines till the time when the stations were about to close. During a press briefing later on Saturday, the country's electoral chief Mahmood Yakubu apologized for the disruptions, saying that everyone who was in a queue by 02:00 pm would be allowed to cast their vote, even though the election was officially supposed to be over by then.Nigerians shared their experience from voting on social media throughout the day. The citizens posted photos of their fingers stained with special ink used to prevent double voting. The government took serious precautions to avoid unrest on election day. The streets of major cities were mostly calm during the day, as traffic was restricted. Land borders were also closed to ensure the "elections are free, fair and devoid of anomalies," according to the Nigeria Immigration Service. Nevertheless, the electoral chief noted that the election process was disrupted in some areas due to insecurity as armed men attacked polling units in the southern state of Delta and Katsina State in the north. However, security guards took control of the situation and ensured that voting continued. There were also reports of attacks and ballot boxes being carted away in Nigeria's biggest city of Lagos. Meanwhile in Borno state, north-eastern Nigeria, jihadists opened fire on electoral officials, injuring several of them. Attacks on polling stations can't be considered as something new and outstanding to be witnessed during election days in the country. Nigeria is now suffering from insurgent violence as militant groups, who mostly operate in the northeastern region, carry out attacks and kidnappings, targeting rural communities, as well as INEC offices and police. Awaiting Political Statements & ResultsBefore the announcement of official results it's hard to speculate on who will be the winner and the next president of Nigeria. The main candidates all shared that they've participated in the polling, posting pictures of them casting votes on their social media accounts.Incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari even revealed his choice, saying that he voted for his party's candidate Bola Tinubu. Buhari himself is now serving his second and final term, and is constitutionally barred from running for the election. For his part, Tinubu told reporters after casting a vote that he is confident of victory, underlining that "democracy is here to stay" in Nigeria. He also noted that the voting process was "going smoothly." Peter Obi also confirmed that the electoral process was supposedly smooth. According to local media, many opinion polls gave him a substantial lead as this candidate run an effective campaign. His numerous supporters on social media stated after voting that they had exercised their right as "OBIdient" citizens to make better Nigeria "POssible". However, the reports mostly note that it would be difficult for him to convert virtual support seen on social media into enough votes against his powerful rivals. PDP's candidate Atiku Abubakar, for his part, urged Nigerians to do their part and "participate in shaping the future of our dear country."Even though the electoral commission has given no specific timeline, votes are expected to be tallied within several days with results to be announced in up to five days. Some of the counts and the turnout will be known much earlier. INEC began uploading data to its portal around 10:45 pm local time on election evening. africa west africa nigeria Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Maria Konokhova Maria Konokhova News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Maria Konokhova west africa, nigeria, presidential elections, polling station, general election, presidential candidates German MP Says Western Governments Lie to People About True Purpose of Ukraine Conflict German MP Says Western Governments Lie to People About True Purpose of Ukraine Conflict Western officials are employing Orwellian methods when trying to convince voters that tanks would bring peace to Ukraine and the purpose of fighting is allegedly to protect Western values, Sahra Wagenknecht, member of German parliament from the left-wing Die Linke party, said. 2023-02-26T10:33+0000 2023-02-26T10:33+0000 2023-02-26T10:33+0000 russia's special operation in ukraine ukrainian crisis us arms for ukraine /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content UK novelist George Orwell's most well-known dystopia about totalitarianism and propaganda is "1984." The purpose of the Ukraine conflict is not to defend any values but to expand US and NATO influence under the pretext of "solidarity with Ukraine." The German politician said "part of the truth" was the fact that Israeli- and Turkish-mediated peace talks in 2022 had failed "not because of Russia." Still, she urged Moscow to signal its readiness to negotiate now. On Saturday, thousands rallied near Berlin's Brandenburg Gate to demand that Germany help bring a peace process forward between Ukraine and Russia, instead of funneling deadly weapons to Kiev. The "Peace Rally" was organized by Die Linke, which estimated attendance at more than 50,000 people. Protesters were seen waving peace flags and holding up placards that read, "Make Peace, Without Weapons" and "Diplomacy Instead of Arms Deliveries." In the protest's manifesto, the left-wing party demanded that Chancellor Olaf Scholz "stop the escalation of weapons deliveries" and focus instead on promoting a ceasefire and peace negotiations to avoid a third world war. A petition launched by Wagenknecht on the website this month has been signed by almost 650,000 people. Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International west pumps ukraine with weapons, western militarising ukraine, nato expansion, anti-russia stance Hurricane Ian Possibly Helped to Find Debris of 200-year-old SS Savannah Hurricane Ian Possibly Helped to Find Debris of 200-year-old SS Savannah Experts may have managed to find the flotsam of SS Savannah with the help of nature. It was the first ship with a mechanical engine to cross the ocean, but he sank near Long Island in 1821. 2023-02-26T01:38+0000 2023-02-26T01:38+0000 2023-02-26T01:38+0000 science & tech us savannah discovery ship /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content Last autumn, a four-metre-long shipwreck washed up on Fire Island when Hurricane Ian struck the Atlantic coast of America. At the time, experts were still unable to identify the fragment.Indirect evidence suggests that the find may be a fragment of the ship Savannah, which was wrecked in 1821. Since then, researchers have not been able to find anything that can be unequivocally linked to the famous ship.The wreckage's wooden pegs driven into the ship's planks to secure them together, and spikes, dated back to 1820, suggest a ship of roughly 30 meters.The Savannah is an American sailing and steam vessel, which was started to be built in 1818. The following spring, the Savannah made her maiden voyage. The ship became well known after crossing the Atlantic Ocean from the USA to Great Britain to the Russian Empire and back again. savannah Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Egor Shapovalov Egor Shapovalov News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Egor Shapovalov ian hurricane, ss savannah, wreckage of savannah, last navy findings, fire island Ironclad Ties? Why EU Avoids Sanctioning Russia's Nuclear Sector Ironclad Ties? Why EU Avoids Sanctioning Russia's Nuclear Sector Hungary revealed on Saturday that it would have vetoed the European Union's 10th package of sanctions against Moscow if they had contained restrictions... 26.02.2023, Sputnik International 2023-02-26T13:31+0000 2023-02-26T13:31+0000 2023-04-12T17:05+0000 analysis europe nuclear power sanctions us sanctions eu sanctions russia rosatom hungary western europe /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content Earlier this week, the EU approached a new package of sanctions against Russia over the latter's special operation to demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine, which started on February 24, 2022.The tenth batch is targets 87 Russian nationals and 34 entities, including financial institutions, the Russian Defense Ministry and intelligence agency SVR, the Khrunichev state space research center, and the Rossiya Segodnya media group.However, Russia's nuclear industry has not been included in the blacklist. Despite phasing out and banning Russia's major energy commodities such as oil, petroleum products, gas and coal, the European bloc seems to be unwilling to ban atomic energy.Head of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office Gergely Gulyas put it straight on Saturday: when asked at a briefing in what way the new EU sanctions target Russian nuclear power, Gulyas replied, "In no way, otherwise we would have vetoed them."Budapest has a good reason to say so: Hungary's Paks nuclear power plant, equipped with four Russian-built VVER 440 reactors, reportedly generate about half of the country's power and receive specific nuclear fuel from Russia.Hungary is not the only EU country exploiting Russia's nuclear reactors: in fact there are about 18 Russia-designed reactors in the bloc. The list of countries which have Russian-made nuclear equipment includes Slovakia, Hungary, Finland, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic. Those who have collaborated with Rosatom over the past two decades include France, Sweden, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands (as per Greenpeace).Western mainstream media has already bemoaned the fact that the EU-Russia nuclear cooperation is "the habit Europe just cant break."According to the EUs Euratom Supply Agency (ESA), in 2021, Russia's Rosatom nuclear corporation supplied the union's reactors with 20% of their natural uranium and provided the bloc with a considerable amount of conversion and enrichment services."Deliveries of separative work from Russia to EU utilities accounted for 31% of total deliveries, an 8% increase from the year before," the ESA analysis read. As for mining origin, Niger, Kazakhstan, Russia, Australia and Canada together provided 96% of the natural uranium delivered to the EU, the agency specified. Meanwhile, in 2021, EU member states spent 210 million on raw uranium imports from Russia.Rosatom's global outreach is continuing to grow, while in the EU, the value of Russia's nuclear exports rose in a number of EU states, including Slovakia, Hungary and Finland, according to research from the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) obtained by Politico.ESA pointed out that the EU is determined to bring its dependence on Russia's atomic energy to an end: "Diversification options are also important for Member States currently dependent on Russia for nuclear fuel for their reactors serving either power generation or non-power uses. This requires working within the EU and with international partners to secure alternative sources of uranium and boosting the conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication capacities available in Europe or in EUs global partners."However, it will take time and effort to diversify Russia's atomic-related supplies. For instance, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic have inked contracts with US firm Westinghouse to replace the Russian fuel but the transition process could take at least three years. When it comes to the diversification of enrichment and conversion services it could take seven to ten years, according to ESA head Agnieszka Kazmierczak, as quoted by western media.At the same time, this month a new Mochovce-3 Soviet VVER-design reactor came online in Slovakia. Earlier, TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom and the Slovak power generation company Slovenske elektrarne a.s. signed a contract for the supply of nuclear fuel to nuclear power plants in Slovakia for 2022-2026 with the possibility of a contract extension to 2030.Likewise, Hungary is deepening its ties with Russia: in August 2022, Budapest issued an authorization to Rosatom to construct two new nuclear reactors in the country.What's more, while the EU can justify abandoning Russia's fossil fuels by its ambitious green initiatives, nuclear power is considered by many to be quite green and, above all, more reliable than most renewables, including solar, wind, hydro, biofuels and others. "We need steep decarbonization to fight climate change and nuclear power can help us get there," as Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, announced in April 2021. russia hungary western europe central europe ukraine Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Ekaterina Blinova Ekaterina Blinova News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Ekaterina Blinova eu's 10th package of sanctions, eu does not ban russian nuclear power, rosatom, hungary's vver reactors, russian nuclear fuel still come to eu, why eu cannot bar russian nuclear fuel, russian uranium, rosatom enrichment services, slovakia's new vver reactor, hungary expanding nuclear cooperation with russia, nuclear power is green, fossil fuels Italians Rally for Peace in Ukraine Italians Rally for Peace in Ukraine ROME (Sputnik) - A rally against Western sanctions imposed on Russia and Italys weapons supplies to Ukraine was held in the Italian capital of Rome, a Sputnik... 26.02.2023, Sputnik International 2023-02-26T03:13+0000 2023-02-26T03:13+0000 2023-03-05T11:00+0000 world protest ukraine rome italy /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content About a hundred demonstrators gathered in the Santi Apostoli square in the center of Rome on Saturday. Some were calling for Italys withdrawal from the European Union and NATO, others were protesting against the government of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The demonstrators believe that Romes pro-EU policy and confrontation with Russia have led to detrimental economic consequences for the Italian population, which is now suffering because of Washingtons plan to deprive Europe of such a reliable energy supplier as Russia. Rallies against the Ukraine conflict were held in several other Italian cities on Saturday. In Genoa, more than 2,000 people took to the streets; protesters calling for peace in Ukraine also gathered in Pisa, Milan, Florence, and Lecce. ukraine rome italy Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International protest, ukraine, rome, italy Wagner Group Fighters Already in Bakhmuts Center - Adviser to DPR Head Units of the Wagner Group private military company (PMC) are fighting in the center of Bakhmut (Artemivsk) and all approaches to the city are controlled by Russian forces, Igor Kimakovsky, an adviser to Denis Pushilin, the acting head of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), told Sputnik. "Forward detachments of PMC Wagner are already fighting in the center of Artyomovsk," Kimakovsky said, clarifying that it is still premature to talk about the encirclement of the city. According to the DPR head's adviser, Ukrainian troops are trying to deliver equipment to the city, but are suffering heavy losses. "All roads are basically under our fire control. But for the time being, they can move their forces and equipment along one more route: Chasov Yar [Chasiv Yar] - Artyomovsk," Kimakovsky told Sputnik. Last Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry said that the village of Paraskoviivka located near the city of Bakhmut was brought under the complete control of the Russian armed forces. Yan Gagin, an advisor to the acting head of DPR, said on Wednesday that Ukrainian troops were most likely going to surrender the city "soon enough." Kimakovsky told Sputnik on Saturday night that Ukrainian troops had blown up a dam near Bakhmut, to slow down the Russian offensive and force civilians to leave the city. He suggested that the move could also mean that Ukrainians were preparing to abandon Bakhmut to the Russian forces and were getting "desperate." Maslenitsa in Nikola-Lenivets is Something to See Maslenitsa in Nikola-Lenivets is Something to See Rooted in ancient Slavic tradition, Maslenitsa is a holiday celebrated by orthodox Christians during the week before Great Lent, which has retained a number of... 26.02.2023, Sputnik International 2023-02-26T12:43+0000 2023-02-26T12:43+0000 2023-02-26T12:44+0000 multimedia photo maslenitsa russia tradition /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content Every year, art lovers gather in the Nikola-Lenivets Art Park in Russia's Kaluga region to celebrate Maslenitsa. This year, organizers burned a 19-meter object called the Fourth Wall, which was built from branches, old pallets and construction debris. Traditionally, Maslenitsa culminates by burning straw dummies (effigies of Maslenitsa) that symbolize winter: the ancient Slavs believed that by burning the effigy they shooshed away winter and got ready to embrace spring. As one of Nikola-Lenivets celebrations organizers claimed, burning of the "Fourth Wall" implies the "destruction of borders, both external and internal."Explore Sputnik's photo gallery to learn more! russia Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International , photo, maslenitsa, russia, tradition Nearly 60 Dead in Brazil Following Heavy Floods, Landslides Nearly 60 Dead in Brazil Following Heavy Floods, Landslides Heavy rains, flooding and landslides in Brazils state of Sao Paulo have resulted in nearly 60 deaths, Brazilian media report. 2023-02-26T02:10+0000 2023-02-26T02:10+0000 2023-02-26T02:10+0000 world brazil floods landslide /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content On Friday, Brazilian media reported that the death toll stood at 54, with 53 of the fatalities registered in the municipality of Sao Sebastiao. The Brazilian G1 news portal reported on Saturday that the death toll was up to 59. The search and rescue operation has been underway for seven days with over 150 specialists involved. According to Sao Paulo authorities, over 760 people were left without homes in the region due to floods and landslides that occurred last weekend, and 1,730 people have been evacuated from the affected areas. Sao Paulo Governor Tarcisio Gomes de Freitas has declared a state of emergency in several municipalities. On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin extended his condolences to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva over the deadly floods that hit Sao Paulo. brazil Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International landslides, brazil, landslides in brazil, death toll in brazil New NI Protocol Deal: Sunak Says He Wants to Get the Job Done as UK-EU Talks Continue New NI Protocol Deal: Sunak Says He Wants to Get the Job Done as UK-EU Talks Continue It was earlier reported that Sunak may announce the new deal on the Northern Ireland Protocol already on Monday 2023-02-26T05:48+0000 2023-02-26T05:48+0000 2023-04-12T17:05+0000 world uk northern ireland northern ireland protocol border deal rishi sunak european union (eu) /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content British Prime Minister Rish Sunak, who is set to scrap his predecessor Boris Johnsons Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP) Bill as part of his new deal with Brussels, could face a revolt involving pro-Brexit Tories, according to a UK media outlet. The report comes as Sunak told a British newspaper that his government was "giving it everything" to secure a new Brexit deal for Northern Ireland, which he said has yet to be clinched between the UK and the EU.He also told the newspaper that he would try to resolve the concerns of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which is worried about the EU retaining influence over Northern Ireland.Sunak's Irish counterpart Leo Varadkar, for his part, said that "Certainly the deal isn't done yet," but that he thinks they are "inching towards a conclusion."Downing Street sources have, meanwhile, declined to confirm whether a deal would be announced in the coming days, but stressed that the talks were continuing and that any discussion of timings was "purely speculative."New NI Protocol BillLondon and Brussels wrapped up the Brexit transition in January 2021, when a trade and cooperation agreement between the parties came into effect. Under the terms of the deal, the UK left the single market and the EU customs union. Northern Ireland also left the EU as part of the UK, but remained in the European single market and customs unions.Under the NIP, all goods and animal-based products coming from the rest of the UK must be checked upon arrival in Northern Ireland to ensure their compatibility with EU sanitary regulations.In June 2022, the UK government introduced a bill unilaterally revising the provisions of the NIP and arguing that the deal is not working, as it causes delays and interruptions to goods moving between Britain and Northern Ireland.The bill stipulates the establishment of a "green channel" for goods transported from the UK to Northern Ireland, as well as the change in the tax rules, stripping the European Court of its role as the sole arbiter of disputes. This infuriated the EU, prompting Brussels to take legal action against London. northern ireland Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Oleg Burunov Oleg Burunov News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Oleg Burunov new ni protocol deal, eu-uk talks on new ni protocol deal, uk prime minister rishi sunak's interview with uk newspaper Palestinian Killed in West Bank During Attack by Israeli Settlers - Health Ministry Palestinian Killed in West Bank During Attack by Israeli Settlers - Health Ministry GAZA (Sputnik) - One Palestinian died in the West Bank during clashes with Israeli settlers, the Palestinian Health Ministry informs. 26.02.2023, Sputnik International 2023-02-26T22:35+0000 2023-02-26T22:35+0000 2023-02-26T22:35+0000 world palestine west bank nablus /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content The 37-year-old, identified as Sameh Aqtash, died on Sunday night as a result of an attack by Israeli settlers and army units in the Zatarah area, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, the ministry said in a statement. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Red Crescent said in a statement that 98 Palestinians were injured during clashes with Israeli troops and settlers in the town of Huwara, located near Nablus, on Sunday evening. According to the Palestinian authorities, Israeli settlers attacked Palestinians in Huwara, setting Palestinian homes and cars on fire. According to Israeli media reports, Israeli settlers rioted in Huwara after two Israeli brothers were shot dead there earlier in the day. west bank nablus Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International palestine, west bank, nablus The new play The Art of Burning has a plot and a lot of action, but according to its playwright Kate Snodgrass, it grew out of a general feeling of distress about the world today rather than a more direct act of storytelling. The Art of Burning, which comes to Hartford Stage March 2-26 after a run earlier this year at the Huntington Theatre in Boston, concerns a marriage that is ending in a drawn-out, contentious divorce. A painter named Patricia has decided she wants full custody of her teen daughter after suggesting otherwise. The ex-husband, Jason, has ideas of his own. Friends of the couple weigh in, and the daughter is given a voice as well. There are accusations, threats, angry outbursts and suspenseful plot twists. The script weaves in references to modern art and Greek mythology. The play was conceived in the heat of the moment around a major news event in 2018 when Snodgrass was watching Christine Blasey Fords testimony during Brett Kavanaughs Supreme Court confirmation hearings. She channeled her reactions into her writing. The resulting play is about the endemic misogyny that exists in our culture, Snodgrass says. Its about violence against women, the way we look we look at women, the way we look at men. Why do these things continue? I dont think the play can answer that question, but it can add to the discussion. Snodgrass is well-versed in the development of new plays, not just with her own work but through her decades-long role as artistic director of Boston Playwrights Theatre, from which she stepped down just last year. For years she has also been a playwriting fellow at the Huntington Theatre, which regularly reaches out to its affiliated playwrights to see what theyve been working on. During such a call several years ago, I told them I had 20 minutes of a play, Snodgrass says. A reading was set up which motivated Snodgrass to finish the work. For the reading, she assigned some actors, including Adrianne Krstansky, who is still playing Patricia in the show, and Melia Bensussen as the director. The Huntington decided to produce the play then underwent a change in leadership that delayed the project. Meanwhile, Bensussen became the artistic director of Hartford Stage and maintained an interest in the play. There were further workshops and intense rehearsals along the way to the plays premiere at the Huntington last month. Snodgrass says she has continued to do rewrites on The Art of Burning between its Boston and Hartford runs, largely based on how audiences have reacted and how the actors have grown in the roles. Hartford will see a richer play, she says. Being at two theaters has done wonders for this play. Every new play should have two major productions. She praised Bensussen and the cast for continuing to explore the work. Kate Snodgrass The Art of Burning runs March 2-26 at Hartford Stage. Since the Huntington has a traditional proscenium stage and Hartford Stage has a floor-level performance area that thrusts right up the edge of its auditorium, the staging and blocking of The Art of Burning had to be extensively rethought. Fortunately, Bensussen has great familiarity with both spaces. Snodgrass has been attending rehearsals in Hartford and is helping with the transition. To her, such changes are a natural part of the live theater process. There are some things I want to tweak, she says, but this is the same cast, and they are such good actors that things can be different every moment. Snodgrass has been a professional playwright for decades and has had dozens of her scripts produced. She says The Art of Burning is very different from other work Ive written. Everything from how she was inspired to write the play to how she wrote it is a change from her usual writing process. I didnt write it in a linear fashion. I wrote the scenes out of order. The story moves around in time and space, the playwright says. The production enhances these shifts with special effects. There are shifting set pieces. Art by the painter character, Patricia, is shown and discussed. The play has energy and action beyond the probing conversation at its core. The Art of Burning deals with heavy topics, but on the other hand, its very funny, Snodgrass says. There probably will be content warnings [in the playbill], but my hope is that this is a dramatic comedy, she says. Marriage can be funny. How we respond to each other is funny. The Art of Burning runs March 2-26 at Hartford Stage, 50 Church St., Hartford. Performances are Tuesdays through Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 2 and 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. plus an added matinee on March 22 at 2 p.m. There is no 2 p.m. performance on March 4, no performance on March 14 and no evening performance on March 22. $30-$100. Reach reporter Christopher Arnott at IA Boss Admits Kiev Gets US Intel 'Throughout the Course' of Russian Special Op IA Boss Admits Kiev Gets US Intel 'Throughout the Course' of Russian Special Op It was earlier reported that Kiev secretly received "real-time battlefield" intelligence information from the Biden administration that helped the Ukrainian military target high-ranking Russian officers. 2023-02-26T14:28+0000 2023-02-26T14:28+0000 2023-02-26T14:28+0000 world us ukraine russia cia intelligence special operation /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content The US Central Intelligence Agency has provided the Kiev regime with intelligence "throughout the course" of the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine, CIA Director Bill Burns has admitted in an interview with a US media outlet.The remarks follow local media reporting that Burns held a secret meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev in January to brief him on US intelligence that possibly forecasts Russia's next plans pertaining to its special operation.This was preceded by an independent investigative outlet claiming that a private US spy firm applies illegal technology to track over a billion people across the world, using a British intelligence cutout extensively linked to NATOs proxy war against Russia in Ukraine to funnel the data to the UK military.The report came after a US newspaper cited unnamed "senior US officials" as saying that Washington gave Kiev intelligence about Russian units that has allowed Ukrainian forces "to target and kill [] the Russian generals who have died in action" during Moscows special operation in Ukraine. The Pentagon rejected the claims. The sources argued that "the targeting help is part of a classified effort by the Biden administration to provide real-time battlefield intelligence to Ukraine." The intelligence sharing, in turn, is part of "a stepped-up flow in US assistance that includes heavier weapons and tens of billions in aid," according to the insiders. The US and its allies boosted their military assistance to Kiev shortly after the beginning of the Russian special operation. Moscow has repeatedly warned that such assistance, which is currently worth over $100 billion, would add to further prolonging the Ukrainian conflict. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, for his part, condemned what he described as NATOs "proxy war" with Russia, adding that this war is already "almost real" rather than a hybrid one. Moscow also accuses NATO of direct involvement in the Ukrainian conflict, something the alliance denies. ukraine russia Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Oleg Burunov Oleg Burunov News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Oleg Burunov russian special military operation, us and its allies' military aid to ukraine, biden administration's reported "real-time battlefield" intelligence information to kiev Syria's Assad Hosts Delegation of Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union Syria's Assad Hosts Delegation of Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union Syrian President Bashar Assad has received in Damascus a delegation of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, which aimed, among other things, to reaffirm support for Syria and its people following deadly earthquakes, the Syrian leader's office said Sunday. 2023-02-26T16:09+0000 2023-02-26T16:09+0000 2023-02-26T16:13+0000 world syria bashar assad earthquake rocks turkiye and syria damascus /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content "President Assad received a delegation of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union attending the union's conference, which wrapped up its activities yesterday in Baghdad," the statement read. The delegation that arrived in Damascus included speakers from the parliaments of Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Palestine, Libya and Egypt, the office said, adding that representatives from Lebanon and Oman also attended the meeting with Assad. On Saturday, the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union held a conference in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, which resulted in a decision to visit Syria. Powerful earthquakes hit parts of Syria and Turkey on February 6 and were followed by thousands of aftershocks. The combined death toll exceeded 50,000, as of Sunday. The Syrian government estimated more than 1,500 earthquake-related deaths in territories under its control, while the United Nations put the toll at 8,500 in all of Syria. syria damascus Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International bashar assad, arab inter-parliamentary union, syria, erathquake in syria Thousands March in Paris in Protest Against Sending Arms to Ukraine Thousands March in Paris in Protest Against Sending Arms to Ukraine Thousands of people unhappy about French arms deliveries to Ukraine marched through Paris on Sunday, in what is the second pacifist rally held in the French capital in two weeks. 2023-02-26T18:48+0000 2023-02-26T18:48+0000 2023-02-26T18:48+0000 world france protest ukraine /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content Protests also took place in dozens of other places across France, its organizer from The Patriots party said. Demonstrators carried national flags and banners that read, "For Peace," "No to a Third World War" and "Lets Quit NATO." Florian Philippot, a euroskeptic firebrand who called the rallies, said that peace talks were the only way out of the Ukrainian conflict. He warned that French weapons supplies to Ukraine were only bringing everyone closer to a third world war. Philippot said the fact that the European Union had adopted 10 rounds of sanctions against Russia within a year showed that restrictions were not working. He criticized France and Europe for following the United States blindly, even after it apparently blew up crucial gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea. He also lashed out at NATO, a military machine that should have been dismantled at the end of the Cold War and that is only good at starting conflicts. He said NATO will have China lined up to serve as its next enemy as Taiwan rhetoric keeps heating up. france ukraine Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International protest in paris against arming ukraine, ukrainian crisis, ukrainian conflict, weapons supplies to ukraine Three Dead After African Union Helicopter Crashes in Somalia Three Dead After African Union Helicopter Crashes in Somalia A helicopter, flying a training exercise for the African Unions mission in Somalia, has crashed near the capital of Mogadishu, killing three and injuring eight other people on board. 2023-02-26T15:41+0000 2023-02-26T15:41+0000 2023-02-26T15:41+0000 africa east africa somalia helicopter helicopter crash military military equipment african union transition mission in somalia (atmis) african union mission in somalia (amisom) african union (au) /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content "Regrettably, three of the eleven passengers on board lost their lives. Eight injured officers have been evacuated to Mogadishu for urgent medical attention," the African Union transition mission ATMIS said. The air disaster happened on Saturday near Baledogle, in the Lower Shabelle region, which is home to a US military airbase. ATMIS said the casually evacuation training was a joint exercise that involved Somali army officers. An investigation has been launched into the cause of the crash. africa east africa somalia Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International atmis mission in somalia, african union mission in somalia, helicopter crash, aircraft crash US National Security Adviser Says Definitive Answer on COVID-19 Origin Still Elusive US National Security Adviser Says Definitive Answer on COVID-19 Origin Still Elusive The US Energy Department, which runs a network of national bioresearch labs, has joined the FBI in claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic emerged from a test tube in a Wuhan lab, American media reported Sunday, citing a classified document. 2023-02-26T15:09+0000 2023-02-26T15:09+0000 2023-02-26T16:34+0000 science & tech covid-19 wuhan us /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content The secret document, less than five pages in length, was provided to the White House and select Congress members as an update to a 2021 intelligence report, which said the Energy Department was undecided about the virus's origin, American media reported on Friday. The Energy Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation now suggested that the outbreak resulted from a mishap in a lab in Wuhan, which the media says is the center of China's coronavirus research. Four other federal US agencies, along with a national intelligence panel, are said to believe that the new coronavirus stems from natural transmission, while the Central Intelligence Agency and another agency that officials declined to identify remain undecided. The Energy Department made the judgment with "low confidence," the media quoted people who read the report as saying. The conclusion is reportedly based on new intelligence, which US officials who talked to the daily refused to elaborate on. The update also reaffirmed the agency's belief that COVID-19 was not the result of a Chinese bio weapons program. US national security adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed, in an interview with CNN, that the US intelligence community remained split about the virus's origin, with some agencies siding with the natural transmission theory and others with the lab leak, while still others were undecided.The 2021 US intelligence report concluded that the virus first circulated in Wuhan no later than November 2019. The scientific and political community in the United States has been arguing since then about whether it escaped from a lab or emerged naturally and jumped from an infected animal to a human. China has repeatedly lashed back against suggestions that its biological research program could have been the origin of the outbreak, which has claimed millions of lives globally since the World Health Organization declared a pandemic in March 2020. wuhan Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International lab-leak hypothesis of covid-19, covid is artificial, wuhan virus, covid leaked from lab US Exerts Pressure to Disrupt Russia-Africa Summit, Moscow Says US Exerts Pressure to Disrupt Russia-Africa Summit, Moscow Says The United States is exerting unprecedented pressure on African states in an attempt to disrupt the upcoming Russia-Africa summit, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov has stated. 2023-02-26T14:44+0000 2023-02-26T14:44+0000 2023-02-26T15:01+0000 africa russia second russia-africa summit west russian foreign ministry mikhail bogdanov diplomat cooperation /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content The United States is exerting unprecedented pressure on African states in an attempt to disrupt the July Russia-Africa Summit in Saint Petersburg, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov has told national media. Since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, the "collective West" has significantly increased pressure on African countries by threatening to impose sanctions and cut them off from financial and humanitarian assistance, he claimed. He further underlined that the Americans "fabricate accusations" against Russia on a daily basis. They put the blame on Moscow for worsening food security and "the coming famine," the increase in fuel, grain and fertilizer prices, which all combined exacerbate socio-economic problems on the continent, according to the deputy minister.Bogdanov stated that the West is facing an urgent need to "replenish the lost volumes of vital resources" and to maintain its industry. Western countries' goal now is to solve "existential issues," he underlined. To achieve desirable results, they display "unsportsmanlike behavior," trying to restrict Russia's activities in Africa with sanctions, stop lists, threats, and blackmail.Meanwhile, the policies of Africa's time-tested partners Russia and China are "pragmatic, based on a balance of national interests," he explained, specifying that Russia and China are building equal relations with African states, respecting their sovereignty and inalienable right to determine their own domestic and foreign policy. Bogdanov stressed that Russian diplomacy has always taken into account all possible external factors while promoting its own agenda and putting the state interests of Russia and its friends first. He added that the country has no intention "to deviate from this course."Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow is inviting all African countries to the Russia-Africa Summit, in contrast to the United States, which excluded several states from the USAfrica Leaders' Summit.According to the deputy minister, preparations for the event are underway and its agenda is being worked out together with African partners. He noted that Russia is now receiving confirmations of participation from African leaders, concluding that it can be seen as a "signal of support from a significant bloc of countries, despite the enormous pressure from the West." He also stated that one of the main objectives of Lavrov's visits to a number of African countries in January and February this year was to receive "first-hand" suggestions from the Africans on preparation and organization processes ahead of the summit. All of them are "taken into consideration and being analyzed." Among other things, he added, Russia's participation in industrialization, digitalization, energy, agriculture, and mining projects in Africa is being discussed. At the same time, the most important issue on the agenda of the summit will be the problem of ensuring food and energy security.He also confirmed cooperation in the military-technical sphere with African countries, which is developing. He emphasized that Russia is ready to cooperate with all African countries which are interested in strengthening their national armed and law enforcement forces, increasing their level of combat capability. It is particularly important as some of them are struggling with a terrorist threat, which has been exacerbated in the past decade. africa russia west Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Maria Konokhova Maria Konokhova News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Maria Konokhova africa, the west, russian federation, russian deputy foreign minister mikhail bogdanov, russian foreign ministry, russian foreign minister sergey lavrov, second russia-africa summit, cooperation West Forced Countries to Support UNGA Resolution Against Russia - Mission to UN West Forced Countries to Support UNGA Resolution Against Russia - Mission to UN UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - The West pressured countries when voting on the anti-Russia resolution at the UN General Assembly earlier this week and almost 30... 26.02.2023, Sputnik International 2023-02-26T01:43+0000 2023-02-26T01:43+0000 2023-02-26T05:08+0000 world the united nations (un) un general assembly russia hungary dmitry polyanskiy /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content On Thursday, the UNGA adopted a resolution calling on Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine. Polyanskiy said that "almost forty minutes before the lunch break, the meeting was suddenly interrupted and continued after two hours," and during this break, "almost 30 pairs of hands were twisted. According to Russias deputy permanent representative to the UN, it was the President of the UNGA, Hungarian diplomat Csaba Korosi, who suggested taking a break that enabled Western countries to pressure the developing states.Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday that the essence of the UNGA resolution is the continuation of "indiscriminate criticism unleashed in the West against Russia," and support for the criminal nationalist regime in Kiev. Zakharova said that, when promoting the resolution, the US and its allies "used their favorite methods of influencing dissenters, including blackmail and sanctions threats."The Belarusian delegation had proposed two amendments to the resolution prior to its adoption, suggesting that the demand that Russia pull out its troops from Ukraine in its internationally recognized borders be removed and that a call for peace talks be added to the text. Minsk also suggested that the UN General Assembly urge member countries to stop sending weapons to the conflict zone.In mid-November, the UN voted in favor of a resolution calling for the creation of a repatriation payment mechanism for damages caused by Russia in Ukraine during its special military operation. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the resolution on reparations had no legal force.The Kremlin accused Western countries of trying to steal Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves for reparations and pledged to do everything possible to return the seized assets. russia hungary Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International the united nations (un), un general assembly, russia, hungary, dmitry polyanskiy 'Zuckerbucks' at Play Again? US Conservatives Accuse Big Tech of Election Meddling 'Zuckerbucks' at Play Again? US Conservatives Accuse Big Tech of Election Meddling Meta* CEO Mark Zuckerberg-linked Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) is reportedly awarding funds to US counties and municipalities in order to improve their... 26.02.2023, Sputnik International 2023-02-26T18:15+0000 2023-02-26T18:15+0000 2023-02-26T18:15+0000 americas us election presidential election 2024 us presidential elections mark zuckerberg us election 2020 election fraud election irregularities joe biden /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content The Center for Tech and Civic Life's (CTCL), an Illinois-based center-left election reform advocacy group, vows to "modernize the American voting experience" by setting up high-performing election offices, a more resilient and adaptive election system and better informed voters. Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are known as the group's generous sponsors.As the 2024 election nears, the CTCL has kicked off a program titled the US Alliance for Election Excellence to provide $80 million to local elections offices over five years "to envision, support, and celebrate excellence in US election administration."Just the News, a media source founded by US investigative journalist John Solomon, has suggested that the CTCL's program resembles yet another questionable "Zuckerbucks" initiative, or, in other words, the injection of private money into public election administrations.In the months leading to the 2020 election, Zuckerberg and his wife reportedly donated a total of $350 million to the CTCL through the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF). The couple also gave $69.5 million to the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), an electoral policy advocacy group "whose core mission is to work with election officials and build confidence in elections," according to its website. In 2020 the CEIR was reportedly busy with countering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the general elections.Zuckerberg's generosity triggered a lot of controversy among US conservatives and GOP politicians who insisted that the Facebook* founder's money went disproportionally to election offices in swing states to boost voter participation in Democratic strongholds. Remarkably, Joe Biden came out on top by winning battleground states with a slim margin. For their part, Zuckerberg's grantees insisted that they doled out the cash to nearly 2,500 counties in 49 states regardless of their political affiliations.Former President Donald Trump subjected the Facebook founder to harsh criticism for disbursing hundreds of million of dollars to election administrations across the country.To complicate matters further, Zuckerberg's initiative was described as part of a "well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies to influence perceptions, change rules and laws" to defeat Donald Trump in Molly Balls op-ed titled "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election."It's unclear whether Ball the author of the "admiring" 2020 biography of Nancy Pelosi was bragging about what the aforementioned "cabal" had done, or whether she wanted to expose their shady deeds. Anyway, US conservative pundits and GOP voters described Ball's article as evidence of sheer election meddling by Dems and their allies in Big Tech and Big Media.Hans von Spakovsky, a former Federal Election Commission member, told the US conservative press in October 2021 that Zuckerberg's private donations "violated fundamental principles of equal treatment of voters since it may have led to unequal opportunities to vote in different areas of a state."Von Spakovsky insisted that the Facebook founder's action was "a carefully orchestrated attempt to convert official government election offices into get-out-the-vote operations for one political party and to insert political operatives into election offices in order to influence and manipulate the outcome of the election."In the wake of the controversy, 24 states have either restricted or altogether prohibited the use of private money to fund elections, according to the Capital Research Center."Zuckerberg, from Facebook, in 2020, he poured $420 million into these non-profit groups and these non-profits would go into communities that were in important states and they'd go to the election office and say 'here's millions of dollars for you guys, but you gotta bring in our operatives, you've gotta ballot harvest, you've gotta have mass mail balloting' and all of this stuff," Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told the US media in April 2022 while touting his state's ban on "Zuckerbucks."Still, it seems that liberals are at it again, according to the US conservative media. In particular, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) told Just the News on Thursday that DeKalb County Board of Voter Registration & Elections accepted $2 million in private money from the CTCL in "violation" of 2021 state election reform law. The specter of alleged voter irregularities and apparent election fraud is continuing to haunt the US with over half of Republican voters still believing that the 2020 elections weren't fairly won by Joe Biden.*Meta and Facebook are banned in Russia over extremist activities. americas Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Ekaterina Blinova Ekaterina Blinova News en_EN Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Ekaterina Blinova mark zuckeberg, zuckerbucks, election meddling, big tech's election meddling, election interference, 2024 general elections, 2020 presidential elections, election fraud suspicions, zuckerberg's donations to election administrations, private donations to election administrations SYRIARep. Abigail Spanberger visited the mountains of Madison County, a new part of the 7th District, Thursday for a roundtable discussion with Piedmont area farmers at Graves Mountain Lodge, as lawmakers in Washington lay out priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill. Topics of focus during the 90-minute program included farmers getting blamed for climate change, too much red tape in federal conservation programs, penicillin shortages and farmland preservation for the next generation. The Democratic congresswoman in Republican territory heard feedback on maintaining federally subsidized crop insurance as well as giving grant award dollars upfront and not on the back end of conservation projects. The third-term congresswoman received a relatively warm reception among the several dozen in attendance in one of her first official visits as representative for Madison County. Board of Supervisors Chairman Clay Jackson introduced her. Madison and Greene, rural farming locales, became part of Spanbergers area last year through regular redistricting, and are the westernmost counties in the district that stretches east to Caroline. Madison voters easily picked Spanbergers opponent, conservative Yesli Vega, with 64% of ballots cast in the November election. The 7th District also now includes part of Prince William County, an urban population center where Spanberger established an office and received nearly 68% of votes cast in November. During the meeting, Spanberger received a Friend of Farm Bureau Award for work on behalf of the Virginia agricultural industry in the U.S. House. Ben Rowe, national affairs coordinator with Virginia Farm Bureau, made the presentation, saying Spanberger has always been there for farmers since the very beginning. Reauthorized every five years, the Farm Bill touches every facet of agriculture and forestry, paying for programs on ground, as well as education, Rowe said. A large portion of bill is dedicated to nutrition, he added. As a member of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee, Spanberger will play an integral part in developing the legislation, Rowe said. She is the only member from Virginia on the committee and a ranking member of the Conservation, Research and Biotechnology subcommittee and on the Livestock, Dairy and Poultry subcommittee. I have no background in agriculture, Spanberger said. I used to be an intelligence officer, but I love everything I do with the work on the committee I am a blank slate and advocate for the things that matter to you. Spanberger said it was an absolute pleasure to meet in the new part of her district and takes her role advocating in Congress for Virginia farmers seriously. Agriculture is the No. 1 private industry in Virginia, tourism No. 2 and forestry No. 3, she said. The 2023 Farm Bill, an omnibus package of federal funding for agriculture across the nation, is the first shes worked on and a majority priority, Spanberger said. It will focus on continued participation by farmers in voluntary conservation programs as well as biotechnology and research. Theres a lot of differences between Texas agriculture and Virginia agriculture so making sure family farms and needs of district are represented, she said. Spanberger said she has toured farms around Virginia where they talked about cover crops, rotational grazing, upfront investments and the benefits of federal dollars to use conservation related practices. Culpeper County Supervisor Susan Gugino, a Stevensburg poultry farmer, described her experience applying for conservation grants for these practices, saying she had to spend thousands upfront before she received any federal funding. To have to carry the debt for smaller farmers who dont have large lines of credit puts a struggle on them, she said. Gugino said she likes that the programs are voluntary, but that the paperwork involved to apply is too lengthy and the access to funding, if approved, comes way later. The Stevensburg Supervisor also mentioned supply chain issues related to access to antibiotics for her poultry flock. Her farms integrator cannot get penicillin causing bird loss following a reported fire at plant in China, Gugino said. A livestock veterinarian in attendance said she experienced a shortage of lidocaine. Spanberger responded she would dig into the funding structures of conservation programs. She added penicillin is not produced in the U.S. and is primarily sourced from China or India. Its a major issue for large scale national security for the human population and certainly from a livestock perspective, Spanberger agreed. Climate change will be part of the Farm Bill, one local young farmer acknowledged with trepidation. Barriers to agriculture (in) climate change will part of the Farm Bill that scares me to death, said Coty Goodwin, a fifth generation farmer with Grandview Dairy, outside of Gordonsville in Orange County. You hear talk about itagriculture is such a great percentage of climate change emissions, blame it on agriculture when really we are the carbon sequestration of the world anything you can do to support farmers in our efforts of what we have done day to day basics to help mitigate what goes on with climate change we dont want to see more mandates. Goodwins family got out of the dairy business last year after milking cows for a hundred years. Needed to happen, tried to grow and expand, but needed a whole lot of other things to supplement it, he said. Goodwin said farmers want to be good stewards of the land, but they need a seat at the table. We ask you to stand up for us, he told Spanberger. The congresswoman agreed saying farmers are an easy blame for climate change when actually they are the first conservationists, something one said to her when she first got elected that has stuck with her, Spanberger said. The 7th District, by land mass, is majority agriculture, she said, while the population is majority suburban. It may be easy to blame agriculture and cattle in particular for carbon emissions, Spanberger said, But when you look at what is happening in Virginia (with conservation farming), I am happy to have that fight with anybody. Goodwin said their operation, before closing, cut their use of water by one-third, decreased fuel use and produced more milk per cow and yield of beef than before. We always get a bad rap because there are less than 1% of us in the population that do it and dont have a chance to defend ourselves, he said. Spanberger responded it would be the agricultural producers that have an incredible impact on ability to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Producers are also impacted by extreme weather events. When we dont have food in the U.S., we have a bigger problem, she said. Graves Mountain Lodge owner James C. "Lucky" Graves Jr.,, president of the Madison County Farm Bureau, said in a phone call Friday he felt the roundtable discussion at his establishment went pretty good. Anytime you can get a congressperson to come listen to a bunch of farmers, its a win-win situation, he said. Graves Mountain Lodge in the family since the 1850s in Shenandoah National Park currently farms beef cattle, apple orchards, vegetables, hay, corn and soybeans, Graves said. Formerly represented by Republican Bob Good of Lynchburg, Graves said Thursday was the first time he met Spanberger. She seems very pleasant, he said. Well see if she listens to us. Spanberger received the Farm Bureau Award since 70% or more of the way she votes in the U.S. House aligns with Farm Bureau policy, Graves said. So far, shes doing pretty good, theres some other things she has to learn about yet. Sometimes its better to have a representative with no personal knowledge of farming, Graves said, versus one who thinks they know all about it. Harder to get them to listenhoping she will listen to us. The biggest thing, said Graves, is the amount of time and paperwork it takes to receive federal support for best practices farming. He said what should be in the Farm Bill is a loaded question. One thing is most of the things the government puts on farmers needs to be a voluntary deal, not mandatory. They expect for you to pay for it right now, a lot of farmers, the crop doesnt come in for a whole year and they dont get paid until next year. Cut through the red tape to make it easier for farmers to participate in conservation programs, Graves said. The paperwork is too time-consuming for farmers with limited hours away from daily duties. Graves Mountain plants cover crops annually with federal funding support. Environmentally, it helps decrease erosion and decreases nitrogen runoff into the waterways, the local farm bureau president said. Gugino at the end brought up constantly fighting solar developers who want to take farmland they deem marginal, but has been farmed or forested for years, on which to build large solar generation plants. Several in attendance spoke about environmental impacts to water and the land, saying it will not revert back to farmland at the end of a solar plants life. Goodwin agreed saying hes bombarded weekly by groups wanting to put solar on his familys land. Something that sounds great, will throw big numbers around could sit back and retire now, but what are the long-term effects? he said. According to Rowe, some 60,000 acre of farmland have been put into big solar projects in Virginia and that number is growing. The Farm Bureau meets with solar developers all the time and not one has completely decommissioned a project. The answer from them is always the land will revert back to farmland, Rowe said. Its not going to go back. Utility scale, the biggest barrier, they rent the land and fence it in. They dont want anyone going in there. Federally subsidized crop insurance is drastically important to Goodwin's operation as input costs have doubled in the past two years for raising corn, grain and hay for feed, he said. Their farm uses a private firm to cut through the red tape of the program. The headache they save me is well worth it, Goodwin said. Protecting farmland was another concern raised, how to get it from one generation to the next, noted a female farmer at the roundtable. She suggested government cost share for estate planning and programs promoting farmland staying farmland. We got to do somethingbefore its houses everywhere, the woman said. One of Scottsbluffs oldest churches is shuttering after well over a century of fellowship and faith. First Christian Church on Avenue A in Scottsbluff is holding its last service on the morning of Sunday, Feb. 26, commemorating the churchs long history with one final gathering of the congregation and a farewell meal. The church, which was founded in 1900, cited dwindling attendance and engagement as the primary factors in the decision to end its services, but members of the congregation were happy to share some of their best memories of the building and its people throughout the years. This congregation has always been my church home. My parents told of holding me on their laps during Sunday School and church from the time I was born, Cindy Bowker said. Sundays at church, Vacation Bible School, youth group meetings, and summer church camp were always a top priority. Some of Bowkers memories involve First Christians old building across from the current West Nebraska Arts Center, where she recalls a beautiful stained glass window. She also remembers the missions work performed in Brazil by the churchs very own Ruth Spurgeon, who would return to give reports on her service there, along with countless dinners, sunrise service breakfasts, wedding receptions, and many more dining activities that took place there. The church kitchen is often the center of church life just like our home kitchens are the center of life at home, she said. One of my early church memories is of helping husk corn for a corn feed in the basement of the old church when I was maybe 5 or 6. As we prepare to close, I asked my kids if there was anything they might want from the church, and the answer was something from the kitchen, a dinner plate, a bowl, a baking sheet. Bowker also recalled the countless acts of service and ministries that the church participated in, as serving God by serving others was always a priority. Over the years, the church donated school supplies, made health kits for medical missionaries, provided Bible School programming for children of migrant workers, collected and distributed food for the hungry, and much more. Garth Sciffert has attended services at First Christian since he was a boy, growing up in the late 1940s. He also had vivid memories of state and community service projects undertaken by the church throughout the years. The church used to an annual potato car, Sciffert said. Theyd fill a box car with potatoes for the Child Saving Institute. They were all donated, and theyd collect them and send a rail car to Omaha. Sciffert also recalled the churchs close connection to Boy Scout Troop 13, which he had the opportunity to be a part of many years ago. They sponsored Troop 13 for a very long time. I think well close to 100 years, he said. Im an Eagle Scout who was in Troop 13, and the troop has had a really good scouting program over the years and put out a number of Eagles. First Christian Church will hold a congregational meeting in the near future to make final decisions on the fate of the building and property, which is currently posted for sale. A date for that meeting has not yet been set. Bowker said that although the doors of the building known as First Christian Church are now closed, the true church the congregation will live on through the memories of those who took part in its long history. We wont be here in the building we have called our church home, but we will carry with us the memories, Bowker said. We will be able to close our eyes and let our hearts show us the good times, to let us remember all the saints of this church who have touched our lives, to remind us of the things we achieved, the lives we have touched, the ministers who have led us, the teachers who have taught us, and the friends we have made. I knew of very few farms when I was growing up, so I am sure it is surprising to many that I eventually became a farmer. I have been learning to farm since 2008, when I first apprenticed on a small, diversified vegetable farm in New Yorks Hudson Valley. I moved to Connecticut in 2010 to work on a large vegetable CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, farm and have moved throughout the state to work on different farms so that I could gain more skills and experience. I eventually started Cloverleigh Farm in 2014 on rented land. It was far from ideal, but I made it work on a lean start-up budget. Over time, I have continued to learn volumes about running a business; the challenges of farming, particularly with increasingly unpredictable weather; and the specific obstacles that face young and first-generation farmers. Each year our nation loses farms, and therefore farmers, our numbers dwindling to approximately 1 percent of the population. Having been in business for less than 10 years, I am considered a beginning farmer according to the United States Department of Agriculture , so my advocacy work has focused on this demographic of farmers, who need every kind of encouragement and support to succeed. My own journey in agriculture led me to short-term leases on several properties, all the while searching for land to own and steward for the long term. It took seven years to reach this goal and has required that the stars align in such a way as to make land ownership a possibility. Preparing our country for a future in agriculture means addressing land access challenges for all first-generation farmers, with a special concern for BIPOC, or Black, Indigenous and People of Color, farmers or anyone that has been historically and purposefully discriminated against and discouraged from farming. Recently we have started to see a resurgence in small-scale diversified agriculture as a chosen career, often by individuals with no farming background or heritage. In the National Young Farmers Coalitions (Young Farmers) 2022 Young Farmer Survey, 78 percent of the respondents identified themselves as first-generation farmers. There is growing interest in producing high-quality food, doing physical work each day, creating a tangible product, and challenging your mind to solve problems creatively. People choose to farm for many distinct reasons and most include some interest in making a difference and having a sense of purpose. The 2022 Young Farmers Survey also found that 86 percent of young farmers said they became farmers for environmental reasons. Concerns about a changing climate and the impact on food systems is a driving force for the next generation of farmers. While there is a new cohort of young people who are farming or interested in farming, the top obstacle for first-generation farmers, like me, is access to affordable and appropriate farmland. Sixty-seven percent of respondents in Young Farmers survey who stopped farming said that finding affordable land to buy was a barrier that was very or extremely challenging. The United States needs farmers. We need farmland to be stewarded by farmers in order to build a more resilient food system. Severe storms, power outages, and a pandemic have proven that local and/or regional farms can respond more quickly to disruptions and continue to provide food for our communities. It is high time we focus on using what precious prime agricultural land we have in New England for producing food. We have so little land well-suited to direct food production, which means that any farmland used for other purposes is a threat to our ability to feed ourselves. Young farmers, who often focus on growing vegetables and pasture-based livestock, are important contributors in addressing this issue. The only way we can help address local food production in a changing climate is with long-term access to affordable and appropriate farmland. We need to prioritize finding solutions to land access challenges so that these highly capable, experienced and entrepreneurial farmers can do the important work of feeding local communities: rural, suburban, and urban alike. Growing food is fulfilling work, and I feel privileged to be able to make this my chosen career path. There are many others who want to do the same but have run into too many roadblocks to make farming a viable option. Young and BIPOC farmers deserve the opportunity to engage in meaningful work, but they cannot do it without land on which to farm. This is why I serve as a Land Advocacy Fellow for the National Young Farmers Coalition, which is making land access the priority of our advocacy for the 2023 Farm Bill. Authorized by Congress every five years, this large comprehensive bill governs all food and farming appropriations. We will be asking for $2.5 billion dollars to facilitate the transfer of one million acres of land to the next generation of young and BIPOC farmers. As a part of Young Farmers One Million Acres for the Future campaign, I am asking my members of Congress to pass a 2023 Farm Bill that makes a historic investment in equitable land access. We need to actively remove the roadblocks that are keeping young farmers off the land. Secure, equitable access to farmland is an issue that impacts us all, and the future of our food and agriculture systems. All of our voices are important in calling on Congress to create a 2023 Farm Bill that supports the next generation. At a time of increasingly unpredictable weather, water shortages in the west, severe storms throughout the country, and the dwindling accessibility of fossil fuels, it is necessary to prioritize food production by preserving and protecting farmland that is suited for the next generation. Land preservation alone is no longer enough; it needs to be affordable for a working farmer. It is time to make land more accessible for those who wish to devote their lives to the ecological stewardship of the land and the health of our communities. Susan Mitchell is the owner of Cloverleigh Farm in Columbia and a National Young Farmers Coalition Land Advocacy Fellow. Here's how to follow the Unicameral from afar Heres how to watch the Legislatures activities and follow bills by using the Unicamerals website at Click on the Nebraska Public Media logo and look under Streaming Now or Coming Soon for the schedule of livestreamed floor debates and public hearings by committees. Floor debate also is telecast live by Nebraska Public Media on NE-W, formerly known as NET2 (Allo Communications Channel 11 or Spectrum in Scottsbluff-Gering). If you know the number of a legislative bill or constitutional amendment, type it under Search Current Bills to call up the measures text and related votes and documents. (For the language of current state laws, type their number or keywords under Search Laws.) Computer users can leave comments of up to 500 words on individual bills by clicking the appropriate spot on the main page for that bill. If the bill hasnt yet had its public hearing, users may ask their comments to be included in the bills official hearing record. Such requests must be made by noon CT (11 a.m. MT) on the last work day before the hearing. Nebraskans with disabilities as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act can do likewise but also can attach PDF files or supporting documents. Click on Hearing schedules on the main Unicameral webpage, choose the appropriate week and click either Submit Comment Online or ADA Accommodation Testimony, depending on whether you qualify for the latter. The Unicameral website offers many other documents for understanding and following the Legislature, including its online Unicameral Update newsletter. Todd von Kampen An Omaha state senator began making good last week on her promise to burn the session, putting quick progress on western Nebraska lawmakers bills even more routine ones in jeopardy. Sen. Machaela Cavanaughs initial targets include Sen. Steve Erdman of Bayard, who has four bills dealing with land surveyor requirements, Oil and Gas Conservation Commission pay and backlogs in taxpayer appeals to the Nebraska Equalization and Review Commission backed up on the Legislatures floor agenda. The entirety of Thursdays and Fridays morning Unicameral sessions were consumed by filibusters by Cavanaugh, who issued her threat after the Health and Human Services Committee advanced bills Wednesday to restrict abortion and gender-affirming health care for minors. All five senators from the Panhandle and west central Nebraska are cosponsors of those two bills. All are registered Republicans. Erdmans consumption tax, early voting rollback set for Unicam hearings State Sen. Steve Erdman's package proposes to impose consumption taxes in place of property, sales and income taxes and create two appointed statewide Equalization and Review Boards able to alter local budgets. Legislative Bill 147, a measure on tax refund procedures by Omaha Sen. Kathleen Kauth author of the transgender bill remained on the first round of debate when senators adjourned for a three-day weekend. Thirteen bills awaiting initial floor votes behind it also face delaying motions filed by Cavanaugh, a Democrat, if and when their turn comes. North Platte Sen. Mike Jacobsons bills further refining the microTIF property tax refund program for fixing up or building on older properties (LB 98) and clarifying when mayors can vote when city council members are absent (LB 33) are also among the 14 targeted by Cavanaugh. Erdman, Jacobson, Kauth and the six other GOP-registered senators on Cavanaughs current target list are among cosponsors of LB 626, which would generally forbid abortions after cardiac activity is detected by a physician, and LB 574, which would block any gender alteration procedures before a persons 19th birthday. Their bills accounted for the 12 generally low-key bills at the top of Fridays agenda. Cavanaugh also has filed filibusters on the next two bills, introduced respectively by Sen. Wendy DeBoer of Bennington and Cavanaughs brother, John. Both are registered Democrats. LB 626 and LB 574 both advanced to the floor Wednesday on 4-2 Health and Human Services Committee votes split along party and gender lines. LB 574, dubbed the Let Them Grow Act by Kauth, Cavanaugh and fellow Omaha Sen. Jen Day, both registered Democrats, cast the no votes on both bills. Fremont Sen. Lynne Walz, the 2018 Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor, was absent from Wednesdays committee votes. Sen. Brian Hardin of Gering voted yes on both, as did Chairman Ben Hansen of Blair and Sens. Merv Riepe of Ralston and Beau Ballard of Lincoln all registered Republicans. All but Hansen are among the abortion restriction bills 29 cosponsors. Only Hardins name appears among the transgender bills 23 cosponsors. Editor's Note This was previously published in "Schooling with Uncle Sam" (2021), compiled by Allen D. Olsen & Circe Olsen Woessner; used by permission. Some months after it was written, William Robert McKinnon died at his home in Melbourne, Florida; he was 90 years old when he died in February 2022. A celebration of life was held in Melbourne on Feb. 24. RIP, Billy. After school year 1968-69 in Cuba, I transferred to Okinawa. Still single, and considering the luck o the draw, I was fortunate to have an excellent roomie in the BOQ Bachelor Officers Quarters. We had private bedrooms, but shared the john and modest kitchen facilities. Billy Bob (his real name was William Robert). A Georgia native, he was some years older than I. After a stint in the Air Force, hed finished his degree, and entered DoDEA (Department of Defense Education Activity). Transferring from Wiesbaden, Germany hed been there long enough to grow a bona fide German rotund physique he showed me the before pictures. Without hesitation, he attributed his corpulent profile to sauerbraten, schnitzel, strudel, et al., and more than a few Bitberger brews. Fond of patting his bulk, he'd proclaim, Bitte ein Bit, the brewerys slogan, meaning, A Bitberger, please. A friend and former colleague of Billys in Germany later told me, He was always a hoot in the faculty lounge (and) the American Arms bar (a pub popularized by Americans). I didnt adopt Billy Bobs keen fondness for the golden brew, but besides sharing his sense of humor, he shared some of his investment acumen. I had some modest savings after my year in Cuba, but was basically clueless regarding investments. Billy tutored me regarding mutual funds, some of which I still own after more than 50 years. As many of us became more familiar with the culture of Asia, we learned about Buddha, especially his many and varied images. Id later encounter both the huge reclining and golden ones in Bangkok, Thailand, as well as the gigantic bronze image in Kamakura, Japan, to name but a few. A popular collectors item was a statue of Hotei, the happy Buddha available in both sitting and standing positions. In the latter, Hotei has both arms raised and in both he displays his infectious, ever-present smile. After first seeing Hotei, it was quite easy to see a close resemblance with Billy Bob. Dont think I ever heard him Hotei, the Happy Buddha, discourage the comparison, either. One of my favorite Billy Bob stories also relates to Buddha. In a basic intro to Buddha, one learns that Siddhartha Gautama fasted for 49 days under a Rajayatana tree before gaining enlightenment. The story goes that one of Billy Bobs high school students came to him challenging his grade. Supposedly, Billy Bob with a sober, steadfast gaze, looked at the young man and declared seriously, I fasted for three days under a Banyon tree the grades came to me in a vision theres no way they can be wrong. So, much like another young man in a Biblical text, he was deeply dismayed by these words, and he went away grieving. Cowlitz County Jail officials have seen seven more fights in the first two months of 2023 as compared to the same time period a year before, as officials say there are more serious suspected offenders than in previous years and a growing number of inmates with mental health issues. Cowlitz County Corrections Director Marin Fox said there have been 13 inmate fights in the Cowlitz County Jail this year, compared to six the year before during the same time period. She said one of the fights this year ended with an inmate needing medical attention. Fox said jail inmates are there for more serious crimes, compared to years before. Currently, the Cowlitz County Jail houses 12 inmates who are either facing murder charges, attempted murder charges, or homicide, Fox wrote in an email. During a Feb. 13 Cowlitz County Commissioners business meeting, Fox told both Commissioners Arne Mortensen and Richard Dahl that the makeup of our population has changed pretty dramatically and that there are lots and lots of fights. So many fights. In the past few years, the number of inmates that are classified above minimum has steadily increased. Currently, 40-45% of the inmate population are classified as medium or maximum security, Fox wrote in an email. The jail population is climbing back up to pre-pandemic levels. Previously, Fox said the average daily population of the Cowlitz County Jail was 150 in January 2022, but on Wednesday there were 239 inmates and 258 the day before. In 2019, the jails average daily population was about 261, she said. In the Feb. 13 meeting, Fox said the jails population would probably be higher, if not for the Blake decision as drug possession charges were very common. In 2021, the Washington Supreme Court struck down the states simple drug possession law as unconstitutional in State v. Blake. State legislators later created a temporary fix, downgrading the felony to a misdemeanor and requiring referrals for treatment twice before making an arrest. The law is set to expire in July. Mental health Fox also said there is a significant number of inmates with serious mental health issues, and many are waiting to be transferred for treatment. The Cowlitz County Jail has 77 cells, and 28 are currently quartering inmates with serious mental health issues, many of whom require to be housed unaccompanied, according to Fox. Fox said wait times for people to be transferred to Western State Hospital has continued to increase. Courts send suspects in need of competency restoration to the hospital, and the number of referrals to be admitted has been growing across the state. Fox told The Daily News six inmates are awaiting a bed at Western State Hospital, and 13 other inmates are in the hospitals evaluation process. We currently have one inmate who was ordered to go to WSH for competency restoration in July of 2022, and today we received word from WSH that his expected bed date will be in June of this year, she said in an email sent on Wednesday. The former city attorney for Kalama and several Lewis County cities resigned his license in October rather than defend against misconduct allegations and face discipline, according to the Washington State Bar Association. Samuel Satterfield, formerly of Chehalis law firm Hillier, Scheibmeir, Kelly and Satterfield, P.S. now called Scheibmeir, Kelly and Nelson voluntarily and permanently resigned from the Washington State Bar Association following a disciplinary investigation. While representing a Lewis County woman in a marriage dissolution and custody matter, from April 2019 to March 2021 Satterfield repeatedly lied about scheduling hearings and filing motions, according to the statement of alleged misconduct. Satterfield lied about at least 35 hearings being scheduled and subsequently lied about them being canceled or postponed, often falsely blaming the court or opposing counsel, according to the statement. Satterfield allegedly billed the client for work he didnt perform, including drafting motions that were never filed and court appearances that never occurred. However, it appears Satterfield ultimately earned all the fees collected through subsequent work, according to the statement. When the Office of Disciplinary Counsel was responding to the clients grievance, Satterfield initially flatly denied lying, then later acknowledged being dishonest, according to the statement. Satterfield lied to the disciplinary counsel about filing a motion for contempt in spring 2019 that was never submitted and about hearings being postponed or canceled because of potential recusals and unavailability of opposing counsel, according to the statement. The alleged misconduct violated several Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers set by the Washington Supreme Court, the Office of Disciplinary Counsel states. In a resignation form filed Oct. 7, Satterfield states hes aware of the alleged misconduct but decided to resign from the bar association rather than defend against the allegations. Satterfield agreed to notify all other states and jurisdictions in which hes allowed to practice of the resignation and pay $1,500 in expenses and any other costs or restitution that may be ordered. It appears Satterfield only practiced law in Washington after graduating from Willamette University College of Law in 2015, according to the work and education history he listed on his LinkedIn profile. Satterfield was admitted to the Washington Bar Association in October 2015. He worked at the same Chehalis law firm until about September 2022. Satterfield served as the city attorney for Kalama for about five years. During the Sept. 1 City Council meeting, Satterfield said he was leaving the firm for an HR company in Olympia. He also previously served as city attorney for Chehalis, Winlock and as the city prosecutor and counsel for Toledo. Many small cities in Washington state contract with a law firm for legal services rather than hire a staff attorney, according to the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington. A Portland & Western Railroad train derailed Thursday night, Feb. 23 near Cheldelin Middle School in northeast Corvallis. Emely Day, who lives in a home along the railroad tracks, said in an email that she could hear an engine idling for about 45 minutes last night. She also saw one rail car being towed. The derailment occurred at around 9 p.m., and the train was carrying wood chips, said Tom Ciuba, vice president of communications for Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Services, parent company of PNWR. Ciuba said by email that the train was headed to Georgia-Pacific's mill in Toledo. Ciuba said that nine railcars derailed. There were no injuries, and the cause of the derailment is under investigation. In an agency Facebook post, the Corvallis Fire Department said the railcars were not carrying any hazardous materials. "At this time, there are no impacts to the community," according to CFD, but traffic on Conifer Boulevard will be interrupted during clean-up, which is expected to take several days. This isn't the only PNWR train derailment this month in the Oregon. On Feb. 10, a train owned and operated by PNWR derailed at the Georgia-Pacific mill in Toledo, according to a news release from the state. This derailment caused an estimated 2,000 gallons of diesel to spill, with an unknown amount entering a storm drain that flows into a nearby slough that feeds into the Yaquina River. "Any connection to the Toledo incident a few weeks ago is coincidental, however, as that incident occurred on Georgia-Pacific-owned and -maintained property/track," Ciuba said in regard to the Corvallis incident. According to the state, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality responded to the Toledo incident with cleanup crews who put a barrier in the slough to prevent the fuel from spreading and also used an oil-absorbing boom. The cause of the three-locomotive derailment was under investigation at the time of the news release. Quality journalism doesn't happen without your help Support local news coverage and the people who report it by subscribing to the Corvallis Gazette-Times. This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomes German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, during latter's ceremonial reception at the Indian presidential palace, in New Delhi, India, Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023. Credit: AP Photo/Manish Swarup German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Sunday that his government wants to make it easier for information technology experts from India to obtain work visas in Germany as the country struggles with a shortage of skilled labor. Scholz said improving the legal framework so Germany becomes more attractive for software developers and those with IT development skills is a priority for his government this year. "We want to make the issuing of visas easier," he told reporters during a visit to India's high-tech hub of Bengaluru. "Aside from the legal modernization we want to modernize the entire bureaucratic process as well," Scholz said. Asked about workers who don't speak the language when they come to Germany, he said it should not be seen as a hurdle if people arrive in the country speaking English first and then acquire German later on. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, right, welcomes German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, during latter's ceremonial reception at the Indian presidential palace in New Delhi, India, Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023. Credit: AP Photo/Manish Swarup Scholz was speaking on the second day of his trip to India, after meeting Saturday with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss the fallout from the war in Ukraine. The German leader last year invited Modi to attend a summit of the Group of Seven leading industrial nations he hosted in Bavaria, and said he favors India joining this year's meeting in Japan, too. 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Imagine your favorite cured meat like beef jerky, pepperoni or bacon without any added sodium nitrite from any source currently necessary for color and shelf life. Wes Osburn is doing exactly that. Osburn, associate professor in meat science in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Animal Science, has set out to find an innovative method to generate the nitric oxide and residual nitrite needed to cure meat and poultry products, but without the addition of natural or synthetic nitrite sources. Conventional curing of most processed meat products involves adding sodium nitrite to meat to preserve it and reduce the potential growth of bacteria like Clostridium botulinum or perfringens during cooking and chilling. Curing meat Osburn has researched the idea of a novel amino acid alternative curing system for meat for many years. In 2022, he received a $500,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture research and initiative grant to determine the feasibility of adding amino acids to activate the nitric oxide synthase system. Joining him in the research are Department of Animal Science faculty members Rhonda Miller, professor in meat science; Guoyao Wu, Distinguished Professor, University Faculty Fellow and Texas A&M AgriLife Research Faculty Fellow in animal nutrition; Sapna Chitlapilly Dass, assistant professor in microbial ecology and microbiome interactions; and Chris Kerth, associate professor in meat science; along with Ranjith Ramanathan, professor in meat science at Oklahoma State University. While curing meat with synthetic sodium nitrite is safe and efficient, the process has long been associated with cancer concerns. In response to these concerns, meat processors have developed uncured meat products that contain no added nitrates or nitrites except those naturally occurring. This alternative curing system uses vegetable powder derived from celery as a natural source of nitrite to cure meat products. But these products may result in a detectable vegetable taste to the meat and a less favorable cured meat, or pink color, Osburn said. Knowing that nitrites occur naturally in humans and in some foods, Osburn believes it is possible to add an amino acid, L-arginine, to the meat that activates the nitric oxide synthase, NOS, enzyme contained in it. The NOS enzyme converts L-arginine to nitric oxide, NO, and another amino acid, L-citrulline. The nitric oxide molecule creates the characteristic cured pink color associated with cured meats. Also, two nitric oxide molecules can combine to form nitrite, which serves as an antioxidant and antimicrobial to enhance product shelf life and safety. Osburn said he was listening to a medical doctor friend, Nathan Bryan, speak about the endothelial nitric oxide synthase, eNOS, system in the human body and how it uses L-arginine to generate nitric oxide, which enhances circulation and blood flow. That is when the connection clicked, and he wondered if the eNOS enzyme could be activated by adding L-arginine to generate nitric oxide and cure meat. It could be that this approach is actually a natural curing process by adding an amino acid to an enzyme whose primary function is to generate nitric oxide, Osburn said. Im not adding any nitrates or nitrites. Utilizing natural amino acids Osburn said adding the amino acid L-arginine will activate the nitric oxide synthase system to naturally generate nitric oxide and nitrite to cure meat and poultry products. This novel amino acid-based alternative curing method is expected to eliminate the need for direct or indirect addition of sodium nitrite in cured meat products. Their research will allow for a better understanding of the interconnected biochemical mechanisms contributing to the functionality of the NOS system. The research team plans to develop processing and operating procedures for meat processors to effectively use the NOS system to cure meat and poultry products consistently and predictably. Osburn said they must validate the processs feasibility and ensure it works, as well as make sure it works across species and products within species under all kinds of conditions. He said it will take a while to run the research on the different types of cured beef, pork and poultry products. There are differences in the amount of the NOS enzymes within different muscle groups across various meat species, he said. This enzyme is closely associated with the mitochondria, so there tends to be more NOS enzyme in muscles used for locomotion. There are also differences in myoglobin content (meat color pigment), so if we can generate nitric oxide via the NOS enzyme, the cured meat color may vary. Thats what we are trying to deal with, developing a uniform cured pink color via our amino acid-based curing system so that it compares favorably with conventionally cured meats. Wheres the meat? The question we are still trying to answer is will the NOS enzyme generate sufficient amounts of nitric oxide to develop acceptable cured meat color and enough residual nitrite to ensure that the product is safe, regardless of whether it is summer sausage or pepperoni or some other product? Osburn said. Think about it, if we can make pepperoni through this process, there could be a huge economic impact since we consume a lot of pepperoni here in the U.S. He said he is developing a prototype amino acid-cured ham product that will be taken through a manufacturing sensory analysis for cured color pigment, volatile compounds, sensory and textural analysis and shelf life. His research team is manipulating several factors, such as the arginine concentration, meat pH, temperature and time to determine optimal conditions for nitric oxide generation by the eNOS enzyme. We are in the second phase of our USDA-NIFA-funded grant, Osburn said. We are shifting from benchtop to pilot plant production, so it is the first time we are making a commercial cured meat product and evaluating all aspects of the product from color, shelf life, aroma and sensory properties. This information will provide more evidence to show interested companies that this system works. His research team plans to apply this new curing system to five cured products restructured ham, beef jerky, bacon, fermented summer sausage or salami and poultry frankfurters all products requiring different processing steps to validate that the amino acid curing system effectively cures different meat products. Moving to the cured meat case If, based on the results of our research, the data indicates that our new curing system is comparable to conventionally cured products with respect to safety, shelf life and sensory attributes, then there is a great chance for industry adoption of this process, Osburn said. This new curing system must compete favorably with the current curing system. If we cant get close to it, itll always be a novel thing. Companies may or may not want to get on board. Osburn said while he is getting a lot of interest from meat companies in the process, there is still a lot of research to be done, as well as some upcoming rulings by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that will determine future labeling of current alternative or uncured meat products. Robert Brummett, senior licensing manager at Texas A&M AgriLife Researchs Intellectual Property and Commercialization office, has worked with Osburn to seek intellectual property protection for the alternative meat curing process. A patent application was filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in December 2020. According to Brummett, the patent application is currently being examined and that process may take an additional 18 months or longer to complete. In the meantime, Osburn and Brummett are actively seeking interest from companies to license rights in the technology and/or working with Osburn in furthering the research for use of the technology by industry. LINCOLN The Timmerman Feedyard Management Internship is a nationally renowned feedyard management training program, exclusive to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, which has been producing feedyard management and industry leaders since 1988. Designed for students interested in pursuing a career in beef feedyard management or other related agribusiness areas, the program trains students through comprehensive feedyard and personnel management classes and with real-world experiences in established Midwest feedyards. As the only internship program in the nation designed specifically to develop business and experiential skills necessary for the feedyard, interns who come to Nebraska will have a unique seven-month experience. The tri-segment program begins in late May with six weeks of class discussions and industry field trips. From July through December, interns are assigned to a Nebraska feedyard, which is tailored to their specific goals and interests. Once placed at a feedyard, interns will have the opportunity to experience each facet of the business from animal health, economics, waste management, working with rations at the feed mill, personnel management and bookwork. Finally, students will return to campus in December for two weeks to review their experiences at feedyards and learn from the experiences of other students in the program. The late Terry Klopfenstein, Emeritus professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, pioneered the Timmerman Feedyard Management Internship and has mentored hundreds of graduate students during his 47-year career at Nebraska. Timmerman Feedyard Management Internship applications close March. 1. For more information, visit Annual Nebraska LEAD Recognition Banquet March 17 in Lincoln LINCOLN Douglas Kristensen, chancellor of the University of Nebraska at Kearney, will be the keynote speaker at the annual LEAD (Leadership Education/Action Development) Program recognition banquet Friday, March 17, at the Nebraska East Union on the University of Nebraska-Lincolns East Campus. During the banquet, the Nebraska LEAD Alumni Association will also be presenting the 2023 Dr. Allen G. Blezek Friend of LEAD award. The award honors Dr. Blezek, the long-time director who passed away in 2020. This years recipient is Ronnie Green, chancellor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Prior to the banquet, the Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council will conduct its annual meeting at 4:30 p.m. The council will elect 2023-24 officers to its board of directors. Social hour will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by the 6:30 p.m. banquet. Banquet reservations are $25 and may be made by calling the Nebraska LEAD Program office at 402-472-6810 no later than March 7. Central Nebraska LEAD 40 Fellows who are completing the two-year leadership development program are: Mitch Oswald of Aurora, Abe Smith and Hannah Swink of Kearney, Cole Lewandowski of Litchfield, Stephanie Nelson of Minden, and Dylan Haas of St. Edward. The Nebraska LEAD Program includes men and women, currently active in production agriculture and agribusiness and is a two-year leadership development program under the direction of the Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council, in cooperation with the University of Nebraska-Lincolns Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. For more information, or to request an application for Nebraska LEAD 42, contact the Nebraska LEAD Program, 104 Agricultural Communications Building, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0940, telephone 402-472-6810 or email the Nebraska LEAD Program at The application deadline is June 15. The student journalism saga at Northwest Public High School continues as the district approaches the semesters halfway point. Months after print production of the student newspaper, the Viking Saga, ended, students and staff were told the paper would be digitally resurrected at second semester. When the Independent reported the planned return in November, officials from Northwest Public Schools did not respond to requests for comment. The second semester started Jan. 4. The Saga remains shuttered. The newspaper ended print production in May 2022 on the heels of a Pride Month issue that included stories and columns covering LGBTQ issues. That issue is available online. No versions of the Saga following the June issue appear online. Deposed Saga adviser Kirsten Gilliland and a former Saga staff member told the Independent they had been informed the student newspaper program would return digitally and in the classroom second semester. In a letter to families and faculty acquired by the Independent, Superintendent Jeff Edwards questioned the Independents story about the newspapers demise, saying the newspaper was not eliminated, but paused. That was in late August. While the class exists under the helm of Northwest High School English teacher Alex Hull, there is no sign of the new Saga itself. In a statement responding to the Sagas absence, Rose Godinez, legal counsel for ACLU of Nebraska, said: "It is frustrating though unsurprising to see the district once again say one thing then do another, completely failing to address the harm of its discriminatory actions toward LGBTQ+ students last year. Hull, the current Saga adviser, referred questions to Edwards. Advisers typically report to a principal, like all other teachers usually do, noted Mike Hiestand, legal counsel for the Student Press Law Center. The Student Press Law Center advocates for First Amendment and free press rights of student journalists and their advisers. I can't remember ever hearing of a student media adviser reporting directly to a superintendent, Hiestand said. The Independent followed Hulls suggestion and emailed Edwards requesting any updates. Edwards responded, simply: No update now or in the future. One Saga student, whose identity is being protected, did offer an update to The Independent via text message, saying: The fact that it was going digital was like a slap in the face of the school newspaper's former glory. It meant that nobody would read it unless they willingly went to the website. Before, they would at least see the papers on their desks and flip through them out of boredom and find something they like. The student, who was on the Sagas staff briefly this semester, said they also took print versions to family members without ready access to the internet. Hiestand said of the reaction to the Sagas censorship, It was the kids teaching the adults and holding them accountable. Whether the adults the educators actually learned anything in the long run seems an open question. Tim Wardyn, a Northwest alum and founder of the student press freedom nonprofit We Will Press, said I would take the digital because at least a step in the right direction. If they're not even doing that, it makes it sound like they basically just told us what we want to hear, patted us on the head and moved along. That is unacceptable. The Northwest High School Viking Sagas plight made waves globally. Even so, said Angie Wolfe, treasurer of the Nebraska High School Press Association (NHSPA), Students are getting censored pretty much yearly, it seems like every time we turn around. Wolfe noted the prior review censorship at Westside High School (Omaha) and the censorship of the Waverly Public High Schools yearbook. The Saga, for sure, is the worst silencing of student voices NHSPA has seen, but it's not surprising, given what we've seen in Nebraska. Godinez indicated ACLU of Nebraska is continuing to push forward. We are not yet ready to discuss next steps, but students should know that we remain as committed as ever to advancing accountability, Godinez stated. ACLU of Nebraska has asserted Northwest Public Schools blatantly violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. and Nebraska Constitutions. Last fall, ACLU of Nebraska submitted a public records request to Northwest Public Schools concerning the Saga. We look forward to when we can share more, Godinez said. Aside from the letter from Edwards to students and families in November, the district has said little or nothing about the Saga since its story broke in August. Its like they just want to bury it, Wardyn said. We're not going to tell you anything. Just leave us alone. No, you're dealing with kids, Wardyn contended. They have no say in this. You're taking away an opportunity from kids, and you're not giving them any reasons. They are still going to be questions, Wardyn added. We're not going away. (Northwest Public Schools) has been given plenty of time. GIBBON Rowe Sanctuary will break ground in early April for a $12.5 million expansion of the Iain Nicolson Audubon Center and outdoor improvements. Plans include, but are not limited to, additions at the northeast and southwest ends of the visitor center; a relocated, larger parking lot; a wetlands exploration deck along the Platte River, and an ADA-accessible path to a blind used by visitors during crane season. These investments will touch everything, from education to working lands, from science-based programming to operations, that Audubon Nebraska does, said Lizzie Gilroy, director of development for Audubon Nebraska in Omaha. Rowe Sanctuary consists of 2,900 acres along the Platte River. It is located at 44490 Elm Island Road, between Gibbon and Kearney. The work is projected to be completed before the 2024 crane season, but if it is not, provisions will be made so visitors and viewing blinds will not be disturbed during that time, according to Bill Taddicken, the center director at Rowe Sanctuary. The visitors center The visitors center will get a new entry hall and renovations at the gift shop area, offices and restrooms. A community space and kitchen will be added on the northeast end of the building. An education room/lab and large pavilion are planned on the southwest end. A new, larger parking lot will be created directly south of the building so visitors can enter the visitors center directly from the front instead of coming in from the east. This will shield birds roosting on the river from vehicles headlights at night. The new lot will provide better parking for buses. Along the Platte River, a new wetlands exploration deck, with boardwalk segments and guardrails, will be constructed so visitors can get close to the river. Elevate campaign Taddicken said Audubon Nebraska began assessing Rowes future needs in 2015. Participants in that process included Audubon staff, volunteers, donors and partners. Out of that came a visionary 50-year plan that will allow Rowe to expand programs both inside and out during crane season and year-round, he said. Rowe and Audubon Nebraska are part of the non-profit National Audubon Society. In addition to that, the Audubon Society will build a structure for land management demonstrations and research at Spring Creek Prairie, its 850-acre tallgrass prairie nature preserve near Denton, southwest of Lincoln. It will also repair the Creek Bridge and renovate center trails there. Both the Rowe and Spring Creek projects are part of Elevate: The Campaign for Audubon Nebraska, a $34 million fundraising campaign that began in 2020. Of that amount, $12.5 million will go for projects at Rowe. So far, 78% of that goal has been raised or pledged. The Spring Creek Prairie project will cost $1.5 million, and 66% of that has been raised or pledged. The capital campaign also includes nearly $8 million for program support, including general operations and programming at Rowe. The remaining $12 million will go for future legacy projects funded by donors who have included Audubon Nebraska in their wills. Audubon hopes to complete fundraising by June 30, 2023. The project went out for bid this month, but no contracts have been awarded yet, Gilroy added. Space for volunteers A new, larger break room will be built for crane season volunteers in the new east wing, near the new catering kitchen, conference room, multipurpose room and additional restrooms. There will also be better and more useful space for volunteers, and more day use space, plus a community room we can use or rent out for outside groups, Taddicken added. Volunteers come from all over the country during crane season Feb. 5-April 15 and stay for a week or more in a retreat house nearby. Right now, they often make lunches and dinners in the retreat house kitchen and take the food to the visitor center to share with other volunteers, who often have limited time to prepare meals due to busy schedules. That break room is noisy and crowded, and its near our staff offices. With this expansion, they will have a volunteer room, and they can fix meals in our catering kitchen, Taddicken said. Gilroy added that the kitchen "will be an asset to the broader community year-round. The gift shop will be relocated inside the visitor center, but it will have collapsible walls so that it can be expanded into the Great Hall for increased capacity. The walls will also allow merchandise to be easily secured during large events, Gilroy said. Rowes improvements also include trail expansion along the Platte River, including an ADA-compliant trail that will provide accessibility to one blind for close-up crane viewing. Timing Elevate campaign funds will also address issues facing the Platte River, including better resourcing Audubons work with private landowners to improve conservation practices, and improving education programs to inspire the next generation of conservationists, Gilroy added. Rowe Sanctuary was established thanks to Lillian Annette Rowe, who, in 1967, left much of her estate to the National Audubon Society to establish a bird sanctuary anywhere in the United States. In 1974, the 440-acre Lillian Annette Rowe Sanctuary was established with this money on land purchased from Louis and Margaret Triplett, Donald and Margaret Nutter and Rose Jacobson. The site was considered one of the most pristine Sandhill Crane habitats along the Platte River. Named for Rowe's husband Ian Nicolson, it has since been enlarged with the 1988 purchase of a 362-acre farm. New office space and the visitor center were built in 2002. It now has seven full-time staff members and 2,900 acres. Rowe Sanctuary and Spring Creek Prairie serve as hubs for everything we do throughout our state and region. It is critically important that we make these places accessible to as many people as possible, as well as elevate them to world-class status, Gilbert said. The best bang for your buck! This option enables you to purchase online 24/7 access and receive the Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday print edition at no additional cost * Print edition only available in our carrier delivery area. Allow up to 72 hours for delivery of your print edition to begin. Print edition not available for Day Pass option. It was a cold, wet day when the Hunting Club membership should have been hunting ducks, but instead, we were gathered in the large round corner booth in Doreens 24 HR Eat Gas Now Cafe. Wrong Willie came in late, and like the rest of us, jumped when he opened the cafes front door that shrieked like a banshee. The United States Department of Agriculture, along with SC State University 1890 Research & Extension Program, is accepting applications for the USDA/1890 National Scholars Program. Selected scholars are awarded full tuition and fees. The scholarship also covers books, room and board. One of Secretary Tom Vilsack priorities is to bring in the NexGen (Next Generation) of employees and leaders to USDA, said Travis Johnson, USDA liaison. The USDA 1890 Scholars Program is aimed at bolstering educational and career opportunities for students from rural and underserved communities. This a tremendous opportunity for young energetic students to graduate from college without student loans and have a full-time position waiting on them. High-school seniors entering their freshmen year of college, rising college sophomores and juniors are eligible to apply for this scholarship. To apply, the applicant must major in agriculture or an agriculture-related field must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, a minimum SAT score of 1080 or ACT score of 21 (for high school applicants) and have been accepted to or currently enrolled at an 1890 institution. Selected students are required to intern with the sponsoring agency each summer. After graduation the student is converted to a full-time employee if he or she successfully completes the required academic and summer work requirements of the program, noted Johnson. Students majoring in the following disciplines are eligible to apply: Accounting Agribusiness Biology (Non-Medical) Business Chemistry (Non-Medical) Civil Engineering Computer Science Economics Family and Consumer Science Marketing Management Nutrition The USDA 1890 national scholars program is a great opportunity for students to advance their careers in the agricultural fields, said Dr. Louis Whitesides, vice president and executive director of 1890 research and extension. The agricultural industry plays a major role in the United States, as it accounts for nearly 22 million jobs. We want to position our students to be in the forefront in their respective fields leading and taking agriculture to a new level. The partnership established between USDA and 1890 institutions aims to increase the number of agriculture, food, natural resource sciences and other ag-related disciplines among 1890 schools. For more information on the 2023 USDA 1890 Scholars Program and to apply online, visit For more information or to receive help in applying to the UDSA 1890 scholarship, contact Travis Johnson, USDA liaison, at (202) 596-4442 or The president of Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College is optimistic that the institutions plans for a new advanced manufacturing facility will become a reality with an anticipated increase in the South Carolina Technical College Systems budget for next year. OCtech President Dr. Walt Tobin noted the state Board of Economic Advisors is anticipating the states budget will have additional funds this year. In addition, Lottery proceeds are up. So theyve changed their estimates to be $533 million. Theres almost $50 million in surplus. So that brings the lottery expenditure amount to somewhere around $600 million, Tobin told OCtech Area Commission members last week. The president thinks the increases bode well for the State Tech System. Tobin has been speaking with local lawmakers about the budget. I feel pretty good about our budget both for the system and our individual request, which would be funds for a new advanced manufacturing building, Tobin said. He also reported the college received a Race to the Finish grant, which will help students who left college during the pandemic return to school and complete a credential. Were also going to create a Weekend Warrior College to give folks an opportunity who cant be here during the week to come nights and weekends. We havent quite figured out what courses those are going to be, what programs were going to focus on, but that is TBD, Tobin said. The president said the college also received a $1.1 million grant in partnership with Aiken Tech and Piedmont Tech. That will allow us to modularize some of our curriculum both in advanced manufacturing and in nursing to create shorter-term credentials on one hand on the credit side, but it also will allow us to create some transitions from credit to non-credit, Tobin said. So the continuing ed division is a bridge into credit programs for those folks who dont have the time to commit to a one-year diploma program or a two-year associates degree. I think its a good opportunity for us to continue to keep some of the work were doing with curriculum development, making the transition to seven-week terms, etc., Tobin said. The college plans to boost enrollment by transitioning to seven-week terms for the fall semester. Tobin has said that research has shown that students focusing on fewer subjects at a time tend to be more successful in classes. Rather than focusing on four courses at a time in a full, 16-week semester, for example, students enroll in two courses in each of the seven-week terms. The president also reported on the potential for the college to use 15,000 square feet of space at the former Holly Hill Middle School, which has been transformed into an intergovernmental complex for the town of Holly Hill, for training. (With) the renovations to the Holly Hill Town Center that were approved by the Joint Bond Review Committee about 15,000 square feet of space we believe that theres an opportunity to do some short-term training in that area, given the proximity of some manufacturing businesses, Tobin said. Theres still one more step, and thats the State Fiscal Accountability Authority. I think that that meeting is coming up in March. So once thats done, the county will have permission to put that out for bid for the renovation of that space, he said. The president said the county would own and maintain the space, with the college paying the light bill. In other matters, he recognized the South Carolina Technical Education Association Educator of the Year winners, including: Kevin Kneece, OCtech automotive program coordinator, faculty winner; Elizabeth Rivers, OCtech Health Careers Prep advisor, staff winner; and Marie Howell, OCtech human resources director, administrator winner. Tobin also reported on two new OCtech Foundation members: Pam Hughes, an OCtech nursing graduate and former nursing faculty member, and Russel Hurst, chief executive officer of Phoenix Specialty in Bamberg. The president said the colleges strategic planning work also continues. Weve got six more teams that are focusing on access for students, success of students and employee retention and recruitment. Their work is due back to my staff somewhere around March 17 in preparation for our discussion about the strategic direction of the college, he said. Academic Affairs OCtech Vice President of Academic Affairs Williette Berry reported on vacancies which have been filled, including those for a librarian and machine tool technology instructor. The board also approved her request for the approval of an additional certificate in computer numerical control, or CNC. The advanced manufacturing department dean got together with the CNC program individuals. After reviewing the current certificate offering, they decided that an additional certificate was needed that focuses on teaching the essential of CNC programming, set up and a variety of CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) packages to meet the needs of the current industry, she said. Student Services OCtech Vice President for Student Services Dr. Sandra Davis said applications are under review for an administrative specialist in the colleges records office. She also reported that spring break will be March 6-10. On March 13, we have some mini session classes that will start as soon as they come back from spring break. But that is also the opening of our summer registration and fall registration periods, as well, Davis said. Finance OCtech Vice President of Financial Affairs Kim Huff gave a January financial report which revealed the college had revenue of $16,714,870 at the end of January, with expenses standing at $11,638,733. In the fall, our enrollment was down. So we were short of our budget probably 8 to 9 percent. At one time I was concerned that maybe the spring would have that same shortfall, but right now for the spring were thinking the numbers are pretty good, Huff said. Were only down by 2 percent. So were down, but I still think its a win. Were making progress in turning the corner and trying to flatten out and then maybe start to rebound, he said. Huff said the colleges funding from the federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund will end June 30. Well be able to use those funds to offset any revenue shortfalls again this year. Were having some salary savings because of vacancies. So I feel pretty comfortable with our current year budget, he said. The goal is to create a balanced budget for next year without HEERF funding. Thats going to be the challenge. ... Weve made some progress in that so far, and were working on it. The goal still is that in the next two months or so, well come back to you with a budget for next year thats balanced, Huff said. He also gave area commissioners a project update, stating that the college has spent $188,345 of its capital projects fund to date. He said a new digital sign should be functional by the week of Feb. 27-March 3. Our biggest project out there is Building K, and we are still on track for that to be out for bid to the state in the next three to four months and have a contractor selected, he said. Huff said the renovation of Building S into a student commons area is also making progress. That is still on schedule as well to go out for bid in the next two months or so. The architect still believes that by December this project could be finished. Im thinking thats optimistic, but Id love for that to happen, he said. Huff said the move of the college's machine-tool program down to Building T has been one of its most difficult projects. Its a small project that includes electrical, mechanical and general construction. ... So no one wants to handle a small project and have to deal with all of those components. So what weve done is the architect has gone back and broken it down into groups, and were putting the electrical component out for bid, he said. He continued, That new drawing for the electrical piece is at the state Engineers Office. It should be approved this week, and if its approved this week, then hopefully we can put it out for bid next week. So were still hopeful that well find an electrical contractor whos willing to do that electrical component. That way we can start chipping away at that project. What well follow up with then is another set of drawings and putting out for bid to do the mechanical and general contractor work. South Carolina State Universitys Dr. Tanya T. Wilson has been appointed to serve as a site visitor for the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. Wilson is an adjunct professor, graduate placement coordinator and clinical educator in SC States Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology. As a site visitor with the CAA, Wilson will serve a minimum four-year term and conduct accreditation reviews on behalf of the CAA for graduate education programs in speech-language pathology. She is one of six site visitors from South Carolina. She is the fourth SPA department member to serve on the CAA and only the second to serve on both the CAA and South Carolina Board of Examiners in Speech Pathology and Audiology through the Labor, Licensing, Regulation Board. Honestly, I never saw myself holding a position such as this, but my mentors and support system did, Wilson said. Being able to represent my university and the program I love so much is an honor. Whether my team is on the West Coast or in the Midwest, I beam with pride as I introduce myself as SPA faculty. The CAA is recognized by the secretary of the U.S. Department of Education and by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. It accredits eligible clinical doctoral programs in audiology and master's degree programs in speech-language pathology. The CAA has authority within the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association to establish and enforce standards for accreditation. Wilson has the opportunity to grow professionally, give back to the educational community, learn the particulars of academic program accreditation and visit programs across the nation seeking accreditation. Site visitors are chosen by a committee of the CAA and voted on by the entire CAA. To qualify as a CAA clinical faculty site visitor, one must have earned a graduate degree in speech-language pathology from a regionally accredited institution, be employed by and have a clinical appointment in a CAA-accredited program, and possess valid licensure and nationally recognized credentials in speech-language pathology. Wilson, a native of Sumter, is a 1999 and 2003 graduate of the bachelors and masters SPA programs at SC State. She earned a doctor of education degree in 2014 from Nova Southeastern University. Additionally, she had two term appointments by former Gov. Nikki Haley to the LLR board, where she served as a member for five years and the vice chair for four years. Wilson is a member of the Advisory Council for Educating Students with Disabilities for SC States Department of Education. Other noteworthy professional accomplishments include serving on national and state committees and boards, as well as holding offices in those respective organizations. Serving as a site visitor is a professional honor that I share with my students and other minority speech-language pathologists. Its a privilege that I dont take lightly, Wilson said. Our dedicated department faculty, staff and students participated in a reaccreditation site visit in 2021 and I must admit it was a daunting task, but well worth the sleepless nights and long hours. Ive completed two CAA site visits thus far -- seeing both sides of that coin has been enlightening, she said. Site visits are one part of assuring that accredited programs in audiology and speech-language pathology are evaluated extensively and conform to standards established by the professions. The amount of work that is required prior to a visit, the days on site at the program and the work getting the report completed is intense but invaluable. Im privileged to work with some of the nations most experienced higher education professionals, Wilson said. Portions of the CAA accreditation standards relate to an evaluation of the adequacy of a programs preparation of graduate students to meet professional credentialing requirements, including nationally recognized certifications, state licensure and teacher certification. Students knowing that their future or current graduate program is accredited is pertinent information. This will ultimately affect their livelihood as it relates to being credentialed and subsequently securing gainful employment upon graduation, Wilson said. There's more work to do but Im up for the challenge because representation truly does matter. As founder and director, Wilson intends on doing her part to foster and encourage more minorities to consider obtaining degrees in the field of speech-language pathology through the newly formed nonprofit, Minority Speaks, a 501c3 organization. According to SPA, approximately 8% of nationally certified SLPs are minorities, only 3% of which are Black. (TBTCO) - Theo du bao cua IMF, trong so 8 nen kinh te lon nhat the gioi, chi Trung Quoc va Nhat Ban co toc o tang truong nam 2023 cao hon nam 2022. ac biet, muc tang 2,2 iem % cua Trung Quoc cho thay nen kinh te nay la iem sang tren con uong phuc hoi ay gap ghenh cua kinh te the gioi. Les chenilles (Caterpillars in English) by Lebanese musicians, writers and filmmakers Michelle Keserwany and Noel Keserwany on Saturday night won the Golden Bear for "Best Short Film" at the 73rd Berlinale International Film Festival in Berlin. "It is in the tepidness of breasts that caterpillars hatch." This sentence, taken from an article by Fawwaz Traboulsi entitled "Un amour de soie" (published in L'Orient Express in 1996) and which explores the relationship between the women of Mount Lebanon and foreign silk factories in the 19th century, inspired Michelle and Noel Keserwany to make this social, historical but also poetic short film. The film was co-produced by Marine Vaillant (Dewberries Films) and the Biennale de Lyon, represented by curators Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath. Inspired by this imagery and by the difficult conditions of women's work in the French silk industry in the 19th century in the Levant, and in particular in Mount Lebanon, the Keserwanys created a contemporary story that also addresses the subject of emigration. 'Very happy' "Through carefully arranging image and sound, this complex sensual film transforms the means of womans oppression into those of their liberation," the Berlinale jury said, according to an online statement. "When the third person becomes an 'I,' the women are no longer objects of exploitation, but have turned into subjects. The silkworms will metamorphose into spiders, whose nets do not serve silk production, but their own survival. An immediate friendship connects two women, in whose bodies the consequences of colonialization are inscribed. The magic of their bond will continue to exist in our perception. The Golden Bear for Best Short Film goes to Michelle and Noel Keserwanys Les Chenilles," the statement concluded. "This is our first short film. It is also the first time it is shown in a festival and the first time we won a prize," Michelle Keserwany told L'Orient-Le Jour. "We were very happy because the film will be now shown to a wider audience. This award allows us to work on our next projects with more ease," Keserwany added. Golden Bear prize The Berlin film festival on Saturday awarded its Golden Bear top prize to a documentary by French director Nicolas Philibert and its best acting award to an 8-year-old girl in what jury chief Kristen Stewart described as a "boundary-pushing" event. On the Adamant, coming more than 20 years after Philibert's acclaimed education documentary To Be and To Have, is about a floating day-care center for people with psychiatric problems on the Seine in Paris. Thanking the jury, Philibert, 72, said "that documentary can be considered to be cinema in its own right touches me deeply." On a night full of surprises, the festival's gender-neutral acting prize was awarded to an 8-year-old, Spain's Sofia Otero. The young actress won the prize for playing a transgender child in "20,000 Species of Bees," the feature debut from Spanish director Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren. Critics have lavished praise on the film. Screen Daily, for one, predicted that "arthouse audiences worldwide should respond to the pathos, breadth and humanity of a film that takes a while to build but, when it does, never loses its grip." Otero, who fought back tears when collecting the award, later told journalists she was "very grateful, very happy." 'Invisible parameters' Stewart, at 32 the youngest president in the festival's history, said the jury had been asking themselves all week "what makes a movie a movie." They had set aside "invisible parameters" in awarding the Golden Bear, she said, because "when you focus too much on what something is you tend to lose track of what it does. "This is a boundary-pushing festival and so it offers us the opportunity to be expansive in how we define those things, how we value works of art, how we categorize them," she said. There was more success for France as Philippe Garrel, 74, won the Silver Bear for best director for The Plough, a drama about three siblings from a family of puppeteers coping with the death of their father. Garrel dedicated the prize to his children and to French-Swiss director Jean-Luc Godard, "a great master for many of us," who died last September. Second prize went to Afire from German director Christian Petzold, about a group of friends whose holiday retreat to the Baltic coast goes horribly wrong. Variety called it "wincingly well-observed and acidly funny," while the Hollywood Reporter said it was "a deceptively simple and straightforward but emotionally layered film." Coming in third was Bad Living by Portugal's Joao Canijo, about several female members of the same family who run a dilapidated hotel and are also struggling with their relationships to one another. Star power On the Adamant offers an intimate glimpse into the lives of adults and their carers in the Parisian day-care center, which puts an accent on offering them a creative outlet. The film is "an attempt to overturn the image we have" of people with psychiatric problems, Philibert said. "The cliches are deep-rooted. The film tries to unravel them [but] there is a long way to go." The Hollywood Reporter praised the film's "warmth and enthusiasm," calling it "a portrait of several individuals who, despite their noticeable disabilities, are capable of producing original and moving works of art." French President Emmanuel Macron congratulated both Philibert and his subjects on the win, calling the film a "story of humanity and commitment." Documentaries are regularly selected in major international film competitions, but rarely win awards. Last year, the Venice Film Festival awarded its Golden Lion to a documentary about the opiate crisis in the United States by Laura Poitras (All The Beauty And The Bloodshed). After two years of a reduced format due to pandemic restrictions, the 11-day Berlinale got back in full swing this year, with A-listers such as Cate Blanchett, Helen Mirren and Steven Spielberg walking the red carpet. The festival, which ranks alongside Cannes and Venice as one of Europe's top cinema showcases, also marked the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and highlighted anti-government protests in Iran with new feature films and documentaries. There were 19 films from around the world vying for this year's Golden Bear, which was awarded at a gala ceremony by a jury led by Stewart. Report Everton 0 - 2 Aston Villa Because I do. Because I love it and because I can't help myself. And I'll keep doing it for as long as I can breathe. Well, I like others have had many interesting journeys following Everton. This one doesn't rate highly, but it was certainly different. "If it can go wrong, it will go wrong" is the moral of this story. Before going into my tale of woe, appreciation to John and good to meet Brian again. Sorry I didn't catch up with anyone else. There's not a lot to say on the match that hasn't been said on here already and in post-match discussions around the ground. We didn't play badly and, from my viewpoint, it was a very even contest. We shouldn't have lost that and we could have won it. I almost fell over at one point celebrating because I was convinced we had scored. Article continues below video content There was a deliberate tactic of hitting diagonals to McNeil. Some of his delivery was really good. But our Achilles Heel of not having someone on the end of them came back to bite us. I thought it was a penalty as soon as I saw the tackle go in and then, the writing was on the wall. As for the referee. Very one-sided. This is not said through blue-tinted glasses, but he either supports Aston Villa or seriously dislikes Everton or he is just incompetent take your pick. Win, lose or draw, you can always gauge by the fans' reaction: when they're bad, we let them have it. They got a decent reception at the end, certainly from where I was sat. The hostility was reserved for the match officials as they left the pitch. Despite the disappointment of defeat, the adventure didn't end there. A quick catch-up in the Winslow and into town to get home. Last train cancelled Can this get any worse? Found a hotel and got up at 5am to get ready to catch the first train. Lime Street Station closed and first train not until 8:10 am. This was getting worse. I must have become a bit London spoilt as that was a bit alien to me. Several odd characters hanging around the station, who I had to have a few choice words with to get them to stop bothering me. I wasn't in the mood and had time to kill, so went for a walk. I often forget how magnificent St George's Hall and the buildings on William Brown Street are. Beautiful city. Nowhere apparently open, but I spotted the McDonald's opposite the old John Lewis; I noted Dicky is still standing proud. Drunken students everywhere who I done my best to avoid (it's now 7am). Bizarrely, I got approached by a very confident and friendly seagull. I gave him/her a piece of my bacon and egg McMuffin. Not sure if you're supposed to do that, but the coffee was mine. Anyway, enough of that. Finally on my way home. We go to the Emirates on Wednesday and Nottingham Forest on Saturday. We can get 4 points out of those two games? We still have a lot to play for and there are likely to be many more twists and turns. I'll be there with them as will every single one of us. Note: the following content is not moderated or vetted by the site owners at the time of submission. Comments are the responsibility of the poster. Disclaimer () How to get rid of these ads and support TW ToffeeWeb Theres a dartboard on the wall and it has all the bills debated this legislative session on it. Take a dart, close your eyes and throw it on the board. Almost any bill the dart lands on, if you dig enough, will have some sort of religious reasoning or connection to it. Sometimes, you dont even need to pick it apart to find that connection. Health care and abortion The Life is a Human Right Act sponsored by Cody Republican Rep. Rachel Rodriguez-Williams. Underage marriage restrictions sponsored by Cheyenne Republican Rep. Dan Zwonitzer. A child gender change prohibition sponsored by Laramie County Republican Sen. Anthony Bouchard. As part of their individual profiles on the legislative website, state lawmakers can elect to name their religious affiliations or lack thereof. But those descriptions dont tell the whole story. Listing a faith doesnt mean someone attends church every week or even follows its precepts all that closely. Similarly, not listing anything doesnt mean theyre not spiritual. The Star-Tribune wanted to know more about how the self-reported answers on the legislators profiles impacted their policy-making. After all, its not hard to see religions fingerprints all over the bills that have been introduced and debated this session. But its another thing to discuss faith on a personal level, to ask the why question. Using the self-reported answers on the profiles, as well as emails to legislators asking more about those responses, the Star-Tribune attempted to better understand how religion affects the Wyoming Legislature. How many of Wyomings legislators are religious? Thats a hard question to answer, because not all of them listed specific faiths or denominations on their profiles. Some of them responded to the Star-Tribunes email asking if N/A (which ostensibly denotes that they declined or forgot to answer) on their profiles was still true for them. However, some did not respond, leaving the possibility of securing concrete data up in the air. The clearest way to answer that question is to say that most of them are religious, as far as can be told. Thirteen representatives and seven senators reported no religious affiliation. Many of the lawmakers who did reply to the Star-Tribunes emails reported church attendance at least once a week. Though some of them said they had no time or energy during the session (I have learned I dont enjoy church during Sessionsermons fall flat when I listen to legislative debate all week, wrote Zwonitzer), most said they attend as many services as they can. Some even go outside the bounds of their personal churchs denomination or belief system. I attend other churches in my county at various times, not just to engage with my constituents on a different level, but to also let them know I am a Christian and am supportive of everyones religious affiliations, wrote Sen. Wendy Schuler, R-Evanston, who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Are there religious trends among the legislators? Yes. The vast majority of them are Christian, with most either Protestant or Catholic. The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints is also well represented. This fact is not too much of a surprise. Most Wyomingites tend to lean toward Christianity in some way or another, and even if they dont explicitly call themselves Christians, the state has significantly conservative, Judeo-Christian roots. Of course, there are deviations to be noted. Among those who reported their religious affiliations but werent Christian, Unitarian Universalism reigned. Meaning that there were two people who identified universalism as their faith Rep. Ken Chestek, D-Laramie, and Sen. Charles Scott, R-Casper. (Its important to ascertain, however, that Unitarian Universalism is less of a faith in a specific deity and more of a community where those of all different faiths aim to find commonalities and collaborate.) There are four Unitarian Universalism communities in Wyoming: in Casper, Cheyenne, Laramie and Sheridan. Which legislators are involved in church- or ministry-related jobs or spend free time helping at their church? Rep. Abby Angelos, R-Gillette, is a womens ministry director, according to her profile. (Angelos did not respond to an email asking her for more information on her personal religious beliefs or where she goes to church.) Rep. Jeremy Haroldson, R-Cheyenne, is a pastor. Rep. Ben Hornok, R-Cheyenne, has a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from Frontier School of the Bible in La Grange. Rep. Kevin OHearn, R-Casper, teaches religious education at Our Lady of Fatima Church to third- and fourth-graders when not in session and during the school year, he wrote to the Star-Tribune. Rep. Scott Smith, R-Wheatland, teaches adult Sunday School with his wife at his church, teaches and preaches at the prison in Torrington and hosts a weekly Bible study in his home, he said in an email. Rep. Tomi Strock, R-Douglas, is part of the praise and worship team at her church, teaches a Sunday School class and also hosts Bible studies. So, how does faith impact their work? To quote Rep. Trey Sherwood, D-Laramie, Church is where I learned the value of being a servant leader, community building, tithing, social justice, and forgiveness. Many others echoed her statement. My faith does inform my decision-making process in the context of a pluralistic society, which I support, said Rep. Jerry Obermueller, R-Casper. I dont try and push any type of religion into the bills I will sponsor or co-sponsor. What I look at is the governmental (role) according to the USA Constitution and Wyoming constitution as far as law. I believe its up to the community groups and our churches to help those in need. I personally trust in God to give me fair judgement to help all to the best of my ability, Tamara Trujillo, R-Cheyenne, said. She is a Christian. Some representatives, such as Jeanette Ward, R-Casper, have openly used Biblical references as support for their policy-making decisions. Cain commented to God, Am I my brothers keeper? she said during a House Labor, Health and Social Services Committee meeting in January, discussing a Medicaid extension for postpartum health care. The obvious answer is no. No, Im not my brothers keeper. But just dont kill him. So I will be a no on these (amendments). Ward told the Star-Tribune in an email that she is a Christian. Other lawmakers had reasons for keeping their personal beliefs personal. I do not post my religious beliefs on my legislative profile because there must be a separation of church and state to ensure that religious freedom remains a strong constitutional right. The involvement of any religion in government is an infringement on all (religions), Rep. Karlee Provenza, D-Laramie, said in an email to the Star-Tribune. Rep. Mike Yin, D-Jackson, said likewise. I dont list religion on my profile, because I consider it a private matter. The legislative session ends in March. Telecoms provider Flow will increase prices next month. In a notice to its customers on Wednesday, Flow said the 3.5-per cent increase in its Internet and cable packages will come into effect on May 1. Another notice was sent to customers with multiple cable boxes via e-mail on Wednesday. T&T rap legend Make It Hapn (Rayon Bernando) is back in the lab creating new music. Anybody and their mama that followed the local hip hop scene in the early 2000s knows Make It Hapn is rap royalty. The Diego Martin-born MC had a ubiquitous flow that earned him snaps and standing ovations everywhere he went, from the quad at The University of the West Indies (UWI), St Augustine campus to spoken word exposes and open mic nights across the island. CHAGUANAS nightlife is said to be declining as random crimes increase, with food vendors and bar operators calling yesterday for better arrest rates to stop repeat criminals. Once booming mostly as a result of plentiful fast food options, the Chaguanas Main Road is still a go-to for doubles and gyros but now shows much less activity after dark than in years past. During an Easter Sunday break from my column, I was forcibly struck by the disconnect between the official messages about Easter from those clothed with high constitutional authority and the grim reality on the ground. Many persons would have been engaged in pleasurable activities over the Easter weekend. However, the country remains gripped by fear of violent crime, in respect of which the official messages have long ceased to be comforting or inspiring. How can it be otherwise when, in addition to rampant murder, we are frequently confronted with the results of brutal home invasions? Middle school girls in Amphitheater Unified School District had the opportunity to learn more about careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in a collaboration with Tucson Electric Power. Fifty students from Cross and Amphitheater middle schools gathered for the Girl Power event last week at TEP headquarters in downtown Tucson, where they heard presentations from women working in STEM and participated in activities to try out their own skills. The purpose was for students to learn more about STEM jobs that are not very visible, said Scott Weiler, a former engineering and robots teacher in the Amphitheater district who volunteered to help create the event. Girls cant be what they dont see, so we have to give them a chance to see what these fields are and then they can make a decision, said Weiler, who now works as innovation director for the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. Were just trying to give these girls a chance to see what their opportunities are. In the past students have visited Raytheon in Tucson and a science fair in Phoenix. All partners hope to hold the Girl Power event annually, Weiler said. To learn more about STEM educational opportunities for students, email Weiler at Pima County Spelling Bee Nathan Merrill, an eighth-grader at Legacy Traditional School in northwest Tucson, is the 2023 Pima County Spelling Bee Champion. He secured his first place earlier this month by competing in 12 rounds for more than two hours, and correctly spelling the final word: brusque. Karen Opoku-Appoh, an eighth-grader at Marana Middle School, was the runner-up. The two will now advance to the Arizona Educational Foundation State Spelling Bee in Phoenix on March 18, where they will compete against winners from other Arizona counties for a chance to represent the state at the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Maryland. The Pima County School Superintendents Office also recognized Zamarah Gonzalez of DeGrazia Elementary for taking third place; Chantal Newhouse of Wilson K-8 for placing fourth; and Josiah Wilkerson, a homeschooled student, for placing fifth. STEM research grant Stephen Beall, a teacher at City High School, was one of 52 educators throughout the U.S. selected as recipients of the Society for Science STEM Research Grant. The purpose of the grant program is to engage students from diverse and low-income communities in independent science research projects. Beall teaches biology, science and engineering practices and natural history at City High School and is also an adjunct life science instructor at Pima Community College. The grant will provide equipment. It is disheartening to ask a student to change their research topic because of the lack of the required equipment. Students often gravitate toward a less rigorous experiment when they cannot pursue the research that genuinely interests them, Beall said. This equipment will provide students the opportunity to not only perform the research that interests them but also conduct research at a more grade-appropriate and rigorous level. The grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are available in two forms, including research kits assembled and distributed to teachers, and funds paid directly to teachers for STEM-related equipment. To learn more about the grant program, visit In early December, Pima County Sheriff Chris Nanos stood before the Board of Supervisors pleading for help improving jail conditions that he called a full-blown crisis. The Pima County Adult Detention Center is unlivable for inmates, he told supervisors. And a worsening staffing shortage is creating serious safety concerns, he continued. Nanos floated the idea of building an entirely new facility, contending the detention complex at West Silverlake and South Mission roads beyond repair. While the board has discussed the jails deteriorating conditions since then, its latest response was approving the creation of a blue ribbon commission tasked with assessing the need for a new detention center and determining how to pay for it. In a 4-1 vote on Tuesday, the board approved the new jail commissions membership, charter and work timeline. The board gave the 10-member group 180 days to report back with its findings in September. County Administrator Jan Lesher recommended the formation of the commission to answer the key questions: How serious is the current problem? And what do we need to do (to address it)? The sheriff has been very clear about believing he needs a new jail Im not an expert to understand whether theres work that can be done on the current jail, or whether were better off with a new jail, she said. The commissions members have varying backgrounds in law enforcement, criminal justice, construction and social services. Three vice chairs within the group will lead efforts on assessing the structural status of the facility, operations within it and ways to finance potential changes. We need a new jail. How that happens, and whether its brand new or remodeled, whatever, Nanos said. But somebodys got to do something here because I cant do it myself. And I certainly cant have my staff in that kind of situation. Jail literally falling apart The detention facility has largely been funded by voter-approved bond packages passed in 1997 and 2004. The 1997 funds were used to construct a new maximum-security adult detention facility, the juvenile detention facility and communication tower. The 2004 dollars funded security enhancements. Initial estimates place the construction of a new jail at about $250 to $380 million. Now, Nanos claims the jail complex is literally falling apart and has frequent flooding issues, mold and deteriorating concrete. While some repairs have been done, the sheriff likened it to putting lipstick on a pig. A third-party contractor conducted structural assessments of certain problem areas on the property in June, July and October 2021. They found issues such as cracking masonry on the exterior of the jail and spalling concrete throughout walkways inside the facility but did not report significant structural issues. According to the assessments, the repairs of the identified issues were completed by the countys facilities management department. A full-scale, engineer-based assessment of the entire jail would be a much lengthier, and more costly, process. While the new commission will look into the jails physical conditions, itll also be tasked with reviewing the facilitys operations. In recent years, the Pima County jail has dealt with a growing population of inmates and a dwindling number of corrections officers to oversee them. Nanos said corrections officers, or COs, are falling asleep on the job, being tasked with supervising more than one section of the jail at a time, and forced to work overtime. The jail has a 68% vacancy rate of COs, and in the last three months alone, the county spent $1,266,703 in overtime costs at the jail, according to the Sheriffs Department, After Nanos brought his concerns to the Board of Supervisors in December, the board granted his request to dole out $1.7 million a year to give 7.5% raises to corrections workers. The sheriff said the raises help get people in the door but dont address the ongoing need of retaining staff. Underscoring the need for reform at the jail is an elevated number of inmates dying in it. The jail saw a decade-high number of deaths after 10 deaths were reported at the facility in 2021. In 2022, 12 deaths were reported at the jail, according to the county. Of those 12 deaths, 5 were related to fentanyl use, 3 were ruled suicides, one was due to medical complications after an inmate consumed a plastic spork and one was ruled a homicide after an inmate was tased repeatedly in an altercation with corrections officers, according to reports from the Pima County Medical Examiners office. Two inmates died at a nearby hospital after being granted compassionate release. While corrections officers are supposed to conduct routine rounds of inmates at least every 15 minutes, Nanos said, the reality is inmate check-ins happen about every 40 minutes. Theyre locked in the little room, and we walk by and peek in a little, tiny window thats about four inches wide and maybe two feet tall. We look in there and see, Yeah, hes there. And we walk on by, Nanos said. How is that safe and secure? According to the sheriff, inmates receive maybe one to two hours in the general dayroom area outside their cells every day. And while the jail has the capacity for about 2,100 people, the actual population the jail can efficiently hold is much smaller than that, as each inmate must be classified based on their alleged offenses. Throughout the last four months, the population has hovered at about 1,800. The reality is 90% of those in our jails are still innocent, they havent gone to trial, Nanos said. I dont think any of our jails today are designed for any type of compassion, any type of dignity, its just designed to lock you up, keep you away from everybody. Its almost punitive. The sheriff has expressed concerns that the alarming lack of officers overseeing the jail population could lead to further deaths or violent outbreaks. The jail has already seen some close calls, including when corrections officers faced a very dangerous situation when 90 inmates refused to lockdown in their cells until an hour-long negotiation deescalated the situation, Nanos said. On Dec. 1, an inmate choked a corrections officer who was rendered unconscious for 24 minutes until medical personnel revived her, according to the sheriff. One of the responsibilities of the blue ribbon commission is to assess Best practices and standards and other factors impacting operations given industry changes since the county facility was built. According to Lesher, this could be a chance to develop a more modern jail or detention facility in which case the term new describes enhanced programming and/or operational efficiencies. A new jail Daniel Sharp, who served as Oro Valleys police chief for 20 years before retiring in 2020, will lead the commission. While hes heard Nanos concerns about the jail, he said hell approach leading the commission with an open mind. The exact timeline of the commissions meetings has yet to be determined, but Sharp said the group will take public input into consideration and utilize the knowledge of county staff while making recommendations on the fate of the jail, and ultimately, how any changes would be funded. I always believe that the publics money belongs to the public, so we need to make sure that were spending it wisely and doing the right thing, Sharp said. When addressing the board in December, Nanos asked the countys supervisors to consider supporting a Jail District Excise Tax, which Lesher has looked into as a possible funding option. Eight of Arizonas 15 counties have some sort of tax to fund their jails, but such a tax requires voter approval. If Pima County were to approve a jail tax, it would be capped at a quarter-cent sales tax for residents, non-residents and visitors to the area. Ultimately, the commission will examine all potential financing options for any changes to the jail and make a recommendation to Lesher, who will pass that recommendation to the board for approval. When I talk about a new jail, new is not just new as in we just built it. Its new in terms of concepts and operations. There are ways to look at how the population is served within a jail, theres new ways of approaching that service, Lesher said. Blue ribbon commission members Daniel Sharp, chair, former chief of the Oro Valley Police Department India Davis, former director of county corrections Frank Hecht, member of the Sheriff Department's civilian advisory board, retired corrections captain Jack OBrien, Pima County Public Defenders Office David Olanik, Sundt Construction Wendy Petersen, former director of county Justice Services Grady Scott, pastor at Grace Temple and Missionary Baptist Church Chris Scheafe, real estate development, Rio Nuevo board member Roberto Villasenor, former chief of the Tucson Police Department Paul Wilson, former Sheriff's Department bureau chief Pima County is gearing up to place signage at some busy intersections in an effort to dissuade panhandling. The signs will read: Say no to panhandling. Say yes to helping agencies serving those in need. The move comes from the recommendation of the countys Small Business Commission, which advises the Board of Supervisors on policies that affect the local business community, County Administrator Jan Lesher said. The county has yet to establish a timeline for the Transportation Department to begin placing the signs, but theyre set to go in the same 32 signalized intersections where no trespassing stickers were placed in 2016 after the board passed an anti-panhandling ordinance. Ordinance 2016-30 prohibits pedestrians from occupying medians on County highways except as temporary refuge when crossing a highway. Violations dont arise from the act of soliciting money itself, but from trespassing when remaining on the median for too long. Only 22 citations have been issued for violating ordinance 2016-30 since 2016, according to the Pima County Sheriffs Department. Violations are punishable by a fine of $140. While pedestrians can wait at a median when crossing the street, legal violations arise when people remain at medians for several light cycles. Deputy Tyler Legg, the public information officer for the Sheriffs Department, said during his time in patrol calls for panhandling were fairly common, but that the approach that was normally taken was to educate instead of to cite individuals. Even though panhandling extends far beyond unincorporated county limits, the county can only enforce its own ordinances where it has jurisdiction. Tucson has its own laws against aggressive solicitation, but City Attorney Mike Rankin said panhandling itself is constitutionally protected under the First Amendment. What is not protected is behavior that threatens public safety, or that is otherwise illegal for reasons that are not related to the content of the persons speech, Rankin said in an email. That includes when the person follows someone after a refused request for money, or shouts at them, threatens them, makes physical contact, blocks their way. Josh Jacobsen, a member of the countys Small Business Commission and steering leader of the Tucson Crime Free Coalition, a new group advocating for a tough-on-crime stance to addressing the regions homelessness crisis, said he pushed for the countys new panhandling signs. Jacobsen described the signage as an incremental win for the community, and a way to start to educate the public on the danger that fentanyl plays in our community. If youre giving somebody thats on the median a $20 bill, you very likely just bought them roughly 20 fentanyl pills. And that just perpetuates the cycle of substance abuse that people are stuck in, he said. Tucson Police Department Chief of Police Chad Kasmar has expressed how the proliferation of fentanyl in Tucson affects the unsheltered population, as the highly addictive substance can be obtained for as little as $2-3 a pill. Narcotics, fentanyl, opiates and methamphetamine are a contributing factor to many of the issues that we face in our community, and is certainly contributing to the expansion of our mental health issues that we have in our unsheltered population, Kasmar told Tucson City Council at its Jan. 24 meeting, adding that 271 fentanyl-related overdoses occurred in Pima County last year. However, its unclear how those who panhandle spend the money given to them. Anti-panhandling signs seem to be used in many cities now, but (Im) not certain that it reduces panhandling, said Tom Litwicki, the CEO of Old Pueblo Community Services, a nonprofit with the mission to end homelessness in Pima County. Our experience with persons who are living on the streets points to most persons using money for food and then other needs, such as alcohol and drugs for those with addiction or alcoholism. Im sure there is a wide range in how people use the money, he said. The new signage from the county will instead encourage individuals to donate to local nonprofit organizations like Old Pueblo Community Services that help the homeless population by providing shelter and other basic necessities. Lesher said theres no enforcement planned to deter panhandling, but hopes the signage spreads the message that if you feel badly, if you want to give money, perhaps think about giving it to a nonprofit that can help the folks rather than the individual directly. How you can help United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona helps connect Tucsonans with volunteer opportunities in agencies throughout the city. Visit for more information. Learn more about homelessness at Aerial photos of Tucson, Pima County, in 1980 PHOENIX Arizona lawmakers are giving a big thumbs up to the drug known as Ecstasy and to hallucinogenic mushrooms, too. But dont take this wrong theyre not advocating the drugs for the usual recreational uses. Instead, bills that would fund a $30 million research program to study psilocybin mushrooms in treating post-traumatic stress syndrome and depression, and another to legalize the drug formally called MDMA for the same uses, are advancing amid strong emerging evidence they may be highly effective new therapies. Thats why former Pinal County sheriffs deputy and Marine Corps combat veteran Robert Steele went to the Capitol earlier this month. The 39-year-old married father of two told a House committee that PTSD and the effects of traumatic brain injuries had nearly crippled him, leaving him suicidal and unable to work, and nearly destroying his family life. Despite being so driven to serve in the military and law enforcement that he had never even tried marijuana, Steele described how he turned to magic mushrooms out of sheer desperation as a last-ditch effort to get relief after hearing it might help. He called the effects profound. I felt like I think clearly for the first time in years, Steele told a House committee. It was like seeing a color 4k TV after watching black and white an entire life. My wife, my kids, they all noticed that I was happy again. Steele said that because of psilocybin he is a happier person, has an improved memory and no longer has suicidal thoughts. This medicine has restored my relationships, brought me closer with my wife and children and allowed me to have a life worth living again, he said. Hoping to lead with science Dr. Suzanne Sisley told the House Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee that the grants included in House Bill 2486 would put Arizona on a different path than states like Oregon and Colorado that simply legalized magic mushrooms under voter initiatives. Were hoping that our state could actually lead with science first before we establish a regulated system for selling mushrooms, Sisley said. She is a psychiatrist and primary care physician who has spent years researching alternative medicines for treating PTSD and other disorders. This isnt Sisleys first dealing with state lawmakers and drug politics. She was let go by the University of Arizona a decade ago while planning to launch a medical marijuana research program that had received federal approval to proceed. The action happened as she tried to overcome opposition from Republicans in the Legislature who were blocking her hopes of getting state funding. Sisley was backed by veterans who looked to her research into PTSD to show results. She called the universitys decision to release her political, although she had no definitive proof. She ended up starting the Scottsdale Research Institute, which aims to develop treatments for PTSD and pain management using marijuana and other natural compounds. At the hearing earlier this month, Sisley told lawmakers that clinical trials conducted by Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research show promising results. But she also said they are using synthetic psilocybin, while the proposal that received unanimous backing from the committee would look at the natural whole mushroom. Drugs remain illegal under U.S. law Although anecdotal evidence has led veterans and law enforcement officers like Steele to band together to push for treatment using psilocybin mushrooms, they remain a Schedule 1 drug under federal law, with no legal use, medical or otherwise. That means no federal funding for research into potential treatment using mushrooms has been available until recently, when Sisley said pressure from veterans groups led to money to test it in a nicotine addiction study, with other addiction treatment studies possible. Although in a different treatment area, Sisley said the federal money is important because this is the first federal grant weve seen that will actually look at this as a medicine and not as a drug of abuse. Republicans and Democrats on the Arizona House panel embraced the proposal and its $30 million state funding after some asked whether mushrooms were addictive. Sisley told them it appeared they have much lower potential for that than even caffeine and that the Johns Hopkins study suggests mushrooms may have a major impact in treating addiction. A separate bill that would allow MDMA to be prescribed if the federal government removes it from Schedule 1 restrictions would open another avenue for treatment of PTSD and similar disorders. Clinical studies show that MDMA, illegally used for decades as a party drug with the street names Molly and Ecstasy, can be highly effective if administered in the right setting. Mike Williams, a lobbyist for a company that conducts clinical trials, said the drug is generally administered by a physician after several visits with a counselor. The patient stays in the doctors office while under the effects of the drug. Eighty percent of those that have received this treatment have been now cured of the diagnosis of PTSD, Williams said. It is an amazing drug. Potential impresses doctor in Legislature Although Williams comments were based on limited trials, Democratic Rep. Amish Shah said he is persuaded there is big promise in treating people with PTSD and depression using MDMA. Shah, an emergency room physician at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix who represents a north Phoenix district, said hes read of the research on MDMA and is impressed. This is actually causing some ripples in the medical community and it was found to be very efficacious at helping people with PTSD when done in a controlled setting with the appropriate therapist who is trained to do this the right way, Shah said last week as he joined the other 14 members of the House Appropriations Committee in approving House Bill 2489. I think its a really great thing when something like this happens, Shah said. We know of a drug and use it in another setting and it gives people a lot of cure, he said. So I am resoundingly in support of this. And I hope that we can get relief to a lot of people suffering from PTSD by using an older drug in an innovative way. Republican Rep. Kevin Payne of Peoria, who champions legislation addressing issues affecting veterans and law enforcement officers, is sponsoring both bills. He called the unanimous approvals by both committees kumbaya moments. If the measures pass the full House they will head to the Senate for action. When Logan Sandlin first tried using ChatGPT the new artificial intelligence software that can write essays, formulate code and assist users in a conversational way he was worried. It scared me because my first thought was Oh my God, Im not going to have a job, said Sandlin, a junior computer science and math major at the University of Arizona. But then I learned more about it, and I was like OK, theres still a job for me. Its making more things like this. Before hes ready to look for a job in the rapidly changing field of computer science, Sandlin still has some coursework to finish to get his degree. And hes using ChatGPT to help him get there. Its always involved when Im doing homework. It makes things so much more streamlined, he said. Before ChatGPT, Sandlin said that if a homework problem stumped him, hed spend some time searching Google for help from computer science message boards. That could be a time-consuming process with no guarantee of finding a solution. Or you can ask ChatGPT and it comes up with an answer right away, he said. And even if its not a perfect answer it always puts me on the right path to finding the answer. 30% of college students use it Sandlin is far from the only student whos tapped ChatGPT for homework help. Since San Francisco-based company OpenAI debuted ChatGPT last November, 30% of American college students say they have used the technology to help with assignments; 60% of those students used it to help with at least half of their workload, according to a survey of 1,000 people the online magazine Intelligent produced. In two recent experiments, ChatGPT was able to pass written exams (though its scores werent better than the average human students) at the University of Minnesota Law School and the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School of Business, CNN reported last month. The emergence of this powerful new technology has some education leaders sounding alarms about a new era of academic dishonesty. Several public school districts, including in Seattle, Oakland and New York City, have banned or limited the use of the software, citing concerns about cheating. In the higher education world, however, the reaction has been more tempered, and most colleges and universities in the U.S. are leaving it up to individual professors and instructors to decide how they want to handle the use of ChatGPT in the classroom. UA: Dont fight against it Thats the approach the UA, whose academic integrity code prohibits students from using any tool to plagiarize, is taking. The wrong thing to do is to try and fight against the technology, said Greg Heileman, an electrical and computer engineering professor and vice provost of undergraduate education at the UA. The right thing to do is to develop exercises that account for the fact that students may be using (ChatGPT), he said. The people who employ our students will be expecting them to use these types of tools, so we should make that part of what we teach them as well. According to the UAs dean of students, there have been no reports of academic integrity violations involving ChatGPT or other AI software at the university to date. The real challenge with ChatGPT, Heileman said, is in detecting this prohibited conduct. But because it can be so difficult to tell the difference between a research paper written by ChatGPT and one by a student with mediocre writing ability, Heileman said that should be enough of a nudge for professors to develop assignments that require higher-level critical thinking. Im not advocating for anyone to cheat, said Heileman, who has personally used other AI software to assist him with his work for years. If a student becomes reliant on this and it allows them to avoid learning, then thats a huge problem. But the current panic about ChatGPT that its coming for our jobs and will undermine our education institutions follows a historical pattern of humans reacting to new technology that disrupts the status quo. How Arizona's other universities are responding to ChatGPT At Arizona State University in Tempe, the university is taking a similar approach to the UA. "Generative AI technologies offer both challenges to academic integrity and opportunities to improve teaching and learning," the ASU provost's office told the Arizona Daily Star in an emailed statement. "ASU is cognizant of both sides of this rapidly evolving debate and developing a framework of policies and recommendations to positively employ these powerful technologies to enhance learner outcomes." As for ChatGPT's potential to be used as a cheating tool, "The ASU academic integrity policy already applies to the use of any unauthorized materials, including, when relevant, ChatGPT or other generative AI technologies," the provost continued. "ASU faculty are encouraged to collaborate with their academic units to implement this policy most effectively in their courses." At Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, there have been a few isolated incidents of prohibited ChatGPT use, and the university is "working with faculty to ensure that our current academic integrity policies explicitly address generative artificial intelligence technologies as potentially prohibited assistance," according to an NAU spokesperson. "More importantly, were actively exploring ... ways of assessing student learning can accommodate and even integrate technologies like ChatGPT. And, looking further into the future, how our curricula can better prepare students for the use of such tools in their professions and careers." This sidebar was updated to include Arizona State University's comment. Human creativity is key Recall that the calculator was supposed to make everyone bad at math, Heileman said. But in fact, we can teach people better now because they dont have to spend time doing mundane calculations. Now, almost 60 years after the modern calculator struck fear into the hearts of math teachers, ChatGPTs ability to do basic coding and write a C-quality research paper frees the human to do (even) more creative work, he said. That creativity which could be something as simple as being able to recognize that a wooden box can be repurposed into a chair is something only humans have a mastery of for now. But ChatGPT has the power to help humans refine and better communicate their ideas. In Heilemans view, that means, at the very least, there arent many excuses left for turning in poorly written assignments and job applications. For international students especially, ChatGPT is a quick reference tool to help make sure their English language writing is correct in its use of grammar and colloquialisms before they turn in an assignment or submit a resume. It helps me organize my thoughts in a better manner, said Bhavya Sharma, a computer science graduate student who moved to Tucson from India and uses the technology about four times a week. Shed used another writing software called Grammarly to help, but said ChatGPT is far more powerful and interactive. Previously, I had to figure out (English writing) mostly by myself. It was challenging, she said. Now, I have an assistant. And thats where the line on academic integrity in the era of ChatGPT is drawn. Students like Sharma and Sandlin the junior computer science major who uses ChatGPT to brainstorm are using the AI software like an assistant who is there to answer basic questions or help write a passable first draft of a paper or coding assignment. Stopping there and pretending like they wrote that paper entirely on their own is obviously cheating. But when students take ChatGPTs first draft and push themselves to edit it into something much more sophisticated, thats what learning in the 21st century looks like now. Every field will be touched by this, Sandlin said. But focusing on creative idea generation is where humans still have AI beat. An engineering student beheaded his friend and collegemate and dismembered the body following a dispute over a girl. (Representational Image/DC) Hyderabad: In one of the most gruesome murders in recent times, an engineering student beheaded his friend and collegemate and dismembered the body following a dispute over a girl. The accused, Hari Hara Krishna, then sent pictures of the body parts to the girl, police said on Saturday. From February 17, when Krishna murdered the victim, till Saturday, it appeared that he had only told the girl. The girl purportedly praised him, and the police is inquiring if she knew of the murder. On Saturday, Krishna turned up before the Abdullapurmet police and confessed that he had murdered his friend, Nenawat Naveen. Police and his family had been searching for the victim, Krishnas BTech final year coursemate, following a complaint from his family that he had gone missing. The police took Krishna to an isolated place near the Vijayawada Highway where he said he had killed his friend. What they found there and what Krishna told them left even the hardened policemen shocked. Quoting from Krishnas confession, police said he took Naveen on his two-wheeler (TS07 JD 0244) to an isolated place near a public school in Pedda Amberpet. Once there, he pushed Naveen to the ground, strangled and beheaded him. He sent a picture of the head to the girl over WhatsApp. He then proceeded to cut the victims lips, right hand index finger, heart and genitals. After cutting out each body part, he sent the girl the picture along with a message: "the finger that touched you is cut...", "the lips those kissed you are cut," "the heart that he gave you has been cut". At one time the girl apparently messaged "good boy." Police is trying to verify if she praised him or assumed that he was sending fake pictures. "We are verifying the girls involvement in the murder," a senior police officer said. Krishna told the police he was waiting to kill Naveen for the past three months. Police said Krishna, the victim Naveen and the girl were friends when they were studying Intermediate in a college in Dilsukhnagar. Krishna was in love with the girl but he held back after Naveen reportedly expressed his affection for her, police said. A few days back the girl reportedly told Krishna that she was in love with him. This sparked a dispute between the friends and Krishna asked Naveen to back off. They had quarrelled over the issue frequently, police said. On February 17, Krishna called Naveen to his friends room in Abdullapurmet, where they both consumed liquor and quarrelled. Krishna said he took Naveen to a remote place and killed him, according to Abdullapurmet inspector P. Swamy. Naveen had left for college at 7 am from his house in Narketpally on February 17, stating that he was going to meet Krishna. When he did not return home, his family members contacted the college management, relatives and friends. When they found his mobile phone switched off, they lodged a complaint with the Narapally police. On February 19, when the victims father Nenawat Shankaraiah called up Krishna, the accused told him that Naveen had come to his house on February 17 but left after a quarrel, police sources disclosed. Following Krishnas confession and recovery of Naveens body, police booked him for murder, tampering with evidence and under the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. Police said they had recovered the knife used in murder and bloodstained clothes of Krishna and sent them for FSL for examination. Nearly 300 desert tortoises are currently in search of their human BFF. Every year, the Arizona Game and Fish Department adopts out hundreds of captive desert tortoises that have been surrendered to the state. The folks at Game and Fish are currently caring for 288 rescued or surrendered tortoise friends who can't be released back into the wild. The tortoise cuties are currently in a brumation period, aka they're sleeping until spring. "Much like a romantic fairytale, when the torts awake from their slumber, they'll be ready for a fresh start," Game and Fish says. That's where you come in. Qualified Arizona residents have the chance to adopt a desert tortoise this spring, welcoming a new member to their family. "Desert tortoises offer longtime companionship without the drama," Game and Fish's Tegan Wolf said in a press release. "Tortoises are adoring and low maintenance. They enjoy healthy greens, exploring the outdoors and visiting with their companions. Desert tortoises make a great addition to a family home with the right preparation. Our team of specialists knows each torts' unique personality and we will help you find your perfect match and prepare for their arrival." To qualify, you must have a burrow enclosure for your future tort. Your backyard should also be safe from any hazards, like toxic plants or a pool. Before anything, though, make sure you familiarize yourself with how to properly care for a tort. (And remember: they can live for a really long time, so you should have a very long-term plan in place.) You can check out more info and guidelines here, along with the link to apply for your new best friend. There's no fee to apply for a tortoise, but a $25 donation is suggested to help Game and Fish care for the tortoises at their facility. This year marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of artist Alexandre Hogue, a visionary painter of the American landscape who also guided several generations of young artists as the leader of the University of Tulsa Department of Art. In honor of Hogue and his artistic legacy, the Philbrook Museum of Art and the University of Tulsa each have exhibits featuring, and inspired by, Hogues work. Alexandre Hogue: Human/Nature, now on display at Philbrook, features works from the museums collection, including one of Hogues most iconic images, Erosion No. 2: Mother Earth Laid Bare, along with some archival photographs. The Mother Earth painting is one of many symbolically charged images Hogue created that captured the physical and spiritual devastation wrought by the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl of the early 1930s. Hogues focus on the man-made causes of this environmental disaster set him apart from his contemporaries and established him as an artist with a unique vision and sensitivity to the natural world. Hogue described his art this way: I go out, observe the land and record it, taking the natural forms apart and putting them back together in better order. Thats what an artist has to do. In regards his Dust Bowl paintings, Hogue said, I was raised on a ranch in the Dust Bowl, and I was there when the dust storm hit... I saw lush grazing land turn into sand dunes... To me, as an artist, it was beautiful in a terrifying way. I painted it for that terrifying beauty. The exhibit remains on display through June 25. Hogue 125 Inspired: Oklahoma Landscapes, now on display in the Alexandre Hogue Gallery in Phillips Hall, 2930 E. Fifth St. on the TU campus, is a demonstration of Hogues legacy and continued impact on the art world. The exhibit is made up of works by artists ages 18 and older, which explore the artists connection to Oklahomas physical and cultural landscapes. Works might engage with aspects of the political, social, environmental or interpersonal influences that shape who we are. The exhibit continues through March 9. TSO to honor Pete Peterson Earl Pete Peterson, longtime music teacher with Union Public Schools and conductor with the Tulsa Youth Symphony Orchestra, will receive the 2023 Tulsa Symphony Orchestras Ron Wheeler Music Educator of the Year award at the orchestras concert at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 4, at the Tulsa PAC, 101 E. Third St. The award, established last year in honor of former Tulsa Youth Symphony music director Ron Wheeler, honors an individual whose efforts in music education in Oklahoma have had lasting impact. Wheeler said, Pete Peterson has been an inspiration and a friend to thousands of young musicians over his long career. He created the string program at Union Public Schools and built it into one of the finest, and one of the largest, in Oklahoma. His dedication to music and to education is exemplary. Pete has an exceptional combination of fine musicianship and exuberant personality that inspires young people to be the best that they can be. Tulsa Symphony Executive Director Keith C. Elder stated, We are proud to have Pete Peterson as part of our Tulsa Symphony family both as a musician and as an advocate for education and musical excellence. We are excited to recognize and celebrate his dedication, passion and contributions to music education in Oklahoma. Petersons teaching career spans 35 years at Union Public Schools, where he started their strings program in 1981, which had grown into an orchestra with more than 700 string players in grades 6-12 by the time he retired. He is the current Conductor of the Tulsa Youth Symphonys Concert Orchestra and has been since 2006, and is currently a member of the Tulsa Symphony Orchestra, the Mosaic Trio and the Tulsa Quartet. He holds a Master of Music degree in cello performance from the University of Tulsa, which he completed after earning a degree in music education from Towson State University in Maryland. Music has the power to soothe the soul, to elicit emotional response and to bring people together, Peterson said in a statement. I have been quite fortunate to have been able to make a career sharing my passion for music with people of all ages. The March 4 concert will also feature the return of two Tulsa Symphony favorites, soprano Sarah Coburn and conductor Daniel Hege, in a program featuring music from the world of opera. Hege will lead the orchestra, along with Coburn and guest artist Stephen Powell, in orchestral excerpts, arias and duets from Mozarts Don Giovanni, Rossinis The Barber of Seville, Donzettis Lucia di Lammermoor and Verdis Rigoletto. Tickets for the concert are $20-$75. 918-584-3645, ATC opens Skeleton Crew Its 2008 Detroit, and a small automotive factory is on the brink of foreclosure because of the Great Recession. Over the years, the workers have become a kind of family, but the stress and uncertainty is making those family ties fray, as workers must figure what they will do should the factory close. The third in award-winning playwright Dominique Morriseaus Detroit Trilogy, Skeleton Crew was described by the New York Times as a very fine new play warm-blooded, astute, deeply moral and deeply American. American Theatre Company will present the Tulsa premiere of Skeleton Crew, directed by Keith Daniels, and starring Isaiah Hamstard as Dez, Oti-Lisa Brown as Faye, Samara Cain as Shanita and Troy Knauls as Reggie. Performances are at 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, March 3-4, and Thursday-Saturday, March 9-11; 2 p.m. Sunday, March 5, at the Tulsa PAC, 110 E. Second St. Tickets are $30-$35. 918-596-7111, Featured video: All the usual questions one might ask of Faith Prince and Jason Graae about their upcoming performance in Tulsa receive the same response. We cant tell you that! one or the other would say during a recent telephone conversation. Its part of the show! Prince and Graaes repeated invoking of the performers version of the Fifth Amendment is understandable if a tad frustrating for someone trying to write about what they do because the sort of show these two award-winning performers are bringing to Tulsa is primarily about their long-running friendship. We can say this, Prince said. We first met in 1978 1977, Graae interjects. Right, 1977, at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Price finished. And we hit it off right from the start, Graae said. Weve remained friends all these years, and have worked together a lot. So we have a pretty extensive history with each other, and we talk about it in our show. We sort of unravel the tapestry of our lives on stage. Graae, a Tulsa native whose interests in music and theater started as a young actor with Theatre Tulsa and other local companies, along with a stint in the oboe section of the Tulsa Youth Symphony, has gone on to a wide-ranging career in show business. He originated the character of Sparky in Forever Plaid, and his Broadway credits include such acclaimed shows as Falsettos and A Grand Night for Singing. Hes been in TV series such as Six Feet Under and Rude Awakening and is a regular guest artist with orchestras around the country. Prince, who won a Tony Award for her performance as Miss Adelaide in the 1992 revival of Guys and Dolls, has earned acclaim for her performances in such Broadway shows as A Catered Affair, The Little Mermaid, Nick & Nora, Jerome Robbins Broadway, Noises Off and The Dead. She also has had recurring roles in several TV series, including Modern Family, Drop Dead Diva and Spin City, and is in high demand as a concert soloist and educator. It is in that last role that Prince may be best known in Tulsa. She has been a regular member of the faculty for Kristin Chenoweths Broadway Boot Camp, held each summer in Broken Arrow, and she has co-directed such shows as the Orbit Initiatives inaugural performance of The Tempest, as well as the Discovery Awards show, honoring young musical theater performers from throughout Oklahoma. I love teaching, and when Mark (Frie, now CEO of the Tulsa PAC) was helping get Kristins Boot Camp started, he came to see me about being a part of it, Prince said. That was six years ago, and I always try to make time to be part of it. Those people have become like family to me. Prince and Graae created their first cabaret show, which they titled The Prince and the Show Boy, in 2012, which they performed at such venues as Studio 54 in New York City. Well be doing the latest variation of this show in Tulsa, Graae said. We have a few cornerstone numbers that remain constant, but we have a lot of wiggle room around those songs to try out new things. The solo number changes all the time, Prince added. Sometimes it depends on the energy we get from the audience. That can tell us how edgy we can get. Both said that perhaps the best part of doing these shows, which also feature pianist Alex Rybeck as the shows music director, is simply the chance to hang out for a while. You should hear our rehearsal tapes, Prince said. Every time we get together, we end up spending most of the time laughing, because were having such a good time. We do find each other endlessly entertaining, Graae said. And while I love sharing the stage with Faith and also doing my own stuff, for me the best moments are when I go off-stage and leave the audience in Faith Princes brilliant hands. It makes me proud to be her musical partner. Graae paused, then added, And it means I dont have to work so hard. One of Verdis most enduring romantic tragedies, and perhaps the most popular creation by the British masters of light opera, Gilbert & Sullivan, will highlight Tulsa Operas 2023-2024 season. Officials with the company announced the forthcoming season, which will include a new series of smaller-scale performances at venues throughout Tulsa, at the performance of its Aida In Concert gala, Saturday, Feb. 25, at the Tulsa PAC. The companys Main Stage season will open Oct. 27 and 29 at the Tulsa PAC with The Pirates of Penzance by Gilbert & Sullivan. The opera, which premiered in the United States in 1879 before being staged in London, tells the story of Frederic, who is about to escape his indentured servitude to a band of gentlemanly, if inept, pirates when he chances upon and falls in love with Mabel, one of the daughters of a certain Major-General. Frederic and Mabels romance is threatened when the pirates return and inform him that he must return to the high seas, and a host of melodic comic mayhem ensues. The cast will include Abigail Raiford, a member of the Tulsa Opera Filstrup Resident Artists program and recent finalist in the Tulsa Regionals of the Metropolitan Opera Laffont Competition. The fully staged production will also be the Tulsa Opera debut of Oklahoma native conductor Gerald Steichen, who will lead the Tulsa Opera Orchestra. Tulsa Opera last presented The Pirates of Penzance in 1984. Verdis La Traviata will become the single most-produced opera in the companys history, when it presents this grand romantic tragedy May 3 and 5, 2024, at the Tulsa PAC. This will be the 11th time Tulsa Opera has presented La Traviata, which was the very first production the company staged in 1948. Oklahoma native and Tulsa Opera favorite Sarah Coburn returns to take on for the first time in her career the role of Violetta, the doomed courtesan whose romance with the son of a wealthy family runs afoul of the image-conscious patriarch. Sarah has always been the biggest draw for our audiences, said Aaron Beck, Tulsa Opera artistic director. It still amazes me that an artist of her caliber still lives here in Tulsa, and still enjoys working with local organizations, including Tulsa Opera. Three additional productions will make up what Tulsa Opera is calling its Encore Series, which is designed to bring opera to new venues and new audiences. We are big believers in giving our audiences what they want, said Tulsa Opera General Director Ken McConnell. We love performing at the Tulsa PAC, but at the same time, our best-attended event was when we brought opera to the (ONEOK Field) ballpark. That told us that audiences are interested in seeing opera in different forms, and in different, even surprising, venues, McConnell said. The Encore Series will begin with Opera Rocks the Country, Jan. 24 at the Church Studio, 304 S. Trenton Ave. The evening will include a performance of Henry Mollicones one-act opera The Face on the Barroom Floor, followed by a dance party featuring Three Chord Justice, billed as the heartlands finest honky-tonk band. The long-running off-Broadway musical comedy I Love You, Youre Perfect, Now Change will be presented Feb. 9-11 at the Lynn Riggs Theater at the Oklahoma Equality Center, 621 E. Fourth St. Written by Joe DiPietro and Jimmy Roberts, the musical charts the course of relationships from first date to funeral through a series of non-chronological scenes. Opera Fizz: A Bubbly Night of Music and Mixology will close out the series April 6 at Living Arts of Tulsa, 307 E. Reconciliation Way. Members of the Filstrup Resident Artists program, who will be featured at all Encore Series events, will perform in a cabaret setting, while the audience enjoys craft cocktails. Tickets for Tulsa Operas 2023-2024 season are now on sale. Main Stage series tickets for The Pirates of Penzance and La Traviata are $90-$202. The three-event Encore Series tickets are $115. To purchase, and more information: 918-582-3133, Featured video: Hern joins in: First District Congressman Kevin Hern joined Republicans trying to draw the publics attention away from President Joe Bidens surprise visit to Ukraine and toward the U.S.-Mexico border, telling Fox Business Maria Bartiromo: The president has spent more time in Kyiv than he has at our southern border. GOP strategy has been to attack Bidens support of Ukraine in its war with Russia by comparing the military invasion of a central European country to the historically large but mostly unarmed influx of undocumented civilians into the U.S. through Mexico. Hern joined 2nd District Congressman Josh Brecheen in indicating skepticism about continued military and other aid to the Ukranians and insinuated Bidens actions are driven by financial considerations. When you look at the ties this presidents family has with Ukraine and China, one could start scratching their head and wonder why a sitting president of the United States of America got to a country where we have no troops on the ground, Hern said. Republicans have long claimed that the business interests of Bidens son Hunter in Ukraine and China, neither of which still exist, constitute a corrupt influence on the administration. Potential business conflicts of interest in Russia, China and the Middle East also plagued the Trump administration, which Hern praised at length in the Fox interview. And furthermore: On a separate Fox Business interview, Hern bemoaned the number of working-age Americans who arent working. The most recent numbers, 2019, more than $1 trillion were spent by the federal government helping people across our great nation get out of poverty, Hern said. The problem is, theyre not incentivized to stay out of poverty. The benefits cliff is the primary reason for that. The benefits cliff is term referring to the loss of such things as food stamps, child care assistance or Medicaid once a certain earnings threshold is crossed. For some people, the cost of earning a low wage is greater than the benefit. We need to calibrate (benefits) so that a person can work their way off, Hern said. Weve gotten to the point that weve tried to make everybody dependent on the government, he said. Thats very problematic. Ive been pushing, since Ive been in Congress, about getting Americans back in the workforce. Hern said assistance should have work requirements for those who are able to do so. So many people today dont want to start out with a job, he said. They dont want to get a better job. They want the career first. Doctors hospital: U.S. Sens. James Lankford and Markwayne Mullin have joined a Republican effort to repeal the Obama-era ban on physician-owned hospitals. It is clear we need more options and innovation in health care, not less, Lankford said in a press release. The Affordable Care Act unfairly prohibits the creation and expansion of physician-owned hospitals, reducing yet another health care access point for Oklahomans and people around the country, particularly those on Medicare and Medicaid. The ACA barred new physician-owned hospitals from participating in Medicaid or Medicare and limited existing hospitals ability to expand. The ban was supposedly to prevent self-dealing by doctors. Proponents of physician-owned hospitals say such facilities are more likely to be cheaper, however, and some argue they are more likely to serve patients outside large urban areas. On a related note, Lankford and others asked the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services to extend past the current Sept. 30 sunset a program that reimburses some rural hospitals at higher rates. The higher rates are intended to help the hospitals recruit and retain doctors and other staff. Mullin in Israel: Mullin was among a Senate delegation headed by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky that met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, the Times of Israel reported. Dots and dashes: Congress was in recess for a second week. Third District Congressman Frank Lucas was assigned to the Agriculture Committee subcommittees for Commodity Markets, Digital Assets and Conservation. Lankford was among Republicans demanding an update on administration attempts to recover unemployment payments fraudulently claimed during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fourth District Congressman Tom Cole signed onto bipartisan legislation intended to combat economic coercion by China against the U.S. and others. Lankford co-sponsored legislation to install a statute of evangelist Billy Graham as one of North Carolinas two figures in the Capitols Statuary Hall. Randy Krehbiel Tulsa World Featured video: E.F. McIntyre, a middle-aged businessman with round spectacles and a bow tie, wanted to stop opening his mail. Every day, more reservations arrived for booths at the first-ever International Petroleum Exposition, a massive business convention that was going to solidify Tulsas position as the Oil Capital of the World. By mid-September 1923, McIntyre, the Expos general manager, had already signed up nearly 200 vendors. And he still had three weeks to go before the gates opened. The problem was: He only had room for 170 booths at the event. Where was he supposed to put everybody? When city officials began planning the event in the spring of 1923, McIntyre originally envisioned the entire expo taking up just half a block of space in front the old Convention Hall, now known as the Tulsa Theater. The initial response from the oil industry, however, had been so enthusiastic that McIntyre tripled the size of the expo grounds, which stretched from Cheyenne Avenue almost to Boston Avenue along what was then called Brady Street, now Reconciliation Way. And instead of simple tents and sidewalk booths, the expo built what the Tulsa World described as a miniature city, inspired partly by the massive Chicago Worlds Fair that had awed visitors in 1893. The city constructed five large buildings just to hold exhibits. The biggest structure stood parallel to Convention Hall and measured 200 feet long by 75 feet wide, with a similar building standing along Brady Street in front of the auditorium and somewhat smaller pavilions on the north side of the expo grounds. Visitors entered the grounds through a pair of massive gates designed to look like ancient Egyptian palaces, one on Boulder Avenue just south of Brady, the other along Brady itself close to Main. In all, the construction used more than 170 tons of steel, according to the Worlds archives. But ultimately, the buildings couldnt hold the entire expo. In the final weeks of preparation, McIntyre bought rain insurance and put more than 100 booths outdoors. The expo nonetheless became an enormous success, drawing more than 15,000 visitors a day between Oct. 8 and Oct. 14, 1923. And it remained a semi-annual event in Tulsa until 1979. But it was never held in downtown again. Crews began tearing down all of the expo buildings immediately afterward, with virtually every trace of it disappearing by the end of the month. The original expo grounds now sit on the west side of the revitalized Tulsa Arts District, where a Philadelphia-based real estate company recently purchased an entire city block. For now, the block offers nothing but a rather ugly parking lot. But Parkway Corp. promised to create a master plan that will eventually see the asphalt developed into something more substantial. Its too early to know if the potential development might include hotels or apartments or restaurants. But whatever the new owners decide to do, this time the buildings will surely be permanent. Featured video: Effects of McGirt also ripple through Tulsa County District Attorney's Office The McGirt decision was a major impact upon court systems throughout eastern Oklahoma, and the rippling effects of that impact continue to be felt to this day," according to Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler. The office now requires a prosecutor who works full-time solely on McGirt-related issues, he said in an email to Tulsa World. Because of the number of cases being diverted to tribal or federal prosecutors due to McGirt, Kunzweiler said his office has the added challenge of having to liaison with authorities in multiple jurisdictions. "Since the McGirt decision, there have been hundreds if not thousands of work hours dedicated to navigating these unchartered waters, only to have the course altered midstream by subsequent appellate decisions," Kunzweiler said. He also pointed out "the stress upon the state court system" exacerbated by local prosecutors being lured away from the Tulsa County DA's Office to higher-paying jobs opened up due to McGirt. "We simply cannot match the salaries they are offering," he said of the entry-level compensation within the tribal court system and U.S. attorneys offices. "They are able to pay $20,000 to $40,000 more than we can pay." He expressed concern about his agency losing what amounts to years of litigation experience. "For instance, we recently had a senior prosecutor get recruited to join the United States Attorneys Office," Kunzweiler said. "While we are happy for that prosecutor, the loss of that experience necessitated the restructuring of a prosecution division just to ensure cases were competently being reviewed and handled." Another frustration for the DA's Office has been the loss of victim advocacy staff, Kunzweiler said, noting outside agencies also are recruiting for those same positions. Professional advocates help victims navigate the criminal justice system and cope with stress related to cases. Losing those staff means losing access to counseling, social work, one-on-one services, and practical support for victims and witnesses. Anna Codutti, Tulsa World Editor's Note This story is made up of excerpts from a series of investigative pieces titled "Broken Defense" from the Lee Enterprises Public Service Journalism team. One night in December 2021, an Oregon public defender had his first panic attack, surrounded in his office by more than 200 public defense client files and a pile of seven or eight unopened cases. I was trying to gasp for air, Martin Gibson remembers. I was trying to do everything that was in front of me, which was insurmountable piles of files. I had so much to do, and I got so overwhelmed that my body just didnt know how to breathe. He sent his boss a succinct email saying he couldnt take any new cases; only six weeks later, he quit without another job lined up. The job was impossible, Gibson said. It wasnt just difficult. It was impossible and unsustainable. Staff shortages and decades of underfunding have created public defense systems crises across the West. Public defenders say theyre unable to serve clients effectively as they grapple with crushing caseloads, few resources, burnout, student debt and low pay. Defendants have lost jobs and homes while in jail waiting for attorneys to argue for a lower bail or for their release. Theyve had public defenders who were too busy to investigate their cases and felt pressured by their own attorneys to plead guilty when they said they were innocent, according to more than 15 people accused of crimes. Public defenders say wage increases would go a long way because they attract lawyers who could share the massive workload. Experts say states must retain public defenders and recruit more of them to ensure everyone who needs an attorney gets one. Gibson said he had twice as many clients as he could represent. It watered down my representation to the point of ineffectiveness, he said. I felt the only ethical thing I could do was to quit because I couldnt be part of a system that was doing that. It didnt feel like I was doing my job. It didnt feel like I could do my job. They dangled jail Nearly 400 Texas attorneys in 2021 had more public defense cases than the standards recommend, according to Texas Indigent Defense Commission data. In a Texas courtroom in early November, Quentin Navarro taps his foot and bounces his knee intermittently. The hum of conversation fills the room as court staff call about 40 people accused of misdemeanors appearing in court for the first time. Navarro waits more than two hours to talk to the prosecutor alone without an attorney. Im anxious, he says. Youre walking in there to talk to the district attorney blind. Defendants in Texas routinely get no representation assigned to their misdemeanor cases, especially at initial appearances, a Lee Enterprises investigation found. Some people plead guilty at their first hearing to get out of jail. Others who might have fought a misdemeanor charge plead guilty to end the ordeal. These practices threaten the Sixth Amendment right to counsel. More than 136,000 misdemeanor cases have been closed without attorneys each year since 2019 in Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Texas. Most other western states could not report how many misdemeanor defendants go unrepresented due to data collection challenges. Americas dirty little secret is that thousands of people go to jail without ever talking to a lawyer, said Jon Mosher, Sixth Amendment Center deputy director. An estimated 276,000 Texas county misdemeanor cases from 2019 to 2021 showed no attorney, according to Texas Office of Court Administration data. Placing poor defendants in a position where they must weigh their liberty interest against exercising their constitutional right to counsel is a form of coercion that leaves them with no meaningful choice at all, Mosher said. Navarro was in court when a 27-year-old man had a hearing after spending nine days in jail for allegedly possessing less than 2 ounces of marijuana. The man has dealt with homelessness for five years, according to jail records. Lee Enterprises is not identifying him because attention to a minor criminal charge could prevent his potential employment. Shackled at his wrists and ankles, the man seemed confused before switching his plea to guilty. The fact that they dangled jail in front of him, Navarro said. He just wants to go home. Poor kid. The majority of people just plead guilty to get out of here. Nona Wiley, 55, met her public defender for the first time after her court hearing began in Matagorda County, Texas, last October. I called him, and he wont even answer the phone, Wiley said, sobbing in court, devastated at the possibility of losing time with her grandchildren. Her case was delayed to give the attorney more time to prepare, Wiley said. Let down by the justice system Public defenders have so many cases they struggle to provide effective representation, according to a Lee Enterprises investigation. Some regions have no attorneys at all. Failing public defense systems across the West routinely violate the Sixth Amendment right to effective counsel. Black, brown and low-income people are disproportionately affected by public defense crises, said Jason Williamson, executive director of NYUs Center on Race, Inequality and the Law. Stephen Hanlon leads a national public defense reform effort and has half a century of legal experience. He says change is long overdue. Were gonna need the governors and state legislators and Congress (to) step up and address this problem, Hanlon said. This is a national embarrassment. More than 2,000 of the roughly 3,000 U.S. counties have no public defender office, Mosher said. The default for those counties is for judges to assign public defense cases to private attorneys. For example, in Wharton County, Texas, the county pays most of that cost, and defendants pay a portion later. But Navarro said he cant afford to pay a lawyer on his truck driver wages. Were poor people, he said. While Joseph Jefferson-Dust sat in a Montana jail, he had no idea a memo that could clear his name was sitting unseen for 13 months in an overwhelmed public defenders office, delaying his exoneration fight for more than a year. The Montana Innocence Project uncovered the memo and now is handling the case to overturn his conviction. I have respect for the law, I do, Jefferson-Dust said in October in Billings. But I was let down by the justice system. A recent analysis by the office shows the Montana public defenders office would have needed another 63 attorneys on average since 2019 to handle the caseload assigned to the agency and still meet workload management limits. Since the pandemic, many of Montanas public defenders left the office to double their salaries in the private sector or move laterally in state government for a $13,000 pay hike. Last spring, the state boosted public defenders entry-level pay from about $31 an hour to $37. Most prosecutors earn more. A Montana judge in 2021 held the states public defender office in contempt when more than 650 defendants were unrepresented during historic turnover and vacancies. As cases were filed, regional deputy public defender Kris Copenhaver assigned herself incoming cases, then sought delays. A placeholder attorney would be on hand for the defendants initial appearance, but neither that attorney nor Copenhaver would follow the case. Clients were then unrepresented until workloads lightened, and a dedicated public defender could take it. We had no idea how understaffed we were, said Brian Smith, division administrator at the state public defenders office. Copenhaver no longer works at the office, and she did not return calls seeking comment. Former public defender Martin Gibson said the job often does not allow for enough time to adequately represent all clients. Its a system that encourages unethical behavior, he said. Youre not actually prepared for those cases. No one is. Youre just trying to move those cases along and process these people. Its most certainly not justice. No one feels like its justice. Featured video: The facts are clear. Marijuana is not good for a family or a community and certainly not for our state. With todays high THC levels in the product, studies show that up to 3 in 10 marijuana users develop cannabis-use disorder that leads to making bad decisions, like driving under its influence. The medical community agrees use of marijuana increases psychoses and schizophrenia, two conditions tied to homelessness. IQ points are permanently destroyed and educational attainment is curtailed, while workplace injuries and absenteeism increase with marijuana usage. However, State Question 820 is not just about marijuana. Even advocates of adult recreational use will be appalled by the language in the 16-page proposal summarized by what we see on the ballot. For example, the maximum fine for smoking marijuana in a smoke-free building is a laughable $25, and the violator cannot be detained. Cities are expressly prohibited from increasing this penalty. That is really not much of a deterrent. While exposure to second-hand marijuana smoke is a concern for all of us, our responsibility should be protecting the next generations who are unable to control their own destinies. But the language in SQ 820 gives users of the federally banned, schedule one narcotic more rights than it does our children. On page 5, hidden in the details, is this gem: A person shall not be denied custody of or visitation or parenting time with a minor child for using marijuana around a child. This means that a single mom cannot be supported by the courts when asking a noncustodial parent to abstain from pot during a visitation weekend. It is structured in such a way that children are not protected unless they are already harmed. When you read this state question, it looks a lot like Big Cannabis is following the lead of Big Tobacco so many years ago. With tobacco, nicotine got more addictive. With marijuana, its THC. Tobacco was originally framed as medicine, and we see the same thing here. Finally, this state question follows another Big Tobacco tactic: finding a way to increase usage by young people. While this state question purports to be solely about those over 21, it does address usage by younger Oklahomans, essentially telling them there are minimal consequences to using. Regardless of the number of times a 12-year-old or a 17-year-old is found in possession of marijuana, the maximum penalty will be their choice between paying $100 or participating in a few hours of counseling. These minimal penalties will fail to deter youth usage. Theres little wonder why the marijuana industry is so supportive of this measure. Finally, I encourage everyone to speak with those in law enforcement who know firsthand that Oklahomas marijuana industry is largely a front for organized crime, much of it emanating from beyond our nations border. Passing SQ 820 will embolden these criminals who also bring fentanyl and illicit activities into our state. The violence and military grade weaponry around these grow operations put so many families at risk. We are just now starting to get a handle on this situation, and passing SQ 820 puts law enforcement back at square one. In closing, the choice is clear. If you want more marijuana, lower productivity, our children exposed and a criminal element, then vote yes. If, like me, you believe Oklahoma deserves better, please vote no. Frank Keating served as Oklahomas governor from 1995 to 2003 and is the chairman of Protect Our Kids NO 820. Terrorists shot dead a man belonging to the Kashmiri Pandit community in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district Sunday, police said. (Representational image: PTI) Srinagar: Terrorists on Sunday shot dead a 40-year-old Kashmiri Pandit man in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district while he was on his way to a local market, police said. Sanjay Sharma (40), who worked as an ATM guard, was shot in the chest at point-blank range in the Achan area of the south Kashmir district around 11 am, they added. "Terrorists fired upon one civilian from minority namely Sanjay Sharma S/O Kashinath Sharma R/O Achan Pulwama while on way to local market," the Kashmir Zone police wrote on Twitter. They said Sharma was rushed to a hospital but he succumbed to the injuries. "There was armed guard in his village. Area cordoned off. Details shall follow," police said. Meanwhile, a pall of gloom descended on the victim's village. The deceased worked as an ATM guard in a bank but was not reporting to duty of late following an earlier spate of terror attacks on his community members, his colleagues said. Political parties condemned the killing, terming it "senseless". "Deeply saddened to hear of the demise of Sanjay Pandith of Achan in Pulwama district of South Kashmir. Sanjay was working as a bank security guard and was killed in a militant attack earlier today. I unequivocally condemn this attack and send my condolences to his loved ones," National Conference (NC) leader Omar Abdullah said in a tweet. People's Democratic Party (PDP) chief Mehbooba Mufti blamed the BJP-led Centre for failing to protect Kashmiri Pandits. The former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister also hit out at the perpetrators of the attack. Talking to reporters here, she said, "A few days ago, right-wing terrorists killed two Muslims in Rajasthan. Today, you have killed a Hindu. What is the difference between you and them?" Mufti accused the BJP government of endangering the lives of minorities in Kashmir while projecting a picture of normalcy in the valley. NC's chief spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq condemned the killing, saying it was an unfortunate incident. "As the majority community, we should ensure the protection of the minorities," he said, adding that the government has failed to do so. On March 7, Oklahoma voters have an opportunity to legalize the adult use of recreational marijuana. This represents a historic shift away from 50 years of harmful policies from Americas failed war on drugs. There are numerous reasons so many other states have decided to tax and regulate marijuana for adults age 21 and older. Legalization has generated hundreds of millions of dollars for schools and drug treatment; legalization efforts have created comprehensive regulations to control marijuana and ensure that it is safety tested and tracked; legalization efforts have developed thousands of new job opportunities in a growing industry. Legalization also helps reverse some of the racist legacy of marijuana enforcement. Despite a tremendous body of evidence showing that white and Black Oklahomans consume marijuana at similar rates, Black Oklahomans are still four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana than their white neighbors. On March 7, Oklahomans will have the opportunity to vote yes on State Question 820 and join neighboring states in this commonsense approach. Legalizing marijuana for adults is, at its core, about putting the government in its proper place. Medical science and common sense tell us that marijuana is far less harmful than other legal substances such as alcohol and cigarettes. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 480,000 Americans die annually due to tobacco-related diseases and 140,000 deaths are linked to alcohol abuse each year. By contrast, it is unclear whether anyone has ever died due solely to marijuana use, and the CDC reports simply that fatal overdose caused solely by marijuana is unlikely. Oklahomans understood this when they overwhelmingly passed State Question 788, which legalized medical marijuana for those with the time, inclination and money to get a doctors recommendation and apply for a license. Today, Oklahoma is caught in a kind of legal limbo. The people of Oklahoma have spoken with their votes and their actions, and more than 1 in 10 Oklahomans now have a medical marijuana card. Meanwhile, our district attorneys and law enforcement agencies are chasing down and arresting Oklahomans who use marijuana without medical cards, and thousands of Oklahomans have criminal records that make it harder to get into college, find gainful employment or be eligible for housing. SQ 820 is about ending that tiered justice system, undoing the harm done by the prosecution of minor marijuana offenses, and acknowledging the facts, mainly that marijuana is already being used widely in Oklahoma. And if criminal laws around this use arent going to be uniformly enforced across the state, then Oklahoma has a responsibility to decriminalize, regulate and tax the use of marijuana. The benefits of passing SQ 820 will be immediate and obvious. First, theres the tax revenue. Experts predict that SQ 820 will generate at least $100 million a year to support public education, health care and other priorities, including law enforcement. Under the current system, hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans are already illegally consuming marijuana without a medical card, but the state isnt able to tax that activity. Its approval means the police will get more revenue to support their work, and they will no longer have to spin their wheels working on petty marijuana-related offenses and can focus on truly dangerous criminal activity instead. Second, SQ 820 allows individuals convicted of simple marijuana related offenses to apply to have their records expunged. I am the father of a young child, and, like most parents, I do not want my child using marijuana. Also like many parents, I am far more concerned about the legal consequences associated with marijuana use than any potential consequence to her health. SQ 820 ensures that children (and adults) who get caught smoking a joint do not have to carry that mistake around with them for the rest of their lives. The proposal offers a responsible path forward to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana. More importantly, however, is that it ends an era where the government uses the police powers to enforce a preference that has very little to do with public health or safety and very much to do with imposing an anti-weed mindset that belongs in the last century. Its that mindset that has helped to fill our jails and prisons with people who represent no threat to their communities. Its past time we fix that. Damion Shade is executive director of Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform. Forty-six Vietnamese health workers have received International Traumatic Life Support (ITLS) certificates following a two-week training course offered by U.S. experts, and Vietnam may have up to 15 international ITLS instructors by this year-end. The course was part of the five-phase ITLS program conducted by the Global Peace Operations Initiative, a U.S. government-funded security assistance program intended to enhance international capacity to effectively conduct United Nations and regional peace support operations. Ho Chi Minh City-based 175 Military Hospital and experts from the U.S. Army National Guard forces and the Defense Institute for Medical Operations awarded the ITLS certificates to the trainees at a ceremony held on Friday, when the course ended. The 46 trainees included 33 medics from Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation No. 5, who will be sent to South Sudan to join United Nations peacekeeping operations in the future, and 13 doctors and nurses from Ho Chi Minh City-based 175 Military Hospital under the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense. The trainees have been equipped with necessary knowledge and skills in advanced trauma first aid, among other expertise. The program also enabled six Vietnamese ITLS instructors, who have previously been trained, to improve themselves by accessing American instructors pedagogical methods in order to act as certified ITLS instructors. The courses American lecturers have suggested that two excellent trainees of the course be given additional training to become official ITLS trainers who will train local medical personnel. The two medics are Dr. Tran Thi Hai Anh, from the intensive care unit of 175 Military Hospital, and nurse Huynh Truong Thi My Le, from the hospitals surgical resuscitation department. This image shows Dr. Tran Thi Hai Anh (R) and nurse Truong Thi My Le, from Ho Chi Minh City-based 175 Military Hospital, holding their ITLS certificates on February 24, 2023. Photo: T.T.D. / Tuoi Tre The lecturers and trainees actively communicated in English during the two weeks of training," said Senior Lieutenant Colonel Bui Duc Thanh, deputy director of 175 Military Hospital. "Thanks to the face-to-face exchange, the trainees have captured good knowledge and achieved excellent results. All the trainees studied in a positive and enthusiastic spirit, actively engaging in discussions and raising a lot of questions, commented Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Webb, of the Army National Guard of the U.S. State of Oregon, head of the ITLS instructor group. The atmosphere of the class was lively with a lot of laughter, he added. I have learned a lot of knowledge on trauma care both in theory and practice from the course, which will help us a lot in resuscitation of patients before hospitalization in conditions of limited resources, said Phan Nhat Minh Tan, a doctor at the rehabilitation department of 175 Military Hospital, one of the trainees. Dr. Tan is slated to be sent to South Sudan this summer as part of the staff of Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation No. 5. ITLS is useful in pre-hospitalization emergency cases in difficult and harsh situations such as rescue at sites of natural disasters or battlefields, Dr. Tan elaborated. The courses graduates have laid a foundation for the ITLS program in Vietnam, making Vietnam the 36th country in the world to have an international ITLS program, Lieutenant Colonel Webb said. This current ITLS program, which began in September 2022, will end in December this year, when 12-15 Vietnamese medics may be certified as international ITLS instructors, according to Muhammad Khan, coordinator of the health program of the Defense Institute for Medical Operations in the U.S. state of Texas. It is expected that such Vietnamese ITLS trainers can provide training for local medical staff in the first or second quarter of 2024. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Forty-six Vietnamese health workers have received International Traumatic Life Support (ITLS) certificates following a two-week training course offered by U.S. experts, and Vietnam may have up to 15 international ITLS instructors by this year-end. The course was part of the five-phase ITLS program conducted by the Global Peace Operations Initiative, a U.S. government-funded security assistance program intended to enhance international capacity to effectively conduct United Nations and regional peace support operations. Ho Chi Minh City-based 175 Military Hospital and experts from the U.S. Army National Guard forces and the Defense Institute for Medical Operations awarded the ITLS certificates to the trainees at a ceremony held on Friday, when the course ended. The 46 trainees included 33 medics from Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation No. 5, who will be sent to South Sudan to join United Nations peacekeeping operations in the future, and 13 doctors and nurses from Ho Chi Minh City-based 175 Military Hospital under the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense. The trainees have been equipped with necessary knowledge and skills in advanced trauma first aid, among other expertise. The program also enabled six Vietnamese ITLS instructors, who have previously been trained, to improve themselves by accessing American instructors pedagogical methods in order to act as certified ITLS instructors. The courses American lecturers have suggested that two excellent trainees of the course be given additional training to become official ITLS trainers who will train local medical personnel. The two medics are Dr. Tran Thi Hai Anh, from the intensive care unit of 175 Military Hospital, and nurse Huynh Truong Thi My Le, from the hospitals surgical resuscitation department. This image shows Dr. Tran Thi Hai Anh (R) and nurse Truong Thi My Le, from Ho Chi Minh City-based 175 Military Hospital, holding their ITLS certificates on February 24, 2023. Photo: T.T.D. / Tuoi Tre The lecturers and trainees actively communicated in English during the two weeks of training," said Senior Lieutenant Colonel Bui Duc Thanh, deputy director of 175 Military Hospital. "Thanks to the face-to-face exchange, the trainees have captured good knowledge and achieved excellent results. All the trainees studied in a positive and enthusiastic spirit, actively engaging in discussions and raising a lot of questions, commented Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Webb, of the Army National Guard of the U.S. State of Oregon, head of the ITLS instructor group. The atmosphere of the class was lively with a lot of laughter, he added. I have learned a lot of knowledge on trauma care both in theory and practice from the course, which will help us a lot in resuscitation of patients before hospitalization in conditions of limited resources, said Phan Nhat Minh Tan, a doctor at the rehabilitation department of 175 Military Hospital, one of the trainees. Dr. Tan is slated to be sent to South Sudan this summer as part of the staff of Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation No. 5. ITLS is useful in pre-hospitalization emergency cases in difficult and harsh situations such as rescue at sites of natural disasters or battlefields, Dr. Tan elaborated. The courses graduates have laid a foundation for the ITLS program in Vietnam, making Vietnam the 36th country in the world to have an international ITLS program, Lieutenant Colonel Webb said. This current ITLS program, which began in September 2022, will end in December this year, when 12-15 Vietnamese medics may be certified as international ITLS instructors, according to Muhammad Khan, coordinator of the health program of the Defense Institute for Medical Operations in the U.S. state of Texas. It is expected that such Vietnamese ITLS trainers can provide training for local medical staff in the first or second quarter of 2024. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Read what is in the news in Vietnam today: Society -- PouYuen Vietnam Co. Ltd., the largest employer in Ho Chi Minh City, on Saturday announced a severance package worth VND275 billion (US$11.6 million) for nearly 2,400 workers who will be laid off this month, with the highest and lowest pay being VND379 million ($15,934) and VND12 million ($504) per worker. -- Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Saturday requested relevant ministries and agencies to promptly report obstacles and deal with the shortage of medicines and medical supplies and equipment next month. -- The Peoples Committee of the Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang on Saturday held an inauguration ceremony for the new provincial general hospital with a capacity of 1,000 beds and an investment of over VND2.3 trillion ($96.7 million) in Phuoc Thanh Commune, My Tho City. -- Many dogs without muzzles are taken to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City although pets are banned in the area. -- Nha Trang, a famous beach city in Khanh Hoa Province, south-central Vietnam, expects to welcome over 30 cruise ships this year. However, this month alone saw four of them with some 7,200 travelers cancel their plans as they found it hard to use over-29-seater vehicles to take tourists to visit Nha Trang City and adjacent areas given a local regulation. -- P&G Land Co. Ltd. in Vinh Long Province, southern Vietnam was fined VND157.5 million ($6,621) on Saturday for developing a large real estate project on land for perennial cultivation, seafood farming, and road and housing development without state management agencies permission. -- South Koreas Jeollanam-do Province will offer a 15-day visa waiver to Vietnamese travelers, Jeollanam-do Governor Kim Yung-Rok said at a signing ceremony for a cooperation agreement on maintaining tourists between Vietnam and Jeollanam-do in Khanh Hoa Province, south-central Vietnam on Saturday afternoon. Lifestyle -- The Vietnam Motor Festival 2023 held in Binh Thuan Province, south-central Vietnam on Saturday attracted more than 2,500 bikers, aiming to set a national record for the largest and longest motorbike parade in Vietnam. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Read what is in the news in Vietnam today: Society -- PouYuen Vietnam Co. Ltd., the largest employer in Ho Chi Minh City, on Saturday announced a severance package worth VND275 billion (US$11.6 million) for nearly 2,400 workers who will be laid off this month, with the highest and lowest pay being VND379 million ($15,934) and VND12 million ($504) per worker. -- Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Saturday requested relevant ministries and agencies to promptly report obstacles and deal with the shortage of medicines and medical supplies and equipment next month. -- The Peoples Committee of the Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang on Saturday held an inauguration ceremony for the new provincial general hospital with a capacity of 1,000 beds and an investment of over VND2.3 trillion ($96.7 million) in Phuoc Thanh Commune, My Tho City. -- Many dogs without muzzles are taken to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City although pets are banned in the area. -- Nha Trang, a famous beach city in Khanh Hoa Province, south-central Vietnam, expects to welcome over 30 cruise ships this year. However, this month alone saw four of them with some 7,200 travelers cancel their plans as they found it hard to use over-29-seater vehicles to take tourists to visit Nha Trang City and adjacent areas given a local regulation. -- P&G Land Co. Ltd. in Vinh Long Province, southern Vietnam was fined VND157.5 million ($6,621) on Saturday for developing a large real estate project on land for perennial cultivation, seafood farming, and road and housing development without state management agencies permission. -- South Koreas Jeollanam-do Province will offer a 15-day visa waiver to Vietnamese travelers, Jeollanam-do Governor Kim Yung-Rok said at a signing ceremony for a cooperation agreement on maintaining tourists between Vietnam and Jeollanam-do in Khanh Hoa Province, south-central Vietnam on Saturday afternoon. Lifestyle -- The Vietnam Motor Festival 2023 held in Binh Thuan Province, south-central Vietnam on Saturday attracted more than 2,500 bikers, aiming to set a national record for the largest and longest motorbike parade in Vietnam. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Many dogs without muzzles are taken to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City although pets are banned from the area. Tens of dogs of various kinds and sizes and some cats are often seen on the promenade in the evening. As observed by Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper, just a few dogs were on a leash, while most of them did not wear muzzles and ran about visitors, including many children. Some people had to move to other areas as they were allergic to dogs hair or could not stand dog poop. Dog owners rarely bring with them tissues and plastic bags to clean up after their pets. They often stand in groups or sit down to use mobile phones, letting their pets run about freely and not caring if they bite other people. I see many people take their dogs there without any problem," Minh Anh, a 23-year-old resident in Tan Binh District, said while carrying a poodle dog in his arms. "These dogs are friendly and do not bite anyone. In addition, dogs that run about and run after others may cause children to fall down. They may also slam into vehicles if they run to other streets. A dog poops on Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Dieu Qui / Tuoi Tre Parents tend to carry their children in their arms when they are on Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street to keep the kids away from dogs. Ho Thi Tinh, a 42-year-old resident in Thu Duc City, under Ho Chi Minh City, who often takes her daughter to the pedestrian street on weekends, feel worried as many dogs are not muzzled. Her daughter is afraid of canines so she asked her mother to hold her when big dogs approached the girl. In crowded areas, dogs may get excited," Tinh said. "Therefore, they should be muzzled so that they cannot bite people. If children are attacked by dogs, the consequences will be terrible. I see many people take their dogs to public places for pooping or peeing, which shows their lack of awareness and affects those coming to the places to take a stroll or enjoy the fresh air. Everyone has the right to have dogs. However, when they bring their dogs to public places, they should pay attention to their pets. Dogs must wear muzzles and napkins and be fully vaccinated, while dog owners must bring with them tools to clean dog poop. Vo Hoang Tam, 28, residing in District 3, opposes the act of taking dogs and cats to walking streets, parks, and restaurants. Not all people like dogs and cats, especially those having fallen down due to dogs, been attacked by them, or trodden on dog poop," Tam said. Its good if you love dogs and cats but you should not be selfish and ignore the impact on others. Strict sanctions should be imposed on dog owners who let their pets loose in public spaces. There are many large dogs on Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Chau Tuan / Tuoi Tre Nguyen Thi Yen, 25, residing in Phu Nhuan District, shared the view, saying that she does not hate dogs and cats but she is fearful of them as she was bitten by dogs several times when she was young. I am frightened when seeing dogs are not chained or muzzled although I have not been bitten by dogs since I came to Ho Chi Minh City, Yen said, noting that she will keep a safe distance from dogs, especially large and vicious ones, in public places. I am afraid of stray dogs as I do not know if they are feral or raised by someone, vicious and fully vaccinated or not. If I bump into a stray dog, I will walk slower to avoid it. However, if I am riding a motorbike and a dog suddenly crosses the road, that will be extremely dangerous." Yen and some other visitors agreed that dog owners should control their pets well so that surrounding people will not feel unsafe. If not, they should not bring their pets to public places. Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy in Tan Binh District recounted that when she was taking her nieces to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street during the Lunar New Year, or Tet, holiday last month, one of them was bitten by a dog. I asked my nieces to stay aloof from dogs but they forgot soon later. I heard one of them scream and she told me that a dog bit her ankle, causing it to bleed," Thuy said. There were nearly ten of dogs there so I did not know which one bit my niece and no one admitted that their dog bit my niece. A youngster even browbeat me as he thought I accused his dog unjustly. Although all of them said their dogs were fully vaccinated, I still had my niece vaccinated against rabies. I could not believe irresponsible dog owners to risk the life of my niece. A board shows that dogs are banned from Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Dieu Qui / Tuoi Tre Stray dog catching teams needed A representative of the Ho Chi Minh City Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Agency said taking dogs without muzzles to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street or Bach Dang Wharf Park is banned. Amid an increase in the number of dogs which are not chained and muzzled in public places, posing a high risk of disease transmission, the agency has proposed the municipal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development strengthen their control over canines to curb rabies. The Peoples Committees of districts and Thu Duc City should improve local residents awareness of rabies prevention and control and establish teams responsible for catching stray dogs. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Many dogs without muzzles are taken to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City although pets are banned from the area. Tens of dogs of various kinds and sizes and some cats are often seen on the promenade in the evening. As observed by Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper, just a few dogs were on a leash, while most of them did not wear muzzles and ran about visitors, including many children. Some people had to move to other areas as they were allergic to dogs hair or could not stand dog poop. Dog owners rarely bring with them tissues and plastic bags to clean up after their pets. They often stand in groups or sit down to use mobile phones, letting their pets run about freely and not caring if they bite other people. I see many people take their dogs there without any problem," Minh Anh, a 23-year-old resident in Tan Binh District, said while carrying a poodle dog in his arms. "These dogs are friendly and do not bite anyone. In addition, dogs that run about and run after others may cause children to fall down. They may also slam into vehicles if they run to other streets. A dog poops on Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Dieu Qui / Tuoi Tre Parents tend to carry their children in their arms when they are on Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street to keep the kids away from dogs. Ho Thi Tinh, a 42-year-old resident in Thu Duc City, under Ho Chi Minh City, who often takes her daughter to the pedestrian street on weekends, feel worried as many dogs are not muzzled. Her daughter is afraid of canines so she asked her mother to hold her when big dogs approached the girl. In crowded areas, dogs may get excited," Tinh said. "Therefore, they should be muzzled so that they cannot bite people. If children are attacked by dogs, the consequences will be terrible. I see many people take their dogs to public places for pooping or peeing, which shows their lack of awareness and affects those coming to the places to take a stroll or enjoy the fresh air. Everyone has the right to have dogs. However, when they bring their dogs to public places, they should pay attention to their pets. Dogs must wear muzzles and napkins and be fully vaccinated, while dog owners must bring with them tools to clean dog poop. Vo Hoang Tam, 28, residing in District 3, opposes the act of taking dogs and cats to walking streets, parks, and restaurants. Not all people like dogs and cats, especially those having fallen down due to dogs, been attacked by them, or trodden on dog poop," Tam said. Its good if you love dogs and cats but you should not be selfish and ignore the impact on others. Strict sanctions should be imposed on dog owners who let their pets loose in public spaces. There are many large dogs on Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Chau Tuan / Tuoi Tre Nguyen Thi Yen, 25, residing in Phu Nhuan District, shared the view, saying that she does not hate dogs and cats but she is fearful of them as she was bitten by dogs several times when she was young. I am frightened when seeing dogs are not chained or muzzled although I have not been bitten by dogs since I came to Ho Chi Minh City, Yen said, noting that she will keep a safe distance from dogs, especially large and vicious ones, in public places. I am afraid of stray dogs as I do not know if they are feral or raised by someone, vicious and fully vaccinated or not. If I bump into a stray dog, I will walk slower to avoid it. However, if I am riding a motorbike and a dog suddenly crosses the road, that will be extremely dangerous." Yen and some other visitors agreed that dog owners should control their pets well so that surrounding people will not feel unsafe. If not, they should not bring their pets to public places. Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy in Tan Binh District recounted that when she was taking her nieces to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street during the Lunar New Year, or Tet, holiday last month, one of them was bitten by a dog. I asked my nieces to stay aloof from dogs but they forgot soon later. I heard one of them scream and she told me that a dog bit her ankle, causing it to bleed," Thuy said. There were nearly ten of dogs there so I did not know which one bit my niece and no one admitted that their dog bit my niece. A youngster even browbeat me as he thought I accused his dog unjustly. Although all of them said their dogs were fully vaccinated, I still had my niece vaccinated against rabies. I could not believe irresponsible dog owners to risk the life of my niece. A board shows that dogs are banned from Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Dieu Qui / Tuoi Tre Stray dog catching teams needed A representative of the Ho Chi Minh City Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Agency said taking dogs without muzzles to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street or Bach Dang Wharf Park is banned. Amid an increase in the number of dogs which are not chained and muzzled in public places, posing a high risk of disease transmission, the agency has proposed the municipal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development strengthen their control over canines to curb rabies. The Peoples Committees of districts and Thu Duc City should improve local residents awareness of rabies prevention and control and establish teams responsible for catching stray dogs. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! This month alone saw four international cruise ships with some 7,200 travelers cancel their plans to visit Nha Trang, a famous beach city in Khanh Hoa Province, south-central Vietnam, due to local regulations. In particular, the city expects to welcome over 30 foreign cruise ships carrying tens of thousands of visitors this year, mainly from the U.S. and Europe. They include large and well-known cruise ships, such as Spectrum of the Sea, MSC Poesia, Queen Elizabeth, and Mein Schiff 5 with 4,000, 2,800, 2,000, and 2,500 passengers on board, respectively. However, from February 18 to 24, three cruise shipsQueen Mary 2, Seven Seas Explorer, and Nautica with 2,000, 700, and 500 passengers, respectively, scrapped their plans to come to the Vietnamese coastal city. Most recently, a representative of the Nha Trang Branch of Vietnamese tour operator Saigontourist has confirmed that Spectrum of the Sea with 4,000 travelers, which was scheduled to dock in Nha Trang on Sunday, has canceled its schedule. Travelers on international cruise ships have a big budget and are keen on cultural tours and tours to craft villages. Photo: Minh Chien / Tuoi Tre Nguyen Quang Thang, director of Tictours International Travel Co. Ltd., said the company had reported difficulty in serving international cruise ships to the Khanh Hoa Peoples Committee. Tour operators found it hard to use over-29-seater vehicles to take tourists to visit Nha Trang City and adjacent areas, such as Vinh Ngoc and Vinh Thanh Communes. Meanwhile, these areas have many tourism products preferred by foreign tourists, such as ancient houses, communal houses, traditional wet markets, craft villages, and rice fields. This has caused losses for local enterprises and Khanh Hoas tourism and eroded the interest of tourists, especially those from the U.S. and Europedesirable source markets of many destinationsin the city," Thang said. If the situation continues, more shipping companies may weigh their plans to exclude Nha Trang from their destination lists in the coming time." The Khanh Hoa Peoples Committee last month allowed cars with more than 29 seats each to be issued with tourism badges to be able to enter the downtown area of Nha Trang City during peak hours. However, no vehicles have been granted the badges since then as their drivers had no certificates of serving tourists. To remove the difficulties to receive 12 international cruise ships from February to April, Thang and local travel companies proposed temporarily allowing over-29-seater vehicles that serve passengers of such cruise ships to travel on downtown streets in Nha Trang, roads in Vinh Ngoc and Vinh Thanh Communes, and some other roads during rush hours on the days after the arrival of the vessels. The facilitation of enterprises welcoming international cruise ships will bring a large number of tourists to Khanh Hoa Province, south-central Vietnam. Photo: Minh Chien / Tuoi Tre The provincial Department of Tourism should coordinate with training centers to open courses and issue certificates to drivers so that applications for the tourism badges will be completed soon. According to a leader of the department, drivers and staff on vehicles must complete training courses on serving tourists to get the tourism badges. The department annually opens such training courses, with the latest one in September last year. Two similar courses will be launched between March 13 and 18, the departmental leader added. The Khanh Hoa Peoples Committee has also asked the provincial Department of Transport to join hands with the Department of Tourism and other relevant agencies to quickly review and handle proposals of travel companies and propose solutions to the provincial Peoples Committee prior to March 3. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! This month alone saw four international cruise ships with some 7,200 travelers cancel their plans to visit Nha Trang, a famous beach city in Khanh Hoa Province, south-central Vietnam, due to local regulations. In particular, the city expects to welcome over 30 foreign cruise ships carrying tens of thousands of visitors this year, mainly from the U.S. and Europe. They include large and well-known cruise ships, such as Spectrum of the Sea, MSC Poesia, Queen Elizabeth, and Mein Schiff 5 with 4,000, 2,800, 2,000, and 2,500 passengers on board, respectively. However, from February 18 to 24, three cruise shipsQueen Mary 2, Seven Seas Explorer, and Nautica with 2,000, 700, and 500 passengers, respectively, scrapped their plans to come to the Vietnamese coastal city. Most recently, a representative of the Nha Trang Branch of Vietnamese tour operator Saigontourist has confirmed that Spectrum of the Sea with 4,000 travelers, which was scheduled to dock in Nha Trang on Sunday, has canceled its schedule. Travelers on international cruise ships have a big budget and are keen on cultural tours and tours to craft villages. Photo: Minh Chien / Tuoi Tre Nguyen Quang Thang, director of Tictours International Travel Co. Ltd., said the company had reported difficulty in serving international cruise ships to the Khanh Hoa Peoples Committee. Tour operators found it hard to use over-29-seater vehicles to take tourists to visit Nha Trang City and adjacent areas, such as Vinh Ngoc and Vinh Thanh Communes. Meanwhile, these areas have many tourism products preferred by foreign tourists, such as ancient houses, communal houses, traditional wet markets, craft villages, and rice fields. This has caused losses for local enterprises and Khanh Hoas tourism and eroded the interest of tourists, especially those from the U.S. and Europedesirable source markets of many destinationsin the city," Thang said. If the situation continues, more shipping companies may weigh their plans to exclude Nha Trang from their destination lists in the coming time." The Khanh Hoa Peoples Committee last month allowed cars with more than 29 seats each to be issued with tourism badges to be able to enter the downtown area of Nha Trang City during peak hours. However, no vehicles have been granted the badges since then as their drivers had no certificates of serving tourists. To remove the difficulties to receive 12 international cruise ships from February to April, Thang and local travel companies proposed temporarily allowing over-29-seater vehicles that serve passengers of such cruise ships to travel on downtown streets in Nha Trang, roads in Vinh Ngoc and Vinh Thanh Communes, and some other roads during rush hours on the days after the arrival of the vessels. The facilitation of enterprises welcoming international cruise ships will bring a large number of tourists to Khanh Hoa Province, south-central Vietnam. Photo: Minh Chien / Tuoi Tre The provincial Department of Tourism should coordinate with training centers to open courses and issue certificates to drivers so that applications for the tourism badges will be completed soon. According to a leader of the department, drivers and staff on vehicles must complete training courses on serving tourists to get the tourism badges. The department annually opens such training courses, with the latest one in September last year. Two similar courses will be launched between March 13 and 18, the departmental leader added. The Khanh Hoa Peoples Committee has also asked the provincial Department of Transport to join hands with the Department of Tourism and other relevant agencies to quickly review and handle proposals of travel companies and propose solutions to the provincial Peoples Committee prior to March 3. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! EDIT: Hi hacker news! A lot of this article is written under the premise of if this thing that I am not sure about has to exist, opt-out is the best way to get actionable data. Thank you. On Feburary 8, 2023, Russ Cox (the technical lead for the Go programming language, aka rsc) published a series of posts about Transparent Telemetry for Open-Source Projects. This outlined a process and methodology for the Go team to figure out what people using Go actually do with the language in a way that: Does not collect private information (usernames, source code, package names). Allows them to figure out what people do with Go in the wild without having to ask them (this is more representative of how people actually use the tool rather than what they will claim when asked). Easily lets anyone investigate what data is being collected. Is easy to opt-out of at a user and OS package distributor level. And, most importantly: Allows researchers access to the data that is collected on a daily basis so they can do whatever analysis they want. In terms of how these systems are usually implemented, this is a breath of fresh air and gives people a lot of transparency that is unparallelled to how this is usually implemented in the industry at large. Unfortunately, the proposal came from a Google employee. Google has a reputation of taking user data and feeding it into piles of linear algebra in order to skew its search results to match your existing biases or whatever the hell else people do with linear algebra. The internet was not amused by this proposal. A shitstorm unlike any other seen in recent memory ensued. The backlash was immense, with many making empty threats to switch to Rust or something over the entire situation. At some point, the backlash got to be too severe and rsc announced things were going opt-in on Feburary 24, 2023. I think that this is a mistake and will make the data collected by this telemetry system functionally useless. This will end up having the effect that it is a waste of time for them to implement this system at all, which will make the situation worse off for everyone involved. My biases Before I come across as being some kind of paid Google shill, I want to start out by stating what I believe my biases actually are going into this: I have not ever worked for Google, nor do I plan to. The company is too big for me to want to work there. I use Go professionally and work for a company that uses Go in some fashion. This should go without saying, but anything I say in this blog is not representative of my employer, it is my own creation and this article was not approved by anyone at the company that feeds my crippling addiction to food and housing. I am a woman, that may have any number of biases in how I communicate. The problem of scrying into the unknowable Now with that out of the way, lets cover the core problem that telemetry approaches try to solve: How do people use a tool? What features do they use? How often does the tool work? How often does it fail? What chronic issues are we missing? One of the most basic approaches to this is to just ask people how they use a tool and collect responses. This works to a point, but it does not scale very well. Its a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what. Dr. House People lie. People misremember. People construe their use of the tool with an NDAd project to itself be NDAd. The just ask people lol approach works at a very small scale, but not when that tool is used to literally help fighter jets function. At some level, when a tool gets widespread industry adoption, a lot of the ways that tool is used will never be talked about publicly. For every kilobyte of Go code available on GitHub, GitLab, and other Git forges, there are unknowable megabytes of private Go code that will never see the light of day (or maybe they will if LAPSUS$ decides to make that company a target). As a result: You will never know how the industry actually uses tools that are widely adopted by asking them. You will never know what features of tools are used by the industry by asking them. You will only find out what things fail if the user both thinks there is a problem and takes the effort/expends social risk to file a bug. You have to acceps that chronic issues fade into the ether of oh thats just how it is without anyone taking the time to question them. At some level, the only way to get answers to these kinds of questions is to have the tool report data about how a tool is used to the maintainers of that tool. This is a common practice in the industry, I believe that this approach was first spearheaded by Microsoft when they added error reporting to Windows XP. That worked by showing a dialog box when a program crashed to submit details about that crash to Microsoft. The user had to say yeah sure, send in the report, and then it beamed it over to Redmond where they didsomething with it. This kind of data collection has expanded across the industry to the point where modern Windows installation dialog boxes offer orwellian choices like: Can I do thing? [A little bit] [A lot] With no real option for no, fuck no, not at all, go away. This leads to backlash for taking this approach. This is super understandable. This kind of pattern matching is something that is baked into mammals deeply, because at some point some common ancestor invented trauma (and we are all fucked over because of that). With all this in mind, the only way to really know how someone uses a tool is to have the tool snitch on them. If they make the tool report its usage back to the home base, it raises questions about consent and the ethics of collecting data from someone that doesnt know what that data is or what it will be used for. There is a rock and a hard place and reality is just slamming the Go team between both of them constantly. How transparent telemetry works The transparent telemetry proposal is worth a read and when Im writing this, Im assuming that you actually read the proposal before reading this article. This is likely a mistake, so heres a tl;dr of the proposal: Most telemetry approaches stream realtime userdata to analytics tools so that data analysts can do something with them. This approach instead focuses on having the Go tool occasionally query the Go module proxy for a configuration file that you can inspect and then uses that configuration file to collect information about future uses of the Go compiler. The Go tool will then report this information some time in the future instead of constantly like other ecosystems. Most telemetry approaches start recording instantly and can only stop when the user says no, thank you. This lets data analysts think they can understand the opt-out rate for telemetry (though, even without telemetry there are still a few ways that people can figure out what users are doing, they are just very annoying and again not representative of how people actually use the tool). The Go approach waits one week before even trying to activate the telemetry code, under the assumption that that is enough time to opt out. The collected data goes through many efforts to avoid including personally identifiable information, but apparently IP addresses are personally identifiable information and in order for data to be transmitted over the internet, an IP address is required as the source. This is unavoidable because this is HOW THE INTERNET WORKS. The collected telemetry data is put up to the public for anyone to analyze to their hearts content. Most approaches take all this data, call it a secret and then hide it in S3 somewhere where random members of the public cant see. It is difficult to overstate how amazingly different it is to see someone propose a system where they dont hide away the data from the public. One of the key examples given for why this system was considered is an incident where the Go standard library mysteriously had a C dependency on macOS (for context: Go programs depending on the standard library alone should not require a C compiler): For example, during the Go 1.14 release process in early 2020 we made a change to the way macOS Go distributions are built, as part of keeping them acceptable to Apples signing tools. Unfortunately, the way we made the change also made all the pre-compiled .a files shipped in the distribution appear stale to builds. The effect was that the go command rebuilt and cached the standard library on first run, which meant that compiling any program using package net (which uses cgo) required Xcode to be installed. So Go 1.14 and later unintentionally required Xcode to compile even trivial demo Go programs like a basic HTTP server. Developers using macOS are used to just installing Xcode to make the error messages go away, so they just installed Xcode and assumed it was normal behavior of the Go compiler to need you to install compiler tools in order to compile programs. Not to mention people relying on older hardware! Every so often a Go compiler backend/port gets proposed for removal and that removal shows up in release notes for release candidates. Then someone pipes up saying hi, yes we use this please dont do that and then the Go team backs off and the old disused port lingers around for another release cycle. Without knowing what ports of Go are used, the Go team cant make sure that the right time is spent on maintaining those ports. They need to know what is being used in order to know what is being used. Just asking people what targets they compile Go to doesnt mean that the people using weird targets like GOARM=5 or -buildmode=shared will say that that is what they use. Telemetry is the only real way to get this data. Transparent telemetry makes it transparent to all parties. This is overall a fantastic system that would allow any other projects to copy from and also have their own transparent telemetry approaches. If I was working on a project that would need telemetry, I would consider this approach because it is exactly what I would want to do. You collect only the data you need, none of the data you dont, and you dont hoard it all away from the public. The nerfening of transparent telemetry Sadly, I dont think that this will be a new industry standard. The backlash to this approache was immediate and immense. It was not seen as The Go team wants to make the Go compiler better like they had hoped. It was seen as Google wants to slurp up more information, this time about a compiler youre forced to use for work. This was met with exasperation and vitriol from all sides. Obviously there was enough backlash that they are changing the design from opt-out to opt-in. I fear that this will bias the sample set and ultimately make this design worthless. When you make this data opt-in, it means the kind of people who would opt-in to telemetry collection will end up opting in. This will not collect information about most Go users, it will only collect information about Go users that know how to run go env -w GOTELEMETRY=on . Given past experiences with people reporting GOPATH to be a difficult thing to figure out, I dont have faith that the opt-in rate will be high enough to make up for the loss of data quality. I dont know what to do about this. Its a shit situation all around and I fear that understandable concerns about privacy are going to make it harder for a tool that I rely on and helps me survive capitalism to truly improve. I just hope I dont sound like a Google shill here. This design that someone working at Google proposed is the best way to do this kind of action. I guess a lot of the backlash is against the fact that the concept exists at all. I get it, but at some level leaving people alone doesnt scale. You cant know what someone is doing unless you see what they are doing. Security personnel during an encounter with militants at Pampore area of Pulwama District, Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021. Two militants, including Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Umar Mushtaq Khandey, were killed in the gun battle. (PTI/S. Irfan) SRINAGAR: Two more civilians -- a Muslim and a Hindu non-local seasonal workers -- were gunned down by assailants in Jammu and Kashmir's capital city and southern Pulwama district on Saturday, taking the toll of targeting killings this month to nine. Sagir Ahmed, a resident of Uttar Pradesh, who was working as a carpenter in a joinery mill in Pulwama was shot at and critically wounded by a masked youth inside a shop in the districts Littar area late Saturday evening, witnesses said. He was rushed to the district hospital where doctors declared him dead. Earlier, gunmen targeted a street-hawker from Bihar identified as Arvind Kumar in Srinagars idgah-Safa Kadal area. He was taken to the nearby Sri Maharaja Hari Singh Hospital where he was declared dead on arrival. The medical superintendent of the government-run hospital, Dr Kanwaljeet Singh, said that the 40-year-old victim had received a bullet wound in the head. The news of the tragic killings came hours after a senior officer of the Jammu and Kashmir police announced that five of the separatist militants involved in the recent spate of target killings in and outside Srinagar have been eliminated by the security forces in separate encounters in the past few days. Earlier this month, seven civilians including a Kashmiri Pandit chemist Makhan Lal Bindroo, street-vendor from Bihar Virender Kumar Paswan, cab driver Muhammad Shaffi Lone, school principal Supinder Kour, teacher Deepak Chand (also a Kashmiri Pandit) and two other residents -- Abdul Majid Guroo and Muhammad Shafi Dar -- lost their lives in a fresh spate of target killings. The J&K police has blamed The Resistance Front (TRF) which it insists is an "offshoot" of proscribed Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) organisation for most of the 28 target killings that had taken place till October 7 this year and also many other terror activities in J&K. The gory incidents sent the security agencies into a tizzy whereas the BJP government at the Centre and local administration faced the Opposition's heat. Also, questions were being raised over the official claim that the revocation of J&Ks special status granted under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution in August 2019 proved harbinger of peace and death knell for militancy and terrorism in the region. As the J&K police, the Army and various Central other security forces on counterinsurgency assignment in J&K launched a major offensive against the militants past week, 13 militants, including at least five who were allegedly involved in target killings, were gunned down in encounters across the Valley, police said. Inspector general of police Vijay Kumar said on Saturday afternoon that two militants including a TRF-LeT commander Umar Mushtaq Khanday who figured in the list of "most wanted terrorists" and his associate Shahid Khursheed were killed in a gunbattle with the security forces at Drangbal, Pampore area of Pulwama earlier during the day. He said that the duo had been trapped in a concrete three-storey building after the security forces launched a cordon-and-search operation in the area late Friday night. "We offered them (to) surrender, but they opened fire at the security forces, triggering an encounter. We fired (rocket-propelled) grenades and the building caught fire. Both the terrorists were killed," he said. He said that Khanday was involved in the recent killing of two J&K policemen in Srinagars Baghat area. "As per police records, both the killed terrorists were collaborators in recent killings in Srinagar and involved in several other terror crimes. Umer Mushtaq was also involved in the killing of senior-grade constable Muhammad Yusuf and constable Suhail Ahmad in Baghat area and figured among the list of top 10 most wanted terrorists," a statement issued by the police here added. On Friday, the security forces had claimed to have killed two militants identified by them as Shahid Bashir Sheikh and Mukhtar Shah. IGP Kumar said that after carrying out target killings in Srinagar earlier this month Shahid Khursheed and Shahid Bashir shifted their base to Pulwama while their other associate Mukhtar Shah relocated to neighbouring Shopian district "but the three terrorists have now been eliminated". He asserted that the police are committed to hunting down all militants "who try to create fear among masses and spread mischief and tumult in the Valley." He added, "Such elements and their names should be excised from the society". The IGP said that post-recent civilian killings, as many as 13 militants have been killed in nine different anti-terror operations in the Valley and that now only two active militants from Srinagar namely Mehran and Wasim are at large and that "all efforts are on to nab them". Asked if the recent spate of target killings was a security lapse, Mr Kumar said, "There was no such lapse as terrorists chose soft targets". He added, "It is not possible for us to give protection to one and all, but yes, those who are vulnerable will be protected." Playwright Pham Van ang was honoured for many plays performed at the Tran Huu Trang Talented Cai Luong Performers Contest in 2022. His works have been staged at various cai luong (reformed drama) contests and theatres with praises from actors, audiences and art critics for his relentless efforts in script writing over the past nearly 20 years. Ninh Loc talks with him about his passion Inner Sanctum: How did you become a cai luong scriptwriter? Actually, I always wanted to be a cai luong artist. After graduating from high school, I applied to study English at the HCM City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, and traditional theatre and drama at the City's College of Theatre and Cinematography. Despite my hard work, I failed both and switched to study Russia-English translation. The dream of being an artist was abandoned for two years until I met several theatre and drama students who came to my school to perform. They awoke my dream. At the same time, my friend ong Thanh Phong encouraged me to take the university exam one more time. I failed again, but because of loving it so much, I asked to be a guest student. I quit the bilingual class to focus on being an artist. But after two years, I found that I had no performing talent. (In this field) passion was not enough. I quit again and spent time to learn and took part in another university exam. This time, I became a student of the Hong Bang International University, learning Japanese. But it was my destiny, so I couldn't run away from cai luong, and Phong asked me to write a script of nostalgic tunes for HCM City Television (HTV). During my two years as a guest student, I had to write short scripts as exercises, and most of my works met teachers' standards. I also helped classmates in their works, which also received teachers' praise. I remember that it was 2005, I received a call from Vo Tu Uyen, an editor at HTV, commissioning me to write a song about Ninh Thuan Province's dragon fruit. So, I composed Dragon Fruit Season, which was performed by artist Quoc Kiet (now director of Tran Huu Trang Cai Luong Theatre) and Meritorious Artist Thy Trang. I was delighted. Since then, I have continuously received offers to work with various local television and radio stations. Inner Sanctum: It seems like it was not easy for you to become a cai luong scriptwriter and music composer? No, it was a tough job. In 2007, Binh Minh Film Studio asked me to write the drama script Giot Mau Chung Tinh (Blood of Love), my first work of this kind. The plot was an Indian story, so I had to learn and read many books about India. It took me much time to complete the script, but it was immediately approved to shoot. Performing my work were talented artists such as Phuong Loan, Huu Quoc, Trong Phuc and Le Hong Tham. In 2008, Can Tho Province's Tay o TV Studio wanted a play for Tet (Lunar New Year). I was nominated, and I wrote Mua Xuan Trong Mat Em (Spring in Your Eyes). The late director Huu Loc staged and praised my work, saying You write pretty well, try harder! Then, I had an opportunity to take part and work with famed composer and consultant Hoang Song Viet in a programme entitled Harmony of the Land of Nine Dragons for VTV Can Tho. The encouragement and guidance of a veteran director and composer helped me improve a lot. Inner Sanctum: What was your turning point that made you really confident to be a cai luong scriptwriter? It was a great opportunity for me to work with composer Viet in adapting classic plays such as uong ua Trong Bong Toi (Race in the Dark) by Nguyen ang Chuong and Thay Ba oi (Music Master Ba oi) by Nguyen The Ky into cai luong. In 2020, many of my scripts that I wrote and adapted were shot and staged. Among them were Nguyen Huu Canh, Le Cong Ky An (Le Cong's Extraordinary Case), at Thieng (Holy Land) and Chuyen Cua Dung (Dung's Story). Closely following every step of the professional staging processes while receiving advice from experienced directors, I learnt so many things and felt that my ability improved. I was much more confident. Inner Sanctum: You have completed a vast amount of work over the last two years. Working in such high intensity, are you afraid of repeating yourself? I have a habit of forgetting everything about a work, right after it is done. I think no more about previous work, so I don't worry about repetition. However, the recent cai luong performances were mainly about historical figures who were quite new to today's audience. They were dramatic stories but somewhat lacked romantic details because they focused too much on historical events. I received feedback and comments, and understood I had to strengthen my writing. I am more and more interested in the historical perspectives, even though it is very difficult and requires a lot of time and effort. Le Cong Ky An, for example, was written in two years and edited eight times before a complete work for staging was ready. Inner Sanctum: Do you have any advice for young cai luong scriptwriters? There are many composers of nostalgic tunes and many of them are really active. However, it is not easy to become a professional cai luong scriptwriter. The stage for cai luong in both television and theatre has narrowed remarkably. Demands for scripts have reduced, so studios and theatres give priority to familiar authors. Therefore, most current composers are working because cai luong is their passion, but it is only considered extra work. I hope that they can maintain their passion, and are lucky to have the chance to learn and develop well. It is the road that I went through. VNS In 2023, the most important tech trends expected to dominate in 2023 include AI and machine learning (ML), 5G, blockchain, and VR and AR, bringing about huge opportunities for businesses to improve processes, improve customers experience and lead opponents. Hoang Viet Tien - Deputy secretary general Vietnam Digital Communication Association AI and ML has made significant strides in recent years and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. AI and ML technologies allow computers to learn from data, improve decision-making, and perform tasks previously performed only by humans. Businesses can tap into AI and ML to automate repetitive tasks, improve customers experience, and get valuable insights from data. In 2023, we will see AI and ML become more transcendent, with particular focus on natural language processing and computer vision. This allows computers to understand and respond to human languages, while computer vision allows computers to perceive and interpret visual information. Therefore, AI and ML will support businesses much to increase operational efficiency. Elsewhere, 5G is set to revolutionise the way we connect and communicate. With faster speeds and lower latency than 4G, 5G will support new technologies and applications, including the Internet of Things, self-driving cars, and VR/AR. In 2023, 5G networks are expected to become popular and ubiquitous, providing faster and more reliable connections for a growing number of devices. This will enable businesses to deliver new and improved products and services, increase efficiency, and improve customers experience. In addition, 5G will play an important role in the development of smart cities, providing the necessary infrastructure to connect and manage smart devices, such as traffic lights, and security cameras. Meanwhile, blockchain, originally developed for cryptocurrencies, has the potential to revolutionise a wide range of industries. The decentralised and secure nature of blockchain makes it ideal for recording transactions, managing supply chains, and protecting sensitive information. In 2023, we will see the adoption of this tech continue to grow, with businesses and governments realising its potential to improve processes, reduce costs, and enhance security. We will also see the development of new blockchain-based applications and the increasing use of smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements with the terms of an agreement between buyers and sellers written directly into lines of code. VR and AR technologies are set to play an important role in many industries. VR allows users to experience a fully immersive digital environment, while AR enhances the real world with digital information. In 2023, we expect to see widespread adoption of VR and AR technologies in industries such as gaming, retail, and education. Businesses will be able to use them to deliver new and improved products and services, enhance customer experience, and increase engagement Additionally, they are expected to play an important role in training and simulation, enabling individuals and organisations to practice and prepare for real-life scenarios in a safe and secure environment. Current trends are affecting technology businesses, including companies that develop and market tech products and services, as well as those in other industries. However, this effect is not entirely negative and not entirely positive. These trends include the growth of AI, the growing importance of cloud computing and data analytics, and the emergence of new technologies such as blockchain and quantum computers. These trends are changing the nature of competition in the tech industry, and keeping up with these changes is critical to stay competitive and grow for related firms. Current trends are also affecting businesses in other sectors such as healthcare, finance, and retail. These trends include the use of telemedicine in healthcare, the increasingly important role of fintech, and the growth of e-commerce in retail. These trends are changing the way businesses in these sectors operate. Some business sectors such as retail, healthcare, and education are using technology to improve the quality of their services. Retail businesses have used e-commerce platforms to connect with customers, increase customer convenience, and increase revenue for businesses. The medical industry has also turned to online consultation services, which help reduce crowds at clinics and hospitals. Doctors and medical professionals can conduct online consultations to make diagnoses and treatment regimens for patients, which enhances professionalism and reduces waiting times. In the education sector, technology is being used to create new learning experiences for students. Online learning and courses, and mobile learning apps help students learn anytime, anywhere. Lecturers can also use tech to analyse student data and adjust teaching methods accordingly. However, businesses also face challenges in this area. Companies have to always keep up with new trends so as not to be outdated and lose market share. In addition, the adoption of technology also requires businesses to invest additional costs to update infrastructure and train employees. Information security is another issue as well. About 70 members of the community gathered Saturday near the McLennan County Courthouse to dedicate a section of Washington Avenue to Lester Gibson, former Waco city council member, McLennan County commissioner and tireless advocate for racial equity. Lester Gibson Way covers the five-block stretch from University Parks Drive to Sixth Street, passing by Waco City Hall and the McLennan County Courthouse where Gibson served for 28 years as a commissioner. The purple signs include the line, County Commissioner City Councilmember Civil Rights Leader. Waco City Council voted unanimously to approve the signs in September. Gibson grew up in Teague, later moving to Waco and attending A.J. Moore High School in 1967. He studied sociology at Baylor University, joined the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War and returned to Waco to graduate in 1975. Gibson in 1988 was elected to represent District 1 on the Waco City Council and served a two-year term. He then served the McLennan County Commissioners Court until he retired in 2018. Gibson died in June at the age of 73. Commissioner Patricia Miller, who served as Gibsons administrative assistant for more than 22 years, led the event, joined on stage by City Council Member Andrea Barefield, Pastor Michael Bell of Greater St. Stephen First Church in Fort Worth, Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price and Gibsons son, Travis, and wife, Coque. The ceremony began with a saxophone rendition of "Battle Hymn of the Republic," followed by a prayer by pastor Judith Hatter. May this street and our city be an ever-present reminder of Lester Gibsons life and legacy, Hatter said. Let the Lester Gibson Way remind us of a great man who understood clearly and believed passionately that it was not race or ethnicity which makes a person great, but the will to expire excellence, run the race that is set before us and achieve the greatness, Lord, you intend for all of us. Bell, the events keynote speaker, referred to Gibson as an equity broker, a troubler, a bridge person and a hero. Bell said Gibson, who he called Commish, received pushback from Black and white Wacoans alike when he brokered an agreement to have the one-page resolution condemning past lynchings in McLennan County displayed in the courthouse rotunda. It went on display in 2011, right next to a 1969 mural that depicts a noose in a tree between two buildings that represent Waco City Hall and the courthouse. Commissioner Gibson fought for nine years and endured the frowns and disdains from not only political decision makers but many residents of this city and county, Bell said. Bell said Gibson was a troubler, someone who was OK with making people uncomfortable and causing trouble in pursuit of his passions. The same Jesus that we embrace and that we publicly say we follow we have to understand he was a troubler too. Commissioner Lester Gibson, he worked tirelessly to help this county, McLennan County, live to its promise and potential as a place where all people have a say-so and he was tagged a trouble maker, and he was a great troubler, Bell said. Council Member Barefield said it is a privilege to be able to recognize a legend. As the daughter of former Mayor Mae Jackson, she said she related with the Gibson kids as they witnessed greatness every day. At my request the city of Waco had no issues, without question, making a section of this street here from where his political journey began at City Hall and ended at the courthouse, be named Lester Gibson Way because that is the way he paved for us, Barefield said. Coque Gibson spoke next, then her son, Travis. The ceremony ended with a bugle performance of taps and a final recognition of Lester Gibson. He understood the assignment, but the assignment is not complete, Travis Gibson said. So today is a beautiful day, but the assignment is not complete, because if you go into that courthouse rotunda that noose is still hanging. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosted a volunteer lake cleanup effort Saturday at Airport Beach, collecting 126 tires and about 2,025 pounds of trash. The event, in conjunction with Group W Bench Litter Patrol, Keep Waco Beautiful, Fish On Texas Inc. and several other groups, drew about 55 volunteers and nearly doubled the sites previous total of 76 tires. If we were to do this with just our office, theres only five of us rangers here at Waco, so this would take us weeks, Corps volunteer coordinator Matthew Hackler said. Hackler said the cleanup is part of a series of monthly events on Lake Waco leading up to summer. Januarys cleanup collected more than 1,000 pounds from the Flatrock Access area. Lake Wacos level is more than 11 feet below normal, exposing years of waste and debris on the shoreline that would typically be under water. Helpers during the cleanups have found shoes, credit cards, swim gear and other hidden items that were once submerged. Were just trying to keep this train moving, just want to beautify our parks as best we can because it doesnt take long to see much trash can wash up on our shores, especially as the lake goes down, Hackler said. Group W Bench Litter Patrol Executive Director David Achterhof said there is a growing synergy among cleanup and conservation groups in Waco, and he hopes to coordinate more efforts as a collective in the future. On Saturday, volunteers gathered at 9 a.m. first at the group pavilion to share coffee, doughnuts and safety rules before splitting into two teams: tires and trash. The Baylor University Clasped Hands in Service sorority brought a couple extra hands to collect trash. President Julianna Forbess said the service sorority aims to do a service project every week and has been involved with Keep Waco Beautiful before. Antonio Neal, a truck driver, student and father of five, gathered tires around the beach covered in sand as an opportunity to gain some extra credit for his environmental science class that would boost his end of semester grade and his GPA. As a parent who works full-time and goes to school on Mondays, Neal said it can be difficult to find time to go the extra mile during the week, so he takes opportunities like Saturdays when he can. Uzin Utz North America, an international flooring products company that has recently constructed a facility on Mars Drive, brought a crew of helpers as part of its corporate five-year strategy, Passion 2025, marketing director Josh Neuberger said. Neuberger said the strategy focuses on four pillars: products and services, profit, people and the planet. The planet initiatives that we have can both be, you know, green initiatives, such as solar power for the building, but theyre also social sustainability items like giving back to the community, he said. Neuberger said he was the first Uzin Utz employee to move to Waco after working for the company for 10 years in Dallas, and it is great to get to know the new community while working alongside colleagues, some new and some who he has known for years. Lake Waco is a visible landmark in the city, a lot of people use it, Neuberger said. We want to take care of it and this not only helps our corporate strategy, but also helps the community at large, which is what we want to do. The next cleanup will be at Airport Park, Hackler said. For more information on future events, he said volunteers should keep up with Fish On, Group W Bench Litter Patrol, Keep Waco Beautiful and The Old Lake Waco and Dam Facebook page, or call the Waco Lake Project Office at 254-756-5359 for volunteer opportunities. As Jimmy Carter moves towards a gentle release from this world in hospice care, many of the people who were influenced by this gracious, thoughtful man are brought to sadness. I am one of them. President Carter told me what I needed to hear that I was not doing enough in service to the world. Though people differ on his work as president, most acknowledge the good he did as a former president. I was a recipient of that good work. In 2008, Bill Underwood (my Baylor Law School colleague who became the president of Mercer University) and President Carter organized a massive event called the New Baptist Covenant. Held in Atlanta, it was the first large-scale meeting between Black and white Baptist groups in 100 years. I had been on the planning committee, and knew what a significant event it would be. In fact, I scheduled myself to be one of the speakers, albeit a very minor one in a roster that would highlight Bill Clinton, Tony Campolo, Marian Wright Edelman, Rev. William Shaw, John Grisham and others. These luminaries were slated to speak in the airplane hangar-like space at the center of the Georgia World Congress Center, while I was (properly) allocated a small windowless room in the basement. I had convinced my parents to come down to Atlanta for the conference. They are very fond of President Carter, and hoped to at least catch a glimpse of him. Once they arrived, though, they were entranced by the whole thing; the preachers were the best of the best, and there was a sense that something new was happening. When the time came for me to give my presentation, I stood before a hundred or so people in a new blue suit. My parents were there, sitting in the middle of the room, and I was determined to make them proud. I began my lecture with a story, and then moved quickly into argument against the severity of the nations narcotics laws, especially the overly harsh sentencing rules for crack cocaine. As I did so, I saw President Carter enter the room with a single Secret Service agent and watched him take a seat very close to my parents. My mothers eyes widened when she saw him. President Carter then listened closely to all that I had to say as I talked about what I had written in various academic journals. I imagined even as I was speaking that when I was done, President Carter would stand up and talk about what a great lecture it was, and my parents would beam with pride. I was only partly right; when I was done, President Carter did promptly rise to his feet to discuss my talk. He wasnt standing to praise me, though. Not at all. Instead, he noted that such talk by academics and pundits was insufficient, and he challenged me very directly. Its not enough to just talk, he said, full of emotion, you have to actually do something to make it different! My parents introduced themselves to President Carter shortly thereafter, but they may or may not have admitted to having raised me. As I gathered my things, I felt crushed. My audience with a president had been a bust. I slunk back to Waco wishing I had never sought the stage. Over the next few weeks, though, I realized that President Carter was right. It was not enough to set out policy ideas in a law review article that a few dozen people might read. I began to press harder in other ways, and it worked: With the help of Baylor Law student Dustin Benham, I won a case at the U.S. Supreme Court (holding that judges could categorically reject a harsh sentencing guideline for crack), and then began pressing for the assertive use of federal clemency to right-size old crack sentences. Along with NYU law professor Rachel Barkow, I set up a pop-up nonprofit to advocate for strong clemency candidates, which won freedom for nearly a hundred clients. I turned my writing towards broader audiences, trying to convince policymakers rather than academics of the need for reform. It was a new lifes work. And my guide was Jimmy Carter. Editors note: A version of this piece first appeared online at the Huffington Post in August 2015.